1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:16,800 穿上洋装看着手表 2 00:00:17,083 --> 00:00:20,399 时间快到心砰砰的跳 3 00:00:20,733 --> 00:00:25,083 和你的第一次约会来临了 4 00:00:27,883 --> 00:00:31,283 金色的阳光洒满人行道 5 00:00:31,483 --> 00:00:34,566 换了新唇膏把头发弄好 6 00:00:34,566 --> 00:00:39,683 要你看到我的好 7 00:00:42,333 --> 00:00:45,599 喜欢看你走路充满自信 8 00:00:45,883 --> 00:00:49,199 说话时候你的专注眼神 9 00:00:49,483 --> 00:00:53,199 温柔的表情笑容里的天 10 00:00:54,000 --> 00:01:00,250 我相信找不到有比你更好的人 11 00:01:00,283 --> 00:01:03,333 你心里理想情人是几分 12 00:01:03,333 --> 00:01:09,083 是否也会有我的份 13 00:01:13,800 --> 00:01:18,650 好想知道你的100分 14 00:01:18,650 --> 00:01:20,850 会给怎样的人 15 00:01:21,083 --> 00:01:25,799 亲爱的你不要再陌生 16 00:01:25,800 --> 00:01:27,333 增加我戏份 17 00:01:27,333 --> 00:01:32,999 我想问亲爱的你把感情升等 18 00:01:33,000 --> 00:01:35,283 朋友变成情人 19 00:01:35,366 --> 00:01:40,249 可不可以告诉我标准 20 00:01:40,250 --> 00:01:44,733 不要让我一直答 21 00:01:58,966 --> 00:02:02,166 喜欢看你走路充满自信 22 00:02:02,366 --> 00:02:05,733 说话时候你的专注眼神 23 00:02:06,050 --> 00:02:10,366 温柔的表情笑容里的天真 24 00:02:10,483 --> 00:02:16,683 我相信找不到有比你更好的人 25 00:02:16,933 --> 00:02:19,849 你心里理想情人是几分 26 00:02:19,850 --> 00:02:25,566 是否也会有我的份 27 00:02:27,766 --> 00:02:32,449 好想知道你的100分 28 00:02:32,450 --> 00:02:34,733 会给怎样的人 29 00:02:34,800 --> 00:02:39,650 亲爱的你不要再陌生 30 00:02:39,650 --> 00:02:41,166 增加我戏份 31 00:02:41,166 --> 00:02:46,799 我想问亲爱的你把感情升等 32 00:02:46,800 --> 00:02:49,083 朋友变成情人 33 00:02:49,200 --> 00:02:54,050 可不可以告诉我标准 34 00:02:54,050 --> 00:02:56,166 不要我一直等 35 00:02:56,400 --> 00:03:00,166 迎着那时间的针 36 00:03:00,200 --> 00:03:08,400 大的头北街等你在点头好像一个梦 37 00:03:08,400 --> 00:03:11,166 渐渐走到我前头 38 00:03:11,966 --> 00:03:16,766 好想知道你的100分 39 00:03:16,766 --> 00:03:19,083 会给怎样的人 40 00:03:19,166 --> 00:03:23,966 亲爱的你不要再陌生 41 00:03:23,966 --> 00:03:25,449 增加我戏份 42 00:03:25,450 --> 00:03:31,166 我想问亲爱的你把感情升等 43 00:03:31,166 --> 00:03:33,483 朋友变成情人 44 00:03:33,533 --> 00:03:38,333 可不可以告诉我标准 45 00:03:38,333 --> 00:03:41,733 不要让我一直等 46 00:04:33,733 --> 00:04:35,049 哈喽哈喽大家好 47 00:04:37,133 --> 00:04:37,933 哈喽 48 00:04:39,483 --> 00:04:42,566 有没有发现我把表情调大了一些大家 49 00:04:48,600 --> 00:04:49,733 哈喽哈喽 50 00:04:52,250 --> 00:04:53,050 看看 51 00:04:53,850 --> 00:04:55,083 忘记打开了 52 00:04:57,283 --> 00:04:58,483 还要再打吗 53 00:05:03,050 --> 00:05:04,000 晚上好 54 00:05:06,283 --> 00:05:08,399 调理啊调理啊那我再倒一下好了 55 00:05:09,450 --> 00:05:10,483 我等我一下 56 00:05:23,166 --> 00:05:24,249 已经挺大了 57 00:05:26,166 --> 00:05:29,049 晚上好晚上好大家啊 58 00:05:29,050 --> 00:05:31,566 哈喽哈喽好久不见呢 59 00:05:33,483 --> 00:05:36,649 昨天那什么联动也也也说了很多话 60 00:05:36,650 --> 00:05:37,966 所以也不算好久不见 61 00:05:37,966 --> 00:05:41,366 昨天其实相当于也是播了的对吧 62 00:05:42,250 --> 00:05:43,283 对吧对吧 63 00:05:44,883 --> 00:05:46,049 对吧对吧 64 00:05:48,333 --> 00:05:49,683 呐呐呐呐 65 00:05:53,400 --> 00:05:55,450 再看看又大了一些 66 00:05:57,600 --> 00:05:59,566 啊谢谢李梦残月的金掌 67 00:05:59,600 --> 00:06:02,200 谢谢你哦谢谢你哦谢谢你 68 00:06:02,650 --> 00:06:03,600 谢谢你的支持 69 00:06:07,533 --> 00:06:09,933 无家可归别装你的 70 00:06:14,166 --> 00:06:16,683 什么第一波了主播啊 71 00:06:17,600 --> 00:06:20,166 这个印象有点错误了我觉得 72 00:06:21,533 --> 00:06:23,333 脸都丢光了有吗 73 00:06:26,250 --> 00:06:27,050 有吗 74 00:06:28,133 --> 00:06:28,933 有吗 75 00:06:29,650 --> 00:06:32,366 不是最后不是也狠狠的夸了大家吗 76 00:06:32,450 --> 00:06:35,800 你们是只记啊主播说的坏话不记 77 00:06:35,800 --> 00:06:37,766 完全不记主播的好啊 78 00:06:38,083 --> 00:06:40,483 做人没有这么做的吧啊 79 00:06:45,000 --> 00:06:46,083 没有这样的吧 80 00:06:46,200 --> 00:06:48,133 我这这个不是也狠狠的夸 81 00:06:48,133 --> 00:06:49,283 夸奖了大家吗 82 00:06:52,766 --> 00:06:56,399 啊谢谢卡优萨迪克的见长 83 00:06:56,566 --> 00:06:59,483 谢谢你啊谢谢你谢谢你的支持 84 00:07:02,533 --> 00:07:05,533 哎你们是没有听我的解释吗 85 00:07:05,733 --> 00:07:07,683 没人听我的解释是吧 86 00:07:07,733 --> 00:07:09,883 我都说了我的解释是什么呢 87 00:07:09,966 --> 00:07:12,599 怎么发现小团体里没一点解释 88 00:07:12,733 --> 00:07:16,283 哈哈哈你们是完全不听我的解释啊 89 00:07:16,733 --> 00:07:18,649 啊你们觉得我的音量怎么样 90 00:07:19,533 --> 00:07:20,799 你为什么就不听我的解释 91 00:07:20,800 --> 00:07:21,366 我都说过 92 00:07:21,366 --> 00:07:25,166 那个什么虚假的夸奖就完全就是呃 93 00:07:25,600 --> 00:07:27,483 不知道大家有没有听说过这句话 94 00:07:27,483 --> 00:07:30,766 就是呃无条件的爱这种话 95 00:07:30,766 --> 00:07:33,483 就是大部分人对你的爱都是建立在 96 00:07:33,600 --> 00:07:34,800 有条件的基础上 97 00:07:34,800 --> 00:07:36,650 就是你一定要做到什么什么 98 00:07:36,683 --> 00:07:39,333 呃他才会喜欢你懂吗 99 00:07:39,483 --> 00:07:42,366 就是啊你一定要长得好看才喜欢你啊 100 00:07:42,366 --> 00:07:43,366 你一定要啊 101 00:07:43,366 --> 00:07:46,166 做我喜我想你做的某件事情啊 102 00:07:46,166 --> 00:07:47,166 我才喜欢你 103 00:07:47,200 --> 00:07:51,166 但是主播这啊不是自己昨天那个什么 104 00:07:51,766 --> 00:07:55,849 这这算什么呢啊你行不行啊你啊 105 00:07:56,600 --> 00:07:57,650 哎你怎么说呢 106 00:07:57,650 --> 00:08:01,083 你好像需要吃点药啊但是 107 00:08:01,250 --> 00:08:04,083 最终啊自己还是对你说了一句话 108 00:08:04,083 --> 00:08:04,883 是什么呢 109 00:08:05,483 --> 00:08:07,333 饼干自己真是太厉害了 110 00:08:07,333 --> 00:08:11,133 我觉得反而就是这么一想天 111 00:08:11,200 --> 00:08:14,883 原来我这么不行他他也会如此 112 00:08:14,933 --> 00:08:17,483 呃夸奖我包容我 113 00:08:17,883 --> 00:08:19,283 我觉得这才是主播 114 00:08:19,366 --> 00:08:22,133 才是最感人的一一句吗 115 00:08:23,450 --> 00:08:25,850 没有觉得饼干碎银麻了吗 116 00:08:27,600 --> 00:08:29,683 跟跟我想象中完全不一样 117 00:08:29,766 --> 00:08:31,449 我以为当时最后一句话出来之后 118 00:08:31,450 --> 00:08:33,050 大家会想说哎 119 00:08:33,050 --> 00:08:34,200 咱们饼干碎 120 00:08:34,333 --> 00:08:36,533 给给他们悠悠球给他们 121 00:08:36,566 --> 00:08:39,133 呃先卸一点小小的呃 122 00:08:39,400 --> 00:08:43,050 饼干碎震撼还没想到大家嗯 123 00:08:43,400 --> 00:08:44,850 怎么回事呢 124 00:08:45,850 --> 00:08:47,366 哎不是 125 00:08:48,366 --> 00:08:50,133 这不是那什么呢哎 126 00:08:51,450 --> 00:08:54,683 良苦用心是没有任何人发现啊感觉 127 00:08:57,400 --> 00:08:59,400 只有我只有我对你好啊 128 00:08:59,400 --> 00:09:02,800 只有我不嫌弃你了大家啊你看他们 129 00:09:03,733 --> 00:09:05,766 别别人的粉丝可能得啊 130 00:09:05,766 --> 00:09:08,966 要怎么怎么做才才会被喜欢 131 00:09:09,366 --> 00:09:11,766 但是虽然饼干碎 132 00:09:12,000 --> 00:09:14,133 啊这样那样那样这样的缺点 133 00:09:14,133 --> 00:09:16,733 但是还是会被夸很厉害 134 00:09:16,883 --> 00:09:19,533 觉得感动到眼泪都快流下来了吗 135 00:09:22,283 --> 00:09:23,533 有没有觉得呢 136 00:09:31,566 --> 00:09:32,799 有没有主播这么一解释 137 00:09:32,800 --> 00:09:35,600 有没有感觉到一种良苦用心啊 138 00:09:35,766 --> 00:09:36,599 繁华 139 00:09:37,333 --> 00:09:39,333 虽然我还在上 140 00:09:40,250 --> 00:09:41,050 班 141 00:09:41,166 --> 00:09:45,733 我多么想一夜长大亲爱的 142 00:09:49,133 --> 00:09:50,449 哎这个点赞也太大了 143 00:09:50,450 --> 00:09:51,850 要只要是只能把 144 00:09:51,883 --> 00:09:54,683 只只能把我自己的表情包弄大就好了 145 00:09:54,683 --> 00:09:56,883 别的表情包不能弄大就好了 146 00:10:00,683 --> 00:10:01,766 哎呀 147 00:10:03,200 --> 00:10:04,083 那你想想 148 00:10:04,083 --> 00:10:06,933 你想想你的爸爸妈妈是不是啊 149 00:10:06,933 --> 00:10:08,799 你考好了才会夸你太 150 00:10:08,800 --> 00:10:10,600 棒了吧太棒了 151 00:10:10,600 --> 00:10:13,483 我们家儿子我们家女儿真太厉害了 152 00:10:13,650 --> 00:10:14,733 那主播呢 153 00:10:14,733 --> 00:10:17,533 啊你考的不好没关系啊 154 00:10:17,566 --> 00:10:20,733 你你你有你这不行那不行啊 155 00:10:20,733 --> 00:10:22,849 有什么各种样的缺点都是 156 00:10:23,483 --> 00:10:25,933 还是会说太厉害了你看 157 00:10:26,733 --> 00:10:30,166 主播对你的爱甚至某种意义上啊 158 00:10:30,683 --> 00:10:32,333 超越了你的父母 159 00:10:33,083 --> 00:10:34,166 怎么回事呢 160 00:10:35,166 --> 00:10:36,333 怎么回事呢 161 00:10:36,450 --> 00:10:38,166 这还不感动这还不感动 162 00:10:38,166 --> 00:10:39,599 说实话我已经想不出来 163 00:10:39,600 --> 00:10:41,933 能说什么才能感动到大家了 164 00:10:41,966 --> 00:10:44,733 想不出了已经想不出了 165 00:10:46,000 --> 00:10:49,600 我来说这个世界上最浪漫的一句话 166 00:10:50,000 --> 00:10:52,283 最浪漫的话我都已经说出来了 167 00:10:52,333 --> 00:10:52,999 流什么汗 168 00:10:53,000 --> 00:10:53,800 不准流汗 169 00:10:58,333 --> 00:11:00,799 现在应该发的是那什么跳恰恰吧 170 00:11:01,050 --> 00:11:01,850 啊 171 00:11:02,533 --> 00:11:04,333 我看现在应该发的是什么 172 00:11:07,166 --> 00:11:08,766 这这个饭是志气吧 173 00:11:09,600 --> 00:11:10,400 啊 174 00:11:11,883 --> 00:11:13,199 我的真情告白呢 175 00:11:13,200 --> 00:11:14,133 啊我这个啾啾 176 00:11:14,566 --> 00:11:15,999 弄出来是干嘛的呢 177 00:11:18,050 --> 00:11:19,000 流什么汗 178 00:11:20,000 --> 00:11:21,000 说实话我真的觉得 179 00:11:21,000 --> 00:11:22,850 这个世界上最浪漫的一句话 180 00:11:22,850 --> 00:11:25,000 就是我我已经对大家说出来了 181 00:11:25,133 --> 00:11:27,683 这确实没有想到大家是这样的反应 182 00:11:28,050 --> 00:11:29,166 怎么办呢 183 00:11:29,566 --> 00:11:30,733 我还好没卡 184 00:11:30,850 --> 00:11:31,650 OK OK 185 00:11:32,450 --> 00:11:35,766 行你错过太多了只能说 186 00:11:36,250 --> 00:11:37,050 这么 187 00:11:38,083 --> 00:11:42,449 我情的场面这本直播间呃一直在说呃 188 00:11:42,450 --> 00:11:44,600 自己是一个呃脸皮很薄的人 189 00:11:44,600 --> 00:11:47,566 但是昨天在那么多人的场合之下 190 00:11:47,566 --> 00:11:50,683 还对佳佳如此呃真情告白的 191 00:11:50,683 --> 00:11:51,533 但是 192 00:11:52,200 --> 00:11:55,333 有的人错过了只能说哎 193 00:11:58,450 --> 00:12:00,566 哈哈你怎么是见长陷阱啊那不然 194 00:12:00,850 --> 00:12:01,883 谁都进来哈哈 195 00:12:02,000 --> 00:12:04,083 直播到时候万一被阴阳怪气了怎么办 196 00:12:04,083 --> 00:12:05,166 好好心痛 197 00:12:05,283 --> 00:12:07,933 这现在就算大家是见证也在哈哈 198 00:12:07,933 --> 00:12:09,199 嗯我直播间已经 199 00:12:09,333 --> 00:12:10,366 心痛到那什么 200 00:12:10,366 --> 00:12:12,483 其实其实有点在那个什么 201 00:12:12,533 --> 00:12:15,483 把纸都放在手边准备擦眼泪了说实话 202 00:12:16,566 --> 00:12:17,366 哎 203 00:12:18,733 --> 00:12:21,049 更别说谁都谁都脸发个哈哈了 204 00:12:21,050 --> 00:12:22,200 那就更难受了 205 00:12:27,166 --> 00:12:27,966 哼 206 00:12:28,600 --> 00:12:30,683 在外面还是给饼干费点面子吗 207 00:12:30,683 --> 00:12:31,483 OK OK 208 00:12:32,400 --> 00:12:35,800 啊下次注意点吧那那就 209 00:12:36,800 --> 00:12:38,883 下次就是那什么 210 00:12:39,050 --> 00:12:39,850 呃 211 00:12:40,800 --> 00:12:42,366 这种叫什么呢 212 00:12:43,133 --> 00:12:44,883 这种叫什么呢哎呀 213 00:12:45,166 --> 00:12:48,083 就是是在在在啊家里在不行 214 00:12:48,083 --> 00:12:50,683 但是出去外面还是要给点面子是吧 215 00:12:53,000 --> 00:12:56,400 妈妈我直播间我们家饼干虽然 216 00:12:56,966 --> 00:12:58,249 了不得了不得 217 00:12:58,566 --> 00:13:01,083 了不得了不得那了不得了不得 218 00:13:01,333 --> 00:13:03,483 各方面都是相当的厉害 219 00:13:04,000 --> 00:13:05,366 很厉害很厉害 220 00:13:09,650 --> 00:13:10,933 很厉害的 221 00:13:15,133 --> 00:13:15,933 哼 222 00:13:20,083 --> 00:13:22,333 想半天没想到怎么夸哎呀 223 00:13:23,283 --> 00:13:25,766 不是问题是我们之间是这种关系吗 224 00:13:25,766 --> 00:13:27,483 你们平时有很夸我吗 225 00:13:27,483 --> 00:13:28,599 你们也没有啊你们 226 00:13:28,600 --> 00:13:30,850 我们平时不是互相伤害吗 227 00:13:30,966 --> 00:13:33,366 你们也没给我过什么温情画面啊 228 00:13:33,366 --> 00:13:35,133 我怎么跟你们温情啊 229 00:13:35,133 --> 00:13:36,766 我是真想不出来 230 00:13:46,400 --> 00:13:47,483 对吧呃 231 00:13:47,483 --> 00:13:48,933 我在直播间的时候不也是这样 232 00:13:48,933 --> 00:13:50,049 被大家欺负吗 233 00:13:51,283 --> 00:13:52,799 就很难啊就很难 234 00:13:53,566 --> 00:13:55,083 就很难啊就很难 235 00:14:04,483 --> 00:14:07,366 挽留你们的那些话都不是很那种的 236 00:14:07,366 --> 00:14:08,249 你们知道吗 237 00:14:09,533 --> 00:14:12,399 嗯你们都是那种什么挽留挽留一下 238 00:14:12,766 --> 00:14:14,399 呃呃呃 239 00:14:14,533 --> 00:14:15,849 伤心了别伤心啊 240 00:14:15,850 --> 00:14:17,766 那主播昨天应该说个什么 241 00:14:17,766 --> 00:14:19,599 挽留挽留一下饼干碎 242 00:14:19,800 --> 00:14:20,650 啊饼干碎 243 00:14:20,650 --> 00:14:23,733 厉害别伤心我我也是这样说可以吧 244 00:14:31,250 --> 00:14:34,650 你们平时不是也很敷衍吗啊 245 00:14:41,000 --> 00:14:43,000 啊那你们现在教教我一下 246 00:14:43,366 --> 00:14:45,199 啊别挽留那你走吧再见 247 00:14:45,650 --> 00:14:46,966 那要走就走不送了 248 00:14:47,366 --> 00:14:49,566 自己把门打开吧你知道怎么打开吧 249 00:14:52,450 --> 00:14:53,600 那么教一下教一下 250 00:14:53,600 --> 00:14:56,133 那平时我不是也在教你们吗 251 00:14:56,400 --> 00:14:58,083 那平时你们说哎呀 252 00:14:58,083 --> 00:14:58,599 怎么怎么 253 00:14:58,600 --> 00:15:00,800 那什么不是也是我教你们的吗 254 00:15:01,883 --> 00:15:03,199 啊教一下教一下 255 00:15:03,483 --> 00:15:06,399 主主播平时不不怎么说这么温情的话 256 00:15:07,250 --> 00:15:08,933 dancing dancing 257 00:15:09,283 --> 00:15:10,366 dancing dancing 258 00:15:26,650 --> 00:15:27,450 哼 259 00:15:28,083 --> 00:15:28,883 嗯 260 00:15:29,533 --> 00:15:30,333 呃 261 00:15:30,883 --> 00:15:31,733 呃 262 00:15:32,483 --> 00:15:33,483 呃啊 263 00:15:34,000 --> 00:15:37,133 今天很温柔也很奇怪那攻击性高也要 264 00:15:37,133 --> 00:15:39,249 被说啊温柔也要被说啊 265 00:15:39,883 --> 00:15:41,283 叫小珍珠了 266 00:15:43,400 --> 00:15:45,600 怎么真心换真心的你就是个小丑 267 00:15:49,683 --> 00:15:52,049 这嗓子不太舒服还好吧 268 00:15:52,250 --> 00:15:53,850 嗯是下午没怎么说话 269 00:15:53,850 --> 00:15:56,333 刚才录了一下蹲起 270 00:15:57,050 --> 00:15:58,800 可能稍微有一点点 271 00:16:00,933 --> 00:16:03,083 那那我那我说啥呢我想想 272 00:16:03,333 --> 00:16:04,133 嗯 273 00:16:05,083 --> 00:16:05,966 嗯 274 00:16:07,400 --> 00:16:08,200 嗯 275 00:16:08,566 --> 00:16:09,483 啊啊 276 00:16:10,283 --> 00:16:11,766 不行我想不出来 277 00:16:12,733 --> 00:16:13,533 啊 278 00:16:13,933 --> 00:16:16,083 能坚持看完一整场直播真的很不容易 279 00:16:16,083 --> 00:16:17,366 什么叫能坚持 280 00:16:17,366 --> 00:16:20,049 饼干脆能坚持看一整场很不容易啊 281 00:16:20,083 --> 00:16:22,399 那我那我播的也很不容易啊 282 00:16:22,566 --> 00:16:25,449 那那我也很努力的说话呀 283 00:16:27,933 --> 00:16:29,799 真的很不容易假的很不容易 284 00:16:32,933 --> 00:16:35,999 昨天昨天有史以来说最多话的一次吧 285 00:16:50,200 --> 00:16:52,933 哪有黑屁啊怎么那什么 286 00:16:53,933 --> 00:16:55,333 哎哪有攻击啊 287 00:16:55,333 --> 00:16:57,249 那最后不是狠狠的快了吗 288 00:16:59,400 --> 00:17:01,650 有点小气了啊有点小气了 289 00:17:01,650 --> 00:17:03,400 只记坏不记好是吧 290 00:17:09,600 --> 00:17:11,683 哈哈哈什么叫被叫黑皮 291 00:17:11,683 --> 00:17:13,683 还能坚持做饼干虽不容易 292 00:17:14,200 --> 00:17:15,000 哎呀 293 00:17:15,600 --> 00:17:18,333 对狠狠是不是有误解那怎么夸呢 294 00:17:18,683 --> 00:17:18,766 那 295 00:17:18,766 --> 00:17:21,566 那他们都是怎么夸自己自己的粉丝的 296 00:17:21,566 --> 00:17:23,166 你们知道吗 297 00:17:23,366 --> 00:17:24,766 跟我说一下呢 298 00:17:26,483 --> 00:17:28,366 交一交小碎杯 299 00:17:44,050 --> 00:17:45,733 那我觉得他们也没说啥呀 300 00:17:45,733 --> 00:17:47,766 他们就说了什么啊 301 00:17:48,600 --> 00:17:49,533 啊什么 302 00:17:50,450 --> 00:17:53,133 啊什么悠悠悠悠球一直陪在我身边吧 303 00:17:53,133 --> 00:17:55,933 是吧还有个什么呢啊 304 00:17:56,283 --> 00:17:58,366 呃谁见不红事业事业 305 00:17:58,533 --> 00:18:00,566 不高兴了是吧就这两个 306 00:18:00,683 --> 00:18:03,133 是这两个吗这两个我也可以说啊 307 00:18:03,850 --> 00:18:04,533 是吧 308 00:18:04,533 --> 00:18:06,999 行不行啊这两个你们就可以开心吗 309 00:18:07,050 --> 00:18:08,333 那我马上说 310 00:18:09,200 --> 00:18:10,000 哼 311 00:18:11,083 --> 00:18:12,883 谢希望可爱的爱心主播快一级 312 00:18:12,883 --> 00:18:14,449 都想不出来去要求别人说 313 00:18:14,450 --> 00:18:15,600 每天说些小皱纹 314 00:18:15,600 --> 00:18:16,566 小直播间是 315 00:18:16,683 --> 00:18:17,283 小丑了 316 00:18:17,283 --> 00:18:20,083 那只是我夸的你们不喜欢罢了 317 00:18:22,166 --> 00:18:25,166 i'm feeling like a powerful girl 318 00:18:25,283 --> 00:18:26,449 马后炮你看见不起来 319 00:18:26,450 --> 00:18:29,133 怎么哪那么多事啊let's go 320 00:18:30,283 --> 00:18:32,966 together we can take on the world 321 00:18:33,733 --> 00:18:35,249 别人做不到就没感觉了 322 00:18:35,250 --> 00:18:36,600 我真的是服了气了 323 00:18:36,600 --> 00:18:37,766 那你们对我做过的 324 00:18:37,766 --> 00:18:39,533 也不也对别人做过吗 325 00:18:39,533 --> 00:18:41,283 我还没追究你们呢 326 00:18:46,733 --> 00:18:48,799 啊那我自己想哥好了啊 327 00:18:49,683 --> 00:18:51,166 你别急我马上想 328 00:18:52,283 --> 00:18:53,849 帮我先喝口水嗯 329 00:18:55,883 --> 00:18:59,933 i like you and you like me it's time to say hello 330 00:19:00,966 --> 00:19:02,933 我觉得我跟大家说过很多好话 331 00:19:02,933 --> 00:19:04,933 但是你们总是不介意而已 332 00:19:11,000 --> 00:19:12,283 做过啥啊 333 00:19:12,450 --> 00:19:14,450 那你们也跟别人说早安啊 334 00:19:14,450 --> 00:19:16,600 要跟我说早安啊 335 00:19:16,600 --> 00:19:17,883 你们也回别人的那种 336 00:19:17,883 --> 00:19:19,533 什么日常小动态啊 337 00:19:19,533 --> 00:19:21,049 然后也回我的 338 00:19:21,333 --> 00:19:22,933 那这不是那个什么吗 339 00:19:22,933 --> 00:19:25,166 那主播只跟你们说早安呢 340 00:19:25,483 --> 00:19:26,966 是吧怎么不直 341 00:19:31,333 --> 00:19:32,399 哎呀我想想啊 342 00:19:32,650 --> 00:19:33,850 你们就记一下啊 343 00:19:33,933 --> 00:19:36,366 我跟你们说我说过什么很好听的话 344 00:19:36,483 --> 00:19:38,449 一个是我每次说 345 00:19:38,450 --> 00:19:40,800 谢谢大家今天也来看我的直播了 346 00:19:40,966 --> 00:19:44,133 谢谢大家今天也来了这种话不好听吗 347 00:19:44,133 --> 00:19:45,449 多浪漫啊 348 00:19:46,283 --> 00:19:47,533 不浪漫吗 349 00:19:47,683 --> 00:19:48,649 浪不浪漫 350 00:19:53,800 --> 00:19:55,000 而且你们夸我可爱 351 00:19:55,000 --> 00:19:57,133 也会去夸别人可爱啊 352 00:19:57,966 --> 00:19:59,483 哎呀是吧 353 00:20:00,533 --> 00:20:01,333 哼 354 00:20:09,600 --> 00:20:10,650 这个不浪漫吗 355 00:20:10,650 --> 00:20:12,683 说实话你真的再想想 356 00:20:13,200 --> 00:20:15,650 我就这句话是非常浪漫的 357 00:20:18,483 --> 00:20:21,999 什么浪漫就是有一种啊就是 358 00:20:24,683 --> 00:20:25,166 啊 359 00:20:25,166 --> 00:20:27,449 平淡的一天但是因为有你的平淡啊 360 00:20:27,450 --> 00:20:30,483 因因为有你而变得不再平淡啊啊 361 00:20:30,483 --> 00:20:33,366 今天也跟你度过了一天今天也是 362 00:20:33,400 --> 00:20:36,483 呃今天我的生活中也有你的身影出现 363 00:20:36,483 --> 00:20:39,599 懂吗就就就就是 364 00:20:40,133 --> 00:20:41,733 呃谢谢大家今天以来 365 00:20:41,766 --> 00:20:44,449 那个什么参与了我我的人生 366 00:20:44,450 --> 00:20:46,566 参与了我的生活进入丫头 367 00:20:46,566 --> 00:20:48,249 我想进入你的生活 368 00:20:48,600 --> 00:20:49,883 这不浪漫吗 369 00:20:49,933 --> 00:20:52,166 啊我觉得好浪漫哦 370 00:20:54,733 --> 00:20:56,733 那如果大家跟我说谢谢你今天也在 371 00:20:56,733 --> 00:20:57,799 所以极限你今天也在 372 00:20:57,800 --> 00:20:59,200 我也觉得很浪漫哎 373 00:20:59,200 --> 00:20:59,683 你们真的 374 00:20:59,683 --> 00:21:01,399 觉得不浪漫吗你们要怎样 375 00:21:01,400 --> 00:21:03,733 你们一定要那种很直白的那种什么 376 00:21:03,733 --> 00:21:05,449 直白到恨不得那种什么 377 00:21:05,533 --> 00:21:06,333 哎 378 00:21:06,800 --> 00:21:09,250 如果一定要说的很直白才才好听 379 00:21:09,250 --> 00:21:11,600 才喜欢才能听得懂吗 380 00:21:12,333 --> 00:21:14,049 阅读理解属于是有点差了 381 00:21:14,050 --> 00:21:15,966 大家的语文应该不是特别好 382 00:21:26,250 --> 00:21:27,166 嗨呀 383 00:21:29,366 --> 00:21:30,166 哎 384 00:21:30,966 --> 00:21:31,766 哎 385 00:21:31,933 --> 00:21:35,199 而且我发的那个动态多浪漫啊你看看 386 00:21:35,683 --> 00:21:38,199 真是一个一个给你们掰扯 387 00:21:39,333 --> 00:21:40,533 看我这多浪漫啊 388 00:21:40,533 --> 00:21:42,683 我这个歌词分享的浪漫的 389 00:21:42,733 --> 00:21:44,133 看着都都要流眼泪了 390 00:21:44,133 --> 00:21:45,166 我这个歌词不浪漫吗 391 00:21:45,166 --> 00:21:47,049 你们说说你们自己好好想想 392 00:21:47,366 --> 00:21:50,449 我分享的那个歌词浪不浪漫啊 393 00:21:50,600 --> 00:21:51,400 浪不浪漫 394 00:21:51,483 --> 00:21:53,766 what if what if we run away 395 00:21:54,083 --> 00:21:56,083 what if what if we love啊 396 00:21:56,166 --> 00:21:59,283 你发现了爱爷爷歌词啊啊啊 397 00:22:16,650 --> 00:22:17,933 多浪漫啊 398 00:22:21,450 --> 00:22:22,683 这种话说实话 399 00:22:22,683 --> 00:22:25,733 我觉得浪漫程度简直已经是那种什么 400 00:22:25,800 --> 00:22:26,850 呃那什么 401 00:22:26,850 --> 00:22:29,800 求婚的时候可能会会会那种 402 00:22:30,566 --> 00:22:33,399 这那个什么别人呃什么呃 403 00:22:33,400 --> 00:22:36,566 五六年六七年78年那种恋爱长跑 404 00:22:36,600 --> 00:22:38,800 然后求婚的时候可能会放的歌 405 00:22:38,800 --> 00:22:40,050 和说的歌词了 406 00:22:40,050 --> 00:22:41,450 已经是这种程度了 407 00:22:41,566 --> 00:22:43,966 浪不浪漫你们知点足吧你们 408 00:22:45,133 --> 00:22:46,566 知足吧 409 00:22:51,200 --> 00:22:53,333 有时候总会跟你求婚的那也不是好吗 410 00:22:53,333 --> 00:22:54,249 那也不是 411 00:22:54,400 --> 00:22:56,250 那只是呃 412 00:22:56,400 --> 00:22:58,733 只是那个表达的情感比较深刻 413 00:22:58,733 --> 00:22:59,566 我的意思是 414 00:23:03,050 --> 00:23:04,850 哥只扣100分凭什么 415 00:23:06,766 --> 00:23:07,883 谢谢他们家的SK 416 00:23:07,883 --> 00:23:09,366 不要再表达爱时那么无力 417 00:23:09,366 --> 00:23:11,649 却要在表达伤害时如此锋利 418 00:23:11,650 --> 00:23:12,533 你给我去死啊 419 00:23:12,533 --> 00:23:13,333 你 420 00:23:13,850 --> 00:23:15,200 别在这乱说啊 421 00:23:15,333 --> 00:23:16,249 带什么节奏 422 00:23:16,650 --> 00:23:22,400 star flashing like a photo boost and the star我说实话 423 00:23:22,400 --> 00:23:23,366 这么浪漫的歌词 424 00:23:23,366 --> 00:23:26,883 大家收到之后还没有表达出一种就是 425 00:23:28,566 --> 00:23:31,366 感恩一种知足一种什么啊 426 00:23:31,366 --> 00:23:32,733 主播也太好了对我 427 00:23:32,733 --> 00:23:34,683 们太爱我们吧这么好的歌词 428 00:23:34,683 --> 00:23:36,766 欧美哥啊好感动好感动 429 00:23:36,766 --> 00:23:37,933 没表现出这种说 430 00:23:37,933 --> 00:23:40,249 说实话我就感觉大家有点那什么 431 00:23:41,533 --> 00:23:42,449 有点迟钝 432 00:23:42,450 --> 00:23:43,450 有点不知足 433 00:23:43,450 --> 00:23:44,283 有点 434 00:23:44,366 --> 00:23:46,799 怎么不知道拿你们如何是好的一种 435 00:23:46,800 --> 00:23:47,766 感觉了 436 00:23:52,400 --> 00:23:55,166 大笨蛋又在发毒鸡汤大家别理他 437 00:24:04,166 --> 00:24:06,483 好的歌词胜过千言万语啊 438 00:24:06,600 --> 00:24:08,600 感情都在歌里了懂吗 439 00:24:16,083 --> 00:24:17,799 有没有怎么样有没有感觉到 440 00:24:18,083 --> 00:24:19,049 有没有感觉到 441 00:24:19,166 --> 00:24:20,599 还没感觉到我的温柔吗 442 00:24:20,600 --> 00:24:21,250 那我再看看 443 00:24:21,250 --> 00:24:23,450 我还有没有什么温柔话话语啊 444 00:24:23,600 --> 00:24:25,566 我感觉我的微博超级温柔啊 445 00:24:25,566 --> 00:24:26,733 你们没觉得吗 446 00:24:26,966 --> 00:24:29,999 my youth my youth is yours 447 00:24:38,283 --> 00:24:40,333 my youth is yours 448 00:24:44,650 --> 00:24:45,450 啊 449 00:24:47,600 --> 00:24:49,000 哈哈哈说实话 450 00:24:49,000 --> 00:24:50,450 我觉得每天说早上好 451 00:24:50,450 --> 00:24:52,400 就已经很很那个什么了呀 452 00:24:52,533 --> 00:24:54,199 就就很那个啥呀 453 00:24:54,250 --> 00:24:56,450 就就很浪漫呀很那种啊 454 00:24:56,533 --> 00:24:58,599 那每天跟你说起床那还不那个 455 00:24:58,600 --> 00:25:00,450 我都没有每天早上跟我朋友说起床 456 00:25:00,450 --> 00:25:01,733 起了我起了呢 457 00:25:02,883 --> 00:25:05,133 我朋友之间都不会这么说呢 458 00:25:06,000 --> 00:25:07,250 又又又是不是又 459 00:25:07,250 --> 00:25:09,400 稍微感受到了主播的用心良苦 460 00:25:15,600 --> 00:25:18,483 可是一起床那什么一睁眼摁掉 461 00:25:18,483 --> 00:25:21,283 没睁眼我就把那个闹钟给摁掉 462 00:25:22,083 --> 00:25:24,366 呃闹钟摁掉之后 463 00:25:24,366 --> 00:25:27,083 呃打开哔哩哔哩看一下大家的私信啊 464 00:25:27,083 --> 00:25:30,283 然后立刻打开微博跟大家说起了 465 00:25:31,966 --> 00:25:33,049 这还不浪漫吗 466 00:25:33,050 --> 00:25:34,333 你再仔细想想 467 00:25:35,133 --> 00:25:36,799 像主播每天跟你说早上好 468 00:25:36,800 --> 00:25:38,166 但是你也并不一定每天早 469 00:25:38,166 --> 00:25:39,683 每每天早上都跟主播 470 00:25:39,800 --> 00:25:40,883 回了早上好 471 00:25:40,883 --> 00:25:41,849 有没有觉得 472 00:25:42,083 --> 00:25:44,533 主播其实是付出的多的那个人呢 473 00:25:44,650 --> 00:25:47,650 有没有顿顿时的那什么顿悟 474 00:25:47,883 --> 00:25:50,849 突然感觉到一阵愧疚哦 475 00:25:52,683 --> 00:25:54,083 主播对我们太好了 476 00:25:54,083 --> 00:25:56,683 我们对他还不够好好难过 477 00:25:56,766 --> 00:25:58,533 都是我做的还不够多 478 00:25:58,533 --> 00:26:01,649 以后要以后要对自己更好才行 479 00:26:01,650 --> 00:26:03,650 才能对得起他的付出 480 00:26:08,850 --> 00:26:10,000 有没有觉得呢 481 00:26:10,133 --> 00:26:12,133 but you gotta be there for me too 482 00:26:17,533 --> 00:26:20,483 我说的是每天每天都跟大家说早上好 483 00:26:20,483 --> 00:26:22,766 但大家不一定每天都说早上好啊 484 00:26:23,050 --> 00:26:24,450 我没有p v呀 485 00:26:25,000 --> 00:26:28,050 没有p v你们吗别装睡again 486 00:26:29,800 --> 00:26:32,650 i hope you're waiting at the end 487 00:26:34,083 --> 00:26:35,933 but i真的每天都回了吗 488 00:26:35,933 --> 00:26:37,199 一天都没漏掉吗 489 00:26:37,200 --> 00:26:37,933 一天都没漏 490 00:26:37,933 --> 00:26:40,366 漏掉你都你就是错过了一天 491 00:26:40,366 --> 00:26:41,449 遂及的真心 492 00:26:41,450 --> 00:26:42,533 遂及的好意 493 00:26:48,883 --> 00:26:50,566 还有一个我又想起来了 494 00:26:53,400 --> 00:26:54,733 是吗是吗 495 00:26:55,450 --> 00:27:00,850 only hear you whisper i'll be lie for you i'll be lie for you 496 00:27:01,533 --> 00:27:03,483 至少都点赞啊那这不一样啊 497 00:27:03,483 --> 00:27:04,883 那我是发到早上好 498 00:27:04,883 --> 00:27:07,399 那我又不是那什么一天转发 499 00:27:07,566 --> 00:27:10,933 呃昨天的某一天的早上好这样这样 500 00:27:12,883 --> 00:27:15,449 我又想起来一个昨天他们说呃 501 00:27:15,450 --> 00:27:18,450 他们说那什么收留清脆饼干碎的时候 502 00:27:18,450 --> 00:27:19,766 我还在说什么 503 00:27:19,766 --> 00:27:22,649 我还在说啊饼干碎啊饼干碎饼干碎 504 00:27:22,650 --> 00:27:24,483 我不是在挽留你们吗 505 00:27:26,250 --> 00:27:27,733 你们忘了吗 506 00:27:28,283 --> 00:27:30,049 主播说的话你们是听不见是吧 507 00:27:30,050 --> 00:27:32,283 你们是不是在听别的人说话呀 508 00:27:32,850 --> 00:27:33,733 好难过 509 00:27:36,800 --> 00:27:38,133 好难过好难过 510 00:27:44,000 --> 00:27:45,283 说了饼干脆在吗 511 00:27:45,333 --> 00:27:46,683 饼干脆在吗 512 00:27:46,850 --> 00:27:48,200 我不是这样说的吗 513 00:27:52,566 --> 00:27:56,733 i'm running running just to keep my hands on you 514 00:27:57,200 --> 00:28:01,566 running running just to keep my hands on you 515 00:28:01,766 --> 00:28:06,049 running running just to keep my hands on you 516 00:28:06,050 --> 00:28:10,533 said i'm running running just to keep my hands on you 517 00:28:13,366 --> 00:28:14,166 道歉 518 00:28:15,683 --> 00:28:17,799 对面就有很多人都挽留你吗 519 00:28:18,533 --> 00:28:20,366 没人就想说比较帅还在吗 520 00:28:20,366 --> 00:28:22,733 就是一种确定一种确认 521 00:28:22,966 --> 00:28:26,049 are you OK are you still here嗯 522 00:28:26,050 --> 00:28:27,800 一种什么你知道吗 523 00:28:27,800 --> 00:28:30,483 一种嗯嗯嗯啊 524 00:28:30,850 --> 00:28:33,083 一种惶恐一种担忧 525 00:28:33,683 --> 00:28:36,049 懂吗有没有感受到 526 00:28:37,883 --> 00:28:38,683 哼 527 00:28:39,683 --> 00:28:41,933 有没有这个时候你们还一直在 528 00:28:41,933 --> 00:28:43,399 那个什么根本就没在 529 00:28:43,850 --> 00:28:46,766 那个什么根本没在离离离主播 530 00:28:48,083 --> 00:28:49,766 对吧哼 531 00:28:56,766 --> 00:28:58,333 因为突然就很想道歉哎 532 00:28:58,333 --> 00:29:00,083 可惜我的对不起表情包还没做好 533 00:29:00,083 --> 00:29:03,083 要不然大家现在就可以狠狠的道歉了 534 00:29:15,450 --> 00:29:17,366 没看到那他们说同不同意 535 00:29:17,400 --> 00:29:18,483 呃游戏规则的时候 536 00:29:18,483 --> 00:29:20,483 大家不是全部都在说同意吗 537 00:29:20,766 --> 00:29:22,733 根本都没有人跟我站在一边啊 538 00:29:22,733 --> 00:29:24,133 怎么回事呢 539 00:29:33,283 --> 00:29:34,083 哼 540 00:29:34,850 --> 00:29:37,050 哼哼哼哼哼 541 00:29:37,450 --> 00:29:38,250 哼哼哼 542 00:29:39,083 --> 00:29:41,566 哼屏蔽了放屁 543 00:29:41,566 --> 00:29:44,333 我当时看好多饼干碎的牌子都在说 544 00:29:44,333 --> 00:29:46,333 同意同意同意同意 545 00:29:46,400 --> 00:29:47,483 同意同意 546 00:29:48,400 --> 00:29:50,000 怎么回事呢 547 00:29:59,566 --> 00:30:00,683 怎么回事呢 548 00:30:00,966 --> 00:30:01,999 晚上好哦 549 00:30:21,800 --> 00:30:22,600 哼 550 00:30:30,000 --> 00:30:33,366 好了啊不传了啊 551 00:30:33,366 --> 00:30:36,283 反正反正这主播对大家已经很好了 552 00:30:36,566 --> 00:30:39,366 是再重复一下再重申一下 553 00:30:39,366 --> 00:30:41,799 害怕大家有什么地方遗漏的 554 00:30:44,883 --> 00:30:45,799 大家比较直男 555 00:30:45,800 --> 00:30:47,333 可能有的时候感受不到 556 00:30:47,333 --> 00:30:48,766 主播跟大家点出来一下 557 00:30:48,766 --> 00:30:51,166 大家认错就行了嗯 558 00:30:51,366 --> 00:30:52,166 scream 559 00:30:54,333 --> 00:30:56,449 shooting star oh 560 00:30:59,483 --> 00:31:01,333 na na 561 00:31:03,283 --> 00:31:04,083 na 562 00:31:07,800 --> 00:31:08,600 na 563 00:31:11,200 --> 00:31:12,250 na na 564 00:31:12,283 --> 00:31:14,399 没有一点反省的地方吗嗯 565 00:31:16,250 --> 00:31:17,400 想不起来 566 00:31:17,650 --> 00:31:20,000 想不起来我有什么要反省的地方吗 567 00:31:20,050 --> 00:31:20,766 反省了一下 568 00:31:20,766 --> 00:31:23,049 但是觉得确实没有需要反省的地方 569 00:31:37,050 --> 00:31:38,333 那就没办法了呢 570 00:31:43,766 --> 00:31:44,566 嗯 571 00:31:52,200 --> 00:31:53,966 哎为什么这么点赞的表情 572 00:31:53,966 --> 00:31:55,399 比我的表情大好多啊 573 00:31:55,400 --> 00:31:57,650 我感觉他这个字也太大了吧 574 00:32:01,800 --> 00:32:03,250 想了下确实是平安 575 00:32:03,250 --> 00:32:04,966 所以那个什么有点不知足了 576 00:32:04,966 --> 00:32:06,399 嗯但是没关系 577 00:32:06,400 --> 00:32:08,883 我原谅大家了大家不用太难过了 578 00:32:16,000 --> 00:32:16,800 嗯 579 00:32:17,250 --> 00:32:18,650 没事没事OK 580 00:32:19,533 --> 00:32:20,133 那什么 581 00:32:20,133 --> 00:32:22,883 这件事情的分析就到此结束了啊 582 00:32:25,166 --> 00:32:27,933 谢谢正路过人间的AC 583 00:32:27,933 --> 00:32:28,766 不要总问 584 00:32:28,966 --> 00:32:31,199 总问岁几为饼干岁月做了什么 585 00:32:31,366 --> 00:32:34,083 在想饼干岁月岁几做了什么嗯 586 00:32:35,050 --> 00:32:38,333 有一点道理说实话我觉得有一点道理 587 00:32:39,200 --> 00:32:41,333 这这个这个这个事情是说什么呢 588 00:32:41,333 --> 00:32:43,449 就大家在呃 589 00:32:43,966 --> 00:32:46,483 责怪别人之前呢其实可以先 590 00:32:46,600 --> 00:32:48,733 考虑一下自己到底 591 00:32:48,733 --> 00:32:51,166 啊这方面有没有做的比较到位呢 592 00:32:51,166 --> 00:32:52,049 嗯 593 00:32:53,283 --> 00:32:54,133 嗯 594 00:32:56,083 --> 00:32:56,883 很有道理 595 00:32:57,533 --> 00:33:00,533 目光洒落在银河 596 00:33:02,400 --> 00:33:06,883 你的清香让星星坠落 597 00:33:08,000 --> 00:33:11,050 不是平时就这样的时间 598 00:33:11,766 --> 00:33:14,166 如果有缘 599 00:33:14,883 --> 00:33:17,249 这个安静的地点 600 00:33:17,366 --> 00:33:19,199 我昨天真的跟他们聊了好久 601 00:33:19,200 --> 00:33:20,133 大家本来我 602 00:33:20,166 --> 00:33:23,166 当时联动完我还在想要不要继续直播 603 00:33:23,333 --> 00:33:24,649 啊为什一般来说 604 00:33:24,733 --> 00:33:27,999 联动完大家还要再继续单单播的吗 605 00:33:28,000 --> 00:33:28,800 大家 606 00:33:30,883 --> 00:33:34,283 我看到有的人那什么呃让问我一周 607 00:33:34,333 --> 00:33:35,133 我要不要 608 00:33:35,250 --> 00:33:36,683 还播不播来着 609 00:33:46,133 --> 00:33:47,166 啊除了我都播 610 00:33:47,933 --> 00:33:51,449 哎我跟你说这是当时情况是怎么样嗯 611 00:33:54,483 --> 00:33:56,083 啊一般当时是怎么样呢 612 00:33:56,083 --> 00:33:58,133 哎那没关系大家意犹未尽的话 613 00:33:58,283 --> 00:33:59,199 那什么就 614 00:33:59,683 --> 00:34:03,449 昨天晚上就会一直想我对吧也挺好呢 615 00:34:04,400 --> 00:34:06,083 对吧也挺好 616 00:34:07,000 --> 00:34:08,166 啊不会是没想我 617 00:34:08,166 --> 00:34:11,049 然后想看直播就去看别人的直播了吧 618 00:34:11,800 --> 00:34:13,733 是哪个情况呢啊 619 00:34:13,733 --> 00:34:14,933 就连着玩 620 00:34:14,933 --> 00:34:16,599 不单播的话大家就是意犹未尽 621 00:34:16,600 --> 00:34:19,400 然后一整晚就在想回想去啊 622 00:34:19,400 --> 00:34:20,483 回想睡急呢 623 00:34:20,483 --> 00:34:22,599 还是啊在前面的直播想我啊 624 00:34:22,600 --> 00:34:25,000 那这还能这样想吗啊 625 00:34:27,766 --> 00:34:29,849 还是去看别人别人的直播了 626 00:34:33,083 --> 00:34:34,249 肯定是看世界杯了 627 00:34:34,250 --> 00:34:36,200 看世界杯的途中有想到我吗 628 00:34:40,133 --> 00:34:41,133 踢球的时候 629 00:34:42,050 --> 00:34:44,400 哎这个球哦好圆啊 630 00:34:44,483 --> 00:34:45,849 就让我想起来 631 00:34:46,050 --> 00:34:49,050 自己的眼睛也是这么圆圆的 632 00:34:53,250 --> 00:34:55,000 这个人的球衣好红啊 633 00:34:55,000 --> 00:34:58,766 让我想起自己的帽子也是红红的 634 00:35:03,200 --> 00:35:05,650 不是头圆圆的我说的是眼睛呀 635 00:35:10,283 --> 00:35:12,599 没有红色球衣吗啊 636 00:35:14,283 --> 00:35:15,133 我再想想 637 00:35:16,333 --> 00:35:16,966 我裁判啊 638 00:35:16,966 --> 00:35:19,133 觉得牌是好的那你有没有想到呢 639 00:35:22,400 --> 00:35:24,000 什么让你想到自己没有圆圆的 640 00:35:24,000 --> 00:35:24,966 你去死啊 641 00:35:25,250 --> 00:35:26,850 抛开行 642 00:35:27,850 --> 00:35:33,000 囊在云端眺望你 643 00:35:34,333 --> 00:35:37,533 我也许不止我自己 644 00:35:38,283 --> 00:35:40,933 什么整场就没有一个红色的元素吗 645 00:35:40,933 --> 00:35:42,799 那不可能吧 646 00:35:43,733 --> 00:35:46,199 我还有太老场景 647 00:35:46,450 --> 00:35:48,600 喜欢什么歌曲 648 00:35:48,850 --> 00:35:51,766 全都放给你 649 00:35:54,133 --> 00:35:56,449 啊这现在的比分是2:0 650 00:35:56,450 --> 00:35:58,250 让不禁让我想起遂吉的生日 651 00:35:58,250 --> 00:35:59,366 也是在2月 652 00:36:01,050 --> 00:36:02,683 啊现在 653 00:36:03,200 --> 00:36:04,283 啊想不出别的了 654 00:36:04,283 --> 00:36:06,333 应该也不可能是九九九 655 00:36:06,333 --> 00:36:07,999 比分不可能也是9吧 656 00:36:10,000 --> 00:36:11,366 袜子是红的 657 00:36:12,450 --> 00:36:14,083 有点不干净感觉 658 00:36:14,166 --> 00:36:19,533 点点滴滴成为好事已经 659 00:36:25,883 --> 00:36:27,049 五子棋8:0吗 660 00:36:27,050 --> 00:36:27,650 是吗 661 00:36:27,650 --> 00:36:30,333 我都不记得了你记这么清楚干嘛呢 662 00:36:39,766 --> 00:36:41,566 是的呢不是在幼儿园吗 663 00:36:41,566 --> 00:36:43,599 就快到了好恐怖啊 664 00:36:46,683 --> 00:36:48,249 uh huh嗯嗯 665 00:36:48,683 --> 00:36:50,733 最后的比分是7:5吗 666 00:36:53,533 --> 00:36:53,933 哎 667 00:36:53,933 --> 00:36:57,249 五子棋蔡宇回那我的体验感会很差啊 668 00:37:01,250 --> 00:37:03,650 完全不考虑主播的吗你是 669 00:37:09,333 --> 00:37:10,333 好帅的 670 00:37:12,050 --> 00:37:13,566 原来只有主播 671 00:37:14,200 --> 00:37:16,483 做什么事的时候会考虑到大家 672 00:37:16,483 --> 00:37:17,999 大家想看什么 673 00:37:18,000 --> 00:37:19,733 完全不考虑主播是吧 674 00:37:23,933 --> 00:37:24,966 我的心灵 675 00:37:26,133 --> 00:37:28,399 关上耳朵我用心代替 676 00:37:29,600 --> 00:37:32,566 你用哎昨天我本来在想要不要播 677 00:37:32,800 --> 00:37:35,166 然后那个什么呃我想想 678 00:37:36,366 --> 00:37:37,933 然后当时事业他不是 679 00:37:38,000 --> 00:37:39,533 那个什么正在直播吗 680 00:37:39,533 --> 00:37:41,133 然后就跟我们说了几句话 681 00:37:41,200 --> 00:37:43,966 然后他就说他说还会说重要的事情吗 682 00:37:43,966 --> 00:37:45,049 我们说不会了 683 00:37:45,050 --> 00:37:47,766 然后就跟他拜拜他就继续去直播 684 00:37:47,766 --> 00:37:49,083 然后就剩我还有 685 00:37:49,083 --> 00:37:50,766 呃瑞雅前辈和优雅前辈 686 00:37:51,050 --> 00:37:52,533 然后然后聊着聊着 687 00:37:52,533 --> 00:37:54,933 那个什么优雅前辈他也要去直播了 688 00:37:55,000 --> 00:37:56,083 然后他就走了 689 00:37:56,083 --> 00:37:58,333 那就剩我和瑞雅前辈又聊了一会 690 00:37:58,333 --> 00:37:59,483 我们聊着聊着呢 691 00:37:59,483 --> 00:38:00,766 啊失业又来了 692 00:38:00,766 --> 00:38:01,883 然后失业来了之后 693 00:38:01,883 --> 00:38:03,199 就是我们三个人聊了一会 694 00:38:03,200 --> 00:38:04,166 然后瑞雅前辈又说 695 00:38:04,166 --> 00:38:06,533 他也要去直播了哈哈哈 696 00:38:06,600 --> 00:38:07,800 他说他也要去直播了 697 00:38:07,800 --> 00:38:09,933 然后他又走了然后就剩下我和 698 00:38:09,966 --> 00:38:11,683 那什么失业再聊 699 00:38:11,733 --> 00:38:13,649 哈哈太好笑了 700 00:38:14,283 --> 00:38:15,083 哼 701 00:38:17,600 --> 00:38:18,766 那没办法呀 702 00:38:20,400 --> 00:38:23,766 啊我没想到吗我我我觉得他们就聊的 703 00:38:24,000 --> 00:38:25,800 东西我不想走开 704 00:38:26,533 --> 00:38:27,049 今 705 00:38:27,050 --> 00:38:30,450 那什么呃不要走开精彩马上马上回来 706 00:38:30,450 --> 00:38:32,850 就我就不想走开哼 707 00:38:34,283 --> 00:38:35,566 啊为什么视野不是前面吗 708 00:38:35,566 --> 00:38:38,366 啊确实啊视野前面是前面OK 709 00:38:38,733 --> 00:38:39,533 哈哈 710 00:38:40,400 --> 00:38:42,000 我为什么觉得他在聊啊 711 00:38:42,200 --> 00:38:45,050 哎呀他们跟我想的好不一样啊我觉得 712 00:38:45,166 --> 00:38:47,883 他好成熟啊他某某的方面你 713 00:38:47,883 --> 00:38:49,049 们看他直 714 00:38:49,050 --> 00:38:51,050 你们对他有产生这个印象吗 715 00:38:51,050 --> 00:38:52,933 就事业事业前辈 716 00:38:52,966 --> 00:38:56,083 哎好受不了事业前辈挺成熟的感觉 717 00:38:56,766 --> 00:38:59,533 感觉只有我一个人很那啥很弱智 718 00:38:59,933 --> 00:39:01,199 震耳机 719 00:39:02,050 --> 00:39:03,050 哦honey 720 00:39:04,166 --> 00:39:05,166 保持神秘 721 00:39:05,166 --> 00:39:08,799 你还是猜中我的心播放 722 00:39:09,000 --> 00:39:12,000 我们聊的时候他们也说就是呃什么 723 00:39:12,000 --> 00:39:13,683 他们说跟看我直播 724 00:39:13,683 --> 00:39:15,333 欺骗感觉完全不一样 725 00:39:15,533 --> 00:39:19,083 就是私下聊的时候就说感觉看直播呃 726 00:39:19,083 --> 00:39:20,849 感觉聊玩很大 727 00:39:20,966 --> 00:39:26,449 这私下就是很很纯情哈哈零距离 728 00:39:27,933 --> 00:39:30,566 一首歌给哈尼甜言蜜语 729 00:39:30,766 --> 00:39:32,083 是也是小孩子吗 730 00:39:32,083 --> 00:39:33,849 嗯不是 731 00:39:34,283 --> 00:39:35,999 某方面还挺成熟的 732 00:39:36,000 --> 00:39:37,966 但是他我我我 733 00:39:37,966 --> 00:39:39,649 万万没想到的一个场面 734 00:39:39,650 --> 00:39:42,366 就是事业在跟我讲一些事情的道理 735 00:39:42,366 --> 00:39:44,566 哈哈哈 736 00:39:45,000 --> 00:39:47,166 这后来我和他在那什么 737 00:39:47,933 --> 00:39:49,283 啊什么玩的比较大 738 00:39:49,283 --> 00:39:49,566 不是 739 00:39:49,566 --> 00:39:51,883 他们说有的时候看直播欺骗就什么 740 00:39:52,083 --> 00:39:55,366 呃什么什么就事业之后他说什么呃 741 00:39:55,566 --> 00:39:57,599 真看我直播欺骗就是老是玩很大 742 00:39:57,600 --> 00:39:59,766 然后什么38岁带俩娃之类的 743 00:39:59,766 --> 00:40:02,283 然后私下没想到是这样的这么说 744 00:40:08,533 --> 00:40:10,449 哼准备教育了吗 745 00:40:10,450 --> 00:40:14,483 没有吧就是被指点迷津一下这样的 746 00:40:15,650 --> 00:40:16,800 然后好久啊 747 00:40:17,166 --> 00:40:19,333 他们都好阳光好健谈啊 748 00:40:19,483 --> 00:40:20,883 就我觉得我已经 749 00:40:20,883 --> 00:40:23,166 啊很努力在阳光健谈啊 750 00:40:23,166 --> 00:40:23,966 但是感觉 751 00:40:24,050 --> 00:40:26,683 呃比不上他们的一根一根头发 752 00:40:26,683 --> 00:40:29,849 只能说好阳光好健谈啊 753 00:40:35,283 --> 00:40:36,933 忽然之间的问题 754 00:40:37,083 --> 00:40:38,966 还没准备好心意 755 00:40:38,966 --> 00:40:40,366 一个人拖行李 756 00:40:40,366 --> 00:40:42,249 无奈没关系 757 00:40:42,650 --> 00:40:44,450 暴风雨已经免疫 758 00:40:44,650 --> 00:40:45,850 那也挺阳光的吗 759 00:40:45,850 --> 00:40:46,600 那也那也是 760 00:40:46,600 --> 00:40:47,483 后面那什么 761 00:40:47,483 --> 00:40:49,483 有的时候还说以前的那个什么插 762 00:40:49,483 --> 00:40:50,533 插不进话吧 763 00:40:50,533 --> 00:40:53,166 就是感觉他们就很自然的那种什么 764 00:40:53,566 --> 00:40:55,649 叽叽呱呱叽叽呱呱起来了 765 00:40:58,766 --> 00:41:00,166 刚开始的话也是 766 00:41:00,733 --> 00:41:02,199 没有怎么说话呢 767 00:41:08,566 --> 00:41:11,333 我昨天确实已经比之前好太多了 768 00:41:11,566 --> 00:41:12,483 我都没想到 769 00:41:13,200 --> 00:41:14,766 今昨天的那么好 770 00:41:15,000 --> 00:41:16,933 能说那么多主要是 771 00:41:17,283 --> 00:41:22,999 正恋爱告急满格讯号容量不够思考 772 00:41:23,000 --> 00:41:26,683 天真无邪难道一点到老 773 00:41:26,683 --> 00:41:30,399 这回奇报心愿请勿预告 774 00:41:30,400 --> 00:41:34,850 黑瓶来电转身不敢糟糕呜 775 00:41:35,733 --> 00:41:37,533 无术叙施咒 776 00:41:37,733 --> 00:41:38,566 太阳光了 777 00:41:38,566 --> 00:41:39,283 我觉得 778 00:41:39,283 --> 00:41:41,533 我做的不到的一个事情就是跟一个 779 00:41:41,966 --> 00:41:46,649 没有太说过话的人然后呃然后 780 00:41:46,883 --> 00:41:48,599 一碰面然后就说很多 781 00:41:48,766 --> 00:41:51,133 啊昨天不是瑞雅前辈也走了之后吗 782 00:41:51,133 --> 00:41:52,733 就是只剩我和谢我在想 783 00:41:52,733 --> 00:41:54,999 啊就我们两个人会不会很尴尬 784 00:41:55,000 --> 00:41:57,450 就我也没有想好要跟他说啥呀 785 00:41:57,533 --> 00:41:59,849 就是呃谢来的时候大概 786 00:41:59,966 --> 00:42:01,933 呃我跟瑞雅前辈也聊了很久了 787 00:42:01,933 --> 00:42:02,766 就他来了没多久 788 00:42:02,766 --> 00:42:04,166 瑞雅前辈就也走了 789 00:42:04,283 --> 00:42:05,333 啊就剩我和谢 790 00:42:05,566 --> 00:42:07,649 啊那个什么我在想啊 791 00:42:09,166 --> 00:42:11,133 我我还在尴尬我还在那个什么 792 00:42:11,333 --> 00:42:13,449 然后那个谢谢他他就一来他说 793 00:42:13,483 --> 00:42:14,933 他说我跟你说 794 00:42:14,933 --> 00:42:17,083 然后他就开始讲起来了哈哈哈 795 00:42:17,650 --> 00:42:19,683 他们太厉害了 796 00:42:20,366 --> 00:42:22,683 我这辈子做不到的高度啊 797 00:42:24,650 --> 00:42:26,250 位子做不到的事情 798 00:42:26,400 --> 00:42:29,283 关心表演面表情真人无尽 799 00:42:29,333 --> 00:42:30,733 这个熟悉的尴尬 800 00:42:30,766 --> 00:42:32,449 大声却又过瘾哼 801 00:42:33,250 --> 00:42:34,650 他就只是跳不了 802 00:42:34,850 --> 00:42:36,733 什么什么梗又在说什么 803 00:42:37,000 --> 00:42:40,400 落叶汽笛声通知恋爱高级 804 00:42:40,650 --> 00:42:44,283 漫客心房洪亮不够思考 805 00:42:44,333 --> 00:42:46,849 我已经拿不出一切了确实 806 00:42:48,450 --> 00:42:50,333 然后本来聊一下感觉他也 807 00:42:50,333 --> 00:42:52,333 他还挺成熟的就是 808 00:42:59,966 --> 00:43:03,333 吧但是我感觉我已经很那什么了啊 809 00:43:03,450 --> 00:43:05,366 我有的时候我觉得自己还挺成熟 810 00:43:05,366 --> 00:43:06,083 的来着 811 00:43:06,083 --> 00:43:08,799 不是我这样说自己的那什么很成熟 812 00:43:08,800 --> 00:43:10,533 哇跟他们遇到之后发现 813 00:43:10,683 --> 00:43:15,799 哈哈哈真的好成熟啊好可靠啊原 814 00:43:15,800 --> 00:43:19,566 原来完全不跟我是一个级别的只能说 815 00:43:19,683 --> 00:43:20,483 跟 816 00:43:20,850 --> 00:43:23,133 我跟他们完全不是一个级别的 817 00:43:37,566 --> 00:43:39,399 那没有小屁孩一个啊 818 00:43:42,533 --> 00:43:43,333 你们 819 00:43:43,400 --> 00:43:45,850 对我的评价也太极端要不然就说我 820 00:43:46,000 --> 00:43:48,733 呃小屁孩一个要不然就说什么 821 00:43:49,133 --> 00:43:50,399 一一一 822 00:43:53,600 --> 00:43:58,450 说好呜不敢触摸心底 823 00:43:58,450 --> 00:44:02,133 呜不畏沿着风与你 824 00:44:03,400 --> 00:44:07,933 呼突然间全世界只有你 825 00:44:08,083 --> 00:44:11,533 嗯不是小屁也有毛病哈哈 826 00:44:18,133 --> 00:44:20,283 怎么感觉鼻子堵堵的呢 827 00:44:27,533 --> 00:44:28,483 啊好热 828 00:44:31,050 --> 00:44:33,000 这样一小屁孩还是一 829 00:44:33,366 --> 00:44:35,933 都不太想都都不太都都不太好 830 00:44:35,933 --> 00:44:36,849 都不太好 831 00:44:42,166 --> 00:44:43,799 那种感觉没没没 832 00:44:44,650 --> 00:44:46,966 没有感冒啊可是我觉得 833 00:44:52,333 --> 00:44:55,766 嗯有点哑是因为刚才录了一下东西 834 00:44:55,883 --> 00:44:57,849 就是什么都没录出来就是 835 00:45:00,250 --> 00:45:02,850 鼻音有点重就是因为现在鼻子堵堵的 836 00:45:03,083 --> 00:45:06,399 是什么样的心情什么样的啊 837 00:45:06,483 --> 00:45:07,799 我怎么回事 838 00:45:09,850 --> 00:45:10,650 当当当当 839 00:45:14,133 --> 00:45:17,133 玩游戏吧不是那个了吧我也不知道啊 840 00:45:17,600 --> 00:45:19,483 没家里没东西 841 00:45:20,283 --> 00:45:23,566 买不到算了吧就这样吧白了 842 00:45:24,333 --> 00:45:25,599 没发烧就行 843 00:45:27,850 --> 00:45:28,650 应该没事 844 00:45:30,966 --> 00:45:33,049 有心做了吗啊没有 845 00:45:33,166 --> 00:45:34,799 那我看看 846 00:45:35,850 --> 00:45:37,683 还还得再过几天 847 00:45:38,650 --> 00:45:39,333 没买到吗 848 00:45:39,333 --> 00:45:41,883 我没有去线下店去看我懒得去啊 849 00:45:42,133 --> 00:45:44,683 那个美团上是完全没有多颜值 850 00:45:45,050 --> 00:45:46,683 这样吧没有很难受的 851 00:45:47,000 --> 00:45:48,533 哎你们知道我有没有可能 852 00:45:48,533 --> 00:45:51,449 我是那种什么没有症状的感染者呢 853 00:45:51,600 --> 00:45:53,850 我朋友说这种可能性很小 854 00:45:54,133 --> 00:45:55,449 啦啦 855 00:45:56,283 --> 00:45:59,483 啦啦让人又哭又笑琢磨不低 856 00:45:59,483 --> 00:46:03,083 让人飞翔让人坠落谷底 857 00:46:03,733 --> 00:46:04,533 我 858 00:46:05,850 --> 00:46:07,766 难道这就是爱情 859 00:46:35,733 --> 00:46:37,166 没了就这两个OK 860 00:46:39,600 --> 00:46:41,450 但我最近确实有点咳嗽来着 861 00:46:41,450 --> 00:46:42,683 我也不知道是不是 862 00:46:43,600 --> 00:46:45,200 咳嗽就嗓子很痒 863 00:46:46,650 --> 00:46:47,450 放开 864 00:46:48,733 --> 00:46:49,533 我嘞 865 00:46:52,133 --> 00:46:54,283 玩一下不玩太久啊 866 00:46:54,883 --> 00:46:55,883 不能玩太久 867 00:46:58,133 --> 00:46:59,966 要待会还有事做呢 868 00:47:02,366 --> 00:47:03,399 有翘 869 00:47:04,400 --> 00:47:05,533 没觉得了 870 00:47:09,250 --> 00:47:10,450 哎我猫呢 871 00:47:12,283 --> 00:47:13,483 好看的 872 00:47:19,450 --> 00:47:23,450 9点8:4810点啊什么 873 00:47:23,933 --> 00:47:26,133 什么约到2点啊10点10点 874 00:47:26,366 --> 00:47:28,849 然后到点下播到点下班 875 00:47:35,600 --> 00:47:36,933 在睡觉呢他 876 00:47:37,850 --> 00:47:39,200 但始终也知道 877 00:47:39,200 --> 00:47:41,533 只有你对我最好 878 00:47:42,933 --> 00:47:45,566 豆浆离不开油条 879 00:47:45,683 --> 00:47:48,333 让我爱你爱到老 880 00:47:48,683 --> 00:47:50,049 爱情就是 881 00:47:50,733 --> 00:47:52,733 最近播的有点短我前天 882 00:47:52,883 --> 00:47:55,049 昨天前天播了几个小时啊 883 00:47:56,850 --> 00:47:58,000 哎干嘛呢 884 00:47:58,933 --> 00:48:01,166 那么老是不小心把这东西弄出来 885 00:48:03,400 --> 00:48:04,200 啊 886 00:48:05,166 --> 00:48:07,249 啊等一下 887 00:48:08,600 --> 00:48:12,283 我看看怎么这么小呢 888 00:48:13,366 --> 00:48:15,133 啊好吧还是这样吧 889 00:48:32,333 --> 00:48:33,133 开始 890 00:48:33,483 --> 00:48:36,199 俺据说后面的没有那么精彩了来着 891 00:48:36,650 --> 00:48:37,800 我记得 892 00:48:46,483 --> 00:48:49,333 什么叫前天才播了4个小时啊 893 00:48:49,683 --> 00:48:50,649 什么叫才 894 00:49:06,050 --> 00:49:07,566 什么他跑5千米啊 895 00:49:07,566 --> 00:49:08,683 太牛了吧 896 00:49:11,083 --> 00:49:12,933 跑50米都够呛呢 897 00:49:17,450 --> 00:49:19,400 是日落黄昏时 898 00:49:30,050 --> 00:49:31,200 啊我想起来了 899 00:49:32,200 --> 00:49:33,533 等我等我等等我 900 00:49:34,450 --> 00:49:35,883 哎呀他怎么不暂停啊 901 00:49:35,883 --> 00:49:38,683 我都把那什么切出来了他不暂停啊 902 00:49:39,166 --> 00:49:40,483 等等我啊 903 00:49:44,133 --> 00:49:44,933 哦 904 00:49:49,000 --> 00:49:50,200 哎呀你等我一下 905 00:49:50,250 --> 00:49:51,400 我没空啊 906 00:50:01,000 --> 00:50:02,133 等等等等等等 907 00:50:06,166 --> 00:50:07,166 bad news 908 00:50:09,083 --> 00:50:09,883 走了吧 909 00:50:14,133 --> 00:50:15,333 step on it jay 910 00:50:20,366 --> 00:50:21,166 how 911 00:50:25,166 --> 00:50:26,649 there on the left 912 00:50:42,566 --> 00:50:45,883 you barely see a thing out there that's the idea 913 00:50:46,933 --> 00:50:48,449 哎呀稍微有点小调调 914 00:50:49,566 --> 00:50:50,366 cut the engine 915 00:50:54,483 --> 00:50:56,366 这音量怎么样可以吧 916 00:50:58,133 --> 00:51:00,883 我今天的温我今天的声音好温柔啊 917 00:51:02,850 --> 00:51:03,733 we're alive 918 00:51:04,050 --> 00:51:06,883 that's something at least you get the wood dumb for right 919 00:51:07,133 --> 00:51:09,399 we could still go to the cabin how 920 00:51:09,600 --> 00:51:12,933 on a magic carpet half the dam states looking for us 921 00:51:13,083 --> 00:51:14,566 and if anyone knows it's there 922 00:51:14,566 --> 00:51:17,133 cops will be halfway to devil's gulch before they realize 923 00:51:17,133 --> 00:51:18,249 they're not following us 924 00:51:18,483 --> 00:51:19,649 the cabin's off grid 925 00:51:19,766 --> 00:51:20,049 bear 926 00:51:20,050 --> 00:51:22,850 never told a soul about the place we don't know that for sure 927 00:51:22,883 --> 00:51:24,733 it's a huge risk well 928 00:51:24,733 --> 00:51:26,966 Jesus Tyler we gotta go somewhere 929 00:51:31,733 --> 00:51:32,533 啊 930 00:51:33,050 --> 00:51:35,166 我干嘛我我我我 931 00:51:35,733 --> 00:51:37,649 我站的谁啊妈妈 932 00:51:40,766 --> 00:51:41,599 ma's right 933 00:51:42,133 --> 00:51:45,649 the cabin's the safest place we got nobody asked you hey 934 00:51:46,133 --> 00:51:47,683 don't talk to him like that 935 00:51:50,200 --> 00:51:52,083 look you got away 936 00:51:52,766 --> 00:51:54,766 can you let me go now shut up 937 00:51:56,000 --> 00:51:59,050 Bob the sheriff bus to Mexico fuck ma 938 00:51:59,766 --> 00:52:02,799 all we do is cover up one mistake with the next one 939 00:52:03,133 --> 00:52:04,999 we left the hell lying there 940 00:52:06,850 --> 00:52:07,650 we just 941 00:52:09,133 --> 00:52:10,366 we just left him 942 00:52:10,733 --> 00:52:13,599 他死了呀那把他尸体捡走也没用吧 943 00:52:13,966 --> 00:52:15,883 why don't we talk in private 944 00:52:18,683 --> 00:52:19,733 keep an eye on him 945 00:52:22,450 --> 00:52:25,166 now i know none of this have gone like we planned 946 00:52:26,600 --> 00:52:27,400 hey 947 00:52:27,733 --> 00:52:29,283 unlock the door what 948 00:52:29,683 --> 00:52:33,166 no i can't come on man this could be my only chance 949 00:52:33,566 --> 00:52:36,249 if Tyler sees you he won't if you hurry 950 00:52:36,683 --> 00:52:38,483 come on please 951 00:52:47,000 --> 00:52:47,333 禁言 952 00:52:47,333 --> 00:52:49,599 看你们这一家人还要别人干嘛呀 953 00:52:50,450 --> 00:52:52,800 thank you and hey 954 00:52:53,733 --> 00:52:55,566 about Yellowstone it's fine 955 00:52:56,200 --> 00:52:57,533 i know i'm never going 956 00:52:57,683 --> 00:52:59,883 never say never okay 957 00:53:00,133 --> 00:53:01,399 never see never 958 00:53:03,166 --> 00:53:04,166 what the 959 00:53:05,083 --> 00:53:07,849 are you nuts they'll hear it for miles 960 00:53:09,450 --> 00:53:10,883 开了也太疯了吧 961 00:53:10,883 --> 00:53:12,533 how do you get the door open huh 962 00:53:12,566 --> 00:53:15,083 Tyler it's spilt milk 963 00:53:15,283 --> 00:53:16,933 let's just get moving 964 00:53:17,766 --> 00:53:20,733 不他善良明明就是我善良啊 965 00:53:21,333 --> 00:53:24,733 干嘛呢这不是我选的选项吗 966 00:53:28,850 --> 00:53:31,650 we're heading for the cabin we'll be safe about it 967 00:53:31,683 --> 00:53:34,166 let's hit the highway before that Chopper circles back 968 00:53:38,400 --> 00:53:40,800 啊之前那个警察还说太冷是一个比较 969 00:53:40,883 --> 00:53:43,399 是最冷静的一个a bargaining chip 970 00:53:43,483 --> 00:53:45,133 a person ain't a chip 971 00:53:45,600 --> 00:53:48,000 you sure pod didn't tell anyone the cabins there 972 00:53:48,566 --> 00:53:49,999 barely told me about it 973 00:53:50,050 --> 00:53:53,166 i guess the motorcycle's there and the food see 974 00:53:53,683 --> 00:53:54,533 now you're looking啊 975 00:54:04,800 --> 00:54:06,166 你倒霉啊 976 00:54:07,200 --> 00:54:08,000 倒倒霉 977 00:54:16,050 --> 00:54:19,533 the door stuck i can't get him out he's gonna die in there 978 00:54:26,933 --> 00:54:27,733 hey 979 00:54:28,166 --> 00:54:29,083 you hear thatDad 980 00:54:31,083 --> 00:54:35,399 fuck they found us we gotta leave him go go啊 981 00:54:37,400 --> 00:54:39,283 他们俩也太果断了吧 982 00:54:44,166 --> 00:54:46,733 你们到底是不是亲人啊哈哈 983 00:54:47,850 --> 00:54:49,800 怎么怎么这么冷漠的 984 00:55:18,933 --> 00:55:21,249 啥呀老乡 985 00:55:23,533 --> 00:55:24,333 come on 986 00:55:34,083 --> 00:55:35,483 圆圈我明明都转反了 987 00:55:35,483 --> 00:55:37,449 但是还是识别到了 988 00:55:41,566 --> 00:55:42,133 哎呀 989 00:55:42,133 --> 00:55:45,083 趁着出故障之后会有几率那个什么 990 00:55:45,133 --> 00:55:47,966 那个安全带打不开吗是吗 991 00:55:53,650 --> 00:55:54,450 UH 992 00:56:01,283 --> 00:56:04,166 警察呢警察不是说被抓了吗 993 00:56:04,400 --> 00:56:06,683 刚才不是都听到警察的声音了吗 994 00:56:12,483 --> 00:56:14,049 我变形了会卡住 995 00:56:22,083 --> 00:56:25,166 Huh但是你想那种如果车子着火了 996 00:56:25,766 --> 00:56:28,366 然后你打不开的话那就很恐怖啊 997 00:56:28,366 --> 00:56:29,966 出了车祸之后 998 00:56:42,533 --> 00:56:46,049 I这能有东西能能能躲的呀 999 00:56:52,850 --> 00:56:55,483 啊啊啊啊啊 1000 00:57:01,533 --> 00:57:03,366 我说的也不是特斯拉 1001 00:57:10,333 --> 00:57:11,999 when an animal goes bad 1002 00:57:12,200 --> 00:57:14,133 all a man can do is put it down 1003 00:57:25,683 --> 00:57:26,483 hey 1004 00:57:27,733 --> 00:57:29,533 let's go out to the cabin and get high 1005 00:57:30,400 --> 00:57:31,400 where is it 1006 00:57:32,933 --> 00:57:34,599 why can't i find it 1007 00:57:36,166 --> 00:57:37,449 look at the cabin 1008 00:57:39,966 --> 00:57:40,766 i 1009 00:57:41,483 --> 00:57:43,249 i think i need water 1010 00:57:48,883 --> 00:57:51,683 找到这然后一个绝世美女把他捡回家 1011 00:57:51,850 --> 00:57:53,050 然后他一切都忘了 1012 00:57:53,050 --> 00:57:55,483 然后在这个小屋里跟这个绝世美女 1013 00:57:55,850 --> 00:57:58,200 那个什么过上了幸福快乐的生活 1014 00:57:58,200 --> 00:58:01,683 the edge of the world lies the lost fortress of awesomeness 1015 00:58:01,883 --> 00:58:04,249 all those who seek it have perished 1016 00:58:09,400 --> 00:58:12,450 all except one fearless young adventure 1017 00:58:13,883 --> 00:58:20,883 his name ash willima famed for his courage his honor and his his 1018 00:58:22,600 --> 00:58:25,883 我见他又有素素材了这这 1019 00:58:25,883 --> 00:58:28,533 么这么玛丽素的你们也喜欢是吧 1020 00:58:28,966 --> 00:58:30,533 啊我怎么知道啊 1021 00:58:30,533 --> 00:58:32,449 他的勇气他的荣耀和他的 1022 00:58:33,250 --> 00:58:35,450 牛牛牛智谋吧聪明 1023 00:58:35,450 --> 00:58:36,400 聪明重要 1024 00:58:36,483 --> 00:58:39,366 his talent for overcoming problems 1025 00:58:41,400 --> 00:58:44,366 andthis is the story of his quest 1026 00:58:45,200 --> 00:58:46,000 now 1027 00:58:59,400 --> 00:59:01,533 男生也会喜欢那我说那怎么办 1028 00:59:01,600 --> 00:59:03,650 总小小说你们说我 1029 00:59:04,333 --> 00:59:06,599 you know the one Ryan saw in the forest 1030 00:59:06,733 --> 00:59:09,649 there are no forts in Arizona he's你说谁来着 1031 00:59:09,850 --> 00:59:14,133 no it's true he was out hiking with his dad out by the rich 1032 00:59:14,200 --> 00:59:15,733 there's a rock shaped like a sharkstoot 1033 00:59:15,733 --> 00:59:16,733 that's where they saw it 1034 00:59:17,766 --> 00:59:18,199 嗯哼 1035 00:59:18,200 --> 00:59:20,733 他眼熟啊他是那个店里面的谁来着 1036 00:59:20,733 --> 00:59:22,933 if we weren't looking for it too 1037 00:59:23,400 --> 00:59:24,800 we could camp out for the night 1038 00:59:25,283 --> 00:59:28,199 i don't know do other cool stuff like 1039 00:59:29,166 --> 00:59:30,399 不是吗 1040 00:59:33,650 --> 00:59:35,883 我想坐我想荡秋千啊 1041 00:59:36,050 --> 00:59:39,483 we could take some rope and tight to a tree and make a swing 1042 00:59:39,733 --> 00:59:41,883 it'd be amazing just like Tarzan 1043 00:59:42,533 --> 00:59:44,133 now if you want to get outdoors 1044 00:59:44,400 --> 00:59:45,850 why don't you go ride your bike 1045 00:59:46,200 --> 00:59:48,566 and while you're at it go get the mail 1046 00:59:48,650 --> 00:59:53,050 besides we can't this weekend because you're busy like always 1047 00:59:54,250 --> 00:59:55,933 i bet my dad would have gone with me 1048 00:59:55,933 --> 00:59:58,849 you have no idea what kind of man your father turned out to be 1049 00:59:59,800 --> 01:00:00,600 all right 1050 01:00:01,200 --> 01:00:04,050 if you say so whatever 1051 01:00:09,533 --> 01:00:11,649 这女的这女的没出现吗 1052 01:00:11,733 --> 01:00:12,933 怎么感觉他这么眼熟 1053 01:00:12,933 --> 01:00:13,566 是我脸吗hey 1054 01:00:13,566 --> 01:00:15,799 Buddy you'd be careful on that road now 1055 01:00:16,166 --> 01:00:18,566 will be dark soon and you ain't got lights 1056 01:00:22,883 --> 01:00:24,799 go get the mail ash 1057 01:00:33,166 --> 01:00:35,483 and刀枪棍棒的生活呢 1058 01:00:35,533 --> 01:00:37,133 我的我的出轨呢 1059 01:00:37,333 --> 01:00:38,366 我的那些呢 1060 01:00:38,366 --> 01:00:39,849 我想看这些 1061 01:00:46,850 --> 01:00:49,083 进旅馆的时候伤心过没有 1062 01:00:49,083 --> 01:00:51,166 旅馆女主人已经死了 1063 01:00:53,333 --> 01:00:54,883 我的我的声音好温柔啊 1064 01:00:54,883 --> 01:00:57,449 今天对自己有点入脑了 1065 01:00:57,883 --> 01:00:59,566 我听着好舒服啊 1066 01:01:09,766 --> 01:01:12,283 now Jed pull off pull off 1067 01:01:19,083 --> 01:01:20,566 awesome piloting skills 1068 01:01:20,566 --> 01:01:24,366 and now the quest continues on哈哈哈 1069 01:01:26,566 --> 01:01:27,966 我怎么了我 1070 01:01:27,966 --> 01:01:29,883 我今天声音不温柔吗 1071 01:01:31,800 --> 01:01:33,933 行行行OK OK知道了 1072 01:01:34,650 --> 01:01:35,650 你们就这样吧 1073 01:01:35,650 --> 01:01:38,000 你们总有一天会失去我的好吧 1074 01:01:38,083 --> 01:01:38,883 哈哈 1075 01:01:40,050 --> 01:01:41,733 嘿呀我朋友 1076 01:01:47,600 --> 01:01:50,250 没人夸我是吧行行行好好好 1077 01:01:51,850 --> 01:01:54,000 no this can't be right 1078 01:01:55,683 --> 01:01:56,966 ah mom 1079 01:01:57,600 --> 01:02:00,250 if you'd come with me we could have found it by now 1080 01:02:17,166 --> 01:02:18,249 哼哼 1081 01:02:19,133 --> 01:02:20,333 现在挽回也没用了 1082 01:02:20,333 --> 01:02:21,766 就像刚才你们说的一样 1083 01:02:21,766 --> 01:02:23,283 现在说也没用了 1084 01:02:23,333 --> 01:02:25,599 跟我也一样现在挽回也没用 1085 01:02:28,400 --> 01:02:30,883 oh gotta be something i can eat 1086 01:02:34,450 --> 01:02:35,250 晚上好 1087 01:02:38,733 --> 01:02:39,533 her 1088 01:02:53,966 --> 01:02:54,766 hello 1089 01:02:59,533 --> 01:03:00,483 有鬼 1090 01:03:06,483 --> 01:03:10,199 come on what the hell is that oh shit oh shit oh shit 1091 01:03:14,083 --> 01:03:14,883 啊 1092 01:03:19,050 --> 01:03:21,283 哎呀本来有吃的的话可以扔走是吗 1093 01:03:21,283 --> 01:03:24,133 结果我吃了完了个蛋我想想 1094 01:03:24,966 --> 01:03:28,049 假装吓人跑走平静的说话 1095 01:03:28,733 --> 01:03:29,533 well 1096 01:03:33,166 --> 01:03:35,483 你们觉得有可能我用话聊把他 1097 01:03:35,483 --> 01:03:36,999 把他说好吗 1098 01:03:37,966 --> 01:03:38,966 有可能吗 1099 01:03:39,000 --> 01:03:41,850 还是假假装吓人好像把手举高 1100 01:03:41,850 --> 01:03:42,850 举过头顶 1101 01:03:42,850 --> 01:03:46,000 高高的竖起来可以可以假装自己 1102 01:03:46,050 --> 01:03:46,933 呃什么 1103 01:03:47,050 --> 01:03:49,850 是一个体积很庞大的一个生物 1104 01:03:51,050 --> 01:03:52,400 应该是吓人吗 1105 01:03:55,400 --> 01:03:57,250 我知道不能跑我还知道呢 1106 01:04:04,883 --> 01:04:05,683 哎呦 1107 01:04:06,400 --> 01:04:07,333 呀 1108 01:04:10,533 --> 01:04:12,966 不是我能干过野猪吗我 1109 01:04:18,800 --> 01:04:20,283 好凶啊 1110 01:04:23,933 --> 01:04:25,399 臭野猪 1111 01:04:31,483 --> 01:04:32,283 huh 1112 01:04:33,533 --> 01:04:34,333 huh 1113 01:04:36,050 --> 01:04:37,566 i hope by the ridge 1114 01:04:38,000 --> 01:04:40,883 you'rea rock shit like a sharkstooth哦他找到 1115 01:04:40,883 --> 01:04:42,166 这个小屋了no way 1116 01:04:44,966 --> 01:04:46,399 真的也害怕 1117 01:04:52,166 --> 01:04:55,449 but现在那怎么做他也会那个我呀 1118 01:05:01,966 --> 01:05:03,166 吃点东西吧 1119 01:05:03,733 --> 01:05:05,649 主动做自己家别客气 1120 01:05:05,650 --> 01:05:07,600 i'd eat my own arm right now 1121 01:05:11,566 --> 01:05:12,933 oh man 1122 01:05:17,400 --> 01:05:19,000 我在打猎说 1123 01:05:23,600 --> 01:05:25,850 ah that is so good 1124 01:05:35,566 --> 01:05:37,933 please let there be a medicine cabinet哎呦 1125 01:05:37,933 --> 01:05:40,249 好久都没有中摔摔成这样过了 1126 01:05:40,250 --> 01:05:41,166 感觉好痛 1127 01:05:46,333 --> 01:05:47,133 SURE 1128 01:05:50,133 --> 01:05:51,249 hurry up 1129 01:05:57,283 --> 01:05:58,799 what do you even do with this 1130 01:05:59,850 --> 01:06:01,566 well我知道帮抓一下呀 1131 01:06:07,133 --> 01:06:07,966 有人 1132 01:06:08,933 --> 01:06:10,766 快躲进衣柜里 1133 01:06:15,050 --> 01:06:17,683 shit shit shit shit 1134 01:06:19,083 --> 01:06:20,283 shit shit shit 1135 01:06:22,400 --> 01:06:23,366 两个月后 1136 01:06:27,000 --> 01:06:27,883 agent Bradley 1137 01:06:28,250 --> 01:06:29,683 什么那是道序吗 1138 01:06:29,683 --> 01:06:31,849 need to say it but we've lost them in the Woods 1139 01:06:32,333 --> 01:06:33,733 send out search parties 1140 01:06:34,400 --> 01:06:38,050 and notify local radio stations i want everyone in the country 1141 01:06:38,166 --> 01:06:39,733 knowing the name halt 1142 01:06:39,800 --> 01:06:41,683 Roger that hold谁来着 1143 01:06:43,566 --> 01:06:44,533 the halts 1144 01:06:45,366 --> 01:06:46,649 think we're Gonna catch them 1145 01:06:48,366 --> 01:06:50,199 i'd say fifty fifty 1146 01:06:50,566 --> 01:06:52,449 the next twenty four hours are critical 1147 01:06:52,800 --> 01:06:55,400 so it just depends on how smart they are 1148 01:07:02,400 --> 01:07:03,850 我觉得他们那个小木屋 1149 01:07:03,850 --> 01:07:06,250 小木屋完全没有觉得有安全感啊 1150 01:07:06,250 --> 01:07:08,366 你起码你要跑那个什么深山老 1151 01:07:08,366 --> 01:07:09,533 林里面去吧 1152 01:07:11,083 --> 01:07:13,333 感觉也没有开多久就到了 1153 01:07:16,800 --> 01:07:17,933 也是那种很偏僻 1154 01:07:17,933 --> 01:07:20,966 快递都不怎么只有邮政能到的地方 1155 01:07:27,050 --> 01:07:27,850 啊这是哪啊 1156 01:07:27,850 --> 01:07:30,166 这是以前吧那这确实是以前吧 1157 01:07:34,850 --> 01:07:35,650 啊 1158 01:07:47,366 --> 01:07:49,533 电视不能看一包 1159 01:07:52,250 --> 01:07:54,850 什么这就是以后了有这么乱的吗 1160 01:08:00,650 --> 01:08:02,933 这是一封离别信 1161 01:08:04,333 --> 01:08:06,649 写下我该离开的原因 1162 01:08:08,483 --> 01:08:10,449 啊发现维尼沙又吸烟了 1163 01:08:10,450 --> 01:08:13,000 再这样就就退学提醒他继续上 1164 01:08:13,000 --> 01:08:14,883 不能that's the woodman's cottage 1165 01:08:15,000 --> 01:08:18,133 it was my mom so don't drop it 1166 01:08:22,400 --> 01:08:24,600 他们应该是重组家庭是吧 1167 01:08:29,200 --> 01:08:30,650 are you the one who found me 1168 01:08:30,850 --> 01:08:32,450 you were in pretty rough shape 1169 01:08:32,566 --> 01:08:35,199 you got babbling about some cabin or something 1170 01:08:36,450 --> 01:08:38,366 are you就是他晕倒之后 1171 01:08:38,733 --> 01:08:40,166 no i 1172 01:08:41,083 --> 01:08:44,766 i got hit by a car where in the forest我忘了 1173 01:08:44,766 --> 01:08:45,933 我失忆了highway 1174 01:08:46,600 --> 01:08:49,733 if i must have hit my head and wondered oh 1175 01:08:50,883 --> 01:08:51,683 wow 1176 01:08:52,733 --> 01:08:54,966 well maybe i should call nine one one 1177 01:08:55,133 --> 01:08:58,566 i drive you to the hospital but i'm not supposed to use a car 1178 01:08:58,600 --> 01:09:00,050 但他不是绝世美女 1179 01:09:01,766 --> 01:09:03,483 i don't have money 1180 01:09:04,650 --> 01:09:05,600 my family 1181 01:09:06,283 --> 01:09:09,683 we can't afford medical bills well don't you have insurance 1182 01:09:10,166 --> 01:09:13,999 i mean yeah but you know how it is 1183 01:09:14,733 --> 01:09:16,599 they still make you pay more than you can 1184 01:09:17,200 --> 01:09:18,966 well i'm glad you're alive 1185 01:09:19,766 --> 01:09:22,049 但是感觉这个女的不是很喜欢我 1186 01:09:22,083 --> 01:09:25,533 所以说他应该不会给我提供一个住所 1187 01:09:25,533 --> 01:09:27,199 我肯定还要去别的地方 1188 01:09:29,733 --> 01:09:30,966 没办法跟他快乐 1189 01:09:30,966 --> 01:09:32,483 快乐幸福的生活在这里 1190 01:09:32,933 --> 01:09:34,683 you went to two rake high right 1191 01:09:35,683 --> 01:09:37,766 i uh yeah 1192 01:09:38,166 --> 01:09:39,083 the high school 1193 01:09:39,533 --> 01:09:41,649 i went for a while thought so 1194 01:09:42,400 --> 01:09:44,133 you used to eat lunch alone 1195 01:09:44,133 --> 01:09:46,966 under that gnarly tree by the parking lad right 1196 01:09:47,250 --> 01:09:48,050 what did you do 1197 01:09:48,800 --> 01:09:52,283 what yeah that was me tell me your name again 1198 01:09:52,450 --> 01:09:53,650 完了完了完了 1199 01:09:57,200 --> 01:09:59,733 it's dean hey dean 1200 01:10:00,083 --> 01:10:01,249 i'm Vanessa 1201 01:10:02,133 --> 01:10:04,599 look could i rest here a while 1202 01:10:05,333 --> 01:10:07,166 my head啊他不太愿意 1203 01:10:07,166 --> 01:10:09,399 他刚才stay out of the way让他见了 1204 01:10:10,250 --> 01:10:12,050 i guess i don't mind the company 1205 01:10:12,450 --> 01:10:14,600 but you have to be gone before eight 1206 01:10:14,600 --> 01:10:16,400 or my dad will kill us a bone你看 1207 01:10:16,400 --> 01:10:17,733 我想到橘橘是美女 1208 01:10:17,733 --> 01:10:18,966 她是一个人住 1209 01:10:19,000 --> 01:10:21,450 were clear i once kicked a guy in the nuts 1210 01:10:21,450 --> 01:10:24,483 so hard he swallowed his own tongue 1211 01:10:26,200 --> 01:10:30,050 good to know here good to know these are all but they're clean 1212 01:10:30,733 --> 01:10:31,533 thank you 1213 01:10:33,533 --> 01:10:35,933 so why do you leave trh 1214 01:10:36,933 --> 01:10:39,566 you got sick of Mrs Campbell are we sending你别问了 1215 01:10:39,566 --> 01:10:40,333 我刚出车祸 1216 01:10:40,333 --> 01:10:41,483 我头疼着呢 1217 01:10:41,483 --> 01:10:44,166 i dropped out that makes two of us by the way 1218 01:10:44,283 --> 01:10:46,166 i mean technically i was pulled out 1219 01:10:46,166 --> 01:10:47,599 so i could go to Elaine Catholic school 1220 01:10:47,600 --> 01:10:49,450 and be told what to wear and what to think 1221 01:10:49,450 --> 01:10:50,250 but 1222 01:10:50,766 --> 01:10:51,999 what was your excuse 1223 01:10:55,450 --> 01:10:58,766 hmm嗯嗯嗯哎呦 1224 01:11:01,566 --> 01:11:04,766 got tired of getting ds it's better than fs isn't it 1225 01:11:05,650 --> 01:11:07,333 you get ass if you don't try 1226 01:11:08,200 --> 01:11:10,366 d means you tried and you failed 1227 01:11:11,450 --> 01:11:14,850 see much better baby 1228 01:11:15,400 --> 01:11:18,333 where's my sandwich i'll be right there 1229 01:11:18,600 --> 01:11:22,133 who was that oh it's just my Mima are you hungry 1230 01:11:26,733 --> 01:11:28,933 这衣服还挺还还有点小好看 1231 01:11:28,933 --> 01:11:30,083 不是很好看 1232 01:11:30,333 --> 01:11:32,883 you're Gonna behave yourself today right Mima 1233 01:11:33,166 --> 01:11:36,049 hang on i forgot my cigarettes 1234 01:11:36,283 --> 01:11:39,566 you haven't smoked in years haven't i no 1235 01:11:40,083 --> 01:11:42,283 we have some new developments in what 1236 01:11:42,766 --> 01:11:45,483 we are now calling the desert dream massacre 1237 01:11:45,850 --> 01:11:48,283 we knew what was killed at the scene 1238 01:11:48,283 --> 01:11:52,199 but it's been confirmed three more are still on the loose 1239 01:11:52,333 --> 01:11:53,766 you okay with ham and cheese 1240 01:11:54,733 --> 01:11:55,249 不太好看 1241 01:11:55,250 --> 01:11:58,450 不太好看not about disgusting slice singles 1242 01:12:00,966 --> 01:12:02,766 the gunman who died was a deadto fight 1243 01:12:02,766 --> 01:12:05,283 his Dale Holt of two rock who had a prior control 1244 01:12:05,283 --> 01:12:06,333 关掉吗 1245 01:12:07,250 --> 01:12:09,283 关掉是不是太明显了 1246 01:12:14,533 --> 01:12:16,649 Bebe i was listening to that 1247 01:12:17,683 --> 01:12:19,733 mima we have a visitor 1248 01:12:21,483 --> 01:12:23,533 um hello there 1249 01:12:23,966 --> 01:12:26,849 hang on i know that voice 1250 01:12:29,050 --> 01:12:32,566 oh lord almighty you're home what 1251 01:12:33,566 --> 01:12:35,566 is it really you Maddie 1252 01:12:40,650 --> 01:12:41,566 yes 1253 01:12:44,050 --> 01:12:45,366 hi mima 1254 01:12:46,083 --> 01:12:47,166 i missed you 1255 01:12:47,600 --> 01:12:50,800 my grand baby然后这个女的会很感谢我 1256 01:12:52,083 --> 01:12:53,283 多收留我一会 1257 01:12:53,683 --> 01:12:54,483 i was 1258 01:12:55,483 --> 01:12:58,399 on an exchange program living with another family 1259 01:13:01,933 --> 01:13:04,049 here let me help 1260 01:13:07,733 --> 01:13:11,449 so matt when you were with that other family 1261 01:13:11,483 --> 01:13:12,849 what did you do all day 1262 01:13:13,333 --> 01:13:15,849 i'm just curious since you weren't at school and all 1263 01:13:22,733 --> 01:13:23,649 i had a job 1264 01:13:24,450 --> 01:13:27,450 driving deliveries你别问啊怎么问这么多啊 1265 01:13:27,933 --> 01:13:28,933 did you like it 1266 01:13:29,166 --> 01:13:30,083 it was Alright 1267 01:13:30,450 --> 01:13:31,566 you got me outside it 1268 01:13:32,366 --> 01:13:33,966 他有老老年痴呆啊 1269 01:13:34,333 --> 01:13:35,133 很明显 1270 01:13:35,850 --> 01:13:38,333 that is the mom of the family i was with 1271 01:13:38,883 --> 01:13:40,199 she said i gotta earn 1272 01:13:40,850 --> 01:13:44,850 that sucks you're too young for that legal working age is 16 1273 01:13:45,733 --> 01:13:46,649 i'm two years in 1274 01:13:47,366 --> 01:13:51,283 Matthew you're gonna get an airful from your father 1275 01:13:51,650 --> 01:13:53,883 being away from home for so long 1276 01:13:54,966 --> 01:13:56,333 why would you even say that 1277 01:13:56,850 --> 01:14:00,533 do you know how much hell your father's been through 1278 01:14:00,600 --> 01:14:01,933 losing your mother 1279 01:14:02,566 --> 01:14:05,799 the two of you don't understand what he's like for him 1280 01:14:06,283 --> 01:14:08,849 could you try not taking his sight for once 1281 01:14:10,650 --> 01:14:12,600 为什么把它画的这么吓人啊 1282 01:14:12,650 --> 01:14:14,083 to murder she wrote 1283 01:14:14,733 --> 01:14:16,399 welcome home Maddie 1284 01:14:18,083 --> 01:14:19,599 she used to be my role model 1285 01:14:20,083 --> 01:14:22,649 she had a motorcycle license she knew karate 1286 01:14:23,766 --> 01:14:25,649 now she either can't find her pens or 1287 01:14:25,650 --> 01:14:27,166 can't remember how to put them on 1288 01:14:27,733 --> 01:14:28,533 Matt 1289 01:14:29,083 --> 01:14:30,599 Matthew is your 1290 01:14:31,083 --> 01:14:31,883 my brother 1291 01:14:32,650 --> 01:14:34,250 he died in a car accident 1292 01:14:34,733 --> 01:14:36,966 我当你哥哥吧我住在这 1293 01:14:37,800 --> 01:14:38,600 我来替代 1294 01:14:41,850 --> 01:14:43,850 and we have the same voice or something 1295 01:14:44,400 --> 01:14:46,083 he have self spoken like you 1296 01:14:47,133 --> 01:14:49,766 people thought he didn't have anything to say but 1297 01:14:50,533 --> 01:14:52,449 usually he just wasn't saying it 1298 01:14:53,733 --> 01:14:55,249 my brother died too 1299 01:14:56,133 --> 01:14:57,366 kind of recent 1300 01:14:58,166 --> 01:14:58,966 how 1301 01:14:59,883 --> 01:15:02,283 he got shot Fuck 1302 01:15:03,083 --> 01:15:05,083 that's为啥他都不变一下 1303 01:15:05,083 --> 01:15:07,249 说的这么诚实啊i know 1304 01:15:09,200 --> 01:15:11,883 look do you mind if i study for a little bit 1305 01:15:12,450 --> 01:15:13,566 final start next week 1306 01:15:13,566 --> 01:15:15,449 and i你叫岁哥感觉不太好听 1307 01:15:15,450 --> 01:15:16,600 你就叫哥哥吧 1308 01:15:17,166 --> 01:15:19,683 哥哥听起来比较可爱一些 1309 01:15:19,683 --> 01:15:22,199 岁哥感觉我太社会了 1310 01:15:22,533 --> 01:15:24,483 i mean do we really need to know three ways 1311 01:15:24,483 --> 01:15:26,766 Andrew Jackson change the year's presidency 1312 01:15:27,366 --> 01:15:28,483 这下辍学了 1313 01:15:28,850 --> 01:15:30,800 if this comes up i'm just Gonna skip it 1314 01:15:34,083 --> 01:15:35,799 啊岁哥哥也不错呢 1315 01:15:37,400 --> 01:15:38,200 哼 1316 01:15:41,566 --> 01:15:42,366 so 1317 01:15:43,133 --> 01:15:44,883 were you close huh 1318 01:15:48,733 --> 01:15:50,683 一点情趣都没有怎么 1319 01:15:51,333 --> 01:15:52,133 呃 1320 01:15:53,166 --> 01:15:57,249 复杂的感情once he shot me six times with a Bebe gun 1321 01:15:57,966 --> 01:16:00,733 but he looked out for me when Paul was drinking 1322 01:16:01,533 --> 01:16:05,683 so i guess it depended on the day your dad 1323 01:16:06,733 --> 01:16:09,849 he's a drunk or something was a drunk 1324 01:16:10,733 --> 01:16:15,333 now he's fighting for his life in a va hospital damn 1325 01:16:15,883 --> 01:16:17,599 your Lex is bad as mine 1326 01:16:18,333 --> 01:16:19,366 what happened 1327 01:16:22,566 --> 01:16:23,366 上吊 1328 01:16:23,800 --> 01:16:24,933 家庭生了 1329 01:16:25,883 --> 01:16:29,449 隐瞒一下吧还是he was up painting a roof 1330 01:16:30,400 --> 01:16:32,000 and fell off a ladder 1331 01:16:32,850 --> 01:16:34,366 the way he landed 1332 01:16:35,166 --> 01:16:37,599 oh man i'm sorry 1333 01:16:41,400 --> 01:16:43,850 this is a horrible thing to say but 1334 01:16:44,766 --> 01:16:49,733 sometimes i wish my dad would fall off a ladder whatever come on 1335 01:16:50,050 --> 01:16:52,850 you don't mean that you'd understand if you knew him 1336 01:16:53,366 --> 01:16:54,966 he's a control freak 1337 01:16:56,933 --> 01:16:59,766 就是有点茶味吗就喝这口茶 1338 01:17:04,883 --> 01:17:08,049 hey i hate my family sometimes too 1339 01:17:09,166 --> 01:17:12,799 if it ain't my paw drunk or my brother's picking on me 1340 01:17:13,333 --> 01:17:15,766 it's everyone just mad at each other for no reason 1341 01:17:16,200 --> 01:17:18,400 see you got it 1342 01:17:19,050 --> 01:17:23,333 anyway sorry that got so dark这不太出口了吗 1343 01:17:23,333 --> 01:17:24,049 那你是 1344 01:17:24,050 --> 01:17:26,733 那你要被那些叫的出口的人比下去了 1345 01:17:27,650 --> 01:17:30,366 oh i don't think i'll be much help 1346 01:17:31,133 --> 01:17:32,249 yeah you will 1347 01:17:32,850 --> 01:17:34,933 that's always better with someone else 1348 01:17:35,800 --> 01:17:37,483 okay sure 1349 01:17:40,050 --> 01:17:42,883 哎我考第这个女的也让我辅导他呀 1350 01:17:43,050 --> 01:17:44,166 我咋辅导你啊 1351 01:17:45,683 --> 01:17:46,533 still know 1352 01:17:47,200 --> 01:17:49,683 oh my god i give up it's Alaska 1353 01:17:50,766 --> 01:17:53,933 over three million acres of parks all protected 1354 01:17:54,566 --> 01:17:57,166 你这样怎么可能得的呢let me see 1355 01:17:58,650 --> 01:18:00,133 okay your turn 1356 01:18:00,250 --> 01:18:02,766 what no i know which presidents signed the 1357 01:18:02,966 --> 01:18:07,133 1906 landmark antiquity's act created the forest service 1358 01:18:07,250 --> 01:18:11,250 and established five national parks including the grand Canyon 1359 01:18:11,933 --> 01:18:14,733 wait ah i think i saw this on tv 1360 01:18:17,333 --> 01:18:18,649 我咋知道啊那就 1361 01:18:21,200 --> 01:18:22,000 选个地方 1362 01:18:23,683 --> 01:18:27,366 jfk oh come on that was like 30 years ago 1363 01:18:27,850 --> 01:18:29,883 the correct answer is 1364 01:18:30,600 --> 01:18:34,733 teddy Roosevelt and i am officially gonna fail 1365 01:18:35,566 --> 01:18:38,449 so you don't need some tests to know that 1366 01:18:39,333 --> 01:18:40,766 you're smart and 1367 01:18:42,766 --> 01:18:44,999 这线下我们俩都选错的话他才 1368 01:18:45,000 --> 01:18:45,966 会有共感啊 1369 01:18:45,966 --> 01:18:47,849 那我的第一才成立啊 1370 01:18:48,850 --> 01:18:50,533 我刚才选的时候我就在 1371 01:18:50,566 --> 01:18:52,083 在想这个事情呢 1372 01:18:54,400 --> 01:18:56,166 just say you're a friend from school actually 1373 01:18:56,166 --> 01:18:59,133 no say you're my study partner the school paired us up because 1374 01:19:00,683 --> 01:19:02,999 hi Todd i thought you were working late 1375 01:19:03,850 --> 01:19:05,450 i didn't see another car out front 1376 01:19:06,200 --> 01:19:07,000 who's this 1377 01:19:09,083 --> 01:19:10,883 this is Dean from school 1378 01:19:12,366 --> 01:19:13,933 hello Dean from school 1379 01:19:13,933 --> 01:19:16,199 哇长得好凶啊hello sir 1380 01:19:20,933 --> 01:19:23,883 well i'm glad to see you studying 1381 01:19:24,766 --> 01:19:26,083 that remind me Dean 1382 01:19:26,566 --> 01:19:27,933 which school do you go to 1383 01:19:30,200 --> 01:19:31,283 我怎么知道 1384 01:19:31,650 --> 01:19:32,933 谁来救救我啊 1385 01:19:37,800 --> 01:19:38,650 不理其微 1386 01:19:39,000 --> 01:19:40,083 不理其地 1387 01:19:40,083 --> 01:19:41,566 快抢救救我 1388 01:19:43,566 --> 01:19:44,799 啊点错了 1389 01:19:45,333 --> 01:19:46,649 the Bridgeley school 1390 01:19:49,683 --> 01:19:51,649 yeah that's right他在怀疑我 1391 01:19:52,850 --> 01:19:53,933 dean's knew at school 1392 01:19:54,083 --> 01:19:56,366 that's why the academic office我选对了吗 1393 01:19:56,366 --> 01:19:57,166 group together 1394 01:19:58,400 --> 01:20:01,250 fine but you didn't ask permission well 1395 01:20:01,333 --> 01:20:02,849 you weren't around to ask 1396 01:20:04,450 --> 01:20:07,250 i should go you're not going anywhere 1397 01:20:07,883 --> 01:20:10,966 i like to know who my daughter spends her time with啊 1398 01:20:10,966 --> 01:20:12,249 你有神经病吧 1399 01:20:12,366 --> 01:20:13,166 cop 1400 01:20:13,683 --> 01:20:15,399 i run a private security firm 1401 01:20:16,250 --> 01:20:18,166 his company guards banks 1402 01:20:18,333 --> 01:20:21,649 in a town that hasn't had a bank robbery in decades 1403 01:20:21,850 --> 01:20:23,800 enough finesse anyway 1404 01:20:24,250 --> 01:20:25,400 that might be changing 1405 01:20:26,083 --> 01:20:29,933 you hear about this motel massacre down on route 66 oh 1406 01:20:30,083 --> 01:20:32,283 right on the radio earlier 1407 01:20:36,250 --> 01:20:37,650 发生什么事了 1408 01:20:39,933 --> 01:20:40,933 what happened 1409 01:20:41,650 --> 01:20:43,166 do you know apparently 1410 01:20:43,166 --> 01:20:46,166 three brothers botched a robbery and took over a motel 1411 01:20:47,050 --> 01:20:49,683 things got pretty nasty well is it over 1412 01:20:49,966 --> 01:20:52,683 not quite there's a man hunt underway 1413 01:20:53,133 --> 01:20:56,966 once the fbi gets some sketches of this Holt family 1414 01:20:57,050 --> 01:20:59,000 their faces will be all over挖的 1415 01:21:01,450 --> 01:21:03,966 i need your help with something 1416 01:21:05,050 --> 01:21:06,966 get back to the study 1417 01:21:07,400 --> 01:21:10,683 and next time you ask before you bring a stranger in the house 1418 01:21:13,250 --> 01:21:15,083 i am so so sorry 1419 01:21:15,800 --> 01:21:17,366 i really think i should leave 1420 01:21:17,766 --> 01:21:19,766 you can't not yet 1421 01:21:20,533 --> 01:21:23,483 yes sir where's mima's Audiobook 1422 01:21:23,566 --> 01:21:25,849 为啥我不能走啊我悄悄溜走 1423 01:21:31,450 --> 01:21:32,283 快润 1424 01:21:48,850 --> 01:21:50,200 那其实也很合理啊 1425 01:21:50,200 --> 01:21:51,733 就是觉得他们家很恐怖 1426 01:21:51,733 --> 01:21:52,733 然后就悄悄走了 1427 01:21:52,733 --> 01:21:54,283 这也不是也很恐怖 1428 01:21:54,850 --> 01:21:56,533 啊可以拿枪的吗 1429 01:21:58,366 --> 01:21:59,766 没有这个选项啊 1430 01:22:04,850 --> 01:22:05,650 oh dean 1431 01:22:09,533 --> 01:22:11,766 啊你喜欢我吗 1432 01:22:11,933 --> 01:22:14,283 之后我再来找你别难过 1433 01:22:19,050 --> 01:22:20,883 jay you in there 1434 01:22:29,533 --> 01:22:30,566 床底下 1435 01:22:33,800 --> 01:22:35,400 啊他这个床好空荡啊 1436 01:22:35,400 --> 01:22:37,133 好容易被发现啊我觉得 1437 01:22:39,450 --> 01:22:42,283 wake up and hang these bushtails in the pantry for me 1438 01:22:43,683 --> 01:22:45,566 damn it i'll do it myself 1439 01:22:46,533 --> 01:22:47,766 啊幸好啊 1440 01:22:51,600 --> 01:22:53,883 打开了那个衣柜幸好我没去衣柜 1441 01:22:54,566 --> 01:22:56,083 you're threatening letters 1442 01:22:56,883 --> 01:22:57,799 what's the matter 1443 01:22:58,566 --> 01:23:00,166 can't face me like men 1444 01:23:01,683 --> 01:23:03,283 啊这个男的不是那个吗 1445 01:23:03,650 --> 01:23:06,650 well i ain't got you Tim grand 1446 01:23:07,050 --> 01:23:08,366 so if you want it 1447 01:23:08,966 --> 01:23:10,449 the fuck yourself 1448 01:23:12,883 --> 01:23:15,849 哦这个是之前是吧这个是鼻父鼻父 1449 01:23:19,050 --> 01:23:19,850 okay 1450 01:23:20,683 --> 01:23:22,249 here's how we get out of this hole 1451 01:23:22,850 --> 01:23:25,683 come on take what's left come on bye Brian 1452 01:23:26,450 --> 01:23:28,083 buying the high stakes game 1453 01:23:29,250 --> 01:23:30,733 son of a bitch 1454 01:23:32,283 --> 01:23:34,283 you tell anybody about this place 1455 01:23:34,283 --> 01:23:37,133 i'll find you and skin your lie your little rap 1456 01:23:42,600 --> 01:23:44,450 他朝天开的吗 1457 01:23:44,450 --> 01:23:46,850 这也太恐怖了吧 1458 01:23:50,450 --> 01:23:52,850 yes yes a road 1459 01:23:58,283 --> 01:23:59,083 啊 1460 01:24:02,483 --> 01:24:04,483 我太可怜了小胖 1461 01:24:17,483 --> 01:24:19,049 don't be broken don't 1462 01:24:20,733 --> 01:24:23,133 be broken mom 1463 01:24:25,000 --> 01:24:27,166 mom这哪去了呀 1464 01:24:27,166 --> 01:24:29,733 i'm sorry i should have come straight home 1465 01:24:30,366 --> 01:24:31,166 哥哥 1466 01:24:37,283 --> 01:24:38,083 哼 1467 01:24:46,733 --> 01:24:48,883 好痛啊我都没骨折过啊 1468 01:24:51,966 --> 01:24:53,533 adventure camp 1469 01:24:55,166 --> 01:24:58,449 you and your boy have a great trip miss wolemer 1470 01:24:59,250 --> 01:25:01,683 he's gonna be so surprised 1471 01:25:03,050 --> 01:25:04,366 that's today 1472 01:25:05,166 --> 01:25:06,283 oh mom 1473 01:25:11,733 --> 01:25:12,599 刘玉清吗 1474 01:25:12,600 --> 01:25:15,650 感觉他腿好像都快都扭扭断了 1475 01:25:22,483 --> 01:25:28,566 oh man i really really don't feel good这小胖短手 1476 01:25:28,850 --> 01:25:30,250 又胖又短的手 1477 01:25:32,966 --> 01:25:34,533 啊啊 1478 01:25:35,283 --> 01:25:36,083 啊 1479 01:26:02,566 --> 01:26:03,966 回个车窗吧 1480 01:26:07,483 --> 01:26:07,766 oh 1481 01:26:07,766 --> 01:26:11,249 i got half the sheriff's department looking for you tell my mom 1482 01:26:12,650 --> 01:26:13,733 i'm sorry 1483 01:26:15,283 --> 01:26:16,533 you tell her yourself 1484 01:26:16,933 --> 01:26:17,733 you okay 1485 01:26:18,533 --> 01:26:20,133 Jesus what happened to you 1486 01:26:20,366 --> 01:26:21,166 i was 1487 01:26:22,400 --> 01:26:24,650 i was looking for the forest ashe 1488 01:26:24,966 --> 01:26:27,533 what are you talking about what happened to you out there 1489 01:26:31,366 --> 01:26:32,933 保命啊你别说出去啊 1490 01:26:35,366 --> 01:26:36,683 i couldn't find it 1491 01:26:37,050 --> 01:26:41,450 i fell got lost that's all fresh 1492 01:26:43,200 --> 01:26:44,000 Ash 1493 01:26:45,050 --> 01:26:45,850 Ash 1494 01:26:48,333 --> 01:26:50,566 easy easy hey 1495 01:26:51,050 --> 01:26:51,966 i got you 1496 01:26:52,850 --> 01:26:54,533 we're gonna get you to a hospital 1497 01:26:55,250 --> 01:26:56,050 okay 1498 01:27:09,133 --> 01:27:10,799 I我不会泄露了吧 1499 01:27:14,800 --> 01:27:16,933 说出去哎呦 1500 01:27:22,800 --> 01:27:25,133 他那个这个人叫啥来着 1501 01:27:25,283 --> 01:27:26,799 他罪不该死呀 1502 01:27:30,133 --> 01:27:32,733 lucky to get over the highway much less the border 1503 01:27:33,083 --> 01:27:34,649 that we're looking everywhere 1504 01:27:35,166 --> 01:27:37,799 well you got a better plan as i go 1505 01:27:40,483 --> 01:27:41,283 j 1506 01:27:42,333 --> 01:27:44,566 oh god你们两个虚伪的人 1507 01:27:45,450 --> 01:27:47,366 你们根本一点也不喜欢我 1508 01:27:48,766 --> 01:27:49,533 我根本一点不爱我 1509 01:27:49,533 --> 01:27:51,083 怎么没有这个质问呢 1510 01:27:58,333 --> 01:28:00,799 when i got out of the cart you weren't there 1511 01:28:01,966 --> 01:28:03,199 i thought i was 1512 01:28:03,850 --> 01:28:07,000 i thought that was it it was that Freakin helicopter 1513 01:28:08,000 --> 01:28:09,883 你们那你们就是不要我了呀 1514 01:28:12,000 --> 01:28:13,683 i can't believe you survived 1515 01:28:14,933 --> 01:28:16,166 what were you thinking 1516 01:28:16,250 --> 01:28:19,000 sneaking up on us like that were you followed 1517 01:28:19,533 --> 01:28:22,566 i know how to cover my tracks他根本不不关心我 1518 01:28:22,566 --> 01:28:24,566 只在乎有没有人跟着我过来 1519 01:28:24,650 --> 01:28:25,850 beginnings of one 1520 01:28:26,600 --> 01:28:29,483 dante's got an account number in that little black book 1521 01:28:29,933 --> 01:28:32,133 if it's what i think it is that's for later 1522 01:28:32,933 --> 01:28:35,133 first we need to get to Canada 1523 01:28:35,133 --> 01:28:38,133 Canada cops are gonna be all over the southern border 1524 01:28:38,133 --> 01:28:39,283 so we head north 1525 01:28:39,450 --> 01:28:40,766 you hate the cold 1526 01:28:41,200 --> 01:28:43,650 don't worry jay i got your back 1527 01:28:43,933 --> 01:28:44,883 you know that right 1528 01:28:48,533 --> 01:28:49,683 你才没有 1529 01:28:53,483 --> 01:28:54,933 i know Dale did 1530 01:28:55,850 --> 01:28:56,766 with you 1531 01:28:58,133 --> 01:28:59,483 sometimes i don't know 1532 01:28:59,850 --> 01:29:01,933 i'll always look out for this family 1533 01:29:02,533 --> 01:29:03,649 no matter what 1534 01:29:04,400 --> 01:29:07,083 i'm Gonna take first watch you two get some rest 1535 01:29:07,250 --> 01:29:08,766 we got a long day tomorrow 1536 01:29:09,250 --> 01:29:12,483 哈哈哈就是哎又是加拿大 1537 01:29:16,966 --> 01:29:19,333 他们根本就不在乎我 1538 01:29:27,566 --> 01:29:28,649 thought you sleep longer 1539 01:29:29,733 --> 01:29:30,966 i was tuning up the bike 1540 01:29:32,366 --> 01:29:34,449 can we talk about this Canada thing 1541 01:29:36,566 --> 01:29:37,849 不会是两个人悄悄 1542 01:29:38,000 --> 01:29:39,850 去别的地方不带我吧 1543 01:29:42,083 --> 01:29:45,733 we're not going to Canada we're going to Texas huh 1544 01:29:45,733 --> 01:29:49,449 i know a guy an eagle pass wouldn't get us across the grand so 1545 01:29:49,850 --> 01:29:51,366 why'd you tell Jane north 1546 01:29:52,000 --> 01:29:53,283 because he ain't coming 1547 01:29:55,733 --> 01:29:57,249 我们是一家人吗 1548 01:29:57,450 --> 01:29:59,200 by the time he gets back will be long gone 1549 01:29:59,200 --> 01:30:00,450 你们俩是人吗 1550 01:30:00,450 --> 01:30:03,450 i'm not doing that to him ain't it bad enough we lost Dale 1551 01:30:04,083 --> 01:30:06,483 hey you think i want this 1552 01:30:07,050 --> 01:30:08,333 that i want any of it 1553 01:30:09,366 --> 01:30:11,766 we both know j was never exactly your favorite 1554 01:30:11,766 --> 01:30:13,083 but i still looked out for him 1555 01:30:13,083 --> 01:30:13,883 didn't i 1556 01:30:14,566 --> 01:30:15,799 all i've ever done 1557 01:30:16,083 --> 01:30:17,566 i did for this family 1558 01:30:17,566 --> 01:30:19,483 那我不是这个家庭的一份子吗 1559 01:30:19,483 --> 01:30:20,649 since i was 14 1560 01:30:21,400 --> 01:30:22,366 been protecting you 1561 01:30:22,366 --> 01:30:24,649 from par from when i was old enough to hit him back 1562 01:30:26,083 --> 01:30:28,683 那我呢i barely 1563 01:30:28,683 --> 01:30:30,199 even had a life of my own i was 1564 01:30:30,200 --> 01:30:32,250 so busy dealing with everyone else's 1565 01:30:32,366 --> 01:30:33,849 你为什么不牺牲妈妈呢 1566 01:30:33,850 --> 01:30:35,483 你为什么要牺牲我 1567 01:30:37,133 --> 01:30:40,566 who takes it on the Chin Tyler the eldest 1568 01:30:41,166 --> 01:30:42,766 the responsible one 1569 01:30:43,533 --> 01:30:45,083 well enough's enough MA 1570 01:30:46,250 --> 01:30:48,166 i ain't going down with the ship 1571 01:30:49,083 --> 01:30:52,483 there's two seats on that motorcycle not three 1572 01:30:53,200 --> 01:30:55,566 and Jayan gets超下载不行吗 1573 01:30:55,566 --> 01:30:58,533 摩托车不是经常超载吗Fuck 1574 01:31:01,133 --> 01:31:03,199 啊有人敲门啊 1575 01:31:04,050 --> 01:31:05,050 what are you doing 1576 01:31:05,966 --> 01:31:06,483 啊没有吗 1577 01:31:06,483 --> 01:31:07,283 believe it 1578 01:31:08,083 --> 01:31:09,449 this is crazy 1579 01:31:09,966 --> 01:31:14,133 i'll stay you two go you never survive out here alone 1580 01:31:14,166 --> 01:31:18,249 but Jay will he practically lives in these woods i don't care 1581 01:31:18,600 --> 01:31:20,883 i'll die here if i have to nah uh 1582 01:31:21,533 --> 01:31:23,083 we're all gonna make it 1583 01:31:23,083 --> 01:31:25,799 because jay's gonna do the right thing and stay 1584 01:31:27,966 --> 01:31:29,249 这啥声音啊 1585 01:31:34,000 --> 01:31:34,766 我看怎么样 1586 01:31:34,766 --> 01:31:35,799 你留下来 1587 01:31:36,533 --> 01:31:38,366 你妈妈的you be the one 1588 01:31:38,683 --> 01:31:41,083 i don't want to be alone oh come on 1589 01:31:41,250 --> 01:31:42,566 you love being alone 1590 01:31:42,766 --> 01:31:45,533 you've been running off alone ever since you learned to walk 1591 01:31:45,533 --> 01:31:46,933 你是人吗 1592 01:31:48,000 --> 01:31:50,000 you owe us我欠你啥 1593 01:31:50,000 --> 01:31:51,450 我you heard me 1594 01:31:51,733 --> 01:31:56,083 you're the one who stole that goddamn book i didn't know exactly 1595 01:31:56,850 --> 01:31:59,883 because you're always in your own goddamn world pa 1596 01:32:00,650 --> 01:32:01,883 he treated you like 1597 01:32:01,883 --> 01:32:05,283 you were some golden boys这也不像心跳声啊 1598 01:32:05,283 --> 01:32:07,999 Daydream it's just the day we took you in 1599 01:32:08,200 --> 01:32:12,250 what you're real mom should have done us a favor Tyler 1600 01:32:12,850 --> 01:32:15,133 enough我不是亲热的 1601 01:32:15,883 --> 01:32:16,733 what do you mean 1602 01:32:17,283 --> 01:32:18,533 我是谁生的 1603 01:32:18,766 --> 01:32:21,933 Mama Mama what are you talking about Mama Mama 1604 01:32:23,533 --> 01:32:24,849 you are blood 1605 01:32:25,200 --> 01:32:29,733 and i raised you as a son so that makes me your mother 1606 01:32:30,166 --> 01:32:32,133 the rest哈哈哈哈 1607 01:32:39,250 --> 01:32:41,000 it matters to me 1608 01:32:41,733 --> 01:32:43,166 who is my real mom 1609 01:32:47,566 --> 01:32:48,449 等下 1610 01:32:49,766 --> 01:32:50,566 Brook 1611 01:32:51,683 --> 01:32:53,166 she died giving birth to you 1612 01:32:53,166 --> 01:32:54,966 那你还嫁给了你妹妹的 1613 01:32:55,566 --> 01:32:56,883 老公father 1614 01:32:57,166 --> 01:32:58,966 you don't have one啊 1615 01:33:00,450 --> 01:33:01,333 我不是啊 1616 01:33:01,400 --> 01:33:04,566 我是孤儿啊我天呐 1617 01:33:08,333 --> 01:33:10,166 你打他有什么用呢 1618 01:33:10,200 --> 01:33:11,650 我想请问呢 1619 01:33:14,766 --> 01:33:15,933 yeah yeah 1620 01:33:22,333 --> 01:33:23,599 should have been Dale 1621 01:33:23,600 --> 01:33:25,850 你是人吗 1622 01:33:27,966 --> 01:33:28,883 i'm leaving 1623 01:33:29,566 --> 01:33:32,166 you better hope i don't get caught jay please 1624 01:33:32,400 --> 01:33:33,766 let's talk about this 1625 01:33:34,883 --> 01:33:36,683 Tyler what are you doing 1626 01:33:36,850 --> 01:33:38,966 he knows the whole goddamn plan 1627 01:33:38,966 --> 01:33:40,649 你还想杀我 1628 01:33:41,733 --> 01:33:43,083 don't you dare hurt him 1629 01:33:44,050 --> 01:33:45,883 你倒是追出来呀 1630 01:33:46,800 --> 01:33:47,650 妈妈 1631 01:33:54,200 --> 01:33:57,083 你不想他伤害我你追出来呀 1632 01:34:06,966 --> 01:34:08,999 没有花儿香 1633 01:34:10,000 --> 01:34:12,250 没有树儿高 1634 01:34:12,333 --> 01:34:15,999 我是一棵无人知道的小 1635 01:34:16,800 --> 01:34:17,600 草 1636 01:34:21,766 --> 01:34:24,649 forget what i said他想骗我出去杀我 1637 01:34:25,000 --> 01:34:26,333 of course i'm your brother 1638 01:34:26,600 --> 01:34:28,400 i used to change your diapers 1639 01:34:28,566 --> 01:34:31,649 i know you once try to keep a squirrel as a pet 1640 01:34:32,450 --> 01:34:34,683 and that you hate mys big potatoes 1641 01:34:36,000 --> 01:34:37,600 i don't want to hurt you jay 1642 01:34:37,966 --> 01:34:40,966 i just need to know you're not gonna tell anyone the plan 1643 01:34:41,333 --> 01:34:42,849 你只是想杀我 1644 01:34:48,400 --> 01:34:49,283 哎呀我怎么开枪 1645 01:34:49,283 --> 01:34:50,733 紧张我没看到保持沉默 1646 01:34:50,733 --> 01:34:52,449 那个push me Tyler 1647 01:34:52,733 --> 01:34:55,199 you're not my brother anymore come on now 1648 01:34:55,566 --> 01:34:57,199 you're just being dramatic 1649 01:34:58,283 --> 01:34:59,849 i'll shoot you if i have to 1650 01:35:00,483 --> 01:35:02,166 i don't want it but if you make me 1651 01:35:03,133 --> 01:35:03,999 啊 1652 01:35:05,600 --> 01:35:09,083 你妈妈的你可真不是人啊你 1653 01:35:19,533 --> 01:35:20,799 get down here j 1654 01:35:20,966 --> 01:35:23,083 i swear to怎么爬树了 1655 01:35:26,366 --> 01:35:27,733 怎么爬树了 1656 01:35:32,450 --> 01:35:33,000 哎说实话 1657 01:35:33,000 --> 01:35:34,966 他这个如果涉及的再刺激一点 1658 01:35:34,966 --> 01:35:37,283 我的心情会更更那个一点 1659 01:35:37,283 --> 01:35:38,366 他这个有点 1660 01:35:43,166 --> 01:35:43,966 j 1661 01:35:44,883 --> 01:35:46,733 help me他怎么了 1662 01:35:48,166 --> 01:35:48,966 please 1663 01:35:49,600 --> 01:35:51,283 my life can't take a fall 1664 01:35:54,283 --> 01:35:55,599 断了就断了呗 1665 01:35:58,566 --> 01:36:00,166 哎呀我刚做哪个呢 1666 01:36:00,166 --> 01:36:03,449 我能不理他不呀你自生自灭吧 1667 01:36:15,450 --> 01:36:17,650 能踩的话就不是介意了我感觉哎呀 1668 01:36:17,650 --> 01:36:19,000 又不能不能不理他们 1669 01:36:19,000 --> 01:36:21,250 我不想揪他也不想踩他呀 1670 01:36:23,333 --> 01:36:25,999 怎么都这么你们怎么这么一致啊 1671 01:36:35,250 --> 01:36:36,850 因为如果踩了他腿断了 1672 01:36:36,850 --> 01:36:38,333 他可能就逃不了了 1673 01:36:38,333 --> 01:36:41,133 就是我们虽然有深仇大恨但是也没有 1674 01:36:41,450 --> 01:36:42,250 那个 1675 01:36:53,683 --> 01:36:55,283 how the hell do you climb so fast 1676 01:36:55,283 --> 01:36:56,799 就是他死不死无所谓 1677 01:36:56,800 --> 01:37:00,050 但是不想是我把他害死了i don't look down 1678 01:37:04,533 --> 01:37:05,683 look Jay 1679 01:37:07,450 --> 01:37:10,133 it's been a long day我不相信他说实话 1680 01:37:12,366 --> 01:37:14,333 你的态度能转变到怎么这 1681 01:37:14,333 --> 01:37:15,599 转变到这么快吗 1682 01:37:15,600 --> 01:37:16,733 你放狗屁啊 1683 01:37:17,200 --> 01:37:19,533 刚才刚才想累死我来着 1684 01:37:20,600 --> 01:37:21,400 like you said 1685 01:37:21,850 --> 01:37:23,000 cops wouldn't expect it 1686 01:37:23,683 --> 01:37:24,883 then good luck out there 1687 01:37:25,933 --> 01:37:26,849 and remember 1688 01:37:27,600 --> 01:37:28,883 when it's them or you 1689 01:37:30,850 --> 01:37:31,650 you 1690 01:37:34,533 --> 01:37:36,199 我刚才有点迷糊 1691 01:37:36,200 --> 01:37:37,450 我不知道为啥 1692 01:37:37,566 --> 01:37:38,733 为什么往北 1693 01:37:38,733 --> 01:37:42,883 为什么警察就确定要在南边搜索 1694 01:37:42,883 --> 01:37:44,449 不去北边搜索呢 1695 01:37:44,450 --> 01:37:45,850 你们有看到吗 1696 01:37:46,400 --> 01:37:49,450 警察是怎么判断的我想知道的是 1697 01:37:57,766 --> 01:37:59,966 对啊他他转变太快了 1698 01:38:00,000 --> 01:38:01,333 我不我不相信 1699 01:38:01,333 --> 01:38:03,333 他的就是那什么 1700 01:38:03,766 --> 01:38:06,533 就是不太喜欢我只在乎自己罢了 1701 01:38:07,566 --> 01:38:10,766 啊我是爱玩爱闹啊我哪有爱玩爱闹 1702 01:38:25,200 --> 01:38:26,450 你一直在往南边跑 1703 01:38:26,450 --> 01:38:29,366 然后现在又跑回去往北边跑吗 1704 01:38:31,650 --> 01:38:32,600 啊因为 1705 01:38:33,366 --> 01:38:34,999 这这是两件事情 1706 01:38:40,650 --> 01:38:42,366 哎等一下我去拿个东西 1707 01:38:43,933 --> 01:38:45,566 等下我的奶茶到了 1708 01:38:45,850 --> 01:38:47,050 好饿好饿 1709 01:38:47,166 --> 01:38:48,849 我去拿一下等我一下 1710 01:39:33,400 --> 01:39:35,766 我们直播间什么时候开始说DAB了 1711 01:39:36,850 --> 01:39:38,533 我刚才想说什么来着 1712 01:39:39,933 --> 01:39:42,199 是他们身份证都没有然后啊 1713 01:39:42,683 --> 01:39:44,766 他们他我不知道他们国家 1714 01:39:44,766 --> 01:39:46,966 那去别的国家需要什么东西啊 1715 01:39:47,050 --> 01:39:49,883 他们不需要护照吗那需要身份证吗 1716 01:39:51,000 --> 01:39:53,483 他们啥也没有啊他们不是很匆忙吗 1717 01:39:56,533 --> 01:39:57,683 晚上好啊 1718 01:40:17,566 --> 01:40:19,449 偷渡吗是吗 1719 01:40:25,766 --> 01:40:27,799 他们一家人团聚了真好 1720 01:40:45,450 --> 01:40:47,083 哈哈哈也是哦 1721 01:40:52,566 --> 01:40:54,283 哎呀你看琴 1722 01:40:54,766 --> 01:40:56,283 什么场景一转到他们这边来 1723 01:40:56,283 --> 01:40:57,566 心情一下又沉重了 1724 01:40:57,566 --> 01:40:59,166 然后他们那边一家三口团聚 1725 01:40:59,166 --> 01:41:00,166 就觉得很好 1726 01:41:00,250 --> 01:41:02,050 所以大家还是得当好人啊 1727 01:41:02,050 --> 01:41:03,600 每次我看到这种都在想 1728 01:41:03,600 --> 01:41:04,933 千万不能当坏人 1729 01:41:04,933 --> 01:41:06,366 这生活多苦啊 1730 01:41:06,366 --> 01:41:09,283 我连看着玩游戏看着他们都觉得他们 1731 01:41:09,483 --> 01:41:10,333 那个什么 1732 01:41:10,483 --> 01:41:12,999 东逃西窜的感觉好累啊好辛苦 1733 01:41:13,850 --> 01:41:16,166 so are we sitting at a Kitty arcade 1734 01:41:16,800 --> 01:41:19,683 Nope don't got no space invaders in here 1735 01:41:22,083 --> 01:41:22,999 我看看 1736 01:41:25,533 --> 01:41:27,366 那可能不能调威士忌吧 1737 01:41:30,450 --> 01:41:32,600 please can i have some water 1738 01:41:34,000 --> 01:41:36,800 you want to drink then buy one 1739 01:41:38,333 --> 01:41:40,083 your car break down or something 1740 01:41:40,966 --> 01:41:42,533 i just need a ride north 1741 01:41:43,533 --> 01:41:45,333 well i'm headed south 1742 01:41:45,766 --> 01:41:46,799 try that fella 1743 01:42:01,450 --> 01:42:03,600 now how's that for dumb luck 1744 01:42:04,566 --> 01:42:07,049 excuse me are you headed north 1745 01:42:08,566 --> 01:42:11,166 how far far as you'll take me 1746 01:42:11,683 --> 01:42:15,166 这你一听也太像亡命之徒吧but i'll bite 1747 01:42:15,683 --> 01:42:16,883 who you running from 1748 01:42:17,366 --> 01:42:19,133 what have you had done to piss him off 1749 01:42:26,283 --> 01:42:29,566 哈哈没想到吧i'm running from the cops 1750 01:42:30,250 --> 01:42:31,366 fbi too 1751 01:42:32,483 --> 01:42:35,049 for what not turning in your homework 1752 01:42:36,650 --> 01:42:39,966 sorry kid i mixed up in it我太老实了吗 1753 01:42:42,000 --> 01:42:42,850 哎我是猪啊 1754 01:42:42,850 --> 01:42:45,850 我想他这么酷他肯定不想听我说借口 1755 01:42:46,800 --> 01:42:48,133 what if we throw for it 1756 01:42:49,683 --> 01:42:50,733 three darts each 1757 01:42:51,400 --> 01:42:51,733 说实话 1758 01:42:51,733 --> 01:42:54,249 我觉得选第一个他也不会同意载我呀 1759 01:42:54,250 --> 01:42:55,050 if i don't 1760 01:42:55,933 --> 01:42:56,966 i'll buy you a drink 1761 01:43:00,050 --> 01:43:00,933 two drinks 1762 01:43:01,933 --> 01:43:04,166 ah what the hell i'm bored 1763 01:43:05,450 --> 01:43:07,600 哎我觉得选第一个你们有玩过的吗 1764 01:43:07,600 --> 01:43:09,650 选第一个他肯定也不会买账啊 1765 01:43:10,166 --> 01:43:12,449 twenty seven your turn 1766 01:43:13,050 --> 01:43:15,366 我一脸狼狈样怎么可能是去旅行啊 1767 01:43:15,366 --> 01:43:17,766 世上没有任何行李你们觉得可能吗 1768 01:43:18,333 --> 01:43:19,933 第三个不关你的事不关你的事 1769 01:43:19,933 --> 01:43:21,283 那你要去哪也不关我的事 1770 01:43:21,283 --> 01:43:22,933 那别人肯定不会那个啥呀 1771 01:43:30,650 --> 01:43:31,450 啊 1772 01:43:33,600 --> 01:43:36,800 all right mmm not bad 1773 01:43:37,250 --> 01:43:38,366 i've played before 1774 01:43:39,250 --> 01:43:40,483 ready for round two 1775 01:43:49,200 --> 01:43:50,933 叔你是不是故意的 1776 01:43:59,850 --> 01:44:01,283 都轮到我了吗害怕 1777 01:44:09,733 --> 01:44:11,449 what's that twenty five 1778 01:44:11,650 --> 01:44:13,733 hey slow down Robin hood 1779 01:44:13,883 --> 01:44:16,199 i want my free drinks huh 1780 01:44:18,966 --> 01:44:20,933 final round stakes are high 1781 01:44:24,366 --> 01:44:26,333 我不是都郑重靶心吗 1782 01:44:26,533 --> 01:44:28,333 你们俩也来看戏了是吧 1783 01:44:32,333 --> 01:44:35,199 hanging in there though for now 1784 01:44:36,533 --> 01:44:39,599 no rush kid take for you to mess up now 1785 01:44:43,133 --> 01:44:45,166 i don't wanna be afraid 1786 01:44:50,366 --> 01:44:53,533 呦呵did i win you sharken me 1787 01:44:53,533 --> 01:44:55,999 i ain't got no patience for sharks 1788 01:45:02,250 --> 01:45:03,050 紧装 1789 01:45:05,083 --> 01:45:06,249 李斯 1790 01:45:07,966 --> 01:45:09,166 你是谁来说 1791 01:45:10,566 --> 01:45:12,966 霍利是can i help you 1792 01:45:13,650 --> 01:45:17,250 i'm looking for an 18 year old male oh my god i don't care 1793 01:45:17,733 --> 01:45:20,199 connected to that motel shooting in two rocks 1794 01:45:21,333 --> 01:45:22,133 asking 1795 01:45:23,683 --> 01:45:26,166 someone who was there shit 1796 01:45:28,333 --> 01:45:29,733 fucking cops 1797 01:45:30,000 --> 01:45:32,250 does this look like a place that serves eighteen你看啊 1798 01:45:32,250 --> 01:45:33,000 他们很酷的 1799 01:45:33,000 --> 01:45:34,650 他们不会那啥的 1800 01:45:37,400 --> 01:45:38,966 go for it i'll keep it 1801 01:45:40,200 --> 01:45:41,850 have you seen him or not 1802 01:45:42,533 --> 01:45:44,766 his people killed my partner 1803 01:45:45,200 --> 01:45:49,050 he's going straight to death row you sure you're a cop 1804 01:45:49,566 --> 01:45:52,399 you ain't dressed like one i'm off duty 1805 01:45:53,050 --> 01:45:54,333 this one's personal 1806 01:45:57,133 --> 01:45:59,283 他们怎么敢对警察这么说话 1807 01:45:59,450 --> 01:46:01,450 yeah well i ain't seen anyone 1808 01:46:02,566 --> 01:46:03,649 how about you 1809 01:46:04,050 --> 01:46:05,800 seen anyone underage tonight 1810 01:46:06,566 --> 01:46:08,483 wow you look pretty young 1811 01:46:08,966 --> 01:46:10,849 just answer the fucking question 1812 01:46:12,650 --> 01:46:14,450 okay let me think 1813 01:46:16,533 --> 01:46:18,483 well that's Shane at the bar 1814 01:46:19,450 --> 01:46:22,083 that big guy Jean who comes around for dinner 1815 01:46:23,800 --> 01:46:25,966 Kyle wait a minute maybe it's a while 1816 01:46:27,966 --> 01:46:29,933 是我躲在这不就行了吗 1817 01:46:30,883 --> 01:46:32,649 是我躲在这不就行了吗 1818 01:46:32,883 --> 01:46:34,166 他也不会搜吧 1819 01:46:36,050 --> 01:46:36,850 or actually 1820 01:46:38,450 --> 01:46:40,083 i could just call you anyway 1821 01:46:52,050 --> 01:46:52,283 看吧 1822 01:46:52,283 --> 01:46:54,883 我选的那个选项其实就是最佳选项 1823 01:46:55,450 --> 01:46:56,883 选别的那个警察也会来 1824 01:46:56,883 --> 01:46:58,849 他们也会知道我是亡命之徒 1825 01:47:06,083 --> 01:47:07,766 哎他们为什么会帮我呢 1826 01:47:07,766 --> 01:47:09,599 他们都不知道我是不是好人 1827 01:47:10,966 --> 01:47:14,249 guess you weren't fucking around back there dummy the truth 1828 01:47:14,650 --> 01:47:15,800 kill all those cops 1829 01:47:16,000 --> 01:47:18,450 blow up the school bus all that shit from tv 1830 01:47:18,533 --> 01:47:21,049 i don't want trouble shit kid 1831 01:47:21,400 --> 01:47:22,733 you are the trouble 1832 01:47:23,333 --> 01:47:24,399 so did you do it 1833 01:47:32,166 --> 01:47:33,999 no it wasn't me 1834 01:47:34,883 --> 01:47:35,683 too bad 1835 01:47:36,800 --> 01:47:38,400 there i almost liked you 1836 01:47:39,733 --> 01:47:41,083 你不在我了吗 1837 01:47:41,083 --> 01:47:42,966 hey what about my ride 1838 01:47:43,800 --> 01:47:45,450 it wasn't a fair bed 1839 01:47:47,966 --> 01:47:49,083 哥叔 1840 01:47:50,366 --> 01:47:51,599 我怎么办 1841 01:47:52,400 --> 01:47:54,566 那本来也不是我做的呀 1842 01:47:54,883 --> 01:47:56,766 那是我哥哥做的 1843 01:48:09,966 --> 01:48:10,766 hey 1844 01:48:11,566 --> 01:48:13,799 get lost you fucking humbo 1845 01:48:23,850 --> 01:48:25,650 哎呦我怎么办呢 1846 01:48:28,766 --> 01:48:31,449 这个这个叔他就喜欢杀人的 1847 01:48:31,850 --> 01:48:33,450 什么好恐怖 1848 01:48:35,566 --> 01:48:38,366 我要是说是我杀的他就会那个我的 1849 01:48:38,650 --> 01:48:45,883 to multiple murders at the desert dream motel Arizona 1850 01:49:01,050 --> 01:49:02,250 晚上了 1851 01:49:06,883 --> 01:49:08,199 directory assistance 1852 01:49:08,766 --> 01:49:14,166 i i need to collect call the dorland family in two rock Arizona 1853 01:49:14,966 --> 01:49:15,966 please state your name 1854 01:49:23,966 --> 01:49:25,249 tell her it's Dean 1855 01:49:26,883 --> 01:49:27,683 hello 1856 01:49:28,450 --> 01:49:30,166 还可以这么打电话吗 1857 01:49:31,533 --> 01:49:34,399 oh my god yes i accept 1858 01:49:35,083 --> 01:49:36,883 i was wondering when you call 1859 01:49:40,850 --> 01:49:44,050 Vanessa i need help why what's wrong 1860 01:49:44,166 --> 01:49:48,766 i mean Utah i don't have any money i've barely slept oh 1861 01:49:48,800 --> 01:49:51,200 slow down Utah 1862 01:49:52,333 --> 01:49:53,599 are you in some kind of trouble 1863 01:49:58,050 --> 01:49:58,850 嗯 1864 01:49:59,333 --> 01:50:00,133 嗯 1865 01:50:02,733 --> 01:50:04,683 i have this argument with my brother 1866 01:50:04,883 --> 01:50:05,683 he said 1867 01:50:06,400 --> 01:50:08,133 well it don't matter 1868 01:50:08,533 --> 01:50:09,399 but i left 1869 01:50:10,566 --> 01:50:13,566 i ran away shit okay 1870 01:50:13,883 --> 01:50:15,533 do you want me to call them for you 1871 01:50:15,533 --> 01:50:16,766 i could try to no 1872 01:50:17,166 --> 01:50:18,049 it's too late 1873 01:50:18,883 --> 01:50:20,199 i'm on my own now 1874 01:50:20,850 --> 01:50:22,133 i got nothing to eat 1875 01:50:22,766 --> 01:50:24,599 no money look 1876 01:50:24,850 --> 01:50:26,766 things have been shitty here too 1877 01:50:27,000 --> 01:50:29,600 my dad's convinced you were a drug dealer 1878 01:50:29,883 --> 01:50:32,366 he found an old bag of weed in myt shirt drawer 1879 01:50:32,400 --> 01:50:36,333 and now i'm grounded for like half the summer seriously 1880 01:50:36,533 --> 01:50:40,483 i know he's fucking crazy你也挺可以记得 1881 01:50:41,850 --> 01:50:44,166 Salt Lake City near the 1882 01:50:46,600 --> 01:50:47,883 the Sabrina hotel 1883 01:50:49,650 --> 01:50:51,883 okay i'll book you a room 1884 01:50:52,133 --> 01:50:52,966 you can order room 1885 01:50:52,966 --> 01:50:56,483 service take a nap and later i'll call it a check that you're 1886 01:51:01,650 --> 01:51:02,450 Vanessa 1887 01:51:05,133 --> 01:51:05,999 you know what 1888 01:51:06,483 --> 01:51:07,933 i'll meet you there wait 1889 01:51:08,283 --> 01:51:09,083 you'll 1890 01:51:09,333 --> 01:51:10,933 don't you have finals mmm 1891 01:51:11,650 --> 01:51:14,533 干嘛through finals i'd rather help a friend 1892 01:51:14,883 --> 01:51:16,483 我们是夫人的吗 1893 01:51:21,000 --> 01:51:25,683 no it's dangerous here you shouldn't come to solik city 1894 01:51:26,083 --> 01:51:27,083 i've been 1895 01:51:27,400 --> 01:51:32,166 it's weird but it's faith but are you sure don't worry about me 1896 01:51:32,166 --> 01:51:32,966 seriously 1897 01:51:33,850 --> 01:51:35,333 i'll put the room under my name 1898 01:51:35,883 --> 01:51:38,599 see you soon他能来能干嘛呢 1899 01:51:38,600 --> 01:51:40,200 我要去哪来着 1900 01:51:40,200 --> 01:51:41,966 我要去加拿大呀 1901 01:51:45,333 --> 01:51:48,966 那你能多带点钱吗小美 1902 01:51:58,083 --> 01:52:00,399 到底是他的家庭情况有没有糟糕 1903 01:52:00,400 --> 01:52:01,850 到他要亡命啊 1904 01:52:02,883 --> 01:52:05,283 如果他家庭情况非常非常糟糕的话 1905 01:52:05,283 --> 01:52:06,883 那还那个啥小梦 1906 01:52:08,683 --> 01:52:11,449 啊好可爱啊他打呼我 1907 01:52:14,283 --> 01:52:15,083 hmm 1908 01:52:24,083 --> 01:52:25,249 而且他爸虽然 1909 01:52:25,883 --> 01:52:28,199 而且他爸虽然控制欲很强 1910 01:52:28,200 --> 01:52:30,533 但是他也不是一个省油的灯啊 1911 01:52:30,600 --> 01:52:31,883 他还吸大麻呢 1912 01:52:32,050 --> 01:52:33,800 probably gonna regret this 1913 01:52:35,683 --> 01:52:37,449 rightnow you're all i need 1914 01:52:38,650 --> 01:52:41,050 哎呦好可爱i know Marlin 1915 01:52:42,083 --> 01:52:45,599 two years Sober and i can't even fall off the wagon in style 1916 01:52:51,283 --> 01:52:52,599 what's got you so 1917 01:52:57,366 --> 01:52:58,166 有人 1918 01:53:01,200 --> 01:53:03,533 hello who's there 1919 01:53:16,600 --> 01:53:17,450 起来走 1920 01:53:26,883 --> 01:53:27,683 NO 1921 01:53:30,283 --> 01:53:32,883 oh god Sharon 1922 01:53:33,883 --> 01:53:35,883 sorry sorry you can 1923 01:53:37,650 --> 01:53:41,883 Jesus i finally not off and you try to bludge me to death with a 1924 01:53:43,400 --> 01:53:45,883 what you bake now you broke in 1925 01:53:46,166 --> 01:53:48,683 to my home you left the window open 1926 01:53:52,733 --> 01:53:54,883 bike blew attire the first mile 1927 01:53:55,533 --> 01:53:56,933 i lost my sons 1928 01:53:57,533 --> 01:54:01,449 been scrambling ever since i just needed someplace to rest 1929 01:54:01,966 --> 01:54:07,366 take a shower get dressed you're leaving now what 1930 01:54:07,850 --> 01:54:08,800 wait Paul 1931 01:54:09,483 --> 01:54:10,883 啊我哥呢 1932 01:54:23,800 --> 01:54:26,883 that motel it was the best thing that ever happened to me 1933 01:54:27,050 --> 01:54:30,533 and now you and your goddamn sons 1934 01:54:31,650 --> 01:54:33,933 what we've done is unforgivable 1935 01:54:34,250 --> 01:54:37,733 i know啊我有点不懂了to joyce's kid 1936 01:54:38,083 --> 01:54:40,166 the little boy your son left 1937 01:54:40,166 --> 01:54:42,083 without a Mama那为什么正好逃到他 1938 01:54:42,083 --> 01:54:42,933 家来了呀 1939 01:54:42,933 --> 01:54:47,166 if i could turn back the clock you didn't come here to apologize 1940 01:54:48,733 --> 01:54:50,049 i didn't know where else to go 1941 01:54:58,683 --> 01:55:01,799 don'task me the less i know the better 1942 01:55:03,283 --> 01:55:04,083 please 1943 01:55:04,650 --> 01:55:07,883 i've run out of options喂他哥我哥也死了吧 1944 01:55:07,883 --> 01:55:09,966 i dream of you showing up in my bed 1945 01:55:11,050 --> 01:55:11,850 this 1946 01:55:12,800 --> 01:55:14,883 好吧这个女的只能肉长了可能 1947 01:55:14,883 --> 01:55:16,599 i've been living like a damned stray 1948 01:55:16,683 --> 01:55:18,883 sleeping and ditches eaten from dumpsters 1949 01:55:19,533 --> 01:55:20,083 last night 1950 01:55:20,083 --> 01:55:23,366 some hobo meth head tried to slice my belly with a box cutter 1951 01:55:30,566 --> 01:55:32,199 oh Jesus你看 1952 01:55:32,200 --> 01:55:34,333 这样一下感情线又有了let me see 1953 01:55:34,800 --> 01:55:36,400 don't worry i can handle it 1954 01:55:38,850 --> 01:55:41,366 Sharon you're all over the news 1955 01:55:42,083 --> 01:55:44,249 didn't say nothing about Tyler though 1956 01:55:45,483 --> 01:55:48,083 say you lost them that damn bike 1957 01:55:48,733 --> 01:55:51,449 cops were on our tails he held him off 1958 01:55:51,966 --> 01:55:54,533 told me to meet him at that old church out by greenbell 1959 01:55:55,283 --> 01:55:56,766 two nights i waited 1960 01:55:57,683 --> 01:56:01,566 don't know where he is but after what he saw them do to Dale 1961 01:56:02,083 --> 01:56:04,083 my beautiful Dale 1962 01:56:04,683 --> 01:56:06,333 he'll stay one step ahead 1963 01:56:06,883 --> 01:56:08,199 i know he will 1964 01:56:09,450 --> 01:56:10,250 sorry 1965 01:56:11,733 --> 01:56:15,049 and j he gotta wait too right 1966 01:56:16,533 --> 01:56:20,483 i don't know if he's got the strength to make it i pray he does 1967 01:56:20,850 --> 01:56:23,533 for the love of god please let him be okay 1968 01:56:24,883 --> 01:56:25,966 should we all this 1969 01:56:26,850 --> 01:56:28,800 a few thousand dollars 1970 01:56:29,400 --> 01:56:31,733 just enough to stop those thugs killing us 1971 01:56:32,450 --> 01:56:36,966 all because of bear damn him 1972 01:56:38,566 --> 01:56:41,283 we both had dreams once remember 1973 01:56:41,766 --> 01:56:44,483 i was gonna expand the bar make it profitable 1974 01:56:44,966 --> 01:56:47,333 and what about that coast coast motorcycle 1975 01:56:47,333 --> 01:56:48,599 i said you were gonna do 1976 01:56:50,166 --> 01:56:52,483 is this how you saw your life turning out 1977 01:56:55,283 --> 01:56:57,449 他们俩也要亡命鸳鸯了 1978 01:57:03,966 --> 01:57:05,166 拜拜了你 1979 01:57:07,083 --> 01:57:09,049 until a few days ago yes 1980 01:57:10,133 --> 01:57:15,199 me and Marlon we were doing just fine if a cat is all you have 1981 01:57:15,600 --> 01:57:17,533 then you ain't happy滚 1982 01:57:18,566 --> 01:57:20,049 he's a great cat 1983 01:57:20,566 --> 01:57:22,283 我的中指已经竖起来了 1984 01:57:22,400 --> 01:57:23,883 even Marlin can see it 1985 01:57:25,366 --> 01:57:26,649 why are you even here 1986 01:57:27,000 --> 01:57:30,200 talking hypotheticals我只有猫 1987 01:57:30,966 --> 01:57:33,649 悲惨那你的老公更悲惨呢 1988 01:57:33,650 --> 01:57:36,600 你结婚也不见得比我只有只猫过得幸 1989 01:57:36,600 --> 01:57:38,166 福啊是你 1990 01:57:41,566 --> 01:57:44,133 你的老公给你留下了什么啊 1991 01:57:44,800 --> 01:57:47,283 你的孩子给你留下了什么啊 1992 01:57:48,083 --> 01:57:50,133 还不如家养只猫呢 1993 01:57:51,283 --> 01:57:52,083 well 1994 01:57:52,883 --> 01:57:55,883 i was young and stupid enough to think you'd listen 1995 01:57:56,133 --> 01:57:58,649 and i was young and stupid enough to thinki knew better 1996 01:58:00,166 --> 01:58:01,649 should have been with you from the start 1997 01:58:02,850 --> 01:58:05,166 哎呦我看你别勾引我啦 1998 01:58:06,600 --> 01:58:07,600 Nope 1999 01:58:08,883 --> 01:58:12,849 be honest you never look twice你只是现在落魄了 2000 01:58:12,850 --> 01:58:15,166 才想找找我这个老实人 2001 01:58:15,250 --> 01:58:17,600 life just took us two different ways 2002 01:58:18,283 --> 01:58:19,599 always been a good friend 2003 01:58:20,250 --> 01:58:20,766 when those 2004 01:58:20,766 --> 01:58:23,849 thugs showed up at our door when i had no one else to turn to 2005 01:58:24,366 --> 01:58:27,649 you were the one who stepped up now wait a minute 2006 01:58:28,250 --> 01:58:31,400 if you're talking about you knew we were sinking 2007 01:58:31,566 --> 01:58:34,199 but coming up with the code to dante's safe 2008 01:58:34,450 --> 01:58:37,050 that was if i known what would 2009 01:58:37,883 --> 01:58:43,133 oh Jesus i never have given oh god什么我想不起 2010 01:58:43,133 --> 01:58:43,933 什么 2011 01:58:44,733 --> 01:58:47,933 think we could both use the drink don't you 2012 01:58:51,566 --> 01:58:52,849 什么发生了什么 2013 01:58:52,850 --> 01:58:53,733 什么保险箱 2014 01:58:53,800 --> 01:58:55,166 保险箱密码 2015 01:58:56,733 --> 01:58:57,399 哎呀就是 2016 01:58:57,400 --> 01:58:59,133 不就是之前我老婆 2017 01:58:59,133 --> 01:59:01,599 我老婆出轨让我喝酒那次吗我no 2018 01:59:01,716 --> 01:59:03,716 他抢酒后跟我发生性关系 2019 01:59:03,716 --> 01:59:06,516 然后of me is screaming拿拿捏我 2020 01:59:06,516 --> 01:59:08,549 but if i taste one sip of that 2021 01:59:08,550 --> 01:59:11,066 Paul i'm so sorry that was 2022 01:59:12,033 --> 01:59:13,066 i should have known better 2023 01:59:14,833 --> 01:59:15,633 look 2024 01:59:16,550 --> 01:59:19,066 nobody knows your part in this and i swear 2025 01:59:19,150 --> 01:59:21,350 然后就拿给我然后让我帮他忙 2026 01:59:22,066 --> 01:59:25,316 but and i hate saying this 2027 01:59:26,350 --> 01:59:27,233 i need your help 2028 01:59:30,516 --> 01:59:32,266 Nope Nope Nope 2029 01:59:35,316 --> 01:59:39,233 Sharon i'm sorry i can't not again 2030 01:59:39,233 --> 01:59:41,199 i'm begging you please 2031 01:59:41,200 --> 01:59:43,916 begging you i'm begging you please 2032 01:59:46,666 --> 01:59:48,399 你知不知道我这算是什么罪啊 2033 01:59:48,400 --> 01:59:50,000 我这要是要去坐牢的好吗 2034 01:59:50,000 --> 01:59:51,950 你觉得这只是帮个忙的事情吗 2035 01:59:52,466 --> 01:59:54,866 dante's been taking money from criminals 2036 01:59:54,866 --> 01:59:58,199 and funneling it into a single offshore account 2037 01:59:59,200 --> 02:00:00,866 然后呢可以给我钱是吗 2038 02:00:01,633 --> 02:00:03,599 我们两个可以过上有钱的生活吗 2039 02:00:03,600 --> 02:00:05,000 that was just his cut 2040 02:00:05,600 --> 02:00:08,066 the real moneys in a bank in the leaves 2041 02:00:08,866 --> 02:00:11,549 and the details are right here 2042 02:00:17,033 --> 02:00:19,799 这女的可不是什么好什么好人啊 2043 02:00:19,800 --> 02:00:20,466 佳佳 2044 02:00:20,466 --> 02:00:24,033 all a person's got to do is walk in hang over the password 2045 02:00:24,466 --> 02:00:25,349 真的吗 2046 02:00:26,833 --> 02:00:27,749 can't be me 2047 02:00:28,200 --> 02:00:31,400 they catch one whiff of me and i'm locked up for life 2048 02:00:31,400 --> 02:00:33,316 but存折是这样的吗you 2049 02:00:35,233 --> 02:00:37,833 then we expose Dante for what he is 2050 02:00:38,350 --> 02:00:40,750 karma payback call it what you like 2051 02:00:41,000 --> 02:00:42,750 and by the time his world crumbles 2052 02:00:43,233 --> 02:00:44,549 will be long gone 2053 02:00:46,400 --> 02:00:47,550 我们远走高飞 2054 02:00:47,550 --> 02:00:49,233 可能是你自己远走高飞吧 2055 02:00:49,233 --> 02:00:49,749 i know 2056 02:00:49,750 --> 02:00:52,633 you don't believe me when i say we should have been together 2057 02:00:53,350 --> 02:00:57,066 but i say this is my chance to prove i mean it 2058 02:00:57,350 --> 02:00:59,466 you can stay here in two rock 2059 02:00:59,550 --> 02:01:01,600 and drink yourself into oblivion 2060 02:01:01,866 --> 02:01:04,233 or we can live together in paradise那拿走 2061 02:01:04,266 --> 02:01:06,599 存款就可以存存折就可以去吗 2062 02:01:06,600 --> 02:01:07,800 we disappear 2063 02:01:08,833 --> 02:01:10,999 you'll never be able to see your boys again 2064 02:01:11,400 --> 02:01:12,866 i mean i can't help them 2065 02:01:13,550 --> 02:01:14,633 at some point 2066 02:01:15,433 --> 02:01:16,316 i'll find a way 2067 02:01:16,350 --> 02:01:18,316 那这些人真的好冷漠啊 2068 02:01:19,200 --> 02:01:20,916 这些人真的好冷漠啊 2069 02:01:30,550 --> 02:01:32,550 对不起我不想当亡命之徒啊 2070 02:01:32,550 --> 02:01:35,200 这种生活太惊心动魄太恐怖了 2071 02:01:35,666 --> 02:01:36,916 just listen to me 2072 02:01:37,433 --> 02:01:38,549 i've listened 2073 02:01:39,233 --> 02:01:41,433 but the answer is做这种事情 2074 02:01:41,433 --> 02:01:43,549 晚上睡觉都会睡不着的 2075 02:01:44,266 --> 02:01:46,716 都很害怕早上都会惊醒的 2076 02:01:50,200 --> 02:01:51,233 expecting anyone 2077 02:01:51,950 --> 02:01:52,750 no 2078 02:01:53,350 --> 02:01:55,233 because it's me open up 2079 02:01:55,233 --> 02:01:57,199 shit it's Dante 2080 02:01:57,466 --> 02:01:58,716 Dante是谁 2081 02:01:59,150 --> 02:02:03,350 哦哦哦我是那个贪污的警察 2082 02:02:05,400 --> 02:02:07,266 而且这个女生可不是什么 2083 02:02:07,466 --> 02:02:09,066 特别好的女人啊 2084 02:02:11,833 --> 02:02:13,399 到处都得敲门啊 2085 02:02:15,633 --> 02:02:17,149 fancy seeing you here 2086 02:02:22,833 --> 02:02:24,999 女人肯定就想听这个hey 2087 02:02:25,800 --> 02:02:26,716 cool outfit 2088 02:02:27,516 --> 02:02:31,599 yeah right i was so busy packing for the road that i forgot 2089 02:02:31,600 --> 02:02:32,516 what i was wearing 2090 02:02:32,516 --> 02:02:33,316 thanks 2091 02:02:35,716 --> 02:02:36,949 can i come in 2092 02:02:43,266 --> 02:02:44,516 i thought you wanted to sleep 2093 02:02:44,516 --> 02:02:45,716 你们是不是要选第三个 2094 02:02:45,716 --> 02:02:46,799 有人跟着你来吗 2095 02:02:46,800 --> 02:02:48,266 你这个太不解风情了 2096 02:02:48,266 --> 02:02:50,116 two hundred dollars for my dad's emergency 2097 02:02:50,116 --> 02:02:51,749 你才拿了1,000多块钱 2098 02:02:52,033 --> 02:02:53,266 change of clothes 2099 02:02:53,266 --> 02:02:54,949 andand tomorrow morning 2100 02:02:54,950 --> 02:02:58,516 i can drive you to the bus station and get you a ticket to 2101 02:02:58,516 --> 02:02:59,516 wherever you want 2102 02:02:59,716 --> 02:03:02,433 and then we're even okay even 2103 02:03:03,400 --> 02:03:04,833 you don't owe me anything 2104 02:03:04,950 --> 02:03:06,200 oh didn't i tell you 2105 02:03:06,600 --> 02:03:09,266 i'm pretty sure i aced my history final 2106 02:03:09,516 --> 02:03:11,066 啊你好好啊 2107 02:03:18,066 --> 02:03:20,466 you might be the nicest person i ever met 2108 02:03:21,400 --> 02:03:24,466 i promise i'm not that nice 2109 02:03:24,516 --> 02:03:26,066 then why are you helping me 2110 02:03:26,866 --> 02:03:27,666 look 2111 02:03:28,266 --> 02:03:32,433 you're doing something i've only ever dreamed about running away 2112 02:03:33,000 --> 02:03:34,116 from everything 2113 02:03:35,866 --> 02:03:38,549 so if i can help you somehow 2114 02:03:40,033 --> 02:03:41,149 what's wrong 2115 02:03:41,866 --> 02:03:42,666 it's just 2116 02:03:43,433 --> 02:03:44,799 if you hadn't come 2117 02:03:45,633 --> 02:03:48,266 i'd have nobody now我只有你 2118 02:03:48,350 --> 02:03:49,266 的family 2119 02:03:49,950 --> 02:03:51,516 your mom must be worried 2120 02:03:51,950 --> 02:03:53,466 she ain't my mom 2121 02:03:54,200 --> 02:03:56,033 and my brothers ain't my brothers 2122 02:03:57,400 --> 02:03:59,200 they told me the night i met you 2123 02:03:59,633 --> 02:04:01,799 my real mom was some aunt 2124 02:04:02,350 --> 02:04:05,750 i don't know who my dad was oh dean 2125 02:04:06,150 --> 02:04:07,866 that must feel terrible 2126 02:04:16,266 --> 02:04:19,116 需要你的一个抱抱我很迷茫 2127 02:04:19,350 --> 02:04:21,800 我很难过they hadn't told me 2128 02:04:21,833 --> 02:04:24,116 except then you'd be living a lie 2129 02:04:24,350 --> 02:04:28,200 maybe from now on family isn't the people you were born with 2130 02:04:28,916 --> 02:04:30,916 maybe it's the people you choose 2131 02:04:32,316 --> 02:04:34,266 i saw that on a t shirt 2132 02:04:34,716 --> 02:04:35,999 it's a good t shirt 2133 02:04:38,350 --> 02:04:39,750 that's not your room 2134 02:04:40,866 --> 02:04:41,716 ah my 2135 02:04:43,316 --> 02:04:44,116 god 2136 02:04:44,200 --> 02:04:45,066 how did he find me 2137 02:04:45,066 --> 02:04:46,916 他爸真的好恐怖啊 2138 02:04:51,033 --> 02:04:52,466 太可怕了吧 2139 02:04:57,316 --> 02:04:58,149 dad 2140 02:04:58,716 --> 02:04:59,916 what are you doing 2141 02:05:00,066 --> 02:05:01,233 who else is here 2142 02:05:01,400 --> 02:05:02,400 他没事干嘛 2143 02:05:02,400 --> 02:05:04,150 他没工工作吗i 2144 02:05:04,433 --> 02:05:07,466 think i don't get a fraud alert when someone uses my card out of 2145 02:05:07,466 --> 02:05:08,833 state no 2146 02:05:09,316 --> 02:05:11,466 answer the question what 2147 02:05:11,866 --> 02:05:15,199 are you doing in a Salt Lake City hotel 2148 02:05:15,200 --> 02:05:17,316 it's none of your business 2149 02:05:26,200 --> 02:05:27,833 这么大声音不会被听到吗 2150 02:05:28,033 --> 02:05:29,666 do you want to turn out like your brother 2151 02:05:30,466 --> 02:05:32,149 living a secret life 2152 02:05:32,716 --> 02:05:34,116 lying all the time 2153 02:05:34,633 --> 02:05:37,716 until some cold morning you're wheeled into a morgue oh 2154 02:05:37,716 --> 02:05:39,716 sure let's blame him for his death 2155 02:05:39,716 --> 02:05:43,599 he was hit by a drunk driver at four in the morning 2156 02:05:44,116 --> 02:05:46,399 with enough shit in his system to kill up 2157 02:05:47,033 --> 02:05:47,866 you know what 2158 02:05:48,800 --> 02:05:49,600 no 2159 02:05:49,716 --> 02:05:50,866 i'm not doing this 2160 02:05:51,800 --> 02:05:52,600 coming home 2161 02:05:52,833 --> 02:05:53,666 and that's 2162 02:05:53,666 --> 02:05:55,799 that's well can i at least pee first 2163 02:05:57,550 --> 02:05:58,716 do what you have to 2164 02:06:06,516 --> 02:06:07,999 是不是要从从窗子 2165 02:06:09,116 --> 02:06:10,433 跟我告别了 2166 02:06:13,316 --> 02:06:14,116 all right 2167 02:06:15,433 --> 02:06:16,233 yeah 2168 02:06:20,150 --> 02:06:21,350 what are you doing 2169 02:06:21,600 --> 02:06:24,233 what does it look like i啊你要跟我一起跑吗 2170 02:06:25,516 --> 02:06:28,116 我才进来多久啊我不能拿个大号吗 2171 02:06:28,116 --> 02:06:29,266 不能便秘吗 2172 02:06:29,266 --> 02:06:30,749 好恐怖啊 2173 02:06:34,066 --> 02:06:34,866 you 2174 02:06:50,116 --> 02:06:52,316 啊他爸好像从上面跑下来我看到了 2175 02:06:53,466 --> 02:06:55,433 you're making a huge mistake 2176 02:07:01,116 --> 02:07:01,833 啊这个女的 2177 02:07:01,833 --> 02:07:04,466 这下真的要跟我一起去别的地方了吗 2178 02:07:04,666 --> 02:07:05,666 you mean together 2179 02:07:06,116 --> 02:07:08,066 well i'm not just Gonna abandon you 2180 02:07:08,350 --> 02:07:10,800 我觉得他应该还是不应该跟我一起走 2181 02:07:10,800 --> 02:07:12,666 know how to start a car it without the key 2182 02:07:13,150 --> 02:07:14,433 you mean hot wire it 2183 02:07:15,116 --> 02:07:16,349 Dale showed me once 2184 02:07:20,800 --> 02:07:22,600 他他他他的 2185 02:07:23,000 --> 02:07:26,600 他应该他还是应该去过正常的生活的 2186 02:07:26,716 --> 02:07:28,266 虽然他爸爸这样但是 2187 02:07:28,800 --> 02:07:31,916 但是他长大之后就可以逃离这一切 2188 02:07:31,916 --> 02:07:33,866 没有必要逃到异国他乡啊 2189 02:07:35,316 --> 02:07:37,833 没有严重成那样我已经啊按住是吧 2190 02:07:37,833 --> 02:07:39,066 我以为一直点呢 2191 02:07:46,000 --> 02:07:46,866 it's right 2192 02:08:02,066 --> 02:08:04,999 他应该到时候到车站就会跟我告别了 2193 02:08:07,950 --> 02:08:09,233 you can't be 2194 02:08:11,150 --> 02:08:12,833 911 what's your emergency 2195 02:08:12,833 --> 02:08:14,199 this is gonna sound crazy 2196 02:08:15,266 --> 02:08:16,066 but 2197 02:08:16,316 --> 02:08:18,716 i think my daughter just ran off with the future 2198 02:08:24,233 --> 02:08:26,233 这下带入他的立场 2199 02:08:26,233 --> 02:08:29,033 血压直接飙升到极致 2200 02:08:29,866 --> 02:08:31,999 以后管的肯定更严了 2201 02:08:32,000 --> 02:08:34,466 就是就自己小孩跟跟别人 2202 02:08:34,466 --> 02:08:39,149 跑了然后发现是那什么杀人犯哈哈 2203 02:08:46,600 --> 02:08:48,033 i'd move on 2204 02:08:49,150 --> 02:08:51,266 i gotta let you go 2205 02:08:53,200 --> 02:08:55,750 啊还挺帅这个这个这个画面 2206 02:08:57,550 --> 02:08:58,666 thanks for taking over 2207 02:08:59,033 --> 02:09:01,949 i told you it's cool i love driving 2208 02:09:04,033 --> 02:09:05,316 这要是个连环的 2209 02:09:05,316 --> 02:09:08,116 这要是个连连续的动环多好啊 2210 02:09:08,200 --> 02:09:09,316 结果还是平时 2211 02:09:16,116 --> 02:09:17,633 we should keep our eyes peeled 2212 02:09:17,633 --> 02:09:20,466 your dad's Gonna be looking for you he didn't see the car 2213 02:09:20,716 --> 02:09:23,233 and it'll be a while before anyone reports itself完了 2214 02:09:23,233 --> 02:09:24,599 我还能逃走吗 2215 02:09:29,233 --> 02:09:31,033 you're really going to Canada 2216 02:09:31,266 --> 02:09:34,149 they got more protected lands than all 50 states combined 2217 02:09:34,150 --> 02:09:34,950 remember 2218 02:09:35,516 --> 02:09:37,916 i can fish hike 2219 02:09:39,433 --> 02:09:40,716 你看他说的也是啊 2220 02:09:40,716 --> 02:09:41,516 一天 2221 02:09:42,350 --> 02:09:43,316 他说他是他自己 2222 02:09:43,316 --> 02:09:44,433 my brother had a friend 2223 02:09:44,433 --> 02:09:47,033 to move to Idaho falls他的未来没有他 2224 02:09:48,266 --> 02:09:49,633 但这个女的说的是我们 2225 02:09:52,550 --> 02:09:54,116 that's a long way for you 2226 02:09:54,116 --> 02:09:55,316 i've got all weekend 2227 02:09:55,750 --> 02:09:59,433 we can stop in time for some clothes and Todd from a payphone 2228 02:10:09,350 --> 02:10:10,666 did you have me my cigarettes 2229 02:10:16,950 --> 02:10:17,750 你 2230 02:10:20,066 --> 02:10:21,949 i wish my mom had done this 2231 02:10:22,466 --> 02:10:23,749 spread her wings 2232 02:10:24,316 --> 02:10:25,666 before she couldn't anymore 2233 02:10:25,950 --> 02:10:27,033 what happened to her 2234 02:10:27,200 --> 02:10:28,000 officially 2235 02:10:28,666 --> 02:10:30,916 big c pancreas 2236 02:10:31,316 --> 02:10:33,349 the doctor said it was just bad luck 2237 02:10:33,916 --> 02:10:35,999 i say it's what happens when you spend your life 2238 02:10:36,000 --> 02:10:38,550 doing what someone tells you instead of standing up for who 2239 02:10:38,550 --> 02:10:39,350 you are 2240 02:10:39,600 --> 02:10:42,116 your dad he was tough on her 2241 02:10:42,350 --> 02:10:43,433 on all of us 2242 02:10:44,066 --> 02:10:46,599 i still can't believe he followed me to Utah 2243 02:10:58,066 --> 02:11:00,149 i must care about you if he came all this way 2244 02:11:00,516 --> 02:11:03,033 no he wants to be in control 2245 02:11:03,516 --> 02:11:06,066 he thinks i have the same shitty judgment my brother did 2246 02:11:06,400 --> 02:11:07,200 do you 2247 02:11:08,800 --> 02:11:10,666 i'm doing this aren't i 2248 02:11:11,350 --> 02:11:12,750 i'll tell you one thing 2249 02:11:12,916 --> 02:11:15,949 he must be flipping his fucking lid right now 2250 02:11:16,150 --> 02:11:18,316 his little girl stealing a car 2251 02:11:20,916 --> 02:11:23,399 what's the worst thing you've ever done in her life 2252 02:11:23,833 --> 02:11:26,599 我杀人了哇 2253 02:11:27,200 --> 02:11:31,150 好浪漫啊对我喜欢的女孩上海了 2254 02:11:34,866 --> 02:11:37,433 lie about myself to someone i like 2255 02:11:38,433 --> 02:11:39,549 what was the lie 2256 02:11:39,833 --> 02:11:40,866 it doesn't matter 2257 02:11:41,666 --> 02:11:42,916 who did you lie to 2258 02:11:43,200 --> 02:11:44,466 i said it doesn't matter 2259 02:11:45,000 --> 02:11:46,116 哇哈哈 2260 02:11:46,466 --> 02:11:47,866 just don't ever lie to me 2261 02:11:47,866 --> 02:11:49,149 啊这是你啊 2262 02:11:55,750 --> 02:11:57,516 your brother's friend huh 2263 02:11:57,866 --> 02:11:59,599 do you really think he'll help me 2264 02:12:00,716 --> 02:12:02,833 i never said he'd help you 2265 02:12:03,316 --> 02:12:04,433 but he'll help me 2266 02:12:07,600 --> 02:12:08,200 你这个麦 2267 02:12:08,200 --> 02:12:10,800 但是你这个墨镜说实话确实不是很帅 2268 02:12:10,800 --> 02:12:11,600 就是 2269 02:12:19,916 --> 02:12:21,549 i said open up 2270 02:12:22,066 --> 02:12:23,916 if he finds me we're both fucked 2271 02:12:24,866 --> 02:12:26,149 tell him to go away 2272 02:12:26,200 --> 02:12:27,750 凭啥我也fuck啊 2273 02:12:27,750 --> 02:12:29,266 你自己fuck的OK 2274 02:12:29,633 --> 02:12:32,033 关我什么事你私闯民宅啊 2275 02:12:38,433 --> 02:12:39,599 wait a minute 2276 02:12:40,000 --> 02:12:41,400 我可以什么都不说吗 2277 02:12:43,350 --> 02:12:44,750 be right there 2278 02:12:45,433 --> 02:12:47,266 who you have to stop playing with yourself 2279 02:12:52,400 --> 02:12:56,000 口水快喷出来啊藏起胸罩 2280 02:13:00,033 --> 02:13:00,949 哦什么 2281 02:13:02,233 --> 02:13:03,033 没了吗 2282 02:13:04,433 --> 02:13:05,716 哦我看看 2283 02:13:07,066 --> 02:13:07,716 自行车 2284 02:13:07,716 --> 02:13:10,199 这这有啥好藏的这没啥好藏的呀 2285 02:13:11,116 --> 02:13:12,116 看到就看到呗 2286 02:13:13,350 --> 02:13:16,750 waiting out here like a prick get your pants on i'm coming in 2287 02:13:19,150 --> 02:13:20,000 嗯啊 2288 02:13:22,916 --> 02:13:23,716 sorry 2289 02:13:24,200 --> 02:13:25,466 hi i uh 2290 02:13:26,033 --> 02:13:27,633 what's with the kitty bike out front 2291 02:13:28,033 --> 02:13:28,833 yeah 2292 02:13:29,433 --> 02:13:31,716 just fixing it up for joyce's kid 2293 02:13:32,400 --> 02:13:33,550 not much but 2294 02:13:34,350 --> 02:13:36,750 after what he's been through right 2295 02:13:37,116 --> 02:13:37,599 got some of 2296 02:13:37,600 --> 02:13:39,316 your stuff they say from the fire 2297 02:13:40,116 --> 02:13:41,433 tools and whatnot 2298 02:13:42,316 --> 02:13:44,916 i thought you might need them uh thanks 2299 02:13:46,233 --> 02:13:47,033 geez 2300 02:13:47,516 --> 02:13:49,199 starker than a dungeon in here 2301 02:13:51,633 --> 02:13:53,233 这不是那个警察吧 2302 02:13:53,233 --> 02:13:55,666 这谁呀i didn't mean for that to become such a 2303 02:13:56,200 --> 02:13:57,066 cluster fuck 2304 02:14:01,866 --> 02:14:05,199 holds open to big can of worms when they stole from me 2305 02:14:05,266 --> 02:14:06,749 if i don't get everything back 2306 02:14:06,950 --> 02:14:08,266 啊这是警察 2307 02:14:08,350 --> 02:14:10,000 我打扮的我完全认不出来 2308 02:14:12,316 --> 02:14:15,149 you got any plans not that the motel's gone 2309 02:14:16,400 --> 02:14:19,350 are you just gonna shut yourself away forever like grandma did 2310 02:14:21,950 --> 02:14:22,750 咳咳 2311 02:14:25,600 --> 02:14:26,400 你又中毒 2312 02:14:27,750 --> 02:14:28,550 find a 2313 02:14:28,600 --> 02:14:29,516 find a job 2314 02:14:29,800 --> 02:14:32,350 something这个人好适合当园丁啊yeah 2315 02:14:32,633 --> 02:14:33,066 gardening 2316 02:14:33,066 --> 02:14:34,316 maybe看看他的长相 2317 02:14:34,316 --> 02:14:36,149 change your career sure 2318 02:14:36,866 --> 02:14:39,116 you know i was almost an analyst for the FBI 2319 02:14:39,800 --> 02:14:42,233 fucking desk job imagine it 2320 02:14:43,950 --> 02:14:45,666 seems like a lifetime ago 2321 02:14:47,833 --> 02:14:50,316 oh look at this little man eater 2322 02:14:51,150 --> 02:14:54,550 if my old cletus gets whiff of you oh boy 2323 02:14:54,950 --> 02:14:56,466 me'll be in the Doghouse huh 2324 02:14:59,000 --> 02:15:00,200 他好紧张哦 2325 02:15:00,666 --> 02:15:02,433 哎好可爱我也想摸 2326 02:15:03,266 --> 02:15:04,599 you look like i feel 2327 02:15:06,750 --> 02:15:08,833 i bet we could both use a coffee right 2328 02:15:09,350 --> 02:15:10,866 sit down i get it 2329 02:15:11,350 --> 02:15:12,316 我很高 2330 02:15:13,000 --> 02:15:14,833 when i first joined the department 2331 02:15:14,833 --> 02:15:16,916 Sheriff Wilson assigned me coffee duty 2332 02:15:18,266 --> 02:15:20,033 had to make a pot every morning 2333 02:15:21,666 --> 02:15:23,349 that guy was fucking picky 2334 02:15:26,433 --> 02:15:27,399 啊哈 2335 02:15:31,233 --> 02:15:32,199 还有杀吗 2336 02:15:32,750 --> 02:15:33,800 两口水呗 2337 02:15:36,316 --> 02:15:37,116 yeah 2338 02:15:38,000 --> 02:15:40,516 back then i believed it was about making a difference 2339 02:15:41,866 --> 02:15:45,549 but being a good guy and always so simple 2340 02:15:46,600 --> 02:15:48,866 because when you got some crazy asshole 2341 02:15:49,800 --> 02:15:53,516 you cantell if he's holding a bible or a gun 2342 02:15:54,666 --> 02:15:55,666 what do you do 2343 02:15:58,550 --> 02:16:01,916 uh huh刚刚抱住了这个人不抽烟 2344 02:16:02,633 --> 02:16:03,633 哎呀我紧张 2345 02:16:17,916 --> 02:16:19,799 because talking to you 2346 02:16:21,400 --> 02:16:24,200 you knew i was in the motel that night 2347 02:16:25,233 --> 02:16:28,233 did it even cross your mind to ask about me 2348 02:16:28,233 --> 02:16:28,916 if you mean that 2349 02:16:28,916 --> 02:16:29,949 i think it was a good 2350 02:16:29,950 --> 02:16:30,916 idea to remind 2351 02:16:30,916 --> 02:16:32,716 three bloodthirsty bastards that they were 2352 02:16:32,716 --> 02:16:33,916 holding the sheriff's own 2353 02:16:33,916 --> 02:16:35,233 cousin hostage 2354 02:16:36,316 --> 02:16:38,433 frankly no i did not 2355 02:16:39,266 --> 02:16:41,466 you uh sure you're okay 2356 02:16:42,200 --> 02:16:43,716 you look a little jumpy there 2357 02:16:44,266 --> 02:16:46,749 sorry i wasn't expecting company 2358 02:16:49,350 --> 02:16:50,266 guess not 2359 02:16:54,866 --> 02:16:56,349 杨慧刚怎么办呀 2360 02:16:56,350 --> 02:16:57,866 他没有告诉我选项 2361 02:16:58,000 --> 02:16:58,800 so 2362 02:16:59,433 --> 02:17:02,233 little birdie told me you were at the station earlier 2363 02:17:04,466 --> 02:17:06,666 it tooklooking at those fellas from the da's office 2364 02:17:10,200 --> 02:17:13,350 just you know asking what i could remember about 2365 02:17:13,600 --> 02:17:16,833 about the motel and all that stuff with the with the bus 2366 02:17:17,116 --> 02:17:19,749 they wanted your opinion on whether i'd lost my damn mind 2367 02:17:19,750 --> 02:17:20,550 didn't i 2368 02:17:21,550 --> 02:17:24,116 it was a lot of questions i i can't 2369 02:17:25,433 --> 02:17:27,666 and what was your professional opinion 2370 02:17:35,266 --> 02:17:37,116 那是责怪我maybe 2371 02:17:37,150 --> 02:17:40,316 in hindsight you could handle things differently 2372 02:17:40,316 --> 02:17:42,316 完了我选错了but Dante 2373 02:17:42,433 --> 02:17:45,033 you gotta understand oh i understand perfectly 2374 02:17:45,950 --> 02:17:47,066 i'm sure you told him 2375 02:17:47,066 --> 02:17:49,233 exactly what they wanted to hear didn't you 2376 02:17:50,150 --> 02:17:52,000 those bastards were about to head to Mexico 2377 02:17:52,000 --> 02:17:53,716 with a bus full of hostages 2378 02:17:54,150 --> 02:17:55,800 i fucking did something 2379 02:17:58,916 --> 02:17:59,433 我选错了 2380 02:17:59,433 --> 02:18:00,666 and what did i get for it 2381 02:18:00,666 --> 02:18:01,599 为什么我老是跟 2382 02:18:01,600 --> 02:18:03,316 这些游戏的脑回路不太一样 2383 02:18:03,316 --> 02:18:04,033 待会我跟你们说 2384 02:18:04,033 --> 02:18:05,149 我是怎么想的 2385 02:18:05,150 --> 02:18:05,350 now 2386 02:18:05,350 --> 02:18:08,600 the whole things turned into a piss and match over jurisdiction 2387 02:18:11,600 --> 02:18:13,550 god damn fbi involved 2388 02:18:14,150 --> 02:18:15,750 even Becky hates my guts 2389 02:18:16,400 --> 02:18:17,433 别提是谁来着 2390 02:18:17,833 --> 02:18:19,266 when they broke into my house 2391 02:18:19,716 --> 02:18:20,516 you know that 2392 02:18:20,866 --> 02:18:21,666 oh 2393 02:18:22,633 --> 02:18:24,599 and i do my best buyer but 2394 02:18:25,033 --> 02:18:26,433 guess it'll never be enough 2395 02:18:27,866 --> 02:18:28,666 hmm 2396 02:18:31,433 --> 02:18:32,399 mentals 2397 02:18:34,516 --> 02:18:35,516 trying to quit 2398 02:18:35,950 --> 02:18:37,600 you know how hard it is though 2399 02:18:39,666 --> 02:18:40,466 yeah 2400 02:18:42,116 --> 02:18:44,399 once you let a bad thing get it sucks into you 2401 02:18:44,800 --> 02:18:45,800 it'll never let go 2402 02:18:48,916 --> 02:18:51,599 为什么我跟他们想的总是不一样啊 2403 02:18:52,950 --> 02:18:55,150 哎他这呼噜呼噜声真是可爱的要 2404 02:18:55,150 --> 02:18:56,350 死不活的 2405 02:18:58,466 --> 02:19:00,716 say i never thanked to forgetting me a discount完了 2406 02:19:00,716 --> 02:19:01,633 他在怀疑我 2407 02:19:02,000 --> 02:19:02,800 他在怀疑我 2408 02:19:02,800 --> 02:19:04,800 same model they put in the rooms at the motel right 2409 02:19:04,800 --> 02:19:06,866 他怀疑我他在怀疑我他在怀疑我 2410 02:19:06,866 --> 02:19:09,149 他在怀疑我他在怀疑我that's right 2411 02:19:09,633 --> 02:19:10,433 ha 2412 02:19:10,716 --> 02:19:11,749 that's funny 2413 02:19:12,866 --> 02:19:14,716 after those whole boys broke in aya 2414 02:19:15,316 --> 02:19:17,716 i found a slip of paper with some numbers on it 2415 02:19:18,833 --> 02:19:22,116 how do you think they knew about that factory override 2416 02:19:23,150 --> 02:19:24,066 陈宗下 2417 02:19:27,433 --> 02:19:29,999 先追问他you're not pointing the finger at me are you 2418 02:19:30,350 --> 02:19:32,316 Dante we're family oh 2419 02:19:32,316 --> 02:19:33,116 sure 2420 02:19:33,600 --> 02:19:36,033 bloodstick of this哎我有点没明白了 2421 02:19:36,266 --> 02:19:38,749 我为什么写了那个东西给他们呢 2422 02:19:41,600 --> 02:19:45,600 she ain't sipping my Garetha in some tropical beach Nope 2423 02:19:46,066 --> 02:19:48,266 这个人为什么写了那个东西给那那 2424 02:19:48,516 --> 02:19:49,349 霍霍特他们呢 2425 02:19:49,916 --> 02:19:50,716 你怎么知道 2426 02:19:51,516 --> 02:19:53,749 you know i forgot how close you two used to be 2427 02:19:56,150 --> 02:19:57,750 i see in this world family 2428 02:19:58,716 --> 02:20:00,666 i'm gonna make this real easy 2429 02:20:02,316 --> 02:20:03,266 where is she 2430 02:20:03,266 --> 02:20:04,949 但是就是他透露的呀 2431 02:20:09,350 --> 02:20:10,150 gone 2432 02:20:10,516 --> 02:20:12,549 i mean she was here but 2433 02:20:13,066 --> 02:20:14,549 she she wanted money 2434 02:20:14,666 --> 02:20:16,516 i refused obviously 2435 02:20:17,266 --> 02:20:17,949 i should have gone 2436 02:20:17,950 --> 02:20:19,716 你干嘛呢then 2437 02:20:20,750 --> 02:20:23,950 she said that if she got caught she'd blame me 2438 02:20:24,233 --> 02:20:27,599 say i was helping her son of a bitch it was you 2439 02:20:28,150 --> 02:20:32,000 what you gave me the call no listen Dante i i i can i 2440 02:20:34,266 --> 02:20:35,066 啊 2441 02:20:36,200 --> 02:20:39,233 我不提醒单腿你也不是什么好东西 2442 02:20:45,866 --> 02:20:47,399 打起来打起来 2443 02:20:48,516 --> 02:20:51,349 太牛了吧这个女的他竟然敢跟 2444 02:20:51,950 --> 02:20:52,916 这个男的 2445 02:20:55,833 --> 02:20:57,149 太牛了他 2446 02:20:58,750 --> 02:21:00,950 i'm taking you in to answer for what you've done 2447 02:21:01,433 --> 02:21:04,599 you and me both know that's not why you're taking me in 2448 02:21:04,633 --> 02:21:09,666 no nah don't even start down that road Paul 2449 02:21:09,950 --> 02:21:11,866 啊那我就入火了吗 2450 02:21:12,116 --> 02:21:13,349 it's not too late 2451 02:21:15,116 --> 02:21:18,633 fuck fuck我谁也不想入safe 2452 02:21:19,233 --> 02:21:21,433 the same model you put in the motel rooms 2453 02:21:22,150 --> 02:21:25,116 you play with a factory code where's my book 2454 02:21:25,350 --> 02:21:26,950 you have it i know you do 2455 02:21:27,716 --> 02:21:29,233 and you ain't getting it 2456 02:21:29,233 --> 02:21:31,949 if i don't i'm finished don't worry 2457 02:21:32,316 --> 02:21:35,149 i'll make sure all the major newspapers get a copy 2458 02:21:35,316 --> 02:21:37,433 as soon as life emptied the account 2459 02:21:37,516 --> 02:21:38,466 these people 2460 02:21:39,066 --> 02:21:40,349 you don't know我哪软弱啊 2461 02:21:40,350 --> 02:21:42,266 那我就不想帮这个警察不行吗 2462 02:21:42,266 --> 02:21:43,349 我很讨厌他 2463 02:21:43,400 --> 02:21:44,666 it's not my money 2464 02:21:45,200 --> 02:21:46,000 Paul 2465 02:21:46,150 --> 02:21:47,833 how could you do this to me 2466 02:21:52,516 --> 02:21:53,266 嗯 2467 02:21:53,266 --> 02:21:56,916 啊我两个都不想选了comes from Sharon told me 2468 02:21:56,916 --> 02:21:58,799 everything you don't know the half of it 2469 02:21:59,233 --> 02:22:02,233 you take her side over mine your own blood 2470 02:22:02,950 --> 02:22:04,716 i know she made you do this Paul 2471 02:22:05,950 --> 02:22:09,233 look i'm giving you a get out of jail card here 2472 02:22:10,716 --> 02:22:11,666 give me the gun 2473 02:22:11,750 --> 02:22:12,833 你要我干嘛 2474 02:22:12,833 --> 02:22:15,266 你们俩能不能自己打起来别弄我呀 2475 02:22:15,916 --> 02:22:18,716 ma'am i swore i'd never hold one again 2476 02:22:19,666 --> 02:22:20,866 you know that 2477 02:22:21,600 --> 02:22:23,666 don't give me that flower power crap 2478 02:22:24,600 --> 02:22:25,516 the gun 2479 02:22:26,316 --> 02:22:28,349 if you listen to him you're a fool 2480 02:22:28,516 --> 02:22:30,866 he'll put us both away你们要我怎样 2481 02:22:34,800 --> 02:22:37,633 我该怎么办呢 2482 02:22:48,116 --> 02:22:51,866 有没有人告诉我 2483 02:22:52,233 --> 02:22:53,599 我不能读美吗 2484 02:22:53,600 --> 02:22:55,433 我谁都不想当啊 2485 02:22:56,750 --> 02:22:58,750 我谁都不想帮啊 2486 02:23:00,800 --> 02:23:03,550 但是我现在说实话如果我帮丹特的话 2487 02:23:03,550 --> 02:23:05,750 我已经拿不准他会不会整我了 2488 02:23:05,750 --> 02:23:07,150 我感觉他性格很极端 2489 02:23:07,150 --> 02:23:10,666 他可能就是想把我也送进牢里对吧 2490 02:23:12,316 --> 02:23:14,799 我帮他的话我怕怕死 2491 02:23:16,400 --> 02:23:17,550 谁都不太好 2492 02:23:19,033 --> 02:23:19,516 就我在想 2493 02:23:19,516 --> 02:23:21,916 我帮丹特他是不是就这么贪污 2494 02:23:21,916 --> 02:23:24,149 然后他也不会被揭发呀 2495 02:23:28,516 --> 02:23:30,349 密码我到底怎么泄露密码的 2496 02:23:30,350 --> 02:23:31,666 我真的想不明白 2497 02:23:31,800 --> 02:23:33,233 我没看那吗 2498 02:23:36,116 --> 02:23:36,916 嗯嗯 2499 02:23:39,666 --> 02:23:41,599 你是哥哥我们不是亲生的吧 2500 02:23:41,950 --> 02:23:43,316 不是表哥吗 2501 02:23:49,716 --> 02:23:51,799 我该怎么办啊大家 2502 02:23:55,433 --> 02:23:58,716 我该怎么办呢 2503 02:24:04,000 --> 02:24:05,600 那我不想当亡命 2504 02:24:06,516 --> 02:24:07,999 那我不想亡命天涯 2505 02:24:09,033 --> 02:24:12,516 那那那那我也不想那个啥包庇他 2506 02:24:14,266 --> 02:24:16,033 咳咳咳 2507 02:24:18,950 --> 02:24:21,350 为什么会变成这样呢好烦啊 2508 02:24:24,833 --> 02:24:25,749 哼嗯哼 2509 02:24:26,600 --> 02:24:27,666 动态动作 2510 02:24:30,750 --> 02:24:31,550 嗯 2511 02:24:32,516 --> 02:24:33,516 女人让人不爽 2512 02:24:33,516 --> 02:24:36,199 但这但是这个警察也不是好货啊 2513 02:24:36,316 --> 02:24:38,349 他之前还威胁那个什么 2514 02:24:43,916 --> 02:24:47,033 哎好烦他也不是什么好警察 2515 02:24:47,033 --> 02:24:48,833 我是因为我帮他他有 2516 02:24:48,833 --> 02:24:52,149 他有去害那些那些民众 2517 02:24:53,200 --> 02:24:55,116 之前他不是让那个谁 2518 02:24:55,716 --> 02:24:57,716 那David的是不是啊 2519 02:24:57,833 --> 02:25:00,349 还是谁啊不是是那个胖爸爸 2520 02:25:00,633 --> 02:25:03,516 去去面临那种什么死的那种 2521 02:25:06,116 --> 02:25:11,599 快啊沙朗的敲1丹特的敲2大家快开始 2522 02:25:14,350 --> 02:25:16,600 女的是1男的是2开始 2523 02:25:21,150 --> 02:25:21,950 嗯嗯 2524 02:25:29,833 --> 02:25:30,633 NO 2525 02:25:34,800 --> 02:25:35,600 哎 2526 02:25:37,633 --> 02:25:40,066 说实话我心里已经有了答案了 2527 02:25:41,516 --> 02:25:44,999 我再看一下大家说什么还没有选啊 2528 02:25:46,750 --> 02:25:48,233 反正我是选丹特的 2529 02:25:55,466 --> 02:25:56,266 no 2530 02:25:56,400 --> 02:25:57,433 no no 2531 02:25:57,666 --> 02:26:00,633 但是你别杀了他呀you use me once 2532 02:26:01,116 --> 02:26:04,266 i'm notGonna make the same mistake again Sharon 2533 02:26:04,716 --> 02:26:06,949 we both know it's over 2534 02:26:08,600 --> 02:26:10,950 他自杀我不会 2535 02:26:15,916 --> 02:26:16,716 哎 2536 02:26:18,950 --> 02:26:20,516 i'm sorry Sharon 2537 02:26:20,716 --> 02:26:24,866 i didn't want anyone else getting hurt you included 2538 02:26:25,750 --> 02:26:26,550 hmm 2539 02:26:27,233 --> 02:26:28,666 you did the right thing 2540 02:26:29,466 --> 02:26:31,033 对你也不是好东西啊 2541 02:26:39,316 --> 02:26:39,999 这是什么 2542 02:26:40,000 --> 02:26:40,950 hey sheriff 2543 02:26:41,266 --> 02:26:44,116 your hope boy turned up with Utah with some girl Intel 2544 02:26:44,516 --> 02:26:46,033 at the iron seal 2545 02:26:46,316 --> 02:26:47,116 out 2546 02:27:03,750 --> 02:27:05,433 保养这个女的怎么说 2547 02:27:06,550 --> 02:27:07,350 呃 2548 02:27:07,516 --> 02:27:09,599 呃我只是想隔岸观火 2549 02:27:09,600 --> 02:27:11,666 谁也不提醒他们自己打起来呀 2550 02:27:12,200 --> 02:27:13,633 it's all we could find 2551 02:27:15,466 --> 02:27:19,349 party disco disco disco 2552 02:27:20,950 --> 02:27:21,750 嗯 2553 02:27:22,550 --> 02:27:25,350 我好辣哦他他怎么突然这么辣了 2554 02:27:27,266 --> 02:27:29,749 把头发放下来弄好看呢 2555 02:27:33,150 --> 02:27:34,516 带我去国外掐大米了 2556 02:27:34,516 --> 02:27:36,349 但是那样也会那个什么 2557 02:27:36,833 --> 02:27:38,833 呃睡不醒啊睡不着 2558 02:27:38,833 --> 02:27:41,349 起不来呃就早上惊醒什么的 2559 02:27:42,150 --> 02:27:43,516 there's too many people 2560 02:27:49,950 --> 02:27:51,866 Clover what is it 2561 02:27:52,350 --> 02:27:57,033 it's for headaches i think it's ecstasy have you done it 2562 02:27:57,350 --> 02:27:58,150 no 2563 02:27:58,600 --> 02:27:59,400 have you 2564 02:27:59,800 --> 02:28:03,866 no but my dad already thinks i'm a drug scene so what the fuck 2565 02:28:03,866 --> 02:28:04,749 哎别呀 2566 02:28:14,000 --> 02:28:16,266 not for me thanks 2567 02:28:17,433 --> 02:28:19,399 one of us needs to be thinking straight 2568 02:28:35,200 --> 02:28:36,800 看一下谁长得比较漂亮 2569 02:28:38,600 --> 02:28:40,150 没有我感兴趣的 2570 02:28:42,600 --> 02:28:44,316 完了他可嗨了 2571 02:28:51,833 --> 02:28:54,516 啊这女的是谁啊这就是那个吗 2572 02:28:57,000 --> 02:29:00,033 好脸盲啊跟我一起来的女人是谁来着 2573 02:29:10,600 --> 02:29:13,200 啊这个粉色衣服的女生挺漂亮的 2574 02:29:18,200 --> 02:29:20,000 啊他也挺漂亮的就是 2575 02:29:20,600 --> 02:29:21,916 你不会强吻我吧 2576 02:29:22,550 --> 02:29:27,200 i feel so good right now like a feather with legs 2577 02:29:35,116 --> 02:29:36,666 you shouldn't be here 2578 02:29:36,866 --> 02:29:38,466 cots could come any minute 2579 02:29:38,600 --> 02:29:40,400 Dean is a party 2580 02:29:40,666 --> 02:29:41,633 this music is 2581 02:29:41,633 --> 02:29:43,666 拜拜了我要自己走了 2582 02:29:45,200 --> 02:29:46,750 i'm gonna go get a soda 2583 02:29:47,400 --> 02:29:48,433 okay 2584 02:30:03,633 --> 02:30:04,799 莫名哥 2585 02:30:05,516 --> 02:30:06,316 咳 2586 02:30:07,866 --> 02:30:08,666 咳 2587 02:30:09,033 --> 02:30:11,149 有这么多新闻吗 2588 02:30:35,000 --> 02:30:35,800 Vanessa 2589 02:30:50,033 --> 02:30:51,349 the last person expected 2590 02:30:51,350 --> 02:30:51,516 oh 2591 02:30:51,516 --> 02:30:52,316 no 2592 02:30:53,916 --> 02:30:54,716 oh no 2593 02:30:55,800 --> 02:30:56,866 oh no no 2594 02:30:59,116 --> 02:31:00,033 no NO 2595 02:31:03,000 --> 02:31:03,800 打他 2596 02:31:08,866 --> 02:31:10,199 what are you looking at 2597 02:31:10,950 --> 02:31:12,716 dean what are you doing 2598 02:31:13,266 --> 02:31:14,466 you know this guy 2599 02:31:15,716 --> 02:31:16,916 so what if i do 2600 02:31:20,200 --> 02:31:21,433 我是他朋友 2601 02:31:23,916 --> 02:31:26,433 we go to school together in Arizona 2602 02:31:26,716 --> 02:31:28,716 well who do you do it will fucking do 2603 02:31:28,800 --> 02:31:31,866 完了原谅我是局外人 2604 02:31:33,600 --> 02:31:35,716 Dean please i'm all right 2605 02:31:41,666 --> 02:31:42,466 honey 2606 02:31:42,716 --> 02:31:44,433 she's asking you to leave 2607 02:31:45,033 --> 02:31:46,949 sorry if i heard your feelings or something 2608 02:31:46,950 --> 02:31:49,400 but that's what she wants 2609 02:31:51,350 --> 02:31:52,550 you get sport 2610 02:31:53,666 --> 02:31:54,716 can't win them all 2611 02:32:01,000 --> 02:32:04,116 这女的说说说他OK啊 2612 02:32:06,833 --> 02:32:09,633 那我是小丑我打他有什么用呢 2613 02:32:22,116 --> 02:32:22,916 哎 2614 02:32:23,550 --> 02:32:25,316 这女的原来不喜欢我啊 2615 02:32:25,316 --> 02:32:27,149 原来说我自作多情 2616 02:32:29,466 --> 02:32:30,266 哎 2617 02:32:31,350 --> 02:32:33,266 不是个女的是不是想 2618 02:32:33,350 --> 02:32:36,066 跟那个男的让他吃一点豆腐然后 2619 02:32:37,550 --> 02:32:38,800 是不是想 2620 02:32:38,866 --> 02:32:40,149 让这个男的吃一点豆腐 2621 02:32:40,150 --> 02:32:41,800 然后让这个男的帮我呀 2622 02:32:41,800 --> 02:32:43,266 他是不是为了我呀 2623 02:32:43,600 --> 02:32:45,066 那是为了我吗 2624 02:32:52,866 --> 02:32:54,433 那我打了他他要帮我吗 2625 02:32:54,433 --> 02:32:55,749 他不是要帮我那个什么 2626 02:32:55,750 --> 02:32:57,516 偷渡到加拿大吗 2627 02:33:01,116 --> 02:33:01,916 啊 2628 02:33:03,400 --> 02:33:06,233 为了我吗那肯定那个什么那就 2629 02:33:07,033 --> 02:33:09,266 怒发冲冠问红颜了 2630 02:33:12,866 --> 02:33:13,999 啾啾啾 2631 02:33:21,033 --> 02:33:22,749 他为什么老是抓裤子呀 2632 02:33:22,750 --> 02:33:24,716 你裤子不是穿的好好的吗 2633 02:33:30,116 --> 02:33:32,549 哎那个女的我感觉他就是喜欢我 2634 02:33:32,833 --> 02:33:33,833 应该吧 2635 02:33:34,150 --> 02:33:37,033 你干嘛呢你别让我在这丢人啊 2636 02:33:39,750 --> 02:33:41,316 you come to my party 2637 02:33:41,600 --> 02:33:42,916 and start this shit 2638 02:33:42,916 --> 02:33:45,516 你穿的什么破t恤你丑毙了好吗 2639 02:33:45,516 --> 02:33:46,866 怎么会有人穿红旗 2640 02:33:46,866 --> 02:33:49,316 不是穿的什么国旗穿在身上 2641 02:33:53,233 --> 02:33:55,349 不是最没品味的就是 2642 02:33:55,950 --> 02:33:59,316 那什么国旗穿在衣那那个衣服上啊 2643 02:34:01,233 --> 02:34:02,949 你就穿衣服上打扰了他 2644 02:34:03,000 --> 02:34:04,550 one jealous fuck 2645 02:34:05,000 --> 02:34:07,833 well guess what she was mine first 2646 02:34:08,400 --> 02:34:10,400 他身上写你名字了吗 2647 02:34:10,400 --> 02:34:12,116 啊他就是你的了 2648 02:34:14,633 --> 02:34:18,066 我管他不我不管他吧好啊我得走了 2649 02:34:21,666 --> 02:34:24,199 that's right walk away 2650 02:34:24,600 --> 02:34:25,916 fucking pussy 2651 02:34:31,150 --> 02:34:33,350 啊这么看这个女的好漂亮你看看他 2652 02:34:33,516 --> 02:34:34,633 这女的就喜欢我 2653 02:34:34,633 --> 02:34:35,516 他都跟我走 2654 02:34:35,516 --> 02:34:37,749 如果他喜欢他的话就留在这了 2655 02:34:38,000 --> 02:34:41,033 are you crazy starting a fight with him 2656 02:34:41,066 --> 02:34:43,066 算他骂我但他是关心我 2657 02:34:45,033 --> 02:34:46,433 啊我应该选他是个混蛋的 2658 02:34:46,433 --> 02:34:47,549 不能这么跌位 2659 02:34:48,000 --> 02:34:49,316 i didn't ask you 2660 02:34:50,116 --> 02:34:51,433 干嘛他会不开心的 2661 02:34:51,466 --> 02:34:53,949 punching everyone who pisses you off哎 2662 02:34:54,066 --> 02:34:55,033 我要选1的 2663 02:34:55,033 --> 02:34:56,266 he was your brother's friend 2664 02:34:56,633 --> 02:34:57,716 because i thought you get 2665 02:34:57,916 --> 02:35:00,266 said if you knew i'd gone out with him for a while 2666 02:35:00,750 --> 02:35:02,550 apparently i was right 2667 02:35:03,116 --> 02:35:05,266 you could have helped you if you trusted me 2668 02:35:06,150 --> 02:35:09,466 we should go find somewhere to sleep before the cops come啊 2669 02:35:09,466 --> 02:35:10,433 不应该选这个的 2670 02:35:10,433 --> 02:35:12,749 but tomorrow we're done 2671 02:35:13,750 --> 02:35:14,550 啊 2672 02:35:15,750 --> 02:35:16,550 嗯 2673 02:35:20,666 --> 02:35:23,033 我坐后排吧我别坐副驾了 2674 02:35:25,350 --> 02:35:27,116 啊不应该说为了你的 2675 02:35:27,116 --> 02:35:28,833 应该说他是个杰尔科 2676 02:35:34,233 --> 02:35:35,199 选错了 2677 02:35:46,666 --> 02:35:48,316 i'm gonna find somewhere to camp 2678 02:35:49,433 --> 02:35:51,233 don't call me wait 2679 02:35:51,466 --> 02:35:53,349 we shouldn't go too far from the car 2680 02:35:57,200 --> 02:35:59,200 啊没关系这还可以挽回一下 2681 02:36:04,350 --> 02:36:05,516 咳咳 2682 02:36:09,550 --> 02:36:11,433 哼穿着手是不是有点冷了 2683 02:36:11,433 --> 02:36:13,433 我把我的外套脱下来给你穿 2684 02:36:14,833 --> 02:36:15,633 哼 2685 02:36:22,200 --> 02:36:23,316 动手就是愣头青 2686 02:36:23,316 --> 02:36:23,666 我动手 2687 02:36:23,666 --> 02:36:26,266 不动手他们俩就在里面那个啥了 2688 02:36:27,716 --> 02:36:29,399 did you really run away from home 2689 02:36:30,400 --> 02:36:31,800 or was that all a lie 2690 02:36:32,033 --> 02:36:34,266 啊他这么单纯他竟然想到了这 2691 02:36:39,550 --> 02:36:40,350 look 2692 02:36:41,350 --> 02:36:43,066 i need to tell you something 2693 02:36:44,750 --> 02:36:46,266 my name's not dean 2694 02:36:47,266 --> 02:36:48,233 it's j 2695 02:36:49,400 --> 02:36:50,200 okay 2696 02:36:51,400 --> 02:36:54,600 ants or i didn't run away from my family 2697 02:36:55,200 --> 02:36:56,800 they made me do something bad 2698 02:36:57,316 --> 02:36:58,116 i 2699 02:36:59,000 --> 02:37:01,633 i helped them rob sheriff romero's house 2700 02:37:02,200 --> 02:37:04,233 i didn't know that till we got there 2701 02:37:04,950 --> 02:37:08,516 but sheriff came home we ran 2702 02:37:09,116 --> 02:37:12,433 got hold up at this motel on route 66 2703 02:37:13,266 --> 02:37:14,349 you're one of them 2704 02:37:15,516 --> 02:37:16,833 family from the news 2705 02:37:16,833 --> 02:37:18,316 快走吧我是一个 2706 02:37:18,633 --> 02:37:19,749 很危险的男人 2707 02:37:19,750 --> 02:37:20,833 wasn't my idea 2708 02:37:21,600 --> 02:37:23,516 but the cops don't care about that 2709 02:37:24,233 --> 02:37:26,116 they're blaming me for all of it 2710 02:37:26,400 --> 02:37:28,200 people died in that motel 2711 02:37:28,200 --> 02:37:29,516 not because of me 2712 02:37:30,800 --> 02:37:32,833 are you fucking kidding me 2713 02:37:33,433 --> 02:37:34,466 i'm sorry 2714 02:37:44,400 --> 02:37:45,800 你还是离开吧 2715 02:37:48,633 --> 02:37:49,549 maybe you're right 2716 02:37:50,033 --> 02:37:51,233 maybe you should go 2717 02:37:51,716 --> 02:37:54,116 because what然后他就会留下的 2718 02:37:54,116 --> 02:37:56,199 passing the border illegally and all 2719 02:37:56,916 --> 02:37:58,266 it could be dangerous 2720 02:37:59,200 --> 02:38:00,316 there you go again 2721 02:38:00,833 --> 02:38:02,799 acting like i need protection 2722 02:38:02,800 --> 02:38:04,400 that's not it i just 2723 02:38:04,916 --> 02:38:06,949 我只是不想看你受伤 2724 02:38:08,150 --> 02:38:09,633 a little late for that 2725 02:38:11,866 --> 02:38:14,199 tomorrow morning you can drop me at a gas station 2726 02:38:15,066 --> 02:38:16,916 my dad's Gonna kill me but 2727 02:38:17,600 --> 02:38:18,666 i'll deal with it 2728 02:38:18,750 --> 02:38:20,716 啊我们真的要分道扬镳了 2729 02:38:21,316 --> 02:38:22,866 now you're going off with me啊 2730 02:38:22,866 --> 02:38:23,866 不是为了你们 2731 02:38:24,950 --> 02:38:27,550 you're more like your family than you realize 2732 02:38:27,550 --> 02:38:29,000 我没有啊 2733 02:38:32,316 --> 02:38:33,266 这是什么意思呢 2734 02:38:33,266 --> 02:38:35,149 准备好放下一切i not like them 2735 02:38:36,550 --> 02:38:37,950 maybe i never was 2736 02:38:38,833 --> 02:38:41,233 我不是站在你的角度上思考的吗 2737 02:38:41,316 --> 02:38:43,666 你跟我在一起不是更危险吗 2738 02:38:43,666 --> 02:38:44,749 really am 2739 02:38:45,666 --> 02:38:46,466 yeah 2740 02:38:47,516 --> 02:38:48,316 me too 2741 02:38:50,750 --> 02:38:51,550 all units 2742 02:38:51,600 --> 02:38:54,116 我真不知道我做错了啥了我 2743 02:38:54,716 --> 02:38:57,149 the same one being pursued by the fbi 2744 02:38:57,150 --> 02:38:59,800 consider him armed and dangerous 2745 02:39:10,266 --> 02:39:12,799 我想我想你留在这他会留下吗 2746 02:39:14,516 --> 02:39:15,316 啊 2747 02:39:20,750 --> 02:39:24,266 我想我我想你留下他他会留下吗 2748 02:39:26,350 --> 02:39:27,266 哎 2749 02:39:28,316 --> 02:39:30,799 我不是觉得他跟杀人犯待在一起很危 2750 02:39:30,800 --> 02:39:31,516 险啊 2751 02:39:31,516 --> 02:39:33,949 跟杀人犯在一起他会变成重犯的 2752 02:39:34,033 --> 02:39:34,799 那是包庇 2753 02:39:34,800 --> 02:39:36,266 包庇那个什么了 2754 02:39:38,200 --> 02:39:39,400 包庇罪的 2755 02:39:42,916 --> 02:39:45,749 什么啊哈哈哈 2756 02:39:45,916 --> 02:39:47,599 他跟我去加拿大吗 2757 02:39:47,600 --> 02:39:49,550 那是这是我这是我选错了 2758 02:39:54,116 --> 02:39:56,399 也没啥好的吗但是我一个人很孤独啊 2759 02:40:01,950 --> 02:40:02,316 什么 2760 02:40:02,316 --> 02:40:04,716 又没啥不是你女朋友当然你没啥了 2761 02:40:04,716 --> 02:40:06,399 他是我女朋友啊 2762 02:40:07,433 --> 02:40:08,433 我还为他 2763 02:40:08,433 --> 02:40:11,466 跟比我壮很多比我高很多的人打了架 2764 02:40:11,466 --> 02:40:13,033 呢什么叫做没啥 2765 02:40:13,033 --> 02:40:15,916 你跟我说什么叫没啥啊 2766 02:40:17,516 --> 02:40:19,066 虽然是跑路那我跑路 2767 02:40:19,200 --> 02:40:21,433 那过程中也也那个什么啊 2768 02:40:21,600 --> 02:40:23,466 收获一个女朋友也挺好啊 2769 02:40:29,633 --> 02:40:31,633 哎呀这跟我想的完全不一样 2770 02:40:31,633 --> 02:40:33,316 我想象中是我说 2771 02:40:36,516 --> 02:40:38,599 我想象中是我说哎 2772 02:40:39,000 --> 02:40:41,150 你还是走吧你跟我 2773 02:40:41,400 --> 02:40:42,066 他一个高中生 2774 02:40:42,066 --> 02:40:44,316 但是他的生活不是也很幸很不幸福吗 2775 02:40:44,316 --> 02:40:45,466 我们一一起去 2776 02:40:45,516 --> 02:40:47,266 异国开展幸福的生活那 2777 02:40:47,266 --> 02:40:49,516 本来我一开始也也是这么说的呀 2778 02:40:49,516 --> 02:40:50,549 我就说他家庭 2779 02:40:50,633 --> 02:40:51,916 也没有不幸福到那种程度 2780 02:40:51,916 --> 02:40:53,233 不应该跟我走的 2781 02:40:53,550 --> 02:40:54,800 但是他一一直 2782 02:40:54,916 --> 02:40:57,199 一直那个什么对我很好那我不是 2783 02:40:57,233 --> 02:41:00,433 内心那个什么动摇了想跟他待在一起 2784 02:41:00,516 --> 02:41:04,916 结果他他又根本没有那么在乎我哎 2785 02:41:10,200 --> 02:41:12,066 哎这下没更新基础了 2786 02:41:12,516 --> 02:41:14,833 不是我想象中是什么我想象中是说 2787 02:41:15,000 --> 02:41:16,833 啊你还是没跟我待在一起比较好 2788 02:41:16,833 --> 02:41:19,316 我是那什么呃什么呃 2789 02:41:19,316 --> 02:41:20,516 被通缉的杀人犯 2790 02:41:20,516 --> 02:41:22,149 你跟我待在一起很不安全 2791 02:41:22,150 --> 02:41:23,033 然后他就说 2792 02:41:23,033 --> 02:41:26,033 可是我想跟你待在一起然后我就会说 2793 02:41:26,033 --> 02:41:30,516 嗯嗯我就想说我就会说啊我就说 2794 02:41:31,150 --> 02:41:33,666 我我我想你离开只是为了你 2795 02:41:33,716 --> 02:41:35,466 我想要你安安全 2796 02:41:35,600 --> 02:41:37,150 呃安全的活着 2797 02:41:38,633 --> 02:41:40,633 安全那个什么过着 2798 02:41:40,666 --> 02:41:41,716 平静的生活 2799 02:41:41,716 --> 02:41:44,549 但是如果你选择了跟我在一起的话 2800 02:41:47,033 --> 02:41:48,999 我就再也不会放开你 2801 02:41:58,716 --> 02:42:00,916 啊跟我想是完全不一样 2802 02:42:01,750 --> 02:42:03,116 跟我想象中完全不一样 2803 02:42:14,233 --> 02:42:15,233 是如果你直接说 2804 02:42:15,233 --> 02:42:16,549 我想你跟我待在一起的话 2805 02:42:16,550 --> 02:42:17,750 那其实很自私啊 2806 02:42:17,750 --> 02:42:19,066 因为我是一个杀人犯 2807 02:42:19,116 --> 02:42:20,399 我想他跟我待在一起的 2808 02:42:20,400 --> 02:42:22,433 话那就很自私啊 2809 02:42:22,716 --> 02:42:23,399 那就很自私 2810 02:42:23,400 --> 02:42:25,466 然后就是要让他为我那个什么 2811 02:42:25,466 --> 02:42:26,316 冒着风险 2812 02:42:26,316 --> 02:42:28,199 这样过过活 2813 02:42:28,433 --> 02:42:29,549 这样活着 2814 02:42:31,916 --> 02:42:32,716 哎 2815 02:42:35,550 --> 02:42:37,400 怎么又是这啊鼻炎啊 2816 02:42:55,516 --> 02:42:57,749 hmm只能说他可能没有那么喜欢我 2817 02:43:01,266 --> 02:43:03,066 因为我也不是一直说你别跟着我 2818 02:43:03,066 --> 02:43:03,833 你别跟着我 2819 02:43:03,833 --> 02:43:05,033 我就这一次呢 2820 02:43:29,516 --> 02:43:30,949 why did the lights go out 2821 02:43:30,950 --> 02:43:31,750 huh 2822 02:43:33,233 --> 02:43:35,066 speak don't make a sound 2823 02:43:43,800 --> 02:43:46,600 啊怎么可以憋2分钟啊这可能吗 2824 02:43:49,350 --> 02:43:50,833 啊最后一张了 2825 02:43:51,233 --> 02:43:52,866 好吧shit 2826 02:43:54,433 --> 02:43:55,516 are you okay 2827 02:43:58,266 --> 02:43:59,316 i beat my record 2828 02:44:07,000 --> 02:44:07,800 哎 2829 02:44:09,150 --> 02:44:11,433 女人呢我女人呢 2830 02:44:11,833 --> 02:44:13,149 我女朋友呢 2831 02:44:15,633 --> 02:44:16,316 why算了 2832 02:44:16,316 --> 02:44:19,033 可能到加拿大可能会找到更好的 2833 02:44:19,150 --> 02:44:20,116 forget some things 2834 02:44:21,116 --> 02:44:23,799 啊他可能跟开了在一起哈哈哈 2835 02:44:23,800 --> 02:44:25,800 开了也是失去了那个谁 2836 02:44:26,400 --> 02:44:27,400 那男人叫啥来着 2837 02:44:27,400 --> 02:44:28,633 journalism program 2838 02:44:29,233 --> 02:44:30,916 haven't seen you in a while 2839 02:44:31,550 --> 02:44:32,600 uh yeah 2840 02:44:33,316 --> 02:44:35,266 i haven't been coming to lecture as much 2841 02:44:36,516 --> 02:44:37,916 not really feeling it 2842 02:44:38,266 --> 02:44:39,066 oh 2843 02:44:39,866 --> 02:44:40,666 right 2844 02:44:41,433 --> 02:44:44,116 oh look that thing you were doing in the water 2845 02:44:44,550 --> 02:44:45,716 can i ask what it's about 2846 02:44:46,400 --> 02:44:47,716 holding your breath like that 2847 02:44:47,716 --> 02:44:48,266 hmm 2848 02:44:48,266 --> 02:44:51,399 some people meditate i sink to the bottom of a pool 2849 02:44:51,400 --> 02:44:52,433 正好刚刚看了他 2850 02:44:52,433 --> 02:44:54,349 one of these days i'm Gonna get to two minutes 2851 02:44:55,666 --> 02:44:56,466 wow 2852 02:44:56,600 --> 02:44:58,000 that sounds intense 2853 02:44:59,033 --> 02:45:00,199 why do you do it 2854 02:45:03,066 --> 02:45:03,833 关你的事 2855 02:45:03,833 --> 02:45:04,833 高冷啊 2856 02:45:05,950 --> 02:45:07,666 啊啊啊 2857 02:45:08,400 --> 02:45:09,200 啊 2858 02:45:11,833 --> 02:45:15,066 down there the only person looking out for me is me 2859 02:45:16,000 --> 02:45:18,200 i've got a step up and take control of myself 2860 02:45:19,266 --> 02:45:20,716 没人想听你说这些 2861 02:45:23,066 --> 02:45:24,433 maybe i like it that way 2862 02:45:25,316 --> 02:45:26,399 i should be getting home 2863 02:45:29,716 --> 02:45:30,316 look 2864 02:45:30,316 --> 02:45:31,266 it's just 2865 02:45:32,466 --> 02:45:35,466 so i had a friend in middle school 2866 02:45:35,950 --> 02:45:40,266 she was like infuriatingly perfect top of the class 2867 02:45:40,266 --> 02:45:41,916 captain of the soccer team 2868 02:45:42,550 --> 02:45:43,516 and one day 2869 02:45:43,916 --> 02:45:45,949 we're all on this field trip相聚几十年而拍 2870 02:45:45,950 --> 02:45:47,433 一个穿越时空的少女 2871 02:45:47,666 --> 02:45:48,999 she disappears 2872 02:45:49,266 --> 02:45:50,066 gone 2873 02:45:50,800 --> 02:45:52,916 we eventually find her in the back 2874 02:45:55,516 --> 02:45:56,316 i just 2875 02:45:57,150 --> 02:45:58,833 know she'd have felt better 2876 02:45:59,150 --> 02:46:01,633 if she knew there was someone ready to listen 2877 02:46:02,716 --> 02:46:04,316 啊你传教的是吗 2878 02:46:08,516 --> 02:46:10,266 啊这他有个朋友自杀了吧 2879 02:46:11,666 --> 02:46:12,866 他有个同学自杀了 2880 02:46:12,866 --> 02:46:16,549 see anyone but the lord works in mysterious ways 2881 02:46:18,550 --> 02:46:19,916 你在说什么呢 2882 02:46:32,716 --> 02:46:33,516 嗯嗯 2883 02:46:40,550 --> 02:46:41,033 3屁 2884 02:46:41,033 --> 02:46:43,433 okay i got a bus ticket for two pm 2885 02:46:44,266 --> 02:46:44,999 i 2886 02:46:45,000 --> 02:46:47,433 also called home and had a chat with mima 2887 02:46:47,550 --> 02:46:48,433 what did she say 2888 02:46:49,633 --> 02:46:52,599 that i didn't give my dad enough of a chance that he 2889 02:46:53,200 --> 02:46:55,516 loves me more than i realize Blah Blah Blah 2890 02:46:55,600 --> 02:46:58,266 and we both need to try hard 2891 02:46:58,266 --> 02:46:59,949 他怎么买到车票的呢 2892 02:46:59,950 --> 02:47:01,633 我我身份证都不能用了 2893 02:47:01,633 --> 02:47:02,833 maybe she's right 2894 02:47:05,000 --> 02:47:06,000 what's in the bag 2895 02:47:07,000 --> 02:47:07,800 this 2896 02:47:08,516 --> 02:47:11,233 just some food or once you start the hike 2897 02:47:11,633 --> 02:47:13,866 it'll make the money last a little longer 2898 02:47:15,266 --> 02:47:16,799 you didn't have to do that 2899 02:47:16,800 --> 02:47:18,800 i didn't have to do any of this 2900 02:47:19,950 --> 02:47:23,350 anyway i guess this is it 2901 02:47:31,033 --> 02:47:33,633 remember me next time you're studying for some tests啊 2902 02:47:33,633 --> 02:47:34,799 怎么是这个啊 2903 02:47:34,800 --> 02:47:35,800 考试的时候想起我 2904 02:47:35,800 --> 02:47:40,000 believe me i won't be forgetting you anytime soon 2905 02:47:40,666 --> 02:47:42,749 and don't you forget me either 2906 02:47:44,716 --> 02:47:46,749 我这辈子都不会忘记你and 2907 02:47:46,800 --> 02:47:48,800 i should start readingJain air 2908 02:47:48,800 --> 02:47:51,000 because apparently i'll be back for the last week 2909 02:47:51,000 --> 02:47:52,150 of school after all 2910 02:47:52,866 --> 02:47:53,716 也不一定 2911 02:47:54,200 --> 02:47:56,433 如果我有了新女朋友他让我忘记的话 2912 02:47:56,433 --> 02:47:57,516 那我就忘记 2913 02:48:06,833 --> 02:48:07,633 哼 2914 02:48:10,750 --> 02:48:13,600 我怎么上车呢我真的很好奇啊 2915 02:48:31,116 --> 02:48:34,066 more on the manhunt for the desert dreamkillers 2916 02:48:34,116 --> 02:48:36,949 who first robbed the two raw county sheriff's house 2917 02:48:37,066 --> 02:48:40,666 then took shelter at a motel that held into the scene of a 2918 02:48:46,950 --> 02:48:48,350 那听不听呢 2919 02:48:51,516 --> 02:48:56,749 describe j Holt as an awkward quiet high school dropout halt 2920 02:48:56,800 --> 02:49:00,466 also has an accomplice 16 year old Vanessa dorland 2921 02:49:00,466 --> 02:49:03,199 who is assumed to be armed and dangerous 2922 02:49:03,466 --> 02:49:05,916 if you see either of these violent criminals 2923 02:49:05,950 --> 02:49:08,150 please call 911 and make 2924 02:49:12,400 --> 02:49:13,866 好好暖男哦 2925 02:49:14,200 --> 02:49:16,116 sorry you got pulled in to all this 2926 02:49:17,516 --> 02:49:18,866 at least you're safe now 2927 02:49:19,266 --> 02:49:20,749 好喝了喝了喝了 2928 02:49:22,633 --> 02:49:25,266 看这就是我让他走的原因啊 2929 02:49:43,666 --> 02:49:45,033 哇吓死我了 2930 02:49:56,833 --> 02:49:57,716 oh no 2931 02:49:58,550 --> 02:49:59,350 thank you 2932 02:50:04,550 --> 02:50:07,516 怎么公开的跟我过海关一样亲亲 2933 02:50:08,666 --> 02:50:10,916 just running a sobriety checkpoint here 2934 02:50:10,916 --> 02:50:11,749 looking for any 2935 02:50:11,800 --> 02:50:14,150 intoxicated drivers coming back from that river 2936 02:50:14,150 --> 02:50:15,866 Paluza music Festival 2937 02:50:16,550 --> 02:50:17,400 were you there 2938 02:50:18,466 --> 02:50:20,599 no sir i'm just passing through 2939 02:50:20,866 --> 02:50:22,266 can i ask where you're coming from 2940 02:50:30,550 --> 02:50:31,466 San Francisco 2941 02:50:32,316 --> 02:50:34,399 i'm driving across country strange route 2942 02:50:34,400 --> 02:50:37,433 you're taken you don't have California plates哎呦 2943 02:50:37,433 --> 02:50:38,233 完了 2944 02:50:39,716 --> 02:50:40,316 no sir 2945 02:50:40,316 --> 02:50:41,349 huh uh huh 2946 02:50:42,666 --> 02:50:44,433 anyways i just need a license 2947 02:50:44,466 --> 02:50:46,833 registration you'll be on your way 2948 02:50:53,233 --> 02:50:55,316 sure just a sack 2949 02:50:57,516 --> 02:50:58,316 where is it 2950 02:51:00,433 --> 02:51:02,516 哎别别别都到最后了 2951 02:51:03,033 --> 02:51:05,433 well it's against the law to drive in Montana 2952 02:51:05,433 --> 02:51:06,799 without a valid driver's life 2953 02:51:06,866 --> 02:51:08,749 i'm really sorry officer 2954 02:51:09,066 --> 02:51:10,349 i'll need to run the plates 2955 02:51:12,150 --> 02:51:13,800 oh no no no no 2956 02:51:15,466 --> 02:51:19,716 dispatch need you to run some plates for me Montana three 2957 02:51:19,833 --> 02:51:20,666 那你说盐 2958 02:51:20,800 --> 02:51:23,466 盐和城的话他可能就会怀疑是那个 2959 02:51:24,200 --> 02:51:25,633 shit shit shit 2960 02:51:26,150 --> 02:51:28,550 他可能就会怀疑我是逃跑的那个人啊 2961 02:51:29,800 --> 02:51:31,000 can't you run it manually 2962 02:51:38,033 --> 02:51:39,066 救救我 2963 02:51:44,716 --> 02:51:46,916 他是交警但他也知道那件事情啊 2964 02:51:46,916 --> 02:51:49,066 那我说我是从哪来来的话 2965 02:51:49,066 --> 02:51:51,316 他可能就就会怀疑那个啥吧 2966 02:51:59,716 --> 02:52:01,349 还有可能懒得插了 2967 02:52:01,350 --> 02:52:02,200 can't explain 2968 02:52:03,233 --> 02:52:05,349 god damn it down again 2969 02:52:06,116 --> 02:52:09,349 there's a sneak peek of y2k for you all right 2970 02:52:10,000 --> 02:52:12,833 i'm gonna let you off of the warning next time 2971 02:52:13,033 --> 02:52:14,833 bring your license along for the ride 2972 02:52:14,833 --> 02:52:15,999 i will officer 2973 02:52:17,833 --> 02:52:19,433 go get out of here 2974 02:52:19,750 --> 02:52:20,916 好水哦 2975 02:52:27,950 --> 02:52:28,750 hmm 2976 02:52:30,633 --> 02:52:32,549 这个游戏难度还是比较低的 2977 02:52:32,600 --> 02:52:34,833 我还是很好奇他的哥哥怎么了 2978 02:52:36,266 --> 02:52:38,199 他哥哥是什么下场 2979 02:52:56,716 --> 02:52:58,149 Pumpkin hey dad 2980 02:52:59,200 --> 02:53:00,033 how's the 2981 02:53:01,350 --> 02:53:02,200 new plane 2982 02:53:02,400 --> 02:53:03,433 oh you're Gonna love 2983 02:53:03,433 --> 02:53:04,233 it 2984 02:53:04,316 --> 02:53:06,116 so much quieter than the old one 2985 02:53:07,266 --> 02:53:08,633 啊他们还在一起 2986 02:53:08,833 --> 02:53:09,633 so um 2987 02:53:10,433 --> 02:53:12,033 不然这个女的还有没有又娶我 2988 02:53:12,033 --> 02:53:13,233 it was my birthday on Sunday 2989 02:53:13,233 --> 02:53:14,799 and you usually call 2990 02:53:14,950 --> 02:53:16,066 oh dad 2991 02:53:16,800 --> 02:53:18,716 i'm sorry it's just 2992 02:53:20,000 --> 02:53:21,000 the thing is 2993 02:53:21,466 --> 02:53:22,316 don't tell me 2994 02:53:22,716 --> 02:53:24,349 lecture's coming out of your ears 2995 02:53:25,066 --> 02:53:25,949 i get it 2996 02:53:26,550 --> 02:53:29,116 so how about your mom and i drop by campus tomorrow for lunch 2997 02:53:30,066 --> 02:53:31,999 that might be tricky 2998 02:53:32,633 --> 02:53:33,433 what 2999 02:53:34,066 --> 02:53:35,633 everything's cool at school right 3000 02:53:42,833 --> 02:53:43,999 to be honest dad 3001 02:53:44,666 --> 02:53:46,549 i'm not sure the program's right for me 3002 02:53:47,266 --> 02:53:48,066 what are you saying 3003 02:53:48,433 --> 02:53:49,516 you dropping out 3004 02:53:50,433 --> 02:53:53,033 you've been wanting to study journalism since the ninth grade 3005 02:53:53,033 --> 02:53:54,233 no just 3006 02:53:55,116 --> 02:53:56,666 weighing my options that's all 3007 02:53:57,000 --> 02:53:59,866 dropping out is that Zoe relax honey 3008 02:53:59,866 --> 02:54:03,233 she isn't dropping out you bet your pants she isn't 3009 02:54:03,400 --> 02:54:05,066 not without talking to us first 3010 02:54:07,833 --> 02:54:08,633 哎 3011 02:54:16,600 --> 02:54:17,750 SO啥呀 3012 02:54:18,033 --> 02:54:20,033 sorry mom i gotta go 3013 02:54:29,400 --> 02:54:30,200 上药 3014 02:54:32,516 --> 02:54:33,999 收到的信怎么了吗 3015 02:54:36,266 --> 02:54:37,233 don't speak 3016 02:54:37,316 --> 02:54:38,799 hmm don't make a sound 3017 02:54:42,233 --> 02:54:43,033 hmm 3018 02:54:48,033 --> 02:54:48,833 shit 3019 02:54:49,350 --> 02:54:50,150 hmm 3020 02:54:56,750 --> 02:54:58,150 where is the other bottle 3021 02:55:04,750 --> 02:55:05,550 哎呀 3022 02:55:17,950 --> 02:55:18,750 huh 3023 02:55:24,000 --> 02:55:25,066 what is that 3024 02:55:33,316 --> 02:55:34,116 Huh 3025 02:55:37,066 --> 02:55:38,716 要把窗户关掉吗 3026 02:55:41,950 --> 02:55:42,750 here maybe 3027 02:55:45,833 --> 02:55:48,666 找个药他搞这么紧张的放我一个妈呀 3028 02:55:57,200 --> 02:55:58,750 um老师帮唱的 3029 02:56:10,266 --> 02:56:12,799 啊哦嗯 3030 02:56:14,750 --> 02:56:15,833 Jesus 3031 02:56:26,950 --> 02:56:27,750 金色 3032 02:56:29,316 --> 02:56:30,799 tell me i'm awake this time 3033 02:56:31,800 --> 02:56:32,600 hmm 3034 02:56:33,033 --> 02:56:33,916 come on 3035 02:56:34,600 --> 02:56:35,800 think we're just啊 3036 02:56:35,800 --> 02:56:37,116 这也太逗了吧 3037 02:56:44,350 --> 02:56:45,150 哎 3038 02:56:55,033 --> 02:56:55,866 还是在做梦 3039 02:56:56,833 --> 02:56:58,833 啊吓我一跳啊 3040 02:57:01,033 --> 02:57:02,033 who's there 3041 02:57:11,516 --> 02:57:13,066 那肯定不出去啊 3042 02:57:13,716 --> 02:57:16,233 怎么可能出去啊啊 3043 02:57:17,350 --> 02:57:18,833 我都说了留在里面了 3044 02:57:21,466 --> 02:57:22,716 别吓我别吓我 3045 02:57:27,000 --> 02:57:27,800 Huh 3046 02:57:33,233 --> 02:57:34,033 Fuck 3047 02:57:34,116 --> 02:57:34,916 hello 3048 02:57:35,233 --> 02:57:37,266 hey Grandpa Zoe 3049 02:57:37,716 --> 02:57:38,949 i know it's late but 3050 02:57:39,200 --> 02:57:42,400 i could use a friendly ear right now do you mind if i come over 3051 02:57:42,400 --> 02:57:47,116 oh uh thing is i've run into a little 3052 02:57:48,600 --> 02:57:50,433 situation爷爷都还活着啊 3053 02:57:50,433 --> 02:57:51,716 what kind of situation 3054 02:57:52,400 --> 02:57:53,400 walker 3055 02:57:54,033 --> 02:57:55,233 i'll be there in ten 3056 02:57:59,600 --> 02:58:02,150 it's like i told you i can't have tenants 3057 02:58:02,150 --> 02:58:04,066 damaging the building and i told you 3058 02:58:04,066 --> 02:58:06,833 i didn't damage a damn thing 3059 02:58:08,116 --> 02:58:11,399 mr walker i really don't want to get into another argument 3060 02:58:11,433 --> 02:58:13,466 hey there's uc oh boy 3061 02:58:13,833 --> 02:58:15,349 Zoe thank god you're here 3062 02:58:16,200 --> 02:58:17,316 please tell this woman 3063 02:58:17,316 --> 02:58:20,599 i have a right to the quiet enjoyment of my own home huh 3064 02:58:20,916 --> 02:58:22,149 quiet enjoyment 3065 02:58:22,466 --> 02:58:24,033 you vandalized your front door 3066 02:58:24,033 --> 02:58:25,149 okay slow down 3067 02:58:25,800 --> 02:58:27,916 what happened somebody broke in 3068 02:58:27,916 --> 02:58:29,633 and stole my wallet 3069 02:58:29,800 --> 02:58:30,833 uh no 3070 02:58:31,000 --> 02:58:34,750 you misplaced your wallet and you broke your own front door 3071 02:58:34,833 --> 02:58:39,599 Zoe someone was here i saw him lurking in the shadows 3072 02:58:47,800 --> 02:58:48,950 did you get a good look at him 3073 02:58:49,916 --> 02:58:51,433 was he wearing a black Hoodie 3074 02:58:51,666 --> 02:58:52,399 oh 3075 02:58:52,400 --> 02:58:55,150 ah他不应该给他引导的 3076 02:58:55,150 --> 02:58:57,800 maybe i don't quite remember 3077 02:58:57,800 --> 02:59:00,400 you don't remember because it didn't happen 3078 02:59:01,066 --> 02:59:02,716 i'll tell you what did 3079 02:59:02,833 --> 02:59:03,866 your grandfather 3080 02:59:03,866 --> 02:59:07,916 wandered outside in his robe for the third time this month 3081 02:59:08,116 --> 02:59:09,033 when he realized 3082 02:59:09,033 --> 02:59:12,716 he didn't have his keys he broke the door to get back in 3083 02:59:12,866 --> 02:59:14,433 that is not true 3084 02:59:15,116 --> 02:59:23,149 i wanted some air so i took a walk and and i saw someone and 3085 02:59:24,000 --> 02:59:27,600 i and then the next thing i know i'm on doing 3086 02:59:28,150 --> 02:59:29,916 with Shelby here 3087 02:59:30,150 --> 02:59:31,350 到底有没有这个呀 3088 02:59:33,600 --> 02:59:36,516 Zoe i know this is painful to hear 3089 02:59:36,716 --> 02:59:38,866 but your grandfather is declining 3090 02:59:38,950 --> 02:59:42,200 he needs a nurse or an assisted living homework oh 3091 02:59:42,200 --> 02:59:45,866 god damn it i don't need assisted anything 3092 02:59:47,200 --> 02:59:49,000 we obviously have very 3093 02:59:49,000 --> 02:59:51,066 different interpretations of what happened 3094 02:59:51,866 --> 02:59:54,716 still somebody will have to pay for that door 3095 02:59:59,233 --> 03:00:01,266 啊我还以为要弄啥 3096 03:00:02,116 --> 03:00:03,066 啊 3097 03:00:06,000 --> 03:00:07,150 应该不行吧 3098 03:00:07,550 --> 03:00:08,750 some kind of insurance 3099 03:00:09,400 --> 03:00:13,266 it's his front door he broke it he faced for it 3100 03:00:15,400 --> 03:00:16,200 嗯 3101 03:00:17,516 --> 03:00:18,316 hmm 3102 03:00:21,433 --> 03:00:24,349 can you believe that woman a state of living 3103 03:00:29,916 --> 03:00:32,799 she sounds just like your parents with that crap 3104 03:00:33,233 --> 03:00:35,033 don't tell Shelby 3105 03:00:35,400 --> 03:00:38,916 but i know i didn't break my dorm because i keep a spare key 3106 03:00:39,066 --> 03:00:40,116 under the mat 3107 03:00:40,266 --> 03:00:41,116 you do 3108 03:00:42,400 --> 03:00:43,550 isn't that kind of 3109 03:00:43,866 --> 03:00:47,749 unsafe you want to hide something when no one will find it 3110 03:00:48,066 --> 03:00:50,233 stick it right under their noses 3111 03:00:51,666 --> 03:00:52,399 你真搞笑 3112 03:00:52,400 --> 03:00:53,550 are you doing kiddo 3113 03:00:54,516 --> 03:00:55,316 anything no 3114 03:00:59,633 --> 03:01:01,949 不上来怕谁呢我再想想啊 3115 03:01:02,716 --> 03:01:05,866 哎没有理我回来找他吧那些人 3116 03:01:07,066 --> 03:01:09,316 you look like you did back in high school 3117 03:01:09,316 --> 03:01:11,949 when you thought you could cram for finals by staying up 3118 03:01:11,950 --> 03:01:13,866 all night on triple artists 3119 03:01:14,833 --> 03:01:16,266 how you've been sleeping 3120 03:01:22,550 --> 03:01:23,350 huh 3121 03:01:24,066 --> 03:01:25,833 didn't have a bad night for months 3122 03:01:26,716 --> 03:01:28,666 until the nightmare started creeping back 3123 03:01:30,233 --> 03:01:32,799 now i'm scared to fall asleep 3124 03:01:34,066 --> 03:01:35,466 oh so we 3125 03:01:38,833 --> 03:01:40,633 you seem to be doing so well 3126 03:01:41,266 --> 03:01:42,916 did something happen 3127 03:01:43,433 --> 03:01:44,466 it doesn't matter 3128 03:01:46,550 --> 03:01:47,550 seriously 3129 03:01:48,433 --> 03:01:53,633 so what elsestill got your sights on the New York times 3130 03:01:53,833 --> 03:01:54,633 actually 3131 03:01:55,316 --> 03:01:57,399 i'm thinking of leaving school for a while 3132 03:01:57,833 --> 03:01:59,233 i told mom and dad 3133 03:01:59,750 --> 03:02:01,433 you can imagine how that went down 3134 03:02:02,800 --> 03:02:05,266 like the Titanic svent 3135 03:02:06,633 --> 03:02:09,599 i always thought it suited you the investigative 3136 03:02:09,600 --> 03:02:10,666 journalism thing 3137 03:02:10,950 --> 03:02:13,266 digging around in other people's business 3138 03:02:13,266 --> 03:02:15,233 telling the world how it really is 3139 03:02:15,716 --> 03:02:17,116 i don't know grandpa 3140 03:02:18,033 --> 03:02:20,199 i just want to wake up on a beach哎 3141 03:02:20,200 --> 03:02:21,666 不想看他在这了 3142 03:02:21,666 --> 03:02:22,799 能不能换一个啊 3143 03:02:22,800 --> 03:02:24,433 想看别的角色的情况 3144 03:02:25,350 --> 03:02:27,833 不KS啊谁在乎啊 3145 03:02:29,116 --> 03:02:30,066 no you don't 3146 03:02:30,750 --> 03:02:33,750 take him on someone who's been a Pro at running away 3147 03:02:34,033 --> 03:02:35,149 wherever you run 3148 03:02:35,316 --> 03:02:37,349 就有点无聊after you 3149 03:02:38,516 --> 03:02:40,349 而且他也不算是他就是个小孩 3150 03:02:40,350 --> 03:02:42,716 也没有当时也没有经历太多来着 3151 03:02:43,600 --> 03:02:45,200 结果现在一直是他的视角 3152 03:02:47,000 --> 03:02:48,066 as fast 3153 03:02:48,950 --> 03:02:51,400 i got that from my 74th 3154 03:02:52,200 --> 03:02:53,800 mind if i look around a little 3155 03:02:55,266 --> 03:02:57,116 maybe i can figure out who stole your stuff 3156 03:02:57,150 --> 03:02:58,266 be my guest 3157 03:03:02,433 --> 03:03:03,233 懒惰 3158 03:03:05,150 --> 03:03:06,000 嗯 3159 03:03:11,150 --> 03:03:12,800 大家都在保护他来着 3160 03:03:13,066 --> 03:03:14,549 are you taking your meds 3161 03:03:15,000 --> 03:03:17,316 i don't like him they make me fussy 3162 03:03:23,400 --> 03:03:26,350 SUREbut they wouldn't prescribe them if you didn't need them 3163 03:03:26,750 --> 03:03:28,000 you're gonna stab there and 3164 03:03:28,233 --> 03:03:29,233 take them aren't you 3165 03:03:29,400 --> 03:03:30,350 please 3166 03:03:31,033 --> 03:03:33,599 好好好那反正有点无聊嘛all right 3167 03:03:35,916 --> 03:03:36,999 hey ha ha 3168 03:03:40,666 --> 03:03:41,999 well啊 3169 03:03:46,233 --> 03:03:48,916 ahahahaha you know me about the exact same couch 3170 03:03:48,916 --> 03:03:50,116 my entire life 3171 03:03:50,433 --> 03:03:53,749 bought that thing back in 98 the week after 3172 03:03:54,800 --> 03:03:57,916 you know when we came to sin Lewis 3173 03:03:58,150 --> 03:04:00,716 and it just keeps getting comfyer 3174 03:04:00,716 --> 03:04:01,716 grandpa 3175 03:04:01,800 --> 03:04:02,600 oh 3176 03:04:03,233 --> 03:04:06,949 there it is huh glad they didn't take that too 3177 03:04:07,833 --> 03:04:09,149 now that it matters 3178 03:04:09,433 --> 03:04:12,399 all i know how to do with this place solitaire 3179 03:04:14,200 --> 03:04:15,150 grandpa 3180 03:04:16,233 --> 03:04:18,516 are you sure you didn't break the door yourself 3181 03:04:20,800 --> 03:04:22,266 that'sjust me here now 3182 03:04:26,266 --> 03:04:31,149 have you never gone into a room forgotten why you came in 3183 03:04:31,466 --> 03:04:34,266 aren't you ever misplaced or lost something 3184 03:04:35,266 --> 03:04:36,666 you know i've lost plenty 3185 03:04:38,200 --> 03:04:39,600 i don't want to lose you too 3186 03:04:41,950 --> 03:04:43,116 shelby's right 3187 03:04:43,466 --> 03:04:44,716 it's getting worse 3188 03:04:49,466 --> 03:04:53,116 places dates the school i went to 3189 03:04:54,200 --> 03:04:56,233 it's like someone's slowly 3190 03:04:56,233 --> 03:05:00,199 packing my memories into boxes and none of them have labels on 3191 03:05:01,633 --> 03:05:04,516 can you imagine how that feels 3192 03:05:16,116 --> 03:05:17,033 sounds awful 3193 03:05:18,150 --> 03:05:19,716 i can't even begin to 3194 03:05:20,633 --> 03:05:23,633 you must think i made this whole damn mess up 3195 03:05:28,200 --> 03:05:29,000 actually 3196 03:05:30,633 --> 03:05:32,916 sosomeone's been following me too i think 3197 03:05:32,916 --> 03:05:33,716 what 3198 03:05:33,833 --> 03:05:35,266 earlier at the pool 3199 03:05:36,116 --> 03:05:38,266 and then tonight at my apartment 3200 03:05:39,433 --> 03:05:40,799 i thought i saw someone 3201 03:05:42,066 --> 03:05:43,999 but i don't know if it's even real 3202 03:05:44,633 --> 03:05:47,116 i feel like we're both losing our minds 3203 03:05:47,316 --> 03:05:49,949 good god Zoe look 3204 03:05:50,666 --> 03:05:53,033 i know you went through hell as a kid 3205 03:05:53,750 --> 03:05:57,116 seeing all the terrible terrible things you saw 3206 03:05:58,600 --> 03:06:02,633 and i know you sometimes think it drove you half crazy 3207 03:06:07,833 --> 03:06:08,916 seriously 3208 03:06:09,750 --> 03:06:11,150 you knowno need to remind me 3209 03:06:12,750 --> 03:06:14,200 i know i don't 3210 03:06:15,433 --> 03:06:18,233 but that's what i'm trying to say 3211 03:06:18,866 --> 03:06:20,949 i don't think you are crazy at all 3212 03:06:22,066 --> 03:06:23,316 because if you were 3213 03:06:24,266 --> 03:06:27,266 how could we both be seeing the same thing 3214 03:06:27,516 --> 03:06:28,433 Grandpa 3215 03:06:28,600 --> 03:06:30,316 用你们风的方向是一样的 3216 03:06:30,316 --> 03:06:31,666 losing our marbles 3217 03:06:33,200 --> 03:06:34,000 what 3218 03:06:34,716 --> 03:06:35,516 no 3219 03:06:36,433 --> 03:06:37,516 impossible 3220 03:06:43,350 --> 03:06:45,116 狗叫外面有人 3221 03:06:47,833 --> 03:06:50,866 谁呢是那个小小儿子吗 3222 03:06:52,516 --> 03:06:53,316 hey 3223 03:06:53,750 --> 03:06:54,950 i see you 3224 03:06:58,516 --> 03:07:00,349 他没有淘气加拿大吗 3225 03:07:02,833 --> 03:07:04,233 g我上次 3226 03:07:11,116 --> 03:07:12,916 why are you following me 3227 03:07:13,550 --> 03:07:14,600 what do you want 3228 03:07:14,600 --> 03:07:16,000 你加油啊再跑跑 3229 03:07:21,516 --> 03:07:22,399 嗯嗯 3230 03:07:25,466 --> 03:07:26,433 do you sound 3231 03:07:32,150 --> 03:07:33,800 嗯好危险好危险 3232 03:07:34,200 --> 03:07:35,466 stop i said 3233 03:07:38,150 --> 03:07:39,633 get the fuck off me 3234 03:07:39,800 --> 03:07:42,150 哇他竟然出问题了i thought you were 3235 03:08:02,233 --> 03:08:06,349 oh sweetheart it's okay i'm here 3236 03:08:07,116 --> 03:08:08,266 i was fine 3237 03:08:08,950 --> 03:08:10,833 i was fucking fine 3238 03:08:11,350 --> 03:08:13,400 and then one little trigger and Bam 3239 03:08:13,833 --> 03:08:15,749 it all came roaring back again 3240 03:08:16,000 --> 03:08:21,316 oh the two of us me trying to remember you trying to forget 3241 03:08:22,950 --> 03:08:24,516 i don't want to forget 3242 03:08:25,266 --> 03:08:28,866 i just want to not care how do i do that 3243 03:08:29,666 --> 03:08:32,599 how do i make the past leave me alone when i keep 3244 03:08:32,600 --> 03:08:34,350 seeing it everywhere i go 3245 03:08:34,433 --> 03:08:38,233 i guess you just need tostand up and face it 3246 03:08:46,600 --> 03:08:50,516 look it in the eye and see this thing for what it is 3247 03:08:56,916 --> 03:09:00,199 if the past talks to you you listen 3248 03:09:04,666 --> 03:09:06,399 and when it's done 3249 03:09:07,550 --> 03:09:09,400 themmaybe you'll be free 3250 03:09:12,550 --> 03:09:15,033 那只写个请回信吗 3251 03:09:15,033 --> 03:09:16,149 啥也不写usually 3252 03:09:16,833 --> 03:09:18,466 this is now my third letter 3253 03:09:19,350 --> 03:09:21,433 i haven't heard back from you so 3254 03:09:22,266 --> 03:09:23,399 i hope you're getting them 3255 03:09:24,466 --> 03:09:27,466 i was thinking today about the last time i saw you 3256 03:09:28,550 --> 03:09:29,916 you were a little kid 3257 03:09:30,550 --> 03:09:31,916 clinging to your family 3258 03:09:32,750 --> 03:09:34,233 i was an 18 year old 3259 03:09:35,116 --> 03:09:36,666 clinging to the idea of freedom 3260 03:09:50,716 --> 03:09:52,066 早就过去了 3261 03:09:54,550 --> 03:09:57,633 i remember your face when we took your dad away 3262 03:09:58,666 --> 03:10:01,666 it felt right to me knowing you'd get clear of us 3263 03:10:07,033 --> 03:10:07,833 NO 3264 03:10:10,033 --> 03:10:13,116 什么他就可以这么就这么爬爬过去啊 3265 03:10:13,433 --> 03:10:14,716 就过去了呀 3266 03:10:16,400 --> 03:10:17,950 but in other ways 3267 03:10:18,633 --> 03:10:20,433 nothing that day felt right 3268 03:10:21,633 --> 03:10:24,149 i know my family scarred you for life 3269 03:10:29,233 --> 03:10:31,149 什么还有破小字的 3270 03:10:33,866 --> 03:10:35,466 肯定不留下标记啊 3271 03:10:36,950 --> 03:10:39,266 什么小狗行为有名字 3272 03:10:40,350 --> 03:10:42,000 they left their mark on me too 3273 03:10:43,466 --> 03:10:44,916 i wonder every day 3274 03:10:44,916 --> 03:10:47,666 who i could have been if we hadn't robbed that house 3275 03:10:49,550 --> 03:10:51,400 他到底有没有到加拿大呀 3276 03:10:59,433 --> 03:11:01,266 there's a lot i want to say to you Zoe 3277 03:11:01,266 --> 03:11:02,549 他那里有没有到加拿大 3278 03:11:02,550 --> 03:11:04,233 保护区是什么意思呢 3279 03:11:04,233 --> 03:11:05,916 就没有人会进去吗 3280 03:11:07,433 --> 03:11:09,833 of how we came to be at the motel that night 3281 03:11:10,600 --> 03:11:13,316 and what happened in the mountains a few days afterward 3282 03:11:14,200 --> 03:11:16,750 i'm sure you've learned some of it as you got older 3283 03:11:17,550 --> 03:11:20,350 but there's other things i'm sure you don't know 3284 03:11:21,666 --> 03:11:23,716 没别的选项啊让我选啥呢 3285 03:11:23,716 --> 03:11:24,599 继续通过 3286 03:11:25,150 --> 03:11:26,750 i need to hear from you徒步 3287 03:11:26,750 --> 03:11:27,550 阿杰 3288 03:11:28,233 --> 03:11:29,033 j 3289 03:11:32,466 --> 03:11:33,433 hey there 3290 03:11:33,833 --> 03:11:34,916 how's the hike 3291 03:11:41,066 --> 03:11:42,266 you okay 3292 03:11:43,516 --> 03:11:44,316 i 3293 03:11:45,550 --> 03:11:47,800 i was trying to work out where i am 3294 03:11:47,950 --> 03:11:49,916 oh well let's see 3295 03:11:50,750 --> 03:11:52,916 this year's Jacobs ridge 3296 03:11:53,316 --> 03:11:54,033 and that down 3297 03:11:54,033 --> 03:11:57,599 there is leaked blackfoot in the de factille Canadian border 3298 03:11:58,316 --> 03:12:01,149 and if you continue up that trail over there 3299 03:12:01,150 --> 03:12:03,916 you'll get to the top of black foot falls 3300 03:12:07,350 --> 03:12:08,750 where's the border station 3301 03:12:09,550 --> 03:12:12,400 further east it's out a range for a day hike 3302 03:12:14,000 --> 03:12:15,233 you got a campsite 3303 03:12:15,233 --> 03:12:16,349 set up somewhere 3304 03:12:19,666 --> 03:12:20,949 hmmnope 3305 03:12:22,550 --> 03:12:24,150 no not yet 3306 03:12:24,233 --> 03:12:27,466 well where's your stuff backpack 3307 03:12:27,666 --> 03:12:28,433 what 3308 03:12:28,433 --> 03:12:31,233 i don't i was gonna build a shelter 3309 03:12:31,800 --> 03:12:33,033 build one huh 3310 03:12:34,316 --> 03:12:38,716 well i admire that but that's not exactly 3311 03:12:40,516 --> 03:12:42,199 you've got a backcountry permit 3312 03:12:43,800 --> 03:12:46,916 sorry but you're gonna have to head back down 3313 03:12:50,950 --> 03:12:52,316 can i just stay a little longer 3314 03:12:53,233 --> 03:12:54,066 enjoy the view 3315 03:12:58,266 --> 03:12:59,349 他会同意的 3316 03:12:59,350 --> 03:13:01,116 why don't i stay too 3317 03:13:02,033 --> 03:13:03,949 i was about to have some tea 3318 03:13:05,350 --> 03:13:06,033 want some 3319 03:13:06,033 --> 03:13:06,833 哇好秃 3320 03:13:07,516 --> 03:13:08,549 no thanks 3321 03:13:09,200 --> 03:13:11,116 so what's your name 3322 03:13:13,266 --> 03:13:14,116 Michael 3323 03:13:14,266 --> 03:13:16,949 Michael i'm leland 3324 03:13:16,950 --> 03:13:17,750 you're 3325 03:13:18,350 --> 03:13:19,516 a parkranger 3326 03:13:19,516 --> 03:13:22,866 yep did stints and Zion 3327 03:13:23,266 --> 03:13:26,349 rice Canyon pinnacles hold this for me 3328 03:13:26,350 --> 03:13:27,150 excuse me i m lost where is the supermarket 3329 03:13:28,950 --> 03:13:30,233 ever been to Yellowstone 3330 03:13:30,600 --> 03:13:33,916 yeah i spent nearly a decade there 3331 03:13:34,233 --> 03:13:36,033 there can be nothing in the world 3332 03:13:36,033 --> 03:13:38,916 more beautiful than the Canyon of the Yellowstone 3333 03:13:38,950 --> 03:13:39,633 真的吗 3334 03:13:39,633 --> 03:13:43,149 that was said by theatre Roosevelt that's right 3335 03:13:43,466 --> 03:13:46,716 so you're a nature lover too huh 3336 03:13:50,633 --> 03:13:52,799 哎他为什么会骑到 3337 03:13:54,066 --> 03:13:55,516 一直骑到黄石公园 3338 03:13:55,516 --> 03:13:56,233 我忘记了 3339 03:13:56,233 --> 03:13:58,549 i spent a lot of time in the forest near my house 3340 03:13:59,316 --> 03:14:01,949 you've sort of got my dream job 3341 03:14:02,000 --> 03:14:05,550 well fell out an application down at the visitor center 3342 03:14:06,116 --> 03:14:08,399 really it's that easy 3343 03:14:08,633 --> 03:14:11,316 sure you can clear the background check 3344 03:14:11,316 --> 03:14:12,233 那肯定不行 3345 03:14:15,833 --> 03:14:16,633 yeah 3346 03:14:27,666 --> 03:14:28,466 hmm 3347 03:14:30,233 --> 03:14:31,399 that's nice 3348 03:14:36,516 --> 03:14:40,316 you know i've seen a lot of crazy things up here 3349 03:14:40,916 --> 03:14:43,599 forest fires avalanches 3350 03:14:44,433 --> 03:14:46,116 but i always wondered 3351 03:14:46,866 --> 03:14:50,149 is itreally necessary that we carry these 3352 03:14:52,400 --> 03:14:54,666 but we are bored of patrol 3353 03:14:55,916 --> 03:14:57,033 in the rare event 3354 03:14:57,033 --> 03:15:00,633 some criminal makes a run for it we need to be prepared 3355 03:15:00,716 --> 03:15:01,599 你怎么知道 3356 03:15:04,633 --> 03:15:05,666 完蛋了 3357 03:15:06,233 --> 03:15:09,233 look you seem like a nice kid 3358 03:15:09,233 --> 03:15:12,316 but we got a Stolen car down at the trailhead 3359 03:15:12,316 --> 03:15:15,516 which state BD says belongs to an eighteen year old 3360 03:15:15,516 --> 03:15:17,716 who shot up a motel in Arizona 3361 03:15:18,066 --> 03:15:20,866 and was last seen headed north 3362 03:15:22,600 --> 03:15:25,466 now you got no water bottle 3363 03:15:26,066 --> 03:15:27,516 我不能往南边走 3364 03:15:28,550 --> 03:15:31,550 and you sure aren't dressed for a camp in without a tint 3365 03:15:32,550 --> 03:15:33,350 so 3366 03:15:34,866 --> 03:15:37,349 watch the deal here Michael 3367 03:15:44,866 --> 03:15:46,266 老师诚实 3368 03:15:46,600 --> 03:15:47,866 let me keep hiking 3369 03:15:48,033 --> 03:15:49,316 oh son 3370 03:15:50,000 --> 03:15:51,633 i can't do that 3371 03:15:52,266 --> 03:15:54,199 i've got a responsibility 3372 03:15:55,466 --> 03:15:56,799 can't you just help me 3373 03:15:57,433 --> 03:15:58,633 帮帮我吧look 3374 03:15:58,633 --> 03:16:01,266 it's no kind of life running from the law 3375 03:16:02,066 --> 03:16:04,949 you'll be living with that shadow over you forever 3376 03:16:05,266 --> 03:16:06,949 let me take you down the hill 3377 03:16:07,716 --> 03:16:10,516 i've never once fired this thing and i sure don't 3378 03:16:10,516 --> 03:16:11,666 want to start now 3379 03:16:11,950 --> 03:16:12,916 他有枪还是什么 3380 03:16:12,916 --> 03:16:14,066 我刚才没看清楚啊 3381 03:16:21,033 --> 03:16:22,516 他帮帮我这是去自首 3382 03:16:22,516 --> 03:16:23,999 我不想自首啊 3383 03:16:24,033 --> 03:16:25,716 我什么也没做啊 3384 03:16:25,716 --> 03:16:28,066 我最不自智耻啊 3385 03:16:31,633 --> 03:16:32,433 他有枪啊 3386 03:16:32,433 --> 03:16:35,116 我跑走我感觉他应该不会开枪 3387 03:16:35,316 --> 03:16:37,399 我的枪法应该不是很好吧 3388 03:16:37,666 --> 03:16:38,916 哎我不想偷枪啊 3389 03:16:38,916 --> 03:16:39,716 我不想自首 3390 03:16:39,716 --> 03:16:40,666 我不想坐牢 3391 03:16:43,266 --> 03:16:45,199 hey hey 3392 03:16:50,516 --> 03:16:52,399 这老头应该不会开枪了 3393 03:16:55,950 --> 03:16:59,550 快跑啊这这这这这几步你就大喘气 3394 03:17:03,466 --> 03:17:05,833 the love of god stop running 3395 03:17:06,516 --> 03:17:09,266 怎么跑的这么像小孩啊泡沫的时候 3396 03:17:10,233 --> 03:17:11,749 感觉只有1米6 3397 03:17:12,950 --> 03:17:15,550 啊你是猪啊 3398 03:17:17,516 --> 03:17:19,149 it's over all right 3399 03:17:19,516 --> 03:17:21,516 there's nowhere else to run 3400 03:17:26,950 --> 03:17:28,033 我跳下去 3401 03:17:28,916 --> 03:17:30,266 what are you doing 3402 03:17:30,666 --> 03:17:31,999 going to Canada 3403 03:17:33,516 --> 03:17:34,316 oh 3404 03:17:34,800 --> 03:17:38,633 whatever it is you're thinking you don't need to 3405 03:17:42,516 --> 03:17:44,466 我打老头不太好 3406 03:17:46,066 --> 03:17:47,033 哎你干嘛 3407 03:17:47,033 --> 03:17:47,866 老头 3408 03:17:48,666 --> 03:17:50,116 你差不多得了 3409 03:17:52,266 --> 03:17:53,833 你不需要这么努力 3410 03:17:58,350 --> 03:18:00,516 i never shoot a human being 3411 03:18:01,316 --> 03:18:04,233 but if you read again i'm gonna have to 3412 03:18:06,950 --> 03:18:08,116 你要我怎样 3413 03:18:08,466 --> 03:18:10,866 you're desperate i get it 3414 03:18:11,950 --> 03:18:14,950 but let me radio for a rescue helicopter 3415 03:18:14,950 --> 03:18:17,750 it is the only way out of this 3416 03:18:18,466 --> 03:18:19,466 don't you understand 3417 03:18:20,266 --> 03:18:22,149 they want to give me the death penalty 3418 03:18:22,433 --> 03:18:26,316 if you jump you either break your neck on the rocks or you drown 3419 03:18:26,800 --> 03:18:29,116 i'm not letting that happen 3420 03:18:32,600 --> 03:18:34,400 什么我要害他吗 3421 03:18:41,866 --> 03:18:44,033 这个突出悬崖边是什么啊 3422 03:18:44,033 --> 03:18:45,949 是我把它推下去吗 3423 03:18:46,800 --> 03:18:50,000 那为什么翻译不能翻译的准确一点呢 3424 03:18:54,550 --> 03:18:56,550 那投降我就去坐牢了吗 3425 03:18:57,000 --> 03:18:59,633 啊我都看到他 3426 03:19:00,866 --> 03:19:02,866 我都去不了看到他了吗 3427 03:19:12,750 --> 03:19:13,550 哎 3428 03:19:16,800 --> 03:19:17,600 哎 3429 03:19:23,750 --> 03:19:24,550 AH 3430 03:19:26,433 --> 03:19:29,466 我写的信不会是出出狱之后写的信吧 3431 03:19:29,466 --> 03:19:30,866 you went to park base 3432 03:19:31,466 --> 03:19:34,266 i've got an emergency at the top of blackfoot falls 3433 03:19:34,866 --> 03:19:37,033 please send the rescue helicopter 3434 03:19:39,550 --> 03:19:40,550 we're sick there 3435 03:19:41,000 --> 03:19:42,950 i thought you might take me with you 3436 03:19:43,150 --> 03:19:44,150 i thought about it 3437 03:19:45,150 --> 03:19:46,516 but you wouldn't have made it 3438 03:19:46,600 --> 03:19:47,400 well 3439 03:19:48,716 --> 03:19:49,599 thank you 3440 03:20:19,233 --> 03:20:20,033 哎 3441 03:20:25,066 --> 03:20:26,716 哈哈哈 3442 03:20:28,400 --> 03:20:30,550 this is it everyone out 3443 03:20:41,633 --> 03:20:44,549 那谁知道一开始投降就能扔掉呢 3444 03:20:45,550 --> 03:20:47,000 谁知道呢 3445 03:20:53,266 --> 03:20:56,199 哎我还真去坐牢了哎 3446 03:21:05,116 --> 03:21:06,349 have a seat 3447 03:21:11,466 --> 03:21:12,633 我说他有枪 3448 03:21:12,633 --> 03:21:13,866 那我一开始投降他 3449 03:21:13,866 --> 03:21:16,833 他不就把我抓到牢里面去了吗 3450 03:21:18,350 --> 03:21:19,750 怎么会润掉呢 3451 03:21:30,866 --> 03:21:31,666 don't speak 3452 03:21:32,266 --> 03:21:33,516 don't make a sound 3453 03:21:40,633 --> 03:21:41,433 哎 3454 03:21:46,466 --> 03:21:48,433 啊怎么这么丑了 3455 03:21:53,233 --> 03:21:55,266 NO我总不能把他杀了吧 3456 03:21:56,116 --> 03:21:58,066 问的什么问题啊 3457 03:21:59,466 --> 03:22:01,549 我想问你要不要把他推下去 3458 03:22:01,550 --> 03:22:03,000 他可能就死在那了 3459 03:22:09,266 --> 03:22:12,116 you came i wasn't sure you got the letters 3460 03:22:12,400 --> 03:22:13,200 i got him 3461 03:22:14,550 --> 03:22:16,150 one a month ever since March 3462 03:22:16,800 --> 03:22:17,866 you've grown up 3463 03:22:18,750 --> 03:22:21,916 i remember you as this six year old kid who is 3464 03:22:22,116 --> 03:22:23,149 scared of the dark 3465 03:22:23,833 --> 03:22:24,799 啊真的吗 3466 03:22:24,800 --> 03:22:26,033 那这谁知道 3467 03:22:27,600 --> 03:22:30,400 你年轻过这句话也太那个了吧 3468 03:22:35,600 --> 03:22:36,716 you look how i remember 3469 03:22:38,550 --> 03:22:39,550 i don't feel it 3470 03:22:40,750 --> 03:22:42,516 14 years of being in here 3471 03:22:48,033 --> 03:22:48,916 不是他们坐牢了 3472 03:22:48,916 --> 03:22:51,466 近视了还能给他们配眼镜的吗 3473 03:22:52,516 --> 03:22:53,116 啊 3474 03:22:53,116 --> 03:22:54,349 executing me tomorrow 3475 03:22:55,833 --> 03:22:56,633 i know 3476 03:22:57,466 --> 03:22:58,749 i have to say 3477 03:22:59,150 --> 03:23:00,400 i didn't think you'd come 3478 03:23:01,116 --> 03:23:01,916 什么 3479 03:23:02,233 --> 03:23:03,399 i didn't either 3480 03:23:12,866 --> 03:23:13,666 什么 3481 03:23:15,033 --> 03:23:17,033 妈他死了我以为他要 3482 03:23:17,550 --> 03:23:19,033 被释放了 3483 03:23:27,916 --> 03:23:29,033 that be on your arm 3484 03:23:30,400 --> 03:23:31,633 is it for Vanessa 3485 03:23:31,833 --> 03:23:32,633 yeah 3486 03:23:33,800 --> 03:23:34,666 she was 3487 03:23:35,433 --> 03:23:36,466 pretty special 3488 03:23:37,233 --> 03:23:39,399 kind fierce 3489 03:23:42,433 --> 03:23:44,033 监狱还能纹身的吗 3490 03:23:44,800 --> 03:23:45,833 she's doing well 3491 03:23:46,633 --> 03:23:49,116 works behind the scenes on some TV show 3492 03:23:50,116 --> 03:23:53,233 got this so i wouldn't forget i almost ruined our life 3493 03:24:01,116 --> 03:24:03,599 your mom's in a prison not far from here right 3494 03:24:04,550 --> 03:24:05,916 she right to me every week 3495 03:24:06,916 --> 03:24:09,066 she's made friends with the right people 3496 03:24:10,550 --> 03:24:12,266 他妈为什么也没死呢 3497 03:24:13,400 --> 03:24:15,866 have you been able to see her no 3498 03:24:17,033 --> 03:24:19,233 no she's got twenty more years 3499 03:24:20,433 --> 03:24:23,266 do you know she got a lesser sentence just for pleading guilty 3500 03:24:23,916 --> 03:24:25,349 i read about it ah 3501 03:24:25,350 --> 03:24:27,116 don't know why they didn't offer me that 3502 03:24:27,233 --> 03:24:28,033 啊 3503 03:24:29,233 --> 03:24:30,033 but i'm glad she'll 3504 03:24:30,033 --> 03:24:31,349 为什么我最惨 3505 03:24:31,350 --> 03:24:32,833 我什么也没做啊 3506 03:24:44,516 --> 03:24:45,833 your brother Tyler 3507 03:24:46,600 --> 03:24:48,800 do you know为什么我要死啊 3508 03:24:50,833 --> 03:24:52,199 他活着 3509 03:24:52,800 --> 03:24:54,466 i guess he's somewhere 3510 03:24:54,916 --> 03:24:55,516 maybe 3511 03:24:55,516 --> 03:24:56,633 he's even happy 3512 03:24:57,633 --> 03:24:59,749 你为什么希望他这样啊 3513 03:24:59,950 --> 03:25:01,200 我希望他去死啊 3514 03:25:01,200 --> 03:25:03,150 为什么是我死啊 3515 03:25:03,633 --> 03:25:05,799 啊哈哈哈 3516 03:25:08,516 --> 03:25:09,316 哇塞 3517 03:25:09,950 --> 03:25:10,800 什么 3518 03:25:13,600 --> 03:25:15,116 什么破结局啊 3519 03:25:15,466 --> 03:25:17,799 you've been here the whole 14 years 3520 03:25:18,066 --> 03:25:20,666 same building same cell 3521 03:25:21,466 --> 03:25:23,116 same orange clothes 3522 03:25:24,233 --> 03:25:25,516 the inmates change 3523 03:25:25,833 --> 03:25:28,349 but we're not allowed to interact much 3524 03:25:29,200 --> 03:25:32,866 i used to know the sound of every bird in the woods 3525 03:25:34,200 --> 03:25:36,116 thought one day i'd be just like the 3526 03:25:36,800 --> 03:25:38,033 movement tree to tree啊 3527 03:25:38,033 --> 03:25:39,999 哎呦我好难受 3528 03:25:40,466 --> 03:25:41,266 i write 3529 03:25:42,200 --> 03:25:45,516 when they let me in the yard i watch the clouds 3530 03:25:46,000 --> 03:25:47,200 follow the shapes 3531 03:25:47,233 --> 03:25:51,066 太奇怪了吧为什么会我死啊but 3532 03:25:51,516 --> 03:25:52,349 doesn't matter 3533 03:25:53,433 --> 03:25:54,549 it'll be over soon 3534 03:25:57,233 --> 03:25:58,749 那我觉得我做的选择 3535 03:25:58,750 --> 03:26:00,666 我都是认真选过的呀 3536 03:26:00,750 --> 03:26:01,600 what's wrong 3537 03:26:03,666 --> 03:26:05,349 i keep seeing your face 3538 03:26:06,666 --> 03:26:08,516 in my dreams out on the streets 3539 03:26:08,950 --> 03:26:12,316 i know it can't really be you but it feels 3540 03:26:12,316 --> 03:26:13,116 like你的结局 3541 03:26:13,116 --> 03:26:14,749 你是哪里跟我最不一样呢 3542 03:26:14,750 --> 03:26:15,950 that's why i finally came 3543 03:26:16,666 --> 03:26:18,149 i had to see you 3544 03:26:18,916 --> 03:26:19,749 otherwise i just 3545 03:26:21,433 --> 03:26:22,516 couldn't keep going 3546 03:26:25,750 --> 03:26:26,550 Zoe 3547 03:26:27,150 --> 03:26:28,116 are you all right 3548 03:26:28,433 --> 03:26:31,516 i know i've been in here a long time but 3549 03:26:32,200 --> 03:26:34,350 i can still tell when someone's not okay 3550 03:26:39,550 --> 03:26:41,066 这个太这种什么 3551 03:26:41,150 --> 03:26:43,066 这也太深了他明天就要死刑了 3552 03:26:43,066 --> 03:26:45,033 如果是我我管你去死呢 3553 03:26:45,033 --> 03:26:46,633 你好不好关我屁事啊 3554 03:26:46,633 --> 03:26:48,999 我明天我都要死了 3555 03:26:49,866 --> 03:26:53,116 我有空跟你在这逗比逗比刀吗 3556 03:26:53,266 --> 03:26:55,316 it took me upstairs and the power went out 3557 03:26:56,633 --> 03:26:57,549 do you remember 3558 03:26:57,633 --> 03:27:00,033 of course i was terrified 3559 03:27:00,600 --> 03:27:01,433 you said 3560 03:27:02,266 --> 03:27:03,316 don't make a sound 3561 03:27:04,916 --> 03:27:05,866 and it's like 3562 03:27:06,666 --> 03:27:09,116 i've been holding my breath ever since 3563 03:27:10,600 --> 03:27:11,916 and all i really want to do 3564 03:27:12,633 --> 03:27:15,716 is scream and scream但是我也不可能 3565 03:27:16,633 --> 03:27:18,316 i was just trying to get you quiet 3566 03:27:19,350 --> 03:27:20,950 the cops were breaking in 3567 03:27:21,666 --> 03:27:23,433 i didn't want you to get hurt 3568 03:27:23,633 --> 03:27:24,399 i know 3569 03:27:24,400 --> 03:27:26,550 那我也不可能杀掉那个霍林云啊 3570 03:27:30,200 --> 03:27:33,000 i needed to be over jay 3571 03:27:34,633 --> 03:27:37,116 my lives have been so different 3572 03:27:38,266 --> 03:27:40,316 but in some ways we're the same 3573 03:27:41,916 --> 03:27:44,433 we both landed in the wrong place at the 3574 03:27:44,516 --> 03:27:46,033 这也太可怜了 3575 03:27:46,666 --> 03:27:48,316 tried to make the best of things 3576 03:27:56,600 --> 03:27:58,150 hey we are alike in a way 3577 03:28:02,350 --> 03:28:03,866 上去坐牢那他 3578 03:28:04,750 --> 03:28:06,150 我觉得他太那个了 3579 03:28:06,150 --> 03:28:09,350 他怎么可以一开始就投降就能润掉呢 3580 03:28:09,516 --> 03:28:12,316 如果我知道我肯定选那个那谁知道呢 3581 03:28:12,833 --> 03:28:14,799 i'm all out of appeals Zoey 3582 03:28:15,066 --> 03:28:17,149 你为什么不上诉啊shot 3583 03:28:18,400 --> 03:28:21,350 there's a call into the governor on account of that i 3584 03:28:21,666 --> 03:28:23,199 never actually killed anybody 3585 03:28:24,466 --> 03:28:27,116 but chances are i'm dying tomorrow 3586 03:28:27,550 --> 03:28:30,266 and when i think back on all the mistakes i made 3587 03:28:31,433 --> 03:28:34,316 all the people i heard那也不是我伤害的 3588 03:28:34,316 --> 03:28:35,799 那也不是介意伤害的呀 3589 03:28:35,800 --> 03:28:37,666 after everything my family did to you 3590 03:28:44,033 --> 03:28:46,749 有转机那女的会不会去上诉啊 3591 03:28:46,750 --> 03:28:47,866 today i won't lie 3592 03:28:49,033 --> 03:28:50,666 seeing you isn't easy 3593 03:28:51,516 --> 03:28:53,999 your family killed a lot of people 3594 03:28:54,516 --> 03:28:55,549 不是我上的呀 3595 03:28:55,550 --> 03:28:56,950 为什么我要死心呢 3596 03:28:56,950 --> 03:28:58,266 for a very long time 3597 03:28:58,800 --> 03:29:00,833 but you also looked out for me that night 3598 03:29:01,400 --> 03:29:02,550 啊他帮我 3599 03:29:02,550 --> 03:29:04,350 pretend i don't remember that too 3600 03:29:04,633 --> 03:29:05,466 他帮我 3601 03:29:07,233 --> 03:29:08,066 你帮我吗 3602 03:29:10,033 --> 03:29:11,149 everything that happened 3603 03:29:13,000 --> 03:29:14,833 how can you be so forgiving 3604 03:29:14,866 --> 03:29:16,033 啊不是我啥也没做啊 3605 03:29:16,033 --> 03:29:18,349 为什么我这这震撼他原谅我啊 3606 03:29:18,833 --> 03:29:20,199 他不会帮我啊 3607 03:29:20,200 --> 03:29:22,000 他只是原谅了我 3608 03:29:28,833 --> 03:29:29,633 i just 3609 03:29:30,000 --> 03:29:33,916 can't bring myself to hate the person i see behind this glass 3610 03:29:35,116 --> 03:29:35,999 i wish the state 3611 03:29:36,000 --> 03:29:38,150 saw it that way那也不能我替罪啊 3612 03:29:38,150 --> 03:29:39,666 what if that's how you feel 3613 03:29:39,666 --> 03:29:41,633 那我从来都没有杀过人啊 3614 03:29:42,716 --> 03:29:44,999 this thing's probably Gonna happen tomorrow 3615 03:29:47,666 --> 03:29:50,433 they'll strap me to that Granny 3616 03:29:50,866 --> 03:29:53,233 and then死的应该是他们两个 3617 03:29:53,433 --> 03:29:54,233 the last thing 3618 03:29:54,433 --> 03:29:56,349 i see to be a strangers 3619 03:29:57,916 --> 03:29:59,949 i want it to be yours what 3620 03:30:00,516 --> 03:30:01,516 be there tomorrow 3621 03:30:04,000 --> 03:30:06,433 let me die looking at someone who knows me 3622 03:30:06,466 --> 03:30:07,999 这什么啊 3623 03:30:09,600 --> 03:30:15,400 no i'm going home in an hour stay please 3624 03:30:16,466 --> 03:30:17,316 no 3625 03:30:17,433 --> 03:30:19,266 no don't you understand 3626 03:30:19,633 --> 03:30:21,833 i can't neither can i 3627 03:30:22,316 --> 03:30:24,066 i don't want to do this alone 3628 03:30:25,233 --> 03:30:30,633 哎呀啊啊啊啊啊 3629 03:30:39,750 --> 03:30:40,750 为什么要救哥 3630 03:30:40,750 --> 03:30:42,600 哥因为 3631 03:30:44,716 --> 03:30:47,066 如果我不救也不一定我就能逃掉 3632 03:30:47,066 --> 03:30:48,466 然后哥哥就能进去吧 3633 03:30:48,466 --> 03:30:50,116 有可能我们一起死掉 3634 03:30:50,116 --> 03:30:52,799 就当时你不会想到这这两件事情的 3635 03:30:52,800 --> 03:30:54,950 那个什么关联性很紧密啊 3636 03:30:54,950 --> 03:30:57,266 那我现在也不知道关联性紧不紧密 3637 03:31:02,600 --> 03:31:04,866 能的吗什么 3638 03:31:05,066 --> 03:31:08,349 我当时不就那个他从树上掉下去之后 3639 03:31:09,150 --> 03:31:11,666 那我呢那我就逃掉了吗 3640 03:31:11,833 --> 03:31:14,866 那谁知道这两件事情那么那个呢 3641 03:31:16,833 --> 03:31:19,549 我哪知道不是我活就是他他活呀 3642 03:31:22,866 --> 03:31:25,466 why me why没有音乐秀 3643 03:31:25,466 --> 03:31:27,066 why does he need to be me 3644 03:31:27,233 --> 03:31:29,666 why not Vanessa or 3645 03:31:31,516 --> 03:31:32,549 or your dad 3646 03:31:34,466 --> 03:31:35,266 look 3647 03:31:35,633 --> 03:31:38,233 you said you see my face in your dreams 3648 03:31:38,916 --> 03:31:41,316 well i see your face too 3649 03:31:42,200 --> 03:31:43,800 i can't explain why it 3650 03:31:44,233 --> 03:31:47,316 but i don't want it to be someone who loved me 3651 03:31:48,433 --> 03:31:51,149 i want it to be someone who needs to let me go 3652 03:31:54,600 --> 03:31:55,400 啊 3653 03:32:01,750 --> 03:32:04,866 我不想真实我我只想要好几句 3654 03:32:05,400 --> 03:32:06,916 and stay there forever 3655 03:32:09,950 --> 03:32:11,200 every single day 3656 03:32:14,433 --> 03:32:15,799 what time does it happen 3657 03:32:16,516 --> 03:32:17,349 midnight 3658 03:32:18,466 --> 03:32:19,916 我们俩真的好像啊 3659 03:32:21,000 --> 03:32:22,000 甜甜甜 3660 03:32:23,800 --> 03:32:24,600 i'll come 3661 03:32:27,600 --> 03:32:29,316 sit where you can see me and 3662 03:32:29,866 --> 03:32:30,949 whatever you feel 3663 03:32:31,266 --> 03:32:33,149 但是g很可怜啊 3664 03:32:34,233 --> 03:32:35,549 怎么说呢 3665 03:32:35,916 --> 03:32:38,349 至少我操控下的g他是 3666 03:32:38,916 --> 03:32:40,799 没有做很多坏事的 3667 03:32:40,800 --> 03:32:43,116 其实他还是做了就是 3668 03:32:43,466 --> 03:32:45,599 他他们协制了他的爸爸 3669 03:32:48,000 --> 03:32:48,800 哎 3670 03:32:51,266 --> 03:32:53,749 但是我感觉好不公平啊 3671 03:32:58,150 --> 03:32:59,516 我觉得好不公平似的 3672 03:32:59,516 --> 03:33:00,949 应该是他们两个哈 3673 03:33:01,200 --> 03:33:02,400 he can't escape them 3674 03:33:02,550 --> 03:33:04,200 太不公平了 3675 03:33:05,266 --> 03:33:07,516 而且那个我妈妈他坦白 3676 03:33:07,516 --> 03:33:09,149 他也不是自愿去投降的 3677 03:33:09,150 --> 03:33:11,350 他是被抓住了他才坦白的呀 3678 03:33:11,466 --> 03:33:13,233 那你把我抓住我也能坦白啊 3679 03:33:13,233 --> 03:33:14,549 只是他比我早一 3680 03:33:14,550 --> 03:33:16,400 点进就被抓进去 3681 03:33:16,400 --> 03:33:17,916 所以他心里不坦白了 3682 03:33:20,116 --> 03:33:21,716 好不公平啊 3683 03:33:25,600 --> 03:33:27,916 而且那个妈妈他之后还可以活活 3684 03:33:28,066 --> 03:33:29,349 他还可以出狱 3685 03:33:29,350 --> 03:33:30,800 他还可以活下去 3686 03:33:31,950 --> 03:33:34,066 我哥哥更是逍遥快活 3687 03:33:35,266 --> 03:33:36,199 太不公平了 3688 03:33:37,350 --> 03:33:38,150 啊 3689 03:33:38,666 --> 03:33:39,466 什么 3690 03:33:41,066 --> 03:33:41,999 什么意思啊 3691 03:33:44,200 --> 03:33:45,433 给我减刑什么意思啊 3692 03:33:45,433 --> 03:33:47,033 那我不还是死了吗 3693 03:33:48,866 --> 03:33:51,949 why are some of us able to grow and change 3694 03:33:54,066 --> 03:33:55,633 啊他爸爸成了什么啊 3695 03:33:55,633 --> 03:33:56,916 他开公司了 3696 03:33:58,866 --> 03:34:00,549 clouds have blocked out the sun 3697 03:34:04,550 --> 03:34:05,466 真的吗 3698 03:34:06,800 --> 03:34:07,600 真的吗 3699 03:34:08,516 --> 03:34:10,833 why do some of us find ways to endure 3700 03:34:11,400 --> 03:34:12,950 他是谁二胎了 3701 03:34:13,150 --> 03:34:14,150 他在打工 3702 03:34:21,950 --> 03:34:24,200 while others just wither on the vine 3703 03:34:28,466 --> 03:34:30,599 i don't know the answer他不用死了吗 3704 03:34:30,800 --> 03:34:33,633 but i know i'm done running from shadows 3705 03:34:35,666 --> 03:34:37,399 nobody's chasing me 3706 03:34:39,400 --> 03:34:40,916 nobody ever was 3707 03:34:49,200 --> 03:34:50,400 hey Zoe 3708 03:34:51,350 --> 03:34:52,150 it's Grandpa 3709 03:34:52,866 --> 03:34:57,066 i was thinking about our conversation the other day 3710 03:34:57,116 --> 03:34:58,999 为什么不弄个全一点 3711 03:34:59,000 --> 03:35:00,866 而且他给的那个镜头就是从 3712 03:35:01,833 --> 03:35:03,866 然后这样往上这样 3713 03:35:05,200 --> 03:35:08,033 感觉很像死了明目了that day 3714 03:35:08,916 --> 03:35:13,266 into rock when i suggested we take the scenic route 3715 03:35:13,866 --> 03:35:15,349 there was a reason 3716 03:35:15,950 --> 03:35:18,633 i'd been there before you see 3717 03:35:19,150 --> 03:35:21,200 everything that came afterward 3718 03:35:22,150 --> 03:35:24,233 dream all of it 3719 03:35:24,866 --> 03:35:26,349 i think it was all my fault 3720 03:35:28,033 --> 03:35:30,266 please you don't have to do this 3721 03:35:42,516 --> 03:35:43,516 Rampa 3722 03:35:52,400 --> 03:35:53,200 啥 3723 03:35:56,033 --> 03:35:58,349 你不跟我解释清楚吗 3724 03:36:00,350 --> 03:36:02,200 真有个凳子扯啊 3725 03:36:05,866 --> 03:36:06,666 啊 3726 03:36:07,150 --> 03:36:09,000 有毛病啊为什么不跟我解释啊 3727 03:36:09,000 --> 03:36:10,033 什么情况啊 3728 03:36:16,266 --> 03:36:17,633 他做续集的 3729 03:36:19,316 --> 03:36:20,266 上人了 3730 03:36:23,150 --> 03:36:23,950 啊 3731 03:36:31,633 --> 03:36:32,433 行了 3732 03:36:36,000 --> 03:36:38,316 不是他至少给人猜测一点的东西 3733 03:36:38,316 --> 03:36:39,949 我现在根本都猜不出 3734 03:36:40,200 --> 03:36:41,833 一咪咪都猜不出 3735 03:36:45,400 --> 03:36:47,033 那至少给你一个能 3736 03:36:47,033 --> 03:36:50,199 能够畅想的一个一些一些线索吧 3737 03:36:55,000 --> 03:36:56,033 我说以前吸毒吗 3738 03:36:56,033 --> 03:36:57,199 我真的都忘记了 3739 03:36:57,200 --> 03:36:59,516 我只是记得他当时有个女的进来 3740 03:36:59,516 --> 03:37:02,399 他很不自自在什么什么巴拉布拉的 3741 03:37:06,833 --> 03:37:07,633 哎 3742 03:37:08,433 --> 03:37:09,233 啊 3743 03:37:26,833 --> 03:37:28,799 哦就是那个妈妈进来还不知道 3744 03:37:31,716 --> 03:37:33,666 啊就这样了这个游戏就 3745 03:37:35,233 --> 03:37:38,066 可是怎么说呢我看看 3746 03:37:38,600 --> 03:37:41,716 我的价值观是爱关怀他人形势 3747 03:37:41,716 --> 03:37:42,833 充满同理心 3748 03:37:42,833 --> 03:37:44,633 特质是忠诚啊 3749 03:37:44,633 --> 03:37:47,316 尽力真诚对待他人 3750 03:37:47,433 --> 03:37:50,233 然后是游戏风格是反应迅速啊 3751 03:37:50,233 --> 03:37:52,233 一如既往的反应迅速 3752 03:37:53,000 --> 03:37:54,150 不错不错 3753 03:38:05,516 --> 03:38:07,549 换一下游戏游戏在哪哦 3754 03:38:09,633 --> 03:38:11,266 哎结束了 3755 03:38:12,066 --> 03:38:13,949 别的游戏还结局还打算玩吗 3756 03:38:13,950 --> 03:38:16,633 不打算他那个太长了 3757 03:38:17,233 --> 03:38:18,799 那个太长了而且 3758 03:38:19,400 --> 03:38:21,750 他又全是PPT没有劲儿去 3759 03:38:21,800 --> 03:38:23,800 没有劲儿去那个什么又来一遍 3760 03:38:23,800 --> 03:38:24,833 反正我是没劲啊 3761 03:38:24,833 --> 03:38:25,916 你们有劲儿吗 3762 03:38:27,433 --> 03:38:27,999 问一下吗 3763 03:38:28,000 --> 03:38:30,233 他是他每一张太长了 3764 03:38:30,233 --> 03:38:32,116 然后而且他的画面也不是很精彩 3765 03:38:32,116 --> 03:38:33,433 你就是要看个PPT 3766 03:38:33,433 --> 03:38:36,433 然后然后又重新来就就就会很没劲 3767 03:38:37,400 --> 03:38:38,550 又又不像那个什么 3768 03:38:38,633 --> 03:38:39,799 比特绿一样那种 3769 03:38:39,800 --> 03:38:41,633 就是你还至少还可以看看 3770 03:38:41,716 --> 03:38:43,266 精美的画面那种 3771 03:38:43,466 --> 03:38:45,033 别叫我小 3772 03:38:45,666 --> 03:38:49,599 傻瓜虽然我很听话 3773 03:38:51,266 --> 03:38:53,866 而且对角色也没有太深的感情的话 3774 03:38:53,866 --> 03:38:55,433 就会比较无所谓 3775 03:38:56,666 --> 03:38:59,033 你这画面挺好的吗那那挺好 3776 03:38:59,200 --> 03:39:00,866 那我还是喜欢能动的 3777 03:39:01,150 --> 03:39:02,150 我很喜欢动的 3778 03:39:02,150 --> 03:39:04,516 不太喜欢这种一针一针的 3779 03:39:06,350 --> 03:39:09,516 我觉得后半的话没有觉得有很不堪啊 3780 03:39:09,750 --> 03:39:11,716 就是之前大家说呃 3781 03:39:11,750 --> 03:39:13,800 看一些人说后半很不行啊 3782 03:39:13,800 --> 03:39:15,550 说前半比较精彩刺激 3783 03:39:15,550 --> 03:39:16,716 然后后半太平断了 3784 03:39:16,716 --> 03:39:17,516 平断了 3785 03:39:17,716 --> 03:39:19,599 虽然我觉得他那个爷爷那是有一点 3786 03:39:23,116 --> 03:39:24,833 哎我觉得还是有个 3787 03:39:26,350 --> 03:39:27,800 跟我之前打的分差不多吧 3788 03:39:27,800 --> 03:39:29,466 我之前打是多少分来着 3789 03:39:29,750 --> 03:39:32,516 7.5-8分大概是这样 3790 03:39:35,716 --> 03:39:37,833 是啊期待别的游戏 3791 03:39:38,000 --> 03:39:40,350 我还在想着他 3792 03:39:44,316 --> 03:39:49,316 亲爱的爸爸妈妈有的部分有点无聊 3793 03:39:49,316 --> 03:39:50,599 就那个小女孩的部分 3794 03:39:50,600 --> 03:39:51,916 我是觉得有点无聊 3795 03:39:53,666 --> 03:39:55,633 但是比我想象中好很多 3796 03:39:58,233 --> 03:40:01,399 这游戏已经比我想象中好很多很多了 3797 03:40:01,516 --> 03:40:04,666 话酸的甜这就是真的我 3798 03:40:04,833 --> 03:40:08,266 每一天对于我都非常新鲜 3799 03:40:08,266 --> 03:40:09,516 我挑剔的 3800 03:40:11,833 --> 03:40:14,316 有最独特的区别 3801 03:40:16,200 --> 03:40:20,150 我喜欢酸的甜这就是真的我 3802 03:40:20,200 --> 03:40:24,866 青春期的我有一点点自恋大人们的生 3803 03:40:25,433 --> 03:40:26,233 哈哈哈 3804 03:40:34,666 --> 03:40:36,433 快长大 3805 03:40:38,433 --> 03:40:40,866 快快长大 3806 03:40:43,716 --> 03:40:45,549 谢谢香橙送的情书 3807 03:40:45,550 --> 03:40:48,116 爱学家你们要的圣诞精灵 3808 03:40:48,116 --> 03:40:49,199 谢谢你哦 3809 03:40:50,666 --> 03:40:52,266 谢谢小五的情书 3810 03:40:52,316 --> 03:40:54,866 谢谢关心动物神仙团的棉花糖 3811 03:40:55,000 --> 03:40:55,916 谢谢你哦 3812 03:40:58,516 --> 03:41:00,033 谢谢好吃的情书 3813 03:41:00,116 --> 03:41:01,033 谢谢你哦 3814 03:41:05,350 --> 03:41:06,950 谢谢大麻将的圣诞精灵 3815 03:41:07,066 --> 03:41:07,949 谢谢你哦 3816 03:41:08,150 --> 03:41:11,116 谢谢地球航圈的5个小花花谢谢你哦 3817 03:41:12,000 --> 03:41:13,633 啊最近确实有点咳嗽啊 3818 03:41:14,950 --> 03:41:17,316 谢谢黑暗中的情书谢谢你哦 3819 03:41:19,800 --> 03:41:21,233 啊我看一下消息 3820 03:41:23,066 --> 03:41:25,233 我还没消息行吧 3821 03:41:26,633 --> 03:41:29,116 谢谢2调飞行员的情书谢谢你哦 3822 03:41:43,800 --> 03:41:45,750 谢谢小主的情书谢谢你哦 3823 03:41:47,400 --> 03:41:49,266 我是小鲁的小花花谢谢 3824 03:41:52,000 --> 03:41:52,266 啊 3825 03:41:52,266 --> 03:41:55,749 你的名字跟情书捆绑的太太太紧密了 3826 03:41:59,466 --> 03:42:01,599 好了我最近很少出门的最近 3827 03:42:01,600 --> 03:42:02,950 最近也没怎么出门 3828 03:42:05,633 --> 03:42:06,433 哎 3829 03:42:08,233 --> 03:42:10,466 人都高也挺好的吗谢谢谢谢 3830 03:42:10,916 --> 03:42:13,799 现在还有人在夸电动啊好行行行 3831 03:42:14,350 --> 03:42:15,950 thank you啊 3832 03:42:16,600 --> 03:42:18,550 啊你感动啊 3833 03:42:27,033 --> 03:42:29,399 对呀我是想把自己的表情包弄大点 3834 03:42:29,400 --> 03:42:31,233 结果那个点赞也变得那么大 3835 03:42:35,150 --> 03:42:37,150 是时候开始下一个游戏了 3836 03:42:56,000 --> 03:42:56,800 哼 3837 03:42:59,516 --> 03:43:01,116 你声音温柔多一点点啊 3838 03:43:01,116 --> 03:43:03,266 平时声音不温柔的时候不留是吗 3839 03:43:03,666 --> 03:43:06,716 慢慢吃吃虾哦我的情书谢谢哥哥的 3840 03:43:07,066 --> 03:43:09,266 XX的冲呀谢谢你哦 3841 03:43:13,433 --> 03:43:15,916 点赞的粉丝团表情还有这种的吗 3842 03:43:24,266 --> 03:43:26,949 看看你这写的啥来着 3843 03:43:27,066 --> 03:43:28,399 我手机呢我 3844 03:43:32,033 --> 03:43:33,516 我为什么一直发这个 3845 03:43:35,633 --> 03:43:36,516 看看 3846 03:43:40,316 --> 03:43:41,116 嗯 3847 03:43:44,233 --> 03:43:45,066 要么 3848 03:43:48,316 --> 03:43:50,716 要么是鲍鱼啊为什么突然发这个 3849 03:43:50,800 --> 03:43:51,466 要么是鲍鱼 3850 03:43:51,466 --> 03:43:54,033 要么是那个什么爱迪芬奇的秘密吧 3851 03:44:04,750 --> 03:44:05,550 哼 3852 03:44:13,316 --> 03:44:17,066 i got the feeling i come dancing dancing ooh 3853 03:44:20,550 --> 03:44:22,316 你们想先看哪个呢 3854 03:44:48,466 --> 03:44:49,549 暴雨吗 3855 03:44:50,716 --> 03:44:52,633 不是说我爱迪芬奇了好看吗 3856 03:44:52,633 --> 03:44:54,399 为什么你们你们都选这个 3857 03:45:17,550 --> 03:45:20,516 还在杀卷风杀卷风你还没看腻是吧 3858 03:45:28,633 --> 03:45:30,399 也很温柔是吗 3859 03:45:32,600 --> 03:45:33,950 妈妈妈妈 3860 03:45:36,866 --> 03:45:38,349 看一下能不能唱点啥 3861 03:45:47,600 --> 03:45:49,350 这两天经常玩了嗯 3862 03:45:49,433 --> 03:45:51,749 不是那天的还有没有什么那天 3863 03:45:52,200 --> 03:45:54,233 车小风没看吗不是看了吗 3864 03:45:56,316 --> 03:45:57,716 车小风看了对吧 3865 03:45:57,916 --> 03:45:59,399 没看吗看了呀 3866 03:46:00,400 --> 03:46:01,200 没看吗 3867 03:46:04,516 --> 03:46:06,916 那为什么我当时说两部都可以看啊 3868 03:46:09,150 --> 03:46:11,116 不穿三级拖OK 3869 03:46:17,316 --> 03:46:19,516 哇这竟然能2.5分 3870 03:46:19,800 --> 03:46:20,800 太牛了吧 3871 03:46:28,716 --> 03:46:30,033 先点歌追剧 3872 03:46:33,600 --> 03:46:37,466 when we first dropped our bags on apartment floors 3873 03:46:37,716 --> 03:46:39,716 OK沙卷风到时候看一下 3874 03:46:41,233 --> 03:46:42,833 啊别怎么这么堵啊 3875 03:46:49,266 --> 03:46:51,033 但是我唱完真的感觉 3876 03:46:51,150 --> 03:46:53,666 我唱完去听感觉音质好差啊 3877 03:46:53,666 --> 03:46:55,716 你们当时觉得听起来怎么样 3878 03:46:56,866 --> 03:46:59,233 但是我自己听明明觉得还好来着 3879 03:46:59,833 --> 03:47:03,833 啊啊啊哇哇哇 3880 03:47:05,833 --> 03:47:06,949 哇哦 3881 03:47:08,466 --> 03:47:10,433 嗯嗯嗯 3882 03:47:11,666 --> 03:47:13,149 嗯嗯嗯 3883 03:47:29,750 --> 03:47:30,916 我看看唱个啥 3884 03:47:31,600 --> 03:47:33,550 like any great love 3885 03:47:33,550 --> 03:47:35,633 it keeps you guessing 3886 03:47:35,633 --> 03:47:37,666 like any real love 3887 03:47:38,550 --> 03:47:39,916 再唱再试试 3888 03:47:40,666 --> 03:47:41,949 you got to die 3889 03:47:47,066 --> 03:47:49,549 看一下我的歌词能不能出来 3890 03:47:49,833 --> 03:47:52,433 应该不行我重新直接重新开一下先 3891 03:47:57,433 --> 03:47:58,916 哈喽酷狗 3892 03:48:01,750 --> 03:48:05,516 睡了把窗开开啊啊啊啊啊啊 3893 03:48:06,150 --> 03:48:07,066 我想睡 3894 03:48:12,950 --> 03:48:13,950 哼哼 3895 03:48:15,350 --> 03:48:16,233 啊 3896 03:48:20,150 --> 03:48:21,033 歌词呢 3897 03:48:28,200 --> 03:48:29,800 哈哈我在想 3898 03:48:33,266 --> 03:48:34,716 多么意外 3899 03:48:42,116 --> 03:48:42,916 啊啊啊 3900 03:48:51,716 --> 03:48:56,316 啊啊啊 3901 03:49:15,200 --> 03:49:16,000 OK 3902 03:49:19,033 --> 03:49:20,666 还是不行看不太清楚 3903 03:49:21,400 --> 03:49:22,350 将就吧 3904 03:49:25,200 --> 03:49:27,033 一个字特别的硬 3905 03:49:36,716 --> 03:49:37,516 哦 3906 03:49:38,033 --> 03:49:39,199 等一下哎呀 3907 03:49:39,200 --> 03:49:41,200 差点坏大事了等一下等一下 3908 03:49:41,233 --> 03:49:43,399 我突然想起来啊啊我现在 3909 03:49:43,400 --> 03:49:45,600 你们现在听我是不是没有混响来着 3910 03:49:45,633 --> 03:49:47,799 啊差点坏大事啊 3911 03:49:49,466 --> 03:49:50,749 啊是这个 3912 03:49:51,266 --> 03:49:52,149 是这个吧 3913 03:49:56,950 --> 03:50:00,466 赤裸的那就回答是差一点点 3914 03:50:02,633 --> 03:50:03,549 哈哈哈 3915 03:50:35,200 --> 03:50:36,150 i think i'm not 3916 03:50:43,550 --> 03:50:46,916 easy 3917 03:50:54,600 --> 03:50:57,750 anything may that go through by no sense 3918 03:50:57,750 --> 03:51:01,350 so let me go behind not to know 3919 03:51:01,800 --> 03:51:02,800 give me that to 3920 03:51:03,066 --> 03:51:04,999 隔夜的已过多噶 3921 03:51:05,000 --> 03:51:08,150 给你的多多给他一个多卡 3922 03:51:08,150 --> 03:51:11,633 他哭诉很多点我嫌你那点多 3923 03:51:11,633 --> 03:51:14,549 我口干那大叶多一比苦 3924 03:51:14,600 --> 03:51:17,750 给你个自他也答应过多吧 3925 03:51:17,750 --> 03:51:21,466 给你的多多给他一无多他一个 3926 03:51:21,466 --> 03:51:24,199 怎么都先忘了你那边 3927 03:51:24,200 --> 03:51:27,800 so baby till na na na na na na na 3928 03:51:46,833 --> 03:51:52,266 well i said don't you send that you got it walking me on you 3929 03:51:53,800 --> 03:51:55,200 i see the deny 3930 03:51:55,516 --> 03:52:01,116 so keep my words to the will go earth for to go east 3931 03:52:01,116 --> 03:52:02,799 that you'll be so king 3932 03:52:02,916 --> 03:52:04,866 get down on me to move me 3933 03:52:06,400 --> 03:52:07,466 华丽的can 3934 03:52:07,466 --> 03:52:10,149 诺孤独吧那些 3935 03:52:10,150 --> 03:52:12,350 sorry你多遗憾 3936 03:52:12,350 --> 03:52:17,316 那赤裸给没你在导演大义或多感 3937 03:52:17,716 --> 03:52:19,799 为你偷偷看她一锅 3938 03:52:19,800 --> 03:52:23,800 豆感打个散落电话嫌你那边拖 3939 03:52:23,800 --> 03:52:26,950 我哭快拿他把电乌卡子 3940 03:52:26,950 --> 03:52:30,466 给妹你再讨一个衣锅服把给妹 3941 03:52:30,466 --> 03:52:32,716 你偷偷看她一屋 3942 03:52:33,833 --> 03:52:36,149 i don't wanna say what i need 3943 03:52:54,466 --> 03:52:55,266 oh oh 3944 03:52:59,233 --> 03:53:00,033 oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh 3945 03:53:03,633 --> 03:53:06,066 oh oh oh oh的意义 3946 03:53:06,200 --> 03:53:08,266 星空点墨星空几搭骆驼 3947 03:53:08,750 --> 03:53:11,433 天喜地我有了思 3948 03:53:15,666 --> 03:53:16,466 念 3949 03:53:22,316 --> 03:53:25,266 的最讨厌的衣服脱卡give me 3950 03:53:25,266 --> 03:53:27,999 给的特别都已过度啊 3951 03:53:28,000 --> 03:53:31,266 大哭送某天我写你那别多 3952 03:53:31,266 --> 03:53:32,316 我不可能怕 3953 03:53:32,750 --> 03:53:37,516 马铁无可可你明都知道也可以活多吧 3954 03:53:37,516 --> 03:53:40,716 给你更多的吉他已无多啦 3955 03:53:40,716 --> 03:53:42,516 一颗这么多些我 3956 03:53:44,800 --> 03:53:45,600 爱 3957 03:53:47,000 --> 03:53:47,800 你 3958 03:54:20,833 --> 03:54:22,349 好短的气啊 3959 03:54:23,233 --> 03:54:24,866 好短的气啊 3960 03:54:25,516 --> 03:54:27,233 好短好短的气 3961 03:54:28,433 --> 03:54:29,233 哼 3962 03:54:32,550 --> 03:54:38,066 ever changing like any true love it drives you crazy 3963 03:54:38,066 --> 03:54:39,399 谢谢大家的打call啊 3964 03:54:39,400 --> 03:54:41,750 谢谢随风天下我为这直播的圣诞树 3965 03:54:41,750 --> 03:54:42,833 谢谢牛啊 3966 03:54:42,833 --> 03:54:44,549 谢谢p c啊p v 3967 03:54:44,950 --> 03:54:47,950 和浪的呃平安果谢谢牛哥 3968 03:54:47,950 --> 03:54:50,116 谢谢黑暗中的圣诞精灵谢谢牛 3969 03:54:50,116 --> 03:54:51,633 谢谢能一的的小花花 3970 03:54:51,633 --> 03:54:53,949 谢谢大家的圣诞精灵谢谢风铃恋的 3971 03:54:54,066 --> 03:54:55,833 这个好也谢谢不放弃的打call 3972 03:54:55,866 --> 03:54:58,866 谢谢田桂林的平平安果谢谢牛啊 3973 03:55:00,066 --> 03:55:01,866 风铃两位就是风的正好耶风铃 3974 03:55:01,866 --> 03:55:03,266 风铃练的正好耶 3975 03:55:06,666 --> 03:55:08,949 啊谢我可能知道了的打扣打扣 3976 03:55:08,950 --> 03:55:10,233 谢谢灯笼里的情书 3977 03:55:11,950 --> 03:55:15,033 your soundtrack's been waiting for you 3978 03:55:15,033 --> 03:55:16,066 welcome to New York 3979 03:55:16,066 --> 03:55:19,149 lights are so bright but the end of the day 3980 03:55:19,150 --> 03:55:20,600 welcome to New York 3981 03:55:20,600 --> 03:55:24,266 so bright they never doubt me 3982 03:55:26,266 --> 03:55:28,116 welcome to New York 3983 03:55:35,000 --> 03:55:37,350 感觉这个气根本就喘不过来呢 3984 03:55:37,716 --> 03:55:40,466 你接着做你接着做仰卧起坐 3985 03:55:42,750 --> 03:55:44,116 最近确实没做 3986 03:55:44,116 --> 03:55:45,866 最近两天确实没做 3987 03:55:46,066 --> 03:55:47,716 是我的问题呢 3988 03:55:49,866 --> 03:55:52,666 killing me slow out the window 3989 03:55:52,750 --> 03:55:55,350 always waiting for you to be way below 3990 03:55:55,516 --> 03:55:56,949 devils roll the dice 3991 03:55:56,950 --> 03:55:58,316 angels roll their eyes 3992 03:55:58,316 --> 03:56:01,199 what doesn't kill me makes me want you more 3993 03:56:01,400 --> 03:56:04,833 and it's ooh the shape of your body 3994 03:56:07,633 --> 03:56:08,149 ooh 3995 03:56:08,150 --> 03:56:10,116 晚上好三天打鱼两天晒网 3996 03:56:10,150 --> 03:56:11,116 说什么呢 3997 03:56:11,550 --> 03:56:13,633 我之前做的已经那个时候 3998 03:56:13,633 --> 03:56:14,949 腹部已经那个了 3999 03:56:15,000 --> 03:56:16,066 腹部已经那个 4000 03:56:17,316 --> 03:56:17,949 这样的时候 4001 03:56:17,950 --> 03:56:19,866 他就已他已经那个什么肌肉 4002 03:56:19,866 --> 03:56:21,516 就是很很酸痛了 4003 03:56:21,516 --> 03:56:24,599 你懂吗就想说休息休息缓缓缓缓 4004 03:56:27,350 --> 03:56:30,466 hang your head low in the glow of the bending machine 4005 03:56:30,466 --> 03:56:33,633 i'm not dying 4006 03:56:35,550 --> 03:56:36,600 我唱歌辛苦了 4007 03:56:36,600 --> 03:56:38,066 就唱了一首不辛苦 4008 03:56:41,516 --> 03:56:42,433 啊 4009 03:56:44,866 --> 03:56:45,949 你有马甲线 4010 03:56:45,950 --> 03:56:48,866 那我看看哈哈哈 4011 03:56:50,800 --> 03:56:53,033 啊刚喝了奶茶看不太出来 4012 03:56:54,066 --> 03:56:55,799 那应该大概是应该是有的吧 4013 03:56:55,800 --> 03:56:57,466 可能可能可能有 4014 03:56:57,516 --> 03:56:59,116 有的时候他不出现吧 4015 03:57:05,916 --> 03:57:07,516 那你下播了走了拜拜 4016 03:57:10,600 --> 03:57:12,916 whole summer with you 4017 03:57:12,916 --> 03:57:15,033 i'm drunk in my back of the car 4018 03:57:15,033 --> 03:57:17,866 and i cried like a baby coming home from the bar 4019 03:57:17,950 --> 03:57:20,666 thought that i'm fine but it wasn't true 4020 03:57:20,666 --> 03:57:23,516 i wanna keep secrets just to keep you 4021 03:57:23,516 --> 03:57:29,316 and i'm stuck inevery night that summer just to steal my face 4022 03:57:29,716 --> 03:57:32,116 i scream for whatever it's worth 4023 03:57:32,116 --> 03:57:35,433 i love the way that the worst thing you ever heard 4024 03:57:35,433 --> 03:57:38,916 he looks so pretty like glue it's you 4025 03:57:39,633 --> 03:57:41,599 你们有这么需要我吗 4026 03:57:43,833 --> 03:57:46,199 哎不过现在也是4个小时了 4027 03:57:47,400 --> 03:57:48,866 这已经待了4个小时了 4028 03:57:48,866 --> 03:57:50,149 你们还会需要我吗 4029 03:57:50,150 --> 03:57:54,516 感觉不是很啊不是很那个什么啊 4030 03:57:54,516 --> 03:57:55,916 不是很很相信 4031 03:58:03,333 --> 03:58:06,016 i cried like a Billy coming home from the bar 4032 03:58:06,416 --> 03:58:08,666 said i'm fine but it wasn't true 4033 03:58:08,666 --> 03:58:11,583 i wanna keep singing just to keep you 4034 03:58:11,583 --> 03:58:14,299 and i stuck in through a garden gate 4035 03:58:14,300 --> 03:58:17,216 every night that summer just to steal my face 4036 03:58:17,700 --> 03:58:20,133 and i scream for whatever it's worth 4037 03:58:20,933 --> 03:58:22,383 哎这个小心 4038 03:58:25,616 --> 03:58:26,416 嗯 4039 03:58:27,466 --> 03:58:28,783 的一直念着不行 4040 03:58:29,300 --> 03:58:31,216 哎这怎么说呢 4041 03:58:31,466 --> 03:58:32,933 哎这怎么说呢 4042 03:58:33,183 --> 03:58:33,983 啊 4043 03:58:37,866 --> 03:58:39,466 高冷一点已经 4044 03:58:39,616 --> 03:58:41,733 在大家面前已经太那什么 4045 03:58:41,866 --> 03:58:42,666 太 4046 03:58:43,466 --> 03:58:46,899 太太太太不拿捏大家了 4047 03:58:47,016 --> 03:58:50,616 有有太那个什么呃太粘着大家那什么 4048 03:58:50,666 --> 03:58:52,333 我到时候就完全我 4049 03:58:52,333 --> 03:58:55,866 我变成那什么卑微弱势的那那一方了 4050 03:58:55,866 --> 03:58:56,533 懂吗 4051 03:58:56,533 --> 03:58:59,066 不行啊主播不想做卑微的那一方 4052 03:59:02,733 --> 03:59:04,299 没有嗓子还好吧 4053 03:59:05,066 --> 03:59:07,583 那我还还还可以去试试录点东西 4054 03:59:07,583 --> 03:59:08,533 看能不能录 4055 03:59:13,700 --> 03:59:15,583 我哪有拿捏你们啊 4056 03:59:20,300 --> 03:59:22,666 我看他们有的人直播有的时候 4057 03:59:22,700 --> 03:59:24,783 就还挺冷淡音那种 4058 03:59:24,783 --> 03:59:26,133 就是拿捏一下 4059 03:59:26,333 --> 03:59:29,066 但是我都没有这样对吧对吧 4060 03:59:29,816 --> 03:59:31,733 对吧对吧对吧对吧对吧对吧 4061 03:59:31,866 --> 03:59:32,699 我哪有拿捏你们 4062 03:59:32,700 --> 03:59:34,016 我不是一天到晚说什么啊 4063 03:59:34,016 --> 03:59:35,499 别告诉我不喜欢我 4064 03:59:35,500 --> 03:59:37,100 大家并没有那么需要我 4065 03:59:37,100 --> 03:59:39,100 我并不是大家生活的必需品 4066 03:59:39,333 --> 03:59:40,216 啊啊 4067 03:59:42,983 --> 03:59:44,466 哎我说这么跟朋友说 4068 03:59:44,466 --> 03:59:46,466 他们说你也太卑微了吧 4069 03:59:46,900 --> 03:59:49,866 我想说啊确实为什么么呢 4070 03:59:50,216 --> 03:59:52,099 怎么就变成这样了呢 4071 04:00:02,066 --> 04:00:04,099 我不能再对他这么 4072 04:00:04,466 --> 04:00:07,666 呃粘着这么主动了不行 4073 04:00:30,016 --> 04:00:32,616 哎已经太主动了已经太主动了 4074 04:00:35,183 --> 04:00:36,216 真的那什么 4075 04:00:36,466 --> 04:00:38,866 有的时候跟朋友说什么哎 4076 04:00:39,583 --> 04:00:41,183 就他们呃 4077 04:00:41,666 --> 04:00:44,733 呃他们就是什么呢那就是呃 4078 04:00:45,016 --> 04:00:46,616 我直播的时候他们会来 4079 04:00:46,616 --> 04:00:47,899 但是我不直播的时候 4080 04:00:47,900 --> 04:00:49,583 他们也有别的人可以看 4081 04:00:49,583 --> 04:00:52,583 我根本认不清他们是我的必需品嘛 4082 04:00:53,533 --> 04:00:55,183 跟他们说早安他们会回 4083 04:00:55,183 --> 04:00:57,333 但是他们也会这么回别的人 4084 04:00:57,383 --> 04:00:58,183 啊 4085 04:00:58,933 --> 04:01:01,333 他们就是像流水线的工人一样呃 4086 04:01:01,333 --> 04:01:03,416 谁谁都同等对待罢了 4087 04:01:03,500 --> 04:01:04,700 啊让我朋友就是说 4088 04:01:04,900 --> 04:01:07,500 啊你也太卑微了吧你怎么会这样啊 4089 04:01:07,700 --> 04:01:10,383 人就不能跟他们只是工作关系吗 4090 04:01:10,700 --> 04:01:11,783 哈哈 4091 04:01:11,900 --> 04:01:12,700 哈哈 4092 04:01:21,866 --> 04:01:24,783 哎每次我说你们你你又这样说我 4093 04:01:24,783 --> 04:01:26,416 你不是就这样说我 4094 04:01:30,333 --> 04:01:32,466 不是你们还要跟我流汗哎 4095 04:01:32,500 --> 04:01:34,866 那就算了那拜拜拜拜拜拜 4096 04:01:35,216 --> 04:01:35,583 晚安 4097 04:01:35,583 --> 04:01:36,816 晚安大家 4098 04:01:38,383 --> 04:01:39,866 啊明天见 4099 04:01:40,466 --> 04:01:42,133 而且还不知道明天干嘛 4100 04:01:42,466 --> 04:01:43,533 所以恐惧 4101 04:01:43,533 --> 04:01:45,266 当然爱如此 4102 04:01:45,266 --> 04:01:47,933 拿狠狠地打抱你 4103 04:01:47,933 --> 04:01:49,983 就当爱不被给你 4104 04:01:49,983 --> 04:01:54,016 喧哗莫骂恶魔 4105 04:01:54,133 --> 04:01:55,533 每次我说什么 4106 04:01:55,533 --> 04:01:57,183 我说感觉大家怎么怎么 4107 04:01:57,183 --> 04:01:59,466 你就每次拐到我身上啊 4108 04:02:08,983 --> 04:02:09,783 哼 4109 04:02:20,266 --> 04:02:21,066 啊 4110 04:02:24,016 --> 04:02:26,699 La La La La La La La 4111 04:02:34,700 --> 04:02:37,333 啊拜拜拜拜大家晚安晚安 4112 04:02:41,100 --> 04:02:41,900 不拉扯了 4113 04:02:41,900 --> 04:02:44,466 我们互相都得不到想要的回答 4114 04:02:44,466 --> 04:02:45,466 总而言之 4115 04:02:46,466 --> 04:02:47,866 啊就这样吧 4116 04:02:47,983 --> 04:02:48,733 晚安晚安 4117 04:02:48,733 --> 04:02:50,016 明天见明天见 4118 04:03:04,383 --> 04:03:06,499 啊是是是哎 4119 04:03:07,216 --> 04:03:09,299 玩玩游戏大家记得提醒我 4120 04:03:09,300 --> 04:03:10,583 玩玩游每次玩玩游戏 4121 04:03:10,583 --> 04:03:12,666 大家记得提醒我说有双层BGM 4122 04:03:25,666 --> 04:03:27,066 拜拜晚安晚安大家 4123 04:03:31,583 --> 04:03:33,933 啊这是1级还是那个什么 4124 04:03:34,583 --> 04:03:36,016 小游玩的来着 4125 04:03:53,616 --> 04:03:54,899 不要再发一些 4126 04:03:55,183 --> 04:03:56,499 过分的弹幕了 4127 04:03:56,500 --> 04:03:58,266 我真的受不了了 4128 04:04:01,466 --> 04:04:03,333 我是不是要爆炸了 4129 04:04:05,816 --> 04:04:06,616 嗯 4130 04:04:06,983 --> 04:04:09,333 哎呀晚安晚安拜拜拜拜拜 4131 04:04:29,466 --> 04:04:30,866 你们真的太那个了 4132 04:04:30,900 --> 04:04:32,466 我真的受不了 4133 04:04:33,100 --> 04:04:33,816 哎 4134 04:04:33,816 --> 04:04:35,466 算了算了拜拜拜拜 4135 04:04:37,300 --> 04:04:39,983 真的太那个了哎呀我这你们真的太帅 4136 04:04:40,066 --> 04:04:40,866 了 4137 04:04:41,583 --> 04:04:42,383 哎 4138 04:04:42,466 --> 04:04:44,699 小宝不能再叫了拜拜 4139 04:05:12,016 --> 04:05:15,299 but that you know that it came on to us 4140 04:05:15,300 --> 04:05:24,100 so that i am your knee 4141 04:05:24,816 --> 04:05:30,066 who took her Jesus and i who led to all to come out there 4142 04:05:31,183 --> 04:05:33,266 but then you hear me now 4143 04:05:33,533 --> 04:05:40,183 called up by no say so land you told me how not to know give me 4144 04:05:42,900 --> 04:05:49,416 need to stare at the 4145 04:05:53,700 --> 04:05:54,616 equal 4146 04:05:58,700 --> 04:06:01,700 me coochie moon knows how i ended up there 4147 04:06:01,733 --> 04:06:04,016 so better to not give the good 4148 04:06:23,933 --> 04:06:27,216 my heart she don't need soon that he got 4149 04:06:27,300 --> 04:06:29,300 you are keeping on your own 4150 04:06:30,383 --> 04:06:32,533 can't touch it that i know 4151 04:06:32,983 --> 04:06:35,533 skin my world so down 4152 04:06:35,533 --> 04:06:38,416 go wake up i'm going down 4153 04:06:38,416 --> 04:06:45,016 you'll bekeep telling 4154 04:06:48,266 --> 04:06:50,616 me to 4155 04:06:54,933 --> 04:06:55,733 me 4156 04:07:01,266 --> 04:07:02,183 how could i know that 4157 04:07:02,533 --> 04:07:06,583 my damn got to keep me next to everybody go 4158 04:07:07,066 --> 04:07:08,983 over keep me neither don't get that 4159 04:07:09,466 --> 04:07:12,583 you know you could come on no sail why any 4160 04:07:12,933 --> 04:07:13,733 night 4161 04:07:14,266 --> 04:07:15,383 你们的封号封号 4162 04:07:15,383 --> 04:07:17,583 你们每次的封号封号是认真的吗 4163 04:07:17,583 --> 04:07:20,666 我觉得你们很敷衍在封号封号说实话 4164 04:07:30,416 --> 04:07:31,383 屁呢 4165 04:07:32,933 --> 04:07:34,416 那绝对是那什么 4166 04:07:34,416 --> 04:07:35,416 封号封号 4167 04:07:35,500 --> 04:07:36,733 随便发发封号封号 4168 04:07:36,733 --> 04:07:37,866 然后呃主播 4169 04:07:37,866 --> 04:07:39,499 如果真的就这样下播了的话 4170 04:07:39,500 --> 04:07:42,133 你也可以马上的呃什么呃又 4171 04:07:42,133 --> 04:07:44,016 又去投入到另外一个直播间 4172 04:07:44,016 --> 04:07:46,933 或者是呃别的游戏之中对吧 4173 04:07:52,183 --> 04:07:53,499 你凭什么知道我还会回来 4174 04:07:53,500 --> 04:07:55,583 你就是凭什么知道呢 4175 04:08:00,933 --> 04:08:02,499 放放哪里难打了 4176 04:08:08,383 --> 04:08:09,933 平时真的很那个什么 4177 04:08:09,933 --> 04:08:11,216 就是你们太拿捏我的剑 4178 04:08:11,216 --> 04:08:13,266 还能说出什么知道我会回来这种话 4179 04:08:13,300 --> 04:08:15,183 你怎么可能知道我会回来呢 4180 04:08:15,183 --> 04:08:17,466 我刚才我都不知道自己会回来来着 4181 04:08:17,616 --> 04:08:20,133 就只是我咽不下这口气罢了 4182 04:08:27,583 --> 04:08:28,383 哼 4183 04:08:28,900 --> 04:08:30,266 没有心理伤心好吗 4184 04:08:30,266 --> 04:08:32,183 我自己都一直在想那就算了吧 4185 04:08:32,183 --> 04:08:33,183 就这样吧 4186 04:08:33,216 --> 04:08:34,899 刚才那个什么怎么了 4187 04:08:34,900 --> 04:08:36,333 我也不知道怎么回事 4188 04:08:36,333 --> 04:08:38,299 不是我感觉你们比我还冷漠 4189 04:08:41,266 --> 04:08:43,816 你们没有心你们就像一具尸体 4190 04:08:53,583 --> 04:08:56,133 你才拉大便呢你才放屁呢 4191 04:09:01,133 --> 04:09:03,583 啊但是我觉得大家都这样啊 4192 04:09:03,783 --> 04:09:05,733 就是大家都这样什么什么 4193 04:09:05,900 --> 04:09:08,016 就是就是那什么好冷漠啊大家 4194 04:09:08,016 --> 04:09:10,533 总而言之就是明明想那个什么 4195 04:09:10,783 --> 04:09:12,016 对大家稍微冷漠一点 4196 04:09:12,016 --> 04:09:14,299 但是你们竟然就立刻那什么 4197 04:09:14,300 --> 04:09:15,700 比我还冷漠了起来 4198 04:09:15,700 --> 04:09:17,416 就立刻那什么了 4199 04:09:17,416 --> 04:09:21,266 就是有点像那种主播说嗨太对大家啊 4200 04:09:21,266 --> 04:09:22,666 太被大家拿捏了 4201 04:09:22,666 --> 04:09:24,266 稍微高冷点保持距离 4202 04:09:24,266 --> 04:09:26,333 然后大家就立刻什么OK OK 4203 04:09:26,583 --> 04:09:29,733 好拜拜拜晚安晚安就这样了 4204 04:09:30,416 --> 04:09:31,816 好过分啊 4205 04:09:32,583 --> 04:09:33,533 那什么 4206 04:09:33,783 --> 04:09:36,216 那什么这种转变转变的比我还快 4207 04:09:36,216 --> 04:09:37,266 好恐怖 4208 04:09:38,066 --> 04:09:39,666 好没心啊 4209 04:09:49,983 --> 04:09:51,333 真的很温情吗 4210 04:09:51,333 --> 04:09:52,416 每次你们这么说 4211 04:09:52,416 --> 04:09:53,783 我都感觉我在看着弹幕 4212 04:09:53,783 --> 04:09:55,933 跟你们看着弹幕不一样了 4213 04:09:56,500 --> 04:09:58,100 那我每次看那个什么录播 4214 04:09:58,100 --> 04:09:59,733 还是觉得大家很那个 4215 04:10:01,866 --> 04:10:02,699 直播间的人气 4216 04:10:02,900 --> 04:10:03,466 我们大魔 4217 04:10:03,466 --> 04:10:04,783 兽你这所以看起来冷漠 4218 04:10:04,783 --> 04:10:06,583 其实哭的比隔壁家狗还大声哎 4219 04:10:06,583 --> 04:10:08,266 你这是纯放屁了 4220 04:10:08,983 --> 04:10:11,066 那你这就是纯放屁了好吧 4221 04:10:18,983 --> 04:10:22,066 没有啊农村姐你们真的挺冷漠的 4222 04:10:24,100 --> 04:10:26,583 反正比我还冷漠比我还冷漠 4223 04:10:28,216 --> 04:10:29,983 心比石头还介意 4224 04:10:34,616 --> 04:10:35,583 没有别走好吗 4225 04:10:35,583 --> 04:10:37,183 那是因为我已经大叫了 4226 04:10:37,183 --> 04:10:38,816 我说你们怎么能这样 4227 04:10:38,900 --> 04:10:42,133 弹幕弹幕很过分啊说弹幕很过分 4228 04:10:42,133 --> 04:10:46,266 呃之前那个弹幕是是那种对吧 4229 04:10:50,900 --> 04:10:52,616 你没哭你别发弹幕了 4230 04:10:52,616 --> 04:10:54,699 但是每个弹幕都很生气啊 4231 04:10:57,333 --> 04:10:58,416 怕我休息不好 4232 04:10:58,416 --> 04:11:00,733 没有吧应该是无所谓吧 4233 04:11:00,733 --> 04:11:02,783 应该不是怕我休息不好吧 4234 04:11:02,866 --> 04:11:04,333 应该是无所谓 4235 04:11:06,066 --> 04:11:09,183 嗯也是无所谓哎哎不播吗好吧拜拜 4236 04:11:09,333 --> 04:11:10,216 走吧你 4237 04:11:11,466 --> 04:11:12,783 应该是这样吧 4238 04:11:13,866 --> 04:11:15,216 能不能开除丙基 4239 04:11:15,783 --> 04:11:17,866 拉黑得了禁言 4240 04:11:22,900 --> 04:11:24,900 你们还没有从那什么 4241 04:11:25,266 --> 04:11:26,333 你竟然还敢哈哈 4242 04:11:26,333 --> 04:11:27,183 嗯我 4243 04:11:27,183 --> 04:11:28,733 我先从你下手 4244 04:11:33,866 --> 04:11:36,933 你们还没有从主播失去小女友的 4245 04:11:37,066 --> 04:11:39,699 事情上得到教训吗 4246 04:11:42,300 --> 04:11:43,333 不要你担心 4247 04:11:43,416 --> 04:11:45,133 你都还没有从我那件事情 4248 04:11:45,133 --> 04:11:45,983 上得到教训吗 4249 04:11:45,983 --> 04:11:48,866 你你还在选那个什么我是为了你 4250 04:11:48,866 --> 04:11:49,533 你还在 4251 04:11:49,533 --> 04:11:50,899 主播只错了那一次 4252 04:11:50,900 --> 04:11:52,016 选了一个我是为了你 4253 04:11:52,016 --> 04:11:54,099 你竟然要错这么多次吗 4254 04:11:55,100 --> 04:11:56,533 啊这一个我是为了你 4255 04:11:56,533 --> 04:11:58,216 那个什么主播都选错了 4256 04:11:58,466 --> 04:12:00,066 大家都在说主播那什么 4257 04:12:00,066 --> 04:12:02,266 选了最糟糕最低味的一个 4258 04:12:02,300 --> 04:12:03,933 我怎么还在说啊 4259 04:12:07,700 --> 04:12:08,933 还有个什么呢 4260 04:12:09,016 --> 04:12:11,899 还有那个在那个山上的时候选了一个 4261 04:12:12,066 --> 04:12:14,383 你还是离开我比较好应该选那什么 4262 04:12:14,383 --> 04:12:16,266 我想你留在我身边来着 4263 04:12:16,866 --> 04:12:19,866 还没从主播的错误当中得到教训吗 4264 04:12:19,866 --> 04:12:21,299 你们啊 4265 04:12:21,866 --> 04:12:23,666 我又不仅仅是说他 4266 04:12:36,066 --> 04:12:38,183 游戏是游戏现实现实啊 4267 04:12:40,416 --> 04:12:42,333 你是曾尊重我的几句 4268 04:12:42,533 --> 04:12:43,733 简直没有地位 4269 04:12:43,733 --> 04:12:44,533 哎 4270 04:12:45,583 --> 04:12:46,383 哎 4271 04:12:47,616 --> 04:12:49,866 那你跟别人吵吵架别人说 4272 04:12:50,466 --> 04:12:50,983 就这样吧 4273 04:12:50,983 --> 04:12:53,783 我不想说了那你也尊重他的决定吗 4274 04:12:53,783 --> 04:12:56,899 他说啊别别别联系我了 4275 04:12:57,333 --> 04:12:58,783 别联系我别找我 4276 04:12:58,783 --> 04:13:00,583 你也是尊重他的决定吗 4277 04:13:00,866 --> 04:13:02,899 哎你们别故意气我了行不行啊 4278 04:13:02,900 --> 04:13:04,416 你们是在拱火吗 4279 04:13:07,216 --> 04:13:08,016 哼 4280 04:13:11,900 --> 04:13:13,533 好过分啊真的 4281 04:13:23,900 --> 04:13:24,700 说话 4282 04:13:25,666 --> 04:13:26,466 说话 4283 04:13:52,583 --> 04:13:54,899 你崩溃我才崩溃呢 4284 04:13:57,733 --> 04:13:59,899 以后这么对我的嗯人 4285 04:14:00,666 --> 04:14:01,583 嗯什么 4286 04:14:02,216 --> 04:14:04,333 别生气了主播你刚才还在给我发 4287 04:14:04,333 --> 04:14:05,583 哈哈嗯呢 4288 04:14:08,983 --> 04:14:10,783 以后那什么哎 4289 04:14:10,866 --> 04:14:13,466 那有的时候感觉明显就是不太开心了 4290 04:14:13,466 --> 04:14:15,816 大家还非还要继续那个什么 4291 04:14:16,016 --> 04:14:19,066 啊那你想下播就下播呀不是为了你吗 4292 04:14:19,100 --> 04:14:19,933 晚安晚安 4293 04:14:19,933 --> 04:14:23,499 OK OK拜拜啊这种这种感觉是在那什么 4294 04:14:23,500 --> 04:14:24,983 是不是讨厌我啊 4295 04:14:24,983 --> 04:14:27,416 故意这么说让我不开心的吧 4296 04:14:28,100 --> 04:14:30,016 绝对是讨厌我吧 4297 04:14:30,333 --> 04:14:31,983 绝对是讨厌我吧 4298 04:14:33,416 --> 04:14:34,899 以后不不理这种 4299 04:14:34,900 --> 04:14:36,216 这种想法不是他 4300 04:14:36,533 --> 04:14:38,983 记住以后大发弹幕都不理他了 4301 04:14:40,466 --> 04:14:41,266 哼 4302 04:14:59,783 --> 04:15:01,133 我有看见挽留啊 4303 04:15:01,133 --> 04:15:03,499 但是这种弹幕也挺多的呀 4304 04:15:12,183 --> 04:15:13,983 没有毛笔干脆都想的那么坏 4305 04:15:13,983 --> 04:15:16,466 我知道有大家是喜欢我的 4306 04:15:16,933 --> 04:15:20,299 但是我就感觉也有人是讨厌我的 4307 04:15:24,816 --> 04:15:26,266 就是每次 4308 04:15:26,500 --> 04:15:27,216 说 4309 04:15:27,216 --> 04:15:28,616 啊那什么 4310 04:15:28,733 --> 04:15:29,616 不是说 4311 04:15:30,333 --> 04:15:31,299 那什么 4312 04:15:31,733 --> 04:15:35,099 然后他就说好好走吧拜拜晚安晚安 4313 04:15:35,266 --> 04:15:37,183 嗯就感觉可能确实 4314 04:15:37,333 --> 04:15:39,416 因为主播已经说过很多次 4315 04:15:39,616 --> 04:15:41,583 啊想被挽留了还这样 4316 04:15:41,583 --> 04:15:44,266 都感觉可能确实很讨厌我 4317 04:15:44,333 --> 04:15:46,933 那他有可能又喜欢我又讨厌我吧 4318 04:15:50,933 --> 04:15:53,816 点击播放你的s k我看看 4319 04:15:54,783 --> 04:15:56,616 咱家机器粉都送完了好吗 4320 04:15:56,666 --> 04:15:58,066 我有看 4321 04:16:01,666 --> 04:16:03,016 只在乎好的给你道歉 4322 04:16:04,216 --> 04:16:06,333 你们会觉得我太麻烦了吗 4323 04:16:06,533 --> 04:16:07,466 我没有CP 4324 04:16:07,466 --> 04:16:10,216 大家我都是说什么想什么说什么 4325 04:16:10,216 --> 04:16:11,383 我一直跟大家说 4326 04:16:11,416 --> 04:16:13,533 我是很难伪装的一个人 4327 04:16:13,783 --> 04:16:16,783 你看我游戏选项也能看出来吧 4328 04:16:17,100 --> 04:16:19,616 我我是很难伪装的一个人 4329 04:16:20,333 --> 04:16:21,666 啊很难说出违心话 4330 04:16:21,666 --> 04:16:24,616 我一般是怎么想的我就说什么话了 4331 04:16:29,100 --> 04:16:31,216 大家这样我就是真的觉得大家 4332 04:16:31,500 --> 04:16:34,183 可能确实不太喜欢我才会这样 4333 04:16:34,700 --> 04:16:36,500 因为我都说过很多次想被 4334 04:16:36,500 --> 04:16:37,733 大家挽留了 4335 04:16:38,866 --> 04:16:41,016 而且我说而且主要是今天 4336 04:16:41,183 --> 04:16:42,383 我说那种什么 4337 04:16:42,866 --> 04:16:44,699 我说要跟大家保持距离 4338 04:16:44,700 --> 04:16:45,500 然后大家 4339 04:16:45,533 --> 04:16:46,583 大家大家 4340 04:16:46,616 --> 04:16:48,983 也有人是那种什么啊挺好的呀 4341 04:16:49,133 --> 04:16:52,016 啊那就跟保持距离啊啊好吧OK OK 4342 04:16:52,616 --> 04:16:53,616 这种这种 4343 04:16:55,133 --> 04:16:56,666 比尸体还冷漠 4344 04:17:00,783 --> 04:17:02,183 比尸体还冷漠 4345 04:17:02,700 --> 04:17:04,183 太冷漠了吧 4346 04:17:05,066 --> 04:17:06,183 啊别人说 4347 04:17:06,333 --> 04:17:09,266 要跟你保持距离你就立刻答应了 4348 04:17:09,416 --> 04:17:10,299 乱说 4349 04:17:12,666 --> 04:17:15,499 太那个了太冷漠了 4350 04:17:15,733 --> 04:17:16,666 我完全 4351 04:17:17,016 --> 04:17:20,299 完全了什么只能说这么不熟那种 4352 04:17:21,383 --> 04:17:22,183 谢谢多 4353 04:17:47,266 --> 04:17:48,066 哼 4354 04:17:53,733 --> 04:17:54,983 哎呀 4355 04:18:01,333 --> 04:18:01,699 哎 4356 04:18:01,700 --> 04:18:03,900 坐在这在这逛街 4357 04:18:08,466 --> 04:18:10,066 但是而且啊 4358 04:18:12,183 --> 04:18:13,699 但是而且他们有的人 4359 04:18:15,466 --> 04:18:16,616 哎呀 4360 04:18:17,816 --> 04:18:20,699 怎么感觉你们像什么知心大姐姐 4361 04:18:22,100 --> 04:18:23,383 啊那是他们有的人 4362 04:18:23,383 --> 04:18:26,616 还是舰长他们还那么说是为什么呢 4363 04:18:26,700 --> 04:18:28,983 我就感觉他们那什么 4364 04:18:29,333 --> 04:18:32,216 如果是那什么白字的话 4365 04:18:32,216 --> 04:18:33,299 有可能你会觉得 4366 04:18:33,300 --> 04:18:35,533 这个人他可能就是不怎么看我直播 4367 04:18:35,533 --> 04:18:36,333 他是路人 4368 04:18:36,333 --> 04:18:37,783 他可能不太喜欢我 4369 04:18:37,783 --> 04:18:40,533 嗯这么说也很也是能接受 4370 04:18:40,583 --> 04:18:43,699 但有的人他还是经常的话他还这么说 4371 04:18:43,700 --> 04:18:45,266 那就感觉是不是讨厌我 4372 04:18:45,266 --> 04:18:47,783 才故意这样惹我不开心的呢 4373 04:18:48,700 --> 04:18:51,783 我没点名啊我看不记得了 4374 04:18:53,666 --> 04:18:55,499 你看我没有说白字怎么 4375 04:18:55,500 --> 04:18:58,383 我只是说那你承不承认白字很多 4376 04:18:58,416 --> 04:18:59,333 他是路人吗 4377 04:18:59,333 --> 04:19:01,783 他可能不怎么看我直播对吧 4378 04:19:02,066 --> 04:19:04,783 他可能说一些让主播不太开心的话 4379 04:19:04,816 --> 04:19:05,866 他也比较无所谓 4380 04:19:05,866 --> 04:19:08,066 那我也比较没有那么所谓吧 4381 04:19:08,066 --> 04:19:09,133 因为他有可能 4382 04:19:09,333 --> 04:19:10,983 就是不怎么看直播不 4383 04:19:10,983 --> 04:19:14,183 又对我没什么感情的人对吧 4384 04:19:19,333 --> 04:19:20,133 哼 4385 04:19:24,183 --> 04:19:24,983 怎么 4386 04:19:25,500 --> 04:19:27,900 那我就觉得哎 4387 04:19:28,583 --> 04:19:31,216 你别打弹幕了行不行啊 4388 04:19:32,133 --> 04:19:35,066 没心情跟你开玩笑啊你真的好烦 4389 04:19:35,066 --> 04:19:35,899 哈哈哈 4390 04:19:37,783 --> 04:19:40,066 每次生气都在那那什么 4391 04:19:44,700 --> 04:19:45,816 气死我了 4392 04:19:48,066 --> 04:19:50,383 有没有气死我了我才不会为你们 4393 04:19:50,383 --> 04:19:53,733 气死呢哎有点小气我了 4394 04:19:54,216 --> 04:19:55,583 有点小气我了 4395 04:19:56,533 --> 04:19:58,933 等着下半场那你就直接走啊 4396 04:19:59,266 --> 04:20:00,066 啊 4397 04:20:00,333 --> 04:20:01,783 你就直接走 4398 04:20:01,816 --> 04:20:02,616 啊 4399 04:20:03,900 --> 04:20:06,183 我哪有哈哈笑啊那不是 4400 04:20:06,500 --> 04:20:08,733 我不是很生气吗那我也不可能 4401 04:20:08,866 --> 04:20:09,783 那什么说 4402 04:20:10,733 --> 04:20:12,266 你这好烦啊 4403 04:20:12,416 --> 04:20:13,899 我可能这么说吧 4404 04:20:14,016 --> 04:20:16,383 哦就是不开心啊那其实 4405 04:20:21,416 --> 04:20:22,333 啊啊 4406 04:20:35,700 --> 04:20:37,533 我刚才还想说一个什么呢 4407 04:20:39,616 --> 04:20:41,699 我刚才突然想到一个什么东西 4408 04:20:44,933 --> 04:20:47,266 恭喜你们吧 4409 04:20:55,266 --> 04:20:57,333 送个小花花谢谢你啊 4410 04:20:59,733 --> 04:21:01,016 大家分享奇书 4411 04:21:01,133 --> 04:21:03,616 新年了新出口的这个时候新年了 4412 04:21:03,900 --> 04:21:06,733 谢谢fly sky walk的时候谢谢你了谢谢 4413 04:21:07,866 --> 04:21:09,499 你的rainy的rainy 4414 04:21:09,500 --> 04:21:11,783 的粉丝灯牌谢谢哥哥的桃花 4415 04:21:12,533 --> 04:21:13,899 啊谢谢小哥哥 4416 04:21:14,500 --> 04:21:15,466 点烧烤啊 4417 04:21:15,466 --> 04:21:16,583 我不点了 4418 04:21:20,383 --> 04:21:21,816 这我又想起来一个事情 4419 04:21:21,816 --> 04:21:23,333 但是我现在有点想不起来了啊 4420 04:21:23,333 --> 04:21:24,499 是什么事情啊 4421 04:21:24,500 --> 04:21:27,900 这我有次生气还有人在玩谐音梗来着 4422 04:21:28,416 --> 04:21:29,616 更生气了 4423 04:21:29,816 --> 04:21:31,933 这哪有人更生气了还 4424 04:21:32,183 --> 04:21:34,583 还我很记仇啊因为 4425 04:21:35,783 --> 04:21:37,066 主播很记仇 4426 04:21:37,183 --> 04:21:38,266 万众之啊 4427 04:21:40,866 --> 04:21:43,416 老师的谢谢小四哥哥别生气了 4428 04:21:43,466 --> 04:21:44,616 谢谢你啊 4429 04:21:45,900 --> 04:21:48,900 好了好了别发了我知道你对我好了 4430 04:21:52,700 --> 04:21:53,500 哼 4431 04:21:53,533 --> 04:21:54,899 想让我开心 4432 04:21:55,666 --> 04:21:56,466 你这哈 4433 04:21:57,266 --> 04:21:58,616 哈哈 4434 04:22:00,783 --> 04:22:02,666 不是啊那那不能开心的 4435 04:22:02,666 --> 04:22:03,333 那不可能开心 4436 04:22:03,333 --> 04:22:05,466 那别人生气就是要解决这个问题啊 4437 04:22:05,466 --> 04:22:08,099 你你你在这抖什么机灵呢 4438 04:22:10,700 --> 04:22:12,466 我以为自己很幽默吧 4439 04:22:29,900 --> 04:22:31,216 啊谢谢谢谢 4440 04:22:34,616 --> 04:22:36,216 王行你不是为了让你开心 4441 04:22:36,216 --> 04:22:38,416 原来你情商这么低啊 4442 04:22:38,466 --> 04:22:39,016 哎 4443 04:22:39,016 --> 04:22:40,616 算我是我高估你了 4444 04:22:42,500 --> 04:22:44,583 谢谢望眼一动则动 4445 04:22:44,816 --> 04:22:47,466 呃a C把自己我爱疯了疯了啾啾 4446 04:22:47,466 --> 04:22:48,383 谢谢你哦 4447 04:22:51,816 --> 04:22:53,216 谢谢谢谢 4448 04:22:53,583 --> 04:22:56,216 那你不能在别人生气的时候讲心梗啊 4449 04:22:56,216 --> 04:22:57,583 你们现在不能笑 4450 04:22:59,416 --> 04:23:00,983 生气了就是不你 4451 04:23:01,183 --> 04:23:04,383 因为我可以跟你掰扯你想听吗 4452 04:23:04,866 --> 04:23:06,733 生气了就是不能说 4453 04:23:07,183 --> 04:23:08,933 你因为你这个是什么呢 4454 04:23:09,900 --> 04:23:11,100 因为如果我对你生气了 4455 04:23:11,100 --> 04:23:12,383 那一定是你做了什么 4456 04:23:12,416 --> 04:23:14,983 呃让人不开心的事情那么 4457 04:23:14,983 --> 04:23:16,616 呃要怎么样才能让我不开 4458 04:23:16,616 --> 04:23:18,616 呃就是解决掉这个不开心的事情 4459 04:23:18,616 --> 04:23:20,183 那么首先哎等一下 4460 04:23:21,016 --> 04:23:22,466 谢谢黑眼睛的见长啊 4461 04:23:22,466 --> 04:23:24,066 现在是自动续费吗 4462 04:23:24,333 --> 04:23:26,783 感谢你的支持谢谢你谢谢你哦 4463 04:23:26,783 --> 04:23:27,866 谢谢谢谢 4464 04:23:29,666 --> 04:23:32,016 就是别人不开心了的话一定是因为你 4465 04:23:32,383 --> 04:23:33,416 对你不开心的话 4466 04:23:33,416 --> 04:23:34,816 那一定是因为你做了什么 4467 04:23:34,816 --> 04:23:36,333 那么我最想的就是什么 4468 04:23:36,333 --> 04:23:37,499 我们把这个事情解决 4469 04:23:37,500 --> 04:23:39,383 然后如果能得到一些 4470 04:23:39,466 --> 04:23:41,533 安抚的话就更好了对吧 4471 04:23:41,533 --> 04:23:43,383 那么首先是要把这个事情解决 4472 04:23:43,866 --> 04:23:46,216 但是你这个时候讲什么笑话 4473 04:23:46,333 --> 04:23:47,733 这这是一个什么行为 4474 04:23:47,733 --> 04:23:49,816 你觉得自己很幽默但是你并不幽默 4475 04:23:49,866 --> 04:23:53,133 因为你像是想要用这个事情就掩盖掉 4476 04:23:53,133 --> 04:23:55,699 啊你对我做了一些过分过分的行为 4477 04:23:55,700 --> 04:23:57,933 然后忽略掉我的情感懂吗 4478 04:23:58,700 --> 04:24:00,300 这时候我不并不想要开心 4479 04:24:00,300 --> 04:24:02,183 我就想待在这个不开心的领域 4480 04:24:02,466 --> 04:24:05,133 我就想要把这个事情给解决掉 4481 04:24:06,100 --> 04:24:08,416 你为什么觉得你比你惹别人不开心 4482 04:24:08,416 --> 04:24:10,066 之后你讲一个笑话就能 4483 04:24:10,100 --> 04:24:12,300 啊把这个事情直接给解决了呢 4484 04:24:12,700 --> 04:24:15,133 你不觉得对别人的情绪很不公平吗 4485 04:24:15,783 --> 04:24:17,783 为什么觉得这么简单就可以 4486 04:24:17,783 --> 04:24:19,533 洗刷掉自己做的事情呢 4487 04:24:19,533 --> 04:24:21,133 虽然大家做的事情并没有很过分 4488 04:24:21,133 --> 04:24:21,933 我只是 4489 04:24:22,016 --> 04:24:24,383 把这个事情说的严重一点的话就是 4490 04:24:24,416 --> 04:24:26,183 别人是有那个情绪在那的 4491 04:24:26,183 --> 04:24:27,699 不开心了就是不开心了 4492 04:24:27,700 --> 04:24:29,066 你为什么觉得用一个笑 4493 04:24:29,066 --> 04:24:30,299 话就能逗她开心 4494 04:24:30,383 --> 04:24:33,133 我觉得呃我不能代表所有女生 4495 04:24:33,133 --> 04:24:35,466 但是我觉得肯定大部分女生都是 4496 04:24:35,466 --> 04:24:36,383 都是这样的 4497 04:24:40,133 --> 04:24:42,616 这自然肯定也有人就是觉得被逗笑 4498 04:24:42,616 --> 04:24:43,466 了就OK了 4499 04:24:43,500 --> 04:24:44,500 但是这个什么呢 4500 04:24:44,500 --> 04:24:47,066 你就是直接忽略掉别人的感情了呀 4501 04:24:48,066 --> 04:24:49,783 你就是不想解决这个问题 4502 04:24:49,783 --> 04:24:51,133 也不想安抚别人的心情 4503 04:24:51,133 --> 04:24:53,016 就只想靠一个笑话来直接 4504 04:24:53,183 --> 04:24:54,699 解解决掉这一切 4505 04:24:54,733 --> 04:24:57,416 这是一个很不很不负责任的表现 4506 04:24:57,416 --> 04:24:58,699 我个人认为 4507 04:24:59,900 --> 04:25:01,333 这是个很错误的 4508 04:25:01,983 --> 04:25:02,783 做法 4509 04:25:15,933 --> 04:25:16,816 别人想让我开心 4510 04:25:16,816 --> 04:25:18,783 那我举个更极端的例子行不行 4511 04:25:19,183 --> 04:25:20,383 有个人他家里面 4512 04:25:20,383 --> 04:25:21,933 比如说他爸爸生重病了 4513 04:25:22,066 --> 04:25:22,899 然后他很难过 4514 04:25:22,900 --> 04:25:24,733 那你这个时候去讲一个笑话逗他开心 4515 04:25:24,733 --> 04:25:26,133 你不是神经病吗 4516 04:25:26,133 --> 04:25:26,699 而别人 4517 04:25:26,700 --> 04:25:29,216 有的人他现在就想待在这个不开心的 4518 04:25:29,466 --> 04:25:30,466 那个什么 4519 04:25:31,066 --> 04:25:32,299 这个这个领域里面 4520 04:25:32,300 --> 04:25:34,416 他就想他就想待在这个情绪里面啊 4521 04:25:34,416 --> 04:25:36,499 人是需要这种不开心的 4522 04:25:39,666 --> 04:25:42,183 他说我爸爸都那什么重病啊 4523 04:25:42,183 --> 04:25:43,333 哈哈哈 4524 04:25:43,333 --> 04:25:44,666 然后你很想让他开心起来 4525 04:25:44,666 --> 04:25:46,183 让你跟他讲了个笑话 4526 04:25:48,866 --> 04:25:49,666 对吧 4527 04:25:50,066 --> 04:25:51,499 是不是超级有道理 4528 04:25:58,416 --> 04:25:59,266 是不是啊 4529 04:25:59,616 --> 04:26:00,416 是不是是不是 4530 04:26:00,416 --> 04:26:01,216 是不是 4531 04:26:04,500 --> 04:26:05,900 什么叫别扯淡啊 4532 04:26:06,266 --> 04:26:07,616 本来就是这个道理啊 4533 04:26:07,616 --> 04:26:09,016 弄别人是有情绪在的 4534 04:26:09,016 --> 04:26:11,816 你为什么不不不不不管别人的情绪 4535 04:26:11,816 --> 04:26:14,299 直就直接想靠一个笑话解决掉这一切 4536 04:26:14,300 --> 04:26:17,016 呢这你就是那个什么投机取巧 4537 04:26:17,216 --> 04:26:18,266 多奸耍滑呀 4538 04:26:18,266 --> 04:26:19,383 明明就是啊 4539 04:26:19,416 --> 04:26:20,816 为什么不承认呢 4540 04:26:21,466 --> 04:26:22,266 哼 4541 04:26:25,300 --> 04:26:27,100 你就是既不想那个什么 4542 04:26:27,183 --> 04:26:29,183 嗯跟别人把这个事情掰扯清楚 4543 04:26:29,183 --> 04:26:30,383 然后低头认错 4544 04:26:30,383 --> 04:26:32,466 然后也不想要哄别人 4545 04:26:32,466 --> 04:26:34,383 就是只想讲一个笑话 4546 04:26:34,383 --> 04:26:36,333 高姿态的解决掉这件事情 4547 04:26:36,500 --> 04:26:37,900 我个人认为就是这样的 4548 04:26:37,900 --> 04:26:38,466 总而言之 4549 04:26:38,466 --> 04:26:39,266 我惹别人生气 4550 04:26:39,266 --> 04:26:40,816 我也从来没有过想 4551 04:26:40,816 --> 04:26:43,066 靠一个笑话去解决掉这一切 4552 04:26:47,183 --> 04:26:48,866 哎我只是解释一下件事情 4553 04:26:48,866 --> 04:26:49,899 并没有那么严重啊 4554 04:26:49,900 --> 04:26:51,783 我只是说一下自己的想法 4555 04:26:58,616 --> 04:26:59,416 Huh 4556 04:27:02,900 --> 04:27:04,416 啊不是因为那个什么 4557 04:27:04,416 --> 04:27:06,416 因为有大哥也觉得这就是 4558 04:27:06,416 --> 04:27:07,816 就是想让你开心 4559 04:27:07,816 --> 04:27:09,933 有什么错的我就是解释一下 4560 04:27:10,500 --> 04:27:11,583 就是解释一下 4561 04:27:11,583 --> 04:27:14,099 我觉得这个事情就是不可取的呢 4562 04:27:19,100 --> 04:27:20,183 你不开心的程度吗 4563 04:27:20,183 --> 04:27:22,499 那比如说别人只是因为什么呃 4564 04:27:23,016 --> 04:27:24,183 呃那什么呢 4565 04:27:24,183 --> 04:27:25,416 我想想啊 4566 04:27:25,416 --> 04:27:26,266 一一那个什么 4567 04:27:26,266 --> 04:27:28,983 吃饭的时候有一有一块肉掉在地上了 4568 04:27:29,016 --> 04:27:30,216 呃而不开心的 4569 04:27:30,216 --> 04:27:31,699 那你当然可以讲一个性格 4570 04:27:31,700 --> 04:27:33,216 讲讲一个笑话 4571 04:27:40,183 --> 04:27:42,133 你又在好凶啊不是 4572 04:27:43,816 --> 04:27:46,533 又开始纯纯把自己摆在那个什么 4573 04:27:46,783 --> 04:27:48,416 呃受害人的角度了 4574 04:27:48,416 --> 04:27:50,216 那那那没啥好讲的了 4575 04:27:53,733 --> 04:27:55,183 那什么呢呃 4576 04:27:55,183 --> 04:27:57,133 吵架机会之二就是呃 4577 04:27:57,133 --> 04:28:00,216 当别人认真在呃吵这个事情的时候 4578 04:28:00,216 --> 04:28:02,466 这个时候又明明是自己做错了 4579 04:28:02,466 --> 04:28:04,133 然后又转过来说你好凶啊 4580 04:28:04,133 --> 04:28:05,666 你怎么声音这么大呀 4581 04:28:05,666 --> 04:28:08,016 哇这才是最让人生气的 4582 04:28:12,300 --> 04:28:13,466 黑天的就被骂了 4583 04:28:13,466 --> 04:28:16,666 没有骂你啊而且我已经语气很缓和了 4584 04:28:16,933 --> 04:28:18,499 我每次都是很指向性的 4585 04:28:18,500 --> 04:28:20,383 我说的是那些呃 4586 04:28:20,383 --> 04:28:21,133 不挽留我的人 4587 04:28:21,133 --> 04:28:23,983 不是每次都有一个前置条件吗 4588 04:28:31,066 --> 04:28:31,866 哎 4589 04:28:33,616 --> 04:28:34,783 大家只能说大家 4590 04:28:35,700 --> 04:28:36,500 啊 4591 04:28:36,900 --> 04:28:39,816 怎么说呢我有的是想大家真的有这么 4592 04:28:40,866 --> 04:28:43,466 呃大家真的有这么那个什么 4593 04:28:43,900 --> 04:28:45,183 就不能说直男 4594 04:28:45,183 --> 04:28:47,299 因为直男像是一个盾牌 4595 04:28:47,300 --> 04:28:49,216 那想说大家真的有这么 4596 04:28:49,733 --> 04:28:52,899 愚蠢吗还是说故意的呢 4597 04:28:53,216 --> 04:28:56,733 那是什么大智若愚呢就是故意这样子 4598 04:28:57,866 --> 04:28:59,383 故意的吧应该是 4599 04:28:59,666 --> 04:29:01,466 哎总总觉得是这样的 4600 04:29:02,183 --> 04:29:04,066 奖励一下我刘明吗 4601 04:29:05,416 --> 04:29:08,016 我觉得说直男不太好因为这个太像 4602 04:29:08,216 --> 04:29:09,266 凭什么一个直男 4603 04:29:09,266 --> 04:29:11,216 就可以帮你挡掉一切呢 4604 04:29:11,266 --> 04:29:12,583 你就像是一个盾牌 4605 04:29:12,583 --> 04:29:14,699 很那个什么牢牢挡在你面前 4606 04:29:15,733 --> 04:29:15,933 啊 4607 04:29:15,933 --> 04:29:18,583 你不管做错什么都是直男然后不思进 4608 04:29:18,583 --> 04:29:18,783 取 4609 04:29:18,783 --> 04:29:21,333 然后自己也觉得理所当然我就直男啊 4610 04:29:21,333 --> 04:29:23,216 对吧为什么呢 4611 04:29:36,300 --> 04:29:37,500 是平常是踩雷太厉害 4612 04:29:37,500 --> 04:29:38,700 还是我的雷太多啊 4613 04:29:38,700 --> 04:29:40,383 主播确实一个是一个比较敏感的人 4614 04:29:40,383 --> 04:29:40,933 但是 4615 04:29:40,933 --> 04:29:42,933 但是我觉得这些问题也是那什么 4616 04:29:42,933 --> 04:29:44,299 大部分人都都 4617 04:29:44,416 --> 04:29:46,533 人和人之间交往本来就很麻烦 4618 04:29:47,066 --> 04:29:49,699 每个人本来就是就有自己那什么 4619 04:29:50,216 --> 04:29:52,499 人人的感受本来就很那个呀 4620 04:29:53,866 --> 04:29:57,183 啊谢谢挽留我的冰糖碎谢谢你们啊 4621 04:29:57,466 --> 04:29:58,216 哎妈 4622 04:29:58,216 --> 04:30:01,183 我看看啊现在那个麦克风没电啊 4623 04:30:01,266 --> 04:30:04,133 轻轻的用脸颊蹭一下这个麦克风 4624 04:30:04,133 --> 04:30:05,466 就当是那什么 4625 04:30:05,583 --> 04:30:09,216 呃一种那什么呃是好一种亲密好吧 4626 04:30:11,066 --> 04:30:11,733 OK 4627 04:30:11,733 --> 04:30:14,899 虽然你们听不见的声音啊但是呃什么 4628 04:30:15,183 --> 04:30:17,333 呃但是我确实是那个什么 4629 04:30:17,466 --> 04:30:18,733 呃那个什么 4630 04:30:19,266 --> 04:30:21,983 那个那个连一下麦克风那个什么 4631 04:30:22,816 --> 04:30:25,616 啊听不见那没办法那我已经蹭了 4632 04:30:33,616 --> 04:30:34,416 OK 4633 04:30:36,016 --> 04:30:37,583 嗯那是没挽留的就 4634 04:30:38,900 --> 04:30:41,700 去你的主播现在在 4635 04:30:41,866 --> 04:30:43,383 悄悄的对着屏幕竖中指 4636 04:30:43,383 --> 04:30:44,533 虽然大家看不见 4637 04:30:46,333 --> 04:30:49,816 啊什么啊凶我的嗯那什么不挽留我的 4638 04:30:53,466 --> 04:30:54,266 哼 4639 04:30:56,733 --> 04:30:59,699 没声音啊因为就是没声音啊这是什么 4640 04:31:00,616 --> 04:31:02,699 啊不知道我不知道这是什么 4641 04:31:03,266 --> 04:31:04,066 什么呢 4642 04:31:04,266 --> 04:31:06,299 啊电容麦吧我也不知道 4643 04:31:09,983 --> 04:31:11,383 现在挽留的话没用 4644 04:31:11,666 --> 04:31:12,733 啊现在挽留的话 4645 04:31:12,733 --> 04:31:15,016 那我对你还是有生气的明天再说吧 4646 04:31:15,183 --> 04:31:16,333 明天再说吧 4647 04:31:22,016 --> 04:31:23,816 啊我手机自动关机了 4648 04:31:35,466 --> 04:31:36,216 哎 4649 04:31:36,216 --> 04:31:38,133 这个手机呢他就总是 4650 04:31:38,866 --> 04:31:41,733 提醒我还有20%的电然后我会点个 4651 04:31:41,783 --> 04:31:42,616 啊OK 4652 04:31:42,666 --> 04:31:45,333 然后忽视掉然后提醒我还有10%的电 4653 04:31:45,333 --> 04:31:46,416 然后也是点个OK 4654 04:31:46,416 --> 04:31:47,266 然后忽略掉 4655 04:31:47,266 --> 04:31:48,666 然后直到这个手机自动关机 4656 04:31:48,666 --> 04:31:50,133 然后才发现啊 4657 04:31:52,466 --> 04:31:54,016 他就这么自动关机了 4658 04:31:54,016 --> 04:31:56,133 原来他已经提醒了我这么多次 4659 04:31:56,133 --> 04:31:58,066 但是我一次一次的忽略 4660 04:31:58,066 --> 04:32:00,816 掉他最终换来了这样的结局 4661 04:32:00,983 --> 04:32:02,216 要是我在他 4662 04:32:02,816 --> 04:32:04,533 插出20%电量的 4663 04:32:04,533 --> 04:32:06,933 那个警告的时候就充上电了多好呢 4664 04:32:06,933 --> 04:32:09,983 但是我在10%的时候插上也很好呢 4665 04:32:09,983 --> 04:32:12,266 为什么就到了这个地步呢 4666 04:32:12,266 --> 04:32:14,583 哎这个什么这个事情预言着什么呢 4667 04:32:14,583 --> 04:32:16,216 啊就是那个什么 4668 04:32:16,666 --> 04:32:18,216 是有点像那什么 4669 04:32:18,416 --> 04:32:19,816 那这种事情的小事情 4670 04:32:19,816 --> 04:32:21,983 但是能够悟出很多人生道理啊 4671 04:32:22,066 --> 04:32:25,383 就是当主播啊一次一次的发出了一些 4672 04:32:25,583 --> 04:32:26,383 哎 4673 04:32:27,266 --> 04:32:28,733 能不能对我好一些呢 4674 04:32:28,733 --> 04:32:29,983 能不能挽留我的话 4675 04:32:29,983 --> 04:32:33,266 就是我的那个爱好一次次的被忽略掉 4676 04:32:33,266 --> 04:32:34,616 一次两次 4677 04:32:34,700 --> 04:32:36,933 啊当然我没有手机电量那么脆弱 4678 04:32:36,933 --> 04:32:38,416 可能还有三次四次 4679 04:32:38,500 --> 04:32:40,300 但是人的耐心也不是无穷无尽的 4680 04:32:40,300 --> 04:32:41,300 总有一天啊 4681 04:32:41,300 --> 04:32:43,016 等主播自动关机了 4682 04:32:43,300 --> 04:32:44,500 啊消失了 4683 04:32:44,616 --> 04:32:47,866 你再也见不到我了你才能幡然醒悟我 4684 04:32:48,816 --> 04:32:51,066 别让等待成为遗憾 4685 04:33:08,333 --> 04:33:10,533 主播作文分数不是很好的 4686 04:33:12,583 --> 04:33:15,133 这样气很重啊只会那什么只会那什么 4687 04:33:15,133 --> 04:33:16,666 赢用这赢用那的 4688 04:33:17,816 --> 04:33:19,333 有的时候还要靠自己编 4689 04:33:19,333 --> 04:33:21,783 叉叉叉曾经说过什么什么什么 4690 04:33:26,583 --> 04:33:27,183 啊 4691 04:33:27,183 --> 04:33:28,499 刚才有人问人头卖啊 4692 04:33:28,500 --> 04:33:29,783 但是我不知道人头卖在哪 4693 04:33:29,783 --> 04:33:32,466 我也每天问来着消失在人海之中了 4694 04:33:38,816 --> 04:33:41,866 这明星主播你这不是0分啊 4695 04:33:44,333 --> 04:33:46,416 谢小老的情书加哥哥的小花花 4696 04:33:46,416 --> 04:33:47,299 谢谢大家 4697 04:33:53,216 --> 04:33:53,499 啊 4698 04:33:53,500 --> 04:33:55,066 开不了机难受 4699 04:33:57,466 --> 04:33:58,016 啊人他妈 4700 04:33:58,016 --> 04:34:00,216 而且我做不到大家想听的东西了 4701 04:34:00,216 --> 04:34:02,533 这本来还还好的 4702 04:34:02,816 --> 04:34:04,216 这自从看了瑞雅前辈 4703 04:34:04,216 --> 04:34:06,416 我就感觉你们肯定想听的是那种内容 4704 04:34:06,416 --> 04:34:08,383 但是实在没有办法呢 4705 04:34:10,783 --> 04:34:12,099 做不到的呢 4706 04:34:12,533 --> 04:34:13,733 做不到的嘞 4707 04:34:15,933 --> 04:34:17,216 不得行的嘞 4708 04:34:30,700 --> 04:34:32,616 你想听什么什么你是谁啊 4709 04:35:01,416 --> 04:35:02,216 okay 4710 04:35:37,133 --> 04:35:37,333 啊 4711 04:35:37,333 --> 04:35:38,933 为什么静音了 4712 04:35:40,783 --> 04:35:42,616 我刚才在说有个人说封面切菜 4713 04:35:42,616 --> 04:35:43,183 我还以为他 4714 04:35:43,183 --> 04:35:44,666 是说我的封面哒哒哒 4715 04:35:44,666 --> 04:35:47,066 结果我想起来封面还是百日的 4716 04:36:00,500 --> 04:36:02,666 这怎么还没人提醒我呢 4717 04:36:03,983 --> 04:36:06,066 没有我现在封面是百日的 4718 04:36:09,533 --> 04:36:11,133 啊等下播我去弄弄 4719 04:36:31,416 --> 04:36:33,533 哎主播真的是时候学会 4720 04:36:33,733 --> 04:36:34,616 呃什么 4721 04:36:40,216 --> 04:36:42,266 不要学会忽略掉一些人了 4722 04:36:44,700 --> 04:36:46,866 当做没看见他们 4723 04:37:04,216 --> 04:37:05,816 再也不理他们了 4724 04:37:07,016 --> 04:37:07,866 真的吗 4725 04:37:13,583 --> 04:37:15,183 很难做到但是 4726 04:37:21,016 --> 04:37:21,816 什么那他们 4727 04:37:21,816 --> 04:37:24,383 他们上了剑他们为什么还这样呢 4728 04:37:24,466 --> 04:37:27,183 就是少啤的话他可能没有多喜欢我 4729 04:37:27,183 --> 04:37:30,016 他都没有为我我花过钱他才会这样吧 4730 04:37:30,133 --> 04:37:31,666 为什么会这样呢 4731 04:37:32,133 --> 04:37:34,133 别跟最老实在教教我 4732 04:37:34,133 --> 04:37:34,933 哈哈哈 4733 04:37:37,466 --> 04:37:39,133 一些大猫挑选呢 4734 04:37:39,183 --> 04:37:40,983 哎这呢 4735 04:37:41,333 --> 04:37:44,333 小翠要学的东西还很多 4736 04:37:49,933 --> 04:37:50,333 哎 4737 04:37:50,333 --> 04:37:53,416 等下我跟他们聊就感觉自己那什么 4738 04:37:56,466 --> 04:37:58,783 分不清楚我在生气还是在开玩笑 4739 04:37:59,700 --> 04:38:01,466 为什么分不清楚呢 4740 04:38:01,466 --> 04:38:03,333 我觉得还是挺好分辨的呀 4741 04:38:03,333 --> 04:38:05,299 没有那么难分辨的 4742 04:38:15,783 --> 04:38:17,133 反正我感觉没那么难分辨啊 4743 04:38:17,133 --> 04:38:18,016 那主播有的时候 4744 04:38:18,016 --> 04:38:19,733 说什么大家不在乎我这种话 4745 04:38:19,733 --> 04:38:22,183 我说这种一般来说都是认真的呀 4746 04:38:26,783 --> 04:38:27,583 如果真的 4747 04:38:27,616 --> 04:38:29,783 在乎我喜欢我的人他可能就把 4748 04:38:29,900 --> 04:38:33,983 他会把百分之呃八九十九十一百次的 4749 04:38:34,100 --> 04:38:37,266 呃生气都当当做是认真的吧因为他 4750 04:38:37,333 --> 04:38:38,933 肯定会害怕我真的生气的时候 4751 04:38:38,933 --> 04:38:39,866 然后发一些 4752 04:38:39,866 --> 04:38:42,299 啊过分的弹幕让我们更伤心这种啊 4753 04:38:42,416 --> 04:38:45,016 那你不在乎我你才才会那个什么呀 4754 04:38:45,266 --> 04:38:46,499 就是每次都 4755 04:38:46,533 --> 04:38:49,299 调皮或者是大部分时间都是调皮 4756 04:38:49,300 --> 04:38:50,100 对吧 4757 04:39:02,333 --> 04:39:04,666 有没有觉得我的想法很很很 4758 04:39:04,783 --> 04:39:06,133 很很那个呢 4759 04:39:12,016 --> 04:39:14,133 而且我觉得我的语气没有那么难分辨 4760 04:39:14,133 --> 04:39:14,933 来着 4761 04:39:15,900 --> 04:39:18,700 难受每次就是那种唉声叹气哎 4762 04:39:19,216 --> 04:39:20,133 那就这样吧 4763 04:39:20,133 --> 04:39:22,816 嗯嗯声音很明显变冷淡了明明就 4764 04:39:22,816 --> 04:39:23,616 到底是真的不 4765 04:39:23,616 --> 04:39:26,866 知道还是懒得花心思去分辨呢说实话 4766 04:39:30,533 --> 04:39:30,899 no 4767 04:39:30,900 --> 04:39:32,783 很多很多时间陪主播的一定是纯粮 4768 04:39:32,783 --> 04:39:34,733 哎呀但我觉得你这个想法呢 4769 04:39:36,900 --> 04:39:40,500 那么多人我觉得也也也也不一定确实 4770 04:39:40,533 --> 04:39:41,333 大家 4771 04:39:41,333 --> 04:39:45,133 看直播多的话确实很感谢很感谢但是 4772 04:39:45,333 --> 04:39:46,666 也不一定吧 4773 04:39:52,583 --> 04:39:53,383 哎 4774 04:39:54,333 --> 04:39:56,583 所以我也跟朋友说我就说 4775 04:39:56,616 --> 04:39:57,899 我感觉我的心态 4776 04:39:57,900 --> 04:40:00,133 不是特别适合做主播来着 4777 04:40:00,300 --> 04:40:06,616 就是太太敏感太太细腻了然后嗯 4778 04:40:06,900 --> 04:40:07,783 说什么 4779 04:40:08,066 --> 04:40:11,099 很害怕伤害别人也很害怕被伤害 4780 04:40:11,700 --> 04:40:13,816 就很难对别人主动 4781 04:40:14,416 --> 04:40:15,866 就很害怕对别人 4782 04:40:15,900 --> 04:40:17,266 呃主动跟别人 4783 04:40:17,300 --> 04:40:18,133 呃说什么话 4784 04:40:18,133 --> 04:40:21,183 然后被被被那种人对待然后就会 4785 04:40:21,183 --> 04:40:23,333 然后就会很伤心之类的 4786 04:40:24,183 --> 04:40:27,666 昨晚那直播就更是了哎就感觉 4787 04:40:28,583 --> 04:40:33,099 不是很不是很心态不是很性格哎 4788 04:40:33,500 --> 04:40:36,383 某方面不是特别适合做主播吧可能 4789 04:40:57,216 --> 04:40:59,933 看不清是在拉扯还是认账的吗 4790 04:41:01,333 --> 04:41:03,666 那我我也没有闲着没事就跟大家 4791 04:41:03,666 --> 04:41:04,816 拉扯一下呀 4792 04:41:05,216 --> 04:41:07,066 我也没做这种事情吧 4793 04:41:32,733 --> 04:41:34,899 可能没把我的话放在心上吧 4794 04:41:34,933 --> 04:41:36,066 有的时候觉得 4795 04:41:37,133 --> 04:41:38,733 情绪变化很明显的 4796 04:41:38,733 --> 04:41:40,466 但是大家还是那个什么 4797 04:41:45,616 --> 04:41:47,616 大家还是不是很在乎就是 4798 04:41:49,733 --> 04:41:53,066 那种多的皮肤你像是在在在在在 4799 04:41:53,266 --> 04:41:54,983 现实像是在责怪我 4800 04:41:57,216 --> 04:41:59,666 我哪有每天开播先拉扯40分钟啊 4801 04:42:07,866 --> 04:42:09,733 我说的话都是真心的呀 4802 04:42:14,416 --> 04:42:16,899 而且大家说什么呃该说的其心之必 4803 04:42:16,900 --> 04:42:18,816 了之类这种话也很不负责 4804 04:42:18,900 --> 04:42:20,933 很也很冷漠啊因为 4805 04:42:21,583 --> 04:42:24,733 大家随便的建议就是说什么啊 4806 04:42:24,933 --> 04:42:27,866 啊树立齐心之毙了然后就像是 4807 04:42:28,333 --> 04:42:29,899 那怎么办呢 4808 04:42:29,900 --> 04:42:30,733 那每次那 4809 04:42:30,733 --> 04:42:34,099 我每次那我每次下播我还会想很久呢 4810 04:42:34,666 --> 04:42:36,616 大家说什么该建立齐心之力 4811 04:42:36,616 --> 04:42:37,983 这种话也很不负责啊 4812 04:42:37,983 --> 04:42:39,499 你们不觉得吗很冷漠啊 4813 04:42:39,500 --> 04:42:40,466 就像说啊 4814 04:42:40,466 --> 04:42:41,783 那你要建立齐心之力 4815 04:42:41,783 --> 04:42:43,183 然后对观众那什么 4816 04:42:43,216 --> 04:42:45,666 呃有那种跟他跟大家有隔阂 4817 04:42:45,666 --> 04:42:47,616 然后对大家不要那么在乎 4818 04:42:48,266 --> 04:42:52,216 就那就是像是你把我先推开了一样 4819 04:42:52,216 --> 04:42:53,099 那你就是毫 4820 04:42:53,100 --> 04:42:55,100 不在乎的先把我推开了一样 4821 04:42:56,016 --> 04:42:58,583 虽然有可能以后确实会有心之闭了 4822 04:42:58,583 --> 04:43:00,383 但是就是这么直接的那种 4823 04:43:00,383 --> 04:43:01,983 什么就这么好 4824 04:43:02,466 --> 04:43:05,183 一点在乎都没有的就直接建议起来了 4825 04:43:05,183 --> 04:43:06,583 就说啊树新之璧 4826 04:43:06,583 --> 04:43:09,216 我们俩之间呃距离遥远一点 4827 04:43:09,216 --> 04:43:11,933 呃什么什么的感觉也好冷漠啊 4828 04:43:23,016 --> 04:43:24,899 我们现在估计很多人觉得我很麻烦 4829 04:43:24,900 --> 04:43:27,300 但是人就是很麻烦的呢 4830 04:43:29,866 --> 04:43:31,733 本来相信主播会在乎观众吗 4831 04:43:31,733 --> 04:43:33,899 哎那我也希望我不要那么在乎观众 4832 04:43:36,066 --> 04:43:38,816 啊原来你们到现在哎那也不能说你们 4833 04:43:39,100 --> 04:43:40,700 那只能特点了 4834 04:43:40,816 --> 04:43:42,216 原来你到现在还没有觉得 4835 04:43:42,216 --> 04:43:43,816 我会在乎观众吗 4836 04:43:43,866 --> 04:43:46,016 啊那这种话也很让人伤心啊 4837 04:43:47,416 --> 04:43:49,533 怎么每句话都很伤心啊 4838 04:44:00,733 --> 04:44:02,733 哎你们现在肯定觉得我太麻烦 4839 04:44:02,733 --> 04:44:04,383 怎么会有这么麻烦的人 4840 04:44:05,866 --> 04:44:08,266 没办法的主播人 4841 04:44:08,900 --> 04:44:10,616 首先人就很麻烦 4842 04:44:10,616 --> 04:44:12,733 然后其次主播本来也是个很 4843 04:44:12,983 --> 04:44:14,933 很很细腻很细腻的 4844 04:44:25,866 --> 04:44:27,699 你不是特职我那我也是主播啊 4845 04:44:27,700 --> 04:44:29,383 然后你现在在我直播间点出来 4846 04:44:29,383 --> 04:44:32,016 然后我我我也是正在跟大家扯什么 4847 04:44:32,100 --> 04:44:34,733 呃感觉大家不是很在乎我的 4848 04:44:35,466 --> 04:44:36,899 这件事情上点出来 4849 04:44:36,900 --> 04:44:38,700 那就不就是在说我吗 4850 04:44:39,383 --> 04:44:41,783 这不好多人的性质比吗但是 4851 04:44:43,383 --> 04:44:44,333 哈哈 4852 04:44:44,383 --> 04:44:45,583 哈怎么说呢 4853 04:44:46,983 --> 04:44:49,216 就是如果他本来就讨厌我的人的话 4854 04:44:49,216 --> 04:44:51,466 那我可能就是觉得啊好难过哦 4855 04:44:51,466 --> 04:44:52,133 但是 4856 04:44:52,133 --> 04:44:53,866 也不会太去纠结就是了 4857 04:44:53,866 --> 04:44:55,666 但是是会被伤害到 4858 04:44:55,666 --> 04:44:57,099 但是有的时候感觉 4859 04:44:57,100 --> 04:44:58,466 大家有的说这种话的人 4860 04:44:58,466 --> 04:45:00,666 也是经常在我直播间发言的人 4861 04:45:00,666 --> 04:45:03,183 然后也是经常看我直播的人就就会 4862 04:45:03,700 --> 04:45:06,500 很迷茫就会觉得为什么呢 4863 04:45:07,066 --> 04:45:08,183 你明明也是 4864 04:45:09,733 --> 04:45:12,699 那什么看起来像是一个喜欢我 4865 04:45:12,933 --> 04:45:15,416 呃至少是喜欢我直播的人吧怎么 4866 04:45:15,666 --> 04:45:18,866 来这个时候这么那个冷漠呢 4867 04:45:30,466 --> 04:45:32,866 啊没有让你们写小作文啊现在写 4868 04:45:33,266 --> 04:45:34,416 什么让大家 4869 04:45:34,500 --> 04:45:36,933 写太多小作文的话也感觉也不太好 4870 04:45:49,416 --> 04:45:50,216 哼 4871 04:45:50,583 --> 04:45:52,499 我说什么是太在乎饼干碎 4872 04:45:52,500 --> 04:45:53,866 我真的觉得自己好可怜啊 4873 04:45:53,866 --> 04:45:55,783 你这么说的话啊 4874 04:45:55,783 --> 04:45:58,466 不是说什么碎太在乎饼干碎了呢太可 4875 04:45:58,466 --> 04:46:00,583 怜了感觉完全败全啊 4876 04:46:00,583 --> 04:46:03,133 完全什么很卑微的那种 4877 04:46:03,783 --> 04:46:04,583 哼 4878 04:46:06,416 --> 04:46:07,216 哼 4879 04:46:12,183 --> 04:46:14,466 我随手发点弹幕打发时间吗 4880 04:46:15,666 --> 04:46:16,533 不是啊 4881 04:46:16,533 --> 04:46:19,733 可是有的人他们就是看经常在看的啊 4882 04:46:20,216 --> 04:46:22,299 就是基本上都在的那种啊 4883 04:46:22,300 --> 04:46:24,733 都百分之七八十的时候都在这种 4884 04:46:24,900 --> 04:46:25,816 搞不明白 4885 04:46:25,816 --> 04:46:27,499 哎你们现在肯定觉得我太麻烦 4886 04:46:27,500 --> 04:46:29,666 哎你觉得我太麻烦了可以不要看了吗 4887 04:46:29,666 --> 04:46:31,933 你别别别别觉得我更麻烦了 4888 04:46:31,933 --> 04:46:33,066 我确实很那个什么 4889 04:46:33,066 --> 04:46:35,333 但是我真的很想跟大家聊一下啊 4890 04:46:35,700 --> 04:46:36,900 没有办法 4891 04:46:38,416 --> 04:46:39,899 哎呦我就是那什么 4892 04:46:40,100 --> 04:46:41,333 事情很难憋在心里 4893 04:46:41,333 --> 04:46:43,816 就是我对谁生气了也没有办法生闷气 4894 04:46:43,816 --> 04:46:46,133 就是要把这个事情解决掉 4895 04:46:46,133 --> 04:46:48,016 然后就是没有办法生闷气 4896 04:46:48,016 --> 04:46:50,383 没有办法一个人在那生闷气的这种人 4897 04:46:50,383 --> 04:46:51,333 怎么办呢 4898 04:46:53,016 --> 04:46:54,266 主播没有那种什么 4899 04:46:54,383 --> 04:46:56,866 呃没有任何的那种一丁点的城府啊 4900 04:46:56,866 --> 04:46:57,733 主播的心 4901 04:46:57,983 --> 04:47:00,616 就是那个什么我家大门窗打开 4902 04:47:00,783 --> 04:47:02,866 开怀拥抱什么什么 4903 04:47:03,700 --> 04:47:04,783 哎也不是这种吧 4904 04:47:04,783 --> 04:47:08,266 就是有什么想想想什么就是会说出来 4905 04:47:08,816 --> 04:47:12,016 永远没有办法那什么自己消化掉的 4906 04:47:15,016 --> 04:47:16,266 那你想说服我 4907 04:47:16,266 --> 04:47:17,333 那你说呀 4908 04:47:25,783 --> 04:47:26,866 对呀我就觉得 4909 04:47:27,266 --> 04:47:29,066 自己一个人在那难过的话 4910 04:47:29,100 --> 04:47:30,183 那大家说不定 4911 04:47:30,216 --> 04:47:32,466 这个时候正在开心快活着呢 4912 04:47:32,466 --> 04:47:33,666 那就更不公平了 4913 04:47:33,666 --> 04:47:35,216 必须掰扯清楚了 4914 04:47:39,016 --> 04:47:40,666 啊关注都有心知币吗 4915 04:47:40,666 --> 04:47:42,416 是吗你们有心知币吗 4916 04:47:42,666 --> 04:47:44,416 啊那如果你们对主播 4917 04:47:44,416 --> 04:47:45,733 基本上都有心知币的话 4918 04:47:45,733 --> 04:47:46,783 那主播也 4919 04:47:47,183 --> 04:47:47,983 说说 4920 04:47:52,666 --> 04:47:56,016 直接点错的话那就是那就是那什么 4921 04:47:56,016 --> 04:47:58,183 那就是驯粉了吧可是 4922 04:48:06,183 --> 04:48:07,099 确实呢 4923 04:48:07,783 --> 04:48:09,133 确实呢大家 4924 04:48:09,416 --> 04:48:11,183 已经看了很多主播了 4925 04:48:11,266 --> 04:48:13,933 呃然后也经历了那么多了 4926 04:48:21,133 --> 04:48:22,466 哎你们别在这管我 4927 04:48:22,466 --> 04:48:24,066 你们现在想说的很那个什么 4928 04:48:24,066 --> 04:48:25,383 然后到时候念啥 4929 04:48:31,783 --> 04:48:33,133 单腿挺多的 4930 04:48:33,183 --> 04:48:35,383 放屁啊你就不是吧 4931 04:48:36,533 --> 04:48:36,783 啊 4932 04:48:36,783 --> 04:48:39,783 我看前面的直播可有可是有看到你呢 4933 04:48:40,383 --> 04:48:42,333 要主播这么点出来吗 4934 04:48:47,383 --> 04:48:47,983 因为主播 4935 04:48:47,983 --> 04:48:50,416 有的时候也会去看前辈的直播啊 4936 04:48:50,533 --> 04:48:52,983 那些爱心如果很那啥的话 4937 04:48:53,666 --> 04:48:55,216 就是很明显 4938 04:48:55,216 --> 04:48:57,583 哈哈哈因为我也不是黑天啊 4939 04:48:57,583 --> 04:48:59,733 有的时候我也会看弹幕啊 4940 04:49:01,066 --> 04:49:01,583 我得 4941 04:49:01,583 --> 04:49:03,616 我有时候也是要看弹幕的呀 4942 04:49:04,416 --> 04:49:06,183 今天晚上在这你去看谁 4943 04:49:06,183 --> 04:49:07,066 真的吗 4944 04:49:07,700 --> 04:49:08,783 你想想呢 4945 04:49:10,300 --> 04:49:10,866 你们觉得 4946 04:49:10,866 --> 04:49:13,299 你们对单推的定义到底是什么啊 4947 04:49:14,700 --> 04:49:15,533 我对单推的 4948 04:49:15,533 --> 04:49:17,016 你们对单推的定义到底是什么呢 4949 04:49:17,016 --> 04:49:18,733 哎我们来讨论一下这个问题吧 4950 04:49:18,733 --> 04:49:20,133 就老是跟大家掰扯这个 4951 04:49:20,133 --> 04:49:21,699 我就是觉得他明明就是 4952 04:49:21,700 --> 04:49:22,983 经常有的看别人 4953 04:49:22,983 --> 04:49:24,866 然后老是在我的直播间说什么 4954 04:49:24,900 --> 04:49:26,500 啊只看小帅啊 4955 04:49:26,500 --> 04:49:28,983 啊什么没有小帅直播间看啊 4956 04:49:28,983 --> 04:49:30,299 寂寞死掉了这是 4957 04:49:30,300 --> 04:49:31,383 明明那什么 4958 04:49:31,466 --> 04:49:32,416 啊我们在播的时候 4959 04:49:32,416 --> 04:49:34,133 有时候点进别人的直播间 4960 04:49:34,466 --> 04:49:35,933 明明有看到大家啊 4961 04:49:37,133 --> 04:49:38,583 没有看到大家 4962 04:49:49,016 --> 04:49:50,933 你还去看谁了真的吗 4963 04:49:51,100 --> 04:49:51,900 哈哈 4964 04:49:52,300 --> 04:49:53,100 真的我 4965 04:49:53,133 --> 04:49:55,583 我觉得我应该是没有记错的 4966 04:50:03,133 --> 04:50:05,016 啊就这一周的事情吧哎 4967 04:50:05,016 --> 04:50:07,616 我真不想跟大家说这么详细说实话 4968 04:50:15,100 --> 04:50:17,183 当初是在我身上花的时间最多啊 4969 04:50:17,183 --> 04:50:18,099 是这个吗 4970 04:50:26,816 --> 04:50:27,616 嗯 4971 04:50:27,616 --> 04:50:29,699 为什么要套个单腿话听啊 4972 04:50:35,466 --> 04:50:37,816 这样我才能叫蹬腿那你也不是吧 4973 04:50:41,466 --> 04:50:42,266 适合 4974 04:50:42,466 --> 04:50:45,099 反正可能是我对单推的那什么 4975 04:50:46,183 --> 04:50:47,666 定义太严格了 4976 04:50:58,616 --> 04:50:59,866 那你们觉得呃 4977 04:50:59,983 --> 04:51:03,899 回忆别人的微博和那个什么动态算是 4978 04:51:04,333 --> 04:51:07,016 也也也也也是很那个的吗 4979 04:51:13,383 --> 04:51:16,616 聊聊不行吗我有没有很严肃的聊 4980 04:51:18,183 --> 04:51:19,983 我又没有说那个什么 4981 04:51:20,100 --> 04:51:22,533 一定要大家是我的赞推我没有啊 4982 04:51:37,816 --> 04:51:38,383 是吗 4983 04:51:38,383 --> 04:51:40,933 这我这那我只能说我太纯情了吧 4984 04:51:40,933 --> 04:51:43,466 也哎这什么呢 4985 04:51:43,466 --> 04:51:46,016 我真的玩不过你们水太深了把握不住 4986 04:52:03,866 --> 04:52:04,299 可能是 4987 04:52:04,300 --> 04:52:06,333 我就是是一个呃 4988 04:52:06,333 --> 04:52:07,066 互联网 4989 04:52:07,066 --> 04:52:09,299 上基本上从来不会回复别人的人 4990 04:52:15,866 --> 04:52:17,333 我是从来不会回复别人 4991 04:52:17,333 --> 04:52:19,099 然后也不会给别人发弹幕 4992 04:52:19,100 --> 04:52:22,300 就如果我就是看直播可能还 4993 04:52:22,533 --> 04:52:24,466 还好那什么 4994 04:52:24,583 --> 04:52:25,583 那是那什么 4995 04:52:25,583 --> 04:52:27,866 如果去回别人的那种动态和 4996 04:52:28,100 --> 04:52:28,816 呃 4997 04:52:28,816 --> 04:52:30,583 去他看他直播还给他发弹幕 4998 04:52:30,583 --> 04:52:32,266 我觉得已经是相当喜欢了 4999 04:52:32,300 --> 04:52:35,300 这我们我们我们的品种太不一样了吗 5000 04:52:35,466 --> 04:52:36,266 哼 5001 04:53:28,183 --> 04:53:30,466 不要这么严肃你们现在很严肃吗 5002 04:53:34,933 --> 04:53:37,499 感觉看你们弹幕有点像在殉国了已经 5003 04:53:44,100 --> 04:53:44,900 Huh 5004 04:53:53,933 --> 04:53:56,416 啊挺严肃的是想说啊你想这样吗 5005 04:53:56,416 --> 04:53:57,216 你想这样 5006 04:53:57,616 --> 04:53:58,699 就会疯魔啊 5007 04:53:58,700 --> 04:54:00,866 那我变成突围啊你想这样吗 5008 04:54:01,066 --> 04:54:02,866 你想让别人成你再推吗 5009 04:54:03,416 --> 04:54:04,383 对像这样 5010 04:54:19,100 --> 04:54:21,666 哪有信你们啊那我声音很温柔啊 5011 04:54:23,183 --> 04:54:25,783 这甜妹子听出你温柔的语气 5012 04:54:26,983 --> 04:54:28,816 那我可以加一点可爱的 5013 04:54:29,300 --> 04:54:30,933 寂寞寂寞吃吗 5014 04:54:31,666 --> 04:54:32,099 真的吗 5015 04:54:32,100 --> 04:54:33,933 我真的感觉大家有的时候说话 5016 04:54:33,933 --> 04:54:35,666 就是有点羞 5017 04:54:50,700 --> 04:54:52,183 那你们说的事情 5018 04:54:53,616 --> 04:54:54,416 那什么 5019 04:54:55,866 --> 04:54:58,216 那我想扯的只是大家有的时候说 5020 04:54:58,983 --> 04:55:00,133 哈哈 5021 04:55:00,900 --> 04:55:02,100 哈哈是 5022 04:55:02,100 --> 04:55:04,266 我只是想说大家有的时候好像说什么 5023 04:55:04,333 --> 04:55:05,133 嗯 5024 04:55:07,016 --> 04:55:08,216 哈哈哈 5025 04:55:08,416 --> 04:55:09,066 我没有 5026 04:55:09,066 --> 04:55:11,983 但是我没有说要这样单推到极致啊 5027 04:55:12,983 --> 04:55:13,899 我只是说 5028 04:55:14,133 --> 04:55:15,583 那什么有的时候说什么 5029 04:55:15,700 --> 04:55:18,666 哎呀什么哎呀只喜欢自己呢 5030 04:55:18,666 --> 04:55:19,866 只看自己呢 5031 04:55:20,066 --> 04:55:22,099 原来是在逢场作戏吗 5032 04:55:25,583 --> 04:55:27,016 只想说这个话了 5033 04:55:27,900 --> 04:55:29,016 谢谢我一直打call 5034 04:55:29,100 --> 04:55:29,983 谢谢你哦 5035 04:55:32,016 --> 04:55:34,299 但他电影确实严格那那行吧 5036 04:55:34,500 --> 04:55:36,900 可能是主播是一个比较严格的人 5037 04:55:50,133 --> 04:55:52,466 哈哈哈哈哈哈 5038 04:55:54,416 --> 04:55:57,666 啊不要那你不用骗我来着那我呃 5039 04:55:57,866 --> 04:55:58,499 呃 5040 04:55:58,500 --> 04:55:59,933 那不用骗我说只喜欢 5041 04:55:59,933 --> 04:56:01,666 我这种呃 5042 04:56:03,466 --> 04:56:05,216 那我还是想看那个什么啊 5043 04:56:05,216 --> 04:56:06,333 真的喜欢的人 5044 04:56:06,333 --> 04:56:10,016 我的人说只喜欢我好吧感觉好 5045 04:56:12,783 --> 04:56:15,099 你这段推你在放狗屁啊 5046 04:56:15,100 --> 04:56:16,533 你又想主播点你什么 5047 04:56:16,533 --> 04:56:18,466 你是故意想被点吧你 5048 04:56:25,500 --> 04:56:25,783 I 5049 04:56:25,783 --> 04:56:27,499 大部分大部分但不能当成OK 5050 04:56:27,500 --> 04:56:29,733 那我以后把所有人当成假的 5051 04:56:38,500 --> 04:56:39,866 那你就先把所有的 5052 04:56:39,866 --> 04:56:42,016 所有的人都预测成假的好了 5053 04:57:11,900 --> 04:57:14,866 总是这些正能量问题啊真是抱歉 5054 04:57:15,733 --> 04:57:17,333 如果觉得太麻烦的话 5055 04:57:17,333 --> 04:57:20,216 可以那个什么不看这今天晚上的直播 5056 04:57:20,216 --> 04:57:21,583 真的没问题的 5057 04:57:21,900 --> 04:57:24,133 等我今天那什么聊完 5058 04:57:25,133 --> 04:57:26,983 那也不能保证以后就不能不聊了 5059 04:57:26,983 --> 04:57:30,466 但是只是说以后肯定会减少减少减少 5060 04:57:30,466 --> 04:57:31,266 这个 5061 04:57:34,300 --> 04:57:35,933 我觉得你是真情实感吗 5062 04:57:36,100 --> 04:57:38,616 你的真情实感是是那什么呢 5063 04:57:38,783 --> 04:57:39,816 呃是指什么呢 5064 04:57:39,816 --> 04:57:42,533 你你不会去给别人发弹幕和评论吗 5065 04:57:42,533 --> 04:57:44,499 哈哈哈哈 5066 04:58:05,133 --> 04:58:06,499 你看这人他恩恩 5067 04:58:06,500 --> 04:58:07,333 我 5068 04:58:08,100 --> 04:58:09,333 那就会很伤心啊 5069 04:58:09,333 --> 04:58:12,499 都讲这么真挚的话题他也在恩恩我 5070 04:58:13,816 --> 04:58:14,616 是吧 5071 04:58:19,983 --> 04:58:23,933 哈哈哈大哥哈哈哈 5072 04:58:25,500 --> 04:58:26,300 Huh 5073 04:58:30,700 --> 04:58:31,133 嗯 5074 04:58:31,133 --> 04:58:32,416 回去啊 5075 04:58:33,500 --> 04:58:36,616 又不那个又不能达到同样的效果 5076 04:58:36,983 --> 04:58:37,533 我嗯嗯 5077 04:58:37,533 --> 04:58:39,416 他他如果本来就不喜欢我 5078 04:58:39,416 --> 04:58:41,499 我嗯嗯他他也不在乎啊 5079 04:58:42,466 --> 04:58:43,133 嗯 5080 04:58:43,133 --> 04:58:43,933 对不好 5081 04:59:02,266 --> 04:59:03,333 嘟嘟 5082 04:59:14,100 --> 04:59:15,333 哎算了 5083 04:59:16,533 --> 04:59:17,066 总结一下 5084 04:59:17,066 --> 04:59:19,466 就是你们说有的时候说只喜欢我 5085 04:59:19,466 --> 04:59:21,333 有的人是逢场作戏 5086 04:59:21,416 --> 04:59:24,133 然后有的人的话他是呃 5087 04:59:25,100 --> 04:59:28,616 他是那什么他觉得是看谁的时间最长 5088 04:59:28,733 --> 04:59:32,616 呃打的米最多然后就叫最喜欢是吗 5089 05:00:00,983 --> 05:00:01,866 好吧 5090 05:00:03,616 --> 05:00:04,983 我明白了 5091 05:00:08,666 --> 05:00:09,266 好吧 5092 05:00:09,266 --> 05:00:10,466 我明白了 5093 05:00:11,016 --> 05:00:11,816 不是 5094 05:00:12,100 --> 05:00:14,816 哎你想听我说我的那个什么想法吗 5095 05:00:14,816 --> 05:00:16,216 就是嗯 5096 05:00:17,383 --> 05:00:20,299 就是我那个什么的话呃 5097 05:00:22,066 --> 05:00:26,299 就是我会不开心的点的话就是呃什么 5098 05:00:28,216 --> 05:00:29,016 嗯 5099 05:00:29,466 --> 05:00:32,099 我想想啊你感觉我还是没明白 5100 05:00:32,100 --> 05:00:33,100 我感觉我已经明白了 5101 05:00:33,100 --> 05:00:34,816 你觉得我哪里没明白呢 5102 05:00:36,183 --> 05:00:38,299 呃我总结出来的话就是 5103 05:00:38,533 --> 05:00:39,583 如果有 5104 05:00:52,816 --> 05:00:56,099 我总结出来的话就是如果有20个人说 5105 05:00:56,216 --> 05:00:59,533 呃是那什么呃只喜欢续集啊 5106 05:00:59,533 --> 05:01:02,066 然后可能有16个人都是假的 5107 05:01:02,466 --> 05:01:05,983 然后就是逢场作戏随便说说然后还还 5108 05:01:06,216 --> 05:01:07,666 剩下4个人的话 5109 05:01:10,333 --> 05:01:13,383 可能可能有有有有三个都是那个什么 5110 05:01:13,416 --> 05:01:15,666 也也看别人的啊 5111 05:01:15,666 --> 05:01:17,816 也会给别人啊发弹幕 5112 05:01:18,100 --> 05:01:18,700 上镜中 5113 05:01:18,700 --> 05:01:21,783 或者是回复他的那个什么动态那些的 5114 05:01:22,216 --> 05:01:23,016 对吧 5115 05:01:25,216 --> 05:01:26,016 哼 5116 05:01:35,266 --> 05:01:36,499 20个都是假的 5117 05:01:36,500 --> 05:01:37,616 你们说这种话就是 5118 05:01:37,616 --> 05:01:39,866 又是像在那什么可以伤害我 5119 05:01:39,933 --> 05:01:42,699 因为你们说这种话就是像是在说啊 5120 05:01:42,700 --> 05:01:43,783 不是多连 5121 05:01:43,783 --> 05:01:46,016 连一个真正喜欢你的人都没有 5122 05:01:46,016 --> 05:01:47,066 像是这种 5123 05:01:48,183 --> 05:01:49,616 啊希望不要再发这种弹幕了 5124 05:01:49,616 --> 05:01:51,533 我会觉得很心痛的谢谢 5125 05:02:16,666 --> 05:02:17,866 啊好了好了 5126 05:02:17,866 --> 05:02:19,016 差不多了 5127 05:02:32,100 --> 05:02:33,300 我只是举个例子 5128 05:02:33,300 --> 05:02:36,183 你不用太在乎我的百分比好吗 5129 05:02:50,416 --> 05:02:51,466 没啥了 5130 05:02:53,783 --> 05:02:55,666 那就这样吧拜拜 5131 05:03:08,666 --> 05:03:10,533 问题我得到谢谢解决了 5132 05:03:11,016 --> 05:03:14,299 哈好难说感觉现在情绪还是很 5133 05:03:15,300 --> 05:03:17,500 感觉还是有点伤心 5134 05:03:19,300 --> 05:03:21,300 不是也没啥可伤心的吗 5135 05:03:40,133 --> 05:03:42,933 大家是不是觉得很疲惫听这些 5136 05:03:43,466 --> 05:03:44,266 哼 5137 05:03:44,866 --> 05:03:47,733 哎我真的觉得想这些的我好幼稚啊 5138 05:03:49,900 --> 05:03:52,333 而且昨天跟前辈们大概 5139 05:03:52,466 --> 05:03:54,383 也说了一下这些话题 5140 05:04:01,700 --> 05:04:02,266 谢谢 5141 05:04:02,266 --> 05:04:04,099 卡优萨利卡的AC 5142 05:04:04,100 --> 05:04:06,700 简称互联网常态是对他人的善意吃 5143 05:04:06,866 --> 05:04:07,899 怀疑态度 5144 05:04:07,900 --> 05:04:09,583 情感不泛滥才是真正的 5145 05:04:09,900 --> 05:04:10,700 必要之 5146 05:04:11,383 --> 05:04:13,899 啊可是怎么办呢我是一个 5147 05:04:14,666 --> 05:04:15,466 哎 5148 05:04:15,933 --> 05:04:20,016 这主播的幼稚之处在哪里呢就是嗯 5149 05:04:20,733 --> 05:04:22,733 我的幼稚之处就是在 5150 05:04:23,300 --> 05:04:25,983 嗯我就是一个 5151 05:04:26,216 --> 05:04:28,983 要么0%要么100%的人啊 5152 05:04:29,333 --> 05:04:30,133 就是 5153 05:04:30,816 --> 05:04:32,499 就是很难的什么啊 5154 05:04:32,500 --> 05:04:34,533 保持恰到好处的那种 5155 05:04:34,900 --> 05:04:38,933 心之闭或者是说距离之类的 5156 05:04:41,100 --> 05:04:43,016 就是如果我对一个人的 5157 05:04:45,266 --> 05:04:46,933 呃在乎程度是 5158 05:04:47,066 --> 05:04:53,899 是60%的话我就很难只表现出5%10%来 5159 05:04:53,933 --> 05:04:54,899 那我就是 5160 05:04:55,133 --> 05:04:57,783 我我我很难伪装自己 5161 05:05:04,616 --> 05:05:05,416 而且 5162 05:05:06,616 --> 05:05:08,466 就是这个是一个更痛苦的事情 5163 05:05:08,466 --> 05:05:09,299 你们知道吗 5164 05:05:09,300 --> 05:05:10,466 我举个例子 5165 05:05:10,583 --> 05:05:14,333 就是以前的话呃就我有个朋友就是 5166 05:05:14,983 --> 05:05:15,816 有认识很久 5167 05:05:15,816 --> 05:05:18,616 但是后来在相处中我就觉得他的 5168 05:05:18,666 --> 05:05:21,533 很多做事就是非常非常的伤害到我 5169 05:05:21,533 --> 05:05:24,133 已经到我无法忍受的程度了所以说 5170 05:05:24,133 --> 05:05:24,933 呃 5171 05:05:25,616 --> 05:05:29,499 就是决定不跟他做朋友了然后跟他 5172 05:05:29,900 --> 05:05:31,133 绝交了之后 5173 05:05:31,216 --> 05:05:34,066 然后过了很久他又来找我和好了 5174 05:05:34,066 --> 05:05:35,899 但是说实话其实我 5175 05:05:36,016 --> 05:05:36,983 我觉得 5176 05:05:37,383 --> 05:05:40,133 嗯我是没有办法继续跟他做朋友的 5177 05:05:40,133 --> 05:05:42,299 不可能的因为嗯 5178 05:05:43,066 --> 05:05:45,183 人是很难改变的而且我已经从 5179 05:05:45,183 --> 05:05:47,816 就他的性性格的各个方面的话都是 5180 05:05:47,816 --> 05:05:50,183 非常非常伤害我就是可能 5181 05:05:50,300 --> 05:05:53,500 会对我的一些喜好直接呃一些 5182 05:05:53,983 --> 05:05:57,066 就是有点以个人为中心 5183 05:05:57,216 --> 05:05:59,016 呃就是他比较爱讲自己的事情 5184 05:05:59,016 --> 05:06:00,783 就是我讲什么的话可能不理我 5185 05:06:00,816 --> 05:06:01,816 然后要不然的话 5186 05:06:01,816 --> 05:06:03,699 就是我喜欢的一些东西他不太 5187 05:06:03,700 --> 05:06:04,183 喜欢 5188 05:06:04,183 --> 05:06:06,299 他可能就是直接贬低的就是这种 5189 05:06:06,383 --> 05:06:09,016 事情会让你很难表露自己的真心 5190 05:06:09,066 --> 05:06:10,099 就明明比如说 5191 05:06:10,100 --> 05:06:11,066 呃你很喜欢 5192 05:06:11,066 --> 05:06:13,216 一首歌但是你没有办法发过去说 5193 05:06:13,216 --> 05:06:14,533 哎我好喜欢这首歌 5194 05:06:14,533 --> 05:06:16,383 因为他可能会贬低你说 5195 05:06:16,500 --> 05:06:18,300 这首歌也太破了吧对吧 5196 05:06:18,816 --> 05:06:19,816 那么你只能 5197 05:06:20,183 --> 05:06:21,699 啊藏起自己的真心说 5198 05:06:21,700 --> 05:06:22,983 哎我觉得这首歌还 5199 05:06:23,016 --> 05:06:26,099 还挺好听的就是只能很折中的说对吧 5200 05:06:26,300 --> 05:06:26,783 然后 5201 05:06:26,783 --> 05:06:29,416 但是有可能这么说了之后就是你已经 5202 05:06:29,500 --> 05:06:32,300 藏起一部分真心了之后他还是说 5203 05:06:32,383 --> 05:06:33,466 这首歌很破 5204 05:06:33,500 --> 05:06:35,416 虽然你藏藏起了一部分真心 5205 05:06:35,416 --> 05:06:36,666 但是实说实话 5206 05:06:36,666 --> 05:06:37,816 还是会受伤啊 5207 05:06:39,100 --> 05:06:41,983 啊然后这个时候呢啊就会那什么 5208 05:06:42,416 --> 05:06:44,099 就是就是他来找我很好的时候 5209 05:06:44,100 --> 05:06:45,333 说实话我就觉得 5210 05:06:45,733 --> 05:06:48,733 已经没有办法做朋友了但是他就说 5211 05:06:49,300 --> 05:06:52,533 哎说了很多话来挽回吧就是说 5212 05:06:52,983 --> 05:06:54,783 大概是说会会 5213 05:06:54,816 --> 05:06:57,783 会会那个什么改正这些这些地方 5214 05:06:57,783 --> 05:07:00,099 然后说大家认识这么久了你就 5215 05:07:00,300 --> 05:07:02,700 直接这么绝交是不是太冷漠了 5216 05:07:02,700 --> 05:07:04,700 然后我这么一想也是真的认识 5217 05:07:04,700 --> 05:07:05,616 好久好久 5218 05:07:05,616 --> 05:07:08,216 也一起就经历了很多事情了 5219 05:07:08,500 --> 05:07:09,466 然后还是 5220 05:07:09,933 --> 05:07:11,933 跟他和好了但是我当时心里想的 5221 05:07:11,933 --> 05:07:14,133 就以前我们是非常非常好的朋友来着 5222 05:07:14,133 --> 05:07:14,733 但是我 5223 05:07:14,733 --> 05:07:16,783 那个时候已经知道我是不可能跟他做 5224 05:07:16,783 --> 05:07:19,066 很好很好的朋友只能做一个 5225 05:07:19,300 --> 05:07:21,700 平时会聊天但是不会付出 5226 05:07:22,933 --> 05:07:24,016 妈的 5227 05:07:25,416 --> 05:07:27,099 这只能那什么聊 5228 05:07:27,100 --> 05:07:28,700 聊一些那什么娱乐 5229 05:07:28,700 --> 05:07:29,700 的东西但是不能 5230 05:07:29,700 --> 05:07:31,500 付出真心不能跟他讲一些 5231 05:07:31,500 --> 05:07:34,016 自己自己自己心里真的在想的东西 5232 05:07:34,066 --> 05:07:34,866 和 5233 05:07:35,383 --> 05:07:37,733 不不会再跟他一起出出门玩了 5234 05:07:37,733 --> 05:07:39,699 就是关系已经没有那么 5235 05:07:39,866 --> 05:07:41,216 亲密了懂吗 5236 05:07:42,983 --> 05:07:43,866 但是虽然 5237 05:07:43,866 --> 05:07:45,099 我这么想了我以为 5238 05:07:45,100 --> 05:07:47,383 自己已经把它摆好跟他的距离之后 5239 05:07:47,383 --> 05:07:50,016 那相处起来还是很痛苦你们知道吗 5240 05:07:50,816 --> 05:07:52,983 相处起来很痛苦很痛苦 5241 05:07:57,816 --> 05:07:58,666 就是你要 5242 05:07:58,733 --> 05:08:00,183 就是可能有的时候你 5243 05:08:00,183 --> 05:08:02,016 你想说一个事情但是你会想 5244 05:08:02,100 --> 05:08:03,416 啊我说这个事情他会理 5245 05:08:03,416 --> 05:08:05,733 我吗他会把我的说的话当真吗 5246 05:08:05,816 --> 05:08:08,383 他会好好的回回应我吗你就会要 5247 05:08:08,466 --> 05:08:10,183 就要不不断的计较 5248 05:08:10,216 --> 05:08:12,533 就是一定一定要不断的计较自己的得 5249 05:08:12,533 --> 05:08:14,183 失就是呃 5250 05:08:14,300 --> 05:08:16,300 哪怕只是付出一点点的真心也害怕 5251 05:08:16,300 --> 05:08:17,100 就是被 5252 05:08:17,133 --> 05:08:19,499 不在乎被忽略懂吧 5253 05:08:20,700 --> 05:08:21,466 就是 5254 05:08:21,466 --> 05:08:22,383 就没有办法 5255 05:08:22,383 --> 05:08:24,616 我这还是没有办法跟他做朋友不是有 5256 05:08:24,616 --> 05:08:25,133 芥蒂了就 5257 05:08:25,133 --> 05:08:26,016 你没有办法 5258 05:08:26,183 --> 05:08:29,466 跟一个人保持恰到好的距离感吧就是 5259 05:08:30,533 --> 05:08:32,666 很难啊很难很难 5260 05:08:33,533 --> 05:08:35,266 再举例子就是比如说 5261 05:08:35,416 --> 05:08:37,816 有一有的人应该也是跟爸爸妈妈关系 5262 05:08:37,816 --> 05:08:38,933 不是特别好 5263 05:08:39,216 --> 05:08:40,666 不是有一句话就是 5264 05:08:40,933 --> 05:08:42,583 保持一定的距离 5265 05:08:42,666 --> 05:08:44,783 就是会相处的更开心 5266 05:08:44,783 --> 05:08:46,666 但是你们有没有发现就是这个距离 5267 05:08:46,666 --> 05:08:47,816 也很难保持 5268 05:08:49,616 --> 05:08:50,583 哎对吧 5269 05:08:50,783 --> 05:08:52,866 就是这样的呀所以我一直都觉得 5270 05:08:52,900 --> 05:08:56,066 那什么我是个要么0要么是100%的人 5271 05:08:56,100 --> 05:08:58,016 你好难保持一个恰到 5272 05:08:58,066 --> 05:08:59,266 好处的距离感因为你会 5273 05:08:59,266 --> 05:09:00,666 不断的计较得失 5274 05:09:00,733 --> 05:09:02,783 很难你付出了这一点 5275 05:09:02,900 --> 05:09:05,016 你付出了5%的真心你会想 5276 05:09:05,016 --> 05:09:06,899 我我能收到6%吗 5277 05:09:06,933 --> 05:09:08,583 我能收到7%吗 5278 05:09:08,733 --> 05:09:10,783 万一他根本不把我的真心当回事 5279 05:09:10,783 --> 05:09:11,533 怎么办 5280 05:09:11,533 --> 05:09:13,533 虽然我只付出了一点点的真心 5281 05:09:13,533 --> 05:09:15,616 但是也很害怕他摔在地上呢 5282 05:09:15,816 --> 05:09:17,583 对吧很痛苦啊 5283 05:09:18,583 --> 05:09:19,666 做不到的 5284 05:09:24,533 --> 05:09:25,616 那他要说什么 5285 05:09:26,816 --> 05:09:28,533 大家就随口说出来什么 5286 05:09:28,533 --> 05:09:30,099 啊建立其心之弊吧 5287 05:09:30,183 --> 05:09:33,016 啊这里这里的我也觉得这是一个很 5288 05:09:33,733 --> 05:09:35,466 太随意的建议了这 5289 05:09:35,466 --> 05:09:37,099 这明明是一个很那种的事情 5290 05:09:37,100 --> 05:09:37,933 但是大家好 5291 05:09:37,933 --> 05:09:39,416 好随便就说出来 5292 05:09:40,783 --> 05:09:43,266 哪有那么好哪有那么容易恰到好处 5293 05:09:43,266 --> 05:09:45,866 把握这个这个薪资币的那种呢 5294 05:09:47,383 --> 05:09:48,183 哎 5295 05:09:53,466 --> 05:09:54,266 哼 5296 05:09:54,616 --> 05:09:56,416 那你有心之闭的话 5297 05:09:56,466 --> 05:09:58,299 那不喜欢你的人还是 5298 05:09:58,300 --> 05:10:00,733 他根本不在乎你有没有什么心之闭啊 5299 05:10:00,900 --> 05:10:02,383 就是喜欢你的人的话 5300 05:10:02,383 --> 05:10:05,016 他可能就会感觉到距离感对吗 5301 05:10:08,100 --> 05:10:10,300 而且你对别人冷漠了 5302 05:10:10,500 --> 05:10:12,016 那万一他比你更冷漠 5303 05:10:12,016 --> 05:10:13,299 这个时候你又会觉得 5304 05:10:14,866 --> 05:10:17,099 我又输了他竟然比我还冷漠 5305 05:10:17,100 --> 05:10:18,383 我也比他更冷漠 5306 05:10:18,533 --> 05:10:22,183 对吧你又开始计较得失太累了太累了 5307 05:10:22,266 --> 05:10:23,066 哼 5308 05:10:25,616 --> 05:10:28,016 哪怕你对他冷漠你说啊比如说我 5309 05:10:28,266 --> 05:10:30,466 我举例子比如说我建立了星之 5310 05:10:30,466 --> 05:10:32,783 币然后我下播的时候我就直接下播了 5311 05:10:32,783 --> 05:10:34,499 我就说拜拜大家晚安 5312 05:10:34,933 --> 05:10:36,466 啊然后我直接切异地了 5313 05:10:36,466 --> 05:10:37,866 然后这个时候 5314 05:10:37,933 --> 05:10:38,899 有的弹幕呢 5315 05:10:38,900 --> 05:10:41,900 他就是也是经常看的观众他也说拜拜 5316 05:10:42,133 --> 05:10:44,499 走了下一站叉叉叉叉 5317 05:10:44,533 --> 05:10:45,933 然后这个时候我又会觉得 5318 05:10:46,266 --> 05:10:47,583 哇他竟然 5319 05:10:47,666 --> 05:10:48,783 比我还爽快 5320 05:10:48,783 --> 05:10:50,616 太太令人生气了 5321 05:10:50,616 --> 05:10:52,099 下次我连一滴都不要放了 5322 05:10:52,100 --> 05:10:53,866 我就直接关直播间好了 5323 05:10:54,500 --> 05:10:56,466 对吧你就又会在计较得失 5324 05:10:56,466 --> 05:10:58,466 很累啊很累很累很累 5325 05:10:58,733 --> 05:11:01,216 好累啊好累好累好累 5326 05:11:01,333 --> 05:11:03,266 好累好累好累好累好累 5327 05:11:11,733 --> 05:11:13,333 哎所以说我就是一个 5328 05:11:13,816 --> 05:11:15,133 啊想跟这个人 5329 05:11:15,466 --> 05:11:18,216 问什么搞好就是我很喜欢这个人的话 5330 05:11:18,500 --> 05:11:19,866 我要付出的话 5331 05:11:19,933 --> 05:11:22,216 虽然我可能是循序渐进啊 5332 05:11:22,216 --> 05:11:26,666 但是最后最终肯定会付出100%的真心的 5333 05:11:27,616 --> 05:11:29,266 没有办法弄啥呀 5334 05:11:45,733 --> 05:11:47,866 那就下播休息啊你啊我干嘛 5335 05:11:48,266 --> 05:11:49,499 好凶啊 5336 05:11:50,066 --> 05:11:53,066 在这掰扯半天你竟然说搞那个钱包啊 5337 05:11:56,583 --> 05:11:58,699 就是从我的心境来看的话就是 5338 05:11:58,866 --> 05:12:00,216 呃一个呃 5339 05:12:00,583 --> 05:12:01,699 我只是举例子啊 5340 05:12:01,700 --> 05:12:04,383 没有说他一个人的意思就是一个 5341 05:12:04,533 --> 05:12:05,333 呃 5342 05:12:05,700 --> 05:12:09,583 呃呃又是见长然后又是时不时会发 5343 05:12:09,666 --> 05:12:11,266 弹幕的人然后说什么 5344 05:12:11,466 --> 05:12:13,783 那就下播啊他心里面潜台词就是 5345 05:12:13,816 --> 05:12:15,066 那就下播啊 5346 05:12:15,100 --> 05:12:17,500 那在这拉扯什么呢因为 5347 05:12:17,783 --> 05:12:19,733 就就就缺你一个人的这么卡 5348 05:12:19,733 --> 05:12:21,416 那你就下播啊你就下播呗 5349 05:12:21,416 --> 05:12:22,616 我去看别人去了 5350 05:12:22,616 --> 05:12:23,416 OK 5351 05:12:24,333 --> 05:12:25,466 带就是这种啊 5352 05:12:25,616 --> 05:12:26,416 嗯 5353 05:12:28,816 --> 05:12:30,983 闺蜜不能说素颜观众就是啊 5354 05:12:31,066 --> 05:12:33,099 就是要关上你的心之门 5355 05:12:33,183 --> 05:12:35,933 呃那什么把大家当成那个什么 5356 05:12:36,100 --> 05:12:38,466 啊距离很遥远的陌生人那种 5357 05:12:46,900 --> 05:12:49,583 会有一些不太好的人啊但是 5358 05:12:50,583 --> 05:12:52,183 总而言之我的这观点还是 5359 05:12:52,183 --> 05:12:53,266 如果他是一个 5360 05:12:53,383 --> 05:12:54,183 那什么 5361 05:12:54,183 --> 05:12:56,466 呃也不是见长然后也并不是一个我很 5362 05:12:56,466 --> 05:12:57,816 眼熟的ID的话 5363 05:12:58,133 --> 05:13:00,699 那什么的话我可能不会那么在乎 5364 05:13:00,700 --> 05:13:02,583 但是他如果既是见长 5365 05:13:02,583 --> 05:13:04,533 然后又是一个经常出现在我直播间 5366 05:13:04,533 --> 05:13:06,133 经常跟我互动的人的话 5367 05:13:06,133 --> 05:13:08,583 这样做的话就很难忽视对吧 5368 05:13:09,333 --> 05:13:10,133 这么好 5369 05:13:13,416 --> 05:13:14,816 你们说的无视这种人 5370 05:13:14,816 --> 05:13:16,383 我还是同样的心情 5371 05:13:16,383 --> 05:13:17,533 那你们觉得呢 5372 05:13:17,583 --> 05:13:19,099 再跟我说一下呢 5373 05:13:33,416 --> 05:13:33,783 哎 5374 05:13:33,783 --> 05:13:35,699 我不去每某一个关注 5375 05:13:35,983 --> 05:13:36,899 这个 5376 05:13:37,416 --> 05:13:39,866 我不知道大家为什么总是这个想法 5377 05:13:40,216 --> 05:13:41,299 就是如果 5378 05:13:42,783 --> 05:13:43,933 如果我察觉到 5379 05:13:44,266 --> 05:13:47,583 一个就是经常在的人消失掉的话 5380 05:13:47,583 --> 05:13:48,499 我就是会 5381 05:13:48,866 --> 05:13:51,299 难过的虽然说啊不可能为他 5382 05:13:51,466 --> 05:13:53,383 为了他那个什么以泪洗面这种 5383 05:13:53,383 --> 05:13:55,533 但是确实会那种什么感觉到 5384 05:13:56,616 --> 05:13:57,499 好难过 5385 05:13:57,900 --> 05:13:59,783 啊是我做错了什么吗 5386 05:13:59,816 --> 05:14:03,699 对对对他是喜欢喜欢别人了吗之类的 5387 05:14:04,733 --> 05:14:05,933 那还有什么呢 5388 05:14:06,066 --> 05:14:07,183 嗯 5389 05:14:08,100 --> 05:14:09,533 我想想还有什么 5390 05:14:09,866 --> 05:14:13,183 就是大家每个人对我来说都太珍贵了 5391 05:14:13,216 --> 05:14:15,383 可能那还有什么这总而言之 5392 05:14:15,383 --> 05:14:17,016 如果察觉到某个人的消失的话 5393 05:14:17,016 --> 05:14:18,699 确实是会感到难过的呢 5394 05:14:21,333 --> 05:14:23,383 还有什么呢嗯 5395 05:14:26,066 --> 05:14:26,666 还有什么呢 5396 05:14:26,666 --> 05:14:29,066 就是大家说什么哎无视掉他就行了吗 5397 05:14:29,066 --> 05:14:30,783 但是如果他是一个 5398 05:14:30,783 --> 05:14:32,666 又是经常出现在直播间的观众 5399 05:14:32,666 --> 05:14:34,016 然后又是一个见长的话 5400 05:14:34,016 --> 05:14:35,383 他如果连他都这样 5401 05:14:35,383 --> 05:14:37,416 就是随随便便对我说一些过分的话 5402 05:14:37,416 --> 05:14:40,183 那你你觉得有没有可能就是我会觉得 5403 05:14:40,266 --> 05:14:42,499 啊他是不是啊连他都这样吗 5404 05:14:42,500 --> 05:14:44,933 那剩下的观众是不是更那种了就是 5405 05:14:45,183 --> 05:14:47,983 就是对我的喜欢比他更少 5406 05:14:47,983 --> 05:14:50,816 然后更更会说这种过分的话了啊 5407 05:14:50,816 --> 05:14:52,016 有可能不是在直播上 5408 05:14:52,016 --> 05:14:54,983 但是是在私底下这样呢对吧 5409 05:14:59,183 --> 05:14:59,899 哈哈 5410 05:14:59,900 --> 05:15:01,333 主播真心太真了 5411 05:15:04,816 --> 05:15:07,016 你们觉得我想的很正确呢 5412 05:15:09,383 --> 05:15:11,733 快点你们还有什么好的建议再给我说 5413 05:15:11,733 --> 05:15:12,533 说 5414 05:15:16,816 --> 05:15:18,499 那你就会这么想啊这个人 5415 05:15:18,583 --> 05:15:20,183 哎他又是付费观众 5416 05:15:20,183 --> 05:15:22,216 然后又是经常来看直播的观众 5417 05:15:22,216 --> 05:15:24,133 他都这么随便说伤人的话 5418 05:15:24,133 --> 05:15:25,216 那剩下的观众 5419 05:15:25,383 --> 05:15:26,733 是不是也这样啊 5420 05:15:32,866 --> 05:15:34,866 这挽留的观众有点不公平 5421 05:15:35,816 --> 05:15:37,533 那挽留的观众我我 5422 05:15:39,333 --> 05:15:41,533 我我我也很感激你们 5423 05:15:41,533 --> 05:15:45,099 我有看到啊我直播已经记在心里了 5424 05:15:51,333 --> 05:15:53,183 没那么复杂吗我感觉很复杂 5425 05:16:16,133 --> 05:16:17,699 我没有因为不挽留的观众 5426 05:16:17,733 --> 05:16:18,816 观众升级到现在 5427 05:16:18,816 --> 05:16:21,616 这些是我一直这样在想的东西啊 5428 05:16:21,666 --> 05:16:25,016 只是跟大家呃什么聊一聊 5429 05:16:33,783 --> 05:16:35,499 哎那好我要下播了 5430 05:16:45,666 --> 05:16:46,466 哈哈 5431 05:16:47,333 --> 05:16:48,133 哎 5432 05:16:51,783 --> 05:16:53,066 观众选择只有看 5433 05:16:53,416 --> 05:16:55,333 或不看而已那你有没有想过 5434 05:16:55,333 --> 05:16:56,266 那个呃 5435 05:16:56,333 --> 05:16:58,099 那个主播如果察觉到你的离开 5436 05:16:58,100 --> 05:17:00,616 也会因为你这个人而难过呢 5437 05:17:03,466 --> 05:17:04,266 啊完蛋了 5438 05:17:04,266 --> 05:17:06,066 如果现在有前辈在看我直播的话 5439 05:17:06,066 --> 05:17:07,933 那我是真的会很想死 5440 05:17:18,266 --> 05:17:19,616 啊因为大家不是在说什么 5441 05:17:19,616 --> 05:17:20,733 没什么可聊的了吗 5442 05:17:20,733 --> 05:17:22,466 啊建议那个什么自己 5443 05:17:31,266 --> 05:17:33,466 啊没有这次没骗了好吗这是 5444 05:17:33,466 --> 05:17:34,933 这次是认真的 5445 05:17:53,533 --> 05:17:54,866 嗯我下播了 5446 05:17:54,866 --> 05:17:55,666 拜拜再见 5447 05:18:01,933 --> 05:18:04,699 跟大家拜丑这么半天真是苦命令 5448 05:18:04,783 --> 05:18:08,266 啊主播因为主播确实不太成熟来着 5449 05:18:10,266 --> 05:18:11,816 让大家觉得那种什么 5450 05:18:13,183 --> 05:18:16,066 呃恐惧真情实感那我太恐惧了呀 5451 05:18:23,300 --> 05:18:26,133 被人看到自己真情实感的话就输了 5452 05:18:33,583 --> 05:18:34,383 啊 5453 05:18:35,666 --> 05:18:37,266 我知道了 5454 05:18:42,333 --> 05:18:43,133 BYE 5455 05:18:45,866 --> 05:18:50,383 啊啊啊你别看我直播啊 5456 05:18:51,616 --> 05:18:52,666 好想死啊 5457 05:18:58,616 --> 05:18:59,416 啊 5458 05:18:59,900 --> 05:19:02,816 我先把音乐放大声一点不然很丢脸 5459 05:19:03,583 --> 05:19:06,299 好马上不是因为 5460 05:19:08,466 --> 05:19:09,299 啊 5461 05:19:09,383 --> 05:19:12,983 你应该没有听到刚才的吧要欠费 5462 05:19:20,100 --> 05:19:20,333 AH 5463 05:19:20,333 --> 05:19:21,499 好丢人好丢人 5464 05:19:21,700 --> 05:19:25,183 啊我要下播了拜拜拜拜再见再见再见 5465 05:19:32,216 --> 05:19:33,466 啊你刚进来吗 5466 05:19:33,466 --> 05:19:37,333 啊好好好啊那就再说拜拜明见 5467 05:19:37,700 --> 05:19:39,900 啊明天也不知道播什么但是应 5468 05:19:39,900 --> 05:19:41,016 该也是8点钟 5469 05:19:41,266 --> 05:19:42,583 谢谢大家啊 5470 05:19:42,583 --> 05:19:44,216 感谢大家今天有看我的直播 5471 05:19:44,216 --> 05:19:45,733 祝大家做个好梦啊 5472 05:19:45,733 --> 05:19:47,066 拜拜 5473 05:20:13,016 --> 05:20:16,899 but that she knows that he came what she was so la la la la 5474 05:20:23,266 --> 05:20:29,983 the world can't 5475 05:20:35,900 --> 05:20:36,700 see 5476 05:20:41,100 --> 05:20:41,900 that 5477 05:20:52,933 --> 05:20:53,899 give me 5478 05:20:56,700 --> 05:20:59,900 near to the candyhe could 5479 05:20:59,900 --> 05:21:02,500 tomorrow's never ending up there 5480 05:21:02,500 --> 05:21:04,933 to bet that's when i get the good 5481 05:21:25,300 --> 05:21:28,466 i should only soon that he got you 5482 05:21:28,466 --> 05:21:30,216 i keep me on your own 5483 05:21:44,133 --> 05:21:47,266 a little candle coco 5484 05:21:47,266 --> 05:21:51,866 but don't say so long he told me how not to know 5485 05:21:58,733 --> 05:22:03,383 cause i know there was any night there the one who got no time 5486 05:22:03,466 --> 05:22:05,499 but they who got to keep me in 5487 05:22:05,500 --> 05:22:08,216 it's the land that he calls over 5488 05:22:08,333 --> 05:22:09,666 she means it all together 5489 05:22:11,333 --> 05:22:14,666 he couldn't understand why any not there 5490 05:22:14,700 --> 05:22:19,533 so better to not get back to the corner 5491 05:22:24,783 --> 05:22:25,583 oh 5492 05:22:32,416 --> 05:22:33,216 oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh 5493 05:22:35,616 --> 05:22:37,583 oh oh oh oh oh 5494 05:22:41,500 --> 05:22:42,466 oh oh oh 5495 05:22:43,583 --> 05:22:46,583 你英雄的魔心机逃脱 5496 05:22:46,583 --> 05:22:49,533 可惜你我有两所诺 5497 05:22:50,500 --> 05:22:58,016 she yes they would give me that kind of fantasy 5498 05:22:59,500 --> 05:23:07,733 give me girlshe needs a total kiss 5499 05:23:09,183 --> 05:23:09,983 i 5500 05:23:13,866 --> 05:23:17,266 equal to her 5501 05:23:18,933 --> 05:23:21,783 come tomorrow there'll be nothing 5502 05:24:29,583 --> 05:24:32,066 but that she knows that he can move 5503 05:24:32,066 --> 05:24:33,533 she was so la la la la 5504 05:24:39,866 --> 05:24:46,383 don't worry can't 5505 05:24:53,700 --> 05:24:57,733 you see thatgive me 5506 05:25:00,466 --> 05:25:01,333 need to 5507 05:25:03,866 --> 05:25:06,983 start at the 5508 05:25:11,266 --> 05:25:12,183 equal 5509 05:25:16,266 --> 05:25:19,133 cause tomorrow's never ending up there 5510 05:25:19,133 --> 05:25:24,133 so better soon i'll get the cruel 5511 05:25:41,500 --> 05:25:44,700 my eyes she don't need soon that he got 5512 05:25:44,866 --> 05:25:46,816 you are keeping on your own 5513 05:26:00,783 --> 05:26:03,899 a little candle coco 5514 05:26:03,900 --> 05:26:08,500 but don't say so long he told me how not to know 5515 05:26:08,816 --> 05:26:12,866 give me need to stay 5516 05:26:17,666 --> 05:26:20,016 not that the one who's gonna done 5517 05:26:20,100 --> 05:26:23,900 but they've got to keep me need to stop at the eagle 5518 05:26:23,900 --> 05:26:26,066 go back to me need go 5519 05:26:31,900 --> 05:26:34,733 to get that easy 5520 05:26:40,100 --> 05:26:41,900 oh oh oh 5521 05:26:49,066 --> 05:26:49,866 oh oh oh oh oh oh oh 5522 05:26:52,266 --> 05:26:54,216 oh oh oh oh oh 5523 05:26:57,500 --> 05:26:59,133 oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh 5524 05:27:00,383 --> 05:27:02,333 英雄的魔心机 5525 05:27:02,333 --> 05:27:05,533 逃脱偏心与我有两次 5526 05:27:05,900 --> 05:27:14,700 no哦亲爱的人give me that kind of fantasy 5527 05:27:16,266 --> 05:27:19,216 kimmy got to say that he called over 5528 05:27:19,216 --> 05:27:27,133 kimmy got told her kiss i ain't comfortable 5529 05:27:27,466 --> 05:27:36,133 santa'you come 5530 05:27:38,816 --> 05:27:42,616 tomorrow' 5531 05:28:46,300 --> 05:28:46,583 that 5532 05:28:46,583 --> 05:28:50,933 that you know that it came on to us so that i adore