1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:13,400 house got another night 2 00:00:15,533 --> 00:00:19,933 i go for a while but then again slow down 3 00:00:23,133 --> 00:00:26,049 hey mama look at me now 4 00:00:31,366 --> 00:00:34,999 so i'm cocks and my jig while i lay down 5 00:00:36,450 --> 00:00:38,366 and i need more walk la 6 00:00:47,600 --> 00:00:48,400 la la 7 00:00:49,333 --> 00:00:51,533 for crew or young now 8 00:00:53,133 --> 00:00:56,483 they don't know about sit and could let her now 9 00:00:58,933 --> 00:01:04,566 Akoko 10 00:01:06,000 --> 00:01:06,800 La 11 00:01:12,800 --> 00:01:13,600 La La 12 00:01:18,966 --> 00:01:25,249 La the means i know how to decide 13 00:01:38,883 --> 00:01:43,566 'cause i don't know say kind boy i get me high 14 00:01:44,966 --> 00:01:47,449 tells god i knocked me out 15 00:01:47,566 --> 00:01:52,199 oh my dear god oh my 16 00:01:56,683 --> 00:01:59,966 dear god 17 00:02:03,333 --> 00:02:06,933 kammatana kommatana 18 00:02:07,200 --> 00:02:12,133 me light is gotta go cause i know hey maggauk lyin' 19 00:02:12,133 --> 00:02:15,449 OKgo ahead gotta throw it down 20 00:02:17,050 --> 00:02:20,600 cause that i can owe you man i can do 21 00:02:39,600 --> 00:02:40,400 for 22 00:02:54,050 --> 00:02:59,000 the whole hair 23 00:03:06,650 --> 00:03:07,850 妈有 24 00:03:09,800 --> 00:03:10,600 个 25 00:03:13,200 --> 00:03:16,333 她啊da da da da 26 00:03:20,166 --> 00:03:20,966 da 27 00:03:22,283 --> 00:03:24,399 da da 28 00:03:26,650 --> 00:03:27,450 da 29 00:03:34,166 --> 00:03:35,249 but i think 30 00:04:41,683 --> 00:04:45,966 big says soaked dime on a you're not the old shooter 31 00:04:47,483 --> 00:04:50,083 how's cash can't them all 32 00:04:57,683 --> 00:04:59,483 so i'm cocked and my 33 00:05:03,650 --> 00:05:16,050 jimmy' 34 00:05:19,533 --> 00:05:27,766 they don't know about she's dad 35 00:05:30,000 --> 00:05:31,933 you're coming out 36 00:05:32,050 --> 00:05:37,166 there are me so a guy 37 00:05:45,966 --> 00:05:48,049 love me don't know how to decide 38 00:06:05,283 --> 00:06:09,883 there's a journal second boy i get me down 39 00:06:11,566 --> 00:06:13,799 town's gotta knock me out 40 00:06:17,800 --> 00:06:35,650 oh my derga oh my degal 41 00:06:36,800 --> 00:06:38,733 am i gonna look lying on 42 00:06:38,733 --> 00:06:41,849 can i make a coin go and slow it down 43 00:06:43,283 --> 00:06:46,933 cause that i can owe you man i can owe 44 00:07:50,800 --> 00:07:53,533 it says talk dime on eye 45 00:07:53,533 --> 00:07:55,733 you're not here should die 46 00:07:57,200 --> 00:07:59,600 house cash can't them all 47 00:07:59,600 --> 00:08:05,366 rockapita rockapita rockapita 48 00:08:05,533 --> 00:08:07,166 pull you back at home 49 00:08:07,333 --> 00:08:11,283 so i'm cocked in my tea while i lay downtown 50 00:08:12,733 --> 00:08:26,249 Nilennie Mawakalan Mama Moker 51 00:08:34,766 --> 00:08:43,566 a Koko 52 00:08:45,650 --> 00:08:46,450 La 53 00:08:48,683 --> 00:08:49,483 La 54 00:08:54,883 --> 00:08:59,083 Lalove me don't know what to do son 55 00:09:14,800 --> 00:09:19,600 'cause i don't know second boy you'll get me high 56 00:09:31,250 --> 00:09:35,933 strong cocked and Cuban and i on activity 57 00:09:35,933 --> 00:09:40,799 dad i'll sue me again soon i'll come up town up 58 00:09:41,200 --> 00:09:42,766 come up town up 59 00:09:43,083 --> 00:09:48,083 moonlight is gonna go to Simon hey my god looked lyin' 60 00:09:48,083 --> 00:09:51,533 OKlet go and gotta throw it down 61 00:09:52,966 --> 00:09:55,283 cause that i got all you 62 00:10:51,450 --> 00:10:51,650 哦 63 00:10:51,650 --> 00:10:52,683 我们在说话 64 00:10:53,566 --> 00:10:55,566 家我连接不上了 65 00:10:56,400 --> 00:10:57,600 你停止 66 00:10:58,366 --> 00:10:59,483 收讯号 67 00:11:00,766 --> 00:11:03,883 我开始搜寻不到 68 00:11:07,200 --> 00:11:08,000 嗯 69 00:11:08,083 --> 00:11:10,249 到底有谁知道 70 00:11:10,400 --> 00:11:14,166 10点钟方向你才会收到 71 00:11:14,200 --> 00:11:15,000 啊哈 72 00:11:19,050 --> 00:11:20,450 怎么回事呢 73 00:11:20,483 --> 00:11:23,766 是因为我们家Wifi换了吗 74 00:11:24,050 --> 00:11:25,966 感觉不可能是这个原因吧 75 00:11:26,733 --> 00:11:27,533 哎 76 00:11:29,800 --> 00:11:31,133 怎么办呢 77 00:11:32,850 --> 00:11:34,566 今天我回信你啊 78 00:11:34,733 --> 00:11:36,199 完全连不上 79 00:11:36,850 --> 00:11:37,850 麦克风 80 00:11:38,483 --> 00:11:40,733 我现在这声音要逐渐加大了 81 00:11:41,133 --> 00:11:42,683 噔噔噔噔噔噔 82 00:11:45,133 --> 00:11:45,933 哼 83 00:11:47,800 --> 00:11:48,766 哼 84 00:11:50,050 --> 00:11:52,450 怎么样现在音量怎么样 85 00:11:53,000 --> 00:11:55,650 完蛋了连不上啊 86 00:11:59,933 --> 00:12:01,733 完全动都不带动的 87 00:12:03,200 --> 00:12:04,250 哎我人呢 88 00:12:04,766 --> 00:12:06,283 哦哦等一下等一下 89 00:12:11,683 --> 00:12:13,283 等一下我那我退一下声音 90 00:12:15,083 --> 00:12:15,933 呱呱 91 00:12:15,933 --> 00:12:17,249 哦不对不是这个 92 00:12:18,000 --> 00:12:18,800 呱呱呱 93 00:12:18,966 --> 00:12:19,766 好了吗 94 00:12:24,083 --> 00:12:24,883 我 95 00:12:28,733 --> 00:12:31,083 电脑连的光猫手机连的Wifi 96 00:12:32,883 --> 00:12:33,683 哦 97 00:12:33,966 --> 00:12:34,766 哦 98 00:12:35,883 --> 00:12:37,366 哦哦啥意思 99 00:12:37,366 --> 00:12:38,566 等一下我再试试 100 00:12:38,966 --> 00:12:40,049 我好像知道了 101 00:12:43,566 --> 00:12:44,366 啊 102 00:12:51,883 --> 00:12:53,449 等一下别急好吧 103 00:12:54,966 --> 00:12:56,566 你刚起床有点咳嗽 104 00:12:58,400 --> 00:12:59,600 动啊 105 00:13:00,566 --> 00:13:01,366 哎 106 00:13:01,566 --> 00:13:03,333 等等等一下再等一下 107 00:13:05,000 --> 00:13:06,450 动起来呀 108 00:13:08,200 --> 00:13:09,400 哎这个 109 00:13:09,400 --> 00:13:12,600 这个什么这个台词就像扬了的大家 110 00:13:13,800 --> 00:13:15,766 异地了的大家一样的 111 00:13:16,400 --> 00:13:18,200 动啊你动啊 112 00:13:23,050 --> 00:13:24,933 不是我刚才睡了10分钟 113 00:13:29,000 --> 00:13:31,166 我觉得应该这次可以了啊 114 00:13:31,166 --> 00:13:32,933 不可以哦哦不可以不可以 115 00:13:33,000 --> 00:13:34,733 哦这下我觉得马上可以了 116 00:13:36,533 --> 00:13:37,333 等一下啊 117 00:13:37,483 --> 00:13:40,249 我懒得为你设下种种管家 118 00:13:40,333 --> 00:13:42,599 我依然潇洒风尘仆仆 119 00:13:42,650 --> 00:13:43,250 而你是 120 00:13:43,250 --> 00:13:45,166 哎呦这啥呀 121 00:13:45,166 --> 00:13:46,199 为什么 122 00:13:49,600 --> 00:13:50,400 啊 123 00:13:50,933 --> 00:13:51,799 哈哈哈 124 00:13:52,483 --> 00:13:53,683 我们比赛 125 00:13:53,966 --> 00:13:55,683 我再试试我再试最后一次 126 00:13:56,650 --> 00:14:02,000 我不会化作天边的晚霞啦啦啦 127 00:14:02,133 --> 00:14:03,966 我与你同在 128 00:14:04,050 --> 00:14:04,850 啊 129 00:14:05,400 --> 00:14:06,200 啊 130 00:14:09,400 --> 00:14:11,800 我等问一下啊别别急 131 00:14:14,250 --> 00:14:15,050 嗯 132 00:14:15,600 --> 00:14:16,400 看看 133 00:14:16,650 --> 00:14:19,133 我与你同在呀 134 00:14:23,766 --> 00:14:26,849 电话摩特啦啦啦啦啦 135 00:14:29,000 --> 00:14:30,533 今天身体不是很好 136 00:14:30,533 --> 00:14:32,249 大家脸色比较苍白 137 00:14:32,250 --> 00:14:35,200 大家不会那个什么的吧 138 00:14:35,850 --> 00:14:37,283 不介意的吧 139 00:14:38,966 --> 00:14:41,283 问一下我找人问一下问问谁 140 00:14:41,650 --> 00:14:43,450 马上发到群里去问 141 00:14:55,683 --> 00:14:57,399 好热好热奶茶也没了 142 00:14:57,400 --> 00:14:59,333 哎哎 143 00:15:06,050 --> 00:15:07,566 问你那你跟我说说 144 00:15:09,250 --> 00:15:12,766 i must have sent four hundred poems 145 00:15:12,850 --> 00:15:14,483 是现在那个什么呢 146 00:15:14,600 --> 00:15:16,566 呃刚才呃奶茶饭了 147 00:15:16,566 --> 00:15:17,766 第一时间就赶紧 148 00:15:17,766 --> 00:15:20,333 让朋友快先帮我重新点一杯 149 00:15:20,400 --> 00:15:22,200 这个是最重要的事情 150 00:15:23,650 --> 00:15:25,166 地倒是拖干净了 151 00:15:36,133 --> 00:15:36,933 那不 152 00:15:38,000 --> 00:15:39,166 那不然呢 153 00:15:39,483 --> 00:15:40,283 等下等下 154 00:15:40,600 --> 00:15:41,400 我看看 155 00:15:43,333 --> 00:15:44,799 啊这个怎么弄呢 156 00:15:51,800 --> 00:15:54,933 说实话你们不觉得很很那个什么吗 157 00:15:55,966 --> 00:15:56,766 对不起 158 00:15:58,166 --> 00:15:59,333 很像样吗 159 00:16:02,366 --> 00:16:03,166 不觉得吗 160 00:16:03,883 --> 00:16:06,799 他应该早上没粘上他只是悄悄在那喝 161 00:16:07,933 --> 00:16:08,883 很好 162 00:16:12,933 --> 00:16:13,733 我想问一下 163 00:16:16,566 --> 00:16:18,283 群群在哪来着 164 00:16:22,483 --> 00:16:23,733 艾特谁问啊 165 00:16:24,533 --> 00:16:25,199 嗯 166 00:16:25,200 --> 00:16:27,533 下连接不上 167 00:16:27,683 --> 00:16:29,649 hold me house 168 00:16:29,650 --> 00:16:31,483 if you would be 169 00:16:32,450 --> 00:16:37,133 i lost more than money dear you know bliss why 170 00:16:37,600 --> 00:16:38,850 you're out of me 171 00:16:41,166 --> 00:16:41,966 OK 172 00:16:44,800 --> 00:16:47,133 说实话很像样我个人觉得 173 00:16:47,933 --> 00:16:50,133 哈哈哈哈哈 174 00:16:53,333 --> 00:16:54,849 我看前一个艾特谁来着 175 00:17:03,083 --> 00:17:05,083 you just show my 176 00:17:05,083 --> 00:17:06,933 看下他们一般都艾特谁啊 177 00:17:07,283 --> 00:17:09,366 i'll say Goodbye 178 00:17:09,600 --> 00:17:11,850 要艾特吗艾特也太那个了吧 179 00:17:12,000 --> 00:17:15,566 艾特的话太也太也太像领导发言了吧 180 00:17:15,566 --> 00:17:16,599 你们觉得呢 181 00:17:16,600 --> 00:17:17,800 要艾特吗 182 00:17:21,766 --> 00:17:23,283 小小艾特一下 183 00:17:29,533 --> 00:17:31,133 说实话我都不知道他们谁是谁 184 00:17:31,133 --> 00:17:31,999 你们知道吗 185 00:17:37,683 --> 00:17:38,483 我不知道 186 00:17:38,533 --> 00:17:39,649 你们说的那个十首 187 00:17:39,650 --> 00:17:41,400 情才老师具体是哪个 188 00:17:41,483 --> 00:17:42,966 哪个那个什么 189 00:17:43,600 --> 00:17:44,800 到底谁是他 190 00:17:55,400 --> 00:17:56,200 咳咳 191 00:17:56,600 --> 00:17:59,366 i am slowly by 192 00:18:03,000 --> 00:18:06,650 searching in my mind 193 00:18:09,883 --> 00:18:13,166 breads i cannot fight 194 00:18:17,166 --> 00:18:18,849 哈哈哈 195 00:18:19,683 --> 00:18:20,483 我这 196 00:18:20,883 --> 00:18:23,249 的前几天让他们把名字报一下 197 00:18:23,933 --> 00:18:26,049 大部分我还是认识的好吗 198 00:18:26,650 --> 00:18:29,166 就是有几个人不认识不是有几个 199 00:18:29,166 --> 00:18:30,966 人就是领导不认识 200 00:18:31,966 --> 00:18:33,449 哦等一下我看一下 201 00:18:35,050 --> 00:18:35,850 我瞅瞅 202 00:18:39,800 --> 00:18:40,733 哦我知道了 203 00:18:40,933 --> 00:18:43,133 我已经完全明白了哎呀我是猪啊 204 00:18:43,133 --> 00:18:46,849 i said i still love you better than for you 205 00:18:47,166 --> 00:18:50,166 i still love you better than for you 206 00:18:51,533 --> 00:18:52,333 啊 207 00:18:54,683 --> 00:18:57,683 啊完全解决了啊这太简单了吧 208 00:18:58,683 --> 00:18:59,933 什么低级错误 209 00:19:02,566 --> 00:19:03,733 啊小断了一下呢 210 00:19:03,800 --> 00:19:04,766 哎怎么哎我 211 00:19:04,766 --> 00:19:05,566 哎我啊 212 00:19:05,566 --> 00:19:06,399 好了好了 213 00:19:12,800 --> 00:19:13,600 OK 214 00:19:19,166 --> 00:19:19,566 哎不是 215 00:19:19,566 --> 00:19:21,883 刚才有人说是不是那个什么一个人 216 00:19:21,883 --> 00:19:23,166 是什么什么什么 217 00:19:23,450 --> 00:19:24,966 哎呀咳嗽一下先 218 00:19:30,800 --> 00:19:34,083 colors vanishing 219 00:19:37,683 --> 00:19:40,399 wide eyed when we were falling in love 220 00:19:40,400 --> 00:19:43,333 but now you're falling and i can't see 221 00:19:44,250 --> 00:19:45,400 嗯嗯嗯 222 00:19:47,933 --> 00:19:48,733 嗯 223 00:19:48,850 --> 00:19:49,800 好明白了 224 00:19:49,850 --> 00:19:51,650 不是刚才有个人说那个什么 225 00:19:51,650 --> 00:19:53,200 是不是不是同一个Wifi 226 00:19:53,200 --> 00:19:54,000 那个什么 227 00:19:54,366 --> 00:19:55,999 然后我完全明白了啊 228 00:19:56,000 --> 00:19:58,000 这也是是这个问题 229 00:20:07,450 --> 00:20:08,400 没偷塔 230 00:20:11,200 --> 00:20:14,166 睡觉前吃了那个嗑了瓜子可能 231 00:20:14,283 --> 00:20:16,083 然后就变得很那个 232 00:20:16,600 --> 00:20:18,766 就就刚才睡觉有点咳嗽 233 00:20:23,533 --> 00:20:25,249 少嗑瓜子啊大家 234 00:20:26,483 --> 00:20:27,366 啊 235 00:20:28,200 --> 00:20:29,000 啊 236 00:20:33,083 --> 00:20:34,166 等下东西掉了 237 00:20:37,566 --> 00:20:38,366 嗯 238 00:20:41,333 --> 00:20:42,133 嗯 239 00:20:45,483 --> 00:20:46,283 啊 240 00:20:46,883 --> 00:20:50,199 是是大家嗯什么要少吃瓜子呃 241 00:20:50,200 --> 00:20:54,600 吃瓜子吃多了的话就是瓜子他就是呃 242 00:20:55,400 --> 00:20:57,800 不会豁牙我不知道你们牙齿有多坏 243 00:20:57,800 --> 00:20:59,650 你们的牙齿有这么脆弱吗 244 00:21:04,733 --> 00:21:06,649 就是瓜子他加了很 245 00:21:06,850 --> 00:21:09,283 就加了很多咸咸的东西你们知道吗 246 00:21:09,283 --> 00:21:11,249 然后让他的味道变得很重 247 00:21:11,600 --> 00:21:13,333 对对对所以说呃 248 00:21:13,366 --> 00:21:14,399 很容易上火 249 00:21:14,400 --> 00:21:17,250 所以上火大家可以那个什么呃 250 00:21:18,483 --> 00:21:19,933 啊等我一下再咳一下 251 00:21:31,966 --> 00:21:32,766 嗯 252 00:21:33,566 --> 00:21:35,733 就他太咸了你们知道吗 253 00:21:37,050 --> 00:21:38,283 哎等一下我声音太大了吧 254 00:21:38,283 --> 00:21:39,883 我个人觉得听着 255 00:21:41,450 --> 00:21:43,283 就他吃起来很咸啊 256 00:21:47,800 --> 00:21:49,200 所以说吃瓜子上火的 257 00:21:49,200 --> 00:21:52,683 大家可以那个什么呃吃点那个呃 258 00:21:54,200 --> 00:21:56,650 吃点那个什么喝点奶茶中和一下 259 00:21:56,650 --> 00:21:57,366 调理一下 260 00:21:57,366 --> 00:21:58,933 因为奶茶他是比较甜的 261 00:21:58,933 --> 00:22:00,933 就甜的跟咸的要中和一下 262 00:22:01,166 --> 00:22:04,049 大家知道我们的身体必须要保持一个 263 00:22:04,366 --> 00:22:06,566 懂吧就酸碱性一个 264 00:22:06,566 --> 00:22:09,283 留在一个正常的一个呃浓度 265 00:22:10,133 --> 00:22:10,933 懂吗 266 00:22:10,966 --> 00:22:13,249 就是就是可以喝点奶茶调理一下 267 00:22:14,200 --> 00:22:15,000 嗯 268 00:22:15,050 --> 00:22:16,883 喝点甜的就可以调理一下 269 00:22:31,883 --> 00:22:34,449 对对对上火的大家可以像主播一样 270 00:22:34,450 --> 00:22:36,766 主播是点的那个加了冰的奶茶 271 00:22:38,283 --> 00:22:39,999 你们可能是喝的热的 272 00:22:40,250 --> 00:22:41,366 give me the time i need 273 00:22:52,483 --> 00:22:53,283 you 274 00:23:00,133 --> 00:23:01,366 你不是上火吗 275 00:23:01,366 --> 00:23:03,249 喝杯奶茶给你降降温 276 00:23:04,566 --> 00:23:06,399 哈哈哈哈 277 00:23:08,933 --> 00:23:10,799 使用一下小虎牙 278 00:23:14,450 --> 00:23:16,250 奶茶估计得等一会了 279 00:23:17,800 --> 00:23:19,133 你说 280 00:23:19,200 --> 00:23:22,533 我给不了最简单的承诺 281 00:23:25,533 --> 00:23:28,249 i don't know no more pretty more 282 00:23:28,250 --> 00:23:30,366 it must know that no more 283 00:23:30,850 --> 00:23:33,450 come on more need them even more 284 00:23:34,083 --> 00:23:37,849 my dark eyes come on and 285 00:23:46,566 --> 00:23:47,366 i 286 00:23:57,283 --> 00:23:59,649 哎为什么今天高能这么多啊 287 00:23:59,650 --> 00:24:02,450 好奇怪是哔哩哔哩又改了吗 288 00:24:03,600 --> 00:24:05,200 啊本来想给大家唱唱歌的 289 00:24:05,200 --> 00:24:06,400 但是我爸待会 290 00:24:06,533 --> 00:24:09,049 那个唱着唱着梗死在那了 291 00:24:20,200 --> 00:24:22,800 sanada me no knock a day 292 00:24:22,800 --> 00:24:25,166 king me no hit i hope i dig that 293 00:24:25,800 --> 00:24:29,883 what good no go no he be what king me no done me no thing say 294 00:24:31,850 --> 00:24:32,566 哎 295 00:24:32,566 --> 00:24:34,199 我挂一下圣剑礼物是吗 296 00:24:34,200 --> 00:24:37,133 好的好的啊我看看我圣剑礼物呢 297 00:24:37,400 --> 00:24:40,000 啊这个啊请看大家 298 00:24:42,133 --> 00:24:44,366 我不不发弹我也能记住高能了 299 00:24:44,366 --> 00:24:45,683 之前不能吗 300 00:24:46,800 --> 00:24:47,966 多喝点水啊 301 00:25:03,333 --> 00:25:05,249 啥也没干怎么会活呀 302 00:25:11,933 --> 00:25:12,733 哎 303 00:25:12,800 --> 00:25:14,450 以后上播前不吃瓜子了 304 00:25:14,450 --> 00:25:16,083 以后我得少吃瓜子了 305 00:25:16,566 --> 00:25:18,449 瓜子怎么咳的这么厉害 306 00:25:22,283 --> 00:25:24,283 啊呃呃 307 00:25:26,200 --> 00:25:27,850 好好开玩吧 308 00:25:31,333 --> 00:25:32,249 嗯嗯 309 00:25:42,850 --> 00:25:43,650 嗯 310 00:25:49,366 --> 00:25:50,849 啊啊 311 00:25:51,166 --> 00:25:53,133 我声音太哑了吧真的 312 00:25:53,533 --> 00:25:54,333 啊 313 00:26:00,333 --> 00:26:01,766 等一下我要在上面 314 00:26:05,133 --> 00:26:05,933 我下来 315 00:26:06,083 --> 00:26:06,883 OK 316 00:26:10,766 --> 00:26:11,683 游戏呢 317 00:26:13,966 --> 00:26:14,849 哎等等 318 00:26:16,800 --> 00:26:18,000 怎么打不开啊 319 00:26:20,966 --> 00:26:22,966 啊估计卡死了得重开一下 320 00:26:26,566 --> 00:26:29,133 哎呀怎么不动啊 321 00:26:31,883 --> 00:26:33,249 我关也关不掉啊 322 00:26:33,250 --> 00:26:34,000 要死要活 323 00:26:34,000 --> 00:26:35,133 给个痛快话 324 00:26:42,050 --> 00:26:42,966 好好好 325 00:26:44,333 --> 00:26:44,999 不是我也 326 00:26:45,000 --> 00:26:48,050 我我我我开机就把它打开了的 327 00:26:48,200 --> 00:26:50,650 但是他现在打不开这个窗口了 328 00:26:50,650 --> 00:26:52,050 然后也关不掉 329 00:26:53,083 --> 00:26:54,599 这么远吗这不是啊 330 00:26:54,600 --> 00:26:57,050 幸好我会用任务管理器啊 331 00:26:57,283 --> 00:26:59,283 有的观众可能不太会用 332 00:26:59,400 --> 00:27:00,966 我告诉你们怎么用啊 333 00:27:00,966 --> 00:27:04,049 就是在那个什么呃呃 334 00:27:04,083 --> 00:27:08,049 那个桌面下方右键点那个任务管理器 335 00:27:08,050 --> 00:27:09,566 他就可以出来了 336 00:27:21,133 --> 00:27:23,733 是是确实有很多观众不知道来着 337 00:27:23,766 --> 00:27:25,733 呃如果不知道这个技能的话 338 00:27:25,733 --> 00:27:27,799 就会被卡半天了有可能 339 00:27:28,483 --> 00:27:29,283 嗯 340 00:27:30,000 --> 00:27:33,050 不用谢呀一直都是技术型主播啊 341 00:27:38,566 --> 00:27:39,933 这车哈哦哦哦 342 00:27:42,766 --> 00:27:45,649 啊今天哦对对对声音哎呀太厉害了吧 343 00:27:45,650 --> 00:27:46,450 等等啊 344 00:27:47,200 --> 00:27:48,283 怎么是这来着 345 00:27:48,333 --> 00:27:51,049 哦哦哦等我一下哦怎怎么弄来着 346 00:27:54,250 --> 00:27:57,450 你都是重启自动的弄什么服装弄的吗 347 00:27:57,566 --> 00:27:59,249 哎那你有点猪了 348 00:28:00,050 --> 00:28:02,450 哦我得想想怎么弄的 349 00:28:03,483 --> 00:28:04,283 啊 350 00:28:04,400 --> 00:28:05,400 who you're blue 351 00:28:05,733 --> 00:28:08,883 would be moving in my life so true 352 00:28:10,050 --> 00:28:13,050 she's the one that you're not end up till i'm not soon 353 00:28:13,050 --> 00:28:14,600 i'll go to throw you a dusty time 354 00:28:14,600 --> 00:28:15,566 i hit them up 355 00:28:16,133 --> 00:28:17,966 keep me under your keep me 356 00:28:20,366 --> 00:28:23,399 ah oh oh we we 357 00:28:36,733 --> 00:28:37,533 啊啊 358 00:28:38,483 --> 00:28:42,449 啊哇哇吗劝他吗 359 00:28:43,850 --> 00:28:44,650 喂 360 00:28:53,966 --> 00:28:56,049 你听得到我说话啊 361 00:28:58,800 --> 00:29:00,133 等一下等一下 362 00:29:03,850 --> 00:29:06,166 故障太多了啊 363 00:29:06,283 --> 00:29:08,999 卡住了呀哦好了好了等我一下 364 00:29:09,200 --> 00:29:10,566 我想想怎么弄的来着 365 00:29:10,566 --> 00:29:12,166 我有点忘记了啊 366 00:29:12,166 --> 00:29:14,133 我人为什么又不动了呢 367 00:29:16,083 --> 00:29:17,649 等一下啊别急 368 00:29:22,883 --> 00:29:24,199 以前怎么弄的来着 369 00:29:25,800 --> 00:29:27,133 是点这个吗 370 00:29:30,200 --> 00:29:32,333 等下我有点忘记了我看看啊 371 00:29:34,400 --> 00:29:35,566 应该是这样弄 372 00:29:36,733 --> 00:29:37,733 嗯啊 373 00:29:39,450 --> 00:29:44,933 哎呀妈妈呀这都是播到8:40哈哈哈哈哈 374 00:29:45,483 --> 00:29:46,283 啊 375 00:29:47,400 --> 00:29:48,733 别急别急 376 00:29:53,533 --> 00:29:56,049 别急然后也别走然后也别急 377 00:30:01,133 --> 00:30:03,999 看看等一下他这个有点那个什么 378 00:30:04,133 --> 00:30:05,766 死机了他这个 379 00:30:06,483 --> 00:30:08,649 我调整声音调整声音的这个 380 00:30:08,850 --> 00:30:10,483 关闭关闭重来重来 381 00:30:10,733 --> 00:30:11,533 走开 382 00:30:13,883 --> 00:30:14,683 哎 383 00:30:16,366 --> 00:30:17,799 music呢 384 00:30:32,483 --> 00:30:34,733 啊啊好好好没有没有弄错了 385 00:30:35,966 --> 00:30:37,683 这下我键盘怎么这么卡 386 00:30:39,566 --> 00:30:39,883 暴雨 387 00:30:39,883 --> 00:30:41,849 要求很高吗也没有吧 388 00:30:45,933 --> 00:30:47,483 又卡住了 389 00:30:50,883 --> 00:30:51,849 啊好了好了 390 00:30:52,966 --> 00:30:54,133 啊我想想 391 00:30:59,483 --> 00:31:01,333 有两个飞机吗你想再听一下吗 392 00:31:01,333 --> 00:31:02,133 可以的 393 00:31:04,733 --> 00:31:06,883 OK这样好了你想再听一下吗 394 00:31:08,733 --> 00:31:10,366 喂喂喂 395 00:31:10,366 --> 00:31:11,933 这下是三个是吧 396 00:31:16,566 --> 00:31:17,483 喂 397 00:31:17,650 --> 00:31:18,450 哈哈 398 00:31:20,800 --> 00:31:23,333 我知道有两个阴鬼啊我故意的 399 00:31:24,283 --> 00:31:28,683 all the fears come out dressed as the unknown 400 00:31:28,733 --> 00:31:33,166 it's a messy maze at the top of the dawn 401 00:31:33,166 --> 00:31:37,599 it's a heavy flood and someone broke the gates 402 00:31:42,366 --> 00:31:43,166 嗯 403 00:31:46,766 --> 00:31:48,599 我小人怎么卡了呢 404 00:31:48,966 --> 00:31:50,049 别急别急 405 00:31:50,566 --> 00:31:51,683 哈哈哈 406 00:32:00,566 --> 00:32:02,599 大家好我要干嘛来着 407 00:32:02,600 --> 00:32:05,133 哎我现在有点那个手忙脚乱了 408 00:32:06,683 --> 00:32:08,733 哎哦好了好了这回好了 409 00:32:14,366 --> 00:32:16,133 哈哈哈 410 00:32:16,250 --> 00:32:16,850 哈哈 411 00:32:16,850 --> 00:32:20,283 哎说实话给我整笑了都有点 412 00:32:20,566 --> 00:32:22,683 马上啊别急马上就好了 413 00:32:23,133 --> 00:32:25,649 不是啊这他为什么又没杀了 414 00:32:33,083 --> 00:32:34,733 嗯先试试啊先试试 415 00:32:35,166 --> 00:32:37,933 跟你们闹着玩呢我看打开游戏 416 00:32:40,133 --> 00:32:41,933 怎么打开打不开了呀怎么 417 00:32:42,050 --> 00:32:43,133 啊 418 00:32:43,366 --> 00:32:44,249 啊 419 00:32:47,166 --> 00:32:49,449 都动啊哼 420 00:32:56,533 --> 00:32:57,933 呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜 421 00:33:02,333 --> 00:33:04,166 这个是什么哈哈 422 00:33:04,600 --> 00:33:06,533 不是是我电脑卡住了 423 00:33:06,966 --> 00:33:08,366 我现在电脑有点这个 424 00:33:08,366 --> 00:33:10,333 他这个为什么打不开啊 425 00:33:10,366 --> 00:33:12,533 这个游戏有问题这个游戏有问题 426 00:33:14,850 --> 00:33:15,650 嗯 427 00:33:16,533 --> 00:33:17,533 不是声音的问题 428 00:33:17,533 --> 00:33:20,333 现在是电脑这个他的游戏他卡住他 429 00:33:20,333 --> 00:33:22,733 他在下面右下角他动不了哈 430 00:33:23,166 --> 00:33:24,366 好好我结束任务 431 00:33:25,733 --> 00:33:26,649 结束任务 432 00:33:27,883 --> 00:33:30,683 又重来啊哎呀真的是 433 00:33:31,400 --> 00:33:33,883 我电脑东西开太多了吗等我一下啊 434 00:33:35,400 --> 00:33:37,333 我桌面太满了呀 435 00:33:38,566 --> 00:33:39,883 别急啊 436 00:33:42,050 --> 00:33:42,850 嗯 437 00:33:45,600 --> 00:33:47,333 别急主播比你急 438 00:33:50,083 --> 00:33:51,199 嗯嗯 439 00:33:56,083 --> 00:33:56,883 NO 440 00:34:00,000 --> 00:34:01,800 这怎么游戏白屏屏屏 441 00:34:01,800 --> 00:34:02,600 哎 442 00:34:04,133 --> 00:34:05,766 这个游戏有问题啊 443 00:34:06,083 --> 00:34:07,933 是不是买到盗版的了 444 00:34:08,600 --> 00:34:10,400 进门卖我盗版是吧 445 00:34:14,050 --> 00:34:15,766 为什么白屏啊 446 00:34:16,533 --> 00:34:17,483 完了完了 447 00:34:17,850 --> 00:34:18,933 喂响应 448 00:34:19,166 --> 00:34:21,733 关只有关闭程序已经关闭两次了 449 00:34:22,050 --> 00:34:23,250 干嘛呢 450 00:34:24,250 --> 00:34:25,133 咱俩最后一次 451 00:34:25,133 --> 00:34:27,566 我再给你最后一次机会还是摆平完蛋 452 00:34:33,166 --> 00:34:34,199 哈哈哈 453 00:34:38,283 --> 00:34:41,283 怎么办呢 454 00:34:44,333 --> 00:34:46,933 怎么办呢 455 00:34:47,083 --> 00:34:48,766 啊steam要重启一下吗 456 00:34:49,000 --> 00:34:50,566 啊原来这个要重启 457 00:34:50,566 --> 00:34:54,083 这个要打开steam才能开吗没有吧 458 00:34:54,083 --> 00:34:54,883 是吗 459 00:34:56,600 --> 00:34:57,566 我试试啊 460 00:34:59,566 --> 00:35:01,449 不是吗可是我已经把这个游戏 461 00:35:01,733 --> 00:35:03,483 下载到到我的电脑上了 462 00:35:03,483 --> 00:35:05,883 还需要打开steam才能玩游戏吗 463 00:35:06,400 --> 00:35:07,200 是吗 464 00:35:07,566 --> 00:35:07,999 可是 465 00:35:08,000 --> 00:35:09,933 这个游戏不是已经下载到我电脑上 466 00:35:09,933 --> 00:35:10,733 了吗 467 00:35:15,083 --> 00:35:15,649 HA 468 00:35:15,650 --> 00:35:17,733 可是这个游戏不是已经作为单机 469 00:35:17,733 --> 00:35:21,366 游戏下载到我电脑上了吗啊 470 00:35:24,083 --> 00:35:25,483 好奇怪呀 471 00:35:28,200 --> 00:35:30,650 不是在键盘上面下载的呀 472 00:35:31,250 --> 00:35:34,283 可是我一直以为我从基本上20多个g 473 00:35:34,283 --> 00:35:35,766 下载到我电脑上了 474 00:35:35,766 --> 00:35:38,166 他就是属于我电脑的了呀 475 00:35:38,166 --> 00:35:39,533 就像是我从 476 00:35:39,766 --> 00:35:42,366 网上下载了一个视频到我电脑 477 00:35:42,366 --> 00:35:45,199 然后然后我也不用联网就可以玩这个 478 00:35:45,200 --> 00:35:47,883 是这个有这个看这个视频了呀 479 00:35:51,933 --> 00:35:53,566 别急别急啊哈哈 480 00:35:53,600 --> 00:35:55,200 哈哈 481 00:35:55,683 --> 00:35:56,999 别急别急 482 00:35:57,933 --> 00:35:58,733 可是这个电 483 00:35:58,733 --> 00:36:01,049 这个游戏图标都在我电脑上哎 484 00:36:01,050 --> 00:36:02,400 都在我的桌面上 485 00:36:02,650 --> 00:36:04,250 哎不是他还是白屏啊 486 00:36:04,250 --> 00:36:06,683 你给我我再给你最后一次机会快点 487 00:36:10,600 --> 00:36:11,766 打什么那游戏 488 00:36:14,166 --> 00:36:15,333 那我要是复制给别人 489 00:36:15,333 --> 00:36:16,766 他不也能随便玩了吗 490 00:36:16,883 --> 00:36:18,449 你好像说的有道理 491 00:36:20,166 --> 00:36:20,966 嗯 492 00:36:23,533 --> 00:36:25,399 哎我电脑怎么黑屏了 493 00:36:26,200 --> 00:36:29,200 不是白屏又变黑屏了我真的要生气了 494 00:36:29,566 --> 00:36:31,533 你以为我不会生气是吧 495 00:36:33,200 --> 00:36:34,483 别急别急啊 496 00:36:34,800 --> 00:36:35,850 啊 497 00:36:36,050 --> 00:36:37,733 那我以前都是在怎么玩啊 498 00:36:37,733 --> 00:36:39,366 我真不知道大家 499 00:36:43,050 --> 00:36:46,483 谢谢睡梦中相恋的舰长哎呀我的天呐 500 00:36:46,600 --> 00:36:50,366 我在这个时期上舰长怪不好意思的 501 00:36:52,283 --> 00:36:53,049 哎呀 502 00:36:53,050 --> 00:36:55,050 这个这咋不对不起对不起我不叫了 503 00:36:55,050 --> 00:36:56,883 不是他打不开啊 504 00:36:56,883 --> 00:36:59,766 他一直问响应我做错什么了 505 00:37:02,933 --> 00:37:04,199 what do you mean 506 00:37:04,850 --> 00:37:05,250 hmm 507 00:37:05,250 --> 00:37:06,200 嗯嗯 508 00:37:08,600 --> 00:37:10,083 啊你们那边能看到吗 509 00:37:10,083 --> 00:37:12,333 你们那边能看到白屏了吗 510 00:37:13,050 --> 00:37:15,133 我把字母关了吗没有啊 511 00:37:17,850 --> 00:37:19,333 怎么不往电脑啊 512 00:37:23,250 --> 00:37:24,050 NO 513 00:37:26,483 --> 00:37:29,533 什么叫比圣诞小剧场有意思多了 514 00:37:29,533 --> 00:37:30,883 我打死你啊 515 00:37:35,366 --> 00:37:36,199 为啥呢 516 00:37:36,966 --> 00:37:37,733 别急别急 517 00:37:37,733 --> 00:37:39,766 我知道你们现在已经气的 518 00:37:39,800 --> 00:37:41,166 手机电脑全砸了 519 00:37:41,166 --> 00:37:42,733 但是别急好吗 520 00:37:43,083 --> 00:37:44,849 学学主播的心态 521 00:37:47,483 --> 00:37:50,483 我想想我还能做些什么呢 522 00:37:51,650 --> 00:37:53,283 我steam打开了呀 523 00:37:56,650 --> 00:37:59,083 对呀我steam是打开了的这次 524 00:37:59,450 --> 00:38:02,250 原来还要玩游戏要打开steam啊 525 00:38:02,533 --> 00:38:04,166 太神奇了 526 00:38:04,166 --> 00:38:04,766 这个游戏 527 00:38:04,766 --> 00:38:06,649 20多个集都下载到我电脑上了 528 00:38:06,650 --> 00:38:07,450 他竟然还要 529 00:38:07,850 --> 00:38:09,600 不行这个游戏真是没救了我 530 00:38:09,600 --> 00:38:11,483 我重启个电脑再见再见再见 531 00:38:11,483 --> 00:38:13,649 好吧我我尽快尽快拜拜 532 00:38:13,650 --> 00:38:16,683 别别急别急哈哈哈 533 00:38:16,683 --> 00:38:18,083 你们只是假装不急 534 00:38:18,083 --> 00:38:20,566 其实你们现在心里面已经在锤桌子了 535 00:38:20,566 --> 00:38:21,649 别以为我不知道 536 00:38:21,733 --> 00:38:24,333 我结束进程了然后又打开它又是白屏 537 00:38:27,133 --> 00:38:28,533 别以为我不知道啊 538 00:38:29,733 --> 00:38:30,049 这 539 00:38:30,050 --> 00:38:31,333 我给整下了 540 00:38:31,533 --> 00:38:34,683 等下马上重启一下啊等等等我一下 541 00:38:34,683 --> 00:38:35,883 为了美女 542 00:39:11,283 --> 00:39:13,483 big sad soaked time on eye 543 00:39:13,483 --> 00:39:15,683 you're not the ocean down 544 00:39:17,133 --> 00:39:30,416 how's cash can't get 545 00:39:35,333 --> 00:39:39,049 moremugatara 546 00:39:39,083 --> 00:39:44,449 you've got biggie most of a night now corona's come back 547 00:39:51,933 --> 00:39:53,366 哈喽哈喽大家晚上好 548 00:39:53,366 --> 00:39:56,616 对对对啊是的今天提前了9分钟来 549 00:39:56,616 --> 00:39:58,416 本来是9点钟 550 00:39:58,416 --> 00:40:02,049 但是那什么东西提前都弄好了 551 00:40:02,050 --> 00:40:03,766 所以就提前来一会 552 00:40:06,283 --> 00:40:07,249 哈喽哈喽 553 00:40:07,966 --> 00:40:10,283 没想到大家这么早就已经开始在等待 554 00:40:17,016 --> 00:40:18,849 今天提前弄个东西都弄好了 555 00:40:18,850 --> 00:40:21,883 本来说今天呃要弄弄一下那个宽带 556 00:40:21,883 --> 00:40:23,166 然后提前弄好了 557 00:40:24,250 --> 00:40:26,083 谢谢心愿水晶球的哦不是 558 00:40:26,083 --> 00:40:28,449 谢谢苹果7开户口的许愿精灵 559 00:40:29,016 --> 00:40:30,283 哈哈哈 560 00:40:30,450 --> 00:40:33,366 谢谢好似的情书可爱和美丽的情书啊 561 00:40:33,366 --> 00:40:34,883 谢谢你们要的历史堂 562 00:40:35,083 --> 00:40:36,966 秋文57的粉丝灯牌 563 00:40:36,966 --> 00:40:39,049 只因秋水的风的粉丝灯牌啊 564 00:40:39,050 --> 00:40:40,450 出没的粉丝灯牌啊 565 00:40:40,450 --> 00:40:42,333 苹果这个我可能这个行业呃 566 00:40:42,650 --> 00:40:46,250 谁谁啊谢谢谢谢转的粉丝灯牌嗯 567 00:40:47,366 --> 00:40:49,216 沃烟一动走走这个行业风 568 00:40:49,216 --> 00:40:50,733 876的小花花我肯知道 569 00:40:50,733 --> 00:40:52,133 圣诞精灵妈妈去找我的小花花 570 00:40:52,133 --> 00:40:53,483 想要看漫画的萌的小花花啊 571 00:40:53,483 --> 00:40:54,566 大家看一下这个好耶 572 00:40:54,566 --> 00:40:56,483 可问题的圣诞精灵大麻将的打call 573 00:40:56,483 --> 00:40:57,333 比较方式的 574 00:40:57,450 --> 00:40:59,016 圣诞精灵是不是大12的小花 575 00:40:59,016 --> 00:40:59,933 大大开的打call 576 00:40:59,933 --> 00:41:01,366 大麻将的圣诞精灵 577 00:41:01,366 --> 00:41:03,566 关注我神仙团这个是不是之前的呀 578 00:41:04,016 --> 00:41:05,283 我不相信这个是今天的 579 00:41:05,283 --> 00:41:06,616 这个肯定是今天之前的 580 00:41:06,616 --> 00:41:07,849 那之前的就不念了啊 581 00:41:07,850 --> 00:41:08,733 现在不想上天理想 582 00:41:08,733 --> 00:41:10,016 不想拥有之风的小花没有时间 583 00:41:10,016 --> 00:41:11,616 而我的小花OK 584 00:41:12,766 --> 00:41:16,216 开始玩游戏吧大家我看看我的音量呢 585 00:41:20,816 --> 00:41:23,333 哎我的音量呢等我一下啊别急别急 586 00:41:23,616 --> 00:41:25,649 没事咱们本来是说 587 00:41:27,366 --> 00:41:28,166 哎 588 00:41:30,483 --> 00:41:31,366 开了的呀 589 00:41:32,050 --> 00:41:33,966 反正本来是说9点钟开播吗 590 00:41:33,966 --> 00:41:35,849 再等一等别的观众啊 591 00:41:35,850 --> 00:41:39,016 有的观众的话他他还是以为是那个啥 592 00:41:40,616 --> 00:41:43,883 观众他还是呃9点钟才会点进直播间 593 00:41:47,133 --> 00:41:48,566 为啥我听不见啊 594 00:41:50,616 --> 00:41:51,416 等我一下 595 00:41:52,416 --> 00:41:53,483 为啥没声啊 596 00:41:54,566 --> 00:41:57,766 谢谢苹果你的招财猫谢谢你就 597 00:41:58,766 --> 00:42:00,849 谢谢俺学校没人要的加加油 598 00:42:00,850 --> 00:42:02,566 谢谢尤利卡的小花花 599 00:42:02,566 --> 00:42:04,049 哎这个字对不起我还是忘了 600 00:42:04,050 --> 00:42:06,966 谢谢30F7P5Q2K 2003K的小花花 601 00:42:06,966 --> 00:42:08,966 我太牛了吧我这一次 602 00:42:09,683 --> 00:42:10,766 等我一下 603 00:42:12,016 --> 00:42:15,533 啊咋没声了谁来救救我我太我太我 604 00:42:16,016 --> 00:42:17,849 有声吗我靠 605 00:42:18,766 --> 00:42:20,883 有声吗这游戏 606 00:42:26,566 --> 00:42:29,333 没事没事没事怎么回事呢 607 00:42:29,366 --> 00:42:30,416 我聋了吗 608 00:42:32,816 --> 00:42:35,616 没事吗好奇怪哦等我一下啊 609 00:42:39,283 --> 00:42:40,933 是之前我那个什么 610 00:42:40,966 --> 00:42:44,166 呃弟弟妹妹来我家给我玩坏了应该是 611 00:42:49,533 --> 00:42:51,683 嗯咋回事呢 612 00:42:53,050 --> 00:42:56,016 啊谢谢韭菜味薯条蘸芥末的见长 613 00:42:56,050 --> 00:42:56,850 谢谢你喔 614 00:42:56,850 --> 00:42:57,650 谢谢妮妮 615 00:42:58,016 --> 00:43:00,616 我我我我能听到我自己说话 616 00:43:00,733 --> 00:43:02,566 老公我怎么不自信呢 617 00:43:02,933 --> 00:43:05,333 我能啊我能我能我能我能啊 618 00:43:06,966 --> 00:43:09,966 喂喂我能听到啊喂 619 00:43:10,366 --> 00:43:11,766 嗯测试一下啊 620 00:43:13,966 --> 00:43:15,733 哎啥东西哦 621 00:43:17,133 --> 00:43:18,016 别急别急 622 00:43:18,016 --> 00:43:20,416 我我放个视频我听听能听到声不 623 00:43:21,083 --> 00:43:21,966 啊啊 624 00:43:37,533 --> 00:43:38,333 Huh 625 00:43:40,083 --> 00:43:40,883 啊 626 00:43:41,483 --> 00:43:42,283 嗯 627 00:43:43,883 --> 00:43:46,016 没事有吗 628 00:43:49,533 --> 00:43:50,533 嗯嗯嗯 629 00:43:50,533 --> 00:43:51,333 hmm 630 00:43:54,366 --> 00:43:55,366 为什么呢 631 00:43:56,850 --> 00:43:57,650 嗯 632 00:44:02,650 --> 00:44:04,533 别急别急我给大家唱 633 00:44:06,966 --> 00:44:08,766 我们先唱一个什么呢 634 00:44:15,050 --> 00:44:18,366 不可能啊啊 635 00:44:19,083 --> 00:44:21,016 你别闹了 636 00:44:24,016 --> 00:44:25,616 气死我了我都快急死了 637 00:44:25,616 --> 00:44:27,083 他还一直在这弄 638 00:44:31,166 --> 00:44:32,649 啊等一下啊大家别急 639 00:44:50,766 --> 00:44:51,616 OK OK 640 00:44:54,366 --> 00:44:55,166 哦不 641 00:44:56,533 --> 00:44:58,133 完美解决啊大家 642 00:44:58,616 --> 00:45:00,416 就跟你们说不用急吧 643 00:45:00,766 --> 00:45:03,616 哦不对跟跟你们说不用急啊 644 00:45:07,650 --> 00:45:08,450 开始 645 00:45:13,733 --> 00:45:16,849 啊我看看走开走开你别别在这上面玩 646 00:45:31,966 --> 00:45:32,766 哦 647 00:45:33,616 --> 00:45:34,616 哎等一下 648 00:45:42,733 --> 00:45:44,366 他的身材算好的吗 649 00:45:44,366 --> 00:45:46,533 哦哦等等等等我一下等我一下对不起 650 00:45:49,133 --> 00:45:50,816 现有了吧现有了现有了 651 00:45:53,216 --> 00:45:55,133 怎么怎么样他的身材觉得 652 00:45:56,850 --> 00:45:58,883 这怎么弄啊我咋知道呢 653 00:46:11,966 --> 00:46:13,566 真的假的不如你们 654 00:46:19,016 --> 00:46:22,883 他还他还有几个一一咪咪的那个什么 655 00:46:23,333 --> 00:46:24,616 腹肌说实话 656 00:46:25,816 --> 00:46:27,683 你看这个猫是不是 657 00:46:27,733 --> 00:46:29,849 不是我想那个什么脾气不好 658 00:46:29,850 --> 00:46:31,366 我真是不想说他 659 00:46:31,416 --> 00:46:33,016 等我一下我去收拾他 660 00:46:33,133 --> 00:46:34,766 你是不是有毛病啊 661 00:46:44,816 --> 00:46:45,616 8 662 00:46:48,416 --> 00:46:50,616 哎嗓子都给我叫哑了 663 00:46:51,050 --> 00:46:54,250 那叫怎么开我不太明白呢 664 00:46:55,083 --> 00:46:56,883 我的鼠标不是在动吗 665 00:47:06,566 --> 00:47:07,733 哎呀我不会 666 00:47:07,883 --> 00:47:09,249 怎么弄的来着 667 00:47:11,050 --> 00:47:13,533 这个不是鼠标鼠标往下滑吗 668 00:47:13,816 --> 00:47:15,083 我在滑呀 669 00:47:15,166 --> 00:47:15,966 excuse me i m lost where is the supermarket 670 00:47:17,450 --> 00:47:18,250 啊 671 00:47:23,416 --> 00:47:26,483 不动啊我按了呀直接按住了 672 00:47:30,166 --> 00:47:32,849 这屏幕你们有什么不好看的吗 673 00:47:33,566 --> 00:47:34,849 为什么你 674 00:47:37,016 --> 00:47:37,816 看看 675 00:47:40,416 --> 00:47:42,816 哦哦他还有个向上啊 676 00:47:42,816 --> 00:47:45,133 我真是完全没看出来他这有个向上 677 00:47:45,133 --> 00:47:47,133 我以为就是斜着向下呢 678 00:47:47,883 --> 00:47:48,816 哈哈哈 679 00:47:50,250 --> 00:47:52,850 你干嘛关上啊啊 680 00:47:54,166 --> 00:47:56,016 按住右键聆听操作者的想法 681 00:47:56,016 --> 00:47:57,016 你想洗澡是吧 682 00:47:57,016 --> 00:47:58,333 哎呦别离我这么近 683 00:47:58,766 --> 00:47:59,733 啊我知道了 684 00:47:59,816 --> 00:48:02,616 然后呢我怎么不能动了呢 685 00:48:06,166 --> 00:48:06,966 洗澡 686 00:48:07,933 --> 00:48:09,649 走啊怎么他不走了 687 00:48:13,883 --> 00:48:14,683 嗯 688 00:48:15,283 --> 00:48:16,083 走啊 689 00:48:26,216 --> 00:48:29,049 better take a shower and get dressed before i go downstairs 690 00:48:29,816 --> 00:48:32,683 啊洗个澡然后换衣服我懂了走吧 691 00:48:34,166 --> 00:48:35,933 啊洗澡是全裸吗 692 00:48:36,166 --> 00:48:37,566 你们想不想看 693 00:48:42,566 --> 00:48:43,566 gone shopping 694 00:48:44,166 --> 00:48:46,249 i'll pick the kids up from school at lunchtime 695 00:48:46,333 --> 00:48:46,649 and then 696 00:48:46,650 --> 00:48:49,533 i'll come home to get things ready for jason's birthday party 697 00:48:49,883 --> 00:48:52,166 don't work too hard i love you 698 00:48:54,333 --> 00:48:55,283 i love you too 699 00:48:58,850 --> 00:49:00,733 啊那就我自己一个人去看 700 00:49:01,250 --> 00:49:02,616 现在就进去了吗 701 00:49:03,250 --> 00:49:04,883 好像这个要摁久一点啊 702 00:49:04,933 --> 00:49:05,766 我现在还没有 703 00:49:05,766 --> 00:49:07,649 待会那个什么不给你们看 704 00:49:07,650 --> 00:49:11,083 我自己一个人掐毒屎也没啥好吃的 705 00:49:15,283 --> 00:49:16,083 嗯 706 00:49:17,733 --> 00:49:19,133 走吧往哪走 707 00:49:22,450 --> 00:49:23,733 这是厕所吗 708 00:49:25,416 --> 00:49:27,333 嘟嘟嘟等一下 709 00:49:27,616 --> 00:49:29,683 那就先不给大家看好了 710 00:49:30,766 --> 00:49:32,133 我先尿尿了 711 00:49:35,333 --> 00:49:37,249 有声你们可以听声 712 00:49:48,016 --> 00:49:50,966 说实话这个男的身材确实真的不太行 713 00:49:53,133 --> 00:49:54,016 他这个 714 00:49:54,766 --> 00:49:56,566 背他这个腰 715 00:49:56,566 --> 00:49:59,483 跟这个腿完全就是一条直线啊 716 00:50:02,166 --> 00:50:04,333 OK冲马桶你们要看不 717 00:50:05,083 --> 00:50:07,049 我看看嗯 718 00:50:11,850 --> 00:50:12,650 嗯 719 00:50:20,966 --> 00:50:21,766 哇 720 00:50:22,933 --> 00:50:24,533 洗澡去哪洗呢 721 00:50:26,250 --> 00:50:28,683 哇他还是Ctrl换视角 722 00:50:31,083 --> 00:50:33,333 啊不是这哦这可以看一下 723 00:50:37,283 --> 00:50:38,049 不练腿不行吗 724 00:50:38,050 --> 00:50:41,483 我感觉他是屁股不太行和腰不太行 725 00:50:42,616 --> 00:50:43,416 啊啊 726 00:50:52,250 --> 00:50:53,816 哇好牛啊哎对不起 727 00:50:57,883 --> 00:51:01,049 什么啊还必须得玩玩玩成功才行啊 728 00:51:02,016 --> 00:51:02,816 啊 729 00:51:16,850 --> 00:51:20,133 就是因为我刚才分心想想再想跟 730 00:51:20,366 --> 00:51:22,249 怎么还来啊别来了 731 00:51:24,533 --> 00:51:26,333 是我不小心又开始了吧 732 00:51:28,616 --> 00:51:30,649 这个人的表情好骄傲哦 733 00:51:30,650 --> 00:51:32,733 我放回去了放回去了 734 00:51:35,216 --> 00:51:37,016 喝下奶茶先啊别急 735 00:51:39,566 --> 00:51:40,366 uh huh 736 00:51:43,016 --> 00:51:43,816 咳咳 737 00:51:53,250 --> 00:51:55,050 下楼洗澡吗是 738 00:51:55,616 --> 00:51:58,449 i better take a shower and get dressed before i go downstairs 739 00:51:58,450 --> 00:51:59,366 我不是 740 00:52:04,566 --> 00:52:05,449 嗯嗯 741 00:52:07,850 --> 00:52:08,883 哦就是这 742 00:52:11,733 --> 00:52:12,249 好有情 743 00:52:12,250 --> 00:52:14,933 去他们家这个厕所洗澡还是透明的 744 00:52:14,933 --> 00:52:15,733 喂喂喂 745 00:52:17,250 --> 00:52:18,050 吓我一跳 746 00:52:18,966 --> 00:52:20,649 洗澡去喽哔哔 747 00:52:30,483 --> 00:52:31,283 我 748 00:52:32,816 --> 00:52:33,616 妈妈 749 00:52:38,283 --> 00:52:39,083 我打 750 00:52:42,533 --> 00:52:43,016 点评一下 751 00:52:43,016 --> 00:52:44,166 就还是他的腰 752 00:52:44,166 --> 00:52:46,816 跟屁股完全就是一条直线啊 753 00:53:05,733 --> 00:53:09,133 本来我是不喜欢胸部很大的 754 00:53:09,416 --> 00:53:11,766 哎换了一个绿色内裤更丑了 755 00:53:12,083 --> 00:53:12,966 好了好了 756 00:53:13,933 --> 00:53:16,766 本来我是觉得他们老是说那种什么呃 757 00:53:16,766 --> 00:53:18,616 喜欢屁股大点的 758 00:53:18,733 --> 00:53:20,366 不是屁股翘翘臀 759 00:53:20,366 --> 00:53:22,766 还有那个胸部大大的男的的 760 00:53:22,766 --> 00:53:23,733 但是我看了他 761 00:53:23,733 --> 00:53:26,166 感觉他这个胸部确实有点干瘪啊 762 00:53:26,733 --> 00:53:28,283 本来我是不太理解的 763 00:53:28,483 --> 00:53:30,849 但是我现在也不是很那个什么 764 00:53:31,083 --> 00:53:32,449 也没有很喜欢OK OK 765 00:53:32,483 --> 00:53:34,816 知道了换换视角一共也就俩视角 766 00:53:35,050 --> 00:53:36,616 先去我穿衣服去喽 767 00:53:39,566 --> 00:53:41,049 什么就现在女生的 768 00:53:41,050 --> 00:53:45,250 审美也是喜欢大奶奶好吗哈哈哈哈哈 769 00:53:49,483 --> 00:53:52,083 哎少让我操作点吧我想吃东西呀 770 00:54:00,483 --> 00:54:03,816 这是健了身的那种那种大奶奶 771 00:54:04,650 --> 00:54:06,816 不是打激素的大奶奶 772 00:54:08,616 --> 00:54:10,216 这是不是你们的穿搭 773 00:54:10,216 --> 00:54:12,166 这个polo衫啊大家 774 00:54:12,216 --> 00:54:13,016 sorry i didn't catch your name earlier 775 00:54:14,566 --> 00:54:16,766 180斤确实会有大奶奶呢 776 00:54:17,166 --> 00:54:18,533 以前我们那个什么 777 00:54:18,766 --> 00:54:20,766 呃那种体测 778 00:54:20,766 --> 00:54:23,049 男生的那个胸围就会比男生 779 00:54:23,050 --> 00:54:25,166 就会比女生的多很多 780 00:54:25,250 --> 00:54:26,883 都可以90100的 781 00:54:30,366 --> 00:54:32,566 I这个肯定还是手柄操作好哎 782 00:54:32,566 --> 00:54:33,816 明明我有手柄的啊 783 00:54:33,816 --> 00:54:35,166 但是我没装对不起 784 00:54:41,450 --> 00:54:43,683 主播多少有病干什么 785 00:54:49,733 --> 00:54:53,133 说实话女生瘦一点的胸围也就80多 786 00:54:54,933 --> 00:54:56,733 但是一秒不让我停气啊 787 00:54:56,733 --> 00:54:58,249 我好想吃东西啊 788 00:54:59,366 --> 00:55:01,683 手柄插电脑上就就可以用吗 789 00:55:02,416 --> 00:55:03,966 哎对这也有个 790 00:55:07,250 --> 00:55:08,616 我不相信有 791 00:55:08,733 --> 00:55:09,283 那个什么 792 00:55:09,283 --> 00:55:11,966 但是我觉得可能对我来说有点复杂 793 00:55:13,016 --> 00:55:13,816 喂啊 794 00:55:17,816 --> 00:55:19,166 我有按住啊 795 00:55:24,566 --> 00:55:26,166 我明明有按住啊 796 00:55:42,216 --> 00:55:43,816 ah it's 797 00:55:51,416 --> 00:55:52,483 我不会了 798 00:55:56,366 --> 00:55:58,366 怎么开呀这不是网上就行吗 799 00:55:58,366 --> 00:55:59,883 我不是在网上吗 800 00:56:08,283 --> 00:56:09,683 为什么我上不去啊 801 00:56:10,533 --> 00:56:11,533 别急 802 00:56:15,883 --> 00:56:18,683 你看我上去了他也打不开为什么呢 803 00:56:21,050 --> 00:56:25,166 啊他只是让我看吗不是吧 804 00:56:27,966 --> 00:56:28,816 那我走了 805 00:56:32,416 --> 00:56:32,966 你看 806 00:56:32,966 --> 00:56:35,616 我开冰箱很快你别对我失望好吗 807 00:56:35,616 --> 00:56:38,966 你看我拿饮料很快你别对我失望好吗 808 00:56:39,933 --> 00:56:41,883 你看我摇饮料多快啊 809 00:56:45,083 --> 00:56:46,483 我以为能开呢 810 00:56:51,083 --> 00:56:53,366 不会的我之前玩过那个什么 811 00:56:53,533 --> 00:56:56,283 我之前玩过底特律啊嗯 812 00:56:59,133 --> 00:57:00,683 不能夸一下我吗 813 00:57:01,616 --> 00:57:04,216 他不让我吃蛋糕啊我也想吃啊 814 00:57:05,850 --> 00:57:08,966 喝咖啡一大一大早起床就喝咖啡 815 00:57:18,883 --> 00:57:23,449 想音乐music花园格雷斯惠子格雷斯 816 00:57:23,650 --> 00:57:25,933 格雷斯的英文就是Grace 817 00:57:26,133 --> 00:57:28,216 牛不牛又跟 818 00:57:28,766 --> 00:57:31,016 帅气学到了新知识 819 00:57:35,733 --> 00:57:38,566 是他老婆但是我不知道在哪他老婆 820 00:57:47,250 --> 00:57:49,250 啊等下等下 821 00:57:52,933 --> 00:57:54,733 我有的时候会跳出来 822 00:57:54,733 --> 00:57:56,733 摁这个键盘的时候 823 00:57:56,933 --> 00:57:58,616 他就退出来了 824 00:58:02,816 --> 00:58:04,016 没有只是因为那个什么 825 00:58:04,016 --> 00:58:06,216 以前有人英文名叫Grace 826 00:58:18,683 --> 00:58:21,966 我没按命键我是按那个啥呃 827 00:58:25,533 --> 00:58:26,366 啊这啥 828 00:58:27,883 --> 00:58:30,249 哎我这个手真是一秒没疼出来 829 00:58:30,250 --> 00:58:31,616 我想吃东西哦 830 00:58:34,050 --> 00:58:35,483 放点mua即可 831 00:58:48,483 --> 00:58:49,133 干嘛来着 832 00:58:49,133 --> 00:58:50,933 你还要看电视格雷斯 833 00:58:51,133 --> 00:58:53,166 那他想格雷斯他要做些什么吗 834 00:58:53,166 --> 00:58:55,849 还是他只是脑子里面想格雷斯了呀 835 00:58:58,733 --> 00:59:00,366 电视电视 836 00:59:02,050 --> 00:59:04,083 对对对这个游戏是互动比较多 837 00:59:04,083 --> 00:59:05,766 我大概前前看了下 838 00:59:05,766 --> 00:59:06,883 等下我等两星期 839 00:59:17,166 --> 00:59:19,616 hey take it easier you're Gonna knock me over 840 00:59:19,766 --> 00:59:20,816 我有两个小孩 841 00:59:20,816 --> 00:59:22,166 so this is your big day 842 00:59:22,166 --> 00:59:23,966 huh am i grown up now 843 00:59:24,283 --> 00:59:25,566 hmm ten years old 844 00:59:25,566 --> 00:59:27,849 that's not exactly grown up but you're getting there 845 00:59:28,216 --> 00:59:29,933 now can i drive your car 846 00:59:30,366 --> 00:59:31,966 i think you're Gonna have to wait a little while 847 00:59:31,966 --> 00:59:33,249 我的小孩长得不是很好看 848 00:59:33,250 --> 00:59:34,050 说实话 849 00:59:35,216 --> 00:59:37,416 Ethan can you please help me 850 00:59:38,566 --> 00:59:39,483 i'm coming 851 00:59:48,883 --> 00:59:51,049 呃我没看着哎呀 852 00:59:51,483 --> 00:59:52,849 need a hand Ethan 853 00:59:53,216 --> 00:59:54,616 no thanks i'm fine 854 00:59:55,083 --> 00:59:56,416 i know thumbs today 855 00:59:57,483 --> 00:59:59,133 你才笨手笨脚的 856 01:00:03,016 --> 01:00:05,416 ah they've been so excited since this morning 857 01:00:05,416 --> 01:00:07,733 i could hardly keep them in line in the supermarket 858 01:00:08,816 --> 01:00:11,283 how's your day Ben managed to get any work done 859 01:00:14,416 --> 01:00:15,216 hmm 860 01:00:17,533 --> 01:00:17,966 I 861 01:00:17,966 --> 01:00:21,816 not really i tried but i didn't really nail it 862 01:00:22,250 --> 01:00:23,333 i hope i get inspired 863 01:00:23,333 --> 01:00:25,049 if you're supposed to be presenting the plants the 864 01:00:25,050 --> 01:00:26,366 clients next month 865 01:00:26,366 --> 01:00:28,166 好像是我刚才没有按住 866 01:00:28,216 --> 01:00:30,249 i've got a billion things to do 867 01:00:30,483 --> 01:00:33,016 it'll never be ready before jason's Pals arrive 868 01:00:34,283 --> 01:00:35,416 can you please help me 869 01:00:35,883 --> 01:00:38,333 uh there should be plates in the living room covered 870 01:00:44,683 --> 01:00:46,449 Ethan i asked 871 01:00:46,450 --> 01:00:49,050 if you could help me with the plates in the living room covered 872 01:00:49,133 --> 01:00:51,616 啊好马上你等我一下你别急 873 01:00:53,216 --> 01:00:55,649 我不了解咱们家我得熟悉一下 874 01:00:59,483 --> 01:01:00,449 盘子是吧 875 01:01:00,450 --> 01:01:01,250 我觉得 876 01:01:01,966 --> 01:01:03,883 是这吗不是 877 01:01:06,883 --> 01:01:07,733 都是这吗 878 01:01:07,816 --> 01:01:08,933 hey Ethan 879 01:01:09,216 --> 01:01:11,766 i thought i asked you to take care of the plates我求你 880 01:01:11,766 --> 01:01:12,483 你别吵oh 881 01:01:12,483 --> 01:01:14,566 my god they're in the living room cupboard right 882 01:01:15,416 --> 01:01:18,333 yeah they haven't moved since last time i asked 883 01:01:20,016 --> 01:01:22,049 啥我脑袋有点转不动了大家 884 01:01:29,616 --> 01:01:30,933 看一下电视是吧 885 01:01:34,250 --> 01:01:37,133 盘子我在找啊等一下先看一下电视嘛 886 01:01:38,816 --> 01:01:40,049 啊不是这个是坐下是吧 887 01:01:40,050 --> 01:01:41,616 不能坐下走路快走 888 01:01:45,883 --> 01:01:46,683 不知道啊 889 01:01:51,816 --> 01:01:52,883 不是吗 890 01:02:00,850 --> 01:02:02,016 飞机飞机 891 01:02:06,250 --> 01:02:08,450 他没有那个底特律那种 892 01:02:08,450 --> 01:02:10,650 我好喜欢底特律可以看地方啊 893 01:02:10,650 --> 01:02:13,133 我方向感太差了大家 894 01:02:17,616 --> 01:02:19,483 我觉得这是盘子啊夹夹 895 01:02:20,566 --> 01:02:22,616 不是这右边这个不是盘子吗 896 01:02:22,616 --> 01:02:24,249 为啥没有提示呢 897 01:02:30,166 --> 01:02:32,216 放礼物呢哦哦抱抱抱 898 01:02:46,283 --> 01:02:49,616 that door is always sticking give it a big tug 899 01:02:49,966 --> 01:02:51,566 好我会用力的 900 01:02:57,083 --> 01:02:59,816 that's to set my mother gave us be careful 901 01:02:59,816 --> 01:03:00,649 okay don't worry 902 01:03:00,650 --> 01:03:02,533 i wouldn't want to be responsible for diplomatic 903 01:03:02,533 --> 01:03:03,683 incident with your mother 904 01:03:13,483 --> 01:03:15,249 的动作有点僵硬啊 905 01:03:26,416 --> 01:03:27,966 陪孩子们玩耍 906 01:03:29,483 --> 01:03:31,249 宝贝爸爸来喽 907 01:03:58,533 --> 01:04:00,483 that's it i'm free as a bird 908 01:04:00,533 --> 01:04:02,216 我说我弄来弄去怎么 909 01:04:02,933 --> 01:04:04,533 怎么不自动走出去 910 01:04:04,566 --> 01:04:05,649 because your friends are gonna be 911 01:04:05,850 --> 01:04:07,283 okay we promise mom 912 01:04:08,533 --> 01:04:09,883 who wants to go first me first 913 01:04:09,883 --> 01:04:11,283 no me first 914 01:04:11,283 --> 01:04:13,533 daisy fellas you can both have a turn 915 01:04:18,166 --> 01:04:21,533 me first me first no me first我看一下 916 01:04:23,283 --> 01:04:24,216 还要选啊你们俩 917 01:04:24,216 --> 01:04:26,883 i'll do the helicopter it's my turn now it's my turn 918 01:04:30,366 --> 01:04:32,616 你们俩没有一个长得乖的说实话 919 01:04:35,450 --> 01:04:36,766 我选都选不出来okay 920 01:04:36,816 --> 01:04:39,333 Shawn get ready here we go 921 01:04:42,133 --> 01:04:43,283 哇好那个什么 922 01:04:43,283 --> 01:04:45,533 感觉好像我真的在那个啥一样 923 01:04:45,650 --> 01:04:47,366 哎呦撞墙了快走快走 924 01:04:49,483 --> 01:04:53,249 哎当当爸真不容易啊真是的我说我啊 925 01:04:59,250 --> 01:05:01,616 好了好了下来下来下来差不多得了 926 01:05:02,733 --> 01:05:04,766 给你一个iPad自己玩吧 927 01:05:10,683 --> 01:05:12,083 my turn now 928 01:05:12,166 --> 01:05:14,966 all right Jason let's do the helicopter 929 01:05:16,483 --> 01:05:17,566 啊好累啊 930 01:05:37,816 --> 01:05:41,133 come on dad trust our struggle you are big muscles 931 01:05:42,133 --> 01:05:44,366 我哪有啥muscles啊 932 01:05:49,216 --> 01:05:50,016 huh 933 01:05:50,616 --> 01:05:52,049 why oh 934 01:05:54,650 --> 01:05:55,566 啊啊 935 01:05:58,333 --> 01:05:59,133 哈哈哈 936 01:06:12,650 --> 01:06:13,366 哇好紧张啊 937 01:06:13,366 --> 01:06:17,849 this time you're done for you get paid for all your crimes 938 01:06:17,850 --> 01:06:18,650 even more 939 01:06:19,050 --> 01:06:22,683 ah surrender Weakling say your prayers 940 01:06:23,816 --> 01:06:26,216 不知道我觉得我都能举起来说实话 941 01:06:28,416 --> 01:06:29,366 come on Jason 942 01:06:29,616 --> 01:06:32,483 hey give up i am Victoria 943 01:06:32,933 --> 01:06:33,733 watch out 944 01:06:38,366 --> 01:06:39,533 attack attack 945 01:06:40,966 --> 01:06:41,766 whoa 946 01:06:45,016 --> 01:06:45,816 whoa 947 01:06:54,766 --> 01:06:57,216 ah Jason ah continue 948 01:06:57,816 --> 01:07:03,133 ah go Jason yeah 949 01:07:05,366 --> 01:07:07,566 说实话小孩如果20斤 950 01:07:07,566 --> 01:07:09,533 我觉得我能提起来啊 951 01:07:16,133 --> 01:07:17,416 foods ready kids 952 01:07:17,533 --> 01:07:18,333 you coming in 953 01:07:18,883 --> 01:07:20,933 游戏就是要认真玩 954 01:07:22,566 --> 01:07:26,249 让他他以后怎么知道社会的险恶啊啊 955 01:07:26,566 --> 01:07:27,966 我能让他一时 956 01:07:28,133 --> 01:07:30,483 我能让他一世吗妈 957 01:07:33,366 --> 01:07:35,566 Sean lunch is ready 958 01:07:36,083 --> 01:07:37,083 i'll go get him 959 01:07:38,450 --> 01:07:39,333 get谁呀 960 01:07:44,733 --> 01:07:47,733 why isn't Sean of the table he should be around here somewhere 961 01:07:48,333 --> 01:07:51,966 小孩呢别别别别是被什么拐卖了 962 01:07:57,850 --> 01:07:58,850 上楼看看 963 01:08:00,883 --> 01:08:01,849 嗯 964 01:08:04,816 --> 01:08:05,616 哎 965 01:08:06,733 --> 01:08:07,883 等我一下啊大家 966 01:08:09,016 --> 01:08:10,849 好了哎呀 967 01:08:13,733 --> 01:08:15,883 我已经有两个小孩没空管你了 968 01:08:17,650 --> 01:08:19,450 我不是在叫吗这不是 969 01:08:25,766 --> 01:08:26,566 Sean 970 01:08:27,766 --> 01:08:29,449 what's up it's merlin 971 01:08:31,083 --> 01:08:32,049 he's dead 972 01:08:33,333 --> 01:08:35,733 he's dead it's all my fault 973 01:08:35,883 --> 01:08:38,766 no it's not Sean of course it's not your fault 974 01:08:40,566 --> 01:08:44,166 i give anything if you could come back to life啥东西啊 975 01:08:44,250 --> 01:08:45,366 you know Sean 976 01:08:46,133 --> 01:08:49,366 there's some things which just have to happen 977 01:08:51,083 --> 01:08:52,566 even if you don't want them to 978 01:08:53,166 --> 01:08:54,683 it's not fair dad 979 01:08:55,216 --> 01:08:56,483 it's not fair 980 01:08:59,250 --> 01:09:00,250 i know 981 01:09:05,933 --> 01:09:06,733 wow 982 01:09:08,816 --> 01:09:09,616 啊 983 01:09:10,883 --> 01:09:11,683 完了 984 01:09:12,050 --> 01:09:13,250 为啥没声了 985 01:09:15,733 --> 01:09:16,566 啊吓我一跳 986 01:09:17,016 --> 01:09:18,766 你怎么这么设置啊 987 01:09:20,050 --> 01:09:22,816 为什么音乐也没有太吓人了 988 01:09:23,616 --> 01:09:29,449 我还以为自动关机了呢哈哈哈哈 989 01:09:30,283 --> 01:09:31,083 哈 990 01:09:33,016 --> 01:09:35,449 吓死我了我以为电脑又卡住了 991 01:09:36,133 --> 01:09:38,049 没有没有他就是黑屏设置 992 01:09:41,850 --> 01:09:42,883 嘿嘿 993 01:09:43,933 --> 01:09:44,733 嘿嘿 994 01:09:48,250 --> 01:09:49,050 嘿嘿 995 01:09:49,683 --> 01:09:51,933 i'd like to have a quick look at some shoes for Sean 996 01:09:52,333 --> 01:09:52,883 can you watch 997 01:09:52,883 --> 01:09:55,483 Jason for a minute i promise who won't give on音乐 998 01:09:55,483 --> 01:09:57,733 好被撞啊不会出事吧 999 01:09:58,366 --> 01:10:00,766 我感觉我的小孩下一秒就要被那个啥 1000 01:10:01,283 --> 01:10:03,016 那个什么被抢走了 1001 01:10:10,483 --> 01:10:11,849 我这个孩子叫啥来着 1002 01:10:15,816 --> 01:10:16,616 嗯哼 1003 01:10:17,566 --> 01:10:19,049 别人去偷我 1004 01:10:19,166 --> 01:10:21,333 虽然我好像知道这件事情 1005 01:10:23,733 --> 01:10:25,416 Jason Jason 1006 01:10:30,166 --> 01:10:33,049 啊我的孩子叫Jason Jason 1007 01:10:34,016 --> 01:10:34,816 Jason 1008 01:10:34,816 --> 01:10:36,133 Jason Jason 1009 01:10:37,250 --> 01:10:38,133 Jason 1010 01:10:38,816 --> 01:10:40,766 不是这个绿衣服的小孩吗 1011 01:10:41,566 --> 01:10:42,483 Jason 1012 01:10:48,283 --> 01:10:49,083 Jason 1013 01:10:50,083 --> 01:10:50,933 Jason 1014 01:10:58,133 --> 01:11:00,933 Jason you really shouldn't run it off like that you know 1015 01:11:01,566 --> 01:11:03,283 it's an awful lot of peep wind please 1016 01:11:03,283 --> 01:11:04,733 dad can i have one 1017 01:11:04,883 --> 01:11:07,816 i would really love to have one要买啥 1018 01:11:08,016 --> 01:11:11,416 come on okay let's go by balloon 1019 01:11:12,050 --> 01:11:12,850 great 1020 01:11:13,933 --> 01:11:16,133 hey Jam what's your name 1021 01:11:16,216 --> 01:11:17,049 Jason 1022 01:11:17,333 --> 01:11:18,616 which balloon would you like 1023 01:11:18,616 --> 01:11:20,883 Jason uh the red one 1024 01:11:21,733 --> 01:11:22,683 here you go 1025 01:11:28,283 --> 01:11:29,416 that'll be two dollars 1026 01:11:29,416 --> 01:11:31,166 sir Jason wait for me 1027 01:11:31,166 --> 01:11:32,649 wait for your fat son 1028 01:11:33,133 --> 01:11:34,566 it's really crowded in here 1029 01:11:35,483 --> 01:11:37,933 就应该把它抓起来狠狠地打屁股 1030 01:11:50,250 --> 01:11:51,250 我钱呢 1031 01:12:03,883 --> 01:12:08,166 啊it is impossible to try on a pair of shoes with this crowd 1032 01:12:08,883 --> 01:12:09,816 where's Jason 1033 01:12:09,883 --> 01:12:11,566 he was here a second ago i thought him 1034 01:12:11,566 --> 01:12:14,483 我还想说这个女的来跟我搭讪呢 1035 01:12:15,416 --> 01:12:18,049 没想到是我老婆do you mean disappeared 1036 01:12:18,483 --> 01:12:20,733 stay here i'll go get him 1037 01:12:21,283 --> 01:12:22,416 i'll be right back 1038 01:12:22,883 --> 01:12:25,966 什么啊就这么就掉了Jason 1039 01:12:29,483 --> 01:12:30,416 Jason 1040 01:12:33,083 --> 01:12:34,216 Jason 1041 01:12:37,450 --> 01:12:38,450 Jason 1042 01:12:45,733 --> 01:12:46,683 Jason 1043 01:12:58,216 --> 01:12:59,966 感觉这件衣服还可以啊 1044 01:13:01,416 --> 01:13:02,483 Jason 1045 01:13:04,283 --> 01:13:06,216 你到底要干嘛晨晨 1046 01:13:07,083 --> 01:13:08,283 Jason 1047 01:13:13,933 --> 01:13:15,166 Jason 1048 01:13:18,566 --> 01:13:20,449 反正也找不回来了 1049 01:13:23,933 --> 01:13:24,933 Jason 1050 01:13:26,850 --> 01:13:27,816 Jason 1051 01:13:31,450 --> 01:13:32,250 thank you 1052 01:13:39,416 --> 01:13:40,616 Jason 1053 01:13:42,650 --> 01:13:43,533 Jason 1054 01:13:49,483 --> 01:13:50,449 Jason 1055 01:14:00,366 --> 01:14:02,566 哎我不知道红气球在哪 1056 01:14:11,483 --> 01:14:12,733 day son 1057 01:14:14,533 --> 01:14:16,449 god you really had me scared to 1058 01:14:27,366 --> 01:14:28,416 Jason 1059 01:14:32,283 --> 01:14:33,283 DayJesus 1060 01:14:33,566 --> 01:14:34,849 哎快快快快快 1061 01:14:35,733 --> 01:14:36,649 watch it 1062 01:14:38,333 --> 01:14:39,283 Jesus 1063 01:14:45,250 --> 01:14:47,933 不就在街对面吗shit 1064 01:14:54,050 --> 01:14:54,933 DEAD 1065 01:15:00,650 --> 01:15:02,083 Jason NO 1066 01:15:10,250 --> 01:15:11,333 Jason 1067 01:15:13,083 --> 01:15:14,016 Jason 1068 01:15:14,883 --> 01:15:17,883 oh my god no no 1069 01:15:18,533 --> 01:15:20,883 no Jason oh my god 1070 01:15:23,250 --> 01:15:24,766 我小孩就死了 1071 01:15:43,966 --> 01:15:44,766 Huh 1072 01:15:45,816 --> 01:15:47,483 进程也太快了吧 1073 01:15:47,816 --> 01:15:48,849 啊我闯了吗 1074 01:15:48,850 --> 01:15:49,850 我不是在的吗 1075 01:15:49,850 --> 01:15:51,283 我不是他爹吗 1076 01:16:19,416 --> 01:16:20,216 哎 1077 01:16:20,733 --> 01:16:22,649 这小孩太调皮了 1078 01:17:02,883 --> 01:17:03,683 咳咳 1079 01:17:07,283 --> 01:17:08,566 啊啊你错了 1080 01:17:34,733 --> 01:17:35,533 Huh 1081 01:17:42,166 --> 01:17:42,966 Car 1082 01:18:06,850 --> 01:18:08,933 过场过场过这么久啊 1083 01:18:28,050 --> 01:18:29,816 这么快就两年后 1084 01:18:46,016 --> 01:18:48,133 确实终于吃上东西了 1085 01:18:48,250 --> 01:18:49,050 hi Sean 1086 01:18:49,966 --> 01:18:50,816 my dad 1087 01:18:52,966 --> 01:18:55,966 他这个如果他头上有点白头发的话 1088 01:18:55,966 --> 01:18:57,649 会更真实一点 1089 01:19:26,883 --> 01:19:29,483 小孩真的能记这么久的事吗 1090 01:19:29,483 --> 01:19:30,733 我感觉小孩 1091 01:19:33,366 --> 01:19:34,966 记性不是很好啊 1092 01:19:40,850 --> 01:19:42,083 开车走你 1093 01:20:11,166 --> 01:20:12,966 你看他这个过场这个黑屏 1094 01:20:12,966 --> 01:20:15,816 而且没有一丁点的声音太恐怖了 1095 01:20:17,050 --> 01:20:17,850 哎 1096 01:20:21,683 --> 01:20:22,816 还过这么久 1097 01:20:22,883 --> 01:20:23,966 太扯 1098 01:20:24,850 --> 01:20:26,133 太扯了 1099 01:20:28,050 --> 01:20:30,533 我现在又怀孕我电脑是坏了吗 1100 01:20:33,050 --> 01:20:33,850 啊 1101 01:20:38,566 --> 01:20:39,766 电脑坏了吗 1102 01:20:40,050 --> 01:20:41,650 不是吧他怎么黑这么久啊 1103 01:20:41,650 --> 01:20:42,650 这也太久了吧 1104 01:20:42,650 --> 01:20:45,733 哦好了你看这个他这个 1105 01:20:57,133 --> 01:20:59,416 你们说是不是长的太过分了 1106 01:21:04,250 --> 01:21:06,366 家里面门也变得破败了 1107 01:21:06,366 --> 01:21:08,333 我怎么感觉家变了 1108 01:21:16,016 --> 01:21:18,649 一回家你就看电影这破动画 1109 01:21:19,883 --> 01:21:21,616 啊我们家怎么这么破啊 1110 01:21:28,416 --> 01:21:30,249 我们老婆跑了不可能吧 1111 01:21:31,416 --> 01:21:32,283 我们的比克号 1112 01:21:32,283 --> 01:21:34,616 是呢你回家不写不写作业是吗 1113 01:21:36,533 --> 01:21:38,133 Sean do you want to do your homework now 1114 01:21:38,450 --> 01:21:41,283 please dad let me watch tv a little wire longer 1115 01:21:41,366 --> 01:21:42,449 we'll do it later 1116 01:21:42,483 --> 01:21:44,249 okay no 1117 01:21:45,933 --> 01:21:46,733 好吧 1118 01:21:47,050 --> 01:21:49,566 Alright i'll come back a little later 1119 01:21:50,933 --> 01:21:51,849 你不说谢谢吗 1120 01:21:51,850 --> 01:21:53,483 你太没礼貌了你 1121 01:22:11,883 --> 01:22:13,566 it's time for your snack 1122 01:22:14,166 --> 01:22:14,816 are you hungry 1123 01:22:14,816 --> 01:22:16,683 i guess a little 1124 01:22:16,683 --> 01:22:18,483 let's see what we can find in the kitchen 1125 01:22:22,766 --> 01:22:24,766 what do you say we play together alive 1126 01:22:25,250 --> 01:22:27,083 i'd rather watch tv 1127 01:22:28,883 --> 01:22:31,566 完了他封闭自己的内心了 1128 01:22:33,416 --> 01:22:34,416 学校还好吗 1129 01:22:34,416 --> 01:22:35,649 how are things at school 1130 01:22:36,133 --> 01:22:37,333 is your teacher nice 1131 01:22:37,733 --> 01:22:39,216 everything's fine dad 1132 01:22:41,616 --> 01:22:42,416 so 1133 01:22:42,966 --> 01:22:44,566 do you want to talk a little 1134 01:22:44,566 --> 01:22:45,766 talk about what 1135 01:22:46,083 --> 01:22:48,133 i don't know about you your friends 1136 01:22:48,133 --> 01:22:48,849 没有他们死 1137 01:22:48,850 --> 01:22:49,816 了一个小孩了 1138 01:22:49,816 --> 01:22:50,849 刚才没看到 1139 01:22:52,166 --> 01:22:54,249 另外一个小孩被车撞死了 1140 01:23:01,533 --> 01:23:02,216 嗯只剩作业 1141 01:23:02,216 --> 01:23:03,483 you want to do your homework now 1142 01:23:03,616 --> 01:23:06,649 please dad let me watch tv a little while longer 1143 01:23:06,733 --> 01:23:08,449 we'll do it later okay 1144 01:23:12,683 --> 01:23:13,649 好吧好吧 1145 01:23:13,650 --> 01:23:16,366 all right i'll come back a little later 1146 01:23:18,333 --> 01:23:19,616 啊老婆哪去了 1147 01:23:21,166 --> 01:23:22,133 怎么可能 1148 01:23:22,133 --> 01:23:24,966 离婚了吧我现在要干嘛啊日常 1149 01:23:25,166 --> 01:23:27,566 格雷斯你看我格雷斯还在呢 1150 01:23:37,250 --> 01:23:40,166 真爽啊5点过就下放学了 1151 01:23:41,016 --> 01:23:43,016 早知道让他狠狠的写作业了 1152 01:23:43,016 --> 01:23:44,766 我还想着他是不是累着了 1153 01:23:44,883 --> 01:23:47,566 5点过你就放学你累累累累什么累 1154 01:23:51,083 --> 01:23:52,533 还在呢我看 1155 01:23:57,450 --> 01:24:00,083 这种日程表一般都是妈妈写吧 1156 01:24:00,766 --> 01:24:01,849 感觉的话 1157 01:24:17,483 --> 01:24:20,016 啊这个可动视角也太少了吧 1158 01:24:24,733 --> 01:24:25,849 在干嘛呢 1159 01:24:26,533 --> 01:24:27,566 呃作业作业 1160 01:24:27,566 --> 01:24:29,966 他满脑子都是让这个小孩做作业啊 1161 01:24:36,250 --> 01:24:37,050 嗯 1162 01:24:40,850 --> 01:24:42,483 放点酒生活不如意 1163 01:24:46,166 --> 01:24:47,333 还是算了 1164 01:24:50,133 --> 01:24:51,216 咳咳咳 1165 01:24:59,250 --> 01:25:01,416 别做别做别做别做有啥好做的 1166 01:25:03,333 --> 01:25:05,249 好了就叫这个破小孩 1167 01:25:06,616 --> 01:25:07,683 我学习去 1168 01:25:12,483 --> 01:25:14,083 Sean do you want to do your homework now 1169 01:25:14,216 --> 01:25:17,249 please dad let me watch TV a little wire longer 1170 01:25:17,366 --> 01:25:18,366 we'll do it later 1171 01:25:18,483 --> 01:25:21,216 okay他一直在重复这句话现在 1172 01:25:21,416 --> 01:25:23,333 i think we should just get right to it 1173 01:25:23,333 --> 01:25:24,649 then it's done and out of the way 1174 01:25:24,683 --> 01:25:25,849 变成机器人了 1175 01:25:25,850 --> 01:25:28,133 get your bag and get set up in the kitchen 1176 01:25:28,683 --> 01:25:29,649 i'll help you 1177 01:25:32,283 --> 01:25:34,133 好冷漠啊这个小屁孩 1178 01:25:37,533 --> 01:25:39,416 奈特奈特什么意思 1179 01:25:48,483 --> 01:25:49,283 嗯 1180 01:25:57,733 --> 01:25:59,566 我要做饭了我要做饭了 1181 01:26:01,166 --> 01:26:02,766 啊怎么没有提示了 1182 01:26:09,083 --> 01:26:09,883 看 1183 01:26:11,616 --> 01:26:13,333 给你啊不是不是别刮 1184 01:26:15,016 --> 01:26:16,449 快点橙汁 1185 01:26:23,733 --> 01:26:26,049 哈哈哈哈 1186 01:26:26,766 --> 01:26:27,566 咕嘟咕嘟 1187 01:26:33,133 --> 01:26:34,016 再喝一口 1188 01:26:34,216 --> 01:26:36,216 咕噜咕噜咕噜咕噜 1189 01:26:39,483 --> 01:26:40,366 再喝一口 1190 01:26:45,683 --> 01:26:46,649 再喝 1191 01:26:49,650 --> 01:26:51,883 他可以这么无限的喝下去吗 1192 01:26:52,650 --> 01:26:53,683 神奇 1193 01:26:55,683 --> 01:26:57,733 现在是不是该去上厕所了 1194 01:26:59,166 --> 01:27:02,449 啊net是net什么意思啊 1195 01:27:05,450 --> 01:27:05,883 dad 1196 01:27:05,883 --> 01:27:08,416 i'm finished can i go watch TV 1197 01:27:08,483 --> 01:27:10,733 这么牛真的假的 1198 01:27:13,733 --> 01:27:15,416 为什么是鬼画符呢你 1199 01:27:18,216 --> 01:27:19,366 let me have a look 1200 01:27:21,016 --> 01:27:22,683 错错错错pretty good 1201 01:27:23,216 --> 01:27:24,333 looks like you're done 1202 01:27:25,016 --> 01:27:25,966 off you go 1203 01:27:29,250 --> 01:27:30,283 这么快 1204 01:27:51,083 --> 01:27:52,249 我觉得是不是他们家 1205 01:27:52,250 --> 01:27:53,283 死了一个小孩之后 1206 01:27:53,283 --> 01:27:54,366 就无心工作 1207 01:27:54,366 --> 01:27:57,216 然后家里面就变得这么家徒四壁的 1208 01:28:00,366 --> 01:28:01,166 哼 1209 01:28:03,850 --> 01:28:04,650 啊 1210 01:28:11,050 --> 01:28:11,850 哎 1211 01:28:18,883 --> 01:28:19,683 哼哼 1212 01:28:28,766 --> 01:28:29,883 看看我家 1213 01:28:30,050 --> 01:28:32,850 好布啊这个怎么这么脏兮兮的 1214 01:28:39,733 --> 01:28:40,533 嗯 1215 01:28:49,166 --> 01:28:49,966 哼哼 1216 01:28:57,416 --> 01:28:59,366 哦我知道了我在想是不是 1217 01:29:00,250 --> 01:29:02,616 我做晚饭晚饭不做晚饭 1218 01:29:03,533 --> 01:29:05,083 要做得做晚饭啊 1219 01:29:05,083 --> 01:29:06,616 4 it's dinner time 1220 01:29:06,966 --> 01:29:08,533 i better make something for Sean 1221 01:29:09,766 --> 01:29:10,733 这是啥 1222 01:29:13,816 --> 01:29:15,166 要上厕所吗 1223 01:29:18,050 --> 01:29:19,850 出去嗯 1224 01:29:22,533 --> 01:29:24,816 忘记关灯了这下不环保了 1225 01:29:25,133 --> 01:29:26,533 爸家有啥菜 1226 01:29:31,216 --> 01:29:33,683 可是刚才我开冰箱就是想做菜啊 1227 01:29:33,683 --> 01:29:35,766 他怎么不让我做菜呢当时 1228 01:29:40,483 --> 01:29:42,416 啥你们菜放在冰箱吗 1229 01:29:46,333 --> 01:29:47,566 没有提示了 1230 01:29:53,483 --> 01:29:56,416 这是厨房吗大家这不是厨房吗 1231 01:30:00,566 --> 01:30:01,366 嗯 1232 01:30:10,483 --> 01:30:12,533 问题是我都没瞅着现在 1233 01:30:17,216 --> 01:30:18,133 嗯嗯 1234 01:30:26,016 --> 01:30:28,683 披萨披萨我没看见披萨我看看 1235 01:30:35,216 --> 01:30:36,083 谁打喷嚏 1236 01:30:49,933 --> 01:30:50,649 箱里吗 1237 01:30:50,650 --> 01:30:53,216 为什么我在冰箱面前他不让我开啊 1238 01:30:53,216 --> 01:30:54,283 你看看 1239 01:30:55,133 --> 01:30:56,333 他不让我开 1240 01:31:10,166 --> 01:31:10,966 你看 1241 01:31:12,366 --> 01:31:13,166 什么 1242 01:31:16,616 --> 01:31:17,416 嗯 1243 01:31:19,416 --> 01:31:21,083 反正可能只能选不做晚饭 1244 01:31:21,083 --> 01:31:23,849 he's not asking for anything it must because he's not hungry 1245 01:31:24,683 --> 01:31:25,733 好突然 1246 01:31:27,050 --> 01:31:28,483 Greece has Sean this weekend 1247 01:31:29,083 --> 01:31:31,533 seems like he can't wait to get back to his mother完了 1248 01:31:31,533 --> 01:31:32,649 离婚了我们 1249 01:31:40,166 --> 01:31:41,816 you've got a cold coming on 1250 01:31:42,566 --> 01:31:44,683 i'm gonna see if i can find some medicine for you 1251 01:31:47,816 --> 01:31:49,449 do you want me to get your dinner 1252 01:31:49,566 --> 01:31:51,966 no oh yeah i'm really hungry 1253 01:31:52,133 --> 01:31:53,883 okay i'll go see what i can find 1254 01:31:54,483 --> 01:31:55,849 i'll call you when it's ready 1255 01:31:58,566 --> 01:32:00,483 好吧你想上床睡觉吗 1256 01:32:01,333 --> 01:32:03,416 come on Sean it's time for bed 1257 01:32:04,650 --> 01:32:07,533 oh but i never go to bed this early 1258 01:32:10,450 --> 01:32:12,016 这应该能打开了吧 1259 01:32:13,216 --> 01:32:15,016 啊不是奇了怪了 1260 01:32:31,166 --> 01:32:33,249 这上面是不是架子上是不是有披萨 1261 01:32:33,250 --> 01:32:34,283 我不认识 1262 01:32:35,533 --> 01:32:37,133 为啥不提示呢 1263 01:32:38,133 --> 01:32:39,933 那也没有啊咱们家 1264 01:32:42,333 --> 01:32:43,966 哈哈哈哈哈 1265 01:32:48,133 --> 01:32:52,083 谁来帮帮我 1266 01:32:54,050 --> 01:32:55,616 厕所里装装有没有纸 1267 01:33:03,683 --> 01:33:04,483 嗯 1268 01:33:08,050 --> 01:33:09,816 你们也没看见是吧 1269 01:33:18,483 --> 01:33:21,016 家里没饭吃了哎哎下楼下楼哎 1270 01:33:21,016 --> 01:33:22,283 你往哪走呢 1271 01:33:28,333 --> 01:33:30,683 i think there's some medicine and bathroom cabinet哎 1272 01:33:30,683 --> 01:33:33,133 你看这厕所的橱柜里有药 1273 01:33:33,816 --> 01:33:36,216 那你就别吃了吃点药就行了 1274 01:33:37,683 --> 01:33:40,249 厕所是橱柜这这哪还有橱柜啊 1275 01:33:45,766 --> 01:33:47,733 oh他说卫生间的啊啥 1276 01:33:52,650 --> 01:33:54,416 他不是说了厕所的橱柜吗 1277 01:33:54,416 --> 01:33:56,016 我现在有点迷糊了 1278 01:34:04,283 --> 01:34:05,649 龙头人的味道 1279 01:34:14,533 --> 01:34:17,333 别急啊大家虽然我有点急了 1280 01:34:22,766 --> 01:34:23,883 啊是这吗 1281 01:34:25,283 --> 01:34:26,083 喵 1282 01:34:29,733 --> 01:34:31,216 这什么房间呢 1283 01:34:32,333 --> 01:34:33,249 啊这是出门 1284 01:34:45,333 --> 01:34:46,133 哈哈 1285 01:34:54,533 --> 01:34:55,333 哈哈 1286 01:35:03,616 --> 01:35:05,933 这什么不会是离婚协议书吧 1287 01:35:13,250 --> 01:35:15,450 when the parents came home from church 1288 01:35:15,450 --> 01:35:17,283 all their children were gone 1289 01:35:17,933 --> 01:35:21,883 they searched and called for themthey cried and begged 1290 01:35:22,566 --> 01:35:24,249 but it was all to no avail 1291 01:35:24,616 --> 01:35:25,366 红河信 1292 01:35:25,366 --> 01:35:27,933 children have never been seen again 1293 01:35:31,166 --> 01:35:32,133 橙子想 1294 01:35:35,816 --> 01:35:37,416 你想吃口东西 1295 01:35:52,250 --> 01:35:54,816 这是药也找不到吃的也找不到真是的 1296 01:35:55,766 --> 01:35:56,933 难道这是上楼吗 1297 01:35:56,933 --> 01:35:57,933 我上楼去了 1298 01:36:01,083 --> 01:36:03,366 孩子没吃的但是我有吃的呜呼 1299 01:36:15,083 --> 01:36:16,249 啊我要上厕所了 1300 01:36:16,250 --> 01:36:17,250 等一下大家 1301 01:36:20,683 --> 01:36:22,283 刚才饮料喝太多了呀 1302 01:36:40,566 --> 01:36:41,366 啊 1303 01:36:44,650 --> 01:36:46,616 换换药药在哪 1304 01:36:50,416 --> 01:36:51,733 哦这是洗手啊 1305 01:36:54,650 --> 01:36:56,050 看别人洗手 1306 01:36:58,533 --> 01:36:59,333 你们呢 1307 01:37:02,250 --> 01:37:03,766 哎呦还真是在这啊 1308 01:37:22,016 --> 01:37:23,049 没录没录 1309 01:37:23,333 --> 01:37:24,966 我只是害怕 1310 01:37:44,016 --> 01:37:45,166 here take this 1311 01:37:45,650 --> 01:37:46,766 it'll make you feel better 1312 01:37:47,283 --> 01:37:48,283 thanks dad 1313 01:37:50,933 --> 01:37:51,333 come on 1314 01:37:51,333 --> 01:37:53,049 Sean it's time for bed 1315 01:37:53,416 --> 01:37:56,333 i'm not tired yet can i step a little longer 1316 01:37:58,416 --> 01:37:58,766 no now 1317 01:37:58,766 --> 01:38:01,533 that's not very reasonable is it you have school tomorrow 1318 01:38:02,133 --> 01:38:03,449 你再不说你就要饿了 1319 01:38:03,450 --> 01:38:04,683 再说我们家没吃的 1320 01:38:05,816 --> 01:38:06,933 are you coming with me 1321 01:38:06,933 --> 01:38:10,366 go brush your teeth and put on your pajamas i'll come up 1322 01:38:15,566 --> 01:38:18,483 我没找着啊他不让我开冰箱怎么办嘛 1323 01:38:18,683 --> 01:38:19,766 你说说 1324 01:38:20,416 --> 01:38:23,883 真是的我想给他吃呢 1325 01:38:23,883 --> 01:38:26,616 没吃的呀保持保持身材把他救了 1326 01:38:28,250 --> 01:38:29,883 我看啊小孩呢 1327 01:38:32,366 --> 01:38:33,849 哦哦上楼去了 1328 01:38:34,933 --> 01:38:36,616 哈哈他是叶子 1329 01:38:36,733 --> 01:38:39,333 不是我没找着啊你们看你们找着没吗 1330 01:38:39,333 --> 01:38:40,849 你们也没找着啊 1331 01:38:43,933 --> 01:38:45,483 some不能一直卡在那吧 1332 01:38:45,483 --> 01:38:47,333 你上厕所爸爸进去看看 1333 01:38:49,133 --> 01:38:51,966 放下的我要干嘛呢 1334 01:38:53,333 --> 01:38:55,216 我进去给他把灯开开 1335 01:39:03,216 --> 01:39:04,449 好小的船哦 1336 01:39:13,650 --> 01:39:15,966 小孩为什么感觉一点也不尊重我呀 1337 01:39:15,966 --> 01:39:17,333 怎么怎么指示 1338 01:39:24,566 --> 01:39:25,416 tonight to 1339 01:39:28,483 --> 01:39:29,533 good night Sean 1340 01:39:29,733 --> 01:39:32,649 my teddy i haven't got my teddy dad 1341 01:39:32,650 --> 01:39:34,566 you must have left it somewhere in the house 1342 01:39:34,766 --> 01:39:37,216 do you have any idea where it could be no dad 1343 01:39:37,616 --> 01:39:39,649 please i can't sleep without him 1344 01:39:41,683 --> 01:39:44,816 alright i'll have a look around and see if i can find it okay 1345 01:39:48,016 --> 01:39:49,016 太极病啊 1346 01:39:51,083 --> 01:39:52,333 Shaun wants his Teddy 1347 01:39:52,450 --> 01:39:54,416 you must have left it lying around here somewhere 1348 01:40:00,883 --> 01:40:02,933 但是我们家房间还挺多 1349 01:40:07,616 --> 01:40:09,049 洗衣机上面吗OK 1350 01:40:11,166 --> 01:40:13,566 那牛啊大家记性也太好了吧 1351 01:40:14,133 --> 01:40:15,849 你们去搜了攻略吗 1352 01:40:33,133 --> 01:40:34,416 你在哪来着 1353 01:40:43,616 --> 01:40:45,849 哎不是不是不是别去别去别去 1354 01:40:45,850 --> 01:40:47,450 不能后悔嘛 1355 01:40:54,733 --> 01:40:56,216 喂喂 1356 01:41:01,766 --> 01:41:04,016 哦我上去小孩没了吧 1357 01:41:17,250 --> 01:41:18,050 嗯 1358 01:41:19,816 --> 01:41:20,883 好吓人跳 1359 01:41:20,933 --> 01:41:23,849 我怎么自自自己停在那了吓我一跳 1360 01:41:29,650 --> 01:41:31,083 我在车上吃醋 1361 01:42:02,083 --> 01:42:04,133 这小孩怎么都不盖被子呀 1362 01:42:08,216 --> 01:42:10,333 他说没有太极熊他说睡不着 1363 01:42:10,333 --> 01:42:11,816 结果睡的也太快了 1364 01:42:13,683 --> 01:42:16,016 醒醒你不是说没有泰迪熊吗 1365 01:42:16,016 --> 01:42:18,283 睡不着吗我给你拿来了快醒醒 1366 01:42:29,733 --> 01:42:31,883 哎呦我刚忘记给他关灯了再开开 1367 01:42:35,766 --> 01:42:36,766 还能进去不 1368 01:42:38,816 --> 01:42:40,249 啊不能进去了走吧 1369 01:42:41,050 --> 01:42:41,850 啊 1370 01:42:47,966 --> 01:42:49,133 妈我害怕 1371 01:42:54,016 --> 01:42:55,249 新TST了 1372 01:43:03,333 --> 01:43:04,133 oh 1373 01:43:17,016 --> 01:43:17,816 you 1374 01:43:22,566 --> 01:43:23,649 完了梦游 1375 01:43:26,016 --> 01:43:26,933 不是这啥 1376 01:44:01,416 --> 01:44:02,216 啊 1377 01:44:09,766 --> 01:44:10,733 莫名其妙 1378 01:44:17,966 --> 01:44:18,883 这人是谁 1379 01:44:25,766 --> 01:44:27,333 汽车旅馆是吗 1380 01:44:27,933 --> 01:44:29,216 嗯怎么卡卡的 1381 01:44:31,766 --> 01:44:33,533 我也不知道他连想表达啥 1382 01:44:43,016 --> 01:44:44,816 我没截图啊我摁错了吧 1383 01:44:49,133 --> 01:44:51,333 Lauren winter Ringny bells 1384 01:44:51,733 --> 01:44:53,366 nap can't say it does 1385 01:44:58,250 --> 01:45:00,450 oh that Lauren winter 1386 01:45:01,250 --> 01:45:02,083 third floor 1387 01:45:02,133 --> 01:45:04,649 last door on the left at the end of the corner好难 1388 01:45:04,650 --> 01:45:06,733 三楼走廊尽头啥 1389 01:45:09,366 --> 01:45:10,649 最后一扇门 1390 01:45:11,683 --> 01:45:15,216 三楼走廊尽头什么左手边最后一扇门 1391 01:45:17,366 --> 01:45:18,683 你看他这个 1392 01:45:23,450 --> 01:45:25,816 走到尽头左手边的这这 1393 01:45:26,966 --> 01:45:27,766 这这 1394 01:45:31,933 --> 01:45:34,249 我还以为这还有个房间呢结果没有 1395 01:45:35,133 --> 01:45:35,933 就是你 1396 01:45:38,933 --> 01:45:39,733 Lauren winter 1397 01:45:40,683 --> 01:45:42,616 sorry i only declines my appointment 1398 01:45:47,333 --> 01:45:48,616 我在吃东西呢 1399 01:45:52,883 --> 01:45:54,016 it's fifty bucks 1400 01:45:54,166 --> 01:45:56,166 i don't kiss and i don't do any word shit 1401 01:45:56,416 --> 01:45:57,216 fine by me 1402 01:45:59,616 --> 01:46:01,533 哇身材蛮好啊 1403 01:46:02,850 --> 01:46:03,933 不行我要kiss 1404 01:46:03,933 --> 01:46:05,249 我要特殊癖好 1405 01:46:05,883 --> 01:46:06,449 啊kiss 1406 01:46:06,450 --> 01:46:09,133 算了我也不想kiss你put your money on the table 1407 01:46:09,133 --> 01:46:10,049 you got exactly 1408 01:46:10,050 --> 01:46:13,683 说实话我想啊我有10分钟时间啊能啊 1409 01:46:13,683 --> 01:46:14,933 太快了太快了 1410 01:46:15,683 --> 01:46:18,366 我先检查一下我还没放钱就还没开始 1411 01:46:21,216 --> 01:46:22,016 哼 1412 01:46:22,650 --> 01:46:24,416 说实话我在想他们这种啊 1413 01:46:24,483 --> 01:46:25,566 他说不kiss 1414 01:46:25,566 --> 01:46:26,733 那我真那个起来了 1415 01:46:26,733 --> 01:46:28,566 我kiss你又怎么样呢 1416 01:46:28,616 --> 01:46:29,083 你们觉得呢 1417 01:46:29,083 --> 01:46:31,216 you should take your clothes off we ain't got it all day 1418 01:46:32,250 --> 01:46:33,850 i'm sure you're a customer 1419 01:46:35,416 --> 01:46:36,883 shit a cop 1420 01:46:37,533 --> 01:46:40,533 i should have known what you want a freebie is that it 1421 01:46:42,850 --> 01:46:45,366 my name is Scott Shelby i'm a private detective 1422 01:46:45,766 --> 01:46:47,933 the families of the victims of the origami killer 1423 01:46:47,933 --> 01:46:49,649 asked me to investigate the murders 1424 01:46:50,133 --> 01:46:52,733 i came here just to ask you some questions about honey 1425 01:46:54,766 --> 01:46:57,616 i already told the police all i know and have nothing to add 1426 01:46:58,333 --> 01:46:59,133 leave me alone 1427 01:47:03,683 --> 01:47:05,049 i understand lord 1428 01:47:05,850 --> 01:47:07,166 i know what you're going 1429 01:47:07,883 --> 01:47:09,166 oh yeah you know what 1430 01:47:09,166 --> 01:47:12,049 it feels like to find your own son's body on a wasteland 1431 01:47:12,533 --> 01:47:14,449 i'm sorry i don't believe you have the slightest 1432 01:47:14,450 --> 01:47:16,416 idea what i'm going through mr Shelby 1433 01:47:19,850 --> 01:47:21,816 the killer is walking around free 1434 01:47:21,816 --> 01:47:24,166 as we speak he'll kill again if he's not arrested 1435 01:47:24,166 --> 01:47:26,216 hey johnny's dead so what difference does it make 1436 01:47:30,816 --> 01:47:32,566 i bought 10 minutes of your time didn't i 1437 01:47:33,650 --> 01:47:36,566 all i ask is that you used that time to answer some questions 1438 01:47:37,083 --> 01:47:39,083 you want to pay me to tell you about my 1439 01:47:39,083 --> 01:47:40,366 son is that it 1440 01:47:41,216 --> 01:47:42,816 you can buy my body mr Shelby 1441 01:47:42,816 --> 01:47:45,683 but my son is not for sale get out of here 1442 01:47:46,566 --> 01:47:47,966 get the fuck out 1443 01:47:54,966 --> 01:47:56,483 我没卡住了吗 1444 01:48:00,083 --> 01:48:01,616 well if you remember anything 1445 01:48:01,850 --> 01:48:03,250 the smallest detail 1446 01:48:04,133 --> 01:48:05,166 give me a call 1447 01:48:06,450 --> 01:48:08,333 give me a call give me a call 1448 01:48:14,333 --> 01:48:16,533 好吧没没有东西了走了 1449 01:48:17,966 --> 01:48:19,566 走的好嗨呢 1450 01:48:23,050 --> 01:48:24,283 别离我这么近啊 1451 01:48:31,166 --> 01:48:32,616 挺漂亮的他 1452 01:48:34,533 --> 01:48:35,333 哎 1453 01:48:37,850 --> 01:48:38,816 怎么了 1454 01:48:46,733 --> 01:48:47,533 哎等一下 1455 01:48:54,050 --> 01:48:57,050 哦我还以为我还要等他喘息呢啊 1456 01:49:04,933 --> 01:49:05,733 走啊 1457 01:49:15,966 --> 01:49:16,766 哇 1458 01:49:17,616 --> 01:49:18,966 像长发了吗 1459 01:49:24,850 --> 01:49:25,650 Lauren 1460 01:49:27,850 --> 01:49:29,166 Lauren open up baby 1461 01:49:29,766 --> 01:49:30,733 it's me sorry 1462 01:49:30,733 --> 01:49:31,649 what are you doing here 1463 01:49:31,650 --> 01:49:33,650 i already told you i don't want to see you anymore 1464 01:49:33,650 --> 01:49:37,016 sorry Dal but i really wanted to see you 1465 01:49:42,166 --> 01:49:43,216 我来救你啊 1466 01:49:44,766 --> 01:49:45,566 干嘛呀 1467 01:49:47,483 --> 01:49:50,333 what do you want Asshole感觉有qqte Lauren 1468 01:49:50,816 --> 01:49:52,016 is everything Alright 1469 01:49:53,083 --> 01:49:54,416 干嘛你啊swell 1470 01:49:54,566 --> 01:49:55,883 they'll beat it loser 1471 01:50:01,050 --> 01:50:02,016 you again 1472 01:50:06,133 --> 01:50:07,283 我弄了呀 1473 01:50:12,616 --> 01:50:13,416 go 1474 01:50:15,450 --> 01:50:16,416 哎你妈 1475 01:50:28,216 --> 01:50:30,333 Troy stop where i call the cops Troy 1476 01:50:30,333 --> 01:50:31,933 i will call the cops 1477 01:50:41,283 --> 01:50:44,333 他这个QT有一点不灵活就是他 1478 01:50:48,133 --> 01:50:51,283 他这个上下键要要停住半天 1479 01:50:54,016 --> 01:50:55,849 按完之后要停半天 1480 01:51:02,016 --> 01:51:03,133 才是有效的 1481 01:51:04,366 --> 01:51:07,083 哎谁能想到我现在能边说话边 1482 01:51:07,883 --> 01:51:10,016 这样啊太牛了吧 1483 01:51:10,016 --> 01:51:11,616 谁能想到呢 1484 01:51:20,250 --> 01:51:21,050 yeah 1485 01:51:24,483 --> 01:51:27,816 打半天我以为我是光头原来我是胖子 1486 01:51:28,016 --> 01:51:30,366 我以为我是光头呢see you again 1487 01:51:30,366 --> 01:51:31,249 asshole 1488 01:51:35,450 --> 01:51:36,416 are you all right 1489 01:51:38,416 --> 01:51:39,683 better than him i guess 1490 01:51:40,416 --> 01:51:41,216 who is he 1491 01:51:41,366 --> 01:51:43,366 an ex client who thinks he owns me 1492 01:51:43,933 --> 01:51:46,016 he was getting violent and i told him i didn't want to 1493 01:51:46,016 --> 01:51:46,849 see him anymore 1494 01:51:48,566 --> 01:51:49,366 well 1495 01:51:49,483 --> 01:51:50,483 you should be careful 1496 01:51:50,483 --> 01:51:52,283 被打的好可怜哦they'll be back 1497 01:51:52,816 --> 01:51:54,083 oh wait i got the mess 1498 01:51:55,483 --> 01:51:57,649 Mr Shelby他肯定要跟我说婷宝 1499 01:51:58,816 --> 01:51:59,616 thanks 1500 01:52:05,850 --> 01:52:07,650 这场空空气确实不是很好 1501 01:52:07,650 --> 01:52:09,133 但是我在想是不是因为 1502 01:52:10,216 --> 01:52:12,416 大家不是说是移植的还是什么吗 1503 01:52:24,683 --> 01:52:27,566 我刚才一一秒钟我还以为是康娜呢 1504 01:52:30,416 --> 01:52:31,216 嗯 1505 01:52:32,766 --> 01:52:33,566 when youSO 1506 01:52:46,816 --> 01:52:47,616 什么意思啊 1507 01:53:16,250 --> 01:53:17,333 啊那是过堂吗 1508 01:53:17,333 --> 01:53:18,483 我摁半天我在那 1509 01:53:18,483 --> 01:53:21,249 我还以为是我没摁好呢哈 1510 01:53:22,883 --> 01:53:24,166 我一直在摁w 1511 01:53:24,533 --> 01:53:27,216 d s w d s我一直在摁 1512 01:53:27,216 --> 01:53:28,616 我就说怎么跟我 1513 01:53:28,766 --> 01:53:31,366 操作的速度有点不太一样啊 1514 01:53:34,566 --> 01:53:36,883 哈哈哈哈哈哈 1515 01:53:41,416 --> 01:53:42,449 我就说怎么 1516 01:53:42,850 --> 01:53:44,733 感觉他好像不太受我操控 1517 01:53:44,733 --> 01:53:46,249 我摁了然后他也会慢 1518 01:53:46,250 --> 01:53:48,333 他也是按照自己的速度来的 1519 01:53:58,683 --> 01:53:59,966 my hands are trembling 1520 01:54:00,850 --> 01:54:02,450 i gotta keep my act together 1521 01:54:02,966 --> 01:54:03,966 at least for now 1522 01:54:07,133 --> 01:54:08,766 how did that name somewhere what was it 1523 01:54:09,766 --> 01:54:11,933 Blake lieutenant Carter Blake yeah that's it 1524 01:54:13,733 --> 01:54:15,766 reporters already 1525 01:54:16,883 --> 01:54:18,733 huh you seem well informed 1526 01:54:19,533 --> 01:54:22,683 goddamn ring hasn't stop pouring since i arrived 1527 01:54:23,250 --> 01:54:25,416 i'm really gonna love you 1528 01:54:30,650 --> 01:54:32,250 真的好喜欢那个什么 1529 01:54:32,650 --> 01:54:34,083 底特律他有按右键 1530 01:54:34,083 --> 01:54:36,283 然后我看你现在应该去哪的这个功能 1531 01:54:36,283 --> 01:54:38,333 啊his own is sectioned off sir 1532 01:54:38,333 --> 01:54:39,333 please step back 1533 01:54:39,850 --> 01:54:40,850 agent non and Jaden 1534 01:54:40,850 --> 01:54:43,533 FBI are you not a badge or something 1535 01:54:43,533 --> 01:54:44,966 mr Jaden yeah 1536 01:54:45,933 --> 01:54:46,933 yeah of course 1537 01:54:56,366 --> 01:54:58,416 check you can pass 1538 01:54:58,533 --> 01:54:59,883 估计是假冒的 1539 01:55:01,366 --> 01:55:04,216 i'm looking for lieutenant Blake is he around 1540 01:55:04,766 --> 01:55:06,283 i saw him arrive earlier 1541 01:55:06,333 --> 01:55:07,366 he's here somewhere 1542 01:55:08,133 --> 01:55:08,933 thanks 1543 01:55:13,450 --> 01:55:14,250 嗯 1544 01:55:30,450 --> 01:55:31,250 IT 1545 01:55:34,416 --> 01:55:35,449 哦帅哦 1546 01:55:37,016 --> 01:55:39,016 但是有点矮他 1547 01:55:39,366 --> 01:55:42,049 video memo recording agent four seven zero 1548 01:55:42,050 --> 01:55:44,250 two three NUM in chain Tuesday 1549 01:55:44,733 --> 01:55:46,933 fourth two thousand and eleven telling us 1550 01:55:47,766 --> 01:55:48,766 eight 14 am 1551 01:56:10,766 --> 01:56:14,366 啥呀为什么我动不了呢 1552 01:56:15,083 --> 01:56:15,883 哦 1553 01:56:17,333 --> 01:56:18,133 哦 1554 01:56:19,250 --> 01:56:20,416 这是什么 1555 01:56:26,883 --> 01:56:27,816 这什么 1556 01:56:42,366 --> 01:56:44,366 i'm related to the investigation 1557 01:56:45,566 --> 01:56:47,483 就看到个什么呢crime呢 1558 01:56:50,566 --> 01:56:52,683 i'm looking for lieutenant Carter Blake 1559 01:56:58,883 --> 01:56:59,683 OK 1560 01:57:02,283 --> 01:57:02,883 这个什么啊 1561 01:57:02,883 --> 01:57:04,616 这是现实生活中真有的技术吗 1562 01:57:04,616 --> 01:57:05,616 应该没有吧 1563 01:57:19,133 --> 01:57:20,883 哎呀鞋子弄脏了好烦 1564 01:57:21,333 --> 01:57:22,283 lieutenant play 1565 01:57:22,650 --> 01:57:24,883 i'm agent nominee from the fbi 1566 01:57:25,016 --> 01:57:27,849 i went by your office this morning they told me you'd be here 1567 01:57:28,333 --> 01:57:29,683 now if you're looking for rain 1568 01:57:29,683 --> 01:57:32,766 dead bodies inhighways you come to the right place 1569 01:57:33,283 --> 01:57:34,683 like we tell that asshole 1570 01:57:34,683 --> 01:57:37,333 with the bulldozer to stop for five minutes i can't hear myself 1571 01:57:37,333 --> 01:57:39,616 thank you right away lieutenant 1572 01:57:43,566 --> 01:57:45,849 whenwell are you coming Jaden 1573 01:57:48,083 --> 01:57:48,883 so 1574 01:57:49,416 --> 01:57:50,416 what happened 1575 01:57:50,733 --> 01:57:51,449 some guy 1576 01:57:51,450 --> 01:57:54,083 taking his dog for a piss found a body about six o'clock 1577 01:57:54,083 --> 01:57:56,366 this morning we don't know much more right now 1578 01:57:56,616 --> 01:57:57,733 based on what we've seen 1579 01:57:57,733 --> 01:57:59,849 looks like the work of the origami killer 1580 01:57:59,883 --> 01:58:01,533 好像什么我喜欢 1581 01:58:02,683 --> 01:58:04,366 has the body being identified 1582 01:58:04,883 --> 01:58:07,616 no not yet we should know more later today 1583 01:58:07,966 --> 01:58:09,249 any news on a corner 1584 01:58:10,050 --> 01:58:11,766 he's on his way lieutenant 1585 01:58:12,366 --> 01:58:14,616 we've been waiting for an hour for fuck's sake 1586 01:58:17,416 --> 01:58:18,933 do we know the cause of death 1587 01:58:19,766 --> 01:58:20,883 there are no marks on the box 1588 01:58:20,883 --> 01:58:22,249 我说我喜欢这种题材 1589 01:58:22,333 --> 01:58:23,449 sorry was drowned 1590 01:58:24,083 --> 01:58:25,416 啊有没有很喜欢 1591 01:58:25,450 --> 01:58:27,216 有点害怕大家 1592 01:58:27,216 --> 01:58:29,849 我说这种就是有点害怕那种什么 1593 01:58:31,250 --> 01:58:35,050 这种有点像力flag就你说什么我看看 1594 01:58:36,366 --> 01:58:38,249 there are a lot of people on the crime scene 1595 01:58:38,450 --> 01:58:40,933 是说什么按我喜欢这种犯罪题材 1596 01:58:40,933 --> 01:58:41,966 你都很犯罪 1597 01:58:41,966 --> 01:58:44,449 嫌疑人听到这句话直接来找我犯罪 1598 01:58:44,450 --> 01:58:45,216 怎么办 1599 01:58:45,216 --> 01:58:47,766 我不喜欢i have a trample on things into the ground 1600 01:58:47,966 --> 01:58:49,216 we're not in the FBI 1601 01:58:50,966 --> 01:58:54,649 no no of course not that's that's not on a man 1602 01:58:55,333 --> 01:58:58,016 Tony i don't want to see a single shit stirring journal 1603 01:58:58,016 --> 01:58:59,616 is what in a mile here you got it 1604 01:59:00,216 --> 01:59:00,449 yes 1605 01:59:00,450 --> 01:59:01,250 lieutenant 1606 01:59:05,483 --> 01:59:07,333 也喜欢到时候就来找你了 1607 01:59:07,850 --> 01:59:09,166 any witnesses 1608 01:59:10,333 --> 01:59:12,616 none yet given the neighborhood 1609 01:59:12,616 --> 01:59:14,483 i'd be surprised if anybody saw 1610 01:59:14,566 --> 01:59:15,366 anything 1611 01:59:15,733 --> 01:59:17,849 listen i'm a little busy here 1612 01:59:17,850 --> 01:59:20,883 why don't we discuss all this a little later back at the office 1613 01:59:20,966 --> 01:59:22,849 oh no problem i understand 1614 01:59:23,050 --> 01:59:24,533 do you mind if i have a look around 1615 01:59:25,166 --> 01:59:26,283 be my guest 1616 01:59:28,533 --> 01:59:32,166 hey Jaden come and see me if you find anything okay 1617 01:59:32,616 --> 01:59:34,166 i'm on the same team now 1618 01:59:35,416 --> 01:59:38,283 要是人能再帅一点就好了哎 1619 01:59:50,533 --> 01:59:52,016 我这也没看到啥呀 1620 01:59:55,966 --> 01:59:58,133 the body must be under the tarp near the lights 1621 01:59:58,450 --> 01:59:59,566 灯光附近 1622 02:00:03,766 --> 02:00:04,849 九九哥很多 1623 02:00:14,050 --> 02:00:15,416 哎大家有的人 1624 02:00:15,416 --> 02:00:17,883 他们最喜欢看那种真实的那种案件 1625 02:00:17,883 --> 02:00:18,566 你们知道吗 1626 02:00:18,566 --> 02:00:20,966 我真的在想他们看完每天看那种 1627 02:00:21,250 --> 02:00:24,050 不会很害怕很害怕很害怕吗 1628 02:00:24,250 --> 02:00:25,416 不会那个什么 1629 02:00:27,333 --> 02:00:28,849 不也还有妄想吗 1630 02:00:38,966 --> 02:00:40,533 wella d是什么意思呢 1631 02:00:40,533 --> 02:00:44,249 a d钙奶我喜欢a哦同时按的意思吗 1632 02:00:45,850 --> 02:00:47,083 特效啊 1633 02:00:48,166 --> 02:00:50,166 别别别别别我还没看完呢 1634 02:00:52,766 --> 02:00:53,849 你你就继续还 1635 02:00:53,883 --> 02:00:56,449 哎呀那你精神状况不会出问题吗 1636 02:00:56,450 --> 02:00:58,766 我真的觉得精神状况还是出问题啊 1637 02:00:58,966 --> 02:01:01,449 an orchid was placed on the victim's chest 1638 02:01:02,250 --> 02:01:03,733 换了一朵莲花 1639 02:01:11,733 --> 02:01:14,766 thisa small origami figure in the right hand 1640 02:01:16,683 --> 02:01:19,616 fingers were probably closed after the time of death 1641 02:01:25,083 --> 02:01:26,533 哎这啥意思啊 1642 02:01:27,333 --> 02:01:28,616 没啥用啊 1643 02:01:29,250 --> 02:01:30,050 哦 1644 02:01:30,416 --> 02:01:32,366 superficial wounds on the right thigh 1645 02:01:33,766 --> 02:01:36,216 analysis suggests it could be postmorten 1646 02:01:36,650 --> 02:01:38,283 但是你不会很害怕 1647 02:01:39,483 --> 02:01:41,366 不会很害怕发生在你身上吗 1648 02:01:41,366 --> 02:01:43,616 indicates an advanced and long lasting 1649 02:01:43,616 --> 02:01:44,649 严重衰竭 1650 02:01:49,533 --> 02:01:52,883 the space is covered with mud like the other victims 1651 02:01:54,566 --> 02:01:56,366 是我也在想是不是想问他吧 1652 02:01:58,883 --> 02:02:00,616 the victim is Jeremy bulls 1653 02:02:00,616 --> 02:02:02,766 what's that clear of missing five days ago 1654 02:02:03,933 --> 02:02:05,133 see reference fire 1655 02:02:07,850 --> 02:02:10,250 但是我觉得吧没有了应该 1656 02:02:13,166 --> 02:02:15,816 看完之后就会非常草木皆兵吧 1657 02:02:15,966 --> 02:02:17,416 那比如说有个人走在你后面 1658 02:02:17,416 --> 02:02:18,216 你都会想啊 1659 02:02:18,216 --> 02:02:19,933 他是不是要杀我了 1660 02:02:23,883 --> 02:02:26,083 这个啥他为什么老是提示这个呢 1661 02:02:26,083 --> 02:02:27,966 然后我以为我现在需要干嘛 1662 02:02:27,966 --> 02:02:30,133 结果又是摘眼镜取眼镜的 1663 02:02:30,333 --> 02:02:31,533 好奇怪呦 1664 02:02:32,683 --> 02:02:34,733 呃凶手impressive 1665 02:02:34,966 --> 02:02:36,616 seems he only traces the color left 1666 02:02:36,616 --> 02:02:38,016 although he intended to leave 1667 02:02:38,083 --> 02:02:39,816 can you exactly what he is doing 1668 02:02:40,083 --> 02:02:42,083 right down to the tiniest detail 1669 02:02:42,616 --> 02:02:44,816 他故意留线索好狂 1670 02:02:45,283 --> 02:02:47,566 there's a railroad track knowing where the Buddy was left 1671 02:02:47,816 --> 02:02:49,683 same as only other victims 1672 02:02:51,650 --> 02:02:53,333 everybody got scratched when it was human 1673 02:02:53,933 --> 02:02:56,083 there may be more traces of blood around here 1674 02:02:57,216 --> 02:02:59,016 a strange character that blood 1675 02:02:59,566 --> 02:03:01,216 didn't seem too pleased to see me 1676 02:03:03,483 --> 02:03:05,933 the killer must have carried the body here 1677 02:03:06,333 --> 02:03:08,333 gotta be tracks around here somewhere 1678 02:03:10,250 --> 02:03:11,650 way too many people here 1679 02:03:12,650 --> 02:03:13,966 all over the crime scene 1680 02:03:15,650 --> 02:03:16,933 看见没有没有了吗 1681 02:03:17,816 --> 02:03:18,616 OK 1682 02:03:23,650 --> 02:03:25,133 还能放弃出啥吗 1683 02:03:26,050 --> 02:03:29,216 Harry comment sample of no interest comes on to the policeman 1684 02:03:29,216 --> 02:03:30,566 present on the wasteland 1685 02:03:31,083 --> 02:03:31,883 OK 1686 02:03:45,883 --> 02:03:47,733 这也是没有用的意思吗 1687 02:03:50,616 --> 02:03:51,933 这个人有点可疑 1688 02:03:51,933 --> 02:03:53,049 找他说说话 1689 02:03:56,083 --> 02:03:57,616 找不了找不了走了 1690 02:04:00,450 --> 02:04:02,133 我这个e是啥意思来着 1691 02:04:22,050 --> 02:04:24,733 这个E13啥意思啊你们有没有看明白 1692 02:04:36,016 --> 02:04:38,816 但是啥也没扫描出来呀问题是 1693 02:05:01,366 --> 02:05:03,933 harry come in orchipalan detected 1694 02:05:04,216 --> 02:05:06,249 probably from the flower left on the body 1695 02:05:17,016 --> 02:05:19,333 i'm heading back to the office you staying 1696 02:05:25,816 --> 02:05:29,449 no i've seen enough i'm leaving too没啥可看的 1697 02:05:32,133 --> 02:05:32,966 走吧 1698 02:05:34,683 --> 02:05:39,249 跟你走吧我们去巴黎 1699 02:05:39,883 --> 02:05:40,683 他 1700 02:05:41,883 --> 02:05:43,766 你让啊你不知道让我吗 1701 02:05:43,766 --> 02:05:46,133 我可是f b i的你个小破利斯 1702 02:05:53,883 --> 02:05:55,083 上面还有吗 1703 02:05:56,450 --> 02:05:58,733 为什么我扫了半天没扫着呢 1704 02:06:01,366 --> 02:06:02,449 走呀excuse me i m lost where is the supermarket 1705 02:06:05,816 --> 02:06:09,283 确实他那个有点不是很方便来着 1706 02:06:09,816 --> 02:06:13,416 走几步摁一下走几步摁一下哎 1707 02:06:13,533 --> 02:06:15,249 你怎么不等我呀 1708 02:06:25,566 --> 02:06:26,333 哦 1709 02:06:26,333 --> 02:06:29,366 哦我的车在这呢我还以为他要送我呢 1710 02:06:30,450 --> 02:06:32,766 自作多情了哈哈哈 1711 02:06:38,450 --> 02:06:39,366 哎不是不是 1712 02:06:42,966 --> 02:06:44,566 哎不是不是不是不是 1713 02:06:45,333 --> 02:06:48,816 你看他这种地方有点烦他这个下车就 1714 02:06:49,850 --> 02:06:50,650 嗯 1715 02:06:51,966 --> 02:06:54,966 确实有点低配版仿生滑滑嗯 1716 02:06:58,133 --> 02:06:59,766 感觉已经闻到车的味道了 1717 02:07:16,533 --> 02:07:18,049 我以为那个是系安全带呢 1718 02:07:18,050 --> 02:07:20,933 因为之前左边有一个是系安全带的 1719 02:07:31,650 --> 02:07:34,250 she啊不是兴趣色是他爹来 1720 02:07:42,933 --> 02:07:44,216 but butterfly 1721 02:07:48,166 --> 02:07:49,016 叫什么 1722 02:07:52,166 --> 02:07:54,133 肯定不让不是狼吧首先 1723 02:07:54,533 --> 02:07:55,616 don't think Ethan 1724 02:07:55,933 --> 02:07:58,216 give me the first idea that pops into your head 1725 02:07:58,250 --> 02:08:00,216 哦好吧我来做心理治疗了 1726 02:08:01,133 --> 02:08:02,483 那我觉得这是老鼠吧 1727 02:08:02,650 --> 02:08:04,416 a Rat a rat's head 1728 02:08:08,083 --> 02:08:08,883 a crap 1729 02:08:13,483 --> 02:08:16,416 a shadow a threatening shadow 1730 02:08:33,733 --> 02:08:36,283 i have the results of your mri scans 1731 02:08:36,816 --> 02:08:38,049 everything seems to be normal 1732 02:08:38,283 --> 02:08:40,683 there is no physical damage from the accident 1733 02:08:42,733 --> 02:08:46,016 however i am worried about your psychological condition 1734 02:08:47,366 --> 02:08:51,249 i know it's not easy but you've got to start over Ethan 1735 02:08:52,050 --> 02:08:54,333 you're not responsible for what happened 1736 02:08:55,966 --> 02:08:57,849 it's my fault Jason is dead 1737 02:08:59,083 --> 02:09:01,649 it'd still be alive if i've been looking out for him 1738 02:09:02,766 --> 02:09:04,449 it was an accident 1739 02:09:05,016 --> 02:09:06,933 accidents happen every day 1740 02:09:07,816 --> 02:09:11,083 you can't blame yourself forever for your son's death 1741 02:09:14,050 --> 02:09:15,133 how is Sean 1742 02:09:19,566 --> 02:09:20,166 no more 1743 02:09:20,166 --> 02:09:23,849 he's a very solitary kid you know very focused within himself 1744 02:09:25,616 --> 02:09:27,483 he's really close to his mother 1745 02:09:29,133 --> 02:09:30,966 with me he's more distant 1746 02:09:31,283 --> 02:09:32,283 and what about you 1747 02:09:32,283 --> 02:09:34,566 Ethan what do you feel 1748 02:09:38,616 --> 02:09:39,416 比赛 1749 02:09:39,616 --> 02:09:42,416 i no longer want to live 1750 02:09:44,083 --> 02:09:45,933 i have no reason to continue 1751 02:09:47,083 --> 02:09:49,216 not even for your son Sean 1752 02:09:50,366 --> 02:09:51,733 i couldn't save Jason 1753 02:09:53,683 --> 02:09:55,366 Shawn doesn't need a father like me 1754 02:09:55,416 --> 02:09:56,883 跟肖恩真不熟 1755 02:09:59,450 --> 02:10:02,250 is there something else you wanted to tell me Ethan 1756 02:10:10,533 --> 02:10:14,533 have there been any cases of split personality developing 1757 02:10:14,733 --> 02:10:15,849 after concussion 1758 02:10:16,283 --> 02:10:17,083 like 1759 02:10:17,616 --> 02:10:20,083 people doing things but having no memory of what they've done 1760 02:10:21,016 --> 02:10:22,966 somebody else不是我杀的人吧 1761 02:10:25,416 --> 02:10:27,049 we know that in certain cases 1762 02:10:27,050 --> 02:10:28,483 a violent chuck to the brain 1763 02:10:28,483 --> 02:10:31,249 can cause serious psychological disturbances 1764 02:10:31,416 --> 02:10:33,449 like schizophrenia for example 1765 02:10:35,850 --> 02:10:37,133 that's the end of this session 1766 02:10:37,450 --> 02:10:39,533 we'll continue this conversation next week 1767 02:10:43,616 --> 02:10:44,849 you were lucky Ethan 1768 02:10:45,166 --> 02:10:48,016 it's very rare to survive such a traumatic accident 1769 02:10:51,166 --> 02:10:53,216 i don't exactly feel lucky doctor 1770 02:10:57,883 --> 02:11:00,049 什么重点男人什么都做的出来 1771 02:11:01,216 --> 02:11:02,483 不会是个医生吧 1772 02:11:02,733 --> 02:11:04,049 你盯着我干嘛呢 1773 02:11:04,283 --> 02:11:06,166 有个眼神有点不怀好意啊 1774 02:11:15,566 --> 02:11:17,133 how did things go to school today 1775 02:11:18,366 --> 02:11:21,016 they teach her yather me for being laid again 1776 02:11:21,816 --> 02:11:24,616 she's gonna send me home the next timehappens 1777 02:11:25,566 --> 02:11:27,283 i'm sorry about that shaw 1778 02:11:27,933 --> 02:11:30,449 next time we'll really pull it together okay 1779 02:11:34,366 --> 02:11:36,166 aren't you gonna go play with the other kids 1780 02:11:36,166 --> 02:11:36,966 no 1781 02:11:38,450 --> 02:11:39,966 i don't feel like it 1782 02:11:44,250 --> 02:11:45,850 那我感觉会不会是医生啊 1783 02:11:45,850 --> 02:11:46,883 do you want to eat something 1784 02:11:47,083 --> 02:11:49,449 你们觉得如果是医生的话明不明显 1785 02:11:50,050 --> 02:11:50,850 嗯 1786 02:11:54,416 --> 02:11:55,683 is something the matter shown 1787 02:11:57,933 --> 02:11:59,616 快去笑吧no 1788 02:11:59,850 --> 02:12:02,366 i'm Alright笑下去 1789 02:12:05,166 --> 02:12:07,566 上上学迟到就是去杀人去了 1790 02:12:10,733 --> 02:12:13,649 学习又聪明肯定明白这些事 1791 02:12:14,416 --> 02:12:15,249 就是杀 1792 02:12:22,533 --> 02:12:26,166 Sean used to love going to the park laughing and messing around 1793 02:12:26,450 --> 02:12:29,766 man he was so happy if that was this before 1794 02:12:30,083 --> 02:12:31,416 要是真是像的话 1795 02:12:31,416 --> 02:12:33,566 就绝对不会有人想的想到 1796 02:12:33,966 --> 02:12:35,366 想能想到对吧 1797 02:12:36,533 --> 02:12:38,616 微信票i saw it boomerang in his bag 1798 02:12:38,933 --> 02:12:40,416 you used to be pretty good with one of those 1799 02:12:43,083 --> 02:12:44,816 maybe you're right on the Merry go around 1800 02:12:46,366 --> 02:12:50,133 we're just not communicating feels like we're drifting apart 1801 02:12:51,650 --> 02:12:55,333 or Sean we probably got into trouble at school because of me 1802 02:12:57,166 --> 02:12:59,083 Sean used to love playing on the seesaw 1803 02:12:59,333 --> 02:13:01,733 他神神叨叨的一直在这讲Shawn looks 1804 02:13:01,733 --> 02:13:04,449 so miserable i wish i could help it 1805 02:13:06,416 --> 02:13:08,083 i'm just not sure i can right now 1806 02:13:10,283 --> 02:13:12,333 maybe you'd like to have a turn on the swings 1807 02:13:16,016 --> 02:13:17,966 说跷跷板你 1808 02:13:19,366 --> 02:13:22,816 i haven't been on a C song in a long time 1809 02:13:23,250 --> 02:13:24,216 what do you think 1810 02:13:25,566 --> 02:13:26,366 yeah 1811 02:13:29,083 --> 02:13:29,933 啊 1812 02:13:30,683 --> 02:13:31,483 啊 1813 02:13:40,533 --> 02:13:42,883 我硬屁股把你翘飞天 1814 02:13:45,050 --> 02:13:47,283 come on dad make me fly 1815 02:13:51,216 --> 02:13:53,016 他好像在命令我大家 1816 02:13:59,216 --> 02:14:00,566 哦他笑了好吧 1817 02:14:09,966 --> 02:14:12,216 完了就是像他笑的好变态啊 1818 02:14:28,566 --> 02:14:30,166 he seems to be having fun 1819 02:14:30,416 --> 02:14:32,849 it's been a long time since i've seen that smile 1820 02:14:33,883 --> 02:14:35,733 i'll find something else to do with him 1821 02:14:39,166 --> 02:14:41,333 秋千秋千秋千 1822 02:14:41,733 --> 02:14:44,416 秋千什么鬼啊秋千啊 1823 02:14:47,566 --> 02:14:48,483 秋千 1824 02:14:56,883 --> 02:14:58,366 you want to go play on this way 1825 02:14:59,883 --> 02:15:01,283 说实话如果是小 1826 02:15:01,283 --> 02:15:02,533 我小孩不会又不见了吧 1827 02:15:02,533 --> 02:15:03,333 小OK 1828 02:15:03,883 --> 02:15:06,483 说实话要是是象做的的话 1829 02:15:06,483 --> 02:15:08,016 这个游戏就大翻转吧 1830 02:15:08,016 --> 02:15:09,566 没有人能想到是象吧 1831 02:15:09,566 --> 02:15:12,616 对吧说实话我这个想法还挺好的 1832 02:15:12,933 --> 02:15:14,366 小孩杀人狂 1833 02:15:25,566 --> 02:15:26,533 然后呢 1834 02:15:33,083 --> 02:15:34,016 啊对不起啊 1835 02:15:34,250 --> 02:15:35,683 you're not pushing dead 1836 02:15:35,683 --> 02:15:37,166 你凶我干嘛 1837 02:15:37,483 --> 02:15:39,483 我不知道怎么按第二次啊 1838 02:15:42,250 --> 02:15:45,416 你这孩子真的是你绝对是杀人狂 1839 02:15:50,966 --> 02:15:51,933 哎我不会 1840 02:15:53,216 --> 02:15:54,566 why'd you stop 1841 02:15:56,133 --> 02:15:57,849 哎怎么怎么弄啊 1842 02:15:57,850 --> 02:16:00,050 我不知道第二下怎么拿来啊 1843 02:16:08,283 --> 02:16:09,649 我抓住了呀 1844 02:16:09,816 --> 02:16:13,016 我两个手都抓住了两个鼠标都抓住了 1845 02:16:13,883 --> 02:16:16,283 don't want to play that game anymore啊 1846 02:16:17,966 --> 02:16:19,616 我真的不会啊 1847 02:16:19,766 --> 02:16:21,283 我按住了 1848 02:16:22,883 --> 02:16:26,683 好凶啊我像一个伺候他的仆人 1849 02:16:26,683 --> 02:16:28,683 少爷你们开心了吗 1850 02:16:32,850 --> 02:16:33,650 hmm 1851 02:16:34,216 --> 02:16:35,766 saw it boomerang in his bag 1852 02:16:36,166 --> 02:16:37,649 used to be pretty good with one of those 1853 02:16:40,850 --> 02:16:42,933 问题是他不在他的bag在哪吗 1854 02:16:44,883 --> 02:16:46,283 双键同时 1855 02:16:46,283 --> 02:16:50,133 按往下滑我两个嗯呀嗯 1856 02:16:50,616 --> 02:16:52,366 我两个都按住了呀 1857 02:16:53,016 --> 02:16:54,333 bag你的bag在哪 1858 02:16:54,333 --> 02:16:55,483 交出你的bag 1859 02:16:56,650 --> 02:16:57,816 又没有他bug 1860 02:16:59,733 --> 02:17:01,566 旋转盘make you right on the Merry go around 1861 02:17:01,850 --> 02:17:03,166 旋转盘在哪嘛 1862 02:17:06,333 --> 02:17:07,133 啊 1863 02:17:17,216 --> 02:17:18,249 这个这个 1864 02:17:18,683 --> 02:17:21,333 不是你们看我现在完全就是在讨好他 1865 02:17:21,566 --> 02:17:23,049 what about that Mary go around 1866 02:17:23,216 --> 02:17:26,616 i bet i can push you so fast you won't be able to stay on it 1867 02:17:27,416 --> 02:17:28,283 great 1868 02:17:33,216 --> 02:17:34,016 哼 1869 02:17:45,366 --> 02:17:47,883 go on dad as best as you can 1870 02:17:50,283 --> 02:17:53,449 看我一天累死累活的给他当牛做马的 1871 02:17:53,816 --> 02:17:55,649 你别催促我 1872 02:17:56,683 --> 02:17:57,483 嘿 1873 02:17:59,933 --> 02:18:00,933 嘿嘿 1874 02:18:00,933 --> 02:18:02,483 嘿嘿 1875 02:18:10,050 --> 02:18:10,850 Whoa 1876 02:18:11,483 --> 02:18:13,483 i think my head is spinning 1877 02:18:13,566 --> 02:18:15,216 good training for astronauts though 1878 02:18:29,016 --> 02:18:30,333 looks like rain's coming 1879 02:18:30,816 --> 02:18:32,216 i think you better go 1880 02:18:32,933 --> 02:18:33,733 okay 1881 02:18:34,933 --> 02:18:36,133 怎么他一个人跑了 1882 02:18:36,133 --> 02:18:36,933 你看 1883 02:18:37,816 --> 02:18:39,249 哦他的书包在这 1884 02:18:40,883 --> 02:18:43,133 you know sometimes i remember before 1885 02:18:43,566 --> 02:18:45,566 i mean when Jason was still here 1886 02:18:46,166 --> 02:18:49,649 sometimes i wish everything could just be the way it was before 1887 02:18:50,883 --> 02:18:52,083 me too Sean 1888 02:18:52,850 --> 02:18:53,683 me too 1889 02:18:54,766 --> 02:18:57,483 被伤心爸爸争取再生一个 1890 02:19:13,483 --> 02:19:14,483 怎么不走了 1891 02:19:14,483 --> 02:19:17,049 hey dad can i have it right on the carousel 1892 02:19:17,050 --> 02:19:17,850 can i 1893 02:19:18,450 --> 02:19:22,416 好sure go pick a horse and get on i'll get a ticket 1894 02:19:22,533 --> 02:19:23,333 我上 1895 02:19:26,083 --> 02:19:28,166 男性孕育刻不容缓 1896 02:19:28,933 --> 02:19:30,416 我还我小孩呢 1897 02:19:30,566 --> 02:19:31,966 我有点害怕了 1898 02:19:42,483 --> 02:19:45,216 Shawn looks happy i wish i could see him like that 1899 02:19:45,216 --> 02:19:46,649 我要去买票是吗 1900 02:19:53,733 --> 02:19:54,616 one please 1901 02:19:55,133 --> 02:19:56,049 that's a dollar 1902 02:20:03,333 --> 02:20:04,533 怎么还不转啊 1903 02:20:06,566 --> 02:20:08,016 哎你们干嘛呢 1904 02:20:13,083 --> 02:20:14,849 哎我还没走呢 1905 02:20:14,966 --> 02:20:17,216 怎么我自己跳转到这来了 1906 02:20:36,083 --> 02:20:36,883 什么 1907 02:20:50,333 --> 02:20:52,083 哎我还在吃东西呢 1908 02:20:54,533 --> 02:20:56,416 嗯不提前说一下呀 1909 02:21:11,250 --> 02:21:12,050 杀 1910 02:21:12,283 --> 02:21:13,083 杀 1911 02:21:13,533 --> 02:21:14,333 杀 1912 02:21:21,216 --> 02:21:22,016 啥东 1913 02:21:23,283 --> 02:21:24,083 西 1914 02:21:29,083 --> 02:21:30,416 啥这是真实的世界吗 1915 02:21:30,416 --> 02:21:31,933 之前这不是做梦吗 1916 02:21:39,766 --> 02:21:40,566 sun 1917 02:21:46,533 --> 02:21:47,333 sun 1918 02:21:51,883 --> 02:21:53,683 这下好了一个孩子都没了 1919 02:22:01,816 --> 02:22:03,083 想把自己杀了 1920 02:22:03,566 --> 02:22:04,883 Sean where are you 1921 02:22:05,216 --> 02:22:06,566 为了洗脱嫌疑 1922 02:22:14,083 --> 02:22:15,733 之前要生两个了 1923 02:22:16,733 --> 02:22:18,216 生育压力有点大 1924 02:22:24,333 --> 02:22:25,416 上楼去看看 1925 02:22:29,766 --> 02:22:32,083 啊这个视角看着好崩溃啊 1926 02:22:32,483 --> 02:22:33,733 还不能调 1927 02:22:46,483 --> 02:22:48,449 地上包包刚才地上有包包吗 1928 02:22:53,733 --> 02:22:54,883 啊啊 1929 02:22:58,450 --> 02:22:59,450 我的好 1930 02:23:19,733 --> 02:23:21,533 宝宝太可怜了吧 1931 02:23:26,533 --> 02:23:28,283 你们看他还画了内眼线 1932 02:23:31,566 --> 02:23:32,416 微笑啊 1933 02:23:38,333 --> 02:23:39,566 这是过场吗 1934 02:23:46,366 --> 02:23:48,249 莫名其妙的 1935 02:23:52,016 --> 02:23:54,166 啊这不是国产吧我要操作它吗 1936 02:23:54,166 --> 02:23:54,966 没有啊 1937 02:23:58,483 --> 02:23:59,483 这就是过程 1938 02:24:02,166 --> 02:24:03,333 宝贝他的过程 1939 02:24:06,966 --> 02:24:09,216 好奇怪他为什么会这样过场啊 1940 02:24:09,216 --> 02:24:10,816 但是我还是觉得有点奇怪啊 1941 02:24:10,816 --> 02:24:11,966 说实话大家 1942 02:24:13,416 --> 02:24:15,166 我有铁粉生气吧 1943 02:24:16,366 --> 02:24:17,249 但是他 1944 02:24:18,733 --> 02:24:19,933 但他不应啊 1945 02:24:20,650 --> 02:24:22,483 你就说是不是有点奇怪嘛 1946 02:24:22,483 --> 02:24:24,133 no he should be finished soon 1947 02:24:30,283 --> 02:24:31,133 哈哈 1948 02:24:31,133 --> 02:24:33,883 比那还是斯文那确实比黑屏好一点 1949 02:24:37,333 --> 02:24:39,766 墨镜一戴谁也不爱 1950 02:24:41,883 --> 02:24:43,416 哇说什么啊 1951 02:24:44,283 --> 02:24:45,533 不好过去 1952 02:24:47,016 --> 02:24:48,966 这游戏为什么不会有铁粉的 1953 02:25:00,650 --> 02:25:01,566 嗯是呀 1954 02:25:09,883 --> 02:25:11,683 被当成傻逼了 1955 02:25:15,533 --> 02:25:16,333 the 1956 02:25:29,250 --> 02:25:31,333 可以不玩了不不好玩 1957 02:25:31,733 --> 02:25:34,533 不能吗我可以 1958 02:25:39,816 --> 02:25:40,616 嗯 1959 02:25:46,216 --> 02:25:47,816 没玩我没说啊 1960 02:25:49,166 --> 02:25:51,016 帅帅的大男孩 1961 02:25:51,016 --> 02:25:52,016 完美的身 1962 02:25:52,016 --> 02:25:53,166 不是我不想玩这个 1963 02:25:53,166 --> 02:25:55,049 我不能带上干点别的吗 1964 02:26:04,016 --> 02:26:06,249 i'm off Charlie and i'll look at the reports later 1965 02:26:06,250 --> 02:26:08,566 i'll cancel all appointments for this afternoon 1966 02:26:08,566 --> 02:26:13,216 okay oh captain agent Mormon Jaden from the fbi is here 1967 02:26:16,216 --> 02:26:17,733 Jaden of course 1968 02:26:17,733 --> 02:26:19,283 we've been expecting you 1969 02:26:19,683 --> 02:26:21,933 i'm in a bit of a hurry do you mind tagging along 1970 02:26:21,933 --> 02:26:23,216 we can talk as we walk 1971 02:26:23,216 --> 02:26:24,166 yeah of course 1972 02:26:24,933 --> 02:26:27,933 i wanted to introduce myself before getting started but 1973 02:26:28,683 --> 02:26:29,933 perhaps there's a better time 1974 02:26:30,133 --> 02:26:30,966 now it's fine 1975 02:26:31,083 --> 02:26:32,933 i just have to get to the press conference 1976 02:26:33,050 --> 02:26:34,416 we have a memory day now 1977 02:26:34,966 --> 02:26:36,816 believe me it's not always easy to find啊 1978 02:26:36,816 --> 02:26:39,133 什么课文都看练装你在说啥 1979 02:26:41,333 --> 02:26:43,733 have you met lieutenant Blake 1980 02:26:44,050 --> 02:26:45,333 yeah we met this morning 1981 02:26:47,216 --> 02:26:49,133 he has his own methods but he's a good cop 1982 02:26:49,133 --> 02:26:50,283 i'm sure you'll get him 1983 02:26:50,333 --> 02:26:50,849 well 1984 02:26:50,850 --> 02:26:51,566 together 1985 02:26:51,566 --> 02:26:54,366 do you know how to tie a knot in the necktie 1986 02:26:54,683 --> 02:26:55,766 i guess 1987 02:26:57,733 --> 02:26:59,933 to be Frank with you i could have done without the fbi 1988 02:26:59,933 --> 02:27:01,366 啊我为什么要帮他 1989 02:27:01,366 --> 02:27:02,166 系零蛋啊 1990 02:27:02,650 --> 02:27:03,483 好暧昧啊 1991 02:27:03,650 --> 02:27:04,450 killer case 1992 02:27:04,733 --> 02:27:08,333 crept up on us and it's fast becoming a national concern 1993 02:27:08,966 --> 02:27:10,933 there are hundreds of killers in this 1994 02:27:11,250 --> 02:27:12,016 but what do you know 1995 02:27:12,016 --> 02:27:14,366 this guy is exotic 1996 02:27:14,416 --> 02:27:18,449 these flowers and Aragami figures worked up on app 1997 02:27:18,733 --> 02:27:20,249 and the press get onto it 1998 02:27:20,683 --> 02:27:22,883 and we suddenly become the center of the universe 1999 02:27:23,083 --> 02:27:25,133 学习一下好以后我会打领带了 2000 02:27:25,133 --> 02:27:26,533 i get a serial killer 2001 02:27:26,933 --> 02:27:29,283 with all due respect sir the rest of it 2002 02:27:29,766 --> 02:27:30,933 is none of my business 2003 02:27:35,216 --> 02:27:36,016 no 2004 02:27:36,416 --> 02:27:37,416 of course not 2005 02:27:38,283 --> 02:27:41,933 all i'm asking is that you make progress and fast 2006 02:27:42,050 --> 02:27:43,616 the press want a perpetrator 2007 02:27:43,616 --> 02:27:47,249 and we're gonna have to serve him up on a silver platter 2008 02:27:51,333 --> 02:27:52,133 not bad 2009 02:27:56,483 --> 02:27:59,333 oh go see Charlie and she'll show you to your office 2010 02:28:00,083 --> 02:28:02,933 check in on the press conference if you're interested 2011 02:28:03,216 --> 02:28:06,533 it'll give you an idea of the political climate around here 2012 02:28:06,616 --> 02:28:08,216 大龄sir 2013 02:28:09,016 --> 02:28:11,083 welcome to the club Jayden好 2014 02:28:11,083 --> 02:28:12,816 夏玲肯定是我的女朋友 2015 02:28:14,050 --> 02:28:17,250 夏玲夏玲儿你在哪呢 2016 02:28:17,250 --> 02:28:21,333 啊是你吗小夏不是 2017 02:28:22,816 --> 02:28:23,649 看好 2018 02:28:34,766 --> 02:28:35,566 哦哦 2019 02:28:37,050 --> 02:28:39,166 as you get perry's assistant to show me my office 2020 02:28:39,216 --> 02:28:40,616 i can't wait to get to work 2021 02:28:42,016 --> 02:28:42,883 傻屌 2022 02:28:45,883 --> 02:28:47,483 我回你啊 2023 02:28:48,333 --> 02:28:50,616 我有点晕了我有点晕了他这个 2024 02:28:52,333 --> 02:28:55,283 是你吗不是吗 2025 02:28:55,616 --> 02:28:57,766 是你吗也不是 2026 02:29:02,933 --> 02:29:04,366 哦是你妈那算了 2027 02:29:09,166 --> 02:29:12,133 哦线出拉里身子不是他 2028 02:29:14,366 --> 02:29:15,366 nice watch 2029 02:29:16,966 --> 02:29:19,733 oh it's the present we offer to our new lieutenants 2030 02:29:19,850 --> 02:29:21,850 we bought the same model each year for the past 2031 02:29:21,850 --> 02:29:23,683 20 years for each promotion 2032 02:29:24,133 --> 02:29:25,449 it optimizes everybody's time 2033 02:29:25,450 --> 02:29:27,650 and it's the kind of thing that always goes down well 2034 02:29:28,133 --> 02:29:30,049 you can contribute to our fund if you like 2035 02:29:30,050 --> 02:29:31,366 we're still a few dollar short 2036 02:29:32,600 --> 02:29:35,400 接受吧不接受会被骂的 2037 02:29:36,600 --> 02:29:38,000 i'll be sure to do that sir 2038 02:29:40,766 --> 02:29:42,233 captain Perry said you could啊 2039 02:29:42,233 --> 02:29:44,766 他真是夏林啊yes of course follow me 2040 02:29:45,566 --> 02:29:47,433 不是我女朋友是你女朋友 2041 02:29:49,083 --> 02:29:50,883 好幼稚的说话说 2042 02:29:54,200 --> 02:29:54,966 你去哪了 2043 02:29:54,966 --> 02:29:57,166 我走走走走找你了哦哦 2044 02:29:57,683 --> 02:29:59,883 agent Jayden are you coming 2045 02:30:08,566 --> 02:30:09,799 好破啊 2046 02:30:10,083 --> 02:30:10,883 this 2047 02:30:11,683 --> 02:30:12,833 this is my office 2048 02:30:13,600 --> 02:30:15,366 that's why i was told to take you 2049 02:30:16,433 --> 02:30:18,433 if you need anything you know where to find me 2050 02:30:24,000 --> 02:30:25,716 你们太不看重我了 2051 02:30:25,716 --> 02:30:30,516 等我做出成绩来之后有你们好受的 2052 02:30:30,883 --> 02:30:31,566 okay 2053 02:30:31,566 --> 02:30:32,516 time to work 2054 02:30:32,516 --> 02:30:33,316 work 2055 02:30:38,083 --> 02:30:38,883 嗯 2056 02:30:44,800 --> 02:30:46,483 哇我都会 2057 02:31:12,883 --> 02:31:14,966 好脏的椅子他就这么坐 2058 02:31:22,166 --> 02:31:23,199 step one 2059 02:31:24,166 --> 02:31:25,766 change the office 2060 02:31:37,600 --> 02:31:38,483 不是他不够 2061 02:31:40,683 --> 02:31:41,716 要我怎么画 2062 02:31:48,883 --> 02:31:50,599 海鲜饭店的7个摄像机 2063 02:31:50,683 --> 02:31:51,316 这怎么换 2064 02:31:51,316 --> 02:31:52,566 我为什么按不动呢 2065 02:31:57,883 --> 02:31:58,683 哦 2066 02:32:00,233 --> 02:32:01,166 打开 2067 02:32:10,483 --> 02:32:11,316 哇哦 2068 02:32:17,800 --> 02:32:18,600 再试试 2069 02:32:24,683 --> 02:32:25,683 哇哦 2070 02:32:27,516 --> 02:32:28,999 虽然我很喜欢大海 2071 02:32:29,000 --> 02:32:32,883 但这个声音有点让人不是非常愉悦吧 2072 02:32:33,966 --> 02:32:35,633 但是看过这个来着 2073 02:32:43,566 --> 02:32:46,566 沙漠太荒凉了算了再换 2074 02:32:49,000 --> 02:32:50,283 你看过吗 2075 02:32:57,433 --> 02:32:59,599 这是我刚才那个嗯 2076 02:33:00,000 --> 02:33:01,916 就这个吧就这个吧 2077 02:33:02,083 --> 02:33:03,366 哎我还想再换一个来着 2078 02:33:03,366 --> 02:33:04,483 还有一个没看到 2079 02:33:04,483 --> 02:33:06,199 但我不知道是哪个 2080 02:33:07,633 --> 02:33:08,366 也不是这个 2081 02:33:08,366 --> 02:33:09,966 再再再换一下再换一下 2082 02:33:09,966 --> 02:33:11,566 应该是有是有4个球的吧 2083 02:33:11,566 --> 02:33:13,083 不是吗只有3个球啊 2084 02:33:13,083 --> 02:33:15,799 没事了不对啊有4个球啊 2085 02:33:20,716 --> 02:33:21,966 枫叶重吗 2086 02:33:28,516 --> 02:33:29,716 还可以吧 2087 02:33:33,566 --> 02:33:34,766 我觉得 2088 02:33:36,566 --> 02:33:38,283 更好吗那就这个吧 2089 02:33:39,366 --> 02:33:40,683 怎么选择啊 2090 02:33:41,233 --> 02:33:42,483 怎么选择啊 2091 02:33:46,566 --> 02:33:47,916 OK就这个 2092 02:33:54,316 --> 02:33:56,766 怎么选择呢他没跟我说啊 2093 02:34:08,516 --> 02:34:09,916 哦嗯 2094 02:34:11,033 --> 02:34:12,199 嗯我看看 2095 02:34:18,516 --> 02:34:20,883 well well looks like there's something new 2096 02:34:23,516 --> 02:34:24,316 哎 2097 02:34:41,483 --> 02:34:43,516 no prince or specific clues 2098 02:34:44,116 --> 02:34:45,433 nothing much to go on 2099 02:34:51,516 --> 02:34:53,366 the arcade is a common species 2100 02:34:53,400 --> 02:34:55,283 it can be found at any flower shop 2101 02:34:59,233 --> 02:35:00,116 炫我 2102 02:35:02,683 --> 02:35:03,283 watch 2103 02:35:03,283 --> 02:35:04,399 me watch me 2104 02:35:08,366 --> 02:35:09,166 hmm 2105 02:35:09,233 --> 02:35:10,633 a common species 2106 02:35:11,633 --> 02:35:12,999 that doesn't help much 2107 02:35:27,000 --> 02:35:28,116 Ari come in 2108 02:35:28,633 --> 02:35:31,683 tire tracks on the side of the road behind the railroad line 2109 02:35:31,683 --> 02:35:32,399 啊 2110 02:35:32,400 --> 02:35:36,433 像像之前就说过想开爸爸的车啊 2111 02:35:37,033 --> 02:35:37,999 就是上 2112 02:35:41,433 --> 02:35:42,916 这不是看过了吗 2113 02:35:49,566 --> 02:35:50,366 yeah 2114 02:35:59,483 --> 02:36:00,516 看看文件 2115 02:36:03,566 --> 02:36:06,233 哎要是真能这么工作该多好啊 2116 02:36:11,283 --> 02:36:13,483 eight victims in the last three years 2117 02:36:14,316 --> 02:36:15,599 all boys 2118 02:36:16,000 --> 02:36:18,000 age between nine and thirteen 2119 02:36:20,166 --> 02:36:21,399 no signs of violence 2120 02:36:22,366 --> 02:36:24,233 the victims disappear 9-13岁 2121 02:36:24,233 --> 02:36:26,966 像只能只能杀9-13岁的小孩 2122 02:36:26,966 --> 02:36:28,599 no one notices anything 2123 02:36:31,083 --> 02:36:32,566 没有人发现就是因为 2124 02:36:32,683 --> 02:36:35,116 小孩跟小孩一起一起玩 2125 02:36:35,116 --> 02:36:38,283 然后不会被大人觉得奇怪啊 2126 02:36:47,200 --> 02:36:50,316 always the same ritual an aragami in the hand 2127 02:36:50,800 --> 02:36:52,233 an orchid on the chest 2128 02:36:53,200 --> 02:36:54,883 the victims have always been dead for less 2129 02:36:54,883 --> 02:36:56,633 than six hours when they were found 2130 02:36:57,116 --> 02:36:59,716 which means they remained alive for several days before 2131 02:36:59,716 --> 02:37:00,599 being drowned 2132 02:37:02,766 --> 02:37:05,199 of a three thousand five hundred people questioned 2133 02:37:06,316 --> 02:37:08,766 of a one hundred suspects interrogated 2134 02:37:10,516 --> 02:37:12,683 not a single lead to go on 2135 02:37:13,283 --> 02:37:16,283 过去8年杀了多少个人来着搞忘了 2136 02:37:18,283 --> 02:37:19,799 他只有这两个 2137 02:37:25,566 --> 02:37:26,366 啊不是 2138 02:37:58,083 --> 02:37:58,883 啊 2139 02:37:59,366 --> 02:38:00,433 怎么回事 2140 02:38:08,316 --> 02:38:09,399 here we go again 2141 02:38:09,766 --> 02:38:11,433 i really go wash my face 2142 02:38:17,516 --> 02:38:19,033 i need to take some 2143 02:38:19,166 --> 02:38:20,916 i'm gonna faint if i resist 2144 02:38:21,883 --> 02:38:22,683 huh 2145 02:38:24,083 --> 02:38:27,633 that's all right i know i can make it i know 2146 02:38:27,800 --> 02:38:29,200 i know i can make it 2147 02:38:34,566 --> 02:38:35,366 AH 2148 02:38:36,233 --> 02:38:37,566 i feel like crap 2149 02:38:42,433 --> 02:38:43,516 我要吃吗 2150 02:38:55,766 --> 02:38:56,966 吃的是啥 2151 02:38:57,800 --> 02:38:59,400 不会是不好的药吧 2152 02:39:37,033 --> 02:39:39,083 this is lieutenant Blake mister Marshall 2153 02:39:39,366 --> 02:39:40,999 would you please tell him what happened it 2154 02:39:41,000 --> 02:39:42,316 it was this afternoon 2155 02:39:42,600 --> 02:39:44,916 i went to the park with my son Sean 2156 02:39:44,916 --> 02:39:46,716 we played together for a while 2157 02:39:47,116 --> 02:39:49,283 and then he wanted to go on the carousel 2158 02:39:49,283 --> 02:39:51,433 so i put him on one of the wooden horses 2159 02:39:51,916 --> 02:39:53,516 and when i turned back 2160 02:39:55,916 --> 02:39:57,683 哎我的老婆肯定恨死我了 2161 02:39:57,716 --> 02:40:00,883 exactly what time did you arrive at the park try to remember 2162 02:40:00,883 --> 02:40:04,399 exactly Mr Mars every detail can be important 2163 02:40:04,916 --> 02:40:06,283 it must have been about 2164 02:40:09,366 --> 02:40:11,199 啊我不记得 2165 02:40:13,966 --> 02:40:16,833 five thirty i think i'm not really sure 2166 02:40:18,400 --> 02:40:20,483 what was your son wearing when he disappeared 2167 02:40:20,800 --> 02:40:22,033 he was wearing a coat 2168 02:40:22,483 --> 02:40:23,366 我不记得 2169 02:40:24,083 --> 02:40:24,999 啊 2170 02:40:26,033 --> 02:40:27,566 我没注意过他 2171 02:40:29,716 --> 02:40:30,833 a black coat 2172 02:40:31,200 --> 02:40:32,000 是吗 2173 02:40:32,716 --> 02:40:34,116 and a pair of pants 2174 02:40:36,716 --> 02:40:37,683 green pants 2175 02:40:39,000 --> 02:40:40,716 how could Sean have disappeared without you 2176 02:40:40,716 --> 02:40:43,433 even noticing weren't you right by the carousel 2177 02:40:49,233 --> 02:40:52,199 i went to sit on a bench a little way off 2178 02:40:52,833 --> 02:40:55,033 i didn't notice right away the carousel had stopped 2179 02:40:55,116 --> 02:40:57,166 that must have been when Sean disappear 2180 02:40:57,683 --> 02:41:00,316 you say you took your son to the pocket to school 2181 02:41:00,883 --> 02:41:03,366 but you didn't report him missing until eight fifteen 2182 02:41:03,516 --> 02:41:06,166 why did it take you so long to contact the police 2183 02:41:06,883 --> 02:41:07,716 你们记得吗 2184 02:41:07,716 --> 02:41:08,716 啊我看看 2185 02:41:10,683 --> 02:41:12,766 i searched the whole neighborhood for him 2186 02:41:12,833 --> 02:41:13,633 i thought he couldn't have done 2187 02:41:13,633 --> 02:41:14,883 你们记得他穿的啥吗 2188 02:41:15,883 --> 02:41:17,083 这谁记得住啊 2189 02:41:17,083 --> 02:41:17,833 谁关心他啊 2190 02:41:17,833 --> 02:41:20,766 so questions i have for now you're free to go Mr Mars 2191 02:41:20,766 --> 02:41:22,633 we'll continue to look for Sean overnight 2192 02:41:22,800 --> 02:41:24,966 we'll contact you if we have any more questions 2193 02:41:26,800 --> 02:41:27,766 拿张照片 2194 02:41:28,633 --> 02:41:30,116 do you think the origami killer 2195 02:41:33,766 --> 02:41:35,916 listen your son's probably just run off 2196 02:41:35,916 --> 02:41:37,883 and i'll turn up in a couple hours 2197 02:41:39,833 --> 02:41:41,799 but what if it is an argomic killer 2198 02:41:43,600 --> 02:41:46,233 well then we have about four days to find him alive 2199 02:41:47,516 --> 02:41:48,316 完了 2200 02:41:50,483 --> 02:41:51,633 还有4天 2201 02:41:57,833 --> 02:41:59,999 之前那个6个小时是啥东西来着 2202 02:42:00,833 --> 02:42:01,916 有点不记得了 2203 02:42:02,883 --> 02:42:04,033 did they find something 2204 02:42:05,800 --> 02:42:06,566 no 2205 02:42:06,566 --> 02:42:08,883 nothing yet but they're Gonna keep looking through the night 2206 02:42:11,200 --> 02:42:13,000 确实是我对不起你老婆 2207 02:42:13,000 --> 02:42:14,800 do they think is the origami killer 2208 02:42:15,683 --> 02:42:16,999 他好平静啊 2209 02:42:17,316 --> 02:42:18,399 他都不怪我 2210 02:42:18,683 --> 02:42:20,483 it's still too early to say 2211 02:42:22,833 --> 02:42:24,483 but it is a possibility 2212 02:42:28,766 --> 02:42:31,399 that's right死后6小时没发现what happened 2213 02:42:31,400 --> 02:42:32,200 Ethan 2214 02:42:33,566 --> 02:42:35,366 how could you lose Sean like that 2215 02:42:36,400 --> 02:42:38,633 you should never have taken your eyes off him 2216 02:42:38,800 --> 02:42:39,966 i ain't for god's sake 2217 02:42:39,966 --> 02:42:42,566 how hard is it to keep your eye on a child in the park 2218 02:42:43,966 --> 02:42:44,916 why did you leave him 2219 02:42:44,916 --> 02:42:46,116 Ethan why 2220 02:42:47,033 --> 02:42:48,233 wasn't it enough to be 2221 02:42:48,233 --> 02:42:49,033 Jason 2222 02:42:53,166 --> 02:42:53,999 sorry 2223 02:42:55,633 --> 02:42:57,916 it's not what i meant他竟然还跟我道歉 2224 02:42:57,916 --> 02:43:00,483 我说实话他把我打死都不会过吧 2225 02:43:06,200 --> 02:43:07,916 好好的老婆啊 2226 02:43:19,600 --> 02:43:21,716 确实倒八辈子血霉了 2227 02:43:23,883 --> 02:43:25,999 哈哈哈 2228 02:43:29,033 --> 02:43:29,833 哈哈 2229 02:43:33,766 --> 02:43:35,283 兄弟两团结的也挺好 2230 02:43:35,283 --> 02:43:36,283 你我们俩 2231 02:43:36,283 --> 02:43:38,233 我和我和我老婆一起死了 2232 02:43:38,233 --> 02:43:40,366 我们一家人团结不更好 2233 02:43:40,366 --> 02:43:41,683 全死了得了 2234 02:43:44,516 --> 02:43:45,399 啊等一下 2235 02:43:45,400 --> 02:43:48,833 是下雨后的6小时还是死完之后6小时 2236 02:43:49,000 --> 02:43:52,316 呃死后6小时被发现啊你们还记得吗 2237 02:44:08,916 --> 02:44:10,283 雨后潦草什么 2238 02:44:15,000 --> 02:44:16,633 你们答案不太统一啊 2239 02:44:19,166 --> 02:44:20,799 good evening to you sir 2240 02:44:24,883 --> 02:44:26,166 can i help you sir 2241 02:44:26,600 --> 02:44:30,516 well i hope so my name is Scott Shelby i'm a private detective 2242 02:44:31,116 --> 02:44:33,316 i'm investigating the case of the origami killer 2243 02:44:34,200 --> 02:44:36,233 i'd like to ask you a few questions 2244 02:44:36,633 --> 02:44:39,683 my son is dead mr Chevy 2245 02:44:40,766 --> 02:44:42,399 i have nothing more to say哦 2246 02:44:42,400 --> 02:44:43,600 是淹死了是吧 2247 02:44:45,366 --> 02:44:47,233 i also lost someone i loved 2248 02:44:47,516 --> 02:44:49,766 i know what you're feeling then you will understand 2249 02:44:50,033 --> 02:44:52,116 that i do not wish to talk about it 2250 02:44:54,766 --> 02:44:56,566 you may know something that could help save 2251 02:44:56,566 --> 02:44:58,166 other people's life i was unable 2252 02:44:58,166 --> 02:45:00,033 to save the life of my own 2253 02:45:00,033 --> 02:45:04,916 son i do not see how i could save the lives of other people 2254 02:45:06,366 --> 02:45:07,999 确实很能理解 2255 02:45:08,200 --> 02:45:09,800 oh do you sell inhalers 2256 02:45:09,883 --> 02:45:13,166 i'm all outland at least i won't go away completely empty handed 2257 02:45:13,716 --> 02:45:15,566 in the back of this door to the right 2258 02:45:16,166 --> 02:45:18,366 让自己小孩死了还想说 2259 02:45:18,483 --> 02:45:20,566 你救别人关我屁事啊 2260 02:45:20,916 --> 02:45:23,566 我自己小孩都死了啊谁放哪来的 2261 02:45:23,833 --> 02:45:25,233 我没认真听啊 2262 02:45:29,833 --> 02:45:31,883 你薯片掉地薯片掉地上了 2263 02:45:31,883 --> 02:45:33,316 捡起来吃吃吧 2264 02:45:40,633 --> 02:45:41,799 good evening sir 2265 02:45:45,233 --> 02:45:45,999 are you 2266 02:45:46,000 --> 02:45:47,916 looking for something in particular 2267 02:45:49,366 --> 02:45:50,716 give me what you got in the register 2268 02:45:51,200 --> 02:45:52,600 don't fucking try anything 2269 02:45:55,600 --> 02:45:58,566 open the register you dumb fuck put the money on the counter 2270 02:46:00,683 --> 02:46:02,033 shit are you deaf or what 2271 02:46:03,083 --> 02:46:04,999 are you gonna open that fucking register or not 2272 02:46:05,000 --> 02:46:06,166 等一下你别急啊 2273 02:46:07,083 --> 02:46:09,566 you do not have the right to steal that money for me 2274 02:46:09,716 --> 02:46:11,799 i have worked very hard to earn it 2275 02:46:12,516 --> 02:46:13,716 you cannot have it 2276 02:46:14,083 --> 02:46:15,233 啊不是在哪啊 2277 02:46:15,516 --> 02:46:16,483 what did you say 2278 02:46:17,316 --> 02:46:18,883 you're out of your fucking mind man 2279 02:46:19,116 --> 02:46:20,199 you don't get it do you 2280 02:46:20,233 --> 02:46:22,199 i'm Gonna put the fucking bullet right between your eyes 2281 02:46:22,200 --> 02:46:23,083 我们再多聊一会 2282 02:46:23,083 --> 02:46:23,316 等一下 2283 02:46:23,316 --> 02:46:25,166 等一下等一下我不知道双人堂在哪 2284 02:46:25,166 --> 02:46:25,683 哪边啊 2285 02:46:25,683 --> 02:46:27,199 robbing my register sir 2286 02:46:27,683 --> 02:46:29,166 that money is mine 2287 02:46:29,683 --> 02:46:32,283 i ask you now to leave before it is too late 2288 02:46:33,283 --> 02:46:35,766 pressed goddamn idiot open the register 2289 02:46:35,916 --> 02:46:37,483 don't make me fucking kill you 2290 02:46:39,083 --> 02:46:41,399 no sir that i cannot do 2291 02:46:42,283 --> 02:46:43,083 等一下 2292 02:46:43,083 --> 02:46:45,916 i waste you man i ain't joking i swear to god man 2293 02:46:45,916 --> 02:46:47,516 i'll blow your fucking brains out 2294 02:46:51,433 --> 02:46:55,033 快点 10分钟啊动作快点快走啊 2295 02:47:02,200 --> 02:47:03,000 Fuck 2296 02:47:04,966 --> 02:47:06,366 我不是按住了吗 2297 02:47:12,716 --> 02:47:15,799 哎等一下等一下我受不了了快走 2298 02:47:17,483 --> 02:47:19,716 等一下为什么动不了啊 2299 02:47:22,233 --> 02:47:24,116 啊这只是看着吗啊 2300 02:47:24,366 --> 02:47:25,233 我还以为 2301 02:47:28,316 --> 02:47:29,483 i'm Gonna count the three 2302 02:47:29,483 --> 02:47:31,316 if you haven't opened the red sheet by the count of three 2303 02:47:31,316 --> 02:47:32,116 i swear to god man 2304 02:47:32,116 --> 02:47:33,199 i'm Gonna blow your fucking brain 2305 02:47:33,200 --> 02:47:34,600 是吧他有这么多吗 2306 02:47:35,116 --> 02:47:36,799 it's almost nothing even rest 2307 02:47:37,400 --> 02:47:38,200 fuck 2308 02:47:39,033 --> 02:47:41,116 drop it妈妈now 2309 02:47:41,316 --> 02:47:42,116 oh oh 2310 02:47:42,433 --> 02:47:43,233 don't move 2311 02:47:45,516 --> 02:47:46,316 hands up 2312 02:47:47,600 --> 02:47:49,566 put your fucking hands up or i'll shoot 2313 02:47:53,516 --> 02:47:56,883 等一下我只是快用手表你别急 2314 02:47:56,883 --> 02:47:58,399 i'm warning you i'll shoot 2315 02:47:59,716 --> 02:48:00,833 怎么弄啊 2316 02:48:06,966 --> 02:48:09,116 的小镇夜里 2317 02:48:09,433 --> 02:48:11,516 look it's not worth it 2318 02:48:12,366 --> 02:48:15,916 put the gun down and just walk away you've given me advice 2319 02:48:16,083 --> 02:48:17,833 i'll give you some fucking advice 2320 02:48:21,316 --> 02:48:23,316 no panic let's just stay calm 2321 02:48:23,916 --> 02:48:25,633 nobody here wants to hurt you 2322 02:48:26,633 --> 02:48:28,199 we're all just gonna be cool 2323 02:48:28,566 --> 02:48:30,199 and everything will be alright yeah 2324 02:48:30,566 --> 02:48:32,116 yeah i'm cool man 2325 02:48:33,433 --> 02:48:34,966 everything's gonna be all fucking right 2326 02:48:39,083 --> 02:48:41,233 you don't really want to shoot anybody do yet 2327 02:48:42,433 --> 02:48:45,366 i'm sure we can find a way out of this mess right 2328 02:48:51,233 --> 02:48:52,999 啊哈没有好的呀 2329 02:48:53,116 --> 02:48:54,999 now i want you to put the gun 2330 02:48:55,166 --> 02:48:57,766 back in your pocket and quietly walk out of the store 2331 02:48:58,566 --> 02:49:00,883 my friend and i will forget about what just happened 2332 02:49:01,033 --> 02:49:04,633 and you'll have earned a second chance not to fuck up your life 2333 02:49:05,633 --> 02:49:06,433 what do you say 2334 02:49:11,716 --> 02:49:12,633 nice try 2335 02:49:13,233 --> 02:49:15,399 for a second there you almost had me believing all your shit 2336 02:49:17,800 --> 02:49:18,400 坐好 2337 02:49:18,400 --> 02:49:20,083 and now give me the money 2338 02:49:20,600 --> 02:49:22,916 i'm gonna count to three one 2339 02:49:23,883 --> 02:49:24,683 two 2340 02:49:26,516 --> 02:49:27,316 three 2341 02:49:28,200 --> 02:49:29,200 啊 2342 02:49:32,200 --> 02:49:33,166 oh shit 2343 02:49:38,400 --> 02:49:41,833 你干嘛我们手上没武器呀 2344 02:49:45,966 --> 02:49:48,799 是我走我我哪里承受错了是不是啊 2345 02:49:51,716 --> 02:49:53,966 啊老板别死啊 2346 02:49:54,033 --> 02:49:55,833 有没有线索要告诉我 2347 02:50:00,916 --> 02:50:03,233 i wish i'd be long enough 2348 02:50:04,766 --> 02:50:07,399 我刚才可以走走过去吗我看呆了 2349 02:50:07,600 --> 02:50:10,033 我以为在过剧剧情啊 2350 02:50:10,683 --> 02:50:13,316 too much i got here 2351 02:50:17,883 --> 02:50:19,399 他为什么不拿钱呐 2352 02:50:19,400 --> 02:50:21,766 你开什么枪你是猪吧你啊 2353 02:50:22,283 --> 02:50:23,033 就死了吗 2354 02:50:23,033 --> 02:50:24,166 你没有你也没给我 2355 02:50:24,166 --> 02:50:26,033 你也没有线索要给我吗 2356 02:50:26,883 --> 02:50:29,366 啊我都不给他做人工呼吸吗 2357 02:50:29,366 --> 02:50:30,999 就给他双眼明目 2358 02:50:37,033 --> 02:50:38,366 不是好扯啊 2359 02:50:38,366 --> 02:50:39,966 我们两个什么都没干 2360 02:50:39,966 --> 02:50:41,599 他为什么突然开枪啊 2361 02:50:44,366 --> 02:50:45,166 why 2362 02:50:50,883 --> 02:50:53,766 拿胶带粘一粘啊脖子上一个大洞 2363 02:50:57,516 --> 02:50:59,366 我的的发 2364 02:51:04,233 --> 02:51:05,116 我动都没动啊 2365 02:51:05,116 --> 02:51:07,483 我不睡武器都放下来了吗 2366 02:51:16,516 --> 02:51:17,916 我不明 2367 02:51:19,633 --> 02:51:20,683 明白 2368 02:51:35,400 --> 02:51:36,566 是我以为在过剧情 2369 02:51:36,566 --> 02:51:39,283 我有的时候都不知道自己可以动 2370 02:51:44,716 --> 02:51:45,683 主播玩抵特率 2371 02:51:45,683 --> 02:51:47,883 玩的可好了不瞒你说 2372 02:51:53,033 --> 02:51:53,833 WOW 2373 02:51:55,366 --> 02:51:57,633 感觉他大腿好结实呀 2374 02:52:03,883 --> 02:52:07,033 I我看呆了我以为他过去前安呢 2375 02:52:15,400 --> 02:52:16,200 NO 2376 02:52:17,883 --> 02:52:19,116 失眠药 2377 02:52:19,116 --> 02:52:20,766 goddamn insomnia 2378 02:52:21,833 --> 02:52:24,999 i'm totally exhausted but i just can't sleep 2379 02:52:27,000 --> 02:52:27,916 哦 2380 02:52:28,433 --> 02:52:30,599 i shouldn't take those damn pills again 2381 02:52:31,316 --> 02:52:32,633 吃点药吧他要 2382 02:52:32,683 --> 02:52:34,199 ah drink is what i need 2383 02:52:35,966 --> 02:52:38,199 又要洗澡你事真多啊 2384 02:52:38,316 --> 02:52:40,433 又要洗澡又要睡觉 2385 02:52:40,600 --> 02:52:41,800 又要吃药 2386 02:52:41,916 --> 02:52:44,966 又睡不着觉哎呀怎么压晕起来了 2387 02:52:45,233 --> 02:52:46,233 哈哈 2388 02:52:47,233 --> 02:52:48,033 uh huh 2389 02:52:56,166 --> 02:52:57,883 摇一摇而且可 2390 02:52:58,966 --> 02:53:01,633 药在哪呢哇他走的好那个呀 2391 02:53:03,716 --> 02:53:05,683 走路屁股一扭一扭的 2392 02:53:11,483 --> 02:53:12,916 怎么工作起来了 2393 02:53:15,200 --> 02:53:16,433 啊有鬼IT 2394 02:53:25,516 --> 02:53:27,199 爸爸啊 2395 02:53:28,683 --> 02:53:29,366 没有吗 2396 02:53:29,366 --> 02:53:31,433 那刚才那个视角怎么这么诡异啊 2397 02:53:31,483 --> 02:53:33,233 不是总对太好 2398 02:53:36,400 --> 02:53:37,966 我的腰呢 2399 02:53:38,433 --> 02:53:40,199 我要洗澡 2400 02:53:44,916 --> 02:53:46,883 啊为啥不进去 2401 02:53:49,833 --> 02:53:50,833 为啥不进去 2402 02:53:50,883 --> 02:53:52,366 里面有杀人狂吗 2403 02:54:00,483 --> 02:54:03,566 我要洗澡我要吃药我要睡觉天 2404 02:54:04,483 --> 02:54:07,366 这是哪这不会是厨房间吧 2405 02:54:07,766 --> 02:54:09,116 哦哦这是洗澡 2406 02:54:17,716 --> 02:54:18,516 嗯 2407 02:54:20,683 --> 02:54:21,883 等一下哎 2408 02:54:22,600 --> 02:54:23,400 咦 2409 02:54:44,033 --> 02:54:46,399 啊他上完厕所没擦屁股 2410 02:54:49,200 --> 02:54:50,833 好恶心啊 2411 02:54:55,200 --> 02:54:56,116 不是我放出来 2412 02:54:56,116 --> 02:54:58,233 万一我直播间没了怎么办 2413 02:54:58,516 --> 02:55:00,233 只考虑自己是吧 2414 02:55:01,883 --> 02:55:05,599 不是没啥他就是那个圣光他有圣光的 2415 02:55:08,966 --> 02:55:10,483 好恶心他没擦 2416 02:55:10,883 --> 02:55:13,283 嗯disgusting 2417 02:55:22,800 --> 02:55:23,600 oh 2418 02:55:32,516 --> 02:55:34,083 OPPO宝宝宝宝 2419 02:55:38,966 --> 02:55:40,166 哪洗呢 2420 02:55:40,966 --> 02:55:42,516 这是嘛呀 2421 02:55:44,000 --> 02:55:44,800 这是药 2422 02:55:47,000 --> 02:55:48,400 拉完一起洗 2423 02:55:48,400 --> 02:55:52,233 不是啊那内裤会那个脏脏的爸 2424 02:55:57,000 --> 02:55:58,516 照照镜子 2425 02:56:02,400 --> 02:56:03,483 好了好了快快快 2426 02:56:03,683 --> 02:56:05,283 别镜子后面突然出现个什么 2427 02:56:05,283 --> 02:56:07,116 待会把我命给我吓没了 2428 02:56:07,883 --> 02:56:09,199 在哪去洗澡啊 2429 02:56:10,283 --> 02:56:12,966 哦他家怎么怎么这么多洗澡的东西啊 2430 02:56:17,883 --> 02:56:18,683 来 2431 02:56:21,033 --> 02:56:21,833 嗯 2432 02:56:24,366 --> 02:56:26,116 哎呀等一下有点难操作 2433 02:56:28,966 --> 02:56:29,683 啥 2434 02:56:29,683 --> 02:56:32,433 我不是来洗澡的吗这不是洗澡的吗 2435 02:56:33,833 --> 02:56:34,633 我 2436 02:56:43,166 --> 02:56:43,966 嗯 2437 02:56:52,833 --> 02:56:54,999 哇幸好我关掉 2438 02:56:55,633 --> 02:56:57,566 要不然出大事 2439 02:57:06,316 --> 02:57:07,516 恐怖恐怖 2440 02:57:08,483 --> 02:57:09,716 天呐 2441 02:57:12,316 --> 02:57:13,766 非常的恐怖 2442 02:57:14,916 --> 02:57:15,716 哇 2443 02:57:16,516 --> 02:57:17,566 全裸 2444 02:57:20,800 --> 02:57:21,600 Huh 2445 02:57:30,516 --> 02:57:33,166 天呐啊 2446 02:57:44,883 --> 02:57:45,766 咳咳 2447 02:57:57,166 --> 02:57:59,166 OK结束 2448 02:58:00,233 --> 02:58:03,483 maybe i'll go to bed and give the sleep thing one more shot 2449 02:58:07,966 --> 02:58:08,766 嗯 2450 02:58:13,766 --> 02:58:14,566 什么 2451 02:58:19,566 --> 02:58:21,483 oh啊啊 2452 02:58:22,883 --> 02:58:26,599 妖怪等一下我怎么爆炸了我的麦克风 2453 02:58:27,483 --> 02:58:28,283 妖怪 2454 02:58:29,116 --> 02:58:30,799 问问冰箱为什么打开的 2455 02:58:32,766 --> 02:58:35,033 有没有趁手的武器可以拿一下 2456 02:58:44,400 --> 02:58:45,966 你的房间在哪来着 2457 02:58:46,600 --> 02:58:47,966 你的房间在那吗 2458 02:58:47,966 --> 02:58:49,316 我感觉这个 2459 02:58:50,316 --> 02:58:52,433 啊哇 2460 02:58:52,966 --> 02:58:54,566 怎么这么容易爆麦啊 2461 02:58:55,433 --> 02:58:56,966 大家我害怕 2462 02:58:57,166 --> 02:58:58,366 我房间在这吗 2463 02:59:00,033 --> 02:59:02,366 这是我房间吗为啥我进不去啊 2464 02:59:10,600 --> 02:59:12,033 那不是我房间吗 2465 02:59:13,233 --> 02:59:14,033 嗯 2466 02:59:19,433 --> 02:59:21,999 为什么他不让我进去啊我觉得是这吧 2467 02:59:26,766 --> 02:59:27,833 难道不是吗 2468 02:59:30,966 --> 02:59:34,316 起不来我已经熬得苦苦的离去 2469 02:59:34,883 --> 02:59:36,116 怎么懂我 2470 02:59:36,233 --> 02:59:37,716 你怎么不努力 2471 02:59:41,716 --> 02:59:42,516 come on 2472 02:59:49,116 --> 02:59:51,999 妈妈我害怕啊 2473 02:59:55,166 --> 02:59:58,116 他这个房间也太没安全感了吧 2474 02:59:58,766 --> 02:59:59,566 啊 2475 02:59:59,683 --> 03:00:00,966 门都没有 2476 03:00:07,283 --> 03:00:09,399 um为什么没有上床键啊 2477 03:00:10,083 --> 03:00:12,166 到底要我怎样啊 2478 03:00:12,283 --> 03:00:13,999 这游戏有bug吗 2479 03:00:16,683 --> 03:00:18,399 为什么不让我上床睡觉啊 2480 03:00:20,083 --> 03:00:20,883 why 2481 03:00:28,400 --> 03:00:29,200 啊 2482 03:00:29,883 --> 03:00:31,366 谁冰箱 2483 03:00:31,366 --> 03:00:32,283 fridge door 2484 03:00:33,516 --> 03:00:35,116 i'm sure i closed it 2485 03:00:36,283 --> 03:00:38,683 come on it couldn't have just opened on its own 2486 03:00:41,916 --> 03:00:42,716 look 2487 03:00:43,600 --> 03:00:47,483 going without sleep is driving me crazy okay get up 2488 03:00:47,916 --> 03:00:49,166 close the first door 2489 03:00:49,283 --> 03:00:50,683 go to bed simple 2490 03:00:50,683 --> 03:00:52,166 simple注意一下音量 2491 03:00:52,566 --> 03:00:54,366 待会主播要大声尖叫 2492 03:00:54,833 --> 03:00:56,566 别怪我没有提醒你 2493 03:00:57,800 --> 03:00:59,166 冰箱在哪来着 2494 03:01:02,400 --> 03:01:03,200 ha ha 2495 03:01:06,000 --> 03:01:08,633 不是你们觉得我方向感算是很差吗 2496 03:01:08,766 --> 03:01:10,633 但是其实是因为那个什么 2497 03:01:10,633 --> 03:01:12,166 对这个地方不是很熟悉来着 2498 03:01:12,166 --> 03:01:13,199 也还好吧 2499 03:01:15,166 --> 03:01:15,966 啊啊 2500 03:01:24,200 --> 03:01:25,316 there's someone here 2501 03:01:25,716 --> 03:01:27,116 there's someone in the apartment 2502 03:01:28,483 --> 03:01:31,316 the phone on the desk i could call for help 2503 03:01:32,233 --> 03:01:33,033 the front door 2504 03:01:33,966 --> 03:01:36,283 it's the only way out if i can reach it 2505 03:01:36,283 --> 03:01:37,433 i still have a chance 2506 03:01:37,766 --> 03:01:39,166 殿下门在哪 2507 03:01:39,316 --> 03:01:41,199 你别急你别急你别急 2508 03:01:42,883 --> 03:01:43,683 你别急 2509 03:01:44,433 --> 03:01:46,116 这是非常菜的吗 2510 03:01:48,000 --> 03:01:51,400 哪来着哪来着门在哪 2511 03:01:53,716 --> 03:01:55,316 门在我右边是吧 2512 03:02:09,633 --> 03:02:10,566 等一下是这吗 2513 03:02:10,566 --> 03:02:11,366 是不是 2514 03:02:12,233 --> 03:02:13,316 啊是这吗 2515 03:02:20,116 --> 03:02:22,083 是吗那我去了 2516 03:02:25,200 --> 03:02:26,200 快跑 2517 03:03:07,916 --> 03:03:08,716 no 2518 03:03:11,516 --> 03:03:12,316 no 2519 03:03:15,516 --> 03:03:16,316 no 2520 03:03:19,316 --> 03:03:20,116 妈妈 2521 03:03:25,233 --> 03:03:26,316 我根本看不明白 2522 03:03:26,316 --> 03:03:28,116 他到底是要什么时候长按 2523 03:03:28,116 --> 03:03:29,433 什么时候连按 2524 03:03:32,316 --> 03:03:33,366 啊 2525 03:03:41,283 --> 03:03:43,116 怎么能有两个啊 2526 03:04:30,766 --> 03:04:31,566 快跑 2527 03:04:34,483 --> 03:04:36,166 原来这不是门外 2528 03:04:42,633 --> 03:04:44,483 啊啊啊 2529 03:04:55,800 --> 03:04:56,833 我害怕 2530 03:04:59,833 --> 03:05:00,999 闪烁着灵儿 2531 03:05:11,283 --> 03:05:12,966 太吓人了 2532 03:05:14,883 --> 03:05:16,833 太害怕了 2533 03:05:17,633 --> 03:05:20,566 我想起来我昨天晚上也做噩梦了 2534 03:05:24,283 --> 03:05:26,916 啊哈好可怕啊 2535 03:05:35,366 --> 03:05:40,283 摸到我身上好多毛毛虫啊啊啊 2536 03:05:45,400 --> 03:05:47,766 NO我就把他扯下来丢丢在地上 2537 03:05:47,766 --> 03:05:50,199 然后发现别的地方也有 2538 03:05:50,916 --> 03:05:52,766 好想哭 2539 03:06:02,233 --> 03:06:04,233 when the parents came home from church 2540 03:06:04,316 --> 03:06:06,166 all their children were gone 2541 03:06:06,800 --> 03:06:10,800 they searched and called for them they cried and begged 2542 03:06:11,400 --> 03:06:13,033 but it was all to no avail 2543 03:06:14,316 --> 03:06:16,716 children have never been seen again 2544 03:06:21,083 --> 03:06:22,633 刚才本来想说一个啥事情的 2545 03:06:22,633 --> 03:06:23,683 我都忘记了 2546 03:06:38,000 --> 03:06:40,883 i have to get out of here and find out what this ticket is about 2547 03:06:41,600 --> 03:06:43,600 闪烁的是0暗是吗 2548 03:06:44,400 --> 03:06:46,116 哎太可怕了 2549 03:06:56,400 --> 03:06:57,400 可以下去吗 2550 03:06:57,400 --> 03:06:59,433 不能吗不能啊 2551 03:06:59,600 --> 03:07:01,233 我以为这是门口呢 2552 03:07:04,433 --> 03:07:06,883 但是我想问一自己澄清一下 2553 03:07:06,883 --> 03:07:08,833 刚才那个超市啊 2554 03:07:10,033 --> 03:07:10,566 说实话 2555 03:07:10,566 --> 03:07:12,916 刚才那个超市我只进去过一次 2556 03:07:12,916 --> 03:07:15,916 我都没认真看我哪知道哪边是哪边 2557 03:07:15,916 --> 03:07:17,166 那个不是很正常吗 2558 03:07:17,166 --> 03:07:20,116 那个没有方向性很差吧说实话 2559 03:07:23,483 --> 03:07:24,599 Mr Mars Mr Mars Mr Mars 2560 03:07:24,600 --> 03:07:26,166 Mr Mars Mr Mars 2561 03:07:26,233 --> 03:07:28,999 goddamn reporters they've been kept out by now没化妆了 2562 03:07:29,000 --> 03:07:31,283 你们就来采访我是不是人啊 2563 03:07:41,566 --> 03:07:43,033 我本来要去哪来着 2564 03:07:44,483 --> 03:07:46,399 离开啊我怕他呢 2565 03:07:49,400 --> 03:07:52,433 mr Mars can you confirm that your son has disappeared 2566 03:08:02,516 --> 03:08:05,966 你们是不是人呢你们我说实话畜生吧 2567 03:08:06,683 --> 03:08:07,966 how do you feel about that 2568 03:08:08,483 --> 03:08:11,483 Mr Mars can you confirm that your son has disappeared 2569 03:08:40,166 --> 03:08:42,166 不是刚才那个超市那说实话 2570 03:08:42,166 --> 03:08:45,116 你当然分不清楚哪边是哪边喽 2571 03:08:46,233 --> 03:08:48,566 到处都是那个货物 2572 03:08:48,833 --> 03:08:50,316 当然不知道喽 2573 03:08:50,683 --> 03:08:51,716 对吧对吧 2574 03:08:52,683 --> 03:08:54,166 对吧对吧对吧 2575 03:09:04,516 --> 03:09:05,316 不是嘴硬啊 2576 03:09:05,316 --> 03:09:07,433 说实话我就进进去了一小会 2577 03:09:07,433 --> 03:09:09,883 我哪里知道哪边是柜台啊 2578 03:09:12,600 --> 03:09:15,083 我真的没动是我不知道我可以动来着 2579 03:09:15,083 --> 03:09:15,883 Gonna 2580 03:09:15,916 --> 03:09:17,516 Gonna have to make it through the crowd 2581 03:09:17,633 --> 03:09:19,233 i can't can't take crowds 2582 03:09:19,316 --> 03:09:20,483 just can't handle it 2583 03:09:20,516 --> 03:09:21,399 为什么呢 2584 03:09:22,600 --> 03:09:23,566 走的好慢哦 2585 03:09:23,683 --> 03:09:26,716 the luggage lockers they're on the other side of the station 2586 03:09:29,000 --> 03:09:31,833 no time to waste i need to find out watching that locker 2587 03:09:32,283 --> 03:09:33,366 拉款在哪 2588 03:09:35,566 --> 03:09:38,166 maybe i could come back later when there's less of a crowd 2589 03:09:38,516 --> 03:09:39,799 脑壳在哪 2590 03:09:40,683 --> 03:09:41,566 我瞅瞅啊 2591 03:09:45,166 --> 03:09:47,316 哎呦别动别动哎呦好慌好慌 2592 03:09:48,883 --> 03:09:50,683 这这这什么就这吧 2593 03:09:52,633 --> 03:09:54,916 对啊他不能看他不能转 2594 03:09:55,166 --> 03:09:55,966 但是 2595 03:09:56,316 --> 03:10:00,199 那个什么啊就是哎呀他太僵硬了吧 2596 03:10:00,200 --> 03:10:02,366 i can't make it too many people底特律 2597 03:10:02,433 --> 03:10:05,516 变人他还可以那个什么就是转视角 2598 03:10:05,566 --> 03:10:07,116 但他那个不能sorry i didn't catch your name earlier 2599 03:10:13,966 --> 03:10:16,166 啊天啊他快死掉了 2600 03:10:19,033 --> 03:10:19,833 of all 2601 03:10:25,316 --> 03:10:26,966 那个拉克是啥情况来 2602 03:10:26,966 --> 03:10:28,399 着金乌怪 2603 03:10:29,200 --> 03:10:31,283 啊金猛梅西 2604 03:10:49,233 --> 03:10:50,316 dad 2605 03:10:53,366 --> 03:10:54,599 dad 2606 03:11:01,233 --> 03:11:03,166 dad were you 2607 03:11:06,116 --> 03:11:07,916 Jason Jason完了 2608 03:11:07,916 --> 03:11:09,799 他心里最喜欢的还是Jason 2609 03:11:10,000 --> 03:11:14,200 啊他他那个他都不是想到那个上 2610 03:11:15,633 --> 03:11:16,916 这次你在哪来着 2611 03:11:19,283 --> 03:11:22,566 Jason it's Jason he's there he's right there 2612 03:11:22,883 --> 03:11:24,116 this time i'll save him 2613 03:11:26,316 --> 03:11:27,366 Jason 2614 03:11:28,966 --> 03:11:31,483 哎这个视角我真的好想洗啊 2615 03:11:33,716 --> 03:11:34,633 Jason 2616 03:11:36,633 --> 03:11:37,799 dad 2617 03:11:38,800 --> 03:11:39,633 哎呀 2618 03:11:44,200 --> 03:11:45,366 让我动啊 2619 03:11:46,433 --> 03:11:48,799 哎呀我动到了视角吧 2620 03:11:50,000 --> 03:11:50,833 dad 2621 03:11:52,083 --> 03:11:53,166 我来啦 2622 03:11:54,766 --> 03:11:55,966 Jason 2623 03:11:59,000 --> 03:12:02,483 不是我另一个小孩也死了呀你别走了 2624 03:12:03,400 --> 03:12:04,400 Jason 2625 03:12:07,566 --> 03:12:08,966 我要不然站在这等他 2626 03:12:08,966 --> 03:12:11,566 他走来走去总会走到我身边的 2627 03:12:13,400 --> 03:12:14,516 dad 2628 03:12:47,766 --> 03:12:49,399 都忘记他为什么突然想要 2629 03:12:49,400 --> 03:12:50,400 来这个行李柜 2630 03:12:50,400 --> 03:12:53,116 这怎么进去呢可是 2631 03:13:02,033 --> 03:13:02,233 right 2632 03:13:02,233 --> 03:13:04,516 nine eighteen box number three哦哦 2633 03:13:04,516 --> 03:13:05,316 我知道了 2634 03:13:12,833 --> 03:13:13,316 OK 2635 03:13:13,316 --> 03:13:15,433 line eighteen box number three 2636 03:13:15,633 --> 03:13:17,566 第18行第3项 2637 03:13:25,116 --> 03:13:27,316 哎呀你看我又走错方向了 2638 03:13:43,116 --> 03:13:45,566 18杠几来着 2639 03:13:46,683 --> 03:13:47,799 line 18 2640 03:13:47,800 --> 03:13:48,916 box number three 2641 03:13:59,316 --> 03:14:00,116 花了 2642 03:14:03,566 --> 03:14:05,033 but be good啊 2643 03:14:08,800 --> 03:14:10,316 我都换了19了 2644 03:14:15,766 --> 03:14:16,566 哈哈哈 2645 03:14:20,000 --> 03:14:22,433 这这这这这这回来回来 2646 03:14:32,716 --> 03:14:34,483 记性还好啊 2647 03:14:34,483 --> 03:14:36,599 哎为什么我声音这么爆炸哇 2648 03:14:37,966 --> 03:14:38,833 等下等下 2649 03:14:39,283 --> 03:14:40,766 为什么我的哇 2650 03:14:41,633 --> 03:14:42,433 怎么回事 2651 03:14:44,433 --> 03:14:45,316 哇 2652 03:14:49,033 --> 03:14:49,833 哇 2653 03:14:53,683 --> 03:14:55,633 再亲一下哇 2654 03:14:59,166 --> 03:14:59,966 啊 2655 03:15:00,566 --> 03:15:02,833 呜啊呜呜啊 2656 03:15:03,116 --> 03:15:04,766 为什么还是感觉很爆炸 2657 03:15:08,483 --> 03:15:09,566 小小点吧 2658 03:15:14,000 --> 03:15:14,800 再玩会 2659 03:15:15,483 --> 03:15:16,999 再玩会下播了 2660 03:15:21,883 --> 03:15:23,483 这应该还好了哇 2661 03:15:26,166 --> 03:15:27,433 死人头 2662 03:15:42,433 --> 03:15:43,366 是什么东西 2663 03:15:54,600 --> 03:15:55,600 小米 2664 03:16:18,233 --> 03:16:19,683 怎么不打开啊 2665 03:16:24,833 --> 03:16:27,916 the box from the locker what am i gonna find inside 2666 03:16:32,316 --> 03:16:36,033 他竟然能忍到到到到宾馆之后再打开 2667 03:16:58,883 --> 03:17:01,433 什么快结束了不可能吧 2668 03:17:04,316 --> 03:17:05,599 谢谢海鲜饭店的a C c 2669 03:17:05,600 --> 03:17:07,366 女朋友让你来放射手的现在好可爱 2670 03:17:07,366 --> 03:17:08,516 单推了什么 2671 03:17:08,516 --> 03:17:09,966 我有女粉吗 2672 03:17:13,516 --> 03:17:15,566 震撼谢谢你们俩哦 2673 03:17:30,000 --> 03:17:34,366 哦 48994988号桥的车库 2674 03:17:50,400 --> 03:17:51,766 一问就都是你 2675 03:17:53,316 --> 03:17:56,716 有什么不会是我小孩的录像吧 2676 03:17:59,200 --> 03:18:00,116 help 2677 03:18:00,833 --> 03:18:01,633 dad 2678 03:18:02,433 --> 03:18:03,883 we'reare you 2679 03:18:04,316 --> 03:18:07,366 i'm so cold dad 2680 03:18:08,083 --> 03:18:10,433 dad他会困在水里呀 2681 03:18:17,366 --> 03:18:19,483 能为所爱的人做到什么地步 2682 03:18:25,833 --> 03:18:27,999 你别哎呀等等我没看完呢 2683 03:18:30,516 --> 03:18:32,433 每完成一个视频获得多个字母 2684 03:18:32,433 --> 03:18:34,999 然后会组成一个最终地址 2685 03:18:49,516 --> 03:18:51,566 他竟然不通知警方吗 2686 03:19:12,116 --> 03:19:14,083 我为什么没拿鞋盒啊 2687 03:19:23,883 --> 03:19:25,633 调整一下放歌 2688 03:19:27,200 --> 03:19:28,366 the killer is white 2689 03:19:28,516 --> 03:19:31,433 age between thirty and forty five he doesn't act on impulse 2690 03:19:31,433 --> 03:19:34,033 but plans his crimes in a very meticulous fashion 2691 03:19:34,483 --> 03:19:36,833 he doesn't have anything personal against the victims 2692 03:19:36,916 --> 03:19:40,199 that's why he covers it faces with mud to make them anonymous 2693 03:19:41,916 --> 03:19:44,766 why does he kill them if he doesn't have anything against them 2694 03:19:45,800 --> 03:19:48,000 for him the more of an image a symbol 2695 03:19:48,033 --> 03:19:50,433 that's probably why it gives him an origami figure 2696 03:19:50,600 --> 03:19:54,166 and an orchid as gifts to apologize for what he's done to them 2697 03:19:55,083 --> 03:19:56,283 very interesting 2698 03:19:56,566 --> 03:19:58,033 and where does all that get us 2699 03:20:02,716 --> 03:20:03,716 the best way of tracking 2700 03:20:03,716 --> 03:20:06,083 a predator is to be familiar with his behavior 2701 03:20:06,083 --> 03:20:07,516 这地是啥意思啊 2702 03:20:07,716 --> 03:20:08,883 that may be true in novels 2703 03:20:08,883 --> 03:20:11,316 but there's a child's life at stake here 2704 03:20:11,883 --> 03:20:13,399 continue Jaden 2705 03:20:16,883 --> 03:20:18,999 one detail attracted my attention 2706 03:20:19,000 --> 03:20:21,366 the interval between the time when a victim disappears 2707 03:20:21,366 --> 03:20:23,033 and the time when the body is found 2708 03:20:23,033 --> 03:20:24,916 ranges from three to five days 2709 03:20:25,233 --> 03:20:26,566 but the rainfall is 2710 03:20:26,566 --> 03:20:29,083 always at six inches give or take ten percent 2711 03:20:29,400 --> 03:20:30,800 what on earth does that mean 2712 03:20:31,366 --> 03:20:33,316 all the victims are drowned in rainwater 2713 03:20:33,316 --> 03:20:36,083 the killer kills only in the fall when there is plenty of rain 2714 03:20:36,316 --> 03:20:38,683 it could be that he puts him in some sort of well or tank 2715 03:20:38,683 --> 03:20:39,833 that is open to the skies 2716 03:20:39,833 --> 03:20:41,316 and that fills up a rainwater 2717 03:20:42,766 --> 03:20:46,633 the more it rains the less time the victim has to live 2718 03:20:48,600 --> 03:20:51,883 then i studied the geographical distribution of the murders 2719 03:20:52,000 --> 03:20:55,083 generally akila commits his first murder near to where he lives 2720 03:20:55,083 --> 03:20:58,716 so he has a safe place to flee to if any complications arise 2721 03:20:58,916 --> 03:20:59,916 the more confident 2722 03:20:59,916 --> 03:21:02,083 he becomes the further he roams from his base 2723 03:21:02,316 --> 03:21:05,516 by analyzing the locations where the victims disappeared 2724 03:21:05,683 --> 03:21:08,516 i was able to isolate a zone where the kilomite live 2725 03:21:09,883 --> 03:21:11,683 and what size is this 2726 03:21:12,366 --> 03:21:13,166 zone 2727 03:21:14,916 --> 03:21:15,833 for the moment 2728 03:21:17,083 --> 03:21:18,399 about 10 square mile 2729 03:21:18,633 --> 03:21:20,366 10平方1米是多大great 2730 03:21:20,516 --> 03:21:21,316 it must be 10 2731 03:21:21,483 --> 03:21:22,999 000 people live in that sword area 2732 03:21:23,000 --> 03:21:24,766 you get a question and one by one 2733 03:21:26,716 --> 03:21:29,033 这游戏好经典的就是什么呢 2734 03:21:29,033 --> 03:21:30,566 一个啥也不干的警察 2735 03:21:30,566 --> 03:21:32,116 然后还在那逼逼赖赖的 2736 03:21:32,116 --> 03:21:33,916 it may not give us the address of the killer 2737 03:21:33,916 --> 03:21:35,483 but at least it's something to go on 2738 03:21:35,683 --> 03:21:36,233 Blake 2739 03:21:36,233 --> 03:21:37,633 if you've got a better plan 2740 03:21:37,633 --> 03:21:41,683 i'm willing to listen don't be shy i'm all ears 2741 03:21:41,966 --> 03:21:42,916 i'm all ears 2742 03:21:42,916 --> 03:21:44,033 so what's next 2743 03:21:45,400 --> 03:21:48,116 there are two suspects who psychological profile might fit 2744 03:21:48,116 --> 03:21:50,166 and can be connected to the comfort zone 2745 03:21:50,366 --> 03:21:51,766 i'd like to question them 2746 03:21:52,800 --> 03:21:56,166 ah damn it we're wasting our time with this bullshit 2747 03:21:56,400 --> 03:21:57,316 the killers out there 2748 03:21:57,316 --> 03:22:00,083 somewhere we got to get off our asses and find them 2749 03:22:02,716 --> 03:22:05,883 the killer is no ordinary murderer heas intelligent 2750 03:22:05,883 --> 03:22:07,233 organized and methodical 2751 03:22:07,233 --> 03:22:09,633 you won't find him by patrolling the streets 2752 03:22:10,116 --> 03:22:14,166 tell me agent jayden did you get your vast experience on the job 2753 03:22:14,166 --> 03:22:17,316 or did you just fucking read about it in some school book 2754 03:22:19,033 --> 03:22:19,799 your vast 2755 03:22:19,800 --> 03:22:23,116 experience hasn't prevented eight victims from being murdered 2756 03:22:23,233 --> 03:22:24,716 fucking asshole 2757 03:22:25,966 --> 03:22:26,766 that's 2758 03:22:26,966 --> 03:22:29,566 enough哈哈哈打起来 2759 03:22:31,633 --> 03:22:32,516 you said it took 2760 03:22:32,516 --> 03:22:34,633 six inches of rainfall before the victim 2761 03:22:34,633 --> 03:22:36,833 我现在可不是地位低下的仿生人了 2762 03:22:36,833 --> 03:22:37,799 我告诉你啊 2763 03:22:38,083 --> 03:22:39,966 你吼我我也能吼你 2764 03:22:40,116 --> 03:22:42,366 我可是FBI的 2765 03:22:42,766 --> 03:22:44,316 less than seventy two hours 2766 03:22:47,116 --> 03:22:47,966 呵呵 2767 03:22:52,400 --> 03:22:53,200 Huh 2768 03:23:01,966 --> 03:23:03,083 come on fbi 2769 03:23:04,633 --> 03:23:05,483 open the door 2770 03:23:10,716 --> 03:23:13,166 no answer we waste our time coming here 2771 03:23:15,766 --> 03:23:17,883 maybe we should have a little look inside anyway 2772 03:23:17,883 --> 03:23:19,033 there's nobody home 2773 03:23:20,366 --> 03:23:21,166 从哪开 2774 03:23:24,766 --> 03:23:25,633 there is now 2775 03:23:27,083 --> 03:23:29,366 i'm not sure that's entirely legal 2776 03:23:29,433 --> 03:23:29,999 说什么呢 2777 03:23:30,000 --> 03:23:32,200 他们家被偷了我们只是上门来看看 2778 03:23:32,200 --> 03:23:33,200 call it cops 2779 03:23:35,083 --> 03:23:35,999 他们我们路过 2780 03:23:36,000 --> 03:23:38,200 这个时候发现他家门开着被偷了 2781 03:23:38,200 --> 03:23:40,833 我们进来调查一下bug好吧 2782 03:23:45,000 --> 03:23:45,800 啊 2783 03:23:46,433 --> 03:23:47,966 凶手凶手凶手 2784 03:23:47,966 --> 03:23:50,716 looks like Nathaniel Williams is a pretty religious guy 2785 03:23:52,083 --> 03:23:56,233 he's a god fear and idiotwaiting for the end of the world 2786 03:23:57,516 --> 03:23:59,116 we question him a few miles 2787 03:23:59,316 --> 03:24:00,483 he was causing a disturbance 2788 03:24:00,483 --> 03:24:01,916 刚才有个啥东西来着 2789 03:24:02,033 --> 03:24:04,283 he was ranting and raving 2790 03:24:04,800 --> 03:24:06,283 said he heard voices 2791 03:24:07,433 --> 03:24:08,166 had this idea 2792 03:24:08,166 --> 03:24:10,833 in his sick little head that i was the anti Christ 2793 03:24:10,833 --> 03:24:13,166 i had come to earth to persecute him 2794 03:24:14,833 --> 03:24:16,166 real twisted 2795 03:24:22,366 --> 03:24:25,433 哎不是他这个原来只是放大看 2796 03:24:25,433 --> 03:24:27,116 我每次都会弄错 2797 03:24:28,200 --> 03:24:29,000 他这个 2798 03:24:29,083 --> 03:24:31,316 我觉得他这个手机有一点问题啊 2799 03:24:31,316 --> 03:24:34,399 就他这个向上滑也是放大看 2800 03:24:34,400 --> 03:24:36,433 然后弄一些东西也是放大 2801 03:24:36,433 --> 03:24:38,166 也也是这个箭头 2802 03:24:38,233 --> 03:24:39,233 就没有区别 2803 03:24:39,233 --> 03:24:41,316 那搞的你以为这里有啥东西 2804 03:24:41,316 --> 03:24:44,316 要要要拿起来之类的你看吧 2805 03:24:47,800 --> 03:24:48,600 吗 2806 03:24:49,233 --> 03:24:51,483 就算坐下然后起来也是这个键 2807 03:24:51,483 --> 03:24:54,283 然后然后查看什么东西也是这个键 2808 03:24:54,283 --> 03:24:55,683 就会让人很混淆 2809 03:24:56,083 --> 03:24:57,399 以为这有啥东西呢 2810 03:24:57,400 --> 03:24:58,800 其实只是看一看吧 2811 03:24:58,800 --> 03:25:00,516 你看这也是 2812 03:25:14,800 --> 03:25:17,966 有抑郁症找点什么这种心情来 2813 03:25:19,000 --> 03:25:22,833 那我能给他写写出一篇论文来修改 2814 03:25:27,033 --> 03:25:28,966 看不见他墙上写的是啥 2815 03:25:31,233 --> 03:25:34,433 我们的那个口号叫啥来着二一九是吗 2816 03:25:34,833 --> 03:25:36,166 写到二一九 2817 03:25:38,516 --> 03:25:40,083 家里点这么多蜡烛了 2818 03:25:40,083 --> 03:25:41,483 太危险了 2819 03:25:45,716 --> 03:25:47,966 之前播过迪特利了呀 2820 03:25:48,966 --> 03:25:50,083 holy bible 2821 03:25:52,766 --> 03:25:54,366 你们记得好清楚啊 2822 03:25:58,916 --> 03:26:00,433 哥哥们记性好好 2823 03:26:00,433 --> 03:26:02,766 不像小岁笨笨的 2824 03:26:03,716 --> 03:26:04,999 什么都记不住 2825 03:26:05,000 --> 03:26:08,033 希望哥哥们能来提醒呢 2826 03:26:08,766 --> 03:26:11,116 没啥可看的哦这房间 2827 03:26:11,800 --> 03:26:13,166 哇他回来了 2828 03:26:21,283 --> 03:26:24,233 timing Nathaniel just the man we're looking for 2829 03:26:25,716 --> 03:26:27,633 angels and ministers of Grace defenders 2830 03:26:29,966 --> 03:26:33,633 i'm agent nomin Jaden fbi i'd like to ask you a few questions 2831 03:26:34,683 --> 03:26:38,433 as god is my witness i haven't done anything i'm innocent 2832 03:26:39,033 --> 03:26:41,599 relax nobody's accusing you of anything 2833 03:26:41,716 --> 03:26:43,633 we just want to talk这个越看他越像 2834 03:26:43,633 --> 03:26:44,433 那个啥 2835 03:26:45,483 --> 03:26:46,883 你是什么工作的呢 2836 03:26:47,116 --> 03:26:48,116 you have a job 2837 03:26:49,283 --> 03:26:49,916 my 2838 03:26:49,916 --> 03:26:53,283 Solomon is praying to the all merciful Lord 2839 03:26:53,483 --> 03:26:53,799 for the 2840 03:26:53,800 --> 03:26:55,800 salvation of humanity家里多是吧 2841 03:26:55,800 --> 03:26:58,316 我的工作也是像全职全能的上帝祈祷 2842 03:26:58,316 --> 03:27:00,083 人类平安呢大家 2843 03:27:01,916 --> 03:27:03,566 why all the crucifixes 2844 03:27:04,200 --> 03:27:05,400 you afraid of something 2845 03:27:05,883 --> 03:27:07,366 the hour is nigh 2846 03:27:07,966 --> 03:27:10,916 and the wrath of god shall strike men down 2847 03:27:11,433 --> 03:27:13,366 i am preparing for the end of the world 2848 03:27:16,366 --> 03:27:17,116 Nathaniel 2849 03:27:17,116 --> 03:27:20,833 do you remember where you were last Tuesday at four thirty pm 2850 03:27:21,033 --> 03:27:21,833 here 2851 03:27:22,916 --> 03:27:25,833 i was here i was praying all day 2852 03:27:27,200 --> 03:27:28,716 was there anybody with you 2853 03:27:29,766 --> 03:27:31,799 no小心哥逮捕了妈呀 2854 03:27:31,800 --> 03:27:32,800 逮捕他了 2855 03:27:34,483 --> 03:27:38,083 what about the voices Nathaniel do you still hear the voices 2856 03:27:41,200 --> 03:27:43,283 we know who talks to you don't read Nathaniel 2857 03:27:43,316 --> 03:27:45,199 we both know who talks to you 2858 03:27:46,916 --> 03:27:47,799 don't 2859 03:27:48,433 --> 03:27:50,366 speak that name 2860 03:27:50,433 --> 03:27:51,366 什么 2861 03:27:52,800 --> 03:27:54,483 what does he say to you Nathaniel 2862 03:27:54,683 --> 03:27:56,166 Blake what are you doing 2863 03:27:56,633 --> 03:27:59,799 i can't talk about it he mustn't talk about it 2864 03:28:00,683 --> 03:28:03,233 he ordered you to go and find you free doesn't 2865 03:28:03,433 --> 03:28:05,683 he needs more and more 2866 03:28:07,483 --> 03:28:08,283 see 2867 03:28:08,916 --> 03:28:09,716 no 2868 03:28:10,316 --> 03:28:14,199 no you must have mentioned him you'll bring him here 2869 03:28:15,633 --> 03:28:17,483 he told you to go and find that kid you out 2870 03:28:17,483 --> 03:28:20,116 of your mind the voice is tormented you all night 2871 03:28:20,116 --> 03:28:21,999 long you wanted them to stop 2872 03:28:22,000 --> 03:28:23,283 didn't you Nathaniel 2873 03:28:24,766 --> 03:28:26,766 stop stop 2874 03:28:26,766 --> 03:28:27,599 that's enough 2875 03:28:29,033 --> 03:28:30,999 so you obeyed them to make them stop 2876 03:28:31,000 --> 03:28:33,033 you took that boy with you and you drowned him 2877 03:28:33,033 --> 03:28:34,116 isn't that right 2878 03:28:34,600 --> 03:28:35,483 我不能干预他吗 2879 03:28:35,483 --> 03:28:36,516 我怎么不能动啊 2880 03:28:37,116 --> 03:28:39,399 stop stop 2881 03:28:39,683 --> 03:28:41,399 you killed that didn't you nith Daniel 2882 03:28:41,400 --> 03:28:43,483 are you gonna confess you bastard 2883 03:28:43,883 --> 03:28:45,083 哎你干嘛 2884 03:28:48,033 --> 03:28:49,283 you are the antichrist sit 2885 03:28:49,283 --> 03:28:50,083 down the gun and 2886 03:28:50,400 --> 03:28:51,600 你又干嘛你们 2887 03:28:52,800 --> 03:28:53,600 你们俩都在 2888 03:28:54,600 --> 03:28:56,766 he was sent to earth to destroy us 2889 03:28:57,600 --> 03:28:59,800 but christ's takes shoot 2890 03:29:02,633 --> 03:29:04,516 not gonna kill the antichrist with a revolver 2891 03:29:04,516 --> 03:29:06,999 Nathaniel he's much too powerful for that antichrist 2892 03:29:07,000 --> 03:29:10,033 my ass get that gun out of my face 2893 03:29:12,683 --> 03:29:16,399 concentrate on my voice Nathaniel listen only to my voice 2894 03:29:18,516 --> 03:29:19,316 team 2895 03:29:20,233 --> 03:29:22,599 you shall regret confrontingthe emissary of the 2896 03:29:22,600 --> 03:29:26,283 啥意思我都有点没懂you shall know divine power 2897 03:29:26,400 --> 03:29:28,483 你别开枪啊我告诉你 2898 03:29:29,366 --> 03:29:32,033 keep calm everything is Gonna be fine Nathaniel 2899 03:29:32,033 --> 03:29:33,283 Christ are powerful 2900 03:29:33,366 --> 03:29:35,433 defend us in our battle with the forces of evil 2901 03:29:35,516 --> 03:29:37,966 protect us from the cunning and wiles of the demon 2902 03:29:38,200 --> 03:29:41,200 may god almighty manifest the power of his empire 2903 03:29:41,283 --> 03:29:42,683 and may divine power 2904 03:29:42,683 --> 03:29:44,833 cast Satan in all the other spirits 2905 03:29:44,833 --> 03:29:47,233 that prowl the world in search of souls 2906 03:29:47,316 --> 03:29:49,316 into the darkest depths of hell 2907 03:29:49,516 --> 03:29:50,316 什么 2908 03:29:52,966 --> 03:29:54,683 i'm here to help you Nathaniel 2909 03:29:54,766 --> 03:29:56,433 to give rid of the voices in your head 2910 03:29:56,433 --> 03:29:58,116 but you have to trust me 2911 03:30:00,083 --> 03:30:00,883 yeah 2912 03:30:02,833 --> 03:30:04,716 back away slowly 2913 03:30:07,433 --> 03:30:08,316 听话 2914 03:30:14,166 --> 03:30:16,316 now drop the gun drop it Nathaniel 2915 03:30:19,000 --> 03:30:20,633 快放快放快快快快快 2916 03:30:22,033 --> 03:30:23,083 歪了 2917 03:30:24,566 --> 03:30:26,033 put your hands on your head 2918 03:30:30,166 --> 03:30:31,083 turn around 2919 03:30:31,966 --> 03:30:32,999 你干嘛 2920 03:30:34,483 --> 03:30:35,516 哦好吧 2921 03:30:36,483 --> 03:30:38,683 啥为什么 2922 03:30:40,366 --> 03:30:41,166 i 2923 03:30:42,516 --> 03:30:44,233 i shot him yep 2924 03:30:44,766 --> 03:30:45,566 look at me 2925 03:30:48,883 --> 03:30:49,683 it was 2926 03:30:49,916 --> 03:30:50,916 为什么呢 2927 03:30:52,316 --> 03:30:54,399 为什么他要提醒1呢 2928 03:30:54,633 --> 03:30:56,966 不是他1他在提醒1啊 2929 03:30:57,083 --> 03:30:58,683 只剩一个1了 2930 03:31:05,400 --> 03:31:07,083 不是1是开枪 2931 03:31:07,083 --> 03:31:08,166 但是为什么他要 2932 03:31:08,366 --> 03:31:10,599 他到这然后提醒我1呢 2933 03:31:10,766 --> 03:31:13,033 我不知道按1就开枪了 2934 03:31:19,316 --> 03:31:20,116 但是他为什么刚 2935 03:31:20,116 --> 03:31:22,999 才很激烈激烈的一直一直跳动 2936 03:31:23,000 --> 03:31:24,600 提醒我开枪呢 2937 03:31:25,800 --> 03:31:27,966 他有时候他不提醒来着 2938 03:31:29,566 --> 03:31:31,516 对啊他按钮亮了 2939 03:31:32,033 --> 03:31:33,166 本来那个人 2940 03:31:36,800 --> 03:31:38,083 本来不做那个人 2941 03:31:38,083 --> 03:31:39,516 之后不捉拿这个人 2942 03:31:39,516 --> 03:31:41,166 之后就没有没有意了 2943 03:31:41,166 --> 03:31:42,316 然后他突然又亮了 2944 03:31:42,316 --> 03:31:43,999 然后我下一次就赶紧按了 2945 03:31:44,000 --> 03:31:45,966 而且只有1都没有别的了 2946 03:31:50,833 --> 03:31:51,633 啊 2947 03:31:52,083 --> 03:31:52,883 大宝宝 2948 03:31:56,566 --> 03:31:58,633 他他存档存到哪啊 2949 03:32:03,233 --> 03:32:04,516 哪里亮点哪里 2950 03:32:04,600 --> 03:32:05,766 你没懂我 2951 03:32:05,800 --> 03:32:07,366 不是你玩游戏也会这样的 2952 03:32:07,366 --> 03:32:08,766 就是因为他什么东西都没有 2953 03:32:08,766 --> 03:32:11,399 然后然后感觉音乐也变紧张了 2954 03:32:11,400 --> 03:32:12,316 然后突然出现 2955 03:32:12,316 --> 03:32:14,633 出现了一个一个那个什么图标 2956 03:32:14,633 --> 03:32:16,166 然后然后只有1 2957 03:32:16,166 --> 03:32:18,716 有没有别的选项我就赶紧按了呀 2958 03:32:19,716 --> 03:32:20,599 我是哪里 2959 03:32:24,633 --> 03:32:25,966 只剩你肯定不会啊 2960 03:32:25,966 --> 03:32:28,166 可以回挡可以回到哪去呢 2961 03:32:32,916 --> 03:32:36,883 好烦啊我不想滥杀无辜啊 2962 03:32:41,633 --> 03:32:42,883 I好烦呐 2963 03:32:42,916 --> 03:32:45,766 我心情很烦躁我觉得这个游戏在耍我 2964 03:32:45,766 --> 03:32:46,716 说真的 2965 03:32:52,283 --> 03:32:53,116 uh huh啊 2966 03:32:53,766 --> 03:32:56,233 串门的也太早了吧 2967 03:33:01,716 --> 03:33:02,516 HA 2968 03:33:04,433 --> 03:33:05,766 小卖部老板 2969 03:33:06,200 --> 03:33:09,366 小卖部老板也不是我的问题呀 2970 03:33:11,483 --> 03:33:13,283 哎我的心情很那个 2971 03:33:13,283 --> 03:33:15,233 不是我真的觉得这个游戏在耍我 2972 03:33:15,233 --> 03:33:16,966 说实话因为他 2973 03:33:17,633 --> 03:33:18,483 你们真的没懂 2974 03:33:18,483 --> 03:33:20,766 我就是在一个有点危急的情况下 2975 03:33:20,766 --> 03:33:22,766 然后他的音乐还越来越紧急 2976 03:33:22,766 --> 03:33:25,033 然后本来这个画面上是没有任何东西 2977 03:33:25,033 --> 03:33:26,966 我以为这个场景就结束了 2978 03:33:26,966 --> 03:33:29,199 不需要我再操作任何我的心情也 2979 03:33:29,283 --> 03:33:30,483 变得舒缓起来了 2980 03:33:30,483 --> 03:33:31,316 你懂吗 2981 03:33:31,433 --> 03:33:33,633 然后他的音乐突然变得紧张起来了 2982 03:33:33,633 --> 03:33:36,283 然后画面上本来什么其实都没有 2983 03:33:36,283 --> 03:33:38,199 然后本来那个1是绝对没有的 2984 03:33:38,200 --> 03:33:40,033 我到时候会去看回放 2985 03:33:40,033 --> 03:33:41,316 他绝对是没有意的 2986 03:33:41,316 --> 03:33:43,083 就刚才有好几秒都是没有意 2987 03:33:43,083 --> 03:33:44,999 然后我以为已经不需要我操作任何 2988 03:33:45,000 --> 03:33:45,716 然后此 2989 03:33:45,716 --> 03:33:47,883 时突然音乐紧张起来然后突然那个 2990 03:33:47,916 --> 03:33:50,199 1狂亮然后我就赶紧摁啊 2991 03:33:55,483 --> 03:33:56,833 这是在诱导我舌头啊 2992 03:33:56,833 --> 03:33:58,833 那哈这不应该诱导我啊 2993 03:34:01,000 --> 03:34:04,400 为什么要诱导呢他真的没有亮啊刚才 2994 03:34:04,883 --> 03:34:06,366 我发誓 2995 03:34:07,683 --> 03:34:10,166 不是他确实是断断续续的在亮 2996 03:34:10,166 --> 03:34:13,316 但是刚才有一段时间他是没有亮的 2997 03:34:17,716 --> 03:34:18,516 哎 2998 03:34:22,116 --> 03:34:23,233 only a crucifix 2999 03:34:28,600 --> 03:34:29,633 can't say i'll miss him 3000 03:34:30,766 --> 03:34:32,116 come on let's go 3001 03:34:36,233 --> 03:34:37,999 不然咱们重来吧我看看 3002 03:34:38,566 --> 03:34:41,283 怎么储储储储存呢 3003 03:34:43,083 --> 03:34:43,883 啊 3004 03:34:48,033 --> 03:34:48,833 我不 3005 03:34:56,483 --> 03:34:59,083 我真的觉得有一种被他耍了的感觉 3006 03:34:59,200 --> 03:35:01,200 我真的觉得他不应该这样啊 3007 03:35:01,283 --> 03:35:03,999 他不应该诱导啊他应该让我自己选择 3008 03:35:04,000 --> 03:35:06,116 他为什么要诱导我呢我觉得很奇怪 3009 03:35:06,966 --> 03:35:08,799 哎你们有有感觉 3010 03:35:08,800 --> 03:35:09,516 有 3011 03:35:09,516 --> 03:35:12,233 哎我不知道你们明不明白我的感觉啊 3012 03:35:12,233 --> 03:35:14,483 我是真的觉得被他耍了 3013 03:35:16,283 --> 03:35:18,166 他为什么要突然那个什么 3014 03:35:22,033 --> 03:35:23,716 可能也是我的问题 3015 03:35:24,316 --> 03:35:27,483 但是我还是觉得是他的问题好吧哈哈 3016 03:35:28,200 --> 03:35:29,883 但是大家可以觉得是我的问题 3017 03:35:29,883 --> 03:35:31,916 但是我真的觉得是游戏的问题OK 3018 03:35:33,166 --> 03:35:34,999 他就是那种一个 3019 03:35:35,283 --> 03:35:37,366 营造了很紧张的氛围然后 3020 03:35:37,366 --> 03:35:38,433 也只有一个选项 3021 03:35:38,433 --> 03:35:40,116 我就以为肯定是按这个 3022 03:35:40,116 --> 03:35:41,316 就没有考虑到 3023 03:35:42,033 --> 03:35:44,033 哎别黑屏赶快 3024 03:35:46,716 --> 03:35:48,199 我觉得就是有问题的我 3025 03:35:48,200 --> 03:35:49,566 我肯定有那个什么 3026 03:35:49,600 --> 03:35:51,633 呃对对对这种游戏不是很 3027 03:35:51,766 --> 03:35:53,399 熟悉擅长的那种 3028 03:35:53,683 --> 03:35:55,833 对啊哎快点快点快点 3029 03:35:59,766 --> 03:36:01,766 但我还是觉得他有诱导倾向 3030 03:36:02,766 --> 03:36:04,483 啊哦没充上电 3031 03:36:05,683 --> 03:36:08,199 怎么给这个手机充上电了等一下 3032 03:36:09,633 --> 03:36:12,233 本来我有点头晕脑花的 3033 03:36:13,433 --> 03:36:14,916 室内太热了 3034 03:36:15,033 --> 03:36:17,633 然后戴戴戴耳机戴久了人 3035 03:36:17,766 --> 03:36:20,566 人被那个什么被耳机夹的不太清楚 3036 03:36:23,483 --> 03:36:26,316 but呀哎干嘛呢 3037 03:36:34,083 --> 03:36:34,883 哎 3038 03:36:35,366 --> 03:36:36,483 卡住了吗 3039 03:36:45,283 --> 03:36:46,116 卡住了 3040 03:37:06,800 --> 03:37:08,516 坏了事了 3041 03:37:14,366 --> 03:37:15,799 也退不出游戏了 3042 03:37:15,800 --> 03:37:16,633 大家 3043 03:37:17,516 --> 03:37:19,166 啊取下耳机啊 3044 03:37:19,366 --> 03:37:20,999 夹的头晕脑花的 3045 03:37:23,966 --> 03:37:26,233 戴久了耳机是真难受大家 3046 03:37:26,683 --> 03:37:28,366 但是听不见自己的 3047 03:37:28,400 --> 03:37:29,116 戴不了耳机 3048 03:37:29,116 --> 03:37:31,166 听不了自己的声音又觉得很奇怪 3049 03:37:31,433 --> 03:37:33,483 啊我为什么变跑中间去了 3050 03:37:37,200 --> 03:37:38,000 哎 3051 03:37:38,716 --> 03:37:41,999 啊卡住了卡死掉了怎么办啊 3052 03:37:47,433 --> 03:37:49,766 啊啊啊 3053 03:37:49,833 --> 03:37:52,633 大家你们记得那个什么关游戏是 3054 03:37:53,283 --> 03:37:55,433 不会吧哦好了 3055 03:37:57,966 --> 03:37:58,766 啊没好 3056 03:37:59,483 --> 03:38:01,966 啊关游戏是按什么来着你们知道吗 3057 03:38:01,966 --> 03:38:05,083 强退呃好像有一个那个什么OK 3058 03:39:42,166 --> 03:39:43,366 喂你能听到吗 3059 03:39:44,916 --> 03:39:46,199 喂能听到吗 3060 03:39:48,433 --> 03:39:50,083 哦喂哦喂 3061 03:39:51,316 --> 03:39:52,999 哦喂哦喂 3062 03:39:53,200 --> 03:39:54,483 现在能听到吗 3063 03:39:57,483 --> 03:39:58,283 啊 3064 03:39:59,600 --> 03:40:02,316 哈哈哈怎么办呢 3065 03:40:02,316 --> 03:40:03,916 退不出去了 3066 03:40:05,916 --> 03:40:08,766 只能关机重启了是不是啊太蠢了吧 3067 03:40:08,766 --> 03:40:09,766 为什么呢 3068 03:40:13,000 --> 03:40:14,600 但我管理器也打不开呢 3069 03:40:16,000 --> 03:40:18,400 怎么都打不开 3070 03:40:28,800 --> 03:40:30,000 拜拜了大家 3071 03:40:30,000 --> 03:40:31,516 关机重启了啊 3072 03:40:31,883 --> 03:40:34,366 不是你别教我怎么10秒电源键 3073 03:40:34,366 --> 03:40:36,116 这个我当然会 3074 03:40:38,483 --> 03:40:40,166 笑死我了 3075 03:40:42,000 --> 03:40:42,800 一波 3076 03:40:43,366 --> 03:40:44,316 红球加 3077 03:40:46,033 --> 03:40:46,833 shift 3078 03:40:47,200 --> 03:40:48,000 加 3079 03:40:48,633 --> 03:40:51,316 没用啊没用打不开什么都没用 3080 03:40:53,766 --> 03:40:54,566 bye bye 3081 03:40:57,633 --> 03:40:58,516 win加tab 3082 03:41:00,116 --> 03:41:00,916 a 3083 03:41:04,116 --> 03:41:04,916 我 3084 03:42:16,750 --> 03:42:18,350 怎么样我的开机速度 3085 03:42:21,116 --> 03:42:22,066 哈喽 3086 03:42:22,666 --> 03:42:24,149 怎么样我的开机速度 3087 03:42:24,150 --> 03:42:25,266 没想到吧 3088 03:42:27,316 --> 03:42:28,116 呵呵 3089 03:42:33,066 --> 03:42:34,633 哦有幻想是吧OK 3090 03:42:39,433 --> 03:42:40,233 是不是很牛 3091 03:42:40,233 --> 03:42:42,033 我的开机速度牛不牛 3092 03:42:42,866 --> 03:42:46,033 好吧跟你们说是为什么吧其实是因为 3093 03:42:48,183 --> 03:42:50,233 其实是因为我刚才关机 3094 03:42:50,233 --> 03:42:52,433 然后他提醒我真的要关机吗 3095 03:42:52,466 --> 03:42:54,583 然后他已经结束了一些正常 3096 03:42:54,583 --> 03:42:55,749 他说真的要关机吗 3097 03:42:55,750 --> 03:42:56,866 我说否哦 3098 03:42:56,866 --> 03:42:58,466 然后然后就可以回来了 3099 03:42:58,466 --> 03:43:00,316 然后他帮我关掉了一些东西 3100 03:43:00,716 --> 03:43:04,233 大家可以学习一下主播的聪明才智 3101 03:43:06,350 --> 03:43:07,183 好卡呀 3102 03:43:13,116 --> 03:43:14,716 哇PPG呢我 3103 03:43:22,316 --> 03:43:24,433 好了好了还玩吗 3104 03:43:25,316 --> 03:43:26,583 玩吧玩吧玩吧 3105 03:43:30,383 --> 03:43:32,066 我的声音呢等我一下 3106 03:43:34,233 --> 03:43:34,716 喂 3107 03:43:34,716 --> 03:43:35,516 喂喂 3108 03:43:42,033 --> 03:43:42,583 我咋又饿 3109 03:43:42,583 --> 03:43:43,633 没事了 3110 03:43:44,383 --> 03:43:45,183 刚刚 3111 03:43:55,783 --> 03:43:56,583 等我一下哦 3112 03:43:58,866 --> 03:44:00,033 不对不对不对 3113 03:44:09,916 --> 03:44:11,833 哦这么快到到这了 3114 03:44:23,350 --> 03:44:25,950 all night long you wanted them to stop 3115 03:44:25,950 --> 03:44:29,550 didn't you Nathaniel that's enough leave him alone stop 3116 03:44:29,833 --> 03:44:31,549 stop that's enough 3117 03:44:32,983 --> 03:44:34,949 so you obeyed them to make them stop 3118 03:44:34,950 --> 03:44:38,066 you took that boy with you and you drowned him isn't that right 3119 03:44:39,833 --> 03:44:43,066 no Carter shit you out of your mind 3120 03:44:43,583 --> 03:44:45,349 you killed them didn't you nithaniel 3121 03:44:45,350 --> 03:44:47,433 are you gonna confess you bastard 3122 03:44:47,783 --> 03:44:49,666 好快啊好快啊这个进度啊 3123 03:44:49,666 --> 03:44:50,866 我还以为很久呢 3124 03:44:50,866 --> 03:44:51,716 怎么回事 3125 03:44:51,833 --> 03:44:53,833 you are the antichrist but down the gun 3126 03:44:53,950 --> 03:44:55,750 i got you to your father in hell 3127 03:44:56,833 --> 03:45:00,666 he is the son of Satan he was sent to earth to destroy us 3128 03:45:01,466 --> 03:45:03,783 for christ's sakes shoot 3129 03:45:06,950 --> 03:45:09,666 i'm not gonna kill the antichrist with a revolver Nathaniel 3130 03:45:09,750 --> 03:45:11,266 much too不要讲义 3131 03:45:11,550 --> 03:45:14,516 my ass get that gun out of my face 3132 03:45:20,233 --> 03:45:22,949 keep calm everything is gonna be fine natanio 3133 03:45:26,316 --> 03:45:29,349 you shall regret confronting the emissary of the lord 3134 03:45:29,633 --> 03:45:32,316 youi shall know divine power 3135 03:45:35,516 --> 03:45:38,466 concentrate on my voice Nathaniel不是你等一下嘛 3136 03:45:38,466 --> 03:45:39,266 on my voice 3137 03:45:39,666 --> 03:45:40,833 Christ are powerful 3138 03:45:40,983 --> 03:45:43,116 defend us in our battle with the forces of evil 3139 03:45:43,183 --> 03:45:45,633 protect us from the cunning and wiles of the demon 3140 03:45:45,866 --> 03:45:47,783 may god almighty manifest the power而且你看 3141 03:45:47,783 --> 03:45:48,949 他本来有很多选项 3142 03:45:48,950 --> 03:45:50,516 然后最后只剩下1 3143 03:45:51,183 --> 03:45:53,383 in all the other spirits that prowl the world 3144 03:45:53,383 --> 03:45:55,666 全部选完之后就只剩下1了 3145 03:46:01,150 --> 03:46:02,716 i'm here to help you with Daniel 3146 03:46:02,950 --> 03:46:06,266 to give rid of the voices in your head but you have to trust me 3147 03:46:08,916 --> 03:46:10,466 你看现在只剩下e了 3148 03:46:11,433 --> 03:46:13,066 而且然后他现在就一直没有 3149 03:46:13,066 --> 03:46:14,433 没有提示e对吧 3150 03:46:14,916 --> 03:46:17,916 然后他放下枪我也以为OK结束了 3151 03:46:19,350 --> 03:46:20,666 啊你看最后一个放下枪 3152 03:46:20,666 --> 03:46:22,266 选完之后就只剩1了 3153 03:46:27,066 --> 03:46:29,749 对吧然后我现在心情就比较舒缓了 3154 03:46:31,516 --> 03:46:32,983 put your hands on your head 3155 03:46:36,983 --> 03:46:37,783 turn around 3156 03:46:41,066 --> 03:46:42,583 好也抓捕归案了 3157 03:46:42,716 --> 03:46:44,383 你看motherfucker 3158 03:46:44,666 --> 03:46:47,149 你看他就突然亮很快的意义 3159 03:46:47,783 --> 03:46:49,183 i exercise 3160 03:46:49,233 --> 03:46:50,549 these真的有问题啊 3161 03:46:50,550 --> 03:46:51,383 我觉得 3162 03:46:53,233 --> 03:46:56,316 okay Freak the show's over you're under Arrest 3163 03:46:58,666 --> 03:47:00,866 他妈他要么就平静的出现啊 3164 03:47:00,866 --> 03:47:03,516 他别闪的这么快然后只剩1个亿啊 3165 03:47:04,916 --> 03:47:06,716 你还是没懂我的意思 3166 03:47:08,433 --> 03:47:10,383 他就是对啊就是在诱导啊 3167 03:47:10,383 --> 03:47:11,949 most of the time it helps 3168 03:47:23,916 --> 03:47:25,433 是他确实是那个什么 3169 03:47:25,433 --> 03:47:27,666 营造这种让让人以为他是那个 3170 03:47:27,666 --> 03:47:29,316 但是如果我摁了1的话 3171 03:47:29,316 --> 03:47:31,349 那就是做了错误的选择啊 3172 03:47:31,350 --> 03:47:33,916 我还是觉得应该让我仔细思考之后 3173 03:47:33,950 --> 03:47:36,066 呃做做出我想要的选择 3174 03:47:59,716 --> 03:48:00,983 就是在诱导我吗 3175 03:48:00,983 --> 03:48:02,266 那也太讨厌了吧 3176 03:48:16,433 --> 03:48:18,466 哎呦你看他这只视角都不能转 3177 03:48:18,466 --> 03:48:20,916 然后我都不知道是不是走这边 3178 03:48:21,983 --> 03:48:23,866 万一是走前面呢 3179 03:48:30,266 --> 03:48:31,749 现在几点了大家 3180 03:48:41,950 --> 03:48:43,150 oh my god 3181 03:48:52,150 --> 03:48:54,033 差不多要下播了 3182 03:49:02,950 --> 03:49:03,750 everybody home 3183 03:49:04,466 --> 03:49:07,433 有幸不会也是那个什么小孩 3184 03:49:07,433 --> 03:49:08,916 会消失的那个吧 3185 03:49:11,183 --> 03:49:12,433 先看小孩 3186 03:49:14,516 --> 03:49:15,783 hello little Cutie 3187 03:49:17,716 --> 03:49:18,749 looking for your Mama 3188 03:49:26,116 --> 03:49:28,183 oh Jesus 3189 03:49:31,550 --> 03:49:34,150 完了他跑了这个他妈妈走了 3190 03:49:34,516 --> 03:49:35,316 wait a minute 3191 03:49:36,150 --> 03:49:36,950 什么意思 3192 03:49:43,916 --> 03:49:44,716 啊 3193 03:49:55,516 --> 03:49:58,149 missus bulls missus bulls are you there 3194 03:50:03,633 --> 03:50:05,349 完了自杀了 3195 03:50:07,666 --> 03:50:09,383 oh shit 3196 03:50:16,833 --> 03:50:17,783 Mrs bulls 3197 03:50:18,583 --> 03:50:19,949 Mrs bulls can you hear me 3198 03:50:21,383 --> 03:50:22,433 wake up 3199 03:50:23,516 --> 03:50:24,549 wake up 3200 03:50:43,783 --> 03:50:45,116 把床单弄湿了 3201 03:50:49,433 --> 03:50:50,949 i'm gonna call an ambulance no 3202 03:50:51,916 --> 03:50:54,233 i don't want to go to the hospital please 3203 03:50:54,633 --> 03:50:56,749 怎么感觉他声音这么清醒啊 3204 03:50:57,066 --> 03:50:58,983 you got something around here i can dress this one with 3205 03:50:59,433 --> 03:51:00,233 yeah 3206 03:51:00,583 --> 03:51:01,783 i think so 3207 03:51:02,583 --> 03:51:03,983 okay don't move 3208 03:51:04,350 --> 03:51:05,516 i'll be right back 3209 03:51:12,183 --> 03:51:14,149 she should have some bandages in the bathroom 3210 03:51:14,233 --> 03:51:15,033 okay 3211 03:51:18,516 --> 03:51:20,066 let's see i need this 3212 03:51:20,866 --> 03:51:21,666 and this 3213 03:51:22,316 --> 03:51:23,149 and this 3214 03:51:25,866 --> 03:51:27,266 吃什么大嘴巴说你 3215 03:51:29,116 --> 03:51:30,266 有没有心啊 3216 03:51:36,983 --> 03:51:37,983 stay with me Susan 3217 03:51:38,783 --> 03:51:40,433 Susan do you hear me 3218 03:51:40,783 --> 03:51:42,233 Susan stay with me 3219 03:51:42,916 --> 03:51:43,833 can you hear me 3220 03:51:44,116 --> 03:51:45,433 stay with me 3221 03:51:46,633 --> 03:51:47,833 okay come on 3222 03:51:52,183 --> 03:51:53,633 i'm here for you Susan 3223 03:51:54,383 --> 03:51:55,433 you'll be alright 3224 03:52:01,866 --> 03:52:04,716 啊邦迪啊哦买噶 3225 03:52:08,583 --> 03:52:10,516 好吧帮你真的可以连我了 3226 03:52:10,516 --> 03:52:12,949 i don't know what i can i should stop the bleeding 3227 03:52:13,716 --> 03:52:15,349 luckily the wounds aren't too deep 3228 03:52:16,666 --> 03:52:17,466 hey 3229 03:52:18,150 --> 03:52:19,233 how are you feeling 3230 03:52:20,433 --> 03:52:21,233 okay 3231 03:52:23,116 --> 03:52:23,949 my baby 3232 03:52:24,950 --> 03:52:26,433 my baby needs me 3233 03:52:28,750 --> 03:52:29,550 right 3234 03:52:30,516 --> 03:52:31,783 you stay there 3235 03:52:32,150 --> 03:52:34,583 他好瘦啊多吃点 3236 03:52:38,033 --> 03:52:40,349 给被被子给盖上啊 3237 03:52:41,266 --> 03:52:42,433 with a baby i mean 3238 03:52:43,066 --> 03:52:44,316 我知道我有四个小孩 3239 03:52:44,316 --> 03:52:45,349 i'm a private eye 3240 03:52:45,916 --> 03:52:47,383 there's nothing i can't do 3241 03:52:51,433 --> 03:52:52,716 her name is Emily 3242 03:52:53,666 --> 03:52:54,466 gotcha 3243 03:52:57,666 --> 03:52:59,783 我在这在这 3244 03:53:01,716 --> 03:53:02,516 呀 3245 03:53:03,550 --> 03:53:06,150 这怎么走啊这是向前吗OK 3246 03:53:10,183 --> 03:53:12,183 Emily Emily 3247 03:53:15,916 --> 03:53:16,716 啊 3248 03:53:17,316 --> 03:53:18,116 啊 3249 03:53:28,866 --> 03:53:31,749 啊你先去洗个手真讲究啊 3250 03:53:33,066 --> 03:53:34,183 在哪来装 3251 03:53:36,783 --> 03:53:39,349 等一下啊我大概还有10分钟过去 3252 03:53:41,466 --> 03:53:44,316 梅姐我马上就找到那个什么石石石 3253 03:53:44,550 --> 03:53:46,066 石石他在哪了 3254 03:53:47,183 --> 03:53:47,983 来着 3255 03:53:50,916 --> 03:53:53,783 别急别急啊这这这 3256 03:54:08,183 --> 03:54:11,233 马上啊别哭了别哭了来了来了啊 3257 03:54:12,316 --> 03:54:13,516 hi there Emily 3258 03:54:14,316 --> 03:54:17,066 so what seems to be the problem huh 3259 03:54:17,916 --> 03:54:18,716 oh 3260 03:54:18,916 --> 03:54:19,516 哇好臭 3261 03:54:19,516 --> 03:54:20,516 going by the smell 3262 03:54:20,950 --> 03:54:22,183 i got a pretty good idea 3263 03:54:33,716 --> 03:54:34,516 okay 3264 03:54:35,633 --> 03:54:36,866 how do you do this again 3265 03:54:42,516 --> 03:54:43,316 啊 3266 03:54:45,316 --> 03:54:46,316 等一下等一下等一下 3267 03:54:59,633 --> 03:55:00,716 但是说实话 3268 03:55:00,716 --> 03:55:03,866 他这个不擦屁股那全全是屎啊 3269 03:55:05,633 --> 03:55:07,866 no brother that's not the right way 3270 03:55:10,066 --> 03:55:10,866 okay 3271 03:55:11,833 --> 03:55:12,749 let's start again 3272 03:55:19,983 --> 03:55:21,833 there you go fresh new baby 3273 03:55:23,983 --> 03:55:25,066 that should feel better 3274 03:55:26,350 --> 03:55:27,233 right Emily 3275 03:55:29,916 --> 03:55:32,033 很吸水但他吸不了屎啊 3276 03:55:32,633 --> 03:55:33,783 哈哈哈 3277 03:55:33,916 --> 03:55:35,666 hey what's the matter 3278 03:55:36,116 --> 03:55:37,466 how about we solve the problem 3279 03:55:38,383 --> 03:55:40,233 他想被抱着吧 3280 03:55:45,066 --> 03:55:45,866 饿了 3281 03:55:47,833 --> 03:55:48,866 maybe she's hungry 3282 03:55:49,550 --> 03:55:50,666 maybe she's hungry 3283 03:55:51,116 --> 03:55:52,516 奶粉在哪啊 3284 03:55:54,783 --> 03:55:56,183 哈哈哈 3285 03:56:05,916 --> 03:56:07,516 洗手台OK OK OK 3286 03:56:15,033 --> 03:56:16,549 播的好烦呢 3287 03:56:16,950 --> 03:56:18,633 i guess i've been warm this thing up 3288 03:56:21,633 --> 03:56:22,866 哇好高级啊 3289 03:56:23,033 --> 03:56:24,983 这这么这么加热的 3290 03:56:27,433 --> 03:56:28,233 啊 3291 03:56:28,350 --> 03:56:29,583 好美啊 3292 03:56:31,266 --> 03:56:32,066 啊 3293 03:56:35,233 --> 03:56:36,033 啊 3294 03:56:37,983 --> 03:56:39,633 别哭了 3295 03:56:42,950 --> 03:56:43,750 哦哦 3296 03:56:44,466 --> 03:56:45,266 走过去 3297 03:56:46,066 --> 03:56:47,149 啊啊 3298 03:56:48,633 --> 03:56:49,783 塞他嘴里 3299 03:56:53,150 --> 03:56:54,983 oh Emily are you hungry 3300 03:56:55,150 --> 03:56:55,950 hmm 3301 03:56:56,350 --> 03:56:57,383 you hold on 3302 03:56:57,916 --> 03:57:01,349 i'll just tilt this ball a little bit so you don't jump 3303 03:57:01,383 --> 03:57:02,183 okay 3304 03:57:21,150 --> 03:57:21,983 嗯 3305 03:57:26,666 --> 03:57:27,466 哇 3306 03:57:28,516 --> 03:57:30,549 喝完又睡了猪吧 3307 03:57:38,750 --> 03:57:39,550 错了 3308 03:57:39,783 --> 03:57:41,183 good job Emily 3309 03:57:42,233 --> 03:57:44,583 you're feeling good now right 3310 03:57:45,950 --> 03:57:46,750 now 3311 03:57:47,583 --> 03:57:49,466 i'm gonna rock you very Jerry 3312 03:57:49,466 --> 03:57:51,833 so you can have a nice little snooze 3313 03:57:51,833 --> 03:57:53,066 okay all right 3314 03:58:02,383 --> 03:58:03,716 这个操作键 3315 03:58:14,583 --> 03:58:16,833 睡睡睡睡完起来又饿了 3316 03:58:16,833 --> 03:58:18,066 哼正常情况下 3317 03:58:18,066 --> 03:58:20,433 你这样放下去他就已经醒了呀 3318 03:58:29,750 --> 03:58:32,750 right that's about the limit of my maternal powers 3319 03:58:33,750 --> 03:58:34,583 poor kid 3320 03:58:35,383 --> 03:58:36,716 life这你们都不知道 3321 03:58:36,716 --> 03:58:38,183 你们没有弟弟妹妹的呀 3322 03:58:38,183 --> 03:58:40,266 你们亲戚也没生小孩吗 3323 03:58:42,383 --> 03:58:44,949 不是说你们的知识有点太匮乏了吧 3324 03:58:47,183 --> 03:58:47,983 哎 3325 03:58:49,350 --> 03:58:51,433 这个游戏他是不是有什么恶趣味啊 3326 03:58:51,433 --> 03:58:52,349 说实话 3327 03:58:53,550 --> 03:58:54,916 i didn't want to leave her 3328 03:58:57,266 --> 03:58:58,949 i just couldn't cope anymore 3329 03:59:03,550 --> 03:59:05,950 just not having Jeremy around 3330 03:59:07,516 --> 03:59:09,549 he was such a good boy 3331 03:59:11,233 --> 03:59:13,633 can't understand why anyone would want to hurt him 3332 03:59:15,983 --> 03:59:18,183 do you take care of this baby on your own 3333 03:59:18,550 --> 03:59:20,633 doesn't jeremy's father live with you anymore 3334 03:59:22,666 --> 03:59:24,033 he disappeared 3335 03:59:25,633 --> 03:59:27,233 the day after Jeremy 3336 03:59:28,350 --> 03:59:29,866 我没想到你们没有弟弟妹妹 3337 03:59:29,866 --> 03:59:31,349 i don't know what happened to him 3338 03:59:34,383 --> 03:59:35,183 maybe 3339 03:59:36,950 --> 03:59:38,466 maybe he couldn't take it 3340 03:59:40,916 --> 03:59:43,716 ever since i've had to look after Emily all on my own and 3341 03:59:45,716 --> 03:59:46,516 哎 3342 03:59:46,666 --> 03:59:47,749 do it anymore 3343 03:59:50,983 --> 03:59:51,983 i understand 3344 03:59:54,550 --> 03:59:56,666 did your husband say anything before he disappeared 3345 03:59:57,716 --> 04:00:01,149 here did it leave a note or something 3346 04:00:03,750 --> 04:00:04,550 no 3347 04:00:05,266 --> 04:00:06,516 哇他的手臂好畸形啊 3348 04:00:06,516 --> 04:00:08,383 you left the house without a word and 3349 04:00:11,233 --> 04:00:12,866 there was just a cell phone 3350 04:00:13,666 --> 04:00:14,549 a cell phone 3351 04:00:16,150 --> 04:00:18,983 yeah i found a cell phone in his dresser 3352 04:00:21,033 --> 04:00:22,749 sure it wasn't his你看 3353 04:00:22,750 --> 04:00:23,550 他这个手机也 3354 04:00:23,550 --> 04:00:25,466 很奇怪他一个箭头向上 3355 04:00:25,466 --> 04:00:28,749 然后我其实我知道箭向上是站起来 3356 04:00:28,750 --> 04:00:30,916 但是这没有任何情况需要站起来 3357 04:00:30,916 --> 04:00:32,183 但是他还一直停留在这 3358 04:00:32,183 --> 04:00:33,716 我会觉得有点奇怪 3359 04:00:33,950 --> 04:00:35,066 it's in a drawer 3360 04:00:35,583 --> 04:00:36,783 in the living room 3361 04:00:37,633 --> 04:00:39,583 you can have it if you'd like 3362 04:00:39,833 --> 04:00:42,666 a shirts of more used to you喜居室的抽屉里 3363 04:00:44,633 --> 04:00:47,316 do you have any family or anybody to help you 3364 04:00:49,383 --> 04:00:50,183 yeah 3365 04:00:51,066 --> 04:00:51,866 my mother 3366 04:00:54,516 --> 04:00:56,866 i didn't want to ask her for anything 3367 04:00:58,183 --> 04:00:59,666 we don't really get along 3368 04:01:01,033 --> 04:01:03,866 but i是个靠墙他也设计的啊 3369 04:01:04,316 --> 04:01:05,516 有点搞笑了 3370 04:01:05,783 --> 04:01:08,783 well look after yourself and Emma 3371 04:01:09,633 --> 04:01:10,466 i will 3372 04:01:10,716 --> 04:01:11,516 i promise 3373 04:01:13,866 --> 04:01:16,716 起居室的抽屉里这不就是这吗 3374 04:01:25,433 --> 04:01:26,716 这不是抽屉吗 3375 04:01:27,350 --> 04:01:29,950 这不是床头柜我以为是床头柜来着 3376 04:01:30,583 --> 04:01:31,516 不是吗 3377 04:01:33,716 --> 04:01:34,516 嗯 3378 04:01:35,350 --> 04:01:37,150 那他说是起居室 3379 04:01:37,466 --> 04:01:39,783 这次我可是看的很清楚呢 3380 04:01:41,383 --> 04:01:42,949 偷用一下他化妆品 3381 04:01:45,550 --> 04:01:46,350 还是算了 3382 04:01:52,866 --> 04:01:55,549 啊卧室不是起居是吗是吗 3383 04:01:56,433 --> 04:01:57,749 哎我不知道他 3384 04:02:02,833 --> 04:02:03,666 吓我一跳 3385 04:02:04,833 --> 04:02:06,666 我以为什么坏人磨锯子呢 3386 04:02:06,666 --> 04:02:08,466 没想到他在呼吸声啊 3387 04:02:13,383 --> 04:02:15,266 啊我以为是起来居住呢 3388 04:02:20,516 --> 04:02:21,316 哦这 3389 04:02:22,983 --> 04:02:24,033 这这这 3390 04:02:42,866 --> 04:02:43,583 哎呀 3391 04:02:43,583 --> 04:02:44,466 等一下 3392 04:02:49,666 --> 04:02:51,316 哎等我一下等我一下 3393 04:02:55,033 --> 04:02:56,749 哎我现在看不见大家的弹幕了 3394 04:02:56,750 --> 04:02:57,833 好难受啊 3395 04:03:02,066 --> 04:03:04,066 我应该在哪里 3396 04:03:06,383 --> 04:03:09,233 不是我看弹幕的那个手机自动关机了 3397 04:03:11,316 --> 04:03:13,866 我就那个什么一下哎我我干嘛来着 3398 04:03:13,983 --> 04:03:15,866 我想没没没动静了 3399 04:03:30,433 --> 04:03:31,233 哎 3400 04:03:32,583 --> 04:03:35,233 我不是拿到手机了吗我手机呢 3401 04:03:45,350 --> 04:03:46,183 打出看看吧 3402 04:03:46,183 --> 04:03:48,383 我感觉这应该没啥东西就是了 3403 04:03:55,150 --> 04:03:57,550 是吗这小孩动静 3404 04:03:59,383 --> 04:04:00,666 为什么居然放这个音乐 3405 04:04:00,666 --> 04:04:02,383 感觉好恐怖哎干嘛呢我不走我不走 3406 04:04:02,383 --> 04:04:03,183 啊 3407 04:04:06,066 --> 04:04:07,149 啊我要走了吗 3408 04:04:14,716 --> 04:04:15,516 I 3409 04:04:16,033 --> 04:04:18,383 我还以为可以下车呢不能啊 3410 04:04:20,150 --> 04:04:21,033 那你先拿了吧 3411 04:04:21,666 --> 04:04:23,466 啊只能就这么走了 3412 04:04:27,383 --> 04:04:28,266 哦好吧 3413 04:04:28,783 --> 04:04:29,583 我爱你 3414 04:04:34,266 --> 04:04:36,316 不应该在这里 3415 04:04:45,116 --> 04:04:47,066 哈哈有没有新消息 3416 04:04:47,516 --> 04:04:48,749 呵呵没有 3417 04:04:52,516 --> 04:04:53,433 等一下哦 3418 04:04:55,433 --> 04:04:57,783 这是不是又是新的一个篇章了 3419 04:04:57,783 --> 04:04:59,266 那我们就听到这好了 3420 04:05:01,316 --> 04:05:02,866 看着他们 3421 04:05:03,516 --> 04:05:03,949 甜 3422 04:05:03,950 --> 04:05:04,750 蜜 3423 04:05:16,633 --> 04:05:17,783 OK是不是 3424 04:05:17,983 --> 04:05:19,516 OK那就这样了 3425 04:05:26,666 --> 04:05:28,833 OK就关掉了 3426 04:05:29,750 --> 04:05:30,750 直播正片开始了 3427 04:05:30,750 --> 04:05:32,833 开始个屁啊不开了不开了 3428 04:05:39,033 --> 04:05:40,183 OK已保存 3429 04:05:45,716 --> 04:05:48,033 我应该放个music啊 3430 04:05:48,033 --> 04:05:49,633 差不多下播了大家 3431 04:05:50,116 --> 04:05:52,066 快快快出来跟我说话 3432 04:05:52,150 --> 04:05:53,383 咋不说话我走啦 3433 04:05:53,833 --> 04:05:56,383 哈哈没有威胁大家的意思 3434 04:05:58,183 --> 04:05:58,466 just 3435 04:05:58,466 --> 04:06:00,783 是想睡这一周 3436 04:06:00,916 --> 04:06:04,466 不知道什么时候才能跟大家见面了 3437 04:06:10,866 --> 04:06:13,916 嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟 3438 04:06:20,033 --> 04:06:20,833 the meal 3439 04:06:20,833 --> 04:06:21,633 uh huh 3440 04:06:25,983 --> 04:06:27,349 放音乐好恐怖 3441 04:06:32,716 --> 04:06:33,949 好悲伤啊 3442 04:06:49,583 --> 04:06:50,833 设置了已设置 3443 04:06:54,266 --> 04:06:55,116 等等等等 3444 04:06:55,116 --> 04:06:56,983 等我一下我再设置一下 3445 04:07:00,316 --> 04:07:01,149 大家 3446 04:07:02,950 --> 04:07:04,583 我要对你们说 3447 04:07:07,516 --> 04:07:10,233 okay miss mix here speaker too 3448 04:07:12,516 --> 04:07:13,316 OK 3449 04:07:13,433 --> 04:07:14,266 大家 3450 04:07:15,350 --> 04:07:16,783 再见了 3451 04:07:19,983 --> 04:07:20,783 再 3452 04:07:29,783 --> 04:07:31,116 今天是周几来着 3453 04:07:32,866 --> 04:07:34,316 今天周三啊 3454 04:07:38,466 --> 04:07:38,783 哦 3455 04:07:38,783 --> 04:07:39,983 今天是周哦 3456 04:07:40,383 --> 04:07:41,949 现在是周三 3457 04:07:45,633 --> 04:07:46,433 哎 3458 04:07:47,066 --> 04:07:49,549 好悲伤的音乐啊听一下 3459 04:07:52,950 --> 04:07:53,950 头的因素 3460 04:07:54,033 --> 04:07:55,116 的现象 3461 04:07:58,233 --> 04:07:59,033 哎 3462 04:08:03,433 --> 04:08:04,233 ah 3463 04:08:05,716 --> 04:08:06,266 you see 3464 04:08:06,266 --> 04:08:08,149 when i was eighteen i was lazy 3465 04:08:08,183 --> 04:08:09,749 sin smoking a blunt 3466 04:08:09,750 --> 04:08:12,866 no matter mood i was in it's a common of age thing 3467 04:08:12,866 --> 04:08:14,349 a bone with a rage thing 3468 04:08:14,516 --> 04:08:16,949 i knew i had其实也没啥要说的了 3469 04:08:17,266 --> 04:08:18,716 so i packed my big blue bag 3470 04:08:18,716 --> 04:08:19,983 and i took off to New York 3471 04:08:19,983 --> 04:08:23,116 i got a one bedroom with the flag on the porch i said 3472 04:08:23,116 --> 04:08:24,516 i'll see you later oh 3473 04:08:24,516 --> 04:08:26,183 yeah your alligators 3474 04:08:27,433 --> 04:08:30,633 it's like the fuck that you lie when i'm living my life 3475 04:08:30,633 --> 04:08:32,583 hanging with我把小唱一下吧 3476 04:08:32,583 --> 04:08:34,783 every night making my dreams come true 3477 04:08:34,866 --> 04:08:36,433 啊但我也不知道唱啥 3478 04:08:36,583 --> 04:08:38,316 on fifth avenue 3479 04:08:38,316 --> 04:08:41,549 no more wasting my time waiting for a sign 3480 04:08:41,550 --> 04:08:43,916 i got a bugatti in the lambo on my mind 3481 04:08:43,916 --> 04:08:45,666 making my dreams come true 3482 04:08:47,350 --> 04:08:53,716 on fifth avenue 3483 04:08:54,866 --> 04:08:56,183 this is the land of the great 3484 04:08:56,183 --> 04:08:58,916 where you can shoot for the stars all that i need is a break 3485 04:08:58,916 --> 04:09:00,383 so i can play my guitar 3486 04:09:00,383 --> 04:09:02,666 but the city is a jungle唱的啥呢 3487 04:09:02,666 --> 04:09:05,833 humble man i'm so far from home 3488 04:09:06,316 --> 04:09:08,833 but i keep my train on the tracks cause i still want me some 3489 04:09:08,833 --> 04:09:09,633 more 3490 04:09:09,716 --> 04:09:12,666 name and lights i want the whole Billboard you see me 3491 04:09:12,666 --> 04:09:13,466 啊啊 3492 04:09:13,866 --> 04:09:14,666 妈 3493 04:09:15,750 --> 04:09:16,550 啊啊 3494 04:09:16,783 --> 04:09:19,783 like the fourth of June when i'm living my life 3495 04:09:19,783 --> 04:09:21,549 playing with the Mets and the Yankees 3496 04:09:21,550 --> 04:09:24,033 every night making my dreams come true 3497 04:09:25,550 --> 04:09:29,383 on fifth avenue no more wasting my time 3498 04:09:29,433 --> 04:09:31,266 饭吃多了啊我看看 3499 04:09:37,316 --> 04:09:38,316 那唱个这个吧 3500 04:09:44,266 --> 04:09:45,383 好吧来 3501 04:09:45,833 --> 04:09:51,949 La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La 3502 04:09:55,866 --> 04:10:02,949 La La La La La La La La 3503 04:10:13,633 --> 04:10:14,433 哼 3504 04:10:16,350 --> 04:10:17,150 啊 3505 04:10:30,233 --> 04:10:33,316 背靠在树枝上 3506 04:10:34,316 --> 04:10:38,983 倾听我在露水旁乘凉 3507 04:10:40,066 --> 04:10:43,466 表白后的妩媚树下 3508 04:10:43,583 --> 04:10:46,233 突然发了芽 3509 04:10:47,433 --> 04:10:50,349 美得不像话 3510 04:10:52,716 --> 04:10:55,783 再让我想一想 3511 04:10:56,950 --> 04:11:01,266 拿嘴里的情话怎么讲 3512 04:11:02,583 --> 04:11:06,033 慢火熬的细水长流 3513 04:11:06,183 --> 04:11:08,716 年长长久久 3514 04:11:10,033 --> 04:11:12,916 约好到白头 3515 04:11:16,033 --> 04:11:21,116 你浅浅的微笑就像妩媚自强 3516 04:11:21,666 --> 04:11:26,866 我尝了你嘴角唇膏拨和味道 3517 04:11:27,316 --> 04:11:32,783 是甜甜的爱情来的这么确定 3518 04:11:32,950 --> 04:11:37,866 因为你每个害羞的反应 3519 04:11:38,633 --> 04:11:43,549 你浅浅的微笑就像屋内滋香 3520 04:11:44,266 --> 04:11:49,233 迎风吹过你的头发我好喜欢 3521 04:11:49,950 --> 04:11:52,516 厚厚的甜蜜感 3522 04:11:52,750 --> 04:11:56,633 用幸福全感尝一些收藏 3523 04:11:56,950 --> 04:11:59,116 合照一张 3524 04:12:01,583 --> 04:12:03,349 和夕阳 3525 04:12:20,316 --> 04:12:23,266 摇椅嗅着味道 3526 04:12:24,433 --> 04:12:29,033 暮暮朝朝比你刚刚好 3527 04:12:30,150 --> 04:12:33,433 过肉配教堂的温柔 3528 04:12:33,716 --> 04:12:36,383 再几个春秋 3529 04:12:37,550 --> 04:12:40,266 我喂你一口 3530 04:12:43,583 --> 04:12:48,433 你甜甜的微笑就像妩媚滋养 3531 04:12:49,183 --> 04:12:54,383 我成了你嘴角唇膏我和味道 3532 04:12:54,783 --> 04:13:00,349 是甜甜的爱情来的这么确定 3533 04:13:00,516 --> 04:13:05,383 因为你每个害羞的反应 3534 04:13:06,150 --> 04:13:11,033 你浅浅的微笑就像妩媚紫窖 3535 04:13:11,783 --> 04:13:16,916 迎风吹过你的头发我好喜欢 3536 04:13:17,383 --> 04:13:20,033 厚厚的甜蜜感 3537 04:13:20,266 --> 04:13:24,183 用幸福承担成一些收藏 3538 04:13:24,516 --> 04:13:26,716 合照一张 3539 04:13:29,316 --> 04:13:31,033 和夕阳 3540 04:13:34,350 --> 04:13:36,983 厚厚的甜蜜感 3541 04:13:37,183 --> 04:13:41,433 用幸福承担成一些收藏 3542 04:13:41,750 --> 04:13:43,983 合照一张 3543 04:13:46,233 --> 04:13:48,516 和夕阳 3544 04:14:18,183 --> 04:14:21,349 it's like a fuck with you lie when i'm living my life 3545 04:14:21,383 --> 04:14:23,033 hanging with the mess in the air 3546 04:14:23,033 --> 04:14:25,666 cause every night making my dreams come true 3547 04:14:29,783 --> 04:14:31,183 谢谢大家的打call啊 3548 04:14:32,183 --> 04:14:33,266 啊好卡哦 3549 04:14:34,316 --> 04:14:37,316 谢谢谢谢92外币的金子啊谢谢你啊 3550 04:14:37,316 --> 04:14:38,116 谢谢妮妮 3551 04:14:38,233 --> 04:14:39,316 谢谢你的支持 3552 04:14:39,516 --> 04:14:40,949 谢谢m双草 3553 04:14:40,950 --> 04:14:43,433 掌柜的小红花大笨蛋大哥小老的情书 3554 04:14:43,433 --> 04:14:45,066 啊谢谢圆明耀的力士堂 3555 04:14:45,066 --> 04:14:47,233 大部队的力士堂小李小的妞妞啊 3556 04:14:47,466 --> 04:14:48,549 谢谢大家 3557 04:14:50,183 --> 04:14:51,833 谢谢涛涛看的大哥 3558 04:14:54,866 --> 04:14:56,149 啊好卡好卡好卡 3559 04:15:00,183 --> 04:15:01,349 我看看再唱点啥 3560 04:15:02,183 --> 04:15:03,866 dreams come true 3561 04:15:06,150 --> 04:15:08,233 this avenue 3562 04:15:11,183 --> 04:15:12,916 New York new York 3563 04:15:16,833 --> 04:15:18,516 new York new York 3564 04:15:20,783 --> 04:15:24,033 呃呃恰恰恰 3565 04:15:34,233 --> 04:15:35,633 真够卡的 3566 04:15:35,783 --> 04:15:38,183 真不知道他啥时候才能修好了 3567 04:15:38,350 --> 04:15:39,150 哎 3568 04:15:40,266 --> 04:15:41,266 真讨厌 3569 04:15:49,066 --> 04:15:51,749 有个简单的问题 3570 04:15:52,466 --> 04:15:54,866 什么是爱情 3571 04:15:55,633 --> 04:15:58,549 它是否是一种味道 3572 04:15:58,550 --> 04:16:00,233 还是引力 3573 04:16:02,750 --> 04:16:04,666 没有啊我觉得别人没有这么卡 3574 04:16:04,666 --> 04:16:07,549 感觉就只有我老是卡是不是啊 3575 04:16:09,516 --> 04:16:11,466 没有看到别人有这样的情况啊 3576 04:16:11,466 --> 04:16:12,633 好奇怪啊 3577 04:16:13,266 --> 04:16:15,183 就在想是不是我电脑的问题 3578 04:16:15,183 --> 04:16:17,066 像蓝天白云 3579 04:16:17,066 --> 04:16:18,633 晴空万里 3580 04:16:18,633 --> 04:16:21,149 突然暴风雨 3581 04:16:21,916 --> 04:16:27,033 无处躲避总是让人始料不及 3582 04:16:27,116 --> 04:16:28,666 可能吧我都是电信啊 3583 04:16:36,583 --> 04:16:40,749 没看到别的别的别的人有这么卡的呢 3584 04:16:43,066 --> 04:16:43,916 是吗 3585 04:16:48,383 --> 04:16:49,183 哼 3586 04:16:51,750 --> 04:16:52,266 不是啊 3587 04:16:52,266 --> 04:16:54,633 我感觉别人没有这么这样的 3588 04:16:56,150 --> 04:16:58,033 没感觉别人有这种这个问题 3589 04:17:00,550 --> 04:17:02,916 研究过许多誓言 3590 04:17:04,433 --> 04:17:06,466 海枯石烂 3591 04:17:06,550 --> 04:17:07,350 唱这个好了 3592 04:17:07,750 --> 04:17:08,466 人也会吗 3593 04:17:08,466 --> 04:17:09,433 真的假的 3594 04:17:09,866 --> 04:17:10,949 别乱 3595 04:17:12,983 --> 04:17:15,466 所以说永远多长 3596 04:17:15,466 --> 04:17:19,749 永远短暂永远很遗憾 3597 04:17:20,266 --> 04:17:25,433 每个人有每个人不同的体验 3598 04:17:25,950 --> 04:17:29,716 那滋味时而在飞时而笑 3599 04:17:32,266 --> 04:17:33,583 大家我今天操作很烂 3600 04:17:33,583 --> 04:17:35,233 你们是不是高血压了 3601 04:17:35,916 --> 04:17:37,233 放这首歌 3602 04:17:42,316 --> 04:17:44,583 对啊没有像我这样吊针的 3603 04:17:46,983 --> 04:17:49,149 哥一个让你醒 3604 04:17:49,150 --> 04:17:50,950 一个让你醉 3605 04:17:53,583 --> 04:17:54,266 那么 3606 04:17:54,266 --> 04:17:57,983 感情冷敷一次累赘 3607 04:17:58,583 --> 04:17:59,266 哈哈哈 3608 04:17:59,266 --> 04:18:02,066 感觉操作进步很大 3609 04:18:02,383 --> 04:18:04,116 没有感觉操作进步很大 3610 04:18:04,116 --> 04:18:04,916 哦 3611 04:18:06,266 --> 04:18:07,066 好吧 3612 04:18:08,150 --> 04:18:10,233 所以说永远躲 3613 04:18:10,266 --> 04:18:12,316 藏永远短暂 3614 04:18:12,466 --> 04:18:13,983 永远很患 3615 04:18:14,316 --> 04:18:15,116 难 3616 04:18:15,466 --> 04:18:20,349 每个人有每个人不同的景色 3617 04:18:20,350 --> 04:18:22,316 扬了吗哎我又赢 3618 04:18:22,666 --> 04:18:25,149 这个直播间还有多少人没赢过的 3619 04:18:25,383 --> 04:18:26,866 自己去领 3620 04:18:27,316 --> 04:18:28,116 悟 3621 04:18:28,433 --> 04:18:30,149 也许多年 3622 04:18:30,150 --> 04:18:31,116 也许顺 3623 04:18:31,350 --> 04:18:33,550 天理自由答案 3624 04:18:34,116 --> 04:18:36,549 所以说永远躲藏 3625 04:18:36,633 --> 04:18:37,583 永远没有 3626 04:18:37,583 --> 04:18:38,149 比 3627 04:18:38,150 --> 04:18:39,033 底特律好啊 3628 04:18:39,033 --> 04:18:41,833 我的底特律后面还行吧说实话 3629 04:18:41,983 --> 04:18:45,349 每个人有不同一个人的计算 3630 04:18:47,516 --> 04:18:50,349 身边的诺言誓言坚持谎言 3631 04:18:50,350 --> 04:18:53,316 还你自己去领悟 3632 04:18:54,233 --> 04:18:57,516 也许多年也许瞬间 3633 04:18:57,516 --> 04:18:59,433 你自有答案 3634 04:19:00,466 --> 04:19:02,716 比特尼最后真的还行啊 3635 04:19:07,316 --> 04:19:09,749 不太熟悉他的这个操作败了 3636 04:19:10,316 --> 04:19:11,116 哈 3637 04:19:11,316 --> 04:19:12,233 哈啊 3638 04:19:12,783 --> 04:19:13,633 但是 3639 04:19:13,833 --> 04:19:15,183 本直播间能让你 3640 04:19:15,183 --> 04:19:17,583 体验在别的直播间体验不到的东西 3641 04:19:17,583 --> 04:19:19,266 不是很有乐趣吗 3642 04:19:20,383 --> 04:19:21,033 是吧 3643 04:19:21,033 --> 04:19:24,316 游戏有点啊反正我不太熟悉他这个 3644 04:19:28,266 --> 04:19:30,633 我觉得他这个没有底特律那么好上手 3645 04:19:30,633 --> 04:19:31,433 就是 3646 04:19:33,916 --> 04:19:34,116 哎 3647 04:19:34,116 --> 04:19:35,466 我怎么又不动了 3648 04:19:38,383 --> 04:19:38,949 快说 3649 04:19:38,950 --> 04:19:40,350 快说快点 3650 04:19:40,983 --> 04:19:42,433 快说快说 3651 04:19:42,466 --> 04:19:45,516 我没关系挺好挺好挺有乐趣的 3652 04:19:45,516 --> 04:19:46,666 快说快说 3653 04:19:47,516 --> 04:19:48,983 没有生气哦 3654 04:19:49,316 --> 04:19:50,549 没有生气哦 3655 04:19:50,550 --> 04:19:51,750 挺有乐趣的 3656 04:19:55,516 --> 04:19:56,316 快说 3657 04:19:58,350 --> 04:20:00,666 the sky is so high 3658 04:20:00,833 --> 04:20:03,066 the sky is so deep 3659 04:20:03,516 --> 04:20:08,466 you and i stand holding hands 3660 04:20:08,466 --> 04:20:12,183 feeling feeling feeling 3661 04:20:12,183 --> 04:20:17,516 where would the south wind take us in the blink 3662 04:20:17,583 --> 04:20:20,066 了是吧快说多多来说一下 3663 04:20:21,316 --> 04:20:22,466 哈哈哈 3664 04:20:23,033 --> 04:20:24,633 没有生气吗 3665 04:20:25,350 --> 04:20:26,466 是吗 3666 04:20:28,833 --> 04:20:30,633 感觉那种什么呃 3667 04:20:30,916 --> 04:20:33,633 脾气比较爆的肯定会生气来着 3668 04:20:33,633 --> 04:20:40,716 full of flowers blooming and dying and blowing blowing 3669 04:20:40,716 --> 04:20:46,666 where would the salt wind take us today is 3670 04:20:46,716 --> 04:20:50,383 叫做s c你看他就是生气的那种 3671 04:20:52,233 --> 04:20:54,383 肯定有人跟他差不多的 3672 04:20:55,750 --> 04:20:56,633 哼哼 3673 04:20:57,516 --> 04:20:58,716 哈哈哈 3674 04:20:59,350 --> 04:21:00,666 哈哈哈哈 3675 04:21:01,266 --> 04:21:03,549 一点耐心都没有 3676 04:21:05,833 --> 04:21:08,116 太过分了哼 3677 04:21:11,466 --> 04:21:13,666 伤心了今天晚上要躺在 3678 04:21:14,233 --> 04:21:15,866 被窝里流眼泪了 3679 04:21:17,550 --> 04:21:18,350 哎 3680 04:21:19,116 --> 04:21:21,916 说者无意听者有心啊 3681 04:21:22,583 --> 04:21:23,949 有的时候 3682 04:21:24,983 --> 04:21:25,949 呃什么 3683 04:21:26,666 --> 04:21:29,866 什么什么良言什么什么什么什么 3684 04:21:29,916 --> 04:21:31,266 恶语伤人 3685 04:21:31,950 --> 04:21:35,266 啥恶语伤人什么什么什么哈 3686 04:21:36,666 --> 04:21:37,633 良言什么 3687 04:21:43,233 --> 04:21:46,316 六恶语伤人六月寒啊 3688 04:21:47,183 --> 04:21:49,383 讨厌一句三冬暖 3689 04:21:52,833 --> 04:21:53,633 啊 3690 04:21:57,783 --> 04:21:59,266 难过错了 3691 04:22:06,916 --> 04:22:07,716 啊 3692 04:22:07,716 --> 04:22:12,316 feeling feeling where we should go 3693 04:22:12,316 --> 04:22:17,149 walking through windy night we are more than before 3694 04:22:17,233 --> 04:22:22,466 lighting up our way here we are together 3695 04:22:22,516 --> 04:22:27,349 step by steplet on by let on 3696 04:22:27,466 --> 04:22:32,149 feeling feeling where we should go 3697 04:22:35,716 --> 04:22:36,516 OK 3698 04:22:40,233 --> 04:22:41,033 啊 3699 04:22:41,750 --> 04:22:42,550 啊啊啊 3700 04:22:49,433 --> 04:22:50,983 猜到我要唱什么了吗 3701 04:22:52,383 --> 04:22:53,916 有没有猜到的 3702 04:22:56,550 --> 04:22:57,350 哈哈 3703 04:22:59,316 --> 04:23:00,266 没有猜到他 3704 04:23:02,316 --> 04:23:03,866 他已经唱了几句了好吗 3705 04:23:10,066 --> 04:23:10,866 oh 3706 04:23:12,316 --> 04:23:13,149 Candy 3707 04:23:23,466 --> 04:23:25,716 太好猜了吧这么让人猜出来吗 3708 04:23:27,116 --> 04:23:39,066 i asked you to dance and by chance our hands intertwined 3709 04:23:41,066 --> 04:23:43,983 like eternity 3710 04:23:48,466 --> 04:23:50,716 i had no one 3711 04:24:10,150 --> 04:24:12,350 dressed in white 3712 04:24:15,983 --> 04:24:17,716 但是有点不太熟了说实话 3713 04:24:22,033 --> 04:24:22,833 oh 3714 04:24:23,233 --> 04:24:24,033 the 3715 04:24:24,750 --> 04:24:25,550 today 3716 04:24:26,466 --> 04:24:28,866 哈哈啊哈啊哈 3717 04:24:29,916 --> 04:24:30,716 哈 3718 04:24:34,516 --> 04:24:36,233 嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟呀 3719 04:24:41,833 --> 04:24:43,466 嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟耶 3720 04:24:50,066 --> 04:24:55,383 swimming girl you are good cause they know i got 3721 04:24:55,383 --> 04:24:58,633 you know i do who they are 3722 04:24:59,066 --> 04:25:00,633 that you'll be sucking on 3723 04:25:00,716 --> 04:25:02,949 i will eat them in you 3724 04:25:04,550 --> 04:25:09,583 你姊妹阿乌达city我多酷呐 3725 04:25:09,633 --> 04:25:15,466 卡所姑多噶一生你可大KT do i 3726 04:25:16,233 --> 04:25:19,549 阿娜达个CD哟通阿na na 3727 04:25:22,433 --> 04:25:25,066 na na na na na na na na 3728 04:25:27,383 --> 04:25:32,116 na na na na na na na na na na na 3729 04:25:34,583 --> 04:25:38,183 dold city my 3730 04:25:38,183 --> 04:25:43,183 cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool 3731 04:25:48,066 --> 04:25:52,033 cool cool cool cool cool 3732 04:26:03,833 --> 04:26:04,633 yeah 3733 04:26:11,550 --> 04:26:12,350 晚上 3734 04:26:13,266 --> 04:26:14,833 boom boom boom boom 3735 04:26:25,583 --> 04:26:28,549 开玩嘛多纳西尼 3736 04:26:28,950 --> 04:26:33,633 乌其卡哇尼莫古典卡噢 3737 04:26:33,983 --> 04:26:35,833 改革有米多咧肚 3738 04:26:39,183 --> 04:26:43,949 阿娜达诺纳酒曼欧密塔依尼木 3739 04:26:44,033 --> 04:26:45,749 耶罗帝比哆 3740 04:26:46,383 --> 04:26:51,833 尼克纳西库图铁罗扩尼姊美罗达 3741 04:26:51,833 --> 04:26:53,033 喋喋靡睹 3742 04:26:54,550 --> 04:26:59,066 哈拉达古董斯卡哆尼铁罗尤尼 3743 04:26:59,066 --> 04:27:00,783 哒哒呦呜呼呼 3744 04:27:02,033 --> 04:27:04,349 天气织布no一路 3745 04:27:04,350 --> 04:27:08,383 7点萌我的西塔器玛达塔d j噜 3746 04:27:08,666 --> 04:27:11,866 多么希望你定格那 3747 04:27:22,950 --> 04:27:23,750 你 3748 04:27:38,516 --> 04:27:40,949 天使只不落一落 3749 04:27:41,033 --> 04:27:45,633 7点木我都洗澡去把它搞一点都 3750 04:27:54,116 --> 04:27:55,549 i got it there good 3751 04:28:22,583 --> 04:28:26,583 a smile to know that you're mine 3752 04:28:31,183 --> 04:28:37,466 we cheers our champagne and wait for our song to begin 3753 04:28:41,633 --> 04:28:46,633 the band starts to play and you ask me to dance 3754 04:29:07,550 --> 04:29:07,833 me 3755 04:29:07,833 --> 04:29:09,866 你的光芒闪耀像石头的 3756 04:29:09,866 --> 04:29:11,983 逐渐入侵了我眼眸 3757 04:29:12,066 --> 04:29:16,666 到底要怎么样的够才能让你内心点头 3758 04:29:17,116 --> 04:29:19,149 是我猜不透你的味觉 3759 04:29:19,383 --> 04:29:21,433 是我察觉不到的危险 3760 04:29:21,716 --> 04:29:25,633 别把离开挂在嘴边当你慢慢靠近喔 3761 04:29:25,983 --> 04:29:28,549 是我没把握你心跳的节奏 3762 04:29:28,550 --> 04:29:30,866 换来一段轻佻的借口 3763 04:29:30,866 --> 04:29:32,916 别成为我心碎的理由 3764 04:29:32,916 --> 04:29:35,149 don't honey baby don't honey 3765 04:29:35,183 --> 04:29:37,716 告诉我你现在的感觉 3766 04:29:37,716 --> 04:29:39,983 你的眼神都那么明显 3767 04:29:39,983 --> 04:29:42,549 别把结果拖延到明天 3768 04:29:43,983 --> 04:29:46,233 maybe wait just to slow down 3769 04:29:46,433 --> 04:29:48,349 anyone but就so long 3770 04:29:48,516 --> 04:29:52,866 当音乐再次奏响连呼吸都在碰撞 3771 04:29:53,150 --> 04:29:57,666 把心放你手掌沦陷在你目光 3772 04:29:57,716 --> 04:30:01,666 像是遮不掉摇晃乌龟开场 3773 04:30:01,716 --> 04:30:06,266 左手保护你的腰不会碰到你的背嘿 3774 04:30:06,266 --> 04:30:10,833 右手拖住你的心跳不论向前或后退 3775 04:30:10,866 --> 04:30:15,183 如果你狠心让我守在高原地转个圈 3776 04:30:15,183 --> 04:30:17,466 烦恼都丢掉像红灯片 3777 04:30:17,466 --> 04:30:19,666 当我们站在舞台的正中间 3778 04:30:19,666 --> 04:30:22,266 如果我们的热情依然在增加 3779 04:30:22,266 --> 04:30:24,666 自然跳起像真诚爱情的伦巴 3780 04:30:24,866 --> 04:30:27,383 起跳到下一个晚宴到星星布满天 3781 04:30:27,383 --> 04:30:29,149 把费事的时间给扔下 3782 04:30:29,183 --> 04:30:31,666 依然忘记美好的今天要拍照片 3783 04:30:31,666 --> 04:30:33,783 不知不觉就已送你到了下 3784 04:30:34,116 --> 04:30:36,233 这些美好的幻想还没到线 3785 04:30:36,233 --> 04:30:38,433 希望你的回答可以让我留下 3786 04:30:42,750 --> 04:30:43,383 就让 3787 04:30:43,383 --> 04:30:47,749 当音乐再次奏响连呼吸都在碰撞 3788 04:30:48,033 --> 04:30:50,266 把心放你手掌 3789 04:30:50,266 --> 04:30:52,466 沦陷在你目光 3790 04:30:52,550 --> 04:30:56,633 享受着步调摇晃我不危险 3791 04:31:03,150 --> 04:31:17,583 shining brightbaby baby just slow down 3792 04:31:17,866 --> 04:31:19,866 anyone but you so wrong 3793 04:31:19,983 --> 04:31:24,316 当音乐再次奏响连呼吸都在碰撞 3794 04:31:24,583 --> 04:31:26,749 把心放你手掌 3795 04:31:26,866 --> 04:31:28,983 沦陷在你目光 3796 04:31:29,116 --> 04:31:33,033 享受着步调摇晃我不危险 3797 04:31:37,833 --> 04:31:38,633 better 3798 04:31:38,633 --> 04:31:39,433 after 3799 04:31:57,350 --> 04:31:58,150 so again 3800 04:32:09,183 --> 04:32:15,466 fifty nine years have gone by since you said yes 3801 04:32:18,666 --> 04:32:21,783 even now in your hospital 3802 04:32:21,783 --> 04:32:24,033 谢谢大家打call啊我去 3803 04:32:28,516 --> 04:32:29,316 谢谢好帅 3804 04:32:29,466 --> 04:32:33,266 谢谢嗯好帅嗯辛苦了好的好的 3805 04:32:33,716 --> 04:32:34,716 谢谢你哦 3806 04:32:34,983 --> 04:32:35,783 谢谢谢谢 3807 04:32:35,866 --> 04:32:38,183 有没人要的小花谢谢他的快打call 3808 04:32:38,233 --> 04:32:39,033 和小花花 3809 04:32:39,033 --> 04:32:40,716 谢我家猫的泡泡糖 3810 04:32:40,783 --> 04:32:42,316 谢谢谢谢大家 3811 04:32:45,116 --> 04:32:47,749 过唯一的诺 3812 04:32:51,233 --> 04:32:54,316 阿玛依卡布里莫 3813 04:32:56,433 --> 04:32:58,666 诺过去的 3814 04:32:59,666 --> 04:33:00,833 哪里敷衍了 3815 04:33:01,433 --> 04:33:02,466 不敷衍了 3816 04:33:02,750 --> 04:33:03,550 我去 3817 04:33:05,266 --> 04:33:06,066 我去 3818 04:33:08,950 --> 04:33:11,550 啊差不多要下播了拜拜大家走了 3819 04:33:17,783 --> 04:33:18,749 WOW 3820 04:33:24,583 --> 04:33:25,383 哈 3821 04:33:26,633 --> 04:33:27,916 哈哈哈 3822 04:33:31,266 --> 04:33:32,783 哎我昨天那么早下播 3823 04:33:32,783 --> 04:33:34,516 你们是不是很不习惯啊 3824 04:33:34,750 --> 04:33:35,350 说实话 3825 04:33:35,350 --> 04:33:38,116 我躺在床上的时候也觉得好不习惯哦 3826 04:33:45,750 --> 04:33:46,916 真的假的 3827 04:33:47,316 --> 04:33:49,833 真的假的真的假的真的假的 3828 04:33:51,066 --> 04:33:52,783 真的吗 3829 04:34:00,583 --> 04:34:01,983 哼啊 3830 04:34:11,316 --> 04:34:12,983 差点没睡着和哭了一晚上 3831 04:34:12,983 --> 04:34:14,666 就有点夸张了好吧 3832 04:34:18,466 --> 04:34:20,466 免一晚上也有点夸张了好吧 3833 04:34:33,066 --> 04:34:33,866 噔噔 3834 04:34:39,916 --> 04:34:42,666 啊有点夸张说实话大家的那个什么 3835 04:34:42,983 --> 04:34:45,549 呃有点表演新人歌啊 3836 04:34:51,066 --> 04:34:52,466 k你哭异地 3837 04:34:53,116 --> 04:34:55,233 这不是本来就异地吗 3838 04:34:55,583 --> 04:34:56,383 哼 3839 04:34:59,466 --> 04:35:00,833 真的吗 3840 04:35:29,116 --> 04:35:30,349 哈哈 3841 04:35:35,950 --> 04:35:37,066 是吗是吗 3842 04:35:37,383 --> 04:35:39,716 哎呀有点感动了呢 3843 04:35:41,116 --> 04:35:42,949 好吧那就这样吧挂了拜拜 3844 04:35:43,116 --> 04:35:44,033 走了走了 3845 04:35:47,116 --> 04:35:48,516 差不多到点了 3846 04:36:07,033 --> 04:36:07,549 啊 3847 04:36:07,550 --> 04:36:09,433 有点感动大家拜拜 3848 04:36:09,666 --> 04:36:11,266 是这样的捏 3849 04:36:17,116 --> 04:36:19,549 刘海好长感觉好遮眼睛啊 3850 04:36:21,666 --> 04:36:22,466 好难受 3851 04:36:25,833 --> 04:36:27,149 怎么说呢 3852 04:36:28,433 --> 04:36:29,466 我想想 3853 04:36:37,316 --> 04:36:38,116 HA 3854 04:36:40,033 --> 04:36:41,749 那也没有那么长好吧 3855 04:36:44,383 --> 04:36:46,633 啊那再唱一首吧 3856 04:36:52,833 --> 04:36:53,633 我发卡 3857 04:36:54,583 --> 04:36:55,383 哎 3858 04:36:56,750 --> 04:36:57,583 看看 3859 04:37:06,950 --> 04:37:07,750 很好 3860 04:37:15,866 --> 04:37:17,383 聊聊嗯 3861 04:37:18,666 --> 04:37:20,633 你们有什么要跟我说的吗 3862 04:37:20,633 --> 04:37:22,549 有没有什么要跟我分享的 3863 04:37:29,950 --> 04:37:32,150 啊有没有什么想跟我说的 3864 04:37:32,550 --> 04:37:34,783 哎那个什么黑天的演出来说啊 3865 04:37:34,783 --> 04:37:36,033 快点快点快点 3866 04:37:36,916 --> 04:37:37,983 别黑听了啊 3867 04:37:43,033 --> 04:37:45,033 然后直播间固定一个环节 3868 04:37:45,033 --> 04:37:47,233 把黑听到全部都搞出来 3869 04:37:50,033 --> 04:37:52,266 好上来说话也是都可以啊 3870 04:37:59,950 --> 04:38:01,633 还有3天跨年哦买噶 3871 04:38:08,516 --> 04:38:10,949 明天6点就要起床快睡吧快睡吧 3872 04:38:11,183 --> 04:38:13,583 哎不过我也要下播了你也可以看到 3873 04:38:13,583 --> 04:38:14,633 那个什么 3874 04:38:22,466 --> 04:38:24,266 边看直播没玩游戏是吧 3875 04:38:24,866 --> 04:38:26,549 哦怎么都是羊的 3876 04:38:29,750 --> 04:38:32,783 跨年的人约到了吗哎我还差点呢 3877 04:38:33,750 --> 04:38:36,916 只约到了那个什么十来个人啊 3878 04:38:36,950 --> 04:38:39,316 不对吧应该有三四十个人 3879 04:38:39,350 --> 04:38:40,783 想再约一点人 3880 04:38:40,783 --> 04:38:43,433 到时候来陪我一起过年来就 3881 04:38:45,266 --> 04:38:47,116 再约点饼干碎啊 3882 04:38:50,866 --> 04:38:51,666 Huh 3883 04:39:04,666 --> 04:39:05,266 是吗 3884 04:39:05,266 --> 04:39:07,149 他他说不在才跟你们说 3885 04:39:15,833 --> 04:39:16,949 哎不过啥也没准备 3886 04:39:16,950 --> 04:39:19,233 我都不知道别人跨年准备什么呢 3887 04:39:20,633 --> 04:39:23,783 竞争好激烈啊大家焦虑 3888 04:39:24,116 --> 04:39:26,633 也没有哎但是也会焦虑 3889 04:39:27,150 --> 04:39:29,183 啊但是也不是焦虑这个知道吗 3890 04:39:29,183 --> 04:39:30,633 焦虑的是别的 3891 04:39:37,466 --> 04:39:41,749 you sold it by me summon 3892 04:39:43,983 --> 04:39:48,583 i crown me king on the sweet cold north 3893 04:39:51,116 --> 04:39:53,466 你个倒数你是正经的还是不正经的 3894 04:39:53,466 --> 04:39:54,433 再说啊 3895 04:39:57,866 --> 04:39:58,716 嗯不不不 3896 04:40:04,433 --> 04:40:06,583 哇好温情啊比芥末 3897 04:40:15,266 --> 04:40:16,716 跨年能着什么火 3898 04:40:16,716 --> 04:40:17,949 想不出 3899 04:40:28,033 --> 04:40:28,266 不是 3900 04:40:28,266 --> 04:40:31,316 我不知道是不是真的是那个倒数到 3901 04:40:31,350 --> 04:40:35,033 0点跨年这种还是在在整我 3902 04:40:37,783 --> 04:40:39,833 这有些地方开有些地方开 3903 04:40:39,833 --> 04:40:41,183 放了花放开了花 3904 04:40:41,183 --> 04:40:43,033 烟花哎我在说什么啊 3905 04:40:43,516 --> 04:40:45,983 有些地方放开了烟花吗 3906 04:40:46,033 --> 04:40:47,666 感觉好像没有啊 3907 04:40:54,666 --> 04:40:57,349 放孔明灯环节怎么放啊 3908 04:40:57,783 --> 04:40:59,116 去哪放啊 3909 04:40:59,550 --> 04:41:02,116 哎我感觉去年的时候我们还 3910 04:41:02,233 --> 04:41:03,516 和我妈还有 3911 04:41:03,583 --> 04:41:07,633 一些那种亲戚朋友去外面悄悄放了 3912 04:41:07,916 --> 04:41:08,983 烟花呢 3913 04:41:11,833 --> 04:41:12,233 今 3914 04:41:12,233 --> 04:41:14,183 可可可能真不行 3915 04:41:14,233 --> 04:41:18,266 没开我之前都刷到新闻说不不准 3916 04:41:24,983 --> 04:41:28,383 征集新年医院忘了棉花糖到时候念吗 3917 04:41:31,233 --> 04:41:32,349 考虑一下呢 3918 04:41:34,950 --> 04:41:35,950 你们觉得呢 3919 04:41:36,583 --> 04:41:38,116 说跨年干嘛呢 3920 04:41:52,383 --> 04:41:53,183 萌哥 3921 04:41:59,916 --> 04:42:01,516 征集大家的新年愿望 3922 04:42:01,516 --> 04:42:04,233 那就单纯只把它读出来嘛 3923 04:42:15,466 --> 04:42:17,583 我只有一次棉花糖没有 3924 04:42:18,116 --> 04:42:19,983 首播的时候有然后 3925 04:42:21,183 --> 04:42:22,516 什么时候还有 3926 04:42:23,583 --> 04:42:25,183 恋爱相谈也有 3927 04:42:26,183 --> 04:42:27,266 两次 3928 04:42:32,750 --> 04:42:37,383 帮实现啊好圣诞啊不是那个什么呢 3929 04:42:39,833 --> 04:42:40,633 哈哈哈 3930 04:42:41,466 --> 04:42:43,833 大家肯定都是比较淳朴的 3931 04:42:43,833 --> 04:42:46,433 朴朴实的一些正常的愿望 3932 04:42:46,983 --> 04:42:48,633 那就是很温馨的氛围 3933 04:42:49,150 --> 04:42:50,833 3次了还有哪次 3934 04:42:54,183 --> 04:42:57,583 随机挑选一个幸运观众帮你实现愿望 3935 04:42:59,516 --> 04:43:01,383 哦对对对还有台词回来 3936 04:43:01,666 --> 04:43:03,716 我就说我遗漏了什么 3937 04:43:11,150 --> 04:43:12,950 哎这个BGM太好了 3938 04:43:23,550 --> 04:43:25,266 OK随机挑选一个幸运观众 3939 04:43:25,266 --> 04:43:26,149 帮你实现愿望 3940 04:43:26,150 --> 04:43:27,350 然后剩下的 3941 04:43:27,466 --> 04:43:31,033 呃所有不幸观众帮我实现实现愿望 3942 04:43:33,116 --> 04:43:33,949 互互相 3943 04:43:33,950 --> 04:43:35,833 我们互相付出OK 3944 04:43:39,383 --> 04:43:41,633 干嘛怎么了吗 3945 04:43:41,633 --> 04:43:44,233 你们什么都不想你们只想得到 3946 04:43:44,233 --> 04:43:45,749 好过分啊 3947 04:43:45,866 --> 04:43:48,716 没人那没有人实现我的愿望吗 3948 04:43:49,750 --> 04:43:50,583 啊 3949 04:43:54,750 --> 04:43:56,150 哼对啊 3950 04:43:56,183 --> 04:43:57,916 那被选上了是幸运观众 3951 04:43:57,916 --> 04:44:00,433 没被选上的就是不幸运观众 3952 04:44:01,550 --> 04:44:04,233 但是这怎么说呢 3953 04:44:04,466 --> 04:44:07,183 但是你帮我实现了我的愿望之后 3954 04:44:07,183 --> 04:44:08,949 说不定你就会变得顺利起来 3955 04:44:08,950 --> 04:44:10,116 因为你就是 3956 04:44:10,583 --> 04:44:12,183 帮别人实现了愿望 3957 04:44:12,183 --> 04:44:14,383 知道吧你的那个什么呢 3958 04:44:14,433 --> 04:44:17,583 呃整个人的人生说不定就会不一样 3959 04:44:21,783 --> 04:44:22,983 先说我的愿望吗 3960 04:44:22,983 --> 04:44:24,033 哪有这样的呢 3961 04:44:24,033 --> 04:44:25,383 这到到最后 3962 04:44:25,633 --> 04:44:26,749 开奖环节 3963 04:44:27,583 --> 04:44:30,033 那什么在那个在揭露啊 3964 04:44:50,750 --> 04:44:52,516 用人自己一生自己就能成真 3965 04:44:52,516 --> 04:44:53,949 那也太感人了 3966 04:44:55,433 --> 04:44:56,466 谢谢你啊 3967 04:45:07,433 --> 04:45:08,433 睡着了 3968 04:45:09,433 --> 04:45:10,516 我去我去 3969 04:45:13,833 --> 04:45:15,316 啊放假 3970 04:45:33,150 --> 04:45:33,950 天呐 3971 04:45:35,516 --> 04:45:37,116 今年也这样啊 3972 04:45:37,750 --> 04:45:39,750 什么也没做到的结束了 3973 04:45:41,666 --> 04:45:43,116 谢谢的悲伤 3974 04:45:43,383 --> 04:45:44,183 阿达巴 3975 04:45:44,750 --> 04:45:45,716 克罗非 3976 04:45:46,350 --> 04:45:49,516 温暖西达尼亚 3977 04:45:50,150 --> 04:45:50,950 古 3978 04:45:51,150 --> 04:45:54,466 代才从那一高地 3979 04:45:57,383 --> 04:45:58,033 哎 3980 04:45:58,033 --> 04:46:01,149 没做到很多预想中的事情啊真是 3981 04:46:02,316 --> 04:46:03,916 i'm a golden equal 3982 04:46:21,583 --> 04:46:25,266 you were always gonna be my luck 3983 04:46:25,350 --> 04:46:28,583 it took a by guitar 3984 04:46:28,583 --> 04:46:31,983 but i caught in the arms anymore 3985 04:46:32,316 --> 04:46:34,983 i remember to love 3986 04:46:34,983 --> 04:46:39,316 you taught me howwe 3987 04:46:45,516 --> 04:46:46,549 口头西吗 3988 04:46:47,033 --> 04:46:48,183 哈哈哈 3989 04:46:52,633 --> 04:46:54,633 一起看红白吗 3990 04:46:55,266 --> 04:46:57,466 那个哔哩哔哩能看到吗 3991 04:47:07,116 --> 04:47:07,916 哎 3992 04:47:11,466 --> 04:47:12,949 这个怎么说呢 3993 04:47:13,150 --> 04:47:22,866 she can i oh kid i so don't she dare why so let the good night 3994 04:47:23,233 --> 04:47:23,466 下 3995 04:47:23,466 --> 04:47:25,433 我们现在是真挚真挚 3996 04:47:25,466 --> 04:47:27,983 环节不是红白环节 3997 04:47:28,066 --> 04:47:29,466 你们也会觉得吗 3998 04:47:29,466 --> 04:47:33,116 哎今年也跟自己预想中完全不一样呢 3999 04:47:33,466 --> 04:47:34,183 没有 4000 04:47:34,183 --> 04:47:37,749 很多以为能做到的事情都没有做到呢 4001 04:47:41,550 --> 04:47:42,350 是吗 4002 04:47:42,666 --> 04:47:47,149 i'm more better than that oh 4003 04:47:50,383 --> 04:47:51,916 yeah yeah yeah 4004 04:47:52,466 --> 04:47:58,783 you will always be inside my heart it's a little more at a time 4005 04:47:59,150 --> 04:48:02,716 i get apart you gotta do gotta 4006 04:48:03,116 --> 04:48:05,583 i hope that i have a place 4007 04:48:05,716 --> 04:48:07,949 天天有鱼什么东西啊 4008 04:48:08,033 --> 04:48:09,916 这个词能这么用吗 4009 04:48:15,350 --> 04:48:17,383 每一年都是最足的一年 4010 04:48:17,383 --> 04:48:18,749 不要停下就好了 4011 04:48:18,750 --> 04:48:19,916 哈哈哈 4012 04:48:20,583 --> 04:48:23,433 哎总是会说些很漂亮的话呢 4013 04:48:29,583 --> 04:48:33,383 you were always gonna be my love 4014 04:48:33,516 --> 04:48:36,833 it's a girl that ain't got so much 4015 04:48:36,833 --> 04:48:40,149 i go anymore change it more 4016 04:48:41,466 --> 04:48:42,349 感觉每年 4017 04:48:42,350 --> 04:48:45,150 都跟自己想象中不太一样的就这么过 4018 04:48:45,150 --> 04:48:45,916 去了 4019 04:48:45,916 --> 04:48:49,749 感觉每一年都是碌碌无为的就过去了 4020 04:48:50,116 --> 04:48:50,916 不 4021 04:48:59,950 --> 04:49:00,833 哈哈哈 4022 04:49:05,466 --> 04:49:07,149 没有啊现在就是 4023 04:49:07,383 --> 04:49:10,183 这么想到了的话就会想说 4024 04:49:11,466 --> 04:49:12,266 哎 4025 04:49:12,750 --> 04:49:13,716 亲爱的 4026 04:49:18,750 --> 04:49:22,583 大伙都差不多嘛你们是这么想的吗 4027 04:49:22,916 --> 04:49:23,716 哎 4028 04:49:23,950 --> 04:49:28,150 但是有的时候又会觉得嗯但是总有 4029 04:49:28,516 --> 04:49:29,466 总有 4030 04:49:30,550 --> 04:49:35,033 别的人别人是呃目标都完成了的耶 4031 04:49:36,116 --> 04:49:36,916 对吧 4032 04:49:40,916 --> 04:49:41,266 我两 4033 04:49:41,266 --> 04:49:43,716 两年能遇到主播已经挺幸运了的吗 4034 04:49:43,716 --> 04:49:44,783 真的吗 4035 04:49:46,266 --> 04:49:48,466 你不2023年在别的直播间 4036 04:49:48,466 --> 04:49:50,116 跟别人这么说吧 4037 04:49:58,383 --> 04:50:00,983 2021年的时候在在某直播间 4038 04:50:01,316 --> 04:50:03,916 某某某直播间说啊今年遇到主播 4039 04:50:04,066 --> 04:50:05,949 真的好幸运202年是最 4040 04:50:05,950 --> 04:50:11,716 2023年是谁2024年又是谁205年又是谁 4041 04:50:12,066 --> 04:50:14,516 i know i know 4042 04:50:22,516 --> 04:50:24,549 i know 4043 04:50:33,116 --> 04:50:36,833 you were always gonna be my love 4044 04:50:36,833 --> 04:50:41,033 it took a lot of god though my darkoe 4045 04:50:41,033 --> 04:50:43,433 and it won't treat them all 4046 04:50:43,783 --> 04:50:48,749 i remember to love you taught me 4047 04:50:49,116 --> 04:50:52,833 you are always gonna be the one 4048 04:50:52,866 --> 04:50:59,549 eat my wife by the colors she loves you so blue 4049 04:50:59,833 --> 04:51:05,549 i thought i see you there who died in my day 4050 04:51:06,866 --> 04:51:07,749 悲伤了起来 4051 04:51:07,783 --> 04:51:09,149 唱唱这首歌吧 4052 04:51:46,150 --> 04:51:51,916 三一公no k瓷外特白 4053 04:51:52,750 --> 04:51:56,550 q no l一闻额该戏的 4054 04:51:56,550 --> 04:52:02,750 你的古铁写的那一刻无力 4055 04:52:07,550 --> 04:52:12,183 阿西塔罗依玛咕噜尼瓦 4056 04:52:12,833 --> 04:52:15,866 阿娜塔瓦杜空尼 4057 04:52:16,316 --> 04:52:23,983 易伦塔哆达帝王我摩爹登翁大罗 4058 04:52:29,583 --> 04:52:33,349 you were always gonna be my love 4059 04:52:33,750 --> 04:52:37,983 into god darling can't do my darling need 4060 04:52:37,983 --> 04:52:39,916 oh she did more 4061 04:52:40,316 --> 04:52:45,383 i remember to love you taught me how 4062 04:52:45,550 --> 04:52:50,916 you were always gonna be the one in my world 4063 04:52:50,950 --> 04:52:55,516 my darling can i see a love song 4064 04:52:55,516 --> 04:53:00,583 girl i thought i see you darling 4065 04:53:17,950 --> 04:53:23,666 集同马主其看看不够 4066 04:53:23,666 --> 04:53:28,349 一大锁我头系的我 4067 04:53:28,350 --> 04:53:33,383 撕裂她更难以孤独八个黎 4068 04:53:38,633 --> 04:53:39,433 巴 4069 04:53:44,266 --> 04:53:45,583 希塔罗 4070 04:53:47,350 --> 04:53:50,466 以马波 4071 04:53:53,983 --> 04:53:54,783 罗 4072 04:53:58,066 --> 04:53:58,866 尼哇 4073 04:54:00,266 --> 04:54:05,633 you were always gonna be my heart eternal 4074 04:54:05,633 --> 04:54:10,583 i'm not that i cannot pass so good to call love 4075 04:54:10,950 --> 04:54:15,950 i hope that i have a place in your heart too 4076 04:54:15,950 --> 04:54:21,383 now and forever you are still the one in my world 4077 04:54:21,583 --> 04:54:26,066 my darling can i sing in a boosie 4078 04:54:26,066 --> 04:54:30,633 girl i thought i see you da da da da 4079 04:54:37,583 --> 04:54:41,349 you were always Gonna be my love 4080 04:54:41,716 --> 04:54:47,983 已此刻到离开多么的空影你啊anymore 4081 04:54:48,316 --> 04:54:50,949 i remember to love 4082 04:54:50,950 --> 04:54:53,316 you taught me how 4083 04:54:53,583 --> 04:54:57,349 you are always gonna be the one 4084 04:54:58,983 --> 04:55:04,666 my girl cannot see love do so good yeah 4085 04:55:06,316 --> 04:55:10,316 now and forever oh 4086 04:55:47,516 --> 04:56:02,633 she don't mind 4087 04:56:09,383 --> 04:56:10,516 谢谢大家打call 4088 04:56:12,916 --> 04:56:15,833 谢谢可乐可乐百里的心愿水晶球 4089 04:56:15,833 --> 04:56:16,833 谢谢你哦 4090 04:56:17,183 --> 04:56:19,116 谢谢俺是家里没人要的打扣 4091 04:56:19,233 --> 04:56:21,233 谢谢可乐可乐百里的告白花束 4092 04:56:21,550 --> 04:56:22,550 谢谢你哦 4093 04:56:23,033 --> 04:56:24,583 谢谢鱼 4094 04:56:24,833 --> 04:56:26,149 啊不会念啊 4095 04:56:26,183 --> 04:56:27,666 的粉丝灯牌 4096 04:56:27,666 --> 04:56:28,383 谢谢皮皮旺 4097 04:56:28,383 --> 04:56:29,983 谢谢的粉丝灯牌 4098 04:56:30,033 --> 04:56:33,583 you will always be inside my heart 4099 04:56:33,583 --> 04:56:38,749 needs you more than a thought i get old but you're gone 4100 04:56:38,983 --> 04:56:45,516 oh god i hope that i have a place in your heart too 4101 04:56:45,516 --> 04:56:47,949 now and forever you will 4102 04:56:47,983 --> 04:56:51,549 谢谢天座椅的电梯鱼谢谢你哦 4103 04:56:51,750 --> 04:56:53,233 谢谢你的支持 4104 04:57:10,666 --> 04:57:11,466 哎 4105 04:57:11,950 --> 04:57:13,233 没有没有没有 4106 04:57:19,783 --> 04:57:20,383 这首歌 4107 04:57:20,383 --> 04:57:23,466 突然发现这个歌词也太符合心境了吧 4108 04:57:23,750 --> 04:57:26,033 不知道你们刚才有没有注意到啊 4109 04:57:34,433 --> 04:57:36,233 这首歌也太应景了 4110 04:57:36,233 --> 04:57:37,349 这个歌词 4111 04:57:45,950 --> 04:57:49,433 明天的这个时候你会在哪呢 4112 04:57:49,950 --> 04:57:51,550 啊歌词是这样啊 4113 04:57:52,116 --> 04:57:54,316 又会想着谁呢 4114 04:57:59,866 --> 04:58:02,783 my dark and i see you 4115 04:58:02,950 --> 04:58:07,716 oh yeah i know you forever 4116 04:58:09,233 --> 04:58:10,266 my dark 4117 04:58:10,916 --> 04:58:12,583 我会一直 4118 04:58:12,633 --> 04:58:15,266 唱着悲伤的歌 4119 04:58:16,666 --> 04:58:17,716 什么什么歌 4120 04:58:24,950 --> 04:58:27,433 明天的这个时候你会在哪呢 4121 04:58:27,433 --> 04:58:29,183 又会想着谁呢 4122 04:58:30,916 --> 04:58:33,116 你将是我永远的爱 4123 04:58:33,116 --> 04:58:36,716 就算在以后的生命中还有谁恋爱也好 4124 04:58:36,716 --> 04:58:38,149 我会记得去爱 4125 04:58:38,150 --> 04:58:39,750 这是你教给我的 4126 04:58:40,116 --> 04:58:42,233 你将是永远是我的唯一 4127 04:58:42,316 --> 04:58:45,316 现在我仍唱着悲伤的情歌 4128 04:58:45,316 --> 04:58:48,349 直到新的歌曲再次退出 4129 04:58:52,383 --> 04:58:54,633 一度呆着的时间 4130 04:58:56,383 --> 04:58:58,266 将会继续运转 4131 04:58:58,316 --> 04:59:00,949 剩下的竟是难以忘怀的事情 4132 04:59:01,266 --> 04:59:02,516 明天的这个时间 4133 04:59:02,516 --> 04:59:05,666 我一定会哭着想起深爱过的你 4134 04:59:06,233 --> 04:59:08,183 你将永远在我心里 4135 04:59:08,583 --> 04:59:11,349 在我心中永远给你留下一片空间 4136 04:59:11,666 --> 04:59:15,466 我希望我在你的心里也能有一席之地 4137 04:59:21,033 --> 04:59:23,033 为什么流汗了 4138 04:59:23,633 --> 04:59:25,433 是不流错地方了 4139 04:59:26,316 --> 04:59:27,783 不是流泪了吗 4140 04:59:31,233 --> 04:59:32,916 哦泪水从 4141 04:59:33,783 --> 04:59:36,349 泪水从额角流下来了是吗 4142 05:00:03,150 --> 05:00:06,350 别从鼻子流出好吗好恶心 4143 05:00:06,666 --> 05:00:16,516 don't matter 4144 05:00:30,033 --> 05:00:32,266 没有鼻涕我没见过鼻涕什么叫鼻涕啊 4145 05:00:32,266 --> 05:00:33,666 我从来不流鼻涕的 4146 05:00:47,833 --> 05:00:51,516 you will always be inside my heart 4147 05:00:51,516 --> 05:00:56,466 needs you more than i thought i get on my shoulder 4148 05:00:56,950 --> 05:01:03,433 i'm gonnai hope that i have a place in your heart too 4149 05:01:03,433 --> 05:01:10,266 now and forever you are still the one you know a mother 4150 05:01:10,633 --> 05:01:16,149 can i see love you soon i'd like that you 4151 05:01:18,983 --> 05:01:20,033 什么76哥 4152 05:01:22,150 --> 05:01:22,983 说什么呢 4153 05:01:26,350 --> 05:01:27,950 很健康的好不好 4154 05:01:31,033 --> 05:01:33,266 身体里抗体大大的有 4155 05:01:34,233 --> 05:01:36,233 我到现在都没赢就是 4156 05:01:37,233 --> 05:01:38,666 强壮的证明啊 4157 05:01:39,316 --> 05:01:41,149 大家多多向主播学习一下吧 4158 05:01:41,150 --> 05:01:43,583 平时多运动别老瘫在床上 4159 05:01:45,466 --> 05:01:48,783 一下班就回到家就瘫在床上是吧 4160 05:01:50,716 --> 05:01:52,633 学学主播啊 4161 05:01:53,916 --> 05:01:56,383 now and forever 4162 05:02:04,233 --> 05:02:06,183 是我出了好几次门啊 4163 05:02:06,183 --> 05:02:07,549 我出了3次门 4164 05:02:13,266 --> 05:02:14,349 快点摔了 4165 05:02:14,716 --> 05:02:15,349 我这个手机 4166 05:02:15,350 --> 05:02:17,716 再摔一下我就不知道会发生什么了 4167 05:02:21,316 --> 05:02:23,316 那那一次都不能算了 4168 05:02:27,666 --> 05:02:29,983 不是你可以边运动边等开播 4169 05:02:33,666 --> 05:02:35,633 一定要摊着等是吧 4170 05:03:01,383 --> 05:03:03,233 跑来跑去都没有羊羊啊 4171 05:03:03,266 --> 05:03:04,633 天选真人啊 4172 05:03:11,783 --> 05:03:14,749 你也可以边运动边看啊明明 4173 05:03:15,750 --> 05:03:19,233 你们如果你们都趁主播直播的时间 4174 05:03:19,466 --> 05:03:20,349 练练 4175 05:03:21,716 --> 05:03:24,749 那什么练练什么各种什么腹肌啊 4176 05:03:24,750 --> 05:03:29,266 肩膀啊后背啊大腿啊什么的啊 4177 05:03:29,266 --> 05:03:29,949 现在 4178 05:03:29,950 --> 05:03:33,066 指不定多少女生找你要联联系方式呢 4179 05:03:41,066 --> 05:03:43,066 怎么赢了要避免剧烈运动 4180 05:03:43,066 --> 05:03:45,033 别看直播玩游戏呀 4181 05:03:46,383 --> 05:03:47,383 说什么呢 4182 05:03:52,783 --> 05:03:54,149 怎么发弹幕吗 4183 05:03:55,950 --> 05:03:58,033 练5分钟休息5分钟 4184 05:03:58,583 --> 05:04:00,516 5分钟高强度发弹幕 4185 05:04:02,983 --> 05:04:05,349 没有我说的是没秧的时候 4186 05:04:06,066 --> 05:04:07,149 运动运动 4187 05:04:11,033 --> 05:04:12,383 那你们互相商量一下 4188 05:04:12,383 --> 05:04:15,349 把那些黑天的拉出来互相商量商量 4189 05:04:15,433 --> 05:04:19,233 呃你你练半小时我我发半小时弹幕 4190 05:04:19,233 --> 05:04:20,549 我把你的补上 4191 05:04:26,466 --> 05:04:28,183 真的假的跨年你去了 4192 05:04:31,116 --> 05:04:32,233 真的假的啊 4193 05:04:42,316 --> 05:04:44,633 天啊哭了 4194 05:04:49,383 --> 05:04:52,033 怎么什么节目都还没没有呢 4195 05:04:56,383 --> 05:04:56,633 不是 4196 05:04:56,633 --> 05:04:59,383 这么重要的时间大家竟然跟我一起 4197 05:04:59,516 --> 05:05:01,466 我我什么都没准备呢 4198 05:05:03,116 --> 05:05:04,316 哭死 4199 05:05:05,916 --> 05:05:09,433 you will always be inside my heart 4200 05:05:09,583 --> 05:05:12,949 it's a little more大大大大给的 4201 05:05:13,383 --> 05:05:16,116 25个 6个了 4202 05:05:16,583 --> 05:05:18,916 i hope that i have always 4203 05:05:19,183 --> 05:05:24,549 in your heart to now and forever you are still alone 4204 05:05:24,550 --> 05:05:26,783 那可能是31号跨年吧 4205 05:05:31,666 --> 05:05:33,149 提前一天跨年 4206 05:05:33,833 --> 05:05:35,749 要不然现在跨年好了 4207 05:05:37,983 --> 05:05:39,666 还能有提前的呀 4208 05:05:42,983 --> 05:05:46,349 you were always gonna be mine 4209 05:05:56,433 --> 05:05:58,983 you taught me how 4210 05:05:59,033 --> 05:06:02,783 you were always gonna be the one 4211 05:06:04,466 --> 05:06:10,349 my girl colors singing all those songs oh yeah 4212 05:06:11,633 --> 05:06:14,233 now and forever 4213 05:06:14,716 --> 05:06:16,183 谁像跨年这么悲情啊 4214 05:06:16,183 --> 05:06:17,983 还放这么悲伤的歌 4215 05:06:22,550 --> 05:06:24,950 元旦那不就是1月1日吗 4216 05:06:24,950 --> 05:06:26,866 他也接的太紧了 4217 05:06:27,466 --> 05:06:28,266 哎 4218 05:06:33,233 --> 05:06:35,033 我唱不好这种啊 4219 05:06:36,983 --> 05:06:38,066 啊吓我跳 4220 05:06:43,150 --> 05:06:43,950 棒棒 4221 05:06:47,983 --> 05:06:51,266 but you'll love了黑屏了 4222 05:06:53,983 --> 05:06:56,066 我我麦克风都准备好了 4223 05:06:56,066 --> 05:06:57,316 当黑屏了 4224 05:07:00,833 --> 05:07:03,433 难忘今宵我真是这个这首歌的话 4225 05:07:03,433 --> 05:07:06,183 我自己私下都没练过 4226 05:07:06,916 --> 05:07:10,633 难忘今宵 4227 05:07:12,383 --> 05:07:15,516 难忘今宵 4228 05:07:16,233 --> 05:07:22,666 无论天涯与海角 4229 05:07:36,350 --> 05:07:37,150 这啥 4230 05:07:39,633 --> 05:07:40,983 有毛病吧 4231 05:07:44,150 --> 05:07:46,716 我还得给你放游戏的BGM是吧 4232 05:07:52,983 --> 05:07:53,783 哼 4233 05:07:53,916 --> 05:07:55,916 啊不会又卡住了吧 4234 05:07:56,916 --> 05:07:58,149 啊又卡住了 4235 05:07:59,550 --> 05:08:01,833 又卡住了 4236 05:08:04,183 --> 05:08:07,233 酷狗也太垃圾了吧 4237 05:08:14,666 --> 05:08:15,033 好 4238 05:08:15,033 --> 05:08:16,716 不来了得来必须来 4239 05:08:17,116 --> 05:08:18,666 我让他来他就得来 4240 05:08:21,983 --> 05:08:22,783 来 4241 05:08:23,433 --> 05:08:24,233 老铁 4242 05:08:30,716 --> 05:08:31,516 喵喵 4243 05:08:32,833 --> 05:08:34,516 好运来哦 4244 05:08:34,516 --> 05:08:36,783 这前面不用唱的好运来 4245 05:08:37,033 --> 05:08:41,033 好运带来了喜和爱 4246 05:08:41,350 --> 05:08:45,350 好运来我们好运来 4247 05:08:45,583 --> 05:08:49,316 迎着好运兴旺发达通四海 4248 05:08:50,033 --> 05:08:50,833 端这唱呢 4249 05:08:54,066 --> 05:08:58,066 叠个千纸鹤再系个红飘带 4250 05:08:58,383 --> 05:09:02,466 愿善良的人们天天好运来 4251 05:09:02,466 --> 05:09:06,716 你勤劳生活美你健康春常在 4252 05:09:06,950 --> 05:09:11,233 你一生的忙碌为了笑逐颜开 4253 05:09:12,433 --> 05:09:16,383 打个中国结请春风剪个彩 4254 05:09:16,633 --> 05:09:20,666 愿祖国的日月年年好运来 4255 05:09:20,716 --> 05:09:24,949 你凤舞太平年你龙腾新时代 4256 05:09:25,183 --> 05:09:29,349 你幸福的家园迎来百花盛开 4257 05:09:30,716 --> 05:09:34,833 好运来祝你好运来 4258 05:09:34,916 --> 05:09:39,033 好运带来了喜和爱 4259 05:09:39,150 --> 05:09:43,233 好运来我们好运来 4260 05:09:43,433 --> 05:09:47,549 迎着好运兴旺发达通四海 4261 05:09:49,350 --> 05:09:51,033 巴拉巴拉嘿嘿嘿 4262 05:09:58,466 --> 05:10:02,349 叠个千纸鹤再系个红飘带 4263 05:10:02,716 --> 05:10:06,749 愿善良的人们天天好运来 4264 05:10:06,783 --> 05:10:11,066 你勤劳生活美你健康春常在 4265 05:10:11,266 --> 05:10:15,549 你一生的忙碌为了笑逐颜开 4266 05:10:16,716 --> 05:10:20,583 打个中国结请春风剪个彩 4267 05:10:20,950 --> 05:10:24,983 愿祖国的日月年年好运来 4268 05:10:24,983 --> 05:10:29,316 你凤舞太平年你龙腾新时代 4269 05:10:29,516 --> 05:10:33,549 你幸福的家园迎来百花盛开 4270 05:10:35,150 --> 05:10:38,983 好运来祝你好运来 4271 05:10:39,116 --> 05:10:43,183 好运带来了喜和爱 4272 05:10:43,433 --> 05:10:47,549 好运来我们好运来 4273 05:10:49,916 --> 05:10:56,066 通四海好运来祝你好运来 4274 05:10:56,266 --> 05:11:00,349 好运带来了喜和爱 4275 05:11:00,583 --> 05:11:04,783 好运来我们好运来 4276 05:11:04,833 --> 05:11:10,633 迎着好运兴旺发达通四海嘿嘿嘿 4277 05:11:11,433 --> 05:11:12,316 嘿嘿 4278 05:11:13,433 --> 05:11:14,783 嘿嘿嘿 4279 05:11:22,633 --> 05:11:24,066 也太长了吧 4280 05:11:24,433 --> 05:11:28,316 好运来祝你好运来 4281 05:11:28,383 --> 05:11:32,666 好运带来了喜和爱 4282 05:11:32,750 --> 05:11:36,833 好运来我们好运来 4283 05:11:37,033 --> 05:11:45,833 迎着好运兴旺发达通四海通四海 4284 05:11:47,833 --> 05:11:48,633 啊 4285 05:11:49,716 --> 05:11:51,716 好运来好运来 4286 05:11:52,116 --> 05:11:54,116 啊原来是这样的OK 4287 05:11:57,316 --> 05:11:58,116 当当 4288 05:12:00,833 --> 05:12:01,183 头 4289 05:12:01,183 --> 05:12:02,983 都给我唱缺氧了快 4290 05:12:03,716 --> 05:12:05,716 呃做错了哦不是这个 4291 05:12:19,583 --> 05:12:20,383 哈哈 4292 05:12:20,916 --> 05:12:22,349 新年快乐大家 4293 05:12:22,866 --> 05:12:25,466 到时候再来行啊 4294 05:12:32,266 --> 05:12:33,066 啊 4295 05:12:33,183 --> 05:12:35,066 谢谢这样看自己的小花花 4296 05:12:35,066 --> 05:12:37,349 谢谢枫叶飞的粉丝灯牌 4297 05:12:37,350 --> 05:12:39,033 谢谢风云画面的粉丝牌 4298 05:12:39,033 --> 05:12:41,233 谢谢A2W i s p的小花 4299 05:12:41,233 --> 05:12:41,749 慢慢退下 4300 05:12:41,750 --> 05:12:42,833 我的小花花 4301 05:12:42,833 --> 05:12:44,983 谢谢小说你当个人的小花花 4302 05:12:47,183 --> 05:12:49,433 谢谢慢慢退下我的小花花 4303 05:12:52,583 --> 05:12:53,033 哎 4304 05:12:53,033 --> 05:12:54,266 该下播了呢 4305 05:12:55,633 --> 05:12:57,183 大家今天看够了吗 4306 05:12:57,183 --> 05:12:59,383 今天又是播了多少个小时了 4307 05:13:02,150 --> 05:13:03,783 5个半小时啊 4308 05:13:04,666 --> 05:13:05,466 欢迎 4309 05:13:15,316 --> 05:13:17,833 明儿还是还要上班呢大家 4310 05:13:18,066 --> 05:13:21,349 多模糊的笑容 4311 05:13:23,950 --> 05:13:25,866 把那淡淡时的 4312 05:13:26,583 --> 05:13:29,116 一滴带入我的 4313 05:13:29,950 --> 05:13:30,316 心 4314 05:13:30,316 --> 05:13:30,583 没有 4315 05:13:30,583 --> 05:13:33,349 其实我觉得肯定我觉得肯定是够了的 4316 05:13:35,116 --> 05:13:37,466 再多播就那个什么了 4317 05:13:38,833 --> 05:13:40,949 再多播大家就那个啥了 4318 05:13:43,150 --> 05:13:44,383 待会憋腻了 4319 05:13:59,150 --> 05:14:00,116 啊放歌 4320 05:14:02,716 --> 05:14:03,833 稍微欢快一点 4321 05:14:03,833 --> 05:14:05,149 欢快一点 4322 05:14:15,716 --> 05:14:18,983 am i all gods 4323 05:14:21,350 --> 05:14:24,633 KPI唱了多少不知道我们看不见时差 4324 05:14:46,916 --> 05:14:47,716 好吧 4325 05:14:49,866 --> 05:14:50,666 拜拜 4326 05:14:51,633 --> 05:14:53,316 过几天回安排休息吗 4327 05:14:53,833 --> 05:14:55,033 看情况吧 4328 05:14:56,066 --> 05:14:58,516 明天见不到我你们会伤心吗 4329 05:14:58,750 --> 05:14:59,750 不会的吧 4330 05:15:00,316 --> 05:15:01,116 哈哈哈 4331 05:15:05,583 --> 05:15:08,983 我一路无法逃脱几次放电 4332 05:15:09,433 --> 05:15:12,666 爱能藏入一朵迷离雾之路 4333 05:15:13,433 --> 05:15:19,716 我的希望我的恩典一日我so goodbye 4334 05:15:19,716 --> 05:15:25,183 happiness love emotions out of me i'm shouting death 4335 05:15:25,383 --> 05:15:28,149 and i'm not gonna ever more 4336 05:15:28,150 --> 05:15:29,150 i'm on the way 4337 05:15:29,783 --> 05:15:31,033 not enough not enough 4338 05:15:50,783 --> 05:15:51,783 真的吗 4339 05:15:52,716 --> 05:15:54,433 不是很敢相信啊 4340 05:15:54,916 --> 05:16:11,916 you're gay old ghost track and naive karger 4341 05:16:14,350 --> 05:16:15,183 打个哈欠 4342 05:16:21,666 --> 05:16:24,716 不是哪来这么多人真的啊那你们 4343 05:16:24,916 --> 05:16:25,716 啊 4344 05:16:25,916 --> 05:16:27,433 那我那我有的时候直播 4345 05:16:27,433 --> 05:16:29,949 你们不在的时候你们是去干嘛的呢 4346 05:16:32,633 --> 05:16:36,116 more in my day more all the way 4347 05:16:36,116 --> 05:16:39,749 to my secret so goodbye 4348 05:16:39,750 --> 05:16:42,516 innocence anymore 4349 05:16:42,516 --> 05:16:45,316 she loves me and shout it dead 4350 05:16:49,750 --> 05:16:52,550 not enough give me no sir 4351 05:16:52,633 --> 05:16:55,983 in my arms kiss me 4352 05:16:58,516 --> 05:17:03,666 bamboo took a magazine like you do oh 4353 05:17:03,916 --> 05:17:07,549 da di da di da di da di da di da di da di 4354 05:17:12,033 --> 05:17:12,833 怎么怎么样 4355 05:17:15,866 --> 05:17:16,149 哎 4356 05:17:16,150 --> 05:17:19,116 这为什么不不不在正中啊我 4357 05:17:28,750 --> 05:17:29,550 咳咳 4358 05:17:42,316 --> 05:17:45,033 i'll leave no mama there 4359 05:17:45,666 --> 05:17:48,149 if you can't get out of here 4360 05:17:51,066 --> 05:17:59,383 you're there 4361 05:17:59,833 --> 05:18:00,666 行还行 4362 05:18:01,866 --> 05:18:03,033 味道还可以 4363 05:18:05,350 --> 05:18:06,666 不是胃就是蹲着 4364 05:18:26,316 --> 05:18:27,116 OK 4365 05:18:28,266 --> 05:18:29,233 差不多了 4366 05:18:30,183 --> 05:18:32,949 so Goodbye have you 4367 05:18:36,666 --> 05:18:39,316 哎我还是想问一下大家 4368 05:18:39,316 --> 05:18:41,183 看不到我的直播真的会伤心吗 4369 05:18:41,183 --> 05:18:42,116 哈哈哈 4370 05:18:42,183 --> 05:18:44,783 不是我没感觉有这么多人会伤心啊 4371 05:18:44,783 --> 05:18:46,983 你们说的很很很多人 4372 05:18:47,350 --> 05:18:48,716 是不是又是在那种 4373 05:18:57,266 --> 05:18:59,949 差不多了意思是差不多该下播了呢 4374 05:19:05,550 --> 05:19:06,583 哈哈哈 4375 05:19:07,550 --> 05:19:08,150 我说有的 4376 05:19:08,150 --> 05:19:11,383 有的人是在那个什么开玩笑的 4377 05:19:29,866 --> 05:19:34,066 god is looking like a love to go 4378 05:19:35,716 --> 05:19:37,516 love me more心 4379 05:19:38,066 --> 05:19:39,783 my little my love 4380 05:19:40,116 --> 05:19:41,783 好吧那谢谢大家哦 4381 05:19:41,783 --> 05:19:43,516 那就这样吧晚安拜拜走了 4382 05:19:57,633 --> 05:19:58,983 哈哈哈 4383 05:20:02,466 --> 05:20:04,349 没有逗你们罢了 4384 05:20:25,066 --> 05:20:25,983 哎我不温柔吗 4385 05:20:25,983 --> 05:20:28,349 有没有人觉得我温柔出来说一下 4386 05:20:28,433 --> 05:20:30,233 有没有有没有快点快点 4387 05:20:32,350 --> 05:20:34,950 有没有人觉得主播非常非常温柔的 4388 05:20:52,433 --> 05:20:53,149 哎 4389 05:20:53,150 --> 05:20:55,866 说温柔说不温柔的都是你吗 4390 05:21:11,116 --> 05:21:14,916 Kiddokon 4391 05:21:20,550 --> 05:21:22,433 啊太温柔了是吧 4392 05:21:22,433 --> 05:21:23,633 我也觉得呢 4393 05:21:26,266 --> 05:21:27,466 很温柔的说 4394 05:21:31,350 --> 05:21:32,750 啊那你们喜欢看的主播 4395 05:21:32,750 --> 05:21:34,433 他们都是怎么温柔的 4396 05:21:39,233 --> 05:21:41,583 很温柔要是再温柔一点就好了 4397 05:21:41,833 --> 05:21:43,549 CPU啊是吧 4398 05:21:47,066 --> 05:21:48,549 别的主播都是怎么温柔的 4399 05:21:48,550 --> 05:21:49,750 哎呀我想象不出来 4400 05:21:49,750 --> 05:21:51,316 那主播不会很那个吗 4401 05:21:51,433 --> 05:21:53,783 来你们说点话我看一下怎么温柔 4402 05:21:53,983 --> 05:21:55,983 你们说一下你们随便说点什么 4403 05:21:55,983 --> 05:21:58,033 我看能不能温柔起来 4404 05:22:00,383 --> 05:22:03,033 she was sure come on keep mother mother 4405 05:22:05,750 --> 05:22:09,866 i saw in their back at ease 4406 05:22:11,316 --> 05:22:13,916 我动了脑就我细皮 4407 05:22:15,266 --> 05:22:17,516 牙齿也没足 4408 05:22:18,266 --> 05:22:18,666 够 4409 05:22:18,666 --> 05:22:19,466 默默 4410 05:22:19,950 --> 05:22:20,750 依依 4411 05:22:21,150 --> 05:22:21,950 啊 4412 05:22:25,233 --> 05:22:26,033 晚上好啊 4413 05:22:26,033 --> 05:22:27,583 黑洋葱哼 4414 05:22:28,383 --> 05:22:29,666 今天过得怎么样呢 4415 05:22:29,666 --> 05:22:32,516 希望你有度过开心的一天 4416 05:22:33,633 --> 05:22:35,349 阿爸阿爸请问 4417 05:22:35,383 --> 05:22:36,633 你怎么了呢 4418 05:22:36,633 --> 05:22:36,983 嗯 4419 05:22:36,983 --> 05:22:38,666 是不是我最近 4420 05:22:39,233 --> 05:22:40,066 上火了 4421 05:22:40,066 --> 05:22:41,749 说话说不清楚了 4422 05:22:41,750 --> 05:22:42,550 啊 4423 05:22:42,716 --> 05:22:44,433 一定要注意饮食 4424 05:22:44,433 --> 05:22:46,349 多吃点清淡的哦 4425 05:22:46,350 --> 05:22:47,583 健康的哦 4426 05:22:54,316 --> 05:22:55,466 这样温柔吧 4427 05:22:56,716 --> 05:22:58,466 没有人会这么直播吧 4428 05:22:58,833 --> 05:23:01,233 he could carry it 4429 05:23:01,233 --> 05:23:02,266 he doesn't get enough 4430 05:23:03,516 --> 05:23:04,549 yeah he's looking at 4431 05:23:06,516 --> 05:23:07,383 the door 4432 05:23:09,033 --> 05:23:09,383 啊 4433 05:23:09,383 --> 05:23:11,433 主播这种情况持续多久了 4434 05:23:11,466 --> 05:23:11,983 啊 4435 05:23:11,983 --> 05:23:14,383 自从遇到饼干赛开始 4436 05:23:14,433 --> 05:23:16,433 就一直是这么一个症状 4437 05:23:16,466 --> 05:23:18,949 去看了好多医生都看不好 4438 05:23:18,950 --> 05:23:22,466 医生说我这是得了相思病 4439 05:23:24,433 --> 05:23:26,549 解铃还须系铃人 4440 05:23:26,550 --> 05:23:30,350 就是建议多直播跟大家相处啊 4441 05:23:30,350 --> 05:23:32,833 就能缓解一下这个症状 4442 05:23:34,466 --> 05:23:35,266 哼 4443 05:23:43,033 --> 05:23:43,833 哼 4444 05:23:44,433 --> 05:23:45,666 不相信吗 4445 05:23:45,716 --> 05:23:48,149 哎你不相信也是正常的 4446 05:23:48,150 --> 05:23:50,950 这个世界充满着很多的谎言 4447 05:23:50,950 --> 05:23:52,550 但是在今后的 4448 05:23:52,950 --> 05:23:56,433 日子里我会用我的行动向你证明 4449 05:23:59,433 --> 05:24:01,949 希望能让你卸下心房 4450 05:24:04,116 --> 05:24:04,916 哒哒 4451 05:24:05,066 --> 05:24:06,233 哒哒哒哒哒哒 4452 05:24:14,350 --> 05:24:16,150 大家别发表情包了 4453 05:24:16,150 --> 05:24:16,550 嗯 4454 05:24:16,550 --> 05:24:18,950 多跟小学说说说话嘛 4455 05:24:19,316 --> 05:24:21,666 很想跟大家说话的说 4456 05:24:23,950 --> 05:24:27,516 看不见大家的弹幕就感觉非常寂寞 4457 05:24:27,666 --> 05:24:29,716 就感觉很难过 4458 05:24:30,350 --> 05:24:33,633 就感觉嗯播不下去了 4459 05:24:34,266 --> 05:24:38,033 就感觉职业生涯要结束了 4460 05:24:44,666 --> 05:24:46,383 da da da da da da da da da da 4461 05:24:48,383 --> 05:24:49,183 da 4462 05:24:53,583 --> 05:24:54,383 da da 4463 05:24:55,916 --> 05:24:56,716 da da da da da 4464 05:25:04,633 --> 05:25:05,349 啊 4465 05:25:05,350 --> 05:25:06,983 一字马的路 4466 05:25:08,316 --> 05:25:10,916 什么叫已经悄悄开始远了呢 4467 05:25:11,433 --> 05:25:15,549 是在关心小碎的呃健康状况吗 4468 05:25:15,550 --> 05:25:16,316 这没有远 4469 05:25:16,316 --> 05:25:18,383 我现在身体很健康呢 4470 05:25:18,383 --> 05:25:21,549 除了嗓子有一点点疲惫以外一切都好 4471 05:25:23,783 --> 05:25:24,583 哼 4472 05:25:27,550 --> 05:25:29,383 是一种由内而外的气质 4473 05:25:29,383 --> 05:25:31,716 是不需要刻意表现你就能流露出来的 4474 05:25:31,716 --> 05:25:33,866 你啊意思是小翠的温柔 4475 05:25:33,866 --> 05:25:36,349 不需要刻意表现就会流露出来吗 4476 05:25:36,350 --> 05:25:37,783 谢谢你啊小鸡 4477 05:25:37,950 --> 05:25:39,716 好温柔啊小鸡 4478 05:25:40,033 --> 05:25:41,833 she no hold no 4479 05:25:44,666 --> 05:25:45,983 cozy girl 4480 05:25:58,916 --> 05:25:59,716 嗯 4481 05:26:01,316 --> 05:26:02,316 什么意思 4482 05:26:10,066 --> 05:26:10,916 什么意思呢 4483 05:26:13,383 --> 05:26:14,266 不太明白 4484 05:26:14,266 --> 05:26:15,916 你们在嘲笑别人的 4485 05:26:15,950 --> 05:26:16,950 名字吗 4486 05:26:17,433 --> 05:26:19,149 大家请不要做这样的事情 4487 05:26:19,233 --> 05:26:20,666 这样的事情很过分 4488 05:26:22,716 --> 05:26:24,466 我觉得最不应该的就是嘲笑 4489 05:26:24,466 --> 05:26:25,433 别人的名字 4490 05:26:27,550 --> 05:26:30,750 每个人的名字都是爸妈精挑细选 4491 05:26:30,750 --> 05:26:33,750 带着爸爸妈妈的爱意给他取的名字 4492 05:26:34,433 --> 05:26:36,116 所以不管别人是什么名字 4493 05:26:36,116 --> 05:26:37,716 你们都不能不能嘲笑 4494 05:26:39,150 --> 05:26:41,150 希望大家也能做到这一点 4495 05:26:45,950 --> 05:26:47,866 可以答应我这么做到吗 4496 05:26:48,916 --> 05:26:53,633 what about the good as i know it's a modern world 4497 05:27:02,750 --> 05:27:05,150 主播的名字是岁几哦 4498 05:27:11,233 --> 05:27:13,316 可是他名字就是小鸡啊 4499 05:27:14,716 --> 05:27:15,516 就是 4500 05:27:15,583 --> 05:27:17,233 主播喜欢叫小什么 4501 05:27:17,233 --> 05:27:19,316 这样显得很很亲密 4502 05:27:19,316 --> 05:27:20,749 大家不喜欢吗 4503 05:27:28,916 --> 05:27:30,783 怎么会有人叫我4级的死肥猪啊 4504 05:27:30,783 --> 05:27:31,516 好过分 4505 05:27:31,516 --> 05:27:32,316 我觉得 4506 05:27:32,466 --> 05:27:35,433 怎么会有人骂出这种话哎 4507 05:27:35,866 --> 05:27:37,433 希望别叫这种名字了 4508 05:27:37,433 --> 05:27:38,549 我真的觉得 4509 05:27:40,183 --> 05:27:44,233 大家这样贬低自己感觉不是很好 4510 05:27:44,633 --> 05:27:46,583 你叫小黑呀小黑 4511 05:27:57,433 --> 05:28:02,516 you're 4512 05:28:07,233 --> 05:28:09,149 my goodbye 4513 05:28:09,150 --> 05:28:10,150 啊怎么了吗 4514 05:28:10,466 --> 05:28:12,783 啊那个问号是吗 4515 05:28:13,183 --> 05:28:14,833 对不起我很害怕问号 4516 05:28:14,833 --> 05:28:17,033 感觉问号像是被质问了 4517 05:28:17,266 --> 05:28:18,549 有有点害怕 4518 05:28:18,716 --> 05:28:19,866 zuki lakada 4519 05:28:20,833 --> 05:28:32,349 Rudolph my limo sheen body 4520 05:28:42,233 --> 05:28:45,033 要给个木马才能原谅木马 4521 05:28:45,783 --> 05:28:47,183 好一匹木马 4522 05:28:47,183 --> 05:28:48,583 又木又马呀 4523 05:28:48,583 --> 05:28:49,833 真是个木马 4524 05:28:52,666 --> 05:28:55,116 这样可以原谅小帅了吗 4525 05:28:55,116 --> 05:28:56,149 大家 4526 05:29:00,750 --> 05:29:04,866 i took it i got up to adore 4527 05:29:06,116 --> 05:29:15,583 the nemo shame i eat and i even my darling stay cold 4528 05:29:16,950 --> 05:29:20,116 好呢虽然我不知道自己做错了什么 4529 05:29:20,116 --> 05:29:20,916 但是 4530 05:29:22,750 --> 05:29:24,183 但是大家 4531 05:29:24,750 --> 05:29:28,550 说自己说说说小翠做错了那我就 4532 05:29:29,066 --> 05:29:30,149 认错吧 4533 05:29:31,633 --> 05:29:33,549 大家满意就好了 4534 05:29:34,583 --> 05:29:36,549 但我也不知道自己做错了什么 4535 05:29:36,666 --> 05:29:38,633 但是还是道歉比较好 4536 05:29:38,633 --> 05:29:41,233 虽然我完全没有觉得自己做错了 4537 05:29:41,233 --> 05:29:43,116 但是还是会道歉的呢 4538 05:29:43,350 --> 05:29:44,633 虽然我真的觉得 4539 05:29:44,666 --> 05:29:46,749 自己明明没有说错什么 4540 05:29:46,750 --> 05:29:49,466 但是还要一直被大家逼着道歉 4541 05:29:49,466 --> 05:29:51,033 觉得大家很过分 4542 05:29:51,033 --> 05:29:54,749 但是嗯确实应该是我的问题吧 4543 05:29:54,866 --> 05:29:55,666 嗯 4544 05:29:59,266 --> 05:30:00,066 哎 4545 05:30:01,550 --> 05:30:02,350 无奈 4546 05:30:02,633 --> 05:30:05,266 显示中式面对 4547 05:30:05,750 --> 05:30:12,033 emo sing by eternal my darling 4548 05:30:24,116 --> 05:30:25,183 妈妈妈妈 4549 05:30:26,716 --> 05:30:27,666 妈妈妈妈妈 4550 05:30:43,383 --> 05:30:45,583 and a dog he told me 4551 05:30:45,866 --> 05:30:48,433 小翠要去睡觉觉了大家 4552 05:30:53,516 --> 05:30:54,783 哈哈哈哈 4553 05:30:55,783 --> 05:30:59,516 哎刚才不小心睡着了对不起啊大家 4554 05:31:08,633 --> 05:31:11,316 哎刚才我爸来我房间睡着 4555 05:31:12,033 --> 05:31:12,866 睡着了 4556 05:31:19,950 --> 05:31:23,266 good luck 4557 05:31:25,233 --> 05:31:33,783 kinda she could go up kicked 4558 05:31:39,150 --> 05:31:39,950 up 4559 05:31:40,583 --> 05:31:49,433 kiss you too coo coo coo 4560 05:31:58,350 --> 05:31:59,150 啊 4561 05:32:01,666 --> 05:32:02,783 好烦啊 4562 05:32:05,066 --> 05:32:06,266 不是好烦 4563 05:32:06,383 --> 05:32:08,466 是我直播好烦啊 4564 05:32:09,266 --> 05:32:10,066 哎 4565 05:32:10,183 --> 05:32:11,916 我以后怎么直播啊 4566 05:32:12,516 --> 05:32:13,833 这我爸是一个呃 4567 05:32:13,833 --> 05:32:16,983 我妈是不怎么管我这些的我我直播 4568 05:32:17,266 --> 05:32:18,516 我妈也不是很在乎 4569 05:32:18,516 --> 05:32:21,716 我妈总而言之不是很在乎我这个人 4570 05:32:22,433 --> 05:32:23,516 我妈总而言之 4571 05:32:23,516 --> 05:32:25,466 对我这个人不是很感兴趣 4572 05:32:25,866 --> 05:32:29,433 是我爸就是很很很挺八卦的那种 4573 05:32:29,433 --> 05:32:31,116 他可能会在门口偷听 4574 05:32:31,116 --> 05:32:32,833 我妈我是完全不care的 4575 05:32:32,833 --> 05:32:35,033 我妈是真的不在乎我这个人 4576 05:32:35,750 --> 05:32:38,466 是我爸是很有可能做的出这种事情的 4577 05:32:38,633 --> 05:32:42,316 可能会偷听说啥然后他会调侃我 4578 05:32:42,783 --> 05:32:43,666 肯定会的 4579 05:32:43,716 --> 05:32:44,549 所以以前出道 4580 05:32:44,550 --> 05:32:46,666 之前我就想搬出去住来着 4581 05:32:48,716 --> 05:32:50,033 但是我又不太想 4582 05:32:50,466 --> 05:32:51,866 那什么一个人住 4583 05:32:51,950 --> 05:32:53,066 然后我妈也说 4584 05:32:53,066 --> 05:32:55,466 你这个工作都不知道会怎么样呢 4585 05:32:55,466 --> 05:32:58,433 你就搬出去住啊之类之类的 4586 05:33:03,633 --> 05:33:06,233 是我爸不知道我在做做主播吧 4587 05:33:06,583 --> 05:33:08,549 而且我爸也不知道虚拟主播 4588 05:33:09,316 --> 05:33:11,183 我只说我爸很八卦 4589 05:33:12,716 --> 05:33:15,033 他会如果他在门口听到我说了什么 4590 05:33:15,033 --> 05:33:16,583 然后他可能会调侃我 4591 05:33:18,066 --> 05:33:18,866 哎 4592 05:33:18,983 --> 05:33:21,583 而且我妈平时不是不会看直播的 4593 05:33:21,583 --> 05:33:23,466 除非买衣服的时候看一下 4594 05:33:23,583 --> 05:33:25,516 别人那种直播的 4595 05:33:25,550 --> 05:33:26,716 卖衣服的那种 4596 05:33:26,866 --> 05:33:29,316 就是我爸的话他是会看最喜欢看什么 4597 05:33:29,316 --> 05:33:30,383 徒步啥啥 4598 05:33:30,383 --> 05:33:31,666 哈哈 4599 05:33:31,750 --> 05:33:32,716 哈哈 4600 05:33:33,666 --> 05:33:35,266 哎好烦呢那就 4601 05:33:36,716 --> 05:33:37,949 好难受 4602 05:33:42,433 --> 05:33:43,783 哎呀我爸很八卦的 4603 05:33:43,783 --> 05:33:45,583 我爸很有可能会偷听 4604 05:33:45,666 --> 05:33:47,833 你跟他说别偷听他当然说我不听啊 4605 05:33:47,833 --> 05:33:49,183 我谁管你那些啊 4606 05:33:49,383 --> 05:33:50,583 谁知道啊 4607 05:33:51,916 --> 05:33:54,583 别哭的赛道第一次我的 4608 05:33:54,583 --> 05:33:55,066 我 4609 05:33:55,066 --> 05:33:56,266 啊很快啊 4610 05:33:56,266 --> 05:33:58,916 怎么办啊还有几天就回来了 4611 05:34:02,516 --> 05:34:04,783 我爸都是看真徒步的好吧 4612 05:34:05,266 --> 05:34:06,116 不是真徒步 4613 05:34:06,116 --> 05:34:09,466 就是真的是在假装徒步的那种真徒步 4614 05:34:13,833 --> 05:34:15,316 啊10%的电了 4615 05:34:22,716 --> 05:34:25,666 放隔音棉是没有用的不可能听不见的 4616 05:34:25,983 --> 05:34:30,316 my darling stay cold 4617 05:34:31,516 --> 05:34:35,983 would you give me one more day for love 4618 05:34:36,150 --> 05:34:38,066 even though he might 4619 05:34:38,316 --> 05:34:42,233 几天没剩几天了可能就就 4620 05:34:42,233 --> 05:34:43,033 就 4621 05:34:44,033 --> 05:34:46,033 等不了几天了没几天了 4622 05:34:46,666 --> 05:34:49,349 呜啊好烦啊 4623 05:34:56,466 --> 05:34:58,916 刚刚开的打扣阳光在喵的说话 4624 05:34:59,750 --> 05:35:02,266 今天两两点我闭一下播好吧 4625 05:35:02,833 --> 05:35:05,583 不要唱歌唱唱歌被吵到麦了吗 4626 05:35:06,266 --> 05:35:08,749 但是我也没有很晚还在唱歌吧 4627 05:35:08,750 --> 05:35:09,550 大家 4628 05:35:20,916 --> 05:35:21,983 现在挺晚的 4629 05:35:22,550 --> 05:35:24,550 是呢这为啥 4630 05:35:26,233 --> 05:35:27,116 我敞开门听 4631 05:35:27,116 --> 05:35:28,866 他能坐我房间里听5个小时 4632 05:35:28,866 --> 05:35:29,749 你信不信 4633 05:35:30,033 --> 05:35:33,149 他直接躺我床上玩手机边玩边听 4634 05:35:33,350 --> 05:35:34,383 最苦的塞纳 4635 05:35:34,716 --> 05:35:36,316 一字马的路 4636 05:35:38,466 --> 05:35:38,666 啊 4637 05:35:38,666 --> 05:35:39,666 但是我不知道为什么 4638 05:35:39,666 --> 05:35:41,666 我的邻居他们就是不会说我 4639 05:35:41,750 --> 05:35:44,066 不知道是他们睡得很死还是什么 4640 05:35:44,350 --> 05:35:45,383 这种永远没有 4641 05:35:45,383 --> 05:35:46,983 从来没有邻居来说我 4642 05:35:47,116 --> 05:35:49,666 你们知道我以前在家里面唱什么吗 4643 05:35:50,583 --> 05:35:51,383 嗨 4644 05:35:54,633 --> 05:35:57,749 以前在家里面狂唱那个什么6楼的歌 4645 05:35:57,750 --> 05:35:59,950 你们知道6楼的歌有多大声吗 4646 05:36:09,433 --> 05:36:10,233 你们听啊 4647 05:36:13,716 --> 05:36:16,949 完全没人说我从来都没人说我 4648 05:36:17,233 --> 05:36:18,783 怎么可能好听啊 4649 05:36:18,950 --> 05:36:20,150 很折磨的 4650 05:36:22,516 --> 05:36:24,833 那你们听啊不是我跟你们说啊 4651 05:36:27,783 --> 05:36:28,433 AH 4652 05:36:28,433 --> 05:36:30,916 我以前在家唱这个歌都没人说我 4653 05:36:38,916 --> 05:36:40,233 啊甚至这个啊 4654 05:36:41,033 --> 05:36:41,866 这个啊 4655 05:36:41,866 --> 05:36:43,749 我都要唱出来你敢信啊 4656 05:36:44,066 --> 05:36:45,233 没有人说我 4657 05:36:50,233 --> 05:36:52,583 多么大吗西多吗萨瓦迪卡 4658 05:36:55,383 --> 05:36:56,833 这有多大事吗 4659 05:36:58,116 --> 05:36:59,033 啊啊 4660 05:37:00,183 --> 05:37:01,116 放你 4661 05:37:01,716 --> 05:37:02,783 我的摩托 4662 05:37:03,033 --> 05:37:04,266 我是高铁走走 4663 05:37:04,783 --> 05:37:05,316 一个字 4664 05:37:05,316 --> 05:37:07,066 你给我卡的哦 4665 05:37:07,783 --> 05:37:08,583 妈妈 4666 05:37:09,633 --> 05:37:11,116 6楼的歌超级吵啊 4667 05:37:11,116 --> 05:37:13,916 我都不知道他怎么唱完一整场life的 4668 05:37:15,433 --> 05:37:18,183 你去过6楼的现场我杀了你 4669 05:37:23,783 --> 05:37:24,833 偷塔上上 4670 05:37:36,466 --> 05:37:37,183 这是这 4671 05:37:37,183 --> 05:37:38,433 这种真音差 4672 05:37:40,666 --> 05:37:42,149 是用真音唱 4673 05:37:44,633 --> 05:37:45,433 这不 4674 05:37:59,266 --> 05:38:00,116 恐怖恐怖 4675 05:38:00,750 --> 05:38:01,550 给 4676 05:38:01,666 --> 05:38:02,466 我 4677 05:38:02,633 --> 05:38:03,433 点个 4678 05:38:04,066 --> 05:38:04,866 不会了 4679 05:38:07,033 --> 05:38:08,183 天呐 4680 05:38:09,350 --> 05:38:12,583 i come in lady on the night now exoside the cross my Daddy 4681 05:38:18,550 --> 05:38:20,633 哎我还有印象一首歌 4682 05:38:21,383 --> 05:38:22,833 我想想是啥来着 4683 05:38:26,266 --> 05:38:27,433 哦对对对对对 4684 05:38:29,150 --> 05:38:30,350 嗯嗯嗯 4685 05:38:31,550 --> 05:38:32,350 对 4686 05:38:33,866 --> 05:38:34,783 对对竖版的 4687 05:38:34,783 --> 05:38:35,583 没有这个的 4688 05:38:36,433 --> 05:38:37,549 哒哒哒 4689 05:38:42,516 --> 05:38:45,433 我还有一首歌很很很很很熟悉 4690 05:38:46,550 --> 05:38:47,350 多少 4691 05:38:47,950 --> 05:38:49,550 哎呀没有吗 4692 05:38:50,233 --> 05:38:51,583 哦这个这个这个 4693 05:38:54,066 --> 05:38:56,349 我其实家里面唱很多很大声的歌 4694 05:38:56,350 --> 05:38:57,350 从来没有人说我 4695 05:38:57,350 --> 05:38:58,383 不知道为啥 4696 05:38:58,550 --> 05:39:00,383 就我唱的跟狗屎一样的 4697 05:39:03,183 --> 05:39:05,516 还有这个如果这个富贵有多大声吗 4698 05:39:23,866 --> 05:39:26,783 哎我以前唱那个心理测量者的那首歌 4699 05:39:27,866 --> 05:39:28,866 知不知道 4700 05:39:29,833 --> 05:39:31,149 那首歌叫啥来着 4701 05:39:33,116 --> 05:39:33,349 哎 4702 05:39:33,350 --> 05:39:35,750 六路也翻唱过的那个abnormal nice 4703 05:39:39,116 --> 05:39:41,266 你知不知道有多大声啊 4704 05:39:44,116 --> 05:39:45,783 damn i feel so 4705 05:39:59,666 --> 05:40:10,633 classic magical 4706 05:40:18,116 --> 05:40:19,633 现在就大声这是用假音唱的 4707 05:40:19,633 --> 05:40:20,949 以前是用真音唱 4708 05:40:24,150 --> 05:40:25,066 就这么好唱 4709 05:40:25,916 --> 05:40:27,466 还有甚至他这副歌 4710 05:40:28,633 --> 05:40:31,916 me crazy for you 4711 05:40:54,983 --> 05:40:57,866 但是没有人说我好神奇 4712 05:40:58,516 --> 05:40:59,666 但是我也很自觉 4713 05:40:59,666 --> 05:41:02,116 唱到11点半以后我就不唱了 4714 05:41:04,550 --> 05:41:05,833 还是11点啊 4715 05:41:08,783 --> 05:41:11,033 反正只有几次我唱的很入迷 4716 05:41:11,033 --> 05:41:12,916 唱到了11点半来着 4717 05:41:12,916 --> 05:41:15,033 一般我11点我就不唱了 4718 05:41:15,116 --> 05:41:16,049 我不知道为什么他们 4719 05:41:16,050 --> 05:41:18,016 从来不说我好神奇啊 4720 05:41:20,900 --> 05:41:21,650 按照嗓子 4721 05:41:21,650 --> 05:41:22,900 我以前按照嗓子 4722 05:41:22,900 --> 05:41:26,133 我现在唱歌都是很悠着的了说实话 4723 05:41:26,766 --> 05:41:28,616 你看我以前唱这种歌 4724 05:41:28,616 --> 05:41:30,933 现在唱的什么歌你就能看出来了 4725 05:41:31,100 --> 05:41:33,566 我以前就就是就是 4726 05:41:34,566 --> 05:41:35,566 怎么说呢 4727 05:41:35,616 --> 05:41:37,366 就像是你每天都有 4728 05:41:37,500 --> 05:41:39,416 呃5块钱的零花钱一样的 4729 05:41:39,416 --> 05:41:40,933 那样造嗓子就是 4730 05:41:40,966 --> 05:41:42,966 早上起来拥有一副新嗓子 4731 05:41:42,966 --> 05:41:44,099 然后把它造 4732 05:41:44,100 --> 05:41:46,900 没造到不想说话了就就结束了 4733 05:41:48,333 --> 05:41:48,933 哼 4734 05:41:48,933 --> 05:41:50,649 啊第二天又有了额度 4735 05:41:50,700 --> 05:41:53,300 就像你有5块钱今天把它花完一样 4736 05:41:53,333 --> 05:41:54,216 一样的 4737 05:41:55,616 --> 05:41:56,299 那也挺摁造的 4738 05:41:56,300 --> 05:41:57,966 我现在真不算摁造嗓子了 4739 05:41:57,966 --> 05:41:59,816 我以前你看我以前唱这种歌 4740 05:41:59,816 --> 05:42:02,899 我现在直播很少唱特别高难度的歌 4741 05:42:02,900 --> 05:42:04,700 而且还用真音摁好 4742 05:42:04,816 --> 05:42:07,216 因为我的唱法不是特别科学来着 4743 05:42:11,216 --> 05:42:12,566 我以前唱这吗 4744 05:42:15,300 --> 05:42:16,616 我你前天坐着唱 4745 05:42:17,050 --> 05:42:18,766 可以挤可以不可以挤 4746 05:42:37,100 --> 05:42:38,500 it's a spider thing 4747 05:42:40,850 --> 05:42:41,816 亏一级 4748 05:42:43,216 --> 05:42:45,533 现在吗还好还好 4749 05:42:45,816 --> 05:42:48,133 现在主要是那个什么呃 4750 05:42:50,933 --> 05:42:53,299 现在嗓子哑主要是因为什么 4751 05:42:53,300 --> 05:42:56,300 呃吃了瓜子然后又睡了觉 4752 05:42:56,300 --> 05:42:58,850 然后呃刚才又一直咳嗽 4753 05:42:58,850 --> 05:43:00,900 一直一直咳嗽嗓子会哑 4754 05:43:00,933 --> 05:43:01,249 就是 4755 05:43:01,250 --> 05:43:04,366 一直咳嗽清嗓子对嗓子非常不好的 4756 05:43:09,850 --> 05:43:10,650 哎哎 4757 05:43:16,300 --> 05:43:18,566 我以前听6楼唱这个呃不动的那 4758 05:43:18,566 --> 05:43:20,099 但是听的我真的 4759 05:43:20,500 --> 05:43:21,500 热血沸腾 4760 05:43:22,300 --> 05:43:23,333 对梦想 4761 05:43:24,416 --> 05:43:25,216 那一幕幕 4762 05:43:25,766 --> 05:43:26,566 哎 4763 05:43:27,133 --> 05:43:27,933 我不知道 4764 05:43:27,933 --> 05:43:29,249 我不知道有没有咽喉炎 4765 05:43:29,700 --> 05:43:31,816 我感觉嗓子老是有有点痰 4766 05:43:31,816 --> 05:43:32,849 是怎么回事呢 4767 05:43:32,850 --> 05:43:34,766 说不定确实有我也不知道 4768 05:43:39,300 --> 05:43:40,333 棒棒棒棒 4769 05:43:40,500 --> 05:43:42,366 棒问题不大问题不大好吧 4770 05:43:45,133 --> 05:43:46,099 那就是吗 4771 05:43:46,850 --> 05:43:48,700 那我一直都觉得这样的呀 4772 05:43:58,216 --> 05:44:00,499 啊感觉有记忆以来 4773 05:44:00,900 --> 05:44:02,166 少喝奶茶 4774 05:44:03,250 --> 05:44:04,533 我那什么 4775 05:44:04,766 --> 05:44:06,616 嗯怎么说呢 4776 05:44:06,733 --> 05:44:08,699 我是上瘾了就会一直喝 4777 05:44:08,700 --> 05:44:11,533 我之前好几个月半年都不喝 4778 05:44:11,816 --> 05:44:12,416 我不喝 4779 05:44:12,416 --> 05:44:13,766 就是完全不喝 4780 05:44:13,900 --> 05:44:15,816 but that's about that song 4781 05:44:16,533 --> 05:44:17,933 i like it that's it okay 4782 05:44:21,816 --> 05:44:25,766 give me no diamonds and i'm done 4783 05:44:26,166 --> 05:44:29,816 she on myself to recipe 4784 05:44:30,300 --> 05:44:32,616 哎呀我我我我 4785 05:44:32,733 --> 05:44:34,249 饮料我也喜欢喝 4786 05:44:34,250 --> 05:44:36,333 就是不想喝白水没有味道 4787 05:44:38,533 --> 05:44:40,766 有的时候我吃了什么辣辣的东西 4788 05:44:40,766 --> 05:44:41,766 然后很想喝水 4789 05:44:41,766 --> 05:44:42,899 我就点个奶茶 4790 05:44:42,900 --> 05:44:45,366 然后等等辣二十二三十分钟 4791 05:44:45,366 --> 05:44:48,766 等奶茶到我都不愿意去接杯水喝 4792 05:44:50,016 --> 05:44:51,416 你们能做到吗 4793 05:44:52,050 --> 05:44:53,100 哈哈哈哈 4794 05:44:57,700 --> 05:44:58,816 因为什么呢 4795 05:45:00,100 --> 05:45:01,533 因为你喝了水之后 4796 05:45:01,533 --> 05:45:02,816 你你喝了水之后你 4797 05:45:02,816 --> 05:45:05,166 你对水就没有那么渴望 4798 05:45:05,166 --> 05:45:06,733 到时候奶茶到了之后 4799 05:45:06,733 --> 05:45:08,649 你就没有那么想喝奶茶了 4800 05:45:08,650 --> 05:45:09,450 你懂不懂 4801 05:45:12,100 --> 05:45:12,900 真的真的 4802 05:45:14,900 --> 05:45:15,616 你喝了水 4803 05:45:15,616 --> 05:45:18,166 然后再喝奶茶就没那么好喝了 4804 05:45:18,166 --> 05:45:21,016 因为你已经补充了一部分的水分了 4805 05:45:21,250 --> 05:45:22,733 你就是要渴的不行 4806 05:45:22,816 --> 05:45:26,249 呃然后喝喝喝奶茶爽洗 4807 05:45:27,700 --> 05:45:29,700 你看你看我我不想搬 4808 05:45:29,700 --> 05:45:30,900 搬家还有一个原因就是 4809 05:45:30,900 --> 05:45:32,300 我真的好害怕搬到一个地方 4810 05:45:32,300 --> 05:45:35,450 然后呃唱歌会被说那就完蛋了 4811 05:45:36,650 --> 05:45:38,416 我我每次我和我妈 4812 05:45:38,533 --> 05:45:39,966 我们每次住的地方 4813 05:45:39,966 --> 05:45:41,899 从来没有邻居说我吵 4814 05:45:42,700 --> 05:45:43,850 太爽了 4815 05:45:44,216 --> 05:45:48,449 she walks in the recipe then 4816 05:45:56,166 --> 05:45:57,166 消音棉他 4817 05:45:57,616 --> 05:46:00,333 的作用是有限的说实话我觉得 4818 05:46:00,533 --> 05:46:02,333 最重要的就是什么呢 4819 05:46:02,333 --> 05:46:05,099 因为有的房子他是那种粗制乱造 4820 05:46:05,100 --> 05:46:06,250 你懂吗他的 4821 05:46:06,450 --> 05:46:09,616 墙体没有很厚的话你怎么铺都没用的 4822 05:46:09,616 --> 05:46:13,616 决定性的因因素就是墙体就是 4823 05:46:13,900 --> 05:46:16,216 这些是没有办法改变的东西啦 4824 05:46:16,333 --> 05:46:19,533 对啊你墙薄的话你怎么补救都没用的 4825 05:46:24,966 --> 05:46:28,166 主播今年呃马上1岁了 4826 05:46:28,900 --> 05:46:29,850 哈哈哈 4827 05:46:30,966 --> 05:46:32,249 还有一个 4828 05:46:32,333 --> 05:46:34,766 月零几天就一岁了 4829 05:46:49,733 --> 05:46:52,166 住酒店总能听到隔隔壁的动静吗 4830 05:46:52,333 --> 05:46:54,366 说实话我没有住过酒店 4831 05:46:55,333 --> 05:46:57,166 因为我没出去玩过吗 4832 05:46:59,616 --> 05:47:02,299 我不知道啊酒店真的能听到吗 4833 05:47:02,700 --> 05:47:04,700 我没住过那种很正经的酒店 4834 05:47:07,533 --> 05:47:08,333 哈哈哈 4835 05:47:10,250 --> 05:47:11,766 真的吗那尴不尴尬 4836 05:47:11,766 --> 05:47:15,166 是尴尬还是那个什么呃手机全静音呃 4837 05:47:15,616 --> 05:47:17,499 人也不动然后认真听 4838 05:47:19,300 --> 05:47:20,216 呜呜呜 4839 05:47:20,216 --> 05:47:21,616 嗯进行到这步了 4840 05:47:21,616 --> 05:47:25,649 呜呜呜啊呜呜呜啊 4841 05:47:25,850 --> 05:47:26,650 呜 4842 05:47:26,966 --> 05:47:28,416 呜这边呢 4843 05:47:28,450 --> 05:47:29,416 这这一间呢 4844 05:47:29,416 --> 05:47:31,616 哦哦这边呢哦 4845 05:47:32,300 --> 05:47:33,100 哈 4846 05:47:33,250 --> 05:47:34,050 哈 4847 05:47:37,533 --> 05:47:40,816 我去九寨沟九寨沟你知道住的地方都 4848 05:47:41,166 --> 05:47:43,449 我觉得不能算是酒店啊 4849 05:47:47,900 --> 05:47:49,450 不能算是那种 4850 05:47:50,333 --> 05:47:51,933 小情侣会去的酒店吧 4851 05:47:51,933 --> 05:47:53,649 不是你们有没有去过那种有的 4852 05:47:53,650 --> 05:47:55,850 景点他的那种真的不是很 4853 05:47:55,850 --> 05:47:57,450 他不是楼层很高的那种 4854 05:47:57,450 --> 05:47:58,933 酒店啊他就是有点 4855 05:47:59,250 --> 05:48:00,900 小木屋的那种 4856 05:48:01,566 --> 05:48:03,616 不是很好的住的地方 4857 05:48:08,016 --> 05:48:09,533 小情侣会开电视的吗 4858 05:48:09,533 --> 05:48:11,649 那他开的万一也是那种电视呢 4859 05:48:16,300 --> 05:48:18,216 这呢类似于民宿啊 4860 05:48:20,333 --> 05:48:21,699 那边都是这样 4861 05:48:21,816 --> 05:48:23,649 啊我也不知道反正我们当时 4862 05:48:23,816 --> 05:48:25,133 我我们是跟团 4863 05:48:25,133 --> 05:48:26,966 去的住的基本上都是那样 4864 05:48:28,333 --> 05:48:29,933 而且你们住酒店 4865 05:48:30,166 --> 05:48:32,649 不害怕被拍吗不是有很多 4866 05:48:32,733 --> 05:48:34,966 那什么针孔摄像头吗 4867 05:48:35,366 --> 05:48:39,649 i'm lucky i got a dollar i got answers 4868 05:48:39,650 --> 05:48:46,533 she called me cutty but i got a monster with a sober need type 4869 05:48:47,966 --> 05:48:52,133 遥望高云雾以为可就在误来 4870 05:48:57,250 --> 05:48:58,050 以外 4871 05:48:59,766 --> 05:49:02,849 就不住了所以说我觉得很很很困扰啊 4872 05:49:02,933 --> 05:49:05,249 就像在哪在哪啊 4873 05:49:05,250 --> 05:49:08,300 去哪个城市都有朋友在就好了 4874 05:49:08,300 --> 05:49:10,450 真不想这么敢住酒店 4875 05:49:10,700 --> 05:49:12,133 感觉好恐怖啊 4876 05:49:20,216 --> 05:49:21,899 你去靠谱的酒店住 4877 05:49:21,900 --> 05:49:23,100 他酒店是靠谱 4878 05:49:23,100 --> 05:49:26,766 但是问题是他可能是租客放 4879 05:49:26,816 --> 05:49:30,049 就是上一个住在呃在这租过的人 4880 05:49:30,050 --> 05:49:32,416 他放摄像头你懂吗 4881 05:49:33,133 --> 05:49:35,616 不是酒店的问题而且这种很难很难 4882 05:49:36,100 --> 05:49:37,216 检查出来 4883 05:49:37,816 --> 05:49:41,049 你检查不出来的我以前专门看过这个 4884 05:49:41,333 --> 05:49:42,816 呃怎么能检查出来 4885 05:49:42,816 --> 05:49:45,166 得出来的结论就是检查不出来 4886 05:49:47,416 --> 05:49:49,366 他甚至可以放在那种就是 4887 05:49:49,416 --> 05:49:50,216 呃 4888 05:49:50,250 --> 05:49:53,100 手机遥控器啊不是手机遥控器 4889 05:49:53,100 --> 05:49:54,766 电视遥控器的那个 4890 05:49:55,133 --> 05:49:55,933 呃 4891 05:49:56,050 --> 05:49:57,616 就是电视遥控器里面 4892 05:49:57,616 --> 05:49:59,216 然后还有那种插孔 4893 05:49:59,216 --> 05:49:59,616 你知道吗 4894 05:49:59,616 --> 05:50:02,016 它可以放在插孔里非常非常的小 4895 05:50:02,100 --> 05:50:06,100 而且以前说可以用那个什么呃手机 4896 05:50:06,166 --> 05:50:07,816 呃开闪光灯 4897 05:50:07,966 --> 05:50:08,766 然后 4898 05:50:09,416 --> 05:50:11,533 不去酒店那啥但是你要洗澡啊 4899 05:50:11,533 --> 05:50:12,366 你想想这种事 4900 05:50:12,366 --> 05:50:14,533 而且你如果你睡觉的时候别人那种 4901 05:50:14,616 --> 05:50:17,049 有的他我跟你说有的他是实况 4902 05:50:17,050 --> 05:50:19,500 you know有的他甚至是实况啊 4903 05:50:19,500 --> 05:50:21,366 很恐怖你想想你睡觉的时候 4904 05:50:21,616 --> 05:50:23,533 有人在看你睡觉直播 4905 05:50:23,533 --> 05:50:24,966 那不想死吗 4906 05:50:27,366 --> 05:50:28,566 这种是很懂了 4907 05:50:28,566 --> 05:50:29,766 那你不懂这些的话 4908 05:50:29,766 --> 05:50:30,649 我觉得你 4909 05:50:30,733 --> 05:50:33,616 你对自己的这种这方面也不是很负责 4910 05:50:33,616 --> 05:50:34,416 啊 4911 05:50:35,850 --> 05:50:36,300 对啊 4912 05:50:36,300 --> 05:50:38,766 让你想想你洗澡的时候在那洗刷刷 4913 05:50:39,966 --> 05:50:41,616 别人也在看你洗刷刷 4914 05:50:50,250 --> 05:50:51,050 啊 4915 05:50:54,650 --> 05:50:54,700 是 4916 05:50:54,700 --> 05:50:56,933 问题是你想想你睡觉的时候被看到 4917 05:50:56,933 --> 05:50:57,849 好毛骨悚然 4918 05:50:57,850 --> 05:50:59,416 你想想你躺着睡觉的时候 4919 05:50:59,416 --> 05:51:02,099 然后有个摄像头在那个对着你拍呢 4920 05:51:07,533 --> 05:51:09,966 要两网看看有没有奇怪的热点吗 4921 05:51:10,733 --> 05:51:11,533 哎 4922 05:51:11,900 --> 05:51:13,650 看不太出来的说实话 4923 05:51:13,900 --> 05:51:14,616 然后他有的 4924 05:51:14,616 --> 05:51:17,099 他是那种定期去去取的那种 4925 05:51:17,100 --> 05:51:17,933 你知道吗 4926 05:51:18,016 --> 05:51:20,249 是呃录像 4927 05:51:20,366 --> 05:51:21,499 他不是实况 4928 05:51:24,416 --> 05:51:26,333 那只能说你们确实没有这个困扰呢 4929 05:51:26,333 --> 05:51:27,133 羡慕 4930 05:51:27,933 --> 05:51:29,699 我也想当男人了 4931 05:51:33,166 --> 05:51:35,366 你们知道那种以前说可以用手机闪 4932 05:51:35,366 --> 05:51:36,966 光灯灯然后你把 4933 05:51:37,100 --> 05:51:39,533 屋子全部都关掉然后闪光灯 4934 05:51:39,650 --> 05:51:40,850 呃拍 4935 05:51:41,250 --> 05:51:45,566 看看有没有小红点但是这个也只是嗯 4936 05:51:47,533 --> 05:51:48,533 这个也不全面 4937 05:51:48,533 --> 05:51:50,566 然后甚至我还看了一些那种什么仪 4938 05:51:50,566 --> 05:51:52,366 器也检查不出来的 4939 05:51:52,450 --> 05:51:54,700 不要一个非常非常大的然后 4940 05:51:54,766 --> 05:51:55,899 呃非常贵的 4941 05:51:55,900 --> 05:51:57,966 然后而且还要你还要测的非 4942 05:51:57,966 --> 05:51:59,449 常认真才有可能 4943 05:51:59,650 --> 05:51:59,933 你知道 4944 05:51:59,933 --> 05:52:02,249 他甚至可以放在那个什么你的那种 4945 05:52:02,250 --> 05:52:04,166 风扇里面你知道吗 4946 05:52:05,100 --> 05:52:06,766 我的风扇是那个什么 4947 05:52:07,500 --> 05:52:08,500 那种叫什么 4948 05:52:09,016 --> 05:52:12,166 顶上的那种中央空调中央空调 4949 05:52:13,333 --> 05:52:14,133 嗯 4950 05:52:14,500 --> 05:52:15,216 是是 4951 05:52:15,216 --> 05:52:17,849 最好的办法就是你买一点那种便利贴 4952 05:52:17,850 --> 05:52:18,850 到处贴着 4953 05:52:19,050 --> 05:52:20,900 呃所有你觉得有奇怪的 4954 05:52:21,100 --> 05:52:22,700 有点奇怪的地方都贴贴 4955 05:52:26,700 --> 05:52:28,300 很难很难很难 4956 05:52:28,616 --> 05:52:29,499 嗯 4957 05:52:30,533 --> 05:52:31,966 太恐怖了 4958 05:52:33,016 --> 05:52:33,816 哎 4959 05:52:33,900 --> 05:52:36,933 对现在我还不用出门就没有这方面的 4960 05:52:37,250 --> 05:52:39,366 很很具体的困扰但是 4961 05:52:40,166 --> 05:52:42,333 上好酒店哎呀 4962 05:52:44,050 --> 05:52:45,216 不是酒店的问题酒店 4963 05:52:45,216 --> 05:52:46,533 酒店也检查不出来的 4964 05:52:46,533 --> 05:52:48,816 那你想想可能有租客那个什么 4965 05:52:48,850 --> 05:52:50,816 但是确实好点的酒店可能 4966 05:52:51,050 --> 05:52:53,416 但是万一他觉得好点的酒店那个什么 4967 05:52:53,416 --> 05:52:55,166 呃去的人质量比较高 4968 05:52:55,166 --> 05:52:56,933 你们的身材比较好呢 4969 05:52:56,966 --> 05:52:57,766 就 4970 05:52:58,500 --> 05:53:00,366 专门拍你们 4971 05:53:07,100 --> 05:53:07,900 哼 4972 05:53:13,416 --> 05:53:15,299 放一个狗啊给我 4973 05:53:16,533 --> 05:53:17,566 滚滚滚 4974 05:53:18,450 --> 05:53:21,900 我直播间多的是愿意把主播分给我的 4975 05:53:29,533 --> 05:53:31,816 让他拍好看一点谁知道呢 4976 05:53:32,616 --> 05:53:34,366 万一是死亡角度呢 4977 05:53:43,100 --> 05:53:46,700 我身材好更想必看到这里还有电视啊 4978 05:53:59,133 --> 05:54:03,133 一叶诺几个可能陷入你 4979 05:54:03,216 --> 05:54:04,649 摄像头的主播只有穿 4980 05:54:04,650 --> 05:54:07,416 防护服从头包装到脚去睡了 4981 05:54:07,650 --> 05:54:10,050 好吧随便你拍哪个角度都OK 4982 05:54:26,016 --> 05:54:26,566 啊 4983 05:54:26,566 --> 05:54:28,333 太好听了这首歌 4984 05:54:30,566 --> 05:54:32,766 看主播身材你求我啊 4985 05:54:37,616 --> 05:54:38,449 你的 4986 05:54:40,216 --> 05:54:41,499 打开你 4987 05:54:59,300 --> 05:55:00,100 好吧 4988 05:55:04,816 --> 05:55:06,933 穿防护服怎么能镇不住啊 4989 05:55:08,250 --> 05:55:10,966 roll could i walk easy come to 4990 05:55:24,250 --> 05:55:26,816 我这呃小细腰 4991 05:55:29,450 --> 05:55:31,166 呃翘屁股 4992 05:55:31,650 --> 05:55:33,333 哈哈 4993 05:55:33,333 --> 05:55:37,366 最先丰润的大腿啊其实我觉得大腿 4994 05:55:38,016 --> 05:55:38,849 丰不丰润 4995 05:55:38,850 --> 05:55:40,533 我我自己是不太好这口 4996 05:55:40,533 --> 05:55:42,049 你们是不是好这口啊 4997 05:55:42,700 --> 05:55:44,166 纤细的小腿 4998 05:55:45,250 --> 05:55:47,016 你才吃胖了呢 4999 05:55:54,850 --> 05:55:55,016 这 5000 05:55:55,016 --> 05:55:57,733 好像很多人喜欢大腿比较粗壮一点的 5001 05:55:57,733 --> 05:55:58,766 肉一点的 5002 05:55:59,216 --> 05:56:01,216 屁股也得有点肉肉的 5003 05:56:02,100 --> 05:56:04,533 然后小腿却要细细的腰也要细细的 5004 05:56:07,900 --> 05:56:11,500 啊怎么办我的我的审美就是竹嘎 5005 05:56:13,050 --> 05:56:14,533 就不给你看袖子 5006 05:56:17,166 --> 05:56:19,733 背面吗很难我试试啊 5007 05:56:22,533 --> 05:56:23,249 啊不行啊 5008 05:56:23,250 --> 05:56:25,500 转不过去我转我转我转我转不过去 5009 05:56:25,500 --> 05:56:26,300 我转我转 5010 05:56:26,300 --> 05:56:27,650 不行啊转不过去啊 5011 05:56:28,050 --> 05:56:29,100 西斯给予 5012 05:56:29,533 --> 05:56:31,849 我哭到我口外那里 5013 05:56:32,533 --> 05:56:36,249 红豆罗皮毛漆就无足你 5014 05:56:36,700 --> 05:56:39,500 隐艳的高袋里我早头无题 5015 05:56:39,500 --> 05:56:42,616 那口多我一点米袋粒 5016 05:56:42,850 --> 05:56:43,616 看着不健康 5017 05:56:43,616 --> 05:56:46,366 我不知道你们怎么怎么觉得不健康 5018 05:56:46,900 --> 05:56:49,216 哎下次真想给你们看点照片 5019 05:56:49,216 --> 05:56:50,849 然后问一下你们觉得怎么样 5020 05:56:50,900 --> 05:56:52,816 哎我现在看看有没有啊 5021 05:56:58,216 --> 05:57:00,699 不相信你们绝对是在嘴硬 5022 05:57:01,333 --> 05:57:03,166 你们只骗人看多了 5023 05:57:03,850 --> 05:57:04,650 等等啊 5024 05:57:04,816 --> 05:57:06,166 我看我能不能找着 5025 05:57:11,966 --> 05:57:13,816 但是说不定你们可以说竹竿腿 5026 05:57:13,850 --> 05:57:15,733 但是我觉得你们怎么说呢 5027 05:57:15,733 --> 05:57:17,449 你们有时候说别人竹竿腿 5028 05:57:17,450 --> 05:57:19,900 然后你们如果在路上看到别人的话 5029 05:57:19,900 --> 05:57:22,500 你觉得是那个哈喇子你都快流出来了 5030 05:57:23,566 --> 05:57:26,366 别人都会悄悄悄说那个呃 5031 05:57:26,500 --> 05:57:29,366 给给给朋友发消息说哈 5032 05:57:29,566 --> 05:57:30,699 下头下头 5033 05:57:30,766 --> 05:57:33,016 走路上一个男的一直盯着我看 5034 05:57:34,050 --> 05:57:35,533 下下下下头 5035 05:57:48,900 --> 05:57:50,133 真的我看看 5036 05:57:51,050 --> 05:57:52,700 我什么时候那个过呀 5037 05:57:58,450 --> 05:57:59,733 哈哈哈 5038 05:58:07,733 --> 05:58:08,299 真的吗 5039 05:58:08,300 --> 05:58:10,133 我走在路上看到腿很好看的女生 5040 05:58:10,133 --> 05:58:12,133 说实话我都会悄悄看一下 5041 05:58:13,933 --> 05:58:15,566 不只是腿瘦吧还有别的地方 5042 05:58:15,566 --> 05:58:17,649 就是身材很好的那种的话 5043 05:58:19,650 --> 05:58:21,566 好会好好欣赏一下 5044 05:58:21,650 --> 05:58:23,133 然后那种穿的很好看的话 5045 05:58:23,133 --> 05:58:25,766 路过之后我会转过身看一下那种 5046 05:58:28,650 --> 05:58:32,766 巴黎大大阿罗达达给我so no l o 5047 05:58:32,966 --> 05:58:34,649 卡拉也故意窝 5048 05:58:37,133 --> 05:58:40,449 麻木里答应孤独不停 5049 05:58:40,450 --> 05:58:44,133 赶过马乐看那细雨里有 5050 05:58:49,416 --> 05:58:51,299 哎找不着了有点久了 5051 05:58:52,166 --> 05:58:52,966 我再看看 5052 05:58:54,700 --> 05:58:56,166 那只罗西在 5053 05:59:02,766 --> 05:59:03,566 西 5054 05:59:09,733 --> 05:59:10,533 我没下头啊 5055 05:59:10,533 --> 05:59:12,333 我又不是一直盯着别人不放 5056 05:59:12,333 --> 05:59:13,333 我是那个啥 5057 05:59:13,533 --> 05:59:14,333 呃 5058 05:59:15,133 --> 05:59:16,299 纯纯的欣赏 5059 05:59:27,300 --> 05:59:29,733 你们真的会被搭你们真的会去搭讪吗 5060 05:59:29,733 --> 05:59:32,649 但是如果被拒绝的话岂不是很想自杀 5061 05:59:32,733 --> 05:59:34,699 我从来没去搭讪过别人 5062 05:59:43,900 --> 05:59:45,016 别找不到 5063 05:59:45,700 --> 05:59:46,850 哎我点怎么会 5064 05:59:46,850 --> 05:59:47,700 我站上来 5065 05:59:49,100 --> 05:59:50,533 知道哪去了 5066 05:59:54,133 --> 05:59:56,849 我要再听一遍这首歌啊太好听了 5067 05:59:58,733 --> 06:00:00,333 那也太自杀了吧 5068 06:00:00,850 --> 06:00:02,733 如果我要是去搭讪别人被拒绝 5069 06:00:02,733 --> 06:00:04,649 我真的立马跳河自杀 5070 06:00:04,650 --> 06:00:06,333 卧轨自杀了再见 5071 06:00:10,850 --> 06:00:12,366 那是真有用吗我觉得 5072 06:00:12,900 --> 06:00:15,650 如果你长得还OK的话是很有用的吧 5073 06:00:35,216 --> 06:00:36,649 找不着了哎呀 5074 06:00:36,933 --> 06:00:38,133 问下我朋友呢 5075 06:00:38,500 --> 06:00:39,650 睡了吗宝 5076 06:00:46,933 --> 06:00:48,849 大马路上不搭讪吗 5077 06:00:48,850 --> 06:00:50,533 那你们去哪搭讪呢 5078 06:00:51,966 --> 06:00:52,766 问一下 5079 06:00:54,616 --> 06:00:57,016 哎但我觉得他应该记不住了 5080 06:01:03,166 --> 06:01:04,099 哈哈哈 5081 06:01:04,100 --> 06:01:05,216 不是问你呀 5082 06:01:05,500 --> 06:01:06,300 你我 5083 06:01:08,450 --> 06:01:11,416 麻木你答应过的苦 5084 06:01:11,533 --> 06:01:17,016 你赶快过来看那寻觅优美的狗狗的我 5085 06:01:17,850 --> 06:01:19,416 一直都以为 5086 06:01:21,616 --> 06:01:23,616 澳门我觉得我应该找找他们 5087 06:01:23,616 --> 06:01:25,099 等会让我朋友发给我 5088 06:01:25,300 --> 06:01:27,216 啊他睡了吗没有吧 5089 06:01:28,216 --> 06:01:30,733 你能看一下这个 5090 06:01:43,100 --> 06:01:45,016 一个语音电话给他打过去 5091 06:01:45,500 --> 06:01:50,166 死别的哦改变的我古往呼吸 5092 06:01:50,166 --> 06:01:53,766 男儿的有毒已都吸引 5093 06:01:53,816 --> 06:01:57,166 酒吧去酒吧是吧坏男孩 5094 06:01:57,166 --> 06:01:58,016 哈哈哈 5095 06:01:59,500 --> 06:02:00,733 不是如果他睡了的话 5096 06:02:00,733 --> 06:02:02,299 他是手机是直接静音的 5097 06:02:02,300 --> 06:02:03,766 所以我也打扰不了他 5098 06:02:08,300 --> 06:02:09,850 不行啊他可能睡了 5099 06:02:11,333 --> 06:02:12,566 啊好想找着啊 5100 06:02:19,566 --> 06:02:22,616 我昨天明明看到一个腿来着哎但是 5101 06:02:25,933 --> 06:02:27,049 但是什么呢 5102 06:02:27,050 --> 06:02:30,500 但是咱们就是说啊但是忘记截图了 5103 06:02:30,500 --> 06:02:31,416 就是说 5104 06:02:33,900 --> 06:02:34,766 哦哦 5105 06:02:35,250 --> 06:02:36,100 我看看呢 5106 06:02:38,900 --> 06:02:40,650 这个不是很全啊 5107 06:02:43,533 --> 06:02:45,499 哈哈哈哈 5108 06:02:48,733 --> 06:02:49,566 等我一下哈 5109 06:02:58,100 --> 06:02:59,250 叫啥名字来着 5110 06:03:00,650 --> 06:03:01,533 急吗 5111 06:03:11,700 --> 06:03:14,166 哎你们这样都真是不行了 5112 06:03:22,250 --> 06:03:22,933 哇 5113 06:03:22,933 --> 06:03:25,299 国男你们一直催我要 5114 06:03:31,366 --> 06:03:33,166 哎我昨天明明翻到一个 5115 06:03:33,166 --> 06:03:36,016 我当时看完我真的心都在流血 5116 06:03:38,616 --> 06:03:39,733 好羡慕 5117 06:03:46,333 --> 06:03:48,649 哎我朋友来了啊但是我已经找着了 5118 06:03:49,616 --> 06:03:50,733 没事了 5119 06:03:55,650 --> 06:03:56,616 别急别急 5120 06:03:57,616 --> 06:03:59,249 不是我想找一个我昨天看到的 5121 06:03:59,250 --> 06:04:01,650 我昨天看到一个非常非常好看的 5122 06:04:02,050 --> 06:04:02,850 哎 5123 06:04:04,333 --> 06:04:05,649 可惜咬了 5124 06:04:16,733 --> 06:04:18,566 没有啊他本来就没睡啊 5125 06:04:23,216 --> 06:04:25,099 你一直催我给我热够呛 5126 06:04:25,416 --> 06:04:29,049 空多的格力索然奥伊利 5127 06:04:29,533 --> 06:04:31,566 那只得一颗心 5128 06:04:32,450 --> 06:04:34,366 昨天我应该保存一下的 5129 06:04:34,366 --> 06:04:35,166 哎 5130 06:04:36,766 --> 06:04:37,616 佩奇佩奇 5131 06:04:38,766 --> 06:04:41,166 舞蹈区说实话我很挑的 5132 06:04:47,966 --> 06:04:50,166 而且我比较喜欢真实感比较强的 5133 06:04:50,166 --> 06:04:52,016 你懂吗我不喜欢 5134 06:04:53,650 --> 06:04:54,733 我不知道怎么跟你们说 5135 06:04:54,733 --> 06:04:56,299 你们男生是不会懂的 5136 06:05:01,933 --> 06:05:02,816 你们懂个屁 5137 06:05:04,216 --> 06:05:06,299 好好好马上1分钟以内 5138 06:05:09,166 --> 06:05:09,966 OK 5139 06:05:11,500 --> 06:05:12,500 不是不是 5140 06:05:12,966 --> 06:05:14,216 怎么说呢 5141 06:05:16,250 --> 06:05:17,533 我是不喜欢他的形式 5142 06:05:17,533 --> 06:05:21,133 而不是说他们呃的那个什么人工 5143 06:05:21,300 --> 06:05:24,616 但很多人现在都拉腿啊我是不喜欢呃 5144 06:05:24,733 --> 06:05:26,449 拍摄的形式你懂吗 5145 06:05:26,450 --> 06:05:29,533 要是那种手机拍摄比较自然的情况下 5146 06:05:29,533 --> 06:05:31,899 然后一个美腿然后你会觉得哇哦 5147 06:05:31,900 --> 06:05:33,100 很不nice nice 5148 06:05:33,166 --> 06:05:34,766 那这种他就是呃 5149 06:05:36,250 --> 06:05:37,050 很 5150 06:05:37,500 --> 06:05:39,016 这有点像什么呢 5151 06:05:39,333 --> 06:05:42,216 你去看那种模特的美图你也会觉得哦 5152 06:05:42,216 --> 06:05:43,249 也还好但是你 5153 06:05:43,650 --> 06:05:45,016 看别人一个随便一个生活 5154 06:05:45,016 --> 06:05:47,449 照然后啊他他他在自拍 5155 06:05:47,450 --> 06:05:49,450 然后发现他的腿特别好看的话 5156 06:05:50,100 --> 06:05:50,900 就哎呀 5157 06:05:50,900 --> 06:05:52,016 手机快没电了 5158 06:06:11,450 --> 06:06:14,250 because of your mother 5159 06:06:16,016 --> 06:06:17,733 啊1%续上来 5160 06:06:21,250 --> 06:06:25,133 that our love is trembling one 5161 06:06:26,850 --> 06:06:29,816 and healthy to my soul 5162 06:06:32,366 --> 06:06:34,933 because of your father 5163 06:06:35,533 --> 06:06:36,849 我跟你们男生喜欢真不一样 5164 06:06:36,850 --> 06:06:39,016 而且我看抖音上有的那种什么 5165 06:06:39,533 --> 06:06:42,616 他们觉得特别好看的腿啊我觉得就 5166 06:06:43,216 --> 06:06:44,566 跟我喜欢的不太一样 5167 06:06:52,216 --> 06:06:54,133 你们都喜欢太好那个啥了 5168 06:06:54,133 --> 06:06:56,049 就是说多一下吧 5169 06:06:57,533 --> 06:07:00,849 i'm lying still in the dark 5170 06:07:02,966 --> 06:07:06,966 and because of your peaceful soul 5171 06:07:07,900 --> 06:07:11,966 i keep thinking to myself 5172 06:07:12,766 --> 06:07:17,049 don't don't don't 5173 06:07:17,333 --> 06:07:19,016 我倒是觉得特别好看 5174 06:07:20,766 --> 06:07:22,733 你们觉得这像是竹竿吗 5175 06:07:34,733 --> 06:07:36,616 太瘦了真的假的 5176 06:07:37,450 --> 06:07:39,100 啊那我喜欢的就是这种 5177 06:07:39,533 --> 06:07:42,216 没p没p他就是很瘦很瘦的 5178 06:07:42,566 --> 06:07:44,449 这还看不出啊 5179 06:07:44,650 --> 06:07:45,566 猪吧你 5180 06:07:57,216 --> 06:07:58,933 真的吗你们会觉得这种太瘦了 5181 06:07:58,933 --> 06:08:01,216 我喜欢就是这种但是我没有这么瘦 5182 06:08:05,966 --> 06:08:08,216 没有小腿比大腿粗啊 5183 06:08:11,050 --> 06:08:13,416 be weird to see 5184 06:08:13,850 --> 06:08:15,766 it's just a matter of 5185 06:08:15,850 --> 06:08:16,650 time 5186 06:08:22,016 --> 06:08:24,016 不是你们是说这么说说实话 5187 06:08:24,016 --> 06:08:26,049 你们要是路上遇到这种腿的女生 5188 06:08:26,050 --> 06:08:28,133 这口水我只能说 5189 06:08:29,933 --> 06:08:31,699 哪里肉松了 5190 06:08:35,300 --> 06:08:36,733 这怎么能看出来肉松 5191 06:08:36,733 --> 06:08:38,216 没松啊再看看 5192 06:08:41,500 --> 06:08:44,300 怎么看也不松吧只是比较软的肉 5193 06:08:44,416 --> 06:08:46,616 路上看到肯定看无数眼 5194 06:08:46,616 --> 06:08:47,416 好吧 5195 06:08:48,216 --> 06:08:49,016 别装 5196 06:08:55,533 --> 06:08:56,333 啊 5197 06:09:06,900 --> 06:09:08,050 真的吗 5198 06:09:11,766 --> 06:09:12,499 你要什么啊 5199 06:09:12,500 --> 06:09:14,416 那你要嘴上有肌肉的 5200 06:09:14,416 --> 06:09:16,016 一大块一大块肌肉 5201 06:09:19,933 --> 06:09:20,533 哎 5202 06:09:20,533 --> 06:09:22,166 真是你们纯放屁 5203 06:09:22,166 --> 06:09:23,733 你给我等着我现在马上 5204 06:09:23,966 --> 06:09:24,933 你们早点 5205 06:09:25,616 --> 06:09:27,733 不觉得待会口水都流出来了 5206 06:09:27,733 --> 06:09:28,933 我因为我今天 5207 06:09:29,016 --> 06:09:31,733 呃正好刷到一个什么哎不行 5208 06:09:31,733 --> 06:09:32,966 我说话不能这么大声 5209 06:09:33,533 --> 06:09:35,299 我今天正好刷了一个视频 5210 06:09:35,300 --> 06:09:37,650 然后大家然后下面评论就很多 5211 06:09:37,733 --> 06:09:39,649 呃男生说呃 5212 06:09:40,133 --> 06:09:42,566 特别嗯那什么什么什么 5213 06:09:44,133 --> 06:09:44,933 什么什么 5214 06:09:45,166 --> 06:09:47,133 那完了他这种叫没有痕迹吗 5215 06:09:47,133 --> 06:09:48,566 那我也是没痕迹 5216 06:09:50,100 --> 06:09:52,216 他叫我的腿超级不是腿吧 5217 06:09:52,216 --> 06:09:54,016 我对哪里的肉都很软 5218 06:09:56,333 --> 06:09:59,099 完全没有一丝一毫的训练痕迹 5219 06:09:59,100 --> 06:10:01,333 但是我朋友也没有训练痕迹 5220 06:10:01,333 --> 06:10:03,566 但是他们的肉没有我这么 5221 06:10:04,133 --> 06:10:07,733 这是也不是松弛就是捏起来很软懂吗 5222 06:10:08,733 --> 06:10:11,133 就是比如说大腿小腿捏起来很软 5223 06:10:11,133 --> 06:10:12,366 我也不知道为啥 5224 06:10:17,333 --> 06:10:19,216 我朋友也没没有没有去 5225 06:10:19,216 --> 06:10:21,566 我的朋友们都都都不健身的 5226 06:10:21,616 --> 06:10:23,616 那他们的肉没有我这么那个 5227 06:10:24,016 --> 06:10:25,899 捏起来我妈就老说 5228 06:10:25,900 --> 06:10:28,533 我的肉捏起来就是那种啪啪肉 5229 06:10:31,333 --> 06:10:31,566 啊 5230 06:10:31,566 --> 06:10:32,249 我还没说完 5231 06:10:32,250 --> 06:10:33,816 我今天刷到一个视频 5232 06:10:33,816 --> 06:10:35,816 然后下面很多男生就说嗯 5233 06:10:35,900 --> 06:10:38,650 能跟叉叉叉和叉叉叉比了你懂吗 5234 06:10:38,650 --> 06:10:41,133 然后我就意思就说啊这两个人 5235 06:10:41,250 --> 06:10:42,966 就是他们非常喜欢的是吧 5236 06:10:43,050 --> 06:10:45,016 然后我当时一看我说啊我 5237 06:10:45,766 --> 06:10:46,566 嘿 5238 06:10:46,733 --> 06:10:47,733 我的哎 5239 06:10:48,166 --> 06:10:48,966 我就 5240 06:10:49,733 --> 06:10:50,533 这么 5241 06:10:52,133 --> 06:10:54,133 他们粉丝都很多来着 5242 06:10:55,100 --> 06:10:57,016 感觉是你们会喜欢的 5243 06:10:59,250 --> 06:11:00,366 我看还有个谁 5244 06:11:03,850 --> 06:11:04,900 i think一天的 5245 06:11:04,900 --> 06:11:06,333 你的腿呢 5246 06:11:06,700 --> 06:11:08,016 还有筋的你挑 5247 06:11:08,016 --> 06:11:10,933 牛肉呢你的呢 5248 06:11:17,966 --> 06:11:18,766 妈妈 5249 06:11:19,816 --> 06:11:20,899 啊谁来着 5250 06:11:26,733 --> 06:11:26,766 啊 5251 06:11:26,766 --> 06:11:27,566 哈哈 5252 06:11:29,650 --> 06:11:30,500 wait wait 5253 06:11:42,250 --> 06:11:43,050 殿下 5254 06:11:49,250 --> 06:11:51,566 抖友不能出哎你别放平 5255 06:11:51,566 --> 06:11:52,933 等我再再那个啥 5256 06:11:53,566 --> 06:11:56,499 膝盖肿个疙瘩膝盖为什么会肿疙瘩 5257 06:12:01,900 --> 06:12:05,133 你们别急你们真别急你们到时候待会 5258 06:12:05,766 --> 06:12:06,566 嗯 5259 06:12:07,700 --> 06:12:09,216 哈喇子跟着流 5260 06:12:10,016 --> 06:12:11,016 啊但他这个 5261 06:12:11,016 --> 06:12:11,816 嗯 5262 06:12:12,933 --> 06:12:14,166 就是还还 5263 06:12:14,616 --> 06:12:18,366 还不算很很很极致的典型就是 5264 06:12:22,566 --> 06:12:23,366 我再看看 5265 06:12:24,100 --> 06:12:25,650 这还是那个谁来着 5266 06:12:43,250 --> 06:12:45,216 对我要求很高你的腿呢 5267 06:12:45,333 --> 06:12:46,299 你们的呢 5268 06:12:53,100 --> 06:12:55,216 那那我可能就喜欢比你们 5269 06:12:55,216 --> 06:12:56,699 喜欢的还要瘦一些的 5270 06:12:56,700 --> 06:13:00,966 这还还蛮喜欢很很很细的腿的 5271 06:13:02,133 --> 06:13:03,616 那我们的那个什么 5272 06:13:03,933 --> 06:13:05,416 什么也不一样了这下 5273 06:13:11,366 --> 06:13:12,616 哎大家是不是困了啊 5274 06:13:12,616 --> 06:13:15,333 等一下2点45我一定下播 5275 06:13:19,133 --> 06:13:19,933 看看 5276 06:13:23,216 --> 06:13:25,533 别睡别睡别走别走还要还要有一会 5277 06:13:29,016 --> 06:13:30,299 为啥我会这首歌 5278 06:13:31,616 --> 06:13:33,133 点钢碎腿王竞赛 5279 06:13:33,850 --> 06:13:35,366 你们有人会发吗你们 5280 06:13:37,100 --> 06:13:38,100 你们发吗 5281 06:13:38,450 --> 06:13:41,166 但是我对男人的腿没啥研究啊说实话 5282 06:13:46,933 --> 06:13:48,416 我竟然会唱这首歌为啥 5283 06:13:49,616 --> 06:13:50,649 哦哦我知道了 5284 06:13:57,566 --> 06:13:58,366 哈哈 5285 06:13:58,450 --> 06:14:00,933 你不是你们肯定不会发了就是 5286 06:14:14,933 --> 06:14:16,849 这我不知道你们说的是不是牛蛙那种 5287 06:14:16,850 --> 06:14:18,016 我很害怕 5288 06:14:19,050 --> 06:14:20,616 到时候我喜欢的跟你们 5289 06:14:20,700 --> 06:14:22,533 喜欢的不一样就不太好了 5290 06:14:32,166 --> 06:14:33,333 这泡面 5291 06:14:35,533 --> 06:14:36,333 你是个屁 5292 06:14:45,216 --> 06:14:46,933 但是还是我 5293 06:14:46,933 --> 06:14:50,299 再看看我想找那种很典型的那种 5294 06:14:50,533 --> 06:14:52,249 那种擦边的那种 5295 06:14:53,766 --> 06:14:55,216 啊但是我没有什么想法 5296 06:14:55,216 --> 06:14:57,616 就是我只是说你们呃口上那么说 5297 06:14:57,616 --> 06:15:00,766 但是你们是非常吃这一套的懂吗 5298 06:15:01,016 --> 06:15:12,249 oh grew a secret 5299 06:15:24,166 --> 06:15:26,049 我不了解他呀 5300 06:15:27,133 --> 06:15:28,849 but no no 5301 06:15:39,700 --> 06:15:40,500 no no 5302 06:15:48,333 --> 06:15:49,133 hmm 5303 06:15:50,133 --> 06:15:50,933 i 5304 06:15:56,500 --> 06:15:58,900 踩你你好多看一点是吧 5305 06:16:15,133 --> 06:16:18,499 oh there she no need 5306 06:16:20,700 --> 06:16:22,450 not meet a girl 5307 06:16:22,650 --> 06:16:24,766 a fool that do no one 5308 06:16:28,566 --> 06:16:29,216 先这个吧 5309 06:16:29,216 --> 06:16:30,333 不想找了找不着了 5310 06:16:30,333 --> 06:16:32,249 我对这方面没有啥狩猎啊 5311 06:16:41,133 --> 06:16:44,216 以为我忘记名言 5312 06:16:46,216 --> 06:16:47,766 蒙蒙亦打血 5313 06:16:48,300 --> 06:16:50,733 斯码足以打打了 5314 06:16:53,050 --> 06:16:56,450 一只咖啡摩托卡达里诺 5315 06:16:58,966 --> 06:17:03,299 深情过完我哪怕跌入胡渣 5316 06:17:05,933 --> 06:17:10,166 嫉妒我的呜将来 5317 06:17:12,366 --> 06:17:15,766 痛给了我极度 5318 06:17:17,650 --> 06:17:19,650 我看看有没有什么危险的东西 5319 06:17:19,733 --> 06:17:20,899 没有吧应该 5320 06:17:24,650 --> 06:17:27,850 我平时是很多啊我还给你找擦边的腿 5321 06:17:27,933 --> 06:17:29,566 他这个呃 5322 06:17:29,900 --> 06:17:32,816 我没事没事干是吧就给你找擦边去了 5323 06:17:34,650 --> 06:17:35,566 付点工资 5324 06:17:35,900 --> 06:17:38,416 我每次刷抖音的时候看到擦边的腿 5325 06:17:38,416 --> 06:17:39,566 给你存下来 5326 06:17:41,133 --> 06:17:42,333 攒够一波 5327 06:17:42,566 --> 06:17:44,449 哎佳佳表萌了 5328 06:18:31,650 --> 06:18:31,933 啊 5329 06:18:31,933 --> 06:18:34,049 我的麦克风又被我猫弄那个了 5330 06:18:35,333 --> 06:18:37,333 你们最后一句话听到的是哪 5331 06:18:37,650 --> 06:18:40,050 i'm a boy go they booko 5332 06:19:10,250 --> 06:19:12,533 攒够一波啊我说付工资 5333 06:19:12,700 --> 06:19:16,333 怎么天没事干是吧给你找找擦边腿 5334 06:19:17,533 --> 06:19:18,333 看吧 5335 06:19:19,650 --> 06:19:20,650 我想想啊 5336 06:19:20,966 --> 06:19:22,333 有音量吗 5337 06:19:24,850 --> 06:19:26,850 啊音量放小点好了 5338 06:19:30,500 --> 06:19:33,966 啊这样好看吗哎 5339 06:19:34,133 --> 06:19:34,933 excuse me i m lost where is the supermarket 5340 06:19:36,250 --> 06:19:37,016 啊 5341 06:19:37,016 --> 06:19:38,849 能听到的吧有的吧 5342 06:19:43,850 --> 06:19:44,816 大王多多 5343 06:19:48,166 --> 06:19:48,966 行吗 5344 06:19:55,816 --> 06:19:57,699 我我我随随便找的就是 5345 06:19:57,700 --> 06:19:59,133 我今天看到了一下 5346 06:20:04,566 --> 06:20:05,816 我不想在这我 5347 06:20:06,100 --> 06:20:07,816 一辈子 5348 06:20:08,700 --> 06:20:11,616 我看过你的无微不 5349 06:20:11,650 --> 06:20:12,450 至 5350 06:20:12,733 --> 06:20:15,016 那换一个换一个等一下往下滑怎么 5351 06:20:27,250 --> 06:20:30,216 香榭丽大街弥漫浪漫气息 5352 06:20:30,966 --> 06:20:33,899 如烟花坠落在神秘的梦境 5353 06:20:34,333 --> 06:20:35,299 我没有每天看这个 5354 06:20:35,300 --> 06:20:37,250 我说我今天刷到了这个 5355 06:20:45,533 --> 06:20:47,166 我说我今天刷到这个好不好 5356 06:20:47,166 --> 06:20:48,333 我什么都没说啊 5357 06:20:51,700 --> 06:20:53,250 对啊他没有腿 5358 06:20:53,766 --> 06:20:55,099 没有办法 5359 06:20:56,933 --> 06:20:58,816 我也想找个有腿的来着 5360 06:21:01,566 --> 06:21:03,449 我没有斗志看这个 5361 06:21:06,300 --> 06:21:07,816 怎么样这个怎么样 5362 06:21:08,300 --> 06:21:09,100 我不相信 5363 06:21:14,300 --> 06:21:15,616 啊这是整活的 5364 06:21:22,100 --> 06:21:24,333 不是抖我看的抖不是这样的他 5365 06:21:24,333 --> 06:21:26,899 他只是他擦边用的歌不太行 5366 06:21:30,216 --> 06:21:31,849 有的擦的比较高级的 5367 06:21:33,050 --> 06:21:34,500 音乐会比较好听 5368 06:21:35,050 --> 06:21:36,733 我平时看的抖不是这样的 5369 06:21:38,416 --> 06:21:39,216 怎么样 5370 06:21:46,333 --> 06:21:48,566 快点得出结论没得出结论 5371 06:21:48,566 --> 06:21:50,649 我要我要我要把它关掉了 5372 06:21:55,216 --> 06:21:56,016 怎么样 5373 06:22:00,966 --> 06:22:02,816 还好我觉得他这个不是很 5374 06:22:02,933 --> 06:22:04,499 不是很不在我的 5375 06:22:05,216 --> 06:22:06,249 欣赏区 5376 06:22:08,050 --> 06:22:09,216 啊不让看啊 5377 06:22:19,566 --> 06:22:20,366 哼 5378 06:22:21,333 --> 06:22:22,933 啊什么 5379 06:22:24,566 --> 06:22:26,616 千篇一律一般是吧 5380 06:22:28,650 --> 06:22:32,300 其实已经已其实平时刷到已经私信说 5381 06:22:32,566 --> 06:22:34,099 加个v加个v了 5382 06:22:45,766 --> 06:22:48,499 我看下他有没有开始推推推那个什么 5383 06:22:49,166 --> 06:22:50,099 give me one 5384 06:22:51,133 --> 06:22:54,216 you melt oh it's a look at that 5385 06:22:54,333 --> 06:22:55,366 star 5386 06:22:56,300 --> 06:22:58,133 刚才他有没有开始推擦边的 5387 06:22:58,300 --> 06:22:59,300 好像还没有 5388 06:23:00,566 --> 06:23:03,016 who am i not there 5389 06:23:03,900 --> 06:23:06,166 there's a rush a balcony 5390 06:23:07,100 --> 06:23:12,450 i thought that he should there go go the acclamador 5391 06:23:13,900 --> 06:23:21,933 in my mother knows she's putting 5392 06:23:25,300 --> 06:23:30,733 guard 5393 06:23:32,850 --> 06:23:33,650 怎么样 5394 06:23:34,300 --> 06:23:35,100 什么 5395 06:23:35,816 --> 06:23:36,766 什么 5396 06:23:37,366 --> 06:23:38,966 看剧了 5397 06:23:40,816 --> 06:23:41,616 呃 5398 06:23:45,816 --> 06:23:48,499 提起裤子说话就是硬气是吧 5399 06:23:48,733 --> 06:23:52,299 you don't 5400 06:23:56,050 --> 06:23:58,816 wanna oh oh oh 5401 06:24:01,333 --> 06:24:03,416 oh oh ya night 5402 06:24:08,850 --> 06:24:10,416 我平时刷不到这些 5403 06:24:10,416 --> 06:24:12,166 我怎么跟你攒够一波 5404 06:24:12,650 --> 06:24:14,133 我平时根本刷不到这些 5405 06:24:14,133 --> 06:24:15,616 我平时看的不是这些 5406 06:24:23,500 --> 06:24:24,533 是吗 5407 06:24:35,050 --> 06:24:35,933 下次再说 5408 06:24:35,933 --> 06:24:39,449 等我找到更好的再说他这个的话 5409 06:24:40,650 --> 06:24:41,450 嗯 5410 06:24:43,016 --> 06:24:46,133 还好等我下之后找到更好的 5411 06:24:46,700 --> 06:24:47,850 那个再说 5412 06:24:51,016 --> 06:24:51,766 看直播啊 5413 06:24:51,766 --> 06:24:54,016 我看的都是好玩好笑的 5414 06:24:54,016 --> 06:24:56,166 还有一些动物之类 5415 06:24:56,700 --> 06:24:57,500 的 5416 06:25:15,100 --> 06:25:17,766 下次刷到好的再跟你们说啊 5417 06:25:17,766 --> 06:25:20,133 但是我抖音是刷不到这些的就是 5418 06:25:21,050 --> 06:25:22,816 很难还有下一次 5419 06:25:32,966 --> 06:25:34,016 放个屁 5420 06:25:36,966 --> 06:25:40,933 now meet a girl i fought it on the 5421 06:25:44,533 --> 06:25:48,049 wall 5422 06:25:50,050 --> 06:25:54,016 你基能离我是得意了卡拉 5423 06:25:57,133 --> 06:25:59,016 OK 5424 06:26:02,450 --> 06:26:06,533 我梦呓的心斯玛图仪的纳罗 5425 06:26:09,300 --> 06:26:13,166 彼此那天幕幕吧他的爱 5426 06:26:15,300 --> 06:26:19,650 是什么啊或难过的祝福他 5427 06:26:40,016 --> 06:26:42,016 那你们平时都看那你们平时 5428 06:26:42,733 --> 06:26:43,533 呃 5429 06:26:47,533 --> 06:26:50,366 那么平时想看性感美女了在哪看呢 5430 06:26:57,966 --> 06:26:58,766 妈妈妈 5431 06:26:59,566 --> 06:27:00,366 妈妈妈妈妈妈妈 5432 06:27:05,500 --> 06:27:06,050 这干嘛 5433 06:27:06,050 --> 06:27:07,900 你们不看是个美女的吗 5434 06:27:08,616 --> 06:27:10,449 会有这个需求吧 5435 06:27:16,966 --> 06:27:18,416 什么谢谢大乖 5436 06:27:26,416 --> 06:27:27,216 啊 5437 06:27:27,500 --> 06:27:28,450 那咋做 5438 06:27:29,766 --> 06:27:38,499 caught a devil yeah they do the ghetto bus sticky down the hole 5439 06:27:40,533 --> 06:27:51,649 Feminocammy Akikamina 5440 06:28:07,450 --> 06:28:08,450 打住打住 5441 06:28:10,133 --> 06:28:11,216 打住打住 5442 06:28:11,250 --> 06:28:12,566 不问了不问了 5443 06:28:15,450 --> 06:28:16,500 不是完全不看的话 5444 06:28:16,500 --> 06:28:18,650 因为会有点奇怪啊我感觉 5445 06:28:24,650 --> 06:28:27,250 谢谢自然为自己刷的牛啊牛啊 5446 06:28:27,366 --> 06:28:29,133 谢谢郭飞的小花花 5447 06:28:29,166 --> 06:28:32,049 谢谢关心坐骨神经疼的心脏徽章 5448 06:28:32,050 --> 06:28:32,816 谢谢谢谢 5449 06:28:32,816 --> 06:28:35,449 明月的小花花谢谢晨晨的小花花 5450 06:28:44,216 --> 06:28:46,849 啊好吧那祝大家早日康复哦 5451 06:28:56,566 --> 06:28:58,816 好吧好吧哼太奇怪了吧哼 5452 06:28:59,416 --> 06:29:00,216 啊 5453 06:29:01,850 --> 06:29:03,216 我都不看真的挺 5454 06:29:03,300 --> 06:29:04,300 哈哈哈 5455 06:29:10,216 --> 06:29:11,766 不是你天天想看吗 5456 06:29:11,966 --> 06:29:14,849 是反正两天三天看一次啊 5457 06:29:16,766 --> 06:29:19,049 郑老师下个聊城什么时候 5458 06:29:19,050 --> 06:29:19,850 呃 5459 06:29:20,333 --> 06:29:21,966 呃每天都在聊城啊 5460 06:29:30,933 --> 06:29:33,133 i don't 5461 06:29:36,616 --> 06:29:37,416 know 5462 06:29:37,766 --> 06:29:39,849 i don't 5463 06:29:42,650 --> 06:29:43,450 know 5464 06:29:55,616 --> 06:29:58,766 我想想时时刻刻想看和 5465 06:30:00,050 --> 06:30:01,616 我喝奶茶不会睡不着 5466 06:30:01,850 --> 06:30:04,166 和每天都不看的人都有点奇怪 5467 06:30:04,900 --> 06:30:05,700 whoa 5468 06:30:07,500 --> 06:30:08,566 whoa 5469 06:30:09,733 --> 06:30:10,533 whoa 5470 06:30:17,216 --> 06:30:18,366 那你们想不想看 5471 06:30:18,366 --> 06:30:20,966 我今天看到的一个身材巨好的 5472 06:30:21,016 --> 06:30:21,849 男生 5473 06:30:22,166 --> 06:30:24,849 但我觉得是不可能有身材这么好的人 5474 06:30:30,250 --> 06:30:32,966 我觉得这是不可能的说实话家人们 5475 06:30:41,166 --> 06:30:42,099 真看吗 5476 06:30:42,450 --> 06:30:44,050 你们是不是要睡觉了 5477 06:30:44,366 --> 06:30:45,649 不行不准睡不准睡 5478 06:30:45,650 --> 06:30:47,816 再再陪我再来5分钟好吧 5479 06:30:48,533 --> 06:30:49,499 最后5分钟 5480 06:30:49,500 --> 06:30:52,100 说实话肌肉结实啊 5481 06:30:53,566 --> 06:30:55,299 就是我觉得刚好 5482 06:30:56,050 --> 06:30:58,016 没事你们看完你们就可以做这个梦 5483 06:30:58,016 --> 06:31:00,649 梦见自己是这个身材然后睡觉了 5484 06:31:02,133 --> 06:31:04,416 我觉得健身健的刚刚好的那种 5485 06:31:04,416 --> 06:31:06,566 是女生绝对都会喜欢的 5486 06:31:08,933 --> 06:31:10,649 没有粘人主播只是 5487 06:31:11,300 --> 06:31:12,100 嗯 5488 06:31:13,333 --> 06:31:14,133 讨论讨论 5489 06:31:14,733 --> 06:31:17,133 没有我的抖音还真没有很多男人 5490 06:31:21,933 --> 06:31:23,616 什么你们不看吗 5491 06:31:27,533 --> 06:31:30,049 你们欣赏一下别人身材都不愿意啊 5492 06:31:30,050 --> 06:31:30,850 天呐 5493 06:31:31,216 --> 06:31:33,499 给我看给我看 5494 06:31:38,500 --> 06:31:39,300 oh 5495 06:31:40,333 --> 06:31:41,133 oh 5496 06:31:58,133 --> 06:32:03,899 i know this will not remain forever 5497 06:32:04,566 --> 06:32:05,449 什么叫大师兄 5498 06:32:07,933 --> 06:32:11,699 不会做噩梦啊他穿上衣服的的啊 5499 06:32:11,766 --> 06:32:12,899 你们也太快了吧 5500 06:32:12,900 --> 06:32:15,366 你们对男人的恨意有这么强吗 5501 06:32:17,250 --> 06:32:19,416 啊等会先把我自己弄开看吧 5502 06:32:19,416 --> 06:32:21,249 是穿好衣服了的别急 5503 06:32:21,566 --> 06:32:23,899 不是擦边他是正常的衣服 5504 06:32:27,050 --> 06:32:28,333 怎么样这个身材 5505 06:32:28,766 --> 06:32:29,933 真的弄错了 5506 06:32:37,100 --> 06:32:38,250 啊这有嗯嗯 5507 06:32:38,250 --> 06:32:39,966 你们能不能送点那个的啊 5508 06:32:43,766 --> 06:32:45,649 等下我还是多看身材 5509 06:32:47,733 --> 06:32:50,449 哎不是这个手臂练的不好吗 5510 06:32:53,616 --> 06:32:54,449 这个手臂 5511 06:32:54,450 --> 06:32:55,566 哎不太行 5512 06:32:55,650 --> 06:32:57,616 不是你们手这个手臂练的不好吗 5513 06:32:57,616 --> 06:32:59,699 这个手臂说实话练的很好吧 5514 06:33:01,533 --> 06:33:02,966 说人话不要嗯嗯 5515 06:33:03,566 --> 06:33:04,249 哈 5516 06:33:04,250 --> 06:33:05,450 哈哈 5517 06:33:06,133 --> 06:33:06,966 是啊 5518 06:33:07,616 --> 06:33:09,166 不是我是故意不给你们看脸 5519 06:33:09,166 --> 06:33:11,133 我怕你们到时候那个什么不开心 5520 06:33:11,133 --> 06:33:12,049 破房了 5521 06:33:12,733 --> 06:33:14,616 这本来就是讨论身材嘛 5522 06:33:15,333 --> 06:33:17,649 and everything that's why you know it 5523 06:33:28,850 --> 06:33:31,016 just follow me cause we need a little 5524 06:33:31,016 --> 06:33:35,016 do do do do做我的朋友 5525 06:33:35,016 --> 06:33:38,499 oh baby做我美你不过 5526 06:33:38,700 --> 06:33:39,500 还练的不好 5527 06:33:39,500 --> 06:33:42,533 我操我真不相信有人的肩膀会这样的 5528 06:33:43,050 --> 06:33:43,900 i'm going 5529 06:33:44,766 --> 06:33:47,533 through it and it makes you feel 5530 06:33:47,733 --> 06:33:49,733 alone这种身材完全就是 5531 06:33:49,733 --> 06:33:51,499 你是会觉得特别好的吧 5532 06:33:51,566 --> 06:33:52,899 腰是吗我也不知道 5533 06:33:54,366 --> 06:33:54,899 我靠 5534 06:33:54,900 --> 06:33:57,766 有的男有男生肩膀和手臂是这样的吗 5535 06:33:57,766 --> 06:34:01,216 大家没见过男生不太不太了解 5536 06:34:01,700 --> 06:34:02,733 有没有懂的 5537 06:34:09,500 --> 06:34:10,333 啊吓我一跳 5538 06:34:12,850 --> 06:34:15,416 看我说话会觉得是0吗不会吧 5539 06:34:16,366 --> 06:34:18,533 你脸这么大块还会觉得是0吗 5540 06:34:21,366 --> 06:34:22,133 啊 5541 06:34:22,133 --> 06:34:23,366 摸我猫耳朵 5542 06:34:23,966 --> 06:34:25,216 把他吓到了 5543 06:34:26,850 --> 06:34:28,733 看一下胸肌我不知道他有没有发 5544 06:34:28,733 --> 06:34:30,649 他好像衣服都穿的挺好的 5545 06:34:42,416 --> 06:34:43,366 我靠 5546 06:34:44,566 --> 06:34:46,416 你还是音乐有点难崩啊 5547 06:34:49,133 --> 06:34:52,016 就我觉得他手臂和肩膀也太好看了吧 5548 06:34:55,733 --> 06:34:57,299 没有大块林还真不是这样 5549 06:34:57,300 --> 06:34:58,566 大块林的话他的 5550 06:34:58,766 --> 06:35:00,533 他的那个什么呢 5551 06:35:01,250 --> 06:35:04,050 我觉得应该不是大块林啊大块林应该 5552 06:35:05,016 --> 06:35:06,249 很肥美的感觉 5553 06:35:06,250 --> 06:35:08,250 但是他这个还是比较壮硕 5554 06:35:09,966 --> 06:35:11,216 多少大块0是 5555 06:35:11,416 --> 06:35:12,616 就是健身健的 5556 06:35:12,616 --> 06:35:14,766 让你觉得他的那个肌肉很肥美 5557 06:35:23,700 --> 06:35:25,616 如果你已经不能 5558 06:35:27,133 --> 06:35:30,166 哎那就是这个我当时觉得哎太好看了 5559 06:35:32,533 --> 06:35:34,499 做做弄弄 5560 06:35:40,500 --> 06:35:41,366 啊行了 5561 06:35:46,416 --> 06:35:49,049 你们有在健身房见到过这种身材的吗 5562 06:35:52,133 --> 06:35:53,133 还有肩膀啊 5563 06:35:54,533 --> 06:35:57,099 这种应该是肯定是有蹦极的 5564 06:35:57,133 --> 06:35:58,333 他可能没录吧 5565 06:35:59,450 --> 06:36:00,333 不太懂啊 5566 06:36:01,366 --> 06:36:03,533 不可能只有手臂这么壮吧 5567 06:36:12,766 --> 06:36:13,499 咱们差有点多 5568 06:36:13,500 --> 06:36:14,450 我不知道你们喜欢什么样 5569 06:36:14,450 --> 06:36:15,966 我感觉你们是不是喜欢健身房 5570 06:36:15,966 --> 06:36:17,166 教练的那种啊 5571 06:36:18,300 --> 06:36:22,216 how far should i go drifting in the rain 5572 06:36:23,300 --> 06:36:26,016 across the sky just keep on 5573 06:36:26,933 --> 06:36:27,699 fly 5574 06:36:27,700 --> 06:36:30,300 量更大的我哎我就是觉得这个刚好哎 5575 06:36:30,300 --> 06:36:31,900 我看有的健身房教练 5576 06:36:31,900 --> 06:36:33,133 就是你们喜欢的那种 5577 06:36:33,133 --> 06:36:34,966 我都感觉练的太夸张了 5578 06:36:35,700 --> 06:36:37,900 男女差异是真的也是有的 5579 06:36:38,700 --> 06:36:41,250 感觉有的去健身房呃 5580 06:36:41,333 --> 06:36:44,249 去健身健身房练的男生就想练的 5581 06:36:44,250 --> 06:36:45,933 维度非常的大的那种 5582 06:36:46,016 --> 06:36:46,933 you make me 5583 06:36:50,733 --> 06:36:57,733 smile 5584 06:37:03,966 --> 06:37:09,816 did you ever chain me down to my heart 5585 06:37:11,250 --> 06:37:17,100 cause i was afraid of you now i couldn't help 5586 06:37:24,566 --> 06:37:24,816 啊 5587 06:37:24,816 --> 06:37:26,133 他一直弄我手机 5588 06:37:27,300 --> 06:37:28,100 啊 5589 06:37:29,416 --> 06:37:30,333 我生气了 5590 06:37:30,616 --> 06:37:35,099 is my real so i'll leap into the air 5591 06:37:37,700 --> 06:37:41,650 my broken wings still strong enough to 5592 06:37:43,700 --> 06:37:44,900 啊这谁啊 5593 06:38:04,733 --> 06:38:06,166 小臂其实看着有点离谱是啊 5594 06:38:06,166 --> 06:38:08,049 我觉得他那个小臂好好看啊 5595 06:38:08,816 --> 06:38:10,049 感觉好多那种 5596 06:38:11,366 --> 06:38:14,049 健身房的他的小手臂就很壮 5597 06:38:14,050 --> 06:38:16,500 一一坨然后就显得手很短 5598 06:38:16,933 --> 06:38:18,016 a drain 5599 06:38:18,766 --> 06:38:21,849 wonder if it's Gonna snow again 5600 06:38:23,366 --> 06:38:25,133 silent night 5601 06:38:27,450 --> 06:38:29,250 holy night 5602 06:38:31,100 --> 06:38:34,133 i was praying you'd be here with me 5603 06:38:35,650 --> 06:38:38,366 天天吃健身房的人那也有点夸张了 5604 06:38:43,450 --> 06:38:45,216 什么他那种手手臂 5605 06:38:45,300 --> 06:38:48,166 他那种小手臂就是不能吃好吃的吗 5606 06:38:48,416 --> 06:38:49,766 才能维持的吗 5607 06:38:50,016 --> 06:38:51,333 那也太恐怖了吧 5608 06:38:52,816 --> 06:38:54,899 哎呀你怎么起床 5609 06:38:55,900 --> 06:39:00,166 and i give you Rainbows没有认识健身的朋友 5610 06:39:03,650 --> 06:39:07,050 somewhere far away the Sleigh bells ring 5611 06:39:07,766 --> 06:39:09,966 i remember when we used不是 5612 06:39:09,966 --> 06:39:12,133 我的意思是他那个手臂只能 5613 06:39:13,050 --> 06:39:16,933 吃低低体脂才低体脂才能保持吗 5614 06:39:17,050 --> 06:39:18,250 every night 5615 06:39:52,050 --> 06:39:54,416 以后有机会主播也去健身房锻炼 5616 06:39:55,333 --> 06:39:57,533 感觉不仅是很难有这个机会 5617 06:40:03,533 --> 06:40:06,249 想不出有什么理由会让我去健身房 5618 06:40:10,700 --> 06:40:13,900 they lit the drizzle on the avenue 5619 06:40:15,133 --> 06:40:18,016 twinkling silver with a touch of blue 5620 06:40:23,650 --> 06:40:28,216 holy night all alone 5621 06:40:28,216 --> 06:40:34,533 i watch the quiet rain wonder if it's gonna snow again 5622 06:40:34,900 --> 06:40:35,816 到了我就这样 5623 06:40:37,216 --> 06:40:39,499 不能喝奶茶就退款了不可能吧 5624 06:40:39,500 --> 06:40:41,050 那我还是能喝吧 5625 06:40:43,450 --> 06:40:48,650 那就播到3点3点零3:05分或者3点OK吗 5626 06:40:50,366 --> 06:40:51,816 老板训一下师 5627 06:40:51,850 --> 06:40:53,700 马上马上马上就放你们走 5628 06:40:53,850 --> 06:40:58,250 night bird night holy night 5629 06:41:06,700 --> 06:41:08,216 我的健身目标吗 5630 06:41:12,300 --> 06:41:13,100 我想想 5631 06:41:20,016 --> 06:41:22,733 什么喝了就白练了吗那我不练了 5632 06:41:22,733 --> 06:41:23,966 那是别练了 5633 06:41:25,300 --> 06:41:26,566 凭什么 5634 06:41:27,700 --> 06:41:29,133 这这是两码事吧 5635 06:41:29,133 --> 06:41:32,016 那我那我健身只是想那个什么 5636 06:41:32,933 --> 06:41:35,899 塑一下行不想减肥的话呢 5637 06:41:36,050 --> 06:41:37,416 也不能喝吗 5638 06:41:37,766 --> 06:41:38,766 我不想掉体 5639 06:41:38,766 --> 06:41:40,533 我不掉不掉体重的无所谓 5640 06:41:40,533 --> 06:41:41,733 我就想那个什么 5641 06:41:42,250 --> 06:41:45,216 有点线条也不能喝啊不可能吧 5642 06:41:46,166 --> 06:41:47,499 有这么严格吗 5643 06:41:49,450 --> 06:41:50,250 哼 5644 06:41:56,500 --> 06:41:57,300 走开 5645 06:42:01,966 --> 06:42:03,049 可以吗说实话 5646 06:42:17,450 --> 06:42:19,566 我那什么线条啊我还没想好 5647 06:42:19,566 --> 06:42:21,366 哈哈哈 5648 06:42:22,166 --> 06:42:22,966 我想想 5649 06:42:26,450 --> 06:42:28,900 哎怎么才能让腰很细很细呢 5650 06:42:42,733 --> 06:42:43,449 哎 5651 06:42:43,450 --> 06:42:44,250 是吗 5652 06:42:46,133 --> 06:42:47,933 又是这种能练习的吗 5653 06:42:59,850 --> 06:43:00,733 腰真不细 5654 06:43:02,616 --> 06:43:03,416 就是 5655 06:43:04,900 --> 06:43:07,966 不像网上你们看的一些美女博主那种 5656 06:43:07,966 --> 06:43:10,416 就是腰和和屁股 5657 06:43:10,450 --> 06:43:13,366 是那种腰疼比非常夸张的那种 5658 06:43:15,533 --> 06:43:16,816 也不粗就是 5659 06:43:17,766 --> 06:43:19,249 那只是说他没有线条 5660 06:43:19,250 --> 06:43:21,100 没有他们那么那种那么夸张 5661 06:43:21,100 --> 06:43:23,333 我觉得他们的线条好夸张哦 5662 06:43:30,966 --> 06:43:32,166 我没有小肚肚 5663 06:43:32,933 --> 06:43:36,016 阿拉德达奇斯卡迪卡雷迪 5664 06:43:36,100 --> 06:43:39,216 i've been a while you get that i'll be the shower 5665 06:43:44,766 --> 06:43:46,133 不是我吃了饭当然有啊 5666 06:43:46,133 --> 06:43:46,616 我现在有 5667 06:43:46,616 --> 06:43:47,849 但是我早上起来就没有了 5668 06:43:47,850 --> 06:43:48,850 所以就是没有吧 5669 06:43:48,850 --> 06:43:49,650 你们觉得呢 5670 06:43:49,650 --> 06:43:52,300 人就是要看早上才算数的 5671 06:43:52,616 --> 06:43:55,166 let it show call me savamo 5672 06:43:55,216 --> 06:43:58,733 i'm at a hobogo oh so oh 5673 06:43:59,700 --> 06:44:02,500 let it show slow down beautiful 5674 06:44:02,650 --> 06:44:06,100 slow down o kno ya say no Kanye love 5675 06:44:11,166 --> 06:44:15,816 on earth light light light on the road 5676 06:44:17,250 --> 06:44:18,333 哈哈哈 5677 06:44:22,166 --> 06:44:23,249 关注是啊 5678 06:44:30,966 --> 06:44:32,366 就是以早上为准 5679 06:44:32,366 --> 06:44:34,449 你早上是什么样就是什么样 5680 06:44:40,766 --> 06:44:43,049 因为你想你中午晚上吃了东西 5681 06:44:43,500 --> 06:44:45,566 但是那些东西还是会拉出去的 5682 06:44:45,733 --> 06:44:47,133 所以说早上为准 5683 06:44:48,333 --> 06:44:49,366 就是早上猥琐 5684 06:44:54,766 --> 06:44:55,566 对吧 5685 06:44:56,050 --> 06:44:56,850 对吧 5686 06:44:57,850 --> 06:44:58,650 哈哈哈 5687 06:44:58,900 --> 06:45:00,166 我受不了你了 5688 06:45:00,333 --> 06:45:04,016 this kush now i they let it show 5689 06:45:04,250 --> 06:45:06,900 yoga body no so no new core 5690 06:45:07,816 --> 06:45:11,416 hey hey yo hey hey 5691 06:45:12,650 --> 06:45:15,100 我早上起来的时候也没有小肚子啊 5692 06:45:17,416 --> 06:45:20,049 这吃了东西肚子肯定会有点圆啊 5693 06:45:22,850 --> 06:45:25,016 觉得是你们没有想明白哼 5694 06:45:42,450 --> 06:45:43,700 哈哈 5695 06:45:44,250 --> 06:45:45,050 嗯 5696 06:45:48,850 --> 06:45:50,616 反正我倒是想再瘦一点 5697 06:45:51,650 --> 06:45:54,016 但是最近也没啥很强烈的动力 5698 06:45:54,016 --> 06:45:55,416 想减肥来着 5699 06:45:55,616 --> 06:45:57,449 还是缓缓再说吧 5700 06:45:58,050 --> 06:46:00,050 等什么时候突然的什么 5701 06:46:00,166 --> 06:46:00,966 呃 5702 06:46:02,850 --> 06:46:04,616 有什么强烈的动力再减 5703 06:46:04,766 --> 06:46:06,366 fears you must get those chin know you are fed 5704 06:46:06,366 --> 06:46:07,449 i'm over here she must 5705 06:46:07,450 --> 06:46:09,100 what could i wait just then i'll call me someone 5706 06:46:09,100 --> 06:46:10,016 leave me got the whole gun 5707 06:46:10,016 --> 06:46:11,449 that they might just guts so what's up 5708 06:46:11,450 --> 06:46:12,766 what could i do now you can call me someone 5709 06:46:12,766 --> 06:46:14,216 if you see that i'm not that i don't know 5710 06:46:14,216 --> 06:46:15,249 need someone now that's up 5711 06:46:22,416 --> 06:46:25,249 fuck i need to go tonight 5712 06:46:30,100 --> 06:46:30,900 哈哈哈 5713 06:46:31,700 --> 06:46:33,133 没想到皮包骨吧 5714 06:46:34,900 --> 06:46:37,133 啊就是想腿和腰再细一点 5715 06:46:40,966 --> 06:46:43,849 不然说是那种在弄怎么看到那种美女 5716 06:46:43,850 --> 06:46:45,766 然后感到非常自卑 5717 06:46:45,766 --> 06:46:47,533 然后就会非常想减肥 5718 06:46:48,766 --> 06:46:50,733 没有没有强力的这种感觉的话 5719 06:46:50,733 --> 06:46:52,099 就还好来着 5720 06:46:52,450 --> 06:46:54,416 就觉得自己啊也还好吧 5721 06:46:54,450 --> 06:46:56,250 就是如果那什么啊 5722 06:46:56,250 --> 06:46:57,900 比如说在路上看到一个 5723 06:46:57,900 --> 06:46:59,733 那个很漂亮的美女啊 5724 06:46:59,733 --> 06:47:00,366 腿细细的 5725 06:47:00,366 --> 06:47:02,016 穿的漂漂亮亮的那种 5726 06:47:02,366 --> 06:47:04,533 啊就会特别想那个什么 5727 06:47:04,933 --> 06:47:05,966 狠狠减肥 5728 06:47:09,966 --> 06:47:12,816 就会觉得自己是个大胖猪 5729 06:47:29,533 --> 06:47:31,016 就是胖瘦的问题啊 5730 06:47:31,300 --> 06:47:32,733 你什么意思 5731 06:47:32,733 --> 06:47:33,766 哈哈哈 5732 06:47:35,816 --> 06:47:36,616 哼 5733 06:47:41,933 --> 06:47:44,333 我是大胖猪啊主播可以这么调侃自己 5734 06:47:44,333 --> 06:47:45,616 但是你不能说 5735 06:47:46,050 --> 06:47:48,650 cause i've gone but the university knows 5736 06:47:48,650 --> 06:47:54,900 that the police shutter you're freaking and i'm not the 5737 06:47:58,366 --> 06:47:59,166 owner 5738 06:47:59,500 --> 06:48:01,850 跟你开开玩笑你还当真说了是吧 5739 06:48:01,900 --> 06:48:03,133 打死你 5740 06:48:12,500 --> 06:48:14,016 懂不懂什么叫情商 5741 06:48:16,566 --> 06:48:18,133 怎么还在看看大胖猪啊 5742 06:48:18,133 --> 06:48:20,016 马上把你禁言了你信不信啊 5743 06:48:20,533 --> 06:48:24,299 he started with a Stolen Grace 5744 06:48:24,416 --> 06:48:25,933 懂不懂说话的一说啊 5745 06:48:33,250 --> 06:48:34,250 和大胖猪借口 5746 06:48:34,250 --> 06:48:36,500 那主播也绝对不是大胖猪就是了 5747 06:48:36,533 --> 06:48:41,216 you see passaki safety and i cross headed to the message 5748 06:48:41,500 --> 06:48:44,966 can i learn it to the voices to security 5749 06:48:45,650 --> 06:48:50,100 before i could realize that it happened so suddenly 5750 06:48:50,450 --> 06:48:55,450 what can it be every time i try to look away i can hit the beat 5751 06:48:56,733 --> 06:48:57,933 再说给你一拳 5752 06:49:07,366 --> 06:49:08,166 嗯 5753 06:49:09,333 --> 06:49:10,166 看美女 5754 06:49:11,016 --> 06:49:11,899 哈喽 5755 06:49:16,416 --> 06:49:17,366 i know 5756 06:49:17,416 --> 06:49:18,216 that 5757 06:49:18,900 --> 06:49:19,816 it's true 5758 06:49:24,300 --> 06:49:26,133 哎刚才说到作 5759 06:49:26,166 --> 06:49:27,049 息我还想着 5760 06:49:27,050 --> 06:49:29,300 我以后每天要两点钟就要睡觉 5761 06:49:29,333 --> 06:49:31,499 结果一播就播到了3点钟 5762 06:49:35,416 --> 06:49:36,049 今天这么白 5763 06:49:36,050 --> 06:49:37,300 因为今天没开滤镜 5764 06:49:37,300 --> 06:49:39,050 平时都会开一个滤镜 5765 06:49:40,016 --> 06:49:41,699 女团那种竹签腿 5766 06:49:42,016 --> 06:49:43,899 很多女团就是竹竹 5767 06:49:43,900 --> 06:49:46,366 竹竿腿我觉得很好看来着 5768 06:49:47,216 --> 06:49:49,566 你们明明也会觉得好看啊 5769 06:49:52,333 --> 06:49:56,333 i'm ready with an evil white sign 5770 06:49:57,366 --> 06:50:00,049 for myself looking up in a princess 5771 06:50:00,050 --> 06:50:02,566 and alone getting up to the fire 5772 06:50:03,533 --> 06:50:06,249 以后每天准时11点下播啊 5773 06:50:11,300 --> 06:50:13,416 播了7个小时我真不知道我在干嘛 5774 06:50:15,016 --> 06:50:17,849 在干嘛你们对我做了什么 5775 06:50:30,366 --> 06:50:31,533 女团的哪里不一样 5776 06:50:31,533 --> 06:50:32,566 别人我跟你讲 5777 06:50:32,566 --> 06:50:34,566 女团他们身材也是维系的很 5778 06:50:34,566 --> 06:50:37,049 那种连米米饭都不怎么吃的 5779 06:50:39,816 --> 06:50:40,699 我不知道 5780 06:50:40,966 --> 06:50:44,133 这个直播间对我施加了什么咒语了 5781 06:50:44,216 --> 06:50:47,849 is hanging on to a secret place 5782 06:50:47,850 --> 06:50:51,050 holding on to slow down can't escape around us 5783 06:50:51,050 --> 06:50:54,500 take cool beyond the past you've been missing in the street 5784 06:50:54,500 --> 06:50:59,333 i'm not a cigarette this time we have is all over 5785 06:51:02,100 --> 06:51:03,500 走了走了嗯嗯 5786 06:51:04,100 --> 06:51:04,933 拜拜拜拜 5787 06:51:13,216 --> 06:51:14,416 maybe this 5788 06:51:18,250 --> 06:51:19,933 let's hope i need 5789 06:51:20,050 --> 06:51:20,850 to 5790 06:51:34,216 --> 06:51:36,333 哎我在看私信有的人给我发的 5791 06:51:36,333 --> 06:51:39,699 其实这明明也算是竹签竹竿腿啊 5792 06:51:40,616 --> 06:51:41,416 哼 5793 06:51:48,016 --> 06:51:49,016 哎反正你们 5794 06:51:49,250 --> 06:51:50,533 哎我不想说 5795 06:51:50,766 --> 06:51:51,216 要不这样 5796 06:51:51,216 --> 06:51:53,416 你放的那个明明就是竹竿腿啊 5797 06:51:56,500 --> 06:51:58,850 是我我也觉得这种蛮好看的就是了 5798 06:51:58,850 --> 06:52:01,333 但是这个跟刚才明明就没有区别 5799 06:52:08,416 --> 06:52:10,699 啊就是哔哩哔哩很火的那个 5800 06:52:11,650 --> 06:52:14,500 那个那个那个博主来着 5801 06:52:15,850 --> 06:52:18,333 i can't see inside 5802 06:52:18,333 --> 06:52:20,299 you're into fine 5803 06:52:21,300 --> 06:52:23,366 without a heavy understanding 5804 06:52:23,366 --> 06:52:26,616 it's buried in arms of withering 5805 06:52:26,616 --> 06:52:27,766 啊啊 5806 06:52:36,966 --> 06:52:38,249 区别这么大来着 5807 06:52:38,450 --> 06:52:39,133 life you live 5808 06:52:39,133 --> 06:52:40,816 live the life you live 5809 06:52:45,850 --> 06:52:48,366 all you have to take 5810 06:52:48,366 --> 06:52:51,166 and everybody else is a simple little tongue 5811 06:52:56,816 --> 06:53:00,499 大笨贱都不见这个名字就是大笨猪腿 5812 06:53:01,416 --> 06:53:02,899 是吧这个跟我那个 5813 06:53:02,900 --> 06:53:04,700 我发那个区别不大 5814 06:53:06,933 --> 06:53:07,733 这个 5815 06:53:08,500 --> 06:53:09,700 没得区别啊 5816 06:53:13,166 --> 06:53:15,166 对对对叫清河来着 5817 06:53:15,900 --> 06:53:17,933 你说这区别大吗不大呀 5818 06:53:18,500 --> 06:53:19,250 有啥区别吗 5819 06:53:19,250 --> 06:53:20,300 没区别啊 5820 06:53:25,250 --> 06:53:26,333 是吧 5821 06:53:27,100 --> 06:53:29,100 明明就是一样的你们硬说硬说 5822 06:53:29,100 --> 06:53:30,333 一个是竹竿腿 5823 06:53:30,333 --> 06:53:31,849 另外一个是好的 5824 06:53:32,650 --> 06:53:35,966 it's just like every shape is shall 5825 06:53:37,016 --> 06:53:43,733 shape shall 5826 06:53:45,500 --> 06:53:48,250 那你们要求太严格了还腿间距呢 5827 06:53:48,566 --> 06:53:50,649 the world i'm way to find 5828 06:53:51,100 --> 06:53:53,533 the worst confines 5829 06:53:53,850 --> 06:53:55,450 it's not in within an 5830 06:53:55,533 --> 06:53:56,333 erase曲 5831 06:53:56,450 --> 06:53:57,250 线 5832 06:53:59,133 --> 06:53:59,699 那说实话 5833 06:53:59,700 --> 06:54:01,766 他这个也不是锻炼后的曲线吧 5834 06:54:01,766 --> 06:54:05,766 我感觉这不就是本身的骨骼的曲线啊 5835 06:54:07,850 --> 06:54:09,500 就是瘦的曲线啊 5836 06:54:10,450 --> 06:54:11,650 就是骨骼的 5837 06:54:11,733 --> 06:54:13,499 那个线条的曲线 5838 06:54:18,700 --> 06:54:21,100 Earl do you have to take 5839 06:54:21,100 --> 06:54:27,100 and everybody else in the same old one Earl do you have to take 5840 06:54:27,450 --> 06:54:28,816 你觉得上面的好看些 5841 06:54:28,816 --> 06:54:30,133 我看看上面是哪个 5842 06:54:31,300 --> 06:54:33,016 哎我也觉得上面的好看 5843 06:54:33,250 --> 06:54:34,700 白白嫩嫩的 5844 06:54:38,250 --> 06:54:40,216 但是都是很好看的腿了已经 5845 06:54:40,366 --> 06:54:43,849 i'm so sick the conflict sore i'll wake 5846 06:54:43,850 --> 06:54:45,850 progress along the scene world 5847 06:54:45,850 --> 06:54:48,533 high indecisionly touch my damn self 5848 06:54:48,616 --> 06:54:51,299 this way forward and i'll see hopes 5849 06:54:51,300 --> 06:54:53,533 conflicts are the answers 5850 06:54:53,733 --> 06:54:55,133 下播了拜拜大家 5851 06:54:55,416 --> 06:54:57,166 我以后再也不会播到3点钟了 5852 06:54:57,166 --> 06:54:58,333 说实话哎 5853 06:54:58,766 --> 06:54:59,566 好那个 5854 06:55:00,700 --> 06:55:02,900 这样又会起很晚了 5855 06:55:02,900 --> 06:55:04,533 起很晚弄什么 5856 06:55:04,850 --> 06:55:08,500 要能一天能做的事情又变少了 5857 06:55:09,100 --> 06:55:11,166 每天播这么久干嘛呢 5858 06:55:12,933 --> 06:55:15,899 这一切的一切又有什么意义呢 5859 06:55:17,250 --> 06:55:19,050 不禁想问自己 5860 06:55:35,966 --> 06:55:37,216 下播了呢 5861 06:55:42,733 --> 06:55:44,049 拜拜晚安 5862 06:55:54,533 --> 06:55:57,133 看见广告也没打几分钟啊打一下 5863 06:55:58,300 --> 06:55:59,250 快快快 5864 06:56:12,416 --> 06:56:13,216 请看 5865 06:56:17,166 --> 06:56:18,766 三年打广告第一日 5866 06:56:19,850 --> 06:56:20,900 没有什么用是吗 5867 06:56:20,900 --> 06:56:22,733 好吧以后不播到3点了 5868 06:56:23,300 --> 06:56:24,100 啊 5869 06:56:28,650 --> 06:56:30,850 持续到这个月底啊 5870 06:56:42,933 --> 06:56:45,449 4点人多一点啊滚滚滚 5871 06:56:45,450 --> 06:56:46,616 走了走了 5872 06:56:51,250 --> 06:56:54,100 怎么我拿着链子又有两个版本啊 5873 06:57:00,166 --> 06:57:02,099 拜拜大家晚安 5874 06:58:08,300 --> 06:58:13,250 1点钟的广场还有人在回想昨天 5875 06:58:14,166 --> 06:58:15,899 这是他的第几 5876 06:58:15,933 --> 06:58:19,249 次失眠一束光的形状 5877 06:58:19,500 --> 06:58:22,166 万物就是如此模样 5878 06:58:26,450 --> 06:58:28,133 想你也在纠结 5879 06:58:28,616 --> 06:58:30,933 不想重复着每一天 5880 06:58:34,700 --> 06:58:37,050 准备好跟我出发 5881 06:58:37,100 --> 06:58:39,450 一定不会让你失望 5882 06:58:43,050 --> 06:58:43,650 我带 5883 06:58:43,650 --> 06:58:47,016 带你穿越城市的森林 5884 06:58:47,250 --> 06:58:50,333 带你一起在火山上跳舞 5885 06:58:51,650 --> 06:58:57,900 直到看见日落打着云朵飞向银河 5886 06:59:00,933 --> 06:59:05,016 我带你潜入海底最深处 5887 06:59:05,050 --> 06:59:08,450 带你一起在珊瑚中散步 5888 06:59:09,450 --> 06:59:15,566 直到看见经过踩着漩涡奔向沙漠 5889 06:59:16,933 --> 06:59:19,216 送给你一片绿洲 5890 06:59:37,216 --> 06:59:39,366 火山下起了大雪 5891 06:59:39,450 --> 06:59:42,216 海龟一起游向天边 5892 06:59:42,766 --> 06:59:45,899 彩虹搭起了一座桥帘 5893 06:59:46,133 --> 06:59:48,133 麋鹿和石子共舞 5894 06:59:48,333 --> 06:59:51,016 漫天花朵追逐蝴蝶 5895 06:59:52,133 --> 06:59:52,933 唔 5896 06:59:54,966 --> 06:59:57,016 没有最好的冒险 5897 06:59:57,216 --> 06:59:59,249 只有充满未知的情节 5898 07:00:00,733 --> 07:00:01,533 嗯 5899 07:00:03,850 --> 07:00:05,900 那些遗憾的所有 5900 07:00:05,900 --> 07:00:08,533 到最后都会遇见 5901 07:00:11,966 --> 07:00:16,049 我带你穿越城市的森林 5902 07:00:16,133 --> 07:00:19,216 带你一起在火山上跳舞 5903 07:00:20,566 --> 07:00:27,649 直到看见日落搭着云朵飞向银河呜 5904 07:00:29,900 --> 07:00:33,850 我带你潜入海底最深处 5905 07:00:33,900 --> 07:00:37,133 带你一起在珊瑚中散步 5906 07:00:38,333 --> 07:00:44,649 直到看见起落在这漩涡奔向沙漠 5907 07:00:45,816 --> 07:00:48,166 送给你一片绿洲 5908 07:01:06,300 --> 07:01:07,216 wake up 5909 07:01:15,566 --> 07:01:16,966 一刻的所有 5910 07:01:16,966 --> 07:01:19,499 到最后都会遇见 5911 07:01:23,050 --> 07:01:27,216 我带你穿越城市的森林 5912 07:01:27,250 --> 07:01:30,366 带你一起在我身上跳舞 5913 07:01:31,650 --> 07:01:37,450 直到看见日落大战云朵飞向银河 5914 07:01:40,850 --> 07:01:44,966 我带你潜入海底最深处 5915 07:01:45,016 --> 07:01:48,499 带你一起在江湖中散步 5916 07:01:49,450 --> 07:01:53,700 直到看见晴朗踩着漩涡 5917 07:01:53,933 --> 07:01:55,566 奔向沙漠 5918 07:01:56,933 --> 07:01:59,299 送给你一片绿洲