{"source_code": "import scala.Predef._\n\nobject Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val a = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val t = a(1)\n val raw = readLine()\n var s = raw.toCharArray\n for (_ <- 1 to t) {\n var bi = -1\n for (i <- 0 until s.size) {\n if (bi == -1) {\n if (s(i) == 'B') {\n bi = i\n }\n } else {\n if (s(i) == 'G') {\n s(i) = 'B'\n s(bi) = 'G'\n bi = -1\n } else {\n bi = i\n }\n }\n } \n }\n println(s.mkString(\"\"))\n }\n}", "src_uid": "964ed316c6e6715120039b0219cc653a"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n\nobject Puzzles {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(n, m) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val nums = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt).sorted\n val ans = nums.sliding(n).map(x => x.last - x.head).min\n println(ans)\n }\n}", "src_uid": "7830aabb0663e645d54004063746e47f"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.util.Random\n\nobject P246A extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n val N = sc.nextInt\n val answer: String = {\n if (N <= 2) \"-1\"\n else List.range(1, N + 1).reverse.mkString(\" \")\n }\n\n out.println(answer)\n out.close\n}\n", "src_uid": "fe8a0332119bd182a0a5b7758716317e"} {"source_code": "import java.io._\nimport java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\n\nobject A {\n def solve(in: Input, out: Output): Unit = {\n val n, m = in.nextInt()\n out.println(if (n < 31) m & ((1 << n) - 1) else m)\n }\n\n class Input(in: InputStream) extends Closeable {\n private[this] val br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in))\n private[this] var st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine())\n\n override def close(): Unit = br.close()\n\n @tailrec\n final def next(): String = if (st.hasMoreTokens) st.nextToken() else {\n st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine())\n next()\n }\n\n final def nextInt(): Int = next().toInt\n final def nextLong(): Long = next().toLong\n final def nextDouble(): Double = next().toDouble\n }\n\n final type Output = PrintWriter\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val in = new Input(System.in)\n val out = new Output(System.out)\n solve(in, out)\n out.close()\n in.close()\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "c649052b549126e600691931b512022f"} {"source_code": "object test5 extends App {\n val mod=1073741824\n var sum=0\n val map=collection.mutable.Map[Int,Int]()\n map(1)=1\n val Array(a,b,c)=readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n \n val list=for(i<-1 to a; j<-1 to b; k<-1 to c) yield\n {\n getNum(i*j*k)\n }:Long\n\n println(list.sum%mod)\n \n def getNum(num:Int)={\n def count()={\n var total=2\n for(i<-2 to math.sqrt(num).toInt) \n \t if(num%i==0)\n \t if(i*i==num) total+=1 else total+=2\n \n map(num)=total\n total\n }\n \n map.get(num) match{\n case None=>count()\n case _=>map(num)\n }\n }\n} \n", "src_uid": "4fdd4027dd9cd688fcc70e1076c9b401"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject Cookies {\n \n var result:Array[Int] = null\n \n def cookNum(n:Int):Int={\n if (n==0)\n return 1\n result = Array.fill(n)(1)\n for (a<-1 to n-1){\n result(a) = result(a-1)*3 % (1000003)\n }\n result(n-1)\n }\n \n def main(args:Array[String])={\n val n = StdIn.readLine().toInt\n println(cookNum(n))\n }\n\n}", "src_uid": "1a335a9638523ca0315282a67e18eec7"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\n\nobject Solution extends App {\n val in = Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(a, b) = in.next().split(' ').map(_.toLong)\n if (a == b)\n println(\"infinity\")\n else if (b > a)\n println(0)\n else {\n val ab = a - b\n println((1 to Math.sqrt(ab).toInt).foldLeft(0){\n case(acc, j) =>\n if (ab % j == 0 && a % (ab / j) == b) {\n if (ab / j != j && a % j == b)\n acc + 2\n else\n acc + 1\n }\n else acc\n })\n }\n}", "src_uid": "6e0715f9239787e085b294139abb2475"} {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val s = new Main()\n s.solve()\n s.out.flush()\n }\n}\n\nclass Main {\n import java.io._\n import java.util.StringTokenizer\n\n import scala.collection.mutable\n import scala.util.Sorting\n import math.{abs, max, min}\n import mutable.{ArrayBuffer, ListBuffer}\n import scala.reflect.ClassTag\n\n val MOD = 1000000007\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n def solve(): Unit = {\n val N, B = nl()\n val F = factorize(B)\n val C = mutable.HashMap[Long, Long]().withDefaultValue(0)\n F.keys.foreach { f =>\n var c = 0L\n var d = f\n while(d <= N) {\n c += N / d\n if (d <= (N - 1) / f + 1) d *= f\n else d = N + 1\n }\n// debug(s\"$f $c\")\n C(f) = c\n }\n\n// C.foreach { case (k, v) => debug(s\"$k $v\") }\n val ans = F.map { case (f, cnt) =>\n// debug(s\"$f $cnt\")\n C(f) / cnt\n }.min\n\n out.println(ans)\n }\n\n /**\n * *\u6ce8\u610f* 10^12\u4ee5\u4e0a\u3050\u3089\u3044\u304b\u3089\u306f\u4f7f\u308f\u306a\u3044\u3053\u3068\n */\n def factorize(n: Long): mutable.Map[Long, Long] = {\n import scala.collection.mutable\n val res = mutable.Map[Long, Long]() withDefaultValue 0\n\n def minFactor(n0: Long, rt: Int, i: Int): Long = {\n if (i > rt) n0 // \u221an \u307e\u3067\u898b\u3064\u304b\u3089\u306a\u304b\u3063\u305f\u3089 n0\u306f\u7d20\u6570\u304b1\n else if (n0 % i == 0) i\n else minFactor(n0, rt, i + 1)\n }\n\n def step(n0: Long): Unit = {\n minFactor(n0, math.sqrt(n0).toInt, 2) match {\n case 1 =>\n case f =>\n res(f) = res(f) + 1\n step(n0 / f)\n }\n }\n\n step(n)\n res\n }\n\n def debug(as: Array[Boolean]): Unit = {\n System.err.println(as.map(x => if(x) \"1\" else \"0\").mkString)\n }\n\n def debug(as: Array[Int]): Unit = {\n System.err.println(as.mkString(\" \"))\n }\n\n def debug(as: Array[Long]): Unit = {\n System.err.println(as.mkString(\" \"))\n }\n\n def debug(s: String): Unit = {\n System.err.println(s)\n }\n\n def debug(num: Long): Unit = {\n System.err.println(num)\n }\n\n class InputReader(val stream: InputStream) {\n private val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream), 32768)\n private var tokenizer: StringTokenizer = _\n\n def next(): String = {\n while (tokenizer == null || !tokenizer.hasMoreTokens)\n tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(reader.readLine)\n tokenizer.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt(): Int = next().toInt\n def nextLong(): Long = next().toLong\n def nextChar(): Char = next().charAt(0)\n }\n val sc = new InputReader(System.in)\n def ni(): Int = sc.nextInt()\n def nl(): Long = sc.nextLong()\n def nc(): Char = sc.nextChar()\n def ns(): String = sc.next()\n def ns(n: Int): Array[Char] = ns().toCharArray\n def na(n: Int, offset: Int = 0): Array[Int] = map(n)(_ => ni() + offset)\n def na2(n: Int, offset: Int = 0): (Array[Int], Array[Int]) = {\n val A1, A2 = Array.ofDim[Int](n)\n REP(n) { i =>\n A1(i) = ni() + offset\n A2(i) = ni() + offset\n }\n (A1, A2)\n }\n def nm(n: Int, m: Int): Array[Array[Int]] = {\n val A = Array.ofDim[Int](n, m)\n REP(n) { i =>\n REP(m) { j =>\n A(i)(j) = ni()\n }\n }\n A\n }\n def nal(n: Int): Array[Long] = map(n)(_ => nl())\n def nm_c(n: Int, m: Int): Array[Array[Char]] = map(n) (_ => ns(m))\n def REP(n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => Unit): Unit = {\n var i = offset\n val N = n + offset\n while(i < N) { f(i); i += 1 }\n }\n def REP_r(n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => Unit): Unit = {\n var i = n - 1 + offset\n while(i >= offset) { f(i); i -= 1 }\n }\n\n def map[@specialized A: ClassTag](n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => A): Array[A] = {\n val res = Array.ofDim[A](n)\n REP(n)(i => res(i) = f(i + offset))\n res\n }\n\n\n def sumL(as: Array[Int]): Long = {\n var s = 0L\n REP(as.length)(i => s += as(i))\n s\n }\n\n def cumSum(as: Array[Int]) = {\n val cum = Array.ofDim[Long](as.length + 1)\n REP(as.length) { i =>\n cum(i + 1) = cum(i) + as(i)\n }\n cum\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "491748694c1a53771be69c212a5e0e25"} {"source_code": "import java.util\nimport scala.collection.JavaConverters._\n\n\nobject CF518_2_B {\n def solve(b: Long): Long = {\n val pfs = Utility.primeFactors(b)\n// println(\"b = \"+b)\n// println(pfs.asScala.toList)\n val ns = pfs.asScala.groupBy(identity).mapValues(_.size).values\n ns.map(_+1).product\n }\n \n def main(args: Array[String]) = {\n val io = new IO(System.in)\n// val io = new IO(\"7169516929\")\n val solution = solve(io.long())\n println(solution)\n }\n\n\n\n\n\n/// boilerplate utility methods: ///\n import java.util.Scanner\n class IO(sc: Scanner) {\n def this(i: java.io.InputStream) = this(new Scanner(i))\n def this(s: String) = this(new Scanner(s))\n def nextLine = sc.nextLine() // do this if still on previous line before collecting line of data\n def collect[T](f: String => T) = {sc.nextLine().split(\" \").toVector.map(f)}\n def intSeq() = collect(_.toInt)\n def doubleSeq() = collect(_.toDouble)\n def int() = sc.nextInt()\n def long() = sc.nextLong()\n def double() = sc.nextDouble()\n }\n\n object Utility {\n def intCeil(a: Int, b: Int) = (a - 1) / b + 1\n def longCeil(a: Long, b: Long) = (a - 1) / b + 1\n // Euclid's algorithm\n def gcd(a: Long, b: Long): Long = b match {\n case 0 => a\n case _ => gcd(b, a % b)\n }\n // lcm(a,b) = abs(a*b)/gcd(a,b)\n def lcm(a: Long, b: Long) = math.abs(a)/gcd(a,b)*math.abs(b)\n\n // These were written in Java then auto-converted by IntelliJ to Scala... so ugly!\n def primesFromSieve(upto: Int): util.BitSet = { // true means it's a prime\n val bs: util.BitSet = new util.BitSet(upto + 1)\n // even numbers aren't prime, so we initialize intelligently. Takes ~ 15% of total method run time for 1e8\n // (future optimization if required: try initializing as longs with value 0x01010101010101...)\n bs.set(2)\n locally {var i: Int = 3\n while ( {\n i <= upto\n }) {\n bs.set(i)\n i += 2\n }}\n // end of initialization.\n val max: Int = Math.sqrt(upto).toInt\n // nextSetBit returns -1 if none exists so we have to check that i is still > 0\n locally { var i: Int = 3\n while ( {\n i <= max && i > 0\n }) {\n var j: Int = i * 2\n while ( {\n j < upto\n }) {\n bs.clear(j)\n\n j += i\n }\n\n i = bs.nextSetBit(i + 2)\n }}\n bs\n }\n\n def primeFactors(x: Long): util.ArrayList[Long] = {\n val factors = new util.ArrayList[Long]\n if (x < 2) return factors\n val maxPrimeFactor = Math.sqrt(x).toInt\n val allPrimes = primesFromSieve(maxPrimeFactor)\n var remaining = x\n var trial = 2L\n while ( {\n trial * trial <= remaining && trial > -1\n }) if (remaining % trial == 0) { // trial is prime factor of x\n factors.add(trial)\n remaining = remaining / trial\n }\n else trial = allPrimes.nextSetBit(trial.toInt + 1)\n factors.add(remaining)\n factors\n }\n\n }\n}", "src_uid": "7fc9e7d7e25ab97d8ebc10ed8ae38fd1"} {"source_code": "import annotation.tailrec, collection.mutable, util.control.Breaks._, math.Ordering.Implicits._\nimport CodeForcesApp._\nobject _560C extends CodeForcesApp[Int]({scanner => import scanner._\n val Seq(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6) = Seq.fill(6)(nextInt)\n val t1 = a1 + a2 + a3\n val t2 = a3 + a4 + a5\n val t3 = a5 + a6 + a1\n require(t1 == t2 && t2 == t3)\n t1*t1 - a1*a1 - a3*a3 - a5*a5\n})\nimport java.util.Scanner\nabstract class CodeForcesApp[A](solver: Scanner => A) {\n final def apply(problem: String): String = apply(new Scanner(problem))\n final def apply(scanner: Scanner): String = format(solver(scanner))\n def format(result: A): String = result.toString\n final def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = println(apply(new Scanner(System.in)))\n}\nobject CodeForcesApp {\n final def isOnlineJudge: Boolean = sys.props.get(\"ONLINE_JUDGE\").exists(_.toBoolean)\n final def debug(x: Any): Unit = if (!isOnlineJudge) println(x)\n final val modulus: Int = 1000000007\n final val eps: Double = 1e-9\n final def when[B](x: Boolean)(f: => B): Option[B] = if (x) Some(f) else None\n final def counter[A] = collection.mutable.Map.empty[A, Int] withDefaultValue 0\n final def yesNo(result: Boolean) = if (result) \"YES\" else \"NO\"\n}\n", "src_uid": "382475475427f0e76c6b4ac6e7a02e21"} {"source_code": "\nobject Codeforces158A extends App {\n\n import io.StdIn._\n\n val Array(n, k) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val nn = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n val limit = nn(k - 1)\n\n val count = nn.fold(0) { (count, i) => if (i >= limit && i > 0) count + 1 else count}\n println(count)\n\n}\n", "src_uid": "193ec1226ffe07522caf63e84a7d007f"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject Solution {\n def main(args: Array[String]) : Unit = {\n solve()\n }\n def solve() = {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val (x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 , a , b) = (sc.nextInt() , sc.nextInt() , sc.nextInt(), sc.nextInt() , sc.nextInt() , sc.nextInt())\n\n val result =\n if (Math.abs(x2 - x1) % a != 0 | Math.abs(y2 - y1) % b != 0) {\n false\n } else {\n (Math.abs(x2 - x1)/a)%2 == (Math.abs(y2 - y1)/b)%2\n }\n print(if(result)\"YES\" else \"NO\")\n }\n}", "src_uid": "1c80040104e06c9f24abfcfe654a851f"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject Main {\n case class Point(var x: Int, y: Int)\n\n val in = new Scanner(System.in)\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val n = in.nextInt()\n if (n <= 2) {\n print(0)\n return\n }\n print(n/2 + n%2 - 1)\n }\n}", "src_uid": "dfe9446431325c73e88b58ba204d0e47"} {"source_code": "object B extends App {\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n\n val Array(n, t) = readInts(2)\n val as = readInts(n)\n val cnts = Array.fill(as.max + 1) { 0L }\n for (a <- as) cnts(a) += 1\n\n val l = n * t min 2 * n * n\n\n val minByLen = Array.fill(l) { 0 }\n\n var i, len = 0\n\n while (i < l) {\n\n var lo = 0\n var hi = len - 1\n val a = as(i % n)\n\n while (lo <= hi) {\n val mid = (lo + hi) >> 1\n if (as(minByLen(mid) % n) <= a) lo = mid + 1\n else hi = mid - 1\n }\n\n minByLen(lo) = i\n if (lo == len) len += 1\n\n i += 1\n }\n\n val res = len + (if (2 * n < t) (t - 2 * n) * cnts.max else 0)\n\n println(res)\n}\n", "src_uid": "26cf484fa4cb3dc2ab09adce7a3fc9b2"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject Task479A {\n\tdef main(args: Array[String]) {\n\t\tprintln(max(Array(StdIn.readInt(), StdIn.readInt(), StdIn.readInt())))\n\t}\n\n\tdef max(nums: Array[Int]) = nums.count(_ == 1) match {\n\t\tcase 0 => var m = 1; nums.foreach(m *= _); m\n\t\tcase (1 | 2) => nums indexOf 1 match {\n\t\t\tcase 0 => if (nums(2) == 1) nums.sum else (1 + nums(1)) * nums(2)\n\t\t\tcase 2 => nums(0) * (nums(1) + 1)\n\t\t\tcase 1 => if (nums(0) <= nums(2)) (nums(0) + 1) * nums(2) else nums(0) * (1 + nums(2))\n\t\t}\n\t\tcase _ => nums.sum\n\t}\n}", "src_uid": "1cad9e4797ca2d80a12276b5a790ef27"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.util.Random\n\nobject P265A extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n val S = sc.nextLine.toCharArray\n val T = sc.nextLine.toCharArray.toList\n\n val answer: Int = {\n @tailrec\n def loop(i: Int, ts: List[Char]): Int = ts match {\n case Nil => i\n case x :: xs => {\n if (x == S(i)) loop(i + 1, xs)\n else loop(i, xs)\n }\n }\n loop(0, T) + 1\n }\n\n out.println(answer)\n out.close\n}\n", "src_uid": "f5a907d6d35390b1fb11c8ce247d0252"} {"source_code": "object scala{\r\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit ={\r\n val a = readLine.toInt\r\n (0 until a).foreach{\r\n _ =>\r\n val N = readLine.toInt\r\n val res = Math.sqrt(N).toInt +\r\n Math.cbrt(N).toInt -\r\n (Math.sqrt(Math.cbrt(N))).toInt\r\n println(res)\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}", "src_uid": "015afbefe1514a0e18fcb9286c7b6624"} {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(r, c) = in.next().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val rows = Array.ofDim[Boolean](r)\n val columns = Array.ofDim[Boolean](c)\n Range(0, r).foreach { i =>\n val str = in.next()\n Range(0, str.length).foreach { j =>\n if (str.charAt(j) == 'S') {\n rows(i) = true\n columns(j) = true\n }\n }\n }\n\n val rc = rows.count(!_)\n val cc = columns.count(!_)\n println(rc * c + cc * (r - rc) )\n}\n", "src_uid": "ebaf7d89c623d006a6f1ffd025892102"} {"source_code": "/**\n * Created by octavian on 28/02/2016.\n */\nobject Orchestra {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) = {\n\n //System.setIn(new FileInputStream(\"./src/orchestra.in\"))\n //System.setOut(new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(\"./src/orchestra.out\")))\n\n val Array(r, c, n, k) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n var grid: Array[Array[Int]] = Array.ofDim[Int](r, c)\n\n for(i <- 0 until r) {\n for(j <- 0 until c) {\n grid(i)(j) = 0\n }\n }\n\n for(i <- 0 until n) {\n val Array(x, y): Array[Int] = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n grid(x - 1)(y - 1) = 1\n //println(\"grid is: \" + grid(x - 1)(y - 1))\n }\n\n var res = 0\n for(lb <- 0 until r) {\n for(le <- lb until r) {\n for(rb <- 0 until c) {\n for(re <- 0 until c) {\n if(matches(grid, lb, le, rb, re, k)) {\n res += 1\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n println(res)\n }\n\n def matches(grid: Array[Array[Int]], lb: Int, le: Int, rb: Int, re: Int, k: Int): Boolean = {\n //println(\"testing: \" + lb + \", \" + le + \", \" + rb + \", \" + re)\n var count = 0\n for(i <- lb to le) {\n for(j <- rb to re) {\n if(grid(i)(j) == 1) {\n count += 1\n }\n }\n }\n return count >= k\n }\n\n}\n", "src_uid": "9c766881f6415e2f53fb43b61f8f40b4"} {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val s = readLine()\n val danger = s.sliding(7).foldLeft(false) { (acc, s) => \n if (s == \"1111111\" || s == \"0000000\") true\n else acc\n }\n if (danger) println(\"YES\")\n else println(\"NO\")\n }\n}", "src_uid": "ed9a763362abc6ed40356731f1036b38"} {"source_code": "object A761 {\n\n import IO._\n import collection.{mutable => cu}\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(a,b) = readInts(2)\n if(a == 0 && b == 0)\n println(\"NO\")\n else if(a == b || a+1 == b || b+1 == a)\n println(\"YES\")\n else\n println(\"NO\")\n }\n\n object IO {\n private val input = new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.InputStreamReader(System.in))\n\n // private val input = new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.InputStreamReader(new java.io.FileInputStream(\"src/input\")))\n @inline def read: String = input.readLine()\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInt: Int = tokenizeLine.nextToken.toInt\n\n def readInts(n: Int): Array[Int] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int): Array[Long] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int): Array[BigInt] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n }\n\n}\n", "src_uid": "ec5e3b3f5ee6a13eaf01b9a9a66ff037"} {"source_code": "object Main {\n import java.io.{BufferedReader, InputStream, InputStreamReader}\n import java.util.StringTokenizer\n import scala.reflect.ClassTag\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val out = new java.io.PrintWriter(System.out)\n new Main(out, new InputReader(System.in)).solve()\n out.flush()\n }\n\n private val oj = System.getenv(\"ATCODER_DEBUG\") == null\n def DEBUG(f: => Unit): Unit = {\n if (!oj){ f }\n }\n def debug(as: Array[Boolean]): Unit = if (!oj){ debug(as.map(x => if(x) \"1\" else \"0\").mkString) }\n def debug(as: Array[Int]): Unit = if (!oj){ debug(as.mkString(\" \")) }\n def debug(as: Array[Long]): Unit =if (!oj){ debug(as.mkString(\" \")) }\n def debugDim(m: Array[Array[Int]]): Unit = if (!oj){\n REP(m.length) { i =>\n debug(m(i))\n }\n }\n def debugDimFlip(m: Array[Array[Long]]): Unit = if (!oj){\n REP(m(0).length) { j =>\n REP(m.length) { i =>\n System.err.print(m(i)(j))\n System.err.print(\" \")\n }\n System.err.println()\n }\n }\n def debug(s: => String): Unit = DEBUG {\n System.err.println(s)\n }\n def debugL(num: => Long): Unit = DEBUG {\n System.err.println(num)\n }\n\n class InputReader(val stream: InputStream) {\n private val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream), 32768)\n private var tokenizer: StringTokenizer = _\n\n def next(): String = {\n while (tokenizer == null || !tokenizer.hasMoreTokens)\n tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(reader.readLine)\n tokenizer.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt(): Int = Integer.parseInt(next())\n def nextLong(): Long = java.lang.Long.parseLong(next())\n def nextChar(): Char = next().charAt(0)\n\n def ni(): Int = nextInt()\n def nl(): Long = nextLong()\n def nc(): Char = nextChar()\n def ns(): String = next()\n def ns(n: Int): Array[Char] = ns().toCharArray\n def na(n: Int, offset: Int = 0): Array[Int] = map(n)(_ => ni() + offset)\n def na2(n: Int, offset: Int = 0): (Array[Int], Array[Int]) = {\n val A1, A2 = Array.ofDim[Int](n)\n REP(n) { i =>\n A1(i) = ni() + offset\n A2(i) = ni() + offset\n }\n (A1, A2)\n }\n def nm(n: Int, m: Int): Array[Array[Int]] = {\n val A = Array.ofDim[Int](n, m)\n REP(n) { i =>\n REP(m) { j =>\n A(i)(j) = ni()\n }\n }\n A\n }\n def nal(n: Int): Array[Long] = map(n)(_ => nl())\n def nm_c(n: Int, m: Int): Array[Array[Char]] = map(n) (_ => ns(m))\n }\n\n def REP(n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => Unit): Unit = {\n var i = offset\n val N = n + offset\n while(i < N) { f(i); i += 1 }\n }\n def REP_r(n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => Unit): Unit = {\n var i = n - 1 + offset\n while(i >= offset) { f(i); i -= 1 }\n }\n def TO(from: Int, to: Int)(f: Int => Unit): Unit = {\n REP(to - from + 1, from) { i =>\n f(i)\n }\n }\n def map[@specialized A: ClassTag](n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => A): Array[A] = {\n val res = Array.ofDim[A](n)\n REP(n)(i => res(i) = f(i + offset))\n res\n }\n\n def sumL(as: Array[Int]): Long = {\n var s = 0L\n REP(as.length)(i => s += as(i))\n s\n }\n def cumSum(as: Array[Int]): Array[Int] = {\n val cum = Array.ofDim[Int](as.length + 1)\n REP(as.length) { i =>\n cum(i + 1) = cum(i) + as(i)\n }\n cum\n }\n}\n\nclass Main(out: java.io.PrintWriter, sc: Main.InputReader) {\n import sc._\n import Main._\n import java.util.Arrays.sort\n\n import scala.collection.mutable\n import math.{abs, max, min}\n import mutable.ArrayBuffer\n\n // toInt\u3068\u304b+7\u3068\u304b\u3059\u308b\u306a\u3089val\u306b\u3057\u308d\n @inline private def MOD = 1000000007\n\n def solve(): Unit = {\n val N, M = ni()\n val T = na(N)\n val ans = Array.ofDim[Int](N)\n\n REP(N - 1, 1) { i =>\n sort(T, 0, i)\n var m = 0\n var j = 0\n while(j < i && m + T(j) <= M - T(i)) {\n m += T(j)\n j += 1\n }\n ans(i) = i - j\n }\n\n out.println(ans.mkString(\" \"))\n }\n}", "src_uid": "d3c1dc3ed7af2b51b4c49c9b5052c346"} {"source_code": "/**\n * Created by armanmac on 3/22/17.\n */\n\nimport util.control.Breaks._\n\nobject Code {\n\n\n //remove an element from array\n def remover(input: Array[Int], index: Int): Array[Int] = {\n var result: Array[Int] = new Array[Int](input.length - 1)\n var counter = 0\n\n for (i <- 0 to index - 1) {\n result(counter) = input(i)\n counter += 1\n }\n if (index != input.length - 1) {\n for (i <- index + 1 to input.length - 1) {\n result(counter) = input(i)\n counter += 1\n }\n }\n\n return result\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val str = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(' ')\n\n val input = str(0).toInt\n var copyInput = str(0).toInt\n val size = str(0).length\n val k = str(1).toInt\n\n\n //converting to array\n var arr: Array[Int] = new Array[Int](size)\n for (i <- (0 to size - 1).reverse) {\n arr(i) = copyInput % 10\n copyInput /= 10\n }\n\n var iterSize = arr.length\n var counter = 0\n var removeCount = 0\n\n breakable {\n for (i <- (0 to arr.length - 1).reverse) {\n\n if (arr(i) == 0) {\n counter += 1\n }\n if (counter == k) {\n break()\n }\n if (arr(i) != 0) {\n arr = remover(arr, i)\n removeCount += 1\n }\n }\n }\n\n\n if(k>= size || k > counter)\n println(size-1)\n else\n println(removeCount)\n\n\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "7a8890417aa48c2b93b559ca118853f9"} {"source_code": "object H extends App {\n\n def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val t = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(t.nextToken.toInt) }\n val Array(a, b) = readInts(2)\n\n println(a + b)\n}", "src_uid": "b6e3f9c9b124ec3ec20eb8fcea075add"} {"source_code": "import scala.collection.mutable._\n\nobject Main{\n def main(arr: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val x = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt);\n val A = x(0)\n val B = x(1)\n val C = x(2)\n val N = x(3)\n\n if(List(A, B, C).filter(_ > N).size > 0){\n println(-1)\n return\n }\n\n if(C > A || C > B){\n println(-1)\n return\n }\n\n val totalFailed = N - (A + B - C)\n\n if(totalFailed < 1){\n println(-1)\n return\n }\n\n println(totalFailed)\n }\n}", "src_uid": "959d56affbe2ff5dd999a7e8729f60ce"} {"source_code": "object _1033B extends CodeForcesApp {\n import annotation._, collection.{mutable, Searching}, util._, control._, math.Ordering.Implicits._, Searching._, Math._\n\n override def apply(io: IO): io.type = {\n val tests = io.read[Iterator[(Long, Long)]]\n val ans = tests.map({case (a, b) => (a - b) == 1 && BigInt(a + b).isProbablePrime(20)})\n .map(x => if (x) \"YES\" else \"NO\")\n io.writeAll(ans.toTraversable, separator = \"\\n\")\n }\n}\n/****************************[Ignore Template Below]****************************************/\ntrait CodeForcesApp {\n lazy val isOnlineJudge: Boolean = sys.props.get(\"ONLINE_JUDGE\").exists(_.toBoolean)\n def debug(x: => Any): Unit = if (!isOnlineJudge) println(x)\n def apply(io: IO): io.type\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = this(new IO(System.in, System.out)).close()\n}\n/***********************************[Scala I/O]*********************************************/\nimport java.io._, java.util.StringTokenizer\nimport scala.collection.generic.CanBuild\n\nclass IO(in: BufferedReader, out: BufferedWriter) extends Iterator[String] with AutoCloseable with Flushable {\n def this(reader: Reader, writer: Writer) = this(new BufferedReader(reader), new BufferedWriter(writer))\n def this(in: InputStream, out: OutputStream) = this(new InputStreamReader(in), new OutputStreamWriter(out))\n\n private[this] val tokenizers = Iterator.continually(in.readLine()).takeWhile(_ != null).map(new StringTokenizer(_)).buffered\n val printer = new PrintWriter(out, true)\n\n @inline private[this] def tokenizer() = {\n while(tokenizers.nonEmpty && !tokenizers.head.hasMoreTokens) tokenizers.next()\n tokenizers.headOption\n }\n\n def read[A](implicit read: IO.Read[A]): A = read.apply(this)\n def read[C[_], A: IO.Read](n: Int)(implicit b: CanBuild[A, C[A]]): C[A] = Iterator.fill(n)(read).to[C]\n\n def readTill(delim: String): String = tokenizer().get.nextToken(delim)\n def readTillEndOfLine(): String = readTill(\"\\n\\r\")\n\n def readAll[A: IO.Read]: (Int, Vector[A]) = {\n val data = read[Vector[A]]\n (data.length, data)\n }\n\n override def next() = tokenizer().get.nextToken()\n override def hasNext = tokenizer().nonEmpty\n\n def write(obj: Any): this.type = {\n printer.print(obj)\n this\n }\n def writeLine(): this.type = {\n printer.println()\n this\n }\n def writeLine(obj: Any): this.type = {\n printer.println(obj)\n this\n }\n def writeAll(obj: Traversable[Any], separator: String = \" \"): this.type = write(obj mkString separator)\n def query[A: IO.Read](question: Any): A = writeLine(question).read\n\n override def flush() = printer.flush()\n def close() = {\n flush()\n in.close()\n printer.close()\n }\n}\nobject IO {\n class Read[A](val apply: IO => A) {\n def map[B](f: A => B): Read[B] = new Read(apply andThen f)\n }\n\n object Read {\n implicit def collection[C[_], A: Read](implicit b: CanBuild[A, C[A]]) : Read[C[A]] = new Read(r => r.read[C, A](r.read[Int]))\n implicit val string : Read[String] = new Read(_.next())\n implicit val int : Read[Int] = string.map(_.toInt)\n implicit val long : Read[Long] = string.map(_.toLong)\n implicit val bigInt : Read[BigInt] = string.map(BigInt(_))\n implicit val double : Read[Double] = string.map(_.toDouble)\n implicit val bigDecimal : Read[BigDecimal] = string.map(BigDecimal(_))\n implicit def tuple2[A: Read, B: Read] : Read[(A, B)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B]))\n implicit def tuple3[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read] : Read[(A, B, C)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B], r.read[C]))\n implicit def tuple4[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read, D: Read] : Read[(A, B, C, D)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B], r.read[C], r.read[D]))\n implicit val boolean : Read[Boolean] = string map {s =>\n s.toLowerCase match {\n case \"yes\" | \"true\" | \"1\" => true\n case \"no\" | \"false\" | \"0\" => false\n case _ => s.toBoolean\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n", "src_uid": "5a052e4e6c64333d94c83df890b1183c"} {"source_code": "/**\n * Created by vinaysaini on 7/18/15.\n */\n\n// val Array(x,y,z) = io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\nobject Test {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n // val x =\n val x = io.StdIn.readLine.split(\"\").filter(_ != \"\").map(_.toInt)\n def forFirst(a: Int) = if(a == 9) 9 else revert(a)\n def revert(a: Int) = if(a < 5) a else 9-a\n println(\"%d%s\".format(forFirst(x.head),x.tail.map(revert).mkString))\n }\n\n}\n", "src_uid": "d5de5052b4e9bbdb5359ac6e05a18b61"} {"source_code": "object Main399A {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val input = readLine.split(\" \")\n val n = input(0).toInt\n val p = input(1).toInt\n val k = input(2).toInt\n println(\n (if(p-k > 1)\"<< \"else\"\") + \n ((if(p-k > 1)p-k else 1) to p-1).mkString(\" \") +\n \" (\" + p + \") \" +\n (p+1 to (if(p+k < n)p+k else n)).mkString(\" \") +\n (if(p+k < n)\" >>\"else\"\")\n )\n }\n\n}", "src_uid": "526e2cce272e42a3220e33149b1c9c84"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject Main extends App {\n io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(a, b) = StdIn.readLine().split(' ').map(_.toLong)\n val Array(x, y, z) = StdIn.readLine().split(' ').map(_.toLong)\n print((2 * x + y - a).max(0) + (y + 3 * z - b).max(0))\n}\n", "src_uid": "35202a4601a03d25e18dda1539c5beba"} {"source_code": "object A579 {\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(scala.io.StdIn.readLine)\n\n def readInts(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(n) = readBigs(1)\n println(n.bitCount)\n }\n}", "src_uid": "03e4482d53a059134676f431be4c16d2"} {"source_code": "object Main extends App {\n // val INF = Integer.MAX_VALUE\n // val source = Source.stdin\n // val lines = source.getLines().toArray\n // source.close()\n // val Array(n, m) = lines(0).split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n // val s = scala.io.StdIn.readLine()\n // println(s + \"!\")\n\n val n = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().toInt\n val x = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \")\n val y = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \")\n\n if(x.map(x => x.toInt).sum >= y.map(y => y.toInt).sum) {\n println(\"Yes\")\n } else {\n println(\"No\")\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "e0ddac5c6d3671070860dda10d50c28a"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\n\nobject Solution extends App {\n val in = Source.stdin.getLines()\n val n = in.next().toInt\n println((1 to n).foldLeft(0l, 1l) {\n case ((sum, prev), _) => (sum + prev * 2, prev * 2)\n }._1)\n}\n", "src_uid": "f1b43baa14d4c262ba616d892525dfde"} {"source_code": "\nobject Main {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val Array(n,k)=io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val a=io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt).toList.zipWithIndex.sortWith(_._1<_._1)\n var s=0\n var i=0\n while(i<a.length && s+a(i)._1<=k){\n s+=a(i)._1\n i+=1\n }\n println(i)\n if (i!=0)\n println(a.take(i).map(_._2+1).mkString(\" \"))\n }\n\n}\n", "src_uid": "dbb164a8dd190e63cceba95a31690a7c"} {"source_code": "import java.util._\nimport java.lang._\nimport java.io._\n\nobject A {\n\n var out: PrintWriter = null\n var br: BufferedReader = null\n var st: StringTokenizer = null\n\n def next: String = {\n while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens) {\n st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine)\n }\n return st.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt: Int = {\n return Integer.parseInt(next)\n }\n\n def nextLong: Long = {\n return Long.parseLong(next)\n }\n\n def sqDist(x1: Int, y1: Int, x2: Int, y2: Int): Int = {\n return (x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2)\n }\n\n def dist(x1: Int, y1: Int, x2: Int, y2: Int): Double = {\n return Math.sqrt((x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2))\n }\n\n def isSquareTriangle(x1: Int, y1: Int, x2: Int, y2: Int, x3: Int, y3: Int): Boolean = {\n val ab2 = sqDist(x1, y1, x2, y2)\n val bc2 = sqDist(x2, y2, x3, y3)\n val ac2 = sqDist(x1, y1, x3, y3)\n val ab = dist(x1, y1, x2, y2)\n val bc = dist(x3, y3, x2, y2)\n val ac = dist(x1, y1, x3, y3)\n if (ac < ab + bc && ab < ac + bc && bc < ac + ab) {\n if (ab2 + bc2 == ac2 || ab2 + ac2 == bc2 || bc2 + ac2 == ab2) {\n return true\n }\n }\n return false\n }\n\n def solve: Int = {\n val x1 = nextInt\n val y1 = nextInt\n val x2 = nextInt\n val y2 = nextInt\n val x3 = nextInt\n val y3 = nextInt\n if (isSquareTriangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3)) {\n out.println(\"RIGHT\")\n return 1\n }\n if (isSquareTriangle(x1 + 1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3)) {\n out.println(\"ALMOST\")\n return 1\n }\n if (isSquareTriangle(x1 - 1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3)) {\n out.println(\"ALMOST\")\n return 1\n }\n if (isSquareTriangle(x1, y1 + 1, x2, y2, x3, y3)) {\n out.println(\"ALMOST\")\n return 1\n }\n if (isSquareTriangle(x1, y1 - 1, x2, y2, x3, y3)) {\n out.println(\"ALMOST\")\n return 1\n }\n if (isSquareTriangle(x1, y1, x2 + 1, y2, x3, y3)) {\n out.println(\"ALMOST\")\n return 1\n }\n if (isSquareTriangle(x1, y1, x2 - 1, y2, x3, y3)) {\n out.println(\"ALMOST\")\n return 1\n }\n if (isSquareTriangle(x1, y1, x2, y2 + 1, x3, y3)) {\n out.println(\"ALMOST\")\n return 1\n }\n if (isSquareTriangle(x1, y1, x2, y2 - 1, x3, y3)) {\n out.println(\"ALMOST\")\n return 1\n }\n if (isSquareTriangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3 + 1, y3)) {\n out.println(\"ALMOST\")\n return 1\n }\n if (isSquareTriangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3 - 1, y3)) {\n out.println(\"ALMOST\")\n return 1\n }\n if (isSquareTriangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 + 1)) {\n out.println(\"ALMOST\")\n return 1\n }\n if (isSquareTriangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 - 1)) {\n out.println(\"ALMOST\")\n return 1\n }\n out.println(\"NEITHER\")\n return 1\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(System.out))\n solve\n out.close\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "8324fa542297c21bda1a4aed0bd45a2d"} {"source_code": "object C extends App {\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(scala.io.StdIn.readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken)) }\n\n val Array(n, m, k) = readInts(3)\n val MOD = 998244353L\n\n val pascal = Array.ofDim[Long](n + 1, n + 1)\n for (i <- pascal.indices) pascal(i)(0) = 1L\n for (i <- 1 until pascal.length) {\n for (j <- 1 until pascal(i).length) pascal(i)(j) = (pascal(i - 1)(j - 1) + pascal(i - 1)(j)) % MOD\n }\n\n val pow = pascal(n - 1)(k)\n val res = ((m * pow) % MOD) * BigInt(m - 1).modPow(k, MOD) % MOD\n\n println(res)\n}\n", "src_uid": "b2b9bee53e425fab1aa4d5468b9e578b"} {"source_code": "import java.io._\nimport java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nimport scala.collection.mutable\n\nobject A extends App {\n\n def solve(in: InputReader): Unit = {\n val n = in.nextInt\n val arr = Array.fill(n)(in.nextInt)\n val sum = arr.sum\n var ans = arr.max\n\n while (sum >= ans * n - sum)\n ans += 1\n\n println(ans)\n }\n\n solve(new InputReader(System.in))\n\n private class InputReader(val in: InputStream) {\n\n private val reader: BufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in))\n private var tokenizer: StringTokenizer = _\n\n def nextInt: Int = {\n next.toInt\n }\n\n def nextDouble: Double = {\n next.toInt\n }\n\n def nextLong: Double = {\n next.toInt\n }\n\n def next: String = {\n while (tokenizer == null || !tokenizer.hasMoreTokens) {\n tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(readLine)\n }\n tokenizer.nextToken\n }\n\n def readLine: String = {\n try {\n reader.readLine()\n } catch {\n case e: IOException => throw new RuntimeException(e)\n }\n }\n }\n\n}", "src_uid": "d215b3541d6d728ad01b166aae64faa2"} {"source_code": "object Solve {\n import io.StdIn._\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(n, m) = readLine.split(\" \").map(s => s.toInt)\n val isBlackAndWhite = (1 to n).forall(_ => readLine.forall(c => !\"CMY\".contains(c)))\n println (if (isBlackAndWhite) \"#Black&White\" else \"#Color\")\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "19c311c02380f9a73cd477e4fde27454"} {"source_code": "object A extends App {\n val Array(n, k) = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n var r = k\n var a = n\n\n while (r > 0) {\n val t = a % 10 + 1\n\n if (t > r) a = a - r\n else a = a / 10\n\n r -= t\n }\n\n println(a)\n}\n", "src_uid": "064162604284ce252b88050b4174ba55"} {"source_code": "object A141 {\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(scala.io.StdIn.readLine)\n\n def readInts(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val input1 = scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n val input2 = scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n val input3 = scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n\n val map1 = (input1 + input2).sortBy(identity)\n val map2 = input3.toCharArray.sortBy(identity)\n\n if(map1.sameElements(map2)) {\n println(\"YES\")\n } else {\n println(\"NO\")\n }\n\n }\n}", "src_uid": "b6456a39d38fabcd25267793ed94d90c"} {"source_code": "object CubicalPlanet39D extends App {\n import java.io.{InputStream, PrintStream}\n import java.util.Scanner\n solve(System.in,System.out)\n def solve(in: InputStream, out: PrintStream): Unit = {\n val scanner = new Scanner(in)\n val f1 = List(scanner.nextInt(),scanner.nextInt(),scanner.nextInt())\n val f2 = List(scanner.nextInt(),scanner.nextInt(),scanner.nextInt())\n val r = f1.zip(f2).map{case (a,b) => (a-b)*(a-b)}.sum\n if(r<=2)\n out.println(\"YES\")\n else\n out.println(\"NO\")\n }\n}", "src_uid": "91c9dbbceb467d5fd420e92c2919ecb6"} {"source_code": "object MyClass {\n def add(x:Int, y:Int) = x + y;\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n \n var lines = io.Source.stdin.getLines;\n /*var n = 0;\n var k = 0;\n var x = 0;*/\n var Array(n,k,x) = lines.next.split(' ').map(_.toInt);\n //var n = ln1.next.toInt;\n //var k = ln1.next.toInt;\n //var x = ln1.next.toInt;\n \n var total = 0;\n var A = lines.next.split(' ').map(_.toInt);\n var i = 1;\n for ( i <- 0 to n - k - 1) {\n var temp = A(i);\n total = total + temp;\n }\n \n if (k > n) total = total + x * n;\n else total = total + x * k;\n \n print(total)\n //for (ln <- io.Source.stdin.getLines) {\n \n //}\n }\n }\n", "src_uid": "92a233f8d9c73d9f33e4e6116b7d0a96"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.util.Random\n\nobject P266A extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n val N = sc.nextLine.toInt\n val stones = sc.nextLine\n\n def solve(s0: String): Int = {\n @tailrec\n def loop(acc: Int, c: Char, s: String): Int =\n if (s.isEmpty) acc\n else if (c == s.head) loop(acc + 1, c, s.tail)\n else loop(acc, s.head, s.tail)\n loop(0, s0.head, s0.tail)\n }\n\n out.println(solve(stones))\n out.close\n}\n", "src_uid": "d561436e2ddc9074b98ebbe49b9e27b8"} {"source_code": "import java.util._\nimport java.io._\n\nobject A {\n\n var out: PrintWriter = null\n var br: BufferedReader = null\n var st: StringTokenizer = null\n\n def next: String = {\n while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens) {\n st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine)\n }\n return st.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt: Int = {\n return Integer.parseInt(next)\n }\n\n def nextLong: Long = {\n return java.lang.Long.parseLong(next)\n }\n\n def solve: Int = {\n val path = next\n var i = 1\n var ans = \"\"\n while (i < path.length) {\n if (path(i) == '/' && path(i - 1) == '/') {\n } else {\n ans += path(i)\n }\n i += 1\n }\n i = ans.length - 1\n while (i >= 0 && ans(i) == '/') {\n i -= 1\n }\n out.println(\"/\" + ans.substring(0, i + 1))\n return 1\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(System.out))\n solve\n out.close\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "6c2e658ac3c3d6b0569dd373806fa031"} {"source_code": "import java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nobject _554A extends App {\n var token = new StringTokenizer(\"\")\n def next = {\n while (!token.hasMoreTokens()) token = new StringTokenizer(readLine)\n token.nextToken()\n }\n val s = next\n var set = Set[String]()\n for (i <- 0 to s.length) {\n val cb = s.splitAt(i)\n for (j <- 'a' to 'z') set = set + (cb._1 + j + cb._2)\n }\n println(set.size)\n}\n", "src_uid": "556684d96d78264ad07c0cdd3b784bc9"} {"source_code": "object CF411A {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val pass = readLine()\n println (\n if (pass.length >= 5 && pass.exists(_.isUpper) && \n pass.exists(_.isLower) && pass.exists(_.isDigit)) {\n \"Correct\"\n } else {\n \"Too weak\"\n }\n )\n }\n}", "src_uid": "42a964b01e269491975965860ec92be7"} {"source_code": "//package template\n\nobject Template {\n\tdef main(args: Array[String]) {\n\t\tvar Array(n, d) = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\t\tvar input = readLine.split(' ').map(_.toLong).reduceLeft(_ + _)\n\t\tif((n - 1) * 10 + input > d) print(-1)\n\t\telse print((d - ((n - 1) * 10 + input)) / 5 + (n - 1) * 2)\n\t}\n}", "src_uid": "b16f5f5c4eeed2a3700506003e8ea8ea"} {"source_code": "object P143A extends App {\n val reqs = (readLine + \" \" + readLine + \" \" + readLine).split(\" \").map(_.toInt).toList\n def f {\n val r = 1 to 9\n for (a <- r; b <- r; c <- r; d <- r)\n if (Set(a, b, c, d).size == 4 && List(a + b, c + d, a + c, b + d, a + d, b + c) == reqs) {\n print(\"%d %d\\n%d %d\".format(a, b, c, d))\n return\n }\n print(\"-1\")\n }\n f\n}", "src_uid": "6821f502f5b6ec95c505e5dd8f3cd5d3"} {"source_code": "object probA extends App{\n def turns(n1 : Int,m1 : Int) = { \n var ret : Int = n1\n var n : Int= m1\n var m : Int= ret\n /*\n * (-n,-n) (-n,n+1)\n * (-n,n+1) (n+1,n+1)\n * (n+1,n+1) (n+1,-n-1)\n * (n+1,-n-1) (-n-1,-n-1)\n */\n if( n<=0 && m>(n) && m<=(-n+1) ) ret = -4*n\n else if (m>0 && n<=m && n>(-m+1)) ret=4*(m-1)+1\n else if(n>0 && (m+n)>=0 && m<=n ) ret = 4*(n-1)+2\n else ret = -4*(m+1)+3\n \n math.max(0,ret)\n }\n var line : String = readLine()\n var Array(v1,v2) = line.split(\" \")\n println(turns(v1.toInt,v2.toInt))\n}", "src_uid": "2fb2a129e01efc03cfc3ad91dac88382"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\n\nobject Solution extends App {\n val in = Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(a, b) = in.next().split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n var x = a\n var xValue = (0, 0, 0)\n while (x % 2 == 0 || x % 5 == 0 || x % 3 == 0) {\n xValue = if (x % 2 == 0) {\n x /= 2\n (xValue._1 + 1, xValue._2, xValue._3)\n } else if (x % 3 == 0) {\n x /= 3\n (xValue._1, xValue._2 + 1, xValue._3)\n } else {\n x /= 5\n (xValue._1, xValue._2, xValue._3 + 1)\n }\n }\n var y = b\n var yValue = (0, 0, 0)\n while (y % 2 == 0 || y % 5 == 0 || y % 3 == 0) {\n yValue = if (y % 2 == 0) {\n y /= 2\n (yValue._1 + 1, yValue._2, yValue._3)\n } else if (y % 3 == 0) {\n y /= 3\n (yValue._1, yValue._2 + 1, yValue._3)\n } else {\n y /= 5\n (yValue._1, yValue._2, yValue._3 + 1)\n }\n }\n if (x != y)\n println(-1)\n else\n println(Math.abs(xValue._1 - yValue._1) + Math.abs(xValue._2 - yValue._2) + Math.abs(xValue._3 - yValue._3))\n}", "src_uid": "75a97f4d85d50ea0e1af0d46f7565b49"} {"source_code": "object A527 {\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(scala.io.StdIn.readLine)\n\n def readInts(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n var Array(a, b) = readLongs(2)\n var res = 0L\n while(a != b) {\n if((a-b) % b == 0) {\n res += (a-b)/b + 1L\n a = 0\n b = 0\n } else {\n res += (a/b)\n val x = Array(a%b, b)\n a = x.max\n b = x.min\n }\n }\n if(a == b && a != 0) {\n res += 1\n }\n println(res)\n }\n}", "src_uid": "ce698a0eb3f5b82de58feb177ce43b83"} {"source_code": "object Try1 {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n var m,x,c, n, i: Int = 0\n var a = new Array[Int](101)\n n = readInt()\n m=0;\n for (i <- 1 to n) {\n x = readInt()\n a(x) = a(x)+1\n }\n for (i<- 0 to 100)\n if (a(i)>0){\n m=m+1\n c=i\n }\n if (m==2 && a(c)+a(c)==n) {\n println(\"YES\")\n i=0;\n while (a(i)==0) i+=1\n print(i+\" \")\n i+=1\n while (a(i)==0) i+=1\n println(i)\n }\n else println(\"NO\")\n }\n}", "src_uid": "2860b4fb22402ea9574c2f9e403d63d8"} {"source_code": "object _935A extends CodeForcesApp {\n import Utils._, annotation._, collection.{mutable, Searching}, util._, control._, math.Ordering.Implicits._, Searching._\n\n override def apply(io: IO): io.type = {\n val n = io.read[Int]\n val ans = (1 until n).count(l => (n-l) % l == 0)\n io.write(ans)\n }\n}\n/****************************[Ignore Template Below]****************************************/\ntrait CodeForcesApp {\n lazy val isOnlineJudge: Boolean = sys.props.get(\"ONLINE_JUDGE\").exists(_.toBoolean)\n def debug(x: => Any): Unit = if (!isOnlineJudge) println(x)\n def apply(io: IO): io.type\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = this(new IO(System.in, System.out)).close()\n}\nobject Utils {\n import scala.collection.mutable, mutable.{Map => Dict}\n implicit class GenericExtensions[A](val a: A) extends AnyVal {\n def in(set: collection.Set[A]): Boolean = set(a)\n def some: Option[A] = Some(a)\n def partialMatch[B](f: PartialFunction[A, B]): Option[B] = f lift a\n }\n implicit class TraversableExtensions[A, C[X] <: Traversable[X]](val t: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def onlyElement: A = assuming(t.size == 1)(t.head)\n def groupByIdentifier[K](f: A => K): Map[K, A] = t.groupBy(f).mapValues(_.onlyElement)\n def duplicates(implicit b: C of A): C[A] = {\n val elems = mutable.Set.empty[A]\n (t collect {case i if !elems.add(i) => i}).to[C]\n }\n def sumWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit n: Numeric[B]): B = t.foldLeft(n.zero) {case (p, i) => n.plus(p, f(i))}\n def maxWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit ord: Ordering[B]): Option[B] = t.view.map(f).reduceOption(ord.max)\n def minWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit ord: Ordering[B]): Option[B] = t.view.map(f).reduceOption(ord.min)\n def zipWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit b: C of (A, B)): C[(A, B)] = (t map {i => i -> f(i)}).to[C]\n def mapTo[B](f: A => B)(implicit b: C of (A, B)): Map[A, B] = zipWith(f).toUniqueMap\n def whenNonEmpty[B](f: t.type => B): Option[B] = when(t.nonEmpty)(f(t)) // e.g. grades.whenNonEmpty(_.max)\n def collectFirst[B](f: PartialFunction[A, Option[B]]): Option[B] = t.view collect f collectFirst {case Some(x) => x}\n def toMutableMultiSet: Dict[A, Int] = {\n val c = map[A] to 0\n t.foreach(i => c(i) += 1)\n c\n }\n def toMultiSet: Map[A, Int] = toMutableMultiSet.toMap withDefaultValue 0\n def X[B](s: Traversable[B]): Iterator[(A, B)] = for {a <- t.toIterator; b <- s} yield (a, b)\n }\n implicit class ArrayExtensions[A <: AnyRef](val a: Array[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def sort(from: Int = 0, until: Int = a.length)(implicit cmp: Ordering[A]): Unit = java.util.Arrays.sort(a, from, until, cmp) //sort [from, until)\n }\n implicit class ArrayExtensions2[A](val a: Array[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def sort(from: Int = 0, until: Int = a.length)(implicit cmp: Ordering[A]): Unit = a.view(from, until).sorted.copyToArray(a, from)\n }\n implicit class SeqExtensions[A, C[X] <: Seq[X]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def isRotationOf(t: Seq[A]): Boolean = s ++ s containsSlice t\n }\n implicit class PairExtensions[A, B](val p: (A, B)) extends AnyVal {\n def key = p._1\n def value = p._2\n def toSeq(implicit ev: B =:= A): Seq[A] = Seq(p._1, ev(p._2))\n }\n implicit class PairsExtensions[A, B, C[X] <: Traversable[X]](t: C[(A, B)]) {\n def toUniqueMap: Map[A, B] = t.groupByIdentifier(_.key).mapValues(_.value)\n def toMultiMap(implicit b: C of B): Map[A, C[B]] = t.groupBy(_.key).mapValues(_.map(_.value).to[C]).withDefaultValue(b().result())\n def swap(implicit b: C of (B, A)): C[(B, A)] = t.map(_.swap).to[C]\n }\n implicit class MapExtensions[K, V, C[X, Y] <: Map[X, Y]](val m: C[K, V]) extends AnyVal {\n def lastKeyOption: Option[K] = m.lastOption.map(_.key)\n def firstKeyOption: Option[K] = m.headOption.map(_.key)\n def invert: Map[V, Set[K]] = m.toSet[(K, V)].swap.toMultiMap\n def mapKeys[K2](f: K => K2): Map[K2, V] = m map {case (k, v) => f(k) -> v}\n def toMutable: Dict[K, V] = Dict.empty[K, V] ++ m\n def mapValuesSafely[V2](f: V => V2): Map[K, V2] = m.mapValues(f).view.force //Hack to get around https://issues.scala-lang.org/browse/SI-4776\n }\n implicit class MutableMapExtensions[K, V](val m: mutable.Map[K, V]) extends AnyVal {\n def removeLast(): Option[(K, V)] = m.lastOption.map(removeNode)\n def removeFirst(): Option[(K, V)] = m.headOption.map(removeNode)\n private def removeNode(kv: (K, V)): (K, V) = {\n m -= kv.key\n kv\n }\n }\n implicit class SetExtensions[A, C[A] <: Set[A]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def notContains(x: A): Boolean = !(s contains x)\n def toMutable = mutable.Set.empty[A] ++ s\n }\n implicit class IterableExtensions[A, C[A] <: Seq[A]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def indicesWhere(f: A => Boolean): Seq[Int] = s.zipWithIndex.collect {case (a, i) if f(a) => i}\n def deleteAtIndex(i: Int, howMany: Int = 1) = s.patch(i, Nil, howMany)\n def insertAtIndex(i: Int, items: Seq[A]) = s.patch(i, items, 0)\n def findWithIndex(f: A => Boolean): Option[(A, Int)] = s.zipWithIndex find {case (a, _) => f(a)}\n //def foldUntil[B](z: B)(f: (B, A) => B)(c: B => Boolean): Option[(B, Int)] = s.view.scanLeft(z)(f).findWithIndex(c)\n }\n implicit class BooleanExtensions(val x: Boolean) extends AnyVal {\n def to[A](implicit n: Numeric[A]) = if(x) n.one else n.zero\n def toEnglish = if(x) \"Yes\" else \"No\"\n }\n implicit class IntExtensions(val x: Int) extends AnyVal {\n import java.lang.{Integer => JInt}\n def withHighestOneBit: Int = JInt.highestOneBit(x)\n def withLowestOneBit: Int = JInt.lowestOneBit(x)\n def numberOfLeadingZeroes: Int = JInt.numberOfLeadingZeros(x)\n def numberOfTrailingZeroes: Int = JInt.numberOfTrailingZeros(x)\n def bitCount: Int = JInt.bitCount(x)\n def setLowestBits(n: Int): Int = x | (left(n) - 1)\n def clearLowestBits(n: Int): Int = x & left(n, ~0)\n def setBit(i: Int, set: Boolean): Int = if (set) setBit(i) else clearBit(i)\n def setBit(i: Int): Int = x | left(i)\n def clearBit(i: Int): Int = x & ~left(i)\n def toggleBit(i: Int): Int = x ^ left(i)\n def getBit(i: Int): Int = (x >> i) & 1\n private def left(bits: Int, num: Int = 1) = assuming(bits >= 0 && bits < JInt.SIZE)(num << bits)\n def X(y: Int): Iterator[(Int, Int)] = until(x) X until(y)\n }\n implicit class LongExtensions(val x: Long) extends AnyVal {\n import java.lang.{Long => JLong}\n def withHighestOneBitSet: Long = JLong.highestOneBit(x)\n def withLowestOneBitSet: Long = JLong.lowestOneBit(x)\n def numberOfLeadingZeroes: Int = JLong.numberOfLeadingZeros(x)\n def numberOfTrailingZeroes: Int = JLong.numberOfTrailingZeros(x)\n def bitCount: Int = JLong.bitCount(x)\n def setLowestBits(n: Int): Long = x | (left(n) - 1)\n def clearLowestBits(n: Int): Long = x & left(n, ~0L)\n def setBit(i: Int, set: Boolean): Long = if (set) setBit(i) else clearBit(i)\n def setBit(i: Int): Long = x | left(i)\n def clearBit(i: Int): Long = x & ~left(i)\n def toggleBit(i: Int): Long = x ^ left(i)\n def getBit(i: Int): Long = (x >> i) & 1\n private def left(bits: Int, num: Long = 1L) = assuming(bits >= 0 && bits < JLong.SIZE)(num << bits)\n }\n implicit class NumericExtensions[A](val x: A)(implicit n: Numeric[A]) {\n import Numeric.Implicits._\n def **(i: Int): A = if (i == 0) n.one else {\n val h = x ** (i/2)\n if (i%2 == 0) h * h else h * h * x\n }\n def distance(y: A) = (x - y).abs()\n def nonNegative: Option[A] = when(n.gteq(x, n.zero))(x)\n def whenNegative(f: => A): A = nonNegative.getOrElse(f) //e.g. students.indexOf(\"Greg\").whenNegative(Int.MaxValue)\n }\n implicit class IntegralExtensions[A](val x: A)(implicit n: Integral[A]) {\n import scala.collection.immutable.NumericRange, Integral.Implicits._\n def mod(y: A): A = x - ((x / y) * y) //(x/y)*y + (x mod y) == x\n def -->(y: A): NumericRange.Inclusive[A] = NumericRange.inclusive(x, y, if (n.lteq(x, y)) n.one else -n.one)\n def ceilDiv(y: A): A = if (mod(y) == n.zero) x/y else n.one + (x/y)\n }\n implicit def toPoint[A](p: (A, A))(implicit n: Numeric[A]) = new java.awt.geom.Point2D.Double(n.toDouble(p._1), n.toDouble(p._2))\n def desc[A: Ordering]: Ordering[A] = asc[A].reverse //e.g. students.sortBy(_.height)(desc)\n def asc[A](implicit order: Ordering[A]): Ordering[A] = order\n def map[K] = new {\n def to[V](default: => V): Dict[K, V] = using(_ => default)\n def using[V](f: K => V): Dict[K, V] = new mutable.HashMap[K, V]() {\n override def apply(key: K) = getOrElseUpdate(key, f(key))\n }\n }\n def newMultiMap[K, V] = map[K] to mutable.Set.empty[V]\n def memoize[A, B](f: A => B): A ==> B = map[A] using f\n implicit class FuzzyDouble(val x: Double) extends AnyVal {\n def >~(y: Double) = x > y + eps\n def >=~(y: Double) = x >= y + eps\n def ~<(y: Double) = y >=~ x\n def ~=<(y: Double) = y >~ x\n def ~=(y: Double) = (x distance y) <= eps\n }\n def toPolygon(points: Traversable[(Int, Int)]): java.awt.Polygon = {\n val (xs, ys) = points.unzip\n new java.awt.Polygon(xs.toArray, ys.toArray, points.size)\n }\n def toShape(points: Traversable[(Double, Double)]): java.awt.geom.GeneralPath = {\n val shape = new java.awt.geom.GeneralPath()\n points.headOption foreach {case (x, y) => shape.moveTo(x, y)}\n points.tail foreach {case (x, y) => shape.lineTo(x, y)}\n shape.closePath()\n shape\n }\n def until(until: Int): Range = 0 until until\n def not[A](f: A => Boolean): A => Boolean = {x: A => !f(x)}\n def assuming[A](cond: => Boolean)(f: => A): A = {require(cond); f}\n @inline def when[A](check: Boolean)(f: => A): Option[A] = if (check) f.some else None\n def repeat[U](n: Int)(f: => U): Unit = (1 to n).foreach(_ => f)\n type of[C[_], A] = scala.collection.generic.CanBuild[A, C[A]]\n type ==>[A, B] = collection.Map[A, B]\n val mod: Int = (1e9 + 7).toInt\n val eps: Double = 1e-9\n}\n/***********************************[Scala I/O]*********************************************/\nimport Utils._, java.io._, java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nclass IO(in: BufferedReader, out: BufferedWriter) extends Iterator[String] with AutoCloseable with Flushable {\n def this(reader: Reader, writer: Writer) = this(new BufferedReader(reader), new BufferedWriter(writer))\n def this(in: InputStream, out: OutputStream) = this(new InputStreamReader(in), new OutputStreamWriter(out))\n\n private[this] val tokenizers = Iterator.continually(in.readLine()).takeWhile(_ != null).map(new StringTokenizer(_)).buffered\n val printer = new PrintWriter(out, true)\n\n @inline private[this] def tokenizer() = {\n while(tokenizers.nonEmpty && !tokenizers.head.hasMoreTokens) tokenizers.next()\n when(tokenizers.nonEmpty)(tokenizers.head)\n }\n\n def read[A](implicit read: IO.Read[A]): A = read.apply(this)\n def read[C[_], A: IO.Read](n: Int)(implicit b: C of A): C[A] = Iterator.fill(n)(read).to[C]\n\n def readTill(delim: String): String = tokenizer().get.nextToken(delim)\n def readTillEndOfLine(): String = readTill(\"\\n\\r\")\n\n def readAll[A: IO.Read]: (Int, Vector[A]) = {\n val data = read[Vector[A]]\n (data.length, data)\n }\n\n override def next() = tokenizer().get.nextToken()\n override def hasNext = tokenizer().nonEmpty\n\n def write(obj: Any): this.type = {\n printer.print(obj)\n this\n }\n def writeLine(): this.type = {\n printer.println()\n this\n }\n def writeLine(obj: Any): this.type = {\n printer.println(obj)\n this\n }\n def writeAll(obj: Traversable[Any], separator: String = \" \"): this.type = write(obj mkString separator)\n def query[A: IO.Read](question: Any): A = writeLine(question).read\n\n override def flush() = printer.flush()\n def close() = {\n flush()\n in.close()\n printer.close()\n }\n}\nobject IO {\n class Read[A](val apply: IO => A) {\n def map[B](f: A => B): Read[B] = new Read(apply andThen f)\n }\n object Read {\n implicit def collection[C[_], A: Read](implicit b: C of A): Read[C[A]] = new Read(r => r.read[C, A](r.read[Int]))\n implicit val string : Read[String] = new Read(_.next())\n implicit val char : Read[Char] = string.map(_.toTraversable.onlyElement)\n implicit val int : Read[Int] = string.map(_.toInt)\n implicit val long : Read[Long] = string.map(_.toLong)\n implicit val bigInt : Read[BigInt] = string.map(BigInt(_))\n implicit val double : Read[Double] = string.map(_.toDouble)\n implicit val bigDecimal : Read[BigDecimal] = string.map(BigDecimal(_))\n implicit def tuple2[A: Read, B: Read] : Read[(A, B)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B]))\n implicit def tuple3[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read] : Read[(A, B, C)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B], r.read[C]))\n implicit def tuple4[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read, D: Read] : Read[(A, B, C, D)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B], r.read[C], r.read[D]))\n implicit val boolean : Read[Boolean] = string map {s =>\n s.toLowerCase match {\n case \"yes\" | \"true\" | \"1\" => true\n case \"no\" | \"false\" | \"0\" => false\n case _ => s.toBoolean\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n", "src_uid": "89f6c1659e5addbf909eddedb785d894"} {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val s = new Main()\n s.solve()\n s.out.flush()\n }\n}\n\nclass Main {\n import java.io._\n import java.util.StringTokenizer\n\n import scala.collection.mutable\n import scala.util.Sorting\n import math.{abs, max, min}\n import mutable.{ArrayBuffer, ListBuffer}\n import scala.reflect.ClassTag\n\n val MOD = 1000000007\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n def solve(): Unit = {\n val w, h, k = ni()\n val ans = (map(k) { i =>\n (h - 4 * i) * 2 + (w - 4 * i) * 2 - 4\n }).sum\n out.println(ans)\n }\n\n\n class InputReader(val stream: InputStream) {\n private val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream), 32768)\n private var tokenizer: StringTokenizer = _\n\n def next(): String = {\n while (tokenizer == null || !tokenizer.hasMoreTokens)\n tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(reader.readLine)\n tokenizer.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt(): Int = next().toInt\n def nextLong(): Long = next().toLong\n def nextChar(): Char = next().charAt(0)\n }\n val sc = new InputReader(System.in)\n def ni(): Int = sc.nextInt()\n def nl(): Long = sc.nextLong()\n def nc(): Char = sc.nextChar()\n def ns(): String = sc.next()\n def ns(n: Int): Array[Char] = ns().toCharArray\n def na(n: Int): Array[Int] = map(n)(_ => ni())\n def nal(n: Int): Array[Long] = map(n)(_ => nl())\n def nm(n: Int, m: Int): Array[Array[Char]] = map(n) (_ => ns(m))\n def rep(n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => Unit): Unit = {\n var i = offset\n val N = n + offset\n while(i < N) { f(i); i += 1 }\n }\n def rep_r(n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => Unit): Unit = {\n var i = n - 1 + offset\n while(i >= offset) { f(i); i -= 1 }\n }\n\n def map[@specialized A: ClassTag](n: Int)(f: Int => A): Array[A] = {\n val res = Array.ofDim[A](n)\n rep(n)(i => res(i) = f(i))\n res\n }\n\n def sumL(as: Array[Int]): Long = {\n var s = 0L\n rep(as.length)(i => s += as(i))\n s\n }\n}", "src_uid": "2c98d59917337cb321d76f72a1b3c057"} {"source_code": "\n\n\nimport java.util.ArrayList\nimport java.util.StringTokenizer\n//import scala.reflect.io.File\nimport java.io.BufferedReader\nimport java.io.BufferedInputStream\nimport java.io.InputStreamReader\nimport java.io.ByteArrayInputStream\nimport java.io.InputStream\n\n/**\n * Educational round 16\n */\nobject A_ED16 { var br = createBufferedReader(); var debugV = false \n \n //COMMENT ME !\n// runTest(Test.sa2)\n// debugV = true\n// file = File(\"C:\\\\temp\\\\google cj\\\\2014q\\\\c-small.res\")\n \n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n //---------------------------- parameters reading \n val cd = readLine.string\n val col = cd.charAt(0)\n val row = cd.charAt(1)\n \n var res = 8\n if (col == 'a' || col == 'h') res = 5\n if (row == '1' || row == '8') if (res == 8) res = 5 else res = 3\n \n \n //---------------------------- parameters reading :end \n \n outLn(res)\n finish\n }\n \n \n //============================ service code ======================\n\n// var file:File = null\n val resultStr = new StringBuilder\n def outLn(str:String) = resultStr.append(str).append(\"\\n\")\n def outLn(number:Integer) = resultStr.append(number+\"\").append(\"\\n\")\n def finish() {\n// if (file == null || !devEnv) {\n println(resultStr.toString())\n// } else {\n// file.writeAll(resultStr.toString())\n// }\n }\n \n def readLine() = new Line \n class Line {\n val fullLine = br.readLine()\n val tok = new StringTokenizer(fullLine, \" \")\n def int = tok.nextToken().toInt\n def long = tok.nextToken().toLong\n def double = tok.nextToken().toDouble\n def string = tok.nextToken()\n }\n \n def createBufferedReader(inst:InputStream = System.in): BufferedReader = {\n val bis = if (inst == null) new BufferedInputStream(System.in) else new BufferedInputStream(inst);\n new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(bis));\n }\n \n def runTest(str:String) = if (devEnv) { \n br = createBufferedReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(str.trim.getBytes(\"ISO-8859-1\")))\n }\n \n def debug(x: => String) = if (debugV && devEnv) println(x) // nullary function\n \n lazy val devEnv = this.getClass.getCanonicalName.contains(\".\")\n \n//============================================================================================\nobject Test {\n \nval sa1 = \"\"\"\n\"\"\"\n\nval sa2 = \"\"\"\n\"\"\"\n\nval sa3 = \"\"\"\n\"\"\"\n}\n\n}\n", "src_uid": "6994331ca6282669cbb7138eb7e55e01"} {"source_code": "import java.io.FileReader\nimport java.util.Comparator\n\nimport collection.Searching._\nimport scala.collection.mutable\n\nobject Solution {\n //Console.setIn(new FileReader(new java.io.File(\"input\")))\n //Console.setOut(new PrintStream(new java.io.File(\"output\")))\n var caseNo = 1\n val magicMod = 1000000007\n\n def doCase() : Unit = {\n val Array(n, m, k) = readBigIntLine()\n //println(allBlocks(n, m).count(goodBlock(_, k)))\n //println(goodBlock(allBlocks(3, 3).head, -1))\n /* allBlocks(n, m).foreach{\n a =>\n println(\"-\")\n a.foreach(aa => println(aa.mkString(\" \")))\n }*/\n\n if (((n % 2 == 1) ^ (m % 2 == 1)) && k == -1) {\n println(0)\n } else {\n println(BigInt(2).modPow((n - 1) * (m - 1), magicMod))\n }\n }\n\n /*def goodBlock(block : Array[Array[Int]], k : Int): Boolean = {\n val goodRow = (0 until block.length).map(r => block(r).product == k).reduce(_ && _)\n val goodCol = (0 until block(0).length).map(c => block.indices.map(block(_)(c)).product == k).reduce(_ && _)\n goodRow && goodCol\n }\n\n def allBlocks(w : Int, h : Int) : Iterable[Array[Array[Int]]] = {\n (0L until 1L << (w * h)).map {\n i =>\n (0 until h).map {\n r =>\n (0 until w).map(c => if (((i >> (w * r + c)) & 1) == 1) 1 else -1).toArray\n }.toArray\n }.view\n }*/\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n var tests = 1\n for (test <- 0 until tests) {\n doCase()\n caseNo += 1\n }\n }\n\n def readIntLine(): Array[Int] = {\n readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongLine(): Array[Long] = {\n readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigIntLine(): Array[BigInt] = {\n readLine().split(\" \").map(BigInt.apply)\n }\n}", "src_uid": "6b9eff690fae14725885cbc891ff7243"} {"source_code": "object bearAndGame extends App{\n val n = readInt()\n val mins = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n var temp : Int = 0\n\n for(i <- 0 until(mins.length)){\n if (mins(i)-temp > 15) temp+15\n else temp = mins(i)\n }\n\n if(temp<=75) println(temp+15)\n else println(90)\n}", "src_uid": "5031b15e220f0ff6cc1dd3731ecdbf27"} {"source_code": "\nimport java.io._\nimport java.util._\n\nimport scala.collection.mutable\n\nobject B {\n\n var out: PrintWriter = null\n var br: BufferedReader = null\n var st: StringTokenizer = null\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(System.out))\n solve\n out.close\n }\n\n def next: String = {\n while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens) {\n st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine)\n }\n return st.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt: Int = return Integer.parseInt(next)\n\n def nextBoolean: Boolean = next.equalsIgnoreCase(\"1\")\n\n def nextLong: Long = return java.lang.Long.parseLong(next)\n\n def nextDouble: Double = return java.lang.Double.parseDouble(next)\n\n class MultiHashSet[T <% Comparable[T]] {\n val map = new mutable.HashMap[T, Int]()\n\n def count(x: T): Int = {\n return map.getOrElse(x, 0)\n }\n\n def add(x: T): Unit = map.put(x, count(x) + 1)\n\n def remove(x: T): Boolean = {\n val prev = count(x)\n if (prev == 0)\n return false\n if (prev == 1) {\n map.remove(x)\n } else {\n map.put(x, prev - 1)\n }\n return true\n }\n\n override def toString = s\"MultiHashSet($map)\"\n }\n\n class MultiTreeSet[T <% Comparable[T]] {\n val map = new TreeMap[T, Int]()\n\n def count(x: T): Int = {\n val res = map.get(x)\n if (res == null)\n return 0\n return res\n }\n\n def add(x: T): Unit = map.put(x, count(x) + 1)\n\n def first(): T = return map.firstKey()\n\n def last(): T = return map.lastKey()\n\n def remove(x: T): Boolean = {\n val prev = count(x)\n if (prev == 0)\n return false\n if (prev == 1) {\n map.remove(x)\n } else {\n map.put(x, prev - 1)\n }\n return true\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Segment tree for any commutative function\n *\n * @param values Array of Int\n * @param commutative function like min, max, sum\n * @param zero zero value - e.g. 0 for sum, Inf for min, max\n */\n class SegmentTree(values: Array[Int])(commutative: (Int, Int) => Int)(zero: Int) {\n private val SIZE = 1e5.toInt\n private val n = values.length\n val t = new Array[Int](2 * n)\n Array.copy(values, 0, t, n, n)\n\n // build segment tree\n def build = {\n for (i <- n - 1 until 0 by -1) {\n t(i) = commutative(t(2 * i), t(2 * i + 1))\n }\n }\n\n // change value at position p to x\n // TODO beatify\n def modify(p: Int, x: Int) = {\n var pos = p + n\n t(pos) = x\n while (pos > 1) {\n t(pos / 2) = commutative(t(pos), t(pos ^ 1))\n pos /= 2\n }\n }\n\n // TODO implement me!\n def modify(p: Int, left: Int, right: Int) = ???\n\n def query(p: Int) = ???\n\n // sum [l, r)\n // min l = 0\n // max r = n\n // TODO beatify\n def query(left: Int, right: Int): Int = {\n var res = zero\n var r = right + n\n var l = left + n\n while (l < r) {\n if (l % 2 == 1) {\n res = commutative(res, t(l))\n l += 1\n }\n if (r % 2 == 1) {\n r -= 1\n res = commutative(res, t(r))\n }\n l /= 2\n r /= 2\n }\n res\n }\n }\n\n def naiveCalc(x: Int, m: Int, b: Int): Long = {\n var sum = 0L\n val y = (-x / m + b).toLong\n val k = y + 1.toLong\n sum += (x * (x + 1.toLong)) / 2\n sum *= k\n sum += ((y * k) / 2.toLong) * (x + 1)\n sum\n }\n\n def solve: Int = {\n val m = nextInt\n val b = nextInt\n var maxSum = Long.MinValue\n for (i <- 0 to b) {\n val z = i * m\n maxSum = Math.max(maxSum, naiveCalc(z, m, b))\n }\n// for (i <- 0 to m * b) {\n// if (i % m == 0) {\n// val y = -i / m + b\n// if (i.toLong * y.toLong > maxSum) {\n// maxSum = i.toLong * y.toLong\n// maxX = i\n// } else if (i.toLong * y.toLong == maxSum) {\n// if (naiveCalc(i, m, b) > naiveCalc(maxX, m, b)) {\n// maxX = i\n// }\n// }\n// }\n// }\n out.println(maxSum)\n return 0\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "9300f1c07dd36e0cf7e6cb7911df4cf2"} {"source_code": "//package com.codility.challenge._codeforces_cyclic_shift\n\n/**\n * Created by obarros on 17/12/2016.\n */\nobject Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val word = scala.io.StdIn.readLine()\n print(solution(word))\n\n }\n\n def solution(s: String): Int = {\n mapListOfShiftStrinf(s).length\n }\n\n def shifString(s: String): String = {\n s.substring(1, s.length) + s.charAt(0)\n }\n\n def mapListOfShiftStrinf(s: String): List[String] = {\n var result = List[String]()\n var value = s\n var resultI = s\n result = s :: result\n for (i <- 0 until s.length) {\n result = shifString(resultI) :: result\n value = shifString(value)\n resultI = value\n // println(value)\n }\n result.distinct\n }\n\n}\n", "src_uid": "8909ac99ed4ab2ee4d681ec864c7831e"} {"source_code": "object C extends App {\n val Array(a, b, c, d) = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n val pref = (a to b)\n .foldLeft(Array.fill[Int](b + c + 2)(0)) { (pref, x) =>\n pref(x + b) += 1\n pref(x + c + 1) -= 1\n pref\n }\n .scanLeft(0L)(_ + _)\n .tail\n .scanRight(0L)(_ + _)\n\n val ans = (c to d.min(b + c)).foldLeft(0L)((s, z) => s + pref(z + 1))\n\n println(ans)\n}\n", "src_uid": "4f92791b9ec658829f667fcea1faee01"} {"source_code": "object A00131 extends Application {\n def isAllCaps(str: String) = str forall (_.isUpper)\n def switchCase(ch: Char) = if (ch.isLower) ch.toUpper else ch.toLower\n def changeString(str: String) = str map switchCase\n val str = Console.readLine();\n val changed = if (isAllCaps(str.tail)) changeString(str) else str\n println(changed)\n}\n", "src_uid": "db0eb44d8cd8f293da407ba3adee10cf"} {"source_code": "import scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.util._, control._\nimport scala.math.Ordering.Implicits._\n\nobject _633B extends CodeForcesApp {\n override type Result = Stream[Int]\n\n override def solve(read: InputReader) = {\n val n = read[Int]\n val fives = Stream.iterate(5)(_ * 5)\n def zeroes(i: Int) = fives.map(i / _).takeWhile(_ > 0).sum\n Stream.range(1, 500000).filter(i => zeroes(i) == n)\n }\n\n override def format(result: Result) = {\n val s = result.size\n if (s > 0) s\"$s\\n${result mkString \" \"}\" else s.toString\n }\n}\n/****************************[Ignore Template Below]****************************************/\nabstract class CodeForcesApp {\n val isOnlineJudge: Boolean = sys.props.get(\"ONLINE_JUDGE\").exists(_.toBoolean)\n def debug(x: Any): Unit = if (!isOnlineJudge) println(x)\n type Result\n def solve(scanner: InputReader): Result\n def format(result: Result): String\n def apply(scanner: InputReader): String = format(solve(scanner))\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = println(apply(new InputReader(System.in)))\n}\n/*********************************[Scala Scanner]*******************************************/\nimport java.io.{BufferedReader, Reader, InputStreamReader, StringReader, InputStream}\nimport java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nclass InputReader(reader: BufferedReader) extends Iterator[String] with AutoCloseable {\n def this(reader: Reader) = this(new BufferedReader(reader))\n def this(inputStream: InputStream) = this(new InputStreamReader(inputStream))\n def this(str: String) = this(new StringReader(str))\n\n private[this] val tokenizers = Iterator.continually(reader.readLine()).takeWhile(_ != null).map(new StringTokenizer(_)).buffered\n\n @inline private[this] def tokenizer(): Option[StringTokenizer] = {\n while(tokenizers.nonEmpty && !tokenizers.head.hasMoreTokens) tokenizers.next()\n if (tokenizers.nonEmpty) Some(tokenizers.head) else None\n }\n\n def apply[A: Parser]: A = implicitly[Parser[A]].apply(this)\n\n def apply[C[_], A: Parser](n: Int)(implicit cbf: Parser.Collection[C, A]): C[A] = {\n val builder = cbf()\n for {_ <- 1 to n} builder += apply[A]\n builder.result()\n }\n\n def till(delim: String): String = tokenizer().get.nextToken(delim)\n def tillEndOfLine() = till(\"\\n\\r\")\n\n override def next() = tokenizer().get.nextToken()\n override def hasNext = tokenizer().nonEmpty\n override def close() = reader.close()\n}\n\nclass Parser[A](val apply: InputReader => A) {\n def map[B](f: A => B): Parser[B] = new Parser(apply andThen f)\n}\nobject Parser {\n type Collection[C[_], A] = scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom[C[A], A, C[A]]\n implicit def collection[C[_], A: Parser](implicit cbf: Collection[C, A]) : Parser[C[A]] = new Parser(r => r[C, A](r[Int]))\n implicit val string : Parser[String] = new Parser(_.next())\n implicit val char : Parser[Char] = string.map(s => s.ensuring(_.length == 1, s\"Expected Char; found $s\").head)\n implicit val boolean : Parser[Boolean] = string.map(_.toBoolean)\n implicit val int : Parser[Int] = string.map(_.toInt)\n implicit val long : Parser[Long] = string.map(_.toLong)\n implicit val bigInt : Parser[BigInt] = string.map(BigInt(_))\n implicit val double : Parser[Double] = string.map(_.toDouble)\n implicit val bigDecimal : Parser[BigDecimal] = string.map(BigDecimal(_))\n implicit def tuple2[A: Parser, B: Parser] : Parser[(A, B)] = new Parser(r => (r[A], r[B]))\n implicit def tuple3[A: Parser, B: Parser, C: Parser] : Parser[(A, B, C)] = new Parser(r => (r[A], r[B], r[C]))\n implicit def tuple4[A: Parser, B: Parser, C: Parser, D: Parser] : Parser[(A, B, C, D)] = new Parser(r => (r[A], r[B], r[C], r[D]))\n implicit def tuple5[A: Parser, B: Parser, C: Parser, D: Parser, E: Parser] : Parser[(A, B, C, D, E)] = new Parser(r => (r[A], r[B], r[C], r[D], r[E]))\n}\n", "src_uid": "c27ecc6e4755b21f95a6b1b657ef0744"} {"source_code": "object C extends App {\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken)) }\n\n val s = readLine\n val double = ('A' to 'Z').find(c => s.count(_ == c) > 1).get\n val _p1 = s.indexOf(double)\n val _p2 = s.indexOf(double, _p1 + 1)\n\n def solve(s: String, i: Int): Boolean = {\n\n val p1 = s.indexOf(double)\n val p2 = s.indexOf(double, p1 + 1)\n //println(i, s, double, p1, p2)\n\n if (p1 != p2 - 1 && (p1 == 25 - p2 || p1 == 26 - p2) /*|| (p1 == 27 - p2 && p1 == 1)*/ ) {\n println(s.take(13))\n println(s.drop(13).filter(_ != double).reverse)\n true\n } else if (p1 != p2 - 1 && (p1 == 27 - p2 /*&& p1 == 1*/)) {\n println(s.take(14).filter(_ != double))\n println(s.drop(14).reverse)\n true\n } else false\n }\n\n var ok = false\n\n var i = 0\n while (i < 27 && !ok && _p2 != _p1 + 1) {\n val ss = s.drop(i) ++ s.take(i)\n ok = solve(ss, i)\n i += 1\n }\n\n if (!ok) println(\"Impossible\")\n}\n", "src_uid": "56c5ea443dec7a732802b16aed5b934d"} {"source_code": "object B444 {\n def main(args: Array[String]){\n val n = Console.in.readLine().toInt\n \n val cubesOrder = 0 to n-1\n \n val matrix = for(_ <- 0 until n)\n yield Console.in.readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n \n var continue = true;\n \n for(i <- 1 to ('9'*n).toInt if(continue == true)) {\n val digits = i.toString.map(_.asDigit).toList\n var possible = false\n \n cubesOrder.permutations.takeWhile(_ => possible == false).foreach(perm => {\n var result = true;\n for(j <- 0 until digits.size) {\n result &= matrix(perm(j)).contains(digits(j)) \n }\n possible |= result\n })\n \n if(!possible) {\n continue = false;\n print(i-1)\n }\n \n }\n \n }\n}", "src_uid": "20aa53bffdfd47b4e853091ee6b11a4b"} {"source_code": "import scala.math._\nimport scala.util.Sorting._\nimport scala.collection.mutable.Map\n\nobject Main extends App{\n \n var result = (1 to 8)\n.map(x => readLine)\n.flatMap(x => x.toList)\n.map(x => \n (\n x.toLower\n match\n {\n case 'q' => 9\n case 'r' => 5\n case 'b' => 3\n case 'n' => 3\n case 'p' => 1\n case _ => 0\n },\n if(x == x.toUpper) 1 else 0\n )\n).groupBy(x => x._2).map(x => (x._1, x._2.map(x => x._1).sum))\n\nif(result.getOrElse(0,0) < result.getOrElse(1,0))\n println(\"White\")\nelse if (result.getOrElse(0,0) > result.getOrElse(1,0))\n println(\"Black\")\nelse\n println(\"Draw\")\n}", "src_uid": "44bed0ca7a8fb42fb72c1584d39a4442"} {"source_code": "import java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nobject _507B extends App {\n var token = new StringTokenizer(\"\")\n def next = {\n while (!token.hasMoreTokens()) token = new StringTokenizer(readLine)\n token.nextToken()\n }\n val r = next.toLong\n val x = next.toLong\n val y = next.toLong\n val xx = next.toLong\n val yy = next.toLong\n\n def sqr(x: Long) = x * x\n\n val dist2 = sqr(x - xx) + sqr(y - yy)\n val hehe = sqr(2 * r)\n\n println((Math.sqrt(dist2) / Math.sqrt(hehe)).ceil.round)\n}\n", "src_uid": "698da80c7d24252b57cca4e4f0ca7031"} {"source_code": "import java.io._\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\n\nobject Easy {\n val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n def readInt = reader.readLine().toInt\n def readInts = reader.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n val s = reader.readLine()\n def ans = s.take(1).toUpperCase + s.drop(1)\n\n def main(a: Array[String]) {\n println(ans)\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "29e0fc0c5c0e136ac8e58011c91397e4"} {"source_code": "object B extends App {\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken)) }\n\n val ss = readLine\n val n = BigInt(ss.dropRight(1).toLong - 1)\n val s = ss.last\n\n val pos = \"fedabc\"\n\n val r1 = (n / 4) * 16\n val r2 = (n % 2) * 7\n val r3 = pos.indexOf(s) + 1\n\n println(r1 + r2 + r3)\n}\n", "src_uid": "069d0cb9b7c798a81007fb5b63fa0f45"} {"source_code": "object CF_525_2_A {\n def solve(x: Int):Option[(Int, Int)] = {\n for {\n a <- 1 to x\n b <- 1 to a\n if a % b == 0 && a * b > x && a / b < x\n } return Some(a, b)\n return None\n }\n\n \n def main(args: Array[String]) = {\n val io = new IO(System.in)\n val solution = solve(io.int).fold(\"-1\"){case(a,b) => s\"$a $b\"}\n println(solution)\n }\n\n\n/// boilerplate utility methods: ///\n import java.util.Scanner\n class IO(sc: Scanner) {\n def this(i: java.io.InputStream) = this(new Scanner(i))\n def this(s: String) = this(new Scanner(s))\n def nextLine = sc.nextLine() // do this if still on previous line before collecting line of data\n def collect[T](f: String => T) = {sc.nextLine().split(\" \").toVector.map(f)}\n def intSeq() = collect(_.toInt)\n def doubleSeq() = collect(_.toDouble)\n def int() = sc.nextInt()\n def long() = sc.nextLong()\n def double() = sc.nextDouble()\n }\n\n object Utility {\n def intCeil(a: Int, b: Int) = (a - 1) / b + 1\n def longCeil(a: Long, b: Long) = (a - 1) / b + 1\n }\n}", "src_uid": "883f67177474d23d7a320d9dbfa70dd3"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\n/**\n * Created by hama_du on 2014/05/22.\n */\nobject ProblemC extends App {\n val MOD = 1000000007\n\n val in = new Scanner(System.in)\n val n,k,d = in.nextInt()\n\n\n val dp = Array.ofDim[Long](n+1,2)\n dp(0)(0) = 1\n for (i <- 0 until n) {\n for (flag <- 0 to 1) {\n for (j <- 1 to k) {\n val ti = i + j\n val tflag = if ((flag == 1) || (j >= d)) { 1 } else { 0 }\n if (ti <= n) {\n dp(ti)(tflag) += dp(i)(flag)\n dp(ti)(tflag) %= MOD\n }\n }\n }\n }\n println(dp(n)(1))\n}\n", "src_uid": "894a58c9bba5eba11b843c5c5ca0025d"} {"source_code": "import Utils._, annotation.tailrec, collection.mutable, util._, control._, math.Ordering.Implicits._\n\nobject _680B extends CodeForcesApp {\n override def apply(io: IO) = {\n val n, a = io[Int]\n val isCriminal = io[Vector, Int](n).map(_ == 1)\n\n var ans = 0\n var l = a - 1\n var r = a - 1\n\n while(l >= 0 && r < n) {\n if (isCriminal(l) && isCriminal(r)) {\n ans += (if (l == r) 1 else 2)\n }\n //debug(l, r, isCriminal(l), isCriminal(r), ans)\n l -= 1\n r += 1\n }\n ans = ans + isCriminal.slice(0, l+1).count(identity)\n ans = ans + isCriminal.slice(r, n).count(identity)\n io += ans\n }\n}\n/****************************[Ignore Template Below]****************************************/\ntrait CodeForcesApp {\n lazy val isOnlineJudge: Boolean = sys.props.get(\"ONLINE_JUDGE\").exists(_.toBoolean)\n def debug(x: Any): Unit = if (!isOnlineJudge) println(x)\n def apply(io: IO): io.type\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = this(new IO(System.in, System.out)).close()\n}\nobject Utils {\n import scala.collection.mutable, mutable.{Map => Dict}\n implicit class GenericExtensions[A](val a: A) extends AnyVal {\n def partialMatch[B](f: PartialFunction[A, B]): Option[B] = f lift a\n }\n implicit class TraversableExtensions[A, C[X] <: Traversable[X]](val t: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def onlyElement: A = t.head.ensuring(t.size == 1)\n def groupByIdentifier[K](f: A => K): Map[K, A] = t.groupBy(f).mapValues(_.onlyElement)\n def duplicates(implicit b: C of A): C[A] = {\n val elems = mutable.Set.empty[A]\n (t collect {case i if !elems.add(i) => i}).to[C]\n }\n def sumWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit n: Numeric[B]): B = t.foldLeft(n.zero) {case (p, i) => n.plus(p, f(i))}\n def zipWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit b: C of (A, B)): C[(A, B)] = (t map {i => i -> f(i)}).to[C]\n def mapTo[B](f: A => B)(implicit b: C of (A, B)): Map[A, B] = zipWith(f).toUniqueMap\n def whenNonEmpty[B](f: t.type => B): Option[B] = when(t.nonEmpty)(f(t)) // e.g. grades.whenNonEmpty(_.max)\n def collectFirst[B](f: PartialFunction[A, Option[B]]): Option[B] = t.view collect f collectFirst {case Some(x) => x}\n def toMutableMultiSet: Dict[A, Int] = {\n val c = map[A] to 0\n t.foreach(i => c(i) += 1)\n c\n }\n def toMultiSet: Map[A, Int] = toMutableMultiSet.toMap withDefaultValue 0\n }\n implicit class ArrayExtensions[A <: AnyRef](val a: Array[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def sort(from: Int, until: Int)(implicit cmp: Ordering[A]): Unit = java.util.Arrays.sort(a, from, until, cmp) //sort [from, until)\n }\n implicit class ArrayExtensions2[A](val a: Array[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def sort(from: Int, until: Int)(implicit cmp: Ordering[A]): Unit = a.view(from, until).sorted.copyToArray(a, from)\n }\n implicit class SeqExtensions[A, C[X] <: Seq[X]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def isRotationOf(t: Seq[A]): Boolean = s ++ s containsSlice t\n }\n implicit class PairExtensions[A, B](val p: (A, B)) extends AnyVal {\n def key = p._1\n def value = p._2\n }\n implicit class PairsExtensions[A, B, C[X] <: Traversable[X]](t: C[(A, B)]) {\n def toUniqueMap: Map[A, B] = t.groupByIdentifier(_.key).mapValues(_.value)\n def toMultiMap(implicit b: C of B): Map[A, C[B]] = t.groupBy(_.key).mapValues(_.map(_.value).to[C])\n def swap(implicit b: C of (B, A)): C[(B, A)] = t.map(_.swap).to[C]\n }\n implicit class MapExtensions[K, V, C[X, Y] <: Map[X, Y]](val m: C[K, V]) extends AnyVal {\n def lastKeyOption: Option[K] = m.lastOption.map(_.key)\n def firstKeyOption: Option[K] = m.headOption.map(_.key)\n def invert: Map[V, Set[K]] = m.toSet[(K, V)].swap.toMultiMap\n def mapKeys[K2](f: K => K2): Map[K2, V] = m map {case (k, v) => f(k) -> v}\n def toMutable: Dict[K, V] = Dict.empty[K, V] ++ m\n }\n implicit class MutableMapExtensions[K, V](val m: mutable.Map[K, V]) extends AnyVal {\n def removeLast(): Option[(K, V)] = m.lastOption.map(removeNode)\n def removeFirst(): Option[(K, V)] = m.headOption.map(removeNode)\n private def removeNode(kv: (K, V)): (K, V) = {\n m -= kv.key\n kv\n }\n }\n implicit class SetExtensions[A, C[A] <: Set[A]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def notContains(x: A): Boolean = !(s contains x)\n def toMutable = mutable.Set.empty[A] ++ s\n }\n implicit class IterableExtensions[A, C[A] <: Seq[A]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def findWithIndex(f: A => Boolean): Option[(A, Int)] = s.zipWithIndex find {case (a, _) => f(a)}\n def foldUntil[B](z: B)(f: (B, A) => B)(c: B => Boolean): Option[(B, Int)] = s.view.scanLeft(z)(f) findWithIndex c\n }\n implicit class BooleanExtensions(val x: Boolean) extends AnyVal {\n def to[A](implicit n: Numeric[A]) = if(x) n.one else n.zero\n }\n implicit class IntExtensions(val x: Int) extends AnyVal {\n def bitCount: Int = java.lang.Integer.bitCount(x)\n }\n implicit class LongExtensions(val x: Long) extends AnyVal {\n def bitCount: Int = java.lang.Long.bitCount(x)\n }\n implicit class NumericExtensions[A](val x: A)(implicit n: Numeric[A]) {\n import Numeric.Implicits._\n def **(i: Int): A = if (i == 0) n.one else {\n val h = x ** (i/2)\n if (i%2 == 0) h * h else h * h * x\n }\n def distance(y: A) = (x - y).abs()\n def nonNegative: Option[A] = when(n.gteq(x, n.zero))(x)\n def whenNegative(f: => A): A = nonNegative getOrElse f //e.g. students indexOf \"Greg\" whenNegative Int.MaxValue\n }\n implicit class IntegralExtensions[A](val x: A)(implicit n: Integral[A]) {\n import scala.collection.immutable.NumericRange, Integral.Implicits._\n def mod(y: A): A = x - ((x / y) * y) //(x/y)*y + (x mod y) == x\n def -->(y: A): NumericRange.Inclusive[A] = NumericRange.inclusive(n.min(x, y), n.max(x, y), n.one)\n def ceilDiv(y: A): A = if (mod(y) == n.zero) x/y else n.one + (x/y)\n }\n implicit def toPoint[A](p: (A, A))(implicit n: Numeric[A]) = new java.awt.geom.Point2D.Double(n.toDouble(p._1), n.toDouble(p._2))\n def desc[A: Ordering]: Ordering[A] = asc[A].reverse //e.g. students.sortBy(_.height)(desc)\n def asc[A](implicit order: Ordering[A]): Ordering[A] = order\n def map[K] = new {\n def to[V](default: V): Dict[K, V] = Dict.empty[K, V] withDefaultValue default // also to(Dict.empty[K2, V])\n }\n def newMultiMap[K, V]: mutable.MultiMap[K, V] = new mutable.HashMap[K, mutable.Set[V]] with mutable.MultiMap[K, V]\n def memoize[A, B](f: A => B): A ==> B = new mutable.HashMap[A, B]() {\n override def apply(key: A) = getOrElseUpdate(key, f(key))\n }\n implicit class FuzzyDouble(val x: Double) extends AnyVal {\n def >~(y: Double) = x > y + eps\n def >=~(y: Double) = x >= y + eps\n def ~<(y: Double) = y >=~ x\n def ~=<(y: Double) = y >~ x\n def ~=(y: Double) = (x distance y) <= eps\n }\n @inline def when[A](check: Boolean)(f: => A): Option[A] = if (check) Some(f) else None\n def repeat[U](n: Int)(f: => U): Unit = (1 to n).foreach(_ => f)\n type of[C[_], A] = scala.collection.generic.CanBuild[A, C[A]]\n type ==>[A, B] = collection.Map[A, B]\n val mod: Int = (1e9 + 7).toInt\n val eps: Double = 1e-9\n}\n/***********************************[Scala I/O]*********************************************/\nimport Utils._, java.io._, java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nclass IO(in: BufferedReader, out: BufferedWriter) extends PrintWriter(out) with Iterator[String] {\n def this(reader: Reader, writer: Writer) = this(new BufferedReader(reader), new BufferedWriter(writer))\n def this(in: InputStream, out: OutputStream) = this(new InputStreamReader(in), new OutputStreamWriter(out))\n\n private[this] val tokenizers = Iterator.continually(in.readLine()).takeWhile(_ != null).map(new StringTokenizer(_)).buffered\n\n @inline private[this] def tokenizer() = {\n while(tokenizers.nonEmpty && !tokenizers.head.hasMoreTokens) tokenizers.next()\n when(tokenizers.nonEmpty)(tokenizers.head)\n }\n\n def apply[A](implicit read: IO.Read[A]): A = read.apply(this)\n def apply[C[_], A: IO.Read](n: Int)(implicit b: C of A): C[A] = Iterator.fill(n)(apply).to[C]\n\n def till(delim: String): String = tokenizer().get.nextToken(delim)\n def tillEndOfLine(): String = till(\"\\n\\r\")\n\n override def next() = tokenizer().get.nextToken()\n override def hasNext = tokenizer().nonEmpty\n\n var separator = \" \"\n private[this] var isNewLine = true\n\n def +=[A](x: A)(implicit write: IO.Write[A]): this.type = {\n write(this)(x)\n this\n }\n def ++=[A: IO.Write](xs: Traversable[A]): this.type = (this += xs.size) appendNewLine xs\n\n def appendNewLine[A: IO.Write](x: A): this.type = {\n println()\n this += x\n }\n\n override def print(obj: String) = {\n if (isNewLine) isNewLine = false else super.print(separator)\n super.print(obj)\n }\n override def println() = if (!isNewLine) {\n super.println()\n isNewLine = true\n }\n override def close() = {\n flush()\n in.close()\n super.close()\n }\n}\nobject IO {\n class Read[A](val apply: IO => A) {\n def map[B](f: A => B): Read[B] = new Read(apply andThen f)\n }\n object Read {\n implicit def collection[C[_], A: Read](implicit b: C of A): Read[C[A]] = new Read(r => r[C, A](r[Int]))\n implicit val string : Read[String] = new Read(_.next())\n implicit val char : Read[Char] = string.map(_.toTraversable.onlyElement)\n implicit val boolean : Read[Boolean] = string.map(_.toBoolean)\n implicit val int : Read[Int] = string.map(_.toInt)\n implicit val long : Read[Long] = string.map(_.toLong)\n implicit val bigInt : Read[BigInt] = string.map(BigInt(_))\n implicit val double : Read[Double] = string.map(_.toDouble)\n implicit val bigDecimal : Read[BigDecimal] = string.map(BigDecimal(_))\n implicit def tuple2[A: Read, B: Read] : Read[(A, B)] = new Read(r => (r[A], r[B]))\n implicit def tuple3[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read] : Read[(A, B, C)] = new Read(r => (r[A], r[B], r[C]))\n implicit def tuple4[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read, D: Read] : Read[(A, B, C, D)] = new Read(r => (r[A], r[B], r[C], r[D]))\n }\n trait Write[-A] {\n def apply(out: PrintWriter)(x: A): Unit\n }\n trait DefaultWrite {\n implicit def any[A]: Write[A] = Write(_.toString)\n }\n object Write extends DefaultWrite {\n def apply[A](f: A => String) = new Write[A] {\n override def apply(out: PrintWriter)(x: A) = out.print(f(x))\n }\n implicit val boolean: Write[Boolean] = Write(b => if (b) \"YES\" else \"NO\")\n implicit def tuple2[A, B]: Write[(A, B)] = Write {case (a, b) => s\"$a $b\"}\n implicit def array[A]: Write[Array[A]] = Write(_ mkString \" \")\n implicit def iterable[A](implicit write: Write[A]): Write[Traversable[A]] = new Write[Traversable[A]] {\n override def apply(out: PrintWriter)(xs: Traversable[A]) = {\n xs foreach write(out)\n out.println()\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n", "src_uid": "4840d571d4ce6e1096bb678b6c100ae5"} {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val n = in.next().toInt\n val a = 1234567\n val b = 123456\n val c = 1234\n val res = (0 to n / a).exists{ ac =>\n val left = n - (ac * a)\n (0 to left / b).exists(bc => (left - (bc * b)) % c == 0)\n }\n if (res)\n println(\"YES\")\n else\n println(\"NO\")\n}\n", "src_uid": "72d7e422a865cc1f85108500bdf2adf2"} {"source_code": "object AAryaAndBran extends App {\n def days(k: Int, a: Array[Int]): (Int, Int, Int) =\n a.foldLeft((k, 0, 0)) { case ((k, r, i), a) =>\n if (k > 0) {\n val t = r + a\n val p = t min 8\n (k - p, t - p, i + 1)\n }\n else (k, r, i)\n }\n\n val Array(n, k) = scala.io.StdIn.readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val a: Array[Int] = scala.io.StdIn.readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n val (nk, r, d) = this.days(k, a)\n if (nk > 0) println(\"-1\")\n else println(d)\n}\n", "src_uid": "24695b6a2aa573e90f0fe661b0c0bd3a"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\nimport scala.io.StdIn.readLine\nobject problem {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val Array(k, n, w) = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toLong)\n val s = (w * (w + 1) / 2) * k - n\n if(s > 0 ) println(s) else println(0)\n }\n}", "src_uid": "e87d9798107734a885fd8263e1431347"} {"source_code": "import java.io._\nimport java.util.StringTokenizer\n\n/**\n * @author Aydar Gizatullin a.k.a. lightning95 on 30.05.17.\n */\n\nobject Main {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val rw = new RW(\"input.txt\", \"output.txt\")\n val n = rw nextInt\n var beg = false\n var mid = false\n var end = false\n var last = 0\n var ok = true\n for (_ <- 1 to n) {\n val x = rw.nextInt\n if (last < x) {\n if (!mid && !end)\n beg = true\n else\n ok = false\n }\n if (x == last) {\n if (end)\n ok = false\n else\n mid = true\n }\n if (last > x)\n end = true\n\n last = x\n }\n\n rw println (if (ok) \"YES\" else \"NO\")\n rw.close()\n }\n\n class RW(val inputFile: String, val outputFile: String) {\n private var br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n private var out = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out))\n\n private val f = new File(inputFile)\n if (f.exists && f.canRead)\n try {\n br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(inputFile))\n out = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(outputFile))\n } catch {\n case e: IOException =>\n e.printStackTrace()\n }\n\n private var st = null: StringTokenizer\n var eof = false\n\n def nextLine: String = {\n var s = \"\"\n try\n s = br.readLine()\n catch {\n case e: IOException =>\n e.printStackTrace()\n }\n s\n }\n\n def next: String = {\n while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens)\n try\n st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine)\n catch {\n case _: IOException =>\n eof = true\n \"\"\n }\n st.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextLong: Long = next.toLong\n\n def nextInt: Int = next.toInt\n\n def println(): Unit = out.println()\n\n def println(o: Any): Unit = out.println(o)\n\n def print(o: Any): Unit = out.print(o)\n\n def close(): Unit = {\n try\n br.close()\n catch {\n case e: IOException =>\n e.printStackTrace()\n }\n\n out.close()\n }\n }\n\n}\n\n", "src_uid": "5482ed8ad02ac32d28c3888299bf3658"} {"source_code": "\n\nobject EvenOdds {\n\tdef main (args: Array[String]) {\n\t\tval scanner = new java.util.Scanner(System.in);\n\t\tval n = scanner.nextLong();\n\t\tval k = scanner.nextLong();\n\t\tval midway = (n >> 1) + n%2\n\t\tif (k > midway) {\n\t\t val offset = k - midway\n\t\t println(offset << 1)\n\t\t}\n\t\telse {\n\t\t println( ((k-1) << 1) + 1)\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}", "src_uid": "1f8056884db00ad8294a7cc0be75fe97"} {"source_code": "//package round328.c\n\nimport java.util.Scanner\n\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\n\nobject Main extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n\n @tailrec\n def gcd(a: BigInt, b: BigInt): BigInt = {\n if (b == BigInt(0)) a else gcd(b, a % b)\n }\n\n val t = BigInt(sc.nextBigInteger())\n val l1 = BigInt(sc.nextBigInteger())\n val l2 = BigInt(sc.nextBigInteger())\n val (w, b) = (l1 max l2, l1 min l2)\n\n val nww = w * b / gcd(w, b)\n val c = t / nww\n val l = t % nww\n\n val licznik = (c + 1) * b - 1 + (if (l < b) l + 1 - b else 0)\n\n val d = gcd(licznik, t)\n\n val (li, mi) = (licznik / d, t / d)\n\n println(s\"$li/$mi\")\n\n}\n\n", "src_uid": "7a1d8ca25bce0073c4eb5297b94501b5"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\n/**\n * Created by dmitry on 04.02.17.\n */\nobject Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val line: String = StdIn.readLine()\n val digits: Array[String] = line.split(' ')\n val n = digits(0).toInt\n val m = digits(1).toInt\n val z = digits(2).toInt\n println((1 to z).toStream.count(i => i % n == 0 & i % m == 0))\n\n /*val str = (1 to 100).toStream\n val lst = str.filter(_ < 50).map(_ * 10).foreach(println(_))*/\n }\n}", "src_uid": "e7ad55ce26fc8610639323af1de36c2d"} {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(a, b, c) = in.next().split(\" \").map(_.toLong)\n val r = (1 to 81).flatMap{i =>\n val f = b * Math.pow(i, a).toLong + c\n if (f > 0 && f < 1000000000 && f.toString.map(_ - '0').sum == i) Some(f) else None\n }\n println(r.length)\n println(r.mkString(\" \"))\n}", "src_uid": "e477185b94f93006d7ae84c8f0817009"} {"source_code": "//package com.omar\nimport scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject Bla{\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n readInt()\n val line = readLine()\n val res = line.foldLeft(0)((re,x)=>(re,x) match {\n case (y,'+') => y+1\n case (0,'-') => 0\n case (y,'-') => y-1\n case _ => 0\n })\n println(res)\n\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "a593016e4992f695be7c7cd3c920d1ed"} {"source_code": "import java.io.FileReader\nimport java.util\nimport java.util.Comparator\n\nimport collection.Searching._\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer\nimport scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject Solution {\n //Console.setIn(new FileReader(new java.io.File(\"in\")))\n //Console.setOut(new PrintStream(new java.io.File(\"output\")))\n var caseNo = 1\n val magicMod = 1000000007\n\n def doCase() : Unit = {\n val intervals = readIntLine().sorted\n if ((intervals(0) == 2 && intervals(1) == 2) || (intervals.toSet.size == 1 && intervals(0) == 3) || (intervals.toSet contains 1) || (intervals(0) == 2 && intervals(1) == 4) && intervals(2) == 4) {\n println(\"YES\")\n } else {\n println(\"NO\")\n }\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val noCases = 1\n for (i <- 0 until noCases) {\n doCase()\n }\n }\n\n def readIntLine(): Array[Int] = {\n StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongLine(): Array[Long] = {\n StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigIntLine(): Array[BigInt] = {\n StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(BigInt.apply)\n }\n}", "src_uid": "df48af9f5e68cb6efc1214f7138accf9"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\n\nobject Solution extends App {\n val in = Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(r1, c1, r2, c2) = in.next().split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n val dr = Math.abs(r1 - r2)\n val dc = Math.abs(c1 - c2)\n val rook = if (dr + dc == 0) 0 else if (r1 == r2 || c1 == c2) 1 else 2\n val bishop = if ((dr + dc) % 2 == 1 || dr + dc == 0) 0 else if (dr == dc) 1 else 2\n val king = Math.max(dr, dc)\n println(s\"$rook $bishop $king\")\n}\n", "src_uid": "7dbf58806db185f0fe70c00b60973f4b"} {"source_code": "object A13 {\n\n import IO._\n import collection.{mutable => cu}\n\n def sumOfDigitsInBase(n1: Int, x: Int): Int = {\n var res = 0\n var n = n1\n while(n > 0) {\n res += (n%x)\n n /= x\n }\n res\n }\n\n def gcd(a: Int, b: Int): Int = {\n if(b == 0) a else gcd(b, a%b)\n }\n\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(n) = readInts(1)\n val res = (2 until n).foldLeft(0)((sum, b) => sum+sumOfDigitsInBase(n, b))\n val tot = n-2\n println(s\"${res/gcd(res, tot)}/${tot/gcd(res, tot)}\")\n }\n\n object IO {\n private val input = new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.InputStreamReader(System.in))\n\n @inline def read: String = input.readLine()\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInt: Int = tokenizeLine.nextToken.toInt\n\n def readInts(n: Int): Array[Int] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int): Array[Long] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int): Array[BigInt] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n }\n\n}\n", "src_uid": "1366732dddecba26db232d6ca8f35fdc"} {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val s = new Main()\n s.solve()\n s.out.flush()\n }\n}\n\nclass Main {\n import java.io._\n import java.util.StringTokenizer\n\n import scala.collection.mutable\n import scala.util.Sorting\n import math.{abs, max, min}\n import mutable.{ArrayBuffer, ListBuffer}\n import scala.reflect.ClassTag\n\n val MOD = 1000000007\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n def solve(): Unit = {\n val N = nl()\n var h, w = 1\n while(h.toLong * w < N) {\n if (h < w) h += 1\n else w += 1\n }\n\n out.println(h + w)\n }\n\n class InputReader(val stream: InputStream) {\n private val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream), 32768)\n private var tokenizer: StringTokenizer = _\n\n def next(): String = {\n while (tokenizer == null || !tokenizer.hasMoreTokens)\n tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(reader.readLine)\n tokenizer.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt(): Int = next().toInt\n def nextLong(): Long = next().toLong\n def nextChar(): Char = next().charAt(0)\n }\n val sc = new InputReader(System.in)\n def ni(): Int = sc.nextInt()\n def nl(): Long = sc.nextLong()\n def nc(): Char = sc.nextChar()\n def ns(): String = sc.next()\n def ns(n: Int): Array[Char] = ns().toCharArray\n def na(n: Int, offset: Int = 0): Array[Int] = map(n)(_ => ni() + offset)\n def na2(n: Int, offset: Int = 0): (Array[Int], Array[Int]) = {\n val A1, A2 = Array.ofDim[Int](n)\n REP(n) { i =>\n A1(i) = ni() + offset\n A2(i) = ni() + offset\n }\n (A1, A2)\n }\n def nm(n: Int, m: Int): Array[Array[Int]] = {\n val A = Array.ofDim[Int](n, m)\n REP(n) { i =>\n REP(m) { j =>\n A(i)(j) = ni()\n }\n }\n A\n }\n def nal(n: Int): Array[Long] = map(n)(_ => nl())\n def nm_c(n: Int, m: Int): Array[Array[Char]] = map(n) (_ => ns(m))\n def REP(n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => Unit): Unit = {\n var i = offset\n val N = n + offset\n while(i < N) { f(i); i += 1 }\n }\n def REP_r(n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => Unit): Unit = {\n var i = n - 1 + offset\n while(i >= offset) { f(i); i -= 1 }\n }\n\n def map[@specialized A: ClassTag](n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => A): Array[A] = {\n val res = Array.ofDim[A](n)\n REP(n)(i => res(i) = f(i + offset))\n res\n }\n\n\n def sumL(as: Array[Int]): Long = {\n var s = 0L\n REP(as.length)(i => s += as(i))\n s\n }\n\n def cumSum(as: Array[Int]) = {\n val cum = Array.ofDim[Int](as.length + 1)\n REP(as.length) { i =>\n cum(i + 1) = cum(i) + as(i)\n }\n cum\n }\n}", "src_uid": "eb8212aec951f8f69b084446da73eaf7"} {"source_code": "\n/**\n * @author pvasilyev\n * @since 16 Jun 2016\n */\nobject A437 extends App {\n\n val problemA: String = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\"\\\\.\")(1)\n val problemB: String = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\"\\\\.\")(1)\n val problemC: String = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\"\\\\.\")(1)\n val problemD: String = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\"\\\\.\")(1)\n val problems = List((\"A\", problemA), (\"B\", problemB), (\"C\", problemC), (\"D\", problemD))\n val sizes = problems.map(pair => (pair._1, pair._2.length))\n val sortedAsc = sizes.sortWith(_._2 < _._2)\n val sortedDesc = sizes.sortWith(_._2 >= _._2)\n\n if (2 * sortedAsc(0)._2 <= sortedAsc(1)._2 && sortedDesc(0)._2 < 2 * sortedDesc(1)._2) {\n println(sortedAsc(0)._1)\n } else if (sortedDesc(0)._2 >= 2 * sortedDesc(1)._2 && 2 * sortedAsc(0)._2 > sortedAsc(1)._2) {\n println(sortedDesc(0)._1)\n } else {\n println(\"C\")\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "30725e340dc07f552f0cce359af226a4"} {"source_code": "object objecta {\n import java.io.{BufferedReader, FileInputStream, InputStreamReader}\n\n val source = System.in\n //new FileInputStream(\"D://in.txt\")\n implicit val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(source))\n def readInt()(implicit reader: BufferedReader): Array[Int] = reader.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n def readString()(implicit reader: BufferedReader): String = reader.readLine()\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(n) = readInt()\n val s = readString()\n\n var result = n\n for (i <- n / 2 until 0 by -1)\n if (s.substring(0, i) == s.substring(i, 2*i)) {\n println(i + 1 + n - 2*i)\n return\n }\n\n println(result)\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "ed8725e4717c82fa7cfa56178057bca3"} {"source_code": "object PashaandHamsters421A extends App {\n import java.io.{InputStream, PrintStream}\n import java.util.Scanner\n solve(System.in,System.out)\n def solve(in: InputStream, out: PrintStream): Unit = {\n val scanner = new Scanner(in)\n val n = scanner.nextInt()\n val a = scanner.nextInt()\n val b = scanner.nextInt()\n val setA = (1 to a).map(_ => scanner.nextInt()).toSet\n val setB = (1 to b).map(_ => scanner.nextInt()).toSet\n val result = (1 to n).map{ i =>\n if(setA.contains(i))\n 1\n else\n 2\n }.mkString(\" \")\n out.println(result)\n }\n}", "src_uid": "a35a27754c9c095c6f1b2d4adccbfe93"} {"source_code": "import io.StdIn._\nimport scala.collection.mutable._\n\nobject Solution {\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken)) }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val Array(x1, y1) = readInts(2)\n val Array(x2, y2) = readInts(2)\n\n println(Math.max(Math.abs(x1-x2), Math.abs(y1-y2)))\n\n// Console.withOut(new java.io.BufferedOutputStream(Console.out))\n// println(res.mkString(\"\\n\"))\n// Console.flush\n }\n}", "src_uid": "a6e9405bc3d4847fe962446bc1c457b4"} {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val std = scala.io.StdIn\n val n = std.readInt()\n val s = std.readLine()\n\n var res = \"no\"\n for( step <- 1 to s.length / 4 ) {\n for ( i <- 0 until step ) {\n var ss = \"\"\n for ( j <- i until s.length by step ) {\n ss += s(j)\n }\n\n if ( ss.contains(\"*****\") ) {\n res = \"yes\"\n }\n }\n }\n println( res )\n }\n}", "src_uid": "12d451eb1b401a8f426287c4c6909e4b"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\n\nobject CF353A {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) = {\n val scn = new Scanner(System.in)\n\n val (n, a, b, c, d) = (scn.nextInt, scn.nextInt, scn.nextInt, scn.nextInt, scn.nextInt)\n\n val lst = List(a+b, a+c, b+d, c+d).sorted\n val (xmin, xmax) = (lst.head, lst.last)\n\n val result = math.max(0, n + xmin - 1 - xmax + 1) * n.toLong\n\n println(result)\n }\n\n}\n", "src_uid": "b732869015baf3dee5094c51a309e32c"} {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n in.next()\n println(in.next().replaceAll(\"o(go)+\", \"***\"))\n}", "src_uid": "619665bed79ecf77b083251fe6fe7eb3"} {"source_code": "object A {\n import InOut._\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {}\n\n val MOD = 1000000007L\n val n, m = nextInt\n\n def fibonacci(n: Int): Long = {\n var prev, cur = 1L\n for (_ <- 1 until n) {\n val tmp = cur\n cur = (cur + prev) % MOD\n prev = tmp\n }\n cur\n }\n\n val res = 2 * (fibonacci(n) + fibonacci(m) - 1) % MOD\n\n out.println(res)\n out.flush()\n\n final object InOut {\n val in = new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.InputStreamReader(System.in))\n val out = new java.io.PrintWriter(System.out, false)\n private[this] var tokenizer: java.util.StringTokenizer = _\n def nextToken: String = {\n while (tokenizer == null || !tokenizer.hasMoreTokens)\n tokenizer = new java.util.StringTokenizer(in.readLine)\n tokenizer.nextToken\n }\n def nextInt = Integer.parseInt(nextToken)\n def nextLong = java.lang.Long.parseLong(nextToken)\n def nextBig = BigInt(nextToken)\n def nextInts(n: Int) = Array.fill(n) { nextInt }\n def nextLongs(n: Int) = Array.fill(n) { nextLong }\n def nextBigs(n: Int) = Array.fill(n) { nextBig }\n def nextLine = in.readLine\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "0f1ab296cbe0952faa904f2bebe0567b"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\n/**\n * Created by aarav on 3/17/18.\n */\nobject ChoosePlace {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n var values:Array[Array[Int]] = new Array[Array[Int]](6)\n\n for (a <- 0 until 6) {\n values(a) = new Array[Int](8)\n }\n\n values(0)(0) = 3\n values(0)(1) = 3\n values(0)(2) = 0\n values(0)(3) = 4\n values(0)(4) = 4\n values(0)(5) = 0\n values(0)(6) = 3\n values(0)(7) = 3\n\n values(1)(0) = 3\n values(1)(1) = 3\n values(1)(2) = 0\n values(1)(3) = 4\n values(1)(4) = 4\n values(1)(5) = 0\n values(1)(6) = 3\n values(1)(7) = 3\n\n values(2)(0) = 2\n values(2)(1) = 2\n values(2)(2) = 0\n values(2)(3) = 3\n values(2)(4) = 3\n values(2)(5) = 0\n values(2)(6) = 2\n values(2)(7) = 2\n\n values(3)(0) = 2\n values(3)(1) = 2\n values(3)(2) = 0\n values(3)(3) = 3\n values(3)(4) = 3\n values(3)(5) = 0\n values(3)(6) = 2\n values(3)(7) = 2\n\n values(4)(0) = 1\n values(4)(1) = 1\n values(4)(2) = 0\n values(4)(3) = 2\n values(4)(4) = 2\n values(4)(5) = 0\n values(4)(6) = 1\n values(4)(7) = 1\n\n values(5)(0) = 1\n values(5)(1) = 1\n values(5)(2) = 0\n values(5)(3) = 2\n values(5)(4) = 2\n values(5)(5) = 0\n values(5)(6) = 1\n values(5)(7) = 1\n\n /*for (i <- 0 to 5) {\n for ( j <- 0 to 7) {\n print(\" \" + values(i)(j));\n }\n println();\n }*/\n\n var charArr:Array[Array[Char]] = new Array[Array[Char]](6)\n val s:Scanner = new Scanner(System.in);\n for (i <- 0 to 5) {\n charArr(i) = s.next().toCharArray\n }\n\n /*for (i <- 0 to 5) {\n for ( j <- 0 to 7) {\n print(\" \" + charArr(i)(j));\n }\n println();\n }*/\n\n var notChanged = true;\n for (v <- 0 to 3) {\n val lookingfor:Int = 4 - v\n for (i <- 0 to 5) {\n for (j <- 0 to 7) {\n if (notChanged && charArr(i)(j) == '.' && values(i)(j) == lookingfor) {\n charArr(i)(j) = 'P';\n notChanged = false;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n for (i <- 0 to 5) {\n for ( j <- 0 to 7) {\n print(charArr(i)(j));\n }\n println();\n }\n\n }\n\n}\n", "src_uid": "35503a2aeb18c8c1b3eda9de2c6ce33e"} {"source_code": "import scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.util._, control._\nimport scala.math.Ordering.Implicits._\n\nobject _602A extends CodeForcesApp {\n override type Result = String\n\n override def solve(scanner: Scanner) = {\n import scanner._\n\n def parse(): BigInt = {\n val (n, b) = (nextInt(), nextBigInt())\n Seq.tabulate(n)(i => nextInt() * (b pow (n-i-1))).sum\n }\n\n val (x, y) = (parse(), parse())\n (x - y).signum match {\n case -1 => \"<\"\n case 1 => \">\"\n case _ => \"=\"\n }\n }\n}\n/****************************[Ignore Template Below]****************************************/\nabstract class CodeForcesApp {\n final val isOnlineJudge: Boolean = sys.props.get(\"ONLINE_JUDGE\").exists(_.toBoolean)\n final def debug(x: Any): Unit = if (!isOnlineJudge) println(x)\n final val mod: Int = 1000000007\n type Result\n def solve(scanner: Scanner): Result\n def format(result: Result): String = result.toString\n def apply(scanner: Scanner): String = format(solve(scanner))\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = println(apply(new Scanner(System.in)))\n}\n/*********************************[Scala Scanner]*******************************************/\nimport java.io._\nimport java.nio.file.{Files, Path}\nimport java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nimport scala.io.Codec\n\n/**\n * Scala implementation of a faster java.util.Scanner\n * See: http://codeforces.com/blog/entry/21125\n * All next methods throw NoSuchElementException when !hasNext\n */\nclass Scanner(reader: LineNumberReader) extends Iterator[String] with AutoCloseable {\n def this(reader: BufferedReader) = this(new LineNumberReader(reader))\n def this(reader: Reader) = this(new BufferedReader(reader))\n def this(inputStream: InputStream)(implicit codec: Codec) = this(new InputStreamReader(inputStream, codec.charSet))\n def this(path: Path)(implicit codec: Codec) = this(Files.newBufferedReader(path, codec.charSet))\n def this(file: File)(implicit codec: Codec) = this(file.toPath)(codec)\n def this(str: String) = this(new StringReader(str))\n\n val lines = Iterator.continually(reader.readLine()).takeWhile(_ != null) //TODO: In Java 8 reader.lines().iterator\n\n private[this] val tokenizers = lines.map(new StringTokenizer(_)).filter(_.hasMoreTokens)\n private[this] var current: Option[StringTokenizer] = None\n\n @inline private[this] def tokenizer(): Option[StringTokenizer] = current.find(_.hasMoreTokens) orElse {\n current = if (tokenizers.hasNext) Some(tokenizers.next()) else None\n current\n }\n\n /**\n * Unlike Java's scanner which returns till end of current line, this actually returns the next line\n * @see line() if you want the Java behaviour\n */\n def nextLine(): String = {\n current = None // reset\n lines.next()\n }\n def lineNumber: Int = reader.getLineNumber\n def line(): String = tokenizer().get.nextToken(\"\\n\\r\")\n def nextString(): String = next()\n def nextChar(): Char = next().ensuring(_.length == 1).head\n def nextBoolean(): Boolean = next().toBoolean\n def nextByte(radix: Int = 10): Byte = java.lang.Byte.parseByte(next(), radix)\n def nextShort(radix: Int = 10): Short = java.lang.Short.parseShort(next(), radix)\n def nextInt(radix: Int = 10): Int = java.lang.Integer.parseInt(next(), radix)\n def nextLong(radix: Int = 10): Long = java.lang.Long.parseLong(next(), radix)\n def nextBigInt(radix: Int = 10): BigInt = BigInt(next(), radix)\n def nextFloat(): Float = next().toFloat\n def nextDouble(): Double = next().toDouble\n def nextBigDecimal(): BigDecimal = BigDecimal(next())\n override def next() = tokenizer().get.nextToken()\n override def hasNext = tokenizer().nonEmpty\n override def close() = reader.close()\n}\n", "src_uid": "d6ab5f75a7bee28f0af2bf168a0b2e67"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n/**\n * Created by omarsaber on 10/12/16.\n */\nobject A extends App {\n val Array(a, b, c) = (readLine split \" \") map (_.toInt)\n val homes = Seq(a, b, c).sorted\n println((homes(2) - homes(1)) + (homes(1) - homes(0)))\n}\n", "src_uid": "7bffa6e8d2d21bbb3b7f4aec109b3319"} {"source_code": "object B extends App {\n def readLongs = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toLong)\n\n val Array(n) = readLongs\n\n def isPrime(x: Long): Boolean = {\n for (i <- 2 to Math.sqrt(n.toDouble).floor.toInt) {\n if (x % i == 0) return false\n }\n true\n }\n\n if (isPrime(n)) println(1) else\n if (n % 2 == 0) println(2) else\n if (isPrime(n-2)) println(2) else\n println(3)\n}\n", "src_uid": "684ce84149d6a5f4776ecd1ea6cb455b"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\n\nobject Solution extends App {\n val in = Source.stdin.getLines()\n val n = in.next().toLong\n var m = 0l\n var i = 1l\n while (m + i < n) {\n m += i\n i += 1\n }\n println(n - m)\n\n}", "src_uid": "1db5631847085815461c617854b08ee5"} {"source_code": "object EightPointSets {\n case class Point(x: Int, y: Int)\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val lines = for(i <- 1 to 8) yield(readLine())\n // val lines = List(\"0 0\", \"0 1\", \"0 2\", \"1 0\", \"1 2\", \"2 0\", \"2 1\",\"2 2\")\n // val lines = List(\"0 0\", \"2 1\", \"1 0\", \"0 2\", \"2 2\", \"1 0\", \"2 1\", \"0 2\")\n val res = if (isRespectable(lines)) {\n \"respectable\"\n } else \"ugly\"\n\n println(res)\n }\n\n def isRespectable(lines: Seq[String]): Boolean = {\n val points = Set.empty[Point] ++ lines.map(_.split(\" \")).map(a => Point(a(0).toInt, a(1).toInt))\n\n val x = Set.empty[Int] ++ points.map(_.x)\n val y = Set.empty[Int] ++ points.map(_.y)\n\n if (x.size != 3 || y.size != 3 || points.size != 8) false\n else {\n val sortedX = x.toList.sorted\n val sortedY = y.toList.sorted\n val point2 = Point(sortedX(1), sortedY(1))\n !points.contains(point2)\n }\n }\n}", "src_uid": "f3c96123334534056f26b96f90886807"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\n\nobject Solution extends App {\n val in = Source.stdin.getLines()\n val str1 = in.next()\n val str2 = in.next()\n val count = str1.count(_ == '0')\n val count2 = str2.count(_ == '0')\n val sorted = str1.filter(_ != '0').sorted\n if (str1.length != str2.length || (str2.head == '0' && str2.length > 1) || count != count2)\n println(\"WRONG_ANSWER\")\n else if (str1 == str2 && str1 == \"0\")\n println(\"OK\")\n else {\n val res = sorted.head + \"0\" * count + sorted.tail\n if (res == str2)\n println(\"OK\")\n else\n println(\"WRONG_ANSWER\")\n }\n}", "src_uid": "d1e381b72a6c09a0723cfe72c0917372"} {"source_code": "object C {\n def split(x: Array[Int], s: Int) = {\n val it = x.toIterator.buffered\n var cur = 0\n var ans = true\n var count = 0\n while (it.hasNext) {\n if (cur + it.head < s) {\n cur += it.next()\n } else if (cur + it.head == s) {\n cur = 0\n it.next()\n count += 1\n } else {\n ans = false\n it.next()\n }\n }\n ans && cur == 0 && count > 1\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) = {\n val _ = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \")\n val x = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().toCharArray.map(_.toString.toInt)\n if (!x.exists(_ > 0)) {\n System.out.println(\"YES\")\n } else if ((1 until 900).exists {sum =>split(x, sum)}) {\n System.out.println(\"YES\")\n } else {\n System.out.println(\"NO\")\n }\n\n }\n\n\n}\n", "src_uid": "410296a01b97a0a39b6683569c84d56c"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject B940 {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n var IndexedSeq(n, k, a, b) = for (i <- 0 until 4) yield readLong()\n var res = 0L\n if (k == 1) {\n println((n - 1L) * a)\n return\n }\n while (n != 1) {\n if (n % k == 0) {\n val t = n / k\n if ((n - t) * a < b) {\n res += (n - t) * a\n n = t\n } else {\n res += b\n n /= k\n }\n } else {\n val t = math.max((n / k) * k, 1)\n res += (n - t) * a\n n = t\n }\n }\n println(res)\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "f838fae7c98bf51cfa0b9bd158650b10"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject Main{\n def main (args: Array[String]){\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val n = sc.nextInt()\n\n val line = 40000\n var pos = 0\n var flag = true\n\n for(k <- 1 to n){\n // norm pos\n pos = pos % line\n if(pos < 0)\n pos = line + pos\n if(pos > line / 2)\n pos = line - pos\n\n val t = sc.nextInt(); val dir = sc.next()\n\n if((dir == \"East\" || dir == \"West\") && (pos == 0 || pos == line / 2))\n flag = false\n else if(dir == \"East\" || dir == \"West\")\n ()\n else{ // dir is north or south\n if(pos == 0){\n if(dir == \"North\")\n flag = false\n else{\n if(pos + t > line / 2)\n flag = false\n pos += t\n }\n }\n else if(pos == line / 2){\n if(dir == \"South\")\n flag = false\n else{\n if(pos - t < 0)\n flag = false\n pos -= t\n }\n }\n else{\n if(dir == \"North\"){\n if(pos - t < 0)\n flag = false\n pos -= t\n }\n else{\n if(pos + t > line / 2)\n flag = false\n pos += t\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n // norm pos\n pos = pos % line\n if(pos < 0)\n pos = line + pos\n if(pos > line / 2)\n pos = line - pos\n\n if(flag){\n if(pos == 0)\n println(\"YES\")\n else\n println(\"NO\")\n }\n else\n println(\"NO\")\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "11ac96a9daa97ae1900f123be921e517"} {"source_code": "import java.io._\nimport java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\n\n/**\n * Created by amir.\n */\n\nobject A extends App {\n\n class RW(val inputFile: String, val outputFile: String) {\n private var br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n private var out = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out))\n\n /* val f = new File(inputFile)\n if (f.exists && f.canRead)\n try {\n br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(f))\n out = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(outputFile))\n } catch {\n case e: IOException =>\n e.printStackTrace()\n }*/\n\n private var st: StringTokenizer = _\n var eof = false\n\n def nextLine: String = {\n var s = \"\"\n try\n s = br.readLine()\n catch {\n case e: IOException =>\n e.printStackTrace()\n }\n s\n }\n\n def next: String = {\n while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens)\n try\n st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine)\n catch {\n case _: IOException =>\n eof = true\n \"\"\n }\n st.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextLong: Long = next.toLong\n\n def nextInt: Int = next.toInt\n\n def println(): Unit = out.println()\n\n def println(o: Any): Unit = out.println(o)\n\n def print(o: Any): Unit = out.print(o)\n\n def close(): Unit = {\n try {\n br.close()\n } catch {\n case e: IOException =>\n e.printStackTrace()\n }\n\n out.close()\n }\n }\n\n\n override def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val rw = new RW(\"input.txt\", \"output.txt\")\n\n @tailrec def sum(x: Int, s: Int): Int = x match {\n case 0 => s\n case _ => sum(x / 10, s + x % 10)\n }\n\n val r = 7792\n val n = rw.nextInt\n if (n <= r) {\n val ans = for (i <- (1 until 6000000).toStream if sum(i, 0) == 10) yield i\n rw.println(ans(n - 1))\n } else {\n val ans = for (i <- (6000000 to 12000000).toStream if sum(i, 0) == 10) yield i\n rw.println(ans(n - r - 1))\n }\n rw.close()\n }\n}", "src_uid": "0a98a6a15e553ce11cb468d3330fc86a"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject Codeforces1186A extends App {\n val Array(n, m, k) = StdIn.readLine().split(\"\\\\s+\").map(a => a.toInt)\n println(if (n <= m && n <= k) \"Yes\" else \"No\")\n}\n", "src_uid": "6cd07298b23cc6ce994bb1811b9629c4"} {"source_code": "object _979A extends CodeForcesApp {\n import annotation._, collection.{mutable, Searching}, util._, control._, math.Ordering.Implicits._, Searching._, Math._\n\n override def apply(io: IO): io.type = {\n val n = io.read[Long] + 1\n val ans = if (n%2 == 0) n/2 else if (n == 1) 0 else n\n io.write(ans)\n }\n}\n/****************************[Ignore Template Below]****************************************/\ntrait CodeForcesApp {\n lazy val isOnlineJudge: Boolean = sys.props.get(\"ONLINE_JUDGE\").exists(_.toBoolean)\n def debug(x: => Any): Unit = if (!isOnlineJudge) println(x)\n def apply(io: IO): io.type\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = this(new IO(System.in, System.out)).close()\n}\n/***********************************[Scala I/O]*********************************************/\nimport java.io._, java.util.StringTokenizer\nimport scala.collection.generic.CanBuild\n\nclass IO(in: BufferedReader, out: BufferedWriter) extends Iterator[String] with AutoCloseable with Flushable {\n def this(reader: Reader, writer: Writer) = this(new BufferedReader(reader), new BufferedWriter(writer))\n def this(in: InputStream, out: OutputStream) = this(new InputStreamReader(in), new OutputStreamWriter(out))\n\n private[this] val tokenizers = Iterator.continually(in.readLine()).takeWhile(_ != null).map(new StringTokenizer(_)).buffered\n val printer = new PrintWriter(out, true)\n\n @inline private[this] def tokenizer() = {\n while(tokenizers.nonEmpty && !tokenizers.head.hasMoreTokens) tokenizers.next()\n tokenizers.headOption\n }\n\n def read[A](implicit read: IO.Read[A]): A = read.apply(this)\n def read[C[_], A: IO.Read](n: Int)(implicit b: CanBuild[A, C[A]]): C[A] = Iterator.fill(n)(read).to[C]\n\n def readTill(delim: String): String = tokenizer().get.nextToken(delim)\n def readTillEndOfLine(): String = readTill(\"\\n\\r\")\n\n def readAll[A: IO.Read]: (Int, Vector[A]) = {\n val data = read[Vector[A]]\n (data.length, data)\n }\n\n override def next() = tokenizer().get.nextToken()\n override def hasNext = tokenizer().nonEmpty\n\n def write(obj: Any): this.type = {\n printer.print(obj)\n this\n }\n def writeLine(): this.type = {\n printer.println()\n this\n }\n def writeLine(obj: Any): this.type = {\n printer.println(obj)\n this\n }\n def writeAll(obj: Traversable[Any], separator: String = \" \"): this.type = write(obj mkString separator)\n def query[A: IO.Read](question: Any): A = writeLine(question).read\n\n override def flush() = printer.flush()\n def close() = {\n flush()\n in.close()\n printer.close()\n }\n}\nobject IO {\n class Read[A](val apply: IO => A) {\n def map[B](f: A => B): Read[B] = new Read(apply andThen f)\n }\n\n object Read {\n implicit def collection[C[_], A: Read](implicit b: CanBuild[A, C[A]]) : Read[C[A]] = new Read(r => r.read[C, A](r.read[Int]))\n implicit val string : Read[String] = new Read(_.next())\n implicit val int : Read[Int] = string.map(_.toInt)\n implicit val long : Read[Long] = string.map(_.toLong)\n implicit val bigInt : Read[BigInt] = string.map(BigInt(_))\n implicit val double : Read[Double] = string.map(_.toDouble)\n implicit val bigDecimal : Read[BigDecimal] = string.map(BigDecimal(_))\n implicit def tuple2[A: Read, B: Read] : Read[(A, B)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B]))\n implicit def tuple3[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read] : Read[(A, B, C)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B], r.read[C]))\n implicit def tuple4[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read, D: Read] : Read[(A, B, C, D)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B], r.read[C], r.read[D]))\n implicit val boolean : Read[Boolean] = string map {s =>\n s.toLowerCase match {\n case \"yes\" | \"true\" | \"1\" => true\n case \"no\" | \"false\" | \"0\" => false\n case _ => s.toBoolean\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n", "src_uid": "236177ff30dafe68295b5d33dc501828"} {"source_code": "object tanya extends App{\nvar nums = readLine().split(\" \")\nval frs = nums(0).toInt\nval sc = nums(1).toInt\nval th = nums(2).toInt\nval fr = nums(3).toInt\n\nif(frs + sc == th + fr){\n println(\"YES\")\n}else if(frs + th == sc + fr){\n println(\"YES\")\n}else if(frs + fr == th + sc){\n println(\"YES\")\n}else if(frs + sc + th == fr){\n println(\"YES\")\n}else if(frs + th + fr == sc){\n println(\"YES\")\n}else if(frs + sc + fr == th){\n println(\"YES\")\n}else if(sc + th + fr == frs){\n println(\"YES\")\n}else{\n println(\"NO\")\n}\n}", "src_uid": "5a623c49cf7effacfb58bc82f8eaff37"} {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val field = (1 to 4).map { _ => in.next()}\n\n def isX(column: Int, row: Int) = {\n column >= 0 && column < 4 && row >= 0 && row < 4 && field(column)(row) == 'x'\n }\n\n\n def isGood(column: Int, row: Int): Boolean = field(column)(row) match {\n case '.' =>\n (isX(column, row - 1) && isX(column, row - 2)) || // horizontal to left\n (isX(column, row + 1) && isX(column, row + 2)) || // horizontal to right\n (isX(column, row + 1) && isX(column, row - 1)) || // horizontal central\n (isX(column - 1, row) && isX(column - 2, row)) || // vertical to left\n (isX(column + 1, row) && isX(column + 2, row)) || // vertical to right\n (isX(column + 1, row) && isX(column - 1, row)) || // vertical central\n (isX(column + 1, row + 1) && isX(column - 1, row - 1)) || // diagonal central\n (isX(column + 1, row - 1) && isX(column - 1, row + 1)) || // diagonal central\n (isX(column + 1, row + 1) && isX(column + 2, row + 2)) || // diagonal\n (isX(column - 1, row - 1) && isX(column - 2, row - 2)) || // diagonal\n (isX(column - 1, row + 1) && isX(column - 2, row + 2)) || // diagonal\n (isX(column + 1, row - 1) && isX(column + 2, row - 2)) // diagonal\n\n case _ => false\n }\n\n val res = (0 until 4).exists {c =>\n (0 until 4).exists {\n r => isGood(c, r)\n }\n }\n\n if (res)\n println(\"YES\")\n else\n println(\"NO\")\n\n\n}", "src_uid": "ca4a77fe9718b8bd0b3cc3d956e22917"} {"source_code": "object A675 {\n @inline def read = scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInts(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(a, b, c) = readLongs(3)\n if(c == 0) {\n if(a == b) {\n println(\"YES\")\n } else {\n println(\"NO\")\n }\n } else if((b-a)%c == 0) {\n val n = (b-a)/c +1\n if(n > 0) {\n println(\"YES\")\n } else {\n println(\"NO\")\n }\n } else {\n println(\"NO\")\n }\n }\n}", "src_uid": "9edf42c20ddf22a251b84553d7305a7d"} {"source_code": "import scala.collection._\n\nobject A extends App {\n\n def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val t = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(t.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val t = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(t.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val t = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(t.nextToken)) }\n\n val Array(n, m, i, j, a, b) = readInts(6)\n\n val x1 = i - 1\n val y1 = j - 1\n val x2 = n - i\n val y2 = m - j\n\n val stepsX1 = if (x1 % a == 0) x1 / a else -1\n val stepsX2 = if (x2 % a == 0) x2 / a else -1\n val stepsY1 = if (y1 % b == 0) y1 / b else -1\n val stepsY2 = if (y2 % b == 0) y2 / b else -1\n val steps11 = if (stepsX1 >= 0 && stepsY1 >= 0 && stepsX1 % 2 == stepsY1 % 2) Math.max(stepsX1, stepsY1) else Int.MaxValue\n val steps12 = if (stepsX1 >= 0 && stepsY2 >= 0 && stepsX1 % 2 == stepsY2 % 2) Math.max(stepsX1, stepsY2) else Int.MaxValue\n val steps21 = if (stepsX2 >= 0 && stepsY1 >= 0 && stepsX2 % 2 == stepsY1 % 2) Math.max(stepsX2, stepsY1) else Int.MaxValue\n val steps22 = if (stepsX2 >= 0 && stepsY2 >= 0 && stepsX2 % 2 == stepsY2 % 2) Math.max(stepsX2, stepsY2) else Int.MaxValue\n val steps = Seq(steps11, steps12, steps21, steps22).min\n if (steps == Int.MaxValue || (steps > 0 && ((i - a < 1 && i + a > n) || (j - b < 1 && j + b > m)))) println(\"Poor Inna and pony!\")\n else println(steps)\n}", "src_uid": "51155e9bfa90e0ff29d049cedc3e1862"} {"source_code": "object CF912B extends App {\n val sc = new java.util.Scanner(System.in)\n val n, k = sc.nextLong\n\n println(find(n, k))\n\n def find(n: Long, k: Long): Long = {\n val nn = n.toBinaryString.length\n val tmpmax = Math.pow(2, nn).toLong - 1\n if (k > 1) tmpmax else n\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "16bc089f5ef6b68bebe8eda6ead2eab9"} {"source_code": "import scala.collection.mutable\n\nobject Main1 {\n\n def count(s: String): Int = {\n var acount = 0\n for (ch <- s) {\n if ('a' == ch) {\n acount = acount + 1\n }\n }\n\n Array(acount * 2 - 1, s.length).min\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n\n val stdin = scala.io.StdIn\n\n val s = stdin.readLine.trim\n\n println(count(s))\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "84cb9ad2ae3ba7e912920d7feb4f6219"} {"source_code": "import java.io._\nimport java.util._\n\nimport scala.collection.mutable\n\nobject B {\n\n var out: PrintWriter = null\n var br: BufferedReader = null\n var st: StringTokenizer = null\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(System.out))\n solve\n out.close\n }\n\n def next: String = {\n while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens) {\n st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine)\n }\n return st.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt: Int = return Integer.parseInt(next)\n\n def nextLong: Long = return java.lang.Long.parseLong(next)\n\n def nextDouble: Double = return java.lang.Double.parseDouble(next)\n\n class MultiHashSet[T <% Comparable[T]] {\n val map = new mutable.HashMap[T, Int]()\n\n def count(x: T): Int = {\n return map.getOrElse(x, 0)\n }\n\n def add(x: T): Unit = map.put(x, count(x) + 1)\n\n def remove(x: T): Boolean = {\n val prev = count(x)\n if (prev == 0)\n return false\n if (prev == 1) {\n map.remove(x)\n } else {\n map.put(x, prev - 1)\n }\n return true\n }\n }\n\n class MultiTreeSet[T <% Comparable[T]] {\n val map = new TreeMap[T, Int]()\n\n def count(x: T): Int = {\n val res = map.get(x)\n if (res == null)\n return 0\n return res\n }\n\n def add(x: T): Unit = map.put(x, count(x) + 1)\n\n def first(): T = return map.firstKey()\n\n def last(): T = return map.lastKey()\n\n def remove(x: T): Boolean = {\n val prev = count(x)\n if (prev == 0)\n return false\n if (prev == 1) {\n map.remove(x)\n } else {\n map.put(x, prev - 1)\n }\n return true\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Segment tree for any commutative function\n * @param values Array of Int\n * @param commutative function like min, max, sum\n * @param zero zero value - e.g. 0 for sum, Inf for min, max\n */\n class SegmentTree(values: Array[Int])(commutative: (Int, Int) => Int)(zero: Int) {\n private val SIZE = 1e5.toInt\n private val n = values.length\n val t = new Array[Int](2 * n)\n Array.copy(values, 0, t, n, n)\n\n // build segment tree\n def build = {\n for (i <- n - 1 until 0 by -1) {\n t(i) = commutative(t(2 * i), t(2 * i + 1))\n }\n }\n\n // change value at position p to x\n // TODO beatify\n def modify(p: Int, x: Int) = {\n var pos = p + n\n t(pos) = x\n while (pos > 1) {\n t(pos / 2) = commutative(t(pos), t(pos ^ 1))\n pos /= 2\n }\n }\n\n // TODO implement me!\n def modify(p: Int, left: Int, right: Int) = ???\n\n def query(p: Int) = ???\n\n // sum [l, r)\n // min l = 0\n // max r = n\n // TODO beatify\n def query(left: Int, right: Int): Int = {\n var res = zero\n var r = right + n\n var l = left + n\n while (l < r) {\n if (l % 2 == 1) {\n res = commutative(res, t(l))\n l += 1\n }\n if (r % 2 == 1) {\n r -= 1\n res = commutative(res, t(r))\n }\n l /= 2\n r /= 2\n }\n res\n }\n }\n\n def solve: Int = {\n val str = next\n val n = str.length\n val k = nextInt\n var ans = 0\n for {\n i <- 0 until n + k\n j <- 2 to n + k by 2\n } yield {\n if (i + j <= n + k) {\n var ind = i\n while (ind < i + j / 2) {\n if (ind < n && ind + j / 2 < n) {\n if (str(ind) != str(ind + j / 2)) {\n ind = 10000\n }\n }\n ind += 1\n }\n if (ind == i + j / 2) {\n ans = Math.max(ans, j)\n }\n }\n }\n out.println(ans)\n return 0\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "bb65667b65ff069a9c0c9e8fe31da8ab"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject div64 extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val s = sc.next().toCharArray()\n val can = s.dropWhile(ch => ch == '0').count(ch => ch == '0') >= 6\n println(if (can) \"yes\" else \"no\")\n}\n", "src_uid": "88364b8d71f2ce2b90bdfaa729eb92ca"} {"source_code": "object _1130A extends CodeForcesApp {\n import annotation._, collection.{mutable, Searching}, util._, control._, math.Ordering.Implicits._, Searching._, Math._\n\n override def apply(io: IO): io.type = {\n val (n, nums) = io.readAll[Int]\n val ans = (-1000 to 1000).filter(_ != 0).find({d => nums.count(i => i/d > 0) >= (n+1)/2})\n io.write(ans.getOrElse(0))\n }\n}\n/****************************[Ignore Template Below]****************************************/\ntrait CodeForcesApp {\n lazy val isOnlineJudge: Boolean = sys.props.get(\"ONLINE_JUDGE\").exists(_.toBoolean)\n def debug(x: => Any): Unit = if (!isOnlineJudge) println(x)\n def apply(io: IO): io.type\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = this(new IO(System.in, System.out)).close()\n}\n/***********************************[Scala I/O]*********************************************/\nimport java.io._, java.util.StringTokenizer\nimport scala.collection.generic.CanBuild\n\nclass IO(in: BufferedReader, out: BufferedWriter) extends Iterator[String] with AutoCloseable with Flushable {\n def this(reader: Reader, writer: Writer) = this(new BufferedReader(reader), new BufferedWriter(writer))\n def this(in: InputStream, out: OutputStream) = this(new InputStreamReader(in), new OutputStreamWriter(out))\n\n private[this] val tokenizers = Iterator.continually(in.readLine()).takeWhile(_ != null).map(new StringTokenizer(_)).buffered\n val printer = new PrintWriter(out, true)\n\n @inline private[this] def tokenizer() = {\n while(tokenizers.nonEmpty && !tokenizers.head.hasMoreTokens) tokenizers.next()\n tokenizers.headOption\n }\n\n def read[A](implicit read: IO.Read[A]): A = read.apply(this)\n def read[C[_], A: IO.Read](n: Int)(implicit b: CanBuild[A, C[A]]): C[A] = Iterator.fill(n)(read).to[C]\n\n def readTill(delim: String): String = tokenizer().get.nextToken(delim)\n def readTillEndOfLine(): String = readTill(\"\\n\\r\")\n\n def readAll[A: IO.Read]: (Int, Vector[A]) = {\n val data = read[Vector[A]]\n (data.length, data)\n }\n\n override def next() = tokenizer().get.nextToken()\n override def hasNext = tokenizer().nonEmpty\n\n def write(obj: Any): this.type = {\n printer.print(obj)\n this\n }\n def writeLine(): this.type = {\n printer.println()\n this\n }\n def writeLine(obj: Any): this.type = {\n printer.println(obj)\n this\n }\n def writeAll(obj: Traversable[Any], separator: String = \" \"): this.type = write(obj mkString separator)\n def query[A: IO.Read](question: Any): A = writeLine(question).read\n\n override def flush() = printer.flush()\n def close() = {\n flush()\n in.close()\n printer.close()\n }\n}\nobject IO {\n class Read[A](val apply: IO => A) {\n def map[B](f: A => B): Read[B] = new Read(apply andThen f)\n }\n\n object Read {\n implicit def collection[C[_], A: Read](implicit b: CanBuild[A, C[A]]) : Read[C[A]] = new Read(r => r.read[C, A](r.read[Int]))\n implicit val string : Read[String] = new Read(_.next())\n implicit val int : Read[Int] = string.map(_.toInt)\n implicit val long : Read[Long] = string.map(_.toLong)\n implicit val bigInt : Read[BigInt] = string.map(BigInt(_))\n implicit val double : Read[Double] = string.map(_.toDouble)\n implicit val bigDecimal : Read[BigDecimal] = string.map(BigDecimal(_))\n implicit def tuple2[A: Read, B: Read] : Read[(A, B)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B]))\n implicit def tuple3[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read] : Read[(A, B, C)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B], r.read[C]))\n implicit def tuple4[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read, D: Read] : Read[(A, B, C, D)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B], r.read[C], r.read[D]))\n implicit val boolean : Read[Boolean] = string map {s =>\n s.toLowerCase match {\n case \"yes\" | \"true\" | \"1\" => true\n case \"no\" | \"false\" | \"0\" => false\n case _ => s.toBoolean\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n", "src_uid": "a13cb35197f896cd34614c6c0b369a49"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject C extends App {\n val n = readInt()\n val P1 = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt).drop(1).toList\n val P2 = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt).drop(1).toList\n\n def solve(): Unit = {\n var counter = 0\n var player1 = scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer(P1:_*)\n var player2 = scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer(P2:_*)\n\n while (player1.nonEmpty && player2.nonEmpty) {\n counter += 1\n\n val c1 = player1.head\n player1 = player1.tail\n val c2 = player2.head\n player2 = player2.tail\n if (c1 > c2) {\n player1 += c2\n player1 += c1\n } else {\n player2 += c1\n player2 += c2\n }\n\n if (counter > 1000000) {\n// if (player1.diff(P1).isEmpty && player2.diff(P2).isEmpty) {\n println(-1)\n return\n }\n }\n\n println(counter + \" \" + (if (player2.isEmpty) 1 else 2))\n }\n\n solve()\n}\n", "src_uid": "f587b1867754e6958c3d7e0fe368ec6e"} {"source_code": "/**\n * Created by ashione on 14-6-17.\n */\nimport java.util.Scanner\nobject tt {\n\n def main(args:Array[String])= {\n\n val sn = new Scanner(System.in)\n val n = sn.nextInt\n val total = sn.nextInt\n var s:List[Int] = List[Int]()\n for (i <- 1 to n) {\n val t:List[Int] = List[Int](sn.nextInt)\n s = s:::t\n }\n\n println(getBus(s, total, total))\n }\n def getBus(xs:List[Int],space:Int,total:Int):Int = {\n if (xs.isEmpty == true) {\n if (space > 0) 1 else 0\n }\n else {\n (space - xs.head) match {\n case 0 =>1 + { if(xs.tail.isEmpty==true) 0 else getBus (xs.tail, total, total) }\n case x if x > 0 => getBus(xs.tail, x, total)\n case x if x < 0 => 1+getBus(xs, total, total)\n }\n }\n }\n\n\n }\n\n\n", "src_uid": "5c73d6e3770dff034d210cdd572ccf0f"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject A extends App {\n val Board = Array.ofDim[Int](8, 8)\n\n for (i <- 0 until 8) {\n val line = readLine().toCharArray\n for (j <- 0 until 8) Board(i)(j) = line(j)\n }\n\n def getTheClosestPawnPos(col: Int): (Int, Int) = {\n var blackIdx = -1\n var whiteIdx = -1\n for (i <- 0 until 8) {\n if (Board(i)(col) == 'W' && whiteIdx == -1) {\n var hasBlack = false\n for (j <- 0 until i) {\n if (Board(j)(col) == 'B') hasBlack = true\n }\n if (!hasBlack) {\n whiteIdx = i\n }\n } else if (Board(i)(col) == 'B') {\n var hasWhite = false\n for (j <- i + 1 until 8) {\n if (Board(j)(col) == 'W') hasWhite = true\n }\n if (!hasWhite) {\n blackIdx = i\n }\n }\n }\n\n (whiteIdx, if (blackIdx != -1) 8 - blackIdx - 1 else -1)\n }\n\n var minWhiteMovesToWin = Integer.MAX_VALUE\n var minBlackMovesToWin = Integer.MAX_VALUE\n\n for (i <- 0 until 8) {\n val (w, b) = getTheClosestPawnPos(i)\n if (w != -1) minWhiteMovesToWin = Math.min(minWhiteMovesToWin, w)\n if (b != -1) minBlackMovesToWin = Math.min(minBlackMovesToWin, b)\n\n// println(w + \" \" + b + \" \" + minWhiteMovesToWin + \" \" + minBlackMovesToWin)\n }\n\n if (minWhiteMovesToWin <= minBlackMovesToWin) println(\"A\") else println(\"B\")\n}\n", "src_uid": "0ddc839e17dee20e1a954c1289de7fbd"} {"source_code": "object Main extends App {\n val Array(a,b,c,d) = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n def code(time: Int, p: Int): Int = List(3*p/10, p-(p*time/250)).max\n val ac = code(c, a)\n val bd = code(d, b)\n if(ac > bd) println(\"Misha\")\n else if (ac == bd) println(\"Tie\")\n else println(\"Vasya\")\n}", "src_uid": "95b19d7569d6b70bd97d46a8541060d0"} {"source_code": "/**\n * Created by netman on 3/4/17.\n */\nobject Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val lines = io.Source.fromInputStream(System.in).getLines().toArray\n val n = lines(0).toInt\n val arr = lines(1).split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n println((arr.max + arr.min) / 2)\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "f03773118cca29ff8d5b4281d39e7c63"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject DiceRolling extends App {\n\n val t = StdIn.readLine().toInt\n\n for {\n _ <- 1 to t\n } println(findSol(StdIn.readLine().toInt))\n\n def findSol(x: Int) = {\n math.ceil(x / 7.0).toInt\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "a661b6ce166fe4b2bbfd0ace56a7dc2c"} {"source_code": "object duplRemove extends App{\nvar times = readLine()\nvar list = readLine().split(\" \").toList.reverse\n\ndef removeDupl[T](list: List[T]): List[T] = {\n def inner(acc: List[T] = List.empty[T], curList: List[T] = list): List[T] = curList match {\n case Nil => acc\n case x :: xs if acc.contains(x) => inner(acc, xs)\n case x :: xs => inner(acc :+ x, xs)\n }\n inner()\n }\n \n println(removeDupl(list).length)\n removeDupl(list).reverse.foreach(x => print(x + \" \"))\n \n}", "src_uid": "1b9d3dfcc2353eac20b84c75c27fab5a"} {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val s = readLine()\n val i = BigInt(s)\n if (i <= Byte.MaxValue) println(\"byte\")\n else if (i <= Short.MaxValue) println(\"short\")\n else if (i <= Int.MaxValue) println(\"int\")\n else if (i <= Long.MaxValue) println(\"long\")\n else println(\"BigInteger\")\n }\n}", "src_uid": "33041f1832fa7f641e37c4c638ab08a1"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n\n\nobject DominoPiling {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val line = readLine.split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n println(line(0)*line(1)/2)\n }\n}", "src_uid": "e840e7bfe83764bee6186fcf92a1b5cd"} {"source_code": "//package codeforce520\n\nobject A {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val reader = scala.io.StdIn\n\n val n = reader.readInt()\n val a = (\"0 \" + reader.readLine() + \" 1001\").split(\"\\\\s+\").map(_.toInt).toList\n var res = 0\n //println(a.mkString(\" \"))\n (0 until n).foreach{i =>\n (i + 2 until n + 2).foreach{j =>\n //println(s\"i $i j $j ai ${a(i)} aj ${a(j)}\")\n //println(a(j) - a(i))\n //println(j - i)\n if (a(j) - a(i) == j - i) {\n res = math.max(res, j - i - 1)\n }\n }\n }\n\n println(res)\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "858b5e75e21c4cba6d08f3f66be0c198"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject Solution {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n println(readLine.split(\"A|E|I|O|U|Y\", -1).maxBy(_.length).length + 1)\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "1fc7e939cdeb015fe31f3cf1c0982fee"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject Soroban extends App {\n val scan = new Scanner(System.in)\n var n = scan.nextInt\n\n do {\n val k = n % 10\n println(output(k))\n n = n / 10\n } while (n != 0)\n\n def output(number: Int): String = {\n number match {\n case 0 => \"O-|-OOOO\"\n case 1 => \"O-|O-OOO\"\n case 2 => \"O-|OO-OO\"\n case 3 => \"O-|OOO-O\"\n case 4 => \"O-|OOOO-\"\n case 5 => \"-O|-OOOO\"\n case 6 => \"-O|O-OOO\"\n case 7 => \"-O|OO-OO\"\n case 8 => \"-O|OOO-O\"\n case 9 => \"-O|OOOO-\"\n }\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "c2e3aced0bc76b6484360563355d23a7"} {"source_code": "object SpecialTask extends App {\n \n\tval in = new java.util.Scanner(System.in);\n\tval s = in.next();\n\tval startTime = System.currentTimeMillis()\n\n\tval letters = new scala.collection.mutable.HashSet[Char]();\n\tvar numQuestionMarks = 0;\n\tfor (c <- s) {\n\t if (c == '?')\n\t numQuestionMarks+=1;\n\t else if (c.isLetter)\n\t letters+=c;\n\t}\n\t\n\tvar combinations = 1;\n\tval numLetters = letters.size;\n\tfor(i <- 10-(numLetters-1) to 10)\n\t combinations*=i;\n\t\n\tif (s(0) == '?') {\n\t combinations*=9;\n\t numQuestionMarks-=1;\n\t} else if (s(0).isLetter) { \n\t combinations/=10;\n\t combinations*=9;\n\t}\n\t\n println(combinations+(\"0\"*numQuestionMarks));\n//\tprintln(\"%d ms\".format(System.currentTimeMillis()-startTime));\n\tin.close();\n}", "src_uid": "d3c10d1b1a17ad018359e2dab80d2b82"} {"source_code": "object A741 {\n\n import IO._\n import collection.{mutable => cu}\n\n def gcd(x: Long, y: Long): Long = {\n if(x == 0) y else gcd(y % x, x)\n }\n def lcm(x: Long, y: Long): Long = {\n x / gcd(x, y) * y\n }\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(n) = readInts(1)\n val c = readInts(n).map(_-1)\n var vis = Array.fill(n)(false)\n var res = 1L\n if(c.distinct.length == n) {\n var break = false\n for (i <- 0 until n if !vis(i) && !break) {\n var len = 0L\n var j = i\n while (!vis(j)) {\n vis(j) = true\n j = c(j)\n len += 1\n }\n if (len == 0) {\n break = true\n }\n if (len % 2 == 0) len /= 2\n res = lcm(res, len)\n }\n println(res)\n } else {\n println(\"-1\")\n }\n }\n\n object IO {\n private val input = new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.InputStreamReader(System.in))\n\n @inline def read: String = input.readLine()\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInt: Int = tokenizeLine.nextToken.toInt\n\n def readInts(n: Int): Array[Int] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int): Array[Long] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int): Array[BigInt] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n }\n\n}\n", "src_uid": "149221131a978298ac56b58438df46c9"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n\nobject Task3 extends App {\n val n = readLine().split(' ').map(_.toLong).head\n\n def eating(n: Long, k: Long) = {\n var cur = n\n var had = 0L\n\n while (cur != 0L) {\n had = had + math.min(cur, k)\n cur = cur - math.min(cur, k)\n cur = cur - cur/10\n }\n\n 2*had >= n\n }\n\n def sol(n: Long) = {\n var left = 1L\n var right = n\n while ( left != right) {\n val now = (left+right)/2\n if (!eating(n, now)) left = now + 1 else right = now\n }\n\n left\n }\n\n println(sol(n))\n}", "src_uid": "db1a50da538fa82038f8db6104d2ab93"} {"source_code": "object Solution {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val n_k = readLine().split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n val n = n_k(0)\n val k = n_k(1)\n val tabs = readLine().split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n \n val totalSum = tabs.sum\n \n val partialSums = new Array[Int](k)\n tabs.zipWithIndex.foreach {case (tab, index) =>\n partialSums(index % k) -= tab\n }\n val differences = partialSums.map{sum => Math.abs(sum+totalSum)}\n val result = differences.max\n \n println(result)\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "6119258322e06fa6146e592c63313df3"} {"source_code": "/**\n *\n * Created by ronaflx on 15-4-3.\n */\n\nimport java.io._\nimport java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nimport scala.Ordering.Implicits._\n\n\nobject Codeforces {\n var out: PrintWriter = null\n var br: BufferedReader = null\n var st: StringTokenizer = null\n\n def next: String = {\n while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens) {\n st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine)\n }\n st.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt: Int = {\n Integer.parseInt(next)\n }\n\n def nextLong: Long = {\n java.lang.Long.parseLong(next)\n }\n\n def lowerBound[T: Ordering](array: Array[T], value: T) = {\n var low = 0\n var high = array.length\n var res = array.length\n while (low <= high) {\n val mid = (low + high) / 2\n if (!(array(mid) < value)) {\n res = mid\n high = mid - 1\n } else {\n low = mid + 1\n }\n }\n res\n }\n\n def upperBound[T: Ordering](array: Array[T], value: T) = {\n var low = 0\n var high = array.length\n var res = array.length\n while (low <= high) {\n val mid = (low + high) / 2\n if (value < array(mid)) {\n res = mid\n high = mid - 1\n } else {\n low = mid + 1\n }\n }\n res\n }\n\n\n val N = 210001;\n val bit: Array[Int] = new Array[Int](N)\n\n def addBit(pos: Int, value: Int): Unit = {\n var i = pos\n while (i < N) {\n bit(i) += value\n i += (i & (i ^ (i - 1)))\n }\n }\n\n def getBit(pos: Int): Int = {\n var (i, res) = (pos, 0)\n while (i > 0) {\n res += bit(i)\n i -= (i & (i ^ (i - 1)))\n }\n return res\n }\n\n def getRange(from: Int, to: Int): Int = {\n return getBit(to) - getBit(from - 1)\n }\n\n def solve(): Unit = {\n val k = nextInt\n val s = next\n val charSet = s.toSet\n if (charSet.size >= k) {\n out.println(\"YES\")\n var start = 0\n val find = collection.mutable.Set[Char]()\n object AllDone extends Exception {}\n for (i <- 0 until k - 1) {\n try {\n for (j <- start until s.length) {\n find += s(start)\n if (!find.contains(s(j))) {\n out.println(s.substring(start, j))\n start = j\n find += s(j)\n throw AllDone\n }\n }\n } catch {\n case AllDone =>\n }\n }\n out.println(s.substring(start))\n } else {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n }\n }\n\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(System.out))\n solve\n out.close\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "c1b071f09ef375f19031ce99d10e90ab"} {"source_code": "import math._\n\nobject Main extends App {\n val n = readInt\n val a = readLine split \" \" map (_ toInt) sorted\n \n println(\n min(\n (2 to n by 2) zip(a) map(t => abs(t._1 - t._2)) sum,\n (1 to n by 2) zip(a) map(t => abs(t._1 - t._2)) sum\n )\n )\n}\n", "src_uid": "0efe9afd8e6be9e00f7949be93f0ca1a"} {"source_code": "object A extends App {\n val Array(y, x) = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toLong)\n\n if (x == 0) println(\"No\")\n else if (x == 1 && y != 0) println(\"No\")\n else if (x > 1 && (y + 1 < x || (y - x + 1) % 2 != 0)) println(\"No\")\n else println(\"Yes\")\n}\n", "src_uid": "1527171297a0b9c5adf356a549f313b9"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject B extends App {\n\n val t = readInt()\n\n def lcm(originalA: Int, originalB: Int): Int = {\n var a = originalA\n var b = originalB\n\n var temp = a\n if (a < b) {\n a = b\n b = temp\n }\n\n // a > b\n while (b > 0) {\n temp = a\n a = b\n b = temp % b\n }\n val gcd = a\n ((originalA.toLong * originalB) / gcd).toInt\n }\n\n 1 to t foreach { _ =>\n val n = readInt()\n if (n % 2 == 0) {\n println(n / 2 + \" \" + n / 2)\n } else {\n var answer = Int.MaxValue\n var answerA = 0\n var answerB = 0\n\n for {\n k <- 2 to (Math.sqrt(n).toInt + 1)\n a = n / k if n % k == 0\n b = n - a\n } {\n val x = lcm(a, b)\n if (x < answer) {\n answer = x\n answerA = a\n answerB = b\n }\n }\n\n if (answer == Int.MaxValue || n - 1 <= answer) {\n println(1 + \" \" + (n - 1))\n } else {\n println(answerA + \" \" + answerB)\n }\n }\n }\n\n}\n", "src_uid": "3fd60db24b1873e906d6dee9c2508ac5"} {"source_code": "import java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nobject A extends App {\n val INF = 1 << 30\n\n var st: StringTokenizer = _\n def read() = { st = new StringTokenizer(readLine()) }\n def int() = st.nextToken().toInt\n def long() = st.nextToken().toLong\n\n read()\n val n = int()\n val d = int()\n read()\n val a = Array.fill(n)(int()).sorted\n\n val ans = (0 until n).map { i =>\n val s = a(i)\n val f = s + d\n a.count{c => c >= s && c <= f}\n }.max\n\n println(n - ans)\n\n}\n", "src_uid": "6bcb324c072f796f4d50bafea5f624b2"} {"source_code": "object D extends App {\n\n val mod = 1000000007\n\n def readString = Console.readLine\n def readInts = readString.split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n \n val fact = Array.ofDim[Long](200001)\n val factInv = Array.ofDim[Long](200001)\n \n var f = 1L\n for (i <- 0 until fact.size) {\n fact(i) = f.toInt\n factInv(i) = if (f == 1) 1 else BigInt(f).modInverse(mod).toInt\n f = (f * (i + 1)) % mod\n }\n \n def c(k: Int, n: Int): Long = {\n ((fact(n) * factInv(k) % mod) * factInv(n - k)) % mod\n }\n\n @scala.annotation.tailrec\n def count(n: Int, m: Int, g: Byte, acc: Long): Long = {\n if (n < 0 || m < 0) acc\n else (n, m, g) match {\n case (0, 0, _) => acc\n case (1, 0, 0) => 1 + acc\n case (1, 0, 1) => acc\n case (0, 1, 0) => acc\n case (1, 1, 0) => 2 + acc\n case (0, 1, 1) => 1 + acc\n case (n, m, 1) => count(n - 1, m, 0, acc)\n case (n, m, 0) => count(n - 2, m, 0, ((if (m > 0) c(n, n + m - 1) else 0) + acc) % mod)\n }\n }\n \n val Array(n, m, g) = readInts\n\n println(count(n, m, g.toByte, 0))\n}", "src_uid": "066dd9e6091238edf2912a6af4d29e7f"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject ProblemA extends App {\n\n val result = StdIn.readInt() match {\n case 2 => 2\n case _ => 1\n }\n\n println(result)\n}\n", "src_uid": "c30b372a9cc0df4948dca48ef4c5d80d"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject A extends App {\n\n val in = StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n val c = in(0)\n val v0 = in(1)\n val v1 = in(2)\n val a = in(3)\n val l = in(4)\n\n var cp = v0\n var days = 1\n while (cp < c) {\n cp = cp - l + Math.min(v1, v0 + days * a)\n days = days + 1\n }\n println(days)\n\n}\n", "src_uid": "b743110117ce13e2090367fd038d3b50"} {"source_code": "object C extends App {\n val sc = new java.util.Scanner(System.in)\n println(Seq(\n sc.nextInt(),\n sc.nextInt(),\n sc.nextInt() / 2,\n sc.nextInt() / 7,\n sc.nextInt() / 4\n ).min)\n sc.close()\n}\n", "src_uid": "f914f9b7884cc04b990c7800c6be7b10"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport java.util.Arrays.binarySearch\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.annotation.switch\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer\nimport scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer\nimport scala.collection.immutable.TreeSet\nimport scala.util.Random\nimport scala.util.control.Breaks._\n\n\nobject P122B extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n def solve(): String = {\n val S = sc.nextLine\n val num4 = S.count(_ == '4')\n val num7 = S.count(_ == '7')\n if (num4 == 0 && num7 == 0) \"-1\"\n else if (num4 >= num7) \"4\"\n else \"7\"\n }\n\n out.println(solve)\n out.close\n}\n", "src_uid": "639b8b8d0dc42df46b139f0aeb3a7a0a"} {"source_code": "object CF_526_2_A {\n def solve(n: Int, as: Seq[Int]): Int = {\n import math.abs\n def e(floor: Int, x: Int) = (abs(floor -x) + (floor - 1) + (x - 1)) * 2\n def total(x: Int) = as.zip(1 to n).map{case (p,f) => p * e(f, x)}.sum\n val X = 1 to n minBy total\n total(X)\n }\n\n // Specify Input and Output formats here:\n def formatIn(i: Input) = (i.int, {i.nextLine; i.intSeq})\n def formatOut(out: Int) = out.toString\n\n// ~~~ Boilerplate that doesn't change ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) = {\n val out = new java.io.PrintWriter(System.out)\n val resultStr = new Input(System.in).solveStr\n out.println(resultStr)\n out.close()\n }\n\n// ~~~ Utility methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n import java.util.Scanner\n class Input(sc: Scanner) {\n def this(i: java.io.InputStream) = this(new Scanner(i))\n def this(s: String) = this(new Scanner(s.stripMargin))\n def int = sc.nextInt()\n def long = sc.nextLong()\n def double = sc.nextDouble()\n def nextLine = sc.nextLine() \n // If there are prior values, remember to call nextLine to advance past the newline character before collecting the line:\n def collect[T](f: String => T) = {sc.nextLine().split(\" \").toVector.map(f)}\n def intSeq() = collect(_.toInt)\n def doubleSeq() = collect(_.toDouble)\n def solveVals = (solve _).tupled(formatIn(this))\n def solveStr = formatOut(solveVals)\n }\n\n def ceil(a: Int, b: Int) = (a - 1) / b + 1\n def ceil(a: Long, b: Long) = (a - 1) / b + 1\n\n import language.implicitConversions\n implicit def stringToInput(s: String): Input = new Input(s)\n}", "src_uid": "a5002ddf9e792cb4b4685e630f1e1b8f"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\n\nobject Solution extends App {\n val in = Source.stdin.getLines()\n val n = in.next().toInt\n val mod = (1e9 + 7).toInt\n if (n == 1)\n println(0)\n else {\n var pp = 1l\n var p = 0l\n var f3 = 1l\n val res = (2 to n).foreach { _ =>\n val tmp = p\n p = (pp + f3 * 2) % mod\n f3 = f3 * 3 % mod\n pp = tmp\n }\n println(p)\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "77627cc366a22e38da412c3231ac91a8"} {"source_code": "import scala.collection.immutable\n\n/**\n * Created by admin on 10/5/2014.\n */\nobject B {\n\n\n class BB{\n var col:Int = 0\n var row:Int = 0\n var data_row:immutable.IndexedSeq[Char] = null\n var data_col:immutable.IndexedSeq[Char] = null\n var queue:Vector[(Int,Int,Int)] = Vector((0,0,1))\n var board = Array.fill[Int](0,0)(1)\n\n var fail = false\n\n def bfs(r:Int,c:Int,step:Int)={\n var notcheck = false\n val arr1 = data_row(r) match {\n case '<' => for ( r2 <- 0 until r\n if (board(r2)(c) == 0 ) ) yield ( (r2,c,step) )\n case '>' => for ( r2 <- (r+1) until col\n if (board(r2)(c) == 0 ) ) yield ( (r2,c,step) )\n }\n\n val arr2 = data_col(c) match {\n case '^' => for ( c2 <- 0 until c\n if (board(r)(c) == 0 ) ) yield ( (r,c2,step) )\n case 'v' => for ( c2 <- (r+1) until row\n if (board(r)(c) == 0 ) ) yield ( (r,c2,step) )\n }\n arr1 ++ arr2 foreach( x => {board(x._1)(x._2) = step} )\n if ((arr1 ++ arr2).length <1) fail = true\n queue = queue ++ arr1 ++ arr2\n }\n\n def search(idx:Int): Unit ={\n val head = queue(idx)\n println(\"Current at \",head)\n bfs(head._1,head._2,head._3+1)\n println(queue.mkString(\",\"))\n }\n\n def work2() ={\n var result = true\n if (data_row(0) == '<' && data_col(0) == '^') result = false\n if (data_row(0) == '>' && data_col( col-1 ) == '^') result = false\n if (data_row( row-1 ) == '<' && data_col(0) == 'v') result = false\n if (data_row( row-1 ) == '>' && data_col( col-1 ) == 'v') result = false\n if (result)\n println(\"YES\")\n else println(\"NO\")\n }\n\n def work() ={\n val temp = readLine().split(\"\\\\s\") map (_.toInt)\n row = temp(0)\n col = temp(1)\n board = Array.fill(row,col)(0)\n data_row = readLine().toList.toIndexedSeq\n data_col = readLine().toList.toIndexedSeq\n //search(0)\n work2()\n }\n\n }\n\n\n def main(args:Array[String]) = {\n new BB() work\n\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "eab5c84c9658eb32f5614cd2497541cf"} {"source_code": "import scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.util._, control._\nimport scala.math.Ordering.Implicits._\n\nobject _633A extends CodeForcesApp {\n override type Result = Boolean\n\n override def solve(read: InputReader) = {\n val (a, b, c) = read[(Int, Int, Int)]\n (0 to c/a) exists {i =>\n val j = (c - a*i)/b\n a*i + b*j == c\n }\n }\n\n override def format(result: Result) = if (result) \"Yes\" else \"No\"\n}\n/****************************[Ignore Template Below]****************************************/\nabstract class CodeForcesApp {\n val isOnlineJudge: Boolean = sys.props.get(\"ONLINE_JUDGE\").exists(_.toBoolean)\n def debug(x: Any): Unit = if (!isOnlineJudge) println(x)\n type Result\n def solve(scanner: InputReader): Result\n def format(result: Result): String\n def apply(scanner: InputReader): String = format(solve(scanner))\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = println(apply(new InputReader(System.in)))\n}\n/*********************************[Scala Scanner]*******************************************/\nimport java.io.{BufferedReader, Reader, InputStreamReader, StringReader, InputStream}\nimport java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nclass InputReader(reader: BufferedReader) extends Iterator[String] with AutoCloseable {\n def this(reader: Reader) = this(new BufferedReader(reader))\n def this(inputStream: InputStream) = this(new InputStreamReader(inputStream))\n def this(str: String) = this(new StringReader(str))\n\n private[this] val tokenizers = Iterator.continually(reader.readLine()).takeWhile(_ != null).map(new StringTokenizer(_)).buffered\n\n @inline private[this] def tokenizer(): Option[StringTokenizer] = {\n while(tokenizers.nonEmpty && !tokenizers.head.hasMoreTokens) tokenizers.next()\n if (tokenizers.nonEmpty) Some(tokenizers.head) else None\n }\n\n def apply[A: Parser]: A = implicitly[Parser[A]].apply(this)\n\n def apply[C[_], A: Parser](n: Int)(implicit cbf: Parser.Collection[C, A]): C[A] = {\n val builder = cbf()\n for {_ <- 1 to n} builder += apply[A]\n builder.result()\n }\n\n def till(delim: String): String = tokenizer().get.nextToken(delim)\n def tillEndOfLine() = till(\"\\n\\r\")\n\n override def next() = tokenizer().get.nextToken()\n override def hasNext = tokenizer().nonEmpty\n override def close() = reader.close()\n}\n\nclass Parser[A](val apply: InputReader => A) {\n def map[B](f: A => B): Parser[B] = new Parser(apply andThen f)\n}\nobject Parser {\n type Collection[C[_], A] = scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom[C[A], A, C[A]]\n implicit def collection[C[_], A: Parser](implicit cbf: Collection[C, A]) : Parser[C[A]] = new Parser(r => r[C, A](r[Int]))\n implicit val string : Parser[String] = new Parser(_.next())\n implicit val char : Parser[Char] = string.map(s => s.ensuring(_.length == 1, s\"Expected Char; found $s\").head)\n implicit val boolean : Parser[Boolean] = string.map(_.toBoolean)\n implicit val int : Parser[Int] = string.map(_.toInt)\n implicit val long : Parser[Long] = string.map(_.toLong)\n implicit val bigInt : Parser[BigInt] = string.map(BigInt(_))\n implicit val double : Parser[Double] = string.map(_.toDouble)\n implicit val bigDecimal : Parser[BigDecimal] = string.map(BigDecimal(_))\n implicit def tuple2[A: Parser, B: Parser] : Parser[(A, B)] = new Parser(r => (r[A], r[B]))\n implicit def tuple3[A: Parser, B: Parser, C: Parser] : Parser[(A, B, C)] = new Parser(r => (r[A], r[B], r[C]))\n implicit def tuple4[A: Parser, B: Parser, C: Parser, D: Parser] : Parser[(A, B, C, D)] = new Parser(r => (r[A], r[B], r[C], r[D]))\n implicit def tuple5[A: Parser, B: Parser, C: Parser, D: Parser, E: Parser] : Parser[(A, B, C, D, E)] = new Parser(r => (r[A], r[B], r[C], r[D], r[E]))\n}\n", "src_uid": "e66ecb0021a34042885442b336f3d911"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject Main extends App {\n def min(x: Long, y: Long) = if (x < y) x else y\n val scanner = new Scanner(System.in)\n val n = scanner.nextInt()\n val x = scanner.nextLong()\n val y = scanner.nextLong()\n\n val cost = new Array[Long](2 * n + 1)\n cost(0) = 0\n for (i <- 1 to cost.length - 1)\n cost(i) = 0xffffffffffffL\n for (i <- 1 to n) {\n cost(i) = min(cost(i), cost(i-1) + x)\n cost(i) = min(cost(i), cost(i+1) + x)\n cost(2*i) = min(cost(2 * i), cost(i) + y)\n }\n println(cost(n))\n}\n", "src_uid": "0f270af00be2a523515d5e7bd66800f6"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\n/**\n * Author: Odomontois\n * Date : 16-Apr-15\n * Time : 21:17\n */\nobject Round299D2B extends App {\n val line = StdIn.readLine()\n println(((1 << line.length) - 1) + Integer.parseInt(line.replace('4', '0').replace('7', '1'), 2))\n}\n", "src_uid": "6a10bfe8b3da9c11167e136b3c6fb2a3"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject ARectangle {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val in = StdIn.readLine().split(\"\\\\s+\").map(_.toInt)\n\n val a = Math.abs(in(2) - in(0)) / 2 + 1\n val b = Math.abs(in(3) - in(1)) / 2 + 1\n println(a.toLong * b + (a - 1).toLong * (b - 1))\n }\n\n}\n", "src_uid": "00cffd273df24d1676acbbfd9a39630d"} {"source_code": "\n\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport java.util.Scanner\n\n/**\n * Created by arseny on 17.07.14.\n */\nobject A extends App {\n val home = true\n val in = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n\n def nextInt = in.nextInt\n def nextLong = in.nextLong\n def nextDouble = in.nextDouble\n def nextString = in.next\n\n def solve() = {\n val a1 = nextInt\n val a2 = nextInt\n val a3 = nextInt\n val b1 = nextInt\n val b2 = nextInt\n val b3 = nextInt\n val n = nextInt\n val a = a1 + a2 + a3\n var n1 = 0\n val b = b1 + b2 + b3\n var n2 = 0\n if (a % 5 == 0) {\n n1 = a / 5\n } else {\n n1 = a / 5 + 1\n }\n if (b % 10 == 0) {\n n2 = b / 10\n } else {\n n2 = b / 10 + 1\n }\n if (n1 + n2 <= n) {\n out.println(\"YES\")\n } else {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n }\n }\n\n try {\n solve()\n } catch {\n case _: Exception => sys.exit(9999)\n } finally {\n out.flush()\n out.close()\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "fe6301816dea7d9cea1c3a06a7d1ea7e"} {"source_code": "object A extends App {\n val s = 3\n val b = 7\n\n def check(x: Int): Boolean =\n if (x < 0) false\n else if (x % 3 == 0) true\n else check(x - 7)\n\n val n = scala.io.StdIn.readInt()\n (0 until n).foreach(_ => {\n val x = scala.io.StdIn.readInt()\n if (check(x)) println(\"YES\")\n else println(\"NO\")\n })\n}\n", "src_uid": "cfd1182be98fb5f0c426f8b68e48d452"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\n\nobject CodefOne extends App {\n\n val in = Source.stdin.getLines()\n val data = in.next().split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n\n private val mapa: Map[Int, Int] = data.groupBy(w => w).mapValues(_.length)\n\n val maxVals = mapa.filter((t) => t._2 >= 2).map(t => t._1 * (if (t._2 > 3) 3 else t._2))\n if (maxVals isEmpty) {\n println(data.sum)\n } else {\n println(data.sum - maxVals.max)\n }\n\n}\n", "src_uid": "a9c17ce5fd5f39ffd70917127ce3408a"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\n\n/**\n * Created by hama_du on 2014/03/11.\n */\nobject ProblemD extends App {\n val in = new Scanner(System.in)\n val n = in.nextLong\n val m = in.nextInt\n\n val cnt0to9 = (0 to 9).map(d => n.toString.toCharArray.filter(c => c == ('0' + d)).length).toArray\n val bit0to9 = cnt0to9.map(b => {\n def bc(current: Int, limit: Int): Int = {\n if (current > limit) {\n 0\n } else {\n bc(current<<1, limit)+1\n }\n }\n bc(1, b)\n })\n\n\n val rng0to9 = bit0to9.scanLeft((0,0))((a, b) => (a._2, a._2+b)).toArray\n val maxBit = rng0to9.last._2\n\n val maxP = 1<<maxBit\n val dp = Array.ofDim[Long](m,maxP)\n dp(0)(0) = 1L\n\n val mpMap = (0 to 24).scanLeft(1L)((a, b) => (a * 10)).map(x => (x % m).toInt).toArray\n val cntSum = cnt0to9.sum\n\n var pi = -1\n while (pi < maxP-1) {\n pi += 1\n val used = decode(pi, rng0to9)\n val usedSum = used.sum\n if (cntSum > usedSum) {\n val factor = mpMap(cntSum-usedSum-1)\n val usedAtLeastOne = (usedSum >= 1)\n var mi = -1\n while (mi < m-1) {\n mi += 1\n if (dp(mi)(pi) >= 1) {\n var num = -1\n while (num < 9) {\n num += 1\n if (used(num) < cnt0to9(num) && (num >= 1 || (num == 0 && usedAtLeastOne))) {\n val pair = rng0to9(num+1)\n val unn = used(num) + 1\n val np = (pi + (unn << pair._1) - (used(num) << pair._1))\n val nm = (mi + num * factor) % m\n dp(nm)(np) += dp(mi)(pi)\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n println(dp(0)(encode(cnt0to9, -1, rng0to9)))\n\n\n def decode(p: Int, rng0to9: Array[(Int,Int)]): Array[Int] = {\n val ret = new Array[Int](10)\n var d = 0\n while (d <= 9) {\n val pair = rng0to9(d+1)\n val length = pair._2 - pair._1\n ret(d) = (p >> pair._1) & ((1<<length)-1)\n d += 1\n }\n ret\n }\n\n\n def encode(used: Array[Int], use: Int, rng0to9: Array[(Int,Int)]): Int = {\n (0 to 9).map(d => {\n val pair = rng0to9(d+1)\n val f = if (d == use) { used(d) + 1 } else { used(d) }\n f << pair._1\n }).foldLeft(0)((a,b) => a | b)\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "5eb90c23ffa3794fdddc5670c0373829"} {"source_code": "\nimport scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject FileName extends App {\n\n val l1 = StdIn.readLine()\n val l2 = StdIn.readLine()\n\n print(impl(l2))\n\n def impl(in: String): Int = {\n var toRemove = 0\n var consX = 0\n\n for (char <- in) {\n char match {\n case 'x' => consX += 1\n case _ =>\n if (consX >= 3) toRemove += (consX - 2)\n consX = 0\n }\n }\n if (consX >= 3) toRemove += (consX - 2)\n\n toRemove\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "8de14db41d0acee116bd5d8079cb2b02"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject T1 extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val n = sc.nextInt\n val s = sc.nextLong\n if (s % n > 0) println(s / n + 1) else println(s / n)\n}", "src_uid": "04c067326ec897091c3dbcf4d134df96"} {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(r, b) = in.next().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val different = Math.min(r, b)\n val left = Math.max(r, b) - different\n println(s\"$different ${left/2}\")\n}", "src_uid": "775766790e91e539c1cfaa5030e5b955"} {"source_code": "object CF{\n\tdef main(args:Array[String]){\n\t\timport scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n\t\tval string = readLine().map(_.toInt)\n\n\t\tvar cur = 'a'.toInt\n\t\tvar total = 0\n\t\tfor(c <- string){\n\t\t\ttotal += diff(cur, c)\n\t\t\t//println(f\"$cur, $c\")\n\t\t\t//println(f\"$total\")\n\t\t\tcur = c\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tprintln(total)\n\t}\n\n\tdef diff(a: Int, b:Int): Int = {\n\t\tval d = math.abs(a-b)\n\t\treturn math.min(d, 26-d)\n\t}\n}", "src_uid": "ecc890b3bdb9456441a2a265c60722dd"} {"source_code": "import scala.annotation.tailrec\n\nobject Table {\n\n def parse(as: String) = as.split(\"\\\\s+\").toList.map(_.toLong)\n\n def solve(n: Long, m: Long, k: Long) = {\n\n def partition(pivot: Long) = {\n var i: Long = 1\n var sum: Long = 0\n while (i <= n) {\n sum += Math.min((pivot-1)/i, m)\n i += 1\n }\n sum\n }\n\n @tailrec\n def go(left: Long, right: Long, target: Long): Long = {\n if (left <= right) {\n val mid = left + (right - left) / 2\n val s = partition(mid)\n if (s < k) go(mid+1, right, mid)\n else go(left, mid-1, target)\n } else {\n target\n }\n }\n \n go(1, n*m, 0)\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val List(input) = io.Source.stdin.getLines.take(1).toList\n val List(n, m, k) = parse(input)\n println(solve(n, m, k))\n }\n}\n\n", "src_uid": "13a918eca30799b240ceb9de47507a26"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\n/**\n * @author chengyi\n */\nobject MagicBox {\n \n def canSee(vp:(Int,Int,Int), vt:(Int,Int,Int), asl:String):Int={\n val ap: Array[(Float, Float, Float)] = Array.fill(6)((0,0,0))\n val as = asl.split(\" \").map { x => x.toInt }.toList\n ap(0) = (vt._1/2f, 0, vt._3/2f)\n ap(1) = (vt._1/2f, vt._2, vt._3/2f)\n ap(2) = (vt._1/2f, vt._2/2f, 0)\n ap(3) = (vt._1/2f, vt._2/2f, vt._3)\n ap(4) = (0, vt._2/2f, vt._3/2f)\n ap(5) = (vt._1, vt._2/2f, vt._3/2f)\n val api: Array[(Float, Float, Float)] = Array.fill(6)((0,0,0))\n api(0) = (0, -1, 0)\n api(1) = (0, 1, 0)\n api(2) = (0, 0, -1)\n api(3) = (0, 0, 1)\n api(4) = (-1, 0, 0)\n api(5) = (1, 0, 0)\n var sv=0\n (0 to 5).foreach(x=>{\n val v = (vp._1 - ap(x)._1, vp._2 - ap(x)._2, vp._3 - ap(x)._3)\n val dot = api(x)._1 * v._1 + api(x)._2 * v._2 + api(x)._3 * v._3\n if (dot>0){\n sv = sv + as(x)\n }\n })\n sv\n }\n \n def main(args:Array[String]){\n val view = StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map { x => x.toInt }\n val vp:(Int, Int, Int) = (view(0), view(1), view(2))\n val l = StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map { x => x.toInt }\n val vt:(Int, Int, Int) = (l(0), l(1), l(2))\n val as = StdIn.readLine()\n println(canSee(vp, vt, as))\n }\n}", "src_uid": "c7889a8f64c57cf7be4df870f68f749e"} {"source_code": "object Main {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n\n val std = scala.io.StdIn\n val values = std.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val values1 = std.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val values2 = std.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n var w = values(0)\n var h = values(1)\n val u1 = values1(0)\n val d1 = values1(1)\n val u2 = values2(0)\n val d2 = values2(1)\n\n while (h > 0) {\n w += h\n if (h == d1) {\n w -= u1\n }\n else if (h == d2) {\n w -= u2\n }\n w = w.max(0)\n h -= 1\n }\n println(w)\n }\n}", "src_uid": "084a12eb3a708b43b880734f3ee51374"} {"source_code": "//package com.umeng.test\n\n/**\n * Created by bright on 5/28/14.\n */\nobject cf248_1 {\n def main(args:Array[String]){\n val total=readInt()\n val cnt100= readLine().split(\" \").filter(x=>x.equals(\"100\")).length\n if(cnt100%2!=0 || cnt100==0&&total%2!=0 )\n println(\"NO\")\n else\n println(\"YES\")\n }\n\n}\n", "src_uid": "9679acef82356004e47b1118f8fc836a"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject Task474A {\n\tdef main(args: Array[String]) {\n\t\tval a = \"qwertyuiopasdfghjkl;zxcvbnm,./\"\n\t\tval shift = if (StdIn.readLine().charAt(0) == 'L') 1 else -1\n\t\tprintln(StdIn.readLine().map(c => a.charAt(a.indexOf(c) + shift)))\n\t}\n}\n", "src_uid": "df49c0c257903516767fdb8ac9c2bfd6"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\n/**\n * Created by Kuang.Ru on 14-9-28.\n */\nobject A465 extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val n = sc.nextInt()\n val num = sc.next()\n var i = 0\n var count = 0\n\n while (i < num.length && num(i) == '1') {\n count += 1\n i += 1\n }\n\n println(if (count == n) {\n n\n }else {\n count + 1\n })\n}\n", "src_uid": "54cb2e987f2cc06c02c7638ea879a1ab"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject Main {\n\n def sqr(x: Long) = x * x\n\n def powmod(x: Long, n: Long, p: Long): Long = {\n if (n == 1) x\n else if (n % 2 == 1) (powmod(x, n - 1, p) * x) % p\n else sqr(powmod(x, n / 2, p)) % p\n }\n\n def C(n: Int, k: Int) = {\n var res = BigInt(1)\n for (i <- n - k + 1 to n) {\n res = res * i\n }\n for (i <- 1 to k.toInt) {\n res = res / i\n }\n res\n }\n\n def fact(n: Int) = {\n var res = BigInt(1)\n for (i <- 1 to n) {\n res = res * i\n }\n res\n }\n\n def gcd(a: Long, b: Long): Long = if (b == 0) a else gcd(b, a % b)\n\n def lcm(a: Long, b: Long) = a / gcd(a, b) * b\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val in = new Scanner(System.in)\n\n var l = 1L\n\n for (i <- 2 to 10) {\n l = lcm(l, i)\n }\n\n println(in.nextLong() / l)\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "8551308e5ff435e0fc507b89a912408a"} {"source_code": "import scala.math._\n\nobject NonSquareEquation extends App {\n def upperBound(n : Long) : Long = {\n ceil(sqrt(n)).toLong\n } //> upperBound: (n: Long)Long\n \n def magicNumber(n : Long) : Long = {\n (9 * log10(upperBound(n))).toLong \n }\n \n def lowerBound(n : Long) : Long = {\n val b = magicNumber(n)\n floor(((-b + sqrt(b * b + 4*n))/2)).toLong\n } //> lowerBound: (n: Long)Long\n \n def bounds(n : Long) : (Long, Long) = {\n (lowerBound(n), upperBound(n))\n } //> bounds: (n: Long)(Long, Long)\n \n def digitFunction(x : Long) : Long = {\n if (x == 0) 0 else x % 10 + digitFunction(x / 10)\n } //> digitFunction: (x: Long)Long\n \n def function(n : Long)(x : Long) : Long = {\n x * x + digitFunction(x)*x - n\n } //> function: (n: Long)(x: Long)Long\n \n def findRootOnBounds(x : (Long => Long), bounds : (Long, Long)) : Long = {\n if (bounds._1 > bounds._2) -1\n else if (x(bounds._1) == 0L) bounds._1\n else findRootOnBounds(x, (bounds._1 + 1L, bounds._2))\n } //> findRootOnBounds: (x: Long => Long, bounds: (Long, Long))Long\n \n def findRoot(n : Long) : Long = {\n findRootOnBounds(function(n), bounds(n))\n } \n \n for( ln <- io.Source.stdin.getLines ) println(findRoot( ln.toLong ))\n}", "src_uid": "e1070ad4383f27399d31b8d0e87def59"} {"source_code": "/**\n * @see http://codeforces.com/contest/909/problem/A\n */\n\nobject A extends App {\n def login(n: String, e: Char, l: String = \"\"): String =\n if (n.isEmpty) l + e\n else if (l.isEmpty) login(n.tail, e, l + n.head)\n else if (n.head < e) login(n.tail, e, l + n.head)\n else login(\"\", e, l)\n\n val Array(n, s) = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \")\n\n println(login(n, s.head))\n}\n", "src_uid": "aed892f2bda10b6aee10dcb834a63709"} {"source_code": "object P8C {\n import io.StdIn._\n\n def main(args:Array[String]) {\n val s = readLine.split(' ').map{_.toInt}\n val a = Array.fill(readInt){readLine.split(' ').map{_.toInt}}\n def dis(a1:Array[Int], a2:Array[Int]) = {\n val d0 = a1(0) - a2(0)\n val d1 = a1(1) - a2(1)\n d0 * d0 + d1 * d1\n }\n val d = Array.tabulate(a.size, a.size){case (i1, i2) =>\n dis(s, a(i1)) + dis(a(i1), a(i2)) + dis(a(i2), s)\n }\n val c = Array.ofDim[Int](1 << a.size)\n for (i <- 1 until 1 << a.size) {\n var i1 = 0\n while (((i >> i1) & 1) == 0) i1 += 1\n var v = c(i & ~(1 << i1)) + d(i1)(i1)\n var i2 = i1 + 1\n while (i2 < a.size) {\n if (((i >> i2) & 1) != 0) {\n val v2 = c(i & ~(1 << i1) & ~(1 << i2)) + d(i1)(i2)\n if (v2 < v) v = v2\n }; i2 += 1\n }; c(i) = v\n }\n println(c((1 << a.size) - 1))\n def visit(i:Int) {\n if (i == 0) return\n var i1 = 0\n while (((i >> i1) & 1) == 0) i1 += 1\n var v = c(i & ~(1 << i1)) + d(i1)(i1)\n var k = i1\n for (i2 <- i1 + 1 until a.size) if (((i >> i2) & 1) != 0) {\n val v2 = c(i & ~(1 << i1) & ~(1 << i2)) + d(i1)(i2)\n if (v2 < v) {v = v2; k = i2}\n }; c(i) = v\n print(' '); print(i1 + 1)\n if (k != i1) {print(' '); print(k + 1)}\n print(\" 0\")\n visit(i & ~(1 << i1) & ~(1 << k))\n }; print('0'); visit((1 << a.size) - 1); println\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "2ecbac20dc5f4060bc873553946281bc"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\n\nobject Solution extends App {\n val in = Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(n, q) = in.next().split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n val transitions = Array.ofDim[Int](6, 6)\n (1 to q).foreach { _ =>\n val Array(from, to) = in.next().split(' ').map(_.head - 'a')\n transitions(to)(from) += 1\n }\n var first = Array(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)\n var i = 1\n while (i != n) {\n val second = Array.ofDim[Int](6)\n (0 until 6).foreach { fromIndex =>\n (0 until 6).foreach { toIndex =>\n second(toIndex) += first(fromIndex) * transitions(fromIndex)(toIndex)\n }\n }\n first = second\n i += 1\n }\n println(first.sum)\n}", "src_uid": "c42abec29bfd17de3f43385fa6bea534"} {"source_code": "object Algorithm {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val nums = List(100, 20, 10, 5, 1)\n var num = scala.io.StdIn.readInt()\n\n var ans = 0\n for (i <- 0 until 5) {\n if (num >= nums(i)) {\n ans += num / nums(i)\n num %= nums(i)\n }\n }\n println(ans)\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "8e81ad7110552c20297f08ad3e5f8ddc"} {"source_code": "import java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nimport scala.collection.mutable\n\nobject A extends App {\n val INF = 1 << 30\n var st: StringTokenizer = _\n def read() = { st = new StringTokenizer(readLine()) }\n def int() = st.nextToken().toInt\n\n read()\n val n = int()\n val k = int()\n read()\n val a = (1 to n).map(_ => int()).toArray\n val ab = Array.fill(n+1)(mutable.ArrayBuilder.make[Int])\n for {\n i <- 0 until n\n } ab(a(i)) += i\n val pos = ab.map(_.result().iterator)\n\n val set = new mutable.HashSet[Int]()\n val pq = new mutable.PriorityQueue[(Int, Int)]\n\n def addToPQ(i : Int, v: Int) = {\n val it = pos(v)\n var q = -1\n while (it.hasNext && q <= i) q = it.next\n if (q == -1 || q <= i) q = INF\n pq += ((q, v))\n }\n\n var ans = 0\n (0 until n).foreach { i =>\n val v = a(i)\n if (!set.contains(v)) {\n if (set.size == k)\n set.remove(pq.dequeue._2)\n set.add(v)\n ans += 1\n }\n addToPQ(i, v)\n }\n\n println(ans)\n}\n", "src_uid": "956228e31679caa9952b216e010f9773"} {"source_code": "object C{\n //import scala.collection.mutable.PriorityQueue\n //import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer\n import util.control.Breaks._\n import java.io.{PrintWriter,InputStream,BufferedReader,InputStreamReader}\n import java.util.{Locale, Scanner,StringTokenizer}\n class InputReader(val stream:InputStream ) {\n var st:StringTokenizer=new StringTokenizer(\"\")\n val reader=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream), 32768);\n\n def next():String = {\n while (!st.hasMoreTokens()){\n val currentLine = reader.readLine\n st=new StringTokenizer(currentLine)\n }\n return st.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt():Int = {\n return next.toInt\n }\n\n def nextLong():Long = {\n \treturn next.toLong\n }\n def nextDouble:Double = {\n return next.toDouble\n }\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]){\n\n\n val in = new InputReader(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n def nextInt = in.nextInt\n def nextLong = in.nextLong\n def nextDouble = in.nextDouble\n def nextString = in.next\n //code starts here\n val w=nextInt\n var m=nextInt\n var yes=true\n if(w==2){\n out.println(\"YES\")\n }else{\n while(m!=0){\n val r=m%w\n if(r==0){\n\n }else if(r==1){\n m-=1\n }else if(r==w-1){\n m+=1\n }else{\n yes=false\n }\n m/=w\n }\n if(yes){\n out.println(\"YES\")\n }else{\n out.println(\"NO\")\n }\n }\n\n //code ends here\n out.flush\n out.close\n }\n}\n\n", "src_uid": "a74adcf0314692f8ac95f54d165d9582"} {"source_code": "import java.io._\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\n\nobject Easy {\n val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n def readInt = reader.readLine().toInt\n def readInts = reader.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n def ans = reader.readLine().map(_.toInt).zip(reader.readLine().map(_.toInt)).map {\n case (a, b) => a ^ b\n }.mkString\n\n def main(a: Array[String]) {\n println(ans)\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "3714b7596a6b48ca5b7a346f60d90549"} {"source_code": "import scala.collection.mutable.Stack\nimport scala.collection.mutable.Queue\nimport java.io.FileInputStream\n\nobject Main {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n var s = new java.util.Scanner(System.in)\n val (r, g, b) = (s.nextInt(), s.nextInt(), s.nextInt())\n val l = List(r, g, b)\n var m = List(l.min)\n if (l.min > 1) m = m :+ (l.min-1)\n if (l.min > 2) m = m :+ l.min-2\n println ((m map (y => y + (l map (x => (x- y) / 3) foldLeft 0)(_+_))).max)\n \n }\n}", "src_uid": "acddc9b0db312b363910a84bd4f14d8e"} {"source_code": "import scala.collection.mutable._\nimport scala.io.StdIn._;\n\nobject A {\n def f(arg:Int): Int ={\n var ans=1;\n var x:Int=arg;\n\n while(x>=10)\n {\n ans+=1;\n x+=1;\n while(x%10==0) x/=10\n }\n\n return ans+8\n }\n\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) = {\n val n=readLine().toInt;\n println(f(n));\n }\n\n}", "src_uid": "055fbbde4b9ffd4473e6e716da6da899"} {"source_code": "object HelloWorld {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val input = scala.io.StdIn.readInt()\n println(beautifuls.map(binaryToDec(_)).takeWhile(_<=input).filter(input%_ == 0).toList.max)\n }\n \n def beautifuls: Stream[String] = \"1\" #:: beautifuls.map(\"1\" + _ + \"0\")\n\n def binaryToDec: String => Int = x => Integer.parseInt(x, 2)\n}", "src_uid": "339246a1be81aefe19290de0d1aead84"} {"source_code": "object B extends App {\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken)) }\n\n val Array(p, x, y) = readLongs(3)\n\n //FIXME Console.setOut(new java.io.BufferedOutputStream(Console.out))\n\n def check(s: Long): Boolean = {\n var i = (s / 50) % 475\n var j = 0\n var ok = false\n while (j < 25) {\n i = (i * 96 + 42) % 475\n j += 1\n if (26 + i == p) ok = true\n }\n ok\n }\n\n var hacks = 0\n var res = -1\n var score = x\n while (res < 0 && score >= y) {\n if (check(score)) res = hacks\n score -= 50\n }\n\n score = x\n while (res < 0) {\n if (check(score)) res = hacks\n else {\n score += 50\n hacks += 1\n if (check(score)) res = hacks\n score += 50\n }\n }\n\n println(res)\n}\n", "src_uid": "c9c22e03c70a94a745b451fc79e112fd"} {"source_code": "object test6 extends App {\n val Array(a,b,c)=readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt).sortBy(x=>x)\n val rows=(b+a-1)\n var sum=0\n for(i<-0 until rows/2) if(i<a) sum+=c+i else sum+=c+a-1\n sum*=2\n if(rows%2==1)\n \tif(rows/2<a) sum+=rows/2+c else sum+=c+a-1\n \t\n println(sum)\n}", "src_uid": "8ab25ed4955d978fe20f6872cb94b0da"} {"source_code": "import java.io._\nimport java.util.Locale\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\n\nobject Easy {\n val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n def readInt = reader.readLine().toInt\n def readInts = reader.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n def readLongs = reader.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toLong)\n\n val Array(x, y) = readInts\n val s = x.abs + y.abs\n val ans = if(x < 0 && y < 0) Array(-s, 0, 0, -s) else\n if(x < 0 && y > 0) Array(-s, 0, 0, s) else\n if(x > 0 && y < 0) Array(0, -s, s, 0) else\n Array(0, s, s, 0)\n\n\n def main(a: Array[String]) {\n println(ans.mkString(\" \"))\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "e2f15a9d9593eec2e19be3140a847712"} {"source_code": "//package me.jetblack.cf\n\nimport java.util.Scanner\n\nobject CipherSquare extends App {\n\n val n = new Scanner(System.in).nextInt()\n\n val cnt = Array.ofDim[Long](9)\n\n (1 to n).foreach { i => cnt(i % 9) += 1 }\n\n val all = (for {\n i <- 0 until 9\n j <- 0 until 9\n } yield {\n cnt(i) * cnt(j) * cnt((i * j) % 9)\n }).sum\n\n var sum = 0L\n var i = 1\n while (i <= n) {\n var j = 1\n while (j <= n / i) {\n sum += 1\n j += 1\n }\n i += 1\n }\n\n println(all - sum)\n\n}\n", "src_uid": "fc133fe6353089a0ebee08dec919f608"} {"source_code": "object A {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val sc = new java.util.Scanner(System.in)\n val l, r = sc.nextInt()\n var myList1 = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 8, 12, 18, 27, 16, 24, 36, 54, 81, 32, 48, 72, 108, 162, 243, 64, 96, 144, 216, 324, 486, 729, 128, 192, 288, 432, 648, 972, 1458, 2187, 256, 384, 576, 864, 1296, 1944, 2916, 4374, 6561, 512, 768, 1152, 1728, 2592, 3888, 5832, 8748, 13122, 19683, 1024, 1536, 2304, 3456, 5184, 7776, 11664, 17496, 26244, 39366, 59049, 2048, 3072, 4608, 6912, 10368, 15552, 23328, 34992, 52488, 78732, 118098, 177147, 4096, 6144, 9216, 13824, 20736, 31104, 46656, 69984, 104976, 157464, 236196, 354294, 531441, 8192, 12288, 18432, 27648, 41472, 62208, 93312, 139968, 209952, 314928, 472392, 708588, 1062882, 1594323, 16384, 24576, 36864, 55296, 82944, 124416, 186624, 279936, 419904, 629856, 944784, 1417176, 2125764, 3188646, 4782969, 32768, 49152, 73728, 110592, 165888, 248832, 373248, 559872, 839808, 1259712, 1889568, 2834352, 4251528, 6377292, 9565938, 14348907, 65536, 98304, 147456, 221184, 331776, 497664, 746496, 1119744, 1679616, 2519424, 3779136, 5668704, 8503056, 12754584, 19131876, 28697814, 43046721, 131072, 196608, 294912, 442368, 663552, 995328, 1492992, 2239488, 3359232, 5038848, 7558272, 11337408, 17006112, 25509168, 38263752, 57395628, 86093442, 129140163, 262144, 393216, 589824, 884736, 1327104, 1990656, 2985984, 4478976, 6718464, 10077696, 15116544, 22674816, 34012224, 51018336, 76527504, 114791256, 172186884, 258280326, 387420489, 524288, 786432, 1179648, 1769472, 2654208, 3981312, 5971968, 8957952, 13436928, 20155392, 30233088, 45349632, 68024448, 102036672, 153055008, 229582512, 344373768, 516560652, 774840978, 1162261467, 1048576, 1572864, 2359296, 3538944, 5308416, 7962624, 11943936, 17915904, 26873856, 40310784, 60466176, 90699264, 136048896, 204073344, 306110016, 459165024, 688747536, 1033121304, 1549681956, 2097152, 3145728, 4718592, 7077888, 10616832, 15925248, 23887872, 35831808, 53747712, 80621568, 120932352, 181398528, 272097792, 408146688, 612220032, 918330048, 1377495072, 4194304, 6291456, 9437184, 14155776, 21233664, 31850496, 47775744, 71663616, 107495424, 161243136, 241864704, 362797056, 544195584, 816293376, 1224440064, 1836660096, 8388608, 12582912, 18874368, 28311552, 42467328, 63700992, 95551488, 143327232, 214990848, 322486272, 483729408, 725594112, 1088391168, 1632586752, 16777216, 25165824, 37748736, 56623104, 84934656, 127401984, 191102976, 286654464, 429981696, 644972544, 967458816, 1451188224, 33554432, 50331648, 75497472, 113246208, 169869312, 254803968, 382205952, 573308928, 859963392, 1289945088, 1934917632, 67108864, 100663296, 150994944, 226492416, 339738624, 509607936, 764411904, 1146617856, 1719926784, 134217728, 201326592, 301989888, 452984832, 679477248, 1019215872, 1528823808, 268435456, 402653184, 603979776, 905969664, 1358954496, 536870912, 805306368, 1207959552, 1811939328, 1073741824, 1610612736 )\n var total = 0;\n for ( x <- myList1 ) {\n if (x >= l){\n if(x <= r){\n total += 1; \n }\n }\n }\n\n println(total); \n }\n}", "src_uid": "05fac54ed2064b46338bb18f897a4411"} {"source_code": "object C {\n import InOut._\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {}\n\n val n, p, w, d = nextBig\n\n val g = w.gcd(d)\n\n if (p % g == 0) {\n val pp = p / g\n val ww = w / g\n val dd = d / g\n val draw = pp * dd.modInverse(ww) % ww\n val won = (p - draw * d) / w\n val lost = n - won - draw\n if (won >= 0 && draw >= 0 && lost >= 0 && won * w + draw * d == p) out.println(s\"$won $draw $lost\")\n else out.println(-1)\n } else out.println(-1)\n out.flush()\n\n final object InOut {\n val in = new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.InputStreamReader(System.in))\n val out = new java.io.PrintWriter(System.out, false)\n private[this] var tokenizer: java.util.StringTokenizer = _\n def nextToken: String = {\n while (tokenizer == null || !tokenizer.hasMoreTokens)\n tokenizer = new java.util.StringTokenizer(in.readLine)\n tokenizer.nextToken\n }\n def nextInt = Integer.parseInt(nextToken)\n def nextLong = java.lang.Long.parseLong(nextToken)\n def nextBig = BigInt(nextToken)\n def nextInts(n: Int) = Array.fill(n) { nextInt }\n def nextLongs(n: Int) = Array.fill(n) { nextLong }\n def nextBigs(n: Int) = Array.fill(n) { nextBig }\n def nextLine = in.readLine\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "503116e144d19eb953954d99c5526a7d"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\n/**\n * Created by hama_du on 2014/06/21.\n */\nobject ProblemA extends App {\n class Card(_color: Int, _number: Int) extends Ordered[Card] {\n val color = _color\n val number = _number\n val colorNumber = color * 10 + number\n\n def compare(that: Card) = {\n this.colorNumber - that.colorNumber\n }\n }\n\n class Detecting(_card: Card, colorHint: Int, numberHint: Int) {\n val color = _card.color\n val number = _card.number\n var foundColor = ((1<<color) & colorHint) >= 1\n var foundNumber = ((1<<number) & numberHint) >= 1\n }\n\n def colorToNum(c: Char): Int = {\n c match {\n case 'R' => 0\n case 'G' => 1\n case 'B' => 2\n case 'Y' => 3\n case 'W' => 4\n case _ => -1\n }\n }\n\n def doit(initialCards: Array[Card], colorHint: Int, numberHint: Int): Boolean = {\n val cards = initialCards.map(c => {\n new Detecting(c, colorHint, numberHint)\n })\n\n var upd = true\n while (upd) {\n upd = false\n\n // color ok\n if (cards.filterNot(c => c.foundColor).map(c => c.color).distinct.size == 1) {\n cards.foreach(c => c.foundColor = true)\n }\n\n // number ok\n if (cards.filterNot(c => c.foundNumber).map(c => c.number).distinct.size == 1) {\n cards.foreach(c => c.foundNumber = true)\n }\n\n // distinct card\n val leftCards = cards.filterNot(c => c.foundColor && c.foundNumber)\n leftCards.foreach(c => {\n val sameCards = leftCards.filter({\n c2 => (c.foundColor && c.color == c2.color) || (c.foundNumber && c.number == c2.number)\n }).map(c2 => (c2.color, c2.number)).distinct\n if (sameCards.size == 1) {\n c.foundColor = true\n c.foundNumber = true\n upd = true\n }\n })\n }\n cards.filter(c => c.foundColor && c.foundNumber).size == cards.size\n }\n\n def solve(cards: Array[Card]): Int = {\n val list = for {\n i <- 0 until (1<<5)\n j <- 0 until (1<<5)\n if doit(cards, i, j)\n } yield {\n // println(i + \"/\" + j)\n Integer.bitCount(i) + Integer.bitCount(j)\n }\n list.min\n }\n\n val in = new Scanner(System.in)\n val n = in.nextInt\n val cards = (0 until n).map(i => {\n val ch = in.next.toCharArray\n new Card(colorToNum((ch(0))), ch(1)-'1')\n }).toArray\n\n println(solve(cards))\n}\n", "src_uid": "3b12863997b377b47bae43566ec1a63b"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer\nimport scala.util.Random\nimport scala.util.control.Breaks._\n\nobject P371A extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n val N, K = sc.nextInt\n\n val diff = (ls: List[Int]) => {\n ls.count(_ == 1) min ls.count(_ == 2)\n }\n val res = List.fill(N / K, K)(sc.nextInt).transpose.map(diff).sum\n\n out.println(res)\n out.close\n}\n\n\n\n\n\n", "src_uid": "5f94c2ecf1cf8fdbb6117cab801ed281"} {"source_code": "object CF_E61_A {\n// date: 05/03/2019\n\n type In = (Int, Int, Int, Int)\n type Out = Int\n \n def solve(in: In): Out = {\n val (c1, c2, c3, c4) = in\n if(c1 == c4 && (c3 == 0 || c1 > 0)) 1 else 0\n }\n\n// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n// Specify Input and Output formats on RHS here:\n\n def formatIn(i: Input): In = (i.int, {i.nextLine; i.int}, {i.nextLine; i.int}, {i.nextLine; i.int})\n def formatOut(out: Out): String = out.toString\n\n// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n// Boilerplate & utility methods that don't change (so ignore): \n\n import java.util.Scanner\n import java.io.InputStream\n import language.implicitConversions\n \n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val out = new java.io.PrintWriter(System.out)\n val resultStr = new Input(System.in).solveStr\n out.println(resultStr)\n out.close()\n }\n \n class Input(val sc: Scanner) {\n // This class is useful for convenience, and for mock stdin in test scripts\n // Remember to call nextLine to advance past the newline character (if required) before taking a whole line\n def this(i: InputStream) = this(new Scanner(i))\n def this(s: String) = this(new Scanner(s.stripMargin))\n def int = sc.nextInt()\n def long = sc.nextLong()\n def double = sc.nextDouble()\n def nextLine = sc.nextLine()\n def collect[T](f: String => T) = sc.nextLine().split(\" \").toVector.map(f)\n def intSeq = collect(_.toInt)\n def doubleSeq = collect(_.toDouble)\n def getLines: Vector[String] = if (!sc.hasNextLine) Vector.empty \n else sc.nextLine +: getLines\n def getLines(lineCount: Int) = {nextLine; (1 to lineCount).map(_ => sc.nextLine)}\n def solveVal: Out = (solve _).tupled(formatIn(this))\n def solveStr: String = formatOut(solveVal)\n }\n\n // Ceiling division for Int & Long\n // `a` MUST be > 0. Incorrect otherwise.\n def divideCeil(a: Int, b: Int) = (a - 1)/b + 1\n def divideCeil(a: Long, b: Long) = (a - 1)/b + 1\n \n // A frequently used number in these comps\n val modulo = 1000000007\n\n // For convenience in test scripts, treat a String as an Input \n implicit def stringToInput(s: String): Input = new Input(s)\n // Required to make `solveVal` work when input has just 1 value (i.e. not a Tuple)\n implicit class makeTupledWorkOnFunction1[-T,+R](f: T => R) { \n def tupled: T => R = x => f(x) \n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "b99578086043537297d374dc01eeb6f8"} {"source_code": "/**\n * @see http://codeforces.com/contest/911/problem/B\n */\n\nobject BTwoCakes extends App {\n val Array(n, a, b) = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n val l = for (i <- 1 until n) yield (a / i) min (b / (n - i))\n println(l max)\n}\n", "src_uid": "a254b1e3451c507cf7ce3e2496b3d69e"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject C635_Scala extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val sum = sc.nextLong()\n val xor = sc.nextLong()\n\n def solve(sum: Long, xor: Long, solutionWithCarry: Long, solutionWithoutCarry: Long): Long = {\n if (sum == 0 && xor == 0) {\n solutionWithoutCarry\n } else (sum % 2, xor % 2) match {\n case (1, 1) => solve(sum / 2, xor / 2, 0, solutionWithoutCarry * 2)\n case (1, 0) => solve(sum / 2, xor / 2, solutionWithCarry, solutionWithCarry)\n case (0, 1) => solve(sum / 2, xor / 2, solutionWithCarry * 2, 0)\n case (0, 0) => solve(sum / 2, xor / 2, solutionWithoutCarry, solutionWithoutCarry)\n }\n }\n\n def solve2(sum: Long, xor: Long): Long = {\n solve(sum, xor, 0, 1) - (if (sum == xor) 2 else 0)\n }\n\n println(solve2(sum, xor))\n}", "src_uid": "18410980789b14c128dd6adfa501aea5"} {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val n = readInt();\n var primes = Seq(2, 3)\n var count = 0\n for (i <- 4 to n) {\n var divs = Set[Int]()\n for (div <- primes) {\n if (i % div == 0) {\n if (i / div == div) divs += (div)\n else if (primes.find(_ == i / div) != None) divs += (div, i / div)\n else divs += (div)\n }\n }\n if (divs.size == 0) primes ++= Seq(i)\n else if (divs.size == 2) count += 1\n }\n println(count)\n }\n}", "src_uid": "356666366625bc5358bc8b97c8d67bd5"} {"source_code": "object A574 {\n\n import IO._\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(n) = readInts(1)\n val in = readInts(n)\n val ini = in(0)\n while(in.max > in(0) || in.count(_ == in.max) != 1) {\n //take 1 from max\n var break = false\n var i = 1\n while(!break && i < n) {\n if(in(i) == in.max) {\n in(i) -= 1\n in(0) += 1\n break = true\n }\n i += 1\n }\n }\n println(in(0) - ini)\n }\n\n object IO {\n @inline def read: String = scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInts(n: Int): Array[Int] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int): Array[Long] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int): Array[BigInt] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n }\n\n}\n", "src_uid": "aa8fabf7c817dfd3d585b96a07bb7f58"} {"source_code": "\nobject problemA {\n import java.io.{BufferedReader, FileInputStream, InputStreamReader}\n import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer\n import scala.collection.mutable\n import scala.util.control.Breaks._\n import scala.collection.JavaConverters._\n\n val source = System.in\n implicit val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(source))\n\n def read()(implicit reader: BufferedReader): String = reader.readLine().split(\" \")(0)\n def readArray()(implicit reader: BufferedReader): Array[String] = reader.readLine().split(\" \")\n def readString()(implicit reader: BufferedReader): String = reader.readLine()\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val s = readString().toCharArray\n if (s.filter(_ == 'o').size == 0 || s.filter(_ == '-').size % s.filter(_ == 'o').size == 0) print(\"YES\")\n else print(\"NO\")\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "6e006ae3df3bcd24755358a5f584ec03"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\n/**\n * Created by vladimir on 08.06.17.\n */\nobject A339 extends App {\n print(StdIn.readLine().split('+').sorted.mkString(\"+\"))\n}\n", "src_uid": "76c7312733ef9d8278521cf09d3ccbc8"} {"source_code": "import java.io._\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\n\nobject Easy {\n val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n def readInt = reader.readLine().toInt\n def readInts = reader.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n val switches = for(_ <- 1 to 3) yield readInts.map(_ % 2)\n val ans = Array.ofDim[Int](3, 3)\n val dx = Array(0, 1, 0, -1)\n for(r <- 0 until 3) for(c <- 0 until 3) {\n ans(r)(c) ^= switches(r)(c)\n (for(k <- 0 until 4) yield Array(r + dx(k), c + dx(k ^ 1))).filterNot(_.exists(x => x < 0 || x >= 3)).foreach {\n case Array(rr, cc) => ans(rr)(cc) ^= switches(r)(c)\n }\n }\n\n def main(a: Array[String]) {\n println(ans.map(_.map(1 -).mkString).mkString(\"\\n\"))\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "b045abf40c75bb66a80fd6148ecc5bd6"} {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(n, fine) = in.next().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val data = in.next().split(\" \").map(_.toInt).sorted\n val m = in.next().toInt\n\n println(data.take(m).sum - fine * Math.max(m - n, 0))\n\n}\n", "src_uid": "5c21e2dd658825580522af525142397d"} {"source_code": "\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport util.control.Breaks._\n\nobject Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val line = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val n = line(0)\n val k = line(1)\n\n val dist = Math.min(Math.abs(k-1), Math.abs(n-k))\n println(n * 3 + dist)\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "24b02afe8d86314ec5f75a00c72af514"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject Main extends App {\n val Array(n, k) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val minutes = 4 * 60 - k\n val gen = Stream.from(1).map(_ * 5)\n val ans = gen.scanLeft(0)(_ + _).takeWhile(_ <= minutes).length\n println(math.min(ans - 1, n))\n}", "src_uid": "41e554bc323857be7b8483ee358a35e2"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nimport scala.io.StdIn._\n\n/**\n * Created by roman on 21.03.2016.\n */\nobject Task1 {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n\n val n = sc.nextInt()\n val a = sc.nextInt()\n\n println(if (a%2==0) (n-a)/2+1 else (a+1)/2)\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "aa62dcdc47d0abbba7956284c1561de8"} {"source_code": "import scala.collection.mutable.MutableList\n\nobject GameWithSticks {\n\tdef main (args: Array[String]) {\n\t\tval scanner = new java.util.Scanner(System.in);\n\t\tvar width = scanner.nextInt();\n\t\tvar height = scanner.nextInt();\n\t\tval min = Math.min(width, height)\n\t\tif (min % 2 == 1) {\n\t\t\tprintln(\"Akshat\")\n\t\t}\n\t\telse {\n\t\t\tprintln(\"Malvika\")\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}", "src_uid": "a4b9ce9c9f170a729a97af13e81b5fe4"} {"source_code": "/**\n * Created by MacDrive on 22.09.2017.\n */\nobject ProblemA extends App{\n val input = scala.io.StdIn.readLine()\n\n val noZero = input.reverse.dropWhile(x => x == '0')\n\n val split = noZero.splitAt(noZero.length/2)\n\n val ready = if (split._1.length != split._2.length) (split._1, split._2.tail) else split\n\n if (ready._1 == ready._2.reverse) print(\"YES\") else print(\"NO\")\n\n}\n", "src_uid": "d82278932881e3aa997086c909f29051"} {"source_code": "object A353 {\n\n import IO._\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(n) = readInts(1)\n val in = Array.fill(n)(readInts(2))\n if(in.map(_.sum).sum%2 == 0) {\n val first = in.map(_(0)).sum % 2\n val second = in.map(_(1)).sum % 2\n if(first == 0 && second == 0) {\n println(\"0\")\n } else {\n val index = in.exists{ arr =>\n if(arr(0)%2 == 0)\n arr(1)%2 == 1\n else\n arr(1)%2 == 0\n }\n\n if(index) {\n println(\"1\")\n } else {\n println(\"-1\")\n }\n }\n } else {\n println(\"-1\")\n }\n }\n\n object IO {\n @inline def read: String = scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInts(n: Int): Array[Int] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int): Array[Long] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int): Array[BigInt] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n }\n\n}\n", "src_uid": "f9bc04aed2b84c7dd288749ac264bb43"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject Codeforces extends App {\n val Array(n, m) = readLine split ' ' map(_.toInt)\n val first = readLine split ' ' map(_.toInt) toSet\n val second = readLine split ' ' map(_.toInt) toSet\n\n val Array(minFirst, minSecond) = Array(first min, second min) sorted\n val minIntersect = first intersect second match {\n case s if s nonEmpty => s.min\n case _ => Int.MaxValue\n }\n\n if (minIntersect < 10)\n println(minIntersect)\n else\n println(s\"$minFirst$minSecond\")\n}", "src_uid": "3a0c1b6d710fd8f0b6daf420255d76ee"} {"source_code": "// cf 171A not done\n\nobject MysteryNumbers extends App {\n val ln = (Console.readLine()).split(\" \") map (_.toInt)\n val a = ln(0)\n val b = ln(1)\n \n def invert(n:Int, acc:Int):Int = n match {\n case 0 => acc\n case _ => invert(n/10, acc*10 + (n%10))\n }\n \n val bb = invert(b,0)\n println(a + bb)\n}", "src_uid": "69b219054cad0844fc4f15df463e09c0"} {"source_code": "object C519 {\n @inline def read = scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInts(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n var Array(n, m) = readLongs(2)\n var res = 0\n while(n != 0 && m != 0) {\n if(n >= m && n >= 2 && m >= 1) {\n n -= 2\n m -= 1\n res += 1\n } else if(n < m && n >= 1 && m >= 2){\n m -= 2\n n -= 1\n res += 1\n } else {\n n = 0; m = 0\n }\n }\n println(res)\n }\n}", "src_uid": "0718c6afe52cd232a5e942052527f31b"} {"source_code": "//package c617.a\n\nobject Solution extends App {\n import scala.io.StdIn\n val x = StdIn.readInt()\n val a = x / 5\n val b = x % 5\n println(if (b != 0) a + 1 else a)\n}\n", "src_uid": "4b3d65b1b593829e92c852be213922b6"} {"source_code": "object main extends App with fastIO {\n \n var Array(a, b, s) = readLine split(\" \") map(_.toInt)\n println(if (((s - a.abs - b.abs) & 1) == 0 && s >= a.abs + b.abs) \"Yes\" else \"No\") \n\n flush \n}\n\ntrait fastIO {\n import java.io._\n \n val isFile = false\n val input = \"io.in\"\n val output = \"io.out\"\n \n val bf = new BufferedReader(if(isFile) new FileReader(input) else new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n val in = new StreamTokenizer(bf)\n val out = new PrintWriter(if(isFile) new FileWriter(output) else new OutputStreamWriter(System.out))\n\n def next: String = {\n in.ordinaryChars('0', '9')\n in.wordChars('0', '9')\n in.nextToken\n in.sval\n }\n \n def nextInt: Int = {\n in.nextToken\n in.nval.toInt\n }\n \n def nextLong:Long ={\n in.nextToken\n in.nval.toLong\n }\n \n def nextDouble: Double = {\n in.nextToken\n in.nval.toDouble\n }\n \n def readLine: String = bf.readLine()\n def println(o:Any) = out.println(o)\n def print(o:Any) = out.print(o)\n def printf(s:String,o:Any*) = out.printf(s,o)\n def flush = out.flush\n}", "src_uid": "9a955ce0775018ff4e5825700c13ed36"} {"source_code": "object P8B {\n import io.StdIn._\n\n def main(args:Array[String]) {\n val m = collection.mutable.HashMap[(Int, Int), Int]()\n val s = readLine\n var k = 0\n def f(i:Int, x:Int, y:Int) {\n if (!m.contains((x, y))) {\n m((x, y)) = k\n k += 1\n }\n if (i < s.size) s(i) match {\n case 'L' => f(i + 1, x, y - 1)\n case 'R' => f(i + 1, x, y + 1)\n case 'U' => f(i + 1, x - 1, y)\n case 'D' => f(i + 1, x + 1, y)\n }\n }; f(0, 0, 0)\n val e = Array.fill(k){collection.mutable.Buffer[Int]()}\n for (((x, y), i) <- m) {\n for (xyN <- Array((x + 1, y), (x, y + 1))) m.get(xyN) match {\n case Some(j) => {e(i).+=(j); e(j).+=(i)}\n case None => {}\n }\n }\n val d = Array.fill(k){Int.MaxValue}; d(0) = 0\n val q = collection.mutable.Queue[Int](0)\n while (q.nonEmpty) {\n val qH = q.dequeue\n for (i <- e(qH)) if (d(i) > d(qH) + 1) {\n d(i) = d(qH) + 1\n q.enqueue(i)\n }\n }\n println(if (d(k - 1) == s.size) \"OK\" else \"BUG\")\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "bb7805cc9d1cc907b64371b209c564b3"} {"source_code": "object CF499B extends App {\n\n import java.io.PrintWriter\n import java.util.Scanner\n\n val in = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n def solve = {\n val participants = in.nextInt\n val food = new Array[Int](in.nextInt).map(_ => in.nextInt).groupBy(identity).mapValues(_.size).map(_._2).toArray.sorted.reverse\n\n def tryNDays(days: Int): Boolean = {\n if (days == 0) return true\n return food.map(_/days).sum >= participants\n }\n\n out.println(Stream.from(0).takeWhile(tryNDays).last)\n }\n\n solve\n out.flush\n out.close\n}", "src_uid": "b7ef696a11ff96f2e9c31becc2ff50fe"} {"source_code": "object Main {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n\n val std = scala.io.StdIn\n val n = std.readLine().toInt\n \n var divisors = std.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt).sorted.reverse.toList\n val first = divisors.head\n \n divisors = divisors.tail\n var prev = first\n while (divisors.length > 1 && divisors.head != prev && first % divisors.head == 0 ) {\n prev = divisors.head\n divisors = divisors.tail\n }\n \n println(divisors.head + \" \" + first)\n\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "868407df0a93085057d06367aecaf9be"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\n/**\n * Created by hama_du on 2014/03/12.\n */\nobject ProblemC extends App {\n val in = new Scanner(System.in)\n val recipe = in.next.toCharArray\n val B = recipe.count(p => p == 'B')\n val S = recipe.count(p => p == 'S')\n val C = recipe.count(p => p == 'C')\n val b,s,c = in.nextLong\n val pb,ps,pc = in.nextLong\n val P = in.nextLong\n\n println(binSearch(-1, 1000000000000000L))\n\n\n def binSearch(min: Long, max:Long): Long = {\n if (max - min <= 1) {\n min\n } else {\n val med = (min + max) / 2\n if (isPossible(med)) {\n binSearch(med, max)\n } else {\n binSearch(min, med)\n }\n }\n }\n\n def isPossible(med: Long): Boolean = {\n val needB = (med * B - b) max 0\n val needS = (med * S - s) max 0\n val needC = (med * C - c) max 0\n (needB * pb + needS * ps + needC * pc) <= P\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "8126a4232188ae7de8e5a7aedea1a97e"} {"source_code": "import scala.collection.mutable.ArraySeq\n\nobject Main {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val Array(n, l, r) = scala.io.StdIn.readLine split ' ' filter (_.nonEmpty) map (_.toInt)\n val numDiv3 = (l: Int, r: Int) => r / 3 - (l + 2) / 3 + 1\n val (a, b, c) = (numDiv3(l, r), numDiv3(l - 1, r - 1), numDiv3(l + 1, r + 1))\n println((Matrix(ArraySeq(ArraySeq(a, c, b), ArraySeq(b, a, c), ArraySeq(c, b, a))) ** n) (0)(0))\n }\n\n val MOD = 1000000007\n\n class Matrix(val n: Int, val m: Int, val mat: ArraySeq[ArraySeq[Long]]) {\n def apply(i: Int) = mat(i)\n def *(oth: Matrix) = {\n val res = Matrix(n, oth.m)\n for (i <- 0 until n; k <- 0 until m; j <- 0 until oth.m) {\n res(i)(j) = (res(i)(j) + mat(i)(k) * oth.mat(k)(j)) % MOD\n }\n res\n }\n def **(k: Int): Matrix =\n if (k == 1)\n this\n else {\n val hf = this ** (k / 2)\n val res = hf * hf\n if (k % 2 == 0) res\n else res * this\n }\n }\n\n object Matrix {\n def apply(mat: ArraySeq[ArraySeq[Long]]) = new Matrix(mat.length, mat(0).length, mat)\n def apply(n: Int, m: Int) = new Matrix(n, m, ArraySeq.fill(n, m)(0))\n }\n}", "src_uid": "4c4852df62fccb0a19ad8bc41145de61"} {"source_code": "object Main\n{\n def main(args : Array[String]) = {\n val Array(n,a,b,c) = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n var res = 0\n for (i <- 0 to n/a; j <- 0 to n/b)\n {\n val r = n-i*a-j*b\n if (r>=0 && r % c == 0)\n\tres = res max (i + j + r/c)\n }\n println(res)\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "062a171cc3ea717ea95ede9d7a1c3a43"} {"source_code": "import Utils._, annotation.tailrec, collection.mutable, util._, control._, math.Ordering.Implicits._, java.awt._\n\nobject _669A extends CodeForcesApp {\n override def apply(io: IO) = {\n val n = io[Int]\n val ans = 2*(n/3) + (if (n%3 > 0) 1 else 0)\n io += ans\n }\n}\n/****************************[Ignore Template Below]****************************************/\ntrait CodeForcesApp {\n lazy val isOnlineJudge: Boolean = sys.props.get(\"ONLINE_JUDGE\").exists(_.toBoolean)\n def debug(x: Any): Unit = if (!isOnlineJudge) println(x)\n def apply(io: IO): io.type\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = this(new IO(System.in, System.out)).close()\n}\nobject Utils {\n import scala.collection.mutable, mutable.{Map => Dict}\n implicit class GenericExtensions[A](val a: A) extends AnyVal {\n def partialMatch[B](f: PartialFunction[A, B]): Option[B] = f lift a\n }\n implicit class TraversableExtensions[A, C[X] <: Traversable[X]](val t: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def onlyElement: A = t.head.ensuring(t.size == 1)\n def groupByIdentifier[K](f: A => K): Map[K, A] = t.groupBy(f).mapValues(_.onlyElement)\n def duplicates(implicit b: C of A): C[A] = {\n val elems = mutable.Set.empty[A]\n (t collect {case i if !elems.add(i) => i}).to[C]\n }\n def sumWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit n: Numeric[B]): B = t.foldLeft(n.zero) {case (p, i) => n.plus(p, f(i))}\n def zipWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit b: C of (A, B)): C[(A, B)] = (t map {i => i -> f(i)}).to[C]\n def mapTo[B](f: A => B)(implicit b: C of (A, B)): Map[A, B] = zipWith(f).toUniqueMap\n def whenNonEmpty[B](f: t.type => B): Option[B] = when(t.nonEmpty)(f(t)) // e.g. grades.whenNonEmpty(_.max)\n def collectFirst[B](f: PartialFunction[A, Option[B]]): Option[B] = t.view collect f collectFirst {case Some(x) => x}\n def toMutableMultiSet: Dict[A, Int] = {\n val c = map[A] to 0\n t.foreach(i => c(i) += 1)\n c\n }\n def toMultiSet: Map[A, Int] = toMutableMultiSet.toMap\n }\n implicit class ArrayExtensions[A <: AnyRef](val a: Array[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def sort(from: Int, until: Int)(implicit cmp: Ordering[A]): Unit = java.util.Arrays.sort(a, from, until, cmp) //sort [from, until)\n }\n implicit class ArrayExtensions2[A](val a: Array[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def sort(from: Int, until: Int)(implicit cmp: Ordering[A]): Unit = a.view(from, until).sorted.copyToArray(a, from)\n }\n implicit class SeqExtensions[A, C[X] <: Seq[X]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def isRotationOf(t: Seq[A]): Boolean = s ++ s containsSlice t\n }\n implicit class PairsExtensions[A, B, C[X] <: Traversable[X]](t: C[(A, B)]) {\n def toUniqueMap: Map[A, B] = t.groupByIdentifier(_._1).mapValues(_._2)\n def toMultiMap(implicit b: C of B): Map[A, C[B]] = t.groupBy(_._1).mapValues(_.map(_._2).to[C])\n def swap(implicit b: C of (B, A)): C[(B, A)] = t.map(_.swap).to[C]\n }\n implicit class MapExtensions[K, V, C[X, Y] <: Map[X, Y]](val m: C[K, V]) extends AnyVal {\n def invert: Map[V, Set[K]] = m.toSet[(K, V)].swap.toMultiMap\n def mapKeys[K2](f: K => K2): Map[K2, V] = m map {case (k, v) => f(k) -> v}\n def toMutable: Dict[K, V] = Dict.empty[K, V] ++ m\n }\n implicit class SetExtensions[A, C[A] <: Set[A]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def notContains(x: A): Boolean = !(s contains x)\n def toMutable = mutable.Set.empty[A] ++ s\n }\n implicit class LongExtensions(val x: Long) extends AnyVal {\n def bitCount: Int = java.lang.Long.bitCount(x)\n }\n implicit class NumericExtensions[A](val x: A)(implicit n: Numeric[A]) {\n import Numeric.Implicits._\n def **(i: Int): A = if (i == 0) n.one else {\n val h = x ** (i/2)\n if (i%2 == 0) h * h else h * h * x\n }\n def nonNegative: Option[A] = when(n.gteq(x, n.zero))(x)\n def whenNegative(f: => A): A = nonNegative getOrElse f //e.g. students indexOf \"Greg\" whenNegative Int.MaxValue\n }\n implicit class IntegralExtensions[A](val x: A)(implicit n: Integral[A]) {\n import scala.collection.immutable.NumericRange, Integral.Implicits._\n def mod(y: A): A = x - ((x / y) * y) //(x/y)*y + (x mod y) == x\n def -->(y: A): NumericRange.Inclusive[A] = NumericRange.inclusive(n.min(x, y), n.max(x, y), n.one)\n }\n implicit def toPoint[A](p: (A, A))(implicit n: Numeric[A]) = new java.awt.geom.Point2D.Double(n.toDouble(p._1), n.toDouble(p._2))\n def desc[A: Ordering]: Ordering[A] = asc[A].reverse //e.g. students.sortBy(_.height)(desc)\n def asc[A](implicit order: Ordering[A]): Ordering[A] = order\n def map[K] = new {\n def to[V](default: V): Dict[K, V] = Dict.empty[K, V] withDefaultValue default // also to(Dict.empty[K2, V])\n }\n def memoize[I] = new {\n def apply[O](f: I => O): I => O = new mutable.HashMap[I, O]() {\n override def apply(key: I) = getOrElseUpdate(key, f(key))\n }\n }\n @inline def when[A](check: Boolean)(f: => A): Option[A] = if (check) Some(f) else None\n def repeat[U](n: Int)(f: => U): Unit = (1 to n).foreach(_ => f)\n type of[C[_], A] = scala.collection.generic.CanBuild[A, C[A]]\n val mod: Int = (1e9 + 7).toInt\n val newLine: String = \"\\n\"\n}\n/***********************************[Scala I/O]*********************************************/\nimport Utils._, java.io._, java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nclass IO(in: BufferedReader, out: BufferedWriter) extends PrintWriter(out, true) with Iterator[String] {\n def this(reader: Reader, writer: Writer) = this(new BufferedReader(reader), new BufferedWriter(writer))\n def this(in: InputStream, out: OutputStream) = this(new InputStreamReader(in), new OutputStreamWriter(out))\n\n private[this] val tokenizers = Iterator.continually(in.readLine()).takeWhile(_ != null).map(new StringTokenizer(_)).buffered\n\n @inline private[this] def tokenizer() = {\n while(tokenizers.nonEmpty && !tokenizers.head.hasMoreTokens) tokenizers.next()\n if (tokenizers.nonEmpty) Some(tokenizers.head) else None\n }\n\n def apply[A](implicit read: IO.Read[A]): A = read.apply(this)\n def apply[C[_], A: IO.Read](n: Int)(implicit b: C of A): C[A] = Iterator.fill(n)(apply).to[C]\n\n def till(delim: String): String = tokenizer().get.nextToken(delim)\n def tillEndOfLine(): String = till(\"\\n\\r\")\n\n override def next() = tokenizer().get.nextToken()\n override def hasNext = tokenizer().nonEmpty\n\n var separator = \" \"\n private[this] var isNewLine = true\n\n def +=[A](x: A)(implicit write: IO.Write[A]): this.type = {\n write(this)(x)\n this\n }\n def ++=[A: IO.Write](xs: Traversable[A]): this.type = this.+=(xs.size).appendNewLine().+=(xs)\n\n def appendNewLine(): this.type = {\n println()\n this\n }\n\n override def print(obj: String) = {\n if (isNewLine) isNewLine = false else super.print(separator)\n super.print(obj)\n }\n override def println() = if (!isNewLine) {\n super.println()\n isNewLine = true\n }\n override def close() = {\n flush()\n in.close()\n super.close()\n }\n}\nobject IO {\n class Read[A](val apply: IO => A) {\n def map[B](f: A => B): Read[B] = new Read(apply andThen f)\n }\n object Read {\n implicit def collection[C[_], A: Read](implicit b: C of A): Read[C[A]] = new Read(r => r[C, A](r[Int]))\n implicit val string : Read[String] = new Read(_.next())\n implicit val char : Read[Char] = string.map(_.toTraversable.onlyElement)\n implicit val boolean : Read[Boolean] = string.map(_.toBoolean)\n implicit val int : Read[Int] = string.map(_.toInt)\n implicit val long : Read[Long] = string.map(_.toLong)\n implicit val bigInt : Read[BigInt] = string.map(BigInt(_))\n implicit val double : Read[Double] = string.map(_.toDouble)\n implicit val bigDecimal : Read[BigDecimal] = string.map(BigDecimal(_))\n implicit def tuple2[A: Read, B: Read] : Read[(A, B)] = new Read(r => (r[A], r[B]))\n implicit def tuple3[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read] : Read[(A, B, C)] = new Read(r => (r[A], r[B], r[C]))\n implicit def tuple4[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read, D: Read] : Read[(A, B, C, D)] = new Read(r => (r[A], r[B], r[C], r[D]))\n }\n trait Write[-A] {\n def apply(out: PrintWriter)(x: A): Unit\n }\n trait DefaultWrite {\n implicit def any[A]: Write[A] = Write(_.toString)\n }\n object Write extends DefaultWrite {\n def apply[A](f: A => String) = new Write[A] {\n override def apply(out: PrintWriter)(x: A) = out.print(f(x))\n }\n implicit val boolean: Write[Boolean] = Write(b => if (b) \"YES\" else \"NO\")\n implicit def tuple2[A, B]: Write[(A, B)] = Write {case (a, b) => s\"$a $b\"}\n implicit def iterable[A](implicit write: Write[A]): Write[Traversable[A]] = new Write[Traversable[A]] {\n override def apply(out: PrintWriter)(xs: Traversable[A]) = {\n xs foreach write(out)\n out.println()\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n", "src_uid": "a993069e35b35ae158d35d6fe166aaef"} {"source_code": "\n\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport java.util.Scanner\n\n/**\n * Created by arseny on 19.07.14.\n */\nobject C extends App {\n val home = true\n val in = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n def nextInt = in.nextInt\n def nextLong = in.nextLong\n def nextDouble = in.nextDouble\n def nextString = in.next\n\n def solve() = {\n val n = nextLong\n val m = nextLong\n val k = nextLong\n if (k > n + m - 2) {\n out.println(-1)\n } else {\n def minSquare(t: Long) = {\n (n / (t + 1)) * (m / (k - t + 1))\n }\n val l = math.max(0, k - m + 1)\n val r = math.min(k, n - 1)\n var max = l\n if (minSquare(r) > minSquare(max)) {\n max = r\n }\n if (r != 0 && minSquare(r - 1) > minSquare(max)) {\n max = r - 1\n }\n if (l != k && minSquare(l + 1) > minSquare(max)) {\n max = l + 1\n }\n out.println(minSquare(max))\n }\n }\n\n try {\n solve()\n } catch {\n case _: Exception => sys.exit(9999)\n } finally {\n out.flush()\n out.close()\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "bb453bbe60769bcaea6a824c72120f73"} {"source_code": "\n/**\n * Created by octavian on 13/02/2016.\n */\nobject Cards {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) = {\n\n //System.setIn(new FileInputStream(\"./src/cards.in\"))\n //System.setOut(new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(\"./src/cards.out\")))\n\n val n = readInt()\n val a: Array[Char] = readLine().toCharArray\n var count = Array(0, 0, 0)\n var chars = Array('B', 'R', 'G')\n for(i <- 0 until a.length) {\n\n a(i) match {\n case 'B' => count(0) += 1\n case 'R' => count(1) += 1\n case 'G' => count(2) += 1\n }\n }\n\n println(computePos(count, chars).sorted.mkString)\n }\n\n def computePos(count: Array[Int], chars: Array[Char]): Array[Char] = {\n for(i <- 0 until 3) {\n for(j <- 0 until 3) {\n for(k <- 0 until 3) {\n if(i != j && i != k && j != k) {\n if(count(i) > 0 && count(j) == 0 && count(k) == 0) {\n //println(\"In 1: \" + i + \" \" + j + \" \" + k)\n return Array(chars(i))\n }\n if(count(i) == 1 && count(j) == 1 && count(k) == 0) {\n //println(\"In 1: \" + i + \" \" + j + \" \" + k)\n return Array(chars(k))\n }\n if(count(i) > 1 && count(j) == 1 && count(k) == 0) {\n //println(\"In 1: \" + i + \" \" + j + \" \" + k)\n return Array(chars(j), chars(k))\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n return chars\n }\n\n}\n", "src_uid": "4cedd3b70d793bc8ed4a93fc5a827f8f"} {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val Array(a, b) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n \n var rest = a\n var sum = a\n while(rest >= b) {\n sum += rest / b\n rest = rest / b + rest % b\n }\n println(sum)\n }\n}", "src_uid": "a349094584d3fdc6b61e39bffe96dece"} {"source_code": "import scala.io._\nimport scala.collection.mutable._\nimport java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nobject HelloWorld {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n var Array(l, d, v, g, r) = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toDouble);\n var result: Double = 0;\n var timeToTraffic = d / v;\n var mod = timeToTraffic % (g + r);\n var green = if (mod >= 0 && mod < g) true else false\n if (green) {\n result = l / v;\n } else {\n result = d / v + (r - (mod - g)) + (l - d) / v;\n }\n println(result);\n }\n\n}", "src_uid": "e4a4affb439365c843c9f9828d81b42c"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject Main {\n\n def sqr(x: Long) = x * x\n\n def powmod(x: Long, n: Long, p: Long): Long = {\n if (n == 1) x\n else if (n % 2 == 1) (powmod(x, n - 1, p) * x) % p\n else sqr(powmod(x, n / 2, p)) % p\n }\n\n def C(n: Int, k: Int) = {\n var res = BigInt(1)\n for (i <- n - k + 1 to n) {\n res = res * i\n }\n for (i <- 1 to k.toInt) {\n res = res / i\n }\n res\n }\n\n def fact(n: Int) = {\n var res = BigInt(1)\n for (i <- 1 to n) {\n res = res * i\n }\n res\n }\n\n def gcd(a: Long, b: Long): Long = if (b == 0) a else gcd(b, a % b)\n\n def lcm(a: Long, b: Long) = a / gcd(a, b) * b\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val in = new Scanner(System.in)\n\n val primes = Array(2, 3, 5, 7)\n\n val R = in.nextLong()\n\n var res = 0L\n\n for (mask <- 0 until (1 << primes.length)) {\n var prod = 1L\n var cnt = 0\n for (i <- primes.indices) {\n if ((mask & (1 << i)) != 0) {\n prod = prod * primes(i)\n cnt = cnt + 1\n }\n }\n //System.err.println(prod)\n res = res + (if (cnt % 2 == 0) 1 else -1) * (R / prod)\n }\n\n println(res)\n\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "e392be5411ffccc1df50e65ec1f5c589"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject Main {\n\n\tdef main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n\t\tval scanner = new Scanner (System.in)\n\t\tval s = scanner.next ()\n\t\tval t = s.sorted.reverse\n\t\tval ans = t.takeWhile(c => c == t.head)\n\t\tprintln (ans)\n\t}\n\n}\n", "src_uid": "9a40e9b122962a1f83b74ddee6246a40"} {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val op = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val a = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val n = op(0)\n val m = op(1)\n val k = op(2)\n \n val r = a.sorted.reverse.scanLeft(k)(_ + _ - 1)\n val count = if(m < k) 0 else r.zipWithIndex.find(_._1 >= m).map(_._2).getOrElse(-1)\n println(count)\n }\n}", "src_uid": "b32ab27503ee3c4196d6f0d0f133d13c"} {"source_code": "import java.util.ArrayList\nimport java.util.StringTokenizer\n//import scala.reflect.io.File\nimport java.io.BufferedReader\nimport java.io.BufferedInputStream\nimport java.io.InputStreamReader\nimport java.io.ByteArrayInputStream\nimport java.io.InputStream\n\nobject A_425 { var br = createBufferedReader(); var debugV = false \n \n //COMMENT ME !\n runTest(Test.sa1)\n debugV = true\n// file = File(\"C:\\\\temp\\\\google cj\\\\2014q\\\\c-small.res\")\n \n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n //---------------------------- parameters reading \n val l1 = readLine\n val n = l1.long\n val k = l1.long\n \n val rr = n / k\n val res = if (rr % 2 == 1) \"YES\" else \"NO\"\n \n //---------------------------- parameters reading :end \n outLn(res)\n finish\n }\n \n \n //============================ service code ======================\n\n// var file:File = null\n val resultStr = new StringBuilder\n def outLn(str:String) = resultStr.append(str).append(\"\\n\")\n def outLn(number:Integer) = resultStr.append(number+\"\").append(\"\\n\")\n def finish() {\n// if (file == null || !devEnv) {\n println(resultStr.toString())\n// } else {\n// file.writeAll(resultStr.toString())\n// }\n }\n \n def readLine() = new Line \n class Line {\n val fullLine = br.readLine()\n val tok = new StringTokenizer(fullLine, \" \")\n def int = tok.nextToken().toInt\n def long = tok.nextToken().toLong\n def double = tok.nextToken().toDouble\n def string = tok.nextToken()\n }\n \n def createBufferedReader(inst:InputStream = System.in): BufferedReader = {\n val bis = if (inst == null) new BufferedInputStream(System.in) else new BufferedInputStream(inst);\n new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(bis));\n }\n \n def runTest(str:String) = if (devEnv) { \n br = createBufferedReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(str.trim.getBytes(\"ISO-8859-1\")))\n }\n \n def debug(x: => String) = if (debugV && devEnv) println(x) // nullary function\n \n lazy val devEnv = this.getClass.getCanonicalName.contains(\".\")\n \n//============================================================================================\nobject Test {\n \nval sa1 = \"\"\"\n10 4\n\"\"\"\n\nval sa2 = \"\"\"\n1 1\n\"\"\"\n\nval sa3 = \"\"\"\n\"\"\"\n}\n\n}\n\n", "src_uid": "05fd61dd0b1f50f154eec85d8cfaad50"} {"source_code": "object _937A extends CodeForcesApp {\n import Utils._, annotation._, collection.{mutable, Searching}, util._, control._, math.Ordering.Implicits._, Searching._\n\n override def apply(io: IO): io.type = {\n val input = io.read[Vector[Int]]\n val ans = input.filter(_ > 0).distinct.size\n io.write(ans)\n }\n}\n/****************************[Ignore Template Below]****************************************/\ntrait CodeForcesApp {\n lazy val isOnlineJudge: Boolean = sys.props.get(\"ONLINE_JUDGE\").exists(_.toBoolean)\n def debug(x: => Any): Unit = if (!isOnlineJudge) println(x)\n def apply(io: IO): io.type\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = this(new IO(System.in, System.out)).close()\n}\nobject Utils {\n import scala.collection.mutable, mutable.{Map => Dict}\n type Point = java.awt.geom.Point2D.Double\n implicit class GenericExtensions[A](val a: A) extends AnyVal {\n def in(set: collection.Set[A]): Boolean = set(a)\n def some: Option[A] = Some(a)\n def partialMatch[B](f: PartialFunction[A, B]): Option[B] = f lift a\n }\n implicit class TraversableExtensions[A, C[X] <: Traversable[X]](val t: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def onlyElement: A = assuming(t.size == 1)(t.head)\n def groupByIdentifier[K](f: A => K): Map[K, A] = t.groupBy(f).mapValues(_.onlyElement)\n def duplicates(implicit b: C of A): C[A] = {\n val elems = mutable.Set.empty[A]\n (t collect {case i if !elems.add(i) => i}).to[C]\n }\n def sumWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit n: Numeric[B]): B = t.foldLeft(n.zero) {case (p, i) => n.plus(p, f(i))}\n def maxWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit ord: Ordering[B]): Option[B] = t.view.map(f).reduceOption(ord.max)\n def minWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit ord: Ordering[B]): Option[B] = t.view.map(f).reduceOption(ord.min)\n def zipWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit b: C of (A, B)): C[(A, B)] = (t map {i => i -> f(i)}).to[C]\n def mapTo[B](f: A => B)(implicit b: C of (A, B)): Map[A, B] = zipWith(f).toUniqueMap\n def whenNonEmpty[B](f: t.type => B): Option[B] = when(t.nonEmpty)(f(t)) // e.g. grades.whenNonEmpty(_.max)\n def collectFirst[B](f: PartialFunction[A, Option[B]]): Option[B] = t.view collect f collectFirst {case Some(x) => x}\n def toMutableMultiSet: Dict[A, Int] = {\n val c = map[A] to 0\n t.foreach(i => c(i) += 1)\n c\n }\n def toMultiSet: Map[A, Int] = toMutableMultiSet.toMap withDefaultValue 0\n def X[B](s: Traversable[B]): Iterator[(A, B)] = for {a <- t.toIterator; b <- s} yield (a, b)\n }\n implicit class ArrayExtensions[A <: AnyRef](val a: Array[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def sort(from: Int = 0, until: Int = a.length)(implicit cmp: Ordering[A]): Unit = java.util.Arrays.sort(a, from, until, cmp) //sort [from, until)\n }\n implicit class ArrayExtensions2[A](val a: Array[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def sort(from: Int = 0, until: Int = a.length)(implicit cmp: Ordering[A]): Unit = a.view(from, until).sorted.copyToArray(a, from)\n }\n implicit class SeqExtensions[A, C[X] <: Seq[X]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def isRotationOf(t: Seq[A]): Boolean = s ++ s containsSlice t\n }\n implicit class PairExtensions[A, B](val p: (A, B)) extends AnyVal {\n def key = p._1\n def value = p._2\n def toSeq(implicit ev: B =:= A): Seq[A] = Seq(p._1, ev(p._2))\n }\n implicit class PairsExtensions[A, B, C[X] <: Traversable[X]](t: C[(A, B)]) {\n def toUniqueMap: Map[A, B] = t.groupByIdentifier(_.key).mapValues(_.value)\n def toMultiMap(implicit b: C of B): Map[A, C[B]] = t.groupBy(_.key).mapValues(_.map(_.value).to[C]).withDefaultValue(b().result())\n def swap(implicit b: C of (B, A)): C[(B, A)] = t.map(_.swap).to[C]\n }\n implicit class MapExtensions[K, V, C[X, Y] <: Map[X, Y]](val m: C[K, V]) extends AnyVal {\n def lastKeyOption: Option[K] = m.lastOption.map(_.key)\n def firstKeyOption: Option[K] = m.headOption.map(_.key)\n def invert: Map[V, Set[K]] = m.toSet[(K, V)].swap.toMultiMap\n def mapKeys[K2](f: K => K2): Map[K2, V] = m map {case (k, v) => f(k) -> v}\n def toMutable: Dict[K, V] = Dict.empty[K, V] ++ m\n def mapValuesSafely[V2](f: V => V2): Map[K, V2] = m.mapValues(f).view.force //Hack to get around https://issues.scala-lang.org/browse/SI-4776\n }\n implicit class MutableMapExtensions[K, V](val m: mutable.Map[K, V]) extends AnyVal {\n def removeLast(): Option[(K, V)] = m.lastOption.map(removeNode)\n def removeFirst(): Option[(K, V)] = m.headOption.map(removeNode)\n private def removeNode(kv: (K, V)): (K, V) = {\n m -= kv.key\n kv\n }\n }\n implicit class SetExtensions[A, C[A] <: Set[A]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def notContains(x: A): Boolean = !(s contains x)\n def toMutable = mutable.Set.empty[A] ++ s\n }\n implicit class IterableExtensions[A, C[A] <: Seq[A]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def indicesWhere(f: A => Boolean): Seq[Int] = s.zipWithIndex.collect {case (a, i) if f(a) => i}\n def deleteAtIndex(i: Int, howMany: Int = 1) = s.patch(i, Nil, howMany)\n def insertAtIndex(i: Int, items: Seq[A]) = s.patch(i, items, 0)\n def findWithIndex(f: A => Boolean): Option[(A, Int)] = s.zipWithIndex find {case (a, _) => f(a)}\n //def foldUntil[B](z: B)(f: (B, A) => B)(c: B => Boolean): Option[(B, Int)] = s.view.scanLeft(z)(f).findWithIndex(c)\n }\n implicit class BooleanExtensions(val x: Boolean) extends AnyVal {\n def to[A](implicit n: Numeric[A]) = if(x) n.one else n.zero\n def toEnglish = if(x) \"Yes\" else \"No\"\n }\n implicit class IntExtensions(val x: Int) extends AnyVal {\n import java.lang.{Integer => JInt}\n def withHighestOneBit: Int = JInt.highestOneBit(x)\n def withLowestOneBit: Int = JInt.lowestOneBit(x)\n def numberOfLeadingZeroes: Int = JInt.numberOfLeadingZeros(x)\n def numberOfTrailingZeroes: Int = JInt.numberOfTrailingZeros(x)\n def bitCount: Int = JInt.bitCount(x)\n def setLowestBits(n: Int): Int = x | (left(n) - 1)\n def clearLowestBits(n: Int): Int = x & left(n, ~0)\n def setBit(i: Int, set: Boolean): Int = if (set) setBit(i) else clearBit(i)\n def setBit(i: Int): Int = x | left(i)\n def clearBit(i: Int): Int = x & ~left(i)\n def toggleBit(i: Int): Int = x ^ left(i)\n def getBit(i: Int): Int = (x >> i) & 1\n private def left(bits: Int, num: Int = 1) = assuming(bits >= 0 && bits < JInt.SIZE)(num << bits)\n def X(y: Int): Iterator[(Int, Int)] = until(x) X until(y)\n }\n implicit class LongExtensions(val x: Long) extends AnyVal {\n import java.lang.{Long => JLong}\n def withHighestOneBitSet: Long = JLong.highestOneBit(x)\n def withLowestOneBitSet: Long = JLong.lowestOneBit(x)\n def numberOfLeadingZeroes: Int = JLong.numberOfLeadingZeros(x)\n def numberOfTrailingZeroes: Int = JLong.numberOfTrailingZeros(x)\n def bitCount: Int = JLong.bitCount(x)\n def setLowestBits(n: Int): Long = x | (left(n) - 1)\n def clearLowestBits(n: Int): Long = x & left(n, ~0L)\n def setBit(i: Int, set: Boolean): Long = if (set) setBit(i) else clearBit(i)\n def setBit(i: Int): Long = x | left(i)\n def clearBit(i: Int): Long = x & ~left(i)\n def toggleBit(i: Int): Long = x ^ left(i)\n def getBit(i: Int): Long = (x >> i) & 1\n private def left(bits: Int, num: Long = 1L) = assuming(bits >= 0 && bits < JLong.SIZE)(num << bits)\n }\n implicit class NumericExtensions[A](val x: A)(implicit n: Numeric[A]) {\n import Numeric.Implicits._\n def **(i: Int): A = if (i == 0) n.one else {\n val h = x ** (i/2)\n if (i%2 == 0) h * h else h * h * x\n }\n def distance(y: A) = (x - y).abs()\n def nonNegative: Option[A] = when(n.gteq(x, n.zero))(x)\n def whenNegative(f: => A): A = nonNegative.getOrElse(f) //e.g. students.indexOf(\"Greg\").whenNegative(Int.MaxValue)\n }\n implicit class IntegralExtensions[A](val x: A)(implicit n: Integral[A]) {\n import scala.collection.immutable.NumericRange, Integral.Implicits._\n def mod(y: A): A = x - ((x / y) * y) //(x/y)*y + (x mod y) == x\n def -->(y: A): NumericRange.Inclusive[A] = NumericRange.inclusive(x, y, if (n.lteq(x, y)) n.one else -n.one)\n def ceilDiv(y: A): A = if (mod(y) == n.zero) x/y else n.one + (x/y)\n }\n implicit def toPoint[A](p: (A, A))(implicit n: Numeric[A]) = new Point(n.toDouble(p._1), n.toDouble(p._2))\n def desc[A: Ordering]: Ordering[A] = asc[A].reverse //e.g. students.sortBy(_.height)(desc)\n def asc[A](implicit order: Ordering[A]): Ordering[A] = order\n def map[K] = new {\n def to[V](default: => V): Dict[K, V] = using(_ => default)\n def using[V](f: K => V): Dict[K, V] = new mutable.HashMap[K, V]() {\n override def apply(key: K) = getOrElseUpdate(key, f(key))\n }\n }\n def newMultiMap[K, V] = map[K] to mutable.Set.empty[V]\n def memoize[A, B](f: A => B): A ==> B = map[A] using f\n implicit class FuzzyDouble(val x: Double) extends AnyVal {\n def >~(y: Double) = x > y + eps\n def >=~(y: Double) = x >= y + eps\n def ~<(y: Double) = y >=~ x\n def ~=<(y: Double) = y >~ x\n def ~=(y: Double) = (x distance y) <= eps\n }\n def toPolygon(points: Traversable[(Int, Int)]): java.awt.Polygon = {\n val (xs, ys) = points.unzip\n new java.awt.Polygon(xs.toArray, ys.toArray, points.size)\n }\n def toShape(points: Traversable[(Double, Double)]): java.awt.geom.GeneralPath = {\n val shape = new java.awt.geom.GeneralPath()\n points.headOption foreach {case (x, y) => shape.moveTo(x, y)}\n points.tail foreach {case (x, y) => shape.lineTo(x, y)}\n shape.closePath()\n shape\n }\n def until(until: Int): Range = 0 until until\n def not[A](f: A => Boolean): A => Boolean = {x: A => !f(x)}\n def assuming[A](cond: => Boolean)(f: => A): A = {require(cond); f}\n @inline def when[A](check: Boolean)(f: => A): Option[A] = if (check) f.some else None\n def repeat[U](n: Int)(f: => U): Unit = (1 to n).foreach(_ => f)\n type of[C[_], A] = scala.collection.generic.CanBuild[A, C[A]]\n type ==>[A, B] = collection.Map[A, B]\n val mod: Int = (1e9 + 7).toInt\n val eps: Double = 1e-9\n}\n/***********************************[Scala I/O]*********************************************/\nimport Utils._, java.io._, java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nclass IO(in: BufferedReader, out: BufferedWriter) extends Iterator[String] with AutoCloseable with Flushable {\n def this(reader: Reader, writer: Writer) = this(new BufferedReader(reader), new BufferedWriter(writer))\n def this(in: InputStream, out: OutputStream) = this(new InputStreamReader(in), new OutputStreamWriter(out))\n\n private[this] val tokenizers = Iterator.continually(in.readLine()).takeWhile(_ != null).map(new StringTokenizer(_)).buffered\n val printer = new PrintWriter(out, true)\n\n @inline private[this] def tokenizer() = {\n while(tokenizers.nonEmpty && !tokenizers.head.hasMoreTokens) tokenizers.next()\n when(tokenizers.nonEmpty)(tokenizers.head)\n }\n\n def read[A](implicit read: IO.Read[A]): A = read.apply(this)\n def read[C[_], A: IO.Read](n: Int)(implicit b: C of A): C[A] = Iterator.fill(n)(read).to[C]\n\n def readTill(delim: String): String = tokenizer().get.nextToken(delim)\n def readTillEndOfLine(): String = readTill(\"\\n\\r\")\n\n def readAll[A: IO.Read]: (Int, Vector[A]) = {\n val data = read[Vector[A]]\n (data.length, data)\n }\n\n override def next() = tokenizer().get.nextToken()\n override def hasNext = tokenizer().nonEmpty\n\n def write(obj: Any): this.type = {\n printer.print(obj)\n this\n }\n def writeLine(): this.type = {\n printer.println()\n this\n }\n def writeLine(obj: Any): this.type = {\n printer.println(obj)\n this\n }\n def writeAll(obj: Traversable[Any], separator: String = \" \"): this.type = write(obj mkString separator)\n def query[A: IO.Read](question: Any): A = writeLine(question).read\n\n override def flush() = printer.flush()\n def close() = {\n flush()\n in.close()\n printer.close()\n }\n}\nobject IO {\n class Read[A](val apply: IO => A) {\n def map[B](f: A => B): Read[B] = new Read(apply andThen f)\n }\n object Read {\n implicit def collection[C[_], A: Read](implicit b: C of A): Read[C[A]] = new Read(r => r.read[C, A](r.read[Int]))\n implicit val string : Read[String] = new Read(_.next())\n implicit val char : Read[Char] = string.map(_.toTraversable.onlyElement)\n implicit val int : Read[Int] = string.map(_.toInt)\n implicit val long : Read[Long] = string.map(_.toLong)\n implicit val bigInt : Read[BigInt] = string.map(BigInt(_))\n implicit val double : Read[Double] = string.map(_.toDouble)\n implicit val bigDecimal : Read[BigDecimal] = string.map(BigDecimal(_))\n implicit def tuple2[A: Read, B: Read] : Read[(A, B)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B]))\n implicit def tuple3[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read] : Read[(A, B, C)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B], r.read[C]))\n implicit def tuple4[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read, D: Read] : Read[(A, B, C, D)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B], r.read[C], r.read[D]))\n implicit val boolean : Read[Boolean] = string map {s =>\n s.toLowerCase match {\n case \"yes\" | \"true\" | \"1\" => true\n case \"no\" | \"false\" | \"0\" => false\n case _ => s.toBoolean\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n", "src_uid": "3b520c15ea9a11b16129da30dcfb5161"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject DashaAndFriends extends App {\n def parseInts(str: String, numIterations: Integer) = {\n val scanner = new Scanner(str)\n val res = (0 until numIterations) map (_ => scanner.nextInt())\n scanner.close()\n res\n }\n\n val trackInfo = parseInts(Console.readLine(), 2);\n\n val numObstacles = trackInfo(0)\n\n val trackLen = trackInfo(1)\n\n val kefaStats = parseInts(Console.readLine(), numObstacles)\n\n val sashaStats = parseInts(Console.readLine(), numObstacles)\n\n def tailRecurse(stats1: Seq[Int], stats2: Seq[Int], tail1: Int, trackLen: Int, distToNextNode1: Int, distToNextNode2: Int, jumps: Int): Int = {\n val statLen = stats1.size\n if (jumps >= statLen || distToNextNode1 != distToNextNode2) statLen - jumps\n else {\n val head1 = tail1 + jumps\n val nextNode = stats1((head1) % statLen)\n val thisNode = (if ((head1) % statLen != 0) stats1((head1 - 1) % statLen) else stats1((head1 - 1) % statLen) - trackLen)\n tailRecurse(\n stats1,\n stats2,\n tail1,\n trackLen,\n distToNextNode1 + nextNode - thisNode,\n distToNextNode2 + stats2(jumps) - stats2(jumps - 1),\n jumps + 1)\n }\n }\n\n def checkRotation(stats1: Seq[Int], stats2: Seq[Int], tail1: Int, tail2: Int, distToNextNode1: Int, distToNextNode2: Int, counter: Int): String = {\n val statLen = stats1.size\n // TODO mdaniel Remove the counter and replace with better solution for tail\n if (counter >= statLen) \"NO\" // should this be statlen - 1???\n else {\n // TODO mdaniel Improve the logic for passing in tail1 to be for current tail. Now it's more like next tail\n val allEqualDistance = tailRecurse(stats1, stats2, (tail1 + 1) % statLen, trackLen, distToNextNode1, distToNextNode2, 1)\n if (allEqualDistance == 0) \"YES\"\n else {\n val newTail1 = (tail1 + 1) % statLen\n checkRotation(stats1, stats2, newTail1, tail2,\n stats1((newTail1 + 1) % statLen) - stats1(newTail1),\n distToNextNode2, counter + 1\n )\n }\n }\n }\n\n def isSameTrack(stats1: Seq[Int], stats2: Seq[Int], trackLen: Int): String = {\n val statLen = stats1.size\n\n val start = statLen - 1\n\n val distToNextNode1 = trackLen - stats1(start) + stats1(0)\n val distToNextNode2 = trackLen - stats2(start) + stats2(0)\n\n checkRotation(stats1, stats2, start, start, distToNextNode1, distToNextNode2, 0)\n\n// (0 until statLen).filter(x => tailRecurse(stats1, stats2, i, trackLen, distToNextNode1, distToNextNode2, 1) == 0)\n// for (i <- 0 until statLen) {\n// val allEqualDistance = tailRecurse(stats1, stats2, i, trackLen, distToNextNode1, distToNextNode2, 1)\n//\n// if (allEqualDistance == 0) {\n// return \"YES\"\n// }\n//\n// // update head1\n// head1 = (head1 + 1) % statLen\n// distToNextNode1 = stats1((i + 1) % statLen) - stats1(head1)\n// // Start this one at a constant spot\n// distToNextNode2 = trackLen - stats2(head2) + stats2(0)\n// }\n//\n// \"NO\"\n }\n\n println(isSameTrack(kefaStats, sashaStats, trackLen))\n}\n", "src_uid": "3d931684ca11fe6141c6461e85d91d63"} {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val n = readInt()\n val sq = Math.sqrt(n).ceil.toInt\n val a = for {\n i <- 1 to sq\n j <- i + 1 to sq\n k <- 1 to n / (i * i + j * j)\n a = k * (j * j - i * i)\n b = k * 2 * i * j\n c = k * (i * i + j * j)\n if a <= n\n if b <= n\n if c <= n\n } yield(a.min(b), a.max(b), c)\n println(a.toSet.size)\n } \n}", "src_uid": "36a211f7814e77339eb81dc132e115e1"} {"source_code": "object A373 {\n\n import IO._\n import collection.{mutable => cu}\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(k) = readInts(1)\n val in = Array.fill(4)(read)\n .flatMap(_.toCharArray.filter(_!='.').map(_-'0'))\n .groupBy(identity)\n .mapValues(_.length)\n .values\n if(in.exists(_ > 2*k))\n println(\"NO\")\n else\n println(\"YES\")\n }\n\n object IO {\n private val input = new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.InputStreamReader(System.in))\n\n @inline def read: String = input.readLine()\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInt: Int = tokenizeLine.nextToken.toInt\n\n def readInts(n: Int): Array[Int] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int): Array[Long] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int): Array[BigInt] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n }\n\n}\n", "src_uid": "5fdaf8ee7763cb5815f49c0c38398f16"} {"source_code": "/**\n * @author ShankarShastri\n * Algorithm: ProblemA(http://codeforces.com/contest/999/problem/A)\n */\n\nimport scala.io.StdIn._\n\n\nobject ProblemA {\n def solveContestForMiska(list: List[Int], k: Int) = {\n val leftList = list.takeWhile(_ <= k)\n leftList.length + list.splitAt(leftList.length)._2.reverse.takeWhile(_ <= k).length\n }\n def readLineToList[Int]() = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt).toList\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(n,k) = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val list = readLineToList()\n println(solveContestForMiska(list, k))\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "ecf0ead308d8a581dd233160a7e38173"} {"source_code": "object Solution133A extends App {\n\n def solution() {\n val s = _string\n if (s.contains(\"H\") || s.contains(\"Q\") || s.contains(\"9\")) {\n println(\"YES\")\n } else {\n println(\"NO\")\n }\n }\n\n //////////////////////////////////////////////////\n import java.util.Scanner\n val SC: Scanner = new Scanner(System.in)\n def _line: String = SC.nextLine\n def _int: Int = SC.nextInt\n def _long: Long = SC.nextLong\n def _string: String = SC.next\n solution()\n}", "src_uid": "1baf894c1c7d5aeea01129c7900d3c12"} {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) = {\n val a1 = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val a2 = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val a3 = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n \n val sum = a1.sum + a2.sum + a3.sum\n a1(0) = sum / 2 - a1.sum\n a2(1) = sum / 2 - a2.sum\n a3(2) = sum / 2 - a3.sum\n println(a1.mkString(\" \"))\n println(a2.mkString(\" \"))\n println(a3.mkString(\" \")) \n }\n}", "src_uid": "0c42eafb73d1e30f168958a06a0f9bca"} {"source_code": "object Main extends App{\n val in= readLine\n val Array(d1, d2, d3)=in.split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n println(Math.min(Math.min(Math.min(d1 + d2, d1 + d3), d2 + d3)*2, d1 + d2 + d3))}", "src_uid": "26cd7954a21866dbb2824d725473673e"} {"source_code": "// http://codeforces.com/contest/394/problem/A\nobject A extends App {\n val in = readLine()\n val lr = in.split('=')\n val ls = lr(0).split('+')\n val ca = ls(0).count(_ == '|')\n val cb = ls(1).count(_ == '|')\n val cc = lr(1).count(_ == '|')\n val l = ca + cb\n val r = cc\n if (l == r) println(in)\n else if (l-r == 2) {\n if (ca>1) println(\"|\"*(ca-1)+\"+\"+\"|\"*cb+\"=\"+\"|\"*(cc+1))\n else println(\"|\"*ca+\"+\"+\"|\"*(cb-1)+\"=\"+\"|\"*(cc+1))\n }\n else if (r-l == 2) {\n if (cc == 1) println(\"Impossible\")\n else println(\"|\"*(ca+1)+\"+\"+\"|\"*cb+\"=\"+\"|\"*(cc-1))\n }\n else println(\"Impossible\")\n}\n", "src_uid": "ee0aaa7acf127e9f3a9edafc58f4e2d6"} {"source_code": "object B268 {\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(scala.io.StdIn.readLine)\n\n def readInts(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(n) = readInts(1)\n var res = n.toLong\n for(i <- n-1 to 1 by -1) {\n res += (n-i)*i\n }\n println(res)\n }\n}", "src_uid": "6df251ac8bf27427a24bc23d64cb9884"} {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(n, a, b) = in.next().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n println(n - Math.max(a, n - b - 1))\n}\n", "src_uid": "51a072916bff600922a77da0c4582180"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val is = new Scanner(System.in)\n val n = is.nextInt()\n\n var t = 0\n var i = 1\n while (t + i <= n) {\n t += i\n i += 1\n }\n\n i -= 1\n println(i)\n val res = (1 to i).updated(i - 1, i + n - t).mkString(\" \")\n println(res)\n }\n}", "src_uid": "356a7bcebbbd354c268cddbb5454d5fc"} {"source_code": "object E extends App {\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(scala.io.StdIn.readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n\n val Array(n) = readInts(1)\n val as = readInts(n)\n val sum = as.sum\n var dp = Array.fill(1, sum + 1)(0L)\n var maxSum = as.max\n\n for (i <- 0 until n) {\n\n val dp2 = Array.ofDim[Array[Long]](i + 2)\n var dd = 0\n while (dd < dp.length) {\n dp2(dd) = dp(dd).clone()\n dd += 1\n }\n dp2(dd) = Array.fill(sum + 1)(0L)\n\n val a = as(i)\n var j = 1\n val maxSumCurrent = maxSum\n while (j <= i) {\n var s = 0\n while (s <= maxSumCurrent) {\n if (dp(j)(s) > 0) {\n dp2(j + 1)(s + a) = dp2(j + 1)(s + a) + dp(j)(s)\n if (s + a > maxSum) maxSum = s + a\n }\n s += 1\n }\n j += 1\n }\n dp2(1)(a) += 1\n dp = dp2\n }\n\n val counted = as.groupBy(identity).map {\n case (a, x) => a -> x.length\n }\n\n val pascal = Array.ofDim[Long](n + 1, n + 1)\n for (i <- pascal.indices) pascal(i)(0) = 1L\n for (i <- 1 until pascal.length) {\n var j = 1\n while (j < pascal(i).length) {\n pascal(i)(j) = pascal(i - 1)(j - 1) + pascal(i - 1)(j)\n j += 1\n }\n }\n\n var res = 1\n if (counted.size == 2) {\n res = n\n } else {\n for ((a, count) <- counted) {\n for (i <- 1 to count) {\n if ((dp(i)(a * i) == pascal(count)(i) ||\n dp(n - i)(sum - a * i) == 1)\n && i > res) {\n res = i\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n println(res)\n}\n", "src_uid": "ccc4b27889598266e8efe73b8aa3666c"} {"source_code": "//package merofeev.contests.codeforces.rnd372\n\nimport java.util.Scanner\n\n/**\n * @author erofeev \n * @since 17.09.16\n */\nobject BAlphabet {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val str = new Scanner(System.in).nextLine\n if (str.length < 26) {\n println(-1)\n return\n }\n\n val chars = new Array[Int](26)\n var counter = 0\n\n for (pos <- 0 until str.length) {\n if (str(pos) == '?') {\n counter += 1\n } else {\n chars(str(pos) - 'A') += 1\n if (chars(str(pos) - 'A') == 1) {\n counter += 1\n }\n }\n if (pos > 25) {\n if (str(pos - 26) == '?') {\n counter -= 1\n } else {\n chars(str(pos - 26) - 'A') -= 1\n if (chars(str(pos - 26) - 'A') == 0) {\n counter -= 1\n }\n }\n }\n if (counter == 26) {\n val preres: String = str.substring(pos - 25, pos + 1)\n val sb = buildRes(str, chars, preres)\n val left: String = str.substring(0, pos - 25).replaceAll(\"\\\\?\", \"A\")\n val right: String = str.substring(pos + 1).replaceAll(\"\\\\?\", \"A\")\n println(left + sb + right)\n return\n }\n }\n println(-1)\n }\n\n def buildRes(str: String, chars: Array[Int], preres: String): String = {\n val sb = new StringBuilder(preres)\n var curr = 0\n while (chars.length > curr && chars(curr) > 0) curr += 1\n for (elem <- 0 until 26) {\n if (sb(elem) == '?') {\n sb.setCharAt(elem, ('A' + curr).toChar)\n curr += 1\n while (chars.length > curr && chars(curr) > 0) {\n curr += 1\n }\n }\n }\n sb.toString()\n }\n}", "src_uid": "a249431a4b0b1ade652997fe0b82edf3"} {"source_code": "object Main {\n def gcd(a: Int, b: Int): Int =\n if (a % b == 0) b\n else gcd(b, a % b)\n \n def lcd(a: Int, b: Int): Int = (a.toLong * b.toLong / gcd(a, b)).toInt\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val xyab = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt) \n val x = xyab(0)\n val y = xyab(1)\n val a = xyab(2)\n val b = xyab(3)\n val lcd0 = lcd(x, y)\n val upper = b / lcd0\n val lower = (a + lcd0 - 1) / lcd0\n val count = upper - lower + 1\n println(count)\n }\n}", "src_uid": "c7aa8a95d5f8832015853cffa1374c48"} {"source_code": "import annotation.tailrec, collection.mutable, util._, control.Breaks._, math.Ordering.Implicits._\nimport CodeForcesApp._\nobject _588B extends CodeForcesApp[Long]({scanner => import scanner._\n val n = nextLong\n val divisors = bag[Long]\n\n for {\n i <- 1 to Math.sqrt(n.toDouble).ceil.toInt if n%i == 0\n } {\n divisors += i.toLong\n divisors += n/i\n }\n val squares = divisors.map(i => i*i)\n val lovely = divisors.filterNot(x => squares.exists(s => s > 1 && x%s == 0))\n //debug(lovely)\n lovely.max\n}) {\n override def format(result: Result) = super.format(result)\n}\n/********************************************************************************************/\nimport java.util.Scanner\nabstract class CodeForcesApp[A](solver: Scanner => A) {\n final type Result = A\n final def apply(problem: String): String = apply(new Scanner(problem))\n final def apply(scanner: Scanner): String = format(solver(scanner))\n def format(result: Result): String = result.toString\n final def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = println(apply(new Scanner(System.in)))\n}\nobject CodeForcesApp {\n final val isOnlineJudge: Boolean = sys.props.get(\"ONLINE_JUDGE\").exists(_.toBoolean)\n final def debug(x: Any): Unit = if (!isOnlineJudge) println(x)\n final val mod: Int = 1000000007\n final val eps: Double = 1e-9\n @inline final def when[A](check: Boolean)(f: => A): Option[A] = if (check) Some(f) else None\n @inline final def repeat[A](n: Int)(f: => A): Seq[A] = (1 to n).map(_ => f)\n @inline final def desc[A: Ordering]: Ordering[A] = implicitly[Ordering[A]].reverse\n import scala.collection.mutable.{Map => Dict, Set => Bag}\n final def nil[A]: List[A] = List.empty[A]\n final def bag[A]: Bag[A] = Bag.empty[A]\n final def map[A] = new {\n def to[B](default: B): Dict[A, B] = Dict.empty[A, B] withDefaultValue default\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "6d0da975fa0961acfdbe75f2f29aeb92"} {"source_code": "import scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer\nimport scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject C extends App {\n val Max = 8e15.toLong + 1\n\n val m = readLong()\n\n def count(n: Long): Long = {\n// print(s\"count($n)=\")\n var result = 0L\n var k = 2L\n while (k * k * k <= n) {\n result += n / (k.toLong * k * k)\n k += 1\n }\n\n// println(result)\n result\n }\n\n var left = 0L\n var right = Max\n\n def find: Long = {\n while (left < right) {\n val mid = (left + right) / 2L\n// println(s\"$left & $right & $mid\")\n val ans = count(mid)\n if (ans < m) left = mid + 1\n else right = mid\n }\n\n count(left)\n }\n\n val result = find\n println(if (result == m) left else -1)\n}\n", "src_uid": "602deaad5c66e264997249457d555129"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n//remove if not needed\nimport scala.collection.JavaConversions._\n\nobject Power {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val kbd = new Scanner(System.in)\n val n = kbd.nextDouble()\n val result = Math.pow(5, n).toInt\n val resultAsString = java.lang.Integer.toString(result)\n val length = resultAsString.length\n if (n <= 13) println(resultAsString.substring((length - 2))) else println(\"25\")\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "dcaff75492eafaf61d598779d6202c9d"} {"source_code": "object A extends App {\n \n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n\n val Array(m) = readInts(1)\n val Array(h1, a1) = readInts(2)\n val Array(x1, y1) = readInts(2)\n val Array(h2, a2) = readInts(2)\n val Array(x2, y2) = readInts(2)\n \n def ring(h0: Int, a: Int, x: Long, y: Int) = {\n val visited = Array.fill(m){ -1 }\n var h = h0\n var step = 0\n while (visited(h) < 0) {\n visited(h) = step\n h = ((x.toLong * h + y) % m).toInt\n step += 1\n }\n val cycleStart = visited(h)\n val cycleSize = step - cycleStart\n val extraSteps = visited(a)\n (extraSteps, cycleSize, cycleStart)\n }\n\n val (steps1, cycle1, cycleStart1) = ring(h1, a1, x1, y1)\n val (steps2, cycle2, cycleStart2) = ring(h2, a2, x2, y2)\n\n if (steps1 < 0 || steps2 < 0) println(-1)\n else {\n var step1 = steps1.toLong\n var step2 = steps2.toLong\n var i = 0\n while (i < 100000000) {\n if (step1 == step2) {\n println(step1)\n System.exit(0)\n } else if (step1 < step2 && steps1 >= cycleStart1) step1 += cycle1\n else if (step2 < step1 && steps2 >= cycleStart2) step2 += cycle2\n i += 1\n }\n println(-1)\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "7225266f663699ff7e16b726cadfe9ee"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\n\nobject a15 {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(_,s) = Source.stdin.getLines().take(2).toArray\n println(if (s==\"0\")\n 0\n else\n s\"1${s.filter(_ == '0')}\"\n )\n }\n\n}\n", "src_uid": "ac244791f8b648d672ed3de32ce0074d"} {"source_code": "object _982A extends CodeForcesApp {\n import annotation._, collection.{mutable, Searching}, util._, control._, math.Ordering.Implicits._, Searching._, Math._\n\n override def apply(io: IO): io.type = {\n val _ = io.read[Int]\n val seating = io.read[String]\n val isMaximal = !seating.contains(\"11\") && !seating.startsWith(\"00\") && !seating.endsWith(\"00\") && !seating.contains(\"000\") && seating != \"0\"\n io.write(if (isMaximal) \"Yes\" else \"No\")\n }\n}\n/****************************[Ignore Template Below]****************************************/\ntrait CodeForcesApp {\n lazy val isOnlineJudge: Boolean = sys.props.get(\"ONLINE_JUDGE\").exists(_.toBoolean)\n def debug(x: => Any): Unit = if (!isOnlineJudge) println(x)\n def apply(io: IO): io.type\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = this(new IO(System.in, System.out)).close()\n}\n/***********************************[Scala I/O]*********************************************/\nimport java.io._, java.util.StringTokenizer\nimport scala.collection.generic.CanBuild\n\nclass IO(in: BufferedReader, out: BufferedWriter) extends Iterator[String] with AutoCloseable with Flushable {\n def this(reader: Reader, writer: Writer) = this(new BufferedReader(reader), new BufferedWriter(writer))\n def this(in: InputStream, out: OutputStream) = this(new InputStreamReader(in), new OutputStreamWriter(out))\n\n private[this] val tokenizers = Iterator.continually(in.readLine()).takeWhile(_ != null).map(new StringTokenizer(_)).buffered\n val printer = new PrintWriter(out, true)\n\n @inline private[this] def tokenizer() = {\n while(tokenizers.nonEmpty && !tokenizers.head.hasMoreTokens) tokenizers.next()\n tokenizers.headOption\n }\n\n def read[A](implicit read: IO.Read[A]): A = read.apply(this)\n def read[C[_], A: IO.Read](n: Int)(implicit b: CanBuild[A, C[A]]): C[A] = Iterator.fill(n)(read).to[C]\n\n def readTill(delim: String): String = tokenizer().get.nextToken(delim)\n def readTillEndOfLine(): String = readTill(\"\\n\\r\")\n\n def readAll[A: IO.Read]: (Int, Vector[A]) = {\n val data = read[Vector[A]]\n (data.length, data)\n }\n\n override def next() = tokenizer().get.nextToken()\n override def hasNext = tokenizer().nonEmpty\n\n def write(obj: Any): this.type = {\n printer.print(obj)\n this\n }\n def writeLine(): this.type = {\n printer.println()\n this\n }\n def writeLine(obj: Any): this.type = {\n printer.println(obj)\n this\n }\n def writeAll(obj: Traversable[Any], separator: String = \" \"): this.type = write(obj mkString separator)\n def query[A: IO.Read](question: Any): A = writeLine(question).read\n\n override def flush() = printer.flush()\n def close() = {\n flush()\n in.close()\n printer.close()\n }\n}\nobject IO {\n class Read[A](val apply: IO => A) {\n def map[B](f: A => B): Read[B] = new Read(apply andThen f)\n }\n\n object Read {\n implicit def collection[C[_], A: Read](implicit b: CanBuild[A, C[A]]) : Read[C[A]] = new Read(r => r.read[C, A](r.read[Int]))\n implicit val string : Read[String] = new Read(_.next())\n implicit val int : Read[Int] = string.map(_.toInt)\n implicit val long : Read[Long] = string.map(_.toLong)\n implicit val bigInt : Read[BigInt] = string.map(BigInt(_))\n implicit val double : Read[Double] = string.map(_.toDouble)\n implicit val bigDecimal : Read[BigDecimal] = string.map(BigDecimal(_))\n implicit def tuple2[A: Read, B: Read] : Read[(A, B)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B]))\n implicit def tuple3[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read] : Read[(A, B, C)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B], r.read[C]))\n implicit def tuple4[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read, D: Read] : Read[(A, B, C, D)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B], r.read[C], r.read[D]))\n implicit val boolean : Read[Boolean] = string map {s =>\n s.toLowerCase match {\n case \"yes\" | \"true\" | \"1\" => true\n case \"no\" | \"false\" | \"0\" => false\n case _ => s.toBoolean\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n", "src_uid": "c14d255785b1f668d04b0bf6dcadf32d"} {"source_code": "import java.io.PrintWriter\nimport java.util.Scanner\n\n/**\n * Created by arseny on 07.02.15.\n */\nobject A extends App {\n\n val in = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n def nextInt = in.nextInt\n def nextLong = in.nextLong\n def nextDouble = in.nextDouble\n def nextString = in.next\n\n def solve() = {\n val n1 = nextInt\n val n2 = nextInt\n val k1 = nextInt\n val k2 = nextInt\n println(if (n1 > n2) \"First\" else \"Second\")\n }\n\n try {\n solve()\n } catch {\n case _: Exception => sys.exit(9999)\n } finally {\n out.flush()\n out.close()\n }\n}", "src_uid": "aed24ebab3ed9fd1741eea8e4200f86b"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\nimport scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer\n\nobject Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n // println(\"please enter:\")\n val n = readInt()\n val ps = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n var ret = 0\n\n var curParity, lastParity, lastState, zeroSeqLen, even, odd, diffParity = 0\n var leadingZeros, trailingZeros = 0\n var leadingParity, trailingParity = 0\n var evenParity, oddParity = ArrayBuffer[Int]()\n var hasNum = false\n var prevNumParity = 0\n\n (ps :+ -1).foreach(x => {\n if (x == 0) { // zero\n lastState = 0\n zeroSeqLen += 1\n prevNumParity = 0\n } else if (x == -1) { // reach the end\n if (lastState == 0) trailingZeros = zeroSeqLen\n trailingParity = lastParity\n } else { // num\n if (x % 2 == 0) { // even\n even += 1\n curParity = 1\n } else { // odd\n odd += 1\n curParity = -1\n }\n if (prevNumParity != 0 && prevNumParity != curParity) {\n ret += 1\n }\n if (lastState == 0) {\n if (lastParity == 0) {\n leadingZeros = zeroSeqLen\n leadingParity = curParity\n } else if (lastParity == curParity) {\n if (curParity == 1)\n evenParity += zeroSeqLen\n else\n oddParity += zeroSeqLen\n } else {\n diffParity += 1\n }\n zeroSeqLen = 0\n }\n hasNum = true\n lastState = 1\n lastParity = curParity\n prevNumParity = curParity\n }\n })\n\n even = n / 2 - even\n odd = (n + 1) / 2 - odd\n\n // println(f\"$leadingZeros, $trailingZeros\")\n // println(\"even:\")\n // for (i <- evenParity)\n // println(i)\n // println(\"odd:\")\n // for (i <- oddParity)\n // println(i)\n // println(f\"diff: $diffParity, even: $even, odd: $odd\")\n\n if (n == 1) {\n ret = 0\n } else if (!hasNum) { // if all bulbs are removed\n ret = 1\n } else {\n evenParity = evenParity.sorted\n oddParity = oddParity.sorted\n var (evenLeft, evenZeros) = takeSumLim(evenParity, 0, even)\n var (oddLeft, oddZeros) = takeSumLim(oddParity, 0, odd)\n // println(f\"even: $even, odd: $odd\")\n // println(\n // f\"leading parity: $leadingParity, \" +\n // f\"trailing parity: $trailingParity\"\n // )\n ret += 1\n if (leadingParity == 1 && leadingZeros <= evenLeft) {\n evenLeft -= leadingZeros\n ret -= 1\n } else if (leadingParity == -1 && leadingZeros <= oddLeft) {\n oddLeft -= leadingZeros\n ret -= 1\n }\n ret += 1\n if (trailingParity == 1 && trailingZeros <= evenLeft ||\n trailingParity == -1 && trailingZeros <= oddLeft) {\n ret -= 1\n }\n ret += diffParity\n ret += 2 * evenZeros\n ret += 2 * oddZeros\n }\n\n println(ret)\n }\n\n def takeSumLim(seq: ArrayBuffer[Int], z: Int, lim: Int): (Int, Int) =\n if (seq.length == 0)\n (lim - z, 0)\n else if (z + seq(0) <= lim)\n takeSumLim(seq.tail, z + seq(0), lim)\n else\n (lim - z, seq.length)\n\n}\n", "src_uid": "90db6b6548512acfc3da162144169dba"} {"source_code": "object Lesha extends App {\n\n case class State(val boundaries: List[Int], val hasNonZeros: Boolean, val sum: Int)\n\n val n: Int = readLine.toInt\n val aa: Seq[Int] = readLine.split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n\n val sums: Seq[Int] = aa.scanLeft(0)(_ + _)\n val r = (sums.zipWithIndex.toMap + (sums.head -> 0, sums.last -> (sums.size - 1))).values.toList.sorted\n val results = r match {\n case 0 :: x => x\n case x: List[Int] => x\n }\n\n if (aa.forall(_ == 0)) {\n println(\"NO\")\n }\n else {\n println(\"YES\")\n println(results.length)\n (0 :: results).map(_ + 1) zip results foreach {\n case (a, b) => println(a + \" \" + b)\n }\n }\n\n}\n", "src_uid": "3a9258070ff179daf33a4515def9897a"} {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(x, y) = in.next().split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n val d = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y)\n if (d == d.toInt)\n println(\"black\")\n else if ((x > 0 && y > 0) || (x < 0 && y < 0))\n if (d.toInt % 2 == 0)\n println(\"black\")\n else\n println(\"white\")\n else\n if (d.toInt % 2 == 0)\n println(\"white\")\n else\n println(\"black\")\n}", "src_uid": "8c92aac1bef5822848a136a1328346c6"} {"source_code": "import scala.annotation.tailrec, scala.collection.mutable\nimport CodeForcesApp._\nobject _557A extends CodeForcesApp[List[Int]]({ scanner => import scanner._\n val n = nextInt\n val rs = List.fill(3)((nextInt, nextInt))\n val (mins, maxs) = (rs.map(_._1), rs.map(_._2))\n var ans = mins\n while(ans.sum < n) {\n val diff = n - ans.sum\n var found = false\n ans = ans zip maxs map { case (c, m) =>\n if(found) {\n c\n } else if(c == m) {\n c\n } else {\n found = true\n (c + diff) min m\n }\n }\n }\n ans\n}) {\n override def format(result: List[Int]) = result mkString \" \"\n}\nimport java.util.Scanner\nabstract class CodeForcesApp[A](solver: Scanner => A) {\n final def apply(problem: String): String = apply(new Scanner(problem))\n final def apply(scanner: Scanner): String = format(solver(scanner))\n def format(result: A): String = result.toString\n final def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = println(apply(new Scanner(System.in)))\n}\nobject CodeForcesApp {\n val isOnlineJudge: Boolean = sys.props.get(\"ONLINE_JUDGE\").exists(_.toBoolean)\n val modulus: Int = 1000000007\n def when[A](x: Boolean)(f: => A): Option[A] = if (x) Some(f) else None\n def debug(x: Any): Unit = if (!isOnlineJudge) println(x)\n}\n", "src_uid": "3cd092b6507079518cf206deab21cf97"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\nobject Solution {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(k2, k3, k5, k6) = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val b = Math.min(k2, Math.min(k5, k6))\n val s = Math.min(k3, k2 - b)\n println(b * 256 + s * 32)\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "082b31cc156a7ba1e0a982f07ecc207e"} {"source_code": "object B{\n def main(args: Array[String]){\n\n //a~b\n val(a,b)={\n val sp=readLine.split(\" \")\n val (p,d)=(sp(0).toLong, sp(1).toLong)\n (p-d,p)\n }\n\n //i\u500b\u306e9\u3067max\u8abf\u3079\u308b\n val ans=(1 to 18).filter{i=>\n Math.pow(10, i)<=b\n }.map{i=>\n val n1=Math.pow(10, i).toLong\n ((b+1)-(b+1)%n1-1)\n }.filter{ans=>\n a<=ans && ans<=b\n }.lastOption.getOrElse(b.toLong)\n\n println(ans)\n\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "c706cfcd4c37fbc1b1631aeeb2c02b6a"} {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val s = new Main()\n s.solve()\n s.out.flush()\n }\n}\n\nclass Main {\n import java.io._\n import java.util.StringTokenizer\n\n import scala.collection.mutable\n import scala.util.Sorting\n import math.{abs, max, min}\n import mutable.{ArrayBuffer, ListBuffer}\n import scala.reflect.ClassTag\n\n val MOD = 1000000007\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n def solve(): Unit = {\n val S = ns()\n\n val evens = S.take((S.length - 1) / 2 + 1).reverse\n val odds = S.drop(evens.length)\n val T = Array.ofDim[Char](S.length)\n REP(evens.length) { i =>\n T(i * 2) = evens(i)\n }\n REP(odds.length) { i =>\n T(i * 2 + 1) = odds(i)\n }\n out.println(T.mkString)\n }\n\n class InputReader(val stream: InputStream) {\n private val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream), 32768)\n private var tokenizer: StringTokenizer = _\n\n def next(): String = {\n while (tokenizer == null || !tokenizer.hasMoreTokens)\n tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(reader.readLine)\n tokenizer.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt(): Int = next().toInt\n def nextLong(): Long = next().toLong\n def nextChar(): Char = next().charAt(0)\n }\n val sc = new InputReader(System.in)\n def ni(): Int = sc.nextInt()\n def nl(): Long = sc.nextLong()\n def nc(): Char = sc.nextChar()\n def ns(): String = sc.next()\n def ns(n: Int): Array[Char] = ns().toCharArray\n def na(n: Int, offset: Int = 0): Array[Int] = map(n)(_ => ni() + offset)\n def na2(n: Int, offset: Int = 0): (Array[Int], Array[Int]) = {\n val A1, A2 = Array.ofDim[Int](n)\n REP(n) { i =>\n A1(i) = ni() + offset\n A2(i) = ni() + offset\n }\n (A1, A2)\n }\n def nm(n: Int, m: Int): Array[Array[Int]] = {\n val A = Array.ofDim[Int](n, m)\n REP(n) { i =>\n REP(m) { j =>\n A(i)(j) = ni()\n }\n }\n A\n }\n def nal(n: Int): Array[Long] = map(n)(_ => nl())\n def nm_c(n: Int, m: Int): Array[Array[Char]] = map(n) (_ => ns(m))\n def REP(n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => Unit): Unit = {\n var i = offset\n val N = n + offset\n while(i < N) { f(i); i += 1 }\n }\n def REP_r(n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => Unit): Unit = {\n var i = n - 1 + offset\n while(i >= offset) { f(i); i -= 1 }\n }\n\n def map[@specialized A: ClassTag](n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => A): Array[A] = {\n val res = Array.ofDim[A](n)\n REP(n)(i => res(i) = f(i + offset))\n res\n }\n\n\n def sumL(as: Array[Int]): Long = {\n var s = 0L\n REP(as.length)(i => s += as(i))\n s\n }\n\n def cumSum(as: Array[Int]) = {\n val cum = Array.ofDim[Long](as.length + 1)\n REP(as.length) { i =>\n cum(i + 1) = cum(i) + as(i)\n }\n cum\n }\n}", "src_uid": "992ae43e66f1808f19c86b1def1f6b41"} {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val s = new Main()\n s.solve()\n s.out.flush()\n }\n}\n\nclass Main {\n import java.io._\n import java.util.StringTokenizer\n\n import scala.collection.mutable\n import scala.util.Sorting\n import math.{abs, max, min}\n import mutable.{ArrayBuffer, ListBuffer}\n import scala.reflect.ClassTag\n\n val MOD = 1000000007\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n def solve(): Unit = {\n val N, M = ni()\n val A = na(N)\n val mx = A.max\n\n val vacant = (A map (mx - _)).sum\n val needs = max(0, M - vacant)\n val additional = needs / N + (if (needs % N != 0) 1 else 0)\n\n out.println(s\"${additional + mx} ${mx+M}\")\n }\n\n\n class InputReader(val stream: InputStream) {\n private val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream), 32768)\n private var tokenizer: StringTokenizer = _\n\n def next(): String = {\n while (tokenizer == null || !tokenizer.hasMoreTokens)\n tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(reader.readLine)\n tokenizer.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt(): Int = next().toInt\n def nextLong(): Long = next().toLong\n def nextChar(): Char = next().charAt(0)\n }\n val sc = new InputReader(System.in)\n def ni(): Int = sc.nextInt()\n def nl(): Long = sc.nextLong()\n def nc(): Char = sc.nextChar()\n def ns(): String = sc.next()\n def ns(n: Int): Array[Char] = ns().toCharArray\n def na(n: Int): Array[Int] = map(n)(_ => ni())\n def nal(n: Int): Array[Long] = map(n)(_ => nl())\n def nm(n: Int, m: Int): Array[Array[Char]] = map(n) (_ => ns(m))\n def rep(n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => Unit): Unit = {\n var i = offset\n val N = n + offset\n while(i < N) { f(i); i += 1 }\n }\n def rep_r(n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => Unit): Unit = {\n var i = n - 1 + offset\n while(i >= offset) { f(i); i -= 1 }\n }\n\n def map[@specialized A: ClassTag](n: Int)(f: Int => A): Array[A] = {\n val res = Array.ofDim[A](n)\n rep(n)(i => res(i) = f(i))\n res\n }\n\n def sumL(as: Array[Int]): Long = {\n var s = 0L\n rep(as.length)(i => s += as(i))\n s\n }\n}", "src_uid": "78f696bd954c9f0f9bb502e515d85a8d"} {"source_code": "object B {\n import InOut._\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n\n val k = nextLong\n\n val xs = Array.fill(10)(1L)\n var cnt = 1L\n while (cnt < k) {\n var i = xs.indices.minBy(xs)\n cnt /= xs(i)\n xs(i) += 1\n cnt *= xs(i)\n }\n\n val s = \"codeforces\".zip(xs).map { case (c, count) =>\n c.toString * count.toInt\n }.mkString\n\n out.println(s)\n\n out.flush()\n }\n \n final object InOut {\n val in = new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.InputStreamReader(System.in))\n val out = new java.io.PrintWriter(System.out, false)\n private[this] var tokenizer: java.util.StringTokenizer = _\n def nextToken: String = {\n while (tokenizer == null || !tokenizer.hasMoreTokens)\n tokenizer = new java.util.StringTokenizer(in.readLine)\n tokenizer.nextToken\n }\n def nextInt = Integer.parseInt(nextToken)\n def nextLong = java.lang.Long.parseLong(nextToken)\n def nextBig = BigInt(nextToken)\n def nextInts(n: Int) = Array.fill(n) { nextInt }\n def nextLongs(n: Int) = Array.fill(n) { nextLong }\n def nextBigs(n: Int) = Array.fill(n) { nextBig }\n def nextLine = in.readLine\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "8001a7570766cadcc538217e941b3031"} {"source_code": "object Solution {\n def sqr(n: Int) = n * n\n \n def solve(n: String): Int = {\n if(n.head == '0')return -1\n if(sqr(Math.sqrt(n.toInt).toInt).toString() == n)return 0\n if(n.length == 1)return -1\n var ans = -1\n for(i <- 0 until n.length()){\n val substr = n.substring(0, i) + n.substring(i + 1);\n val answer = solve(substr)\n if(answer != -1 && (ans == -1 || ans > answer + 1))ans = answer + 1\n }\n return ans\n }\n \n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val n = readLine\n println(solve(n))\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "fa4b1de79708329bb85437e1413e13df"} {"source_code": "import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer\nimport scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject Codeforces1011A {\n\n def getWeight(char: Char): Int = char - 'a' + 1\n\n def getMinimumWeight(n: Int, k: Int, stages: String): Int = {\n val stageSet = stages.toSet\n\n val rocket = new ArrayBuffer[Char]()\n\n var previousCharAdded = false\n for (ch <- 'a' to 'z') {\n if ((stageSet contains ch) && !previousCharAdded) {\n rocket.append(ch)\n previousCharAdded = true\n } else {\n previousCharAdded = false\n }\n }\n\n if (rocket.size < k) -1\n else rocket.take(k).map(getWeight).sum\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(n, k) = StdIn.readLine.trim.split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val stages = StdIn.readLine()\n val weight = getMinimumWeight(n, k, stages)\n println(weight)\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "56b13d313afef9dc6c6ba2758b5ea313"} {"source_code": "object _801A extends CodeForcesApp {\n import Utils._, annotation._, collection.{mutable, Searching}, util._, control._, math.Ordering.Implicits._, Searching._\n\n override def apply(io: IO) = {import io.{read, readAll, write, writeAll, writeLine}\n val s = read[String]\n val ans = s.indices\n .flatMap(i => Seq(s.updated(i, 'V'), s.updated(i, 'K')))\n .maxWith(count)\n .get\n\n write(ans max count(s))\n }\n\n def count(s: String) = s.sliding(2).count(_ == \"VK\")\n}\n/****************************[Ignore Template Below]****************************************/\ntrait CodeForcesApp {\n lazy val isOnlineJudge: Boolean = sys.props.get(\"ONLINE_JUDGE\").exists(_.toBoolean)\n def debug(x: => Any): Unit = if (!isOnlineJudge) println(x)\n def apply(io: IO): io.type\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = this(new IO(System.in, System.out)).close()\n}\nobject Utils {\n import scala.collection.mutable, mutable.{Map => Dict}\n implicit class GenericExtensions[A](val a: A) extends AnyVal {\n def in(set: collection.Set[A]): Boolean = set(a)\n def some: Option[A] = Some(a)\n def partialMatch[B](f: PartialFunction[A, B]): Option[B] = f lift a\n }\n implicit class TraversableExtensions[A, C[X] <: Traversable[X]](val t: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def onlyElement: A = assuming(t.size == 1)(t.head)\n def groupByIdentifier[K](f: A => K): Map[K, A] = t.groupBy(f).mapValues(_.onlyElement)\n def duplicates(implicit b: C of A): C[A] = {\n val elems = mutable.Set.empty[A]\n (t collect {case i if !elems.add(i) => i}).to[C]\n }\n def sumWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit n: Numeric[B]): B = t.foldLeft(n.zero) {case (p, i) => n.plus(p, f(i))}\n def maxWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit ord: Ordering[B]): Option[B] = t.view.map(f).reduceOption(ord.max)\n def minWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit ord: Ordering[B]): Option[B] = t.view.map(f).reduceOption(ord.min)\n def zipWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit b: C of (A, B)): C[(A, B)] = (t map {i => i -> f(i)}).to[C]\n def mapTo[B](f: A => B)(implicit b: C of (A, B)): Map[A, B] = zipWith(f).toUniqueMap\n def whenNonEmpty[B](f: t.type => B): Option[B] = when(t.nonEmpty)(f(t)) // e.g. grades.whenNonEmpty(_.max)\n def collectFirst[B](f: PartialFunction[A, Option[B]]): Option[B] = t.view collect f collectFirst {case Some(x) => x}\n def toMutableMultiSet: Dict[A, Int] = {\n val c = map[A] to 0\n t.foreach(i => c(i) += 1)\n c\n }\n def toMultiSet: Map[A, Int] = toMutableMultiSet.toMap withDefaultValue 0\n def X[B](s: Traversable[B]): Iterator[(A, B)] = for {a <- t.toIterator; b <- s} yield (a, b)\n }\n implicit class ArrayExtensions[A <: AnyRef](val a: Array[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def sort(from: Int, until: Int)(implicit cmp: Ordering[A]): Unit = java.util.Arrays.sort(a, from, until, cmp) //sort [from, until)\n }\n implicit class ArrayExtensions2[A](val a: Array[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def sort(from: Int, until: Int)(implicit cmp: Ordering[A]): Unit = a.view(from, until).sorted.copyToArray(a, from)\n }\n implicit class SeqExtensions[A, C[X] <: Seq[X]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def isRotationOf(t: Seq[A]): Boolean = s ++ s containsSlice t\n }\n implicit class PairExtensions[A, B](val p: (A, B)) extends AnyVal {\n def key = p._1\n def value = p._2\n }\n implicit class PairsExtensions[A, B, C[X] <: Traversable[X]](t: C[(A, B)]) {\n def toUniqueMap: Map[A, B] = t.groupByIdentifier(_.key).mapValues(_.value)\n def toMultiMap(implicit b: C of B): Map[A, C[B]] = t.groupBy(_.key).mapValues(_.map(_.value).to[C])\n def swap(implicit b: C of (B, A)): C[(B, A)] = t.map(_.swap).to[C]\n }\n implicit class MapExtensions[K, V, C[X, Y] <: Map[X, Y]](val m: C[K, V]) extends AnyVal {\n def lastKeyOption: Option[K] = m.lastOption.map(_.key)\n def firstKeyOption: Option[K] = m.headOption.map(_.key)\n def invert: Map[V, Set[K]] = m.toSet[(K, V)].swap.toMultiMap\n def mapKeys[K2](f: K => K2): Map[K2, V] = m map {case (k, v) => f(k) -> v}\n def toMutable: Dict[K, V] = Dict.empty[K, V] ++ m\n def mapValuesSafely[V2](f: V => V2): Map[K, V2] = m.mapValues(f).view.force //Hack to get around https://issues.scala-lang.org/browse/SI-4776\n }\n implicit class MutableMapExtensions[K, V](val m: mutable.Map[K, V]) extends AnyVal {\n def removeLast(): Option[(K, V)] = m.lastOption.map(removeNode)\n def removeFirst(): Option[(K, V)] = m.headOption.map(removeNode)\n private def removeNode(kv: (K, V)): (K, V) = {\n m -= kv.key\n kv\n }\n }\n implicit class SetExtensions[A, C[A] <: Set[A]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def notContains(x: A): Boolean = !(s contains x)\n def toMutable = mutable.Set.empty[A] ++ s\n }\n implicit class IterableExtensions[A, C[A] <: Seq[A]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def indicesWhere(f: A => Boolean): Seq[Int] = s.zipWithIndex.collect {case (a, i) if f(a) => i}\n def deleteAtIndex(i: Int, howMany: Int = 1) = s.patch(i, Nil, howMany)\n def insertAtIndex(i: Int, items: Seq[A]) = s.patch(i, items, 0)\n def findWithIndex(f: A => Boolean): Option[(A, Int)] = s.zipWithIndex find {case (a, _) => f(a)}\n def foldUntil[B](z: B)(f: (B, A) => B)(c: B => Boolean): Option[(B, Int)] = s.view.scanLeft(z)(f).findWithIndex(c)\n }\n implicit class BooleanExtensions(val x: Boolean) extends AnyVal {\n def to[A](implicit n: Numeric[A]) = if(x) n.one else n.zero\n def toEnglish = if(x) \"YES\" else \"NO\"\n }\n implicit class IntExtensions(val x: Int) extends AnyVal {\n import java.lang.{Integer => JInt}\n def withHighestOneBit: Int = JInt.highestOneBit(x)\n def withLowestOneBit: Int = JInt.lowestOneBit(x)\n def numberOfLeadingZeroes: Int = JInt.numberOfLeadingZeros(x)\n def numberOfTrailingZeroes: Int = JInt.numberOfTrailingZeros(x)\n def bitCount: Int = JInt.bitCount(x)\n def setLowestBits(n: Int): Int = x | (left(n) - 1)\n def clearLowestBits(n: Int): Int = x & left(n, ~0)\n def setBit(i: Int, set: Boolean): Int = if (set) setBit(i) else clearBit(i)\n def setBit(i: Int): Int = x | left(i)\n def clearBit(i: Int): Int = x & ~left(i)\n def toggleBit(i: Int): Int = x ^ left(i)\n def testBit(i: Int): Boolean = ((x >> i) & 1) == 1\n private def left(bits: Int, num: Int = 1) = assuming(bits >= 0 && bits < JInt.SIZE)(num << bits)\n def X(y: Int): Iterator[(Int, Int)] = until(x) X until(y)\n }\n implicit class LongExtensions(val x: Long) extends AnyVal {\n import java.lang.{Long => JLong}\n def withHighestOneBitSet: Long = JLong.highestOneBit(x)\n def withLowestOneBitSet: Long = JLong.lowestOneBit(x)\n def numberOfLeadingZeroes: Int = JLong.numberOfLeadingZeros(x)\n def numberOfTrailingZeroes: Int = JLong.numberOfTrailingZeros(x)\n def bitCount: Int = JLong.bitCount(x)\n def setLowestBits(n: Int): Long = x | (left(n) - 1)\n def clearLowestBits(n: Int): Long = x & left(n, ~0L)\n def setBit(i: Int, set: Boolean): Long = if (set) setBit(i) else clearBit(i)\n def setBit(i: Int): Long = x | left(i)\n def clearBit(i: Int): Long = x & ~left(i)\n def toggleBit(i: Int): Long = x ^ left(i)\n def testBit(i: Int): Boolean = ((x >> i) & 1) == 1\n private def left(bits: Int, num: Long = 1L) = assuming(bits >= 0 && bits < JLong.SIZE)(num << bits)\n }\n implicit class NumericExtensions[A](val x: A)(implicit n: Numeric[A]) {\n import Numeric.Implicits._\n def **(i: Int): A = if (i == 0) n.one else {\n val h = x ** (i/2)\n if (i%2 == 0) h * h else h * h * x\n }\n def distance(y: A) = (x - y).abs()\n def nonNegative: Option[A] = when(n.gteq(x, n.zero))(x)\n def whenNegative(f: => A): A = nonNegative getOrElse f //e.g. students indexOf \"Greg\" whenNegative Int.MaxValue\n }\n implicit class IntegralExtensions[A](val x: A)(implicit n: Integral[A]) {\n import scala.collection.immutable.NumericRange, Integral.Implicits._\n def mod(y: A): A = x - ((x / y) * y) //(x/y)*y + (x mod y) == x\n def -->(y: A): NumericRange.Inclusive[A] = NumericRange.inclusive(x, y, if (n.lteq(x, y)) n.one else -n.one)\n def ceilDiv(y: A): A = if (mod(y) == n.zero) x/y else n.one + (x/y)\n }\n implicit def toPoint[A](p: (A, A))(implicit n: Numeric[A]) = new java.awt.geom.Point2D.Double(n.toDouble(p._1), n.toDouble(p._2))\n def desc[A: Ordering]: Ordering[A] = asc[A].reverse //e.g. students.sortBy(_.height)(desc)\n def asc[A](implicit order: Ordering[A]): Ordering[A] = order\n def map[K] = new {\n def to[V](default: => V): Dict[K, V] = using(_ => default)\n def using[V](f: K => V): Dict[K, V] = new mutable.HashMap[K, V]() {\n override def apply(key: K) = getOrElseUpdate(key, f(key))\n }\n }\n def newMultiMap[K, V] = map[K] to mutable.Set.empty[V]\n def memoize[A, B](f: A => B): A ==> B = map[A] using f\n implicit class FuzzyDouble(val x: Double) extends AnyVal {\n def >~(y: Double) = x > y + eps\n def >=~(y: Double) = x >= y + eps\n def ~<(y: Double) = y >=~ x\n def ~=<(y: Double) = y >~ x\n def ~=(y: Double) = (x distance y) <= eps\n }\n def toPolygon(points: Traversable[(Int, Int)]): java.awt.Polygon = {\n val (xs, ys) = points.unzip\n new java.awt.Polygon(xs.toArray, ys.toArray, points.size)\n }\n def toShape(points: Traversable[(Double, Double)]): java.awt.geom.GeneralPath = {\n val shape = new java.awt.geom.GeneralPath()\n points.headOption foreach {case (x, y) => shape.moveTo(x, y)}\n points.tail foreach {case (x, y) => shape.lineTo(x, y)}\n shape.closePath()\n shape\n }\n def until(until: Int): Range = 0 until until\n def not[A](f: A => Boolean): A => Boolean = {x: A => !f(x)}\n def assuming[A](cond: => Boolean)(f: => A): A = {require(cond); f}\n @inline def when[A](check: Boolean)(f: => A): Option[A] = if (check) f.some else None\n def repeat[U](n: Int)(f: => U): Unit = (1 to n).foreach(_ => f)\n type of[C[_], A] = scala.collection.generic.CanBuild[A, C[A]]\n type ==>[A, B] = collection.Map[A, B]\n val mod: Int = (1e9 + 7).toInt\n val eps: Double = 1e-9\n}\n/***********************************[Scala I/O]*********************************************/\nimport Utils._, java.io._, java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nclass IO(in: BufferedReader, out: BufferedWriter) extends Iterator[String] with AutoCloseable with Flushable {\n def this(reader: Reader, writer: Writer) = this(new BufferedReader(reader), new BufferedWriter(writer))\n def this(in: InputStream, out: OutputStream) = this(new InputStreamReader(in), new OutputStreamWriter(out))\n\n private[this] val tokenizers = Iterator.continually(in.readLine()).takeWhile(_ != null).map(new StringTokenizer(_)).buffered\n val printer = new PrintWriter(out, true)\n\n @inline private[this] def tokenizer() = {\n while(tokenizers.nonEmpty && !tokenizers.head.hasMoreTokens) tokenizers.next()\n when(tokenizers.nonEmpty)(tokenizers.head)\n }\n\n def read[A](implicit read: IO.Read[A]): A = read.apply(this)\n def read[C[_], A: IO.Read](n: Int)(implicit b: C of A): C[A] = Iterator.fill(n)(read).to[C]\n\n def readTill(delim: String): String = tokenizer().get.nextToken(delim)\n def readTillEndOfLine(): String = readTill(\"\\n\\r\")\n\n def readAll[A: IO.Read]: (Int, Vector[A]) = {\n val data = read[Vector[A]]\n (data.length, data)\n }\n\n override def next() = tokenizer().get.nextToken()\n override def hasNext = tokenizer().nonEmpty\n\n def write(obj: Any): this.type = {\n printer.print(obj)\n this\n }\n def writeLine(): this.type = {\n printer.println()\n this\n }\n def writeLine(obj: Any): this.type = {\n printer.println(obj)\n this\n }\n def writeAll(obj: Traversable[Any], separator: String = \" \"): this.type = write(obj mkString separator)\n def query[A: IO.Read](question: Any): A = writeLine(question).read\n\n override def flush() = printer.flush()\n def close() = {\n flush()\n in.close()\n printer.close()\n }\n}\nobject IO {\n class Read[A](val apply: IO => A) {\n def map[B](f: A => B): Read[B] = new Read(apply andThen f)\n }\n object Read {\n implicit def collection[C[_], A: Read](implicit b: C of A): Read[C[A]] = new Read(r => r.read[C, A](r.read[Int]))\n implicit val string : Read[String] = new Read(_.next())\n implicit val char : Read[Char] = string.map(_.toTraversable.onlyElement)\n implicit val int : Read[Int] = string.map(_.toInt)\n implicit val long : Read[Long] = string.map(_.toLong)\n implicit val bigInt : Read[BigInt] = string.map(BigInt(_))\n implicit val double : Read[Double] = string.map(_.toDouble)\n implicit val bigDecimal : Read[BigDecimal] = string.map(BigDecimal(_))\n implicit def tuple2[A: Read, B: Read] : Read[(A, B)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B]))\n implicit def tuple3[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read] : Read[(A, B, C)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B], r.read[C]))\n implicit def tuple4[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read, D: Read] : Read[(A, B, C, D)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B], r.read[C], r.read[D]))\n implicit val boolean : Read[Boolean] = string map {s =>\n s.toLowerCase match {\n case \"yes\" | \"true\" | \"1\" => true\n case \"no\" | \"false\" | \"0\" => false\n case _ => s.toBoolean\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n", "src_uid": "578bae0fe6634882227ac371ebb38fc9"} {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val s = new Main()\n s.solve()\n s.out.flush()\n }\n}\n\nclass Main {\n import java.io._\n import java.util.StringTokenizer\n\n import scala.collection.mutable\n import scala.util.Sorting\n import math.{abs, max, min}\n import mutable.{ArrayBuffer, ListBuffer}\n import scala.reflect.ClassTag\n\n val MOD = 1000000007\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n def solve(): Unit = {\n val N, K = ni()\n val d = divisors(N)\n\n var ans = 1e18.toLong\n REP(d.length) { i =>\n if (d(i) < K) {\n val b = d(i)\n val a = N / b\n val x = a.toLong * K + b\n ans = min(ans, x)\n }\n }\n\n out.println(ans)\n }\n\n\n /**\n * O(\u221ax)\n */\n def divisors(x: Int): Array[Int] = {\n val pre = ArrayBuffer[Int]()\n val post = ArrayBuffer[Int]()\n REP(math.sqrt(x).toInt, 1) { d =>\n if (x % d == 0) {\n pre += d\n if (d * d != x) post += x / d\n }\n }\n\n val res = Array.ofDim[Int](pre.length + post.length)\n REP(pre.length)(i => res(i) = pre(i))\n val preLen = pre.length\n REP_r(post.length)(i => res(i + preLen) = post(i))\n res\n }\n\n class InputReader(val stream: InputStream) {\n private val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream), 32768)\n private var tokenizer: StringTokenizer = _\n\n def next(): String = {\n while (tokenizer == null || !tokenizer.hasMoreTokens)\n tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(reader.readLine)\n tokenizer.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt(): Int = next().toInt\n def nextLong(): Long = next().toLong\n def nextChar(): Char = next().charAt(0)\n }\n val sc = new InputReader(System.in)\n def ni(): Int = sc.nextInt()\n def nl(): Long = sc.nextLong()\n def nc(): Char = sc.nextChar()\n def ns(): String = sc.next()\n def ns(n: Int): Array[Char] = ns().toCharArray\n def na(n: Int, offset: Int = 0): Array[Int] = map(n)(_ => ni() + offset)\n def na2(n: Int, offset: Int = 0): (Array[Int], Array[Int]) = {\n val A1, A2 = Array.ofDim[Int](n)\n REP(n) { i =>\n A1(i) = ni() + offset\n A2(i) = ni() + offset\n }\n (A1, A2)\n }\n def nm(n: Int, m: Int): Array[Array[Int]] = {\n val A = Array.ofDim[Int](n, m)\n REP(n) { i =>\n REP(m) { j =>\n A(i)(j) = ni()\n }\n }\n A\n }\n def nal(n: Int): Array[Long] = map(n)(_ => nl())\n def nm_c(n: Int, m: Int): Array[Array[Char]] = map(n) (_ => ns(m))\n def REP(n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => Unit): Unit = {\n var i = offset\n val N = n + offset\n while(i < N) { f(i); i += 1 }\n }\n def REP_r(n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => Unit): Unit = {\n var i = n - 1 + offset\n while(i >= offset) { f(i); i -= 1 }\n }\n\n def map[@specialized A: ClassTag](n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => A): Array[A] = {\n val res = Array.ofDim[A](n)\n REP(n)(i => res(i) = f(i + offset))\n res\n }\n\n\n def sumL(as: Array[Int]): Long = {\n var s = 0L\n REP(as.length)(i => s += as(i))\n s\n }\n\n def cumSum(as: Array[Int]) = {\n val cum = Array.ofDim[Long](as.length + 1)\n REP(as.length) { i =>\n cum(i + 1) = cum(i) + as(i)\n }\n cum\n }\n}", "src_uid": "ed0ebc1e484fcaea875355b5b7944c57"} {"source_code": "import Utils._, annotation.tailrec, collection.mutable, util._, control._, math.Ordering.Implicits._\n\nobject _658A extends CodeForcesApp {\n override def apply(io: IO) = {\n val n, c = io[Int]\n val p, t = io[IndexedSeq, Int](n)\n io += ((score(p, t, c) - score(p.reverse, t.reverse, c)).signum match {\n case 0 => \"Tie\"\n case 1 => \"Limak\"\n case -1 => \"Radewoosh\"\n })\n }\n\n def score(p: Seq[Int], t: Seq[Int], c: Int): Int = {\n var time, score = 0\n for {\n i <- p.indices\n } {\n time += t(i)\n score += ((p(i) - c*time) max 0)\n }\n score\n }\n}\n/****************************[Ignore Template Below]****************************************/\ntrait CodeForcesApp {\n lazy val isOnlineJudge: Boolean = sys.props.get(\"ONLINE_JUDGE\").exists(_.toBoolean)\n def debug(x: Any): Unit = if (!isOnlineJudge) println(x)\n def apply(io: IO): io.type\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = this(new IO(System.in, System.out)).close()\n}\nobject Utils {\n import scala.collection.mutable, mutable.{Map => Dict}\n implicit class GenericExtensions[A](val a: A) extends AnyVal {\n def partialMatch[B](f: PartialFunction[A, B]): Option[B] = f lift a\n }\n implicit class TraversableExtensions[A, C[X] <: Traversable[X]](val t: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def onlyElement: A = t.head.ensuring(t.size == 1)\n def groupByIdentifier[K](f: A => K): Map[K, A] = t.groupBy(f).mapValues(_.onlyElement)\n def duplicates(implicit b: C of A): C[A] = {\n val elems = mutable.Set.empty[A]\n (t collect {case i if !elems.add(i) => i}).to[C]\n }\n def sum[B](f: A => B)(implicit n: Numeric[B]): B = t.foldLeft(n.zero) {case (p, i) => n.plus(p, f(i))}\n def zipWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit b: C of (A, B)): C[(A, B)] = (t map {i => i -> f(i)}).to[C]\n def mapTo[B](f: A => B)(implicit b: C of (A, B)): Map[A, B] = zipWith(f).toUniqueMap\n def whenNonEmpty[B](f: t.type => B): Option[B] = when(t.nonEmpty)(f(t)) // e.g. grades.whenNonEmpty(_.max)\n def collectFirst[B](f: PartialFunction[A, Option[B]]): Option[B] = t.view collect f collectFirst {case Some(x) => x}\n def toMutableMultiSet: Dict[A, Int] = {\n val c = map[A] to 0\n t.foreach(i => c(i) += 1)\n c\n }\n def toMultiSet: Map[A, Int] = toMutableMultiSet.toMap\n }\n implicit class ArrayExtensions[A <: AnyRef](val a: Array[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def sort(from: Int, until: Int)(implicit cmp: Ordering[A]): Unit = java.util.Arrays.sort(a, from, until, cmp) //sort [from, until)\n }\n implicit class ArrayExtensions2[A](val a: Array[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def sort(from: Int, until: Int)(implicit cmp: Ordering[A]): Unit = a.view(from, until).sorted.copyToArray(a, from)\n }\n implicit class SeqExtensions[A, C[X] <: Seq[X]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def isRotationOf(t: Seq[A]): Boolean = s ++ s containsSlice t\n }\n implicit class PairsExtensions[A, B, C[X] <: Traversable[X]](t: C[(A, B)]) {\n def toUniqueMap: Map[A, B] = t.groupByIdentifier(_._1).mapValues(_._2)\n def toMultiMap(implicit b: C of B): Map[A, C[B]] = t.groupBy(_._1).mapValues(_.map(_._2).to[C])\n def swap(implicit b: C of (B, A)): C[(B, A)] = t.map(_.swap).to[C]\n }\n implicit class MapExtensions[K, V, C[X, Y] <: Map[X, Y]](val m: C[K, V]) extends AnyVal {\n def invert: Map[V, Set[K]] = m.toSet[(K, V)].swap.toMultiMap\n def mapKeys[K2](f: K => K2): Map[K2, V] = m map {case (k, v) => f(k) -> v}\n def toMutable: Dict[K, V] = Dict.empty[K, V] ++ m\n }\n implicit class SetExtensions[A, C[A] <: Set[A]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def notContains(x: A): Boolean = !(s contains x)\n }\n implicit class LongExtensions(val x: Long) extends AnyVal {\n def bitCount: Int = java.lang.Long.bitCount(x)\n }\n implicit class NumericExtensions[A](val x: A)(implicit n: Numeric[A]) {\n import Numeric.Implicits._\n def **(i: Int): A = if (i == 0) n.one else {\n val h = x ** (i/2)\n if (i%2 == 0) h * h else h * h * x\n }\n def nonNegative: Option[A] = when(n.gteq(x, n.zero))(x)\n def whenNegative(f: => A): A = nonNegative getOrElse f //e.g. students indexOf \"Greg\" whenNegative Int.MaxValue\n }\n implicit class IntegralExtensions[A](val x: A)(implicit n: Integral[A]) {\n import scala.collection.immutable.NumericRange, Integral.Implicits._\n def mod(y: A): A = x - ((x / y) * y) //(x/y)*y + (x mod y) == x\n def -->(y: A): NumericRange.Inclusive[A] = NumericRange.inclusive(n.min(x, y), n.max(x, y), n.one)\n }\n def desc[A: Ordering]: Ordering[A] = asc[A].reverse //e.g. students.sortBy(_.height)(desc)\n def asc[A](implicit order: Ordering[A]): Ordering[A] = order\n def map[K] = new {\n def to[V](default: V): Dict[K, V] = Dict.empty[K, V] withDefaultValue default\n }\n def memoize[I] = new {\n def apply[O](f: I => O): I => O = new mutable.HashMap[I, O]() {\n override def apply(key: I) = getOrElseUpdate(key, f(key))\n }\n }\n @inline def when[A](check: Boolean)(f: => A): Option[A] = if (check) Some(f) else None\n def repeat(n: Int)(f: => Unit): Unit = (1 to n).foreach(_ => f)\n type of[C[_], A] = scala.collection.generic.CanBuild[A, C[A]]\n val mod: Int = (1e9 + 7).toInt\n}\n/***********************************[Scala I/O]*********************************************/\nimport Utils._, java.io._, java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nclass IO(in: BufferedReader, out: BufferedWriter) extends PrintWriter(out, true) with Iterator[String] {\n def this(reader: Reader, writer: Writer) = this(new BufferedReader(reader), new BufferedWriter(writer))\n def this(in: InputStream, out: OutputStream) = this(new InputStreamReader(in), new OutputStreamWriter(out))\n\n private[this] val tokenizers = Iterator.continually(in.readLine()).takeWhile(_ != null).map(new StringTokenizer(_)).buffered\n\n @inline private[this] def tokenizer() = {\n while(tokenizers.nonEmpty && !tokenizers.head.hasMoreTokens) tokenizers.next()\n if (tokenizers.nonEmpty) Some(tokenizers.head) else None\n }\n\n def apply[A](implicit read: IO.Read[A]): A = read.apply(this)\n def apply[C[_], A: IO.Read](n: Int)(implicit b: C of A): C[A] = Iterator.fill(n)(apply).to[C]\n\n def till(delim: String): String = tokenizer().get.nextToken(delim)\n def tillEndOfLine(): String = till(\"\\n\\r\")\n\n override def next() = tokenizer().get.nextToken()\n override def hasNext = tokenizer().nonEmpty\n\n var separator = \" \"\n private[this] var isNewLine = true\n\n def +=[A](x: A)(implicit write: IO.Write[A]): this.type = {\n write(this)(x)\n this\n }\n def appendNewLine(): this.type = {\n println()\n this\n }\n\n override def print(obj: String) = {\n if (isNewLine) isNewLine = false else super.print(separator)\n super.print(obj)\n }\n override def println() = if (!isNewLine) {\n super.println()\n isNewLine = true\n }\n override def close() = {\n flush()\n in.close()\n super.close()\n }\n}\nobject IO {\n class Read[A](val apply: IO => A) {\n def map[B](f: A => B): Read[B] = new Read(apply andThen f)\n }\n object Read {\n implicit def collection[C[_], A: Read](implicit b: C of A): Read[C[A]] = new Read(r => r[C, A](r[Int]))\n implicit val string : Read[String] = new Read(_.next())\n implicit val char : Read[Char] = string.map(_.toTraversable.onlyElement)\n implicit val boolean : Read[Boolean] = string.map(_.toBoolean)\n implicit val int : Read[Int] = string.map(_.toInt)\n implicit val long : Read[Long] = string.map(_.toLong)\n implicit val bigInt : Read[BigInt] = string.map(BigInt(_))\n implicit val double : Read[Double] = string.map(_.toDouble)\n implicit val bigDecimal : Read[BigDecimal] = string.map(BigDecimal(_))\n implicit def tuple2[A: Read, B: Read] : Read[(A, B)] = new Read(r => (r[A], r[B]))\n implicit def tuple3[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read] : Read[(A, B, C)] = new Read(r => (r[A], r[B], r[C]))\n implicit def tuple4[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read, D: Read] : Read[(A, B, C, D)] = new Read(r => (r[A], r[B], r[C], r[D]))\n }\n trait Write[-A] {\n def apply(out: PrintWriter)(x: A): Unit\n }\n trait DefaultWrite {\n implicit def any[A]: Write[A] = Write(_.toString)\n }\n object Write extends DefaultWrite {\n def apply[A](f: A => String) = new Write[A] {\n override def apply(out: PrintWriter)(x: A) = out.print(f(x))\n }\n implicit val boolean: Write[Boolean] = Write(b => if (b) \"YES\" else \"NO\")\n implicit def iterable[A](implicit write: Write[A]): Write[Traversable[A]] = new Write[Traversable[A]] {\n override def apply(out: PrintWriter)(xs: Traversable[A]) = {\n xs foreach write(out)\n out.println()\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n", "src_uid": "8c704de75ab85f9e2c04a926143c8b4a"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\n/**\n * Created by a.kosarev1 on 23.01.2017.\n */\nobject Solution extends App {\n\n val stdIn = StdIn.readLine();\n val input = stdIn.split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n println(calculateWeeks(input(0), input(1)))\n\n def calculateWeeks(month: Int, dow: Int): Int = {\n val daysCount = 28 + (month + month / 8) % 2 + 2 % month + 2 * (1 / month)\n\n def calcWeeks(weekCount: Int, dow: Int, acc: Int): Int = {\n if (acc == daysCount) weekCount\n else if (dow % 7 == 0) calcWeeks(weekCount + 1, 1, acc + 1)\n else calcWeeks(weekCount, dow + 1, acc + 1)\n }\n calcWeeks(1, dow, 1)\n }\n\n}", "src_uid": "5b969b6f564df6f71e23d4adfb2ded74"} {"source_code": "object Main extends App {\n val mapping = Map(\"0\"->2,\"1\"->7,\"2\"->2,\"3\"->3,\"4\"->3,\"5\"->4,\"6\"->2,\"7\"->5, \"8\"->1,\"9\"->2)\n val ns = readLine.split(\"\").filterNot(_ == \"\")\n println(ns.map(mapping(_)).foldLeft(1)({_ * _})) \n}", "src_uid": "76c8bfa6789db8364a8ece0574cd31f5"} {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val n = readInt()\n val a = (1 to 4).map(_ => readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt))\n val mapped = a.map(row => row(0).min(row(1)) + row(2).min(row(3)))\n val min = mapped.zipWithIndex.minBy(_._1)\n if (min._1 > n) println(\"-1\")\n else {\n val row = a(min._2)\n val v1 = row(0).min(row(1))\n val v2 = n - v1\n println((min._2 + 1) + \" \" + v1 + \" \" + v2)\n }\n }\n}", "src_uid": "6e7ee0da980beb99ca49a5ddd04089a5"} {"source_code": "import scala.math._, scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject B extends App {\n val n = readLong\n\n var r = digits(n).product\n var k = 10L\n while (k <= n) {\n val r1 = digits((n / k) * k - 1).product\n if (r1 > r)\n r = r1\n k *= 10\n }\n println(r)\n\n def digits(n: Long) = n.toString.map(_.asDigit) \n\n def readInts() = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n}\n", "src_uid": "38690bd32e7d0b314f701f138ce19dfb"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject Main extends App {\n var line = readLine();\n val n = line.toInt;\n def solve (n : Int ) = (0 to 9).\n map( i => math.pow(10,i) ).\n filter( i => i<= n ).\n foldLeft[Double](0)((acc,i) => acc + n - i + 1);\n println((solve(n) / 1).asInstanceOf[Long]);\n}", "src_uid": "4e652ccb40632bf4b9dd95b9f8ae1ec9"} {"source_code": "object B extends App {\n def check(y: Int, p: Int): Boolean = {\n val t = p min (math.sqrt(y).toInt + 1)\n for (x <- 2 to t)\n if (y % x == 0) return false\n true\n }\n\n def branch(y: Int, p: Int): Int =\n if (y == p) -1\n else if (check(y, p)) y\n else branch(y - 1, p)\n\n val Array(p, y) = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n println(branch(y, p))\n}", "src_uid": "b533203f488fa4caf105f3f46dd5844d"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject C extends App {\n\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n\n val n = sc.nextLong()\n val m = sc.nextLong()\n\n if (n < m) println(n)\n else {\n val d = 1 + 8 * (n - m)\n val root = ((-1.0 + math.sqrt(d)) / 2.0).ceil.toLong\n // fix for floating point precision\n if (n - m - (root * (root + 1)) / 2 <= 0) println(root + m)\n else println(root + m + 1)\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "3b585ea852ffc41034ef6804b6aebbd8"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n\n/**\n * @author slie742\n */\nobject NearlyLucky {\n \n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val lucky = readLine.count { c => c == '4' || c == '7'}\n if (lucky == 4 || lucky == 7)\n println(\"YES\")\n else\n println(\"NO\")\n }\n \n}", "src_uid": "33b73fd9e7f19894ea08e98b790d07f1"} {"source_code": "object A732 {\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(scala.io.StdIn.readLine)\n\n def readInts(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(k, r) = readInts(2)\n var num = 1\n var break = false\n while(!break && num <= 10) {\n if(num*k % 10 == 0) {\n println(num)\n break = true\n } else if ((num*k - r)%10 == 0) {\n println(num)\n break = true\n }\n num += 1\n }\n }\n}", "src_uid": "18cd1cd809df4744bb7bcd7cad94e2d3"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\n\nobject Solution extends App {\n val in = Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(n, k) = in.next().split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n val mod = (1e9 + 7).toInt\n val dp = Array.ofDim[Int](k + 1, n + 1)\n\n (0 to n).foreach { i => dp(0)(i) = 1}\n\n (1 to k).foreach { i =>\n var j = 1\n while (j <= n) {\n (j to n by j).foreach { el =>\n dp(i)(j) += dp(i - 1)(el)\n dp(i)(j) %= mod\n }\n j += 1\n }\n }\n\n println(dp(k)(1))\n}\n", "src_uid": "c8cbd155d9f20563d37537ef68dde5aa"} {"source_code": "import scala.collection.mutable\n\nobject B extends App {\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken)) }\n\n val Array(n) = readInts(1)\n\n val rByL = Array.fill(n){ mutable.Queue.empty[Int] }\n\n for {\n r <- 0 to n - 1\n l <- r + 1 to n\n } rByL(r) += l\n\n var res = 0\n var done = false\n\n while (!done) {\n var r = 0\n while (r < n && rByL(r).isEmpty) r += 1\n if (r == n) done = true\n else {\n res += 1\n while (r < n) {\n val l = rByL(r).dequeue()\n r = l\n while (r < n && rByL(r).isEmpty) r += 1\n }\n }\n }\n\n println(res)\n}\n", "src_uid": "f8af5dfcf841a7f105ac4c144eb51319"} {"source_code": "import java.util._\nimport java.io._\nimport java.util\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\n\nobject C {\n\n var out: PrintWriter = null\n var br: BufferedReader = null\n var st: StringTokenizer = null\n\n def next: String = {\n while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens) {\n st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine)\n }\n return st.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt: Int = {\n return Integer.parseInt(next)\n }\n\n def nextLong: Long = {\n return java.lang.Long.parseLong(next)\n }\n\n def baseHouse(n: Long): Long = {\n return (3L * n * n + n) / 2L\n }\n\n def solve: Int = {\n val n = nextLong\n var ans = 0\n for (i <- 1 to 1e6.toInt) {\n if (n - baseHouse(i) >= 0 && (n - baseHouse(i)) % 3 == 0) {\n ans += 1\n }\n }\n out.println(ans)\n return 1\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(System.out))\n solve\n out.close\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "ab4f9cb3bb0df6389a4128e9ff1207de"} {"source_code": "import java.io._\nimport scala.io.Source\n\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\n\nobject ProblemA {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = processStdInOut()\n\n def processStdInOut(): Unit = {\n val src = Source.fromInputStream(System.in)\n processFromSource(src)\n }\n\n def processFromSource(src: Source): Unit = {\n try {\n val bw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out));\n try {\n val lines = src.getLines()\n processLines(lines, bw)\n } finally {\n bw.flush()\n }\n } finally {\n src.close();\n }\n }\n\n // Standard code above, custom code below\n def processLines(lines: Iterator[String], bw: BufferedWriter): Unit = {\n val n = lines.next().toInt\n val soln = solve(n)\n bw.write(soln.toString)\n bw.newLine()\n }\n\n def solve(n: Int): Int = {\n def isComposite(i: Int): Boolean = {\n val maxDiv = (math.sqrt(i) + 0.5).toInt\n 2.to(maxDiv).exists(i % _ == 0)\n }\n\n val mOpt = (1 to 1000).find(m => isComposite(m * n + 1))\n mOpt.get\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "5c68e20ac6ecb7c289601ce8351f4e97"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nimport scala.language.postfixOps\n\nobject TaskA extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val s = sc.next\n val lampsCnt = new Array[Int](100)\n 0 until 4 map { d =>\n val lamps = d until s.length by 4 map s\n lampsCnt(lamps.filterNot(_ == '!').head) = lamps.count(_ == '!')\n }\n println(\"RBYG\" map (_.toInt) map lampsCnt mkString \" \")\n}\n", "src_uid": "64fc6e9b458a9ece8ad70a8c72126b33"} {"source_code": "//rextester.com:2.11.7--codeforces.com:2.11.8\nobject myClass extends App{\n val a=scala.io.StdIn.readInt()*2;var b=false\n for(i<-1 to math.sqrt(a).toInt-1){\n val c=a-i*i-i;val d=math.sqrt(c).toInt\n if(d*(d+1)==c)b=true\n }\n print({if(b)\"YES\"else\"NO\"})\n }", "src_uid": "245ec0831cd817714a4e5c531bffd099"} {"source_code": "object B extends App\n{\n val Array(n, k) = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val m = 1000000007\n var ans:Long = 1\n for (i <- 0 until n-k)\n ans = (ans*(n-k)) % m\n for (i <- 0 until k-1)\n ans = (ans*k) % m\n println(ans)\n}", "src_uid": "cc838bc14408f14f984a349fea9e9694"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\n\nimport scala.collection.mutable.SortedSet\nobject main extends App with fastIO {\n// def main(args: Array[String]) : Unit = {\n// val n = readLine().toInt\n// val input = new Scanner(System.in);\n val n = next\n val s = next\n var st = SortedSet[Char]();\n for (ch <- s) {\n if (!st.contains(ch.toLower)) {\n st += ch.toLower\n }\n\n }\n println( if (st.size >= 26) \"YES\" else \"NO\")\n flush\n\n// }\n}\n\n\ntrait fastIO {\n import java.io._\n\n val isFile = false\n val input = \"io.in\"\n val output = \"io.out\"\n\n val bf = new BufferedReader(if(isFile) new FileReader(input) else new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n val in = new StreamTokenizer(bf)\n val out = new PrintWriter(if(isFile) new FileWriter(output) else new OutputStreamWriter(System.out))\n\n def next: String = {\n in.ordinaryChars('0', '9')\n in.wordChars('0', '9')\n in.nextToken\n in.sval\n }\n\n def nextInt: Int = {\n in.nextToken\n in.nval.toInt\n }\n\n def nextLong:Long ={\n in.nextToken\n in.nval.toLong\n }\n\n def nextDouble: Double = {\n in.nextToken\n in.nval.toDouble\n }\n\n def readLine: String = bf.readLine()\n def println(o:Any) = out.println(o)\n def print(o:Any) = out.print(o)\n def printf(s:String,o:Any*) = out.printf(s,o)\n def flush = out.flush\n}", "src_uid": "f13eba0a0fb86e20495d218fc4ad532d"} {"source_code": "object Main {\n def gcd(a: Int, b: Int): Int = {\n if (a % b == 0) b\n else gcd(b, a % b)\n }\n \n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val Array(a, b, c, d) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n if (a * d > b * c) {\n val num = a * d - b * c \n val den = a * d\n val div = gcd(num, den)\n println((num / div) + \"/\" + (den / div))\n } else {\n val num = b * c - a * d\n val den = b * c\n val div = gcd(num, den)\n println((num / div) + \"/\" + (den / div))\n }\n }\n}", "src_uid": "b0f435fc2f7334aee0d07524bc37cb1e"} {"source_code": "\nimport java.io.FileReader\nimport java.util.Comparator\n\nimport collection.Searching._\nimport scala.collection.mutable\n\nobject Solution {\n //Console.setIn(new FileReader(new java.io.File(\"input\")))\n //Console.setOut(new PrintStream(new java.io.File(\"output\")))\n var caseNo = 1\n\n def doCase() : Unit = {\n val str = readLine()\n println(subsr(str, 0, \"QAQ\", 0, Array.fill(str.length, 3){-1}))\n }\n\n def subsr(str : String, strIdx : Int, pat : String, patIdx : Int, cache : Array[Array[Long]]) : Long = {\n if (patIdx == pat.length) {\n return 1\n } else if (strIdx == str.length) {\n return 0\n }\n\n if (cache(strIdx)(patIdx) == -1) {\n var result = 0L\n result += subsr(str, strIdx + 1, pat, patIdx, cache)\n if (str.charAt(strIdx).equals(pat.charAt(patIdx))) {\n result += subsr(str, strIdx + 1, pat, patIdx + 1, cache)\n }\n cache(strIdx)(patIdx) = result\n }\n cache(strIdx)(patIdx)\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n var tests = 1\n for (test <- 0 until tests) {\n doCase()\n caseNo += 1\n }\n }\n\n def readIntLine(): Array[Int] = {\n readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongLine(): Array[Long] = {\n readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigIntLine(): Array[BigInt] = {\n readLine().split(\" \").map(BigInt.apply)\n }\n}", "src_uid": "8aef4947322438664bd8610632fe0947"} {"source_code": "\r\nimport scala.io.StdIn\r\n\r\nobject Main extends App {\r\n def main() = {\r\n val n = StdIn.readLine().toInt\r\n val X = 998244353\r\n val result = Range(2, n+1).foldLeft((1, 1)) { (state, x) =>\r\n val (totalSum, prev) = state\r\n val m = multiples(x) - 1\r\n val cur = (prev + totalSum + m) % X\r\n ((totalSum + prev) % X, cur)\r\n }\r\n println(result._2)\r\n }\r\n\r\n def multiples(n: Int): Int = {\r\n if (n == 1)\r\n 1\r\n else {\r\n val p = primeMultiple(n)\r\n var result = 1;\r\n var x = n\r\n while (x % p == 0) {\r\n result += 1\r\n x /= p\r\n }\r\n result * multiples(x)\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n val primes = {\r\n def sieve(stream: Stream[Int]): Stream[Int] = {\r\n stream.head #:: stream.tail.filter(_ % stream.head != 0)\r\n }\r\n sieve(Stream.from(2))\r\n }\r\n\r\n var primeMultipleArr = Array.fill(1000001)(-1)\r\n primes.takeWhile(_ < 1000).foreach { x =>\r\n var y = x * x\r\n while (y < primeMultipleArr.size) {\r\n if (primeMultipleArr(y) == -1)\r\n primeMultipleArr(y) = x\r\n y += x\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n def primeMultiple(i: Int) = {\r\n primeMultipleArr(i) match {\r\n case -1 => i\r\n case x => x\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n main()\r\n}\r\n", "src_uid": "09be46206a151c237dc9912df7e0f057"} {"source_code": "object Try1 {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n var ans,m,x,c,k, n, i: Int = 0\n var z = new Array[Int](26)\n n = readInt()\n var line = readLine()\n i=0\n ans=0\n while (i<n)\n {\n while(i<n && line(i)>='A' && line(i)<='Z') i+=1\n m=0\n for (k <- 0 to 25) z(k)=0\n while(i<n && line(i)>='a' && line(i)<='z')\n {\n z(line(i)-'a')+=1\n i+=1\n }\n for (k <- 0 to 25) if (z(k)>0) m+=1\n if (m>ans) ans=m\n }\n println(ans)\n }\n}", "src_uid": "567ce65f87d2fb922b0f7e0957fbada3"} {"source_code": "\nimport scala.collection.mutable.Stack\nimport scala.collection.mutable.Queue\nimport java.io.FileInputStream\n\n\n\nobject Main {\n def mktuple(c : Char, t :Tuple2[Int, Int]) : Tuple2[Int, Int] = {\n val (x, y) = t\n c match {\n case 'U' => (x, y +1)\n case 'D' => (x, y-1)\n case 'R' => (x +1, y)\n case 'L' => (x-1, y)\n }\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n \n val s = new java.util.Scanner(System.in)\n val (a, b, move) = (s.nextInt, s.nextInt, s.next)\n var locs = new Array[Tuple2[Int, Int]](move.length + 1)\n locs(0) = (0, 0)\n for (i <- 1 to move.length)\n locs(i) = mktuple(move.charAt(i-1), locs(i-1))\n val (fullx, fully) = (locs(move.length)._1, locs(move.length)._2)\n for (i <- 0 to move.length){\n if (fullx == 0 && fully == 0) {\n if ( locs(i) == (a,b)){\n println(\"Yes\")\n return \n }\n }\n else if (fullx == 0){ \n if (a == locs(i)._1 && \n (b - (locs(i)._2)) % fully == 0 &&\n (b - (locs(i)._2)) / fully >= 0){\n println(\"Yes\")\n return\n }\n }\n else if (fully == 0) { \n if (b == locs(i)._2 &&\n (a - (locs(i)._1)) % fullx == 0 &&\n (a - (locs(i)._1)) / fullx >= 0) {\n println(\"Yes\")\n return\n }}\n else { \n\n val (t1, t2) = ( (a - locs(i)._1) /fullx, (b - locs(i)._2) / fully)\n if (t1 == t2 && t1 >= 0 && \n (a - (locs(i)._1)) % fullx == 0 &&\n (b - (locs(i)._2)) % fully == 0) {\n println(\"Yes\")\n return\n }\n }\n }\n println(\"No\")\n }\n}", "src_uid": "5d6212e28c7942e9ff4d096938b782bf"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject P388A {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val scanner = new Scanner(System.in)\n val n = scanner.nextInt()\n val boxes = for (i <- 1 to n) yield scanner.nextInt()\n val piles = construct(boxes.toList.sorted)\n println(piles.length)\n }\n\n def construct(boxes: List[Int]): List[Int] = {\n val piles = new scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[Int]()\n for (box <- boxes) {\n val index = piles.indexWhere(_ <= box)\n if (index == -1) piles += 1\n else piles(index) += 1\n }\n piles.toList\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "7c710ae68f27f140e7e03564492f7214"} {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val s = new Main()\n s.solve()\n s.out.flush()\n }\n}\n\nclass Main {\n import java.io._\n import java.util.StringTokenizer\n\n import scala.collection.mutable\n import scala.util.Sorting\n import math.{abs, max, min}\n import mutable.{ArrayBuffer, ListBuffer}\n import scala.reflect.ClassTag\n\n val MOD = 1000000007\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n def solve(): Unit = {\n val N = ni()\n val S = ns(N)\n val eight = S count (_ == '8')\n val ans = min(S.length / 11, eight)\n out.println(ans)\n }\n\n\n class InputReader(val stream: InputStream) {\n private val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream), 32768)\n private var tokenizer: StringTokenizer = _\n\n def next(): String = {\n while (tokenizer == null || !tokenizer.hasMoreTokens)\n tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(reader.readLine)\n tokenizer.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt(): Int = next().toInt\n def nextLong(): Long = next().toLong\n def nextChar(): Char = next().charAt(0)\n }\n val sc = new InputReader(System.in)\n def ni(): Int = sc.nextInt()\n def nl(): Long = sc.nextLong()\n def nc(): Char = sc.nextChar()\n def ns(): String = sc.next()\n def ns(n: Int): Array[Char] = ns().toCharArray\n def na(n: Int): Array[Int] = map(n)(_ => ni())\n def nal(n: Int): Array[Long] = map(n)(_ => nl())\n def nm(n: Int, m: Int): Array[Array[Char]] = map(n) (_ => ns(m))\n def rep(n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => Unit): Unit = {\n var i = offset\n val N = n + offset\n while(i < N) { f(i); i += 1 }\n }\n def rep_r(n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => Unit): Unit = {\n var i = n - 1 + offset\n while(i >= offset) { f(i); i -= 1 }\n }\n\n def map[@specialized A: ClassTag](n: Int)(f: Int => A): Array[A] = {\n val res = Array.ofDim[A](n)\n rep(n)(i => res(i) = f(i))\n res\n }\n\n def sumL(as: Array[Int]): Long = {\n var s = 0L\n rep(as.length)(i => s += as(i))\n s\n }\n}", "src_uid": "259d01b81bef5536b969247ff2c2d776"} {"source_code": "/**\n * Created by Permagate on 29-Jan-17.\n */\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport java.util.Scanner\n\nobject A extends App {\n object Solver {\n def run(algoToRun: (Scanner, PrintWriter) => Unit): Unit = {\n val in = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n try {\n algoToRun(in, out)\n } catch {\n case ex: Exception => ex.printStackTrace(out)\n } finally {\n out.flush()\n out.close()\n }\n }\n }\n\n Solver.run(algoToRun = (in, out) => {\n val n: Long = in.nextLong()\n val k: Int = in.nextInt()\n\n val divisors: List[Long] =\n (for (i <- 1L to math.sqrt(n).toLong if n % i == 0) yield i).toList\n .filter(num => n % num == 0)\n .flatMap(divisor => divisor match {\n case divi if divi == n / divi => List(divi)\n case divi => List(divi, n / divi)\n })\n .sorted\n\n val answer: Long = if (k > divisors.length) -1 else divisors(k - 1)\n out.println(answer)\n })\n}\n", "src_uid": "6ba39b428a2d47b7d199879185797ffb"} {"source_code": "object Codeforces460A extends App{\n\n def DayCount(firsthave:Int,every:Int):Int={\n var have:Int=firsthave\n var plus:Int=firsthave/every\n have+=plus\n var remainder:Int= firsthave%every\n remainder+=plus\n while (remainder >= every){\n plus=remainder/every\n have+=plus\n remainder=remainder%every+plus\n }\n return have\n }\n\n val initval=scala.io.StdIn.readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n println(DayCount(initval(0),initval(1)))\n\n}\n", "src_uid": "42b25b7335ec01794fbb1d4086aa9dd0"} {"source_code": "object B extends App {\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(scala.io.StdIn.readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken)) }\n\n val Array(n) = readInts(1)\n val as = Array.fill(n){ readLine.toInt }\n val ds = (0 until n).toSet\n\n var res = \"NO\"\n for {\n d <- ds.subsets\n } {\n val (l, r) = as.indices.partition(d)\n val pos = l.map(as).sum - r.map(as).sum\n if (pos % 360 == 0) res = \"YES\"\n }\n\n println(res)\n\n Console.flush\n}\n", "src_uid": "01b50fcba4185ceb1eb8e4ba04a0cc10"} {"source_code": "import scala.collection.mutable\n\nobject C extends App {\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken)) }\n\n val Array(n, l) = readLongs(2)\n val cs = readLongs(n.toInt)\n val mem = mutable.Map.empty[(Long, Int), Long]\n\n def calc(ll: Long, from: Int): Long = {\n if (ll == 0L) 0L\n else if (from == 0L) ll * cs(0)\n else if (mem.contains((ll, from))) mem((ll, from))\n else {\n val v = 1L << from\n val full = cs(from) * ((ll + v - 1) / v)\n //println(ll, from , v, full)\n val c = if (ll >= v) {\n Math.min(\n Math.min(\n calc(ll % v, from - 1) + cs(from) * (ll / v),\n calc(ll, from - 1)),\n full)\n } else {\n Math.min(calc(ll, from - 1), full)\n }\n mem.put((ll, from), c)\n c\n }\n }\n\n val res = calc(l, n.toInt - 1)\n\n println(res)\n}\n", "src_uid": "04ca137d0383c03944e3ce1c502c635b"} {"source_code": "object Sishik_49A extends App {\n val str = readLine()\n val splitted = str.split(\" \").toList\n var splt = \"\"\n for (i <- splitted) {\n splt = splt + i\n }\n val lastSymbol = splt.substring(splt.length - 2, splt.length - 1).toUpperCase\n val listGLAS = List(\"A\", \"E\", \"I\", \"O\", \"U\", \"Y\")\n val listSOGLAS = List(\"B\", \"C\", \"D\", \"F\", \"G\", \"H\", \"J\", \"K\", \"L\", \"M\", \"N\", \"P\", \"Q\", \"R\", \"S\", \"T\", \"V\", \"W\", \"X\", \"Z\")\n def identify(char: String): Unit = char match {\n case charac if listGLAS.contains(charac) => println(\"YES\")\n case charac if listSOGLAS.contains(charac) => println(\"NO\")\n }\n identify(lastSymbol)\n}\n", "src_uid": "dea7eb04e086a4c1b3924eff255b9648"} {"source_code": "\n\n/**\n *\n */\nobject P868B {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val sc = new java.util.Scanner(System.in)\n val h = sc.nextInt // 1\u2009\u2264\u2009h\u2009\u2264\u200912\n val m = sc.nextInt // 0\u2009\u2264\u2009m\n val s = sc.nextInt // s\u2009\u2264\u200959\n val t1 = sc.nextInt // 1\u2009\u2264\u2009t1,\u2009t2\u2009\u2264\u200912, t1\u2009\u2260\u2009t2\n val t2 = sc.nextInt\n // Misha's position and the target time do not coincide with the position of any hand.\n\n // Output\n // Print \"YES\" (quotes for clarity), if Misha can prepare the contest on time, and \"NO\" otherwise.\n // You can print each character either upper- or lowercase (\"YeS\" and \"yes\" are valid when the answer is \"YES\").\n\n // Last time Misha talked with the coordinator at t1 o'clock, so now he stands on the number t1 on the clock face.\n // The contest should be ready by t2 o'clock. In the terms of paradox it means that Misha has to go to number t2 somehow.\n // Note that he doesn't have to move forward only: in these circumstances time has no direction.\n\n // if hour clock points 12 and Misha stands at 11 then he cannot move to 1 along the top arc.\n // He has to follow all the way round the clock center (of course, if there are no other hands on his way).\n\n val clock = 0 to 600\n val ns = s % 60 * 10\n val nm = m % 60 * 10 + { if (ns > 0) 1 else 0 }\n val nh = (h % 12) * 50 + { if (nm > 0) 1 else 0 }\n val wall = Seq(ns, nm, nh).toSet\n\n val a = (t1 % 12) * 50\n val b = (t2 % 12) * 50\n\n val cw = Iterator.continually(clock).flatten.dropWhile(_ != a).takeWhile(_ != b)\n val acw = Iterator.continually(clock.reverse).flatten.dropWhile(_ != a).takeWhile(_ != b)\n\n val canMoveClockwize = cw.forall(n => !wall.contains(n))\n val canMoveAntiClockwize = acw.forall(n => !wall.contains(n))\n\n if (canMoveAntiClockwize || canMoveClockwize) println(\"YES\")\n else println(\"NO\")\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "912c8f557a976bdedda728ba9f916c95"} {"source_code": "object aTask {\n import scala.io.StdIn.{readInt, readLine}\n\n def func(str: List[Char], acc: List[Char]): List[Char] = {\n str match {\n case Nil => acc\n case x::Nil => x::acc\n case x::y::xs if x == 'U' && y == 'R' => func(xs, 'D'::acc)\n case x::y::xs if x == 'R' && y == 'U' => func(xs, 'D'::acc)\n case x::xs => func(xs, x::acc)\n\n }\n\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit ={\n val n = readInt\n val s = readLine.toCharArray.toList\n println(func(s, List()).length)\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "986ae418ce82435badadb0bd5588f45b"} {"source_code": "object Main {\n\n def parseInput: (String, String, String) = {\n val lr = (readLine + \"|_\").split('|')\n val remain = readLine\n (lr(0), lr(1), remain)\n }\n\n def solve(left: String, right: String, remain: String): String = {\n val diff = math.abs(left.length - right.length)\n if (remain.length >= diff && (remain.length - diff) % 2 == 0) {\n val k = (remain.length - diff) / 2 + (if (left.length < right.length) diff else 0)\n (left + remain.substring(0, k)) + '|' + (right + remain.substring(k))\n } else {\n null\n }\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val (left, right, remain) = parseInput\n val result = solve(left, right, remain)\n println(if (result == null) \"Impossible\" else result)\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "917f173b8523ddd38925238e5d2089b9"} {"source_code": "\nobject SantaClausAndAPlaceInAClass extends App{\n val Array(n, m, k) = io.StdIn.readLine.split(\"\\\\s+\").map(_.toInt)\n val lane = Math.ceil(k / (2.0 * m)).toInt\n val desk = Math.ceil((k - (lane - 1) * 2 * m) / 2.0).toInt\n println(s\"\"\"$lane $desk ${if(k % 2 == 0) \"R\" else \"L\"}\"\"\")\n}\n", "src_uid": "d6929926b44c2d5b1a8e6b7f965ca1bb"} {"source_code": "object A extends App {\n val sc = new java.util.Scanner(System.in)\n val n, s = sc.nextInt()\n val t = Array.fill(n)(sc.nextInt()).sortWith(_ > _)\n println(if (t.tail.sum <= s) \"YES\" else \"NO\")\n}\n", "src_uid": "496baae594b32c5ffda35b896ebde629"} {"source_code": "\nimport scala.math._\n\nobject Main extends App {\n val Array(l1, r1, l2, r2, k) = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toLong)\n val l = max(l1, l2)\n val r = min(r1, r2)\n val res = if (l <= r) {r - l + 1 - (if (k >= l && k <= r) 1 else 0)} else 0\n println(res) \n}", "src_uid": "9a74b3b0e9f3a351f2136842e9565a82"} {"source_code": "object Main\n{\n\tdef min (a : Int, b : Int) : Int = \n\t\tif (a < b) return a\n\t\telse return b\n\tdef main (args : Array[String]) = \n\t{\n\t\tval n_v = readLine.split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n\t\tval n = n_v(0)\n\t\tval v = n_v(1)\n\n\t\tvar grad = 2\n\t\tvar kolku_imam = min(n-1, v) - 1\n\t\tvar rez = kolku_imam + 1\n\n\t\twhile (grad != n)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\t//println(\"vleguva za grad = \" + grad + \" kolku_imam = \" + kolku_imam + \" rez = \" + rez)\n\t\t\tvar kolku = n - grad\n\t\t\tif (kolku_imam >= kolku)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tgrad += 1\n\t\t\t\tkolku_imam -= 1\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse \n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t//staj si od ovaa stanica\n\t\t\t\tkolku_imam -= 1\n\t\t\t\tkolku_imam += 1\n\t\t\t\trez += grad\n\t\t\t\tgrad += 1\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tprintln(rez)\n\t}\n}", "src_uid": "f8eb96deeb82d9f011f13d7dac1e1ab7"} {"source_code": "\n/**\n * Created by reynaldo on 2/17/16.\n */\nobject B {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val in = scala.io.StdIn\n\n val line = in.readLine()\n val h = line.substring(0, 2).toInt\n val m = line.substring(3, 5).toInt\n val a = in.readInt()\n\n solve(h, m + a)\n\n @annotation.tailrec\n def solve(h: Int, m: Int): Unit = {\n if (m < 60 && h < 24)\n println(f\"$h%02d:$m%02d\")\n else if (m >= 60)\n solve(h + m / 60, m % 60)\n else\n solve(h % 24, m)\n }\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "20c2d9da12d6b88f300977d74287a15d"} {"source_code": "\n/**\n * Created by octavian on 06/02/2016.\n */\nobject Luke {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n\n //System.setIn(new FileInputStream(\"./src/luke.in\"))\n //System.setOut(new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(\"./src/luke.out\")))\n\n val Array(d, l, v1, v2):Array[Double] = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toDouble)\n println((l - d)/(v1 + v2))\n }\n\n}\n", "src_uid": "f34f3f974a21144b9f6e8615c41830f5"} {"source_code": "import scala.collection._\n\nobject A extends App {\n \n val as = readLine\n val bs = readLine\n \n val res = (for (i <- 0 until as.length by 2) yield (as(i), bs(i)) match {\n case ('[', '8') => 1\n case ('(', '[') => 1\n case ('8', '(') => 1\n case (a, b) if a == b => 0\n case _ => -1\n }) sum\n \n if (res > 0) println(\"TEAM 2 WINS\")\n else if (res < 0) println(\"TEAM 1 WINS\")\n else println(\"TIE\")\n}", "src_uid": "bdf2e78c47d078b4ba61741b6fbb23cf"} {"source_code": "object JuanDavidRobles112A {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n\n import scala.io.StdIn\n var str1 : String = StdIn.readLine()\n var str2 : String = StdIn.readLine()\n\n if (str1.equalsIgnoreCase(str2)){\n println(\"0\")\n return\n }\n\n str1 = str1.toUpperCase()\n str2 = str2.toUpperCase()\n\n if (str1.compareTo(str2) > 0){\n println(\"1\")\n } else {\n println(\"-1\")\n }\n\n /*for (i <- 0 until str1.length) {\n if (str1.charAt(i).toInt != str2.charAt(i).toInt) {\n if (str1.charAt(i).toInt > str2.charAt(i).toInt) {\n println(\"1\")\n } else {\n println(\"-1\")\n }\n return\n }\n }*/\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "ffeae332696a901813677bd1033cf01e"} {"source_code": "object Main {\n class Card(val value: Int, val suit: Char) {\n }\n \n object Card {\n def apply(s: String) = {\n val v = s(0) match {\n case '6' => 6\n case '7' => 7\n case '8' => 8\n case '9' => 9\n case 'T' => 10\n case 'J' => 11\n case 'Q' => 12\n case 'K' => 13\n case 'A' => 14\n }\n new Card(v, s(1))\n }\n \n def compare(c1: Card, c2: Card, s: Char) = {\n if (c1.suit == s && c2.suit == s) c1.value > c2.value\n else if (c1.suit == s) true\n else (c1.suit == c2.suit && c1.value > c2.value)\n }\n }\n \n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val s = readChar()\n val cs = readLine().split(\" \")\n val c1 = Card(cs(0))\n val c2 = Card(cs(1))\n if (Card.compare(c1, c2, s)) println(\"YES\")\n else println(\"NO\")\n }\n}", "src_uid": "da13bd5a335c7f81c5a963b030655c26"} {"source_code": "import scala.math._, scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject D extends App {\n val Array(n, k) = readLongs\n val Array(a, b) = readLongs\n\n val d1 = k + a - b\n val d2 = a + b\n println(s\"${min(minStops(d1), minStops(d2))} ${max(maxStops(d1), maxStops(d2))}\")\n\n def minStops(d: Long) = {\n val d1 = d / gcd(d, k)\n val k1 = k / gcd(d, k)\n val k2 = gcd(k1, n)\n k1 * (0L until n / k2).map(i => n / gcd(n, d1 + k2 * i)).min\n }\n\n def maxStops(d: Long) = n * k / gcd(d, k)\n\n def gcd(x: Long, y: Long): Long = if (y == 0) x else gcd(y, x % y)\n def lcm(x: Long, y: Long): Long = x * y / gcd(x, y)\n\n def readLongs() = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toLong)\n}\n", "src_uid": "5bb4adff1b332f43144047955eefba0c"} {"source_code": "object A extends App {\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken)) }\n\n val Array(n) = readInts(1)\n\n if (n == 1) {\n println(\"1 1\")\n println(1)\n } else {\n val x = (n - 1) * 2\n println(s\"$x 2\")\n println(\"1 2\")\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "5c000b4c82a8ecef764f53fda8cee541"} {"source_code": "object A extends App {\n val Array(n, m, a, b) = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toLong)\n\n val t = n / m\n\n val r =\n if (t == 0) ((m - n) * a) min (n * b)\n else ((n - t * m) * b) min (((t + 1) * m - n) * a)\n\n println(r)\n}\n", "src_uid": "c05d753b35545176ad468b99ff13aa39"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\n\nobject Solution extends App {\n val in = Source.stdin.getLines()\n val n = in.next().toLong\n if (n == 1)\n println(1)\n else if (n == 2)\n println(2)\n else if (n == 3)\n println(6)\n else if (n % 2 == 0 && n % 3 == 0)\n println((n - 1) * (n - 2) * (n - 3))\n else if (n % 2 == 0)\n println(n * (n - 1) * (n - 3))\n else\n println(n * (n - 1) * (n - 2))\n}\n", "src_uid": "25e5afcdf246ee35c9cef2fcbdd4566e"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject Rounding {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val X = sc.nextInt()\n println(if (X % 10 <= 5) X - (X % 10) else X + 10 - (X % 10))\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "29c4d5fdf1328bbc943fa16d54d97aa9"} {"source_code": "import collection.mutable.Map\n\nobject test6 extends App {\n val y=readInt\n for(i<- y+1 to 9999 if i.toString.distinct.size>=4) {println(i); exit(0)}\n} \n\n\n", "src_uid": "d62dabfbec52675b7ed7b582ad133acd"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject ZeroProblem extends App {\n\n val s = new Scanner(System.in)\n val n = s.nextInt()\n val k = s.nextInt()\n var primes = Array.fill[Boolean](n + 1)(true)\n findPrimes()\n val sl = (2 to n).filter(primes).sliding(2).filter(_.size > 1).count(x => (x(0) + x(1) + 1) <= n && primes(x(0) + x(1) + 1))\n if (sl >= k) println(\"YES\") else println(\"NO\")\n\n def findPrimes(): Unit = {\n var i = 2\n while (i < n + 1) {\n if (primes(i)) {\n var j = i + i\n while (j < n) {\n primes(j) = false\n j += i\n }\n }\n i += 1\n }\n }\n\n}", "src_uid": "afd2b818ed3e2a931da9d682f6ad660d"} {"source_code": "object Main extends App {\n def luckyDigit(c : Char) = c == '4' || c == '7'\n def luckyNum(s : String) = s.foldLeft(true)(_ & luckyDigit(_))\n def sumChar(s : String) = s.foldLeft(0)(_ + _ -'0')\n def sumEqual(s : String, l : Int) = sumChar(s.take(l)) == sumChar(s.drop(l))\n def lucky(n : Int, s : String) = luckyNum(s) && sumEqual(s, n/2)\n\n println(if (lucky(readLine.toInt, readLine)) \"YES\" else \"NO\")\n}\n", "src_uid": "435b6d48f99d90caab828049a2c9e2a7"} {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n def sim(x: Long, y: Long, m: Long, sum: Long = 0l): Long = {\n val min = Math.min(x, y)\n val max = Math.max(x, y)\n if (max >= m)\n sum\n else\n sim(max, min + max, m, sum + 1)\n }\n \n val Array(x, y, m) = in.next().split(' ').map(_.toLong)\n if (x >= m || y >= m)\n println(0)\n else if (x <= 0 && y <= 0)\n println(-1)\n else if (x >= 0 && y >= 0) {\n println (sim(x, y, m))\n }\n else\n {\n val max = Math.max(x, y)\n val min = Math.min(x, y)\n val toPlus = -(min + max - 1) / max\n val nMin = toPlus * max + min\n println (sim(max, nMin, m) + toPlus)\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "82026a3c3d9a6bda2e2ac6e14979d821"} {"source_code": "object CF1076b extends App {\n val in = new java.util.Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new java.io.PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n import scala.math._\n\n def findPrime(n: Long) : Long = {\n if (n % 2 == 0) { 2 }\n else {\n (3 to Int.MaxValue by 2).view.map(_.toLong).takeWhile((x: Long) => x*x <= n).filter(n % _ == 0).headOption getOrElse n\n }\n }\n\n def solve(n: Long) : Long = {\n if (n % 2 == 0) { n/2 }\n else {\n solve(n-findPrime(n)) + 1\n }\n }\n\n val n = in.nextLong\n out.println(solve(n))\n out.flush;out.close;\n}\n", "src_uid": "a1e80ddd97026835a84f91bac8eb21e6"} {"source_code": "object Two63A extends App {\n\timport java.io.PrintWriter\n\timport java.util.Scanner\n\n\tval in = new Scanner(System.in)\n\tval out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\tval m = for {\n\t\ti <- 0 until 5\n\t\tj <- 0 until 5\n\t\tk = in.nextInt()\n\t\tif k == 1\n\t} yield (i, j)\n\tval abs = math.abs(m(0)._1 - 2) + math.abs(m(0)._2 - 2)\n\tout.println(abs)\n\tin.close()\n\tout.close()\n}", "src_uid": "8ba7cedc3f6ae478a0bb3f902440c8e9"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject CF577A extends App {\n val Array(n, x) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n var c = 0\n (1 to n).foreach(i => if (x % i == 0 && x / i <= n) c = c + 1)\n println(c)\n}\n", "src_uid": "c4b139eadca94201596f1305b2f76496"} {"source_code": "object A {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n\n val Array(n, a, b, c) = scala.io.StdIn.readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toLong)\n val ans = n % 4 match {\n case 0 => 0\n case 1 => Array(c, 3 * a, a + b).min\n case 2 => Array(b, 2 * a, 2 * c).min\n case 3 => Array(a, b + c, 3 * c).min\n }\n println(ans)\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "c74537b7e2032c1d928717dfe15ccfb8"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject Codeforces114A {\n def isHappy(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int, a: Int, b: Int, c: Int): Boolean =\n x <= a && x + y <= a + b && x + y + z <= a + b + c\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(x, y, z) = StdIn.readLine().trim.split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val Array(a, b, c) = StdIn.readLine().trim.split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n val happy = isHappy(x, y, z, a, b, c)\n\n val output = if (happy) \"YES\" else \"NO\"\n println(output)\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "d54201591f7284da5e9ce18984439f4e"} {"source_code": "import scala.annotation.tailrec\nobject X extends App {\n case class Point(x: Double, y: Double)\n case class Line(u: Point, v: Point) {\n lazy val slope = (v.y - u.y) / (v.x - u.x)\n lazy val midPoint = Point((u.x + v.x) / 2, (u.y + v.y) / 2)\n }\n\n val perpBisector = (l: Line) => {\n val mid = l.midPoint\n val otherPoint = Point(mid.x + l.u.y - l.v.y, mid.y + l.v.x - l.u.x)\n Line(mid, otherPoint)\n }\n\n val intersectLine = (l1: Line, l2: Line) => {\n val numer =\n (l1.u.x - l2.u.x) * (l2.u.y - l2.v.y) - (l1.u.y - l2.u.y) * (l2.u.x - l2.v.x)\n\n val denom =\n (l1.u.x - l1.v.x) * (l2.u.y - l2.v.y) - (l1.u.y - l1.v.y) * (l2.u.x - l2.v.x)\n\n val t = numer / denom\n\n val x = l1.u.x + t * (l1.v.x - l1.u.x)\n val y = l1.u.y + t * (l1.v.y - l1.u.y)\n\n Point(x, y)\n }\n\n val calculateCircleCentre = (A: Point, B: Point, C: Point) => {\n val l1 = Line(B, C)\n val l2 = Line(A, B)\n\n intersectLine(perpBisector(l1), perpBisector(l2))\n }\n\n val getAngle = (p1: Point, p2: Point, p3: Point) => {\n val r1Square =\n (p1.x - p2.x) * (p1.x - p2.x) + (p1.y - p2.y) * (p1.y - p2.y)\n val r2Square =\n (p2.x - p3.x) * (p2.x - p3.x) + (p2.y - p3.y) * (p2.y - p3.y)\n val r3Square =\n (p3.x - p1.x) * (p3.x - p1.x) + (p3.y - p1.y) * (p3.y - p1.y)\n\n val denom = 2 * Math.sqrt(r1Square * r2Square)\n val numer = r1Square + r2Square - r3Square\n\n val cosTheta = numer / denom\n\n Math.acos(cosTheta)\n }\n\n @tailrec\n def findDenom(\n dec: Double,\n closeEnough: (Double, Int) => Boolean,\n i: Int = 1,\n bestCase: Int = 1,\n closestDiff: Double = 1\n ): Int = {\n val mult = i * dec\n val diff = mult - Math.floor(mult)\n val actualDiff = if (diff < 0.5) diff else 1 - diff\n val nextClosestDiff =\n if (actualDiff < closestDiff) actualDiff else closestDiff\n val nextBestCase = if (actualDiff == nextClosestDiff) i else bestCase\n\n if (closeEnough(closestDiff, i)) bestCase\n else findDenom(dec, closeEnough, i + 1, nextBestCase, nextClosestDiff)\n }\n @tailrec\n def gcd(a: Int, b: Int): Int = {\n if (b == 0) a else gcd(b, a % b)\n }\n\n val lcm = (a: Int, b: Int) => a * b / gcd(a, b)\n\n val computeArea = (p1: Point, p2: Point, p3: Point) => {\n val closeEnough = (closestDiff: Double, i: Int) => {\n closestDiff < 0.000001 || i > 100\n }\n val centre = calculateCircleCentre(p1, p2, p3)\n\n val angle1 = getAngle(p1, centre, p2) / (2 * Math.PI)\n val angle2 = getAngle(p2, centre, p3) / (2 * Math.PI)\n val angle3 = getAngle(p3, centre, p1) / (2 * Math.PI)\n\n val denom1 = findDenom(angle1, closeEnough)\n val denom2 = findDenom(angle2, closeEnough)\n val denom3 = findDenom(angle3, closeEnough)\n\n val lcmAngle = lcm(lcm(denom1, denom2), denom3)\n\n val area =\n 0.5 * ((centre.x - p1.x) * (centre.x - p1.x) + (centre.y - p1.y) * (centre.y - p1.y)) * Math\n .sin((2 * Math.PI) / lcmAngle) * lcmAngle\n\n area\n }\n\n val lineToPoint = (line: String) => {\n val coords = line.split(\" \").map(s => s.toDouble)\n Point(coords(0), coords(1))\n }\n\n val t1 = scala.io.StdIn.readLine()\n val t2 = scala.io.StdIn.readLine()\n val t3 = scala.io.StdIn.readLine()\n\n val p1 = lineToPoint(t1)\n val p2 = lineToPoint(t2)\n val p3 = lineToPoint(t3)\n\n val area = computeArea(p1, p2, p3)\n\n println(area)\n}\n", "src_uid": "980f4094b3cfc647d6f74e840b1bfb62"} {"source_code": "object Main extends App {\n val n = readLine.split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n val arr = readLine.split(' ').map(_.toInt).toList\n arr.sorted.map{x=>print(x+\" \")}\n}", "src_uid": "ae20712265d4adf293e75d016b4b82d8"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\nimport scala.util.control.Breaks._\n\n\nobject Vitya_in_the_Countryside_719A {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val c = Array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1)\n val cal = c ++ c ++ c ++ c ++ c\n val n = StdIn.readInt()\n val observ = StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map( _.toInt )\n var up = 0\n var down = 0\n for (i <- cal.indices.dropRight(observ.length)) {\n breakable {\n for (j <- observ.indices) {\n if (cal(i + j) != observ(j)) break\n if (j == observ.length - 1 && i + j != cal.length - 1) {\n if (cal(i + j + 1) > cal(i + j)) up += 1\n else down += 1\n }\n }\n }\n }\n if (up == 0 && down > 0) println(\"DOWN\")\n else if (down == 0 && up > 0) println(\"UP\")\n else println(-1)\n }\n}", "src_uid": "8330d9fea8d50a79741507b878da0a75"} {"source_code": "import scala.io._\nimport java.io._\n\nobject ProblemA {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = processStdInOut()\n\n def processStdInOut(): Unit = {\n val src = io.Source.fromInputStream(System.in)\n try {\n val bw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out));\n try {\n val lines = src.getLines()\n processLines(lines, bw)\n } finally {\n bw.flush()\n bw.close()\n }\n } finally {\n src.close();\n }\n }\n\n // Standard code above, custom code below\n\n case class Solution(runCount: Int, runs: List[Int])\n\n def processLines(lines: Iterator[String], bw: BufferedWriter): Unit = {\n\n val size = lines.next().toInt\n val chars = lines.next() + 'W' // Ensure last run isn't missed by appending dummy character\n val soln = solve(size, chars.toList)\n bw.write(s\"${soln.runCount}\")\n bw.newLine()\n if (soln.runCount > 0) {\n bw.write(soln.runs.mkString(\" \"))\n bw.newLine()\n }\n }\n\n case class Accumulator(wasLastCharB: Boolean, blackCount: Int, runsInReverse: List[Int], runCount: Int)\n\n def solve(size: Int, chars: List[Char]): Solution = {\n val accumulator = chars.foldLeft(Accumulator(false, 0, List.empty, 0)) { (acc: Accumulator, ch: Char) =>\n if (ch == 'B') {\n acc.copy(wasLastCharB = true, blackCount = acc.blackCount + 1)\n } else {\n if (acc.wasLastCharB) {\n acc.copy(wasLastCharB = false, blackCount = 0,\n runsInReverse = acc.blackCount :: acc.runsInReverse,\n runCount = acc.runCount + 1)\n } else {\n acc\n }\n }\n }\n Solution(accumulator.runCount, accumulator.runsInReverse.reverse)\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "e4b3a2707ba080b93a152f4e6e983973"} {"source_code": "object A313 {\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(scala.io.StdIn.readLine)\n\n def readInts(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(n) = readInts(1)\n if(n > 0) {\n println(n)\n } else {\n val s = n.toString.drop(1)\n if(s.length == 1) {\n println(\"0\")\n } else {\n if (-s.dropRight(1).toInt > -(s.dropRight(2) + s.last).toInt) {\n println(- s.dropRight(1).toInt)\n } else {\n println(- (s.dropRight(2) + s.last).toInt)\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}", "src_uid": "4b0a8798a6d53351226d4f06e3356b1e"} {"source_code": "import scala.io._\nimport scala.collection.mutable._\nimport java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nobject HelloWorld {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n var s = readLine + readLine + readLine;\n if (s.substring(0, 4) == s.substring(5, 9).reverse) {\n println(\"YES\");\n } else {\n println(\"NO\");\n }\n }\n\n}", "src_uid": "6a5fe5fac8a4e3993dc3423180cdd6a9"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer\nimport scala.collection.immutable.Queue\nimport scala.util.Random\n\nobject P104A extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n val N = sc.nextInt\n val stack = 0 :: 4 :: List.fill(8)(4) ::: (15 :: 4 :: Nil)\n\n def solve(): Int = {\n val rest = N - 10\n if (rest < 1 || 11 < rest) 0\n else stack(rest)\n }\n\n out.println(solve)\n out.close\n}\n", "src_uid": "5802f52caff6015f21b80872274ab16c"} {"source_code": "object B extends App {\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken)) }\n\n val Array(k, p) = readInts(2)\n\n var sum = 0L\n\n var x = 1L\n var mul = 10L\n while (x <= k) {\n if (x >= mul) mul *= 10\n val y = x.toString.reverse.toLong\n val xy = x * mul + y\n sum = (sum + xy) % p\n x += 1\n }\n\n println(sum)\n}\n", "src_uid": "00e90909a77ce9e22bb7cbf1285b0609"} {"source_code": "\n\nobject objecta {\n import java.io.{BufferedReader, FileInputStream, InputStreamReader}\n import scala.collection.mutable\n import scala.util.control.Breaks._\n import scala.util.Random\n\n val source = System.in\n //new FileInputStream(\"D://in.txt\")\n implicit val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(source))\n\n def read()(implicit reader: BufferedReader): String = reader.readLine().split(\" \")(0)\n def readArray()(implicit reader: BufferedReader): Array[String] = reader.readLine().split(\" \")\n def readString()(implicit reader: BufferedReader): String = reader.readLine()\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val n = read().toInt\n print(n % 2)\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "78e64fdbf59c5ce89d0f0a1d0591f795"} {"source_code": "object Contest extends App {\n \n val Array(a, b) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val p2 = math.min(a, b)\n println((a + b - 1 - p2) + \" \" + p2) \n}\n", "src_uid": "c8378e6fcaab30d15469a55419f38b39"} {"source_code": "/**\n * @author tdx\n */\nobject Solution {\n import scala.io.StdIn._\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val parts = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val n = parts(0)\n val k = parts(1)\n val grades = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n var cur = grades.sum\n var total = n\n while (math.round(cur*1.0/total) < k) {\n total += 1\n cur += k\n }\n println(total - n)\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "f22267bf3fad0bf342ecf4c27ad3a900"} {"source_code": "object _849A extends CodeForcesApp {\n import Utils._, annotation._, collection.{mutable, Searching}, util._, control._, math.Ordering.Implicits._, Searching._\n\n override def apply(io: IO): io.type = {\n val v = io.read[Vector[Int]]\n def isOdd(x: Int) = x%2 == 1\n val ans = Iterator(v.head, v.last, v.length).forall(isOdd)\n io.write(ans.toEnglish)\n io\n }\n}\n/****************************[Ignore Template Below]****************************************/\ntrait CodeForcesApp {\n lazy val isOnlineJudge: Boolean = sys.props.get(\"ONLINE_JUDGE\").exists(_.toBoolean)\n def debug(x: => Any): Unit = if (!isOnlineJudge) println(x)\n def apply(io: IO): io.type\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = this(new IO(System.in, System.out)).close()\n}\nobject Utils {\n import scala.collection.mutable, mutable.{Map => Dict}\n implicit class GenericExtensions[A](val a: A) extends AnyVal {\n def in(set: collection.Set[A]): Boolean = set(a)\n def some: Option[A] = Some(a)\n def partialMatch[B](f: PartialFunction[A, B]): Option[B] = f lift a\n }\n implicit class TraversableExtensions[A, C[X] <: Traversable[X]](val t: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def onlyElement: A = assuming(t.size == 1)(t.head)\n def groupByIdentifier[K](f: A => K): Map[K, A] = t.groupBy(f).mapValues(_.onlyElement)\n def duplicates(implicit b: C of A): C[A] = {\n val elems = mutable.Set.empty[A]\n (t collect {case i if !elems.add(i) => i}).to[C]\n }\n def sumWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit n: Numeric[B]): B = t.foldLeft(n.zero) {case (p, i) => n.plus(p, f(i))}\n def maxWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit ord: Ordering[B]): Option[B] = t.view.map(f).reduceOption(ord.max)\n def minWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit ord: Ordering[B]): Option[B] = t.view.map(f).reduceOption(ord.min)\n def zipWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit b: C of (A, B)): C[(A, B)] = (t map {i => i -> f(i)}).to[C]\n def mapTo[B](f: A => B)(implicit b: C of (A, B)): Map[A, B] = zipWith(f).toUniqueMap\n def whenNonEmpty[B](f: t.type => B): Option[B] = when(t.nonEmpty)(f(t)) // e.g. grades.whenNonEmpty(_.max)\n def collectFirst[B](f: PartialFunction[A, Option[B]]): Option[B] = t.view collect f collectFirst {case Some(x) => x}\n def toMutableMultiSet: Dict[A, Int] = {\n val c = map[A] to 0\n t.foreach(i => c(i) += 1)\n c\n }\n def toMultiSet: Map[A, Int] = toMutableMultiSet.toMap withDefaultValue 0\n def X[B](s: Traversable[B]): Iterator[(A, B)] = for {a <- t.toIterator; b <- s} yield (a, b)\n }\n implicit class ArrayExtensions[A <: AnyRef](val a: Array[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def sort(from: Int, until: Int)(implicit cmp: Ordering[A]): Unit = java.util.Arrays.sort(a, from, until, cmp) //sort [from, until)\n }\n implicit class ArrayExtensions2[A](val a: Array[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def sort(from: Int, until: Int)(implicit cmp: Ordering[A]): Unit = a.view(from, until).sorted.copyToArray(a, from)\n }\n implicit class SeqExtensions[A, C[X] <: Seq[X]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def isRotationOf(t: Seq[A]): Boolean = s ++ s containsSlice t\n }\n implicit class PairExtensions[A, B](val p: (A, B)) extends AnyVal {\n def key = p._1\n def value = p._2\n def toSeq(implicit ev: A =:= B): Seq[A] = Seq(p._1, p._2.asInstanceOf[A])\n }\n implicit class PairsExtensions[A, B, C[X] <: Traversable[X]](t: C[(A, B)]) {\n def toUniqueMap: Map[A, B] = t.groupByIdentifier(_.key).mapValues(_.value)\n def toMultiMap(implicit b: C of B): Map[A, C[B]] = t.groupBy(_.key).mapValues(_.map(_.value).to[C])\n def swap(implicit b: C of (B, A)): C[(B, A)] = t.map(_.swap).to[C]\n }\n implicit class MapExtensions[K, V, C[X, Y] <: Map[X, Y]](val m: C[K, V]) extends AnyVal {\n def lastKeyOption: Option[K] = m.lastOption.map(_.key)\n def firstKeyOption: Option[K] = m.headOption.map(_.key)\n def invert: Map[V, Set[K]] = m.toSet[(K, V)].swap.toMultiMap\n def mapKeys[K2](f: K => K2): Map[K2, V] = m map {case (k, v) => f(k) -> v}\n def toMutable: Dict[K, V] = Dict.empty[K, V] ++ m\n def mapValuesSafely[V2](f: V => V2): Map[K, V2] = m.mapValues(f).view.force //Hack to get around https://issues.scala-lang.org/browse/SI-4776\n }\n implicit class MutableMapExtensions[K, V](val m: mutable.Map[K, V]) extends AnyVal {\n def removeLast(): Option[(K, V)] = m.lastOption.map(removeNode)\n def removeFirst(): Option[(K, V)] = m.headOption.map(removeNode)\n private def removeNode(kv: (K, V)): (K, V) = {\n m -= kv.key\n kv\n }\n }\n implicit class SetExtensions[A, C[A] <: Set[A]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def notContains(x: A): Boolean = !(s contains x)\n def toMutable = mutable.Set.empty[A] ++ s\n }\n implicit class IterableExtensions[A, C[A] <: Seq[A]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def indicesWhere(f: A => Boolean): Seq[Int] = s.zipWithIndex.collect {case (a, i) if f(a) => i}\n def deleteAtIndex(i: Int, howMany: Int = 1) = s.patch(i, Nil, howMany)\n def insertAtIndex(i: Int, items: Seq[A]) = s.patch(i, items, 0)\n def findWithIndex(f: A => Boolean): Option[(A, Int)] = s.zipWithIndex find {case (a, _) => f(a)}\n def foldUntil[B](z: B)(f: (B, A) => B)(c: B => Boolean): Option[(B, Int)] = s.view.scanLeft(z)(f).findWithIndex(c)\n }\n implicit class BooleanExtensions(val x: Boolean) extends AnyVal {\n def to[A](implicit n: Numeric[A]) = if(x) n.one else n.zero\n def toEnglish = if(x) \"Yes\" else \"No\"\n }\n implicit class IntExtensions(val x: Int) extends AnyVal {\n import java.lang.{Integer => JInt}\n def withHighestOneBit: Int = JInt.highestOneBit(x)\n def withLowestOneBit: Int = JInt.lowestOneBit(x)\n def numberOfLeadingZeroes: Int = JInt.numberOfLeadingZeros(x)\n def numberOfTrailingZeroes: Int = JInt.numberOfTrailingZeros(x)\n def bitCount: Int = JInt.bitCount(x)\n def setLowestBits(n: Int): Int = x | (left(n) - 1)\n def clearLowestBits(n: Int): Int = x & left(n, ~0)\n def setBit(i: Int, set: Boolean): Int = if (set) setBit(i) else clearBit(i)\n def setBit(i: Int): Int = x | left(i)\n def clearBit(i: Int): Int = x & ~left(i)\n def toggleBit(i: Int): Int = x ^ left(i)\n def testBit(i: Int): Boolean = ((x >> i) & 1) == 1\n private def left(bits: Int, num: Int = 1) = assuming(bits >= 0 && bits < JInt.SIZE)(num << bits)\n def X(y: Int): Iterator[(Int, Int)] = until(x) X until(y)\n }\n implicit class LongExtensions(val x: Long) extends AnyVal {\n import java.lang.{Long => JLong}\n def withHighestOneBitSet: Long = JLong.highestOneBit(x)\n def withLowestOneBitSet: Long = JLong.lowestOneBit(x)\n def numberOfLeadingZeroes: Int = JLong.numberOfLeadingZeros(x)\n def numberOfTrailingZeroes: Int = JLong.numberOfTrailingZeros(x)\n def bitCount: Int = JLong.bitCount(x)\n def setLowestBits(n: Int): Long = x | (left(n) - 1)\n def clearLowestBits(n: Int): Long = x & left(n, ~0L)\n def setBit(i: Int, set: Boolean): Long = if (set) setBit(i) else clearBit(i)\n def setBit(i: Int): Long = x | left(i)\n def clearBit(i: Int): Long = x & ~left(i)\n def toggleBit(i: Int): Long = x ^ left(i)\n def testBit(i: Int): Boolean = ((x >> i) & 1) == 1\n private def left(bits: Int, num: Long = 1L) = assuming(bits >= 0 && bits < JLong.SIZE)(num << bits)\n }\n implicit class NumericExtensions[A](val x: A)(implicit n: Numeric[A]) {\n import Numeric.Implicits._\n def **(i: Int): A = if (i == 0) n.one else {\n val h = x ** (i/2)\n if (i%2 == 0) h * h else h * h * x\n }\n def distance(y: A) = (x - y).abs()\n def nonNegative: Option[A] = when(n.gteq(x, n.zero))(x)\n def whenNegative(f: => A): A = nonNegative getOrElse f //e.g. students indexOf \"Greg\" whenNegative Int.MaxValue\n }\n implicit class IntegralExtensions[A](val x: A)(implicit n: Integral[A]) {\n import scala.collection.immutable.NumericRange, Integral.Implicits._\n def mod(y: A): A = x - ((x / y) * y) //(x/y)*y + (x mod y) == x\n def -->(y: A): NumericRange.Inclusive[A] = NumericRange.inclusive(x, y, if (n.lteq(x, y)) n.one else -n.one)\n def ceilDiv(y: A): A = if (mod(y) == n.zero) x/y else n.one + (x/y)\n }\n implicit def toPoint[A](p: (A, A))(implicit n: Numeric[A]) = new java.awt.geom.Point2D.Double(n.toDouble(p._1), n.toDouble(p._2))\n def desc[A: Ordering]: Ordering[A] = asc[A].reverse //e.g. students.sortBy(_.height)(desc)\n def asc[A](implicit order: Ordering[A]): Ordering[A] = order\n def map[K] = new {\n def to[V](default: => V): Dict[K, V] = using(_ => default)\n def using[V](f: K => V): Dict[K, V] = new mutable.HashMap[K, V]() {\n override def apply(key: K) = getOrElseUpdate(key, f(key))\n }\n }\n def newMultiMap[K, V] = map[K] to mutable.Set.empty[V]\n def memoize[A, B](f: A => B): A ==> B = map[A] using f\n implicit class FuzzyDouble(val x: Double) extends AnyVal {\n def >~(y: Double) = x > y + eps\n def >=~(y: Double) = x >= y + eps\n def ~<(y: Double) = y >=~ x\n def ~=<(y: Double) = y >~ x\n def ~=(y: Double) = (x distance y) <= eps\n }\n def toPolygon(points: Traversable[(Int, Int)]): java.awt.Polygon = {\n val (xs, ys) = points.unzip\n new java.awt.Polygon(xs.toArray, ys.toArray, points.size)\n }\n def toShape(points: Traversable[(Double, Double)]): java.awt.geom.GeneralPath = {\n val shape = new java.awt.geom.GeneralPath()\n points.headOption foreach {case (x, y) => shape.moveTo(x, y)}\n points.tail foreach {case (x, y) => shape.lineTo(x, y)}\n shape.closePath()\n shape\n }\n def until(until: Int): Range = 0 until until\n def not[A](f: A => Boolean): A => Boolean = {x: A => !f(x)}\n def assuming[A](cond: => Boolean)(f: => A): A = {require(cond); f}\n @inline def when[A](check: Boolean)(f: => A): Option[A] = if (check) f.some else None\n def repeat[U](n: Int)(f: => U): Unit = (1 to n).foreach(_ => f)\n type of[C[_], A] = scala.collection.generic.CanBuild[A, C[A]]\n type ==>[A, B] = collection.Map[A, B]\n val mod: Int = (1e9 + 7).toInt\n val eps: Double = 1e-9\n}\n/***********************************[Scala I/O]*********************************************/\nimport Utils._, java.io._, java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nclass IO(in: BufferedReader, out: BufferedWriter) extends Iterator[String] with AutoCloseable with Flushable {\n def this(reader: Reader, writer: Writer) = this(new BufferedReader(reader), new BufferedWriter(writer))\n def this(in: InputStream, out: OutputStream) = this(new InputStreamReader(in), new OutputStreamWriter(out))\n\n private[this] val tokenizers = Iterator.continually(in.readLine()).takeWhile(_ != null).map(new StringTokenizer(_)).buffered\n val printer = new PrintWriter(out, true)\n\n @inline private[this] def tokenizer() = {\n while(tokenizers.nonEmpty && !tokenizers.head.hasMoreTokens) tokenizers.next()\n when(tokenizers.nonEmpty)(tokenizers.head)\n }\n\n def read[A](implicit read: IO.Read[A]): A = read.apply(this)\n def read[C[_], A: IO.Read](n: Int)(implicit b: C of A): C[A] = Iterator.fill(n)(read).to[C]\n\n def readTill(delim: String): String = tokenizer().get.nextToken(delim)\n def readTillEndOfLine(): String = readTill(\"\\n\\r\")\n\n def readAll[A: IO.Read]: (Int, Vector[A]) = {\n val data = read[Vector[A]]\n (data.length, data)\n }\n\n override def next() = tokenizer().get.nextToken()\n override def hasNext = tokenizer().nonEmpty\n\n def write(obj: Any): this.type = {\n printer.print(obj)\n this\n }\n def writeLine(): this.type = {\n printer.println()\n this\n }\n def writeLine(obj: Any): this.type = {\n printer.println(obj)\n this\n }\n def writeAll(obj: Traversable[Any], separator: String = \" \"): this.type = write(obj mkString separator)\n def query[A: IO.Read](question: Any): A = writeLine(question).read\n\n override def flush() = printer.flush()\n def close() = {\n flush()\n in.close()\n printer.close()\n }\n}\nobject IO {\n class Read[A](val apply: IO => A) {\n def map[B](f: A => B): Read[B] = new Read(apply andThen f)\n }\n object Read {\n implicit def collection[C[_], A: Read](implicit b: C of A): Read[C[A]] = new Read(r => r.read[C, A](r.read[Int]))\n implicit val string : Read[String] = new Read(_.next())\n implicit val char : Read[Char] = string.map(_.toTraversable.onlyElement)\n implicit val int : Read[Int] = string.map(_.toInt)\n implicit val long : Read[Long] = string.map(_.toLong)\n implicit val bigInt : Read[BigInt] = string.map(BigInt(_))\n implicit val double : Read[Double] = string.map(_.toDouble)\n implicit val bigDecimal : Read[BigDecimal] = string.map(BigDecimal(_))\n implicit def tuple2[A: Read, B: Read] : Read[(A, B)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B]))\n implicit def tuple3[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read] : Read[(A, B, C)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B], r.read[C]))\n implicit def tuple4[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read, D: Read] : Read[(A, B, C, D)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B], r.read[C], r.read[D]))\n implicit val boolean : Read[Boolean] = string map {s =>\n s.toLowerCase match {\n case \"yes\" | \"true\" | \"1\" => true\n case \"no\" | \"false\" | \"0\" => false\n case _ => s.toBoolean\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n", "src_uid": "2b8c2deb5d7e49e8e3ededabfd4427db"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject Solution {\n\n def solve(s: String): Int = {\n var cnt = 0\n var ans = 0\n for (i <- s.length - 1 to 0 by -2) {\n if (i != 0) {\n ans += 1\n } else {\n ans += cnt\n }\n if (s.charAt(i) == '1' || i > 0 && s.charAt(i - 1) == '1') {\n cnt = 1\n }\n }\n ans\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val s = StdIn.readLine\n print(solve(s))\n }\n}", "src_uid": "d8ca1c83b431466eff6054d3b422ab47"} {"source_code": "object C {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {}\n \n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(scala.io.StdIn.readLine)\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong) }\n \n val Array(la, ra, ta) = readLongs(3)\n val Array(lb, rb, tb) = readLongs(3)\n \n val lenA = ra - la + 1\n val lenB = rb - lb + 1\n \n def gcd(x: Long, y: Long): Long = if (y == 0) x else gcd(y, x % y)\n \n val g = gcd(ta, tb)\n \n if (g == 1) {\n println(lenA min lenB)\n } else if (ta == tb) {\n println(((ra min rb) - (la max lb) + 1) max 0)\n } else {\n \n val x1 = if (la <= lb) {\n val d = (lb - la) % g\n Math.max(\n Math.min(lenA - d, lenB),\n Math.min(lenA, lenB - (g - d)))\n } else {\n val d = (la - lb) % g\n Math.max(\n Math.min(lenA, lenB - d),\n Math.min(lenA - (g - d), lenB))\n }\n \n val x2 = if (ra <= rb) {\n val d = (rb - ra) % g\n Math.max(\n Math.min(lenA - d, lenB),\n Math.min(lenA, lenB - (g - d)))\n } else {\n val d = (ra - rb) % g\n Math.max(\n Math.min(lenA, lenB - d),\n Math.min(lenA - (g - d), lenB))\n }\n //println(g, x1, x2)\n val res = 0L max x1 //max x2\n \n println(res)\n }\n}", "src_uid": "faa75751c05c3ff919ddd148c6784910"} {"source_code": "import Utils._, annotation.tailrec, collection.mutable, util._, control._, math.Ordering.Implicits._\n\nobject _645A extends CodeForcesApp {\n override def apply(io: IO) = {\n val p1, p2 = (io[String] + io[String].reverse).replace(\"X\", \"\").toIndexedSeq\n io += p1 isRotationOf p2\n }\n}\n/****************************[Ignore Template Below]****************************************/\ntrait CodeForcesApp {\n lazy val isOnlineJudge: Boolean = sys.props.get(\"ONLINE_JUDGE\").exists(_.toBoolean)\n def debug(x: Any): Unit = if (!isOnlineJudge) println(x)\n def apply(io: IO): io.type\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = this(new IO(System.in, System.out)).close()\n}\nobject Utils {\n import scala.collection.mutable, mutable.{Map => Dict}\n implicit class GenericExtensions[A](val a: A) extends AnyVal {\n def partialMatch[B](f: PartialFunction[A, B]): Option[B] = f lift a\n }\n implicit class TraversableExtensions[A](val t: Traversable[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def onlyElement: A = t.head.ensuring(t.size == 1)\n def groupByIdentifier[K](f: A => K): Map[K, A] = t.groupBy(f).mapValues(_.onlyElement)\n def duplicates: Traversable[A] = {\n val elems = mutable.Set.empty[A]\n t collect {case i if !elems.add(i) => i}\n }\n def zipWith[B](f: A => B): Traversable[(A, B)] = t map {i => i -> f(i)}\n def mapTo[B](f: A => B): Map[A, B] = zipWith(f).toUniqueMap\n def whenNonEmpty[B](f: t.type => B): Option[B] = when(t.nonEmpty)(f(t)) // e.g. grades.whenNonEmpty(_.max)\n def collectFirst[B](f: PartialFunction[A, Option[B]]): Option[B] = t.view collect f collectFirst {case Some(x) => x}\n def toMutableMultiSet: Dict[A, Int] = {\n val c = map[A] to 0\n t.foreach(i => c(i) += 1)\n c\n }\n def toMultiSet: Map[A, Int] = toMutableMultiSet.toMap\n }\n implicit class ArrayExtensions[A <: AnyRef](val a: Array[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def sort(from: Int, until: Int)(implicit cmp: Ordering[A]): Unit = java.util.Arrays.sort(a, from, until, cmp) //sort [from, until)\n }\n implicit class ArrayExtensions2[A](val a: Array[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def sort(from: Int, until: Int)(implicit cmp: Ordering[A]): Unit = a.view(from, until).sorted.copyToArray(a, from)\n }\n implicit class IndexedSeqExtensions[A](val s: IndexedSeq[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def isRotationOf(t: Seq[A]): Boolean = s ++ s containsSlice t\n def withOffset(offset: Int): IndexedSeq[A] = Iterator.fill(offset)(null.asInstanceOf[A]) ++: s\n }\n implicit class PairsExtensions[A, B](val t: Traversable[(A, B)]) extends AnyVal {\n def toUniqueMap: Map[A, B] = t.groupByIdentifier(_._1).mapValues(_._2)\n def toMultiMap: Map[A, Traversable[B]] = t.groupBy(_._1).mapValues(_.map(_._2))\n def swap: Traversable[(B, A)] = t.map(_.swap)\n }\n implicit class MapExtensions[K, V](val m: Map[K, V]) extends AnyVal {\n def invert: Map[V, Set[K]] = m.swap.toMultiMap.mapValues(_.toSet)\n def mapKeys[K2](f: K => K2): Map[K2, V] = m map {case (k, v) => f(k) -> v}\n }\n implicit class LongExtensions(val x: Long) extends AnyVal {\n def bitCount: Int = java.lang.Long.bitCount(x)\n }\n implicit class NumericExtensions[A](val x: A)(implicit n: Numeric[A]) {\n import Numeric.Implicits._\n def ^^(i: Int): A = if (i == 0) n.one else {\n val h = x ^^ (i/2)\n if (i%2 == 0) h * h else h * h * x\n }\n def nonNegative: Option[A] = when(n.gteq(x, n.zero))(x)\n def whenNegative(f: => A): A = nonNegative getOrElse f //e.g. students.indexOf(\"Greg\").whenNegative Int.MaxValue\n }\n implicit class IntegralExtensions[A](val x: A)(implicit n: Integral[A]) {\n import scala.collection.immutable.NumericRange, Integral.Implicits._\n def mod(y: A): A = x - ((x / y) * y) //(x/y)*y + (x mod y) == x\n def -->(y: A): NumericRange.Inclusive[A] = NumericRange.inclusive(n.min(x, y), n.max(x, y), n.one)\n }\n def desc[A: Ordering]: Ordering[A] = asc[A].reverse //e.g. students.sortBy(_.height)(desc)\n def asc[A](implicit order: Ordering[A]): Ordering[A] = order\n def map[K] = new {\n def to[V](default: V): Dict[K, V] = Dict.empty[K, V] withDefaultValue default\n }\n def memoize[I] = new {\n def apply[O](f: I => O): I => O = new mutable.HashMap[I, O]() {\n override def apply(key: I) = getOrElseUpdate(key, f(key))\n }\n }\n @inline def when[A](check: Boolean)(f: => A): Option[A] = if (check) Some(f) else None\n def repeat(n: Int)(f: => Unit): Unit = (1 to n).foreach(_ => f)\n val mod: Int = (1e9 + 7).toInt\n}\n/***********************************[Scala I/O]*********************************************/\nimport Utils._, java.io._, java.util.StringTokenizer, scala.collection.generic.CanBuild\n\nclass IO(in: BufferedReader, out: BufferedWriter) extends PrintWriter(out, true) with Iterator[String] {\n def this(reader: Reader, writer: Writer) = this(new BufferedReader(reader), new BufferedWriter(writer))\n def this(in: InputStream, out: OutputStream) = this(new InputStreamReader(in), new OutputStreamWriter(out))\n\n private[this] val tokenizers = Iterator.continually(in.readLine()).takeWhile(_ != null).map(new StringTokenizer(_)).buffered\n\n @inline private[this] def tokenizer() = {\n while(tokenizers.nonEmpty && !tokenizers.head.hasMoreTokens) tokenizers.next()\n if (tokenizers.nonEmpty) Some(tokenizers.head) else None\n }\n\n def apply[A](implicit read: IO.Read[A]): A = read.apply(this)\n def apply[C[_], A: IO.Read](n: Int)(implicit builder: CanBuild[A, C[A]]): C[A] = (builder() ++= Iterator.fill(n)(apply)).result()\n\n def till(delim: String): String = tokenizer().get.nextToken(delim)\n def tillEndOfLine(): String = till(\"\\n\\r\")\n\n override def next() = tokenizer().get.nextToken()\n override def hasNext = tokenizer().nonEmpty\n\n var separator = \" \"\n private[this] var isNewLine = true\n\n def +=[A](x: A)(implicit write: IO.Write[A]): this.type = {\n write(this)(x)\n this\n }\n def appendNewLine(): this.type = {\n println()\n this\n }\n\n override def print(obj: Any) = {\n if (isNewLine) isNewLine = false else super.print(separator)\n super.print(obj)\n }\n override def println() = if (!isNewLine) {\n super.println()\n isNewLine = true\n }\n override def close() = {\n flush()\n in.close()\n super.close()\n }\n}\nobject IO {\n class Read[A](val apply: IO => A) {\n def map[B](f: A => B): Read[B] = new Read(apply andThen f)\n }\n object Read {\n implicit def collection[C[_], A: Read](implicit b: CanBuild[A, C[A]]): Read[C[A]] = new Read(r => r[C, A](r[Int]))\n implicit val string : Read[String] = new Read(_.next())\n implicit val char : Read[Char] = string.map(_.toTraversable.onlyElement)\n implicit val boolean : Read[Boolean] = string.map(_.toBoolean)\n implicit val int : Read[Int] = string.map(_.toInt)\n implicit val long : Read[Long] = string.map(_.toLong)\n implicit val bigInt : Read[BigInt] = string.map(BigInt(_))\n implicit val double : Read[Double] = string.map(_.toDouble)\n implicit val bigDecimal : Read[BigDecimal] = string.map(BigDecimal(_))\n implicit def tuple2[A: Read, B: Read] : Read[(A, B)] = new Read(r => (r[A], r[B]))\n implicit def tuple3[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read] : Read[(A, B, C)] = new Read(r => (r[A], r[B], r[C]))\n implicit def tuple4[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read, D: Read] : Read[(A, B, C, D)] = new Read(r => (r[A], r[B], r[C], r[D]))\n implicit def tuple5[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read, D: Read, E: Read] : Read[(A, B, C, D, E)] = new Read(r => (r[A], r[B], r[C], r[D], r[E]))\n }\n class Write[-A] {\n def apply(out: PrintWriter)(x: A): Unit = out.print(x)\n }\n trait DefaultWrite {\n implicit def any[A]: Write[A] = new Write[A]\n }\n object Write extends DefaultWrite {\n def apply[A](f: A => String) = new Write[A] {\n override def apply(out: PrintWriter)(x: A) = out.print(f(x))\n }\n implicit val boolean: Write[Boolean] = Write(b => if (b) \"YES\" else \"NO\")\n implicit def iterable[A](implicit write: Write[A]): Write[Traversable[A]] = new Write[Traversable[A]] {\n override def apply(out: PrintWriter)(xs: Traversable[A]) = {\n xs foreach write(out)\n out.println()\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n", "src_uid": "46f051f58d626587a5ec449c27407771"} {"source_code": "object Main\n{\n\tdef cmp (s1 : Array[Char], s2 : Array[Char]) : Boolean =\n\t{\n\t\tfor (i <- 0 until s1.size)\n\t\t\tif (s1(i) != s2(i)) return false\n\t\treturn true\n\t}\n\n\tdef add (s : String, a : Char) : String =\n\t{\n\t\tvar s2 = new Array[Char](s.size+2)\n\t\tfor (i <- 0 until s.size)\n\t\t\ts2(i) = s(i)\n\t\ts2(s.size) = a\n\n\t\tprintln(\"\")\n\t\tprint (\"Ja izgradi nizata: \")\n\t\tfor (i <- 0 until s2.size)\n\t\t\tprint(s2(i))\n\t\tprintln(\"\")\n\n\t\ts2.toString\n\t}\n\n\tdef main (args : Array[String]) =\n\t{\n\t\tvar str = scala.io.StdIn.readLine.toArray\n\n\t\tvar arr = new Array[Array[Char]](12)\n\t\tfor (i <- 0 to 9)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tvar s = scala.io.StdIn.readLine.toArray\n\t\t\tarr(i) = s\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tvar i = 0\n\t\twhile (i <= 70)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\t//println(\"vleguva tuka za i = \" + i)\n\t\t\tvar str2 = new Array[Char](12)\n\t\t\tfor (j <- i until i+10)\n\t\t\t\tstr2(j-i) = str(j)\n\n\t\t\t//for (j <- 0 until str2.size)\n\t\t\t\t//print(str2(j))\n\t\t\t//println(\"\")\n\n\t\t\tvar which = -1\n\t\t\tfor (j <- 0 to 9)\n\t\t\t\tif (cmp(arr(j), str2))\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\twhich = j\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tprint(which)\n\t\t\ti += 10\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}", "src_uid": "0f4f7ca388dd1b2192436c67f9ac74d9"} {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n var Array(m, s) = in.next().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n if (s == 0 && m == 1)\n println(\"0 0\")\n else if (9 * m < s || s == 0)\n println(\"-1 -1\")\n else {\n val i = s / 9\n val left = s % 9\n val answer = Array.ofDim[Int](m)\n Range(0, i).foreach { j => answer(j) = 9}\n if (left > 0)\n answer(i) = left\n val answer2 = answer.reverse\n if (answer2(0) == 0) {\n answer2(0) = 1\n var j = 1\n while (j < answer2.length && answer2(j) == 0) j += 1\n answer2(j) = answer2(j) - 1\n }\n println(answer2.mkString + \" \" + answer.mkString)\n\n\n }\n\n}", "src_uid": "75d062cece5a2402920d6706c655cad7"} {"source_code": "object Solution extends CodeForcesApp {\n\timport Utils._, annotation._, collection.{mutable, Searching}, util._, control._, math.Ordering.Implicits._, Searching._, Math._\n\n\toverride def apply(io: IO): io.type = {\n\t\tvar n = io.read[Int]\n\t\tvar t = io.read[Int]\n\t\tvar k = io.read[Int]\n\t\tvar d = io.read[Int]\n\t\tn = (n + k - 1) / k\n\t\tio.writeLine(if(d + t < t * n) {\"YES\"} else {\"NO\"})\n\t}\n}\n/****************************[Ignore Template Below]****************************************/\ntrait CodeForcesApp {\n\tlazy val isOnlineJudge: Boolean = sys.props.get(\"ONLINE_JUDGE\").exists(_.toBoolean)\n\tdef debug(x: => Any): Unit = if (!isOnlineJudge) println(x)\n\tdef apply(io: IO): io.type\n\tdef main(args: Array[String]): Unit = apply(new IO(System.in, System.out)).close()\n}\n/****************************[Scala Collection Utils]****************************************/\nobject Utils {\n\timport scala.collection.mutable\n\n\ttype of[C[_], A] = scala.collection.generic.CanBuild[A, C[A]]\n\n\tdef when[A](check: Boolean)(f: => A): Option[A] = if (check) Some(f) else None\n\n\tdef repeat[U](n: Int)(f: => U): Unit = (1 to n).foreach(_ => f)\n\n\timplicit class GenericExtensions[A](a: A) {\n\t\tdef partialMatch[B](f: PartialFunction[A, B]): Option[B] = f lift a\n\t}\n\n\timplicit class TraversableExtensions[A, C[X] <: Traversable[X]](t: C[A]) {\n\t\tdef zipWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit b: C of (A, B)): C[(A, B)] = (t map {i => i -> f(i)}).to[C]\n\n\t\tdef whenNonEmpty[B](f: t.type => B): Option[B] = when(t.nonEmpty)(f(t)) // e.g. grades.whenNonEmpty(_.max)\n\n\t\tdef toMultiSet: Map[A, Int] = t.groupBy(identity).mapValues(_.size)\n\t}\n\n\timplicit class PairExtensions[A, B](p: (A, B)) {\n\t\tdef key = p._1\n\t\tdef value = p._2\n\t\tdef toSeq(implicit ev: B =:= A): Seq[A] = Seq(p.key, ev(p.value))\n\t}\n\n\timplicit class PairsExtensions[A, B, C[X] <: Traversable[X]](t: C[(A, B)]) {\n\t\tdef toMultiMap(implicit b: C of B): Map[A, C[B]] = t.groupBy(_.key).mapValues(_.map(_.value).to[C]).withDefaultValue(b().result())\n\t}\n\n\timplicit class MapExtensions[K, V, C[X, Y] <: Map[X, Y]](m: C[K, V]) {\n\t\tdef toMutable: mutable.Map[K, V] = mutable.Map.empty[K, V] ++ m\n\t}\n\n\timplicit class SetExtensions[A, C[A] <: Set[A]](s: C[A]) {\n\t\tdef notContains(x: A): Boolean = !(s contains x)\n\t\tdef toMutable = mutable.Set.empty[A] ++ s\n\t}\n\n\timplicit class IterableExtensions[A, C[A] <: Seq[A]](s: C[A]) {\n\t\tdef indicesWhere(f: A => Boolean): Seq[Int] = s.zipWithIndex.collect {case (a, i) if f(a) => i}\n\t\tdef deleteAtIndex(i: Int, howMany: Int = 1) = s.patch(i, Nil, howMany)\n\t\tdef insertAtIndex(i: Int, items: Seq[A]) = s.patch(i, items, 0)\n\t\tdef findWithIndex(f: A => Boolean): Option[(A, Int)] = s.zipWithIndex find {case (a, _) => f(a)}\n\t}\n\n\timplicit class BooleanExtensions(x: Boolean) {\n\t\tdef to[A](implicit n: Numeric[A]) = if(x) n.one else n.zero\n\t\tdef toEnglish = if(x) \"Yes\" else \"No\"\n\t}\n\n\tdef desc[A](implicit order: Ordering[A]): Ordering[A] = order.reverse //e.g. students.sortBy(_.height)(desc)\n\n\tdef map[K] = new {\n\t\tdef to[V](default: => V): mutable.Map[K, V] = using(_ => default)\n\t\tdef using[V](f: K => V): mutable.Map[K, V] = new mutable.HashMap[K, V]() {\n\t\t\toverride def apply(key: K) = getOrElseUpdate(key, f(key))\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tdef newMultiMap[K, V] = map[K] to mutable.Set.empty[V]\n\n\tdef memoize[A, B](f: A => B): A => B = map[A] using f\n}\n/***********************************[Scala I/O]*********************************************/\nimport java.io._, java.util.StringTokenizer\nimport scala.collection.generic.CanBuild\n\nclass IO(in: BufferedReader, out: BufferedWriter) extends Iterator[String] with AutoCloseable with Flushable {\n\tdef this(reader: Reader, writer: Writer) = this(new BufferedReader(reader), new BufferedWriter(writer))\n\tdef this(in: InputStream, out: OutputStream) = this(new InputStreamReader(in), new OutputStreamWriter(out))\n\n\tprivate[this] val tokenizers = Iterator.continually(in.readLine()).takeWhile(_ != null).map(new StringTokenizer(_)).buffered\n\tval printer = new PrintWriter(out, true)\n\n\t@inline private[this] def tokenizer() = {\n\t\twhile(tokenizers.nonEmpty && !tokenizers.head.hasMoreTokens) tokenizers.next()\n\t\ttokenizers.headOption\n\t}\n\n\tdef read[A](implicit read: IO.Read[A]): A = read.apply(this)\n\tdef read[C[_], A: IO.Read](n: Int)(implicit b: CanBuild[A, C[A]]): C[A] = Iterator.fill(n)(read).to[C]\n\n\tdef readTill(delim: String): String = tokenizer().get.nextToken(delim)\n\tdef readTillEndOfLine(): String = readTill(\"\\n\\r\")\n\n\tdef readAll[A: IO.Read]: (Int, Vector[A]) = {\n\t\tval data = read[Vector[A]]\n\t\t(data.length, data)\n\t}\n\n\toverride def next() = tokenizer().get.nextToken()\n\toverride def hasNext = tokenizer().nonEmpty\n\n\tdef write(obj: Any): this.type = {\n\t\tprinter.print(obj)\n\t\tthis\n\t}\n\tdef writeLine(): this.type = {\n\t\tprinter.println()\n\t\tthis\n\t}\n\tdef writeLine(obj: Any): this.type = {\n\t\tprinter.println(obj)\n\t\tthis\n\t}\n\tdef writeLines(obj: Traversable[Any]): this.type = writeAll(obj, separator = \"\\n\")\n\tdef writeAll(obj: Traversable[Any], separator: String = \" \"): this.type = write(obj mkString separator)\n\tdef query[A: IO.Read](question: Any): A = writeLine(question).read\n\n\toverride def flush() = printer.flush()\n\tdef close() = {\n\t\tflush()\n\t\tin.close()\n\t\tprinter.close()\n\t}\n}\nobject IO {\n\tclass Read[A](val apply: IO => A) {\n\t\tdef map[B](f: A => B): Read[B] = new Read(apply andThen f)\n\t}\n\n\tobject Read {\n\t\timplicit def collection[C[_], A: Read](implicit b: CanBuild[A, C[A]]) : Read[C[A]] = new Read(r => r.read[C, A](r.read[Int]))\n\t\timplicit val string : Read[String] = new Read(_.next())\n\t\timplicit val int : Read[Int] = string.map(_.toInt)\n\t\timplicit val long : Read[Long] = string.map(_.toLong)\n\t\timplicit val bigInt : Read[BigInt] = string.map(BigInt(_))\n\t\timplicit val double : Read[Double] = string.map(_.toDouble)\n\t\timplicit val bigDecimal : Read[BigDecimal] = string.map(BigDecimal(_))\n\t\timplicit def tuple2[A: Read, B: Read] : Read[(A, B)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B]))\n\t\timplicit def tuple3[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read] : Read[(A, B, C)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B], r.read[C]))\n\t\timplicit def tuple4[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read, D: Read] : Read[(A, B, C, D)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B], r.read[C], r.read[D]))\n\t\timplicit val boolean : Read[Boolean] = string map {s =>\n\t\t\ts.toLowerCase match {\n\t\t\t\tcase \"yes\" | \"true\" | \"1\" => true\n\t\t\t\tcase \"no\" | \"false\" | \"0\" => false\n\t\t\t\tcase _ => s.toBoolean\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n", "src_uid": "32c866d3d394e269724b4930df5e4407"} {"source_code": "//package codeforces.contests._1433\n\nobject BoringApartments {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n for (_ <- 1 to io.StdIn.readInt()) {\n val n = io.StdIn.readInt()\n\n val digit = n % 10\n val size = n.toString.length\n\n println {\n ((digit - 1) max 0) * 10 + (1 to size).sum\n }\n }\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "289a55128be89bb86a002d218d31b57f"} {"source_code": "object Main extends App {\n var Array(n, m) = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n def getResult(n: Int, m: Int) = {\n if (m == 0)\n 1\n else if (m <= (n / 2)) {\n m\n } else {\n n - m\n }\n }\n\n println(getResult(n, m))\n}", "src_uid": "c05d0a9cabe04d8fb48c76d2ce033648"} {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val Array(a, b) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val r = Array(0, 0, 0)\n for(i <- 1 to 6) {\n if ((a - i).abs < (b - i).abs) r(0) += 1\n else if ((a - i).abs == (b - i).abs) r(1) += 1\n else r(2) += 1\n }\n println(r.mkString(\" \"))\n }\n}", "src_uid": "504b8aae3a3abedf873a3b8b127c5dd8"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn;\n\nobject TaskB extends App {\n\n def sumNumb(numb: Long) :Long = { // \u0441\u0443\u043c\u043c\u0430 \u0446\u0438\u0444\u0440 \u0432 \u0447\u0438\u0441\u043b\u0435\n if(numb == 0) 0\n else numb % 10 + sumNumb(numb / 10)\n }\n\n def digitInNumber(numb: Long): Long = { // \u043a\u043e\u043b-\u0432\u043e \u0446\u0438\u0444\u0440 \u0432 \u0447\u0438\u0441\u043b\u0435\n if(numb == 0) 0\n else digitInNumber(numb / 10) + 1\n }\n\n def generateNumberFromDigit(digit: Long, amt_digit: Long):Long = { // \u0441\u0433\u0435\u043d\u0435\u0440\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044c \u0447\u0438\u0441\u043b\u043e \u0438\u0437 \u0446\u0438\u0444\u0440 digit, \u0434\u043b\u0438\u043d\u043d\u043e\u0439 amt_digit\n if(amt_digit == 0) 0\n else generateNumberFromDigit(digit, amt_digit - 1) * 10 + digit\n }\n\n def generateNumberFrom9 = generateNumberFromDigit(9, _:Long)\n\n val numb = StdIn.readLong()\n val delta = generateNumberFrom9(digitInNumber(numb) - 1)\n\n println(sumNumb(delta) + sumNumb(numb - delta))\n}", "src_uid": "5c61b4a4728070b9de49d72831cd2329"} {"source_code": "object A extends App {\n val n = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().toInt\n val a = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().toInt\n val b = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().toInt\n val c = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().toInt\n\n val d = a min b\n val e = d min c\n if (n == 1) println(0)\n else if (n == 2) println(d)\n else println(d + (n - 2) * e)\n}", "src_uid": "6058529f0144c853e9e17ed7c661fc50"} {"source_code": "object A extends App {\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken)) }\n\n val Array(l, r) = readInts(2)\n\n var res = l\n var max = 1\n\n var x = 2\n while (x * x <= r) {\n val cnt = r / x - l / x + (if (l % x == 0) 1 else 0)\n if (cnt > max) {\n max = cnt\n res = x\n }\n x += 1\n }\n\n println(res)\n}\n", "src_uid": "a8d992ab26a528f0be327c93fb499c15"} {"source_code": "object P1A {\n def main(args : Array[String]) {\n val a = readInt;\n val b = readInt;\n val c: Long = readInt;\n System.out.println((((a - 1) / c) + 1) * (((b - 1) / c) + 1));\n }\n\n ///********************************************************************\n /// for read integers\n ///\n def readInt : Int = {\n var result = 0\n var read = 0\n var sign = false\n\n do {\n read = System.in.read()\n } while (read != -1 && (read != '-' && read < '0' || read > '9'))\n\n if (read == -1) return Integer.MIN_VALUE;\n if (read == '-') { sign = true; read = System.in.read() }\n\n do {\n result = (result << 3) + (result << 1) + read - '0';\n read = System.in.read();\n } while (read != -1 && read >= '0' && read <= '9');\n if (read == 13) System.in.read(); // skip 10\n\n if (sign) -result else result\n }\n}", "src_uid": "ef971874d8c4da37581336284b688517"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject p1 {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val in = StdIn.readLine()\n\n val res = if (in.contains(\"ABC\") || in.contains(\"ACB\") || in.contains(\"BAC\") || in.contains(\"BCA\") || in.contains(\"CAB\") || in.contains(\"CBA\")) \"Yes\" else \"No\"\n\n println(res)\n }\n}", "src_uid": "ba6ff507384570152118e2ab322dd11f"} {"source_code": "object Main {\n import java.io._\n import java.util.StringTokenizer\n\n import scala.collection.mutable\n import scala.util.Sorting\n import math.{abs, max, min}\n import mutable.{ArrayBuffer, ListBuffer}\n import scala.reflect.ClassTag\n\n val MOD = 1000000007\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n def solve(): Unit = {\n val N, W, B = ni()\n val A = na(N)\n var ok = true\n var ans = 0\n\n rep(N / 2) { i =>\n val j = N - 1 - i\n if (A(i) == A(j)) {\n if (A(i) == 2) {\n ans += min(W, B) * 2\n }\n } else if (Set(A(i), A(j)) == Set(0, 1)){\n ok = false\n } else {\n val a = (Set(A(i), A(j)) - 2).head\n if (a == 0) ans += W\n else ans += B\n }\n }\n if (N % 2 == 1) {\n if (A(N / 2) == 2) ans += min(B, W)\n }\n\n if (!ok) ans = -1\n out.println(ans)\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n solve()\n out.flush()\n }\n\n\n class InputReader(val stream: InputStream) {\n private val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream), 32768)\n private var tokenizer: StringTokenizer = _\n\n def next(): String = {\n while (tokenizer == null || !tokenizer.hasMoreTokens)\n tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(reader.readLine)\n tokenizer.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt(): Int = next().toInt\n def nextLong(): Long = next().toLong\n def nextChar(): Char = next().charAt(0)\n }\n val sc = new InputReader(System.in)\n def ni(): Int = sc.nextInt()\n def nl(): Long = sc.nextLong()\n def nc(): Char = sc.nextChar()\n def ns(): String = sc.next()\n def ns(n: Int): Array[Char] = ns().toCharArray\n def na(n: Int): Array[Int] = map(n)(_ => ni())\n def nm(n: Int, m: Int): Array[Array[Char]] = map(n) (_ => ns(m))\n def rep(n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => Unit): Unit = {\n var i = offset\n val N = n + offset\n while(i < N) { f(i); i += 1 }\n }\n def rep_r(n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => Unit): Unit = {\n var i = n - 1 + offset\n while(i >= offset) { f(i); i -= 1 }\n }\n\n def map[@specialized A: ClassTag](n: Int)(f: Int => A): Array[A] = {\n val res = Array.ofDim[A](n)\n rep(n)(i => res(i) = f(i))\n res\n }\n}", "src_uid": "af07223819aeb5bd6ded4340c472b2b6"} {"source_code": "object Main\n{\n def main(args : Array[String])\n {\n val Array(w,h) = readLine split \" \" map (_.toInt)\n var c : BigInt = 0\n for(x <- 0 to w/2; y <- 0 to h/2)\n {\n val xx = (w-x) min x\n val yy = (h-y) min y\n var mn = 4\n val mx = x == w/2 && w%2==0\n val my = y == h/2 && h%2==0\n if (mx && my)\n\tmn = 1\n else if (mx || my)\n\tmn = 2\n c += mn*xx*yy\n }\n println(c)\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "42454dcf7d073bf12030367eb094eb8c"} {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val s = new Main()\n s.solve()\n s.out.flush()\n }\n}\n\nclass Main {\n import java.io._\n import java.util.StringTokenizer\n\n import scala.collection.mutable\n import scala.util.Sorting\n import math.{abs, max, min}\n import mutable.{ArrayBuffer, ListBuffer}\n import scala.reflect.ClassTag\n\n val MOD = 1000000007\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n def solve(): Unit = {\n val N, K = nl()\n val l = max(1, K - N)\n val r = min(K - 1, N)\n val len = r - l + 1\n val ans =\n if (2 * N - 1 < K) 0\n else if (len % 2 == 0) {\n len / 2\n } else {\n len / 2\n }\n\n out.println(ans)\n }\n\n\n class InputReader(val stream: InputStream) {\n private val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream), 32768)\n private var tokenizer: StringTokenizer = _\n\n def next(): String = {\n while (tokenizer == null || !tokenizer.hasMoreTokens)\n tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(reader.readLine)\n tokenizer.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt(): Int = next().toInt\n def nextLong(): Long = next().toLong\n def nextChar(): Char = next().charAt(0)\n }\n val sc = new InputReader(System.in)\n def ni(): Int = sc.nextInt()\n def nl(): Long = sc.nextLong()\n def nc(): Char = sc.nextChar()\n def ns(): String = sc.next()\n def ns(n: Int): Array[Char] = ns().toCharArray\n def na(n: Int): Array[Int] = map(n)(_ => ni())\n def nal(n: Int): Array[Long] = map(n)(_ => nl())\n def nm(n: Int, m: Int): Array[Array[Char]] = map(n) (_ => ns(m))\n def rep(n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => Unit): Unit = {\n var i = offset\n val N = n + offset\n while(i < N) { f(i); i += 1 }\n }\n def rep_r(n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => Unit): Unit = {\n var i = n - 1 + offset\n while(i >= offset) { f(i); i -= 1 }\n }\n\n def map[@specialized A: ClassTag](n: Int)(f: Int => A): Array[A] = {\n val res = Array.ofDim[A](n)\n rep(n)(i => res(i) = f(i))\n res\n }\n\n def sumL(as: Array[Int]): Long = {\n var s = 0L\n rep(as.length)(i => s += as(i))\n s\n }\n}", "src_uid": "98624ab2fcd2a50a75788a29e04999ad"} {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val s = new Main()\n s.solve()\n s.out.flush()\n }\n}\n\nclass Main {\n import java.io._\n import java.util.StringTokenizer\n\n import scala.collection.mutable\n import scala.util.Sorting\n import math.{abs, max, min}\n import mutable.{ArrayBuffer, ListBuffer}\n import scala.reflect.ClassTag\n\n val MOD = 1000000007\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n def solve(): Unit = {\n val N = ni()\n val even = N.toLong * (N + 1) / 2 % 2 == 0\n if (even) out.println(0)\n else out.println(1)\n }\n\n\n def debug(as: Array[Boolean]): Unit = {\n System.err.println(as.map(x => if(x) \"1\" else \"0\").mkString)\n }\n\n def debug(as: Array[Int]): Unit = {\n System.err.println(as.mkString(\" \"))\n }\n\n def debug(as: Array[Long]): Unit = {\n System.err.println(as.mkString(\" \"))\n }\n\n def debug(s: String): Unit = {\n System.err.println(s)\n }\n\n class InputReader(val stream: InputStream) {\n private val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream), 32768)\n private var tokenizer: StringTokenizer = _\n\n def next(): String = {\n while (tokenizer == null || !tokenizer.hasMoreTokens)\n tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(reader.readLine)\n tokenizer.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt(): Int = next().toInt\n def nextLong(): Long = next().toLong\n def nextChar(): Char = next().charAt(0)\n }\n val sc = new InputReader(System.in)\n def ni(): Int = sc.nextInt()\n def nl(): Long = sc.nextLong()\n def nc(): Char = sc.nextChar()\n def ns(): String = sc.next()\n def ns(n: Int): Array[Char] = ns().toCharArray\n def na(n: Int, offset: Int = 0): Array[Int] = map(n)(_ => ni() + offset)\n def na2(n: Int, offset: Int = 0): (Array[Int], Array[Int]) = {\n val A1, A2 = Array.ofDim[Int](n)\n REP(n) { i =>\n A1(i) = ni() + offset\n A2(i) = ni() + offset\n }\n (A1, A2)\n }\n def nm(n: Int, m: Int): Array[Array[Int]] = {\n val A = Array.ofDim[Int](n, m)\n REP(n) { i =>\n REP(m) { j =>\n A(i)(j) = ni()\n }\n }\n A\n }\n def nal(n: Int): Array[Long] = map(n)(_ => nl())\n def nm_c(n: Int, m: Int): Array[Array[Char]] = map(n) (_ => ns(m))\n def REP(n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => Unit): Unit = {\n var i = offset\n val N = n + offset\n while(i < N) { f(i); i += 1 }\n }\n def REP_r(n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => Unit): Unit = {\n var i = n - 1 + offset\n while(i >= offset) { f(i); i -= 1 }\n }\n\n def map[@specialized A: ClassTag](n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => A): Array[A] = {\n val res = Array.ofDim[A](n)\n REP(n)(i => res(i) = f(i + offset))\n res\n }\n\n\n def sumL(as: Array[Int]): Long = {\n var s = 0L\n REP(as.length)(i => s += as(i))\n s\n }\n\n def cumSum(as: Array[Int]) = {\n val cum = Array.ofDim[Long](as.length + 1)\n REP(as.length) { i =>\n cum(i + 1) = cum(i) + as(i)\n }\n cum\n }\n}", "src_uid": "fa163c5b619d3892e33e1fb9c22043a9"} {"source_code": "import java.util._\n\nobject Main{\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in);\n val n = sc.nextInt();\n val x = sc.nextInt();\n val a = for (i <- 0 until n) yield sc.nextInt();\n\n val ret = 0.until(x).map(i => if (a.contains(i)) 0 else 1).sum + (if (a.contains(x)) 1 else 0)\n\n println(ret);\n }\n}", "src_uid": "21f579ba807face432a7664091581cd8"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject R273_InitialBet {\n def main(args:Array[String]) = {\n val in = new Scanner(System.in).nextLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n if (in.sum % in.length == 0 && in.sum != 0) {\n println(in.sum / in.length)\n }\n else{\n println(-1)\n }\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "af1ec6a6fc1f2360506fc8a34e3dcd20"} {"source_code": "object c402A {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val l = Console.readLine().split(\" \").map(i => Integer.parseInt(i))\n val max_sections = l(0)\n var nuts = l(1)\n var divisors = l(2)\n val section_capacity = l(3)\n var nsections = (nuts-1)/section_capacity + 1\n\n //Complete boxes\n //println(\"nsections:\" + nsections)\n val complete_boxes = divisors/max_sections\n //println(\"complete_boxes:\" + complete_boxes)\n var boxes = 0\n if (complete_boxes > 0) {\n boxes += math.min(nsections/max_sections, complete_boxes)\n divisors -= boxes*(max_sections - 1)\n nsections -= boxes*max_sections\n }\n //println(\"nsections 2:\" + nsections)\n //Partial box\n if (nsections > 0 && divisors > 0) {\n boxes += 1\n nsections -= divisors + 1\n }\n //println(\"nsections 3:\" + nsections)\n if (nsections > 0) boxes += nsections\n println(boxes)\n }\n}", "src_uid": "7cff20b1c63a694baca69bdf4bdb2652"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject Main {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val scanner = new Scanner (System.in)\n\t\t val a, b, c = scanner.nextInt()\n\t\t val ans = (a * c + b - 1) / b - c\n\t\t println (ans)\n }\n\n}\n", "src_uid": "7dd098ec3ad5b29ad681787173eba341"} {"source_code": "object Main extends App {\n val in = readLine.toInt\n println(Range(1, 17).find(t => (in + t).toString.contains('8')).get)\n}", "src_uid": "4e57740be015963c190e0bfe1ab74cb9"} {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val n = in.next().toInt\n val data = in.next().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val sum = data.sum\n var left = if (n % sum == 0) n - sum * (n / sum - 1) else n % sum\n println(data.indices.find { i =>\n left -= data(i)\n left <= 0\n }.get + 1)\n}", "src_uid": "007a779d966e2e9219789d6d9da7002c"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\n\n\nobject Main {\n def abs(x: BigInt): BigInt = {\n if(x >= 0) x\n else -x\n }\n\n def getStepsCount(x: BigInt, y: BigInt, destX: BigInt, destY: BigInt): BigInt = {\n abs(destX - x) >= abs(destY - y) match {\n case true => abs(destX - x)\n case false => abs(destY - y)\n }\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val n = BigInt(StdIn.readLine())\n val input = StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(BigInt(_))\n val (destX, destY) = (input(0), input(1))\n if(getStepsCount(1, 1, destX, destY) <= getStepsCount(n, n, destX, destY)) println(\"White\")\n else println(\"Black\")\n }\n}", "src_uid": "b8ece086b35a36ca873e2edecc674557"} {"source_code": "\nobject CF_522_2_A {\n def solve(n: Int, k: Int, as: Seq[Int]): Int = {\n val counts = as.groupBy(identity).mapValues(_.size)\n val maxCount = counts.values.max\n val numSetsEach = Utility.intCeil(maxCount, k)\n val numUtensilsInSet = counts.size\n val totalUtensils = k * numSetsEach * numUtensilsInSet\n val numStolen = totalUtensils - n\n numStolen\n }\n \n\n def solution(i: Input) = solve(i.int, i.int, {i.nextLine; i.intSeq()})\n\n// ~~~ Boilerplate ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n val out = new java.io.PrintWriter(System.out)\n def main(args: Array[String]) = {\n val sol = solution(new Input(System.in))\n out.println(sol)\n out.close()\n }\n\n// ~~~ Utility methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n import java.util.Scanner\n class Input(sc: Scanner) {\n def this(i: java.io.InputStream) = this(new Scanner(i))\n def this(s: String) = this(new Scanner(s))\n def nextLine = sc.nextLine() // do this if still on previous line before collecting line of data\n def collect[T](f: String => T) = {sc.nextLine().split(\" \").toVector.map(f)}\n def intSeq() = collect(_.toInt)\n def doubleSeq() = collect(_.toDouble)\n def int() = sc.nextInt()\n def long() = sc.nextLong()\n def double() = sc.nextDouble()\n }\n\n object Utility {\n def intCeil(a: Int, b: Int) = (a - 1) / b + 1\n def longCeil(a: Long, b: Long) = (a - 1) / b + 1\n }\n}", "src_uid": "c03ff0bc6a8c4ce5372194e8ea18527f"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\n\nobject Hello extends App {\n\n val v = Source.stdin.getLines().next().toLong\n\n val result = if (v == 0)\n 1 else\n v % 4 match {\n case 1 => 8\n case 2 => 4\n case 3 => 2\n case _ => 6\n }\n print(result)\n}\n", "src_uid": "4b51b99d1dea367bf37dc5ead08ca48f"} {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val n = readInt\n val (l, r) = readLine.toList.take(n).foldLeft((0, 0)){\n case ((l, r), 'L') => (l - 1, r)\n case ((l, r), 'R') => (l, r + 1)\n }\n println(r - l + 1)\n }\n}", "src_uid": "098ade88ed90664da279fe8a5a54b5ba"} {"source_code": "import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer\nimport scala.io.StdIn._\nimport scala.util.Sorting._\nimport scala.math._\nimport scala.collection._\nimport java.util._\n\nobject HelloWorld {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n\n val n: BigInt = BigInt(readLine.trim)\n print(if(n % 2 != 0) \"-\" else \"\")\n\n val even = (n/2)*((n/2)+1)\n val odd = n*(n+1)/2 - even\n val ans = odd - even\n\n println(ans.abs)\n }\n}", "src_uid": "689e7876048ee4eb7479e838c981f068"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nobject Cifera {\n\n val scanner = new Scanner(System.in)\n val a = scanner.nextInt()\n var b = scanner.nextInt();\n \n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n var i = 0\n while (b%a == 0) {\n b /= a\n i +=1\n }\n println(if (b==1) \"YES\" else \"NO\" )\n if (b==1){\n println(i-1)\n }\n }\n}", "src_uid": "8ce89b754aa4080e7c3b2c3b10f4be46"} {"source_code": "object RepeatingCipher1095A// extends TSolver {\n extends App {\n import java.io.{InputStream, PrintStream}\n import java.util.Scanner\n solve(System.in,System.out)\n def solve(in: InputStream, out: PrintStream): Unit = {\n val scanner = new Scanner(in)\n val szT = scanner.nextInt\n val t = scanner.next\n val n: Int = Math.floor(Math.sqrt(szT*2.0)).toInt\n\n val result = (1 to n).map{ i =>\n //position of the i th element?\n val pos = (i*(i+1))/2 - 1\n\n t(pos).toString\n }.mkString\n out.println(result)\n }\n}", "src_uid": "08e8c0c37b223f6aae01d5609facdeaf"} {"source_code": "object A extends App {\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken)) }\n\n val n = readLine\n val s = readLine\n\n val res = new StringBuilder\n var prev = 'x'\n val isWovel = Set('a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'y')\n\n for (c <- s) {\n if (!isWovel(prev) || !isWovel(c)) res += c\n prev = c\n }\n\n println(res.result())\n\n Console.flush\n}\n", "src_uid": "63a4a5795d94f698b0912bb8d4cdf690"} {"source_code": "import java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nobject _513B extends App {\n var token = new StringTokenizer(\"\")\n def next = {\n while (!token.hasMoreTokens()) token = new StringTokenizer(readLine)\n token.nextToken()\n }\n\n def calc(cand: Vector[Int], m: Long): Vector[Int] =\n if (cand.size == 1) cand\n else {\n val half = 1L << (cand.size - 2)\n if (m <= half) cand.head +: calc(cand.tail, m)\n else calc(cand.tail, m - half) :+ cand.head\n }\n val n = next.toInt\n val m = next.toLong\n println(calc((1 to n).toVector, m).mkString(\" \"))\n}\n", "src_uid": "a8da7cbd9ddaec8e0468c6cce884e7a2"} {"source_code": "object Main {\n def solution_exists(a: Int, b: Int, c: Int, d: Int): Boolean = {\n def gcd(a: Int, b: Int): Int = {\n if (b > 0) gcd(b, a % b)\n else a\n }\n val x = b % a\n val y = d % c\n val g = gcd(a, c)\n (x - y) % g == 0\n }\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n var Array(a, b): Array[Int] = Console.in.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n var Array(c, d): Array[Int] = Console.in.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n if (solution_exists(a, b, c, d)) {\n var q = b\n while (q < d)\n q += a\n var t = d\n while (t < b)\n t += c\n var delta = c\n if (q > t) {\n t = q\n delta = a\n }\n while ((t - d) % c != 0 || (t - b) % a != 0)\n t += delta\n println(t)\n }\n else\n println(-1)\n }\n}", "src_uid": "158cb12d45f4ee3368b94b2b622693e7"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\n\nobject a10 {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val lines = Source.stdin.getLines().map(_.split(' ').map(_.toInt))toArray\n val k = lines(0)(1)\n val a = lines(1).sortWith((a,b)=>b<a).find(k % _ == 0).get\n println(k/a)\n }\n\n}\n", "src_uid": "80520be9916045aca3a7de7bc925af1f"} {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) = {\n val n = readInt()\n val a = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val xy = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val x = xy(0)\n val y = xy(1)\n \n val sc = a.scanLeft(0)(_ + _)\n val f = sc.zipWithIndex.filter(_._1 >= x).filter(_._1 <= y)\n val sum = sc.last\n f.find(t => sum - t._1 >= x && sum - t._1 <= y) match {\n case None => println(\"0\")\n case Some(t) => println(t._2 + 1)\n }\n }\n}", "src_uid": "e595a1d0c0e4bbcc99454d3148b4557b"} {"source_code": "import io.StdIn._\n\nimport scala.collection.mutable._\n\nobject Solution {\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken)) }\n\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val Array(n, m) = readInts(2)\n\n var l = 2\n var r = Int.MaxValue\n\n while (l <= r) {\n val mid = (l + r) / 2\n val a = mid / 2\n val b = mid / 3\n val x = mid / 6\n\n if (n <= a && m <= b && n + m <= a + b - x) r = mid - 1\n else l = mid + 1\n }\n\n println(l)\n\n\n\n// Console.withOut(new java.io.BufferedOutputStream(Console.out))\n// println(res.mkString(\"\\n\"))\n// Console.flush\n }\n}", "src_uid": "23f2c8cac07403899199abdcfd947a5a"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\nobject Main extends App {\n\n class Board(val data: Seq[String], lastMove: (Int, Int)) {\n\n val X: Char = 'x'\n val O: Char = 'o'\n val Empty : Char = '.'\n val Available : Char = '!'\n val Valid = Set(X, O, Empty)\n\n lazy val availableMoves: String = {\n val newBoard = if (subgame.map(tiles(_)).contains(Empty)) {\n tiles.zipWithIndex.map(t => {\n if (subgame.contains(t._2) && t._1 == Empty) Available\n else t._1\n })\n } else {\n tiles.map(t => if (t == Empty) Available else t)\n }\n newBoard.grouped(9).map(a => a.grouped(3).map(String.valueOf).mkString(\" \")).grouped(3).map(_.mkString(\"\\n\")).mkString(\"\\n\\n\")\n }\n\n lazy val tiles: Array[Char] = data.map(_.toCharArray.filter(Valid.contains)).filter(!_.isEmpty).flatten.toArray\n\n lazy val subgame: Set[Int] = {\n val gY = (lastMove._1 - 1) / 3\n val gX = (lastMove._2 - 1) / 3\n val pY = (lastMove._1 - 1) % 3\n val pX = (lastMove._2 - 1) % 3\n (for (\n x <- 0 to 2;\n y <- 0 to 2\n ) yield ((y + pY * 3) * 9) + pX * 3 + x).toSet[Int]\n }\n\n }\n val data = for (_ <- 1 to 11) yield StdIn.readLine()\n val coords = StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n println(new Board(data, (coords.head, coords.tail.head)).availableMoves)\n}\n", "src_uid": "8f0fad22f629332868c39969492264d3"} {"source_code": "import scala.util.Sorting\n\nobject A347 {\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(scala.io.StdIn.readLine)\n\n def readInts(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(n) = readInts(1)\n val input = readInts(n).sortBy(-1*identity(_))\n\n println((Array(input(0)) ++ input.dropRight(1).drop(1).sortBy(identity) ++ Array(input(n-1))).mkString(\" \"))\n\n }\n}", "src_uid": "4408eba2c5c0693e6b70bdcbe2dda2f4"} {"source_code": "object B743 {\n\n import IO._\n import collection.{mutable => cu}\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(n, k) = readLongs(2)\n\n println(find(n, k))\n }\n\n def find(n: Long, k: Long): Long = {\n val pow = math.pow(2, n-1).toLong\n if(k == math.pow(2, n-1)) {\n n\n } else if(k < math.pow(2, n-1)){\n find(n-1, k)\n } else {\n find(n-1, k-pow)\n }\n }\n\n object IO {\n private val input = new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.InputStreamReader(System.in))\n\n // private val input = new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.InputStreamReader(new java.io.FileInputStream(\"src/input\")))\n @inline def read: String = input.readLine()\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInt: Int = tokenizeLine.nextToken.toInt\n\n def readInts(n: Int): Array[Int] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int): Array[Long] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int): Array[BigInt] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n }\n\n}\n", "src_uid": "0af400ea8e25b1a36adec4cc08912b71"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val nk = StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(item => item.toInt)\n val (n, k) = (nk(0), nk(1))\n val a = StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(item => item.toInt)\n val b = a.distinct\n if (b.length < k) {\n println(\"NO\")\n } else {\n println(\"YES\")\n val c = (0 until k).map(i => a.indexOf(b(i)) + 1)\n c.foreach(item => print(item + \" \"))\n }\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "5de6574d57ab04ca195143e08d28d0ad"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject Main{\n def main (args: Array[String]){\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val n = sc.nextInt()\n\n var choko = new Array[Int](n)\n var flagz = true\n for(i <- 0 until n){\n val tmp = sc.nextInt()\n if(tmp == 1)\n flagz = false\n choko(i) = tmp\n }\n\n //\n if(flagz)\n println(0)\n else{\n var ind = -1\n var iii = 0\n\n while(ind == -1){\n if(choko(iii) == 1)\n ind = iii\n\n iii += 1\n }\n\n if(ind == n-1)\n println(1)\n else{\n var ans = 1L\n var zero = 0\n for(i <- ind+1 until n){\n choko(i) match{\n case 0 => zero += 1\n case 1 =>\n ans *= zero + 1\n zero = 0\n case _ => ()\n }\n }\n println(ans)\n } \n }\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "58242665476f1c4fa723848ff0ecda98"} {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val n = in.next().toInt\n val str = in.next()\n val part1 = str.take(n).sorted\n val part2 = str.drop(n).sorted\n if (part1.zip(part2).forall(x => x._1 < x._2) || part1.zip(part2).forall(x => x._1 > x._2))\n println(\"YES\")\n else\n println(\"NO\")\n}\n", "src_uid": "e4419bca9d605dbd63f7884377e28769"} {"source_code": "import java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nimport scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject A extends App with Reader {\n read()\n val n = int()\n val k = (0 until 31).filter(i => n >= (1 << i)).last\n println(k+1)\n}\n\ntrait Reader {\n var st: StringTokenizer = _\n def read() = { st = new StringTokenizer(StdIn.readLine()) }\n def int() = st.nextToken().toInt\n def long() = st.nextToken().toLong\n}\n", "src_uid": "95cb79597443461085e62d974d67a9a0"} {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val lines = io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val n = lines.next().toInt\n val str = lines.next()\n val (curr, max, inside, _) = str.foldLeft((0, 0, 0, false)) {\n case ((currentLength, maxLength, inside, false), '_') => (0, Math.max(maxLength, currentLength), inside, false)\n case ((currentLength, maxLength, inside, true), '_') if currentLength > 0 => (0, maxLength, inside + 1, true)\n case ((currentLength, maxLength, inside, true), '_') => (0, maxLength, inside, true)\n case ((currentLength, maxLength, inside, false), '(') => (0, Math.max(maxLength, currentLength), inside, true)\n case ((currentLength, maxLength, inside, true), ')') if currentLength > 0 => (0, maxLength, inside + 1, false)\n case ((currentLength, maxLength, inside, true), ')') => (0, maxLength, inside, false)\n case ((currentLength, maxLength, inside, state), el) => (currentLength + 1, maxLength, inside, state)\n }\n println(s\"${Math.max(max, curr)} $inside\")\n}\n", "src_uid": "fc86df4931e787fa3a1a40e2aecf0b92"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nimport scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject AtaskGlobal extends App {\n var line = new Scanner(StdIn.readLine())\n val a = BigInt(line.nextInt())\n val b = BigInt(line.nextInt())\n val c = BigInt(line.nextInt())\n\n var diff = BigInt(0)\n var greater = BigInt(0)\n if (a >= b) {\n diff = a - b\n } else {\n diff = b - a\n greater = 1\n }\n var realA = a\n var realB = b\n\n if (diff == 2) {\n if (greater == 1) {\n realB = b - 1\n } else {\n realA = a - 1\n }\n }\n if (diff >= 3) {\n if (greater == 1) {\n realB = a + 1\n } else {\n realA = b + 1\n }\n }\n\n var result = c*2 + realA + realB\n println(result)\n}\n", "src_uid": "609f131325c13213aedcf8d55fc3ed77"} {"source_code": "/**\n * Created by Nikolay on 23/06/16.\n */\n\nimport scala.io.StdIn.readInt\nobject ApplicationA extends App {\n val a = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\"\\\\s+\")\n val n = a(0).toInt\n val k = a(1).toInt\n val ans = n / k * k + k\n print(ans)\n}\n", "src_uid": "75f3835c969c871a609b978e04476542"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\nimport scala.util.Sorting\n\nobject DrazilFactorial {\n \n def getMaxF(input:Array[Char]):String = {\n val output:Array[Int] = input flatMap ((c:Char) => {\n val x:Int = c-'0'\n if (x==9) Array(7,3,3,2)\n else if (x==8) Array(7,2,2,2)\n else if (x==7) Array(7)\n else if (x==6) Array(5, 3)\n else if (x==5) Array(5)\n else if (x==4) Array(3, 2, 2)\n else if (x==3) Array(3)\n else if (x==2) Array(2)\n else Array.emptyIntArray\n })\n output.sorted(Ordering[Int].reverse).mkString(\"\")\n }\n \n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val cnt:Int = StdIn.readLine().toInt\n val ln:String = StdIn.readLine()\n val ca:Array[Char] = ln.toCharArray()\n val fca:Array[Char] = ca filter (c=>c>'0' && c<='9')\n println(getMaxF(fca))\n }\n\n}", "src_uid": "60dbfc7a65702ae8bd4a587db1e06398"} {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n\n def sumPair(data: Array[Array[Int]], permutation: Array[Int], a: Int, b: Int) = {\n data(permutation(a))(permutation(b)) + data(permutation(b))(permutation(a))\n }\n\n def sum(data: Array[Array[Int]], permutations: Array[Int]) = {\n sumPair(data, permutations, 0, 1) +\n sumPair(data, permutations, 2, 3) +\n sumPair(data, permutations, 1, 2) +\n sumPair(data, permutations, 3, 4) +\n sumPair(data, permutations, 2, 3) +\n sumPair(data, permutations, 3, 4)\n }\n\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val t = Array.fill(5){in.next().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)}\n println(Array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4).permutations.map(i => sum(t, i)).max)\n}", "src_uid": "be6d4df20e9a48d183dd8f34531df246"} {"source_code": "object _869A extends CodeForcesApp {\n import Utils._, annotation._, collection.{mutable, Searching}, util._, control._, math.Ordering.Implicits._, Searching._\n\n override def apply(io: IO): io.type = {\n val n = io.read[Int]\n val x, y = io.read[Vector, Int](n)\n val all = x.toSet ++ y\n var c = 0\n for {\n i <- x\n j <- y\n xor = i ^ j\n if all.contains(xor)\n } c += 1\n\n val ans = if (c%2 == 0) \"Karen\" else \"Koyomi\"\n io.write(ans)\n }\n}\n/****************************[Ignore Template Below]****************************************/\ntrait CodeForcesApp {\n lazy val isOnlineJudge: Boolean = sys.props.get(\"ONLINE_JUDGE\").exists(_.toBoolean)\n def debug(x: => Any): Unit = if (!isOnlineJudge) println(x)\n def apply(io: IO): io.type\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = this(new IO(System.in, System.out)).close()\n}\nobject Utils {\n import scala.collection.mutable, mutable.{Map => Dict}\n implicit class GenericExtensions[A](val a: A) extends AnyVal {\n def in(set: collection.Set[A]): Boolean = set(a)\n def some: Option[A] = Some(a)\n def partialMatch[B](f: PartialFunction[A, B]): Option[B] = f lift a\n }\n implicit class TraversableExtensions[A, C[X] <: Traversable[X]](val t: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def onlyElement: A = assuming(t.size == 1)(t.head)\n def groupByIdentifier[K](f: A => K): Map[K, A] = t.groupBy(f).mapValues(_.onlyElement)\n def duplicates(implicit b: C of A): C[A] = {\n val elems = mutable.Set.empty[A]\n (t collect {case i if !elems.add(i) => i}).to[C]\n }\n def sumWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit n: Numeric[B]): B = t.foldLeft(n.zero) {case (p, i) => n.plus(p, f(i))}\n def maxWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit ord: Ordering[B]): Option[B] = t.view.map(f).reduceOption(ord.max)\n def minWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit ord: Ordering[B]): Option[B] = t.view.map(f).reduceOption(ord.min)\n def zipWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit b: C of (A, B)): C[(A, B)] = (t map {i => i -> f(i)}).to[C]\n def mapTo[B](f: A => B)(implicit b: C of (A, B)): Map[A, B] = zipWith(f).toUniqueMap\n def whenNonEmpty[B](f: t.type => B): Option[B] = when(t.nonEmpty)(f(t)) // e.g. grades.whenNonEmpty(_.max)\n def collectFirst[B](f: PartialFunction[A, Option[B]]): Option[B] = t.view collect f collectFirst {case Some(x) => x}\n def toMutableMultiSet: Dict[A, Int] = {\n val c = map[A] to 0\n t.foreach(i => c(i) += 1)\n c\n }\n def toMultiSet: Map[A, Int] = toMutableMultiSet.toMap withDefaultValue 0\n def X[B](s: Traversable[B]): Iterator[(A, B)] = for {a <- t.toIterator; b <- s} yield (a, b)\n }\n implicit class ArrayExtensions[A <: AnyRef](val a: Array[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def sort(from: Int, until: Int)(implicit cmp: Ordering[A]): Unit = java.util.Arrays.sort(a, from, until, cmp) //sort [from, until)\n }\n implicit class ArrayExtensions2[A](val a: Array[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def sort(from: Int, until: Int)(implicit cmp: Ordering[A]): Unit = a.view(from, until).sorted.copyToArray(a, from)\n }\n implicit class SeqExtensions[A, C[X] <: Seq[X]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def isRotationOf(t: Seq[A]): Boolean = s ++ s containsSlice t\n }\n implicit class PairExtensions[A, B](val p: (A, B)) extends AnyVal {\n def key = p._1\n def value = p._2\n def toSeq(implicit ev: A =:= B): Seq[A] = Seq(p._1, p._2.asInstanceOf[A])\n }\n implicit class PairsExtensions[A, B, C[X] <: Traversable[X]](t: C[(A, B)]) {\n def toUniqueMap: Map[A, B] = t.groupByIdentifier(_.key).mapValues(_.value)\n def toMultiMap(implicit b: C of B): Map[A, C[B]] = t.groupBy(_.key).mapValues(_.map(_.value).to[C])\n def swap(implicit b: C of (B, A)): C[(B, A)] = t.map(_.swap).to[C]\n }\n implicit class MapExtensions[K, V, C[X, Y] <: Map[X, Y]](val m: C[K, V]) extends AnyVal {\n def lastKeyOption: Option[K] = m.lastOption.map(_.key)\n def firstKeyOption: Option[K] = m.headOption.map(_.key)\n def invert: Map[V, Set[K]] = m.toSet[(K, V)].swap.toMultiMap\n def mapKeys[K2](f: K => K2): Map[K2, V] = m map {case (k, v) => f(k) -> v}\n def toMutable: Dict[K, V] = Dict.empty[K, V] ++ m\n def mapValuesSafely[V2](f: V => V2): Map[K, V2] = m.mapValues(f).view.force //Hack to get around https://issues.scala-lang.org/browse/SI-4776\n }\n implicit class MutableMapExtensions[K, V](val m: mutable.Map[K, V]) extends AnyVal {\n def removeLast(): Option[(K, V)] = m.lastOption.map(removeNode)\n def removeFirst(): Option[(K, V)] = m.headOption.map(removeNode)\n private def removeNode(kv: (K, V)): (K, V) = {\n m -= kv.key\n kv\n }\n }\n implicit class SetExtensions[A, C[A] <: Set[A]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def notContains(x: A): Boolean = !(s contains x)\n def toMutable = mutable.Set.empty[A] ++ s\n }\n implicit class IterableExtensions[A, C[A] <: Seq[A]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def indicesWhere(f: A => Boolean): Seq[Int] = s.zipWithIndex.collect {case (a, i) if f(a) => i}\n def deleteAtIndex(i: Int, howMany: Int = 1) = s.patch(i, Nil, howMany)\n def insertAtIndex(i: Int, items: Seq[A]) = s.patch(i, items, 0)\n def findWithIndex(f: A => Boolean): Option[(A, Int)] = s.zipWithIndex find {case (a, _) => f(a)}\n def foldUntil[B](z: B)(f: (B, A) => B)(c: B => Boolean): Option[(B, Int)] = s.view.scanLeft(z)(f).findWithIndex(c)\n }\n implicit class BooleanExtensions(val x: Boolean) extends AnyVal {\n def to[A](implicit n: Numeric[A]) = if(x) n.one else n.zero\n def toEnglish = if(x) \"Yes\" else \"No\"\n }\n implicit class IntExtensions(val x: Int) extends AnyVal {\n import java.lang.{Integer => JInt}\n def withHighestOneBit: Int = JInt.highestOneBit(x)\n def withLowestOneBit: Int = JInt.lowestOneBit(x)\n def numberOfLeadingZeroes: Int = JInt.numberOfLeadingZeros(x)\n def numberOfTrailingZeroes: Int = JInt.numberOfTrailingZeros(x)\n def bitCount: Int = JInt.bitCount(x)\n def setLowestBits(n: Int): Int = x | (left(n) - 1)\n def clearLowestBits(n: Int): Int = x & left(n, ~0)\n def setBit(i: Int, set: Boolean): Int = if (set) setBit(i) else clearBit(i)\n def setBit(i: Int): Int = x | left(i)\n def clearBit(i: Int): Int = x & ~left(i)\n def toggleBit(i: Int): Int = x ^ left(i)\n def testBit(i: Int): Boolean = ((x >> i) & 1) == 1\n private def left(bits: Int, num: Int = 1) = assuming(bits >= 0 && bits < JInt.SIZE)(num << bits)\n def X(y: Int): Iterator[(Int, Int)] = until(x) X until(y)\n }\n implicit class LongExtensions(val x: Long) extends AnyVal {\n import java.lang.{Long => JLong}\n def withHighestOneBitSet: Long = JLong.highestOneBit(x)\n def withLowestOneBitSet: Long = JLong.lowestOneBit(x)\n def numberOfLeadingZeroes: Int = JLong.numberOfLeadingZeros(x)\n def numberOfTrailingZeroes: Int = JLong.numberOfTrailingZeros(x)\n def bitCount: Int = JLong.bitCount(x)\n def setLowestBits(n: Int): Long = x | (left(n) - 1)\n def clearLowestBits(n: Int): Long = x & left(n, ~0L)\n def setBit(i: Int, set: Boolean): Long = if (set) setBit(i) else clearBit(i)\n def setBit(i: Int): Long = x | left(i)\n def clearBit(i: Int): Long = x & ~left(i)\n def toggleBit(i: Int): Long = x ^ left(i)\n def testBit(i: Int): Boolean = ((x >> i) & 1) == 1\n private def left(bits: Int, num: Long = 1L) = assuming(bits >= 0 && bits < JLong.SIZE)(num << bits)\n }\n implicit class NumericExtensions[A](val x: A)(implicit n: Numeric[A]) {\n import Numeric.Implicits._\n def **(i: Int): A = if (i == 0) n.one else {\n val h = x ** (i/2)\n if (i%2 == 0) h * h else h * h * x\n }\n def distance(y: A) = (x - y).abs()\n def nonNegative: Option[A] = when(n.gteq(x, n.zero))(x)\n def whenNegative(f: => A): A = nonNegative getOrElse f //e.g. students indexOf \"Greg\" whenNegative Int.MaxValue\n }\n implicit class IntegralExtensions[A](val x: A)(implicit n: Integral[A]) {\n import scala.collection.immutable.NumericRange, Integral.Implicits._\n def mod(y: A): A = x - ((x / y) * y) //(x/y)*y + (x mod y) == x\n def -->(y: A): NumericRange.Inclusive[A] = NumericRange.inclusive(x, y, if (n.lteq(x, y)) n.one else -n.one)\n def ceilDiv(y: A): A = if (mod(y) == n.zero) x/y else n.one + (x/y)\n }\n implicit def toPoint[A](p: (A, A))(implicit n: Numeric[A]) = new java.awt.geom.Point2D.Double(n.toDouble(p._1), n.toDouble(p._2))\n def desc[A: Ordering]: Ordering[A] = asc[A].reverse //e.g. students.sortBy(_.height)(desc)\n def asc[A](implicit order: Ordering[A]): Ordering[A] = order\n def map[K] = new {\n def to[V](default: => V): Dict[K, V] = using(_ => default)\n def using[V](f: K => V): Dict[K, V] = new mutable.HashMap[K, V]() {\n override def apply(key: K) = getOrElseUpdate(key, f(key))\n }\n }\n def newMultiMap[K, V] = map[K] to mutable.Set.empty[V]\n def memoize[A, B](f: A => B): A ==> B = map[A] using f\n implicit class FuzzyDouble(val x: Double) extends AnyVal {\n def >~(y: Double) = x > y + eps\n def >=~(y: Double) = x >= y + eps\n def ~<(y: Double) = y >=~ x\n def ~=<(y: Double) = y >~ x\n def ~=(y: Double) = (x distance y) <= eps\n }\n def toPolygon(points: Traversable[(Int, Int)]): java.awt.Polygon = {\n val (xs, ys) = points.unzip\n new java.awt.Polygon(xs.toArray, ys.toArray, points.size)\n }\n def toShape(points: Traversable[(Double, Double)]): java.awt.geom.GeneralPath = {\n val shape = new java.awt.geom.GeneralPath()\n points.headOption foreach {case (x, y) => shape.moveTo(x, y)}\n points.tail foreach {case (x, y) => shape.lineTo(x, y)}\n shape.closePath()\n shape\n }\n def until(until: Int): Range = 0 until until\n def not[A](f: A => Boolean): A => Boolean = {x: A => !f(x)}\n def assuming[A](cond: => Boolean)(f: => A): A = {require(cond); f}\n @inline def when[A](check: Boolean)(f: => A): Option[A] = if (check) f.some else None\n def repeat[U](n: Int)(f: => U): Unit = (1 to n).foreach(_ => f)\n type of[C[_], A] = scala.collection.generic.CanBuild[A, C[A]]\n type ==>[A, B] = collection.Map[A, B]\n val mod: Int = (1e9 + 7).toInt\n val eps: Double = 1e-9\n}\n/***********************************[Scala I/O]*********************************************/\nimport Utils._, java.io._, java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nclass IO(in: BufferedReader, out: BufferedWriter) extends Iterator[String] with AutoCloseable with Flushable {\n def this(reader: Reader, writer: Writer) = this(new BufferedReader(reader), new BufferedWriter(writer))\n def this(in: InputStream, out: OutputStream) = this(new InputStreamReader(in), new OutputStreamWriter(out))\n\n private[this] val tokenizers = Iterator.continually(in.readLine()).takeWhile(_ != null).map(new StringTokenizer(_)).buffered\n val printer = new PrintWriter(out, true)\n\n @inline private[this] def tokenizer() = {\n while(tokenizers.nonEmpty && !tokenizers.head.hasMoreTokens) tokenizers.next()\n when(tokenizers.nonEmpty)(tokenizers.head)\n }\n\n def read[A](implicit read: IO.Read[A]): A = read.apply(this)\n def read[C[_], A: IO.Read](n: Int)(implicit b: C of A): C[A] = Iterator.fill(n)(read).to[C]\n\n def readTill(delim: String): String = tokenizer().get.nextToken(delim)\n def readTillEndOfLine(): String = readTill(\"\\n\\r\")\n\n def readAll[A: IO.Read]: (Int, Vector[A]) = {\n val data = read[Vector[A]]\n (data.length, data)\n }\n\n override def next() = tokenizer().get.nextToken()\n override def hasNext = tokenizer().nonEmpty\n\n def write(obj: Any): this.type = {\n printer.print(obj)\n this\n }\n def writeLine(): this.type = {\n printer.println()\n this\n }\n def writeLine(obj: Any): this.type = {\n printer.println(obj)\n this\n }\n def writeAll(obj: Traversable[Any], separator: String = \" \"): this.type = write(obj mkString separator)\n def query[A: IO.Read](question: Any): A = writeLine(question).read\n\n override def flush() = printer.flush()\n def close() = {\n flush()\n in.close()\n printer.close()\n }\n}\nobject IO {\n class Read[A](val apply: IO => A) {\n def map[B](f: A => B): Read[B] = new Read(apply andThen f)\n }\n object Read {\n implicit def collection[C[_], A: Read](implicit b: C of A): Read[C[A]] = new Read(r => r.read[C, A](r.read[Int]))\n implicit val string : Read[String] = new Read(_.next())\n implicit val char : Read[Char] = string.map(_.toTraversable.onlyElement)\n implicit val int : Read[Int] = string.map(_.toInt)\n implicit val long : Read[Long] = string.map(_.toLong)\n implicit val bigInt : Read[BigInt] = string.map(BigInt(_))\n implicit val double : Read[Double] = string.map(_.toDouble)\n implicit val bigDecimal : Read[BigDecimal] = string.map(BigDecimal(_))\n implicit def tuple2[A: Read, B: Read] : Read[(A, B)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B]))\n implicit def tuple3[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read] : Read[(A, B, C)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B], r.read[C]))\n implicit def tuple4[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read, D: Read] : Read[(A, B, C, D)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B], r.read[C], r.read[D]))\n implicit val boolean : Read[Boolean] = string map {s =>\n s.toLowerCase match {\n case \"yes\" | \"true\" | \"1\" => true\n case \"no\" | \"false\" | \"0\" => false\n case _ => s.toBoolean\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n", "src_uid": "1649d2592eadaa8f8d076eae2866cffc"} {"source_code": "object _869C extends CodeForcesApp {\n import Utils._, annotation._, collection.{mutable, Searching}, util._, control._, math.Ordering.Implicits._, Searching._\n\n val arithmetic = new ModularArithmetic(998244353L) {\n override def modularInverse(n: Long): Mod = BigInt(n).modPow(mod - 2, mod).toLong\n }\n import arithmetic._\n\n override def apply(io: IO): io.type = {\n val a, b, c = io.read[Int]\n var ans: Mod = possibleBridges(a, b) * possibleBridges(b, c)\n ans = ans * possibleBridges(c, a)\n io.write(ans)\n }\n\n def possibleBridges(island1: Int, island2: Int): Mod = {\n val a = island1 min island2\n val b = island1 max island2\n (0 to a)\n .map(possibleBridges(a, b, _))\n .foldLeft(0L)({case (i, j) => toMod(i + j)})\n }\n \n def possibleBridges(a: Int, b: Int, k: Int): Mod = combinations(a, k) * permutations(b, k)\n}\n\nclass ModularArithmetic(val mod: Long) {\n class Mod(val value: Long) {\n override val toString = value.toString\n }\n implicit def fromMod(mod: Mod): Long = mod.value\n implicit def toMod(x: Long): Mod = new Mod(x%mod)\n\n val factorial: IndexedSeq[Mod] = {\n val N = 5500\n val f = Array.ofDim[Mod](N)\n f(0) = 1L\n (1 until N).foreach(i => f(i) = f(i-1) * i)\n f\n }\n\n def modularInverse(n: Long): Mod = BigInt(n).modInverse(mod).toLong //If mod is prime override this with BigInt(n).modPow(mod - 2, mod).toLong\n\n def modDiv(a: Long, b: Long): Mod = a * modularInverse(b)\n\n def permutations(n: Int, k: Int): Mod = modDiv(factorial(n), factorial(n - k))\n\n def combinations(n: Int, k: Int): Mod = modDiv(permutations(n, k), factorial(k))\n}\n/****************************[Ignore Template Below]****************************************/\ntrait CodeForcesApp {\n lazy val isOnlineJudge: Boolean = sys.props.get(\"ONLINE_JUDGE\").exists(_.toBoolean)\n def debug(x: => Any): Unit = if (!isOnlineJudge) println(x)\n def apply(io: IO): io.type\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = this(new IO(System.in, System.out)).close()\n}\nobject Utils {\n import scala.collection.mutable, mutable.{Map => Dict}\n implicit class GenericExtensions[A](val a: A) extends AnyVal {\n def in(set: collection.Set[A]): Boolean = set(a)\n def some: Option[A] = Some(a)\n def partialMatch[B](f: PartialFunction[A, B]): Option[B] = f lift a\n }\n implicit class TraversableExtensions[A, C[X] <: Traversable[X]](val t: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def onlyElement: A = assuming(t.size == 1)(t.head)\n def groupByIdentifier[K](f: A => K): Map[K, A] = t.groupBy(f).mapValues(_.onlyElement)\n def duplicates(implicit b: C of A): C[A] = {\n val elems = mutable.Set.empty[A]\n (t collect {case i if !elems.add(i) => i}).to[C]\n }\n def sumWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit n: Numeric[B]): B = t.foldLeft(n.zero) {case (p, i) => n.plus(p, f(i))}\n def maxWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit ord: Ordering[B]): Option[B] = t.view.map(f).reduceOption(ord.max)\n def minWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit ord: Ordering[B]): Option[B] = t.view.map(f).reduceOption(ord.min)\n def zipWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit b: C of (A, B)): C[(A, B)] = (t map {i => i -> f(i)}).to[C]\n def mapTo[B](f: A => B)(implicit b: C of (A, B)): Map[A, B] = zipWith(f).toUniqueMap\n def whenNonEmpty[B](f: t.type => B): Option[B] = when(t.nonEmpty)(f(t)) // e.g. grades.whenNonEmpty(_.max)\n def collectFirst[B](f: PartialFunction[A, Option[B]]): Option[B] = t.view collect f collectFirst {case Some(x) => x}\n def toMutableMultiSet: Dict[A, Int] = {\n val c = map[A] to 0\n t.foreach(i => c(i) += 1)\n c\n }\n def toMultiSet: Map[A, Int] = toMutableMultiSet.toMap withDefaultValue 0\n def X[B](s: Traversable[B]): Iterator[(A, B)] = for {a <- t.toIterator; b <- s} yield (a, b)\n }\n implicit class ArrayExtensions[A <: AnyRef](val a: Array[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def sort(from: Int, until: Int)(implicit cmp: Ordering[A]): Unit = java.util.Arrays.sort(a, from, until, cmp) //sort [from, until)\n }\n implicit class ArrayExtensions2[A](val a: Array[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def sort(from: Int, until: Int)(implicit cmp: Ordering[A]): Unit = a.view(from, until).sorted.copyToArray(a, from)\n }\n implicit class SeqExtensions[A, C[X] <: Seq[X]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def isRotationOf(t: Seq[A]): Boolean = s ++ s containsSlice t\n }\n implicit class PairExtensions[A, B](val p: (A, B)) extends AnyVal {\n def key = p._1\n def value = p._2\n def toSeq(implicit ev: A =:= B): Seq[A] = Seq(p._1, p._2.asInstanceOf[A])\n }\n implicit class PairsExtensions[A, B, C[X] <: Traversable[X]](t: C[(A, B)]) {\n def toUniqueMap: Map[A, B] = t.groupByIdentifier(_.key).mapValues(_.value)\n def toMultiMap(implicit b: C of B): Map[A, C[B]] = t.groupBy(_.key).mapValues(_.map(_.value).to[C])\n def swap(implicit b: C of (B, A)): C[(B, A)] = t.map(_.swap).to[C]\n }\n implicit class MapExtensions[K, V, C[X, Y] <: Map[X, Y]](val m: C[K, V]) extends AnyVal {\n def lastKeyOption: Option[K] = m.lastOption.map(_.key)\n def firstKeyOption: Option[K] = m.headOption.map(_.key)\n def invert: Map[V, Set[K]] = m.toSet[(K, V)].swap.toMultiMap\n def mapKeys[K2](f: K => K2): Map[K2, V] = m map {case (k, v) => f(k) -> v}\n def toMutable: Dict[K, V] = Dict.empty[K, V] ++ m\n def mapValuesSafely[V2](f: V => V2): Map[K, V2] = m.mapValues(f).view.force //Hack to get around https://issues.scala-lang.org/browse/SI-4776\n }\n implicit class MutableMapExtensions[K, V](val m: mutable.Map[K, V]) extends AnyVal {\n def removeLast(): Option[(K, V)] = m.lastOption.map(removeNode)\n def removeFirst(): Option[(K, V)] = m.headOption.map(removeNode)\n private def removeNode(kv: (K, V)): (K, V) = {\n m -= kv.key\n kv\n }\n }\n implicit class SetExtensions[A, C[A] <: Set[A]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def notContains(x: A): Boolean = !(s contains x)\n def toMutable = mutable.Set.empty[A] ++ s\n }\n implicit class IterableExtensions[A, C[A] <: Seq[A]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def indicesWhere(f: A => Boolean): Seq[Int] = s.zipWithIndex.collect {case (a, i) if f(a) => i}\n def deleteAtIndex(i: Int, howMany: Int = 1) = s.patch(i, Nil, howMany)\n def insertAtIndex(i: Int, items: Seq[A]) = s.patch(i, items, 0)\n def findWithIndex(f: A => Boolean): Option[(A, Int)] = s.zipWithIndex find {case (a, _) => f(a)}\n def foldUntil[B](z: B)(f: (B, A) => B)(c: B => Boolean): Option[(B, Int)] = s.view.scanLeft(z)(f).findWithIndex(c)\n }\n implicit class BooleanExtensions(val x: Boolean) extends AnyVal {\n def to[A](implicit n: Numeric[A]) = if(x) n.one else n.zero\n def toEnglish = if(x) \"Yes\" else \"No\"\n }\n implicit class IntExtensions(val x: Int) extends AnyVal {\n import java.lang.{Integer => JInt}\n def withHighestOneBit: Int = JInt.highestOneBit(x)\n def withLowestOneBit: Int = JInt.lowestOneBit(x)\n def numberOfLeadingZeroes: Int = JInt.numberOfLeadingZeros(x)\n def numberOfTrailingZeroes: Int = JInt.numberOfTrailingZeros(x)\n def bitCount: Int = JInt.bitCount(x)\n def setLowestBits(n: Int): Int = x | (left(n) - 1)\n def clearLowestBits(n: Int): Int = x & left(n, ~0)\n def setBit(i: Int, set: Boolean): Int = if (set) setBit(i) else clearBit(i)\n def setBit(i: Int): Int = x | left(i)\n def clearBit(i: Int): Int = x & ~left(i)\n def toggleBit(i: Int): Int = x ^ left(i)\n def testBit(i: Int): Boolean = ((x >> i) & 1) == 1\n private def left(bits: Int, num: Int = 1) = assuming(bits >= 0 && bits < JInt.SIZE)(num << bits)\n def X(y: Int): Iterator[(Int, Int)] = until(x) X until(y)\n }\n implicit class LongExtensions(val x: Long) extends AnyVal {\n import java.lang.{Long => JLong}\n def withHighestOneBitSet: Long = JLong.highestOneBit(x)\n def withLowestOneBitSet: Long = JLong.lowestOneBit(x)\n def numberOfLeadingZeroes: Int = JLong.numberOfLeadingZeros(x)\n def numberOfTrailingZeroes: Int = JLong.numberOfTrailingZeros(x)\n def bitCount: Int = JLong.bitCount(x)\n def setLowestBits(n: Int): Long = x | (left(n) - 1)\n def clearLowestBits(n: Int): Long = x & left(n, ~0L)\n def setBit(i: Int, set: Boolean): Long = if (set) setBit(i) else clearBit(i)\n def setBit(i: Int): Long = x | left(i)\n def clearBit(i: Int): Long = x & ~left(i)\n def toggleBit(i: Int): Long = x ^ left(i)\n def testBit(i: Int): Boolean = ((x >> i) & 1) == 1\n private def left(bits: Int, num: Long = 1L) = assuming(bits >= 0 && bits < JLong.SIZE)(num << bits)\n }\n implicit class NumericExtensions[A](val x: A)(implicit n: Numeric[A]) {\n import Numeric.Implicits._\n def **(i: Int): A = if (i == 0) n.one else {\n val h = x ** (i/2)\n if (i%2 == 0) h * h else h * h * x\n }\n def distance(y: A) = (x - y).abs()\n def nonNegative: Option[A] = when(n.gteq(x, n.zero))(x)\n def whenNegative(f: => A): A = nonNegative getOrElse f //e.g. students indexOf \"Greg\" whenNegative Int.MaxValue\n }\n implicit class IntegralExtensions[A](val x: A)(implicit n: Integral[A]) {\n import scala.collection.immutable.NumericRange, Integral.Implicits._\n def mod(y: A): A = x - ((x / y) * y) //(x/y)*y + (x mod y) == x\n def -->(y: A): NumericRange.Inclusive[A] = NumericRange.inclusive(x, y, if (n.lteq(x, y)) n.one else -n.one)\n def ceilDiv(y: A): A = if (mod(y) == n.zero) x/y else n.one + (x/y)\n }\n implicit def toPoint[A](p: (A, A))(implicit n: Numeric[A]) = new java.awt.geom.Point2D.Double(n.toDouble(p._1), n.toDouble(p._2))\n def desc[A: Ordering]: Ordering[A] = asc[A].reverse //e.g. students.sortBy(_.height)(desc)\n def asc[A](implicit order: Ordering[A]): Ordering[A] = order\n def map[K] = new {\n def to[V](default: => V): Dict[K, V] = using(_ => default)\n def using[V](f: K => V): Dict[K, V] = new mutable.HashMap[K, V]() {\n override def apply(key: K) = getOrElseUpdate(key, f(key))\n }\n }\n def newMultiMap[K, V] = map[K] to mutable.Set.empty[V]\n def memoize[A, B](f: A => B): A ==> B = map[A] using f\n implicit class FuzzyDouble(val x: Double) extends AnyVal {\n def >~(y: Double) = x > y + eps\n def >=~(y: Double) = x >= y + eps\n def ~<(y: Double) = y >=~ x\n def ~=<(y: Double) = y >~ x\n def ~=(y: Double) = (x distance y) <= eps\n }\n def toPolygon(points: Traversable[(Int, Int)]): java.awt.Polygon = {\n val (xs, ys) = points.unzip\n new java.awt.Polygon(xs.toArray, ys.toArray, points.size)\n }\n def toShape(points: Traversable[(Double, Double)]): java.awt.geom.GeneralPath = {\n val shape = new java.awt.geom.GeneralPath()\n points.headOption foreach {case (x, y) => shape.moveTo(x, y)}\n points.tail foreach {case (x, y) => shape.lineTo(x, y)}\n shape.closePath()\n shape\n }\n def until(until: Int): Range = 0 until until\n def not[A](f: A => Boolean): A => Boolean = {x: A => !f(x)}\n def assuming[A](cond: => Boolean)(f: => A): A = {require(cond); f}\n @inline def when[A](check: Boolean)(f: => A): Option[A] = if (check) f.some else None\n def repeat[U](n: Int)(f: => U): Unit = (1 to n).foreach(_ => f)\n type of[C[_], A] = scala.collection.generic.CanBuild[A, C[A]]\n type ==>[A, B] = collection.Map[A, B]\n val mod: Int = (1e9 + 7).toInt\n val eps: Double = 1e-9\n}\n/***********************************[Scala I/O]*********************************************/\nimport Utils._, java.io._, java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nclass IO(in: BufferedReader, out: BufferedWriter) extends Iterator[String] with AutoCloseable with Flushable {\n def this(reader: Reader, writer: Writer) = this(new BufferedReader(reader), new BufferedWriter(writer))\n def this(in: InputStream, out: OutputStream) = this(new InputStreamReader(in), new OutputStreamWriter(out))\n\n private[this] val tokenizers = Iterator.continually(in.readLine()).takeWhile(_ != null).map(new StringTokenizer(_)).buffered\n val printer = new PrintWriter(out, true)\n\n @inline private[this] def tokenizer() = {\n while(tokenizers.nonEmpty && !tokenizers.head.hasMoreTokens) tokenizers.next()\n when(tokenizers.nonEmpty)(tokenizers.head)\n }\n\n def read[A](implicit read: IO.Read[A]): A = read.apply(this)\n def read[C[_], A: IO.Read](n: Int)(implicit b: C of A): C[A] = Iterator.fill(n)(read).to[C]\n\n def readTill(delim: String): String = tokenizer().get.nextToken(delim)\n def readTillEndOfLine(): String = readTill(\"\\n\\r\")\n\n def readAll[A: IO.Read]: (Int, Vector[A]) = {\n val data = read[Vector[A]]\n (data.length, data)\n }\n\n override def next() = tokenizer().get.nextToken()\n override def hasNext = tokenizer().nonEmpty\n\n def write(obj: Any): this.type = {\n printer.print(obj)\n this\n }\n def writeLine(): this.type = {\n printer.println()\n this\n }\n def writeLine(obj: Any): this.type = {\n printer.println(obj)\n this\n }\n def writeAll(obj: Traversable[Any], separator: String = \" \"): this.type = write(obj mkString separator)\n def query[A: IO.Read](question: Any): A = writeLine(question).read\n\n override def flush() = printer.flush()\n def close() = {\n flush()\n in.close()\n printer.close()\n }\n}\nobject IO {\n class Read[A](val apply: IO => A) {\n def map[B](f: A => B): Read[B] = new Read(apply andThen f)\n }\n object Read {\n implicit def collection[C[_], A: Read](implicit b: C of A): Read[C[A]] = new Read(r => r.read[C, A](r.read[Int]))\n implicit val string : Read[String] = new Read(_.next())\n implicit val char : Read[Char] = string.map(_.toTraversable.onlyElement)\n implicit val int : Read[Int] = string.map(_.toInt)\n implicit val long : Read[Long] = string.map(_.toLong)\n implicit val bigInt : Read[BigInt] = string.map(BigInt(_))\n implicit val double : Read[Double] = string.map(_.toDouble)\n implicit val bigDecimal : Read[BigDecimal] = string.map(BigDecimal(_))\n implicit def tuple2[A: Read, B: Read] : Read[(A, B)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B]))\n implicit def tuple3[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read] : Read[(A, B, C)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B], r.read[C]))\n implicit def tuple4[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read, D: Read] : Read[(A, B, C, D)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B], r.read[C], r.read[D]))\n implicit val boolean : Read[Boolean] = string map {s =>\n s.toLowerCase match {\n case \"yes\" | \"true\" | \"1\" => true\n case \"no\" | \"false\" | \"0\" => false\n case _ => s.toBoolean\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n", "src_uid": "b6dc5533fbf285d5ef4cf60ef6300383"} {"source_code": "object Main extends AlgoApp {\n type Mat = (Long, Long, Long, Long)\n def multiply(a: Mat, b: Mat, modNum: Long): Mat = {\n ((a._1 * b._1 + a._2 * b._3) % modNum,\n (a._1 * b._2 + a._2 * b._4) % modNum,\n (a._3 * b._1 + a._4 * b._3) % modNum,\n (a._3 * b._2 + a._4 * b._4) % modNum)\n }\n def power(a: Mat, b: Long, modNum: Long): Mat = {\n var tmp = a\n var ans: Mat = (1L, 0L, 0L, 1L)\n var p = b\n while (p > 0) {\n if (p % 2 == 1) {\n ans = multiply(ans, tmp, modNum)\n }\n tmp = multiply(tmp, tmp, modNum)\n p >>= 1\n }\n ans\n }\n\n def solve(n: Long, res: Long, modNum: Long): Long = {\n val mat = power((1L, 1L, 1L, 0L), n, modNum)\n val ans = (mat._1 + mat._2) % modNum\n if (res == 0) {\n ans\n } else {\n var (x, y, z) = (2L, n, 1L)\n while (y > 0) {\n if (y % 2 == 1)\n z = z * x % modNum\n x = x * x % modNum\n y >>= 1\n }\n (z - ans + modNum) % modNum\n }\n }\n\n val n = nextLong\n var k = nextLong\n val l = nextInt\n val modNum = nextLong\n var ans = 1L % modNum\n for (i <- 1 to l) {\n val tmp = solve(n, k & 1, modNum)\n ans = ans * tmp % modNum\n k >>= 1\n }\n if (k > 0) ans = 0\n println(ans)\n}\n\nabstract class AlgoApp extends App {\n import java.util.StringTokenizer\n\n var token = new StringTokenizer(\"\")\n def next = {\n while (!token.hasMoreTokens())\n token = new StringTokenizer(readLine)\n token.nextToken()\n }\n def nextInt = next.toInt\n def nextLong = next.toLong\n}", "src_uid": "2163eec2ea1eed5da8231d1882cb0f8e"} {"source_code": "object Main {\n import java.io.{BufferedReader, InputStream, InputStreamReader}\n import java.util.StringTokenizer\n import scala.reflect.ClassTag\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val out = new java.io.PrintWriter(System.out)\n new Main(out, new InputReader(System.in)).solve()\n out.flush()\n }\n\n private val oj = System.getenv(\"ATCODER_DEBUG\") == null\n def DEBUG(f: => Unit): Unit = {\n if (!oj){ f }\n }\n def debug(as: Array[Boolean]): Unit = if (!oj){ debug(as.map(x => if(x) \"1\" else \"0\").mkString) }\n def debug(as: Array[Int]): Unit = if (!oj){ debug(as.mkString(\" \")) }\n def debug(as: Array[Long]): Unit =if (!oj){ debug(as.mkString(\" \")) }\n def debugDim(m: Array[Array[Long]]): Unit = if (!oj){\n REP(m.length) { i =>\n debug(m(i))\n }\n }\n def debugDimFlip(m: Array[Array[Long]]): Unit = if (!oj){\n REP(m(0).length) { j =>\n REP(m.length) { i =>\n System.err.print(m(i)(j))\n System.err.print(\" \")\n }\n System.err.println()\n }\n }\n def debug(s: => String): Unit = DEBUG {\n System.err.println(s)\n }\n def debugL(num: => Long): Unit = DEBUG {\n System.err.println(num)\n }\n\n class InputReader(val stream: InputStream) {\n private val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream), 32768)\n private var tokenizer: StringTokenizer = _\n\n def next(): String = {\n while (tokenizer == null || !tokenizer.hasMoreTokens)\n tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(reader.readLine)\n tokenizer.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt(): Int = Integer.parseInt(next())\n def nextLong(): Long = java.lang.Long.parseLong(next())\n def nextChar(): Char = next().charAt(0)\n\n def ni(): Int = nextInt()\n def nl(): Long = nextLong()\n def nc(): Char = nextChar()\n def ns(): String = next()\n def ns(n: Int): Array[Char] = ns().toCharArray\n def na(n: Int, offset: Int = 0): Array[Int] = map(n)(_ => ni() + offset)\n def na2(n: Int, offset: Int = 0): (Array[Int], Array[Int]) = {\n val A1, A2 = Array.ofDim[Int](n)\n REP(n) { i =>\n A1(i) = ni() + offset\n A2(i) = ni() + offset\n }\n (A1, A2)\n }\n def nm(n: Int, m: Int): Array[Array[Int]] = {\n val A = Array.ofDim[Int](n, m)\n REP(n) { i =>\n REP(m) { j =>\n A(i)(j) = ni()\n }\n }\n A\n }\n def nal(n: Int): Array[Long] = map(n)(_ => nl())\n def nm_c(n: Int, m: Int): Array[Array[Char]] = map(n) (_ => ns(m))\n }\n\n def REP(n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => Unit): Unit = {\n var i = offset\n val N = n + offset\n while(i < N) { f(i); i += 1 }\n }\n def REP_r(n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => Unit): Unit = {\n var i = n - 1 + offset\n while(i >= offset) { f(i); i -= 1 }\n }\n def TO(from: Int, to: Int)(f: Int => Unit): Unit = {\n REP(to - from + 1, from) { i =>\n f(i)\n }\n }\n def map[@specialized A: ClassTag](n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => A): Array[A] = {\n val res = Array.ofDim[A](n)\n REP(n)(i => res(i) = f(i + offset))\n res\n }\n\n def sumL(as: Array[Int]): Long = {\n var s = 0L\n REP(as.length)(i => s += as(i))\n s\n }\n def cumSum(as: Array[Int]): Array[Long] = {\n val cum = Array.ofDim[Long](as.length + 1)\n REP(as.length) { i =>\n cum(i + 1) = cum(i) + as(i)\n }\n cum\n }\n}\n\nclass Main(out: java.io.PrintWriter, sc: Main.InputReader) {\n import sc._\n import Main._\n import java.util.Arrays.sort\n\n import scala.collection.mutable\n import math.{abs, max, min}\n import mutable.ArrayBuffer\n\n // toInt\u3068\u304b+7\u3068\u304b\u3059\u308b\u306a\u3089val\u306b\u3057\u308d\n @inline private def MOD = 1000000007\n\n def solve(): Unit = {\n val X, Y, Z = ni()\n\n if (abs(X - Y) > 0 && Z >= abs(X - Y) || abs(X - Y) == 0 && Z > 0) {\n out.println(\"?\")\n } else {\n if (X > Y) {\n out.println(\"+\")\n } else if (X < Y ) {\n out.println(\"-\")\n } else {\n out.println(0)\n }\n }\n }\n}", "src_uid": "66398694a4a142b4a4e709d059aca0fa"} {"source_code": "object Main extends App{\n val s = readLine()\n var s1, s2 = \"\"\n if (s.startsWith(\"ftp\")){\n s1 = \"ftp\"\n s2 = s.substring(3)\n }\n else{\n s1 = \"http\"\n s2 = s.substring(4)\n }\n var p = s2.indexOf(\"ru\")\n if (p == 0)\n p = 2 + s2.substring(2).indexOf(\"ru\")\n val s3 = s2.substring(p + 2)\n s2 = s2.substring(0, p)\n if (s3.length == 0)\n println(s1 + \"://\" + s2 + \".ru\")\n else\n println(s1 + \"://\" + s2 + \".ru/\" + s3)\n}\n", "src_uid": "4c999b7854a8a08960b6501a90b3bba3"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn.readLine\nobject Triangle extends App{\n readLine\n println(if (readLine.split(' ').map(_.toInt).sorted.sliding(3).exists { case Array(x, y, z) \u21d2 x + y > z }) \"YES\" else \"NO\")\n}\n", "src_uid": "897bd80b79df7b1143b652655b9a6790"} {"source_code": "import java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nobject _415A extends App {\n var token = new StringTokenizer(\"\")\n def next = {\n while (!token.hasMoreTokens()) token = new StringTokenizer(readLine)\n token.nextToken()\n }\n val n = next.toInt\n val m = next.toInt\n val a = (1 to m).map(i => next.toInt)\n val ans = (0 to n).toArray\n\n var right = n + 1\n for (index <- a) {\n if (index < right) {\n for (i <- index until right) ans(i) = index\n right = index\n }\n }\n println((1 to n).map(i => ans(i)).mkString(\" \"))\n}\n", "src_uid": "2e44c8aabab7ef7b06bbab8719a8d863"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject Codeforces1099C {\n\n def increaseLength(postCardLine: String, lengthToIncrease: Int): String = {\n val formingLine = new StringBuilder\n var alreadyIncreased = false\n for (i <- postCardLine.indices) {\n if (postCardLine(i) == '*') {\n if (!alreadyIncreased) {\n for (_ <- 1 to lengthToIncrease) {\n formingLine.append(postCardLine(i - 1))\n }\n alreadyIncreased = true\n }\n }\n else if (postCardLine(i) != '?') {\n formingLine.append(postCardLine(i))\n }\n }\n\n formingLine.toString\n }\n\n def decreaseLength(postCardLine: String, lengthToDecrease: Int): String = {\n val formingLine = new StringBuilder\n var totalDecreased = 0\n for (i <- postCardLine.indices) {\n if (i + 1 < postCardLine.length\n && (postCardLine(i + 1) == '*' || postCardLine(i + 1) == '?')\n && totalDecreased < lengthToDecrease) {\n totalDecreased += 1\n }\n else if (postCardLine(i) != '*' && postCardLine(i) != '?') {\n formingLine.append(postCardLine(i))\n }\n }\n\n formingLine.toString\n }\n\n def convertToLength(postCardLine: String, k: Int): Option[String] = {\n val initialLength = postCardLine.count(ch => ch != '*' && ch != '?')\n val canBeIncreased = postCardLine.contains('*')\n val canBeDecreaseUpTo = postCardLine.count(ch => ch == '*' || ch == '?')\n\n if (initialLength < k && canBeIncreased)\n Some(increaseLength(postCardLine, k - initialLength))\n else if (initialLength >= k && canBeDecreaseUpTo >= initialLength - k)\n Some(decreaseLength(postCardLine, initialLength - k))\n else None\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val postCardLine = StdIn.readLine().trim\n val k = StdIn.readLine().trim.toInt\n\n val convertedLine = convertToLength(postCardLine, k)\n\n println(convertedLine.getOrElse(\"Impossible\"))\n }\n}", "src_uid": "90ad5e6bb5839f9b99a125ccb118a276"} {"source_code": "//package codeforces.contest1097\n\nobject GennadyAndACardGame {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(rank, suit) = io.StdIn.readLine().split(\"\")\n val inHand = io.StdIn.readLine.split(\" \").map(s => (s(0), s(1)))\n\n if(inHand.exists { case (r, s) => r == rank(0) || s == suit(0) })\n println(\"YES\")\n else\n println(\"NO\")\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "699444eb6366ad12bc77e7ac2602d74b"} {"source_code": "object A535 {\n\n import IO._\n val alpha = Array(\n \"zero\", \"one\", \"two\", \"three\", \"four\", \"five\", \"six\", \"seven\", \"eight\", \"nine\",\n \"ten\", \"eleven\",\"twelve\", \"thirteen\", \"fourteen\", \"fifteen\", \"sixteen\", \"seventeen\", \"eighteen\", \"nineteen\",\n \"twenty\")\n val tens = Array(\"twenty\", \"thirty\", \"forty\", \"fifty\", \"sixty\", \"seventy\", \"eighty\", \"ninety\")\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(n) = readInts(1)\n if(n <= 20) {\n println(alpha(n))\n } else {\n if(n%10 == 0) {\n println(tens(n/10 - 2))\n } else {\n println(tens(n/10 - 2) + \"-\" + alpha(n%10))\n }\n }\n }\n\n object IO {\n @inline def read: String = scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInts(n: Int): Array[Int] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int): Array[Long] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int): Array[BigInt] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n }\n\n}\n", "src_uid": "a49ca177b2f1f9d5341462a38a25d8b7"} {"source_code": "import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer \nimport scala.io.StdIn \n \nobject Solution extends App { \n val arr = StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt) \n var a = arr(0) \n var b = arr(1) \n var x = arr(2) \n \n val ans = ArrayBuffer.empty[Int] \n if (a > b) { \n ans.append(0) \n a = a - 1 \n }else \n { \n ans.append(1) \n b = b - 1 \n } \n while(a + b > 0) { \n if (x > 1) { \n if (ans.last == 0) { \n ans.append(1) \n b = b - 1 \n } else { \n ans.append(0) \n a = a - 1 \n } \n } \n else \n { \n if (x == 1) \n { \n if (ans.last == 0) while(a > 0){ans.append(0);a = a - 1} \n else while(b > 0){ans.append(1);b = b - 1} \n } else \n { \n while(a > 0){ans.append(0);a = a - 1} \n while(b > 0){ans.append(1);b = b - 1} \n } \n \n } \n x = x - 1 \n \n } \n \n println(ans.map(_.toString).reduce((a,b) => a + b)) \n \n} ", "src_uid": "ef4123b8f3f3b511fde8b79ea9a6b20c"} {"source_code": "object B extends App {\n val Array(x, y) = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toLong)\n\n def compare(x: Long, y: Long): Int =\n if (x == y) 0\n else {\n val n: Double = scala.math.log10(x) * y\n val d: Double = scala.math.log10(y) * x\n\n if (n == d) 0\n else if (n > d) 1\n else -1\n }\n\n val r = compare(x, y)\n\n if (r == 0) println(\"=\")\n else if (r < 0) println(\"<\")\n else println(\">\")\n}\n", "src_uid": "ec1e44ff41941f0e6436831b5ae543c6"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport java.util.Arrays.binarySearch\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.annotation.switch\nimport scala.annotation.unchecked\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer\nimport scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer\nimport scala.collection.immutable.TreeSet\nimport scala.util.Random\nimport scala.util.control.Breaks._\n\n\nobject P203A extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n // T minutes ... 0, 1, ...\n // a points(ini), - d_a / min\n // b points(ini), - d_b / min\n \n def solve(): String = {\n val X, T, A, B, Da, Db = sc.nextInt\n\n val points = {\n for {\n i <- 0 to T\n j <- 0 to T\n }\n yield {\n val a = if (i == T) 0\n else A - Da * i\n val b = if (j == T) 0\n else B - Db * j\n a + b\n }\n }\n points.find(_ == X) match {\n case Some(x) => \"YES\"\n case None => \"NO\"\n }\n }\n\n out.println(solve)\n out.close\n}\n", "src_uid": "f98168cdd72369303b82b5a7ac45c3af"} {"source_code": "import java.util._\nobject GCD\n{\n def gcd(a: Int,b: Int): Int = {\n if(b ==0) a else gcd(b, a%b)\n }\n \n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val in = new Scanner(System.in)\n val a = in.nextInt\n val b = in.nextInt\n \n var res = 1\n for(i <- 1 to Math.min(a,b)){\n res *= i\n }\n print(res)\n }\n}", "src_uid": "7bf30ceb24b66d91382e97767f9feeb6"} {"source_code": "object MikeAndPalindrome {\n def isPossibleToConvert(testString: String): Boolean = {\n if (testString.length != 0) {\n val charChangeRequired = (0 to ((testString.length - 1) / 2)).count(p => testString(p) != testString(testString.length - p - 1))\n charChangeRequired == 1 || (charChangeRequired == 0 && testString.length % 2 == 1)\n }\n else {\n false\n }\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val input = readLine().toString\n if (isPossibleToConvert(input)) println(\"YES\") else println(\"NO\")\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "fe74313abcf381f6c5b7b2057adaaa52"} {"source_code": "object Main extends App {\n\tval Array(n, k) = scala.io.StdIn.readLine split ' ' map(_.toInt)\n\tprintln((2*n+k-1)/k+(5*n+k-1)/k+(8*n+k-1)/k)\n}", "src_uid": "d259a3a5c38af34b2a15d61157cc0a39"} {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val n = in.next().toInt\n val data = List(\"vaporeon\", \"jolteon\", \"flareon\", \"espeon\", \"umbreon\", \"leafeon\", \"glaceon\", \"sylveon\").filter(_.length == n)\n val str = in.next()\n\n println(data.find(e => e.zip(str).forall(el => el._2 == '.' || el._1 == el._2)).get)\n\n}\n", "src_uid": "ec3d15ff198d1e4ab9fd04dd3b12e6c0"} {"source_code": "import scala.collection._\n\nobject C extends App {\n\n def readString = Console.readLine\n def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readString)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val t = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(t.nextToken.toInt) }\n\n val Array(n, m) = readInts(2)\n val as = readInts(n)\n val bs = readInts(n)\n \n val maxSize = 2 * n + 1\n\n var paint = Array.fill(maxSize, maxSize)(Long.MaxValue / 2)\n for (i <- 0 until maxSize) paint(i)(i) = 0\n var paint0 = Array.ofDim[Long](maxSize)\n\n for (j <- 0 until maxSize) {\n for (step <- 0 until n) {\n val tmp = paint(j)\n paint(j) = paint0\n paint0 = tmp\n paint(j)(0) = paint0(1) + bs(step)\n paint(j)(2 * n - 1) = paint0(2 * n - 2) + as(step)\n for (i <- 1 until maxSize - 2) {\n paint(j)(i) = math.min(paint0(i + 1) + bs(step), paint0(i - 1) + as(step))\n }\n }\n }\n \n def mult(x: Array[Array[Long]], y: Array[Array[Long]]) = {\n val z = Array.fill(maxSize, maxSize)(0L)\n for (i <- 0 until maxSize; j <- 0 until maxSize) {\n var min = Long.MaxValue\n for (k <- 0 until maxSize) if (x(i)(k) < Long.MaxValue / 2 && y(k)(j) < Long.MaxValue / 2) min = math.min(min, x(i)(k) + y(k)(j))\n z(i)(j) = min\n }\n z\n }\n \n def pow(x: Array[Array[Long]], deg: Int) = {\n var res: Array[Array[Long]] = null\n var y = x\n var step = 1\n while (step <= deg) {\n if ((deg & step) > 0) res = if (res == null) y else mult(res, y)\n //if (res != null) for (p <- res) println(p.mkString(\" \"))\n y = mult(y, y)\n step *= 2\n }\n res\n }\n //for (p <- paint) println(p.mkString(\" \"))\n val full = pow(paint, m)\n\n println(full(0)(0))\n}", "src_uid": "f40900973f4ebeb6fdafd75ebe4e9601"} {"source_code": "object C extends App {\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken)) }\n\n val s = readLine\n val t = \"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\"\n val res = new StringBuilder\n\n var i, j = 0\n while (i < s.length && j < t.length) {\n if (s(i) <= t(j)) {\n res += t(j)\n i += 1\n j += 1\n } else {\n res += s(i)\n i += 1\n }\n }\n\n while (i < s.length) {\n res += s(i)\n i += 1\n }\n\n if (j == t.length) println(res.result())\n else println(-1)\n}\n", "src_uid": "f8ad543d499bcc0da0121a71a26db854"} {"source_code": "import scala.collection.mutable\nobject BurningMidnightOil extends App {\n val input = io.Source.stdin.getLines.next\n val (n :: k :: Nil) = input.split(\" \").map(_.toInt).toList\n\n val (nd, kd) = (n.toDouble, k.toDouble)\n val mini = ((nd * (1.0 - 1.0 / kd)) + 1.0).toInt\n val maxi = n\n\n def testV(v: Int): Boolean = {\n var acc = 0\n var next = v\n while(next != 0) {\n acc = acc + next\n next = next / k\n }\n acc >= n\n }\n\n def binarySearch(min: Int, max: Int, trial: Int, test: (Int => Boolean)): Int = {\n if(min == max) trial\n else if(test(trial)) binarySearch(min, trial, (min + trial)/2, test)\n else binarySearch(trial + 1, max, (trial + max + 1)/2, test)\n }\n\n println(binarySearch(mini, maxi, (mini + maxi)/2, testV))\n\n}", "src_uid": "41dfc86d341082dd96e089ac5433dc04"} {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val lines = io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(n, m) = lines.next().split(' ').map(_.toLong)\n def f(n: Long, el: Int) = {\n if (n % 10 >= el) 1 else 0\n }\n\n val result = (1 to 10).map(i => (1 to 10).filter(j => (i + j) % 5 == 0).map(j => (n / 10 + f(n, i)) * (m / 10 + f(m, j))).sum).sum\n println(result)\n}\n\n", "src_uid": "df0879635b59e141c839d9599abd77d2"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport java.util.Arrays.binarySearch\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer\nimport scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer\nimport scala.util.Random\nimport scala.util.control.Breaks._\n\n\nobject P047A extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n def solve(): String = {\n\n val N = sc.nextInt\n\n @inline\n def triangular(n: Int): Int = n * (n + 1) / 2\n\n @tailrec\n def loop(n: Int): String = if (N == triangular(n)) \"YES\"\n else if (N < triangular(n)) \"NO\"\n else loop(n + 1)\n\n loop(0)\n }\n\n out.println(solve)\n out.close\n}\n\n\n\n\n\n", "src_uid": "587d4775dbd6a41fc9e4b81f71da7301"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject Main{\n def log7(n: Int): String = {\n def func(b: Int, res: String): String = {\n b match{\n case 0 => res\n case x => func(b / 7, (b % 7).toString + res)\n }\n }\n\n val a = func(n, \"\")\n if(a == \"\") \"0\"\n else a\n }\n\n def main (args: Array[String]){\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val n = sc.nextInt()\n val m = sc.nextInt()\n\n //\n val ns = log7(n-1)\n val ms = log7(m-1)\n\n val nl = ns.length\n val ml = ms.length\n\n if(nl + ml > 7){\n println(0)\n }\n else{\n val dp = new Array[Boolean](6543211)\n var ans = 0\n\n for(s <- \"0123456\".permutations){\n val nows = s.substring(0, nl+ml)\n if(!dp(nows.toInt)){\n dp(nows.toInt) = true\n val a = nows.substring(0, nl).toInt\n val b = nows.substring(nl, nl+ml).toInt\n if(a <= ns.toInt && b <= ms.toInt)\n ans += 1\n }\n }\n println(ans)\n }\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "0930c75f57dd88a858ba7bb0f11f1b1c"} {"source_code": "import scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer\nimport scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject B_QuasiBin extends App {\n val n = readInt()\n// val n = 9\n\n val bin: Seq[Int] = Vector(1, 10, 11, 100, 101, 110, 111, 1000, 1001, 1010, 1011, 1100, 1101, 1110, 1111, 10000, 10001, 10010, 10011, 10100, 10101, 10110, 10111, 11000, 11001, 11010, 11011, 11100, 11101, 11110, 11111, 100000, 100001, 100010, 100011, 100100, 100101, 100110, 100111, 101000, 101001, 101010, 101011, 101100, 101101, 101110, 101111, 110000, 110001, 110010, 110011, 110100, 110101, 110110, 110111, 111000, 111001, 111010, 111011, 111100, 111101, 111110, 111111, 1000000, 1000001)\n\n def solve(n: Int): List[Int] = {\n if (n == 0) Nil\n else if (bin.contains(n)) List(n)\n else {\n var i = 0\n var max = Integer.MIN_VALUE\n var maxElement = 0\n while (bin(i) <= n) {\n if (max < quality(n, bin(i))) {\n max = quality(n, bin(i))\n maxElement = i\n }\n i += 1\n }\n\n bin(maxElement) :: solve(n - bin(maxElement))\n }\n\n }\n\n val answer = solve(n)\n println(answer.length)\n println(answer.mkString(\" \"))\n\n def quality(a: Int, b: Int): Int = {\n var counter = 0\n var aa = a\n var bb = b\n while (aa > 0) {\n if (aa % 10 > 0 && bb % 10 > 0) {\n counter += 1\n }\n\n aa /= 10\n bb /= 10\n }\n\n counter\n }\n\n}\n", "src_uid": "033068c5e16d25f09039e29c88474275"} {"source_code": "object B {\n def main(args: Array[String]) = {\n val a = readInt;\n val a_str = a toString;\n val ac2 = math.ceil(math.sqrt(a)) toInt;\n val af2 = math.floor(math.sqrt(a)) toInt;\n\n def good(x: Int): Boolean = x.toString exists {a_str contains _};\n\n val appropriateSmall = for (x <- (1 to af2)\n if a % x == 0 && good(x)) yield x;\n val appropriateBig = for (x <- (1 to (ac2 - 1))\n if a % x == 0 && good(a / x)) yield a / x;\n\n println((appropriateSmall length) + (appropriateBig length))\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "ada94770281765f54ab264b4a1ef766e"} {"source_code": "object Main extends App {\n val in = readLine\n println(in.split(\"WUB\").filter(_.nonEmpty).mkString(\" \"))\n}", "src_uid": "edede580da1395fe459a480f6a0a548d"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\n/**\n * Created by hama_du on 2014/07/19.\n */\nobject ProblemB extends App {\n val in = new Scanner(System.in)\n val s = in.nextLine().toCharArray\n val t = in.nextLine().toCharArray\n\n val solve = canSolve(s, t)\n val automaton = canAutomaton(s, t)\n val array = canArray(s, t)\n\n if (automaton) {\n println(\"automaton\")\n } else if (array) {\n println(\"array\")\n } else if (solve) {\n println(\"both\")\n } else {\n println(\"need tree\")\n }\n\n\n def canSolve(s: Array[Char], t: Array[Char]) = {\n countFrequency(s).zip(countFrequency(t)).filter(p => (p._1 < p._2)).size == 0\n }\n\n def canAutomaton(s: Array[Char], t: Array[Char]): Boolean = {\n var t_idx = 0\n var s_idx = 0\n while (t_idx < t.length) {\n while (s_idx < s.length && s(s_idx) != t(t_idx)) {\n s_idx += 1\n }\n if (s_idx < s.length) {\n s_idx += 1\n t_idx += 1\n } else {\n return false;\n }\n }\n true\n }\n\n def canArray(s: Array[Char], t: Array[Char]) = {\n countFrequency(s).zip(countFrequency(t)).filter(p => (p._1 == p._2)).size == 26\n }\n\n def countFrequency(s: Array[Char]) = {\n val cnt = Array.ofDim[Int](26)\n s.foreach(c => {\n cnt(c - 'a') += 1\n })\n cnt\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "edb9d51e009a59a340d7d589bb335c14"} {"source_code": "object Candies306A extends App {\n import java.io.{InputStream, PrintStream}\n import java.util.Scanner\n solve(System.in,System.out)\n def solve(in: InputStream, out: PrintStream): Unit = {\n val scanner = new Scanner(in)\n val n = scanner.nextInt()\n val m = scanner.nextInt()\n val minK = n/m\n val b = n-minK*m\n val a = m - b\n val result = Seq((a,minK),(b,minK+1)).flatMap{case (people,numCandies) => (1 to people).map{_ => numCandies}}.mkString(\" \")\n out.println(result)\n }\n}", "src_uid": "0b2c1650979a9931e00ffe32a70e3c23"} {"source_code": "import java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nimport scala.collection.mutable\n\nobject A extends App {\n val INF = 1 << 30\n\n var st: StringTokenizer = _\n def read() = { st = new StringTokenizer(readLine()) }\n def int() = st.nextToken().toInt\n def long() = st.nextToken().toLong\n\n var q = INF\n\n read()\n val a = int()\n q = Math.min(q, a)\n read()\n val b = int()\n q = Math.min(q, b / 2)\n read()\n val c = int()\n q = Math.min(q, c / 4)\n\n println(7 * q)\n\n}\n", "src_uid": "82a4a60eac90765fb62f2a77d2305c01"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport scala.language.implicitConversions\n\nobject evenodd {\n class Lazy[A](x: => A) {\n lazy val value = x\n override def toString(): String = value.toString()\n }\n object Lazy {\n def apply[A](x: => A) = new Lazy(x)\n implicit def fromLazy[A](z: Lazy[A]): A = z.value\n implicit def toLazy[A](x: => A): Lazy[A] = Lazy(x)\n }\n def memoize[I, O](f: I => O): I => O = new collection.mutable.HashMap[I, O]() {\n override def apply(key: I) = getOrElseUpdate(key, f(key))\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n\n val N = sc.nextInt();\n\n if (N % 2 == 0) println(\"Mahmoud\");\n else println(\"Ehab\");\n }\n}", "src_uid": "5e74750f44142624e6da41d4b35beb9a"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject Solution {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(n, m) = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val list = readLine.toList.dropWhile(c => c != 'G' && c != 'T').reverse.dropWhile(c => c != 'G' && c != 'T').grouped(m).toList\n if (\"GT\".contains(list.head.head) && \"GT\".contains(list.last.head) && list.size > 1 && list.forall(seq => seq.head != '#')) {\n println(\"YES\")\n } else {\n println(\"NO\")\n }\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "189a9b5ce669bdb04b9d371d74a5dd41"} {"source_code": "object CF0058A extends App {\n\n val str = readLine()\n\n if (str.matches(\".*h{1,}.*e{1,}.*l{1,}.*l{1,}.*o{1,}.*\")) {\n println(\"YES\")\n } else {\n println(\"NO\")\n }\n\n}\n", "src_uid": "c5d19dc8f2478ee8d9cba8cc2e4cd838"} {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val s = readLine\n if (s.count(_.isLower) >= (s.size + 1) / 2) println(s.toLowerCase)\n else println(s.toUpperCase)\n }\n}", "src_uid": "b432dfa66bae2b542342f0b42c0a2598"} {"source_code": "object Try1 {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n var n, i, m: Int = 0\n n = readInt()\n val line = Console.readLine()\n for (i <- 1 to n - 1) {\n if (line {\n i\n } != line {\n i - 1\n })\n m += 1\n }\n m %= 2\n if (line {\n 0\n } == 'S' && m == 1)\n println(\"YES\")\n else println(\"NO\")\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "ab8a2070ea758d118b3c09ee165d9517"} {"source_code": "\nobject Main{\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val n = readInt()\n val a = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n var c = new Array[Int](101)\n\n for(x <- a){\n c(x) += 1\n }\n\n println(c.max)\n }\n}", "src_uid": "f30329023e84b4c50b1b118dc98ae73c"} {"source_code": "import scala.collection.mutable._\nimport scala.math._\nimport scala.util.control.Breaks.break\nimport scala.util.control.Breaks.breakable\nimport java.util._\nobject Main extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val s = readLine\n val t = readLine\n val n = max(abs(s(0)-t(0)), abs(s(1)-t(1)))\n val dx = Array[Int](0,1,1,1,0,-1,-1,-1)\n val dy = Array[Int](1,1,0,-1,-1,-1,0,1)\n val d = Array[String](\"U\", \"RU\", \"R\", \"RD\", \"D\", \"LD\", \"L\", \"LU\")\n def go(s: String, t: String) {\n if(s == t) return\n val xx = (t(0)-s(0)) / (if(t(0)-s(0)!=0) abs(t(0)-s(0)) else 1)\n val yy = (t(1)-s(1)) / (if(t(1)-s(1)!=0) abs(t(1)-s(1)) else 1)\n val ss = (s(0) + xx).toChar +\"\"+ (s(1) + yy).toChar\n for(i <- 0 until 8) {\n if(dx(i) == xx && dy(i) == yy) {\n println(d(i))\n go(ss, t)\n }\n }\n }\n println(n)\n go(s,t)\n}\n", "src_uid": "d25d454702b7755297a7a8e1f6f36ab9"} {"source_code": "object B extends App {\n val n = scala.io.StdIn.readInt()\n\n var t = 0\n for (a <- 1 to n)\n for (b <- a to n) {\n val c = a ^ b\n if (c >= b && c <= n && a + b > c && a + c > b && c + b > a) t = t + 1\n }\n\n println(t)\n}\n", "src_uid": "838f2e75fdff0f13f002c0dfff0b2e8d"} {"source_code": "\nimport scala.io.StdIn.readLine\nimport scala.io.StdIn.readInt\n\n\nobject DreamoonStairs {\n \n def readInts() : Array[Int] =\n readLine.split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n \n def readLongs() : Array[Long] = \n readLine.split(' ').map(_.toLong)\n \n def readTuple() : (Int,Int) = {\n val line = readInts\n (line(0),line(1))\n }\n def readTupleLong() : (Long,Long) = {\n val line = readLongs\n (line(0),line(1))\n }\n \n def readTriple() : (Int,Int,Int) = {\n val line = readInts\n (line(0),line(1),line(2))\n }\n def readQuad() : (Int,Int,Int,Int) = {\n val line = readInts\n (line(0),line(1),line(2),line(3))\n }\n \n \n def solve(twos: Int, ones: Int, m: Int) : Int = {\n if (twos < 0) -1 \n else {\n if ((twos+ones)%m == 0) twos + ones\n else solve(twos-1,ones+2,m)\n }\n }\n \n \n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val (n,m) = readTuple\n println(solve(n/2, if (n%2==0) 0 else 1,m)) \n }\n \n}", "src_uid": "0fa526ebc0b4fa3a5866c7c5b3a4656f"} {"source_code": "import java.io._\nimport java.util.ArrayList\nimport java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nobject B_328s {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n var debugV = false\n def db(x: => String) = if (debugV) println(x) // nullary function\n \n val is = System.in\n \n //COMMENT ME !\n// val is = new ByteArrayInputStream(sa1.trim.getBytes(\"ISO-8859-1\"))\n// debugV = true\n\n val bis = new BufferedInputStream(is);\n val br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(bis));\n \n //---------------------------- parameters reading ------------------------------------\n val line1 = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine())\n val n = line1.nextToken().toInt\n \n //---------------------------- parameters reading end --------------------------------\n \n var res = 1l\n var counter = 1l\n if (n == 3) {\n } else {\n while (counter <= n) {\n if (counter == 1 || counter == 2 || counter == 3) {\n res += n-3\n } else {\n res += n-4\n }\n counter += 1\n }\n }\n \n println(res)\n \n \n }\n\n}", "src_uid": "efa8e7901a3084d34cfb1a6b18067f2b"} {"source_code": "// codeforces problem 55 B Sma\n\nobject SmallNums extends App {\n\n def readNums(): List[Long] = {\n val line = Console.readLine()\n val ss = line.split(\" \")\n val ls: List[String] = ss toList;\n ls map (s => s.toLong)\n }\n\n def str2op(s: String): Op = s match {\n case \"+\" => new Add\n case \"*\" => new Mul\n case _ => throw new Error(\"Illegal operation \" + s)\n }\n\n def readOps(): List[Op] = {\n val ss = Console.readLine().split(\" \")\n val ls: List[String] = ss toList;\n ls map str2op\n }\n\n def allPairs(n: Int): List[(Int, Int)] = {\n val sq = for {\n i <- Range(1, n)\n j <- Range(0, i)\n } yield (j, i)\n sq toList\n }\n\n def removeA[T](l: List[T], a: Int): List[T] =\n (l take a) ::: (l drop (a + 1))\n\n def removeAB[T](l: List[T], a: Int, b: Int): List[T] =\n removeA(removeA(l, a), (b - 1))\n\n def minNum(nms: List[Long], ops: List[Op], pairs: List[(Int, Int)], mmin: Long): Long = pairs match {\n case Nil => mmin\n case (a, b) :: tl => {\n val r = ops.head.apply(nms(a), nms(b))\n val n1 = (nms length) - 1\n if (n1 == 1) {\n r\n } else {\n val mn = minNum(r :: removeAB(nms, a, b), ops.tail, allPairs(n1), Long.MaxValue)\n val min1 = if (mn < mmin) mn else mmin\n minNum(nms, ops, tl, min1)\n }\n }\n }\n\n val nums = readNums()\n val ops = readOps\n val n = 4\n val minv = minNum(nums, ops, allPairs(n), Long.MaxValue)\n Console.println(minv)\n}\n\nabstract class Op {\n def apply(a: Long, b: Long): Long\n}\ncase class Add extends Op {\n def apply(a: Long, b: Long) = a + b\n}\ncase class Mul extends Op {\n def apply(a: Long, b: Long) = a * b\n}", "src_uid": "7a66fae63d9b27e444d84447012e484c"} {"source_code": "import java.io._\nimport java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nobject A {\n\n var out: PrintWriter = null\n var br: BufferedReader = null\n var st: StringTokenizer = null\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(System.out))\n solve\n out.close\n }\n\n def next: String = {\n while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens) {\n st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine)\n }\n return st.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt: Int = return Integer.parseInt(next)\n\n def nextLong: Long = return java.lang.Long.parseLong(next)\n\n def nextDouble: Double = return java.lang.Double.parseDouble(next)\n\n def solve: Int = {\n val n = nextInt\n val t = nextInt\n if (t == 10) {\n if (n == 1) {\n out.println(-1)\n } else {\n for (i <- 0 until n - 1) {\n out.print(1)\n }\n out.println(0)\n }\n } else {\n for (i <- 0 until n) {\n out.print(t)\n }\n }\n return 0\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "77ffc1e38c32087f98ab5b3cb11cd2ed"} {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val s = new Main()\n s.solve()\n s.out.flush()\n }\n}\n\nclass Main {\n import java.io._\n import java.util.StringTokenizer\n import java.util.Arrays\n\n import scala.collection.mutable\n import scala.util.Sorting\n import math.{abs, max, min}\n import mutable.{ArrayBuffer, ListBuffer}\n import scala.reflect.ClassTag\n\n val MOD = 1000000007\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n def solve(): Unit = {\n val N = ni()\n var ans = 0L\n REP(N - 2) { i =>\n ans += (i + 2) * (i + 3)\n }\n out.println(ans)\n }\n\n private val oj = System.getenv(\"ATCODER_DEBUG\") == null\n\n def DEBUG(f: => Unit): Unit = {\n if (!oj){ f }\n }\n\n def debug(as: Array[Boolean]): Unit = DEBUG {\n debug(as.map(x => if(x) \"1\" else \"0\").mkString)\n }\n\n def debug(as: Array[Int]): Unit = DEBUG {\n debug(as.mkString(\" \"))\n }\n\n def debug(as: Array[Long]): Unit = DEBUG {\n debug(as.mkString(\" \"))\n }\n\n def debug(s: => String): Unit = DEBUG {\n System.err.println(s)\n }\n\n def debugL(num: => Long): Unit = DEBUG {\n System.err.println(num)\n }\n\n class InputReader(val stream: InputStream) {\n private val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream), 32768)\n private var tokenizer: StringTokenizer = _\n\n def next(): String = {\n while (tokenizer == null || !tokenizer.hasMoreTokens)\n tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(reader.readLine)\n tokenizer.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt(): Int = next().toInt\n def nextLong(): Long = next().toLong\n def nextChar(): Char = next().charAt(0)\n }\n val sc = new InputReader(System.in)\n def ni(): Int = sc.nextInt()\n def nl(): Long = sc.nextLong()\n def nc(): Char = sc.nextChar()\n def ns(): String = sc.next()\n def ns(n: Int): Array[Char] = ns().toCharArray\n def na(n: Int, offset: Int = 0): Array[Int] = map(n)(_ => ni() + offset)\n def na2(n: Int, offset: Int = 0): (Array[Int], Array[Int]) = {\n val A1, A2 = Array.ofDim[Int](n)\n REP(n) { i =>\n A1(i) = ni() + offset\n A2(i) = ni() + offset\n }\n (A1, A2)\n }\n def nm(n: Int, m: Int): Array[Array[Int]] = {\n val A = Array.ofDim[Int](n, m)\n REP(n) { i =>\n REP(m) { j =>\n A(i)(j) = ni()\n }\n }\n A\n }\n def nal(n: Int): Array[Long] = map(n)(_ => nl())\n def nm_c(n: Int, m: Int): Array[Array[Char]] = map(n) (_ => ns(m))\n def REP(n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => Unit): Unit = {\n var i = offset\n val N = n + offset\n while(i < N) { f(i); i += 1 }\n }\n def REP_r(n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => Unit): Unit = {\n var i = n - 1 + offset\n while(i >= offset) { f(i); i -= 1 }\n }\n def TO(from: Int, to: Int)(f: Int => Unit): Unit = {\n REP(to - from + 1, from) { i =>\n f(i)\n }\n }\n\n def map[@specialized A: ClassTag](n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => A): Array[A] = {\n val res = Array.ofDim[A](n)\n REP(n)(i => res(i) = f(i + offset))\n res\n }\n\n\n def sumL(as: Array[Int]): Long = {\n var s = 0L\n REP(as.length)(i => s += as(i))\n s\n }\n\n def cumSum(as: Array[Int]) = {\n val cum = Array.ofDim[Long](as.length + 1)\n REP(as.length) { i =>\n cum(i + 1) = cum(i) + as(i)\n }\n cum\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "1bd29d7a8793c22e81a1f6fd3991307a"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\nimport scala.math.pow\n\nobject Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n println(rec(readLong, 1000000000, 9))\n }\n\n @annotation.tailrec\n final def rec(n: Long, x: Long, power: Int, sum: Int = 0): Int = {\n if(power == -1) return sum\n\n var newSum = sum\n var newN = n\n\n if(n == x) newSum += 1\n if(n > x) {\n newN -= x\n newSum += pow(2, power).toInt\n }\n\n rec(newN, x / 10, power - 1, newSum)\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "64a842f9a41f85a83b7d65bfbe21b6cb"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject Main{\n def main (args: Array[String]){\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val n = sc.nextInt()\n\n var a = n / 2\n\n if (a % 2 == 0)\n a -= 1\n\n if (n % 2 == 1)\n println(0)\n else println(a / 2)\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "32b59d23f71800bc29da74a3fe2e2b37"} {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(d, sumTime) = in.next().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val data = (1 to d).map(_ => in.next().split(\" \").map(_.toInt))\n val min = data.map(_.head)\n val max = data.map(_.last)\n var leftTime = sumTime - min.sum\n if (sumTime < min.sum || sumTime > max.sum)\n println(\"NO\")\n else {\n val r = data.map{ t =>\n val q = t.head + Math.min(leftTime, t.last - t.head)\n leftTime += t.head - q\n q\n }\n println(\"YES\")\n println(r.mkString(\" \"))\n }\n}", "src_uid": "f48ff06e65b70f49eee3d7cba5a6aed0"} {"source_code": "object A extends App {\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken)) }\n\n val a = readLine\n val s = readLine\n\n val x = s.groupBy(identity)\n val max = x.values.exists(_.size > 1)\n\n println(if (max || s.length == 1) \"Yes\" else \"No\")\n}\n", "src_uid": "6b22e93f7e429693dcfe3c099346dcda"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject Solution {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n\n val scanner = new Scanner(System.in)\n val n = scanner.nextInt()\n\n var result = false\n for (number <- 0 to n / 2 if !result) {\n if (isCorrect(number) && isCorrect(n - number))\n result = true\n }\n\n println(if (result) \"YES\" else \"NO\")\n\n def isCorrect(number: Int): Boolean = number match {\n case n: Int if n <= 0 => false;\n case n: Int => n % 2 == 0\n }\n }\n}", "src_uid": "230a3c4d7090401e5fa3c6b9d994cdf2"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject A2 {\n\n def solution (x:Int, y:Int) : Int = {\n val a = (1 to x).scan(0)(_ + _)\n var c = y\n if (c>=a.last) c%=a.last\n if (c > 0)\n c - (a.takeWhile(_ <= c).last)\n else\n 0\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val reader = new Scanner(System.in)\n println(solution(reader.nextInt(),reader.nextInt()))\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "5dd5ee90606d37cae5926eb8b8d250bb"} {"source_code": "\n\nimport java.io._\nimport java.util.ArrayList\nimport java.util.StringTokenizer\n//import java.math.BigDecimal\n\nobject Bitz_D { \n \n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n\n //COMMENT ME !\n// is = new ByteArrayInputStream(Test.sa1.trim.getBytes(\"ISO-8859-1\"))\n// debugV = true\n\n\n //---------------------------- parameters reading --------------------------\n br = setupInputOutput(); \n val line1 = readLine\n val n = line1.long\n\n var res = (n*(n+1)) /2 \n res = res * 6 + 1\n println(res)\n \n \n \n //---------------------------- parameters reading end ----------------------\n\n }\n\n \n //---------------------------- service code ----------------------------------\n\n \n def readLine() = new Line \n class Line {\n val tok = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine(), \" \")\n def int = tok.nextToken().toInt\n def long = tok.nextToken().toLong\n def double = tok.nextToken().toDouble\n def string = tok.nextToken()\n }\n \n var debugV = false\n var is = System.in\n var br = setupInputOutput(); \n def db(x: => String) = if (debugV) println(x) // nullary function\n def setupInputOutput(): BufferedReader = {\n val devEnv = this.getClass.getCanonicalName.contains(\".\")\n if (!devEnv) {\n is = System.in\n debugV = false\n }\n val bis = new BufferedInputStream(is);\n new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(bis));\n }\n \n//============================================================================================\nobject Test {\n \nval sa1 = \"\"\"\n1000 1000000\n\"\"\"\n\n}\n\n}\n", "src_uid": "c046895a90f2e1381a7c1867020453bd"} {"source_code": "object A670 {\n\n import IO._\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(n) = readInts(1)\n if(n%7 == 1) {\n println(s\"${2*(n/7)} ${2*(n/7) + 1}\")\n } else if(n%7 == 6) {\n println(s\"${2*(n/7) + 1} ${2*(n/7) + 2}\")\n } else if(n%7 == 0) {\n println(s\"${2 * (n/7)} ${2*(n/7)}\")\n } else {\n println(s\"${2 * (n/7)} ${2 * (n/7) + 2}\")\n }\n }\n\n object IO {\n @inline def read: String = scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInts(n: Int): Array[Int] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int): Array[Long] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int): Array[BigInt] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n }\n\n}\n", "src_uid": "8152daefb04dfa3e1a53f0a501544c35"} {"source_code": "object A {\n def main(args: Array[String]){\n val line1 = readLine().split(\":\")\n val line2 = readLine().split(\":\")\n val h1 = line1(0).toInt\n val m1 = line1(1).toInt\n val h2 = line2(0).toInt\n val m2 = line2(1).toInt\n\n val difHour = h2 - h1\n val difMin = m2 - m1 + (difHour * 60)\n val halfMin = difMin / 2\n val addHour = halfMin / 60\n val addMin = halfMin % 60\n\n var resHour = h1 + addHour\n var resMin = m1 + addMin\n if (resMin >= 60) {\n resHour += 1\n resMin -= 60\n }\n\n println(\"%02d:%02d\".format(resHour, resMin))\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "f7a32a8325ce97c4c50ce3a5c282ec50"} {"source_code": "//package eduround61\n\nimport scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject TaskF extends App {\n val n = StdIn.readInt()\n val s = StdIn.readLine()\n var dp = Array.ofDim[Int](n, n)\n for {\n i <- 0 until n\n j <- 0 until n\n } dp(i)(j) = -1\n\n println(rec(0, n-1))\n\n def rec(l: Int, r: Int): Int = {\n if (dp(l)(r) != -1)\n return dp(l)(r)\n if (l > r) {\n return 0\n }\n if (l == r) {\n return 1\n }\n var res = 1 + rec(l+1, r)\n for (i <- l+1 to r if s(i) == s(l)) {\n res = Math.min(res, rec(l+1, i-1) + rec(i, r))\n }\n dp(l)(r) = res\n res\n }\n\n}\n", "src_uid": "516a89f4d1ae867fc1151becd92471e6"} {"source_code": "//package solutions\n\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport java.util.Scanner\n\nimport scala.util.control.Breaks\n\n/**\n * @author traff\n */\n\n\nobject SolTaskA extends App {\n override def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n run(new Scanner(System.in), out)\n\n out.close()\n }\n\n def run(s: Scanner, out: PrintWriter): Unit = {\n\n val n = s.nextLine().toInt\n\n val a = s.nextLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val b = s.nextLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n var cnt1 = a.foldLeft(Array.fill(5)(0))((a, x) => {\n a(x - 1) += 1\n a\n })\n\n\n var cnt2 = b.foldLeft(Array.fill(5)(0))((a, x) => {\n a(x - 1) += 1\n a\n })\n\n\n Breaks.breakable {\n val d = cnt1.zip(cnt2).foldLeft(0)((c, t) => {\n val d = math.abs(t._1 - t._2)\n if (d % 2 != 0) {\n out.println(-1)\n Breaks.break()\n }\n c + d / 2\n })\n\n out.println(if (d % 2 == 0) d / 2 else -1)\n }\n }\n\n}\n", "src_uid": "47da1dd95cd015acb8c7fd6ae5ec22a3"} {"source_code": "object Main\n{\n\tdef cmp (s1 : Array[Char], s2 : Array[Char]) : Boolean =\n\t{\n\t\tfor (i <- 0 until s1.size)\n\t\t\tif (s1(i) != s2(i)) return false\n\t\treturn true\n\t}\n\n\tdef add (s : String, a : Char) : String =\n\t{\n\t\tvar s2 = new Array[Char](s.size+2)\n\t\tfor (i <- 0 until s.size)\n\t\t\ts2(i) = s(i)\n\t\ts2(s.size) = a\n\n\t\tprintln(\"\")\n\t\tprint (\"Ja izgradi nizata: \")\n\t\tfor (i <- 0 until s2.size)\n\t\t\tprint(s2(i))\n\t\tprintln(\"\")\n\n\t\ts2.toString\n\t}\n\n\tdef main (args : Array[String]) =\n\t{\n\t\tval m = scala.io.StdIn.readInt\n\n\t\tval mat = Array.ofDim[Int](10,10)\n\t\tfor (i <- 0 to 6)\n\t\t\tfor (j <- 0 to 6)\n\t\t\t\tmat(i)(j) = 0\n\n\t\t//println(\"pomina\")\n\n\t\tfor (i <- 0 until m)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tvar a_b = scala.io.StdIn.readLine.split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n\t\t\tvar a = a_b(0)\n\t\t\tvar b = a_b(1)\n\t\t\tmat(a)(b) = 1\n\t\t\tmat(b)(a) = 1\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tvar flag = false\n\n\t\tfor (i <- 1 to 5)\n\t\t\tfor (j <- 1 to 5)\n\t\t\t\tfor (k <- 1 to 5)\n\t\t\t\t\tif (i != j && i != k && j != k)\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif (mat(i)(j) == 1 && mat(i)(k) == 1 && mat(j)(k) == 1)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tflag = true\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif (mat(i)(j) == 0 && mat(i)(k) == 0 && mat(j)(k) == 0)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tflag = true\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (flag == true)\n\t\t\tprintln(\"WIN\")\n\t\telse\n\t\t\tprintln(\"FAIL\")\n\n\t}\n}", "src_uid": "2bc18799c85ecaba87564a86a94e0322"} {"source_code": "object Solution {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n\n val in: Iterator[String] = io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val n = in.next().toInt\n val s = in.next()\n\n var res = Int.MaxValue\n\n val q = s.sliding(4).toList\n q.foreach { current =>\n val Array (a, b, c, d) = current.toArray.map(_ - 'A')\n val aa = changes(a, 'A' - 'A')\n val bb = changes(b, 'C' - 'A')\n val cc = changes(c, 'T' - 'A')\n val dd = changes(d, 'G' - 'A')\n res = Math.min(res, aa + bb + cc + dd)\n }\n\n println(res)\n }\n\n def changes(source: Int, target: Int) = {\n Math.min(Math.min(Math.abs(target - source), target + 26 - source), source + 26 - target)\n }\n\n\n\n}", "src_uid": "ee4f88abe4c9fa776abd15c5f3a94543"} {"source_code": "\n/**\n * Created by MZKL7315 on 4/18/2016.\n */\nobject Main {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) = {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val l = in.next().split(' ').toList\n if (l(0).equals(l(1))) println(l(0))\n else println(1)\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "9c5b6d8a20414d160069010b2965b896"} {"source_code": "object P75A extends App{\n val (a,b) = (readLine,readLine)\n def r(s:String) = s.replace(\"0\",\"\").toInt\n println(if(Array(a,b).map(r).sum == r((a.toInt + b.toInt).toString())) \"YES\" else \"NO\")\n}\n", "src_uid": "ac6971f4feea0662d82da8e0862031ad"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\n\nobject Solution extends App {\n val in = Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(a, b) = in.next().split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n println(a + b - (if ((a - b) % 3 == 0 && a * b != 1) 3 else 2))\n}\n", "src_uid": "ba0f9f5f0ad4786b9274c829be587961"} {"source_code": "import java.io._\nimport java.util\nimport java.util._\n\nobject A {\n\n var out: PrintWriter = null\n var br: BufferedReader = null\n var st: StringTokenizer = null\n\n def next: String = {\n while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens) {\n st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine)\n }\n return st.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt: Int = {\n return Integer.parseInt(next)\n }\n\n def nextLong: Long = {\n return java.lang.Long.parseLong(next)\n }\n\n def solve: Int = {\n val s = next\n val t = next\n val len = s.size\n val s1 = s.toCharArray\n var i = len - 1\n while (i >= 0 && s(i) == 'z') {\n s1(i) = 'a'\n i -= 1\n }\n s1(i) = (s1(i) + 1).toChar\n val res = new String(s1)\n if (res > s && res < t) {\n out.println(res)\n return 1\n }\n out.println(\"No such string\")\n return 1\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(System.out))\n solve\n out.close\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "47618510d2a17b1cc1e6a688201d51a3"} {"source_code": "object A extends App {\n val vs = List('a', 'e', 'u', 'i', 'o', '1', '3', '5', '7', '9')\n val s = scala.io.StdIn.readLine()\n println(s.filter(vs.contains).length)\n}\n", "src_uid": "b4af2b8a7e9844bf58ad3410c2cb5223"} {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val n = readLong\n if (n == 1) println(\"1 1\")\n else {\n val plist = f1(n)\n //println(plist)\n val compV = plist.foldLeft(Vector[(Long, Long)]((1L, 1L))){\n case (l, x) => l.map{case (i, j) => (i * x, j)} ++ l.map{case (i, j) => (i, j * x)}\n }\n //println(compV)\n val (am, bm) = compV match {\n case (a, b) +: rest => rest.foldLeft((a, b)){\n case ((am, bm), (x, y)) => if (math.max(am, bm) > math.max(x, y)) (x, y) else (am, bm)\n }\n }\n println(am.toString + \" \" + bm.toString)\n }\n }\n\n def f1(n: Long): List[Long] = {\n val (ps, np) = (2 to (math.sqrt(n.toDouble) + 1).toInt).foldLeft((List[Long](), n)){\n case ((ls, n), i) => if (n % i == 0) {\n val (is, ni) = f2(n, i)\n (ls :+ is, ni)\n } else (ls, n)\n }\n if (np == 1L) ps else ps :+ np\n }\n\n def f2(n: Long, i: Long): (Long, Long) = {\n def aux(n: Long, i: Long, t: Long): (Long, Long) = if (n % i != 0) (t, n) else aux(n / i, i, t * i)\n aux(n, i, 1L)\n }\n}", "src_uid": "e504a04cefef3da093573f9df711bcea"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject MainB extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n\n def conv(n: Int): List[Int] = {\n def inner(n: Int): List[Int] = {\n if (n < 3) n :: Nil\n else (n % 3) :: inner(n / 3)\n }\n\n inner(n).reverse\n }\n\n def sum(a: List[Int], b: List[Int]): List[Int] = {\n val la = List.make(a.size.max(b.size) - a.size, 0) ++ a\n val lb = List.make(a.size.max(b.size) - b.size, 0) ++ b\n\n val res = for (d <- la zip lb) yield (d._1 + d._2) % 3\n res\n }\n\n def diff(a: List[Int], c: List[Int]): List[Int] = {\n val la = List.make(a.size.max(c.size) - a.size, 0) ++ a\n val lc = List.make(a.size.max(c.size) - c.size, 0) ++ c\n\n for(d <- la zip lc) yield (d._2 - d._1 + 3) % 3\n }\n\n def rest(l: List[Int]): String = {\n val s = for (i <- l.reverse zip Stream.from(0)) yield i._1 * (Math.pow(3, i._2)).toInt\n s.sum.toString()\n }\n\n val a = sc.nextInt()\n val c = sc.nextInt()\n val ca = conv(a)\n val cc = conv(c)\n\n println(rest(diff(ca, cc)))\n}", "src_uid": "5fb635d52ddccf6a4d5103805da02a88"} {"source_code": "object Round213_Div2_Task4 {\n /**\n * <a href=\"http://codeforces.com/contest/365/problem/C\">Contest 213, Div 2, problem C</a>\n *\n * John Doe has recently found a \"Free Market\" in his city \u2014 that is the\n * place where you can exchange some of your possessions for other things\n * for free.\n *\n * John knows that his city has n items in total (each item is\n * unique). You can bring any number of items to the market and exchange\n * them for any other one. Note that each item is one of a kind and that\n * means that you cannot exchange set {a,\u2009b} for set {v,\u2009a}. However, you\n * can always exchange set x for any set y, unless there is item p, such\n * that p occurs in x and p occurs in y.\n *\n * For each item, John knows its value ci. John's sense of justice\n * doesn't let him exchange a set of items x for a set of items y, if\n * s(x)\u2009+\u2009d\u2009<\u2009s(y) (s(x) is the total price of items in the set x).\n *\n * During one day John can exchange only one set of items for something\n * else. Initially, he has no items. John wants to get a set of items\n * with the maximum total price. Find the cost of such set and the\n * minimum number of days John can get it in.\n *\n * Input The first line contains two space-separated integers n, d\n * (1\u2009\u2264\u2009n\u2009\u2264\u200950, 1\u2009\u2264\u2009d\u2009\u2264\u2009104) \u2014 the number of items on the market and\n * John's sense of justice value, correspondingly. The second line\n * contains n space-separated integers ci (1\u2009\u2264\u2009ci\u2009\u2264\u2009104).\n *\n * Output Print two space-separated integers: the maximum possible price\n * in the set of items John can get and the minimum number of days needed\n * to get such set.\n */\n\n val inputStreamReader = {\n import java.net.InetAddress\n import java.security.MessageDigest\n import java.io.{ FileInputStream, InputStreamReader, BufferedReader }\n\n val md = MessageDigest.getInstance(\"SHA-1\")\n val userName = System.getProperty(\"user.name\")\n val hostName = InetAddress.getLocalHost.getHostName\n\n val bytes = md.digest((userName + hostName).getBytes)\n val sb = new StringBuilder\n for (i \u2190 0 until bytes.length)\n sb.append(Integer.toString((bytes(i) & 0xff) + 0x100, 16).substring(1))\n\n val inputStream =\n if (sb.result == \"51a302f8ba1abe181e33fe86c0ab4c7bedfb6c91\") new FileInputStream(\"tmp/0.txt\")\n else System.in\n new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream))\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n import java.util.StringTokenizer\n\n val (n, d) = {\n val st = new StringTokenizer(inputStreamReader.readLine)\n (st.nextToken.toInt, st.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n val costs = {\n val r = Array.fill(n)(0)\n val st = new StringTokenizer(inputStreamReader.readLine)\n for (i \u2190 0 until n) r(i) = st.nextToken().toInt\n r\n }\n val sum = costs.sum\n val dp = Array.fill(n + 1)(Array.fill(sum + 1)(false))\n for (i \u2190 0 until n) dp(i)(0) = true\n\n for {\n n_i \u2190 1 to n\n sum_i \u2190 1 to sum\n } {\n dp(n_i)(sum_i) = dp(n_i - 1)(sum_i)\n if (costs(n_i - 1) <= sum_i) dp(n_i)(sum_i) |= dp(n_i - 1)(sum_i - costs(n_i - 1))\n }\n\n var cur = 0\n var steps = 0\n var found = true\n while (found) {\n found = false\n for {\n i \u2190 Math.min(cur + d, sum) until cur by -1\n j \u2190 1 to n\n if !found && dp(j)(i)\n } {\n found = true\n cur = i\n steps += 1\n }\n }\n println(s\"$cur $steps\")\n }\n}", "src_uid": "65699ddec8d0db2f58b83a0f64de6f6f"} {"source_code": "import java.io._\nimport java.util._\n\nobject D {\n\n var out: PrintWriter = null\n var br: BufferedReader = null\n var st: StringTokenizer = null\n\n def next: String = {\n while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens) {\n st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine)\n }\n return st.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt: Int = {\n return Integer.parseInt(next)\n }\n\n def nextLong: Long = {\n return java.lang.Long.parseLong(next)\n }\n\n def nextDouble: Double = {\n return java.lang.Double.parseDouble(next)\n }\n\n def solve: Int = {\n val n = nextInt\n val p = nextDouble\n val t = nextInt\n val dp = new Array[Array[Double]](n + 1)\n for (i <- 0 to n) {\n dp(i) = new Array[Double](t + 1)\n }\n dp(0)(0) = 1.0d\n for (i <- 1 to t) {\n dp(0)(i) = dp(0)(i - 1) * (1.0d - p)\n }\n for (i <- 1 to n) {\n for (j <- 1 to t) {\n dp(i)(j) += dp(i - 1)(j - 1) * p\n if (i == n) {\n dp(i)(j) += dp(i)(j - 1)\n } else {\n dp(i)(j) += dp(i)(j - 1) * (1.0d - p)\n }\n }\n }\n var ans = 0.0d\n for (j <- 1 to n) {\n ans += dp(j)(t) * j\n }\n out.println(ans)\n return 1\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(System.out))\n solve\n out.close\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "20873b1e802c7aa0e409d9f430516c1e"} {"source_code": "import scala.util.control.Breaks\n\nobject Main extends App {\n\n val Array(a, b) = scala.io.StdIn.readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n //println(a);\n var sum: Long = a;\n var sum2: Long = b;\n var loop = new Breaks;\n loop.breakable {\n for (i <- 1 to 100005) {\n if (i % 2 == 1)\n sum -= i;\n else\n sum2 -= i;\n if (sum < 0) {\n println(\"Vladik\");\n loop.break();\n }\n if (sum2 < 0) {\n println(\"Valera\");\n loop.break();\n }\n }\n }\n\n}\n", "src_uid": "87e37a82be7e39e433060fd8cdb03270"} {"source_code": "object Solution82A extends App {\n\n def aaa(n: Int): Int = {\n def seq(n: Int, sum: Int = 0): Stream[(Int, Int)] = (n, sum) #:: seq(n * 2, sum + n)\n val qqq = seq(5)\n val idx = qqq.indexWhere(_._2 > n)\n val last = qqq(idx - 1)\n val count = last._1 / 5\n val offset = n - last._2\n offset / count\n }\n\n def solution() {\n val names = Map(\n 0 -> \"Sheldon\",\n 1 -> \"Leonard\",\n 2 -> \"Penny\",\n 3 -> \"Rajesh\",\n 4 -> \"Howard\"\n )\n println(names(aaa(_int - 1)))\n }\n\n //////////////////////////////////////////////////\n import java.util.Scanner\n val SC: Scanner = new Scanner(System.in)\n def _line: String = SC.nextLine\n def _int: Int = SC.nextInt\n def _long: Long = SC.nextLong\n def _string: String = SC.next\n solution()\n}", "src_uid": "023b169765e81d896cdc1184e5a82b22"} {"source_code": "import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer\n\nobject Flask {\n def check(data:ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Char]], i:Int, j: Int, n: Int, m: Int): Boolean = {\n (data(i)(j) == 'W' && (\n (j + 1 < m && data(i)(j + 1) == 'P') ||\n (j - 1 >= 0 && data(i)(j - 1) == 'P') ||\n (i + 1 < n && data(i + 1)(j) == 'P') ||\n (i - 1 >= 0 && data(i - 1)(j) == 'P')))\n }\n \n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n var input = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n var n = input(0); var m = input(1)\n var data:ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Char]] = new ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Char]]()\n\n (0 until n).foreach(i => {\n data += new ArrayBuffer[Char]()\n readLine.foreach(ch => data(i) += ch)\n })\n \n var total = 0\n for (i <- 0 to n - 1; j <- 0 to m - 1)\n if (check(data, i, j, n, m))\n total += 1\n\n println(total)\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "969b24ed98d916184821b2b2f8fd3aac"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\n/**\n * Created by dr0ff on 04/03/16.\n */\nobject InsomniaCure {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val in = new Scanner(System.in)\n val k = in.nextInt()\n val l = in.nextInt()\n val m = in.nextInt()\n val n = in.nextInt()\n val dragons = in.nextInt()\n\n print(countPunchedDragons(dragons, k, l, m, n))\n }\n\n def countPunchedDragons(dragons: Int, k: Int, l: Int, m: Int, n: Int): Int = {\n val lcmKL = lcm(k, l);\n val lcmKM = lcm(k, m);\n val lcmKN = lcm(k, n);\n val lcmLM = lcm(l, m);\n val lcmLN = lcm(l, n);\n val lcmMN = lcm(m, n);\n\n dragons / k +\n dragons / l - dragons / lcmKL +\n dragons / m - dragons / lcmKM - dragons / lcmLM +\n dragons / lcm(lcmKM, lcmLM) +\n dragons / n - dragons / lcmKN - dragons / lcmLN - dragons / lcmMN +\n dragons / lcm(lcmKN, lcmLN) + dragons / lcm(lcmKN, lcmMN) + dragons / lcm(lcmLN, lcmMN) -\n dragons / lcm(lcm(lcmKN, lcmLN), lcmMN)\n }\n\n /**\n * Return greatest common divisor using Euclid's Algorithm.\n * @param a\n * @param b\n * @return greates common divisor of a and b\n */\n def gcd(a: Int, b: Int): Int =\n if (b > 0)\n gcd(b, a % b)\n else\n a\n\n /**\n * Return lowest common multiple.\n * @param a\n * @param b\n * @return lowest common multiple of a and b\n */\n def lcm(a: Int, b: Int): Int =\n a * b / gcd(a, b)\n}\n", "src_uid": "46bfdec9bfc1e91bd2f5022f3d3c8ce7"} {"source_code": "object A {\n def gcd(a: Int, b: Int): Int = { if (a<b) gcd(b, a) else if (b==0) a else gcd(b,a%b) }\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val sc = new java.util.Scanner(System.in)\n val n = sc.nextInt();\n val in = Array.fill(n)(sc.nextInt())\n \n println(in.foldLeft(0)(gcd(_, _)) * n)\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "042cf938dc4a0f46ff33d47b97dc6ad4"} {"source_code": "\nobject A {\n def main(args: Array[String]) = {\n solve\n }\n def solve = {\n var n = readLine().toInt\n var ans = 0\n for (e <- (1 to n).map(i => i * (i + 1) / 2)) {\n if (e <= n) {\n n -= e\n ans += 1\n }\n }\n println(ans)\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "873a12edffc57a127fdfb1c65d43bdb0"} {"source_code": "object E extends App {\n def test(a: Double, h: Double) = a * h / 2 / math.sqrt(h * h + a * a / 4)\n val input = readLine().toDouble\n val tests = for {\n i <- 1 to 10\n j <- 1 to 10\n if math.abs(test(i, j) - input) < 1e-6\n } yield (i, j)\n println(tests(0)._1 + \" \" + tests(0)._2)\n}\n", "src_uid": "879ac20ae5d3e7f1002afe907d9887df"} {"source_code": "object C\n{\n val mod = 1000000007L\n \n def main(args: Array[String])\n {\n val n = readLong\n val powN = pow(2,n)\n println(powN*(powN+1)/2%mod)\n }\n def pow(a: Long, b: Long): Long =\n {\n if(b==0) 1L\n else if(b%2==1) (a*pow(a,b-1))%mod\n else\n {\n val sqrt = pow(a,b/2)\n (sqrt*sqrt)%mod\n }\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "782b819eb0bfc86d6f96f15ac09d5085"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject Test {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n StdIn.readLine\n println(StdIn.readLine.split(' ').map(_.toInt).sorted.toList.grouped(2).toList.map{_.reduce{_ - _}}.sum.abs)\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "55485fe203a114374f0aae93006278d3"} {"source_code": "import java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nimport scala.Ordering\nimport scala.collection.mutable\n\nobject C extends App {\n val INF = 1 << 30\n var st: StringTokenizer = _\n def read() = { st = new StringTokenizer(readLine()) }\n def int() = st.nextToken().toInt\n\n read()\n val n = int()\n\n case class Card(id: Int, red: Boolean, rCost: Int, bCost: Int)\n val cards: Array[Card] = (0 until n).map { k =>\n read()\n Card(k, st.nextToken() == \"R\", int(), int())\n }.toArray\n\n case class State(redCost: Int, blueCost: Int)\n val ord = new Ordering[State] {\n override def compare(x: State, y: State): Int = x.redCost - y.redCost\n }\n var states = new Array[List[State]](1 << n)\n\n states(0) = List(State(0, 0))\n\n (1 until (1 << n)).foreach { stateId =>\n val intCards = cards.filter(card => ((1 << card.id) & stateId) != 0)\n val rCards = intCards.count(_.red)\n val bCards = intCards.length - rCards\n val arr = mutable.ArrayBuilder.make[State]\n intCards.foreach { card =>\n val preState = stateId ^ (1 << card.id)\n val redCost = Math.max(0, card.rCost - rCards + (if (card.red) 1 else 0) )\n val blueCost = Math.max(0, card.bCost - bCards + (if (card.red) 0 else 1) )\n states(preState).foreach { pre =>\n arr += State(pre.redCost + redCost, pre.blueCost + blueCost)\n }\n }\n val newStates = arr.result()\n java.util.Arrays.sort(newStates, ord)\n\n var list = List.empty[State]\n list = newStates.reduceLeft { (last, cur) =>\n if (last.redCost <= cur.redCost && last.blueCost <= cur.blueCost) last\n else if (last.redCost >= cur.redCost && last.blueCost >= cur.blueCost) cur\n else { list = last :: list; cur }\n } :: list\n states(stateId) = list\n }\n\n val finalStates = states((1<<n)-1)\n val ans = n + finalStates.map(s => Math.max(s.redCost, s.blueCost)).min\n println(ans)\n\n}\n", "src_uid": "25a77f2b7cb281ff3c7800a20b3e5969"} {"source_code": "\n/**\n * Created by octavian on 07/02/2016.\n */\nobject Kefir {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) = {\n\n //System.setIn(new FileInputStream(\"./src/kefir.in\"))\n //System.setOut(new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(\"./src/kefir.out\")))\n\n val n: Long = readLong()\n val a: Long = readLong()\n val b: Long = readLong()\n val c: Long = readLong()\n\n if(a <= (b - c)) {\n println(n/a)\n }\n else {\n var used: Long = (n - b)/(b - c)\n while(n - used*(b - c) >= b) {\n used += 1\n }\n used = Math.max(used, 0)\n used += (n - used*(b - c))/a\n println(used)\n }\n\n }\n\n}\n", "src_uid": "0ee9abec69230eab25de51aef0984f8f"} {"source_code": "object A{\n def main(args: Array[String]){\n\n val n =readLine.toInt\n val a =readLine.split(\" \").toList.map(_.toInt)\n\n val name =Array[String](\"chest\", \"biceps\", \"back\")\n val sum =Array[Int](0,0,0)\n\n var max=0\n var midx=0\n for((aa,i) <- a.zipWithIndex){\n val ii=i%3\n sum(ii)+=aa\n if(max<sum(ii)){\n max=sum(ii)\n midx=ii;\n }\n }\n \n println(name(midx))\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "579021de624c072f5e0393aae762117e"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\nimport scala.math._\n\nobject Incident {\n \n def main(args : Array[String]){\n \n var in=readLine.split(' ')\n var t=in(0).toLong\n var s=in(1).toLong\n var x=in(2).toLong\n if(x>=t+s)\n\t{\n\tif((x-t)%s==0 || (x-1-t)%s==0) printf(\"YES\\n\")\n\telse printf(\"NO\\n\")\n\t}\n\telse \n\t{\n\t\tif(x==t) printf(\"YES\\n\")\n\t\telse printf(\"NO\\n\")\n\t}\n}\n}", "src_uid": "3baf9d841ff7208c66f6de1b47b0f952"} {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val n = in.next().toInt\n val (m, s) = in.next().split(' ').map(_.toInt).foldLeft((0, 0)) {\n case ((max, state), 0) =>\n (max, 0)\n case ((max, 0), 3) =>\n (max + 1, 0)\n case ((max, 0), el) =>\n (max + 1, el)\n case ((max, 1), 3) =>\n (max + 1, 2)\n case ((max, 2), 3) =>\n (max + 1, 1)\n case ((max, 2), 0) =>\n (max + 1, 0)\n case ((max, state), el) if state == el =>\n (max, 0)\n case ((max, state), el) =>\n (max + 1, el)\n }\n println(n - m)\n}\n", "src_uid": "08f1ba79ced688958695a7cfcfdda035"} {"source_code": "object Main {\n //import java.io.{BufferedReader, InputStreamReader}\n\n val out = new java.io.PrintWriter(System.out, false)\n //val in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n\n def nextInt(): Int = Integer.parseInt(scala.io.StdIn.readLine)\n def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(scala.io.StdIn.readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; val a = new Array[Int](n); for (i <- a.indices) a(i) = Integer.parseInt(tl.nextToken); a }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val n = nextInt()\n //val Array(n) = readInts(1)\n val (a, b) = n % 4 match {\n case 0 => (1, 'A')\n case 1 => (0, 'A')\n case 2 => (1, 'B')\n case 3 => (2, 'A')\n }\n out.println(s\"$a $b\")\n out.flush()\n }\n\n}\n", "src_uid": "488e809bd0c55531b0b47f577996627e"} {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n\n val data = in.next().split(' ').map(_.toLong).sorted\n if (data.last > 2 * (data(0) + data(1)))\n println(data(0) + data(1))\n else {\n println(data.sum / 3)\n\n }\n\n}\n", "src_uid": "bae7cbcde19114451b8712d6361d2b01"} {"source_code": "import Utils._, annotation.tailrec, collection.mutable, util._, control._, math.Ordering.Implicits._\n\nobject _659A extends CodeForcesApp {\n override def apply(io: IO) = {\n val n, a, b = io[Int]\n val m = (a + b) % n\n io += (if (m <= 0) n + m else m)\n }\n}\n/****************************[Ignore Template Below]****************************************/\ntrait CodeForcesApp {\n lazy val isOnlineJudge: Boolean = sys.props.get(\"ONLINE_JUDGE\").exists(_.toBoolean)\n def debug(x: Any): Unit = if (!isOnlineJudge) println(x)\n def apply(io: IO): io.type\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = this(new IO(System.in, System.out)).close()\n}\nobject Utils {\n import scala.collection.mutable, mutable.{Map => Dict}\n implicit class GenericExtensions[A](val a: A) extends AnyVal {\n def partialMatch[B](f: PartialFunction[A, B]): Option[B] = f lift a\n }\n implicit class TraversableExtensions[A, C[X] <: Traversable[X]](val t: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def onlyElement: A = t.head.ensuring(t.size == 1)\n def groupByIdentifier[K](f: A => K): Map[K, A] = t.groupBy(f).mapValues(_.onlyElement)\n def duplicates(implicit b: C of A): C[A] = {\n val elems = mutable.Set.empty[A]\n (t collect {case i if !elems.add(i) => i}).to[C]\n }\n def sum[B](f: A => B)(implicit n: Numeric[B]): B = t.foldLeft(n.zero) {case (p, i) => n.plus(p, f(i))}\n def zipWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit b: C of (A, B)): C[(A, B)] = (t map {i => i -> f(i)}).to[C]\n def mapTo[B](f: A => B)(implicit b: C of (A, B)): Map[A, B] = zipWith(f).toUniqueMap\n def whenNonEmpty[B](f: t.type => B): Option[B] = when(t.nonEmpty)(f(t)) // e.g. grades.whenNonEmpty(_.max)\n def collectFirst[B](f: PartialFunction[A, Option[B]]): Option[B] = t.view collect f collectFirst {case Some(x) => x}\n def toMutableMultiSet: Dict[A, Int] = {\n val c = map[A] to 0\n t.foreach(i => c(i) += 1)\n c\n }\n def toMultiSet: Map[A, Int] = toMutableMultiSet.toMap\n }\n implicit class ArrayExtensions[A <: AnyRef](val a: Array[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def sort(from: Int, until: Int)(implicit cmp: Ordering[A]): Unit = java.util.Arrays.sort(a, from, until, cmp) //sort [from, until)\n }\n implicit class ArrayExtensions2[A](val a: Array[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def sort(from: Int, until: Int)(implicit cmp: Ordering[A]): Unit = a.view(from, until).sorted.copyToArray(a, from)\n }\n implicit class SeqExtensions[A, C[X] <: Seq[X]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def isRotationOf(t: Seq[A]): Boolean = s ++ s containsSlice t\n }\n implicit class PairsExtensions[A, B, C[X] <: Traversable[X]](t: C[(A, B)]) {\n def toUniqueMap: Map[A, B] = t.groupByIdentifier(_._1).mapValues(_._2)\n def toMultiMap(implicit b: C of B): Map[A, C[B]] = t.groupBy(_._1).mapValues(_.map(_._2).to[C])\n def swap(implicit b: C of (B, A)): C[(B, A)] = t.map(_.swap).to[C]\n }\n implicit class MapExtensions[K, V, C[X, Y] <: Map[X, Y]](val m: C[K, V]) extends AnyVal {\n def invert: Map[V, Set[K]] = m.toSet[(K, V)].swap.toMultiMap\n def mapKeys[K2](f: K => K2): Map[K2, V] = m map {case (k, v) => f(k) -> v}\n def toMutable: Dict[K, V] = Dict.empty[K, V] ++ m\n }\n implicit class SetExtensions[A, C[A] <: Set[A]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def notContains(x: A): Boolean = !(s contains x)\n }\n implicit class LongExtensions(val x: Long) extends AnyVal {\n def bitCount: Int = java.lang.Long.bitCount(x)\n }\n implicit class NumericExtensions[A](val x: A)(implicit n: Numeric[A]) {\n import Numeric.Implicits._\n def **(i: Int): A = if (i == 0) n.one else {\n val h = x ** (i/2)\n if (i%2 == 0) h * h else h * h * x\n }\n def nonNegative: Option[A] = when(n.gteq(x, n.zero))(x)\n def whenNegative(f: => A): A = nonNegative getOrElse f //e.g. students indexOf \"Greg\" whenNegative Int.MaxValue\n }\n implicit class IntegralExtensions[A](val x: A)(implicit n: Integral[A]) {\n import scala.collection.immutable.NumericRange, Integral.Implicits._\n def mod(y: A): A = x - ((x / y) * y) //(x/y)*y + (x mod y) == x\n def -->(y: A): NumericRange.Inclusive[A] = NumericRange.inclusive(n.min(x, y), n.max(x, y), n.one)\n }\n def desc[A: Ordering]: Ordering[A] = asc[A].reverse //e.g. students.sortBy(_.height)(desc)\n def asc[A](implicit order: Ordering[A]): Ordering[A] = order\n def map[K] = new {\n def to[V](default: V): Dict[K, V] = Dict.empty[K, V] withDefaultValue default\n }\n def memoize[I] = new {\n def apply[O](f: I => O): I => O = new mutable.HashMap[I, O]() {\n override def apply(key: I) = getOrElseUpdate(key, f(key))\n }\n }\n @inline def when[A](check: Boolean)(f: => A): Option[A] = if (check) Some(f) else None\n def repeat[U](n: Int)(f: => U): Unit = (1 to n).foreach(_ => f)\n type of[C[_], A] = scala.collection.generic.CanBuild[A, C[A]]\n val mod: Int = (1e9 + 7).toInt\n val newLine: String = \"\\n\"\n}\n/***********************************[Scala I/O]*********************************************/\nimport Utils._, java.io._, java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nclass IO(in: BufferedReader, out: BufferedWriter) extends PrintWriter(out, true) with Iterator[String] {\n def this(reader: Reader, writer: Writer) = this(new BufferedReader(reader), new BufferedWriter(writer))\n def this(in: InputStream, out: OutputStream) = this(new InputStreamReader(in), new OutputStreamWriter(out))\n\n private[this] val tokenizers = Iterator.continually(in.readLine()).takeWhile(_ != null).map(new StringTokenizer(_)).buffered\n\n @inline private[this] def tokenizer() = {\n while(tokenizers.nonEmpty && !tokenizers.head.hasMoreTokens) tokenizers.next()\n if (tokenizers.nonEmpty) Some(tokenizers.head) else None\n }\n\n def apply[A](implicit read: IO.Read[A]): A = read.apply(this)\n def apply[C[_], A: IO.Read](n: Int)(implicit b: C of A): C[A] = Iterator.fill(n)(apply).to[C]\n\n def till(delim: String): String = tokenizer().get.nextToken(delim)\n def tillEndOfLine(): String = till(\"\\n\\r\")\n\n override def next() = tokenizer().get.nextToken()\n override def hasNext = tokenizer().nonEmpty\n\n var separator = \" \"\n private[this] var isNewLine = true\n\n def +=[A](x: A)(implicit write: IO.Write[A]): this.type = {\n write(this)(x)\n this\n }\n def appendNewLine(): this.type = {\n println()\n this\n }\n\n override def print(obj: String) = {\n if (isNewLine) isNewLine = false else super.print(separator)\n super.print(obj)\n }\n override def println() = if (!isNewLine) {\n super.println()\n isNewLine = true\n }\n override def close() = {\n flush()\n in.close()\n super.close()\n }\n}\nobject IO {\n class Read[A](val apply: IO => A) {\n def map[B](f: A => B): Read[B] = new Read(apply andThen f)\n }\n object Read {\n implicit def collection[C[_], A: Read](implicit b: C of A): Read[C[A]] = new Read(r => r[C, A](r[Int]))\n implicit val string : Read[String] = new Read(_.next())\n implicit val char : Read[Char] = string.map(_.toTraversable.onlyElement)\n implicit val boolean : Read[Boolean] = string.map(_.toBoolean)\n implicit val int : Read[Int] = string.map(_.toInt)\n implicit val long : Read[Long] = string.map(_.toLong)\n implicit val bigInt : Read[BigInt] = string.map(BigInt(_))\n implicit val double : Read[Double] = string.map(_.toDouble)\n implicit val bigDecimal : Read[BigDecimal] = string.map(BigDecimal(_))\n implicit def tuple2[A: Read, B: Read] : Read[(A, B)] = new Read(r => (r[A], r[B]))\n implicit def tuple3[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read] : Read[(A, B, C)] = new Read(r => (r[A], r[B], r[C]))\n implicit def tuple4[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read, D: Read] : Read[(A, B, C, D)] = new Read(r => (r[A], r[B], r[C], r[D]))\n }\n trait Write[-A] {\n def apply(out: PrintWriter)(x: A): Unit\n }\n trait DefaultWrite {\n implicit def any[A]: Write[A] = Write(_.toString)\n }\n object Write extends DefaultWrite {\n def apply[A](f: A => String) = new Write[A] {\n override def apply(out: PrintWriter)(x: A) = out.print(f(x))\n }\n implicit val boolean: Write[Boolean] = Write(b => if (b) \"YES\" else \"NO\")\n implicit def tuple2[A, B]: Write[(A, B)] = Write {case (a, b) => s\"$a $b\"}\n implicit def iterable[A](implicit write: Write[A]): Write[Traversable[A]] = new Write[Traversable[A]] {\n override def apply(out: PrintWriter)(xs: Traversable[A]) = {\n xs foreach write(out)\n out.println()\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n", "src_uid": "cd0e90042a6aca647465f1d51e6dffc4"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.util.Random\n\nobject P118D extends App {\n def solve(n1: Int, n2: Int, k1: Int, k2: Int): Long = {\n val cache = mutable.Map.empty[(Int, Int), Long]\n\n def dp(a: Int, b: Int): Long =\n if (a < 0 || b < 0) 0\n else if (a == 0) { if (b == 0) 1 else 0 }\n else if (b == 0) { if (a <= k1) 1 else 0 }\n else {\n val pair = (a, b)\n if (cache.contains(pair)) cache(pair)\n else {\n @tailrec\n def loop(acc: Long, i: Int, j: Int): Long =\n if (i == a) acc\n else if (j == b) loop(acc, i + 1, b - k2)\n else loop(acc + dp(i, j), i, j + 1)\n val x = loop(0, a - k1, b - k2) % 100000000L\n cache += (pair -> x)\n x\n }\n }\n dp(n1, n2)\n }\n\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n val n1, n2, k1, k2 = sc.nextInt\n val answer = (solve(n1, n2, k1, k2) + solve(n2, n1, k2, k1)) % 100000000L\n out.println(answer)\n out.close\n}\n", "src_uid": "63aabef26fe008e4c6fc9336eb038289"} {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val s = new Main()\n s.solve()\n s.out.flush()\n }\n}\n\nclass Main {\n import java.io._\n import java.util.StringTokenizer\n\n import scala.collection.mutable\n import scala.util.Sorting\n import math.{abs, max, min}\n import mutable.{ArrayBuffer, ListBuffer}\n import scala.reflect.ClassTag\n\n val MOD = 1000000007\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n case class Rect(x1: Int, y1: Int, x2: Int, y2: Int) {\n def area = (x2 - x1).toLong * (y2 - y1)\n }\n\n def solve(): Unit = {\n val N = ni()\n val R = map(N){ _ =>\n val x1, y1, x2, y2 = ni()\n Rect(x1, y1, x2, y2)\n }\n\n val l = R.map(_.x1).min\n val r = R.map(_.x2).max\n val b = R.map(_.y1).min\n val t = R.map(_.y2).max\n\n val w = r - l\n val h = t - b\n\n val sqr = Rect(l, b, r, t)\n val isSqr = w > 0 && w == h &&\n R.map(_.area).sum == sqr.area\n\n if (isSqr) out.println(\"YES\")\n else out.println(\"NO\")\n }\n\n\n def debug(as: Array[Boolean]): Unit = {\n System.err.println(as.map(x => if(x) \"1\" else \"0\").mkString)\n }\n\n def debug(as: Array[Int]): Unit = {\n System.err.println(as.mkString(\" \"))\n }\n\n def debug(as: Array[Long]): Unit = {\n System.err.println(as.mkString(\" \"))\n }\n\n def debug(s: String): Unit = {\n System.err.println(s)\n }\n\n class InputReader(val stream: InputStream) {\n private val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream), 32768)\n private var tokenizer: StringTokenizer = _\n\n def next(): String = {\n while (tokenizer == null || !tokenizer.hasMoreTokens)\n tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(reader.readLine)\n tokenizer.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt(): Int = next().toInt\n def nextLong(): Long = next().toLong\n def nextChar(): Char = next().charAt(0)\n }\n val sc = new InputReader(System.in)\n def ni(): Int = sc.nextInt()\n def nl(): Long = sc.nextLong()\n def nc(): Char = sc.nextChar()\n def ns(): String = sc.next()\n def ns(n: Int): Array[Char] = ns().toCharArray\n def na(n: Int, offset: Int = 0): Array[Int] = map(n)(_ => ni() + offset)\n def na2(n: Int, offset: Int = 0): (Array[Int], Array[Int]) = {\n val A1, A2 = Array.ofDim[Int](n)\n REP(n) { i =>\n A1(i) = ni() + offset\n A2(i) = ni() + offset\n }\n (A1, A2)\n }\n def nm(n: Int, m: Int): Array[Array[Int]] = {\n val A = Array.ofDim[Int](n, m)\n REP(n) { i =>\n REP(m) { j =>\n A(i)(j) = ni()\n }\n }\n A\n }\n def nal(n: Int): Array[Long] = map(n)(_ => nl())\n def nm_c(n: Int, m: Int): Array[Array[Char]] = map(n) (_ => ns(m))\n def REP(n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => Unit): Unit = {\n var i = offset\n val N = n + offset\n while(i < N) { f(i); i += 1 }\n }\n def REP_r(n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => Unit): Unit = {\n var i = n - 1 + offset\n while(i >= offset) { f(i); i -= 1 }\n }\n\n def map[@specialized A: ClassTag](n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => A): Array[A] = {\n val res = Array.ofDim[A](n)\n REP(n)(i => res(i) = f(i + offset))\n res\n }\n\n\n def sumL(as: Array[Int]): Long = {\n var s = 0L\n REP(as.length)(i => s += as(i))\n s\n }\n\n def cumSum(as: Array[Int]) = {\n val cum = Array.ofDim[Long](as.length + 1)\n REP(as.length) { i =>\n cum(i + 1) = cum(i) + as(i)\n }\n cum\n }\n}", "src_uid": "f63fc2d97fd88273241fce206cc217f2"} {"source_code": "\nimport scala.math._\n\nobject FlippingGame extends App {\n import Scanner._\n\n val n = readInt\n val seq = Array.fill(n)(readInt)\n\n var max = -1\n for(i <- 0 until n) {\n var total = 0\n for(j <- i until n; v = seq(j)) {\n if(v == 0) {\n total += 1\n if(total > max)\n max = total\n } else\n total -= 1\n }\n }\n println(seq.sum + max)\n}\n\n\nobject Scanner {\n def readInt() = {\n var acc = 0\n readWith {\n case c if c >= '0' && c <= '9' && (Int.MaxValue - acc) >= (c - '0') =>\n acc = (acc * 10) + (c - '0')\n }\n acc\n }\n def readLong() = {\n var acc = 0L\n readWith {\n case c if c >= '0' && c <= '9' && (Long.MaxValue - acc) >= (c - '0') =>\n acc = (acc * 10L) + (c - '0')\n }\n acc\n }\n def readDouble() = {\n var (acc, frac, fracPow, readFrac) = (0L, 0L, 1L, false)\n readWith {\n case c if c >= '0' && c <= '9' && !readFrac && (Long.MaxValue - acc) >= (c - '0') =>\n acc = (acc * 10) + (c - '0')\n case c if c >= '0' && c <= '9' && readFrac && (Long.MaxValue - frac) >= (c - '0') =>\n frac = (frac * 10) + (c - '0')\n fracPow *= 10\n case c if c == '.' && !readFrac =>\n readFrac = true\n }\n acc + (frac.toDouble / fracPow)\n }\n def readString() = {\n var string = new StringBuilder\n readWith { case c => string += c }\n string\n }\n def readLine() = Console.in.readLine()\n def readChar() = Console.in.read().toChar\n def readWith(func: PartialFunction[Char, Unit]) {\n val handler = func orElse[Char, Unit] {\n case _ => throw new java.io.IOException(\"unexpected token\")\n }\n\n var c = readChar\n while(c.isWhitespace)\n c = readChar\n\n while(!c.isWhitespace) {\n handler(c)\n\n c = readChar\n }\n }\n}\n\n", "src_uid": "9b543e07e805fe1dd8fa869d5d7c8b99"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\n\nobject Solution extends App {\n val in = Source.stdin.getLines()\n val n = in.next().toInt\n val data = in.next().split(' ').map(_.toInt).distinct.sorted\n if (data.length > 2 && data.sliding(3).exists{case Array(a, b, c) => c == a + 2})\n println(\"YES\")\n else\n println(\"NO\")\n}", "src_uid": "d6c876a84c7b92141710be5d76536eab"} {"source_code": "object A471 extends App {\n // val sticks = scala.io.StdIn.readLine.split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n val sticks = new Array[Int](6)\n val cnt = new Array[Int](10)\n \n val cin = new java.util.Scanner(System.in)\n \n for (i <- 0 until 6)\n sticks(i) = cin.nextInt\n\n for (i <- sticks) cnt(i) += 1\n\n if (cnt.max < 4) println(\"Alien\")\n else {\n val criteria = cnt.filter(x => x != 0 && x != 4)(0) % 2\n println(\n criteria match {\n case 0 => \"Elephant\"\n case 1 => \"Bear\"\n })\n }\n}", "src_uid": "43308fa25e8578fd9f25328e715d4dd6"} {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val n = in.next().toInt\n val data = (1 to n).map(_ => in.next().split(' ').map(_.toInt))\n if (n == 1)\n println(-1)\n else if (n == 3 || n == 4) {\n val min = data.map(_.head).min\n val max = data.map(_.head).max\n val miny = data.map(_.last).min\n val maxy = data.map(_.last).max\n println((maxy - miny) * (max - min))\n } else {\n val min = data.map(_.head).min\n val max = data.map(_.head).max\n val miny = data.map(_.last).min\n val maxy = data.map(_.last).max\n if (min != max && miny != maxy)\n println((maxy - miny) * (max - min))\n else\n println(-1)\n }\n}\n", "src_uid": "ba49b6c001bb472635f14ec62233210e"}