{"term": "vigilance", "pos": "n", "context": "vigilance is especially susceptible to fatigue", "definition": "the process of paying close and continuous attention", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["alertness", "attention", "jealousy"], "instruction": "\"vigilance is especially susceptible to fatigue\" What is the definition of \"vigilance\"?"} {"term": "trilingual", "pos": "s", "context": "trilingual speakers", "definition": "using or knowing three languages", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"trilingual speakers\" What is the definition of \"trilingual\"?"} {"term": "excellence", "pos": "n", "context": "a center of manufacturing excellence", "definition": "an outstanding feature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a center of manufacturing excellence\" What is the definition of \"excellence\"?"} {"term": "excellence", "pos": "n", "context": "a center of manufacturing excellence", "definition": "something in which something or someone excels", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a center of manufacturing excellence\" What is the definition of \"excellence\"?"} {"term": "dingy", "pos": "s", "context": "dingy linen", "definition": "thickly covered with ingrained dirt or soot", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dingy linen\" What is the definition of \"dingy\"?"} {"term": "watchword", "pos": "n", "context": "our watchword will be ` democracy '", "definition": "a slogan used to rally support for a cause", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["slogan", "cry", "catchword", "motto", "shibboleth"], "instruction": "\"our watchword will be ` democracy '\" What is the definition of \"watchword\"?"} {"term": "capacious", "pos": "s", "context": "she carried a capacious bag", "definition": "large in capacity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she carried a capacious bag\" What is the definition of \"capacious\"?"} {"term": "comparison", "pos": "n", "context": "they made a comparison of noise levels", "definition": "the act of examining resemblances", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they made a comparison of noise levels\" What is the definition of \"comparison\"?"} {"term": "comparison", "pos": "n", "context": "no comparison between the two books", "definition": "qualities that are comparable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["equivalence", "compare", "likeness"], "instruction": "\"no comparison between the two books\" What is the definition of \"comparison\"?"} {"term": "allegretto", "pos": "r", "context": "play this more allegretto", "definition": "in a moderately quick tempo", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"play this more allegretto\" What is the definition of \"allegretto\"?"} {"term": "attender", "pos": "n", "context": "he was a regular attender at department meetings", "definition": "a person who is present and participates in a meeting", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["attendant", "meeter", "participant"], "instruction": "\"he was a regular attender at department meetings\" What is the definition of \"attender\"?"} {"term": "away", "pos": "s", "context": "he 's away right now", "definition": "not present", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he 's away right now\" What is the definition of \"away\"?"} {"term": "away", "pos": "s", "context": "he 's away right now", "definition": "having left", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he 's away right now\" What is the definition of \"away\"?"} {"term": "away", "pos": "s", "context": "the pitch was away ( or wide )", "definition": "on the far side of home plate from the batter", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the pitch was away ( or wide )\" What is the definition of \"away\"?"} {"term": "away", "pos": "a", "context": "an away game", "definition": "used of an opponents ground", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an away game\" What is the definition of \"away\"?"} {"term": "away", "pos": "r", "context": "ran away from the lion", "definition": "from a particular thing or place or position forth is obsolete", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ran away from the lion\" What is the definition of \"away\"?"} {"term": "away", "pos": "r", "context": "gave away the tickets", "definition": "from ones possession", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gave away the tickets\" What is the definition of \"away\"?"} {"term": "away", "pos": "r", "context": "the music faded away", "definition": "out of existence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the music faded away\" What is the definition of \"away\"?"} {"term": "pillared", "pos": "s", "context": "the pillared portico", "definition": "having pillars", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the pillared portico\" What is the definition of \"pillared\"?"} {"term": "cerebral", "pos": "a", "context": "a cerebral approach to the problem", "definition": "involving intelligence rather than emotions or instinct", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a cerebral approach to the problem\" What is the definition of \"cerebral\"?"} {"term": "cerebral", "pos": "a", "context": "cerebral hemisphere", "definition": "of or relating to the cerebrum or brain", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cerebral hemisphere\" What is the definition of \"cerebral\"?"} {"term": "wonder", "pos": "v", "context": "I wonder whether this was the right thing to do", "definition": "to place in doubt or express doubtful speculation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["reflecting", "ponder", "muse", "reflected", "question", "mull", "pondering", "reflect", "meditate", "contemplate", "scruple", "speculate"], "instruction": "\"I wonder whether this was the right thing to do\" What is the definition of \"wonder\"?"} {"term": "father", "pos": "v", "context": "Men often father children but do n't recognize them", "definition": "to make children", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["make", "create", "made", "sire", "beget", "get", "mother", "generate"], "instruction": "\"Men often father children but do n't recognize them\" What is the definition of \"father\"?"} {"term": "tessellated", "pos": "s", "context": "a tessellated pavement", "definition": "decorated with small pieces of colored glass or stone fitted together in a mosaic", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tessellated pavement\" What is the definition of \"tessellated\"?"} {"term": "frenetic", "pos": "s", "context": "frenetic screams followed the accident", "definition": "excessively agitated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"frenetic screams followed the accident\" What is the definition of \"frenetic\"?"} {"term": "frenetic", "pos": "s", "context": "frenetic screams followed the accident", "definition": "distraught with fear or other violent emotion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"frenetic screams followed the accident\" What is the definition of \"frenetic\"?"} {"term": "prescriptive", "pos": "a", "context": "prescriptive grammar is concerned with norms of or rules for correct usage", "definition": "pertaining to giving directives or rules", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"prescriptive grammar is concerned with norms of or rules for correct usage\" What is the definition of \"prescriptive\"?"} {"term": "brink", "pos": "n", "context": "on the brink of bankruptcy", "definition": "the limit beyond which something happens or changes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["bound", "verge", "limit", "boundary"], "instruction": "\"on the brink of bankruptcy\" What is the definition of \"brink\"?"} {"term": "brutal", "pos": "s", "context": "the brutal summer sun", "definition": "harsh", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the brutal summer sun\" What is the definition of \"brutal\"?"} {"term": "brutal", "pos": "s", "context": "he spoke with brutal honesty", "definition": "disagreeably direct and precise", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he spoke with brutal honesty\" What is the definition of \"brutal\"?"} {"term": "brutal", "pos": "s", "context": "brutal beatings", "definition": "able or disposed to inflict pain or suffering", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"brutal beatings\" What is the definition of \"brutal\"?"} {"term": "exclusive", "pos": "s", "context": "they have exclusive use of the machine", "definition": "not divided or shared with others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they have exclusive use of the machine\" What is the definition of \"exclusive\"?"} {"term": "exclusive", "pos": "s", "context": "gained their exclusive attention", "definition": "not divided among or brought to bear on more than one object or objective", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["undivided", "single", ""], "instruction": "\"gained their exclusive attention\" What is the definition of \"exclusive\"?"} {"term": "exclusive", "pos": "a", "context": "exclusive clubs", "definition": "excluding much or all", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"exclusive clubs\" What is the definition of \"exclusive\"?"} {"term": "exclusive", "pos": "a", "context": "exclusive clubs", "definition": "especially all but a particular group or minority", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"exclusive clubs\" What is the definition of \"exclusive\"?"} {"term": "tomorrow", "pos": "n", "context": "everyone hopes for a better tomorrow", "definition": "the near future", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"everyone hopes for a better tomorrow\" What is the definition of \"tomorrow\"?"} {"term": "rebuild", "pos": "v", "context": "The house was rebuild after it was hit by a bomb", "definition": "to build again", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["make", "building", "reconstruct", "build", "built"], "instruction": "\"The house was rebuild after it was hit by a bomb\" What is the definition of \"rebuild\"?"} {"term": "worst", "pos": "n", "context": "the worst that could happen", "definition": "the least favorable outcome", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the worst that could happen\" What is the definition of \"worst\"?"} {"term": "worst", "pos": "n", "context": "the invaders did their worst", "definition": "the greatest damage or wickedness of which one is capable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the invaders did their worst\" What is the definition of \"worst\"?"} {"term": "worst", "pos": "n", "context": "it was the worst he had ever done on a test", "definition": "the weakest effort or poorest achievement one is capable of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was the worst he had ever done on a test\" What is the definition of \"worst\"?"} {"term": "worst", "pos": "a", "context": "the worst player on the team", "definition": "most wanting in quality or value or condition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the worst player on the team\" What is the definition of \"worst\"?"} {"term": "worst", "pos": "r", "context": "She suffered worst of all", "definition": "to the highest degree of inferiority or badness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"She suffered worst of all\" What is the definition of \"worst\"?"} {"term": "distributional", "pos": "a", "context": "distributional requirements", "definition": "of or relating to spatial distribution", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"distributional requirements\" What is the definition of \"distributional\"?"} {"term": "laureate", "pos": "s", "context": "The nation 's pediatrician laureate is preparing to lay down his black bag \" - James Traub", "definition": "worthy of the greatest honor or distinction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The nation 's pediatrician laureate is preparing to lay down his black bag \" - James Traub\" What is the definition of \"laureate\"?"} {"term": "formidably", "pos": "r", "context": "the constant risk that attends the exchanges of human beings formidably armed", "definition": "in a formidable manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the constant risk that attends the exchanges of human beings formidably armed\" What is the definition of \"formidably\"?"} {"term": "grand", "pos": "s", "context": "the bridge is a grand structure", "definition": "large and impressive in physical size or extent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the bridge is a grand structure\" What is the definition of \"grand\"?"} {"term": "grand", "pos": "s", "context": "grand ballroom", "definition": "the most important and magnificent in adornment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"grand ballroom\" What is the definition of \"grand\"?"} {"term": "grand", "pos": "s", "context": "in the grand manner", "definition": "of behavior that is impressive and ambitious in scale or scope", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the grand manner\" What is the definition of \"grand\"?"} {"term": "ply", "pos": "v", "context": "Ships ply the waters near the coast", "definition": "to travel a route regularly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["run", "trip", "traveled", "travel", "jaunt"], "instruction": "\"Ships ply the waters near the coast\" What is the definition of \"ply\"?"} {"term": "ply", "pos": "v", "context": "ply fabric", "definition": "to join together as by twisting , weaving , or molding", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ply fabric\" What is the definition of \"ply\"?"} {"term": "ago", "pos": "s", "context": "two years ago", "definition": "gone by", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"two years ago\" What is the definition of \"ago\"?"} {"term": "ago", "pos": "s", "context": "two years ago", "definition": "or in the past", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"two years ago\" What is the definition of \"ago\"?"} {"term": "ago", "pos": "r", "context": "long ago", "definition": "in the past", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"long ago\" What is the definition of \"ago\"?"} {"term": "onrush", "pos": "n", "context": "from the bow she stared at the mesmerising onrush of the sea where it split and foamed", "definition": "a forceful forward rush or flow", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"from the bow she stared at the mesmerising onrush of the sea where it split and foamed\" What is the definition of \"onrush\"?"} {"term": "epileptic", "pos": "a", "context": "epileptic seizure", "definition": "of or relating to or characteristic of epilepsy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"epileptic seizure\" What is the definition of \"epileptic\"?"} {"term": "clumsy", "pos": "s", "context": "clumsy fingers", "definition": "lacking grace in movement or posture", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["gawky", "", "unwieldy", "ungainly"], "instruction": "\"clumsy fingers\" What is the definition of \"clumsy\"?"} {"term": "clumsy", "pos": "s", "context": "a clumsy apology", "definition": "not elegant or graceful in expression", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a clumsy apology\" What is the definition of \"clumsy\"?"} {"term": "clumsy", "pos": "s", "context": "clumsy wooden shoes", "definition": "difficult to handle or manage especially because of shape", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"clumsy wooden shoes\" What is the definition of \"clumsy\"?"} {"term": "eastern", "pos": "s", "context": "the eastern end of the island", "definition": "lying toward or situated in the east", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the eastern end of the island\" What is the definition of \"eastern\"?"} {"term": "eastern", "pos": "s", "context": "eastern cities", "definition": "lying in or toward the east", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"eastern cities\" What is the definition of \"eastern\"?"} {"term": "eastern", "pos": "s", "context": "an eastern wind", "definition": "from the east", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an eastern wind\" What is the definition of \"eastern\"?"} {"term": "eastern", "pos": "s", "context": "an eastern wind", "definition": "used especially of winds", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an eastern wind\" What is the definition of \"eastern\"?"} {"term": "respectively", "pos": "r", "context": "the brothers were called Felix and Max , respectively", "definition": "in the order given", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the brothers were called Felix and Max , respectively\" What is the definition of \"respectively\"?"} {"term": "burden", "pos": "n", "context": "the burden of responsibility", "definition": "an onerous or difficult concern", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["worry", "encumbrance", "imposition", "onus", "pill", "concern", "headache", "load", "vexation"], "instruction": "\"the burden of responsibility\" What is the definition of \"burden\"?"} {"term": "dreamily", "pos": "r", "context": "` She would look beautiful in the new dress , ' Tommy said dreamily", "definition": "in a dreamy manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"` She would look beautiful in the new dress , ' Tommy said dreamily\" What is the definition of \"dreamily\"?"} {"term": "floaty", "pos": "s", "context": "a floaty scarf", "definition": "tending to float on a liquid or rise in air or gas", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a floaty scarf\" What is the definition of \"floaty\"?"} {"term": "fictive", "pos": "s", "context": "fictive talent", "definition": "capable of imaginative creation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fictive talent\" What is the definition of \"fictive\"?"} {"term": "fictive", "pos": "s", "context": "fictive sympathy", "definition": "adopted in order to deceive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fictive sympathy\" What is the definition of \"fictive\"?"} {"term": "browsing", "pos": "v", "context": "I do n't need help , I 'm just browsing", "definition": "to shop around", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["browse", "seek", "shop", "search"], "instruction": "\"I do n't need help , I 'm just browsing\" What is the definition of \"browsing\"?"} {"term": "browsing", "pos": "v", "context": "I do n't need help , I 'm just browsing", "definition": "to not necessarily buying", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["browse", "seek", "shop", "search"], "instruction": "\"I do n't need help , I 'm just browsing\" What is the definition of \"browsing\"?"} {"term": "evangelical", "pos": "a", "context": "evangelical Christianity", "definition": "relating to or being a christian church believing in personal conversion and the inerrancy of the bible especially the 4 gospels", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"evangelical Christianity\" What is the definition of \"evangelical\"?"} {"term": "paleolithic", "pos": "a", "context": "paleolithic artifacts", "definition": "of or relating to the second period of the stone age following the eolithic", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"paleolithic artifacts\" What is the definition of \"paleolithic\"?"} {"term": "adjectival", "pos": "a", "context": "adjectival syntax", "definition": "of or relating to or functioning as an adjective", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"adjectival syntax\" What is the definition of \"adjectival\"?"} {"term": "earthy", "pos": "s", "context": "the earthy taste of warm milk fresh from the cow", "definition": "not far removed from or suggestive of nature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the earthy taste of warm milk fresh from the cow\" What is the definition of \"earthy\"?"} {"term": "earthy", "pos": "s", "context": "an earthy enjoyment of life", "definition": "hearty and lusty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an earthy enjoyment of life\" What is the definition of \"earthy\"?"} {"term": "earthy", "pos": "s", "context": "an earthy sense of humor", "definition": "conspicuously and tastelessly indecent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["vulgar", "crude", "gross", ""], "instruction": "\"an earthy sense of humor\" What is the definition of \"earthy\"?"} {"term": "earthy", "pos": "a", "context": "it had an earthy smell", "definition": "of or consisting of or resembling earth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it had an earthy smell\" What is the definition of \"earthy\"?"} {"term": "hereof", "pos": "r", "context": "the twigs hereof are physic", "definition": "of or concerning this", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the twigs hereof are physic\" What is the definition of \"hereof\"?"} {"term": "infertile", "pos": "a", "context": "an infertile couple", "definition": "incapable of reproducing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an infertile couple\" What is the definition of \"infertile\"?"} {"term": "muteness", "pos": "n", "context": "her muteness was a consequence of her deafness", "definition": "the condition of being unable or unwilling to speak", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her muteness was a consequence of her deafness\" What is the definition of \"muteness\"?"} {"term": "blazing", "pos": "s", "context": "the blazing sun", "definition": "shining intensely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the blazing sun\" What is the definition of \"blazing\"?"} {"term": "blazing", "pos": "s", "context": "a blazing indiscretion", "definition": "without any attempt at concealment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a blazing indiscretion\" What is the definition of \"blazing\"?"} {"term": "blazing", "pos": "s", "context": "a blazing indiscretion", "definition": "completely obvious", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a blazing indiscretion\" What is the definition of \"blazing\"?"} {"term": "guzzler", "pos": "n", "context": "he 's a beer guzzler every night", "definition": "someone who drinks heavily especially alcoholic beverages", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he 's a beer guzzler every night\" What is the definition of \"guzzler\"?"} {"term": "unwritten", "pos": "a", "context": "an unwritten law", "definition": "based on custom rather than documentation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unwritten law\" What is the definition of \"unwritten\"?"} {"term": "fractional", "pos": "a", "context": "a fractional share of the vote", "definition": "constituting or comprising a part or fraction of a possible whole or entirety", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fractional share of the vote\" What is the definition of \"fractional\"?"} {"term": "desirable", "pos": "a", "context": "a desirable job", "definition": "worth having or seeking or achieving", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a desirable job\" What is the definition of \"desirable\"?"} {"term": "overhand", "pos": "a", "context": "an overhand pitch", "definition": "with hand brought forward and down from above shoulder level", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an overhand pitch\" What is the definition of \"overhand\"?"} {"term": "haughtily", "pos": "r", "context": "he peered haughtily down his nose", "definition": "in a haughty manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he peered haughtily down his nose\" What is the definition of \"haughtily\"?"} {"term": "frontier", "pos": "n", "context": "the individualism of the frontier in Andrew Jackson 's day", "definition": "a wilderness at the edge of a settled area of a country", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the individualism of the frontier in Andrew Jackson 's day\" What is the definition of \"frontier\"?"} {"term": "frontier", "pos": "n", "context": "he worked at the frontier of brain science", "definition": "an undeveloped field of study", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he worked at the frontier of brain science\" What is the definition of \"frontier\"?"} {"term": "frontier", "pos": "n", "context": "he worked at the frontier of brain science", "definition": "a topic inviting research and development", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he worked at the frontier of brain science\" What is the definition of \"frontier\"?"} {"term": "reimburse", "pos": "v", "context": "Can the company reimburse me for my professional travel ?", "definition": "to pay back for some expense incurred", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Can the company reimburse me for my professional travel ?\" What is the definition of \"reimburse\"?"} {"term": "prime", "pos": "v", "context": "prime a cannon", "definition": "to insert a primer into a gun , mine , or charge preparatory to detonation or firing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["priming", "set", "prepare", "ready", "prepared"], "instruction": "\"prime a cannon\" What is the definition of \"prime\"?"} {"term": "prime", "pos": "v", "context": "prime a car engine", "definition": "to fill with priming liquid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"prime a car engine\" What is the definition of \"prime\"?"} {"term": "prime", "pos": "s", "context": "prime mover", "definition": "used of the first or originating agent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"prime mover\" What is the definition of \"prime\"?"} {"term": "prime", "pos": "s", "context": "our manhood 's prime vigor \" - Robert Browning", "definition": "being at the best stage of development", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"our manhood 's prime vigor \" - Robert Browning\" What is the definition of \"prime\"?"} {"term": "prime", "pos": "s", "context": "the prime minister", "definition": "first in rank or degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["premier", ""], "instruction": "\"the prime minister\" What is the definition of \"prime\"?"} {"term": "prime", "pos": "a", "context": "prime number", "definition": "of or relating to or being an integer that can not be factored into other integers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"prime number\" What is the definition of \"prime\"?"} {"term": "chit", "pos": "n", "context": "she was incensed that this chit of a girl should dare to make a fool of her in front of the class", "definition": "a dismissive term for a girl who is immature or who lacks respect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was incensed that this chit of a girl should dare to make a fool of her in front of the class\" What is the definition of \"chit\"?"} {"term": "cleanse", "pos": "v", "context": "Purgatory is supposed to cleanse you from your sins", "definition": "to purge of an ideology , bad thoughts , or sins", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Purgatory is supposed to cleanse you from your sins\" What is the definition of \"cleanse\"?"} {"term": "refund", "pos": "v", "context": "Please refund me my money", "definition": "to pay back", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["restore", "repay", "reimburse", "return", "pay"], "instruction": "\"Please refund me my money\" What is the definition of \"refund\"?"} {"term": "flick", "pos": "n", "context": "he gave it a flick with his finger", "definition": "a light sharp contact usually with something flexible", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he gave it a flick with his finger\" What is the definition of \"flick\"?"} {"term": "gusty", "pos": "s", "context": "gusty winds", "definition": "blowing in puffs or short intermittent blasts", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gusty winds\" What is the definition of \"gusty\"?"} {"term": "facetious", "pos": "s", "context": "facetious remarks", "definition": "cleverly amusing in tone", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"facetious remarks\" What is the definition of \"facetious\"?"} {"term": "stickler", "pos": "n", "context": "a stickler for promptness", "definition": "someone who insists on something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a stickler for promptness\" What is the definition of \"stickler\"?"} {"term": "cabaret", "pos": "n", "context": "do n't expect a good meal at a cabaret", "definition": "a spot that is open late at night and that provides entertainment as singers or dancers as well as dancing and food and drink", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["club", "dive", "spot"], "instruction": "\"do n't expect a good meal at a cabaret\" What is the definition of \"cabaret\"?"} {"term": "admission", "pos": "n", "context": "the surgery was performed on his second admission to the clinic", "definition": "the act of admitting someone to enter", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["admittance", "readmission", "entry", "matriculation", "ingress", "entrance"], "instruction": "\"the surgery was performed on his second admission to the clinic\" What is the definition of \"admission\"?"} {"term": "decimal", "pos": "s", "context": "the decimal system", "definition": "numbered or proceeding by tens", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the decimal system\" What is the definition of \"decimal\"?"} {"term": "decimal", "pos": "s", "context": "the decimal system", "definition": "based on ten", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the decimal system\" What is the definition of \"decimal\"?"} {"term": "shower", "pos": "n", "context": "they installed a shower in the bathroom", "definition": "a plumbing fixture that sprays water over you", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they installed a shower in the bathroom\" What is the definition of \"shower\"?"} {"term": "shower", "pos": "n", "context": "he took a shower after the game", "definition": "washing yourself by standing upright under water sprayed from a nozzle", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he took a shower after the game\" What is the definition of \"shower\"?"} {"term": "shower", "pos": "n", "context": "the game was interrupted by a brief shower", "definition": "a brief period of precipitation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the game was interrupted by a brief shower\" What is the definition of \"shower\"?"} {"term": "herein", "pos": "r", "context": "I shall discuss the question herein", "definition": "in this place or thing or document", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I shall discuss the question herein\" What is the definition of \"herein\"?"} {"term": "detachable", "pos": "a", "context": "shirts with detachable collars", "definition": "designed to be unfastened or disconnected without damage", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shirts with detachable collars\" What is the definition of \"detachable\"?"} {"term": "accent", "pos": "n", "context": "he could n't suppress his contemptuous accent", "definition": "distinctive manner of oral expression", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he could n't suppress his contemptuous accent\" What is the definition of \"accent\"?"} {"term": "accent", "pos": "v", "context": "In Farsi , you accent the last syllable of each word", "definition": "to put stress on", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["articulated", "accentuate", "articulate", "stress", "pronounced", "say", "enunciate"], "instruction": "\"In Farsi , you accent the last syllable of each word\" What is the definition of \"accent\"?"} {"term": "vast", "pos": "s", "context": "at vast ( or immense ) expense", "definition": "unusually great in size or amount or degree or especially extent or scope", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at vast ( or immense ) expense\" What is the definition of \"vast\"?"} {"term": "mercy", "pos": "n", "context": "it was a mercy we got out alive", "definition": "something for which to be thankful", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was a mercy we got out alive\" What is the definition of \"mercy\"?"} {"term": "mercy", "pos": "n", "context": "distributing food and clothing to the flood victims was an act of mercy", "definition": "alleviation of distress", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"distributing food and clothing to the flood victims was an act of mercy\" What is the definition of \"mercy\"?"} {"term": "mercy", "pos": "n", "context": "distributing food and clothing to the flood victims was an act of mercy", "definition": "showing great kindness toward the distressed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"distributing food and clothing to the flood victims was an act of mercy\" What is the definition of \"mercy\"?"} {"term": "mercy", "pos": "n", "context": "he threw himself on the mercy of the court", "definition": "leniency and compassion shown toward offenders by a person or agency charged with administering justice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["respite", "pardon", "lenience", "clemency", "commutation", "amnesty"], "instruction": "\"he threw himself on the mercy of the court\" What is the definition of \"mercy\"?"} {"term": "minute", "pos": "n", "context": "he ran a 4 minute mile", "definition": "a unit of time equal to 60 seconds or 1/60th of an hour", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he ran a 4 minute mile\" What is the definition of \"minute\"?"} {"term": "minute", "pos": "s", "context": "a minute inspection of the grounds", "definition": "characterized by painstaking care and detailed examination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a minute inspection of the grounds\" What is the definition of \"minute\"?"} {"term": "minute", "pos": "s", "context": "two minute whiplike threads of protoplasm", "definition": "infinitely or immeasurably small", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"two minute whiplike threads of protoplasm\" What is the definition of \"minute\"?"} {"term": "quality", "pos": "n", "context": "the quality of mercy is not strained \" -- Shakespeare", "definition": "an essential and distinguishing attribute of something or someone", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the quality of mercy is not strained \" -- Shakespeare\" What is the definition of \"quality\"?"} {"term": "quality", "pos": "n", "context": "the quality of students has risen", "definition": "a degree or grade of excellence or worth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["caliber", "grade", "degree", "superiority", "level"], "instruction": "\"the quality of students has risen\" What is the definition of \"quality\"?"} {"term": "quality", "pos": "n", "context": "each town has a quality all its own", "definition": "a characteristic property that defines the apparent individual nature of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"each town has a quality all its own\" What is the definition of \"quality\"?"} {"term": "quality", "pos": "s", "context": "people of quality", "definition": "of high social status", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"people of quality\" What is the definition of \"quality\"?"} {"term": "quality", "pos": "s", "context": "quality paper", "definition": "of superior grade", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"quality paper\" What is the definition of \"quality\"?"} {"term": "convulsively", "pos": "r", "context": "her leg twitched convulsively", "definition": "with convulsions , in a convulsive way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her leg twitched convulsively\" What is the definition of \"convulsively\"?"} {"term": "amateurish", "pos": "s", "context": "a very amateurish job", "definition": "lacking professional skill or expertise", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a very amateurish job\" What is the definition of \"amateurish\"?"} {"term": "address", "pos": "n", "context": "he listened to an address on minor Roman poets", "definition": "the act of delivering a formal spoken communication to an audience", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["talk", "speech", "sermon", "allocution", "inaugural", "impromptu", "litany", "preaching", "oratory", "speaking", "discourse"], "instruction": "\"he listened to an address on minor Roman poets\" What is the definition of \"address\"?"} {"term": "sidle", "pos": "v", "context": "The young man began to sidle near the pretty girl sitting on the log", "definition": "to move unobtrusively or furtively", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The young man began to sidle near the pretty girl sitting on the log\" What is the definition of \"sidle\"?"} {"term": "spoor", "pos": "n", "context": "the hounds followed the fox 's spoor", "definition": "the trail left by a person or an animal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the hounds followed the fox 's spoor\" What is the definition of \"spoor\"?"} {"term": "spoor", "pos": "n", "context": "the hounds followed the fox 's spoor", "definition": "what the hunter follows in pursuing game", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the hounds followed the fox 's spoor\" What is the definition of \"spoor\"?"} {"term": "transitory", "pos": "s", "context": "love is transitory but it is eternal", "definition": "lasting a very short time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["transient", ""], "instruction": "\"love is transitory but it is eternal\" What is the definition of \"transitory\"?"} {"term": "applaud", "pos": "v", "context": "I applaud your efforts", "definition": "to express approval of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I applaud your efforts\" What is the definition of \"applaud\"?"} {"term": "erasure", "pos": "n", "context": "another word had been written over the erasure", "definition": "a surface area where something has been erased", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"another word had been written over the erasure\" What is the definition of \"erasure\"?"} {"term": "urgent", "pos": "s", "context": "the urgent words ` Hurry ! Hurry ! '", "definition": "compelling immediate action", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the urgent words ` Hurry ! Hurry ! '\" What is the definition of \"urgent\"?"} {"term": "coolly", "pos": "r", "context": "without more ado Barker borrowed a knife from his brigade Major and honed it on a carborundum stone as coolly as a butcher", "definition": "in a composed and unconcerned manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"without more ado Barker borrowed a knife from his brigade Major and honed it on a carborundum stone as coolly as a butcher\" What is the definition of \"coolly\"?"} {"term": "impregnable", "pos": "s", "context": "an impregnable fortress", "definition": "immune to attack", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an impregnable fortress\" What is the definition of \"impregnable\"?"} {"term": "impregnable", "pos": "s", "context": "an impregnable fortress", "definition": "incapable of being tampered with", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an impregnable fortress\" What is the definition of \"impregnable\"?"} {"term": "impregnable", "pos": "s", "context": "an impregnable argument", "definition": "incapable of being overcome , challenged or refuted", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an impregnable argument\" What is the definition of \"impregnable\"?"} {"term": "multiform", "pos": "a", "context": "the multiform universe of nature and man \" - John Dewey", "definition": "occurring in or having many forms or shapes or appearances", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the multiform universe of nature and man \" - John Dewey\" What is the definition of \"multiform\"?"} {"term": "compromise", "pos": "n", "context": "the newly elected congressmen rejected a compromise because they considered it ` business as usual '", "definition": "an accommodation in which both sides make concessions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the newly elected congressmen rejected a compromise because they considered it ` business as usual '\" What is the definition of \"compromise\"?"} {"term": "strangle", "pos": "v", "context": "he tried to strangle his opponent", "definition": "to kill by squeezing the throat of so as to cut off the air", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["kill", "garrote", "scrag", "strangulate", "throttle", "killing"], "instruction": "\"he tried to strangle his opponent\" What is the definition of \"strangle\"?"} {"term": "strangle", "pos": "v", "context": "strangle a yawn", "definition": "to conceal or hide", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["stifle", "conquer", "inhibit", "repress", "suppress", "smother", "subdue", "subdued"], "instruction": "\"strangle a yawn\" What is the definition of \"strangle\"?"} {"term": "fructify", "pos": "v", "context": "the apple trees fructify", "definition": "to bear fruit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["procreate", "reproduce", "set"], "instruction": "\"the apple trees fructify\" What is the definition of \"fructify\"?"} {"term": "foreign", "pos": "a", "context": "foreign trade", "definition": "of concern to or concerning the affairs of other nations other than your own", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"foreign trade\" What is the definition of \"foreign\"?"} {"term": "foreign", "pos": "a", "context": "foreign nations", "definition": "relating to or originating in or characteristic of another place or part of the world", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"foreign nations\" What is the definition of \"foreign\"?"} {"term": "foreign", "pos": "s", "context": "the mysticism so foreign to the French mind and temper", "definition": "not contained in or deriving from the essential nature of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the mysticism so foreign to the French mind and temper\" What is the definition of \"foreign\"?"} {"term": "foreign", "pos": "s", "context": "foreign particles in milk", "definition": "not belonging to that in which it is contained", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"foreign particles in milk\" What is the definition of \"foreign\"?"} {"term": "foreign", "pos": "s", "context": "foreign particles in milk", "definition": "introduced from an outside source", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"foreign particles in milk\" What is the definition of \"foreign\"?"} {"term": "orifice", "pos": "n", "context": "the orifice into the aorta from the lower left chamber of the heart", "definition": "an aperture or hole that opens into a bodily cavity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["anus", "pylorus", "mouth", "opening", "cervix", "passageway", "stoma", "passage", "rima", "fontanelle", "cardia", "porta"], "instruction": "\"the orifice into the aorta from the lower left chamber of the heart\" What is the definition of \"orifice\"?"} {"term": "blasting", "pos": "s", "context": "the blasting effects of the intense cold on the budding fruit", "definition": "causing injury or blight", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the blasting effects of the intense cold on the budding fruit\" What is the definition of \"blasting\"?"} {"term": "blasting", "pos": "s", "context": "the blasting effects of the intense cold on the budding fruit", "definition": "especially affecting with sudden violence or plague or ruin", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the blasting effects of the intense cold on the budding fruit\" What is the definition of \"blasting\"?"} {"term": "blasting", "pos": "s", "context": "shut our ears against the blasting music from his car radio", "definition": "unpleasantly loud and penetrating", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shut our ears against the blasting music from his car radio\" What is the definition of \"blasting\"?"} {"term": "rhetorical", "pos": "a", "context": "accepted two or three verbal and rhetorical changes I suggested \" - W.A.White", "definition": "of or relating to rhetoric", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"accepted two or three verbal and rhetorical changes I suggested \" - W.A.White\" What is the definition of \"rhetorical\"?"} {"term": "rhetorical", "pos": "a", "context": "mere rhetorical frippery", "definition": "given to rhetoric , emphasizing style at the expense of thought", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mere rhetorical frippery\" What is the definition of \"rhetorical\"?"} {"term": "metallic", "pos": "a", "context": "a metallic compound", "definition": "containing or made of or resembling or characteristic of a metal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a metallic compound\" What is the definition of \"metallic\"?"} {"term": "philharmonic", "pos": "a", "context": "philharmonic players", "definition": "composing or characteristic of an orchestral group", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"philharmonic players\" What is the definition of \"philharmonic\"?"} {"term": "philharmonic", "pos": "s", "context": "the most philharmonic ear is at times deeply affected by a simple air", "definition": "devoted to or appreciative of music", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the most philharmonic ear is at times deeply affected by a simple air\" What is the definition of \"philharmonic\"?"} {"term": "constituent", "pos": "n", "context": "a component or constituent element of a system", "definition": "an artifact that is one of the individual parts of which a composite entity is made up", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["addition", "component", "accessory", "crystal", "hardware", "improver", "portion", "spare", "supplement"], "instruction": "\"a component or constituent element of a system\" What is the definition of \"constituent\"?"} {"term": "constituent", "pos": "n", "context": "a component or constituent element of a system", "definition": "especially a part that can be separated from or attached to a system", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["addition", "component", "accessory", "crystal", "hardware", "improver", "portion", "spare", "supplement"], "instruction": "\"a component or constituent element of a system\" What is the definition of \"constituent\"?"} {"term": "accessory", "pos": "s", "context": "he was charged with being accessory to the crime", "definition": "aiding and abetting in a crime", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["accessary", ""], "instruction": "\"he was charged with being accessory to the crime\" What is the definition of \"accessory\"?"} {"term": "therewith", "pos": "r", "context": "I have learned that whatever state I am , therewith to be content \" - Phil .4 : 11", "definition": "with that or this or it", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I have learned that whatever state I am , therewith to be content \" - Phil .4 : 11\" What is the definition of \"therewith\"?"} {"term": "salute", "pos": "n", "context": "a musical salute to the composer on his birthday", "definition": "an act of honor or courteous recognition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["credit", "salutation", "recognition"], "instruction": "\"a musical salute to the composer on his birthday\" What is the definition of \"salute\"?"} {"term": "salute", "pos": "v", "context": "I salute your courage !", "definition": "to express commendation of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I salute your courage !\" What is the definition of \"salute\"?"} {"term": "distraught", "pos": "s", "context": "distraught with grief", "definition": "deeply agitated especially from emotion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"distraught with grief\" What is the definition of \"distraught\"?"} {"term": "blankly", "pos": "r", "context": "she stared at him blankly", "definition": "without expression", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she stared at him blankly\" What is the definition of \"blankly\"?"} {"term": "blankly", "pos": "r", "context": "she stared at him blankly", "definition": "in a blank manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she stared at him blankly\" What is the definition of \"blankly\"?"} {"term": "phonetically", "pos": "r", "context": "phonetically realized", "definition": "by phonetics", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"phonetically realized\" What is the definition of \"phonetically\"?"} {"term": "supreme", "pos": "s", "context": "the supreme sacrifice", "definition": "final or last in your life or progress", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the supreme sacrifice\" What is the definition of \"supreme\"?"} {"term": "supreme", "pos": "s", "context": "supreme among musicians", "definition": "highest in excellence or achievement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"supreme among musicians\" What is the definition of \"supreme\"?"} {"term": "supreme", "pos": "s", "context": "supreme folly", "definition": "greatest or maximal in degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"supreme folly\" What is the definition of \"supreme\"?"} {"term": "supreme", "pos": "s", "context": "supreme folly", "definition": "extreme", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"supreme folly\" What is the definition of \"supreme\"?"} {"term": "subsequent", "pos": "a", "context": "subsequent developments", "definition": "following in time or order", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"subsequent developments\" What is the definition of \"subsequent\"?"} {"term": "wearisome", "pos": "s", "context": "other people 's dreams are dreadfully wearisome", "definition": "so lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"other people 's dreams are dreadfully wearisome\" What is the definition of \"wearisome\"?"} {"term": "axiomatically", "pos": "r", "context": "this is axiomatically given", "definition": "on the basis of axioms", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this is axiomatically given\" What is the definition of \"axiomatically\"?"} {"term": "rush", "pos": "n", "context": "come back after the rush", "definition": "a sudden burst of activity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"come back after the rush\" What is the definition of \"rush\"?"} {"term": "rush", "pos": "v", "context": "Do n't rush me , please !", "definition": "to urge to an unnatural speed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["rushed", "urge", "press", "hurry", "pressing"], "instruction": "\"Do n't rush me , please !\" What is the definition of \"rush\"?"} {"term": "rush", "pos": "s", "context": "a rush job", "definition": "done under pressure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a rush job\" What is the definition of \"rush\"?"} {"term": "subtractive", "pos": "a", "context": "a subtractive correction", "definition": "constituting or involving subtraction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a subtractive correction\" What is the definition of \"subtractive\"?"} {"term": "culmination", "pos": "n", "context": "their achievements stand as a culmination of centuries of development", "definition": "a final climactic stage", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["phase", "stage", "apogee"], "instruction": "\"their achievements stand as a culmination of centuries of development\" What is the definition of \"culmination\"?"} {"term": "theological", "pos": "a", "context": "theological seminar", "definition": "of or relating to or concerning theology", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"theological seminar\" What is the definition of \"theological\"?"} {"term": "wearable", "pos": "a", "context": "wearable evening clothes", "definition": "suitable for wear or able to be worn", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wearable evening clothes\" What is the definition of \"wearable\"?"} {"term": "classicism", "pos": "n", "context": "classicism often derived its models from the ancient Greeks and Romans", "definition": "a movement in literature and art during the 17th and 18th centuries in europe that favored rationality and restraint and strict forms", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"classicism often derived its models from the ancient Greeks and Romans\" What is the definition of \"classicism\"?"} {"term": "supererogatory", "pos": "s", "context": "it was supererogatory of her to gloat", "definition": "more than is needed , desired , or required", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was supererogatory of her to gloat\" What is the definition of \"supererogatory\"?"} {"term": "farrow", "pos": "v", "context": "sows farrow", "definition": "to give birth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["pig", "birth", "deliver", "bearing", "birthing"], "instruction": "\"sows farrow\" What is the definition of \"farrow\"?"} {"term": "undeniably", "pos": "r", "context": "she is undeniably the most gifted student in the class", "definition": "to an undeniable degree or in an undeniable manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she is undeniably the most gifted student in the class\" What is the definition of \"undeniably\"?"} {"term": "catalysis", "pos": "n", "context": "of the top 50 commodity chemicals , 30 are created directly by catalysis and another 6 are made from raw materials that are catalytically produced", "definition": "acceleration of a chemical reaction induced the presence of material that is chemically unchanged at the end of the reaction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"of the top 50 commodity chemicals , 30 are created directly by catalysis and another 6 are made from raw materials that are catalytically produced\" What is the definition of \"catalysis\"?"} {"term": "exceeding", "pos": "s", "context": "a night of exceeding darkness", "definition": "far beyond what is usual in magnitude or degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["exceptional", "", "prodigious", "surpassing"], "instruction": "\"a night of exceeding darkness\" What is the definition of \"exceeding\"?"} {"term": "purposeful", "pos": "s", "context": "led a happy purposeful life", "definition": "having meaning through having an aim", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"led a happy purposeful life\" What is the definition of \"purposeful\"?"} {"term": "retake", "pos": "v", "context": "Please retake that scene", "definition": "to photograph again", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Please retake that scene\" What is the definition of \"retake\"?"} {"term": "wad", "pos": "n", "context": "he used a wad of cotton to wipe the counter", "definition": "a small mass of soft material", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he used a wad of cotton to wipe the counter\" What is the definition of \"wad\"?"} {"term": "wad", "pos": "n", "context": "a wad of money", "definition": "a large number or amount or extent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["mint", "haymow", "lot", "deal", "batch", "heap", "mass", "plenty", "spate", "mess", "pile", "raft", "sight", "flood", "mountain"], "instruction": "\"a wad of money\" What is the definition of \"wad\"?"} {"term": "cautiously", "pos": "r", "context": "she ventured cautiously downstairs", "definition": "as if with kid gloves", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["carefully", ""], "instruction": "\"she ventured cautiously downstairs\" What is the definition of \"cautiously\"?"} {"term": "cautiously", "pos": "r", "context": "she ventured cautiously downstairs", "definition": "with caution or prudence or tact", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["carefully", ""], "instruction": "\"she ventured cautiously downstairs\" What is the definition of \"cautiously\"?"} {"term": "yell", "pos": "n", "context": "a yell of pain", "definition": "a loud utterance of emotion especially when inarticulate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["utterance", "cry", "vocalization", "crying"], "instruction": "\"a yell of pain\" What is the definition of \"yell\"?"} {"term": "homogeneous", "pos": "a", "context": "a close-knit homogeneous group", "definition": "all of the same or similar kind or nature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a close-knit homogeneous group\" What is the definition of \"homogeneous\"?"} {"term": "surrender", "pos": "v", "context": "The squatters had to surrender the building after the police moved in", "definition": "to relinquish possession or control over", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["cede", "sell", "deliver", "gift"], "instruction": "\"The squatters had to surrender the building after the police moved in\" What is the definition of \"surrender\"?"} {"term": "height", "pos": "n", "context": "at the height of her career", "definition": "the highest level or degree attainable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["point", "acme", "top", "peak", "stage", "degree", "meridian", "elevation", "level"], "instruction": "\"at the height of her career\" What is the definition of \"height\"?"} {"term": "height", "pos": "n", "context": "at the height of her career", "definition": "the highest stage of development", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["point", "acme", "top", "peak", "stage", "degree", "meridian", "elevation", "level"], "instruction": "\"at the height of her career\" What is the definition of \"height\"?"} {"term": "direct", "pos": "a", "context": "a direct route", "definition": "proceeding without deviation or interruption", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a direct route\" What is the definition of \"direct\"?"} {"term": "direct", "pos": "a", "context": "a direct route", "definition": "straight and short", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a direct route\" What is the definition of \"direct\"?"} {"term": "direct", "pos": "a", "context": "a direct question", "definition": "straightforward in means or manner or behavior or language or action", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a direct question\" What is the definition of \"direct\"?"} {"term": "direct", "pos": "s", "context": "in direct sunlight", "definition": "having no intervening persons , agents , conditions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in direct sunlight\" What is the definition of \"direct\"?"} {"term": "direct", "pos": "s", "context": "a direct result of the accident", "definition": "being an immediate result or consequence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a direct result of the accident\" What is the definition of \"direct\"?"} {"term": "direct", "pos": "s", "context": "a direct quotation", "definition": "in precisely the same words used by a writer or speaker", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a direct quotation\" What is the definition of \"direct\"?"} {"term": "direct", "pos": "r", "context": "went direct to the office", "definition": "without deviation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"went direct to the office\" What is the definition of \"direct\"?"} {"term": "fish", "pos": "n", "context": "the shark is a large fish", "definition": "any of various mostly cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates usually having scales and breathing through gills", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the shark is a large fish\" What is the definition of \"fish\"?"} {"term": "fish", "pos": "v", "context": "fish for compliments", "definition": "to seek indirectly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["search", "seek", "angled", "angle", "fishing", "angling"], "instruction": "\"fish for compliments\" What is the definition of \"fish\"?"} {"term": "empirically", "pos": "r", "context": "this can be empirically tested", "definition": "in an empirical manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this can be empirically tested\" What is the definition of \"empirically\"?"} {"term": "ceremonial", "pos": "s", "context": "a ceremonial occasion", "definition": "marked by pomp or ceremony or formality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a ceremonial occasion\" What is the definition of \"ceremonial\"?"} {"term": "quarterly", "pos": "a", "context": "quarterly report", "definition": "of or relating to or consisting of a quarter", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"quarterly report\" What is the definition of \"quarterly\"?"} {"term": "quarterly", "pos": "r", "context": "two coats of arms borne quarterly", "definition": "in diagonally opposed quarters of an escutcheon", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"two coats of arms borne quarterly\" What is the definition of \"quarterly\"?"} {"term": "quarterly", "pos": "r", "context": "interest is compounded quarterly", "definition": "in three month intervals", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"interest is compounded quarterly\" What is the definition of \"quarterly\"?"} {"term": "worthy", "pos": "a", "context": "a worthy fellow", "definition": "having worth or merit or value", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a worthy fellow\" What is the definition of \"worthy\"?"} {"term": "worthy", "pos": "a", "context": "a worthy fellow", "definition": "being honorable or admirable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a worthy fellow\" What is the definition of \"worthy\"?"} {"term": "worthy", "pos": "s", "context": "behavior worthy of reprobation", "definition": "having qualities or abilities that merit recognition in some way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"behavior worthy of reprobation\" What is the definition of \"worthy\"?"} {"term": "fracture", "pos": "n", "context": "it was a nasty fracture", "definition": "breaking of hard tissue such as bone", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["hurt", "harm", "break"], "instruction": "\"it was a nasty fracture\" What is the definition of \"fracture\"?"} {"term": "fracture", "pos": "v", "context": "fracture the balance of power", "definition": "to interrupt , break , or destroy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fracture the balance of power\" What is the definition of \"fracture\"?"} {"term": "connect", "pos": "v", "context": "The two streets connect to become a highway", "definition": "to be or become joined or united or linked", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["syndicate", "link", "articulate", "join", "links", "interlink", "interconnect", "unite"], "instruction": "\"The two streets connect to become a highway\" What is the definition of \"connect\"?"} {"term": "connect", "pos": "v", "context": "The telephone company finally put in lines to connect the towns in this area", "definition": "to join by means of communication equipment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The telephone company finally put in lines to connect the towns in this area\" What is the definition of \"connect\"?"} {"term": "longitudinally", "pos": "r", "context": "We studied the development of the children longitudinally", "definition": "across time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"We studied the development of the children longitudinally\" What is the definition of \"longitudinally\"?"} {"term": "longitudinally", "pos": "r", "context": "longitudinally measured", "definition": "with respect to longitude", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"longitudinally measured\" What is the definition of \"longitudinally\"?"} {"term": "ease", "pos": "n", "context": "he rose through the ranks with apparent ease", "definition": "freedom from difficulty or hardship or effort", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["simpleness", "quality", "easiness"], "instruction": "\"he rose through the ranks with apparent ease\" What is the definition of \"ease\"?"} {"term": "ease", "pos": "n", "context": "a life of luxury and ease", "definition": "a freedom from financial difficulty that promotes a comfortable state", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a life of luxury and ease\" What is the definition of \"ease\"?"} {"term": "ease", "pos": "n", "context": "I am never at ease with strangers", "definition": "freedom from constraint or embarrassment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I am never at ease with strangers\" What is the definition of \"ease\"?"} {"term": "ease", "pos": "v", "context": "ease the pain in your legs", "definition": "to lessen pain or discomfort", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ease the pain in your legs\" What is the definition of \"ease\"?"} {"term": "ease", "pos": "v", "context": "ease the pain in your legs", "definition": "to alleviate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ease the pain in your legs\" What is the definition of \"ease\"?"} {"term": "explicitly", "pos": "r", "context": "in his foreword Professor Clark puts it explicitly", "definition": "in an explicit manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in his foreword Professor Clark puts it explicitly\" What is the definition of \"explicitly\"?"} {"term": "dubiousness", "pos": "n", "context": "the dubiousness of his claim", "definition": "uncertainty about the truth or factuality or existence of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["question", "uncertainty"], "instruction": "\"the dubiousness of his claim\" What is the definition of \"dubiousness\"?"} {"term": "integrity", "pos": "n", "context": "the integrity of the nervous system is required for normal development", "definition": "an undivided or unbroken completeness or totality with nothing wanting", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["incompleteness", "wholeness", "completeness"], "instruction": "\"the integrity of the nervous system is required for normal development\" What is the definition of \"integrity\"?"} {"term": "integrity", "pos": "n", "context": "he expects to find in us the common honesty and integrity of men of business", "definition": "moral soundness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he expects to find in us the common honesty and integrity of men of business\" What is the definition of \"integrity\"?"} {"term": "salacious", "pos": "s", "context": "a salacious rooster of a little man", "definition": "characterized by lust", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a salacious rooster of a little man\" What is the definition of \"salacious\"?"} {"term": "salacious", "pos": "s", "context": "salacious limericks", "definition": "suggestive of or tending to moral looseness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"salacious limericks\" What is the definition of \"salacious\"?"} {"term": "expedition", "pos": "n", "context": "an expedition was sent to explore Mars", "definition": "an organized group of people undertaking a journey for a particular purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an expedition was sent to explore Mars\" What is the definition of \"expedition\"?"} {"term": "iridescent", "pos": "s", "context": "an iridescent oil slick", "definition": "having a play of lustrous rainbow colors", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an iridescent oil slick\" What is the definition of \"iridescent\"?"} {"term": "iridescent", "pos": "s", "context": "a dragonfly hovered , vibrating and iridescent", "definition": "varying in color when seen in different lights or from different angles", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["changeable", "", "shot"], "instruction": "\"a dragonfly hovered , vibrating and iridescent\" What is the definition of \"iridescent\"?"} {"term": "glaze", "pos": "v", "context": "Her eyes glaze over when she is bored", "definition": "to become glassy or take on a glass-like appearance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["glass", "change"], "instruction": "\"Her eyes glaze over when she is bored\" What is the definition of \"glaze\"?"} {"term": "incumbent", "pos": "s", "context": "an incumbent geological formation", "definition": "lying or leaning on something else", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an incumbent geological formation\" What is the definition of \"incumbent\"?"} {"term": "incumbent", "pos": "s", "context": "it is incumbent on them to pay their own debts", "definition": "necessary for someone as a duty or responsibility", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is incumbent on them to pay their own debts\" What is the definition of \"incumbent\"?"} {"term": "incumbent", "pos": "s", "context": "it is incumbent on them to pay their own debts", "definition": "morally binding", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is incumbent on them to pay their own debts\" What is the definition of \"incumbent\"?"} {"term": "incumbent", "pos": "s", "context": "the incumbent governor", "definition": "currently holding an office", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the incumbent governor\" What is the definition of \"incumbent\"?"} {"term": "transfuse", "pos": "v", "context": "transfuse love of music into the students", "definition": "to impart gradually", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["add", "impart", "lend", "instill", "contribute", "breathe", "lending"], "instruction": "\"transfuse love of music into the students\" What is the definition of \"transfuse\"?"} {"term": "ponderously", "pos": "r", "context": "the play was staged with ponderously realistic sets", "definition": "in an uninterestingly ponderous manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the play was staged with ponderously realistic sets\" What is the definition of \"ponderously\"?"} {"term": "ponderously", "pos": "r", "context": "he moves ponderously", "definition": "in a heavy ponderous manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he moves ponderously\" What is the definition of \"ponderously\"?"} {"term": "compulsively", "pos": "r", "context": "he cleaned his shoes compulsively after every walk", "definition": "in a compulsive manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he cleaned his shoes compulsively after every walk\" What is the definition of \"compulsively\"?"} {"term": "deprivation", "pos": "n", "context": "losing him is no great deprivation", "definition": "the disadvantage that results from losing something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["disadvantage", "loss"], "instruction": "\"losing him is no great deprivation\" What is the definition of \"deprivation\"?"} {"term": "deprivation", "pos": "n", "context": "deprivation of civil rights", "definition": "act of depriving someone of food or money or rights", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"deprivation of civil rights\" What is the definition of \"deprivation\"?"} {"term": "toll", "pos": "n", "context": "she heard the distant toll of church bells", "definition": "the sound of a bell being struck", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["bell", "knell", "angelus"], "instruction": "\"she heard the distant toll of church bells\" What is the definition of \"toll\"?"} {"term": "valuable", "pos": "a", "context": "a valuable diamond", "definition": "having great material or monetary value especially for use or exchange", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a valuable diamond\" What is the definition of \"valuable\"?"} {"term": "valuable", "pos": "s", "context": "a valuable friend", "definition": "having worth or merit or value", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a valuable friend\" What is the definition of \"valuable\"?"} {"term": "guard", "pos": "n", "context": "the left guard was injured on the play", "definition": "the person who plays that position on a football team", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the left guard was injured on the play\" What is the definition of \"guard\"?"} {"term": "guard", "pos": "v", "context": "guard my possessions while I 'm away", "definition": "to watch over or shield from danger or harm", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["shepherd", "shepherdess", "guarded", "protect"], "instruction": "\"guard my possessions while I 'm away\" What is the definition of \"guard\"?"} {"term": "guard", "pos": "v", "context": "guard my possessions while I 'm away", "definition": "to protect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["shepherd", "shepherdess", "guarded", "protect"], "instruction": "\"guard my possessions while I 'm away\" What is the definition of \"guard\"?"} {"term": "guard", "pos": "v", "context": "guard against becoming too friendly with the staff", "definition": "to take precautions in order to avoid some unwanted consequence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"guard against becoming too friendly with the staff\" What is the definition of \"guard\"?"} {"term": "surround", "pos": "n", "context": "the country -- the flat agricultural surround", "definition": "the area in which something exists or lives", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["environs", "medium", "habitat", "environment", "setting"], "instruction": "\"the country -- the flat agricultural surround\" What is the definition of \"surround\"?"} {"term": "retinal", "pos": "a", "context": "retinal cells", "definition": "in or relating to the retina of the eye", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"retinal cells\" What is the definition of \"retinal\"?"} {"term": "consumptive", "pos": "a", "context": "water suitable for beneficial consumptive uses", "definition": "tending to consume or use often wastefully", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"water suitable for beneficial consumptive uses\" What is the definition of \"consumptive\"?"} {"term": "consumptive", "pos": "s", "context": "a consumptive patient", "definition": "afflicted with or associated with pulmonary tuberculosis", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a consumptive patient\" What is the definition of \"consumptive\"?"} {"term": "joyless", "pos": "a", "context": "a joyless man", "definition": "not experiencing or inspiring joy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a joyless man\" What is the definition of \"joyless\"?"} {"term": "delinquent", "pos": "s", "context": "delinquent minors", "definition": "guilty of a misdeed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"delinquent minors\" What is the definition of \"delinquent\"?"} {"term": "delinquent", "pos": "s", "context": "a delinquent account", "definition": "past due", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a delinquent account\" What is the definition of \"delinquent\"?"} {"term": "delinquent", "pos": "s", "context": "a delinquent account", "definition": "not paid at the scheduled time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a delinquent account\" What is the definition of \"delinquent\"?"} {"term": "palace", "pos": "n", "context": "the palace issued an order binding on all subjects", "definition": "the governing group of a kingdom", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the palace issued an order binding on all subjects\" What is the definition of \"palace\"?"} {"term": "privy", "pos": "s", "context": "a privy place to rest and think", "definition": "hidden from general view or use", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a privy place to rest and think\" What is the definition of \"privy\"?"} {"term": "privy", "pos": "s", "context": "privy to the details of the conspiracy", "definition": "informed about something secret or not generally known", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"privy to the details of the conspiracy\" What is the definition of \"privy\"?"} {"term": "dab", "pos": "n", "context": "a dab of paint", "definition": "a small quantity of something moist or liquid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dab of paint\" What is the definition of \"dab\"?"} {"term": "dab", "pos": "v", "context": "dab the wall with paint", "definition": "to apply usually a liquid to a surface", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dab the wall with paint\" What is the definition of \"dab\"?"} {"term": "contusion", "pos": "n", "context": "the bruise resulted from a contusion", "definition": "the action of bruising", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the bruise resulted from a contusion\" What is the definition of \"contusion\"?"} {"term": "perception", "pos": "n", "context": "Luther had a new perception of the Bible", "definition": "a way of conceiving something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Luther had a new perception of the Bible\" What is the definition of \"perception\"?"} {"term": "perception", "pos": "n", "context": "a man admired for the depth of his perception", "definition": "knowledge gained by perceiving", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a man admired for the depth of his perception\" What is the definition of \"perception\"?"} {"term": "argillaceous", "pos": "a", "context": "argillaceous rocks", "definition": "resembling or containing clay", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"argillaceous rocks\" What is the definition of \"argillaceous\"?"} {"term": "sleekly", "pos": "r", "context": "the wet road was shining sleekly", "definition": "in a sleek glossy manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the wet road was shining sleekly\" What is the definition of \"sleekly\"?"} {"term": "urbanity", "pos": "n", "context": "there is an important difference between rusticity and urbanity", "definition": "the quality or character of life in a city or town", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is an important difference between rusticity and urbanity\" What is the definition of \"urbanity\"?"} {"term": "obscure", "pos": "s", "context": "an obscure turn of phrase", "definition": "not clearly understood or expressed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an obscure turn of phrase\" What is the definition of \"obscure\"?"} {"term": "obscure", "pos": "s", "context": "an obscure family", "definition": "not famous or acclaimed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an obscure family\" What is the definition of \"obscure\"?"} {"term": "obscure", "pos": "s", "context": "an obscure flaw", "definition": "not drawing attention", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an obscure flaw\" What is the definition of \"obscure\"?"} {"term": "weight", "pos": "n", "context": "his opinion carries great weight", "definition": "the relative importance granted to something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["weightiness", "importance"], "instruction": "\"his opinion carries great weight\" What is the definition of \"weight\"?"} {"term": "skill", "pos": "n", "context": "the skill of a well-trained boxer", "definition": "ability to produce solutions in some problem domain", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["science", "power", "ability", "nose"], "instruction": "\"the skill of a well-trained boxer\" What is the definition of \"skill\"?"} {"term": "tack", "pos": "v", "context": "The sailors decided to tack the boat", "definition": "to turn into the wind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["sail", "sailing", "tacking"], "instruction": "\"The sailors decided to tack the boat\" What is the definition of \"tack\"?"} {"term": "exhaustive", "pos": "s", "context": "an exhaustive study", "definition": "performed comprehensively and completely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an exhaustive study\" What is the definition of \"exhaustive\"?"} {"term": "provincially", "pos": "r", "context": "provincially controlled", "definition": "by the province", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"provincially controlled\" What is the definition of \"provincially\"?"} {"term": "provincially", "pos": "r", "context": "provincially controlled", "definition": "through the province", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"provincially controlled\" What is the definition of \"provincially\"?"} {"term": "mute", "pos": "s", "context": "a mute appeal", "definition": "expressed without speech", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["wordless", ""], "instruction": "\"a mute appeal\" What is the definition of \"mute\"?"} {"term": "gallantly", "pos": "r", "context": "he gallantly offered to take her home", "definition": "in a gallant manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he gallantly offered to take her home\" What is the definition of \"gallantly\"?"} {"term": "dignify", "pos": "v", "context": "I shall not dignify this insensitive remark with an answer", "definition": "to raise the status of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["elevate", "raise", "dignified", "lift"], "instruction": "\"I shall not dignify this insensitive remark with an answer\" What is the definition of \"dignify\"?"} {"term": "idyllic", "pos": "s", "context": "an idyllic spot for a picnic", "definition": "excellent and delightful in all respects", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an idyllic spot for a picnic\" What is the definition of \"idyllic\"?"} {"term": "idyllic", "pos": "s", "context": "his idyllic life in Tahiti", "definition": "suggestive of an idyll", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his idyllic life in Tahiti\" What is the definition of \"idyllic\"?"} {"term": "idyllic", "pos": "s", "context": "his idyllic life in Tahiti", "definition": "charmingly simple and serene", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his idyllic life in Tahiti\" What is the definition of \"idyllic\"?"} {"term": "damp", "pos": "s", "context": "clothes damp with perspiration", "definition": "slightly wet", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["dampish", "", "moist"], "instruction": "\"clothes damp with perspiration\" What is the definition of \"damp\"?"} {"term": "genteel", "pos": "s", "context": "a genteel old lady", "definition": "marked by refinement in taste and manners", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a genteel old lady\" What is the definition of \"genteel\"?"} {"term": "purgatorial", "pos": "a", "context": "purgatorial rites", "definition": "serving to purge or rid of sin", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"purgatorial rites\" What is the definition of \"purgatorial\"?"} {"term": "purgatorial", "pos": "a", "context": "purgatorial fires", "definition": "of or resembling purgatory", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"purgatorial fires\" What is the definition of \"purgatorial\"?"} {"term": "disorder", "pos": "n", "context": "the doctor prescribed some medicine for the disorder", "definition": "a physical condition in which there is a disturbance of normal functioning", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["failure", "upset", "disturbance", "ailment", "impaction", "hydrocele", "choking", "dysuria", "sprue"], "instruction": "\"the doctor prescribed some medicine for the disorder\" What is the definition of \"disorder\"?"} {"term": "disorder", "pos": "n", "context": "the files are in complete disorder", "definition": "a condition in which things are not in their expected places", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["status", "disorderliness", "condition", "mess", "muddle", "disorganization", "smother", "clutter", "fuddle", "welter"], "instruction": "\"the files are in complete disorder\" What is the definition of \"disorder\"?"} {"term": "former", "pos": "n", "context": "Tom and Dick were both heroes but only the former is remembered today", "definition": "the first of two or the first mentioned of two", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Tom and Dick were both heroes but only the former is remembered today\" What is the definition of \"former\"?"} {"term": "former", "pos": "s", "context": "the former president", "definition": "of the immediate past", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the former president\" What is the definition of \"former\"?"} {"term": "former", "pos": "s", "context": "our former glory", "definition": "belonging to some prior time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"our former glory\" What is the definition of \"former\"?"} {"term": "former", "pos": "s", "context": "former generations", "definition": "belonging to the distant past", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"former generations\" What is the definition of \"former\"?"} {"term": "portion", "pos": "n", "context": "I read a portion of the manuscript", "definition": "something determined in relation to something that includes it", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["rest", "point", "item", "residual", "base", "balance", "component", "basis", "butt", "member", "relation", "detail", "remainder", "substance", "constituent", "unit", "residuum"], "instruction": "\"I read a portion of the manuscript\" What is the definition of \"portion\"?"} {"term": "advance", "pos": "n", "context": "the news caused a general advance on the stock market", "definition": "increase in price or value", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["rise", "increase"], "instruction": "\"the news caused a general advance on the stock market\" What is the definition of \"advance\"?"} {"term": "advance", "pos": "v", "context": "advance an argument", "definition": "to bring forward for consideration or acceptance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["advanced", "propose", "suggest", "advise"], "instruction": "\"advance an argument\" What is the definition of \"advance\"?"} {"term": "advance", "pos": "s", "context": "gave advance warning", "definition": "being ahead of time or need", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gave advance warning\" What is the definition of \"advance\"?"} {"term": "advance", "pos": "s", "context": "an advance party", "definition": "situated ahead or going before", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["advanced", "", "advancer"], "instruction": "\"an advance party\" What is the definition of \"advance\"?"} {"term": "same", "pos": "a", "context": "curtains the same color as the walls", "definition": "closely similar or comparable in kind or quality or quantity or degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"curtains the same color as the walls\" What is the definition of \"same\"?"} {"term": "same", "pos": "a", "context": "the same amount", "definition": "equal in amount or value", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the same amount\" What is the definition of \"same\"?"} {"term": "same", "pos": "s", "context": "the village stayed the same", "definition": "unchanged in character or nature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the village stayed the same\" What is the definition of \"same\"?"} {"term": "sustenance", "pos": "n", "context": "they were in want of sustenance", "definition": "the act of sustaining life by food or providing a means of subsistence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they were in want of sustenance\" What is the definition of \"sustenance\"?"} {"term": "incoherent", "pos": "a", "context": "a turgid incoherent presentation", "definition": "without logical or meaningful connection", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a turgid incoherent presentation\" What is the definition of \"incoherent\"?"} {"term": "incoherent", "pos": "s", "context": "incoherent with grief", "definition": "unable to express yourself clearly or fluently", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"incoherent with grief\" What is the definition of \"incoherent\"?"} {"term": "temper", "pos": "n", "context": "whether he praised or cursed me depended on his temper at the time", "definition": "a characteristic habitual or relatively temporary state of feeling", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["feeling", "mood", "humor", "sulk", "distemper"], "instruction": "\"whether he praised or cursed me depended on his temper at the time\" What is the definition of \"temper\"?"} {"term": "temper", "pos": "n", "context": "his temper was well known to all his employees", "definition": "a disposition to exhibit uncontrolled anger", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his temper was well known to all his employees\" What is the definition of \"temper\"?"} {"term": "temper", "pos": "v", "context": "temper steel", "definition": "to harden by reheating and cooling in oil", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["modify", "hardening", "tempered", "harden"], "instruction": "\"temper steel\" What is the definition of \"temper\"?"} {"term": "want", "pos": "n", "context": "for want of a nail the shoe was lost", "definition": "the state of needing something that is absent or unavailable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["deficit", "shortage", "lack", "tightness", "dearth", "stringency", "demand", "shortness", "deficiency"], "instruction": "\"for want of a nail the shoe was lost\" What is the definition of \"want\"?"} {"term": "want", "pos": "v", "context": "I want you here at noon !", "definition": "to wish or demand the presence of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I want you here at noon !\" What is the definition of \"want\"?"} {"term": "smug", "pos": "s", "context": "a smug glow of self-congratulation", "definition": "marked by excessive complacency or self-satisfaction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a smug glow of self-congratulation\" What is the definition of \"smug\"?"} {"term": "degenerative", "pos": "s", "context": "degenerative diseases of old age", "definition": "marked by gradual deterioration of organs and cells along with loss of function", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"degenerative diseases of old age\" What is the definition of \"degenerative\"?"} {"term": "incremental", "pos": "s", "context": "lecturers enjoy ... steady incremental growth in salary", "definition": "increasing gradually by regular degrees or additions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lecturers enjoy ... steady incremental growth in salary\" What is the definition of \"incremental\"?"} {"term": "encircle", "pos": "v", "context": "encircle the errors", "definition": "to form a circle around", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"encircle the errors\" What is the definition of \"encircle\"?"} {"term": "master", "pos": "s", "context": "the master bedroom", "definition": "most important element", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the master bedroom\" What is the definition of \"master\"?"} {"term": "extinct", "pos": "a", "context": "an extinct species of fish", "definition": "no longer in existence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an extinct species of fish\" What is the definition of \"extinct\"?"} {"term": "extinct", "pos": "a", "context": "an extinct species of fish", "definition": "lost or especially having died out leaving no living representatives", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an extinct species of fish\" What is the definition of \"extinct\"?"} {"term": "extinct", "pos": "a", "context": "an extinct volcano", "definition": "permanently inactive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an extinct volcano\" What is the definition of \"extinct\"?"} {"term": "extinct", "pos": "s", "context": "threw his extinct cigarette into the stream", "definition": "being out or having grown cold", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"threw his extinct cigarette into the stream\" What is the definition of \"extinct\"?"} {"term": "boring", "pos": "v", "context": "carpenter bees are boring holes into the wall", "definition": "to make a hole , especially with a pointed power or hand tool", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"carpenter bees are boring holes into the wall\" What is the definition of \"boring\"?"} {"term": "boring", "pos": "s", "context": "a boring evening with uninteresting people", "definition": "so lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a boring evening with uninteresting people\" What is the definition of \"boring\"?"} {"term": "fry", "pos": "v", "context": "fry the pancakes", "definition": "to cook on a hot surface using fat", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["cook", "griddle", "frying", "frizzle"], "instruction": "\"fry the pancakes\" What is the definition of \"fry\"?"} {"term": "pack", "pos": "v", "context": "pack the books into the boxes", "definition": "to arrange in a container", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["packing", "incase", "case", "stow", "casing", "bag"], "instruction": "\"pack the books into the boxes\" What is the definition of \"pack\"?"} {"term": "masterful", "pos": "s", "context": "a masterful speaker", "definition": "having or revealing supreme mastery or skill", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a masterful speaker\" What is the definition of \"masterful\"?"} {"term": "excavate", "pos": "v", "context": "excavate gold", "definition": "to recover through digging", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["uncover", "reveal", "unearth", "unveil"], "instruction": "\"excavate gold\" What is the definition of \"excavate\"?"} {"term": "excavate", "pos": "v", "context": "excavate a cavity", "definition": "to form by hollowing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"excavate a cavity\" What is the definition of \"excavate\"?"} {"term": "unfeigned", "pos": "s", "context": "her interest in people was unfeigned", "definition": "not pretended", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her interest in people was unfeigned\" What is the definition of \"unfeigned\"?"} {"term": "unfeigned", "pos": "s", "context": "her interest in people was unfeigned", "definition": "sincerely felt or expressed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her interest in people was unfeigned\" What is the definition of \"unfeigned\"?"} {"term": "mill", "pos": "v", "context": "mill a coin", "definition": "to produce a ridge around the edge of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["milled", "groove", "milling"], "instruction": "\"mill a coin\" What is the definition of \"mill\"?"} {"term": "sensationalism", "pos": "n", "context": "the tabloids relied on sensationalism to maintain their circulation", "definition": "the journalistic use of subject matter that appeals to vulgar tastes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the tabloids relied on sensationalism to maintain their circulation\" What is the definition of \"sensationalism\"?"} {"term": "bit", "pos": "n", "context": "a bit of rock caught him in the eye", "definition": "a small fragment of something broken off from the whole", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["flake", "chip", "scurf", "scale", "exfoliation", "fleck", "splinter"], "instruction": "\"a bit of rock caught him in the eye\" What is the definition of \"bit\"?"} {"term": "bit", "pos": "n", "context": "the horse was not accustomed to a bit", "definition": "piece of metal held in horses mouth by reins and used to control the horse while riding", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the horse was not accustomed to a bit\" What is the definition of \"bit\"?"} {"term": "bit", "pos": "v", "context": "The fork bit into the surface", "definition": "to penetrate or cut , as with a knife", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The fork bit into the surface\" What is the definition of \"bit\"?"} {"term": "pliable", "pos": "s", "context": "they soaked the leather to made it pliable", "definition": "capable of being shaped or bent or drawn out", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they soaked the leather to made it pliable\" What is the definition of \"pliable\"?"} {"term": "genealogical", "pos": "a", "context": "genealogical records", "definition": "of or relating to genealogy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"genealogical records\" What is the definition of \"genealogical\"?"} {"term": "squelch", "pos": "v", "context": "squelch any sign of dissent", "definition": "to suppress or crush completely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["conquer", "inhibit", "suppress", "quell", "subdue", "quench", "subdued"], "instruction": "\"squelch any sign of dissent\" What is the definition of \"squelch\"?"} {"term": "hate", "pos": "v", "context": "I hate Mexican food", "definition": "to dislike intensely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["abhor", "dislike", "abominate", "detest", "despise", "scorn", "loathe", "loathing"], "instruction": "\"I hate Mexican food\" What is the definition of \"hate\"?"} {"term": "hate", "pos": "v", "context": "I hate Mexican food", "definition": "to feel antipathy or aversion towards", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["abhor", "dislike", "abominate", "detest", "despise", "scorn", "loathe", "loathing"], "instruction": "\"I hate Mexican food\" What is the definition of \"hate\"?"} {"term": "abroad", "pos": "s", "context": "markets abroad", "definition": "in a foreign country", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"markets abroad\" What is the definition of \"abroad\"?"} {"term": "abroad", "pos": "r", "context": "they had never travelled abroad", "definition": "to or in a foreign country", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they had never travelled abroad\" What is the definition of \"abroad\"?"} {"term": "cunning", "pos": "s", "context": "cunning kittens", "definition": "attractive especially by means of smallness or prettiness or quaintness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cunning kittens\" What is the definition of \"cunning\"?"} {"term": "cunning", "pos": "s", "context": "cunning men often pass for wise", "definition": "marked by skill in deception", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["knavish", "", "sly", "foxy", "tricky", "slick", "tricksy", "guileful"], "instruction": "\"cunning men often pass for wise\" What is the definition of \"cunning\"?"} {"term": "cunning", "pos": "s", "context": "the cunning maneuvers leading to his success", "definition": "showing inventiveness and skill", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the cunning maneuvers leading to his success\" What is the definition of \"cunning\"?"} {"term": "intercostal", "pos": "a", "context": "intercostal muscles", "definition": "located or occurring between the ribs", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"intercostal muscles\" What is the definition of \"intercostal\"?"} {"term": "often", "pos": "r", "context": "we often met over a cup of coffee", "definition": "many times at short intervals", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we often met over a cup of coffee\" What is the definition of \"often\"?"} {"term": "hipped", "pos": "a", "context": "a hipped roof has sloping ends rather than gables", "definition": "sloping on all sides", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a hipped roof has sloping ends rather than gables\" What is the definition of \"hipped\"?"} {"term": "straightforward", "pos": "s", "context": "a straightforward set of instructions", "definition": "free from ambiguity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a straightforward set of instructions\" What is the definition of \"straightforward\"?"} {"term": "straightforward", "pos": "s", "context": "a straightforward gaze", "definition": "pointed directly ahead", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a straightforward gaze\" What is the definition of \"straightforward\"?"} {"term": "straightforward", "pos": "s", "context": "he is not being as straightforward as it appears", "definition": "without evasion or compromise", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is not being as straightforward as it appears\" What is the definition of \"straightforward\"?"} {"term": "compass", "pos": "n", "context": "within the compass of education", "definition": "the limit of capability", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["potentiality", "capability", "grasp", "range", "sight", "reach"], "instruction": "\"within the compass of education\" What is the definition of \"compass\"?"} {"term": "compass", "pos": "v", "context": "This writer attempts more than his talents can compass", "definition": "to bring about", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"This writer attempts more than his talents can compass\" What is the definition of \"compass\"?"} {"term": "compass", "pos": "v", "context": "This writer attempts more than his talents can compass", "definition": "to accomplish", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"This writer attempts more than his talents can compass\" What is the definition of \"compass\"?"} {"term": "shame", "pos": "n", "context": "one mistake brought shame to all his family", "definition": "a state of dishonor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["disgrace", "obloquy", "reproach", "opprobrium", "humiliation", "odium"], "instruction": "\"one mistake brought shame to all his family\" What is the definition of \"shame\"?"} {"term": "softly", "pos": "r", "context": "speak softly but carry a big stick", "definition": "with low volume", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"speak softly but carry a big stick\" What is the definition of \"softly\"?"} {"term": "softly", "pos": "r", "context": "she smiled softly", "definition": "in a manner that is pleasing to the senses", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she smiled softly\" What is the definition of \"softly\"?"} {"term": "deceitful", "pos": "s", "context": "deceitful advertising", "definition": "intended to deceive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"deceitful advertising\" What is the definition of \"deceitful\"?"} {"term": "deceitful", "pos": "s", "context": "she was a deceitful scheming little thing \" - Israel Zangwill", "definition": "marked by deliberate deceptiveness especially by pretending one set of feelings and acting under the influence of another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was a deceitful scheming little thing \" - Israel Zangwill\" What is the definition of \"deceitful\"?"} {"term": "aspirant", "pos": "n", "context": "a lofty aspirant", "definition": "an ambitious and aspiring young person", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["hopeful", "applier", "applicant"], "instruction": "\"a lofty aspirant\" What is the definition of \"aspirant\"?"} {"term": "medicinal", "pos": "s", "context": "medicinal herbs", "definition": "having the properties of medicine", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"medicinal herbs\" What is the definition of \"medicinal\"?"} {"term": "exquisite", "pos": "s", "context": "suffered exquisite pain", "definition": "intense or sharp", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"suffered exquisite pain\" What is the definition of \"exquisite\"?"} {"term": "exquisite", "pos": "s", "context": "her exquisite face", "definition": "of extreme beauty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her exquisite face\" What is the definition of \"exquisite\"?"} {"term": "deafening", "pos": "v", "context": "a deafening noise", "definition": "to be unbearably loud", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a deafening noise\" What is the definition of \"deafening\"?"} {"term": "deafening", "pos": "v", "context": "a deafening noise", "definition": "to make or render deaf", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a deafening noise\" What is the definition of \"deafening\"?"} {"term": "extrinsic", "pos": "a", "context": "extrinsic evidence", "definition": "not forming an essential part of a thing or arising or originating from the outside", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"extrinsic evidence\" What is the definition of \"extrinsic\"?"} {"term": "needless", "pos": "s", "context": "a strikers ' tent camp ... was burned with needless loss of life", "definition": "unnecessary and unwarranted", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a strikers ' tent camp ... was burned with needless loss of life\" What is the definition of \"needless\"?"} {"term": "headband", "pos": "n", "context": "the earphones were held in place by a headband", "definition": "a band worn around or over the head", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the earphones were held in place by a headband\" What is the definition of \"headband\"?"} {"term": "diagonally", "pos": "r", "context": "she lives diagonally across the street from us", "definition": "in a diagonal manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she lives diagonally across the street from us\" What is the definition of \"diagonally\"?"} {"term": "utmost", "pos": "n", "context": "he tried his utmost", "definition": "the greatest possible degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["limit", "uttermost", "boundary", "bound", "maximum"], "instruction": "\"he tried his utmost\" What is the definition of \"utmost\"?"} {"term": "utmost", "pos": "s", "context": "utmost contempt", "definition": "of the greatest possible degree or extent or intensity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"utmost contempt\" What is the definition of \"utmost\"?"} {"term": "utmost", "pos": "s", "context": "the utmost tip of the peninsula", "definition": "most remote in space or time or order", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the utmost tip of the peninsula\" What is the definition of \"utmost\"?"} {"term": "hereby", "pos": "r", "context": "I hereby declare you man and wife", "definition": "by means of this", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I hereby declare you man and wife\" What is the definition of \"hereby\"?"} {"term": "vegetal", "pos": "a", "context": "regions rich in vegetal products", "definition": "composed of vegetation or plants", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"regions rich in vegetal products\" What is the definition of \"vegetal\"?"} {"term": "polarity", "pos": "n", "context": "he got the polarity of the battery reversed", "definition": "having an indicated pole as the distinction between positive and negative electric charges", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["sign", "negativeness", "positiveness", "opposition"], "instruction": "\"he got the polarity of the battery reversed\" What is the definition of \"polarity\"?"} {"term": "polarity", "pos": "n", "context": "he viewed it as a balanced polarity between good and evil", "definition": "a relation between two opposite attributes or tendencies", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he viewed it as a balanced polarity between good and evil\" What is the definition of \"polarity\"?"} {"term": "revolting", "pos": "s", "context": "revolting food", "definition": "highly offensive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["disgusting", "", "distasteful", "repellent", "foul", "wicked"], "instruction": "\"revolting food\" What is the definition of \"revolting\"?"} {"term": "revolting", "pos": "s", "context": "revolting food", "definition": "arousing aversion or disgust", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["disgusting", "", "distasteful", "repellent", "foul", "wicked"], "instruction": "\"revolting food\" What is the definition of \"revolting\"?"} {"term": "shelve", "pos": "v", "context": "shelve books", "definition": "to place on a shelf", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shelve books\" What is the definition of \"shelve\"?"} {"term": "diffused", "pos": "s", "context": "diffused light", "definition": "subjected to scattering by reflection from a rough surface or transmission through a translucent material", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"diffused light\" What is the definition of \"diffused\"?"} {"term": "hideous", "pos": "s", "context": "a hideous pattern of injustice", "definition": "grossly offensive to decency or morality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a hideous pattern of injustice\" What is the definition of \"hideous\"?"} {"term": "hideous", "pos": "s", "context": "a hideous pattern of injustice", "definition": "causing horror", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a hideous pattern of injustice\" What is the definition of \"hideous\"?"} {"term": "hideous", "pos": "s", "context": "a hideous scar", "definition": "so extremely ugly as to be terrifying", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a hideous scar\" What is the definition of \"hideous\"?"} {"term": "inhospitable", "pos": "a", "context": "the barren inhospitable desert", "definition": "unfavorable to life or growth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the barren inhospitable desert\" What is the definition of \"inhospitable\"?"} {"term": "inhospitable", "pos": "a", "context": "they are extremely inhospitable these days", "definition": "not hospitable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they are extremely inhospitable these days\" What is the definition of \"inhospitable\"?"} {"term": "urge", "pos": "n", "context": "why this urge to travel ?", "definition": "a strong restless desire", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"why this urge to travel ?\" What is the definition of \"urge\"?"} {"term": "undone", "pos": "s", "context": "the work could be done or undone and nobody cared", "definition": "not done", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the work could be done or undone and nobody cared\" What is the definition of \"undone\"?"} {"term": "undone", "pos": "s", "context": "her blouse had come undone at the neck", "definition": "not fastened or tied or secured", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her blouse had come undone at the neck\" What is the definition of \"undone\"?"} {"term": "qualitative", "pos": "a", "context": "qualitative change", "definition": "involving distinctions based on qualities", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"qualitative change\" What is the definition of \"qualitative\"?"} {"term": "usual", "pos": "a", "context": "grew the usual vegetables", "definition": "occurring or encountered or experienced or observed frequently or in accordance with regular practice or procedure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"grew the usual vegetables\" What is the definition of \"usual\"?"} {"term": "usual", "pos": "s", "context": "the usual greeting", "definition": "commonly encountered", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["commoner", "", "common"], "instruction": "\"the usual greeting\" What is the definition of \"usual\"?"} {"term": "neutralization", "pos": "n", "context": "the neutralization of Belgium", "definition": "action intended to keep a country politically neutral or exclude it from a possible war", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the neutralization of Belgium\" What is the definition of \"neutralization\"?"} {"term": "knightly", "pos": "s", "context": "the knightly years", "definition": "characteristic of the time of chivalry and knighthood in the middle ages", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the knightly years\" What is the definition of \"knightly\"?"} {"term": "youngster", "pos": "n", "context": "` tiddler ' is a British term for youngster", "definition": "a young person of either sex", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["scalawag", "peanut", "monkey", "rapscallion", "rascal", "kindergartner", "kid", "tot", "nipper", "tike", "orphan", "scamp", "nestling", "kiddy", "fry", "bambino", "shaver", "buster", "minor", "juvenile", "silly", "urchin", "waif", "imp"], "instruction": "\"` tiddler ' is a British term for youngster\" What is the definition of \"youngster\"?"} {"term": "hypocritical", "pos": "s", "context": "hypocritical praise", "definition": "professing feelings or virtues one does not have", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hypocritical praise\" What is the definition of \"hypocritical\"?"} {"term": "exactness", "pos": "n", "context": "he demanded exactness in all details", "definition": "the quality of being exact", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["truth", "accuracy", "minuteness", "precision", "exactitude"], "instruction": "\"he demanded exactness in all details\" What is the definition of \"exactness\"?"} {"term": "stimulate", "pos": "v", "context": "Coffee and tea stimulate me", "definition": "to cause to be alert and energetic", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["renovate", "recreate", "revive", "energize", "affected", "reviving", "affect", "animating", "enliven", "reanimate", "arouse", "brace", "affecting", "quicken", "invigorate", "revivify", "energizing", "reinvigorate"], "instruction": "\"Coffee and tea stimulate me\" What is the definition of \"stimulate\"?"} {"term": "communication", "pos": "n", "context": "they could not act without official communication from Moscow", "definition": "the activity of communicating", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they could not act without official communication from Moscow\" What is the definition of \"communication\"?"} {"term": "communication", "pos": "n", "context": "they could not act without official communication from Moscow", "definition": "the activity of conveying information", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they could not act without official communication from Moscow\" What is the definition of \"communication\"?"} {"term": "communication", "pos": "n", "context": "how many lines of communication can there be among four people ?", "definition": "a connection allowing access between persons or places", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"how many lines of communication can there be among four people ?\" What is the definition of \"communication\"?"} {"term": "turbulence", "pos": "n", "context": "the industrial revolution was a period of great turbulence", "definition": "a state of violent disturbance and disorder as in politics or social conditions generally", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the industrial revolution was a period of great turbulence\" What is the definition of \"turbulence\"?"} {"term": "deaf", "pos": "n", "context": "many of the deaf use sign language", "definition": "people who have severe hearing impairments", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"many of the deaf use sign language\" What is the definition of \"deaf\"?"} {"term": "deaf", "pos": "s", "context": "deaf to her warnings", "definition": "unwilling or refusing to pay heed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"deaf to her warnings\" What is the definition of \"deaf\"?"} {"term": "institution", "pos": "n", "context": "the institution of marriage", "definition": "a custom that for a long time has been an important feature of some group or society", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the institution of marriage\" What is the definition of \"institution\"?"} {"term": "multivalent", "pos": "s", "context": "subtle , multivalent allegory", "definition": "having many values , meanings , or appeals", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"subtle , multivalent allegory\" What is the definition of \"multivalent\"?"} {"term": "alternatively", "pos": "r", "context": "alternatively we could buy a used car", "definition": "in place of , or as an alternative to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"alternatively we could buy a used car\" What is the definition of \"alternatively\"?"} {"term": "pretentious", "pos": "a", "context": "a pretentious country house", "definition": "making claim to or creating an appearance of often undeserved importance or distinction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a pretentious country house\" What is the definition of \"pretentious\"?"} {"term": "anchor", "pos": "n", "context": "faith is his anchor", "definition": "a central cohesive source of support and stability", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"faith is his anchor\" What is the definition of \"anchor\"?"} {"term": "anchor", "pos": "v", "context": "anchor the lamppost in concrete", "definition": "to fix firmly and stably", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["grounding", "fixed", "fastening", "ground", "fixing"], "instruction": "\"anchor the lamppost in concrete\" What is the definition of \"anchor\"?"} {"term": "coincident", "pos": "s", "context": "a series of coincident events", "definition": "occurring or operating at the same time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a series of coincident events\" What is the definition of \"coincident\"?"} {"term": "coincident", "pos": "s", "context": "coincident circles", "definition": "matching point for point", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"coincident circles\" What is the definition of \"coincident\"?"} {"term": "straddle", "pos": "v", "context": "The plants straddle the entire state", "definition": "to range or extend over", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["range", "constitute", "comprise", "represent"], "instruction": "\"The plants straddle the entire state\" What is the definition of \"straddle\"?"} {"term": "straddle", "pos": "v", "context": "The plants straddle the entire state", "definition": "to occupy a certain area", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["range", "constitute", "comprise", "represent"], "instruction": "\"The plants straddle the entire state\" What is the definition of \"straddle\"?"} {"term": "deprecatory", "pos": "s", "context": "deprecatory remarks about the book", "definition": "tending to diminish or disparage", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"deprecatory remarks about the book\" What is the definition of \"deprecatory\"?"} {"term": "truly", "pos": "r", "context": "she was now truly American", "definition": "in accordance with truth or fact or reality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was now truly American\" What is the definition of \"truly\"?"} {"term": "truly", "pos": "r", "context": "we are truly sorry for the inconvenience", "definition": "with sincerity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we are truly sorry for the inconvenience\" What is the definition of \"truly\"?"} {"term": "truly", "pos": "r", "context": "we are truly sorry for the inconvenience", "definition": "without pretense", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we are truly sorry for the inconvenience\" What is the definition of \"truly\"?"} {"term": "proximate", "pos": "a", "context": "news of his proximate arrival", "definition": "closest in degree or order space or time especially in a chain of causes and effects", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"news of his proximate arrival\" What is the definition of \"proximate\"?"} {"term": "proximate", "pos": "s", "context": "proximate words", "definition": "very close in space or time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"proximate words\" What is the definition of \"proximate\"?"} {"term": "advertise", "pos": "v", "context": "Please do n't advertise the fact that he has AIDS", "definition": "to call attention to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Please do n't advertise the fact that he has AIDS\" What is the definition of \"advertise\"?"} {"term": "detectable", "pos": "s", "context": "a detectable note of sarcasm", "definition": "easily seen or detected", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["perceptible", ""], "instruction": "\"a detectable note of sarcasm\" What is the definition of \"detectable\"?"} {"term": "reverberate", "pos": "v", "context": "the waves reverberate as far away as the end of the building", "definition": "to be reflected as heat , sound , or light or shock waves", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the waves reverberate as far away as the end of the building\" What is the definition of \"reverberate\"?"} {"term": "reverberate", "pos": "v", "context": "reverberate ore", "definition": "to treat , process , heat , melt , or refine in a reverberatory furnace", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"reverberate ore\" What is the definition of \"reverberate\"?"} {"term": "orthodox", "pos": "a", "context": "an orthodox view of the world", "definition": "adhering to what is commonly accepted", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an orthodox view of the world\" What is the definition of \"orthodox\"?"} {"term": "dissociate", "pos": "v", "context": "acids dissociate to give hydrogen ions", "definition": "to to undergo a reversible or temporary breakdown of a molecule into simpler molecules or atoms", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"acids dissociate to give hydrogen ions\" What is the definition of \"dissociate\"?"} {"term": "dissociate", "pos": "v", "context": "you must dissociate these two events !", "definition": "to regard as unconnected", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you must dissociate these two events !\" What is the definition of \"dissociate\"?"} {"term": "evisceration", "pos": "n", "context": "the adoption of their amendments would have amounted to an evisceration of the act", "definition": "altering something as a legislative act or a statement in such a manner as to reduce its value", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the adoption of their amendments would have amounted to an evisceration of the act\" What is the definition of \"evisceration\"?"} {"term": "bawdy", "pos": "n", "context": "they published a collection of Elizabethan bawdy", "definition": "lewd or obscene talk or writing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they published a collection of Elizabethan bawdy\" What is the definition of \"bawdy\"?"} {"term": "bawdy", "pos": "s", "context": "bawdy songs", "definition": "humorously vulgar", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bawdy songs\" What is the definition of \"bawdy\"?"} {"term": "debt", "pos": "n", "context": "he is badly in debt", "definition": "the state of owing something especially money", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is badly in debt\" What is the definition of \"debt\"?"} {"term": "survive", "pos": "v", "context": "These superstitions survive in the backwaters of America", "definition": "to continue to live through hardship or adversity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"These superstitions survive in the backwaters of America\" What is the definition of \"survive\"?"} {"term": "victory", "pos": "n", "context": "a narrow victory", "definition": "a successful ending of a struggle or contest", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["conclusion", "slam", "success", "independence", "laugher", "landslide", "ending", "finish", "checkmate", "romp", "pin", "sweep", "triumph", "waltz"], "instruction": "\"a narrow victory\" What is the definition of \"victory\"?"} {"term": "gushing", "pos": "s", "context": "a gushing hydrant", "definition": "flowing profusely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a gushing hydrant\" What is the definition of \"gushing\"?"} {"term": "gushing", "pos": "s", "context": "a large gushing female", "definition": "extravagantly demonstrative", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a large gushing female\" What is the definition of \"gushing\"?"} {"term": "inviting", "pos": "a", "context": "an inviting offer", "definition": "attractive and tempting", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an inviting offer\" What is the definition of \"inviting\"?"} {"term": "unexceptionable", "pos": "s", "context": "two unexceptionable witnesses", "definition": "completely acceptable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["unimpeachable", ""], "instruction": "\"two unexceptionable witnesses\" What is the definition of \"unexceptionable\"?"} {"term": "unexceptionable", "pos": "s", "context": "two unexceptionable witnesses", "definition": "not open to exception or reproach", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["unimpeachable", ""], "instruction": "\"two unexceptionable witnesses\" What is the definition of \"unexceptionable\"?"} {"term": "masked", "pos": "v", "context": "He masked his disappointment", "definition": "to hide under a false appearance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"He masked his disappointment\" What is the definition of \"masked\"?"} {"term": "masked", "pos": "s", "context": "masked threat", "definition": "having its true character concealed with the intent of misleading", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"masked threat\" What is the definition of \"masked\"?"} {"term": "notional", "pos": "s", "context": "a notional figure of cost helps in determining production costs", "definition": "not based on fact or investigation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a notional figure of cost helps in determining production costs\" What is the definition of \"notional\"?"} {"term": "notional", "pos": "s", "context": "to create a notional world for oneself", "definition": "not based on fact", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["imaginary", "", "fanciful"], "instruction": "\"to create a notional world for oneself\" What is the definition of \"notional\"?"} {"term": "notional", "pos": "s", "context": "to create a notional world for oneself", "definition": "unreal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["imaginary", "", "fanciful"], "instruction": "\"to create a notional world for oneself\" What is the definition of \"notional\"?"} {"term": "notional", "pos": "s", "context": "all the notional vagaries of childhood", "definition": "indulging in or influenced by fancy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all the notional vagaries of childhood\" What is the definition of \"notional\"?"} {"term": "spatial", "pos": "a", "context": "the first dimension to concentrate on is the spatial one", "definition": "pertaining to or involving or having the nature of space", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the first dimension to concentrate on is the spatial one\" What is the definition of \"spatial\"?"} {"term": "twinkling", "pos": "s", "context": "twinkling stars", "definition": "shining intermittently with a sparkling light", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"twinkling stars\" What is the definition of \"twinkling\"?"} {"term": "gory", "pos": "s", "context": "a gory dagger", "definition": "covered with blood", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a gory dagger\" What is the definition of \"gory\"?"} {"term": "tempest", "pos": "n", "context": "a tempest swept over the island", "definition": "a violent wind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tempest swept over the island\" What is the definition of \"tempest\"?"} {"term": "tempest", "pos": "n", "context": "it was only a tempest in a teapot", "definition": "a violent commotion or disturbance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was only a tempest in a teapot\" What is the definition of \"tempest\"?"} {"term": "expansive", "pos": "a", "context": "the expansive force of fire", "definition": "able or tending to expand or characterized by expansion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the expansive force of fire\" What is the definition of \"expansive\"?"} {"term": "expansive", "pos": "s", "context": "an expansive lifestyle", "definition": "of behavior that is impressive and ambitious in scale or scope", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an expansive lifestyle\" What is the definition of \"expansive\"?"} {"term": "expansive", "pos": "s", "context": "wine made the guest expansive", "definition": "friendly and open and willing to talk", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wine made the guest expansive\" What is the definition of \"expansive\"?"} {"term": "woolgathering", "pos": "s", "context": "a woolgathering moment", "definition": "dreamy in mood or nature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a woolgathering moment\" What is the definition of \"woolgathering\"?"} {"term": "tipper", "pos": "n", "context": "a generous tipper", "definition": "a person who leaves a tip", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a generous tipper\" What is the definition of \"tipper\"?"} {"term": "schismatic", "pos": "a", "context": "schismatic sects", "definition": "of or relating to or involved in or characteristic of schism", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"schismatic sects\" What is the definition of \"schismatic\"?"} {"term": "thoroughly", "pos": "r", "context": "we searched the files thoroughly", "definition": "in an exhaustive manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we searched the files thoroughly\" What is the definition of \"thoroughly\"?"} {"term": "compress", "pos": "v", "context": "compress the data", "definition": "to make more compact by or as if by pressing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["compressed", "pack", "tamp", "force", "wedge", "compact", "squeezing"], "instruction": "\"compress the data\" What is the definition of \"compress\"?"} {"term": "efferent", "pos": "a", "context": "efferent nerves and impulses", "definition": "of nerves and nerve impulses", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"efferent nerves and impulses\" What is the definition of \"efferent\"?"} {"term": "efferent", "pos": "a", "context": "efferent nerves and impulses", "definition": "conveying information away from the cns", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"efferent nerves and impulses\" What is the definition of \"efferent\"?"} {"term": "confidential", "pos": "s", "context": "a confidential secretary", "definition": "entrusted with private information and the confidence of another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a confidential secretary\" What is the definition of \"confidential\"?"} {"term": "confidential", "pos": "s", "context": "this arrangement must be kept confidential", "definition": "given in confidence or in secret", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this arrangement must be kept confidential\" What is the definition of \"confidential\"?"} {"term": "confidential", "pos": "s", "context": "a confidential approach", "definition": "denoting confidence or intimacy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a confidential approach\" What is the definition of \"confidential\"?"} {"term": "solitary", "pos": "n", "context": "he was held in solitary", "definition": "confinement of a prisoner in isolation from other prisoners", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was held in solitary\" What is the definition of \"solitary\"?"} {"term": "solitary", "pos": "s", "context": "a man of a solitary disposition", "definition": "characterized by or preferring solitude", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a man of a solitary disposition\" What is the definition of \"solitary\"?"} {"term": "solitary", "pos": "s", "context": "solitary bees", "definition": "of plants and animals", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"solitary bees\" What is the definition of \"solitary\"?"} {"term": "solitary", "pos": "s", "context": "solitary bees", "definition": "not growing or living in groups or colonies", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"solitary bees\" What is the definition of \"solitary\"?"} {"term": "solitary", "pos": "s", "context": "a solitary traveler", "definition": "lacking companions or companionship", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a solitary traveler\" What is the definition of \"solitary\"?"} {"term": "rectangular", "pos": "s", "context": "a rectangular figure twice as long as it is wide", "definition": "having four right angles", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a rectangular figure twice as long as it is wide\" What is the definition of \"rectangular\"?"} {"term": "rectangular", "pos": "s", "context": "a rectangular Cartesian coordinate system", "definition": "having a set of mutually perpendicular axes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a rectangular Cartesian coordinate system\" What is the definition of \"rectangular\"?"} {"term": "rectangular", "pos": "s", "context": "a rectangular Cartesian coordinate system", "definition": "meeting at right angles", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a rectangular Cartesian coordinate system\" What is the definition of \"rectangular\"?"} {"term": "pectoral", "pos": "a", "context": "pectoral organ", "definition": "of or relating to the chest or thorax", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["thoracic", ""], "instruction": "\"pectoral organ\" What is the definition of \"pectoral\"?"} {"term": "onomatopoetic", "pos": "a", "context": "it was independently developed in more than one place as an onomatopoetic term \" - Harry Hoijer", "definition": "formed in imitation of a natural sound", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was independently developed in more than one place as an onomatopoetic term \" - Harry Hoijer\" What is the definition of \"onomatopoetic\"?"} {"term": "fledge", "pos": "v", "context": "fledge an arrow", "definition": "to decorate with feathers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["beautify", "ornament", "adorn", "flighted", "flight", "grace", "decorate"], "instruction": "\"fledge an arrow\" What is the definition of \"fledge\"?"} {"term": "adept", "pos": "s", "context": "adept in handicrafts", "definition": "having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"adept in handicrafts\" What is the definition of \"adept\"?"} {"term": "stressful", "pos": "s", "context": "the stressful days before a war", "definition": "extremely irritating to the nerves", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["trying", ""], "instruction": "\"the stressful days before a war\" What is the definition of \"stressful\"?"} {"term": "supernal", "pos": "a", "context": "interpret the plague as a visitation from heaven , a supernal punishment for the sins of men", "definition": "being or coming from on high", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"interpret the plague as a visitation from heaven , a supernal punishment for the sins of men\" What is the definition of \"supernal\"?"} {"term": "supernal", "pos": "s", "context": "the supernal happiness of a quiet death", "definition": "of heaven or the spirit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the supernal happiness of a quiet death\" What is the definition of \"supernal\"?"} {"term": "piecemeal", "pos": "r", "context": "the research structure has developed piecemeal", "definition": "a little bit at a time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the research structure has developed piecemeal\" What is the definition of \"piecemeal\"?"} {"term": "pet", "pos": "v", "context": "pet the lamb", "definition": "to stroke or caress gently", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pet the lamb\" What is the definition of \"pet\"?"} {"term": "muggy", "pos": "s", "context": "muggy weather", "definition": "hot or warm and humid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"muggy weather\" What is the definition of \"muggy\"?"} {"term": "alloy", "pos": "n", "context": "brass is an alloy of zinc and copper", "definition": "a mixture containing two or more metallic elements or metallic and nonmetallic elements usually fused together or dissolving into each other when molten", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["mixture", "amalgam", "steel", "metal", "electrum", "solder"], "instruction": "\"brass is an alloy of zinc and copper\" What is the definition of \"alloy\"?"} {"term": "penultimate", "pos": "s", "context": "the author inadvertently reveals the murderer in the penultimate chapter", "definition": "next to the last", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the author inadvertently reveals the murderer in the penultimate chapter\" What is the definition of \"penultimate\"?"} {"term": "existent", "pos": "a", "context": "an attempt to refine the existent machinery to make it more efficient", "definition": "having existence or being or actuality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an attempt to refine the existent machinery to make it more efficient\" What is the definition of \"existent\"?"} {"term": "experiential", "pos": "a", "context": "a personal , experiential reality", "definition": "relating to or resulting from experience", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a personal , experiential reality\" What is the definition of \"experiential\"?"} {"term": "experiential", "pos": "s", "context": "the rich experiential content of the teachings of the older philosophers \" - Benjamin Farrington", "definition": "derived from experience or the experience of existence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the rich experiential content of the teachings of the older philosophers \" - Benjamin Farrington\" What is the definition of \"experiential\"?"} {"term": "funny", "pos": "n", "context": "she told a funny story", "definition": "an account of an amusing incident usually with a punch line", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she told a funny story\" What is the definition of \"funny\"?"} {"term": "funny", "pos": "s", "context": "told the doctor about the funny sensations in her chest", "definition": "experiencing odd bodily sensations", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"told the doctor about the funny sensations in her chest\" What is the definition of \"funny\"?"} {"term": "funny", "pos": "s", "context": "funny stories that made everybody laugh", "definition": "arousing or provoking laughter", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"funny stories that made everybody laugh\" What is the definition of \"funny\"?"} {"term": "funny", "pos": "s", "context": "her speech has a funny twang", "definition": "beyond or deviating from the usual or expected", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["peculiar", "", "rum", "singular", "rummy", "queer", "curious"], "instruction": "\"her speech has a funny twang\" What is the definition of \"funny\"?"} {"term": "neural", "pos": "a", "context": "neural network", "definition": "of or relating to neurons", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"neural network\" What is the definition of \"neural\"?"} {"term": "neural", "pos": "a", "context": "neural disorder", "definition": "of or relating to the nervous system", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"neural disorder\" What is the definition of \"neural\"?"} {"term": "flabby", "pos": "s", "context": "flabby around the middle", "definition": "out of condition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["flaccid", "soft", ""], "instruction": "\"flabby around the middle\" What is the definition of \"flabby\"?"} {"term": "flabby", "pos": "s", "context": "flabby around the middle", "definition": "not strong or robust", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["flaccid", "soft", ""], "instruction": "\"flabby around the middle\" What is the definition of \"flabby\"?"} {"term": "flabby", "pos": "s", "context": "flabby around the middle", "definition": "incapable of exertion or endurance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["flaccid", "soft", ""], "instruction": "\"flabby around the middle\" What is the definition of \"flabby\"?"} {"term": "race", "pos": "n", "context": "the race for the presidency", "definition": "any competition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the race for the presidency\" What is the definition of \"race\"?"} {"term": "race", "pos": "n", "context": "the race is to the swift", "definition": "a contest of speed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the race is to the swift\" What is the definition of \"race\"?"} {"term": "delta", "pos": "n", "context": "the Mississippi River delta", "definition": "a low triangular area of alluvial deposits where a river divides before entering a larger body of water", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the Mississippi River delta\" What is the definition of \"delta\"?"} {"term": "third", "pos": "n", "context": "a distant third", "definition": "following the second position in an ordering or series", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a distant third\" What is the definition of \"third\"?"} {"term": "third", "pos": "n", "context": "it contains approximately a third of the minimum daily requirement", "definition": "one of three equal parts of a divisible whole", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it contains approximately a third of the minimum daily requirement\" What is the definition of \"third\"?"} {"term": "equitably", "pos": "r", "context": "the inheritance was equitably divided among the sisters", "definition": "in an equitable manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the inheritance was equitably divided among the sisters\" What is the definition of \"equitably\"?"} {"term": "matted", "pos": "s", "context": "tried to push through the matted undergrowth", "definition": "tangled in a dense mass", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tried to push through the matted undergrowth\" What is the definition of \"matted\"?"} {"term": "tore", "pos": "v", "context": "The car tore down the street", "definition": "to move quickly and violently", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["rush", "race", "rip", "shoot", "hotfoot", "hasten", "buck", "charge", "tear", "speed"], "instruction": "\"The car tore down the street\" What is the definition of \"tore\"?"} {"term": "obstetric", "pos": "a", "context": "obstetric hospital", "definition": "of or relating to or used in or practicing obstetrics", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"obstetric hospital\" What is the definition of \"obstetric\"?"} {"term": "radioactive", "pos": "a", "context": "radioactive isotope", "definition": "exhibiting or caused by radioactivity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"radioactive isotope\" What is the definition of \"radioactive\"?"} {"term": "unquestionable", "pos": "a", "context": "unquestionable authority", "definition": "incapable of being questioned", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unquestionable authority\" What is the definition of \"unquestionable\"?"} {"term": "unquestionable", "pos": "s", "context": "an unquestionable ( or unequivocal ) loss of prestige", "definition": "not open to question", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unquestionable ( or unequivocal ) loss of prestige\" What is the definition of \"unquestionable\"?"} {"term": "unquestionable", "pos": "s", "context": "an unquestionable antique", "definition": "not counterfeit or copied", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["veritable", "", "authentic"], "instruction": "\"an unquestionable antique\" What is the definition of \"unquestionable\"?"} {"term": "duplication", "pos": "n", "context": "this kind of duplication is wasteful", "definition": "the act of copying or making a duplicate or duplicates of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this kind of duplication is wasteful\" What is the definition of \"duplication\"?"} {"term": "smallness", "pos": "n", "context": "he was attracted by the smallness of the taxes", "definition": "the property of being a relatively small amount", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was attracted by the smallness of the taxes\" What is the definition of \"smallness\"?"} {"term": "smallness", "pos": "n", "context": "the smallness of her voice", "definition": "the property of having relatively little strength or vigor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["weakness", "littleness"], "instruction": "\"the smallness of her voice\" What is the definition of \"smallness\"?"} {"term": "short", "pos": "a", "context": "a short life", "definition": "primarily temporal sense", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a short life\" What is the definition of \"short\"?"} {"term": "short", "pos": "a", "context": "a short life", "definition": "indicating or being or seeming to be limited in duration", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a short life\" What is the definition of \"short\"?"} {"term": "short", "pos": "a", "context": "short skirts", "definition": "having little length or lacking in length", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"short skirts\" What is the definition of \"short\"?"} {"term": "short", "pos": "a", "context": "he was short and stocky", "definition": "low in stature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was short and stocky\" What is the definition of \"short\"?"} {"term": "short", "pos": "a", "context": "he was short and stocky", "definition": "not tall", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was short and stocky\" What is the definition of \"short\"?"} {"term": "short", "pos": "s", "context": "a short view of the problem", "definition": "lacking foresight or scope", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a short view of the problem\" What is the definition of \"short\"?"} {"term": "short", "pos": "s", "context": "shortbread is a short crumbly cookie", "definition": "tending to crumble or break into flakes due to a large amount of shortening", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shortbread is a short crumbly cookie\" What is the definition of \"short\"?"} {"term": "short", "pos": "s", "context": "money is short", "definition": "not sufficient to meet a need", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"money is short\" What is the definition of \"short\"?"} {"term": "short", "pos": "r", "context": "he made his fortune by selling short just before the crash", "definition": "without possessing something at the time it is contractually sold", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he made his fortune by selling short just before the crash\" What is the definition of \"short\"?"} {"term": "short", "pos": "r", "context": "the car 's axle snapped short", "definition": "clean across", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the car 's axle snapped short\" What is the definition of \"short\"?"} {"term": "short", "pos": "r", "context": "he fell short of our expectations", "definition": "at some point or distance before a goal is reached", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he fell short of our expectations\" What is the definition of \"short\"?"} {"term": "confront", "pos": "v", "context": "You must confront your opponent", "definition": "to oppose , as in hostility or a competition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["face", "breast", "meet", "encounter", "faced", "play", "breasted", "pitted", "pit", "facing"], "instruction": "\"You must confront your opponent\" What is the definition of \"confront\"?"} {"term": "confront", "pos": "v", "context": "You must confront your problems", "definition": "to deal with something unpleasant head on", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["face", "approach", "tackle", "undertaking", "approaching", "faced", "undertake", "facing"], "instruction": "\"You must confront your problems\" What is the definition of \"confront\"?"} {"term": "oxygenate", "pos": "v", "context": "oxygenate blood", "definition": "to impregnate , combine , or supply with oxygen", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"oxygenate blood\" What is the definition of \"oxygenate\"?"} {"term": "detention", "pos": "n", "context": "his detention was politically motivated", "definition": "a state of being confined usually for a short time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["custody", "", "hold"], "instruction": "\"his detention was politically motivated\" What is the definition of \"detention\"?"} {"term": "detention", "pos": "n", "context": "the detention of tardy pupils", "definition": "a punishment in which a student must stay at school after others have gone home", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the detention of tardy pupils\" What is the definition of \"detention\"?"} {"term": "midnight", "pos": "n", "context": "young children should not be allowed to stay up until midnight", "definition": "12 oclock at night", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"young children should not be allowed to stay up until midnight\" What is the definition of \"midnight\"?"} {"term": "midnight", "pos": "n", "context": "young children should not be allowed to stay up until midnight", "definition": "the middle of the night", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"young children should not be allowed to stay up until midnight\" What is the definition of \"midnight\"?"} {"term": "oaken", "pos": "s", "context": "the old oaken bucket", "definition": "consisting of or made of wood of the oak tree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the old oaken bucket\" What is the definition of \"oaken\"?"} {"term": "agricultural", "pos": "a", "context": "agricultural engineering", "definition": "relating to or used in or promoting agriculture or farming", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"agricultural engineering\" What is the definition of \"agricultural\"?"} {"term": "rigorous", "pos": "s", "context": "rigorous application of the law", "definition": "rigidly accurate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rigorous application of the law\" What is the definition of \"rigorous\"?"} {"term": "rigorous", "pos": "s", "context": "rigorous application of the law", "definition": "allowing no deviation from a standard", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rigorous application of the law\" What is the definition of \"rigorous\"?"} {"term": "rigorous", "pos": "s", "context": "rigorous discipline", "definition": "demanding strict attention to rules and procedures", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rigorous discipline\" What is the definition of \"rigorous\"?"} {"term": "unwitting", "pos": "s", "context": "an unwitting mistake may be overlooked", "definition": "not done with purpose or intent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unwitting mistake may be overlooked\" What is the definition of \"unwitting\"?"} {"term": "unwitting", "pos": "s", "context": "his rudeness was unwitting", "definition": "unaware because of a lack of relevant information or knowledge", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his rudeness was unwitting\" What is the definition of \"unwitting\"?"} {"term": "unwitting", "pos": "a", "context": "an unwitting subject in an experiment", "definition": "not aware or knowing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unwitting subject in an experiment\" What is the definition of \"unwitting\"?"} {"term": "shape", "pos": "n", "context": "geometry is the mathematical science of shape", "definition": "the spatial arrangement of something as distinct from its substance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["flair", "plane", "connection", "square", "tower", "link", "flare", "figure", "form", "plume", "angularity", "column", "distortion", "attribute", "triangle", "line"], "instruction": "\"geometry is the mathematical science of shape\" What is the definition of \"shape\"?"} {"term": "shape", "pos": "v", "context": "shape a figure", "definition": "to make something , usually for a specific function", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["coil", "cast", "forge", "molding", "machine", "upset", "puddle", "model", "modeling", "carve", "preform", "reshape", "swage", "hill", "sinter", "layer", "beat", "chip", "grind", "form"], "instruction": "\"shape a figure\" What is the definition of \"shape\"?"} {"term": "intercept", "pos": "v", "context": "The fighter plane was ordered to intercept an aircraft that had entered the country 's airspace", "definition": "to seize on its way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["catch", "grab", "stop"], "instruction": "\"The fighter plane was ordered to intercept an aircraft that had entered the country 's airspace\" What is the definition of \"intercept\"?"} {"term": "imperiously", "pos": "r", "context": "imperiously he cut her short", "definition": "in an imperious manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"imperiously he cut her short\" What is the definition of \"imperiously\"?"} {"term": "disaffection", "pos": "n", "context": "the widespread disaffection of the troops", "definition": "disloyalty to the government or to established authority", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the widespread disaffection of the troops\" What is the definition of \"disaffection\"?"} {"term": "orgiastic", "pos": "s", "context": "orgiastic festivity", "definition": "used of riotously drunken merrymaking", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["carousing", "bacchanal", "bacchanalian", ""], "instruction": "\"orgiastic festivity\" What is the definition of \"orgiastic\"?"} {"term": "iron", "pos": "s", "context": "an iron constitution", "definition": "extremely robust", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an iron constitution\" What is the definition of \"iron\"?"} {"term": "wear", "pos": "n", "context": "the tires showed uneven wear", "definition": "impairment resulting from long use", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the tires showed uneven wear\" What is the definition of \"wear\"?"} {"term": "wear", "pos": "n", "context": "she bought it for everyday wear", "definition": "the act of having on your person as a covering or adornment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["act", "deed", "wearing"], "instruction": "\"she bought it for everyday wear\" What is the definition of \"wear\"?"} {"term": "stub", "pos": "v", "context": "stub out your cigarette now", "definition": "to extinguish by crushing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stub out your cigarette now\" What is the definition of \"stub\"?"} {"term": "stub", "pos": "v", "context": "stub a field", "definition": "to clear of weeds by uprooting them", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stub a field\" What is the definition of \"stub\"?"} {"term": "perpendicularly", "pos": "r", "context": "this red line runs perpendicularly to the green line", "definition": "in a perpendicular manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this red line runs perpendicularly to the green line\" What is the definition of \"perpendicularly\"?"} {"term": "dizzily", "pos": "r", "context": "he walked around dizzily", "definition": "in a giddy light-headed manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he walked around dizzily\" What is the definition of \"dizzily\"?"} {"term": "townsman", "pos": "n", "context": "a fellow townsman", "definition": "a person from the same town as yourself", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fellow townsman\" What is the definition of \"townsman\"?"} {"term": "aromatic", "pos": "a", "context": "an aromatic organic compound", "definition": "of or relating to or containing one or more benzene rings", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an aromatic organic compound\" What is the definition of \"aromatic\"?"} {"term": "crepuscular", "pos": "s", "context": "the evening 's crepuscular charm", "definition": "like twilight", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the evening 's crepuscular charm\" What is the definition of \"crepuscular\"?"} {"term": "crepuscular", "pos": "s", "context": "the evening 's crepuscular charm", "definition": "dim", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the evening 's crepuscular charm\" What is the definition of \"crepuscular\"?"} {"term": "extortion", "pos": "n", "context": "the extortion by dishonest officials of fees for performing their sworn duty", "definition": "unjust exaction as by the misuse of authority", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the extortion by dishonest officials of fees for performing their sworn duty\" What is the definition of \"extortion\"?"} {"term": "dynamic", "pos": "n", "context": "they hoped it would act as a spiritual dynamic on all churches", "definition": "an efficient incentive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["incentive", "inducement", "dynamics"], "instruction": "\"they hoped it would act as a spiritual dynamic on all churches\" What is the definition of \"dynamic\"?"} {"term": "dynamic", "pos": "a", "context": "a dynamic market", "definition": "characterized by action or forcefulness or force of personality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dynamic market\" What is the definition of \"dynamic\"?"} {"term": "strangulate", "pos": "v", "context": "The hernia will strangulate", "definition": "to become constricted", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The hernia will strangulate\" What is the definition of \"strangulate\"?"} {"term": "shrillness", "pos": "n", "context": "the shrillness of her hair color", "definition": "the quality of being sharp or harsh to the senses", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the shrillness of her hair color\" What is the definition of \"shrillness\"?"} {"term": "cantankerous", "pos": "s", "context": "a cantankerous and venomous-tongued old lady \" - Dorothy Sayers", "definition": "having a difficult and contrary disposition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a cantankerous and venomous-tongued old lady \" - Dorothy Sayers\" What is the definition of \"cantankerous\"?"} {"term": "artlessly", "pos": "r", "context": "she answered the judge 's questions artlessly", "definition": "in an ingenuous manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she answered the judge 's questions artlessly\" What is the definition of \"artlessly\"?"} {"term": "stationary", "pos": "s", "context": "the car remained stationary with the engine running", "definition": "standing still", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the car remained stationary with the engine running\" What is the definition of \"stationary\"?"} {"term": "stationary", "pos": "s", "context": "stationary machinery", "definition": "not capable of being moved", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stationary machinery\" What is the definition of \"stationary\"?"} {"term": "unalloyed", "pos": "s", "context": "unalloyed metal", "definition": "free from admixture", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unalloyed metal\" What is the definition of \"unalloyed\"?"} {"term": "smithereens", "pos": "n", "context": "Berlin was bombed to smithereens", "definition": "a collection of small fragments considered as a whole", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Berlin was bombed to smithereens\" What is the definition of \"smithereens\"?"} {"term": "locate", "pos": "v", "context": "Can you locate your cousins in the Midwest ?", "definition": "to discover the location of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Can you locate your cousins in the Midwest ?\" What is the definition of \"locate\"?"} {"term": "locate", "pos": "v", "context": "Can you locate your cousins in the Midwest ?", "definition": "to determine the place of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Can you locate your cousins in the Midwest ?\" What is the definition of \"locate\"?"} {"term": "locate", "pos": "v", "context": "Can you locate your cousins in the Midwest ?", "definition": "to find by searching or examining", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Can you locate your cousins in the Midwest ?\" What is the definition of \"locate\"?"} {"term": "locate", "pos": "v", "context": "Our sense of sight enables us to locate objects in space", "definition": "to determine or indicate the place , site , or limits of , as if by an instrument or by a survey", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["based", "find", "map", "localize", "base", "determined", "situate", "ascertain", "place", "determine"], "instruction": "\"Our sense of sight enables us to locate objects in space\" What is the definition of \"locate\"?"} {"term": "accession", "pos": "n", "context": "the art collection grew through accession", "definition": "a process of increasing by addition as to a collection or group", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the art collection grew through accession\" What is the definition of \"accession\"?"} {"term": "retiring", "pos": "s", "context": "a shy retiring girl", "definition": "not arrogant or presuming", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a shy retiring girl\" What is the definition of \"retiring\"?"} {"term": "retiring", "pos": "s", "context": "a retiring member of the board", "definition": "of a person who has held and relinquished a position or office", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a retiring member of the board\" What is the definition of \"retiring\"?"} {"term": "astonishment", "pos": "n", "context": "he looked at me in astonishment", "definition": "the feeling that accompanies something extremely surprising", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he looked at me in astonishment\" What is the definition of \"astonishment\"?"} {"term": "metropolitan", "pos": "a", "context": "metropolitan area", "definition": "relating to or characteristic of a metropolis", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"metropolitan area\" What is the definition of \"metropolitan\"?"} {"term": "monitory", "pos": "s", "context": "shook a monitory finger at him", "definition": "serving to warn", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shook a monitory finger at him\" What is the definition of \"monitory\"?"} {"term": "communicable", "pos": "s", "context": "communicable ideas", "definition": "readily communicated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"communicable ideas\" What is the definition of \"communicable\"?"} {"term": "pensively", "pos": "r", "context": "pensively he stared at the painting", "definition": "in a pensive manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pensively he stared at the painting\" What is the definition of \"pensively\"?"} {"term": "defense", "pos": "n", "context": "they died in the defense of Stalingrad", "definition": "military action or resources protecting a country against potential enemies", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they died in the defense of Stalingrad\" What is the definition of \"defense\"?"} {"term": "defense", "pos": "n", "context": "sanitation is the best defense against disease", "definition": "protection from harm", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sanitation is the best defense against disease\" What is the definition of \"defense\"?"} {"term": "defense", "pos": "n", "context": "his teams are always good on defense", "definition": "the team that is trying to prevent the other team from scoring", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his teams are always good on defense\" What is the definition of \"defense\"?"} {"term": "paper", "pos": "n", "context": "the notion of an office running without paper is absurd", "definition": "a medium for written communication", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the notion of an office running without paper is absurd\" What is the definition of \"paper\"?"} {"term": "dismissive", "pos": "s", "context": "a dismissive shrug", "definition": "showing indifference or disregard", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dismissive shrug\" What is the definition of \"dismissive\"?"} {"term": "dismissive", "pos": "s", "context": "they took dismissive action after the third violation", "definition": "stopping to associate with", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they took dismissive action after the third violation\" What is the definition of \"dismissive\"?"} {"term": "porcine", "pos": "a", "context": "comparison between human and porcine pleasures", "definition": "relating to or suggesting swine", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"comparison between human and porcine pleasures\" What is the definition of \"porcine\"?"} {"term": "porcine", "pos": "s", "context": "a bald porcine old man", "definition": "repellently fat", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bald porcine old man\" What is the definition of \"porcine\"?"} {"term": "porcine", "pos": "s", "context": "the piggy fat-cheeked little boy and his porcine pot-bellied father", "definition": "resembling swine", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the piggy fat-cheeked little boy and his porcine pot-bellied father\" What is the definition of \"porcine\"?"} {"term": "porcine", "pos": "s", "context": "the piggy fat-cheeked little boy and his porcine pot-bellied father", "definition": "coarsely gluttonous or greedy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the piggy fat-cheeked little boy and his porcine pot-bellied father\" What is the definition of \"porcine\"?"} {"term": "frictionless", "pos": "a", "context": "a perpetual motion machine would have to be frictionless", "definition": "lacking all friction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a perpetual motion machine would have to be frictionless\" What is the definition of \"frictionless\"?"} {"term": "ugly", "pos": "a", "context": "an ugly face", "definition": "displeasing to the senses", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an ugly face\" What is the definition of \"ugly\"?"} {"term": "ugly", "pos": "s", "context": "an ugly frame of mind", "definition": "inclined to anger or bad feelings with overtones of menace", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an ugly frame of mind\" What is the definition of \"ugly\"?"} {"term": "ugly", "pos": "s", "context": "ugly crimes", "definition": "morally reprehensible", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ugly crimes\" What is the definition of \"ugly\"?"} {"term": "ugly", "pos": "s", "context": "an ugly wound", "definition": "provoking horror", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["atrocious", "horrible", "frightful", ""], "instruction": "\"an ugly wound\" What is the definition of \"ugly\"?"} {"term": "subtropical", "pos": "a", "context": "even near the equator vegetation at 5000 ft is subtropical rather than tropical", "definition": "of or relating to or characteristic of conditions in the subtropics", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"even near the equator vegetation at 5000 ft is subtropical rather than tropical\" What is the definition of \"subtropical\"?"} {"term": "thumbed", "pos": "v", "context": "He thumbed through the report", "definition": "to look through a book or other written material", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["riffle", "flip", "peruse", "flick", "leaf", "thumb"], "instruction": "\"He thumbed through the report\" What is the definition of \"thumbed\"?"} {"term": "unpardonable", "pos": "a", "context": "unpardonable behavior", "definition": "not admitting of pardon", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unpardonable behavior\" What is the definition of \"unpardonable\"?"} {"term": "thin", "pos": "a", "context": "thin wire", "definition": "of relatively small extent from one surface to the opposite or in cross section", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"thin wire\" What is the definition of \"thin\"?"} {"term": "thin", "pos": "a", "context": "you ca n't be too rich or too thin", "definition": "lacking excess flesh", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you ca n't be too rich or too thin\" What is the definition of \"thin\"?"} {"term": "thin", "pos": "a", "context": "air is thin at high altitudes", "definition": "not viscous", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"air is thin at high altitudes\" What is the definition of \"thin\"?"} {"term": "thin", "pos": "s", "context": "a thin smile", "definition": "lacking spirit or sincere effort", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a thin smile\" What is the definition of \"thin\"?"} {"term": "thin", "pos": "s", "context": "a thin line across the page", "definition": "very narrow", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a thin line across the page\" What is the definition of \"thin\"?"} {"term": "thin", "pos": "s", "context": "a thin beard", "definition": "not dense", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a thin beard\" What is the definition of \"thin\"?"} {"term": "thin", "pos": "r", "context": "the blood was flowing thin", "definition": "without viscosity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the blood was flowing thin\" What is the definition of \"thin\"?"} {"term": "tectonic", "pos": "a", "context": "tectonic plates", "definition": "pertaining to the structure or movement of the earths crust", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tectonic plates\" What is the definition of \"tectonic\"?"} {"term": "remedial", "pos": "s", "context": "a remedial reading course", "definition": "tending or intended to rectify or improve", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a remedial reading course\" What is the definition of \"remedial\"?"} {"term": "remedial", "pos": "s", "context": "remedial surgery", "definition": "tending to cure or restore to health", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["curative", "therapeutic", "alterative", ""], "instruction": "\"remedial surgery\" What is the definition of \"remedial\"?"} {"term": "winning", "pos": "n", "context": "winning is not everything", "definition": "succeeding with great difficulty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"winning is not everything\" What is the definition of \"winning\"?"} {"term": "winning", "pos": "s", "context": "a winning personality", "definition": "very attractive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a winning personality\" What is the definition of \"winning\"?"} {"term": "winning", "pos": "s", "context": "a winning personality", "definition": "capturing interest", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a winning personality\" What is the definition of \"winning\"?"} {"term": "running", "pos": "n", "context": "the engine is running smoothly", "definition": "the state of being in operation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the engine is running smoothly\" What is the definition of \"running\"?"} {"term": "running", "pos": "n", "context": "he has responsibility for the running of two companies at the same time", "definition": "the act of administering or being in charge of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he has responsibility for the running of two companies at the same time\" What is the definition of \"running\"?"} {"term": "running", "pos": "n", "context": "the coach put great emphasis on running", "definition": "a play in which a player attempts to carry the ball through or past the opposing team", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["rush", "run", "draw", "return", "sweep"], "instruction": "\"the coach put great emphasis on running\" What is the definition of \"running\"?"} {"term": "running", "pos": "a", "context": "as mountain stream with freely running water", "definition": "moving or issuing in a stream", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as mountain stream with freely running water\" What is the definition of \"running\"?"} {"term": "running", "pos": "s", "context": "a running joke among us", "definition": "continually repeated over a period of time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a running joke among us\" What is the definition of \"running\"?"} {"term": "running", "pos": "s", "context": "in running ( or working ) order", "definition": "performing or capable of performing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in running ( or working ) order\" What is the definition of \"running\"?"} {"term": "running", "pos": "s", "context": "cost of lumber per running foot", "definition": "measured lengthwise", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["linear", ""], "instruction": "\"cost of lumber per running foot\" What is the definition of \"running\"?"} {"term": "uncontrollable", "pos": "s", "context": "uncontrollable pain", "definition": "difficult to solve or alleviate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"uncontrollable pain\" What is the definition of \"uncontrollable\"?"} {"term": "uncontrollable", "pos": "s", "context": "uncontrollable children", "definition": "incapable of being controlled or managed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"uncontrollable children\" What is the definition of \"uncontrollable\"?"} {"term": "shimmy", "pos": "n", "context": "he could feel the shimmy in the steering wheel", "definition": "an abnormal wobble in a motor vehicle especially in the front wheels", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he could feel the shimmy in the steering wheel\" What is the definition of \"shimmy\"?"} {"term": "healthful", "pos": "a", "context": "a healthful climate", "definition": "conducive to good health of body or mind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a healthful climate\" What is the definition of \"healthful\"?"} {"term": "activity", "pos": "n", "context": "they avoided all recreational activity", "definition": "any specific behavior", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they avoided all recreational activity\" What is the definition of \"activity\"?"} {"term": "activity", "pos": "n", "context": "catalytic activity", "definition": "the capacity of a substance to take part in a chemical reaction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"catalytic activity\" What is the definition of \"activity\"?"} {"term": "activity", "pos": "n", "context": "his sphere of activity", "definition": "the state of being active", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["overdrive", "eructation", "swing", "hum", "play", "eruption", "extravasation", "operation", "agency", "action"], "instruction": "\"his sphere of activity\" What is the definition of \"activity\"?"} {"term": "coast", "pos": "n", "context": "the coast is clear", "definition": "the area within view", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the coast is clear\" What is the definition of \"coast\"?"} {"term": "pump", "pos": "v", "context": "pump the gas pedal", "definition": "to move up and down , like a handle or a pedal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pump the gas pedal\" What is the definition of \"pump\"?"} {"term": "pump", "pos": "v", "context": "pump bullets into the dummy", "definition": "to deliver forth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pump bullets into the dummy\" What is the definition of \"pump\"?"} {"term": "illusory", "pos": "s", "context": "Secret activities offer presidents the alluring but often illusory promise that they can achieve foreign policy goals without the bothersome debate and open decision that are staples of democracy", "definition": "based on or having the nature of an illusion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Secret activities offer presidents the alluring but often illusory promise that they can achieve foreign policy goals without the bothersome debate and open decision that are staples of democracy\" What is the definition of \"illusory\"?"} {"term": "boldly", "pos": "r", "context": "we must tackle these tasks boldly", "definition": "with boldness , in a bold manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we must tackle these tasks boldly\" What is the definition of \"boldly\"?"} {"term": "sepulchral", "pos": "a", "context": "sepulchral inscriptions", "definition": "of or relating to a sepulchre", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sepulchral inscriptions\" What is the definition of \"sepulchral\"?"} {"term": "sepulchral", "pos": "s", "context": "the sepulchral darkness of the catacombs", "definition": "gruesomely indicative of death or the dead", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sepulchral darkness of the catacombs\" What is the definition of \"sepulchral\"?"} {"term": "sepulchral", "pos": "s", "context": "hollow sepulchral tones", "definition": "suited to or suggestive of a grave or burial", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hollow sepulchral tones\" What is the definition of \"sepulchral\"?"} {"term": "dispassionate", "pos": "s", "context": "a journalist should be a dispassionate reporter of fact", "definition": "unaffected by strong emotion or prejudice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a journalist should be a dispassionate reporter of fact\" What is the definition of \"dispassionate\"?"} {"term": "perineal", "pos": "a", "context": "perineal pains", "definition": "of or relating to the perineum", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"perineal pains\" What is the definition of \"perineal\"?"} {"term": "property", "pos": "n", "context": "that hat is my property", "definition": "something owned", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["rental", "estate", "personalty", "heirloom", "realty", "salvage", "possession", "wealth", "holding", "spirituality", "lease"], "instruction": "\"that hat is my property\" What is the definition of \"property\"?"} {"term": "property", "pos": "n", "context": "that hat is my property", "definition": "any tangible or intangible possession that is owned by someone", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["rental", "estate", "personalty", "heirloom", "realty", "salvage", "possession", "wealth", "holding", "spirituality", "lease"], "instruction": "\"that hat is my property\" What is the definition of \"property\"?"} {"term": "property", "pos": "n", "context": "self-confidence is not an endearing property", "definition": "a construct whereby objects or individuals can be distinguished", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["dimension", "quality", "characteristic", "feature", "conception", "attribute", "concept"], "instruction": "\"self-confidence is not an endearing property\" What is the definition of \"property\"?"} {"term": "deplore", "pos": "v", "context": "We deplore the government 's treatment of political prisoners", "definition": "to express strong disapproval of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"We deplore the government 's treatment of political prisoners\" What is the definition of \"deplore\"?"} {"term": "deplore", "pos": "v", "context": "I deplore this hostile action", "definition": "to regret strongly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["lament", "kick", "plain", "complain", "bewail"], "instruction": "\"I deplore this hostile action\" What is the definition of \"deplore\"?"} {"term": "tawdry", "pos": "s", "context": "tawdry ornaments", "definition": "tastelessly showy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tawdry ornaments\" What is the definition of \"tawdry\"?"} {"term": "understand", "pos": "v", "context": "She did not understand her husband", "definition": "to know and comprehend the nature or meaning of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["grasp", "compass", "get", "sense", "see", "fathom", "comprehend", "read", "penetrating", "catch", "bottomed", "touch", "interpret", "lick", "bottom", "understand", "savvy", "solve", "translate", "understanding"], "instruction": "\"She did not understand her husband\" What is the definition of \"understand\"?"} {"term": "understand", "pos": "v", "context": "I do n't understand the idea", "definition": "to perceive an idea or situation mentally", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["see", "saw", "seeing", "appreciate", "understanding"], "instruction": "\"I do n't understand the idea\" What is the definition of \"understand\"?"} {"term": "locality", "pos": "n", "context": "it is a rugged locality", "definition": "a surrounding or nearby region", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["section", "neighborhood", "vicinity", "proximity", "place", "scenery"], "instruction": "\"it is a rugged locality\" What is the definition of \"locality\"?"} {"term": "antipathetic", "pos": "s", "context": "antipathetic to new ideas", "definition": "strongly opposed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"antipathetic to new ideas\" What is the definition of \"antipathetic\"?"} {"term": "antipathetic", "pos": "s", "context": "antipathetic factions within the party", "definition": "characterized by antagonism or antipathy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"antipathetic factions within the party\" What is the definition of \"antipathetic\"?"} {"term": "unacceptable", "pos": "s", "context": "the coach told his players that defeat was unacceptable", "definition": "not adequate to give satisfaction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the coach told his players that defeat was unacceptable\" What is the definition of \"unacceptable\"?"} {"term": "unacceptable", "pos": "s", "context": "the following use of ` access ' was judged unacceptable by a panel of linguists", "definition": "not conforming to standard usage", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the following use of ` access ' was judged unacceptable by a panel of linguists\" What is the definition of \"unacceptable\"?"} {"term": "unacceptable", "pos": "s", "context": "the following use of ` access ' was judged unacceptable by a panel of linguists", "definition": "you can access your cash at any of 300 automatic tellers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the following use of ` access ' was judged unacceptable by a panel of linguists\" What is the definition of \"unacceptable\"?"} {"term": "unacceptable", "pos": "a", "context": "a word unacceptable in polite society", "definition": "not acceptable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a word unacceptable in polite society\" What is the definition of \"unacceptable\"?"} {"term": "unacceptable", "pos": "a", "context": "a word unacceptable in polite society", "definition": "not welcome", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a word unacceptable in polite society\" What is the definition of \"unacceptable\"?"} {"term": "bugaboo", "pos": "n", "context": "the old bugaboo of inflation still bothers them", "definition": "a source of concern", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the old bugaboo of inflation still bothers them\" What is the definition of \"bugaboo\"?"} {"term": "gestural", "pos": "s", "context": "the study of gestural communication", "definition": "being other than verbal communication", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the study of gestural communication\" What is the definition of \"gestural\"?"} {"term": "audibly", "pos": "r", "context": "he spoke audibly", "definition": "in an audible manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he spoke audibly\" What is the definition of \"audibly\"?"} {"term": "physiologic", "pos": "s", "context": "physiologic functions", "definition": "of or consistent with an organisms normal functioning", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"physiologic functions\" What is the definition of \"physiologic\"?"} {"term": "rootless", "pos": "s", "context": "a rootless wanderer", "definition": "wandering aimlessly without ties to a place or community", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a rootless wanderer\" What is the definition of \"rootless\"?"} {"term": "concatenate", "pos": "v", "context": "concatenate terms", "definition": "to add by linking or joining so as to form a chain or series", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"concatenate terms\" What is the definition of \"concatenate\"?"} {"term": "turbulent", "pos": "s", "context": "a turbulent and unruly childhood", "definition": "characterized by unrest or disorder or insubordination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["disruptive", "", "riotous", "tumultuous"], "instruction": "\"a turbulent and unruly childhood\" What is the definition of \"turbulent\"?"} {"term": "turbulent", "pos": "s", "context": "turbulent rapids", "definition": "agitated vigorously", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"turbulent rapids\" What is the definition of \"turbulent\"?"} {"term": "turbulent", "pos": "s", "context": "turbulent rapids", "definition": "in a state of turbulence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"turbulent rapids\" What is the definition of \"turbulent\"?"} {"term": "surgery", "pos": "n", "context": "he is professor of surgery at the Harvard Medical School", "definition": "the branch of medical science that treats disease or injury by operative procedures", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is professor of surgery at the Harvard Medical School\" What is the definition of \"surgery\"?"} {"term": "surgery", "pos": "n", "context": "he read the warning in the doctor 's surgery", "definition": "a room where a doctor or dentist can be consulted", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he read the warning in the doctor 's surgery\" What is the definition of \"surgery\"?"} {"term": "infectious", "pos": "a", "context": "fear is exceedingly infectious", "definition": "easily spread", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fear is exceedingly infectious\" What is the definition of \"infectious\"?"} {"term": "infectious", "pos": "a", "context": "fear is exceedingly infectious", "definition": "children catch it from their elders - bertrand russell", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fear is exceedingly infectious\" What is the definition of \"infectious\"?"} {"term": "infectious", "pos": "a", "context": "infectious hospital", "definition": "of or relating to infection", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"infectious hospital\" What is the definition of \"infectious\"?"} {"term": "apt", "pos": "s", "context": "he is apt to ignore matters he considers unimportant", "definition": "naturally disposed toward", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is apt to ignore matters he considers unimportant\" What is the definition of \"apt\"?"} {"term": "apt", "pos": "s", "context": "he is apt to lose", "definition": "at risk of or subject to experiencing something usually unpleasant", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is apt to lose\" What is the definition of \"apt\"?"} {"term": "apt", "pos": "s", "context": "an apt pupil", "definition": "mentally quick and resourceful", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an apt pupil\" What is the definition of \"apt\"?"} {"term": "catching", "pos": "n", "context": "catching cold is sometimes unavoidable", "definition": "becoming infected", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"catching cold is sometimes unavoidable\" What is the definition of \"catching\"?"} {"term": "cutthroat", "pos": "s", "context": "cutthroat competition", "definition": "ruthless in competition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cutthroat competition\" What is the definition of \"cutthroat\"?"} {"term": "blur", "pos": "n", "context": "it happened so fast it was just a blur", "definition": "a hazy or indistinct representation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["representation", "fuzz"], "instruction": "\"it happened so fast it was just a blur\" What is the definition of \"blur\"?"} {"term": "aggregate", "pos": "s", "context": "aggregate expenses include expenses of all divisions combined for the entire year", "definition": "formed of separate units gathered into a mass or whole", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"aggregate expenses include expenses of all divisions combined for the entire year\" What is the definition of \"aggregate\"?"} {"term": "aggregate", "pos": "s", "context": "raspberries are aggregate fruits", "definition": "composed of a dense cluster of separate units such as carpels or florets or drupelets", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"raspberries are aggregate fruits\" What is the definition of \"aggregate\"?"} {"term": "voidable", "pos": "s", "context": "voidable contracts", "definition": "capable of being rescinded or voided", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"voidable contracts\" What is the definition of \"voidable\"?"} {"term": "relationship", "pos": "n", "context": "the relationship between mothers and their children", "definition": "a relation between people", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the relationship between mothers and their children\" What is the definition of \"relationship\"?"} {"term": "relationship", "pos": "n", "context": "he did n't want his wife to know of the relationship", "definition": "a state of connectedness between people especially an emotional connection", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he did n't want his wife to know of the relationship\" What is the definition of \"relationship\"?"} {"term": "analogue", "pos": "a", "context": "analogue device", "definition": "of a circuit or device having an output that is proportional to the input", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["linear", ""], "instruction": "\"analogue device\" What is the definition of \"analogue\"?"} {"term": "woefully", "pos": "r", "context": "it was woefully inadequate", "definition": "in an unfortunate or deplorable manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was woefully inadequate\" What is the definition of \"woefully\"?"} {"term": "cycle", "pos": "n", "context": "the never-ending cycle of the seasons", "definition": "an interval during which a recurring sequence of events occurs", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["interval", "rhythm"], "instruction": "\"the never-ending cycle of the seasons\" What is the definition of \"cycle\"?"} {"term": "cycle", "pos": "n", "context": "a cycle of reprisal and retaliation", "definition": "a periodically repeated sequence of events", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a cycle of reprisal and retaliation\" What is the definition of \"cycle\"?"} {"term": "cycle", "pos": "v", "context": "cycle the laundry in this washing program", "definition": "to cause to go through a recurring sequence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cycle the laundry in this washing program\" What is the definition of \"cycle\"?"} {"term": "perspiration", "pos": "n", "context": "perspiration is a homeostatic process", "definition": "the process of the sweat glands of the skin secreting a salty fluid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"perspiration is a homeostatic process\" What is the definition of \"perspiration\"?"} {"term": "mutuality", "pos": "n", "context": "the mutuality of their affection was obvious", "definition": "a reciprocality of sentiments", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the mutuality of their affection was obvious\" What is the definition of \"mutuality\"?"} {"term": "dialect", "pos": "n", "context": "the immigrants spoke an odd dialect of English", "definition": "the usage or vocabulary that is characteristic of a specific group of people", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["idiom", "accent", "patois"], "instruction": "\"the immigrants spoke an odd dialect of English\" What is the definition of \"dialect\"?"} {"term": "cream", "pos": "n", "context": "the cream of England 's young men were killed in the Great War", "definition": "the best people or things in a group", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the cream of England 's young men were killed in the Great War\" What is the definition of \"cream\"?"} {"term": "caller", "pos": "s", "context": "` caller ' is a Scottish term as in ` a caller breeze '", "definition": "providing coolness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"` caller ' is a Scottish term as in ` a caller breeze '\" What is the definition of \"caller\"?"} {"term": "caller", "pos": "s", "context": "caller fish", "definition": "fresh", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"caller fish\" What is the definition of \"caller\"?"} {"term": "curry", "pos": "v", "context": "curry tanned leather", "definition": "to treat by incorporating fat", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"curry tanned leather\" What is the definition of \"curry\"?"} {"term": "broad", "pos": "n", "context": "a broad is a woman who can throw a mean punch", "definition": "slang term for a woman", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a broad is a woman who can throw a mean punch\" What is the definition of \"broad\"?"} {"term": "broad", "pos": "a", "context": "a river two miles broad", "definition": "having great or a certain extent from one side to the other", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a river two miles broad\" What is the definition of \"broad\"?"} {"term": "broad", "pos": "s", "context": "a broad rule", "definition": "not detailed or specific", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a broad rule\" What is the definition of \"broad\"?"} {"term": "broad", "pos": "s", "context": "gave us a broad hint that it was time to leave", "definition": "lacking subtlety", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gave us a broad hint that it was time to leave\" What is the definition of \"broad\"?"} {"term": "broad", "pos": "s", "context": "gave us a broad hint that it was time to leave", "definition": "obvious", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gave us a broad hint that it was time to leave\" What is the definition of \"broad\"?"} {"term": "broad", "pos": "s", "context": "broad daylight", "definition": "being at a peak or culminating point", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"broad daylight\" What is the definition of \"broad\"?"} {"term": "wrap", "pos": "v", "context": "wrap the baby before taking her out", "definition": "to arrange or fold as a cover or protection", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wrap the baby before taking her out\" What is the definition of \"wrap\"?"} {"term": "inequality", "pos": "n", "context": "the growing inequality between rich and poor", "definition": "lack of equality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the growing inequality between rich and poor\" What is the definition of \"inequality\"?"} {"term": "noticeable", "pos": "a", "context": "noticeable shadows under her eyes", "definition": "capable or worthy of being perceived", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"noticeable shadows under her eyes\" What is the definition of \"noticeable\"?"} {"term": "noticeable", "pos": "s", "context": "a noticeable resemblance", "definition": "readily noticed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a noticeable resemblance\" What is the definition of \"noticeable\"?"} {"term": "noticeable", "pos": "s", "context": "after a noticeable pause the lecturer continued", "definition": "capable of being detected", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after a noticeable pause the lecturer continued\" What is the definition of \"noticeable\"?"} {"term": "deprecate", "pos": "v", "context": "The teacher should not deprecate his student 's efforts", "definition": "to belittle", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The teacher should not deprecate his student 's efforts\" What is the definition of \"deprecate\"?"} {"term": "remember", "pos": "v", "context": "I ca n't remember saying any such thing", "definition": "to recall knowledge from memory", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["retrieve", "refresh", "refreshing", "recognize", "recollect", "recall", "know"], "instruction": "\"I ca n't remember saying any such thing\" What is the definition of \"remember\"?"} {"term": "remember", "pos": "v", "context": "I ca n't remember saying any such thing", "definition": "to have a recollection", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["retrieve", "refresh", "refreshing", "recognize", "recollect", "recall", "know"], "instruction": "\"I ca n't remember saying any such thing\" What is the definition of \"remember\"?"} {"term": "graceless", "pos": "s", "context": "a totally graceless hostess", "definition": "lacking graciousness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a totally graceless hostess\" What is the definition of \"graceless\"?"} {"term": "graceless", "pos": "s", "context": "a graceless production of the play", "definition": "lacking grace", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a graceless production of the play\" What is the definition of \"graceless\"?"} {"term": "graceless", "pos": "s", "context": "a graceless production of the play", "definition": "clumsy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a graceless production of the play\" What is the definition of \"graceless\"?"} {"term": "mournful", "pos": "s", "context": "stared with mournful eyes", "definition": "filled with or evoking sadness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stared with mournful eyes\" What is the definition of \"mournful\"?"} {"term": "kill", "pos": "v", "context": "kill a motion", "definition": "to thwart the passage of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["defeat", "negative", "killing", "veto"], "instruction": "\"kill a motion\" What is the definition of \"kill\"?"} {"term": "kill", "pos": "v", "context": "cigarettes kill", "definition": "to be fatal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cigarettes kill\" What is the definition of \"kill\"?"} {"term": "weeping", "pos": "s", "context": "the pendulous branches of a weeping willow", "definition": "having branches or flower heads that bend downward", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the pendulous branches of a weeping willow\" What is the definition of \"weeping\"?"} {"term": "phosphoric", "pos": "a", "context": "phosphoric acid", "definition": "containing or characteristic of phosphorus", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"phosphoric acid\" What is the definition of \"phosphoric\"?"} {"term": "incorruptible", "pos": "s", "context": "incorruptible judges are the backbone of the society", "definition": "incapable of being morally corrupted", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"incorruptible judges are the backbone of the society\" What is the definition of \"incorruptible\"?"} {"term": "whitewash", "pos": "v", "context": "Let 's not whitewash the crimes of Stalin", "definition": "to cover up a misdemeanor , fault , or error", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Let 's not whitewash the crimes of Stalin\" What is the definition of \"whitewash\"?"} {"term": "production", "pos": "n", "context": "Shakespeare 's production of poetry was enormous", "definition": "the act or process of producing something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Shakespeare 's production of poetry was enormous\" What is the definition of \"production\"?"} {"term": "production", "pos": "n", "context": "have you seen the new production of Hamlet ?", "definition": "a presentation for the stage or screen or radio or television", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"have you seen the new production of Hamlet ?\" What is the definition of \"production\"?"} {"term": "production", "pos": "n", "context": "the appellate court demanded the production of all documents", "definition": "the act of exhibiting in a court of law", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the appellate court demanded the production of all documents\" What is the definition of \"production\"?"} {"term": "bosom", "pos": "n", "context": "his bosom was bursting with the secret", "definition": "the chest considered as the place where secret thoughts are kept", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his bosom was bursting with the secret\" What is the definition of \"bosom\"?"} {"term": "retrievable", "pos": "s", "context": "he believed the information was retrievable", "definition": "capable of being regained especially with effort", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he believed the information was retrievable\" What is the definition of \"retrievable\"?"} {"term": "decorative", "pos": "s", "context": "the buildings were utilitarian rather than decorative", "definition": "serving an esthetic rather than a useful purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the buildings were utilitarian rather than decorative\" What is the definition of \"decorative\"?"} {"term": "construction", "pos": "n", "context": "during the construction we had to take a detour", "definition": "the act of constructing something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["building", "leveling", "shipbuilding", "grading", "assembly", "fabrication"], "instruction": "\"during the construction we had to take a detour\" What is the definition of \"construction\"?"} {"term": "naughtily", "pos": "r", "context": "behaved naughtily when they had guests and was sent to his room", "definition": "in a disobedient or naughty way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"behaved naughtily when they had guests and was sent to his room\" What is the definition of \"naughtily\"?"} {"term": "hat", "pos": "n", "context": "he took off his politician 's hat and talked frankly", "definition": "an informal term for a persons role", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he took off his politician 's hat and talked frankly\" What is the definition of \"hat\"?"} {"term": "malevolent", "pos": "s", "context": "a gossipy malevolent old woman", "definition": "wishing or appearing to wish evil to others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a gossipy malevolent old woman\" What is the definition of \"malevolent\"?"} {"term": "malevolent", "pos": "s", "context": "a gossipy malevolent old woman", "definition": "arising from intense ill will or hatred", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a gossipy malevolent old woman\" What is the definition of \"malevolent\"?"} {"term": "malevolent", "pos": "s", "context": "malevolent stars", "definition": "having or exerting a malignant influence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"malevolent stars\" What is the definition of \"malevolent\"?"} {"term": "federal", "pos": "s", "context": "federal courts", "definition": "national", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"federal courts\" What is the definition of \"federal\"?"} {"term": "federal", "pos": "s", "context": "federal courts", "definition": "especially in reference to the government of the united states as distinct from that of its member units", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"federal courts\" What is the definition of \"federal\"?"} {"term": "federal", "pos": "a", "context": "a federal district is one set aside as the seat of the national government", "definition": "of or relating to the central government of a federation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a federal district is one set aside as the seat of the national government\" What is the definition of \"federal\"?"} {"term": "federal", "pos": "a", "context": "a federal system like that of the United States", "definition": "characterized by or constituting a form of government in which power is divided between one central and several regional authorities", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a federal system like that of the United States\" What is the definition of \"federal\"?"} {"term": "flagship", "pos": "n", "context": "it is their flagship newspaper", "definition": "the chief one of a related group", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is their flagship newspaper\" What is the definition of \"flagship\"?"} {"term": "godlike", "pos": "s", "context": "a man of godlike sagacity", "definition": "appropriate to or befitting a god", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a man of godlike sagacity\" What is the definition of \"godlike\"?"} {"term": "aid", "pos": "n", "context": "rescue party went to their aid", "definition": "the activity of contributing to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["resort", "help", "lift", "facilitation", "assist", "assistance", "boost", "service", "accommodation", "encouragement", "succor", "hand", "activity"], "instruction": "\"rescue party went to their aid\" What is the definition of \"aid\"?"} {"term": "adeptness", "pos": "n", "context": "his quick adeptness was a product of good design", "definition": "skillful performance or ability without difficulty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["quickness", "touch", "dexterity", "deftness", "sleight", "facility"], "instruction": "\"his quick adeptness was a product of good design\" What is the definition of \"adeptness\"?"} {"term": "qualifier", "pos": "n", "context": "the tournament was won by a late qualifier", "definition": "a contestant who meets certain requirements and so qualifies to take part in the next stage of competition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the tournament was won by a late qualifier\" What is the definition of \"qualifier\"?"} {"term": "warmness", "pos": "n", "context": "the warmness of his welcome made us feel right at home", "definition": "a positive feeling of liking", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["protectiveness", "tenderness", "feeling", "regard", "attachment", "affection", "respect", "fondness"], "instruction": "\"the warmness of his welcome made us feel right at home\" What is the definition of \"warmness\"?"} {"term": "informally", "pos": "r", "context": "he visited us informally", "definition": "without formality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he visited us informally\" What is the definition of \"informally\"?"} {"term": "find", "pos": "v", "context": "We find this idea in Plato", "definition": "to come upon , as if by accident", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"We find this idea in Plato\" What is the definition of \"find\"?"} {"term": "find", "pos": "v", "context": "We find this idea in Plato", "definition": "to meet with", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"We find this idea in Plato\" What is the definition of \"find\"?"} {"term": "find", "pos": "v", "context": "Did you find your glasses ?", "definition": "to come upon after searching", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["regain", "discover", "strike", "getting", "finding", "feel", "get", "locate", "attain"], "instruction": "\"Did you find your glasses ?\" What is the definition of \"find\"?"} {"term": "find", "pos": "v", "context": "I find him to be obnoxious", "definition": "to come to believe on the basis of emotion , intuitions , or indefinite grounds", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["feel", "feeling", "reason"], "instruction": "\"I find him to be obnoxious\" What is the definition of \"find\"?"} {"term": "dearly", "pos": "r", "context": "I would dearly love to know", "definition": "in a sincere and heartfelt manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I would dearly love to know\" What is the definition of \"dearly\"?"} {"term": "dearly", "pos": "r", "context": "he paid dearly for the food", "definition": "at a great cost", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he paid dearly for the food\" What is the definition of \"dearly\"?"} {"term": "dearly", "pos": "r", "context": "she loved him dearly", "definition": "with affection", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["affectionately", "", "dear"], "instruction": "\"she loved him dearly\" What is the definition of \"dearly\"?"} {"term": "slashed", "pos": "v", "context": "she slashed her wrists", "definition": "to cut open", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["cut", "gash", "slash"], "instruction": "\"she slashed her wrists\" What is the definition of \"slashed\"?"} {"term": "slashed", "pos": "s", "context": "a slashed doublet", "definition": "having long and narrow ornamental cuts showing an underlying fabric", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a slashed doublet\" What is the definition of \"slashed\"?"} {"term": "slashed", "pos": "s", "context": "the slashed prices attracted buyers", "definition": "reduced usually sharply", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the slashed prices attracted buyers\" What is the definition of \"slashed\"?"} {"term": "capability", "pos": "n", "context": "he worked to the limits of his capability", "definition": "the quality of being capable -- physically or intellectually or legally", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he worked to the limits of his capability\" What is the definition of \"capability\"?"} {"term": "capability", "pos": "n", "context": "the capability of a metal to be fused", "definition": "the susceptibility of something to a particular treatment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["susceptibility", "resistance", "activity", "capacity"], "instruction": "\"the capability of a metal to be fused\" What is the definition of \"capability\"?"} {"term": "moderate", "pos": "v", "context": "moderate your speed", "definition": "to make less fast or intense", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"moderate your speed\" What is the definition of \"moderate\"?"} {"term": "moderate", "pos": "v", "context": "moderate your alcohol intake", "definition": "to lessen the intensity of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["thermostat", "deny", "countercheck", "inhibit", "trammel", "mortifying", "bound", "restrain", "subdued", "limit", "bate", "limited", "subdue", "conquer", "hold", "suppress", "catch", "damp", "confine", "bated", "control", "keep", "throttle", "contain"], "instruction": "\"moderate your alcohol intake\" What is the definition of \"moderate\"?"} {"term": "moderate", "pos": "v", "context": "moderate your alcohol intake", "definition": "to temper", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["thermostat", "deny", "countercheck", "inhibit", "trammel", "mortifying", "bound", "restrain", "subdued", "limit", "bate", "limited", "subdue", "conquer", "hold", "suppress", "catch", "damp", "confine", "bated", "control", "keep", "throttle", "contain"], "instruction": "\"moderate your alcohol intake\" What is the definition of \"moderate\"?"} {"term": "moderate", "pos": "v", "context": "moderate your alcohol intake", "definition": "to hold in restraint", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["thermostat", "deny", "countercheck", "inhibit", "trammel", "mortifying", "bound", "restrain", "subdued", "limit", "bate", "limited", "subdue", "conquer", "hold", "suppress", "catch", "damp", "confine", "bated", "control", "keep", "throttle", "contain"], "instruction": "\"moderate your alcohol intake\" What is the definition of \"moderate\"?"} {"term": "moderate", "pos": "v", "context": "moderate your alcohol intake", "definition": "to hold or keep within limits", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["thermostat", "deny", "countercheck", "inhibit", "trammel", "mortifying", "bound", "restrain", "subdued", "limit", "bate", "limited", "subdue", "conquer", "hold", "suppress", "catch", "damp", "confine", "bated", "control", "keep", "throttle", "contain"], "instruction": "\"moderate your alcohol intake\" What is the definition of \"moderate\"?"} {"term": "moderate", "pos": "a", "context": "moderate prices", "definition": "being within reasonable or average limits", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"moderate prices\" What is the definition of \"moderate\"?"} {"term": "moderate", "pos": "a", "context": "moderate prices", "definition": "not excessive or extreme", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"moderate prices\" What is the definition of \"moderate\"?"} {"term": "moderate", "pos": "s", "context": "a moderate penalty", "definition": "not extreme", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["temperate", ""], "instruction": "\"a moderate penalty\" What is the definition of \"moderate\"?"} {"term": "moderate", "pos": "s", "context": "moderate in his demands", "definition": "marked by avoidance of extravagance or extremes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"moderate in his demands\" What is the definition of \"moderate\"?"} {"term": "volcanic", "pos": "a", "context": "volcanic steam", "definition": "relating to or produced by or consisting of volcanoes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"volcanic steam\" What is the definition of \"volcanic\"?"} {"term": "volcanic", "pos": "s", "context": "a volcanic temper", "definition": "explosively unstable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a volcanic temper\" What is the definition of \"volcanic\"?"} {"term": "volcanic", "pos": "s", "context": "volcanic rock includes the volcanic glass obsidian", "definition": "igneous rock produced by eruption and solidified on or near the earths surface", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"volcanic rock includes the volcanic glass obsidian\" What is the definition of \"volcanic\"?"} {"term": "volcanic", "pos": "s", "context": "volcanic rock includes the volcanic glass obsidian", "definition": "rhyolite or andesite or basalt", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"volcanic rock includes the volcanic glass obsidian\" What is the definition of \"volcanic\"?"} {"term": "nub", "pos": "n", "context": "a nub of coal", "definition": "a small piece", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["stub", "piece", "nubbin"], "instruction": "\"a nub of coal\" What is the definition of \"nub\"?"} {"term": "nub", "pos": "n", "context": "the nub of the story", "definition": "the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["center", "essence", "meat", "marrow", "gist", "sum", "inwardness", "pith", "stuff", "substance"], "instruction": "\"the nub of the story\" What is the definition of \"nub\"?"} {"term": "orotund", "pos": "s", "context": "orotund tones", "definition": "full and rich", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["rotund", ""], "instruction": "\"orotund tones\" What is the definition of \"orotund\"?"} {"term": "rock", "pos": "n", "context": "he threw a rock at me", "definition": "a lump or mass of hard consolidated mineral matter", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["stone", "sill", "intrusion", "chondrite", "boulder", "concretion", "crystal", "whin", "crystallization"], "instruction": "\"he threw a rock at me\" What is the definition of \"rock\"?"} {"term": "rock", "pos": "n", "context": "that mountain is solid rock", "definition": "material consisting of the aggregate of minerals like those making up the earths crust", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["stone", "dolomite", "gravel", "conglomerate", "matrix", "material", "magma", "limestone", "quartzite", "stuff", "greisen"], "instruction": "\"that mountain is solid rock\" What is the definition of \"rock\"?"} {"term": "rock", "pos": "n", "context": "he was her rock during the crisis", "definition": "someone who is strong and stable and dependable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was her rock during the crisis\" What is the definition of \"rock\"?"} {"term": "rock", "pos": "v", "context": "rock the cradle", "definition": "to cause to move back and forth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rock the cradle\" What is the definition of \"rock\"?"} {"term": "toxic", "pos": "a", "context": "suffering from exposure to toxic substances", "definition": "of or relating to or caused by a toxin or poison", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"suffering from exposure to toxic substances\" What is the definition of \"toxic\"?"} {"term": "slapper", "pos": "n", "context": "someone slapped me on the back and I turned to see who the slapper was", "definition": "a hitter who slaps usually another person with an open hand", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["hitter", "spanker", "striker"], "instruction": "\"someone slapped me on the back and I turned to see who the slapper was\" What is the definition of \"slapper\"?"} {"term": "tipsy", "pos": "s", "context": "a tipsy boat", "definition": "unstable and prone to tip as if intoxicated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tipsy boat\" What is the definition of \"tipsy\"?"} {"term": "shout", "pos": "v", "context": "My grandmother is hard of hearing -- you 'll have to shout", "definition": "to utter in a loud voice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"My grandmother is hard of hearing -- you 'll have to shout\" What is the definition of \"shout\"?"} {"term": "shout", "pos": "v", "context": "My grandmother is hard of hearing -- you 'll have to shout", "definition": "to talk in a loud voice usually denoting characteristic manner of speaking", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"My grandmother is hard of hearing -- you 'll have to shout\" What is the definition of \"shout\"?"} {"term": "respective", "pos": "s", "context": "the respective club members", "definition": "considered individually", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the respective club members\" What is the definition of \"respective\"?"} {"term": "assist", "pos": "n", "context": "he gave me an assist with the housework", "definition": "the activity of contributing to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["resort", "help", "lift", "facilitation", "boost", "aid", "assistance", "service", "accommodation", "encouragement", "succor", "hand", "activity"], "instruction": "\"he gave me an assist with the housework\" What is the definition of \"assist\"?"} {"term": "anthropocentric", "pos": "a", "context": "our anthropocentric view of the world", "definition": "human-centered", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"our anthropocentric view of the world\" What is the definition of \"anthropocentric\"?"} {"term": "piping", "pos": "r", "context": "the casserole was piping hot", "definition": "extremely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the casserole was piping hot\" What is the definition of \"piping\"?"} {"term": "dent", "pos": "n", "context": "it made a dent in my bank account", "definition": "an appreciable consequence especially a lessening", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it made a dent in my bank account\" What is the definition of \"dent\"?"} {"term": "predilection", "pos": "n", "context": "a predilection for expensive cars", "definition": "a predisposition in favor of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a predilection for expensive cars\" What is the definition of \"predilection\"?"} {"term": "downward", "pos": "s", "context": "he lay face downward", "definition": "on or toward a surface regarded as a base", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he lay face downward\" What is the definition of \"downward\"?"} {"term": "downward", "pos": "s", "context": "the downward course of the stream", "definition": "extending or moving from a higher to a lower place", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the downward course of the stream\" What is the definition of \"downward\"?"} {"term": "downward", "pos": "r", "context": "prices plunged downward", "definition": "spatially or metaphorically from a higher to a lower level or position", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"prices plunged downward\" What is the definition of \"downward\"?"} {"term": "tricolor", "pos": "s", "context": "tricolor plumage", "definition": "having or involving three colors", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tricolor plumage\" What is the definition of \"tricolor\"?"} {"term": "broil", "pos": "v", "context": "broil fish", "definition": "to cook under a broiler", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["broiling", "grill"], "instruction": "\"broil fish\" What is the definition of \"broil\"?"} {"term": "foolishness", "pos": "n", "context": "adjusting to an insane society is total foolishness", "definition": "the quality of being rash and foolish", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["craziness", "folly", "madness", ""], "instruction": "\"adjusting to an insane society is total foolishness\" What is the definition of \"foolishness\"?"} {"term": "improvise", "pos": "v", "context": "after the hurricane destroyed our house , we had to improvise for weeks", "definition": "to manage in a makeshift way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after the hurricane destroyed our house , we had to improvise for weeks\" What is the definition of \"improvise\"?"} {"term": "improvise", "pos": "v", "context": "after the hurricane destroyed our house , we had to improvise for weeks", "definition": "to do with whatever is at hand", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after the hurricane destroyed our house , we had to improvise for weeks\" What is the definition of \"improvise\"?"} {"term": "recognizable", "pos": "s", "context": "this situation produces recognizable stress symptoms", "definition": "easily perceived", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this situation produces recognizable stress symptoms\" What is the definition of \"recognizable\"?"} {"term": "recognizable", "pos": "s", "context": "this situation produces recognizable stress symptoms", "definition": "easy to become aware of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this situation produces recognizable stress symptoms\" What is the definition of \"recognizable\"?"} {"term": "blunt", "pos": "v", "context": "blunt the knives", "definition": "to make less sharp", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"blunt the knives\" What is the definition of \"blunt\"?"} {"term": "blunt", "pos": "s", "context": "thick marks made by a blunt pencil", "definition": "having a broad or rounded end", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"thick marks made by a blunt pencil\" What is the definition of \"blunt\"?"} {"term": "blunt", "pos": "s", "context": "a blunt instrument", "definition": "used of a knife or other blade", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a blunt instrument\" What is the definition of \"blunt\"?"} {"term": "blunt", "pos": "s", "context": "a blunt instrument", "definition": "not sharp", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a blunt instrument\" What is the definition of \"blunt\"?"} {"term": "blunt", "pos": "s", "context": "blunt talking and straight shooting", "definition": "characterized by directness in manner or speech", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"blunt talking and straight shooting\" What is the definition of \"blunt\"?"} {"term": "blunt", "pos": "s", "context": "blunt talking and straight shooting", "definition": "without subtlety or evasion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"blunt talking and straight shooting\" What is the definition of \"blunt\"?"} {"term": "rumpled", "pos": "s", "context": "a rumpled unmade bed", "definition": "in disarray", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a rumpled unmade bed\" What is the definition of \"rumpled\"?"} {"term": "rumpled", "pos": "s", "context": "a rumpled unmade bed", "definition": "extremely disorderly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a rumpled unmade bed\" What is the definition of \"rumpled\"?"} {"term": "unscrew", "pos": "v", "context": "unscrew the bottle cap", "definition": "to loosen by turning", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unscrew the bottle cap\" What is the definition of \"unscrew\"?"} {"term": "monstrous", "pos": "s", "context": "no excess was too monstrous for them to commit", "definition": "shockingly brutal or cruel", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["atrocious", "", "flagitious", "grievous"], "instruction": "\"no excess was too monstrous for them to commit\" What is the definition of \"monstrous\"?"} {"term": "monstrous", "pos": "s", "context": "twisted into monstrous shapes", "definition": "distorted and unnatural in shape or size", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"twisted into monstrous shapes\" What is the definition of \"monstrous\"?"} {"term": "monstrous", "pos": "s", "context": "twisted into monstrous shapes", "definition": "abnormal and hideous", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"twisted into monstrous shapes\" What is the definition of \"monstrous\"?"} {"term": "lousy", "pos": "s", "context": "burned their lousy clothes", "definition": "infested with lice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"burned their lousy clothes\" What is the definition of \"lousy\"?"} {"term": "lousy", "pos": "s", "context": "a lousy play", "definition": "very bad", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["rotten", ""], "instruction": "\"a lousy play\" What is the definition of \"lousy\"?"} {"term": "rapid", "pos": "s", "context": "a rapid rise through the ranks", "definition": "done or occurring in a brief period of time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a rapid rise through the ranks\" What is the definition of \"rapid\"?"} {"term": "rapid", "pos": "s", "context": "a rapid movement", "definition": "characterized by speed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a rapid movement\" What is the definition of \"rapid\"?"} {"term": "rapid", "pos": "s", "context": "a rapid movement", "definition": "moving with or capable of moving with high speed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a rapid movement\" What is the definition of \"rapid\"?"} {"term": "alcoholic", "pos": "a", "context": "alcoholic drinks", "definition": "characteristic of or containing alcohol", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"alcoholic drinks\" What is the definition of \"alcoholic\"?"} {"term": "alcoholic", "pos": "s", "context": "alcoholic expatriates in Paris \" - Carl Van Doren", "definition": "addicted to alcohol", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"alcoholic expatriates in Paris \" - Carl Van Doren\" What is the definition of \"alcoholic\"?"} {"term": "rectifiable", "pos": "a", "context": "rectifiable wrongs", "definition": "capable of being repaired or rectified", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rectifiable wrongs\" What is the definition of \"rectifiable\"?"} {"term": "faintness", "pos": "n", "context": "the faintness or potency of the feeling", "definition": "the property of being without strength", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the faintness or potency of the feeling\" What is the definition of \"faintness\"?"} {"term": "rationalist", "pos": "a", "context": "rationalist philosophy", "definition": "of or relating to or characteristic of rationalism", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rationalist philosophy\" What is the definition of \"rationalist\"?"} {"term": "doer", "pos": "n", "context": "when you want something done get a doer", "definition": "a person who acts and gets things done", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["energizer", "individual", "sharpie", "worker", "actor", "demon", "soul", "animator", "fireball", "person"], "instruction": "\"when you want something done get a doer\" What is the definition of \"doer\"?"} {"term": "atheromatous", "pos": "a", "context": "atheromatous degeneration of the arteries", "definition": "of or relating to or resembling atheroma", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"atheromatous degeneration of the arteries\" What is the definition of \"atheromatous\"?"} {"term": "madness", "pos": "n", "context": "poetry is a sort of divine madness", "definition": "unrestrained excitement or enthusiasm", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["ebullience", "enthusiasm", "rabidity"], "instruction": "\"poetry is a sort of divine madness\" What is the definition of \"madness\"?"} {"term": "intransigent", "pos": "s", "context": "an intransigent conservative opposed to every liberal tendency", "definition": "impervious to pleas , persuasion , requests , reason", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an intransigent conservative opposed to every liberal tendency\" What is the definition of \"intransigent\"?"} {"term": "intransigent", "pos": "s", "context": "an intransigent conservative opposed to every liberal tendency", "definition": "she would have none of him - w.churchill", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an intransigent conservative opposed to every liberal tendency\" What is the definition of \"intransigent\"?"} {"term": "aflame", "pos": "s", "context": "he was aflame with desire", "definition": "keenly excited especially sexually or indicating excitement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was aflame with desire\" What is the definition of \"aflame\"?"} {"term": "aflame", "pos": "s", "context": "even the car 's tires were aflame", "definition": "lighted up by or as by fire or flame", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"even the car 's tires were aflame\" What is the definition of \"aflame\"?"} {"term": "laminate", "pos": "v", "context": "laminate the table", "definition": "to cover with a thin sheet of non-fabric material", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"laminate the table\" What is the definition of \"laminate\"?"} {"term": "stab", "pos": "n", "context": "one strong stab to the heart killed him", "definition": "a strong blow with a knife or other sharp pointed instrument", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["blow", "thrust"], "instruction": "\"one strong stab to the heart killed him\" What is the definition of \"stab\"?"} {"term": "stab", "pos": "n", "context": "she felt a stab of excitement", "definition": "a sudden sharp feeling", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["pang", "feeling", "twinge"], "instruction": "\"she felt a stab of excitement\" What is the definition of \"stab\"?"} {"term": "stab", "pos": "n", "context": "he took a stab at forecasting", "definition": "informal words for any attempt or effort", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["try", "shot", "attempt", "endeavor"], "instruction": "\"he took a stab at forecasting\" What is the definition of \"stab\"?"} {"term": "hinge", "pos": "n", "context": "his absence is the hinge of our plan", "definition": "a circumstance upon which subsequent events depend", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his absence is the hinge of our plan\" What is the definition of \"hinge\"?"} {"term": "incrimination", "pos": "n", "context": "his incrimination was based on my testimony", "definition": "an accusation that you are responsible for some lapse or misdeed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["blame", ""], "instruction": "\"his incrimination was based on my testimony\" What is the definition of \"incrimination\"?"} {"term": "wistful", "pos": "s", "context": "the sensitive and wistful response of a poet to the gentler phases of beauty", "definition": "showing pensive sadness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sensitive and wistful response of a poet to the gentler phases of beauty\" What is the definition of \"wistful\"?"} {"term": "discrete", "pos": "s", "context": "a government with three discrete divisions", "definition": "constituting a separate entity or part", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["distinct", ""], "instruction": "\"a government with three discrete divisions\" What is the definition of \"discrete\"?"} {"term": "friable", "pos": "s", "context": "friable sandstone", "definition": "easily broken into small fragments or reduced to powder", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"friable sandstone\" What is the definition of \"friable\"?"} {"term": "duffer", "pos": "n", "context": "as a golfer he was only a duffer", "definition": "an incompetent or clumsy person", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as a golfer he was only a duffer\" What is the definition of \"duffer\"?"} {"term": "selection", "pos": "n", "context": "the store carried a large selection of shoes", "definition": "an assortment of things from which a choice can be made", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the store carried a large selection of shoes\" What is the definition of \"selection\"?"} {"term": "succinct", "pos": "s", "context": "succinct comparisons", "definition": "briefly giving the gist of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["compact", "", "compendious"], "instruction": "\"succinct comparisons\" What is the definition of \"succinct\"?"} {"term": "stereoscopic", "pos": "a", "context": "stereoscopic lenses", "definition": "of or relating to a stereoscope", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stereoscopic lenses\" What is the definition of \"stereoscopic\"?"} {"term": "stereoscopic", "pos": "a", "context": "stereoscopic vision", "definition": "of or relating to stereoscopy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stereoscopic vision\" What is the definition of \"stereoscopic\"?"} {"term": "slight", "pos": "a", "context": "there 's slight chance that it will work", "definition": "small in quantity or degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there 's slight chance that it will work\" What is the definition of \"slight\"?"} {"term": "slight", "pos": "a", "context": "there 's slight chance that it will work", "definition": "not much or almost none or with a at least some", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there 's slight chance that it will work\" What is the definition of \"slight\"?"} {"term": "slight", "pos": "s", "context": "slight evidence", "definition": "lacking substance or significance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["tenuous", "", "fragile", "thin"], "instruction": "\"slight evidence\" What is the definition of \"slight\"?"} {"term": "slight", "pos": "s", "context": "slight evidence", "definition": "a fragile claim to fame", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["tenuous", "", "fragile", "thin"], "instruction": "\"slight evidence\" What is the definition of \"slight\"?"} {"term": "slight", "pos": "s", "context": "watched her slight figure cross the street", "definition": "being of delicate or slender build", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"watched her slight figure cross the street\" What is the definition of \"slight\"?"} {"term": "understanding", "pos": "n", "context": "there was an understanding between management and the workers", "definition": "the statement oral or written of an exchange of promises", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["covenant", "deal", "confederacy", "bargain", "agreement", "conspiracy", "sale", "settlement", "statement", "submission"], "instruction": "\"there was an understanding between management and the workers\" What is the definition of \"understanding\"?"} {"term": "understanding", "pos": "n", "context": "I knew I could count on his understanding", "definition": "an inclination to support or be loyal to or to agree with an opinion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["disposition", "sympathy"], "instruction": "\"I knew I could count on his understanding\" What is the definition of \"understanding\"?"} {"term": "votary", "pos": "n", "context": "a votary of Aphrodite", "definition": "a priest or priestess or consecrated worshipper in a non-christian religion or cult", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a votary of Aphrodite\" What is the definition of \"votary\"?"} {"term": "votary", "pos": "n", "context": "the cultured votary of science", "definition": "a devoted almost religiously so adherent of a cause or person or activity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the cultured votary of science\" What is the definition of \"votary\"?"} {"term": "launch", "pos": "v", "context": "launch the space shuttle", "definition": "to propel with force", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"launch the space shuttle\" What is the definition of \"launch\"?"} {"term": "launch", "pos": "v", "context": "launch a career", "definition": "to get going", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"launch a career\" What is the definition of \"launch\"?"} {"term": "launch", "pos": "v", "context": "launch a career", "definition": "to give impetus to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"launch a career\" What is the definition of \"launch\"?"} {"term": "broadly", "pos": "r", "context": "he interprets the law broadly", "definition": "without regard to specific details or exceptions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he interprets the law broadly\" What is the definition of \"broadly\"?"} {"term": "broadly", "pos": "r", "context": "he smiled broadly", "definition": "in a wide fashion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he smiled broadly\" What is the definition of \"broadly\"?"} {"term": "clearly", "pos": "r", "context": "they were clearly lost", "definition": "without doubt or question", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they were clearly lost\" What is the definition of \"clearly\"?"} {"term": "clearly", "pos": "r", "context": "could be seen clearly under the microscope", "definition": "in an easily perceptible manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"could be seen clearly under the microscope\" What is the definition of \"clearly\"?"} {"term": "physique", "pos": "n", "context": "he has a strong physique", "definition": "alternative names for the body of a human being", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["frame", "body", "figure", "form", "chassis", "shape", "person", "build", "soma"], "instruction": "\"he has a strong physique\" What is the definition of \"physique\"?"} {"term": "admit", "pos": "v", "context": "We can not admit non-members into our club building", "definition": "to allow to enter", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"We can not admit non-members into our club building\" What is the definition of \"admit\"?"} {"term": "admit", "pos": "v", "context": "We can not admit non-members into our club building", "definition": "to grant entry to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"We can not admit non-members into our club building\" What is the definition of \"admit\"?"} {"term": "admit", "pos": "v", "context": "admit someone to the profession", "definition": "to allow participation in or the right to be part of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"admit someone to the profession\" What is the definition of \"admit\"?"} {"term": "admit", "pos": "v", "context": "admit someone to the profession", "definition": "to permit to exercise the rights , functions , and responsibilities of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"admit someone to the profession\" What is the definition of \"admit\"?"} {"term": "suitability", "pos": "n", "context": "an important requirement is suitability for long trips", "definition": "the quality of having the properties that are right for a specific purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an important requirement is suitability for long trips\" What is the definition of \"suitability\"?"} {"term": "laconic", "pos": "s", "context": "the laconic reply", "definition": "brief and to the point", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the laconic reply\" What is the definition of \"laconic\"?"} {"term": "laconic", "pos": "s", "context": "the laconic reply", "definition": "effectively cut short", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the laconic reply\" What is the definition of \"laconic\"?"} {"term": "laconic", "pos": "s", "context": "the laconic reply", "definition": "yes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the laconic reply\" What is the definition of \"laconic\"?"} {"term": "proclivity", "pos": "n", "context": "he has a proclivity for exaggeration", "definition": "a natural inclination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["disposition", "propensity", "leaning"], "instruction": "\"he has a proclivity for exaggeration\" What is the definition of \"proclivity\"?"} {"term": "radiate", "pos": "v", "context": "spokes radiate from the hub of the wheel", "definition": "to extend or spread outward from a center or focus or inward towards a center", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["run", "ray", "lead", "running"], "instruction": "\"spokes radiate from the hub of the wheel\" What is the definition of \"radiate\"?"} {"term": "entrance", "pos": "n", "context": "they waited at the entrance to the garden", "definition": "something that provides access to get in or get out", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["approach", "arch", "access", "entry", "scuttle", "portal", "doorway", "opening", "hatchway", "door", "archway"], "instruction": "\"they waited at the entrance to the garden\" What is the definition of \"entrance\"?"} {"term": "entrance", "pos": "n", "context": "she made a grand entrance", "definition": "the act of entering", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["irruption", "penetration", "admittance", "entry", "arrival", "intrusion", "incursion", "admission", "enrollment", "ingress"], "instruction": "\"she made a grand entrance\" What is the definition of \"entrance\"?"} {"term": "romp", "pos": "v", "context": "romp a race", "definition": "to win easily", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"romp a race\" What is the definition of \"romp\"?"} {"term": "weakly", "pos": "r", "context": "weakly agreed to a compromise", "definition": "in a weak or feeble manner or to a minor degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"weakly agreed to a compromise\" What is the definition of \"weakly\"?"} {"term": "swampy", "pos": "s", "context": "swampy bayous", "definition": "soft and watery", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"swampy bayous\" What is the definition of \"swampy\"?"} {"term": "discretion", "pos": "n", "context": "the servants showed great tact and discretion", "definition": "knowing how to avoid embarrassment or distress", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["circumspection", "sagacity", "judgment"], "instruction": "\"the servants showed great tact and discretion\" What is the definition of \"discretion\"?"} {"term": "daybook", "pos": "n", "context": "he bought a new daybook", "definition": "an accounting journal as a physical object", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["journal", "ledger"], "instruction": "\"he bought a new daybook\" What is the definition of \"daybook\"?"} {"term": "analyze", "pos": "v", "context": "analyze a sonnet by Shakespeare", "definition": "to consider in detail and subject to an analysis in order to discover essential features or meaning", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["canvass", "survey", "sift", "study", "surveying", "inspect", "trace", "examine", "canvas", "consider", "screen", "studied", "view", "compare", "audit", "name", "diagnose", "scrutinize", "tracing"], "instruction": "\"analyze a sonnet by Shakespeare\" What is the definition of \"analyze\"?"} {"term": "analyze", "pos": "v", "context": "analyze a specimen", "definition": "to make a mathematical , chemical , or grammatical analysis of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["dissected", "parse"], "instruction": "\"analyze a specimen\" What is the definition of \"analyze\"?"} {"term": "analyze", "pos": "v", "context": "analyze a specimen", "definition": "to break down into components or essential features", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["dissected", "parse"], "instruction": "\"analyze a specimen\" What is the definition of \"analyze\"?"} {"term": "analyze", "pos": "v", "context": "analyze today 's financial market", "definition": "to break down into components or essential features", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"analyze today 's financial market\" What is the definition of \"analyze\"?"} {"term": "calve", "pos": "v", "context": "The icebergs and glaciers calve", "definition": "to release ice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The icebergs and glaciers calve\" What is the definition of \"calve\"?"} {"term": "calve", "pos": "v", "context": "the whales calve at this time of year", "definition": "to birth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the whales calve at this time of year\" What is the definition of \"calve\"?"} {"term": "exclamation", "pos": "n", "context": "she gave an exclamation of delight", "definition": "an abrupt excited utterance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she gave an exclamation of delight\" What is the definition of \"exclamation\"?"} {"term": "clear", "pos": "n", "context": "investigation showed that he was in the clear", "definition": "the state of being free of suspicion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"investigation showed that he was in the clear\" What is the definition of \"clear\"?"} {"term": "clear", "pos": "v", "context": "clear the leaves from the lawn", "definition": "to remove", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"clear the leaves from the lawn\" What is the definition of \"clear\"?"} {"term": "clear", "pos": "v", "context": "The check will clear within 2 business days", "definition": "to be debited and credited to the proper bank accounts", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The check will clear within 2 business days\" What is the definition of \"clear\"?"} {"term": "clear", "pos": "a", "context": "a clear and present danger", "definition": "readily apparent to the mind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a clear and present danger\" What is the definition of \"clear\"?"} {"term": "clear", "pos": "a", "context": "clear water", "definition": "allowing light to pass through", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"clear water\" What is the definition of \"clear\"?"} {"term": "clear", "pos": "a", "context": "on a clear day", "definition": "free from clouds or mist or haze", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on a clear day\" What is the definition of \"clear\"?"} {"term": "clear", "pos": "s", "context": "a complex problem requiring a clear head", "definition": "free from confusion or doubt", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a complex problem requiring a clear head\" What is the definition of \"clear\"?"} {"term": "clear", "pos": "s", "context": "a clear view", "definition": "affording free passage or view", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a clear view\" What is the definition of \"clear\"?"} {"term": "clear", "pos": "s", "context": "we were clear of the danger", "definition": "free from contact or proximity or connection", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we were clear of the danger\" What is the definition of \"clear\"?"} {"term": "clear", "pos": "r", "context": "read the book clear to the end", "definition": "completely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"read the book clear to the end\" What is the definition of \"clear\"?"} {"term": "clear", "pos": "r", "context": "She cried loud and clear", "definition": "in an easily perceptible manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"She cried loud and clear\" What is the definition of \"clear\"?"} {"term": "stayer", "pos": "n", "context": "the horse that won the race is a good stayer", "definition": "a person or other animal having powers of endurance or perseverance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the horse that won the race is a good stayer\" What is the definition of \"stayer\"?"} {"term": "topology", "pos": "n", "context": "Greenland 's topology has been shaped by the glaciers of the ice age", "definition": "topographic study of a given place especially the history of the place as indicated by its topography", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Greenland 's topology has been shaped by the glaciers of the ice age\" What is the definition of \"topology\"?"} {"term": "reparable", "pos": "a", "context": "reparable damage to the car", "definition": "capable of being repaired or rectified", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"reparable damage to the car\" What is the definition of \"reparable\"?"} {"term": "green", "pos": "n", "context": "the ball rolled across the green and into the bunker", "definition": "an area of closely cropped grass surrounding the hole on a golf course", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ball rolled across the green and into the bunker\" What is the definition of \"green\"?"} {"term": "green", "pos": "s", "context": "a green tree", "definition": "of the color between blue and yellow in the color spectrum", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a green tree\" What is the definition of \"green\"?"} {"term": "green", "pos": "s", "context": "a green tree", "definition": "similar to the color of fresh grass", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a green tree\" What is the definition of \"green\"?"} {"term": "green", "pos": "s", "context": "you 're looking green", "definition": "looking pale and unhealthy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you 're looking green\" What is the definition of \"green\"?"} {"term": "green", "pos": "a", "context": "fried green tomatoes", "definition": "not fully developed or mature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fried green tomatoes\" What is the definition of \"green\"?"} {"term": "green", "pos": "a", "context": "fried green tomatoes", "definition": "not ripe", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fried green tomatoes\" What is the definition of \"green\"?"} {"term": "impervious", "pos": "a", "context": "a material impervious to water", "definition": "not admitting of passage or capable of being affected", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a material impervious to water\" What is the definition of \"impervious\"?"} {"term": "cull", "pos": "v", "context": "cull the sick members of the herd", "definition": "to remove something that has been rejected", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cull the sick members of the herd\" What is the definition of \"cull\"?"} {"term": "mountainous", "pos": "s", "context": "mountainous waves", "definition": "like a mountain in size and impressiveness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mountainous waves\" What is the definition of \"mountainous\"?"} {"term": "prick", "pos": "n", "context": "he gave the balloon a small prick", "definition": "the act of puncturing with a small point", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he gave the balloon a small prick\" What is the definition of \"prick\"?"} {"term": "dying", "pos": "n", "context": "a dying of old hopes", "definition": "the time when something ends", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["end", "death", "demise", "ending", "grave"], "instruction": "\"a dying of old hopes\" What is the definition of \"dying\"?"} {"term": "dying", "pos": "v", "context": "I was dying with embarrassment when my little lie was discovered", "definition": "to be brought to or as if to the point of death by an intense emotion such as embarrassment , amusement , or shame", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I was dying with embarrassment when my little lie was discovered\" What is the definition of \"dying\"?"} {"term": "dying", "pos": "a", "context": "a dying man", "definition": "in or associated with the process of passing from life or ceasing to be", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dying man\" What is the definition of \"dying\"?"} {"term": "dying", "pos": "s", "context": "dying to hear who won", "definition": "eagerly desirous", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dying to hear who won\" What is the definition of \"dying\"?"} {"term": "inverse", "pos": "n", "context": "when the direct approach failed he tried the inverse", "definition": "something inverted in sequence or character or effect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when the direct approach failed he tried the inverse\" What is the definition of \"inverse\"?"} {"term": "inverse", "pos": "a", "context": "a term is in inverse proportion to another term if it increases ( or decreases ) as the other decreases ( or increases )", "definition": "opposite in nature or effect or relation to another quantity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a term is in inverse proportion to another term if it increases ( or decreases ) as the other decreases ( or increases )\" What is the definition of \"inverse\"?"} {"term": "shady", "pos": "s", "context": "the shady side of the street", "definition": "filled with shade", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the shady side of the street\" What is the definition of \"shady\"?"} {"term": "shady", "pos": "s", "context": "a shady operation", "definition": "unscrupulous", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a shady operation\" What is the definition of \"shady\"?"} {"term": "fateful", "pos": "s", "context": "that fateful meeting of the U.N. when ... it declared war on North Korea \" - Saturday Rev", "definition": "having momentous consequences", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that fateful meeting of the U.N. when ... it declared war on North Korea \" - Saturday Rev\" What is the definition of \"fateful\"?"} {"term": "fateful", "pos": "s", "context": "that fateful meeting of the U.N. when ... it declared war on North Korea \" - Saturday Rev", "definition": "of decisive importance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that fateful meeting of the U.N. when ... it declared war on North Korea \" - Saturday Rev\" What is the definition of \"fateful\"?"} {"term": "fateful", "pos": "s", "context": "a fateful error", "definition": "having extremely unfortunate or dire consequences", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fateful error\" What is the definition of \"fateful\"?"} {"term": "fateful", "pos": "s", "context": "a fateful error", "definition": "bringing ruin", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fateful error\" What is the definition of \"fateful\"?"} {"term": "expedite", "pos": "v", "context": "This should expedite the process", "definition": "to speed up the progress of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["assist", "aid", "hasten", "help"], "instruction": "\"This should expedite the process\" What is the definition of \"expedite\"?"} {"term": "expedite", "pos": "v", "context": "This should expedite the process", "definition": "to facilitate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["assist", "aid", "hasten", "help"], "instruction": "\"This should expedite the process\" What is the definition of \"expedite\"?"} {"term": "expedite", "pos": "v", "context": "I will try to expedite the matter", "definition": "to process fast and efficiently", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I will try to expedite the matter\" What is the definition of \"expedite\"?"} {"term": "nominally", "pos": "r", "context": "nominally he is the boss", "definition": "in name only", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nominally he is the boss\" What is the definition of \"nominally\"?"} {"term": "oblige", "pos": "v", "context": "We had to oblige him", "definition": "to provide a service or favor for someone", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["accommodate", "comply", "obliging"], "instruction": "\"We had to oblige him\" What is the definition of \"oblige\"?"} {"term": "portmanteau", "pos": "n", "context": "` motel ' is a portmanteau word made by combining ` motor ' and ` hotel '", "definition": "a new word formed by joining two others and combining their meanings", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["blend", "neologism", "coinage"], "instruction": "\"` motel ' is a portmanteau word made by combining ` motor ' and ` hotel '\" What is the definition of \"portmanteau\"?"} {"term": "legislatively", "pos": "r", "context": "legislatively determined", "definition": "by legislation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"legislatively determined\" What is the definition of \"legislatively\"?"} {"term": "patrician", "pos": "s", "context": "a patrician nose", "definition": "befitting a person of noble origin", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a patrician nose\" What is the definition of \"patrician\"?"} {"term": "patrician", "pos": "s", "context": "patrician landholders of the American South", "definition": "belonging to or characteristic of the nobility or aristocracy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"patrician landholders of the American South\" What is the definition of \"patrician\"?"} {"term": "legendary", "pos": "s", "context": "the legendary exploits of the arctic trailblazers", "definition": "so celebrated as to having taken on the nature of a legend", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the legendary exploits of the arctic trailblazers\" What is the definition of \"legendary\"?"} {"term": "legendary", "pos": "s", "context": "legendary exploits of Jesse James", "definition": "celebrated in fable or legend", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"legendary exploits of Jesse James\" What is the definition of \"legendary\"?"} {"term": "descendent", "pos": "s", "context": "descendent gene", "definition": "proceeding by descent from an ancestor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"descendent gene\" What is the definition of \"descendent\"?"} {"term": "predetermination", "pos": "n", "context": "he entered the argument with a predetermination to prove me wrong", "definition": "a mental determination or resolve in advance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he entered the argument with a predetermination to prove me wrong\" What is the definition of \"predetermination\"?"} {"term": "predetermination", "pos": "n", "context": "he entered the argument with a predetermination to prove me wrong", "definition": "an antecedent intention to do something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he entered the argument with a predetermination to prove me wrong\" What is the definition of \"predetermination\"?"} {"term": "sanitary", "pos": "a", "context": "sanitary conditions for preparing food", "definition": "free from filth and pathogens", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sanitary conditions for preparing food\" What is the definition of \"sanitary\"?"} {"term": "acquisitive", "pos": "a", "context": "an acquisitive mind", "definition": "eager to acquire and possess things especially material possessions or ideas", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an acquisitive mind\" What is the definition of \"acquisitive\"?"} {"term": "thereby", "pos": "r", "context": "He knocked over the red wine , thereby ruining the table cloth", "definition": "by that means or because of that", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"He knocked over the red wine , thereby ruining the table cloth\" What is the definition of \"thereby\"?"} {"term": "humility", "pos": "n", "context": "not everyone regards humility as a virtue", "definition": "a disposition to be humble", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["trait", "meekness", "humbleness"], "instruction": "\"not everyone regards humility as a virtue\" What is the definition of \"humility\"?"} {"term": "humility", "pos": "n", "context": "not everyone regards humility as a virtue", "definition": "a lack of false pride", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["trait", "meekness", "humbleness"], "instruction": "\"not everyone regards humility as a virtue\" What is the definition of \"humility\"?"} {"term": "humility", "pos": "n", "context": "he was filled with humility at the sight of the Pope", "definition": "a humble feeling", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["submission", "feeling", "meekness", "humbleness"], "instruction": "\"he was filled with humility at the sight of the Pope\" What is the definition of \"humility\"?"} {"term": "proportional", "pos": "s", "context": "the punishment ought to be proportional to the crime", "definition": "properly related in size or degree or other measurable characteristics", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["relative", ""], "instruction": "\"the punishment ought to be proportional to the crime\" What is the definition of \"proportional\"?"} {"term": "proportional", "pos": "s", "context": "the punishment ought to be proportional to the crime", "definition": "usually followed by to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["relative", ""], "instruction": "\"the punishment ought to be proportional to the crime\" What is the definition of \"proportional\"?"} {"term": "impression", "pos": "n", "context": "his impression of her was favorable", "definition": "a vague idea in which some confidence is placed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["suspicion", "thought", "feeling", "hunch", "belief", "presence", "idea", "intuition", "opinion"], "instruction": "\"his impression of her was favorable\" What is the definition of \"impression\"?"} {"term": "impression", "pos": "n", "context": "he made a good impression", "definition": "an outward appearance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he made a good impression\" What is the definition of \"impression\"?"} {"term": "knocker", "pos": "n", "context": "open the door and see who the knocker is", "definition": "a person who knocks as seeking to gain admittance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"open the door and see who the knocker is\" What is the definition of \"knocker\"?"} {"term": "dainty", "pos": "s", "context": "a dainty teacup", "definition": "delicately beautiful", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dainty teacup\" What is the definition of \"dainty\"?"} {"term": "dainty", "pos": "s", "context": "a dainty dish to set before a kind", "definition": "especially pleasing to the taste", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dainty dish to set before a kind\" What is the definition of \"dainty\"?"} {"term": "craft", "pos": "n", "context": "he represented the craft of brewers", "definition": "people who perform a particular kind of skilled work", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["class", "stratum", "trade"], "instruction": "\"he represented the craft of brewers\" What is the definition of \"craft\"?"} {"term": "scrubby", "pos": "s", "context": "open scrubby woods", "definition": "sparsely covered with stunted trees or vegetation and underbrush", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"open scrubby woods\" What is the definition of \"scrubby\"?"} {"term": "scrubby", "pos": "s", "context": "scrubby cut-over pine", "definition": "inferior in size or quality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"scrubby cut-over pine\" What is the definition of \"scrubby\"?"} {"term": "onset", "pos": "n", "context": "the onset of pneumonia", "definition": "the beginning or early stages", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the onset of pneumonia\" What is the definition of \"onset\"?"} {"term": "obligation", "pos": "n", "context": "he is under an obligation to finish the job", "definition": "the state of being obligated to do or pay something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is under an obligation to finish the job\" What is the definition of \"obligation\"?"} {"term": "shelling", "pos": "n", "context": "the shelling went on for hours without pausing", "definition": "the heavy fire of artillery to saturate an area rather than hit a specific target", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["battery", "fire", "firing", "barrage"], "instruction": "\"the shelling went on for hours without pausing\" What is the definition of \"shelling\"?"} {"term": "shelling", "pos": "v", "context": "The enemy has been shelling us all day", "definition": "to use explosives on", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["bomb", "bombard", "shell", "blast"], "instruction": "\"The enemy has been shelling us all day\" What is the definition of \"shelling\"?"} {"term": "inextricably", "pos": "r", "context": "motives inspired by Mammon were often inextricably blended with things pertaining to Caesar and to God", "definition": "in an inextricable manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"motives inspired by Mammon were often inextricably blended with things pertaining to Caesar and to God\" What is the definition of \"inextricably\"?"} {"term": "savage", "pos": "s", "context": "a savage slap", "definition": "able or disposed to inflict pain or suffering", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a savage slap\" What is the definition of \"savage\"?"} {"term": "savage", "pos": "s", "context": "a savage people", "definition": "without civilizing influences", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a savage people\" What is the definition of \"savage\"?"} {"term": "fearfully", "pos": "r", "context": "they were fearfully attacked", "definition": "in an alarming manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they were fearfully attacked\" What is the definition of \"fearfully\"?"} {"term": "bluster", "pos": "n", "context": "he was awakened by the bluster of their preparations", "definition": "noisy confusion and turbulence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was awakened by the bluster of their preparations\" What is the definition of \"bluster\"?"} {"term": "cancerous", "pos": "s", "context": "a cancerous growth", "definition": "relating to or affected with cancer", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a cancerous growth\" What is the definition of \"cancerous\"?"} {"term": "cancerous", "pos": "s", "context": "remorse was cancerous within him", "definition": "like a cancer", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"remorse was cancerous within him\" What is the definition of \"cancerous\"?"} {"term": "cancerous", "pos": "s", "context": "remorse was cancerous within him", "definition": "an evil that grows and spreads", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"remorse was cancerous within him\" What is the definition of \"cancerous\"?"} {"term": "posthumously", "pos": "r", "context": "these piano pieces were published posthumously", "definition": "after death", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these piano pieces were published posthumously\" What is the definition of \"posthumously\"?"} {"term": "worry", "pos": "n", "context": "his worry over the prospect of being fired", "definition": "a strong feeling of anxiety", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["trouble", ""], "instruction": "\"his worry over the prospect of being fired\" What is the definition of \"worry\"?"} {"term": "worry", "pos": "n", "context": "it 's a major worry", "definition": "something or someone that causes anxiety", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["business", "encumbrance", "bugaboo", "burden", "onus", "concern", "headache", "load", "vexation"], "instruction": "\"it 's a major worry\" What is the definition of \"worry\"?"} {"term": "worry", "pos": "n", "context": "it 's a major worry", "definition": "a source of unhappiness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["business", "encumbrance", "bugaboo", "burden", "onus", "concern", "headache", "load", "vexation"], "instruction": "\"it 's a major worry\" What is the definition of \"worry\"?"} {"term": "worry", "pos": "v", "context": "I worry about my grades", "definition": "to be concerned with", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["care", "dwell", "minded", "mind"], "instruction": "\"I worry about my grades\" What is the definition of \"worry\"?"} {"term": "makeup", "pos": "n", "context": "he missed the test and had to take a makeup", "definition": "an event that is substituted for a previously cancelled event", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he missed the test and had to take a makeup\" What is the definition of \"makeup\"?"} {"term": "unblemished", "pos": "a", "context": "an unblemished record", "definition": "free from physical or moral spots or stains", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unblemished record\" What is the definition of \"unblemished\"?"} {"term": "receive", "pos": "v", "context": "receive payment", "definition": "to get something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"receive payment\" What is the definition of \"receive\"?"} {"term": "receive", "pos": "v", "context": "receive payment", "definition": "to come into possession of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"receive payment\" What is the definition of \"receive\"?"} {"term": "atomic", "pos": "a", "context": "atomic structure", "definition": "of or relating to or comprising atoms", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"atomic structure\" What is the definition of \"atomic\"?"} {"term": "remote", "pos": "n", "context": "he lost the remote for his TV", "definition": "a device that can be used to control a machine or apparatus from a distance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he lost the remote for his TV\" What is the definition of \"remote\"?"} {"term": "remote", "pos": "s", "context": "remote stars", "definition": "located far away spatially", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"remote stars\" What is the definition of \"remote\"?"} {"term": "remote", "pos": "s", "context": "a remote possibility", "definition": "very unlikely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a remote possibility\" What is the definition of \"remote\"?"} {"term": "remote", "pos": "s", "context": "the remote past or future", "definition": "separate or apart in time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the remote past or future\" What is the definition of \"remote\"?"} {"term": "remote", "pos": "a", "context": "a remote relative", "definition": "far apart in relevance or relationship or kinship", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a remote relative\" What is the definition of \"remote\"?"} {"term": "spray", "pos": "n", "context": "a spray of bullets", "definition": "a quantity of small objects flying through the air", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a spray of bullets\" What is the definition of \"spray\"?"} {"term": "spray", "pos": "v", "context": "spray water on someone", "definition": "to scatter in a mass or jet of droplets", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"spray water on someone\" What is the definition of \"spray\"?"} {"term": "heraldic", "pos": "s", "context": "the Beatles were heraldic of a new style of music", "definition": "indicative of or announcing something to come", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the Beatles were heraldic of a new style of music\" What is the definition of \"heraldic\"?"} {"term": "stopover", "pos": "n", "context": "there is a stopover to change planes in Chicago", "definition": "a stopping place on a journey", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is a stopover to change planes in Chicago\" What is the definition of \"stopover\"?"} {"term": "stopover", "pos": "n", "context": "they made a stopover to visit their friends", "definition": "a brief stay in the course of a journey", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["stay", "stop", "stand"], "instruction": "\"they made a stopover to visit their friends\" What is the definition of \"stopover\"?"} {"term": "insatiably", "pos": "r", "context": "she was insatiably hungry", "definition": "to an insatiable degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was insatiably hungry\" What is the definition of \"insatiably\"?"} {"term": "insatiably", "pos": "r", "context": "he clawed insatiably at the traditional precepts", "definition": "in an insatiable manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he clawed insatiably at the traditional precepts\" What is the definition of \"insatiably\"?"} {"term": "insatiably", "pos": "r", "context": "he clawed insatiably at the traditional precepts", "definition": "with persistence but without satisfaction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he clawed insatiably at the traditional precepts\" What is the definition of \"insatiably\"?"} {"term": "imperturbable", "pos": "s", "context": "an imperturbable self-possession", "definition": "not easily perturbed or excited or upset", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an imperturbable self-possession\" What is the definition of \"imperturbable\"?"} {"term": "imperturbable", "pos": "s", "context": "an imperturbable self-possession", "definition": "marked by extreme calm and composure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an imperturbable self-possession\" What is the definition of \"imperturbable\"?"} {"term": "bestial", "pos": "s", "context": "a bestial nature", "definition": "resembling a beast", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bestial nature\" What is the definition of \"bestial\"?"} {"term": "bestial", "pos": "s", "context": "a bestial nature", "definition": "showing lack of human sensibility", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bestial nature\" What is the definition of \"bestial\"?"} {"term": "suck", "pos": "v", "context": "suck the poison from the place where the snake bit", "definition": "to draw into the mouth by creating a practical vacuum in the mouth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["drinking", "sucking", "drunk", "drink"], "instruction": "\"suck the poison from the place where the snake bit\" What is the definition of \"suck\"?"} {"term": "suggestive", "pos": "s", "context": "a suggestive nod", "definition": "tending to suggest something improper or indecent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a suggestive nod\" What is the definition of \"suggestive\"?"} {"term": "suggestive", "pos": "s", "context": "artifacts suggestive of an ancient society", "definition": "tending to suggest or imply", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"artifacts suggestive of an ancient society\" What is the definition of \"suggestive\"?"} {"term": "person", "pos": "n", "context": "there was too much for one person to do", "definition": "a human being", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["player", "rectifier", "being", "tempter", "venturer", "cashier", "snuffer", "contestant", "visionary", "worker", "restrainer", "peer", "biter", "survivor", "straight", "anomaly", "weasel", "spoiler", "abstinent", "effector", "machine", "riser", "repeater", "pursuer", "witness", "charmer", "adult", "communicator", "engineer", "resister", "rusher", "antagonist", "married", "shaker", "unfortunate", "forerunner", "habitant", "actor", "abstainer", "discriminator", "winner", "baby", "dissenter", "entertainer", "neighbor", "toreador", "aper", "redhead", "deceased", "skidder", "mouse", "ruler", "termer", "reliever", "coward", "laugher", "compulsive", "case", "learner", "explorer", "black", "slider", "personification", "brunet", "bedfellow", "technologist", "philosopher", "signer", "tyrant", "applicant", "aboriginal", "jewel", "showman", "junior", "signatory", "decedent", "man", "gatherer", "preserver", "dissident", "optimist", "ejector", "experimenter", "transfer", "creature", "hope", "commoner", "orphan", "possessor", "searcher", "soul", "slave", "picker", "creeper", "trier", "interpreter", "birth", "sweater", "emulator", "nonmember", "knower", "national", "opener", "winker", "party", "collector", "linguist", "knocker", "counter", "user", "buster", "sport", "divider", "juvenile", "introvert", "namesake", "hater", "personage", "tiger", "warrior", "adventurer", "beholder", "dupe", "smasher", "longer", "protester", "blond", "namer", "indigene", "ethnic", "quitter", "male", "abomination", "achiever", "transferee", "gentile", "fastener", "roundhead", "supernumerary", "baldhead", "smiler", "grinner", "waiter", "primitive", "disputant", "scourge", "opposer", "objector", "mediocrity", "greeter", "exponent", "censor", "adjudicator", "appointment", "best", "active", "liver", "lover", "simple", "appreciator", "planner", "topper", "ape", "celebrant", "combatant", "belligerent", "autodidact", "success", "romanticist", "ostrich", "subject", "dweller", "wight", "scrag", "demander", "innocent", "essayer", "cripple", "assessee", "face", "female", "immune", "controller", "debtor", "negro", "celebrator", "dancer", "modern", "owner", "chameleon", "acquaintance", "affiant", "authority", "changer", "registrant", "slayer", "adversary", "advocate", "jumper", "proponent", "faller", "saver", "closer", "crawler", "passer", "mutilator", "selector", "relation", "scratcher", "traveler", "relative", "sphinx", "applier", "victim", "thrower", "rescuer", "ouster", "realist", "differentiator", "ladino", "wriggler", "leader", "measurer", "fugitive", "manipulator", "doer", "comforter", "captor", "contemplative", "native", "doubter", "nondescript", "opponent", "sentimentalist", "seeker", "stranger", "tagger", "intellect", "suspect", "radical", "boomer", "wiggler", "capitalist", "inhabitant", "mangler", "intellectual", "percipient", "killer", "waker", "blonde", "appointee", "modifier", "admirer", "terror", "individual", "occultist", "amateur", "malcontent", "polyglot", "slipper", "follower", "guesser", "pardoner", "prospect", "gay", "segregate", "controversialist", "creditor", "observer"], "instruction": "\"there was too much for one person to do\" What is the definition of \"person\"?"} {"term": "person", "pos": "n", "context": "a weapon was hidden on his person", "definition": "a human body usually including the clothing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a weapon was hidden on his person\" What is the definition of \"person\"?"} {"term": "person", "pos": "n", "context": "stop talking about yourself in the third person", "definition": "a grammatical category used in the classification of pronouns , possessive determiners , and verb forms according to whether they indicate the speaker , the addressee , or a third party", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stop talking about yourself in the third person\" What is the definition of \"person\"?"} {"term": "indulgence", "pos": "n", "context": "too much indulgence spoils a child", "definition": "a disposition to yield to the wishes of someone", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["tolerance", "lenience", "softness"], "instruction": "\"too much indulgence spoils a child\" What is the definition of \"indulgence\"?"} {"term": "privileged", "pos": "s", "context": "a privileged statement", "definition": "not subject to usual rules or penalties", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a privileged statement\" What is the definition of \"privileged\"?"} {"term": "privileged", "pos": "s", "context": "privileged information", "definition": "confined to an exclusive group", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"privileged information\" What is the definition of \"privileged\"?"} {"term": "independent", "pos": "a", "context": "an independent mind", "definition": "free from external control and constraint", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an independent mind\" What is the definition of \"independent\"?"} {"term": "genital", "pos": "a", "context": "genital herpes", "definition": "of or relating to the external sex organs", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"genital herpes\" What is the definition of \"genital\"?"} {"term": "maximum", "pos": "a", "context": "maximum pressure", "definition": "the greatest or most complete or best possible", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"maximum pressure\" What is the definition of \"maximum\"?"} {"term": "violence", "pos": "n", "context": "he may accomplish by craft in the long run what he can not do by force and violence in the short one", "definition": "an act of aggression as one against a person who resists", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["hostility", "aggression", "riot", "force"], "instruction": "\"he may accomplish by craft in the long run what he can not do by force and violence in the short one\" What is the definition of \"violence\"?"} {"term": "violence", "pos": "n", "context": "the storm 's violence", "definition": "the property of being wild or turbulent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["vehemence", "savageness", "savagery", "fury", "intensiveness"], "instruction": "\"the storm 's violence\" What is the definition of \"violence\"?"} {"term": "exterminate", "pos": "v", "context": "Hitler wanted to exterminate the Jews , Gypsies , Communists , and homosexuals of Europe", "definition": "to kill en masse", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Hitler wanted to exterminate the Jews , Gypsies , Communists , and homosexuals of Europe\" What is the definition of \"exterminate\"?"} {"term": "exterminate", "pos": "v", "context": "Hitler wanted to exterminate the Jews , Gypsies , Communists , and homosexuals of Europe", "definition": "to kill on a large scale", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Hitler wanted to exterminate the Jews , Gypsies , Communists , and homosexuals of Europe\" What is the definition of \"exterminate\"?"} {"term": "exterminate", "pos": "v", "context": "Hitler wanted to exterminate the Jews , Gypsies , Communists , and homosexuals of Europe", "definition": "to kill many", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Hitler wanted to exterminate the Jews , Gypsies , Communists , and homosexuals of Europe\" What is the definition of \"exterminate\"?"} {"term": "ridiculous", "pos": "s", "context": "her conceited assumption of universal interest in her rather dull children was ridiculous", "definition": "incongruous", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her conceited assumption of universal interest in her rather dull children was ridiculous\" What is the definition of \"ridiculous\"?"} {"term": "ridiculous", "pos": "s", "context": "her conceited assumption of universal interest in her rather dull children was ridiculous", "definition": "inviting ridicule", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her conceited assumption of universal interest in her rather dull children was ridiculous\" What is the definition of \"ridiculous\"?"} {"term": "deceased", "pos": "s", "context": "he is deceased", "definition": "dead", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is deceased\" What is the definition of \"deceased\"?"} {"term": "odds", "pos": "n", "context": "he offered odds of two to one", "definition": "the ratio by which one betters wager is greater than that of another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he offered odds of two to one\" What is the definition of \"odds\"?"} {"term": "brown", "pos": "v", "context": "brown the meat in the pan", "definition": "to fry in a pan until it changes color", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["browning", "cook"], "instruction": "\"brown the meat in the pan\" What is the definition of \"brown\"?"} {"term": "intensive", "pos": "s", "context": "the questioning was intensive", "definition": "characterized by a high degree or intensity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the questioning was intensive\" What is the definition of \"intensive\"?"} {"term": "intensive", "pos": "s", "context": "the questioning was intensive", "definition": "often used as a combining form", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the questioning was intensive\" What is the definition of \"intensive\"?"} {"term": "intensive", "pos": "a", "context": "an intensive adverb", "definition": "tending to give force or emphasis", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an intensive adverb\" What is the definition of \"intensive\"?"} {"term": "intensive", "pos": "a", "context": "intensive agriculture", "definition": "of agriculture", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"intensive agriculture\" What is the definition of \"intensive\"?"} {"term": "intensive", "pos": "a", "context": "intensive agriculture", "definition": "intended to increase productivity of a fixed area by expending more capital and labor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"intensive agriculture\" What is the definition of \"intensive\"?"} {"term": "mitt", "pos": "n", "context": "he extended his mitt", "definition": "the prehensile extremity of the superior limb", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["paw", "left", "manus", "right", "extremity", "hand", "fist"], "instruction": "\"he extended his mitt\" What is the definition of \"mitt\"?"} {"term": "wantonly", "pos": "r", "context": "the animals were killed wantonly for sport", "definition": "in a wanton manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the animals were killed wantonly for sport\" What is the definition of \"wantonly\"?"} {"term": "stamper", "pos": "n", "context": "a metal stamper", "definition": "a power tool that stamps", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a metal stamper\" What is the definition of \"stamper\"?"} {"term": "prepared", "pos": "a", "context": "a prepared statement", "definition": "made ready or fit or suitable beforehand", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a prepared statement\" What is the definition of \"prepared\"?"} {"term": "prepared", "pos": "s", "context": "prepared to take risks", "definition": "having made preparations", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"prepared to take risks\" What is the definition of \"prepared\"?"} {"term": "headquarters", "pos": "n", "context": "many companies have their headquarters in New York", "definition": "the office that serves as the administrative center of an enterprise", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"many companies have their headquarters in New York\" What is the definition of \"headquarters\"?"} {"term": "headquarters", "pos": "n", "context": "the general 's headquarters were a couple of large tents", "definition": "the military installation from which a commander performs the functions of command", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the general 's headquarters were a couple of large tents\" What is the definition of \"headquarters\"?"} {"term": "hellish", "pos": "s", "context": "hellish weather", "definition": "very unpleasant", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hellish weather\" What is the definition of \"hellish\"?"} {"term": "hellish", "pos": "s", "context": "hellish torture", "definition": "extremely evil or cruel", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["diabolic", "fiendish", "", "demonic", "satanic", "infernal"], "instruction": "\"hellish torture\" What is the definition of \"hellish\"?"} {"term": "hellish", "pos": "s", "context": "hellish torture", "definition": "expressive of cruelty or befitting hell", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["diabolic", "fiendish", "", "demonic", "satanic", "infernal"], "instruction": "\"hellish torture\" What is the definition of \"hellish\"?"} {"term": "berserk", "pos": "s", "context": "berserk with grief", "definition": "frenzied as if possessed by a demon", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"berserk with grief\" What is the definition of \"berserk\"?"} {"term": "resolvable", "pos": "s", "context": "all disputed points are potentially resolvable", "definition": "capable of being settled or resolved", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all disputed points are potentially resolvable\" What is the definition of \"resolvable\"?"} {"term": "entropy", "pos": "n", "context": "entropy increases as matter and energy in the universe degrade to an ultimate state of inert uniformity", "definition": "a thermodynamic quantity representing the amount of energy in a system that is no longer available for doing mechanical work", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"entropy increases as matter and energy in the universe degrade to an ultimate state of inert uniformity\" What is the definition of \"entropy\"?"} {"term": "laryngeal", "pos": "a", "context": "laryngeal infection", "definition": "of or relating to or situated in the larynx", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"laryngeal infection\" What is the definition of \"laryngeal\"?"} {"term": "wretchedness", "pos": "n", "context": "the wretchedness for which these prisons became known", "definition": "the character of being uncomfortable and unpleasant", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the wretchedness for which these prisons became known\" What is the definition of \"wretchedness\"?"} {"term": "wretchedness", "pos": "n", "context": "he has compiled a record second to none in its wretchedness", "definition": "the quality of being poor and inferior and sorry", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he has compiled a record second to none in its wretchedness\" What is the definition of \"wretchedness\"?"} {"term": "wretchedness", "pos": "n", "context": "the misery and wretchedness of those slums is intolerable", "definition": "a state of ill-being due to affliction or misfortune", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["woe", "suffering", "misery"], "instruction": "\"the misery and wretchedness of those slums is intolerable\" What is the definition of \"wretchedness\"?"} {"term": "backfire", "pos": "v", "context": "Your comments may backfire and cause you a lot of trouble", "definition": "to come back to the originator of an action with an undesired effect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["occur", "hap", "recoil"], "instruction": "\"Your comments may backfire and cause you a lot of trouble\" What is the definition of \"backfire\"?"} {"term": "shag", "pos": "n", "context": "the dog 's woolly shag", "definition": "a matted tangle of hair or fiber", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the dog 's woolly shag\" What is the definition of \"shag\"?"} {"term": "shag", "pos": "n", "context": "he bought a shag rug", "definition": "a fabric with long coarse nap", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he bought a shag rug\" What is the definition of \"shag\"?"} {"term": "overshot", "pos": "s", "context": "an overshot jaw", "definition": "having an upper part projecting beyond the lower", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an overshot jaw\" What is the definition of \"overshot\"?"} {"term": "edge", "pos": "n", "context": "his voice had an edge to it", "definition": "the attribute of urgency in tone of voice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his voice had an edge to it\" What is the definition of \"edge\"?"} {"term": "inhibition", "pos": "n", "context": "the inhibition of the heart by the vagus nerve", "definition": "the process whereby nerves can retard or prevent the functioning of an organ or part", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the inhibition of the heart by the vagus nerve\" What is the definition of \"inhibition\"?"} {"term": "drawl", "pos": "v", "context": "drawl one 's vowels", "definition": "to lengthen and slow down or draw out", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"drawl one 's vowels\" What is the definition of \"drawl\"?"} {"term": "assistant", "pos": "n", "context": "my invaluable assistant", "definition": "a person who contributes to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["attendant", "worker", "manakin", "auxiliary", "confederate", "model", "instrument", "attender", "help", "underling", "secretary", "tender", "poser", "supporter", "deputy", "subordinate", "accomplice", "manikin", "coadjutor", "enforcer", "pawn"], "instruction": "\"my invaluable assistant\" What is the definition of \"assistant\"?"} {"term": "axially", "pos": "r", "context": "the jet was directed axially toward the cathode", "definition": "with respect to an axis", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the jet was directed axially toward the cathode\" What is the definition of \"axially\"?"} {"term": "prevention", "pos": "n", "context": "money was allocated to study the cause and prevention of influenza", "definition": "the act of preventing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"money was allocated to study the cause and prevention of influenza\" What is the definition of \"prevention\"?"} {"term": "justify", "pos": "v", "context": "justify the margins", "definition": "to adjust the spaces between words", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"justify the margins\" What is the definition of \"justify\"?"} {"term": "daily", "pos": "s", "context": "daily routine", "definition": "of or belonging to or occurring every day", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"daily routine\" What is the definition of \"daily\"?"} {"term": "daily", "pos": "r", "context": "he stops by daily", "definition": "every day", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he stops by daily\" What is the definition of \"daily\"?"} {"term": "daily", "pos": "r", "context": "he stops by daily", "definition": "without missing a day", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he stops by daily\" What is the definition of \"daily\"?"} {"term": "jest", "pos": "n", "context": "he laughed unpleasantly at his own jest", "definition": "a humorous anecdote or remark intended to provoke laughter", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["scream", "humor", "joke", "funny", "witticism", "jape", "riot", "howler"], "instruction": "\"he laughed unpleasantly at his own jest\" What is the definition of \"jest\"?"} {"term": "soppy", "pos": "s", "context": "soppy clothes", "definition": "wet through and through", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"soppy clothes\" What is the definition of \"soppy\"?"} {"term": "soppy", "pos": "s", "context": "soppy clothes", "definition": "thoroughly wet", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"soppy clothes\" What is the definition of \"soppy\"?"} {"term": "adversely", "pos": "r", "context": "she was adversely affected by the new regulations", "definition": "in an adverse manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was adversely affected by the new regulations\" What is the definition of \"adversely\"?"} {"term": "bald", "pos": "s", "context": "a bald pate", "definition": "lacking hair on all or most of the scalp", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bald pate\" What is the definition of \"bald\"?"} {"term": "bald", "pos": "s", "context": "a bald spot on the lawn", "definition": "without the natural or usual covering", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bald spot on the lawn\" What is the definition of \"bald\"?"} {"term": "thumping", "pos": "s", "context": "a thumping loss", "definition": "very large", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a thumping loss\" What is the definition of \"thumping\"?"} {"term": "entertaining", "pos": "s", "context": "an entertaining puppet show", "definition": "agreeably diverting", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an entertaining puppet show\" What is the definition of \"entertaining\"?"} {"term": "speculation", "pos": "n", "context": "he knew the stock was a speculation when he bought it", "definition": "an investment that is very risky but could yield great profits", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["pyramid", "venture"], "instruction": "\"he knew the stock was a speculation when he bought it\" What is the definition of \"speculation\"?"} {"term": "teeming", "pos": "s", "context": "the Third World 's teeming millions", "definition": "abundantly filled with especially living things", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the Third World 's teeming millions\" What is the definition of \"teeming\"?"} {"term": "fruitless", "pos": "s", "context": "a fruitless search", "definition": "unproductive of success", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fruitless search\" What is the definition of \"fruitless\"?"} {"term": "take", "pos": "v", "context": "take action", "definition": "to carry out", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["act", "acting", "taking"], "instruction": "\"take action\" What is the definition of \"take\"?"} {"term": "nacreous", "pos": "s", "context": "nacreous ( or pearlescent ) clouds looking like mother-of-pearl", "definition": "having a play of lustrous rainbow colors", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nacreous ( or pearlescent ) clouds looking like mother-of-pearl\" What is the definition of \"nacreous\"?"} {"term": "nonmetallic", "pos": "a", "context": "nonmetallic elements", "definition": "not containing or resembling or characteristic of a metal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nonmetallic elements\" What is the definition of \"nonmetallic\"?"} {"term": "exacting", "pos": "a", "context": "certain highly specialized xerophytes are extremely exacting in their requirements", "definition": "having complicated nutritional requirements", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"certain highly specialized xerophytes are extremely exacting in their requirements\" What is the definition of \"exacting\"?"} {"term": "exacting", "pos": "a", "context": "certain highly specialized xerophytes are extremely exacting in their requirements", "definition": "especially growing only in special artificial cultures", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"certain highly specialized xerophytes are extremely exacting in their requirements\" What is the definition of \"exacting\"?"} {"term": "exacting", "pos": "s", "context": "an exacting instructor", "definition": "severe and unremitting in making demands", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an exacting instructor\" What is the definition of \"exacting\"?"} {"term": "exacting", "pos": "s", "context": "an exacting job", "definition": "requiring precise accuracy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an exacting job\" What is the definition of \"exacting\"?"} {"term": "impeach", "pos": "v", "context": "the lawyers tried to impeach the credibility of the witnesses", "definition": "to challenge the honesty or veracity of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the lawyers tried to impeach the credibility of the witnesses\" What is the definition of \"impeach\"?"} {"term": "fib", "pos": "n", "context": "he told a fib about eating his spinach", "definition": "a trivial lie", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["tale", "prevarication", "story", "lie"], "instruction": "\"he told a fib about eating his spinach\" What is the definition of \"fib\"?"} {"term": "pro", "pos": "a", "context": "a pro vote", "definition": "in favor of an action or proposal etc. .", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a pro vote\" What is the definition of \"pro\"?"} {"term": "impetuous", "pos": "s", "context": "impetuous heaving waves", "definition": "marked by violent force", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"impetuous heaving waves\" What is the definition of \"impetuous\"?"} {"term": "impetuous", "pos": "s", "context": "an impetuous display of spending and gambling", "definition": "characterized by undue haste and lack of thought or deliberation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an impetuous display of spending and gambling\" What is the definition of \"impetuous\"?"} {"term": "hopeful", "pos": "a", "context": "a line of people hopeful of obtaining tickets", "definition": "having or manifesting hope", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a line of people hopeful of obtaining tickets\" What is the definition of \"hopeful\"?"} {"term": "hopeful", "pos": "s", "context": "a hopeful new singer on Broadway", "definition": "full or promise", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a hopeful new singer on Broadway\" What is the definition of \"hopeful\"?"} {"term": "fettle", "pos": "n", "context": "in fine fettle", "definition": "a state of fitness and good health", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in fine fettle\" What is the definition of \"fettle\"?"} {"term": "buttery", "pos": "s", "context": "buttery praise", "definition": "unpleasantly and excessively suave or ingratiating in manner or speech", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"buttery praise\" What is the definition of \"buttery\"?"} {"term": "buttery", "pos": "s", "context": "a rich buttery cake", "definition": "resembling or containing or spread with butter", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a rich buttery cake\" What is the definition of \"buttery\"?"} {"term": "possibility", "pos": "n", "context": "there is a possibility that his sense of smell has been impaired", "definition": "capability of existing or happening or being true", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is a possibility that his sense of smell has been impaired\" What is the definition of \"possibility\"?"} {"term": "possibility", "pos": "n", "context": "bankruptcy is always a possibility", "definition": "a possible alternative", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["opening", "possible", "choice"], "instruction": "\"bankruptcy is always a possibility\" What is the definition of \"possibility\"?"} {"term": "sign", "pos": "v", "context": "Please sign here", "definition": "to mark with ones signature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Please sign here\" What is the definition of \"sign\"?"} {"term": "sign", "pos": "v", "context": "Please sign here", "definition": "to write ones name on", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Please sign here\" What is the definition of \"sign\"?"} {"term": "marriage", "pos": "n", "context": "a long and happy marriage", "definition": "the state of being a married couple voluntarily joined for life or until divorce", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["bigamy", "intermarriage", "union", "wedlock", "monogamy", "matrimony"], "instruction": "\"a long and happy marriage\" What is the definition of \"marriage\"?"} {"term": "marriage", "pos": "n", "context": "his second marriage was happier than the first", "definition": "two people who are married to each other", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his second marriage was happier than the first\" What is the definition of \"marriage\"?"} {"term": "marriage", "pos": "n", "context": "their marriage was conducted in the chapel", "definition": "the act of marrying", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["ritual", "wedding", "rite", "remarriage", "bridal"], "instruction": "\"their marriage was conducted in the chapel\" What is the definition of \"marriage\"?"} {"term": "marriage", "pos": "n", "context": "their marriage was conducted in the chapel", "definition": "the nuptial ceremony", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["ritual", "wedding", "rite", "remarriage", "bridal"], "instruction": "\"their marriage was conducted in the chapel\" What is the definition of \"marriage\"?"} {"term": "shallow", "pos": "a", "context": "shallow water", "definition": "lacking physical depth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shallow water\" What is the definition of \"shallow\"?"} {"term": "shallow", "pos": "a", "context": "shallow water", "definition": "having little spatial extension downward or inward from an outer surface or backward or outward from a center", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shallow water\" What is the definition of \"shallow\"?"} {"term": "shallow", "pos": "a", "context": "shallow breathing", "definition": "not deep or strong", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shallow breathing\" What is the definition of \"shallow\"?"} {"term": "shallow", "pos": "a", "context": "shallow breathing", "definition": "not affecting one deeply", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shallow breathing\" What is the definition of \"shallow\"?"} {"term": "shallow", "pos": "s", "context": "shallow people", "definition": "lacking depth of intellect or knowledge", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shallow people\" What is the definition of \"shallow\"?"} {"term": "shallow", "pos": "s", "context": "shallow people", "definition": "concerned only with what is obvious", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shallow people\" What is the definition of \"shallow\"?"} {"term": "umpire", "pos": "n", "context": "an umpire was appointed to settle the tax case", "definition": "someone chosen to judge and decide a disputed issue", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["arbitrator", "judge", "arbiter"], "instruction": "\"an umpire was appointed to settle the tax case\" What is the definition of \"umpire\"?"} {"term": "column", "pos": "n", "context": "he added a column of numbers", "definition": "a vertical array of numbers or other information", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he added a column of numbers\" What is the definition of \"column\"?"} {"term": "variation", "pos": "n", "context": "any variation in his routine was immediately reported", "definition": "an activity that varies from a norm or standard", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["variance", "activity"], "instruction": "\"any variation in his routine was immediately reported\" What is the definition of \"variation\"?"} {"term": "tie", "pos": "n", "context": "he nailed the rafters together with a tie beam", "definition": "a horizontal beam used to prevent two other structural members from spreading apart or separating", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he nailed the rafters together with a tie beam\" What is the definition of \"tie\"?"} {"term": "tie", "pos": "v", "context": "The teams drew a tie", "definition": "to finish a game with an equal number of points , goals , etc. .", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["tying", "draw", "equalize"], "instruction": "\"The teams drew a tie\" What is the definition of \"tie\"?"} {"term": "fresh", "pos": "a", "context": "fresh bread", "definition": "recently made , produced , or harvested", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fresh bread\" What is the definition of \"fresh\"?"} {"term": "fresh", "pos": "a", "context": "fresh vegetables", "definition": "not canned or otherwise preserved", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fresh vegetables\" What is the definition of \"fresh\"?"} {"term": "fresh", "pos": "a", "context": "fresh water", "definition": "not containing or composed of salt water", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fresh water\" What is the definition of \"fresh\"?"} {"term": "fresh", "pos": "s", "context": "a fresh start", "definition": "beginning or occurring again", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fresh start\" What is the definition of \"fresh\"?"} {"term": "fresh", "pos": "s", "context": "the cow is fresh", "definition": "having recently calved and therefore able to give milk", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the cow is fresh\" What is the definition of \"fresh\"?"} {"term": "fresh", "pos": "r", "context": "we are fresh out of tomatoes", "definition": "very recently", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we are fresh out of tomatoes\" What is the definition of \"fresh\"?"} {"term": "simplify", "pos": "v", "context": "We had to simplify the instructions", "definition": "to make simpler or easier or reduce in complexity or extent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"We had to simplify the instructions\" What is the definition of \"simplify\"?"} {"term": "derogation", "pos": "n", "context": "any derogation of the common law is to be strictly construed", "definition": "the partial taking away of the effectiveness of a law", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"any derogation of the common law is to be strictly construed\" What is the definition of \"derogation\"?"} {"term": "derogation", "pos": "n", "context": "any derogation of the common law is to be strictly construed", "definition": "a partial repeal or abolition of a law", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"any derogation of the common law is to be strictly construed\" What is the definition of \"derogation\"?"} {"term": "beverage", "pos": "n", "context": "may I take your beverage order ?", "definition": "any liquid suitable for drinking", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["milk", "liquid", "mixer", "food", "tea", "cocoa", "drinkable", "intoxicant", "potable", "chocolate", "fizz", "java", "mate", "cooler", "drink", "nutrient", "refresher"], "instruction": "\"may I take your beverage order ?\" What is the definition of \"beverage\"?"} {"term": "undershot", "pos": "v", "context": "The plane undershot the runway", "definition": "to fall short of the runway in a landing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["undershoot", "land"], "instruction": "\"The plane undershot the runway\" What is the definition of \"undershot\"?"} {"term": "undershot", "pos": "s", "context": "undershot bulldog", "definition": "having a lower part projecting beyond the upper", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"undershot bulldog\" What is the definition of \"undershot\"?"} {"term": "extremity", "pos": "n", "context": "the extremity of despair", "definition": "the greatest or utmost degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the extremity of despair\" What is the definition of \"extremity\"?"} {"term": "hallucinatory", "pos": "s", "context": "the bizarre hallucinatory dreams of fever \" - Jean Stafford", "definition": "characterized by or characteristic of hallucination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the bizarre hallucinatory dreams of fever \" - Jean Stafford\" What is the definition of \"hallucinatory\"?"} {"term": "assume", "pos": "v", "context": "I assume his train was late", "definition": "to take to be the case or to be true", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["suppose", "presuppose", "anticipate", "expect", "presume", "assumed"], "instruction": "\"I assume his train was late\" What is the definition of \"assume\"?"} {"term": "assume", "pos": "v", "context": "I assume his train was late", "definition": "to accept without verification or proof", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["suppose", "presuppose", "anticipate", "expect", "presume", "assumed"], "instruction": "\"I assume his train was late\" What is the definition of \"assume\"?"} {"term": "assume", "pos": "v", "context": "When will the new President assume office ?", "definition": "to take on titles , offices , duties , responsibilities", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["resume", "adopted", "adopt", "assumed"], "instruction": "\"When will the new President assume office ?\" What is the definition of \"assume\"?"} {"term": "assume", "pos": "v", "context": "The gods assume human or animal form in these fables", "definition": "to take on a certain form , attribute , or aspect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["take", "adopt", "change", "assumed"], "instruction": "\"The gods assume human or animal form in these fables\" What is the definition of \"assume\"?"} {"term": "ongoing", "pos": "s", "context": "an ongoing economic crisis", "definition": "currently happening", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an ongoing economic crisis\" What is the definition of \"ongoing\"?"} {"term": "perfunctorily", "pos": "r", "context": "he kissed her cheek perfunctorily", "definition": "in a set manner without serious attention", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he kissed her cheek perfunctorily\" What is the definition of \"perfunctorily\"?"} {"term": "unchaste", "pos": "a", "context": "unchaste conduct", "definition": "not chaste", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unchaste conduct\" What is the definition of \"unchaste\"?"} {"term": "domestically", "pos": "r", "context": "the housewife bored us with her domestically limited conversation", "definition": "with respect to home or family", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the housewife bored us with her domestically limited conversation\" What is the definition of \"domestically\"?"} {"term": "mistakenly", "pos": "r", "context": "he mistakenly believed it", "definition": "in a mistaken manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he mistakenly believed it\" What is the definition of \"mistakenly\"?"} {"term": "molar", "pos": "a", "context": "molar teeth", "definition": "of or pertaining to the grinding teeth in the back of a mammals mouth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"molar teeth\" What is the definition of \"molar\"?"} {"term": "molar", "pos": "a", "context": "molar weight", "definition": "containing one mole of a substance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"molar weight\" What is the definition of \"molar\"?"} {"term": "overload", "pos": "v", "context": "do n't overload the car", "definition": "to place too much a load on", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["loading", "laden", "surcharge", "lade", "lading", "load", "overcharge"], "instruction": "\"do n't overload the car\" What is the definition of \"overload\"?"} {"term": "perplexing", "pos": "s", "context": "perplexing to someone who knew nothing about it", "definition": "lacking clarity of meaning", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"perplexing to someone who knew nothing about it\" What is the definition of \"perplexing\"?"} {"term": "perplexing", "pos": "s", "context": "perplexing to someone who knew nothing about it", "definition": "causing confusion or perplexity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"perplexing to someone who knew nothing about it\" What is the definition of \"perplexing\"?"} {"term": "arduously", "pos": "r", "context": "they worked arduously", "definition": "in an arduous manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they worked arduously\" What is the definition of \"arduously\"?"} {"term": "justification", "pos": "n", "context": "he considered misrule a justification for revolution", "definition": "something such as a fact or circumstance that shows an action to be reasonable or necessary", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he considered misrule a justification for revolution\" What is the definition of \"justification\"?"} {"term": "justification", "pos": "n", "context": "the justification of barbarous means by holy ends \" - H.J.Muller", "definition": "the act of defending or explaining or making excuses for by reasoning", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the justification of barbarous means by holy ends \" - H.J.Muller\" What is the definition of \"justification\"?"} {"term": "sinister", "pos": "s", "context": "bar sinister", "definition": "on or starting from the wearers left", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bar sinister\" What is the definition of \"sinister\"?"} {"term": "sinister", "pos": "s", "context": "sinister storm clouds", "definition": "threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sinister storm clouds\" What is the definition of \"sinister\"?"} {"term": "sinister", "pos": "s", "context": "the scheme of some sinister intelligence bent on punishing him \" - Thomas Hardy", "definition": "stemming from evil characteristics or forces", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the scheme of some sinister intelligence bent on punishing him \" - Thomas Hardy\" What is the definition of \"sinister\"?"} {"term": "sinister", "pos": "s", "context": "the scheme of some sinister intelligence bent on punishing him \" - Thomas Hardy", "definition": "wicked or dishonorable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the scheme of some sinister intelligence bent on punishing him \" - Thomas Hardy\" What is the definition of \"sinister\"?"} {"term": "tangential", "pos": "s", "context": "a tangential remark", "definition": "of superficial relevance if any", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tangential remark\" What is the definition of \"tangential\"?"} {"term": "tangential", "pos": "a", "context": "tangential forces", "definition": "of or relating to or acting along or in the direction of a tangent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tangential forces\" What is the definition of \"tangential\"?"} {"term": "putrid", "pos": "a", "context": "putrid decomposition", "definition": "of or relating to or attended by putrefaction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"putrid decomposition\" What is the definition of \"putrid\"?"} {"term": "putrid", "pos": "s", "context": "horrible like raw and putrid flesh \" - Somerset Maugham", "definition": "in an advanced state of decomposition and having a foul odor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"horrible like raw and putrid flesh \" - Somerset Maugham\" What is the definition of \"putrid\"?"} {"term": "putrid", "pos": "s", "context": "the putrid atmosphere of the court", "definition": "morally corrupt or evil", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the putrid atmosphere of the court\" What is the definition of \"putrid\"?"} {"term": "presumptuously", "pos": "r", "context": "he presumptuously overstepped the doctor 's orders", "definition": "in a presumptuous manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he presumptuously overstepped the doctor 's orders\" What is the definition of \"presumptuously\"?"} {"term": "shrewish", "pos": "s", "context": "a shrewish wife", "definition": "continually complaining or faultfinding", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a shrewish wife\" What is the definition of \"shrewish\"?"} {"term": "respiratory", "pos": "a", "context": "respiratory assistance", "definition": "pertaining to respiration", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"respiratory assistance\" What is the definition of \"respiratory\"?"} {"term": "bright", "pos": "a", "context": "the sun was bright and hot", "definition": "emitting or reflecting light readily or in large amounts", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sun was bright and hot\" What is the definition of \"bright\"?"} {"term": "bright", "pos": "s", "context": "bright dress", "definition": "having striking color", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bright dress\" What is the definition of \"bright\"?"} {"term": "bright", "pos": "s", "context": "the room was bright and airy", "definition": "having lots of light either natural or artificial", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the room was bright and airy\" What is the definition of \"bright\"?"} {"term": "bright", "pos": "r", "context": "the windows glowed jewel bright", "definition": "with brightness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the windows glowed jewel bright\" What is the definition of \"bright\"?"} {"term": "cursorily", "pos": "r", "context": "he looked cursorily through the magazine", "definition": "without taking pains", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he looked cursorily through the magazine\" What is the definition of \"cursorily\"?"} {"term": "towering", "pos": "s", "context": "towering icebergs", "definition": "of imposing height", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"towering icebergs\" What is the definition of \"towering\"?"} {"term": "towering", "pos": "s", "context": "towering icebergs", "definition": "especially standing out above others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"towering icebergs\" What is the definition of \"towering\"?"} {"term": "secondhand", "pos": "s", "context": "a secondhand report", "definition": "derived from what is primary or original", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a secondhand report\" What is the definition of \"secondhand\"?"} {"term": "secondhand", "pos": "s", "context": "a secondhand report", "definition": "not firsthand", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a secondhand report\" What is the definition of \"secondhand\"?"} {"term": "secondhand", "pos": "s", "context": "bought a secondhand ( or used ) car", "definition": "previously used or owned by another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bought a secondhand ( or used ) car\" What is the definition of \"secondhand\"?"} {"term": "secondhand", "pos": "r", "context": "I heard about it only secondhand or thirdhand", "definition": "by indirect means", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I heard about it only secondhand or thirdhand\" What is the definition of \"secondhand\"?"} {"term": "agape", "pos": "s", "context": "we stood there agape with wonder", "definition": "with the mouth wide open as in wonder or awe", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we stood there agape with wonder\" What is the definition of \"agape\"?"} {"term": "openness", "pos": "n", "context": "the openness of the prairies", "definition": "without obstructions to passage or view", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the openness of the prairies\" What is the definition of \"openness\"?"} {"term": "callous", "pos": "s", "context": "a callous indifference to suffering", "definition": "emotionally hardened", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a callous indifference to suffering\" What is the definition of \"callous\"?"} {"term": "callous", "pos": "s", "context": "with a workman 's callous hands", "definition": "having calluses", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with a workman 's callous hands\" What is the definition of \"callous\"?"} {"term": "callous", "pos": "s", "context": "with a workman 's callous hands", "definition": "having skin made tough and thick through wear", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with a workman 's callous hands\" What is the definition of \"callous\"?"} {"term": "jog", "pos": "n", "context": "there was a jog in the road", "definition": "a sharp change in direction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was a jog in the road\" What is the definition of \"jog\"?"} {"term": "jog", "pos": "v", "context": "jog along the canal", "definition": "to run for exercise", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["run", "jogging", "running"], "instruction": "\"jog along the canal\" What is the definition of \"jog\"?"} {"term": "jog", "pos": "v", "context": "jog my memory", "definition": "to stimulate to remember", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"jog my memory\" What is the definition of \"jog\"?"} {"term": "paroxysm", "pos": "n", "context": "a paroxysm of giggling", "definition": "a sudden uncontrollable attack", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["fit", "convulsion", "attack"], "instruction": "\"a paroxysm of giggling\" What is the definition of \"paroxysm\"?"} {"term": "terminate", "pos": "v", "context": "the bronchioles terminate in a capillary bed", "definition": "to have an end , in a temporal , spatial , or quantitative sense", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["finishing", "end", "stop", "break", "culminate", "lapse", "recess", "disappear", "cease", "close", "ending", "finish", "lapsed", "adjourn", "discontinue", "vanish"], "instruction": "\"the bronchioles terminate in a capillary bed\" What is the definition of \"terminate\"?"} {"term": "terminate", "pos": "v", "context": "the bronchioles terminate in a capillary bed", "definition": "to either spatial or metaphorical", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["finishing", "end", "stop", "break", "culminate", "lapse", "recess", "disappear", "cease", "close", "ending", "finish", "lapsed", "adjourn", "discontinue", "vanish"], "instruction": "\"the bronchioles terminate in a capillary bed\" What is the definition of \"terminate\"?"} {"term": "conjectural", "pos": "s", "context": "theories about the extinction of dinosaurs are still highly conjectural", "definition": "based primarily on surmise rather than adequate evidence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"theories about the extinction of dinosaurs are still highly conjectural\" What is the definition of \"conjectural\"?"} {"term": "thoughtless", "pos": "a", "context": "the debate turned into thoughtless bickering", "definition": "showing lack of careful thought", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the debate turned into thoughtless bickering\" What is the definition of \"thoughtless\"?"} {"term": "thoughtless", "pos": "s", "context": "the thoughtless saying of a great princess on being informed that the people had no bread", "definition": "without care or thought for others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["unthinking", ""], "instruction": "\"the thoughtless saying of a great princess on being informed that the people had no bread\" What is the definition of \"thoughtless\"?"} {"term": "thoughtless", "pos": "s", "context": "the thoughtless saying of a great princess on being informed that the people had no bread", "definition": "let them eat cake", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["unthinking", ""], "instruction": "\"the thoughtless saying of a great princess on being informed that the people had no bread\" What is the definition of \"thoughtless\"?"} {"term": "surreptitious", "pos": "s", "context": "a surreptitious glance at his watch", "definition": "marked by quiet and caution and secrecy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a surreptitious glance at his watch\" What is the definition of \"surreptitious\"?"} {"term": "surreptitious", "pos": "s", "context": "a surreptitious glance at his watch", "definition": "taking pains to avoid being observed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a surreptitious glance at his watch\" What is the definition of \"surreptitious\"?"} {"term": "surreptitious", "pos": "s", "context": "surreptitious mobilization of troops", "definition": "conducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"surreptitious mobilization of troops\" What is the definition of \"surreptitious\"?"} {"term": "staff", "pos": "n", "context": "the hospital has an excellent nursing staff", "definition": "personnel who assist their superior in carrying out an assigned task", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the hospital has an excellent nursing staff\" What is the definition of \"staff\"?"} {"term": "staff", "pos": "n", "context": "he walked with the help of a wooden staff", "definition": "a strong rod or stick with a specialized utilitarian purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he walked with the help of a wooden staff\" What is the definition of \"staff\"?"} {"term": "staff", "pos": "n", "context": "the dean addressed the letter to the entire staff of the university", "definition": "the body of teachers and administrators at a school", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["body", "faculty"], "instruction": "\"the dean addressed the letter to the entire staff of the university\" What is the definition of \"staff\"?"} {"term": "discontent", "pos": "a", "context": "saw many discontent faces in the room", "definition": "showing or experiencing dissatisfaction or restless longing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["discontented", ""], "instruction": "\"saw many discontent faces in the room\" What is the definition of \"discontent\"?"} {"term": "blizzard", "pos": "n", "context": "a blizzard of lawsuits", "definition": "a series of unexpected and unpleasant occurrences", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["rash", "series"], "instruction": "\"a blizzard of lawsuits\" What is the definition of \"blizzard\"?"} {"term": "lordly", "pos": "s", "context": "heir to a lordly fortune", "definition": "of or befitting a lord", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"heir to a lordly fortune\" What is the definition of \"lordly\"?"} {"term": "lordly", "pos": "s", "context": "his lordly manners were offensive", "definition": "having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one views as unworthy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his lordly manners were offensive\" What is the definition of \"lordly\"?"} {"term": "cogent", "pos": "s", "context": "a cogent argument", "definition": "powerfully persuasive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a cogent argument\" What is the definition of \"cogent\"?"} {"term": "downstairs", "pos": "a", "context": "the downstairs ( or downstair ) phone", "definition": "on or of lower floors of a building", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the downstairs ( or downstair ) phone\" What is the definition of \"downstairs\"?"} {"term": "downstairs", "pos": "r", "context": "the tenants live downstairs", "definition": "on a floor below", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the tenants live downstairs\" What is the definition of \"downstairs\"?"} {"term": "corrective", "pos": "s", "context": "the teacher 's action was corrective rather than instructional", "definition": "designed to promote discipline", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the teacher 's action was corrective rather than instructional\" What is the definition of \"corrective\"?"} {"term": "corrective", "pos": "s", "context": "corrective measures", "definition": "tending or intended to correct or counteract or restore to a normal condition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"corrective measures\" What is the definition of \"corrective\"?"} {"term": "cat", "pos": "n", "context": "what a cat she is !", "definition": "a spiteful woman gossip", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"what a cat she is !\" What is the definition of \"cat\"?"} {"term": "smoky", "pos": "a", "context": "smoky rafters", "definition": "marked by or emitting or filled with smoke", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"smoky rafters\" What is the definition of \"smoky\"?"} {"term": "smoky", "pos": "s", "context": "smoky sausages", "definition": "tasting of smoke", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"smoky sausages\" What is the definition of \"smoky\"?"} {"term": "upward", "pos": "s", "context": "the cards were face upward", "definition": "directed up", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the cards were face upward\" What is the definition of \"upward\"?"} {"term": "upward", "pos": "s", "context": "a general upward movement of fish", "definition": "extending or moving toward a higher place", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a general upward movement of fish\" What is the definition of \"upward\"?"} {"term": "upward", "pos": "r", "context": "from childhood upward", "definition": "to a later time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"from childhood upward\" What is the definition of \"upward\"?"} {"term": "convenient", "pos": "a", "context": "a convenient excuse for not going", "definition": "suited to your comfort or purpose or needs", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a convenient excuse for not going\" What is the definition of \"convenient\"?"} {"term": "andante", "pos": "r", "context": "this passage must be played andante", "definition": "at a moderately slow tempo", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this passage must be played andante\" What is the definition of \"andante\"?"} {"term": "killing", "pos": "s", "context": "a killing joke", "definition": "very funny", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a killing joke\" What is the definition of \"killing\"?"} {"term": "pasty", "pos": "s", "context": "he looked pasty and red-eyed", "definition": "resembling paste in color", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he looked pasty and red-eyed\" What is the definition of \"pasty\"?"} {"term": "pasty", "pos": "s", "context": "he looked pasty and red-eyed", "definition": "pallid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he looked pasty and red-eyed\" What is the definition of \"pasty\"?"} {"term": "quarrelsome", "pos": "s", "context": "quarrelsome when drinking", "definition": "given to quarreling", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"quarrelsome when drinking\" What is the definition of \"quarrelsome\"?"} {"term": "legal", "pos": "a", "context": "legal loophole", "definition": "of or relating to jurisprudence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"legal loophole\" What is the definition of \"legal\"?"} {"term": "legal", "pos": "a", "context": "the legal profession", "definition": "relating to or characteristic of the profession of law", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the legal profession\" What is the definition of \"legal\"?"} {"term": "legal", "pos": "s", "context": "a legal pass receiver", "definition": "allowed by official rules", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a legal pass receiver\" What is the definition of \"legal\"?"} {"term": "bridle", "pos": "n", "context": "his common sense is a bridle to his quick temper", "definition": "the act of restraining power or action or limiting excess", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his common sense is a bridle to his quick temper\" What is the definition of \"bridle\"?"} {"term": "syphilitic", "pos": "a", "context": "syphilitic symptoms", "definition": "of or relating to or infected with syphilis", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"syphilitic symptoms\" What is the definition of \"syphilitic\"?"} {"term": "bohemian", "pos": "s", "context": "a bohemian life style", "definition": "unconventional in especially appearance and behavior", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bohemian life style\" What is the definition of \"bohemian\"?"} {"term": "lend", "pos": "v", "context": "I will lend you my car", "definition": "to give temporarily", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["loan", "giving", "advance", "lending"], "instruction": "\"I will lend you my car\" What is the definition of \"lend\"?"} {"term": "lend", "pos": "v", "context": "I will lend you my car", "definition": "to let have for a limited time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["loan", "giving", "advance", "lending"], "instruction": "\"I will lend you my car\" What is the definition of \"lend\"?"} {"term": "lend", "pos": "v", "context": "This story would lend itself well to serialization on television", "definition": "to have certain characteristics of qualities for something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"This story would lend itself well to serialization on television\" What is the definition of \"lend\"?"} {"term": "lend", "pos": "v", "context": "This story would lend itself well to serialization on television", "definition": "to be open or vulnerable to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"This story would lend itself well to serialization on television\" What is the definition of \"lend\"?"} {"term": "magnificence", "pos": "n", "context": "for magnificence and personal service there is the Queen 's hotel", "definition": "the quality of being magnificent or splendid or grand", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["elegance", "grandness"], "instruction": "\"for magnificence and personal service there is the Queen 's hotel\" What is the definition of \"magnificence\"?"} {"term": "labored", "pos": "s", "context": "a labored style of debating", "definition": "lacking natural ease", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a labored style of debating\" What is the definition of \"labored\"?"} {"term": "labored", "pos": "s", "context": "the subject made for labored reading", "definition": "requiring or showing effort", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the subject made for labored reading\" What is the definition of \"labored\"?"} {"term": "fate", "pos": "n", "context": "deserved a better fate", "definition": "your overall circumstances or condition in life including everything that happens to you", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["destiny", "failure", "lot", "misfortune", "fortune", "condition", "portion", "providence"], "instruction": "\"deserved a better fate\" What is the definition of \"fate\"?"} {"term": "bravely", "pos": "r", "context": "bravely he went into the burning house", "definition": "in a courageous manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bravely he went into the burning house\" What is the definition of \"bravely\"?"} {"term": "desirous", "pos": "a", "context": "desirous of high office", "definition": "having or expressing desire for something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"desirous of high office\" What is the definition of \"desirous\"?"} {"term": "winnow", "pos": "v", "context": "winnow chaff", "definition": "to blow away or off with a current of air", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"winnow chaff\" What is the definition of \"winnow\"?"} {"term": "anyhow", "pos": "r", "context": "they came anyhow they could", "definition": "in any way whatsoever", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they came anyhow they could\" What is the definition of \"anyhow\"?"} {"term": "synergistic", "pos": "s", "context": "a synergistic effect", "definition": "working together", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a synergistic effect\" What is the definition of \"synergistic\"?"} {"term": "synergistic", "pos": "s", "context": "a synergistic effect", "definition": "used especially of groups , as subsidiaries of a corporation , cooperating for an enhanced effect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a synergistic effect\" What is the definition of \"synergistic\"?"} {"term": "jolly", "pos": "s", "context": "the jolly crowd at the reunion", "definition": "full of or showing high-spirited merriment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the jolly crowd at the reunion\" What is the definition of \"jolly\"?"} {"term": "jolly", "pos": "r", "context": "jolly decent of him", "definition": "to a moderately sufficient extent or degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"jolly decent of him\" What is the definition of \"jolly\"?"} {"term": "demagnetize", "pos": "v", "context": "demagnetize the iron shavings", "definition": "to make nonmagnetic", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"demagnetize the iron shavings\" What is the definition of \"demagnetize\"?"} {"term": "demagnetize", "pos": "v", "context": "demagnetize the iron shavings", "definition": "to take away the magnetic properties of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"demagnetize the iron shavings\" What is the definition of \"demagnetize\"?"} {"term": "decent", "pos": "s", "context": "from a decent family", "definition": "socially or conventionally correct", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"from a decent family\" What is the definition of \"decent\"?"} {"term": "decent", "pos": "s", "context": "from a decent family", "definition": "refined or virtuous", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"from a decent family\" What is the definition of \"decent\"?"} {"term": "decent", "pos": "s", "context": "though one of her shoulder straps had slipped down , she was perfectly decent by current standards", "definition": "observing conventional sexual mores in speech or behavior or dress", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"though one of her shoulder straps had slipped down , she was perfectly decent by current standards\" What is the definition of \"decent\"?"} {"term": "opportunity", "pos": "n", "context": "the holiday gave us the opportunity to visit Washington", "definition": "a possibility due to a favorable combination of circumstances", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["chance", "crack", "possibility", "room", "say", "street", "opening", "shot"], "instruction": "\"the holiday gave us the opportunity to visit Washington\" What is the definition of \"opportunity\"?"} {"term": "cozily", "pos": "r", "context": "nestled cozily by the fire", "definition": "in a cozy manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nestled cozily by the fire\" What is the definition of \"cozily\"?"} {"term": "militarily", "pos": "r", "context": "on a militarily significant scale", "definition": "with respect to the military", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on a militarily significant scale\" What is the definition of \"militarily\"?"} {"term": "vegetate", "pos": "v", "context": "The fields vegetate vigorously", "definition": "to produce vegetation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The fields vegetate vigorously\" What is the definition of \"vegetate\"?"} {"term": "elegance", "pos": "n", "context": "she conveys an aura of elegance and gentility", "definition": "a refined quality of gracefulness and good taste", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she conveys an aura of elegance and gentility\" What is the definition of \"elegance\"?"} {"term": "elegance", "pos": "n", "context": "the simplicity and elegance of his invention", "definition": "a quality of neatness and ingenious simplicity in the solution of a problem especially in science or mathematics", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the simplicity and elegance of his invention\" What is the definition of \"elegance\"?"} {"term": "ingenious", "pos": "s", "context": "an ingenious solution to the problem", "definition": "showing inventiveness and skill", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an ingenious solution to the problem\" What is the definition of \"ingenious\"?"} {"term": "transplantation", "pos": "n", "context": "the long-term results of cardiac transplantation are now excellent", "definition": "an operation moving an organ from one organism the donor to another the recipient", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["surgery", "transplant", "operation"], "instruction": "\"the long-term results of cardiac transplantation are now excellent\" What is the definition of \"transplantation\"?"} {"term": "transplantation", "pos": "n", "context": "she returned to Alabama because she could not bear transplantation", "definition": "the act of removing something from one location and introducing it in another location", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["transplant", "movement"], "instruction": "\"she returned to Alabama because she could not bear transplantation\" What is the definition of \"transplantation\"?"} {"term": "pleading", "pos": "v", "context": "She was pleading insanity", "definition": "to offer as an excuse or plea", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["justify", "excuse", "plead", "rationalize", "apologize"], "instruction": "\"She was pleading insanity\" What is the definition of \"pleading\"?"} {"term": "progressive", "pos": "a", "context": "progressive schools", "definition": "favoring or promoting progress", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"progressive schools\" What is the definition of \"progressive\"?"} {"term": "progressive", "pos": "s", "context": "progressive euchre", "definition": "involving a series of sections for which the participants successively change place or relative position", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"progressive euchre\" What is the definition of \"progressive\"?"} {"term": "tuberculous", "pos": "s", "context": "tuberculous patients", "definition": "constituting or afflicted with or caused by tuberculosis or the tubercle bacillus", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tuberculous patients\" What is the definition of \"tuberculous\"?"} {"term": "inconsequential", "pos": "s", "context": "his work seems trivial and inconsequential", "definition": "lacking worth or importance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his work seems trivial and inconsequential\" What is the definition of \"inconsequential\"?"} {"term": "incur", "pos": "v", "context": "People who smoke incur a great danger to their health", "definition": "to make oneself subject to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"People who smoke incur a great danger to their health\" What is the definition of \"incur\"?"} {"term": "incur", "pos": "v", "context": "People who smoke incur a great danger to their health", "definition": "to bring upon oneself", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"People who smoke incur a great danger to their health\" What is the definition of \"incur\"?"} {"term": "incur", "pos": "v", "context": "People who smoke incur a great danger to their health", "definition": "to become liable to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"People who smoke incur a great danger to their health\" What is the definition of \"incur\"?"} {"term": "crudely", "pos": "r", "context": "he was crudely bold", "definition": "in a crude or unrefined manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was crudely bold\" What is the definition of \"crudely\"?"} {"term": "goose", "pos": "v", "context": "goose the car", "definition": "to give a spurt of fuel to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"goose the car\" What is the definition of \"goose\"?"} {"term": "qualified", "pos": "v", "context": "She was qualified to run the marathon", "definition": "to pronounce fit or able", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["qualify", "judge", "capacitate"], "instruction": "\"She was qualified to run the marathon\" What is the definition of \"qualified\"?"} {"term": "qualified", "pos": "a", "context": "many qualified applicants for the job", "definition": "meeting the proper standards and requirements and training for an office or position or task", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"many qualified applicants for the job\" What is the definition of \"qualified\"?"} {"term": "qualified", "pos": "a", "context": "gave only qualified approval", "definition": "limited or restricted", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gave only qualified approval\" What is the definition of \"qualified\"?"} {"term": "qualified", "pos": "a", "context": "gave only qualified approval", "definition": "not absolute", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gave only qualified approval\" What is the definition of \"qualified\"?"} {"term": "associative", "pos": "a", "context": "associative learning", "definition": "characterized by or causing or resulting from the process of bringing ideas or events together in memory or imagination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"associative learning\" What is the definition of \"associative\"?"} {"term": "adroitly", "pos": "r", "context": "he handled the situation adroitly", "definition": "with adroitness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he handled the situation adroitly\" What is the definition of \"adroitly\"?"} {"term": "adroitly", "pos": "r", "context": "he handled the situation adroitly", "definition": "in an adroit manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he handled the situation adroitly\" What is the definition of \"adroitly\"?"} {"term": "unalienable", "pos": "a", "context": "endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights", "definition": "incapable of being repudiated or transferred to another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights\" What is the definition of \"unalienable\"?"} {"term": "intelligently", "pos": "r", "context": "she acted intelligently in this difficult situation", "definition": "in an intelligent manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she acted intelligently in this difficult situation\" What is the definition of \"intelligently\"?"} {"term": "tenant", "pos": "n", "context": "the landlord can evict a tenant who does n't pay the rent", "definition": "someone who pays rent to use land or a building or a car that is owned by someone else", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["boarder", "leaseholder", "roomer", "lessee", "renter", "lodger", "payer"], "instruction": "\"the landlord can evict a tenant who does n't pay the rent\" What is the definition of \"tenant\"?"} {"term": "zonal", "pos": "a", "context": "the zonal frontier", "definition": "relating to or of the nature of a zone", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the zonal frontier\" What is the definition of \"zonal\"?"} {"term": "zonal", "pos": "a", "context": "a zonal pattern of cell structure", "definition": "associated with or divided into zones", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a zonal pattern of cell structure\" What is the definition of \"zonal\"?"} {"term": "expedient", "pos": "a", "context": "was merciful only when mercy was expedient", "definition": "serving to promote your interest", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"was merciful only when mercy was expedient\" What is the definition of \"expedient\"?"} {"term": "expedient", "pos": "s", "context": "in the circumstances it was expedient to express loyalty", "definition": "appropriate to a purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the circumstances it was expedient to express loyalty\" What is the definition of \"expedient\"?"} {"term": "expedient", "pos": "s", "context": "in the circumstances it was expedient to express loyalty", "definition": "practical", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the circumstances it was expedient to express loyalty\" What is the definition of \"expedient\"?"} {"term": "foothold", "pos": "n", "context": "the only foothold left for British troops in Europe was Gibraltar", "definition": "an area in hostile territory that has been captured and is held awaiting further troops and supplies", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the only foothold left for British troops in Europe was Gibraltar\" What is the definition of \"foothold\"?"} {"term": "foothold", "pos": "n", "context": "they are presently attempting to gain a foothold in the Russian market", "definition": "an initial accomplishment that opens the way for further developments", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they are presently attempting to gain a foothold in the Russian market\" What is the definition of \"foothold\"?"} {"term": "musically", "pos": "r", "context": "She sang very musically", "definition": "in a musical manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"She sang very musically\" What is the definition of \"musically\"?"} {"term": "hardly", "pos": "r", "context": "he hardly ever goes fishing", "definition": "almost not", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he hardly ever goes fishing\" What is the definition of \"hardly\"?"} {"term": "hardly", "pos": "r", "context": "we hardly knew them", "definition": "only a very short time before", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["scarce", "", "barely"], "instruction": "\"we hardly knew them\" What is the definition of \"hardly\"?"} {"term": "breakdown", "pos": "n", "context": "there was a power breakdown", "definition": "a cessation of normal operation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was a power breakdown\" What is the definition of \"breakdown\"?"} {"term": "incisive", "pos": "s", "context": "incisive teeth", "definition": "suitable for cutting or piercing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"incisive teeth\" What is the definition of \"incisive\"?"} {"term": "incisive", "pos": "s", "context": "incisive comments", "definition": "having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"incisive comments\" What is the definition of \"incisive\"?"} {"term": "botany", "pos": "n", "context": "the botany of China", "definition": "all the plant life in a particular region or period", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["shrubbery", "wood", "copse", "garden", "thicket", "brushwood", "growth", "vegetation", "forest", "browse", "brier", "stand", "bush", "assemblage"], "instruction": "\"the botany of China\" What is the definition of \"botany\"?"} {"term": "throne", "pos": "n", "context": "the king sat on his throne", "definition": "the chair of state for a monarch , bishop , etc. .", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the king sat on his throne\" What is the definition of \"throne\"?"} {"term": "determined", "pos": "s", "context": "a struggle against a determined enemy", "definition": "characterized by great determination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a struggle against a determined enemy\" What is the definition of \"determined\"?"} {"term": "determined", "pos": "s", "context": "made continued and determined efforts to find and destroy enemy headquarters", "definition": "devoting full strength and concentrated attention to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"made continued and determined efforts to find and destroy enemy headquarters\" What is the definition of \"determined\"?"} {"term": "blatantly", "pos": "r", "context": "they blatantly violated the laws", "definition": "in a blatant manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they blatantly violated the laws\" What is the definition of \"blatantly\"?"} {"term": "differentially", "pos": "r", "context": "Hubel and Wiesel have found cells that respond differentially according to the direction in which a stimulus is moved across the retina", "definition": "in a differential manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Hubel and Wiesel have found cells that respond differentially according to the direction in which a stimulus is moved across the retina\" What is the definition of \"differentially\"?"} {"term": "overstay", "pos": "v", "context": "overstay or outstay one 's welcome", "definition": "to stay too long", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["abiding", "abide", "bide", "outstay", "stay"], "instruction": "\"overstay or outstay one 's welcome\" What is the definition of \"overstay\"?"} {"term": "skinny", "pos": "n", "context": "he wanted the inside skinny on the new partner", "definition": "confidential information about a topic or person", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he wanted the inside skinny on the new partner\" What is the definition of \"skinny\"?"} {"term": "skinny", "pos": "s", "context": "a child with skinny freckled legs", "definition": "being very thin", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a child with skinny freckled legs\" What is the definition of \"skinny\"?"} {"term": "population", "pos": "n", "context": "the population seemed to be well fed and clothed", "definition": "the people who inhabit a territory or state", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the population seemed to be well fed and clothed\" What is the definition of \"population\"?"} {"term": "population", "pos": "n", "context": "they hired hunters to keep down the deer population", "definition": "a group of organisms of the same species inhabiting a given area", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they hired hunters to keep down the deer population\" What is the definition of \"population\"?"} {"term": "population", "pos": "n", "context": "it is an estimate of the mean of the population", "definition": "the entire aggregation of items from which samples can be drawn", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["universe", "assemblage"], "instruction": "\"it is an estimate of the mean of the population\" What is the definition of \"population\"?"} {"term": "apposition", "pos": "n", "context": "` Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer ' is an example of apposition", "definition": "a grammatical relation between a word and a noun phrase that follows", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"` Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer ' is an example of apposition\" What is the definition of \"apposition\"?"} {"term": "tidy", "pos": "a", "context": "a tidy person", "definition": "marked by order and cleanliness in appearance or habits", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tidy person\" What is the definition of \"tidy\"?"} {"term": "tidy", "pos": "s", "context": "a tidy sum of money", "definition": "large in amount or extent or degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tidy sum of money\" What is the definition of \"tidy\"?"} {"term": "determination", "pos": "n", "context": "the determination of molecular structures", "definition": "the act of determining the properties of something , usually by research or calculation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["proof", "resolution", "find", "identification", "finding", "disproof", "discovery", "falsification", "predetermination", "refutation", "substantiation"], "instruction": "\"the determination of molecular structures\" What is the definition of \"determination\"?"} {"term": "determination", "pos": "n", "context": "his determination showed in his every movement", "definition": "the quality of being determined to do or achieve something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["industry", "diligence", "resolution", "doggedness", "resoluteness", "purpose", "perseverance", "resolve", "persistence"], "instruction": "\"his determination showed in his every movement\" What is the definition of \"determination\"?"} {"term": "determination", "pos": "n", "context": "his determination showed in his every movement", "definition": "firmness of purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["industry", "diligence", "resolution", "doggedness", "resoluteness", "purpose", "perseverance", "resolve", "persistence"], "instruction": "\"his determination showed in his every movement\" What is the definition of \"determination\"?"} {"term": "determination", "pos": "n", "context": "the determination of grammatical inflections", "definition": "deciding or controlling somethings outcome or nature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the determination of grammatical inflections\" What is the definition of \"determination\"?"} {"term": "ablaze", "pos": "s", "context": "his face all ablaze with excitement \" - Bram Stoker", "definition": "keenly excited especially sexually or indicating excitement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his face all ablaze with excitement \" - Bram Stoker\" What is the definition of \"ablaze\"?"} {"term": "ablaze", "pos": "s", "context": "forests set ablaze ( or afire ) by lightning", "definition": "lighted up by or as by fire or flame", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"forests set ablaze ( or afire ) by lightning\" What is the definition of \"ablaze\"?"} {"term": "ablaze", "pos": "s", "context": "maple trees ablaze in autumn", "definition": "resembling flame in brilliance or color", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"maple trees ablaze in autumn\" What is the definition of \"ablaze\"?"} {"term": "unlisted", "pos": "a", "context": "an unlisted telephone number", "definition": "not on a list", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unlisted telephone number\" What is the definition of \"unlisted\"?"} {"term": "unlisted", "pos": "s", "context": "an unlisted voter", "definition": "not having your name entered on a voting list", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unlisted voter\" What is the definition of \"unlisted\"?"} {"term": "slug", "pos": "n", "context": "he took a slug of hard liquor", "definition": "an amount of an alcoholic drink usually liquor that is poured or gulped", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he took a slug of hard liquor\" What is the definition of \"slug\"?"} {"term": "thickening", "pos": "s", "context": "a thickening plot", "definition": "becoming more intricate or complex", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a thickening plot\" What is the definition of \"thickening\"?"} {"term": "thickening", "pos": "s", "context": "the thickening dusk", "definition": "accumulating and becoming more intense", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the thickening dusk\" What is the definition of \"thickening\"?"} {"term": "community", "pos": "n", "context": "the team is drawn from all parts of the community", "definition": "a group of people living in a particular local area", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the team is drawn from all parts of the community\" What is the definition of \"community\"?"} {"term": "community", "pos": "n", "context": "they shared a community of possessions", "definition": "common ownership", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they shared a community of possessions\" What is the definition of \"community\"?"} {"term": "community", "pos": "n", "context": "they hoped to join the NATO community", "definition": "a group of nations having common interests", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they hoped to join the NATO community\" What is the definition of \"community\"?"} {"term": "residual", "pos": "a", "context": "residual quantity", "definition": "relating to or indicating a remainder", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"residual quantity\" What is the definition of \"residual\"?"} {"term": "multicellular", "pos": "s", "context": "multicellular organisms", "definition": "consisting of many cells", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"multicellular organisms\" What is the definition of \"multicellular\"?"} {"term": "recommendation", "pos": "n", "context": "her pleasant personality is already a recommendation", "definition": "any quality or characteristic that gains a person a favorable reception or acceptance or admission", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["passport", "characteristic"], "instruction": "\"her pleasant personality is already a recommendation\" What is the definition of \"recommendation\"?"} {"term": "relocate", "pos": "v", "context": "We had to relocate the office because the rent was too high", "definition": "to move or establish in a new location", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"We had to relocate the office because the rent was too high\" What is the definition of \"relocate\"?"} {"term": "sevenfold", "pos": "r", "context": "the population of this village increased sevenfold in the past 100 years", "definition": "seven times", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the population of this village increased sevenfold in the past 100 years\" What is the definition of \"sevenfold\"?"} {"term": "opaque", "pos": "a", "context": "opaque windows of the jail", "definition": "not transmitting or reflecting light or radiant energy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"opaque windows of the jail\" What is the definition of \"opaque\"?"} {"term": "opaque", "pos": "a", "context": "opaque windows of the jail", "definition": "impenetrable to sight", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"opaque windows of the jail\" What is the definition of \"opaque\"?"} {"term": "shade", "pos": "n", "context": "it is much cooler in the shade", "definition": "relative darkness caused by light rays being intercepted by an opaque body", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["shadiness", "shadow"], "instruction": "\"it is much cooler in the shade\" What is the definition of \"shade\"?"} {"term": "shade", "pos": "n", "context": "after several trials he mixed the shade of pink that she wanted", "definition": "a quality of a given color that differs slightly from another color", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["color", "tint", "tinge", "tone", "richness", "coloring", "tincture"], "instruction": "\"after several trials he mixed the shade of pink that she wanted\" What is the definition of \"shade\"?"} {"term": "shade", "pos": "n", "context": "as the sun moved he readjusted the shade", "definition": "protective covering that protects something from direct sunlight", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as the sun moved he readjusted the shade\" What is the definition of \"shade\"?"} {"term": "shade", "pos": "v", "context": "shade the meaning", "definition": "to vary slightly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shade the meaning\" What is the definition of \"shade\"?"} {"term": "abundant", "pos": "a", "context": "an abundant supply of water", "definition": "present in great quantity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an abundant supply of water\" What is the definition of \"abundant\"?"} {"term": "honorific", "pos": "s", "context": "honorific social status commonly attaches to membership in a recognized profession", "definition": "conferring or showing honor or respect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"honorific social status commonly attaches to membership in a recognized profession\" What is the definition of \"honorific\"?"} {"term": "pathologic", "pos": "s", "context": "pathologic tissue", "definition": "caused by or altered by or manifesting disease or pathology", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pathologic tissue\" What is the definition of \"pathologic\"?"} {"term": "allusive", "pos": "s", "context": "allusive speech is characterized by allusions", "definition": "characterized by indirect references", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"allusive speech is characterized by allusions\" What is the definition of \"allusive\"?"} {"term": "magically", "pos": "r", "context": "it disappeared magically", "definition": "in a magical manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it disappeared magically\" What is the definition of \"magically\"?"} {"term": "landslide", "pos": "n", "context": "Roosevelt defeated Hoover in a landslide", "definition": "an overwhelming electoral victory", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Roosevelt defeated Hoover in a landslide\" What is the definition of \"landslide\"?"} {"term": "torrid", "pos": "s", "context": "a torrid dance", "definition": "emotionally charged and vigorously energetic", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a torrid dance\" What is the definition of \"torrid\"?"} {"term": "torrid", "pos": "s", "context": "the torrid noonday sun", "definition": "extremely hot", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the torrid noonday sun\" What is the definition of \"torrid\"?"} {"term": "torrid", "pos": "s", "context": "a torrid love affair", "definition": "characterized by intense emotion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a torrid love affair\" What is the definition of \"torrid\"?"} {"term": "pungency", "pos": "n", "context": "he commented with typical pungency", "definition": "wit having a sharp and caustic quality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he commented with typical pungency\" What is the definition of \"pungency\"?"} {"term": "pungency", "pos": "n", "context": "the pungency of mustard", "definition": "a strong odor or taste property", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["spice", "spiciness", "raciness", "sharpness"], "instruction": "\"the pungency of mustard\" What is the definition of \"pungency\"?"} {"term": "assured", "pos": "s", "context": "she paints with an assured hand", "definition": "marked by assurance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she paints with an assured hand\" What is the definition of \"assured\"?"} {"term": "assured", "pos": "s", "context": "she paints with an assured hand", "definition": "exhibiting confidence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she paints with an assured hand\" What is the definition of \"assured\"?"} {"term": "assured", "pos": "s", "context": "a tiny but assured income", "definition": "characterized by certainty or security", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tiny but assured income\" What is the definition of \"assured\"?"} {"term": "floury", "pos": "s", "context": "a floury clay", "definition": "resembling flour in fine powdery texture", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a floury clay\" What is the definition of \"floury\"?"} {"term": "malicious", "pos": "a", "context": "malicious gossip", "definition": "having the nature of or resulting from malice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"malicious gossip\" What is the definition of \"malicious\"?"} {"term": "rolling", "pos": "n", "context": "he was charged with rolling drunks in the park", "definition": "the act of robbing a helpless person", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was charged with rolling drunks in the park\" What is the definition of \"rolling\"?"} {"term": "rolling", "pos": "s", "context": "she used rolling r 's as in Spanish", "definition": "uttered with a trill", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she used rolling r 's as in Spanish\" What is the definition of \"rolling\"?"} {"term": "awesome", "pos": "s", "context": "the awesome complexity of the universe", "definition": "inspiring awe or admiration or wonder", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the awesome complexity of the universe\" What is the definition of \"awesome\"?"} {"term": "unbox", "pos": "v", "context": "unbox the presents", "definition": "to remove from a box", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unbox the presents\" What is the definition of \"unbox\"?"} {"term": "obscurity", "pos": "n", "context": "he worked in obscurity for many years", "definition": "an obscure and unimportant standing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he worked in obscurity for many years\" What is the definition of \"obscurity\"?"} {"term": "obscurity", "pos": "n", "context": "he worked in obscurity for many years", "definition": "not well known", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he worked in obscurity for many years\" What is the definition of \"obscurity\"?"} {"term": "lodgment", "pos": "n", "context": "the lodgment of the balloon in the tree", "definition": "the state or quality of being lodged or fixed even temporarily", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["lodging", "fixity", "fixture", "fastness"], "instruction": "\"the lodgment of the balloon in the tree\" What is the definition of \"lodgment\"?"} {"term": "upsetting", "pos": "s", "context": "an upsetting experience", "definition": "causing an emotional disturbance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an upsetting experience\" What is the definition of \"upsetting\"?"} {"term": "impressionist", "pos": "a", "context": "impressionist music", "definition": "relating to or characteristic of impressionism", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"impressionist music\" What is the definition of \"impressionist\"?"} {"term": "multiplication", "pos": "n", "context": "repeated copying leads to a multiplication of errors", "definition": "a multiplicative increase", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"repeated copying leads to a multiplication of errors\" What is the definition of \"multiplication\"?"} {"term": "multiplication", "pos": "n", "context": "the multiplication of four by three gives twelve", "definition": "an arithmetic operation that is the inverse of division", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the multiplication of four by three gives twelve\" What is the definition of \"multiplication\"?"} {"term": "multiplication", "pos": "n", "context": "the multiplication of four by three gives twelve", "definition": "the product of two numbers is computed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the multiplication of four by three gives twelve\" What is the definition of \"multiplication\"?"} {"term": "pediatric", "pos": "a", "context": "pediatric dentist", "definition": "of or relating to the medical care of children", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pediatric dentist\" What is the definition of \"pediatric\"?"} {"term": "brute", "pos": "s", "context": "brute force", "definition": "resembling a beast", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"brute force\" What is the definition of \"brute\"?"} {"term": "brute", "pos": "s", "context": "brute force", "definition": "showing lack of human sensibility", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"brute force\" What is the definition of \"brute\"?"} {"term": "being", "pos": "n", "context": "a point of view gradually coming into being", "definition": "the state or fact of existing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["living", "existence", "actuality", "possibility", "subsistence", "presence", "eternity", "animation"], "instruction": "\"a point of view gradually coming into being\" What is the definition of \"being\"?"} {"term": "prevailing", "pos": "s", "context": "prevailing winds", "definition": "most frequent or common", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"prevailing winds\" What is the definition of \"prevailing\"?"} {"term": "rotary", "pos": "n", "context": "the accident blocked all traffic at the rotary", "definition": "a road junction at which traffic streams circularly around a central island", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["junction", "roundabout"], "instruction": "\"the accident blocked all traffic at the rotary\" What is the definition of \"rotary\"?"} {"term": "rotary", "pos": "a", "context": "rotary dial", "definition": "relating to or characterized by rotation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rotary dial\" What is the definition of \"rotary\"?"} {"term": "gelid", "pos": "s", "context": "gelid waters of the North Atlantic", "definition": "extremely cold", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gelid waters of the North Atlantic\" What is the definition of \"gelid\"?"} {"term": "forensic", "pos": "s", "context": "forensic photograph", "definition": "used or applied in the investigation and establishment of facts or evidence in a court of law", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"forensic photograph\" What is the definition of \"forensic\"?"} {"term": "versed", "pos": "v", "context": "She versed herself in Roman archeology", "definition": "to familiarize through thorough study or experience", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["familiarize", "acquaint", "verse"], "instruction": "\"She versed herself in Roman archeology\" What is the definition of \"versed\"?"} {"term": "poignantly", "pos": "r", "context": "she spoke poignantly", "definition": "in a poignant or touching manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she spoke poignantly\" What is the definition of \"poignantly\"?"} {"term": "solicitation", "pos": "n", "context": "a solicitation to the king for relief", "definition": "an entreaty addressed to someone of superior status", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a solicitation to the king for relief\" What is the definition of \"solicitation\"?"} {"term": "wisely", "pos": "r", "context": "she acted wisely when she invited her parents", "definition": "in a wise manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she acted wisely when she invited her parents\" What is the definition of \"wisely\"?"} {"term": "marketable", "pos": "s", "context": "marketable skills", "definition": "being in demand by especially employers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"marketable skills\" What is the definition of \"marketable\"?"} {"term": "marketable", "pos": "s", "context": "marketable produce", "definition": "fit to be offered for sale", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["merchantable", ""], "instruction": "\"marketable produce\" What is the definition of \"marketable\"?"} {"term": "marketable", "pos": "s", "context": "the marketable surplus", "definition": "capable of being marketed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the marketable surplus\" What is the definition of \"marketable\"?"} {"term": "mounter", "pos": "n", "context": "a solitary mounter of the staircase", "definition": "someone who ascends on foot", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a solitary mounter of the staircase\" What is the definition of \"mounter\"?"} {"term": "forward", "pos": "v", "context": "forward my mail", "definition": "to send or ship onward from an intermediate post or station in transit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["shipping", "transport", "ship", "send", "forwards"], "instruction": "\"forward my mail\" What is the definition of \"forward\"?"} {"term": "forward", "pos": "a", "context": "the forward section of the aircraft", "definition": "at or near or directed toward the front", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the forward section of the aircraft\" What is the definition of \"forward\"?"} {"term": "forward", "pos": "a", "context": "a forward child badly in need of discipline", "definition": "used of temperament or behavior", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a forward child badly in need of discipline\" What is the definition of \"forward\"?"} {"term": "forward", "pos": "a", "context": "a forward child badly in need of discipline", "definition": "lacking restraint or modesty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a forward child badly in need of discipline\" What is the definition of \"forward\"?"} {"term": "forward", "pos": "r", "context": "he faced forward", "definition": "at or to or toward the front", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he faced forward\" What is the definition of \"forward\"?"} {"term": "forward", "pos": "r", "context": "I look forward to seeing you", "definition": "toward the future", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I look forward to seeing you\" What is the definition of \"forward\"?"} {"term": "childless", "pos": "s", "context": "in some societies a childless woman is rejected by her tribesmen", "definition": "without offspring", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in some societies a childless woman is rejected by her tribesmen\" What is the definition of \"childless\"?"} {"term": "dash", "pos": "n", "context": "he wooed her with the confident dash of a cavalry officer", "definition": "distinctive and stylish elegance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["flair", "panache", "elegance"], "instruction": "\"he wooed her with the confident dash of a cavalry officer\" What is the definition of \"dash\"?"} {"term": "dash", "pos": "n", "context": "he is preparing for the 100-yard dash", "definition": "a footrace run at top speed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is preparing for the 100-yard dash\" What is the definition of \"dash\"?"} {"term": "solemn", "pos": "s", "context": "a solemn promise", "definition": "dignified and somber in manner or character and committed to keeping promises", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a solemn promise\" What is the definition of \"solemn\"?"} {"term": "solemn", "pos": "s", "context": "a film with a solemn social message", "definition": "characterized by a firm and humorless belief in the validity of your opinions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a film with a solemn social message\" What is the definition of \"solemn\"?"} {"term": "protective", "pos": "a", "context": "a protective covering", "definition": "intended or adapted to afford protection of some kind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a protective covering\" What is the definition of \"protective\"?"} {"term": "protective", "pos": "s", "context": "a protective mother", "definition": "showing care", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a protective mother\" What is the definition of \"protective\"?"} {"term": "protective", "pos": "s", "context": "protective of his reputation", "definition": "solicitously caring or mindful", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"protective of his reputation\" What is the definition of \"protective\"?"} {"term": "mouse", "pos": "n", "context": "a mouse takes much more room than a trackball", "definition": "a hand-operated electronic device that controls the coordinates of a cursor on your computer screen as you move it around on a pad", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a mouse takes much more room than a trackball\" What is the definition of \"mouse\"?"} {"term": "mouse", "pos": "n", "context": "a mouse takes much more room than a trackball", "definition": "on the bottom of the device is a ball that rolls on the surface of the pad", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a mouse takes much more room than a trackball\" What is the definition of \"mouse\"?"} {"term": "deliberate", "pos": "s", "context": "with all deliberate speed", "definition": "unhurried and with care and dignity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with all deliberate speed\" What is the definition of \"deliberate\"?"} {"term": "inhuman", "pos": "s", "context": "something dark and inhuman in form", "definition": "belonging to or resembling something nonhuman", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"something dark and inhuman in form\" What is the definition of \"inhuman\"?"} {"term": "mercenary", "pos": "s", "context": "mercenary killers", "definition": "serving for wages in a foreign army", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mercenary killers\" What is the definition of \"mercenary\"?"} {"term": "mercenary", "pos": "s", "context": "a mercenary enterprise", "definition": "profit oriented", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a mercenary enterprise\" What is the definition of \"mercenary\"?"} {"term": "levitate", "pos": "v", "context": "The guru claimed that he could levitate", "definition": "to be suspended in the air , as if in defiance of gravity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The guru claimed that he could levitate\" What is the definition of \"levitate\"?"} {"term": "archetypal", "pos": "s", "context": "archetypal patterns", "definition": "representing or constituting an original type after which other similar things are patterned", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"archetypal patterns\" What is the definition of \"archetypal\"?"} {"term": "effectually", "pos": "r", "context": "Bismarck was constantly criticised by the more liberal newspapers , and he retaliated by passing an emergency decree that effectually muzzled the press", "definition": "in an effectual manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Bismarck was constantly criticised by the more liberal newspapers , and he retaliated by passing an emergency decree that effectually muzzled the press\" What is the definition of \"effectually\"?"} {"term": "festival", "pos": "n", "context": "a drama festival", "definition": "an organized series of acts and performances usually in one place", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a drama festival\" What is the definition of \"festival\"?"} {"term": "ejection", "pos": "n", "context": "the ejection of troublemakers by the police", "definition": "the act of forcing out someone or something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["expulsion", "deportation", "ouster", "exclusion", "riddance", "proscription", "banishment", "ostracism"], "instruction": "\"the ejection of troublemakers by the police\" What is the definition of \"ejection\"?"} {"term": "chrome", "pos": "v", "context": "chrome bathroom fixtures", "definition": "to plate with chromium", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"chrome bathroom fixtures\" What is the definition of \"chrome\"?"} {"term": "volumetric", "pos": "a", "context": "volumetric analysis", "definition": "of or relating to measurement by volume", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"volumetric analysis\" What is the definition of \"volumetric\"?"} {"term": "soil", "pos": "n", "context": "good agricultural soil", "definition": "material in the top layer of the surface of the earth in which plants can grow especially with reference to its quality or use", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["sward", "tillage", "greensward", "polder", "tilth", "bottom", "sod", "object", "land", "ground", "turf"], "instruction": "\"good agricultural soil\" What is the definition of \"soil\"?"} {"term": "drowsily", "pos": "r", "context": "` Time to get up , ' she said drowsily", "definition": "in a drowsy manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"` Time to get up , ' she said drowsily\" What is the definition of \"drowsily\"?"} {"term": "preternaturally", "pos": "r", "context": "she was preternaturally beautiful", "definition": "in a supernatural manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was preternaturally beautiful\" What is the definition of \"preternaturally\"?"} {"term": "uncouple", "pos": "v", "context": "uncouple the hounds", "definition": "to disconnect or separate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"uncouple the hounds\" What is the definition of \"uncouple\"?"} {"term": "misinterpret", "pos": "v", "context": "Do n't misinterpret my comments as criticism", "definition": "to interpret in the wrong way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["interpret", "see", "misconstrue", "misunderstand", "misconceive", "misapprehend"], "instruction": "\"Do n't misinterpret my comments as criticism\" What is the definition of \"misinterpret\"?"} {"term": "rationale", "pos": "n", "context": "the rationale for capital punishment", "definition": "an explanation of the fundamental reasons especially an explanation of the working of some device in terms of laws of nature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["explanation", "dialectics", "principle"], "instruction": "\"the rationale for capital punishment\" What is the definition of \"rationale\"?"} {"term": "moonless", "pos": "a", "context": "the dark moonless night", "definition": "without a moon or a visible moon", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the dark moonless night\" What is the definition of \"moonless\"?"} {"term": "supervisory", "pos": "a", "context": "in a supervisory capacity", "definition": "of or limited to or involving supervision", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in a supervisory capacity\" What is the definition of \"supervisory\"?"} {"term": "contagion", "pos": "n", "context": "a contagion of mirth", "definition": "the communication of an attitude or emotional state among a number of people", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["infection", "communication"], "instruction": "\"a contagion of mirth\" What is the definition of \"contagion\"?"} {"term": "gather", "pos": "v", "context": "gather some stones", "definition": "to assemble or get together", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["sponge", "cull", "shock", "salvage", "clam", "oyster", "hives", "club", "collected", "glean", "collect", "snail", "pick", "nest", "scavenge", "hive", "marshal", "picking", "gathering", "rally", "pluck", "muster", "summon"], "instruction": "\"gather some stones\" What is the definition of \"gather\"?"} {"term": "gather", "pos": "v", "context": "I gather you have not done your homework", "definition": "to conclude from evidence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I gather you have not done your homework\" What is the definition of \"gather\"?"} {"term": "cumbrous", "pos": "s", "context": "cumbrous protective clothing", "definition": "difficult to handle or use especially because of size or weight", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cumbrous protective clothing\" What is the definition of \"cumbrous\"?"} {"term": "galore", "pos": "s", "context": "daffodils galore", "definition": "in great numbers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"daffodils galore\" What is the definition of \"galore\"?"} {"term": "galore", "pos": "s", "context": "whiskey galore", "definition": "existing in abundance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"whiskey galore\" What is the definition of \"galore\"?"} {"term": "asphyxiation", "pos": "n", "context": "asphyxiation is sometimes used as a form of torture", "definition": "the condition of being deprived of oxygen as by having breathing stopped", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["suffocation", ""], "instruction": "\"asphyxiation is sometimes used as a form of torture\" What is the definition of \"asphyxiation\"?"} {"term": "reappearance", "pos": "n", "context": "the reappearance of Halley 's comet", "definition": "the event of something appearing again", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the reappearance of Halley 's comet\" What is the definition of \"reappearance\"?"} {"term": "reappearance", "pos": "n", "context": "his reappearance as Hamlet has been long awaited", "definition": "the act of someone appearing again", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["appearance", "return"], "instruction": "\"his reappearance as Hamlet has been long awaited\" What is the definition of \"reappearance\"?"} {"term": "ocular", "pos": "a", "context": "ocular muscles", "definition": "of or relating to or resembling the eye", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["optic", ""], "instruction": "\"ocular muscles\" What is the definition of \"ocular\"?"} {"term": "ocular", "pos": "a", "context": "ocular inspection", "definition": "relating to or using sight", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["optic", "", "visual"], "instruction": "\"ocular inspection\" What is the definition of \"ocular\"?"} {"term": "determinant", "pos": "n", "context": "education is an important determinant of one 's outlook on life", "definition": "a determining or causal element or factor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["determiner", "influence", "clincher"], "instruction": "\"education is an important determinant of one 's outlook on life\" What is the definition of \"determinant\"?"} {"term": "default", "pos": "n", "context": "he lost the game by default", "definition": "loss due to not showing up", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he lost the game by default\" What is the definition of \"default\"?"} {"term": "shiftiness", "pos": "n", "context": "the shiftiness of the wind caused the boat to veer unpredictably", "definition": "the quality of being changeable in direction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the shiftiness of the wind caused the boat to veer unpredictably\" What is the definition of \"shiftiness\"?"} {"term": "misinterpretation", "pos": "n", "context": "his misinterpretation of the question caused his error", "definition": "putting the wrong interpretation on", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his misinterpretation of the question caused his error\" What is the definition of \"misinterpretation\"?"} {"term": "bygone", "pos": "s", "context": "bygone days", "definition": "well in the past", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bygone days\" What is the definition of \"bygone\"?"} {"term": "bygone", "pos": "s", "context": "bygone days", "definition": "former", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bygone days\" What is the definition of \"bygone\"?"} {"term": "acrobatic", "pos": "s", "context": "an acrobatic dance", "definition": "vigorously active", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["gymnastic", "", "athletic"], "instruction": "\"an acrobatic dance\" What is the definition of \"acrobatic\"?"} {"term": "interruption", "pos": "n", "context": "the telephone is an annoying interruption", "definition": "some abrupt occurrence that interrupts an ongoing activity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["abatement", "punctuation", "disruption", "respite", "break", "suspension", "eclipse", "occultation", "dislocation"], "instruction": "\"the telephone is an annoying interruption\" What is the definition of \"interruption\"?"} {"term": "prehensile", "pos": "a", "context": "a monkey 's prehensile tail", "definition": "adapted for grasping especially by wrapping around an object", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a monkey 's prehensile tail\" What is the definition of \"prehensile\"?"} {"term": "prehensile", "pos": "s", "context": "poets -- those gifted strangely prehensile men \" - A.T.Quiller-Couch", "definition": "having a keen intellect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"poets -- those gifted strangely prehensile men \" - A.T.Quiller-Couch\" What is the definition of \"prehensile\"?"} {"term": "prehensile", "pos": "s", "context": "prehensile employers stingy with raises for their employees", "definition": "immoderately desirous of acquiring e.g. wealth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"prehensile employers stingy with raises for their employees\" What is the definition of \"prehensile\"?"} {"term": "departmental", "pos": "a", "context": "departmental policy", "definition": "of or relating to a department", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"departmental policy\" What is the definition of \"departmental\"?"} {"term": "aching", "pos": "s", "context": "my aching head", "definition": "causing a dull and steady pain", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my aching head\" What is the definition of \"aching\"?"} {"term": "inexorably", "pos": "r", "context": "time marches on inexorably", "definition": "in an inexorable manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"time marches on inexorably\" What is the definition of \"inexorably\"?"} {"term": "uncommon", "pos": "a", "context": "uncommon birds", "definition": "not common or ordinarily encountered", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"uncommon birds\" What is the definition of \"uncommon\"?"} {"term": "uncommon", "pos": "a", "context": "uncommon birds", "definition": "unusually great in amount or remarkable in character or kind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"uncommon birds\" What is the definition of \"uncommon\"?"} {"term": "uncommon", "pos": "s", "context": "an uncommon sense of humor", "definition": "especially superlative or extreme of its kind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an uncommon sense of humor\" What is the definition of \"uncommon\"?"} {"term": "murkily", "pos": "r", "context": "murkily expressed ideas", "definition": "unclearly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"murkily expressed ideas\" What is the definition of \"murkily\"?"} {"term": "murkily", "pos": "r", "context": "murkily expressed ideas", "definition": "opaquely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"murkily expressed ideas\" What is the definition of \"murkily\"?"} {"term": "obdurate", "pos": "s", "context": "the child 's misery would move even the most obdurate heart", "definition": "showing unfeeling resistance to tender feelings", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the child 's misery would move even the most obdurate heart\" What is the definition of \"obdurate\"?"} {"term": "unprejudiced", "pos": "a", "context": "an unprejudiced appraisal of the pros and cons", "definition": "free from undue bias or preconceived opinions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unprejudiced appraisal of the pros and cons\" What is the definition of \"unprejudiced\"?"} {"term": "now", "pos": "n", "context": "it worked up to right now", "definition": "the momentary present", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it worked up to right now\" What is the definition of \"now\"?"} {"term": "now", "pos": "r", "context": "President Kennedy now calls in the National Guard", "definition": "in the historical present", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"President Kennedy now calls in the National Guard\" What is the definition of \"now\"?"} {"term": "now", "pos": "r", "context": "President Kennedy now calls in the National Guard", "definition": "at this point in the narration of a series of past events", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"President Kennedy now calls in the National Guard\" What is the definition of \"now\"?"} {"term": "now", "pos": "r", "context": "now hear this !", "definition": "used to preface a command or reproof or request", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"now hear this !\" What is the definition of \"now\"?"} {"term": "now", "pos": "r", "context": "goods now on sale", "definition": "at the present moment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"goods now on sale\" What is the definition of \"now\"?"} {"term": "welcome", "pos": "n", "context": "the proposal got a warm welcome", "definition": "a greeting or reception", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the proposal got a warm welcome\" What is the definition of \"welcome\"?"} {"term": "welcome", "pos": "v", "context": "I welcome your proposals", "definition": "to accept gladly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I welcome your proposals\" What is the definition of \"welcome\"?"} {"term": "welcome", "pos": "a", "context": "a welcome relief", "definition": "giving pleasure or satisfaction or received with pleasure or freely granted", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a welcome relief\" What is the definition of \"welcome\"?"} {"term": "discerning", "pos": "a", "context": "a discerning critic", "definition": "having or revealing keen insight and good judgment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a discerning critic\" What is the definition of \"discerning\"?"} {"term": "discerning", "pos": "s", "context": "a discerning editor", "definition": "unobtrusively perceptive and sympathetic", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["discreet", ""], "instruction": "\"a discerning editor\" What is the definition of \"discerning\"?"} {"term": "discerning", "pos": "s", "context": "discerning taste", "definition": "able to make or detect effects of great subtlety", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"discerning taste\" What is the definition of \"discerning\"?"} {"term": "discerning", "pos": "s", "context": "discerning taste", "definition": "sensitive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"discerning taste\" What is the definition of \"discerning\"?"} {"term": "share", "pos": "n", "context": "he wanted his share in cash", "definition": "assets belonging to or due to or contributed by an individual person or group", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["percentage", "interest", "piece", "slice", "cut", "way", "allocation", "dispensation", "portion", "split", "dole", "ration", "stake", "allotment"], "instruction": "\"he wanted his share in cash\" What is the definition of \"share\"?"} {"term": "share", "pos": "n", "context": "death gets more than its share of attention from theologians", "definition": "the allotment of some amount by dividing something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["assignation", "apportionment", "allocation", "portion", "allotment"], "instruction": "\"death gets more than its share of attention from theologians\" What is the definition of \"share\"?"} {"term": "share", "pos": "v", "context": "Our children share a love of music", "definition": "to have in common", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Our children share a love of music\" What is the definition of \"share\"?"} {"term": "reflected", "pos": "v", "context": "Sound is reflected well in this auditorium", "definition": "to to throw or bend back from a surface", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["mirror", "reflect", "reverberate"], "instruction": "\"Sound is reflected well in this auditorium\" What is the definition of \"reflected\"?"} {"term": "reflected", "pos": "a", "context": "reflected light", "definition": "bent or sent back", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"reflected light\" What is the definition of \"reflected\"?"} {"term": "resource", "pos": "n", "context": "the local library is a valuable resource", "definition": "a source of aid or support that may be drawn upon when needed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the local library is a valuable resource\" What is the definition of \"resource\"?"} {"term": "resource", "pos": "n", "context": "a man of resource", "definition": "the ability to deal resourcefully with unusual problems", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["armory", "imagination", "inventory"], "instruction": "\"a man of resource\" What is the definition of \"resource\"?"} {"term": "leaning", "pos": "s", "context": "the leaning tower of Pisa", "definition": "departing or being caused to depart from the true vertical or horizontal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the leaning tower of Pisa\" What is the definition of \"leaning\"?"} {"term": "deftly", "pos": "r", "context": "Lois deftly removed her scarf", "definition": "in a deft manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Lois deftly removed her scarf\" What is the definition of \"deftly\"?"} {"term": "tangle", "pos": "n", "context": "a tangle of government regulations", "definition": "something jumbled or confused", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["perplexity", "snarl", "maze"], "instruction": "\"a tangle of government regulations\" What is the definition of \"tangle\"?"} {"term": "precipitous", "pos": "s", "context": "the precipitous rapids of the upper river", "definition": "extremely steep", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the precipitous rapids of the upper river\" What is the definition of \"precipitous\"?"} {"term": "answer", "pos": "n", "context": "I waited several days for his answer", "definition": "a statement either spoken or written that is made to reply to a question or request or criticism or accusation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["reply", "rescript", "statement"], "instruction": "\"I waited several days for his answer\" What is the definition of \"answer\"?"} {"term": "answer", "pos": "v", "context": "She did n't want to answer", "definition": "to react verbally", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["repay", "saying", "reply", "fielding", "retort", "rejoin", "say", "stated", "said", "telling", "bridle", "return", "counter"], "instruction": "\"She did n't want to answer\" What is the definition of \"answer\"?"} {"term": "answer", "pos": "v", "context": "answer the door", "definition": "to respond to a signal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"answer the door\" What is the definition of \"answer\"?"} {"term": "determinable", "pos": "a", "context": "determinable velocities", "definition": "capable of being determined or limited or fixed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"determinable velocities\" What is the definition of \"determinable\"?"} {"term": "amatory", "pos": "s", "context": "her amatory affairs", "definition": "expressive of or exciting sexual love or romance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her amatory affairs\" What is the definition of \"amatory\"?"} {"term": "vexed", "pos": "s", "context": "the vexed issue of priorities", "definition": "causing difficulty in finding an answer or solution", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the vexed issue of priorities\" What is the definition of \"vexed\"?"} {"term": "vexed", "pos": "s", "context": "the vexed issue of priorities", "definition": "much disputed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the vexed issue of priorities\" What is the definition of \"vexed\"?"} {"term": "vexed", "pos": "s", "context": "the vexed parents of an unruly teenager", "definition": "troubled persistently especially with petty annoyances", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the vexed parents of an unruly teenager\" What is the definition of \"vexed\"?"} {"term": "infrequently", "pos": "r", "context": "in your 1850 church you not infrequently find a dramatic contrast between the sumptuous appointments of the building itself and the inhuman barrack-like living conditions in the church room", "definition": "not many times", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in your 1850 church you not infrequently find a dramatic contrast between the sumptuous appointments of the building itself and the inhuman barrack-like living conditions in the church room\" What is the definition of \"infrequently\"?"} {"term": "kingdom", "pos": "n", "context": "the untroubled kingdom of reason", "definition": "a domain in which something is dominant", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["sphere", "orbit", "area", "land", "arena"], "instruction": "\"the untroubled kingdom of reason\" What is the definition of \"kingdom\"?"} {"term": "excrescence", "pos": "n", "context": "the bony excrescence between its horns", "definition": "something that bulges out or is protuberant or projects from its surroundings", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["nub", "swelling", "bump", "wart", "belly", "mogul", "protuberance", "protrusion", "caput", "jut", "prominence"], "instruction": "\"the bony excrescence between its horns\" What is the definition of \"excrescence\"?"} {"term": "occasional", "pos": "s", "context": "took an occasional glass of wine", "definition": "occurring from time to time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"took an occasional glass of wine\" What is the definition of \"occasional\"?"} {"term": "occasional", "pos": "s", "context": "occasional headaches", "definition": "occurring or appearing at usually irregular intervals", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"occasional headaches\" What is the definition of \"occasional\"?"} {"term": "occasional", "pos": "s", "context": "an occasional worker", "definition": "occurring from time to time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an occasional worker\" What is the definition of \"occasional\"?"} {"term": "leave", "pos": "n", "context": "a ten day 's leave to visit his mother", "definition": "the period of time during which you are absent from work or duty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a ten day 's leave to visit his mother\" What is the definition of \"leave\"?"} {"term": "leave", "pos": "n", "context": "she was granted leave to speak", "definition": "permission to do something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was granted leave to speak\" What is the definition of \"leave\"?"} {"term": "leave", "pos": "n", "context": "he took his leave", "definition": "the act of departing politely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["farewell", "valediction", "going", "parting"], "instruction": "\"he took his leave\" What is the definition of \"leave\"?"} {"term": "leave", "pos": "v", "context": "She did n't leave until midnight", "definition": "to go away from a place", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["escape", "quit", "get", "depart", "scat", "desert", "lingering", "parted", "parting", "empty", "left", "skip", "vamoose", "linger", "vacate", "running", "abandon", "run", "abandoned", "bunk", "emptying", "tarry"], "instruction": "\"She did n't leave until midnight\" What is the definition of \"leave\"?"} {"term": "girlish", "pos": "s", "context": "girlish charm", "definition": "befitting or characteristic of a young girl", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"girlish charm\" What is the definition of \"girlish\"?"} {"term": "beneficent", "pos": "a", "context": "the most beneficent regime in history", "definition": "doing or producing good", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the most beneficent regime in history\" What is the definition of \"beneficent\"?"} {"term": "thermodynamic", "pos": "a", "context": "the thermodynamic limit", "definition": "of or concerned with thermodynamics", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the thermodynamic limit\" What is the definition of \"thermodynamic\"?"} {"term": "reversibly", "pos": "r", "context": "reversibly convertible", "definition": "in a reversible manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"reversibly convertible\" What is the definition of \"reversibly\"?"} {"term": "mediate", "pos": "v", "context": "mediate between the old and the new", "definition": "to occupy an intermediate or middle position or form a connecting link or stage between two others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mediate between the old and the new\" What is the definition of \"mediate\"?"} {"term": "mediate", "pos": "a", "context": "the disease spread by mediate as well as direct contact", "definition": "acting through or dependent on an intervening agency", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the disease spread by mediate as well as direct contact\" What is the definition of \"mediate\"?"} {"term": "mediate", "pos": "s", "context": "in a mediate position", "definition": "being neither at the beginning nor at the end in a series", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in a mediate position\" What is the definition of \"mediate\"?"} {"term": "sulk", "pos": "n", "context": "stayed home in a sulk", "definition": "a mood or display of sullen aloofness or withdrawal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stayed home in a sulk\" What is the definition of \"sulk\"?"} {"term": "superstitious", "pos": "s", "context": "finally realized that the horror he felt was superstitious in origin", "definition": "showing ignorance of the laws of nature and faith in magic or chance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"finally realized that the horror he felt was superstitious in origin\" What is the definition of \"superstitious\"?"} {"term": "son", "pos": "n", "context": "their son became a famous judge", "definition": "a male human offspring", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their son became a famous judge\" What is the definition of \"son\"?"} {"term": "freely", "pos": "r", "context": "the painting featured freely brushed strokes", "definition": "in a free manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the painting featured freely brushed strokes\" What is the definition of \"freely\"?"} {"term": "junior", "pos": "n", "context": "she is two years my junior", "definition": "the younger of two persons", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she is two years my junior\" What is the definition of \"junior\"?"} {"term": "junior", "pos": "s", "context": "the junior class", "definition": "used of the third or next to final year in united states high school or college", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the junior class\" What is the definition of \"junior\"?"} {"term": "junior", "pos": "s", "context": "a junior sports league", "definition": "including or intended for youthful persons", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a junior sports league\" What is the definition of \"junior\"?"} {"term": "bureaucratic", "pos": "a", "context": "his bureaucratic behavior annoyed his colleagues", "definition": "of or relating to or resembling a bureaucrat or bureaucracy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his bureaucratic behavior annoyed his colleagues\" What is the definition of \"bureaucratic\"?"} {"term": "tear", "pos": "v", "context": "tear the paper", "definition": "to separate or cause to separate abruptly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["rend", "rip", "disunite", "divide", "tore", "rupture", "bust", "rive"], "instruction": "\"tear the paper\" What is the definition of \"tear\"?"} {"term": "expand", "pos": "v", "context": "expand the house by adding another wing", "definition": "to make bigger or wider in size , volume , or quantity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"expand the house by adding another wing\" What is the definition of \"expand\"?"} {"term": "night", "pos": "n", "context": "I had a restless night", "definition": "the period spent sleeping", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I had a restless night\" What is the definition of \"night\"?"} {"term": "typographic", "pos": "a", "context": "the typographic art", "definition": "relating to or occurring or used in typography", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the typographic art\" What is the definition of \"typographic\"?"} {"term": "sup", "pos": "n", "context": "a sup of ale", "definition": "a small amount of liquid food", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["taste", "swallow"], "instruction": "\"a sup of ale\" What is the definition of \"sup\"?"} {"term": "unaccountable", "pos": "s", "context": "perceptible only as unaccountable influences that hinder progress", "definition": "not to be accounted for or explained", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"perceptible only as unaccountable influences that hinder progress\" What is the definition of \"unaccountable\"?"} {"term": "public", "pos": "n", "context": "the reading public", "definition": "a body of people sharing some common interest", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the reading public\" What is the definition of \"public\"?"} {"term": "public", "pos": "n", "context": "he is a hero in the eyes of the public", "definition": "people in general considered as a whole", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["world", "populace", "people"], "instruction": "\"he is a hero in the eyes of the public\" What is the definition of \"public\"?"} {"term": "public", "pos": "a", "context": "the public good", "definition": "not private", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the public good\" What is the definition of \"public\"?"} {"term": "public", "pos": "a", "context": "the public good", "definition": "open to or concerning the people as a whole", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the public good\" What is the definition of \"public\"?"} {"term": "public", "pos": "s", "context": "the public welfare", "definition": "affecting the people or community as a whole", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the public welfare\" What is the definition of \"public\"?"} {"term": "revocable", "pos": "a", "context": "a revocable order", "definition": "capable of being revoked or annulled", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a revocable order\" What is the definition of \"revocable\"?"} {"term": "bankable", "pos": "s", "context": "without bankable stars the film script aroused no interest", "definition": "guaranteed to bring a profit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"without bankable stars the film script aroused no interest\" What is the definition of \"bankable\"?"} {"term": "bankable", "pos": "s", "context": "bankable funds", "definition": "acceptable to or at a bank", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bankable funds\" What is the definition of \"bankable\"?"} {"term": "invalid", "pos": "a", "context": "invalid reasoning", "definition": "having no cogency or legal force", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"invalid reasoning\" What is the definition of \"invalid\"?"} {"term": "invalid", "pos": "s", "context": "the license is invalid", "definition": "no longer valid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the license is invalid\" What is the definition of \"invalid\"?"} {"term": "truss", "pos": "v", "context": "truss the roofs", "definition": "to support structurally", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"truss the roofs\" What is the definition of \"truss\"?"} {"term": "fluency", "pos": "n", "context": "fluency in spoken and written English is essential", "definition": "powerful and effective language", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fluency in spoken and written English is essential\" What is the definition of \"fluency\"?"} {"term": "salvo", "pos": "n", "context": "there was a salvo of approval", "definition": "a sudden outburst of cheers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was a salvo of approval\" What is the definition of \"salvo\"?"} {"term": "canonically", "pos": "r", "context": "the deacon was canonically inducted", "definition": "in a canonical manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the deacon was canonically inducted\" What is the definition of \"canonically\"?"} {"term": "conscious", "pos": "s", "context": "a conscious effort to speak more slowly", "definition": "intentionally conceived", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a conscious effort to speak more slowly\" What is the definition of \"conscious\"?"} {"term": "conscious", "pos": "s", "context": "few voters seem conscious of the issue 's importance", "definition": "showing realization or recognition of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"few voters seem conscious of the issue 's importance\" What is the definition of \"conscious\"?"} {"term": "conscious", "pos": "a", "context": "remained conscious during the operation", "definition": "knowing and perceiving", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"remained conscious during the operation\" What is the definition of \"conscious\"?"} {"term": "conscious", "pos": "a", "context": "remained conscious during the operation", "definition": "having awareness of surroundings and sensations and thoughts", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"remained conscious during the operation\" What is the definition of \"conscious\"?"} {"term": "teething", "pos": "v", "context": "The little one is teething now", "definition": "to grow teeth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The little one is teething now\" What is the definition of \"teething\"?"} {"term": "teething", "pos": "v", "context": "The little one is teething now", "definition": "to cut the baby teeth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The little one is teething now\" What is the definition of \"teething\"?"} {"term": "dumb", "pos": "s", "context": "dumb animals", "definition": "lacking the power of human speech", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dumb animals\" What is the definition of \"dumb\"?"} {"term": "dumb", "pos": "s", "context": "dumb officials make some really dumb decisions", "definition": "slow to learn or understand", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dumb officials make some really dumb decisions\" What is the definition of \"dumb\"?"} {"term": "dumb", "pos": "s", "context": "dumb officials make some really dumb decisions", "definition": "lacking intellectual acuity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dumb officials make some really dumb decisions\" What is the definition of \"dumb\"?"} {"term": "structural", "pos": "a", "context": "structural unemployment in a technological society", "definition": "relating to or caused by structure , especially political or economic structure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"structural unemployment in a technological society\" What is the definition of \"structural\"?"} {"term": "structural", "pos": "a", "context": "structural engineer", "definition": "relating to or having or characterized by structure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"structural engineer\" What is the definition of \"structural\"?"} {"term": "structural", "pos": "a", "context": "structural effects of folding and faulting of the earth 's surface", "definition": "pertaining to geological structure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"structural effects of folding and faulting of the earth 's surface\" What is the definition of \"structural\"?"} {"term": "structural", "pos": "s", "context": "the structural details of a house such as beams and joists and rafters", "definition": "affecting or involved in structure or construction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the structural details of a house such as beams and joists and rafters\" What is the definition of \"structural\"?"} {"term": "structural", "pos": "s", "context": "the structural details of a house such as beams and joists and rafters", "definition": "not ornamental elements", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the structural details of a house such as beams and joists and rafters\" What is the definition of \"structural\"?"} {"term": "timely", "pos": "s", "context": "the timely filing of his income tax return", "definition": "before a time limit expires", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the timely filing of his income tax return\" What is the definition of \"timely\"?"} {"term": "timely", "pos": "s", "context": "a timely warning", "definition": "done or happening at the appropriate or proper time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["seasonable", ""], "instruction": "\"a timely warning\" What is the definition of \"timely\"?"} {"term": "uneasy", "pos": "a", "context": "farmers were uneasy until rain finally came", "definition": "lacking a sense of security or affording no ease or reassurance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"farmers were uneasy until rain finally came\" What is the definition of \"uneasy\"?"} {"term": "uneasy", "pos": "a", "context": "she fell into an uneasy sleep", "definition": "lacking or not affording physical or mental rest", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she fell into an uneasy sleep\" What is the definition of \"uneasy\"?"} {"term": "uneasy", "pos": "s", "context": "was always uneasy with strangers", "definition": "socially uncomfortable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"was always uneasy with strangers\" What is the definition of \"uneasy\"?"} {"term": "uneasy", "pos": "s", "context": "was always uneasy with strangers", "definition": "unsure and constrained in manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"was always uneasy with strangers\" What is the definition of \"uneasy\"?"} {"term": "marshal", "pos": "v", "context": "marshal the troops", "definition": "to place in proper rank", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"marshal the troops\" What is the definition of \"marshal\"?"} {"term": "marshal", "pos": "v", "context": "marshal facts or arguments", "definition": "to arrange in logical order", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"marshal facts or arguments\" What is the definition of \"marshal\"?"} {"term": "nasal", "pos": "a", "context": "nasal passages", "definition": "of or in or relating to the nose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nasal passages\" What is the definition of \"nasal\"?"} {"term": "nasal", "pos": "s", "context": "a whining nasal voice", "definition": "sounding as if the nose were pinched", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a whining nasal voice\" What is the definition of \"nasal\"?"} {"term": "provisionally", "pos": "r", "context": "they have agreed provisionally", "definition": "temporarily and conditionally", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they have agreed provisionally\" What is the definition of \"provisionally\"?"} {"term": "pedestal", "pos": "n", "context": "they put him on a pedestal", "definition": "a position of great esteem and supposed superiority", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they put him on a pedestal\" What is the definition of \"pedestal\"?"} {"term": "domestic", "pos": "a", "context": "domestic issues such as tax rate and highway construction", "definition": "of concern to or concerning the internal affairs of a nation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"domestic issues such as tax rate and highway construction\" What is the definition of \"domestic\"?"} {"term": "domestic", "pos": "a", "context": "domestic servant", "definition": "of or relating to the home", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"domestic servant\" What is the definition of \"domestic\"?"} {"term": "domestic", "pos": "a", "context": "domestic worries", "definition": "of or involving the home or family", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"domestic worries\" What is the definition of \"domestic\"?"} {"term": "domestic", "pos": "s", "context": "domestic wine", "definition": "produced in a particular country", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"domestic wine\" What is the definition of \"domestic\"?"} {"term": "sternness", "pos": "n", "context": "the sternness of his surroundings made him uncomfortable", "definition": "the quality as of scenery being grim and gloomy and forbidding", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sternness of his surroundings made him uncomfortable\" What is the definition of \"sternness\"?"} {"term": "quilt", "pos": "v", "context": "quilt the skirt", "definition": "to stitch or sew together", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["join", "quilting"], "instruction": "\"quilt the skirt\" What is the definition of \"quilt\"?"} {"term": "disputatious", "pos": "s", "context": "a disputatious lawyer", "definition": "inclined or showing an inclination to dispute or disagree , even to engage in law suits", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a disputatious lawyer\" What is the definition of \"disputatious\"?"} {"term": "bother", "pos": "n", "context": "a spot of bother", "definition": "an angry disturbance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["trouble", "disturbance", "fuss"], "instruction": "\"a spot of bother\" What is the definition of \"bother\"?"} {"term": "bother", "pos": "n", "context": "a bit of a bother", "definition": "something or someone that causes trouble", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["infliction", "thorn", "irritant", "botheration", "annoyance", "nuisance"], "instruction": "\"a bit of a bother\" What is the definition of \"bother\"?"} {"term": "bother", "pos": "n", "context": "a bit of a bother", "definition": "a source of unhappiness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["infliction", "thorn", "irritant", "botheration", "annoyance", "nuisance"], "instruction": "\"a bit of a bother\" What is the definition of \"bother\"?"} {"term": "bother", "pos": "v", "context": "Do n't bother the professor while she is grading term papers", "definition": "to intrude or enter uninvited", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Do n't bother the professor while she is grading term papers\" What is the definition of \"bother\"?"} {"term": "keep", "pos": "n", "context": "each child was expected to pay for their keep", "definition": "the financial means whereby one lives", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["sustenance", "living", "subsistence", "maintenance", "resource"], "instruction": "\"each child was expected to pay for their keep\" What is the definition of \"keep\"?"} {"term": "keep", "pos": "v", "context": "Can I keep my old stuffed animals ?", "definition": "to retain possession of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["deny", "store", "keeping", "hold", "preserve", "recoup", "withhold", "retain", "deduct"], "instruction": "\"Can I keep my old stuffed animals ?\" What is the definition of \"keep\"?"} {"term": "salty", "pos": "s", "context": "salty language", "definition": "engagingly stimulating or provocative", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"salty language\" What is the definition of \"salty\"?"} {"term": "untie", "pos": "v", "context": "untie the knot", "definition": "to cause to become loose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["undo", "alter", "loosen", "change", "modify"], "instruction": "\"untie the knot\" What is the definition of \"untie\"?"} {"term": "stand", "pos": "n", "context": "they cut down a stand of trees", "definition": "a growth of similar plants usually trees in a particular area", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they cut down a stand of trees\" What is the definition of \"stand\"?"} {"term": "stand", "pos": "n", "context": "a bedside stand", "definition": "a small table for holding articles of various kinds", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bedside stand\" What is the definition of \"stand\"?"} {"term": "stand", "pos": "v", "context": "We had to stand for the entire performance !", "definition": "to be upright", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["standing", "ramp", "rest", "queue"], "instruction": "\"We had to stand for the entire performance !\" What is the definition of \"stand\"?"} {"term": "stand", "pos": "v", "context": "I stand corrected", "definition": "to be in some specified state or condition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I stand corrected\" What is the definition of \"stand\"?"} {"term": "stand", "pos": "v", "context": "We stand on common ground", "definition": "to occupy a place or location , also metaphorically", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"We stand on common ground\" What is the definition of \"stand\"?"} {"term": "natural", "pos": "n", "context": "he 's a natural for the job", "definition": "someone regarded as certain to succeed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he 's a natural for the job\" What is the definition of \"natural\"?"} {"term": "natural", "pos": "a", "context": "a very natural development", "definition": "in accordance with nature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a very natural development\" What is the definition of \"natural\"?"} {"term": "natural", "pos": "a", "context": "a very natural development", "definition": "relating to or concerning nature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a very natural development\" What is the definition of \"natural\"?"} {"term": "natural", "pos": "a", "context": "a natural pearl", "definition": "existing in or produced by nature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a natural pearl\" What is the definition of \"natural\"?"} {"term": "natural", "pos": "a", "context": "a natural pearl", "definition": "not artificial or imitation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a natural pearl\" What is the definition of \"natural\"?"} {"term": "natural", "pos": "a", "context": "a perfectly natural explanation", "definition": "existing in or in conformity with nature or the observable world", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a perfectly natural explanation\" What is the definition of \"natural\"?"} {"term": "natural", "pos": "a", "context": "a perfectly natural explanation", "definition": "neither supernatural nor magical", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a perfectly natural explanation\" What is the definition of \"natural\"?"} {"term": "natural", "pos": "s", "context": "it 's the natural thing to happen", "definition": "functioning or occurring in a normal way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's the natural thing to happen\" What is the definition of \"natural\"?"} {"term": "natural", "pos": "s", "context": "it 's the natural thing to happen", "definition": "lacking abnormalities or deficiencies", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's the natural thing to happen\" What is the definition of \"natural\"?"} {"term": "natural", "pos": "s", "context": "a cat 's natural aversion to water", "definition": "unthinking", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a cat 's natural aversion to water\" What is the definition of \"natural\"?"} {"term": "natural", "pos": "s", "context": "a cat 's natural aversion to water", "definition": "prompted by or as if by instinct", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a cat 's natural aversion to water\" What is the definition of \"natural\"?"} {"term": "natural", "pos": "s", "context": "natural yogurt", "definition": "being unprocessed or manufactured using only simple or minimal processes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["raw", "", "rude"], "instruction": "\"natural yogurt\" What is the definition of \"natural\"?"} {"term": "fear", "pos": "n", "context": "the fear of God", "definition": "a feeling of profound respect for someone or something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["veneration", "reverence", "emotion", "awe"], "instruction": "\"the fear of God\" What is the definition of \"fear\"?"} {"term": "fear", "pos": "n", "context": "they hushed it up out of fear of public reaction", "definition": "an anxious feeling", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["care", "concern", ""], "instruction": "\"they hushed it up out of fear of public reaction\" What is the definition of \"fear\"?"} {"term": "fear", "pos": "v", "context": "I fear she might get aggressive", "definition": "to be afraid or feel anxious or apprehensive about a possible or probable situation or event", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I fear she might get aggressive\" What is the definition of \"fear\"?"} {"term": "fear", "pos": "v", "context": "I fear the winters in Moscow", "definition": "to be afraid or scared of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["panic", "dread"], "instruction": "\"I fear the winters in Moscow\" What is the definition of \"fear\"?"} {"term": "fear", "pos": "v", "context": "I fear the winters in Moscow", "definition": "to be frightened of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["panic", "dread"], "instruction": "\"I fear the winters in Moscow\" What is the definition of \"fear\"?"} {"term": "fear", "pos": "v", "context": "I fear I wo n't make it to your wedding party", "definition": "to be sorry", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I fear I wo n't make it to your wedding party\" What is the definition of \"fear\"?"} {"term": "fear", "pos": "v", "context": "I fear I wo n't make it to your wedding party", "definition": "to used to introduce an unpleasant statement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I fear I wo n't make it to your wedding party\" What is the definition of \"fear\"?"} {"term": "acid", "pos": "s", "context": "a barrage of acid comments", "definition": "harsh or corrosive in tone", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a barrage of acid comments\" What is the definition of \"acid\"?"} {"term": "erect", "pos": "a", "context": "an erect stature", "definition": "upright in position or posture", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an erect stature\" What is the definition of \"erect\"?"} {"term": "dusty", "pos": "s", "context": "a dusty pile of books", "definition": "covered with a layer of dust", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dusty pile of books\" What is the definition of \"dusty\"?"} {"term": "bicuspid", "pos": "s", "context": "bicuspid teeth", "definition": "having two cusps or points especially a molar tooth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bicuspid teeth\" What is the definition of \"bicuspid\"?"} {"term": "coastwise", "pos": "s", "context": "coastwise winds contributed to the storm", "definition": "along or following a coast", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"coastwise winds contributed to the storm\" What is the definition of \"coastwise\"?"} {"term": "coastwise", "pos": "r", "context": "we were travelling coastwise", "definition": "by way of , or along the coast", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we were travelling coastwise\" What is the definition of \"coastwise\"?"} {"term": "unmade", "pos": "a", "context": "an unmade bed with tangled sheets and blankets", "definition": "not having the sheets and blankets set in order", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unmade bed with tangled sheets and blankets\" What is the definition of \"unmade\"?"} {"term": "tortuous", "pos": "s", "context": "a tortuous road up the mountain", "definition": "marked by repeated turns and bends", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["voluminous", "", "winding"], "instruction": "\"a tortuous road up the mountain\" What is the definition of \"tortuous\"?"} {"term": "tortuous", "pos": "s", "context": "his tortuous reasoning", "definition": "not straightforward", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his tortuous reasoning\" What is the definition of \"tortuous\"?"} {"term": "tortuous", "pos": "s", "context": "tortuous legal procedures", "definition": "highly complex or intricate and occasionally devious", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tortuous legal procedures\" What is the definition of \"tortuous\"?"} {"term": "nipping", "pos": "s", "context": "a nipping wind", "definition": "pleasantly cold and invigorating", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a nipping wind\" What is the definition of \"nipping\"?"} {"term": "conversant", "pos": "s", "context": "conversant with business trends", "definition": "well informed about or knowing thoroughly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"conversant with business trends\" What is the definition of \"conversant\"?"} {"term": "rooted", "pos": "s", "context": "they stood rooted in astonishment", "definition": "absolutely still", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they stood rooted in astonishment\" What is the definition of \"rooted\"?"} {"term": "fake", "pos": "s", "context": "it is n't fake anything", "definition": "not genuine or real", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is n't fake anything\" What is the definition of \"fake\"?"} {"term": "fake", "pos": "s", "context": "it is n't fake anything", "definition": "being an imitation of the genuine article", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is n't fake anything\" What is the definition of \"fake\"?"} {"term": "fake", "pos": "s", "context": "it is n't fake anything", "definition": "its real synthetic fur", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is n't fake anything\" What is the definition of \"fake\"?"} {"term": "mystify", "pos": "v", "context": "mystify the story", "definition": "to make mysterious", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mystify the story\" What is the definition of \"mystify\"?"} {"term": "constructive", "pos": "a", "context": "constructive criticism", "definition": "constructing or tending to construct or improve or promote development", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"constructive criticism\" What is the definition of \"constructive\"?"} {"term": "constructive", "pos": "s", "context": "constructive criticism", "definition": "emphasizing what is laudable or hopeful or to the good", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"constructive criticism\" What is the definition of \"constructive\"?"} {"term": "bevy", "pos": "n", "context": "he was surrounded by a bevy of beauties in bathing attire", "definition": "a large gathering of people of a particular type", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was surrounded by a bevy of beauties in bathing attire\" What is the definition of \"bevy\"?"} {"term": "bevy", "pos": "n", "context": "we were visited at breakfast by a bevy of excited ducks", "definition": "a flock of birds especially when gathered close together on the ground", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we were visited at breakfast by a bevy of excited ducks\" What is the definition of \"bevy\"?"} {"term": "readiness", "pos": "n", "context": "putting them in readiness", "definition": "the state of having been made ready or prepared for use or action especially military action", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["alert", "preparation", "ready"], "instruction": "\"putting them in readiness\" What is the definition of \"readiness\"?"} {"term": "readiness", "pos": "n", "context": "readiness to continue discussions", "definition": "prompt willingness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"readiness to continue discussions\" What is the definition of \"readiness\"?"} {"term": "landscape", "pos": "v", "context": "Let 's landscape the yard", "definition": "to embellish with plants", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Let 's landscape the yard\" What is the definition of \"landscape\"?"} {"term": "impeccable", "pos": "s", "context": "speaks impeccable French", "definition": "without fault or error", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"speaks impeccable French\" What is the definition of \"impeccable\"?"} {"term": "agrarian", "pos": "s", "context": "an agrarian ( or agricultural ) society", "definition": "relating to rural matters", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["agricultural", "", "farming"], "instruction": "\"an agrarian ( or agricultural ) society\" What is the definition of \"agrarian\"?"} {"term": "condescendingly", "pos": "r", "context": "he treats his secretary condescendingly", "definition": "with condescension", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he treats his secretary condescendingly\" What is the definition of \"condescendingly\"?"} {"term": "condescendingly", "pos": "r", "context": "he treats his secretary condescendingly", "definition": "in a patronizing manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he treats his secretary condescendingly\" What is the definition of \"condescendingly\"?"} {"term": "spread", "pos": "v", "context": "The invaders spread their language all over the country", "definition": "to distribute or disperse widely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["export", "strewing", "redistribute", "sprawl", "spread", "diffused", "straggle", "deploy", "strew", "propagate", "straw", "distribute", "diffuse"], "instruction": "\"The invaders spread their language all over the country\" What is the definition of \"spread\"?"} {"term": "spread", "pos": "v", "context": "the infection spread", "definition": "to become distributed or widespread", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["catch", "propagate", "moving"], "instruction": "\"the infection spread\" What is the definition of \"spread\"?"} {"term": "spread", "pos": "s", "context": "a table spread with food", "definition": "prepared or arranged for a meal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a table spread with food\" What is the definition of \"spread\"?"} {"term": "spread", "pos": "s", "context": "a table spread with food", "definition": "especially having food set out", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a table spread with food\" What is the definition of \"spread\"?"} {"term": "spread", "pos": "s", "context": "with arms spread wide", "definition": "fully extended in width", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with arms spread wide\" What is the definition of \"spread\"?"} {"term": "nervous", "pos": "s", "context": "a nervous addict", "definition": "easily agitated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a nervous addict\" What is the definition of \"nervous\"?"} {"term": "nervous", "pos": "s", "context": "those nervous moments before takeoff", "definition": "causing or fraught with or showing anxiety", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"those nervous moments before takeoff\" What is the definition of \"nervous\"?"} {"term": "punctual", "pos": "a", "context": "she expected guests to be punctual at meals", "definition": "acting or arriving or performed exactly at the time appointed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she expected guests to be punctual at meals\" What is the definition of \"punctual\"?"} {"term": "chemically", "pos": "r", "context": "chemically fertilized", "definition": "with chemicals", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"chemically fertilized\" What is the definition of \"chemically\"?"} {"term": "chemically", "pos": "r", "context": "chemically different substances", "definition": "with respect to chemistry", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"chemically different substances\" What is the definition of \"chemically\"?"} {"term": "skive", "pos": "v", "context": "skive leather", "definition": "to remove the surface of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"skive leather\" What is the definition of \"skive\"?"} {"term": "meager", "pos": "a", "context": "meager resources", "definition": "deficient in amount or quality or extent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"meager resources\" What is the definition of \"meager\"?"} {"term": "intuitive", "pos": "s", "context": "an intuitive revulsion", "definition": "spontaneously derived from or prompted by a natural tendency", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an intuitive revulsion\" What is the definition of \"intuitive\"?"} {"term": "carelessly", "pos": "r", "context": "carelessly raised the children 's hopes without thinking of their possible disappointment", "definition": "without care or concern", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"carelessly raised the children 's hopes without thinking of their possible disappointment\" What is the definition of \"carelessly\"?"} {"term": "carelessly", "pos": "r", "context": "one unfortunately sees historic features carelessly lost when estates fall into unsympathetic hands", "definition": "without caution or prudence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one unfortunately sees historic features carelessly lost when estates fall into unsympathetic hands\" What is the definition of \"carelessly\"?"} {"term": "morally", "pos": "r", "context": "morally unjustified", "definition": "with respect to moral principles", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"morally unjustified\" What is the definition of \"morally\"?"} {"term": "morally", "pos": "r", "context": "he acted morally under the circumstances", "definition": "in a moral manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he acted morally under the circumstances\" What is the definition of \"morally\"?"} {"term": "elect", "pos": "n", "context": "one of the elect who have power inside the government", "definition": "an exclusive group of people", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one of the elect who have power inside the government\" What is the definition of \"elect\"?"} {"term": "elect", "pos": "s", "context": "an elect circle of artists", "definition": "selected as the best", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an elect circle of artists\" What is the definition of \"elect\"?"} {"term": "development", "pos": "n", "context": "he congratulated them on their development of a plan to meet the emergency", "definition": "act of improving by expanding or enlarging or refining", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he congratulated them on their development of a plan to meet the emergency\" What is the definition of \"development\"?"} {"term": "development", "pos": "n", "context": "the development of his ideas took many years", "definition": "a process in which something passes by degrees to a different stage especially a more advanced or mature stage", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["evolution", "flowering", "growth", "process"], "instruction": "\"the development of his ideas took many years\" What is the definition of \"development\"?"} {"term": "abjectly", "pos": "r", "context": "she shrugged her shoulders abjectly", "definition": "in a hopeless resigned manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she shrugged her shoulders abjectly\" What is the definition of \"abjectly\"?"} {"term": "wound", "pos": "n", "context": "he feared that mentioning it might reopen the wound", "definition": "a figurative injury to your feelings or pride", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he feared that mentioning it might reopen the wound\" What is the definition of \"wound\"?"} {"term": "postural", "pos": "a", "context": "postural exercises", "definition": "of or relating to or involving posture", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"postural exercises\" What is the definition of \"postural\"?"} {"term": "daintiness", "pos": "n", "context": "the daintiness of her touch", "definition": "the quality of being beautiful and delicate in appearance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["delicacy", "elegance"], "instruction": "\"the daintiness of her touch\" What is the definition of \"daintiness\"?"} {"term": "joy", "pos": "n", "context": "a joy to behold", "definition": "something or someone that provides a source of happiness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a joy to behold\" What is the definition of \"joy\"?"} {"term": "sameness", "pos": "n", "context": "sameness of purpose kept them together", "definition": "the quality of being alike", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sameness of purpose kept them together\" What is the definition of \"sameness\"?"} {"term": "sameness", "pos": "n", "context": "he hated the sameness of the food the college served", "definition": "the quality of wearisome constancy , routine , and lack of variety", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["humdrum", "monotony", ""], "instruction": "\"he hated the sameness of the food the college served\" What is the definition of \"sameness\"?"} {"term": "desultory", "pos": "s", "context": "desultory thoughts", "definition": "marked by lack of definite plan or regularity or purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"desultory thoughts\" What is the definition of \"desultory\"?"} {"term": "desultory", "pos": "s", "context": "desultory thoughts", "definition": "jumping from one thing to another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"desultory thoughts\" What is the definition of \"desultory\"?"} {"term": "here", "pos": "r", "context": "I work here", "definition": "in or at this place", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I work here\" What is the definition of \"here\"?"} {"term": "here", "pos": "r", "context": "I work here", "definition": "where the speaker or writer is", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I work here\" What is the definition of \"here\"?"} {"term": "here", "pos": "r", "context": "here I must disagree", "definition": "in this circumstance or respect or on this point or detail", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"here I must disagree\" What is the definition of \"here\"?"} {"term": "procurer", "pos": "n", "context": "the procurer of opera tickets", "definition": "someone who obtains or acquires", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the procurer of opera tickets\" What is the definition of \"procurer\"?"} {"term": "excellent", "pos": "s", "context": "made an excellent speech", "definition": "very good", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"made an excellent speech\" What is the definition of \"excellent\"?"} {"term": "excellent", "pos": "s", "context": "made an excellent speech", "definition": "of the highest quality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"made an excellent speech\" What is the definition of \"excellent\"?"} {"term": "candid", "pos": "s", "context": "a candid photograph", "definition": "informal or natural", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a candid photograph\" What is the definition of \"candid\"?"} {"term": "candid", "pos": "s", "context": "a candid photograph", "definition": "especially caught off guard or unprepared", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a candid photograph\" What is the definition of \"candid\"?"} {"term": "candid", "pos": "s", "context": "his candid eyes", "definition": "openly straightforward and direct without reserve or secretiveness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his candid eyes\" What is the definition of \"candid\"?"} {"term": "candid", "pos": "s", "context": "I gave them my candid opinion", "definition": "characterized by directness in manner or speech", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I gave them my candid opinion\" What is the definition of \"candid\"?"} {"term": "candid", "pos": "s", "context": "I gave them my candid opinion", "definition": "without subtlety or evasion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I gave them my candid opinion\" What is the definition of \"candid\"?"} {"term": "way", "pos": "n", "context": "that 's the way it is", "definition": "the condition of things generally", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that 's the way it is\" What is the definition of \"way\"?"} {"term": "way", "pos": "n", "context": "he said he was looking for the way out", "definition": "any artifact consisting of a road or path affording passage from one place to another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he said he was looking for the way out\" What is the definition of \"way\"?"} {"term": "way", "pos": "r", "context": "way over budget", "definition": "to a great degree or by a great distance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"way over budget\" What is the definition of \"way\"?"} {"term": "way", "pos": "r", "context": "way over budget", "definition": "very much right smart is regional in the united states", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"way over budget\" What is the definition of \"way\"?"} {"term": "shoplifting", "pos": "n", "context": "shrinkage is the retail trade 's euphemism for shoplifting", "definition": "the act of stealing goods that are on display in a store", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["theft", "stealing", "larceny", "shrinkage", "thievery"], "instruction": "\"shrinkage is the retail trade 's euphemism for shoplifting\" What is the definition of \"shoplifting\"?"} {"term": "tufted", "pos": "s", "context": "a tufted bedspread", "definition": "having or adorned with tufts", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tufted bedspread\" What is the definition of \"tufted\"?"} {"term": "tufted", "pos": "s", "context": "tufted duck", "definition": "having a usually ornamental tuft or process on the head", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tufted duck\" What is the definition of \"tufted\"?"} {"term": "tufted", "pos": "s", "context": "tufted duck", "definition": "often used in combination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tufted duck\" What is the definition of \"tufted\"?"} {"term": "pelagic", "pos": "a", "context": "pelagic organisms", "definition": "relating to or occurring or living in or frequenting the open ocean", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pelagic organisms\" What is the definition of \"pelagic\"?"} {"term": "fixed", "pos": "v", "context": "she fixed her gaze on the man", "definition": "to cause to be firmly attached", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she fixed her gaze on the man\" What is the definition of \"fixed\"?"} {"term": "fixed", "pos": "s", "context": "living on fixed incomes", "definition": "incapable of being changed or moved or undone", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"living on fixed incomes\" What is the definition of \"fixed\"?"} {"term": "fixed", "pos": "s", "context": "living on fixed incomes", "definition": "e.g. frozen prices", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"living on fixed incomes\" What is the definition of \"fixed\"?"} {"term": "fixed", "pos": "a", "context": "a fixed piece of wood", "definition": "securely placed or fastened or set", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fixed piece of wood\" What is the definition of \"fixed\"?"} {"term": "vocally", "pos": "r", "context": "she defended herself vocally", "definition": "in a vocal manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she defended herself vocally\" What is the definition of \"vocally\"?"} {"term": "bode", "pos": "v", "context": "These signs bode bad news", "definition": "to indicate by signs", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["omen", "boding", "presage", "point", "forecast", "signal", "betoken", "threaten", "portend", "bespeak", "prognosticate", "prefigure", "predict", "indicate"], "instruction": "\"These signs bode bad news\" What is the definition of \"bode\"?"} {"term": "aback", "pos": "r", "context": "the ship came up into the wind with all yards aback", "definition": "having the wind against the forward side of the sails", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ship came up into the wind with all yards aback\" What is the definition of \"aback\"?"} {"term": "aback", "pos": "r", "context": "taken aback by the caustic remarks", "definition": "by surprise", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"taken aback by the caustic remarks\" What is the definition of \"aback\"?"} {"term": "heterologous", "pos": "a", "context": "a heterologous graft", "definition": "derived from organisms of a different but related species", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a heterologous graft\" What is the definition of \"heterologous\"?"} {"term": "compound", "pos": "a", "context": "compound leaves are composed of several lobes", "definition": "composed of more than one part", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"compound leaves are composed of several lobes\" What is the definition of \"compound\"?"} {"term": "compound", "pos": "s", "context": "soap is a compound substance", "definition": "consisting of two or more substances or ingredients or elements or parts", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"soap is a compound substance\" What is the definition of \"compound\"?"} {"term": "dwell", "pos": "v", "context": "The problems dwell in the social injustices in this country", "definition": "to originate in", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The problems dwell in the social injustices in this country\" What is the definition of \"dwell\"?"} {"term": "fold", "pos": "v", "context": "fold up the newspaper", "definition": "to bend or lay so that one part covers the other", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["ruffle", "corrugate", "folding", "pinch", "wrinkle", "tuck", "crinkled", "crimp", "cross", "scrunch", "crisp", "crease"], "instruction": "\"fold up the newspaper\" What is the definition of \"fold\"?"} {"term": "tractable", "pos": "a", "context": "tractable young minds", "definition": "easily managed controlled or taught or molded", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tractable young minds\" What is the definition of \"tractable\"?"} {"term": "continually", "pos": "r", "context": "complained continually that there was n't enough money", "definition": "seemingly without interruption", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"complained continually that there was n't enough money\" What is the definition of \"continually\"?"} {"term": "evaluate", "pos": "v", "context": "How do you evaluate this grant proposal ? \" \" We should n't pass judgment on other people", "definition": "to form a critical opinion of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["thought", "thinking", "estimate", "rate", "assess", "accept", "anticipate", "cogitate", "expect", "range", "conceive", "try", "declare", "order", "adjudge", "reckoning", "approve", "evaluate", "measure", "impute", "reckon", "examine", "figure", "attribute", "test", "believing", "consider", "approving", "hold", "testing", "chosen", "disapprove", "judge", "prove", "value", "prejudge", "believe", "critique", "grade", "stand", "assign", "figured", "calculating", "forecast", "trying", "choose", "place", "calculated", "grading", "essay"], "instruction": "\"How do you evaluate this grant proposal ? \" \" We should n't pass judgment on other people\" What is the definition of \"evaluate\"?"} {"term": "adipose", "pos": "s", "context": "adipose tissue constitutes the fat of meat", "definition": "composed of animal fat", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"adipose tissue constitutes the fat of meat\" What is the definition of \"adipose\"?"} {"term": "extension", "pos": "n", "context": "they applied for an extension of the loan", "definition": "a mutually agreed delay in the date set for the completion of a job or payment of a debt", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they applied for an extension of the loan\" What is the definition of \"extension\"?"} {"term": "extension", "pos": "n", "context": "extension of the program to all in need", "definition": "act of expanding in scope", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"extension of the program to all in need\" What is the definition of \"extension\"?"} {"term": "extension", "pos": "n", "context": "extension of the program to all in need", "definition": "making more widely available", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"extension of the program to all in need\" What is the definition of \"extension\"?"} {"term": "myopic", "pos": "s", "context": "myopic thinking", "definition": "lacking foresight or scope", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"myopic thinking\" What is the definition of \"myopic\"?"} {"term": "eruptive", "pos": "a", "context": "an eruptive disease", "definition": "producing or characterized by eruptions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an eruptive disease\" What is the definition of \"eruptive\"?"} {"term": "eruptive", "pos": "s", "context": "a geyser is an intermittently eruptive hot spring", "definition": "actively spewing out lava", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a geyser is an intermittently eruptive hot spring\" What is the definition of \"eruptive\"?"} {"term": "astray", "pos": "r", "context": "he was led astray", "definition": "away from the right path or direction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was led astray\" What is the definition of \"astray\"?"} {"term": "astray", "pos": "r", "context": "a bullet went astray and killed a bystander", "definition": "far from the intended target", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bullet went astray and killed a bystander\" What is the definition of \"astray\"?"} {"term": "nip", "pos": "v", "context": "The Queen 's corgis always nip at her staff 's ankles", "definition": "to give a small sharp bite to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["bit", "nipping", "biting"], "instruction": "\"The Queen 's corgis always nip at her staff 's ankles\" What is the definition of \"nip\"?"} {"term": "nip", "pos": "v", "context": "nip off the flowers", "definition": "to sever or remove by pinching or snipping", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["cutting", "snip", "cut", "clip", "clipping", "nipping"], "instruction": "\"nip off the flowers\" What is the definition of \"nip\"?"} {"term": "ethnically", "pos": "r", "context": "the neighborhood is ethnically diverse", "definition": "with respect to ethnicity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the neighborhood is ethnically diverse\" What is the definition of \"ethnically\"?"} {"term": "delight", "pos": "n", "context": "his delight to see her was obvious to all", "definition": "a feeling of extreme pleasure or satisfaction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["ravishment", "amusement", "delectation"], "instruction": "\"his delight to see her was obvious to all\" What is the definition of \"delight\"?"} {"term": "delight", "pos": "n", "context": "the new car is a delight", "definition": "something or someone that provides a source of happiness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["joy", ""], "instruction": "\"the new car is a delight\" What is the definition of \"delight\"?"} {"term": "shark", "pos": "n", "context": "a card shark", "definition": "a person who is unusually skilled in certain ways", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a card shark\" What is the definition of \"shark\"?"} {"term": "conclusion", "pos": "n", "context": "jump to a conclusion", "definition": "an intuitive assumption", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"jump to a conclusion\" What is the definition of \"conclusion\"?"} {"term": "conclusion", "pos": "n", "context": "the conclusion of a business deal", "definition": "a final settlement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the conclusion of a business deal\" What is the definition of \"conclusion\"?"} {"term": "livid", "pos": "s", "context": "livid lightning streaked the sky", "definition": "imparting a deathlike luminosity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"livid lightning streaked the sky\" What is the definition of \"livid\"?"} {"term": "livid", "pos": "s", "context": "willful stupidity makes him absolutely livid", "definition": "furiously angry", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"willful stupidity makes him absolutely livid\" What is the definition of \"livid\"?"} {"term": "livid", "pos": "s", "context": "a face livid with shock", "definition": "anemic looking from illness or emotion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a face livid with shock\" What is the definition of \"livid\"?"} {"term": "peaceful", "pos": "a", "context": "a peaceful nation", "definition": "not disturbed by strife or turmoil or war", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a peaceful nation\" What is the definition of \"peaceful\"?"} {"term": "industrially", "pos": "r", "context": "industrially produced", "definition": "by industrial means", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"industrially produced\" What is the definition of \"industrially\"?"} {"term": "vaulting", "pos": "s", "context": "vaulting ambition", "definition": "revealing excessive self-confidence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"vaulting ambition\" What is the definition of \"vaulting\"?"} {"term": "vaulting", "pos": "s", "context": "vaulting ambition", "definition": "reaching for the heights", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"vaulting ambition\" What is the definition of \"vaulting\"?"} {"term": "ambit", "pos": "n", "context": "the ambit of municipal legislation", "definition": "an area in which something acts or operates or has power or control", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["view", "latitude", "internationalism", "spectrum", "range", "compass", "orbit", "palette", "expanse", "reach", "extent", "sweep", "horizon", "scope"], "instruction": "\"the ambit of municipal legislation\" What is the definition of \"ambit\"?"} {"term": "inquisitive", "pos": "s", "context": "if someone saw a man climbing a light post they might get inquisitive", "definition": "showing curiosity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if someone saw a man climbing a light post they might get inquisitive\" What is the definition of \"inquisitive\"?"} {"term": "inquisitive", "pos": "s", "context": "the police are proverbially inquisitive", "definition": "inquiring or appearing to inquire", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the police are proverbially inquisitive\" What is the definition of \"inquisitive\"?"} {"term": "insult", "pos": "n", "context": "turning his back on me was a deliberate insult", "definition": "a deliberately offensive act or something producing the effect of deliberate disrespect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["indignity", "offense", "discourtesy", "outrage", "affront"], "instruction": "\"turning his back on me was a deliberate insult\" What is the definition of \"insult\"?"} {"term": "fashioned", "pos": "v", "context": "She fashioned a tent out of a sheet and a few sticks", "definition": "to make out of components often in an improvising manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["fashion", "tailor", "make", "forge", "tie", "craft"], "instruction": "\"She fashioned a tent out of a sheet and a few sticks\" What is the definition of \"fashioned\"?"} {"term": "bane", "pos": "n", "context": "the bane of my life", "definition": "something causing misery or death", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["affliction", "scourge", "curse", "nemesis"], "instruction": "\"the bane of my life\" What is the definition of \"bane\"?"} {"term": "boldness", "pos": "n", "context": "the proposal required great boldness", "definition": "the trait of being willing to undertake things that involve risk or danger", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["brazenness", "daring", "temerity"], "instruction": "\"the proposal required great boldness\" What is the definition of \"boldness\"?"} {"term": "boldness", "pos": "n", "context": "I could n't believe her boldness", "definition": "impudent aggressiveness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["face", "", "brass", "cheek", "nerve"], "instruction": "\"I could n't believe her boldness\" What is the definition of \"boldness\"?"} {"term": "permissive", "pos": "a", "context": "direct primary legislation is largely permissive rather than prescriptive", "definition": "granting or inclined or able to grant permission", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"direct primary legislation is largely permissive rather than prescriptive\" What is the definition of \"permissive\"?"} {"term": "permissive", "pos": "a", "context": "direct primary legislation is largely permissive rather than prescriptive", "definition": "not strict in discipline", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"direct primary legislation is largely permissive rather than prescriptive\" What is the definition of \"permissive\"?"} {"term": "jape", "pos": "n", "context": "even a schoolboy 's jape is supposed to have some ascertainable point", "definition": "a humorous anecdote or remark intended to provoke laughter", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["scream", "humor", "joke", "funny", "witticism", "riot", "jest", "howler"], "instruction": "\"even a schoolboy 's jape is supposed to have some ascertainable point\" What is the definition of \"jape\"?"} {"term": "commanding", "pos": "s", "context": "a commanding view of the ocean", "definition": "used of a height or viewpoint", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a commanding view of the ocean\" What is the definition of \"commanding\"?"} {"term": "litany", "pos": "n", "context": "the patient recited a litany of complaints", "definition": "any long and tedious address or recital", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the patient recited a litany of complaints\" What is the definition of \"litany\"?"} {"term": "economic", "pos": "a", "context": "economic growth", "definition": "of or relating to an economy , the system of production and management of material wealth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"economic growth\" What is the definition of \"economic\"?"} {"term": "economic", "pos": "a", "context": "economic theory", "definition": "of or relating to the science of economics", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"economic theory\" What is the definition of \"economic\"?"} {"term": "economic", "pos": "s", "context": "an economic use of home heating oil", "definition": "using the minimum of time or resources necessary for effectiveness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an economic use of home heating oil\" What is the definition of \"economic\"?"} {"term": "economic", "pos": "s", "context": "he wrote the book primarily for economic reasons", "definition": "concerned with worldly necessities of life especially money", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he wrote the book primarily for economic reasons\" What is the definition of \"economic\"?"} {"term": "economic", "pos": "s", "context": "it was no longer economic to keep the factory open", "definition": "financially rewarding", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was no longer economic to keep the factory open\" What is the definition of \"economic\"?"} {"term": "choice", "pos": "n", "context": "your choice of colors was unfortunate", "definition": "the act of choosing or selecting", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["vote", "conclusion", "election", "ballot", "decision", "determination", "selection", "volition", "pick", "coloration", "action"], "instruction": "\"your choice of colors was unfortunate\" What is the definition of \"choice\"?"} {"term": "choice", "pos": "n", "context": "my only choice is to refuse", "definition": "one of a number of things from which only one can be chosen", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my only choice is to refuse\" What is the definition of \"choice\"?"} {"term": "choice", "pos": "s", "context": "choice wines", "definition": "of superior grade", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"choice wines\" What is the definition of \"choice\"?"} {"term": "choice", "pos": "s", "context": "choice wine", "definition": "appealing to refined taste", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"choice wine\" What is the definition of \"choice\"?"} {"term": "lamely", "pos": "r", "context": "` I do n't know , Edward , ' she answered lamely", "definition": "in a weak and unconvincing manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"` I do n't know , Edward , ' she answered lamely\" What is the definition of \"lamely\"?"} {"term": "fill", "pos": "n", "context": "he ate his fill of potatoes", "definition": "a quantity sufficient to satisfy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he ate his fill of potatoes\" What is the definition of \"fill\"?"} {"term": "fill", "pos": "v", "context": "fill a container", "definition": "to make full , also in a metaphorical sense", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["heap", "overload", "lade", "load", "modify", "prime", "refill", "saturated", "tincture", "pack", "impregnate", "replenish", "flooding", "ink", "instill", "inundate", "bolster", "filling", "saturate", "brimming", "line", "electrify", "infuse", "packing", "pad", "change", "alter", "charge", "flood", "loading", "laden", "surcharge", "populate", "lading", "lubricate", "clutter", "stuff"], "instruction": "\"fill a container\" What is the definition of \"fill\"?"} {"term": "initiative", "pos": "s", "context": "the initiative phase in the negotiations", "definition": "serving to set in motion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the initiative phase in the negotiations\" What is the definition of \"initiative\"?"} {"term": "fabric", "pos": "n", "context": "the fabric in the curtains was light and semitransparent", "definition": "artifact made by weaving or felting or knitting or crocheting natural or synthetic fibers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["cotton", "velveteen", "material", "print", "tweed", "shirting", "duffel", "tartan", "wool", "crape", "crinoline", "velvet", "sateen", "horsehair", "khaki", "damask", "lame", "poplin", "percale", "chiffon", "pique", "batiste", "mohair", "acrylic", "diaper", "velours", "network", "lace", "artifact", "moleskin", "coating", "canvas", "fleece", "macintosh", "mackintosh", "trousering", "dungaree", "sacking", "toweling", "drapery", "tapis", "linen", "mesh", "rep", "quilting", "cashmere", "serge", "jacquard", "silk", "denim", "corduroy", "satin", "tapa", "chintz", "webbing", "felt", "scrim", "gabardine", "knit", "cobweb", "broadcloth", "tapestry", "fustian", "lint", "taffeta", "gingham", "suede", "metallic", "faille", "woolen", "canvass", "motley", "twill", "shag", "jean", "plaid", "chenille", "sheeting", "baize", "hair", "herringbone", "chambray", "grosgrain", "frieze", "worsted", "fiber", "homespun", "bagging", "cloth", "canopy", "brocade", "foulard"], "instruction": "\"the fabric in the curtains was light and semitransparent\" What is the definition of \"fabric\"?"} {"term": "fabric", "pos": "n", "context": "it is part of the fabric of society", "definition": "the underlying structure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["structure", "framework"], "instruction": "\"it is part of the fabric of society\" What is the definition of \"fabric\"?"} {"term": "snowy", "pos": "s", "context": "a long snowy winter", "definition": "covered with snow", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a long snowy winter\" What is the definition of \"snowy\"?"} {"term": "impressive", "pos": "a", "context": "an impressive ceremony", "definition": "making a strong or vivid impression", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an impressive ceremony\" What is the definition of \"impressive\"?"} {"term": "impressive", "pos": "s", "context": "gave an impressive performance as Othello", "definition": "producing a strong effect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gave an impressive performance as Othello\" What is the definition of \"impressive\"?"} {"term": "sight", "pos": "n", "context": "the sight of his wife brought him back to reality", "definition": "an instance of visual perception", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sight of his wife brought him back to reality\" What is the definition of \"sight\"?"} {"term": "sight", "pos": "n", "context": "he was a familiar sight on the television", "definition": "anything that is seen", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was a familiar sight on the television\" What is the definition of \"sight\"?"} {"term": "sight", "pos": "v", "context": "he caught sight of the king 's men coming over the ridge", "definition": "to to perceive with the eyes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["discover", "notice", "find", "observe", "espy", "spot", "comprehend", "detect", "finding", "spy", "spotted", "sighted"], "instruction": "\"he caught sight of the king 's men coming over the ridge\" What is the definition of \"sight\"?"} {"term": "accompaniment", "pos": "n", "context": "wild rice was served as an accompaniment to the main dish", "definition": "something added to complete or embellish or make perfect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["complement", "adjunct"], "instruction": "\"wild rice was served as an accompaniment to the main dish\" What is the definition of \"accompaniment\"?"} {"term": "ovarian", "pos": "a", "context": "ovarian cancer", "definition": "of or involving the ovaries", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ovarian cancer\" What is the definition of \"ovarian\"?"} {"term": "disruptive", "pos": "s", "context": "effects of the struggle will be violent and disruptive", "definition": "characterized by unrest or disorder or insubordination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"effects of the struggle will be violent and disruptive\" What is the definition of \"disruptive\"?"} {"term": "sensate", "pos": "s", "context": "sensate creatures", "definition": "having physical sensation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sensate creatures\" What is the definition of \"sensate\"?"} {"term": "conspicuous", "pos": "a", "context": "a tower conspicuous at a great distance", "definition": "obvious to the eye or mind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tower conspicuous at a great distance\" What is the definition of \"conspicuous\"?"} {"term": "homely", "pos": "s", "context": "a homely child", "definition": "lacking in physical beauty or proportion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a homely child\" What is the definition of \"homely\"?"} {"term": "homely", "pos": "s", "context": "homely truths", "definition": "plain and unpretentious", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"homely truths\" What is the definition of \"homely\"?"} {"term": "homely", "pos": "s", "context": "plain homely furniture", "definition": "without artificial refinement or elegance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"plain homely furniture\" What is the definition of \"homely\"?"} {"term": "induction", "pos": "n", "context": "the induction of an anesthetic state", "definition": "the act of bringing about something especially at an early time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the induction of an anesthetic state\" What is the definition of \"induction\"?"} {"term": "induction", "pos": "n", "context": "he was ordered to report for induction into the army", "definition": "a formal entry into an organization or position or office", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["coronation", "observance", "inaugural", "ceremony", "initiation", "inauguration", "ceremonial"], "instruction": "\"he was ordered to report for induction into the army\" What is the definition of \"induction\"?"} {"term": "superiority", "pos": "n", "context": "he hated the white man 's superiority and condescension", "definition": "displaying a sense of being better than others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he hated the white man 's superiority and condescension\" What is the definition of \"superiority\"?"} {"term": "fugitive", "pos": "s", "context": "fugitive hours", "definition": "lasting for a markedly brief time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fugitive hours\" What is the definition of \"fugitive\"?"} {"term": "facilitate", "pos": "v", "context": "you could facilitate the process by sharing your knowledge", "definition": "to make easier", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["help", "alleviate", "assist", "aid", "ease"], "instruction": "\"you could facilitate the process by sharing your knowledge\" What is the definition of \"facilitate\"?"} {"term": "steep", "pos": "v", "context": "steep the blossoms in oil", "definition": "to let sit in a liquid to extract a flavor or to cleanse", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["marinade", "draw", "soak", "infuse"], "instruction": "\"steep the blossoms in oil\" What is the definition of \"steep\"?"} {"term": "steep", "pos": "a", "context": "the steep attic stairs", "definition": "having a sharp inclination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the steep attic stairs\" What is the definition of \"steep\"?"} {"term": "steep", "pos": "s", "context": "note the steep incline", "definition": "of a slope", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"note the steep incline\" What is the definition of \"steep\"?"} {"term": "steep", "pos": "s", "context": "note the steep incline", "definition": "set at a high angle", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"note the steep incline\" What is the definition of \"steep\"?"} {"term": "bloodless", "pos": "s", "context": "the bloodless carcass of my Hector sold \" - John Dryden", "definition": "destitute of blood or apparently so", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the bloodless carcass of my Hector sold \" - John Dryden\" What is the definition of \"bloodless\"?"} {"term": "bloodless", "pos": "s", "context": "an insipid and bloodless young man", "definition": "without vigor or zest or energy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an insipid and bloodless young man\" What is the definition of \"bloodless\"?"} {"term": "bloodless", "pos": "s", "context": "charts of bloodless economic indicators", "definition": "devoid of human emotion or feeling", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"charts of bloodless economic indicators\" What is the definition of \"bloodless\"?"} {"term": "bloodless", "pos": "a", "context": "bloodless surgery", "definition": "free from blood or bloodshed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bloodless surgery\" What is the definition of \"bloodless\"?"} {"term": "budget", "pos": "n", "context": "the laboratory runs on a budget of a million a year", "definition": "a sum of money allocated for a particular purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the laboratory runs on a budget of a million a year\" What is the definition of \"budget\"?"} {"term": "budget", "pos": "n", "context": "the president submitted the annual budget to Congress", "definition": "a summary of intended expenditures along with proposals for how to meet them", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the president submitted the annual budget to Congress\" What is the definition of \"budget\"?"} {"term": "garlicky", "pos": "a", "context": "garlicky sauce", "definition": "relating to or tasting or smelling of garlic", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"garlicky sauce\" What is the definition of \"garlicky\"?"} {"term": "disciplinary", "pos": "a", "context": "disciplinary problems in the classroom", "definition": "relating to discipline in behavior", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"disciplinary problems in the classroom\" What is the definition of \"disciplinary\"?"} {"term": "disciplinary", "pos": "a", "context": "economics in its modern disciplinary sense", "definition": "relating to a specific field of academic study", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"economics in its modern disciplinary sense\" What is the definition of \"disciplinary\"?"} {"term": "disciplinary", "pos": "s", "context": "the mother was stern and disciplinary", "definition": "designed to promote discipline", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the mother was stern and disciplinary\" What is the definition of \"disciplinary\"?"} {"term": "tinsel", "pos": "n", "context": "all the tinsel of self-promotion", "definition": "a showy decoration that is basically valueless", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all the tinsel of self-promotion\" What is the definition of \"tinsel\"?"} {"term": "irascible", "pos": "s", "context": "an irascible response", "definition": "characterized by anger", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an irascible response\" What is the definition of \"irascible\"?"} {"term": "moderation", "pos": "n", "context": "the object being control or moderation of economic depressions", "definition": "the action of lessening in severity or intensity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["mitigation", "abatement", "decrease", "reduction"], "instruction": "\"the object being control or moderation of economic depressions\" What is the definition of \"moderation\"?"} {"term": "far", "pos": "a", "context": "we come from a far country", "definition": "located at a great distance in time or space or degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we come from a far country\" What is the definition of \"far\"?"} {"term": "far", "pos": "s", "context": "a far trek", "definition": "being of a considerable distance or length", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a far trek\" What is the definition of \"far\"?"} {"term": "far", "pos": "s", "context": "the horse on the right is the far horse", "definition": "being the animal or vehicle on the right or being on the right side of an animal or vehicle", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the horse on the right is the far horse\" What is the definition of \"far\"?"} {"term": "far", "pos": "s", "context": "the far right", "definition": "beyond a norm in opinion or actions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the far right\" What is the definition of \"far\"?"} {"term": "far", "pos": "r", "context": "a far far better thing that I do", "definition": "to a considerable degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a far far better thing that I do\" What is the definition of \"far\"?"} {"term": "far", "pos": "r", "context": "a far far better thing that I do", "definition": "very much", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a far far better thing that I do\" What is the definition of \"far\"?"} {"term": "far", "pos": "r", "context": "he traveled far", "definition": "at or to or from a great distance in space", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he traveled far\" What is the definition of \"far\"?"} {"term": "far", "pos": "r", "context": "I can only go so far before I have to give up", "definition": "at or to a certain point or degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I can only go so far before I have to give up\" What is the definition of \"far\"?"} {"term": "nonsense", "pos": "s", "context": "nonsense syllables", "definition": "having no intelligible meaning", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nonsense syllables\" What is the definition of \"nonsense\"?"} {"term": "irrationally", "pos": "r", "context": "they acted irrationally", "definition": "in an irrational manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they acted irrationally\" What is the definition of \"irrationally\"?"} {"term": "damn", "pos": "n", "context": "his promise is not worth a damn", "definition": "something of little value", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his promise is not worth a damn\" What is the definition of \"damn\"?"} {"term": "damn", "pos": "s", "context": "oh , damn ( or goddamn ) !", "definition": "used as expletives", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"oh , damn ( or goddamn ) !\" What is the definition of \"damn\"?"} {"term": "damn", "pos": "s", "context": "he 's a damn ( or goddam or goddamned ) fool", "definition": "expletives used informally as intensifiers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["blame", "", "infernal", "blessed"], "instruction": "\"he 's a damn ( or goddam or goddamned ) fool\" What is the definition of \"damn\"?"} {"term": "congener", "pos": "n", "context": "the American shopkeeper differs from his European congener", "definition": "a whole a thing or person of the same kind or category as another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the American shopkeeper differs from his European congener\" What is the definition of \"congener\"?"} {"term": "inadvertent", "pos": "s", "context": "with an inadvertent gesture she swept the vase off the table", "definition": "happening by chance or unexpectedly or unintentionally", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with an inadvertent gesture she swept the vase off the table\" What is the definition of \"inadvertent\"?"} {"term": "consumption", "pos": "n", "context": "the consumption of energy has increased steadily", "definition": "the utilization of economic goods to satisfy needs or in manufacturing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the consumption of energy has increased steadily\" What is the definition of \"consumption\"?"} {"term": "modify", "pos": "v", "context": "please modify this letter to make it more polite", "definition": "to make less severe or harsh or extreme", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"please modify this letter to make it more polite\" What is the definition of \"modify\"?"} {"term": "holder", "pos": "n", "context": "a towel holder", "definition": "a holding device", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a towel holder\" What is the definition of \"holder\"?"} {"term": "cap", "pos": "v", "context": "We had to cap the number of people we can accept into our club", "definition": "to restrict the number or amount of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"We had to cap the number of people we can accept into our club\" What is the definition of \"cap\"?"} {"term": "ratable", "pos": "s", "context": "the ratable value of property", "definition": "liable to payment of locally assessed property taxes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ratable value of property\" What is the definition of \"ratable\"?"} {"term": "niggling", "pos": "s", "context": "a dispute over niggling details", "definition": "small and of little importance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dispute over niggling details\" What is the definition of \"niggling\"?"} {"term": "receptive", "pos": "s", "context": "receptive to reason and the logic of facts", "definition": "open to arguments , ideas , or change", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"receptive to reason and the logic of facts\" What is the definition of \"receptive\"?"} {"term": "receptive", "pos": "a", "context": "receptive to the proposals", "definition": "ready or willing to receive favorably", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"receptive to the proposals\" What is the definition of \"receptive\"?"} {"term": "primordial", "pos": "s", "context": "primordial matter", "definition": "having existed from the beginning", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"primordial matter\" What is the definition of \"primordial\"?"} {"term": "primordial", "pos": "s", "context": "primordial matter", "definition": "in an earliest or original stage or state", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"primordial matter\" What is the definition of \"primordial\"?"} {"term": "futile", "pos": "s", "context": "a futile effort", "definition": "producing no result or effect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a futile effort\" What is the definition of \"futile\"?"} {"term": "futile", "pos": "s", "context": "futile years after her artistic peak", "definition": "unproductive of success", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"futile years after her artistic peak\" What is the definition of \"futile\"?"} {"term": "pudendal", "pos": "a", "context": "pudendal nerve", "definition": "of or relating to or near the pudendum", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pudendal nerve\" What is the definition of \"pudendal\"?"} {"term": "brunt", "pos": "n", "context": "bore the brunt of the attack", "definition": "main force of a blow etc", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bore the brunt of the attack\" What is the definition of \"brunt\"?"} {"term": "cutaneous", "pos": "a", "context": "cutaneous nerves", "definition": "relating to or existing on or affecting the skin", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cutaneous nerves\" What is the definition of \"cutaneous\"?"} {"term": "coy", "pos": "s", "context": "a politician coy about his intentions", "definition": "showing marked and often playful or irritating evasiveness or reluctance to make a definite or committing statement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a politician coy about his intentions\" What is the definition of \"coy\"?"} {"term": "coy", "pos": "s", "context": "like a wild young colt , very inquisitive but very coy and not to be easily cajoled", "definition": "modestly or warily rejecting approaches or overtures", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"like a wild young colt , very inquisitive but very coy and not to be easily cajoled\" What is the definition of \"coy\"?"} {"term": "override", "pos": "v", "context": "health considerations override financial concerns", "definition": "to prevail over", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"health considerations override financial concerns\" What is the definition of \"override\"?"} {"term": "selfsame", "pos": "s", "context": "saw the selfsame quotation in two newspapers", "definition": "being the exact same one", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"saw the selfsame quotation in two newspapers\" What is the definition of \"selfsame\"?"} {"term": "selfsame", "pos": "s", "context": "saw the selfsame quotation in two newspapers", "definition": "not any other", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"saw the selfsame quotation in two newspapers\" What is the definition of \"selfsame\"?"} {"term": "auroral", "pos": "a", "context": "a dim auroral glow", "definition": "characteristic of the dawn", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dim auroral glow\" What is the definition of \"auroral\"?"} {"term": "importance", "pos": "n", "context": "the importance of a well-balanced diet", "definition": "the quality of being important and worthy of note", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the importance of a well-balanced diet\" What is the definition of \"importance\"?"} {"term": "importance", "pos": "n", "context": "a person of importance", "definition": "a prominent status", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["standing", "accent", "primacy", "emphasis", "grandness"], "instruction": "\"a person of importance\" What is the definition of \"importance\"?"} {"term": "droll", "pos": "s", "context": "a droll little man with a quiet tongue-in-cheek kind of humor", "definition": "comical in an odd or whimsical manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a droll little man with a quiet tongue-in-cheek kind of humor\" What is the definition of \"droll\"?"} {"term": "escalade", "pos": "v", "context": "They had to escalade canyons to reach their destination", "definition": "to climb up and over", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"They had to escalade canyons to reach their destination\" What is the definition of \"escalade\"?"} {"term": "lobate", "pos": "a", "context": "a lobate tongue", "definition": "having or resembling a lobe or lobes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a lobate tongue\" What is the definition of \"lobate\"?"} {"term": "exalted", "pos": "s", "context": "an exalted ideal", "definition": "of high moral or intellectual value", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["sublime", "", "lofty", "grand"], "instruction": "\"an exalted ideal\" What is the definition of \"exalted\"?"} {"term": "exalted", "pos": "s", "context": "an exalted ideal", "definition": "elevated in nature or style", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["sublime", "", "lofty", "grand"], "instruction": "\"an exalted ideal\" What is the definition of \"exalted\"?"} {"term": "charitable", "pos": "a", "context": "a charitable foundation", "definition": "relating to or characterized by charity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a charitable foundation\" What is the definition of \"charitable\"?"} {"term": "charitable", "pos": "a", "context": "charitable to the poor", "definition": "full of love and generosity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"charitable to the poor\" What is the definition of \"charitable\"?"} {"term": "charitable", "pos": "s", "context": "was charitable in his opinions of others", "definition": "showing or motivated by sympathy and understanding and generosity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["benevolent", "", "kindly", "sympathetic"], "instruction": "\"was charitable in his opinions of others\" What is the definition of \"charitable\"?"} {"term": "elegantly", "pos": "r", "context": "the room was elegantly decorated", "definition": "with elegance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the room was elegantly decorated\" What is the definition of \"elegantly\"?"} {"term": "elegantly", "pos": "r", "context": "the room was elegantly decorated", "definition": "in a tastefully elegant manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the room was elegantly decorated\" What is the definition of \"elegantly\"?"} {"term": "elegantly", "pos": "r", "context": "the members of these groups do not express themselves as accurately or as elegantly as their critics do", "definition": "in a gracefully elegant manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the members of these groups do not express themselves as accurately or as elegantly as their critics do\" What is the definition of \"elegantly\"?"} {"term": "recapitulate", "pos": "v", "context": "Let 's recapitulate the main ideas", "definition": "to summarize briefly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Let 's recapitulate the main ideas\" What is the definition of \"recapitulate\"?"} {"term": "usable", "pos": "s", "context": "usable byproducts", "definition": "capable of being put to use", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"usable byproducts\" What is the definition of \"usable\"?"} {"term": "usable", "pos": "s", "context": "the lawnmower is a bit rusty but still usable", "definition": "fit or ready for use or service", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the lawnmower is a bit rusty but still usable\" What is the definition of \"usable\"?"} {"term": "usable", "pos": "s", "context": "2000 square feet of usable office space", "definition": "convenient for use or disposal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"2000 square feet of usable office space\" What is the definition of \"usable\"?"} {"term": "nonsensical", "pos": "s", "context": "ask a nonsensical question and get a nonsensical answer", "definition": "incongruous", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ask a nonsensical question and get a nonsensical answer\" What is the definition of \"nonsensical\"?"} {"term": "nonsensical", "pos": "s", "context": "ask a nonsensical question and get a nonsensical answer", "definition": "inviting ridicule", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ask a nonsensical question and get a nonsensical answer\" What is the definition of \"nonsensical\"?"} {"term": "nonsensical", "pos": "s", "context": "a nonsensical jumble of words", "definition": "having no intelligible meaning", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a nonsensical jumble of words\" What is the definition of \"nonsensical\"?"} {"term": "dilute", "pos": "a", "context": "a dilute solution", "definition": "reduced in strength or concentration or quality or purity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dilute solution\" What is the definition of \"dilute\"?"} {"term": "correlation", "pos": "n", "context": "what is the correlation between those two variables ?", "definition": "a statistic representing how closely two variables co-vary", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"what is the correlation between those two variables ?\" What is the definition of \"correlation\"?"} {"term": "beneficial", "pos": "s", "context": "an arms limitation agreement beneficial to all countries", "definition": "promoting or enhancing well-being", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an arms limitation agreement beneficial to all countries\" What is the definition of \"beneficial\"?"} {"term": "titled", "pos": "s", "context": "the titled classes", "definition": "belonging to the peerage", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the titled classes\" What is the definition of \"titled\"?"} {"term": "muscularity", "pos": "n", "context": "a remarkable muscularity of style", "definition": "an imaginative lively style especially style of writing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["liveliness", "vigor", "energy", "verve", "vim", "sprightliness", "vitality"], "instruction": "\"a remarkable muscularity of style\" What is the definition of \"muscularity\"?"} {"term": "ethos", "pos": "n", "context": "the Greek ethos", "definition": "the distinctive spirit of a culture or an era", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the Greek ethos\" What is the definition of \"ethos\"?"} {"term": "flowage", "pos": "n", "context": "rock fracture and rock flowage are different types of geological deformation", "definition": "gradual internal motion or deformation of a solid body as by heat", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rock fracture and rock flowage are different types of geological deformation\" What is the definition of \"flowage\"?"} {"term": "flowage", "pos": "n", "context": "many campsites were located near the flowage", "definition": "a body of water that has been created by deliberately flooding an area", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"many campsites were located near the flowage\" What is the definition of \"flowage\"?"} {"term": "function", "pos": "n", "context": "the function of an auger is to bore holes", "definition": "what something is used for", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["purpose", "utility", "usefulness"], "instruction": "\"the function of an auger is to bore holes\" What is the definition of \"function\"?"} {"term": "function", "pos": "n", "context": "the function of a teacher", "definition": "the actions and activities assigned to or required or expected of a person or group", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["duty", "office", "hat", "portfolio", "capacity", "place"], "instruction": "\"the function of a teacher\" What is the definition of \"function\"?"} {"term": "senseless", "pos": "s", "context": "a senseless act", "definition": "not marked by the use of reason", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["mindless", ""], "instruction": "\"a senseless act\" What is the definition of \"senseless\"?"} {"term": "senseless", "pos": "s", "context": "drugged and senseless", "definition": "unresponsive to stimulation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"drugged and senseless\" What is the definition of \"senseless\"?"} {"term": "senseless", "pos": "s", "context": "senseless violence", "definition": "serving no useful purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"senseless violence\" What is the definition of \"senseless\"?"} {"term": "senseless", "pos": "s", "context": "senseless violence", "definition": "having no excuse for being", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"senseless violence\" What is the definition of \"senseless\"?"} {"term": "death", "pos": "n", "context": "her death came as a terrible shock", "definition": "the event of dying or departure from life", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["loss", "exit", "alteration", "martyrdom", "change", "modification", "release", "fatality", "expiration", "expiry", "going"], "instruction": "\"her death came as a terrible shock\" What is the definition of \"death\"?"} {"term": "death", "pos": "n", "context": "the animal died a painful death", "definition": "the permanent end of all life functions in an organism or part of an organism", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the animal died a painful death\" What is the definition of \"death\"?"} {"term": "death", "pos": "n", "context": "he seemed more content in death than he had ever been in life", "definition": "the absence of life or state of being dead", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he seemed more content in death than he had ever been in life\" What is the definition of \"death\"?"} {"term": "propitiatory", "pos": "s", "context": "sent flowers as a propitiatory gesture", "definition": "intended to reconcile or appease", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sent flowers as a propitiatory gesture\" What is the definition of \"propitiatory\"?"} {"term": "dogmatically", "pos": "r", "context": "he is a dogmatically opinionated critic of Modern Art", "definition": "in a narrow-minded dogmatic manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is a dogmatically opinionated critic of Modern Art\" What is the definition of \"dogmatically\"?"} {"term": "pillowcase", "pos": "n", "context": "the burglar carried his loot in a pillowcase", "definition": "bed linen consisting of a cover for a pillow", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the burglar carried his loot in a pillowcase\" What is the definition of \"pillowcase\"?"} {"term": "lapse", "pos": "n", "context": "a lapse of three weeks between letters", "definition": "a break or intermission in the occurrence of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a lapse of three weeks between letters\" What is the definition of \"lapse\"?"} {"term": "scraping", "pos": "n", "context": "all that bowing and scraping did not impress him", "definition": "a deep bow with the foot drawn backwards indicating excessive humility", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["bowing", "scrape", "bow", "obeisance"], "instruction": "\"all that bowing and scraping did not impress him\" What is the definition of \"scraping\"?"} {"term": "crack", "pos": "n", "context": "the crack of a whip", "definition": "a sudden sharp noise", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the crack of a whip\" What is the definition of \"crack\"?"} {"term": "crack", "pos": "n", "context": "there was a crack in the mirror", "definition": "a blemish resulting from a break without complete separation of the parts", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was a crack in the mirror\" What is the definition of \"crack\"?"} {"term": "crack", "pos": "s", "context": "a crack shot", "definition": "of the highest quality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a crack shot\" What is the definition of \"crack\"?"} {"term": "buccal", "pos": "s", "context": "a buccal gland", "definition": "lying within the mouth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a buccal gland\" What is the definition of \"buccal\"?"} {"term": "buccal", "pos": "s", "context": "the buccal aspect of the gum", "definition": "oriented toward the inside of the cheek", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the buccal aspect of the gum\" What is the definition of \"buccal\"?"} {"term": "cumulative", "pos": "s", "context": "the benefits are cumulative", "definition": "increasing by successive addition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the benefits are cumulative\" What is the definition of \"cumulative\"?"} {"term": "juxtaposition", "pos": "n", "context": "it is the result of the juxtaposition of contrasting colors", "definition": "the act of positioning close together or side by side", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["emplacement", "apposition", "collocation", "tessellation"], "instruction": "\"it is the result of the juxtaposition of contrasting colors\" What is the definition of \"juxtaposition\"?"} {"term": "despair", "pos": "n", "context": "in the depths of despair", "definition": "a state in which all hope is lost or absent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["status", "desperation", "condition"], "instruction": "\"in the depths of despair\" What is the definition of \"despair\"?"} {"term": "despair", "pos": "n", "context": "they moaned in despair and dismay", "definition": "the feeling that everything is wrong and nothing will turn out well", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they moaned in despair and dismay\" What is the definition of \"despair\"?"} {"term": "stenography", "pos": "n", "context": "stenography is no longer a marketable skill", "definition": "the act or art of writing in shorthand", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stenography is no longer a marketable skill\" What is the definition of \"stenography\"?"} {"term": "hug", "pos": "n", "context": "come here and give me a big hug", "definition": "a tight or amorous embrace", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["clinch", "embracement"], "instruction": "\"come here and give me a big hug\" What is the definition of \"hug\"?"} {"term": "deferentially", "pos": "r", "context": "he always acts so deferentially around his supervisor", "definition": "in a servile manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he always acts so deferentially around his supervisor\" What is the definition of \"deferentially\"?"} {"term": "deferentially", "pos": "r", "context": "he listened deferentially", "definition": "in a respectfully deferential manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he listened deferentially\" What is the definition of \"deferentially\"?"} {"term": "nether", "pos": "s", "context": "gnawed his nether lip", "definition": "lower", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gnawed his nether lip\" What is the definition of \"nether\"?"} {"term": "nether", "pos": "s", "context": "nether garments", "definition": "located below or beneath something else", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nether garments\" What is the definition of \"nether\"?"} {"term": "nether", "pos": "s", "context": "nether regions", "definition": "dwelling beneath the surface of the earth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nether regions\" What is the definition of \"nether\"?"} {"term": "infantile", "pos": "s", "context": "infantile games", "definition": "being or befitting or characteristic of an infant", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"infantile games\" What is the definition of \"infantile\"?"} {"term": "infantile", "pos": "s", "context": "infantile behavior", "definition": "indicating a lack of maturity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"infantile behavior\" What is the definition of \"infantile\"?"} {"term": "infantile", "pos": "a", "context": "infantile paralysis", "definition": "of or relating to infants or infancy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"infantile paralysis\" What is the definition of \"infantile\"?"} {"term": "click", "pos": "n", "context": "a click on the right button for example", "definition": "depression of a button on a computer mouse", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a click on the right button for example\" What is the definition of \"click\"?"} {"term": "religious", "pos": "s", "context": "religious texts", "definition": "concerned with sacred matters or religion or the church", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"religious texts\" What is the definition of \"religious\"?"} {"term": "religious", "pos": "s", "context": "religious in observing the rules of health", "definition": "extremely scrupulous and conscientious", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"religious in observing the rules of health\" What is the definition of \"religious\"?"} {"term": "religious", "pos": "a", "context": "a religious man", "definition": "having or showing belief in and reverence for a deity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a religious man\" What is the definition of \"religious\"?"} {"term": "religious", "pos": "a", "context": "the religious or regular clergy conducts the service", "definition": "of or relating to clergy bound by monastic vows", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the religious or regular clergy conducts the service\" What is the definition of \"religious\"?"} {"term": "traverse", "pos": "v", "context": "Rivers traverse the valley floor \" , \" The parking lot spans 3 acres", "definition": "to to cover or extend over an area or time period", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["cover", "cross", "span", "sweep", "covered"], "instruction": "\"Rivers traverse the valley floor \" , \" The parking lot spans 3 acres\" What is the definition of \"traverse\"?"} {"term": "improvidently", "pos": "r", "context": "he lived improvidently for the moment", "definition": "in an improvident manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he lived improvidently for the moment\" What is the definition of \"improvidently\"?"} {"term": "hurl", "pos": "v", "context": "hurl insults", "definition": "to utter with force", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["utter", "hurling", "express", "verbalize"], "instruction": "\"hurl insults\" What is the definition of \"hurl\"?"} {"term": "hurl", "pos": "v", "context": "hurl insults", "definition": "to utter vehemently", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["utter", "hurling", "express", "verbalize"], "instruction": "\"hurl insults\" What is the definition of \"hurl\"?"} {"term": "evacuate", "pos": "v", "context": "evacuate the bottle", "definition": "to empty completely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"evacuate the bottle\" What is the definition of \"evacuate\"?"} {"term": "conglomerate", "pos": "s", "context": "the conglomerate peoples of New England", "definition": "composed of heterogeneous elements gathered into a mass", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the conglomerate peoples of New England\" What is the definition of \"conglomerate\"?"} {"term": "unkind", "pos": "a", "context": "a thoughtless and unkind remark", "definition": "lacking kindness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a thoughtless and unkind remark\" What is the definition of \"unkind\"?"} {"term": "lumen", "pos": "n", "context": "the lumen of the intestine", "definition": "a cavity or passage in a tubular organ", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the lumen of the intestine\" What is the definition of \"lumen\"?"} {"term": "deviant", "pos": "s", "context": "deviant ideas", "definition": "markedly different from an accepted norm", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"deviant ideas\" What is the definition of \"deviant\"?"} {"term": "texture", "pos": "n", "context": "the wall had a smooth texture", "definition": "the feel of a surface or a fabric", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the wall had a smooth texture\" What is the definition of \"texture\"?"} {"term": "texture", "pos": "n", "context": "the texture of Neapolitan life", "definition": "the essential quality of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the texture of Neapolitan life\" What is the definition of \"texture\"?"} {"term": "texture", "pos": "n", "context": "then another melodic line is added to the texture", "definition": "the musical pattern created by parts being played or sung together", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"then another melodic line is added to the texture\" What is the definition of \"texture\"?"} {"term": "fork", "pos": "n", "context": "they took the south fork", "definition": "the region of the angle formed by the junction of two branches", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["ramification", "leg", "branch", "crotch"], "instruction": "\"they took the south fork\" What is the definition of \"fork\"?"} {"term": "sever", "pos": "v", "context": "sever a relationship", "definition": "to set or keep apart", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sever a relationship\" What is the definition of \"sever\"?"} {"term": "mere", "pos": "s", "context": "a mere child", "definition": "being nothing more than specified", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a mere child\" What is the definition of \"mere\"?"} {"term": "mere", "pos": "s", "context": "shocked by the mere idea", "definition": "apart from anything else", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["bare", "", "simple"], "instruction": "\"shocked by the mere idea\" What is the definition of \"mere\"?"} {"term": "mere", "pos": "s", "context": "shocked by the mere idea", "definition": "without additions or modifications", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["bare", "", "simple"], "instruction": "\"shocked by the mere idea\" What is the definition of \"mere\"?"} {"term": "gloomily", "pos": "r", "context": "such a change is gloomily foreseen by many", "definition": "with gloom", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"such a change is gloomily foreseen by many\" What is the definition of \"gloomily\"?"} {"term": "sweeping", "pos": "s", "context": "a sweeping glance", "definition": "taking in or moving over or as if over a wide area", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sweeping glance\" What is the definition of \"sweeping\"?"} {"term": "sweeping", "pos": "s", "context": "a sweeping glance", "definition": "often used in combination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sweeping glance\" What is the definition of \"sweeping\"?"} {"term": "sweeping", "pos": "s", "context": "sweeping generalizations", "definition": "ignoring distinctions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sweeping generalizations\" What is the definition of \"sweeping\"?"} {"term": "definite", "pos": "a", "context": "I want a definite answer", "definition": "precise", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I want a definite answer\" What is the definition of \"definite\"?"} {"term": "definite", "pos": "a", "context": "I want a definite answer", "definition": "explicit and clearly defined", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I want a definite answer\" What is the definition of \"definite\"?"} {"term": "definite", "pos": "s", "context": "it is definite that they have won", "definition": "known for certain", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is definite that they have won\" What is the definition of \"definite\"?"} {"term": "shrewd", "pos": "s", "context": "he was too shrewd to go along with them on a road that could lead only to their overthrow", "definition": "marked by practical hardheaded intelligence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was too shrewd to go along with them on a road that could lead only to their overthrow\" What is the definition of \"shrewd\"?"} {"term": "effective", "pos": "a", "context": "an air-cooled motor was more effective than a witch 's broomstick for rapid long-distance transportation \" - LewisMumford", "definition": "producing or capable of producing an intended result or having a striking effect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an air-cooled motor was more effective than a witch 's broomstick for rapid long-distance transportation \" - LewisMumford\" What is the definition of \"effective\"?"} {"term": "effective", "pos": "s", "context": "people who will do nothing unless they get something out of it for themselves are often highly effective persons ... \" - G.B.Shaw", "definition": "able to accomplish a purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"people who will do nothing unless they get something out of it for themselves are often highly effective persons ... \" - G.B.Shaw\" What is the definition of \"effective\"?"} {"term": "effective", "pos": "s", "context": "people who will do nothing unless they get something out of it for themselves are often highly effective persons ... \" - G.B.Shaw", "definition": "functioning effectively", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"people who will do nothing unless they get something out of it for themselves are often highly effective persons ... \" - G.B.Shaw\" What is the definition of \"effective\"?"} {"term": "effective", "pos": "s", "context": "an effective reprimand", "definition": "works well as a means or remedy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an effective reprimand\" What is the definition of \"effective\"?"} {"term": "effective", "pos": "s", "context": "the law is effective immediately", "definition": "exerting force or influence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the law is effective immediately\" What is the definition of \"effective\"?"} {"term": "foolish", "pos": "a", "context": "foolish remarks", "definition": "devoid of good sense or judgment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"foolish remarks\" What is the definition of \"foolish\"?"} {"term": "lameness", "pos": "n", "context": "a stylist noted for the lameness of his plots", "definition": "an imperfection or defectiveness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a stylist noted for the lameness of his plots\" What is the definition of \"lameness\"?"} {"term": "dissipated", "pos": "s", "context": "led a dissipated life", "definition": "preoccupied with the pursuit of pleasure and especially games of chance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"led a dissipated life\" What is the definition of \"dissipated\"?"} {"term": "dissipated", "pos": "s", "context": "deplorably dissipated and degraded", "definition": "unrestrained by convention or morality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"deplorably dissipated and degraded\" What is the definition of \"dissipated\"?"} {"term": "chunky", "pos": "s", "context": "the dumplings were chunky pieces of uncooked dough", "definition": "like or containing small sticky lumps", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the dumplings were chunky pieces of uncooked dough\" What is the definition of \"chunky\"?"} {"term": "chunky", "pos": "s", "context": "some people seem born to be square and chunky", "definition": "short and thick", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some people seem born to be square and chunky\" What is the definition of \"chunky\"?"} {"term": "chunky", "pos": "s", "context": "some people seem born to be square and chunky", "definition": "as e.g. having short legs and heavy musculature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some people seem born to be square and chunky\" What is the definition of \"chunky\"?"} {"term": "caput", "pos": "n", "context": "the caput humeri is the head of the humerus which fits into a cavity in the scapula", "definition": "a headlike protuberance on an organ or structure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the caput humeri is the head of the humerus which fits into a cavity in the scapula\" What is the definition of \"caput\"?"} {"term": "farsighted", "pos": "s", "context": "large goals that required farsighted policies", "definition": "planning prudently for the future", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"large goals that required farsighted policies\" What is the definition of \"farsighted\"?"} {"term": "venal", "pos": "s", "context": "a venal police officer", "definition": "capable of being corrupted", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a venal police officer\" What is the definition of \"venal\"?"} {"term": "mail", "pos": "n", "context": "the mail handles billions of items every day", "definition": "the system whereby messages are transmitted via the post office", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["post", "communication"], "instruction": "\"the mail handles billions of items every day\" What is the definition of \"mail\"?"} {"term": "mail", "pos": "v", "context": "I 'll mail you the check tomorrow", "definition": "to send via the postal service", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I 'll mail you the check tomorrow\" What is the definition of \"mail\"?"} {"term": "mail", "pos": "v", "context": "I 'll mail you the paper when it 's written", "definition": "to cause to be directed or transmitted to another place", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["register", "express", "post", "send", "transfer"], "instruction": "\"I 'll mail you the paper when it 's written\" What is the definition of \"mail\"?"} {"term": "diffident", "pos": "s", "context": "she was diffident when offering a comment on the professor 's lecture", "definition": "showing modest reserve", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was diffident when offering a comment on the professor 's lecture\" What is the definition of \"diffident\"?"} {"term": "diffident", "pos": "a", "context": "stood in the doorway diffident and abashed", "definition": "lacking self-confidence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stood in the doorway diffident and abashed\" What is the definition of \"diffident\"?"} {"term": "eyeless", "pos": "a", "context": "eyeless fish that evolved in dark caves", "definition": "lacking eyes or eyelike features", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"eyeless fish that evolved in dark caves\" What is the definition of \"eyeless\"?"} {"term": "eyeless", "pos": "s", "context": "blind as an eyeless beggar", "definition": "lacking sight", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"blind as an eyeless beggar\" What is the definition of \"eyeless\"?"} {"term": "otiose", "pos": "s", "context": "otiose lines in a play", "definition": "serving no useful purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"otiose lines in a play\" What is the definition of \"otiose\"?"} {"term": "otiose", "pos": "s", "context": "otiose lines in a play", "definition": "having no excuse for being", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"otiose lines in a play\" What is the definition of \"otiose\"?"} {"term": "otiose", "pos": "s", "context": "an otiose undertaking", "definition": "producing no result or effect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an otiose undertaking\" What is the definition of \"otiose\"?"} {"term": "impose", "pos": "v", "context": "Social relations impose courtesy", "definition": "to compel to behave in a certain way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["oblige", "compel", "imposing", "obliging"], "instruction": "\"Social relations impose courtesy\" What is the definition of \"impose\"?"} {"term": "retired", "pos": "v", "context": "He retired at age 68", "definition": "to go into retirement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"He retired at age 68\" What is the definition of \"retired\"?"} {"term": "retired", "pos": "v", "context": "He retired at age 68", "definition": "to stop performing ones work or withdraw from ones position", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"He retired at age 68\" What is the definition of \"retired\"?"} {"term": "retired", "pos": "v", "context": "He retired from chess", "definition": "to withdraw from active participation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"He retired from chess\" What is the definition of \"retired\"?"} {"term": "blond", "pos": "a", "context": "blond Scandinavians", "definition": "being or having light colored skin and hair and usually blue or grey eyes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"blond Scandinavians\" What is the definition of \"blond\"?"} {"term": "apparent", "pos": "s", "context": "the effects of the drought are apparent to anyone who sees the parched fields", "definition": "clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the effects of the drought are apparent to anyone who sees the parched fields\" What is the definition of \"apparent\"?"} {"term": "apparent", "pos": "s", "context": "for all his apparent wealth he had no money to pay the rent", "definition": "appearing as such but not necessarily so", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for all his apparent wealth he had no money to pay the rent\" What is the definition of \"apparent\"?"} {"term": "spurious", "pos": "s", "context": "spurious inferences", "definition": "plausible but false", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"spurious inferences\" What is the definition of \"spurious\"?"} {"term": "spurious", "pos": "s", "context": "the dominions of both rulers passed away to their spurious or doubtful offspring \" - E.A.Freeman", "definition": "born out of wedlock", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the dominions of both rulers passed away to their spurious or doubtful offspring \" - E.A.Freeman\" What is the definition of \"spurious\"?"} {"term": "spurious", "pos": "s", "context": "a spurious work of art", "definition": "intended to deceive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a spurious work of art\" What is the definition of \"spurious\"?"} {"term": "precautionary", "pos": "s", "context": "gave precautionary advice", "definition": "taken in advance to protect against possible danger or failure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gave precautionary advice\" What is the definition of \"precautionary\"?"} {"term": "medium", "pos": "n", "context": "fish require an aqueous medium", "definition": "the surrounding environment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fish require an aqueous medium\" What is the definition of \"medium\"?"} {"term": "medium", "pos": "s", "context": "medium bombers", "definition": "around the middle of a scale of evaluation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"medium bombers\" What is the definition of \"medium\"?"} {"term": "universally", "pos": "r", "context": "people universally agree on this", "definition": "everywhere", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"people universally agree on this\" What is the definition of \"universally\"?"} {"term": "handwriting", "pos": "n", "context": "she recognized his handwriting", "definition": "something written by hand", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["script", "writing", "scrawl", "penmanship", "calligraphy", "hand", "cursive", "longhand", "stenography"], "instruction": "\"she recognized his handwriting\" What is the definition of \"handwriting\"?"} {"term": "handwriting", "pos": "n", "context": "handwriting can be slow and painful for one with arthritis", "definition": "the activity of writing by hand", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"handwriting can be slow and painful for one with arthritis\" What is the definition of \"handwriting\"?"} {"term": "shrilly", "pos": "r", "context": "she sang rather shrilly", "definition": "in a shrill voice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she sang rather shrilly\" What is the definition of \"shrilly\"?"} {"term": "spontaneous", "pos": "a", "context": "spontaneous laughter", "definition": "happening or arising without apparent external cause", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"spontaneous laughter\" What is the definition of \"spontaneous\"?"} {"term": "butty", "pos": "n", "context": "a bacon butty", "definition": "a sandwich", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bacon butty\" What is the definition of \"butty\"?"} {"term": "conclusive", "pos": "a", "context": "conclusive proof", "definition": "forming an end or termination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"conclusive proof\" What is the definition of \"conclusive\"?"} {"term": "conclusive", "pos": "a", "context": "conclusive proof", "definition": "especially putting an end to doubt or question", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"conclusive proof\" What is the definition of \"conclusive\"?"} {"term": "parental", "pos": "a", "context": "parental guidance", "definition": "relating to or characteristic of or befitting a parent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"parental guidance\" What is the definition of \"parental\"?"} {"term": "syntactic", "pos": "a", "context": "the syntactic rules of a language", "definition": "of or relating to or conforming to the rules of syntax", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the syntactic rules of a language\" What is the definition of \"syntactic\"?"} {"term": "vain", "pos": "s", "context": "vain about her clothes", "definition": "characteristic of false pride", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"vain about her clothes\" What is the definition of \"vain\"?"} {"term": "vain", "pos": "s", "context": "vain about her clothes", "definition": "having an exaggerated sense of self-importance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"vain about her clothes\" What is the definition of \"vain\"?"} {"term": "vain", "pos": "s", "context": "a vain attempt", "definition": "unproductive of success", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a vain attempt\" What is the definition of \"vain\"?"} {"term": "editorially", "pos": "r", "context": "the paper commented editorially on the scandal", "definition": "by means of an editorial", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the paper commented editorially on the scandal\" What is the definition of \"editorially\"?"} {"term": "unrivaled", "pos": "s", "context": "unrivaled mastery of her art", "definition": "eminent beyond or above comparison", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unrivaled mastery of her art\" What is the definition of \"unrivaled\"?"} {"term": "human", "pos": "a", "context": "human nature", "definition": "characteristic of humanity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"human nature\" What is the definition of \"human\"?"} {"term": "human", "pos": "a", "context": "the experiment was conducted on 6 monkeys and 2 human subjects", "definition": "relating to a person", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the experiment was conducted on 6 monkeys and 2 human subjects\" What is the definition of \"human\"?"} {"term": "bardic", "pos": "a", "context": "bardic poetry", "definition": "being a bard or relating to a bards poetry", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bardic poetry\" What is the definition of \"bardic\"?"} {"term": "gravitate", "pos": "v", "context": "Boys gravitate towards girls at that age", "definition": "to be attracted to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Boys gravitate towards girls at that age\" What is the definition of \"gravitate\"?"} {"term": "gravitate", "pos": "v", "context": "The stars gravitate towards each other", "definition": "to move due to the pull of gravitation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The stars gravitate towards each other\" What is the definition of \"gravitate\"?"} {"term": "irrigate", "pos": "v", "context": "irrigate the wound", "definition": "to supply with a constant flow or sprinkling of some liquid , for the purpose of cooling , cleansing , or disinfecting", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"irrigate the wound\" What is the definition of \"irrigate\"?"} {"term": "chordal", "pos": "a", "context": "chordal assonance in modern music", "definition": "relating to or consisting of or emphasizing chords", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"chordal assonance in modern music\" What is the definition of \"chordal\"?"} {"term": "alight", "pos": "s", "context": "candles alight on the tables", "definition": "lighted up by or as by fire or flame", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"candles alight on the tables\" What is the definition of \"alight\"?"} {"term": "overlay", "pos": "v", "context": "The sow overlay her piglets", "definition": "to kill by lying on", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["overlying", "overlie", "killing", "kill"], "instruction": "\"The sow overlay her piglets\" What is the definition of \"overlay\"?"} {"term": "bastion", "pos": "n", "context": "a bastion against corruption", "definition": "a group that defends a principle", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bastion against corruption\" What is the definition of \"bastion\"?"} {"term": "audacious", "pos": "s", "context": "audacious explorers", "definition": "invulnerable to fear or intimidation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"audacious explorers\" What is the definition of \"audacious\"?"} {"term": "audacious", "pos": "s", "context": "an audacious trick to pull", "definition": "unrestrained by convention or propriety", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["brazen", "", "brassy", "insolent", "barefaced"], "instruction": "\"an audacious trick to pull\" What is the definition of \"audacious\"?"} {"term": "audacious", "pos": "s", "context": "audacious visions of the total conquest of space", "definition": "disposed to venture or take risks", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"audacious visions of the total conquest of space\" What is the definition of \"audacious\"?"} {"term": "foundation", "pos": "n", "context": "there is little foundation for his objections", "definition": "the basis on which something is grounded", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is little foundation for his objections\" What is the definition of \"foundation\"?"} {"term": "disposable", "pos": "a", "context": "every disposable piece of equipment was sent to the fire", "definition": "free or available for use or disposition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"every disposable piece of equipment was sent to the fire\" What is the definition of \"disposable\"?"} {"term": "disposable", "pos": "a", "context": "disposable paper cups", "definition": "designed to be disposed of after use", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"disposable paper cups\" What is the definition of \"disposable\"?"} {"term": "gasp", "pos": "n", "context": "she gave a gasp and fainted", "definition": "a short labored intake of breath with the mouth open", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she gave a gasp and fainted\" What is the definition of \"gasp\"?"} {"term": "footprint", "pos": "n", "context": "the computer had a desktop footprint of 10 by 16 inches", "definition": "the area taken up by some object", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the computer had a desktop footprint of 10 by 16 inches\" What is the definition of \"footprint\"?"} {"term": "smartly", "pos": "r", "context": "He was smartly dressed", "definition": "in a stylish manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"He was smartly dressed\" What is the definition of \"smartly\"?"} {"term": "smartly", "pos": "r", "context": "a smartly managed business", "definition": "in a clever manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a smartly managed business\" What is the definition of \"smartly\"?"} {"term": "reluctance", "pos": "n", "context": "a reluctance to commit himself", "definition": "a certain degree of unwillingness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["hesitancy", "indisposition", "hesitation", "disinclination", "sloth"], "instruction": "\"a reluctance to commit himself\" What is the definition of \"reluctance\"?"} {"term": "molto", "pos": "r", "context": "allegro molto", "definition": "much", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"allegro molto\" What is the definition of \"molto\"?"} {"term": "merry", "pos": "s", "context": "have a merry Christmas", "definition": "full of or showing high-spirited merriment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"have a merry Christmas\" What is the definition of \"merry\"?"} {"term": "merry", "pos": "s", "context": "a merry evening", "definition": "offering fun and gaiety", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a merry evening\" What is the definition of \"merry\"?"} {"term": "merry", "pos": "s", "context": "a merry chase", "definition": "quick and energetic", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a merry chase\" What is the definition of \"merry\"?"} {"term": "allegro", "pos": "r", "context": "play this section allegro", "definition": "in a quick and lively tempo", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"play this section allegro\" What is the definition of \"allegro\"?"} {"term": "afloat", "pos": "s", "context": "the main deck was afloat ( or awash )", "definition": "covered with water", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the main deck was afloat ( or awash )\" What is the definition of \"afloat\"?"} {"term": "plan", "pos": "n", "context": "they drew up a six-step plan", "definition": "a series of steps to be carried out or goals to be accomplished", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["docket", "thought", "schedule", "program", "design", "budget", "idea", "pattern"], "instruction": "\"they drew up a six-step plan\" What is the definition of \"plan\"?"} {"term": "plan", "pos": "n", "context": "a plan for seating guests", "definition": "an arrangement scheme", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["constellation", "snare", "design", "system"], "instruction": "\"a plan for seating guests\" What is the definition of \"plan\"?"} {"term": "plan", "pos": "v", "context": "plan an attack", "definition": "to devise", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["contrive", "plot", "designing", "map", "design", "concerted"], "instruction": "\"plan an attack\" What is the definition of \"plan\"?"} {"term": "authorization", "pos": "n", "context": "deputies are given authorization to make arrests", "definition": "the power or right to give orders or make decisions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["potency", "control", "imperium", "dominance", "authority", "lordship", "sovereignty"], "instruction": "\"deputies are given authorization to make arrests\" What is the definition of \"authorization\"?"} {"term": "spectacle", "pos": "n", "context": "the tragic spectacle of cripples trying to escape", "definition": "something or someone seen especially a notable or unusual sight", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the tragic spectacle of cripples trying to escape\" What is the definition of \"spectacle\"?"} {"term": "temperate", "pos": "a", "context": "a temperate region", "definition": "free from extremes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a temperate region\" What is the definition of \"temperate\"?"} {"term": "temperate", "pos": "a", "context": "a temperate region", "definition": "mild", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a temperate region\" What is the definition of \"temperate\"?"} {"term": "temperate", "pos": "a", "context": "a temperate region", "definition": "or characteristic of such weather or climate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a temperate region\" What is the definition of \"temperate\"?"} {"term": "temperate", "pos": "a", "context": "temperate in his habits", "definition": "not extreme in behavior", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"temperate in his habits\" What is the definition of \"temperate\"?"} {"term": "temperate", "pos": "s", "context": "temperate in his response to criticism", "definition": "not extreme", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"temperate in his response to criticism\" What is the definition of \"temperate\"?"} {"term": "desecrate", "pos": "v", "context": "desecrate a cemetery", "definition": "to violate the sacred character of a place or language", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["attack", "violate", "profane", "outrage", "assail", "assault"], "instruction": "\"desecrate a cemetery\" What is the definition of \"desecrate\"?"} {"term": "permit", "pos": "v", "context": "This will permit the rain to run off", "definition": "to make it possible through a specific action or lack of action for something to happen", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"This will permit the rain to run off\" What is the definition of \"permit\"?"} {"term": "effigy", "pos": "n", "context": "the coin bears an effigy of Lincoln", "definition": "a representation of a person especially in the form of sculpture", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["scarecrow", "idol", "simulacrum", "god", "representation", "waxwork"], "instruction": "\"the coin bears an effigy of Lincoln\" What is the definition of \"effigy\"?"} {"term": "minutely", "pos": "r", "context": "our inability to see everything minutely and clearly is due merely to the infirmity of our senses", "definition": "in minute detail", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"our inability to see everything minutely and clearly is due merely to the infirmity of our senses\" What is the definition of \"minutely\"?"} {"term": "dissipation", "pos": "n", "context": "the dissipation of the mist", "definition": "breaking up and scattering by dispersion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the dissipation of the mist\" What is the definition of \"dissipation\"?"} {"term": "dissipation", "pos": "n", "context": "mindless dissipation of natural resources", "definition": "useless or profitless activity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mindless dissipation of natural resources\" What is the definition of \"dissipation\"?"} {"term": "dissipation", "pos": "n", "context": "mindless dissipation of natural resources", "definition": "using or expending or consuming thoughtlessly or carelessly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mindless dissipation of natural resources\" What is the definition of \"dissipation\"?"} {"term": "fruitful", "pos": "a", "context": "be fruitful and multiply", "definition": "productive or conducive to producing in abundance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"be fruitful and multiply\" What is the definition of \"fruitful\"?"} {"term": "spreader", "pos": "n", "context": "he used his knife as a spreader", "definition": "a hand tool for spreading something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he used his knife as a spreader\" What is the definition of \"spreader\"?"} {"term": "restitution", "pos": "n", "context": "upon the restitution of the book to its rightful owner the child was given a tongue lashing", "definition": "getting something back again", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"upon the restitution of the book to its rightful owner the child was given a tongue lashing\" What is the definition of \"restitution\"?"} {"term": "scummy", "pos": "s", "context": "the scummy surface of the polluted pond", "definition": "covered with scum", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the scummy surface of the polluted pond\" What is the definition of \"scummy\"?"} {"term": "scummy", "pos": "s", "context": "a scummy rabble", "definition": "of the most contemptible kind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a scummy rabble\" What is the definition of \"scummy\"?"} {"term": "palely", "pos": "r", "context": "his wife , always palely appealing", "definition": "in a pale manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his wife , always palely appealing\" What is the definition of \"palely\"?"} {"term": "palely", "pos": "r", "context": "his wife , always palely appealing", "definition": "without physical or emotional color", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his wife , always palely appealing\" What is the definition of \"palely\"?"} {"term": "palely", "pos": "r", "context": "a palely entertaining show", "definition": "in a manner lacking interest or vitality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a palely entertaining show\" What is the definition of \"palely\"?"} {"term": "shaker", "pos": "n", "context": "a shaker of traditional beliefs", "definition": "a person who wields power and influence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a shaker of traditional beliefs\" What is the definition of \"shaker\"?"} {"term": "statistically", "pos": "r", "context": "this is statistically impossible", "definition": "with respect to statistics", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this is statistically impossible\" What is the definition of \"statistically\"?"} {"term": "peg", "pos": "v", "context": "peg a tent", "definition": "to fasten or secure with a wooden pin", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"peg a tent\" What is the definition of \"peg\"?"} {"term": "athleticism", "pos": "n", "context": "his music is characterized by a happy athleticism", "definition": "intense energy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his music is characterized by a happy athleticism\" What is the definition of \"athleticism\"?"} {"term": "egotistically", "pos": "r", "context": "he behaved egotistically", "definition": "in an egotistical manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he behaved egotistically\" What is the definition of \"egotistically\"?"} {"term": "grind", "pos": "v", "context": "grind the spices in a mortar", "definition": "to reduce to small pieces or particles by pounding or abrading", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["bray", "milling", "mill", "milled", "mash", "pulp", "fragmented", "pestle"], "instruction": "\"grind the spices in a mortar\" What is the definition of \"grind\"?"} {"term": "rut", "pos": "n", "context": "they fell into a conversational rut", "definition": "a settled and monotonous routine that is hard to escape", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they fell into a conversational rut\" What is the definition of \"rut\"?"} {"term": "pragmatic", "pos": "s", "context": "not ideology but pragmatic politics", "definition": "guided by practical experience and observation rather than theory", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"not ideology but pragmatic politics\" What is the definition of \"pragmatic\"?"} {"term": "moribund", "pos": "s", "context": "a moribund patient", "definition": "being on the point of death", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a moribund patient\" What is the definition of \"moribund\"?"} {"term": "moribund", "pos": "s", "context": "a moribund patient", "definition": "breathing your last", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a moribund patient\" What is the definition of \"moribund\"?"} {"term": "vermin", "pos": "n", "context": "cereals must be protected from mice and other vermin", "definition": "any of various small animals or insects that are pests", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cereals must be protected from mice and other vermin\" What is the definition of \"vermin\"?"} {"term": "vermin", "pos": "n", "context": "cereals must be protected from mice and other vermin", "definition": "e.g. cockroaches or rats", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cereals must be protected from mice and other vermin\" What is the definition of \"vermin\"?"} {"term": "merely", "pos": "r", "context": "I was merely asking", "definition": "and nothing more", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I was merely asking\" What is the definition of \"merely\"?"} {"term": "visceral", "pos": "a", "context": "visceral bleeding", "definition": "relating to or affecting the viscera", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"visceral bleeding\" What is the definition of \"visceral\"?"} {"term": "mechanically", "pos": "r", "context": "this door opens mechanically", "definition": "in a mechanical manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this door opens mechanically\" What is the definition of \"mechanically\"?"} {"term": "mechanically", "pos": "r", "context": "this door opens mechanically", "definition": "by a mechanism", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this door opens mechanically\" What is the definition of \"mechanically\"?"} {"term": "mechanically", "pos": "r", "context": "he smiled mechanically", "definition": "in a machinelike manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he smiled mechanically\" What is the definition of \"mechanically\"?"} {"term": "mechanically", "pos": "r", "context": "he smiled mechanically", "definition": "without feeling", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he smiled mechanically\" What is the definition of \"mechanically\"?"} {"term": "rescue", "pos": "v", "context": "rescue prisoners", "definition": "to take forcibly from legal custody", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rescue prisoners\" What is the definition of \"rescue\"?"} {"term": "pall", "pos": "v", "context": "pall the beer", "definition": "to cause to become flat", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pall the beer\" What is the definition of \"pall\"?"} {"term": "votive", "pos": "s", "context": "votive prayers", "definition": "dedicated in fulfillment of a vow", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"votive prayers\" What is the definition of \"votive\"?"} {"term": "reasonably", "pos": "r", "context": "the shoes are priced reasonably", "definition": "to a moderately sufficient extent or degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the shoes are priced reasonably\" What is the definition of \"reasonably\"?"} {"term": "reasonably", "pos": "r", "context": "acted quite reasonably", "definition": "with good sense or in a reasonable or intelligent manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"acted quite reasonably\" What is the definition of \"reasonably\"?"} {"term": "dynamically", "pos": "r", "context": "this pianist plays dynamically", "definition": "in a forceful dynamic manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this pianist plays dynamically\" What is the definition of \"dynamically\"?"} {"term": "face", "pos": "n", "context": "he washed his face", "definition": "the front of the human head from the forehead to the chin and ear to ear", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he washed his face\" What is the definition of \"face\"?"} {"term": "face", "pos": "n", "context": "the face of the city is changing", "definition": "the general outward appearance of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the face of the city is changing\" What is the definition of \"face\"?"} {"term": "face", "pos": "v", "context": "the two sofas face each other", "definition": "to be opposite", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the two sofas face each other\" What is the definition of \"face\"?"} {"term": "incompatible", "pos": "a", "context": "incompatible personalities", "definition": "not compatible", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"incompatible personalities\" What is the definition of \"incompatible\"?"} {"term": "annihilation", "pos": "n", "context": "bomb tests resulted in the annihilation of the atoll", "definition": "total destruction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bomb tests resulted in the annihilation of the atoll\" What is the definition of \"annihilation\"?"} {"term": "sufferable", "pos": "s", "context": "sufferable punishment", "definition": "capable of being borne though unpleasant", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["bearable", "", "supportable"], "instruction": "\"sufferable punishment\" What is the definition of \"sufferable\"?"} {"term": "according", "pos": "s", "context": "according to instructions", "definition": "in agreement with or accordant with", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"according to instructions\" What is the definition of \"according\"?"} {"term": "according", "pos": "s", "context": "according to historians", "definition": "as reported or stated by", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"according to historians\" What is the definition of \"according\"?"} {"term": "backing", "pos": "n", "context": "his vigorous backing of the conservatives got him in trouble with progressives", "definition": "the act of providing approval and support", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["patronage", "approving", "blessing"], "instruction": "\"his vigorous backing of the conservatives got him in trouble with progressives\" What is the definition of \"backing\"?"} {"term": "amount", "pos": "n", "context": "an adequate amount of food for four people", "definition": "the relative magnitude of something with reference to a criterion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an adequate amount of food for four people\" What is the definition of \"amount\"?"} {"term": "amount", "pos": "n", "context": "the amount he had in cash was insufficient", "definition": "a quantity of money", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["revenue", "loss", "gain", "contribution", "advance", "red", "defalcation", "gross", "figure", "sum"], "instruction": "\"the amount he had in cash was insufficient\" What is the definition of \"amount\"?"} {"term": "amount", "pos": "v", "context": "This idea will never amount to anything", "definition": "to develop into", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["become", "turning", "aggregate", "come", "turn"], "instruction": "\"This idea will never amount to anything\" What is the definition of \"amount\"?"} {"term": "collaboration", "pos": "n", "context": "they worked either in collaboration or independently", "definition": "act of working jointly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they worked either in collaboration or independently\" What is the definition of \"collaboration\"?"} {"term": "consciously", "pos": "r", "context": "she consciously played with the idea of inviting them", "definition": "with awareness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she consciously played with the idea of inviting them\" What is the definition of \"consciously\"?"} {"term": "barricade", "pos": "n", "context": "they stormed the barricade", "definition": "a barrier usually thrown up hastily to impede the advance of an enemy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they stormed the barricade\" What is the definition of \"barricade\"?"} {"term": "barricade", "pos": "v", "context": "barricade the streets", "definition": "to render unsuitable for passage", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["blocking", "block", "stop", "jam", "obstruct", "close", "blockade", "occlude"], "instruction": "\"barricade the streets\" What is the definition of \"barricade\"?"} {"term": "moot", "pos": "n", "context": "he organized the weekly moot", "definition": "a hypothetical case that law students argue as an exercise", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he organized the weekly moot\" What is the definition of \"moot\"?"} {"term": "moot", "pos": "s", "context": "that is a moot question", "definition": "open to argument or debate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that is a moot question\" What is the definition of \"moot\"?"} {"term": "diploid", "pos": "a", "context": "diploid somatic cells", "definition": "of a cell or organism having two sets of chromosomes or twice the haploid number", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"diploid somatic cells\" What is the definition of \"diploid\"?"} {"term": "fixture", "pos": "n", "context": "a bum who is a Central Park fixture", "definition": "a regular patron", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bum who is a Central Park fixture\" What is the definition of \"fixture\"?"} {"term": "modernization", "pos": "n", "context": "the modernization of Nigeria will be a long process", "definition": "making modern in appearance or behavior", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the modernization of Nigeria will be a long process\" What is the definition of \"modernization\"?"} {"term": "concession", "pos": "n", "context": "he got the beer concession at the ball park", "definition": "a contract granting the right to operate a subsidiary business", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["grant", "contract", "franchise"], "instruction": "\"he got the beer concession at the ball park\" What is the definition of \"concession\"?"} {"term": "bulk", "pos": "n", "context": "it is cheaper to buy it in bulk", "definition": "the property of something that is great in magnitude", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["turnover", "volume", "mass", "magnitude"], "instruction": "\"it is cheaper to buy it in bulk\" What is the definition of \"bulk\"?"} {"term": "bulk", "pos": "n", "context": "the bulk of the work is finished", "definition": "the property resulting from being or relating to the greater in number of two parts", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["majority", "figure", "numbers", "number"], "instruction": "\"the bulk of the work is finished\" What is the definition of \"bulk\"?"} {"term": "bulk", "pos": "n", "context": "the bulk of the work is finished", "definition": "the main part", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["majority", "figure", "numbers", "number"], "instruction": "\"the bulk of the work is finished\" What is the definition of \"bulk\"?"} {"term": "hydra", "pos": "n", "context": "we may be facing a hydra that defies any easy solution", "definition": "trouble that can not be overcome by a single effort because of its many aspects or its persistent and pervasive quality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we may be facing a hydra that defies any easy solution\" What is the definition of \"hydra\"?"} {"term": "prefect", "pos": "n", "context": "the prefect of Paris police", "definition": "a chief officer or chief magistrate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the prefect of Paris police\" What is the definition of \"prefect\"?"} {"term": "introductory", "pos": "s", "context": "began the slide show with some introductory remarks", "definition": "serving to open or begin", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"began the slide show with some introductory remarks\" What is the definition of \"introductory\"?"} {"term": "introductory", "pos": "s", "context": "an introductory art course", "definition": "serving as a base or starting point", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an introductory art course\" What is the definition of \"introductory\"?"} {"term": "imperfect", "pos": "a", "context": "had only an imperfect understanding of his responsibilities", "definition": "not perfect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"had only an imperfect understanding of his responsibilities\" What is the definition of \"imperfect\"?"} {"term": "imperfect", "pos": "a", "context": "had only an imperfect understanding of his responsibilities", "definition": "defective or inadequate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"had only an imperfect understanding of his responsibilities\" What is the definition of \"imperfect\"?"} {"term": "indisputable", "pos": "s", "context": "indisputable ( or sure ) proof", "definition": "impossible to doubt or dispute", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["sure", ""], "instruction": "\"indisputable ( or sure ) proof\" What is the definition of \"indisputable\"?"} {"term": "indisputable", "pos": "s", "context": "indisputable evidence of a witness", "definition": "not open to question", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"indisputable evidence of a witness\" What is the definition of \"indisputable\"?"} {"term": "indisputable", "pos": "s", "context": "indisputable evidence of a witness", "definition": "obviously true", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"indisputable evidence of a witness\" What is the definition of \"indisputable\"?"} {"term": "pay", "pos": "n", "context": "he wasted his pay on drink", "definition": "something that remunerates", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["salary", "found", "remuneration"], "instruction": "\"he wasted his pay on drink\" What is the definition of \"pay\"?"} {"term": "pay", "pos": "v", "context": "Does she pay you for the work you are doing ?", "definition": "to do or give something to somebody in return", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["compensate", "settle"], "instruction": "\"Does she pay you for the work you are doing ?\" What is the definition of \"pay\"?"} {"term": "solvable", "pos": "s", "context": "such problems are perfectly solvable", "definition": "capable of being solved", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"such problems are perfectly solvable\" What is the definition of \"solvable\"?"} {"term": "victorious", "pos": "s", "context": "the victorious entry", "definition": "having won", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the victorious entry\" What is the definition of \"victorious\"?"} {"term": "painful", "pos": "a", "context": "worked with painful slowness", "definition": "causing physical or psychological pain", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"worked with painful slowness\" What is the definition of \"painful\"?"} {"term": "painful", "pos": "s", "context": "the painful process of growing up", "definition": "causing misery or pain or distress", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the painful process of growing up\" What is the definition of \"painful\"?"} {"term": "painful", "pos": "s", "context": "a painful performance", "definition": "exceptionally bad or displeasing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a painful performance\" What is the definition of \"painful\"?"} {"term": "bareback", "pos": "s", "context": "a bareback rider", "definition": "riding without a saddle", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bareback rider\" What is the definition of \"bareback\"?"} {"term": "bareback", "pos": "r", "context": "she prefers to ride her horse bareback", "definition": "without a saddle", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she prefers to ride her horse bareback\" What is the definition of \"bareback\"?"} {"term": "border", "pos": "n", "context": "the rug had a wide blue border", "definition": "a strip forming the outer edge of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the rug had a wide blue border\" What is the definition of \"border\"?"} {"term": "transitional", "pos": "a", "context": "adolescence is a transitional stage between childhood and adulthood", "definition": "of or relating to or characterized by transition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"adolescence is a transitional stage between childhood and adulthood\" What is the definition of \"transitional\"?"} {"term": "reformatory", "pos": "s", "context": "reformatory punishment", "definition": "tending to reform", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"reformatory punishment\" What is the definition of \"reformatory\"?"} {"term": "perspicacious", "pos": "s", "context": "much too perspicacious to be taken in by such a spurious argument", "definition": "acutely insightful and wise", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"much too perspicacious to be taken in by such a spurious argument\" What is the definition of \"perspicacious\"?"} {"term": "perspicacious", "pos": "s", "context": "much too perspicacious to be taken in by so spurious an argument", "definition": "mentally acute or penetratingly discerning", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"much too perspicacious to be taken in by so spurious an argument\" What is the definition of \"perspicacious\"?"} {"term": "retrieval", "pos": "n", "context": "my retrieval of people 's names is very poor", "definition": "the cognitive operation of accessing information in memory", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my retrieval of people 's names is very poor\" What is the definition of \"retrieval\"?"} {"term": "weld", "pos": "v", "context": "weld metal", "definition": "to join together by heating", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"weld metal\" What is the definition of \"weld\"?"} {"term": "necking", "pos": "v", "context": "The couple were necking in the back seat of the car", "definition": "to kiss , embrace , or fondle with sexual passion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The couple were necking in the back seat of the car\" What is the definition of \"necking\"?"} {"term": "grazing", "pos": "v", "context": "the herd was grazing", "definition": "to feed as in a meadow or pasture", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["crop", "range", "eat", "browse", "graze"], "instruction": "\"the herd was grazing\" What is the definition of \"grazing\"?"} {"term": "violative", "pos": "s", "context": "violative of the principles of liberty", "definition": "violating or tending to violate or offend against", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"violative of the principles of liberty\" What is the definition of \"violative\"?"} {"term": "arrest", "pos": "n", "context": "the negotiations were in arrest", "definition": "the state of inactivity following an interruption", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["stop", "countercheck", "halt", "inaction", "inactivity", "stoppage", "stay"], "instruction": "\"the negotiations were in arrest\" What is the definition of \"arrest\"?"} {"term": "pornographic", "pos": "s", "context": "pornographic films and magazines", "definition": "designed to arouse lust", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pornographic films and magazines\" What is the definition of \"pornographic\"?"} {"term": "marked", "pos": "s", "context": "walked with a marked limp", "definition": "easily noticeable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"walked with a marked limp\" What is the definition of \"marked\"?"} {"term": "marked", "pos": "s", "context": "a marked man", "definition": "singled out for notice or especially for a dire fate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a marked man\" What is the definition of \"marked\"?"} {"term": "marked", "pos": "a", "context": "played with marked cards", "definition": "often used in combination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"played with marked cards\" What is the definition of \"marked\"?"} {"term": "firm", "pos": "v", "context": "Your muscles will firm when you exercise regularly", "definition": "to become taut or tauter", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Your muscles will firm when you exercise regularly\" What is the definition of \"firm\"?"} {"term": "firm", "pos": "s", "context": "firm convictions", "definition": "not shakable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"firm convictions\" What is the definition of \"firm\"?"} {"term": "firm", "pos": "s", "context": "a firm mattress", "definition": "not soft or yielding to pressure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a firm mattress\" What is the definition of \"firm\"?"} {"term": "firm", "pos": "s", "context": "a firm grasp", "definition": "strong and sure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a firm grasp\" What is the definition of \"firm\"?"} {"term": "firm", "pos": "r", "context": "you must stand firm", "definition": "with resolute determination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["steadfastly", "", "firmly"], "instruction": "\"you must stand firm\" What is the definition of \"firm\"?"} {"term": "subordinate", "pos": "a", "context": "a subordinate kingdom", "definition": "subject or submissive to authority or the control of another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a subordinate kingdom\" What is the definition of \"subordinate\"?"} {"term": "subordinate", "pos": "a", "context": "a subordinate ( or dependent ) clause functions as a noun or adjective or adverb within a sentence", "definition": "unable to stand alone syntactically as a complete sentence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a subordinate ( or dependent ) clause functions as a noun or adjective or adverb within a sentence\" What is the definition of \"subordinate\"?"} {"term": "stratified", "pos": "s", "context": "stratified areas of the distribution", "definition": "arranged in a sequence of grades or ranks", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stratified areas of the distribution\" What is the definition of \"stratified\"?"} {"term": "stratified", "pos": "s", "context": "American society is becoming increasingly stratified", "definition": "socially hierarchical", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"American society is becoming increasingly stratified\" What is the definition of \"stratified\"?"} {"term": "stratified", "pos": "a", "context": "stratified rock", "definition": "deposited or arranged in horizontal layers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stratified rock\" What is the definition of \"stratified\"?"} {"term": "laboring", "pos": "s", "context": "the bent backs of laboring slaves picking cotton", "definition": "doing arduous or unpleasant work", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the bent backs of laboring slaves picking cotton\" What is the definition of \"laboring\"?"} {"term": "herbal", "pos": "a", "context": "herbal tea , herbal medicine", "definition": "of or relating to herbs", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"herbal tea , herbal medicine\" What is the definition of \"herbal\"?"} {"term": "tenor", "pos": "s", "context": "a tenor sax", "definition": "intermediate between alto and baritone or bass", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tenor sax\" What is the definition of \"tenor\"?"} {"term": "tenor", "pos": "s", "context": "tenor voice", "definition": "of or close in range to the highest natural adult male voice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tenor voice\" What is the definition of \"tenor\"?"} {"term": "practical", "pos": "a", "context": "he is a very practical person", "definition": "concerned with actual use or practice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is a very practical person\" What is the definition of \"practical\"?"} {"term": "practical", "pos": "s", "context": "a practical failure", "definition": "being actually such in almost every respect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["virtual", ""], "instruction": "\"a practical failure\" What is the definition of \"practical\"?"} {"term": "file", "pos": "v", "context": "file for divorce", "definition": "to record in a public office or in a court of law", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["register", "filing"], "instruction": "\"file for divorce\" What is the definition of \"file\"?"} {"term": "serial", "pos": "s", "context": "serial processing", "definition": "of or relating to the sequential performance of multiple operations", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"serial processing\" What is the definition of \"serial\"?"} {"term": "serial", "pos": "s", "context": "serial concerts", "definition": "in regular succession without gaps", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"serial concerts\" What is the definition of \"serial\"?"} {"term": "serial", "pos": "a", "context": "serial monogamy", "definition": "pertaining to or occurring in or producing a series", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"serial monogamy\" What is the definition of \"serial\"?"} {"term": "manufacturing", "pos": "n", "context": "manufacturing is vital to Great Britain", "definition": "the act of making something a product from raw materials", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["manufacture", "formation", "fabrication"], "instruction": "\"manufacturing is vital to Great Britain\" What is the definition of \"manufacturing\"?"} {"term": "title", "pos": "n", "context": "he looked for books with the word ` jazz ' in the title", "definition": "the name of a work of art or literary composition etc. .", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he looked for books with the word ` jazz ' in the title\" What is the definition of \"title\"?"} {"term": "drip", "pos": "n", "context": "there 's a drip through the roof", "definition": "flowing in drops", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["flowing", "flow", "trickle"], "instruction": "\"there 's a drip through the roof\" What is the definition of \"drip\"?"} {"term": "drip", "pos": "n", "context": "there 's a drip through the roof", "definition": "the formation and falling of drops of liquid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["flowing", "flow", "trickle"], "instruction": "\"there 's a drip through the roof\" What is the definition of \"drip\"?"} {"term": "jolt", "pos": "n", "context": "the door closed with a jolt", "definition": "a sudden jarring impact", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["bump", "shock", "blow", "jar", "jounce"], "instruction": "\"the door closed with a jolt\" What is the definition of \"jolt\"?"} {"term": "minded", "pos": "s", "context": "I am not minded to answer any questions", "definition": "naturally disposed toward", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I am not minded to answer any questions\" What is the definition of \"minded\"?"} {"term": "flowery", "pos": "a", "context": "a flowery hat", "definition": "of or relating to or suggestive of flowers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a flowery hat\" What is the definition of \"flowery\"?"} {"term": "flowery", "pos": "s", "context": "a flowery speech", "definition": "marked by elaborate rhetoric and elaborated with decorative details", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["ornate", ""], "instruction": "\"a flowery speech\" What is the definition of \"flowery\"?"} {"term": "sloping", "pos": "s", "context": "an area of gently sloping hills", "definition": "having a slanting form or direction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an area of gently sloping hills\" What is the definition of \"sloping\"?"} {"term": "large", "pos": "a", "context": "a large city", "definition": "above average in size or number or quantity or magnitude or extent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a large city\" What is the definition of \"large\"?"} {"term": "large", "pos": "s", "context": "played a large role in the negotiations", "definition": "influential", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"played a large role in the negotiations\" What is the definition of \"large\"?"} {"term": "large", "pos": "s", "context": "taking the large view", "definition": "having broad power and range and scope", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"taking the large view\" What is the definition of \"large\"?"} {"term": "large", "pos": "s", "context": "a man given to large talk", "definition": "ostentatiously lofty in style", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["turgid", "", "orotund", "bombastic"], "instruction": "\"a man given to large talk\" What is the definition of \"large\"?"} {"term": "large", "pos": "r", "context": "a ship sailing large", "definition": "with the wind abaft the beam", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a ship sailing large\" What is the definition of \"large\"?"} {"term": "earth", "pos": "n", "context": "they dug into the earth outside the church", "definition": "the loose soft material that makes up a large part of the land surface", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["moraine", "material", "dirt", "soil", "ground", "stuff"], "instruction": "\"they dug into the earth outside the church\" What is the definition of \"earth\"?"} {"term": "earth", "pos": "n", "context": "it was hell on earth", "definition": "the abode of mortals as contrasted with heaven or hell", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was hell on earth\" What is the definition of \"earth\"?"} {"term": "sift", "pos": "v", "context": "sift the flour", "definition": "to separate by passing through a sieve or other straining device to separate out coarser elements", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["winnow", "riddle", "strain", "screen", "winnowing", "rice"], "instruction": "\"sift the flour\" What is the definition of \"sift\"?"} {"term": "sift", "pos": "v", "context": "sift the information", "definition": "to check and sort carefully", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sift the information\" What is the definition of \"sift\"?"} {"term": "shoeless", "pos": "s", "context": "shoeless Joe Jackson", "definition": "without shoes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shoeless Joe Jackson\" What is the definition of \"shoeless\"?"} {"term": "makeshift", "pos": "s", "context": "the rock served as a makeshift hammer", "definition": "done or made using whatever is available", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the rock served as a makeshift hammer\" What is the definition of \"makeshift\"?"} {"term": "offset", "pos": "v", "context": "offset deposits and withdrawals", "definition": "to compensate for or counterbalance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["countervail", "balance", "equilibrate"], "instruction": "\"offset deposits and withdrawals\" What is the definition of \"offset\"?"} {"term": "sturdiness", "pos": "n", "context": "sturdiness of moral principle", "definition": "resoluteness evidenced by strength of character", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sturdiness of moral principle\" What is the definition of \"sturdiness\"?"} {"term": "building", "pos": "n", "context": "there was a three-story building on the corner", "definition": "a structure that has a roof and walls and stands more or less permanently in one place", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was a three-story building on the corner\" What is the definition of \"building\"?"} {"term": "building", "pos": "n", "context": "his hobby was the building of boats", "definition": "the act of constructing something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["construction", "leveling", "shipbuilding", "grading", "assembly", "fabrication"], "instruction": "\"his hobby was the building of boats\" What is the definition of \"building\"?"} {"term": "building", "pos": "v", "context": "Pressure is building up at the Indian-Pakistani border", "definition": "to form or accumulate steadily", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["develop", "progress", "build"], "instruction": "\"Pressure is building up at the Indian-Pakistani border\" What is the definition of \"building\"?"} {"term": "nucleated", "pos": "v", "context": "Some cells had nucleated", "definition": "to form into a nucleus", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["become", "nucleate", "turn"], "instruction": "\"Some cells had nucleated\" What is the definition of \"nucleated\"?"} {"term": "nucleated", "pos": "a", "context": "nucleated cells", "definition": "having a nucleus or occurring in the nucleus", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nucleated cells\" What is the definition of \"nucleated\"?"} {"term": "ripe", "pos": "a", "context": "ripe peaches", "definition": "fully developed or matured and ready to be eaten or used", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ripe peaches\" What is the definition of \"ripe\"?"} {"term": "ripe", "pos": "s", "context": "the colonists were ripe for revolution", "definition": "fully prepared or eager", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the colonists were ripe for revolution\" What is the definition of \"ripe\"?"} {"term": "ripe", "pos": "s", "context": "a ripe mind", "definition": "at the highest point of development especially in judgment or knowledge", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a ripe mind\" What is the definition of \"ripe\"?"} {"term": "ripe", "pos": "s", "context": "the time is ripe for great sociological changes", "definition": "most suitable or right for a particular purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the time is ripe for great sociological changes\" What is the definition of \"ripe\"?"} {"term": "sally", "pos": "n", "context": "a sally into the wide world beyond his home", "definition": "a venture off the beaten path", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sally into the wide world beyond his home\" What is the definition of \"sally\"?"} {"term": "debarment", "pos": "n", "context": "they achieved his debarment from holding public office", "definition": "the act of prevention by legal means", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they achieved his debarment from holding public office\" What is the definition of \"debarment\"?"} {"term": "foulness", "pos": "n", "context": "he understood the foulness of sin", "definition": "disgusting wickedness and immorality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he understood the foulness of sin\" What is the definition of \"foulness\"?"} {"term": "foulness", "pos": "n", "context": "they were wearied with the foulness of the weather", "definition": "the badness of the weather", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they were wearied with the foulness of the weather\" What is the definition of \"foulness\"?"} {"term": "floor", "pos": "n", "context": "we spread our sleeping bags on the dry floor of the tent", "definition": "the inside lower horizontal surface as of a room , hallway , tent , or other structure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["parquet", "flooring", "level"], "instruction": "\"we spread our sleeping bags on the dry floor of the tent\" What is the definition of \"floor\"?"} {"term": "floor", "pos": "n", "context": "the government established a wage floor", "definition": "a lower limit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["control", "base"], "instruction": "\"the government established a wage floor\" What is the definition of \"floor\"?"} {"term": "extraordinary", "pos": "a", "context": "extraordinary authority", "definition": "beyond what is ordinary or usual", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"extraordinary authority\" What is the definition of \"extraordinary\"?"} {"term": "extraordinary", "pos": "a", "context": "extraordinary authority", "definition": "highly unusual or exceptional or remarkable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"extraordinary authority\" What is the definition of \"extraordinary\"?"} {"term": "extraordinary", "pos": "s", "context": "an extraordinary desire for approval", "definition": "far more than usual or expected", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an extraordinary desire for approval\" What is the definition of \"extraordinary\"?"} {"term": "extraordinary", "pos": "s", "context": "an ambassador extraordinary", "definition": "serving an unusual or special function in addition to those of the regular officials", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an ambassador extraordinary\" What is the definition of \"extraordinary\"?"} {"term": "drunk", "pos": "s", "context": "drunk with excitement", "definition": "as if under the influence of alcohol", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"drunk with excitement\" What is the definition of \"drunk\"?"} {"term": "clinically", "pos": "r", "context": "she is clinically qualified", "definition": "in a clinical manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she is clinically qualified\" What is the definition of \"clinically\"?"} {"term": "clawed", "pos": "v", "context": "She clawed the doorknob", "definition": "to clutch as if in panic", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["claw", "clutch", "seize"], "instruction": "\"She clawed the doorknob\" What is the definition of \"clawed\"?"} {"term": "careful", "pos": "a", "context": "they were careful when crossing the busy street", "definition": "exercising caution or showing care or attention", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they were careful when crossing the busy street\" What is the definition of \"careful\"?"} {"term": "careful", "pos": "s", "context": "careful of her feelings", "definition": "cautiously attentive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"careful of her feelings\" What is the definition of \"careful\"?"} {"term": "careful", "pos": "s", "context": "Thou art careful and troubled about many things \" - Luke 10.41", "definition": "full of cares or anxiety", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Thou art careful and troubled about many things \" - Luke 10.41\" What is the definition of \"careful\"?"} {"term": "barbed", "pos": "s", "context": "a barbed compliment", "definition": "capable of wounding", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a barbed compliment\" What is the definition of \"barbed\"?"} {"term": "produce", "pos": "v", "context": "The tree would not produce fruit", "definition": "to bring forth or yield", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The tree would not produce fruit\" What is the definition of \"produce\"?"} {"term": "produce", "pos": "v", "context": "We produce more cars than we can sell", "definition": "to create or manufacture a man-made product", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["make", "proof", "extrude", "yield", "pulse", "output", "machine", "cut", "smelt", "elaborate", "print", "reproduce", "return", "pulsate", "printing", "laminate", "create", "breeding", "breed", "generate", "refashion", "yielding", "publish"], "instruction": "\"We produce more cars than we can sell\" What is the definition of \"produce\"?"} {"term": "produce", "pos": "v", "context": "These chemicals produce a noxious vapor", "definition": "to cause to happen , occur or exist", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"These chemicals produce a noxious vapor\" What is the definition of \"produce\"?"} {"term": "verily", "pos": "r", "context": "I verily think so", "definition": "in truth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I verily think so\" What is the definition of \"verily\"?"} {"term": "verily", "pos": "r", "context": "I verily think so", "definition": "certainly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I verily think so\" What is the definition of \"verily\"?"} {"term": "pipe", "pos": "v", "context": "pipe oil , water , and gas into the desert", "definition": "to transport by pipeline", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["piping", "transport"], "instruction": "\"pipe oil , water , and gas into the desert\" What is the definition of \"pipe\"?"} {"term": "pipe", "pos": "v", "context": "pipe the skirt", "definition": "to trim with piping", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pipe the skirt\" What is the definition of \"pipe\"?"} {"term": "servile", "pos": "a", "context": "spoke in a servile tone", "definition": "submissive or fawning in attitude or behavior", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"spoke in a servile tone\" What is the definition of \"servile\"?"} {"term": "servile", "pos": "s", "context": "Brown 's attempt at servile insurrection", "definition": "relating to or involving slaves or appropriate for slaves or servants", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Brown 's attempt at servile insurrection\" What is the definition of \"servile\"?"} {"term": "gnarled", "pos": "v", "context": "The wind has gnarled this old tree", "definition": "to twist into a state of deformity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["deform", "gnarl", "twist", "turn", "bend"], "instruction": "\"The wind has gnarled this old tree\" What is the definition of \"gnarled\"?"} {"term": "gnarled", "pos": "s", "context": "gnarled and knotted hands", "definition": "used of old persons or old trees", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gnarled and knotted hands\" What is the definition of \"gnarled\"?"} {"term": "gnarled", "pos": "s", "context": "gnarled and knotted hands", "definition": "covered with knobs or knots", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gnarled and knotted hands\" What is the definition of \"gnarled\"?"} {"term": "clockwise", "pos": "r", "context": "please move clockwise in a circle", "definition": "in the direction that the hands of a clock move", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"please move clockwise in a circle\" What is the definition of \"clockwise\"?"} {"term": "entreaty", "pos": "n", "context": "an entreaty to stop the fighting", "definition": "earnest or urgent request", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["demagogy", "asking", "solicitation", "plea", "suit", "courtship", "appeal", "request"], "instruction": "\"an entreaty to stop the fighting\" What is the definition of \"entreaty\"?"} {"term": "subservience", "pos": "n", "context": "all his actions were in subservience to the general plan", "definition": "the condition of being something that is useful in reaching an end or carrying out a plan", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all his actions were in subservience to the general plan\" What is the definition of \"subservience\"?"} {"term": "huddle", "pos": "n", "context": "a huddle of frightened women", "definition": "a disorganized and densely packed crowd", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a huddle of frightened women\" What is the definition of \"huddle\"?"} {"term": "huddle", "pos": "v", "context": "let 's huddle together -- it 's cold !", "definition": "to crowd or draw together", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"let 's huddle together -- it 's cold !\" What is the definition of \"huddle\"?"} {"term": "inextinguishable", "pos": "a", "context": "an inextinguishable flame", "definition": "difficult or impossible to extinguish", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an inextinguishable flame\" What is the definition of \"inextinguishable\"?"} {"term": "eviscerate", "pos": "v", "context": "eviscerate the stomach", "definition": "to remove the contents of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"eviscerate the stomach\" What is the definition of \"eviscerate\"?"} {"term": "spectroscopic", "pos": "a", "context": "spectroscopic analysis", "definition": "of or relating to or involving spectroscopy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"spectroscopic analysis\" What is the definition of \"spectroscopic\"?"} {"term": "monstrosity", "pos": "n", "context": "they regarded the atom bomb as a monstrosity", "definition": "something hideous or frightful", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they regarded the atom bomb as a monstrosity\" What is the definition of \"monstrosity\"?"} {"term": "outstay", "pos": "v", "context": "overstay or outstay one 's welcome", "definition": "to stay too long", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["abiding", "overstay", "abide", "bide", "stay"], "instruction": "\"overstay or outstay one 's welcome\" What is the definition of \"outstay\"?"} {"term": "inconveniently", "pos": "r", "context": "he arrived at an inconveniently late hour", "definition": "in an inconvenient manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he arrived at an inconveniently late hour\" What is the definition of \"inconveniently\"?"} {"term": "dear", "pos": "s", "context": "my sisters and brothers are near and dear", "definition": "with or in a close or intimate relationship", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my sisters and brothers are near and dear\" What is the definition of \"dear\"?"} {"term": "dear", "pos": "r", "context": "this cost him dear", "definition": "at a great cost", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this cost him dear\" What is the definition of \"dear\"?"} {"term": "composure", "pos": "n", "context": "he accepted their problems with composure and she with equanimity", "definition": "steadiness of mind under stress", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["calmness", "cool", "repose", "temperament", "disposition", "poise", "serenity", "calm", "equanimity", "assuredness", "quiet"], "instruction": "\"he accepted their problems with composure and she with equanimity\" What is the definition of \"composure\"?"} {"term": "furniture", "pos": "n", "context": "they had too much furniture for the small apartment", "definition": "furnishings that make a room or other area ready for occupancy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they had too much furniture for the small apartment\" What is the definition of \"furniture\"?"} {"term": "goal", "pos": "n", "context": "the winning goal came with less than a minute left to play", "definition": "a successful attempt at scoring", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the winning goal came with less than a minute left to play\" What is the definition of \"goal\"?"} {"term": "level", "pos": "n", "context": "the water reached ankle level", "definition": "height above ground", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the water reached ankle level\" What is the definition of \"level\"?"} {"term": "level", "pos": "v", "context": "level criticism or charges at somebody", "definition": "to aim at", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["take", "leveling", "direct", "aim"], "instruction": "\"level criticism or charges at somebody\" What is the definition of \"level\"?"} {"term": "level", "pos": "v", "context": "I have to level with you", "definition": "to talk frankly with", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I have to level with you\" What is the definition of \"level\"?"} {"term": "level", "pos": "v", "context": "I have to level with you", "definition": "to lay it on the line", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I have to level with you\" What is the definition of \"level\"?"} {"term": "level", "pos": "s", "context": "spoke in a level voice", "definition": "not showing abrupt variations", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"spoke in a level voice\" What is the definition of \"level\"?"} {"term": "level", "pos": "s", "context": "a billiard table must be level", "definition": "being on a precise horizontal plane", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a billiard table must be level\" What is the definition of \"level\"?"} {"term": "level", "pos": "s", "context": "the picture is level", "definition": "oriented at right angles to the plumb", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the picture is level\" What is the definition of \"level\"?"} {"term": "playful", "pos": "a", "context": "playful children just let loose from school", "definition": "full of fun and high spirits", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"playful children just let loose from school\" What is the definition of \"playful\"?"} {"term": "unstudied", "pos": "a", "context": "an air of unstudied spontaneous utterance is apt to be painstakingly achieved", "definition": "not by design or artifice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an air of unstudied spontaneous utterance is apt to be painstakingly achieved\" What is the definition of \"unstudied\"?"} {"term": "unstudied", "pos": "a", "context": "an air of unstudied spontaneous utterance is apt to be painstakingly achieved", "definition": "unforced and impromptu", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an air of unstudied spontaneous utterance is apt to be painstakingly achieved\" What is the definition of \"unstudied\"?"} {"term": "unstudied", "pos": "s", "context": "is unstudied in Latin as he is in may other matters", "definition": "lacking knowledge gained by study often in a particular field", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"is unstudied in Latin as he is in may other matters\" What is the definition of \"unstudied\"?"} {"term": "veracious", "pos": "s", "context": "a veracious witness", "definition": "habitually speaking the truth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a veracious witness\" What is the definition of \"veracious\"?"} {"term": "veracious", "pos": "s", "context": "a veracious account", "definition": "precisely accurate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a veracious account\" What is the definition of \"veracious\"?"} {"term": "waxy", "pos": "a", "context": "careful , the floor is waxy", "definition": "made of or covered with wax", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"careful , the floor is waxy\" What is the definition of \"waxy\"?"} {"term": "waxy", "pos": "a", "context": "a waxy mind", "definition": "easily impressed or influenced", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a waxy mind\" What is the definition of \"waxy\"?"} {"term": "waxy", "pos": "s", "context": "a thin face with a waxy paleness", "definition": "having the paleness of wax", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a thin face with a waxy paleness\" What is the definition of \"waxy\"?"} {"term": "grounding", "pos": "n", "context": "a good grounding in mathematics", "definition": "education or instruction in the fundamentals of a field of knowledge", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a good grounding in mathematics\" What is the definition of \"grounding\"?"} {"term": "chromatically", "pos": "r", "context": "chromatically pure", "definition": "with respect to color", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"chromatically pure\" What is the definition of \"chromatically\"?"} {"term": "attention", "pos": "n", "context": "She was the center of attention", "definition": "a general interest that leads people to want to know more", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"She was the center of attention\" What is the definition of \"attention\"?"} {"term": "unctuous", "pos": "s", "context": "the unctuous Uriah Heep", "definition": "unpleasantly and excessively suave or ingratiating in manner or speech", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the unctuous Uriah Heep\" What is the definition of \"unctuous\"?"} {"term": "fearful", "pos": "s", "context": "a fearful glance", "definition": "experiencing or showing fear", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fearful glance\" What is the definition of \"fearful\"?"} {"term": "fearful", "pos": "s", "context": "fearful slum conditions", "definition": "extremely distressing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fearful slum conditions\" What is the definition of \"fearful\"?"} {"term": "fearful", "pos": "s", "context": "cast fearful glances at the large dog", "definition": "timid by nature or revealing timidity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cast fearful glances at the large dog\" What is the definition of \"fearful\"?"} {"term": "discriminative", "pos": "s", "context": "discriminative censure", "definition": "expressing careful judgment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"discriminative censure\" What is the definition of \"discriminative\"?"} {"term": "preserve", "pos": "n", "context": "medicine is no longer a male preserve", "definition": "a domain that seems to be specially reserved for someone", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"medicine is no longer a male preserve\" What is the definition of \"preserve\"?"} {"term": "preserve", "pos": "v", "context": "preserve the forest and the lakes", "definition": "to keep undisturbed for personal or private use for hunting , shooting , or fishing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"preserve the forest and the lakes\" What is the definition of \"preserve\"?"} {"term": "preserve", "pos": "v", "context": "preserve the peace in the family", "definition": "to keep or maintain in unaltered condition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["persevering", "resume", "keeping", "continued", "prolong", "hold", "keep", "sustain", "perpetuate", "persist", "persevere", "holding", "sustained"], "instruction": "\"preserve the peace in the family\" What is the definition of \"preserve\"?"} {"term": "preserve", "pos": "v", "context": "preserve the peace in the family", "definition": "to cause to remain or last", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["persevering", "resume", "keeping", "continued", "prolong", "hold", "keep", "sustain", "perpetuate", "persist", "persevere", "holding", "sustained"], "instruction": "\"preserve the peace in the family\" What is the definition of \"preserve\"?"} {"term": "fast", "pos": "v", "context": "Catholics sometimes fast during Lent", "definition": "to abstain from certain foods , as for religious or medical reasons", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Catholics sometimes fast during Lent\" What is the definition of \"fast\"?"} {"term": "fast", "pos": "v", "context": "Before the medical exam , you must fast", "definition": "to abstain from eating", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Before the medical exam , you must fast\" What is the definition of \"fast\"?"} {"term": "fast", "pos": "a", "context": "fast film", "definition": "acting or moving or capable of acting or moving quickly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fast film\" What is the definition of \"fast\"?"} {"term": "fast", "pos": "a", "context": "my watch is fast", "definition": "indicating a time ahead of or later than the correct time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my watch is fast\" What is the definition of \"fast\"?"} {"term": "fast", "pos": "a", "context": "the band played a fast fox trot", "definition": "at a rapid tempo", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the band played a fast fox trot\" What is the definition of \"fast\"?"} {"term": "fast", "pos": "s", "context": "a fast road", "definition": "conducive to rapid speeds", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fast road\" What is the definition of \"fast\"?"} {"term": "fast", "pos": "s", "context": "fast colors", "definition": "resistant to destruction or fading", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fast colors\" What is the definition of \"fast\"?"} {"term": "fast", "pos": "r", "context": "how fast can he get here ?", "definition": "quickly or rapidly often used as a combining form", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"how fast can he get here ?\" What is the definition of \"fast\"?"} {"term": "fast", "pos": "r", "context": "held fast to the rope", "definition": "firmly or closely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"held fast to the rope\" What is the definition of \"fast\"?"} {"term": "marital", "pos": "a", "context": "marital status", "definition": "of or relating to the state of marriage", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["matrimonial", "", "married"], "instruction": "\"marital status\" What is the definition of \"marital\"?"} {"term": "outspoken", "pos": "s", "context": "outspoken in their opposition to segregation", "definition": "given to expressing yourself freely or insistently", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"outspoken in their opposition to segregation\" What is the definition of \"outspoken\"?"} {"term": "outspoken", "pos": "s", "context": "it is possible to be outspoken without being rude", "definition": "characterized by directness in manner or speech", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is possible to be outspoken without being rude\" What is the definition of \"outspoken\"?"} {"term": "outspoken", "pos": "s", "context": "it is possible to be outspoken without being rude", "definition": "without subtlety or evasion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is possible to be outspoken without being rude\" What is the definition of \"outspoken\"?"} {"term": "quartet", "pos": "n", "context": "he joined a barbershop quartet", "definition": "four people considered as a unit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["gathering", "foursome", "assemblage"], "instruction": "\"he joined a barbershop quartet\" What is the definition of \"quartet\"?"} {"term": "amendatory", "pos": "s", "context": "added amendatory phrases to the text", "definition": "effecting amendment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"added amendatory phrases to the text\" What is the definition of \"amendatory\"?"} {"term": "contention", "pos": "n", "context": "the teams were in fierce contention for first place", "definition": "the act of competing as for profit or a prize", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["rivalry", "contest", "competition"], "instruction": "\"the teams were in fierce contention for first place\" What is the definition of \"contention\"?"} {"term": "jaundiced", "pos": "v", "context": "Jealousy had jaundiced his judgment", "definition": "to distort adversely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Jealousy had jaundiced his judgment\" What is the definition of \"jaundiced\"?"} {"term": "jaundiced", "pos": "s", "context": "looked with a jaundiced eye on the growth of regimentation", "definition": "showing or affected by prejudice or envy or distaste", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"looked with a jaundiced eye on the growth of regimentation\" What is the definition of \"jaundiced\"?"} {"term": "jemmy", "pos": "n", "context": "in Britain they call a jimmy and jemmy", "definition": "a short crowbar", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["jimmy", "crowbar"], "instruction": "\"in Britain they call a jimmy and jemmy\" What is the definition of \"jemmy\"?"} {"term": "lactic", "pos": "a", "context": "lactic acid", "definition": "of or relating to or obtained from milk especially sour milk or whey", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lactic acid\" What is the definition of \"lactic\"?"} {"term": "troublesome", "pos": "s", "context": "a troublesome infection", "definition": "difficult to deal with", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a troublesome infection\" What is the definition of \"troublesome\"?"} {"term": "deceptively", "pos": "r", "context": "the exam looked deceptively easy", "definition": "in a misleading way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the exam looked deceptively easy\" What is the definition of \"deceptively\"?"} {"term": "honorably", "pos": "r", "context": "he acted honorably", "definition": "in an honorable manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he acted honorably\" What is the definition of \"honorably\"?"} {"term": "honorably", "pos": "r", "context": "he was honorably discharged after many years of service", "definition": "with honor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was honorably discharged after many years of service\" What is the definition of \"honorably\"?"} {"term": "beg", "pos": "v", "context": "I beg you to stop !", "definition": "to call upon in supplication", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["imploring", "insist", "crave", "implore", "plead", "craving", "pleading"], "instruction": "\"I beg you to stop !\" What is the definition of \"beg\"?"} {"term": "beg", "pos": "v", "context": "I beg you to stop !", "definition": "to entreat", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["imploring", "insist", "crave", "implore", "plead", "craving", "pleading"], "instruction": "\"I beg you to stop !\" What is the definition of \"beg\"?"} {"term": "beg", "pos": "v", "context": "beg money and food", "definition": "to ask to obtain free", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"beg money and food\" What is the definition of \"beg\"?"} {"term": "beg", "pos": "v", "context": "beg the question", "definition": "to dodge , avoid answering , or take for granted", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"beg the question\" What is the definition of \"beg\"?"} {"term": "dull", "pos": "a", "context": "he was so dull at parties", "definition": "lacking in liveliness or animation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was so dull at parties\" What is the definition of \"dull\"?"} {"term": "dull", "pos": "a", "context": "a dull glow", "definition": "emitting or reflecting very little light", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dull glow\" What is the definition of \"dull\"?"} {"term": "dull", "pos": "a", "context": "a dull throbbing", "definition": "not keenly felt", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dull throbbing\" What is the definition of \"dull\"?"} {"term": "dull", "pos": "s", "context": "the dull boom of distant breaking waves", "definition": "being or made softer or less loud or clear", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the dull boom of distant breaking waves\" What is the definition of \"dull\"?"} {"term": "dull", "pos": "s", "context": "dull greens and blues", "definition": "very low in saturation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dull greens and blues\" What is the definition of \"dull\"?"} {"term": "dull", "pos": "s", "context": "dull greens and blues", "definition": "highly diluted", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dull greens and blues\" What is the definition of \"dull\"?"} {"term": "dull", "pos": "s", "context": "business is dull ( or slow )", "definition": "not active or brisk", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["sluggish", "", "slow"], "instruction": "\"business is dull ( or slow )\" What is the definition of \"dull\"?"} {"term": "organ", "pos": "n", "context": "The Census Bureau is an organ of the Commerce Department", "definition": "a government agency or instrument devoted to the performance of some specific function", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The Census Bureau is an organ of the Commerce Department\" What is the definition of \"organ\"?"} {"term": "organ", "pos": "n", "context": "the organ of the communist party", "definition": "a periodical that is published by a special interest group", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the organ of the communist party\" What is the definition of \"organ\"?"} {"term": "lost", "pos": "v", "context": "She lost her purse when she left it unattended on her seat", "definition": "to fail to keep or to maintain", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"She lost her purse when she left it unattended on her seat\" What is the definition of \"lost\"?"} {"term": "lost", "pos": "v", "context": "She lost her purse when she left it unattended on her seat", "definition": "to cease to have , either physically or in an abstract sense", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"She lost her purse when she left it unattended on her seat\" What is the definition of \"lost\"?"} {"term": "lost", "pos": "v", "context": "We lost the battle but we won the war", "definition": "to fail to win", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["drop", "lose"], "instruction": "\"We lost the battle but we won the war\" What is the definition of \"lost\"?"} {"term": "lost", "pos": "v", "context": "She lost her husband in the war", "definition": "to suffer the loss of a person through death or removal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["suffer", "lose"], "instruction": "\"She lost her husband in the war\" What is the definition of \"lost\"?"} {"term": "lost", "pos": "a", "context": "a lost child", "definition": "no longer in your possession or control", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a lost child\" What is the definition of \"lost\"?"} {"term": "lost", "pos": "a", "context": "a lost child", "definition": "unable to be found or recovered", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a lost child\" What is the definition of \"lost\"?"} {"term": "lost", "pos": "a", "context": "lost souls", "definition": "spiritually or physically doomed or destroyed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lost souls\" What is the definition of \"lost\"?"} {"term": "lost", "pos": "a", "context": "a lost battle", "definition": "not gained or won", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a lost battle\" What is the definition of \"lost\"?"} {"term": "lost", "pos": "s", "context": "his lost honor", "definition": "incapable of being recovered or regained", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his lost honor\" What is the definition of \"lost\"?"} {"term": "lost", "pos": "s", "context": "words lost in the din", "definition": "not caught with the senses or the mind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"words lost in the din\" What is the definition of \"lost\"?"} {"term": "black", "pos": "a", "context": "black leather jackets", "definition": "being of the achromatic color of maximum darkness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"black leather jackets\" What is the definition of \"black\"?"} {"term": "black", "pos": "a", "context": "black leather jackets", "definition": "having little or no hue owing to absorption of almost all incident light", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"black leather jackets\" What is the definition of \"black\"?"} {"term": "black", "pos": "a", "context": "a great people -- a black people -- ... injected new meaning and dignity into the veins of civilization \" - Martin Luther King Jr .", "definition": "of or belonging to a racial group having dark skin especially of sub-saharan african origin", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a great people -- a black people -- ... injected new meaning and dignity into the veins of civilization \" - Martin Luther King Jr .\" What is the definition of \"black\"?"} {"term": "black", "pos": "s", "context": "black looks", "definition": "marked by anger or resentment or hostility", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"black looks\" What is the definition of \"black\"?"} {"term": "black", "pos": "s", "context": "the future looked black", "definition": "offering little or no hope", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the future looked black\" What is the definition of \"black\"?"} {"term": "black", "pos": "s", "context": "black deeds", "definition": "stemming from evil characteristics or forces", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"black deeds\" What is the definition of \"black\"?"} {"term": "black", "pos": "s", "context": "black deeds", "definition": "wicked or dishonorable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"black deeds\" What is the definition of \"black\"?"} {"term": "fire", "pos": "n", "context": "they lost everything in the fire", "definition": "the event of something burning often destructive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they lost everything in the fire\" What is the definition of \"fire\"?"} {"term": "fire", "pos": "n", "context": "fire was one of our ancestors ' first discoveries", "definition": "the process of combustion of inflammable materials producing heat and light and often smoke", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["flaming", "burning", "blaze", "blazing", "flare", "combustion"], "instruction": "\"fire was one of our ancestors ' first discoveries\" What is the definition of \"fire\"?"} {"term": "fire", "pos": "v", "context": "fire a gun", "definition": "to cause to go off", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["firing", "shoot", "pop", "fusillade", "shooting", "blast"], "instruction": "\"fire a gun\" What is the definition of \"fire\"?"} {"term": "fire", "pos": "v", "context": "fire pottery", "definition": "to bake in a kiln so as to harden", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["baking", "bake", "firing"], "instruction": "\"fire pottery\" What is the definition of \"fire\"?"} {"term": "homogeneity", "pos": "n", "context": "there is a remarkable homogeneity between the two companies", "definition": "the quality of being similar or comparable in kind or nature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is a remarkable homogeneity between the two companies\" What is the definition of \"homogeneity\"?"} {"term": "sake", "pos": "n", "context": "for your sake", "definition": "a reason for wanting something done", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["interest", "welfare", "benefit"], "instruction": "\"for your sake\" What is the definition of \"sake\"?"} {"term": "sake", "pos": "n", "context": "for the sake of argument", "definition": "the purpose of achieving or obtaining", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for the sake of argument\" What is the definition of \"sake\"?"} {"term": "condense", "pos": "v", "context": "condense the milk", "definition": "to remove water from", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"condense the milk\" What is the definition of \"condense\"?"} {"term": "dining", "pos": "v", "context": "I 'm wining and dining my friends", "definition": "to give dinner to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I 'm wining and dining my friends\" What is the definition of \"dining\"?"} {"term": "dining", "pos": "v", "context": "I 'm wining and dining my friends", "definition": "to host for dinner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I 'm wining and dining my friends\" What is the definition of \"dining\"?"} {"term": "paging", "pos": "n", "context": "the public address system in the hospital was used for paging", "definition": "calling out the name of a person especially by a loudspeaker system", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the public address system in the hospital was used for paging\" What is the definition of \"paging\"?"} {"term": "empiric", "pos": "a", "context": "empiric treatment", "definition": "relying on medical quackery", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"empiric treatment\" What is the definition of \"empiric\"?"} {"term": "stiffly", "pos": "r", "context": "his hands lay stiffly", "definition": "in a stiff manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his hands lay stiffly\" What is the definition of \"stiffly\"?"} {"term": "film", "pos": "n", "context": "film coverage of sporting events", "definition": "a medium that disseminates moving pictures", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["celluloid", "medium"], "instruction": "\"film coverage of sporting events\" What is the definition of \"film\"?"} {"term": "film", "pos": "n", "context": "the table was covered with a film of dust", "definition": "a thin coating or layer", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the table was covered with a film of dust\" What is the definition of \"film\"?"} {"term": "showroom", "pos": "n", "context": "in Britain a showroom is called a salesroom", "definition": "an area where merchandise such as cars can be displayed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in Britain a showroom is called a salesroom\" What is the definition of \"showroom\"?"} {"term": "topic", "pos": "n", "context": "he kept drifting off the topic", "definition": "some situation or event that is thought about", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["matter", "subject", "issue", "area", "remit"], "instruction": "\"he kept drifting off the topic\" What is the definition of \"topic\"?"} {"term": "topic", "pos": "n", "context": "it was a very sensitive topic", "definition": "the subject matter of a conversation or discussion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["keynote", "question", "precedent", "theme", "subject", "substance"], "instruction": "\"it was a very sensitive topic\" What is the definition of \"topic\"?"} {"term": "monotony", "pos": "n", "context": "he had never grown accustomed to the monotony of his work", "definition": "the quality of wearisome constancy , routine , and lack of variety", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["humdrum", "sameness", ""], "instruction": "\"he had never grown accustomed to the monotony of his work\" What is the definition of \"monotony\"?"} {"term": "hours", "pos": "n", "context": "they work long hours", "definition": "a period of time assigned for work", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they work long hours\" What is the definition of \"hours\"?"} {"term": "hours", "pos": "n", "context": "they talked for hours", "definition": "an indefinite period of time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they talked for hours\" What is the definition of \"hours\"?"} {"term": "hour", "pos": "n", "context": "the job will take more than an hour", "definition": "a period of time equal to 1/24th of a day", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the job will take more than an hour\" What is the definition of \"hour\"?"} {"term": "hour", "pos": "n", "context": "the hour is getting late", "definition": "clock time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the hour is getting late\" What is the definition of \"hour\"?"} {"term": "hour", "pos": "n", "context": "it was their finest hour", "definition": "a special and memorable period", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was their finest hour\" What is the definition of \"hour\"?"} {"term": "reductive", "pos": "s", "context": "their views of life were reductive and depreciatory \" - R.H.Rovere", "definition": "characterized by or causing diminution or curtailment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their views of life were reductive and depreciatory \" - R.H.Rovere\" What is the definition of \"reductive\"?"} {"term": "succeed", "pos": "v", "context": "Will Charles succeed to the throne ?", "definition": "to be the successor of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["supplant", "succeeding", "enter"], "instruction": "\"Will Charles succeed to the throne ?\" What is the definition of \"succeed\"?"} {"term": "fuzz", "pos": "n", "context": "peach fuzz", "definition": "filamentous hairlike growth on a plant", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["hair", ""], "instruction": "\"peach fuzz\" What is the definition of \"fuzz\"?"} {"term": "catty", "pos": "s", "context": "a catty remark", "definition": "marked by or arising from malice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a catty remark\" What is the definition of \"catty\"?"} {"term": "alien", "pos": "s", "context": "an economic theory alien to the spirit of capitalism", "definition": "not contained in or deriving from the essential nature of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an economic theory alien to the spirit of capitalism\" What is the definition of \"alien\"?"} {"term": "alien", "pos": "s", "context": "alien customs", "definition": "being or from or characteristic of another place or part of the world", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"alien customs\" What is the definition of \"alien\"?"} {"term": "untold", "pos": "s", "context": "untold suffering", "definition": "of an incalculable amount", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"untold suffering\" What is the definition of \"untold\"?"} {"term": "scandalous", "pos": "s", "context": "scandalous behavior", "definition": "giving offense to moral sensibilities and injurious to reputation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"scandalous behavior\" What is the definition of \"scandalous\"?"} {"term": "obtainable", "pos": "s", "context": "savings of up to 50 percent are obtainable", "definition": "capable of being obtained", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"savings of up to 50 percent are obtainable\" What is the definition of \"obtainable\"?"} {"term": "yesterday", "pos": "r", "context": "yesterday the weather was beautiful", "definition": "on the day preceding today", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"yesterday the weather was beautiful\" What is the definition of \"yesterday\"?"} {"term": "sureness", "pos": "n", "context": "sureness of hand", "definition": "the quality of being steady and unfailing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sureness of hand\" What is the definition of \"sureness\"?"} {"term": "contingent", "pos": "n", "context": "each nation sent a contingent of athletes to the Olympics", "definition": "a gathering of persons representative of some larger group", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"each nation sent a contingent of athletes to the Olympics\" What is the definition of \"contingent\"?"} {"term": "contingent", "pos": "n", "context": "the peacekeeping force includes one British contingent", "definition": "a temporary military unit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["force", "detail"], "instruction": "\"the peacekeeping force includes one British contingent\" What is the definition of \"contingent\"?"} {"term": "contingent", "pos": "s", "context": "they had to plan for contingent expenses", "definition": "possible but not certain to occur", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they had to plan for contingent expenses\" What is the definition of \"contingent\"?"} {"term": "contingent", "pos": "s", "context": "arms sales contingent on the approval of congress", "definition": "determined by conditions or circumstances that follow", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"arms sales contingent on the approval of congress\" What is the definition of \"contingent\"?"} {"term": "indiscernible", "pos": "a", "context": "an indiscernible increase in temperature", "definition": "difficult or impossible to perceive or discern", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an indiscernible increase in temperature\" What is the definition of \"indiscernible\"?"} {"term": "indiscernible", "pos": "s", "context": "the transition was almost indiscernible", "definition": "barely able to be perceived", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the transition was almost indiscernible\" What is the definition of \"indiscernible\"?"} {"term": "segregate", "pos": "v", "context": "We do n't segregate in this county", "definition": "to separate by race or religion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"We do n't segregate in this county\" What is the definition of \"segregate\"?"} {"term": "segregate", "pos": "v", "context": "We do n't segregate in this county", "definition": "to practice a policy of racial segregation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"We do n't segregate in this county\" What is the definition of \"segregate\"?"} {"term": "segregate", "pos": "v", "context": "Experiments show clearly that genes segregate", "definition": "to divide from the main body or mass and collect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Experiments show clearly that genes segregate\" What is the definition of \"segregate\"?"} {"term": "crushing", "pos": "s", "context": "a crushing blow", "definition": "physically or spiritually devastating", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a crushing blow\" What is the definition of \"crushing\"?"} {"term": "crushing", "pos": "s", "context": "a crushing blow", "definition": "often used in combination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a crushing blow\" What is the definition of \"crushing\"?"} {"term": "greenwood", "pos": "n", "context": "the greenwood was Robin Hood 's home", "definition": "woodlands in full leaf", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the greenwood was Robin Hood 's home\" What is the definition of \"greenwood\"?"} {"term": "apparel", "pos": "n", "context": "she was refined in her choice of apparel", "definition": "clothing in general", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["wearable", "wear", "clothes", "dress"], "instruction": "\"she was refined in her choice of apparel\" What is the definition of \"apparel\"?"} {"term": "rhythmic", "pos": "a", "context": "the rhythmic chiming of church bells \" - John Galsworthy", "definition": "recurring with measured regularity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the rhythmic chiming of church bells \" - John Galsworthy\" What is the definition of \"rhythmic\"?"} {"term": "destroyer", "pos": "n", "context": "a destroyer of the environment", "definition": "a person who destroys or ruins or lays waste to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["annihilator", "vandal", "waster", "iconoclast"], "instruction": "\"a destroyer of the environment\" What is the definition of \"destroyer\"?"} {"term": "venous", "pos": "a", "context": "venous inflammation", "definition": "of or contained in or performing the function of the veins", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"venous inflammation\" What is the definition of \"venous\"?"} {"term": "browse", "pos": "n", "context": "a deer needs to eat twenty pounds of browse every day", "definition": "vegetation such as young shoots , twigs , and leaves that is suitable for animals to eat", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a deer needs to eat twenty pounds of browse every day\" What is the definition of \"browse\"?"} {"term": "browse", "pos": "v", "context": "browse a computer directory", "definition": "to look around casually and randomly , without seeking anything in particular", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["seek", "surf", "browsing", "search"], "instruction": "\"browse a computer directory\" What is the definition of \"browse\"?"} {"term": "compressed", "pos": "v", "context": "she compressed her lips", "definition": "to squeeze or press together", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["contract", "strangle", "constrict", "convulse", "tighten", "press", "scrag", "compact", "compress", "strangulate", "fret"], "instruction": "\"she compressed her lips\" What is the definition of \"compressed\"?"} {"term": "compressed", "pos": "s", "context": "with lips compressed", "definition": "pressed tightly together", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with lips compressed\" What is the definition of \"compressed\"?"} {"term": "compressed", "pos": "s", "context": "compressed air", "definition": "reduced in volume by pressure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"compressed air\" What is the definition of \"compressed\"?"} {"term": "backward", "pos": "a", "context": "a backward view", "definition": "directed or facing toward the back or rear", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a backward view\" What is the definition of \"backward\"?"} {"term": "backward", "pos": "a", "context": "a backward lover", "definition": "marked by a retiring nature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a backward lover\" What is the definition of \"backward\"?"} {"term": "backward", "pos": "s", "context": "an economically backward country", "definition": "having made less than normal progress", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an economically backward country\" What is the definition of \"backward\"?"} {"term": "backward", "pos": "r", "context": "it 's easy to get the ` i ' and the ` e ' backward in words like ` seize ' and ` siege '", "definition": "in a manner or order or direction the reverse of normal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's easy to get the ` i ' and the ` e ' backward in words like ` seize ' and ` siege '\" What is the definition of \"backward\"?"} {"term": "backward", "pos": "r", "context": "tripped when he stepped backward", "definition": "at or to or toward the back or rear", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tripped when he stepped backward\" What is the definition of \"backward\"?"} {"term": "backward", "pos": "r", "context": "lovers of the past looking fondly backward", "definition": "in or to or toward a past time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lovers of the past looking fondly backward\" What is the definition of \"backward\"?"} {"term": "hegemony", "pos": "n", "context": "the hegemony of a single member state is not incompatible with a genuine confederation", "definition": "the dominance or leadership of one social group or nation over others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the hegemony of a single member state is not incompatible with a genuine confederation\" What is the definition of \"hegemony\"?"} {"term": "grainy", "pos": "s", "context": "the photographs were grainy and indistinct", "definition": "composed of or covered with particles resembling meal in texture or consistency", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the photographs were grainy and indistinct\" What is the definition of \"grainy\"?"} {"term": "arrogant", "pos": "s", "context": "an arrogant official", "definition": "having or showing feelings of unwarranted importance out of overbearing pride", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an arrogant official\" What is the definition of \"arrogant\"?"} {"term": "palatine", "pos": "a", "context": "the palatine tonsils", "definition": "relating to or lying near the palate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["palatal", ""], "instruction": "\"the palatine tonsils\" What is the definition of \"palatine\"?"} {"term": "easily", "pos": "r", "context": "easily the best book she 's written", "definition": "without question", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"easily the best book she 's written\" What is the definition of \"easily\"?"} {"term": "easily", "pos": "r", "context": "a mistake that could easily have ended in disaster", "definition": "indicating high probability", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a mistake that could easily have ended in disaster\" What is the definition of \"easily\"?"} {"term": "easily", "pos": "r", "context": "a mistake that could easily have ended in disaster", "definition": "in all likelihood", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a mistake that could easily have ended in disaster\" What is the definition of \"easily\"?"} {"term": "legato", "pos": "a", "context": "a legato passage", "definition": "without breaks between notes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a legato passage\" What is the definition of \"legato\"?"} {"term": "legato", "pos": "a", "context": "a legato passage", "definition": "smooth and connected", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a legato passage\" What is the definition of \"legato\"?"} {"term": "veritable", "pos": "s", "context": "he 's a veritable swine", "definition": "often used as intensifiers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he 's a veritable swine\" What is the definition of \"veritable\"?"} {"term": "veritable", "pos": "s", "context": "photographs taken in a veritable bull ring", "definition": "not counterfeit or copied", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"photographs taken in a veritable bull ring\" What is the definition of \"veritable\"?"} {"term": "dextral", "pos": "a", "context": "a dextral gastropod shell with the apex upward has its opening on the right when facing the observer", "definition": "of or on the right", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dextral gastropod shell with the apex upward has its opening on the right when facing the observer\" What is the definition of \"dextral\"?"} {"term": "dextral", "pos": "s", "context": "dextral individuals exhibit dominance of the right hand and eye", "definition": "preferring to use right foot or hand or eye", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dextral individuals exhibit dominance of the right hand and eye\" What is the definition of \"dextral\"?"} {"term": "nigh", "pos": "s", "context": "the near or nigh horse is the one on the left", "definition": "being on the left side", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the near or nigh horse is the one on the left\" What is the definition of \"nigh\"?"} {"term": "nigh", "pos": "r", "context": "The end draws nigh", "definition": "near in time or place or relationship", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The end draws nigh\" What is the definition of \"nigh\"?"} {"term": "nigh", "pos": "r", "context": "talked for nigh onto 2 hours", "definition": "slightly short of or not quite accomplished", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"talked for nigh onto 2 hours\" What is the definition of \"nigh\"?"} {"term": "nigh", "pos": "r", "context": "talked for nigh onto 2 hours", "definition": "all but", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"talked for nigh onto 2 hours\" What is the definition of \"nigh\"?"} {"term": "major", "pos": "n", "context": "she is a linguistics major", "definition": "a university student who is studying a particular field as the principal subject", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she is a linguistics major\" What is the definition of \"major\"?"} {"term": "major", "pos": "n", "context": "her major is linguistics", "definition": "the principal field of study of a student at a university", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her major is linguistics\" What is the definition of \"major\"?"} {"term": "major", "pos": "a", "context": "a major artist", "definition": "of greater importance or stature or rank", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a major artist\" What is the definition of \"major\"?"} {"term": "major", "pos": "a", "context": "a major contribution", "definition": "greater in scope or effect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a major contribution\" What is the definition of \"major\"?"} {"term": "major", "pos": "a", "context": "a major portion ( a majority ) of the population", "definition": "greater in number or size or amount", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a major portion ( a majority ) of the population\" What is the definition of \"major\"?"} {"term": "major", "pos": "s", "context": "Jones major", "definition": "of the elder of two boys with the same family name", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Jones major\" What is the definition of \"major\"?"} {"term": "dogged", "pos": "s", "context": "dogged persistence", "definition": "stubbornly unyielding", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dogged persistence\" What is the definition of \"dogged\"?"} {"term": "haughty", "pos": "s", "context": "haughty aristocrats", "definition": "having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one views as unworthy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"haughty aristocrats\" What is the definition of \"haughty\"?"} {"term": "astounding", "pos": "s", "context": "an astounding achievement", "definition": "so surprisingly impressive as to stun or overwhelm", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an astounding achievement\" What is the definition of \"astounding\"?"} {"term": "northeasterly", "pos": "s", "context": "northeasterly winds", "definition": "coming from the northeast", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"northeasterly winds\" What is the definition of \"northeasterly\"?"} {"term": "northeasterly", "pos": "s", "context": "the northeasterly part of the island", "definition": "situated in or oriented toward the northeast", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the northeasterly part of the island\" What is the definition of \"northeasterly\"?"} {"term": "gallant", "pos": "s", "context": "a gallant warrior", "definition": "unflinching in battle or action", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a gallant warrior\" What is the definition of \"gallant\"?"} {"term": "gallant", "pos": "s", "context": "a gallant pageant", "definition": "having or displaying great dignity or nobility", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a gallant pageant\" What is the definition of \"gallant\"?"} {"term": "wrongheaded", "pos": "s", "context": "a wrongheaded policy", "definition": "obstinately perverse in judgment or opinion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a wrongheaded policy\" What is the definition of \"wrongheaded\"?"} {"term": "fellow", "pos": "n", "context": "he was elected a fellow of the American Physiological Association", "definition": "a member of a learned society", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was elected a fellow of the American Physiological Association\" What is the definition of \"fellow\"?"} {"term": "fellow", "pos": "n", "context": "there 's a fellow at the door", "definition": "a boy or man", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["feller", "male", "chap", "lad"], "instruction": "\"there 's a fellow at the door\" What is the definition of \"fellow\"?"} {"term": "boorish", "pos": "s", "context": "was boorish and insensitive", "definition": "ill-mannered and coarse and contemptible in behavior or appearance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"was boorish and insensitive\" What is the definition of \"boorish\"?"} {"term": "march", "pos": "n", "context": "it was a long march", "definition": "walking with regular steps especially in a procession of some kind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was a long march\" What is the definition of \"march\"?"} {"term": "march", "pos": "n", "context": "the march of science", "definition": "a steady advance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the march of science\" What is the definition of \"march\"?"} {"term": "anatomically", "pos": "r", "context": "anatomically correct", "definition": "with respect to anatomy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"anatomically correct\" What is the definition of \"anatomically\"?"} {"term": "unlikely", "pos": "a", "context": "an unlikely story", "definition": "has little chance of being the case or coming about", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unlikely story\" What is the definition of \"unlikely\"?"} {"term": "unlikely", "pos": "a", "context": "legislation on the question is highly unlikely", "definition": "not likely to be true or to occur or to have occurred", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"legislation on the question is highly unlikely\" What is the definition of \"unlikely\"?"} {"term": "runner", "pos": "n", "context": "he sent a runner over with the contract", "definition": "a person who is employed to deliver messages or documents", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he sent a runner over with the contract\" What is the definition of \"runner\"?"} {"term": "trial", "pos": "n", "context": "a sample for ten days free trial", "definition": "trying something to find out about it", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["experiment", "test", "tryout"], "instruction": "\"a sample for ten days free trial\" What is the definition of \"trial\"?"} {"term": "trial", "pos": "n", "context": "he had a fair trial and the jury found him guilty", "definition": "the determination of a persons innocence or guilt by due process of law", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had a fair trial and the jury found him guilty\" What is the definition of \"trial\"?"} {"term": "pestilence", "pos": "n", "context": "racism is a pestilence at the heart of the nation", "definition": "a pernicious and malign influence that is hard to get rid of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["canker", "influence"], "instruction": "\"racism is a pestilence at the heart of the nation\" What is the definition of \"pestilence\"?"} {"term": "predominant", "pos": "s", "context": "the predominant mood among policy-makers is optimism", "definition": "having superior power and influence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the predominant mood among policy-makers is optimism\" What is the definition of \"predominant\"?"} {"term": "arouse", "pos": "v", "context": "arouse pity", "definition": "to call forth emotions , feelings , and responses", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["provoke", "infatuated", "inflame", "make", "overwhelm", "spite", "upsetting", "waking", "anger", "rekindle", "overwhelming", "fire", "upset", "injure", "stimulate", "discomfit", "made", "elicit", "provoking", "disconcert", "overpowering", "bruise", "whelm", "overpower", "wake", "interest", "create", "raise", "overtake", "exciting", "interested", "wound", "hurt", "shame", "inviting", "draw", "offend", "prick", "interesting"], "instruction": "\"arouse pity\" What is the definition of \"arouse\"?"} {"term": "quota", "pos": "n", "context": "all the salesmen met their quota for the month", "definition": "a prescribed number", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all the salesmen met their quota for the month\" What is the definition of \"quota\"?"} {"term": "quota", "pos": "n", "context": "the quota for Japanese imports was negotiated", "definition": "a limitation on imports", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the quota for Japanese imports was negotiated\" What is the definition of \"quota\"?"} {"term": "roomy", "pos": "s", "context": "a roomy but sparsely furnished apartment", "definition": "having ample space", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a roomy but sparsely furnished apartment\" What is the definition of \"roomy\"?"} {"term": "sincere", "pos": "a", "context": "he was a good man , decent and sincere", "definition": "open and genuine", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was a good man , decent and sincere\" What is the definition of \"sincere\"?"} {"term": "sincere", "pos": "a", "context": "he was a good man , decent and sincere", "definition": "not deceitful", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was a good man , decent and sincere\" What is the definition of \"sincere\"?"} {"term": "sincere", "pos": "s", "context": "an entirely sincere and cruel tyrant", "definition": "characterized by a firm and humorless belief in the validity of your opinions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an entirely sincere and cruel tyrant\" What is the definition of \"sincere\"?"} {"term": "tent", "pos": "n", "context": "he pitched his tent near the creek", "definition": "a portable shelter usually of canvas stretched over supporting poles and fastened to the ground with ropes and pegs", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he pitched his tent near the creek\" What is the definition of \"tent\"?"} {"term": "primarily", "pos": "r", "context": "this is primarily a question of economics", "definition": "of primary import", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this is primarily a question of economics\" What is the definition of \"primarily\"?"} {"term": "skew", "pos": "s", "context": "the picture was skew", "definition": "having an oblique or slanting direction or position", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the picture was skew\" What is the definition of \"skew\"?"} {"term": "condemnation", "pos": "n", "context": "he deserved nothing but condemnation", "definition": "the condition of being strongly disapproved of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he deserved nothing but condemnation\" What is the definition of \"condemnation\"?"} {"term": "condemnation", "pos": "n", "context": "his uncompromising condemnation of racism", "definition": "an expression of strong disapproval", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["disapproval", "disapprobation"], "instruction": "\"his uncompromising condemnation of racism\" What is the definition of \"condemnation\"?"} {"term": "condemnation", "pos": "n", "context": "his uncompromising condemnation of racism", "definition": "pronouncing as wrong or morally culpable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["disapproval", "disapprobation"], "instruction": "\"his uncompromising condemnation of racism\" What is the definition of \"condemnation\"?"} {"term": "clarify", "pos": "v", "context": "clarify the mystery surrounding her death", "definition": "to make clear and more comprehensible", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["illuminate", "illuminating", "expand", "elaborate", "expatiate", "explicate", "expound", "clear", "explain", "elucidate"], "instruction": "\"clarify the mystery surrounding her death\" What is the definition of \"clarify\"?"} {"term": "clarify", "pos": "v", "context": "clarify the butter", "definition": "to make clear by removing impurities or solids , as by heating", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"clarify the butter\" What is the definition of \"clarify\"?"} {"term": "manorial", "pos": "a", "context": "manorial accounts", "definition": "of or relating to or based on the manor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"manorial accounts\" What is the definition of \"manorial\"?"} {"term": "fight", "pos": "n", "context": "a fight broke out at the hockey game", "definition": "any contest or struggle", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["banging", "disturbance", "duel", "ruffle", "fencing", "shock", "encounter", "conflict", "battle", "impact", "brawl", "combat", "beating", "fray", "scuffle", "fighting", "struggle", "affray"], "instruction": "\"a fight broke out at the hockey game\" What is the definition of \"fight\"?"} {"term": "fight", "pos": "n", "context": "a violent fight over the bill is expected in the Senate", "definition": "an intense verbal dispute", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a violent fight over the bill is expected in the Senate\" What is the definition of \"fight\"?"} {"term": "fight", "pos": "n", "context": "the fight was on television last night", "definition": "a boxing or wrestling match", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the fight was on television last night\" What is the definition of \"fight\"?"} {"term": "relentless", "pos": "s", "context": "relentless persecution", "definition": "not to be placated or appeased or moved by entreaty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"relentless persecution\" What is the definition of \"relentless\"?"} {"term": "relentless", "pos": "s", "context": "the relentless beat of the drums", "definition": "never-ceasing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the relentless beat of the drums\" What is the definition of \"relentless\"?"} {"term": "beatific", "pos": "s", "context": "beatific peace", "definition": "experiencing or bestowing celestial joy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"beatific peace\" What is the definition of \"beatific\"?"} {"term": "beatific", "pos": "s", "context": "a beatific smile", "definition": "marked by utter benignity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a beatific smile\" What is the definition of \"beatific\"?"} {"term": "beatific", "pos": "s", "context": "a beatific smile", "definition": "resembling or befitting an angel or saint", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a beatific smile\" What is the definition of \"beatific\"?"} {"term": "hobble", "pos": "v", "context": "hobble race horses", "definition": "to strap the foreleg and hind leg together on each side of a horse in order to keep the legs on the same side moving in unison", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["hopple", "strap", "strapping"], "instruction": "\"hobble race horses\" What is the definition of \"hobble\"?"} {"term": "incapable", "pos": "a", "context": "incapable of carrying a tune", "definition": "lacking capacity or ability", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"incapable of carrying a tune\" What is the definition of \"incapable\"?"} {"term": "incapable", "pos": "a", "context": "simply incapable of lying", "definition": "not having the temperament or inclination for", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"simply incapable of lying\" What is the definition of \"incapable\"?"} {"term": "incapable", "pos": "s", "context": "incapable of solution", "definition": "not being susceptible to or admitting of something usually followed by of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"incapable of solution\" What is the definition of \"incapable\"?"} {"term": "corollary", "pos": "n", "context": "blind jealousy is a frequent corollary of passionate love", "definition": "a practical consequence that follows naturally", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"blind jealousy is a frequent corollary of passionate love\" What is the definition of \"corollary\"?"} {"term": "earmark", "pos": "v", "context": "I will earmark this money for your research", "definition": "to give or assign a resource to a particular person or cause", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["appropriate", "allot", "portion", "assign", "reserve"], "instruction": "\"I will earmark this money for your research\" What is the definition of \"earmark\"?"} {"term": "falsity", "pos": "n", "context": "argument could not determine its truth or falsity", "definition": "the state of being false or untrue", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["falseness", "unreality"], "instruction": "\"argument could not determine its truth or falsity\" What is the definition of \"falsity\"?"} {"term": "taste", "pos": "n", "context": "arrogance and lack of taste contributed to his rapid success", "definition": "delicate discrimination especially of aesthetic values", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["appreciation", "culture", "discretion", "discrimination", "delicacy", "trend"], "instruction": "\"arrogance and lack of taste contributed to his rapid success\" What is the definition of \"taste\"?"} {"term": "taste", "pos": "n", "context": "he got a taste of life on the wild side", "definition": "a brief experience of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he got a taste of life on the wild side\" What is the definition of \"taste\"?"} {"term": "frolicsome", "pos": "s", "context": "frolicsome students celebrated their graduation with parties and practical jokes", "definition": "given to merry frolicking", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"frolicsome students celebrated their graduation with parties and practical jokes\" What is the definition of \"frolicsome\"?"} {"term": "bustling", "pos": "s", "context": "a bustling city", "definition": "full of energetic and noisy activity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bustling city\" What is the definition of \"bustling\"?"} {"term": "segment", "pos": "n", "context": "a segment of an orange", "definition": "one of the parts into which something naturally divides", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a segment of an orange\" What is the definition of \"segment\"?"} {"term": "segment", "pos": "n", "context": "finished the final segment of the road", "definition": "one of several parts or pieces that fit with others to constitute a whole object", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["section", "subdivision", "portion", "leaf", "length", "straight", "bend"], "instruction": "\"finished the final segment of the road\" What is the definition of \"segment\"?"} {"term": "arthritic", "pos": "n", "context": "the hands of an elderly arthritic", "definition": "a person afflicted with arthritis", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the hands of an elderly arthritic\" What is the definition of \"arthritic\"?"} {"term": "picking", "pos": "n", "context": "he sent the first picking of berries to the market", "definition": "the quantity of a crop that is harvested", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["production", "pick", "yield", "output"], "instruction": "\"he sent the first picking of berries to the market\" What is the definition of \"picking\"?"} {"term": "precaution", "pos": "n", "context": "he put an ice pack on the injury as a precaution", "definition": "a precautionary measure warding off impending danger or damage or injury etc. .", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["step", "measure", "safeguard", "backstop", "security", "guard"], "instruction": "\"he put an ice pack on the injury as a precaution\" What is the definition of \"precaution\"?"} {"term": "sod", "pos": "n", "context": "the poor sod could n't even buy a drink", "definition": "an informal british term for a youth or man", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the poor sod could n't even buy a drink\" What is the definition of \"sod\"?"} {"term": "boisterous", "pos": "s", "context": "a boisterous crowd", "definition": "noisy and lacking in restraint or discipline", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a boisterous crowd\" What is the definition of \"boisterous\"?"} {"term": "boisterous", "pos": "s", "context": "boisterous practical jokes", "definition": "full of rough and exuberant animal spirits", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"boisterous practical jokes\" What is the definition of \"boisterous\"?"} {"term": "boisterous", "pos": "s", "context": "boisterous winds and waves", "definition": "violently agitated and turbulent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"boisterous winds and waves\" What is the definition of \"boisterous\"?"} {"term": "perforation", "pos": "n", "context": "a perforation of the eardrum", "definition": "a hole made in something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a perforation of the eardrum\" What is the definition of \"perforation\"?"} {"term": "tautology", "pos": "n", "context": "the statement ` he is brave or he is not brave ' is a tautology", "definition": "a statement that is necessarily true", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the statement ` he is brave or he is not brave ' is a tautology\" What is the definition of \"tautology\"?"} {"term": "tautology", "pos": "n", "context": "to say that something is ` adequate enough ' is a tautology", "definition": "useless repetition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to say that something is ` adequate enough ' is a tautology\" What is the definition of \"tautology\"?"} {"term": "inconsolable", "pos": "a", "context": "inconsolable when her son died", "definition": "sad beyond comforting", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"inconsolable when her son died\" What is the definition of \"inconsolable\"?"} {"term": "inconsolable", "pos": "a", "context": "inconsolable when her son died", "definition": "incapable of being consoled", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"inconsolable when her son died\" What is the definition of \"inconsolable\"?"} {"term": "male", "pos": "a", "context": "a male infant", "definition": "being the sex of plant or animal that produces gametes spermatozoa that perform the fertilizing function in generation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a male infant\" What is the definition of \"male\"?"} {"term": "male", "pos": "s", "context": "a deep male voice", "definition": "characteristic of a man", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a deep male voice\" What is the definition of \"male\"?"} {"term": "male", "pos": "s", "context": "the male lead", "definition": "for or pertaining to or composed of men or boys", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the male lead\" What is the definition of \"male\"?"} {"term": "contradistinction", "pos": "n", "context": "sculpture in contradistinction to painting", "definition": "a distinction drawn on the basis of contrast", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sculpture in contradistinction to painting\" What is the definition of \"contradistinction\"?"} {"term": "pining", "pos": "v", "context": "I am pining for my lover", "definition": "to have a desire for something or someone who is not present", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["yearn", "ache", "pine", "die", "yen", "hanker", "languish"], "instruction": "\"I am pining for my lover\" What is the definition of \"pining\"?"} {"term": "uncanny", "pos": "s", "context": "stumps ... had uncanny shapes as of monstrous creatures \" - John Galsworthy", "definition": "suggesting the operation of supernatural influences", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["eldritch", "weird", "unearthly", ""], "instruction": "\"stumps ... had uncanny shapes as of monstrous creatures \" - John Galsworthy\" What is the definition of \"uncanny\"?"} {"term": "uncanny", "pos": "s", "context": "his uncanny sense of direction", "definition": "surpassing the ordinary or normal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his uncanny sense of direction\" What is the definition of \"uncanny\"?"} {"term": "newfangled", "pos": "s", "context": "newfangled ideas", "definition": "gratuitously new", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"newfangled ideas\" What is the definition of \"newfangled\"?"} {"term": "precocious", "pos": "a", "context": "a precocious child", "definition": "characterized by or characteristic of exceptionally early development or maturity especially in mental aptitude", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a precocious child\" What is the definition of \"precocious\"?"} {"term": "precocious", "pos": "s", "context": "precocious flowers appear before the leaves as in some species of magnolias", "definition": "appearing or developing early", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"precocious flowers appear before the leaves as in some species of magnolias\" What is the definition of \"precocious\"?"} {"term": "powdery", "pos": "s", "context": "a powdery blue", "definition": "as if dulled in color with a sprinkling of powder", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a powdery blue\" What is the definition of \"powdery\"?"} {"term": "powdery", "pos": "s", "context": "powdery snow", "definition": "consisting of fine particles", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"powdery snow\" What is the definition of \"powdery\"?"} {"term": "limiter", "pos": "n", "context": "a limiter introduces amplitude distortion", "definition": "a nonlinear electronic circuit whose output is limited in amplitude", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a limiter introduces amplitude distortion\" What is the definition of \"limiter\"?"} {"term": "limiter", "pos": "n", "context": "a limiter introduces amplitude distortion", "definition": "used to limit the instantaneous amplitude of a waveform to clip off the peaks of a waveform", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a limiter introduces amplitude distortion\" What is the definition of \"limiter\"?"} {"term": "granitic", "pos": "s", "context": "a granitic fist", "definition": "hard as granite", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a granitic fist\" What is the definition of \"granitic\"?"} {"term": "connector", "pos": "n", "context": "he did n't have the right connector between the amplifier and the speakers", "definition": "an instrumentality that connects", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["jumper", "conjunction", "connection", "patch", "attachment", "connective", "earth", "backbone", "instrumentation", "bond", "junction", "instrumentality", "coupling", "ground", "line"], "instruction": "\"he did n't have the right connector between the amplifier and the speakers\" What is the definition of \"connector\"?"} {"term": "subway", "pos": "n", "context": "in Paris the subway system is called the ` metro ' and in London it is called the ` tube ' or the ` underground '", "definition": "an electric railway operating below the surface of the ground usually in a city", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["tube", "railroad"], "instruction": "\"in Paris the subway system is called the ` metro ' and in London it is called the ` tube ' or the ` underground '\" What is the definition of \"subway\"?"} {"term": "ascendant", "pos": "n", "context": "that idea was in the ascendant", "definition": "position or state of being dominant or in control", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that idea was in the ascendant\" What is the definition of \"ascendant\"?"} {"term": "ascendant", "pos": "s", "context": "rooted and ascendant strength like that of foliage \" - John Ruskin", "definition": "tending or directed upward", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rooted and ascendant strength like that of foliage \" - John Ruskin\" What is the definition of \"ascendant\"?"} {"term": "ascendant", "pos": "s", "context": "the economically ascendant class", "definition": "most powerful or important or influential", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the economically ascendant class\" What is the definition of \"ascendant\"?"} {"term": "ensure", "pos": "v", "context": "This nest egg will ensure a nice retirement for us", "definition": "to make certain of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["doom", "assured", "make", "guarantee"], "instruction": "\"This nest egg will ensure a nice retirement for us\" What is the definition of \"ensure\"?"} {"term": "debased", "pos": "s", "context": "a debased currency", "definition": "lowered in value", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a debased currency\" What is the definition of \"debased\"?"} {"term": "lidless", "pos": "a", "context": "a lidless container", "definition": "not having or covered with a lid or lids", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a lidless container\" What is the definition of \"lidless\"?"} {"term": "lidless", "pos": "s", "context": "a lidless container", "definition": "having no lid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a lidless container\" What is the definition of \"lidless\"?"} {"term": "lidless", "pos": "s", "context": "to an eye like mine , a lidless watcher of the public weal \" - Alfred Tennyson", "definition": "always watchful", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to an eye like mine , a lidless watcher of the public weal \" - Alfred Tennyson\" What is the definition of \"lidless\"?"} {"term": "common", "pos": "a", "context": "for the common good", "definition": "belonging to or participated in by a community as a whole", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["commoner", ""], "instruction": "\"for the common good\" What is the definition of \"common\"?"} {"term": "common", "pos": "a", "context": "for the common good", "definition": "public", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["commoner", ""], "instruction": "\"for the common good\" What is the definition of \"common\"?"} {"term": "common", "pos": "a", "context": "the common man", "definition": "having no special distinction or quality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["commoner", ""], "instruction": "\"the common man\" What is the definition of \"common\"?"} {"term": "common", "pos": "a", "context": "the common man", "definition": "widely known or commonly encountered", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["commoner", ""], "instruction": "\"the common man\" What is the definition of \"common\"?"} {"term": "common", "pos": "a", "context": "the common man", "definition": "average or ordinary or usual", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["commoner", ""], "instruction": "\"the common man\" What is the definition of \"common\"?"} {"term": "common", "pos": "s", "context": "a common ( or familiar ) complaint", "definition": "commonly encountered", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["commoner", "usual", ""], "instruction": "\"a common ( or familiar ) complaint\" What is the definition of \"common\"?"} {"term": "common", "pos": "s", "context": "common parlance", "definition": "being or characteristic of or appropriate to everyday language", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["commoner", "vulgar", ""], "instruction": "\"common parlance\" What is the definition of \"common\"?"} {"term": "savagely", "pos": "r", "context": "she cried out savagely", "definition": "wildly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she cried out savagely\" What is the definition of \"savagely\"?"} {"term": "savagely", "pos": "r", "context": "she cried out savagely", "definition": "like an animal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she cried out savagely\" What is the definition of \"savagely\"?"} {"term": "correspondingly", "pos": "r", "context": "the temperature decreases correspondingly", "definition": "in a corresponding manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the temperature decreases correspondingly\" What is the definition of \"correspondingly\"?"} {"term": "insoluble", "pos": "a", "context": "an insoluble doubt", "definition": "admitting of no solution or explanation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an insoluble doubt\" What is the definition of \"insoluble\"?"} {"term": "insoluble", "pos": "s", "context": "an insoluble problem", "definition": "without hope of solution", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an insoluble problem\" What is the definition of \"insoluble\"?"} {"term": "hail", "pos": "n", "context": "a hail of pebbles", "definition": "many objects thrown forcefully through the air", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a hail of pebbles\" What is the definition of \"hail\"?"} {"term": "hail", "pos": "v", "context": "hail a cab", "definition": "to call for", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hail a cab\" What is the definition of \"hail\"?"} {"term": "mindless", "pos": "s", "context": "the shrieking of the mindless wind", "definition": "lacking the thinking capacity characteristic of a conscious being", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the shrieking of the mindless wind\" What is the definition of \"mindless\"?"} {"term": "mindless", "pos": "s", "context": "mindless tasks", "definition": "requiring little mental effort", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mindless tasks\" What is the definition of \"mindless\"?"} {"term": "mindless", "pos": "s", "context": "mindless violence", "definition": "not marked by the use of reason", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mindless violence\" What is the definition of \"mindless\"?"} {"term": "semimonthly", "pos": "s", "context": "a semimonthly publication", "definition": "occurring twice a month", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a semimonthly publication\" What is the definition of \"semimonthly\"?"} {"term": "semimonthly", "pos": "r", "context": "salaries are paid semimonthly", "definition": "twice a month", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"salaries are paid semimonthly\" What is the definition of \"semimonthly\"?"} {"term": "henceforth", "pos": "r", "context": "henceforth she will be known as Mrs. Smith", "definition": "from this time forth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"henceforth she will be known as Mrs. Smith\" What is the definition of \"henceforth\"?"} {"term": "henceforth", "pos": "r", "context": "henceforth she will be known as Mrs. Smith", "definition": "from now on", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"henceforth she will be known as Mrs. Smith\" What is the definition of \"henceforth\"?"} {"term": "notably", "pos": "r", "context": "notably in the social sciences , the professors teach too much", "definition": "especially", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"notably in the social sciences , the professors teach too much\" What is the definition of \"notably\"?"} {"term": "notably", "pos": "r", "context": "notably in the social sciences , the professors teach too much", "definition": "in particular", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"notably in the social sciences , the professors teach too much\" What is the definition of \"notably\"?"} {"term": "erosion", "pos": "n", "context": "after the accounting scandal there was an erosion of confidence in the auditors", "definition": "a gradual decline of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after the accounting scandal there was an erosion of confidence in the auditors\" What is the definition of \"erosion\"?"} {"term": "wicked", "pos": "s", "context": "under wicked fire from the enemy 's guns", "definition": "intensely or extremely bad or unpleasant in degree or quality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"under wicked fire from the enemy 's guns\" What is the definition of \"wicked\"?"} {"term": "wicked", "pos": "s", "context": "a wicked prank", "definition": "naughtily or annoyingly playful", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a wicked prank\" What is the definition of \"wicked\"?"} {"term": "gradually", "pos": "r", "context": "the snake moved gradually toward its victim", "definition": "in a gradual manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the snake moved gradually toward its victim\" What is the definition of \"gradually\"?"} {"term": "howl", "pos": "n", "context": "he gave a howl of pain", "definition": "a long loud emotional utterance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he gave a howl of pain\" What is the definition of \"howl\"?"} {"term": "howl", "pos": "n", "context": "the howl of the wind made him restless", "definition": "a loud sustained noise resembling the cry of a hound", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the howl of the wind made him restless\" What is the definition of \"howl\"?"} {"term": "howl", "pos": "v", "context": "howl with sorrow", "definition": "to emit long loud cries", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["call", "scream", "roaring", "shout", "yell", "crying", "yawl", "squall", "cry", "ululate", "screaming", "roar"], "instruction": "\"howl with sorrow\" What is the definition of \"howl\"?"} {"term": "surmounted", "pos": "v", "context": "The scarf surmounted the gown", "definition": "to be on top of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The scarf surmounted the gown\" What is the definition of \"surmounted\"?"} {"term": "surmounted", "pos": "a", "context": "columns surmounted by statues", "definition": "having something on top", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"columns surmounted by statues\" What is the definition of \"surmounted\"?"} {"term": "inorganic", "pos": "a", "context": "hydrochloric and sulfuric acids are called inorganic substances", "definition": "relating or belonging to the class of compounds not having a carbon basis", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hydrochloric and sulfuric acids are called inorganic substances\" What is the definition of \"inorganic\"?"} {"term": "taking", "pos": "s", "context": "something inexpressibly taking in his manner", "definition": "very attractive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"something inexpressibly taking in his manner\" What is the definition of \"taking\"?"} {"term": "taking", "pos": "s", "context": "something inexpressibly taking in his manner", "definition": "capturing interest", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"something inexpressibly taking in his manner\" What is the definition of \"taking\"?"} {"term": "stopper", "pos": "n", "context": "if my partner has a spade stopper I can bid no trump", "definition": "a playing card with a value sufficiently high to insure taking a trick in a particular suit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if my partner has a spade stopper I can bid no trump\" What is the definition of \"stopper\"?"} {"term": "concerted", "pos": "s", "context": "concerted action", "definition": "involving the joint activity of two or more", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["conjunctive", ""], "instruction": "\"concerted action\" What is the definition of \"concerted\"?"} {"term": "disbandment", "pos": "n", "context": "the orchestra faced the prospect of disbandment", "definition": "the act of disbanding", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the orchestra faced the prospect of disbandment\" What is the definition of \"disbandment\"?"} {"term": "access", "pos": "n", "context": "he took a wrong turn on the access to the bridge", "definition": "a way of entering or leaving", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["approach", "way", "entrance", "entry"], "instruction": "\"he took a wrong turn on the access to the bridge\" What is the definition of \"access\"?"} {"term": "subscribe", "pos": "v", "context": "I subscribe to your view on abortion", "definition": "to adopt as a belief", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I subscribe to your view on abortion\" What is the definition of \"subscribe\"?"} {"term": "unreasonable", "pos": "s", "context": "unreasonable demands", "definition": "beyond normal limits", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["excessive", "", "inordinate", "undue"], "instruction": "\"unreasonable demands\" What is the definition of \"unreasonable\"?"} {"term": "unlimited", "pos": "a", "context": "to start with a theory of unlimited freedom is to end up with unlimited despotism \" - Philip Rahv", "definition": "having no limits in range or scope", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to start with a theory of unlimited freedom is to end up with unlimited despotism \" - Philip Rahv\" What is the definition of \"unlimited\"?"} {"term": "indifferently", "pos": "r", "context": "she shrugged indifferently", "definition": "with indifference", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she shrugged indifferently\" What is the definition of \"indifferently\"?"} {"term": "indifferently", "pos": "r", "context": "she shrugged indifferently", "definition": "in an indifferent manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she shrugged indifferently\" What is the definition of \"indifferently\"?"} {"term": "milliard", "pos": "n", "context": "in England they call one thousand million a milliard", "definition": "a billion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in England they call one thousand million a milliard\" What is the definition of \"milliard\"?"} {"term": "newsy", "pos": "s", "context": "a newsy letter", "definition": "full of news", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a newsy letter\" What is the definition of \"newsy\"?"} {"term": "realistically", "pos": "r", "context": "let 's look at the situation realistically", "definition": "in a realistic manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"let 's look at the situation realistically\" What is the definition of \"realistically\"?"} {"term": "realistically", "pos": "r", "context": "the figure was realistically painted", "definition": "in a realistic manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the figure was realistically painted\" What is the definition of \"realistically\"?"} {"term": "slouch", "pos": "n", "context": "he 's no slouch when it comes to baseball", "definition": "an incompetent person", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he 's no slouch when it comes to baseball\" What is the definition of \"slouch\"?"} {"term": "slouch", "pos": "n", "context": "he 's no slouch when it comes to baseball", "definition": "usually used in negative constructions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he 's no slouch when it comes to baseball\" What is the definition of \"slouch\"?"} {"term": "overtax", "pos": "v", "context": "Do n't overtax my constituents !", "definition": "to tax excessively", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Do n't overtax my constituents !\" What is the definition of \"overtax\"?"} {"term": "incarceration", "pos": "n", "context": "his ignominious incarceration in the local jail", "definition": "the state of being imprisoned", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["captivity", "internment"], "instruction": "\"his ignominious incarceration in the local jail\" What is the definition of \"incarceration\"?"} {"term": "unfortunate", "pos": "a", "context": "an unfortunate turn of events", "definition": "not favored by fortune", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unfortunate turn of events\" What is the definition of \"unfortunate\"?"} {"term": "unfortunate", "pos": "a", "context": "an unfortunate turn of events", "definition": "marked or accompanied by or resulting in ill fortune", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unfortunate turn of events\" What is the definition of \"unfortunate\"?"} {"term": "unfortunate", "pos": "s", "context": "an unfortunate choice of words", "definition": "unsuitable or regrettable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unfortunate choice of words\" What is the definition of \"unfortunate\"?"} {"term": "indeterminate", "pos": "a", "context": "of indeterminate age", "definition": "not precisely determined or established", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"of indeterminate age\" What is the definition of \"indeterminate\"?"} {"term": "indeterminate", "pos": "a", "context": "of indeterminate age", "definition": "not fixed or known in advance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"of indeterminate age\" What is the definition of \"indeterminate\"?"} {"term": "indeterminate", "pos": "a", "context": "an indeterminate stem", "definition": "having a capacity for continuing to grow at the apex", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an indeterminate stem\" What is the definition of \"indeterminate\"?"} {"term": "indeterminate", "pos": "s", "context": "the indeterminate number of plant species in the jungle", "definition": "not capable of being determined", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the indeterminate number of plant species in the jungle\" What is the definition of \"indeterminate\"?"} {"term": "indeterminate", "pos": "s", "context": "an indeterminate campaign", "definition": "not leading to a definite ending or result", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an indeterminate campaign\" What is the definition of \"indeterminate\"?"} {"term": "stringer", "pos": "n", "context": "a first stringer", "definition": "a member of a squad on a team", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a first stringer\" What is the definition of \"stringer\"?"} {"term": "stringer", "pos": "n", "context": "a stringer of beads", "definition": "a worker who strings", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a stringer of beads\" What is the definition of \"stringer\"?"} {"term": "ghetto", "pos": "n", "context": "the Warsaw ghetto", "definition": "formerly the restricted quarter of many european cities in which jews were required to live", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the Warsaw ghetto\" What is the definition of \"ghetto\"?"} {"term": "ghetto", "pos": "n", "context": "the relative security of the gay ghetto", "definition": "any segregated mode of living or working that results from bias or stereotyping", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the relative security of the gay ghetto\" What is the definition of \"ghetto\"?"} {"term": "radially", "pos": "r", "context": "an imaginative dispersal of the pews radially from the central focus of the pulpit", "definition": "in a radial manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an imaginative dispersal of the pews radially from the central focus of the pulpit\" What is the definition of \"radially\"?"} {"term": "crumbly", "pos": "s", "context": "crumbly cookies", "definition": "easily broken into small fragments or reduced to powder", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"crumbly cookies\" What is the definition of \"crumbly\"?"} {"term": "folly", "pos": "n", "context": "trying to drive through a blizzard is the height of folly", "definition": "the quality of being rash and foolish", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["craziness", "", "madness", "foolishness"], "instruction": "\"trying to drive through a blizzard is the height of folly\" What is the definition of \"folly\"?"} {"term": "spirally", "pos": "r", "context": "spirally fluted handles", "definition": "with spirals", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"spirally fluted handles\" What is the definition of \"spirally\"?"} {"term": "key", "pos": "n", "context": "the key to development is economic integration", "definition": "something crucial for explaining", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the key to development is economic integration\" What is the definition of \"key\"?"} {"term": "key", "pos": "n", "context": "he spoke in a low key", "definition": "pitch of the voice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he spoke in a low key\" What is the definition of \"key\"?"} {"term": "intuitively", "pos": "r", "context": "inventors seem to have chosen intuitively a combination of explosive and aggressive sounds as warning signals to be used on automobiles", "definition": "in an intuitive manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"inventors seem to have chosen intuitively a combination of explosive and aggressive sounds as warning signals to be used on automobiles\" What is the definition of \"intuitively\"?"} {"term": "onward", "pos": "r", "context": "from the sixth century onward", "definition": "forward in time or order or degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"from the sixth century onward\" What is the definition of \"onward\"?"} {"term": "onward", "pos": "r", "context": "moved onward into the forest", "definition": "in a forward direction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["onwards", "forward", "", "forwards"], "instruction": "\"moved onward into the forest\" What is the definition of \"onward\"?"} {"term": "unkempt", "pos": "s", "context": "wild unkempt hair", "definition": "not neatly combed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wild unkempt hair\" What is the definition of \"unkempt\"?"} {"term": "unkempt", "pos": "s", "context": "an unkempt garden", "definition": "not properly maintained or cared for", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unkempt garden\" What is the definition of \"unkempt\"?"} {"term": "beastly", "pos": "s", "context": "beastly desires", "definition": "resembling a beast", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"beastly desires\" What is the definition of \"beastly\"?"} {"term": "beastly", "pos": "s", "context": "beastly desires", "definition": "showing lack of human sensibility", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"beastly desires\" What is the definition of \"beastly\"?"} {"term": "choose", "pos": "v", "context": "I always choose the fish over the meat courses in this restaurant", "definition": "to select as an alternative over another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I always choose the fish over the meat courses in this restaurant\" What is the definition of \"choose\"?"} {"term": "intensively", "pos": "r", "context": "he studied the snake intensively", "definition": "in an intensive manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he studied the snake intensively\" What is the definition of \"intensively\"?"} {"term": "atrophic", "pos": "a", "context": "atrophic arthritis", "definition": "relating to or characterized by atrophy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"atrophic arthritis\" What is the definition of \"atrophic\"?"} {"term": "trash", "pos": "v", "context": "trash these old chairs", "definition": "to dispose of something useless or old", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"trash these old chairs\" What is the definition of \"trash\"?"} {"term": "quantity", "pos": "n", "context": "he had a quantity of ammunition", "definition": "an adequate or large amount", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had a quantity of ammunition\" What is the definition of \"quantity\"?"} {"term": "hobgoblin", "pos": "n", "context": "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds \" -- Ralph Waldo Emerson", "definition": "an object of dread or apprehension", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["object", "bugbear"], "instruction": "\"A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds \" -- Ralph Waldo Emerson\" What is the definition of \"hobgoblin\"?"} {"term": "mildly", "pos": "r", "context": "he was mildly interested", "definition": "to a moderate degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was mildly interested\" What is the definition of \"mildly\"?"} {"term": "aslant", "pos": "r", "context": "the sun shone aslant into his face", "definition": "at an oblique angle", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["athwart", "", "obliquely"], "instruction": "\"the sun shone aslant into his face\" What is the definition of \"aslant\"?"} {"term": "stark", "pos": "s", "context": "stark poverty", "definition": "complete or extreme", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stark poverty\" What is the definition of \"stark\"?"} {"term": "stark", "pos": "s", "context": "facing the stark reality of the deadline", "definition": "devoid of any qualifications or disguise or adornment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"facing the stark reality of the deadline\" What is the definition of \"stark\"?"} {"term": "stark", "pos": "s", "context": "a stark interior", "definition": "severely simple", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a stark interior\" What is the definition of \"stark\"?"} {"term": "stark", "pos": "r", "context": "stark mad", "definition": "completely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stark mad\" What is the definition of \"stark\"?"} {"term": "lineage", "pos": "n", "context": "his entire lineage has been warriors", "definition": "the descendants of one individual", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["origin", "descent", "ancestry", "parentage", "folk", "kinfolk", "sept", "stock", "kinsfolk", "blood", "genealogy", "family", "line"], "instruction": "\"his entire lineage has been warriors\" What is the definition of \"lineage\"?"} {"term": "prohibitive", "pos": "s", "context": "the price was prohibitive", "definition": "tending to discourage especially of prices", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the price was prohibitive\" What is the definition of \"prohibitive\"?"} {"term": "vaginal", "pos": "a", "context": "vaginal suppository", "definition": "of or relating to the vagina", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"vaginal suppository\" What is the definition of \"vaginal\"?"} {"term": "readmission", "pos": "n", "context": "the surgery was performed on his readmission to the clinic", "definition": "the act of admitting someone again", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the surgery was performed on his readmission to the clinic\" What is the definition of \"readmission\"?"} {"term": "aseptic", "pos": "s", "context": "aseptic surgical instruments", "definition": "free of or using methods to keep free of pathological microorganisms", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"aseptic surgical instruments\" What is the definition of \"aseptic\"?"} {"term": "flush", "pos": "n", "context": "he heard the flush of a toilet", "definition": "a sudden rapid flow as of water", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["flowing", "flow", "gush"], "instruction": "\"he heard the flush of a toilet\" What is the definition of \"flush\"?"} {"term": "flush", "pos": "s", "context": "a door flush with the wall", "definition": "of a surface exactly even with an adjoining one , forming the same plane", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a door flush with the wall\" What is the definition of \"flush\"?"} {"term": "flush", "pos": "s", "context": "a speculator flush with cash", "definition": "having an abundant supply of money or possessions of value", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["affluent", "", "moneyed", "wealthy"], "instruction": "\"a speculator flush with cash\" What is the definition of \"flush\"?"} {"term": "flush", "pos": "r", "context": "hit him flush in the face", "definition": "squarely or solidly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hit him flush in the face\" What is the definition of \"flush\"?"} {"term": "flush", "pos": "r", "context": "set it flush with the top of the table", "definition": "in the same plane", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"set it flush with the top of the table\" What is the definition of \"flush\"?"} {"term": "fickle", "pos": "s", "context": "fickle friends", "definition": "marked by erratic changeableness in affections or attachments", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fickle friends\" What is the definition of \"fickle\"?"} {"term": "fickle", "pos": "s", "context": "fickle weather", "definition": "liable to sudden unpredictable change", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fickle weather\" What is the definition of \"fickle\"?"} {"term": "impatient", "pos": "a", "context": "impatient with the slower students", "definition": "restless or short-tempered under delay or opposition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"impatient with the slower students\" What is the definition of \"impatient\"?"} {"term": "impatient", "pos": "s", "context": "impatient to begin", "definition": "full of eagerness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"impatient to begin\" What is the definition of \"impatient\"?"} {"term": "divine", "pos": "s", "context": "divine judgment", "definition": "emanating from god", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"divine judgment\" What is the definition of \"divine\"?"} {"term": "divine", "pos": "s", "context": "the custom of killing the divine king upon any serious failure of his ... powers \" - J.G.Frazier", "definition": "being or having the nature of a god", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the custom of killing the divine king upon any serious failure of his ... powers \" - J.G.Frazier\" What is the definition of \"divine\"?"} {"term": "divine", "pos": "s", "context": "the custom of killing the divine king upon any serious failure of his ... powers \" - J.G.Frazier", "definition": "tis god-like to create-j.g. saxe", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the custom of killing the divine king upon any serious failure of his ... powers \" - J.G.Frazier\" What is the definition of \"divine\"?"} {"term": "divine", "pos": "s", "context": "divine worship", "definition": "devoted to or in the service or worship of a deity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"divine worship\" What is the definition of \"divine\"?"} {"term": "numb", "pos": "s", "context": "too numb with fear to move", "definition": "so frightened as to be unable to move", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"too numb with fear to move\" What is the definition of \"numb\"?"} {"term": "numb", "pos": "s", "context": "too numb with fear to move", "definition": "stunned or paralyzed with terror", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"too numb with fear to move\" What is the definition of \"numb\"?"} {"term": "numb", "pos": "s", "context": "too numb with fear to move", "definition": "petrified", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"too numb with fear to move\" What is the definition of \"numb\"?"} {"term": "numb", "pos": "s", "context": "numb with cold", "definition": "lacking sensation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"numb with cold\" What is the definition of \"numb\"?"} {"term": "numb", "pos": "s", "context": "numb to the cries for mercy", "definition": "not showing human feeling or sensitivity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"numb to the cries for mercy\" What is the definition of \"numb\"?"} {"term": "numb", "pos": "s", "context": "numb to the cries for mercy", "definition": "unresponsive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"numb to the cries for mercy\" What is the definition of \"numb\"?"} {"term": "plump", "pos": "s", "context": "pleasingly plump", "definition": "sufficiently fat so as to have a pleasing fullness of figure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pleasingly plump\" What is the definition of \"plump\"?"} {"term": "plump", "pos": "r", "context": "the anchor fell plump into the sea", "definition": "straight down especially heavily or abruptly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the anchor fell plump into the sea\" What is the definition of \"plump\"?"} {"term": "implication", "pos": "n", "context": "he was suspected of implication in several robberies", "definition": "a relation implicated by virtue of involvement or close connection especially an incriminating involvement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was suspected of implication in several robberies\" What is the definition of \"implication\"?"} {"term": "evolution", "pos": "n", "context": "the evolution of Greek civilization", "definition": "a process in which something passes by degrees to a different stage especially a more advanced or mature stage", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["flowering", "development", "process", "growth"], "instruction": "\"the evolution of Greek civilization\" What is the definition of \"evolution\"?"} {"term": "ministerial", "pos": "a", "context": "ministerial duties", "definition": "of or relating to a minister of religion or the ministers office", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ministerial duties\" What is the definition of \"ministerial\"?"} {"term": "ministerial", "pos": "a", "context": "ministerial decree", "definition": "of or relating to a government minister or ministry", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ministerial decree\" What is the definition of \"ministerial\"?"} {"term": "reprehensible", "pos": "s", "context": "adultery is as reprehensible for a husband as for a wife", "definition": "bringing or deserving severe rebuke or censure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"adultery is as reprehensible for a husband as for a wife\" What is the definition of \"reprehensible\"?"} {"term": "deify", "pos": "v", "context": "These young men deify financial success", "definition": "to consider as a god or godlike", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"These young men deify financial success\" What is the definition of \"deify\"?"} {"term": "sideways", "pos": "r", "context": "turned sideways to show the profile", "definition": "with one side forward or to the front", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"turned sideways to show the profile\" What is the definition of \"sideways\"?"} {"term": "sideways", "pos": "r", "context": "the car slipped sideways into the ditch", "definition": "toward one side", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the car slipped sideways into the ditch\" What is the definition of \"sideways\"?"} {"term": "sideways", "pos": "r", "context": "a picture lit sideways", "definition": "from the side", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a picture lit sideways\" What is the definition of \"sideways\"?"} {"term": "sideways", "pos": "r", "context": "a picture lit sideways", "definition": "obliquely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a picture lit sideways\" What is the definition of \"sideways\"?"} {"term": "whittle", "pos": "v", "context": "whittle a piece of wood", "definition": "to cut small bits or pare shavings from", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["cutting", "cut", "paring"], "instruction": "\"whittle a piece of wood\" What is the definition of \"whittle\"?"} {"term": "notice", "pos": "n", "context": "you did n't give me enough notice", "definition": "an announcement containing information about an event", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you did n't give me enough notice\" What is the definition of \"notice\"?"} {"term": "notice", "pos": "n", "context": "we received a notice to vacate the premises", "definition": "advance notification usually written of the intention to withdraw from an arrangement of contract", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we received a notice to vacate the premises\" What is the definition of \"notice\"?"} {"term": "invalidate", "pos": "v", "context": "invalidate a contract", "definition": "to take away the legal force of or render ineffective", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["alter", "change", "vitiate", "modify", "voiding"], "instruction": "\"invalidate a contract\" What is the definition of \"invalidate\"?"} {"term": "bent", "pos": "s", "context": "bent on going to the theater", "definition": "fixed in your purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bent on going to the theater\" What is the definition of \"bent\"?"} {"term": "bent", "pos": "s", "context": "bent nails", "definition": "of metal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["dented", ""], "instruction": "\"bent nails\" What is the definition of \"bent\"?"} {"term": "bent", "pos": "s", "context": "with bent ( or bended ) back", "definition": "used of the back and knees", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with bent ( or bended ) back\" What is the definition of \"bent\"?"} {"term": "bent", "pos": "s", "context": "with bent ( or bended ) back", "definition": "stooped", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with bent ( or bended ) back\" What is the definition of \"bent\"?"} {"term": "promiscuous", "pos": "s", "context": "Clinton was criticized for his promiscuous solicitation of campaign money", "definition": "not selective of a single class or person", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Clinton was criticized for his promiscuous solicitation of campaign money\" What is the definition of \"promiscuous\"?"} {"term": "lace", "pos": "v", "context": "lace the shoelaces", "definition": "to draw through eyes or holes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lace the shoelaces\" What is the definition of \"lace\"?"} {"term": "combustion", "pos": "n", "context": "combustion grew until revolt was unavoidable", "definition": "a state of violent disturbance and excitement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"combustion grew until revolt was unavoidable\" What is the definition of \"combustion\"?"} {"term": "protocol", "pos": "n", "context": "academic protocol", "definition": "code of correct conduct", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"academic protocol\" What is the definition of \"protocol\"?"} {"term": "tandem", "pos": "r", "context": "ride tandem on a bicycle built for two", "definition": "one behind the other", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ride tandem on a bicycle built for two\" What is the definition of \"tandem\"?"} {"term": "heinous", "pos": "s", "context": "heinous accusations", "definition": "extremely wicked , deeply criminal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"heinous accusations\" What is the definition of \"heinous\"?"} {"term": "harry", "pos": "v", "context": "He is known to harry his staff when he is overworked", "definition": "to annoy continually or chronically", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["provoke", "gravel", "dun", "rag", "chafing", "bother", "annoy", "molest", "needle", "harass", "irritate", "haze", "beset", "devil", "needless", "nettle", "ragged", "torment", "frustrate", "vexed", "bedevil", "goad", "chafe", "rile"], "instruction": "\"He is known to harry his staff when he is overworked\" What is the definition of \"harry\"?"} {"term": "bony", "pos": "s", "context": "emaciated bony hands", "definition": "very thin especially from disease or hunger or cold", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["haggard", "", "gaunt", "skeletal"], "instruction": "\"emaciated bony hands\" What is the definition of \"bony\"?"} {"term": "bony", "pos": "a", "context": "a bony shad fillet", "definition": "having bones especially many or prominent bones", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bony shad fillet\" What is the definition of \"bony\"?"} {"term": "idiopathic", "pos": "a", "context": "idiopathic epilepsy", "definition": "arising from an unknown cause", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"idiopathic epilepsy\" What is the definition of \"idiopathic\"?"} {"term": "hurt", "pos": "v", "context": "This exercise will hurt your back", "definition": "to give trouble or pain to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"This exercise will hurt your back\" What is the definition of \"hurt\"?"} {"term": "hurt", "pos": "v", "context": "Our business was hurt by the new competition", "definition": "to cause damage or affect negatively", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["injure", "damage"], "instruction": "\"Our business was hurt by the new competition\" What is the definition of \"hurt\"?"} {"term": "hurt", "pos": "s", "context": "ambulances ... for the hurt men and women", "definition": "suffering from physical injury especially that suffered in battle", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ambulances ... for the hurt men and women\" What is the definition of \"hurt\"?"} {"term": "sensually", "pos": "r", "context": "the belly dancer mover sensually among the tables", "definition": "in a sultry and sensual manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the belly dancer mover sensually among the tables\" What is the definition of \"sensually\"?"} {"term": "royally", "pos": "r", "context": "they were royally treated", "definition": "in a royal manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they were royally treated\" What is the definition of \"royally\"?"} {"term": "arithmetically", "pos": "r", "context": "this problem is arithmetically easy", "definition": "with respect to arithmetic", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this problem is arithmetically easy\" What is the definition of \"arithmetically\"?"} {"term": "aggrandizement", "pos": "n", "context": "the aggrandizement of the king", "definition": "the act of increasing the wealth or prestige or power or scope of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["elevation", "increase"], "instruction": "\"the aggrandizement of the king\" What is the definition of \"aggrandizement\"?"} {"term": "slick", "pos": "v", "context": "slick one 's hair", "definition": "to give a smooth and glossy appearance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"slick one 's hair\" What is the definition of \"slick\"?"} {"term": "slick", "pos": "s", "context": "a slick commercial", "definition": "having only superficial plausibility", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["glib", "", "slicker"], "instruction": "\"a slick commercial\" What is the definition of \"slick\"?"} {"term": "slick", "pos": "s", "context": "slick seals and otters", "definition": "having a smooth , gleaming surface reflecting light", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"slick seals and otters\" What is the definition of \"slick\"?"} {"term": "astern", "pos": "r", "context": "the steamer went astern at half speed", "definition": "stern foremost or backward", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the steamer went astern at half speed\" What is the definition of \"astern\"?"} {"term": "astern", "pos": "r", "context": "we dropped her astern on the end of a seven-inch manilla , and she laid comfortably on the ebb tide", "definition": "behind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we dropped her astern on the end of a seven-inch manilla , and she laid comfortably on the ebb tide\" What is the definition of \"astern\"?"} {"term": "astern", "pos": "r", "context": "the captain looked astern to see what the fuss was about", "definition": "at or near or toward the stern of a ship or tail of an airplane", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the captain looked astern to see what the fuss was about\" What is the definition of \"astern\"?"} {"term": "heartfelt", "pos": "s", "context": "heartfelt condolences", "definition": "earnest", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"heartfelt condolences\" What is the definition of \"heartfelt\"?"} {"term": "trill", "pos": "n", "context": "he pronounced his R 's with a distinct trill", "definition": "the articulation of a consonant especially the consonant r with a rapid flutter of the tongue against the palate or uvula", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he pronounced his R 's with a distinct trill\" What is the definition of \"trill\"?"} {"term": "rival", "pos": "v", "context": "Nothing can rival cotton for durability", "definition": "to be equal to in quality or ability", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["touch", "vie", "compete"], "instruction": "\"Nothing can rival cotton for durability\" What is the definition of \"rival\"?"} {"term": "irreversible", "pos": "a", "context": "irreversible momentum toward revolution", "definition": "incapable of being reversed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"irreversible momentum toward revolution\" What is the definition of \"irreversible\"?"} {"term": "exposition", "pos": "n", "context": "we would have understood the play better if there had been some initial exposition of the background", "definition": "an account that sets forth the meaning or intent of a writing or discourse", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we would have understood the play better if there had been some initial exposition of the background\" What is the definition of \"exposition\"?"} {"term": "comprehend", "pos": "v", "context": "Do you comprehend the meaning of this letter ?", "definition": "to get the meaning of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["tumble", "twig", "grasp", "digest", "compass", "figure", "understand", "savvy", "understanding"], "instruction": "\"Do you comprehend the meaning of this letter ?\" What is the definition of \"comprehend\"?"} {"term": "evermore", "pos": "r", "context": "lead a blameless life evermore", "definition": "at any future time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lead a blameless life evermore\" What is the definition of \"evermore\"?"} {"term": "evermore", "pos": "r", "context": "lead a blameless life evermore", "definition": "in the future", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lead a blameless life evermore\" What is the definition of \"evermore\"?"} {"term": "microscopically", "pos": "r", "context": "the blood was examined microscopically", "definition": "by using a microscope", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the blood was examined microscopically\" What is the definition of \"microscopically\"?"} {"term": "microscopically", "pos": "r", "context": "the blood was examined microscopically", "definition": "so as to be visible only with a microscope", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the blood was examined microscopically\" What is the definition of \"microscopically\"?"} {"term": "microscopically", "pos": "r", "context": "the blood was examined microscopically", "definition": "as seen with a microscope", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the blood was examined microscopically\" What is the definition of \"microscopically\"?"} {"term": "microscopically", "pos": "r", "context": "every manuscript was edited microscopically", "definition": "as if by using a microscope", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"every manuscript was edited microscopically\" What is the definition of \"microscopically\"?"} {"term": "microscopically", "pos": "r", "context": "every manuscript was edited microscopically", "definition": "with extreme precision and attention to detail", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"every manuscript was edited microscopically\" What is the definition of \"microscopically\"?"} {"term": "microscopically", "pos": "r", "context": "every manuscript was edited microscopically", "definition": "in minute detail", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"every manuscript was edited microscopically\" What is the definition of \"microscopically\"?"} {"term": "invulnerable", "pos": "a", "context": "gunners raked the beach from invulnerable positions on the cliffs", "definition": "immune to attack", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gunners raked the beach from invulnerable positions on the cliffs\" What is the definition of \"invulnerable\"?"} {"term": "invulnerable", "pos": "a", "context": "gunners raked the beach from invulnerable positions on the cliffs", "definition": "impregnable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gunners raked the beach from invulnerable positions on the cliffs\" What is the definition of \"invulnerable\"?"} {"term": "jam", "pos": "v", "context": "jam a toe", "definition": "to crush or bruise", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["crush", "bruise"], "instruction": "\"jam a toe\" What is the definition of \"jam\"?"} {"term": "alchemy", "pos": "n", "context": "a mysterious alchemy brought them together", "definition": "the way two individuals relate to each other", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a mysterious alchemy brought them together\" What is the definition of \"alchemy\"?"} {"term": "inflammation", "pos": "n", "context": "he tried to calm those who were in a state of extreme inflammation", "definition": "the state of being emotionally aroused and worked up", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he tried to calm those who were in a state of extreme inflammation\" What is the definition of \"inflammation\"?"} {"term": "milky", "pos": "s", "context": "milky glass", "definition": "resembling milk in color not clear", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"milky glass\" What is the definition of \"milky\"?"} {"term": "uncomfortable", "pos": "a", "context": "this kind of life can prove disruptive and uncomfortable", "definition": "conducive to or feeling mental discomfort", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this kind of life can prove disruptive and uncomfortable\" What is the definition of \"uncomfortable\"?"} {"term": "uncomfortable", "pos": "a", "context": "an uncomfortable chair", "definition": "providing or experiencing physical discomfort", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an uncomfortable chair\" What is the definition of \"uncomfortable\"?"} {"term": "rousing", "pos": "s", "context": "a rousing sermon", "definition": "capable of arousing enthusiasm or excitement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a rousing sermon\" What is the definition of \"rousing\"?"} {"term": "hiding", "pos": "v", "context": "Probably his horse would be close to where he was hiding", "definition": "to keep out of sight , as for protection and safety", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["earth", "hide"], "instruction": "\"Probably his horse would be close to where he was hiding\" What is the definition of \"hiding\"?"} {"term": "fictional", "pos": "a", "context": "clever fictional devices", "definition": "related to or involving literary fiction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"clever fictional devices\" What is the definition of \"fictional\"?"} {"term": "fictional", "pos": "s", "context": "a fictional character", "definition": "formed or conceived by the imagination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fictional character\" What is the definition of \"fictional\"?"} {"term": "disappointed", "pos": "s", "context": "disappointed expectations and thwarted ambitions", "definition": "disappointingly unsuccessful", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"disappointed expectations and thwarted ambitions\" What is the definition of \"disappointed\"?"} {"term": "snuff", "pos": "v", "context": "snuff coke", "definition": "to inhale audibly through the nose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"snuff coke\" What is the definition of \"snuff\"?"} {"term": "squat", "pos": "s", "context": "a little church with a squat tower", "definition": "short and thick", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["chunky", "", "dumpy", "squatter", "squatty"], "instruction": "\"a little church with a squat tower\" What is the definition of \"squat\"?"} {"term": "squat", "pos": "s", "context": "a little church with a squat tower", "definition": "as e.g. having short legs and heavy musculature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["chunky", "", "dumpy", "squatter", "squatty"], "instruction": "\"a little church with a squat tower\" What is the definition of \"squat\"?"} {"term": "mayoral", "pos": "a", "context": "mayoral elections", "definition": "of or relating to a mayor or the office of mayor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mayoral elections\" What is the definition of \"mayoral\"?"} {"term": "jauntily", "pos": "r", "context": "his hat sat jauntily on his full brown hair", "definition": "in a jaunty fashionable manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his hat sat jauntily on his full brown hair\" What is the definition of \"jauntily\"?"} {"term": "sleek", "pos": "s", "context": "sleek figures in expensive clothes", "definition": "well-groomed and neatly tailored", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sleek figures in expensive clothes\" What is the definition of \"sleek\"?"} {"term": "sleek", "pos": "s", "context": "sleek figures in expensive clothes", "definition": "especially too well-groomed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sleek figures in expensive clothes\" What is the definition of \"sleek\"?"} {"term": "sleek", "pos": "s", "context": "sleek black fur", "definition": "having a smooth , gleaming surface reflecting light", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sleek black fur\" What is the definition of \"sleek\"?"} {"term": "knot", "pos": "n", "context": "a small knot of women listened to his sermon", "definition": "a tight cluster of people or things", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a small knot of women listened to his sermon\" What is the definition of \"knot\"?"} {"term": "knot", "pos": "n", "context": "the saw buckled when it hit a knot", "definition": "a hard cross-grained round piece of wood in a board where a branch emerged", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the saw buckled when it hit a knot\" What is the definition of \"knot\"?"} {"term": "unemployment", "pos": "n", "context": "unemployment is a serious social evil", "definition": "the state of being unemployed or not having a job", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unemployment is a serious social evil\" What is the definition of \"unemployment\"?"} {"term": "supercilious", "pos": "s", "context": "curled his lip in a supercilious smile", "definition": "expressive of contempt", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"curled his lip in a supercilious smile\" What is the definition of \"supercilious\"?"} {"term": "supercilious", "pos": "s", "context": "his mother eyed my clothes with a supercilious air", "definition": "having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one views as unworthy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his mother eyed my clothes with a supercilious air\" What is the definition of \"supercilious\"?"} {"term": "tangentially", "pos": "r", "context": "touched on it tangentially", "definition": "in passing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"touched on it tangentially\" What is the definition of \"tangentially\"?"} {"term": "melt", "pos": "n", "context": "the power failure caused a refrigerator melt that was a disaster", "definition": "the process whereby heat changes something from a solid to a liquid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the power failure caused a refrigerator melt that was a disaster\" What is the definition of \"melt\"?"} {"term": "melt", "pos": "v", "context": "melt butter", "definition": "to reduce or cause to be reduced from a solid to a liquid state , usually by heating", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["molten", "run", "fuse", "resolve", "dissolve", "dissolving", "melting", "try"], "instruction": "\"melt butter\" What is the definition of \"melt\"?"} {"term": "trackless", "pos": "a", "context": "a trackless trolley", "definition": "having no tracks", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a trackless trolley\" What is the definition of \"trackless\"?"} {"term": "trackless", "pos": "s", "context": "trackless wilderness", "definition": "lacking pathways", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"trackless wilderness\" What is the definition of \"trackless\"?"} {"term": "recognition", "pos": "n", "context": "the partners were delighted with the recognition of their work", "definition": "the state or quality of being recognized or acknowledged", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["acceptance", "acknowledgment"], "instruction": "\"the partners were delighted with the recognition of their work\" What is the definition of \"recognition\"?"} {"term": "recognition", "pos": "n", "context": "a politician whose recall of names was as remarkable as his recognition of faces", "definition": "the process of recognizing something or someone by remembering", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["memory", "identification"], "instruction": "\"a politician whose recall of names was as remarkable as his recognition of faces\" What is the definition of \"recognition\"?"} {"term": "recognition", "pos": "n", "context": "give her recognition for trying", "definition": "approval", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["credit", "salute", "salutation", "remembrance", "commemoration"], "instruction": "\"give her recognition for trying\" What is the definition of \"recognition\"?"} {"term": "odious", "pos": "s", "context": "consequences odious to those you govern \" - Edmund Burke", "definition": "unequivocally detestable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"consequences odious to those you govern \" - Edmund Burke\" What is the definition of \"odious\"?"} {"term": "tardily", "pos": "r", "context": "glaciers move tardily", "definition": "without speed slow is sometimes used informally for slowly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"glaciers move tardily\" What is the definition of \"tardily\"?"} {"term": "tardily", "pos": "r", "context": "notice came so tardily that we almost missed the deadline", "definition": "later than usual or than expected", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"notice came so tardily that we almost missed the deadline\" What is the definition of \"tardily\"?"} {"term": "sequence", "pos": "n", "context": "the sequence of names was alphabetical", "definition": "serial arrangement in which things follow in logical order or a recurrent pattern", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sequence of names was alphabetical\" What is the definition of \"sequence\"?"} {"term": "sequence", "pos": "n", "context": "the doctor saw a sequence of patients", "definition": "a following of one thing after another in time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the doctor saw a sequence of patients\" What is the definition of \"sequence\"?"} {"term": "slit", "pos": "v", "context": "slit her throat", "definition": "to make a clean cut through", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["cutting", "slice", "cut"], "instruction": "\"slit her throat\" What is the definition of \"slit\"?"} {"term": "thickly", "pos": "r", "context": "after a few drinks he was beginning to speak thickly", "definition": "spoken with poor articulation as if with a thick tongue", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after a few drinks he was beginning to speak thickly\" What is the definition of \"thickly\"?"} {"term": "thickly", "pos": "r", "context": "spread 1/4 lb softened margarine or cooking fat fairly thickly all over the surface", "definition": "with thickness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"spread 1/4 lb softened margarine or cooking fat fairly thickly all over the surface\" What is the definition of \"thickly\"?"} {"term": "thickly", "pos": "r", "context": "spread 1/4 lb softened margarine or cooking fat fairly thickly all over the surface", "definition": "in a thick manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"spread 1/4 lb softened margarine or cooking fat fairly thickly all over the surface\" What is the definition of \"thickly\"?"} {"term": "shifting", "pos": "n", "context": "his constant shifting disrupted the class", "definition": "the act of moving from one place to another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["shift", "movement", "motion"], "instruction": "\"his constant shifting disrupted the class\" What is the definition of \"shifting\"?"} {"term": "shifting", "pos": "s", "context": "taffeta with shifting colors", "definition": "continuously varying", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"taffeta with shifting colors\" What is the definition of \"shifting\"?"} {"term": "shifting", "pos": "s", "context": "he drifted into the shifting crowd", "definition": "changing position or direction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he drifted into the shifting crowd\" What is the definition of \"shifting\"?"} {"term": "shifting", "pos": "s", "context": "shifting sands", "definition": "unstable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shifting sands\" What is the definition of \"shifting\"?"} {"term": "adjective", "pos": "a", "context": "adjective law", "definition": "relating to court practice and procedure as opposed to the principles of law", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"adjective law\" What is the definition of \"adjective\"?"} {"term": "folk", "pos": "n", "context": "they 're just country folk", "definition": "people in general often used in the plural", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they 're just country folk\" What is the definition of \"folk\"?"} {"term": "simian", "pos": "a", "context": "simian features", "definition": "relating to or resembling an ape", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"simian features\" What is the definition of \"simian\"?"} {"term": "breakable", "pos": "a", "context": "earthenware pottery is breakable", "definition": "capable of being broken or damaged", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"earthenware pottery is breakable\" What is the definition of \"breakable\"?"} {"term": "longhand", "pos": "s", "context": "longhand writing", "definition": "having words written out in full by hand", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"longhand writing\" What is the definition of \"longhand\"?"} {"term": "orthogonal", "pos": "s", "context": "wind and sea may displace the ship 's center of gravity along three orthogonal axes", "definition": "having a set of mutually perpendicular axes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wind and sea may displace the ship 's center of gravity along three orthogonal axes\" What is the definition of \"orthogonal\"?"} {"term": "orthogonal", "pos": "s", "context": "wind and sea may displace the ship 's center of gravity along three orthogonal axes", "definition": "meeting at right angles", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wind and sea may displace the ship 's center of gravity along three orthogonal axes\" What is the definition of \"orthogonal\"?"} {"term": "hang", "pos": "n", "context": "he could n't get the hang of it", "definition": "a special way of doing something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["talent", "gift", "bent", "endowment", "knack"], "instruction": "\"he could n't get the hang of it\" What is the definition of \"hang\"?"} {"term": "lingual", "pos": "a", "context": "lingual inflammation", "definition": "pertaining to or resembling or lying near the tongue", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lingual inflammation\" What is the definition of \"lingual\"?"} {"term": "lingual", "pos": "a", "context": "lingual diversity", "definition": "consisting of or related to language", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lingual diversity\" What is the definition of \"lingual\"?"} {"term": "compulsorily", "pos": "r", "context": "the ministry considers that contributions to such a fund should be met from voluntary donations rather than from rates compulsorily levied .", "definition": "in a manner that can not be evaded", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ministry considers that contributions to such a fund should be met from voluntary donations rather than from rates compulsorily levied .\" What is the definition of \"compulsorily\"?"} {"term": "foxy", "pos": "s", "context": "a foxy scheme", "definition": "marked by skill in deception", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["knavish", "", "sly", "tricky", "slick", "tricksy", "guileful", "cunning"], "instruction": "\"a foxy scheme\" What is the definition of \"foxy\"?"} {"term": "fiendish", "pos": "s", "context": "a fiendish despot", "definition": "extremely evil or cruel", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["diabolic", "hellish", "", "demonic", "satanic", "infernal"], "instruction": "\"a fiendish despot\" What is the definition of \"fiendish\"?"} {"term": "fiendish", "pos": "s", "context": "a fiendish despot", "definition": "expressive of cruelty or befitting hell", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["diabolic", "hellish", "", "demonic", "satanic", "infernal"], "instruction": "\"a fiendish despot\" What is the definition of \"fiendish\"?"} {"term": "inventive", "pos": "s", "context": "had an inventive turn of mind", "definition": "marked by independence and creativity in thought or action", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"had an inventive turn of mind\" What is the definition of \"inventive\"?"} {"term": "fatty", "pos": "a", "context": "fatty food", "definition": "containing or composed of fat", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fatty food\" What is the definition of \"fatty\"?"} {"term": "unlucky", "pos": "a", "context": "Friday the 13th is an unlucky date", "definition": "having or bringing misfortune", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Friday the 13th is an unlucky date\" What is the definition of \"unlucky\"?"} {"term": "unlucky", "pos": "s", "context": "the unlucky prisoner was again put in irons \" - W.H.Prescott", "definition": "marked by or promising bad fortune", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the unlucky prisoner was again put in irons \" - W.H.Prescott\" What is the definition of \"unlucky\"?"} {"term": "strength", "pos": "n", "context": "fatigue sapped his strength", "definition": "the property of being physically or mentally strong", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fatigue sapped his strength\" What is the definition of \"strength\"?"} {"term": "strength", "pos": "n", "context": "the strength of the company 's stock in recent weeks", "definition": "the condition of financial success", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the strength of the company 's stock in recent weeks\" What is the definition of \"strength\"?"} {"term": "strength", "pos": "n", "context": "we faced an army of great strength", "definition": "capability in terms of personnel and materiel that affect the capacity to fight a war", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["capability", "posture"], "instruction": "\"we faced an army of great strength\" What is the definition of \"strength\"?"} {"term": "preside", "pos": "v", "context": "preside over companies and corporations", "definition": "to act as president", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"preside over companies and corporations\" What is the definition of \"preside\"?"} {"term": "forthwith", "pos": "r", "context": "an official accused of dishonesty should be suspended forthwith", "definition": "without delay or hesitation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an official accused of dishonesty should be suspended forthwith\" What is the definition of \"forthwith\"?"} {"term": "forthwith", "pos": "r", "context": "an official accused of dishonesty should be suspended forthwith", "definition": "with no time intervening", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an official accused of dishonesty should be suspended forthwith\" What is the definition of \"forthwith\"?"} {"term": "belle", "pos": "n", "context": "she was the belle of the ball", "definition": "a young woman who is the most charming and beautiful of several rivals", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was the belle of the ball\" What is the definition of \"belle\"?"} {"term": "incursion", "pos": "n", "context": "the incursion of television into the American living room", "definition": "the act of entering some territory or domain often in large numbers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the incursion of television into the American living room\" What is the definition of \"incursion\"?"} {"term": "extraordinarily", "pos": "r", "context": "it will be an extraordinarily painful step to negotiate", "definition": "extremely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it will be an extraordinarily painful step to negotiate\" What is the definition of \"extraordinarily\"?"} {"term": "defensive", "pos": "a", "context": "defensive weapons", "definition": "intended or appropriate for defending against or deterring aggression or attack", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"defensive weapons\" What is the definition of \"defensive\"?"} {"term": "carry", "pos": "v", "context": "I always carry money", "definition": "to have with oneself", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["pack", "featured", "take", "feature"], "instruction": "\"I always carry money\" What is the definition of \"carry\"?"} {"term": "carry", "pos": "v", "context": "I always carry money", "definition": "to have on ones person", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["pack", "featured", "take", "feature"], "instruction": "\"I always carry money\" What is the definition of \"carry\"?"} {"term": "carry", "pos": "v", "context": "We carry a very large mortgage", "definition": "to bear or be able to bear the weight , pressure , or responsibility of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"We carry a very large mortgage\" What is the definition of \"carry\"?"} {"term": "heartsick", "pos": "s", "context": "too heartsick to fight back", "definition": "without or almost without hope", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"too heartsick to fight back\" What is the definition of \"heartsick\"?"} {"term": "frantic", "pos": "s", "context": "frantic with anger and frustration", "definition": "excessively agitated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"frantic with anger and frustration\" What is the definition of \"frantic\"?"} {"term": "frantic", "pos": "s", "context": "frantic with anger and frustration", "definition": "distraught with fear or other violent emotion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"frantic with anger and frustration\" What is the definition of \"frantic\"?"} {"term": "frantic", "pos": "s", "context": "something frantic in their gaiety", "definition": "marked by uncontrolled excitement or emotion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"something frantic in their gaiety\" What is the definition of \"frantic\"?"} {"term": "idle", "pos": "a", "context": "an idle laborer", "definition": "not in action or at work", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an idle laborer\" What is the definition of \"idle\"?"} {"term": "idle", "pos": "s", "context": "the machinery sat idle during the strike", "definition": "not in active use", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the machinery sat idle during the strike\" What is the definition of \"idle\"?"} {"term": "idle", "pos": "s", "context": "idle pleasure", "definition": "silly or trivial", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"idle pleasure\" What is the definition of \"idle\"?"} {"term": "idle", "pos": "s", "context": "idle talk", "definition": "lacking a sense of restraint or responsibility", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"idle talk\" What is the definition of \"idle\"?"} {"term": "vein", "pos": "n", "context": "all veins except the pulmonary vein carry unaerated blood", "definition": "a blood vessel that carries blood from the capillaries toward the heart", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["vena", "portal"], "instruction": "\"all veins except the pulmonary vein carry unaerated blood\" What is the definition of \"vein\"?"} {"term": "vein", "pos": "n", "context": "he continued in this vein for several minutes", "definition": "a distinctive style or manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he continued in this vein for several minutes\" What is the definition of \"vein\"?"} {"term": "ostentatious", "pos": "a", "context": "an ostentatious sable coat", "definition": "intended to attract notice and impress others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["pretentious", ""], "instruction": "\"an ostentatious sable coat\" What is the definition of \"ostentatious\"?"} {"term": "pressure", "pos": "n", "context": "the compressed gas exerts an increased pressure", "definition": "the force applied to a unit area of surface", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the compressed gas exerts an increased pressure\" What is the definition of \"pressure\"?"} {"term": "pressure", "pos": "n", "context": "the compressed gas exerts an increased pressure", "definition": "measured in pascals si unit or in dynes cgs unit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the compressed gas exerts an increased pressure\" What is the definition of \"pressure\"?"} {"term": "pressure", "pos": "n", "context": "the public brought pressure to bear on the government", "definition": "a force that compels", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the public brought pressure to bear on the government\" What is the definition of \"pressure\"?"} {"term": "pressure", "pos": "n", "context": "the sensitivity of his skin to pressure and temperature was normal", "definition": "the somatic sensation that results from applying force to an area of skin", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sensitivity of his skin to pressure and temperature was normal\" What is the definition of \"pressure\"?"} {"term": "analogical", "pos": "s", "context": "the analogical use of a metaphor", "definition": "expressing , composed of , or based on an analogy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the analogical use of a metaphor\" What is the definition of \"analogical\"?"} {"term": "existential", "pos": "s", "context": "formal logicians are not concerned with existential matters \" - John Dewey", "definition": "derived from experience or the experience of existence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"formal logicians are not concerned with existential matters \" - John Dewey\" What is the definition of \"existential\"?"} {"term": "existential", "pos": "a", "context": "an existential moment of choice", "definition": "of or as conceived by existentialism", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an existential moment of choice\" What is the definition of \"existential\"?"} {"term": "critically", "pos": "r", "context": "this must be examined critically", "definition": "in a critical manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this must be examined critically\" What is the definition of \"critically\"?"} {"term": "indecisiveness", "pos": "n", "context": "the king 's incurable indecisiveness caused turmoil in his court", "definition": "the trait of irresolution", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the king 's incurable indecisiveness caused turmoil in his court\" What is the definition of \"indecisiveness\"?"} {"term": "indecisiveness", "pos": "n", "context": "the king 's incurable indecisiveness caused turmoil in his court", "definition": "a lack of firmness of character or purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the king 's incurable indecisiveness caused turmoil in his court\" What is the definition of \"indecisiveness\"?"} {"term": "concordant", "pos": "s", "context": "expressed views concordant with his background", "definition": "in keeping", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"expressed views concordant with his background\" What is the definition of \"concordant\"?"} {"term": "collar", "pos": "n", "context": "the thief was forced to wear a heavy wooden collar", "definition": "anything worn or placed about the neck", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the thief was forced to wear a heavy wooden collar\" What is the definition of \"collar\"?"} {"term": "helm", "pos": "n", "context": "the President is at the helm of the Ship of State", "definition": "a position of leadership", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the President is at the helm of the Ship of State\" What is the definition of \"helm\"?"} {"term": "reproductive", "pos": "s", "context": "the reproductive potential of a species is its relative capacity to reproduce itself under optimal conditions", "definition": "producing new life or offspring", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["generative", "", "procreative"], "instruction": "\"the reproductive potential of a species is its relative capacity to reproduce itself under optimal conditions\" What is the definition of \"reproductive\"?"} {"term": "momentary", "pos": "s", "context": "a momentary glimpse", "definition": "lasting for a markedly brief time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["fugitive", ""], "instruction": "\"a momentary glimpse\" What is the definition of \"momentary\"?"} {"term": "humid", "pos": "s", "context": "humid air", "definition": "containing or characterized by a great deal of water vapor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"humid air\" What is the definition of \"humid\"?"} {"term": "fatness", "pos": "n", "context": "she disliked fatness in herself as well as in others", "definition": "excess bodily weight", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["greasiness", "blubber", "fleshiness", "fattiness", "avoirdupois", "obesity"], "instruction": "\"she disliked fatness in herself as well as in others\" What is the definition of \"fatness\"?"} {"term": "homiletic", "pos": "a", "context": "homiletic speech", "definition": "of or relating to homiletics", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"homiletic speech\" What is the definition of \"homiletic\"?"} {"term": "sectional", "pos": "a", "context": "a sectional view", "definition": "relating to or based upon a section i.e. as if cut through by an intersecting plane", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sectional view\" What is the definition of \"sectional\"?"} {"term": "sectional", "pos": "s", "context": "a sectional sofa", "definition": "consisting of or divided into sections", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sectional sofa\" What is the definition of \"sectional\"?"} {"term": "sectional", "pos": "s", "context": "sectional tensions arose over slavery", "definition": "related or limited to a distinct region or subdivision of a territory or community or group of people", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sectional tensions arose over slavery\" What is the definition of \"sectional\"?"} {"term": "refresher", "pos": "n", "context": "he stopped at the bar for a quick refresher", "definition": "a drink that refreshes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he stopped at the bar for a quick refresher\" What is the definition of \"refresher\"?"} {"term": "unbalanced", "pos": "v", "context": "The tax relief unbalanced the budget", "definition": "to throw out of balance or equilibrium", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The tax relief unbalanced the budget\" What is the definition of \"unbalanced\"?"} {"term": "unbalanced", "pos": "v", "context": "The death of his parents unbalanced him", "definition": "to derange mentally , throw out of mental balance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["madden", "craze", "derange"], "instruction": "\"The death of his parents unbalanced him\" What is the definition of \"unbalanced\"?"} {"term": "unbalanced", "pos": "v", "context": "The death of his parents unbalanced him", "definition": "to make insane", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["madden", "craze", "derange"], "instruction": "\"The death of his parents unbalanced him\" What is the definition of \"unbalanced\"?"} {"term": "benign", "pos": "a", "context": "a benign smile", "definition": "pleasant and beneficial in nature or influence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a benign smile\" What is the definition of \"benign\"?"} {"term": "benign", "pos": "s", "context": "the benign ruler of millions", "definition": "kindness of disposition or manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the benign ruler of millions\" What is the definition of \"benign\"?"} {"term": "basic", "pos": "a", "context": "a basic fact", "definition": "pertaining to or constituting a base or basis", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a basic fact\" What is the definition of \"basic\"?"} {"term": "basic", "pos": "s", "context": "a basic story line", "definition": "reduced to the simplest and most significant form possible without loss of generality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a basic story line\" What is the definition of \"basic\"?"} {"term": "basic", "pos": "s", "context": "a basic course in Russian", "definition": "serving as a base or starting point", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a basic course in Russian\" What is the definition of \"basic\"?"} {"term": "electrify", "pos": "v", "context": "electrify an appliance", "definition": "to equip for use with electricity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["adapt", "accommodate", "wire"], "instruction": "\"electrify an appliance\" What is the definition of \"electrify\"?"} {"term": "professedly", "pos": "r", "context": "is only professedly poor", "definition": "with pretense or intention to deceive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"is only professedly poor\" What is the definition of \"professedly\"?"} {"term": "professedly", "pos": "r", "context": "Susan Smith was professedly guilty of the murders", "definition": "by open declaration", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Susan Smith was professedly guilty of the murders\" What is the definition of \"professedly\"?"} {"term": "yawn", "pos": "n", "context": "he could not suppress a yawn", "definition": "an involuntary intake of breath through a wide open mouth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he could not suppress a yawn\" What is the definition of \"yawn\"?"} {"term": "yawn", "pos": "n", "context": "he could not suppress a yawn", "definition": "usually triggered by fatigue or boredom", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he could not suppress a yawn\" What is the definition of \"yawn\"?"} {"term": "breasted", "pos": "v", "context": "They breasted the mountain", "definition": "to reach the summit of a mountain", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["make", "breast", "gain", "hit", "reach", "attain"], "instruction": "\"They breasted the mountain\" What is the definition of \"breasted\"?"} {"term": "polyglot", "pos": "s", "context": "a polyglot traveler", "definition": "having a command of or composed in many languages", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a polyglot traveler\" What is the definition of \"polyglot\"?"} {"term": "fingered", "pos": "v", "context": "The customer fingered the sweater", "definition": "to examine by touch", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The customer fingered the sweater\" What is the definition of \"fingered\"?"} {"term": "fingered", "pos": "v", "context": "I fingered my boss and found that he is not logged on in the afternoons", "definition": "to search for on the computer", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["seek", "finger", "search"], "instruction": "\"I fingered my boss and found that he is not logged on in the afternoons\" What is the definition of \"fingered\"?"} {"term": "fingered", "pos": "a", "context": "the fingered roots of giant trees", "definition": "often used in combination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the fingered roots of giant trees\" What is the definition of \"fingered\"?"} {"term": "hotly", "pos": "r", "context": "the children were arguing hotly", "definition": "in a heated manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the children were arguing hotly\" What is the definition of \"hotly\"?"} {"term": "waddle", "pos": "n", "context": "ducks walk with a waddle", "definition": "walking with short steps and the weight tilting from one foot to the other", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ducks walk with a waddle\" What is the definition of \"waddle\"?"} {"term": "wealthy", "pos": "s", "context": "wealthy corporations", "definition": "having an abundant supply of money or possessions of value", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["affluent", "", "moneyed", "flush"], "instruction": "\"wealthy corporations\" What is the definition of \"wealthy\"?"} {"term": "fraternity", "pos": "n", "context": "the medical fraternity", "definition": "people engaged in a particular occupation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["sodality", "stratum", "class"], "instruction": "\"the medical fraternity\" What is the definition of \"fraternity\"?"} {"term": "devoted", "pos": "v", "context": "this land was devoted to mining", "definition": "to set aside or apart for a specific purpose or use", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["devote", "reserve"], "instruction": "\"this land was devoted to mining\" What is the definition of \"devoted\"?"} {"term": "devoted", "pos": "s", "context": "a devoted husband and father", "definition": "zealous in devotion or affection", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a devoted husband and father\" What is the definition of \"devoted\"?"} {"term": "devoted", "pos": "s", "context": "large sums devoted to the care of the poor", "definition": "dedicated exclusively to a purpose or use", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"large sums devoted to the care of the poor\" What is the definition of \"devoted\"?"} {"term": "immodest", "pos": "a", "context": "brash immodest boasting", "definition": "having or showing an exaggerated opinion of your importance , ability , etc", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"brash immodest boasting\" What is the definition of \"immodest\"?"} {"term": "woodsy", "pos": "s", "context": "a fresh woodsy fragrance", "definition": "characteristic or suggestive of woods", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fresh woodsy fragrance\" What is the definition of \"woodsy\"?"} {"term": "woodsy", "pos": "s", "context": "violets in woodsy shady spots", "definition": "abounding in trees", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"violets in woodsy shady spots\" What is the definition of \"woodsy\"?"} {"term": "rhyme", "pos": "v", "context": "hat and cat rhyme", "definition": "to be similar in sound , especially with respect to the last syllable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["agree", "rime", "tally", "fit", "jibe"], "instruction": "\"hat and cat rhyme\" What is the definition of \"rhyme\"?"} {"term": "insensible", "pos": "a", "context": "insensible to pain", "definition": "incapable of physical sensation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"insensible to pain\" What is the definition of \"insensible\"?"} {"term": "insensible", "pos": "s", "context": "insensible to the suffering around him", "definition": "unaware of or indifferent to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["unaffected", ""], "instruction": "\"insensible to the suffering around him\" What is the definition of \"insensible\"?"} {"term": "insensible", "pos": "s", "context": "he lay insensible where he had fallen", "definition": "unresponsive to stimulation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he lay insensible where he had fallen\" What is the definition of \"insensible\"?"} {"term": "insensible", "pos": "s", "context": "an almost insensible change", "definition": "barely able to be perceived", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an almost insensible change\" What is the definition of \"insensible\"?"} {"term": "cautious", "pos": "a", "context": "reserved and cautious", "definition": "showing careful forethought", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"reserved and cautious\" What is the definition of \"cautious\"?"} {"term": "cautious", "pos": "a", "context": "reserved and cautious", "definition": "never making swift decisions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"reserved and cautious\" What is the definition of \"cautious\"?"} {"term": "decorous", "pos": "a", "context": "the tete-a-tete was decorous in the extreme", "definition": "characterized by propriety and dignity and good taste in manners and conduct", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the tete-a-tete was decorous in the extreme\" What is the definition of \"decorous\"?"} {"term": "noiseless", "pos": "s", "context": "th ' inaudible and noiseless foot of time \" - Shakespeare", "definition": "making no sound", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"th ' inaudible and noiseless foot of time \" - Shakespeare\" What is the definition of \"noiseless\"?"} {"term": "indeed", "pos": "r", "context": "they said the car would break down and indeed it did", "definition": "in truth often tends to intensify", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they said the car would break down and indeed it did\" What is the definition of \"indeed\"?"} {"term": "penetrable", "pos": "a", "context": "a penetrable wall", "definition": "admitting of penetration or passage into or through", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a penetrable wall\" What is the definition of \"penetrable\"?"} {"term": "penetrable", "pos": "s", "context": "penetrable defenses", "definition": "capable of being penetrated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"penetrable defenses\" What is the definition of \"penetrable\"?"} {"term": "contractile", "pos": "s", "context": "the contractile wings of an insect", "definition": "capable of contracting or being contracted", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the contractile wings of an insect\" What is the definition of \"contractile\"?"} {"term": "superimpose", "pos": "v", "context": "can you superimpose the two images ?", "definition": "to place on top of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"can you superimpose the two images ?\" What is the definition of \"superimpose\"?"} {"term": "comment", "pos": "n", "context": "he wrote an extended comment on the proposal", "definition": "a written explanation or criticism or illustration that is added to a book or other textual material", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["commentary", "note", "notation", "statement"], "instruction": "\"he wrote an extended comment on the proposal\" What is the definition of \"comment\"?"} {"term": "comment", "pos": "n", "context": "from time to time she contributed a personal comment on his account", "definition": "a statement that expresses a personal opinion or belief or adds information", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["slam", "reflection", "jibe", "mention", "statement", "observation", "reference", "barb", "platitude", "crack", "gambit", "shot", "stopper", "banality", "remark", "rib", "sally", "shaft", "ploy"], "instruction": "\"from time to time she contributed a personal comment on his account\" What is the definition of \"comment\"?"} {"term": "rendezvous", "pos": "n", "context": "he was waiting for them at the rendezvous", "definition": "a place where people meet", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was waiting for them at the rendezvous\" What is the definition of \"rendezvous\"?"} {"term": "map", "pos": "v", "context": "map the surface of Venus", "definition": "to show or establish the features of details of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"map the surface of Venus\" What is the definition of \"map\"?"} {"term": "map", "pos": "v", "context": "map the genes", "definition": "to locate within a specific region of a chromosome in relation to known dna or gene sequences", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"map the genes\" What is the definition of \"map\"?"} {"term": "adaptation", "pos": "n", "context": "the play is an adaptation of a short novel", "definition": "a written work as a novel that has been recast in a new form", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["writing", "modernization", "version"], "instruction": "\"the play is an adaptation of a short novel\" What is the definition of \"adaptation\"?"} {"term": "delay", "pos": "n", "context": "instant replay caused too long a delay", "definition": "time during which some action is awaited", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["pause", "suspension", "break", "hold", "intermission", "postponement", "extension", "moratorium", "interruption"], "instruction": "\"instant replay caused too long a delay\" What is the definition of \"delay\"?"} {"term": "delay", "pos": "v", "context": "Do n't delay your application to graduate school or else it wo n't be considered", "definition": "to act later than planned , scheduled , or required", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Do n't delay your application to graduate school or else it wo n't be considered\" What is the definition of \"delay\"?"} {"term": "shelled", "pos": "v", "context": "The corn shelled", "definition": "to fall out of the pod or husk", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["emerge", "shell"], "instruction": "\"The corn shelled\" What is the definition of \"shelled\"?"} {"term": "seedy", "pos": "a", "context": "as seedy as a fig", "definition": "full of seeds", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as seedy as a fig\" What is the definition of \"seedy\"?"} {"term": "seedy", "pos": "s", "context": "he was soiled and seedy and fragrant with gin \" - Mark Twain", "definition": "shabby and untidy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was soiled and seedy and fragrant with gin \" - Mark Twain\" What is the definition of \"seedy\"?"} {"term": "seedy", "pos": "s", "context": "a seedy district", "definition": "morally degraded", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a seedy district\" What is the definition of \"seedy\"?"} {"term": "assent", "pos": "n", "context": "he gave his assent eagerly", "definition": "agreement with a statement or proposal to do something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["yielding", "acquiescence", "agreement", "acceptance", "concession"], "instruction": "\"he gave his assent eagerly\" What is the definition of \"assent\"?"} {"term": "navigable", "pos": "s", "context": "navigable waters", "definition": "able to be sailed on or through safely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"navigable waters\" What is the definition of \"navigable\"?"} {"term": "sense", "pos": "n", "context": "a sense of security", "definition": "a general conscious awareness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sense of security\" What is the definition of \"sense\"?"} {"term": "sense", "pos": "n", "context": "in the best sense charity is really a duty", "definition": "the meaning of a word or expression", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the best sense charity is really a duty\" What is the definition of \"sense\"?"} {"term": "sense", "pos": "n", "context": "in the best sense charity is really a duty", "definition": "the way in which a word or expression or situation can be interpreted", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the best sense charity is really a duty\" What is the definition of \"sense\"?"} {"term": "sense", "pos": "v", "context": "This robot can sense the presence of people in the room", "definition": "to detect some circumstance or entity automatically", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"This robot can sense the presence of people in the room\" What is the definition of \"sense\"?"} {"term": "jarring", "pos": "s", "context": "the jarring noise of the iron gate scraping on the sidewalk", "definition": "making or causing a harsh and irritating sound", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the jarring noise of the iron gate scraping on the sidewalk\" What is the definition of \"jarring\"?"} {"term": "ashen", "pos": "s", "context": "a face turned ashen", "definition": "anemic looking from illness or emotion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a face turned ashen\" What is the definition of \"ashen\"?"} {"term": "contemptuously", "pos": "r", "context": "she spoke of him contemptuously", "definition": "without respect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she spoke of him contemptuously\" What is the definition of \"contemptuously\"?"} {"term": "contemptuously", "pos": "r", "context": "she spoke of him contemptuously", "definition": "in a disdainful manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she spoke of him contemptuously\" What is the definition of \"contemptuously\"?"} {"term": "deformed", "pos": "v", "context": "the heat deformed the plastic sculpture", "definition": "to make formless", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["deform", "modify", "change", "alter"], "instruction": "\"the heat deformed the plastic sculpture\" What is the definition of \"deformed\"?"} {"term": "deformed", "pos": "s", "context": "deformed thalidomide babies", "definition": "so badly formed or out of shape as to be ugly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"deformed thalidomide babies\" What is the definition of \"deformed\"?"} {"term": "realistic", "pos": "a", "context": "a realistic description", "definition": "aware or expressing awareness of things as they really are", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a realistic description\" What is the definition of \"realistic\"?"} {"term": "realistic", "pos": "a", "context": "a realistic system of thought", "definition": "of or relating to the philosophical doctrine of realism", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a realistic system of thought\" What is the definition of \"realistic\"?"} {"term": "realistic", "pos": "s", "context": "realistic portraiture", "definition": "representing what is real", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"realistic portraiture\" What is the definition of \"realistic\"?"} {"term": "realistic", "pos": "s", "context": "realistic portraiture", "definition": "not abstract or ideal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"realistic portraiture\" What is the definition of \"realistic\"?"} {"term": "harassment", "pos": "n", "context": "so great was his harassment that he wanted to destroy his tormentors", "definition": "a feeling of intense annoyance caused by being tormented", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["vexation", "chafe", "torment", "annoyance"], "instruction": "\"so great was his harassment that he wanted to destroy his tormentors\" What is the definition of \"harassment\"?"} {"term": "revival", "pos": "n", "context": "the revival of trade", "definition": "bringing again into activity and prominence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["resurgence", "resuscitation", "advance", "renascence", "improvement", "betterment", "regeneration", "resurrection", "revivification"], "instruction": "\"the revival of trade\" What is the definition of \"revival\"?"} {"term": "sacrificial", "pos": "a", "context": "sacrificial lamb", "definition": "used in or connected with a sacrifice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sacrificial lamb\" What is the definition of \"sacrificial\"?"} {"term": "goodish", "pos": "s", "context": "a goodish wine", "definition": "moderately good of its kind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a goodish wine\" What is the definition of \"goodish\"?"} {"term": "abatement", "pos": "n", "context": "laws enforcing noise abatement", "definition": "the act of abating", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"laws enforcing noise abatement\" What is the definition of \"abatement\"?"} {"term": "rattle", "pos": "n", "context": "the death rattle", "definition": "a rapid series of short loud sounds as might be heard with a stethoscope in some types of respiratory disorders", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the death rattle\" What is the definition of \"rattle\"?"} {"term": "womanhood", "pos": "n", "context": "it 's an insult to American womanhood", "definition": "women as a class", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["woman", "stratum", "class"], "instruction": "\"it 's an insult to American womanhood\" What is the definition of \"womanhood\"?"} {"term": "muster", "pos": "n", "context": "he was thrown in the brig for missing muster", "definition": "a gathering of military personnel for duty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was thrown in the brig for missing muster\" What is the definition of \"muster\"?"} {"term": "muster", "pos": "v", "context": "muster the courage to do something", "definition": "to gather or bring together", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["collected", "gather", "collect", "summon", "gathering", "rally"], "instruction": "\"muster the courage to do something\" What is the definition of \"muster\"?"} {"term": "moderately", "pos": "r", "context": "he drinks moderately", "definition": "with moderation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he drinks moderately\" What is the definition of \"moderately\"?"} {"term": "moderately", "pos": "r", "context": "he drinks moderately", "definition": "in a moderate manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he drinks moderately\" What is the definition of \"moderately\"?"} {"term": "haggard", "pos": "s", "context": "her face was drawn and haggard from sleeplessness", "definition": "showing the wearing effects of overwork or care or suffering", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her face was drawn and haggard from sleeplessness\" What is the definition of \"haggard\"?"} {"term": "haggard", "pos": "s", "context": "eyes were haggard and cavernous", "definition": "very thin especially from disease or hunger or cold", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["skeletal", "", "gaunt", "bony"], "instruction": "\"eyes were haggard and cavernous\" What is the definition of \"haggard\"?"} {"term": "witching", "pos": "s", "context": "'t is now the very witching time of night \" - Shakespeare", "definition": "possessing or using or characteristic of or appropriate to supernatural powers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"'t is now the very witching time of night \" - Shakespeare\" What is the definition of \"witching\"?"} {"term": "signal", "pos": "n", "context": "he awaited the signal to start", "definition": "any incitement to action", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he awaited the signal to start\" What is the definition of \"signal\"?"} {"term": "signal", "pos": "s", "context": "the year saw one signal triumph for the Labour party", "definition": "notably out of the ordinary", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the year saw one signal triumph for the Labour party\" What is the definition of \"signal\"?"} {"term": "umbrella", "pos": "n", "context": "an air umbrella over England", "definition": "a formation of military planes maintained over ground operations or targets", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an air umbrella over England\" What is the definition of \"umbrella\"?"} {"term": "umbrella", "pos": "n", "context": "the Democratic Party is an umbrella for many liberal groups", "definition": "having the function of uniting a group of similar things", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the Democratic Party is an umbrella for many liberal groups\" What is the definition of \"umbrella\"?"} {"term": "umbrella", "pos": "s", "context": "an umbrella organization", "definition": "covering or applying simultaneously to a number of similar items or elements or groups", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an umbrella organization\" What is the definition of \"umbrella\"?"} {"term": "muscular", "pos": "a", "context": "muscular contraction", "definition": "of or relating to or consisting of muscle", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"muscular contraction\" What is the definition of \"muscular\"?"} {"term": "muscular", "pos": "s", "context": "the muscular and passionate Fifth Symphony", "definition": "having or suggesting great physical power or force", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the muscular and passionate Fifth Symphony\" What is the definition of \"muscular\"?"} {"term": "muscular", "pos": "s", "context": "a muscular boxer", "definition": "possessing physical strength and weight", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a muscular boxer\" What is the definition of \"muscular\"?"} {"term": "muscular", "pos": "s", "context": "a muscular boxer", "definition": "rugged and powerful", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a muscular boxer\" What is the definition of \"muscular\"?"} {"term": "complimentary", "pos": "a", "context": "a complimentary remark", "definition": "conveying or resembling a compliment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a complimentary remark\" What is the definition of \"complimentary\"?"} {"term": "complimentary", "pos": "s", "context": "complimentary tickets", "definition": "costing nothing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"complimentary tickets\" What is the definition of \"complimentary\"?"} {"term": "unbounded", "pos": "s", "context": "unbounded enthusiasm", "definition": "seemingly boundless in amount , number , degree , or especially extent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unbounded enthusiasm\" What is the definition of \"unbounded\"?"} {"term": "peremptory", "pos": "s", "context": "spoke in peremptory tones", "definition": "not allowing contradiction or refusal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"spoke in peremptory tones\" What is the definition of \"peremptory\"?"} {"term": "peremptory", "pos": "s", "context": "a peremptory decree", "definition": "putting an end to all debate or action", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a peremptory decree\" What is the definition of \"peremptory\"?"} {"term": "peremptory", "pos": "s", "context": "a swaggering peremptory manner", "definition": "offensively self-assured or given to exercising usually unwarranted power", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a swaggering peremptory manner\" What is the definition of \"peremptory\"?"} {"term": "conscienceless", "pos": "s", "context": "a conscienceless villain", "definition": "lacking a conscience", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a conscienceless villain\" What is the definition of \"conscienceless\"?"} {"term": "transplant", "pos": "n", "context": "he had a kidney transplant", "definition": "an operation moving an organ from one organism the donor to another the recipient", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["surgery", "operation", "transplantation"], "instruction": "\"he had a kidney transplant\" What is the definition of \"transplant\"?"} {"term": "transplant", "pos": "n", "context": "the transplant did not flower until the second year", "definition": "the act of removing something from one location and introducing it in another location", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["movement", "transplantation"], "instruction": "\"the transplant did not flower until the second year\" What is the definition of \"transplant\"?"} {"term": "transplant", "pos": "v", "context": "These delicate plants do not transplant easily", "definition": "to be transplantable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"These delicate plants do not transplant easily\" What is the definition of \"transplant\"?"} {"term": "conscience", "pos": "n", "context": "a person of unflagging conscience", "definition": "conformity to ones own sense of right conduct", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a person of unflagging conscience\" What is the definition of \"conscience\"?"} {"term": "conscience", "pos": "n", "context": "he has no conscience about his cruelty", "definition": "a feeling of shame when you do something immoral", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he has no conscience about his cruelty\" What is the definition of \"conscience\"?"} {"term": "modest", "pos": "a", "context": "a modest apartment", "definition": "marked by simplicity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a modest apartment\" What is the definition of \"modest\"?"} {"term": "modest", "pos": "a", "context": "a modest apartment", "definition": "having a humble opinion of yourself", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a modest apartment\" What is the definition of \"modest\"?"} {"term": "modest", "pos": "s", "context": "a modest salary", "definition": "not large but sufficient in size or amount", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["small", ""], "instruction": "\"a modest salary\" What is the definition of \"modest\"?"} {"term": "modest", "pos": "s", "context": "comfortable but modest cottages", "definition": "free from pomp or affectation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"comfortable but modest cottages\" What is the definition of \"modest\"?"} {"term": "modest", "pos": "s", "context": "a modest man of the people", "definition": "low or inferior in station or quality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a modest man of the people\" What is the definition of \"modest\"?"} {"term": "lead", "pos": "n", "context": "he took the lead at the last turn", "definition": "an advantage held by a competitor in a race", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he took the lead at the last turn\" What is the definition of \"lead\"?"} {"term": "lead", "pos": "n", "context": "the children were playing with lead soldiers", "definition": "a soft heavy toxic malleable metallic element", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the children were playing with lead soldiers\" What is the definition of \"lead\"?"} {"term": "lead", "pos": "n", "context": "the children were playing with lead soldiers", "definition": "bluish white when freshly cut but tarnishes readily to dull grey", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the children were playing with lead soldiers\" What is the definition of \"lead\"?"} {"term": "lead", "pos": "n", "context": "the police are following a promising lead", "definition": "evidence pointing to a possible solution", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["track", "evidence"], "instruction": "\"the police are following a promising lead\" What is the definition of \"lead\"?"} {"term": "lead", "pos": "v", "context": "We lead him to our chief", "definition": "to take somebody somewhere", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["usher", "misleading", "taking", "misguide", "mislead", "leading", "conduct", "handed", "direct", "show", "hand", "take", "beacon", "guide"], "instruction": "\"We lead him to our chief\" What is the definition of \"lead\"?"} {"term": "lead", "pos": "v", "context": "This remark lead to further arguments among the guests", "definition": "to tend to or result in", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["lead", "result", "entail", "leading", "necessitate", "implicate", "leave"], "instruction": "\"This remark lead to further arguments among the guests\" What is the definition of \"lead\"?"} {"term": "congressional", "pos": "a", "context": "congressional hearing", "definition": "of or relating to congress", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"congressional hearing\" What is the definition of \"congressional\"?"} {"term": "ticket", "pos": "n", "context": "this car could be just the ticket for a small family", "definition": "the appropriate or desirable thing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this car could be just the ticket for a small family\" What is the definition of \"ticket\"?"} {"term": "incomprehension", "pos": "n", "context": "his incomprehension of the consequences", "definition": "an inability to understand", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his incomprehension of the consequences\" What is the definition of \"incomprehension\"?"} {"term": "scrawny", "pos": "s", "context": "scrawny cattle", "definition": "inferior in size or quality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"scrawny cattle\" What is the definition of \"scrawny\"?"} {"term": "scrawny", "pos": "s", "context": "a long scrawny neck", "definition": "being very thin", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["skinny", "weedy", "scraggy", ""], "instruction": "\"a long scrawny neck\" What is the definition of \"scrawny\"?"} {"term": "urgently", "pos": "r", "context": "health care reform is needed urgently", "definition": "with great urgency", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"health care reform is needed urgently\" What is the definition of \"urgently\"?"} {"term": "cut", "pos": "n", "context": "everyone got a cut of the earnings", "definition": "a share of the profits", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"everyone got a cut of the earnings\" What is the definition of \"cut\"?"} {"term": "cut", "pos": "n", "context": "the cut from the accident scene to the hospital seemed too abrupt", "definition": "an immediate transition from one shot to the next", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the cut from the accident scene to the hospital seemed too abrupt\" What is the definition of \"cut\"?"} {"term": "cut", "pos": "v", "context": "cut along the dotted line", "definition": "to make an incision or separation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cut along the dotted line\" What is the definition of \"cut\"?"} {"term": "cut", "pos": "v", "context": "The coach cut two players from the team", "definition": "to discharge from a group", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The coach cut two players from the team\" What is the definition of \"cut\"?"} {"term": "cut", "pos": "a", "context": "the cut surface was mottled", "definition": "separated into parts or laid open or penetrated with a sharp edge or instrument", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the cut surface was mottled\" What is the definition of \"cut\"?"} {"term": "cut", "pos": "a", "context": "the cut pages of the book", "definition": "having the folds of the leaves trimmed or slit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the cut pages of the book\" What is the definition of \"cut\"?"} {"term": "cut", "pos": "s", "context": "the drastically cut film", "definition": "with parts removed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the drastically cut film\" What is the definition of \"cut\"?"} {"term": "cut", "pos": "s", "context": "a cut horse", "definition": "having the testicles removed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a cut horse\" What is the definition of \"cut\"?"} {"term": "irreconcilable", "pos": "a", "context": "irreconcilable differences", "definition": "impossible to reconcile", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"irreconcilable differences\" What is the definition of \"irreconcilable\"?"} {"term": "quite", "pos": "r", "context": "quite tasty", "definition": "to a degree not used with a negative", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"quite tasty\" What is the definition of \"quite\"?"} {"term": "quite", "pos": "r", "context": "you 're quite right", "definition": "to the greatest extent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you 're quite right\" What is the definition of \"quite\"?"} {"term": "quite", "pos": "r", "context": "you 're quite right", "definition": "completely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you 're quite right\" What is the definition of \"quite\"?"} {"term": "quite", "pos": "r", "context": "her victory was quite something", "definition": "of an unusually noticeable or exceptional or remarkable kind not used with a negative", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her victory was quite something\" What is the definition of \"quite\"?"} {"term": "impulsively", "pos": "r", "context": "he often acts impulsively and later regrets it", "definition": "in an impulsive or impetuous way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he often acts impulsively and later regrets it\" What is the definition of \"impulsively\"?"} {"term": "impulsively", "pos": "r", "context": "he often acts impulsively and later regrets it", "definition": "without taking cautions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he often acts impulsively and later regrets it\" What is the definition of \"impulsively\"?"} {"term": "lid", "pos": "n", "context": "he raised the piano lid", "definition": "a movable top or cover hinged or separate for closing the opening at the top of a box , chest , jar , pan , etc. .", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he raised the piano lid\" What is the definition of \"lid\"?"} {"term": "lob", "pos": "v", "context": "lob the tennis ball", "definition": "to propel in a high arc", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lob the tennis ball\" What is the definition of \"lob\"?"} {"term": "miscellaneous", "pos": "s", "context": "miscellaneous accessories", "definition": "consisting of a haphazard assortment of different kinds", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"miscellaneous accessories\" What is the definition of \"miscellaneous\"?"} {"term": "miscellaneous", "pos": "s", "context": "a miscellaneous crowd", "definition": "having many aspects", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a miscellaneous crowd\" What is the definition of \"miscellaneous\"?"} {"term": "hush", "pos": "v", "context": "hush my baby !", "definition": "to become quiet or still", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["hushing", "change"], "instruction": "\"hush my baby !\" What is the definition of \"hush\"?"} {"term": "hush", "pos": "v", "context": "hush my baby !", "definition": "to fall silent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["hushing", "change"], "instruction": "\"hush my baby !\" What is the definition of \"hush\"?"} {"term": "inwardness", "pos": "n", "context": "the sensitiveness of James 's characters , their seeming inwardness", "definition": "preoccupation especially with ones attitudes and ethical or ideological values", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sensitiveness of James 's characters , their seeming inwardness\" What is the definition of \"inwardness\"?"} {"term": "inwardness", "pos": "n", "context": "the inwardness of the body 's organs", "definition": "the quality or state of being inward or internal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the inwardness of the body 's organs\" What is the definition of \"inwardness\"?"} {"term": "foster", "pos": "s", "context": "foster parent", "definition": "providing or receiving nurture or parental care though not related by blood or legal ties", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"foster parent\" What is the definition of \"foster\"?"} {"term": "breadth", "pos": "n", "context": "a teacher must have a breadth of knowledge of the subject", "definition": "the capacity to understand a broad range of topics", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["largeness", "comprehensiveness", "intelligence", "roominess"], "instruction": "\"a teacher must have a breadth of knowledge of the subject\" What is the definition of \"breadth\"?"} {"term": "politics", "pos": "n", "context": "office politics is often counterproductive", "definition": "social relations involving intrigue to gain authority or power", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"office politics is often counterproductive\" What is the definition of \"politics\"?"} {"term": "generation", "pos": "n", "context": "the third generation of computers", "definition": "a stage of technological development or innovation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the third generation of computers\" What is the definition of \"generation\"?"} {"term": "abandoned", "pos": "v", "context": "We abandoned the old car in the empty parking lot", "definition": "to forsake , leave behind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["chuck", "forfeit", "abandon", "forego", "toss", "consign", "dispose", "forgo", "waive"], "instruction": "\"We abandoned the old car in the empty parking lot\" What is the definition of \"abandoned\"?"} {"term": "abandoned", "pos": "s", "context": "weed-grown yard of an abandoned farmhouse", "definition": "forsaken by owner or inhabitants", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"weed-grown yard of an abandoned farmhouse\" What is the definition of \"abandoned\"?"} {"term": "abandoned", "pos": "s", "context": "an abandoned sadness born of grief \" - Liam O'Flaherty", "definition": "free from constraint", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an abandoned sadness born of grief \" - Liam O'Flaherty\" What is the definition of \"abandoned\"?"} {"term": "civil", "pos": "s", "context": "civil authorities", "definition": "applying to ordinary citizens as contrasted with the military", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"civil authorities\" What is the definition of \"civil\"?"} {"term": "civil", "pos": "s", "context": "civil peoples", "definition": "of or in a condition of social order", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"civil peoples\" What is the definition of \"civil\"?"} {"term": "civil", "pos": "a", "context": "civil affairs", "definition": "of or occurring within the state or between or among citizens of the state", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"civil affairs\" What is the definition of \"civil\"?"} {"term": "civil", "pos": "a", "context": "civil rights", "definition": "of or relating to or befitting citizens as individuals", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["civic", ""], "instruction": "\"civil rights\" What is the definition of \"civil\"?"} {"term": "shaken", "pos": "s", "context": "the accident left her badly shaken", "definition": "disturbed psychologically as if by a physical jolt or shock", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the accident left her badly shaken\" What is the definition of \"shaken\"?"} {"term": "slavish", "pos": "s", "context": "a slavish copy of the original", "definition": "blindly imitative", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a slavish copy of the original\" What is the definition of \"slavish\"?"} {"term": "slavish", "pos": "s", "context": "slavish devotion to her job ruled her life", "definition": "abjectly submissive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"slavish devotion to her job ruled her life\" What is the definition of \"slavish\"?"} {"term": "slavish", "pos": "s", "context": "slavish devotion to her job ruled her life", "definition": "characteristic of a slave or servant", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"slavish devotion to her job ruled her life\" What is the definition of \"slavish\"?"} {"term": "gentle", "pos": "s", "context": "a gentle reprimand", "definition": "soft and mild", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["soft", ""], "instruction": "\"a gentle reprimand\" What is the definition of \"gentle\"?"} {"term": "gentle", "pos": "s", "context": "a gentle reprimand", "definition": "not harsh or stern or severe", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["soft", ""], "instruction": "\"a gentle reprimand\" What is the definition of \"gentle\"?"} {"term": "gentle", "pos": "s", "context": "the gentle touch of her hand", "definition": "having or showing a kindly or tender nature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the gentle touch of her hand\" What is the definition of \"gentle\"?"} {"term": "gentle", "pos": "s", "context": "a gentle voice", "definition": "quiet and soothing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a gentle voice\" What is the definition of \"gentle\"?"} {"term": "extenuate", "pos": "v", "context": "The circumstances extenuate the crime", "definition": "to lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["mitigate", "justify", "excuse", "rationalize", "palliate", "apologize"], "instruction": "\"The circumstances extenuate the crime\" What is the definition of \"extenuate\"?"} {"term": "summation", "pos": "n", "context": "the summation of four and three gives seven", "definition": "the arithmetic operation of summing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the summation of four and three gives seven\" What is the definition of \"summation\"?"} {"term": "summation", "pos": "n", "context": "the summation of four and three gives seven", "definition": "calculating the sum of two or more numbers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the summation of four and three gives seven\" What is the definition of \"summation\"?"} {"term": "sappy", "pos": "s", "context": "sappy maple trees", "definition": "abounding in sap", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sappy maple trees\" What is the definition of \"sappy\"?"} {"term": "northward", "pos": "s", "context": "the northward flow of traffic", "definition": "moving toward the north", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the northward flow of traffic\" What is the definition of \"northward\"?"} {"term": "apparatus", "pos": "n", "context": "the breathing apparatus", "definition": "a group of body parts that work together to perform a given function", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the breathing apparatus\" What is the definition of \"apparatus\"?"} {"term": "doom", "pos": "n", "context": "everyone was aware of the approaching doom but was helpless to avoid it", "definition": "an unpleasant or disastrous destiny", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["destiny", "doomsday", "fate"], "instruction": "\"everyone was aware of the approaching doom but was helpless to avoid it\" What is the definition of \"doom\"?"} {"term": "doom", "pos": "v", "context": "This decision will doom me to lose my position", "definition": "to make certain of the failure or destruction of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"This decision will doom me to lose my position\" What is the definition of \"doom\"?"} {"term": "almost", "pos": "r", "context": "the baby was almost asleep when the alarm sounded", "definition": "slightly short of or not quite accomplished", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the baby was almost asleep when the alarm sounded\" What is the definition of \"almost\"?"} {"term": "almost", "pos": "r", "context": "the baby was almost asleep when the alarm sounded", "definition": "all but", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the baby was almost asleep when the alarm sounded\" What is the definition of \"almost\"?"} {"term": "acting", "pos": "s", "context": "the acting president", "definition": "serving temporarily especially as a substitute", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the acting president\" What is the definition of \"acting\"?"} {"term": "piercing", "pos": "s", "context": "piercing knifelike pains", "definition": "painful as if caused by a sharp instrument", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"piercing knifelike pains\" What is the definition of \"piercing\"?"} {"term": "afoul", "pos": "s", "context": "with its sails afoul", "definition": "especially of a ships lines etc", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with its sails afoul\" What is the definition of \"afoul\"?"} {"term": "uproarious", "pos": "s", "context": "uproarious stories", "definition": "marked by or causing boisterous merriment or convulsive laughter", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"uproarious stories\" What is the definition of \"uproarious\"?"} {"term": "ruin", "pos": "n", "context": "you have brought ruin on this entire family", "definition": "an irrecoverable state of devastation and destruction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["ruination", "desolation"], "instruction": "\"you have brought ruin on this entire family\" What is the definition of \"ruin\"?"} {"term": "ruin", "pos": "v", "context": "This behavior will ruin your chances of winning the election", "definition": "to destroy or cause to fail", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"This behavior will ruin your chances of winning the election\" What is the definition of \"ruin\"?"} {"term": "generically", "pos": "r", "context": "we market these drugs generically", "definition": "without a trademark or brand name", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we market these drugs generically\" What is the definition of \"generically\"?"} {"term": "generically", "pos": "r", "context": "these animals are not related generically", "definition": "as sharing a common genus", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these animals are not related generically\" What is the definition of \"generically\"?"} {"term": "clinical", "pos": "a", "context": "clinical observation", "definition": "relating to a clinic or conducted in or as if in a clinic and depending on direct observation of patients", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"clinical observation\" What is the definition of \"clinical\"?"} {"term": "clinical", "pos": "s", "context": "he spoke in the clipped clinical monotones typical of police testimony", "definition": "scientifically detached", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he spoke in the clipped clinical monotones typical of police testimony\" What is the definition of \"clinical\"?"} {"term": "clinical", "pos": "s", "context": "he spoke in the clipped clinical monotones typical of police testimony", "definition": "unemotional", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he spoke in the clipped clinical monotones typical of police testimony\" What is the definition of \"clinical\"?"} {"term": "abstract", "pos": "v", "context": "Let 's abstract away from this particular example", "definition": "to consider apart from a particular case or instance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["abstracted", "dealing", "consider", "deal", "take"], "instruction": "\"Let 's abstract away from this particular example\" What is the definition of \"abstract\"?"} {"term": "abstract", "pos": "a", "context": "abstract words like ` truth ' and ` justice '", "definition": "existing only in the mind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"abstract words like ` truth ' and ` justice '\" What is the definition of \"abstract\"?"} {"term": "abstract", "pos": "a", "context": "abstract words like ` truth ' and ` justice '", "definition": "separated from embodiment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"abstract words like ` truth ' and ` justice '\" What is the definition of \"abstract\"?"} {"term": "abstract", "pos": "s", "context": "a large abstract painting", "definition": "not representing or imitating external reality or the objects of nature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a large abstract painting\" What is the definition of \"abstract\"?"} {"term": "unskillful", "pos": "s", "context": "it was an unskillful attempt", "definition": "poorly done", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was an unskillful attempt\" What is the definition of \"unskillful\"?"} {"term": "rhythmically", "pos": "r", "context": "the chair rocked rhythmically back and forth", "definition": "in a rhythmic manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the chair rocked rhythmically back and forth\" What is the definition of \"rhythmically\"?"} {"term": "cervical", "pos": "a", "context": "cervical cancer", "definition": "of or relating to the cervix of the uterus", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cervical cancer\" What is the definition of \"cervical\"?"} {"term": "acreage", "pos": "n", "context": "he wanted some acreage to build on", "definition": "an area of ground used for some particular purpose such as building or farming", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he wanted some acreage to build on\" What is the definition of \"acreage\"?"} {"term": "catheterize", "pos": "v", "context": "catheterize the patient 's bladder", "definition": "to insert a catheter into a body part", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"catheterize the patient 's bladder\" What is the definition of \"catheterize\"?"} {"term": "wise", "pos": "n", "context": "in no wise", "definition": "a way of doing or being", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in no wise\" What is the definition of \"wise\"?"} {"term": "wise", "pos": "a", "context": "a wise leader", "definition": "having or prompted by wisdom or discernment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a wise leader\" What is the definition of \"wise\"?"} {"term": "wise", "pos": "s", "context": "a wise decision", "definition": "marked by the exercise of good judgment or common sense in practical matters", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a wise decision\" What is the definition of \"wise\"?"} {"term": "wise", "pos": "s", "context": "Do n't get wise with me !", "definition": "improperly forward or bold", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Do n't get wise with me !\" What is the definition of \"wise\"?"} {"term": "beat", "pos": "n", "context": "in the old days a policeman walked a beat and knew all his people by name", "definition": "a regular route for a sentry or policeman", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the old days a policeman walked a beat and knew all his people by name\" What is the definition of \"beat\"?"} {"term": "beat", "pos": "n", "context": "he heard the beat of a drum", "definition": "the sound of stroke or blow", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he heard the beat of a drum\" What is the definition of \"beat\"?"} {"term": "beat", "pos": "v", "context": "Agassi beat Becker in the tennis championship", "definition": "to come out better in a competition , race , or conflict", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["overwhelm", "whip", "surmount", "beaten", "trounce", "crushing", "eliminate", "outflank", "vanquish", "best", "outgo", "overpowering", "beating", "subdue", "crush", "defeat", "outplay", "drub", "outdo", "bat", "overpower", "outgoing", "worsted", "jockey", "outstrip", "exceeding", "rout", "checkmate", "pip", "surmounted", "master", "exceed", "surpass", "worst", "chicane", "shell", "lick", "screw", "cheat", "mate", "shaft", "surpassing", "thrash", "cream"], "instruction": "\"Agassi beat Becker in the tennis championship\" What is the definition of \"beat\"?"} {"term": "beat", "pos": "v", "context": "beat on the door", "definition": "to hit repeatedly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["floor", "thrash", "thresh", "flooring", "strike", "beat", "striking", "beating", "beaten", "deck", "beetle", "hammer"], "instruction": "\"beat on the door\" What is the definition of \"beat\"?"} {"term": "beat", "pos": "s", "context": "so beat I could flop down and go to sleep anywhere", "definition": "very tired", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so beat I could flop down and go to sleep anywhere\" What is the definition of \"beat\"?"} {"term": "immediate", "pos": "s", "context": "the immediate revisions", "definition": "of the present time and place", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the immediate revisions\" What is the definition of \"immediate\"?"} {"term": "immediate", "pos": "s", "context": "the immediate result", "definition": "immediately before or after as in a chain of cause and effect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the immediate result\" What is the definition of \"immediate\"?"} {"term": "immediate", "pos": "s", "context": "an immediate reply to my letter", "definition": "performed with little or no delay", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an immediate reply to my letter\" What is the definition of \"immediate\"?"} {"term": "immediate", "pos": "a", "context": "an immediate influence", "definition": "having no intervening medium", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an immediate influence\" What is the definition of \"immediate\"?"} {"term": "volunteer", "pos": "s", "context": "a volunteer fire department", "definition": "without payment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a volunteer fire department\" What is the definition of \"volunteer\"?"} {"term": "hypnotic", "pos": "s", "context": "read the bedtime story in a hypnotic voice", "definition": "attracting and holding interest as if by a spell", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["mesmeric", ""], "instruction": "\"read the bedtime story in a hypnotic voice\" What is the definition of \"hypnotic\"?"} {"term": "pendulous", "pos": "s", "context": "the pendulous branches of a weeping willow", "definition": "having branches or flower heads that bend downward", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["weeping", ""], "instruction": "\"the pendulous branches of a weeping willow\" What is the definition of \"pendulous\"?"} {"term": "forge", "pos": "v", "context": "forge a pair of tongues", "definition": "to create by hammering", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["beat", "foliate", "forging", "hammer"], "instruction": "\"forge a pair of tongues\" What is the definition of \"forge\"?"} {"term": "galvanic", "pos": "a", "context": "a galvanic cell", "definition": "pertaining to or producing electric current by chemical action", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a galvanic cell\" What is the definition of \"galvanic\"?"} {"term": "galvanic", "pos": "s", "context": "the new leader had a galvanic effect on morale", "definition": "affected by emotion as if by electricity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the new leader had a galvanic effect on morale\" What is the definition of \"galvanic\"?"} {"term": "galvanic", "pos": "s", "context": "the new leader had a galvanic effect on morale", "definition": "thrilling", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the new leader had a galvanic effect on morale\" What is the definition of \"galvanic\"?"} {"term": "honor", "pos": "n", "context": "a man of honor", "definition": "the quality of being honorable and having a good name", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a man of honor\" What is the definition of \"honor\"?"} {"term": "honor", "pos": "v", "context": "we honor checks and drafts", "definition": "to accept as pay", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we honor checks and drafts\" What is the definition of \"honor\"?"} {"term": "honor", "pos": "v", "context": "honor your parents !", "definition": "to show respect towards", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["celebrate", "observe", "accept", "tolerate", "respect", "lionize"], "instruction": "\"honor your parents !\" What is the definition of \"honor\"?"} {"term": "effortless", "pos": "a", "context": "the swallows glided in an effortless way through the busy air", "definition": "requiring or apparently requiring no effort", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the swallows glided in an effortless way through the busy air\" What is the definition of \"effortless\"?"} {"term": "pharyngeal", "pos": "a", "context": "pharyngeal fricatives", "definition": "of or relating to the throat", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pharyngeal fricatives\" What is the definition of \"pharyngeal\"?"} {"term": "dapper", "pos": "s", "context": "a dapper young man", "definition": "marked by up-to-dateness in dress and manners", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dapper young man\" What is the definition of \"dapper\"?"} {"term": "inconclusive", "pos": "a", "context": "an inconclusive reply", "definition": "not conclusive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an inconclusive reply\" What is the definition of \"inconclusive\"?"} {"term": "inconclusive", "pos": "a", "context": "an inconclusive reply", "definition": "not putting an end to doubt or question", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an inconclusive reply\" What is the definition of \"inconclusive\"?"} {"term": "blockage", "pos": "n", "context": "we had to call a plumber to clear out the blockage in the drainpipe", "definition": "an obstruction in a pipe or tube", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["block", "stop", "occlusion", "impediment", "plug", "stoppage", "stopper", "obstruction"], "instruction": "\"we had to call a plumber to clear out the blockage in the drainpipe\" What is the definition of \"blockage\"?"} {"term": "resistant", "pos": "s", "context": "resistant to the effects of heat", "definition": "impervious to being affected", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"resistant to the effects of heat\" What is the definition of \"resistant\"?"} {"term": "resistant", "pos": "s", "context": "the new hybrid is more resistant to drought", "definition": "able to tolerate environmental conditions or physiological stress", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the new hybrid is more resistant to drought\" What is the definition of \"resistant\"?"} {"term": "digestive", "pos": "a", "context": "digestive juices", "definition": "relating to or having the power to cause or promote digestion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"digestive juices\" What is the definition of \"digestive\"?"} {"term": "impossible", "pos": "n", "context": "his assignment verged on the impossible", "definition": "something that can not be done", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his assignment verged on the impossible\" What is the definition of \"impossible\"?"} {"term": "impossible", "pos": "a", "context": "an impossible dream", "definition": "not capable of occurring or being accomplished or dealt with", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an impossible dream\" What is the definition of \"impossible\"?"} {"term": "impossible", "pos": "s", "context": "impossible behavior", "definition": "used of persons or their behavior", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"impossible behavior\" What is the definition of \"impossible\"?"} {"term": "heavenly", "pos": "a", "context": "heavenly hosts", "definition": "relating to or inhabiting a divine heaven", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"heavenly hosts\" What is the definition of \"heavenly\"?"} {"term": "heavenly", "pos": "a", "context": "a heavenly body", "definition": "of or relating to the sky", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a heavenly body\" What is the definition of \"heavenly\"?"} {"term": "grab", "pos": "n", "context": "he made a grab for the ball before it landed", "definition": "the act of catching an object with the hands", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["snatch", "touching", "rebound", "reception", "interception", "catch", "mesh", "interlock", "touch"], "instruction": "\"he made a grab for the ball before it landed\" What is the definition of \"grab\"?"} {"term": "initiation", "pos": "n", "context": "his initiation into the club", "definition": "a formal entry into an organization or position or office", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["coronation", "observance", "inaugural", "ceremony", "induction", "inauguration", "ceremonial"], "instruction": "\"his initiation into the club\" What is the definition of \"initiation\"?"} {"term": "initiation", "pos": "n", "context": "she looked forward to her initiation as an adult", "definition": "the act of starting something for the first time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["foundation", "introduction", "founding", "beginning", "authorship", "institution", "creation", "origination"], "instruction": "\"she looked forward to her initiation as an adult\" What is the definition of \"initiation\"?"} {"term": "initiation", "pos": "n", "context": "she looked forward to her initiation as an adult", "definition": "introducing something new", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["foundation", "introduction", "founding", "beginning", "authorship", "institution", "creation", "origination"], "instruction": "\"she looked forward to her initiation as an adult\" What is the definition of \"initiation\"?"} {"term": "initiation", "pos": "n", "context": "his dullness was due to lack of initiation", "definition": "wisdom as evidenced by the possession of knowledge", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his dullness was due to lack of initiation\" What is the definition of \"initiation\"?"} {"term": "pretend", "pos": "n", "context": "it was just pretend", "definition": "the enactment of a pretense", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was just pretend\" What is the definition of \"pretend\"?"} {"term": "pretend", "pos": "v", "context": "pretend the title of King", "definition": "to put forward a claim and assert right or possession of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["arrogate", "pretended"], "instruction": "\"pretend the title of King\" What is the definition of \"pretend\"?"} {"term": "pretend", "pos": "s", "context": "dangling their legs in the water to catch pretend fish", "definition": "imagined as in a play", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dangling their legs in the water to catch pretend fish\" What is the definition of \"pretend\"?"} {"term": "artful", "pos": "a", "context": "the artful dodger", "definition": "marked by skill in achieving a desired end especially with cunning or craft", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the artful dodger\" What is the definition of \"artful\"?"} {"term": "belly", "pos": "n", "context": "the belly of a sail", "definition": "a part that bulges deeply", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the belly of a sail\" What is the definition of \"belly\"?"} {"term": "belly", "pos": "n", "context": "in the belly of the ship", "definition": "the hollow inside of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the belly of the ship\" What is the definition of \"belly\"?"} {"term": "freak", "pos": "n", "context": "a bodybuilding freak", "definition": "someone who is so ardently devoted to something that it resembles an addiction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bodybuilding freak\" What is the definition of \"freak\"?"} {"term": "instance", "pos": "n", "context": "another instance occurred yesterday", "definition": "an occurrence of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["piece", "bit", "clip", "example", "case", "time", "humiliation"], "instruction": "\"another instance occurred yesterday\" What is the definition of \"instance\"?"} {"term": "enhance", "pos": "v", "context": "This will enhance your enjoyment", "definition": "to increase", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["deepen", "potentiate", "raise", "compound"], "instruction": "\"This will enhance your enjoyment\" What is the definition of \"enhance\"?"} {"term": "enhance", "pos": "v", "context": "This sauce will enhance the flavor of the meat", "definition": "to make better or more attractive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"This sauce will enhance the flavor of the meat\" What is the definition of \"enhance\"?"} {"term": "speak", "pos": "v", "context": "the prisoner wo n't speak", "definition": "to use language", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["talk", "intercommunicate", "communicate", "talking", "spoken", "smattering", "slang", "spoke", "speaking"], "instruction": "\"the prisoner wo n't speak\" What is the definition of \"speak\"?"} {"term": "plurality", "pos": "n", "context": "a plurality of religions", "definition": "a large indefinite number", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a plurality of religions\" What is the definition of \"plurality\"?"} {"term": "elvish", "pos": "s", "context": "elvish tricks", "definition": "usually good-naturedly mischievous", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"elvish tricks\" What is the definition of \"elvish\"?"} {"term": "mystery", "pos": "n", "context": "how it got out is a mystery", "definition": "something that baffles understanding and can not be explained", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["perplexity", "secret", "enigma"], "instruction": "\"how it got out is a mystery\" What is the definition of \"mystery\"?"} {"term": "skim", "pos": "n", "context": "there was a thin skim of oil on the water", "definition": "a thin layer covering the surface of a liquid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was a thin skim of oil on the water\" What is the definition of \"skim\"?"} {"term": "skim", "pos": "v", "context": "skim cream from the surface of milk", "definition": "to remove from the surface", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["take", "remove", "cream", "removed"], "instruction": "\"skim cream from the surface of milk\" What is the definition of \"skim\"?"} {"term": "skim", "pos": "s", "context": "yogurt made with skim milk", "definition": "used of milk and milk products from which the cream has been removed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"yogurt made with skim milk\" What is the definition of \"skim\"?"} {"term": "cohere", "pos": "v", "context": "Religion can cohere social groups", "definition": "to cause to form a united , orderly , and aesthetically consistent whole", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Religion can cohere social groups\" What is the definition of \"cohere\"?"} {"term": "cohere", "pos": "v", "context": "the principles by which societies cohere", "definition": "to have internal elements or parts logically connected so that aesthetic consistency results", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the principles by which societies cohere\" What is the definition of \"cohere\"?"} {"term": "cohere", "pos": "v", "context": "The sushi rice grains cohere", "definition": "to come or be in close contact with", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["cloven", "stick", "clove", "meet", "cling", "cleave", "cleft", "touch", "adhere", "contact", "adjoin"], "instruction": "\"The sushi rice grains cohere\" What is the definition of \"cohere\"?"} {"term": "cohere", "pos": "v", "context": "The sushi rice grains cohere", "definition": "to stick or hold together and resist separation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["cloven", "stick", "clove", "meet", "cling", "cleave", "cleft", "touch", "adhere", "contact", "adjoin"], "instruction": "\"The sushi rice grains cohere\" What is the definition of \"cohere\"?"} {"term": "leach", "pos": "v", "context": "leach the soil", "definition": "to remove substances from by a percolating liquid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["strip", "remove", "take", "removed"], "instruction": "\"leach the soil\" What is the definition of \"leach\"?"} {"term": "innocently", "pos": "r", "context": "he claimed to have purchased the contraband innocently", "definition": "in a not unlawful manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he claimed to have purchased the contraband innocently\" What is the definition of \"innocently\"?"} {"term": "innocently", "pos": "r", "context": "she smiled at him innocently", "definition": "in a naively innocent manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she smiled at him innocently\" What is the definition of \"innocently\"?"} {"term": "mongoloid", "pos": "a", "context": "the mongoloid epicanthic fold", "definition": "characteristic of or resembling a mongol", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the mongoloid epicanthic fold\" What is the definition of \"mongoloid\"?"} {"term": "ferny", "pos": "a", "context": "the ferny undergrowth", "definition": "abounding in or covered with ferns", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ferny undergrowth\" What is the definition of \"ferny\"?"} {"term": "ferny", "pos": "s", "context": "the ferny shadows of locust leaves", "definition": "resembling ferns especially in leaf shape", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ferny shadows of locust leaves\" What is the definition of \"ferny\"?"} {"term": "trivial", "pos": "s", "context": "a trivial young woman", "definition": "concerned with trivialities", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a trivial young woman\" What is the definition of \"trivial\"?"} {"term": "trivial", "pos": "s", "context": "only trivial objections", "definition": "of little substance or significance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"only trivial objections\" What is the definition of \"trivial\"?"} {"term": "equivalent", "pos": "n", "context": "send two dollars or the equivalent in stamps", "definition": "a person or thing equal to another in value or measure or force or effect or significance etc", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"send two dollars or the equivalent in stamps\" What is the definition of \"equivalent\"?"} {"term": "equivalent", "pos": "s", "context": "a wish that was equivalent to a command", "definition": "being essentially equal to something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a wish that was equivalent to a command\" What is the definition of \"equivalent\"?"} {"term": "gust", "pos": "n", "context": "the tree was bent almost double by the gust", "definition": "a strong current of air", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["blow", "bluster", "whiff", "wind", "blast"], "instruction": "\"the tree was bent almost double by the gust\" What is the definition of \"gust\"?"} {"term": "ashore", "pos": "r", "context": "we invited them ashore", "definition": "towards the shore from the water", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we invited them ashore\" What is the definition of \"ashore\"?"} {"term": "luxurious", "pos": "s", "context": "enjoyed a luxurious suite with a crystal chandelier and thick oriental rugs", "definition": "displaying luxury and furnishing gratification to the senses", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"enjoyed a luxurious suite with a crystal chandelier and thick oriental rugs\" What is the definition of \"luxurious\"?"} {"term": "automatic", "pos": "a", "context": "automatic transmission", "definition": "operating with minimal human intervention", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"automatic transmission\" What is the definition of \"automatic\"?"} {"term": "automatic", "pos": "a", "context": "automatic transmission", "definition": "independent of external control", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"automatic transmission\" What is the definition of \"automatic\"?"} {"term": "automatic", "pos": "s", "context": "an automatic ` thank you '", "definition": "resembling the unthinking functioning of a machine", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an automatic ` thank you '\" What is the definition of \"automatic\"?"} {"term": "automatic", "pos": "s", "context": "the automatic shrinking of the pupils of the eye in strong light", "definition": "without volition or conscious control", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the automatic shrinking of the pupils of the eye in strong light\" What is the definition of \"automatic\"?"} {"term": "canker", "pos": "n", "context": "according to him , I was the canker in their midst", "definition": "a pernicious and malign influence that is hard to get rid of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["pestilence", "influence"], "instruction": "\"according to him , I was the canker in their midst\" What is the definition of \"canker\"?"} {"term": "amphibious", "pos": "a", "context": "amphibious vehicles", "definition": "operating or living on land and in water", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"amphibious vehicles\" What is the definition of \"amphibious\"?"} {"term": "splash", "pos": "n", "context": "her red hat gave her outfit a splash of color", "definition": "a patch of bright color", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her red hat gave her outfit a splash of color\" What is the definition of \"splash\"?"} {"term": "prodigy", "pos": "n", "context": "she is a chess prodigy", "definition": "an unusually gifted or intelligent young person", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she is a chess prodigy\" What is the definition of \"prodigy\"?"} {"term": "prodigy", "pos": "n", "context": "she is a chess prodigy", "definition": "someone whose talents excite wonder and admiration", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she is a chess prodigy\" What is the definition of \"prodigy\"?"} {"term": "remove", "pos": "n", "context": "just one remove from madness \" or \" it imitates at many removes a Shakespearean tragedy", "definition": "degree of figurative distance or separation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"just one remove from madness \" or \" it imitates at many removes a Shakespearean tragedy\" What is the definition of \"remove\"?"} {"term": "remove", "pos": "v", "context": "remove a case to another court", "definition": "to shift the position or location of , as for business , legal , educational , or military purposes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["shift", "shifting", "transfer"], "instruction": "\"remove a case to another court\" What is the definition of \"remove\"?"} {"term": "pallid", "pos": "s", "context": "the pallid face of the invalid", "definition": "abnormally deficient in color as suggesting physical or emotional distress", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the pallid face of the invalid\" What is the definition of \"pallid\"?"} {"term": "pallid", "pos": "s", "context": "a pallid sky", "definition": "lacking in intensity or brightness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a pallid sky\" What is the definition of \"pallid\"?"} {"term": "pallid", "pos": "s", "context": "a pallid sky", "definition": "dim or feeble", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a pallid sky\" What is the definition of \"pallid\"?"} {"term": "pallid", "pos": "s", "context": "a pallid performance", "definition": "lacking in vitality or interest or effectiveness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a pallid performance\" What is the definition of \"pallid\"?"} {"term": "patch", "pos": "n", "context": "a patch of clouds", "definition": "a small contrasting part of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["speckle", "spot", "plaque", "fleck", "dapple", "nebula", "speck", "splash", "fret"], "instruction": "\"a patch of clouds\" What is the definition of \"patch\"?"} {"term": "patch", "pos": "v", "context": "patch the skirt", "definition": "to to join or unite the pieces of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["join", "piece", "vamp"], "instruction": "\"patch the skirt\" What is the definition of \"patch\"?"} {"term": "ladylike", "pos": "s", "context": "ladylike manners", "definition": "befitting a woman of good breeding", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ladylike manners\" What is the definition of \"ladylike\"?"} {"term": "estate", "pos": "n", "context": "the family owned a large estate on Long Island", "definition": "extensive landed property especially in the country retained by the owner for his own use", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["plantation", "realty", "leasehold", "fief", "entail", "demesne", "freehold", "land", "barony", "hacienda"], "instruction": "\"the family owned a large estate on Long Island\" What is the definition of \"estate\"?"} {"term": "visage", "pos": "n", "context": "a stern visage", "definition": "the appearance conveyed by a persons face", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["appearance", "look", "countenance", "face"], "instruction": "\"a stern visage\" What is the definition of \"visage\"?"} {"term": "demotic", "pos": "s", "context": "demotic entertainments", "definition": "of or for the common people", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"demotic entertainments\" What is the definition of \"demotic\"?"} {"term": "tuition", "pos": "n", "context": "tuition and room and board were more than $ 25,000", "definition": "a fee paid for instruction especially for higher education", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tuition and room and board were more than $ 25,000\" What is the definition of \"tuition\"?"} {"term": "mandatory", "pos": "s", "context": "attendance is mandatory", "definition": "required by rule", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"attendance is mandatory\" What is the definition of \"mandatory\"?"} {"term": "profitable", "pos": "a", "context": "profitable speculation on the stock market", "definition": "yielding material gain or profit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"profitable speculation on the stock market\" What is the definition of \"profitable\"?"} {"term": "mirror", "pos": "n", "context": "the best mirror is an old friend", "definition": "a faithful depiction or reflection", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the best mirror is an old friend\" What is the definition of \"mirror\"?"} {"term": "tremulous", "pos": "s", "context": "spoke timidly in a tremulous voice", "definition": "quivering as from weakness or fear", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"spoke timidly in a tremulous voice\" What is the definition of \"tremulous\"?"} {"term": "gratification", "pos": "n", "context": "dull repetitious work gives no gratification", "definition": "state of being gratified or satisfied", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dull repetitious work gives no gratification\" What is the definition of \"gratification\"?"} {"term": "unmanned", "pos": "a", "context": "an unmanned satellite to Mars", "definition": "lacking a crew", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unmanned satellite to Mars\" What is the definition of \"unmanned\"?"} {"term": "mood", "pos": "n", "context": "the national mood had changed radically since the last election", "definition": "the prevailing psychological state", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["climate", "status", "condition"], "instruction": "\"the national mood had changed radically since the last election\" What is the definition of \"mood\"?"} {"term": "woody", "pos": "a", "context": "woody plants", "definition": "made of or containing or resembling wood", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"woody plants\" What is the definition of \"woody\"?"} {"term": "woody", "pos": "s", "context": "a woody area near the highway", "definition": "abounding in trees", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a woody area near the highway\" What is the definition of \"woody\"?"} {"term": "planted", "pos": "v", "context": "He planted a knee in the back of his opponent", "definition": "to fix or set securely or deeply", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["imbed", "bury", "implant", "nest", "insert", "plant", "sink", "enter"], "instruction": "\"He planted a knee in the back of his opponent\" What is the definition of \"planted\"?"} {"term": "planted", "pos": "s", "context": "a deeply planted need", "definition": "deeply rooted", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a deeply planted need\" What is the definition of \"planted\"?"} {"term": "planted", "pos": "s", "context": "a deeply planted need", "definition": "firmly fixed or held", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a deeply planted need\" What is the definition of \"planted\"?"} {"term": "snappish", "pos": "s", "context": "a snappish tone of voice", "definition": "apt to speak irritably", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a snappish tone of voice\" What is the definition of \"snappish\"?"} {"term": "sneak", "pos": "v", "context": "sneak a look", "definition": "to put , bring , or take in a secretive or furtive manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sneak a look\" What is the definition of \"sneak\"?"} {"term": "sneak", "pos": "s", "context": "a sneak attack", "definition": "marked by quiet and caution and secrecy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sneak attack\" What is the definition of \"sneak\"?"} {"term": "sneak", "pos": "s", "context": "a sneak attack", "definition": "taking pains to avoid being observed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sneak attack\" What is the definition of \"sneak\"?"} {"term": "bump", "pos": "n", "context": "the bump threw him off the bicycle", "definition": "an impact as from a collision", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["smash", "shock", "smack", "slap", "blow", "strike", "belt", "impact", "jar", "tap", "buffeting", "jolt", "pounding", "rap", "bang", "jounce"], "instruction": "\"the bump threw him off the bicycle\" What is the definition of \"bump\"?"} {"term": "bump", "pos": "v", "context": "bump and grind", "definition": "to dance erotically or dance with the pelvis thrust forward", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bump and grind\" What is the definition of \"bump\"?"} {"term": "apology", "pos": "n", "context": "he wrote a letter of apology to the hostess", "definition": "an expression of regret at having caused trouble for someone", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he wrote a letter of apology to the hostess\" What is the definition of \"apology\"?"} {"term": "apology", "pos": "n", "context": "it was an apology for a meal", "definition": "a poor example", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["representative", "instance", "excuse", "example"], "instruction": "\"it was an apology for a meal\" What is the definition of \"apology\"?"} {"term": "discreet", "pos": "a", "context": "his trusted discreet aide", "definition": "marked by prudence or modesty and wise self-restraint", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his trusted discreet aide\" What is the definition of \"discreet\"?"} {"term": "discreet", "pos": "s", "context": "a discreet silence", "definition": "unobtrusively perceptive and sympathetic", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["discerning", ""], "instruction": "\"a discreet silence\" What is the definition of \"discreet\"?"} {"term": "discreet", "pos": "s", "context": "a discreet investor", "definition": "heedful of potential consequences", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a discreet investor\" What is the definition of \"discreet\"?"} {"term": "forlornly", "pos": "r", "context": "a single chicken was scratching forlornly in the yard", "definition": "in a forlorn manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a single chicken was scratching forlornly in the yard\" What is the definition of \"forlornly\"?"} {"term": "term", "pos": "n", "context": "a prison term", "definition": "a limited period of time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a prison term\" What is the definition of \"term\"?"} {"term": "term", "pos": "n", "context": "the general term of an algebraic equation of the n-th degree", "definition": "any distinct quantity contained in a polynomial", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the general term of an algebraic equation of the n-th degree\" What is the definition of \"term\"?"} {"term": "uric", "pos": "a", "context": "uric acid", "definition": "in or relating to or obtained from urine", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"uric acid\" What is the definition of \"uric\"?"} {"term": "vehement", "pos": "s", "context": "vehement deluges of rain", "definition": "characterized by great force or energy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"vehement deluges of rain\" What is the definition of \"vehement\"?"} {"term": "vehement", "pos": "s", "context": "vehement dislike", "definition": "marked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"vehement dislike\" What is the definition of \"vehement\"?"} {"term": "vehement", "pos": "s", "context": "vehement dislike", "definition": "inclined to react violently", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"vehement dislike\" What is the definition of \"vehement\"?"} {"term": "vehement", "pos": "s", "context": "vehement dislike", "definition": "fervid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"vehement dislike\" What is the definition of \"vehement\"?"} {"term": "forcible", "pos": "s", "context": "forcible entry", "definition": "impelled by physical force especially against resistance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"forcible entry\" What is the definition of \"forcible\"?"} {"term": "macrobiotic", "pos": "a", "context": "macrobiotic diet", "definition": "of or relating to the theory or practice of macrobiotics", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"macrobiotic diet\" What is the definition of \"macrobiotic\"?"} {"term": "unmask", "pos": "v", "context": "unmask the imposter", "definition": "to take the mask off", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unmask the imposter\" What is the definition of \"unmask\"?"} {"term": "individuality", "pos": "n", "context": "so absorbed by the movement that she lost all sense of individuality", "definition": "the quality of being individual", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["trait", "singularity", "individualism", "specialty", "individuation"], "instruction": "\"so absorbed by the movement that she lost all sense of individuality\" What is the definition of \"individuality\"?"} {"term": "discontinuous", "pos": "a", "context": "discontinuous applause", "definition": "not continuing without interruption in time or space", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"discontinuous applause\" What is the definition of \"discontinuous\"?"} {"term": "disobedient", "pos": "a", "context": "disobedient children", "definition": "not obeying or complying with commands of those in authority", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"disobedient children\" What is the definition of \"disobedient\"?"} {"term": "release", "pos": "n", "context": "a new release from the London Symphony Orchestra", "definition": "merchandise issued for sale or public showing especially a record or film", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a new release from the London Symphony Orchestra\" What is the definition of \"release\"?"} {"term": "release", "pos": "n", "context": "there was a sudden release of oxygen", "definition": "a process that liberates or discharges something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was a sudden release of oxygen\" What is the definition of \"release\"?"} {"term": "rejoicing", "pos": "s", "context": "rejoicing crowds filled the streets on VJ Day", "definition": "joyful and proud especially because of triumph or success", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rejoicing crowds filled the streets on VJ Day\" What is the definition of \"rejoicing\"?"} {"term": "boozy", "pos": "s", "context": "his boozy drinking companions", "definition": "given to or marked by the consumption of alcohol", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his boozy drinking companions\" What is the definition of \"boozy\"?"} {"term": "able", "pos": "a", "context": "able to swim", "definition": "having the necessary means or skill or know-how or authority to do something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"able to swim\" What is the definition of \"able\"?"} {"term": "able", "pos": "s", "context": "able teachers", "definition": "have the skills and qualifications to do things well", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"able teachers\" What is the definition of \"able\"?"} {"term": "able", "pos": "s", "context": "able to learn", "definition": "having inherent physical or mental ability or capacity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"able to learn\" What is the definition of \"able\"?"} {"term": "able", "pos": "s", "context": "an able seaman", "definition": "having a strong healthy body", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an able seaman\" What is the definition of \"able\"?"} {"term": "centrifugal", "pos": "a", "context": "centrifugal force", "definition": "tending to move away from a center", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"centrifugal force\" What is the definition of \"centrifugal\"?"} {"term": "centrifugal", "pos": "s", "context": "the division of Europe into warring blocs produces ever-increasing centrifugal stress", "definition": "tending away from centralization , as of authority", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the division of Europe into warring blocs produces ever-increasing centrifugal stress\" What is the definition of \"centrifugal\"?"} {"term": "decrepit", "pos": "s", "context": "a decrepit bus ... its seats held together with friction tape", "definition": "worn and broken down by hard use", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a decrepit bus ... its seats held together with friction tape\" What is the definition of \"decrepit\"?"} {"term": "seal", "pos": "v", "context": "seal the windows", "definition": "to make tight", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"seal the windows\" What is the definition of \"seal\"?"} {"term": "seal", "pos": "v", "context": "seal the windows", "definition": "to secure against leakage", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"seal the windows\" What is the definition of \"seal\"?"} {"term": "digress", "pos": "v", "context": "Do n't digress when you give a lecture", "definition": "to lose clarity or turn aside especially from the main subject of attention or course of argument in writing , thinking , or speaking", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["stray", "telling"], "instruction": "\"Do n't digress when you give a lecture\" What is the definition of \"digress\"?"} {"term": "atomize", "pos": "v", "context": "atomize perfume", "definition": "to spray very finely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"atomize perfume\" What is the definition of \"atomize\"?"} {"term": "wealth", "pos": "n", "context": "great wealth is not a sign of great intelligence", "definition": "the state of being rich and affluent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"great wealth is not a sign of great intelligence\" What is the definition of \"wealth\"?"} {"term": "wealth", "pos": "n", "context": "great wealth is not a sign of great intelligence", "definition": "having a plentiful supply of material goods and money", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"great wealth is not a sign of great intelligence\" What is the definition of \"wealth\"?"} {"term": "wealth", "pos": "n", "context": "she has a wealth of talent", "definition": "the quality of profuse abundance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she has a wealth of talent\" What is the definition of \"wealth\"?"} {"term": "trichromatic", "pos": "s", "context": "trichromatic vision", "definition": "having or involving three colors", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["tricolor", ""], "instruction": "\"trichromatic vision\" What is the definition of \"trichromatic\"?"} {"term": "judiciously", "pos": "r", "context": "let 's use these intelligence tests judiciously", "definition": "in a judicious manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"let 's use these intelligence tests judiciously\" What is the definition of \"judiciously\"?"} {"term": "experimentally", "pos": "r", "context": "this can be experimentally determined", "definition": "in an experimental fashion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this can be experimentally determined\" What is the definition of \"experimentally\"?"} {"term": "converse", "pos": "s", "context": "` parental ' and ` filial ' are converse terms", "definition": "of words so related that one reverses the relation denoted by the other", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"` parental ' and ` filial ' are converse terms\" What is the definition of \"converse\"?"} {"term": "childlike", "pos": "s", "context": "childlike charm", "definition": "befitting a young child", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"childlike charm\" What is the definition of \"childlike\"?"} {"term": "grandness", "pos": "n", "context": "advertisers capitalize on the grandness and elegance it brings to their products", "definition": "the quality of being magnificent or splendid or grand", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["magnificence", "elegance"], "instruction": "\"advertisers capitalize on the grandness and elegance it brings to their products\" What is the definition of \"grandness\"?"} {"term": "inspection", "pos": "n", "context": "we had to wait for the inspection before we could use the elevator", "definition": "a formal or official examination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we had to wait for the inspection before we could use the elevator\" What is the definition of \"inspection\"?"} {"term": "bet", "pos": "n", "context": "he did it on a bet", "definition": "the act of gambling", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he did it on a bet\" What is the definition of \"bet\"?"} {"term": "bet", "pos": "v", "context": "I bet $ 100 on that new horse", "definition": "to stake on the outcome of an issue", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["stake", "see", "gage", "game", "raise", "punt", "gaming", "play", "back"], "instruction": "\"I bet $ 100 on that new horse\" What is the definition of \"bet\"?"} {"term": "bet", "pos": "v", "context": "You can bet on that !", "definition": "to have faith or confidence in", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["trusting", "rely", "swear", "look", "count", "reckon", "bank", "depend"], "instruction": "\"You can bet on that !\" What is the definition of \"bet\"?"} {"term": "grasp", "pos": "n", "context": "he has a good grasp of accounting practices", "definition": "understanding of the nature or meaning or quality or magnitude of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["hold", "appreciation", "sense", "savvy", "apprehension", "understanding"], "instruction": "\"he has a good grasp of accounting practices\" What is the definition of \"grasp\"?"} {"term": "grasp", "pos": "n", "context": "a terrible power had her in its grasp", "definition": "an intellectual hold or understanding", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a terrible power had her in its grasp\" What is the definition of \"grasp\"?"} {"term": "tree", "pos": "n", "context": "genealogical tree", "definition": "a figure that branches from a single root", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"genealogical tree\" What is the definition of \"tree\"?"} {"term": "politic", "pos": "a", "context": "it is neither polite nor politic to get into other people 's quarrels", "definition": "marked by artful prudence , expedience , and shrewdness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is neither polite nor politic to get into other people 's quarrels\" What is the definition of \"politic\"?"} {"term": "politic", "pos": "s", "context": "he was too politic to quarrel with so important a personage", "definition": "smoothly agreeable and courteous with a degree of sophistication", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["suave", "", "bland", "smoother"], "instruction": "\"he was too politic to quarrel with so important a personage\" What is the definition of \"politic\"?"} {"term": "reparation", "pos": "n", "context": "an act for which there is no reparation", "definition": "compensation given or received for an insult or injury", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an act for which there is no reparation\" What is the definition of \"reparation\"?"} {"term": "consist", "pos": "v", "context": "What does love consist in ?", "definition": "to have its essential character", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"What does love consist in ?\" What is the definition of \"consist\"?"} {"term": "consist", "pos": "v", "context": "What does love consist in ?", "definition": "to be comprised or contained in", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"What does love consist in ?\" What is the definition of \"consist\"?"} {"term": "consist", "pos": "v", "context": "What does love consist in ?", "definition": "to be embodied in", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"What does love consist in ?\" What is the definition of \"consist\"?"} {"term": "consist", "pos": "v", "context": "What does this dish consist of ?", "definition": "to be composed of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"What does this dish consist of ?\" What is the definition of \"consist\"?"} {"term": "proximal", "pos": "a", "context": "the proximal end of a bone", "definition": "situated nearest to point of attachment or origin", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the proximal end of a bone\" What is the definition of \"proximal\"?"} {"term": "wreck", "pos": "n", "context": "the house was a wreck when they bought it", "definition": "something or someone that has suffered ruin or dilapidation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the house was a wreck when they bought it\" What is the definition of \"wreck\"?"} {"term": "usefully", "pos": "r", "context": "extra money could be usefully spent on this project", "definition": "in a useful manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"extra money could be usefully spent on this project\" What is the definition of \"usefully\"?"} {"term": "guy", "pos": "n", "context": "a nice guy", "definition": "an informal term for a youth or man", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["man", "cat", "men", "sod"], "instruction": "\"a nice guy\" What is the definition of \"guy\"?"} {"term": "repertory", "pos": "n", "context": "the repertory of the supposed feats of mesmerism", "definition": "the entire range of skills or aptitudes or devices used in a particular field or occupation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the repertory of the supposed feats of mesmerism\" What is the definition of \"repertory\"?"} {"term": "stealthy", "pos": "s", "context": "stealthy footsteps", "definition": "marked by quiet and caution and secrecy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stealthy footsteps\" What is the definition of \"stealthy\"?"} {"term": "stealthy", "pos": "s", "context": "stealthy footsteps", "definition": "taking pains to avoid being observed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stealthy footsteps\" What is the definition of \"stealthy\"?"} {"term": "bittersweet", "pos": "s", "context": "a movie with a bittersweet ending", "definition": "tinged with sadness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a movie with a bittersweet ending\" What is the definition of \"bittersweet\"?"} {"term": "dilation", "pos": "n", "context": "the dilation of the pupil of the eye", "definition": "the act of expanding an aperture", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["mydriasis", "dilatation", "enlargement"], "instruction": "\"the dilation of the pupil of the eye\" What is the definition of \"dilation\"?"} {"term": "exigent", "pos": "s", "context": "became more exigent over his pronunciation", "definition": "requiring precise accuracy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"became more exigent over his pronunciation\" What is the definition of \"exigent\"?"} {"term": "exigent", "pos": "s", "context": "regarded literary questions as exigent and momentous \" - H.L.Mencken", "definition": "demanding attention", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"regarded literary questions as exigent and momentous \" - H.L.Mencken\" What is the definition of \"exigent\"?"} {"term": "idiosyncratic", "pos": "s", "context": "we all have our own idiosyncratic gestures", "definition": "peculiar to the individual", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we all have our own idiosyncratic gestures\" What is the definition of \"idiosyncratic\"?"} {"term": "downy", "pos": "s", "context": "downy milkweed seeds", "definition": "covered with fine soft hairs or down", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["pubescent", ""], "instruction": "\"downy milkweed seeds\" What is the definition of \"downy\"?"} {"term": "withering", "pos": "s", "context": "the guns opened a withering fire", "definition": "wreaking or capable of wreaking complete destruction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the guns opened a withering fire\" What is the definition of \"withering\"?"} {"term": "withering", "pos": "s", "context": "to compliments inflated I 've a withering reply \" - W.S.Gilbert", "definition": "making light of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to compliments inflated I 've a withering reply \" - W.S.Gilbert\" What is the definition of \"withering\"?"} {"term": "summery", "pos": "a", "context": "summery weather", "definition": "belonging to or characteristic of or occurring in summer", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"summery weather\" What is the definition of \"summery\"?"} {"term": "unbend", "pos": "v", "context": "unbend a bow", "definition": "to free from flexure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unbend a bow\" What is the definition of \"unbend\"?"} {"term": "unbend", "pos": "v", "context": "unbend the mind from absorbing too much information", "definition": "to release from mental strain , tension , or formality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unbend the mind from absorbing too much information\" What is the definition of \"unbend\"?"} {"term": "rudimentary", "pos": "s", "context": "rudimentary plans", "definition": "being in the earliest stages of development", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rudimentary plans\" What is the definition of \"rudimentary\"?"} {"term": "rudimentary", "pos": "s", "context": "these rudimentary truths", "definition": "being or involving basic facts or principles", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these rudimentary truths\" What is the definition of \"rudimentary\"?"} {"term": "rudimentary", "pos": "s", "context": "rudimentary wings", "definition": "not fully developed in mature animals", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rudimentary wings\" What is the definition of \"rudimentary\"?"} {"term": "vicarious", "pos": "s", "context": "read about mountain climbing and felt vicarious excitement", "definition": "experienced at secondhand", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"read about mountain climbing and felt vicarious excitement\" What is the definition of \"vicarious\"?"} {"term": "vicarious", "pos": "s", "context": "vicarious menstruation", "definition": "occurring in an abnormal part of the body instead of the usual site involved in that function", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"vicarious menstruation\" What is the definition of \"vicarious\"?"} {"term": "vicarious", "pos": "s", "context": "vicarious atonement", "definition": "suffered or done by one person as a substitute for another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"vicarious atonement\" What is the definition of \"vicarious\"?"} {"term": "putrefaction", "pos": "n", "context": "Rome had fallen into moral putrefaction", "definition": "moral perversion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["corruption", "depravation", "immorality", "degeneracy", "depravity"], "instruction": "\"Rome had fallen into moral putrefaction\" What is the definition of \"putrefaction\"?"} {"term": "putrefaction", "pos": "n", "context": "Rome had fallen into moral putrefaction", "definition": "impairment of virtue and moral principles", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["corruption", "depravation", "immorality", "degeneracy", "depravity"], "instruction": "\"Rome had fallen into moral putrefaction\" What is the definition of \"putrefaction\"?"} {"term": "member", "pos": "n", "context": "a member of the faculty", "definition": "one of the persons who compose a social group especially individuals who have joined and participate in a group organization", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a member of the faculty\" What is the definition of \"member\"?"} {"term": "rusty", "pos": "s", "context": "a rusty machine", "definition": "covered with or consisting of rust", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a rusty machine\" What is the definition of \"rusty\"?"} {"term": "walk", "pos": "v", "context": "The patient can not walk yet", "definition": "to use ones feet to advance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The patient can not walk yet\" What is the definition of \"walk\"?"} {"term": "walk", "pos": "v", "context": "The patient can not walk yet", "definition": "to advance by steps", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The patient can not walk yet\" What is the definition of \"walk\"?"} {"term": "walk", "pos": "v", "context": "I 'll walk you to your car", "definition": "to accompany or escort", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I 'll walk you to your car\" What is the definition of \"walk\"?"} {"term": "perpetually", "pos": "r", "context": "rays ... streaming perpetually from the sun \" - Stuart Chase", "definition": "everlastingly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rays ... streaming perpetually from the sun \" - Stuart Chase\" What is the definition of \"perpetually\"?"} {"term": "perpetually", "pos": "r", "context": "rays ... streaming perpetually from the sun \" - Stuart Chase", "definition": "for all time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rays ... streaming perpetually from the sun \" - Stuart Chase\" What is the definition of \"perpetually\"?"} {"term": "line", "pos": "n", "context": "the line of soldiers advanced with their bayonets fixed", "definition": "a formation of people or things one beside another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the line of soldiers advanced with their bayonets fixed\" What is the definition of \"line\"?"} {"term": "line", "pos": "n", "context": "He drew a line on the chart", "definition": "a mark that is long relative to its width", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"He drew a line on the chart\" What is the definition of \"line\"?"} {"term": "line", "pos": "n", "context": "the line stretched clear around the corner", "definition": "a formation of people or things one behind another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the line stretched clear around the corner\" What is the definition of \"line\"?"} {"term": "line", "pos": "v", "context": "line the gloves", "definition": "to cover the interior of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["face", "crib", "lining", "cover"], "instruction": "\"line the gloves\" What is the definition of \"line\"?"} {"term": "score", "pos": "n", "context": "he studied the score of the sonata", "definition": "a written form of a musical composition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he studied the score of the sonata\" What is the definition of \"score\"?"} {"term": "score", "pos": "n", "context": "he studied the score of the sonata", "definition": "parts for different instruments appear on separate staves on large pages", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he studied the score of the sonata\" What is the definition of \"score\"?"} {"term": "score", "pos": "n", "context": "the score was 7 to 0", "definition": "a number that expresses the accomplishment of a team or an individual in a game or contest", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the score was 7 to 0\" What is the definition of \"score\"?"} {"term": "score", "pos": "n", "context": "a score were sent out but only one returned", "definition": "a set of twenty members", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a score were sent out but only one returned\" What is the definition of \"score\"?"} {"term": "score", "pos": "v", "context": "score the clay before firing it", "definition": "to make small marks into the surface of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["scribe", "mark", "nock", "notch", "line", "scarify"], "instruction": "\"score the clay before firing it\" What is the definition of \"score\"?"} {"term": "mesh", "pos": "n", "context": "a 100 mesh screen", "definition": "the number of openings per linear inch of a screen", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a 100 mesh screen\" What is the definition of \"mesh\"?"} {"term": "mesh", "pos": "n", "context": "a 100 mesh screen", "definition": "measures size of particles", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a 100 mesh screen\" What is the definition of \"mesh\"?"} {"term": "gamy", "pos": "s", "context": "he skips asterisks and gives you the gamy details", "definition": "suggestive of sexual impropriety", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he skips asterisks and gives you the gamy details\" What is the definition of \"gamy\"?"} {"term": "biennial", "pos": "a", "context": "a biennial life cycle", "definition": "having a life cycle lasting two seasons", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a biennial life cycle\" What is the definition of \"biennial\"?"} {"term": "biennial", "pos": "s", "context": "they met at biennial conventions", "definition": "occurring every second year", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they met at biennial conventions\" What is the definition of \"biennial\"?"} {"term": "brimful", "pos": "s", "context": "a brimful cup", "definition": "filled to capacity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a brimful cup\" What is the definition of \"brimful\"?"} {"term": "hit", "pos": "n", "context": "he came all the way around on Williams ' hit", "definition": "a successful stroke in an athletic contest especially in baseball", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he came all the way around on Williams ' hit\" What is the definition of \"hit\"?"} {"term": "hit", "pos": "n", "context": "after three misses she finally got a hit", "definition": "the act of contacting one thing with another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["screamer", "crash", "smash", "touching", "header", "hopper", "bunt", "striking", "contusion", "fly", "touch"], "instruction": "\"after three misses she finally got a hit\" What is the definition of \"hit\"?"} {"term": "hit", "pos": "n", "context": "that song was his first hit and marked the beginning of his career", "definition": "a conspicuous success", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["smash", "sleeper", "strike", "success", "smasher", "bang"], "instruction": "\"that song was his first hit and marked the beginning of his career\" What is the definition of \"hit\"?"} {"term": "hit", "pos": "v", "context": "hit a ball", "definition": "to cause to move by striking", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hit a ball\" What is the definition of \"hit\"?"} {"term": "hit", "pos": "v", "context": "The car hit a tree", "definition": "to come into sudden contact with", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["collide", "touching", "knocking", "bump", "strike", "stub", "connect", "glance", "striking", "bottom", "thud", "spat", "bottomed", "touch", "bang"], "instruction": "\"The car hit a tree\" What is the definition of \"hit\"?"} {"term": "hit", "pos": "v", "context": "He hit her hard in the face", "definition": "to deal a blow to , either with the hand or with an instrument", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"He hit her hard in the face\" What is the definition of \"hit\"?"} {"term": "effectively", "pos": "r", "context": "she is effectively his wife", "definition": "in actuality or reality or fact", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she is effectively his wife\" What is the definition of \"effectively\"?"} {"term": "effectively", "pos": "r", "context": "these are real problems that can be dealt with most effectively by rational discussion", "definition": "in an effective manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these are real problems that can be dealt with most effectively by rational discussion\" What is the definition of \"effectively\"?"} {"term": "disobliging", "pos": "s", "context": "the action was not offensive to him but proved somewhat disobliging", "definition": "intentionally unaccommodating", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the action was not offensive to him but proved somewhat disobliging\" What is the definition of \"disobliging\"?"} {"term": "marginal", "pos": "s", "context": "marginal industries", "definition": "producing at a rate that barely covers production costs", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"marginal industries\" What is the definition of \"marginal\"?"} {"term": "marginal", "pos": "s", "context": "the marginal strip of beach", "definition": "at or constituting a border or edge", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the marginal strip of beach\" What is the definition of \"marginal\"?"} {"term": "marginal", "pos": "s", "context": "marginal writing ability", "definition": "of questionable or minimal quality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"marginal writing ability\" What is the definition of \"marginal\"?"} {"term": "emigrate", "pos": "v", "context": "Many people had to emigrate during the Nazi period", "definition": "to leave ones country of residence for a new one", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Many people had to emigrate during the Nazi period\" What is the definition of \"emigrate\"?"} {"term": "cool", "pos": "n", "context": "the cool of early morning", "definition": "the quality of being at a refreshingly low temperature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the cool of early morning\" What is the definition of \"cool\"?"} {"term": "cool", "pos": "n", "context": "keep your cool", "definition": "great coolness and composure under strain", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["calmness", "composure", "poise", "calm", "equanimity", "assuredness"], "instruction": "\"keep your cool\" What is the definition of \"cool\"?"} {"term": "cool", "pos": "a", "context": "a cool autumn day", "definition": "neither warm nor very cold", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a cool autumn day\" What is the definition of \"cool\"?"} {"term": "cool", "pos": "a", "context": "a cool autumn day", "definition": "giving relief from heat", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a cool autumn day\" What is the definition of \"cool\"?"} {"term": "cool", "pos": "a", "context": "cool greens and blues and violets", "definition": "inducing the impression of coolness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cool greens and blues and violets\" What is the definition of \"cool\"?"} {"term": "cool", "pos": "a", "context": "cool greens and blues and violets", "definition": "used especially of greens and blues and violets", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cool greens and blues and violets\" What is the definition of \"cool\"?"} {"term": "cool", "pos": "a", "context": "relations were cool and polite", "definition": "unfriendly or unresponsive or showing dislike", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"relations were cool and polite\" What is the definition of \"cool\"?"} {"term": "cool", "pos": "s", "context": "play it cool", "definition": "marked by calm self-control especially in trying circumstances", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"play it cool\" What is the definition of \"cool\"?"} {"term": "cool", "pos": "s", "context": "play it cool", "definition": "unemotional", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"play it cool\" What is the definition of \"cool\"?"} {"term": "cool", "pos": "s", "context": "a cool million bucks", "definition": "without exaggeration or qualification", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a cool million bucks\" What is the definition of \"cool\"?"} {"term": "cool", "pos": "s", "context": "he 's a cool dude", "definition": "fashionable and attractive at the time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he 's a cool dude\" What is the definition of \"cool\"?"} {"term": "cool", "pos": "s", "context": "he 's a cool dude", "definition": "often skilled or socially adept", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he 's a cool dude\" What is the definition of \"cool\"?"} {"term": "busy", "pos": "a", "context": "busy with her work", "definition": "actively or fully engaged or occupied", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"busy with her work\" What is the definition of \"busy\"?"} {"term": "busy", "pos": "s", "context": "a busy painting", "definition": "overcrowded or cluttered with detail", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a busy painting\" What is the definition of \"busy\"?"} {"term": "busy", "pos": "s", "context": "a very busy week", "definition": "crowded with or characterized by much activity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a very busy week\" What is the definition of \"busy\"?"} {"term": "busy", "pos": "s", "context": "her line is busy", "definition": "unavailable for use by anyone else or indicating unavailability", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her line is busy\" What is the definition of \"busy\"?"} {"term": "perishable", "pos": "a", "context": "this minute and perishable planet", "definition": "liable to perish", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this minute and perishable planet\" What is the definition of \"perishable\"?"} {"term": "perishable", "pos": "a", "context": "this minute and perishable planet", "definition": "subject to destruction or death or decay", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this minute and perishable planet\" What is the definition of \"perishable\"?"} {"term": "heavenward", "pos": "s", "context": "the soul in its heavenward flight", "definition": "directed toward heaven or the sky", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the soul in its heavenward flight\" What is the definition of \"heavenward\"?"} {"term": "heavenward", "pos": "r", "context": "he pointed heavenward", "definition": "toward heaven", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he pointed heavenward\" What is the definition of \"heavenward\"?"} {"term": "irrational", "pos": "a", "context": "irrational fears", "definition": "not consistent with or using reason", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"irrational fears\" What is the definition of \"irrational\"?"} {"term": "irrational", "pos": "a", "context": "irrational numbers", "definition": "real but not expressible as the quotient of two integers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"irrational numbers\" What is the definition of \"irrational\"?"} {"term": "sanctified", "pos": "s", "context": "sanctified wine", "definition": "made or declared or believed to be holy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sanctified wine\" What is the definition of \"sanctified\"?"} {"term": "sanctified", "pos": "s", "context": "sanctified wine", "definition": "devoted to a deity or some religious ceremony or use", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sanctified wine\" What is the definition of \"sanctified\"?"} {"term": "fastidious", "pos": "a", "context": "a fastidious and incisive intellect", "definition": "giving careful attention to detail", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fastidious and incisive intellect\" What is the definition of \"fastidious\"?"} {"term": "fastidious", "pos": "a", "context": "a fastidious and incisive intellect", "definition": "hard to please", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fastidious and incisive intellect\" What is the definition of \"fastidious\"?"} {"term": "fastidious", "pos": "a", "context": "a fastidious and incisive intellect", "definition": "excessively concerned with cleanliness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fastidious and incisive intellect\" What is the definition of \"fastidious\"?"} {"term": "fastidious", "pos": "a", "context": "fastidious microorganisms", "definition": "having complicated nutritional requirements", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fastidious microorganisms\" What is the definition of \"fastidious\"?"} {"term": "fastidious", "pos": "a", "context": "fastidious microorganisms", "definition": "especially growing only in special artificial cultures", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fastidious microorganisms\" What is the definition of \"fastidious\"?"} {"term": "lofty", "pos": "s", "context": "a noble and lofty concept", "definition": "of high moral or intellectual value", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["sublime", "", "exalted", "grand"], "instruction": "\"a noble and lofty concept\" What is the definition of \"lofty\"?"} {"term": "lofty", "pos": "s", "context": "a noble and lofty concept", "definition": "elevated in nature or style", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["sublime", "", "exalted", "grand"], "instruction": "\"a noble and lofty concept\" What is the definition of \"lofty\"?"} {"term": "lofty", "pos": "s", "context": "lofty mountains", "definition": "of imposing height", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lofty mountains\" What is the definition of \"lofty\"?"} {"term": "lofty", "pos": "s", "context": "lofty mountains", "definition": "especially standing out above others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lofty mountains\" What is the definition of \"lofty\"?"} {"term": "lofty", "pos": "s", "context": "lofty ships", "definition": "having or displaying great dignity or nobility", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lofty ships\" What is the definition of \"lofty\"?"} {"term": "unlearned", "pos": "s", "context": "an unlearned group incapable of understanding complex issues", "definition": "uneducated in general", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unlearned group incapable of understanding complex issues\" What is the definition of \"unlearned\"?"} {"term": "unlearned", "pos": "s", "context": "an unlearned group incapable of understanding complex issues", "definition": "lacking knowledge or sophistication", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unlearned group incapable of understanding complex issues\" What is the definition of \"unlearned\"?"} {"term": "corolla", "pos": "n", "context": "we cultivate the flower for its corolla", "definition": "the whorl of petals of a flower that collectively form an inner floral envelope or layer of the perianth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we cultivate the flower for its corolla\" What is the definition of \"corolla\"?"} {"term": "starry", "pos": "a", "context": "a starry night", "definition": "abounding with or resembling stars", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a starry night\" What is the definition of \"starry\"?"} {"term": "apportionment", "pos": "n", "context": "the apportionment of seats in the House of Representatives is based on the relative population of each state", "definition": "the act of distributing by allotting or apportioning", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["assignation", "share", "deal", "grant", "allocation", "reapportionment", "portion", "allotment"], "instruction": "\"the apportionment of seats in the House of Representatives is based on the relative population of each state\" What is the definition of \"apportionment\"?"} {"term": "apportionment", "pos": "n", "context": "the apportionment of seats in the House of Representatives is based on the relative population of each state", "definition": "distribution according to a plan", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["assignation", "share", "deal", "grant", "allocation", "reapportionment", "portion", "allotment"], "instruction": "\"the apportionment of seats in the House of Representatives is based on the relative population of each state\" What is the definition of \"apportionment\"?"} {"term": "ascription", "pos": "n", "context": "the ascription to me of honors I had not earned", "definition": "assigning some quality or character to a person or thing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["classification", "attribution"], "instruction": "\"the ascription to me of honors I had not earned\" What is the definition of \"ascription\"?"} {"term": "solicitous", "pos": "s", "context": "solicitous parents", "definition": "full of anxiety and concern", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"solicitous parents\" What is the definition of \"solicitous\"?"} {"term": "solicitous", "pos": "s", "context": "solicitous about her health", "definition": "showing hovering attentiveness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"solicitous about her health\" What is the definition of \"solicitous\"?"} {"term": "evasive", "pos": "s", "context": "his answers were brief , constrained and evasive", "definition": "deliberately vague or ambiguous", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his answers were brief , constrained and evasive\" What is the definition of \"evasive\"?"} {"term": "evasive", "pos": "s", "context": "pilots are taught to take evasive action", "definition": "avoiding or escaping from difficulty or danger especially enemy fire", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pilots are taught to take evasive action\" What is the definition of \"evasive\"?"} {"term": "standing", "pos": "n", "context": "of equal standing", "definition": "social or financial or professional status or reputation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"of equal standing\" What is the definition of \"standing\"?"} {"term": "standing", "pos": "s", "context": "a standing lamp", "definition": "having a supporting base", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a standing lamp\" What is the definition of \"standing\"?"} {"term": "standing", "pos": "s", "context": "a standing committee", "definition": "not created for a particular occasion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a standing committee\" What is the definition of \"standing\"?"} {"term": "standing", "pos": "s", "context": "a standing army", "definition": "permanent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a standing army\" What is the definition of \"standing\"?"} {"term": "standing", "pos": "a", "context": "mosquitoes breed in standing water", "definition": "not moving or flowing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mosquitoes breed in standing water\" What is the definition of \"standing\"?"} {"term": "standing", "pos": "a", "context": "standing room only", "definition": "on the feet", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"standing room only\" What is the definition of \"standing\"?"} {"term": "standing", "pos": "a", "context": "standing room only", "definition": "having the torso in an erect position supported by straight legs", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"standing room only\" What is the definition of \"standing\"?"} {"term": "willful", "pos": "s", "context": "willful disobedience", "definition": "done by design", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"willful disobedience\" What is the definition of \"willful\"?"} {"term": "directly", "pos": "r", "context": "the path leads directly to the lake", "definition": "without deviation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the path leads directly to the lake\" What is the definition of \"directly\"?"} {"term": "directly", "pos": "r", "context": "these two factors are directly related", "definition": "without anyone or anything intervening", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these two factors are directly related\" What is the definition of \"directly\"?"} {"term": "directly", "pos": "r", "context": "he did n't answer directly", "definition": "in a forthright manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he did n't answer directly\" What is the definition of \"directly\"?"} {"term": "directly", "pos": "r", "context": "he did n't answer directly", "definition": "candidly or frankly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he did n't answer directly\" What is the definition of \"directly\"?"} {"term": "impingement", "pos": "n", "context": "they resented the impingement of American values on European culture", "definition": "influencing strongly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["encroachment", "influence", "impact"], "instruction": "\"they resented the impingement of American values on European culture\" What is the definition of \"impingement\"?"} {"term": "eminent", "pos": "s", "context": "eminent members of the community", "definition": "standing above others in quality or position", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"eminent members of the community\" What is the definition of \"eminent\"?"} {"term": "eminent", "pos": "s", "context": "an eminent peak", "definition": "of imposing height", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an eminent peak\" What is the definition of \"eminent\"?"} {"term": "eminent", "pos": "s", "context": "an eminent peak", "definition": "especially standing out above others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an eminent peak\" What is the definition of \"eminent\"?"} {"term": "modulus", "pos": "n", "context": "2 is a modulus of 5 and 9", "definition": "an integer that can be divided without remainder into the difference between two other integers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"2 is a modulus of 5 and 9\" What is the definition of \"modulus\"?"} {"term": "residuary", "pos": "a", "context": "the residuary part of the estate", "definition": "entitled to the residue of an estate after payment of debts and specific gifts", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the residuary part of the estate\" What is the definition of \"residuary\"?"} {"term": "demon", "pos": "n", "context": "he worked like a demon to finish the job on time", "definition": "someone extremely diligent or skillful", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he worked like a demon to finish the job on time\" What is the definition of \"demon\"?"} {"term": "odoriferous", "pos": "s", "context": "odoriferous legislation", "definition": "morally offensive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"odoriferous legislation\" What is the definition of \"odoriferous\"?"} {"term": "odoriferous", "pos": "s", "context": "odoriferous spices", "definition": "having a natural fragrance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"odoriferous spices\" What is the definition of \"odoriferous\"?"} {"term": "nimbleness", "pos": "n", "context": "nimbleness of wit and imagination", "definition": "intelligence as revealed by quickness and alertness of mind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nimbleness of wit and imagination\" What is the definition of \"nimbleness\"?"} {"term": "laughing", "pos": "s", "context": "laughing children", "definition": "showing or feeling mirth or pleasure or happiness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"laughing children\" What is the definition of \"laughing\"?"} {"term": "blood", "pos": "n", "context": "a person of hot blood", "definition": "temperament or disposition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a person of hot blood\" What is the definition of \"blood\"?"} {"term": "blood", "pos": "n", "context": "we need more young blood in this organization", "definition": "people viewed as members of a group", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we need more young blood in this organization\" What is the definition of \"blood\"?"} {"term": "wallah", "pos": "n", "context": "a kitchen wallah", "definition": "usually in combination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a kitchen wallah\" What is the definition of \"wallah\"?"} {"term": "scurvy", "pos": "s", "context": "a scurvy trick", "definition": "of the most contemptible kind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a scurvy trick\" What is the definition of \"scurvy\"?"} {"term": "south", "pos": "r", "context": "we moved south", "definition": "in a southern direction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we moved south\" What is the definition of \"south\"?"} {"term": "lens", "pos": "n", "context": "the writer is the lens through which history can be seen", "definition": "a channel through which something can be seen or understood", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the writer is the lens through which history can be seen\" What is the definition of \"lens\"?"} {"term": "bobtail", "pos": "s", "context": "bobtail mare", "definition": "having a short or shortened tail", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bobtail mare\" What is the definition of \"bobtail\"?"} {"term": "salivary", "pos": "a", "context": "salivary gland", "definition": "of or relating to saliva", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"salivary gland\" What is the definition of \"salivary\"?"} {"term": "uptake", "pos": "n", "context": "they developed paper napkins with a greater uptake of liquids", "definition": "a process of taking up or using up or consuming", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they developed paper napkins with a greater uptake of liquids\" What is the definition of \"uptake\"?"} {"term": "slightly", "pos": "r", "context": "the children argued because one slice of cake was slightly larger than the other", "definition": "to a small degree or extent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the children argued because one slice of cake was slightly larger than the other\" What is the definition of \"slightly\"?"} {"term": "slightly", "pos": "r", "context": "slightly built", "definition": "in a slim or slender manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"slightly built\" What is the definition of \"slightly\"?"} {"term": "indefatigable", "pos": "s", "context": "an indefatigable advocate of equal rights", "definition": "showing sustained enthusiastic action with unflagging vitality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["tireless", ""], "instruction": "\"an indefatigable advocate of equal rights\" What is the definition of \"indefatigable\"?"} {"term": "precious", "pos": "s", "context": "diamonds , sapphires , rubies , and emeralds are precious stones", "definition": "of high worth or cost", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"diamonds , sapphires , rubies , and emeralds are precious stones\" What is the definition of \"precious\"?"} {"term": "precious", "pos": "s", "context": "children are precious", "definition": "characterized by feeling or showing fond affection for", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"children are precious\" What is the definition of \"precious\"?"} {"term": "precious", "pos": "s", "context": "precious memories", "definition": "held in great esteem for admirable qualities especially of an intrinsic nature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"precious memories\" What is the definition of \"precious\"?"} {"term": "precious", "pos": "r", "context": "there is precious little time left", "definition": "extremely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is precious little time left\" What is the definition of \"precious\"?"} {"term": "leading", "pos": "s", "context": "the leading man", "definition": "indicating the most important performer or role", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["stellar", "", "star"], "instruction": "\"the leading man\" What is the definition of \"leading\"?"} {"term": "leading", "pos": "s", "context": "the country 's leading poet", "definition": "greatest in importance or degree or significance or achievement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the country 's leading poet\" What is the definition of \"leading\"?"} {"term": "leading", "pos": "a", "context": "we rode in the leading car", "definition": "going or proceeding or going in advance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we rode in the leading car\" What is the definition of \"leading\"?"} {"term": "leading", "pos": "a", "context": "we rode in the leading car", "definition": "showing the way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we rode in the leading car\" What is the definition of \"leading\"?"} {"term": "focus", "pos": "n", "context": "the focus of activity shifted to molecular biology", "definition": "the concentration of attention or energy on something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["immersion", "particularism", "engrossment", "centering", "concentration"], "instruction": "\"the focus of activity shifted to molecular biology\" What is the definition of \"focus\"?"} {"term": "focus", "pos": "n", "context": "in focus", "definition": "maximum clarity or distinctness of an image rendered by an optical system", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in focus\" What is the definition of \"focus\"?"} {"term": "focus", "pos": "n", "context": "the controversy brought clearly into focus an important difference of opinion", "definition": "maximum clarity or distinctness of an idea", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the controversy brought clearly into focus an important difference of opinion\" What is the definition of \"focus\"?"} {"term": "focus", "pos": "v", "context": "Please focus the image", "definition": "to we can not enjoy the movie", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["sharpen", "correct", "set", "adjust"], "instruction": "\"Please focus the image\" What is the definition of \"focus\"?"} {"term": "mash", "pos": "v", "context": "mash the garlic", "definition": "to reduce to small pieces or particles by pounding or abrading", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["bray", "grind", "mill", "milled", "milling", "pulp", "fragmented", "pestle"], "instruction": "\"mash the garlic\" What is the definition of \"mash\"?"} {"term": "scuffle", "pos": "v", "context": "the drunken men started to scuffle", "definition": "to fight or struggle in a confused way at close quarters", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the drunken men started to scuffle\" What is the definition of \"scuffle\"?"} {"term": "juvenile", "pos": "a", "context": "juvenile diabetes", "definition": "of or relating to or characteristic of or appropriate for children or young people", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"juvenile diabetes\" What is the definition of \"juvenile\"?"} {"term": "juvenile", "pos": "s", "context": "their behavior was juvenile", "definition": "displaying or suggesting a lack of maturity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their behavior was juvenile\" What is the definition of \"juvenile\"?"} {"term": "catcher", "pos": "n", "context": "a catcher needs a lot of protective equipment", "definition": "the position on a baseball team of the player who is stationed behind home plate and who catches the balls that the pitcher throws", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a catcher needs a lot of protective equipment\" What is the definition of \"catcher\"?"} {"term": "planting", "pos": "n", "context": "he ordered the planting of policemen outside every doorway", "definition": "the act of fixing firmly in place", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he ordered the planting of policemen outside every doorway\" What is the definition of \"planting\"?"} {"term": "separatism", "pos": "n", "context": "separatism is a serious problem in Quebec", "definition": "a disposition toward schism and secession from a larger group", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"separatism is a serious problem in Quebec\" What is the definition of \"separatism\"?"} {"term": "separatism", "pos": "n", "context": "separatism is a serious problem in Quebec", "definition": "the principles and practices of separatists", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"separatism is a serious problem in Quebec\" What is the definition of \"separatism\"?"} {"term": "rightly", "pos": "r", "context": "he was rightly considered the greatest singer of his time", "definition": "with honesty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["justly", ""], "instruction": "\"he was rightly considered the greatest singer of his time\" What is the definition of \"rightly\"?"} {"term": "bipartite", "pos": "s", "context": "a bipartite document", "definition": "involving two parts or elements", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bipartite document\" What is the definition of \"bipartite\"?"} {"term": "disdainful", "pos": "s", "context": "some economists are disdainful of their colleagues in other social disciplines", "definition": "having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one views as unworthy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some economists are disdainful of their colleagues in other social disciplines\" What is the definition of \"disdainful\"?"} {"term": "corruption", "pos": "n", "context": "the luxury and corruption among the upper classes", "definition": "moral perversion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["depravation", "immorality", "putrefaction", "degeneracy", "depravity"], "instruction": "\"the luxury and corruption among the upper classes\" What is the definition of \"corruption\"?"} {"term": "corruption", "pos": "n", "context": "the luxury and corruption among the upper classes", "definition": "impairment of virtue and moral principles", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["depravation", "immorality", "putrefaction", "degeneracy", "depravity"], "instruction": "\"the luxury and corruption among the upper classes\" What is the definition of \"corruption\"?"} {"term": "corruption", "pos": "n", "context": "corruption of a minor", "definition": "destroying someones or some groups honesty or loyalty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["subversion", "debasement"], "instruction": "\"corruption of a minor\" What is the definition of \"corruption\"?"} {"term": "corruption", "pos": "n", "context": "corruption of a minor", "definition": "undermining moral integrity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["subversion", "debasement"], "instruction": "\"corruption of a minor\" What is the definition of \"corruption\"?"} {"term": "electric", "pos": "a", "context": "electric current", "definition": "using or providing or producing or transmitting or operated by electricity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"electric current\" What is the definition of \"electric\"?"} {"term": "electric", "pos": "s", "context": "an atmosphere electric with suspicion", "definition": "exceptionally tense", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an atmosphere electric with suspicion\" What is the definition of \"electric\"?"} {"term": "electric", "pos": "s", "context": "gave an electric reading of the play", "definition": "affected by emotion as if by electricity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gave an electric reading of the play\" What is the definition of \"electric\"?"} {"term": "electric", "pos": "s", "context": "gave an electric reading of the play", "definition": "thrilling", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gave an electric reading of the play\" What is the definition of \"electric\"?"} {"term": "molecular", "pos": "a", "context": "molecular structure", "definition": "relating to or produced by or consisting of molecules", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"molecular structure\" What is the definition of \"molecular\"?"} {"term": "molecular", "pos": "a", "context": "proceed by more and more detailed analysis to the molecular facts of perception \" -- G.A. Miller", "definition": "relating to simple or elementary organization", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"proceed by more and more detailed analysis to the molecular facts of perception \" -- G.A. Miller\" What is the definition of \"molecular\"?"} {"term": "fatally", "pos": "r", "context": "he was fatally ill equipped for the climb", "definition": "with fatal consequences or implications", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was fatally ill equipped for the climb\" What is the definition of \"fatally\"?"} {"term": "incipient", "pos": "s", "context": "incipient civil disorder", "definition": "only partly in existence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"incipient civil disorder\" What is the definition of \"incipient\"?"} {"term": "incipient", "pos": "s", "context": "incipient civil disorder", "definition": "imperfectly formed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"incipient civil disorder\" What is the definition of \"incipient\"?"} {"term": "quaternary", "pos": "s", "context": "a quaternary compound", "definition": "consisting of or especially arranged in sets of four", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a quaternary compound\" What is the definition of \"quaternary\"?"} {"term": "quaternary", "pos": "s", "context": "the quaternary period of geologic time extends from the end of the tertiary period to the present", "definition": "coming next after the third and just before the fifth in position or time or degree or magnitude", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["fourth", ""], "instruction": "\"the quaternary period of geologic time extends from the end of the tertiary period to the present\" What is the definition of \"quaternary\"?"} {"term": "amalgam", "pos": "n", "context": "his theory is an amalgam of earlier ideas", "definition": "a combination or blend of diverse things", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his theory is an amalgam of earlier ideas\" What is the definition of \"amalgam\"?"} {"term": "coloration", "pos": "n", "context": "her healthy coloration", "definition": "appearance with regard to color", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her healthy coloration\" What is the definition of \"coloration\"?"} {"term": "machine", "pos": "n", "context": "the boxer was a magnificent fighting machine", "definition": "an efficient person", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the boxer was a magnificent fighting machine\" What is the definition of \"machine\"?"} {"term": "machine", "pos": "n", "context": "the war machine", "definition": "an intricate organization that accomplishes its goals efficiently", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the war machine\" What is the definition of \"machine\"?"} {"term": "unforeseeable", "pos": "s", "context": "unforeseeable consequences", "definition": "incapable of being anticipated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unforeseeable consequences\" What is the definition of \"unforeseeable\"?"} {"term": "deterrent", "pos": "s", "context": "the deterrent effects of high prices", "definition": "tending to deter", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the deterrent effects of high prices\" What is the definition of \"deterrent\"?"} {"term": "perpetual", "pos": "s", "context": "hell 's perpetual fires", "definition": "continuing forever or indefinitely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["ageless", "", "eternal", "everlasting"], "instruction": "\"hell 's perpetual fires\" What is the definition of \"perpetual\"?"} {"term": "perpetual", "pos": "s", "context": "the perpetual struggle to maintain standards in a democracy", "definition": "uninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["incessant", ""], "instruction": "\"the perpetual struggle to maintain standards in a democracy\" What is the definition of \"perpetual\"?"} {"term": "blowy", "pos": "s", "context": "blowy weather", "definition": "abounding in or exposed to the wind or breezes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["windy", "", "breezy"], "instruction": "\"blowy weather\" What is the definition of \"blowy\"?"} {"term": "drop", "pos": "n", "context": "he had a drop too much to drink", "definition": "a small indefinite quantity especially of a liquid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had a drop too much to drink\" What is the definition of \"drop\"?"} {"term": "drop", "pos": "n", "context": "a drop of 57 points on the Dow Jones index", "definition": "a sudden sharp decrease in some quantity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["decrease", "correction", "dip", "decrement"], "instruction": "\"a drop of 57 points on the Dow Jones index\" What is the definition of \"drop\"?"} {"term": "drop", "pos": "v", "context": "Do n't drop the dishes", "definition": "to let fall to the ground", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Do n't drop the dishes\" What is the definition of \"drop\"?"} {"term": "fit", "pos": "n", "context": "he had a fit", "definition": "a display of bad temper", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had a fit\" What is the definition of \"fit\"?"} {"term": "fit", "pos": "n", "context": "a fit of coughing", "definition": "a sudden uncontrollable attack", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["paroxysm", "convulsion", "attack"], "instruction": "\"a fit of coughing\" What is the definition of \"fit\"?"} {"term": "fit", "pos": "v", "context": "This piece wo n't fit into the puzzle", "definition": "to be the right size or shape", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["fitting", "joint", "fit", "tessellated", "jointed"], "instruction": "\"This piece wo n't fit into the puzzle\" What is the definition of \"fit\"?"} {"term": "fit", "pos": "v", "context": "Can you fit the toy into the box ?", "definition": "to insert or adjust several objects or people", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Can you fit the toy into the box ?\" What is the definition of \"fit\"?"} {"term": "fit", "pos": "a", "context": "a fit subject for discussion", "definition": "meeting adequate standards for a purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fit subject for discussion\" What is the definition of \"fit\"?"} {"term": "fit", "pos": "a", "context": "felt relaxed and fit after their holiday", "definition": "physically and mentally sound or healthy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"felt relaxed and fit after their holiday\" What is the definition of \"fit\"?"} {"term": "fit", "pos": "s", "context": "in no fit state to continue", "definition": "on the point of or strongly disposed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in no fit state to continue\" What is the definition of \"fit\"?"} {"term": "coldness", "pos": "n", "context": "a distressing coldness of tone and manner", "definition": "a lack of affection or enthusiasm", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["stone", "frigidity", "iciness", "chilliness", "coolness"], "instruction": "\"a distressing coldness of tone and manner\" What is the definition of \"coldness\"?"} {"term": "coldness", "pos": "n", "context": "the coldness made our breath visible", "definition": "the absence of heat", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["cool", "frigidity", "iciness", "nip", "chill", "chilliness", "vasoconstrictor", "pressor", "coolness"], "instruction": "\"the coldness made our breath visible\" What is the definition of \"coldness\"?"} {"term": "undo", "pos": "v", "context": "I wish I could undo my actions", "definition": "to cancel , annul , or reverse an action or its effect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["unknot", "spread", "unbutton", "disentangle", "undone", "unravel", "reversed", "turn", "undoing", "unfasten", "untie", "unwind", "unbuckle", "unpick"], "instruction": "\"I wish I could undo my actions\" What is the definition of \"undo\"?"} {"term": "rose", "pos": "v", "context": "the value of our house rose sharply last year", "definition": "to increase in value or to a higher point", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["rise", "climb", "bull", "soar", "grow"], "instruction": "\"the value of our house rose sharply last year\" What is the definition of \"rose\"?"} {"term": "sharpen", "pos": "v", "context": "sharpen the knives", "definition": "to make sharp or sharper", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sharpen the knives\" What is the definition of \"sharpen\"?"} {"term": "sharpen", "pos": "v", "context": "We had to sharpen our arguments", "definition": "to make crisp or more crisp and precise", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"We had to sharpen our arguments\" What is the definition of \"sharpen\"?"} {"term": "grunt", "pos": "n", "context": "he went from grunt to chairman in six years", "definition": "an unskilled or low-ranking soldier or other worker", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he went from grunt to chairman in six years\" What is the definition of \"grunt\"?"} {"term": "preferential", "pos": "s", "context": "preferential tariff rates", "definition": "manifesting partiality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"preferential tariff rates\" What is the definition of \"preferential\"?"} {"term": "asunder", "pos": "s", "context": "as wide asunder as pole from pole", "definition": "widely separated especially in space", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as wide asunder as pole from pole\" What is the definition of \"asunder\"?"} {"term": "asunder", "pos": "r", "context": "torn asunder", "definition": "into parts or pieces", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"torn asunder\" What is the definition of \"asunder\"?"} {"term": "insecurely", "pos": "r", "context": "she always acts very insecurely in the presence of her father", "definition": "in a tentative and self-conscious manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she always acts very insecurely in the presence of her father\" What is the definition of \"insecurely\"?"} {"term": "insecurely", "pos": "r", "context": "our positions here at the university are rather insecurely supported by grant money", "definition": "in a manner involving risk", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"our positions here at the university are rather insecurely supported by grant money\" What is the definition of \"insecurely\"?"} {"term": "overdue", "pos": "s", "context": "an overdue installment", "definition": "past due", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an overdue installment\" What is the definition of \"overdue\"?"} {"term": "overdue", "pos": "s", "context": "an overdue installment", "definition": "not paid at the scheduled time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an overdue installment\" What is the definition of \"overdue\"?"} {"term": "jutting", "pos": "s", "context": "the jutting limb of a tree", "definition": "extending out above or beyond a surface or boundary", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the jutting limb of a tree\" What is the definition of \"jutting\"?"} {"term": "heroic", "pos": "s", "context": "the heroic attack on the beaches of Normandy", "definition": "having or displaying qualities appropriate for heroes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the heroic attack on the beaches of Normandy\" What is the definition of \"heroic\"?"} {"term": "heroic", "pos": "s", "context": "of heroic proportions", "definition": "very imposing or impressive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"of heroic proportions\" What is the definition of \"heroic\"?"} {"term": "heroic", "pos": "s", "context": "of heroic proportions", "definition": "surpassing the ordinary especially in size or scale", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"of heroic proportions\" What is the definition of \"heroic\"?"} {"term": "heroic", "pos": "s", "context": "heroic undertakings", "definition": "of behavior that is impressive and ambitious in scale or scope", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"heroic undertakings\" What is the definition of \"heroic\"?"} {"term": "heroic", "pos": "a", "context": "heroic legends", "definition": "relating to or characteristic of heroes of antiquity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"heroic legends\" What is the definition of \"heroic\"?"} {"term": "sainted", "pos": "s", "context": "my sainted mother", "definition": "marked by utter benignity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my sainted mother\" What is the definition of \"sainted\"?"} {"term": "talk", "pos": "n", "context": "let 's have more work and less talk around here", "definition": "an exchange of ideas via conversation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["nothingness", "cant", "talking", "chatter", "wind", "cackle", "conversation"], "instruction": "\"let 's have more work and less talk around here\" What is the definition of \"talk\"?"} {"term": "talk", "pos": "n", "context": "his poetry contains much talk about love and anger", "definition": "discussion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his poetry contains much talk about love and anger\" What is the definition of \"talk\"?"} {"term": "talk", "pos": "v", "context": "We often talk business", "definition": "to exchange thoughts", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["continued", "flirt", "coquette", "cheek", "discourse", "communicate", "philander", "rap", "mash", "pontificate", "talking", "gossip", "speaking", "level", "butterfly", "intercommunicate", "converse", "spoken", "speak", "romance", "spoke", "proceed"], "instruction": "\"We often talk business\" What is the definition of \"talk\"?"} {"term": "inarticulate", "pos": "a", "context": "inarticulate beasts", "definition": "without or deprived of the use of speech or words", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"inarticulate beasts\" What is the definition of \"inarticulate\"?"} {"term": "landless", "pos": "a", "context": "the landless peasantry", "definition": "owning no land", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the landless peasantry\" What is the definition of \"landless\"?"} {"term": "precedence", "pos": "n", "context": "... its precedence as the world 's leading manufacturer of pharmaceuticals", "definition": "status established in order of importance or urgency", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"... its precedence as the world 's leading manufacturer of pharmaceuticals\" What is the definition of \"precedence\"?"} {"term": "middle", "pos": "n", "context": "the middle of the war", "definition": "time between the beginning and the end of a temporal period", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the middle of the war\" What is the definition of \"middle\"?"} {"term": "middle", "pos": "s", "context": "the middle point on a line", "definition": "being neither at the beginning nor at the end in a series", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["mediate", ""], "instruction": "\"the middle point on a line\" What is the definition of \"middle\"?"} {"term": "middle", "pos": "a", "context": "in the middle years", "definition": "between an earlier and a later period of time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the middle years\" What is the definition of \"middle\"?"} {"term": "suitable", "pos": "s", "context": "a tractor suitable ( or fit ) for heavy duty", "definition": "meant or adapted for an occasion or use", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tractor suitable ( or fit ) for heavy duty\" What is the definition of \"suitable\"?"} {"term": "suitable", "pos": "s", "context": "the parents found the girl suitable for their son", "definition": "worthy of being chosen especially as a spouse", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["desirable", "", "worthy"], "instruction": "\"the parents found the girl suitable for their son\" What is the definition of \"suitable\"?"} {"term": "subsistence", "pos": "n", "context": "social security provided only a bare subsistence", "definition": "minimal or marginal resources for subsisting", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"social security provided only a bare subsistence\" What is the definition of \"subsistence\"?"} {"term": "subsistence", "pos": "n", "context": "farming is a hard means of subsistence", "definition": "a means of surviving", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"farming is a hard means of subsistence\" What is the definition of \"subsistence\"?"} {"term": "aliquot", "pos": "n", "context": "4 is an aliquot part of 12", "definition": "an integer that is an exact divisor of some quantity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"4 is an aliquot part of 12\" What is the definition of \"aliquot\"?"} {"term": "benumbed", "pos": "s", "context": "the benumbed intellectual faculties can no longer respond", "definition": "having lost or been caused to lose interest because of overexposure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the benumbed intellectual faculties can no longer respond\" What is the definition of \"benumbed\"?"} {"term": "predatory", "pos": "s", "context": "a predatory bird", "definition": "living by preying on other animals especially by catching living prey", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a predatory bird\" What is the definition of \"predatory\"?"} {"term": "predatory", "pos": "s", "context": "predatory warfare", "definition": "characterized by plundering or pillaging or marauding", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"predatory warfare\" What is the definition of \"predatory\"?"} {"term": "predatory", "pos": "s", "context": "predatory capitalists", "definition": "living by or given to victimizing others for personal gain", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"predatory capitalists\" What is the definition of \"predatory\"?"} {"term": "lumpy", "pos": "s", "context": "lumpy gravy", "definition": "having lumps", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lumpy gravy\" What is the definition of \"lumpy\"?"} {"term": "lumpy", "pos": "s", "context": "lumpy gravy", "definition": "not smooth and even in texture", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lumpy gravy\" What is the definition of \"lumpy\"?"} {"term": "shoddy", "pos": "s", "context": "shoddy business practices", "definition": "designed to deceive or mislead either deliberately or inadvertently", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shoddy business practices\" What is the definition of \"shoddy\"?"} {"term": "abuzz", "pos": "s", "context": "the room was abuzz over the latest scandal", "definition": "noisy like the sound of a bee", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the room was abuzz over the latest scandal\" What is the definition of \"abuzz\"?"} {"term": "multiple", "pos": "n", "context": "36 is a multiple of 9", "definition": "the product of a quantity by an integer", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"36 is a multiple of 9\" What is the definition of \"multiple\"?"} {"term": "multiple", "pos": "a", "context": "multiple birth", "definition": "having or involving or consisting of more than one part or entity or individual", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"multiple birth\" What is the definition of \"multiple\"?"} {"term": "oceanic", "pos": "a", "context": "oceanic islands like Bermuda", "definition": "relating to or occurring or living in or frequenting the open ocean", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"oceanic islands like Bermuda\" What is the definition of \"oceanic\"?"} {"term": "oceanic", "pos": "s", "context": "the oceanic violence of his rage", "definition": "resembling the ocean in apparent limitlessness in extent or degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the oceanic violence of his rage\" What is the definition of \"oceanic\"?"} {"term": "oceanic", "pos": "s", "context": "oceanic waters", "definition": "constituting or living in the open sea", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"oceanic waters\" What is the definition of \"oceanic\"?"} {"term": "lapsed", "pos": "v", "context": "The correspondence lapsed", "definition": "to end , at least for a long time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["stop", "end", "lapse", "terminate", "cease", "finish"], "instruction": "\"The correspondence lapsed\" What is the definition of \"lapsed\"?"} {"term": "lapsed", "pos": "s", "context": "a lapsed Catholic", "definition": "no longer active or practicing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a lapsed Catholic\" What is the definition of \"lapsed\"?"} {"term": "inauspicious", "pos": "s", "context": "my words with inauspicious thunderings shook heaven \" - P.B.Shelley", "definition": "presaging ill fortune", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my words with inauspicious thunderings shook heaven \" - P.B.Shelley\" What is the definition of \"inauspicious\"?"} {"term": "torpid", "pos": "s", "context": "a mind grown torpid in old age", "definition": "slow and apathetic", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["sluggish", "", "inert", "soggy"], "instruction": "\"a mind grown torpid in old age\" What is the definition of \"torpid\"?"} {"term": "torpid", "pos": "s", "context": "torpid frogs", "definition": "in a condition of biological rest or suspended animation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"torpid frogs\" What is the definition of \"torpid\"?"} {"term": "optionally", "pos": "r", "context": "this rule is applied optionally", "definition": "in an optional manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this rule is applied optionally\" What is the definition of \"optionally\"?"} {"term": "incompressible", "pos": "a", "context": "mounds of incompressible garbage", "definition": "incapable of being compressed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mounds of incompressible garbage\" What is the definition of \"incompressible\"?"} {"term": "incompressible", "pos": "a", "context": "mounds of incompressible garbage", "definition": "resisting compression", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mounds of incompressible garbage\" What is the definition of \"incompressible\"?"} {"term": "inventory", "pos": "n", "context": "an inventory may be necessary to see if anything is missing", "definition": "making an itemized list of merchandise or supplies on hand", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an inventory may be necessary to see if anything is missing\" What is the definition of \"inventory\"?"} {"term": "lewd", "pos": "s", "context": "lewd whisperings of a dirty old man", "definition": "suggestive of or tending to moral looseness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lewd whisperings of a dirty old man\" What is the definition of \"lewd\"?"} {"term": "cosmological", "pos": "a", "context": "cosmological redshift", "definition": "pertaining to the branch of astronomy dealing with the origin and history and structure and dynamics of the universe", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cosmological redshift\" What is the definition of \"cosmological\"?"} {"term": "cosmological", "pos": "a", "context": "a cosmological argument is an argument that the universe demands the admission of an adequate external cause which is God", "definition": "pertaining to the branch of philosophy dealing with the elements and laws and especially the characteristics of the universe such as space and time and causality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a cosmological argument is an argument that the universe demands the admission of an adequate external cause which is God\" What is the definition of \"cosmological\"?"} {"term": "pave", "pos": "v", "context": "pave the roads in the village", "definition": "to cover with a material such as stone or concrete to make suitable for vehicle traffic", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["coat", "surface", "paving", "coating", "cobble", "cobblestone"], "instruction": "\"pave the roads in the village\" What is the definition of \"pave\"?"} {"term": "correct", "pos": "v", "context": "The new contact lenses will correct for his myopia", "definition": "to treat a defect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The new contact lenses will correct for his myopia\" What is the definition of \"correct\"?"} {"term": "correct", "pos": "a", "context": "the correct answer", "definition": "free from error", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the correct answer\" What is the definition of \"correct\"?"} {"term": "correct", "pos": "a", "context": "the correct answer", "definition": "especially conforming to fact or truth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the correct answer\" What is the definition of \"correct\"?"} {"term": "impermanent", "pos": "a", "context": "politics is an impermanent factor of life \" - James Thurber", "definition": "not permanent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"politics is an impermanent factor of life \" - James Thurber\" What is the definition of \"impermanent\"?"} {"term": "impermanent", "pos": "a", "context": "politics is an impermanent factor of life \" - James Thurber", "definition": "not lasting", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"politics is an impermanent factor of life \" - James Thurber\" What is the definition of \"impermanent\"?"} {"term": "book", "pos": "n", "context": "I am reading a good book on economics", "definition": "a written work or composition that has been published printed on pages bound together", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I am reading a good book on economics\" What is the definition of \"book\"?"} {"term": "book", "pos": "n", "context": "he used a large book as a doorstop", "definition": "physical objects consisting of a number of pages bound together", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["product", "novel", "album", "journal", "folio", "production", "sketchbook", "notebook", "volume"], "instruction": "\"he used a large book as a doorstop\" What is the definition of \"book\"?"} {"term": "punishable", "pos": "s", "context": "punishable offenses", "definition": "liable to or deserving punishment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"punishable offenses\" What is the definition of \"punishable\"?"} {"term": "linguistic", "pos": "a", "context": "linguistic behavior", "definition": "consisting of or related to language", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"linguistic behavior\" What is the definition of \"linguistic\"?"} {"term": "linguistic", "pos": "a", "context": "linguistic theory", "definition": "of or relating to the scientific study of language", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"linguistic theory\" What is the definition of \"linguistic\"?"} {"term": "reinstatement", "pos": "n", "context": "her reinstatement to her former office followed quickly", "definition": "the condition of being reinstated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her reinstatement to her former office followed quickly\" What is the definition of \"reinstatement\"?"} {"term": "reinstatement", "pos": "n", "context": "we insisted on the reinstatement of the colonel", "definition": "the act of restoring someone to a previous position", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we insisted on the reinstatement of the colonel\" What is the definition of \"reinstatement\"?"} {"term": "premature", "pos": "a", "context": "a premature infant", "definition": "born after a gestation period of less than the normal time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a premature infant\" What is the definition of \"premature\"?"} {"term": "premature", "pos": "s", "context": "illness led to his premature death", "definition": "uncommonly early or before the expected time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"illness led to his premature death\" What is the definition of \"premature\"?"} {"term": "premature", "pos": "s", "context": "a premature judgment", "definition": "too soon or too hasty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a premature judgment\" What is the definition of \"premature\"?"} {"term": "carnivore", "pos": "n", "context": "Tyrannosaurus Rex was a large carnivore", "definition": "any animal that feeds on flesh", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Tyrannosaurus Rex was a large carnivore\" What is the definition of \"carnivore\"?"} {"term": "invertebrate", "pos": "a", "context": "worms are an example of invertebrate animals", "definition": "lacking a backbone or spinal column", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"worms are an example of invertebrate animals\" What is the definition of \"invertebrate\"?"} {"term": "discount", "pos": "v", "context": "I never discount these books-they sell like hot cakes", "definition": "to give a reduction in price on", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I never discount these books-they sell like hot cakes\" What is the definition of \"discount\"?"} {"term": "penetration", "pos": "n", "context": "the penetration of upper management by women", "definition": "the act of entering into or through something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the penetration of upper management by women\" What is the definition of \"penetration\"?"} {"term": "indication", "pos": "n", "context": "an indication of foul play", "definition": "something that serves to indicate or suggest", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an indication of foul play\" What is the definition of \"indication\"?"} {"term": "indication", "pos": "n", "context": "the presence of bacterial infection was an indication for the use of antibiotics", "definition": "a reason to prescribe a drug or perform a procedure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the presence of bacterial infection was an indication for the use of antibiotics\" What is the definition of \"indication\"?"} {"term": "sauce", "pos": "v", "context": "sauce the roast", "definition": "to add zest or flavor to , make more interesting", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sauce the roast\" What is the definition of \"sauce\"?"} {"term": "judicially", "pos": "r", "context": "judicially controlled process", "definition": "in a judicial manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"judicially controlled process\" What is the definition of \"judicially\"?"} {"term": "faded", "pos": "s", "context": "faded jeans", "definition": "having lost freshness or brilliance of color", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["washy", "", "bleached"], "instruction": "\"faded jeans\" What is the definition of \"faded\"?"} {"term": "faded", "pos": "s", "context": "the faded tones of an old recording", "definition": "reduced in strength", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the faded tones of an old recording\" What is the definition of \"faded\"?"} {"term": "hardness", "pos": "n", "context": "the costs of reducing hardness depend on the relative amounts of calcium and magnesium compounds that are present", "definition": "a quality of water that contains dissolved mineral salts that prevent soap from lathering", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the costs of reducing hardness depend on the relative amounts of calcium and magnesium compounds that are present\" What is the definition of \"hardness\"?"} {"term": "hardness", "pos": "n", "context": "he assigned a series of problems of increasing hardness", "definition": "the quality of being difficult to do", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he assigned a series of problems of increasing hardness\" What is the definition of \"hardness\"?"} {"term": "promiscuously", "pos": "r", "context": "she reads promiscuously", "definition": "in an indiscriminate manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she reads promiscuously\" What is the definition of \"promiscuously\"?"} {"term": "promiscuously", "pos": "r", "context": "this young girl has to share a room with her mother who lives promiscuously", "definition": "in a licentious and promiscuous manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["wantonly", ""], "instruction": "\"this young girl has to share a room with her mother who lives promiscuously\" What is the definition of \"promiscuously\"?"} {"term": "lovable", "pos": "a", "context": "a mischievous but lovable child", "definition": "having characteristics that attract love or affection", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a mischievous but lovable child\" What is the definition of \"lovable\"?"} {"term": "wroth", "pos": "s", "context": "but wroth as he was , a short struggle ended in reconciliation", "definition": "vehemently incensed and condemnatory", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but wroth as he was , a short struggle ended in reconciliation\" What is the definition of \"wroth\"?"} {"term": "juiceless", "pos": "s", "context": "dull and juiceless as only book knowledge can be when it is unrelated to ... life \" - John Mason Brown", "definition": "lacking interest or stimulation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dull and juiceless as only book knowledge can be when it is unrelated to ... life \" - John Mason Brown\" What is the definition of \"juiceless\"?"} {"term": "juiceless", "pos": "s", "context": "dull and juiceless as only book knowledge can be when it is unrelated to ... life \" - John Mason Brown", "definition": "dull and lifeless", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dull and juiceless as only book knowledge can be when it is unrelated to ... life \" - John Mason Brown\" What is the definition of \"juiceless\"?"} {"term": "rack", "pos": "v", "context": "rack one 's brains", "definition": "to stretch to the limits", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["strain", "stress", "strained", "racking", "try"], "instruction": "\"rack one 's brains\" What is the definition of \"rack\"?"} {"term": "glory", "pos": "n", "context": "he valued glory above life itself", "definition": "a state of high honor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["honor", "glorification"], "instruction": "\"he valued glory above life itself\" What is the definition of \"glory\"?"} {"term": "glory", "pos": "n", "context": "the glory of the sunrise", "definition": "brilliant radiant beauty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["beauty", "resplendence"], "instruction": "\"the glory of the sunrise\" What is the definition of \"glory\"?"} {"term": "gastronomic", "pos": "a", "context": "gastronomic adventures", "definition": "of or relating to gastronomy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gastronomic adventures\" What is the definition of \"gastronomic\"?"} {"term": "advisability", "pos": "n", "context": "they questioned the advisability of our policy", "definition": "the quality of being advisable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they questioned the advisability of our policy\" What is the definition of \"advisability\"?"} {"term": "nodular", "pos": "s", "context": "nodular ores", "definition": "having nodules or occurring in the form of nodules", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nodular ores\" What is the definition of \"nodular\"?"} {"term": "superfine", "pos": "s", "context": "superfine sugar", "definition": "of extremely fine size or texture", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"superfine sugar\" What is the definition of \"superfine\"?"} {"term": "superfine", "pos": "s", "context": "made of superfine Flemish cloth", "definition": "very fine in quality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"made of superfine Flemish cloth\" What is the definition of \"superfine\"?"} {"term": "reset", "pos": "v", "context": "reset instruments and dials", "definition": "to set to zero", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"reset instruments and dials\" What is the definition of \"reset\"?"} {"term": "subservient", "pos": "s", "context": "editors and journalists who express opinions in print that are opposed to the interests of the rich are dismissed and replaced by subservient ones \" - G. B. Shaw", "definition": "compliant and obedient to authority", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"editors and journalists who express opinions in print that are opposed to the interests of the rich are dismissed and replaced by subservient ones \" - G. B. Shaw\" What is the definition of \"subservient\"?"} {"term": "subservient", "pos": "s", "context": "she has become submissive and subservient", "definition": "abjectly submissive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she has become submissive and subservient\" What is the definition of \"subservient\"?"} {"term": "subservient", "pos": "s", "context": "she has become submissive and subservient", "definition": "characteristic of a slave or servant", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she has become submissive and subservient\" What is the definition of \"subservient\"?"} {"term": "surtax", "pos": "v", "context": "surtax luxury items that cost more than $ 1,000", "definition": "to levy an extra tax on", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"surtax luxury items that cost more than $ 1,000\" What is the definition of \"surtax\"?"} {"term": "reputedly", "pos": "r", "context": "fish with reputedly poisonous flesh", "definition": "by repute", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fish with reputedly poisonous flesh\" What is the definition of \"reputedly\"?"} {"term": "reputedly", "pos": "r", "context": "fish with reputedly poisonous flesh", "definition": "according to general belief", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fish with reputedly poisonous flesh\" What is the definition of \"reputedly\"?"} {"term": "cloudy", "pos": "s", "context": "gropes among cloudy issues toward a feeble conclusion \" - H.T.Moore", "definition": "lacking definite form or limits", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gropes among cloudy issues toward a feeble conclusion \" - H.T.Moore\" What is the definition of \"cloudy\"?"} {"term": "cloudy", "pos": "s", "context": "a cloudy liquid", "definition": "clouded as with sediment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["turbid", "muddy", "murky", ""], "instruction": "\"a cloudy liquid\" What is the definition of \"cloudy\"?"} {"term": "cloudy", "pos": "a", "context": "cloudy skies", "definition": "full of or covered with clouds", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cloudy skies\" What is the definition of \"cloudy\"?"} {"term": "acquaint", "pos": "v", "context": "Please acquaint your colleagues of your plans to move", "definition": "to inform", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["inform", "acquainted"], "instruction": "\"Please acquaint your colleagues of your plans to move\" What is the definition of \"acquaint\"?"} {"term": "acquaint", "pos": "v", "context": "permit me to acquaint you with my son", "definition": "to cause to come to know personally", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["inform", "acquainted", "reintroduce"], "instruction": "\"permit me to acquaint you with my son\" What is the definition of \"acquaint\"?"} {"term": "acquaint", "pos": "v", "context": "you should acquaint yourself with your new computer", "definition": "to make familiar or conversant with", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["versed", "familiarize", "inform", "orient", "acquainted", "verse"], "instruction": "\"you should acquaint yourself with your new computer\" What is the definition of \"acquaint\"?"} {"term": "jagged", "pos": "s", "context": "the jagged outline of the crags", "definition": "having a sharply uneven surface or outline", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the jagged outline of the crags\" What is the definition of \"jagged\"?"} {"term": "appointment", "pos": "n", "context": "the appointment had to be approved by the whole committee", "definition": "the act of putting a person into a non-elective position", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["conclusion", "ordination", "decision", "assignment", "determination", "recognition"], "instruction": "\"the appointment had to be approved by the whole committee\" What is the definition of \"appointment\"?"} {"term": "appointment", "pos": "n", "context": "he applied for an appointment in the treasury", "definition": "the job to which you are or hope to be appointed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he applied for an appointment in the treasury\" What is the definition of \"appointment\"?"} {"term": "advisable", "pos": "a", "context": "such action is neither necessary nor advisable", "definition": "worthy of being recommended or suggested", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"such action is neither necessary nor advisable\" What is the definition of \"advisable\"?"} {"term": "advisable", "pos": "a", "context": "such action is neither necessary nor advisable", "definition": "prudent or wise", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"such action is neither necessary nor advisable\" What is the definition of \"advisable\"?"} {"term": "flexure", "pos": "n", "context": "a flexure of the colon", "definition": "an angular or rounded shape made by folding", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["plait", "ruck", "twist", "angularity", "twirl", "crimp", "fold", "plication", "bend", "pucker", "crease"], "instruction": "\"a flexure of the colon\" What is the definition of \"flexure\"?"} {"term": "detection", "pos": "n", "context": "early detection can often lead to a cure", "definition": "the perception that something has occurred or some state exists", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"early detection can often lead to a cure\" What is the definition of \"detection\"?"} {"term": "detection", "pos": "n", "context": "detection is hard on the feet", "definition": "a police investigation to determine the perpetrator", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"detection is hard on the feet\" What is the definition of \"detection\"?"} {"term": "representative", "pos": "s", "context": "representative moviegoers", "definition": "serving to represent or typify", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"representative moviegoers\" What is the definition of \"representative\"?"} {"term": "representative", "pos": "a", "context": "the bald eagle is representative of the United States", "definition": "standing for something else", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the bald eagle is representative of the United States\" What is the definition of \"representative\"?"} {"term": "wakeful", "pos": "s", "context": "a restless wakeful night", "definition": "easily disturbed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a restless wakeful night\" What is the definition of \"wakeful\"?"} {"term": "obtuse", "pos": "s", "context": "too obtuse to grasp the implications of his behavior", "definition": "lacking in insight or discernment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"too obtuse to grasp the implications of his behavior\" What is the definition of \"obtuse\"?"} {"term": "obtuse", "pos": "s", "context": "he was either normally stupid or being deliberately obtuse", "definition": "slow to learn or understand", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was either normally stupid or being deliberately obtuse\" What is the definition of \"obtuse\"?"} {"term": "obtuse", "pos": "s", "context": "he was either normally stupid or being deliberately obtuse", "definition": "lacking intellectual acuity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was either normally stupid or being deliberately obtuse\" What is the definition of \"obtuse\"?"} {"term": "loop", "pos": "n", "context": "he 's no longer in the loop", "definition": "an inner circle of advisors especially under president reagan", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he 's no longer in the loop\" What is the definition of \"loop\"?"} {"term": "flinty", "pos": "s", "context": "his flinty gaze", "definition": "showing unfeeling resistance to tender feelings", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his flinty gaze\" What is the definition of \"flinty\"?"} {"term": "fringe", "pos": "n", "context": "members of the fringe believe we should be armed with guns at all times", "definition": "a social group holding marginal or extreme views", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"members of the fringe believe we should be armed with guns at all times\" What is the definition of \"fringe\"?"} {"term": "guarantee", "pos": "n", "context": "there is no guarantee that they are not lying", "definition": "an unconditional commitment that something will happen or that something is true", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is no guarantee that they are not lying\" What is the definition of \"guarantee\"?"} {"term": "guarantee", "pos": "v", "context": "Preparation will guarantee success !", "definition": "to make certain of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["ensure", "assured", "make", "doom"], "instruction": "\"Preparation will guarantee success !\" What is the definition of \"guarantee\"?"} {"term": "astonishing", "pos": "s", "context": "such an enormous response was astonishing", "definition": "so surprisingly impressive as to stun or overwhelm", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"such an enormous response was astonishing\" What is the definition of \"astonishing\"?"} {"term": "astonishing", "pos": "s", "context": "the dog was capable of astonishing tricks", "definition": "surprising greatly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the dog was capable of astonishing tricks\" What is the definition of \"astonishing\"?"} {"term": "genetic", "pos": "a", "context": "genetic history reconstructs the origins of a literary work", "definition": "pertaining to or referring to origin", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"genetic history reconstructs the origins of a literary work\" What is the definition of \"genetic\"?"} {"term": "genetic", "pos": "a", "context": "genetic research", "definition": "of or relating to the science of genetics", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"genetic research\" What is the definition of \"genetic\"?"} {"term": "genetic", "pos": "a", "context": "genetic code", "definition": "of or relating to or produced by or being a gene", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"genetic code\" What is the definition of \"genetic\"?"} {"term": "combative", "pos": "s", "context": "a combative impulse", "definition": "having or showing a ready disposition to fight", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a combative impulse\" What is the definition of \"combative\"?"} {"term": "delightful", "pos": "s", "context": "a delightful surprise", "definition": "greatly pleasing or entertaining", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a delightful surprise\" What is the definition of \"delightful\"?"} {"term": "patient", "pos": "a", "context": "a patient smile", "definition": "enduring trying circumstances with even temper or characterized by such endurance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a patient smile\" What is the definition of \"patient\"?"} {"term": "horny", "pos": "s", "context": "horny coral", "definition": "having horns or hornlike projections", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"horny coral\" What is the definition of \"horny\"?"} {"term": "horny", "pos": "s", "context": "feeling horny", "definition": "feeling great sexual desire", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"feeling horny\" What is the definition of \"horny\"?"} {"term": "faltering", "pos": "v", "context": "Their enthusiasm is faltering", "definition": "to be unsure or weak", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["waver", "hesitate", "falter"], "instruction": "\"Their enthusiasm is faltering\" What is the definition of \"faltering\"?"} {"term": "indefinable", "pos": "s", "context": "an indefinable feeling of terror", "definition": "not capable of being precisely or readily described", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an indefinable feeling of terror\" What is the definition of \"indefinable\"?"} {"term": "indefinable", "pos": "s", "context": "an indefinable feeling of terror", "definition": "not easily put into words", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an indefinable feeling of terror\" What is the definition of \"indefinable\"?"} {"term": "indefinable", "pos": "s", "context": "indefinable yearnings", "definition": "defying expression or description", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"indefinable yearnings\" What is the definition of \"indefinable\"?"} {"term": "quotation", "pos": "n", "context": "since he lacks originality he must rely on quotation", "definition": "the practice of quoting from books or plays etc. .", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"since he lacks originality he must rely on quotation\" What is the definition of \"quotation\"?"} {"term": "cracked", "pos": "v", "context": "The glass cracked when it was heated", "definition": "to become fractured", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["crack", "break", "change"], "instruction": "\"The glass cracked when it was heated\" What is the definition of \"cracked\"?"} {"term": "cracked", "pos": "v", "context": "His gun cracked", "definition": "to make a very sharp explosive sound", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"His gun cracked\" What is the definition of \"cracked\"?"} {"term": "artless", "pos": "a", "context": "an artless manner", "definition": "simple and natural", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an artless manner\" What is the definition of \"artless\"?"} {"term": "artless", "pos": "a", "context": "an artless manner", "definition": "without cunning or deceit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an artless manner\" What is the definition of \"artless\"?"} {"term": "artless", "pos": "s", "context": "an artless translation", "definition": "showing lack of art", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an artless translation\" What is the definition of \"artless\"?"} {"term": "stern", "pos": "s", "context": "a stern disciplinarian", "definition": "severe and unremitting in making demands", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a stern disciplinarian\" What is the definition of \"stern\"?"} {"term": "stern", "pos": "s", "context": "a stern face", "definition": "forbidding in aspect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a stern face\" What is the definition of \"stern\"?"} {"term": "stern", "pos": "s", "context": "the stern demands of parenthood", "definition": "not to be placated or appeased or moved by entreaty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the stern demands of parenthood\" What is the definition of \"stern\"?"} {"term": "refractive", "pos": "a", "context": "the refractive characteristics of the eye", "definition": "of or relating to or capable of refraction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the refractive characteristics of the eye\" What is the definition of \"refractive\"?"} {"term": "intercontinental", "pos": "a", "context": "intercontinental exploration", "definition": "extending or taking place between or among continents", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"intercontinental exploration\" What is the definition of \"intercontinental\"?"} {"term": "sweeten", "pos": "v", "context": "sweeten a deal", "definition": "to make sweeter , more pleasant , or more agreeable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["modify", "sweetening", "change", "alter"], "instruction": "\"sweeten a deal\" What is the definition of \"sweeten\"?"} {"term": "renowned", "pos": "s", "context": "a renowned painter", "definition": "widely known and esteemed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a renowned painter\" What is the definition of \"renowned\"?"} {"term": "washy", "pos": "s", "context": "washy coffee", "definition": "overly diluted", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["weak", "", "watery"], "instruction": "\"washy coffee\" What is the definition of \"washy\"?"} {"term": "washy", "pos": "s", "context": "washy coffee", "definition": "thin and insipid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["weak", "", "watery"], "instruction": "\"washy coffee\" What is the definition of \"washy\"?"} {"term": "washy", "pos": "s", "context": "washy colors", "definition": "having lost freshness or brilliance of color", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"washy colors\" What is the definition of \"washy\"?"} {"term": "inflexibly", "pos": "r", "context": "` You will -- because you must ! , ' Madam told her inflexibly", "definition": "in an inflexible manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"` You will -- because you must ! , ' Madam told her inflexibly\" What is the definition of \"inflexibly\"?"} {"term": "splinter", "pos": "n", "context": "he got a splinter in his finger", "definition": "a small thin sharp bit or wood or glass or metal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he got a splinter in his finger\" What is the definition of \"splinter\"?"} {"term": "loss", "pos": "n", "context": "the car was a total loss", "definition": "something that is lost", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the car was a total loss\" What is the definition of \"loss\"?"} {"term": "loss", "pos": "n", "context": "weight loss", "definition": "gradual decline in amount or activity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"weight loss\" What is the definition of \"loss\"?"} {"term": "loss", "pos": "n", "context": "everyone expected him to win so his loss was a shock", "definition": "the act of losing someone or something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"everyone expected him to win so his loss was a shock\" What is the definition of \"loss\"?"} {"term": "too", "pos": "r", "context": "too big", "definition": "to a degree exceeding normal or proper limits", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"too big\" What is the definition of \"too\"?"} {"term": "too", "pos": "r", "context": "he has a Mercedes , too", "definition": "in addition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he has a Mercedes , too\" What is the definition of \"too\"?"} {"term": "show", "pos": "n", "context": "a remarkable show of skill", "definition": "the act of publicly exhibiting or entertaining", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a remarkable show of skill\" What is the definition of \"show\"?"} {"term": "show", "pos": "n", "context": "a show of impatience", "definition": "something intended to communicate a particular impression", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["display", "pomp"], "instruction": "\"a show of impatience\" What is the definition of \"show\"?"} {"term": "show", "pos": "v", "context": "The dirty side will show", "definition": "to be or become visible or noticeable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The dirty side will show\" What is the definition of \"show\"?"} {"term": "heed", "pos": "n", "context": "he spends without heed to the consequences", "definition": "paying particular notice as to children or helpless people", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["attention", "regard"], "instruction": "\"he spends without heed to the consequences\" What is the definition of \"heed\"?"} {"term": "pseudonymous", "pos": "s", "context": "the writings of Mark Twain are pseudonymous", "definition": "bearing or identified by an assumed often pen name", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the writings of Mark Twain are pseudonymous\" What is the definition of \"pseudonymous\"?"} {"term": "professional", "pos": "a", "context": "the professional man or woman possesses distinctive qualifications", "definition": "engaged in a profession or engaging in as a profession or means of livelihood", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the professional man or woman possesses distinctive qualifications\" What is the definition of \"professional\"?"} {"term": "professional", "pos": "a", "context": "professional organizations", "definition": "of or relating to or suitable as a profession", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"professional organizations\" What is the definition of \"professional\"?"} {"term": "professional", "pos": "a", "context": "professional conduct", "definition": "characteristic of or befitting a profession or one engaged in a profession", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"professional conduct\" What is the definition of \"professional\"?"} {"term": "professional", "pos": "s", "context": "professional occupations include medicine and the law and teaching", "definition": "engaged in by members of a profession", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"professional occupations include medicine and the law and teaching\" What is the definition of \"professional\"?"} {"term": "apprehension", "pos": "n", "context": "the student looked around the examination room with apprehension", "definition": "fearful expectation or anticipation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["boding", "dread", "trepidation", "gloominess", "chill", "somberness", "fear", "foreboding", "presentiment", "premonition", "fearfulness", "suspense", "pall", "fright", "apprehensiveness"], "instruction": "\"the student looked around the examination room with apprehension\" What is the definition of \"apprehension\"?"} {"term": "contrapuntal", "pos": "a", "context": "contrapuntal base", "definition": "relating to or characteristic of or according to the rules of counterpoint", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"contrapuntal base\" What is the definition of \"contrapuntal\"?"} {"term": "ammunition", "pos": "n", "context": "his admission provided ammunition for his critics", "definition": "information that can be used to attack or defend a claim or argument or viewpoint", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his admission provided ammunition for his critics\" What is the definition of \"ammunition\"?"} {"term": "elevation", "pos": "n", "context": "an elevation of the temperature in the afternoon", "definition": "the event of something being raised upward", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["rise", "raising", "lift"], "instruction": "\"an elevation of the temperature in the afternoon\" What is the definition of \"elevation\"?"} {"term": "blank", "pos": "s", "context": "blank pages", "definition": "not written or printed on", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"blank pages\" What is the definition of \"blank\"?"} {"term": "blank", "pos": "s", "context": "a blank stare", "definition": "void of expression", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a blank stare\" What is the definition of \"blank\"?"} {"term": "blank", "pos": "s", "context": "a blank cartridge", "definition": "not charged with a bullet", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a blank cartridge\" What is the definition of \"blank\"?"} {"term": "omen", "pos": "n", "context": "he looked for an omen before going into battle", "definition": "a sign of something about to happen", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["presage", "sign", "augury", "portent", "foreboding", "prognostic", "prodigy"], "instruction": "\"he looked for an omen before going into battle\" What is the definition of \"omen\"?"} {"term": "unkindly", "pos": "s", "context": "unkindly ancts", "definition": "lacking in sympathy and kindness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unkindly ancts\" What is the definition of \"unkindly\"?"} {"term": "unkindly", "pos": "r", "context": "The teacher treats the children unkindly", "definition": "in an unkind manner or with unkindness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The teacher treats the children unkindly\" What is the definition of \"unkindly\"?"} {"term": "creation", "pos": "n", "context": "from its creation the plan was doomed to failure", "definition": "the event that occurred at the beginning of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["fertilization", "impregnation", "beginning", "conception"], "instruction": "\"from its creation the plan was doomed to failure\" What is the definition of \"creation\"?"} {"term": "national", "pos": "a", "context": "national hero", "definition": "of or relating to or belonging to a nation or country", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"national hero\" What is the definition of \"national\"?"} {"term": "national", "pos": "a", "context": "national interests", "definition": "limited to or in the interests of a particular nation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"national interests\" What is the definition of \"national\"?"} {"term": "national", "pos": "a", "context": "the national government", "definition": "concerned with or applicable to or belonging to an entire nation or country", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the national government\" What is the definition of \"national\"?"} {"term": "doleful", "pos": "s", "context": "the child 's doleful expression", "definition": "filled with or evoking sadness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the child 's doleful expression\" What is the definition of \"doleful\"?"} {"term": "preservative", "pos": "s", "context": "timbers should be treated with a preservative substance", "definition": "tending or having the power to preserve", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"timbers should be treated with a preservative substance\" What is the definition of \"preservative\"?"} {"term": "slop", "pos": "n", "context": "they waded through the slop", "definition": "deep soft mud in water or slush", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["mire", "clay", "mud"], "instruction": "\"they waded through the slop\" What is the definition of \"slop\"?"} {"term": "slop", "pos": "v", "context": "slop the food onto the plate", "definition": "to ladle clumsily", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"slop the food onto the plate\" What is the definition of \"slop\"?"} {"term": "ambulation", "pos": "n", "context": "the hospital encouraged early ambulation", "definition": "walking about", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the hospital encouraged early ambulation\" What is the definition of \"ambulation\"?"} {"term": "penurious", "pos": "s", "context": "lived in a most penurious manner -- denying himself every indulgence", "definition": "excessively unwilling to spend", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lived in a most penurious manner -- denying himself every indulgence\" What is the definition of \"penurious\"?"} {"term": "credence", "pos": "n", "context": "he gave credence to the gossip", "definition": "the mental attitude that something is believable and should be accepted as true", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["fatalism", "acceptance", "recognition"], "instruction": "\"he gave credence to the gossip\" What is the definition of \"credence\"?"} {"term": "lactation", "pos": "n", "context": "lactation normally continues until weaning", "definition": "the period following birth during which milk is secreted", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lactation normally continues until weaning\" What is the definition of \"lactation\"?"} {"term": "affectionately", "pos": "r", "context": "he treats her affectionately", "definition": "with affection", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he treats her affectionately\" What is the definition of \"affectionately\"?"} {"term": "floral", "pos": "s", "context": "an unusual floral design", "definition": "resembling or made of or suggestive of flowers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unusual floral design\" What is the definition of \"floral\"?"} {"term": "floral", "pos": "a", "context": "floral organs", "definition": "relating to or associated with flowers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"floral organs\" What is the definition of \"floral\"?"} {"term": "floral", "pos": "a", "context": "characteristic alpine floral elements", "definition": "of or relating to the plant life in a particular region", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"characteristic alpine floral elements\" What is the definition of \"floral\"?"} {"term": "constancy", "pos": "n", "context": "early mariners relied on the constancy of the trade winds", "definition": "the quality of being enduring and free from change or variation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["monotony", "invariance", "stability"], "instruction": "\"early mariners relied on the constancy of the trade winds\" What is the definition of \"constancy\"?"} {"term": "pithy", "pos": "s", "context": "welcomed her pithy comments", "definition": "concise and full of meaning", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["sententious", ""], "instruction": "\"welcomed her pithy comments\" What is the definition of \"pithy\"?"} {"term": "canvas", "pos": "n", "context": "the crowded canvas of history", "definition": "the setting for a narrative or fictional or dramatic account", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["canvass", "scope", "background", "setting"], "instruction": "\"the crowded canvas of history\" What is the definition of \"canvas\"?"} {"term": "revamp", "pos": "v", "context": "revamp my old boots", "definition": "to provide a shoe with a new vamp", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["vamp", "restore", "fixed", "mend", "doctor", "bushel", "fixing"], "instruction": "\"revamp my old boots\" What is the definition of \"revamp\"?"} {"term": "attack", "pos": "n", "context": "the attack began at dawn", "definition": "an offensive against an enemy using weapons", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["penetration", "fire", "onset", "countermove", "strike", "diversion", "firing", "incursion", "onrush", "onslaught", "operation", "charge"], "instruction": "\"the attack began at dawn\" What is the definition of \"attack\"?"} {"term": "attack", "pos": "n", "context": "they won the game with a 10-hit attack in the 9th inning", "definition": "an offensive move in a sport or game", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they won the game with a 10-hit attack in the 9th inning\" What is the definition of \"attack\"?"} {"term": "attack", "pos": "v", "context": "The visiting team started to attack", "definition": "to take the initiative and go on the offensive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["tackle", "act", "harass", "acting", "fork", "aggress", "pin"], "instruction": "\"The visiting team started to attack\" What is the definition of \"attack\"?"} {"term": "brilliant", "pos": "s", "context": "a brilliant performance", "definition": "of surpassing excellence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a brilliant performance\" What is the definition of \"brilliant\"?"} {"term": "brilliant", "pos": "s", "context": "the brilliant court life at Versailles", "definition": "characterized by grandeur", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the brilliant court life at Versailles\" What is the definition of \"brilliant\"?"} {"term": "brilliant", "pos": "s", "context": "a brilliant star", "definition": "full of light", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a brilliant star\" What is the definition of \"brilliant\"?"} {"term": "brilliant", "pos": "s", "context": "a brilliant star", "definition": "shining intensely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a brilliant star\" What is the definition of \"brilliant\"?"} {"term": "static", "pos": "n", "context": "they will probably give you a lot of static about your editorial", "definition": "angry criticism", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["criticism", "statics"], "instruction": "\"they will probably give you a lot of static about your editorial\" What is the definition of \"static\"?"} {"term": "static", "pos": "s", "context": "a static population", "definition": "showing little if any change", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a static population\" What is the definition of \"static\"?"} {"term": "feel", "pos": "n", "context": "he has a feel for animals \" or \" it 's easy when you get the feel of it", "definition": "an intuitive awareness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he has a feel for animals \" or \" it 's easy when you get the feel of it\" What is the definition of \"feel\"?"} {"term": "feel", "pos": "n", "context": "the girls hated it when he tried to sneak a feel", "definition": "manual stimulation of the genital area for sexual pleasure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the girls hated it when he tried to sneak a feel\" What is the definition of \"feel\"?"} {"term": "feel", "pos": "n", "context": "the feel of the city excited him", "definition": "the general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["feeling", "look", "smell", "flavor", "tone", "atmosphere"], "instruction": "\"the feel of the city excited him\" What is the definition of \"feel\"?"} {"term": "feel", "pos": "v", "context": "My cold is gone -- I feel fine today", "definition": "to be conscious of a physical , mental , or emotional state", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"My cold is gone -- I feel fine today\" What is the definition of \"feel\"?"} {"term": "probative", "pos": "s", "context": "evidence should only be excluded if its probative value was outweighed by its prejudicial effect", "definition": "tending to prove a particular proposition or to persuade you of the truth of an allegation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"evidence should only be excluded if its probative value was outweighed by its prejudicial effect\" What is the definition of \"probative\"?"} {"term": "hollow", "pos": "n", "context": "he built himself a cabin in a hollow high up in the Appalachians", "definition": "a small valley between mountains", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he built himself a cabin in a hollow high up in the Appalachians\" What is the definition of \"hollow\"?"} {"term": "hollow", "pos": "v", "context": "hollow out a tree trunk", "definition": "to remove the interior of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hollow out a tree trunk\" What is the definition of \"hollow\"?"} {"term": "hollow", "pos": "a", "context": "a hollow wall", "definition": "not solid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a hollow wall\" What is the definition of \"hollow\"?"} {"term": "hollow", "pos": "a", "context": "a hollow wall", "definition": "having a space or gap or cavity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a hollow wall\" What is the definition of \"hollow\"?"} {"term": "hollow", "pos": "s", "context": "a hollow victory", "definition": "devoid of significance or point", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a hollow victory\" What is the definition of \"hollow\"?"} {"term": "engaging", "pos": "s", "context": "an engaging frankness", "definition": "attracting or delighting", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an engaging frankness\" What is the definition of \"engaging\"?"} {"term": "shot", "pos": "n", "context": "the shot buzzed past his ear", "definition": "a solid missile discharged from a firearm", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the shot buzzed past his ear\" What is the definition of \"shot\"?"} {"term": "shot", "pos": "n", "context": "he wanted a shot at the champion", "definition": "a chance to do something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["crack", "opportunity", "chance"], "instruction": "\"he wanted a shot at the champion\" What is the definition of \"shot\"?"} {"term": "endorsement", "pos": "n", "context": "the cashier would not cash the check without an endorsement", "definition": "a signature that validates something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the cashier would not cash the check without an endorsement\" What is the definition of \"endorsement\"?"} {"term": "stake", "pos": "v", "context": "I will stake my good reputation for this", "definition": "to put at risk", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["adventuress", "", "venture", "adventure", "jeopardize", "hazard"], "instruction": "\"I will stake my good reputation for this\" What is the definition of \"stake\"?"} {"term": "judgment", "pos": "n", "context": "he was reluctant to make his judgment known", "definition": "an opinion formed by judging something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["thought", "conclusion", "decision", "determination", "mind", "view", "opinion", "persuasion"], "instruction": "\"he was reluctant to make his judgment known\" What is the definition of \"judgment\"?"} {"term": "judgment", "pos": "n", "context": "they criticized my judgment of the contestants", "definition": "the act of judging or assessing a person or situation or event", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["assessment", "estimate", "evaluation", "deed", "estimation", "act", "adjudication", "disapproval"], "instruction": "\"they criticized my judgment of the contestants\" What is the definition of \"judgment\"?"} {"term": "exert", "pos": "v", "context": "exert one 's power or influence", "definition": "to put to use", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"exert one 's power or influence\" What is the definition of \"exert\"?"} {"term": "exert", "pos": "v", "context": "exert oneself", "definition": "to make a great effort at a mental or physical task", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"exert oneself\" What is the definition of \"exert\"?"} {"term": "massive", "pos": "s", "context": "massive oak doors", "definition": "imposing in size or bulk or solidity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"massive oak doors\" What is the definition of \"massive\"?"} {"term": "massive", "pos": "s", "context": "massive silver", "definition": "being the same substance throughout", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"massive silver\" What is the definition of \"massive\"?"} {"term": "massive", "pos": "s", "context": "massive retaliatory power", "definition": "imposing in scale or scope or degree or power", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"massive retaliatory power\" What is the definition of \"massive\"?"} {"term": "baronial", "pos": "s", "context": "a baronial mansion", "definition": "impressive in appearance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["stately", "", "imposing", "noble"], "instruction": "\"a baronial mansion\" What is the definition of \"baronial\"?"} {"term": "statement", "pos": "n", "context": "according to his statement he was in London on that day", "definition": "a message that is stated or declared", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"according to his statement he was in London on that day\" What is the definition of \"statement\"?"} {"term": "statement", "pos": "n", "context": "according to his statement he was in London on that day", "definition": "a communication oral or written setting forth particulars or facts etc", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"according to his statement he was in London on that day\" What is the definition of \"statement\"?"} {"term": "statement", "pos": "n", "context": "the initial statement of the sonata", "definition": "the presentation of a musical theme", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the initial statement of the sonata\" What is the definition of \"statement\"?"} {"term": "statement", "pos": "n", "context": "a Cadillac makes a statement about who you are", "definition": "a nonverbal message", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a Cadillac makes a statement about who you are\" What is the definition of \"statement\"?"} {"term": "melodious", "pos": "a", "context": "the melodious song of a meadowlark", "definition": "containing or constituting or characterized by pleasing melody", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the melodious song of a meadowlark\" What is the definition of \"melodious\"?"} {"term": "exoteric", "pos": "a", "context": "writings of an exoteric nature", "definition": "suitable for the general public", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"writings of an exoteric nature\" What is the definition of \"exoteric\"?"} {"term": "incompetently", "pos": "r", "context": "he did the job rather incompetently", "definition": "in an incompetent manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he did the job rather incompetently\" What is the definition of \"incompetently\"?"} {"term": "offshore", "pos": "a", "context": "offshore winds", "definition": "coming from the land", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"offshore winds\" What is the definition of \"offshore\"?"} {"term": "offshore", "pos": "s", "context": "offshore oil reserves", "definition": "at some distance from the shore", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"offshore oil reserves\" What is the definition of \"offshore\"?"} {"term": "offshore", "pos": "r", "context": "cruising three miles offshore", "definition": "away from shore", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cruising three miles offshore\" What is the definition of \"offshore\"?"} {"term": "offshore", "pos": "r", "context": "cruising three miles offshore", "definition": "away from land", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cruising three miles offshore\" What is the definition of \"offshore\"?"} {"term": "sour", "pos": "s", "context": "sour milk", "definition": "in an unpalatable state", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["offerer", ""], "instruction": "\"sour milk\" What is the definition of \"sour\"?"} {"term": "inadvisable", "pos": "a", "context": "running on the ice is inadvisable", "definition": "not prudent or wise", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["unadvisable", ""], "instruction": "\"running on the ice is inadvisable\" What is the definition of \"inadvisable\"?"} {"term": "inadvisable", "pos": "a", "context": "running on the ice is inadvisable", "definition": "not recommended", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["unadvisable", ""], "instruction": "\"running on the ice is inadvisable\" What is the definition of \"inadvisable\"?"} {"term": "inadvisable", "pos": "s", "context": "an unnecessary and inadvisable action", "definition": "not advisable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unnecessary and inadvisable action\" What is the definition of \"inadvisable\"?"} {"term": "unclothed", "pos": "v", "context": "She unclothed her innermost feelings", "definition": "to take the covers off", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"She unclothed her innermost feelings\" What is the definition of \"unclothed\"?"} {"term": "sewer", "pos": "n", "context": "a sewer of fine gowns", "definition": "someone who sews", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sewer of fine gowns\" What is the definition of \"sewer\"?"} {"term": "sewer", "pos": "n", "context": "all that work went down the sewer", "definition": "misfortune resulting in lost effort or money", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["toilet", "gutter", "misfortune"], "instruction": "\"all that work went down the sewer\" What is the definition of \"sewer\"?"} {"term": "rash", "pos": "n", "context": "a rash of bank robberies", "definition": "a series of unexpected and unpleasant occurrences", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["series", "blizzard"], "instruction": "\"a rash of bank robberies\" What is the definition of \"rash\"?"} {"term": "rash", "pos": "s", "context": "do something rash that he will forever repent \" - George Meredith", "definition": "imprudently incurring risk", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"do something rash that he will forever repent \" - George Meredith\" What is the definition of \"rash\"?"} {"term": "rash", "pos": "s", "context": "a rash attempt to climb Mount Everest", "definition": "marked by defiant disregard for danger or consequences", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a rash attempt to climb Mount Everest\" What is the definition of \"rash\"?"} {"term": "latter", "pos": "n", "context": "Tom and Dick were both heroes but only the latter is remembered today", "definition": "the second of two or the second mentioned of two", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Tom and Dick were both heroes but only the latter is remembered today\" What is the definition of \"latter\"?"} {"term": "latter", "pos": "a", "context": "in the latter case", "definition": "referring to the second of two things or persons mentioned or the last one or ones of several", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the latter case\" What is the definition of \"latter\"?"} {"term": "bottom", "pos": "n", "context": "they started at the bottom of the hill", "definition": "the lowest part of anything", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they started at the bottom of the hill\" What is the definition of \"bottom\"?"} {"term": "bottom", "pos": "s", "context": "bottom member of the class", "definition": "the lowest rank", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bottom member of the class\" What is the definition of \"bottom\"?"} {"term": "modular", "pos": "s", "context": "modular furniture", "definition": "constructed with standardized units or dimensions allowing flexibility and variety in use", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"modular furniture\" What is the definition of \"modular\"?"} {"term": "damask", "pos": "s", "context": "damask table linens", "definition": "having a woven pattern", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"damask table linens\" What is the definition of \"damask\"?"} {"term": "wintry", "pos": "a", "context": "suffered severe wintry weather", "definition": "characteristic of or occurring in winter", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"suffered severe wintry weather\" What is the definition of \"wintry\"?"} {"term": "wintry", "pos": "s", "context": "wintry smile", "definition": "devoid of warmth and cordiality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["icy", "frigid", "frosty", ""], "instruction": "\"wintry smile\" What is the definition of \"wintry\"?"} {"term": "wintry", "pos": "s", "context": "wintry smile", "definition": "expressive of unfriendliness or disdain", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["icy", "frigid", "frosty", ""], "instruction": "\"wintry smile\" What is the definition of \"wintry\"?"} {"term": "outer", "pos": "a", "context": "spent hours adorning the outer man", "definition": "being on the outside or further from a center", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"spent hours adorning the outer man\" What is the definition of \"outer\"?"} {"term": "outer", "pos": "s", "context": "outer reality", "definition": "located outside", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"outer reality\" What is the definition of \"outer\"?"} {"term": "outer", "pos": "s", "context": "the outer ear", "definition": "being on or toward the outside of the body", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the outer ear\" What is the definition of \"outer\"?"} {"term": "vocabulary", "pos": "n", "context": "he introduced a wide vocabulary of techniques", "definition": "the system of techniques or symbols serving as a means of expression as in arts or crafts", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he introduced a wide vocabulary of techniques\" What is the definition of \"vocabulary\"?"} {"term": "rebound", "pos": "n", "context": "he is still on the rebound from his wife 's death", "definition": "a reaction to a crisis or setback or frustration", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is still on the rebound from his wife 's death\" What is the definition of \"rebound\"?"} {"term": "linchpin", "pos": "n", "context": "he is the linchpin of this firm", "definition": "a central cohesive source of support and stability", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is the linchpin of this firm\" What is the definition of \"linchpin\"?"} {"term": "reinsurance", "pos": "n", "context": "reinsurance enables a client to get coverage that would be too great for any one company to assume", "definition": "sharing the risk by insurance companies", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"reinsurance enables a client to get coverage that would be too great for any one company to assume\" What is the definition of \"reinsurance\"?"} {"term": "reinsurance", "pos": "n", "context": "reinsurance enables a client to get coverage that would be too great for any one company to assume", "definition": "part or all of the insurers risk is assumed by other companies in return for part of the premium paid by the insured", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"reinsurance enables a client to get coverage that would be too great for any one company to assume\" What is the definition of \"reinsurance\"?"} {"term": "accordance", "pos": "n", "context": "the accordance to Canada of rights of access", "definition": "the act of granting rights", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the accordance to Canada of rights of access\" What is the definition of \"accordance\"?"} {"term": "dully", "pos": "r", "context": "she nodded her head dully", "definition": "without liveliness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she nodded her head dully\" What is the definition of \"dully\"?"} {"term": "dully", "pos": "r", "context": "the light shone dully through the haze", "definition": "without luster or shine", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the light shone dully through the haze\" What is the definition of \"dully\"?"} {"term": "journalistic", "pos": "a", "context": "journalistic writing", "definition": "of or relating to or having the characteristics of journalism", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"journalistic writing\" What is the definition of \"journalistic\"?"} {"term": "straggle", "pos": "n", "context": "a straggle of outbuildings", "definition": "a wandering or disorderly grouping of things or persons", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a straggle of outbuildings\" What is the definition of \"straggle\"?"} {"term": "watch", "pos": "v", "context": "watch a basketball game", "definition": "to look attentively", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"watch a basketball game\" What is the definition of \"watch\"?"} {"term": "darkling", "pos": "s", "context": "a darkling glance", "definition": "uncannily or threateningly dark or obscure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a darkling glance\" What is the definition of \"darkling\"?"} {"term": "darkling", "pos": "s", "context": "a darkling journey", "definition": "occurring in the dark or night", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a darkling journey\" What is the definition of \"darkling\"?"} {"term": "concatenation", "pos": "n", "context": "it was caused by an improbable concatenation of circumstances", "definition": "the linking together of a consecutive series of symbols or events or ideas etc", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was caused by an improbable concatenation of circumstances\" What is the definition of \"concatenation\"?"} {"term": "impale", "pos": "v", "context": "impale a shrimp on a skewer", "definition": "to pierce with a sharp stake or point", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["spike", "pierce", "spiked", "thrust", "pin", "spear", "transfix"], "instruction": "\"impale a shrimp on a skewer\" What is the definition of \"impale\"?"} {"term": "decrease", "pos": "n", "context": "there was a decrease in his temperature as the fever subsided", "definition": "a change downward", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was a decrease in his temperature as the fever subsided\" What is the definition of \"decrease\"?"} {"term": "sagacious", "pos": "s", "context": "an astute and sagacious statesman", "definition": "skillful in statecraft or management", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an astute and sagacious statesman\" What is the definition of \"sagacious\"?"} {"term": "sagacious", "pos": "s", "context": "observant and thoughtful , he was given to asking sagacious questions", "definition": "acutely insightful and wise", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"observant and thoughtful , he was given to asking sagacious questions\" What is the definition of \"sagacious\"?"} {"term": "cryptic", "pos": "s", "context": "the new insurance policy is written without cryptic or mysterious terms", "definition": "of an obscure nature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the new insurance policy is written without cryptic or mysterious terms\" What is the definition of \"cryptic\"?"} {"term": "cryptic", "pos": "s", "context": "a cryptic note", "definition": "having a puzzling terseness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a cryptic note\" What is the definition of \"cryptic\"?"} {"term": "cryptic", "pos": "s", "context": "cryptic writings", "definition": "having a secret or hidden meaning", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cryptic writings\" What is the definition of \"cryptic\"?"} {"term": "alike", "pos": "a", "context": "all politicians are alike", "definition": "having the same or similar characteristics", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all politicians are alike\" What is the definition of \"alike\"?"} {"term": "alike", "pos": "r", "context": "parents and teachers alike demanded reforms", "definition": "equally", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"parents and teachers alike demanded reforms\" What is the definition of \"alike\"?"} {"term": "alike", "pos": "r", "context": "they walk alike", "definition": "in a like manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they walk alike\" What is the definition of \"alike\"?"} {"term": "manifold", "pos": "s", "context": "manifold reasons", "definition": "many and varied", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["multiplex", ""], "instruction": "\"manifold reasons\" What is the definition of \"manifold\"?"} {"term": "manifold", "pos": "s", "context": "manifold reasons", "definition": "having many features or forms", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["multiplex", ""], "instruction": "\"manifold reasons\" What is the definition of \"manifold\"?"} {"term": "export", "pos": "v", "context": "we export less than we import and have a negative trade balance", "definition": "to sell or transfer abroad", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we export less than we import and have a negative trade balance\" What is the definition of \"export\"?"} {"term": "occur", "pos": "v", "context": "precious stones occur in a large area in Brazil", "definition": "to to be found to exist", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"precious stones occur in a large area in Brazil\" What is the definition of \"occur\"?"} {"term": "regimental", "pos": "a", "context": "regimental units", "definition": "belonging to or concerning a regiment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"regimental units\" What is the definition of \"regimental\"?"} {"term": "conceptual", "pos": "s", "context": "conceptual discussions", "definition": "being or characterized by concepts or their formation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"conceptual discussions\" What is the definition of \"conceptual\"?"} {"term": "numerable", "pos": "s", "context": "numerable assets", "definition": "that can be counted", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"numerable assets\" What is the definition of \"numerable\"?"} {"term": "dastardly", "pos": "s", "context": "the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on ... December 7th \" - F.D. Roosevelt", "definition": "despicably cowardly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on ... December 7th \" - F.D. Roosevelt\" What is the definition of \"dastardly\"?"} {"term": "determinedly", "pos": "r", "context": "he clung to the past determinedly", "definition": "with determination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he clung to the past determinedly\" What is the definition of \"determinedly\"?"} {"term": "determinedly", "pos": "r", "context": "he clung to the past determinedly", "definition": "in a determined manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he clung to the past determinedly\" What is the definition of \"determinedly\"?"} {"term": "stealthily", "pos": "r", "context": "stealthily they advanced upstream", "definition": "in a stealthy manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stealthily they advanced upstream\" What is the definition of \"stealthily\"?"} {"term": "gird", "pos": "v", "context": "gird your loins", "definition": "to put a girdle on or around", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["environs", "surround", "border", "girdle", "surrounding", "environ"], "instruction": "\"gird your loins\" What is the definition of \"gird\"?"} {"term": "administer", "pos": "v", "context": "administer a program", "definition": "to work in an administrative capacity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"administer a program\" What is the definition of \"administer\"?"} {"term": "administer", "pos": "v", "context": "administer a program", "definition": "to supervise or be in charge of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"administer a program\" What is the definition of \"administer\"?"} {"term": "administer", "pos": "v", "context": "administer the last unction", "definition": "to perform a church sacrament ritually", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"administer the last unction\" What is the definition of \"administer\"?"} {"term": "insouciant", "pos": "s", "context": "an utterly insouciant financial policy", "definition": "marked by blithe unconcern", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an utterly insouciant financial policy\" What is the definition of \"insouciant\"?"} {"term": "exaction", "pos": "n", "context": "exaction of tribute", "definition": "act of demanding or levying by force or authority", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"exaction of tribute\" What is the definition of \"exaction\"?"} {"term": "defoliate", "pos": "v", "context": "defoliate the trees with pesticides", "definition": "to strip the leaves or branches from", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"defoliate the trees with pesticides\" What is the definition of \"defoliate\"?"} {"term": "startlingly", "pos": "r", "context": "a startlingly modern voice", "definition": "in a startling manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a startlingly modern voice\" What is the definition of \"startlingly\"?"} {"term": "interpret", "pos": "v", "context": "How do you interpret his behavior ?", "definition": "to make sense of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["educe", "read", "see", "misinterpret", "scan", "misconstrue", "misunderstand", "elicit", "understanding", "understand", "misconceive", "spiritualize", "take", "misapprehend"], "instruction": "\"How do you interpret his behavior ?\" What is the definition of \"interpret\"?"} {"term": "interpret", "pos": "v", "context": "How do you interpret his behavior ?", "definition": "to assign a meaning to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["educe", "read", "see", "misinterpret", "scan", "misconstrue", "misunderstand", "elicit", "understanding", "understand", "misconceive", "spiritualize", "take", "misapprehend"], "instruction": "\"How do you interpret his behavior ?\" What is the definition of \"interpret\"?"} {"term": "wordy", "pos": "s", "context": "newspapers of the day printed long wordy editorials", "definition": "using or containing too many words", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["windy", "", "tedious", "verbose"], "instruction": "\"newspapers of the day printed long wordy editorials\" What is the definition of \"wordy\"?"} {"term": "everywhere", "pos": "r", "context": "You find fast food stores everywhere", "definition": "to or in any or all places", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"You find fast food stores everywhere\" What is the definition of \"everywhere\"?"} {"term": "lunar", "pos": "a", "context": "lunar surface", "definition": "of or relating to or associated with the moon", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lunar surface\" What is the definition of \"lunar\"?"} {"term": "tenderness", "pos": "n", "context": "the best results are generally obtained by inserting the needle into the point of maximum tenderness", "definition": "a pain that is felt as when the area is touched", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["soreness", "chafe", "chafing"], "instruction": "\"the best results are generally obtained by inserting the needle into the point of maximum tenderness\" What is the definition of \"tenderness\"?"} {"term": "narcotic", "pos": "s", "context": "narcotic drugs", "definition": "inducing stupor or narcosis", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"narcotic drugs\" What is the definition of \"narcotic\"?"} {"term": "narcotic", "pos": "s", "context": "a narcotic speech", "definition": "inducing mental lethargy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a narcotic speech\" What is the definition of \"narcotic\"?"} {"term": "eagerly", "pos": "r", "context": "the news was eagerly awaited", "definition": "with eagerness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the news was eagerly awaited\" What is the definition of \"eagerly\"?"} {"term": "eagerly", "pos": "r", "context": "the news was eagerly awaited", "definition": "in an eager manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the news was eagerly awaited\" What is the definition of \"eagerly\"?"} {"term": "bath", "pos": "n", "context": "she soaked the etching in an acid bath", "definition": "a vessel containing liquid in which something is immersed as to process it or to maintain it at a constant temperature or to lubricate it", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she soaked the etching in an acid bath\" What is the definition of \"bath\"?"} {"term": "bath", "pos": "n", "context": "he has a good bath every morning", "definition": "you soak and wash your body in a bathtub", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he has a good bath every morning\" What is the definition of \"bath\"?"} {"term": "disapprovingly", "pos": "r", "context": "he shook his head disapprovingly", "definition": "showing disapproval", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he shook his head disapprovingly\" What is the definition of \"disapprovingly\"?"} {"term": "pretension", "pos": "n", "context": "his pretension to the crown", "definition": "the advancing of a claim", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his pretension to the crown\" What is the definition of \"pretension\"?"} {"term": "devil", "pos": "n", "context": "what the devil", "definition": "a word used in exclamations of confusion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["deuce", "exclamation"], "instruction": "\"what the devil\" What is the definition of \"devil\"?"} {"term": "southern", "pos": "a", "context": "southern hospitality", "definition": "in or characteristic of a region of the united states south of approximately the mason-dixon line", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"southern hospitality\" What is the definition of \"southern\"?"} {"term": "southern", "pos": "a", "context": "the southern hemisphere", "definition": "situated in or coming from regions of the south", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the southern hemisphere\" What is the definition of \"southern\"?"} {"term": "southern", "pos": "s", "context": "a southern exposure", "definition": "situated in or oriented toward the south", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a southern exposure\" What is the definition of \"southern\"?"} {"term": "southern", "pos": "s", "context": "southern breezes", "definition": "from the south", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"southern breezes\" What is the definition of \"southern\"?"} {"term": "southern", "pos": "s", "context": "southern breezes", "definition": "used especially of wind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"southern breezes\" What is the definition of \"southern\"?"} {"term": "annexation", "pos": "n", "context": "the French annexation of Madagascar as a colony in 1896", "definition": "the formal act of acquiring something especially territory by conquest or occupation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the French annexation of Madagascar as a colony in 1896\" What is the definition of \"annexation\"?"} {"term": "inestimable", "pos": "s", "context": "jewels of inestimable value", "definition": "beyond calculation or measure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"jewels of inestimable value\" What is the definition of \"inestimable\"?"} {"term": "arithmetical", "pos": "a", "context": "arithmetical computations", "definition": "relating to or involving arithmetic", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"arithmetical computations\" What is the definition of \"arithmetical\"?"} {"term": "gravelly", "pos": "s", "context": "a gravelly voice", "definition": "unpleasantly harsh or grating in sound", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a gravelly voice\" What is the definition of \"gravelly\"?"} {"term": "silky", "pos": "s", "context": "silky skin", "definition": "having a smooth , gleaming surface reflecting light", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"silky skin\" What is the definition of \"silky\"?"} {"term": "aglitter", "pos": "s", "context": "bugle beads all aglitter", "definition": "having brief brilliant points or flashes of light", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bugle beads all aglitter\" What is the definition of \"aglitter\"?"} {"term": "itemize", "pos": "v", "context": "itemize one 's tax deductions", "definition": "to place on a list of items", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"itemize one 's tax deductions\" What is the definition of \"itemize\"?"} {"term": "herculean", "pos": "s", "context": "herculean exertions", "definition": "displaying superhuman strength or power", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"herculean exertions\" What is the definition of \"herculean\"?"} {"term": "herculean", "pos": "s", "context": "a herculean task", "definition": "extremely difficult", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a herculean task\" What is the definition of \"herculean\"?"} {"term": "herculean", "pos": "s", "context": "a herculean task", "definition": "requiring the strength of a hercules", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a herculean task\" What is the definition of \"herculean\"?"} {"term": "entrant", "pos": "n", "context": "a well publicized entrant is the pocket computer", "definition": "a commodity that enters competition with established merchandise", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a well publicized entrant is the pocket computer\" What is the definition of \"entrant\"?"} {"term": "acyl", "pos": "n", "context": "an example of the acyl group is the acetyl group", "definition": "any group or radical of the form rco - where r is an organic group", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an example of the acyl group is the acetyl group\" What is the definition of \"acyl\"?"} {"term": "pocketbook", "pos": "n", "context": "that car is too expensive for my pocketbook", "definition": "your personal financial means", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that car is too expensive for my pocketbook\" What is the definition of \"pocketbook\"?"} {"term": "comprise", "pos": "v", "context": "These few men comprise his entire army", "definition": "to form or compose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["compose", "make", "constitute", "straddle", "formed", "represent", "pose", "range", "supplement", "form"], "instruction": "\"These few men comprise his entire army\" What is the definition of \"comprise\"?"} {"term": "sisterly", "pos": "a", "context": "sisterly kindness", "definition": "like or characteristic of or befitting a sister", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sisterly kindness\" What is the definition of \"sisterly\"?"} {"term": "plate", "pos": "v", "context": "plate spoons with silver", "definition": "to coat with a layer of metal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["tinned", "silver", "tined", "nickel", "coat", "surface", "tinning", "tin", "coating", "chrome", "plating"], "instruction": "\"plate spoons with silver\" What is the definition of \"plate\"?"} {"term": "insolently", "pos": "r", "context": "he had replied insolently to his superiors", "definition": "in an insolent manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had replied insolently to his superiors\" What is the definition of \"insolently\"?"} {"term": "consecration", "pos": "n", "context": "his consecration to study", "definition": "a solemn commitment of your life or your time to some cherished purpose to a service or a goal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his consecration to study\" What is the definition of \"consecration\"?"} {"term": "consecration", "pos": "n", "context": "the Cardinal attended the consecration of the church", "definition": "sanctification of something by setting it apart usually with religious rites as dedicated to god", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the Cardinal attended the consecration of the church\" What is the definition of \"consecration\"?"} {"term": "graduate", "pos": "v", "context": "graduate a cylinder", "definition": "to make fine adjustments or divide into marked intervals for optimal measuring", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["adjust", "correct", "set", "graduated"], "instruction": "\"graduate a cylinder\" What is the definition of \"graduate\"?"} {"term": "graduate", "pos": "s", "context": "graduate courses", "definition": "of or relating to studies beyond a bachelors degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"graduate courses\" What is the definition of \"graduate\"?"} {"term": "utilization", "pos": "n", "context": "the rate of utilization", "definition": "the state of having been made use of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the rate of utilization\" What is the definition of \"utilization\"?"} {"term": "utilization", "pos": "n", "context": "skilled in the utilization of computers", "definition": "the act of using", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["practice", "employment", "usage", "development", "application", "exploitation", "misuse", "play", "activity"], "instruction": "\"skilled in the utilization of computers\" What is the definition of \"utilization\"?"} {"term": "ideological", "pos": "s", "context": "ideological application of a theory", "definition": "concerned with or suggestive of ideas", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ideological application of a theory\" What is the definition of \"ideological\"?"} {"term": "humanist", "pos": "a", "context": "the humanist belief in continuous emergent evolution \" - Wendell Thomas", "definition": "of or pertaining to a philosophy asserting human dignity and mans capacity for fulfillment through reason and scientific method and often rejecting religion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the humanist belief in continuous emergent evolution \" - Wendell Thomas\" What is the definition of \"humanist\"?"} {"term": "governance", "pos": "n", "context": "the governance of an association is responsible to its members", "definition": "the persons or committees or departments etc. who make up a body for the purpose of administering something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["establishment", "management", "brass", "body", "administration", "executive", "judiciary"], "instruction": "\"the governance of an association is responsible to its members\" What is the definition of \"governance\"?"} {"term": "acme", "pos": "n", "context": "his landscapes were deemed the acme of beauty", "definition": "the highest level or degree attainable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["height", "point", "top", "peak", "stage", "degree", "meridian", "elevation", "level"], "instruction": "\"his landscapes were deemed the acme of beauty\" What is the definition of \"acme\"?"} {"term": "acme", "pos": "n", "context": "his landscapes were deemed the acme of beauty", "definition": "the highest stage of development", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["height", "point", "top", "peak", "stage", "degree", "meridian", "elevation", "level"], "instruction": "\"his landscapes were deemed the acme of beauty\" What is the definition of \"acme\"?"} {"term": "meditation", "pos": "n", "context": "the habit of meditation is the basis for all real knowledge", "definition": "continuous and profound contemplation or musing on a subject or series of subjects of a deep or abstruse nature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["rumination", "reflection", "speculation", "contemplation"], "instruction": "\"the habit of meditation is the basis for all real knowledge\" What is the definition of \"meditation\"?"} {"term": "vehemence", "pos": "n", "context": "the vehemence of his denial", "definition": "intensity or forcefulness of expression", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["intensiveness", "emphasis"], "instruction": "\"the vehemence of his denial\" What is the definition of \"vehemence\"?"} {"term": "resolute", "pos": "a", "context": "stood resolute against the enemy", "definition": "firm in purpose or belief", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stood resolute against the enemy\" What is the definition of \"resolute\"?"} {"term": "resolute", "pos": "a", "context": "stood resolute against the enemy", "definition": "characterized by firmness and determination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stood resolute against the enemy\" What is the definition of \"resolute\"?"} {"term": "crudeness", "pos": "n", "context": "the whole town was famous for its crudeness", "definition": "an impolite manner that is vulgar and lacking tact or refinement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the whole town was famous for its crudeness\" What is the definition of \"crudeness\"?"} {"term": "crudeness", "pos": "n", "context": "the crudeness of frontier dwellings depressed her", "definition": "an unpolished unrefined quality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the crudeness of frontier dwellings depressed her\" What is the definition of \"crudeness\"?"} {"term": "villainous", "pos": "s", "context": "a villainous plot", "definition": "extremely wicked", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a villainous plot\" What is the definition of \"villainous\"?"} {"term": "inject", "pos": "v", "context": "inject hydrogen into the balloon", "definition": "to force or drive a fluid or gas into by piercing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["insert", "enclose", "shoot"], "instruction": "\"inject hydrogen into the balloon\" What is the definition of \"inject\"?"} {"term": "expiry", "pos": "n", "context": "the expiry of his driver 's license", "definition": "a coming to an end of a contract period", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["termination", "end", "ending", "expiration"], "instruction": "\"the expiry of his driver 's license\" What is the definition of \"expiry\"?"} {"term": "block", "pos": "n", "context": "he lives in the next block", "definition": "a rectangular area in a city surrounded by streets and usually containing several buildings", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he lives in the next block\" What is the definition of \"block\"?"} {"term": "block", "pos": "v", "context": "block a nerve", "definition": "to interrupt the normal function of by means of anesthesia", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"block a nerve\" What is the definition of \"block\"?"} {"term": "vamp", "pos": "v", "context": "vamp up an excuse for not attending the meeting", "definition": "to make up", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"vamp up an excuse for not attending the meeting\" What is the definition of \"vamp\"?"} {"term": "vamp", "pos": "v", "context": "vamp up an old speech", "definition": "to piece something old with a new part", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"vamp up an old speech\" What is the definition of \"vamp\"?"} {"term": "vertically", "pos": "r", "context": "a gallery quite often is added to make use of space vertically as well as horizontally", "definition": "in a vertical direction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a gallery quite often is added to make use of space vertically as well as horizontally\" What is the definition of \"vertically\"?"} {"term": "rental", "pos": "a", "context": "a rental car", "definition": "available to rent or lease", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a rental car\" What is the definition of \"rental\"?"} {"term": "rental", "pos": "a", "context": "rental agreement", "definition": "of or relating to rent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rental agreement\" What is the definition of \"rental\"?"} {"term": "evangelistic", "pos": "a", "context": "evangelistic fervor", "definition": "relating to or promoting the preaching and dissemination of the christian gospel", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"evangelistic fervor\" What is the definition of \"evangelistic\"?"} {"term": "moor", "pos": "v", "context": "moor the boat", "definition": "to secure with cables or ropes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["mooring", "fixed", "fixing", "fastening"], "instruction": "\"moor the boat\" What is the definition of \"moor\"?"} {"term": "syllogistic", "pos": "a", "context": "syllogistic reasoning", "definition": "of or relating to or consisting of syllogism", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"syllogistic reasoning\" What is the definition of \"syllogistic\"?"} {"term": "aforethought", "pos": "s", "context": "with malice aforethought", "definition": "planned in advance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with malice aforethought\" What is the definition of \"aforethought\"?"} {"term": "hike", "pos": "n", "context": "she enjoys a hike in her spare time", "definition": "a long walk usually for exercise or pleasure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["tramp", "walk", "trudge"], "instruction": "\"she enjoys a hike in her spare time\" What is the definition of \"hike\"?"} {"term": "hike", "pos": "n", "context": "he got a wage hike", "definition": "the amount a salary is increased", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["rise", "raise", "increase", "increment"], "instruction": "\"he got a wage hike\" What is the definition of \"hike\"?"} {"term": "hike", "pos": "v", "context": "hike the Rockies", "definition": "to walk a long way , as for pleasure or physical exercise", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hike the Rockies\" What is the definition of \"hike\"?"} {"term": "deliciously", "pos": "r", "context": "they were walking along the beach slowly and deliciously", "definition": "in a very pleasurable manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they were walking along the beach slowly and deliciously\" What is the definition of \"deliciously\"?"} {"term": "deliciously", "pos": "r", "context": "I bought some more of these deliciously sweet peaches", "definition": "so as to produce a delightful taste", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I bought some more of these deliciously sweet peaches\" What is the definition of \"deliciously\"?"} {"term": "rabid", "pos": "s", "context": "rabid isolationist", "definition": "marked by excessive enthusiasm for and intense devotion to a cause or idea", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rabid isolationist\" What is the definition of \"rabid\"?"} {"term": "formation", "pos": "n", "context": "a defensive formation", "definition": "an arrangement of people or things acting as a unit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a defensive formation\" What is the definition of \"formation\"?"} {"term": "recrudescence", "pos": "n", "context": "a recrudescence of racism", "definition": "a return of something after a period of abatement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a recrudescence of racism\" What is the definition of \"recrudescence\"?"} {"term": "linear", "pos": "a", "context": "a linear measurement", "definition": "of or in or along or relating to a line", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a linear measurement\" What is the definition of \"linear\"?"} {"term": "linear", "pos": "a", "context": "a linear measurement", "definition": "involving a single dimension", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a linear measurement\" What is the definition of \"linear\"?"} {"term": "linear", "pos": "a", "context": "linear amplifier", "definition": "of a circuit or device having an output that is proportional to the input", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"linear amplifier\" What is the definition of \"linear\"?"} {"term": "duster", "pos": "n", "context": "it was the kind of duster not experienced in years", "definition": "a windstorm that lifts up clouds of dust or sand", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["sirocco", "windstorm"], "instruction": "\"it was the kind of duster not experienced in years\" What is the definition of \"duster\"?"} {"term": "menses", "pos": "n", "context": "a woman does not take the gout unless her menses be stopped \" -- Hippocrates", "definition": "the monthly discharge of blood from the uterus of nonpregnant women from puberty to menopause", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["menstruation", "period", "flow", "emission"], "instruction": "\"a woman does not take the gout unless her menses be stopped \" -- Hippocrates\" What is the definition of \"menses\"?"} {"term": "carefully", "pos": "r", "context": "they watched carefully", "definition": "taking care or paying attention", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they watched carefully\" What is the definition of \"carefully\"?"} {"term": "filthiness", "pos": "n", "context": "this deformity and filthiness of sin", "definition": "moral corruption or pollution", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this deformity and filthiness of sin\" What is the definition of \"filthiness\"?"} {"term": "invincible", "pos": "s", "context": "an invincible army", "definition": "incapable of being overcome or subdued", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an invincible army\" What is the definition of \"invincible\"?"} {"term": "princely", "pos": "s", "context": "a princely bearing", "definition": "having the rank of or befitting a prince", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a princely bearing\" What is the definition of \"princely\"?"} {"term": "princely", "pos": "s", "context": "a princely sum", "definition": "rich and superior in quality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a princely sum\" What is the definition of \"princely\"?"} {"term": "prize", "pos": "n", "context": "the prize was a free trip to Europe", "definition": "something given for victory or superiority in a contest or competition or for winning a lottery", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the prize was a free trip to Europe\" What is the definition of \"prize\"?"} {"term": "prize", "pos": "v", "context": "I prize these old photographs", "definition": "to hold dear", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["reckoning", "valued", "consider", "regard", "see", "view", "recognize", "reckon", "value", "appreciate", "treasure"], "instruction": "\"I prize these old photographs\" What is the definition of \"prize\"?"} {"term": "prize", "pos": "v", "context": "We prize his creativity", "definition": "to regard highly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["reckoning", "valued", "consider", "regard", "revere", "see", "venerate", "reverence", "admire", "reckon", "value", "admired", "esteem", "fear", "respect", "view"], "instruction": "\"We prize his creativity\" What is the definition of \"prize\"?"} {"term": "prize", "pos": "v", "context": "We prize his creativity", "definition": "to think much of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["reckoning", "valued", "consider", "regard", "revere", "see", "venerate", "reverence", "admire", "reckon", "value", "admired", "esteem", "fear", "respect", "view"], "instruction": "\"We prize his creativity\" What is the definition of \"prize\"?"} {"term": "prize", "pos": "s", "context": "prize carnations", "definition": "of superior grade", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"prize carnations\" What is the definition of \"prize\"?"} {"term": "evenly", "pos": "r", "context": "a class evenly divided between girls and boys", "definition": "in equal amounts or shares", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a class evenly divided between girls and boys\" What is the definition of \"evenly\"?"} {"term": "evenly", "pos": "r", "context": "a class evenly divided between girls and boys", "definition": "in a balanced or impartial way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a class evenly divided between girls and boys\" What is the definition of \"evenly\"?"} {"term": "jovial", "pos": "s", "context": "a jovial old gentleman", "definition": "full of or showing high-spirited merriment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a jovial old gentleman\" What is the definition of \"jovial\"?"} {"term": "multipotent", "pos": "s", "context": "multipotent drugs", "definition": "able to many things", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"multipotent drugs\" What is the definition of \"multipotent\"?"} {"term": "occasionally", "pos": "r", "context": "he was arrogant and occasionally callous", "definition": "now and then or here and there", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was arrogant and occasionally callous\" What is the definition of \"occasionally\"?"} {"term": "operate", "pos": "v", "context": "do not operate machinery after imbibing alcohol", "definition": "to handle and cause to function", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["driving", "flying", "pedal", "relay", "control", "treadle", "drove", "synchronize", "gate", "turn", "fly", "driven", "pilot", "submarine"], "instruction": "\"do not operate machinery after imbibing alcohol\" What is the definition of \"operate\"?"} {"term": "idiotic", "pos": "s", "context": "an idiotic idea", "definition": "insanely irresponsible", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an idiotic idea\" What is the definition of \"idiotic\"?"} {"term": "internal", "pos": "a", "context": "internal organs", "definition": "happening or arising or located within some limits or especially surface", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"internal organs\" What is the definition of \"internal\"?"} {"term": "internal", "pos": "s", "context": "the nation 's internal politics", "definition": "inside the country", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["interior", "", "home", "national"], "instruction": "\"the nation 's internal politics\" What is the definition of \"internal\"?"} {"term": "internal", "pos": "s", "context": "an internal sense of rightousness \" - A.R.Gurney , Jr .", "definition": "located inward", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["interior", "", "inner"], "instruction": "\"an internal sense of rightousness \" - A.R.Gurney , Jr .\" What is the definition of \"internal\"?"} {"term": "illusive", "pos": "s", "context": "illusive hopes of finding a better job", "definition": "based on or having the nature of an illusion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"illusive hopes of finding a better job\" What is the definition of \"illusive\"?"} {"term": "uplift", "pos": "v", "context": "Music can uplift your spirits", "definition": "to fill with high spirits", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["intoxicate", "stimulate", "inebriate", "beatify", "exhilarate", "thrill", "exalted", "intoxicating", "elate", "exalt"], "instruction": "\"Music can uplift your spirits\" What is the definition of \"uplift\"?"} {"term": "uplift", "pos": "v", "context": "Music can uplift your spirits", "definition": "to fill with optimism", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["intoxicate", "stimulate", "inebriate", "beatify", "exhilarate", "thrill", "exalted", "intoxicating", "elate", "exalt"], "instruction": "\"Music can uplift your spirits\" What is the definition of \"uplift\"?"} {"term": "belligerently", "pos": "r", "context": "he pushed her against the wall belligerently", "definition": "with hostility", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he pushed her against the wall belligerently\" What is the definition of \"belligerently\"?"} {"term": "belligerently", "pos": "r", "context": "he pushed her against the wall belligerently", "definition": "in a belligerent hostile manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he pushed her against the wall belligerently\" What is the definition of \"belligerently\"?"} {"term": "invitation", "pos": "n", "context": "an invitation to lunch", "definition": "a request spoken or written to participate or be present or take part in something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an invitation to lunch\" What is the definition of \"invitation\"?"} {"term": "invitation", "pos": "n", "context": "she was an invitation to trouble", "definition": "a tempting allurement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was an invitation to trouble\" What is the definition of \"invitation\"?"} {"term": "fixity", "pos": "n", "context": "Darwin challenged the fixity of species", "definition": "the quality of being incapable of mutation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Darwin challenged the fixity of species\" What is the definition of \"fixity\"?"} {"term": "ascertainable", "pos": "s", "context": "ascertainable facts", "definition": "capable of being ascertained or found out", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ascertainable facts\" What is the definition of \"ascertainable\"?"} {"term": "meaty", "pos": "s", "context": "a meaty discussion", "definition": "being on topic and prompting thought", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a meaty discussion\" What is the definition of \"meaty\"?"} {"term": "radiant", "pos": "s", "context": "a radiant sunrise", "definition": "radiating or as if radiating light", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a radiant sunrise\" What is the definition of \"radiant\"?"} {"term": "subnormal", "pos": "s", "context": "after the floods the harvests were subnormal", "definition": "below normal or average", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after the floods the harvests were subnormal\" What is the definition of \"subnormal\"?"} {"term": "deplorable", "pos": "s", "context": "my finances were in a deplorable state", "definition": "bad", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my finances were in a deplorable state\" What is the definition of \"deplorable\"?"} {"term": "deplorable", "pos": "s", "context": "my finances were in a deplorable state", "definition": "unfortunate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my finances were in a deplorable state\" What is the definition of \"deplorable\"?"} {"term": "deplorable", "pos": "s", "context": "deplorable housing conditions in the inner city", "definition": "of very poor quality or condition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"deplorable housing conditions in the inner city\" What is the definition of \"deplorable\"?"} {"term": "deplorable", "pos": "s", "context": "a deplorable act of violence", "definition": "bringing or deserving severe rebuke or censure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a deplorable act of violence\" What is the definition of \"deplorable\"?"} {"term": "smilingly", "pos": "r", "context": "the girl reminded her smilingly of their childhood spent together", "definition": "with smiles", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the girl reminded her smilingly of their childhood spent together\" What is the definition of \"smilingly\"?"} {"term": "smilingly", "pos": "r", "context": "the girl reminded her smilingly of their childhood spent together", "definition": "in a smiling manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the girl reminded her smilingly of their childhood spent together\" What is the definition of \"smilingly\"?"} {"term": "develop", "pos": "v", "context": "Children must develop a sense of right and wrong", "definition": "to gain through experience", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["evolve", "change"], "instruction": "\"Children must develop a sense of right and wrong\" What is the definition of \"develop\"?"} {"term": "loudly", "pos": "r", "context": "the band played loudly", "definition": "with relatively high volume", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the band played loudly\" What is the definition of \"loudly\"?"} {"term": "innocence", "pos": "n", "context": "the trial established his innocence", "definition": "a state or condition of being innocent of a specific crime or offense", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the trial established his innocence\" What is the definition of \"innocence\"?"} {"term": "retroactive", "pos": "s", "context": "retroactive tax increase", "definition": "affecting things past", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"retroactive tax increase\" What is the definition of \"retroactive\"?"} {"term": "roan", "pos": "s", "context": "a roan horse", "definition": "having a brownish coat thickly sprinkled with white or grey", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a roan horse\" What is the definition of \"roan\"?"} {"term": "silent", "pos": "s", "context": "a silent house", "definition": "marked by absence of sound", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a silent house\" What is the definition of \"silent\"?"} {"term": "silent", "pos": "s", "context": "gave silent consent", "definition": "implied by or inferred from actions or statements", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["tacit", ""], "instruction": "\"gave silent consent\" What is the definition of \"silent\"?"} {"term": "silent", "pos": "s", "context": "the silent ` h ' at the beginning of ` honor '", "definition": "not made to sound", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the silent ` h ' at the beginning of ` honor '\" What is the definition of \"silent\"?"} {"term": "password", "pos": "n", "context": "he forgot the password", "definition": "a secret word or phrase known only to a restricted group", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["watchword", "parole", "countersign", "secret", "word"], "instruction": "\"he forgot the password\" What is the definition of \"password\"?"} {"term": "thermic", "pos": "a", "context": "thermic energy", "definition": "relating to or associated with heat", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"thermic energy\" What is the definition of \"thermic\"?"} {"term": "mobile", "pos": "s", "context": "a restless mobile society", "definition": "migratory", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a restless mobile society\" What is the definition of \"mobile\"?"} {"term": "mobile", "pos": "s", "context": "a highly mobile face", "definition": "capable of changing quickly from one state or condition to another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a highly mobile face\" What is the definition of \"mobile\"?"} {"term": "mobile", "pos": "a", "context": "a mobile missile system", "definition": "moving or capable of moving readily especially from place to place", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a mobile missile system\" What is the definition of \"mobile\"?"} {"term": "qualify", "pos": "v", "context": "qualify these remarks", "definition": "to make more specific", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["modify", "qualified"], "instruction": "\"qualify these remarks\" What is the definition of \"qualify\"?"} {"term": "quantitative", "pos": "a", "context": "export wheat without quantitative limitations", "definition": "expressible as a quantity or relating to or susceptible of measurement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"export wheat without quantitative limitations\" What is the definition of \"quantitative\"?"} {"term": "quantitative", "pos": "a", "context": "quantitative studies", "definition": "relating to the measurement of quantity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"quantitative studies\" What is the definition of \"quantitative\"?"} {"term": "tackle", "pos": "n", "context": "the right tackle is a straight A student", "definition": "the person who plays that position on a football team", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the right tackle is a straight A student\" What is the definition of \"tackle\"?"} {"term": "tackle", "pos": "n", "context": "it takes a big man to play tackle", "definition": "a position on the line of scrimmage", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it takes a big man to play tackle\" What is the definition of \"tackle\"?"} {"term": "tackle", "pos": "v", "context": "I 'll tackle this difficult task", "definition": "to accept as a challenge", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["face", "rise", "undertaking", "confront", "undertake", "faced", "facing"], "instruction": "\"I 'll tackle this difficult task\" What is the definition of \"tackle\"?"} {"term": "evidentiary", "pos": "a", "context": "evidentiary technique", "definition": "pertaining to or constituting evidence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"evidentiary technique\" What is the definition of \"evidentiary\"?"} {"term": "evidentiary", "pos": "s", "context": "its evidentiary value", "definition": "serving as or based on evidence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"its evidentiary value\" What is the definition of \"evidentiary\"?"} {"term": "speech", "pos": "n", "context": "his speech was garbled", "definition": "communication by word of mouth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his speech was garbled\" What is the definition of \"speech\"?"} {"term": "speech", "pos": "n", "context": "they were perfectly comfortable together without speech", "definition": "the exchange of spoken words", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they were perfectly comfortable together without speech\" What is the definition of \"speech\"?"} {"term": "fleet", "pos": "s", "context": "fleet of foot", "definition": "moving very fast", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fleet of foot\" What is the definition of \"fleet\"?"} {"term": "newly", "pos": "r", "context": "they are newly married", "definition": "very recently", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they are newly married\" What is the definition of \"newly\"?"} {"term": "embattled", "pos": "v", "context": "an embattled castle", "definition": "to fortify by furnishing with battlements for defense", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an embattled castle\" What is the definition of \"embattled\"?"} {"term": "embattled", "pos": "s", "context": "an embattled city", "definition": "prepared for battle", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an embattled city\" What is the definition of \"embattled\"?"} {"term": "euphonious", "pos": "a", "context": "a euphonious trill of silver laughter", "definition": "having a pleasant sound", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a euphonious trill of silver laughter\" What is the definition of \"euphonious\"?"} {"term": "euphonious", "pos": "s", "context": "her euphonious Southern speech", "definition": "pleasing in sound", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her euphonious Southern speech\" What is the definition of \"euphonious\"?"} {"term": "euphonious", "pos": "s", "context": "her euphonious Southern speech", "definition": "not harsh or strident", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her euphonious Southern speech\" What is the definition of \"euphonious\"?"} {"term": "square", "pos": "n", "context": "you can compute the area of a square if you know the length of its sides", "definition": "a plane rectangle with four equal sides and four right angles", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["rectangle", "foursquare"], "instruction": "\"you can compute the area of a square if you know the length of its sides\" What is the definition of \"square\"?"} {"term": "square", "pos": "n", "context": "you can compute the area of a square if you know the length of its sides", "definition": "a four-sided regular polygon", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["rectangle", "foursquare"], "instruction": "\"you can compute the area of a square if you know the length of its sides\" What is the definition of \"square\"?"} {"term": "square", "pos": "n", "context": "gravity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance", "definition": "the product of two equal terms", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gravity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance\" What is the definition of \"square\"?"} {"term": "square", "pos": "a", "context": "a square peg in a round hole", "definition": "having four equal sides and four right angles or forming a right angle", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a square peg in a round hole\" What is the definition of \"square\"?"} {"term": "square", "pos": "a", "context": "a square deal", "definition": "characterized by honesty and fairness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a square deal\" What is the definition of \"square\"?"} {"term": "square", "pos": "s", "context": "my account with you is now all square", "definition": "leaving no balance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my account with you is now all square\" What is the definition of \"square\"?"} {"term": "square", "pos": "s", "context": "a square contradiction", "definition": "without evasion or compromise", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a square contradiction\" What is the definition of \"square\"?"} {"term": "square", "pos": "r", "context": "ran square into me", "definition": "in a straight direct way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ran square into me\" What is the definition of \"square\"?"} {"term": "square", "pos": "r", "context": "planted his great bulk square before his enemy", "definition": "firmly and solidly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"planted his great bulk square before his enemy\" What is the definition of \"square\"?"} {"term": "tepid", "pos": "s", "context": "tepid bath water", "definition": "moderately warm", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tepid bath water\" What is the definition of \"tepid\"?"} {"term": "pulseless", "pos": "s", "context": "pulseless and dead", "definition": "appearing dead", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pulseless and dead\" What is the definition of \"pulseless\"?"} {"term": "pulseless", "pos": "s", "context": "pulseless and dead", "definition": "not breathing or having no perceptible pulse", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pulseless and dead\" What is the definition of \"pulseless\"?"} {"term": "scope", "pos": "n", "context": "within the scope of an investigation", "definition": "an area in which something acts or operates or has power or control", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["ambit", "view", "latitude", "internationalism", "spectrum", "range", "compass", "orbit", "palette", "expanse", "reach", "extent", "sweep", "horizon"], "instruction": "\"within the scope of an investigation\" What is the definition of \"scope\"?"} {"term": "unworthy", "pos": "a", "context": "dispel a student whose conduct is deemed unworthy", "definition": "lacking in value or merit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dispel a student whose conduct is deemed unworthy\" What is the definition of \"unworthy\"?"} {"term": "exploration", "pos": "n", "context": "he called for a careful exploration of the consequences", "definition": "a systematic consideration", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he called for a careful exploration of the consequences\" What is the definition of \"exploration\"?"} {"term": "rebuff", "pos": "v", "context": "rebuff the attack", "definition": "to force or drive back", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["repel", "defend", "fight", "repulse", "fighting"], "instruction": "\"rebuff the attack\" What is the definition of \"rebuff\"?"} {"term": "choppy", "pos": "s", "context": "choppy prose", "definition": "marked by abrupt transitions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"choppy prose\" What is the definition of \"choppy\"?"} {"term": "choppy", "pos": "s", "context": "choppy seas", "definition": "rough with small waves", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"choppy seas\" What is the definition of \"choppy\"?"} {"term": "noble", "pos": "s", "context": "a noble gas such as helium or neon", "definition": "inert especially toward oxygen", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a noble gas such as helium or neon\" What is the definition of \"noble\"?"} {"term": "noble", "pos": "s", "context": "a noble tree", "definition": "impressive in appearance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["stately", "", "imposing", "baronial"], "instruction": "\"a noble tree\" What is the definition of \"noble\"?"} {"term": "noble", "pos": "a", "context": "of noble birth", "definition": "of or belonging to or constituting the hereditary aristocracy especially as derived from feudal times", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"of noble birth\" What is the definition of \"noble\"?"} {"term": "noble", "pos": "a", "context": "a noble spirit", "definition": "having or showing or indicative of high or elevated character", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a noble spirit\" What is the definition of \"noble\"?"} {"term": "stunning", "pos": "s", "context": "the strike came as a stunning protest against management", "definition": "causing great astonishment and consternation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the strike came as a stunning protest against management\" What is the definition of \"stunning\"?"} {"term": "stunning", "pos": "s", "context": "laid the poor fellow senseless with one stunning blow", "definition": "causing or capable of causing bewilderment or shock or insensibility", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"laid the poor fellow senseless with one stunning blow\" What is the definition of \"stunning\"?"} {"term": "stunning", "pos": "s", "context": "quite stunning with large dark eyes and a beautiful high-bosomed figure", "definition": "strikingly beautiful or attractive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"quite stunning with large dark eyes and a beautiful high-bosomed figure\" What is the definition of \"stunning\"?"} {"term": "owner", "pos": "n", "context": "he is the owner of a chain of restaurants", "definition": "someone who owns is legal possessor of a business", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["patron", "publisher", "proprietor", "restaurateur", "proprietress", "bookseller", "letter", "renter"], "instruction": "\"he is the owner of a chain of restaurants\" What is the definition of \"owner\"?"} {"term": "owner", "pos": "n", "context": "they are searching for the owner of the car", "definition": "a person who owns something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["householder", "individual", "saver", "holder", "possessor", "soul", "shipowner", "person"], "instruction": "\"they are searching for the owner of the car\" What is the definition of \"owner\"?"} {"term": "size", "pos": "n", "context": "a wolf is about the size of a large dog", "definition": "the physical magnitude of something how big it is", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a wolf is about the size of a large dog\" What is the definition of \"size\"?"} {"term": "size", "pos": "n", "context": "he wears a size 13 shoe", "definition": "the property resulting from being one of a series of graduated measurements as of clothing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he wears a size 13 shoe\" What is the definition of \"size\"?"} {"term": "size", "pos": "n", "context": "size gives body to a fabric", "definition": "any glutinous material used to fill pores in surfaces or to stiffen fabrics", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["filler", "sizing"], "instruction": "\"size gives body to a fabric\" What is the definition of \"size\"?"} {"term": "curative", "pos": "s", "context": "curative powers of herbal remedies", "definition": "tending to cure or restore to health", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["therapeutic", "", "alterative", "remedial"], "instruction": "\"curative powers of herbal remedies\" What is the definition of \"curative\"?"} {"term": "slippery", "pos": "a", "context": "slippery sidewalks", "definition": "causing or tending to cause things to slip or slide", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"slippery sidewalks\" What is the definition of \"slippery\"?"} {"term": "slippery", "pos": "s", "context": "how extraordinarily slippery a liar the camera is \" - James Agee", "definition": "not to be trusted", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"how extraordinarily slippery a liar the camera is \" - James Agee\" What is the definition of \"slippery\"?"} {"term": "wetness", "pos": "n", "context": "he confirmed the wetness of the swimming trunks", "definition": "the condition of containing or being covered by a liquid especially water", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he confirmed the wetness of the swimming trunks\" What is the definition of \"wetness\"?"} {"term": "tilt", "pos": "n", "context": "the court 's tilt toward conservative rulings", "definition": "a slight but noticeable partiality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the court 's tilt toward conservative rulings\" What is the definition of \"tilt\"?"} {"term": "tilt", "pos": "n", "context": "the tower had a pronounced tilt", "definition": "the property possessed by a line or surface that departs from the vertical", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the tower had a pronounced tilt\" What is the definition of \"tilt\"?"} {"term": "inordinate", "pos": "s", "context": "a book of inordinate length", "definition": "beyond normal limits", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["excessive", "", "undue", "unreasonable"], "instruction": "\"a book of inordinate length\" What is the definition of \"inordinate\"?"} {"term": "optimistic", "pos": "a", "context": "in an optimistic mood", "definition": "expecting the best in this best of all possible worlds", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in an optimistic mood\" What is the definition of \"optimistic\"?"} {"term": "healthily", "pos": "r", "context": "the answers were healthily individual", "definition": "in a levelheaded manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the answers were healthily individual\" What is the definition of \"healthily\"?"} {"term": "gynecological", "pos": "a", "context": "gynecological examination", "definition": "of or relating to or practicing gynecology", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gynecological examination\" What is the definition of \"gynecological\"?"} {"term": "benignly", "pos": "r", "context": "this drug is benignly soporific", "definition": "in a benign manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this drug is benignly soporific\" What is the definition of \"benignly\"?"} {"term": "lackluster", "pos": "s", "context": "a dull lackluster life", "definition": "lacking brilliance or vitality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dull lackluster life\" What is the definition of \"lackluster\"?"} {"term": "lackluster", "pos": "s", "context": "staring with lackluster eyes", "definition": "lacking luster or shine", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"staring with lackluster eyes\" What is the definition of \"lackluster\"?"} {"term": "shabbily", "pos": "r", "context": "a shabbily dressed man", "definition": "so as to appear worn and threadbare or dilapidated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a shabbily dressed man\" What is the definition of \"shabbily\"?"} {"term": "shabbily", "pos": "r", "context": "the two were haggling shabbily in the drawing-room", "definition": "in a mean and ungenerous manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the two were haggling shabbily in the drawing-room\" What is the definition of \"shabbily\"?"} {"term": "emphatic", "pos": "s", "context": "an emphatic word", "definition": "spoken with emphasis", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an emphatic word\" What is the definition of \"emphatic\"?"} {"term": "emphatic", "pos": "s", "context": "an emphatic no", "definition": "sudden and strong", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an emphatic no\" What is the definition of \"emphatic\"?"} {"term": "emphatic", "pos": "s", "context": "the document contained a particularly emphatic guarantee of religious liberty", "definition": "forceful and definite in expression or action", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the document contained a particularly emphatic guarantee of religious liberty\" What is the definition of \"emphatic\"?"} {"term": "harness", "pos": "v", "context": "harness natural forces and resources", "definition": "to exploit the power of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"harness natural forces and resources\" What is the definition of \"harness\"?"} {"term": "fever", "pos": "n", "context": "in a fever of resentment", "definition": "intense nervous anticipation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in a fever of resentment\" What is the definition of \"fever\"?"} {"term": "shimmer", "pos": "n", "context": "the shimmer of colors on iridescent feathers", "definition": "a weak and tremulous light", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["modification", "play", "change", "alteration"], "instruction": "\"the shimmer of colors on iridescent feathers\" What is the definition of \"shimmer\"?"} {"term": "worthless", "pos": "a", "context": "a worthless idler", "definition": "lacking in usefulness or value", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a worthless idler\" What is the definition of \"worthless\"?"} {"term": "tenfold", "pos": "r", "context": "the population increased tenfold", "definition": "by ten times as much", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the population increased tenfold\" What is the definition of \"tenfold\"?"} {"term": "credulous", "pos": "a", "context": "the gimmick would convince none but the most credulous", "definition": "disposed to believe on little evidence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the gimmick would convince none but the most credulous\" What is the definition of \"credulous\"?"} {"term": "credulous", "pos": "s", "context": "so credulous he believes everything he reads", "definition": "showing a lack of judgment or experience", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so credulous he believes everything he reads\" What is the definition of \"credulous\"?"} {"term": "unfinished", "pos": "a", "context": "unfinished business", "definition": "not brought to an end or conclusion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unfinished business\" What is the definition of \"unfinished\"?"} {"term": "unfinished", "pos": "s", "context": "unfinished furniture", "definition": "lacking a surface finish such as paint", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["bare", ""], "instruction": "\"unfinished furniture\" What is the definition of \"unfinished\"?"} {"term": "baleful", "pos": "s", "context": "the Florida eagles have a fierce baleful look", "definition": "deadly or sinister", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the Florida eagles have a fierce baleful look\" What is the definition of \"baleful\"?"} {"term": "baleful", "pos": "s", "context": "a baleful look", "definition": "threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a baleful look\" What is the definition of \"baleful\"?"} {"term": "opinion", "pos": "n", "context": "my opinion differs from yours", "definition": "a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["thought", "belief", "mind", "idea", "view", "politics", "judgment", "persuasion"], "instruction": "\"my opinion differs from yours\" What is the definition of \"opinion\"?"} {"term": "restless", "pos": "s", "context": "the restless sea", "definition": "ceaselessly in motion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the restless sea\" What is the definition of \"restless\"?"} {"term": "restless", "pos": "a", "context": "a restless night", "definition": "lacking or not affording physical or mental rest", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a restless night\" What is the definition of \"restless\"?"} {"term": "wiggler", "pos": "n", "context": "the toddler was a real wiggler on plane trips", "definition": "one who cant stay still especially a child", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["individual", "soul", "wriggler", "person"], "instruction": "\"the toddler was a real wiggler on plane trips\" What is the definition of \"wiggler\"?"} {"term": "biting", "pos": "s", "context": "a biting wind", "definition": "causing a sharply painful or stinging sensation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a biting wind\" What is the definition of \"biting\"?"} {"term": "biting", "pos": "s", "context": "a biting wind", "definition": "used especially of cold", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a biting wind\" What is the definition of \"biting\"?"} {"term": "biting", "pos": "s", "context": "a biting aphorism", "definition": "capable of wounding", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a biting aphorism\" What is the definition of \"biting\"?"} {"term": "melodic", "pos": "a", "context": "melodic harmony", "definition": "of or relating to melody", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"melodic harmony\" What is the definition of \"melodic\"?"} {"term": "frisk", "pos": "n", "context": "he gave the suspect a quick frisk", "definition": "the act of searching someone for concealed weapons or illegal drugs", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he gave the suspect a quick frisk\" What is the definition of \"frisk\"?"} {"term": "occidental", "pos": "s", "context": "occidental civilization", "definition": "denoting or characteristic of countries of europe and the western hemisphere", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"occidental civilization\" What is the definition of \"occidental\"?"} {"term": "inimical", "pos": "s", "context": "an inimical critic", "definition": "not friendly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an inimical critic\" What is the definition of \"inimical\"?"} {"term": "ratification", "pos": "n", "context": "the ratification of the treaty", "definition": "making something valid by formally ratifying or confirming it", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["agreement", "confirmation"], "instruction": "\"the ratification of the treaty\" What is the definition of \"ratification\"?"} {"term": "loath", "pos": "s", "context": "loath to admit a mistake", "definition": "unwillingness to do something contrary to your custom", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"loath to admit a mistake\" What is the definition of \"loath\"?"} {"term": "loath", "pos": "s", "context": "loath to go on such short notice", "definition": "strongly opposed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"loath to go on such short notice\" What is the definition of \"loath\"?"} {"term": "hostility", "pos": "n", "context": "he could not conceal his hostility", "definition": "a hostile very unfriendly disposition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he could not conceal his hostility\" What is the definition of \"hostility\"?"} {"term": "hostility", "pos": "n", "context": "he could no longer contain his hostility", "definition": "the feeling of a hostile person", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["bitterness", "aggression", "hate", "gall", "antagonism", "resentment", "enmity"], "instruction": "\"he could no longer contain his hostility\" What is the definition of \"hostility\"?"} {"term": "fancy", "pos": "a", "context": "fancy handwriting", "definition": "not plain", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fancy handwriting\" What is the definition of \"fancy\"?"} {"term": "fancy", "pos": "a", "context": "fancy handwriting", "definition": "decorative or ornamented", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fancy handwriting\" What is the definition of \"fancy\"?"} {"term": "distraction", "pos": "n", "context": "he drives me to distraction", "definition": "mental turmoil", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he drives me to distraction\" What is the definition of \"distraction\"?"} {"term": "seamy", "pos": "s", "context": "the seamy side of life", "definition": "morally degraded", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the seamy side of life\" What is the definition of \"seamy\"?"} {"term": "asleep", "pos": "a", "context": "were all asleep when the phone rang", "definition": "in a state of sleep", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"were all asleep when the phone rang\" What is the definition of \"asleep\"?"} {"term": "asleep", "pos": "s", "context": "my foot is asleep", "definition": "lacking sensation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my foot is asleep\" What is the definition of \"asleep\"?"} {"term": "asleep", "pos": "r", "context": "he fell asleep", "definition": "into a sleeping state", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he fell asleep\" What is the definition of \"asleep\"?"} {"term": "palatal", "pos": "a", "context": "palatal index", "definition": "relating to or lying near the palate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"palatal index\" What is the definition of \"palatal\"?"} {"term": "aloof", "pos": "s", "context": "stood apart with aloof dignity", "definition": "remote in manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stood apart with aloof dignity\" What is the definition of \"aloof\"?"} {"term": "domesticity", "pos": "n", "context": "a royal family living in unpretentious domesticity", "definition": "the quality of being domestic or domesticated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a royal family living in unpretentious domesticity\" What is the definition of \"domesticity\"?"} {"term": "domesticity", "pos": "n", "context": "making a hobby of domesticity", "definition": "domestic activities or life", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"making a hobby of domesticity\" What is the definition of \"domesticity\"?"} {"term": "badly", "pos": "r", "context": "fingers so badly frozen they had to be amputated", "definition": "to a severe or serious degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fingers so badly frozen they had to be amputated\" What is the definition of \"badly\"?"} {"term": "badly", "pos": "r", "context": "treated his parents badly", "definition": "evilly or wickedly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"treated his parents badly\" What is the definition of \"badly\"?"} {"term": "badly", "pos": "r", "context": "he behaved badly in school", "definition": "in a disobedient or naughty way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he behaved badly in school\" What is the definition of \"badly\"?"} {"term": "peace", "pos": "n", "context": "the roommates lived in peace together", "definition": "harmonious relations", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the roommates lived in peace together\" What is the definition of \"peace\"?"} {"term": "peace", "pos": "n", "context": "the roommates lived in peace together", "definition": "freedom from disputes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the roommates lived in peace together\" What is the definition of \"peace\"?"} {"term": "blackish", "pos": "s", "context": "blackish clouds", "definition": "of something that is somewhat black", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"blackish clouds\" What is the definition of \"blackish\"?"} {"term": "ideal", "pos": "s", "context": "a poem or essay may be typical of its period in idea or ideal content", "definition": "constituting or existing only in the form of an idea or mental image or conception", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a poem or essay may be typical of its period in idea or ideal content\" What is the definition of \"ideal\"?"} {"term": "advantageously", "pos": "r", "context": "The children were settled advantageously in Seattle", "definition": "in a manner affording benefit or advantage", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The children were settled advantageously in Seattle\" What is the definition of \"advantageously\"?"} {"term": "gaudy", "pos": "s", "context": "a gaudy costume", "definition": "tastelessly showy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a gaudy costume\" What is the definition of \"gaudy\"?"} {"term": "hemlock", "pos": "n", "context": "Socrates refused to flee and died by drinking hemlock", "definition": "poisonous drug derived from an eurasian plant of the genus conium", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Socrates refused to flee and died by drinking hemlock\" What is the definition of \"hemlock\"?"} {"term": "analogy", "pos": "n", "context": "the operation of a computer presents and interesting analogy to the working of the brain", "definition": "drawing a comparison in order to show a similarity in some respect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the operation of a computer presents and interesting analogy to the working of the brain\" What is the definition of \"analogy\"?"} {"term": "duly", "pos": "r", "context": "she was duly apprised of the raise", "definition": "at the proper time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was duly apprised of the raise\" What is the definition of \"duly\"?"} {"term": "glandular", "pos": "a", "context": "glandular malfunctions", "definition": "relating to or affecting or functioning as a gland", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"glandular malfunctions\" What is the definition of \"glandular\"?"} {"term": "house", "pos": "n", "context": "he has a house on Cape Cod", "definition": "a dwelling that serves as living quarters for one or more families", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he has a house on Cape Cod\" What is the definition of \"house\"?"} {"term": "house", "pos": "n", "context": "the house applauded", "definition": "the audience gathered together in a theatre or cinema", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the house applauded\" What is the definition of \"house\"?"} {"term": "sickly", "pos": "s", "context": "a sickly child", "definition": "somewhat ill or prone to illness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["unwell", "", "peaked", "seedy"], "instruction": "\"a sickly child\" What is the definition of \"sickly\"?"} {"term": "advanced", "pos": "s", "context": "children in the advanced classes in elementary school read far above grade average", "definition": "farther along in physical or mental development", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"children in the advanced classes in elementary school read far above grade average\" What is the definition of \"advanced\"?"} {"term": "advanced", "pos": "s", "context": "the illness had reached an advanced stage", "definition": "comparatively late in a course of development", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the illness had reached an advanced stage\" What is the definition of \"advanced\"?"} {"term": "advanced", "pos": "s", "context": "the advanced teaching methods", "definition": "ahead of the times", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the advanced teaching methods\" What is the definition of \"advanced\"?"} {"term": "proficient", "pos": "s", "context": "a proficient engineer", "definition": "having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a proficient engineer\" What is the definition of \"proficient\"?"} {"term": "determinate", "pos": "a", "context": "a determinate distance", "definition": "precisely determined or limited or defined", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a determinate distance\" What is the definition of \"determinate\"?"} {"term": "determinate", "pos": "a", "context": "a determinate distance", "definition": "especially fixed by rule or by a specific and constant cause", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a determinate distance\" What is the definition of \"determinate\"?"} {"term": "determinate", "pos": "a", "context": "determinate growth", "definition": "not continuing to grow indefinitely at the apex", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"determinate growth\" What is the definition of \"determinate\"?"} {"term": "determinate", "pos": "s", "context": "a determinate answer to the problem", "definition": "supplying or being a final or conclusive settlement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a determinate answer to the problem\" What is the definition of \"determinate\"?"} {"term": "faced", "pos": "v", "context": "He faced the terrible consequences of his mistakes", "definition": "to deal with something unpleasant head on", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["face", "approach", "tackle", "confront", "undertake"], "instruction": "\"He faced the terrible consequences of his mistakes\" What is the definition of \"faced\"?"} {"term": "faced", "pos": "v", "context": "Jackson faced Smith in the boxing ring", "definition": "to oppose , as in hostility or a competition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["face", "breast", "meet", "encounter", "confront", "play", "pit"], "instruction": "\"Jackson faced Smith in the boxing ring\" What is the definition of \"faced\"?"} {"term": "faced", "pos": "a", "context": "a neatly faced terrace", "definition": "often used in combination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a neatly faced terrace\" What is the definition of \"faced\"?"} {"term": "destiny", "pos": "n", "context": "we are helpless in the face of destiny", "definition": "the ultimate agency regarded as predetermining the course of events often personified as a woman", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we are helpless in the face of destiny\" What is the definition of \"destiny\"?"} {"term": "drink", "pos": "n", "context": "I asked for a hot drink", "definition": "a single serving of a beverage", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I asked for a hot drink\" What is the definition of \"drink\"?"} {"term": "drink", "pos": "n", "context": "he jumped into the drink and had to be rescued", "definition": "any large deep body of water", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he jumped into the drink and had to be rescued\" What is the definition of \"drink\"?"} {"term": "drink", "pos": "v", "context": "The patient must drink several liters each day", "definition": "to take in liquids", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["drinking", "gulp", "kill", "lap", "sip", "consume", "take", "lick", "swill", "pop", "ingest", "suck", "swig", "drunk", "gurgle", "sucking", "guzzle"], "instruction": "\"The patient must drink several liters each day\" What is the definition of \"drink\"?"} {"term": "moving", "pos": "a", "context": "a constantly moving crowd", "definition": "in motion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a constantly moving crowd\" What is the definition of \"moving\"?"} {"term": "moving", "pos": "a", "context": "she laid her case of destitution before him in a very moving letter \" - N. Hawthorne", "definition": "arousing or capable of arousing deep emotion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she laid her case of destitution before him in a very moving letter \" - N. Hawthorne\" What is the definition of \"moving\"?"} {"term": "moving", "pos": "a", "context": "Her ambition was to be in moving pictures or ` the movies '", "definition": "used of a series of photographs presented so as to create the illusion of motion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Her ambition was to be in moving pictures or ` the movies '\" What is the definition of \"moving\"?"} {"term": "ironical", "pos": "s", "context": "it was ironical that the well-planned scheme failed so completely", "definition": "characterized by often poignant difference or incongruity between what is expected and what actually is", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["ironic", ""], "instruction": "\"it was ironical that the well-planned scheme failed so completely\" What is the definition of \"ironical\"?"} {"term": "ironical", "pos": "s", "context": "an ironical smile", "definition": "humorously sarcastic or mocking", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an ironical smile\" What is the definition of \"ironical\"?"} {"term": "span", "pos": "n", "context": "the job was finished in the span of an hour", "definition": "the complete duration of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the job was finished in the span of an hour\" What is the definition of \"span\"?"} {"term": "earshot", "pos": "n", "context": "the children were told to stay within earshot", "definition": "the range within which a voice can be heard", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the children were told to stay within earshot\" What is the definition of \"earshot\"?"} {"term": "lack", "pos": "n", "context": "there is a serious lack of insight into the problem", "definition": "the state of needing something that is absent or unavailable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["deficit", "shortage", "tightness", "dearth", "stringency", "demand", "shortness", "want", "deficiency"], "instruction": "\"there is a serious lack of insight into the problem\" What is the definition of \"lack\"?"} {"term": "authority", "pos": "n", "context": "he has the authority to issue warrants", "definition": "the power or right to give orders or make decisions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["potency", "control", "imperium", "dominance", "authorization", "lordship", "sovereignty"], "instruction": "\"he has the authority to issue warrants\" What is the definition of \"authority\"?"} {"term": "authority", "pos": "n", "context": "he is an authority on corporate law", "definition": "an expert whose views are taken as definitive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is an authority on corporate law\" What is the definition of \"authority\"?"} {"term": "retard", "pos": "v", "context": "This drug will retard your heart rate", "definition": "to cause to move more slowly or operate at a slower rate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"This drug will retard your heart rate\" What is the definition of \"retard\"?"} {"term": "retard", "pos": "v", "context": "The brain damage will retard the child 's language development", "definition": "to slow the growth or development of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["delay", "change", "dampen", "detain", "alter", "modify", "stay"], "instruction": "\"The brain damage will retard the child 's language development\" What is the definition of \"retard\"?"} {"term": "argumentative", "pos": "a", "context": "an argumentative discourse", "definition": "given to or characterized by argument", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an argumentative discourse\" What is the definition of \"argumentative\"?"} {"term": "seamless", "pos": "a", "context": "seamless stockings", "definition": "not having or joined by a seam or seams", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"seamless stockings\" What is the definition of \"seamless\"?"} {"term": "seamless", "pos": "s", "context": "the novel 's seamless plot", "definition": "perfectly consistent and coherent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the novel 's seamless plot\" What is the definition of \"seamless\"?"} {"term": "endurance", "pos": "n", "context": "the marathon tests a runner 's endurance", "definition": "the power to withstand hardship or stress", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the marathon tests a runner 's endurance\" What is the definition of \"endurance\"?"} {"term": "seeming", "pos": "s", "context": "his seeming honesty", "definition": "appearing as such but not necessarily so", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his seeming honesty\" What is the definition of \"seeming\"?"} {"term": "silty", "pos": "s", "context": "silty soil", "definition": "full of silt", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"silty soil\" What is the definition of \"silty\"?"} {"term": "bravura", "pos": "n", "context": "in a final bravura the ballerina appeared to be floating in water", "definition": "brilliant and showy technical skill", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in a final bravura the ballerina appeared to be floating in water\" What is the definition of \"bravura\"?"} {"term": "quietly", "pos": "r", "context": "the class was listening quietly and intently", "definition": "with little or no sound", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the class was listening quietly and intently\" What is the definition of \"quietly\"?"} {"term": "quietly", "pos": "r", "context": "she spoke quietly to the child", "definition": "with low volume", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she spoke quietly to the child\" What is the definition of \"quietly\"?"} {"term": "civilization", "pos": "n", "context": "the people slowly progressed from barbarism to civilization", "definition": "a society in an advanced state of social development e.g. , with complex legal and political and religious organizations", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the people slowly progressed from barbarism to civilization\" What is the definition of \"civilization\"?"} {"term": "civilization", "pos": "n", "context": "early Mayan civilization", "definition": "a particular society at a particular time and place", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"early Mayan civilization\" What is the definition of \"civilization\"?"} {"term": "bleached", "pos": "v", "context": "The sun bleached the red shirt", "definition": "to remove color from", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["discolor", "bleach"], "instruction": "\"The sun bleached the red shirt\" What is the definition of \"bleached\"?"} {"term": "bleached", "pos": "s", "context": "a bleached blonde", "definition": "artificially produced", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bleached blonde\" What is the definition of \"bleached\"?"} {"term": "bleached", "pos": "s", "context": "a bleached blonde", "definition": "not natural", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bleached blonde\" What is the definition of \"bleached\"?"} {"term": "endure", "pos": "v", "context": "The new secretary had to endure a lot of unprofessional remarks", "definition": "to put up with something or somebody unpleasant", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["suffer", "countenance", "abiding", "born", "abide", "brook", "permit", "tolerate", "accept", "bearing", "digest", "stand", "swallow", "pay", "let"], "instruction": "\"The new secretary had to endure a lot of unprofessional remarks\" What is the definition of \"endure\"?"} {"term": "fighting", "pos": "n", "context": "there was fighting in the streets", "definition": "any contest or struggle", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["banging", "disturbance", "duel", "ruffle", "fencing", "shock", "encounter", "battle", "impact", "fight", "brawl", "combat", "beating", "fray", "scuffle", "conflict", "struggle", "affray"], "instruction": "\"there was fighting in the streets\" What is the definition of \"fighting\"?"} {"term": "fighting", "pos": "s", "context": "review the fighting forces", "definition": "engaged in or ready for military or naval operations", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"review the fighting forces\" What is the definition of \"fighting\"?"} {"term": "outburst", "pos": "n", "context": "an outburst of heavy rain", "definition": "a sudden intense happening", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an outburst of heavy rain\" What is the definition of \"outburst\"?"} {"term": "actor", "pos": "n", "context": "he 's a principal actor in this affair", "definition": "a person who acts and gets things done", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["energizer", "individual", "sharpie", "worker", "demon", "soul", "animator", "fireball", "doer", "person"], "instruction": "\"he 's a principal actor in this affair\" What is the definition of \"actor\"?"} {"term": "abusively", "pos": "r", "context": "he behaved abusively toward his children", "definition": "in an abusive manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he behaved abusively toward his children\" What is the definition of \"abusively\"?"} {"term": "accumulative", "pos": "s", "context": "the eventual accumulative effect of these substances", "definition": "increasing by successive addition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the eventual accumulative effect of these substances\" What is the definition of \"accumulative\"?"} {"term": "accumulative", "pos": "s", "context": "we live in an accumulative society", "definition": "marked by acquiring or amassing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we live in an accumulative society\" What is the definition of \"accumulative\"?"} {"term": "axillary", "pos": "a", "context": "axillary gland", "definition": "of or relating to the armpit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"axillary gland\" What is the definition of \"axillary\"?"} {"term": "gregarious", "pos": "a", "context": "gregarious bird species", "definition": "tending to form a group with others of the same species", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gregarious bird species\" What is the definition of \"gregarious\"?"} {"term": "gregarious", "pos": "s", "context": "he is a gregarious person who avoids solitude", "definition": "instinctively or temperamentally seeking and enjoying the company of others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is a gregarious person who avoids solitude\" What is the definition of \"gregarious\"?"} {"term": "occupation", "pos": "n", "context": "he missed the bell in his occupation with the computer game", "definition": "any activity that occupies a persons attention", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he missed the bell in his occupation with the computer game\" What is the definition of \"occupation\"?"} {"term": "corporal", "pos": "s", "context": "a corporal defect", "definition": "affecting or characteristic of the body as opposed to the mind or spirit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a corporal defect\" What is the definition of \"corporal\"?"} {"term": "corporal", "pos": "s", "context": "what seemed corporal melted as breath into the wind \" - Shakespeare", "definition": "possessing or existing in bodily form", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"what seemed corporal melted as breath into the wind \" - Shakespeare\" What is the definition of \"corporal\"?"} {"term": "emergency", "pos": "n", "context": "he never knew what to do in an emergency", "definition": "a sudden unforeseen crisis usually involving danger that requires immediate action", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["crisis", "pinch"], "instruction": "\"he never knew what to do in an emergency\" What is the definition of \"emergency\"?"} {"term": "emergency", "pos": "n", "context": "the governor declared a state of emergency", "definition": "a state in which martial law applies", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the governor declared a state of emergency\" What is the definition of \"emergency\"?"} {"term": "reside", "pos": "v", "context": "may parents reside in Florida", "definition": "to make ones home in a particular place or community", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["living", "live", "rusticate", "populate", "dwell", "domicile"], "instruction": "\"may parents reside in Florida\" What is the definition of \"reside\"?"} {"term": "awash", "pos": "s", "context": "the monsoon left the whole place awash", "definition": "covered with water", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the monsoon left the whole place awash\" What is the definition of \"awash\"?"} {"term": "formidable", "pos": "s", "context": "a formidable opponent", "definition": "extremely impressive in strength or excellence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a formidable opponent\" What is the definition of \"formidable\"?"} {"term": "formidable", "pos": "s", "context": "the formidable prospect of major surgery", "definition": "inspiring fear", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the formidable prospect of major surgery\" What is the definition of \"formidable\"?"} {"term": "transit", "pos": "v", "context": "The comet will transit on September 11", "definition": "to pass across a sign or house of the zodiac or pass across the disk of a celestial body or the meridian of a place", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The comet will transit on September 11\" What is the definition of \"transit\"?"} {"term": "somber", "pos": "s", "context": "a suit of somber black", "definition": "grave or even gloomy in character", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a suit of somber black\" What is the definition of \"somber\"?"} {"term": "somber", "pos": "s", "context": "children in somber brown clothes", "definition": "lacking brightness or color", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["sober", "", "drab"], "instruction": "\"children in somber brown clothes\" What is the definition of \"somber\"?"} {"term": "somber", "pos": "s", "context": "children in somber brown clothes", "definition": "dull", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["sober", "", "drab"], "instruction": "\"children in somber brown clothes\" What is the definition of \"somber\"?"} {"term": "avid", "pos": "s", "context": "avid for adventure", "definition": "ardently or excessively desirous", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"avid for adventure\" What is the definition of \"avid\"?"} {"term": "avid", "pos": "s", "context": "an avid sports fan", "definition": "marked by active interest and enthusiasm", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an avid sports fan\" What is the definition of \"avid\"?"} {"term": "portal", "pos": "n", "context": "a portal typically has search engines and free email and chat rooms etc .", "definition": "a site that the owner positions as an entrance to other sites on the internet", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a portal typically has search engines and free email and chat rooms etc .\" What is the definition of \"portal\"?"} {"term": "gown", "pos": "n", "context": "the relations between town and gown are always sensitive", "definition": "the members of a university as distinguished from the other residents of the town in which the university is located", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the relations between town and gown are always sensitive\" What is the definition of \"gown\"?"} {"term": "flamboyant", "pos": "s", "context": "flamboyant handwriting", "definition": "elaborately or excessively ornamented", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"flamboyant handwriting\" What is the definition of \"flamboyant\"?"} {"term": "terpsichorean", "pos": "a", "context": "her terpsichorean activities", "definition": "of or relating to dancing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her terpsichorean activities\" What is the definition of \"terpsichorean\"?"} {"term": "splay", "pos": "v", "context": "These birds can splay out their toes", "definition": "to turn outward", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["rotate", "turning", "turn"], "instruction": "\"These birds can splay out their toes\" What is the definition of \"splay\"?"} {"term": "splay", "pos": "s", "context": "splay knees", "definition": "turned outward in an ungainly manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"splay knees\" What is the definition of \"splay\"?"} {"term": "smudge", "pos": "n", "context": "he had a smudge on his cheek", "definition": "a blemish made by dirt", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["smear", "spot", "mar", "defect", "blotch", "blot", "daub"], "instruction": "\"he had a smudge on his cheek\" What is the definition of \"smudge\"?"} {"term": "indefeasible", "pos": "a", "context": "an indefeasible right to freedom", "definition": "not liable to being annulled or voided or undone", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an indefeasible right to freedom\" What is the definition of \"indefeasible\"?"} {"term": "fond", "pos": "s", "context": "fond of chocolate", "definition": "having a strong preference or liking for", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fond of chocolate\" What is the definition of \"fond\"?"} {"term": "fond", "pos": "s", "context": "fond hopes of becoming President", "definition": "absurd or silly because unlikely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fond hopes of becoming President\" What is the definition of \"fond\"?"} {"term": "fond", "pos": "s", "context": "a fond embrace", "definition": "having or displaying warmth or affection", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fond embrace\" What is the definition of \"fond\"?"} {"term": "intersperse", "pos": "v", "context": "intersperse exclamation marks in the text", "definition": "to place at intervals in or among", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"intersperse exclamation marks in the text\" What is the definition of \"intersperse\"?"} {"term": "speed", "pos": "n", "context": "the project advanced with gratifying speed", "definition": "a rate usually rapid at which something happens", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["swiftness", "rate", "hurry", "gradualness", "fastness", "hastiness"], "instruction": "\"the project advanced with gratifying speed\" What is the definition of \"speed\"?"} {"term": "slackness", "pos": "n", "context": "he had n't counted on the slackness of the rope", "definition": "the quality of being loose not taut", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had n't counted on the slackness of the rope\" What is the definition of \"slackness\"?"} {"term": "disingenuous", "pos": "a", "context": "a disingenuous excuse", "definition": "not straightforward or candid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a disingenuous excuse\" What is the definition of \"disingenuous\"?"} {"term": "disingenuous", "pos": "a", "context": "a disingenuous excuse", "definition": "giving a false appearance of frankness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a disingenuous excuse\" What is the definition of \"disingenuous\"?"} {"term": "grow", "pos": "v", "context": "Corn does n't grow here", "definition": "to increase in size by natural process", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Corn does n't grow here\" What is the definition of \"grow\"?"} {"term": "forefront", "pos": "n", "context": "he was in the forefront", "definition": "the part in the front or nearest the viewer", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was in the forefront\" What is the definition of \"forefront\"?"} {"term": "forefront", "pos": "n", "context": "the Cotswolds were once at the forefront of woollen manufacturing in England", "definition": "the position of greatest importance or advancement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["vanguard", "perspective", "view"], "instruction": "\"the Cotswolds were once at the forefront of woollen manufacturing in England\" What is the definition of \"forefront\"?"} {"term": "forefront", "pos": "n", "context": "the Cotswolds were once at the forefront of woollen manufacturing in England", "definition": "the leading position in any movement or field", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["vanguard", "perspective", "view"], "instruction": "\"the Cotswolds were once at the forefront of woollen manufacturing in England\" What is the definition of \"forefront\"?"} {"term": "spanking", "pos": "n", "context": "he gave the brat a good spanking", "definition": "the act of slapping on the buttocks", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he gave the brat a good spanking\" What is the definition of \"spanking\"?"} {"term": "spanking", "pos": "s", "context": "a spanking breeze", "definition": "quick and energetic", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a spanking breeze\" What is the definition of \"spanking\"?"} {"term": "sadly", "pos": "r", "context": "sadly he died before he could see his grandchild", "definition": "in an unfortunate way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sadly he died before he could see his grandchild\" What is the definition of \"sadly\"?"} {"term": "sadly", "pos": "r", "context": "` She died last night , ' he said sadly", "definition": "with sadness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"` She died last night , ' he said sadly\" What is the definition of \"sadly\"?"} {"term": "sadly", "pos": "r", "context": "` She died last night , ' he said sadly", "definition": "in a sad manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"` She died last night , ' he said sadly\" What is the definition of \"sadly\"?"} {"term": "sadly", "pos": "r", "context": "he was sadly neglected", "definition": "in an unfortunate or deplorable manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was sadly neglected\" What is the definition of \"sadly\"?"} {"term": "prepositional", "pos": "a", "context": "prepositional phrase", "definition": "of or relating to or formed with a preposition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"prepositional phrase\" What is the definition of \"prepositional\"?"} {"term": "breath", "pos": "n", "context": "he took a deep breath and dived into the pool", "definition": "the process of taking in and expelling air during breathing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he took a deep breath and dived into the pool\" What is the definition of \"breath\"?"} {"term": "breath", "pos": "n", "context": "his sour breath offended her", "definition": "the air that is inhaled and exhaled in respiration", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his sour breath offended her\" What is the definition of \"breath\"?"} {"term": "evanescent", "pos": "s", "context": "evanescent beauty", "definition": "tending to vanish like vapor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"evanescent beauty\" What is the definition of \"evanescent\"?"} {"term": "appropriately", "pos": "r", "context": "he was appropriately dressed", "definition": "in an appropriate manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was appropriately dressed\" What is the definition of \"appropriately\"?"} {"term": "corner", "pos": "n", "context": "he tripled to the rightfield corner", "definition": "a place off to the side of an area", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he tripled to the rightfield corner\" What is the definition of \"corner\"?"} {"term": "corner", "pos": "n", "context": "a piano was in one corner of the room", "definition": "an interior angle formed by two meeting walls", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["area", "nook"], "instruction": "\"a piano was in one corner of the room\" What is the definition of \"corner\"?"} {"term": "corner", "pos": "v", "context": "corner the gold market", "definition": "to gain control over", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["cornered", "control"], "instruction": "\"corner the gold market\" What is the definition of \"corner\"?"} {"term": "breathless", "pos": "a", "context": "breathless at thought of what I had done", "definition": "not breathing or able to breathe except with difficulty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"breathless at thought of what I had done\" What is the definition of \"breathless\"?"} {"term": "breathless", "pos": "s", "context": "a breathless flight", "definition": "tending to cause suspension of regular breathing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a breathless flight\" What is the definition of \"breathless\"?"} {"term": "positively", "pos": "r", "context": "it was positively monumental", "definition": "extremely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was positively monumental\" What is the definition of \"positively\"?"} {"term": "positively", "pos": "r", "context": "she intended her remarks to be interpreted positively", "definition": "so as to be positive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she intended her remarks to be interpreted positively\" What is the definition of \"positively\"?"} {"term": "positively", "pos": "r", "context": "she intended her remarks to be interpreted positively", "definition": "in a positive manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she intended her remarks to be interpreted positively\" What is the definition of \"positively\"?"} {"term": "employment", "pos": "n", "context": "they are looking for employment", "definition": "the state of being employed or having a job", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they are looking for employment\" What is the definition of \"employment\"?"} {"term": "employment", "pos": "n", "context": "he is looking for employment", "definition": "the occupation for which you are paid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is looking for employment\" What is the definition of \"employment\"?"} {"term": "indispensable", "pos": "a", "context": "foods indispensable to good nutrition", "definition": "not to be dispensed with", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"foods indispensable to good nutrition\" What is the definition of \"indispensable\"?"} {"term": "indispensable", "pos": "a", "context": "foods indispensable to good nutrition", "definition": "essential", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"foods indispensable to good nutrition\" What is the definition of \"indispensable\"?"} {"term": "indispensable", "pos": "s", "context": "the routine but indispensable ceremonies of state", "definition": "unavoidable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the routine but indispensable ceremonies of state\" What is the definition of \"indispensable\"?"} {"term": "indispensable", "pos": "s", "context": "an indispensable worker", "definition": "absolutely necessary", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an indispensable worker\" What is the definition of \"indispensable\"?"} {"term": "indispensable", "pos": "s", "context": "an indispensable worker", "definition": "vitally necessary", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an indispensable worker\" What is the definition of \"indispensable\"?"} {"term": "loosely", "pos": "r", "context": "his hands lay loosely", "definition": "in a relaxed manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["slackly", ""], "instruction": "\"his hands lay loosely\" What is the definition of \"loosely\"?"} {"term": "loosely", "pos": "r", "context": "his hands lay loosely", "definition": "not rigid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["slackly", ""], "instruction": "\"his hands lay loosely\" What is the definition of \"loosely\"?"} {"term": "loosely", "pos": "r", "context": "a union of loosely federated states", "definition": "in a loose manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a union of loosely federated states\" What is the definition of \"loosely\"?"} {"term": "loosely", "pos": "r", "context": "loosely knit", "definition": "knitted in a loose manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"loosely knit\" What is the definition of \"loosely\"?"} {"term": "jumper", "pos": "n", "context": "as the jumper neared the ground he lost control", "definition": "a person who jumps", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as the jumper neared the ground he lost control\" What is the definition of \"jumper\"?"} {"term": "jumper", "pos": "n", "context": "he is one hell of a jumper", "definition": "an athlete who competes at jumping", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is one hell of a jumper\" What is the definition of \"jumper\"?"} {"term": "elongate", "pos": "s", "context": "an elongate tail tapering to a point", "definition": "having notably more length than width", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an elongate tail tapering to a point\" What is the definition of \"elongate\"?"} {"term": "elongate", "pos": "s", "context": "an elongate tail tapering to a point", "definition": "being long and slender", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an elongate tail tapering to a point\" What is the definition of \"elongate\"?"} {"term": "kosher", "pos": "s", "context": "kosher meat", "definition": "conforming to dietary laws", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"kosher meat\" What is the definition of \"kosher\"?"} {"term": "recount", "pos": "v", "context": "We had to recount all the votes after an accusation of fraud was made", "definition": "to count again", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"We had to recount all the votes after an accusation of fraud was made\" What is the definition of \"recount\"?"} {"term": "sunlit", "pos": "s", "context": "the sunlit slopes of the canyon", "definition": "lighted by sunlight", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sunlit slopes of the canyon\" What is the definition of \"sunlit\"?"} {"term": "manual", "pos": "a", "context": "manual dexterity", "definition": "of or relating to the hands", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"manual dexterity\" What is the definition of \"manual\"?"} {"term": "manual", "pos": "a", "context": "a manual transmission", "definition": "requiring human effort", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a manual transmission\" What is the definition of \"manual\"?"} {"term": "manual", "pos": "s", "context": "manual labor", "definition": "doing or requiring physical work", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"manual labor\" What is the definition of \"manual\"?"} {"term": "plastically", "pos": "r", "context": "he used the clay plastically", "definition": "in a plastic manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he used the clay plastically\" What is the definition of \"plastically\"?"} {"term": "positive", "pos": "a", "context": "a positive attitude", "definition": "characterized by or displaying affirmation or acceptance or certainty etc. .", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a positive attitude\" What is the definition of \"positive\"?"} {"term": "positive", "pos": "a", "context": "a positive pregnancy test", "definition": "indicating existence or presence of a suspected condition or pathogen", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a positive pregnancy test\" What is the definition of \"positive\"?"} {"term": "positive", "pos": "a", "context": "positive increase in graduating students", "definition": "reckoned , situated or tending in the direction which naturally or arbitrarily is taken to indicate increase or progress or onward motion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"positive increase in graduating students\" What is the definition of \"positive\"?"} {"term": "positive", "pos": "s", "context": "positive laws", "definition": "formally laid down or imposed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"positive laws\" What is the definition of \"positive\"?"} {"term": "positive", "pos": "s", "context": "positive numbers", "definition": "greater than zero", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"positive numbers\" What is the definition of \"positive\"?"} {"term": "proposition", "pos": "n", "context": "securing adequate funding is a time-consuming proposition", "definition": "a task to be dealt with", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"securing adequate funding is a time-consuming proposition\" What is the definition of \"proposition\"?"} {"term": "philosophic", "pos": "s", "context": "a philosophic attitude toward life", "definition": "characterized by the attitude of a philosopher", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a philosophic attitude toward life\" What is the definition of \"philosophic\"?"} {"term": "philosophic", "pos": "s", "context": "a philosophic attitude toward life", "definition": "meeting trouble with level-headed detachment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a philosophic attitude toward life\" What is the definition of \"philosophic\"?"} {"term": "preaching", "pos": "n", "context": "your preaching is wasted on him", "definition": "a moralistic rebuke", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["sermon", "speech"], "instruction": "\"your preaching is wasted on him\" What is the definition of \"preaching\"?"} {"term": "preaching", "pos": "v", "context": "The minister is not preaching this Sunday", "definition": "to deliver a sermon", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["prophesy", "preach", "talk", "evangelize"], "instruction": "\"The minister is not preaching this Sunday\" What is the definition of \"preaching\"?"} {"term": "eventual", "pos": "s", "context": "hope of eventual ( or ultimate ) rescue", "definition": "expected to follow in the indefinite future from causes already operating", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hope of eventual ( or ultimate ) rescue\" What is the definition of \"eventual\"?"} {"term": "wrongdoing", "pos": "n", "context": "he denied any wrongdoing", "definition": "activity that transgresses moral or civil law", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["shabbiness", "dereliction", "trespass", "maintenance", "falsification", "encroachment", "infliction", "violation", "infringement", "intrusion", "misbehavior", "knavery", "usurpation", "injustice", "malpractice", "transgression", "misconduct", "misfeasance", "misrepresentation", "iniquity", "dishonesty", "misdeed", "activity", "brutalization"], "instruction": "\"he denied any wrongdoing\" What is the definition of \"wrongdoing\"?"} {"term": "peradventure", "pos": "n", "context": "this proves beyond peradventure that he is innocent", "definition": "doubt or uncertainty as to whether something is the case", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this proves beyond peradventure that he is innocent\" What is the definition of \"peradventure\"?"} {"term": "peradventure", "pos": "r", "context": "it may peradventure be thought that there never was such a time", "definition": "by chance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it may peradventure be thought that there never was such a time\" What is the definition of \"peradventure\"?"} {"term": "remediable", "pos": "a", "context": "remediable problems", "definition": "capable of being remedied or redressed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"remediable problems\" What is the definition of \"remediable\"?"} {"term": "facilitation", "pos": "n", "context": "social facilitation is an adaptive condition", "definition": "the condition of being made easy or easier", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"social facilitation is an adaptive condition\" What is the definition of \"facilitation\"?"} {"term": "hereditary", "pos": "s", "context": "hereditary monarchy", "definition": "inherited or inheritable by established rules usually legal rules of descent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["ancestral", "transmissible", "patrimonial", ""], "instruction": "\"hereditary monarchy\" What is the definition of \"hereditary\"?"} {"term": "sparse", "pos": "s", "context": "trees were sparse", "definition": "not dense", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"trees were sparse\" What is the definition of \"sparse\"?"} {"term": "armorer", "pos": "n", "context": "a sword made by a famous English armorer", "definition": "a worker skilled in making armor or arms", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sword made by a famous English armorer\" What is the definition of \"armorer\"?"} {"term": "bountiful", "pos": "s", "context": "the bountiful earth", "definition": "producing in abundance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the bountiful earth\" What is the definition of \"bountiful\"?"} {"term": "bountiful", "pos": "s", "context": "bountiful compliments", "definition": "given or giving freely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bountiful compliments\" What is the definition of \"bountiful\"?"} {"term": "corpse", "pos": "n", "context": "the end of the police search was the discovery of a corpse", "definition": "the dead body of a human being", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["stiff", "body", "clay", "cadaver"], "instruction": "\"the end of the police search was the discovery of a corpse\" What is the definition of \"corpse\"?"} {"term": "compulsive", "pos": "s", "context": "compulsive drinking", "definition": "caused by or suggestive of psychological compulsion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"compulsive drinking\" What is the definition of \"compulsive\"?"} {"term": "paradox", "pos": "n", "context": "` I always lie ' is a paradox because if it is true it must be false", "definition": "a statement that contradicts itself", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"` I always lie ' is a paradox because if it is true it must be false\" What is the definition of \"paradox\"?"} {"term": "eminence", "pos": "n", "context": "a scholar of great eminence", "definition": "high status importance owing to marked superiority", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["distinction", "note", "king"], "instruction": "\"a scholar of great eminence\" What is the definition of \"eminence\"?"} {"term": "spiritual", "pos": "s", "context": "a spiritual approach to life", "definition": "concerned with or affecting the spirit or soul", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a spiritual approach to life\" What is the definition of \"spiritual\"?"} {"term": "spiritual", "pos": "s", "context": "spiritual beings", "definition": "lacking material body or form or substance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"spiritual beings\" What is the definition of \"spiritual\"?"} {"term": "spiritual", "pos": "s", "context": "lords temporal and spiritual", "definition": "concerned with sacred matters or religion or the church", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lords temporal and spiritual\" What is the definition of \"spiritual\"?"} {"term": "ghost", "pos": "n", "context": "he looked like he had seen a ghost", "definition": "a mental representation of some haunting experience", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["phantasm", "spook", "shadow", "shade", "wraith", "phantom", "apparition", "specter"], "instruction": "\"he looked like he had seen a ghost\" What is the definition of \"ghost\"?"} {"term": "truncation", "pos": "n", "context": "it is an obvious truncation of the verse", "definition": "the act of cutting short", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is an obvious truncation of the verse\" What is the definition of \"truncation\"?"} {"term": "ordinate", "pos": "v", "context": "ordinate similar parts", "definition": "to bring components or parts into proper or desirable coordination correlation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["adjust", "align", "set", "correct"], "instruction": "\"ordinate similar parts\" What is the definition of \"ordinate\"?"} {"term": "probability", "pos": "n", "context": "the probability that an unbiased coin will fall with the head up is 0.5", "definition": "a measure of how likely it is that some event will occur", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["quantity", "amount", "measure", "chance"], "instruction": "\"the probability that an unbiased coin will fall with the head up is 0.5\" What is the definition of \"probability\"?"} {"term": "probability", "pos": "n", "context": "the probability that an unbiased coin will fall with the head up is 0.5", "definition": "a number expressing the ratio of favorable cases to the whole number of cases possible", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["quantity", "amount", "measure", "chance"], "instruction": "\"the probability that an unbiased coin will fall with the head up is 0.5\" What is the definition of \"probability\"?"} {"term": "probability", "pos": "n", "context": "for a while mutiny seemed a probability", "definition": "the quality of being probable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for a while mutiny seemed a probability\" What is the definition of \"probability\"?"} {"term": "probability", "pos": "n", "context": "for a while mutiny seemed a probability", "definition": "a probable event or the most probable event", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for a while mutiny seemed a probability\" What is the definition of \"probability\"?"} {"term": "heedful", "pos": "a", "context": "heedful of the warnings", "definition": "taking heed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"heedful of the warnings\" What is the definition of \"heedful\"?"} {"term": "heedful", "pos": "a", "context": "heedful of the warnings", "definition": "giving close and thoughtful attention", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"heedful of the warnings\" What is the definition of \"heedful\"?"} {"term": "heedful", "pos": "s", "context": "heedful of his father 's advice", "definition": "cautiously attentive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"heedful of his father 's advice\" What is the definition of \"heedful\"?"} {"term": "imposition", "pos": "n", "context": "he listened but resented the imposition", "definition": "an uncalled-for burden", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he listened but resented the imposition\" What is the definition of \"imposition\"?"} {"term": "purposeless", "pos": "s", "context": "a life essentially purposeless", "definition": "serving no useful purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a life essentially purposeless\" What is the definition of \"purposeless\"?"} {"term": "purposeless", "pos": "s", "context": "a life essentially purposeless", "definition": "having no excuse for being", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a life essentially purposeless\" What is the definition of \"purposeless\"?"} {"term": "nasty", "pos": "a", "context": "in a nasty mood", "definition": "offensive or even of persons malicious", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in a nasty mood\" What is the definition of \"nasty\"?"} {"term": "nasty", "pos": "s", "context": "a nasty problem", "definition": "exasperatingly difficult to handle or circumvent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a nasty problem\" What is the definition of \"nasty\"?"} {"term": "nasty", "pos": "s", "context": "a nasty pigsty of a room", "definition": "disgustingly dirty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a nasty pigsty of a room\" What is the definition of \"nasty\"?"} {"term": "nasty", "pos": "s", "context": "a nasty pigsty of a room", "definition": "filled or smeared with offensive matter", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a nasty pigsty of a room\" What is the definition of \"nasty\"?"} {"term": "scheming", "pos": "s", "context": "a scheming wife", "definition": "concealing crafty designs for advancing your own interest", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a scheming wife\" What is the definition of \"scheming\"?"} {"term": "daintily", "pos": "r", "context": "she nibbled daintily at her cake", "definition": "in a refined manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she nibbled daintily at her cake\" What is the definition of \"daintily\"?"} {"term": "daintily", "pos": "r", "context": "the invitation cards were written up daintily in white and gold", "definition": "in a delicate manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the invitation cards were written up daintily in white and gold\" What is the definition of \"daintily\"?"} {"term": "pandemic", "pos": "s", "context": "a pandemic outbreak of malaria", "definition": "epidemic over a wide geographical area", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a pandemic outbreak of malaria\" What is the definition of \"pandemic\"?"} {"term": "pandemic", "pos": "s", "context": "pandemic fear of nuclear war", "definition": "existing everywhere", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pandemic fear of nuclear war\" What is the definition of \"pandemic\"?"} {"term": "developmental", "pos": "a", "context": "developmental psychology", "definition": "of or relating to or constituting development", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"developmental psychology\" What is the definition of \"developmental\"?"} {"term": "ovulate", "pos": "v", "context": "women ovulate about once every month", "definition": "to produce and discharge eggs", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"women ovulate about once every month\" What is the definition of \"ovulate\"?"} {"term": "voluptuous", "pos": "s", "context": "a voluptuous woman", "definition": "having strong sexual appeal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a voluptuous woman\" What is the definition of \"voluptuous\"?"} {"term": "voluptuous", "pos": "s", "context": "Lucullus spent the remainder of his days in voluptuous magnificence", "definition": "displaying luxury and furnishing gratification to the senses", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Lucullus spent the remainder of his days in voluptuous magnificence\" What is the definition of \"voluptuous\"?"} {"term": "silly", "pos": "n", "context": "do n't be a silly", "definition": "a word used for misbehaving children", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"do n't be a silly\" What is the definition of \"silly\"?"} {"term": "silly", "pos": "s", "context": "a silly idea", "definition": "ludicrous , foolish", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a silly idea\" What is the definition of \"silly\"?"} {"term": "silly", "pos": "s", "context": "silly giggles", "definition": "lacking seriousness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"silly giggles\" What is the definition of \"silly\"?"} {"term": "silly", "pos": "s", "context": "silly giggles", "definition": "given to frivolity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"silly giggles\" What is the definition of \"silly\"?"} {"term": "silly", "pos": "s", "context": "how silly an ardent and unsuccessful wooer can be especially if he is getting on in years \" - Dashiell Hammett", "definition": "inspiring scornful pity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"how silly an ardent and unsuccessful wooer can be especially if he is getting on in years \" - Dashiell Hammett\" What is the definition of \"silly\"?"} {"term": "alone", "pos": "s", "context": "could be alone in a crowded room", "definition": "isolated from others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"could be alone in a crowded room\" What is the definition of \"alone\"?"} {"term": "alone", "pos": "s", "context": "he was alone when we met him", "definition": "lacking companions or companionship", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was alone when we met him\" What is the definition of \"alone\"?"} {"term": "alone", "pos": "s", "context": "she alone believed him", "definition": "exclusive of anyone or anything else", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she alone believed him\" What is the definition of \"alone\"?"} {"term": "alone", "pos": "r", "context": "the child stayed home alone", "definition": "without anybody else or anything else", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the child stayed home alone\" What is the definition of \"alone\"?"} {"term": "alone", "pos": "r", "context": "the burden of proof rests on the prosecution alone", "definition": "without any others being included or involved", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["solely", "", "entirely"], "instruction": "\"the burden of proof rests on the prosecution alone\" What is the definition of \"alone\"?"} {"term": "lesson", "pos": "n", "context": "he did the lesson for today", "definition": "a task assigned for individual study", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he did the lesson for today\" What is the definition of \"lesson\"?"} {"term": "midriff", "pos": "n", "context": "young American women believe that a bare midriff is fashionable", "definition": "the middle area of the human torso usually in front", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["middle", "area", "region"], "instruction": "\"young American women believe that a bare midriff is fashionable\" What is the definition of \"midriff\"?"} {"term": "buttress", "pos": "v", "context": "buttress your thesis", "definition": "to make stronger or defensible", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"buttress your thesis\" What is the definition of \"buttress\"?"} {"term": "dine", "pos": "v", "context": "We often dine with friends in this restaurant", "definition": "to have supper", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["dining", "eating", "eat"], "instruction": "\"We often dine with friends in this restaurant\" What is the definition of \"dine\"?"} {"term": "dine", "pos": "v", "context": "We often dine with friends in this restaurant", "definition": "to eat dinner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["dining", "eating", "eat"], "instruction": "\"We often dine with friends in this restaurant\" What is the definition of \"dine\"?"} {"term": "finer", "pos": "s", "context": "a finer wine", "definition": "greater in quality or excellence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a finer wine\" What is the definition of \"finer\"?"} {"term": "loyal", "pos": "a", "context": "loyal subjects", "definition": "steadfast in allegiance or duty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"loyal subjects\" What is the definition of \"loyal\"?"} {"term": "loyal", "pos": "s", "context": "loyal supporters", "definition": "unwavering in devotion to friend or vow or cause", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["firm", "", "fast"], "instruction": "\"loyal supporters\" What is the definition of \"loyal\"?"} {"term": "removed", "pos": "s", "context": "a cousin once removed", "definition": "separated in relationship by a given degree of descent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a cousin once removed\" What is the definition of \"removed\"?"} {"term": "calmly", "pos": "r", "context": "he spoke calmly to the rioting students", "definition": "with self-possession especially in times of stress", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he spoke calmly to the rioting students\" What is the definition of \"calmly\"?"} {"term": "wrack", "pos": "n", "context": "wrack and ruin", "definition": "the destruction or collapse of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["demolition", "destruction", "rack"], "instruction": "\"wrack and ruin\" What is the definition of \"wrack\"?"} {"term": "nameless", "pos": "s", "context": "corporations responsible to nameless owners", "definition": "being or having an unknown or unnamed source", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"corporations responsible to nameless owners\" What is the definition of \"nameless\"?"} {"term": "blushing", "pos": "s", "context": "the blushing boy was brought before the Principal", "definition": "having a red face from embarrassment or shame or agitation or emotional upset", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the blushing boy was brought before the Principal\" What is the definition of \"blushing\"?"} {"term": "rope", "pos": "v", "context": "rope cows", "definition": "to catch with a lasso", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["catch", "get", "lasso"], "instruction": "\"rope cows\" What is the definition of \"rope\"?"} {"term": "competently", "pos": "r", "context": "they worked competently", "definition": "with competence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["ably", "", "aptly"], "instruction": "\"they worked competently\" What is the definition of \"competently\"?"} {"term": "competently", "pos": "r", "context": "they worked competently", "definition": "in a competent capable manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["ably", "", "aptly"], "instruction": "\"they worked competently\" What is the definition of \"competently\"?"} {"term": "frequency", "pos": "n", "context": "the frequency of modulation was 40 cycles per second", "definition": "the number of occurrences within a given time period", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the frequency of modulation was 40 cycles per second\" What is the definition of \"frequency\"?"} {"term": "untitled", "pos": "s", "context": "untitled civilians", "definition": "not of the nobility", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"untitled civilians\" What is the definition of \"untitled\"?"} {"term": "specular", "pos": "s", "context": "a specular metal", "definition": "capable of reflecting light like a mirror", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a specular metal\" What is the definition of \"specular\"?"} {"term": "contemporary", "pos": "s", "context": "contemporary trends in design", "definition": "characteristic of the present", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"contemporary trends in design\" What is the definition of \"contemporary\"?"} {"term": "contemporary", "pos": "s", "context": "contemporary leaders", "definition": "belonging to the present time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"contemporary leaders\" What is the definition of \"contemporary\"?"} {"term": "contemporary", "pos": "s", "context": "the composer Salieri was contemporary with Mozart", "definition": "occurring in the same period of time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the composer Salieri was contemporary with Mozart\" What is the definition of \"contemporary\"?"} {"term": "concentric", "pos": "a", "context": "concentric rings", "definition": "having a common center", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"concentric rings\" What is the definition of \"concentric\"?"} {"term": "polity", "pos": "n", "context": "we was innocent of stratagems and polity", "definition": "shrewd or crafty management of public affairs", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we was innocent of stratagems and polity\" What is the definition of \"polity\"?"} {"term": "made", "pos": "v", "context": "She made us look silly", "definition": "to give certain properties to something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["make", "change", "get", "alter", "modify", "let", "leave"], "instruction": "\"She made us look silly\" What is the definition of \"made\"?"} {"term": "made", "pos": "s", "context": "bought some made goods at the local store", "definition": "produced by a manufacturing process", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bought some made goods at the local store\" What is the definition of \"made\"?"} {"term": "made", "pos": "s", "context": "bought some made goods at the local store", "definition": "rope and nails", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bought some made goods at the local store\" What is the definition of \"made\"?"} {"term": "made", "pos": "s", "context": "now I am a made man forever \" - Christopher Marlowe", "definition": "successful or assured of success", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"now I am a made man forever \" - Christopher Marlowe\" What is the definition of \"made\"?"} {"term": "made", "pos": "a", "context": "a neatly made bed", "definition": "having the sheets and blankets set in order", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a neatly made bed\" What is the definition of \"made\"?"} {"term": "adorably", "pos": "r", "context": "the toddler behaved adorably", "definition": "in an adorable manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the toddler behaved adorably\" What is the definition of \"adorably\"?"} {"term": "thereon", "pos": "r", "context": "text and commentary thereon", "definition": "on that", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"text and commentary thereon\" What is the definition of \"thereon\"?"} {"term": "awhile", "pos": "r", "context": "sit down and stay awhile", "definition": "for a short time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sit down and stay awhile\" What is the definition of \"awhile\"?"} {"term": "irritate", "pos": "v", "context": "irritate the glands of a leaf", "definition": "to excite to some characteristic action or condition , such as motion , contraction , or nervous impulse , by the application of a stimulus", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"irritate the glands of a leaf\" What is the definition of \"irritate\"?"} {"term": "irredeemable", "pos": "s", "context": "irredeemable sinners", "definition": "insusceptible of reform", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"irredeemable sinners\" What is the definition of \"irredeemable\"?"} {"term": "inheritable", "pos": "a", "context": "inheritable traits such as eye color", "definition": "capable of being inherited", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"inheritable traits such as eye color\" What is the definition of \"inheritable\"?"} {"term": "hurdle", "pos": "n", "context": "the last hurdle before graduation", "definition": "an obstacle that you are expected to overcome", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the last hurdle before graduation\" What is the definition of \"hurdle\"?"} {"term": "idealization", "pos": "n", "context": "the idealization of rural life was very misleading", "definition": "a portrayal of something as ideal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["glorification", "appreciation", "admiration"], "instruction": "\"the idealization of rural life was very misleading\" What is the definition of \"idealization\"?"} {"term": "easygoing", "pos": "s", "context": "an easygoing teacher who allowed extra time for assignments", "definition": "relaxed and informal in attitude or standards", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an easygoing teacher who allowed extra time for assignments\" What is the definition of \"easygoing\"?"} {"term": "easygoing", "pos": "s", "context": "the easygoing life of a parttime consultant", "definition": "not burdensome or demanding", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["soft", ""], "instruction": "\"the easygoing life of a parttime consultant\" What is the definition of \"easygoing\"?"} {"term": "easygoing", "pos": "s", "context": "the easygoing life of a parttime consultant", "definition": "borne or done easily and without hardship", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["soft", ""], "instruction": "\"the easygoing life of a parttime consultant\" What is the definition of \"easygoing\"?"} {"term": "charismatic", "pos": "s", "context": "a charismatic leader", "definition": "possessing an extraordinary ability to attract", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a charismatic leader\" What is the definition of \"charismatic\"?"} {"term": "brimming", "pos": "s", "context": "a child brimming over with curiosity", "definition": "filled to capacity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["brimful", ""], "instruction": "\"a child brimming over with curiosity\" What is the definition of \"brimming\"?"} {"term": "disfavor", "pos": "n", "context": "he is in disfavor with the king", "definition": "the state of being out of favor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is in disfavor with the king\" What is the definition of \"disfavor\"?"} {"term": "intimate", "pos": "s", "context": "intimate friend", "definition": "marked by close acquaintance , association , or familiarity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"intimate friend\" What is the definition of \"intimate\"?"} {"term": "intimate", "pos": "s", "context": "the intimate ( or sexual ) relations between husband and wife", "definition": "involved in a sexual relationship", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the intimate ( or sexual ) relations between husband and wife\" What is the definition of \"intimate\"?"} {"term": "intimate", "pos": "s", "context": "this girl , so intimate with nature \" - W.H.Hudson", "definition": "thoroughly acquainted through study or experience", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this girl , so intimate with nature \" - W.H.Hudson\" What is the definition of \"intimate\"?"} {"term": "mocking", "pos": "s", "context": "her mocking smile", "definition": "abusing vocally", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her mocking smile\" What is the definition of \"mocking\"?"} {"term": "mocking", "pos": "s", "context": "her mocking smile", "definition": "expressing contempt or ridicule", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her mocking smile\" What is the definition of \"mocking\"?"} {"term": "visionary", "pos": "s", "context": "visionary schemes for getting rich", "definition": "not practical or realizable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["windy", "", "impractical"], "instruction": "\"visionary schemes for getting rich\" What is the definition of \"visionary\"?"} {"term": "visionary", "pos": "s", "context": "visionary schemes for getting rich", "definition": "speculative", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["windy", "", "impractical"], "instruction": "\"visionary schemes for getting rich\" What is the definition of \"visionary\"?"} {"term": "rationalize", "pos": "v", "context": "When one wonders why one is doing certain things , one should rationalize", "definition": "to think rationally", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"When one wonders why one is doing certain things , one should rationalize\" What is the definition of \"rationalize\"?"} {"term": "rationalize", "pos": "v", "context": "When one wonders why one is doing certain things , one should rationalize", "definition": "to employ logic or reason", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"When one wonders why one is doing certain things , one should rationalize\" What is the definition of \"rationalize\"?"} {"term": "crisis", "pos": "n", "context": "they went bankrupt during the economic crisis", "definition": "an unstable situation of extreme danger or difficulty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they went bankrupt during the economic crisis\" What is the definition of \"crisis\"?"} {"term": "crisis", "pos": "n", "context": "after the crisis the patient either dies or gets better", "definition": "a crucial stage or turning point in the course of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after the crisis the patient either dies or gets better\" What is the definition of \"crisis\"?"} {"term": "clamor", "pos": "n", "context": "he ignored the clamor of the crowd", "definition": "loud and persistent outcry from many people", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he ignored the clamor of the crowd\" What is the definition of \"clamor\"?"} {"term": "teamwork", "pos": "n", "context": "it will take money , good planning and , above all , teamwork", "definition": "cooperative work done by a team especially when it is effective", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it will take money , good planning and , above all , teamwork\" What is the definition of \"teamwork\"?"} {"term": "convalescent", "pos": "s", "context": "convalescent children are difficult to keep in bed", "definition": "returning to health after illness or debility", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"convalescent children are difficult to keep in bed\" What is the definition of \"convalescent\"?"} {"term": "raw", "pos": "n", "context": "in the raw", "definition": "informal terms for nakedness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the raw\" What is the definition of \"raw\"?"} {"term": "raw", "pos": "s", "context": "a raw wound", "definition": "having the surface exposed and painful", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a raw wound\" What is the definition of \"raw\"?"} {"term": "raw", "pos": "s", "context": "raw sewage", "definition": "not processed or refined", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"raw sewage\" What is the definition of \"raw\"?"} {"term": "raw", "pos": "s", "context": "received raw treatment from his friends", "definition": "brutally unfair or harsh", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"received raw treatment from his friends\" What is the definition of \"raw\"?"} {"term": "special", "pos": "s", "context": "a special kind of paint", "definition": "adapted to or reserved for a particular purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a special kind of paint\" What is the definition of \"special\"?"} {"term": "special", "pos": "s", "context": "the special features of a computer", "definition": "unique or specific to a person or thing or category", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["peculiar", ""], "instruction": "\"the special features of a computer\" What is the definition of \"special\"?"} {"term": "inequitable", "pos": "a", "context": "the inequitable division of wealth", "definition": "not equitable or fair", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the inequitable division of wealth\" What is the definition of \"inequitable\"?"} {"term": "snatcher", "pos": "n", "context": "a purse snatcher", "definition": "a thief who grabs and runs", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a purse snatcher\" What is the definition of \"snatcher\"?"} {"term": "cast", "pos": "n", "context": "pottery of this cast was found throughout the region", "definition": "the distinctive form in which a thing is made", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pottery of this cast was found throughout the region\" What is the definition of \"cast\"?"} {"term": "cast", "pos": "v", "context": "cast a vote", "definition": "to deposit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cast a vote\" What is the definition of \"cast\"?"} {"term": "cast", "pos": "v", "context": "He cast a young woman in the role of Desdemona", "definition": "to select to play , sing , or dance a part in a play , movie , musical , opera , or ballet", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"He cast a young woman in the role of Desdemona\" What is the definition of \"cast\"?"} {"term": "cast", "pos": "v", "context": "Who cast this beautiful movie ?", "definition": "to assign the roles of a movie or a play to actors", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Who cast this beautiful movie ?\" What is the definition of \"cast\"?"} {"term": "sensitive", "pos": "a", "context": "a mimosa 's leaves are sensitive to touch", "definition": "responsive to physical stimuli", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a mimosa 's leaves are sensitive to touch\" What is the definition of \"sensitive\"?"} {"term": "sensitive", "pos": "a", "context": "sensitive to the local community and its needs", "definition": "being susceptible to the attitudes , feelings , or circumstances of others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sensitive to the local community and its needs\" What is the definition of \"sensitive\"?"} {"term": "widespread", "pos": "s", "context": "a widespread doctrine", "definition": "widely circulated or diffused", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a widespread doctrine\" What is the definition of \"widespread\"?"} {"term": "widespread", "pos": "s", "context": "widespread nuclear fallout", "definition": "distributed over a considerable extent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"widespread nuclear fallout\" What is the definition of \"widespread\"?"} {"term": "induce", "pos": "v", "context": "induce a crisis", "definition": "to cause to arise", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"induce a crisis\" What is the definition of \"induce\"?"} {"term": "home", "pos": "n", "context": "deliver the package to my home", "definition": "where you live at a particular time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["residence", "place"], "instruction": "\"deliver the package to my home\" What is the definition of \"home\"?"} {"term": "home", "pos": "n", "context": "Canadian tariffs enabled United States lumber companies to raise prices at home", "definition": "the country or state or city where you live", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Canadian tariffs enabled United States lumber companies to raise prices at home\" What is the definition of \"home\"?"} {"term": "home", "pos": "n", "context": "the United States is the home of basketball", "definition": "place where something began and flourished", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the United States is the home of basketball\" What is the definition of \"home\"?"} {"term": "home", "pos": "a", "context": "a home game", "definition": "used of your own ground", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a home game\" What is the definition of \"home\"?"} {"term": "home", "pos": "a", "context": "my home town", "definition": "relating to or being where one lives or where ones roots are", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my home town\" What is the definition of \"home\"?"} {"term": "home", "pos": "r", "context": "the arrow struck home", "definition": "on or to the point aimed at", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the arrow struck home\" What is the definition of \"home\"?"} {"term": "home", "pos": "r", "context": "drove the nail home", "definition": "to the fullest extent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"drove the nail home\" What is the definition of \"home\"?"} {"term": "home", "pos": "r", "context": "drove the nail home", "definition": "to the heart", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"drove the nail home\" What is the definition of \"home\"?"} {"term": "percolate", "pos": "v", "context": "percolate coffee", "definition": "to prepare in a percolator", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"percolate coffee\" What is the definition of \"percolate\"?"} {"term": "vigilant", "pos": "s", "context": "the vigilant eye of the town watch", "definition": "carefully observant or attentive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the vigilant eye of the town watch\" What is the definition of \"vigilant\"?"} {"term": "vigilant", "pos": "s", "context": "the vigilant eye of the town watch", "definition": "on the lookout for possible danger", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the vigilant eye of the town watch\" What is the definition of \"vigilant\"?"} {"term": "referential", "pos": "s", "context": "symbols are inherently referential", "definition": "referring or pointing to something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"symbols are inherently referential\" What is the definition of \"referential\"?"} {"term": "cash", "pos": "n", "context": "there is a desperate shortage of hard cash", "definition": "money in the form of bills or coins", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is a desperate shortage of hard cash\" What is the definition of \"cash\"?"} {"term": "affectionate", "pos": "s", "context": "affectionate children", "definition": "having or displaying warmth or affection", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"affectionate children\" What is the definition of \"affectionate\"?"} {"term": "vulnerability", "pos": "n", "context": "his vulnerability to litigation", "definition": "the state of being vulnerable or exposed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["exposure", "danger"], "instruction": "\"his vulnerability to litigation\" What is the definition of \"vulnerability\"?"} {"term": "struggle", "pos": "n", "context": "getting through the crowd was a real struggle", "definition": "an energetic attempt to achieve something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["duel", "attempt", "tilt", "battle", "joust", "endeavor", "scuffle", "try"], "instruction": "\"getting through the crowd was a real struggle\" What is the definition of \"struggle\"?"} {"term": "struggle", "pos": "n", "context": "the struggle to get through the crowd exhausted her", "definition": "strenuous effort", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the struggle to get through the crowd exhausted her\" What is the definition of \"struggle\"?"} {"term": "witty", "pos": "s", "context": "his sermons were unpredictably witty and satirical as well as eloquent", "definition": "combining clever conception and facetious expression", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his sermons were unpredictably witty and satirical as well as eloquent\" What is the definition of \"witty\"?"} {"term": "menacingly", "pos": "r", "context": "the voice at the other end of the line dropped menacingly", "definition": "in a menacing manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the voice at the other end of the line dropped menacingly\" What is the definition of \"menacingly\"?"} {"term": "mollify", "pos": "v", "context": "She managed to mollify the angry customer", "definition": "to cause to be more favorably inclined", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["gentle", "placate", "pacify", "assuage", "lull", "calm", "tranquilize", "tranquilizing", "quiet", "still"], "instruction": "\"She managed to mollify the angry customer\" What is the definition of \"mollify\"?"} {"term": "mollify", "pos": "v", "context": "She managed to mollify the angry customer", "definition": "to gain the good will of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["gentle", "placate", "pacify", "assuage", "lull", "calm", "tranquilize", "tranquilizing", "quiet", "still"], "instruction": "\"She managed to mollify the angry customer\" What is the definition of \"mollify\"?"} {"term": "potentially", "pos": "r", "context": "he is potentially dangerous", "definition": "with a possibility of becoming actual", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is potentially dangerous\" What is the definition of \"potentially\"?"} {"term": "absolute", "pos": "n", "context": "no mortal being can influence the absolute", "definition": "something that is conceived or that exists independently and not in relation to other things", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"no mortal being can influence the absolute\" What is the definition of \"absolute\"?"} {"term": "absolute", "pos": "n", "context": "no mortal being can influence the absolute", "definition": "something that does not depend on anything else and is beyond human control", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"no mortal being can influence the absolute\" What is the definition of \"absolute\"?"} {"term": "absolute", "pos": "n", "context": "no mortal being can influence the absolute", "definition": "something that is not relative", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"no mortal being can influence the absolute\" What is the definition of \"absolute\"?"} {"term": "absolute", "pos": "a", "context": "absolute loyalty", "definition": "perfect or complete or pure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"absolute loyalty\" What is the definition of \"absolute\"?"} {"term": "absolute", "pos": "s", "context": "absolute freedom", "definition": "complete and without restriction or qualification", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"absolute freedom\" What is the definition of \"absolute\"?"} {"term": "absolute", "pos": "s", "context": "absolute freedom", "definition": "sometimes used informally as intensifiers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"absolute freedom\" What is the definition of \"absolute\"?"} {"term": "absolute", "pos": "s", "context": "an absolute monarch", "definition": "not limited by law", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an absolute monarch\" What is the definition of \"absolute\"?"} {"term": "absolute", "pos": "s", "context": "an absolute guarantee to respect the nation 's authority", "definition": "expressing finality with no implication of possible change", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an absolute guarantee to respect the nation 's authority\" What is the definition of \"absolute\"?"} {"term": "microbial", "pos": "a", "context": "microbial warfare", "definition": "of or involving or caused by or being microbes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"microbial warfare\" What is the definition of \"microbial\"?"} {"term": "tea", "pos": "n", "context": "tea has fragrant white flowers", "definition": "a tropical evergreen shrub or small tree extensively cultivated in e.g. china and japan and india", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tea has fragrant white flowers\" What is the definition of \"tea\"?"} {"term": "atmosphere", "pos": "n", "context": "there was an atmosphere of excitement", "definition": "a particular environment or surrounding influence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was an atmosphere of excitement\" What is the definition of \"atmosphere\"?"} {"term": "atmosphere", "pos": "n", "context": "there was great heat as the comet entered the atmosphere", "definition": "the mass of air surrounding the earth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["region", "air"], "instruction": "\"there was great heat as the comet entered the atmosphere\" What is the definition of \"atmosphere\"?"} {"term": "atmosphere", "pos": "n", "context": "the atmosphere was thick with fog", "definition": "the weather or climate at some place", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the atmosphere was thick with fog\" What is the definition of \"atmosphere\"?"} {"term": "accord", "pos": "n", "context": "we are in accord with your proposal", "definition": "concurrence of opinion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["accordance", "conformity", "agreement"], "instruction": "\"we are in accord with your proposal\" What is the definition of \"accord\"?"} {"term": "niche", "pos": "n", "context": "he found his niche in the academic world", "definition": "a position particularly well suited to the person who occupies it", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he found his niche in the academic world\" What is the definition of \"niche\"?"} {"term": "reach", "pos": "n", "context": "he was beyond the reach of their fire", "definition": "the limits within which something can be effective", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["range", "limit", "view", "earshot"], "instruction": "\"he was beyond the reach of their fire\" What is the definition of \"reach\"?"} {"term": "reach", "pos": "n", "context": "outside the reach of the law", "definition": "an area in which something acts or operates or has power or control", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["ambit", "view", "latitude", "internationalism", "spectrum", "range", "compass", "orbit", "palette", "expanse", "extent", "sweep", "horizon", "scope"], "instruction": "\"outside the reach of the law\" What is the definition of \"reach\"?"} {"term": "secrete", "pos": "v", "context": "secrete digestive juices", "definition": "to generate and separate from cells or bodily fluids", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["ooze", "exude", "exudate", "release", "water"], "instruction": "\"secrete digestive juices\" What is the definition of \"secrete\"?"} {"term": "resolutely", "pos": "r", "context": "she resolutely refused to look at him or speak to him", "definition": "showing firm determination or purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she resolutely refused to look at him or speak to him\" What is the definition of \"resolutely\"?"} {"term": "antagonism", "pos": "n", "context": "the inherent antagonism of capitalism and socialism", "definition": "the relation between opposing principles or forces or factors", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the inherent antagonism of capitalism and socialism\" What is the definition of \"antagonism\"?"} {"term": "unstable", "pos": "a", "context": "unstable political conditions", "definition": "lacking stability or fixity or firmness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unstable political conditions\" What is the definition of \"unstable\"?"} {"term": "unstable", "pos": "s", "context": "sensitive and highly unstable compounds", "definition": "highly or violently reactive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sensitive and highly unstable compounds\" What is the definition of \"unstable\"?"} {"term": "unstable", "pos": "s", "context": "his rather unstable religious convictions", "definition": "disposed to psychological variability", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his rather unstable religious convictions\" What is the definition of \"unstable\"?"} {"term": "cardiac", "pos": "a", "context": "cardiac arrest", "definition": "of or relating to the heart", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cardiac arrest\" What is the definition of \"cardiac\"?"} {"term": "feria", "pos": "n", "context": "in the middle ages feria was used with a prefixed ordinal number to designate the day of the week , so ` secunda feria ' meant Monday , but Sunday and Saturday were always called by their names , Dominicus and Sabbatum , and so feria came to mean an ordinary weekday", "definition": "a weekday on which no festival or holiday is celebrated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the middle ages feria was used with a prefixed ordinal number to designate the day of the week , so ` secunda feria ' meant Monday , but Sunday and Saturday were always called by their names , Dominicus and Sabbatum , and so feria came to mean an ordinary weekday\" What is the definition of \"feria\"?"} {"term": "clutch", "pos": "n", "context": "he is a good man in the clutch", "definition": "a tense critical situation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is a good man in the clutch\" What is the definition of \"clutch\"?"} {"term": "clutch", "pos": "n", "context": "he smoothely released the clutch with one foot and stepped on the gas with the other", "definition": "a pedal or lever that engages or disengages a rotating shaft and a driving mechanism", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he smoothely released the clutch with one foot and stepped on the gas with the other\" What is the definition of \"clutch\"?"} {"term": "nice", "pos": "a", "context": "what a nice fellow you are and we all thought you so nasty \" - George Meredith", "definition": "pleasant or pleasing or agreeable in nature or appearance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"what a nice fellow you are and we all thought you so nasty \" - George Meredith\" What is the definition of \"nice\"?"} {"term": "nice", "pos": "s", "context": "a nice bit of craft", "definition": "done with delicacy and skill", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a nice bit of craft\" What is the definition of \"nice\"?"} {"term": "nice", "pos": "s", "context": "a nice girl", "definition": "socially or conventionally correct", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a nice girl\" What is the definition of \"nice\"?"} {"term": "nice", "pos": "s", "context": "a nice girl", "definition": "refined or virtuous", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a nice girl\" What is the definition of \"nice\"?"} {"term": "nice", "pos": "s", "context": "too nice about his food to take to camp cooking", "definition": "excessively fastidious and easily disgusted", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"too nice about his food to take to camp cooking\" What is the definition of \"nice\"?"} {"term": "together", "pos": "s", "context": "she 's really together", "definition": "mentally and emotionally stable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she 's really together\" What is the definition of \"together\"?"} {"term": "together", "pos": "r", "context": "the leaves stuck together", "definition": "in contact with each other or in proximity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the leaves stuck together\" What is the definition of \"together\"?"} {"term": "together", "pos": "r", "context": "we were gathered together", "definition": "assembled in one place", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we were gathered together\" What is the definition of \"together\"?"} {"term": "together", "pos": "r", "context": "we went to the movies together", "definition": "in each others company", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we went to the movies together\" What is the definition of \"together\"?"} {"term": "infrequent", "pos": "a", "context": "infrequent outbursts of temper", "definition": "not frequent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"infrequent outbursts of temper\" What is the definition of \"infrequent\"?"} {"term": "infrequent", "pos": "a", "context": "infrequent outbursts of temper", "definition": "not occurring regularly or at short intervals", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"infrequent outbursts of temper\" What is the definition of \"infrequent\"?"} {"term": "defensively", "pos": "r", "context": "` I felt it better you should know , ' said Sir Cedric defensively", "definition": "in an apologetic and defensive manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"` I felt it better you should know , ' said Sir Cedric defensively\" What is the definition of \"defensively\"?"} {"term": "defensively", "pos": "r", "context": "the general conviction that our side is in the right and acting defensively over what Russians call the German question and Americans the Berlin crisis", "definition": "in a defensive manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the general conviction that our side is in the right and acting defensively over what Russians call the German question and Americans the Berlin crisis\" What is the definition of \"defensively\"?"} {"term": "regard", "pos": "n", "context": "she mistook his manly regard for love", "definition": "a feeling of friendship and esteem", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["tenderness", "affection", "respect", "fondness", "warmness"], "instruction": "\"she mistook his manly regard for love\" What is the definition of \"regard\"?"} {"term": "conterminous", "pos": "s", "context": "the 48 conterminous states", "definition": "connecting without a break", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the 48 conterminous states\" What is the definition of \"conterminous\"?"} {"term": "conterminous", "pos": "s", "context": "the 48 conterminous states", "definition": "within a common boundary", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the 48 conterminous states\" What is the definition of \"conterminous\"?"} {"term": "conterminous", "pos": "s", "context": "the side of Germany conterminous with France", "definition": "having a common boundary or edge", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the side of Germany conterminous with France\" What is the definition of \"conterminous\"?"} {"term": "conterminous", "pos": "s", "context": "the side of Germany conterminous with France", "definition": "abutting", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the side of Germany conterminous with France\" What is the definition of \"conterminous\"?"} {"term": "conterminous", "pos": "s", "context": "the side of Germany conterminous with France", "definition": "touching", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the side of Germany conterminous with France\" What is the definition of \"conterminous\"?"} {"term": "conterminous", "pos": "s", "context": "the side of Germany conterminous with France", "definition": "massachusetts and conncecticut", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the side of Germany conterminous with France\" What is the definition of \"conterminous\"?"} {"term": "chalky", "pos": "s", "context": "she turned chalky white", "definition": "of something having the color of chalk", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she turned chalky white\" What is the definition of \"chalky\"?"} {"term": "unconcerned", "pos": "a", "context": "the average American ... is unconcerned that his or her plight is the result of a complex of personal and economic and governmental actions ... beyond the normal citizen 's comprehension and control", "definition": "lacking in interest or care or feeling", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the average American ... is unconcerned that his or her plight is the result of a complex of personal and economic and governmental actions ... beyond the normal citizen 's comprehension and control\" What is the definition of \"unconcerned\"?"} {"term": "unconcerned", "pos": "s", "context": "the prisoner seems entirely unconcerned as to the outcome of the examination", "definition": "easy in mind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the prisoner seems entirely unconcerned as to the outcome of the examination\" What is the definition of \"unconcerned\"?"} {"term": "unconcerned", "pos": "s", "context": "the prisoner seems entirely unconcerned as to the outcome of the examination", "definition": "not worried", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the prisoner seems entirely unconcerned as to the outcome of the examination\" What is the definition of \"unconcerned\"?"} {"term": "unconcerned", "pos": "s", "context": "readers unconcerned with style", "definition": "not occupied or engaged with", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"readers unconcerned with style\" What is the definition of \"unconcerned\"?"} {"term": "further", "pos": "s", "context": "nothing could be further from the truth", "definition": "more distant in especially degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nothing could be further from the truth\" What is the definition of \"further\"?"} {"term": "further", "pos": "r", "context": "if we further suppose", "definition": "in addition or furthermore", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if we further suppose\" What is the definition of \"further\"?"} {"term": "sting", "pos": "n", "context": "the sting of death", "definition": "a kind of pain", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sting of death\" What is the definition of \"sting\"?"} {"term": "improperly", "pos": "r", "context": "he checked whether the wound had healed improperly", "definition": "in an improper way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he checked whether the wound had healed improperly\" What is the definition of \"improperly\"?"} {"term": "derogatory", "pos": "s", "context": "derogatory comments", "definition": "expressive of low opinion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"derogatory comments\" What is the definition of \"derogatory\"?"} {"term": "generator", "pos": "n", "context": "he was the generator of several complaints", "definition": "someone who originates or causes or initiates something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["author", "coiner", "shaper", "source", "maker"], "instruction": "\"he was the generator of several complaints\" What is the definition of \"generator\"?"} {"term": "expatriation", "pos": "n", "context": "the expatriation of wealthy farmers", "definition": "the act of expelling a person from their native land", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["deportation", "banishment", "proscription", "transportation"], "instruction": "\"the expatriation of wealthy farmers\" What is the definition of \"expatriation\"?"} {"term": "aloud", "pos": "r", "context": "please read the passage aloud", "definition": "using the voice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"please read the passage aloud\" What is the definition of \"aloud\"?"} {"term": "aloud", "pos": "r", "context": "please read the passage aloud", "definition": "not silently", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"please read the passage aloud\" What is the definition of \"aloud\"?"} {"term": "aloud", "pos": "r", "context": "cried aloud for help", "definition": "with relatively high volume", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cried aloud for help\" What is the definition of \"aloud\"?"} {"term": "band", "pos": "v", "context": "band the geese to observe their migratory patterns", "definition": "to attach a ring to the foot of , in order to identify", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"band the geese to observe their migratory patterns\" What is the definition of \"band\"?"} {"term": "retread", "pos": "v", "context": "retread an old plot", "definition": "to use again in altered form", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"retread an old plot\" What is the definition of \"retread\"?"} {"term": "excavation", "pos": "n", "context": "there 's an interesting excavation going on near Princeton", "definition": "the act of digging", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there 's an interesting excavation going on near Princeton\" What is the definition of \"excavation\"?"} {"term": "soapy", "pos": "a", "context": "a soapy consistency", "definition": "resembling or having the qualities of soap", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a soapy consistency\" What is the definition of \"soapy\"?"} {"term": "soapy", "pos": "s", "context": "soapy compliments", "definition": "unpleasantly and excessively suave or ingratiating in manner or speech", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"soapy compliments\" What is the definition of \"soapy\"?"} {"term": "mealy", "pos": "s", "context": "it left a mealy residue", "definition": "composed of or covered with particles resembling meal in texture or consistency", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it left a mealy residue\" What is the definition of \"mealy\"?"} {"term": "loan", "pos": "v", "context": "loan me some money", "definition": "to give temporarily", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["lend", "giving", "advance", "lending"], "instruction": "\"loan me some money\" What is the definition of \"loan\"?"} {"term": "loan", "pos": "v", "context": "loan me some money", "definition": "to let have for a limited time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["lend", "giving", "advance", "lending"], "instruction": "\"loan me some money\" What is the definition of \"loan\"?"} {"term": "slave", "pos": "n", "context": "a slave to fashion", "definition": "someone entirely dominated by some influence or person", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a slave to fashion\" What is the definition of \"slave\"?"} {"term": "flyblown", "pos": "s", "context": "flyblown meat", "definition": "spoiled and covered with eggs and larvae of flies", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"flyblown meat\" What is the definition of \"flyblown\"?"} {"term": "flyblown", "pos": "s", "context": "a flyblown bar on the edge of town", "definition": "foul and run-down and repulsive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a flyblown bar on the edge of town\" What is the definition of \"flyblown\"?"} {"term": "flyblown", "pos": "s", "context": "a flyblown reputation", "definition": "especially of reputation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a flyblown reputation\" What is the definition of \"flyblown\"?"} {"term": "insuperable", "pos": "s", "context": "insuperable odds", "definition": "incapable of being surmounted or excelled", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["unconquerable", ""], "instruction": "\"insuperable odds\" What is the definition of \"insuperable\"?"} {"term": "insubordinate", "pos": "a", "context": "a history of insubordinate behavior", "definition": "not submissive to authority", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a history of insubordinate behavior\" What is the definition of \"insubordinate\"?"} {"term": "leniently", "pos": "r", "context": "he felt incensed that Tarrant should have been treated so leniently given his crime", "definition": "in a permissively lenient manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he felt incensed that Tarrant should have been treated so leniently given his crime\" What is the definition of \"leniently\"?"} {"term": "venereal", "pos": "a", "context": "venereal disease", "definition": "of or relating to the external sex organs", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"venereal disease\" What is the definition of \"venereal\"?"} {"term": "slope", "pos": "n", "context": "he climbed the steep slope", "definition": "an elevated geological formation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["rise", "descent", "cant", "declension", "hillside", "piedmont", "camber", "coast", "climb", "formation", "raise", "declivity", "incline", "bank", "decline"], "instruction": "\"he climbed the steep slope\" What is the definition of \"slope\"?"} {"term": "sweat", "pos": "n", "context": "the cold glasses were streaked with sweat", "definition": "condensation of moisture on a cold surface", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the cold glasses were streaked with sweat\" What is the definition of \"sweat\"?"} {"term": "sweat", "pos": "n", "context": "he 's in a sweat about exams", "definition": "agitation resulting from active worry", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["agitation", "stew", "lather", "fret"], "instruction": "\"he 's in a sweat about exams\" What is the definition of \"sweat\"?"} {"term": "sweat", "pos": "v", "context": "Exercise makes one sweat", "definition": "to excrete perspiration through the pores in the skin", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["perspire", "excrete", "eliminate", "swelter"], "instruction": "\"Exercise makes one sweat\" What is the definition of \"sweat\"?"} {"term": "fashionable", "pos": "a", "context": "fashionable clothing", "definition": "being or in accordance with current social fashions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fashionable clothing\" What is the definition of \"fashionable\"?"} {"term": "inferior", "pos": "a", "context": "Mercury and Venus are inferior planets", "definition": "having an orbit between the sun and the earths orbit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Mercury and Venus are inferior planets\" What is the definition of \"inferior\"?"} {"term": "inferior", "pos": "s", "context": "inferior alveolar artery", "definition": "lower than a given reference point", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"inferior alveolar artery\" What is the definition of \"inferior\"?"} {"term": "inducement", "pos": "n", "context": "inducement of sleep", "definition": "act of bringing about a desired result", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"inducement of sleep\" What is the definition of \"inducement\"?"} {"term": "lightweight", "pos": "s", "context": "a lightweight fabric", "definition": "weighing relatively little compared with another item or object of similar use", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a lightweight fabric\" What is the definition of \"lightweight\"?"} {"term": "lightweight", "pos": "s", "context": "a lightweight intellect", "definition": "having no importance or influence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a lightweight intellect\" What is the definition of \"lightweight\"?"} {"term": "muddiness", "pos": "n", "context": "the water 's muddiness made it undrinkable", "definition": "the wetness of ground that is covered or soaked with water", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["wetness", "sloppiness"], "instruction": "\"the water 's muddiness made it undrinkable\" What is the definition of \"muddiness\"?"} {"term": "stock", "pos": "n", "context": "he owns a controlling share of the company 's stock", "definition": "the capital raised by a corporation through the issue of shares entitling holders to an ownership interest equity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he owns a controlling share of the company 's stock\" What is the definition of \"stock\"?"} {"term": "stock", "pos": "n", "context": "the rifle had been fitted with a special stock", "definition": "the handle of a handgun or the butt end of a rifle or shotgun or part of the support of a machine gun or artillery gun", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["handless", "hold", "handle", "gunstock"], "instruction": "\"the rifle had been fitted with a special stock\" What is the definition of \"stock\"?"} {"term": "stock", "pos": "v", "context": "stock a lake", "definition": "to supply with fish", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["provide", "rendering", "furnish", "stocking", "supply"], "instruction": "\"stock a lake\" What is the definition of \"stock\"?"} {"term": "stock", "pos": "s", "context": "a stock answer", "definition": "routine", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a stock answer\" What is the definition of \"stock\"?"} {"term": "stock", "pos": "s", "context": "a stock answer", "definition": "repeated too often", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a stock answer\" What is the definition of \"stock\"?"} {"term": "stock", "pos": "s", "context": "a stock answer", "definition": "overfamiliar through overuse", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a stock answer\" What is the definition of \"stock\"?"} {"term": "stock", "pos": "s", "context": "a stock item", "definition": "regularly and widely used or sold", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a stock item\" What is the definition of \"stock\"?"} {"term": "homicidal", "pos": "s", "context": "a homicidal rage", "definition": "characteristic of or capable of or having a tendency toward killing another human being", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a homicidal rage\" What is the definition of \"homicidal\"?"} {"term": "depreciation", "pos": "n", "context": "depreciation of the dollar against the yen", "definition": "a decrease in price or value", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"depreciation of the dollar against the yen\" What is the definition of \"depreciation\"?"} {"term": "intolerable", "pos": "a", "context": "an intolerable degree of sentimentality", "definition": "incapable of being put up with", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an intolerable degree of sentimentality\" What is the definition of \"intolerable\"?"} {"term": "presence", "pos": "n", "context": "he tested for the presence of radon", "definition": "the state of being present", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he tested for the presence of radon\" What is the definition of \"presence\"?"} {"term": "presence", "pos": "n", "context": "he tested for the presence of radon", "definition": "current existence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he tested for the presence of radon\" What is the definition of \"presence\"?"} {"term": "presence", "pos": "n", "context": "she blushed in his presence", "definition": "the immediate proximity of someone or something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she blushed in his presence\" What is the definition of \"presence\"?"} {"term": "constrained", "pos": "s", "context": "a constrained smile", "definition": "lacking spontaneity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a constrained smile\" What is the definition of \"constrained\"?"} {"term": "constrained", "pos": "s", "context": "a constrained smile", "definition": "not natural", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a constrained smile\" What is the definition of \"constrained\"?"} {"term": "jointly", "pos": "r", "context": "this paper was written jointly", "definition": "in collaboration or cooperation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this paper was written jointly\" What is the definition of \"jointly\"?"} {"term": "impish", "pos": "s", "context": "teasing and worrying with impish laughter", "definition": "naughtily or annoyingly playful", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"teasing and worrying with impish laughter\" What is the definition of \"impish\"?"} {"term": "grievous", "pos": "s", "context": "a grievous loss", "definition": "causing or marked by grief or anguish", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a grievous loss\" What is the definition of \"grievous\"?"} {"term": "grievous", "pos": "s", "context": "grievous bodily harm", "definition": "causing fear or anxiety by threatening great harm", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"grievous bodily harm\" What is the definition of \"grievous\"?"} {"term": "grievous", "pos": "s", "context": "a grievous fault", "definition": "of great gravity or crucial import", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a grievous fault\" What is the definition of \"grievous\"?"} {"term": "grievous", "pos": "s", "context": "a grievous fault", "definition": "requiring serious thought", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a grievous fault\" What is the definition of \"grievous\"?"} {"term": "usurpation", "pos": "n", "context": "a succession of generals who ruled by usurpation", "definition": "wrongfully seizing and holding an office or powers by force especially the seizure of a throne or supreme authority", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a succession of generals who ruled by usurpation\" What is the definition of \"usurpation\"?"} {"term": "strangeness", "pos": "n", "context": "the strangeness of a foreigner", "definition": "the quality of being alien or not native", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["alienage", "quality", "foreignness"], "instruction": "\"the strangeness of a foreigner\" What is the definition of \"strangeness\"?"} {"term": "ordination", "pos": "n", "context": "the rabbi 's family was present for his ordination", "definition": "the act of ordaining", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the rabbi 's family was present for his ordination\" What is the definition of \"ordination\"?"} {"term": "ordination", "pos": "n", "context": "the rabbi 's family was present for his ordination", "definition": "the act of conferring or receiving holy orders", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the rabbi 's family was present for his ordination\" What is the definition of \"ordination\"?"} {"term": "ear", "pos": "n", "context": "he had a keen ear", "definition": "good hearing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had a keen ear\" What is the definition of \"ear\"?"} {"term": "ear", "pos": "n", "context": "he tried to get her ear", "definition": "attention to what is said", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he tried to get her ear\" What is the definition of \"ear\"?"} {"term": "nominal", "pos": "a", "context": "the Russian system of nominal brevity", "definition": "relating to or constituting or bearing or giving a name", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the Russian system of nominal brevity\" What is the definition of \"nominal\"?"} {"term": "nominal", "pos": "a", "context": "nominal phrase", "definition": "pertaining to a noun or to a word group that functions as a noun", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nominal phrase\" What is the definition of \"nominal\"?"} {"term": "nominal", "pos": "a", "context": "the nominal GDP", "definition": "of , relating to , or characteristic of an amount that is not adjusted for inflation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the nominal GDP\" What is the definition of \"nominal\"?"} {"term": "nominal", "pos": "s", "context": "the fee was nominal", "definition": "insignificantly small", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the fee was nominal\" What is the definition of \"nominal\"?"} {"term": "nominal", "pos": "s", "context": "the fee was nominal", "definition": "a matter of form only tokenish is informal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the fee was nominal\" What is the definition of \"nominal\"?"} {"term": "nominal", "pos": "s", "context": "the nominal ( or titular ) head of his party", "definition": "existing in name only", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the nominal ( or titular ) head of his party\" What is the definition of \"nominal\"?"} {"term": "incomparable", "pos": "a", "context": "an incomparable week of rest and pleasure", "definition": "such that comparison is impossible", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an incomparable week of rest and pleasure\" What is the definition of \"incomparable\"?"} {"term": "incomparable", "pos": "a", "context": "an incomparable week of rest and pleasure", "definition": "unsuitable for comparison or lacking features that can be compared", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an incomparable week of rest and pleasure\" What is the definition of \"incomparable\"?"} {"term": "solve", "pos": "v", "context": "did you solve the problem ?", "definition": "to find the solution to a problem or question or understand the meaning of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["infer", "break", "riddle", "guess", "strike", "lick", "understand", "answer", "resolve", "understanding"], "instruction": "\"did you solve the problem ?\" What is the definition of \"solve\"?"} {"term": "solve", "pos": "v", "context": "solve an equation", "definition": "to find the solution", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["compute", "reckon", "figure", "calculated", "resolve", "cipher", "calculating"], "instruction": "\"solve an equation\" What is the definition of \"solve\"?"} {"term": "solve", "pos": "v", "context": "solve an old debt", "definition": "to settle , as of a debt", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["settling", "settle", "clear", "determine"], "instruction": "\"solve an old debt\" What is the definition of \"solve\"?"} {"term": "facility", "pos": "n", "context": "the assembly plant is an enormous facility", "definition": "a building or place that provides a particular service or is used for a particular industry", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the assembly plant is an enormous facility\" What is the definition of \"facility\"?"} {"term": "facility", "pos": "n", "context": "they conversed with great facility", "definition": "a natural effortlessness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they conversed with great facility\" What is the definition of \"facility\"?"} {"term": "hair", "pos": "n", "context": "he combed his hair", "definition": "a covering for the body or parts of it consisting of a dense growth of threadlike structures as on the human head", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he combed his hair\" What is the definition of \"hair\"?"} {"term": "hair", "pos": "n", "context": "he combed his hair", "definition": "helps to prevent heat loss", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he combed his hair\" What is the definition of \"hair\"?"} {"term": "hair", "pos": "n", "context": "there is a hair in my soup", "definition": "any of the cylindrical filaments characteristically growing from the epidermis of a mammal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is a hair in my soup\" What is the definition of \"hair\"?"} {"term": "homologous", "pos": "a", "context": "the wing of a bat and the arm of a man are homologous", "definition": "having the same evolutionary origin but not necessarily the same function", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the wing of a bat and the arm of a man are homologous\" What is the definition of \"homologous\"?"} {"term": "homologous", "pos": "a", "context": "a homologous tissue graft", "definition": "corresponding or similar in position or structure or function or characteristics", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a homologous tissue graft\" What is the definition of \"homologous\"?"} {"term": "homologous", "pos": "a", "context": "a homologous tissue graft", "definition": "especially derived from an organism of the same species", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a homologous tissue graft\" What is the definition of \"homologous\"?"} {"term": "daughter", "pos": "n", "context": "her daughter cared for her in her old age", "definition": "a female human offspring", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her daughter cared for her in her old age\" What is the definition of \"daughter\"?"} {"term": "trade", "pos": "n", "context": "Venice was an important center of trade with the East", "definition": "the commercial exchange buying and selling on domestic or international markets of goods and services", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Venice was an important center of trade with the East\" What is the definition of \"trade\"?"} {"term": "trade", "pos": "n", "context": "he learned his trade as an apprentice", "definition": "the skilled practice of a practical occupation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["business", "roofing", "craft", "pilotage", "job", "masonry", "shoemaking", "lumbering", "occupation", "line", "mintage", "carpentry", "handicraft", "plumbing", "pottery", "pyrotechnics", "basketry", "undertaking", "tailoring", "painting", "tanning", "woodwork"], "instruction": "\"he learned his trade as an apprentice\" What is the definition of \"trade\"?"} {"term": "trade", "pos": "v", "context": "trade in an old car for a new one", "definition": "to turn in as payment or part payment for a purchase", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["interchange", "exchange", "trading", "change"], "instruction": "\"trade in an old car for a new one\" What is the definition of \"trade\"?"} {"term": "hostile", "pos": "a", "context": "a hostile nation", "definition": "characterized by enmity or ill will", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a hostile nation\" What is the definition of \"hostile\"?"} {"term": "hostile", "pos": "a", "context": "hostile naval and air forces", "definition": "not belonging to your own countrys forces or those of an ally", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hostile naval and air forces\" What is the definition of \"hostile\"?"} {"term": "hostile", "pos": "s", "context": "hostile factions", "definition": "impossible to bring into friendly accord", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hostile factions\" What is the definition of \"hostile\"?"} {"term": "hostile", "pos": "s", "context": "a hostile climate", "definition": "very unfavorable to life or growth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a hostile climate\" What is the definition of \"hostile\"?"} {"term": "hostile", "pos": "s", "context": "hostile takeover", "definition": "unsolicited and resisted by the management of the target company used of attempts to buy or take control of a business", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hostile takeover\" What is the definition of \"hostile\"?"} {"term": "parade", "pos": "n", "context": "a parade of strollers on the mall", "definition": "an extended often showy succession of persons or things", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a parade of strollers on the mall\" What is the definition of \"parade\"?"} {"term": "parade", "pos": "n", "context": "she made a parade of her sorrows", "definition": "a visible display", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she made a parade of her sorrows\" What is the definition of \"parade\"?"} {"term": "shift", "pos": "v", "context": "shift the emphasis", "definition": "to move from one setting or context to another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shift the emphasis\" What is the definition of \"shift\"?"} {"term": "imagination", "pos": "n", "context": "popular imagination created a world of demons", "definition": "the formation of a mental image of something that is not perceived as real and is not present to the senses", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["fantasy", "dream", "fancy", "vision"], "instruction": "\"popular imagination created a world of demons\" What is the definition of \"imagination\"?"} {"term": "imagination", "pos": "n", "context": "he could still hear her in his imagination", "definition": "the ability to form mental images of things or events", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["vision", "imagery", "evocation", "dream", "pretense"], "instruction": "\"he could still hear her in his imagination\" What is the definition of \"imagination\"?"} {"term": "paradigmatic", "pos": "a", "context": "paradigmatic inflection", "definition": "of or relating to a grammatical paradigm", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"paradigmatic inflection\" What is the definition of \"paradigmatic\"?"} {"term": "paradigmatic", "pos": "a", "context": "paradigmatic learning", "definition": "of or relating to a typical example", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"paradigmatic learning\" What is the definition of \"paradigmatic\"?"} {"term": "paradigmatic", "pos": "a", "context": "paradigmatic word associations", "definition": "related as members of a substitution class", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"paradigmatic word associations\" What is the definition of \"paradigmatic\"?"} {"term": "newspaper", "pos": "n", "context": "he read his newspaper at breakfast", "definition": "a daily or weekly publication on folded sheets", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["tabloid", "rag", "press", "daily", "gazette", "paper"], "instruction": "\"he read his newspaper at breakfast\" What is the definition of \"newspaper\"?"} {"term": "newspaper", "pos": "n", "context": "he read his newspaper at breakfast", "definition": "contains news and articles and advertisements", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["tabloid", "rag", "press", "daily", "gazette", "paper"], "instruction": "\"he read his newspaper at breakfast\" What is the definition of \"newspaper\"?"} {"term": "lately", "pos": "r", "context": "lately the rules have been enforced", "definition": "in the recent past", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lately the rules have been enforced\" What is the definition of \"lately\"?"} {"term": "swarthy", "pos": "s", "context": "a smile on his swarthy face", "definition": "naturally having skin of a dark color", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["dusky", "", "swart"], "instruction": "\"a smile on his swarthy face\" What is the definition of \"swarthy\"?"} {"term": "dry", "pos": "a", "context": "dry land", "definition": "free from liquid or moisture", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dry land\" What is the definition of \"dry\"?"} {"term": "dry", "pos": "a", "context": "dry land", "definition": "lacking natural or normal moisture or depleted of water", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dry land\" What is the definition of \"dry\"?"} {"term": "dry", "pos": "a", "context": "dry land", "definition": "or no longer wet", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dry land\" What is the definition of \"dry\"?"} {"term": "dry", "pos": "a", "context": "dry paint", "definition": "lacking moisture or volatile components", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dry paint\" What is the definition of \"dry\"?"} {"term": "dry", "pos": "a", "context": "the dry vote led by preachers and bootleggers", "definition": "opposed to or prohibiting the production and sale of alcoholic beverages", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the dry vote led by preachers and bootleggers\" What is the definition of \"dry\"?"} {"term": "dry", "pos": "s", "context": "dry humor", "definition": "humorously sarcastic or mocking", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dry humor\" What is the definition of \"dry\"?"} {"term": "dry", "pos": "s", "context": "dry sobs", "definition": "not shedding tears", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dry sobs\" What is the definition of \"dry\"?"} {"term": "dry", "pos": "s", "context": "a dry book", "definition": "lacking interest or stimulation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dry book\" What is the definition of \"dry\"?"} {"term": "dry", "pos": "s", "context": "a dry book", "definition": "dull and lifeless", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dry book\" What is the definition of \"dry\"?"} {"term": "fitful", "pos": "s", "context": "fitful bursts of energy", "definition": "occurring in spells and often abruptly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fitful bursts of energy\" What is the definition of \"fitful\"?"} {"term": "fitful", "pos": "s", "context": "fitful ( or interrupted ) sleep", "definition": "intermittently stopping and starting", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fitful ( or interrupted ) sleep\" What is the definition of \"fitful\"?"} {"term": "belt", "pos": "n", "context": "a belt of high pressure", "definition": "an elongated region where a specific condition or characteristic is found", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a belt of high pressure\" What is the definition of \"belt\"?"} {"term": "synchronization", "pos": "n", "context": "the synchronization of their watches was an important preliminary", "definition": "coordinating by causing to indicate the same time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the synchronization of their watches was an important preliminary\" What is the definition of \"synchronization\"?"} {"term": "rout", "pos": "v", "context": "rout out the fighters from their caves", "definition": "to cause to flee", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["defeat", "expel"], "instruction": "\"rout out the fighters from their caves\" What is the definition of \"rout\"?"} {"term": "remission", "pos": "n", "context": "his cancer is in remission", "definition": "an abatement in intensity or degree as in the manifestations of a disease", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["abatement", "respite", "suspension", "resolution", "remittal", "subsidence"], "instruction": "\"his cancer is in remission\" What is the definition of \"remission\"?"} {"term": "limit", "pos": "n", "context": "to the limit of his ability", "definition": "the greatest possible degree of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["maximum", "brink", "uttermost", "boundary", "verge", "bound", "starkness", "extent", "utmost", "absoluteness"], "instruction": "\"to the limit of his ability\" What is the definition of \"limit\"?"} {"term": "exhaustible", "pos": "s", "context": "our exhaustible reserves of fossil fuel", "definition": "capable of being used up", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"our exhaustible reserves of fossil fuel\" What is the definition of \"exhaustible\"?"} {"term": "exhaustible", "pos": "s", "context": "our exhaustible reserves of fossil fuel", "definition": "capable of being exhausted", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"our exhaustible reserves of fossil fuel\" What is the definition of \"exhaustible\"?"} {"term": "wheeled", "pos": "v", "context": "They wheeled their horses around and left", "definition": "to change directions as if revolving on a pivot", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"They wheeled their horses around and left\" What is the definition of \"wheeled\"?"} {"term": "syncretic", "pos": "a", "context": "modern English is a syncretic language", "definition": "relating to a historical tendency for a language to reduce its use of inflections", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"modern English is a syncretic language\" What is the definition of \"syncretic\"?"} {"term": "savagery", "pos": "n", "context": "a craving for barbaric splendor , for savagery and color and the throb of drums", "definition": "the property of being untamed and ferocious", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["fury", "vehemence", "violence", "savageness"], "instruction": "\"a craving for barbaric splendor , for savagery and color and the throb of drums\" What is the definition of \"savagery\"?"} {"term": "erectile", "pos": "s", "context": "erectile feathers", "definition": "capable of being raised to an upright position", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"erectile feathers\" What is the definition of \"erectile\"?"} {"term": "erectile", "pos": "s", "context": "erectile tissue", "definition": "filled with vascular sinuses and capable of becoming distended and rigid as the result of being filled with blood", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"erectile tissue\" What is the definition of \"erectile\"?"} {"term": "skillful", "pos": "s", "context": "a lesser-known but no less skillful composer", "definition": "having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a lesser-known but no less skillful composer\" What is the definition of \"skillful\"?"} {"term": "spiteful", "pos": "s", "context": "a truly spiteful child", "definition": "showing malicious ill will and a desire to hurt", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a truly spiteful child\" What is the definition of \"spiteful\"?"} {"term": "spiteful", "pos": "s", "context": "a truly spiteful child", "definition": "motivated by spite", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a truly spiteful child\" What is the definition of \"spiteful\"?"} {"term": "eat", "pos": "v", "context": "What did you eat for dinner last night ?", "definition": "to take in solid food", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["fill", "nibble", "dip", "piece", "pig", "wolf", "consume", "eating", "gobble", "pick", "ingest", "raven", "devour", "eat", "finish", "ravening", "take", "fare"], "instruction": "\"What did you eat for dinner last night ?\" What is the definition of \"eat\"?"} {"term": "eat", "pos": "v", "context": "We did not eat until 10 P.M. because there were so many phone calls", "definition": "to take a meal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["victual", "victuals", "consume", "eating", "gorge", "engorged", "mess", "eat", "lunch", "take", "overeat", "satiate", "snack", "banquet", "dining", "engorge", "ingest", "dine", "stuff"], "instruction": "\"We did not eat until 10 P.M. because there were so many phone calls\" What is the definition of \"eat\"?"} {"term": "changeable", "pos": "a", "context": "changeable behavior", "definition": "such that alteration is possible", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"changeable behavior\" What is the definition of \"changeable\"?"} {"term": "changeable", "pos": "a", "context": "changeable behavior", "definition": "having a marked tendency to change", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"changeable behavior\" What is the definition of \"changeable\"?"} {"term": "changeable", "pos": "s", "context": "a changeable climate", "definition": "subject to change", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a changeable climate\" What is the definition of \"changeable\"?"} {"term": "changeable", "pos": "s", "context": "changeable taffeta", "definition": "varying in color when seen in different lights or from different angles", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"changeable taffeta\" What is the definition of \"changeable\"?"} {"term": "covetous", "pos": "s", "context": "he was never covetous before he met her", "definition": "showing extreme cupidity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was never covetous before he met her\" What is the definition of \"covetous\"?"} {"term": "covetous", "pos": "s", "context": "he was never covetous before he met her", "definition": "painfully desirous of anothers advantages", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was never covetous before he met her\" What is the definition of \"covetous\"?"} {"term": "covetous", "pos": "s", "context": "casting covetous eyes on his neighbor 's fields", "definition": "immoderately desirous of acquiring e.g. wealth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["prehensile", "", "greedy", "avaricious"], "instruction": "\"casting covetous eyes on his neighbor 's fields\" What is the definition of \"covetous\"?"} {"term": "unworldly", "pos": "a", "context": "was unworldly and did not greatly miss worldly rewards \" - Sheldon Cheney", "definition": "not concerned with the temporal world or swayed by mundane considerations", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"was unworldly and did not greatly miss worldly rewards \" - Sheldon Cheney\" What is the definition of \"unworldly\"?"} {"term": "unworldly", "pos": "s", "context": "this helplessly unworldly woman \" - Kate O'Brien", "definition": "not wise in the ways of the world", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this helplessly unworldly woman \" - Kate O'Brien\" What is the definition of \"unworldly\"?"} {"term": "spheroid", "pos": "n", "context": "it looked like a sphere but on closer examination I saw it was really a spheroid", "definition": "a shape that is generated by rotating an ellipse around one of its axes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it looked like a sphere but on closer examination I saw it was really a spheroid\" What is the definition of \"spheroid\"?"} {"term": "bone", "pos": "v", "context": "I had to bone up on my Latin verbs before the final exam", "definition": "to study intensively , as before an exam", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["drum", "drumming", "study"], "instruction": "\"I had to bone up on my Latin verbs before the final exam\" What is the definition of \"bone\"?"} {"term": "demobilization", "pos": "n", "context": "demobilization of factories", "definition": "act of changing from a war basis to a peace basis including disbanding or discharging troops", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"demobilization of factories\" What is the definition of \"demobilization\"?"} {"term": "baptism", "pos": "n", "context": "most churches baptize infants but some insist on adult baptism", "definition": "a christian sacrament signifying spiritual cleansing and rebirth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"most churches baptize infants but some insist on adult baptism\" What is the definition of \"baptism\"?"} {"term": "scrubbed", "pos": "v", "context": "She scrubbed his back", "definition": "to clean with hard rubbing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"She scrubbed his back\" What is the definition of \"scrubbed\"?"} {"term": "unearthly", "pos": "s", "context": "unearthly love", "definition": "concerned with or affecting the spirit or soul", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unearthly love\" What is the definition of \"unearthly\"?"} {"term": "unearthly", "pos": "s", "context": "an unearthly light", "definition": "suggesting the operation of supernatural influences", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["eldritch", "uncanny", "weird", ""], "instruction": "\"an unearthly light\" What is the definition of \"unearthly\"?"} {"term": "landing", "pos": "n", "context": "the plane made a smooth landing", "definition": "the act of coming down to the earth or other surface", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the plane made a smooth landing\" What is the definition of \"landing\"?"} {"term": "emerge", "pos": "v", "context": "He felt new emotions emerge", "definition": "to come up to the surface of or rise", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"He felt new emotions emerge\" What is the definition of \"emerge\"?"} {"term": "bacterial", "pos": "a", "context": "bacterial infection", "definition": "relating to or caused by bacteria", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bacterial infection\" What is the definition of \"bacterial\"?"} {"term": "condemn", "pos": "v", "context": "We condemn the racism in South Africa", "definition": "to express strong disapproval of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["decry", "excoriate", "denounce"], "instruction": "\"We condemn the racism in South Africa\" What is the definition of \"condemn\"?"} {"term": "minuteness", "pos": "n", "context": "he examined the essay with the greatest minuteness", "definition": "great precision", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he examined the essay with the greatest minuteness\" What is the definition of \"minuteness\"?"} {"term": "minuteness", "pos": "n", "context": "he examined the essay with the greatest minuteness", "definition": "painstaking attention to details", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he examined the essay with the greatest minuteness\" What is the definition of \"minuteness\"?"} {"term": "minuteness", "pos": "n", "context": "hence the minuteness of detail in the painting", "definition": "the property of being very small in size", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hence the minuteness of detail in the painting\" What is the definition of \"minuteness\"?"} {"term": "submerge", "pos": "v", "context": "submerge your head completely", "definition": "to put under water", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["immerse", "submerse", "submersed", "plunge"], "instruction": "\"submerge your head completely\" What is the definition of \"submerge\"?"} {"term": "arresting", "pos": "s", "context": "an arresting drawing of people turning into animals", "definition": "commanding attention", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an arresting drawing of people turning into animals\" What is the definition of \"arresting\"?"} {"term": "tinny", "pos": "s", "context": "an unpleasant tinny voice", "definition": "thin and metallic in sound", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unpleasant tinny voice\" What is the definition of \"tinny\"?"} {"term": "tinny", "pos": "s", "context": "an unpleasant tinny voice", "definition": "lacking resonance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unpleasant tinny voice\" What is the definition of \"tinny\"?"} {"term": "pyrotechnic", "pos": "a", "context": "pyrotechnic smokes", "definition": "of or relating to the craft of making fireworks", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pyrotechnic smokes\" What is the definition of \"pyrotechnic\"?"} {"term": "pyrotechnic", "pos": "s", "context": "pyrotechnic keyboard virtuosity", "definition": "suggestive of fireworks", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pyrotechnic keyboard virtuosity\" What is the definition of \"pyrotechnic\"?"} {"term": "worrisome", "pos": "s", "context": "in a particularly worrisome predicament", "definition": "causing distress or worry or anxiety", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in a particularly worrisome predicament\" What is the definition of \"worrisome\"?"} {"term": "potluck", "pos": "n", "context": "having arrived unannounced we had to take potluck", "definition": "whatever happens to be available especially when offered to an unexpected guest or when brought by guests and shared by all", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"having arrived unannounced we had to take potluck\" What is the definition of \"potluck\"?"} {"term": "authorship", "pos": "n", "context": "the authorship of the theory is disputed", "definition": "the act of initiating a new idea or theory or writing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the authorship of the theory is disputed\" What is the definition of \"authorship\"?"} {"term": "authorship", "pos": "n", "context": "it was a matter of disputed authorship", "definition": "the act of creating written works", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["composition", "writing", "redaction", "lexicography", "dramatization", "historiography", "fabrication"], "instruction": "\"it was a matter of disputed authorship\" What is the definition of \"authorship\"?"} {"term": "trespass", "pos": "v", "context": "Do n't trespass on my land !", "definition": "to enter unlawfully on someones property", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["transgress", "break", "violate", "intrude", "offend"], "instruction": "\"Do n't trespass on my land !\" What is the definition of \"trespass\"?"} {"term": "hornless", "pos": "a", "context": "hornless cattle", "definition": "having no horns", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hornless cattle\" What is the definition of \"hornless\"?"} {"term": "half", "pos": "n", "context": "half a loaf", "definition": "one of two equal parts of a divisible whole", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"half a loaf\" What is the definition of \"half\"?"} {"term": "half", "pos": "s", "context": "a half chicken", "definition": "consisting of one of two equivalent parts in value or quantity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a half chicken\" What is the definition of \"half\"?"} {"term": "half", "pos": "s", "context": "gave me a half smile", "definition": "partial", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gave me a half smile\" What is the definition of \"half\"?"} {"term": "half", "pos": "a", "context": "a half brother", "definition": "related through one parent only", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a half brother\" What is the definition of \"half\"?"} {"term": "abandon", "pos": "n", "context": "she danced with abandon", "definition": "the trait of lacking restraint or control", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she danced with abandon\" What is the definition of \"abandon\"?"} {"term": "abandon", "pos": "n", "context": "she danced with abandon", "definition": "reckless freedom from inhibition or worry", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she danced with abandon\" What is the definition of \"abandon\"?"} {"term": "residence", "pos": "n", "context": "he refused to live in the governor 's residence", "definition": "the official house or establishment of an important person as a sovereign or president", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he refused to live in the governor 's residence\" What is the definition of \"residence\"?"} {"term": "association", "pos": "n", "context": "you can not be convicted of criminal guilt by association", "definition": "the act of consorting with or joining with others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you can not be convicted of criminal guilt by association\" What is the definition of \"association\"?"} {"term": "association", "pos": "n", "context": "his association of his father with being beaten was too strong to break", "definition": "the state of being connected together as in memory or imagination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his association of his father with being beaten was too strong to break\" What is the definition of \"association\"?"} {"term": "mode", "pos": "n", "context": "switched from keyboard to voice mode", "definition": "a particular functioning condition or arrangement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"switched from keyboard to voice mode\" What is the definition of \"mode\"?"} {"term": "penal", "pos": "a", "context": "penal reform", "definition": "of or relating to punishment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"penal reform\" What is the definition of \"penal\"?"} {"term": "penal", "pos": "s", "context": "penal servitude", "definition": "serving as or designed to impose punishment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"penal servitude\" What is the definition of \"penal\"?"} {"term": "penal", "pos": "s", "context": "a penal offense", "definition": "subject to punishment by law", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a penal offense\" What is the definition of \"penal\"?"} {"term": "stain", "pos": "n", "context": "the wine left a dark stain", "definition": "a soiled or discolored appearance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["appearance", "tarnish", "scorch", "discoloration"], "instruction": "\"the wine left a dark stain\" What is the definition of \"stain\"?"} {"term": "stain", "pos": "v", "context": "people knew how to stain glass a beautiful blue in the middle ages", "definition": "to color with a liquid dye or tint", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"people knew how to stain glass a beautiful blue in the middle ages\" What is the definition of \"stain\"?"} {"term": "lapidary", "pos": "a", "context": "the ring is of no lapidary value \" - Lord Byron", "definition": "of or relating to precious stones or the art of working with them", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ring is of no lapidary value \" - Lord Byron\" What is the definition of \"lapidary\"?"} {"term": "farthest", "pos": "s", "context": "had traveled to the farthest frontier", "definition": "most remote in space or time or order", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"had traveled to the farthest frontier\" What is the definition of \"farthest\"?"} {"term": "unsparing", "pos": "s", "context": "an unsparing critic", "definition": "not forbearing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unsparing critic\" What is the definition of \"unsparing\"?"} {"term": "unsparing", "pos": "s", "context": "an unsparing critic", "definition": "ruthless", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unsparing critic\" What is the definition of \"unsparing\"?"} {"term": "unsparing", "pos": "s", "context": "unsparing generosity", "definition": "very generous", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["munificent", "", "lavish"], "instruction": "\"unsparing generosity\" What is the definition of \"unsparing\"?"} {"term": "battle", "pos": "n", "context": "Grant won a decisive victory in the battle of Chickamauga", "definition": "a hostile meeting of opposing military forces in the course of a war", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["engagement", "fight", "combat", "conflict", "assault", "action"], "instruction": "\"Grant won a decisive victory in the battle of Chickamauga\" What is the definition of \"battle\"?"} {"term": "battle", "pos": "n", "context": "he fought a battle for recognition", "definition": "an energetic attempt to achieve something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["try", "duel", "attempt", "tilt", "joust", "endeavor", "scuffle", "struggle"], "instruction": "\"he fought a battle for recognition\" What is the definition of \"battle\"?"} {"term": "battle", "pos": "n", "context": "police tried to control the battle between the pro- and anti-abortion mobs", "definition": "an open clash between two opposing groups or individuals", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["pacification", "uprising", "feud", "insurrection", "fighting", "war", "fight", "warfare", "combat", "rebellion", "conflict", "struggle", "strife"], "instruction": "\"police tried to control the battle between the pro- and anti-abortion mobs\" What is the definition of \"battle\"?"} {"term": "philanthropic", "pos": "s", "context": "philanthropic contributions", "definition": "generous in assistance to the poor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["benevolent", "", "beneficent"], "instruction": "\"philanthropic contributions\" What is the definition of \"philanthropic\"?"} {"term": "philanthropic", "pos": "a", "context": "a philanthropic society", "definition": "of or relating to or characterized by philanthropy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a philanthropic society\" What is the definition of \"philanthropic\"?"} {"term": "slender", "pos": "s", "context": "a slender pole", "definition": "having little width in proportion to the length or height", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a slender pole\" What is the definition of \"slender\"?"} {"term": "laughable", "pos": "s", "context": "a contribution so small as to be laughable", "definition": "incongruous", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a contribution so small as to be laughable\" What is the definition of \"laughable\"?"} {"term": "laughable", "pos": "s", "context": "a contribution so small as to be laughable", "definition": "inviting ridicule", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a contribution so small as to be laughable\" What is the definition of \"laughable\"?"} {"term": "laughable", "pos": "s", "context": "it would have been laughable if it had n't hurt so much", "definition": "arousing or provoking laughter", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it would have been laughable if it had n't hurt so much\" What is the definition of \"laughable\"?"} {"term": "sacerdotal", "pos": "a", "context": "sacerdotal emphasis on the authority of priests", "definition": "of or relating to a belief in sacerdotalism", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sacerdotal emphasis on the authority of priests\" What is the definition of \"sacerdotal\"?"} {"term": "leisure", "pos": "n", "context": "his job left him little leisure", "definition": "time available for ease and relaxation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his job left him little leisure\" What is the definition of \"leisure\"?"} {"term": "leisure", "pos": "n", "context": "he lacked the leisure for golf", "definition": "freedom to choose a pastime or enjoyable activity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he lacked the leisure for golf\" What is the definition of \"leisure\"?"} {"term": "spotty", "pos": "s", "context": "the golfer hit the ball well but his putting was spotty", "definition": "lacking consistency", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["uneven", "scratchy", ""], "instruction": "\"the golfer hit the ball well but his putting was spotty\" What is the definition of \"spotty\"?"} {"term": "spotty", "pos": "s", "context": "the wall had a spotty speckled effect", "definition": "having spots or patches small areas of contrasting color or texture", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the wall had a spotty speckled effect\" What is the definition of \"spotty\"?"} {"term": "consolidated", "pos": "v", "context": "The companies consolidated", "definition": "to unite into one", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["unify", "merge", "consolidate", "unite"], "instruction": "\"The companies consolidated\" What is the definition of \"consolidated\"?"} {"term": "consolidated", "pos": "v", "context": "The town and county schools are being consolidated", "definition": "to bring together into a single whole or system", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["unify", "merge", "consolidate", "unite"], "instruction": "\"The town and county schools are being consolidated\" What is the definition of \"consolidated\"?"} {"term": "consolidated", "pos": "s", "context": "a consolidated school", "definition": "joined together into a whole", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["amalgamate", ""], "instruction": "\"a consolidated school\" What is the definition of \"consolidated\"?"} {"term": "impersonally", "pos": "r", "context": "he treated his patients impersonally", "definition": "without warmth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he treated his patients impersonally\" What is the definition of \"impersonally\"?"} {"term": "impersonally", "pos": "r", "context": "when I told him about Russ I found it difficult to speak impersonally", "definition": "in an impersonal manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when I told him about Russ I found it difficult to speak impersonally\" What is the definition of \"impersonally\"?"} {"term": "bout", "pos": "n", "context": "a bout of fever", "definition": "a period of illness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bout of fever\" What is the definition of \"bout\"?"} {"term": "inaugural", "pos": "a", "context": "the President 's inaugural address", "definition": "occurring at or characteristic of a formal investiture or induction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the President 's inaugural address\" What is the definition of \"inaugural\"?"} {"term": "inaugural", "pos": "s", "context": "the magazine 's inaugural issue", "definition": "serving to set in motion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the magazine 's inaugural issue\" What is the definition of \"inaugural\"?"} {"term": "shooting", "pos": "n", "context": "his shooting was slow but accurate", "definition": "the act of firing a projectile", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["propulsion", "actuation", "firing", "shoot", "shot"], "instruction": "\"his shooting was slow but accurate\" What is the definition of \"shooting\"?"} {"term": "shooting", "pos": "n", "context": "when the shooting stopped there were three dead bodies", "definition": "killing someone by gunfire", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when the shooting stopped there were three dead bodies\" What is the definition of \"shooting\"?"} {"term": "ingeniously", "pos": "r", "context": "a Hampshire farmer had fowls of different breeds , including Dorkings , and he discriminated ingeniously between the ` dark ones ' and the ` white ones '", "definition": "in an ingenious manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a Hampshire farmer had fowls of different breeds , including Dorkings , and he discriminated ingeniously between the ` dark ones ' and the ` white ones '\" What is the definition of \"ingeniously\"?"} {"term": "mottle", "pos": "n", "context": "it was not dull grey as distance had suggested , but a mottle of khaki and black and olive-green", "definition": "an irregular arrangement of patches of color", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was not dull grey as distance had suggested , but a mottle of khaki and black and olive-green\" What is the definition of \"mottle\"?"} {"term": "aggressive", "pos": "a", "context": "an aggressive businessman", "definition": "having or showing determination and energetic pursuit of your ends", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an aggressive businessman\" What is the definition of \"aggressive\"?"} {"term": "aggressive", "pos": "a", "context": "an aggressive businessman", "definition": "positive in his convictions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an aggressive businessman\" What is the definition of \"aggressive\"?"} {"term": "aggressive", "pos": "s", "context": "an aggressive tumor", "definition": "tending to spread quickly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an aggressive tumor\" What is the definition of \"aggressive\"?"} {"term": "aggressive", "pos": "s", "context": "aggressive acts against another country", "definition": "characteristic of an enemy or one eager to fight", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["belligerent", ""], "instruction": "\"aggressive acts against another country\" What is the definition of \"aggressive\"?"} {"term": "gently", "pos": "r", "context": "a gently sloping terrain", "definition": "in a gradual manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a gently sloping terrain\" What is the definition of \"gently\"?"} {"term": "gently", "pos": "r", "context": "he talked gently to the injured animal", "definition": "in a gentle manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he talked gently to the injured animal\" What is the definition of \"gently\"?"} {"term": "dogmatic", "pos": "a", "context": "dogmatic writings", "definition": "relating to or involving dogma", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dogmatic writings\" What is the definition of \"dogmatic\"?"} {"term": "fishy", "pos": "a", "context": "the soup had a fishy smell", "definition": "of or relating to or resembling fish", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the soup had a fishy smell\" What is the definition of \"fishy\"?"} {"term": "fishy", "pos": "s", "context": "there was something fishy about the accident", "definition": "not as expected", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was something fishy about the accident\" What is the definition of \"fishy\"?"} {"term": "recast", "pos": "v", "context": "He was recast as Iago", "definition": "to cast again , in a different role", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"He was recast as Iago\" What is the definition of \"recast\"?"} {"term": "recast", "pos": "v", "context": "The bell cracked and had to be recast", "definition": "to cast again", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The bell cracked and had to be recast\" What is the definition of \"recast\"?"} {"term": "recast", "pos": "v", "context": "She had to recast her image to please the electorate in her home state", "definition": "to cast or model anew", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["reforge", "refashion"], "instruction": "\"She had to recast her image to please the electorate in her home state\" What is the definition of \"recast\"?"} {"term": "trend", "pos": "n", "context": "the trend of the stock market", "definition": "a general direction in which something tends to move", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the trend of the stock market\" What is the definition of \"trend\"?"} {"term": "trend", "pos": "n", "context": "the northeastern trend of the coast", "definition": "general line of orientation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the northeastern trend of the coast\" What is the definition of \"trend\"?"} {"term": "trend", "pos": "n", "context": "not openly liberal but that is the trend of the book", "definition": "a general tendency to change as of opinion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["gravitation", "movement", "drift", "disposition"], "instruction": "\"not openly liberal but that is the trend of the book\" What is the definition of \"trend\"?"} {"term": "crawfish", "pos": "v", "context": "We 'll have to crawfish out from meeting with him", "definition": "to make a retreat from an earlier commitment or activity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"We 'll have to crawfish out from meeting with him\" What is the definition of \"crawfish\"?"} {"term": "number", "pos": "n", "context": "he had a number of chores to do", "definition": "the property possessed by a sum or total or indefinite quantity of units or individuals", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["multiplicity", "amount", "numbers", "minority", "bulk", "majority", "figure", "prevalence", "roundness"], "instruction": "\"he had a number of chores to do\" What is the definition of \"number\"?"} {"term": "number", "pos": "n", "context": "every number has a unique position in the sequence", "definition": "a concept of quantity involving zero and units", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"every number has a unique position in the sequence\" What is the definition of \"number\"?"} {"term": "number", "pos": "n", "context": "I hope to become one of their number before I die", "definition": "a select company of people", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I hope to become one of their number before I die\" What is the definition of \"number\"?"} {"term": "number", "pos": "v", "context": "We must number the names of the great mathematicians", "definition": "to enumerate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["identify", "name", "numbers", "itemize"], "instruction": "\"We must number the names of the great mathematicians\" What is the definition of \"number\"?"} {"term": "wet", "pos": "n", "context": "drops of wet gleamed on the window", "definition": "wetness caused by water", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["wetness", "moisture"], "instruction": "\"drops of wet gleamed on the window\" What is the definition of \"wet\"?"} {"term": "wet", "pos": "a", "context": "a wet bathing suit", "definition": "covered or soaked with a liquid such as water", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a wet bathing suit\" What is the definition of \"wet\"?"} {"term": "wet", "pos": "a", "context": "wet paint", "definition": "containing moisture or volatile components", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wet paint\" What is the definition of \"wet\"?"} {"term": "wet", "pos": "a", "context": "a wet candidate running on a wet platform", "definition": "supporting or permitting the legal production and sale of alcoholic beverages", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a wet candidate running on a wet platform\" What is the definition of \"wet\"?"} {"term": "wet", "pos": "s", "context": "a wet cargo", "definition": "consisting of or trading in alcoholic liquor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a wet cargo\" What is the definition of \"wet\"?"} {"term": "unembarrassed", "pos": "s", "context": "an unembarrassed greeting as if nothing untoward had happened", "definition": "not embarrassed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unembarrassed greeting as if nothing untoward had happened\" What is the definition of \"unembarrassed\"?"} {"term": "solarize", "pos": "v", "context": "be careful not to solarize the photographic film", "definition": "to overexpose to sunlight", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"be careful not to solarize the photographic film\" What is the definition of \"solarize\"?"} {"term": "lance", "pos": "v", "context": "lance a boil", "definition": "to open by piercing with a lancet", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lance a boil\" What is the definition of \"lance\"?"} {"term": "grit", "pos": "v", "context": "grit one 's teeth", "definition": "to clench together", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"grit one 's teeth\" What is the definition of \"grit\"?"} {"term": "scientifically", "pos": "r", "context": "this is scientifically interesting", "definition": "with respect to science", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this is scientifically interesting\" What is the definition of \"scientifically\"?"} {"term": "scientifically", "pos": "r", "context": "this is scientifically interesting", "definition": "in a scientific way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this is scientifically interesting\" What is the definition of \"scientifically\"?"} {"term": "deliberately", "pos": "r", "context": "she was working deliberately", "definition": "in a deliberate unhurried manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was working deliberately\" What is the definition of \"deliberately\"?"} {"term": "indictment", "pos": "n", "context": "the book is an indictment of modern philosophy", "definition": "an accusation of wrongdoing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the book is an indictment of modern philosophy\" What is the definition of \"indictment\"?"} {"term": "dependent", "pos": "a", "context": "dependent children", "definition": "relying on or requiring a person or thing for support , supply , or what is needed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dependent children\" What is the definition of \"dependent\"?"} {"term": "winding", "pos": "s", "context": "winding roads are full of surprises", "definition": "marked by repeated turns and bends", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["voluminous", "", "tortuous"], "instruction": "\"winding roads are full of surprises\" What is the definition of \"winding\"?"} {"term": "winding", "pos": "s", "context": "a winding country road", "definition": "of a path", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a winding country road\" What is the definition of \"winding\"?"} {"term": "congestion", "pos": "n", "context": "traffic congestion", "definition": "excessive crowding", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"traffic congestion\" What is the definition of \"congestion\"?"} {"term": "spacious", "pos": "s", "context": "a spacious view", "definition": "very large in expanse or scope", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a spacious view\" What is the definition of \"spacious\"?"} {"term": "spacious", "pos": "s", "context": "a spacious ballroom", "definition": "having ample space", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a spacious ballroom\" What is the definition of \"spacious\"?"} {"term": "sudden", "pos": "a", "context": "a sudden storm", "definition": "happening without warning or in a short space of time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sudden storm\" What is the definition of \"sudden\"?"} {"term": "accessible", "pos": "a", "context": "a town accessible by rail", "definition": "capable of being reached", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a town accessible by rail\" What is the definition of \"accessible\"?"} {"term": "accessible", "pos": "s", "context": "readily accessible to the nonprofessional reader", "definition": "capable of being read with comprehension", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"readily accessible to the nonprofessional reader\" What is the definition of \"accessible\"?"} {"term": "accessible", "pos": "s", "context": "most students now have computers accessible", "definition": "easily obtained", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"most students now have computers accessible\" What is the definition of \"accessible\"?"} {"term": "accessible", "pos": "s", "context": "an accessible and genial man", "definition": "easy to get along with or talk to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an accessible and genial man\" What is the definition of \"accessible\"?"} {"term": "accessible", "pos": "s", "context": "an accessible and genial man", "definition": "friendly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an accessible and genial man\" What is the definition of \"accessible\"?"} {"term": "miserly", "pos": "s", "context": "he left a miserly tip", "definition": "characterized by or indicative of lack of generosity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["tight", "", "mean"], "instruction": "\"he left a miserly tip\" What is the definition of \"miserly\"?"} {"term": "expulsion", "pos": "n", "context": "the child 's expulsion from school", "definition": "the act of forcing out someone or something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["deportation", "ouster", "exclusion", "riddance", "proscription", "ejection", "banishment", "ostracism"], "instruction": "\"the child 's expulsion from school\" What is the definition of \"expulsion\"?"} {"term": "expulsion", "pos": "n", "context": "the expulsion of pus from the pimple", "definition": "squeezing out by applying pressure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the expulsion of pus from the pimple\" What is the definition of \"expulsion\"?"} {"term": "spunk", "pos": "n", "context": "he kept fighting on pure spunk", "definition": "the courage to carry on", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["mettle", "courageousness", "courage", "braveness", "nerve"], "instruction": "\"he kept fighting on pure spunk\" What is the definition of \"spunk\"?"} {"term": "pathos", "pos": "n", "context": "the film captured all the pathos of their situation", "definition": "a quality that arouses emotions especially pity or sorrow", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["poignancy", "quality"], "instruction": "\"the film captured all the pathos of their situation\" What is the definition of \"pathos\"?"} {"term": "uncompromising", "pos": "a", "context": "took an uncompromising stance in the peace talks", "definition": "not making concessions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"took an uncompromising stance in the peace talks\" What is the definition of \"uncompromising\"?"} {"term": "alphabetic", "pos": "a", "context": "an alphabetic arrangement", "definition": "arranged in order according to the alphabet", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an alphabetic arrangement\" What is the definition of \"alphabetic\"?"} {"term": "month", "pos": "n", "context": "he was given a month to pay the bill", "definition": "a time unit of approximately 30 days", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was given a month to pay the bill\" What is the definition of \"month\"?"} {"term": "month", "pos": "n", "context": "he paid the bill last month", "definition": "one of the twelve divisions of the calendar year", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he paid the bill last month\" What is the definition of \"month\"?"} {"term": "adaptive", "pos": "a", "context": "the adaptive coloring of a chameleon", "definition": "having a capacity for adaptation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the adaptive coloring of a chameleon\" What is the definition of \"adaptive\"?"} {"term": "authentic", "pos": "s", "context": "an authentic account by an eyewitness", "definition": "conforming to fact and therefore worthy of belief", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an authentic account by an eyewitness\" What is the definition of \"authentic\"?"} {"term": "authentic", "pos": "s", "context": "an authentic signature", "definition": "not counterfeit or copied", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["veritable", "", "unquestionable"], "instruction": "\"an authentic signature\" What is the definition of \"authentic\"?"} {"term": "bat", "pos": "n", "context": "he was at bat when it happened", "definition": "a turn trying to get a hit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was at bat when it happened\" What is the definition of \"bat\"?"} {"term": "bat", "pos": "v", "context": "bat one 's eyelids", "definition": "to wink briefly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["flutter", "batting", "blink", "wink"], "instruction": "\"bat one 's eyelids\" What is the definition of \"bat\"?"} {"term": "chilliness", "pos": "n", "context": "the chilliness of early morning", "definition": "the property of being moderately cold", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["frigidity", "nip", "coldness", "coolness"], "instruction": "\"the chilliness of early morning\" What is the definition of \"chilliness\"?"} {"term": "transcript", "pos": "n", "context": "he read a transcript of the interrogation", "definition": "something that has been transcribed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he read a transcript of the interrogation\" What is the definition of \"transcript\"?"} {"term": "transcript", "pos": "n", "context": "he read a transcript of the interrogation", "definition": "a written record usually typewritten of dictated or recorded speech", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he read a transcript of the interrogation\" What is the definition of \"transcript\"?"} {"term": "noise", "pos": "n", "context": "during the firework display that ended the gala the noise reached 98 decibels", "definition": "sound of any kind especially unintelligible or dissonant sound", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"during the firework display that ended the gala the noise reached 98 decibels\" What is the definition of \"noise\"?"} {"term": "noise", "pos": "n", "context": "modern music is just noise to me", "definition": "the auditory experience of sound that lacks musical quality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"modern music is just noise to me\" What is the definition of \"noise\"?"} {"term": "noise", "pos": "n", "context": "modern music is just noise to me", "definition": "sound that is a disagreeable auditory experience", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"modern music is just noise to me\" What is the definition of \"noise\"?"} {"term": "urine", "pos": "n", "context": "there was blood in his urine", "definition": "liquid excretory product", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["excreta", "water", "piss"], "instruction": "\"there was blood in his urine\" What is the definition of \"urine\"?"} {"term": "myriad", "pos": "n", "context": "he faced a myriad of details", "definition": "a large indefinite number", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he faced a myriad of details\" What is the definition of \"myriad\"?"} {"term": "myriad", "pos": "s", "context": "myriad stars", "definition": "too numerous to be counted", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"myriad stars\" What is the definition of \"myriad\"?"} {"term": "particularity", "pos": "n", "context": "the particularity of human situations", "definition": "the quality of being particular and pertaining to a specific case or instance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the particularity of human situations\" What is the definition of \"particularity\"?"} {"term": "pious", "pos": "a", "context": "pious readings", "definition": "having or showing or expressing reverence for a deity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pious readings\" What is the definition of \"pious\"?"} {"term": "mercurial", "pos": "s", "context": "mercurial twists of temperament", "definition": "liable to sudden unpredictable change", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mercurial twists of temperament\" What is the definition of \"mercurial\"?"} {"term": "mercurial", "pos": "a", "context": "mercurial preparations", "definition": "relating to or containing or caused by mercury", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mercurial preparations\" What is the definition of \"mercurial\"?"} {"term": "julienne", "pos": "v", "context": "julienne the potatoes", "definition": "to cut into long thin strips", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"julienne the potatoes\" What is the definition of \"julienne\"?"} {"term": "steadfast", "pos": "s", "context": "a steadfast ally", "definition": "firm and dependable especially in loyalty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a steadfast ally\" What is the definition of \"steadfast\"?"} {"term": "steadfast", "pos": "s", "context": "steadfast resolve", "definition": "marked by firm determination or resolution", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["firm", "stiff", "", "unshakable"], "instruction": "\"steadfast resolve\" What is the definition of \"steadfast\"?"} {"term": "steadfast", "pos": "s", "context": "steadfast resolve", "definition": "not shakable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["firm", "stiff", "", "unshakable"], "instruction": "\"steadfast resolve\" What is the definition of \"steadfast\"?"} {"term": "technically", "pos": "r", "context": "technically lagging behind the Japanese", "definition": "with regard to technique", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"technically lagging behind the Japanese\" What is the definition of \"technically\"?"} {"term": "technically", "pos": "r", "context": "a technically brilliant solution", "definition": "with regard to technical skill and the technology available", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a technically brilliant solution\" What is the definition of \"technically\"?"} {"term": "disposition", "pos": "n", "context": "he has a happy disposition", "definition": "your usual mood", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["calmness", "perfectionism", "nature", "pessimism", "animalism", "temperament", "tolerance", "optimism", "composure", "agreeability", "blood", "nervousness", "solitariness", "calm", "loneliness", "equanimity", "morale"], "instruction": "\"he has a happy disposition\" What is the definition of \"disposition\"?"} {"term": "disposition", "pos": "n", "context": "a swelling with a disposition to rupture", "definition": "a natural or acquired habit or characteristic tendency in a person or thing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a swelling with a disposition to rupture\" What is the definition of \"disposition\"?"} {"term": "dialectic", "pos": "n", "context": "this situation created the inner dialectic of American history", "definition": "a contradiction of ideas that serves as the determining factor in their interaction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["contradiction", "dialectics"], "instruction": "\"this situation created the inner dialectic of American history\" What is the definition of \"dialectic\"?"} {"term": "shed", "pos": "v", "context": "he shed his image as a pushy boss", "definition": "to get rid of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["slough", "shed", "cast", "remove", "drop", "removed", "shedding", "take", "molt"], "instruction": "\"he shed his image as a pushy boss\" What is the definition of \"shed\"?"} {"term": "shed", "pos": "v", "context": "shed tears", "definition": "to pour out in drops or small quantities or as if in drops or small quantities", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["shedding", "pour"], "instruction": "\"shed tears\" What is the definition of \"shed\"?"} {"term": "subtly", "pos": "r", "context": "late nineteenth-century French opera at its most beautiful , subtly romantic with a twilight melancholy", "definition": "in a subtle manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"late nineteenth-century French opera at its most beautiful , subtly romantic with a twilight melancholy\" What is the definition of \"subtly\"?"} {"term": "solution", "pos": "n", "context": "he used a solution of peroxide and water", "definition": "a homogeneous mixture of two or more substances", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he used a solution of peroxide and water\" What is the definition of \"solution\"?"} {"term": "solution", "pos": "n", "context": "they were trying to find a peaceful solution", "definition": "a statement that solves a problem or explains how to solve the problem", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["result", "answer", "resolution", "statement"], "instruction": "\"they were trying to find a peaceful solution\" What is the definition of \"solution\"?"} {"term": "solution", "pos": "n", "context": "the easy solution is to look it up in the handbook", "definition": "a method for solving a problem", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the easy solution is to look it up in the handbook\" What is the definition of \"solution\"?"} {"term": "invidious", "pos": "s", "context": "invidious comparisons", "definition": "containing or implying a slight or showing prejudice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"invidious comparisons\" What is the definition of \"invidious\"?"} {"term": "bitch", "pos": "n", "context": "this problem is a real bitch", "definition": "an unpleasant difficulty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this problem is a real bitch\" What is the definition of \"bitch\"?"} {"term": "bitch", "pos": "n", "context": "she said her son thought Hillary was a bitch", "definition": "a person usually but not necessarily a woman who is thoroughly disliked", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she said her son thought Hillary was a bitch\" What is the definition of \"bitch\"?"} {"term": "batch", "pos": "n", "context": "a batch of letters", "definition": "a large number or amount or extent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["mint", "haymow", "lot", "deal", "wad", "heap", "mass", "plenty", "spate", "mess", "pile", "raft", "sight", "flood", "mountain"], "instruction": "\"a batch of letters\" What is the definition of \"batch\"?"} {"term": "dissuade", "pos": "v", "context": "Negative campaigning will only dissuade people", "definition": "to turn away from by persuasion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["deter", "counsel", "advise"], "instruction": "\"Negative campaigning will only dissuade people\" What is the definition of \"dissuade\"?"} {"term": "lull", "pos": "n", "context": "there was a lull in the storm", "definition": "a period of calm weather", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["calmness", "quiet"], "instruction": "\"there was a lull in the storm\" What is the definition of \"lull\"?"} {"term": "testament", "pos": "n", "context": "he stated his political testament", "definition": "a profession of belief", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he stated his political testament\" What is the definition of \"testament\"?"} {"term": "testament", "pos": "n", "context": "his easy victory was a testament to his skill", "definition": "strong evidence for something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his easy victory was a testament to his skill\" What is the definition of \"testament\"?"} {"term": "rutty", "pos": "s", "context": "rutty farm roads", "definition": "full of ruts", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rutty farm roads\" What is the definition of \"rutty\"?"} {"term": "hibernate", "pos": "v", "context": "Bears must eat a lot of food before they hibernate in their caves", "definition": "to sleep during winter", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Bears must eat a lot of food before they hibernate in their caves\" What is the definition of \"hibernate\"?"} {"term": "kat", "pos": "n", "context": "in Yemen kat is used daily by 85 % of adults", "definition": "the leaves of the shrub catha edulis which are chewed like tobacco or used to make tea", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["quat", "cat", "stimulant"], "instruction": "\"in Yemen kat is used daily by 85 % of adults\" What is the definition of \"kat\"?"} {"term": "kat", "pos": "n", "context": "in Yemen kat is used daily by 85 % of adults", "definition": "has the effect of a euphoric stimulant", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["quat", "cat", "stimulant"], "instruction": "\"in Yemen kat is used daily by 85 % of adults\" What is the definition of \"kat\"?"} {"term": "subjunctive", "pos": "a", "context": "subjunctive verb endings", "definition": "relating to a mood of verbs", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"subjunctive verb endings\" What is the definition of \"subjunctive\"?"} {"term": "kick", "pos": "n", "context": "he gave the ball a powerful kick", "definition": "the act of delivering a blow with the foot", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["boot", "blow", "punt"], "instruction": "\"he gave the ball a powerful kick\" What is the definition of \"kick\"?"} {"term": "kick", "pos": "n", "context": "a sidecar is a smooth drink but it has a powerful kick", "definition": "the sudden stimulation provided by strong drink or certain drugs", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sidecar is a smooth drink but it has a powerful kick\" What is the definition of \"kick\"?"} {"term": "kick", "pos": "n", "context": "the kick must be synchronized with the arm movements", "definition": "a rhythmic thrusting movement of the legs as in swimming or calisthenics", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the kick must be synchronized with the arm movements\" What is the definition of \"kick\"?"} {"term": "truth", "pos": "n", "context": "at last he knew the truth", "definition": "a fact that has been verified", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at last he knew the truth\" What is the definition of \"truth\"?"} {"term": "truth", "pos": "n", "context": "they debated the truth of the proposition", "definition": "conformity to reality or actuality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["verity", "actuality"], "instruction": "\"they debated the truth of the proposition\" What is the definition of \"truth\"?"} {"term": "truth", "pos": "n", "context": "he told the truth", "definition": "a true statement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he told the truth\" What is the definition of \"truth\"?"} {"term": "praiseworthy", "pos": "s", "context": "a significant and praiseworthy increase in computer intelligence", "definition": "worthy of high praise", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["commendable", "", "laudable"], "instruction": "\"a significant and praiseworthy increase in computer intelligence\" What is the definition of \"praiseworthy\"?"} {"term": "shoot", "pos": "v", "context": "shoot a glance", "definition": "to send forth suddenly , intensely , swiftly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shoot a glance\" What is the definition of \"shoot\"?"} {"term": "precedential", "pos": "s", "context": "precedential treatment for senior members of the firm", "definition": "having precedence especially because of longer service", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"precedential treatment for senior members of the firm\" What is the definition of \"precedential\"?"} {"term": "extinction", "pos": "n", "context": "the extinction of the volcano", "definition": "no longer active", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the extinction of the volcano\" What is the definition of \"extinction\"?"} {"term": "extinction", "pos": "n", "context": "the extinction of the volcano", "definition": "extinguished", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the extinction of the volcano\" What is the definition of \"extinction\"?"} {"term": "extinction", "pos": "n", "context": "the extinction of a species", "definition": "no longer in existence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the extinction of a species\" What is the definition of \"extinction\"?"} {"term": "columned", "pos": "a", "context": "a columned portico", "definition": "having or resembling columns", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a columned portico\" What is the definition of \"columned\"?"} {"term": "columned", "pos": "a", "context": "a columned portico", "definition": "having columns of a specified kind often used as a combining form", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a columned portico\" What is the definition of \"columned\"?"} {"term": "weapon", "pos": "n", "context": "he was licensed to carry a weapon", "definition": "any instrument or instrumentality used in fighting or hunting", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was licensed to carry a weapon\" What is the definition of \"weapon\"?"} {"term": "miserably", "pos": "r", "context": "I bit my lip miserably and nodded", "definition": "in a miserable manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I bit my lip miserably and nodded\" What is the definition of \"miserably\"?"} {"term": "cross", "pos": "n", "context": "that is his cross to bear", "definition": "any affliction that causes great suffering", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that is his cross to bear\" What is the definition of \"cross\"?"} {"term": "cross", "pos": "s", "context": "cross members should be all steel", "definition": "extending or lying across", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cross members should be all steel\" What is the definition of \"cross\"?"} {"term": "cross", "pos": "s", "context": "cross members should be all steel", "definition": "in a crosswise direction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cross members should be all steel\" What is the definition of \"cross\"?"} {"term": "cross", "pos": "s", "context": "cross members should be all steel", "definition": "at right angles to the long axis", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cross members should be all steel\" What is the definition of \"cross\"?"} {"term": "crumb", "pos": "n", "context": "he gave only a crumb of information about his plans", "definition": "a very small quantity of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he gave only a crumb of information about his plans\" What is the definition of \"crumb\"?"} {"term": "milch", "pos": "a", "context": "milch goats , milch camels", "definition": "giving milk", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"milch goats , milch camels\" What is the definition of \"milch\"?"} {"term": "milch", "pos": "a", "context": "milch goats , milch camels", "definition": "bred or suitable primarily for milk production", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"milch goats , milch camels\" What is the definition of \"milch\"?"} {"term": "luminous", "pos": "s", "context": "a sky luminous with stars", "definition": "softly bright or radiant", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["aglow", "", "lucent", "lambent"], "instruction": "\"a sky luminous with stars\" What is the definition of \"luminous\"?"} {"term": "impossibly", "pos": "r", "context": "long thought to be an impossibly difficult operation", "definition": "to a degree impossible of achievement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"long thought to be an impossibly difficult operation\" What is the definition of \"impossibly\"?"} {"term": "fluently", "pos": "r", "context": "she speaks French fluently", "definition": "in a fluent manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she speaks French fluently\" What is the definition of \"fluently\"?"} {"term": "duty", "pos": "n", "context": "we must instill a sense of duty in our children", "definition": "the social force that binds you to the courses of action demanded by that force", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["keeping", "job", "requirement", "imperative", "obligation", "demand", "incumbency", "guardianship", "prerequisite"], "instruction": "\"we must instill a sense of duty in our children\" What is the definition of \"duty\"?"} {"term": "duty", "pos": "n", "context": "we must instill a sense of duty in our children", "definition": "every opportunity , an obligation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["keeping", "job", "requirement", "imperative", "obligation", "demand", "incumbency", "guardianship", "prerequisite"], "instruction": "\"we must instill a sense of duty in our children\" What is the definition of \"duty\"?"} {"term": "compatible", "pos": "a", "context": "a compatible married couple", "definition": "able to exist and perform in harmonious or agreeable combination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a compatible married couple\" What is the definition of \"compatible\"?"} {"term": "abundantly", "pos": "r", "context": "they were abundantly supplied with food", "definition": "in an abundant manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they were abundantly supplied with food\" What is the definition of \"abundantly\"?"} {"term": "suppressive", "pos": "s", "context": "the government used suppressive measures to control the protest", "definition": "tending to suppress", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the government used suppressive measures to control the protest\" What is the definition of \"suppressive\"?"} {"term": "stow", "pos": "v", "context": "stow the cart", "definition": "to fill by packing tightly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stow the cart\" What is the definition of \"stow\"?"} {"term": "cursive", "pos": "s", "context": "cursive script", "definition": "having successive letter joined together", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cursive script\" What is the definition of \"cursive\"?"} {"term": "flashy", "pos": "s", "context": "a flashy ring", "definition": "tastelessly showy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a flashy ring\" What is the definition of \"flashy\"?"} {"term": "assignment", "pos": "n", "context": "the first task is the assignment of an address to each datum", "definition": "the act of distributing something to designated places or persons", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the first task is the assignment of an address to each datum\" What is the definition of \"assignment\"?"} {"term": "restriction", "pos": "n", "context": "the restriction of the infection to a focal area", "definition": "the act of keeping something within specified bounds by force if necessary", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the restriction of the infection to a focal area\" What is the definition of \"restriction\"?"} {"term": "ordinal", "pos": "a", "context": "family and ordinal names of animals and plants", "definition": "of or relating to a taxonomic order", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"family and ordinal names of animals and plants\" What is the definition of \"ordinal\"?"} {"term": "ordinal", "pos": "a", "context": "ordinal numbers", "definition": "being or denoting a numerical order in a series", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ordinal numbers\" What is the definition of \"ordinal\"?"} {"term": "consecutively", "pos": "r", "context": "he was consecutively ill , then well , then ill again", "definition": "in a consecutive manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was consecutively ill , then well , then ill again\" What is the definition of \"consecutively\"?"} {"term": "bloody", "pos": "v", "context": "bloody your hands", "definition": "to cover with blood", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bloody your hands\" What is the definition of \"bloody\"?"} {"term": "bloody", "pos": "a", "context": "a bloody nose", "definition": "having or covered with or accompanied by blood", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bloody nose\" What is the definition of \"bloody\"?"} {"term": "bloody", "pos": "s", "context": "a bloody fool", "definition": "informal intensifiers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["crashing", "flaming", "blooming", ""], "instruction": "\"a bloody fool\" What is the definition of \"bloody\"?"} {"term": "bloody", "pos": "r", "context": "you are bloody right", "definition": "extremely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you are bloody right\" What is the definition of \"bloody\"?"} {"term": "jump", "pos": "n", "context": "a jump in attendance", "definition": "a sudden and decisive increase", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["leap", "increase"], "instruction": "\"a jump in attendance\" What is the definition of \"jump\"?"} {"term": "jump", "pos": "v", "context": "Can you jump over the fence ?", "definition": "to move forward by leaps and bounds", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["vaulted", "leap", "recoil", "bounce", "reverberate", "vault", "vaulting", "rebound", "skip", "bound", "bouncing", "leaping", "spring", "resile", "ricochet", "moving"], "instruction": "\"Can you jump over the fence ?\" What is the definition of \"jump\"?"} {"term": "gouge", "pos": "v", "context": "gouge out his eyes", "definition": "to force with the thumb", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gouge out his eyes\" What is the definition of \"gouge\"?"} {"term": "gravely", "pos": "r", "context": "is gravely ill", "definition": "to a severe or serious degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"is gravely ill\" What is the definition of \"gravely\"?"} {"term": "committee", "pos": "n", "context": "a committee is a group that keeps minutes and loses hours \" - Milton Berle", "definition": "a special group delegated to consider some matter", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a committee is a group that keeps minutes and loses hours \" - Milton Berle\" What is the definition of \"committee\"?"} {"term": "shorten", "pos": "v", "context": "shorten the skirt", "definition": "to make short or shorter", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["alter", "cut", "shortening", "change", "modify"], "instruction": "\"shorten the skirt\" What is the definition of \"shorten\"?"} {"term": "shorten", "pos": "v", "context": "In winter , the days shorten", "definition": "to become short or shorter", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"In winter , the days shorten\" What is the definition of \"shorten\"?"} {"term": "complacent", "pos": "s", "context": "he had become complacent after years of success", "definition": "contented to a fault with oneself or ones actions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had become complacent after years of success\" What is the definition of \"complacent\"?"} {"term": "agreement", "pos": "n", "context": "they had an agreement that they would not interfere in each other 's business", "definition": "the statement oral or written of an exchange of promises", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["covenant", "deal", "confederacy", "bargain", "sale", "conspiracy", "settlement", "statement", "submission", "understanding"], "instruction": "\"they had an agreement that they would not interfere in each other 's business\" What is the definition of \"agreement\"?"} {"term": "agreement", "pos": "n", "context": "there was no agreement between theory and measurement", "definition": "compatibility of observations", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was no agreement between theory and measurement\" What is the definition of \"agreement\"?"} {"term": "agreement", "pos": "n", "context": "the two parties were in agreement", "definition": "harmony of peoples opinions or actions or characters", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["unanimity", "consensus", "community", "concurrence", "harmony", "concord", "accord", "unison", "concordance"], "instruction": "\"the two parties were in agreement\" What is the definition of \"agreement\"?"} {"term": "female", "pos": "a", "context": "a female heir", "definition": "being the sex of plant or animal that produces fertilizable gametes ova from which offspring develop", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a female heir\" What is the definition of \"female\"?"} {"term": "female", "pos": "s", "context": "female sensitiveness", "definition": "characteristic of or peculiar to a woman", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"female sensitiveness\" What is the definition of \"female\"?"} {"term": "female", "pos": "s", "context": "the female lead in the play", "definition": "for or pertaining to or composed of women or girls", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the female lead in the play\" What is the definition of \"female\"?"} {"term": "easiness", "pos": "n", "context": "the easiness we feel when sleeping", "definition": "a feeling of refreshing tranquility and an absence of tension or worry", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["dreaminess", "languor", "relaxation", "quietness"], "instruction": "\"the easiness we feel when sleeping\" What is the definition of \"easiness\"?"} {"term": "easiness", "pos": "n", "context": "there was an easiness between them", "definition": "the quality of being easy in behavior or style", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was an easiness between them\" What is the definition of \"easiness\"?"} {"term": "easiness", "pos": "n", "context": "the very easiness of the deed held her back", "definition": "freedom from difficulty or hardship or effort", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["simpleness", "ease", "quality"], "instruction": "\"the very easiness of the deed held her back\" What is the definition of \"easiness\"?"} {"term": "divided", "pos": "a", "context": "opinions are divided", "definition": "separated into parts or pieces", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"opinions are divided\" What is the definition of \"divided\"?"} {"term": "divided", "pos": "s", "context": "a divided highway", "definition": "having a median strip or island between lanes of traffic moving in opposite directions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a divided highway\" What is the definition of \"divided\"?"} {"term": "farfetched", "pos": "s", "context": "a farfetched excuse", "definition": "highly imaginative but unlikely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["implausible", ""], "instruction": "\"a farfetched excuse\" What is the definition of \"farfetched\"?"} {"term": "bloom", "pos": "n", "context": "you will stop all bloom if you let the flowers go to seed", "definition": "the organic process of bearing flowers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you will stop all bloom if you let the flowers go to seed\" What is the definition of \"bloom\"?"} {"term": "chronic", "pos": "a", "context": "chronic indigestion", "definition": "being long-lasting and recurrent or characterized by long suffering", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"chronic indigestion\" What is the definition of \"chronic\"?"} {"term": "chronic", "pos": "s", "context": "chronic money problems", "definition": "of long duration", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"chronic money problems\" What is the definition of \"chronic\"?"} {"term": "chronic", "pos": "s", "context": "a chronic smoker", "definition": "habitual", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a chronic smoker\" What is the definition of \"chronic\"?"} {"term": "controller", "pos": "n", "context": "the speed controller on his turntable was not working properly", "definition": "a mechanism that controls the operation of a machine", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["governor", "switch", "regulator", "mechanism", "control", "valve"], "instruction": "\"the speed controller on his turntable was not working properly\" What is the definition of \"controller\"?"} {"term": "deodorize", "pos": "v", "context": "This stick will deodorize your armpits", "definition": "to eliminate the odor from", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"This stick will deodorize your armpits\" What is the definition of \"deodorize\"?"} {"term": "damnably", "pos": "r", "context": "kindly Arthur -- so damnably , politely , endlessly persistent !", "definition": "in a damnable manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"kindly Arthur -- so damnably , politely , endlessly persistent !\" What is the definition of \"damnably\"?"} {"term": "significance", "pos": "n", "context": "do not underestimate the significance of nuclear power", "definition": "the quality of being significant", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"do not underestimate the significance of nuclear power\" What is the definition of \"significance\"?"} {"term": "significance", "pos": "n", "context": "the significance of his remark became clear only later", "definition": "a meaning that is not expressly stated but can be inferred", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["implication", "import", "substance", "meaning"], "instruction": "\"the significance of his remark became clear only later\" What is the definition of \"significance\"?"} {"term": "significance", "pos": "n", "context": "the significance of a red traffic light", "definition": "the message that is intended or expressed or signified", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["subtlety", "connotation", "moral", "sense", "nuance", "symbolization", "signification", "point", "intension", "shade", "import", "lesson", "gist", "nicety", "substance", "essence", "refinement", "burden", "meaning"], "instruction": "\"the significance of a red traffic light\" What is the definition of \"significance\"?"} {"term": "individualistic", "pos": "s", "context": "an individualistic way of dressing", "definition": "marked by or expressing individuality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an individualistic way of dressing\" What is the definition of \"individualistic\"?"} {"term": "champion", "pos": "s", "context": "a champion show dog", "definition": "holding first place in a contest", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a champion show dog\" What is the definition of \"champion\"?"} {"term": "specific", "pos": "a", "context": "rules with specific application", "definition": "applying to or characterized by or distinguishing something particular or special or unique", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rules with specific application\" What is the definition of \"specific\"?"} {"term": "specific", "pos": "a", "context": "specific characters", "definition": "relating to or distinguishing or constituting a taxonomic species", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"specific characters\" What is the definition of \"specific\"?"} {"term": "specific", "pos": "a", "context": "quinine is highly specific for malaria", "definition": "being or affecting a disease produced by a particular microorganism or condition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"quinine is highly specific for malaria\" What is the definition of \"specific\"?"} {"term": "specific", "pos": "a", "context": "quinine is highly specific for malaria", "definition": "used also of stains or dyes used in making microscope slides", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"quinine is highly specific for malaria\" What is the definition of \"specific\"?"} {"term": "specific", "pos": "s", "context": "needed a specific amount", "definition": "stated explicitly or in detail", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"needed a specific amount\" What is the definition of \"specific\"?"} {"term": "painless", "pos": "s", "context": "a painless solution to the problem", "definition": "requiring little hard work or exertion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a painless solution to the problem\" What is the definition of \"painless\"?"} {"term": "painless", "pos": "a", "context": "painless dentistry", "definition": "not causing physical or psychological pain", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"painless dentistry\" What is the definition of \"painless\"?"} {"term": "graduated", "pos": "v", "context": "She graduated in 1990", "definition": "to receive an academic degree upon completion of ones studies", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["graduate", "receive"], "instruction": "\"She graduated in 1990\" What is the definition of \"graduated\"?"} {"term": "ritualistic", "pos": "a", "context": "a feudal or ritualistic society", "definition": "of or characterized by or adhering to ritualism", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a feudal or ritualistic society\" What is the definition of \"ritualistic\"?"} {"term": "express", "pos": "n", "context": "he caught the express to New York", "definition": "public transport consisting of a fast train or bus that makes only a few scheduled stops", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he caught the express to New York\" What is the definition of \"express\"?"} {"term": "express", "pos": "v", "context": "Can you express this distance in kilometers ?", "definition": "to indicate through a symbol , formula , etc. .", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["denote", "vote", "stated"], "instruction": "\"Can you express this distance in kilometers ?\" What is the definition of \"express\"?"} {"term": "express", "pos": "s", "context": "her express wish", "definition": "not tacit or implied", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her express wish\" What is the definition of \"express\"?"} {"term": "express", "pos": "s", "context": "an express train", "definition": "without unnecessary stops", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an express train\" What is the definition of \"express\"?"} {"term": "enjoy", "pos": "v", "context": "enjoy privileges", "definition": "to have benefit from", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"enjoy privileges\" What is the definition of \"enjoy\"?"} {"term": "charitably", "pos": "r", "context": "she treated him charitably", "definition": "in a charitable manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she treated him charitably\" What is the definition of \"charitably\"?"} {"term": "rap", "pos": "v", "context": "rap him on the knuckles", "definition": "to strike sharply", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["strike", "striking", "knocking", "knap"], "instruction": "\"rap him on the knuckles\" What is the definition of \"rap\"?"} {"term": "utilitarian", "pos": "s", "context": "utilitarian steel tables", "definition": "having a useful function", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"utilitarian steel tables\" What is the definition of \"utilitarian\"?"} {"term": "utilitarian", "pos": "s", "context": "plain utilitarian kitchenware", "definition": "having utility often to the exclusion of values", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"plain utilitarian kitchenware\" What is the definition of \"utilitarian\"?"} {"term": "sewing", "pos": "n", "context": "she put her sewing back in the basket", "definition": "needlework on which you are working with needle and thread", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["needlework", "gather", "mend", "patch", "binding", "stitchery", "stitch", "patchwork", "darn", "gathering"], "instruction": "\"she put her sewing back in the basket\" What is the definition of \"sewing\"?"} {"term": "universe", "pos": "n", "context": "they study the evolution of the universe", "definition": "everything that exists anywhere", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["nature", "world", "existence", "macrocosm", "creation", "cosmos"], "instruction": "\"they study the evolution of the universe\" What is the definition of \"universe\"?"} {"term": "incautious", "pos": "a", "context": "an incautious remark", "definition": "lacking in caution", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an incautious remark\" What is the definition of \"incautious\"?"} {"term": "incautious", "pos": "s", "context": "an incautious step sent her headlong down the stairs", "definition": "carelessly failing to exercise proper caution", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an incautious step sent her headlong down the stairs\" What is the definition of \"incautious\"?"} {"term": "coronary", "pos": "a", "context": "coronary arteries", "definition": "surrounding like a crown especially of the blood vessels surrounding the heart", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"coronary arteries\" What is the definition of \"coronary\"?"} {"term": "abstinent", "pos": "s", "context": "not totally abstinent but abstemious", "definition": "self-restraining", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"not totally abstinent but abstemious\" What is the definition of \"abstinent\"?"} {"term": "abstinent", "pos": "s", "context": "not totally abstinent but abstemious", "definition": "not indulging an appetite especially for food or drink", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"not totally abstinent but abstemious\" What is the definition of \"abstinent\"?"} {"term": "strait", "pos": "s", "context": "strait is the gate", "definition": "narrow", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"strait is the gate\" What is the definition of \"strait\"?"} {"term": "judicial", "pos": "s", "context": "a judicial decision", "definition": "decreed by or proceeding from a court of justice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a judicial decision\" What is the definition of \"judicial\"?"} {"term": "judicial", "pos": "s", "context": "a biography ... appreciative and yet judicial in purpose \" - Tyler Dennett", "definition": "expressing careful judgment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a biography ... appreciative and yet judicial in purpose \" - Tyler Dennett\" What is the definition of \"judicial\"?"} {"term": "judicial", "pos": "a", "context": "judicial robes", "definition": "belonging or appropriate to the office of a judge", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"judicial robes\" What is the definition of \"judicial\"?"} {"term": "judicial", "pos": "a", "context": "judicial system", "definition": "relating to the administration of justice or the function of a judge", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"judicial system\" What is the definition of \"judicial\"?"} {"term": "enormity", "pos": "n", "context": "in careful usage the noun enormity is not used to express the idea of great size", "definition": "vastness of size or extent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in careful usage the noun enormity is not used to express the idea of great size\" What is the definition of \"enormity\"?"} {"term": "wheeze", "pos": "n", "context": "a clever wheeze probably succeeded in neutralizing the German espionage threat", "definition": "a clever or amusing scheme or trick", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a clever wheeze probably succeeded in neutralizing the German espionage threat\" What is the definition of \"wheeze\"?"} {"term": "indivisible", "pos": "a", "context": "an indivisible union of states", "definition": "impossible of undergoing division", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an indivisible union of states\" What is the definition of \"indivisible\"?"} {"term": "parable", "pos": "n", "context": "the parable of the prodigal son", "definition": "any of the stories told by jesus to convey his religious message", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the parable of the prodigal son\" What is the definition of \"parable\"?"} {"term": "awake", "pos": "a", "context": "lay awake thinking about his new job", "definition": "not in a state of sleep", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lay awake thinking about his new job\" What is the definition of \"awake\"?"} {"term": "awake", "pos": "a", "context": "lay awake thinking about his new job", "definition": "completely conscious", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lay awake thinking about his new job\" What is the definition of \"awake\"?"} {"term": "awake", "pos": "s", "context": "awake to the dangers of her situation", "definition": "mentally perceptive and responsive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["alive", "", "alert"], "instruction": "\"awake to the dangers of her situation\" What is the definition of \"awake\"?"} {"term": "antisocial", "pos": "s", "context": "standoffish and antisocial", "definition": "shunning contact with others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"standoffish and antisocial\" What is the definition of \"antisocial\"?"} {"term": "antisocial", "pos": "s", "context": "standoffish and antisocial", "definition": "just shy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"standoffish and antisocial\" What is the definition of \"antisocial\"?"} {"term": "antisocial", "pos": "s", "context": "criminal behavior or conduct that violates the rights of other individuals is antisocial", "definition": "hostile to or disruptive of normal standards of social behavior", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"criminal behavior or conduct that violates the rights of other individuals is antisocial\" What is the definition of \"antisocial\"?"} {"term": "unfasten", "pos": "v", "context": "unfasten your belt", "definition": "to cause to become undone", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unfasten your belt\" What is the definition of \"unfasten\"?"} {"term": "concoct", "pos": "v", "context": "concoct a strange mixture", "definition": "to prepare or cook by mixing ingredients", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"concoct a strange mixture\" What is the definition of \"concoct\"?"} {"term": "halcyon", "pos": "s", "context": "a halcyon atmosphere", "definition": "idyllically calm and peaceful", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a halcyon atmosphere\" What is the definition of \"halcyon\"?"} {"term": "halcyon", "pos": "s", "context": "a halcyon atmosphere", "definition": "suggesting happy tranquillity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a halcyon atmosphere\" What is the definition of \"halcyon\"?"} {"term": "halcyon", "pos": "s", "context": "the halcyon days of the clipper trade", "definition": "marked by peace and prosperity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the halcyon days of the clipper trade\" What is the definition of \"halcyon\"?"} {"term": "risible", "pos": "s", "context": "risible courtroom antics", "definition": "arousing or provoking laughter", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"risible courtroom antics\" What is the definition of \"risible\"?"} {"term": "suicide", "pos": "n", "context": "it is a crime to commit suicide", "definition": "the act of killing yourself", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is a crime to commit suicide\" What is the definition of \"suicide\"?"} {"term": "intractable", "pos": "a", "context": "an intractable disposition", "definition": "not tractable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an intractable disposition\" What is the definition of \"intractable\"?"} {"term": "intractable", "pos": "a", "context": "an intractable disposition", "definition": "difficult to manage or mold", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an intractable disposition\" What is the definition of \"intractable\"?"} {"term": "falsetto", "pos": "s", "context": "a falsetto voice", "definition": "artificially high", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a falsetto voice\" What is the definition of \"falsetto\"?"} {"term": "falsetto", "pos": "s", "context": "a falsetto voice", "definition": "above the normal voice range", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a falsetto voice\" What is the definition of \"falsetto\"?"} {"term": "flourish", "pos": "n", "context": "she entered with a great flourish", "definition": "a showy gesture", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she entered with a great flourish\" What is the definition of \"flourish\"?"} {"term": "fillip", "pos": "n", "context": "his approval was an added fillip", "definition": "anything that tends to arouse", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his approval was an added fillip\" What is the definition of \"fillip\"?"} {"term": "performance", "pos": "n", "context": "we congratulated him on his performance at the rehearsal", "definition": "the act of presenting a play or a piece of music or other entertainment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we congratulated him on his performance at the rehearsal\" What is the definition of \"performance\"?"} {"term": "performance", "pos": "n", "context": "they criticised his performance as mayor", "definition": "the act of performing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["mechanics", "mechanism", "execution", "action"], "instruction": "\"they criticised his performance as mayor\" What is the definition of \"performance\"?"} {"term": "performance", "pos": "n", "context": "they criticised his performance as mayor", "definition": "of doing something successfully", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["mechanics", "mechanism", "execution", "action"], "instruction": "\"they criticised his performance as mayor\" What is the definition of \"performance\"?"} {"term": "performance", "pos": "n", "context": "they criticised his performance as mayor", "definition": "using knowledge as distinguished from merely possessing it", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["mechanics", "mechanism", "execution", "action"], "instruction": "\"they criticised his performance as mayor\" What is the definition of \"performance\"?"} {"term": "optics", "pos": "n", "context": "the optics of a telescope", "definition": "optical properties", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the optics of a telescope\" What is the definition of \"optics\"?"} {"term": "optic", "pos": "a", "context": "the optic ( or optical ) axis of the eye", "definition": "of or relating to or resembling the eye", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the optic ( or optical ) axis of the eye\" What is the definition of \"optic\"?"} {"term": "overwork", "pos": "n", "context": "he became ill from overwork", "definition": "the act of working too much or too long", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he became ill from overwork\" What is the definition of \"overwork\"?"} {"term": "thinness", "pos": "n", "context": "the thinness of a rope", "definition": "relatively small dimension through an object as opposed to its length or width", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the thinness of a rope\" What is the definition of \"thinness\"?"} {"term": "thinness", "pos": "n", "context": "he disliked the thinness of the soup", "definition": "a consistency of low viscosity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he disliked the thinness of the soup\" What is the definition of \"thinness\"?"} {"term": "propagate", "pos": "v", "context": "propagate these characteristics", "definition": "to transmit from one generation to the next", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"propagate these characteristics\" What is the definition of \"propagate\"?"} {"term": "propagate", "pos": "v", "context": "sound and light propagate in this medium", "definition": "to travel through the air", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sound and light propagate in this medium\" What is the definition of \"propagate\"?"} {"term": "propagate", "pos": "v", "context": "propagate sound or light through air", "definition": "to transmit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"propagate sound or light through air\" What is the definition of \"propagate\"?"} {"term": "doggerel", "pos": "n", "context": "he had heard some silly doggerel that kept running through his mind", "definition": "a comic verse of irregular measure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["jingle", "rhyme", "verse"], "instruction": "\"he had heard some silly doggerel that kept running through his mind\" What is the definition of \"doggerel\"?"} {"term": "pedagogy", "pos": "n", "context": "pedagogy is recognized as an important profession", "definition": "the profession of a teacher", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["tuition", "teaching", "indoctrination", "tutelage", "lesson", "schooling", "tutorship"], "instruction": "\"pedagogy is recognized as an important profession\" What is the definition of \"pedagogy\"?"} {"term": "metric", "pos": "a", "context": "the metric system", "definition": "based on the meter as a standard of measurement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the metric system\" What is the definition of \"metric\"?"} {"term": "elsewhere", "pos": "r", "context": "he went elsewhere", "definition": "in or to another place", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he went elsewhere\" What is the definition of \"elsewhere\"?"} {"term": "family", "pos": "n", "context": "he moved his family to Virginia", "definition": "a social unit living together", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["home", "unit", "house"], "instruction": "\"he moved his family to Virginia\" What is the definition of \"family\"?"} {"term": "family", "pos": "n", "context": "he wanted to have a good job before starting a family", "definition": "primary social group", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he wanted to have a good job before starting a family\" What is the definition of \"family\"?"} {"term": "family", "pos": "n", "context": "he wanted to have a good job before starting a family", "definition": "parents and children", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he wanted to have a good job before starting a family\" What is the definition of \"family\"?"} {"term": "family", "pos": "n", "context": "his family has lived in Massachusetts since the Mayflower", "definition": "people descended from a common ancestor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["origin", "descent", "gens", "house", "folk", "ancestry", "sept", "kinfolk", "name", "parentage", "people", "stock", "kinsfolk", "blood", "lineage", "line", "dynasty"], "instruction": "\"his family has lived in Massachusetts since the Mayflower\" What is the definition of \"family\"?"} {"term": "hot", "pos": "a", "context": "hot stove", "definition": "used of physical heat", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hot stove\" What is the definition of \"hot\"?"} {"term": "hot", "pos": "a", "context": "hot stove", "definition": "having a high or higher than desirable temperature or giving off heat or feeling or causing a sensation of heat or burning", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hot stove\" What is the definition of \"hot\"?"} {"term": "hot", "pos": "a", "context": "a hot temper", "definition": "extended meanings", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a hot temper\" What is the definition of \"hot\"?"} {"term": "hot", "pos": "a", "context": "a hot temper", "definition": "especially of psychological heat", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a hot temper\" What is the definition of \"hot\"?"} {"term": "hot", "pos": "a", "context": "a hot temper", "definition": "marked by intensity or vehemence especially of passion or enthusiasm", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a hot temper\" What is the definition of \"hot\"?"} {"term": "hot", "pos": "s", "context": "the fighting became hot and heavy", "definition": "characterized by violent and forceful activity or movement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the fighting became hot and heavy\" What is the definition of \"hot\"?"} {"term": "hot", "pos": "s", "context": "the fighting became hot and heavy", "definition": "very intense", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the fighting became hot and heavy\" What is the definition of \"hot\"?"} {"term": "hot", "pos": "s", "context": "hot pink", "definition": "bold and intense", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hot pink\" What is the definition of \"hot\"?"} {"term": "hot", "pos": "s", "context": "was hot for her", "definition": "sexually excited or exciting", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"was hot for her\" What is the definition of \"hot\"?"} {"term": "prolate", "pos": "a", "context": "a prolate spheroid is generated by revolving an ellipse about its major axis", "definition": "having the polar diameter greater than the equatorial diameter", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a prolate spheroid is generated by revolving an ellipse about its major axis\" What is the definition of \"prolate\"?"} {"term": "multiplicative", "pos": "s", "context": "the multiplicative tendency of proportional representation", "definition": "tending or having the power to multiply or increase in number or quantity or degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the multiplicative tendency of proportional representation\" What is the definition of \"multiplicative\"?"} {"term": "savor", "pos": "v", "context": "savor the soup", "definition": "to taste appreciatively", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"savor the soup\" What is the definition of \"savor\"?"} {"term": "overweening", "pos": "s", "context": "had a witty but overweening manner", "definition": "presumptuously arrogant", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"had a witty but overweening manner\" What is the definition of \"overweening\"?"} {"term": "overweening", "pos": "s", "context": "overweening ambition", "definition": "unrestrained , especially with regard to feelings", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["excessive", "", "exuberant", "extravagant"], "instruction": "\"overweening ambition\" What is the definition of \"overweening\"?"} {"term": "feral", "pos": "s", "context": "a pack of feral dogs", "definition": "wild and menacing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a pack of feral dogs\" What is the definition of \"feral\"?"} {"term": "apprehensive", "pos": "s", "context": "a kind and apprehensive friend \" - Nathaniel Hawthorne", "definition": "quick to understand", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["discerning", ""], "instruction": "\"a kind and apprehensive friend \" - Nathaniel Hawthorne\" What is the definition of \"apprehensive\"?"} {"term": "apprehensive", "pos": "s", "context": "apprehensive about her job", "definition": "mentally upset over possible misfortune or danger etc", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"apprehensive about her job\" What is the definition of \"apprehensive\"?"} {"term": "apprehensive", "pos": "s", "context": "apprehensive for one 's life", "definition": "in fear or dread of possible evil or harm", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"apprehensive for one 's life\" What is the definition of \"apprehensive\"?"} {"term": "highly", "pos": "r", "context": "highly successful", "definition": "to a high degree or extent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"highly successful\" What is the definition of \"highly\"?"} {"term": "highly", "pos": "r", "context": "highly successful", "definition": "favorably or with much respect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"highly successful\" What is the definition of \"highly\"?"} {"term": "highly", "pos": "r", "context": "highly paid workers", "definition": "at a high rate or wage", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"highly paid workers\" What is the definition of \"highly\"?"} {"term": "highly", "pos": "r", "context": "details known by only a few highly placed persons", "definition": "in a high position or level or rank", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"details known by only a few highly placed persons\" What is the definition of \"highly\"?"} {"term": "urban", "pos": "a", "context": "urban sociology", "definition": "relating to or concerned with a city or densely populated area", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"urban sociology\" What is the definition of \"urban\"?"} {"term": "urban", "pos": "a", "context": "urban property owners", "definition": "located in or characteristic of a city or city life", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"urban property owners\" What is the definition of \"urban\"?"} {"term": "magnitude", "pos": "n", "context": "they tried to predict the magnitude of the explosion", "definition": "the property of relative size or extent whether large or small", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they tried to predict the magnitude of the explosion\" What is the definition of \"magnitude\"?"} {"term": "magnitude", "pos": "n", "context": "a problem of the first magnitude", "definition": "relative importance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a problem of the first magnitude\" What is the definition of \"magnitude\"?"} {"term": "perfectibility", "pos": "n", "context": "he believes in the ultimate perfectibility of man", "definition": "the capability of becoming perfect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he believes in the ultimate perfectibility of man\" What is the definition of \"perfectibility\"?"} {"term": "graft", "pos": "v", "context": "graft the cherry tree branch onto the plum tree", "definition": "to cause to grow together parts from different plants", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["join", "grafting"], "instruction": "\"graft the cherry tree branch onto the plum tree\" What is the definition of \"graft\"?"} {"term": "submission", "pos": "n", "context": "what was the date of submission of your proposal ?", "definition": "something manuscripts or architectural plans and models or estimates or works of art of all genres etc. submitted for the judgment of others as in a competition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["substance", "filing", "entry"], "instruction": "\"what was the date of submission of your proposal ?\" What is the definition of \"submission\"?"} {"term": "submission", "pos": "n", "context": "the union was brought into submission", "definition": "the condition of having submitted to control by someone or something else", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the union was brought into submission\" What is the definition of \"submission\"?"} {"term": "bind", "pos": "v", "context": "The Chinese would bind the feet of their women", "definition": "to make fast", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["cement", "encircle", "swaddle", "binding", "gird", "attach"], "instruction": "\"The Chinese would bind the feet of their women\" What is the definition of \"bind\"?"} {"term": "bind", "pos": "v", "context": "The Chinese would bind the feet of their women", "definition": "to tie or secure , with or as if with a rope", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["cement", "encircle", "swaddle", "binding", "gird", "attach"], "instruction": "\"The Chinese would bind the feet of their women\" What is the definition of \"bind\"?"} {"term": "lowercase", "pos": "a", "context": "lowercase letters", "definition": "relating to small not capitalized letters that were kept in the lower half of a compositors type case", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lowercase letters\" What is the definition of \"lowercase\"?"} {"term": "lowercase", "pos": "a", "context": "lowercase letters", "definition": "a and b and c etc", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lowercase letters\" What is the definition of \"lowercase\"?"} {"term": "declarer", "pos": "n", "context": "a declarer of his intentions", "definition": "someone who claims to speak the truth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a declarer of his intentions\" What is the definition of \"declarer\"?"} {"term": "circular", "pos": "n", "context": "he mailed the circular to all subscribers", "definition": "an advertisement usually printed on a page or in a leaflet intended for wide distribution", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["flier", "advert", "stuffer", "handbill"], "instruction": "\"he mailed the circular to all subscribers\" What is the definition of \"circular\"?"} {"term": "circular", "pos": "s", "context": "the circular motion of the wheel", "definition": "describing a circle", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the circular motion of the wheel\" What is the definition of \"circular\"?"} {"term": "circular", "pos": "s", "context": "the circular motion of the wheel", "definition": "moving in a circle", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the circular motion of the wheel\" What is the definition of \"circular\"?"} {"term": "generative", "pos": "a", "context": "generative power", "definition": "having the ability to produce or originate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"generative power\" What is the definition of \"generative\"?"} {"term": "generative", "pos": "s", "context": "the reproductive or generative organs", "definition": "producing new life or offspring", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["reproductive", "", "procreative"], "instruction": "\"the reproductive or generative organs\" What is the definition of \"generative\"?"} {"term": "utopian", "pos": "a", "context": "the dim utopian future", "definition": "characterized by or aspiring to impracticable perfection", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the dim utopian future\" What is the definition of \"utopian\"?"} {"term": "unconditioned", "pos": "a", "context": "an unconditioned reflex", "definition": "not established by conditioning or learning", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unconditioned reflex\" What is the definition of \"unconditioned\"?"} {"term": "nimble", "pos": "s", "context": "as nimble as a deer", "definition": "moving quickly and lightly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as nimble as a deer\" What is the definition of \"nimble\"?"} {"term": "nimble", "pos": "s", "context": "nimble wits", "definition": "mentally quick", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nimble wits\" What is the definition of \"nimble\"?"} {"term": "definable", "pos": "s", "context": "definable terms", "definition": "capable of being defined , limited , or explained", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"definable terms\" What is the definition of \"definable\"?"} {"term": "feat", "pos": "n", "context": "he performed a great feat", "definition": "a notable achievement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["hit", "exploit", "rally", "accomplishment"], "instruction": "\"he performed a great feat\" What is the definition of \"feat\"?"} {"term": "longer", "pos": "n", "context": "a longer for money", "definition": "a person with a strong desire for something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a longer for money\" What is the definition of \"longer\"?"} {"term": "beneficially", "pos": "r", "context": "this medicine will act beneficially on you", "definition": "in a beneficial manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this medicine will act beneficially on you\" What is the definition of \"beneficially\"?"} {"term": "vitriolic", "pos": "s", "context": "a vitriolic critique", "definition": "harsh or corrosive in tone", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a vitriolic critique\" What is the definition of \"vitriolic\"?"} {"term": "thinner", "pos": "a", "context": "skimmed milk is much thinner than whole milk", "definition": "not viscous", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"skimmed milk is much thinner than whole milk\" What is the definition of \"thinner\"?"} {"term": "admiration", "pos": "n", "context": "a small token in admiration of your works", "definition": "a favorable judgment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["approving", "blessing", "appreciation", "idealization", "glorification", "adoration"], "instruction": "\"a small token in admiration of your works\" What is the definition of \"admiration\"?"} {"term": "slushy", "pos": "s", "context": "slushy snow", "definition": "being or resembling melting snow", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"slushy snow\" What is the definition of \"slushy\"?"} {"term": "slushy", "pos": "s", "context": "slushy poetry", "definition": "effusively or insincerely emotional", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"slushy poetry\" What is the definition of \"slushy\"?"} {"term": "comply", "pos": "v", "context": "You must comply or else !", "definition": "to act in accordance with someones rules , commands , or wishes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"You must comply or else !\" What is the definition of \"comply\"?"} {"term": "roughshod", "pos": "s", "context": "Stalin 's roughshod treatment of the kulaks", "definition": "able or disposed to inflict pain or suffering", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Stalin 's roughshod treatment of the kulaks\" What is the definition of \"roughshod\"?"} {"term": "roughshod", "pos": "s", "context": "a manager who rode roughshod over all opposition", "definition": "unjustly domineering", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a manager who rode roughshod over all opposition\" What is the definition of \"roughshod\"?"} {"term": "repellent", "pos": "s", "context": "I find his obsequiousness repellent", "definition": "serving or tending to repel", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I find his obsequiousness repellent\" What is the definition of \"repellent\"?"} {"term": "repellent", "pos": "s", "context": "the idea of eating meat is repellent to me", "definition": "highly offensive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["disgusting", "", "distasteful", "revolting", "foul", "wicked"], "instruction": "\"the idea of eating meat is repellent to me\" What is the definition of \"repellent\"?"} {"term": "repellent", "pos": "s", "context": "the idea of eating meat is repellent to me", "definition": "arousing aversion or disgust", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["disgusting", "", "distasteful", "revolting", "foul", "wicked"], "instruction": "\"the idea of eating meat is repellent to me\" What is the definition of \"repellent\"?"} {"term": "awkward", "pos": "s", "context": "they arrived at an awkward time", "definition": "causing inconvenience", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they arrived at an awkward time\" What is the definition of \"awkward\"?"} {"term": "awkward", "pos": "s", "context": "an awkward bundle to carry", "definition": "difficult to handle or manage especially because of shape", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an awkward bundle to carry\" What is the definition of \"awkward\"?"} {"term": "awkward", "pos": "s", "context": "an awkward prose style", "definition": "not elegant or graceful in expression", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an awkward prose style\" What is the definition of \"awkward\"?"} {"term": "awkward", "pos": "a", "context": "an awkward dancer", "definition": "lacking grace or skill in manner or movement or performance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an awkward dancer\" What is the definition of \"awkward\"?"} {"term": "species", "pos": "n", "context": "a species of molecule", "definition": "a specific kind of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a species of molecule\" What is the definition of \"species\"?"} {"term": "antagonize", "pos": "v", "context": "Do n't antagonize your boss", "definition": "to provoke the hostility of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Do n't antagonize your boss\" What is the definition of \"antagonize\"?"} {"term": "antipodal", "pos": "a", "context": "antipodal regions of the earth", "definition": "relating to the antipodes or situated at opposite sides of the earth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"antipodal regions of the earth\" What is the definition of \"antipodal\"?"} {"term": "interplanetary", "pos": "a", "context": "interplanetary travel", "definition": "between or among planets", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"interplanetary travel\" What is the definition of \"interplanetary\"?"} {"term": "surgically", "pos": "r", "context": "surgically removed", "definition": "in a surgical manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"surgically removed\" What is the definition of \"surgically\"?"} {"term": "surgically", "pos": "r", "context": "surgically removed", "definition": "by means of surgery", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"surgically removed\" What is the definition of \"surgically\"?"} {"term": "pamper", "pos": "v", "context": "grandparents often pamper the children", "definition": "to treat with excessive indulgence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["handless", "treat", "indulge", "handling", "handle", "spoil", "baby", "cosset", "cocker"], "instruction": "\"grandparents often pamper the children\" What is the definition of \"pamper\"?"} {"term": "percolation", "pos": "n", "context": "the percolation of rainwater through the soil", "definition": "the slow passage of a liquid through a filtering medium", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the percolation of rainwater through the soil\" What is the definition of \"percolation\"?"} {"term": "perennial", "pos": "a", "context": "the common buttercup is a popular perennial plant", "definition": "lasting three seasons or more", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the common buttercup is a popular perennial plant\" What is the definition of \"perennial\"?"} {"term": "perennial", "pos": "s", "context": "perennial happiness", "definition": "lasting an indefinitely long time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"perennial happiness\" What is the definition of \"perennial\"?"} {"term": "perennial", "pos": "s", "context": "perennial happiness", "definition": "suggesting self-renewal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"perennial happiness\" What is the definition of \"perennial\"?"} {"term": "perennial", "pos": "s", "context": "perennial efforts to stipulate the requirements", "definition": "recurring again and again", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"perennial efforts to stipulate the requirements\" What is the definition of \"perennial\"?"} {"term": "imposing", "pos": "s", "context": "an imposing residence", "definition": "impressive in appearance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["stately", "", "baronial", "noble"], "instruction": "\"an imposing residence\" What is the definition of \"imposing\"?"} {"term": "imposing", "pos": "s", "context": "the monarch 's imposing presence", "definition": "used of a persons appearance or behavior", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the monarch 's imposing presence\" What is the definition of \"imposing\"?"} {"term": "imposing", "pos": "s", "context": "the monarch 's imposing presence", "definition": "befitting an eminent person", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the monarch 's imposing presence\" What is the definition of \"imposing\"?"} {"term": "painstaking", "pos": "s", "context": "painstaking research", "definition": "characterized by extreme care and great effort", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"painstaking research\" What is the definition of \"painstaking\"?"} {"term": "hardship", "pos": "n", "context": "I can not think it a hardship that more indulgence is allowed to men than to women \" - James Boswell", "definition": "something that causes or entails suffering", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I can not think it a hardship that more indulgence is allowed to men than to women \" - James Boswell\" What is the definition of \"hardship\"?"} {"term": "hardship", "pos": "n", "context": "a life of hardship", "definition": "a state of misfortune or affliction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a life of hardship\" What is the definition of \"hardship\"?"} {"term": "estimate", "pos": "n", "context": "an estimate of what it would cost", "definition": "an approximate calculation of quantity or degree or worth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["reckoning", "guesswork", "credit", "approximation", "guess", "estimation", "idea", "shot", "underestimate", "calculation", "computation"], "instruction": "\"an estimate of what it would cost\" What is the definition of \"estimate\"?"} {"term": "estimate", "pos": "n", "context": "many factors are involved in any estimate of human life", "definition": "a judgment of the qualities of something or somebody", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["assessment", "appraisal", "judgment", "estimation"], "instruction": "\"many factors are involved in any estimate of human life\" What is the definition of \"estimate\"?"} {"term": "estimate", "pos": "n", "context": "he got an estimate from the car repair shop", "definition": "a statement indicating the likely cost of some job", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he got an estimate from the car repair shop\" What is the definition of \"estimate\"?"} {"term": "river", "pos": "n", "context": "the river was navigable for 50 miles", "definition": "a large natural stream of water larger than a creek", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the river was navigable for 50 miles\" What is the definition of \"river\"?"} {"term": "hibernation", "pos": "n", "context": "he emerged from his hibernation to make his first appearance in several years", "definition": "the act of retiring into inactivity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he emerged from his hibernation to make his first appearance in several years\" What is the definition of \"hibernation\"?"} {"term": "looking", "pos": "n", "context": "he gave it a good looking at", "definition": "the act of directing the eyes toward something and perceiving it visually", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["perception", "observance", "view", "observation", "look", "peek", "glance", "survey", "scrutiny", "glimpse", "stare", "sight", "squint", "lookout", "peep"], "instruction": "\"he gave it a good looking at\" What is the definition of \"looking\"?"} {"term": "looking", "pos": "s", "context": "left their clothes dirty looking", "definition": "appearing to be as specified", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"left their clothes dirty looking\" What is the definition of \"looking\"?"} {"term": "looking", "pos": "s", "context": "left their clothes dirty looking", "definition": "usually used as combining forms", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"left their clothes dirty looking\" What is the definition of \"looking\"?"} {"term": "condition", "pos": "n", "context": "a condition ( or state ) of disrepair", "definition": "a state at a particular time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["laxness", "exoneration", "muteness", "participation", "serration", "polarization", "submission", "purity", "irradiation", "guiltiness", "disorderliness", "guilt", "curvature", "demand", "illumination", "silence", "dryness", "malady", "pureness", "fruition", "decline", "celibacy", "innocence", "order", "safety", "impaction", "anchorage", "discomfort", "despair", "nudity", "nakedness", "identification", "place", "situation", "mummification", "brutalization", "lubrication", "ascendency", "soundness", "immunity", "danger", "fullness", "disorder", "tilth", "subservience", "wetness", "diversification", "status", "resistance", "improvement", "atmosphere", "niche", "iniquity", "involvement", "facilitation", "circumstance", "impropriety", "health", "depilation", "mode", "preservation", "virginity", "laxity", "difficulty", "desperation", "condemnation", "frizz", "dominance", "protuberance", "reinstatement", "darkness", "deification", "astigmatism", "mood", "climate", "control", "encapsulation", "susceptibility", "way"], "instruction": "\"a condition ( or state ) of disrepair\" What is the definition of \"condition\"?"} {"term": "condition", "pos": "n", "context": "the human condition", "definition": "a mode of being or form of existence of a person or thing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the human condition\" What is the definition of \"condition\"?"} {"term": "condition", "pos": "v", "context": "I condition my hair after washing it", "definition": "to apply conditioner to in order to make smooth and shiny", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I condition my hair after washing it\" What is the definition of \"condition\"?"} {"term": "financially", "pos": "r", "context": "this was financially unattractive", "definition": "from a financial point of view", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this was financially unattractive\" What is the definition of \"financially\"?"} {"term": "stagger", "pos": "v", "context": "stagger the chairs in the lecture hall", "definition": "to to arrange in a systematic order", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["distribute", "arrange"], "instruction": "\"stagger the chairs in the lecture hall\" What is the definition of \"stagger\"?"} {"term": "psychoanalysis", "pos": "n", "context": "his physician recommended psychoanalysis", "definition": "a set of techniques for exploring underlying motives and a method of treating various mental disorders", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his physician recommended psychoanalysis\" What is the definition of \"psychoanalysis\"?"} {"term": "psychoanalysis", "pos": "n", "context": "his physician recommended psychoanalysis", "definition": "based on the theories of sigmund freud", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his physician recommended psychoanalysis\" What is the definition of \"psychoanalysis\"?"} {"term": "spartan", "pos": "s", "context": "spartan courage", "definition": "resolute in the face of pain or danger or adversity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"spartan courage\" What is the definition of \"spartan\"?"} {"term": "spartan", "pos": "s", "context": "a spartan diet", "definition": "practicing great self-denial", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a spartan diet\" What is the definition of \"spartan\"?"} {"term": "fiducial", "pos": "a", "context": "a fiducial point", "definition": "used as a fixed standard of reference for comparison or measurement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fiducial point\" What is the definition of \"fiducial\"?"} {"term": "fiducial", "pos": "a", "context": "fiducial power", "definition": "relating to or of the nature of a legal trust i.e. the holding of something in trust for another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fiducial power\" What is the definition of \"fiducial\"?"} {"term": "hyperbolic", "pos": "s", "context": "a hyperbolic style", "definition": "enlarged beyond truth or reasonableness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a hyperbolic style\" What is the definition of \"hyperbolic\"?"} {"term": "hyperbolic", "pos": "a", "context": "hyperbolic functions", "definition": "of or relating to a hyperbola", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hyperbolic functions\" What is the definition of \"hyperbolic\"?"} {"term": "extrude", "pos": "v", "context": "extrude steel", "definition": "to form or shape by forcing through an opening", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"extrude steel\" What is the definition of \"extrude\"?"} {"term": "worldliness", "pos": "n", "context": "he disliked the worldliness of many bishops around him", "definition": "concern with worldly affairs to the neglect of spiritual needs", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he disliked the worldliness of many bishops around him\" What is the definition of \"worldliness\"?"} {"term": "divers", "pos": "s", "context": "tourist offices of divers nationalities", "definition": "many and different", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tourist offices of divers nationalities\" What is the definition of \"divers\"?"} {"term": "homing", "pos": "s", "context": "the homing instinct", "definition": "orienting or directing homeward or to a destination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the homing instinct\" What is the definition of \"homing\"?"} {"term": "formless", "pos": "s", "context": "an aggregate of formless particles", "definition": "having no definite form or distinct shape", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an aggregate of formless particles\" What is the definition of \"formless\"?"} {"term": "durability", "pos": "n", "context": "they advertised the durability of their products", "definition": "permanence by virtue of the power to resist stress or force", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["strength", "persistence", "permanence", "continuity"], "instruction": "\"they advertised the durability of their products\" What is the definition of \"durability\"?"} {"term": "twofold", "pos": "s", "context": "the office of a clergyman is twofold", "definition": "having more than one decidedly dissimilar aspects or qualities", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the office of a clergyman is twofold\" What is the definition of \"twofold\"?"} {"term": "twofold", "pos": "s", "context": "the office of a clergyman is twofold", "definition": "public preaching and private influence - r.w.emerson", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the office of a clergyman is twofold\" What is the definition of \"twofold\"?"} {"term": "twofold", "pos": "s", "context": "a twofold increase", "definition": "twice as great or many", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a twofold increase\" What is the definition of \"twofold\"?"} {"term": "twofold", "pos": "r", "context": "the price increased twofold last year", "definition": "by a factor of two", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the price increased twofold last year\" What is the definition of \"twofold\"?"} {"term": "emotional", "pos": "a", "context": "it was an emotional judgment", "definition": "determined or actuated by emotion rather than reason", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was an emotional judgment\" What is the definition of \"emotional\"?"} {"term": "emotional", "pos": "a", "context": "his behavior was highly emotional", "definition": "of more than usual emotion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his behavior was highly emotional\" What is the definition of \"emotional\"?"} {"term": "emotional", "pos": "a", "context": "emotional health", "definition": "of or pertaining to emotion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"emotional health\" What is the definition of \"emotional\"?"} {"term": "emotional", "pos": "s", "context": "he would become emotional over nothing at all", "definition": "excessively affected by emotion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he would become emotional over nothing at all\" What is the definition of \"emotional\"?"} {"term": "verge", "pos": "n", "context": "on the verge of tears", "definition": "the limit beyond which something happens or changes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["bound", "limit", "brink", "boundary"], "instruction": "\"on the verge of tears\" What is the definition of \"verge\"?"} {"term": "probable", "pos": "a", "context": "he foresaw a probable loss", "definition": "likely but not certain to be or become true or real", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he foresaw a probable loss\" What is the definition of \"probable\"?"} {"term": "probable", "pos": "s", "context": "the probable consequences of going ahead with the scheme", "definition": "apparently destined", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the probable consequences of going ahead with the scheme\" What is the definition of \"probable\"?"} {"term": "encouraging", "pos": "a", "context": "encouraging advances in medical research", "definition": "giving courage or confidence or hope", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"encouraging advances in medical research\" What is the definition of \"encouraging\"?"} {"term": "potential", "pos": "a", "context": "a potential problem", "definition": "existing in possibility", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a potential problem\" What is the definition of \"potential\"?"} {"term": "potential", "pos": "s", "context": "potential clients", "definition": "expected to become or be", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"potential clients\" What is the definition of \"potential\"?"} {"term": "potential", "pos": "s", "context": "potential clients", "definition": "in prospect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"potential clients\" What is the definition of \"potential\"?"} {"term": "proper", "pos": "a", "context": "proper medical treatment", "definition": "marked by suitability or rightness or appropriateness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"proper medical treatment\" What is the definition of \"proper\"?"} {"term": "proper", "pos": "s", "context": "wanted a proper dinner", "definition": "having all the qualities typical of the thing specified", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wanted a proper dinner\" What is the definition of \"proper\"?"} {"term": "proper", "pos": "s", "context": "wanted a proper dinner", "definition": "not just a snack", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wanted a proper dinner\" What is the definition of \"proper\"?"} {"term": "proper", "pos": "s", "context": "the city proper", "definition": "limited to the thing specified", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the city proper\" What is the definition of \"proper\"?"} {"term": "proper", "pos": "s", "context": "everything in its proper place", "definition": "appropriate for a condition or purpose or occasion or a persons character , needs", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"everything in its proper place\" What is the definition of \"proper\"?"} {"term": "caste", "pos": "n", "context": "lose caste by doing work beneath one 's station", "definition": "social status or position conferred by a system based on class", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lose caste by doing work beneath one 's station\" What is the definition of \"caste\"?"} {"term": "bland", "pos": "s", "context": "a bland diet", "definition": "lacking taste or flavor or tang", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["vapid", "", "flat"], "instruction": "\"a bland diet\" What is the definition of \"bland\"?"} {"term": "bland", "pos": "s", "context": "a bland little drama", "definition": "lacking stimulating characteristics", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bland little drama\" What is the definition of \"bland\"?"} {"term": "bland", "pos": "s", "context": "a bland little drama", "definition": "uninteresting", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bland little drama\" What is the definition of \"bland\"?"} {"term": "study", "pos": "n", "context": "no schools offer graduate study in interior design", "definition": "applying the mind to learning and understanding a subject especially by reading", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"no schools offer graduate study in interior design\" What is the definition of \"study\"?"} {"term": "study", "pos": "n", "context": "she is in a deep study", "definition": "a state of deep mental absorption", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she is in a deep study\" What is the definition of \"study\"?"} {"term": "reception", "pos": "n", "context": "she did not expect the cold reception she received from her superiors", "definition": "the manner in which something is greeted", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she did not expect the cold reception she received from her superiors\" What is the definition of \"reception\"?"} {"term": "undergo", "pos": "v", "context": "undergo a strange sensation", "definition": "to pass through", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"undergo a strange sensation\" What is the definition of \"undergo\"?"} {"term": "fleshly", "pos": "s", "context": "fleshly desire", "definition": "marked by the appetites and passions of the body", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fleshly desire\" What is the definition of \"fleshly\"?"} {"term": "barbarous", "pos": "s", "context": "a barbarous crime", "definition": "able or disposed to inflict pain or suffering", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a barbarous crime\" What is the definition of \"barbarous\"?"} {"term": "contemplate", "pos": "v", "context": "contemplate one 's navel", "definition": "to look at thoughtfully", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"contemplate one 's navel\" What is the definition of \"contemplate\"?"} {"term": "contemplate", "pos": "v", "context": "contemplate one 's navel", "definition": "to observe deep in thought", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"contemplate one 's navel\" What is the definition of \"contemplate\"?"} {"term": "dendritic", "pos": "a", "context": "dendritic fiber", "definition": "of or relating to or resembling a dendrite", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dendritic fiber\" What is the definition of \"dendritic\"?"} {"term": "decipher", "pos": "v", "context": "Can you decipher this letter ?", "definition": "to read with difficulty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["read", "trace"], "instruction": "\"Can you decipher this letter ?\" What is the definition of \"decipher\"?"} {"term": "item", "pos": "n", "context": "he noticed an item in the New York Times", "definition": "a distinct part that can be specified separately in a group of things that could be enumerated on a list", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["point", "incidental", "component", "place", "portion", "constituent"], "instruction": "\"he noticed an item in the New York Times\" What is the definition of \"item\"?"} {"term": "item", "pos": "r", "context": "a length of chain , item a hook \" - Philip Guedalla", "definition": "also", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a length of chain , item a hook \" - Philip Guedalla\" What is the definition of \"item\"?"} {"term": "fundus", "pos": "n", "context": "the uterine fundus", "definition": "the base of a hollow organ or that part of the organ farthest from its opening", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the uterine fundus\" What is the definition of \"fundus\"?"} {"term": "proportionate", "pos": "a", "context": "proportionate representation of a minority group", "definition": "being in due proportion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"proportionate representation of a minority group\" What is the definition of \"proportionate\"?"} {"term": "fragmented", "pos": "v", "context": "The plate fragmented", "definition": "to break or cause to break into pieces", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The plate fragmented\" What is the definition of \"fragmented\"?"} {"term": "fragmented", "pos": "s", "context": "a fragmented coalition", "definition": "having been divided", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fragmented coalition\" What is the definition of \"fragmented\"?"} {"term": "fragmented", "pos": "s", "context": "a fragmented coalition", "definition": "having the unity destroyed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fragmented coalition\" What is the definition of \"fragmented\"?"} {"term": "ruffle", "pos": "v", "context": "ruffle somebody 's composure", "definition": "to trouble or vex", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ruffle somebody 's composure\" What is the definition of \"ruffle\"?"} {"term": "ruffle", "pos": "v", "context": "This play is going to ruffle some people", "definition": "to discompose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"This play is going to ruffle some people\" What is the definition of \"ruffle\"?"} {"term": "neighbor", "pos": "n", "context": "Fort Worth is a neighbor of Dallas", "definition": "a nearby object of the same kind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Fort Worth is a neighbor of Dallas\" What is the definition of \"neighbor\"?"} {"term": "laborious", "pos": "s", "context": "spent many laborious hours on the project", "definition": "characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["arduous", "", "heavy", "toilsome"], "instruction": "\"spent many laborious hours on the project\" What is the definition of \"laborious\"?"} {"term": "laborious", "pos": "s", "context": "spent many laborious hours on the project", "definition": "especially physical effort", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["arduous", "", "heavy", "toilsome"], "instruction": "\"spent many laborious hours on the project\" What is the definition of \"laborious\"?"} {"term": "mistake", "pos": "n", "context": "he made a bad mistake", "definition": "a wrong action attributable to bad judgment or ignorance or inattention", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["stain", "incursion", "fault", "omission", "renege", "oversight", "smear", "slip", "imbecility", "revoke", "bungle", "botch", "skip", "spot", "blunder", "confusion", "lapse", "folly", "distortion", "blot", "foolishness"], "instruction": "\"he made a bad mistake\" What is the definition of \"mistake\"?"} {"term": "mistake", "pos": "n", "context": "he was n't going to admit his mistake", "definition": "an understanding of something that is not correct", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["misapprehension", "misconception"], "instruction": "\"he was n't going to admit his mistake\" What is the definition of \"mistake\"?"} {"term": "mistake", "pos": "v", "context": "Do n't mistake her for her twin sister", "definition": "to identify incorrectly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["identify", "confuse", "mistaken", "confounded", "confound"], "instruction": "\"Do n't mistake her for her twin sister\" What is the definition of \"mistake\"?"} {"term": "contagious", "pos": "s", "context": "a contagious grin", "definition": "easily diffused or spread as from one person to another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a contagious grin\" What is the definition of \"contagious\"?"} {"term": "flap", "pos": "n", "context": "he wrote on the flap of the envelope", "definition": "any broad thin and limber covering attached at one edge", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he wrote on the flap of the envelope\" What is the definition of \"flap\"?"} {"term": "flap", "pos": "n", "context": "he wrote on the flap of the envelope", "definition": "hangs loose or projects freely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he wrote on the flap of the envelope\" What is the definition of \"flap\"?"} {"term": "peculiar", "pos": "s", "context": "a peculiar hobby of stuffing and mounting bats", "definition": "markedly different from the usual", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a peculiar hobby of stuffing and mounting bats\" What is the definition of \"peculiar\"?"} {"term": "peculiar", "pos": "s", "context": "the peculiar character of the Government of the U.S. \" - R.B.Taney", "definition": "characteristic of one only", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the peculiar character of the Government of the U.S. \" - R.B.Taney\" What is the definition of \"peculiar\"?"} {"term": "peculiar", "pos": "s", "context": "the peculiar character of the Government of the U.S. \" - R.B.Taney", "definition": "distinctive or special", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the peculiar character of the Government of the U.S. \" - R.B.Taney\" What is the definition of \"peculiar\"?"} {"term": "peculiar", "pos": "s", "context": "the peculiar aromatic odor of cloves", "definition": "beyond or deviating from the usual or expected", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the peculiar aromatic odor of cloves\" What is the definition of \"peculiar\"?"} {"term": "incredible", "pos": "a", "context": "at incredible speed", "definition": "beyond belief or understanding", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at incredible speed\" What is the definition of \"incredible\"?"} {"term": "brusque", "pos": "s", "context": "try to cultivate a less brusque manner", "definition": "marked by rude or peremptory shortness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"try to cultivate a less brusque manner\" What is the definition of \"brusque\"?"} {"term": "fraternal", "pos": "a", "context": "a fraternal order", "definition": "of or relating to a fraternity or society of usually men", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fraternal order\" What is the definition of \"fraternal\"?"} {"term": "fraternal", "pos": "a", "context": "fraternal twins are biovular", "definition": "derived from two separate fertilized ova", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fraternal twins are biovular\" What is the definition of \"fraternal\"?"} {"term": "fraternal", "pos": "a", "context": "close fraternal ties", "definition": "like or characteristic of or befitting a brother", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"close fraternal ties\" What is the definition of \"fraternal\"?"} {"term": "reflex", "pos": "s", "context": "a reflex knee jerk", "definition": "without volition or conscious control", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a reflex knee jerk\" What is the definition of \"reflex\"?"} {"term": "eponym", "pos": "n", "context": "Constantine I is the eponym for Constantinople", "definition": "the person for whom something is named", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Constantine I is the eponym for Constantinople\" What is the definition of \"eponym\"?"} {"term": "eponym", "pos": "n", "context": "Down 's syndrome is an eponym for the English physician John Down", "definition": "the name derived from a person real or imaginary", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Down 's syndrome is an eponym for the English physician John Down\" What is the definition of \"eponym\"?"} {"term": "providential", "pos": "s", "context": "providential care", "definition": "resulting from divine providence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"providential care\" What is the definition of \"providential\"?"} {"term": "providential", "pos": "s", "context": "a providential recovery", "definition": "peculiarly fortunate or appropriate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a providential recovery\" What is the definition of \"providential\"?"} {"term": "providential", "pos": "s", "context": "a providential recovery", "definition": "as if by divine intervention", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a providential recovery\" What is the definition of \"providential\"?"} {"term": "providential", "pos": "a", "context": "assumption that nature operates only according to a providential plan \" - M.R.Cohen", "definition": "relating to or characteristic of providence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"assumption that nature operates only according to a providential plan \" - M.R.Cohen\" What is the definition of \"providential\"?"} {"term": "indicative", "pos": "a", "context": "indicative mood", "definition": "relating to the mood of verbs that is used simple in declarative statements", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"indicative mood\" What is the definition of \"indicative\"?"} {"term": "indicative", "pos": "s", "context": "actions indicative of fear", "definition": "pointing out or revealing clearly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["suggestive", "", "significative"], "instruction": "\"actions indicative of fear\" What is the definition of \"indicative\"?"} {"term": "detail", "pos": "n", "context": "the essay contained too much detail", "definition": "extended treatment of particulars", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the essay contained too much detail\" What is the definition of \"detail\"?"} {"term": "acrimonious", "pos": "s", "context": "an acrimonious dispute", "definition": "marked by strong resentment or cynicism", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an acrimonious dispute\" What is the definition of \"acrimonious\"?"} {"term": "refreshment", "pos": "n", "context": "time for rest and refreshment by the pool", "definition": "activity that refreshes and recreates", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"time for rest and refreshment by the pool\" What is the definition of \"refreshment\"?"} {"term": "refreshment", "pos": "n", "context": "time for rest and refreshment by the pool", "definition": "activity that renews your health and spirits by enjoyment and relaxation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"time for rest and refreshment by the pool\" What is the definition of \"refreshment\"?"} {"term": "play", "pos": "n", "context": "the play lasted two hours", "definition": "a theatrical performance of a drama", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the play lasted two hours\" What is the definition of \"play\"?"} {"term": "play", "pos": "v", "context": "play cards", "definition": "to participate in games or sport", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"play cards\" What is the definition of \"play\"?"} {"term": "divergent", "pos": "s", "context": "a divergent opinion", "definition": "diverging from another or from a standard", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a divergent opinion\" What is the definition of \"divergent\"?"} {"term": "periodic", "pos": "a", "context": "the periodic appearance of the seventeen-year locust", "definition": "happening or recurring at regular intervals", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the periodic appearance of the seventeen-year locust\" What is the definition of \"periodic\"?"} {"term": "periodic", "pos": "s", "context": "periodic feelings of anxiety", "definition": "recurring or reappearing from time to time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"periodic feelings of anxiety\" What is the definition of \"periodic\"?"} {"term": "pacification", "pos": "n", "context": "a wonderful skill in the pacification of crying infants", "definition": "the act of appeasing someone or causing someone to be more favorably inclined", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a wonderful skill in the pacification of crying infants\" What is the definition of \"pacification\"?"} {"term": "colonization", "pos": "n", "context": "the British colonization of America", "definition": "the act of colonizing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["establishment", "population", "settlement", "formation", "constitution"], "instruction": "\"the British colonization of America\" What is the definition of \"colonization\"?"} {"term": "colonization", "pos": "n", "context": "the British colonization of America", "definition": "the establishment of colonies", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["establishment", "population", "settlement", "formation", "constitution"], "instruction": "\"the British colonization of America\" What is the definition of \"colonization\"?"} {"term": "pitcher", "pos": "n", "context": "our pitcher has a sore arm", "definition": "the person who does the pitching", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["thrower", "reliever", "hurler", "fireman"], "instruction": "\"our pitcher has a sore arm\" What is the definition of \"pitcher\"?"} {"term": "ionic", "pos": "a", "context": "ionic charge", "definition": "containing or involving or occurring in the form of ions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ionic charge\" What is the definition of \"ionic\"?"} {"term": "sentence", "pos": "n", "context": "his sentence was 5 to 10 years", "definition": "the period of time a prisoner is imprisoned", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["time", "term"], "instruction": "\"his sentence was 5 to 10 years\" What is the definition of \"sentence\"?"} {"term": "plenty", "pos": "n", "context": "there was plenty of food for everyone", "definition": "a full supply", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["plenitude", "abundance"], "instruction": "\"there was plenty of food for everyone\" What is the definition of \"plenty\"?"} {"term": "plenty", "pos": "n", "context": "it must have cost plenty", "definition": "a large number or amount or extent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["mint", "haymow", "lot", "deal", "wad", "batch", "heap", "mass", "spate", "mess", "pile", "raft", "sight", "flood", "mountain"], "instruction": "\"it must have cost plenty\" What is the definition of \"plenty\"?"} {"term": "hardheaded", "pos": "s", "context": "a hardheaded appraisal of our position", "definition": "guided by practical experience and observation rather than theory", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a hardheaded appraisal of our position\" What is the definition of \"hardheaded\"?"} {"term": "starless", "pos": "a", "context": "dark starless nights", "definition": "not starry", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dark starless nights\" What is the definition of \"starless\"?"} {"term": "starless", "pos": "a", "context": "dark starless nights", "definition": "having no stars or starlike objects", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dark starless nights\" What is the definition of \"starless\"?"} {"term": "drunken", "pos": "s", "context": "a drunken binge", "definition": "given to or marked by the consumption of alcohol", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a drunken binge\" What is the definition of \"drunken\"?"} {"term": "bend", "pos": "n", "context": "a bend in the road", "definition": "a circular segment of a curve", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["bight", "turn", "twist"], "instruction": "\"a bend in the road\" What is the definition of \"bend\"?"} {"term": "bend", "pos": "v", "context": "The stick does not bend", "definition": "to form a curve", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["cower", "angled", "grovel", "bent", "curling", "stoop", "arch", "slant", "arching", "arched", "bend", "groveling", "slanting", "deform", "angle", "arc", "tip", "bow", "doubling", "creep", "tilt", "curl", "fawn", "crawl", "leaning", "angling", "cringe"], "instruction": "\"The stick does not bend\" What is the definition of \"bend\"?"} {"term": "bend", "pos": "v", "context": "bend the rod", "definition": "to cause a plastic object to assume a crooked or angular form", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["deform", "dented", "gnarl", "twisted", "crank", "twist", "dent", "bent", "turn", "deformed", "convoluted", "gnarled"], "instruction": "\"bend the rod\" What is the definition of \"bend\"?"} {"term": "coagulated", "pos": "v", "context": "coagulated blood", "definition": "to change from a liquid to a thickened or solid state", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["clot", "turn", "coagulate"], "instruction": "\"coagulated blood\" What is the definition of \"coagulated\"?"} {"term": "coagulated", "pos": "s", "context": "coagulated blood", "definition": "transformed from a liquid into a soft semisolid or solid mass", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"coagulated blood\" What is the definition of \"coagulated\"?"} {"term": "payable", "pos": "s", "context": "a note payable on demand", "definition": "subject to or requiring payment especially as specified", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a note payable on demand\" What is the definition of \"payable\"?"} {"term": "room", "pos": "n", "context": "room to pass", "definition": "space for movement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["clearance", "way", "seating", "headway"], "instruction": "\"room to pass\" What is the definition of \"room\"?"} {"term": "room", "pos": "n", "context": "room for improvement", "definition": "opportunity for", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"room for improvement\" What is the definition of \"room\"?"} {"term": "diminutive", "pos": "s", "context": "diminutive in stature", "definition": "very small", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"diminutive in stature\" What is the definition of \"diminutive\"?"} {"term": "strip", "pos": "n", "context": "he felt a flat strip of muscle", "definition": "a relatively long narrow piece of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he felt a flat strip of muscle\" What is the definition of \"strip\"?"} {"term": "strip", "pos": "v", "context": "strip wood", "definition": "to remove the surface from", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["skin", "tear", "pluck", "remove", "paring", "stripping", "bark", "take", "removed"], "instruction": "\"strip wood\" What is the definition of \"strip\"?"} {"term": "attribution", "pos": "n", "context": "the attribution of language to birds", "definition": "assigning some quality or character to a person or thing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["classification", "ascription"], "instruction": "\"the attribution of language to birds\" What is the definition of \"attribution\"?"} {"term": "attribution", "pos": "n", "context": "the attribution of lighting to an expression of God 's wrath", "definition": "assigning to a cause or source", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["classification", "ascription"], "instruction": "\"the attribution of lighting to an expression of God 's wrath\" What is the definition of \"attribution\"?"} {"term": "supple", "pos": "s", "context": "a supple mind", "definition": "readily adaptable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a supple mind\" What is the definition of \"supple\"?"} {"term": "ornateness", "pos": "n", "context": "an excessive ornateness of language", "definition": "high-flown style", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["fustian", "bombast", "grandiloquence", "grandiosity", "flourish", "claptrap"], "instruction": "\"an excessive ornateness of language\" What is the definition of \"ornateness\"?"} {"term": "ornateness", "pos": "n", "context": "an excessive ornateness of language", "definition": "excessive use of verbal ornamentation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["fustian", "bombast", "grandiloquence", "grandiosity", "flourish", "claptrap"], "instruction": "\"an excessive ornateness of language\" What is the definition of \"ornateness\"?"} {"term": "adequately", "pos": "r", "context": "he was adequately prepared", "definition": "in an adequate manner or to an adequate degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was adequately prepared\" What is the definition of \"adequately\"?"} {"term": "facile", "pos": "s", "context": "too facile a solution for so complex a problem", "definition": "arrived at without due care or effort", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"too facile a solution for so complex a problem\" What is the definition of \"facile\"?"} {"term": "facile", "pos": "s", "context": "too facile a solution for so complex a problem", "definition": "lacking depth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"too facile a solution for so complex a problem\" What is the definition of \"facile\"?"} {"term": "facile", "pos": "s", "context": "a facile hand", "definition": "performing adroitly and without effort", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a facile hand\" What is the definition of \"facile\"?"} {"term": "facile", "pos": "s", "context": "able to dazzle with his facile tongue", "definition": "expressing yourself readily , clearly , effectively", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"able to dazzle with his facile tongue\" What is the definition of \"facile\"?"} {"term": "unwilling", "pos": "a", "context": "an unwilling assistant", "definition": "not disposed or inclined toward", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unwilling assistant\" What is the definition of \"unwilling\"?"} {"term": "accommodation", "pos": "n", "context": "they reached an accommodation with Japan", "definition": "a settlement of differences", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they reached an accommodation with Japan\" What is the definition of \"accommodation\"?"} {"term": "conceit", "pos": "n", "context": "he could always come up with some inspired off-the-wall conceit", "definition": "a witty or ingenious turn of phrase", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he could always come up with some inspired off-the-wall conceit\" What is the definition of \"conceit\"?"} {"term": "conceit", "pos": "n", "context": "the architect 's brilliant conceit was to build the house around the tree", "definition": "an artistic device or effect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the architect 's brilliant conceit was to build the house around the tree\" What is the definition of \"conceit\"?"} {"term": "gutter", "pos": "n", "context": "his career was in the gutter", "definition": "misfortune resulting in lost effort or money", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["sewer", "misfortune", "toilet"], "instruction": "\"his career was in the gutter\" What is the definition of \"gutter\"?"} {"term": "gutter", "pos": "v", "context": "The cooling lava continued to gutter toward lower ground", "definition": "to burn unsteadily , feebly , or low", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The cooling lava continued to gutter toward lower ground\" What is the definition of \"gutter\"?"} {"term": "gutter", "pos": "v", "context": "The cooling lava continued to gutter toward lower ground", "definition": "to flicker", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The cooling lava continued to gutter toward lower ground\" What is the definition of \"gutter\"?"} {"term": "clammy", "pos": "s", "context": "a clammy handshake", "definition": "unpleasantly cool and humid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a clammy handshake\" What is the definition of \"clammy\"?"} {"term": "countless", "pos": "s", "context": "countless hours", "definition": "too numerous to be counted", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"countless hours\" What is the definition of \"countless\"?"} {"term": "facet", "pos": "n", "context": "he studied every facet of the question", "definition": "a distinct feature or element in a problem", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he studied every facet of the question\" What is the definition of \"facet\"?"} {"term": "lavishly", "pos": "r", "context": "lavishly decorated", "definition": "in a rich and lavish manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lavishly decorated\" What is the definition of \"lavishly\"?"} {"term": "differentiate", "pos": "v", "context": "cells differentiate", "definition": "to become different during development", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cells differentiate\" What is the definition of \"differentiate\"?"} {"term": "nakedness", "pos": "n", "context": "the nakedness of the landscape", "definition": "a bleak and desolate atmosphere", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["glumness", "desolation", "bareness", "gloominess"], "instruction": "\"the nakedness of the landscape\" What is the definition of \"nakedness\"?"} {"term": "augury", "pos": "n", "context": "he hoped it was an augury", "definition": "an event that is experienced as indicating important things to come", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["omen", "presage", "sign", "portent", "prognostic", "prodigy"], "instruction": "\"he hoped it was an augury\" What is the definition of \"augury\"?"} {"term": "emphasis", "pos": "n", "context": "the red light gave the central figure increased emphasis", "definition": "special importance or significance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["accent", "stress", "focus", "grandness", "importance"], "instruction": "\"the red light gave the central figure increased emphasis\" What is the definition of \"emphasis\"?"} {"term": "emphasis", "pos": "n", "context": "his emphasis on civil rights", "definition": "intensity or forcefulness of expression", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["vehemence", "intensiveness"], "instruction": "\"his emphasis on civil rights\" What is the definition of \"emphasis\"?"} {"term": "fecal", "pos": "a", "context": "fecal matter", "definition": "of or relating to feces", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fecal matter\" What is the definition of \"fecal\"?"} {"term": "mince", "pos": "n", "context": "a mince of mushrooms", "definition": "food chopped into small bits", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a mince of mushrooms\" What is the definition of \"mince\"?"} {"term": "mince", "pos": "v", "context": "mince the garlic", "definition": "to cut into small pieces", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mince the garlic\" What is the definition of \"mince\"?"} {"term": "toleration", "pos": "n", "context": "all people should practice toleration and live together in peace", "definition": "a disposition to tolerate or accept people or situations", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["acceptance", "tolerance", "sufferance"], "instruction": "\"all people should practice toleration and live together in peace\" What is the definition of \"toleration\"?"} {"term": "quadruple", "pos": "s", "context": "quadruple rhythm has four beats per measure", "definition": "having four units or components", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["fourfold", "", "quadruplex"], "instruction": "\"quadruple rhythm has four beats per measure\" What is the definition of \"quadruple\"?"} {"term": "distortion", "pos": "n", "context": "heavy metal guitar players use vacuum tube amplifiers to produce extreme distortion", "definition": "a change usually undesired in the waveform of an acoustic or analog electrical signal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"heavy metal guitar players use vacuum tube amplifiers to produce extreme distortion\" What is the definition of \"distortion\"?"} {"term": "distortion", "pos": "n", "context": "heavy metal guitar players use vacuum tube amplifiers to produce extreme distortion", "definition": "the difference between two measurements of a signal as between the input and output signal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"heavy metal guitar players use vacuum tube amplifiers to produce extreme distortion\" What is the definition of \"distortion\"?"} {"term": "attendant", "pos": "s", "context": "an excessive growth of bureaucracy , with attendant problems", "definition": "following or accompanying as a consequence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an excessive growth of bureaucracy , with attendant problems\" What is the definition of \"attendant\"?"} {"term": "sustained", "pos": "v", "context": "We sustained the diplomatic negotiations as long as possible", "definition": "to lengthen or extend in duration or space", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["prolong", "keep", "preserve", "retain", "sustain"], "instruction": "\"We sustained the diplomatic negotiations as long as possible\" What is the definition of \"sustained\"?"} {"term": "sustained", "pos": "v", "context": "We sustained ourselves on bread and water", "definition": "to provide with nourishment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["supply", "carry", "provide", "nourish", "cater", "ply", "nurture", "sustain"], "instruction": "\"We sustained ourselves on bread and water\" What is the definition of \"sustained\"?"} {"term": "sustained", "pos": "s", "context": "sustained flight", "definition": "maintained at length without interruption or weakening", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sustained flight\" What is the definition of \"sustained\"?"} {"term": "distinct", "pos": "s", "context": "plants of several distinct types", "definition": "not alike", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"plants of several distinct types\" What is the definition of \"distinct\"?"} {"term": "distinct", "pos": "s", "context": "plants of several distinct types", "definition": "different in nature or quality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"plants of several distinct types\" What is the definition of \"distinct\"?"} {"term": "distinct", "pos": "s", "context": "noticed a distinct improvement", "definition": "recognizable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"noticed a distinct improvement\" What is the definition of \"distinct\"?"} {"term": "distinct", "pos": "s", "context": "noticed a distinct improvement", "definition": "marked", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"noticed a distinct improvement\" What is the definition of \"distinct\"?"} {"term": "distinct", "pos": "s", "context": "on two distinct occasions", "definition": "constituting a separate entity or part", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on two distinct occasions\" What is the definition of \"distinct\"?"} {"term": "distinct", "pos": "a", "context": "a distinct flavor", "definition": "easy to perceive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a distinct flavor\" What is the definition of \"distinct\"?"} {"term": "distinct", "pos": "a", "context": "a distinct flavor", "definition": "especially clearly outlined", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a distinct flavor\" What is the definition of \"distinct\"?"} {"term": "cochlear", "pos": "a", "context": "cochlear implant", "definition": "of or relating to the cochlea of the ear", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cochlear implant\" What is the definition of \"cochlear\"?"} {"term": "borrow", "pos": "v", "context": "May I borrow your lawn mower ?", "definition": "to get temporarily", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"May I borrow your lawn mower ?\" What is the definition of \"borrow\"?"} {"term": "contradictory", "pos": "s", "context": "` perfect ' and ` imperfect ' are contradictory terms", "definition": "of words or propositions so related that both can not be true and both can not be false", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"` perfect ' and ` imperfect ' are contradictory terms\" What is the definition of \"contradictory\"?"} {"term": "toy", "pos": "n", "context": "a toy stove", "definition": "a nonfunctional replica of something else frequently used as a modifier", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a toy stove\" What is the definition of \"toy\"?"} {"term": "toy", "pos": "n", "context": "private airplanes are a rich man 's toy", "definition": "a device regarded as providing amusement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"private airplanes are a rich man 's toy\" What is the definition of \"toy\"?"} {"term": "toy", "pos": "v", "context": "toy with an idea", "definition": "to engage in an activity as if it were a game rather than take it seriously", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["act", "behave", "acting", "play"], "instruction": "\"toy with an idea\" What is the definition of \"toy\"?"} {"term": "flatness", "pos": "n", "context": "the almost self-conscious flatness of Hemingway 's style", "definition": "a want of animation or brilliance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the almost self-conscious flatness of Hemingway 's style\" What is the definition of \"flatness\"?"} {"term": "flatness", "pos": "n", "context": "it needed lemon juice to sharpen the flatness of the dried lentils", "definition": "a deficiency in flavor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it needed lemon juice to sharpen the flatness of the dried lentils\" What is the definition of \"flatness\"?"} {"term": "physics", "pos": "n", "context": "his favorite subject was physics", "definition": "the science of matter and energy and their interactions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his favorite subject was physics\" What is the definition of \"physics\"?"} {"term": "physics", "pos": "n", "context": "he studied the physics of radiation", "definition": "the physical properties , phenomena , and laws of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he studied the physics of radiation\" What is the definition of \"physics\"?"} {"term": "passionless", "pos": "a", "context": "passionless observation of human nature", "definition": "not passionate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"passionless observation of human nature\" What is the definition of \"passionless\"?"} {"term": "passionless", "pos": "s", "context": "this passionless girl was like an icicle in the sunshine \" - Margaret Deland", "definition": "unmoved by feeling", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this passionless girl was like an icicle in the sunshine \" - Margaret Deland\" What is the definition of \"passionless\"?"} {"term": "camp", "pos": "n", "context": "wherever he went in the camp the men were grumbling", "definition": "temporary living quarters specially built by the army for soldiers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["bivouac", "lager", "laager", "cantonment", "encampment"], "instruction": "\"wherever he went in the camp the men were grumbling\" What is the definition of \"camp\"?"} {"term": "camp", "pos": "n", "context": "level ground is best for parking and camp areas", "definition": "temporary lodgings in the country for travelers or vacationers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"level ground is best for parking and camp areas\" What is the definition of \"camp\"?"} {"term": "camp", "pos": "v", "context": "The houseguests had to camp in the living room", "definition": "to live in or as if in a tent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["bivouac", "tent", "living", "populate", "dwell", "live"], "instruction": "\"The houseguests had to camp in the living room\" What is the definition of \"camp\"?"} {"term": "camp", "pos": "s", "context": "they played up the silliness of their roles for camp effect", "definition": "providing sophisticated amusement by virtue of having artificially and vulgarly mannered or banal or sentimental qualities", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they played up the silliness of their roles for camp effect\" What is the definition of \"camp\"?"} {"term": "confidently", "pos": "r", "context": "we have to do what is right confidently", "definition": "with confidence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we have to do what is right confidently\" What is the definition of \"confidently\"?"} {"term": "confidently", "pos": "r", "context": "we have to do what is right confidently", "definition": "in a confident manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we have to do what is right confidently\" What is the definition of \"confidently\"?"} {"term": "seemly", "pos": "s", "context": "seemly behavior", "definition": "according with custom or propriety", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["comely", "", "decent", "decorous"], "instruction": "\"seemly behavior\" What is the definition of \"seemly\"?"} {"term": "effeminacy", "pos": "n", "context": "the students associated science with masculinity and arts with effeminacy", "definition": "the trait of being effeminate derogatory of a man", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["emasculation", "softness", "femininity"], "instruction": "\"the students associated science with masculinity and arts with effeminacy\" What is the definition of \"effeminacy\"?"} {"term": "convenience", "pos": "n", "context": "chairs arranged for his own convenience", "definition": "the state of being suitable or opportune", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"chairs arranged for his own convenience\" What is the definition of \"convenience\"?"} {"term": "convenience", "pos": "n", "context": "they offered the convenience of an installment plan", "definition": "the quality of being useful and convenient", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they offered the convenience of an installment plan\" What is the definition of \"convenience\"?"} {"term": "rudiment", "pos": "n", "context": "Meckel 's diverticulum is the rudiment of the embryonic yolk sac", "definition": "the remains of a body part that was functional at an earlier stage of life", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Meckel 's diverticulum is the rudiment of the embryonic yolk sac\" What is the definition of \"rudiment\"?"} {"term": "costly", "pos": "s", "context": "costly jewelry", "definition": "having a high price", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"costly jewelry\" What is the definition of \"costly\"?"} {"term": "loamy", "pos": "a", "context": "richy loamy soil", "definition": "consisting of or having the character of loam", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"richy loamy soil\" What is the definition of \"loamy\"?"} {"term": "glow", "pos": "n", "context": "the glow of new love", "definition": "a feeling of considerable warmth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the glow of new love\" What is the definition of \"glow\"?"} {"term": "glow", "pos": "v", "context": "Make the people 's hearts glow", "definition": "to be exuberant or high-spirited", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Make the people 's hearts glow\" What is the definition of \"glow\"?"} {"term": "magnetic", "pos": "a", "context": "magnetic forces", "definition": "of or relating to or caused by magnetism", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"magnetic forces\" What is the definition of \"magnetic\"?"} {"term": "magnetic", "pos": "a", "context": "the hard disk is covered with a thin coat of magnetic material", "definition": "having the properties of a magnet", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the hard disk is covered with a thin coat of magnetic material\" What is the definition of \"magnetic\"?"} {"term": "magnetic", "pos": "a", "context": "the hard disk is covered with a thin coat of magnetic material", "definition": "i.e. of attracting iron or steel", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the hard disk is covered with a thin coat of magnetic material\" What is the definition of \"magnetic\"?"} {"term": "magnetic", "pos": "s", "context": "a magnetic personality", "definition": "possessing an extraordinary ability to attract", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a magnetic personality\" What is the definition of \"magnetic\"?"} {"term": "cere", "pos": "v", "context": "cere a corpse", "definition": "to wrap up in a cerecloth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cere a corpse\" What is the definition of \"cere\"?"} {"term": "derivation", "pos": "n", "context": "he prefers shoes of Italian derivation", "definition": "the source or origin from which something derives i.e. comes or issues", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he prefers shoes of Italian derivation\" What is the definition of \"derivation\"?"} {"term": "shakiness", "pos": "n", "context": "the shakiness of the present regime", "definition": "the quality of being unstable and insecure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the shakiness of the present regime\" What is the definition of \"shakiness\"?"} {"term": "permanent", "pos": "a", "context": "permanent secretary to the president", "definition": "continuing or enduring without marked change in status or condition or place", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"permanent secretary to the president\" What is the definition of \"permanent\"?"} {"term": "permanent", "pos": "s", "context": "permanent brain damage", "definition": "not capable of being reversed or returned to the original condition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"permanent brain damage\" What is the definition of \"permanent\"?"} {"term": "misty", "pos": "s", "context": "the misty evening", "definition": "wet with mist", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the misty evening\" What is the definition of \"misty\"?"} {"term": "jar", "pos": "v", "context": "jar the jam", "definition": "to place in a cylindrical vessel", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"jar the jam\" What is the definition of \"jar\"?"} {"term": "conjugal", "pos": "a", "context": "conjugal visits", "definition": "of or relating to marriage or to the relationship between a wife and husband", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["connubial", ""], "instruction": "\"conjugal visits\" What is the definition of \"conjugal\"?"} {"term": "cheerfully", "pos": "r", "context": "he cheerfully agreed to do it", "definition": "in a cheerful manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he cheerfully agreed to do it\" What is the definition of \"cheerfully\"?"} {"term": "inductive", "pos": "a", "context": "inductive reactance", "definition": "arising from inductance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"inductive reactance\" What is the definition of \"inductive\"?"} {"term": "inductive", "pos": "a", "context": "inductive reasoning", "definition": "of reasoning", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"inductive reasoning\" What is the definition of \"inductive\"?"} {"term": "inductive", "pos": "a", "context": "inductive reasoning", "definition": "proceeding from particular facts to a general conclusion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"inductive reasoning\" What is the definition of \"inductive\"?"} {"term": "inductive", "pos": "s", "context": "inductive to the sin of Eve \" - John Milton", "definition": "inducing or influencing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"inductive to the sin of Eve \" - John Milton\" What is the definition of \"inductive\"?"} {"term": "inductive", "pos": "s", "context": "inductive to the sin of Eve \" - John Milton", "definition": "leading on", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"inductive to the sin of Eve \" - John Milton\" What is the definition of \"inductive\"?"} {"term": "chilly", "pos": "s", "context": "a female form in marble -- a chilly but ideal medium for depicting abstract virtues \" - C.W.Cunningham", "definition": "not characterized by emotion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a female form in marble -- a chilly but ideal medium for depicting abstract virtues \" - C.W.Cunningham\" What is the definition of \"chilly\"?"} {"term": "chilly", "pos": "s", "context": "a chilly greeting", "definition": "lacking warmth of feeling", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a chilly greeting\" What is the definition of \"chilly\"?"} {"term": "mechanical", "pos": "a", "context": "a mechanical process", "definition": "using or as if using mechanisms or tools or devices", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a mechanical process\" What is the definition of \"mechanical\"?"} {"term": "mechanical", "pos": "a", "context": "mechanical arts", "definition": "relating to or concerned with machinery or tools", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mechanical arts\" What is the definition of \"mechanical\"?"} {"term": "mechanical", "pos": "a", "context": "a belief that the universe is a mechanical contrivance", "definition": "relating to or governed by or in accordance with mechanics", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a belief that the universe is a mechanical contrivance\" What is the definition of \"mechanical\"?"} {"term": "impotent", "pos": "a", "context": "felt impotent rage", "definition": "lacking power or ability", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"felt impotent rage\" What is the definition of \"impotent\"?"} {"term": "historic", "pos": "s", "context": "historic victories", "definition": "belonging to the past", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"historic victories\" What is the definition of \"historic\"?"} {"term": "historic", "pos": "s", "context": "historic victories", "definition": "of what is important or famous in the past", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"historic victories\" What is the definition of \"historic\"?"} {"term": "historic", "pos": "s", "context": "the historic first voyage to outer space", "definition": "important in history", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the historic first voyage to outer space\" What is the definition of \"historic\"?"} {"term": "inevitable", "pos": "n", "context": "do n't argue with the inevitable", "definition": "an unavoidable event", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"do n't argue with the inevitable\" What is the definition of \"inevitable\"?"} {"term": "inevitable", "pos": "a", "context": "the inevitable result", "definition": "incapable of being avoided or prevented", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the inevitable result\" What is the definition of \"inevitable\"?"} {"term": "inevitable", "pos": "s", "context": "the inevitable changes of the seasons", "definition": "invariably occurring or appearing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the inevitable changes of the seasons\" What is the definition of \"inevitable\"?"} {"term": "headfirst", "pos": "s", "context": "a headfirst plunge down the stairs", "definition": "with the head foremost", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a headfirst plunge down the stairs\" What is the definition of \"headfirst\"?"} {"term": "suppleness", "pos": "n", "context": "he increased the leanness and suppleness of the organization", "definition": "adaptability of mind or character", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["pliability", "pliancy", "adaptability"], "instruction": "\"he increased the leanness and suppleness of the organization\" What is the definition of \"suppleness\"?"} {"term": "jangle", "pos": "n", "context": "the jangle of spurs", "definition": "a metallic sound", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the jangle of spurs\" What is the definition of \"jangle\"?"} {"term": "comprehension", "pos": "n", "context": "how you can do that is beyond my comprehension", "definition": "an ability to understand the meaning or importance of something or the knowledge acquired as a result", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"how you can do that is beyond my comprehension\" What is the definition of \"comprehension\"?"} {"term": "quarrel", "pos": "n", "context": "they had a quarrel", "definition": "an angry dispute", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["altercation", "wrangle", "squabble", "fuss", "dispute", "spat", "conflict", "tiff", "affray"], "instruction": "\"they had a quarrel\" What is the definition of \"quarrel\"?"} {"term": "extraction", "pos": "n", "context": "the dentist gave her a local anesthetic prior to the extraction", "definition": "the action of taking out something especially using effort or force", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the dentist gave her a local anesthetic prior to the extraction\" What is the definition of \"extraction\"?"} {"term": "barrage", "pos": "n", "context": "a barrage of questions", "definition": "the rapid and continuous delivery of linguistic communication spoken or written", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a barrage of questions\" What is the definition of \"barrage\"?"} {"term": "barrage", "pos": "n", "context": "they laid down a barrage in front of the advancing troops", "definition": "the heavy fire of artillery to saturate an area rather than hit a specific target", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["battery", "fire", "firing", "shelling"], "instruction": "\"they laid down a barrage in front of the advancing troops\" What is the definition of \"barrage\"?"} {"term": "jurisdiction", "pos": "n", "context": "courts having jurisdiction in this district", "definition": "the right and power to interpret and apply the law", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"courts having jurisdiction in this district\" What is the definition of \"jurisdiction\"?"} {"term": "prodigal", "pos": "s", "context": "prodigal in their expenditures", "definition": "recklessly wasteful", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"prodigal in their expenditures\" What is the definition of \"prodigal\"?"} {"term": "tolerate", "pos": "v", "context": "We must tolerate the religions of others", "definition": "to recognize and respect rights and beliefs of others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"We must tolerate the religions of others\" What is the definition of \"tolerate\"?"} {"term": "tolerate", "pos": "v", "context": "The patient does not tolerate the anti-inflammatory drugs we gave him", "definition": "to have a tolerance for a poison or strong drug or pathogen or environmental condition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The patient does not tolerate the anti-inflammatory drugs we gave him\" What is the definition of \"tolerate\"?"} {"term": "tolerate", "pos": "v", "context": "he learned to tolerate the heat", "definition": "to put up with something or somebody unpleasant", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["suffer", "countenance", "abiding", "born", "abide", "brook", "endure", "permit", "accept", "bearing", "digest", "stand", "swallow", "pay", "let"], "instruction": "\"he learned to tolerate the heat\" What is the definition of \"tolerate\"?"} {"term": "lexical", "pos": "a", "context": "lexical decision task", "definition": "of or relating to words", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lexical decision task\" What is the definition of \"lexical\"?"} {"term": "vicinity", "pos": "n", "context": "the plane crashed in the vicinity of Asheville", "definition": "a surrounding or nearby region", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["section", "neighborhood", "place", "proximity", "locality", "scenery"], "instruction": "\"the plane crashed in the vicinity of Asheville\" What is the definition of \"vicinity\"?"} {"term": "gravitation", "pos": "n", "context": "irrigation by gravitation rather than by pumps", "definition": "movement downward resulting from gravitational attraction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"irrigation by gravitation rather than by pumps\" What is the definition of \"gravitation\"?"} {"term": "gravitation", "pos": "n", "context": "the gravitation of the middle class to the suburbs", "definition": "a figurative movement toward some attraction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the gravitation of the middle class to the suburbs\" What is the definition of \"gravitation\"?"} {"term": "gravitation", "pos": "n", "context": "the gravitation between two bodies is proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them", "definition": "the force of attraction between all masses in the universe", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["gravity", "attraction"], "instruction": "\"the gravitation between two bodies is proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them\" What is the definition of \"gravitation\"?"} {"term": "gravitation", "pos": "n", "context": "the gravitation between two bodies is proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them", "definition": "especially the attraction of the earths mass for bodies near its surface", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["gravity", "attraction"], "instruction": "\"the gravitation between two bodies is proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them\" What is the definition of \"gravitation\"?"} {"term": "shipwreck", "pos": "n", "context": "that was the shipwreck of their romance", "definition": "an irretrievable loss", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that was the shipwreck of their romance\" What is the definition of \"shipwreck\"?"} {"term": "citizenship", "pos": "n", "context": "award for good citizenship", "definition": "conduct as a citizen", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"award for good citizenship\" What is the definition of \"citizenship\"?"} {"term": "studio", "pos": "n", "context": "she ran a dance studio", "definition": "workplace for the teaching or practice of an art", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she ran a dance studio\" What is the definition of \"studio\"?"} {"term": "tee", "pos": "n", "context": "they were waiting on the first tee", "definition": "the starting place for each hole on a golf course", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they were waiting on the first tee\" What is the definition of \"tee\"?"} {"term": "boreal", "pos": "a", "context": "the boreal signs of the Zodiac", "definition": "toward or located in the north", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the boreal signs of the Zodiac\" What is the definition of \"boreal\"?"} {"term": "cognate", "pos": "s", "context": "cognate languages", "definition": "having the same ancestral language", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cognate languages\" What is the definition of \"cognate\"?"} {"term": "travel", "pos": "n", "context": "he enjoyed selling but he hated the travel", "definition": "the act of going from one place to another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he enjoyed selling but he hated the travel\" What is the definition of \"travel\"?"} {"term": "sloppy", "pos": "s", "context": "a sloppy room", "definition": "lacking neatness or order", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sloppy room\" What is the definition of \"sloppy\"?"} {"term": "sloppy", "pos": "s", "context": "a sloppy floor", "definition": "wet or smeared with a spilled liquid or moist material", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sloppy floor\" What is the definition of \"sloppy\"?"} {"term": "lineal", "pos": "a", "context": "lineal ancestors", "definition": "in a straight unbroken line of descent from parent to child", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lineal ancestors\" What is the definition of \"lineal\"?"} {"term": "militant", "pos": "s", "context": "militant nations", "definition": "disposed to warfare or hard-line policies", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"militant nations\" What is the definition of \"militant\"?"} {"term": "militant", "pos": "s", "context": "militant in fighting for better wages for workers", "definition": "showing a fighting disposition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"militant in fighting for better wages for workers\" What is the definition of \"militant\"?"} {"term": "binary", "pos": "a", "context": "a binary digit", "definition": "of or pertaining to a number system have 2 as its base", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a binary digit\" What is the definition of \"binary\"?"} {"term": "binary", "pos": "s", "context": "a binary star is a system in which two stars revolve around each other", "definition": "consisting of two units or components or elements or terms", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a binary star is a system in which two stars revolve around each other\" What is the definition of \"binary\"?"} {"term": "flood", "pos": "n", "context": "a flood of requests", "definition": "an overwhelming number or amount", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a flood of requests\" What is the definition of \"flood\"?"} {"term": "flood", "pos": "v", "context": "flood the market with tennis shoes", "definition": "to supply with an excess of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["provide", "rendering", "furnish", "flooding", "oversupply", "supply"], "instruction": "\"flood the market with tennis shoes\" What is the definition of \"flood\"?"} {"term": "distant", "pos": "a", "context": "distant villages", "definition": "separated in space or coming from or going to a distance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"distant villages\" What is the definition of \"distant\"?"} {"term": "distant", "pos": "a", "context": "a distant cousin", "definition": "far apart in relevance or relationship or kinship", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a distant cousin\" What is the definition of \"distant\"?"} {"term": "distant", "pos": "s", "context": "distant events", "definition": "separate or apart in time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"distant events\" What is the definition of \"distant\"?"} {"term": "distant", "pos": "s", "context": "distant lands", "definition": "located far away spatially", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"distant lands\" What is the definition of \"distant\"?"} {"term": "distant", "pos": "s", "context": "a distant smile", "definition": "remote in manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a distant smile\" What is the definition of \"distant\"?"} {"term": "riparian", "pos": "a", "context": "riparian land", "definition": "of or relating to or located on the banks of a river or stream", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"riparian land\" What is the definition of \"riparian\"?"} {"term": "abusive", "pos": "s", "context": "abusive punishment", "definition": "characterized by physical or psychological maltreatment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"abusive punishment\" What is the definition of \"abusive\"?"} {"term": "dun", "pos": "n", "context": "she wore dun", "definition": "a color or pigment varying around a light grey-brown color", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she wore dun\" What is the definition of \"dun\"?"} {"term": "dun", "pos": "v", "context": "dun codfish", "definition": "to cure by salting", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dun codfish\" What is the definition of \"dun\"?"} {"term": "dun", "pos": "s", "context": "the dun and dreary prairie", "definition": "of a dull greyish brown to brownish grey color", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the dun and dreary prairie\" What is the definition of \"dun\"?"} {"term": "orbital", "pos": "a", "context": "orbital revolution", "definition": "of or relating to an orbit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"orbital revolution\" What is the definition of \"orbital\"?"} {"term": "orbital", "pos": "a", "context": "orbital scale", "definition": "of or relating to the eye socket", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"orbital scale\" What is the definition of \"orbital\"?"} {"term": "toe", "pos": "v", "context": "toe a nail", "definition": "to drive obliquely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["ram", "toed", "force"], "instruction": "\"toe a nail\" What is the definition of \"toe\"?"} {"term": "semiotic", "pos": "a", "context": "semiotic analysis", "definition": "of or relating to semiotics", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"semiotic analysis\" What is the definition of \"semiotic\"?"} {"term": "engaged", "pos": "v", "context": "They engaged in a discussion", "definition": "to carry out or participate in an activity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["engage", "pursue", "practice", "prosecute", "act", "close"], "instruction": "\"They engaged in a discussion\" What is the definition of \"engaged\"?"} {"term": "engaged", "pos": "v", "context": "They engaged in a discussion", "definition": "to be involved in", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["engage", "pursue", "practice", "prosecute", "act", "close"], "instruction": "\"They engaged in a discussion\" What is the definition of \"engaged\"?"} {"term": "engaged", "pos": "s", "context": "the desperately engaged ships continued the fight", "definition": "involved in military hostilities", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the desperately engaged ships continued the fight\" What is the definition of \"engaged\"?"} {"term": "engaged", "pos": "s", "context": "the gears are engaged", "definition": "interlocked and interacting", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the gears are engaged\" What is the definition of \"engaged\"?"} {"term": "hew", "pos": "v", "context": "hew out a path in the rock", "definition": "to make or shape as with an axe", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["carve", "hewn"], "instruction": "\"hew out a path in the rock\" What is the definition of \"hew\"?"} {"term": "hew", "pos": "v", "context": "hew an oak", "definition": "to strike with an axe", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["strike", "striking", "hewn"], "instruction": "\"hew an oak\" What is the definition of \"hew\"?"} {"term": "hew", "pos": "v", "context": "hew an oak", "definition": "to cut down , strike", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["strike", "striking", "hewn"], "instruction": "\"hew an oak\" What is the definition of \"hew\"?"} {"term": "brahman", "pos": "n", "context": "a Boston brahman", "definition": "a member of a social and cultural elite especially a descendant of an old new england family", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a Boston brahman\" What is the definition of \"brahman\"?"} {"term": "tropical", "pos": "s", "context": "tropical islands", "definition": "relating to or situated in or characteristic of the tropics the region on either side of the equator", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tropical islands\" What is the definition of \"tropical\"?"} {"term": "tropical", "pos": "s", "context": "tropical weather", "definition": "of weather or climate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tropical weather\" What is the definition of \"tropical\"?"} {"term": "tropical", "pos": "s", "context": "tropical weather", "definition": "hot and humid as in the tropics", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tropical weather\" What is the definition of \"tropical\"?"} {"term": "tropical", "pos": "a", "context": "tropical year", "definition": "of or relating to the tropics , or either tropic", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tropical year\" What is the definition of \"tropical\"?"} {"term": "multifarious", "pos": "s", "context": "multifarious interests", "definition": "having many aspects", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"multifarious interests\" What is the definition of \"multifarious\"?"} {"term": "infirm", "pos": "s", "context": "infirm of purpose", "definition": "lacking firmness of will or character or purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"infirm of purpose\" What is the definition of \"infirm\"?"} {"term": "infirm", "pos": "s", "context": "infirm of purpose", "definition": "give me the daggers - shakespeare", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"infirm of purpose\" What is the definition of \"infirm\"?"} {"term": "right", "pos": "n", "context": "a right is not something that somebody gives you", "definition": "an abstract idea of that which is due to a person or governmental body by law or tradition or nature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a right is not something that somebody gives you\" What is the definition of \"right\"?"} {"term": "right", "pos": "n", "context": "a right is not something that somebody gives you", "definition": "it is something that nobody can take away", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a right is not something that somebody gives you\" What is the definition of \"right\"?"} {"term": "right", "pos": "n", "context": "he stood on the right", "definition": "i.e. the side to the south when a person or object faces east", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he stood on the right\" What is the definition of \"right\"?"} {"term": "right", "pos": "v", "context": "right a wrongs done to the victims of the Holocaust", "definition": "to make reparations or amends for", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["compensate", "expiate", "atone", "correct", "change", "alter", "modify", "abyss", "redress"], "instruction": "\"right a wrongs done to the victims of the Holocaust\" What is the definition of \"right\"?"} {"term": "right", "pos": "a", "context": "my right hand", "definition": "being or located on or directed toward the side of the body to the east when facing north", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my right hand\" What is the definition of \"right\"?"} {"term": "right", "pos": "a", "context": "do the right thing and confess", "definition": "in conformance with justice or law or morality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"do the right thing and confess\" What is the definition of \"right\"?"} {"term": "right", "pos": "a", "context": "time proved him right", "definition": "correct in opinion or judgment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"time proved him right\" What is the definition of \"right\"?"} {"term": "right", "pos": "s", "context": "things are right again now", "definition": "in or into a satisfactory condition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"things are right again now\" What is the definition of \"right\"?"} {"term": "right", "pos": "s", "context": "a right angle", "definition": "having the axis perpendicular to the base", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a right angle\" What is the definition of \"right\"?"} {"term": "right", "pos": "r", "context": "stand right here !", "definition": "precisely , exactly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stand right here !\" What is the definition of \"right\"?"} {"term": "right", "pos": "r", "context": "she called right after dinner", "definition": "immediately", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she called right after dinner\" What is the definition of \"right\"?"} {"term": "resourceful", "pos": "s", "context": "someone who is resourceful is capable of dealing with difficult situations", "definition": "having inner resources", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"someone who is resourceful is capable of dealing with difficult situations\" What is the definition of \"resourceful\"?"} {"term": "resourceful", "pos": "s", "context": "someone who is resourceful is capable of dealing with difficult situations", "definition": "adroit or imaginative", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"someone who is resourceful is capable of dealing with difficult situations\" What is the definition of \"resourceful\"?"} {"term": "unusual", "pos": "a", "context": "a scene of unusual beauty", "definition": "not usual or common or ordinary", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a scene of unusual beauty\" What is the definition of \"unusual\"?"} {"term": "unusual", "pos": "s", "context": "two-career families are no longer unusual", "definition": "not commonly encountered", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"two-career families are no longer unusual\" What is the definition of \"unusual\"?"} {"term": "trembling", "pos": "v", "context": "His hands were trembling when he signed the document", "definition": "to move or jerk quickly and involuntarily up and down or sideways", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["tremble", "agitate", "shiver", "quiver", "shudder", "palpitate", "quake", "thrill", "throb"], "instruction": "\"His hands were trembling when he signed the document\" What is the definition of \"trembling\"?"} {"term": "trembling", "pos": "s", "context": "trembling hands", "definition": "vibrating slightly and irregularly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"trembling hands\" What is the definition of \"trembling\"?"} {"term": "trembling", "pos": "s", "context": "trembling hands", "definition": "as e.g. with fear or cold or like the leaves of an aspen in a breeze", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"trembling hands\" What is the definition of \"trembling\"?"} {"term": "propulsive", "pos": "a", "context": "propulsive coefficient", "definition": "having the power to propel", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"propulsive coefficient\" What is the definition of \"propulsive\"?"} {"term": "propulsive", "pos": "s", "context": "the faster a jet plane goes the greater its propulsive efficiency", "definition": "tending to or capable of propelling", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the faster a jet plane goes the greater its propulsive efficiency\" What is the definition of \"propulsive\"?"} {"term": "neighborhood", "pos": "n", "context": "it is a friendly neighborhood", "definition": "people living near one another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is a friendly neighborhood\" What is the definition of \"neighborhood\"?"} {"term": "neighborhood", "pos": "n", "context": "an ethnic neighborhood", "definition": "an area within a city or town that has some distinctive features especially one forming a community", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an ethnic neighborhood\" What is the definition of \"neighborhood\"?"} {"term": "neighborhood", "pos": "n", "context": "he always blames someone else in the immediate neighborhood", "definition": "a surrounding or nearby region", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["section", "place", "vicinity", "proximity", "locality", "scenery"], "instruction": "\"he always blames someone else in the immediate neighborhood\" What is the definition of \"neighborhood\"?"} {"term": "pathogenic", "pos": "s", "context": "pathogenic bacteria", "definition": "able to cause disease", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pathogenic bacteria\" What is the definition of \"pathogenic\"?"} {"term": "frump", "pos": "n", "context": "she got a reputation as a frump", "definition": "a dull unattractive unpleasant girl or woman", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she got a reputation as a frump\" What is the definition of \"frump\"?"} {"term": "refill", "pos": "n", "context": "he got a refill of his prescription", "definition": "a prescription drug that is provided again", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he got a refill of his prescription\" What is the definition of \"refill\"?"} {"term": "refill", "pos": "v", "context": "refill my glass , please", "definition": "to fill something that had previously been emptied", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["fill", "replenish", "filling"], "instruction": "\"refill my glass , please\" What is the definition of \"refill\"?"} {"term": "discursive", "pos": "s", "context": "a rambling discursive book", "definition": "tending to depart from the main point or cover a wide range of subjects", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a rambling discursive book\" What is the definition of \"discursive\"?"} {"term": "answerable", "pos": "s", "context": "parents are answerable for their child 's acts", "definition": "morally or legally responsible to a higher authority", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"parents are answerable for their child 's acts\" What is the definition of \"answerable\"?"} {"term": "pacific", "pos": "s", "context": "the pacific temper seeks to settle disputes on grounds of justice rather than by force", "definition": "disposed to peace or of a peaceful nature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the pacific temper seeks to settle disputes on grounds of justice rather than by force\" What is the definition of \"pacific\"?"} {"term": "pacific", "pos": "s", "context": "the result of this pacific policy was that no troops were called up", "definition": "promoting peace", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the result of this pacific policy was that no troops were called up\" What is the definition of \"pacific\"?"} {"term": "blow", "pos": "n", "context": "a blow on the head", "definition": "a powerful stroke with the fist or a weapon", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a blow on the head\" What is the definition of \"blow\"?"} {"term": "blow", "pos": "n", "context": "he gave his nose a loud blow", "definition": "forceful exhalation through the nose or mouth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he gave his nose a loud blow\" What is the definition of \"blow\"?"} {"term": "blow", "pos": "v", "context": "blow on the soup to cool it down", "definition": "to exhale hard", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["expire", "heave", "gasp", "blown"], "instruction": "\"blow on the soup to cool it down\" What is the definition of \"blow\"?"} {"term": "remark", "pos": "n", "context": "it passed without remark", "definition": "explicit notice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it passed without remark\" What is the definition of \"remark\"?"} {"term": "issue", "pos": "n", "context": "the issue could be settled by requiring public education for everyone", "definition": "an important question that is in dispute and must be settled", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the issue could be settled by requiring public education for everyone\" What is the definition of \"issue\"?"} {"term": "issue", "pos": "n", "context": "she found an old issue of the magazine in her dentist 's waiting room", "definition": "one of a series published periodically", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["periodical", "edition", "number"], "instruction": "\"she found an old issue of the magazine in her dentist 's waiting room\" What is the definition of \"issue\"?"} {"term": "issue", "pos": "n", "context": "a new issue of stamps", "definition": "the act of providing an item for general use or for official purposes usually in quantity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["provision", "supply", "issuance"], "instruction": "\"a new issue of stamps\" What is the definition of \"issue\"?"} {"term": "issue", "pos": "v", "context": "issue a new uniform to the children", "definition": "to circulate or distribute or equip with", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["free", "release", "distribute", "reissue", "supply"], "instruction": "\"issue a new uniform to the children\" What is the definition of \"issue\"?"} {"term": "adult", "pos": "s", "context": "an adult animal", "definition": "fully developed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an adult animal\" What is the definition of \"adult\"?"} {"term": "adult", "pos": "s", "context": "adult movies", "definition": "designed to arouse lust", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"adult movies\" What is the definition of \"adult\"?"} {"term": "eating", "pos": "v", "context": "She was eating a banana", "definition": "to take in solid food", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["fill", "nibble", "dip", "piece", "pig", "wolf", "consume", "gobble", "pick", "ingest", "raven", "devour", "eat", "finish", "take", "fare"], "instruction": "\"She was eating a banana\" What is the definition of \"eating\"?"} {"term": "undivided", "pos": "s", "context": "presented an undivided front", "definition": "not parted by conflict of opinion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"presented an undivided front\" What is the definition of \"undivided\"?"} {"term": "undivided", "pos": "s", "context": "undivided responsibility", "definition": "not shared by or among others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"undivided responsibility\" What is the definition of \"undivided\"?"} {"term": "undivided", "pos": "s", "context": "an undivided interest in the property", "definition": "not separated into parts or shares", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an undivided interest in the property\" What is the definition of \"undivided\"?"} {"term": "sinful", "pos": "s", "context": "a sinful person", "definition": "having committed unrighteous acts", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sinful person\" What is the definition of \"sinful\"?"} {"term": "sinful", "pos": "s", "context": "he said it was sinful to wear lipstick", "definition": "characterized by iniquity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he said it was sinful to wear lipstick\" What is the definition of \"sinful\"?"} {"term": "sinful", "pos": "s", "context": "he said it was sinful to wear lipstick", "definition": "wicked because it is believed to be a sin", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he said it was sinful to wear lipstick\" What is the definition of \"sinful\"?"} {"term": "ripen", "pos": "v", "context": "The plums ripen in July", "definition": "to grow ripe", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["mature", "grow", "ripeness"], "instruction": "\"The plums ripen in July\" What is the definition of \"ripen\"?"} {"term": "redoubtable", "pos": "s", "context": "born of a redoubtable family", "definition": "worthy of respect or honor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"born of a redoubtable family\" What is the definition of \"redoubtable\"?"} {"term": "redoubtable", "pos": "s", "context": "a tougher and more redoubtable adversary than the heel-clicking , jackbooted fanatic \" - G.H.Johnston", "definition": "inspiring fear", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tougher and more redoubtable adversary than the heel-clicking , jackbooted fanatic \" - G.H.Johnston\" What is the definition of \"redoubtable\"?"} {"term": "device", "pos": "n", "context": "the device is small enough to wear on your wrist", "definition": "an instrumentality invented for a particular purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the device is small enough to wear on your wrist\" What is the definition of \"device\"?"} {"term": "device", "pos": "n", "context": "he would stoop to any device to win a point", "definition": "any clever maneuver", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["trick", "maneuver", "twist"], "instruction": "\"he would stoop to any device to win a point\" What is the definition of \"device\"?"} {"term": "yielding", "pos": "s", "context": "a deep yielding layer of foam rubber", "definition": "lacking stiffness and giving way to pressure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a deep yielding layer of foam rubber\" What is the definition of \"yielding\"?"} {"term": "yielding", "pos": "s", "context": "too yielding to make a stand against any encroachments \" - V.I.Parrington", "definition": "tending to give in or surrender or agree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"too yielding to make a stand against any encroachments \" - V.I.Parrington\" What is the definition of \"yielding\"?"} {"term": "twinkle", "pos": "n", "context": "there 's a perpetual twinkle in his eyes", "definition": "merriment expressed by a brightness or gleam or animation of countenance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["face", "spark", "sparkle", "look", "verve", "vitality"], "instruction": "\"there 's a perpetual twinkle in his eyes\" What is the definition of \"twinkle\"?"} {"term": "twinkle", "pos": "v", "context": "Does a constellation twinkle more brightly than a single star ?", "definition": "to emit or reflect light in a flickering manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["winkle", "shine", "beaming", "twinkling", "beam"], "instruction": "\"Does a constellation twinkle more brightly than a single star ?\" What is the definition of \"twinkle\"?"} {"term": "ceremony", "pos": "n", "context": "a ceremony commemorating Pearl Harbor", "definition": "a formal event performed on a special occasion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["function", "observance", "funeral", "dedication", "pageantry", "wedding", "circumstance", "initiation", "opening", "pageant", "induction", "commemoration", "ceremonial"], "instruction": "\"a ceremony commemorating Pearl Harbor\" What is the definition of \"ceremony\"?"} {"term": "ceremony", "pos": "n", "context": "the ceremony of smelling the cork and tasting the wine", "definition": "any activity that is performed in an especially solemn elaborate or formal way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ceremony of smelling the cork and tasting the wine\" What is the definition of \"ceremony\"?"} {"term": "ceremony", "pos": "n", "context": "an inaugural ceremony", "definition": "the proper or conventional behavior on some solemn occasion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an inaugural ceremony\" What is the definition of \"ceremony\"?"} {"term": "dialectically", "pos": "r", "context": "his religiousness is dialectically related to his sinfulness", "definition": "in a dialectic manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his religiousness is dialectically related to his sinfulness\" What is the definition of \"dialectically\"?"} {"term": "offspring", "pos": "n", "context": "she was the mother of many offspring", "definition": "the immediate descendants of a person", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["relative", "progeny", "bastard", "kid", "heir", "successor", "relation", "issue", "baby", "grandchild", "illegitimate"], "instruction": "\"she was the mother of many offspring\" What is the definition of \"offspring\"?"} {"term": "offspring", "pos": "n", "context": "industrialism prepared the way for acceptance of the French Revolution 's various socialistic offspring", "definition": "something that comes into existence as a result", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"industrialism prepared the way for acceptance of the French Revolution 's various socialistic offspring\" What is the definition of \"offspring\"?"} {"term": "accurately", "pos": "r", "context": "he works very accurately", "definition": "with few mistakes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he works very accurately\" What is the definition of \"accurately\"?"} {"term": "accurately", "pos": "r", "context": "repeated the order accurately", "definition": "strictly correctly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"repeated the order accurately\" What is the definition of \"accurately\"?"} {"term": "crib", "pos": "v", "context": "crib a construction hole", "definition": "to line with beams or planks", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"crib a construction hole\" What is the definition of \"crib\"?"} {"term": "inquiring", "pos": "a", "context": "an inquiring mind", "definition": "given to inquiry", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an inquiring mind\" What is the definition of \"inquiring\"?"} {"term": "lie", "pos": "v", "context": "lie dormant", "definition": "to be and remain in a particular state or condition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lie dormant\" What is the definition of \"lie\"?"} {"term": "marine", "pos": "a", "context": "marine explorations", "definition": "of or relating to the sea", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"marine explorations\" What is the definition of \"marine\"?"} {"term": "marine", "pos": "s", "context": "marine plants and animals such as seaweed and whales", "definition": "native to or inhabiting the sea", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"marine plants and animals such as seaweed and whales\" What is the definition of \"marine\"?"} {"term": "voice", "pos": "n", "context": "A shrill voice sounded behind us", "definition": "the distinctive quality or pitch or condition of a persons speech", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"A shrill voice sounded behind us\" What is the definition of \"voice\"?"} {"term": "voice", "pos": "n", "context": "a singer takes good care of his voice", "definition": "the sound made by the vibration of vocal folds modified by the resonance of the vocal tract", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["vox", "phonation", "communication", "vocalism", "vocalization"], "instruction": "\"a singer takes good care of his voice\" What is the definition of \"voice\"?"} {"term": "voice", "pos": "n", "context": "the noisy voice of the waterfall", "definition": "a sound suggestive of a vocal utterance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the noisy voice of the waterfall\" What is the definition of \"voice\"?"} {"term": "limpid", "pos": "s", "context": "writes in a limpid style", "definition": "transparently clear", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["lucid", "", "pellucid", "perspicuous"], "instruction": "\"writes in a limpid style\" What is the definition of \"limpid\"?"} {"term": "limpid", "pos": "s", "context": "writes in a limpid style", "definition": "easily understandable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["lucid", "", "pellucid", "perspicuous"], "instruction": "\"writes in a limpid style\" What is the definition of \"limpid\"?"} {"term": "limpid", "pos": "s", "context": "limpid blue eyes", "definition": "clear and bright", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"limpid blue eyes\" What is the definition of \"limpid\"?"} {"term": "limpid", "pos": "s", "context": "could see the sand on the bottom of the limpid pool", "definition": "transmitting light", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"could see the sand on the bottom of the limpid pool\" What is the definition of \"limpid\"?"} {"term": "limpid", "pos": "s", "context": "could see the sand on the bottom of the limpid pool", "definition": "able to be seen through with clarity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"could see the sand on the bottom of the limpid pool\" What is the definition of \"limpid\"?"} {"term": "terror", "pos": "n", "context": "he was the terror of the neighborhood", "definition": "a person who inspires fear or dread", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["individual", "scourge", "person", "soul"], "instruction": "\"he was the terror of the neighborhood\" What is the definition of \"terror\"?"} {"term": "terror", "pos": "n", "context": "he used terror to make them confess", "definition": "the use of extreme fear in order to coerce people especially for political reasons", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he used terror to make them confess\" What is the definition of \"terror\"?"} {"term": "impartial", "pos": "a", "context": "the cold neutrality of an impartial judge", "definition": "showing lack of favoritism", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the cold neutrality of an impartial judge\" What is the definition of \"impartial\"?"} {"term": "impartial", "pos": "a", "context": "the impartial eye of a scientist", "definition": "free from undue bias or preconceived opinions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the impartial eye of a scientist\" What is the definition of \"impartial\"?"} {"term": "boost", "pos": "n", "context": "he gave her a boost over the fence", "definition": "the act of giving a push", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he gave her a boost over the fence\" What is the definition of \"boost\"?"} {"term": "boost", "pos": "v", "context": "The tax cut will boost the economy", "definition": "to be beneficial to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The tax cut will boost the economy\" What is the definition of \"boost\"?"} {"term": "boost", "pos": "v", "context": "boost the voltage in an electrical circuit", "definition": "to increase or raise", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["advanced", "advance", "supercharge", "increase"], "instruction": "\"boost the voltage in an electrical circuit\" What is the definition of \"boost\"?"} {"term": "plummy", "pos": "s", "context": "a plummy leading role", "definition": "very desirable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a plummy leading role\" What is the definition of \"plummy\"?"} {"term": "plummy", "pos": "s", "context": "the radio announcer 's plummy voice", "definition": "affectedly mellow and rich", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the radio announcer 's plummy voice\" What is the definition of \"plummy\"?"} {"term": "sensibly", "pos": "r", "context": "he acted sensibly in the crisis", "definition": "with good sense or in a reasonable or intelligent manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he acted sensibly in the crisis\" What is the definition of \"sensibly\"?"} {"term": "focal", "pos": "s", "context": "focal point", "definition": "having or localized centrally at a focus", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"focal point\" What is the definition of \"focal\"?"} {"term": "focal", "pos": "a", "context": "focal length", "definition": "of or relating to a focus", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"focal length\" What is the definition of \"focal\"?"} {"term": "surmountable", "pos": "a", "context": "situations of measurable and surmountable danger", "definition": "capable of being surmounted or overcome", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"situations of measurable and surmountable danger\" What is the definition of \"surmountable\"?"} {"term": "retrospective", "pos": "a", "context": "retrospective self-justification", "definition": "concerned with or related to the past", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"retrospective self-justification\" What is the definition of \"retrospective\"?"} {"term": "dutiable", "pos": "s", "context": "dutiable imports", "definition": "subject to import tax", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dutiable imports\" What is the definition of \"dutiable\"?"} {"term": "defective", "pos": "s", "context": "I returned the appliance because it was defective", "definition": "having a defect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I returned the appliance because it was defective\" What is the definition of \"defective\"?"} {"term": "defective", "pos": "s", "context": "defective speech", "definition": "markedly subnormal in structure or function or intelligence or behavior", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"defective speech\" What is the definition of \"defective\"?"} {"term": "defective", "pos": "s", "context": "a defective appliance", "definition": "not working properly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a defective appliance\" What is the definition of \"defective\"?"} {"term": "token", "pos": "s", "context": "a token gesture of resistance", "definition": "insignificantly small", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a token gesture of resistance\" What is the definition of \"token\"?"} {"term": "token", "pos": "s", "context": "a token gesture of resistance", "definition": "a matter of form only tokenish is informal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a token gesture of resistance\" What is the definition of \"token\"?"} {"term": "splint", "pos": "n", "context": "he lit the fire with a burning splint", "definition": "a thin sliver of wood", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he lit the fire with a burning splint\" What is the definition of \"splint\"?"} {"term": "processional", "pos": "a", "context": "processional music", "definition": "intended for use in a procession", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"processional music\" What is the definition of \"processional\"?"} {"term": "processional", "pos": "a", "context": "in good processional order", "definition": "of or relating to or characteristic of a procession", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in good processional order\" What is the definition of \"processional\"?"} {"term": "sticky", "pos": "s", "context": "felt sticky and chilly at the same time", "definition": "moist as with undried perspiration and with clothing sticking to the body", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"felt sticky and chilly at the same time\" What is the definition of \"sticky\"?"} {"term": "coarsely", "pos": "r", "context": "the surfaces were coarsely granular", "definition": "in coarse pieces", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the surfaces were coarsely granular\" What is the definition of \"coarsely\"?"} {"term": "yard", "pos": "n", "context": "it was a small house with almost no yard", "definition": "the enclosed land around a house or other building", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["curtilage", "garden", "playground"], "instruction": "\"it was a small house with almost no yard\" What is the definition of \"yard\"?"} {"term": "yard", "pos": "n", "context": "they opened a repair yard on the edge of town", "definition": "a tract of land enclosed for particular activities sometimes paved and usually associated with buildings", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they opened a repair yard on the edge of town\" What is the definition of \"yard\"?"} {"term": "wearing", "pos": "v", "context": "She was wearing yellow that day", "definition": "to be dressed in", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"She was wearing yellow that day\" What is the definition of \"wearing\"?"} {"term": "wearing", "pos": "s", "context": "the visit was especially wearing", "definition": "producing exhaustion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the visit was especially wearing\" What is the definition of \"wearing\"?"} {"term": "threefold", "pos": "s", "context": "a threefold increase", "definition": "three times as great or many", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a threefold increase\" What is the definition of \"threefold\"?"} {"term": "threefold", "pos": "r", "context": "our rent increased threefold in the past five years", "definition": "by a factor of three", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"our rent increased threefold in the past five years\" What is the definition of \"threefold\"?"} {"term": "doting", "pos": "s", "context": "deceiving her preoccupied and doting husband with a young captain", "definition": "extravagantly or foolishly loving and indulgent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"deceiving her preoccupied and doting husband with a young captain\" What is the definition of \"doting\"?"} {"term": "bate", "pos": "v", "context": "bate hides and skins", "definition": "to soak in a special solution to soften and remove chemicals used in previous treatments", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["drench", "soaking", "soak", "bated", "sop", "souse", "dowse"], "instruction": "\"bate hides and skins\" What is the definition of \"bate\"?"} {"term": "wilderness", "pos": "n", "context": "he led the Democratic party back from the wilderness", "definition": "a state of disfavor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he led the Democratic party back from the wilderness\" What is the definition of \"wilderness\"?"} {"term": "wilderness", "pos": "n", "context": "it was a wilderness preserved for the hawks and mountaineers", "definition": "a wild and uninhabited area left in its natural condition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["frontier", "wild", "bush", "barren"], "instruction": "\"it was a wilderness preserved for the hawks and mountaineers\" What is the definition of \"wilderness\"?"} {"term": "seared", "pos": "s", "context": "the seared meat is then covered with hot liquid for braising", "definition": "having the surface burned quickly with intense heat", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the seared meat is then covered with hot liquid for braising\" What is the definition of \"seared\"?"} {"term": "hereafter", "pos": "r", "context": "hope to win salvation hereafter", "definition": "in a future life or state", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hope to win salvation hereafter\" What is the definition of \"hereafter\"?"} {"term": "hereafter", "pos": "r", "context": "hereafter you will no longer receive an allowance", "definition": "following this in time or order or place", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hereafter you will no longer receive an allowance\" What is the definition of \"hereafter\"?"} {"term": "hereafter", "pos": "r", "context": "hereafter you will no longer receive an allowance", "definition": "after this", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hereafter you will no longer receive an allowance\" What is the definition of \"hereafter\"?"} {"term": "incriminatory", "pos": "s", "context": "incriminatory testimony", "definition": "charging or suggestive of guilt or blame", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"incriminatory testimony\" What is the definition of \"incriminatory\"?"} {"term": "bow", "pos": "n", "context": "he pointed the bow of the boat toward the finish line", "definition": "front part of a vessel or aircraft", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["stem", "fore", "prow", ""], "instruction": "\"he pointed the bow of the boat toward the finish line\" What is the definition of \"bow\"?"} {"term": "vociferous", "pos": "s", "context": "a vociferous mob", "definition": "conspicuously and offensively loud", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a vociferous mob\" What is the definition of \"vociferous\"?"} {"term": "vociferous", "pos": "s", "context": "a vociferous mob", "definition": "given to vehement outcry", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a vociferous mob\" What is the definition of \"vociferous\"?"} {"term": "unarmed", "pos": "a", "context": "went alone and unarmed", "definition": "not having or using arms", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"went alone and unarmed\" What is the definition of \"unarmed\"?"} {"term": "election", "pos": "n", "context": "the results of the election will be announced tonight", "definition": "a vote to select the winner of a position or political office", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the results of the election will be announced tonight\" What is the definition of \"election\"?"} {"term": "election", "pos": "n", "context": "her election of medicine as a profession", "definition": "the act of selecting someone or something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her election of medicine as a profession\" What is the definition of \"election\"?"} {"term": "election", "pos": "n", "context": "her election of medicine as a profession", "definition": "the exercise of deliberate choice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her election of medicine as a profession\" What is the definition of \"election\"?"} {"term": "election", "pos": "n", "context": "they celebrated his election", "definition": "the status or fact of being elected", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they celebrated his election\" What is the definition of \"election\"?"} {"term": "scalp", "pos": "n", "context": "they wanted to take his scalp as a trophy", "definition": "the skin that covers the top of the head", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they wanted to take his scalp as a trophy\" What is the definition of \"scalp\"?"} {"term": "foot", "pos": "n", "context": "armored from head to foot", "definition": "the part of the leg of a human being below the ankle joint", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"armored from head to foot\" What is the definition of \"foot\"?"} {"term": "foot", "pos": "n", "context": "curled up on the foot of the bed", "definition": "the lower part of anything", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"curled up on the foot of the bed\" What is the definition of \"foot\"?"} {"term": "foot", "pos": "v", "context": "foot the bill", "definition": "to pay for something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["pick", "pay", "footed"], "instruction": "\"foot the bill\" What is the definition of \"foot\"?"} {"term": "saddled", "pos": "v", "context": "he saddled me with that heavy responsibility", "definition": "to load or burden", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["saddle", "burden", "weight"], "instruction": "\"he saddled me with that heavy responsibility\" What is the definition of \"saddled\"?"} {"term": "saddled", "pos": "v", "context": "he saddled me with that heavy responsibility", "definition": "to encumber", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["saddle", "burden", "weight"], "instruction": "\"he saddled me with that heavy responsibility\" What is the definition of \"saddled\"?"} {"term": "saddled", "pos": "s", "context": "left me saddled with the bill", "definition": "subject to an imposed burden", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"left me saddled with the bill\" What is the definition of \"saddled\"?"} {"term": "reverent", "pos": "a", "context": "maintained a reverent silence", "definition": "feeling or showing profound respect or veneration", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"maintained a reverent silence\" What is the definition of \"reverent\"?"} {"term": "ineffectively", "pos": "r", "context": "he dealt with the problem rather ineffectively", "definition": "in an ineffective manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he dealt with the problem rather ineffectively\" What is the definition of \"ineffectively\"?"} {"term": "timeless", "pos": "s", "context": "Helen 's timeless beauty", "definition": "unaffected by time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Helen 's timeless beauty\" What is the definition of \"timeless\"?"} {"term": "replacement", "pos": "n", "context": "the replacement of lost blood by a transfusion of donor blood", "definition": "an event in which one thing is substituted for another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["switch", "permutation", "fluctuation", "transposition", "variation", "substitution"], "instruction": "\"the replacement of lost blood by a transfusion of donor blood\" What is the definition of \"replacement\"?"} {"term": "menstruation", "pos": "n", "context": "the women were sickly and subject to excessive menstruation", "definition": "the monthly discharge of blood from the uterus of nonpregnant women from puberty to menopause", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["period", "flow", "menses", "emission"], "instruction": "\"the women were sickly and subject to excessive menstruation\" What is the definition of \"menstruation\"?"} {"term": "approaching", "pos": "v", "context": "We were approaching our destination", "definition": "to move towards", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["approach", "crowd", "come", "close", "push"], "instruction": "\"We were approaching our destination\" What is the definition of \"approaching\"?"} {"term": "approaching", "pos": "s", "context": "the approaching election", "definition": "of the relatively near future", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the approaching election\" What is the definition of \"approaching\"?"} {"term": "unfrequented", "pos": "s", "context": "a trail leading to an unfrequented lake", "definition": "devoid of creatures", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a trail leading to an unfrequented lake\" What is the definition of \"unfrequented\"?"} {"term": "meticulous", "pos": "s", "context": "meticulous research", "definition": "marked by precise accordance with details", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"meticulous research\" What is the definition of \"meticulous\"?"} {"term": "meticulous", "pos": "s", "context": "a meticulous craftsman", "definition": "marked by extreme care in treatment of details", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a meticulous craftsman\" What is the definition of \"meticulous\"?"} {"term": "knockabout", "pos": "s", "context": "a knockabout overcoat", "definition": "suitable for rough use", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a knockabout overcoat\" What is the definition of \"knockabout\"?"} {"term": "knockabout", "pos": "s", "context": "knockabout comedy", "definition": "full of rough and exuberant animal spirits", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"knockabout comedy\" What is the definition of \"knockabout\"?"} {"term": "churning", "pos": "v", "context": "the sea was churning in the storm", "definition": "to be agitated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["churn", "roil", "boil", "roll", "moil"], "instruction": "\"the sea was churning in the storm\" What is the definition of \"churning\"?"} {"term": "churning", "pos": "s", "context": "winds whipped the piled leaves into churning masses", "definition": "moving with or producing or produced by vigorous agitation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"winds whipped the piled leaves into churning masses\" What is the definition of \"churning\"?"} {"term": "obstinate", "pos": "s", "context": "an obstinate child with a violent temper", "definition": "resistant to guidance or discipline", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an obstinate child with a violent temper\" What is the definition of \"obstinate\"?"} {"term": "integrate", "pos": "v", "context": "The students at this school integrate immediately , despite their different backgrounds", "definition": "to become one", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The students at this school integrate immediately , despite their different backgrounds\" What is the definition of \"integrate\"?"} {"term": "niggardly", "pos": "s", "context": "a niggardly tip", "definition": "petty or reluctant in giving or spending", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a niggardly tip\" What is the definition of \"niggardly\"?"} {"term": "shadowy", "pos": "s", "context": "strange fancies of unreal and shadowy worlds \" - W.A.Butler", "definition": "lacking in substance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"strange fancies of unreal and shadowy worlds \" - W.A.Butler\" What is the definition of \"shadowy\"?"} {"term": "shadowy", "pos": "s", "context": "we sat on rocks in a shadowy cove", "definition": "filled with shade", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["shady", ""], "instruction": "\"we sat on rocks in a shadowy cove\" What is the definition of \"shadowy\"?"} {"term": "shadowy", "pos": "s", "context": "shadowy figures in the gloom", "definition": "lacking clarity or distinctness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shadowy figures in the gloom\" What is the definition of \"shadowy\"?"} {"term": "olden", "pos": "s", "context": "olden days", "definition": "long past", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"olden days\" What is the definition of \"olden\"?"} {"term": "equitable", "pos": "a", "context": "equitable treatment of all citizens", "definition": "fair to all parties as dictated by reason and conscience", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"equitable treatment of all citizens\" What is the definition of \"equitable\"?"} {"term": "approve", "pos": "v", "context": "I approve of his educational policies", "definition": "to give sanction to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["approving", "authorize", "visa", "confirm", "clear", "authorized", "back", "backing"], "instruction": "\"I approve of his educational policies\" What is the definition of \"approve\"?"} {"term": "admissible", "pos": "a", "context": "admissible evidence", "definition": "deserving to be admitted", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"admissible evidence\" What is the definition of \"admissible\"?"} {"term": "orbit", "pos": "n", "context": "he plotted the orbit of the moon", "definition": "the usually elliptical path described by one celestial body in its revolution about another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he plotted the orbit of the moon\" What is the definition of \"orbit\"?"} {"term": "orbit", "pos": "n", "context": "he 's out of my orbit", "definition": "a particular environment or walk of life", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["distaff", "province", "lap", "kingdom", "sphere", "environment", "area", "land", "preserve", "arena"], "instruction": "\"he 's out of my orbit\" What is the definition of \"orbit\"?"} {"term": "bated", "pos": "v", "context": "He bated his breath when talking about this affair", "definition": "to moderate or restrain", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["hold", "bate", "control", "moderate", "contain"], "instruction": "\"He bated his breath when talking about this affair\" What is the definition of \"bated\"?"} {"term": "bated", "pos": "v", "context": "He bated his breath when talking about this affair", "definition": "to lessen the force of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["hold", "bate", "control", "moderate", "contain"], "instruction": "\"He bated his breath when talking about this affair\" What is the definition of \"bated\"?"} {"term": "bated", "pos": "s", "context": "our bated enthusiasm", "definition": "diminished or moderated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"our bated enthusiasm\" What is the definition of \"bated\"?"} {"term": "nervously", "pos": "r", "context": "we watched the stock market nervously", "definition": "in an anxiously nervous manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we watched the stock market nervously\" What is the definition of \"nervously\"?"} {"term": "nervously", "pos": "r", "context": "our bodies jumped nervously away at the slightest touch", "definition": "with nervous excitement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"our bodies jumped nervously away at the slightest touch\" What is the definition of \"nervously\"?"} {"term": "guise", "pos": "n", "context": "under the guise of friendship he betrayed them", "definition": "an artful or simulated semblance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["semblance", "pretext", "color", "gloss", "pretense"], "instruction": "\"under the guise of friendship he betrayed them\" What is the definition of \"guise\"?"} {"term": "pivotal", "pos": "s", "context": "a pivotal event", "definition": "being of crucial importance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a pivotal event\" What is the definition of \"pivotal\"?"} {"term": "colorless", "pos": "a", "context": "a colorless and unimaginative person", "definition": "lacking in variety and interest", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a colorless and unimaginative person\" What is the definition of \"colorless\"?"} {"term": "dexterous", "pos": "s", "context": "dexterous of hand and inventive of mind", "definition": "skillful in physical movements", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dexterous of hand and inventive of mind\" What is the definition of \"dexterous\"?"} {"term": "dexterous", "pos": "s", "context": "dexterous of hand and inventive of mind", "definition": "especially of the hands", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dexterous of hand and inventive of mind\" What is the definition of \"dexterous\"?"} {"term": "unaccustomed", "pos": "a", "context": "unaccustomed to wearing suits", "definition": "not habituated to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unaccustomed to wearing suits\" What is the definition of \"unaccustomed\"?"} {"term": "unaccustomed", "pos": "a", "context": "unaccustomed to wearing suits", "definition": "unfamiliar with", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unaccustomed to wearing suits\" What is the definition of \"unaccustomed\"?"} {"term": "unaccustomed", "pos": "s", "context": "an unaccustomed pleasure", "definition": "not customary or usual", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unaccustomed pleasure\" What is the definition of \"unaccustomed\"?"} {"term": "ceiling", "pos": "n", "context": "he hated painting the ceiling", "definition": "the overhead upper surface of a covered space", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he hated painting the ceiling\" What is the definition of \"ceiling\"?"} {"term": "ceiling", "pos": "n", "context": "he put a ceiling on the number of women who worked for him", "definition": "an upper limit on what is allowed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["cap", "control"], "instruction": "\"he put a ceiling on the number of women who worked for him\" What is the definition of \"ceiling\"?"} {"term": "dispirited", "pos": "s", "context": "a dispirited and divided Party", "definition": "marked by low spirits", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dispirited and divided Party\" What is the definition of \"dispirited\"?"} {"term": "dispirited", "pos": "s", "context": "a dispirited and divided Party", "definition": "showing no enthusiasm", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dispirited and divided Party\" What is the definition of \"dispirited\"?"} {"term": "dispirited", "pos": "s", "context": "a dispirited and resigned expression on her face", "definition": "filled with melancholy and despondency", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["downcast", "", "gloomy", "downhearted", "blue", "depressed", "low"], "instruction": "\"a dispirited and resigned expression on her face\" What is the definition of \"dispirited\"?"} {"term": "loftily", "pos": "r", "context": "she bore herself loftily", "definition": "in a lofty manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she bore herself loftily\" What is the definition of \"loftily\"?"} {"term": "personification", "pos": "n", "context": "she is the personification of optimism", "definition": "a person who represents an abstract quality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she is the personification of optimism\" What is the definition of \"personification\"?"} {"term": "nutritional", "pos": "a", "context": "nutritional information", "definition": "of or relating to or providing nutrition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nutritional information\" What is the definition of \"nutritional\"?"} {"term": "glottal", "pos": "a", "context": "glottal stops", "definition": "of or relating to or produced by the glottis", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"glottal stops\" What is the definition of \"glottal\"?"} {"term": "intercommunicate", "pos": "v", "context": "These rooms intercommunicate", "definition": "to be interconnected , afford passage", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"These rooms intercommunicate\" What is the definition of \"intercommunicate\"?"} {"term": "shuffling", "pos": "v", "context": "We heard his feet shuffling down the hall", "definition": "to walk by dragging ones feet", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["drag", "shamble", "walk", "shuffle", "scuffle", "scuff"], "instruction": "\"We heard his feet shuffling down the hall\" What is the definition of \"shuffling\"?"} {"term": "seasonable", "pos": "a", "context": "a hard but seasonable frost", "definition": "in keeping with the season", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a hard but seasonable frost\" What is the definition of \"seasonable\"?"} {"term": "seasonable", "pos": "s", "context": "a seasonable time for discussion", "definition": "done or happening at the appropriate or proper time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a seasonable time for discussion\" What is the definition of \"seasonable\"?"} {"term": "punitive", "pos": "a", "context": "punitive justice", "definition": "inflicting punishment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"punitive justice\" What is the definition of \"punitive\"?"} {"term": "precociously", "pos": "r", "context": "her child behaves precociously", "definition": "in a precocious manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her child behaves precociously\" What is the definition of \"precociously\"?"} {"term": "professorial", "pos": "a", "context": "professorial demeanor", "definition": "relating to or characteristic of professors", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"professorial demeanor\" What is the definition of \"professorial\"?"} {"term": "mark", "pos": "n", "context": "it was in London that he made his mark", "definition": "the impression created by doing something unusual or extraordinary that people notice and remember", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was in London that he made his mark\" What is the definition of \"mark\"?"} {"term": "thereunder", "pos": "r", "context": "the headings and the items listed thereunder", "definition": "under that", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the headings and the items listed thereunder\" What is the definition of \"thereunder\"?"} {"term": "incendiary", "pos": "a", "context": "an incendiary fire", "definition": "involving deliberate burning of property", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an incendiary fire\" What is the definition of \"incendiary\"?"} {"term": "incendiary", "pos": "s", "context": "an incendiary agent", "definition": "capable of catching fire spontaneously or causing fires or burning readily", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an incendiary agent\" What is the definition of \"incendiary\"?"} {"term": "sanctimonious", "pos": "s", "context": "a sickening sanctimonious smile", "definition": "excessively or hypocritically pious", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sickening sanctimonious smile\" What is the definition of \"sanctimonious\"?"} {"term": "break", "pos": "n", "context": "he finally got his big break", "definition": "an unexpected piece of good luck", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he finally got his big break\" What is the definition of \"break\"?"} {"term": "break", "pos": "n", "context": "then there was a break in her voice", "definition": "an abrupt change in the tone or register of the voice as at puberty or due to emotion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"then there was a break in her voice\" What is the definition of \"break\"?"} {"term": "encapsulation", "pos": "n", "context": "the encapsulation of tendons in membranous sheaths", "definition": "the condition of being enclosed as in a capsule", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the encapsulation of tendons in membranous sheaths\" What is the definition of \"encapsulation\"?"} {"term": "cultural", "pos": "a", "context": "cultural events", "definition": "of or relating to the arts and manners that a group favors", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cultural events\" What is the definition of \"cultural\"?"} {"term": "cultural", "pos": "a", "context": "cultural roots", "definition": "of or relating to the shared knowledge and values of a society", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cultural roots\" What is the definition of \"cultural\"?"} {"term": "cultural", "pos": "a", "context": "a cultural variety", "definition": "relating to the raising of plants or animals", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a cultural variety\" What is the definition of \"cultural\"?"} {"term": "cultural", "pos": "s", "context": "influenced by ethnic and cultural ties \" - J.F.Kennedy", "definition": "denoting or deriving from or distinctive of the ways of living built up by a group of people", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"influenced by ethnic and cultural ties \" - J.F.Kennedy\" What is the definition of \"cultural\"?"} {"term": "antenatal", "pos": "a", "context": "antenatal care", "definition": "occurring or existing before birth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"antenatal care\" What is the definition of \"antenatal\"?"} {"term": "dramatic", "pos": "a", "context": "a dramatic entrance in a swirling cape", "definition": "suitable to or characteristic of drama", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dramatic entrance in a swirling cape\" What is the definition of \"dramatic\"?"} {"term": "dramatic", "pos": "a", "context": "dramatic arts", "definition": "pertaining to or characteristic of drama", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dramatic arts\" What is the definition of \"dramatic\"?"} {"term": "dramatic", "pos": "a", "context": "a dramatic tenor", "definition": "used of a singer or singing voice that is marked by power and expressiveness and a histrionic or theatrical style", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dramatic tenor\" What is the definition of \"dramatic\"?"} {"term": "dramatic", "pos": "s", "context": "a dramatic sunset", "definition": "sensational in appearance or thrilling in effect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dramatic sunset\" What is the definition of \"dramatic\"?"} {"term": "juggle", "pos": "v", "context": "juggle an account so as to hide a deficit", "definition": "to manipulate by or as if by moving around components", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"juggle an account so as to hide a deficit\" What is the definition of \"juggle\"?"} {"term": "juggle", "pos": "v", "context": "She had to juggle her job and her children", "definition": "to deal with simultaneously", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"She had to juggle her job and her children\" What is the definition of \"juggle\"?"} {"term": "interconnection", "pos": "n", "context": "an interconnection between the two buildings", "definition": "a state of being connected reciprocally", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an interconnection between the two buildings\" What is the definition of \"interconnection\"?"} {"term": "tinning", "pos": "n", "context": "careful tinning of the ends of wires results in a better joint when you solder them", "definition": "the application of a thin layer of soft solder to the ends of wires before soldering them", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"careful tinning of the ends of wires results in a better joint when you solder them\" What is the definition of \"tinning\"?"} {"term": "tend", "pos": "v", "context": "tend a store", "definition": "to manage or run", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tend a store\" What is the definition of \"tend\"?"} {"term": "basaltic", "pos": "a", "context": "basaltic magma is fluid", "definition": "of or relating to or containing basalt", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"basaltic magma is fluid\" What is the definition of \"basaltic\"?"} {"term": "incredibly", "pos": "r", "context": "behind you the coastal hills plunge to the incredibly blue sea backed by the Turkish mountains", "definition": "not easy to believe", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"behind you the coastal hills plunge to the incredibly blue sea backed by the Turkish mountains\" What is the definition of \"incredibly\"?"} {"term": "dismally", "pos": "r", "context": "in August 1914 , there was a dismally sentimental little dinner , when the French , German , Austrian and Belgian members of the committee drank together to the peace of the future", "definition": "in a cheerless manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in August 1914 , there was a dismally sentimental little dinner , when the French , German , Austrian and Belgian members of the committee drank together to the peace of the future\" What is the definition of \"dismally\"?"} {"term": "dismally", "pos": "r", "context": "as he looks at the mess he has left behind he must wonder how the Brits so often managed to succeed in the kind of situation where he has so dismally failed", "definition": "in a dreadful manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as he looks at the mess he has left behind he must wonder how the Brits so often managed to succeed in the kind of situation where he has so dismally failed\" What is the definition of \"dismally\"?"} {"term": "proneness", "pos": "n", "context": "accident proneness", "definition": "being disposed to do something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"accident proneness\" What is the definition of \"proneness\"?"} {"term": "altitude", "pos": "n", "context": "the altitude gave her a headache", "definition": "elevation especially above sea level or above the earths surface", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["height", "elevation", "ceiling", "level"], "instruction": "\"the altitude gave her a headache\" What is the definition of \"altitude\"?"} {"term": "cyclonic", "pos": "a", "context": "cyclonic cloud pattern", "definition": "of or relating to or characteristic of the atmosphere around a low pressure center", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cyclonic cloud pattern\" What is the definition of \"cyclonic\"?"} {"term": "cyclonic", "pos": "a", "context": "cyclonic destruction", "definition": "of or relating to or characteristic of a violent tropical storm", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cyclonic destruction\" What is the definition of \"cyclonic\"?"} {"term": "wretched", "pos": "s", "context": "spent a wretched night on the floor", "definition": "characterized by physical misery", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"spent a wretched night on the floor\" What is the definition of \"wretched\"?"} {"term": "wretched", "pos": "s", "context": "wretched prisoners huddled in stinking cages", "definition": "very unhappy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wretched prisoners huddled in stinking cages\" What is the definition of \"wretched\"?"} {"term": "wretched", "pos": "s", "context": "wretched prisoners huddled in stinking cages", "definition": "full of misery", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wretched prisoners huddled in stinking cages\" What is the definition of \"wretched\"?"} {"term": "honest", "pos": "a", "context": "honest lawyers", "definition": "not disposed to cheat or defraud", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"honest lawyers\" What is the definition of \"honest\"?"} {"term": "honest", "pos": "a", "context": "honest lawyers", "definition": "not deceptive or fraudulent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"honest lawyers\" What is the definition of \"honest\"?"} {"term": "honest", "pos": "s", "context": "my honest opinion", "definition": "without dissimulation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my honest opinion\" What is the definition of \"honest\"?"} {"term": "honest", "pos": "s", "context": "my honest opinion", "definition": "frank", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my honest opinion\" What is the definition of \"honest\"?"} {"term": "honest", "pos": "s", "context": "worked at an honest trade", "definition": "without pretensions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"worked at an honest trade\" What is the definition of \"honest\"?"} {"term": "honest", "pos": "s", "context": "gave honest answers", "definition": "marked by truth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gave honest answers\" What is the definition of \"honest\"?"} {"term": "observant", "pos": "s", "context": "observant of the speed limit", "definition": "adhering strictly to laws and rules and customs", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"observant of the speed limit\" What is the definition of \"observant\"?"} {"term": "surgical", "pos": "a", "context": "surgical instruments", "definition": "of or relating to or involving or used in surgery", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"surgical instruments\" What is the definition of \"surgical\"?"} {"term": "surgical", "pos": "a", "context": "a surgical appendix", "definition": "relating to or requiring or amenable to treatment by surgery especially as opposed to medicine", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a surgical appendix\" What is the definition of \"surgical\"?"} {"term": "surgical", "pos": "s", "context": "a surgical air strike", "definition": "performed with great precision", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a surgical air strike\" What is the definition of \"surgical\"?"} {"term": "perfidious", "pos": "s", "context": "the perfidious Judas", "definition": "tending to betray", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the perfidious Judas\" What is the definition of \"perfidious\"?"} {"term": "perfidious", "pos": "s", "context": "the perfidious Judas", "definition": "especially having a treacherous character as attributed to the carthaginians by the romans", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the perfidious Judas\" What is the definition of \"perfidious\"?"} {"term": "experimental", "pos": "a", "context": "experimental physics", "definition": "relating to or based on experiment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"experimental physics\" What is the definition of \"experimental\"?"} {"term": "experimental", "pos": "s", "context": "experimental results that supported the hypothesis", "definition": "relying on observation or experiment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"experimental results that supported the hypothesis\" What is the definition of \"experimental\"?"} {"term": "experimental", "pos": "s", "context": "an experimental drug", "definition": "of the nature of or undergoing an experiment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an experimental drug\" What is the definition of \"experimental\"?"} {"term": "primitive", "pos": "n", "context": "` pick ' is the primitive from which ` picket ' is derived", "definition": "a word serving as the basis for inflected or derived forms", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"` pick ' is the primitive from which ` picket ' is derived\" What is the definition of \"primitive\"?"} {"term": "primitive", "pos": "s", "context": "primitive societies", "definition": "used of preliterate or tribal or nonindustrial societies", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"primitive societies\" What is the definition of \"primitive\"?"} {"term": "primitive", "pos": "s", "context": "primitive art such as that by Grandma Moses is often colorful and striking", "definition": "of or created by one without formal training", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"primitive art such as that by Grandma Moses is often colorful and striking\" What is the definition of \"primitive\"?"} {"term": "primitive", "pos": "s", "context": "primitive art such as that by Grandma Moses is often colorful and striking", "definition": "simple or naive in style", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"primitive art such as that by Grandma Moses is often colorful and striking\" What is the definition of \"primitive\"?"} {"term": "primitive", "pos": "s", "context": "primitive movies of the 1890s", "definition": "belonging to an early stage of technical development", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"primitive movies of the 1890s\" What is the definition of \"primitive\"?"} {"term": "primitive", "pos": "s", "context": "primitive movies of the 1890s", "definition": "characterized by simplicity and often crudeness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"primitive movies of the 1890s\" What is the definition of \"primitive\"?"} {"term": "boot", "pos": "v", "context": "boot your computer", "definition": "to cause to load an operating system and start the initial processes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"boot your computer\" What is the definition of \"boot\"?"} {"term": "bubbly", "pos": "s", "context": "bright bubbly children", "definition": "full of or showing high spirits", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bright bubbly children\" What is the definition of \"bubbly\"?"} {"term": "cellular", "pos": "a", "context": "cellular walls", "definition": "relating to cells", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cellular walls\" What is the definition of \"cellular\"?"} {"term": "cellular", "pos": "a", "context": "the cellular construction of a beehive", "definition": "characterized by or divided into or containing cells or compartments the smallest organizational or structural unit of an organism or organization", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the cellular construction of a beehive\" What is the definition of \"cellular\"?"} {"term": "theocratic", "pos": "a", "context": "a theocratic state", "definition": "of or relating to or being a theocracy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a theocratic state\" What is the definition of \"theocratic\"?"} {"term": "washout", "pos": "n", "context": "it was several days after the storm before they could repair the washout and open the road", "definition": "the channel or break produced by erosion of relatively soft soil by water", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was several days after the storm before they could repair the washout and open the road\" What is the definition of \"washout\"?"} {"term": "washout", "pos": "n", "context": "from the house they watched the washout of their newly seeded lawn by the water", "definition": "the erosive process of washing away soil or gravel by water as from a roadway", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"from the house they watched the washout of their newly seeded lawn by the water\" What is the definition of \"washout\"?"} {"term": "sacral", "pos": "s", "context": "sacral laws", "definition": "of or relating to sacred rites", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sacral laws\" What is the definition of \"sacral\"?"} {"term": "alfresco", "pos": "s", "context": "an alfresco lunch", "definition": "in the open air", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an alfresco lunch\" What is the definition of \"alfresco\"?"} {"term": "queerly", "pos": "r", "context": "a queerly inscribed sheet of paper", "definition": "in a strange manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["strangely", "oddly", ""], "instruction": "\"a queerly inscribed sheet of paper\" What is the definition of \"queerly\"?"} {"term": "queerly", "pos": "r", "context": "this money had been queerly come by", "definition": "in a questionably unusual manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this money had been queerly come by\" What is the definition of \"queerly\"?"} {"term": "feminine", "pos": "a", "context": "feminine intuition", "definition": "associated with women and not with men", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"feminine intuition\" What is the definition of \"feminine\"?"} {"term": "feminine", "pos": "s", "context": "a feminine ending", "definition": "ending on an unaccented beat or syllable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a feminine ending\" What is the definition of \"feminine\"?"} {"term": "watchdog", "pos": "n", "context": "she is the global watchdog for human rights abuses", "definition": "a guardian or defender against theft or illegal practices or waste", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she is the global watchdog for human rights abuses\" What is the definition of \"watchdog\"?"} {"term": "disordered", "pos": "s", "context": "the small disordered room", "definition": "thrown into a state of disarray or confusion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the small disordered room\" What is the definition of \"disordered\"?"} {"term": "despondent", "pos": "s", "context": "despondent about his failure", "definition": "without or almost without hope", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"despondent about his failure\" What is the definition of \"despondent\"?"} {"term": "caustic", "pos": "s", "context": "caustic jokes about political assassination , talk-show hosts and medical ethics", "definition": "harsh or corrosive in tone", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"caustic jokes about political assassination , talk-show hosts and medical ethics\" What is the definition of \"caustic\"?"} {"term": "studious", "pos": "s", "context": "made a studious attempt to fix the television set", "definition": "marked by care and effort", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"made a studious attempt to fix the television set\" What is the definition of \"studious\"?"} {"term": "studious", "pos": "s", "context": "a quiet studious child", "definition": "characterized by diligent study and fondness for reading", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a quiet studious child\" What is the definition of \"studious\"?"} {"term": "equalize", "pos": "v", "context": "let 's equalize the duties among all employees in this office", "definition": "to make equal , uniform , corresponding , or matching", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"let 's equalize the duties among all employees in this office\" What is the definition of \"equalize\"?"} {"term": "avatar", "pos": "n", "context": "the Buddha is considered an avatar of the god Vishnu", "definition": "the manifestation of a hindu deity especially vishnu in human or superhuman or animal form", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the Buddha is considered an avatar of the god Vishnu\" What is the definition of \"avatar\"?"} {"term": "avatar", "pos": "n", "context": "the very avatar of cunning", "definition": "a new personification of a familiar idea", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the very avatar of cunning\" What is the definition of \"avatar\"?"} {"term": "vegetative", "pos": "a", "context": "a dull vegetative lifestyle", "definition": "of or relating to an activity that is passive and monotonous", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dull vegetative lifestyle\" What is the definition of \"vegetative\"?"} {"term": "vegetative", "pos": "a", "context": "the decaying vegetative layer covering a forest floor", "definition": "composed of vegetation or plants", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the decaying vegetative layer covering a forest floor\" What is the definition of \"vegetative\"?"} {"term": "vegetative", "pos": "s", "context": "vegetative functions such as digestion or growth or circulation", "definition": "relating to involuntary bodily functions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"vegetative functions such as digestion or growth or circulation\" What is the definition of \"vegetative\"?"} {"term": "peruse", "pos": "v", "context": "Please peruse this report at your leisure", "definition": "to examine or consider with attention and in detail", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Please peruse this report at your leisure\" What is the definition of \"peruse\"?"} {"term": "church", "pos": "n", "context": "the church was empty", "definition": "a place for public especially christian worship", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the church was empty\" What is the definition of \"church\"?"} {"term": "extemporaneous", "pos": "s", "context": "an extemporaneous piano recital", "definition": "with little or no preparation or forethought", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an extemporaneous piano recital\" What is the definition of \"extemporaneous\"?"} {"term": "motley", "pos": "s", "context": "a jester dressed in motley", "definition": "having sections or patches colored differently and usually brightly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["painted", "piebald", "", "pied"], "instruction": "\"a jester dressed in motley\" What is the definition of \"motley\"?"} {"term": "motley", "pos": "s", "context": "a motley crew", "definition": "consisting of a haphazard assortment of different kinds", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a motley crew\" What is the definition of \"motley\"?"} {"term": "reorganize", "pos": "v", "context": "We must reorganize the company if we do n't want to go under", "definition": "to organize anew", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"We must reorganize the company if we do n't want to go under\" What is the definition of \"reorganize\"?"} {"term": "catchy", "pos": "s", "context": "a catchy question", "definition": "having concealed difficulty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a catchy question\" What is the definition of \"catchy\"?"} {"term": "catchy", "pos": "s", "context": "a catchy title for a movie", "definition": "likely to attract attention", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a catchy title for a movie\" What is the definition of \"catchy\"?"} {"term": "quaint", "pos": "s", "context": "quaint dialect words", "definition": "strange in an interesting or pleasing way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"quaint dialect words\" What is the definition of \"quaint\"?"} {"term": "quaint", "pos": "s", "context": "the head terminating in the quaint duck bill which gives the animal its vernacular name \" - Bill Beatty", "definition": "very strange or unusual", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the head terminating in the quaint duck bill which gives the animal its vernacular name \" - Bill Beatty\" What is the definition of \"quaint\"?"} {"term": "quaint", "pos": "s", "context": "the head terminating in the quaint duck bill which gives the animal its vernacular name \" - Bill Beatty", "definition": "odd or even incongruous in character or appearance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the head terminating in the quaint duck bill which gives the animal its vernacular name \" - Bill Beatty\" What is the definition of \"quaint\"?"} {"term": "quaint", "pos": "s", "context": "houses with quaint thatched roofs", "definition": "attractively old-fashioned but not necessarily authentic", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"houses with quaint thatched roofs\" What is the definition of \"quaint\"?"} {"term": "legibly", "pos": "r", "context": "you must write legibly", "definition": "in a legible manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you must write legibly\" What is the definition of \"legibly\"?"} {"term": "crazily", "pos": "r", "context": "he behaves crazily when he is off his medication", "definition": "in an insane manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he behaves crazily when he is off his medication\" What is the definition of \"crazily\"?"} {"term": "stigmatize", "pos": "v", "context": "They wanted to stigmatize the adulteress", "definition": "to mark with a stigma or stigmata", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"They wanted to stigmatize the adulteress\" What is the definition of \"stigmatize\"?"} {"term": "befitting", "pos": "s", "context": "behavior befitting a father", "definition": "appropriate to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"behavior befitting a father\" What is the definition of \"befitting\"?"} {"term": "stormy", "pos": "a", "context": "a stormy day", "definition": "affected or characterized by storms or commotion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a stormy day\" What is the definition of \"stormy\"?"} {"term": "stormy", "pos": "s", "context": "a stormy argument", "definition": "characterized by violent emotions or behavior", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a stormy argument\" What is the definition of \"stormy\"?"} {"term": "cheap", "pos": "a", "context": "it would have been cheap at twice the price", "definition": "relatively low in price or charging low prices", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it would have been cheap at twice the price\" What is the definition of \"cheap\"?"} {"term": "obsequious", "pos": "s", "context": "obsequious shop assistants", "definition": "attentive in an ingratiating or servile manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"obsequious shop assistants\" What is the definition of \"obsequious\"?"} {"term": "woman", "pos": "n", "context": "the woman kept house while the man hunted", "definition": "an adult female person as opposed to a man", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the woman kept house while the man hunted\" What is the definition of \"woman\"?"} {"term": "woman", "pos": "n", "context": "he was faithful to his woman", "definition": "a female person who plays a significant role wife or mistress or girlfriend in the life of a particular man", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was faithful to his woman\" What is the definition of \"woman\"?"} {"term": "woman", "pos": "n", "context": "I have a woman who comes in four hours a day while I write", "definition": "a human female employed to do housework", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["char", "cleaner"], "instruction": "\"I have a woman who comes in four hours a day while I write\" What is the definition of \"woman\"?"} {"term": "unturned", "pos": "a", "context": "left no stone unturned", "definition": "not turned", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"left no stone unturned\" What is the definition of \"unturned\"?"} {"term": "shoulder", "pos": "v", "context": "shoulder the burden", "definition": "to carry a burden , either real or metaphoric", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["transport", "carry", "shouldered"], "instruction": "\"shoulder the burden\" What is the definition of \"shoulder\"?"} {"term": "jeering", "pos": "s", "context": "a jeering crowd", "definition": "abusing vocally", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a jeering crowd\" What is the definition of \"jeering\"?"} {"term": "jeering", "pos": "s", "context": "a jeering crowd", "definition": "expressing contempt or ridicule", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a jeering crowd\" What is the definition of \"jeering\"?"} {"term": "assumptive", "pos": "s", "context": "an assumptive person", "definition": "excessively forward", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an assumptive person\" What is the definition of \"assumptive\"?"} {"term": "assumptive", "pos": "s", "context": "assumptive beliefs", "definition": "accepted as real or true without proof", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"assumptive beliefs\" What is the definition of \"assumptive\"?"} {"term": "complement", "pos": "n", "context": "a full complement", "definition": "a complete number or quantity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a full complement\" What is the definition of \"complement\"?"} {"term": "complement", "pos": "n", "context": "a full complement of workers", "definition": "number needed to make up a whole force", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a full complement of workers\" What is the definition of \"complement\"?"} {"term": "complement", "pos": "v", "context": "I need some pepper to complement the sweet touch in the soup", "definition": "to make complete or perfect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I need some pepper to complement the sweet touch in the soup\" What is the definition of \"complement\"?"} {"term": "growth", "pos": "n", "context": "the growth of culture", "definition": "a progression from simpler to more complex forms", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the growth of culture\" What is the definition of \"growth\"?"} {"term": "growth", "pos": "n", "context": "a growth of trees", "definition": "vegetation that has grown", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a growth of trees\" What is the definition of \"growth\"?"} {"term": "enchanting", "pos": "s", "context": "enchanting music", "definition": "capturing interest as if by a spell", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"enchanting music\" What is the definition of \"enchanting\"?"} {"term": "sickness", "pos": "n", "context": "drugs have become a sickness they can not cure", "definition": "defectiveness or unsoundness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"drugs have become a sickness they can not cure\" What is the definition of \"sickness\"?"} {"term": "delectable", "pos": "s", "context": "the delectable Miss Haynes", "definition": "capable of arousing desire", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the delectable Miss Haynes\" What is the definition of \"delectable\"?"} {"term": "illegible", "pos": "a", "context": "illegible handwriting", "definition": "not legible", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"illegible handwriting\" What is the definition of \"illegible\"?"} {"term": "warfare", "pos": "n", "context": "diplomatic warfare", "definition": "an active struggle between competing entities", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["conflict", "struggle", "battle", "war"], "instruction": "\"diplomatic warfare\" What is the definition of \"warfare\"?"} {"term": "conveyer", "pos": "n", "context": "the conveyer of good tidings", "definition": "a person who conveys carries or transmits", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["conveyor", "messenger"], "instruction": "\"the conveyer of good tidings\" What is the definition of \"conveyer\"?"} {"term": "sonorous", "pos": "s", "context": "a herald chosen for his sonorous voice", "definition": "full and loud and deep", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a herald chosen for his sonorous voice\" What is the definition of \"sonorous\"?"} {"term": "pullback", "pos": "n", "context": "the pullback is expected to be over 25,000 troops", "definition": "the act of pulling back especially an orderly withdrawal of troops", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the pullback is expected to be over 25,000 troops\" What is the definition of \"pullback\"?"} {"term": "duodenal", "pos": "a", "context": "duodenal ulcer", "definition": "in or relating to the duodenum", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"duodenal ulcer\" What is the definition of \"duodenal\"?"} {"term": "unobtrusive", "pos": "a", "context": "a quiet , unobtrusive life of self-denial", "definition": "not obtrusive or undesirably noticeable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a quiet , unobtrusive life of self-denial\" What is the definition of \"unobtrusive\"?"} {"term": "forbid", "pos": "v", "context": "I forbid you to call me late at night", "definition": "to command against", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["illegalize", "require", "enjoin", "proscribe", "ban", "commanding", "prohibit", "interdict", "disallow", "nix", "debar", "outlaw", "veto"], "instruction": "\"I forbid you to call me late at night\" What is the definition of \"forbid\"?"} {"term": "fly", "pos": "v", "context": "Man can not fly", "definition": "to travel through the air", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["hover", "flying", "travel", "traveled", "rack", "buzz", "flighted", "flight", "soar", "going", "winged", "moving"], "instruction": "\"Man can not fly\" What is the definition of \"fly\"?"} {"term": "fly", "pos": "v", "context": "Man can not fly", "definition": "to be airborne", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["hover", "flying", "travel", "traveled", "rack", "buzz", "flighted", "flight", "soar", "going", "winged", "moving"], "instruction": "\"Man can not fly\" What is the definition of \"fly\"?"} {"term": "splanchnic", "pos": "a", "context": "a splanchnic nerve", "definition": "relating to or affecting the viscera", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a splanchnic nerve\" What is the definition of \"splanchnic\"?"} {"term": "stupid", "pos": "s", "context": "was stupid from fatigue", "definition": "in a state of mental numbness especially as resulting from shock", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"was stupid from fatigue\" What is the definition of \"stupid\"?"} {"term": "vivid", "pos": "s", "context": "a vivid recollection", "definition": "having the clarity and freshness of immediate experience", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a vivid recollection\" What is the definition of \"vivid\"?"} {"term": "vivid", "pos": "s", "context": "a vivid description", "definition": "evoking lifelike images within the mind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a vivid description\" What is the definition of \"vivid\"?"} {"term": "vivid", "pos": "s", "context": "a bird with vivid plumage", "definition": "having striking color", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bird with vivid plumage\" What is the definition of \"vivid\"?"} {"term": "knobbed", "pos": "s", "context": "a knobbed stick", "definition": "used of old persons or old trees", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a knobbed stick\" What is the definition of \"knobbed\"?"} {"term": "knobbed", "pos": "s", "context": "a knobbed stick", "definition": "covered with knobs or knots", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a knobbed stick\" What is the definition of \"knobbed\"?"} {"term": "yearly", "pos": "s", "context": "yearly medical examinations", "definition": "occurring or payable every year", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"yearly medical examinations\" What is the definition of \"yearly\"?"} {"term": "control", "pos": "n", "context": "under control", "definition": "power to direct or determine", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"under control\" What is the definition of \"control\"?"} {"term": "control", "pos": "n", "context": "measures for the control of disease", "definition": "a relation of constraint of one entity thing or person or group by another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"measures for the control of disease\" What is the definition of \"control\"?"} {"term": "control", "pos": "n", "context": "the timing and control of his movements were unimpaired", "definition": "regulation or maintenance of a function or action or reflex etc", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the timing and control of his movements were unimpaired\" What is the definition of \"control\"?"} {"term": "control", "pos": "v", "context": "control your anger", "definition": "to lessen the intensity of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["thermostat", "deny", "countercheck", "inhibit", "trammel", "mortifying", "bound", "restrain", "subdued", "limit", "bate", "limited", "subdue", "conquer", "hold", "suppress", "catch", "damp", "confine", "bated", "moderate", "keep", "throttle", "contain"], "instruction": "\"control your anger\" What is the definition of \"control\"?"} {"term": "control", "pos": "v", "context": "control your anger", "definition": "to temper", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["thermostat", "deny", "countercheck", "inhibit", "trammel", "mortifying", "bound", "restrain", "subdued", "limit", "bate", "limited", "subdue", "conquer", "hold", "suppress", "catch", "damp", "confine", "bated", "moderate", "keep", "throttle", "contain"], "instruction": "\"control your anger\" What is the definition of \"control\"?"} {"term": "control", "pos": "v", "context": "control your anger", "definition": "to hold in restraint", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["thermostat", "deny", "countercheck", "inhibit", "trammel", "mortifying", "bound", "restrain", "subdued", "limit", "bate", "limited", "subdue", "conquer", "hold", "suppress", "catch", "damp", "confine", "bated", "moderate", "keep", "throttle", "contain"], "instruction": "\"control your anger\" What is the definition of \"control\"?"} {"term": "control", "pos": "v", "context": "control your anger", "definition": "to hold or keep within limits", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["thermostat", "deny", "countercheck", "inhibit", "trammel", "mortifying", "bound", "restrain", "subdued", "limit", "bate", "limited", "subdue", "conquer", "hold", "suppress", "catch", "damp", "confine", "bated", "moderate", "keep", "throttle", "contain"], "instruction": "\"control your anger\" What is the definition of \"control\"?"} {"term": "inexplicable", "pos": "a", "context": "inexplicable errors", "definition": "incapable of being explained or accounted for", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"inexplicable errors\" What is the definition of \"inexplicable\"?"} {"term": "hypothesis", "pos": "n", "context": "a scientific hypothesis that survives experimental testing becomes a scientific theory", "definition": "a tentative insight into the natural world", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["theory", "conjecture", "model", "possibility", "assumption", "speculation", "conception", "framework", "concept", "supposition"], "instruction": "\"a scientific hypothesis that survives experimental testing becomes a scientific theory\" What is the definition of \"hypothesis\"?"} {"term": "hypothesis", "pos": "n", "context": "a scientific hypothesis that survives experimental testing becomes a scientific theory", "definition": "a concept that is not yet verified but that if true would explain certain facts or phenomena", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["theory", "conjecture", "model", "possibility", "assumption", "speculation", "conception", "framework", "concept", "supposition"], "instruction": "\"a scientific hypothesis that survives experimental testing becomes a scientific theory\" What is the definition of \"hypothesis\"?"} {"term": "hunger", "pos": "n", "context": "hunger for affection", "definition": "strong desire for something not food or drink", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hunger for affection\" What is the definition of \"hunger\"?"} {"term": "assurance", "pos": "n", "context": "his assurance in his superiority did not make him popular", "definition": "freedom from doubt", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["confidence", "authority", "sureness", "certainty"], "instruction": "\"his assurance in his superiority did not make him popular\" What is the definition of \"assurance\"?"} {"term": "assurance", "pos": "n", "context": "his assurance in his superiority did not make him popular", "definition": "belief in yourself and your abilities", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["confidence", "authority", "sureness", "certainty"], "instruction": "\"his assurance in his superiority did not make him popular\" What is the definition of \"assurance\"?"} {"term": "assurance", "pos": "n", "context": "an assurance of help when needed", "definition": "a binding commitment to do or give or refrain from something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an assurance of help when needed\" What is the definition of \"assurance\"?"} {"term": "run", "pos": "n", "context": "the defensive line braced to stop the run", "definition": "a play in which a player attempts to carry the ball through or past the opposing team", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["rush", "draw", "return", "sweep", "running"], "instruction": "\"the defensive line braced to stop the run\" What is the definition of \"run\"?"} {"term": "run", "pos": "n", "context": "the ship made its run in record time", "definition": "a regular trip", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ship made its run in record time\" What is the definition of \"run\"?"} {"term": "agreeable", "pos": "a", "context": "Is the plan agreeable to you ?", "definition": "conforming to your own liking or feelings or nature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Is the plan agreeable to you ?\" What is the definition of \"agreeable\"?"} {"term": "agreeable", "pos": "s", "context": "agreeable to the plan", "definition": "prepared to agree or consent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"agreeable to the plan\" What is the definition of \"agreeable\"?"} {"term": "agreeable", "pos": "s", "context": "salaries agreeable with current trends", "definition": "in keeping", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"salaries agreeable with current trends\" What is the definition of \"agreeable\"?"} {"term": "terminology", "pos": "n", "context": "legal terminology", "definition": "a system of words used to name things in a particular discipline", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["word", "nomenclature"], "instruction": "\"legal terminology\" What is the definition of \"terminology\"?"} {"term": "pendant", "pos": "s", "context": "a pendant bunch of grapes", "definition": "held from above", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a pendant bunch of grapes\" What is the definition of \"pendant\"?"} {"term": "mistily", "pos": "r", "context": "the summits of the mountains were mistily purple", "definition": "in a misty manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the summits of the mountains were mistily purple\" What is the definition of \"mistily\"?"} {"term": "mistily", "pos": "r", "context": "he explained it somewhat mistily", "definition": "in a vague way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he explained it somewhat mistily\" What is the definition of \"mistily\"?"} {"term": "grain", "pos": "n", "context": "a grain of sand", "definition": "a relatively small granular particle of a substance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a grain of sand\" What is the definition of \"grain\"?"} {"term": "indecipherable", "pos": "s", "context": "indecipherable handwriting", "definition": "not easily deciphered", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"indecipherable handwriting\" What is the definition of \"indecipherable\"?"} {"term": "indecipherable", "pos": "s", "context": "an indecipherable message", "definition": "impossible to determine the meaning of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an indecipherable message\" What is the definition of \"indecipherable\"?"} {"term": "noncommittal", "pos": "s", "context": "her boyfriend was noncommittal about their future together", "definition": "refusing to bind oneself to a particular course of action or view or the like", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her boyfriend was noncommittal about their future together\" What is the definition of \"noncommittal\"?"} {"term": "rightful", "pos": "s", "context": "a rightful inheritance", "definition": "legally valid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a rightful inheritance\" What is the definition of \"rightful\"?"} {"term": "principal", "pos": "n", "context": "she sent unruly pupils to see the principal", "definition": "the educator who has executive authority for a school", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she sent unruly pupils to see the principal\" What is the definition of \"principal\"?"} {"term": "principal", "pos": "s", "context": "the principal rivers of America", "definition": "most important element", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the principal rivers of America\" What is the definition of \"principal\"?"} {"term": "abstemious", "pos": "s", "context": "abstemious with the use of adverbs", "definition": "marked by temperance in indulgence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"abstemious with the use of adverbs\" What is the definition of \"abstemious\"?"} {"term": "notorious", "pos": "s", "context": "a notorious gangster", "definition": "known widely and usually unfavorably", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a notorious gangster\" What is the definition of \"notorious\"?"} {"term": "nebular", "pos": "a", "context": "the nebular hypothesis of the origin of the solar system", "definition": "of or relating to or resembling a nebula", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the nebular hypothesis of the origin of the solar system\" What is the definition of \"nebular\"?"} {"term": "portly", "pos": "s", "context": "men are portly and women are stout", "definition": "euphemisms for fat", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"men are portly and women are stout\" What is the definition of \"portly\"?"} {"term": "ventilation", "pos": "n", "context": "she was continually adjusting the ventilation", "definition": "a mechanical system in a building that provides fresh air", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was continually adjusting the ventilation\" What is the definition of \"ventilation\"?"} {"term": "policy", "pos": "n", "context": "it was a policy of retribution", "definition": "a plan of action adopted by an individual or social group", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was a policy of retribution\" What is the definition of \"policy\"?"} {"term": "policy", "pos": "n", "context": "they debated the policy or impolicy of the proposed legislation", "definition": "a line of argument rationalizing the course of action of a government", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they debated the policy or impolicy of the proposed legislation\" What is the definition of \"policy\"?"} {"term": "policy", "pos": "n", "context": "you should have read the small print on your policy", "definition": "written contract or certificate of insurance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["insurance", "contract"], "instruction": "\"you should have read the small print on your policy\" What is the definition of \"policy\"?"} {"term": "wield", "pos": "v", "context": "wield power and authority", "definition": "to have and exercise", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["hold", "exert"], "instruction": "\"wield power and authority\" What is the definition of \"wield\"?"} {"term": "peptic", "pos": "a", "context": "peptic juices", "definition": "relating to or promoting digestion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"peptic juices\" What is the definition of \"peptic\"?"} {"term": "unutterable", "pos": "s", "context": "unutterable contempt", "definition": "defying expression or description", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unutterable contempt\" What is the definition of \"unutterable\"?"} {"term": "unutterable", "pos": "s", "context": "unutterable consonant clusters", "definition": "very difficult to pronounce correctly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unutterable consonant clusters\" What is the definition of \"unutterable\"?"} {"term": "inform", "pos": "v", "context": "The principles that inform modern teaching", "definition": "to give character or essence to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The principles that inform modern teaching\" What is the definition of \"inform\"?"} {"term": "moonlight", "pos": "n", "context": "moonlight is the smuggler 's enemy", "definition": "the light of the moon", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["moonshine", ""], "instruction": "\"moonlight is the smuggler 's enemy\" What is the definition of \"moonlight\"?"} {"term": "calculated", "pos": "s", "context": "a calculated insult", "definition": "carefully thought out in advance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a calculated insult\" What is the definition of \"calculated\"?"} {"term": "capacity", "pos": "n", "context": "among his gifts is his capacity for true altruism", "definition": "capability to perform or produce", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"among his gifts is his capacity for true altruism\" What is the definition of \"capacity\"?"} {"term": "capacity", "pos": "n", "context": "the gas tank has a capacity of 12 gallons", "definition": "the amount that can be contained", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the gas tank has a capacity of 12 gallons\" What is the definition of \"capacity\"?"} {"term": "capacity", "pos": "n", "context": "the plant is working at 80 per cent capacity", "definition": "the maximum production possible", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the plant is working at 80 per cent capacity\" What is the definition of \"capacity\"?"} {"term": "biology", "pos": "n", "context": "the biology of viruses", "definition": "characteristic life processes and phenomena of living organisms", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the biology of viruses\" What is the definition of \"biology\"?"} {"term": "narration", "pos": "n", "context": "his narration was hesitant", "definition": "the act of giving an account describing incidents or a course of events", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["account", "relation", "telling", "yarn", "report", "recital"], "instruction": "\"his narration was hesitant\" What is the definition of \"narration\"?"} {"term": "pompous", "pos": "s", "context": "a pompous speech", "definition": "puffed up with vanity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["grandiloquent", "", "pontifical", "portentous"], "instruction": "\"a pompous speech\" What is the definition of \"pompous\"?"} {"term": "utter", "pos": "v", "context": "utter counterfeit currency", "definition": "to put into circulation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"utter counterfeit currency\" What is the definition of \"utter\"?"} {"term": "utter", "pos": "s", "context": "utter nonsense", "definition": "without qualification", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"utter nonsense\" What is the definition of \"utter\"?"} {"term": "utter", "pos": "s", "context": "utter nonsense", "definition": "used informally as often pejorative intensifiers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"utter nonsense\" What is the definition of \"utter\"?"} {"term": "utter", "pos": "s", "context": "utter seriousness", "definition": "complete", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"utter seriousness\" What is the definition of \"utter\"?"} {"term": "fusillade", "pos": "n", "context": "our fusillade from the left flank caught them by surprise", "definition": "rapid simultaneous discharge of firearms", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["firing", "fire", "volley", "salvo"], "instruction": "\"our fusillade from the left flank caught them by surprise\" What is the definition of \"fusillade\"?"} {"term": "trite", "pos": "s", "context": "his remarks were trite and commonplace", "definition": "repeated too often", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his remarks were trite and commonplace\" What is the definition of \"trite\"?"} {"term": "trite", "pos": "s", "context": "his remarks were trite and commonplace", "definition": "overfamiliar through overuse", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his remarks were trite and commonplace\" What is the definition of \"trite\"?"} {"term": "infallible", "pos": "a", "context": "an infallible antidote", "definition": "incapable of failure or error", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an infallible antidote\" What is the definition of \"infallible\"?"} {"term": "hazard", "pos": "n", "context": "drinking alcohol is a health hazard", "definition": "a source of danger", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["peril", "endangerment", "danger"], "instruction": "\"drinking alcohol is a health hazard\" What is the definition of \"hazard\"?"} {"term": "hazard", "pos": "n", "context": "drinking alcohol is a health hazard", "definition": "a possibility of incurring loss or misfortune", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["peril", "endangerment", "danger"], "instruction": "\"drinking alcohol is a health hazard\" What is the definition of \"hazard\"?"} {"term": "ferocious", "pos": "s", "context": "a ferocious beating", "definition": "marked by extreme and violent energy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a ferocious beating\" What is the definition of \"ferocious\"?"} {"term": "sharpness", "pos": "n", "context": "the sharpness of her loss", "definition": "the quality of being keenly and painfully felt", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sharpness of her loss\" What is the definition of \"sharpness\"?"} {"term": "dissatisfaction", "pos": "n", "context": "he was never slow to express his dissatisfaction with the service he received", "definition": "the feeling of being displeased and discontent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was never slow to express his dissatisfaction with the service he received\" What is the definition of \"dissatisfaction\"?"} {"term": "ambassador", "pos": "n", "context": "an ambassador of good will", "definition": "an informal representative", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an ambassador of good will\" What is the definition of \"ambassador\"?"} {"term": "adoptable", "pos": "a", "context": "a shortage of adoptable babies", "definition": "suitable or eligible for adoption", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a shortage of adoptable babies\" What is the definition of \"adoptable\"?"} {"term": "inspired", "pos": "v", "context": "The article about the artist inspired the exhibition of his recent work", "definition": "to supply the inspiration for", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The article about the artist inspired the exhibition of his recent work\" What is the definition of \"inspired\"?"} {"term": "inspired", "pos": "s", "context": "an inspired performance", "definition": "being of such surpassing excellence as to suggest inspiration by the gods", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an inspired performance\" What is the definition of \"inspired\"?"} {"term": "discriminate", "pos": "v", "context": "I could not discriminate the different tastes in this complicated dish", "definition": "to distinguish", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["discerning", "recognize", "discriminating", "spot", "spotted", "discern"], "instruction": "\"I could not discriminate the different tastes in this complicated dish\" What is the definition of \"discriminate\"?"} {"term": "discriminate", "pos": "a", "context": "discriminate judgments", "definition": "marked by the ability to see or make fine distinctions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"discriminate judgments\" What is the definition of \"discriminate\"?"} {"term": "projectile", "pos": "s", "context": "a projectile force", "definition": "impelling or impelled forward", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a projectile force\" What is the definition of \"projectile\"?"} {"term": "rekindle", "pos": "v", "context": "rekindle hopes", "definition": "to arouse again", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rekindle hopes\" What is the definition of \"rekindle\"?"} {"term": "untoward", "pos": "s", "context": "moved to curb their untoward ribaldry", "definition": "not in keeping with accepted standards of what is right or proper in polite society", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"moved to curb their untoward ribaldry\" What is the definition of \"untoward\"?"} {"term": "untoward", "pos": "s", "context": "made a place for themselves under the most untoward conditions", "definition": "contrary to your interests or welfare", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"made a place for themselves under the most untoward conditions\" What is the definition of \"untoward\"?"} {"term": "eternal", "pos": "s", "context": "eternal truths", "definition": "continuing forever or indefinitely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["ageless", "", "perpetual", "everlasting"], "instruction": "\"eternal truths\" What is the definition of \"eternal\"?"} {"term": "eternal", "pos": "s", "context": "the wait seemed eternal", "definition": "tiresomely long", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the wait seemed eternal\" What is the definition of \"eternal\"?"} {"term": "eternal", "pos": "s", "context": "the wait seemed eternal", "definition": "seemingly without end", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the wait seemed eternal\" What is the definition of \"eternal\"?"} {"term": "digest", "pos": "v", "context": "I can not digest milk products", "definition": "to convert food into absorbable substances", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I can not digest milk products\" What is the definition of \"digest\"?"} {"term": "digest", "pos": "v", "context": "I can not digest all this information", "definition": "to arrange and integrate in the mind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I can not digest all this information\" What is the definition of \"digest\"?"} {"term": "possibly", "pos": "r", "context": "we may possibly run into them at the concert", "definition": "by chance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we may possibly run into them at the concert\" What is the definition of \"possibly\"?"} {"term": "possibly", "pos": "r", "context": "they ca n't possibly get here in time for the funeral ?", "definition": "to a degree possible of achievement or by possible means", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they ca n't possibly get here in time for the funeral ?\" What is the definition of \"possibly\"?"} {"term": "virginal", "pos": "a", "context": "virginal white dresses", "definition": "characteristic of a virgin or virginity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"virginal white dresses\" What is the definition of \"virginal\"?"} {"term": "virginal", "pos": "s", "context": "nor is there anything more virginal than the shimmer of young foliage \" - L.P.Smith", "definition": "untouched or undefiled", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nor is there anything more virginal than the shimmer of young foliage \" - L.P.Smith\" What is the definition of \"virginal\"?"} {"term": "virginal", "pos": "s", "context": "men have decreed that their women must be pure and virginal", "definition": "in a state of sexual virginity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["vestal", "virtuous", "", "pure", "virgin"], "instruction": "\"men have decreed that their women must be pure and virginal\" What is the definition of \"virginal\"?"} {"term": "sedate", "pos": "s", "context": "a quiet sedate nature", "definition": "dignified and somber in manner or character and committed to keeping promises", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a quiet sedate nature\" What is the definition of \"sedate\"?"} {"term": "brazenly", "pos": "r", "context": "he spoke brazenly", "definition": "in a brazen manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he spoke brazenly\" What is the definition of \"brazenly\"?"} {"term": "arid", "pos": "s", "context": "an arid climate", "definition": "lacking sufficient water or rainfall", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an arid climate\" What is the definition of \"arid\"?"} {"term": "arid", "pos": "s", "context": "a technically perfect but arid performance of the sonata", "definition": "lacking vitality or spirit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a technically perfect but arid performance of the sonata\" What is the definition of \"arid\"?"} {"term": "arid", "pos": "s", "context": "a technically perfect but arid performance of the sonata", "definition": "lifeless", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a technically perfect but arid performance of the sonata\" What is the definition of \"arid\"?"} {"term": "quotidian", "pos": "s", "context": "there 's nothing quite like a real ... train conductor to add color to a quotidian commute \" - Anita Diamant", "definition": "found in the ordinary course of events", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["everyday", "", "mundane"], "instruction": "\"there 's nothing quite like a real ... train conductor to add color to a quotidian commute \" - Anita Diamant\" What is the definition of \"quotidian\"?"} {"term": "globular", "pos": "s", "context": "little globular houses like mud-wasp nests \" - Zane Grey", "definition": "having the shape of a sphere or ball", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"little globular houses like mud-wasp nests \" - Zane Grey\" What is the definition of \"globular\"?"} {"term": "put", "pos": "v", "context": "That song put me in awful good humor", "definition": "to cause to be in a certain state", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["modify", "putting", "change", "alter"], "instruction": "\"That song put me in awful good humor\" What is the definition of \"put\"?"} {"term": "put", "pos": "v", "context": "That song put me in awful good humor", "definition": "to cause to be in a certain relation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["modify", "putting", "change", "alter"], "instruction": "\"That song put me in awful good humor\" What is the definition of \"put\"?"} {"term": "put", "pos": "v", "context": "She put too much emphasis on her the last statement", "definition": "to attribute or give", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["utilize", "repose", "assign", "employ"], "instruction": "\"She put too much emphasis on her the last statement\" What is the definition of \"put\"?"} {"term": "miserable", "pos": "s", "context": "he felt depressed and miserable", "definition": "very unhappy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he felt depressed and miserable\" What is the definition of \"miserable\"?"} {"term": "miserable", "pos": "s", "context": "he felt depressed and miserable", "definition": "full of misery", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he felt depressed and miserable\" What is the definition of \"miserable\"?"} {"term": "miserable", "pos": "s", "context": "a wet miserable weekend", "definition": "characterized by physical misery", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a wet miserable weekend\" What is the definition of \"miserable\"?"} {"term": "miserable", "pos": "s", "context": "miserable victims of war", "definition": "deserving or inciting pity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"miserable victims of war\" What is the definition of \"miserable\"?"} {"term": "clumsily", "pos": "r", "context": "he snatched the bills clumsily", "definition": "in a clumsy manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he snatched the bills clumsily\" What is the definition of \"clumsily\"?"} {"term": "starkly", "pos": "r", "context": "He was starkly unable to achieve coherence", "definition": "in a stark manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"He was starkly unable to achieve coherence\" What is the definition of \"starkly\"?"} {"term": "starkly", "pos": "r", "context": "the black walls rose starkly from the snow", "definition": "in sharp outline or contrast", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the black walls rose starkly from the snow\" What is the definition of \"starkly\"?"} {"term": "starkly", "pos": "r", "context": "in starkly realistic terms", "definition": "in a blunt manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in starkly realistic terms\" What is the definition of \"starkly\"?"} {"term": "pancreatic", "pos": "a", "context": "pancreatic cancer", "definition": "of or involving the pancreas", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pancreatic cancer\" What is the definition of \"pancreatic\"?"} {"term": "paltry", "pos": "s", "context": "he considered the prize too paltry for the lives it must cost", "definition": "not worth considering", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he considered the prize too paltry for the lives it must cost\" What is the definition of \"paltry\"?"} {"term": "paltry", "pos": "s", "context": "a paltry wage", "definition": "contemptibly small in amount", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a paltry wage\" What is the definition of \"paltry\"?"} {"term": "conformist", "pos": "a", "context": "underneath the radical image teenagers are surprisingly conformist", "definition": "marked by convention and conformity to customs or rules or styles", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"underneath the radical image teenagers are surprisingly conformist\" What is the definition of \"conformist\"?"} {"term": "validly", "pos": "r", "context": "this may not validly be done", "definition": "with validity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this may not validly be done\" What is the definition of \"validly\"?"} {"term": "validly", "pos": "r", "context": "this may not validly be done", "definition": "in a valid manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this may not validly be done\" What is the definition of \"validly\"?"} {"term": "manufacture", "pos": "n", "context": "an improvement in the manufacture of explosives", "definition": "the act of making something a product from raw materials", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["formation", "manufacturing", "fabrication"], "instruction": "\"an improvement in the manufacture of explosives\" What is the definition of \"manufacture\"?"} {"term": "manufacture", "pos": "v", "context": "They manufacture small toys", "definition": "to put together out of artificial or natural components or parts", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["fabricate", "manufacturing", "make", "raft"], "instruction": "\"They manufacture small toys\" What is the definition of \"manufacture\"?"} {"term": "resonant", "pos": "s", "context": "a resonant voice", "definition": "characterized by resonance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a resonant voice\" What is the definition of \"resonant\"?"} {"term": "bid", "pos": "n", "context": "he made a bid to gain attention", "definition": "an attempt to get something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["try", "attempt", "play", "endeavor"], "instruction": "\"he made a bid to gain attention\" What is the definition of \"bid\"?"} {"term": "bid", "pos": "v", "context": "The prophet bid all people to become good persons", "definition": "to ask for or request earnestly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["beseeching", "entreat", "conjure", "beseech", "press", "bidding", "plead", "pleading"], "instruction": "\"The prophet bid all people to become good persons\" What is the definition of \"bid\"?"} {"term": "bid", "pos": "v", "context": "His campaign bid for the attention of the poor population", "definition": "to make a serious effort to attain something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"His campaign bid for the attention of the poor population\" What is the definition of \"bid\"?"} {"term": "suzerainty", "pos": "n", "context": "under the suzerainty of ...", "definition": "the position or authority of a suzerain", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"under the suzerainty of ...\" What is the definition of \"suzerainty\"?"} {"term": "scream", "pos": "n", "context": "he heard the scream of the brakes", "definition": "a high-pitched noise resembling a human cry", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["shriek", "noise", "screaming", "screech"], "instruction": "\"he heard the scream of the brakes\" What is the definition of \"scream\"?"} {"term": "impute", "pos": "v", "context": "People impute great cleverness to cats", "definition": "to attribute or credit to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["charge", "evaluate", "credit", "personify", "judge", "impute", "blame", "attribute", "assign"], "instruction": "\"People impute great cleverness to cats\" What is the definition of \"impute\"?"} {"term": "distinctively", "pos": "r", "context": "the distinctively conservative district of the county", "definition": "in an identifiably distinctive manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the distinctively conservative district of the county\" What is the definition of \"distinctively\"?"} {"term": "eld", "pos": "n", "context": "a beard white with eld", "definition": "a late time of life", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a beard white with eld\" What is the definition of \"eld\"?"} {"term": "eld", "pos": "n", "context": "tall for his eld", "definition": "a time of life usually defined in years at which some particular qualification or power arises", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tall for his eld\" What is the definition of \"eld\"?"} {"term": "discouragement", "pos": "n", "context": "the discouragement of petty theft", "definition": "the act of discouraging", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the discouragement of petty theft\" What is the definition of \"discouragement\"?"} {"term": "baseless", "pos": "s", "context": "baseless gossip", "definition": "without a basis in reason or fact", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"baseless gossip\" What is the definition of \"baseless\"?"} {"term": "cleaner", "pos": "a", "context": "cleaner and more efficient engines", "definition": "not spreading pollution or contamination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cleaner and more efficient engines\" What is the definition of \"cleaner\"?"} {"term": "cleaner", "pos": "a", "context": "cleaner and more efficient engines", "definition": "especially radioactive contamination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cleaner and more efficient engines\" What is the definition of \"cleaner\"?"} {"term": "palatial", "pos": "a", "context": "the palatial residence", "definition": "relating to or being a palace", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the palatial residence\" What is the definition of \"palatial\"?"} {"term": "palatial", "pos": "s", "context": "palatial furnishings", "definition": "suitable for or like a palace", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"palatial furnishings\" What is the definition of \"palatial\"?"} {"term": "distribute", "pos": "v", "context": "The publisher wants to distribute the book in Asia", "definition": "to make available", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The publisher wants to distribute the book in Asia\" What is the definition of \"distribute\"?"} {"term": "regional", "pos": "a", "context": "regional flora", "definition": "characteristic of a region", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"regional flora\" What is the definition of \"regional\"?"} {"term": "regional", "pos": "s", "context": "a regional dialect", "definition": "related or limited to a particular region", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a regional dialect\" What is the definition of \"regional\"?"} {"term": "morsel", "pos": "n", "context": "a morsel of paper was all he needed", "definition": "a small quantity of anything", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a morsel of paper was all he needed\" What is the definition of \"morsel\"?"} {"term": "thrust", "pos": "n", "context": "the thrust of the jet engines", "definition": "the force used in pushing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["push", "force"], "instruction": "\"the thrust of the jet engines\" What is the definition of \"thrust\"?"} {"term": "thrust", "pos": "v", "context": "He thrust his chin forward", "definition": "to push forcefully", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"He thrust his chin forward\" What is the definition of \"thrust\"?"} {"term": "thrust", "pos": "v", "context": "She thrust the letter into his hand", "definition": "to press or force", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["shove", "force", "forced", "stuffing", "pushing", "stuff", "push"], "instruction": "\"She thrust the letter into his hand\" What is the definition of \"thrust\"?"} {"term": "patently", "pos": "r", "context": "it is all patently nonsense", "definition": "unmistakably plain is often used informally for plainly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is all patently nonsense\" What is the definition of \"patently\"?"} {"term": "song", "pos": "n", "context": "the song of bullets was in the air", "definition": "a distinctive or characteristic sound", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the song of bullets was in the air\" What is the definition of \"song\"?"} {"term": "song", "pos": "n", "context": "with a shout and a song they marched up to the gates", "definition": "the act of singing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["carol", "strain", "lullaby"], "instruction": "\"with a shout and a song they marched up to the gates\" What is the definition of \"song\"?"} {"term": "circumstance", "pos": "n", "context": "pomp and circumstance", "definition": "formal ceremony about important occasions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pomp and circumstance\" What is the definition of \"circumstance\"?"} {"term": "thrilling", "pos": "s", "context": "a thrilling wind blew off the frozen lake", "definition": "causing quivering or shivering as by cold or fear or electric shock", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a thrilling wind blew off the frozen lake\" What is the definition of \"thrilling\"?"} {"term": "thrilling", "pos": "s", "context": "a thrilling performer to watch", "definition": "causing a surge of emotion or excitement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a thrilling performer to watch\" What is the definition of \"thrilling\"?"} {"term": "boy", "pos": "n", "context": "get out of my way , boy", "definition": "offensive and disparaging term for black man", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"get out of my way , boy\" What is the definition of \"boy\"?"} {"term": "boy", "pos": "n", "context": "the baby was a boy", "definition": "a youthful male person", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the baby was a boy\" What is the definition of \"boy\"?"} {"term": "safely", "pos": "r", "context": "we are safely out of there", "definition": "with safety", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we are safely out of there\" What is the definition of \"safely\"?"} {"term": "safely", "pos": "r", "context": "we are safely out of there", "definition": "in a safe manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we are safely out of there\" What is the definition of \"safely\"?"} {"term": "thankless", "pos": "a", "context": "How sharper than a serpent 's tooth it is / To have a thankless child ! \" - Shakespeare", "definition": "not feeling or showing gratitude", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"How sharper than a serpent 's tooth it is / To have a thankless child ! \" - Shakespeare\" What is the definition of \"thankless\"?"} {"term": "thankless", "pos": "s", "context": "grading papers is a thankless task", "definition": "not likely to be rewarded", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"grading papers is a thankless task\" What is the definition of \"thankless\"?"} {"term": "dormancy", "pos": "n", "context": "the volcano erupted after centuries of dormancy", "definition": "a state of quiet but possibly temporary inaction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["slumber", "quiescence", "inactivity", "inaction", "hibernation"], "instruction": "\"the volcano erupted after centuries of dormancy\" What is the definition of \"dormancy\"?"} {"term": "laden", "pos": "s", "context": "table laden with food", "definition": "filled with a great quantity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"table laden with food\" What is the definition of \"laden\"?"} {"term": "laden", "pos": "s", "context": "laden with grief", "definition": "burdened psychologically or mentally", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"laden with grief\" What is the definition of \"laden\"?"} {"term": "studied", "pos": "a", "context": "a studied smile", "definition": "produced or marked by conscious design or premeditation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a studied smile\" What is the definition of \"studied\"?"} {"term": "clean", "pos": "a", "context": "children with clean shining faces", "definition": "free from dirt or impurities", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"children with clean shining faces\" What is the definition of \"clean\"?"} {"term": "clean", "pos": "a", "context": "a clean fuel", "definition": "not spreading pollution or contamination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a clean fuel\" What is the definition of \"clean\"?"} {"term": "clean", "pos": "a", "context": "a clean fuel", "definition": "especially radioactive contamination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a clean fuel\" What is the definition of \"clean\"?"} {"term": "clean", "pos": "s", "context": "a clean bill of health", "definition": "free of restrictions or qualifications", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a clean bill of health\" What is the definition of \"clean\"?"} {"term": "clean", "pos": "s", "context": "efforts to obtain a clean bass in orchestral recordings", "definition": "free from anything that dulls or dims", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"efforts to obtain a clean bass in orchestral recordings\" What is the definition of \"clean\"?"} {"term": "clean", "pos": "s", "context": "clean water", "definition": "free from impurities", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"clean water\" What is the definition of \"clean\"?"} {"term": "clean", "pos": "r", "context": "clean forgot the appointment", "definition": "completely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"clean forgot the appointment\" What is the definition of \"clean\"?"} {"term": "clean", "pos": "r", "context": "clean forgot the appointment", "definition": "used as intensifiers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"clean forgot the appointment\" What is the definition of \"clean\"?"} {"term": "interim", "pos": "s", "context": "an interim agreement", "definition": "serving during an intermediate interval of time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an interim agreement\" What is the definition of \"interim\"?"} {"term": "filial", "pos": "a", "context": "filial respect", "definition": "relating to or characteristic of or befitting an offspring", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"filial respect\" What is the definition of \"filial\"?"} {"term": "modern", "pos": "a", "context": "modern art", "definition": "since the middle ages", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"modern art\" What is the definition of \"modern\"?"} {"term": "modern", "pos": "s", "context": "their offices are in a modern skyscraper", "definition": "relating to a recently developed fashion or style", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their offices are in a modern skyscraper\" What is the definition of \"modern\"?"} {"term": "burner", "pos": "n", "context": "a diesel engine is an oil burner", "definition": "an apparatus for burning fuel or refuse", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a diesel engine is an oil burner\" What is the definition of \"burner\"?"} {"term": "burner", "pos": "n", "context": "the electric range had one large burner and three smaller one", "definition": "the heating elements of a stove or range on which pots and pans are placed for cooking", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the electric range had one large burner and three smaller one\" What is the definition of \"burner\"?"} {"term": "ancestral", "pos": "s", "context": "ancestral home", "definition": "inherited or inheritable by established rules usually legal rules of descent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ancestral home\" What is the definition of \"ancestral\"?"} {"term": "manhood", "pos": "n", "context": "he feared the speedy decline of all manhood", "definition": "the quality of being human", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["humanness", "quality"], "instruction": "\"he feared the speedy decline of all manhood\" What is the definition of \"manhood\"?"} {"term": "gorgeous", "pos": "s", "context": "a gorgeous Victorian gown", "definition": "dazzlingly beautiful", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a gorgeous Victorian gown\" What is the definition of \"gorgeous\"?"} {"term": "humorous", "pos": "a", "context": "humorous stories", "definition": "full of or characterized by humor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"humorous stories\" What is the definition of \"humorous\"?"} {"term": "mown", "pos": "a", "context": "the smell of newly mown hay", "definition": "cut down with a hand implement or machine", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the smell of newly mown hay\" What is the definition of \"mown\"?"} {"term": "afferent", "pos": "a", "context": "afferent nerves", "definition": "of nerves and nerve impulses", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"afferent nerves\" What is the definition of \"afferent\"?"} {"term": "afferent", "pos": "a", "context": "afferent nerves", "definition": "conveying sensory information from the sense organs to the cns", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"afferent nerves\" What is the definition of \"afferent\"?"} {"term": "submit", "pos": "v", "context": "I submit to you that the accused is guilty", "definition": "to put before", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["suggest", "advise", "propose", "stated", "posit"], "instruction": "\"I submit to you that the accused is guilty\" What is the definition of \"submit\"?"} {"term": "pupate", "pos": "v", "context": "the insect larva pupate", "definition": "to develop into a pupa", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the insect larva pupate\" What is the definition of \"pupate\"?"} {"term": "shortening", "pos": "n", "context": "the dress needs shortening", "definition": "act of decreasing in length", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the dress needs shortening\" What is the definition of \"shortening\"?"} {"term": "vagueness", "pos": "n", "context": "the Conservative manifesto is a model of vagueness", "definition": "unclearness by virtue of being poorly expressed or not coherent in meaning", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the Conservative manifesto is a model of vagueness\" What is the definition of \"vagueness\"?"} {"term": "vagueness", "pos": "n", "context": "the scene had the swirling vagueness of a painting by Turner", "definition": "indistinctness of shape or character", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the scene had the swirling vagueness of a painting by Turner\" What is the definition of \"vagueness\"?"} {"term": "funk", "pos": "n", "context": "he was in a funk", "definition": "a state of nervous depression", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was in a funk\" What is the definition of \"funk\"?"} {"term": "vascularity", "pos": "n", "context": "a prominent vascularity", "definition": "the property being vascular", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a prominent vascularity\" What is the definition of \"vascularity\"?"} {"term": "mechanize", "pos": "v", "context": "mechanize armies", "definition": "to equip with armed and armored motor vehicles", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["fit", "motorize", "equip", "outfit"], "instruction": "\"mechanize armies\" What is the definition of \"mechanize\"?"} {"term": "mechanize", "pos": "v", "context": "mechanize the procedure", "definition": "to make mechanical", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mechanize the procedure\" What is the definition of \"mechanize\"?"} {"term": "squatty", "pos": "s", "context": "a squatty red smokestack", "definition": "short and thick", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["chunky", "", "dumpy", "squat", "squatter"], "instruction": "\"a squatty red smokestack\" What is the definition of \"squatty\"?"} {"term": "squatty", "pos": "s", "context": "a squatty red smokestack", "definition": "as e.g. having short legs and heavy musculature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["chunky", "", "dumpy", "squat", "squatter"], "instruction": "\"a squatty red smokestack\" What is the definition of \"squatty\"?"} {"term": "inhabitation", "pos": "n", "context": "he studied the creation and inhabitation and demise of the colony", "definition": "the act of dwelling in or living permanently in a place said of both animals and men", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["encampment", "habitation"], "instruction": "\"he studied the creation and inhabitation and demise of the colony\" What is the definition of \"inhabitation\"?"} {"term": "influence", "pos": "n", "context": "used her parents ' influence to get the job", "definition": "a power to affect persons or events especially power based on prestige etc", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"used her parents ' influence to get the job\" What is the definition of \"influence\"?"} {"term": "influence", "pos": "n", "context": "her wishes had a great influence on his thinking", "definition": "a cognitive factor that tends to have an effect on what you do", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her wishes had a great influence on his thinking\" What is the definition of \"influence\"?"} {"term": "lingo", "pos": "n", "context": "they do n't speak our lingo", "definition": "a characteristic language of a particular group as among thieves", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they do n't speak our lingo\" What is the definition of \"lingo\"?"} {"term": "adaptable", "pos": "a", "context": "to succeed one must be adaptable", "definition": "capable of adapting of becoming or being made suitable to a particular situation or use", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to succeed one must be adaptable\" What is the definition of \"adaptable\"?"} {"term": "rightfulness", "pos": "n", "context": "the rightfulness of his claim", "definition": "anything in accord with principles of justice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["right", "justness"], "instruction": "\"the rightfulness of his claim\" What is the definition of \"rightfulness\"?"} {"term": "arctic", "pos": "s", "context": "an arctic climate", "definition": "extremely cold", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an arctic climate\" What is the definition of \"arctic\"?"} {"term": "cluster", "pos": "n", "context": "a cluster of admirers", "definition": "a grouping of a number of similar things", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["clump", "agglomeration", "tuft", "tussock", "knot"], "instruction": "\"a cluster of admirers\" What is the definition of \"cluster\"?"} {"term": "stagnation", "pos": "n", "context": "economic growth of less than 1 % per year is considered to be economic stagnation", "definition": "a state of inactivity in business or art etc", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["stagnancy", "inactivity", "inaction"], "instruction": "\"economic growth of less than 1 % per year is considered to be economic stagnation\" What is the definition of \"stagnation\"?"} {"term": "lambent", "pos": "s", "context": "lambent tongues of flame", "definition": "softly bright or radiant", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["aglow", "", "lucent", "luminous"], "instruction": "\"lambent tongues of flame\" What is the definition of \"lambent\"?"} {"term": "wreak", "pos": "v", "context": "wreak havoc", "definition": "to cause to happen or to occur as a consequence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["create", "play", "make", "made"], "instruction": "\"wreak havoc\" What is the definition of \"wreak\"?"} {"term": "king", "pos": "n", "context": "the lion is the king of beasts", "definition": "preeminence in a particular category or group or field", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the lion is the king of beasts\" What is the definition of \"king\"?"} {"term": "idiotically", "pos": "r", "context": "what arouses the indignation of the honest satirist is not the fact that people in positions of power or influence behave idiotically", "definition": "in an idiotic manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"what arouses the indignation of the honest satirist is not the fact that people in positions of power or influence behave idiotically\" What is the definition of \"idiotically\"?"} {"term": "giant", "pos": "n", "context": "Walton built a retail giant", "definition": "an unusually large enterprise", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Walton built a retail giant\" What is the definition of \"giant\"?"} {"term": "cook", "pos": "v", "context": "My husband does n't cook", "definition": "to prepare a hot meal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"My husband does n't cook\" What is the definition of \"cook\"?"} {"term": "cook", "pos": "v", "context": "These potatoes have to cook for 20 minutes", "definition": "to transform and make suitable for consumption by heating", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"These potatoes have to cook for 20 minutes\" What is the definition of \"cook\"?"} {"term": "laudable", "pos": "s", "context": "laudable motives of improving housing conditions", "definition": "worthy of high praise", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["commendable", "", "praiseworthy"], "instruction": "\"laudable motives of improving housing conditions\" What is the definition of \"laudable\"?"} {"term": "minimal", "pos": "a", "context": "needed to enforce minimal standards", "definition": "the least possible", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"needed to enforce minimal standards\" What is the definition of \"minimal\"?"} {"term": "built", "pos": "v", "context": "Resistance to the manager 's plan built up quickly", "definition": "to form or accumulate steadily", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["develop", "progress", "build"], "instruction": "\"Resistance to the manager 's plan built up quickly\" What is the definition of \"built\"?"} {"term": "built", "pos": "s", "context": "the built liquid detergents", "definition": "having a substance an abrasive or filler added to increase effectiveness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the built liquid detergents\" What is the definition of \"built\"?"} {"term": "reckless", "pos": "s", "context": "became the fiercest and most reckless of partisans \" - Macaulay", "definition": "marked by defiant disregard for danger or consequences", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["rash", "heady", "rasher", ""], "instruction": "\"became the fiercest and most reckless of partisans \" - Macaulay\" What is the definition of \"reckless\"?"} {"term": "reckless", "pos": "s", "context": "reckless squandering of public funds", "definition": "characterized by careless unconcern", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"reckless squandering of public funds\" What is the definition of \"reckless\"?"} {"term": "patronize", "pos": "v", "context": "We patronize this store", "definition": "to be a regular customer or client of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["patronage", "nurture", "foster"], "instruction": "\"We patronize this store\" What is the definition of \"patronize\"?"} {"term": "sacrifice", "pos": "n", "context": "he had to sell his car at a considerable sacrifice", "definition": "a loss entailed by giving up or selling something at less than its value", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had to sell his car at a considerable sacrifice\" What is the definition of \"sacrifice\"?"} {"term": "sacrifice", "pos": "v", "context": "The general had to sacrifice several soldiers to save the regiment", "definition": "to kill or destroy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The general had to sacrifice several soldiers to save the regiment\" What is the definition of \"sacrifice\"?"} {"term": "slow", "pos": "a", "context": "a slow walker", "definition": "not moving quickly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a slow walker\" What is the definition of \"slow\"?"} {"term": "slow", "pos": "a", "context": "a slow walker", "definition": "taking a comparatively long time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a slow walker\" What is the definition of \"slow\"?"} {"term": "slow", "pos": "a", "context": "the clock is slow", "definition": "indicating a time earlier than the correct time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the clock is slow\" What is the definition of \"slow\"?"} {"term": "slow", "pos": "s", "context": "worked with the slow students", "definition": "lacking intellectual acuity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"worked with the slow students\" What is the definition of \"slow\"?"} {"term": "slow", "pos": "r", "context": "the clock is almost an hour slow", "definition": "of timepieces", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the clock is almost an hour slow\" What is the definition of \"slow\"?"} {"term": "aggravation", "pos": "n", "context": "the aggravation of her condition resulted from lack of care", "definition": "action that makes a problem or a disease or its symptoms worse", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the aggravation of her condition resulted from lack of care\" What is the definition of \"aggravation\"?"} {"term": "hum", "pos": "n", "context": "there is a constant hum of military preparation", "definition": "the state of being or appearing to be actively engaged in an activity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is a constant hum of military preparation\" What is the definition of \"hum\"?"} {"term": "nosed", "pos": "v", "context": "She nosed the car into the left lane", "definition": "to advance the forward part of with caution", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["advance", "nose"], "instruction": "\"She nosed the car into the left lane\" What is the definition of \"nosed\"?"} {"term": "nosed", "pos": "v", "context": "The dog nosed out the drugs", "definition": "to catch the scent of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["smell", "wind", "scent", "nose"], "instruction": "\"The dog nosed out the drugs\" What is the definition of \"nosed\"?"} {"term": "nosed", "pos": "v", "context": "The dog nosed out the drugs", "definition": "to get wind of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["smell", "wind", "scent", "nose"], "instruction": "\"The dog nosed out the drugs\" What is the definition of \"nosed\"?"} {"term": "redolent", "pos": "s", "context": "the hall was redolent of floor wax", "definition": "noticeably odorous", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the hall was redolent of floor wax\" What is the definition of \"redolent\"?"} {"term": "redolent", "pos": "s", "context": "can not forbear to close on this redolent literary note \" - Wilder Hobson", "definition": "serving to bring to mind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"can not forbear to close on this redolent literary note \" - Wilder Hobson\" What is the definition of \"redolent\"?"} {"term": "busily", "pos": "r", "context": "they were busily engaged in buying souvenirs", "definition": "in a busy manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they were busily engaged in buying souvenirs\" What is the definition of \"busily\"?"} {"term": "obligatory", "pos": "a", "context": "attendance is obligatory", "definition": "morally or legally constraining or binding", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"attendance is obligatory\" What is the definition of \"obligatory\"?"} {"term": "obligatory", "pos": "s", "context": "he made all the obligatory apologies", "definition": "required by obligation or compulsion or convention", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he made all the obligatory apologies\" What is the definition of \"obligatory\"?"} {"term": "sometimes", "pos": "r", "context": "sometimes she wished she were back in England", "definition": "on certain occasions or in certain cases but not always", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sometimes she wished she were back in England\" What is the definition of \"sometimes\"?"} {"term": "sometimes", "pos": "r", "context": "sometimes she wished she were back in England", "definition": "at other times for six months", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sometimes she wished she were back in England\" What is the definition of \"sometimes\"?"} {"term": "scrambler", "pos": "n", "context": "their quarterback was a good scrambler", "definition": "a rapid mover", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their quarterback was a good scrambler\" What is the definition of \"scrambler\"?"} {"term": "scrambler", "pos": "n", "context": "their quarterback was a good scrambler", "definition": "someone who scrambles", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their quarterback was a good scrambler\" What is the definition of \"scrambler\"?"} {"term": "spark", "pos": "n", "context": "a spark of interest", "definition": "a small but noticeable trace of some quality that might become stronger", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a spark of interest\" What is the definition of \"spark\"?"} {"term": "papery", "pos": "s", "context": "papery leaves", "definition": "thin and paperlike", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"papery leaves\" What is the definition of \"papery\"?"} {"term": "fondler", "pos": "n", "context": "the woman charged that her jailer was a fondler", "definition": "a molester who touches the intimate parts of the victim", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the woman charged that her jailer was a fondler\" What is the definition of \"fondler\"?"} {"term": "legitimately", "pos": "r", "context": "let 's get married so our child can be born legitimately", "definition": "in a lawfully recognized manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"let 's get married so our child can be born legitimately\" What is the definition of \"legitimately\"?"} {"term": "banquet", "pos": "n", "context": "a banquet for the graduating seniors", "definition": "a meal that is well prepared and greatly enjoyed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["spread", "meal"], "instruction": "\"a banquet for the graduating seniors\" What is the definition of \"banquet\"?"} {"term": "reliable", "pos": "a", "context": "a reliable source of information", "definition": "worthy of reliance or trust", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a reliable source of information\" What is the definition of \"reliable\"?"} {"term": "reliable", "pos": "s", "context": "a reliable sourcSFLe of information", "definition": "worthy of being depended on", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a reliable sourcSFLe of information\" What is the definition of \"reliable\"?"} {"term": "reliable", "pos": "s", "context": "reliable information", "definition": "conforming to fact and therefore worthy of belief", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"reliable information\" What is the definition of \"reliable\"?"} {"term": "assimilate", "pos": "v", "context": "Immigrants often want to assimilate quickly", "definition": "to become similar to ones environment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Immigrants often want to assimilate quickly\" What is the definition of \"assimilate\"?"} {"term": "incitement", "pos": "n", "context": "the incitement of mutiny", "definition": "an act of urging on or spurring on or rousing to action or instigating", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["incitation", "rousing"], "instruction": "\"the incitement of mutiny\" What is the definition of \"incitement\"?"} {"term": "inscrutable", "pos": "s", "context": "the inscrutable workings of Providence", "definition": "of an obscure nature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the inscrutable workings of Providence\" What is the definition of \"inscrutable\"?"} {"term": "violation", "pos": "n", "context": "he claimed a violation of his rights under the Fifth Amendment", "definition": "an act that disregards an agreement or a right", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["infringement", "misconduct", "wrongdoing", "foul"], "instruction": "\"he claimed a violation of his rights under the Fifth Amendment\" What is the definition of \"violation\"?"} {"term": "ineffectually", "pos": "r", "context": "she tried ineffectually to light the primus , and Thomas came to help her", "definition": "in an ineffectual manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she tried ineffectually to light the primus , and Thomas came to help her\" What is the definition of \"ineffectually\"?"} {"term": "blame", "pos": "n", "context": "he took the blame for it", "definition": "a reproach for some lapse or misdeed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["rap", "reproach"], "instruction": "\"he took the blame for it\" What is the definition of \"blame\"?"} {"term": "blame", "pos": "n", "context": "the police laid the blame on the driver", "definition": "an accusation that you are responsible for some lapse or misdeed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["incrimination", ""], "instruction": "\"the police laid the blame on the driver\" What is the definition of \"blame\"?"} {"term": "blame", "pos": "s", "context": "a blame cold winter", "definition": "expletives used informally as intensifiers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["blessed", "", "damn", "infernal"], "instruction": "\"a blame cold winter\" What is the definition of \"blame\"?"} {"term": "praxis", "pos": "n", "context": "differences between theory and praxis of communism", "definition": "translating an idea into action", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"differences between theory and praxis of communism\" What is the definition of \"praxis\"?"} {"term": "pedestrian", "pos": "s", "context": "a pedestrian movie plot", "definition": "lacking wit or imagination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a pedestrian movie plot\" What is the definition of \"pedestrian\"?"} {"term": "imperceptible", "pos": "a", "context": "an imperceptible drop in temperature", "definition": "impossible or difficult to perceive by the mind or senses", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an imperceptible drop in temperature\" What is the definition of \"imperceptible\"?"} {"term": "satellite", "pos": "s", "context": "a city and its satellite communities", "definition": "surrounding and dominated by a central authority or power", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a city and its satellite communities\" What is the definition of \"satellite\"?"} {"term": "rebellious", "pos": "s", "context": "temperamentally rebellious", "definition": "resisting control or authority", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"temperamentally rebellious\" What is the definition of \"rebellious\"?"} {"term": "moneyed", "pos": "a", "context": "moneyed interests", "definition": "based on or arising from the possession of money or wealth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"moneyed interests\" What is the definition of \"moneyed\"?"} {"term": "moneyed", "pos": "s", "context": "moneyed aristocrats", "definition": "having an abundant supply of money or possessions of value", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["affluent", "", "wealthy", "flush"], "instruction": "\"moneyed aristocrats\" What is the definition of \"moneyed\"?"} {"term": "cost", "pos": "n", "context": "he could n't calculate the cost of the collection", "definition": "the property of having material worth often indicated by the amount of money something would bring if sold", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["price", "value", "assessment"], "instruction": "\"he could n't calculate the cost of the collection\" What is the definition of \"cost\"?"} {"term": "cost", "pos": "n", "context": "the cost in human life was enormous", "definition": "value measured by what must be given or done or undergone to obtain something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["price", "value", "toll"], "instruction": "\"the cost in human life was enormous\" What is the definition of \"cost\"?"} {"term": "cost", "pos": "v", "context": "These shoes cost $ 100", "definition": "to be priced at", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"These shoes cost $ 100\" What is the definition of \"cost\"?"} {"term": "cost", "pos": "v", "context": "This mistake cost him his job", "definition": "to require to lose , suffer , or sacrifice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"This mistake cost him his job\" What is the definition of \"cost\"?"} {"term": "persuasion", "pos": "n", "context": "I am not of your persuasion", "definition": "a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["thought", "belief", "mind", "idea", "view", "opinion", "politics", "judgment"], "instruction": "\"I am not of your persuasion\" What is the definition of \"persuasion\"?"} {"term": "miasma", "pos": "n", "context": "the novel spun a miasma of death and decay", "definition": "an unwholesome atmosphere", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the novel spun a miasma of death and decay\" What is the definition of \"miasma\"?"} {"term": "miasma", "pos": "n", "context": "the miasma of the marshes", "definition": "unhealthy vapors rising from the ground or other sources", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the miasma of the marshes\" What is the definition of \"miasma\"?"} {"term": "shamefaced", "pos": "s", "context": "cheerfully bearing reproaches but shamefaced at praise \" - H.O.Taylor", "definition": "extremely modest or shy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cheerfully bearing reproaches but shamefaced at praise \" - H.O.Taylor\" What is the definition of \"shamefaced\"?"} {"term": "shamefaced", "pos": "s", "context": "the hangdog and shamefaced air of the retreating enemy \" - Eric Linklater", "definition": "showing a sense of guilt", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the hangdog and shamefaced air of the retreating enemy \" - Eric Linklater\" What is the definition of \"shamefaced\"?"} {"term": "souse", "pos": "v", "context": "souse herring", "definition": "to cook in a marinade", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"souse herring\" What is the definition of \"souse\"?"} {"term": "souse", "pos": "v", "context": "souse water on his hot face", "definition": "to cover with liquid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["drench", "soaking", "soak", "sop", "bate", "bated", "ret", "wet", "brine", "dowse", "flush"], "instruction": "\"souse water on his hot face\" What is the definition of \"souse\"?"} {"term": "souse", "pos": "v", "context": "souse water on his hot face", "definition": "to pour liquid onto", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["drench", "soaking", "soak", "sop", "bate", "bated", "ret", "wet", "brine", "dowse", "flush"], "instruction": "\"souse water on his hot face\" What is the definition of \"souse\"?"} {"term": "prescient", "pos": "s", "context": "extraordinarily prescient memoranda on the probable course of postwar relations \" - R.H.Rovere", "definition": "perceiving the significance of events before they occur", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"extraordinarily prescient memoranda on the probable course of postwar relations \" - R.H.Rovere\" What is the definition of \"prescient\"?"} {"term": "handful", "pos": "n", "context": "only a handful of responses were received", "definition": "a small number or amount", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"only a handful of responses were received\" What is the definition of \"handful\"?"} {"term": "downhearted", "pos": "s", "context": "feeling discouraged and downhearted", "definition": "filled with melancholy and despondency", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["downcast", "", "gloomy", "blue", "dispirited", "depressed", "low"], "instruction": "\"feeling discouraged and downhearted\" What is the definition of \"downhearted\"?"} {"term": "initial", "pos": "s", "context": "took the initial step toward reconciliation", "definition": "occurring at the beginning", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"took the initial step toward reconciliation\" What is the definition of \"initial\"?"} {"term": "deeply", "pos": "r", "context": "dived deeply", "definition": "to a great depth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dived deeply\" What is the definition of \"deeply\"?"} {"term": "deeply", "pos": "r", "context": "dived deeply", "definition": "far down", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dived deeply\" What is the definition of \"deeply\"?"} {"term": "deeply", "pos": "r", "context": "They felt the loss deeply", "definition": "to a great depth psychologically", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"They felt the loss deeply\" What is the definition of \"deeply\"?"} {"term": "rain", "pos": "n", "context": "a rain of bullets", "definition": "anything happening rapidly or in quick successive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a rain of bullets\" What is the definition of \"rain\"?"} {"term": "athletic", "pos": "a", "context": "athletic facilities", "definition": "relating to or befitting athletics or athletes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"athletic facilities\" What is the definition of \"athletic\"?"} {"term": "athletic", "pos": "s", "context": "an athletic build", "definition": "having a sturdy and well proportioned body", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an athletic build\" What is the definition of \"athletic\"?"} {"term": "athletic", "pos": "s", "context": "an athletic child", "definition": "vigorously active", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["gymnastic", "", "acrobatic"], "instruction": "\"an athletic child\" What is the definition of \"athletic\"?"} {"term": "unlock", "pos": "v", "context": "unlock the door", "definition": "to open the lock of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unlock the door\" What is the definition of \"unlock\"?"} {"term": "ordinary", "pos": "n", "context": "not out of the ordinary", "definition": "the expected or commonplace condition or situation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"not out of the ordinary\" What is the definition of \"ordinary\"?"} {"term": "ordinary", "pos": "a", "context": "ordinary everyday objects", "definition": "not exceptional in any way especially in quality or ability or size or degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ordinary everyday objects\" What is the definition of \"ordinary\"?"} {"term": "ordinary", "pos": "s", "context": "the ordinary ( or common ) man in the street", "definition": "lacking special distinction , rank , or status", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ordinary ( or common ) man in the street\" What is the definition of \"ordinary\"?"} {"term": "ordinary", "pos": "s", "context": "the ordinary ( or common ) man in the street", "definition": "commonly encountered", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ordinary ( or common ) man in the street\" What is the definition of \"ordinary\"?"} {"term": "ethic", "pos": "n", "context": "the Puritan ethic", "definition": "the principles of right and wrong that are accepted by an individual or a social group", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["ethics", "principle"], "instruction": "\"the Puritan ethic\" What is the definition of \"ethic\"?"} {"term": "account", "pos": "n", "context": "he asked to see the executive who handled his account", "definition": "a formal contractual relationship established to provide for regular banking or brokerage or business services", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he asked to see the executive who handled his account\" What is the definition of \"account\"?"} {"term": "account", "pos": "n", "context": "a person of considerable account", "definition": "importance or value", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a person of considerable account\" What is the definition of \"account\"?"} {"term": "account", "pos": "v", "context": "Passing grades account for half of the grades given in this exam", "definition": "to be the sole or primary factor in the existence , acquisition , supply , or disposal of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Passing grades account for half of the grades given in this exam\" What is the definition of \"account\"?"} {"term": "account", "pos": "v", "context": "I ca n't account for the missing money", "definition": "to furnish a justifying analysis or explanation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I ca n't account for the missing money\" What is the definition of \"account\"?"} {"term": "overture", "pos": "n", "context": "drinks were the overture to dinner", "definition": "something that serves as a preceding event or introduces what follows", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["prelude", "origin", "inception", "preliminary", "origination"], "instruction": "\"drinks were the overture to dinner\" What is the definition of \"overture\"?"} {"term": "stopping", "pos": "n", "context": "the violinist 's stopping was excellent", "definition": "the kind of playing that involves pressing the fingers on the strings of a stringed instrument to control the pitch", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the violinist 's stopping was excellent\" What is the definition of \"stopping\"?"} {"term": "personally", "pos": "r", "context": "he is personally repulsive", "definition": "as a person", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is personally repulsive\" What is the definition of \"personally\"?"} {"term": "personally", "pos": "r", "context": "he took her comments personally", "definition": "in a personal way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he took her comments personally\" What is the definition of \"personally\"?"} {"term": "knowing", "pos": "s", "context": "knowing instructors", "definition": "highly educated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["lettered", ""], "instruction": "\"knowing instructors\" What is the definition of \"knowing\"?"} {"term": "knowing", "pos": "s", "context": "knowing instructors", "definition": "having extensive information or understanding", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["lettered", ""], "instruction": "\"knowing instructors\" What is the definition of \"knowing\"?"} {"term": "knowing", "pos": "s", "context": "a knowing attempt to defraud", "definition": "characterized by conscious design or purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a knowing attempt to defraud\" What is the definition of \"knowing\"?"} {"term": "harshly", "pos": "r", "context": "` That 's enough ! , ' he cut in harshly", "definition": "in a harsh or unkind manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"` That 's enough ! , ' he cut in harshly\" What is the definition of \"harshly\"?"} {"term": "council", "pos": "n", "context": "student council", "definition": "a body serving in an administrative capacity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"student council\" What is the definition of \"council\"?"} {"term": "council", "pos": "n", "context": "emergency council", "definition": "a meeting of people for consultation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"emergency council\" What is the definition of \"council\"?"} {"term": "mastery", "pos": "n", "context": "mastery of the seas", "definition": "power to dominate or defeat", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["ascendency", "domination", "control", "dominance", "supremacy", "superiority"], "instruction": "\"mastery of the seas\" What is the definition of \"mastery\"?"} {"term": "forgive", "pos": "v", "context": "She can not forgive him for forgetting her birthday", "definition": "to stop blaming or grant forgiveness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"She can not forgive him for forgetting her birthday\" What is the definition of \"forgive\"?"} {"term": "forgive", "pos": "v", "context": "I forgive you your debt", "definition": "to absolve from payment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I forgive you your debt\" What is the definition of \"forgive\"?"} {"term": "force", "pos": "n", "context": "the force of his eloquence easily persuaded them", "definition": "a powerful effect or influence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the force of his eloquence easily persuaded them\" What is the definition of \"force\"?"} {"term": "force", "pos": "n", "context": "force equals mass times acceleration", "definition": "the influence that produces a change in a physical quantity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"force equals mass times acceleration\" What is the definition of \"force\"?"} {"term": "force", "pos": "n", "context": "he hit with all the force he could muster", "definition": "physical energy or intensity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["vigor", "strength", "energy", "brunt", "impulse", "intensiveness"], "instruction": "\"he hit with all the force he could muster\" What is the definition of \"force\"?"} {"term": "force", "pos": "v", "context": "Do n't force it !", "definition": "to do forcibly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Do n't force it !\" What is the definition of \"force\"?"} {"term": "alternation", "pos": "n", "context": "a trill is a rapid alternation between the two notes", "definition": "successive change from one thing or state to another and back again", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a trill is a rapid alternation between the two notes\" What is the definition of \"alternation\"?"} {"term": "expiate", "pos": "v", "context": "expiate one 's sins", "definition": "to make amends for", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["compensate", "atone", "correct", "right", "abyss", "redress"], "instruction": "\"expiate one 's sins\" What is the definition of \"expiate\"?"} {"term": "sperm", "pos": "n", "context": "a sperm is mostly a nucleus surrounded by little other cellular material", "definition": "the male reproductive cell", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sperm is mostly a nucleus surrounded by little other cellular material\" What is the definition of \"sperm\"?"} {"term": "sperm", "pos": "n", "context": "a sperm is mostly a nucleus surrounded by little other cellular material", "definition": "the male gamete", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sperm is mostly a nucleus surrounded by little other cellular material\" What is the definition of \"sperm\"?"} {"term": "monumental", "pos": "a", "context": "the use of the arch in monumental architecture", "definition": "relating or belonging to or serving as a monument", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the use of the arch in monumental architecture\" What is the definition of \"monumental\"?"} {"term": "monumental", "pos": "s", "context": "Einstein 's monumental contributions to physics", "definition": "of outstanding significance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Einstein 's monumental contributions to physics\" What is the definition of \"monumental\"?"} {"term": "monumental", "pos": "s", "context": "a monumental scale", "definition": "imposing in size or bulk or solidity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a monumental scale\" What is the definition of \"monumental\"?"} {"term": "pool", "pos": "n", "context": "a car pool", "definition": "an organization of people or resources that can be shared", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a car pool\" What is the definition of \"pool\"?"} {"term": "pool", "pos": "n", "context": "everyone contributed to the pool", "definition": "any communal combination of funds", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"everyone contributed to the pool\" What is the definition of \"pool\"?"} {"term": "left", "pos": "n", "context": "she stood on the left", "definition": "i.e. the side to the north when a person or object faces east", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she stood on the left\" What is the definition of \"left\"?"} {"term": "left", "pos": "v", "context": "The inflation left them penniless", "definition": "to act or be so as to become in a specified state", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["leave", "make", "get"], "instruction": "\"The inflation left them penniless\" What is the definition of \"left\"?"} {"term": "left", "pos": "a", "context": "my left hand", "definition": "being or located on or directed toward the side of the body to the west when facing north", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my left hand\" What is the definition of \"left\"?"} {"term": "left", "pos": "s", "context": "she had a little money left over so she went to a movie", "definition": "not used up", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she had a little money left over so she went to a movie\" What is the definition of \"left\"?"} {"term": "left", "pos": "r", "context": "he looked right and left", "definition": "also used figuratively", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he looked right and left\" What is the definition of \"left\"?"} {"term": "resurgent", "pos": "s", "context": "resurgent nationalism", "definition": "rising again as to new life and vigor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["renascent", ""], "instruction": "\"resurgent nationalism\" What is the definition of \"resurgent\"?"} {"term": "stillborn", "pos": "s", "context": "a stillborn baby", "definition": "showing no signs of life at birth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a stillborn baby\" What is the definition of \"stillborn\"?"} {"term": "stillborn", "pos": "s", "context": "a stillborn baby", "definition": "not liveborn", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a stillborn baby\" What is the definition of \"stillborn\"?"} {"term": "stillborn", "pos": "s", "context": "a stillborn plot to assassinate the President", "definition": "failing to accomplish an intended result", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a stillborn plot to assassinate the President\" What is the definition of \"stillborn\"?"} {"term": "scrimp", "pos": "v", "context": "scratch and scrimp", "definition": "to subsist on a meager allowance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"scratch and scrimp\" What is the definition of \"scrimp\"?"} {"term": "democratically", "pos": "r", "context": "it was decided democratically", "definition": "in a democratic manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was decided democratically\" What is the definition of \"democratically\"?"} {"term": "democratically", "pos": "r", "context": "it was decided democratically", "definition": "based on democratic principles", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was decided democratically\" What is the definition of \"democratically\"?"} {"term": "raise", "pos": "n", "context": "he got a 3 % raise", "definition": "the amount a salary is increased", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["hike", "rise", "increase", "increment"], "instruction": "\"he got a 3 % raise\" What is the definition of \"raise\"?"} {"term": "raise", "pos": "n", "context": "I 'll see your raise and double it", "definition": "increasing the size of a bet as in poker", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I 'll see your raise and double it\" What is the definition of \"raise\"?"} {"term": "raise", "pos": "v", "context": "raise a shout", "definition": "to cause to be heard or known", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["verbalize", "utter", "express", "raising"], "instruction": "\"raise a shout\" What is the definition of \"raise\"?"} {"term": "raise", "pos": "v", "context": "raise a shout", "definition": "to express or utter", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["verbalize", "utter", "express", "raising"], "instruction": "\"raise a shout\" What is the definition of \"raise\"?"} {"term": "soft", "pos": "a", "context": "he was soft on his children", "definition": "compassionate and kind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was soft on his children\" What is the definition of \"soft\"?"} {"term": "soft", "pos": "a", "context": "he was soft on his children", "definition": "conciliatory", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was soft on his children\" What is the definition of \"soft\"?"} {"term": "soft", "pos": "a", "context": "soft voices", "definition": "relatively low in volume", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"soft voices\" What is the definition of \"soft\"?"} {"term": "soft", "pos": "s", "context": "the market for computers is soft", "definition": "falling or likely to fall in value", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the market for computers is soft\" What is the definition of \"soft\"?"} {"term": "soft", "pos": "s", "context": "soft data", "definition": "using evidence not readily amenable to experimental verification or refutation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"soft data\" What is the definition of \"soft\"?"} {"term": "soft", "pos": "s", "context": "he was too soft for the army", "definition": "out of condition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["flaccid", "", "flabby"], "instruction": "\"he was too soft for the army\" What is the definition of \"soft\"?"} {"term": "soft", "pos": "s", "context": "he was too soft for the army", "definition": "not strong or robust", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["flaccid", "", "flabby"], "instruction": "\"he was too soft for the army\" What is the definition of \"soft\"?"} {"term": "soft", "pos": "s", "context": "he was too soft for the army", "definition": "incapable of exertion or endurance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["flaccid", "", "flabby"], "instruction": "\"he was too soft for the army\" What is the definition of \"soft\"?"} {"term": "lush", "pos": "s", "context": "lush fruits", "definition": "full of juice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lush fruits\" What is the definition of \"lush\"?"} {"term": "greatly", "pos": "r", "context": "he improved greatly", "definition": "to an extraordinary extent or degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he improved greatly\" What is the definition of \"greatly\"?"} {"term": "farcical", "pos": "s", "context": "the wild farcical exuberance of a clown", "definition": "broadly or extravagantly humorous", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the wild farcical exuberance of a clown\" What is the definition of \"farcical\"?"} {"term": "farcical", "pos": "s", "context": "the wild farcical exuberance of a clown", "definition": "resembling farce", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the wild farcical exuberance of a clown\" What is the definition of \"farcical\"?"} {"term": "northern", "pos": "a", "context": "northern industry", "definition": "in or characteristic of a region of the united states north of approximately the mason-dixon line", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"northern industry\" What is the definition of \"northern\"?"} {"term": "northern", "pos": "a", "context": "the northern hemisphere", "definition": "situated in or coming from regions of the north", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the northern hemisphere\" What is the definition of \"northern\"?"} {"term": "northern", "pos": "s", "context": "the northern suburbs", "definition": "situated in or oriented toward the north", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the northern suburbs\" What is the definition of \"northern\"?"} {"term": "northern", "pos": "s", "context": "a northern snowstorm", "definition": "coming from the north", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a northern snowstorm\" What is the definition of \"northern\"?"} {"term": "northern", "pos": "s", "context": "a northern snowstorm", "definition": "used especially of wind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a northern snowstorm\" What is the definition of \"northern\"?"} {"term": "justness", "pos": "n", "context": "it was performed with justness and beauty", "definition": "conformity with some esthetic standard of correctness or propriety", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["conformity", "nicety", "rightness"], "instruction": "\"it was performed with justness and beauty\" What is the definition of \"justness\"?"} {"term": "coincidence", "pos": "n", "context": "he waited for the coincidence of the target and the cross hairs", "definition": "the quality of occupying the same position or area in space", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he waited for the coincidence of the target and the cross hairs\" What is the definition of \"coincidence\"?"} {"term": "coincidence", "pos": "n", "context": "the interval determining the coincidence gate is adjustable", "definition": "the temporal property of two things happening at the same time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["conjunction", "overlap", "concurrence", "contemporaneity", "simultaneity", "unison"], "instruction": "\"the interval determining the coincidence gate is adjustable\" What is the definition of \"coincidence\"?"} {"term": "simulation", "pos": "n", "context": "a simulation should imitate the internal processes and not merely the results of the thing being simulated", "definition": "the technique of representing the real world by a computer program", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a simulation should imitate the internal processes and not merely the results of the thing being simulated\" What is the definition of \"simulation\"?"} {"term": "masterly", "pos": "s", "context": "a masterly performance of the sonata", "definition": "having or revealing supreme mastery or skill", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a masterly performance of the sonata\" What is the definition of \"masterly\"?"} {"term": "harass", "pos": "v", "context": "harass the enemy", "definition": "to exhaust by attacking repeatedly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"harass the enemy\" What is the definition of \"harass\"?"} {"term": "evening", "pos": "n", "context": "he enjoyed the evening light across the lake", "definition": "the latter part of the day the period of decreasing daylight from late afternoon until nightfall", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["eve", "daytime", "even", "eventide", "daylight"], "instruction": "\"he enjoyed the evening light across the lake\" What is the definition of \"evening\"?"} {"term": "evening", "pos": "n", "context": "it was the evening of the Roman Empire", "definition": "a later concluding time period", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was the evening of the Roman Empire\" What is the definition of \"evening\"?"} {"term": "evening", "pos": "n", "context": "an evening at the opera", "definition": "the early part of night from dinner until bedtime spent in a special way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an evening at the opera\" What is the definition of \"evening\"?"} {"term": "cordial", "pos": "s", "context": "a cordial handshake", "definition": "politely warm and friendly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a cordial handshake\" What is the definition of \"cordial\"?"} {"term": "cordial", "pos": "s", "context": "a cordial regard for his visitor 's comfort", "definition": "sincerely or intensely felt", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a cordial regard for his visitor 's comfort\" What is the definition of \"cordial\"?"} {"term": "cordial", "pos": "s", "context": "cordial relations", "definition": "diffusing warmth and friendliness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["amiable", "", "affable", "genial"], "instruction": "\"cordial relations\" What is the definition of \"cordial\"?"} {"term": "overtly", "pos": "r", "context": "he did it overtly", "definition": "in an overt manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he did it overtly\" What is the definition of \"overtly\"?"} {"term": "lash", "pos": "v", "context": "lash the horse", "definition": "to bind with a rope , chain , or cord", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lash the horse\" What is the definition of \"lash\"?"} {"term": "tentative", "pos": "s", "context": "just a tentative schedule", "definition": "under terms not final or fully worked out or agreed upon", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"just a tentative schedule\" What is the definition of \"tentative\"?"} {"term": "tentative", "pos": "s", "context": "drew a few tentative conclusions", "definition": "unsettled in mind or opinion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"drew a few tentative conclusions\" What is the definition of \"tentative\"?"} {"term": "reactive", "pos": "a", "context": "sodium is a reactive metal", "definition": "participating readily in reactions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sodium is a reactive metal\" What is the definition of \"reactive\"?"} {"term": "reactive", "pos": "s", "context": "the skin of old persons is less reactive than that of younger persons", "definition": "reacting to a stimulus", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the skin of old persons is less reactive than that of younger persons\" What is the definition of \"reactive\"?"} {"term": "overhaul", "pos": "n", "context": "it was time for an overhaul on the tractor", "definition": "periodic maintenance on a car or machine", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["care", "maintenance", "service"], "instruction": "\"it was time for an overhaul on the tractor\" What is the definition of \"overhaul\"?"} {"term": "overhaul", "pos": "v", "context": "You should overhaul your car engine", "definition": "to make repairs , renovations , revisions or adjustments to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["modernize", "renew"], "instruction": "\"You should overhaul your car engine\" What is the definition of \"overhaul\"?"} {"term": "magazine", "pos": "n", "context": "it takes several years before a magazine starts to break even or make money", "definition": "a periodic publication containing pictures and stories and articles of interest to those who purchase it or subscribe to it", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it takes several years before a magazine starts to break even or make money\" What is the definition of \"magazine\"?"} {"term": "ruck", "pos": "n", "context": "his brilliance raised him above the ruck", "definition": "a crowd especially of ordinary or undistinguished persons or things", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["concourse", "herd", "multitude"], "instruction": "\"his brilliance raised him above the ruck\" What is the definition of \"ruck\"?"} {"term": "concisely", "pos": "r", "context": "the history is summed up concisely in this book", "definition": "in a concise manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the history is summed up concisely in this book\" What is the definition of \"concisely\"?"} {"term": "concisely", "pos": "r", "context": "the history is summed up concisely in this book", "definition": "in a few words", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the history is summed up concisely in this book\" What is the definition of \"concisely\"?"} {"term": "suspected", "pos": "v", "context": "The U.S. suspected Bin Laden as the mastermind behind the terrorist attacks", "definition": "to hold in suspicion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["opine", "suppose", "guess", "suspect", "reckon"], "instruction": "\"The U.S. suspected Bin Laden as the mastermind behind the terrorist attacks\" What is the definition of \"suspected\"?"} {"term": "suspected", "pos": "v", "context": "The U.S. suspected Bin Laden as the mastermind behind the terrorist attacks", "definition": "to believe to be guilty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["opine", "suppose", "guess", "suspect", "reckon"], "instruction": "\"The U.S. suspected Bin Laden as the mastermind behind the terrorist attacks\" What is the definition of \"suspected\"?"} {"term": "suspected", "pos": "a", "context": "a suspected thief", "definition": "believed likely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a suspected thief\" What is the definition of \"suspected\"?"} {"term": "perplexed", "pos": "a", "context": "perplexed language", "definition": "full of difficulty or confusion or bewilderment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"perplexed language\" What is the definition of \"perplexed\"?"} {"term": "owe", "pos": "v", "context": "I still owe for the car", "definition": "to be in debt", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["owing", "mortgage"], "instruction": "\"I still owe for the car\" What is the definition of \"owe\"?"} {"term": "distinctly", "pos": "r", "context": "it 's distinctly possible", "definition": "clear to the mind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's distinctly possible\" What is the definition of \"distinctly\"?"} {"term": "distinctly", "pos": "r", "context": "it 's distinctly possible", "definition": "with distinct mental discernment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's distinctly possible\" What is the definition of \"distinctly\"?"} {"term": "distinctly", "pos": "r", "context": "the subtleties of this distinctly British occasion", "definition": "in a distinct and distinguishable manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the subtleties of this distinctly British occasion\" What is the definition of \"distinctly\"?"} {"term": "distinctly", "pos": "r", "context": "urbanization in Spain is distinctly correlated with a fall in reproductive rate", "definition": "to a distinct degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"urbanization in Spain is distinctly correlated with a fall in reproductive rate\" What is the definition of \"distinctly\"?"} {"term": "formed", "pos": "v", "context": "They formed a company", "definition": "to create as an entity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["make", "syndicate", "create", "reorganize", "organize", "form", "regiment"], "instruction": "\"They formed a company\" What is the definition of \"formed\"?"} {"term": "overt", "pos": "a", "context": "an overt lie", "definition": "open and observable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an overt lie\" What is the definition of \"overt\"?"} {"term": "overt", "pos": "a", "context": "an overt lie", "definition": "not secret or hidden", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an overt lie\" What is the definition of \"overt\"?"} {"term": "capricious", "pos": "s", "context": "a capricious summer breeze", "definition": "changeable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a capricious summer breeze\" What is the definition of \"capricious\"?"} {"term": "capricious", "pos": "s", "context": "a capricious refusal", "definition": "determined by chance or impulse or whim rather than by necessity or reason", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a capricious refusal\" What is the definition of \"capricious\"?"} {"term": "basin", "pos": "n", "context": "she mixed the dough in a large basin", "definition": "a bowl-shaped vessel", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she mixed the dough in a large basin\" What is the definition of \"basin\"?"} {"term": "basin", "pos": "n", "context": "she mixed the dough in a large basin", "definition": "usually used for holding food or liquids", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she mixed the dough in a large basin\" What is the definition of \"basin\"?"} {"term": "basin", "pos": "n", "context": "the basin of the Great Salt Lake", "definition": "a natural depression in the surface of the land often with a lake at the bottom of it", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the basin of the Great Salt Lake\" What is the definition of \"basin\"?"} {"term": "immanent", "pos": "a", "context": "a cognition is an immanent act of mind", "definition": "of a mental act performed entirely within the mind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a cognition is an immanent act of mind\" What is the definition of \"immanent\"?"} {"term": "immanent", "pos": "s", "context": "ambition is immanent in human nature", "definition": "of qualities that are spread throughout something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ambition is immanent in human nature\" What is the definition of \"immanent\"?"} {"term": "cogitation", "pos": "n", "context": "after much cogitation he rejected the offer", "definition": "attentive consideration and meditation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["study", "rumination", "reflection", "contemplation"], "instruction": "\"after much cogitation he rejected the offer\" What is the definition of \"cogitation\"?"} {"term": "parenthood", "pos": "n", "context": "to everyone 's surprise , parenthood reformed the man", "definition": "the state of being a parent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to everyone 's surprise , parenthood reformed the man\" What is the definition of \"parenthood\"?"} {"term": "passive", "pos": "n", "context": "` The ball was thrown by the boy ' uses the passive voice", "definition": "the voice used to indicate that the grammatical subject of the verb is the recipient not the source of the action denoted by the verb", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"` The ball was thrown by the boy ' uses the passive voice\" What is the definition of \"passive\"?"} {"term": "passive", "pos": "a", "context": "Much benevolence of the passive order may be traced to a disinclination to inflict pain upon oneself \" - George Meredith", "definition": "lacking in energy or will", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Much benevolence of the passive order may be traced to a disinclination to inflict pain upon oneself \" - George Meredith\" What is the definition of \"passive\"?"} {"term": "passive", "pos": "a", "context": "academics seem to favor passive sentences", "definition": "expressing that the subject of the sentence is the patient of the action denoted by the verb", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"academics seem to favor passive sentences\" What is the definition of \"passive\"?"} {"term": "passive", "pos": "s", "context": "passive resistance", "definition": "peacefully resistant in response to injustice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"passive resistance\" What is the definition of \"passive\"?"} {"term": "cessation", "pos": "n", "context": "a cessation of the thunder", "definition": "a stopping", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["surcease", "separation", "stop", "halt"], "instruction": "\"a cessation of the thunder\" What is the definition of \"cessation\"?"} {"term": "tastily", "pos": "r", "context": "the meal was tastily cooked", "definition": "in a tasty manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the meal was tastily cooked\" What is the definition of \"tastily\"?"} {"term": "fumble", "pos": "v", "context": "fumble a grounder", "definition": "to drop or juggle or fail to play cleanly a grounder", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fumble a grounder\" What is the definition of \"fumble\"?"} {"term": "replete", "pos": "s", "context": "it is replete with misery", "definition": "deeply filled or permeated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["instinct", ""], "instruction": "\"it is replete with misery\" What is the definition of \"replete\"?"} {"term": "driving", "pos": "s", "context": "responsibility turned the spoiled playboy into a driving young executive", "definition": "acting with vigor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"responsibility turned the spoiled playboy into a driving young executive\" What is the definition of \"driving\"?"} {"term": "infuriated", "pos": "s", "context": "infuriated onlookers charged the police who were beating the boy", "definition": "marked by extreme anger", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"infuriated onlookers charged the police who were beating the boy\" What is the definition of \"infuriated\"?"} {"term": "land", "pos": "n", "context": "the land had never been plowed", "definition": "material in the top layer of the surface of the earth in which plants can grow especially with reference to its quality or use", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["sward", "tillage", "greensward", "polder", "tilth", "bottom", "sod", "object", "soil", "ground", "turf"], "instruction": "\"the land had never been plowed\" What is the definition of \"land\"?"} {"term": "land", "pos": "n", "context": "the plane turned away from the sea and moved back over land", "definition": "the solid part of the earths surface", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["floor", "woodland", "ness", "mainland", "earth", "forest", "isthmus", "archipelago", "peninsula", "object", "plain", "ground", "slash", "wonderland", "champaign", "timber", "foreland"], "instruction": "\"the plane turned away from the sea and moved back over land\" What is the definition of \"land\"?"} {"term": "land", "pos": "v", "context": "the pilot managed to land the airplane safely", "definition": "to cause to come to the ground", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["coming", "come", "get", "landing", "arrive"], "instruction": "\"the pilot managed to land the airplane safely\" What is the definition of \"land\"?"} {"term": "awful", "pos": "s", "context": "the awful war", "definition": "causing fear or dread or terror", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the awful war\" What is the definition of \"awful\"?"} {"term": "awful", "pos": "s", "context": "an awful voice", "definition": "exceptionally bad or displeasing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an awful voice\" What is the definition of \"awful\"?"} {"term": "awful", "pos": "s", "context": "awful worshippers with bowed heads", "definition": "inspired by a feeling of fearful wonderment or reverence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"awful worshippers with bowed heads\" What is the definition of \"awful\"?"} {"term": "awful", "pos": "r", "context": "I 'm awful sorry", "definition": "used as intensifiers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I 'm awful sorry\" What is the definition of \"awful\"?"} {"term": "dowdy", "pos": "s", "context": "a dowdy grey outfit", "definition": "lacking in smartness or taste", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dowdy grey outfit\" What is the definition of \"dowdy\"?"} {"term": "erratic", "pos": "s", "context": "erratic behavior", "definition": "liable to sudden unpredictable change", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"erratic behavior\" What is the definition of \"erratic\"?"} {"term": "erratic", "pos": "s", "context": "an erratic comet", "definition": "having no fixed course", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an erratic comet\" What is the definition of \"erratic\"?"} {"term": "erratic", "pos": "s", "context": "erratic winds are the bane of a sailor", "definition": "likely to perform unpredictably", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"erratic winds are the bane of a sailor\" What is the definition of \"erratic\"?"} {"term": "erratic", "pos": "s", "context": "erratic winds are the bane of a sailor", "definition": "sometimes it would start and sometimes it wouldnt", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"erratic winds are the bane of a sailor\" What is the definition of \"erratic\"?"} {"term": "elective", "pos": "a", "context": "elective official", "definition": "subject to popular election", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"elective official\" What is the definition of \"elective\"?"} {"term": "elective", "pos": "s", "context": "elective surgery", "definition": "not compulsory", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"elective surgery\" What is the definition of \"elective\"?"} {"term": "antecedent", "pos": "n", "context": "phrenology was an antecedent of modern neuroscience", "definition": "anything that precedes something similar in time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"phrenology was an antecedent of modern neuroscience\" What is the definition of \"antecedent\"?"} {"term": "heaving", "pos": "n", "context": "the heaving of waves on a rough sea", "definition": "an upward movement especially a rhythmical rising and falling", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["heaves", "heave", "rise"], "instruction": "\"the heaving of waves on a rough sea\" What is the definition of \"heaving\"?"} {"term": "crossly", "pos": "r", "context": "she looked at her husband crossly", "definition": "in an ill-natured manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["grumpily", ""], "instruction": "\"she looked at her husband crossly\" What is the definition of \"crossly\"?"} {"term": "morrow", "pos": "n", "context": "whenever he arrives she leaves on the morrow", "definition": "the next day", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"whenever he arrives she leaves on the morrow\" What is the definition of \"morrow\"?"} {"term": "attired", "pos": "s", "context": "the elegantly attired gentleman", "definition": "often used in combination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the elegantly attired gentleman\" What is the definition of \"attired\"?"} {"term": "read", "pos": "v", "context": "read the advertisement", "definition": "to interpret something that is written or printed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"read the advertisement\" What is the definition of \"read\"?"} {"term": "read", "pos": "v", "context": "The King will read the proclamation at noon", "definition": "to look at , interpret , and say out loud something that is written or printed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The King will read the proclamation at noon\" What is the definition of \"read\"?"} {"term": "ironclad", "pos": "s", "context": "an ironclad rule", "definition": "inflexibly entrenched and unchangeable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an ironclad rule\" What is the definition of \"ironclad\"?"} {"term": "pacify", "pos": "v", "context": "The U.N. troops are working to pacify Bosnia", "definition": "to fight violence and try to establish peace in a location", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The U.N. troops are working to pacify Bosnia\" What is the definition of \"pacify\"?"} {"term": "safety", "pos": "n", "context": "insure the safety of the children", "definition": "the state of being certain that adverse effects will not be caused by some agent under defined conditions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"insure the safety of the children\" What is the definition of \"safety\"?"} {"term": "safety", "pos": "n", "context": "He ran to safety", "definition": "a safe place", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"He ran to safety\" What is the definition of \"safety\"?"} {"term": "soberly", "pos": "r", "context": "he walked soberly toward the altar", "definition": "in a grave and sober manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he walked soberly toward the altar\" What is the definition of \"soberly\"?"} {"term": "astir", "pos": "s", "context": "are they astir yet ?", "definition": "out of bed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"are they astir yet ?\" What is the definition of \"astir\"?"} {"term": "astir", "pos": "s", "context": "the whole town was astir over the incident", "definition": "on the move", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the whole town was astir over the incident\" What is the definition of \"astir\"?"} {"term": "leaky", "pos": "a", "context": "a leaky roof", "definition": "permitting the unwanted passage of fluids or gases", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a leaky roof\" What is the definition of \"leaky\"?"} {"term": "divisional", "pos": "a", "context": "divisional artillery", "definition": "of or relating to a military division", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"divisional artillery\" What is the definition of \"divisional\"?"} {"term": "divisional", "pos": "s", "context": "the divisional line between two states", "definition": "serving to divide or marking a division", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the divisional line between two states\" What is the definition of \"divisional\"?"} {"term": "divisional", "pos": "s", "context": "American divisional ( fractional ) coins include the dime and the nickel", "definition": "constituting a division or an aliquot part of the basic monetary unit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"American divisional ( fractional ) coins include the dime and the nickel\" What is the definition of \"divisional\"?"} {"term": "vindication", "pos": "n", "context": "friends provided a vindication of his position", "definition": "the act of vindicating or defending against criticism or censure etc. .", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["exoneration", "clearing", "rehabilitation", "justification"], "instruction": "\"friends provided a vindication of his position\" What is the definition of \"vindication\"?"} {"term": "roast", "pos": "v", "context": "roast the turkey", "definition": "to cook with dry heat , usually in an oven", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"roast the turkey\" What is the definition of \"roast\"?"} {"term": "communist", "pos": "a", "context": "communist governments", "definition": "relating to or marked by communism", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"communist governments\" What is the definition of \"communist\"?"} {"term": "cancel", "pos": "v", "context": "cancel the dinner party", "definition": "to postpone indefinitely or annul something that was scheduled", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["scrubbed", ""], "instruction": "\"cancel the dinner party\" What is the definition of \"cancel\"?"} {"term": "jag", "pos": "n", "context": "he clutched a jag of the rock", "definition": "a sharp projection on an edge or surface", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he clutched a jag of the rock\" What is the definition of \"jag\"?"} {"term": "illustrious", "pos": "s", "context": "an illustrious achievement", "definition": "having or conferring glory", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an illustrious achievement\" What is the definition of \"illustrious\"?"} {"term": "illustrious", "pos": "s", "context": "an illustrious judge", "definition": "widely known and esteemed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an illustrious judge\" What is the definition of \"illustrious\"?"} {"term": "amber", "pos": "n", "context": "an amber light illuminated the room", "definition": "a deep yellow color", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["gold", "yellow", "yellowness"], "instruction": "\"an amber light illuminated the room\" What is the definition of \"amber\"?"} {"term": "bankruptcy", "pos": "n", "context": "spiritual bankruptcy", "definition": "a state of complete lack of some abstract property", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"spiritual bankruptcy\" What is the definition of \"bankruptcy\"?"} {"term": "bankruptcy", "pos": "n", "context": "the company had to declare bankruptcy", "definition": "inability to discharge all your debts as they come due", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["insolvency", "failure"], "instruction": "\"the company had to declare bankruptcy\" What is the definition of \"bankruptcy\"?"} {"term": "squeamish", "pos": "s", "context": "so squeamish he would only touch the toilet handle with his elbow", "definition": "excessively fastidious and easily disgusted", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so squeamish he would only touch the toilet handle with his elbow\" What is the definition of \"squeamish\"?"} {"term": "vicariously", "pos": "r", "context": "she enjoyed the wedding vicariously", "definition": "indirectly , as , by , or through a substitute", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she enjoyed the wedding vicariously\" What is the definition of \"vicariously\"?"} {"term": "sleeveless", "pos": "a", "context": "sleeveless summer dresses", "definition": "having no sleeves", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sleeveless summer dresses\" What is the definition of \"sleeveless\"?"} {"term": "sleeveless", "pos": "s", "context": "a sleeveless errand", "definition": "unproductive of success", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sleeveless errand\" What is the definition of \"sleeveless\"?"} {"term": "happy", "pos": "a", "context": "a happy smile", "definition": "enjoying or showing or marked by joy or pleasure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a happy smile\" What is the definition of \"happy\"?"} {"term": "happy", "pos": "s", "context": "a happy turn of phrase", "definition": "well expressed and to the point", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a happy turn of phrase\" What is the definition of \"happy\"?"} {"term": "happy", "pos": "s", "context": "a happy outcome", "definition": "marked by good fortune", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a happy outcome\" What is the definition of \"happy\"?"} {"term": "prophylactic", "pos": "s", "context": "the swastika ... a very ancient prophylactic symbol occurring among all peoples \" - Victor Schultze", "definition": "warding off", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the swastika ... a very ancient prophylactic symbol occurring among all peoples \" - Victor Schultze\" What is the definition of \"prophylactic\"?"} {"term": "prophylactic", "pos": "s", "context": "vaccines are prophylactic", "definition": "preventing or contributing to the prevention of disease", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["preventative", "", "preventive"], "instruction": "\"vaccines are prophylactic\" What is the definition of \"prophylactic\"?"} {"term": "vagina", "pos": "n", "context": "the vagina receives the penis during coitus", "definition": "the lower part of the female reproductive tract", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the vagina receives the penis during coitus\" What is the definition of \"vagina\"?"} {"term": "vagina", "pos": "n", "context": "the vagina receives the penis during coitus", "definition": "a moist canal in female mammals extending from the labia minora to the uterus", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the vagina receives the penis during coitus\" What is the definition of \"vagina\"?"} {"term": "sneeze", "pos": "v", "context": "Pepper makes me sneeze", "definition": "to exhale spasmodically , as when an irritant entered ones nose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Pepper makes me sneeze\" What is the definition of \"sneeze\"?"} {"term": "humble", "pos": "v", "context": "This experience will humble him", "definition": "to cause to be unpretentious", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"This experience will humble him\" What is the definition of \"humble\"?"} {"term": "humble", "pos": "s", "context": "a humble cottage", "definition": "low or inferior in station or quality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a humble cottage\" What is the definition of \"humble\"?"} {"term": "humble", "pos": "s", "context": "of humble ( or lowly ) birth", "definition": "of low birth or station base is archaic in this sense", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"of humble ( or lowly ) birth\" What is the definition of \"humble\"?"} {"term": "humble", "pos": "a", "context": "a humble apology", "definition": "marked by meekness or modesty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a humble apology\" What is the definition of \"humble\"?"} {"term": "humble", "pos": "a", "context": "a humble apology", "definition": "not arrogant or prideful", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a humble apology\" What is the definition of \"humble\"?"} {"term": "sleepiness", "pos": "n", "context": "sleepiness causes many driving accidents", "definition": "a very sleepy state", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sleepiness causes many driving accidents\" What is the definition of \"sleepiness\"?"} {"term": "readily", "pos": "r", "context": "these snakes can be identified readily", "definition": "without much difficulty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these snakes can be identified readily\" What is the definition of \"readily\"?"} {"term": "tasting", "pos": "n", "context": "a wine tasting", "definition": "a kind of sensing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["perception", "taste"], "instruction": "\"a wine tasting\" What is the definition of \"tasting\"?"} {"term": "forgetfulness", "pos": "n", "context": "his forgetfulness increased as he grew older", "definition": "unawareness caused by neglectful or heedless failure to remember", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his forgetfulness increased as he grew older\" What is the definition of \"forgetfulness\"?"} {"term": "synchronous", "pos": "a", "context": "recovery was synchronous with therapy \" - Jour.A.M.A .", "definition": "occurring or existing at the same time or having the same period or phase", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"recovery was synchronous with therapy \" - Jour.A.M.A .\" What is the definition of \"synchronous\"?"} {"term": "form", "pos": "n", "context": "the composition presents problems for students of musical form", "definition": "a perceptual structure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["shape", "mosaic", "grid", "structure", "pattern", "kaleidoscope", "strand"], "instruction": "\"the composition presents problems for students of musical form\" What is the definition of \"form\"?"} {"term": "form", "pos": "v", "context": "social groups form everywhere", "definition": "to create as an entity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["make", "syndicate", "formed", "create", "made", "reorganize", "organize", "regiment"], "instruction": "\"social groups form everywhere\" What is the definition of \"form\"?"} {"term": "lowly", "pos": "s", "context": "a lowly parish priest", "definition": "low or inferior in station or quality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a lowly parish priest\" What is the definition of \"lowly\"?"} {"term": "lowly", "pos": "s", "context": "a lowly corporal", "definition": "inferior in rank or status", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a lowly corporal\" What is the definition of \"lowly\"?"} {"term": "anomalous", "pos": "s", "context": "advanced forms of life may be anomalous in the universe", "definition": "deviating from the general or common order or type", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"advanced forms of life may be anomalous in the universe\" What is the definition of \"anomalous\"?"} {"term": "chosen", "pos": "n", "context": "she was Mama 's chosen", "definition": "one who is the object of choice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was Mama 's chosen\" What is the definition of \"chosen\"?"} {"term": "chosen", "pos": "n", "context": "she was Mama 's chosen", "definition": "who is given preference", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was Mama 's chosen\" What is the definition of \"chosen\"?"} {"term": "enviable", "pos": "s", "context": "an enviable position", "definition": "causing envy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an enviable position\" What is the definition of \"enviable\"?"} {"term": "pestle", "pos": "v", "context": "pestle the garlic", "definition": "to grind , mash or pulverize in a mortar", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pestle the garlic\" What is the definition of \"pestle\"?"} {"term": "brisk", "pos": "s", "context": "doing a brisk business", "definition": "very active", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"doing a brisk business\" What is the definition of \"brisk\"?"} {"term": "brisk", "pos": "s", "context": "a brisk walk in the park", "definition": "quick and energetic", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a brisk walk in the park\" What is the definition of \"brisk\"?"} {"term": "vague", "pos": "s", "context": "saw a vague outline of a building through the fog", "definition": "lacking clarity or distinctness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"saw a vague outline of a building through the fog\" What is the definition of \"vague\"?"} {"term": "vague", "pos": "a", "context": "vague feelings of sadness", "definition": "not precisely limited , determined , or distinguished", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"vague feelings of sadness\" What is the definition of \"vague\"?"} {"term": "robustly", "pos": "r", "context": "he was robustly built", "definition": "in a robust manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was robustly built\" What is the definition of \"robustly\"?"} {"term": "classic", "pos": "a", "context": "classic Cinese pottery", "definition": "of or relating to the most highly developed stage of an earlier civilisation and its culture", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"classic Cinese pottery\" What is the definition of \"classic\"?"} {"term": "darkness", "pos": "n", "context": "he moved off into the darkness", "definition": "an unilluminated area", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he moved off into the darkness\" What is the definition of \"darkness\"?"} {"term": "covered", "pos": "v", "context": "The period covered the turn of the century", "definition": "to span an interval of distance , space or time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["spread", "span", "traverse", "overlap", "dot", "cover", "overspread", "cross", "stud", "ridge", "sweep"], "instruction": "\"The period covered the turn of the century\" What is the definition of \"covered\"?"} {"term": "covered", "pos": "a", "context": "women with covered faces", "definition": "overlaid or spread or topped with or enclosed within something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"women with covered faces\" What is the definition of \"covered\"?"} {"term": "covered", "pos": "a", "context": "women with covered faces", "definition": "sometimes used as a combining form", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"women with covered faces\" What is the definition of \"covered\"?"} {"term": "dance", "pos": "v", "context": "My husband and I like to dance at home to the radio", "definition": "to move in a pattern", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["jig", "shag", "slam", "shimmy", "break", "quickstep", "hoof", "tango", "twist", "shagged", "moving", "dancing", "clogging", "heel", "kick", "polka", "waltz", "bump", "grind", "tap", "hoofed", "thrash"], "instruction": "\"My husband and I like to dance at home to the radio\" What is the definition of \"dance\"?"} {"term": "dance", "pos": "v", "context": "My husband and I like to dance at home to the radio", "definition": "to usually to musical accompaniment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["jig", "shag", "slam", "shimmy", "break", "quickstep", "hoof", "tango", "twist", "shagged", "moving", "dancing", "clogging", "heel", "kick", "polka", "waltz", "bump", "grind", "tap", "hoofed", "thrash"], "instruction": "\"My husband and I like to dance at home to the radio\" What is the definition of \"dance\"?"} {"term": "stateless", "pos": "s", "context": "stateless persons", "definition": "without nationality or citizenship", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stateless persons\" What is the definition of \"stateless\"?"} {"term": "immediately", "pos": "r", "context": "he answered immediately", "definition": "without delay or hesitation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he answered immediately\" What is the definition of \"immediately\"?"} {"term": "immediately", "pos": "r", "context": "he answered immediately", "definition": "with no time intervening", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he answered immediately\" What is the definition of \"immediately\"?"} {"term": "immediately", "pos": "r", "context": "he passed immediately behind her", "definition": "near or close by", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he passed immediately behind her\" What is the definition of \"immediately\"?"} {"term": "immediately", "pos": "r", "context": "this immediately concerns your future", "definition": "bearing an immediate relation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this immediately concerns your future\" What is the definition of \"immediately\"?"} {"term": "seer", "pos": "n", "context": "an incurable seer of movies", "definition": "an observer who perceives visually", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an incurable seer of movies\" What is the definition of \"seer\"?"} {"term": "eligible", "pos": "a", "context": "eligible to run for office", "definition": "qualified for or allowed or worthy of being chosen", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"eligible to run for office\" What is the definition of \"eligible\"?"} {"term": "improving", "pos": "s", "context": "an improving economy", "definition": "getting higher or more vigorous", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an improving economy\" What is the definition of \"improving\"?"} {"term": "perversely", "pos": "r", "context": "his perversely erotic notions", "definition": "deliberately deviant", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his perversely erotic notions\" What is the definition of \"perversely\"?"} {"term": "depressed", "pos": "v", "context": "These news depressed her", "definition": "to lower someones spirits", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["dispirit", "depress", "chill", "demoralize"], "instruction": "\"These news depressed her\" What is the definition of \"depressed\"?"} {"term": "depressed", "pos": "v", "context": "These news depressed her", "definition": "to make downhearted", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["dispirit", "depress", "chill", "demoralize"], "instruction": "\"These news depressed her\" What is the definition of \"depressed\"?"} {"term": "depressed", "pos": "v", "context": "The glut of oil depressed gas prices", "definition": "to lower prices or markets", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["lower", "depress"], "instruction": "\"The glut of oil depressed gas prices\" What is the definition of \"depressed\"?"} {"term": "depressed", "pos": "v", "context": "The lack of rain had depressed the water level in the reservoir", "definition": "to cause to drop or sink", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["lower", "alter", "change", "depress", "modify"], "instruction": "\"The lack of rain had depressed the water level in the reservoir\" What is the definition of \"depressed\"?"} {"term": "depressed", "pos": "s", "context": "the market is depressed", "definition": "lower than previously", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the market is depressed\" What is the definition of \"depressed\"?"} {"term": "depressed", "pos": "s", "context": "depressed by the loss of his job", "definition": "filled with melancholy and despondency", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["downcast", "", "gloomy", "downhearted", "blue", "dispirited", "low"], "instruction": "\"depressed by the loss of his job\" What is the definition of \"depressed\"?"} {"term": "even", "pos": "a", "context": "an even application of varnish", "definition": "being level or straight or regular and without variation as e.g. in shape or texture", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an even application of varnish\" What is the definition of \"even\"?"} {"term": "even", "pos": "s", "context": "even amounts of butter and sugar", "definition": "equal in degree or extent or amount", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"even amounts of butter and sugar\" What is the definition of \"even\"?"} {"term": "even", "pos": "s", "context": "even amounts of butter and sugar", "definition": "or equally matched or balanced", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"even amounts of butter and sugar\" What is the definition of \"even\"?"} {"term": "even", "pos": "s", "context": "even features", "definition": "symmetrically arranged", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"even features\" What is the definition of \"even\"?"} {"term": "even", "pos": "s", "context": "the even rhythm of his breathing", "definition": "occurring at fixed intervals", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the even rhythm of his breathing\" What is the definition of \"even\"?"} {"term": "even", "pos": "r", "context": "even an idiot knows that", "definition": "used as an intensive especially to indicate something unexpected", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"even an idiot knows that\" What is the definition of \"even\"?"} {"term": "even", "pos": "r", "context": "even when he is sick , he works", "definition": "in spite of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"even when he is sick , he works\" What is the definition of \"even\"?"} {"term": "even", "pos": "r", "context": "even when he is sick , he works", "definition": "notwithstanding", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"even when he is sick , he works\" What is the definition of \"even\"?"} {"term": "even", "pos": "r", "context": "looked sick and felt even worse", "definition": "to a greater degree or extent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"looked sick and felt even worse\" What is the definition of \"even\"?"} {"term": "even", "pos": "r", "context": "looked sick and felt even worse", "definition": "used with comparisons", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"looked sick and felt even worse\" What is the definition of \"even\"?"} {"term": "fireplace", "pos": "n", "context": "the fireplace was so large you could walk inside it", "definition": "an open recess in a wall at the base of a chimney where a fire can be built", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["hearth", "fire", "recess", "niche"], "instruction": "\"the fireplace was so large you could walk inside it\" What is the definition of \"fireplace\"?"} {"term": "beautiful", "pos": "a", "context": "a beautiful child", "definition": "delighting the senses or exciting intellectual or emotional admiration", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a beautiful child\" What is the definition of \"beautiful\"?"} {"term": "beautiful", "pos": "s", "context": "what a beautiful day", "definition": "highly enjoyable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"what a beautiful day\" What is the definition of \"beautiful\"?"} {"term": "associate", "pos": "n", "context": "he had to consult his associate before continuing", "definition": "a person who joins with others in some activity or endeavor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had to consult his associate before continuing\" What is the definition of \"associate\"?"} {"term": "associate", "pos": "n", "context": "first was the lightning and then its thunderous associate", "definition": "any event that usually accompanies or is closely connected with another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"first was the lightning and then its thunderous associate\" What is the definition of \"associate\"?"} {"term": "associate", "pos": "s", "context": "an associate member", "definition": "having partial rights and privileges or subordinate status", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an associate member\" What is the definition of \"associate\"?"} {"term": "chemical", "pos": "a", "context": "chemical engineer", "definition": "relating to or used in chemistry", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"chemical engineer\" What is the definition of \"chemical\"?"} {"term": "chemical", "pos": "a", "context": "chemical fertilizer", "definition": "of or made from or using substances produced by or used in reactions involving atomic or molecular changes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"chemical fertilizer\" What is the definition of \"chemical\"?"} {"term": "sociable", "pos": "a", "context": "a sociable occasion", "definition": "inclined to or conducive to companionship with others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sociable occasion\" What is the definition of \"sociable\"?"} {"term": "sociable", "pos": "s", "context": "a sociable gathering", "definition": "friendly and pleasant", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sociable gathering\" What is the definition of \"sociable\"?"} {"term": "sphere", "pos": "n", "context": "his social sphere is limited", "definition": "a particular environment or walk of life", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["distaff", "province", "lap", "kingdom", "environment", "preserve", "area", "orbit", "land", "arena"], "instruction": "\"his social sphere is limited\" What is the definition of \"sphere\"?"} {"term": "regularly", "pos": "r", "context": "letters arrived regularly from his children", "definition": "in a regular manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"letters arrived regularly from his children\" What is the definition of \"regularly\"?"} {"term": "regularly", "pos": "r", "context": "regularly shaped objects", "definition": "having a regular form", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"regularly shaped objects\" What is the definition of \"regularly\"?"} {"term": "cardboard", "pos": "s", "context": "cardboard caricatures of historical figures", "definition": "without substance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cardboard caricatures of historical figures\" What is the definition of \"cardboard\"?"} {"term": "spare", "pos": "v", "context": "I 'll spare you from having to apologize formally", "definition": "to save or relieve from an experience or action", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["relieve", "free", "sparing"], "instruction": "\"I 'll spare you from having to apologize formally\" What is the definition of \"spare\"?"} {"term": "spare", "pos": "v", "context": "he asked if they could spare one of their horses to speed his journey", "definition": "to give up what is not strictly needed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["giving", "sparing"], "instruction": "\"he asked if they could spare one of their horses to speed his journey\" What is the definition of \"spare\"?"} {"term": "spare", "pos": "s", "context": "the spare figure of a marathon runner", "definition": "thin and fit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["trimester", "", "trimmer", "sparer"], "instruction": "\"the spare figure of a marathon runner\" What is the definition of \"spare\"?"} {"term": "spare", "pos": "s", "context": "spare time on my hands", "definition": "not taken up by scheduled activities", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"spare time on my hands\" What is the definition of \"spare\"?"} {"term": "spare", "pos": "s", "context": "a spare tire", "definition": "kept in reserve especially for emergency use", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a spare tire\" What is the definition of \"spare\"?"} {"term": "joyous", "pos": "a", "context": "felt a joyous abandon", "definition": "full of or characterized by joy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"felt a joyous abandon\" What is the definition of \"joyous\"?"} {"term": "survey", "pos": "n", "context": "his survey of the battlefield was limited", "definition": "the act of looking or seeing or observing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["sight", "look", "looking", "view"], "instruction": "\"his survey of the battlefield was limited\" What is the definition of \"survey\"?"} {"term": "gubernatorial", "pos": "a", "context": "gubernatorial election", "definition": "relating to a governor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gubernatorial election\" What is the definition of \"gubernatorial\"?"} {"term": "recital", "pos": "n", "context": "his wife gave a recital of his infidelities", "definition": "a detailed statement giving facts and figures", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his wife gave a recital of his infidelities\" What is the definition of \"recital\"?"} {"term": "recital", "pos": "n", "context": "he was forced to listen to a recital of his many shortcomings", "definition": "a detailed account or description of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was forced to listen to a recital of his many shortcomings\" What is the definition of \"recital\"?"} {"term": "accustomed", "pos": "a", "context": "accustomed to doing her own work", "definition": "in the habit of or adapted to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"accustomed to doing her own work\" What is the definition of \"accustomed\"?"} {"term": "accustomed", "pos": "s", "context": "his accustomed thoroughness", "definition": "commonly used or practiced", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["habitual", "", "wonted"], "instruction": "\"his accustomed thoroughness\" What is the definition of \"accustomed\"?"} {"term": "accustomed", "pos": "s", "context": "his accustomed thoroughness", "definition": "usual", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["habitual", "", "wonted"], "instruction": "\"his accustomed thoroughness\" What is the definition of \"accustomed\"?"} {"term": "barometric", "pos": "a", "context": "barometric pressure", "definition": "relating to atmospheric pressure or indicated by a barometer", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"barometric pressure\" What is the definition of \"barometric\"?"} {"term": "navigate", "pos": "v", "context": "Is anyone volunteering to navigate during the trip ?", "definition": "to act as the navigator in a car , plane , or vessel and plan , direct , plot the path and position of the conveyance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["steer", "point", "maneuver", "direct", "pilot", "guide"], "instruction": "\"Is anyone volunteering to navigate during the trip ?\" What is the definition of \"navigate\"?"} {"term": "press", "pos": "v", "context": "press your thumb on this spot", "definition": "to exert pressure or force to or upon", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["touching", "knuckle", "crushing", "push", "grind", "grinding", "squash", "squelch", "touch", "crush", "mash", "pressing", "squeezing"], "instruction": "\"press your thumb on this spot\" What is the definition of \"press\"?"} {"term": "dragnet", "pos": "n", "context": "caught in the police dragnet", "definition": "a system of coordinated measures for apprehending criminals or other individuals", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"caught in the police dragnet\" What is the definition of \"dragnet\"?"} {"term": "resume", "pos": "v", "context": "resume a title", "definition": "to assume anew", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"resume a title\" What is the definition of \"resume\"?"} {"term": "lamentable", "pos": "s", "context": "a lamentable decision", "definition": "bad", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a lamentable decision\" What is the definition of \"lamentable\"?"} {"term": "lamentable", "pos": "s", "context": "a lamentable decision", "definition": "unfortunate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a lamentable decision\" What is the definition of \"lamentable\"?"} {"term": "reproduce", "pos": "v", "context": "reproduce the painting", "definition": "to make a copy or equivalent of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"reproduce the painting\" What is the definition of \"reproduce\"?"} {"term": "trample", "pos": "n", "context": "he heard the trample of many feet", "definition": "the sound of heavy treading or stomping", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he heard the trample of many feet\" What is the definition of \"trample\"?"} {"term": "trample", "pos": "v", "context": "trample the flowers", "definition": "to walk on and flatten", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"trample the flowers\" What is the definition of \"trample\"?"} {"term": "curtain", "pos": "n", "context": "a curtain of secrecy", "definition": "any barrier to communication or vision", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a curtain of secrecy\" What is the definition of \"curtain\"?"} {"term": "curtain", "pos": "v", "context": "curtain the bedrooms", "definition": "to provide with drapery", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"curtain the bedrooms\" What is the definition of \"curtain\"?"} {"term": "misshapen", "pos": "s", "context": "misshapen old fingers", "definition": "so badly formed or out of shape as to be ugly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"misshapen old fingers\" What is the definition of \"misshapen\"?"} {"term": "uncouth", "pos": "s", "context": "an untutored and uncouth human being", "definition": "lacking refinement or cultivation or taste", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["vulgar", "", "common"], "instruction": "\"an untutored and uncouth human being\" What is the definition of \"uncouth\"?"} {"term": "sampler", "pos": "n", "context": "a candy sampler", "definition": "an assortment of various samples", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a candy sampler\" What is the definition of \"sampler\"?"} {"term": "dictatorial", "pos": "a", "context": "dictatorial powers", "definition": "of or characteristic of a dictator", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dictatorial powers\" What is the definition of \"dictatorial\"?"} {"term": "dictatorial", "pos": "s", "context": "a dictatorial rule that lasted for the duration of the war", "definition": "characteristic of an absolute ruler or absolute rule", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["despotic", "autocratic", "tyrannic", ""], "instruction": "\"a dictatorial rule that lasted for the duration of the war\" What is the definition of \"dictatorial\"?"} {"term": "dictatorial", "pos": "s", "context": "a dictatorial rule that lasted for the duration of the war", "definition": "having absolute sovereignty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["despotic", "autocratic", "tyrannic", ""], "instruction": "\"a dictatorial rule that lasted for the duration of the war\" What is the definition of \"dictatorial\"?"} {"term": "type", "pos": "n", "context": "what type of sculpture do you prefer ?", "definition": "a subdivision of a particular kind of thing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"what type of sculpture do you prefer ?\" What is the definition of \"type\"?"} {"term": "type", "pos": "n", "context": "small type is hard to read", "definition": "printed characters", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"small type is hard to read\" What is the definition of \"type\"?"} {"term": "fullness", "pos": "n", "context": "the music had a fullness that echoed through the hall", "definition": "the property of a sensation that is rich and pleasing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["richness", "property"], "instruction": "\"the music had a fullness that echoed through the hall\" What is the definition of \"fullness\"?"} {"term": "strange", "pos": "a", "context": "a strange exaltation that was indefinable", "definition": "being definitely out of the ordinary and unexpected", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a strange exaltation that was indefinable\" What is the definition of \"strange\"?"} {"term": "strange", "pos": "a", "context": "a strange exaltation that was indefinable", "definition": "slightly odd or even a bit weird", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a strange exaltation that was indefinable\" What is the definition of \"strange\"?"} {"term": "strange", "pos": "s", "context": "used many strange words", "definition": "not known before", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"used many strange words\" What is the definition of \"strange\"?"} {"term": "hepatic", "pos": "a", "context": "hepatic ducts", "definition": "pertaining to or affecting the liver", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hepatic ducts\" What is the definition of \"hepatic\"?"} {"term": "inaudible", "pos": "a", "context": "an inaudible conversation", "definition": "impossible to hear", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an inaudible conversation\" What is the definition of \"inaudible\"?"} {"term": "inaudible", "pos": "a", "context": "an inaudible conversation", "definition": "imperceptible by the ear", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an inaudible conversation\" What is the definition of \"inaudible\"?"} {"term": "cynosure", "pos": "n", "context": "let faith be your cynosure to walk by", "definition": "something that provides guidance as polaris guides mariners", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"let faith be your cynosure to walk by\" What is the definition of \"cynosure\"?"} {"term": "cynosure", "pos": "n", "context": "if he was the cynosure of all eyes he did n't notice", "definition": "something that strongly attracts attention and admiration", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if he was the cynosure of all eyes he did n't notice\" What is the definition of \"cynosure\"?"} {"term": "environment", "pos": "n", "context": "he longed for the comfortable environment of his living room", "definition": "the totality of surrounding conditions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he longed for the comfortable environment of his living room\" What is the definition of \"environment\"?"} {"term": "amiss", "pos": "s", "context": "something is amiss", "definition": "not functioning properly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"something is amiss\" What is the definition of \"amiss\"?"} {"term": "amiss", "pos": "r", "context": "if you think him guilty you judge amiss", "definition": "in an improper or mistaken or unfortunate manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if you think him guilty you judge amiss\" What is the definition of \"amiss\"?"} {"term": "amiss", "pos": "r", "context": "something went badly amiss in the preparations", "definition": "away from the correct or expected course", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"something went badly amiss in the preparations\" What is the definition of \"amiss\"?"} {"term": "amiss", "pos": "r", "context": "Miss Bennet would not play at all amiss if she practiced more \" - Jane Austen", "definition": "in an imperfect or faulty way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Miss Bennet would not play at all amiss if she practiced more \" - Jane Austen\" What is the definition of \"amiss\"?"} {"term": "congestive", "pos": "a", "context": "congestive heart disease", "definition": "relating to or affected by an abnormal collection of blood or other fluid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"congestive heart disease\" What is the definition of \"congestive\"?"} {"term": "extraterritorial", "pos": "a", "context": "fishing in extraterritorial waters", "definition": "outside territorial limits or jurisdiction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fishing in extraterritorial waters\" What is the definition of \"extraterritorial\"?"} {"term": "noteworthy", "pos": "s", "context": "a noteworthy advance in cancer research", "definition": "worthy of notice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a noteworthy advance in cancer research\" What is the definition of \"noteworthy\"?"} {"term": "noteworthy", "pos": "s", "context": "a noteworthy fact is that her students rarely complain", "definition": "worthy of notice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a noteworthy fact is that her students rarely complain\" What is the definition of \"noteworthy\"?"} {"term": "semitransparent", "pos": "s", "context": "semitransparent curtains at the windows", "definition": "allowing light to pass through diffusely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"semitransparent curtains at the windows\" What is the definition of \"semitransparent\"?"} {"term": "knack", "pos": "n", "context": "he had a special knack for getting into trouble", "definition": "a special way of doing something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["talent", "hang", "gift", "bent", "endowment"], "instruction": "\"he had a special knack for getting into trouble\" What is the definition of \"knack\"?"} {"term": "dashing", "pos": "v", "context": "Waves were dashing against the rock", "definition": "to hurl or thrust violently", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["dash", "crash", "hurl", "cast", "hurtle"], "instruction": "\"Waves were dashing against the rock\" What is the definition of \"dashing\"?"} {"term": "dashing", "pos": "s", "context": "a dashing hero", "definition": "lively and spirited", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dashing hero\" What is the definition of \"dashing\"?"} {"term": "perceptible", "pos": "a", "context": "a perceptible limp", "definition": "capable of being perceived by the mind or senses", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a perceptible limp\" What is the definition of \"perceptible\"?"} {"term": "perceptible", "pos": "s", "context": "a perceptible sense of expectation in the court", "definition": "easily perceived by the senses or grasped by the mind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a perceptible sense of expectation in the court\" What is the definition of \"perceptible\"?"} {"term": "perceptible", "pos": "s", "context": "he continued after a perceptible pause", "definition": "easily seen or detected", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he continued after a perceptible pause\" What is the definition of \"perceptible\"?"} {"term": "majority", "pos": "n", "context": "the majority of his customers prefer it", "definition": "the property resulting from being or relating to the greater in number of two parts", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["bulk", "figure", "numbers", "number"], "instruction": "\"the majority of his customers prefer it\" What is the definition of \"majority\"?"} {"term": "majority", "pos": "n", "context": "the majority of his customers prefer it", "definition": "the main part", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["bulk", "figure", "numbers", "number"], "instruction": "\"the majority of his customers prefer it\" What is the definition of \"majority\"?"} {"term": "hypertrophied", "pos": "a", "context": "hypertrophied myocardial fibers", "definition": "excessively enlarged as a result of increased size in the constituent cells", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hypertrophied myocardial fibers\" What is the definition of \"hypertrophied\"?"} {"term": "floppy", "pos": "n", "context": "floppy disks are noted for their relatively slow speed and small capacity and low price", "definition": "a small plastic magnetic disk enclosed in a stiff envelope with a radial slit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"floppy disks are noted for their relatively slow speed and small capacity and low price\" What is the definition of \"floppy\"?"} {"term": "floppy", "pos": "n", "context": "floppy disks are noted for their relatively slow speed and small capacity and low price", "definition": "used to store data or programs for a microcomputer", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"floppy disks are noted for their relatively slow speed and small capacity and low price\" What is the definition of \"floppy\"?"} {"term": "floppy", "pos": "s", "context": "a spaniel with floppy ears", "definition": "hanging limply", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a spaniel with floppy ears\" What is the definition of \"floppy\"?"} {"term": "usurious", "pos": "s", "context": "usurious interest rate", "definition": "greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"usurious interest rate\" What is the definition of \"usurious\"?"} {"term": "confuse", "pos": "v", "context": "These questions confuse even the experts", "definition": "to cause to be unable to think clearly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["gravel", "mystify", "befuddle", "baffling", "confound", "get", "perplexed", "amazing", "pose", "disorient", "demoralize", "baffle", "perplex", "amaze", "confounded", "fox", "puzzle", "stick", "beat", "bewilder", "bedevil", "perplexing", "fuddle"], "instruction": "\"These questions confuse even the experts\" What is the definition of \"confuse\"?"} {"term": "ineluctable", "pos": "s", "context": "an ineluctable destiny", "definition": "impossible to avoid or evade", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an ineluctable destiny\" What is the definition of \"ineluctable\"?"} {"term": "humorously", "pos": "r", "context": "Dickens had humorously suggested a special service of intercession at St. Paul 's Cathedral", "definition": "in a humorous manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Dickens had humorously suggested a special service of intercession at St. Paul 's Cathedral\" What is the definition of \"humorously\"?"} {"term": "genitive", "pos": "a", "context": "the genitive endings", "definition": "serving to express or indicate possession", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the genitive endings\" What is the definition of \"genitive\"?"} {"term": "western", "pos": "s", "context": "our company 's western office", "definition": "lying toward or situated in the west", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"our company 's western office\" What is the definition of \"western\"?"} {"term": "forthcoming", "pos": "s", "context": "federal funds were not forthcoming", "definition": "available when required or as promised", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"federal funds were not forthcoming\" What is the definition of \"forthcoming\"?"} {"term": "forthcoming", "pos": "s", "context": "the forthcoming holidays", "definition": "of the relatively near future", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the forthcoming holidays\" What is the definition of \"forthcoming\"?"} {"term": "ungrateful", "pos": "a", "context": "ungrateful heirs", "definition": "not feeling or showing gratitude", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ungrateful heirs\" What is the definition of \"ungrateful\"?"} {"term": "ungrateful", "pos": "s", "context": "I will not perform the ungrateful task of comparing cases of failure \" - Abraham Lincoln", "definition": "disagreeable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I will not perform the ungrateful task of comparing cases of failure \" - Abraham Lincoln\" What is the definition of \"ungrateful\"?"} {"term": "deck", "pos": "v", "context": "deck the halls with holly", "definition": "to decorate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["beautify", "ornament", "bedeck", "adorn", "plume", "grace", "decorate"], "instruction": "\"deck the halls with holly\" What is the definition of \"deck\"?"} {"term": "adulterate", "pos": "v", "context": "adulterate liquor", "definition": "to corrupt , debase , or make impure by adding a foreign or inferior substance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["corrupt", "debased", "sophisticate", "debase", "load", "dilute", "spoil", "doctor", "diluted"], "instruction": "\"adulterate liquor\" What is the definition of \"adulterate\"?"} {"term": "adulterate", "pos": "v", "context": "adulterate liquor", "definition": "to often by replacing valuable ingredients with inferior ones", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["corrupt", "debased", "sophisticate", "debase", "load", "dilute", "spoil", "doctor", "diluted"], "instruction": "\"adulterate liquor\" What is the definition of \"adulterate\"?"} {"term": "weariness", "pos": "n", "context": "weariness overcame her after twelve hours and she fell asleep", "definition": "temporary loss of strength and energy resulting from hard physical or mental work", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["exhaustion", "tiredness", "fatigue"], "instruction": "\"weariness overcame her after twelve hours and she fell asleep\" What is the definition of \"weariness\"?"} {"term": "corpus", "pos": "n", "context": "he edited the Hemingway corpus", "definition": "a collection of writings", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he edited the Hemingway corpus\" What is the definition of \"corpus\"?"} {"term": "estimable", "pos": "s", "context": "estimable assets", "definition": "may be computed or estimated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"estimable assets\" What is the definition of \"estimable\"?"} {"term": "imperishable", "pos": "s", "context": "imperishable truths", "definition": "unceasing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"imperishable truths\" What is the definition of \"imperishable\"?"} {"term": "enticing", "pos": "s", "context": "difficult to say no to an enticing advertisement", "definition": "highly attractive and able to arouse hope or desire", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"difficult to say no to an enticing advertisement\" What is the definition of \"enticing\"?"} {"term": "circulate", "pos": "v", "context": "circulate a rumor", "definition": "to cause to become widely known", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["spread", "carry", "diffused", "air", "run", "propagate", "bare", "distribute", "generalized", "disperse", "sow", "broadcast", "diffuse"], "instruction": "\"circulate a rumor\" What is the definition of \"circulate\"?"} {"term": "circulate", "pos": "v", "context": "The air here does not circulate", "definition": "to move through a space , circuit or system , returning to the starting point", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The air here does not circulate\" What is the definition of \"circulate\"?"} {"term": "lonely", "pos": "s", "context": "felt sad and lonely", "definition": "marked by dejection from being alone", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"felt sad and lonely\" What is the definition of \"lonely\"?"} {"term": "lonely", "pos": "s", "context": "a lonely crossroads", "definition": "devoid of creatures", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a lonely crossroads\" What is the definition of \"lonely\"?"} {"term": "lonely", "pos": "s", "context": "a lonely fisherman stood on a tuft of gravel", "definition": "lacking companions or companionship", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a lonely fisherman stood on a tuft of gravel\" What is the definition of \"lonely\"?"} {"term": "gradient", "pos": "n", "context": "a five-degree gradient", "definition": "the property possessed by a line or surface that departs from the horizontal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["slope", "pitch", "slant", "gentleness", "steepness", "gradualness", "grade", "abruptness"], "instruction": "\"a five-degree gradient\" What is the definition of \"gradient\"?"} {"term": "gaze", "pos": "n", "context": "he fixed his paternal gaze on me", "definition": "a long fixed look", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["regard", "stare"], "instruction": "\"he fixed his paternal gaze on me\" What is the definition of \"gaze\"?"} {"term": "grandiosity", "pos": "n", "context": "the grandiosity of his prose", "definition": "high-flown style", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["fustian", "ornateness", "bombast", "grandiloquence", "flourish", "claptrap"], "instruction": "\"the grandiosity of his prose\" What is the definition of \"grandiosity\"?"} {"term": "grandiosity", "pos": "n", "context": "the grandiosity of his prose", "definition": "excessive use of verbal ornamentation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["fustian", "ornateness", "bombast", "grandiloquence", "flourish", "claptrap"], "instruction": "\"the grandiosity of his prose\" What is the definition of \"grandiosity\"?"} {"term": "stimulant", "pos": "s", "context": "stimulant phenomena", "definition": "that stimulates", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stimulant phenomena\" What is the definition of \"stimulant\"?"} {"term": "magnetically", "pos": "r", "context": "magnetically contaminated material", "definition": "by the use of magnetism", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"magnetically contaminated material\" What is the definition of \"magnetically\"?"} {"term": "magnetically", "pos": "r", "context": "he was magnetically attracted to her", "definition": "as if by magnetism", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was magnetically attracted to her\" What is the definition of \"magnetically\"?"} {"term": "cohesive", "pos": "s", "context": "a cohesive agent", "definition": "causing cohesion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a cohesive agent\" What is the definition of \"cohesive\"?"} {"term": "cohesive", "pos": "s", "context": "a cohesive organization", "definition": "cohering or tending to cohere", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a cohesive organization\" What is the definition of \"cohesive\"?"} {"term": "cohesive", "pos": "s", "context": "a cohesive organization", "definition": "well integrated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a cohesive organization\" What is the definition of \"cohesive\"?"} {"term": "incurably", "pos": "r", "context": "she was incurably optimistic", "definition": "to an incurable degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was incurably optimistic\" What is the definition of \"incurably\"?"} {"term": "incurably", "pos": "r", "context": "he is incurably ill", "definition": "in a manner impossible to cure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is incurably ill\" What is the definition of \"incurably\"?"} {"term": "helpless", "pos": "s", "context": "lying ill and helpless", "definition": "lacking in or deprived of strength or power", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lying ill and helpless\" What is the definition of \"helpless\"?"} {"term": "helpless", "pos": "s", "context": "as helpless as a baby", "definition": "unable to manage independently", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as helpless as a baby\" What is the definition of \"helpless\"?"} {"term": "sufficiency", "pos": "n", "context": "her father questioned the young suitor 's sufficiency", "definition": "sufficient resources to provide comfort and meet obligations", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her father questioned the young suitor 's sufficiency\" What is the definition of \"sufficiency\"?"} {"term": "sufficiency", "pos": "n", "context": "he questioned the sufficiency of human intelligence", "definition": "the quality of being sufficient for the end in view", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["adequacy", "quality"], "instruction": "\"he questioned the sufficiency of human intelligence\" What is the definition of \"sufficiency\"?"} {"term": "sufficiency", "pos": "n", "context": "there is more than a sufficiency of lawyers in this country", "definition": "an adequate quantity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is more than a sufficiency of lawyers in this country\" What is the definition of \"sufficiency\"?"} {"term": "sufficiency", "pos": "n", "context": "there is more than a sufficiency of lawyers in this country", "definition": "a quantity that is large enough to achieve a purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is more than a sufficiency of lawyers in this country\" What is the definition of \"sufficiency\"?"} {"term": "refulgent", "pos": "s", "context": "a refulgent sunset", "definition": "radiating or as if radiating light", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a refulgent sunset\" What is the definition of \"refulgent\"?"} {"term": "compendious", "pos": "s", "context": "a short and compendious book", "definition": "briefly giving the gist of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["compact", "", "succinct"], "instruction": "\"a short and compendious book\" What is the definition of \"compendious\"?"} {"term": "darken", "pos": "v", "context": "darken a room", "definition": "to make dark or darker", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"darken a room\" What is the definition of \"darken\"?"} {"term": "assessable", "pos": "s", "context": "the assessable qualities of art", "definition": "capable of being considered carefully", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the assessable qualities of art\" What is the definition of \"assessable\"?"} {"term": "unscrupulous", "pos": "a", "context": "unscrupulous politicos who would be happy to sell ... their country in order to gain power", "definition": "without scruples or principles", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unscrupulous politicos who would be happy to sell ... their country in order to gain power\" What is the definition of \"unscrupulous\"?"} {"term": "probe", "pos": "n", "context": "there was a congressional probe into the scandal", "definition": "an inquiry into unfamiliar or questionable activities", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["inquiry", "investigation", "research"], "instruction": "\"there was a congressional probe into the scandal\" What is the definition of \"probe\"?"} {"term": "furtive", "pos": "s", "context": "a furtive manner", "definition": "marked by quiet and caution and secrecy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a furtive manner\" What is the definition of \"furtive\"?"} {"term": "furtive", "pos": "s", "context": "a furtive manner", "definition": "taking pains to avoid being observed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a furtive manner\" What is the definition of \"furtive\"?"} {"term": "furtive", "pos": "s", "context": "furtive behavior", "definition": "secret and sly or sordid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"furtive behavior\" What is the definition of \"furtive\"?"} {"term": "colonial", "pos": "s", "context": "coral is a colonial organism", "definition": "composed of many distinct individuals united to form a whole or colony", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"coral is a colonial organism\" What is the definition of \"colonial\"?"} {"term": "beginning", "pos": "n", "context": "the beginning of the war", "definition": "the event consisting of the start of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the beginning of the war\" What is the definition of \"beginning\"?"} {"term": "beginning", "pos": "n", "context": "` It was a dark and stormy night ' is a hackneyed beginning for a story", "definition": "the first part or section of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"` It was a dark and stormy night ' is a hackneyed beginning for a story\" What is the definition of \"beginning\"?"} {"term": "swim", "pos": "v", "context": "We had to swim for 20 minutes to reach the shore", "definition": "to travel through water", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["dove", "diving", "travel", "traveled", "dive", "swimming", "fin", "crawl", "school", "schooling", "going", "moving", "paddle"], "instruction": "\"We had to swim for 20 minutes to reach the shore\" What is the definition of \"swim\"?"} {"term": "climb", "pos": "v", "context": "Did you ever climb up the hill behind your house ?", "definition": "to go upward with gradual or continuous progress", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["rise", "mountaineer", "ride", "lift", "scale", "uprise", "escalade", "arise", "rose", "mount", "ramp"], "instruction": "\"Did you ever climb up the hill behind your house ?\" What is the definition of \"climb\"?"} {"term": "gamely", "pos": "r", "context": "he was seen by a shepherd , gamely negotiating a particularly tricky section of the mountain road to San Doloroso", "definition": "in a plucky manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was seen by a shepherd , gamely negotiating a particularly tricky section of the mountain road to San Doloroso\" What is the definition of \"gamely\"?"} {"term": "spoken", "pos": "a", "context": "a spoken message", "definition": "uttered through the medium of speech or characterized by speech", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a spoken message\" What is the definition of \"spoken\"?"} {"term": "spoken", "pos": "a", "context": "a spoken message", "definition": "sometimes used in combination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a spoken message\" What is the definition of \"spoken\"?"} {"term": "rebuke", "pos": "n", "context": "he had to take the rebuke with a smile on his face", "definition": "an act or expression of criticism and censure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["admonition", "speech", "castigation", "reproof", "reprimand", "criticism", "reproach", "correction"], "instruction": "\"he had to take the rebuke with a smile on his face\" What is the definition of \"rebuke\"?"} {"term": "frowzy", "pos": "s", "context": "filled the door with her frowzy bulk", "definition": "negligent of neatness especially in dress and person", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"filled the door with her frowzy bulk\" What is the definition of \"frowzy\"?"} {"term": "frowzy", "pos": "s", "context": "filled the door with her frowzy bulk", "definition": "habitually dirty and unkempt", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"filled the door with her frowzy bulk\" What is the definition of \"frowzy\"?"} {"term": "generalized", "pos": "s", "context": "the hedgehog is a primitive and generalized mammal", "definition": "not biologically differentiated or adapted to a specific function or environment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the hedgehog is a primitive and generalized mammal\" What is the definition of \"generalized\"?"} {"term": "primeval", "pos": "s", "context": "the forest primeval", "definition": "having existed from the beginning", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["primordial", "", "aboriginal"], "instruction": "\"the forest primeval\" What is the definition of \"primeval\"?"} {"term": "primeval", "pos": "s", "context": "the forest primeval", "definition": "in an earliest or original stage or state", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["primordial", "", "aboriginal"], "instruction": "\"the forest primeval\" What is the definition of \"primeval\"?"} {"term": "executive", "pos": "a", "context": "the executive branch", "definition": "having the function of carrying out plans or orders etc. .", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the executive branch\" What is the definition of \"executive\"?"} {"term": "declaration", "pos": "n", "context": "his declaration of innocence", "definition": "unsworn statement that can be admitted in evidence in a legal transaction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his declaration of innocence\" What is the definition of \"declaration\"?"} {"term": "prettily", "pos": "r", "context": "all this is most prettily done", "definition": "in a pretty manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all this is most prettily done\" What is the definition of \"prettily\"?"} {"term": "peripatetic", "pos": "s", "context": "peripatetic country preachers", "definition": "traveling especially on foot", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"peripatetic country preachers\" What is the definition of \"peripatetic\"?"} {"term": "shrill", "pos": "s", "context": "a shrill whistle", "definition": "having or emitting a high-pitched and sharp tone or tones", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a shrill whistle\" What is the definition of \"shrill\"?"} {"term": "shrill", "pos": "s", "context": "a shrill turquoise", "definition": "of colors that are bright and gaudy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a shrill turquoise\" What is the definition of \"shrill\"?"} {"term": "shrill", "pos": "s", "context": "shrill criticism", "definition": "being sharply insistent on being heard", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shrill criticism\" What is the definition of \"shrill\"?"} {"term": "profoundness", "pos": "n", "context": "the profoundness of his ignorance", "definition": "extremeness of degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the profoundness of his ignorance\" What is the definition of \"profoundness\"?"} {"term": "incredulously", "pos": "r", "context": "the woman looked up at her incredulously", "definition": "in an incredulous manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the woman looked up at her incredulously\" What is the definition of \"incredulously\"?"} {"term": "hundredfold", "pos": "r", "context": "they money increased a hundredfold", "definition": "by a factor of one hundred", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they money increased a hundredfold\" What is the definition of \"hundredfold\"?"} {"term": "regulate", "pos": "v", "context": "regulate the temperature", "definition": "to fix or adjust the time , amount , degree , or rate of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"regulate the temperature\" What is the definition of \"regulate\"?"} {"term": "regulate", "pos": "v", "context": "We can not regulate the way people dress", "definition": "to bring into conformity with rules or principles or usage", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["order", "zone", "district", "standardize", "governing", "governess", "determine", "decide", "govern"], "instruction": "\"We can not regulate the way people dress\" What is the definition of \"regulate\"?"} {"term": "regulate", "pos": "v", "context": "We can not regulate the way people dress", "definition": "to impose regulations", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["order", "zone", "district", "standardize", "governing", "governess", "determine", "decide", "govern"], "instruction": "\"We can not regulate the way people dress\" What is the definition of \"regulate\"?"} {"term": "genuine", "pos": "a", "context": "a genuine Picasso", "definition": "not fake or counterfeit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a genuine Picasso\" What is the definition of \"genuine\"?"} {"term": "genuine", "pos": "s", "context": "genuine emotion", "definition": "not pretended", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"genuine emotion\" What is the definition of \"genuine\"?"} {"term": "genuine", "pos": "s", "context": "genuine emotion", "definition": "sincerely felt or expressed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"genuine emotion\" What is the definition of \"genuine\"?"} {"term": "pyrogenic", "pos": "a", "context": "pyrogenic strata", "definition": "produced under conditions involving intense heat", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pyrogenic strata\" What is the definition of \"pyrogenic\"?"} {"term": "pyrogenic", "pos": "a", "context": "pyrogenic strata", "definition": "especially from molten magma", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pyrogenic strata\" What is the definition of \"pyrogenic\"?"} {"term": "elementary", "pos": "s", "context": "an elementary problem in statistics", "definition": "easy and not involved or complicated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an elementary problem in statistics\" What is the definition of \"elementary\"?"} {"term": "elementary", "pos": "s", "context": "an elementary need for love and nurturing", "definition": "of or being the essential or basic part", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an elementary need for love and nurturing\" What is the definition of \"elementary\"?"} {"term": "implausible", "pos": "a", "context": "gave the teacher an implausible excuse", "definition": "having a quality that provokes disbelief", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gave the teacher an implausible excuse\" What is the definition of \"implausible\"?"} {"term": "implausible", "pos": "s", "context": "an implausible explanation", "definition": "highly imaginative but unlikely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an implausible explanation\" What is the definition of \"implausible\"?"} {"term": "plum", "pos": "n", "context": "a political plum", "definition": "a highly desirable position or assignment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a political plum\" What is the definition of \"plum\"?"} {"term": "bargain", "pos": "n", "context": "he made a bargain with the devil", "definition": "an agreement between parties usually arrived at after discussion fixing obligations of each", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["agreement", "understanding", "deal"], "instruction": "\"he made a bargain with the devil\" What is the definition of \"bargain\"?"} {"term": "bargain", "pos": "n", "context": "she got a bargain at the auction", "definition": "an advantageous purchase", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["steal", "purchase", "buy", "song"], "instruction": "\"she got a bargain at the auction\" What is the definition of \"bargain\"?"} {"term": "womanly", "pos": "a", "context": "womanly virtues of gentleness and compassion", "definition": "befitting or characteristic of a woman especially a mature woman", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"womanly virtues of gentleness and compassion\" What is the definition of \"womanly\"?"} {"term": "impart", "pos": "v", "context": "impart a new skill to the students", "definition": "to transmit knowledge or skills", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["leave", "telling", "convey"], "instruction": "\"impart a new skill to the students\" What is the definition of \"impart\"?"} {"term": "admirable", "pos": "s", "context": "trains ran with admirable precision", "definition": "deserving of the highest esteem or admiration", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"trains ran with admirable precision\" What is the definition of \"admirable\"?"} {"term": "admirable", "pos": "s", "context": "among her many admirable qualities are generosity and graciousness", "definition": "inspiring admiration or approval", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"among her many admirable qualities are generosity and graciousness\" What is the definition of \"admirable\"?"} {"term": "preference", "pos": "n", "context": "my own preference is for good literature", "definition": "a strong liking", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["liking", "taste", "weakness", "predilection", "penchant"], "instruction": "\"my own preference is for good literature\" What is the definition of \"preference\"?"} {"term": "antipathy", "pos": "n", "context": "cats were his greatest antipathy", "definition": "the object of a feeling of intense aversion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cats were his greatest antipathy\" What is the definition of \"antipathy\"?"} {"term": "antipathy", "pos": "n", "context": "cats were his greatest antipathy", "definition": "something to be avoided", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cats were his greatest antipathy\" What is the definition of \"antipathy\"?"} {"term": "inhibit", "pos": "v", "context": "inhibit the action of the enzyme", "definition": "to limit , block , or decrease the action or function of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"inhibit the action of the enzyme\" What is the definition of \"inhibit\"?"} {"term": "purposive", "pos": "s", "context": "purposive behavior", "definition": "having or showing or acting with a purpose or design", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"purposive behavior\" What is the definition of \"purposive\"?"} {"term": "purposive", "pos": "s", "context": "purposive behavior", "definition": "having a purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"purposive behavior\" What is the definition of \"purposive\"?"} {"term": "tenuous", "pos": "s", "context": "a tenuous fluid", "definition": "having thin consistency", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tenuous fluid\" What is the definition of \"tenuous\"?"} {"term": "tenuous", "pos": "s", "context": "a tenuous thread", "definition": "very thin in gauge or diameter", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tenuous thread\" What is the definition of \"tenuous\"?"} {"term": "tenuous", "pos": "s", "context": "a tenuous argument", "definition": "lacking substance or significance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["slight", "", "fragile", "thin"], "instruction": "\"a tenuous argument\" What is the definition of \"tenuous\"?"} {"term": "tenuous", "pos": "s", "context": "a tenuous argument", "definition": "a fragile claim to fame", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["slight", "", "fragile", "thin"], "instruction": "\"a tenuous argument\" What is the definition of \"tenuous\"?"} {"term": "meeting", "pos": "n", "context": "next year the meeting will be in Chicago", "definition": "a formally arranged gathering", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"next year the meeting will be in Chicago\" What is the definition of \"meeting\"?"} {"term": "meeting", "pos": "n", "context": "there was an informal meeting in my living room", "definition": "a small informal social gathering", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was an informal meeting in my living room\" What is the definition of \"meeting\"?"} {"term": "meeting", "pos": "n", "context": "he still remembers their meeting in Paris", "definition": "a casual or unexpected convergence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["convergence", "encounter", "conjunction"], "instruction": "\"he still remembers their meeting in Paris\" What is the definition of \"meeting\"?"} {"term": "meeting", "pos": "v", "context": "I 'll probably see you at the meeting", "definition": "to come together", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["meet", "encounter", "see", "cross"], "instruction": "\"I 'll probably see you at the meeting\" What is the definition of \"meeting\"?"} {"term": "instill", "pos": "v", "context": "instill medication into my eye", "definition": "to enter drop by drop", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"instill medication into my eye\" What is the definition of \"instill\"?"} {"term": "pugilistic", "pos": "a", "context": "a pugilistic career", "definition": "of or relating to pugilism or pugilists", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a pugilistic career\" What is the definition of \"pugilistic\"?"} {"term": "tartly", "pos": "r", "context": "` Never mind your immortal soul , ' she said tartly", "definition": "in a tart manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"` Never mind your immortal soul , ' she said tartly\" What is the definition of \"tartly\"?"} {"term": "waxen", "pos": "a", "context": "waxen candles", "definition": "made of or covered with wax", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"waxen candles\" What is the definition of \"waxen\"?"} {"term": "waxen", "pos": "s", "context": "the poor face with the same awful waxen pallor \" - Bram Stoker", "definition": "having the paleness of wax", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the poor face with the same awful waxen pallor \" - Bram Stoker\" What is the definition of \"waxen\"?"} {"term": "misstep", "pos": "n", "context": "confusion caused his unfortunate misstep", "definition": "an unintentional but embarrassing blunder", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["blunder", "trip", "bungle", "botch"], "instruction": "\"confusion caused his unfortunate misstep\" What is the definition of \"misstep\"?"} {"term": "capillary", "pos": "s", "context": "a capillary tube", "definition": "long and slender with a very small internal diameter", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a capillary tube\" What is the definition of \"capillary\"?"} {"term": "word", "pos": "n", "context": "he did n't say a word about it", "definition": "a brief statement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he did n't say a word about it\" What is the definition of \"word\"?"} {"term": "presumptive", "pos": "s", "context": "the presumptive heir ( or heir apparent )", "definition": "having a reasonable basis for belief or acceptance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the presumptive heir ( or heir apparent )\" What is the definition of \"presumptive\"?"} {"term": "presumptive", "pos": "s", "context": "presumptive evidence", "definition": "affording reasonable grounds for belief or acceptance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"presumptive evidence\" What is the definition of \"presumptive\"?"} {"term": "seating", "pos": "n", "context": "there is seating for 40 students in this classroom", "definition": "an area that includes places where several people can sit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is seating for 40 students in this classroom\" What is the definition of \"seating\"?"} {"term": "educational", "pos": "a", "context": "educational psychology", "definition": "relating to the process of education", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"educational psychology\" What is the definition of \"educational\"?"} {"term": "educational", "pos": "s", "context": "an educational film", "definition": "providing knowledge", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an educational film\" What is the definition of \"educational\"?"} {"term": "suffice", "pos": "v", "context": "A ' B ' grade does n't suffice to get me into medical school", "definition": "to be sufficient", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["function", "satisfy", "qualify", "answer", "qualified"], "instruction": "\"A ' B ' grade does n't suffice to get me into medical school\" What is the definition of \"suffice\"?"} {"term": "suffice", "pos": "v", "context": "A ' B ' grade does n't suffice to get me into medical school", "definition": "to be adequate , either in quality or quantity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["function", "satisfy", "qualify", "answer", "qualified"], "instruction": "\"A ' B ' grade does n't suffice to get me into medical school\" What is the definition of \"suffice\"?"} {"term": "oxygenation", "pos": "n", "context": "the oxygenation of the blood", "definition": "the process of providing or combining or treating with oxygen", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the oxygenation of the blood\" What is the definition of \"oxygenation\"?"} {"term": "scary", "pos": "s", "context": "a scary movie", "definition": "provoking fear terror", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a scary movie\" What is the definition of \"scary\"?"} {"term": "swimming", "pos": "v", "context": "a big fish was swimming in the tank", "definition": "to travel through water", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["travel", "dive", "fin", "crawl", "school", "swim", "paddle"], "instruction": "\"a big fish was swimming in the tank\" What is the definition of \"swimming\"?"} {"term": "swimming", "pos": "v", "context": "my brain is swimming after the bottle of champagne", "definition": "to be dizzy or giddy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my brain is swimming after the bottle of champagne\" What is the definition of \"swimming\"?"} {"term": "swimming", "pos": "s", "context": "swimming eyes", "definition": "filled or brimming with tears", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"swimming eyes\" What is the definition of \"swimming\"?"} {"term": "slam", "pos": "v", "context": "slam the ball", "definition": "to strike violently", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["bang", "banging", "hit"], "instruction": "\"slam the ball\" What is the definition of \"slam\"?"} {"term": "unabridged", "pos": "a", "context": "an unabridged novel", "definition": "not shortened", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unabridged novel\" What is the definition of \"unabridged\"?"} {"term": "recover", "pos": "v", "context": "We expect the stocks to recover to $ 2.90", "definition": "to regain a former condition after a financial loss", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["regress", "rebound", "recuperate", "revert", "return", "rally"], "instruction": "\"We expect the stocks to recover to $ 2.90\" What is the definition of \"recover\"?"} {"term": "delivery", "pos": "n", "context": "his reluctant delivery of bad news", "definition": "the act of delivering or distributing something as goods or mail", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his reluctant delivery of bad news\" What is the definition of \"delivery\"?"} {"term": "delivery", "pos": "n", "context": "she had a difficult delivery", "definition": "the event of giving birth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she had a difficult delivery\" What is the definition of \"delivery\"?"} {"term": "register", "pos": "v", "context": "register for an election", "definition": "to enroll to vote", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"register for an election\" What is the definition of \"register\"?"} {"term": "register", "pos": "v", "context": "Her surprise did not register", "definition": "to show in ones face", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Her surprise did not register\" What is the definition of \"register\"?"} {"term": "bum", "pos": "n", "context": "throw the bum out", "definition": "a person who is deemed to be despicable or contemptible", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"throw the bum out\" What is the definition of \"bum\"?"} {"term": "bum", "pos": "n", "context": "a lazy bum", "definition": "person who does no work", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["mope", "loon", "lazybones", "lagger", "dawdler", "idler", "loafer", "laggard", "sluggard", "slug", "trailer"], "instruction": "\"a lazy bum\" What is the definition of \"bum\"?"} {"term": "relaxation", "pos": "n", "context": "the relaxation of requirements", "definition": "an occurrence of control or strength weakening", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the relaxation of requirements\" What is the definition of \"relaxation\"?"} {"term": "best", "pos": "n", "context": "they did their best", "definition": "the supreme effort one can make", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they did their best\" What is the definition of \"best\"?"} {"term": "best", "pos": "n", "context": "he could beat the best of them", "definition": "the person who is most outstanding or excellent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["individual", "soul", "person", "topper"], "instruction": "\"he could beat the best of them\" What is the definition of \"best\"?"} {"term": "best", "pos": "n", "context": "he could beat the best of them", "definition": "someone who tops all others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["individual", "soul", "person", "topper"], "instruction": "\"he could beat the best of them\" What is the definition of \"best\"?"} {"term": "best", "pos": "v", "context": "the goal was to best the competition", "definition": "to get the better of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["outdo", "crushing", "outflank", "outmaneuver", "beat", "vanquish", "shell", "beating", "beaten", "crush", "trounce"], "instruction": "\"the goal was to best the competition\" What is the definition of \"best\"?"} {"term": "best", "pos": "a", "context": "the best film of the year", "definition": "having the most positive qualities", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the best film of the year\" What is the definition of \"best\"?"} {"term": "best", "pos": "s", "context": "the White House thought it best not to respond", "definition": "wiser or more advantageous and hence advisable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["better", ""], "instruction": "\"the White House thought it best not to respond\" What is the definition of \"best\"?"} {"term": "best", "pos": "r", "context": "he played best after a couple of martinis", "definition": "in a most excellent way or manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he played best after a couple of martinis\" What is the definition of \"best\"?"} {"term": "best", "pos": "r", "context": "you 'd best stay at home", "definition": "it would be sensible", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you 'd best stay at home\" What is the definition of \"best\"?"} {"term": "best", "pos": "r", "context": "father knows best", "definition": "from a position of superiority or authority", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["better", ""], "instruction": "\"father knows best\" What is the definition of \"best\"?"} {"term": "wrestle", "pos": "n", "context": "they had a fierce wrestle", "definition": "the act of engaging in close hand-to-hand combat", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["grapple", "struggle"], "instruction": "\"they had a fierce wrestle\" What is the definition of \"wrestle\"?"} {"term": "comprehensible", "pos": "a", "context": "an idea comprehensible to the average mind", "definition": "capable of being comprehended or understood", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an idea comprehensible to the average mind\" What is the definition of \"comprehensible\"?"} {"term": "quadratic", "pos": "a", "context": "quadratic shapes", "definition": "of or relating to or resembling a square", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"quadratic shapes\" What is the definition of \"quadratic\"?"} {"term": "quadratic", "pos": "a", "context": "quadratic equation", "definition": "of or relating to the second power", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"quadratic equation\" What is the definition of \"quadratic\"?"} {"term": "royalty", "pos": "n", "context": "the wedding was attended by royalty", "definition": "royal persons collectively", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the wedding was attended by royalty\" What is the definition of \"royalty\"?"} {"term": "inshore", "pos": "a", "context": "an inshore breeze", "definition": "coming from the sea toward the land", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an inshore breeze\" What is the definition of \"inshore\"?"} {"term": "inshore", "pos": "s", "context": "inshore fisheries", "definition": "close to a shore", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"inshore fisheries\" What is the definition of \"inshore\"?"} {"term": "inshore", "pos": "r", "context": "we swam two miles inshore", "definition": "toward the shore", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we swam two miles inshore\" What is the definition of \"inshore\"?"} {"term": "sparing", "pos": "s", "context": "a sparing father and a spending son", "definition": "avoiding waste", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sparing father and a spending son\" What is the definition of \"sparing\"?"} {"term": "smokeless", "pos": "a", "context": "smokeless factory stacks", "definition": "emitting or containing little or no smoke", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"smokeless factory stacks\" What is the definition of \"smokeless\"?"} {"term": "inattentive", "pos": "a", "context": "inattentive students", "definition": "showing a lack of attention or care", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"inattentive students\" What is the definition of \"inattentive\"?"} {"term": "inattentive", "pos": "s", "context": "inattentive students", "definition": "not showing due care or attention", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"inattentive students\" What is the definition of \"inattentive\"?"} {"term": "logistic", "pos": "a", "context": "logistic requirements", "definition": "of or relating to logistics", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"logistic requirements\" What is the definition of \"logistic\"?"} {"term": "rococo", "pos": "s", "context": "an exquisite gilded rococo mirror", "definition": "having excessive asymmetrical ornamentation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an exquisite gilded rococo mirror\" What is the definition of \"rococo\"?"} {"term": "dishonest", "pos": "s", "context": "dishonest politicians", "definition": "capable of being corrupted", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dishonest politicians\" What is the definition of \"dishonest\"?"} {"term": "hairy", "pos": "a", "context": "Jacob was a hairy man", "definition": "having or covered with hair", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["haired", "", "hirsute"], "instruction": "\"Jacob was a hairy man\" What is the definition of \"hairy\"?"} {"term": "hairy", "pos": "s", "context": "hairy moments in the mountains", "definition": "hazardous and frightening", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hairy moments in the mountains\" What is the definition of \"hairy\"?"} {"term": "retrospection", "pos": "n", "context": "some psychologists tried to contrast retrospection and introspection", "definition": "memory for experiences that are past", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some psychologists tried to contrast retrospection and introspection\" What is the definition of \"retrospection\"?"} {"term": "sunrise", "pos": "s", "context": "high-technology sunrise industries", "definition": "of an industry or technology", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"high-technology sunrise industries\" What is the definition of \"sunrise\"?"} {"term": "sunrise", "pos": "s", "context": "high-technology sunrise industries", "definition": "new and developing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"high-technology sunrise industries\" What is the definition of \"sunrise\"?"} {"term": "ardently", "pos": "r", "context": "the spirit of God knew very well that there was a deeper question to be settled before there could be the intervention in power that was so ardently desired", "definition": "in an ardent manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the spirit of God knew very well that there was a deeper question to be settled before there could be the intervention in power that was so ardently desired\" What is the definition of \"ardently\"?"} {"term": "formally", "pos": "r", "context": "the club will be formally recognized", "definition": "with official authorization", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the club will be formally recognized\" What is the definition of \"formally\"?"} {"term": "formally", "pos": "r", "context": "he was dressed rather formally", "definition": "in a formal manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was dressed rather formally\" What is the definition of \"formally\"?"} {"term": "ascribable", "pos": "s", "context": "punctuation errors ascribable to careless proofreading", "definition": "capable of being assigned or credited to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"punctuation errors ascribable to careless proofreading\" What is the definition of \"ascribable\"?"} {"term": "atrocious", "pos": "s", "context": "murder is an atrocious crime", "definition": "shockingly brutal or cruel", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"murder is an atrocious crime\" What is the definition of \"atrocious\"?"} {"term": "atrocious", "pos": "s", "context": "atrocious taste", "definition": "exceptionally bad or displeasing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"atrocious taste\" What is the definition of \"atrocious\"?"} {"term": "atrocious", "pos": "s", "context": "an atrocious automobile accident", "definition": "provoking horror", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an atrocious automobile accident\" What is the definition of \"atrocious\"?"} {"term": "maroon", "pos": "n", "context": "when the tide came in I was a maroon out there", "definition": "a person who is stranded as on an island", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when the tide came in I was a maroon out there\" What is the definition of \"maroon\"?"} {"term": "opening", "pos": "a", "context": "the memorable opening bars of Beethoven 's Fifth", "definition": "first or beginning", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the memorable opening bars of Beethoven 's Fifth\" What is the definition of \"opening\"?"} {"term": "scenario", "pos": "n", "context": "the scenario is France during the Reign of Terror", "definition": "a setting for a work of art or literature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the scenario is France during the Reign of Terror\" What is the definition of \"scenario\"?"} {"term": "oblivious", "pos": "s", "context": "oblivious of the mounting pressures for political reform", "definition": "lacking conscious awareness of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"oblivious of the mounting pressures for political reform\" What is the definition of \"oblivious\"?"} {"term": "oblivious", "pos": "s", "context": "oblivious old age", "definition": "failing to keep in mind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"oblivious old age\" What is the definition of \"oblivious\"?"} {"term": "abortive", "pos": "s", "context": "an abortive revolt", "definition": "failing to accomplish an intended result", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an abortive revolt\" What is the definition of \"abortive\"?"} {"term": "nonessential", "pos": "s", "context": "nonessential to the integral meanings of poetry \" - Pubs.MLA", "definition": "not of prime or central importance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nonessential to the integral meanings of poetry \" - Pubs.MLA\" What is the definition of \"nonessential\"?"} {"term": "fourfold", "pos": "s", "context": "a fourfold increase in the dosage", "definition": "four times as great or many", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fourfold increase in the dosage\" What is the definition of \"fourfold\"?"} {"term": "fourfold", "pos": "r", "context": "the price of gasoline has increased fourfold over the past two years", "definition": "by a factor of four", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the price of gasoline has increased fourfold over the past two years\" What is the definition of \"fourfold\"?"} {"term": "patiently", "pos": "r", "context": "he patiently played with the child", "definition": "with patience", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he patiently played with the child\" What is the definition of \"patiently\"?"} {"term": "patiently", "pos": "r", "context": "he patiently played with the child", "definition": "in a patient manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he patiently played with the child\" What is the definition of \"patiently\"?"} {"term": "disapprove", "pos": "v", "context": "I disapprove of her child rearing methods", "definition": "to deem wrong or inappropriate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I disapprove of her child rearing methods\" What is the definition of \"disapprove\"?"} {"term": "antagonist", "pos": "n", "context": "when bending the elbow the triceps are the antagonist", "definition": "a muscle that relaxes while another contracts", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when bending the elbow the triceps are the antagonist\" What is the definition of \"antagonist\"?"} {"term": "certainly", "pos": "r", "context": "she certainly is a hard worker", "definition": "definitely or positively sure is sometimes used informally for surely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["sure", ""], "instruction": "\"she certainly is a hard worker\" What is the definition of \"certainly\"?"} {"term": "funeral", "pos": "n", "context": "hundreds of people attended his funeral", "definition": "a ceremony at which a dead person is buried or cremated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hundreds of people attended his funeral\" What is the definition of \"funeral\"?"} {"term": "disappearance", "pos": "n", "context": "he regretted the disappearance of Greek from school curricula", "definition": "ceasing to exist", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he regretted the disappearance of Greek from school curricula\" What is the definition of \"disappearance\"?"} {"term": "somewhere", "pos": "n", "context": "they moved to somewhere in Spain", "definition": "an indefinite or unknown location", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they moved to somewhere in Spain\" What is the definition of \"somewhere\"?"} {"term": "somewhere", "pos": "r", "context": "she must be somewhere", "definition": "in or at or to some place", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she must be somewhere\" What is the definition of \"somewhere\"?"} {"term": "subtle", "pos": "s", "context": "a subtle mind", "definition": "able to make fine distinctions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a subtle mind\" What is the definition of \"subtle\"?"} {"term": "subtle", "pos": "s", "context": "his whole attitude had undergone a subtle change", "definition": "difficult to detect or grasp by the mind or analyze", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his whole attitude had undergone a subtle change\" What is the definition of \"subtle\"?"} {"term": "subtle", "pos": "s", "context": "a subtle poison", "definition": "working or spreading in a hidden and usually injurious way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a subtle poison\" What is the definition of \"subtle\"?"} {"term": "harmonious", "pos": "s", "context": "the tailored clothes were harmonious with her military bearing", "definition": "suitable and fitting", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the tailored clothes were harmonious with her military bearing\" What is the definition of \"harmonious\"?"} {"term": "harmonious", "pos": "s", "context": "harmonious family relationships", "definition": "existing together in harmony", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"harmonious family relationships\" What is the definition of \"harmonious\"?"} {"term": "supply", "pos": "v", "context": "supply blankets for the beds", "definition": "to circulate or distribute or equip with", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["free", "issue", "distribute", "release", "reissue"], "instruction": "\"supply blankets for the beds\" What is the definition of \"supply\"?"} {"term": "festive", "pos": "s", "context": "a festive ( or festal ) occasion", "definition": "offering fun and gaiety", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["merry", "", "gay", "festal"], "instruction": "\"a festive ( or festal ) occasion\" What is the definition of \"festive\"?"} {"term": "invisible", "pos": "a", "context": "the invisible man", "definition": "impossible or nearly impossible to see", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the invisible man\" What is the definition of \"invisible\"?"} {"term": "invisible", "pos": "a", "context": "the invisible man", "definition": "imperceptible by the eye", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the invisible man\" What is the definition of \"invisible\"?"} {"term": "invisible", "pos": "a", "context": "the invisible man", "definition": "not prominent or readily noticeable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the invisible man\" What is the definition of \"invisible\"?"} {"term": "cashier", "pos": "v", "context": "cashier the literal sense of this word", "definition": "to discard or do away with", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cashier the literal sense of this word\" What is the definition of \"cashier\"?"} {"term": "finely", "pos": "r", "context": "the surfaces were finely granular", "definition": "in tiny pieces", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the surfaces were finely granular\" What is the definition of \"finely\"?"} {"term": "finely", "pos": "r", "context": "finely costumed actors", "definition": "in an elegant manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"finely costumed actors\" What is the definition of \"finely\"?"} {"term": "finely", "pos": "r", "context": "finely shaped features", "definition": "in a delicate manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"finely shaped features\" What is the definition of \"finely\"?"} {"term": "appellate", "pos": "a", "context": "appellate court", "definition": "of or relating to or taking account of appeals usually legal appeals", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"appellate court\" What is the definition of \"appellate\"?"} {"term": "pasteurize", "pos": "v", "context": "pasteurize milk", "definition": "to heat food in order to kill harmful microorganisms", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pasteurize milk\" What is the definition of \"pasteurize\"?"} {"term": "mechanism", "pos": "n", "context": "a mechanism of social control", "definition": "the technical aspects of doing something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["mechanics", "performance", "execution"], "instruction": "\"a mechanism of social control\" What is the definition of \"mechanism\"?"} {"term": "mechanism", "pos": "n", "context": "the mechanism of the ear", "definition": "a natural object resembling a machine in structure or function", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the mechanism of the ear\" What is the definition of \"mechanism\"?"} {"term": "hateful", "pos": "a", "context": "no vice is universally as hateful as ingratitude \" - Joseph Priestly", "definition": "evoking or deserving hatred", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"no vice is universally as hateful as ingratitude \" - Joseph Priestly\" What is the definition of \"hateful\"?"} {"term": "hateful", "pos": "s", "context": "a hateful thing to do", "definition": "characterized by malice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a hateful thing to do\" What is the definition of \"hateful\"?"} {"term": "separation", "pos": "n", "context": "the separation of wheat from chaff", "definition": "sorting one thing from others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the separation of wheat from chaff\" What is the definition of \"separation\"?"} {"term": "whirl", "pos": "n", "context": "he was caught up in a whirl of work", "definition": "confused movement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["movement", "motion", "commotion"], "instruction": "\"he was caught up in a whirl of work\" What is the definition of \"whirl\"?"} {"term": "whirl", "pos": "n", "context": "I gave it a whirl", "definition": "a usually brief attempt", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["offer", "attempt", "crack", "endeavor", "try"], "instruction": "\"I gave it a whirl\" What is the definition of \"whirl\"?"} {"term": "blustering", "pos": "s", "context": "blustering ( or blusterous ) winds of Patagonia", "definition": "blowing in violent and abrupt bursts", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"blustering ( or blusterous ) winds of Patagonia\" What is the definition of \"blustering\"?"} {"term": "technological", "pos": "s", "context": "a technological civilization", "definition": "based in scientific and industrial progress", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a technological civilization\" What is the definition of \"technological\"?"} {"term": "technological", "pos": "a", "context": "technological development", "definition": "of or relating to a practical subject that is organized according to scientific principles", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"technological development\" What is the definition of \"technological\"?"} {"term": "obscurely", "pos": "r", "context": "this work is obscurely written", "definition": "in an obscure manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this work is obscurely written\" What is the definition of \"obscurely\"?"} {"term": "likeness", "pos": "n", "context": "man created God in his own likeness", "definition": "similarity in appearance or character or nature between persons or things", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"man created God in his own likeness\" What is the definition of \"likeness\"?"} {"term": "blameworthy", "pos": "s", "context": "blameworthy if not criminal behavior", "definition": "deserving blame or censure as being wrong or evil or injurious", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"blameworthy if not criminal behavior\" What is the definition of \"blameworthy\"?"} {"term": "weightiness", "pos": "n", "context": "the progression implied an increasing weightiness of the items listed", "definition": "the relative importance granted to something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["weight", "importance"], "instruction": "\"the progression implied an increasing weightiness of the items listed\" What is the definition of \"weightiness\"?"} {"term": "populate", "pos": "v", "context": "populate the forest with deer and wild boar for hunting", "definition": "to fill with inhabitants", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"populate the forest with deer and wild boar for hunting\" What is the definition of \"populate\"?"} {"term": "come", "pos": "v", "context": "come down here !", "definition": "to move toward , travel toward something or somebody or approach something or somebody", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["approach", "address", "accost", "coming", "travel", "traveled", "approaching", "emanate", "going", "moving"], "instruction": "\"come down here !\" What is the definition of \"come\"?"} {"term": "come", "pos": "v", "context": "come into contact with a terrorist group", "definition": "to reach or enter a state , relation , condition , use , or position", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"come into contact with a terrorist group\" What is the definition of \"come\"?"} {"term": "backbone", "pos": "n", "context": "the backbone is the part of a communication network that carries the heaviest traffic", "definition": "the part of a network that connects other networks together", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the backbone is the part of a communication network that carries the heaviest traffic\" What is the definition of \"backbone\"?"} {"term": "air", "pos": "n", "context": "air pollution", "definition": "a mixture of gases especially oxygen required for breathing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"air pollution\" What is the definition of \"air\"?"} {"term": "air", "pos": "n", "context": "air pollution", "definition": "the stuff that the wind consists of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"air pollution\" What is the definition of \"air\"?"} {"term": "air", "pos": "n", "context": "her hand stopped in mid air", "definition": "the region above the ground", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her hand stopped in mid air\" What is the definition of \"air\"?"} {"term": "air", "pos": "n", "context": "an air of mystery", "definition": "a distinctive but intangible quality surrounding a person or thing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["atmosphere", "note", "quality"], "instruction": "\"an air of mystery\" What is the definition of \"air\"?"} {"term": "air", "pos": "v", "context": "This show will air Saturdays at 2 P.M.", "definition": "to be broadcast", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"This show will air Saturdays at 2 P.M.\" What is the definition of \"air\"?"} {"term": "air", "pos": "v", "context": "We can not air this X-rated song", "definition": "to broadcast over the airwaves , as in radio or television", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["satellite", "air", "send", "beam", "transmit", "bare", "interrogate", "broadcast"], "instruction": "\"We can not air this X-rated song\" What is the definition of \"air\"?"} {"term": "indignant", "pos": "s", "context": "an indignant denial", "definition": "angered at something unjust or wrong", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an indignant denial\" What is the definition of \"indignant\"?"} {"term": "strenuous", "pos": "s", "context": "strenuous exercise", "definition": "characterized by or performed with much energy or force", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"strenuous exercise\" What is the definition of \"strenuous\"?"} {"term": "strenuous", "pos": "s", "context": "a strenuous task", "definition": "taxing to the utmost", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["arduous", ""], "instruction": "\"a strenuous task\" What is the definition of \"strenuous\"?"} {"term": "strenuous", "pos": "s", "context": "a strenuous task", "definition": "testing powers of endurance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["arduous", ""], "instruction": "\"a strenuous task\" What is the definition of \"strenuous\"?"} {"term": "interpreter", "pos": "n", "context": "his paintings reveal a sensitive interpreter of nature", "definition": "someone who uses art to represent something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his paintings reveal a sensitive interpreter of nature\" What is the definition of \"interpreter\"?"} {"term": "consensus", "pos": "n", "context": "the lack of consensus reflected differences in theoretical positions", "definition": "agreement in the judgment or opinion reached by a group as a whole", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the lack of consensus reflected differences in theoretical positions\" What is the definition of \"consensus\"?"} {"term": "smother", "pos": "v", "context": "smother the meat in gravy", "definition": "to envelop completely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["surrounding", "surround", "cover"], "instruction": "\"smother the meat in gravy\" What is the definition of \"smother\"?"} {"term": "smother", "pos": "v", "context": "smother a yawn", "definition": "to conceal or hide", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["stifle", "conquer", "strangle", "inhibit", "repress", "suppress", "subdue", "subdued"], "instruction": "\"smother a yawn\" What is the definition of \"smother\"?"} {"term": "unreserved", "pos": "a", "context": "unreserved behavior", "definition": "not cautious or reticent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unreserved behavior\" What is the definition of \"unreserved\"?"} {"term": "delicate", "pos": "a", "context": "a delicate violin passage", "definition": "exquisitely fine and subtle and pleasing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a delicate violin passage\" What is the definition of \"delicate\"?"} {"term": "delicate", "pos": "a", "context": "a delicate violin passage", "definition": "susceptible to injury", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a delicate violin passage\" What is the definition of \"delicate\"?"} {"term": "delicate", "pos": "s", "context": "a surgeon 's delicate touch", "definition": "marked by great skill especially in meticulous technique", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a surgeon 's delicate touch\" What is the definition of \"delicate\"?"} {"term": "delicate", "pos": "s", "context": "a kite too delicate to fly safely", "definition": "easily broken or damaged or destroyed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a kite too delicate to fly safely\" What is the definition of \"delicate\"?"} {"term": "delicate", "pos": "s", "context": "a baby 's delicate skin", "definition": "easily hurt", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["soft", ""], "instruction": "\"a baby 's delicate skin\" What is the definition of \"delicate\"?"} {"term": "systematic", "pos": "a", "context": "the investigation was very systematic", "definition": "characterized by order and planning", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the investigation was very systematic\" What is the definition of \"systematic\"?"} {"term": "infatuated", "pos": "v", "context": "His new car has infatuated him", "definition": "to arouse unreasoning love or passion in and cause to behave in an irrational way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"His new car has infatuated him\" What is the definition of \"infatuated\"?"} {"term": "infatuated", "pos": "s", "context": "he was infatuated with her", "definition": "marked by foolish or unreasoning fondness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was infatuated with her\" What is the definition of \"infatuated\"?"} {"term": "spot", "pos": "n", "context": "a bald spot", "definition": "a small contrasting part of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["patch", "speckle", "plaque", "fleck", "dapple", "nebula", "speck", "splash", "fret"], "instruction": "\"a bald spot\" What is the definition of \"spot\"?"} {"term": "spot", "pos": "n", "context": "they changed his spot on the program", "definition": "a section of an entertainment that is assigned to a specific performer or performance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they changed his spot on the program\" What is the definition of \"spot\"?"} {"term": "sucking", "pos": "v", "context": "Mud was sucking at her feet", "definition": "to draw something in by or as if by a vacuum", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["draw", "suck"], "instruction": "\"Mud was sucking at her feet\" What is the definition of \"sucking\"?"} {"term": "vesicular", "pos": "a", "context": "normal vesicular breathing", "definition": "of or relating to or involving vesicles", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"normal vesicular breathing\" What is the definition of \"vesicular\"?"} {"term": "diaphanous", "pos": "s", "context": "a hat with a diaphanous veil", "definition": "so thin as to transmit light", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a hat with a diaphanous veil\" What is the definition of \"diaphanous\"?"} {"term": "inherently", "pos": "r", "context": "the subject matter is sexual activity of any overt kind , which is depicted as inherently desirable and exciting", "definition": "in an inherent manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the subject matter is sexual activity of any overt kind , which is depicted as inherently desirable and exciting\" What is the definition of \"inherently\"?"} {"term": "exorbitant", "pos": "s", "context": "exorbitant rent", "definition": "greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["usurious", "", "unconscionable", "steeper", "steep", "outrageous"], "instruction": "\"exorbitant rent\" What is the definition of \"exorbitant\"?"} {"term": "intermittently", "pos": "r", "context": "intermittently we questioned the barometer", "definition": "in an intermittent manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"intermittently we questioned the barometer\" What is the definition of \"intermittently\"?"} {"term": "aftermath", "pos": "n", "context": "the aftermath of war", "definition": "the consequences of an event especially a catastrophic event", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["wake", "upshot", "outcome", "consequence", "result", "issue", "backwash", "event"], "instruction": "\"the aftermath of war\" What is the definition of \"aftermath\"?"} {"term": "rise", "pos": "n", "context": "they cheered the rise of the hot-air balloon", "definition": "a movement upward", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they cheered the rise of the hot-air balloon\" What is the definition of \"rise\"?"} {"term": "elderly", "pos": "s", "context": "elderly residents could remember the construction of the first skyscraper", "definition": "advanced in years", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"elderly residents could remember the construction of the first skyscraper\" What is the definition of \"elderly\"?"} {"term": "pelt", "pos": "v", "context": "pelt the speaker with questions", "definition": "to attack and bombard with or as if with missiles", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["pepper", "assail", "attack"], "instruction": "\"pelt the speaker with questions\" What is the definition of \"pelt\"?"} {"term": "jangling", "pos": "s", "context": "cowboys with jangling spurs", "definition": "like the discordant ringing of nonmusical metallic objects striking together", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cowboys with jangling spurs\" What is the definition of \"jangling\"?"} {"term": "draw", "pos": "n", "context": "the game ended in a draw", "definition": "the finish of a contest in which the score is tied and the winner is undecided", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["tie", "stalemate", "finish"], "instruction": "\"the game ended in a draw\" What is the definition of \"draw\"?"} {"term": "draw", "pos": "n", "context": "the luck of the draw", "definition": "anything straws or pebbles etc. taken or chosen at random", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["object", "lot"], "instruction": "\"the luck of the draw\" What is the definition of \"draw\"?"} {"term": "draw", "pos": "v", "context": "I draw a line here", "definition": "to make , formulate , or derive in the mind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I draw a line here\" What is the definition of \"draw\"?"} {"term": "draw", "pos": "v", "context": "draw a weapon", "definition": "to bring , take , or pull out of a container or from under a cover", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"draw a weapon\" What is the definition of \"draw\"?"} {"term": "inward", "pos": "a", "context": "a concern with inward reflections", "definition": "relating to or existing in the mind or thoughts", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a concern with inward reflections\" What is the definition of \"inward\"?"} {"term": "injudicious", "pos": "s", "context": "an injudicious measure", "definition": "lacking or showing lack of judgment or discretion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an injudicious measure\" What is the definition of \"injudicious\"?"} {"term": "injudicious", "pos": "s", "context": "an injudicious measure", "definition": "unwise", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an injudicious measure\" What is the definition of \"injudicious\"?"} {"term": "search", "pos": "n", "context": "a thorough search of the ledgers revealed nothing", "definition": "an investigation seeking answers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a thorough search of the ledgers revealed nothing\" What is the definition of \"search\"?"} {"term": "brace", "pos": "n", "context": "he wore a brace on his knee", "definition": "a support that steadies or strengthens something else", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he wore a brace on his knee\" What is the definition of \"brace\"?"} {"term": "getup", "pos": "n", "context": "his getup was exceedingly elegant", "definition": "a set of clothing with accessories", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["ensemble", "garb", "outfit", "trousseau", "attire", "rig", "dress"], "instruction": "\"his getup was exceedingly elegant\" What is the definition of \"getup\"?"} {"term": "confusion", "pos": "n", "context": "the army retreated in confusion", "definition": "disorder resulting from a failure to behave predictably", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the army retreated in confusion\" What is the definition of \"confusion\"?"} {"term": "confusion", "pos": "n", "context": "a confusion of impressions", "definition": "a mental state characterized by a lack of clear and orderly thought and behavior", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["fog", "mystification", "haze", "bewilderment", "muddiness", "disarray", "daze", "distraction", "perplexity"], "instruction": "\"a confusion of impressions\" What is the definition of \"confusion\"?"} {"term": "soundly", "pos": "r", "context": "slept soundly through the storm", "definition": "deeply or completely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"slept soundly through the storm\" What is the definition of \"soundly\"?"} {"term": "soundly", "pos": "r", "context": "he was soundly defeated", "definition": "completely and absolutely good is sometimes used informally for thoroughly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was soundly defeated\" What is the definition of \"soundly\"?"} {"term": "affection", "pos": "n", "context": "he had trouble expressing the affection he felt", "definition": "a positive feeling of liking", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["protectiveness", "tenderness", "feeling", "regard", "attachment", "respect", "fondness", "warmness"], "instruction": "\"he had trouble expressing the affection he felt\" What is the definition of \"affection\"?"} {"term": "implantation", "pos": "n", "context": "the implantation of radioactive pellets in the prostate gland", "definition": "a surgical procedure that places something in the human body", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the implantation of radioactive pellets in the prostate gland\" What is the definition of \"implantation\"?"} {"term": "motor", "pos": "n", "context": "happiness is the aim of all men and the motor of all action", "definition": "a nonspecific agent that imparts motion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"happiness is the aim of all men and the motor of all action\" What is the definition of \"motor\"?"} {"term": "motor", "pos": "s", "context": "motor nerves", "definition": "conveying information to the muscles from the cns", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"motor nerves\" What is the definition of \"motor\"?"} {"term": "motor", "pos": "s", "context": "motor energy", "definition": "causing or able to cause motion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"motor energy\" What is the definition of \"motor\"?"} {"term": "faster", "pos": "s", "context": "grass courts are faster than clay", "definition": "conducive to rapid speeds", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"grass courts are faster than clay\" What is the definition of \"faster\"?"} {"term": "spectral", "pos": "a", "context": "spectral colors", "definition": "of or relating to a spectrum", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"spectral colors\" What is the definition of \"spectral\"?"} {"term": "spectral", "pos": "s", "context": "spectral emanations", "definition": "resembling or characteristic of a phantom", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"spectral emanations\" What is the definition of \"spectral\"?"} {"term": "consolidate", "pos": "v", "context": "consolidate one 's gains", "definition": "to make firm or secure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["strengthen", "consolidated"], "instruction": "\"consolidate one 's gains\" What is the definition of \"consolidate\"?"} {"term": "consolidate", "pos": "v", "context": "consolidate one 's gains", "definition": "to strengthen", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["strengthen", "consolidated"], "instruction": "\"consolidate one 's gains\" What is the definition of \"consolidate\"?"} {"term": "hoof", "pos": "v", "context": "let 's hoof it to the disco", "definition": "to walk", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["walk", "foot", "hoofed", "footed"], "instruction": "\"let 's hoof it to the disco\" What is the definition of \"hoof\"?"} {"term": "brackish", "pos": "s", "context": "a thin brackish gruel", "definition": "distasteful and unpleasant", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a thin brackish gruel\" What is the definition of \"brackish\"?"} {"term": "brackish", "pos": "s", "context": "a thin brackish gruel", "definition": "spoiled by mixture", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a thin brackish gruel\" What is the definition of \"brackish\"?"} {"term": "brackish", "pos": "s", "context": "a brackish lagoon", "definition": "slightly salty especially from containing a mixture of seawater and fresh water", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a brackish lagoon\" What is the definition of \"brackish\"?"} {"term": "pour", "pos": "v", "context": "pour water over the floor", "definition": "to cause to run", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pour water over the floor\" What is the definition of \"pour\"?"} {"term": "exception", "pos": "n", "context": "with the exception of the children , everyone was told the news", "definition": "a deliberate act of omission", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["exclusion", "omission"], "instruction": "\"with the exception of the children , everyone was told the news\" What is the definition of \"exception\"?"} {"term": "exception", "pos": "n", "context": "an exception tests the rule", "definition": "an instance that does not conform to a rule or generalization", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an exception tests the rule\" What is the definition of \"exception\"?"} {"term": "exception", "pos": "n", "context": "his authority is beyond exception", "definition": "grounds for adverse criticism", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his authority is beyond exception\" What is the definition of \"exception\"?"} {"term": "commensurable", "pos": "s", "context": "hours and minutes are commensurable", "definition": "capable of being measured by a common standard", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hours and minutes are commensurable\" What is the definition of \"commensurable\"?"} {"term": "articulation", "pos": "n", "context": "the articulation of my feelings", "definition": "expressing in coherent verbal form", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the articulation of my feelings\" What is the definition of \"articulation\"?"} {"term": "vertical", "pos": "a", "context": "a vertical camera angle", "definition": "at right angles to the plane of the horizon or a base line", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a vertical camera angle\" What is the definition of \"vertical\"?"} {"term": "vertical", "pos": "a", "context": "a column still vertical amid the ruins", "definition": "upright in position or posture", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a column still vertical amid the ruins\" What is the definition of \"vertical\"?"} {"term": "vertical", "pos": "s", "context": "vertical social mobility", "definition": "of or relating to different levels in a hierarchy as levels of social class or income group", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"vertical social mobility\" What is the definition of \"vertical\"?"} {"term": "scrappy", "pos": "s", "context": "a scrappy admiral", "definition": "full of fighting spirit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a scrappy admiral\" What is the definition of \"scrappy\"?"} {"term": "news", "pos": "n", "context": "they awaited news of the outcome", "definition": "information about recent and important events", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["word", "", "intelligence"], "instruction": "\"they awaited news of the outcome\" What is the definition of \"news\"?"} {"term": "news", "pos": "n", "context": "it was news to me", "definition": "informal information of any kind that is not previously known to someone", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was news to me\" What is the definition of \"news\"?"} {"term": "arrival", "pos": "n", "context": "they awaited her arrival", "definition": "the act of arriving at a certain place", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they awaited her arrival\" What is the definition of \"arrival\"?"} {"term": "utterly", "pos": "r", "context": "utterly miserable", "definition": "completely and without qualification", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"utterly miserable\" What is the definition of \"utterly\"?"} {"term": "utterly", "pos": "r", "context": "utterly miserable", "definition": "used informally as intensifiers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"utterly miserable\" What is the definition of \"utterly\"?"} {"term": "empire", "pos": "n", "context": "the British created a great empire", "definition": "a group of countries under a single authority", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the British created a great empire\" What is the definition of \"empire\"?"} {"term": "barrier", "pos": "n", "context": "intolerance is a barrier to understanding", "definition": "any condition that makes it difficult to make progress or to achieve an objective", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"intolerance is a barrier to understanding\" What is the definition of \"barrier\"?"} {"term": "redeposit", "pos": "v", "context": "redeposit a cheque", "definition": "to deposit once again", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"redeposit a cheque\" What is the definition of \"redeposit\"?"} {"term": "edifying", "pos": "a", "context": "the paintings in the church served an edifying purpose even for those who could not read", "definition": "enlightening or uplifting so as to encourage intellectual or moral improvement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the paintings in the church served an edifying purpose even for those who could not read\" What is the definition of \"edifying\"?"} {"term": "magic", "pos": "s", "context": "magic signs that protect against adverse influence", "definition": "possessing or using or characteristic of or appropriate to supernatural powers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"magic signs that protect against adverse influence\" What is the definition of \"magic\"?"} {"term": "fanciful", "pos": "s", "context": "a fanciful mind", "definition": "indulging in or influenced by fancy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["notional", ""], "instruction": "\"a fanciful mind\" What is the definition of \"fanciful\"?"} {"term": "fanciful", "pos": "s", "context": "the falsehood about some fanciful secret treaties \" - F.D.Roosevelt", "definition": "not based on fact", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["imaginary", "", "notional"], "instruction": "\"the falsehood about some fanciful secret treaties \" - F.D.Roosevelt\" What is the definition of \"fanciful\"?"} {"term": "fanciful", "pos": "s", "context": "the falsehood about some fanciful secret treaties \" - F.D.Roosevelt", "definition": "unreal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["imaginary", "", "notional"], "instruction": "\"the falsehood about some fanciful secret treaties \" - F.D.Roosevelt\" What is the definition of \"fanciful\"?"} {"term": "fanciful", "pos": "s", "context": "a fanciful pattern with intertwined vines and flowers", "definition": "having a curiously intricate quality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fanciful pattern with intertwined vines and flowers\" What is the definition of \"fanciful\"?"} {"term": "swollen", "pos": "s", "context": "so swollen by victory that he was unfit for normal duty", "definition": "characteristic of false pride", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["vain", "", "conceited"], "instruction": "\"so swollen by victory that he was unfit for normal duty\" What is the definition of \"swollen\"?"} {"term": "swollen", "pos": "s", "context": "so swollen by victory that he was unfit for normal duty", "definition": "having an exaggerated sense of self-importance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["vain", "", "conceited"], "instruction": "\"so swollen by victory that he was unfit for normal duty\" What is the definition of \"swollen\"?"} {"term": "akin", "pos": "s", "context": "a feeling akin to terror", "definition": "similar in quality or character", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a feeling akin to terror\" What is the definition of \"akin\"?"} {"term": "criticism", "pos": "n", "context": "the senator received severe criticism from his opponent", "definition": "disapproval expressed by pointing out faults or shortcomings", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the senator received severe criticism from his opponent\" What is the definition of \"criticism\"?"} {"term": "criticism", "pos": "n", "context": "constructive criticism is always appreciated", "definition": "a serious examination and judgment of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["roast", "critique"], "instruction": "\"constructive criticism is always appreciated\" What is the definition of \"criticism\"?"} {"term": "handsomely", "pos": "r", "context": "the volume was handsomely bound", "definition": "in an attractively handsome manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the volume was handsomely bound\" What is the definition of \"handsomely\"?"} {"term": "handsomely", "pos": "r", "context": "India has responded handsomely by providing 3,000 men", "definition": "in a generously handsome manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"India has responded handsomely by providing 3,000 men\" What is the definition of \"handsomely\"?"} {"term": "fuzzy", "pos": "s", "context": "a vague and fuzzy idea of the world of finance", "definition": "confused and not coherent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a vague and fuzzy idea of the world of finance\" What is the definition of \"fuzzy\"?"} {"term": "fuzzy", "pos": "s", "context": "a vague and fuzzy idea of the world of finance", "definition": "not clearly thought out", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a vague and fuzzy idea of the world of finance\" What is the definition of \"fuzzy\"?"} {"term": "recreate", "pos": "v", "context": "The students all recreate alike", "definition": "to engage in recreational activities rather than work", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The students all recreate alike\" What is the definition of \"recreate\"?"} {"term": "recreate", "pos": "v", "context": "The students all recreate alike", "definition": "to occupy oneself in a diversion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The students all recreate alike\" What is the definition of \"recreate\"?"} {"term": "starvation", "pos": "n", "context": "the besiegers used starvation to induce surrender", "definition": "the act of depriving of food or subjecting to famine", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the besiegers used starvation to induce surrender\" What is the definition of \"starvation\"?"} {"term": "synthetic", "pos": "s", "context": "synthetic leather", "definition": "not of natural origin", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"synthetic leather\" What is the definition of \"synthetic\"?"} {"term": "synthetic", "pos": "s", "context": "synthetic leather", "definition": "prepared or made artificially", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"synthetic leather\" What is the definition of \"synthetic\"?"} {"term": "synthetic", "pos": "a", "context": "limnology is essentially a synthetic science composed of elements ... that extend well beyond the limits of biology \" - P.S.Welch", "definition": "involving or of the nature of synthesis combining separate elements to form a coherent whole as opposed to analysis", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"limnology is essentially a synthetic science composed of elements ... that extend well beyond the limits of biology \" - P.S.Welch\" What is the definition of \"synthetic\"?"} {"term": "synthetic", "pos": "a", "context": "` all men are arrogant ' is a synthetic proposition", "definition": "of a proposition whose truth value is determined by observation or facts", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"` all men are arrogant ' is a synthetic proposition\" What is the definition of \"synthetic\"?"} {"term": "acquiescence", "pos": "n", "context": "a murmur of acquiescence from the assembly", "definition": "agreement with a statement or proposal to do something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["yielding", "agreement", "acceptance", "assent", "concession"], "instruction": "\"a murmur of acquiescence from the assembly\" What is the definition of \"acquiescence\"?"} {"term": "dignity", "pos": "n", "context": "it was beneath his dignity to cheat", "definition": "the quality of being worthy of esteem or respect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was beneath his dignity to cheat\" What is the definition of \"dignity\"?"} {"term": "dignity", "pos": "n", "context": "he behaved with great dignity", "definition": "formality in bearing and appearance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he behaved with great dignity\" What is the definition of \"dignity\"?"} {"term": "dignity", "pos": "n", "context": "he respected the dignity of the emissaries", "definition": "high office or rank or station", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he respected the dignity of the emissaries\" What is the definition of \"dignity\"?"} {"term": "insignificantly", "pos": "r", "context": "some people living insignificantly among us", "definition": "in an insignificant manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some people living insignificantly among us\" What is the definition of \"insignificantly\"?"} {"term": "insignificantly", "pos": "r", "context": "Our budget will only be insignificantly affected by these new cuts", "definition": "not to a significant degree or amount", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Our budget will only be insignificantly affected by these new cuts\" What is the definition of \"insignificantly\"?"} {"term": "fortnightly", "pos": "r", "context": "he visited his cousins fortnightly", "definition": "every two weeks", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he visited his cousins fortnightly\" What is the definition of \"fortnightly\"?"} {"term": "parochial", "pos": "a", "context": "parochial schools", "definition": "relating to or supported by or located in a parish", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"parochial schools\" What is the definition of \"parochial\"?"} {"term": "parochial", "pos": "s", "context": "little sympathy with parochial mentality", "definition": "narrowly restricted in outlook or scope", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"little sympathy with parochial mentality\" What is the definition of \"parochial\"?"} {"term": "circumnavigation", "pos": "n", "context": "Magellan 's circumnavigation of the earth proved that it is a globe", "definition": "traveling around something by ship or plane", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Magellan 's circumnavigation of the earth proved that it is a globe\" What is the definition of \"circumnavigation\"?"} {"term": "singleness", "pos": "n", "context": "the singleness of his motives could not be questioned", "definition": "without hypocrisy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the singleness of his motives could not be questioned\" What is the definition of \"singleness\"?"} {"term": "singleness", "pos": "n", "context": "his singleness of purpose", "definition": "the quality of concentrating on one central objective", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his singleness of purpose\" What is the definition of \"singleness\"?"} {"term": "ponderous", "pos": "s", "context": "a ponderous stone", "definition": "having great mass and weight and unwieldiness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a ponderous stone\" What is the definition of \"ponderous\"?"} {"term": "ponderous", "pos": "s", "context": "a ponderous speech", "definition": "labored and dull", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a ponderous speech\" What is the definition of \"ponderous\"?"} {"term": "ponderous", "pos": "s", "context": "ponderous prehistoric beasts", "definition": "slow and laborious because of weight", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ponderous prehistoric beasts\" What is the definition of \"ponderous\"?"} {"term": "figurative", "pos": "a", "context": "figurative language", "definition": "not literal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"figurative language\" What is the definition of \"figurative\"?"} {"term": "figurative", "pos": "a", "context": "figurative language", "definition": "using figures of speech", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"figurative language\" What is the definition of \"figurative\"?"} {"term": "figurative", "pos": "s", "context": "the figurative art of the humanistic tradition \" - Herbert Read", "definition": "consisting of or forming human or animal figures", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["figural", ""], "instruction": "\"the figurative art of the humanistic tradition \" - Herbert Read\" What is the definition of \"figurative\"?"} {"term": "anew", "pos": "r", "context": "wanted to write the story anew", "definition": "again but in a new or different way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wanted to write the story anew\" What is the definition of \"anew\"?"} {"term": "compare", "pos": "n", "context": "beyond compare", "definition": "qualities that are comparable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["comparison", "equivalence", "likeness"], "instruction": "\"beyond compare\" What is the definition of \"compare\"?"} {"term": "compare", "pos": "v", "context": "This car does not compare with our line of Mercedes", "definition": "to be comparable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"This car does not compare with our line of Mercedes\" What is the definition of \"compare\"?"} {"term": "compare", "pos": "v", "context": "We can compare the Han dynasty to the Romans", "definition": "to consider or describe as similar , equal , or analogous", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["consider", "liken", "likeness", "studied", "study"], "instruction": "\"We can compare the Han dynasty to the Romans\" What is the definition of \"compare\"?"} {"term": "inconstant", "pos": "a", "context": "inconstant affections", "definition": "likely to change frequently often without apparent or cogent reason", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"inconstant affections\" What is the definition of \"inconstant\"?"} {"term": "inconstant", "pos": "a", "context": "inconstant affections", "definition": "variable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"inconstant affections\" What is the definition of \"inconstant\"?"} {"term": "flat", "pos": "s", "context": "a flat desk", "definition": "having a surface without slope , tilt in which no part is higher or lower than another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a flat desk\" What is the definition of \"flat\"?"} {"term": "flat", "pos": "s", "context": "flat computer monitors", "definition": "having a relatively broad surface in relation to depth or thickness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"flat computer monitors\" What is the definition of \"flat\"?"} {"term": "flat", "pos": "s", "context": "found himself lying flat on the floor", "definition": "stretched out and lying at full length along the ground", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"found himself lying flat on the floor\" What is the definition of \"flat\"?"} {"term": "flat", "pos": "a", "context": "B flat", "definition": "lowered in pitch by one chromatic semitone", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"B flat\" What is the definition of \"flat\"?"} {"term": "flat", "pos": "r", "context": "came out flat for less work and more pay", "definition": "in a forthright manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"came out flat for less work and more pay\" What is the definition of \"flat\"?"} {"term": "flat", "pos": "r", "context": "came out flat for less work and more pay", "definition": "candidly or frankly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"came out flat for less work and more pay\" What is the definition of \"flat\"?"} {"term": "murderous", "pos": "s", "context": "murderous thugs", "definition": "characteristic of or capable of or having a tendency toward killing another human being", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"murderous thugs\" What is the definition of \"murderous\"?"} {"term": "please", "pos": "v", "context": "The waiters around her aim to please", "definition": "to give satisfaction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["pleased", "gratify", "satisfy"], "instruction": "\"The waiters around her aim to please\" What is the definition of \"please\"?"} {"term": "please", "pos": "r", "context": "please pay attention", "definition": "used in polite request", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"please pay attention\" What is the definition of \"please\"?"} {"term": "trenchant", "pos": "s", "context": "trenchant criticism", "definition": "having keenness and forcefulness and penetration in thought , expression , or intellect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"trenchant criticism\" What is the definition of \"trenchant\"?"} {"term": "trenchant", "pos": "s", "context": "a trenchant argument", "definition": "characterized by or full of force and vigor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a trenchant argument\" What is the definition of \"trenchant\"?"} {"term": "trenchant", "pos": "s", "context": "trenchant distinctions between right and wrong", "definition": "clearly or sharply defined to the mind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["distinct", ""], "instruction": "\"trenchant distinctions between right and wrong\" What is the definition of \"trenchant\"?"} {"term": "incomplete", "pos": "a", "context": "an incomplete account of his life", "definition": "not complete or total", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an incomplete account of his life\" What is the definition of \"incomplete\"?"} {"term": "incomplete", "pos": "a", "context": "an incomplete account of his life", "definition": "not completed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an incomplete account of his life\" What is the definition of \"incomplete\"?"} {"term": "incomplete", "pos": "s", "context": "his thesis is still incomplete", "definition": "not yet finished", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his thesis is still incomplete\" What is the definition of \"incomplete\"?"} {"term": "pit", "pos": "n", "context": "they dug a pit to bury the body", "definition": "a sizeable hole usually in the ground", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["cavity", "sandpit", "quicksand", "hollow"], "instruction": "\"they dug a pit to bury the body\" What is the definition of \"pit\"?"} {"term": "pit", "pos": "v", "context": "pit a chess player against the Russian champion", "definition": "to set into opposition or rivalry", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["face", "confront", "faced", "pitted", "facing"], "instruction": "\"pit a chess player against the Russian champion\" What is the definition of \"pit\"?"} {"term": "reason", "pos": "n", "context": "the reason that war was declared", "definition": "a rational motive for a belief or action", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["account", "score", "why", "ground", "wherefore"], "instruction": "\"the reason that war was declared\" What is the definition of \"reason\"?"} {"term": "reason", "pos": "n", "context": "the reason a steady state was never reached was that the back pressure built up too slowly", "definition": "an explanation of the cause of some phenomenon", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the reason a steady state was never reached was that the back pressure built up too slowly\" What is the definition of \"reason\"?"} {"term": "reason", "pos": "n", "context": "we are told that man is endowed with reason and capable of distinguishing good from evil", "definition": "the capacity for rational thought or inference or discrimination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["faculty", "understanding", "intellect"], "instruction": "\"we are told that man is endowed with reason and capable of distinguishing good from evil\" What is the definition of \"reason\"?"} {"term": "reason", "pos": "v", "context": "The children must learn to reason", "definition": "to think logically", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The children must learn to reason\" What is the definition of \"reason\"?"} {"term": "refreshing", "pos": "s", "context": "common sense of a most refreshing sort", "definition": "pleasantly new or different", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"common sense of a most refreshing sort\" What is the definition of \"refreshing\"?"} {"term": "disarmament", "pos": "n", "context": "the disarmament of the aggressor nations must be complete", "definition": "act of reducing or depriving of arms", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the disarmament of the aggressor nations must be complete\" What is the definition of \"disarmament\"?"} {"term": "dejected", "pos": "a", "context": "is dejected but trying to look cheerful", "definition": "affected or marked by low spirits", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"is dejected but trying to look cheerful\" What is the definition of \"dejected\"?"} {"term": "viable", "pos": "s", "context": "viable seeds", "definition": "capable of life or normal growth and development", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"viable seeds\" What is the definition of \"viable\"?"} {"term": "pinch", "pos": "n", "context": "the pinch of the recession", "definition": "a painful or straitened circumstance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the pinch of the recession\" What is the definition of \"pinch\"?"} {"term": "scald", "pos": "v", "context": "scald tomatoes so that they can be peeled", "definition": "to treat with boiling water", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"scald tomatoes so that they can be peeled\" What is the definition of \"scald\"?"} {"term": "scald", "pos": "v", "context": "scald the milk", "definition": "to heat to the boiling point", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"scald the milk\" What is the definition of \"scald\"?"} {"term": "midst", "pos": "n", "context": "in the midst of the crowd", "definition": "the location of something surrounded by other things", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the midst of the crowd\" What is the definition of \"midst\"?"} {"term": "inappropriate", "pos": "a", "context": "noise seems inappropriate at a time of sadness", "definition": "not suitable for a particular occasion etc", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"noise seems inappropriate at a time of sadness\" What is the definition of \"inappropriate\"?"} {"term": "inappropriate", "pos": "s", "context": "completely inappropriate behavior", "definition": "not in keeping with what is correct or proper", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"completely inappropriate behavior\" What is the definition of \"inappropriate\"?"} {"term": "supernumerary", "pos": "s", "context": "supernumerary ornamentation", "definition": "more than is needed , desired , or required", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"supernumerary ornamentation\" What is the definition of \"supernumerary\"?"} {"term": "evict", "pos": "v", "context": "The landlord wanted to evict the tenants so he banged on the pipes every morning at 3 a.m.", "definition": "to expel or eject without recourse to legal process", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The landlord wanted to evict the tenants so he banged on the pipes every morning at 3 a.m.\" What is the definition of \"evict\"?"} {"term": "unruffled", "pos": "s", "context": "with contented mind and unruffled spirit \" - Anthony Trollope", "definition": "free from emotional agitation or nervous tension", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with contented mind and unruffled spirit \" - Anthony Trollope\" What is the definition of \"unruffled\"?"} {"term": "unruffled", "pos": "s", "context": "unruffled water", "definition": "free from disturbance by heavy waves", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["tranquil", "", "quiet", "still"], "instruction": "\"unruffled water\" What is the definition of \"unruffled\"?"} {"term": "pressing", "pos": "n", "context": "at the pressing of a button", "definition": "the exertion of pressure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["compression", "press", "pushing", "push", "impression", "pressure"], "instruction": "\"at the pressing of a button\" What is the definition of \"pressing\"?"} {"term": "pressing", "pos": "s", "context": "too pressing to permit of longer delay", "definition": "compelling immediate action", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"too pressing to permit of longer delay\" What is the definition of \"pressing\"?"} {"term": "fabulous", "pos": "s", "context": "a fabulous vacation", "definition": "extremely pleasing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fabulous vacation\" What is the definition of \"fabulous\"?"} {"term": "fabulous", "pos": "s", "context": "the fabulous unicorn", "definition": "based on or told of in traditional stories", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the fabulous unicorn\" What is the definition of \"fabulous\"?"} {"term": "fabulous", "pos": "s", "context": "the fabulous unicorn", "definition": "lacking factual basis or historical validity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the fabulous unicorn\" What is the definition of \"fabulous\"?"} {"term": "fabulous", "pos": "s", "context": "the fabulous endurance of a marathon runner", "definition": "barely credible", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the fabulous endurance of a marathon runner\" What is the definition of \"fabulous\"?"} {"term": "masted", "pos": "a", "context": "probably was so masted when she set forth \" - S.E.Morrison", "definition": "having or furnished with a mast", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"probably was so masted when she set forth \" - S.E.Morrison\" What is the definition of \"masted\"?"} {"term": "masted", "pos": "a", "context": "probably was so masted when she set forth \" - S.E.Morrison", "definition": "often used in combination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"probably was so masted when she set forth \" - S.E.Morrison\" What is the definition of \"masted\"?"} {"term": "brewing", "pos": "v", "context": "the tea is brewing", "definition": "to sit or let sit in boiling water so as to extract the flavor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["brew", "soak"], "instruction": "\"the tea is brewing\" What is the definition of \"brewing\"?"} {"term": "infiltration", "pos": "n", "context": "the infiltration of seawater through the lava", "definition": "the slow passage of a liquid through a filtering medium", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the infiltration of seawater through the lava\" What is the definition of \"infiltration\"?"} {"term": "protest", "pos": "n", "context": "they finished the game under protest to the league president", "definition": "a formal and solemn declaration of objection", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they finished the game under protest to the league president\" What is the definition of \"protest\"?"} {"term": "protest", "pos": "n", "context": "a shower of protest was heard from the rear of the hall", "definition": "the act of making a strong public expression of disagreement and disapproval", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a shower of protest was heard from the rear of the hall\" What is the definition of \"protest\"?"} {"term": "smoldering", "pos": "v", "context": "a smoldering fire", "definition": "to burn slowly and without a flame", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a smoldering fire\" What is the definition of \"smoldering\"?"} {"term": "model", "pos": "n", "context": "the computer program was based on a model of the circulatory and respiratory systems", "definition": "a hypothetical description of a complex entity or process", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["theory", "possibility", "simulation", "framework", "hypothesis"], "instruction": "\"the computer program was based on a model of the circulatory and respiratory systems\" What is the definition of \"model\"?"} {"term": "model", "pos": "n", "context": "his car was an old model", "definition": "a type of product", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his car was an old model\" What is the definition of \"model\"?"} {"term": "model", "pos": "n", "context": "the president did n't have time to be a model so the artist worked from photos", "definition": "a person who poses for a photographer or painter or sculptor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["supporter", "assistant", "help", "sitter", "poser"], "instruction": "\"the president did n't have time to be a model so the artist worked from photos\" What is the definition of \"model\"?"} {"term": "model", "pos": "v", "context": "model a head with clay", "definition": "to form in clay , wax , etc", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["molding", "forge", "modeling", "form", "shape"], "instruction": "\"model a head with clay\" What is the definition of \"model\"?"} {"term": "model", "pos": "s", "context": "model citizens", "definition": "worthy of imitation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"model citizens\" What is the definition of \"model\"?"} {"term": "warpath", "pos": "n", "context": "the chief is on the warpath today", "definition": "hostile or belligerent mood", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the chief is on the warpath today\" What is the definition of \"warpath\"?"} {"term": "constantly", "pos": "r", "context": "constantly kind and gracious", "definition": "without variation or change , in every case", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"constantly kind and gracious\" What is the definition of \"constantly\"?"} {"term": "constantly", "pos": "r", "context": "the world is constantly changing", "definition": "without interruption", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the world is constantly changing\" What is the definition of \"constantly\"?"} {"term": "squalid", "pos": "s", "context": "the squalid atmosphere of intrigue and betrayal", "definition": "morally degraded", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the squalid atmosphere of intrigue and betrayal\" What is the definition of \"squalid\"?"} {"term": "squalid", "pos": "s", "context": "a squalid overcrowded apartment in the poorest part of town", "definition": "foul and run-down and repulsive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a squalid overcrowded apartment in the poorest part of town\" What is the definition of \"squalid\"?"} {"term": "deposit", "pos": "n", "context": "his deposit was refunded when he returned the car", "definition": "money given as security for an article acquired for temporary use", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his deposit was refunded when he returned the car\" What is the definition of \"deposit\"?"} {"term": "deposit", "pos": "v", "context": "deposit the suitcase on the bench", "definition": "to put something somewhere firmly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["set", "bury", "laying", "laid", "put", "lay", "situate", "place", "pose", "putting", "posit", "setting"], "instruction": "\"deposit the suitcase on the bench\" What is the definition of \"deposit\"?"} {"term": "condemnatory", "pos": "s", "context": "a condemnatory decree", "definition": "containing or imposing condemnation or censure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a condemnatory decree\" What is the definition of \"condemnatory\"?"} {"term": "southerly", "pos": "s", "context": "took a southerly course", "definition": "situated in or oriented toward the south", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["southern", ""], "instruction": "\"took a southerly course\" What is the definition of \"southerly\"?"} {"term": "southerly", "pos": "s", "context": "a hot southerly wind", "definition": "from the south", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["southern", ""], "instruction": "\"a hot southerly wind\" What is the definition of \"southerly\"?"} {"term": "southerly", "pos": "s", "context": "a hot southerly wind", "definition": "used especially of wind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["southern", ""], "instruction": "\"a hot southerly wind\" What is the definition of \"southerly\"?"} {"term": "southerly", "pos": "r", "context": "the ship turned southerly", "definition": "toward the south", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ship turned southerly\" What is the definition of \"southerly\"?"} {"term": "southerly", "pos": "r", "context": "a wind blew southerly", "definition": "from the south", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a wind blew southerly\" What is the definition of \"southerly\"?"} {"term": "bronchial", "pos": "a", "context": "bronchial tubes", "definition": "relating to or associated with the bronchi", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bronchial tubes\" What is the definition of \"bronchial\"?"} {"term": "sociality", "pos": "n", "context": "mammals as a class are not strong on sociality", "definition": "the tendency to associate with others and to form social groups", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mammals as a class are not strong on sociality\" What is the definition of \"sociality\"?"} {"term": "joke", "pos": "n", "context": "he told a very funny joke", "definition": "a humorous anecdote or remark intended to provoke laughter", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["scream", "humor", "funny", "witticism", "riot", "jape", "jest", "howler"], "instruction": "\"he told a very funny joke\" What is the definition of \"joke\"?"} {"term": "joke", "pos": "n", "context": "I regarded his campaign for mayor as a joke", "definition": "a triviality not to be taken seriously", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I regarded his campaign for mayor as a joke\" What is the definition of \"joke\"?"} {"term": "eligibility", "pos": "n", "context": "eligibility of a candidate for office", "definition": "the quality or state of being eligible", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"eligibility of a candidate for office\" What is the definition of \"eligibility\"?"} {"term": "toughen", "pos": "v", "context": "This experience will toughen her", "definition": "to make tough or tougher", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"This experience will toughen her\" What is the definition of \"toughen\"?"} {"term": "exfoliation", "pos": "n", "context": "exfoliation is increased by sunburn", "definition": "the peeling off in flakes or scales of bark or dead skin", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"exfoliation is increased by sunburn\" What is the definition of \"exfoliation\"?"} {"term": "suspicion", "pos": "n", "context": "he tried to shield me from suspicion", "definition": "the state of being suspected", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he tried to shield me from suspicion\" What is the definition of \"suspicion\"?"} {"term": "irritation", "pos": "n", "context": "any food produced irritation of the stomach", "definition": "abnormal sensitivity to stimulation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"any food produced irritation of the stomach\" What is the definition of \"irritation\"?"} {"term": "asexual", "pos": "a", "context": "an asexual spore", "definition": "not having or involving sex", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an asexual spore\" What is the definition of \"asexual\"?"} {"term": "shopworn", "pos": "s", "context": "shopworn merchandise at half price", "definition": "worn or faded from being on display in a store", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shopworn merchandise at half price\" What is the definition of \"shopworn\"?"} {"term": "absurdity", "pos": "n", "context": "the crowd laughed at the absurdity of the clown 's behavior", "definition": "a ludicrous folly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["fatuity", "silliness", "folly", "foolishness"], "instruction": "\"the crowd laughed at the absurdity of the clown 's behavior\" What is the definition of \"absurdity\"?"} {"term": "defect", "pos": "n", "context": "that interpretation is an unfortunate defect of our lack of information", "definition": "a failing or deficiency", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["disadvantage", "shortcoming"], "instruction": "\"that interpretation is an unfortunate defect of our lack of information\" What is the definition of \"defect\"?"} {"term": "faceted", "pos": "a", "context": "a faceted diamond", "definition": "having facets", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a faceted diamond\" What is the definition of \"faceted\"?"} {"term": "relegate", "pos": "v", "context": "She likes to relegate difficult questions to her colleagues", "definition": "to refer to another person for decision or judgment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["submit", "subject"], "instruction": "\"She likes to relegate difficult questions to her colleagues\" What is the definition of \"relegate\"?"} {"term": "relegate", "pos": "v", "context": "People argue about how to relegate certain mushrooms", "definition": "to assign to a class or kind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"People argue about how to relegate certain mushrooms\" What is the definition of \"relegate\"?"} {"term": "tally", "pos": "n", "context": "their first tally came in the 3rd inning", "definition": "a score in baseball made by a runner touching all four bases safely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["run", "score"], "instruction": "\"their first tally came in the 3rd inning\" What is the definition of \"tally\"?"} {"term": "diseased", "pos": "s", "context": "diseased tonsils", "definition": "caused by or altered by or manifesting disease or pathology", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"diseased tonsils\" What is the definition of \"diseased\"?"} {"term": "cliff", "pos": "n", "context": "he stood on a high cliff overlooking the town", "definition": "a steep high face of rock", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["drop", "formation", "precipice"], "instruction": "\"he stood on a high cliff overlooking the town\" What is the definition of \"cliff\"?"} {"term": "dubious", "pos": "s", "context": "they admitted the force of my argument but remained dubious", "definition": "not convinced", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they admitted the force of my argument but remained dubious\" What is the definition of \"dubious\"?"} {"term": "dubious", "pos": "s", "context": "dubious about agreeing to go", "definition": "fraught with uncertainty or doubt", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dubious about agreeing to go\" What is the definition of \"dubious\"?"} {"term": "dubious", "pos": "s", "context": "he has a dubious record indeed", "definition": "open to doubt or suspicion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he has a dubious record indeed\" What is the definition of \"dubious\"?"} {"term": "sciatic", "pos": "a", "context": "sciatic nerve", "definition": "of or relating to the ischium or the part of the hipbone containing it", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sciatic nerve\" What is the definition of \"sciatic\"?"} {"term": "bodiless", "pos": "s", "context": "a bodiless head", "definition": "having no trunk or main part", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bodiless head\" What is the definition of \"bodiless\"?"} {"term": "bodiless", "pos": "s", "context": "bodiless ghosts", "definition": "not having a material body", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bodiless ghosts\" What is the definition of \"bodiless\"?"} {"term": "nerveless", "pos": "s", "context": "the most nerveless winner in the history of the tournament", "definition": "marked by calm self-control especially in trying circumstances", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the most nerveless winner in the history of the tournament\" What is the definition of \"nerveless\"?"} {"term": "nerveless", "pos": "s", "context": "the most nerveless winner in the history of the tournament", "definition": "unemotional", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the most nerveless winner in the history of the tournament\" What is the definition of \"nerveless\"?"} {"term": "nerveless", "pos": "s", "context": "a weak , nerveless fool , devoid of energy and promptitude \" - Nathaniel Hawthorne", "definition": "lacking strength", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a weak , nerveless fool , devoid of energy and promptitude \" - Nathaniel Hawthorne\" What is the definition of \"nerveless\"?"} {"term": "carbonize", "pos": "v", "context": "carbonize coal", "definition": "to turn into carbon , as by burning", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"carbonize coal\" What is the definition of \"carbonize\"?"} {"term": "relatively", "pos": "r", "context": "the situation is relatively calm now", "definition": "in a relative manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the situation is relatively calm now\" What is the definition of \"relatively\"?"} {"term": "relatively", "pos": "r", "context": "the situation is relatively calm now", "definition": "by comparison to something else", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the situation is relatively calm now\" What is the definition of \"relatively\"?"} {"term": "uncle", "pos": "n", "context": "he played uncle to lonely students", "definition": "a source of help and advice and encouragement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he played uncle to lonely students\" What is the definition of \"uncle\"?"} {"term": "guess", "pos": "v", "context": "I guess she is angry at me for standing her up", "definition": "to expect , believe , or suppose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["reckoning", "thought", "opine", "suspected", "suppose", "suspect", "reckon", "anticipate", "expect", "thinking"], "instruction": "\"I guess she is angry at me for standing her up\" What is the definition of \"guess\"?"} {"term": "pungent", "pos": "s", "context": "the pungent taste of radishes", "definition": "strong and sharp", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the pungent taste of radishes\" What is the definition of \"pungent\"?"} {"term": "pungent", "pos": "s", "context": "pungent satire", "definition": "capable of wounding", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pungent satire\" What is the definition of \"pungent\"?"} {"term": "weigh", "pos": "v", "context": "weigh heavily on the mind \" , \" Something pressed on his mind", "definition": "to to be oppressive or burdensome", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["matter", "countess", "weigh", "press", "pressing", "count"], "instruction": "\"weigh heavily on the mind \" , \" Something pressed on his mind\" What is the definition of \"weigh\"?"} {"term": "groom", "pos": "v", "context": "groom the dogs", "definition": "to give a neat appearance to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["curry", "dress", "beautify"], "instruction": "\"groom the dogs\" What is the definition of \"groom\"?"} {"term": "conflict", "pos": "n", "context": "the harder the conflict the more glorious the triumph \" -- Thomas Paine", "definition": "an open clash between two opposing groups or individuals", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["pacification", "uprising", "feud", "insurrection", "battle", "war", "fight", "warfare", "combat", "rebellion", "fighting", "struggle", "strife"], "instruction": "\"the harder the conflict the more glorious the triumph \" -- Thomas Paine\" What is the definition of \"conflict\"?"} {"term": "conflict", "pos": "n", "context": "he was immobilized by conflict and indecision", "definition": "opposition between two simultaneous but incompatible feelings", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was immobilized by conflict and indecision\" What is the definition of \"conflict\"?"} {"term": "conflict", "pos": "n", "context": "his conflict of interest made him ineligible for the post", "definition": "a state of opposition between persons or ideas or interests", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his conflict of interest made him ineligible for the post\" What is the definition of \"conflict\"?"} {"term": "inhale", "pos": "v", "context": "inhale the fresh mountain air", "definition": "to draw in air", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"inhale the fresh mountain air\" What is the definition of \"inhale\"?"} {"term": "diatomic", "pos": "a", "context": "a diatomic molecule", "definition": "of or relating to a molecule made up of two atoms", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a diatomic molecule\" What is the definition of \"diatomic\"?"} {"term": "peculiarly", "pos": "r", "context": "these peculiarly cinematic elements", "definition": "uniquely or characteristically", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these peculiarly cinematic elements\" What is the definition of \"peculiarly\"?"} {"term": "peculiarly", "pos": "r", "context": "he 's behaving rather peculiarly", "definition": "in a manner differing from the usual or expected", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he 's behaving rather peculiarly\" What is the definition of \"peculiarly\"?"} {"term": "peculiarly", "pos": "r", "context": "under peculiarly tragic circumstances", "definition": "to a distinctly greater extent or degree than is common", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"under peculiarly tragic circumstances\" What is the definition of \"peculiarly\"?"} {"term": "barely", "pos": "r", "context": "they could barely hear the speaker", "definition": "only a very short time before", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["scarce", "", "hardly"], "instruction": "\"they could barely hear the speaker\" What is the definition of \"barely\"?"} {"term": "barely", "pos": "r", "context": "a barely furnished room", "definition": "in a sparse or scanty way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a barely furnished room\" What is the definition of \"barely\"?"} {"term": "attentive", "pos": "a", "context": "attentive to details", "definition": "giving care or attention", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"attentive to details\" What is the definition of \"attentive\"?"} {"term": "tricky", "pos": "s", "context": "a tricky recipe to follow", "definition": "having concealed difficulty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["catchy", ""], "instruction": "\"a tricky recipe to follow\" What is the definition of \"tricky\"?"} {"term": "tricky", "pos": "s", "context": "tricky Dick", "definition": "marked by skill in deception", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["knavish", "", "sly", "foxy", "slick", "tricksy", "guileful", "cunning"], "instruction": "\"tricky Dick\" What is the definition of \"tricky\"?"} {"term": "disparagingly", "pos": "r", "context": "these mythological figures are described disparagingly as belonging ` only to a story '", "definition": "in a disparaging manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these mythological figures are described disparagingly as belonging ` only to a story '\" What is the definition of \"disparagingly\"?"} {"term": "boneless", "pos": "a", "context": "jellyfish are boneless", "definition": "being without a bone or bones", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"jellyfish are boneless\" What is the definition of \"boneless\"?"} {"term": "spousal", "pos": "a", "context": "a fitting symbol of spousal love", "definition": "relating to a spouse", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fitting symbol of spousal love\" What is the definition of \"spousal\"?"} {"term": "spousal", "pos": "a", "context": "spousal rites", "definition": "of or relating to a wedding", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"spousal rites\" What is the definition of \"spousal\"?"} {"term": "laxness", "pos": "n", "context": "baths can help the laxness of the bowels", "definition": "the condition of being physiologically lax", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["status", "laxity", "condition"], "instruction": "\"baths can help the laxness of the bowels\" What is the definition of \"laxness\"?"} {"term": "uppermost", "pos": "s", "context": "the uppermost book in the pile", "definition": "at or nearest to the top", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the uppermost book in the pile\" What is the definition of \"uppermost\"?"} {"term": "uppermost", "pos": "r", "context": "say what comes uppermost", "definition": "in or into the most prominent position , as in the mind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"say what comes uppermost\" What is the definition of \"uppermost\"?"} {"term": "uppermost", "pos": "r", "context": "the blade turned uppermost", "definition": "in or into the highest position", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the blade turned uppermost\" What is the definition of \"uppermost\"?"} {"term": "oratory", "pos": "n", "context": "he loved the sound of his own oratory", "definition": "addressing an audience formally usually a long and rhetorical address and often pompous", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he loved the sound of his own oratory\" What is the definition of \"oratory\"?"} {"term": "try", "pos": "n", "context": "she gave it a good try", "definition": "earnest and conscientious activity intended to do or accomplish something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["share", "strain", "stab", "battle", "play", "offer", "attempt", "contribution", "best", "trial", "test", "batting", "whirl", "crack", "shot", "bid", "struggle", "foray", "run", "worst", "endeavor", "activity", "essay"], "instruction": "\"she gave it a good try\" What is the definition of \"try\"?"} {"term": "impact", "pos": "n", "context": "the book had an important impact on my thinking", "definition": "a forceful consequence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the book had an important impact on my thinking\" What is the definition of \"impact\"?"} {"term": "impact", "pos": "n", "context": "the book had an important impact on my thinking", "definition": "a strong effect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the book had an important impact on my thinking\" What is the definition of \"impact\"?"} {"term": "removal", "pos": "n", "context": "he had surgery for the removal of a malignancy", "definition": "the act of removing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had surgery for the removal of a malignancy\" What is the definition of \"removal\"?"} {"term": "deficient", "pos": "s", "context": "a deficient education", "definition": "inadequate in amount or degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a deficient education\" What is the definition of \"deficient\"?"} {"term": "rugged", "pos": "a", "context": "with a house full of boys you have to have rugged furniture", "definition": "sturdy and strong in constitution or construction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with a house full of boys you have to have rugged furniture\" What is the definition of \"rugged\"?"} {"term": "rugged", "pos": "a", "context": "with a house full of boys you have to have rugged furniture", "definition": "enduring", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with a house full of boys you have to have rugged furniture\" What is the definition of \"rugged\"?"} {"term": "rugged", "pos": "s", "context": "a rugged competitive examination", "definition": "very difficult", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a rugged competitive examination\" What is the definition of \"rugged\"?"} {"term": "rugged", "pos": "s", "context": "a rugged competitive examination", "definition": "severely testing stamina or resolution", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a rugged competitive examination\" What is the definition of \"rugged\"?"} {"term": "rugged", "pos": "s", "context": "rugged ground", "definition": "topographically very uneven", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rugged ground\" What is the definition of \"rugged\"?"} {"term": "farming", "pos": "n", "context": "farming is a strenuous life", "definition": "agriculture considered as an occupation or way of life", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["business", "job", "land", "occupation", "line"], "instruction": "\"farming is a strenuous life\" What is the definition of \"farming\"?"} {"term": "farming", "pos": "v", "context": "My son is farming in California", "definition": "to be a farmer", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"My son is farming in California\" What is the definition of \"farming\"?"} {"term": "farming", "pos": "v", "context": "My son is farming in California", "definition": "to work as a farmer", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"My son is farming in California\" What is the definition of \"farming\"?"} {"term": "farming", "pos": "s", "context": "farming communities", "definition": "relating to rural matters", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["agrarian", "", "agricultural"], "instruction": "\"farming communities\" What is the definition of \"farming\"?"} {"term": "manicure", "pos": "v", "context": "manicure fingernails", "definition": "to trim carefully and neatly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"manicure fingernails\" What is the definition of \"manicure\"?"} {"term": "sorrowful", "pos": "a", "context": "sorrowful widows", "definition": "experiencing or marked by or expressing sorrow especially that associated with irreparable loss", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sorrowful widows\" What is the definition of \"sorrowful\"?"} {"term": "simmer", "pos": "n", "context": "the stew remained at a simmer for hours", "definition": "temperature just below the boiling point", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the stew remained at a simmer for hours\" What is the definition of \"simmer\"?"} {"term": "simmer", "pos": "v", "context": "simmer the sauce", "definition": "to boil slowly at low temperature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"simmer the sauce\" What is the definition of \"simmer\"?"} {"term": "chic", "pos": "s", "context": "chic elegance", "definition": "elegant and stylish", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"chic elegance\" What is the definition of \"chic\"?"} {"term": "previous", "pos": "s", "context": "the previous owner", "definition": "just preceding something else in time or order", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the previous owner\" What is the definition of \"previous\"?"} {"term": "previous", "pos": "s", "context": "our condemnation of him was a bit previous", "definition": "too soon or too hasty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"our condemnation of him was a bit previous\" What is the definition of \"previous\"?"} {"term": "previous", "pos": "s", "context": "the previous occupant of the White House", "definition": "of the immediate past", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["former", "", "late"], "instruction": "\"the previous occupant of the White House\" What is the definition of \"previous\"?"} {"term": "sleeved", "pos": "a", "context": "sleeved garments", "definition": "made with sleeves or sleeves especially as specified", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sleeved garments\" What is the definition of \"sleeved\"?"} {"term": "sleeved", "pos": "a", "context": "sleeved garments", "definition": "often used in combination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sleeved garments\" What is the definition of \"sleeved\"?"} {"term": "gastric", "pos": "a", "context": "gastric ulcer", "definition": "relating to or involving the stomach", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gastric ulcer\" What is the definition of \"gastric\"?"} {"term": "original", "pos": "n", "context": "this painting is a copy of the original", "definition": "something that serves as a model or a basis for making copies", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["archetype", "pilot", "example", "model"], "instruction": "\"this painting is a copy of the original\" What is the definition of \"original\"?"} {"term": "original", "pos": "s", "context": "the original inhabitants of the Americas", "definition": "preceding all others in time or being as first made or performed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the original inhabitants of the Americas\" What is the definition of \"original\"?"} {"term": "original", "pos": "s", "context": "the play is original", "definition": "not derived or copied or translated from something else", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the play is original\" What is the definition of \"original\"?"} {"term": "original", "pos": "s", "context": "the play is original", "definition": "not an adaptation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the play is original\" What is the definition of \"original\"?"} {"term": "original", "pos": "a", "context": "a truly original approach", "definition": "being or productive of something fresh and unusual", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a truly original approach\" What is the definition of \"original\"?"} {"term": "original", "pos": "a", "context": "a truly original approach", "definition": "or being as first made or thought of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a truly original approach\" What is the definition of \"original\"?"} {"term": "sham", "pos": "s", "context": "sham modesty", "definition": "adopted in order to deceive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sham modesty\" What is the definition of \"sham\"?"} {"term": "rare", "pos": "s", "context": "a rare word", "definition": "not widely known", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a rare word\" What is the definition of \"rare\"?"} {"term": "rare", "pos": "s", "context": "a rare word", "definition": "especially valued for its uncommonness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a rare word\" What is the definition of \"rare\"?"} {"term": "rare", "pos": "s", "context": "a rare appearance", "definition": "recurring only at long intervals", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a rare appearance\" What is the definition of \"rare\"?"} {"term": "rare", "pos": "s", "context": "rare herbs", "definition": "not widely distributed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rare herbs\" What is the definition of \"rare\"?"} {"term": "carve", "pos": "v", "context": "carve one 's name into the bark", "definition": "to engrave or cut by chipping away at a surface", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"carve one 's name into the bark\" What is the definition of \"carve\"?"} {"term": "insular", "pos": "a", "context": "insular territories", "definition": "relating to or characteristic of or situated on an island", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"insular territories\" What is the definition of \"insular\"?"} {"term": "insular", "pos": "s", "context": "an exceedingly insular man", "definition": "suggestive of the isolated life of an island", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an exceedingly insular man\" What is the definition of \"insular\"?"} {"term": "insular", "pos": "s", "context": "an exceedingly insular man", "definition": "so deeply private as to seem inaccessible to the scrutiny of a novelist - leonard michaels", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an exceedingly insular man\" What is the definition of \"insular\"?"} {"term": "insular", "pos": "s", "context": "insular attitudes toward foreigners", "definition": "narrowly restricted in outlook or scope", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"insular attitudes toward foreigners\" What is the definition of \"insular\"?"} {"term": "choker", "pos": "n", "context": "he could win if he was n't a choker", "definition": "an unfortunate person who is unable to perform effectively because of nervous tension or agitation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he could win if he was n't a choker\" What is the definition of \"choker\"?"} {"term": "accommodate", "pos": "v", "context": "Can you accommodate me with a rental car ?", "definition": "to provide with something desired or needed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Can you accommodate me with a rental car ?\" What is the definition of \"accommodate\"?"} {"term": "accommodate", "pos": "v", "context": "This hotel can accommodate 250 guests", "definition": "to have room for", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["house", "hold", "housing", "seating", "seat", "admit"], "instruction": "\"This hotel can accommodate 250 guests\" What is the definition of \"accommodate\"?"} {"term": "accommodate", "pos": "v", "context": "This hotel can accommodate 250 guests", "definition": "to hold without crowding", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["house", "hold", "housing", "seating", "seat", "admit"], "instruction": "\"This hotel can accommodate 250 guests\" What is the definition of \"accommodate\"?"} {"term": "accommodate", "pos": "v", "context": "The scientists had to accommodate the new results with the existing theories", "definition": "to make one thing compatible with another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["harmonize", "reconcile"], "instruction": "\"The scientists had to accommodate the new results with the existing theories\" What is the definition of \"accommodate\"?"} {"term": "avaricious", "pos": "s", "context": "they are avaricious and will do anything for money", "definition": "immoderately desirous of acquiring e.g. wealth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["prehensile", "", "greedy", "covetous"], "instruction": "\"they are avaricious and will do anything for money\" What is the definition of \"avaricious\"?"} {"term": "ram", "pos": "v", "context": "ram the gate with a sledgehammer", "definition": "to strike or drive against with a heavy impact", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["pounding", "thrust", "pound"], "instruction": "\"ram the gate with a sledgehammer\" What is the definition of \"ram\"?"} {"term": "articulate", "pos": "a", "context": "articulate speech", "definition": "expressing yourself easily or characterized by clear expressive language", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"articulate speech\" What is the definition of \"articulate\"?"} {"term": "alarmed", "pos": "v", "context": "The empty house alarmed him", "definition": "to warn or arouse to a sense of danger or call to a state of preparedness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["wake", "alert", "warn", "alarm"], "instruction": "\"The empty house alarmed him\" What is the definition of \"alarmed\"?"} {"term": "alias", "pos": "r", "context": "Mr. Smith , alias Mr. Lafayette", "definition": "as known or named at another time or place", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Mr. Smith , alias Mr. Lafayette\" What is the definition of \"alias\"?"} {"term": "outboard", "pos": "a", "context": "the outboard section of a wing", "definition": "located away from the midline of a vessel or aircraft", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the outboard section of a wing\" What is the definition of \"outboard\"?"} {"term": "impudent", "pos": "s", "context": "the student was kept in for impudent behavior", "definition": "marked by casual disrespect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the student was kept in for impudent behavior\" What is the definition of \"impudent\"?"} {"term": "impudent", "pos": "s", "context": "an impudent boy given to insulting strangers", "definition": "improperly forward or bold", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an impudent boy given to insulting strangers\" What is the definition of \"impudent\"?"} {"term": "disable", "pos": "v", "context": "disable this command on your computer", "definition": "to make unable to perform a certain action", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["confine", "hold", "change", "restrain", "pinioned", "alter", "modify", "incapacitate", "pinion"], "instruction": "\"disable this command on your computer\" What is the definition of \"disable\"?"} {"term": "enemy", "pos": "n", "context": "the enemy attacked at dawn", "definition": "an opposing military force", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the enemy attacked at dawn\" What is the definition of \"enemy\"?"} {"term": "enemy", "pos": "n", "context": "he viewed lawyers as the real enemy", "definition": "any hostile group of people", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he viewed lawyers as the real enemy\" What is the definition of \"enemy\"?"} {"term": "inflammatory", "pos": "s", "context": "an inflammatory process", "definition": "characterized or caused by inflammation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an inflammatory process\" What is the definition of \"inflammatory\"?"} {"term": "geographically", "pos": "r", "context": "they are geographically closer to the center of town", "definition": "with respect to geography", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they are geographically closer to the center of town\" What is the definition of \"geographically\"?"} {"term": "malleable", "pos": "s", "context": "malleable metals such as gold", "definition": "capable of being shaped or bent or drawn out", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"malleable metals such as gold\" What is the definition of \"malleable\"?"} {"term": "product", "pos": "n", "context": "they improve their product every year", "definition": "an artifact that has been created by someone or some process", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["deliverable", "job", "magazine", "inspiration", "production", "book", "flick", "newspaper", "pic", "volume", "paper", "film", "yield", "fruit", "creation", "output"], "instruction": "\"they improve their product every year\" What is the definition of \"product\"?"} {"term": "product", "pos": "n", "context": "the product of 2 and 3 is 6", "definition": "a quantity obtained by multiplication", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the product of 2 and 3 is 6\" What is the definition of \"product\"?"} {"term": "product", "pos": "n", "context": "a product of lime and nitric acid", "definition": "a chemical substance formed as a result of a chemical reaction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a product of lime and nitric acid\" What is the definition of \"product\"?"} {"term": "expository", "pos": "s", "context": "clean expository writing", "definition": "serving to expound or set forth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"clean expository writing\" What is the definition of \"expository\"?"} {"term": "turning", "pos": "n", "context": "the turning of the wind", "definition": "a movement in a new direction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["yaw", "gyration", "reversal", "volution", "yaws", "movement", "turn", "return", "motion", "revolution"], "instruction": "\"the turning of the wind\" What is the definition of \"turning\"?"} {"term": "heritage", "pos": "n", "context": "a heritage of freedom", "definition": "practices that are handed down from the past by tradition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a heritage of freedom\" What is the definition of \"heritage\"?"} {"term": "heritage", "pos": "n", "context": "the world 's heritage of knowledge", "definition": "any attribute or immaterial possession that is inherited from ancestors", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the world 's heritage of knowledge\" What is the definition of \"heritage\"?"} {"term": "incongruous", "pos": "a", "context": "a plan incongruous with reason", "definition": "lacking in harmony or compatibility or appropriateness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a plan incongruous with reason\" What is the definition of \"incongruous\"?"} {"term": "coalescent", "pos": "s", "context": "coalescent tradititions", "definition": "growing together , fusing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"coalescent tradititions\" What is the definition of \"coalescent\"?"} {"term": "phrasal", "pos": "a", "context": "phrasal verb", "definition": "of or relating to or functioning as a phrase", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"phrasal verb\" What is the definition of \"phrasal\"?"} {"term": "sooty", "pos": "s", "context": "a sooty chimney", "definition": "covered with or as if with soot", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sooty chimney\" What is the definition of \"sooty\"?"} {"term": "spell", "pos": "n", "context": "he whispered a spell as he moved his hands", "definition": "a verbal formula believed to have magical force", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["speech", "charm", "incantation", "conjuration", "curse"], "instruction": "\"he whispered a spell as he moved his hands\" What is the definition of \"spell\"?"} {"term": "spell", "pos": "n", "context": "a spell of work", "definition": "a time for working after which you will be relieved by someone else", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["shift", "turn", "tour"], "instruction": "\"a spell of work\" What is the definition of \"spell\"?"} {"term": "mature", "pos": "v", "context": "I need to mature my thoughts", "definition": "to develop and work out fully in ones mind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I need to mature my thoughts\" What is the definition of \"mature\"?"} {"term": "mature", "pos": "v", "context": "These bonds mature in 2005", "definition": "to become due for repayment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"These bonds mature in 2005\" What is the definition of \"mature\"?"} {"term": "mature", "pos": "a", "context": "mature for her age", "definition": "characteristic of maturity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mature for her age\" What is the definition of \"mature\"?"} {"term": "mature", "pos": "a", "context": "a mature cell", "definition": "having reached full natural growth or development", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a mature cell\" What is the definition of \"mature\"?"} {"term": "mature", "pos": "s", "context": "mature plans", "definition": "fully considered and perfected", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mature plans\" What is the definition of \"mature\"?"} {"term": "encyclopedic", "pos": "s", "context": "encyclopedic knowledge", "definition": "broad in scope or content", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"encyclopedic knowledge\" What is the definition of \"encyclopedic\"?"} {"term": "indecently", "pos": "r", "context": "she was rather indecently dressed", "definition": "in an indecent manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was rather indecently dressed\" What is the definition of \"indecently\"?"} {"term": "stingy", "pos": "a", "context": "she practices economy without being stingy", "definition": "unwilling to spend", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she practices economy without being stingy\" What is the definition of \"stingy\"?"} {"term": "thing", "pos": "n", "context": "this thing has got to end", "definition": "a special situation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this thing has got to end\" What is the definition of \"thing\"?"} {"term": "thing", "pos": "n", "context": "a thing of the spirit", "definition": "a special abstraction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a thing of the spirit\" What is the definition of \"thing\"?"} {"term": "passport", "pos": "n", "context": "his wealth was not a passport into the exclusive circles of society", "definition": "any quality or characteristic that gains a person a favorable reception or acceptance or admission", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["recommendation", "characteristic"], "instruction": "\"his wealth was not a passport into the exclusive circles of society\" What is the definition of \"passport\"?"} {"term": "virtually", "pos": "r", "context": "the strike virtually paralyzed the city", "definition": "in essence or effect but not in fact", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the strike virtually paralyzed the city\" What is the definition of \"virtually\"?"} {"term": "virtually", "pos": "r", "context": "virtually all the parties signed the contract", "definition": "slightly short of or not quite accomplished", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"virtually all the parties signed the contract\" What is the definition of \"virtually\"?"} {"term": "virtually", "pos": "r", "context": "virtually all the parties signed the contract", "definition": "all but", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"virtually all the parties signed the contract\" What is the definition of \"virtually\"?"} {"term": "poisonous", "pos": "s", "context": "poisonous hate", "definition": "marked by deep ill will", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"poisonous hate\" What is the definition of \"poisonous\"?"} {"term": "poisonous", "pos": "s", "context": "poisonous hate", "definition": "deliberately harmful", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"poisonous hate\" What is the definition of \"poisonous\"?"} {"term": "laic", "pos": "s", "context": "set his collar in laic rather than clerical position", "definition": "characteristic of those who are not members of the clergy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"set his collar in laic rather than clerical position\" What is the definition of \"laic\"?"} {"term": "strain", "pos": "n", "context": "his responsibilities were a constant strain", "definition": "nervousness resulting from mental stress", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his responsibilities were a constant strain\" What is the definition of \"strain\"?"} {"term": "strain", "pos": "v", "context": "Do n't strain your mind too much", "definition": "to use to the utmost", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["strained", "tax", "overstrain", "utilize", "employ"], "instruction": "\"Do n't strain your mind too much\" What is the definition of \"strain\"?"} {"term": "strain", "pos": "v", "context": "Do n't strain your mind too much", "definition": "to exert vigorously or to full capacity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["strained", "tax", "overstrain", "utilize", "employ"], "instruction": "\"Do n't strain your mind too much\" What is the definition of \"strain\"?"} {"term": "different", "pos": "a", "context": "took different approaches to the problem", "definition": "unlike in nature or quality or form or degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"took different approaches to the problem\" What is the definition of \"different\"?"} {"term": "different", "pos": "a", "context": "people are profoundly different", "definition": "marked by dissimilarity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"people are profoundly different\" What is the definition of \"different\"?"} {"term": "different", "pos": "s", "context": "advertising that strives continually to be different", "definition": "differing from all others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"advertising that strives continually to be different\" What is the definition of \"different\"?"} {"term": "different", "pos": "s", "context": "advertising that strives continually to be different", "definition": "not ordinary", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"advertising that strives continually to be different\" What is the definition of \"different\"?"} {"term": "different", "pos": "s", "context": "each interviewed different members of the community", "definition": "distinct or separate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"each interviewed different members of the community\" What is the definition of \"different\"?"} {"term": "headway", "pos": "n", "context": "the ship made little headway against the gale", "definition": "forward movement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ship made little headway against the gale\" What is the definition of \"headway\"?"} {"term": "moralism", "pos": "n", "context": "he could not stand her hectoring moralism", "definition": "judgments about another persons morality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he could not stand her hectoring moralism\" What is the definition of \"moralism\"?"} {"term": "cutting", "pos": "n", "context": "the cutting of whiskey with water", "definition": "the act of diluting something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the cutting of whiskey with water\" What is the definition of \"cutting\"?"} {"term": "cutting", "pos": "s", "context": "cutting remarks", "definition": "harsh or hurtful in tone or character", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cutting remarks\" What is the definition of \"cutting\"?"} {"term": "cutting", "pos": "s", "context": "a cutting wind", "definition": "painful as if caused by a sharp instrument", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a cutting wind\" What is the definition of \"cutting\"?"} {"term": "wholesale", "pos": "s", "context": "wholesale destruction", "definition": "ignoring distinctions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wholesale destruction\" What is the definition of \"wholesale\"?"} {"term": "wholesale", "pos": "r", "context": "I buy food wholesale", "definition": "on a large scale without careful discrimination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I buy food wholesale\" What is the definition of \"wholesale\"?"} {"term": "legible", "pos": "a", "context": "legible handwriting", "definition": "capable of being read or deciphered", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"legible handwriting\" What is the definition of \"legible\"?"} {"term": "adverbial", "pos": "a", "context": "adverbial syntax", "definition": "of or relating to or functioning as an adverb", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"adverbial syntax\" What is the definition of \"adverbial\"?"} {"term": "fabrication", "pos": "n", "context": "the synthesis and fabrication of single crystals", "definition": "the act of making something a product from raw materials", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["formation", "manufacture", "manufacturing"], "instruction": "\"the synthesis and fabrication of single crystals\" What is the definition of \"fabrication\"?"} {"term": "begin", "pos": "v", "context": "begin a new chapter in your life", "definition": "to set in motion , cause to start", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["recommence", "beginning"], "instruction": "\"begin a new chapter in your life\" What is the definition of \"begin\"?"} {"term": "small", "pos": "a", "context": "a small car", "definition": "limited or below average in number or quantity or magnitude or extent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a small car\" What is the definition of \"small\"?"} {"term": "small", "pos": "s", "context": "a series of death struggles with small time in between", "definition": "slight or limited", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a series of death struggles with small time in between\" What is the definition of \"small\"?"} {"term": "small", "pos": "s", "context": "a series of death struggles with small time in between", "definition": "especially in degree or intensity or scope", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a series of death struggles with small time in between\" What is the definition of \"small\"?"} {"term": "small", "pos": "s", "context": "a small business", "definition": "limited in size or scope", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["modest", "", "minor"], "instruction": "\"a small business\" What is the definition of \"small\"?"} {"term": "unsaturated", "pos": "a", "context": "an unsaturated salt solution", "definition": "not saturated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unsaturated salt solution\" What is the definition of \"unsaturated\"?"} {"term": "unsaturated", "pos": "a", "context": "an unsaturated salt solution", "definition": "capable of dissolving more of a substance at a given temperature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unsaturated salt solution\" What is the definition of \"unsaturated\"?"} {"term": "unsaturated", "pos": "a", "context": "unsaturated fats", "definition": "used of a compound especially of carbon containing atoms sharing more than one valence bond", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unsaturated fats\" What is the definition of \"unsaturated\"?"} {"term": "unsaturated", "pos": "a", "context": "an unsaturated red", "definition": "not chromatically pure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unsaturated red\" What is the definition of \"unsaturated\"?"} {"term": "unsaturated", "pos": "a", "context": "an unsaturated red", "definition": "diluted", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unsaturated red\" What is the definition of \"unsaturated\"?"} {"term": "vivacious", "pos": "s", "context": "a charming and vivacious hostess", "definition": "vigorous and animated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a charming and vivacious hostess\" What is the definition of \"vivacious\"?"} {"term": "actionable", "pos": "s", "context": "slander is an actionable offense", "definition": "affording grounds for legal action", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"slander is an actionable offense\" What is the definition of \"actionable\"?"} {"term": "weather", "pos": "n", "context": "they were hoping for good weather", "definition": "the atmospheric conditions that comprise the state of the atmosphere in terms of temperature and wind and clouds and precipitation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they were hoping for good weather\" What is the definition of \"weather\"?"} {"term": "reimbursement", "pos": "n", "context": "he received reimbursement for his travel expenses", "definition": "compensation paid to someone for damages or losses or money already spent etc. .", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he received reimbursement for his travel expenses\" What is the definition of \"reimbursement\"?"} {"term": "mention", "pos": "n", "context": "she made frequent mention of her promotion", "definition": "a remark that calls attention to something or someone", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["remark", "allusion", "retrospection", "reference", "comment"], "instruction": "\"she made frequent mention of her promotion\" What is the definition of \"mention\"?"} {"term": "mention", "pos": "n", "context": "although he did n't win the prize he did get special mention", "definition": "an official recognition of merit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"although he did n't win the prize he did get special mention\" What is the definition of \"mention\"?"} {"term": "mention", "pos": "n", "context": "the article includes mention of similar clinical cases", "definition": "a short note recognizing a source of information or of a quoted passage", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["cite", "credit", "quotation", "acknowledgment", "reference", "note", "citation", "notation"], "instruction": "\"the article includes mention of similar clinical cases\" What is the definition of \"mention\"?"} {"term": "costume", "pos": "n", "context": "he won the prize for best costume", "definition": "the attire worn in a play or at a fancy dress ball", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he won the prize for best costume\" What is the definition of \"costume\"?"} {"term": "costume", "pos": "n", "context": "in spite of the heat he insisted on his woolen costume", "definition": "unusual or period attire not characteristic of or appropriate to the time and place", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in spite of the heat he insisted on his woolen costume\" What is the definition of \"costume\"?"} {"term": "virtuoso", "pos": "s", "context": "a virtuoso performance", "definition": "having or revealing supreme mastery or skill", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a virtuoso performance\" What is the definition of \"virtuoso\"?"} {"term": "prominently", "pos": "r", "context": "the new car was prominently displayed in the driveway", "definition": "in a prominent way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the new car was prominently displayed in the driveway\" What is the definition of \"prominently\"?"} {"term": "realization", "pos": "n", "context": "a growing realization of the risk involved", "definition": "coming to understand something clearly and distinctly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["apprehension", "recognition", "understanding", "savvy"], "instruction": "\"a growing realization of the risk involved\" What is the definition of \"realization\"?"} {"term": "dust", "pos": "n", "context": "the furniture was covered with dust", "definition": "fine powdery material such as dry earth or pollen that can be blown about in the air", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the furniture was covered with dust\" What is the definition of \"dust\"?"} {"term": "dust", "pos": "n", "context": "astronomers say that the empty space between planets actually contains measurable amounts of dust", "definition": "free microscopic particles of solid material", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"astronomers say that the empty space between planets actually contains measurable amounts of dust\" What is the definition of \"dust\"?"} {"term": "acceleration", "pos": "n", "context": "modern science caused an acceleration of cultural change", "definition": "an increase in rate of change", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"modern science caused an acceleration of cultural change\" What is the definition of \"acceleration\"?"} {"term": "stuff", "pos": "n", "context": "the trunk was full of stuff", "definition": "miscellaneous unspecified objects", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the trunk was full of stuff\" What is the definition of \"stuff\"?"} {"term": "stuff", "pos": "n", "context": "do n't give me that stuff", "definition": "senseless talk", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"do n't give me that stuff\" What is the definition of \"stuff\"?"} {"term": "stuff", "pos": "v", "context": "stuff a bearskin", "definition": "to treat with grease , fill , and prepare for mounting", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stuff a bearskin\" What is the definition of \"stuff\"?"} {"term": "posterior", "pos": "s", "context": "the mood posterior to", "definition": "coming at a subsequent time or stage", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the mood posterior to\" What is the definition of \"posterior\"?"} {"term": "man", "pos": "n", "context": "it was every man for himself", "definition": "the generic use of the word to refer to any human being", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was every man for himself\" What is the definition of \"man\"?"} {"term": "man", "pos": "n", "context": "he awaited word from his man in Havana", "definition": "a male subordinate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he awaited word from his man in Havana\" What is the definition of \"man\"?"} {"term": "man", "pos": "v", "context": "We can not man all the desks", "definition": "to provide with workers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"We can not man all the desks\" What is the definition of \"man\"?"} {"term": "faith", "pos": "n", "context": "he cherished the faith of a good woman", "definition": "complete confidence in a person or plan etc", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he cherished the faith of a good woman\" What is the definition of \"faith\"?"} {"term": "faith", "pos": "n", "context": "keep the faith", "definition": "loyalty or allegiance to a cause or a person", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"keep the faith\" What is the definition of \"faith\"?"} {"term": "faith", "pos": "n", "context": "he lost his faith but not his morality", "definition": "a strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he lost his faith but not his morality\" What is the definition of \"faith\"?"} {"term": "comical", "pos": "s", "context": "a comical look of surprise", "definition": "arousing or provoking laughter", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a comical look of surprise\" What is the definition of \"comical\"?"} {"term": "civilian", "pos": "a", "context": "civilian clothing", "definition": "associated with civil life or performed by persons who are not active members of the military", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"civilian clothing\" What is the definition of \"civilian\"?"} {"term": "invariance", "pos": "n", "context": "the invariance of the configuration under translation", "definition": "the nature of a quantity or property or function that remains unchanged when a given transformation is applied to it", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the invariance of the configuration under translation\" What is the definition of \"invariance\"?"} {"term": "revision", "pos": "n", "context": "it would require a drastic revision of his opinion", "definition": "the act of revising or altering involving reconsideration and modification", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["metamorphosis", "qualification", "misdirection", "distraction", "alteration", "reorganization", "transformation", "translation"], "instruction": "\"it would require a drastic revision of his opinion\" What is the definition of \"revision\"?"} {"term": "felonious", "pos": "s", "context": "felonious intent", "definition": "involving or being or having the nature of a crime", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"felonious intent\" What is the definition of \"felonious\"?"} {"term": "imaginary", "pos": "s", "context": "a small child 's imaginary friends", "definition": "not based on fact", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["notional", "", "fanciful"], "instruction": "\"a small child 's imaginary friends\" What is the definition of \"imaginary\"?"} {"term": "imaginary", "pos": "s", "context": "a small child 's imaginary friends", "definition": "unreal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["notional", "", "fanciful"], "instruction": "\"a small child 's imaginary friends\" What is the definition of \"imaginary\"?"} {"term": "rejuvenation", "pos": "n", "context": "the annual rejuvenation of the landscape", "definition": "the phenomenon of vitality and freshness being restored", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the annual rejuvenation of the landscape\" What is the definition of \"rejuvenation\"?"} {"term": "splashy", "pos": "s", "context": "a splashy half-page ad", "definition": "marked by ostentation but often tasteless", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a splashy half-page ad\" What is the definition of \"splashy\"?"} {"term": "dismal", "pos": "s", "context": "the first dismal dispiriting days of November", "definition": "causing dejection", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the first dismal dispiriting days of November\" What is the definition of \"dismal\"?"} {"term": "constitution", "pos": "n", "context": "the constitution of a PTA group last year", "definition": "the act of forming or establishing something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["establishment", "federation", "settlement", "formation", "beginning", "colonization"], "instruction": "\"the constitution of a PTA group last year\" What is the definition of \"constitution\"?"} {"term": "progress", "pos": "n", "context": "he listened for the progress of the troops", "definition": "a movement forward", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["progression", "travel", "advance", "headway"], "instruction": "\"he listened for the progress of the troops\" What is the definition of \"progress\"?"} {"term": "progress", "pos": "n", "context": "great progress in the arts", "definition": "gradual improvement or growth or development", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["furtherance", "development", "advancement", "promotion", "stride"], "instruction": "\"great progress in the arts\" What is the definition of \"progress\"?"} {"term": "prospective", "pos": "a", "context": "prospective earnings", "definition": "of or concerned with or related to the future", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"prospective earnings\" What is the definition of \"prospective\"?"} {"term": "strum", "pos": "v", "context": "strum a guitar", "definition": "to sound the strings of a string instrument", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"strum a guitar\" What is the definition of \"strum\"?"} {"term": "causal", "pos": "s", "context": "a causal relationship between scarcity and higher prices", "definition": "involving or constituting a cause", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a causal relationship between scarcity and higher prices\" What is the definition of \"causal\"?"} {"term": "causal", "pos": "s", "context": "a causal relationship between scarcity and higher prices", "definition": "causing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a causal relationship between scarcity and higher prices\" What is the definition of \"causal\"?"} {"term": "matter", "pos": "n", "context": "physicists study both the nature of matter and the forces which govern it", "definition": "that which has mass and occupies space", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"physicists study both the nature of matter and the forces which govern it\" What is the definition of \"matter\"?"} {"term": "matter", "pos": "v", "context": "It does not matter much", "definition": "to have weight", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["weigh", "countess", "press", "pressing", "count"], "instruction": "\"It does not matter much\" What is the definition of \"matter\"?"} {"term": "matter", "pos": "v", "context": "It does not matter much", "definition": "to have import , carry weight", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["weigh", "countess", "press", "pressing", "count"], "instruction": "\"It does not matter much\" What is the definition of \"matter\"?"} {"term": "intellectual", "pos": "s", "context": "intellectual problems", "definition": "of or associated with or requiring the use of the mind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"intellectual problems\" What is the definition of \"intellectual\"?"} {"term": "intellectual", "pos": "a", "context": "satire is an intellectual weapon", "definition": "appealing to or using the intellect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"satire is an intellectual weapon\" What is the definition of \"intellectual\"?"} {"term": "wisp", "pos": "n", "context": "a mere wisp of a girl", "definition": "a small person", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a mere wisp of a girl\" What is the definition of \"wisp\"?"} {"term": "showy", "pos": "s", "context": "a cheap showy rhinestone bracelet", "definition": "marked by ostentation but often tasteless", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a cheap showy rhinestone bracelet\" What is the definition of \"showy\"?"} {"term": "undress", "pos": "n", "context": "a state of undress", "definition": "partial or complete nakedness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a state of undress\" What is the definition of \"undress\"?"} {"term": "preparation", "pos": "n", "context": "the resolution of one dissonance is often the preparation for another dissonance", "definition": "a note that produces a dissonant chord is first heard in a consonant chord", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the resolution of one dissonance is often the preparation for another dissonance\" What is the definition of \"preparation\"?"} {"term": "preparation", "pos": "n", "context": "the physician prescribed a commercial preparation of the medicine", "definition": "a substance prepared according to a formula", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["formulation", "polish", "cleaner", "compound", "nebula", "cleanser"], "instruction": "\"the physician prescribed a commercial preparation of the medicine\" What is the definition of \"preparation\"?"} {"term": "aspersion", "pos": "n", "context": "in the 19th century any reference to female sexuality was considered a vile aspersion", "definition": "a disparaging remark", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the 19th century any reference to female sexuality was considered a vile aspersion\" What is the definition of \"aspersion\"?"} {"term": "sou", "pos": "n", "context": "he has n't a sou to his name", "definition": "a former french coin of low denomination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he has n't a sou to his name\" What is the definition of \"sou\"?"} {"term": "sou", "pos": "n", "context": "he has n't a sou to his name", "definition": "often used of any small amount of money", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he has n't a sou to his name\" What is the definition of \"sou\"?"} {"term": "bisect", "pos": "v", "context": "bisect a line", "definition": "to cut in half or cut in two", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bisect a line\" What is the definition of \"bisect\"?"} {"term": "merciless", "pos": "a", "context": "the merciless enemy", "definition": "having or showing no mercy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the merciless enemy\" What is the definition of \"merciless\"?"} {"term": "liberal", "pos": "s", "context": "a liberal newspaper", "definition": "showing or characterized by broad-mindedness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a liberal newspaper\" What is the definition of \"liberal\"?"} {"term": "liberal", "pos": "s", "context": "a liberal backer of the arts", "definition": "given or giving freely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a liberal backer of the arts\" What is the definition of \"liberal\"?"} {"term": "superficiality", "pos": "n", "context": "he ignored the wound because of its superficiality", "definition": "shallowness in terms of affecting only surface layers of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he ignored the wound because of its superficiality\" What is the definition of \"superficiality\"?"} {"term": "jawed", "pos": "v", "context": "He jawed his bubble gum", "definition": "to chew food", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"He jawed his bubble gum\" What is the definition of \"jawed\"?"} {"term": "jawed", "pos": "v", "context": "He jawed his bubble gum", "definition": "to to bite and grind with the teeth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"He jawed his bubble gum\" What is the definition of \"jawed\"?"} {"term": "terrific", "pos": "s", "context": "a terrific noise", "definition": "very great or intense", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a terrific noise\" What is the definition of \"terrific\"?"} {"term": "assertive", "pos": "a", "context": "an energetic assertive boy who was always ready to argue", "definition": "aggressively self-assured", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an energetic assertive boy who was always ready to argue\" What is the definition of \"assertive\"?"} {"term": "tricuspid", "pos": "s", "context": "tricuspid molar", "definition": "having three cusps or points especially a molar tooth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tricuspid molar\" What is the definition of \"tricuspid\"?"} {"term": "vehicle", "pos": "n", "context": "his editorials provided a vehicle for his political views", "definition": "a medium for the expression or achievement of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his editorials provided a vehicle for his political views\" What is the definition of \"vehicle\"?"} {"term": "anon", "pos": "r", "context": "ever and anon", "definition": "at another time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ever and anon\" What is the definition of \"anon\"?"} {"term": "anon", "pos": "r", "context": "see you anon", "definition": "in a little while", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"see you anon\" What is the definition of \"anon\"?"} {"term": "derive", "pos": "v", "context": "derive pleasure from one 's garden", "definition": "to obtain", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["draw", "obtain", "gain"], "instruction": "\"derive pleasure from one 's garden\" What is the definition of \"derive\"?"} {"term": "resile", "pos": "v", "context": "The landlord can not resile from the lease", "definition": "to pull out from an agreement , contract , statement , etc. .", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The landlord can not resile from the lease\" What is the definition of \"resile\"?"} {"term": "resile", "pos": "v", "context": "The rubber tubes resile", "definition": "to return to the original position or state after being stretched or compressed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The rubber tubes resile\" What is the definition of \"resile\"?"} {"term": "resile", "pos": "v", "context": "These particles do not resile but they unite after they collide", "definition": "to spring back", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["leap", "recoil", "bounce", "reverberate", "rebound", "jump", "bound", "bouncing", "leaping", "skip", "spring", "kick", "ricochet"], "instruction": "\"These particles do not resile but they unite after they collide\" What is the definition of \"resile\"?"} {"term": "resile", "pos": "v", "context": "These particles do not resile but they unite after they collide", "definition": "to spring away from an impact", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["leap", "recoil", "bounce", "reverberate", "rebound", "jump", "bound", "bouncing", "leaping", "skip", "spring", "kick", "ricochet"], "instruction": "\"These particles do not resile but they unite after they collide\" What is the definition of \"resile\"?"} {"term": "diplomatic", "pos": "a", "context": "diplomatic immunity", "definition": "relating to or characteristic of diplomacy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"diplomatic immunity\" What is the definition of \"diplomatic\"?"} {"term": "diplomatic", "pos": "a", "context": "the hostess averted a confrontation with a diplomatic chenage of subject", "definition": "using or marked by tact in dealing with sensitive matters or people", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the hostess averted a confrontation with a diplomatic chenage of subject\" What is the definition of \"diplomatic\"?"} {"term": "porous", "pos": "s", "context": "the partly porous walls of our digestive system", "definition": "able to absorb fluids", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the partly porous walls of our digestive system\" What is the definition of \"porous\"?"} {"term": "porous", "pos": "s", "context": "our unfenced and largely unpoliced border inevitably has been very porous", "definition": "allowing passage in and out", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"our unfenced and largely unpoliced border inevitably has been very porous\" What is the definition of \"porous\"?"} {"term": "semisolid", "pos": "s", "context": "a semisolid mixture", "definition": "partly solid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a semisolid mixture\" What is the definition of \"semisolid\"?"} {"term": "semisolid", "pos": "s", "context": "a semisolid mixture", "definition": "having a rigidity and viscosity intermediate between a solid and a liquid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a semisolid mixture\" What is the definition of \"semisolid\"?"} {"term": "divisible", "pos": "a", "context": "even numbers are divisible by two", "definition": "capable of being or liable to be divided or separated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"even numbers are divisible by two\" What is the definition of \"divisible\"?"} {"term": "shrinkage", "pos": "n", "context": "the material lost 2 inches per yard in shrinkage", "definition": "process or result of becoming less or smaller", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the material lost 2 inches per yard in shrinkage\" What is the definition of \"shrinkage\"?"} {"term": "shrinkage", "pos": "n", "context": "shrinkage is the retail trade 's euphemism for shoplifting", "definition": "the act of stealing goods that are on display in a store", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["theft", "stealing", "larceny", "shoplifting", "thievery"], "instruction": "\"shrinkage is the retail trade 's euphemism for shoplifting\" What is the definition of \"shrinkage\"?"} {"term": "scenery", "pos": "n", "context": "they worked all night painting the scenery", "definition": "the painted structures of a stage set that are intended to suggest a particular locale", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they worked all night painting the scenery\" What is the definition of \"scenery\"?"} {"term": "slimy", "pos": "s", "context": "a slimy substance covered the rocks", "definition": "covered with or resembling slime", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a slimy substance covered the rocks\" What is the definition of \"slimy\"?"} {"term": "slimy", "pos": "s", "context": "a slimy little liar", "definition": "morally reprehensible", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a slimy little liar\" What is the definition of \"slimy\"?"} {"term": "histrionic", "pos": "s", "context": "histrionic gestures", "definition": "characteristic of acting or a stage performance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"histrionic gestures\" What is the definition of \"histrionic\"?"} {"term": "histrionic", "pos": "s", "context": "histrionic gestures", "definition": "often affected", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"histrionic gestures\" What is the definition of \"histrionic\"?"} {"term": "consequential", "pos": "s", "context": "the year 's only really consequential legislation", "definition": "having important issues or results", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the year 's only really consequential legislation\" What is the definition of \"consequential\"?"} {"term": "branch", "pos": "n", "context": "a branch of Congress", "definition": "a division of some larger or more complex organization", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["subdivision", "division"], "instruction": "\"a branch of Congress\" What is the definition of \"branch\"?"} {"term": "reed", "pos": "n", "context": "the clarinetist fitted a new reed onto his mouthpiece", "definition": "a vibrator consisting of a thin strip of stiff material that vibrates to produce a tone when air streams over it", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the clarinetist fitted a new reed onto his mouthpiece\" What is the definition of \"reed\"?"} {"term": "collective", "pos": "s", "context": "collective farms", "definition": "set up on the principle of collectivism or ownership and production by the workers involved usually under the supervision of a government", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"collective farms\" What is the definition of \"collective\"?"} {"term": "collective", "pos": "s", "context": "the collective mind", "definition": "done by or characteristic of individuals acting together", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the collective mind\" What is the definition of \"collective\"?"} {"term": "avenge", "pos": "v", "context": "He wants to avenge the murder of his brother", "definition": "to take revenge for a perceived wrong", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["penalize", "punish", "revenge", "retaliate"], "instruction": "\"He wants to avenge the murder of his brother\" What is the definition of \"avenge\"?"} {"term": "relative", "pos": "a", "context": "a relative stranger", "definition": "estimated by comparison", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a relative stranger\" What is the definition of \"relative\"?"} {"term": "relative", "pos": "a", "context": "a relative stranger", "definition": "not absolute or complete", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a relative stranger\" What is the definition of \"relative\"?"} {"term": "relative", "pos": "s", "context": "earnings relative to production", "definition": "properly related in size or degree or other measurable characteristics", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"earnings relative to production\" What is the definition of \"relative\"?"} {"term": "relative", "pos": "s", "context": "earnings relative to production", "definition": "usually followed by to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"earnings relative to production\" What is the definition of \"relative\"?"} {"term": "confirmation", "pos": "n", "context": "fossils provided further confirmation of the evolutionary theory", "definition": "additional proof that something that was believed some fact or hypothesis or theory is correct", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["verification", "substantiation", "proof"], "instruction": "\"fossils provided further confirmation of the evolutionary theory\" What is the definition of \"confirmation\"?"} {"term": "sclerotic", "pos": "a", "context": "a sclerotic patient", "definition": "relating to or having sclerosis", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sclerotic patient\" What is the definition of \"sclerotic\"?"} {"term": "sclerotic", "pos": "a", "context": "a sclerotic patient", "definition": "hardened", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sclerotic patient\" What is the definition of \"sclerotic\"?"} {"term": "sclerotic", "pos": "a", "context": "sclerotic tissue", "definition": "of or relating to the sclera of the eyeball", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sclerotic tissue\" What is the definition of \"sclerotic\"?"} {"term": "radix", "pos": "n", "context": "10 is the radix of the decimal system", "definition": "the positive integer that is equivalent to one in the next higher counting place", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["base", "number"], "instruction": "\"10 is the radix of the decimal system\" What is the definition of \"radix\"?"} {"term": "unequal", "pos": "a", "context": "she was unequal to the task", "definition": "lacking the requisite qualities or resources to meet a task", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was unequal to the task\" What is the definition of \"unequal\"?"} {"term": "belabor", "pos": "v", "context": "belabor the obvious", "definition": "to to work at or to absurd length", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"belabor the obvious\" What is the definition of \"belabor\"?"} {"term": "receptiveness", "pos": "n", "context": "he was testing the government 's receptiveness to reform", "definition": "willingness or readiness to receive especially impressions or ideas", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was testing the government 's receptiveness to reform\" What is the definition of \"receptiveness\"?"} {"term": "renewable", "pos": "a", "context": "a renewable lease", "definition": "that can be renewed or extended", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a renewable lease\" What is the definition of \"renewable\"?"} {"term": "renewable", "pos": "s", "context": "renewable energy such as solar energy is theoretically inexhaustible", "definition": "capable of being renewed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"renewable energy such as solar energy is theoretically inexhaustible\" What is the definition of \"renewable\"?"} {"term": "renewable", "pos": "s", "context": "renewable energy such as solar energy is theoretically inexhaustible", "definition": "replaceable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"renewable energy such as solar energy is theoretically inexhaustible\" What is the definition of \"renewable\"?"} {"term": "dream", "pos": "n", "context": "I had a dream about you last night", "definition": "a series of mental images and emotions occurring during sleep", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I had a dream about you last night\" What is the definition of \"dream\"?"} {"term": "dream", "pos": "n", "context": "he lives in a dream that has nothing to do with reality", "definition": "imaginative thoughts indulged in while awake", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he lives in a dream that has nothing to do with reality\" What is the definition of \"dream\"?"} {"term": "dream", "pos": "n", "context": "he went about his work as if in a dream", "definition": "a state of mind characterized by abstraction and release from reality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he went about his work as if in a dream\" What is the definition of \"dream\"?"} {"term": "dream", "pos": "v", "context": "She claims to never dream", "definition": "to experience while sleeping", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"She claims to never dream\" What is the definition of \"dream\"?"} {"term": "stylus", "pos": "n", "context": "he drew the design on the stencil with a steel stylus", "definition": "a pointed tool for writing or drawing or engraving", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he drew the design on the stencil with a steel stylus\" What is the definition of \"stylus\"?"} {"term": "belittle", "pos": "v", "context": "Do n't belittle his influence", "definition": "to cause to seem less serious", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["disparage", "belittle", "denigrate", "derogate"], "instruction": "\"Do n't belittle his influence\" What is the definition of \"belittle\"?"} {"term": "belittle", "pos": "v", "context": "Do n't belittle his influence", "definition": "to play down", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["disparage", "belittle", "denigrate", "derogate"], "instruction": "\"Do n't belittle his influence\" What is the definition of \"belittle\"?"} {"term": "belittle", "pos": "v", "context": "do n't belittle your colleagues", "definition": "to lessen the authority , dignity , or reputation of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["lessen", "decreasing", "diminish", "decrease"], "instruction": "\"do n't belittle your colleagues\" What is the definition of \"belittle\"?"} {"term": "time", "pos": "n", "context": "this time he succeeded", "definition": "an instance or single occasion for some event", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["case", "clip", "example", "instance"], "instruction": "\"this time he succeeded\" What is the definition of \"time\"?"} {"term": "time", "pos": "n", "context": "he waited a long time", "definition": "an indefinite period usually marked by specific attributes or activities", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he waited a long time\" What is the definition of \"time\"?"} {"term": "time", "pos": "v", "context": "we time the process to manufacture our cars very precisely", "definition": "to set the speed , duration , or execution of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we time the process to manufacture our cars very precisely\" What is the definition of \"time\"?"} {"term": "maverick", "pos": "s", "context": "maverick politicians", "definition": "independent in behavior or thought", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"maverick politicians\" What is the definition of \"maverick\"?"} {"term": "horse", "pos": "n", "context": "500 horse led the attack", "definition": "troops trained to fight on horseback", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"500 horse led the attack\" What is the definition of \"horse\"?"} {"term": "basilica", "pos": "n", "context": "the church was raised to the rank of basilica", "definition": "or a roman catholic church or cathedral accorded certain privileges", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the church was raised to the rank of basilica\" What is the definition of \"basilica\"?"} {"term": "wreathe", "pos": "v", "context": "wreathe the grave site", "definition": "to decorate or deck with wreaths", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wreathe the grave site\" What is the definition of \"wreathe\"?"} {"term": "piggish", "pos": "s", "context": "piggish table manners", "definition": "resembling swine", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"piggish table manners\" What is the definition of \"piggish\"?"} {"term": "piggish", "pos": "s", "context": "piggish table manners", "definition": "coarsely gluttonous or greedy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"piggish table manners\" What is the definition of \"piggish\"?"} {"term": "brow", "pos": "n", "context": "the sun set behind the brow of distant hills", "definition": "the peak of a hill", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["hilltop", "top", "peak", "crest", "tip"], "instruction": "\"the sun set behind the brow of distant hills\" What is the definition of \"brow\"?"} {"term": "thirsty", "pos": "s", "context": "thirsty fields under a rainless sky", "definition": "needing moisture", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"thirsty fields under a rainless sky\" What is the definition of \"thirsty\"?"} {"term": "thirsty", "pos": "s", "context": "thirsty towels", "definition": "able to take in large quantities of moisture", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"thirsty towels\" What is the definition of \"thirsty\"?"} {"term": "thirsty", "pos": "s", "context": "thirsty for informaton", "definition": "extremely desirous", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"thirsty for informaton\" What is the definition of \"thirsty\"?"} {"term": "thirsty", "pos": "a", "context": "after playing hard the children were thirsty", "definition": "feeling a need or desire to drink", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after playing hard the children were thirsty\" What is the definition of \"thirsty\"?"} {"term": "synthesize", "pos": "v", "context": "his operas synthesize music and drama in perfect harmony", "definition": "to combine so as to form a more complex , product", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his operas synthesize music and drama in perfect harmony\" What is the definition of \"synthesize\"?"} {"term": "bareheaded", "pos": "s", "context": "caught bareheaded by the downpour", "definition": "having the head uncovered", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"caught bareheaded by the downpour\" What is the definition of \"bareheaded\"?"} {"term": "hewn", "pos": "s", "context": "a house built of hewn logs", "definition": "cut or shaped with hard blows of a heavy cutting instrument like an ax or chisel", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a house built of hewn logs\" What is the definition of \"hewn\"?"} {"term": "ingrain", "pos": "v", "context": "Mother tried to ingrain respect for our elders in us", "definition": "to produce or try to produce a vivid impression of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["strike", "affect", "striking", "instill", "impress"], "instruction": "\"Mother tried to ingrain respect for our elders in us\" What is the definition of \"ingrain\"?"} {"term": "novel", "pos": "s", "context": "the computer produced a completely novel proof of a well-known theorem", "definition": "original and of a kind not seen before", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the computer produced a completely novel proof of a well-known theorem\" What is the definition of \"novel\"?"} {"term": "assemble", "pos": "v", "context": "assemble your colleagues", "definition": "to get people together", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["gather", "make"], "instruction": "\"assemble your colleagues\" What is the definition of \"assemble\"?"} {"term": "fondly", "pos": "r", "context": "she spoke to her children fondly", "definition": "with fondness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she spoke to her children fondly\" What is the definition of \"fondly\"?"} {"term": "fondly", "pos": "r", "context": "she spoke to her children fondly", "definition": "with love", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she spoke to her children fondly\" What is the definition of \"fondly\"?"} {"term": "crutch", "pos": "n", "context": "he uses drugs as a psychological crutch", "definition": "anything that serves as an expedient", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he uses drugs as a psychological crutch\" What is the definition of \"crutch\"?"} {"term": "infamous", "pos": "s", "context": "the infamous Benedict Arnold", "definition": "known widely and usually unfavorably", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the infamous Benedict Arnold\" What is the definition of \"infamous\"?"} {"term": "spore", "pos": "n", "context": "a sexual spore is formed after the fusion of gametes", "definition": "a small usually single-celled asexual reproductive body produced by many nonflowering plants and fungi and some bacteria and protozoans and that are capable of developing into a new individual without sexual fusion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sexual spore is formed after the fusion of gametes\" What is the definition of \"spore\"?"} {"term": "verifiable", "pos": "s", "context": "a verifiable account of the incident", "definition": "capable of being verified", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a verifiable account of the incident\" What is the definition of \"verifiable\"?"} {"term": "stay", "pos": "n", "context": "they had a nice stay in Paris", "definition": "continuing or remaining in a place or state", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they had a nice stay in Paris\" What is the definition of \"stay\"?"} {"term": "stay", "pos": "n", "context": "the Supreme Court has the power to stay an injunction pending an appeal to the whole Court", "definition": "a judicial order forbidding some action until an event occurs or the order is lifted", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the Supreme Court has the power to stay an injunction pending an appeal to the whole Court\" What is the definition of \"stay\"?"} {"term": "stay", "pos": "v", "context": "stay alone", "definition": "to remain in a certain state", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["rest", "keep", "stand", "remain"], "instruction": "\"stay alone\" What is the definition of \"stay\"?"} {"term": "volley", "pos": "v", "context": "volley the tennis ball", "definition": "to hit before it touches the ground", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"volley the tennis ball\" What is the definition of \"volley\"?"} {"term": "united", "pos": "a", "context": "presented a united front", "definition": "characterized by unity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"presented a united front\" What is the definition of \"united\"?"} {"term": "united", "pos": "a", "context": "presented a united front", "definition": "being or joined into a single entity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"presented a united front\" What is the definition of \"united\"?"} {"term": "necessary", "pos": "s", "context": "the necessary consequences of one 's actions", "definition": "unavoidably determined by prior circumstances", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the necessary consequences of one 's actions\" What is the definition of \"necessary\"?"} {"term": "fraudulent", "pos": "s", "context": "a fraudulent scheme to escape paying taxes", "definition": "intended to deceive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fraudulent scheme to escape paying taxes\" What is the definition of \"fraudulent\"?"} {"term": "accuracy", "pos": "n", "context": "he was beginning to doubt the accuracy of his compass", "definition": "the quality of being near to the true value", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["truth", "fidelity", "exactness", "exactitude", "quality"], "instruction": "\"he was beginning to doubt the accuracy of his compass\" What is the definition of \"accuracy\"?"} {"term": "accuracy", "pos": "n", "context": "the atomic clock enabled scientists to measure time with much greater accuracy", "definition": "the number of significant figures given in a number", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the atomic clock enabled scientists to measure time with much greater accuracy\" What is the definition of \"accuracy\"?"} {"term": "stature", "pos": "n", "context": "a man of great stature", "definition": "high level of respect gained by impressive development or achievement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a man of great stature\" What is the definition of \"stature\"?"} {"term": "invasion", "pos": "n", "context": "an invasion of tourists", "definition": "any entry into an area not previously occupied", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["encroachment", "intrusion", "entrance"], "instruction": "\"an invasion of tourists\" What is the definition of \"invasion\"?"} {"term": "invasion", "pos": "n", "context": "the tumor 's invasion of surrounding structures", "definition": "the spread of pathogenic microorganisms or malignant cells to new sites in the body", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the tumor 's invasion of surrounding structures\" What is the definition of \"invasion\"?"} {"term": "epic", "pos": "s", "context": "an epic voyage", "definition": "very imposing or impressive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an epic voyage\" What is the definition of \"epic\"?"} {"term": "epic", "pos": "s", "context": "an epic voyage", "definition": "surpassing the ordinary especially in size or scale", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an epic voyage\" What is the definition of \"epic\"?"} {"term": "thorn", "pos": "n", "context": "he 's a thorn in my flesh", "definition": "something that causes irritation and annoyance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["infliction", "irritant", "botheration", "annoyance", "bother"], "instruction": "\"he 's a thorn in my flesh\" What is the definition of \"thorn\"?"} {"term": "peregrine", "pos": "s", "context": "believed the profession of a peregrine typist would have a happy future", "definition": "migratory", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"believed the profession of a peregrine typist would have a happy future\" What is the definition of \"peregrine\"?"} {"term": "touchy", "pos": "s", "context": "a touchy subject", "definition": "difficult to handle", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a touchy subject\" What is the definition of \"touchy\"?"} {"term": "touchy", "pos": "s", "context": "a touchy subject", "definition": "requiring great tact", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a touchy subject\" What is the definition of \"touchy\"?"} {"term": "steely", "pos": "s", "context": "steely eyes", "definition": "resembling steel as in hardness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"steely eyes\" What is the definition of \"steely\"?"} {"term": "welter", "pos": "v", "context": "welter in work", "definition": "to be immersed in", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"welter in work\" What is the definition of \"welter\"?"} {"term": "hospitably", "pos": "r", "context": "she was received hospitably by her new family", "definition": "in a hospitable manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was received hospitably by her new family\" What is the definition of \"hospitably\"?"} {"term": "opprobrious", "pos": "s", "context": "an opprobrious monument to human greed", "definition": "deserving or bringing disgrace or shame", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an opprobrious monument to human greed\" What is the definition of \"opprobrious\"?"} {"term": "conspecific", "pos": "a", "context": "cultivated cabbage and wild cabbage are conspecific", "definition": "belonging to the same species", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cultivated cabbage and wild cabbage are conspecific\" What is the definition of \"conspecific\"?"} {"term": "graphic", "pos": "s", "context": "graphic symbols", "definition": "written or drawn or engraved", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"graphic symbols\" What is the definition of \"graphic\"?"} {"term": "graphic", "pos": "s", "context": "graphic accounts of battle", "definition": "evoking lifelike images within the mind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"graphic accounts of battle\" What is the definition of \"graphic\"?"} {"term": "graphic", "pos": "a", "context": "a graphic presentation of the data", "definition": "relating to or presented by a graph", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a graphic presentation of the data\" What is the definition of \"graphic\"?"} {"term": "ribald", "pos": "s", "context": "ribald language", "definition": "humorously vulgar", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ribald language\" What is the definition of \"ribald\"?"} {"term": "fecund", "pos": "s", "context": "a fecund imagination", "definition": "intellectually productive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fecund imagination\" What is the definition of \"fecund\"?"} {"term": "design", "pos": "n", "context": "he contributed to the design of a new instrument", "definition": "the act of working out the form of something as by making a sketch or outline or plan", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he contributed to the design of a new instrument\" What is the definition of \"design\"?"} {"term": "design", "pos": "n", "context": "the awkward design of the keyboard made operation difficult", "definition": "an arrangement scheme", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["constellation", "snare", "plan", "system"], "instruction": "\"the awkward design of the keyboard made operation difficult\" What is the definition of \"design\"?"} {"term": "design", "pos": "n", "context": "the coach had a design on the doors", "definition": "a decorative or artistic work", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["damascene", "ornamentation", "motif", "ornament", "herringbone", "weave", "sunburst", "emblem", "decoration", "pattern", "figure", "device", "motive", "tattoo"], "instruction": "\"the coach had a design on the doors\" What is the definition of \"design\"?"} {"term": "design", "pos": "v", "context": "design a better mousetrap", "definition": "to plan out in systematic , often graphic form", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["engineering", "engineer", "plan", "draft"], "instruction": "\"design a better mousetrap\" What is the definition of \"design\"?"} {"term": "acceptable", "pos": "a", "context": "acceptable levels of radiation", "definition": "worthy of acceptance or satisfactory", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"acceptable levels of radiation\" What is the definition of \"acceptable\"?"} {"term": "acceptable", "pos": "s", "context": "acceptable English usage", "definition": "judged to be in conformity with approved usage", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"acceptable English usage\" What is the definition of \"acceptable\"?"} {"term": "acceptable", "pos": "s", "context": "the water was acceptable for drinking", "definition": "adequate for the purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the water was acceptable for drinking\" What is the definition of \"acceptable\"?"} {"term": "penetrating", "pos": "s", "context": "penetrating insight", "definition": "having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"penetrating insight\" What is the definition of \"penetrating\"?"} {"term": "penetrating", "pos": "s", "context": "a cold penetrating wind", "definition": "having the power of entering or piercing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a cold penetrating wind\" What is the definition of \"penetrating\"?"} {"term": "febrile", "pos": "a", "context": "a febrile reaction caused by an allergen", "definition": "of or relating to or characterized by fever", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a febrile reaction caused by an allergen\" What is the definition of \"febrile\"?"} {"term": "subdue", "pos": "v", "context": "subdue one 's appetites", "definition": "to hold within limits and control", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["hold", "control", "moderate", "mortifying", "subdued", "contain"], "instruction": "\"subdue one 's appetites\" What is the definition of \"subdue\"?"} {"term": "antithesis", "pos": "n", "context": "his theory is the antithesis of mine", "definition": "exact opposite", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his theory is the antithesis of mine\" What is the definition of \"antithesis\"?"} {"term": "world", "pos": "n", "context": "the Western world", "definition": "people in general", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the Western world\" What is the definition of \"world\"?"} {"term": "world", "pos": "n", "context": "the Western world", "definition": "especially a distinctive group of people with some shared interest", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the Western world\" What is the definition of \"world\"?"} {"term": "world", "pos": "n", "context": "his world was shattered", "definition": "all of your experiences that determine how things appear to you", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["reality", ""], "instruction": "\"his world was shattered\" What is the definition of \"world\"?"} {"term": "world", "pos": "n", "context": "the outdoor world", "definition": "a part of the earth that can be considered separately", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the outdoor world\" What is the definition of \"world\"?"} {"term": "world", "pos": "s", "context": "a world crisis", "definition": "involving the entire earth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a world crisis\" What is the definition of \"world\"?"} {"term": "world", "pos": "s", "context": "a world crisis", "definition": "not limited or provincial in scope", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a world crisis\" What is the definition of \"world\"?"} {"term": "rather", "pos": "r", "context": "rather than disappoint the children , he did two quick tricks before he left", "definition": "on the contrary", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rather than disappoint the children , he did two quick tricks before he left\" What is the definition of \"rather\"?"} {"term": "rather", "pos": "r", "context": "it was rather cold", "definition": "to some great or small extent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was rather cold\" What is the definition of \"rather\"?"} {"term": "rather", "pos": "r", "context": "I 'd rather be in Philadelphia", "definition": "more readily or willingly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I 'd rather be in Philadelphia\" What is the definition of \"rather\"?"} {"term": "degree", "pos": "n", "context": "it is all a matter of degree", "definition": "a position on a scale of intensity or amount or quality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["highness", "grind", "property", "caliber", "intensiveness", "lowness", "grade", "low", "moderation", "depth", "quality", "level"], "instruction": "\"it is all a matter of degree\" What is the definition of \"degree\"?"} {"term": "degree", "pos": "n", "context": "a remarkable degree of frankness", "definition": "a specific identifiable position in a continuum or series or especially in a process", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["resultant", "point", "height", "acme", "peak", "top", "stage", "meridian", "quickening", "plane", "extent", "elevation", "level"], "instruction": "\"a remarkable degree of frankness\" What is the definition of \"degree\"?"} {"term": "private", "pos": "n", "context": "our prisoner was just a private and knew nothing of value", "definition": "an enlisted man of the lowest rank in the army or marines", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"our prisoner was just a private and knew nothing of value\" What is the definition of \"private\"?"} {"term": "private", "pos": "a", "context": "a private place", "definition": "confined to particular persons or groups or providing privacy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a private place\" What is the definition of \"private\"?"} {"term": "private", "pos": "s", "context": "each room has a private bath", "definition": "concerning one person exclusively", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["individual", ""], "instruction": "\"each room has a private bath\" What is the definition of \"private\"?"} {"term": "presumption", "pos": "n", "context": "his presumption was intolerable", "definition": "a kind of discourtesy in the form of an act of presuming", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his presumption was intolerable\" What is the definition of \"presumption\"?"} {"term": "chafing", "pos": "v", "context": "He was chafing at her suggestion that he stay at home while she went on a vacation", "definition": "to feel extreme irritation or anger", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["chafe", "feel"], "instruction": "\"He was chafing at her suggestion that he stay at home while she went on a vacation\" What is the definition of \"chafing\"?"} {"term": "body", "pos": "n", "context": "he felt as if his whole body were on fire", "definition": "the entire structure of an organism an animal , plant , or human being", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he felt as if his whole body were on fire\" What is the definition of \"body\"?"} {"term": "body", "pos": "n", "context": "the whole body filed out of the auditorium", "definition": "a group of persons associated by some common tie or occupation and regarded as an entity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the whole body filed out of the auditorium\" What is the definition of \"body\"?"} {"term": "body", "pos": "n", "context": "they found the body in the lake", "definition": "a natural object consisting of a dead animal or person", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they found the body in the lake\" What is the definition of \"body\"?"} {"term": "accelerando", "pos": "r", "context": "here you must play accelerando", "definition": "with increasing speed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"here you must play accelerando\" What is the definition of \"accelerando\"?"} {"term": "intracellular", "pos": "a", "context": "intracellular fluid", "definition": "located or occurring within a cell or cells", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"intracellular fluid\" What is the definition of \"intracellular\"?"} {"term": "scarce", "pos": "a", "context": "fresh vegetables were scarce during the drought", "definition": "deficient in quantity or number compared with the demand", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fresh vegetables were scarce during the drought\" What is the definition of \"scarce\"?"} {"term": "scarce", "pos": "r", "context": "would have scarce arrived before she would have found some excuse to leave \" - W.B.Yeats", "definition": "only a very short time before", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"would have scarce arrived before she would have found some excuse to leave \" - W.B.Yeats\" What is the definition of \"scarce\"?"} {"term": "holocaust", "pos": "n", "context": "a nuclear holocaust", "definition": "an act of mass destruction and loss of life especially in war or by fire", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a nuclear holocaust\" What is the definition of \"holocaust\"?"} {"term": "competition", "pos": "n", "context": "business competition can be fiendish at times", "definition": "a business relation in which two parties compete to gain customers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"business competition can be fiendish at times\" What is the definition of \"competition\"?"} {"term": "primary", "pos": "a", "context": "primary goals", "definition": "of first rank or importance or value", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"primary goals\" What is the definition of \"primary\"?"} {"term": "primary", "pos": "a", "context": "primary goals", "definition": "direct and immediate rather than secondary", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"primary goals\" What is the definition of \"primary\"?"} {"term": "primary", "pos": "s", "context": "a primary instinct", "definition": "not derived from or reducible to something else", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a primary instinct\" What is the definition of \"primary\"?"} {"term": "primary", "pos": "s", "context": "a primary instinct", "definition": "basic", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a primary instinct\" What is the definition of \"primary\"?"} {"term": "primary", "pos": "s", "context": "policemen were primary targets", "definition": "most important element", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"policemen were primary targets\" What is the definition of \"primary\"?"} {"term": "attributable", "pos": "a", "context": "the collapse of the movement was attributable to a lack of morale", "definition": "capable of being attributed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the collapse of the movement was attributable to a lack of morale\" What is the definition of \"attributable\"?"} {"term": "draft", "pos": "v", "context": "draft a speech", "definition": "to draw up an outline or sketch for something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"draft a speech\" What is the definition of \"draft\"?"} {"term": "singularity", "pos": "n", "context": "that singularity distinguished him from all his companions", "definition": "the quality of being one of a kind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that singularity distinguished him from all his companions\" What is the definition of \"singularity\"?"} {"term": "autocratic", "pos": "s", "context": "an autocratic person", "definition": "offensively self-assured or given to exercising usually unwarranted power", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an autocratic person\" What is the definition of \"autocratic\"?"} {"term": "autocratic", "pos": "s", "context": "autocratic government", "definition": "characteristic of an absolute ruler or absolute rule", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["despotic", "", "dictatorial", "tyrannic"], "instruction": "\"autocratic government\" What is the definition of \"autocratic\"?"} {"term": "autocratic", "pos": "s", "context": "autocratic government", "definition": "having absolute sovereignty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["despotic", "", "dictatorial", "tyrannic"], "instruction": "\"autocratic government\" What is the definition of \"autocratic\"?"} {"term": "doctoral", "pos": "a", "context": "doctoral dissertation", "definition": "of or relating to a doctor or doctorate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"doctoral dissertation\" What is the definition of \"doctoral\"?"} {"term": "emergence", "pos": "n", "context": "figurines presage the emergence of sculpture in Greece", "definition": "the gradual beginning or coming forth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["outgrowth", "rise", "growth", "beginning"], "instruction": "\"figurines presage the emergence of sculpture in Greece\" What is the definition of \"emergence\"?"} {"term": "emergence", "pos": "n", "context": "not a day 's difference between the emergence of the andrenas and the opening of the willow catkins", "definition": "the becoming visible", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["issue", "egress", "beginning", "eruption"], "instruction": "\"not a day 's difference between the emergence of the andrenas and the opening of the willow catkins\" What is the definition of \"emergence\"?"} {"term": "rowdy", "pos": "s", "context": "rowdy teenagers", "definition": "disturbing the public peace", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rowdy teenagers\" What is the definition of \"rowdy\"?"} {"term": "rowdy", "pos": "s", "context": "rowdy teenagers", "definition": "loud and rough", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rowdy teenagers\" What is the definition of \"rowdy\"?"} {"term": "dumpy", "pos": "s", "context": "a dumpy little dumpling of a woman", "definition": "short and thick", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["chunky", "", "squat", "squatter", "squatty"], "instruction": "\"a dumpy little dumpling of a woman\" What is the definition of \"dumpy\"?"} {"term": "dumpy", "pos": "s", "context": "a dumpy little dumpling of a woman", "definition": "as e.g. having short legs and heavy musculature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["chunky", "", "squat", "squatter", "squatty"], "instruction": "\"a dumpy little dumpling of a woman\" What is the definition of \"dumpy\"?"} {"term": "phosphorescent", "pos": "s", "context": "the phosphorescent glow of decaying wood", "definition": "emitting light without appreciable heat as by slow oxidation of phosphorous", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the phosphorescent glow of decaying wood\" What is the definition of \"phosphorescent\"?"} {"term": "fleecy", "pos": "s", "context": "a fleecy lining", "definition": "having soft nap produced by brushing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fleecy lining\" What is the definition of \"fleecy\"?"} {"term": "erroneous", "pos": "s", "context": "erroneous conclusions", "definition": "containing or characterized by error", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"erroneous conclusions\" What is the definition of \"erroneous\"?"} {"term": "chuck", "pos": "v", "context": "chuck the ball", "definition": "to throw carelessly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"chuck the ball\" What is the definition of \"chuck\"?"} {"term": "deft", "pos": "s", "context": "a deft waiter", "definition": "skillful in physical movements", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a deft waiter\" What is the definition of \"deft\"?"} {"term": "deft", "pos": "s", "context": "a deft waiter", "definition": "especially of the hands", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a deft waiter\" What is the definition of \"deft\"?"} {"term": "heavy", "pos": "a", "context": "a heavy load", "definition": "of comparatively great physical weight or density", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a heavy load\" What is the definition of \"heavy\"?"} {"term": "heavy", "pos": "a", "context": "heavy taxes", "definition": "unusually great in degree or quantity or number", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"heavy taxes\" What is the definition of \"heavy\"?"} {"term": "heavy", "pos": "a", "context": "heavy artillery", "definition": "of the military or industry", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"heavy artillery\" What is the definition of \"heavy\"?"} {"term": "heavy", "pos": "s", "context": "a heavy sky", "definition": "darkened by clouds", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a heavy sky\" What is the definition of \"heavy\"?"} {"term": "heavy", "pos": "s", "context": "Iago is the heavy role in ` Othello '", "definition": "being or playing the villain", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Iago is the heavy role in ` Othello '\" What is the definition of \"heavy\"?"} {"term": "heavy", "pos": "s", "context": "a heavy line", "definition": "of relatively large extent and density", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a heavy line\" What is the definition of \"heavy\"?"} {"term": "heavy", "pos": "r", "context": "time hung heavy on their hands", "definition": "slowly as if burdened by much weight", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"time hung heavy on their hands\" What is the definition of \"heavy\"?"} {"term": "admixture", "pos": "n", "context": "the growing medium should be equal parts of sand and loam with an admixture of peat moss and cow manure", "definition": "an additional ingredient that is added by mixing with the base", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the growing medium should be equal parts of sand and loam with an admixture of peat moss and cow manure\" What is the definition of \"admixture\"?"} {"term": "premier", "pos": "s", "context": "an architect of premier rank", "definition": "first in rank or degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an architect of premier rank\" What is the definition of \"premier\"?"} {"term": "convoluted", "pos": "s", "context": "convoluted legal language", "definition": "highly complex or intricate and occasionally devious", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"convoluted legal language\" What is the definition of \"convoluted\"?"} {"term": "incorrectly", "pos": "r", "context": "he decided to reveal the details only after other sources had reported them incorrectly", "definition": "in an inaccurate manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he decided to reveal the details only after other sources had reported them incorrectly\" What is the definition of \"incorrectly\"?"} {"term": "unfriendly", "pos": "a", "context": "an unfriendly coldness of manner", "definition": "not disposed to friendship or friendliness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unfriendly coldness of manner\" What is the definition of \"unfriendly\"?"} {"term": "unfriendly", "pos": "s", "context": "an unfriendly act of aggression", "definition": "not friendly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unfriendly act of aggression\" What is the definition of \"unfriendly\"?"} {"term": "unfriendly", "pos": "s", "context": "the unfriendly environment at high altitudes", "definition": "very unfavorable to life or growth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the unfriendly environment at high altitudes\" What is the definition of \"unfriendly\"?"} {"term": "calorific", "pos": "s", "context": "the calorific properties of fuels", "definition": "heat-generating", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the calorific properties of fuels\" What is the definition of \"calorific\"?"} {"term": "insistence", "pos": "n", "context": "insistence on grammatical correctness is a conservative position", "definition": "the act of insisting on something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"insistence on grammatical correctness is a conservative position\" What is the definition of \"insistence\"?"} {"term": "insistence", "pos": "n", "context": "the insistence of their hunger", "definition": "the state of demanding notice or attention", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["press", "", "pressure"], "instruction": "\"the insistence of their hunger\" What is the definition of \"insistence\"?"} {"term": "wildly", "pos": "r", "context": "the storyline is wildly unrealistic", "definition": "to an extreme or greatly exaggerated degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the storyline is wildly unrealistic\" What is the definition of \"wildly\"?"} {"term": "wildly", "pos": "r", "context": "He gesticulated wildly", "definition": "in an uncontrolled or unrestrained manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"He gesticulated wildly\" What is the definition of \"wildly\"?"} {"term": "saintly", "pos": "s", "context": "a saintly concern for his fellow men", "definition": "marked by utter benignity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a saintly concern for his fellow men\" What is the definition of \"saintly\"?"} {"term": "saintly", "pos": "s", "context": "a saintly concern for his fellow men", "definition": "resembling or befitting an angel or saint", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a saintly concern for his fellow men\" What is the definition of \"saintly\"?"} {"term": "negatively", "pos": "r", "context": "he was negatively affected", "definition": "in a harmful manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was negatively affected\" What is the definition of \"negatively\"?"} {"term": "negatively", "pos": "r", "context": "he was negatively inclined", "definition": "in a negative way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was negatively inclined\" What is the definition of \"negatively\"?"} {"term": "animal", "pos": "s", "context": "animal instincts", "definition": "marked by the appetites and passions of the body", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"animal instincts\" What is the definition of \"animal\"?"} {"term": "test", "pos": "n", "context": "the test was standardized on a large sample of students", "definition": "any standardized procedure for measuring sensitivity or memory or intelligence or aptitude or personality etc", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the test was standardized on a large sample of students\" What is the definition of \"test\"?"} {"term": "weak", "pos": "a", "context": "a weak pillar", "definition": "wanting in physical strength", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a weak pillar\" What is the definition of \"weak\"?"} {"term": "weak", "pos": "s", "context": "a weak market for oil stocks", "definition": "tending downward in price", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a weak market for oil stocks\" What is the definition of \"weak\"?"} {"term": "weak", "pos": "s", "context": "he 's weak in spelling", "definition": "deficient or lacking in some skill", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he 's weak in spelling\" What is the definition of \"weak\"?"} {"term": "call", "pos": "n", "context": "he placed a phone call to London", "definition": "a telephone connection", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he placed a phone call to London\" What is the definition of \"call\"?"} {"term": "call", "pos": "v", "context": "I tried to call you all night", "definition": "to get or try to get into communication with someone by telephone", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I tried to call you all night\" What is the definition of \"call\"?"} {"term": "garish", "pos": "s", "context": "garish colors", "definition": "tastelessly showy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"garish colors\" What is the definition of \"garish\"?"} {"term": "unconquerable", "pos": "a", "context": "a tribute to his courage ... and his unconquerable will \" - R.E.Danielson", "definition": "not capable of being conquered or vanquished or overcome", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tribute to his courage ... and his unconquerable will \" - R.E.Danielson\" What is the definition of \"unconquerable\"?"} {"term": "bellicose", "pos": "s", "context": "bellicose young officers", "definition": "having or showing a ready disposition to fight", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bellicose young officers\" What is the definition of \"bellicose\"?"} {"term": "acknowledgment", "pos": "n", "context": "she must have seen him but she gave no sign of acknowledgment", "definition": "a statement acknowledging something or someone", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she must have seen him but she gave no sign of acknowledgment\" What is the definition of \"acknowledgment\"?"} {"term": "flare", "pos": "n", "context": "the skirt had a wide flare", "definition": "a shape that spreads outward", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["flair", "shape", "form"], "instruction": "\"the skirt had a wide flare\" What is the definition of \"flare\"?"} {"term": "flare", "pos": "v", "context": "Every star seemed to flare with new intensity", "definition": "to burn brightly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["flaring", "burning", "burnt"], "instruction": "\"Every star seemed to flare with new intensity\" What is the definition of \"flare\"?"} {"term": "enthusiasm", "pos": "n", "context": "enthusiasm for his program is growing", "definition": "a lively interest", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"enthusiasm for his program is growing\" What is the definition of \"enthusiasm\"?"} {"term": "snugly", "pos": "r", "context": "the vest fit snugly", "definition": "fitting closely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the vest fit snugly\" What is the definition of \"snugly\"?"} {"term": "snugly", "pos": "r", "context": "concealed snugly in his hideout", "definition": "safely protected", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"concealed snugly in his hideout\" What is the definition of \"snugly\"?"} {"term": "snugly", "pos": "r", "context": "sitting snugly by the fireside while the storm raged", "definition": "warmly and comfortably sheltered", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sitting snugly by the fireside while the storm raged\" What is the definition of \"snugly\"?"} {"term": "comely", "pos": "s", "context": "comely behavior", "definition": "according with custom or propriety", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["seemly", "", "decent", "decorous"], "instruction": "\"comely behavior\" What is the definition of \"comely\"?"} {"term": "comely", "pos": "s", "context": "a comely face", "definition": "very pleasing to the eye", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a comely face\" What is the definition of \"comely\"?"} {"term": "diligently", "pos": "r", "context": "we may diligently observe the Lord 's supper on the first day of the week , diligently preach the gospel , or minister to the saint", "definition": "with diligence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we may diligently observe the Lord 's supper on the first day of the week , diligently preach the gospel , or minister to the saint\" What is the definition of \"diligently\"?"} {"term": "diligently", "pos": "r", "context": "we may diligently observe the Lord 's supper on the first day of the week , diligently preach the gospel , or minister to the saint", "definition": "in a diligent manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we may diligently observe the Lord 's supper on the first day of the week , diligently preach the gospel , or minister to the saint\" What is the definition of \"diligently\"?"} {"term": "trilateral", "pos": "s", "context": "trilateral talks", "definition": "involving three parties", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"trilateral talks\" What is the definition of \"trilateral\"?"} {"term": "trilateral", "pos": "s", "context": "a trilateral figure", "definition": "having three sides", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a trilateral figure\" What is the definition of \"trilateral\"?"} {"term": "exaggeration", "pos": "n", "context": "the dance involved a deliberate exaggeration of his awkwardness", "definition": "the act of making something more noticeable than usual", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the dance involved a deliberate exaggeration of his awkwardness\" What is the definition of \"exaggeration\"?"} {"term": "imponderable", "pos": "a", "context": "such imponderable human factors as aesthetic sensibility", "definition": "difficult or impossible to evaluate with precision", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"such imponderable human factors as aesthetic sensibility\" What is the definition of \"imponderable\"?"} {"term": "mistaken", "pos": "s", "context": "a mistaken belief", "definition": "wrong in e.g. opinion or judgment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a mistaken belief\" What is the definition of \"mistaken\"?"} {"term": "mistaken", "pos": "s", "context": "a mistaken view of the situation", "definition": "arising from error", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a mistaken view of the situation\" What is the definition of \"mistaken\"?"} {"term": "transmutation", "pos": "n", "context": "the transmutation of base metals into gold proved to be impossible", "definition": "the change of one chemical element into another as by nuclear decay or radioactive bombardment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the transmutation of base metals into gold proved to be impossible\" What is the definition of \"transmutation\"?"} {"term": "autumnal", "pos": "a", "context": "the autumnal equinox", "definition": "of or characteristic of or occurring in autumn", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the autumnal equinox\" What is the definition of \"autumnal\"?"} {"term": "autumnal", "pos": "s", "context": "a serene autumnal mood", "definition": "characteristic of late maturity verging on decline", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a serene autumnal mood\" What is the definition of \"autumnal\"?"} {"term": "naturally", "pos": "r", "context": "naturally grown flowers", "definition": "according to nature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"naturally grown flowers\" What is the definition of \"naturally\"?"} {"term": "naturally", "pos": "r", "context": "naturally grown flowers", "definition": "by natural means", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"naturally grown flowers\" What is the definition of \"naturally\"?"} {"term": "naturally", "pos": "r", "context": "naturally grown flowers", "definition": "without artificial help", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"naturally grown flowers\" What is the definition of \"naturally\"?"} {"term": "naturally", "pos": "r", "context": "he was naturally lazy", "definition": "through inherent nature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was naturally lazy\" What is the definition of \"naturally\"?"} {"term": "indistinct", "pos": "a", "context": "indistinct shapes in the gloom", "definition": "not clearly defined or easy to perceive or understand", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"indistinct shapes in the gloom\" What is the definition of \"indistinct\"?"} {"term": "nightly", "pos": "s", "context": "nightly television now goes on until 3:00 or 4:00 a.m.", "definition": "happening every night", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nightly television now goes on until 3:00 or 4:00 a.m.\" What is the definition of \"nightly\"?"} {"term": "nightly", "pos": "r", "context": "she checks on her roses nightly", "definition": "at the end of each day", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she checks on her roses nightly\" What is the definition of \"nightly\"?"} {"term": "expose", "pos": "n", "context": "he published an expose of the graft and corruption in city government", "definition": "the exposure of an impostor or a fraud", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he published an expose of the graft and corruption in city government\" What is the definition of \"expose\"?"} {"term": "celebration", "pos": "n", "context": "the celebration of marriage", "definition": "the public performance of a sacrament or solemn ceremony with all appropriate ritual", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["ritual", "solemnization"], "instruction": "\"the celebration of marriage\" What is the definition of \"celebration\"?"} {"term": "uncertain", "pos": "a", "context": "uncertain of his convictions", "definition": "lacking or indicating lack of confidence or assurance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"uncertain of his convictions\" What is the definition of \"uncertain\"?"} {"term": "uncertain", "pos": "a", "context": "an uncertain future", "definition": "not established beyond doubt", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an uncertain future\" What is the definition of \"uncertain\"?"} {"term": "uncertain", "pos": "a", "context": "an uncertain future", "definition": "still undecided or unknown", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an uncertain future\" What is the definition of \"uncertain\"?"} {"term": "uncertain", "pos": "a", "context": "everything is uncertain about the army", "definition": "not certain to occur", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"everything is uncertain about the army\" What is the definition of \"uncertain\"?"} {"term": "uncertain", "pos": "a", "context": "everything is uncertain about the army", "definition": "not inevitable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"everything is uncertain about the army\" What is the definition of \"uncertain\"?"} {"term": "uncertain", "pos": "s", "context": "an uncertain recollection of events", "definition": "not consistent or dependable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an uncertain recollection of events\" What is the definition of \"uncertain\"?"} {"term": "uncertain", "pos": "s", "context": "she spoke in no uncertain terms", "definition": "ambiguous especially in the negative", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she spoke in no uncertain terms\" What is the definition of \"uncertain\"?"} {"term": "uncertain", "pos": "s", "context": "the weather is uncertain", "definition": "subject to change", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["changeable", ""], "instruction": "\"the weather is uncertain\" What is the definition of \"uncertain\"?"} {"term": "slippy", "pos": "a", "context": "the streets are still slippy from the rain", "definition": "causing or tending to cause things to slip or slide", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["slippery", ""], "instruction": "\"the streets are still slippy from the rain\" What is the definition of \"slippy\"?"} {"term": "imitative", "pos": "a", "context": "acting is an imitative art", "definition": "marked by or given to imitation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"acting is an imitative art\" What is the definition of \"imitative\"?"} {"term": "imitative", "pos": "a", "context": "onomatopoeic words are imitative of noises", "definition": "formed in imitation of a natural sound", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"onomatopoeic words are imitative of noises\" What is the definition of \"imitative\"?"} {"term": "vacuous", "pos": "s", "context": "a vacuous space", "definition": "devoid of matter", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a vacuous space\" What is the definition of \"vacuous\"?"} {"term": "vacuous", "pos": "s", "context": "vacuous comments", "definition": "devoid of significance or point", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"vacuous comments\" What is the definition of \"vacuous\"?"} {"term": "description", "pos": "n", "context": "every description of book was there", "definition": "sort or variety", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"every description of book was there\" What is the definition of \"description\"?"} {"term": "mechanics", "pos": "n", "context": "the mechanics of prose style", "definition": "the technical aspects of doing something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["performance", "mechanism", "execution"], "instruction": "\"the mechanics of prose style\" What is the definition of \"mechanics\"?"} {"term": "mechanic", "pos": "s", "context": "from blank to blank a threadless way I pushed mechanic feet \" - Emily Dickenson", "definition": "resembling the action of a machine", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"from blank to blank a threadless way I pushed mechanic feet \" - Emily Dickenson\" What is the definition of \"mechanic\"?"} {"term": "effervescent", "pos": "s", "context": "his fertile effervescent mind", "definition": "marked by high spirits or excitement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his fertile effervescent mind\" What is the definition of \"effervescent\"?"} {"term": "menace", "pos": "n", "context": "he spoke with desperate menace", "definition": "a threat or the act of threatening", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he spoke with desperate menace\" What is the definition of \"menace\"?"} {"term": "parenthetically", "pos": "r", "context": "he added parenthetically that he would not attend the wedding ceremony", "definition": "in a parenthetical manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he added parenthetically that he would not attend the wedding ceremony\" What is the definition of \"parenthetically\"?"} {"term": "vainly", "pos": "r", "context": "the city fathers tried vainly to find a solution", "definition": "to no avail", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the city fathers tried vainly to find a solution\" What is the definition of \"vainly\"?"} {"term": "uncork", "pos": "v", "context": "uncork his anger", "definition": "to release", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"uncork his anger\" What is the definition of \"uncork\"?"} {"term": "uncork", "pos": "v", "context": "uncork the French wine", "definition": "to draw the cork from bottles", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"uncork the French wine\" What is the definition of \"uncork\"?"} {"term": "converge", "pos": "v", "context": "The lines converge at this point", "definition": "to be adjacent or come together", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["breast", "meet", "converging", "breasted", "meeting"], "instruction": "\"The lines converge at this point\" What is the definition of \"converge\"?"} {"term": "positivist", "pos": "a", "context": "positivist thinkers", "definition": "of or relating to positivism", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["positive", ""], "instruction": "\"positivist thinkers\" What is the definition of \"positivist\"?"} {"term": "waterless", "pos": "s", "context": "a waterless well", "definition": "lacking sufficient water or rainfall", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a waterless well\" What is the definition of \"waterless\"?"} {"term": "subdued", "pos": "s", "context": "children were subdued and silent", "definition": "quieted and brought under control", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"children were subdued and silent\" What is the definition of \"subdued\"?"} {"term": "subdued", "pos": "s", "context": "a subdued whisper", "definition": "in a softened tone", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a subdued whisper\" What is the definition of \"subdued\"?"} {"term": "display", "pos": "n", "context": "made a display of strength", "definition": "something intended to communicate a particular impression", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["show", "pomp"], "instruction": "\"made a display of strength\" What is the definition of \"display\"?"} {"term": "display", "pos": "v", "context": "National leaders will have to display the highest skills of statesmanship", "definition": "to to show , make visible or apparent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["exhibit", "expose", "model", "flaunt", "modeling", "gibbet", "pose", "brandish", "produce", "show", "posture", "sit", "flash"], "instruction": "\"National leaders will have to display the highest skills of statesmanship\" What is the definition of \"display\"?"} {"term": "eagerness", "pos": "n", "context": "they showed no eagerness to spread the gospel", "definition": "prompt willingness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they showed no eagerness to spread the gospel\" What is the definition of \"eagerness\"?"} {"term": "abominably", "pos": "r", "context": "I do n't know anyone who could have behaved so abominably", "definition": "in an offensive and hateful manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I do n't know anyone who could have behaved so abominably\" What is the definition of \"abominably\"?"} {"term": "lanky", "pos": "s", "context": "a lanky kid transformed almost overnight into a handsome young man", "definition": "tall and thin and having long slender limbs", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a lanky kid transformed almost overnight into a handsome young man\" What is the definition of \"lanky\"?"} {"term": "physical", "pos": "a", "context": "physical exercise", "definition": "involving the body as distinguished from the mind or spirit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"physical exercise\" What is the definition of \"physical\"?"} {"term": "physical", "pos": "a", "context": "physical sciences", "definition": "relating to the sciences dealing with matter and energy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"physical sciences\" What is the definition of \"physical\"?"} {"term": "physical", "pos": "a", "context": "physical sciences", "definition": "especially physics", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"physical sciences\" What is the definition of \"physical\"?"} {"term": "physical", "pos": "s", "context": "a physical manifestation", "definition": "having substance or material existence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a physical manifestation\" What is the definition of \"physical\"?"} {"term": "physical", "pos": "s", "context": "a physical manifestation", "definition": "perceptible to the senses", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a physical manifestation\" What is the definition of \"physical\"?"} {"term": "physical", "pos": "s", "context": "a reflex response to physical stimuli", "definition": "according with material things or natural laws other than those peculiar to living matter", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a reflex response to physical stimuli\" What is the definition of \"physical\"?"} {"term": "physical", "pos": "s", "context": "a very physical dance performance", "definition": "characterized by energetic bodily activity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a very physical dance performance\" What is the definition of \"physical\"?"} {"term": "namer", "pos": "n", "context": "the owner is usually the namer of a boat", "definition": "a person who gives a name or names", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the owner is usually the namer of a boat\" What is the definition of \"namer\"?"} {"term": "place", "pos": "n", "context": "he has a special place in my thoughts", "definition": "an abstract mental location", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he has a special place in my thoughts\" What is the definition of \"place\"?"} {"term": "place", "pos": "n", "context": "He comes from a place near Chicago", "definition": "a general vicinity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"He comes from a place near Chicago\" What is the definition of \"place\"?"} {"term": "place", "pos": "v", "context": "place a phone call", "definition": "to to arrange for", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"place a phone call\" What is the definition of \"place\"?"} {"term": "theme", "pos": "n", "context": "it was the usual ` boy gets girl ' theme", "definition": "a unifying idea that is a recurrent element in literary or artistic work", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["idea", "thought", "motif"], "instruction": "\"it was the usual ` boy gets girl ' theme\" What is the definition of \"theme\"?"} {"term": "theme", "pos": "n", "context": "the theme is announced in the first measures", "definition": "melodic subject of a musical composition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["motif", "air", "statement", "melody", "strain", "tune", "variation", "idea", "line", "motive"], "instruction": "\"the theme is announced in the first measures\" What is the definition of \"theme\"?"} {"term": "theme", "pos": "n", "context": "his letters were always on the theme of love", "definition": "the subject matter of a conversation or discussion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["keynote", "question", "precedent", "subject", "topic", "substance"], "instruction": "\"his letters were always on the theme of love\" What is the definition of \"theme\"?"} {"term": "uncertainty", "pos": "n", "context": "the uncertainty of the outcome", "definition": "being unsettled or in doubt or dependent on chance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the uncertainty of the outcome\" What is the definition of \"uncertainty\"?"} {"term": "fundamental", "pos": "s", "context": "the fundamental laws of the universe", "definition": "being or involving basic facts or principles", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the fundamental laws of the universe\" What is the definition of \"fundamental\"?"} {"term": "fundamental", "pos": "s", "context": "the fundamental revolution in human values that has occurred", "definition": "far-reaching and thoroughgoing in effect especially on the nature of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the fundamental revolution in human values that has occurred\" What is the definition of \"fundamental\"?"} {"term": "fundamental", "pos": "s", "context": "an example that was fundamental to the argument", "definition": "serving as an essential component", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an example that was fundamental to the argument\" What is the definition of \"fundamental\"?"} {"term": "vehicular", "pos": "a", "context": "vehicular traffic", "definition": "of or relating to or intended for motor vehicles", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"vehicular traffic\" What is the definition of \"vehicular\"?"} {"term": "dander", "pos": "n", "context": "having one 's hackles or dander up", "definition": "a feeling of anger and animosity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"having one 's hackles or dander up\" What is the definition of \"dander\"?"} {"term": "profane", "pos": "v", "context": "profane the name of God", "definition": "to violate the sacred character of a place or language", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["attack", "desecrate", "violate", "outrage", "assail", "assault"], "instruction": "\"profane the name of God\" What is the definition of \"profane\"?"} {"term": "profane", "pos": "s", "context": "profane words", "definition": "characterized by profanity or cursing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"profane words\" What is the definition of \"profane\"?"} {"term": "profane", "pos": "s", "context": "profane utterances against the Church", "definition": "grossly irreverent toward what is held to be sacred", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"profane utterances against the Church\" What is the definition of \"profane\"?"} {"term": "profane", "pos": "a", "context": "sacred and profane music", "definition": "not concerned with or devoted to religion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sacred and profane music\" What is the definition of \"profane\"?"} {"term": "strident", "pos": "s", "context": "strident demands", "definition": "being sharply insistent on being heard", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"strident demands\" What is the definition of \"strident\"?"} {"term": "strident", "pos": "s", "context": "strident demands", "definition": "conspicuously and offensively loud", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"strident demands\" What is the definition of \"strident\"?"} {"term": "strident", "pos": "s", "context": "strident demands", "definition": "given to vehement outcry", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"strident demands\" What is the definition of \"strident\"?"} {"term": "observe", "pos": "v", "context": "Please observe the reaction of these two chemicals", "definition": "to watch attentively", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Please observe the reaction of these two chemicals\" What is the definition of \"observe\"?"} {"term": "affable", "pos": "s", "context": "an affable smile", "definition": "diffusing warmth and friendliness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["amiable", "", "cordial", "genial"], "instruction": "\"an affable smile\" What is the definition of \"affable\"?"} {"term": "pursuant", "pos": "s", "context": "pursuant to our agreement", "definition": "in conformance to or agreement with", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pursuant to our agreement\" What is the definition of \"pursuant\"?"} {"term": "articulately", "pos": "r", "context": "he argued articulately for his plan", "definition": "in an articulate manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he argued articulately for his plan\" What is the definition of \"articulately\"?"} {"term": "hesitation", "pos": "n", "context": "there was a hesitation in his speech", "definition": "the act of pausing uncertainly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["waver", "faltering", "pause", "falter"], "instruction": "\"there was a hesitation in his speech\" What is the definition of \"hesitation\"?"} {"term": "hesitation", "pos": "n", "context": "after some hesitation he agreed", "definition": "a certain degree of unwillingness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["hesitancy", "indisposition", "disinclination", "sloth", "reluctance"], "instruction": "\"after some hesitation he agreed\" What is the definition of \"hesitation\"?"} {"term": "destructive", "pos": "a", "context": "a policy that is destructive to the economy", "definition": "causing destruction or much damage", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a policy that is destructive to the economy\" What is the definition of \"destructive\"?"} {"term": "wonted", "pos": "s", "context": "with her wonted candor", "definition": "commonly used or practiced", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["habitual", "", "accustomed"], "instruction": "\"with her wonted candor\" What is the definition of \"wonted\"?"} {"term": "wonted", "pos": "s", "context": "with her wonted candor", "definition": "usual", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["habitual", "", "accustomed"], "instruction": "\"with her wonted candor\" What is the definition of \"wonted\"?"} {"term": "juncture", "pos": "n", "context": "at that juncture he had no idea what to do", "definition": "a crisis situation or point in time when a critical decision must be made", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at that juncture he had no idea what to do\" What is the definition of \"juncture\"?"} {"term": "stupendous", "pos": "s", "context": "a stupendous field of grass", "definition": "so great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a stupendous field of grass\" What is the definition of \"stupendous\"?"} {"term": "receptivity", "pos": "n", "context": "their receptivity to the proposal", "definition": "willingness or readiness to receive especially impressions or ideas", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their receptivity to the proposal\" What is the definition of \"receptivity\"?"} {"term": "lenten", "pos": "a", "context": "lenten food", "definition": "of or relating to or suitable for lent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lenten food\" What is the definition of \"lenten\"?"} {"term": "repeatedly", "pos": "r", "context": "it must be washed repeatedly", "definition": "several time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it must be washed repeatedly\" What is the definition of \"repeatedly\"?"} {"term": "gulp", "pos": "n", "context": "he finished it at a single gulp", "definition": "a large and hurried swallow", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["swig", "swallow", "draft", "drink"], "instruction": "\"he finished it at a single gulp\" What is the definition of \"gulp\"?"} {"term": "contorted", "pos": "s", "context": "his mad contorted smile", "definition": "twisted especially as in pain or struggle", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his mad contorted smile\" What is the definition of \"contorted\"?"} {"term": "cornered", "pos": "s", "context": "she had me cornered between the porch and her car", "definition": "forced to turn and face attackers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she had me cornered between the porch and her car\" What is the definition of \"cornered\"?"} {"term": "evidence", "pos": "n", "context": "the evidence that smoking causes lung cancer is very compelling", "definition": "your basis for belief or disbelief", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the evidence that smoking causes lung cancer is very compelling\" What is the definition of \"evidence\"?"} {"term": "evidence", "pos": "n", "context": "the evidence that smoking causes lung cancer is very compelling", "definition": "knowledge on which to base belief", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the evidence that smoking causes lung cancer is very compelling\" What is the definition of \"evidence\"?"} {"term": "evidence", "pos": "n", "context": "his trembling was evidence of his fear", "definition": "an indication that makes something evident", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his trembling was evidence of his fear\" What is the definition of \"evidence\"?"} {"term": "woolen", "pos": "a", "context": "a woolen sweater", "definition": "of or related to or made of wool", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a woolen sweater\" What is the definition of \"woolen\"?"} {"term": "picaresque", "pos": "s", "context": "picaresque novels", "definition": "involving clever rogues or adventurers especially as in a type of fiction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"picaresque novels\" What is the definition of \"picaresque\"?"} {"term": "quaintly", "pos": "r", "context": "the old lady expressed herself somewhat quaintly", "definition": "in a strange but not unpleasant manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the old lady expressed herself somewhat quaintly\" What is the definition of \"quaintly\"?"} {"term": "quaintly", "pos": "r", "context": "the room was quaintly furnished", "definition": "in a quaint old-fashioned manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the room was quaintly furnished\" What is the definition of \"quaintly\"?"} {"term": "herd", "pos": "n", "context": "the children resembled a fairy herd", "definition": "a crowd especially of ordinary or undistinguished persons or things", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["ruck", "concourse", "multitude"], "instruction": "\"the children resembled a fairy herd\" What is the definition of \"herd\"?"} {"term": "unwieldy", "pos": "a", "context": "we set about towing the unwieldy structure into the shelter", "definition": "difficult to use or handle or manage because of size or weight or shape", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we set about towing the unwieldy structure into the shelter\" What is the definition of \"unwieldy\"?"} {"term": "unwieldy", "pos": "s", "context": "unwieldy rules and regulations", "definition": "difficult to work or manipulate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unwieldy rules and regulations\" What is the definition of \"unwieldy\"?"} {"term": "unwieldy", "pos": "s", "context": "heaved his unwieldy figure out of his chair", "definition": "lacking grace in movement or posture", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["gawky", "", "clumsy", "ungainly"], "instruction": "\"heaved his unwieldy figure out of his chair\" What is the definition of \"unwieldy\"?"} {"term": "ruthless", "pos": "s", "context": "an act of ruthless ferocity", "definition": "without mercy or pity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an act of ruthless ferocity\" What is the definition of \"ruthless\"?"} {"term": "ostracize", "pos": "v", "context": "Ever since I spoke up , my colleagues ostracize me", "definition": "to avoid speaking to or dealing with", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Ever since I spoke up , my colleagues ostracize me\" What is the definition of \"ostracize\"?"} {"term": "proportionately", "pos": "r", "context": "your salary will rise proportionately to your workload", "definition": "to a proportionate degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"your salary will rise proportionately to your workload\" What is the definition of \"proportionately\"?"} {"term": "proportionately", "pos": "r", "context": "the height of this wall must be reduced proportionately to give the room pleasant dimensions", "definition": "in proportion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the height of this wall must be reduced proportionately to give the room pleasant dimensions\" What is the definition of \"proportionately\"?"} {"term": "upcountry", "pos": "s", "context": "upcountry districts", "definition": "of or coming from the middle of a region or country", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["interior", "", "midland"], "instruction": "\"upcountry districts\" What is the definition of \"upcountry\"?"} {"term": "anywhere", "pos": "r", "context": "you can find this food anywhere", "definition": "at or in or to any place", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you can find this food anywhere\" What is the definition of \"anywhere\"?"} {"term": "incompleteness", "pos": "n", "context": "the study was criticized for incompleteness of data but it stimulated further research", "definition": "the state of being crude and incomplete and imperfect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the study was criticized for incompleteness of data but it stimulated further research\" What is the definition of \"incompleteness\"?"} {"term": "price", "pos": "n", "context": "the price of gasoline", "definition": "the amount of money needed to purchase something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["valuation", "damage", "cost"], "instruction": "\"the price of gasoline\" What is the definition of \"price\"?"} {"term": "price", "pos": "n", "context": "the price of success is hard work", "definition": "value measured by what must be given or done or undergone to obtain something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["value", "toll", "cost"], "instruction": "\"the price of success is hard work\" What is the definition of \"price\"?"} {"term": "price", "pos": "n", "context": "her price is far above rubies", "definition": "the high value or worth of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her price is far above rubies\" What is the definition of \"price\"?"} {"term": "procedure", "pos": "n", "context": "the procedure of obtaining a driver 's license", "definition": "a particular course of action intended to achieve a result", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["process", "stiffening", "condition", "indirection", "formula", "calculation", "activity", "computation"], "instruction": "\"the procedure of obtaining a driver 's license\" What is the definition of \"procedure\"?"} {"term": "vascular", "pos": "a", "context": "vascular constriction", "definition": "of or relating to or having vessels that conduct and circulate fluids", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"vascular constriction\" What is the definition of \"vascular\"?"} {"term": "analogous", "pos": "s", "context": "brains and computers are often considered analogous", "definition": "similar or equivalent in some respects though otherwise dissimilar", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"brains and computers are often considered analogous\" What is the definition of \"analogous\"?"} {"term": "analogous", "pos": "a", "context": "the wings of a bee and those of a hummingbird are analogous", "definition": "corresponding in function but not in evolutionary origin", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the wings of a bee and those of a hummingbird are analogous\" What is the definition of \"analogous\"?"} {"term": "shoveler", "pos": "n", "context": "a shoveler of coal", "definition": "a worker who shovels", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a shoveler of coal\" What is the definition of \"shoveler\"?"} {"term": "sizable", "pos": "s", "context": "a sizable fortune", "definition": "fairly large", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sizable fortune\" What is the definition of \"sizable\"?"} {"term": "sizable", "pos": "s", "context": "a sizable fortune", "definition": "large in amount or extent or degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["tidy", "", "goodish", "hefty"], "instruction": "\"a sizable fortune\" What is the definition of \"sizable\"?"} {"term": "undercut", "pos": "v", "context": "undercut a vein of ore", "definition": "to cut away the underpart of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"undercut a vein of ore\" What is the definition of \"undercut\"?"} {"term": "apologetic", "pos": "a", "context": "an apologetic note", "definition": "offering or expressing apology", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an apologetic note\" What is the definition of \"apologetic\"?"} {"term": "cozy", "pos": "s", "context": "a cozy nook near the fire", "definition": "enjoying or affording comforting warmth and shelter especially in a small space", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a cozy nook near the fire\" What is the definition of \"cozy\"?"} {"term": "cozy", "pos": "s", "context": "had a cozy chat", "definition": "having or fostering a warm or friendly and informal atmosphere", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"had a cozy chat\" What is the definition of \"cozy\"?"} {"term": "cozy", "pos": "s", "context": "a cozy arrangement with the police", "definition": "suggesting connivance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a cozy arrangement with the police\" What is the definition of \"cozy\"?"} {"term": "westerly", "pos": "r", "context": "the wind blew westerly", "definition": "from the west", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the wind blew westerly\" What is the definition of \"westerly\"?"} {"term": "stately", "pos": "s", "context": "stately columns", "definition": "impressive in appearance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stately columns\" What is the definition of \"stately\"?"} {"term": "affect", "pos": "v", "context": "Will the new rules affect me ?", "definition": "to have an effect upon", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["color", "impacted", "hit", "modify", "inconvenience", "treat", "redound", "bother", "expose", "scupper", "disobliging", "process", "affecting", "trouble", "affected", "endanger", "strike", "change", "subject", "exciting", "alter", "touch", "influence", "peril", "tinge", "impact", "queer", "distort", "coloring", "stimulate"], "instruction": "\"Will the new rules affect me ?\" What is the definition of \"affect\"?"} {"term": "vital", "pos": "s", "context": "vital organs", "definition": "performing an essential function in the living body", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"vital organs\" What is the definition of \"vital\"?"} {"term": "vital", "pos": "s", "context": "vital signs", "definition": "manifesting or characteristic of life", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"vital signs\" What is the definition of \"vital\"?"} {"term": "vital", "pos": "s", "context": "vital for a healthy society", "definition": "urgently needed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"vital for a healthy society\" What is the definition of \"vital\"?"} {"term": "vital", "pos": "s", "context": "vital for a healthy society", "definition": "absolutely necessary", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"vital for a healthy society\" What is the definition of \"vital\"?"} {"term": "dimorphic", "pos": "a", "context": "dimorphic crystals", "definition": "occurring or existing in two different forms", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dimorphic crystals\" What is the definition of \"dimorphic\"?"} {"term": "chargeable", "pos": "s", "context": "the suspect was chargeable", "definition": "liable to be accused , or cause for such liability", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the suspect was chargeable\" What is the definition of \"chargeable\"?"} {"term": "reversed", "pos": "v", "context": "The trend was reversed", "definition": "to change to the contrary", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["tack", "correct", "transfigure", "metamorphose", "exchange", "regress", "flip", "interchange", "right", "turn", "undo", "return", "falsify", "switch", "change", "transpose", "desecrate", "alternate", "revert", "transmogrify"], "instruction": "\"The trend was reversed\" What is the definition of \"reversed\"?"} {"term": "reversed", "pos": "s", "context": "the reversed collar looked as good as new", "definition": "turned inside out and resewn", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the reversed collar looked as good as new\" What is the definition of \"reversed\"?"} {"term": "conciliatory", "pos": "a", "context": "a conciliatory visit", "definition": "intended to placate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a conciliatory visit\" What is the definition of \"conciliatory\"?"} {"term": "tedious", "pos": "s", "context": "tedious days on the train", "definition": "so lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tedious days on the train\" What is the definition of \"tedious\"?"} {"term": "orderly", "pos": "n", "context": "the orderly laid out the general 's uniform", "definition": "a soldier who serves as an attendant to a superior officer", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the orderly laid out the general 's uniform\" What is the definition of \"orderly\"?"} {"term": "orderly", "pos": "a", "context": "an orderly crowd confronted the president", "definition": "devoid of violence or disruption", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an orderly crowd confronted the president\" What is the definition of \"orderly\"?"} {"term": "hemoglobin", "pos": "n", "context": "fish have simpler hemoglobin than mammals", "definition": "a hemoprotein composed of globin and heme that gives red blood cells their characteristic color", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fish have simpler hemoglobin than mammals\" What is the definition of \"hemoglobin\"?"} {"term": "hemoglobin", "pos": "n", "context": "fish have simpler hemoglobin than mammals", "definition": "function primarily to transport oxygen from the lungs to the body tissues", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fish have simpler hemoglobin than mammals\" What is the definition of \"hemoglobin\"?"} {"term": "flaunt", "pos": "n", "context": "his behavior was an outrageous flaunt", "definition": "the act of displaying something ostentatiously", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his behavior was an outrageous flaunt\" What is the definition of \"flaunt\"?"} {"term": "outdoor", "pos": "a", "context": "outdoor clothes", "definition": "located , suited for , or taking place in the open air", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"outdoor clothes\" What is the definition of \"outdoor\"?"} {"term": "mangy", "pos": "s", "context": "a mangy carpet", "definition": "having many worn or threadbare spots in the nap", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a mangy carpet\" What is the definition of \"mangy\"?"} {"term": "yellow", "pos": "s", "context": "the little yellow stain of treason \" - M.W.Straight", "definition": "cowardly or treacherous", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the little yellow stain of treason \" - M.W.Straight\" What is the definition of \"yellow\"?"} {"term": "drastic", "pos": "s", "context": "drastic measures", "definition": "forceful and extreme and rigorous", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"drastic measures\" What is the definition of \"drastic\"?"} {"term": "nominative", "pos": "a", "context": "nominative noun endings", "definition": "serving as or indicating the subject of a verb and words identified with the subject of a copular verb", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nominative noun endings\" What is the definition of \"nominative\"?"} {"term": "nominative", "pos": "s", "context": "nominative shares of stock", "definition": "named", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nominative shares of stock\" What is the definition of \"nominative\"?"} {"term": "nominative", "pos": "s", "context": "nominative shares of stock", "definition": "bearing the name of a specific person", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nominative shares of stock\" What is the definition of \"nominative\"?"} {"term": "inflected", "pos": "a", "context": "his southern Yorkshire voice was less inflected and singing than her northern one", "definition": "altered in tone or pitch", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his southern Yorkshire voice was less inflected and singing than her northern one\" What is the definition of \"inflected\"?"} {"term": "inflected", "pos": "a", "context": "` boys ' and ` swam ' are inflected English words", "definition": "showing alteration in form especially by the addition of affixes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"` boys ' and ` swam ' are inflected English words\" What is the definition of \"inflected\"?"} {"term": "minority", "pos": "n", "context": "when the vote was taken they were in the minority", "definition": "being or relating to the smaller in number of two parts", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when the vote was taken they were in the minority\" What is the definition of \"minority\"?"} {"term": "admonition", "pos": "n", "context": "a letter of admonition about the dangers of immorality", "definition": "cautionary advice about something imminent especially imminent danger or other unpleasantness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a letter of admonition about the dangers of immorality\" What is the definition of \"admonition\"?"} {"term": "flighted", "pos": "s", "context": "arrows flighted argent", "definition": "having feathers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"arrows flighted argent\" What is the definition of \"flighted\"?"} {"term": "bridgehead", "pos": "n", "context": "an attempt to secure a bridgehead behind enemy lines", "definition": "an area in hostile territory that has been captured and is held awaiting further troops and supplies", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an attempt to secure a bridgehead behind enemy lines\" What is the definition of \"bridgehead\"?"} {"term": "gratis", "pos": "r", "context": "I 'll give you this gratis", "definition": "without payment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I 'll give you this gratis\" What is the definition of \"gratis\"?"} {"term": "castration", "pos": "n", "context": "bilateral castration results in sterilization", "definition": "surgical removal of the testes or ovaries usually to inhibit hormone secretion in cases of breast cancer in women or prostate cancer in men", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bilateral castration results in sterilization\" What is the definition of \"castration\"?"} {"term": "wan", "pos": "s", "context": "a wan smile", "definition": "lacking vitality as from weariness or illness or unhappiness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a wan smile\" What is the definition of \"wan\"?"} {"term": "wan", "pos": "s", "context": "the wan light of dawn", "definition": "lacking in intensity or brightness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the wan light of dawn\" What is the definition of \"wan\"?"} {"term": "wan", "pos": "s", "context": "the wan light of dawn", "definition": "dim or feeble", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the wan light of dawn\" What is the definition of \"wan\"?"} {"term": "wan", "pos": "s", "context": "her wan face suddenly flushed", "definition": "abnormally deficient in color as suggesting physical or emotional distress", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her wan face suddenly flushed\" What is the definition of \"wan\"?"} {"term": "exact", "pos": "a", "context": "an exact mind", "definition": "marked by strict and particular and complete accordance with fact", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an exact mind\" What is the definition of \"exact\"?"} {"term": "sectarianism", "pos": "n", "context": "he condemned religious sectarianism", "definition": "a narrow-minded adherence to a particular sect or party or denomination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he condemned religious sectarianism\" What is the definition of \"sectarianism\"?"} {"term": "innate", "pos": "s", "context": "an innate talent", "definition": "being talented through inherited qualities", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an innate talent\" What is the definition of \"innate\"?"} {"term": "individual", "pos": "a", "context": "individual drops of rain", "definition": "being or characteristic of a single thing or person", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"individual drops of rain\" What is the definition of \"individual\"?"} {"term": "individual", "pos": "s", "context": "mark the individual pages", "definition": "separate and distinct from others of the same kind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mark the individual pages\" What is the definition of \"individual\"?"} {"term": "individual", "pos": "s", "context": "an individual serving", "definition": "characteristic of or meant for a single person or thing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an individual serving\" What is the definition of \"individual\"?"} {"term": "individual", "pos": "s", "context": "we all have individual cars", "definition": "concerning one person exclusively", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we all have individual cars\" What is the definition of \"individual\"?"} {"term": "lodging", "pos": "v", "context": "Where are you lodging in Paris ?", "definition": "to be a lodger", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["dwell", "populate", "live", "lodge"], "instruction": "\"Where are you lodging in Paris ?\" What is the definition of \"lodging\"?"} {"term": "lodging", "pos": "v", "context": "Where are you lodging in Paris ?", "definition": "to stay temporarily", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["dwell", "populate", "live", "lodge"], "instruction": "\"Where are you lodging in Paris ?\" What is the definition of \"lodging\"?"} {"term": "incite", "pos": "v", "context": "incite a riot", "definition": "to provoke or stir up", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["provoke", "raise", "provoking", "stimulate", "instigate"], "instruction": "\"incite a riot\" What is the definition of \"incite\"?"} {"term": "unfair", "pos": "a", "context": "used unfair methods", "definition": "not fair", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"used unfair methods\" What is the definition of \"unfair\"?"} {"term": "unfair", "pos": "a", "context": "used unfair methods", "definition": "marked by injustice or partiality or deception", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"used unfair methods\" What is the definition of \"unfair\"?"} {"term": "pound", "pos": "v", "context": "The locks pound the water of the canal", "definition": "to partition off into compartments", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The locks pound the water of the canal\" What is the definition of \"pound\"?"} {"term": "pound", "pos": "v", "context": "pound the roots with a heavy flat stone", "definition": "to break down and crush by beating , as with a pestle", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pound the roots with a heavy flat stone\" What is the definition of \"pound\"?"} {"term": "disk", "pos": "n", "context": "the moon 's disk hung in a cloudless sky", "definition": "something with a round shape resembling a flat circular plate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["disc", "saucer", "point", "dot"], "instruction": "\"the moon 's disk hung in a cloudless sky\" What is the definition of \"disk\"?"} {"term": "roaring", "pos": "s", "context": "doing a roaring trade", "definition": "very lively and profitable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"doing a roaring trade\" What is the definition of \"roaring\"?"} {"term": "roaring", "pos": "r", "context": "roaring drunk", "definition": "extremely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"roaring drunk\" What is the definition of \"roaring\"?"} {"term": "sporting", "pos": "v", "context": "she was sporting a new hat", "definition": "to wear or display in an ostentatious or proud manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["boast", "feature", "sport"], "instruction": "\"she was sporting a new hat\" What is the definition of \"sporting\"?"} {"term": "sporting", "pos": "s", "context": "a sporting chance", "definition": "involving risk or willingness to take a risk", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sporting chance\" What is the definition of \"sporting\"?"} {"term": "sporting", "pos": "s", "context": "a sporting solution of the disagreement", "definition": "exhibiting or calling for sportsmanship or fair play", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sporting solution of the disagreement\" What is the definition of \"sporting\"?"} {"term": "sporting", "pos": "s", "context": "sporting gents and their ladies", "definition": "preoccupied with the pursuit of pleasure and especially games of chance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sporting gents and their ladies\" What is the definition of \"sporting\"?"} {"term": "remit", "pos": "n", "context": "they set up a group with a remit to suggest ways for strengthening family life", "definition": "the topic that a person , committee , or piece of research is expected to deal with or has authority to deal with", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they set up a group with a remit to suggest ways for strengthening family life\" What is the definition of \"remit\"?"} {"term": "remit", "pos": "v", "context": "remit $ 25", "definition": "to send money in payment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"remit $ 25\" What is the definition of \"remit\"?"} {"term": "spiller", "pos": "n", "context": "a great hunter and spiller of blood", "definition": "an attacker who sheds or spills blood", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["shedder", "aggressor", "assaulter"], "instruction": "\"a great hunter and spiller of blood\" What is the definition of \"spiller\"?"} {"term": "caboodle", "pos": "n", "context": "she bought the whole caboodle", "definition": "any collection in its entirety", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["lot", "assemblage"], "instruction": "\"she bought the whole caboodle\" What is the definition of \"caboodle\"?"} {"term": "hilly", "pos": "s", "context": "hilly terrain", "definition": "having hills and crags", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hilly terrain\" What is the definition of \"hilly\"?"} {"term": "frizz", "pos": "n", "context": "her hair was in a frizz", "definition": "the condition of being formed into small tight curls", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her hair was in a frizz\" What is the definition of \"frizz\"?"} {"term": "feline", "pos": "a", "context": "feline fur", "definition": "of or relating to cats", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"feline fur\" What is the definition of \"feline\"?"} {"term": "fifth", "pos": "n", "context": "he was fifth out of several hundred runners", "definition": "position five in a countable series of things", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was fifth out of several hundred runners\" What is the definition of \"fifth\"?"} {"term": "artificial", "pos": "a", "context": "artificial flowers", "definition": "contrived by art rather than nature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"artificial flowers\" What is the definition of \"artificial\"?"} {"term": "artificial", "pos": "s", "context": "that artificial humility that her husband hated", "definition": "artificially formal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that artificial humility that her husband hated\" What is the definition of \"artificial\"?"} {"term": "recondite", "pos": "s", "context": "some recondite problem in historiography", "definition": "difficult to penetrate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some recondite problem in historiography\" What is the definition of \"recondite\"?"} {"term": "recondite", "pos": "s", "context": "some recondite problem in historiography", "definition": "incomprehensible to one of ordinary understanding or knowledge", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some recondite problem in historiography\" What is the definition of \"recondite\"?"} {"term": "homespun", "pos": "s", "context": "a sweater knitted of nubbly homespun yarns", "definition": "of textiles", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sweater knitted of nubbly homespun yarns\" What is the definition of \"homespun\"?"} {"term": "homespun", "pos": "s", "context": "a sweater knitted of nubbly homespun yarns", "definition": "having a rough surface", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sweater knitted of nubbly homespun yarns\" What is the definition of \"homespun\"?"} {"term": "homespun", "pos": "s", "context": "homespun linen", "definition": "made of cloth spun or woven in the home", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"homespun linen\" What is the definition of \"homespun\"?"} {"term": "homespun", "pos": "s", "context": "the air of homespun country boys", "definition": "characteristic of country life", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the air of homespun country boys\" What is the definition of \"homespun\"?"} {"term": "constitutional", "pos": "a", "context": "constitutional walk", "definition": "of benefit to or intended to benefit your physical makeup", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"constitutional walk\" What is the definition of \"constitutional\"?"} {"term": "constitutional", "pos": "a", "context": "the constitutional right of free speech", "definition": "sanctioned by or consistent with or operating under the law determining the fundamental political principles of a government", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the constitutional right of free speech\" What is the definition of \"constitutional\"?"} {"term": "constitutional", "pos": "s", "context": "a constitutional inability to tell the truth", "definition": "existing as an essential constituent or characteristic", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a constitutional inability to tell the truth\" What is the definition of \"constitutional\"?"} {"term": "recharge", "pos": "v", "context": "recharge a battery", "definition": "to charge anew", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"recharge a battery\" What is the definition of \"recharge\"?"} {"term": "abundance", "pos": "n", "context": "an age of abundance", "definition": "the property of a more than adequate quantity or supply", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an age of abundance\" What is the definition of \"abundance\"?"} {"term": "balsamic", "pos": "a", "context": "a balsamic fragrance", "definition": "of or relating to or containing balsam", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a balsamic fragrance\" What is the definition of \"balsamic\"?"} {"term": "cure", "pos": "v", "context": "cure meats", "definition": "to prepare by drying , salting , or chemical processing in order to preserve", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cure meats\" What is the definition of \"cure\"?"} {"term": "cure", "pos": "v", "context": "cure resin", "definition": "to make substances hard and improve their usability", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cure resin\" What is the definition of \"cure\"?"} {"term": "cure", "pos": "v", "context": "the apricots cure in the sun", "definition": "to be or become preserved", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the apricots cure in the sun\" What is the definition of \"cure\"?"} {"term": "loaf", "pos": "n", "context": "meat loaf", "definition": "a quantity of food other than bread formed in a particular shape", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"meat loaf\" What is the definition of \"loaf\"?"} {"term": "entirety", "pos": "n", "context": "he read the article in its entirety", "definition": "the state of being total and complete", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["completeness", "totality"], "instruction": "\"he read the article in its entirety\" What is the definition of \"entirety\"?"} {"term": "romantic", "pos": "s", "context": "a romantic adventure", "definition": "expressive of or exciting sexual love or romance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["amorous", "", "amatory"], "instruction": "\"a romantic adventure\" What is the definition of \"romantic\"?"} {"term": "romantic", "pos": "s", "context": "a romantic disregard for money", "definition": "not sensible about practical matters", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a romantic disregard for money\" What is the definition of \"romantic\"?"} {"term": "romantic", "pos": "s", "context": "a romantic disregard for money", "definition": "idealistic and unrealistic", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a romantic disregard for money\" What is the definition of \"romantic\"?"} {"term": "irreversibly", "pos": "r", "context": "this old tradition is irreversibly disappearing", "definition": "in an irreversible manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this old tradition is irreversibly disappearing\" What is the definition of \"irreversibly\"?"} {"term": "catastrophic", "pos": "s", "context": "a catastrophic depression", "definition": "extremely harmful", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a catastrophic depression\" What is the definition of \"catastrophic\"?"} {"term": "catastrophic", "pos": "s", "context": "a catastrophic depression", "definition": "bringing physical or financial ruin", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a catastrophic depression\" What is the definition of \"catastrophic\"?"} {"term": "immorally", "pos": "r", "context": "he acted immorally when his own interests were at stake", "definition": "without regard for morality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he acted immorally when his own interests were at stake\" What is the definition of \"immorally\"?"} {"term": "valiant", "pos": "s", "context": "a valiant attempt to prevent the hijack", "definition": "having or showing valor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a valiant attempt to prevent the hijack\" What is the definition of \"valiant\"?"} {"term": "unemployed", "pos": "n", "context": "the long-term unemployed need assistance", "definition": "people who are involuntarily out of work considered as a group", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the long-term unemployed need assistance\" What is the definition of \"unemployed\"?"} {"term": "unemployed", "pos": "a", "context": "unemployed workers marched on the capital", "definition": "not engaged in a gainful occupation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unemployed workers marched on the capital\" What is the definition of \"unemployed\"?"} {"term": "tacit", "pos": "s", "context": "a tacit agreement", "definition": "implied by or inferred from actions or statements", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tacit agreement\" What is the definition of \"tacit\"?"} {"term": "unaffected", "pos": "a", "context": "entirely unaffected by each other 's writings", "definition": "undergoing no change when acted upon", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"entirely unaffected by each other 's writings\" What is the definition of \"unaffected\"?"} {"term": "unaffected", "pos": "a", "context": "an unaffected grace", "definition": "free of artificiality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unaffected grace\" What is the definition of \"unaffected\"?"} {"term": "unaffected", "pos": "a", "context": "an unaffected grace", "definition": "sincere and genuine", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unaffected grace\" What is the definition of \"unaffected\"?"} {"term": "bearing", "pos": "n", "context": "those issues have no bearing on our situation", "definition": "relevant relation or interconnection", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"those issues have no bearing on our situation\" What is the definition of \"bearing\"?"} {"term": "lay", "pos": "v", "context": "lay the books on the table", "definition": "to put in a horizontal position", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["repose", "inter", "set", "bury", "blow", "laying", "laid", "put", "lay", "pose", "place", "putting", "entomb", "rail", "setting"], "instruction": "\"lay the books on the table\" What is the definition of \"lay\"?"} {"term": "lay", "pos": "v", "context": "lay a fire", "definition": "to prepare or position for action or operation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["organize", "laying", "laid", "prepare"], "instruction": "\"lay a fire\" What is the definition of \"lay\"?"} {"term": "lay", "pos": "s", "context": "a lay opinion as to the cause of the disease", "definition": "not of or from a profession", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a lay opinion as to the cause of the disease\" What is the definition of \"lay\"?"} {"term": "lay", "pos": "s", "context": "the lay ministry", "definition": "characteristic of those who are not members of the clergy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the lay ministry\" What is the definition of \"lay\"?"} {"term": "binomial", "pos": "a", "context": "binomial expression", "definition": "of or relating to or consisting of two terms", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"binomial expression\" What is the definition of \"binomial\"?"} {"term": "binomial", "pos": "s", "context": "binomial nomenclature of bacteria", "definition": "having or characterized by two names , especially those of genus and species in taxonomies", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"binomial nomenclature of bacteria\" What is the definition of \"binomial\"?"} {"term": "obverse", "pos": "n", "context": "the obverse of this issue", "definition": "the more conspicuous of two alternatives or cases or sides", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the obverse of this issue\" What is the definition of \"obverse\"?"} {"term": "vocal", "pos": "a", "context": "vocal technique", "definition": "relating to or designed for or using the singing voice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"vocal technique\" What is the definition of \"vocal\"?"} {"term": "vocal", "pos": "a", "context": "vocal organs", "definition": "having or using the power to produce speech or sound", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"vocal organs\" What is the definition of \"vocal\"?"} {"term": "vocal", "pos": "s", "context": "a playground vocal with the shouts and laughter of children", "definition": "full of the sound of voices", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a playground vocal with the shouts and laughter of children\" What is the definition of \"vocal\"?"} {"term": "vocal", "pos": "s", "context": "a vocal assembly", "definition": "given to expressing yourself freely or insistently", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a vocal assembly\" What is the definition of \"vocal\"?"} {"term": "bridal", "pos": "a", "context": "bridal procession", "definition": "of or relating to a wedding", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bridal procession\" What is the definition of \"bridal\"?"} {"term": "bridal", "pos": "a", "context": "bridal gown", "definition": "of or pertaining to a bride", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bridal gown\" What is the definition of \"bridal\"?"} {"term": "mortifying", "pos": "s", "context": "it was mortifying to know he had heard every word", "definition": "causing to feel shame or chagrin or vexation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was mortifying to know he had heard every word\" What is the definition of \"mortifying\"?"} {"term": "experimenter", "pos": "n", "context": "she was an experimenter in new forms of poetry", "definition": "a person who enjoys testing innovative ideas", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was an experimenter in new forms of poetry\" What is the definition of \"experimenter\"?"} {"term": "prominent", "pos": "s", "context": "a new theory is the most prominent feature of the book", "definition": "having a quality that thrusts itself into attention", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a new theory is the most prominent feature of the book\" What is the definition of \"prominent\"?"} {"term": "prominent", "pos": "s", "context": "a prominent citizen", "definition": "conspicuous in position or importance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a prominent citizen\" What is the definition of \"prominent\"?"} {"term": "therapeutic", "pos": "s", "context": "a therapeutic agent", "definition": "tending to cure or restore to health", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["curative", "", "alterative", "remedial"], "instruction": "\"a therapeutic agent\" What is the definition of \"therapeutic\"?"} {"term": "therapeutic", "pos": "a", "context": "therapeutic approach to criminality", "definition": "relating to or involved in therapy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"therapeutic approach to criminality\" What is the definition of \"therapeutic\"?"} {"term": "calamity", "pos": "n", "context": "the whole city was affected by the irremediable calamity", "definition": "an event resulting in great loss and misfortune", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["apocalypse", "tragedy", "misfortune", "catastrophe"], "instruction": "\"the whole city was affected by the irremediable calamity\" What is the definition of \"calamity\"?"} {"term": "livable", "pos": "a", "context": "livable conditions", "definition": "fit or suitable to live in or with", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"livable conditions\" What is the definition of \"livable\"?"} {"term": "found", "pos": "n", "context": "they worked for $ 30 and found", "definition": "food and lodging provided in addition to money", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they worked for $ 30 and found\" What is the definition of \"found\"?"} {"term": "found", "pos": "a", "context": "found art", "definition": "come upon unexpectedly or after searching", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"found art\" What is the definition of \"found\"?"} {"term": "dinner", "pos": "n", "context": "dinner will be at 8", "definition": "the main meal of the day served in the evening or at midday", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dinner will be at 8\" What is the definition of \"dinner\"?"} {"term": "object", "pos": "n", "context": "the object of the verb", "definition": "a constituent that is acted upon", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the object of the verb\" What is the definition of \"object\"?"} {"term": "object", "pos": "n", "context": "the object of my affection", "definition": "the focus of cognitions or feelings", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the object of my affection\" What is the definition of \"object\"?"} {"term": "interdenominational", "pos": "s", "context": "interdenominational cooperation between Methodists and Presbyterians", "definition": "occurring between or among or common to different churches or denominations", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"interdenominational cooperation between Methodists and Presbyterians\" What is the definition of \"interdenominational\"?"} {"term": "nondescript", "pos": "s", "context": "women dressed in nondescript clothes", "definition": "lacking distinct or individual characteristics", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"women dressed in nondescript clothes\" What is the definition of \"nondescript\"?"} {"term": "nondescript", "pos": "s", "context": "women dressed in nondescript clothes", "definition": "dull and uninteresting", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"women dressed in nondescript clothes\" What is the definition of \"nondescript\"?"} {"term": "hasty", "pos": "s", "context": "made a hasty exit", "definition": "excessively quick", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"made a hasty exit\" What is the definition of \"hasty\"?"} {"term": "hasty", "pos": "s", "context": "hasty marriage seldom proveth well \" - Shakespeare", "definition": "done with very great haste and without due deliberation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hasty marriage seldom proveth well \" - Shakespeare\" What is the definition of \"hasty\"?"} {"term": "convincingly", "pos": "r", "context": "he argued convincingly", "definition": "in a convincing manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he argued convincingly\" What is the definition of \"convincingly\"?"} {"term": "low", "pos": "n", "context": "a low moved in over night bringing sleet and snow", "definition": "often brings precipitation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a low moved in over night bringing sleet and snow\" What is the definition of \"low\"?"} {"term": "low", "pos": "a", "context": "low prices", "definition": "less than normal in degree or intensity or amount", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"low prices\" What is the definition of \"low\"?"} {"term": "low", "pos": "a", "context": "low ceilings", "definition": "literal meanings", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"low ceilings\" What is the definition of \"low\"?"} {"term": "low", "pos": "a", "context": "low ceilings", "definition": "being at or having a relatively small elevation or upward extension", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"low ceilings\" What is the definition of \"low\"?"} {"term": "low", "pos": "s", "context": "low comedy", "definition": "unrefined in character", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"low comedy\" What is the definition of \"low\"?"} {"term": "low", "pos": "s", "context": "a low stunt to pull", "definition": "of the most contemptible kind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a low stunt to pull\" What is the definition of \"low\"?"} {"term": "low", "pos": "r", "context": "the branches hung low", "definition": "near the ground", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the branches hung low\" What is the definition of \"low\"?"} {"term": "reclusive", "pos": "s", "context": "lived an unsocial reclusive life", "definition": "withdrawn from society", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lived an unsocial reclusive life\" What is the definition of \"reclusive\"?"} {"term": "reclusive", "pos": "s", "context": "lived an unsocial reclusive life", "definition": "seeking solitude", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lived an unsocial reclusive life\" What is the definition of \"reclusive\"?"} {"term": "reclusive", "pos": "s", "context": "sitting under the reclusive calm of a shade tree", "definition": "providing privacy or seclusion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sitting under the reclusive calm of a shade tree\" What is the definition of \"reclusive\"?"} {"term": "whet", "pos": "v", "context": "whet my appetite", "definition": "to make keen or more acute", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["stimulate", "exciting", "quicken", "quickening"], "instruction": "\"whet my appetite\" What is the definition of \"whet\"?"} {"term": "tissue", "pos": "v", "context": "tissue textiles", "definition": "to create a piece of cloth by interlacing strands of fabric , such as wool or cotton", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["braid", "lace", "weave", "brocade", "twill", "laced", "webbing", "netting", "lacing", "brocaded", "loom", "weaving", "plait"], "instruction": "\"tissue textiles\" What is the definition of \"tissue\"?"} {"term": "immense", "pos": "s", "context": "the Los Angeles aqueduct winds like an immense snake along the base of the mountains", "definition": "unusually great in size or amount or degree or especially extent or scope", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the Los Angeles aqueduct winds like an immense snake along the base of the mountains\" What is the definition of \"immense\"?"} {"term": "satanic", "pos": "s", "context": "satanic cruelty", "definition": "extremely evil or cruel", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["diabolic", "fiendish", "hellish", "", "demonic", "infernal"], "instruction": "\"satanic cruelty\" What is the definition of \"satanic\"?"} {"term": "satanic", "pos": "s", "context": "satanic cruelty", "definition": "expressive of cruelty or befitting hell", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["diabolic", "fiendish", "hellish", "", "demonic", "infernal"], "instruction": "\"satanic cruelty\" What is the definition of \"satanic\"?"} {"term": "conflicting", "pos": "s", "context": "conflicting opinions", "definition": "on bad terms", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"conflicting opinions\" What is the definition of \"conflicting\"?"} {"term": "plausible", "pos": "a", "context": "a plausible excuse", "definition": "apparently reasonable and valid , and truthful", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a plausible excuse\" What is the definition of \"plausible\"?"} {"term": "plausible", "pos": "s", "context": "a plausible liar", "definition": "given to or characterized by presenting specious arguments", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a plausible liar\" What is the definition of \"plausible\"?"} {"term": "religiously", "pos": "r", "context": "religiously inspired art", "definition": "by religion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"religiously inspired art\" What is the definition of \"religiously\"?"} {"term": "religiously", "pos": "r", "context": "he came religiously every morning at 8 o'clock", "definition": "with extreme conscientiousness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he came religiously every morning at 8 o'clock\" What is the definition of \"religiously\"?"} {"term": "psychiatric", "pos": "a", "context": "psychiatric disorder", "definition": "relating to or used in or engaged in the practice of psychiatry", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"psychiatric disorder\" What is the definition of \"psychiatric\"?"} {"term": "derail", "pos": "v", "context": "they had planned to derail the trains that carried atomic waste", "definition": "to cause to run off the tracks", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they had planned to derail the trains that carried atomic waste\" What is the definition of \"derail\"?"} {"term": "chance", "pos": "n", "context": "you take a chance when you let her drive", "definition": "a risk involving danger", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you take a chance when you let her drive\" What is the definition of \"chance\"?"} {"term": "chance", "pos": "n", "context": "now is your chance", "definition": "a possibility due to a favorable combination of circumstances", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["crack", "possibility", "room", "say", "street", "opening", "shot", "opportunity"], "instruction": "\"now is your chance\" What is the definition of \"chance\"?"} {"term": "chance", "pos": "n", "context": "we ran into each other by pure chance", "definition": "an unknown and unpredictable phenomenon that causes an event to result one way rather than another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["phenomenon", "mishap", "fortune", "mischance", "hazard"], "instruction": "\"we ran into each other by pure chance\" What is the definition of \"chance\"?"} {"term": "recruit", "pos": "v", "context": "recruit new soldiers", "definition": "to cause to assemble or enlist in the military", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["raise", "levy", "draft", "enlist"], "instruction": "\"recruit new soldiers\" What is the definition of \"recruit\"?"} {"term": "diversification", "pos": "n", "context": "my broker recommended a greater diversification of my investments", "definition": "the act of introducing variety especially in investments or in the variety of goods and services offered", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["variegation", "change"], "instruction": "\"my broker recommended a greater diversification of my investments\" What is the definition of \"diversification\"?"} {"term": "diversification", "pos": "n", "context": "that restaurant 's menu lacks diversification", "definition": "the condition of being varied", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that restaurant 's menu lacks diversification\" What is the definition of \"diversification\"?"} {"term": "diversification", "pos": "n", "context": "that restaurant 's menu lacks diversification", "definition": "every day it is the same", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that restaurant 's menu lacks diversification\" What is the definition of \"diversification\"?"} {"term": "disposed", "pos": "v", "context": "She disposed of her parents ' possessions", "definition": "to give , sell , or transfer to another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["dispose", "sell"], "instruction": "\"She disposed of her parents ' possessions\" What is the definition of \"disposed\"?"} {"term": "enlarged", "pos": "v", "context": "She enlarged the flower beds", "definition": "to make larger", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"She enlarged the flower beds\" What is the definition of \"enlarged\"?"} {"term": "enlarged", "pos": "s", "context": "enlarged joints", "definition": "larger than normal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"enlarged joints\" What is the definition of \"enlarged\"?"} {"term": "enlarged", "pos": "s", "context": "the enlarged photograph revealed many details", "definition": "as of a photograph", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the enlarged photograph revealed many details\" What is the definition of \"enlarged\"?"} {"term": "enlarged", "pos": "s", "context": "the enlarged photograph revealed many details", "definition": "made larger", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the enlarged photograph revealed many details\" What is the definition of \"enlarged\"?"} {"term": "aforementioned", "pos": "s", "context": "works of all the aforementioned authors", "definition": "being the one previously mentioned or spoken of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["said", "", "aforesaid"], "instruction": "\"works of all the aforementioned authors\" What is the definition of \"aforementioned\"?"} {"term": "sequestered", "pos": "v", "context": "the estate was sequestered", "definition": "to requisition forcibly , as of enemy property", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["take", "sequester"], "instruction": "\"the estate was sequestered\" What is the definition of \"sequestered\"?"} {"term": "sequestered", "pos": "v", "context": "The cations were sequestered", "definition": "to undergo sequestration by forming a stable compound with an ion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["change", "sequester"], "instruction": "\"The cations were sequestered\" What is the definition of \"sequestered\"?"} {"term": "sequestered", "pos": "s", "context": "a sequestered jury", "definition": "kept separate and secluded", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sequestered jury\" What is the definition of \"sequestered\"?"} {"term": "sequestered", "pos": "s", "context": "sat close together in the sequestered pergola", "definition": "providing privacy or seclusion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["reclusive", "", "cloistered"], "instruction": "\"sat close together in the sequestered pergola\" What is the definition of \"sequestered\"?"} {"term": "summer", "pos": "n", "context": "they spent a lazy summer at the shore", "definition": "the warmest season of the year", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they spent a lazy summer at the shore\" What is the definition of \"summer\"?"} {"term": "summer", "pos": "n", "context": "the golden summer of his life", "definition": "the period of finest development , happiness , or beauty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the golden summer of his life\" What is the definition of \"summer\"?"} {"term": "hoop", "pos": "n", "context": "there was still a rusty iron hoop for tying a horse", "definition": "a rigid circular band of metal or wood or other material used for holding or fastening or hanging or pulling", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was still a rusty iron hoop for tying a horse\" What is the definition of \"hoop\"?"} {"term": "leaf", "pos": "v", "context": "leaf through a book", "definition": "to turn over pages", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"leaf through a book\" What is the definition of \"leaf\"?"} {"term": "visual", "pos": "a", "context": "visual powers", "definition": "relating to or using sight", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["optic", "", "ocular"], "instruction": "\"visual powers\" What is the definition of \"visual\"?"} {"term": "visual", "pos": "s", "context": "a visual presentation", "definition": "visible", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a visual presentation\" What is the definition of \"visual\"?"} {"term": "visual", "pos": "s", "context": "a visual presentation", "definition": "give me the ocular proof - shakespeare", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a visual presentation\" What is the definition of \"visual\"?"} {"term": "fussy", "pos": "s", "context": "a fussy design", "definition": "overcrowded or cluttered with detail", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fussy design\" What is the definition of \"fussy\"?"} {"term": "fussy", "pos": "s", "context": "fussy about clothes", "definition": "exacting especially about details", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fussy about clothes\" What is the definition of \"fussy\"?"} {"term": "mad", "pos": "s", "context": "she gets mad when you wake her up so early", "definition": "roused to anger", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she gets mad when you wake her up so early\" What is the definition of \"mad\"?"} {"term": "mad", "pos": "s", "context": "a man who had gone mad", "definition": "affected with madness or insanity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a man who had gone mad\" What is the definition of \"mad\"?"} {"term": "mad", "pos": "s", "context": "a mad whirl of pleasure", "definition": "marked by uncontrolled excitement or emotion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a mad whirl of pleasure\" What is the definition of \"mad\"?"} {"term": "reasonable", "pos": "s", "context": "reasonable prices", "definition": "not excessive or extreme", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"reasonable prices\" What is the definition of \"reasonable\"?"} {"term": "drumbeat", "pos": "n", "context": "the warmongers kept up their drumbeat on Iraq", "definition": "a vehement and vociferous advocacy of a cause", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the warmongers kept up their drumbeat on Iraq\" What is the definition of \"drumbeat\"?"} {"term": "remiss", "pos": "s", "context": "remiss of you not to pay your bills", "definition": "failing in what duty requires", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"remiss of you not to pay your bills\" What is the definition of \"remiss\"?"} {"term": "osmotic", "pos": "a", "context": "osmotic pressure", "definition": "of or relating to osmosis", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"osmotic pressure\" What is the definition of \"osmotic\"?"} {"term": "suborbital", "pos": "a", "context": "the first manned suborbital flight", "definition": "having or involving a trajectory of less than one orbit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the first manned suborbital flight\" What is the definition of \"suborbital\"?"} {"term": "suborbital", "pos": "a", "context": "a suborbital bone", "definition": "situated on or below the floor of the eye socket", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a suborbital bone\" What is the definition of \"suborbital\"?"} {"term": "postulate", "pos": "v", "context": "This intervention does not postulate a patient 's consent", "definition": "to require as useful , just , or proper", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["require", "exacting", "ask", "demand", "exact", "necessitate", "compel", "draw", "govern", "take", "involve", "cost"], "instruction": "\"This intervention does not postulate a patient 's consent\" What is the definition of \"postulate\"?"} {"term": "agnosticism", "pos": "n", "context": "agnosticism holds that you can neither prove nor disprove God 's existence", "definition": "a religious orientation of doubt", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"agnosticism holds that you can neither prove nor disprove God 's existence\" What is the definition of \"agnosticism\"?"} {"term": "agnosticism", "pos": "n", "context": "agnosticism holds that you can neither prove nor disprove God 's existence", "definition": "a denial of ultimate knowledge of the existence of god", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"agnosticism holds that you can neither prove nor disprove God 's existence\" What is the definition of \"agnosticism\"?"} {"term": "biennially", "pos": "r", "context": "this festival takes places biennially", "definition": "every two years", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this festival takes places biennially\" What is the definition of \"biennially\"?"} {"term": "differentiation", "pos": "n", "context": "cell differentiation in the developing embryo", "definition": "the structural adaptation of some body part for a particular function", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["specialization", "adaptation", "adjustment", "adaption"], "instruction": "\"cell differentiation in the developing embryo\" What is the definition of \"differentiation\"?"} {"term": "creak", "pos": "n", "context": "the creak of the floorboards gave him away", "definition": "a squeaking sound", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["noise", "creaking"], "instruction": "\"the creak of the floorboards gave him away\" What is the definition of \"creak\"?"} {"term": "charnel", "pos": "s", "context": "a charnel smell came from the chest filled with dead men 's bones", "definition": "gruesomely indicative of death or the dead", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a charnel smell came from the chest filled with dead men 's bones\" What is the definition of \"charnel\"?"} {"term": "tightly", "pos": "r", "context": "a tightly packed pub", "definition": "in a tight or constricted manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tightly packed pub\" What is the definition of \"tightly\"?"} {"term": "tightly", "pos": "r", "context": "the window was tightly sealed", "definition": "securely fixed or fastened", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the window was tightly sealed\" What is the definition of \"tightly\"?"} {"term": "circus", "pos": "n", "context": "he ran away from home to join the circus", "definition": "a travelling company of entertainers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he ran away from home to join the circus\" What is the definition of \"circus\"?"} {"term": "circus", "pos": "n", "context": "he ran away from home to join the circus", "definition": "including trained animals", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he ran away from home to join the circus\" What is the definition of \"circus\"?"} {"term": "circus", "pos": "n", "context": "the children always love to go to the circus", "definition": "a performance given by a traveling company of acrobats , clowns , and trained animals", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the children always love to go to the circus\" What is the definition of \"circus\"?"} {"term": "circus", "pos": "n", "context": "it was so funny it was a circus", "definition": "a frenetic disorganized and often comic disturbance suggestive of a large public entertainment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["carnival", "disturbance"], "instruction": "\"it was so funny it was a circus\" What is the definition of \"circus\"?"} {"term": "gymnastic", "pos": "s", "context": "gymnastic exercises", "definition": "vigorously active", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gymnastic exercises\" What is the definition of \"gymnastic\"?"} {"term": "gymnastic", "pos": "a", "context": "gymnastic horse", "definition": "of or relating to or used in exercises intended to develop strength and agility", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gymnastic horse\" What is the definition of \"gymnastic\"?"} {"term": "officious", "pos": "s", "context": "bustling about self-importantly making an officious nuisance of himself", "definition": "intrusive in a meddling or offensive manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bustling about self-importantly making an officious nuisance of himself\" What is the definition of \"officious\"?"} {"term": "headlong", "pos": "s", "context": "a headlong rush to sell", "definition": "excessively quick", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a headlong rush to sell\" What is the definition of \"headlong\"?"} {"term": "headlong", "pos": "s", "context": "a headlong dive into the pool", "definition": "with the head foremost", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a headlong dive into the pool\" What is the definition of \"headlong\"?"} {"term": "headlong", "pos": "r", "context": "the runner slid headlong into third base", "definition": "with the head foremost", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the runner slid headlong into third base\" What is the definition of \"headlong\"?"} {"term": "headlong", "pos": "r", "context": "burst headlong through the gate", "definition": "at breakneck speed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"burst headlong through the gate\" What is the definition of \"headlong\"?"} {"term": "headlong", "pos": "r", "context": "he fell headlong in love with his cousin", "definition": "in a hasty and foolhardy manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he fell headlong in love with his cousin\" What is the definition of \"headlong\"?"} {"term": "pneumatic", "pos": "a", "context": "pneumatic drill", "definition": "of or relating to or using air or a similar gas", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pneumatic drill\" What is the definition of \"pneumatic\"?"} {"term": "streaky", "pos": "s", "context": "fat legs and dirty streaky faces", "definition": "marked with or as if with stripes or linear discolorations", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fat legs and dirty streaky faces\" What is the definition of \"streaky\"?"} {"term": "alacrity", "pos": "n", "context": "he accepted with alacrity", "definition": "liveliness and eagerness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["smartness", "liveliness", "briskness", "sprightliness"], "instruction": "\"he accepted with alacrity\" What is the definition of \"alacrity\"?"} {"term": "dilettantish", "pos": "s", "context": "his dilettantish efforts at painting", "definition": "showing frivolous or superficial interest", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his dilettantish efforts at painting\" What is the definition of \"dilettantish\"?"} {"term": "dilettantish", "pos": "s", "context": "his dilettantish efforts at painting", "definition": "amateurish", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his dilettantish efforts at painting\" What is the definition of \"dilettantish\"?"} {"term": "emblematic", "pos": "s", "context": "a crown is emblematic of royalty", "definition": "serving as a visible symbol for something abstract", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["symbolic", ""], "instruction": "\"a crown is emblematic of royalty\" What is the definition of \"emblematic\"?"} {"term": "emblematic", "pos": "s", "context": "the free discussion that is emblematic of democracy", "definition": "being or serving as an illustration of a type", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the free discussion that is emblematic of democracy\" What is the definition of \"emblematic\"?"} {"term": "old", "pos": "a", "context": "his mother is very old", "definition": "having lived for a relatively long time or attained a specific age", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his mother is very old\" What is the definition of \"old\"?"} {"term": "old", "pos": "a", "context": "old tradition", "definition": "of long duration", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"old tradition\" What is the definition of \"old\"?"} {"term": "old", "pos": "a", "context": "old tradition", "definition": "not new", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"old tradition\" What is the definition of \"old\"?"} {"term": "old", "pos": "s", "context": "good old boy", "definition": "very familiar", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"good old boy\" What is the definition of \"old\"?"} {"term": "old", "pos": "s", "context": "an old offender", "definition": "skilled through long experience", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an old offender\" What is the definition of \"old\"?"} {"term": "starkness", "pos": "n", "context": "the starkness of his contrast between justice and fairness was open to many objections", "definition": "the quality of being complete or utter or extreme", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["bound", "limit", "boundary", "absoluteness"], "instruction": "\"the starkness of his contrast between justice and fairness was open to many objections\" What is the definition of \"starkness\"?"} {"term": "starkness", "pos": "n", "context": "I was struck by the starkness of my father 's room", "definition": "an extreme lack of furnishings or ornamentation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["bareness", "plainness"], "instruction": "\"I was struck by the starkness of my father 's room\" What is the definition of \"starkness\"?"} {"term": "politically", "pos": "r", "context": "politically correct clothing", "definition": "with regard to social relationships involving authority", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"politically correct clothing\" What is the definition of \"politically\"?"} {"term": "politically", "pos": "r", "context": "politically organized units", "definition": "with regard to government", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"politically organized units\" What is the definition of \"politically\"?"} {"term": "platform", "pos": "n", "context": "the speaker mounted the platform", "definition": "a raised horizontal surface", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the speaker mounted the platform\" What is the definition of \"platform\"?"} {"term": "platform", "pos": "n", "context": "their candidate simply ignored the party platform", "definition": "a document stating the aims and principles of a political party", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their candidate simply ignored the party platform\" What is the definition of \"platform\"?"} {"term": "obsolete", "pos": "s", "context": "obsolete words", "definition": "no longer in use", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"obsolete words\" What is the definition of \"obsolete\"?"} {"term": "stray", "pos": "s", "context": "a stray calf", "definition": "having no home or having wandered away from home", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a stray calf\" What is the definition of \"stray\"?"} {"term": "stray", "pos": "s", "context": "a few stray crumbs", "definition": "not close together in time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a few stray crumbs\" What is the definition of \"stray\"?"} {"term": "tough", "pos": "a", "context": "a tough character", "definition": "not given to gentleness or sentimentality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tough character\" What is the definition of \"tough\"?"} {"term": "tough", "pos": "a", "context": "the tough bottoms of his feet", "definition": "physically toughened", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the tough bottoms of his feet\" What is the definition of \"tough\"?"} {"term": "tough", "pos": "s", "context": "the competition was tough", "definition": "very difficult", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the competition was tough\" What is the definition of \"tough\"?"} {"term": "tough", "pos": "s", "context": "the competition was tough", "definition": "severely testing stamina or resolution", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the competition was tough\" What is the definition of \"tough\"?"} {"term": "tough", "pos": "s", "context": "a tough all-weather fabric", "definition": "substantially made or constructed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tough all-weather fabric\" What is the definition of \"tough\"?"} {"term": "tough", "pos": "s", "context": "tough street gangs", "definition": "violent and lawless", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tough street gangs\" What is the definition of \"tough\"?"} {"term": "frangible", "pos": "s", "context": "the museum stored all frangible articles in locked showcases", "definition": "capable of being broken", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the museum stored all frangible articles in locked showcases\" What is the definition of \"frangible\"?"} {"term": "prophetically", "pos": "r", "context": "he prophetically anticipated the disaster", "definition": "in a prophetic manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he prophetically anticipated the disaster\" What is the definition of \"prophetically\"?"} {"term": "moldy", "pos": "s", "context": "moldy bread", "definition": "covered with or smelling of mold", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"moldy bread\" What is the definition of \"moldy\"?"} {"term": "polarize", "pos": "v", "context": "polarize light waves", "definition": "to cause to vibrate in a definite pattern", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"polarize light waves\" What is the definition of \"polarize\"?"} {"term": "inflamed", "pos": "v", "context": "The repetitive motion inflamed her joint", "definition": "to cause inflammation in", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["inflame", "exasperate", "worsen", "aggravate", "exacerbate"], "instruction": "\"The repetitive motion inflamed her joint\" What is the definition of \"inflamed\"?"} {"term": "inflamed", "pos": "s", "context": "eyes inflamed with crying", "definition": "resulting from inflammation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"eyes inflamed with crying\" What is the definition of \"inflamed\"?"} {"term": "inflamed", "pos": "s", "context": "eyes inflamed with crying", "definition": "hot and swollen and reddened", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"eyes inflamed with crying\" What is the definition of \"inflamed\"?"} {"term": "inflamed", "pos": "s", "context": "the inflamed clouds at sunset", "definition": "lighted with red light as if with flames", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the inflamed clouds at sunset\" What is the definition of \"inflamed\"?"} {"term": "discover", "pos": "v", "context": "The story is false , so far as I can discover", "definition": "to make a discovery", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["discover", "see", "learn", "find", "ferret"], "instruction": "\"The story is false , so far as I can discover\" What is the definition of \"discover\"?"} {"term": "munificent", "pos": "s", "context": "a munificent gift", "definition": "very generous", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a munificent gift\" What is the definition of \"munificent\"?"} {"term": "capitulation", "pos": "n", "context": "they were protected until the capitulation of the fort", "definition": "the act of surrendering usually under agreed conditions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["loss", "surrender"], "instruction": "\"they were protected until the capitulation of the fort\" What is the definition of \"capitulation\"?"} {"term": "assiduous", "pos": "s", "context": "her assiduous attempts to learn French", "definition": "marked by care and persistent effort", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her assiduous attempts to learn French\" What is the definition of \"assiduous\"?"} {"term": "drab", "pos": "s", "context": "her drab personality", "definition": "lacking in liveliness or charm or surprise", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her drab personality\" What is the definition of \"drab\"?"} {"term": "drab", "pos": "s", "context": "drab faded curtains", "definition": "lacking brightness or color", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["sober", "", "somber"], "instruction": "\"drab faded curtains\" What is the definition of \"drab\"?"} {"term": "drab", "pos": "s", "context": "drab faded curtains", "definition": "dull", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["sober", "", "somber"], "instruction": "\"drab faded curtains\" What is the definition of \"drab\"?"} {"term": "resettle", "pos": "v", "context": "The immigrants had to resettle", "definition": "to settle in a new place", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The immigrants had to resettle\" What is the definition of \"resettle\"?"} {"term": "monarchal", "pos": "s", "context": "monarchal pomp", "definition": "having the characteristics of or befitting or worthy of a monarch", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"monarchal pomp\" What is the definition of \"monarchal\"?"} {"term": "monarchal", "pos": "s", "context": "monarchal government", "definition": "ruled by or having the supreme power resting with a monarch", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"monarchal government\" What is the definition of \"monarchal\"?"} {"term": "concoction", "pos": "n", "context": "he volunteered to taste her latest concoction", "definition": "any foodstuff made by combining different ingredients", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["mixture", "dough", "roux", "dressing", "stuffing", "mix", "filling"], "instruction": "\"he volunteered to taste her latest concoction\" What is the definition of \"concoction\"?"} {"term": "concoction", "pos": "n", "context": "it suddenly spewed out a thick green concoction", "definition": "an occurrence of an unusual mixture", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it suddenly spewed out a thick green concoction\" What is the definition of \"concoction\"?"} {"term": "concoction", "pos": "n", "context": "his testimony was a concoction", "definition": "the invention of a scheme or story to suit some purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his testimony was a concoction\" What is the definition of \"concoction\"?"} {"term": "blind", "pos": "n", "context": "he spent hours reading to the blind", "definition": "people who have severe visual impairments , considered as a group", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he spent hours reading to the blind\" What is the definition of \"blind\"?"} {"term": "blind", "pos": "n", "context": "he waited impatiently in the blind", "definition": "a hiding place sometimes used by hunters especially duck hunters", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he waited impatiently in the blind\" What is the definition of \"blind\"?"} {"term": "blind", "pos": "a", "context": "a person is blind to the extent that he must devise alternative techniques to do efficiently those things he would do with sight if he had normal vision \" -- Kenneth Jernigan", "definition": "unable to see", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a person is blind to the extent that he must devise alternative techniques to do efficiently those things he would do with sight if he had normal vision \" -- Kenneth Jernigan\" What is the definition of \"blind\"?"} {"term": "blind", "pos": "s", "context": "blind to a lover 's faults", "definition": "unable or unwilling to perceive or understand", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"blind to a lover 's faults\" What is the definition of \"blind\"?"} {"term": "blind", "pos": "s", "context": "blind hatred", "definition": "not based on reason or evidence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"blind hatred\" What is the definition of \"blind\"?"} {"term": "centerpiece", "pos": "n", "context": "education was the centerpiece of the Democratic Party 's political platform", "definition": "the central or most important feature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"education was the centerpiece of the Democratic Party 's political platform\" What is the definition of \"centerpiece\"?"} {"term": "stiffness", "pos": "n", "context": "he awoke with a painful stiffness in his neck", "definition": "the property of moving with pain or difficulty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he awoke with a painful stiffness in his neck\" What is the definition of \"stiffness\"?"} {"term": "stiffness", "pos": "n", "context": "a charming host without any touch of stiffness or pomposity", "definition": "firm resoluteness in purpose or opinion or action", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a charming host without any touch of stiffness or pomposity\" What is the definition of \"stiffness\"?"} {"term": "system", "pos": "n", "context": "he bought a new stereo system", "definition": "instrumentality that combines interrelated interacting artifacts designed to work as a coherent entity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he bought a new stereo system\" What is the definition of \"system\"?"} {"term": "system", "pos": "n", "context": "a vast system of production and distribution and consumption keep the country going", "definition": "a group of independent but interrelated elements comprising a unified whole", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a vast system of production and distribution and consumption keep the country going\" What is the definition of \"system\"?"} {"term": "system", "pos": "n", "context": "in a static system oil can not be replaced by water on a surface", "definition": "a sample of matter in which substances in different phases are in equilibrium", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in a static system oil can not be replaced by water on a surface\" What is the definition of \"system\"?"} {"term": "upper", "pos": "s", "context": "the upper bunk", "definition": "higher in place or position", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the upper bunk\" What is the definition of \"upper\"?"} {"term": "upper", "pos": "s", "context": "the upper half of the class", "definition": "superior in rank or accomplishment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the upper half of the class\" What is the definition of \"upper\"?"} {"term": "crimp", "pos": "v", "context": "crimp hair", "definition": "to curl tightly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["wave", "crape", "frizzle", "curl", "frizz"], "instruction": "\"crimp hair\" What is the definition of \"crimp\"?"} {"term": "apoplectic", "pos": "a", "context": "apoplectic seizure", "definition": "pertaining to or characteristic of apoplexy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"apoplectic seizure\" What is the definition of \"apoplectic\"?"} {"term": "imitate", "pos": "v", "context": "Life imitate art", "definition": "to appear like , as in behavior or appearance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Life imitate art\" What is the definition of \"imitate\"?"} {"term": "renovate", "pos": "v", "context": "My wife wants us to renovate", "definition": "to make brighter and prettier", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["refurbish", "renew"], "instruction": "\"My wife wants us to renovate\" What is the definition of \"renovate\"?"} {"term": "renovate", "pos": "v", "context": "This will renovate my spirits", "definition": "to give new life or energy to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["recreate", "revive", "energize", "reviving", "reanimate", "arouse", "quicken", "brace", "stimulate", "revivify", "energizing"], "instruction": "\"This will renovate my spirits\" What is the definition of \"renovate\"?"} {"term": "advantageous", "pos": "a", "context": "a contract advantageous to our country", "definition": "giving an advantage", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a contract advantageous to our country\" What is the definition of \"advantageous\"?"} {"term": "ceremonially", "pos": "r", "context": "he was ceremonially sworn in as President", "definition": "in a ceremonial manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was ceremonially sworn in as President\" What is the definition of \"ceremonially\"?"} {"term": "unstrained", "pos": "s", "context": "the campaign would not leave party loyalties unstrained", "definition": "not placed under psychological stress", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the campaign would not leave party loyalties unstrained\" What is the definition of \"unstrained\"?"} {"term": "unstrained", "pos": "s", "context": "his playing is facile and unstrained", "definition": "not resulting from undue effort", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his playing is facile and unstrained\" What is the definition of \"unstrained\"?"} {"term": "unstrained", "pos": "s", "context": "his playing is facile and unstrained", "definition": "not forced", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his playing is facile and unstrained\" What is the definition of \"unstrained\"?"} {"term": "seizure", "pos": "n", "context": "he suffered an epileptic seizure", "definition": "a sudden occurrence or recurrence of a disease", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he suffered an epileptic seizure\" What is the definition of \"seizure\"?"} {"term": "bilateral", "pos": "s", "context": "a bilateral agreement between the United States and Japan", "definition": "affecting or undertaken by two parties", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bilateral agreement between the United States and Japan\" What is the definition of \"bilateral\"?"} {"term": "crested", "pos": "v", "context": "The river crested last night", "definition": "to reach a high point", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["crest", "peak"], "instruction": "\"The river crested last night\" What is the definition of \"crested\"?"} {"term": "crested", "pos": "s", "context": "golden crested", "definition": "having a usually ornamental tuft or process on the head", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"golden crested\" What is the definition of \"crested\"?"} {"term": "crested", "pos": "s", "context": "golden crested", "definition": "often used in combination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"golden crested\" What is the definition of \"crested\"?"} {"term": "shadowing", "pos": "v", "context": "The police are shadowing her", "definition": "to follow , usually without the persons knowledge", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The police are shadowing her\" What is the definition of \"shadowing\"?"} {"term": "counter", "pos": "r", "context": "run counter", "definition": "in the opposite direction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"run counter\" What is the definition of \"counter\"?"} {"term": "elicit", "pos": "v", "context": "elicit a solution", "definition": "to derive by reason", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"elicit a solution\" What is the definition of \"elicit\"?"} {"term": "albatross", "pos": "n", "context": "she was an albatross around his neck", "definition": "something that hinders or handicaps", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["impediment", "handicap", "hinderance", "millstone", "deterrent"], "instruction": "\"she was an albatross around his neck\" What is the definition of \"albatross\"?"} {"term": "semiweekly", "pos": "r", "context": "he called home semiweekly", "definition": "twice a week", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he called home semiweekly\" What is the definition of \"semiweekly\"?"} {"term": "valued", "pos": "s", "context": "a valued friend", "definition": "held in great esteem for admirable qualities especially of an intrinsic nature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a valued friend\" What is the definition of \"valued\"?"} {"term": "malpractice", "pos": "n", "context": "the widow sued his surgeon for malpractice", "definition": "professional wrongdoing that results in injury or damage", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the widow sued his surgeon for malpractice\" What is the definition of \"malpractice\"?"} {"term": "copious", "pos": "s", "context": "she took copious notes", "definition": "large in number or quantity especially of discourse", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["voluminous", ""], "instruction": "\"she took copious notes\" What is the definition of \"copious\"?"} {"term": "copious", "pos": "s", "context": "copious provisions", "definition": "affording an abundant supply", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["rich", "", "ample", "plenteous", "plentiful"], "instruction": "\"copious provisions\" What is the definition of \"copious\"?"} {"term": "patent", "pos": "s", "context": "patent ductus arteriosus", "definition": "open", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"patent ductus arteriosus\" What is the definition of \"patent\"?"} {"term": "patent", "pos": "s", "context": "patent ductus arteriosus", "definition": "affording free passage", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"patent ductus arteriosus\" What is the definition of \"patent\"?"} {"term": "patent", "pos": "s", "context": "patent advantages", "definition": "clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"patent advantages\" What is the definition of \"patent\"?"} {"term": "maund", "pos": "n", "context": "the official maund in India is 82.6 pounds avoirdupois", "definition": "a unit of weight used in asia", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the official maund in India is 82.6 pounds avoirdupois\" What is the definition of \"maund\"?"} {"term": "maund", "pos": "n", "context": "the official maund in India is 82.6 pounds avoirdupois", "definition": "has different values in different countries", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the official maund in India is 82.6 pounds avoirdupois\" What is the definition of \"maund\"?"} {"term": "promise", "pos": "n", "context": "there is little or no promise that he will recover", "definition": "grounds for feeling hopeful about the future", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["expectation", "prospect", "rainbow", "hope"], "instruction": "\"there is little or no promise that he will recover\" What is the definition of \"promise\"?"} {"term": "odorous", "pos": "a", "context": "odorous jasmine flowers", "definition": "having odor or a characteristic odor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"odorous jasmine flowers\" What is the definition of \"odorous\"?"} {"term": "odorous", "pos": "s", "context": "odorous salt pork and weevily hardtack", "definition": "emitting an odor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"odorous salt pork and weevily hardtack\" What is the definition of \"odorous\"?"} {"term": "odorous", "pos": "s", "context": "the odorous air of the orchard", "definition": "having a natural fragrance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the odorous air of the orchard\" What is the definition of \"odorous\"?"} {"term": "slouchy", "pos": "s", "context": "a slouchy sweater", "definition": "lacking stiffness in form or posture", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a slouchy sweater\" What is the definition of \"slouchy\"?"} {"term": "wallow", "pos": "n", "context": "a good wallow in the water", "definition": "an indolent or clumsy rolling about", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a good wallow in the water\" What is the definition of \"wallow\"?"} {"term": "wallow", "pos": "v", "context": "wallow in your sorrows", "definition": "to devote oneself entirely to something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wallow in your sorrows\" What is the definition of \"wallow\"?"} {"term": "wallow", "pos": "v", "context": "wallow in your sorrows", "definition": "to indulge in to an immoderate degree , usually with pleasure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wallow in your sorrows\" What is the definition of \"wallow\"?"} {"term": "flying", "pos": "n", "context": "flying was still an exciting adventure for him", "definition": "an instance of traveling by air", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["sailing", "glide", "air", "flight"], "instruction": "\"flying was still an exciting adventure for him\" What is the definition of \"flying\"?"} {"term": "flying", "pos": "s", "context": "paid a flying visit", "definition": "hurried and brief", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["quick", "", "fast"], "instruction": "\"paid a flying visit\" What is the definition of \"flying\"?"} {"term": "flying", "pos": "s", "context": "played the difficult passage with flying fingers", "definition": "moving swiftly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"played the difficult passage with flying fingers\" What is the definition of \"flying\"?"} {"term": "bust", "pos": "n", "context": "they went on a bust that lasted three days", "definition": "an occasion for excessive eating or drinking", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["bout", "tear", "revel"], "instruction": "\"they went on a bust that lasted three days\" What is the definition of \"bust\"?"} {"term": "living", "pos": "s", "context": "the living image of her mother", "definition": "true to life", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the living image of her mother\" What is the definition of \"living\"?"} {"term": "living", "pos": "s", "context": "the living image of her mother", "definition": "lifelike", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the living image of her mother\" What is the definition of \"living\"?"} {"term": "living", "pos": "s", "context": "she is a living doll", "definition": "absolute", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she is a living doll\" What is the definition of \"living\"?"} {"term": "living", "pos": "s", "context": "a living language", "definition": "still in active use", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a living language\" What is the definition of \"living\"?"} {"term": "grant", "pos": "v", "context": "grant a degree", "definition": "to bestow , especially officially", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"grant a degree\" What is the definition of \"grant\"?"} {"term": "grant", "pos": "v", "context": "grant land", "definition": "to transfer by deed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"grant land\" What is the definition of \"grant\"?"} {"term": "grant", "pos": "v", "context": "grant permission", "definition": "to let have", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"grant permission\" What is the definition of \"grant\"?"} {"term": "pragmatically", "pos": "r", "context": "we want to build a democratic society , but we must act pragmatically", "definition": "in a realistic manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we want to build a democratic society , but we must act pragmatically\" What is the definition of \"pragmatically\"?"} {"term": "define", "pos": "v", "context": "The camera could define the smallest object", "definition": "to show the form or outline of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["delineate", "show"], "instruction": "\"The camera could define the smallest object\" What is the definition of \"define\"?"} {"term": "molten", "pos": "s", "context": "a mass of molten rock", "definition": "reduced to liquid form by heating", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a mass of molten rock\" What is the definition of \"molten\"?"} {"term": "thereafter", "pos": "r", "context": "thereafter he never called again", "definition": "from that time on", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"thereafter he never called again\" What is the definition of \"thereafter\"?"} {"term": "ineffable", "pos": "s", "context": "the ineffable name of the Deity", "definition": "too sacred to be uttered", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ineffable name of the Deity\" What is the definition of \"ineffable\"?"} {"term": "ineffable", "pos": "s", "context": "ineffable ecstasy", "definition": "defying expression or description", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ineffable ecstasy\" What is the definition of \"ineffable\"?"} {"term": "arch", "pos": "n", "context": "they built a triumphal arch to memorialize their victory", "definition": "a passageway under a curved masonry construction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["archway", "entrance", "entry"], "instruction": "\"they built a triumphal arch to memorialize their victory\" What is the definition of \"arch\"?"} {"term": "arch", "pos": "s", "context": "an arch criminal", "definition": "expert in skulduggery", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an arch criminal\" What is the definition of \"arch\"?"} {"term": "rum", "pos": "s", "context": "what a rum fellow", "definition": "beyond or deviating from the usual or expected", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["peculiar", "", "singular", "rummy", "funny", "queer", "curious"], "instruction": "\"what a rum fellow\" What is the definition of \"rum\"?"} {"term": "brave", "pos": "a", "context": "Familiarity with danger makes a brave man braver but less daring \" - Herman Melville", "definition": "possessing or displaying courage", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Familiarity with danger makes a brave man braver but less daring \" - Herman Melville\" What is the definition of \"brave\"?"} {"term": "brave", "pos": "a", "context": "Familiarity with danger makes a brave man braver but less daring \" - Herman Melville", "definition": "able to face and deal with danger or fear without flinching", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Familiarity with danger makes a brave man braver but less daring \" - Herman Melville\" What is the definition of \"brave\"?"} {"term": "brave", "pos": "s", "context": "girls decked out in brave new dresses", "definition": "brightly colored and showy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"girls decked out in brave new dresses\" What is the definition of \"brave\"?"} {"term": "nugatory", "pos": "s", "context": "a nugatory law", "definition": "of no real value", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a nugatory law\" What is the definition of \"nugatory\"?"} {"term": "evaporate", "pos": "v", "context": "evaporate milk", "definition": "to lose or cause to lose liquid by vaporization leaving a more concentrated residue", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["transpire", "vaporize"], "instruction": "\"evaporate milk\" What is the definition of \"evaporate\"?"} {"term": "outgoing", "pos": "a", "context": "an outgoing steamship", "definition": "leaving a place or a position", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an outgoing steamship\" What is the definition of \"outgoing\"?"} {"term": "outgoing", "pos": "a", "context": "the outgoing president", "definition": "retiring from a position or office", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the outgoing president\" What is the definition of \"outgoing\"?"} {"term": "fun", "pos": "n", "context": "I do it for the fun of it", "definition": "activities that are enjoyable or amusing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["diversion", "merriment"], "instruction": "\"I do it for the fun of it\" What is the definition of \"fun\"?"} {"term": "fun", "pos": "n", "context": "he became a figure of fun", "definition": "verbal wit or mockery often at anothers expense but not to be taken seriously", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["drollery", "comedy", "wordplay", "humor", "pun", "witticism", "play", "sport"], "instruction": "\"he became a figure of fun\" What is the definition of \"fun\"?"} {"term": "fun", "pos": "n", "context": "she asked for money and then the fun began", "definition": "violent and excited activity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she asked for money and then the fun began\" What is the definition of \"fun\"?"} {"term": "anxious", "pos": "s", "context": "anxious to see the new show at the museum", "definition": "eagerly desirous", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"anxious to see the new show at the museum\" What is the definition of \"anxious\"?"} {"term": "anxious", "pos": "s", "context": "spent an anxious night waiting for the test results", "definition": "causing or fraught with or showing anxiety", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"spent an anxious night waiting for the test results\" What is the definition of \"anxious\"?"} {"term": "end", "pos": "n", "context": "the end of the pier", "definition": "either extremity of something that has length", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the end of the pier\" What is the definition of \"end\"?"} {"term": "end", "pos": "n", "context": "the end was exciting", "definition": "the concluding parts of an event or occurrence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the end was exciting\" What is the definition of \"end\"?"} {"term": "string", "pos": "n", "context": "a string of islands", "definition": "a sequentially ordered set of things or events or ideas in which each successive member is related to the preceding", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a string of islands\" What is the definition of \"string\"?"} {"term": "infelicitous", "pos": "a", "context": "an infelicitous remark", "definition": "not appropriate in application", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an infelicitous remark\" What is the definition of \"infelicitous\"?"} {"term": "infelicitous", "pos": "a", "context": "an infelicitous remark", "definition": "defective", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an infelicitous remark\" What is the definition of \"infelicitous\"?"} {"term": "infelicitous", "pos": "s", "context": "infelicitous circumstances", "definition": "marked by or producing unhappiness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"infelicitous circumstances\" What is the definition of \"infelicitous\"?"} {"term": "reference", "pos": "n", "context": "reference to an encyclopedia produced the answer", "definition": "the act of referring or consulting", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"reference to an encyclopedia produced the answer\" What is the definition of \"reference\"?"} {"term": "shortly", "pos": "r", "context": "he was at the airport shortly before she was expected to arrive", "definition": "for a short time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was at the airport shortly before she was expected to arrive\" What is the definition of \"shortly\"?"} {"term": "shortly", "pos": "r", "context": "the hem fell shortly below her knees", "definition": "at a short distance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the hem fell shortly below her knees\" What is the definition of \"shortly\"?"} {"term": "shortly", "pos": "r", "context": "the book will appear shortly", "definition": "in the near future", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["presently", ""], "instruction": "\"the book will appear shortly\" What is the definition of \"shortly\"?"} {"term": "ternary", "pos": "s", "context": "a ternary operation", "definition": "having three units or components or elements", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a ternary operation\" What is the definition of \"ternary\"?"} {"term": "theater", "pos": "n", "context": "he served in the Vietnam theater for three years", "definition": "a region in which active military operations are in progress", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he served in the Vietnam theater for three years\" What is the definition of \"theater\"?"} {"term": "obtain", "pos": "v", "context": "How did you obtain the visa ?", "definition": "to come into possession of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"How did you obtain the visa ?\" What is the definition of \"obtain\"?"} {"term": "moonlit", "pos": "a", "context": "the moonlit landscape", "definition": "lighted by moonlight", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the moonlit landscape\" What is the definition of \"moonlit\"?"} {"term": "build", "pos": "v", "context": "build detergents", "definition": "to improve the cleansing action of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"build detergents\" What is the definition of \"build\"?"} {"term": "gullible", "pos": "s", "context": "gullible tourists taken in by the shell game", "definition": "easily tricked because of being too trusting", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gullible tourists taken in by the shell game\" What is the definition of \"gullible\"?"} {"term": "gullible", "pos": "s", "context": "at that early age she had been gullible and in love", "definition": "naive and easily deceived or tricked", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at that early age she had been gullible and in love\" What is the definition of \"gullible\"?"} {"term": "tonic", "pos": "a", "context": "a tonic reflex", "definition": "of or relating to or producing normal tone or tonus in muscles or tissue", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tonic reflex\" What is the definition of \"tonic\"?"} {"term": "tonic", "pos": "a", "context": "a tonic syllables carries the main stress in a word", "definition": "used of syllables", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tonic syllables carries the main stress in a word\" What is the definition of \"tonic\"?"} {"term": "tonic", "pos": "s", "context": "tonic harmony", "definition": "relating to or being the keynote of a major or minor scale", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tonic harmony\" What is the definition of \"tonic\"?"} {"term": "brighten", "pos": "v", "context": "The paint will brighten the room", "definition": "to make lighter or brighter", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["modify", "lighten", "change", "alter"], "instruction": "\"The paint will brighten the room\" What is the definition of \"brighten\"?"} {"term": "tutorial", "pos": "a", "context": "tutorial sessions", "definition": "of or relating to tutors or tutoring", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tutorial sessions\" What is the definition of \"tutorial\"?"} {"term": "really", "pos": "r", "context": "they do n't really listen to us", "definition": "in accordance with truth or fact or reality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they do n't really listen to us\" What is the definition of \"really\"?"} {"term": "blithe", "pos": "s", "context": "spoke with blithe ignorance of the true situation", "definition": "lacking or showing a lack of due concern", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"spoke with blithe ignorance of the true situation\" What is the definition of \"blithe\"?"} {"term": "blithe", "pos": "s", "context": "was loved for her blithe spirit", "definition": "carefree and happy and lighthearted", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"was loved for her blithe spirit\" What is the definition of \"blithe\"?"} {"term": "devoutly", "pos": "r", "context": "she was devoutly Catholic", "definition": "in a devout and pious manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["piously", ""], "instruction": "\"she was devoutly Catholic\" What is the definition of \"devoutly\"?"} {"term": "twinned", "pos": "v", "context": "The polished surface twinned his face and chest in reverse", "definition": "to duplicate or match", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["parallel", "agree", "tally", "duplicate", "fit", "jibe", "twin"], "instruction": "\"The polished surface twinned his face and chest in reverse\" What is the definition of \"twinned\"?"} {"term": "trying", "pos": "s", "context": "fell upon trying times", "definition": "hard to endure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fell upon trying times\" What is the definition of \"trying\"?"} {"term": "trying", "pos": "s", "context": "a trying day at the office", "definition": "extremely irritating to the nerves", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a trying day at the office\" What is the definition of \"trying\"?"} {"term": "polish", "pos": "n", "context": "they performed with great polish", "definition": "a highly developed state of perfection", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they performed with great polish\" What is the definition of \"polish\"?"} {"term": "polish", "pos": "n", "context": "they performed with great polish", "definition": "having a flawless or impeccable quality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they performed with great polish\" What is the definition of \"polish\"?"} {"term": "polish", "pos": "v", "context": "polish my shoes", "definition": "to make a surface shine", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["shine", "burnish", "slick", "sleek", "gloss", "polished", "beautify"], "instruction": "\"polish my shoes\" What is the definition of \"polish\"?"} {"term": "polish", "pos": "v", "context": "polish your social manners", "definition": "to bring to a highly developed , finished , or refined state", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["hone", "polished"], "instruction": "\"polish your social manners\" What is the definition of \"polish\"?"} {"term": "angular", "pos": "a", "context": "angular momentum", "definition": "measured by an angle or by the rate of change of an angle", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"angular momentum\" What is the definition of \"angular\"?"} {"term": "sordid", "pos": "s", "context": "sordid avarice", "definition": "meanly avaricious and mercenary", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sordid avarice\" What is the definition of \"sordid\"?"} {"term": "sordid", "pos": "s", "context": "the sordid details of his orgies stank under his very nostrils \" - James Joyce", "definition": "morally degraded", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sordid details of his orgies stank under his very nostrils \" - James Joyce\" What is the definition of \"sordid\"?"} {"term": "sordid", "pos": "s", "context": "a sordid political campaign", "definition": "unethical or dishonest", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["dirty", ""], "instruction": "\"a sordid political campaign\" What is the definition of \"sordid\"?"} {"term": "interfacial", "pos": "a", "context": "an interfacial layer", "definition": "relating to or situated at an interface", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an interfacial layer\" What is the definition of \"interfacial\"?"} {"term": "wire", "pos": "v", "context": "wire the addition to the house", "definition": "to provide with electrical circuits", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["fit", "wiring", "outfit", "equip"], "instruction": "\"wire the addition to the house\" What is the definition of \"wire\"?"} {"term": "quadruplex", "pos": "s", "context": "quadruplex wire", "definition": "having four units or components", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["fourfold", "quadruple", ""], "instruction": "\"quadruplex wire\" What is the definition of \"quadruplex\"?"} {"term": "mousy", "pos": "s", "context": "a mousy brownish-grey color", "definition": "of something having a drab pale brown color resembling a mouse", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a mousy brownish-grey color\" What is the definition of \"mousy\"?"} {"term": "bloodthirsty", "pos": "s", "context": "bloodthirsty yells", "definition": "marked by eagerness to resort to violence and bloodshed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bloodthirsty yells\" What is the definition of \"bloodthirsty\"?"} {"term": "unseasonable", "pos": "a", "context": "a sudden unseasonable blizzard", "definition": "not in keeping with and usually undesirable for the season", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sudden unseasonable blizzard\" What is the definition of \"unseasonable\"?"} {"term": "unseasonable", "pos": "s", "context": "you think my intrusion unseasonable", "definition": "badly timed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you think my intrusion unseasonable\" What is the definition of \"unseasonable\"?"} {"term": "colloquial", "pos": "s", "context": "wrote her letters in a colloquial style", "definition": "characteristic of informal spoken language or conversation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wrote her letters in a colloquial style\" What is the definition of \"colloquial\"?"} {"term": "separative", "pos": "s", "context": "whereas ` each , ' ` every , ' ` either , ' ` neither , ' and ` none ' are distributive or referring to a single member of a group , ` which ' in ` which of the men ' is separative", "definition": "referring singly and without exception to the members of a group", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"whereas ` each , ' ` every , ' ` either , ' ` neither , ' and ` none ' are distributive or referring to a single member of a group , ` which ' in ` which of the men ' is separative\" What is the definition of \"separative\"?"} {"term": "separative", "pos": "s", "context": "the uniting influence was stronger than the separative", "definition": "serving to separate or divide into parts", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the uniting influence was stronger than the separative\" What is the definition of \"separative\"?"} {"term": "stiff", "pos": "n", "context": "a lucky stiff", "definition": "an ordinary man", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a lucky stiff\" What is the definition of \"stiff\"?"} {"term": "stiff", "pos": "n", "context": "the murderer confessed that he threw the stiff in the river", "definition": "the dead body of a human being", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["body", "clay", "cadaver", "corpse"], "instruction": "\"the murderer confessed that he threw the stiff in the river\" What is the definition of \"stiff\"?"} {"term": "stiff", "pos": "s", "context": "a stiff hinge", "definition": "not moving or operating freely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a stiff hinge\" What is the definition of \"stiff\"?"} {"term": "stiff", "pos": "s", "context": "a stiff current", "definition": "powerful", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a stiff current\" What is the definition of \"stiff\"?"} {"term": "stiff", "pos": "s", "context": "the letter was stiff and formal", "definition": "rigidly formal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the letter was stiff and formal\" What is the definition of \"stiff\"?"} {"term": "stiff", "pos": "a", "context": "a potent cup of tea \" , \" a stiff drink", "definition": "having a strong physiological or chemical effect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a potent cup of tea \" , \" a stiff drink\" What is the definition of \"stiff\"?"} {"term": "stiff", "pos": "r", "context": "bored stiff", "definition": "extremely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bored stiff\" What is the definition of \"stiff\"?"} {"term": "fitness", "pos": "n", "context": "they had to prove their fitness for the position", "definition": "the quality of being suitable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they had to prove their fitness for the position\" What is the definition of \"fitness\"?"} {"term": "point", "pos": "n", "context": "a point is defined by its coordinates", "definition": "a geometric element that has position but no extension", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a point is defined by its coordinates\" What is the definition of \"point\"?"} {"term": "point", "pos": "n", "context": "she walked to a point where she could survey the whole street", "definition": "the precise location of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she walked to a point where she could survey the whole street\" What is the definition of \"point\"?"} {"term": "point", "pos": "n", "context": "she walked to a point where she could survey the whole street", "definition": "a spatially limited location", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she walked to a point where she could survey the whole street\" What is the definition of \"point\"?"} {"term": "point", "pos": "n", "context": "get to the point", "definition": "a brief version of the essential meaning of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"get to the point\" What is the definition of \"point\"?"} {"term": "point", "pos": "v", "context": "point the letter", "definition": "to mark with diacritics", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"point the letter\" What is the definition of \"point\"?"} {"term": "meet", "pos": "s", "context": "it is only meet that she should be seated first", "definition": "being precisely fitting and right", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is only meet that she should be seated first\" What is the definition of \"meet\"?"} {"term": "complaisant", "pos": "s", "context": "to close one 's eyes like a complaisant husband whose wife has taken a lover", "definition": "showing a cheerful willingness to do favors for others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to close one 's eyes like a complaisant husband whose wife has taken a lover\" What is the definition of \"complaisant\"?"} {"term": "repose", "pos": "n", "context": "took his repose by the swimming pool", "definition": "freedom from activity work or strain or responsibility", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["dormancy", "rest", "relaxation", "laziness", "ease", "leisure", "inactivity", "quiescence"], "instruction": "\"took his repose by the swimming pool\" What is the definition of \"repose\"?"} {"term": "leadership", "pos": "n", "context": "his leadership inspired the team", "definition": "the activity of leading", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["leading", "lead", "activity", "helm"], "instruction": "\"his leadership inspired the team\" What is the definition of \"leadership\"?"} {"term": "leadership", "pos": "n", "context": "the national leadership adopted his plan", "definition": "the body of people who lead a group", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the national leadership adopted his plan\" What is the definition of \"leadership\"?"} {"term": "leadership", "pos": "n", "context": "they challenged his leadership of the union", "definition": "the status of a leader", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they challenged his leadership of the union\" What is the definition of \"leadership\"?"} {"term": "lacing", "pos": "v", "context": "The Flemish women were lacing in front of the cathedral", "definition": "to do lacework", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["tissue", "lace", "weave"], "instruction": "\"The Flemish women were lacing in front of the cathedral\" What is the definition of \"lacing\"?"} {"term": "topical", "pos": "s", "context": "a drug for topical ( or local ) application", "definition": "pertaining to the surface of a body part", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a drug for topical ( or local ) application\" What is the definition of \"topical\"?"} {"term": "topical", "pos": "s", "context": "a topical reference", "definition": "of interest at the present time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a topical reference\" What is the definition of \"topical\"?"} {"term": "topical", "pos": "a", "context": "a detailed record on both a chronological and a topical basis", "definition": "of or relating to or arranged by topics", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a detailed record on both a chronological and a topical basis\" What is the definition of \"topical\"?"} {"term": "royal", "pos": "a", "context": "the royal party", "definition": "of or relating to or indicative of or issued or performed by a king or queen or other monarch", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the royal party\" What is the definition of \"royal\"?"} {"term": "royal", "pos": "s", "context": "of royal ancestry", "definition": "being of the rank of a monarch", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"of royal ancestry\" What is the definition of \"royal\"?"} {"term": "royal", "pos": "s", "context": "treated with royal acclaim", "definition": "belonging to or befitting a supreme ruler", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["regal", "", "imperial"], "instruction": "\"treated with royal acclaim\" What is the definition of \"royal\"?"} {"term": "foreboding", "pos": "n", "context": "a steadily escalating sense of foreboding", "definition": "a feeling of evil to come", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["boding", "presage", "shadow", "dread", "presentiment", "premonition", "apprehension", "apprehensiveness"], "instruction": "\"a steadily escalating sense of foreboding\" What is the definition of \"foreboding\"?"} {"term": "explore", "pos": "v", "context": "explore unknown territory in biology", "definition": "to travel to or penetrate into", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"explore unknown territory in biology\" What is the definition of \"explore\"?"} {"term": "curtail", "pos": "v", "context": "curtail drinking in school", "definition": "to place restrictions on", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"curtail drinking in school\" What is the definition of \"curtail\"?"} {"term": "aim", "pos": "n", "context": "he took aim and fired", "definition": "the action of directing something at an object", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he took aim and fired\" What is the definition of \"aim\"?"} {"term": "aim", "pos": "n", "context": "it was created with the conscious aim of answering immediate needs", "definition": "an anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["sake", "end", "design", "goal", "mind", "idea", "purpose", "view"], "instruction": "\"it was created with the conscious aim of answering immediate needs\" What is the definition of \"aim\"?"} {"term": "aim", "pos": "v", "context": "Please do n't aim at your little brother !", "definition": "to point or cause to go blows , weapons , or objects such as photographic equipment towards", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["point", "pointed", "hold", "swing", "leveling", "target", "place", "direct", "aim", "turn", "sight", "sighted", "charge", "take", "level"], "instruction": "\"Please do n't aim at your little brother !\" What is the definition of \"aim\"?"} {"term": "aim", "pos": "v", "context": "I aim to arrive at noon", "definition": "to propose or intend", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["purpose", "propose", "intend", "mean"], "instruction": "\"I aim to arrive at noon\" What is the definition of \"aim\"?"} {"term": "aim", "pos": "v", "context": "She wanted to aim a pun", "definition": "to direct a remark toward an intended goal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"She wanted to aim a pun\" What is the definition of \"aim\"?"} {"term": "rationality", "pos": "n", "context": "his rationality may have been impaired", "definition": "the state of having good sense and sound judgment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["reasonableness", "reason", "sanity"], "instruction": "\"his rationality may have been impaired\" What is the definition of \"rationality\"?"} {"term": "union", "pos": "n", "context": "you have to join the union in order to get a job", "definition": "an organization of employees formed to bargain with the employer", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you have to join the union in order to get a job\" What is the definition of \"union\"?"} {"term": "union", "pos": "n", "context": "there is strength in union", "definition": "the state of being joined or united or linked", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["conjunction", "coalition", "association", "connection", "conjugation", "fusion", "link", "syncretism", "unification", "junction", "marriage"], "instruction": "\"there is strength in union\" What is the definition of \"union\"?"} {"term": "intimately", "pos": "r", "context": "the two phenomena are intimately connected", "definition": "in a close manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the two phenomena are intimately connected\" What is the definition of \"intimately\"?"} {"term": "forth", "pos": "r", "context": "from that time forth", "definition": "forward in time or order or degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"from that time forth\" What is the definition of \"forth\"?"} {"term": "forth", "pos": "r", "context": "came forth from the crowd", "definition": "out into view", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"came forth from the crowd\" What is the definition of \"forth\"?"} {"term": "quell", "pos": "v", "context": "quell my hunger", "definition": "to overcome or allay", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["meet", "fill", "stay", "satisfy"], "instruction": "\"quell my hunger\" What is the definition of \"quell\"?"} {"term": "playbill", "pos": "n", "context": "he could n't find her name on the playbill", "definition": "a theatrical program", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he could n't find her name on the playbill\" What is the definition of \"playbill\"?"} {"term": "operation", "pos": "n", "context": "that rule is no longer in operation", "definition": "the state of being in effect or being operative", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that rule is no longer in operation\" What is the definition of \"operation\"?"} {"term": "operation", "pos": "n", "context": "a large-scale farming operation", "definition": "a business especially one run on a large scale", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a large-scale farming operation\" What is the definition of \"operation\"?"} {"term": "operation", "pos": "n", "context": "they organized a rescue operation", "definition": "a planned activity involving many people performing various actions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they organized a rescue operation\" What is the definition of \"operation\"?"} {"term": "planetary", "pos": "a", "context": "planetary rumblings and eructations \" - L.C.Eiseley", "definition": "of or relating to or characteristic of the planet earth or its inhabitants", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"planetary rumblings and eructations \" - L.C.Eiseley\" What is the definition of \"planetary\"?"} {"term": "planetary", "pos": "a", "context": "planetary motion", "definition": "of or relating to or resembling the physical or orbital characteristics of a planet or the planets", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"planetary motion\" What is the definition of \"planetary\"?"} {"term": "planetary", "pos": "s", "context": "a planetary vagabond", "definition": "having no fixed course", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a planetary vagabond\" What is the definition of \"planetary\"?"} {"term": "planetary", "pos": "s", "context": "neither national nor continental but planetary", "definition": "involving the entire earth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["world", ""], "instruction": "\"neither national nor continental but planetary\" What is the definition of \"planetary\"?"} {"term": "planetary", "pos": "s", "context": "neither national nor continental but planetary", "definition": "not limited or provincial in scope", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["world", ""], "instruction": "\"neither national nor continental but planetary\" What is the definition of \"planetary\"?"} {"term": "deficit", "pos": "n", "context": "new blood vessels bud out from the already dilated vascular bed to make up the nutritional deficit", "definition": "the property of being an amount by which something is less than expected or required", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["shortage", "deficiency", "insufficiency", "inadequacy"], "instruction": "\"new blood vessels bud out from the already dilated vascular bed to make up the nutritional deficit\" What is the definition of \"deficit\"?"} {"term": "deficit", "pos": "n", "context": "the people concerned have a deficit in verbal memory", "definition": "a deficiency or failure in neurological or mental functioning", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the people concerned have a deficit in verbal memory\" What is the definition of \"deficit\"?"} {"term": "dozy", "pos": "s", "context": "a tired dozy child", "definition": "half asleep", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tired dozy child\" What is the definition of \"dozy\"?"} {"term": "outspread", "pos": "s", "context": "outspread wings", "definition": "fully extended in width", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"outspread wings\" What is the definition of \"outspread\"?"} {"term": "solidly", "pos": "r", "context": "the unions voted solidly for Roosevelt", "definition": "as an undiversified whole", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the unions voted solidly for Roosevelt\" What is the definition of \"solidly\"?"} {"term": "solidly", "pos": "r", "context": "a solidly built house", "definition": "with strength and soundness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a solidly built house\" What is the definition of \"solidly\"?"} {"term": "glare", "pos": "n", "context": "a glare of sunlight", "definition": "a light within the field of vision that is brighter than the brightness to which the eyes are adapted", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["brightness", "blaze"], "instruction": "\"a glare of sunlight\" What is the definition of \"glare\"?"} {"term": "glare", "pos": "n", "context": "when Congress investigates it brings the full glare of publicity to the agency", "definition": "a focus of public attention", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["limelight", "prominence"], "instruction": "\"when Congress investigates it brings the full glare of publicity to the agency\" What is the definition of \"glare\"?"} {"term": "buy", "pos": "n", "context": "the stock was a real buy at that price", "definition": "an advantageous purchase", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["bargain", "steal", "purchase", "song"], "instruction": "\"the stock was a real buy at that price\" What is the definition of \"buy\"?"} {"term": "buy", "pos": "v", "context": "She wanted to buy his love with her dedication to him and his work", "definition": "to acquire by trade or sacrifice or exchange", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"She wanted to buy his love with her dedication to him and his work\" What is the definition of \"buy\"?"} {"term": "armorial", "pos": "a", "context": "armorial bearing", "definition": "of or relating to heraldry or heraldic arms", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"armorial bearing\" What is the definition of \"armorial\"?"} {"term": "critical", "pos": "a", "context": "a critical attitude", "definition": "marked by a tendency to find and call attention to errors and flaws", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a critical attitude\" What is the definition of \"critical\"?"} {"term": "critical", "pos": "a", "context": "a critical temperature of water is 100 degrees C -- its boiling point at standard atmospheric pressure", "definition": "at or of a point at which a property or phenomenon suffers an abrupt change especially having enough mass to sustain a chain reaction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a critical temperature of water is 100 degrees C -- its boiling point at standard atmospheric pressure\" What is the definition of \"critical\"?"} {"term": "critical", "pos": "a", "context": "a critical reading", "definition": "characterized by careful evaluation and judgment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a critical reading\" What is the definition of \"critical\"?"} {"term": "critical", "pos": "s", "context": "a critical element of the plan", "definition": "urgently needed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a critical element of the plan\" What is the definition of \"critical\"?"} {"term": "critical", "pos": "s", "context": "a critical element of the plan", "definition": "absolutely necessary", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a critical element of the plan\" What is the definition of \"critical\"?"} {"term": "critical", "pos": "s", "context": "a critical point in the campaign", "definition": "forming or having the nature of a turning point or crisis", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a critical point in the campaign\" What is the definition of \"critical\"?"} {"term": "manifestation", "pos": "n", "context": "a manifestation of great emotion", "definition": "a clear appearance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a manifestation of great emotion\" What is the definition of \"manifestation\"?"} {"term": "manifestation", "pos": "n", "context": "a manifestation of disease", "definition": "a manifest indication of the existence or presence or nature of some person or thing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a manifestation of disease\" What is the definition of \"manifestation\"?"} {"term": "pursuit", "pos": "n", "context": "the culprit started to run and the cop took off in pursuit", "definition": "the act of pursuing in an effort to overtake or capture", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the culprit started to run and the cop took off in pursuit\" What is the definition of \"pursuit\"?"} {"term": "pursuit", "pos": "n", "context": "the pursuit of love", "definition": "a search for an alternative that meets cognitive criteria", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["search", "pursuance"], "instruction": "\"the pursuit of love\" What is the definition of \"pursuit\"?"} {"term": "brushy", "pos": "s", "context": "brushy undergrowth", "definition": "covered with or consisting of bushes or thickets", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["bosky", ""], "instruction": "\"brushy undergrowth\" What is the definition of \"brushy\"?"} {"term": "measured", "pos": "s", "context": "with measured irony", "definition": "carefully thought out in advance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with measured irony\" What is the definition of \"measured\"?"} {"term": "measured", "pos": "s", "context": "walking at the same measured pace", "definition": "unhurried and with care and dignity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"walking at the same measured pace\" What is the definition of \"measured\"?"} {"term": "perilous", "pos": "s", "context": "a perilous voyage across the Atlantic in a small boat", "definition": "fraught with danger", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a perilous voyage across the Atlantic in a small boat\" What is the definition of \"perilous\"?"} {"term": "mess", "pos": "n", "context": "the house was a mess", "definition": "a state of confusion and disorderliness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the house was a mess\" What is the definition of \"mess\"?"} {"term": "mess", "pos": "n", "context": "a mess of porridge", "definition": "soft semiliquid food", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a mess of porridge\" What is the definition of \"mess\"?"} {"term": "imperative", "pos": "a", "context": "as nuclear weapons proliferate , preventing war becomes imperative", "definition": "requiring attention or action", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as nuclear weapons proliferate , preventing war becomes imperative\" What is the definition of \"imperative\"?"} {"term": "hatch", "pos": "v", "context": "young birds , fish , and reptiles hatch", "definition": "to emerge from the eggs", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"young birds , fish , and reptiles hatch\" What is the definition of \"hatch\"?"} {"term": "hatch", "pos": "v", "context": "hatch the sheet", "definition": "to draw , cut , or engrave lines , usually parallel , on metal , wood , or paper", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hatch the sheet\" What is the definition of \"hatch\"?"} {"term": "numerically", "pos": "r", "context": "in ten years ' time the Oxbridge mathematicians , scientists , and engineers will not be much more significant numerically than the Oxbridge medical schools are now", "definition": "in number", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in ten years ' time the Oxbridge mathematicians , scientists , and engineers will not be much more significant numerically than the Oxbridge medical schools are now\" What is the definition of \"numerically\"?"} {"term": "numerically", "pos": "r", "context": "in ten years ' time the Oxbridge mathematicians , scientists , and engineers will not be much more significant numerically than the Oxbridge medical schools are now", "definition": "with regard to numbers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in ten years ' time the Oxbridge mathematicians , scientists , and engineers will not be much more significant numerically than the Oxbridge medical schools are now\" What is the definition of \"numerically\"?"} {"term": "subside", "pos": "v", "context": "the valleys subside", "definition": "to sink to a lower level or form a depression", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the valleys subside\" What is the definition of \"subside\"?"} {"term": "flip", "pos": "n", "context": "with a flip of the wrist", "definition": "a sudden , quick movement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with a flip of the wrist\" What is the definition of \"flip\"?"} {"term": "flip", "pos": "v", "context": "I do n't know what to do -- I may as well flip a coin !", "definition": "to lightly throw to see which side comes up", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["toss", "turning", "turn"], "instruction": "\"I do n't know what to do -- I may as well flip a coin !\" What is the definition of \"flip\"?"} {"term": "flip", "pos": "s", "context": "a flip answer to serious question", "definition": "marked by casual disrespect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a flip answer to serious question\" What is the definition of \"flip\"?"} {"term": "office", "pos": "n", "context": "he rented an office in the new building", "definition": "place of business where professional or clerical duties are performed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he rented an office in the new building\" What is the definition of \"office\"?"} {"term": "dental", "pos": "a", "context": "dental floss", "definition": "of or relating to the teeth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dental floss\" What is the definition of \"dental\"?"} {"term": "dental", "pos": "a", "context": "dental student", "definition": "of or relating to dentistry", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dental student\" What is the definition of \"dental\"?"} {"term": "military", "pos": "a", "context": "military law", "definition": "of or relating to the study of the principles of warfare", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"military law\" What is the definition of \"military\"?"} {"term": "military", "pos": "a", "context": "military police", "definition": "associated with or performed by members of the armed services as contrasted with civilians", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"military police\" What is the definition of \"military\"?"} {"term": "pupal", "pos": "s", "context": "the pupal stage", "definition": "of the insects in the chrysalis cocoon or post larval stage", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the pupal stage\" What is the definition of \"pupal\"?"} {"term": "plaza", "pos": "n", "context": "a good plaza should have a movie house", "definition": "mercantile establishment consisting of a carefully landscaped complex of shops representing leading merchandisers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["center", "outlet"], "instruction": "\"a good plaza should have a movie house\" What is the definition of \"plaza\"?"} {"term": "plaza", "pos": "n", "context": "a good plaza should have a movie house", "definition": "usually includes restaurants and a convenient parking area", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["center", "outlet"], "instruction": "\"a good plaza should have a movie house\" What is the definition of \"plaza\"?"} {"term": "plaza", "pos": "n", "context": "a good plaza should have a movie house", "definition": "a modern version of the traditional marketplace", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["center", "outlet"], "instruction": "\"a good plaza should have a movie house\" What is the definition of \"plaza\"?"} {"term": "glaciation", "pos": "n", "context": "Agassiz recognized marks of glaciation all over northern Europe", "definition": "the condition of being covered with glaciers or masses of ice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Agassiz recognized marks of glaciation all over northern Europe\" What is the definition of \"glaciation\"?"} {"term": "glaciation", "pos": "n", "context": "Agassiz recognized marks of glaciation all over northern Europe", "definition": "the result of glacial action", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Agassiz recognized marks of glaciation all over northern Europe\" What is the definition of \"glaciation\"?"} {"term": "consummate", "pos": "v", "context": "consummate a marriage", "definition": "to fulfill sexually", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"consummate a marriage\" What is the definition of \"consummate\"?"} {"term": "consummate", "pos": "s", "context": "a consummate artist", "definition": "having or revealing supreme mastery or skill", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a consummate artist\" What is the definition of \"consummate\"?"} {"term": "consummate", "pos": "s", "context": "consummate happiness", "definition": "perfect and complete in every respect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"consummate happiness\" What is the definition of \"consummate\"?"} {"term": "consummate", "pos": "s", "context": "consummate happiness", "definition": "having all necessary qualities", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"consummate happiness\" What is the definition of \"consummate\"?"} {"term": "consummate", "pos": "s", "context": "a consummate fool", "definition": "without qualification", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a consummate fool\" What is the definition of \"consummate\"?"} {"term": "consummate", "pos": "s", "context": "a consummate fool", "definition": "used informally as often pejorative intensifiers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a consummate fool\" What is the definition of \"consummate\"?"} {"term": "cultivate", "pos": "v", "context": "cultivate the land", "definition": "to prepare for crops", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["set", "crop", "prepare", "ready", "prepared"], "instruction": "\"cultivate the land\" What is the definition of \"cultivate\"?"} {"term": "culture", "pos": "n", "context": "the culture of cells in a Petri dish", "definition": "the growing of microorganisms in a nutrient medium such as gelatin or agar", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the culture of cells in a Petri dish\" What is the definition of \"culture\"?"} {"term": "picayune", "pos": "s", "context": "giving a police officer a free meal may be against the law , but it seems to be a picayune infraction", "definition": "small and of little importance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"giving a police officer a free meal may be against the law , but it seems to be a picayune infraction\" What is the definition of \"picayune\"?"} {"term": "shatter", "pos": "v", "context": "shatter the plate", "definition": "to cause to break into many pieces", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shatter the plate\" What is the definition of \"shatter\"?"} {"term": "procession", "pos": "n", "context": "the doctrine of the procession of the Holy Spirit from the Father and the Son", "definition": "the origination of the holy spirit at pentecost", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["origin", "rise", "inception", "origination"], "instruction": "\"the doctrine of the procession of the Holy Spirit from the Father and the Son\" What is the definition of \"procession\"?"} {"term": "intangible", "pos": "a", "context": "intangible assets such as good will", "definition": "not having physical substance or intrinsic productive value", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"intangible assets such as good will\" What is the definition of \"intangible\"?"} {"term": "intangible", "pos": "a", "context": "the intangible constituent of energy \" - James Jeans", "definition": "incapable of being perceived by the senses especially the sense of touch", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the intangible constituent of energy \" - James Jeans\" What is the definition of \"intangible\"?"} {"term": "intangible", "pos": "s", "context": "an intangible feeling of impending disaster", "definition": "hard to pin down or identify", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an intangible feeling of impending disaster\" What is the definition of \"intangible\"?"} {"term": "intangible", "pos": "s", "context": "that intangible thing -- the soul", "definition": "lacking substance or reality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that intangible thing -- the soul\" What is the definition of \"intangible\"?"} {"term": "intangible", "pos": "s", "context": "that intangible thing -- the soul", "definition": "incapable of being touched or seen", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that intangible thing -- the soul\" What is the definition of \"intangible\"?"} {"term": "ignoble", "pos": "a", "context": "something cowardly and ignoble in his attitude", "definition": "completely lacking nobility in character or quality or purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"something cowardly and ignoble in his attitude\" What is the definition of \"ignoble\"?"} {"term": "ignoble", "pos": "s", "context": "of ignoble ( or ungentle ) birth", "definition": "not of the nobility", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"of ignoble ( or ungentle ) birth\" What is the definition of \"ignoble\"?"} {"term": "operator", "pos": "n", "context": "the operator of the switchboard", "definition": "an agent that operates some apparatus or machine", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["switchman", "jockey", "motorman", "driver", "engineer", "manipulator"], "instruction": "\"the operator of the switchboard\" What is the definition of \"operator\"?"} {"term": "operator", "pos": "n", "context": "who is the operator of this franchise ?", "definition": "someone who owns or operates a business", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"who is the operator of this franchise ?\" What is the definition of \"operator\"?"} {"term": "apathetic", "pos": "s", "context": "a woman who became active rather than apathetic as she grew older", "definition": "showing little or no emotion or animation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a woman who became active rather than apathetic as she grew older\" What is the definition of \"apathetic\"?"} {"term": "apathetic", "pos": "s", "context": "an apathetic audience", "definition": "marked by a lack of interest", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an apathetic audience\" What is the definition of \"apathetic\"?"} {"term": "apathetic", "pos": "s", "context": "an apathetic audience", "definition": "it is simply indifferent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an apathetic audience\" What is the definition of \"apathetic\"?"} {"term": "runic", "pos": "a", "context": "runic inscription", "definition": "relating to or consisting of runes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"runic inscription\" What is the definition of \"runic\"?"} {"term": "roguish", "pos": "s", "context": "a roguish grin", "definition": "playful in an appealingly bold way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a roguish grin\" What is the definition of \"roguish\"?"} {"term": "roguish", "pos": "s", "context": "the captain was set adrift by his roguish crew", "definition": "lacking principles or scruples", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the captain was set adrift by his roguish crew\" What is the definition of \"roguish\"?"} {"term": "persistent", "pos": "a", "context": "persistent leaves remain attached past maturity", "definition": "retained", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"persistent leaves remain attached past maturity\" What is the definition of \"persistent\"?"} {"term": "persistent", "pos": "a", "context": "persistent leaves remain attached past maturity", "definition": "not shed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"persistent leaves remain attached past maturity\" What is the definition of \"persistent\"?"} {"term": "variety", "pos": "n", "context": "he goes to France for variety", "definition": "a difference that is usually pleasant", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he goes to France for variety\" What is the definition of \"variety\"?"} {"term": "future", "pos": "a", "context": "some future historian will evaluate him", "definition": "yet to be or coming", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some future historian will evaluate him\" What is the definition of \"future\"?"} {"term": "future", "pos": "a", "context": "future auxiliary", "definition": "a verb tense or other formation referring to events or states that have not yet happened", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"future auxiliary\" What is the definition of \"future\"?"} {"term": "daring", "pos": "s", "context": "the most daring of contemporary fiction writers", "definition": "disposed to venture or take risks", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the most daring of contemporary fiction writers\" What is the definition of \"daring\"?"} {"term": "dateless", "pos": "s", "context": "the dateless rise and fall of the tides", "definition": "having no known beginning and presumably no end", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the dateless rise and fall of the tides\" What is the definition of \"dateless\"?"} {"term": "dateless", "pos": "s", "context": "dateless customs", "definition": "of such great duration as to preclude the possibility of being assigned a date", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dateless customs\" What is the definition of \"dateless\"?"} {"term": "dateless", "pos": "s", "context": "a dateless letter", "definition": "not bearing a date", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dateless letter\" What is the definition of \"dateless\"?"} {"term": "soup", "pos": "n", "context": "we 're in the soup now", "definition": "an unfortunate situation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we 're in the soup now\" What is the definition of \"soup\"?"} {"term": "ecclesiastic", "pos": "a", "context": "ecclesiastic history", "definition": "of or associated with a church especially a christian church", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ecclesiastic history\" What is the definition of \"ecclesiastic\"?"} {"term": "forage", "pos": "v", "context": "The animals forage in the woods", "definition": "to wander and feed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The animals forage in the woods\" What is the definition of \"forage\"?"} {"term": "sylvan", "pos": "s", "context": "a shady sylvan glade", "definition": "relating to or characteristic of wooded regions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a shady sylvan glade\" What is the definition of \"sylvan\"?"} {"term": "untrained", "pos": "a", "context": "an untrained voice", "definition": "not disciplined or conditioned or made adept by training", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an untrained voice\" What is the definition of \"untrained\"?"} {"term": "vernal", "pos": "a", "context": "the vernal equinox", "definition": "of or characteristic of or occurring in spring", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the vernal equinox\" What is the definition of \"vernal\"?"} {"term": "bleed", "pos": "v", "context": "bleed the radiators", "definition": "to drain of liquid or steam", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bleed the radiators\" What is the definition of \"bleed\"?"} {"term": "process", "pos": "n", "context": "the process of thinking", "definition": "the performance of some composite cognitive activity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["operation", "knowledge", "cognition"], "instruction": "\"the process of thinking\" What is the definition of \"process\"?"} {"term": "process", "pos": "n", "context": "the process of thinking", "definition": "an operation that affects mental contents", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["operation", "knowledge", "cognition"], "instruction": "\"the process of thinking\" What is the definition of \"process\"?"} {"term": "process", "pos": "n", "context": "a bony process", "definition": "a natural prolongation or projection from a part of an organism either animal or plant", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["appendage", "cirrus", "eminence", "spine", "olecranon", "flagellum", "tubercle", "acromion", "excrescence", "ridge", "hair", "crest", "villus", "tuberosity", "trochanter", "tail", "alas", "epicondyle", "horn", "ala", "condyle", "spicule", "outgrowth"], "instruction": "\"a bony process\" What is the definition of \"process\"?"} {"term": "process", "pos": "v", "context": "process a loan", "definition": "to deal with in a routine way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"process a loan\" What is the definition of \"process\"?"} {"term": "conduct", "pos": "v", "context": "You can not conduct business like this", "definition": "to direct the course of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["handless", "manage", "deal", "handling", "handle", "care"], "instruction": "\"You can not conduct business like this\" What is the definition of \"conduct\"?"} {"term": "conduct", "pos": "v", "context": "You can not conduct business like this", "definition": "to manage or control", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["handless", "manage", "deal", "handling", "handle", "care"], "instruction": "\"You can not conduct business like this\" What is the definition of \"conduct\"?"} {"term": "conduct", "pos": "v", "context": "conduct an orchestra", "definition": "to lead , as in the performance of a composition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["lead", "execute", "perform", "direct", "done"], "instruction": "\"conduct an orchestra\" What is the definition of \"conduct\"?"} {"term": "conduct", "pos": "v", "context": "she can not conduct modern pieces", "definition": "to lead musicians in the performance of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she can not conduct modern pieces\" What is the definition of \"conduct\"?"} {"term": "euphemistic", "pos": "a", "context": "` peepee ' is a common euphemistic term", "definition": "substituting a mild term for a harsher or distasteful one", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"` peepee ' is a common euphemistic term\" What is the definition of \"euphemistic\"?"} {"term": "transferability", "pos": "n", "context": "sterling transferability affords a means of multilateral settlement for .... trade between nondollar countries", "definition": "the quality of being transferable or exchangeable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sterling transferability affords a means of multilateral settlement for .... trade between nondollar countries\" What is the definition of \"transferability\"?"} {"term": "rail", "pos": "n", "context": "he traveled by rail", "definition": "short for railway", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he traveled by rail\" What is the definition of \"rail\"?"} {"term": "blasphemous", "pos": "s", "context": "blasphemous rites of a witches ' Sabbath", "definition": "grossly irreverent toward what is held to be sacred", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"blasphemous rites of a witches ' Sabbath\" What is the definition of \"blasphemous\"?"} {"term": "blasphemous", "pos": "s", "context": "foul-mouthed and blasphemous", "definition": "characterized by profanity or cursing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"foul-mouthed and blasphemous\" What is the definition of \"blasphemous\"?"} {"term": "likely", "pos": "a", "context": "these services are likely to be available to us all before long", "definition": "has a good chance of being the case or of coming about", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these services are likely to be available to us all before long\" What is the definition of \"likely\"?"} {"term": "likely", "pos": "s", "context": "not a very likely excuse", "definition": "within the realm of credibility", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"not a very likely excuse\" What is the definition of \"likely\"?"} {"term": "substitute", "pos": "v", "context": "substitute regular milk with fat-free milk", "definition": "to put in the place of another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["exchange", "shift", "subrogate", "alter", "interchange", "change", "modify", "truncated", "truncate"], "instruction": "\"substitute regular milk with fat-free milk\" What is the definition of \"substitute\"?"} {"term": "substitute", "pos": "v", "context": "substitute regular milk with fat-free milk", "definition": "to switch seemingly equivalent items", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["exchange", "shift", "subrogate", "alter", "interchange", "change", "modify", "truncated", "truncate"], "instruction": "\"substitute regular milk with fat-free milk\" What is the definition of \"substitute\"?"} {"term": "substitute", "pos": "s", "context": "substitute coffee", "definition": "artificial and inferior", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"substitute coffee\" What is the definition of \"substitute\"?"} {"term": "reciprocally", "pos": "r", "context": "the goals of the negotiators were not reciprocally exclusive", "definition": "in a mutual or shared manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the goals of the negotiators were not reciprocally exclusive\" What is the definition of \"reciprocally\"?"} {"term": "architectural", "pos": "a", "context": "architectural history", "definition": "of or pertaining to the art and science of architecture", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"architectural history\" What is the definition of \"architectural\"?"} {"term": "prolongation", "pos": "n", "context": "there was an indefinite prolongation of the peace talks", "definition": "the act of prolonging something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["continuance", "protraction", "perpetuation"], "instruction": "\"there was an indefinite prolongation of the peace talks\" What is the definition of \"prolongation\"?"} {"term": "savory", "pos": "a", "context": "a past that was scarcely savory", "definition": "morally wholesome or acceptable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a past that was scarcely savory\" What is the definition of \"savory\"?"} {"term": "drift", "pos": "v", "context": "drift the boats downstream", "definition": "to cause to be carried by a current", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"drift the boats downstream\" What is the definition of \"drift\"?"} {"term": "sensitize", "pos": "v", "context": "Long-term exposure to this medicine may sensitize you to the allergen", "definition": "to make sensitive to a drug or allergen", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Long-term exposure to this medicine may sensitize you to the allergen\" What is the definition of \"sensitize\"?"} {"term": "theory", "pos": "n", "context": "true in fact and theory", "definition": "a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"true in fact and theory\" What is the definition of \"theory\"?"} {"term": "theory", "pos": "n", "context": "true in fact and theory", "definition": "an organized system of accepted knowledge that applies in a variety of circumstances to explain a specific set of phenomena", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"true in fact and theory\" What is the definition of \"theory\"?"} {"term": "theory", "pos": "n", "context": "the architect has a theory that more is less", "definition": "a belief that can guide behavior", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the architect has a theory that more is less\" What is the definition of \"theory\"?"} {"term": "theory", "pos": "n", "context": "a scientific hypothesis that survives experimental testing becomes a scientific theory", "definition": "a tentative insight into the natural world", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["model", "conjecture", "possibility", "assumption", "speculation", "conception", "framework", "hypothesis", "concept", "supposition"], "instruction": "\"a scientific hypothesis that survives experimental testing becomes a scientific theory\" What is the definition of \"theory\"?"} {"term": "theory", "pos": "n", "context": "a scientific hypothesis that survives experimental testing becomes a scientific theory", "definition": "a concept that is not yet verified but that if true would explain certain facts or phenomena", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["model", "conjecture", "possibility", "assumption", "speculation", "conception", "framework", "hypothesis", "concept", "supposition"], "instruction": "\"a scientific hypothesis that survives experimental testing becomes a scientific theory\" What is the definition of \"theory\"?"} {"term": "inefficient", "pos": "a", "context": "an inefficient campaign against drugs", "definition": "not producing desired results", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an inefficient campaign against drugs\" What is the definition of \"inefficient\"?"} {"term": "inefficient", "pos": "a", "context": "an inefficient campaign against drugs", "definition": "wasteful", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an inefficient campaign against drugs\" What is the definition of \"inefficient\"?"} {"term": "inefficient", "pos": "s", "context": "inefficient workers", "definition": "lacking the ability or skill to perform effectively", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"inefficient workers\" What is the definition of \"inefficient\"?"} {"term": "inefficient", "pos": "s", "context": "inefficient workers", "definition": "inadequate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"inefficient workers\" What is the definition of \"inefficient\"?"} {"term": "provocation", "pos": "n", "context": "the result was a provocation of vigorous investigation", "definition": "needed encouragement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["incitement", "encouragement"], "instruction": "\"the result was a provocation of vigorous investigation\" What is the definition of \"provocation\"?"} {"term": "forcibly", "pos": "r", "context": "keep in mind the dangers of imposing our own values and prejudices too forcibly", "definition": "in a forcible manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"keep in mind the dangers of imposing our own values and prejudices too forcibly\" What is the definition of \"forcibly\"?"} {"term": "authentically", "pos": "r", "context": "it is authentically British", "definition": "genuinely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is authentically British\" What is the definition of \"authentically\"?"} {"term": "authentically", "pos": "r", "context": "it is authentically British", "definition": "with authority", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is authentically British\" What is the definition of \"authentically\"?"} {"term": "streaming", "pos": "v", "context": "She was streaming with sweat", "definition": "to exude profusely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["exude", "exudate", "stream", "ooze"], "instruction": "\"She was streaming with sweat\" What is the definition of \"streaming\"?"} {"term": "streaming", "pos": "a", "context": "his streaming face", "definition": "exuding a bodily fluid in profuse amounts", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his streaming face\" What is the definition of \"streaming\"?"} {"term": "streaming", "pos": "s", "context": "streaming audio", "definition": "using or relating to a form of continuous tape transport", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"streaming audio\" What is the definition of \"streaming\"?"} {"term": "streaming", "pos": "s", "context": "streaming audio", "definition": "used mainly to provide backup storage of unedited data", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"streaming audio\" What is the definition of \"streaming\"?"} {"term": "factitious", "pos": "s", "context": "brokers created a factitious demand for stocks", "definition": "not produced by natural forces", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"brokers created a factitious demand for stocks\" What is the definition of \"factitious\"?"} {"term": "flagrantly", "pos": "r", "context": "he is flagrantly disregarding the law", "definition": "in a flagrant manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is flagrantly disregarding the law\" What is the definition of \"flagrantly\"?"} {"term": "persnickety", "pos": "s", "context": "they 're snobs -- stuck-up and uppity and persnickety", "definition": "overly conceited or arrogant", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they 're snobs -- stuck-up and uppity and persnickety\" What is the definition of \"persnickety\"?"} {"term": "persnickety", "pos": "s", "context": "a persnickety job", "definition": "characterized by excessive precision and attention to trivial details", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a persnickety job\" What is the definition of \"persnickety\"?"} {"term": "mutely", "pos": "r", "context": "he sat mutely next to her", "definition": "without speaking", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he sat mutely next to her\" What is the definition of \"mutely\"?"} {"term": "vision", "pos": "n", "context": "he had a vision of his own death", "definition": "a vivid mental image", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had a vision of his own death\" What is the definition of \"vision\"?"} {"term": "vision", "pos": "n", "context": "the runners emerged from the trees into his clear vision", "definition": "the perceptual experience of seeing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the runners emerged from the trees into his clear vision\" What is the definition of \"vision\"?"} {"term": "vision", "pos": "n", "context": "he had a vision of the Virgin Mary", "definition": "a religious or mystical experience of a supernatural appearance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had a vision of the Virgin Mary\" What is the definition of \"vision\"?"} {"term": "complacently", "pos": "r", "context": "he complacently lived out his life as a village school teacher", "definition": "in a self-satisfied manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he complacently lived out his life as a village school teacher\" What is the definition of \"complacently\"?"} {"term": "commensurate", "pos": "a", "context": "pay should be commensurate with the time worked", "definition": "corresponding in size or degree or extent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pay should be commensurate with the time worked\" What is the definition of \"commensurate\"?"} {"term": "digression", "pos": "n", "context": "a digression into irrelevant details", "definition": "a turning aside of your course or attention or concern", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["diversion", "deflection", "turning", "turn"], "instruction": "\"a digression into irrelevant details\" What is the definition of \"digression\"?"} {"term": "golden", "pos": "s", "context": "a golden era", "definition": "marked by peace and prosperity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a golden era\" What is the definition of \"golden\"?"} {"term": "golden", "pos": "s", "context": "a golden voice", "definition": "suggestive of gold", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a golden voice\" What is the definition of \"golden\"?"} {"term": "teacher", "pos": "n", "context": "experience is a demanding teacher", "definition": "a personified abstraction that teaches", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"experience is a demanding teacher\" What is the definition of \"teacher\"?"} {"term": "piece", "pos": "n", "context": "an important piece of the evidence", "definition": "a separate part of a whole", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an important piece of the evidence\" What is the definition of \"piece\"?"} {"term": "piece", "pos": "n", "context": "he designed a new piece of equipment", "definition": "an item that is an instance of some type", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he designed a new piece of equipment\" What is the definition of \"piece\"?"} {"term": "piece", "pos": "n", "context": "it was a nice piece of work", "definition": "an instance of some kind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["case", "bit", "example", "instance"], "instruction": "\"it was a nice piece of work\" What is the definition of \"piece\"?"} {"term": "piece", "pos": "v", "context": "piece the broken pieces of thread , slivers , and rovings", "definition": "to join during spinning", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"piece the broken pieces of thread , slivers , and rovings\" What is the definition of \"piece\"?"} {"term": "prominence", "pos": "n", "context": "he stood on the rocky prominence", "definition": "something that bulges out or is protuberant or projects from its surroundings", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["nub", "swelling", "bump", "wart", "belly", "mogul", "protuberance", "protrusion", "caput", "excrescence", "jut"], "instruction": "\"he stood on the rocky prominence\" What is the definition of \"prominence\"?"} {"term": "angelic", "pos": "s", "context": "angelic beneficence", "definition": "marked by utter benignity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"angelic beneficence\" What is the definition of \"angelic\"?"} {"term": "angelic", "pos": "s", "context": "angelic beneficence", "definition": "resembling or befitting an angel or saint", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"angelic beneficence\" What is the definition of \"angelic\"?"} {"term": "angelic", "pos": "s", "context": "an angelic smile", "definition": "having a sweet nature befitting an angel or cherub", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an angelic smile\" What is the definition of \"angelic\"?"} {"term": "angelic", "pos": "a", "context": "angelic messenger", "definition": "of or relating to angels", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"angelic messenger\" What is the definition of \"angelic\"?"} {"term": "similarly", "pos": "r", "context": "He was similarly affected", "definition": "in like or similar manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"He was similarly affected\" What is the definition of \"similarly\"?"} {"term": "demonstrable", "pos": "s", "context": "demonstrable truths", "definition": "necessarily or demonstrably true", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"demonstrable truths\" What is the definition of \"demonstrable\"?"} {"term": "demonstrable", "pos": "s", "context": "a demonstrable lack of concern for the general welfare", "definition": "capable of being demonstrated or proved", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a demonstrable lack of concern for the general welfare\" What is the definition of \"demonstrable\"?"} {"term": "men", "pos": "n", "context": "there were two women and six men on the bus", "definition": "an adult person who is male as opposed to a woman", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["male", "stiff", "guy", "adonis", "bull", "fop", "man", "swain", "gentleman", "gallant", "beau", "dandy", "adult", "widower", "bruiser", "castrate", "swell", "strapper", "patriarch", "sir", "shaver", "buster", "boy", "cat", "paterfamilias", "signor", "sheik", "clotheshorse", "geezer", "eunuch", "bey", "stud", "fellow"], "instruction": "\"there were two women and six men on the bus\" What is the definition of \"men\"?"} {"term": "men", "pos": "n", "context": "two men stood sentry duty", "definition": "someone who serves in the armed forces", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["sailor", "officer", "cannoneer", "ranger", "volunteer", "commander", "conscript", "gunner", "occupier", "artilleryman", "man", "leatherneck", "veteran", "voluntary"], "instruction": "\"two men stood sentry duty\" What is the definition of \"men\"?"} {"term": "men", "pos": "n", "context": "two men stood sentry duty", "definition": "a member of a military force", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["sailor", "officer", "cannoneer", "ranger", "volunteer", "commander", "conscript", "gunner", "occupier", "artilleryman", "man", "leatherneck", "veteran", "voluntary"], "instruction": "\"two men stood sentry duty\" What is the definition of \"men\"?"} {"term": "confidence", "pos": "n", "context": "I have confidence in our team", "definition": "a feeling of trust in someone or something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I have confidence in our team\" What is the definition of \"confidence\"?"} {"term": "confidence", "pos": "n", "context": "public confidence in the economy", "definition": "a state of confident hopefulness that events will be favorable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"public confidence in the economy\" What is the definition of \"confidence\"?"} {"term": "confidence", "pos": "n", "context": "he took me into his confidence", "definition": "a trustful relationship", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he took me into his confidence\" What is the definition of \"confidence\"?"} {"term": "severity", "pos": "n", "context": "severity of character", "definition": "excessive sternness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["rigor", "stiffness", "strictness", "inclemency", "hardness", "sternness", "harshness"], "instruction": "\"severity of character\" What is the definition of \"severity\"?"} {"term": "devout", "pos": "s", "context": "devout wishes for their success", "definition": "earnest", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"devout wishes for their success\" What is the definition of \"devout\"?"} {"term": "efficiently", "pos": "r", "context": "he functions efficiently", "definition": "with efficiency", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he functions efficiently\" What is the definition of \"efficiently\"?"} {"term": "efficiently", "pos": "r", "context": "he functions efficiently", "definition": "in an efficient manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he functions efficiently\" What is the definition of \"efficiently\"?"} {"term": "flaring", "pos": "s", "context": "ran quickly , her flaring coat behind her", "definition": "streaming or flapping or spreading wide as if in a current of air", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ran quickly , her flaring coat behind her\" What is the definition of \"flaring\"?"} {"term": "explain", "pos": "v", "context": "Her recent divorce may explain her reluctance to date again", "definition": "to serve as a reason or cause or justification of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["vindicate", "excuse", "justify", "alibi"], "instruction": "\"Her recent divorce may explain her reluctance to date again\" What is the definition of \"explain\"?"} {"term": "communicative", "pos": "a", "context": "communicative arts", "definition": "of or relating to communication", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"communicative arts\" What is the definition of \"communicative\"?"} {"term": "communicative", "pos": "a", "context": "was a communicative person and quickly told all she knew \" - W.M.Thackeray", "definition": "able or tending to communicate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"was a communicative person and quickly told all she knew \" - W.M.Thackeray\" What is the definition of \"communicative\"?"} {"term": "incandescent", "pos": "s", "context": "an incandescent bulb", "definition": "emitting light as a result of being heated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an incandescent bulb\" What is the definition of \"incandescent\"?"} {"term": "incandescent", "pos": "s", "context": "an incandescent performance", "definition": "characterized by ardent emotion or intensity or brilliance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an incandescent performance\" What is the definition of \"incandescent\"?"} {"term": "weatherproof", "pos": "s", "context": "weatherproof electric wiring", "definition": "able to withstand exposure to weather without damage", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"weatherproof electric wiring\" What is the definition of \"weatherproof\"?"} {"term": "structure", "pos": "n", "context": "the structure consisted of a series of arches", "definition": "a thing constructed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["counterbalance", "establishment", "coil", "tower", "complex", "shelter", "porch", "bowl", "body", "housing", "superstructure", "defense", "platform", "span", "lookout", "arena", "wellhead", "arch", "monument", "lamination", "building", "artifact", "helix", "masonry", "bridge", "fountain", "corner", "lodging", "area", "signboard", "vaulting", "door", "obstruction", "guide", "equipoise", "construction", "entablature", "floor", "boarding", "balance", "balcony", "sail", "offset", "spiral", "hill", "cross", "level", "stadium", "divider", "impediment", "bascule", "sign", "altar", "catchment", "arcade", "colonnade", "column", "landing", "whorl", "story"], "instruction": "\"the structure consisted of a series of arches\" What is the definition of \"structure\"?"} {"term": "structure", "pos": "n", "context": "the structure consisted of a series of arches", "definition": "a complex entity constructed of many parts", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["counterbalance", "establishment", "coil", "tower", "complex", "shelter", "porch", "bowl", "body", "housing", "superstructure", "defense", "platform", "span", "lookout", "arena", "wellhead", "arch", "monument", "lamination", "building", "artifact", "helix", "masonry", "bridge", "fountain", "corner", "lodging", "area", "signboard", "vaulting", "door", "obstruction", "guide", "equipoise", "construction", "entablature", "floor", "boarding", "balance", "balcony", "sail", "offset", "spiral", "hill", "cross", "level", "stadium", "divider", "impediment", "bascule", "sign", "altar", "catchment", "arcade", "colonnade", "column", "landing", "whorl", "story"], "instruction": "\"the structure consisted of a series of arches\" What is the definition of \"structure\"?"} {"term": "structure", "pos": "n", "context": "artists must study the structure of the human body", "definition": "the manner of construction of something and the arrangement of its parts", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"artists must study the structure of the human body\" What is the definition of \"structure\"?"} {"term": "structure", "pos": "n", "context": "his lectures have no structure", "definition": "the complex composition of knowledge as elements and their combinations", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his lectures have no structure\" What is the definition of \"structure\"?"} {"term": "thermostatic", "pos": "a", "context": "thermostatic control", "definition": "of or relating to a thermostat", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"thermostatic control\" What is the definition of \"thermostatic\"?"} {"term": "trillion", "pos": "n", "context": "in England they call a quintillion a trillion", "definition": "the number that is represented as a one followed by 18 zeros", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in England they call a quintillion a trillion\" What is the definition of \"trillion\"?"} {"term": "trillion", "pos": "n", "context": "in England they call a trillion a billion", "definition": "the number that is represented as a one followed by 12 zeros", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in England they call a trillion a billion\" What is the definition of \"trillion\"?"} {"term": "fiery", "pos": "s", "context": "a fiery desert wind", "definition": "like or suggestive of fire", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fiery desert wind\" What is the definition of \"fiery\"?"} {"term": "fiery", "pos": "s", "context": "a fiery temper", "definition": "very intense", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fiery temper\" What is the definition of \"fiery\"?"} {"term": "fiery", "pos": "s", "context": "fiery oratory", "definition": "characterized by intense emotion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fiery oratory\" What is the definition of \"fiery\"?"} {"term": "jingling", "pos": "v", "context": "The keys were jingling in his pocket", "definition": "to make a sound typical of metallic objects", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["resound", "noise", "jangle", "jingle"], "instruction": "\"The keys were jingling in his pocket\" What is the definition of \"jingling\"?"} {"term": "jingling", "pos": "s", "context": "jingling sleigh bells", "definition": "having a series of high-pitched ringing sounds like many small bells", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"jingling sleigh bells\" What is the definition of \"jingling\"?"} {"term": "astringent", "pos": "a", "context": "astringent cosmetic lotions", "definition": "tending to draw together or constrict soft organic tissue", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"astringent cosmetic lotions\" What is the definition of \"astringent\"?"} {"term": "success", "pos": "n", "context": "let 's call heads a success and tails a failure", "definition": "an event that accomplishes its intended purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"let 's call heads a success and tails a failure\" What is the definition of \"success\"?"} {"term": "success", "pos": "n", "context": "his success in the marathon was unexpected", "definition": "an attainment that is successful", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his success in the marathon was unexpected\" What is the definition of \"success\"?"} {"term": "success", "pos": "n", "context": "he is enjoying great success", "definition": "a state of prosperity or fame", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is enjoying great success\" What is the definition of \"success\"?"} {"term": "security", "pos": "n", "context": "we support the armed services in the name of national security", "definition": "the state of being free from danger or injury", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we support the armed services in the name of national security\" What is the definition of \"security\"?"} {"term": "security", "pos": "n", "context": "his pension gave him security in his old age", "definition": "defense against financial failure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his pension gave him security in his old age\" What is the definition of \"security\"?"} {"term": "security", "pos": "n", "context": "his pension gave him security in his old age", "definition": "financial independence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his pension gave him security in his old age\" What is the definition of \"security\"?"} {"term": "security", "pos": "n", "context": "the watch dog gave her a feeling of security", "definition": "freedom from anxiety or fear", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the watch dog gave her a feeling of security\" What is the definition of \"security\"?"} {"term": "professionally", "pos": "r", "context": "professionally trained staff", "definition": "in a professional manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"professionally trained staff\" What is the definition of \"professionally\"?"} {"term": "liveried", "pos": "a", "context": "liveried footmen stood on the palace steps", "definition": "wearing livery", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"liveried footmen stood on the palace steps\" What is the definition of \"liveried\"?"} {"term": "replication", "pos": "n", "context": "scientists will not believe an experimental result until they have seen at least one replication", "definition": "the repetition of an experiment in order to test the validity of its conclusion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"scientists will not believe an experimental result until they have seen at least one replication\" What is the definition of \"replication\"?"} {"term": "racy", "pos": "s", "context": "a racy literary style", "definition": "full of zest or vigor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a racy literary style\" What is the definition of \"racy\"?"} {"term": "surrounding", "pos": "s", "context": "the surrounding countryside", "definition": "closely encircling", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the surrounding countryside\" What is the definition of \"surrounding\"?"} {"term": "lustily", "pos": "r", "context": "the young plants grew lustily", "definition": "in a healthy manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the young plants grew lustily\" What is the definition of \"lustily\"?"} {"term": "removable", "pos": "a", "context": "a removable cord", "definition": "capable of being removed or taken away or dismissed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a removable cord\" What is the definition of \"removable\"?"} {"term": "damascene", "pos": "a", "context": "damascene city gates", "definition": "of or relating to or characteristic of damascus or its people", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"damascene city gates\" What is the definition of \"damascene\"?"} {"term": "redound", "pos": "v", "context": "Her efforts will redound to the general good", "definition": "to have an effect for good or ill", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Her efforts will redound to the general good\" What is the definition of \"redound\"?"} {"term": "antennal", "pos": "a", "context": "antennal senses of insects", "definition": "of or relating to antennae", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"antennal senses of insects\" What is the definition of \"antennal\"?"} {"term": "condescension", "pos": "n", "context": "the queen 's condescension was intended to make us feel comfortable", "definition": "affability to your inferiors and temporary disregard for differences of position or rank", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the queen 's condescension was intended to make us feel comfortable\" What is the definition of \"condescension\"?"} {"term": "cartridge", "pos": "n", "context": "he loaded a cartridge of fresh tape into the tape deck", "definition": "a module designed to be inserted into a larger piece of equipment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he loaded a cartridge of fresh tape into the tape deck\" What is the definition of \"cartridge\"?"} {"term": "cultivation", "pos": "n", "context": "her cultivation was remarkable", "definition": "socialization through training and education to develop ones mind or manners", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her cultivation was remarkable\" What is the definition of \"cultivation\"?"} {"term": "cultivation", "pos": "n", "context": "the cultivation of bees for honey", "definition": "the process of fostering the growth of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the cultivation of bees for honey\" What is the definition of \"cultivation\"?"} {"term": "ponderousness", "pos": "n", "context": "a book so serious that it sometimes subsided into ponderousness", "definition": "an oppressive quality that is laborious and solemn and lacks grace or fluency", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a book so serious that it sometimes subsided into ponderousness\" What is the definition of \"ponderousness\"?"} {"term": "frontal", "pos": "s", "context": "a frontal appendage", "definition": "belonging to the front part", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a frontal appendage\" What is the definition of \"frontal\"?"} {"term": "frontal", "pos": "s", "context": "a frontal attack", "definition": "meeting front to front", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a frontal attack\" What is the definition of \"frontal\"?"} {"term": "frontal", "pos": "a", "context": "frontal rainfall", "definition": "of or relating to the front of an advancing mass of air", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"frontal rainfall\" What is the definition of \"frontal\"?"} {"term": "inactive", "pos": "s", "context": "desired amounts of inactive chlorine", "definition": "not participating in a chemical reaction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"desired amounts of inactive chlorine\" What is the definition of \"inactive\"?"} {"term": "inactive", "pos": "s", "context": "desired amounts of inactive chlorine", "definition": "chemically inert", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"desired amounts of inactive chlorine\" What is the definition of \"inactive\"?"} {"term": "inactive", "pos": "a", "context": "an inactive mine", "definition": "lacking activity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an inactive mine\" What is the definition of \"inactive\"?"} {"term": "inactive", "pos": "a", "context": "an inactive mine", "definition": "lying idle or unused", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an inactive mine\" What is the definition of \"inactive\"?"} {"term": "pontifical", "pos": "s", "context": "pseudo-scientific gobbledygook and pontifical hooey \" - Newsweek", "definition": "puffed up with vanity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["grandiloquent", "", "pompous", "portentous"], "instruction": "\"pseudo-scientific gobbledygook and pontifical hooey \" - Newsweek\" What is the definition of \"pontifical\"?"} {"term": "sprinkling", "pos": "n", "context": "a sprinkling of grey at his temples", "definition": "a small number of something dispersed haphazardly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["scattering", ""], "instruction": "\"a sprinkling of grey at his temples\" What is the definition of \"sprinkling\"?"} {"term": "surly", "pos": "s", "context": "a surly waiter", "definition": "inclined to anger or bad feelings with overtones of menace", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a surly waiter\" What is the definition of \"surly\"?"} {"term": "awe", "pos": "n", "context": "he stared over the edge with a feeling of awe", "definition": "an overwhelming feeling of wonder or admiration", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he stared over the edge with a feeling of awe\" What is the definition of \"awe\"?"} {"term": "offing", "pos": "n", "context": "there was a wedding in the offing", "definition": "the near or foreseeable future", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was a wedding in the offing\" What is the definition of \"offing\"?"} {"term": "offing", "pos": "n", "context": "there was a ship in the offing", "definition": "the part of the sea that can be seen from the shore and is beyond the anchoring area", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was a ship in the offing\" What is the definition of \"offing\"?"} {"term": "accessorial", "pos": "s", "context": "accessorial services included sorting and packing", "definition": "nonessential but helpful", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"accessorial services included sorting and packing\" What is the definition of \"accessorial\"?"} {"term": "meagerly", "pos": "r", "context": "these voices are meagerly represented at the conference", "definition": "to a meager degree or in a meager manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these voices are meagerly represented at the conference\" What is the definition of \"meagerly\"?"} {"term": "corporeal", "pos": "a", "context": "that which is created is of necessity corporeal and visible and tangible \" - Benjamin Jowett", "definition": "having material or physical form or substance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that which is created is of necessity corporeal and visible and tangible \" - Benjamin Jowett\" What is the definition of \"corporeal\"?"} {"term": "corporeal", "pos": "s", "context": "corporeal suffering", "definition": "affecting or characteristic of the body as opposed to the mind or spirit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"corporeal suffering\" What is the definition of \"corporeal\"?"} {"term": "piano", "pos": "a", "context": "the piano passages in the composition", "definition": "used chiefly as a direction or description in music", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["soft", ""], "instruction": "\"the piano passages in the composition\" What is the definition of \"piano\"?"} {"term": "proclaim", "pos": "v", "context": "The King will proclaim an amnesty", "definition": "to state or announce", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["clarion", "exclaim", "trumpet", "trumpets", "declare"], "instruction": "\"The King will proclaim an amnesty\" What is the definition of \"proclaim\"?"} {"term": "godly", "pos": "s", "context": "a godly man", "definition": "showing great reverence for god", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a godly man\" What is the definition of \"godly\"?"} {"term": "teaching", "pos": "n", "context": "he prepared for teaching while still in college", "definition": "the profession of a teacher", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["tuition", "pedagogy", "tutelage", "indoctrination", "lesson", "schooling", "tutorship"], "instruction": "\"he prepared for teaching while still in college\" What is the definition of \"teaching\"?"} {"term": "teaching", "pos": "n", "context": "good classroom teaching is seldom rewarded", "definition": "the activities of educating or instructing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["pedagogy", "class", "extension", "didactics", "activity"], "instruction": "\"good classroom teaching is seldom rewarded\" What is the definition of \"teaching\"?"} {"term": "teaching", "pos": "n", "context": "good classroom teaching is seldom rewarded", "definition": "activities that impart knowledge or skill", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["pedagogy", "class", "extension", "didactics", "activity"], "instruction": "\"good classroom teaching is seldom rewarded\" What is the definition of \"teaching\"?"} {"term": "execute", "pos": "v", "context": "execute a will or a deed", "definition": "to carry out the legalities of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"execute a will or a deed\" What is the definition of \"execute\"?"} {"term": "diametric", "pos": "s", "context": "in diametric contradiction to his claims", "definition": "characterized by opposite extremes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in diametric contradiction to his claims\" What is the definition of \"diametric\"?"} {"term": "diametric", "pos": "s", "context": "in diametric contradiction to his claims", "definition": "completely opposed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in diametric contradiction to his claims\" What is the definition of \"diametric\"?"} {"term": "combat", "pos": "v", "context": "We must combat the prejudices against other races", "definition": "to battle or contend against in or as if in a battle", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["wrestle", "battle", "fight", "fighting", "struggle"], "instruction": "\"We must combat the prejudices against other races\" What is the definition of \"combat\"?"} {"term": "increasingly", "pos": "r", "context": "she became increasingly depressed", "definition": "advancing in amount or intensity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she became increasingly depressed\" What is the definition of \"increasingly\"?"} {"term": "saturated", "pos": "a", "context": "a saturated solution", "definition": "being the most concentrated solution possible at a given temperature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a saturated solution\" What is the definition of \"saturated\"?"} {"term": "saturated", "pos": "a", "context": "a saturated solution", "definition": "unable to dissolve still more of a substance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a saturated solution\" What is the definition of \"saturated\"?"} {"term": "saturated", "pos": "a", "context": "saturated fats", "definition": "used especially of organic compounds", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"saturated fats\" What is the definition of \"saturated\"?"} {"term": "saturated", "pos": "a", "context": "saturated fats", "definition": "having all available valence bonds filled", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"saturated fats\" What is the definition of \"saturated\"?"} {"term": "reconstruct", "pos": "v", "context": "reconstruct the events of 20 years ago", "definition": "to reassemble mentally", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["conjecture", "suppose", "theorize", "retrace", "speculate"], "instruction": "\"reconstruct the events of 20 years ago\" What is the definition of \"reconstruct\"?"} {"term": "spry", "pos": "s", "context": "the old dog was so spry it was halfway up the stairs before we could stop it", "definition": "moving quickly and lightly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["quick", "", "nimble"], "instruction": "\"the old dog was so spry it was halfway up the stairs before we could stop it\" What is the definition of \"spry\"?"} {"term": "breezy", "pos": "s", "context": "her breezy nature", "definition": "fresh and animated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her breezy nature\" What is the definition of \"breezy\"?"} {"term": "thunderous", "pos": "s", "context": "world events of thunderous import", "definition": "extremely ominous", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"world events of thunderous import\" What is the definition of \"thunderous\"?"} {"term": "southwesterly", "pos": "s", "context": "the winds are southwesterly", "definition": "coming from the southwest", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the winds are southwesterly\" What is the definition of \"southwesterly\"?"} {"term": "believing", "pos": "n", "context": "seeing is believing", "definition": "the cognitive process that leads to convictions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"seeing is believing\" What is the definition of \"believing\"?"} {"term": "brainy", "pos": "s", "context": "some men dislike brainy women", "definition": "having or marked by unusual and impressive intelligence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some men dislike brainy women\" What is the definition of \"brainy\"?"} {"term": "lazy", "pos": "s", "context": "up a lazy river", "definition": "moving slowly and gently", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"up a lazy river\" What is the definition of \"lazy\"?"} {"term": "lazy", "pos": "s", "context": "too lazy to wash the dishes", "definition": "disinclined to work or exertion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"too lazy to wash the dishes\" What is the definition of \"lazy\"?"} {"term": "ruminant", "pos": "a", "context": "ruminant mammals", "definition": "related to or characteristic of animals of the suborder ruminantia or any other animal that chews a cud", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ruminant mammals\" What is the definition of \"ruminant\"?"} {"term": "densely", "pos": "r", "context": "old houses are often so densely packed that perhaps three or four have to be demolished for every new one built", "definition": "in a concentrated manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"old houses are often so densely packed that perhaps three or four have to be demolished for every new one built\" What is the definition of \"densely\"?"} {"term": "liaison", "pos": "n", "context": "he provided a liaison with the guerrillas", "definition": "a channel for communication between groups", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["channel", "link", "contact", "line"], "instruction": "\"he provided a liaison with the guerrillas\" What is the definition of \"liaison\"?"} {"term": "insolvent", "pos": "a", "context": "an insolvent person", "definition": "unable to meet or discharge financial obligations", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an insolvent person\" What is the definition of \"insolvent\"?"} {"term": "choking", "pos": "n", "context": "no evidence that the choking was done by the accused", "definition": "the act of suffocating someone by constricting the windpipe", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"no evidence that the choking was done by the accused\" What is the definition of \"choking\"?"} {"term": "choking", "pos": "v", "context": "This neckband is choking the cat", "definition": "to be too tight", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["contract", "constrict", "press", "compact", "compress", "fret"], "instruction": "\"This neckband is choking the cat\" What is the definition of \"choking\"?"} {"term": "choking", "pos": "v", "context": "This neckband is choking the cat", "definition": "to rub or press", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["contract", "constrict", "press", "compact", "compress", "fret"], "instruction": "\"This neckband is choking the cat\" What is the definition of \"choking\"?"} {"term": "outlaw", "pos": "s", "context": "an outlaw strike", "definition": "contrary to or forbidden by law", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an outlaw strike\" What is the definition of \"outlaw\"?"} {"term": "squarely", "pos": "r", "context": "to face a problem squarely", "definition": "directly and without evasion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to face a problem squarely\" What is the definition of \"squarely\"?"} {"term": "squarely", "pos": "r", "context": "to face a problem squarely", "definition": "not roundabout", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to face a problem squarely\" What is the definition of \"squarely\"?"} {"term": "squarely", "pos": "r", "context": "looked him squarely in the eye", "definition": "in a straight direct way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"looked him squarely in the eye\" What is the definition of \"squarely\"?"} {"term": "squarely", "pos": "r", "context": "hit the ball squarely", "definition": "firmly and solidly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hit the ball squarely\" What is the definition of \"squarely\"?"} {"term": "rheumy", "pos": "s", "context": "rheumy with age and grief", "definition": "of or pertaining to arthritis", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rheumy with age and grief\" What is the definition of \"rheumy\"?"} {"term": "turbulently", "pos": "r", "context": "the river rolls turbulently boiling", "definition": "in a turbulent manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the river rolls turbulently boiling\" What is the definition of \"turbulently\"?"} {"term": "turbulently", "pos": "r", "context": "the river rolls turbulently boiling", "definition": "with turbulence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the river rolls turbulently boiling\" What is the definition of \"turbulently\"?"} {"term": "flatly", "pos": "r", "context": "he flatly denied the charges", "definition": "in an unqualified manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he flatly denied the charges\" What is the definition of \"flatly\"?"} {"term": "discredit", "pos": "n", "context": "your actions will bring discredit to your name", "definition": "the state of being held in low esteem", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"your actions will bring discredit to your name\" What is the definition of \"discredit\"?"} {"term": "blown", "pos": "s", "context": "blown clouds of dust choked the riders", "definition": "being moved or acted upon by moving air or vapor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"blown clouds of dust choked the riders\" What is the definition of \"blown\"?"} {"term": "amniotic", "pos": "a", "context": "amniotic membrane", "definition": "of or related to the amnion or characterized by developing an amnion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"amniotic membrane\" What is the definition of \"amniotic\"?"} {"term": "naive", "pos": "a", "context": "a teenager 's naive ignorance of life", "definition": "marked by or showing unaffected simplicity and lack of guile or worldly experience", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a teenager 's naive ignorance of life\" What is the definition of \"naive\"?"} {"term": "version", "pos": "n", "context": "his version of the fight was different from mine", "definition": "an interpretation of a matter from a particular viewpoint", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his version of the fight was different from mine\" What is the definition of \"version\"?"} {"term": "version", "pos": "n", "context": "an experimental version of the night fighter", "definition": "something a little different from others of the same type", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["type", "variation", "edition"], "instruction": "\"an experimental version of the night fighter\" What is the definition of \"version\"?"} {"term": "corrugate", "pos": "v", "context": "corrugate iron", "definition": "to fold into ridges", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"corrugate iron\" What is the definition of \"corrugate\"?"} {"term": "coursing", "pos": "v", "context": "ships coursing the Atlantic", "definition": "to move swiftly through or over", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ships coursing the Atlantic\" What is the definition of \"coursing\"?"} {"term": "subaquatic", "pos": "s", "context": "a marginal subaquatic flora", "definition": "partially aquatic", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a marginal subaquatic flora\" What is the definition of \"subaquatic\"?"} {"term": "subaquatic", "pos": "s", "context": "a marginal subaquatic flora", "definition": "living or growing partly on land and partly in water", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a marginal subaquatic flora\" What is the definition of \"subaquatic\"?"} {"term": "foul", "pos": "s", "context": "a foul odor", "definition": "offensively malodorous", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a foul odor\" What is the definition of \"foul\"?"} {"term": "foul", "pos": "s", "context": "used foul means to gain power", "definition": "violating accepted standards or rules", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["dirty", ""], "instruction": "\"used foul means to gain power\" What is the definition of \"foul\"?"} {"term": "tole", "pos": "n", "context": "the Pennsylvania Dutch tole watering can might be a reproduction but it looks convincing", "definition": "enameled or lacquered metalware usually gilded and elaborately painted", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the Pennsylvania Dutch tole watering can might be a reproduction but it looks convincing\" What is the definition of \"tole\"?"} {"term": "tole", "pos": "n", "context": "the Pennsylvania Dutch tole watering can might be a reproduction but it looks convincing", "definition": "popular in the 18th century", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the Pennsylvania Dutch tole watering can might be a reproduction but it looks convincing\" What is the definition of \"tole\"?"} {"term": "savageness", "pos": "n", "context": "the coastline is littered with testaments to the savageness of the waters", "definition": "the property of being untamed and ferocious", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["savagery", "vehemence", "violence", "fury"], "instruction": "\"the coastline is littered with testaments to the savageness of the waters\" What is the definition of \"savageness\"?"} {"term": "mounted", "pos": "v", "context": "They mounted the aerator on a floating", "definition": "to attach to a support", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["attach", "remount", "mount"], "instruction": "\"They mounted the aerator on a floating\" What is the definition of \"mounted\"?"} {"term": "senior", "pos": "a", "context": "senior officer", "definition": "older", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"senior officer\" What is the definition of \"senior\"?"} {"term": "senior", "pos": "a", "context": "senior officer", "definition": "higher in rank", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"senior officer\" What is the definition of \"senior\"?"} {"term": "senior", "pos": "a", "context": "senior officer", "definition": "longer in length of tenure or service", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"senior officer\" What is the definition of \"senior\"?"} {"term": "senior", "pos": "s", "context": "the senior prom", "definition": "used of the fourth and final year in united states high school or college", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the senior prom\" What is the definition of \"senior\"?"} {"term": "senior", "pos": "s", "context": "senior citizen", "definition": "advanced in years", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"senior citizen\" What is the definition of \"senior\"?"} {"term": "cathodic", "pos": "a", "context": "cathodic deposition of metals", "definition": "of or at or pertaining to a cathode", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cathodic deposition of metals\" What is the definition of \"cathodic\"?"} {"term": "emergent", "pos": "s", "context": "emergent repair of an aorta", "definition": "occurring unexpectedly and requiring urgent action", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"emergent repair of an aorta\" What is the definition of \"emergent\"?"} {"term": "emergent", "pos": "s", "context": "an emergent republic", "definition": "coming into existence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an emergent republic\" What is the definition of \"emergent\"?"} {"term": "springy", "pos": "s", "context": "he walked away with a springy step", "definition": "light and confidently active", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he walked away with a springy step\" What is the definition of \"springy\"?"} {"term": "springy", "pos": "s", "context": "springy turf", "definition": "elastic", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"springy turf\" What is the definition of \"springy\"?"} {"term": "springy", "pos": "s", "context": "springy turf", "definition": "rebounds readily", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"springy turf\" What is the definition of \"springy\"?"} {"term": "dissolve", "pos": "v", "context": "The recipe says that we should dissolve a cup of sugar in two cups of water", "definition": "to cause to go into a solution", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["molten", "run", "cut", "resolve", "melt", "dissolving", "melting"], "instruction": "\"The recipe says that we should dissolve a cup of sugar in two cups of water\" What is the definition of \"dissolve\"?"} {"term": "pawn", "pos": "v", "context": "pawn your grandfather 's gold watch", "definition": "to leave as a guarantee in return for money", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["charge", "soak", "hock", "consign"], "instruction": "\"pawn your grandfather 's gold watch\" What is the definition of \"pawn\"?"} {"term": "tearful", "pos": "a", "context": "tearful eyes", "definition": "filled with or marked by tears", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tearful eyes\" What is the definition of \"tearful\"?"} {"term": "optically", "pos": "r", "context": "optically distorted", "definition": "in an optical manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"optically distorted\" What is the definition of \"optically\"?"} {"term": "annuity", "pos": "n", "context": "his retirement fund was set up to be paid as an annuity", "definition": "income from capital investment paid in a series of regular payments", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his retirement fund was set up to be paid as an annuity\" What is the definition of \"annuity\"?"} {"term": "jimmy", "pos": "n", "context": "in Britain they call a jimmy and jemmy", "definition": "a short crowbar", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["jemmy", "crowbar"], "instruction": "\"in Britain they call a jimmy and jemmy\" What is the definition of \"jimmy\"?"} {"term": "record", "pos": "n", "context": "at 9-0 they have the best record in their league", "definition": "the number of wins versus losses and ties a team has had", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at 9-0 they have the best record in their league\" What is the definition of \"record\"?"} {"term": "record", "pos": "n", "context": "the lawyer has a good record", "definition": "the sum of recognized accomplishments", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the lawyer has a good record\" What is the definition of \"record\"?"} {"term": "grimly", "pos": "r", "context": "he was grimly satisfied", "definition": "in a grim implacable manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was grimly satisfied\" What is the definition of \"grimly\"?"} {"term": "strapping", "pos": "s", "context": "a strapping boy of eighteen", "definition": "muscular and heavily built", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a strapping boy of eighteen\" What is the definition of \"strapping\"?"} {"term": "flagitious", "pos": "s", "context": "a flagitious crime", "definition": "extremely wicked , deeply criminal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a flagitious crime\" What is the definition of \"flagitious\"?"} {"term": "newborn", "pos": "s", "context": "a newborn infant", "definition": "recently born", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a newborn infant\" What is the definition of \"newborn\"?"} {"term": "newborn", "pos": "s", "context": "with newborn fears", "definition": "having just or recently arisen or come into existence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with newborn fears\" What is the definition of \"newborn\"?"} {"term": "heedless", "pos": "a", "context": "We have always known that heedless self-interest was bad morals", "definition": "marked by or paying little heed or attention", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"We have always known that heedless self-interest was bad morals\" What is the definition of \"heedless\"?"} {"term": "heedless", "pos": "a", "context": "We have always known that heedless self-interest was bad morals", "definition": "we know now that it is bad economics -- franklin d. roosevelt", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"We have always known that heedless self-interest was bad morals\" What is the definition of \"heedless\"?"} {"term": "heedless", "pos": "s", "context": "the heedless generosity and the spasmodic extravagance of persons used to large fortunes \" - Edith Wharton", "definition": "characterized by careless unconcern", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the heedless generosity and the spasmodic extravagance of persons used to large fortunes \" - Edith Wharton\" What is the definition of \"heedless\"?"} {"term": "indisposition", "pos": "n", "context": "his hesitancy revealed his basic indisposition", "definition": "a certain degree of unwillingness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["hesitancy", "hesitation", "disinclination", "sloth", "reluctance"], "instruction": "\"his hesitancy revealed his basic indisposition\" What is the definition of \"indisposition\"?"} {"term": "prescription", "pos": "n", "context": "I tried to follow her prescription for success", "definition": "directions prescribed beforehand", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I tried to follow her prescription for success\" What is the definition of \"prescription\"?"} {"term": "prescription", "pos": "n", "context": "I tried to follow her prescription for success", "definition": "the action of prescribing authoritative rules or directions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I tried to follow her prescription for success\" What is the definition of \"prescription\"?"} {"term": "nauseous", "pos": "s", "context": "nauseous offal", "definition": "causing or able to cause nausea", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nauseous offal\" What is the definition of \"nauseous\"?"} {"term": "incessant", "pos": "s", "context": "night and day we live with the incessant noise of the city", "definition": "uninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"night and day we live with the incessant noise of the city\" What is the definition of \"incessant\"?"} {"term": "wry", "pos": "s", "context": "a wry neck", "definition": "bent to one side", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a wry neck\" What is the definition of \"wry\"?"} {"term": "wry", "pos": "s", "context": "with a wry Scottish wit", "definition": "humorously sarcastic or mocking", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with a wry Scottish wit\" What is the definition of \"wry\"?"} {"term": "wizardly", "pos": "s", "context": "wizardly powers", "definition": "possessing or using or characteristic of or appropriate to supernatural powers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wizardly powers\" What is the definition of \"wizardly\"?"} {"term": "conserve", "pos": "v", "context": "children must be taught to conserve our national heritage", "definition": "to keep in safety and protect from harm , decay , loss , or destruction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["preserve", "keep", "embalm"], "instruction": "\"children must be taught to conserve our national heritage\" What is the definition of \"conserve\"?"} {"term": "conserve", "pos": "v", "context": "conserve your energy for the ascent to the summit", "definition": "to use cautiously and frugally", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["economize", "preserve"], "instruction": "\"conserve your energy for the ascent to the summit\" What is the definition of \"conserve\"?"} {"term": "bake", "pos": "v", "context": "bake the potatoes", "definition": "to cook and make edible by putting in a hot oven", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["fire", "baking", "firing", "cook"], "instruction": "\"bake the potatoes\" What is the definition of \"bake\"?"} {"term": "bake", "pos": "v", "context": "bake a cake", "definition": "to prepare with dry heat in an oven", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bake a cake\" What is the definition of \"bake\"?"} {"term": "gratitude", "pos": "n", "context": "he was overwhelmed with gratitude for their help", "definition": "a feeling of thankfulness and appreciation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was overwhelmed with gratitude for their help\" What is the definition of \"gratitude\"?"} {"term": "notation", "pos": "n", "context": "he added a short notation to the address on the envelope", "definition": "a comment or instruction usually added", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["cite", "mention", "credit", "footnote", "quotation", "acknowledgment", "commentary", "reference", "note", "comment", "citation"], "instruction": "\"he added a short notation to the address on the envelope\" What is the definition of \"notation\"?"} {"term": "hand", "pos": "n", "context": "he wanted to try his hand at singing", "definition": "ability", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he wanted to try his hand at singing\" What is the definition of \"hand\"?"} {"term": "hand", "pos": "n", "context": "objections were voiced on every hand", "definition": "a position given by its location to the side of an object", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"objections were voiced on every hand\" What is the definition of \"hand\"?"} {"term": "hand", "pos": "v", "context": "hand the elderly lady into the taxi", "definition": "to guide or conduct or usher somewhere", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["lead", "taking", "leading", "conduct", "handed", "direct", "take", "guide"], "instruction": "\"hand the elderly lady into the taxi\" What is the definition of \"hand\"?"} {"term": "celebrate", "pos": "v", "context": "celebrate Christmas", "definition": "to behave as expected during of holidays or rites", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["solemnize", "mark", "commemorate", "observe", "keep", "mourn"], "instruction": "\"celebrate Christmas\" What is the definition of \"celebrate\"?"} {"term": "poster", "pos": "n", "context": "a poster advertised the coming attractions", "definition": "a sign posted in a public place as an advertisement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["notice", "sign", "placard", "card"], "instruction": "\"a poster advertised the coming attractions\" What is the definition of \"poster\"?"} {"term": "reverberant", "pos": "a", "context": "a reverberant room", "definition": "having a tendency to reverberate or be repeatedly reflected", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a reverberant room\" What is the definition of \"reverberant\"?"} {"term": "incurable", "pos": "a", "context": "an incurable disease", "definition": "incapable of being cured", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an incurable disease\" What is the definition of \"incurable\"?"} {"term": "incurable", "pos": "s", "context": "an incurable optimist", "definition": "unalterable in disposition or habits", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an incurable optimist\" What is the definition of \"incurable\"?"} {"term": "rate", "pos": "n", "context": "they traveled at a rate of 55 miles per hour", "definition": "a magnitude or frequency relative to a time unit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they traveled at a rate of 55 miles per hour\" What is the definition of \"rate\"?"} {"term": "rate", "pos": "n", "context": "a 10-minute phone call at that rate would cost $ 5", "definition": "amount of a charge or payment relative to some basis", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a 10-minute phone call at that rate would cost $ 5\" What is the definition of \"rate\"?"} {"term": "rate", "pos": "n", "context": "the literacy rate", "definition": "a quantity or amount or measure considered as a proportion of another quantity or amount or measure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the literacy rate\" What is the definition of \"rate\"?"} {"term": "rate", "pos": "v", "context": "How would you rate his chances to become President ?", "definition": "to estimate the value of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["measure", "value", "assess", "evaluate"], "instruction": "\"How would you rate his chances to become President ?\" What is the definition of \"rate\"?"} {"term": "gratuitous", "pos": "s", "context": "a gratuitous insult", "definition": "without cause", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a gratuitous insult\" What is the definition of \"gratuitous\"?"} {"term": "sere", "pos": "s", "context": "the desert was edged with sere vegetation", "definition": "having lost all moisture", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the desert was edged with sere vegetation\" What is the definition of \"sere\"?"} {"term": "exaggerated", "pos": "s", "context": "an exaggerated opinion of oneself", "definition": "represented as greater than is true or reasonable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an exaggerated opinion of oneself\" What is the definition of \"exaggerated\"?"} {"term": "exaggerated", "pos": "s", "context": "thick lenses exaggerated the size of her eyes", "definition": "enlarged to an abnormal degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"thick lenses exaggerated the size of her eyes\" What is the definition of \"exaggerated\"?"} {"term": "funky", "pos": "s", "context": "she likes funky clothes", "definition": "stylish and modern in an unconventional way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she likes funky clothes\" What is the definition of \"funky\"?"} {"term": "component", "pos": "n", "context": "jealousy was a component of his character", "definition": "an abstract part of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["section", "constituent", "point", "division"], "instruction": "\"jealousy was a component of his character\" What is the definition of \"component\"?"} {"term": "component", "pos": "n", "context": "a component or constituent element of a system", "definition": "an artifact that is one of the individual parts of which a composite entity is made up", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["addition", "accessory", "crystal", "hardware", "improver", "portion", "spare", "supplement", "constituent"], "instruction": "\"a component or constituent element of a system\" What is the definition of \"component\"?"} {"term": "component", "pos": "n", "context": "a component or constituent element of a system", "definition": "especially a part that can be separated from or attached to a system", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["addition", "accessory", "crystal", "hardware", "improver", "portion", "spare", "supplement", "constituent"], "instruction": "\"a component or constituent element of a system\" What is the definition of \"component\"?"} {"term": "component", "pos": "n", "context": "the smaller component is hard to reach", "definition": "something determined in relation to something that includes it", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["rest", "point", "item", "residual", "base", "balance", "relation", "portion", "basis", "butt", "member", "detail", "remainder", "substance", "constituent", "unit", "residuum"], "instruction": "\"the smaller component is hard to reach\" What is the definition of \"component\"?"} {"term": "seize", "pos": "v", "context": "Birds of prey often seize small mammals", "definition": "to take hold of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["coping", "clawed", "seizing", "get", "clutch", "rack", "grapple", "arrest", "collar", "claw", "catch", "grab", "clasp", "take", "snatch", "nail", "clinch", "cop", "arresting"], "instruction": "\"Birds of prey often seize small mammals\" What is the definition of \"seize\"?"} {"term": "seize", "pos": "v", "context": "Birds of prey often seize small mammals", "definition": "to grab", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["coping", "clawed", "seizing", "get", "clutch", "rack", "grapple", "arrest", "collar", "claw", "catch", "grab", "clasp", "take", "snatch", "nail", "clinch", "cop", "arresting"], "instruction": "\"Birds of prey often seize small mammals\" What is the definition of \"seize\"?"} {"term": "seize", "pos": "v", "context": "The rebels threaten to seize civilian hostages", "definition": "to take or capture by force", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["snatch", "commandeer", "kidnap", "wrest", "abduct", "seizing", "raven", "take", "ravening", "pirate"], "instruction": "\"The rebels threaten to seize civilian hostages\" What is the definition of \"seize\"?"} {"term": "recuperate", "pos": "v", "context": "recuperate one 's losses", "definition": "to regain or make up for", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["recover", "recoup", "getting", "get"], "instruction": "\"recuperate one 's losses\" What is the definition of \"recuperate\"?"} {"term": "stole", "pos": "v", "context": "Someone stole my wallet on the train", "definition": "to take without the owners consent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["thieve", "rustle", "swipe", "abstract", "loot", "steal", "hook", "purloin", "misappropriate", "embezzle", "pinch", "sneak", "pirate", "bag", "take", "plagiarize", "plunder", "roll", "lift", "filch", "pluck", "pilfer", "cop"], "instruction": "\"Someone stole my wallet on the train\" What is the definition of \"stole\"?"} {"term": "crashing", "pos": "s", "context": "a crashing bore", "definition": "informal intensifiers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a crashing bore\" What is the definition of \"crashing\"?"} {"term": "multitude", "pos": "n", "context": "a multitude of TV antennas", "definition": "a large indefinite number", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a multitude of TV antennas\" What is the definition of \"multitude\"?"} {"term": "rhythm", "pos": "n", "context": "the piece has a fast rhythm", "definition": "the basic rhythmic unit in a piece of music", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["beat", "syncopation"], "instruction": "\"the piece has a fast rhythm\" What is the definition of \"rhythm\"?"} {"term": "rhythm", "pos": "n", "context": "the rhythm of Frost 's poetry", "definition": "the arrangement of spoken words alternating stressed and unstressed elements", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the rhythm of Frost 's poetry\" What is the definition of \"rhythm\"?"} {"term": "ultra", "pos": "s", "context": "an ultra conservative", "definition": "far beyond the norm", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["radical", ""], "instruction": "\"an ultra conservative\" What is the definition of \"ultra\"?"} {"term": "quick", "pos": "s", "context": "was quick to make friends", "definition": "accomplished rapidly and without delay", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"was quick to make friends\" What is the definition of \"quick\"?"} {"term": "quick", "pos": "s", "context": "a quick mind", "definition": "apprehending and responding with speed and sensitivity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a quick mind\" What is the definition of \"quick\"?"} {"term": "quick", "pos": "s", "context": "a quick temper", "definition": "easily aroused or excited", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a quick temper\" What is the definition of \"quick\"?"} {"term": "aberrant", "pos": "s", "context": "aberrant behavior", "definition": "markedly different from an accepted norm", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"aberrant behavior\" What is the definition of \"aberrant\"?"} {"term": "highflying", "pos": "s", "context": "some highflying fighter pilot fired a cannon shell into it", "definition": "moving upward or along at a considerable height", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some highflying fighter pilot fired a cannon shell into it\" What is the definition of \"highflying\"?"} {"term": "highflying", "pos": "s", "context": "they did not understand what had happend at the once highflying company", "definition": "extravagant or ambitious or extreme in aims or opinions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they did not understand what had happend at the once highflying company\" What is the definition of \"highflying\"?"} {"term": "arduous", "pos": "s", "context": "worked their arduous way up the mining valley", "definition": "characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["toilsome", "", "laborious", "heavy"], "instruction": "\"worked their arduous way up the mining valley\" What is the definition of \"arduous\"?"} {"term": "arduous", "pos": "s", "context": "worked their arduous way up the mining valley", "definition": "especially physical effort", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["toilsome", "", "laborious", "heavy"], "instruction": "\"worked their arduous way up the mining valley\" What is the definition of \"arduous\"?"} {"term": "arduous", "pos": "s", "context": "your willingness after these six arduous days to remain here \" - F.D.Roosevelt", "definition": "taxing to the utmost", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"your willingness after these six arduous days to remain here \" - F.D.Roosevelt\" What is the definition of \"arduous\"?"} {"term": "arduous", "pos": "s", "context": "your willingness after these six arduous days to remain here \" - F.D.Roosevelt", "definition": "testing powers of endurance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"your willingness after these six arduous days to remain here \" - F.D.Roosevelt\" What is the definition of \"arduous\"?"} {"term": "arduous", "pos": "s", "context": "the arduous work of preparing a dictionary", "definition": "difficult to accomplish", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the arduous work of preparing a dictionary\" What is the definition of \"arduous\"?"} {"term": "arduous", "pos": "s", "context": "the arduous work of preparing a dictionary", "definition": "demanding considerable mental effort and skill", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the arduous work of preparing a dictionary\" What is the definition of \"arduous\"?"} {"term": "phase", "pos": "n", "context": "the reaction occurs in the liquid phase of the system", "definition": "a distinct state of matter in a system", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the reaction occurs in the liquid phase of the system\" What is the definition of \"phase\"?"} {"term": "expiatory", "pos": "a", "context": "expiatory ( or propitiatory ) sacrifice", "definition": "having power to atone for or offered by way of expiation or propitiation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"expiatory ( or propitiatory ) sacrifice\" What is the definition of \"expiatory\"?"} {"term": "abstruse", "pos": "s", "context": "the professor 's lectures were so abstruse that students tended to avoid them", "definition": "difficult to penetrate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the professor 's lectures were so abstruse that students tended to avoid them\" What is the definition of \"abstruse\"?"} {"term": "abstruse", "pos": "s", "context": "the professor 's lectures were so abstruse that students tended to avoid them", "definition": "incomprehensible to one of ordinary understanding or knowledge", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the professor 's lectures were so abstruse that students tended to avoid them\" What is the definition of \"abstruse\"?"} {"term": "links", "pos": "n", "context": "the walls are held together with metal links placed in the wet mortar during construction", "definition": "a fastener that serves to join or connect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["holdfast", "link", "bridge", "fastening", "fastener", "tie", "fixing"], "instruction": "\"the walls are held together with metal links placed in the wet mortar during construction\" What is the definition of \"links\"?"} {"term": "ready", "pos": "n", "context": "their guns were at the ready", "definition": "poised for action", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their guns were at the ready\" What is the definition of \"ready\"?"} {"term": "ready", "pos": "a", "context": "get ready", "definition": "completely prepared or in condition for immediate action or use or progress", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"get ready\" What is the definition of \"ready\"?"} {"term": "ready", "pos": "s", "context": "he seems to have ample ready money", "definition": "immediately available", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he seems to have ample ready money\" What is the definition of \"ready\"?"} {"term": "ready", "pos": "s", "context": "he was ready to believe her", "definition": "mentally disposed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was ready to believe her\" What is the definition of \"ready\"?"} {"term": "ready", "pos": "s", "context": "dinner is ready", "definition": "made suitable and available for immediate use", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dinner is ready\" What is the definition of \"ready\"?"} {"term": "broken", "pos": "a", "context": "a broken mirror", "definition": "physically and forcibly separated into pieces or cracked or split", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a broken mirror\" What is the definition of \"broken\"?"} {"term": "broken", "pos": "a", "context": "broken lines of defense", "definition": "not continuous in space , time , or sequence or varying abruptly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"broken lines of defense\" What is the definition of \"broken\"?"} {"term": "broken", "pos": "a", "context": "broken ( or unkept ) promises", "definition": "having been violated or disregarded", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"broken ( or unkept ) promises\" What is the definition of \"broken\"?"} {"term": "broken", "pos": "s", "context": "a broken man", "definition": "subdued or brought low in condition or status", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a broken man\" What is the definition of \"broken\"?"} {"term": "broken", "pos": "s", "context": "a horse broken to the saddle", "definition": "tamed or trained to obey", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a horse broken to the saddle\" What is the definition of \"broken\"?"} {"term": "broken", "pos": "s", "context": "broken terrain", "definition": "topographically very uneven", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"broken terrain\" What is the definition of \"broken\"?"} {"term": "unanimous", "pos": "s", "context": "a unanimous decision", "definition": "in complete agreement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a unanimous decision\" What is the definition of \"unanimous\"?"} {"term": "suffering", "pos": "s", "context": "suffering refugees", "definition": "troubled by pain or loss", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"suffering refugees\" What is the definition of \"suffering\"?"} {"term": "suffering", "pos": "s", "context": "a message of hope for suffering humanity", "definition": "very unhappy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a message of hope for suffering humanity\" What is the definition of \"suffering\"?"} {"term": "suffering", "pos": "s", "context": "a message of hope for suffering humanity", "definition": "full of misery", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a message of hope for suffering humanity\" What is the definition of \"suffering\"?"} {"term": "mainly", "pos": "r", "context": "he is mainly interested in butterflies", "definition": "for the most part", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is mainly interested in butterflies\" What is the definition of \"mainly\"?"} {"term": "florid", "pos": "s", "context": "the senator 's florid speech", "definition": "elaborately or excessively ornamented", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the senator 's florid speech\" What is the definition of \"florid\"?"} {"term": "sleet", "pos": "v", "context": "If the temperature rises above freezing , it will probably sleet", "definition": "to precipitate as a mixture of rain and snow", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"If the temperature rises above freezing , it will probably sleet\" What is the definition of \"sleet\"?"} {"term": "officer", "pos": "n", "context": "he is the officer in charge of the ship 's engines", "definition": "a person authorized to serve in a position of authority on a vessel", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is the officer in charge of the ship 's engines\" What is the definition of \"officer\"?"} {"term": "officer", "pos": "n", "context": "an officer is responsible for the lives of his men", "definition": "any person in the armed services who holds a position of authority or command", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an officer is responsible for the lives of his men\" What is the definition of \"officer\"?"} {"term": "officer", "pos": "n", "context": "he is an officer of the court", "definition": "someone who is appointed or elected to an office and who holds a position of trust", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["holder", "functionary", "officeholder", "official"], "instruction": "\"he is an officer of the court\" What is the definition of \"officer\"?"} {"term": "foursquare", "pos": "s", "context": "a foursquare refusal to yield", "definition": "characterized by firm and unwavering conviction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a foursquare refusal to yield\" What is the definition of \"foursquare\"?"} {"term": "foursquare", "pos": "r", "context": "the building stood foursquare", "definition": "in a square position", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the building stood foursquare\" What is the definition of \"foursquare\"?"} {"term": "foursquare", "pos": "r", "context": "he stood foursquare for religious liberty and toleration \" - C.G.Bowers", "definition": "with firmness and conviction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he stood foursquare for religious liberty and toleration \" - C.G.Bowers\" What is the definition of \"foursquare\"?"} {"term": "foursquare", "pos": "r", "context": "he stood foursquare for religious liberty and toleration \" - C.G.Bowers", "definition": "without compromise", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he stood foursquare for religious liberty and toleration \" - C.G.Bowers\" What is the definition of \"foursquare\"?"} {"term": "purulent", "pos": "s", "context": "a purulent wound", "definition": "containing pus", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a purulent wound\" What is the definition of \"purulent\"?"} {"term": "cowardly", "pos": "a", "context": "cowardly dogs , ye will not aid me then \" - P.B.Shelley", "definition": "lacking courage", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cowardly dogs , ye will not aid me then \" - P.B.Shelley\" What is the definition of \"cowardly\"?"} {"term": "cowardly", "pos": "a", "context": "cowardly dogs , ye will not aid me then \" - P.B.Shelley", "definition": "ignobly timid and faint-hearted", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cowardly dogs , ye will not aid me then \" - P.B.Shelley\" What is the definition of \"cowardly\"?"} {"term": "microscope", "pos": "n", "context": "the invention of the microscope led to the discovery of the cell", "definition": "magnifier of the image of small objects", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the invention of the microscope led to the discovery of the cell\" What is the definition of \"microscope\"?"} {"term": "burdensome", "pos": "s", "context": "the burdensome task of preparing the income tax return", "definition": "not easily borne", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the burdensome task of preparing the income tax return\" What is the definition of \"burdensome\"?"} {"term": "burdensome", "pos": "s", "context": "the burdensome task of preparing the income tax return", "definition": "wearing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the burdensome task of preparing the income tax return\" What is the definition of \"burdensome\"?"} {"term": "burdensome", "pos": "s", "context": "the burdensome task of preparing the income tax return", "definition": "i only had to greet the guests", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the burdensome task of preparing the income tax return\" What is the definition of \"burdensome\"?"} {"term": "solely", "pos": "r", "context": "did it solely for money", "definition": "without any others being included or involved", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"did it solely for money\" What is the definition of \"solely\"?"} {"term": "deadness", "pos": "n", "context": "he objected to the deadness of the tennis balls", "definition": "the physical property of something that has lost its elasticity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he objected to the deadness of the tennis balls\" What is the definition of \"deadness\"?"} {"term": "deadness", "pos": "n", "context": "in an instant all the deadness and withdrawal were wiped away", "definition": "the quality of being unresponsive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in an instant all the deadness and withdrawal were wiped away\" What is the definition of \"deadness\"?"} {"term": "deadness", "pos": "n", "context": "in an instant all the deadness and withdrawal were wiped away", "definition": "not reacting", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in an instant all the deadness and withdrawal were wiped away\" What is the definition of \"deadness\"?"} {"term": "deadness", "pos": "n", "context": "in an instant all the deadness and withdrawal were wiped away", "definition": "as a quality of people , it is marked by a failure to respond quickly or with emotion to people or events", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in an instant all the deadness and withdrawal were wiped away\" What is the definition of \"deadness\"?"} {"term": "friendly", "pos": "a", "context": "friendly advice", "definition": "characteristic of or befitting a friend", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"friendly advice\" What is the definition of \"friendly\"?"} {"term": "friendly", "pos": "a", "context": "in friendly territory", "definition": "of or belonging to your own countrys forces or those of an ally", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in friendly territory\" What is the definition of \"friendly\"?"} {"term": "friendly", "pos": "s", "context": "a government friendly to our interests", "definition": "inclined to help or support", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a government friendly to our interests\" What is the definition of \"friendly\"?"} {"term": "friendly", "pos": "s", "context": "a government friendly to our interests", "definition": "not antagonistic or hostile", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a government friendly to our interests\" What is the definition of \"friendly\"?"} {"term": "horizontal", "pos": "a", "context": "a horizontal surface", "definition": "parallel to or in the plane of the horizon or a base line", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a horizontal surface\" What is the definition of \"horizontal\"?"} {"term": "momentous", "pos": "s", "context": "a momentous event", "definition": "of very great significance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a momentous event\" What is the definition of \"momentous\"?"} {"term": "tired", "pos": "v", "context": "I 'm so tired of your mother and her complaints about my food", "definition": "to lose interest or become bored with something or somebody", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["weary", "degenerate", "fatigue", "tire", "drop", "jade", "devolve", "pall"], "instruction": "\"I 'm so tired of your mother and her complaints about my food\" What is the definition of \"tired\"?"} {"term": "tired", "pos": "a", "context": "tired mothers with crying babies", "definition": "depleted of strength or energy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tired mothers with crying babies\" What is the definition of \"tired\"?"} {"term": "impassioned", "pos": "s", "context": "an impassioned appeal", "definition": "characterized by intense emotion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an impassioned appeal\" What is the definition of \"impassioned\"?"} {"term": "solemnly", "pos": "r", "context": "the judge sat there solemnly", "definition": "in a grave and sedate manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the judge sat there solemnly\" What is the definition of \"solemnly\"?"} {"term": "premium", "pos": "n", "context": "they paid a premium for access to water", "definition": "the amount that something in scarce supply is valued above its nominal value", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they paid a premium for access to water\" What is the definition of \"premium\"?"} {"term": "premium", "pos": "n", "context": "they encouraged customers with a premium for loyal patronage", "definition": "a prize , bonus , or award given as an inducement to purchase products , enter competitions initiated by business interests , etc. .", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they encouraged customers with a premium for loyal patronage\" What is the definition of \"premium\"?"} {"term": "premium", "pos": "s", "context": "premium gasoline at a premium price", "definition": "having or reflecting superior quality or value", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"premium gasoline at a premium price\" What is the definition of \"premium\"?"} {"term": "humiliation", "pos": "n", "context": "he had to undergo one humiliation after another", "definition": "an instance in which you are caused to lose your prestige or self-respect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had to undergo one humiliation after another\" What is the definition of \"humiliation\"?"} {"term": "late", "pos": "a", "context": "late evening", "definition": "being or occurring at an advanced period of time or after a usual or expected time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"late evening\" What is the definition of \"late\"?"} {"term": "late", "pos": "s", "context": "a late development", "definition": "of the immediate past or just previous to the present time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a late development\" What is the definition of \"late\"?"} {"term": "late", "pos": "s", "context": "her late husband", "definition": "having died recently", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her late husband\" What is the definition of \"late\"?"} {"term": "late", "pos": "s", "context": "I 'm late for the plane", "definition": "after the expected or usual time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I 'm late for the plane\" What is the definition of \"late\"?"} {"term": "late", "pos": "s", "context": "I 'm late for the plane", "definition": "delayed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I 'm late for the plane\" What is the definition of \"late\"?"} {"term": "late", "pos": "r", "context": "she married late", "definition": "at an advanced age or stage", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she married late\" What is the definition of \"late\"?"} {"term": "late", "pos": "r", "context": "talked late into the evening", "definition": "to an advanced time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"talked late into the evening\" What is the definition of \"late\"?"} {"term": "nurture", "pos": "n", "context": "they debated whether nature or nurture was more important", "definition": "helping someone grow up to be an accepted member of the community", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they debated whether nature or nurture was more important\" What is the definition of \"nurture\"?"} {"term": "nurture", "pos": "v", "context": "nurture his talents", "definition": "to help develop , help grow", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["patronize", "foster", "patronage", "encouraging", "encourage"], "instruction": "\"nurture his talents\" What is the definition of \"nurture\"?"} {"term": "contiguous", "pos": "s", "context": "contiguous events", "definition": "very close or connected in space or time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"contiguous events\" What is the definition of \"contiguous\"?"} {"term": "contiguous", "pos": "s", "context": "the contiguous 48 states", "definition": "connecting without a break", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["conterminous", ""], "instruction": "\"the contiguous 48 states\" What is the definition of \"contiguous\"?"} {"term": "contiguous", "pos": "s", "context": "the contiguous 48 states", "definition": "within a common boundary", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["conterminous", ""], "instruction": "\"the contiguous 48 states\" What is the definition of \"contiguous\"?"} {"term": "contiguous", "pos": "s", "context": "Utah and the contiguous state of Idaho", "definition": "having a common boundary or edge", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["conterminous", "neighboring", "adjacent", ""], "instruction": "\"Utah and the contiguous state of Idaho\" What is the definition of \"contiguous\"?"} {"term": "contiguous", "pos": "s", "context": "Utah and the contiguous state of Idaho", "definition": "abutting", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["conterminous", "neighboring", "adjacent", ""], "instruction": "\"Utah and the contiguous state of Idaho\" What is the definition of \"contiguous\"?"} {"term": "contiguous", "pos": "s", "context": "Utah and the contiguous state of Idaho", "definition": "touching", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["conterminous", "neighboring", "adjacent", ""], "instruction": "\"Utah and the contiguous state of Idaho\" What is the definition of \"contiguous\"?"} {"term": "contiguous", "pos": "s", "context": "Utah and the contiguous state of Idaho", "definition": "massachusetts and conncecticut", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["conterminous", "neighboring", "adjacent", ""], "instruction": "\"Utah and the contiguous state of Idaho\" What is the definition of \"contiguous\"?"} {"term": "sweetheart", "pos": "n", "context": "he 's a sweetheart", "definition": "any well-liked individual", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he 's a sweetheart\" What is the definition of \"sweetheart\"?"} {"term": "sweetheart", "pos": "s", "context": "another sweetheart deal based on political influence", "definition": "privileged treatment of a favored person or corporation sometimes unethically", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"another sweetheart deal based on political influence\" What is the definition of \"sweetheart\"?"} {"term": "assortment", "pos": "n", "context": "a great assortment of cars was on display", "definition": "a collection containing a variety of sorts of things", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["miscellanea", "hodgepodge", "mixture", "sampler", "motley", "selection", "range", "gallimaufry", "farrago", "potpourri", "variety", "assemblage"], "instruction": "\"a great assortment of cars was on display\" What is the definition of \"assortment\"?"} {"term": "drove", "pos": "v", "context": "We drove to the university every morning", "definition": "to travel or be transported in a vehicle", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["travel", "motor"], "instruction": "\"We drove to the university every morning\" What is the definition of \"drove\"?"} {"term": "birthright", "pos": "n", "context": "free public education is the birthright of every American child", "definition": "a right or privilege that you are entitled to at birth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"free public education is the birthright of every American child\" What is the definition of \"birthright\"?"} {"term": "judicious", "pos": "s", "context": "judicious use of one 's money", "definition": "marked by the exercise of good judgment or common sense in practical matters", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"judicious use of one 's money\" What is the definition of \"judicious\"?"} {"term": "suburban", "pos": "a", "context": "suburban population", "definition": "relating to or characteristic of or situated in suburbs", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"suburban population\" What is the definition of \"suburban\"?"} {"term": "adventitious", "pos": "s", "context": "they had to decide whether his misconduct was adventitious or the result of a flaw in his character", "definition": "associated by chance and not an integral part", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they had to decide whether his misconduct was adventitious or the result of a flaw in his character\" What is the definition of \"adventitious\"?"} {"term": "ashamed", "pos": "a", "context": "are you ashamed for having lied ?", "definition": "feeling shame or guilt or embarrassment or remorse", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"are you ashamed for having lied ?\" What is the definition of \"ashamed\"?"} {"term": "richness", "pos": "n", "context": "the richness of the mines and pastureland", "definition": "the quality of having high intrinsic value", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the richness of the mines and pastureland\" What is the definition of \"richness\"?"} {"term": "richness", "pos": "n", "context": "he praised the richness of the soil", "definition": "the property of producing abundantly and sustaining vigorous and luxuriant growth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["fecundity", "fertility"], "instruction": "\"he praised the richness of the soil\" What is the definition of \"richness\"?"} {"term": "richness", "pos": "n", "context": "the fire-light gave a richness of coloring to that side of the room", "definition": "a strong deep vividness of hue", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the fire-light gave a richness of coloring to that side of the room\" What is the definition of \"richness\"?"} {"term": "eye", "pos": "n", "context": "she has an eye for fresh talent", "definition": "good discernment either visually or as if visually", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she has an eye for fresh talent\" What is the definition of \"eye\"?"} {"term": "eye", "pos": "n", "context": "he tried to catch her eye", "definition": "attention to what is seen", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he tried to catch her eye\" What is the definition of \"eye\"?"} {"term": "sometime", "pos": "r", "context": "let 's get together sometime", "definition": "at some indefinite or unstated time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"let 's get together sometime\" What is the definition of \"sometime\"?"} {"term": "provincial", "pos": "a", "context": "provincial government", "definition": "of or associated with a province", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"provincial government\" What is the definition of \"provincial\"?"} {"term": "provincial", "pos": "a", "context": "deeply provincial and conformist", "definition": "characteristic of the provinces or their people", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"deeply provincial and conformist\" What is the definition of \"provincial\"?"} {"term": "gay", "pos": "s", "context": "when hearts were young and gay", "definition": "full of or showing high-spirited merriment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when hearts were young and gay\" What is the definition of \"gay\"?"} {"term": "gay", "pos": "s", "context": "led a gay Bohemian life", "definition": "given to social pleasures often including dissipation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"led a gay Bohemian life\" What is the definition of \"gay\"?"} {"term": "gay", "pos": "s", "context": "gay and exciting night life", "definition": "offering fun and gaiety", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["merry", "", "festive", "festal"], "instruction": "\"gay and exciting night life\" What is the definition of \"gay\"?"} {"term": "arbitration", "pos": "n", "context": "they submitted their disagreement to arbitration", "definition": "the act of deciding as an arbiter", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they submitted their disagreement to arbitration\" What is the definition of \"arbitration\"?"} {"term": "arbitration", "pos": "n", "context": "they submitted their disagreement to arbitration", "definition": "giving authoritative judgment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they submitted their disagreement to arbitration\" What is the definition of \"arbitration\"?"} {"term": "harmonic", "pos": "a", "context": "subtleties of harmonic change and tonality \" - Ralph Hill", "definition": "of or relating to harmony as distinct from melody and rhythm", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"subtleties of harmonic change and tonality \" - Ralph Hill\" What is the definition of \"harmonic\"?"} {"term": "harmonic", "pos": "a", "context": "the sound of the resonating cavity can not be the only determinant of the harmonic response", "definition": "of or relating to the branch of acoustics that studies the composition of musical sounds", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sound of the resonating cavity can not be the only determinant of the harmonic response\" What is the definition of \"harmonic\"?"} {"term": "slothful", "pos": "s", "context": "slothful employees", "definition": "disinclined to work or exertion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"slothful employees\" What is the definition of \"slothful\"?"} {"term": "regret", "pos": "n", "context": "he wrote a note expressing his regret", "definition": "sadness associated with some wrong done or some disappointment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he wrote a note expressing his regret\" What is the definition of \"regret\"?"} {"term": "regret", "pos": "v", "context": "I regret I ca n't come to the party", "definition": "to decline formally or politely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I regret I ca n't come to the party\" What is the definition of \"regret\"?"} {"term": "insecure", "pos": "a", "context": "the hinge is insecure", "definition": "not firm or firmly fixed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the hinge is insecure\" What is the definition of \"insecure\"?"} {"term": "insecure", "pos": "a", "context": "the hinge is insecure", "definition": "likely to fail or give way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the hinge is insecure\" What is the definition of \"insecure\"?"} {"term": "insecure", "pos": "a", "context": "his fortune was increasingly insecure", "definition": "lacking in security or safety", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his fortune was increasingly insecure\" What is the definition of \"insecure\"?"} {"term": "insecure", "pos": "a", "context": "an insecure person lacking mental stability", "definition": "lacking self-confidence or assurance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an insecure person lacking mental stability\" What is the definition of \"insecure\"?"} {"term": "granulation", "pos": "n", "context": "the granulation of medicines", "definition": "the act of forming something into granules or grains", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the granulation of medicines\" What is the definition of \"granulation\"?"} {"term": "topmost", "pos": "s", "context": "on the topmost step", "definition": "at or nearest to the top", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on the topmost step\" What is the definition of \"topmost\"?"} {"term": "asexually", "pos": "r", "context": "plants that reproduce asexually", "definition": "in an asexual manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"plants that reproduce asexually\" What is the definition of \"asexually\"?"} {"term": "barren", "pos": "s", "context": "a barren woman", "definition": "not bearing offspring", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a barren woman\" What is the definition of \"barren\"?"} {"term": "barren", "pos": "s", "context": "writing barren of insight", "definition": "completely wanting or lacking", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"writing barren of insight\" What is the definition of \"barren\"?"} {"term": "barren", "pos": "s", "context": "barren lands", "definition": "providing no shelter or sustenance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["bare", "", "stark", "bleak"], "instruction": "\"barren lands\" What is the definition of \"barren\"?"} {"term": "beaming", "pos": "s", "context": "a beaming smile", "definition": "cheerful and bright", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a beaming smile\" What is the definition of \"beaming\"?"} {"term": "beaming", "pos": "s", "context": "beaming parents", "definition": "pleased and proud", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"beaming parents\" What is the definition of \"beaming\"?"} {"term": "beaming", "pos": "s", "context": "the beaming sun", "definition": "radiating or as if radiating light", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the beaming sun\" What is the definition of \"beaming\"?"} {"term": "conclusively", "pos": "r", "context": "we settled the problem conclusively", "definition": "in a conclusive way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we settled the problem conclusively\" What is the definition of \"conclusively\"?"} {"term": "annually", "pos": "r", "context": "they travel to China annually", "definition": "without missing a year", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they travel to China annually\" What is the definition of \"annually\"?"} {"term": "countenance", "pos": "n", "context": "a pleasant countenance", "definition": "the appearance conveyed by a persons face", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["appearance", "look", "face", "visage"], "instruction": "\"a pleasant countenance\" What is the definition of \"countenance\"?"} {"term": "halo", "pos": "n", "context": "a halo of smoke", "definition": "a toroidal shape", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a halo of smoke\" What is the definition of \"halo\"?"} {"term": "flawless", "pos": "s", "context": "a flawless gemstone", "definition": "without a flaw", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a flawless gemstone\" What is the definition of \"flawless\"?"} {"term": "deserving", "pos": "s", "context": "the deserving poor \" ( often used ironically )", "definition": "worthy of being treated in a particular way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the deserving poor \" ( often used ironically )\" What is the definition of \"deserving\"?"} {"term": "puddle", "pos": "n", "context": "his chair sat in a puddle of books and magazines", "definition": "something resembling a pool of liquid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["place", "spot", "pool"], "instruction": "\"his chair sat in a puddle of books and magazines\" What is the definition of \"puddle\"?"} {"term": "puddle", "pos": "v", "context": "puddle young plants", "definition": "to dip into mud before planting", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"puddle young plants\" What is the definition of \"puddle\"?"} {"term": "vacate", "pos": "v", "context": "You must vacate your office by tonight", "definition": "to leave behind empty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["abandon", "abandoned", "left", "emptying", "leave", "empty"], "instruction": "\"You must vacate your office by tonight\" What is the definition of \"vacate\"?"} {"term": "vacate", "pos": "v", "context": "You must vacate your office by tonight", "definition": "to move out of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["abandon", "abandoned", "left", "emptying", "leave", "empty"], "instruction": "\"You must vacate your office by tonight\" What is the definition of \"vacate\"?"} {"term": "vacate", "pos": "v", "context": "vacate a death sentence", "definition": "to cancel officially", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["renege", "countermand", "lift", "cancel", "revoke", "overturn", "annul"], "instruction": "\"vacate a death sentence\" What is the definition of \"vacate\"?"} {"term": "overnight", "pos": "s", "context": "an overnight trip", "definition": "lasting , open , or operating through the whole night", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an overnight trip\" What is the definition of \"overnight\"?"} {"term": "overnight", "pos": "r", "context": "the fish marinates overnight", "definition": "during or for the length of one night", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the fish marinates overnight\" What is the definition of \"overnight\"?"} {"term": "churlish", "pos": "s", "context": "churlish as a bear \" - Shakespeare", "definition": "having a bad disposition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"churlish as a bear \" - Shakespeare\" What is the definition of \"churlish\"?"} {"term": "churlish", "pos": "s", "context": "churlish as a bear \" - Shakespeare", "definition": "surly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"churlish as a bear \" - Shakespeare\" What is the definition of \"churlish\"?"} {"term": "chimeric", "pos": "a", "context": "his Utopia is not as chimeric commonwealth but a practical improvement on what already exists \" - Douglas Bush", "definition": "being or relating to or like a chimera", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his Utopia is not as chimeric commonwealth but a practical improvement on what already exists \" - Douglas Bush\" What is the definition of \"chimeric\"?"} {"term": "belated", "pos": "s", "context": "a belated birthday card", "definition": "after the expected or usual time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a belated birthday card\" What is the definition of \"belated\"?"} {"term": "belated", "pos": "s", "context": "a belated birthday card", "definition": "delayed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a belated birthday card\" What is the definition of \"belated\"?"} {"term": "phantom", "pos": "s", "context": "seemed to hear faint phantom bells", "definition": "something apparently sensed but having no physical reality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"seemed to hear faint phantom bells\" What is the definition of \"phantom\"?"} {"term": "agency", "pos": "n", "context": "the agency of providence", "definition": "the state of being in action or exerting power", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the agency of providence\" What is the definition of \"agency\"?"} {"term": "enable", "pos": "v", "context": "This skill will enable you to find a job on Wall Street", "definition": "to render capable or able for some task", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"This skill will enable you to find a job on Wall Street\" What is the definition of \"enable\"?"} {"term": "felicitous", "pos": "a", "context": "a felicitous speaker", "definition": "exhibiting an agreeably appropriate manner or style", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a felicitous speaker\" What is the definition of \"felicitous\"?"} {"term": "felicitous", "pos": "s", "context": "a felicitous life", "definition": "marked by good fortune", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a felicitous life\" What is the definition of \"felicitous\"?"} {"term": "two", "pos": "s", "context": "he received two messages", "definition": "being one more than one", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he received two messages\" What is the definition of \"two\"?"} {"term": "envious", "pos": "s", "context": "envious of their art collection", "definition": "showing extreme cupidity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"envious of their art collection\" What is the definition of \"envious\"?"} {"term": "envious", "pos": "s", "context": "envious of their art collection", "definition": "painfully desirous of anothers advantages", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"envious of their art collection\" What is the definition of \"envious\"?"} {"term": "thinly", "pos": "r", "context": "smiled thinly", "definition": "without force or sincere effort", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"smiled thinly\" What is the definition of \"thinly\"?"} {"term": "thinly", "pos": "r", "context": "spread the margarine thinly over the meat", "definition": "in a small quantity or extent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"spread the margarine thinly over the meat\" What is the definition of \"thinly\"?"} {"term": "dramatization", "pos": "n", "context": "the play was a dramatization of a short story", "definition": "conversion into dramatic form", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the play was a dramatization of a short story\" What is the definition of \"dramatization\"?"} {"term": "infra", "pos": "r", "context": "vide infra", "definition": "see below", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"vide infra\" What is the definition of \"infra\"?"} {"term": "cushion", "pos": "v", "context": "cushion the blow", "definition": "to protect from impact", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["buffer", "modify"], "instruction": "\"cushion the blow\" What is the definition of \"cushion\"?"} {"term": "diversified", "pos": "v", "context": "The plants on this island diversified", "definition": "to spread into new habitats and produce variety or variegate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["radiate", "vary", "diversify", "change", "alter"], "instruction": "\"The plants on this island diversified\" What is the definition of \"diversified\"?"} {"term": "diversified", "pos": "v", "context": "The company diversified", "definition": "to vary in order to spread risk or to expand", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["vary", "diversify", "change", "alter"], "instruction": "\"The company diversified\" What is the definition of \"diversified\"?"} {"term": "diversified", "pos": "a", "context": "a diversified musical program ranging from classical to modern", "definition": "having variety of character or form or components", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a diversified musical program ranging from classical to modern\" What is the definition of \"diversified\"?"} {"term": "diversified", "pos": "a", "context": "a diversified musical program ranging from classical to modern", "definition": "or having increased variety", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a diversified musical program ranging from classical to modern\" What is the definition of \"diversified\"?"} {"term": "corruptible", "pos": "s", "context": "corruptible judges", "definition": "capable of being corrupted", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"corruptible judges\" What is the definition of \"corruptible\"?"} {"term": "importunate", "pos": "s", "context": "an importunate job applicant", "definition": "expressing earnest entreaty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an importunate job applicant\" What is the definition of \"importunate\"?"} {"term": "unexpected", "pos": "a", "context": "unexpected guests", "definition": "not expected or anticipated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unexpected guests\" What is the definition of \"unexpected\"?"} {"term": "glib", "pos": "s", "context": "glib generalizations", "definition": "marked by lack of intellectual depth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"glib generalizations\" What is the definition of \"glib\"?"} {"term": "glib", "pos": "s", "context": "glib promises", "definition": "having only superficial plausibility", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"glib promises\" What is the definition of \"glib\"?"} {"term": "glib", "pos": "s", "context": "a glib tongue", "definition": "artfully persuasive in speech", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a glib tongue\" What is the definition of \"glib\"?"} {"term": "returnable", "pos": "a", "context": "returnable bottles and cans", "definition": "that may be returned", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"returnable bottles and cans\" What is the definition of \"returnable\"?"} {"term": "methodological", "pos": "a", "context": "methodological errors", "definition": "relating to the methodology of some discipline", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"methodological errors\" What is the definition of \"methodological\"?"} {"term": "distasteful", "pos": "s", "context": "distasteful language", "definition": "highly offensive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["disgusting", "", "repellent", "revolting", "foul", "wicked"], "instruction": "\"distasteful language\" What is the definition of \"distasteful\"?"} {"term": "distasteful", "pos": "s", "context": "distasteful language", "definition": "arousing aversion or disgust", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["disgusting", "", "repellent", "revolting", "foul", "wicked"], "instruction": "\"distasteful language\" What is the definition of \"distasteful\"?"} {"term": "crisp", "pos": "s", "context": "the crisp snap of dry leaves underfoot", "definition": "clearly defined", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the crisp snap of dry leaves underfoot\" What is the definition of \"crisp\"?"} {"term": "crisp", "pos": "s", "context": "crisp potato chips", "definition": "tender and brittle", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["crispy", ""], "instruction": "\"crisp potato chips\" What is the definition of \"crisp\"?"} {"term": "crisp", "pos": "s", "context": "crisp clear nights and frosty mornings", "definition": "pleasantly cold and invigorating", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"crisp clear nights and frosty mornings\" What is the definition of \"crisp\"?"} {"term": "immature", "pos": "a", "context": "immature behavior", "definition": "characteristic of a lack of maturity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"immature behavior\" What is the definition of \"immature\"?"} {"term": "amorous", "pos": "s", "context": "feeling amorous", "definition": "inclined toward or displaying love", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"feeling amorous\" What is the definition of \"amorous\"?"} {"term": "amorous", "pos": "s", "context": "amorous glances", "definition": "expressive of or exciting sexual love or romance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"amorous glances\" What is the definition of \"amorous\"?"} {"term": "pitiable", "pos": "s", "context": "pitiable lack of character", "definition": "inspiring mixed contempt and pity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pitiable lack of character\" What is the definition of \"pitiable\"?"} {"term": "pitiable", "pos": "s", "context": "pitiable homeless children", "definition": "deserving or inciting pity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pitiable homeless children\" What is the definition of \"pitiable\"?"} {"term": "spanker", "pos": "n", "context": "my father was the designated spanker in our family", "definition": "a hitter who slaps usually another person with an open hand", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["slapper", "hitter", "striker"], "instruction": "\"my father was the designated spanker in our family\" What is the definition of \"spanker\"?"} {"term": "miniature", "pos": "s", "context": "a miniature camera", "definition": "being on a very small scale", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a miniature camera\" What is the definition of \"miniature\"?"} {"term": "forbear", "pos": "v", "context": "she could not forbear weeping", "definition": "to resist doing something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["help", "forbear", "refrain", "sparing", "spare", "forbearing", "leave"], "instruction": "\"she could not forbear weeping\" What is the definition of \"forbear\"?"} {"term": "badge", "pos": "n", "context": "they checked everyone 's badge before letting them in", "definition": "an emblem a small piece of plastic or cloth or metal that signifies your status rank or membership or affiliation etc. .", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they checked everyone 's badge before letting them in\" What is the definition of \"badge\"?"} {"term": "badge", "pos": "n", "context": "wearing a tie was regarded as a badge of respectability", "definition": "any feature that is regarded as a sign of status a particular power or quality or rank", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wearing a tie was regarded as a badge of respectability\" What is the definition of \"badge\"?"} {"term": "quizzical", "pos": "s", "context": "his face wore a somewhat quizzical almost impertinent air \" - Lawrence Durrell", "definition": "playfully vexing especially by ridicule", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his face wore a somewhat quizzical almost impertinent air \" - Lawrence Durrell\" What is the definition of \"quizzical\"?"} {"term": "quizzical", "pos": "s", "context": "he had a quizzical expression", "definition": "perplexed as if being expected to know something that you do not know", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had a quizzical expression\" What is the definition of \"quizzical\"?"} {"term": "illegally", "pos": "r", "context": "they dumped the waste illegally", "definition": "in an illegal manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they dumped the waste illegally\" What is the definition of \"illegally\"?"} {"term": "figural", "pos": "s", "context": "a figural design", "definition": "consisting of or forming human or animal figures", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a figural design\" What is the definition of \"figural\"?"} {"term": "unmistakable", "pos": "s", "context": "his opposition to slavery was unmistakable", "definition": "clearly evident to the mind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his opposition to slavery was unmistakable\" What is the definition of \"unmistakable\"?"} {"term": "transcendental", "pos": "s", "context": "find transcendental motives for sublunary action \" - Aldous Huxley", "definition": "existing outside of or not in accordance with nature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"find transcendental motives for sublunary action \" - Aldous Huxley\" What is the definition of \"transcendental\"?"} {"term": "coming", "pos": "s", "context": "this coming Thursday", "definition": "of the relatively near future", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this coming Thursday\" What is the definition of \"coming\"?"} {"term": "agonistic", "pos": "s", "context": "a dialectical and agonistic approach", "definition": "striving to overcome in argument", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dialectical and agonistic approach\" What is the definition of \"agonistic\"?"} {"term": "agonistic", "pos": "s", "context": "agonistic poses", "definition": "struggling for effect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"agonistic poses\" What is the definition of \"agonistic\"?"} {"term": "collected", "pos": "v", "context": "we collected over a million dollars in outstanding debts", "definition": "to call for and obtain payment of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["take", "raise", "collect", "farm"], "instruction": "\"we collected over a million dollars in outstanding debts\" What is the definition of \"collected\"?"} {"term": "collected", "pos": "a", "context": "the collected works of Milton", "definition": "brought together in one place", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the collected works of Milton\" What is the definition of \"collected\"?"} {"term": "collected", "pos": "s", "context": "the witness remained collected throughout the cross-examination", "definition": "in full control of your faculties", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the witness remained collected throughout the cross-examination\" What is the definition of \"collected\"?"} {"term": "hale", "pos": "s", "context": "hale and hearty", "definition": "exhibiting or restored to vigorous good health", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hale and hearty\" What is the definition of \"hale\"?"} {"term": "mop", "pos": "v", "context": "mop and mow", "definition": "to make a sad face and thrust out ones lower lip", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["mown", ""], "instruction": "\"mop and mow\" What is the definition of \"mop\"?"} {"term": "masterfully", "pos": "r", "context": "the young boy played the violin sonata masterfully", "definition": "in a skillfully masterful manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the young boy played the violin sonata masterfully\" What is the definition of \"masterfully\"?"} {"term": "masterfully", "pos": "r", "context": "the young boy played the violin sonata masterfully", "definition": "with the skill of a master", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the young boy played the violin sonata masterfully\" What is the definition of \"masterfully\"?"} {"term": "agree", "pos": "v", "context": "I ca n't agree with you !", "definition": "to be in accord", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["arrange", "hold", "grant", "concurring", "concur", "concede", "yield", "concord", "reconcile", "resolve", "settle", "subscribe"], "instruction": "\"I ca n't agree with you !\" What is the definition of \"agree\"?"} {"term": "agree", "pos": "v", "context": "I ca n't agree with you !", "definition": "to be in agreement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["arrange", "hold", "grant", "concurring", "concur", "concede", "yield", "concord", "reconcile", "resolve", "settle", "subscribe"], "instruction": "\"I ca n't agree with you !\" What is the definition of \"agree\"?"} {"term": "agree", "pos": "v", "context": "Subjects and verbs must always agree in English", "definition": "to show grammatical agreement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Subjects and verbs must always agree in English\" What is the definition of \"agree\"?"} {"term": "nonchalant", "pos": "s", "context": "drove his car with nonchalant abandon", "definition": "marked by blithe unconcern", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"drove his car with nonchalant abandon\" What is the definition of \"nonchalant\"?"} {"term": "fastener", "pos": "n", "context": "he found the door fastened and wondered who the fastener was", "definition": "a person who fastens or makes fast", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he found the door fastened and wondered who the fastener was\" What is the definition of \"fastener\"?"} {"term": "insincere", "pos": "a", "context": "a charming but thoroughly insincere woman", "definition": "lacking sincerity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a charming but thoroughly insincere woman\" What is the definition of \"insincere\"?"} {"term": "vacantly", "pos": "r", "context": "she was staring vacantly into the room", "definition": "in a vacant manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was staring vacantly into the room\" What is the definition of \"vacantly\"?"} {"term": "florist", "pos": "n", "context": "the florist made up an attractive bouquet", "definition": "someone who grows and deals in flowers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the florist made up an attractive bouquet\" What is the definition of \"florist\"?"} {"term": "scarify", "pos": "v", "context": "The men in some African tribes scarify their faces", "definition": "to puncture and scar the skin , as for purposes or tribal identification or rituals", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The men in some African tribes scarify their faces\" What is the definition of \"scarify\"?"} {"term": "scarify", "pos": "v", "context": "scarify seeds", "definition": "to scratch the surface of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"scarify seeds\" What is the definition of \"scarify\"?"} {"term": "scarify", "pos": "v", "context": "scarify soil", "definition": "to break up", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"scarify soil\" What is the definition of \"scarify\"?"} {"term": "sharply", "pos": "r", "context": "the new style of Minoan pottery was sharply defined", "definition": "in a well delineated manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the new style of Minoan pottery was sharply defined\" What is the definition of \"sharply\"?"} {"term": "sharply", "pos": "r", "context": "the road twists sharply after the light", "definition": "changing suddenly in direction and degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the road twists sharply after the light\" What is the definition of \"sharply\"?"} {"term": "sharply", "pos": "r", "context": "she was being sharply questioned", "definition": "in an aggressive manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was being sharply questioned\" What is the definition of \"sharply\"?"} {"term": "interlock", "pos": "n", "context": "car theives know how to bypass the ignition interlock", "definition": "a device that prevents an automotive engine from starting", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"car theives know how to bypass the ignition interlock\" What is the definition of \"interlock\"?"} {"term": "peak", "pos": "n", "context": "the view from the peak was magnificent", "definition": "the top or extreme point of something usually a mountain or hill", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["hilltop", "brow", "top", "spot", "crest", "tip", "place"], "instruction": "\"the view from the peak was magnificent\" What is the definition of \"peak\"?"} {"term": "peak", "pos": "n", "context": "voltage peak", "definition": "the most extreme possible amount or value", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"voltage peak\" What is the definition of \"peak\"?"} {"term": "formulation", "pos": "n", "context": "he suggested a better formulation", "definition": "the style of expressing yourself", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he suggested a better formulation\" What is the definition of \"formulation\"?"} {"term": "chromosome", "pos": "n", "context": "humans have 22 chromosome pairs plus two sex chromosomes", "definition": "a threadlike strand of dna in the cell nucleus that carries the genes in a linear order", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"humans have 22 chromosome pairs plus two sex chromosomes\" What is the definition of \"chromosome\"?"} {"term": "creative", "pos": "a", "context": "a creative imagination", "definition": "having the ability or power to create", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a creative imagination\" What is the definition of \"creative\"?"} {"term": "creative", "pos": "s", "context": "creative work", "definition": "promoting construction or creation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"creative work\" What is the definition of \"creative\"?"} {"term": "singsong", "pos": "s", "context": "a singsong manner of speaking", "definition": "uttered in a monotonous cadence or rhythm as in chanting", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a singsong manner of speaking\" What is the definition of \"singsong\"?"} {"term": "lone", "pos": "s", "context": "a lone wolf", "definition": "characterized by or preferring solitude", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a lone wolf\" What is the definition of \"lone\"?"} {"term": "lone", "pos": "s", "context": "the lone doctor in the entire county", "definition": "being the only one", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the lone doctor in the entire county\" What is the definition of \"lone\"?"} {"term": "lone", "pos": "s", "context": "the lone doctor in the entire county", "definition": "single and isolated from others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the lone doctor in the entire county\" What is the definition of \"lone\"?"} {"term": "lone", "pos": "s", "context": "the lone skier on the mountain", "definition": "lacking companions or companionship", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the lone skier on the mountain\" What is the definition of \"lone\"?"} {"term": "inert", "pos": "s", "context": "inert matter", "definition": "having only a limited ability to react chemically", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"inert matter\" What is the definition of \"inert\"?"} {"term": "inert", "pos": "s", "context": "inert matter", "definition": "chemically inactive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"inert matter\" What is the definition of \"inert\"?"} {"term": "inert", "pos": "s", "context": "she was fat and inert", "definition": "slow and apathetic", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["sluggish", "", "torpid", "soggy"], "instruction": "\"she was fat and inert\" What is the definition of \"inert\"?"} {"term": "stably", "pos": "r", "context": "the boulder was balanced stably at the edge of the canyon", "definition": "in a stable solid fixed manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the boulder was balanced stably at the edge of the canyon\" What is the definition of \"stably\"?"} {"term": "stably", "pos": "r", "context": "the death rate in Russia has been stably high", "definition": "in a stable unchanging manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the death rate in Russia has been stably high\" What is the definition of \"stably\"?"} {"term": "correlative", "pos": "s", "context": "correlative conjunctions", "definition": "expressing a reciprocal or complementary relation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"correlative conjunctions\" What is the definition of \"correlative\"?"} {"term": "history", "pos": "n", "context": "a critical time in the school 's history", "definition": "the aggregate of past events", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a critical time in the school 's history\" What is the definition of \"history\"?"} {"term": "history", "pos": "n", "context": "a history of France", "definition": "a record or narrative description of past events", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["record", "account", "etymology", "story", "recital"], "instruction": "\"a history of France\" What is the definition of \"history\"?"} {"term": "history", "pos": "n", "context": "he teaches Medieval history", "definition": "the discipline that records and interprets past events involving human beings", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he teaches Medieval history\" What is the definition of \"history\"?"} {"term": "fortuitous", "pos": "s", "context": "profits were enhanced by a fortuitous drop in the cost of raw materials", "definition": "occurring by happy chance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"profits were enhanced by a fortuitous drop in the cost of raw materials\" What is the definition of \"fortuitous\"?"} {"term": "fortuitous", "pos": "s", "context": "fortuitous encounters -- strange accidents of fortune", "definition": "having no cause or apparent cause", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fortuitous encounters -- strange accidents of fortune\" What is the definition of \"fortuitous\"?"} {"term": "aloft", "pos": "r", "context": "climbed aloft to unfurl the sail", "definition": "at or on or to the masthead or upper rigging of a ship", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"climbed aloft to unfurl the sail\" What is the definition of \"aloft\"?"} {"term": "aloft", "pos": "r", "context": "the good news sent her spirits aloft", "definition": "upward", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the good news sent her spirits aloft\" What is the definition of \"aloft\"?"} {"term": "aloft", "pos": "r", "context": "eagles were soaring aloft", "definition": "at or to great height", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"eagles were soaring aloft\" What is the definition of \"aloft\"?"} {"term": "aloft", "pos": "r", "context": "eagles were soaring aloft", "definition": "high up in or into the air", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"eagles were soaring aloft\" What is the definition of \"aloft\"?"} {"term": "supremely", "pos": "r", "context": "he was supremely confident", "definition": "to the maximum degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was supremely confident\" What is the definition of \"supremely\"?"} {"term": "mushy", "pos": "s", "context": "mushy effusiveness", "definition": "effusively or insincerely emotional", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mushy effusiveness\" What is the definition of \"mushy\"?"} {"term": "contribution", "pos": "n", "context": "I am proud of my contribution in advancing the project", "definition": "the part played by a person in bringing about a result", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["share", "end", "attempt", "endeavor", "try"], "instruction": "\"I am proud of my contribution in advancing the project\" What is the definition of \"contribution\"?"} {"term": "damnable", "pos": "s", "context": "her damnable pride", "definition": "deserving a curse", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her damnable pride\" What is the definition of \"damnable\"?"} {"term": "synchronize", "pos": "v", "context": "Let 's synchronize our efforts", "definition": "to make synchronous and adjust in time or manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Let 's synchronize our efforts\" What is the definition of \"synchronize\"?"} {"term": "synchronize", "pos": "v", "context": "synchronize this film", "definition": "to make motion picture sound exactly simultaneous with the action", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"synchronize this film\" What is the definition of \"synchronize\"?"} {"term": "scalar", "pos": "a", "context": "he played some basic scalar patterns on his guitar", "definition": "of or relating to a musical scale", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he played some basic scalar patterns on his guitar\" What is the definition of \"scalar\"?"} {"term": "scalar", "pos": "a", "context": "scalar quantity", "definition": "of or relating to a directionless magnitude such as mass or speed etc. that is completely specified by its magnitude", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"scalar quantity\" What is the definition of \"scalar\"?"} {"term": "scavenge", "pos": "v", "context": "hyenas scavenge", "definition": "to feed on carrion or refuse", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hyenas scavenge\" What is the definition of \"scavenge\"?"} {"term": "veiled", "pos": "v", "context": "a veiled threat", "definition": "to make undecipherable or imperceptible by obscuring or concealing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["mystify", "obscure", "hide", "change", "alter", "modify", "veil", "obliterate"], "instruction": "\"a veiled threat\" What is the definition of \"veiled\"?"} {"term": "veiled", "pos": "s", "context": "veiled sounds", "definition": "muted or unclear", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"veiled sounds\" What is the definition of \"veiled\"?"} {"term": "unfailing", "pos": "s", "context": "an unfailing source of good stories", "definition": "always able to supply more", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unfailing source of good stories\" What is the definition of \"unfailing\"?"} {"term": "unfailing", "pos": "s", "context": "unfailing loyalty", "definition": "unceasing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unfailing loyalty\" What is the definition of \"unfailing\"?"} {"term": "unfailing", "pos": "s", "context": "the unfailing sign of an amateur", "definition": "not liable to failure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the unfailing sign of an amateur\" What is the definition of \"unfailing\"?"} {"term": "backless", "pos": "a", "context": "a stool is a backless and armless seat", "definition": "lacking a back", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a stool is a backless and armless seat\" What is the definition of \"backless\"?"} {"term": "swelling", "pos": "v", "context": "The mother was swelling with importance when she spoke of her son", "definition": "to become filled with pride , arrogance , or anger", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["act", "behave", "swell"], "instruction": "\"The mother was swelling with importance when she spoke of her son\" What is the definition of \"swelling\"?"} {"term": "swelling", "pos": "v", "context": "The bellies of the starving children are swelling", "definition": "to expand abnormally", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["belly", "blister", "swell", "expand", "distend"], "instruction": "\"The bellies of the starving children are swelling\" What is the definition of \"swelling\"?"} {"term": "penitentiary", "pos": "s", "context": "penitentiary institutions", "definition": "used for punishment or reform of criminals or wrongdoers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"penitentiary institutions\" What is the definition of \"penitentiary\"?"} {"term": "doctrinal", "pos": "a", "context": "quibbling over doctrinal minutiae", "definition": "relating to or involving or preoccupied with doctrine", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"quibbling over doctrinal minutiae\" What is the definition of \"doctrinal\"?"} {"term": "unilateral", "pos": "a", "context": "unilateral paralysis", "definition": "involving only one part or side", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unilateral paralysis\" What is the definition of \"unilateral\"?"} {"term": "fault", "pos": "n", "context": "they built it right over a geological fault", "definition": "a crack in the earths crust resulting from the displacement of one side with respect to the other", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["shift", "break", "crack", "fracture", "cleft", "fissure", "crevice"], "instruction": "\"they built it right over a geological fault\" What is the definition of \"fault\"?"} {"term": "fault", "pos": "n", "context": "it took much longer to find the fault than to fix it", "definition": "equipment failure attributable to some defect in a circuit loose connection or insulation failure or short circuit etc. .", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it took much longer to find the fault than to fix it\" What is the definition of \"fault\"?"} {"term": "fault", "pos": "n", "context": "it was John 's fault", "definition": "responsibility for a bad situation or event", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was John 's fault\" What is the definition of \"fault\"?"} {"term": "builder", "pos": "n", "context": "empire builder", "definition": "a person who creates a business or who organizes and develops a country", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"empire builder\" What is the definition of \"builder\"?"} {"term": "adventuresome", "pos": "a", "context": "the risks and gains of an adventuresome economy", "definition": "willing to undertake or seeking out new and daring enterprises", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["adventurous", ""], "instruction": "\"the risks and gains of an adventuresome economy\" What is the definition of \"adventuresome\"?"} {"term": "tightness", "pos": "n", "context": "she felt an alarming tightness in her chest", "definition": "a tight feeling in some part of the body", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["feeling", "constriction"], "instruction": "\"she felt an alarming tightness in her chest\" What is the definition of \"tightness\"?"} {"term": "symbolize", "pos": "v", "context": "These painters believed that artists should symbolize", "definition": "to represent or identify by using a symbol", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"These painters believed that artists should symbolize\" What is the definition of \"symbolize\"?"} {"term": "symbolize", "pos": "v", "context": "These painters believed that artists should symbolize", "definition": "to use symbols", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"These painters believed that artists should symbolize\" What is the definition of \"symbolize\"?"} {"term": "piracy", "pos": "n", "context": "air piracy", "definition": "hijacking on the high seas or in similar contexts", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"air piracy\" What is the definition of \"piracy\"?"} {"term": "piracy", "pos": "n", "context": "air piracy", "definition": "taking a ship or plane away from the control of those who are legally entitled to it", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"air piracy\" What is the definition of \"piracy\"?"} {"term": "untrue", "pos": "s", "context": "unfortunately the statement was simply untrue", "definition": "not according with the facts", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unfortunately the statement was simply untrue\" What is the definition of \"untrue\"?"} {"term": "untrue", "pos": "s", "context": "is untrue to his highest opportunity and duty \" - Bruno Laske", "definition": "not true to an obligation or trust", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"is untrue to his highest opportunity and duty \" - Bruno Laske\" What is the definition of \"untrue\"?"} {"term": "untrue", "pos": "s", "context": "off-level floors and untrue doors and windows", "definition": "not accurately fitted", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"off-level floors and untrue doors and windows\" What is the definition of \"untrue\"?"} {"term": "untrue", "pos": "s", "context": "off-level floors and untrue doors and windows", "definition": "not level", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"off-level floors and untrue doors and windows\" What is the definition of \"untrue\"?"} {"term": "economically", "pos": "r", "context": "economically this proposal makes no sense", "definition": "with respect to economic science", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"economically this proposal makes no sense\" What is the definition of \"economically\"?"} {"term": "economically", "pos": "r", "context": "economically the country is worse off", "definition": "with respect to the economic system", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"economically the country is worse off\" What is the definition of \"economically\"?"} {"term": "bluntness", "pos": "n", "context": "the bluntness of a Yorkshireman", "definition": "the quality of being direct and outspoken", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the bluntness of a Yorkshireman\" What is the definition of \"bluntness\"?"} {"term": "well", "pos": "n", "context": "she was a well of information", "definition": "an abundant source", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["wellspring", "source"], "instruction": "\"she was a well of information\" What is the definition of \"well\"?"} {"term": "well", "pos": "v", "context": "Tears well in her eyes", "definition": "to come up , as of a liquid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["rise", "swell", "surface"], "instruction": "\"Tears well in her eyes\" What is the definition of \"well\"?"} {"term": "well", "pos": "a", "context": "appears to be entirely well", "definition": "in good health especially after having suffered illness or injury", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"appears to be entirely well\" What is the definition of \"well\"?"} {"term": "well", "pos": "s", "context": "it would be well to start early", "definition": "wise or advantageous and hence advisable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it would be well to start early\" What is the definition of \"well\"?"} {"term": "well", "pos": "s", "context": "it is well that no one saw you", "definition": "resulting favorably", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is well that no one saw you\" What is the definition of \"well\"?"} {"term": "well", "pos": "r", "context": "The problem is well understood", "definition": "thoroughly or completely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The problem is well understood\" What is the definition of \"well\"?"} {"term": "well", "pos": "r", "context": "The problem is well understood", "definition": "fully", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The problem is well understood\" What is the definition of \"well\"?"} {"term": "well", "pos": "r", "context": "The problem is well understood", "definition": "often used as a combining form", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The problem is well understood\" What is the definition of \"well\"?"} {"term": "well", "pos": "r", "context": "I might well do it", "definition": "indicating high probability", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["easily", ""], "instruction": "\"I might well do it\" What is the definition of \"well\"?"} {"term": "well", "pos": "r", "context": "I might well do it", "definition": "in all likelihood", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["easily", ""], "instruction": "\"I might well do it\" What is the definition of \"well\"?"} {"term": "native", "pos": "n", "context": "he is a native of Brazil", "definition": "a person born in a particular place or country", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is a native of Brazil\" What is the definition of \"native\"?"} {"term": "native", "pos": "a", "context": "the native North American sugar maple", "definition": "characteristic of or existing by virtue of geographic origin", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the native North American sugar maple\" What is the definition of \"native\"?"} {"term": "native", "pos": "a", "context": "my native land", "definition": "belonging to one by birth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my native land\" What is the definition of \"native\"?"} {"term": "native", "pos": "a", "context": "native Americans", "definition": "characteristic of or relating to people inhabiting a region from the beginning", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"native Americans\" What is the definition of \"native\"?"} {"term": "native", "pos": "s", "context": "native copper", "definition": "as found in nature in the elemental form", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"native copper\" What is the definition of \"native\"?"} {"term": "stint", "pos": "n", "context": "her stint as a lifeguard exhausted her", "definition": "an individuals prescribed share of work", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her stint as a lifeguard exhausted her\" What is the definition of \"stint\"?"} {"term": "archaic", "pos": "s", "context": "archaic forms of life", "definition": "little evolved from or characteristic of an earlier ancestral type", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"archaic forms of life\" What is the definition of \"archaic\"?"} {"term": "archaic", "pos": "s", "context": "archaic laws", "definition": "so extremely old as seeming to belong to an earlier period", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"archaic laws\" What is the definition of \"archaic\"?"} {"term": "panoramic", "pos": "s", "context": "a panoramic view", "definition": "as from an altitude or distance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a panoramic view\" What is the definition of \"panoramic\"?"} {"term": "painted", "pos": "a", "context": "brazen painted faces", "definition": "having makeup applied", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"brazen painted faces\" What is the definition of \"painted\"?"} {"term": "painted", "pos": "s", "context": "the painted desert", "definition": "having sections or patches colored differently and usually brightly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the painted desert\" What is the definition of \"painted\"?"} {"term": "wake", "pos": "n", "context": "the motorboat 's wake capsized the canoe", "definition": "the wave that spreads behind a boat as it moves forward", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["wave", "backwash"], "instruction": "\"the motorboat 's wake capsized the canoe\" What is the definition of \"wake\"?"} {"term": "wake", "pos": "n", "context": "there 's no weeping at an Irish wake", "definition": "a vigil held over a corpse the night before burial", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there 's no weeping at an Irish wake\" What is the definition of \"wake\"?"} {"term": "wake", "pos": "n", "context": "in the wake of the accident no one knew how many had been injured", "definition": "the consequences of an event especially a catastrophic event", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["upshot", "outcome", "consequence", "result", "issue", "backwash", "event", "aftermath"], "instruction": "\"in the wake of the accident no one knew how many had been injured\" What is the definition of \"wake\"?"} {"term": "joint", "pos": "a", "context": "a joint session of Congress", "definition": "united or combined", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a joint session of Congress\" What is the definition of \"joint\"?"} {"term": "joint", "pos": "s", "context": "joint income-tax return", "definition": "affecting or involving two or more", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"joint income-tax return\" What is the definition of \"joint\"?"} {"term": "joint", "pos": "s", "context": "a joint session of Congress", "definition": "involving both houses of a legislature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a joint session of Congress\" What is the definition of \"joint\"?"} {"term": "shadiness", "pos": "n", "context": "they acted with such obvious shadiness that they were instantly recognizable", "definition": "of questionable honesty or legality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they acted with such obvious shadiness that they were instantly recognizable\" What is the definition of \"shadiness\"?"} {"term": "shadiness", "pos": "n", "context": "there 's too much shadiness to take good photographs", "definition": "relative darkness caused by light rays being intercepted by an opaque body", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["shade", "shadow"], "instruction": "\"there 's too much shadiness to take good photographs\" What is the definition of \"shadiness\"?"} {"term": "dibble", "pos": "v", "context": "dibble Spring bulbs", "definition": "to plant with a wooden hand tool", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dibble Spring bulbs\" What is the definition of \"dibble\"?"} {"term": "dibble", "pos": "v", "context": "dibble the ground", "definition": "to make a hole with a wooden hand tool", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dibble the ground\" What is the definition of \"dibble\"?"} {"term": "axial", "pos": "a", "context": "axial angle", "definition": "relating to or attached to the axis", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"axial angle\" What is the definition of \"axial\"?"} {"term": "adduct", "pos": "v", "context": "adduct the thigh muscle", "definition": "to draw a limb towards the body", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"adduct the thigh muscle\" What is the definition of \"adduct\"?"} {"term": "differently", "pos": "r", "context": "very soon you will know differently", "definition": "in another and different manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"very soon you will know differently\" What is the definition of \"differently\"?"} {"term": "metamorphosis", "pos": "n", "context": "the metamorphosis of the old house into something new and exciting", "definition": "a striking change in appearance or character or circumstances", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the metamorphosis of the old house into something new and exciting\" What is the definition of \"metamorphosis\"?"} {"term": "hesitate", "pos": "v", "context": "Authorities hesitate to quote exact figures", "definition": "to pause or hold back in uncertainty or unwillingness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["vacillating", "hover", "falter", "oscillating", "waver", "vibrate", "boggle", "faltering", "linger", "oscillate"], "instruction": "\"Authorities hesitate to quote exact figures\" What is the definition of \"hesitate\"?"} {"term": "unbind", "pos": "v", "context": "unbind the feet of this poor woman", "definition": "to untie or unfasten", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unbind the feet of this poor woman\" What is the definition of \"unbind\"?"} {"term": "thespian", "pos": "a", "context": "the movie director had thespian cooperation", "definition": "of or relating to drama", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the movie director had thespian cooperation\" What is the definition of \"thespian\"?"} {"term": "spastic", "pos": "a", "context": "a spastic colon", "definition": "relating to or characterized by spasm", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a spastic colon\" What is the definition of \"spastic\"?"} {"term": "spastic", "pos": "s", "context": "spastic movements", "definition": "affected by involuntary jerky muscular contractions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"spastic movements\" What is the definition of \"spastic\"?"} {"term": "spastic", "pos": "s", "context": "spastic movements", "definition": "resembling a spasm", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"spastic movements\" What is the definition of \"spastic\"?"} {"term": "rearward", "pos": "n", "context": "his outfit marched to the rearward of the tank divisions", "definition": "direction toward the rear", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his outfit marched to the rearward of the tank divisions\" What is the definition of \"rearward\"?"} {"term": "rearward", "pos": "s", "context": "a rearward glance", "definition": "directed or moving toward the rear", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a rearward glance\" What is the definition of \"rearward\"?"} {"term": "rearward", "pos": "s", "context": "on the rearward side", "definition": "located in or toward the back or rear", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on the rearward side\" What is the definition of \"rearward\"?"} {"term": "rearward", "pos": "r", "context": "she looked rearward out the window of the car", "definition": "at or to or toward the back or rear", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she looked rearward out the window of the car\" What is the definition of \"rearward\"?"} {"term": "privately", "pos": "r", "context": "it was discussed privately between the two men", "definition": "kept private or confined to those intimately concerned", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was discussed privately between the two men\" What is the definition of \"privately\"?"} {"term": "privately", "pos": "r", "context": "a privately financed campaign", "definition": "by a private person or interest", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a privately financed campaign\" What is the definition of \"privately\"?"} {"term": "uphill", "pos": "r", "context": "she was talking uphill", "definition": "against difficulties", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was talking uphill\" What is the definition of \"uphill\"?"} {"term": "uphill", "pos": "r", "context": "this street lay uphill", "definition": "upward on a hill or incline", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this street lay uphill\" What is the definition of \"uphill\"?"} {"term": "segmented", "pos": "v", "context": "The cells segmented", "definition": "to divide or split up", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["divide", "segment"], "instruction": "\"The cells segmented\" What is the definition of \"segmented\"?"} {"term": "sad", "pos": "a", "context": "feeling sad because his dog had died", "definition": "experiencing or showing sorrow or unhappiness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"feeling sad because his dog had died\" What is the definition of \"sad\"?"} {"term": "sad", "pos": "s", "context": "her clothes were in sad shape", "definition": "bad", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her clothes were in sad shape\" What is the definition of \"sad\"?"} {"term": "sad", "pos": "s", "context": "her clothes were in sad shape", "definition": "unfortunate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her clothes were in sad shape\" What is the definition of \"sad\"?"} {"term": "languid", "pos": "s", "context": "a languid mood", "definition": "lacking spirit or liveliness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a languid mood\" What is the definition of \"languid\"?"} {"term": "narrowly", "pos": "r", "context": "he interprets the law narrowly", "definition": "in a narrow manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he interprets the law narrowly\" What is the definition of \"narrowly\"?"} {"term": "narrowly", "pos": "r", "context": "he interprets the law narrowly", "definition": "not allowing for exceptions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he interprets the law narrowly\" What is the definition of \"narrowly\"?"} {"term": "stop", "pos": "n", "context": "it came to a stop at the bottom of the hill", "definition": "the event of something ending", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["surcease", "conclusion", "halt", "standstill", "cessation", "ending", "finish", "stand"], "instruction": "\"it came to a stop at the bottom of the hill\" What is the definition of \"stop\"?"} {"term": "reliever", "pos": "n", "context": "a reliever of anxiety", "definition": "a person who reduces the intensity e.g. , of fears and calms and pacifies", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["individual", "person", "soul", "comforter"], "instruction": "\"a reliever of anxiety\" What is the definition of \"reliever\"?"} {"term": "municipal", "pos": "a", "context": "municipal government", "definition": "relating or belonging to or characteristic of a municipality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"municipal government\" What is the definition of \"municipal\"?"} {"term": "municipal", "pos": "s", "context": "international law ... only authorizes a belligerent to punish a spy under its municipal law \" - J.L.kuntz", "definition": "of or relating to the government of a municipality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"international law ... only authorizes a belligerent to punish a spy under its municipal law \" - J.L.kuntz\" What is the definition of \"municipal\"?"} {"term": "coherent", "pos": "a", "context": "a coherent argument", "definition": "marked by an orderly , logical , and aesthetically consistent relation of parts", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a coherent argument\" What is the definition of \"coherent\"?"} {"term": "coherent", "pos": "s", "context": "she was more coherent than she had been just after the accident", "definition": "capable of thinking and expressing yourself in a clear and consistent manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["lucid", "", "logical"], "instruction": "\"she was more coherent than she had been just after the accident\" What is the definition of \"coherent\"?"} {"term": "coherent", "pos": "s", "context": "two coherent sheets", "definition": "sticking together", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"two coherent sheets\" What is the definition of \"coherent\"?"} {"term": "northernmost", "pos": "s", "context": "Alaska is our northernmost state", "definition": "situated farthest north", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Alaska is our northernmost state\" What is the definition of \"northernmost\"?"} {"term": "push", "pos": "n", "context": "he gave the door a hard push", "definition": "the act of applying force in order to move something away", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["propulsion", "shove", "nudge", "actuation", "boost", "jog", "press", "pressure", "pushing", "pressing"], "instruction": "\"he gave the door a hard push\" What is the definition of \"push\"?"} {"term": "push", "pos": "n", "context": "the army made a push toward the sea", "definition": "an effort to advance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the army made a push toward the sea\" What is the definition of \"push\"?"} {"term": "countrified", "pos": "s", "context": "countrified clothes", "definition": "characteristic of rural life", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"countrified clothes\" What is the definition of \"countrified\"?"} {"term": "perfectionism", "pos": "n", "context": "his perfectionism seemed excessive to his students", "definition": "a disposition to feel that anything less than perfect is unacceptable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his perfectionism seemed excessive to his students\" What is the definition of \"perfectionism\"?"} {"term": "scholastic", "pos": "a", "context": "scholastic year", "definition": "of or relating to schools", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"scholastic year\" What is the definition of \"scholastic\"?"} {"term": "scholastic", "pos": "a", "context": "scholastic philosophy", "definition": "of or relating to the philosophical doctrine of scholasticism", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"scholastic philosophy\" What is the definition of \"scholastic\"?"} {"term": "assenting", "pos": "n", "context": "assenting to the Congressional determination", "definition": "agreeing with or consenting to often unwillingly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["agreement", "accession"], "instruction": "\"assenting to the Congressional determination\" What is the definition of \"assenting\"?"} {"term": "adjacent", "pos": "s", "context": "had adjacent rooms", "definition": "nearest in space or position", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"had adjacent rooms\" What is the definition of \"adjacent\"?"} {"term": "adjacent", "pos": "s", "context": "had adjacent rooms", "definition": "immediately adjoining without intervening space", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"had adjacent rooms\" What is the definition of \"adjacent\"?"} {"term": "adjacent", "pos": "s", "context": "lands adjacent to the mountains", "definition": "near or close to but not necessarily touching", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lands adjacent to the mountains\" What is the definition of \"adjacent\"?"} {"term": "patchy", "pos": "s", "context": "a patchy essay", "definition": "irregular or uneven in quality , texture , etc. .", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a patchy essay\" What is the definition of \"patchy\"?"} {"term": "amplify", "pos": "v", "context": "amplify sound", "definition": "to increase the volume of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"amplify sound\" What is the definition of \"amplify\"?"} {"term": "vastly", "pos": "r", "context": "He had vastly overestimated his resources", "definition": "to an exceedingly great extent or degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"He had vastly overestimated his resources\" What is the definition of \"vastly\"?"} {"term": "theretofore", "pos": "r", "context": "they had not done any work theretofore", "definition": "up to that time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they had not done any work theretofore\" What is the definition of \"theretofore\"?"} {"term": "circuit", "pos": "n", "context": "she 's a familiar name on the club circuit", "definition": "an established itinerary of venues or events that a particular group of people travel to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she 's a familiar name on the club circuit\" What is the definition of \"circuit\"?"} {"term": "thickness", "pos": "n", "context": "judging from the thickness of his speech he had been drinking heavily", "definition": "indistinct articulation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"judging from the thickness of his speech he had been drinking heavily\" What is the definition of \"thickness\"?"} {"term": "reposition", "pos": "n", "context": "they decided to reposition their furniture in a recommended repository in Brooklyn", "definition": "depositing in a warehouse", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["warehousing", "storage", "deposit", "deposition"], "instruction": "\"they decided to reposition their furniture in a recommended repository in Brooklyn\" What is the definition of \"reposition\"?"} {"term": "ductile", "pos": "s", "context": "ductile copper", "definition": "capable of being shaped or bent or drawn out", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ductile copper\" What is the definition of \"ductile\"?"} {"term": "ceremoniously", "pos": "r", "context": "my mother advised her children ceremoniously", "definition": "in a ceremonious manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my mother advised her children ceremoniously\" What is the definition of \"ceremoniously\"?"} {"term": "bimonthly", "pos": "s", "context": "bimonthly visits", "definition": "occurring every two months", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bimonthly visits\" What is the definition of \"bimonthly\"?"} {"term": "bimonthly", "pos": "r", "context": "the bill was payable bimonthly", "definition": "every two months", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the bill was payable bimonthly\" What is the definition of \"bimonthly\"?"} {"term": "collateral", "pos": "a", "context": "cousins are collateral relatives", "definition": "descended from a common ancestor but through different lines", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cousins are collateral relatives\" What is the definition of \"collateral\"?"} {"term": "collateral", "pos": "s", "context": "collateral evidence", "definition": "serving to support or corroborate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["confirmatory", "", "corroborative", "confirmative"], "instruction": "\"collateral evidence\" What is the definition of \"collateral\"?"} {"term": "collateral", "pos": "s", "context": "collateral target damage from a bombing run", "definition": "accompany , concomitant", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"collateral target damage from a bombing run\" What is the definition of \"collateral\"?"} {"term": "collateral", "pos": "s", "context": "collateral ridges of mountains", "definition": "situated or running side by side", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"collateral ridges of mountains\" What is the definition of \"collateral\"?"} {"term": "pneumonic", "pos": "a", "context": "pneumonic plague", "definition": "pertaining to or characterized by or affected by pneumonia", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pneumonic plague\" What is the definition of \"pneumonic\"?"} {"term": "aglow", "pos": "s", "context": "a house aglow with lights", "definition": "softly bright or radiant", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["luminous", "", "lucent", "lambent"], "instruction": "\"a house aglow with lights\" What is the definition of \"aglow\"?"} {"term": "breathlessly", "pos": "r", "context": "she spoke breathlessly", "definition": "in a breathless manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she spoke breathlessly\" What is the definition of \"breathlessly\"?"} {"term": "bound", "pos": "a", "context": "bound and gagged hostages", "definition": "confined by bonds", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bound and gagged hostages\" What is the definition of \"bound\"?"} {"term": "bound", "pos": "a", "context": "bound volumes", "definition": "often used as a combining form", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bound volumes\" What is the definition of \"bound\"?"} {"term": "bound", "pos": "s", "context": "bound to happen", "definition": "governed by fate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bound to happen\" What is the definition of \"bound\"?"} {"term": "bound", "pos": "s", "context": "children bound for school", "definition": "headed or intending to head in a certain direction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"children bound for school\" What is the definition of \"bound\"?"} {"term": "deservedly", "pos": "r", "context": "he chalked up two goals which deservedly gave Bolton their second victory of the season", "definition": "as deserved", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he chalked up two goals which deservedly gave Bolton their second victory of the season\" What is the definition of \"deservedly\"?"} {"term": "hedonic", "pos": "s", "context": "a hedonic thrill", "definition": "devoted to pleasure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a hedonic thrill\" What is the definition of \"hedonic\"?"} {"term": "suspect", "pos": "v", "context": "I suspect he is a fugitive", "definition": "to imagine to be the case or true or probable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["suspected", "guess", "venture", "pretend", "hazard", "surmise"], "instruction": "\"I suspect he is a fugitive\" What is the definition of \"suspect\"?"} {"term": "suspect", "pos": "s", "context": "her motives were suspect", "definition": "not as expected", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her motives were suspect\" What is the definition of \"suspect\"?"} {"term": "leash", "pos": "n", "context": "kept a tight leash on his emotions", "definition": "a figurative restraint", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["collar", "restraint"], "instruction": "\"kept a tight leash on his emotions\" What is the definition of \"leash\"?"} {"term": "amplification", "pos": "n", "context": "a few remarks added in amplification and defense", "definition": "addition of extra material or illustration or clarifying detail", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a few remarks added in amplification and defense\" What is the definition of \"amplification\"?"} {"term": "beaten", "pos": "a", "context": "beaten gold", "definition": "formed or made thin by hammering", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"beaten gold\" What is the definition of \"beaten\"?"} {"term": "beaten", "pos": "s", "context": "did not stray from the beaten path", "definition": "much trodden and worn smooth or bare", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"did not stray from the beaten path\" What is the definition of \"beaten\"?"} {"term": "sinistral", "pos": "a", "context": "a sinistral gastropod shell with the apex upward has its opening on the left when facing the observer", "definition": "of or on the left", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sinistral gastropod shell with the apex upward has its opening on the left when facing the observer\" What is the definition of \"sinistral\"?"} {"term": "sinistral", "pos": "s", "context": "sinistral individuals exhibit dominance of the left hand and eye", "definition": "preferring to use left foot or hand or eye", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sinistral individuals exhibit dominance of the left hand and eye\" What is the definition of \"sinistral\"?"} {"term": "mingle", "pos": "v", "context": "He was about to mingle in an unpleasant affair", "definition": "to get involved or mixed-up with", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"He was about to mingle in an unpleasant affair\" What is the definition of \"mingle\"?"} {"term": "analytically", "pos": "r", "context": "assuming that the distinction is maintained one may ask which is to be analytically prior ?", "definition": "by virtue of analysis", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"assuming that the distinction is maintained one may ask which is to be analytically prior ?\" What is the definition of \"analytically\"?"} {"term": "immeasurably", "pos": "r", "context": "the war left him immeasurably fearful of what man can do to man", "definition": "to an immeasurable degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the war left him immeasurably fearful of what man can do to man\" What is the definition of \"immeasurably\"?"} {"term": "immeasurably", "pos": "r", "context": "the war left him immeasurably fearful of what man can do to man", "definition": "beyond measurement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the war left him immeasurably fearful of what man can do to man\" What is the definition of \"immeasurably\"?"} {"term": "darkly", "pos": "r", "context": "the river was sliding darkly under the mist", "definition": "without light", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the river was sliding darkly under the mist\" What is the definition of \"darkly\"?"} {"term": "darkly", "pos": "r", "context": "he stared darkly at her", "definition": "in a dark glowering menacing manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he stared darkly at her\" What is the definition of \"darkly\"?"} {"term": "caudal", "pos": "a", "context": "caudal appendage", "definition": "constituting or relating to a tail", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"caudal appendage\" What is the definition of \"caudal\"?"} {"term": "caudal", "pos": "s", "context": "caudal fins", "definition": "situated in or directed toward the part of the body from which the tail arises", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"caudal fins\" What is the definition of \"caudal\"?"} {"term": "neediness", "pos": "n", "context": "he recognized her neediness but had no time to respond to it", "definition": "the quality of needing attention and affection and reassurance to a marked degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he recognized her neediness but had no time to respond to it\" What is the definition of \"neediness\"?"} {"term": "firewood", "pos": "n", "context": "they collected and cut their own firewood", "definition": "wood used for fuel", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they collected and cut their own firewood\" What is the definition of \"firewood\"?"} {"term": "thickset", "pos": "s", "context": "thickset trees", "definition": "planted or growing close together", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"thickset trees\" What is the definition of \"thickset\"?"} {"term": "thickset", "pos": "s", "context": "a thickset young man", "definition": "having a short and solid form or stature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["compact", ""], "instruction": "\"a thickset young man\" What is the definition of \"thickset\"?"} {"term": "cyclic", "pos": "a", "context": "cyclic petals", "definition": "forming a whorl or having parts arranged in a whorl", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cyclic petals\" What is the definition of \"cyclic\"?"} {"term": "jealously", "pos": "r", "context": "he guarded his privacy jealously", "definition": "with jealousy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he guarded his privacy jealously\" What is the definition of \"jealously\"?"} {"term": "jealously", "pos": "r", "context": "he looked at his friend 's new car jealously", "definition": "with jealousy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he looked at his friend 's new car jealously\" What is the definition of \"jealously\"?"} {"term": "jealously", "pos": "r", "context": "he looked at his friend 's new car jealously", "definition": "in an envious manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he looked at his friend 's new car jealously\" What is the definition of \"jealously\"?"} {"term": "ventral", "pos": "a", "context": "the ventral aspect of the human body", "definition": "toward or on or near the belly front of a primate or lower surface of a lower animal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ventral aspect of the human body\" What is the definition of \"ventral\"?"} {"term": "wanton", "pos": "v", "context": "wanton one 's money away", "definition": "to spend wastefully", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wanton one 's money away\" What is the definition of \"wanton\"?"} {"term": "wanton", "pos": "s", "context": "wanton behavior", "definition": "casual and unrestrained in sexual behavior", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["sluttish", "", "promiscuous", "loose"], "instruction": "\"wanton behavior\" What is the definition of \"wanton\"?"} {"term": "indirectly", "pos": "r", "context": "he answered very indirectly", "definition": "not in a forthright manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he answered very indirectly\" What is the definition of \"indirectly\"?"} {"term": "evert", "pos": "v", "context": "evert the eyelid", "definition": "to turn inside out", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"evert the eyelid\" What is the definition of \"evert\"?"} {"term": "evert", "pos": "v", "context": "evert the eyelid", "definition": "to turn the inner surface of outward", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"evert the eyelid\" What is the definition of \"evert\"?"} {"term": "stream", "pos": "n", "context": "stream of consciousness", "definition": "dominant course suggestive of running water of successive events or ideas", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["flow", "line"], "instruction": "\"stream of consciousness\" What is the definition of \"stream\"?"} {"term": "duplex", "pos": "s", "context": "a duplex transaction", "definition": "having two parts", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a duplex transaction\" What is the definition of \"duplex\"?"} {"term": "duplex", "pos": "s", "context": "duplex system", "definition": "allowing communication in opposite directions simultaneously", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"duplex system\" What is the definition of \"duplex\"?"} {"term": "forceful", "pos": "a", "context": "a forceful speaker", "definition": "characterized by or full of force or strength often but not necessarily physical", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a forceful speaker\" What is the definition of \"forceful\"?"} {"term": "obstruct", "pos": "v", "context": "obstruct the path", "definition": "to block passage through", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["congested", "blocking", "block", "stifle", "dam", "stop", "jam", "barricade", "clogging", "asphyxiated", "screen", "suffocate", "blockade", "hinder", "asphyxiate", "occlude", "foul"], "instruction": "\"obstruct the path\" What is the definition of \"obstruct\"?"} {"term": "obstruct", "pos": "v", "context": "The trees obstruct my view of the mountains", "definition": "to shut out from view or get in the way so as to hide from sight", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["conceal", "block", "hide", "concealed", "hiding", "hidden"], "instruction": "\"The trees obstruct my view of the mountains\" What is the definition of \"obstruct\"?"} {"term": "bully", "pos": "s", "context": "he did a bully job", "definition": "very good", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he did a bully job\" What is the definition of \"bully\"?"} {"term": "finitely", "pos": "r", "context": "there are finitely many solutions to this problem", "definition": "with a finite limit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there are finitely many solutions to this problem\" What is the definition of \"finitely\"?"} {"term": "rummage", "pos": "n", "context": "he gave the attic a good rummage but could n't find his skis", "definition": "a thorough search for something often causing disorder or confusion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he gave the attic a good rummage but could n't find his skis\" What is the definition of \"rummage\"?"} {"term": "inadequate", "pos": "a", "context": "inadequate training", "definition": "lacking the requisite qualities or resources to meet a task", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"inadequate training\" What is the definition of \"inadequate\"?"} {"term": "inadequate", "pos": "s", "context": "an inadequate income", "definition": "not sufficient to meet a need", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an inadequate income\" What is the definition of \"inadequate\"?"} {"term": "spat", "pos": "v", "context": "mollusks or oysters spat", "definition": "to become permanently attached", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mollusks or oysters spat\" What is the definition of \"spat\"?"} {"term": "nosocomial", "pos": "a", "context": "nosocomial infection", "definition": "taking place or originating in a hospital", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nosocomial infection\" What is the definition of \"nosocomial\"?"} {"term": "palpable", "pos": "a", "context": "a barely palpable dust", "definition": "capable of being perceived", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a barely palpable dust\" What is the definition of \"palpable\"?"} {"term": "palpable", "pos": "a", "context": "a barely palpable dust", "definition": "especially capable of being handled or touched or felt", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a barely palpable dust\" What is the definition of \"palpable\"?"} {"term": "palpable", "pos": "s", "context": "a palpable tumor", "definition": "can be felt by palpation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a palpable tumor\" What is the definition of \"palpable\"?"} {"term": "mordant", "pos": "s", "context": "fun ranging from slapstick clowning ... to savage mordant wit", "definition": "harshly ironic or sinister", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fun ranging from slapstick clowning ... to savage mordant wit\" What is the definition of \"mordant\"?"} {"term": "lurid", "pos": "s", "context": "lurid crimes", "definition": "horrible in fierceness or savagery", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lurid crimes\" What is the definition of \"lurid\"?"} {"term": "lurid", "pos": "s", "context": "lurid details of the accident", "definition": "glaringly vivid and graphic", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lurid details of the accident\" What is the definition of \"lurid\"?"} {"term": "lurid", "pos": "s", "context": "lurid details of the accident", "definition": "marked by sensationalism", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lurid details of the accident\" What is the definition of \"lurid\"?"} {"term": "lurid", "pos": "s", "context": "a lurid sunset", "definition": "shining with an unnatural red glow as of fire seen through smoke", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a lurid sunset\" What is the definition of \"lurid\"?"} {"term": "indirection", "pos": "n", "context": "he tried to find out by indirection", "definition": "indirect procedure or action", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he tried to find out by indirection\" What is the definition of \"indirection\"?"} {"term": "disorganization", "pos": "n", "context": "the disorganization of the enemy troops by a flank attack", "definition": "the disturbance of a systematic arrangement causing disorder and confusion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the disorganization of the enemy troops by a flank attack\" What is the definition of \"disorganization\"?"} {"term": "mannish", "pos": "s", "context": "a mannish stride", "definition": "resembling or imitative of or suggestive of a man rather than a woman", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a mannish stride\" What is the definition of \"mannish\"?"} {"term": "mannish", "pos": "s", "context": "true mannish arrogance", "definition": "characteristic of a man as distinguished from a woman", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"true mannish arrogance\" What is the definition of \"mannish\"?"} {"term": "nervy", "pos": "s", "context": "the nervy feats of mountaineers", "definition": "showing or requiring courage and contempt of danger", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the nervy feats of mountaineers\" What is the definition of \"nervy\"?"} {"term": "nervy", "pos": "s", "context": "a nervy thing to say", "definition": "offensively bold", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a nervy thing to say\" What is the definition of \"nervy\"?"} {"term": "plumb", "pos": "s", "context": "the tower of Pisa is far out of plumb", "definition": "exactly vertical", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the tower of Pisa is far out of plumb\" What is the definition of \"plumb\"?"} {"term": "plumb", "pos": "r", "context": "fell plumb in the middle of the puddle", "definition": "exactly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fell plumb in the middle of the puddle\" What is the definition of \"plumb\"?"} {"term": "plumb", "pos": "r", "context": "I 'm plumb ( or plum ) tuckered out", "definition": "completely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I 'm plumb ( or plum ) tuckered out\" What is the definition of \"plumb\"?"} {"term": "plumb", "pos": "r", "context": "I 'm plumb ( or plum ) tuckered out", "definition": "used as intensifiers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I 'm plumb ( or plum ) tuckered out\" What is the definition of \"plumb\"?"} {"term": "approximate", "pos": "v", "context": "Her results approximate my own", "definition": "to be close or similar", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Her results approximate my own\" What is the definition of \"approximate\"?"} {"term": "approximate", "pos": "s", "context": "the approximate time was 10 o'clock", "definition": "not quite exact or correct", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the approximate time was 10 o'clock\" What is the definition of \"approximate\"?"} {"term": "approximate", "pos": "s", "context": "sketched in an approximate likeness", "definition": "very close in resemblance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sketched in an approximate likeness\" What is the definition of \"approximate\"?"} {"term": "approximate", "pos": "s", "context": "approximate leaves grow together but are not united", "definition": "located close together", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"approximate leaves grow together but are not united\" What is the definition of \"approximate\"?"} {"term": "dutiful", "pos": "s", "context": "a dutiful child", "definition": "willingly obedient out of a sense of duty and respect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dutiful child\" What is the definition of \"dutiful\"?"} {"term": "necessarily", "pos": "r", "context": "such expenses are necessarily incurred", "definition": "in an essential manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"such expenses are necessarily incurred\" What is the definition of \"necessarily\"?"} {"term": "necessarily", "pos": "r", "context": "we are necessarily bound for federalism in Europe", "definition": "as a highly likely consequence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we are necessarily bound for federalism in Europe\" What is the definition of \"necessarily\"?"} {"term": "necessarily", "pos": "r", "context": "it is necessarily so", "definition": "in such a manner as could not be otherwise", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is necessarily so\" What is the definition of \"necessarily\"?"} {"term": "manifestly", "pos": "r", "context": "he was manifestly too important to leave off the guest list", "definition": "unmistakably plain is often used informally for plainly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was manifestly too important to leave off the guest list\" What is the definition of \"manifestly\"?"} {"term": "warn", "pos": "v", "context": "I warn you against false assumptions", "definition": "to admonish or counsel in terms of someones behavior", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["discouraging", "counsel", "advise", "admonish"], "instruction": "\"I warn you against false assumptions\" What is the definition of \"warn\"?"} {"term": "fissile", "pos": "a", "context": "fissile crystals", "definition": "capable of being split or cleft or divided in the direction of the grain", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fissile crystals\" What is the definition of \"fissile\"?"} {"term": "pyrrhic", "pos": "a", "context": "pyrrhic dance movements", "definition": "of or relating to a war dance of ancient greece", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pyrrhic dance movements\" What is the definition of \"pyrrhic\"?"} {"term": "pyrrhic", "pos": "a", "context": "pyrrhic verses", "definition": "of or relating to or containing a metrical foot of two unstressed syllables", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pyrrhic verses\" What is the definition of \"pyrrhic\"?"} {"term": "zeal", "pos": "n", "context": "he had an absolute zeal for litigation", "definition": "excessive fervor to do something or accomplish some end", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had an absolute zeal for litigation\" What is the definition of \"zeal\"?"} {"term": "zeal", "pos": "n", "context": "he felt a kind of religious zeal", "definition": "a feeling of strong eagerness usually in favor of a person or cause", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he felt a kind of religious zeal\" What is the definition of \"zeal\"?"} {"term": "zeal", "pos": "n", "context": "they disliked his zeal in demonstrating his superiority", "definition": "prompt willingness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they disliked his zeal in demonstrating his superiority\" What is the definition of \"zeal\"?"} {"term": "tatty", "pos": "s", "context": "an old house with dirty windows and tatty curtains", "definition": "showing signs of wear and tear", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an old house with dirty windows and tatty curtains\" What is the definition of \"tatty\"?"} {"term": "purification", "pos": "n", "context": "purification through repentance", "definition": "the act of purging of sin or guilt", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"purification through repentance\" What is the definition of \"purification\"?"} {"term": "purification", "pos": "n", "context": "purification through repentance", "definition": "moral or spiritual cleansing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"purification through repentance\" What is the definition of \"purification\"?"} {"term": "suit", "pos": "n", "context": "they buried him in his best suit", "definition": "a set of garments usually including a jacket and trousers or skirt for outerwear all of the same fabric and color", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they buried him in his best suit\" What is the definition of \"suit\"?"} {"term": "suit", "pos": "v", "context": "This kind of behavior does not suit a young woman !", "definition": "to accord or comport with", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["agree", "tally", "befit", "fit", "befitting", "jibe"], "instruction": "\"This kind of behavior does not suit a young woman !\" What is the definition of \"suit\"?"} {"term": "stagnant", "pos": "s", "context": "stagnant water", "definition": "not circulating or flowing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stagnant water\" What is the definition of \"stagnant\"?"} {"term": "quibble", "pos": "v", "context": "Let 's not quibble over pennies", "definition": "to argue over petty things", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["argue", "squabble", "fence", "niggling", "debate", "niggle"], "instruction": "\"Let 's not quibble over pennies\" What is the definition of \"quibble\"?"} {"term": "stubborn", "pos": "s", "context": "a stubborn infection", "definition": "not responding to treatment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a stubborn infection\" What is the definition of \"stubborn\"?"} {"term": "phantasmal", "pos": "s", "context": "a phantasmal presence in the room", "definition": "resembling or characteristic of a phantom", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a phantasmal presence in the room\" What is the definition of \"phantasmal\"?"} {"term": "lank", "pos": "s", "context": "grown lank with fasting", "definition": "long and thin and often limp", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"grown lank with fasting\" What is the definition of \"lank\"?"} {"term": "quotable", "pos": "a", "context": "he comes up with so many quotable phrases", "definition": "able or fit to be repeated or quoted", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he comes up with so many quotable phrases\" What is the definition of \"quotable\"?"} {"term": "quotable", "pos": "s", "context": "a quotable slogan", "definition": "suitable for or worthy of quotation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a quotable slogan\" What is the definition of \"quotable\"?"} {"term": "honorable", "pos": "a", "context": "an honorable man", "definition": "worthy of being honored", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an honorable man\" What is the definition of \"honorable\"?"} {"term": "honorable", "pos": "a", "context": "an honorable man", "definition": "entitled to honor and respect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an honorable man\" What is the definition of \"honorable\"?"} {"term": "honorable", "pos": "s", "context": "followed the only honorable course of action", "definition": "adhering to ethical and moral principles", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"followed the only honorable course of action\" What is the definition of \"honorable\"?"} {"term": "nomenclature", "pos": "n", "context": "biological nomenclature", "definition": "a system of words used to name things in a particular discipline", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["terminology", "word"], "instruction": "\"biological nomenclature\" What is the definition of \"nomenclature\"?"} {"term": "nonexistent", "pos": "a", "context": "chimeras are nonexistent", "definition": "not having existence or being or actuality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"chimeras are nonexistent\" What is the definition of \"nonexistent\"?"} {"term": "triangular", "pos": "s", "context": "a triangular figure", "definition": "having three angles", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a triangular figure\" What is the definition of \"triangular\"?"} {"term": "triangular", "pos": "s", "context": "a triangular figure", "definition": "forming or shaped like a triangle", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a triangular figure\" What is the definition of \"triangular\"?"} {"term": "mourning", "pos": "v", "context": "She is mourning her dead child", "definition": "to feel sadness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["mourn", "grieve"], "instruction": "\"She is mourning her dead child\" What is the definition of \"mourning\"?"} {"term": "fervid", "pos": "s", "context": "set out ... when the fervid heat subsides \" - Frances Trollope", "definition": "extremely hot", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"set out ... when the fervid heat subsides \" - Frances Trollope\" What is the definition of \"fervid\"?"} {"term": "fixedly", "pos": "r", "context": "he stared at me fixedly", "definition": "in a fixed manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he stared at me fixedly\" What is the definition of \"fixedly\"?"} {"term": "star", "pos": "v", "context": "Linguists star unacceptable sentences", "definition": "to mark with an asterisk", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["starred", "asterisk", "mark"], "instruction": "\"Linguists star unacceptable sentences\" What is the definition of \"star\"?"} {"term": "star", "pos": "s", "context": "a star figure skater", "definition": "indicating the most important performer or role", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["stellar", "", "leading"], "instruction": "\"a star figure skater\" What is the definition of \"star\"?"} {"term": "top", "pos": "n", "context": "the title should be written at the top of the first page", "definition": "the upper part of anything", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the title should be written at the top of the first page\" What is the definition of \"top\"?"} {"term": "top", "pos": "n", "context": "put your books on top of the desk", "definition": "the highest or uppermost side of anything", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["face", "crest", "upside"], "instruction": "\"put your books on top of the desk\" What is the definition of \"top\"?"} {"term": "top", "pos": "n", "context": "a relief pitcher took over in the top of the fifth", "definition": "the first half of an inning", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a relief pitcher took over in the top of the fifth\" What is the definition of \"top\"?"} {"term": "top", "pos": "n", "context": "a relief pitcher took over in the top of the fifth", "definition": "while the visiting team is at bat", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a relief pitcher took over in the top of the fifth\" What is the definition of \"top\"?"} {"term": "devotion", "pos": "n", "context": "their devotion to each other was beautiful", "definition": "feelings of ardent love", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their devotion to each other was beautiful\" What is the definition of \"devotion\"?"} {"term": "devotion", "pos": "n", "context": "the devotion of his time and wealth to science", "definition": "commitment to some purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the devotion of his time and wealth to science\" What is the definition of \"devotion\"?"} {"term": "appreciation", "pos": "n", "context": "he expressed his appreciation in a short note", "definition": "an expression of gratitude", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he expressed his appreciation in a short note\" What is the definition of \"appreciation\"?"} {"term": "appreciation", "pos": "n", "context": "an appreciation of 30 % in the value of real estate", "definition": "an increase in price or value", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an appreciation of 30 % in the value of real estate\" What is the definition of \"appreciation\"?"} {"term": "tempered", "pos": "a", "context": "a sword of tempered steel", "definition": "made hard or flexible or resilient especially by heat treatment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sword of tempered steel\" What is the definition of \"tempered\"?"} {"term": "tempered", "pos": "a", "context": "criticism tempered with kindly sympathy", "definition": "adjusted or attuned by adding a counterbalancing element", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"criticism tempered with kindly sympathy\" What is the definition of \"tempered\"?"} {"term": "telling", "pos": "s", "context": "a telling smile", "definition": "disclosing unintentionally", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a telling smile\" What is the definition of \"telling\"?"} {"term": "telling", "pos": "s", "context": "a telling presentation", "definition": "powerfully persuasive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a telling presentation\" What is the definition of \"telling\"?"} {"term": "telling", "pos": "s", "context": "a telling gesture", "definition": "producing a strong effect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a telling gesture\" What is the definition of \"telling\"?"} {"term": "overhead", "pos": "a", "context": "an overhead crossing", "definition": "located or originating from above", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an overhead crossing\" What is the definition of \"overhead\"?"} {"term": "overhead", "pos": "r", "context": "planes were flying overhead", "definition": "above your head", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"planes were flying overhead\" What is the definition of \"overhead\"?"} {"term": "overhead", "pos": "r", "context": "planes were flying overhead", "definition": "in the sky", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"planes were flying overhead\" What is the definition of \"overhead\"?"} {"term": "overhead", "pos": "r", "context": "bring the legs together overhead", "definition": "above the head", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bring the legs together overhead\" What is the definition of \"overhead\"?"} {"term": "overhead", "pos": "r", "context": "bring the legs together overhead", "definition": "over the head", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bring the legs together overhead\" What is the definition of \"overhead\"?"} {"term": "negligently", "pos": "r", "context": "he did his work negligently", "definition": "in a negligent manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he did his work negligently\" What is the definition of \"negligently\"?"} {"term": "precipitate", "pos": "s", "context": "wondered whether they had been rather precipitate in deposing the king", "definition": "done with very great haste and without due deliberation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wondered whether they had been rather precipitate in deposing the king\" What is the definition of \"precipitate\"?"} {"term": "unravel", "pos": "v", "context": "unravel the thread", "definition": "to become or cause to become undone by separating the fibers or threads of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["unknot", "undone", "undoing", "undo", "unpick"], "instruction": "\"unravel the thread\" What is the definition of \"unravel\"?"} {"term": "unravel", "pos": "v", "context": "can you unravel the mystery ?", "definition": "to disentangle", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["disentangle", "ravel"], "instruction": "\"can you unravel the mystery ?\" What is the definition of \"unravel\"?"} {"term": "lithographic", "pos": "a", "context": "lithographic reproduction", "definition": "of or produced by or involved in lithography", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lithographic reproduction\" What is the definition of \"lithographic\"?"} {"term": "ferment", "pos": "n", "context": "the political ferment produced new leadership", "definition": "a state of agitation or turbulent change or development", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["agitation", "turbulence", "unrest"], "instruction": "\"the political ferment produced new leadership\" What is the definition of \"ferment\"?"} {"term": "ferment", "pos": "v", "context": "We ferment the grapes for a very long time to achieve high alcohol content", "definition": "to cause to undergo fermentation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"We ferment the grapes for a very long time to achieve high alcohol content\" What is the definition of \"ferment\"?"} {"term": "wearer", "pos": "n", "context": "the wearer of the crown", "definition": "a person who wears or carries or displays something as a body covering or accessory", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the wearer of the crown\" What is the definition of \"wearer\"?"} {"term": "highness", "pos": "n", "context": "responsible for the highness of the rates", "definition": "a high degree of amount or force etc. .", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"responsible for the highness of the rates\" What is the definition of \"highness\"?"} {"term": "starlit", "pos": "s", "context": "the starlit darkness", "definition": "lighted only by stars", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the starlit darkness\" What is the definition of \"starlit\"?"} {"term": "return", "pos": "n", "context": "they set out on their return to the base camp", "definition": "the act of going back to a prior location", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they set out on their return to the base camp\" What is the definition of \"return\"?"} {"term": "return", "pos": "v", "context": "return to your native land", "definition": "to go or come back to place , condition , or activity where one has been before", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"return to your native land\" What is the definition of \"return\"?"} {"term": "reality", "pos": "n", "context": "the reality of his situation slowly dawned on him", "definition": "the state of being actual or real", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["actuality", "realness", "realism", "fact"], "instruction": "\"the reality of his situation slowly dawned on him\" What is the definition of \"reality\"?"} {"term": "punish", "pos": "v", "context": "we had to punish the dog for soiling the floor again", "definition": "to impose a penalty on", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["retaliate", "castigate", "revenge", "penalize", "execute", "correct", "victimize", "avenge", "discipline", "scourge"], "instruction": "\"we had to punish the dog for soiling the floor again\" What is the definition of \"punish\"?"} {"term": "punish", "pos": "v", "context": "we had to punish the dog for soiling the floor again", "definition": "to inflict punishment on", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["retaliate", "castigate", "revenge", "penalize", "execute", "correct", "victimize", "avenge", "discipline", "scourge"], "instruction": "\"we had to punish the dog for soiling the floor again\" What is the definition of \"punish\"?"} {"term": "change", "pos": "n", "context": "the change was intended to increase sales", "definition": "an event that occurs when something passes from one state or phase to another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["shift", "fluctuation", "mutation", "development", "play", "surprise", "nativity", "break", "alteration", "moderation", "separation", "transformation", "increase", "revolution", "variation", "birth", "damage", "conversion", "scintillation", "sublimation", "vagary", "deformation", "expiry", "nascency", "decrease", "harm", "impairment", "shimmer", "transmutation", "detachment", "death", "twinkle", "modification", "acceleration", "sparkling"], "instruction": "\"the change was intended to increase sales\" What is the definition of \"change\"?"} {"term": "change", "pos": "n", "context": "he attributed the change to their marriage", "definition": "a relational difference between states", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he attributed the change to their marriage\" What is the definition of \"change\"?"} {"term": "change", "pos": "n", "context": "he attributed the change to their marriage", "definition": "especially between states before and after some event", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he attributed the change to their marriage\" What is the definition of \"change\"?"} {"term": "interception", "pos": "n", "context": "he resorted to the interception of his daughter 's letters", "definition": "the act of intercepting", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he resorted to the interception of his daughter 's letters\" What is the definition of \"interception\"?"} {"term": "interception", "pos": "n", "context": "he resorted to the interception of his daughter 's letters", "definition": "preventing something from proceeding or arriving", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he resorted to the interception of his daughter 's letters\" What is the definition of \"interception\"?"} {"term": "governing", "pos": "n", "context": "regulations for the governing of state prisons", "definition": "exercising authority", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["misgovernment", "government", "lawmaking", "governance", "administration"], "instruction": "\"regulations for the governing of state prisons\" What is the definition of \"governing\"?"} {"term": "governing", "pos": "v", "context": "Who is governing the country now ?", "definition": "to exercise authority over", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["control", "dictate", "reign", "throne", "govern"], "instruction": "\"Who is governing the country now ?\" What is the definition of \"governing\"?"} {"term": "governing", "pos": "v", "context": "Who is governing the country now ?", "definition": "to as of nations", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["control", "dictate", "reign", "throne", "govern"], "instruction": "\"Who is governing the country now ?\" What is the definition of \"governing\"?"} {"term": "governing", "pos": "s", "context": "governing bodies", "definition": "responsible for making and enforcing rules and laws", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"governing bodies\" What is the definition of \"governing\"?"} {"term": "car", "pos": "n", "context": "he needs a car to get to work", "definition": "a motor vehicle with four wheels", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["racer", "machine", "ambulance", "automobile", "cab", "cruiser", "saloon", "auto", "heap", "limousine", "sedan", "wagon", "convertible", "compact", "electric", "taxis", "hack", "bus"], "instruction": "\"he needs a car to get to work\" What is the definition of \"car\"?"} {"term": "car", "pos": "n", "context": "he needs a car to get to work", "definition": "usually propelled by an internal combustion engine", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["racer", "machine", "ambulance", "automobile", "cab", "cruiser", "saloon", "auto", "heap", "limousine", "sedan", "wagon", "convertible", "compact", "electric", "taxis", "hack", "bus"], "instruction": "\"he needs a car to get to work\" What is the definition of \"car\"?"} {"term": "bolster", "pos": "v", "context": "bolster morale", "definition": "to support and strengthen", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bolster morale\" What is the definition of \"bolster\"?"} {"term": "fanfare", "pos": "n", "context": "her arrival was greeted with a rousing fanfare", "definition": "a short lively tune played on brass instruments", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["air", "melody", "strain", "tune", "flourish", "line"], "instruction": "\"her arrival was greeted with a rousing fanfare\" What is the definition of \"fanfare\"?"} {"term": "abrasive", "pos": "s", "context": "an abrasive character", "definition": "sharply disagreeable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an abrasive character\" What is the definition of \"abrasive\"?"} {"term": "abrasive", "pos": "s", "context": "an abrasive character", "definition": "rigorous", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an abrasive character\" What is the definition of \"abrasive\"?"} {"term": "opportune", "pos": "a", "context": "an opportune place to make camp", "definition": "suitable or at a time that is suitable or advantageous especially for a particular purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an opportune place to make camp\" What is the definition of \"opportune\"?"} {"term": "dispassion", "pos": "n", "context": "her manner assumed a dispassion and dryness very unlike her usual tone", "definition": "objectivity and detachment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her manner assumed a dispassion and dryness very unlike her usual tone\" What is the definition of \"dispassion\"?"} {"term": "paring", "pos": "n", "context": "she could peel an apple with a single long paring", "definition": "especially the skin or peel", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she could peel an apple with a single long paring\" What is the definition of \"paring\"?"} {"term": "baronet", "pos": "n", "context": "since he was a baronet he had to be addressed as Sir Henry Jones , Bart .", "definition": "a member of the british order of honor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"since he was a baronet he had to be addressed as Sir Henry Jones , Bart .\" What is the definition of \"baronet\"?"} {"term": "baronet", "pos": "n", "context": "since he was a baronet he had to be addressed as Sir Henry Jones , Bart .", "definition": "ranks below a baron but above a knight", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"since he was a baronet he had to be addressed as Sir Henry Jones , Bart .\" What is the definition of \"baronet\"?"} {"term": "blessing", "pos": "n", "context": "he gave the project his blessing", "definition": "the formal act of approving", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["approving", "appreciation", "admiration", "acceptance", "patronage", "reward", "backing"], "instruction": "\"he gave the project his blessing\" What is the definition of \"blessing\"?"} {"term": "immigrate", "pos": "v", "context": "only few plants can immigrate to the island", "definition": "to migrate to a new environment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"only few plants can immigrate to the island\" What is the definition of \"immigrate\"?"} {"term": "wend", "pos": "v", "context": "wend your way through the crowds", "definition": "to direct ones course or way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wend your way through the crowds\" What is the definition of \"wend\"?"} {"term": "minor", "pos": "a", "context": "a minor poet", "definition": "of lesser importance or stature or rank", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a minor poet\" What is the definition of \"minor\"?"} {"term": "minor", "pos": "a", "context": "had minor differences", "definition": "lesser in scope or effect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"had minor differences\" What is the definition of \"minor\"?"} {"term": "minor", "pos": "a", "context": "a minor share of the profits", "definition": "inferior in number or size or amount", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a minor share of the profits\" What is the definition of \"minor\"?"} {"term": "minor", "pos": "s", "context": "Jones minor", "definition": "of the younger of two boys with the same family name", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Jones minor\" What is the definition of \"minor\"?"} {"term": "transverse", "pos": "s", "context": "from the transverse hall the stairway ascends gracefully", "definition": "extending or lying across", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["cross", ""], "instruction": "\"from the transverse hall the stairway ascends gracefully\" What is the definition of \"transverse\"?"} {"term": "transverse", "pos": "s", "context": "from the transverse hall the stairway ascends gracefully", "definition": "in a crosswise direction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["cross", ""], "instruction": "\"from the transverse hall the stairway ascends gracefully\" What is the definition of \"transverse\"?"} {"term": "transverse", "pos": "s", "context": "from the transverse hall the stairway ascends gracefully", "definition": "at right angles to the long axis", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["cross", ""], "instruction": "\"from the transverse hall the stairway ascends gracefully\" What is the definition of \"transverse\"?"} {"term": "foully", "pos": "r", "context": "this internationally known writer was foully condemned by the Muslim fundamentalists", "definition": "in an unfair and insulting manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this internationally known writer was foully condemned by the Muslim fundamentalists\" What is the definition of \"foully\"?"} {"term": "foully", "pos": "r", "context": "two policemen were foully murdered", "definition": "in a wicked and shameful manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"two policemen were foully murdered\" What is the definition of \"foully\"?"} {"term": "colossal", "pos": "s", "context": "colossal crumbling ruins of an ancient temple", "definition": "so great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"colossal crumbling ruins of an ancient temple\" What is the definition of \"colossal\"?"} {"term": "socially", "pos": "r", "context": "socially accepted norms", "definition": "by or with respect to society", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"socially accepted norms\" What is the definition of \"socially\"?"} {"term": "socially", "pos": "r", "context": "socially unpopular", "definition": "in a social manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"socially unpopular\" What is the definition of \"socially\"?"} {"term": "valid", "pos": "a", "context": "a valid inference", "definition": "well grounded in logic or truth or having legal force", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a valid inference\" What is the definition of \"valid\"?"} {"term": "valid", "pos": "s", "context": "the license is still valid", "definition": "still legally acceptable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the license is still valid\" What is the definition of \"valid\"?"} {"term": "experiment", "pos": "n", "context": "it was an experiment in living", "definition": "the testing of an idea", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was an experiment in living\" What is the definition of \"experiment\"?"} {"term": "experiment", "pos": "n", "context": "as an experiment he decided to grow a beard", "definition": "a venture at something new or different", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as an experiment he decided to grow a beard\" What is the definition of \"experiment\"?"} {"term": "experiment", "pos": "v", "context": "Students experiment sexually", "definition": "to try something new , as in order to gain experience", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Students experiment sexually\" What is the definition of \"experiment\"?"} {"term": "holographic", "pos": "a", "context": "holographic document", "definition": "written entirely in ones own hand", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"holographic document\" What is the definition of \"holographic\"?"} {"term": "holographic", "pos": "s", "context": "a holographic will", "definition": "written wholly in the handwriting of the signer", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a holographic will\" What is the definition of \"holographic\"?"} {"term": "humbly", "pos": "r", "context": "he humbly lowered his head", "definition": "in a humble manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he humbly lowered his head\" What is the definition of \"humbly\"?"} {"term": "heap", "pos": "v", "context": "heap the platter with potatoes", "definition": "to fill to overflow", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"heap the platter with potatoes\" What is the definition of \"heap\"?"} {"term": "heap", "pos": "v", "context": "heap firewood around the fireplace", "definition": "to arrange in stacks", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["arrange", "piling", "piles", "pile", "corded"], "instruction": "\"heap firewood around the fireplace\" What is the definition of \"heap\"?"} {"term": "scan", "pos": "n", "context": "he made a thorough scan of the beach with his binoculars", "definition": "systematic examination of a prescribed region", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he made a thorough scan of the beach with his binoculars\" What is the definition of \"scan\"?"} {"term": "plentiful", "pos": "s", "context": "rhinoceroses were once plentiful here", "definition": "existing in great number or quantity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rhinoceroses were once plentiful here\" What is the definition of \"plentiful\"?"} {"term": "plentiful", "pos": "s", "context": "food is plentiful", "definition": "affording an abundant supply", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["rich", "", "copious", "ample", "plenteous"], "instruction": "\"food is plentiful\" What is the definition of \"plentiful\"?"} {"term": "plentiful", "pos": "s", "context": "a plentiful year", "definition": "producing in abundance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a plentiful year\" What is the definition of \"plentiful\"?"} {"term": "wolfish", "pos": "a", "context": "wolfish rapacity", "definition": "resembling or characteristic or considered characteristic of a wolf", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wolfish rapacity\" What is the definition of \"wolfish\"?"} {"term": "refinement", "pos": "n", "context": "he described a refinement of this technique", "definition": "the result of improving something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he described a refinement of this technique\" What is the definition of \"refinement\"?"} {"term": "refinement", "pos": "n", "context": "a man of intellectual refinement", "definition": "the quality of excellence in thought and manners and taste", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["excellence", "civilization"], "instruction": "\"a man of intellectual refinement\" What is the definition of \"refinement\"?"} {"term": "refinement", "pos": "n", "context": "I admired the exquisite refinement of his prose", "definition": "a highly developed state of perfection", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I admired the exquisite refinement of his prose\" What is the definition of \"refinement\"?"} {"term": "refinement", "pos": "n", "context": "I admired the exquisite refinement of his prose", "definition": "having a flawless or impeccable quality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I admired the exquisite refinement of his prose\" What is the definition of \"refinement\"?"} {"term": "unit", "pos": "n", "context": "the word is a basic linguistic unit", "definition": "an individual or group or structure or other entity regarded as a structural or functional constituent of a whole", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the word is a basic linguistic unit\" What is the definition of \"unit\"?"} {"term": "unit", "pos": "n", "context": "the coach said the offensive unit did a good job", "definition": "an organization regarded as part of a larger social group", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the coach said the offensive unit did a good job\" What is the definition of \"unit\"?"} {"term": "unit", "pos": "n", "context": "an idea is not a unit that can be moved from one brain to another", "definition": "a single undivided whole", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an idea is not a unit that can be moved from one brain to another\" What is the definition of \"unit\"?"} {"term": "transpose", "pos": "v", "context": "Can you transpose this fugue into G major ?", "definition": "to change key", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Can you transpose this fugue into G major ?\" What is the definition of \"transpose\"?"} {"term": "retraction", "pos": "n", "context": "the retraction of the landing gear", "definition": "the act of pulling or holding or drawing a part back", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the retraction of the landing gear\" What is the definition of \"retraction\"?"} {"term": "lift", "pos": "v", "context": "lift the box onto the table", "definition": "to take hold of something and move it to a different location", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lift the box onto the table\" What is the definition of \"lift\"?"} {"term": "lift", "pos": "v", "context": "lift one 's eyes", "definition": "to move upwards", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["moving", "raise", "displace"], "instruction": "\"lift one 's eyes\" What is the definition of \"lift\"?"} {"term": "sorely", "pos": "r", "context": "I missed him sorely", "definition": "to a great degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I missed him sorely\" What is the definition of \"sorely\"?"} {"term": "sorely", "pos": "r", "context": "sorely wounded", "definition": "in or as if in pain", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sorely wounded\" What is the definition of \"sorely\"?"} {"term": "drizzly", "pos": "s", "context": "a sad drizzly day", "definition": "wet with light rain", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sad drizzly day\" What is the definition of \"drizzly\"?"} {"term": "dictator", "pos": "n", "context": "my boss is a dictator who makes everyone work overtime", "definition": "a person who behaves in a tyrannical manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my boss is a dictator who makes everyone work overtime\" What is the definition of \"dictator\"?"} {"term": "fore", "pos": "r", "context": "the captain went fore ( or forward ) to check the instruments", "definition": "near or toward the bow of a ship or cockpit of a plane", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the captain went fore ( or forward ) to check the instruments\" What is the definition of \"fore\"?"} {"term": "door", "pos": "n", "context": "he knocked on the door", "definition": "a swinging or sliding barrier that will close the entrance to a room or building or vehicle", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he knocked on the door\" What is the definition of \"door\"?"} {"term": "door", "pos": "n", "context": "we closed the door to Haitian immigrants", "definition": "anything providing a means of access or escape", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we closed the door to Haitian immigrants\" What is the definition of \"door\"?"} {"term": "door", "pos": "n", "context": "the office next door", "definition": "a structure where people live or work usually ordered along a street or road", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the office next door\" What is the definition of \"door\"?"} {"term": "worship", "pos": "v", "context": "Many Hindus worship Shiva", "definition": "to show devotion to a deity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Many Hindus worship Shiva\" What is the definition of \"worship\"?"} {"term": "worship", "pos": "v", "context": "They worship in the traditional manner", "definition": "to attend religious services", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"They worship in the traditional manner\" What is the definition of \"worship\"?"} {"term": "example", "pos": "n", "context": "this patient provides a typical example of the syndrome", "definition": "an item of information that is typical of a class or group", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["instance", "representative", "apology", "precedent", "excuse", "exception", "sample"], "instruction": "\"this patient provides a typical example of the syndrome\" What is the definition of \"example\"?"} {"term": "example", "pos": "n", "context": "they decided to make an example of him", "definition": "punishment intended as a warning to others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["lesson", "admonition"], "instruction": "\"they decided to make an example of him\" What is the definition of \"example\"?"} {"term": "example", "pos": "n", "context": "I profited from his example", "definition": "a representative form or pattern", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["archetype", "prototype", "epitome", "model", "lodestar", "template", "original", "representation", "pilot", "microcosm", "guide"], "instruction": "\"I profited from his example\" What is the definition of \"example\"?"} {"term": "status", "pos": "n", "context": "he had the status of a minor", "definition": "the relative position or standing of things or especially persons in a society", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had the status of a minor\" What is the definition of \"status\"?"} {"term": "status", "pos": "n", "context": "the current status of the arms negotiations", "definition": "a state at a particular time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["laxness", "exoneration", "muteness", "participation", "serration", "polarization", "submission", "purity", "irradiation", "guiltiness", "disorderliness", "guilt", "curvature", "demand", "illumination", "silence", "dryness", "malady", "pureness", "fruition", "decline", "celibacy", "innocence", "order", "safety", "impaction", "anchorage", "discomfort", "despair", "nudity", "condition", "nakedness", "identification", "place", "situation", "mummification", "brutalization", "lubrication", "ascendency", "soundness", "immunity", "danger", "fullness", "disorder", "tilth", "subservience", "wetness", "diversification", "resistance", "improvement", "atmosphere", "niche", "iniquity", "involvement", "facilitation", "circumstance", "impropriety", "health", "depilation", "mode", "preservation", "virginity", "laxity", "difficulty", "desperation", "condemnation", "frizz", "dominance", "protuberance", "reinstatement", "darkness", "deification", "astigmatism", "mood", "climate", "control", "encapsulation", "susceptibility", "way"], "instruction": "\"the current status of the arms negotiations\" What is the definition of \"status\"?"} {"term": "austral", "pos": "s", "context": "sailed the austral seas", "definition": "of the south or coming from the south", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sailed the austral seas\" What is the definition of \"austral\"?"} {"term": "commotion", "pos": "n", "context": "a commotion of people fought for the exits", "definition": "confused movement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["movement", "motion", "whirl"], "instruction": "\"a commotion of people fought for the exits\" What is the definition of \"commotion\"?"} {"term": "pause", "pos": "v", "context": "We pause for station identification", "definition": "to cease an action temporarily", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["rest", "break", "interrupt", "breathe", "disrupt"], "instruction": "\"We pause for station identification\" What is the definition of \"pause\"?"} {"term": "acute", "pos": "a", "context": "acute appendicitis", "definition": "having or experiencing a rapid onset and short but severe course", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"acute appendicitis\" What is the definition of \"acute\"?"} {"term": "acute", "pos": "s", "context": "acute pain", "definition": "extremely sharp or intense", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"acute pain\" What is the definition of \"acute\"?"} {"term": "acute", "pos": "s", "context": "an acute observer of politics and politicians", "definition": "having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an acute observer of politics and politicians\" What is the definition of \"acute\"?"} {"term": "acute", "pos": "s", "context": "an acute ( or critical ) lack of research funds", "definition": "of critical importance and consequence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an acute ( or critical ) lack of research funds\" What is the definition of \"acute\"?"} {"term": "overboard", "pos": "r", "context": "he went overboard to please his in-laws", "definition": "to extremes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he went overboard to please his in-laws\" What is the definition of \"overboard\"?"} {"term": "overboard", "pos": "r", "context": "they dropped their garbage overboard", "definition": "from on board a vessel into the water", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they dropped their garbage overboard\" What is the definition of \"overboard\"?"} {"term": "riser", "pos": "n", "context": "he 's usually a late riser", "definition": "a person who rises especially from bed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he 's usually a late riser\" What is the definition of \"riser\"?"} {"term": "swinish", "pos": "s", "context": "aristocratic contempt for the swinish multitude", "definition": "ill-mannered and coarse and contemptible in behavior or appearance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"aristocratic contempt for the swinish multitude\" What is the definition of \"swinish\"?"} {"term": "swinish", "pos": "s", "context": "swinish slavering over food", "definition": "resembling swine", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"swinish slavering over food\" What is the definition of \"swinish\"?"} {"term": "swinish", "pos": "s", "context": "swinish slavering over food", "definition": "coarsely gluttonous or greedy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"swinish slavering over food\" What is the definition of \"swinish\"?"} {"term": "critique", "pos": "v", "context": "Please critique this performance", "definition": "to appraise critically", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Please critique this performance\" What is the definition of \"critique\"?"} {"term": "ballistic", "pos": "a", "context": "ballistic missile", "definition": "relating to or characteristic of the motion of objects moving under their own momentum and the force of gravity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ballistic missile\" What is the definition of \"ballistic\"?"} {"term": "maternally", "pos": "r", "context": "she loved her students almost maternally", "definition": "in a maternal manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she loved her students almost maternally\" What is the definition of \"maternally\"?"} {"term": "maternally", "pos": "r", "context": "she loved her students almost maternally", "definition": "as a mother", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she loved her students almost maternally\" What is the definition of \"maternally\"?"} {"term": "commendable", "pos": "s", "context": "a commendable sense of purpose", "definition": "worthy of high praise", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a commendable sense of purpose\" What is the definition of \"commendable\"?"} {"term": "antithetic", "pos": "s", "context": "hope is antithetic to despair", "definition": "sharply contrasted in character or purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hope is antithetic to despair\" What is the definition of \"antithetic\"?"} {"term": "concrete", "pos": "v", "context": "concrete the walls", "definition": "to cover with cement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"concrete the walls\" What is the definition of \"concrete\"?"} {"term": "concrete", "pos": "a", "context": "concrete objects such as trees", "definition": "capable of being perceived by the senses", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"concrete objects such as trees\" What is the definition of \"concrete\"?"} {"term": "concrete", "pos": "a", "context": "concrete objects such as trees", "definition": "not abstract or imaginary", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"concrete objects such as trees\" What is the definition of \"concrete\"?"} {"term": "getting", "pos": "n", "context": "he 's much more interested in the getting than in the giving", "definition": "the act of acquiring something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he 's much more interested in the getting than in the giving\" What is the definition of \"getting\"?"} {"term": "getting", "pos": "v", "context": "It must be getting more serious", "definition": "to enter or assume a certain state or condition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["break", "become", "run", "get", "turn", "sober", "settle", "take"], "instruction": "\"It must be getting more serious\" What is the definition of \"getting\"?"} {"term": "contact", "pos": "n", "context": "they kept in daily contact", "definition": "close interaction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they kept in daily contact\" What is the definition of \"contact\"?"} {"term": "contact", "pos": "n", "context": "her fingers came in contact with the light switch", "definition": "the act of touching physically", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her fingers came in contact with the light switch\" What is the definition of \"contact\"?"} {"term": "contact", "pos": "n", "context": "litmus paper turns red on contact with an acid", "definition": "the state or condition of touching or of being in immediate proximity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"litmus paper turns red on contact with an acid\" What is the definition of \"contact\"?"} {"term": "instead", "pos": "r", "context": "Felix became a herpetologist instead", "definition": "in place of , or as an alternative to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["alternatively", ""], "instruction": "\"Felix became a herpetologist instead\" What is the definition of \"instead\"?"} {"term": "instead", "pos": "r", "context": "used English terms instead of Latin ones", "definition": "on the contrary", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"used English terms instead of Latin ones\" What is the definition of \"instead\"?"} {"term": "striking", "pos": "s", "context": "his striking good looks always created a sensation", "definition": "sensational in appearance or thrilling in effect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his striking good looks always created a sensation\" What is the definition of \"striking\"?"} {"term": "striking", "pos": "s", "context": "a striking thing about Picadilly Circus is the statue of Eros in the center", "definition": "having a quality that thrusts itself into attention", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["prominent", "", "outstanding", "salient"], "instruction": "\"a striking thing about Picadilly Circus is the statue of Eros in the center\" What is the definition of \"striking\"?"} {"term": "tenderly", "pos": "r", "context": "tenderly she placed her arms round him", "definition": "with tenderness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tenderly she placed her arms round him\" What is the definition of \"tenderly\"?"} {"term": "tenderly", "pos": "r", "context": "tenderly she placed her arms round him", "definition": "in a tender manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tenderly she placed her arms round him\" What is the definition of \"tenderly\"?"} {"term": "clement", "pos": "a", "context": "clement weather", "definition": "physically mild", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"clement weather\" What is the definition of \"clement\"?"} {"term": "clement", "pos": "a", "context": "a more clement judge reduced the sentence", "definition": "inclined to show mercy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a more clement judge reduced the sentence\" What is the definition of \"clement\"?"} {"term": "see", "pos": "v", "context": "You have to be a good observer to see all the details", "definition": "to perceive by sight or have the power to perceive by sight", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["beholden", "behold", "beholding", "saw", "see", "comprehend", "seeing", "glimpse"], "instruction": "\"You have to be a good observer to see all the details\" What is the definition of \"see\"?"} {"term": "see", "pos": "v", "context": "I do n't see the situation quite as negatively as you do", "definition": "to deem to be", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["thought", "valued", "make", "favored", "receive", "expect", "conceive", "prize", "reckoning", "abstract", "abstracted", "reckon", "idealize", "favor", "believing", "call", "consider", "regard", "hold", "deem", "disrespect", "included", "value", "believe", "appreciate", "view", "treasure", "identify", "reconsider", "esteem", "respect", "thinking"], "instruction": "\"I do n't see the situation quite as negatively as you do\" What is the definition of \"see\"?"} {"term": "trig", "pos": "s", "context": "the trig corporal in his jaunty cap", "definition": "neat and smart in appearance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["trimester", "", "trimmer"], "instruction": "\"the trig corporal in his jaunty cap\" What is the definition of \"trig\"?"} {"term": "legless", "pos": "a", "context": "a legless man in a wheelchair", "definition": "not having legs", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a legless man in a wheelchair\" What is the definition of \"legless\"?"} {"term": "swimmer", "pos": "n", "context": "he was an Olympic swimmer", "definition": "a trained athlete who participates in swimming meets", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was an Olympic swimmer\" What is the definition of \"swimmer\"?"} {"term": "swimmer", "pos": "n", "context": "he is not a good swimmer", "definition": "a person who travels through the water by swimming", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is not a good swimmer\" What is the definition of \"swimmer\"?"} {"term": "ample", "pos": "a", "context": "had ample food for the party", "definition": "more than enough in size or scope or capacity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"had ample food for the party\" What is the definition of \"ample\"?"} {"term": "ample", "pos": "s", "context": "had ample food for the party", "definition": "affording an abundant supply", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["rich", "", "copious", "plenteous", "plentiful"], "instruction": "\"had ample food for the party\" What is the definition of \"ample\"?"} {"term": "ample", "pos": "s", "context": "an ample waistline", "definition": "fairly large", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an ample waistline\" What is the definition of \"ample\"?"} {"term": "spend", "pos": "v", "context": "spend money", "definition": "to pay out", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["expend", "consume", "drop", "exhaust", "exhausting", "afford", "piddling", "blow", "put", "eat", "wanton", "economize", "invest", "trifle", "pay", "deplete", "underspend", "squander", "ware", "place"], "instruction": "\"spend money\" What is the definition of \"spend\"?"} {"term": "covert", "pos": "n", "context": "the brush provided a covert for game", "definition": "a covering that serves to conceal or shelter something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["concealment", "screen", "blind", "cover"], "instruction": "\"the brush provided a covert for game\" What is the definition of \"covert\"?"} {"term": "covert", "pos": "a", "context": "covert actions by the CIA", "definition": "secret or hidden", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"covert actions by the CIA\" What is the definition of \"covert\"?"} {"term": "covert", "pos": "a", "context": "covert actions by the CIA", "definition": "not openly practiced or engaged in or shown or avowed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"covert actions by the CIA\" What is the definition of \"covert\"?"} {"term": "covert", "pos": "s", "context": "a woman covert", "definition": "being under the protection of her husband", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a woman covert\" What is the definition of \"covert\"?"} {"term": "exhausting", "pos": "s", "context": "an exhausting march", "definition": "producing exhaustion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an exhausting march\" What is the definition of \"exhausting\"?"} {"term": "exhausting", "pos": "s", "context": "an exhausting job in the hot sun", "definition": "having a debilitating effect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an exhausting job in the hot sun\" What is the definition of \"exhausting\"?"} {"term": "avoid", "pos": "v", "context": "Her former friends now avoid her", "definition": "to stay clear from", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Her former friends now avoid her\" What is the definition of \"avoid\"?"} {"term": "avoid", "pos": "v", "context": "Her former friends now avoid her", "definition": "to keep away from", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Her former friends now avoid her\" What is the definition of \"avoid\"?"} {"term": "avoid", "pos": "v", "context": "Her former friends now avoid her", "definition": "to keep out of the way of someone or something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Her former friends now avoid her\" What is the definition of \"avoid\"?"} {"term": "avoid", "pos": "v", "context": "He should avoid publishing his wife 's memories", "definition": "to refrain from doing something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"He should avoid publishing his wife 's memories\" What is the definition of \"avoid\"?"} {"term": "avoid", "pos": "v", "context": "Let 's avoid a confrontation", "definition": "to prevent the occurrence of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["obviate", "forbid", "forestall", "deflect", "debar", "preclude", "foreclose"], "instruction": "\"Let 's avoid a confrontation\" What is the definition of \"avoid\"?"} {"term": "avoid", "pos": "v", "context": "Let 's avoid a confrontation", "definition": "to prevent from happening", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["obviate", "forbid", "forestall", "deflect", "debar", "preclude", "foreclose"], "instruction": "\"Let 's avoid a confrontation\" What is the definition of \"avoid\"?"} {"term": "neglectful", "pos": "s", "context": "neglectful parents", "definition": "not showing due care or attention", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"neglectful parents\" What is the definition of \"neglectful\"?"} {"term": "neglectful", "pos": "s", "context": "neglectful of his duties", "definition": "failing in what duty requires", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["remiss", "", "delinquent", "derelict"], "instruction": "\"neglectful of his duties\" What is the definition of \"neglectful\"?"} {"term": "calibration", "pos": "n", "context": "the thermometer needed calibration", "definition": "the act of checking or adjusting by comparison with a standard the accuracy of a measuring instrument", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the thermometer needed calibration\" What is the definition of \"calibration\"?"} {"term": "oblivion", "pos": "n", "context": "he sought the great oblivion of sleep", "definition": "total forgetfulness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he sought the great oblivion of sleep\" What is the definition of \"oblivion\"?"} {"term": "dislike", "pos": "n", "context": "my dislike of him was instinctive", "definition": "a feeling of aversion or antipathy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my dislike of him was instinctive\" What is the definition of \"dislike\"?"} {"term": "sheep", "pos": "n", "context": "his students followed him like sheep", "definition": "a docile and vulnerable person who would rather follow than make an independent decision", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his students followed him like sheep\" What is the definition of \"sheep\"?"} {"term": "feathery", "pos": "s", "context": "the feathery congregation of jays", "definition": "characterized by a covering of feathers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the feathery congregation of jays\" What is the definition of \"feathery\"?"} {"term": "feathery", "pos": "s", "context": "feathery palm trees", "definition": "resembling or suggesting a feather or feathers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"feathery palm trees\" What is the definition of \"feathery\"?"} {"term": "visualize", "pos": "v", "context": "The radiologist can visualize the cancerous liver", "definition": "to view the outline of by means of an x-ray", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The radiologist can visualize the cancerous liver\" What is the definition of \"visualize\"?"} {"term": "visualize", "pos": "v", "context": "Mathematicians often visualize", "definition": "to form a mental picture of something that is invisible or abstract", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Mathematicians often visualize\" What is the definition of \"visualize\"?"} {"term": "ancillary", "pos": "s", "context": "an ancillary pump", "definition": "furnishing added support", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an ancillary pump\" What is the definition of \"ancillary\"?"} {"term": "frosty", "pos": "s", "context": "a frosty glass", "definition": "covered with frost", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a frosty glass\" What is the definition of \"frosty\"?"} {"term": "frosty", "pos": "s", "context": "got a frosty reception", "definition": "devoid of warmth and cordiality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["icy", "frigid", "", "wintry"], "instruction": "\"got a frosty reception\" What is the definition of \"frosty\"?"} {"term": "frosty", "pos": "s", "context": "got a frosty reception", "definition": "expressive of unfriendliness or disdain", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["icy", "frigid", "", "wintry"], "instruction": "\"got a frosty reception\" What is the definition of \"frosty\"?"} {"term": "frosty", "pos": "s", "context": "crisp clear nights and frosty mornings", "definition": "pleasantly cold and invigorating", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"crisp clear nights and frosty mornings\" What is the definition of \"frosty\"?"} {"term": "lukewarm", "pos": "s", "context": "he hates lukewarm coffee", "definition": "moderately warm", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["tepid", ""], "instruction": "\"he hates lukewarm coffee\" What is the definition of \"lukewarm\"?"} {"term": "lukewarm", "pos": "s", "context": "gave only lukewarm support to the candidate", "definition": "feeling or showing little interest or enthusiasm", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["tepid", "", "halfhearted"], "instruction": "\"gave only lukewarm support to the candidate\" What is the definition of \"lukewarm\"?"} {"term": "flowering", "pos": "n", "context": "the flowering of antebellum culture", "definition": "a developmental process", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the flowering of antebellum culture\" What is the definition of \"flowering\"?"} {"term": "conveniently", "pos": "r", "context": "the switch was conveniently located", "definition": "in a convenient manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the switch was conveniently located\" What is the definition of \"conveniently\"?"} {"term": "urbane", "pos": "s", "context": "maintained an urbane tone in his letters", "definition": "showing a high degree of refinement and the assurance that comes from wide social experience", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["refined", "", "polished"], "instruction": "\"maintained an urbane tone in his letters\" What is the definition of \"urbane\"?"} {"term": "inkling", "pos": "n", "context": "he had no inkling what was about to happen", "definition": "a slight suggestion or vague understanding", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["suggestion", "glimmer", "glimmering"], "instruction": "\"he had no inkling what was about to happen\" What is the definition of \"inkling\"?"} {"term": "denier", "pos": "n", "context": "with an evening dress one wears 10 denier stockings", "definition": "a unit of measurement for the fineness of silk or nylon or rayon", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with an evening dress one wears 10 denier stockings\" What is the definition of \"denier\"?"} {"term": "licensed", "pos": "v", "context": "I am licensed to practice law in this state", "definition": "to authorize officially", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["certify", "authorize", "recognize", "franchise", "clear", "charter", "license"], "instruction": "\"I am licensed to practice law in this state\" What is the definition of \"licensed\"?"} {"term": "licensed", "pos": "s", "context": "licensed pharmacist", "definition": "given official approval to act", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"licensed pharmacist\" What is the definition of \"licensed\"?"} {"term": "multiplex", "pos": "s", "context": "the multiplex problem of drug abuse", "definition": "having many parts or aspects", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the multiplex problem of drug abuse\" What is the definition of \"multiplex\"?"} {"term": "multiplex", "pos": "s", "context": "the multiplex opportunities in high technology", "definition": "many and varied", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the multiplex opportunities in high technology\" What is the definition of \"multiplex\"?"} {"term": "multiplex", "pos": "s", "context": "the multiplex opportunities in high technology", "definition": "having many features or forms", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the multiplex opportunities in high technology\" What is the definition of \"multiplex\"?"} {"term": "funereal", "pos": "s", "context": "funereal gloom", "definition": "suited to or suggestive of a grave or burial", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"funereal gloom\" What is the definition of \"funereal\"?"} {"term": "afoot", "pos": "s", "context": "she was afoot when I saw her this morning", "definition": "traveling by foot", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was afoot when I saw her this morning\" What is the definition of \"afoot\"?"} {"term": "afoot", "pos": "s", "context": "there is mischief afoot", "definition": "currently in progress", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is mischief afoot\" What is the definition of \"afoot\"?"} {"term": "afoot", "pos": "r", "context": "they went to the village afoot", "definition": "on foot", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they went to the village afoot\" What is the definition of \"afoot\"?"} {"term": "afoot", "pos": "r", "context": "they went to the village afoot", "definition": "walking", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they went to the village afoot\" What is the definition of \"afoot\"?"} {"term": "steeply", "pos": "r", "context": "the street rose steeply up to the castle", "definition": "in a steep manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the street rose steeply up to the castle\" What is the definition of \"steeply\"?"} {"term": "herald", "pos": "n", "context": "the chieftain had a herald who announced his arrival with a trumpet", "definition": "a person who announces important news", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["trumpeter", "messenger"], "instruction": "\"the chieftain had a herald who announced his arrival with a trumpet\" What is the definition of \"herald\"?"} {"term": "parity", "pos": "n", "context": "the parity of the mother must be considered", "definition": "the number of liveborn children a woman has delivered", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["pregnancy", "gestation", "maternity", "para"], "instruction": "\"the parity of the mother must be considered\" What is the definition of \"parity\"?"} {"term": "nihil", "pos": "n", "context": "nihil habet", "definition": "nil", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nihil habet\" What is the definition of \"nihil\"?"} {"term": "nihil", "pos": "n", "context": "nihil habet", "definition": "nothing as used by a sheriff after an unsuccessful effort to serve a writ", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nihil habet\" What is the definition of \"nihil\"?"} {"term": "accomplished", "pos": "s", "context": "an accomplished pianist", "definition": "highly skilled", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an accomplished pianist\" What is the definition of \"accomplished\"?"} {"term": "accomplished", "pos": "s", "context": "his mission accomplished he took a vacation", "definition": "successfully completed or brought to an end", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his mission accomplished he took a vacation\" What is the definition of \"accomplished\"?"} {"term": "accomplished", "pos": "s", "context": "that smoking causes health problems is an accomplished fact", "definition": "settled securely and unconditionally", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that smoking causes health problems is an accomplished fact\" What is the definition of \"accomplished\"?"} {"term": "drape", "pos": "n", "context": "she adjusted the drape of her skirt", "definition": "the manner in which fabric hangs or falls", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she adjusted the drape of her skirt\" What is the definition of \"drape\"?"} {"term": "drape", "pos": "v", "context": "drape a cloth", "definition": "to arrange in a particular way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"drape a cloth\" What is the definition of \"drape\"?"} {"term": "drape", "pos": "v", "context": "drape the statue with a sheet", "definition": "to cover or dress loosely with cloth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"drape the statue with a sheet\" What is the definition of \"drape\"?"} {"term": "chromatic", "pos": "a", "context": "chromatic lens", "definition": "able to refract light without spectral color separation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"chromatic lens\" What is the definition of \"chromatic\"?"} {"term": "chromatic", "pos": "a", "context": "a chromatic scale", "definition": "based on a scale consisting of 12 semitones", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a chromatic scale\" What is the definition of \"chromatic\"?"} {"term": "regretful", "pos": "a", "context": "felt regretful over his vanished youth", "definition": "feeling or expressing regret or sorrow or a sense of loss over something done or undone", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"felt regretful over his vanished youth\" What is the definition of \"regretful\"?"} {"term": "pencil", "pos": "n", "context": "the words were scribbled in pencil", "definition": "graphite or a similar substance used in such a way as to be a medium of communication", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the words were scribbled in pencil\" What is the definition of \"pencil\"?"} {"term": "actual", "pos": "a", "context": "the predicted temperature and the actual temperature were markedly different", "definition": "presently existing in fact and not merely potential or possible", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the predicted temperature and the actual temperature were markedly different\" What is the definition of \"actual\"?"} {"term": "actual", "pos": "s", "context": "we saw the actual wedding on television", "definition": "taking place in reality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we saw the actual wedding on television\" What is the definition of \"actual\"?"} {"term": "actual", "pos": "s", "context": "we saw the actual wedding on television", "definition": "not pretended or imitated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we saw the actual wedding on television\" What is the definition of \"actual\"?"} {"term": "actual", "pos": "s", "context": "her actual motive", "definition": "being or reflecting the essential or genuine character of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her actual motive\" What is the definition of \"actual\"?"} {"term": "actual", "pos": "s", "context": "rocks and trees ... the actual world", "definition": "existing in act or fact", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rocks and trees ... the actual world\" What is the definition of \"actual\"?"} {"term": "buster", "pos": "n", "context": "dam buster", "definition": "a person or thing that breaks up or overpowers something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dam buster\" What is the definition of \"buster\"?"} {"term": "testimonial", "pos": "a", "context": "testimonial dinner", "definition": "expressing admiration or appreciation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"testimonial dinner\" What is the definition of \"testimonial\"?"} {"term": "belligerent", "pos": "s", "context": "belligerent ( or warring ) nations", "definition": "engaged in war", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"belligerent ( or warring ) nations\" What is the definition of \"belligerent\"?"} {"term": "belligerent", "pos": "s", "context": "a belligerent tone", "definition": "characteristic of an enemy or one eager to fight", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a belligerent tone\" What is the definition of \"belligerent\"?"} {"term": "gain", "pos": "n", "context": "they recorded the cattle 's gain in weight over a period of weeks", "definition": "a quantity that is added", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["accretion", "addition", "increase"], "instruction": "\"they recorded the cattle 's gain in weight over a period of weeks\" What is the definition of \"gain\"?"} {"term": "humic", "pos": "a", "context": "humic acid", "definition": "of or relating to or derived from humus", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"humic acid\" What is the definition of \"humic\"?"} {"term": "reducible", "pos": "a", "context": "reducible to a set of principles of human nature \" - Edmund Wilson", "definition": "capable of being reduced", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"reducible to a set of principles of human nature \" - Edmund Wilson\" What is the definition of \"reducible\"?"} {"term": "calculable", "pos": "a", "context": "a calculable risk", "definition": "capable of being calculated or estimated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a calculable risk\" What is the definition of \"calculable\"?"} {"term": "anyway", "pos": "r", "context": "get it done anyway you can", "definition": "in any way whatsoever", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"get it done anyway you can\" What is the definition of \"anyway\"?"} {"term": "bloodshed", "pos": "n", "context": "he avenged the bloodshed of his kinsmen", "definition": "the shedding of blood resulting in murder", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["murder", "gore", "execution"], "instruction": "\"he avenged the bloodshed of his kinsmen\" What is the definition of \"bloodshed\"?"} {"term": "bloodshed", "pos": "n", "context": "the valley is no stranger to bloodshed and murder", "definition": "indiscriminate slaughter", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["slaughter", "bloodletting", "massacre"], "instruction": "\"the valley is no stranger to bloodshed and murder\" What is the definition of \"bloodshed\"?"} {"term": "probation", "pos": "n", "context": "probation is part of the sentencing process", "definition": "a way of dealing with offenders without imprisoning them", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"probation is part of the sentencing process\" What is the definition of \"probation\"?"} {"term": "probation", "pos": "n", "context": "probation is part of the sentencing process", "definition": "a defendant found guilty of a crime is released by the court without imprisonment subject to conditions imposed by the court", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"probation is part of the sentencing process\" What is the definition of \"probation\"?"} {"term": "ontogenetic", "pos": "a", "context": "ontogenetic development", "definition": "of or relating to the origin and development of individual organisms", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ontogenetic development\" What is the definition of \"ontogenetic\"?"} {"term": "afflict", "pos": "v", "context": "afflict with the plague", "definition": "to cause physical pain or suffering in", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["smite", "blight", "damage"], "instruction": "\"afflict with the plague\" What is the definition of \"afflict\"?"} {"term": "grave", "pos": "n", "context": "he went to his grave without forgiving me", "definition": "death of a person", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he went to his grave without forgiving me\" What is the definition of \"grave\"?"} {"term": "grave", "pos": "n", "context": "he put flowers on his mother 's grave", "definition": "a place for the burial of a corpse especially beneath the ground and marked by a tombstone", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["place", "sepulcher", "spot", "tomb"], "instruction": "\"he put flowers on his mother 's grave\" What is the definition of \"grave\"?"} {"term": "grave", "pos": "s", "context": "a grave God-fearing man", "definition": "dignified and somber in manner or character and committed to keeping promises", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a grave God-fearing man\" What is the definition of \"grave\"?"} {"term": "grave", "pos": "s", "context": "grave responsibilities", "definition": "of great gravity or crucial import", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"grave responsibilities\" What is the definition of \"grave\"?"} {"term": "grave", "pos": "s", "context": "grave responsibilities", "definition": "requiring serious thought", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"grave responsibilities\" What is the definition of \"grave\"?"} {"term": "grave", "pos": "s", "context": "a grave situation", "definition": "causing fear or anxiety by threatening great harm", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a grave situation\" What is the definition of \"grave\"?"} {"term": "informal", "pos": "a", "context": "conservative people unaccustomed to informal dress", "definition": "not formal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"conservative people unaccustomed to informal dress\" What is the definition of \"informal\"?"} {"term": "informal", "pos": "s", "context": "an informal agreement", "definition": "not officially recognized or controlled", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an informal agreement\" What is the definition of \"informal\"?"} {"term": "jack", "pos": "n", "context": "you do n't know jack", "definition": "a small worthless amount", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you do n't know jack\" What is the definition of \"jack\"?"} {"term": "jack", "pos": "v", "context": "jack up the car so you can change the tire", "definition": "to lift with a special device", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"jack up the car so you can change the tire\" What is the definition of \"jack\"?"} {"term": "newsroom", "pos": "n", "context": "every newspaper editor is criticized by the newsroom", "definition": "the staff of a newspaper or the news department of a periodical", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"every newspaper editor is criticized by the newsroom\" What is the definition of \"newsroom\"?"} {"term": "productive", "pos": "a", "context": "productive farmland", "definition": "producing or capable of producing especially abundantly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"productive farmland\" What is the definition of \"productive\"?"} {"term": "productive", "pos": "s", "context": "a productive vineyard", "definition": "marked by great fruitfulness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["rich", ""], "instruction": "\"a productive vineyard\" What is the definition of \"productive\"?"} {"term": "membership", "pos": "n", "context": "they polled their membership", "definition": "the body of members of an organization or group", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they polled their membership\" What is the definition of \"membership\"?"} {"term": "paschal", "pos": "a", "context": "paschal lamb", "definition": "of or relating to passover or easter", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"paschal lamb\" What is the definition of \"paschal\"?"} {"term": "filmy", "pos": "s", "context": "filmy wings of a moth", "definition": "so thin as to transmit light", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"filmy wings of a moth\" What is the definition of \"filmy\"?"} {"term": "habit", "pos": "n", "context": "it was their habit to dine at 7 every evening", "definition": "an established custom", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["wont", "custom"], "instruction": "\"it was their habit to dine at 7 every evening\" What is the definition of \"habit\"?"} {"term": "habit", "pos": "n", "context": "she had a habit twirling the ends of her hair", "definition": "an automatic pattern of behavior in reaction to a specific situation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she had a habit twirling the ends of her hair\" What is the definition of \"habit\"?"} {"term": "habit", "pos": "n", "context": "she had a habit twirling the ends of her hair", "definition": "may be inherited or acquired through frequent repetition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she had a habit twirling the ends of her hair\" What is the definition of \"habit\"?"} {"term": "pad", "pos": "v", "context": "pad a bra", "definition": "to line or stuff with soft material", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["stuffing", "stuff", "padding", "rat"], "instruction": "\"pad a bra\" What is the definition of \"pad\"?"} {"term": "soak", "pos": "n", "context": "a good soak put life back in the wagon", "definition": "the process of becoming softened and saturated as a consequence of being immersed in water or other liquid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["soaking", "activity", "action"], "instruction": "\"a good soak put life back in the wagon\" What is the definition of \"soak\"?"} {"term": "constitute", "pos": "v", "context": "These constitute my entire belonging", "definition": "to form or compose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["compose", "make", "constitute", "straddle", "formed", "represent", "pose", "range", "supplement", "form", "comprise"], "instruction": "\"These constitute my entire belonging\" What is the definition of \"constitute\"?"} {"term": "dual", "pos": "s", "context": "ancient Greek had the dual form but it has merged with the plural form in modern Greek", "definition": "a grammatical number category referring to two items or units as opposed to one item singular or more than two items plural", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ancient Greek had the dual form but it has merged with the plural form in modern Greek\" What is the definition of \"dual\"?"} {"term": "dual", "pos": "s", "context": "dual controls for pilot and copilot", "definition": "consisting of or involving two parts or components usually in pairs", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dual controls for pilot and copilot\" What is the definition of \"dual\"?"} {"term": "mild", "pos": "a", "context": "a mild winter storm", "definition": "moderate in type or degree or effect or force", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a mild winter storm\" What is the definition of \"mild\"?"} {"term": "mild", "pos": "a", "context": "a mild winter storm", "definition": "far from extreme", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a mild winter storm\" What is the definition of \"mild\"?"} {"term": "frost", "pos": "v", "context": "frost the glass", "definition": "to provide with a rough or speckled surface or appearance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["frosting", "frosted", "cover"], "instruction": "\"frost the glass\" What is the definition of \"frost\"?"} {"term": "eerily", "pos": "r", "context": "it was eerily quiet in the chapel", "definition": "in an unnatural eery manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was eerily quiet in the chapel\" What is the definition of \"eerily\"?"} {"term": "poignancy", "pos": "n", "context": "a moment of extraordinary poignancy", "definition": "a state of deeply felt distress or sorrow", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a moment of extraordinary poignancy\" What is the definition of \"poignancy\"?"} {"term": "proliferation", "pos": "n", "context": "the proliferation of nuclear weapons", "definition": "a rapid increase in number especially a rapid increase in the number of deadly weapons", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the proliferation of nuclear weapons\" What is the definition of \"proliferation\"?"} {"term": "irresolute", "pos": "a", "context": "the committee was timid and mediocre and irresolute", "definition": "uncertain how to act or proceed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the committee was timid and mediocre and irresolute\" What is the definition of \"irresolute\"?"} {"term": "animism", "pos": "n", "context": "animism is common among primitive peoples", "definition": "the doctrine that all natural objects and the universe itself have souls", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"animism is common among primitive peoples\" What is the definition of \"animism\"?"} {"term": "ally", "pos": "n", "context": "he 's a good ally in fight", "definition": "an associate who provides cooperation or assistance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he 's a good ally in fight\" What is the definition of \"ally\"?"} {"term": "volcanically", "pos": "r", "context": "volcanically created landscape", "definition": "by or like volcanoes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"volcanically created landscape\" What is the definition of \"volcanically\"?"} {"term": "track", "pos": "v", "context": "track mud into the house", "definition": "to carry on the feet and deposit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"track mud into the house\" What is the definition of \"track\"?"} {"term": "track", "pos": "v", "context": "track a missile", "definition": "to observe or plot the moving path of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"track a missile\" What is the definition of \"track\"?"} {"term": "internationally", "pos": "r", "context": "She is internationally known", "definition": "throughout the world", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"She is internationally known\" What is the definition of \"internationally\"?"} {"term": "cotton", "pos": "v", "context": "cotton to something", "definition": "to take a liking to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cotton to something\" What is the definition of \"cotton\"?"} {"term": "anarchic", "pos": "s", "context": "the system is economically inefficient and politically anarchic", "definition": "without law or control", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the system is economically inefficient and politically anarchic\" What is the definition of \"anarchic\"?"} {"term": "centrally", "pos": "r", "context": "The theater is centrally located", "definition": "in or near or toward a center or according to a central role or function", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The theater is centrally located\" What is the definition of \"centrally\"?"} {"term": "independently", "pos": "r", "context": "the children worked on the project independently", "definition": "on your own", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the children worked on the project independently\" What is the definition of \"independently\"?"} {"term": "independently", "pos": "r", "context": "the children worked on the project independently", "definition": "without outside help", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the children worked on the project independently\" What is the definition of \"independently\"?"} {"term": "antediluvian", "pos": "a", "context": "antediluvian man", "definition": "of or relating to the period before the biblical flood", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"antediluvian man\" What is the definition of \"antediluvian\"?"} {"term": "antediluvian", "pos": "s", "context": "a ramshackle antediluvian tenement", "definition": "so extremely old as seeming to belong to an earlier period", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a ramshackle antediluvian tenement\" What is the definition of \"antediluvian\"?"} {"term": "spineless", "pos": "a", "context": "spineless fins", "definition": "lacking spiny processes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"spineless fins\" What is the definition of \"spineless\"?"} {"term": "syndication", "pos": "n", "context": "he received a comfortable income from the syndication of his work", "definition": "selling an article or cartoon for publication in many magazines or newspapers at the same time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he received a comfortable income from the syndication of his work\" What is the definition of \"syndication\"?"} {"term": "warrant", "pos": "v", "context": "The emergency does not warrant all of us buying guns", "definition": "to show to be reasonable or provide adequate ground for", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["confirm", "justify"], "instruction": "\"The emergency does not warrant all of us buying guns\" What is the definition of \"warrant\"?"} {"term": "warrant", "pos": "v", "context": "I warrant this information", "definition": "to stand behind and guarantee the quality , accuracy , or condition of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["certify", "cover", "guarantee", "underwrite", "back", "backing"], "instruction": "\"I warrant this information\" What is the definition of \"warrant\"?"} {"term": "absently", "pos": "r", "context": "he read the letter absently", "definition": "in an absentminded or preoccupied manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he read the letter absently\" What is the definition of \"absently\"?"} {"term": "deportation", "pos": "n", "context": "his deportation to a penal colony", "definition": "the act of expelling a person from their native land", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["banishment", "proscription", "expatriation", "transportation"], "instruction": "\"his deportation to a penal colony\" What is the definition of \"deportation\"?"} {"term": "unison", "pos": "n", "context": "marching in unison", "definition": "corresponding exactly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"marching in unison\" What is the definition of \"unison\"?"} {"term": "unison", "pos": "n", "context": "the two spoke in unison", "definition": "occurring together or simultaneously", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the two spoke in unison\" What is the definition of \"unison\"?"} {"term": "unison", "pos": "n", "context": "singing in unison", "definition": "two or more sounds or tones at the same pitch or in octaves", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"singing in unison\" What is the definition of \"unison\"?"} {"term": "mineral", "pos": "s", "context": "the inorganic mineral world", "definition": "composed of matter other than plant or animal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the inorganic mineral world\" What is the definition of \"mineral\"?"} {"term": "volatile", "pos": "a", "context": "volatile oils", "definition": "evaporating readily at normal temperatures and pressures", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"volatile oils\" What is the definition of \"volatile\"?"} {"term": "volatile", "pos": "s", "context": "volatile stocks", "definition": "tending to vary often or widely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"volatile stocks\" What is the definition of \"volatile\"?"} {"term": "volatile", "pos": "s", "context": "a volatile situation with troops and rioters eager for a confrontation", "definition": "liable to lead to sudden change or violence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a volatile situation with troops and rioters eager for a confrontation\" What is the definition of \"volatile\"?"} {"term": "volatile", "pos": "s", "context": "a flirt 's volatile affections", "definition": "marked by erratic changeableness in affections or attachments", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a flirt 's volatile affections\" What is the definition of \"volatile\"?"} {"term": "inculcate", "pos": "v", "context": "inculcate values into the young generation", "definition": "to teach and impress by frequent repetitions or admonitions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"inculcate values into the young generation\" What is the definition of \"inculcate\"?"} {"term": "interact", "pos": "v", "context": "He should interact more with his colleagues", "definition": "to act together or towards others or with others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"He should interact more with his colleagues\" What is the definition of \"interact\"?"} {"term": "absolve", "pos": "v", "context": "I absolve you from this responsibility", "definition": "to let off the hook", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["free", "forgive", "justify", "relieve", "excuse"], "instruction": "\"I absolve you from this responsibility\" What is the definition of \"absolve\"?"} {"term": "abrupt", "pos": "s", "context": "abrupt prose", "definition": "marked by sudden changes in subject and sharp transitions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"abrupt prose\" What is the definition of \"abrupt\"?"} {"term": "abrupt", "pos": "s", "context": "came to an abrupt stop", "definition": "exceedingly sudden and unexpected", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"came to an abrupt stop\" What is the definition of \"abrupt\"?"} {"term": "abrupt", "pos": "s", "context": "an abrupt canyon", "definition": "extremely steep", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an abrupt canyon\" What is the definition of \"abrupt\"?"} {"term": "roundly", "pos": "r", "context": "she was roundly slim", "definition": "in a round manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was roundly slim\" What is the definition of \"roundly\"?"} {"term": "roundly", "pos": "r", "context": "he was criticized roundly", "definition": "in a blunt direct manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was criticized roundly\" What is the definition of \"roundly\"?"} {"term": "fatal", "pos": "s", "context": "a fatal series of events", "definition": "controlled or decreed by fate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fatal series of events\" What is the definition of \"fatal\"?"} {"term": "fatal", "pos": "s", "context": "a fatal series of events", "definition": "predetermined", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fatal series of events\" What is the definition of \"fatal\"?"} {"term": "fatal", "pos": "s", "context": "the fatal day of the election finally arrived", "definition": "having momentous consequences", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the fatal day of the election finally arrived\" What is the definition of \"fatal\"?"} {"term": "fatal", "pos": "s", "context": "the fatal day of the election finally arrived", "definition": "of decisive importance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the fatal day of the election finally arrived\" What is the definition of \"fatal\"?"} {"term": "fatal", "pos": "s", "context": "such doctrines , if true , would be absolutely fatal to my theory \" - Charles Darwin", "definition": "having extremely unfortunate or dire consequences", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["fateful", "", "black"], "instruction": "\"such doctrines , if true , would be absolutely fatal to my theory \" - Charles Darwin\" What is the definition of \"fatal\"?"} {"term": "fatal", "pos": "s", "context": "such doctrines , if true , would be absolutely fatal to my theory \" - Charles Darwin", "definition": "bringing ruin", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["fateful", "", "black"], "instruction": "\"such doctrines , if true , would be absolutely fatal to my theory \" - Charles Darwin\" What is the definition of \"fatal\"?"} {"term": "rushed", "pos": "v", "context": "He rushed down the hall to receive his guests", "definition": "to move fast", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["rush", "dash", "race", "scud", "travel", "shoot", "hotfoot", "hasten", "barge", "buck", "flash", "speed", "charge", "tear"], "instruction": "\"He rushed down the hall to receive his guests\" What is the definition of \"rushed\"?"} {"term": "symbol", "pos": "n", "context": "the eagle is a symbol of the United States", "definition": "something visible that by association or convention represents something else that is invisible", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["allegory", "symbolization", "crossbones", "emblem"], "instruction": "\"the eagle is a symbol of the United States\" What is the definition of \"symbol\"?"} {"term": "identification", "pos": "n", "context": "the thief 's identification was followed quickly by his arrest", "definition": "the condition of having the identity of a person or object established", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the thief 's identification was followed quickly by his arrest\" What is the definition of \"identification\"?"} {"term": "section", "pos": "n", "context": "he always turns first to the business section", "definition": "a self-contained part of a larger composition written or musical", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["development", "recapitulation", "close", "exposition", "conclusion", "introduction", "music", "canto", "end", "lead", "book", "spot", "ending", "insert", "sura", "writing", "clause", "subdivision", "article", "passage", "narration"], "instruction": "\"he always turns first to the business section\" What is the definition of \"section\"?"} {"term": "section", "pos": "n", "context": "no section of the nation is more ardent than the South", "definition": "a distinct region or subdivision of a territorial or political area or community or group of people", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"no section of the nation is more ardent than the South\" What is the definition of \"section\"?"} {"term": "semblance", "pos": "n", "context": "he hoped his claims would have a semblance of authenticity", "definition": "an outward or token appearance or form that is deliberately misleading", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["verisimilitude", "pretext", "color", "guise", "gloss", "appearance", "simulacrum", "pretense"], "instruction": "\"he hoped his claims would have a semblance of authenticity\" What is the definition of \"semblance\"?"} {"term": "protean", "pos": "s", "context": "eyes ... of that baffling protean grey which is never twice the same", "definition": "taking on different forms", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"eyes ... of that baffling protean grey which is never twice the same\" What is the definition of \"protean\"?"} {"term": "proverbially", "pos": "r", "context": "this proverbially bitter plant , wormwood", "definition": "in the manner of something that has become a byword", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this proverbially bitter plant , wormwood\" What is the definition of \"proverbially\"?"} {"term": "lustful", "pos": "s", "context": "her sensuous grace roused his lustful nature", "definition": "characterized by lust", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her sensuous grace roused his lustful nature\" What is the definition of \"lustful\"?"} {"term": "drag", "pos": "n", "context": "taxation is a drag on the economy", "definition": "something that slows or delays progress", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"taxation is a drag on the economy\" What is the definition of \"drag\"?"} {"term": "drag", "pos": "n", "context": "peeling potatoes is a drag", "definition": "something tedious and boring", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"peeling potatoes is a drag\" What is the definition of \"drag\"?"} {"term": "apparently", "pos": "r", "context": "irrigation often produces bumper crops from apparently desert land", "definition": "from appearances alone", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"irrigation often produces bumper crops from apparently desert land\" What is the definition of \"apparently\"?"} {"term": "apparently", "pos": "r", "context": "she has apparently been living here for some time", "definition": "unmistakably plain is often used informally for plainly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she has apparently been living here for some time\" What is the definition of \"apparently\"?"} {"term": "snub", "pos": "n", "context": "the snub was clearly intentional", "definition": "a refusal to recognize someone you know", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["slight", "cut", "rebuff"], "instruction": "\"the snub was clearly intentional\" What is the definition of \"snub\"?"} {"term": "snub", "pos": "s", "context": "a snub nose", "definition": "unusually short", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a snub nose\" What is the definition of \"snub\"?"} {"term": "caprine", "pos": "a", "context": "caprine creatures", "definition": "being or pertaining to or resembling a goat or goats", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"caprine creatures\" What is the definition of \"caprine\"?"} {"term": "spring", "pos": "n", "context": "the emerging buds were a sure sign of spring", "definition": "the season of growth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["season", "springtime"], "instruction": "\"the emerging buds were a sure sign of spring\" What is the definition of \"spring\"?"} {"term": "spring", "pos": "n", "context": "the spring was broken", "definition": "a metal elastic device that returns to its shape or position when pushed or pulled or pressed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the spring was broken\" What is the definition of \"spring\"?"} {"term": "biblical", "pos": "a", "context": "biblical names", "definition": "of or pertaining to or contained in or in accordance with the bible", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"biblical names\" What is the definition of \"biblical\"?"} {"term": "biblical", "pos": "a", "context": "biblical styles in writing", "definition": "in keeping with the nature of the bible or its times or people", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"biblical styles in writing\" What is the definition of \"biblical\"?"} {"term": "custody", "pos": "n", "context": "the suspect is in custody", "definition": "holding by the police", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the suspect is in custody\" What is the definition of \"custody\"?"} {"term": "custody", "pos": "n", "context": "he is in the custody of police", "definition": "a state of being confined usually for a short time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is in the custody of police\" What is the definition of \"custody\"?"} {"term": "custody", "pos": "n", "context": "your guests are now in my custody", "definition": "guardianship over", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"your guests are now in my custody\" What is the definition of \"custody\"?"} {"term": "custody", "pos": "n", "context": "your guests are now in my custody", "definition": "in divorce cases it is the right to house and care for and discipline a child", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"your guests are now in my custody\" What is the definition of \"custody\"?"} {"term": "vacation", "pos": "n", "context": "we get two weeks of vacation every summer", "definition": "leisure time away from work devoted to rest or pleasure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["holiday", "leisure", "honeymoon", "outing"], "instruction": "\"we get two weeks of vacation every summer\" What is the definition of \"vacation\"?"} {"term": "clasp", "pos": "n", "context": "he released his clasp on my arm", "definition": "the act of grasping", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["embracement", "hold", "grasp", "seizing", "clutch"], "instruction": "\"he released his clasp on my arm\" What is the definition of \"clasp\"?"} {"term": "allied", "pos": "s", "context": "allied species", "definition": "related by common characteristics or ancestry", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"allied species\" What is the definition of \"allied\"?"} {"term": "simply", "pos": "r", "context": "we are simply broke", "definition": "absolutely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we are simply broke\" What is the definition of \"simply\"?"} {"term": "simply", "pos": "r", "context": "we are simply broke", "definition": "altogether", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we are simply broke\" What is the definition of \"simply\"?"} {"term": "simply", "pos": "r", "context": "we are simply broke", "definition": "really", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we are simply broke\" What is the definition of \"simply\"?"} {"term": "simply", "pos": "r", "context": "it is simply a matter of time", "definition": "and nothing more", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is simply a matter of time\" What is the definition of \"simply\"?"} {"term": "simply", "pos": "r", "context": "it 's simply beautiful !", "definition": "absolutely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's simply beautiful !\" What is the definition of \"simply\"?"} {"term": "auditory", "pos": "a", "context": "auditory processing", "definition": "of or relating to the process of hearing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"auditory processing\" What is the definition of \"auditory\"?"} {"term": "chaste", "pos": "a", "context": "a holy woman innocent and chaste", "definition": "morally pure especially not having experienced sexual intercourse", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a holy woman innocent and chaste\" What is the definition of \"chaste\"?"} {"term": "chaste", "pos": "s", "context": "a chaste border of conventionalized flowers", "definition": "pure and simple in design or style", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a chaste border of conventionalized flowers\" What is the definition of \"chaste\"?"} {"term": "bashful", "pos": "s", "context": "I never laughed , being bashful", "definition": "self-consciously timid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I never laughed , being bashful\" What is the definition of \"bashful\"?"} {"term": "bashful", "pos": "s", "context": "I never laughed , being bashful", "definition": "lowering my head , i looked at the wall - ezra pound", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I never laughed , being bashful\" What is the definition of \"bashful\"?"} {"term": "bashful", "pos": "s", "context": "they considered themselves a tough outfit and were n't bashful about letting anybody know it", "definition": "disposed to avoid notice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they considered themselves a tough outfit and were n't bashful about letting anybody know it\" What is the definition of \"bashful\"?"} {"term": "taxonomic", "pos": "a", "context": "taxonomic relations", "definition": "of or relating to taxonomy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"taxonomic relations\" What is the definition of \"taxonomic\"?"} {"term": "tactless", "pos": "a", "context": "in the circumstances it was tactless to ask her age", "definition": "lacking or showing a lack of what is fitting and considerate in dealing with others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the circumstances it was tactless to ask her age\" What is the definition of \"tactless\"?"} {"term": "tactless", "pos": "s", "context": "it was tactless to bring up those disagreeable", "definition": "revealing lack of perceptiveness or judgment or finesse", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was tactless to bring up those disagreeable\" What is the definition of \"tactless\"?"} {"term": "nap", "pos": "n", "context": "there was n't time for a nap", "definition": "a period of time spent sleeping", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was n't time for a nap\" What is the definition of \"nap\"?"} {"term": "strong", "pos": "a", "context": "a strong radio signal", "definition": "having strength or power greater than average or expected", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a strong radio signal\" What is the definition of \"strong\"?"} {"term": "strong", "pos": "s", "context": "a strong odor of burning rubber", "definition": "not faint or feeble", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a strong odor of burning rubber\" What is the definition of \"strong\"?"} {"term": "strong", "pos": "s", "context": "` sing ' is a strong verb", "definition": "of verbs not having standard or regular inflection", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"` sing ' is a strong verb\" What is the definition of \"strong\"?"} {"term": "greediness", "pos": "n", "context": "the greediness of lawyers", "definition": "an excessive desire for wealth usually in large amounts", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the greediness of lawyers\" What is the definition of \"greediness\"?"} {"term": "hanging", "pos": "n", "context": "in those days the hanging of criminals was a public entertainment", "definition": "a form of capital punishment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in those days the hanging of criminals was a public entertainment\" What is the definition of \"hanging\"?"} {"term": "hanging", "pos": "n", "context": "in those days the hanging of criminals was a public entertainment", "definition": "victim is suspended by the neck from a gallows or gibbet until dead", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in those days the hanging of criminals was a public entertainment\" What is the definition of \"hanging\"?"} {"term": "overconfident", "pos": "s", "context": "so overconfident and impudent as to speak to the queen", "definition": "marked by excessive confidence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["positive", ""], "instruction": "\"so overconfident and impudent as to speak to the queen\" What is the definition of \"overconfident\"?"} {"term": "exaggerate", "pos": "v", "context": "tended to romanticize and exaggerate this ` gracious Old South ' imagery", "definition": "to to enlarge beyond bounds or the truth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["boasting", "gas", "hyperbolize", "padding", "blow", "aggrandize", "magnify", "brag", "vaunt", "lard", "amplify", "overstate", "embroider", "dramatize", "pad", "misinform", "exaggerated", "bluster", "overdraw", "boast", "blustering", "tout", "gassing", "mislead"], "instruction": "\"tended to romanticize and exaggerate this ` gracious Old South ' imagery\" What is the definition of \"exaggerate\"?"} {"term": "airless", "pos": "s", "context": "a dusty airless attic", "definition": "lacking fresh air", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dusty airless attic\" What is the definition of \"airless\"?"} {"term": "interminable", "pos": "s", "context": "an interminable sermon", "definition": "tiresomely long", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an interminable sermon\" What is the definition of \"interminable\"?"} {"term": "interminable", "pos": "s", "context": "an interminable sermon", "definition": "seemingly without end", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an interminable sermon\" What is the definition of \"interminable\"?"} {"term": "knockdown", "pos": "s", "context": "I bought a knockdown chest at the do-it-yourself store", "definition": "easily assembled and dismantled", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I bought a knockdown chest at the do-it-yourself store\" What is the definition of \"knockdown\"?"} {"term": "cloistered", "pos": "s", "context": "the cloistered academic world of books", "definition": "providing privacy or seclusion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["reclusive", "", "sequestered"], "instruction": "\"the cloistered academic world of books\" What is the definition of \"cloistered\"?"} {"term": "profusely", "pos": "r", "context": "he thanked her profusely", "definition": "in an abundant manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he thanked her profusely\" What is the definition of \"profusely\"?"} {"term": "flaccid", "pos": "s", "context": "a flaccid penis", "definition": "drooping without elasticity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a flaccid penis\" What is the definition of \"flaccid\"?"} {"term": "flaccid", "pos": "s", "context": "a flaccid penis", "definition": "wanting in stiffness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a flaccid penis\" What is the definition of \"flaccid\"?"} {"term": "flaccid", "pos": "s", "context": "flaccid cheeks", "definition": "out of condition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["soft", "", "flabby"], "instruction": "\"flaccid cheeks\" What is the definition of \"flaccid\"?"} {"term": "flaccid", "pos": "s", "context": "flaccid cheeks", "definition": "not strong or robust", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["soft", "", "flabby"], "instruction": "\"flaccid cheeks\" What is the definition of \"flaccid\"?"} {"term": "flaccid", "pos": "s", "context": "flaccid cheeks", "definition": "incapable of exertion or endurance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["soft", "", "flabby"], "instruction": "\"flaccid cheeks\" What is the definition of \"flaccid\"?"} {"term": "responsible", "pos": "a", "context": "a responsible adult", "definition": "worthy of or requiring responsibility or trust", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a responsible adult\" What is the definition of \"responsible\"?"} {"term": "responsible", "pos": "a", "context": "a responsible adult", "definition": "or held accountable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a responsible adult\" What is the definition of \"responsible\"?"} {"term": "responsible", "pos": "s", "context": "determined who was the responsible party", "definition": "being the agent or cause", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"determined who was the responsible party\" What is the definition of \"responsible\"?"} {"term": "responsible", "pos": "s", "context": "a responsible borrower", "definition": "having an acceptable credit rating", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a responsible borrower\" What is the definition of \"responsible\"?"} {"term": "rig", "pos": "v", "context": "rig an election", "definition": "to arrange the outcome of by means of deceit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["rigging", "cheat", "chisel"], "instruction": "\"rig an election\" What is the definition of \"rig\"?"} {"term": "rig", "pos": "v", "context": "rig prices", "definition": "to manipulate in a fraudulent manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["rigging", "price"], "instruction": "\"rig prices\" What is the definition of \"rig\"?"} {"term": "furry", "pos": "s", "context": "a furry teddy bear", "definition": "covered with a dense coat of fine silky hairs", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a furry teddy bear\" What is the definition of \"furry\"?"} {"term": "mantle", "pos": "n", "context": "place the mantle of authority on younger shoulders", "definition": "the cloak as a symbol of authority", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"place the mantle of authority on younger shoulders\" What is the definition of \"mantle\"?"} {"term": "handy", "pos": "s", "context": "found a handy spot for the can opener", "definition": "easy to reach", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"found a handy spot for the can opener\" What is the definition of \"handy\"?"} {"term": "handy", "pos": "s", "context": "a handy gadget", "definition": "easy to use", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a handy gadget\" What is the definition of \"handy\"?"} {"term": "handy", "pos": "s", "context": "handy with an axe", "definition": "skillful with the hands", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"handy with an axe\" What is the definition of \"handy\"?"} {"term": "polar", "pos": "s", "context": "extreme and indefensible polar positions", "definition": "characterized by opposite extremes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"extreme and indefensible polar positions\" What is the definition of \"polar\"?"} {"term": "polar", "pos": "s", "context": "extreme and indefensible polar positions", "definition": "completely opposed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"extreme and indefensible polar positions\" What is the definition of \"polar\"?"} {"term": "polar", "pos": "s", "context": "polar weather", "definition": "extremely cold", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"polar weather\" What is the definition of \"polar\"?"} {"term": "polar", "pos": "a", "context": "polar diameter", "definition": "located at or near or coming from the earths poles", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"polar diameter\" What is the definition of \"polar\"?"} {"term": "polar", "pos": "a", "context": "polar regions", "definition": "of or existing at or near a geographical pole or within the arctic or antarctic circles", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"polar regions\" What is the definition of \"polar\"?"} {"term": "spiritless", "pos": "a", "context": "a spiritless reply to criticism", "definition": "lacking ardor or vigor or energy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a spiritless reply to criticism\" What is the definition of \"spiritless\"?"} {"term": "whisker", "pos": "n", "context": "they lost the election by a whisker", "definition": "a very small distance or space", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["hair", ""], "instruction": "\"they lost the election by a whisker\" What is the definition of \"whisker\"?"} {"term": "severe", "pos": "s", "context": "severe pain", "definition": "intensely or extremely bad or unpleasant in degree or quality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"severe pain\" What is the definition of \"severe\"?"} {"term": "severe", "pos": "s", "context": "a parent severe to the pitch of hostility \" - H.G.Wells", "definition": "unsparing and uncompromising in discipline or judgment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a parent severe to the pitch of hostility \" - H.G.Wells\" What is the definition of \"severe\"?"} {"term": "severe", "pos": "s", "context": "a severe worldwide depression", "definition": "very bad in degree or extent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a severe worldwide depression\" What is the definition of \"severe\"?"} {"term": "disinclination", "pos": "n", "context": "his disinclination for modesty is well known", "definition": "that toward which you are inclined to feel dislike", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his disinclination for modesty is well known\" What is the definition of \"disinclination\"?"} {"term": "irregular", "pos": "a", "context": "irregular hiring practices", "definition": "contrary to rule or accepted order or general practice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"irregular hiring practices\" What is the definition of \"irregular\"?"} {"term": "irregular", "pos": "a", "context": "irregular troops", "definition": "not belonging to or engaged in by regular army forces", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"irregular troops\" What is the definition of \"irregular\"?"} {"term": "irregular", "pos": "s", "context": "irregular jeans", "definition": "falling below the manufacturers standard", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"irregular jeans\" What is the definition of \"irregular\"?"} {"term": "irregular", "pos": "s", "context": "an irregular worker", "definition": "lacking continuity or regularity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an irregular worker\" What is the definition of \"irregular\"?"} {"term": "dissimilar", "pos": "a", "context": "a group of very dissimilar people", "definition": "not similar", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a group of very dissimilar people\" What is the definition of \"dissimilar\"?"} {"term": "phrenic", "pos": "a", "context": "phrenic nerve", "definition": "of or relating to the diaphragm", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"phrenic nerve\" What is the definition of \"phrenic\"?"} {"term": "appear", "pos": "v", "context": "Did your latest book appear yet ?", "definition": "to be issued or published", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Did your latest book appear yet ?\" What is the definition of \"appear\"?"} {"term": "lawful", "pos": "a", "context": "lawful methods of dissent", "definition": "conformable to or allowed by law", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lawful methods of dissent\" What is the definition of \"lawful\"?"} {"term": "lawful", "pos": "s", "context": "the true and lawful king", "definition": "having a legally established claim", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the true and lawful king\" What is the definition of \"lawful\"?"} {"term": "lodge", "pos": "v", "context": "lodge a bullet in the table", "definition": "to put , fix , force , or implant", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["fixed", "stick", "wedge", "fastening", "lodging", "deposit", "redeposit", "fixing"], "instruction": "\"lodge a bullet in the table\" What is the definition of \"lodge\"?"} {"term": "attire", "pos": "n", "context": "formal attire", "definition": "clothing of a distinctive style or for a particular occasion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["wear", "garb", "costume", "finery", "habit", "outfit", "wearable", "rig", "getup", "dress"], "instruction": "\"formal attire\" What is the definition of \"attire\"?"} {"term": "downcast", "pos": "s", "context": "a downcast glance", "definition": "directed downward", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a downcast glance\" What is the definition of \"downcast\"?"} {"term": "downcast", "pos": "s", "context": "downcast after his defeat", "definition": "filled with melancholy and despondency", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"downcast after his defeat\" What is the definition of \"downcast\"?"} {"term": "maniacal", "pos": "s", "context": "a maniacal frenzy", "definition": "wildly disordered", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a maniacal frenzy\" What is the definition of \"maniacal\"?"} {"term": "ineffectual", "pos": "s", "context": "the therapy was ineffectual", "definition": "producing no result or effect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the therapy was ineffectual\" What is the definition of \"ineffectual\"?"} {"term": "ineffectual", "pos": "s", "context": "an ineffectual ruler", "definition": "lacking in power or forcefulness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an ineffectual ruler\" What is the definition of \"ineffectual\"?"} {"term": "sexed", "pos": "s", "context": "highly sexed", "definition": "characterized by sexuality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"highly sexed\" What is the definition of \"sexed\"?"} {"term": "shuffle", "pos": "v", "context": "shuffle the cards", "definition": "to mix so as to make a random order or arrangement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["riffle", "ruffle", "cut", "mix", "shuffling"], "instruction": "\"shuffle the cards\" What is the definition of \"shuffle\"?"} {"term": "loathe", "pos": "v", "context": "I loathe that man", "definition": "to find repugnant", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["abhor", "abominate", "hate", "detest", "loathing"], "instruction": "\"I loathe that man\" What is the definition of \"loathe\"?"} {"term": "bonny", "pos": "s", "context": "my bonny lass", "definition": "very pleasing to the eye", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["comely", "", "fair"], "instruction": "\"my bonny lass\" What is the definition of \"bonny\"?"} {"term": "tensile", "pos": "a", "context": "tensile stress", "definition": "of or relating to tension", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tensile stress\" What is the definition of \"tensile\"?"} {"term": "tensile", "pos": "s", "context": "made of highly tensile steel alloy", "definition": "capable of being shaped or bent or drawn out", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"made of highly tensile steel alloy\" What is the definition of \"tensile\"?"} {"term": "oscillating", "pos": "v", "context": "the needle on the meter was oscillating", "definition": "to move or swing from side to side regularly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["vibrate", "swing", "oscillate", "hunt"], "instruction": "\"the needle on the meter was oscillating\" What is the definition of \"oscillating\"?"} {"term": "discontinue", "pos": "v", "context": "the support from our sponsoring agency will discontinue after March 31", "definition": "to come to or be at an end", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the support from our sponsoring agency will discontinue after March 31\" What is the definition of \"discontinue\"?"} {"term": "raciness", "pos": "n", "context": "the raciness of the wine", "definition": "a strong odor or taste property", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["spice", "spiciness", "pungency", "sharpness"], "instruction": "\"the raciness of the wine\" What is the definition of \"raciness\"?"} {"term": "carnival", "pos": "n", "context": "the whole occasion had a carnival atmosphere", "definition": "a frenetic disorganized and often comic disturbance suggestive of a large public entertainment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["circus", "disturbance"], "instruction": "\"the whole occasion had a carnival atmosphere\" What is the definition of \"carnival\"?"} {"term": "player", "pos": "n", "context": "he was a major player in setting up the corporation", "definition": "an important participant as in a business deal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was a major player in setting up the corporation\" What is the definition of \"player\"?"} {"term": "trick", "pos": "n", "context": "he played a trick on me", "definition": "a cunning or deceitful action or device", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he played a trick on me\" What is the definition of \"trick\"?"} {"term": "trick", "pos": "n", "context": "that offer was a dirty trick", "definition": "an attempt to get you to do something foolish or imprudent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that offer was a dirty trick\" What is the definition of \"trick\"?"} {"term": "atrophied", "pos": "a", "context": "partial paralysis resulted in an atrophied left arm", "definition": "diminished in size or strength as a result of disease or injury or lack of use", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"partial paralysis resulted in an atrophied left arm\" What is the definition of \"atrophied\"?"} {"term": "harmful", "pos": "a", "context": "too much sun is harmful to the skin", "definition": "causing or capable of causing harm", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"too much sun is harmful to the skin\" What is the definition of \"harmful\"?"} {"term": "unripe", "pos": "a", "context": "unripe fruit", "definition": "not fully developed or mature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unripe fruit\" What is the definition of \"unripe\"?"} {"term": "unripe", "pos": "a", "context": "unripe fruit", "definition": "not ripe", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unripe fruit\" What is the definition of \"unripe\"?"} {"term": "subterranean", "pos": "s", "context": "subterranean passages", "definition": "being or operating under the surface of the earth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"subterranean passages\" What is the definition of \"subterranean\"?"} {"term": "subterranean", "pos": "s", "context": "subterranean motives for murder", "definition": "lying beyond what is openly revealed or avowed especially being kept in the background or deliberately concealed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"subterranean motives for murder\" What is the definition of \"subterranean\"?"} {"term": "truthful", "pos": "a", "context": "gave truthful testimony", "definition": "expressing or given to expressing the truth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gave truthful testimony\" What is the definition of \"truthful\"?"} {"term": "truthful", "pos": "s", "context": "a truthful statement", "definition": "conforming to truth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a truthful statement\" What is the definition of \"truthful\"?"} {"term": "insolent", "pos": "s", "context": "the modern world with its quick material successes and insolent belief in the boundless possibilities of progress \" - Bertrand Russell", "definition": "unrestrained by convention or propriety", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["brazen", "", "audacious", "brassy", "barefaced"], "instruction": "\"the modern world with its quick material successes and insolent belief in the boundless possibilities of progress \" - Bertrand Russell\" What is the definition of \"insolent\"?"} {"term": "generate", "pos": "v", "context": "We ca n't generate enough power for the entire city", "definition": "to produce energy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"We ca n't generate enough power for the entire city\" What is the definition of \"generate\"?"} {"term": "alternate", "pos": "s", "context": "the cleaning lady comes on alternate Wednesdays", "definition": "every second one of a series", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the cleaning lady comes on alternate Wednesdays\" What is the definition of \"alternate\"?"} {"term": "alternate", "pos": "a", "context": "stems with alternate leaves", "definition": "of leaves and branches etc", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stems with alternate leaves\" What is the definition of \"alternate\"?"} {"term": "alternate", "pos": "a", "context": "stems with alternate leaves", "definition": "first on one side and then on the other in two ranks along an axis", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stems with alternate leaves\" What is the definition of \"alternate\"?"} {"term": "alternate", "pos": "a", "context": "stems with alternate leaves", "definition": "not paired", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stems with alternate leaves\" What is the definition of \"alternate\"?"} {"term": "color", "pos": "n", "context": "a white color is made up of many different wavelengths of light", "definition": "a visual attribute of things that results from the light they emit or transmit or reflect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["tint", "shade", "mottle", "complexion", "tone", "coloring", "coloration", "tincture"], "instruction": "\"a white color is made up of many different wavelengths of light\" What is the definition of \"color\"?"} {"term": "color", "pos": "n", "context": "the Puritan Period was lacking in color", "definition": "interest and variety and intensity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the Puritan Period was lacking in color\" What is the definition of \"color\"?"} {"term": "color", "pos": "n", "context": "the recording fails to capture the true color of the original music", "definition": "the timbre of a musical sound", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["tone", "timbre", "coloration", "timber", "quality"], "instruction": "\"the recording fails to capture the true color of the original music\" What is the definition of \"color\"?"} {"term": "color", "pos": "v", "context": "His political ideas color his lectures", "definition": "to modify or bias", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["influence", "coloring"], "instruction": "\"His political ideas color his lectures\" What is the definition of \"color\"?"} {"term": "passively", "pos": "r", "context": "he listened passively", "definition": "in a passive manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he listened passively\" What is the definition of \"passively\"?"} {"term": "insulation", "pos": "n", "context": "the insulation of England was preserved by the English Channel", "definition": "the state of being isolated or detached", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["isolation", "detachment", "insularity"], "instruction": "\"the insulation of England was preserved by the English Channel\" What is the definition of \"insulation\"?"} {"term": "variably", "pos": "r", "context": "it will be variably cloudy", "definition": "with variation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it will be variably cloudy\" What is the definition of \"variably\"?"} {"term": "variably", "pos": "r", "context": "it will be variably cloudy", "definition": "in a variable manner or to a variable degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it will be variably cloudy\" What is the definition of \"variably\"?"} {"term": "cookery", "pos": "n", "context": "people are needed who have experience in cookery", "definition": "the act of preparing something as food by the application of heat", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["broil", "frying", "browning", "percolation", "broiling", "baking", "preparation"], "instruction": "\"people are needed who have experience in cookery\" What is the definition of \"cookery\"?"} {"term": "disparate", "pos": "s", "context": "such disparate attractions as grand opera and game fishing", "definition": "fundamentally different or distinct in quality or kind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"such disparate attractions as grand opera and game fishing\" What is the definition of \"disparate\"?"} {"term": "disparate", "pos": "s", "context": "a disparate aggregate of creeds and songs and prayers", "definition": "including markedly dissimilar elements", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a disparate aggregate of creeds and songs and prayers\" What is the definition of \"disparate\"?"} {"term": "cloth", "pos": "n", "context": "woven cloth originated in Mesopotamia around 5000 BC", "definition": "artifact made by weaving or felting or knitting or crocheting natural or synthetic fibers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["cotton", "velveteen", "material", "print", "tweed", "shirting", "duffel", "tartan", "wool", "crape", "crinoline", "velvet", "sateen", "horsehair", "khaki", "damask", "lame", "poplin", "percale", "chiffon", "pique", "batiste", "mohair", "acrylic", "diaper", "velours", "network", "lace", "artifact", "moleskin", "coating", "canvas", "fleece", "macintosh", "mackintosh", "trousering", "dungaree", "sacking", "toweling", "drapery", "tapis", "linen", "mesh", "rep", "quilting", "cashmere", "serge", "jacquard", "silk", "denim", "corduroy", "satin", "tapa", "chintz", "webbing", "felt", "scrim", "gabardine", "knit", "cobweb", "broadcloth", "tapestry", "fustian", "lint", "taffeta", "gingham", "suede", "metallic", "faille", "woolen", "canvass", "motley", "twill", "shag", "jean", "plaid", "chenille", "sheeting", "baize", "hair", "herringbone", "chambray", "grosgrain", "frieze", "worsted", "fiber", "homespun", "bagging", "canopy", "brocade", "foulard", "fabric"], "instruction": "\"woven cloth originated in Mesopotamia around 5000 BC\" What is the definition of \"cloth\"?"} {"term": "disheveled", "pos": "s", "context": "her clothing was disheveled", "definition": "in disarray", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her clothing was disheveled\" What is the definition of \"disheveled\"?"} {"term": "disheveled", "pos": "s", "context": "her clothing was disheveled", "definition": "extremely disorderly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her clothing was disheveled\" What is the definition of \"disheveled\"?"} {"term": "voluntary", "pos": "a", "context": "man is a voluntary agent", "definition": "of your own free will or design", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"man is a voluntary agent\" What is the definition of \"voluntary\"?"} {"term": "voluntary", "pos": "a", "context": "man is a voluntary agent", "definition": "done by choice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"man is a voluntary agent\" What is the definition of \"voluntary\"?"} {"term": "voluntary", "pos": "a", "context": "man is a voluntary agent", "definition": "not forced or compelled", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"man is a voluntary agent\" What is the definition of \"voluntary\"?"} {"term": "voluntary", "pos": "a", "context": "voluntary motions", "definition": "controlled by individual volition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"voluntary motions\" What is the definition of \"voluntary\"?"} {"term": "unknown", "pos": "a", "context": "an unknown amount", "definition": "not known", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unknown amount\" What is the definition of \"unknown\"?"} {"term": "unknown", "pos": "s", "context": "things obscurely felt surged up from unknown depths", "definition": "not known to exist", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"things obscurely felt surged up from unknown depths\" What is the definition of \"unknown\"?"} {"term": "invariable", "pos": "a", "context": "an invariable temperature", "definition": "not liable to or capable of change", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an invariable temperature\" What is the definition of \"invariable\"?"} {"term": "ducal", "pos": "a", "context": "ducal palace", "definition": "of or belonging to or suitable for a duke", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ducal palace\" What is the definition of \"ducal\"?"} {"term": "dew", "pos": "n", "context": "in the morning the grass was wet with dew", "definition": "water that has condensed on a cool surface overnight from water vapor in the air", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the morning the grass was wet with dew\" What is the definition of \"dew\"?"} {"term": "lucidly", "pos": "r", "context": "this is a lucidly written book", "definition": "in a clear and lucid manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this is a lucidly written book\" What is the definition of \"lucidly\"?"} {"term": "whole", "pos": "n", "context": "Europe considered as a whole", "definition": "all of something including all its component elements or parts", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Europe considered as a whole\" What is the definition of \"whole\"?"} {"term": "whole", "pos": "a", "context": "gave his whole attention", "definition": "including all components without exception", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gave his whole attention\" What is the definition of \"whole\"?"} {"term": "whole", "pos": "a", "context": "gave his whole attention", "definition": "being one unit or constituting the full amount or extent or duration", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gave his whole attention\" What is the definition of \"whole\"?"} {"term": "whole", "pos": "a", "context": "gave his whole attention", "definition": "complete", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gave his whole attention\" What is the definition of \"whole\"?"} {"term": "whole", "pos": "a", "context": "whole brothers and sisters", "definition": "having the same parents", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"whole brothers and sisters\" What is the definition of \"whole\"?"} {"term": "whole", "pos": "s", "context": "whole in mind and body", "definition": "exhibiting or restored to vigorous good health", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"whole in mind and body\" What is the definition of \"whole\"?"} {"term": "valor", "pos": "n", "context": "he received a medal for valor", "definition": "the qualities of a hero or heroine", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["gallantry", "courage", "braveness", "courageousness"], "instruction": "\"he received a medal for valor\" What is the definition of \"valor\"?"} {"term": "valor", "pos": "n", "context": "he received a medal for valor", "definition": "exceptional or heroic courage when facing danger especially in battle", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["gallantry", "courage", "braveness", "courageousness"], "instruction": "\"he received a medal for valor\" What is the definition of \"valor\"?"} {"term": "censorious", "pos": "s", "context": "was censorious of petty failings", "definition": "harshly critical or expressing censure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"was censorious of petty failings\" What is the definition of \"censorious\"?"} {"term": "tart", "pos": "s", "context": "a tart remark", "definition": "harsh", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tart remark\" What is the definition of \"tart\"?"} {"term": "confounded", "pos": "s", "context": "a cloudy and confounded philosopher", "definition": "perplexed by many conflicting situations or statements", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a cloudy and confounded philosopher\" What is the definition of \"confounded\"?"} {"term": "confounded", "pos": "s", "context": "a cloudy and confounded philosopher", "definition": "filled with bewilderment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a cloudy and confounded philosopher\" What is the definition of \"confounded\"?"} {"term": "foliate", "pos": "v", "context": "foliate metal", "definition": "to hammer into thin flat foils", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"foliate metal\" What is the definition of \"foliate\"?"} {"term": "foliate", "pos": "v", "context": "foliate glass", "definition": "to coat or back with metal foil", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"foliate glass\" What is the definition of \"foliate\"?"} {"term": "foliate", "pos": "a", "context": "foliate tracery", "definition": "ornamented with foliage or foils", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"foliate tracery\" What is the definition of \"foliate\"?"} {"term": "mixture", "pos": "n", "context": "he drank a mixture of beer and lemonade", "definition": "any foodstuff made by combining different ingredients", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["dough", "concoction", "roux", "dressing", "stuffing", "mix", "filling"], "instruction": "\"he drank a mixture of beer and lemonade\" What is the definition of \"mixture\"?"} {"term": "fortunately", "pos": "r", "context": "fortunately the weather was good", "definition": "by good fortune", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fortunately the weather was good\" What is the definition of \"fortunately\"?"} {"term": "abiding", "pos": "s", "context": "an abiding belief", "definition": "unceasing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an abiding belief\" What is the definition of \"abiding\"?"} {"term": "mint", "pos": "s", "context": "in mint condition", "definition": "as if new", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in mint condition\" What is the definition of \"mint\"?"} {"term": "penalty", "pos": "n", "context": "neglected his health and paid the penalty", "definition": "the disadvantage or painful consequences of an action or condition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"neglected his health and paid the penalty\" What is the definition of \"penalty\"?"} {"term": "symptomatic", "pos": "s", "context": "a rash symptomatic of scarlet fever", "definition": "characteristic or indicative of a disease", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a rash symptomatic of scarlet fever\" What is the definition of \"symptomatic\"?"} {"term": "symptomatic", "pos": "a", "context": "symptomatic relief", "definition": "relating to or according to or affecting a symptom or symptoms", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"symptomatic relief\" What is the definition of \"symptomatic\"?"} {"term": "prototype", "pos": "n", "context": "he is the prototype of good breeding", "definition": "a standard or typical example", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["imago", "example", "epitome", "model"], "instruction": "\"he is the prototype of good breeding\" What is the definition of \"prototype\"?"} {"term": "indiscriminate", "pos": "a", "context": "indiscriminate reading habits", "definition": "not marked by fine distinctions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"indiscriminate reading habits\" What is the definition of \"indiscriminate\"?"} {"term": "trivially", "pos": "r", "context": "we can prove trivially that this theorem is false", "definition": "with little effort", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we can prove trivially that this theorem is false\" What is the definition of \"trivially\"?"} {"term": "trivially", "pos": "r", "context": "trivially motivated requests", "definition": "in a frivolously trivial manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"trivially motivated requests\" What is the definition of \"trivially\"?"} {"term": "attributive", "pos": "a", "context": "` red ' is an attributive adjective in ` a red apple '", "definition": "of adjectives", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"` red ' is an attributive adjective in ` a red apple '\" What is the definition of \"attributive\"?"} {"term": "attributive", "pos": "a", "context": "` red ' is an attributive adjective in ` a red apple '", "definition": "placed before the nouns they modify", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"` red ' is an attributive adjective in ` a red apple '\" What is the definition of \"attributive\"?"} {"term": "reformed", "pos": "v", "context": "The Church reformed me", "definition": "to bring , lead , or force to abandon a wrong or evil course of life , conduct , and adopt a right one", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["modify", "reclaim", "change", "alter"], "instruction": "\"The Church reformed me\" What is the definition of \"reformed\"?"} {"term": "reformed", "pos": "s", "context": "a reformed drunkard", "definition": "caused to abandon an evil manner of living and follow a good one", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a reformed drunkard\" What is the definition of \"reformed\"?"} {"term": "chair", "pos": "n", "context": "he put his coat over the back of the chair and sat down", "definition": "a seat for one person , with a support for the back", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he put his coat over the back of the chair and sat down\" What is the definition of \"chair\"?"} {"term": "chair", "pos": "n", "context": "he is second chair violin", "definition": "a particular seat in an orchestra", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is second chair violin\" What is the definition of \"chair\"?"} {"term": "chair", "pos": "n", "context": "he was awarded an endowed chair in economics", "definition": "the position of professor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["professorship", "billet", "berth", "office", "spot", "post", "place", "situation"], "instruction": "\"he was awarded an endowed chair in economics\" What is the definition of \"chair\"?"} {"term": "wreckage", "pos": "n", "context": "they searched the wreckage for signs of survivors", "definition": "the remaining parts of something that has been wrecked", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they searched the wreckage for signs of survivors\" What is the definition of \"wreckage\"?"} {"term": "inflated", "pos": "v", "context": "The charges were inflated", "definition": "to exaggerate or make bigger", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["amplify", "increase", "expand"], "instruction": "\"The charges were inflated\" What is the definition of \"inflated\"?"} {"term": "inflated", "pos": "v", "context": "The war inflated the economy", "definition": "to cause prices to rise by increasing the available currency or credit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The war inflated the economy\" What is the definition of \"inflated\"?"} {"term": "pubescent", "pos": "s", "context": "the budding breasts of a pubescent girl and the downy chin of pubescent boy", "definition": "having arrived at the onset of puberty the age at which sex glands become functional but not yet fully mature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the budding breasts of a pubescent girl and the downy chin of pubescent boy\" What is the definition of \"pubescent\"?"} {"term": "punctilious", "pos": "s", "context": "punctilious in his attention to rules of etiquette", "definition": "marked by precise accordance with details", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["meticulous", ""], "instruction": "\"punctilious in his attention to rules of etiquette\" What is the definition of \"punctilious\"?"} {"term": "supernatant", "pos": "s", "context": "the supernatant fat was skimmed off", "definition": "of a liquid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the supernatant fat was skimmed off\" What is the definition of \"supernatant\"?"} {"term": "supernatant", "pos": "s", "context": "the supernatant fat was skimmed off", "definition": "floating on the surface above a sediment or precipitate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the supernatant fat was skimmed off\" What is the definition of \"supernatant\"?"} {"term": "curmudgeonly", "pos": "s", "context": "his curmudgeonly temper", "definition": "brusque and surly and forbidding", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his curmudgeonly temper\" What is the definition of \"curmudgeonly\"?"} {"term": "insistent", "pos": "s", "context": "the bluejay 's insistent cry", "definition": "repetitive and persistent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the bluejay 's insistent cry\" What is the definition of \"insistent\"?"} {"term": "insistent", "pos": "s", "context": "insistent hunger", "definition": "demanding attention", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"insistent hunger\" What is the definition of \"insistent\"?"} {"term": "frigid", "pos": "s", "context": "a frigid greeting", "definition": "devoid of warmth and cordiality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["icy", "frosty", "", "wintry"], "instruction": "\"a frigid greeting\" What is the definition of \"frigid\"?"} {"term": "frigid", "pos": "s", "context": "a frigid greeting", "definition": "expressive of unfriendliness or disdain", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["icy", "frosty", "", "wintry"], "instruction": "\"a frigid greeting\" What is the definition of \"frigid\"?"} {"term": "frigid", "pos": "s", "context": "a frigid woman", "definition": "sexually unresponsive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a frigid woman\" What is the definition of \"frigid\"?"} {"term": "frigid", "pos": "s", "context": "a frigid day", "definition": "extremely cold", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a frigid day\" What is the definition of \"frigid\"?"} {"term": "loiter", "pos": "v", "context": "The high school students like to loiter in the Central Square", "definition": "to be about", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["lurk", "tarry", "lingering", "footless", "loaf", "lurch", "linger"], "instruction": "\"The high school students like to loiter in the Central Square\" What is the definition of \"loiter\"?"} {"term": "metaphysical", "pos": "a", "context": "metaphysical philosophy", "definition": "pertaining to or of the nature of metaphysics", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"metaphysical philosophy\" What is the definition of \"metaphysical\"?"} {"term": "metaphysical", "pos": "s", "context": "metaphysical forces", "definition": "without material form or substance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"metaphysical forces\" What is the definition of \"metaphysical\"?"} {"term": "metaphysical", "pos": "s", "context": "metaphysical reasoning", "definition": "highly abstract and overly theoretical", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"metaphysical reasoning\" What is the definition of \"metaphysical\"?"} {"term": "conditional", "pos": "a", "context": "conditional acceptance of the terms", "definition": "imposing or depending on or containing a condition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"conditional acceptance of the terms\" What is the definition of \"conditional\"?"} {"term": "dive", "pos": "v", "context": "I was afraid to dive from the board into the pool", "definition": "to plunge into water", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["dove", "diving", "submerse", "jackknife", "submersed", "submerge"], "instruction": "\"I was afraid to dive from the board into the pool\" What is the definition of \"dive\"?"} {"term": "sourly", "pos": "r", "context": "he complained sourly that the new rules only benefitted the managers", "definition": "in a sour manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he complained sourly that the new rules only benefitted the managers\" What is the definition of \"sourly\"?"} {"term": "crazy", "pos": "s", "context": "a crazy scheme", "definition": "foolish", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a crazy scheme\" What is the definition of \"crazy\"?"} {"term": "crazy", "pos": "s", "context": "a crazy scheme", "definition": "totally unsound", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a crazy scheme\" What is the definition of \"crazy\"?"} {"term": "crazy", "pos": "s", "context": "the crowd went crazy", "definition": "possessed by inordinate excitement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the crowd went crazy\" What is the definition of \"crazy\"?"} {"term": "crazy", "pos": "s", "context": "had a crazy dream", "definition": "bizarre or fantastic", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"had a crazy dream\" What is the definition of \"crazy\"?"} {"term": "rejection", "pos": "n", "context": "his proposals were met with rejection", "definition": "the act of rejecting something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his proposals were met with rejection\" What is the definition of \"rejection\"?"} {"term": "rejection", "pos": "n", "context": "rejection of the transplanted liver", "definition": "an immunological response that refuses to accept substances or organisms that are recognized as foreign", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rejection of the transplanted liver\" What is the definition of \"rejection\"?"} {"term": "slice", "pos": "n", "context": "a slice of the company 's revenue", "definition": "a share of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["percentage", "piece", "portion", "share"], "instruction": "\"a slice of the company 's revenue\" What is the definition of \"slice\"?"} {"term": "feeling", "pos": "n", "context": "she had a feeling of euphoria", "definition": "the experiencing of affective and emotional states", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she had a feeling of euphoria\" What is the definition of \"feeling\"?"} {"term": "feeling", "pos": "n", "context": "he had a queasy feeling", "definition": "a physical sensation that you experience", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had a queasy feeling\" What is the definition of \"feeling\"?"} {"term": "feeling", "pos": "n", "context": "he had a great feeling for music", "definition": "an intuitive understanding of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had a great feeling for music\" What is the definition of \"feeling\"?"} {"term": "acoustically", "pos": "r", "context": "acoustically ill-equipped studios", "definition": "with respect to acoustics", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"acoustically ill-equipped studios\" What is the definition of \"acoustically\"?"} {"term": "conquest", "pos": "n", "context": "the conquest of space", "definition": "success in mastering something difficult", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the conquest of space\" What is the definition of \"conquest\"?"} {"term": "contradiction", "pos": "n", "context": "the statement ` he is brave and he is not brave ' is a contradiction", "definition": "a statement that is necessarily false", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the statement ` he is brave and he is not brave ' is a contradiction\" What is the definition of \"contradiction\"?"} {"term": "contradiction", "pos": "n", "context": "he spoke as if he thought his claims were immune to contradiction", "definition": "the speech act of contradicting someone", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he spoke as if he thought his claims were immune to contradiction\" What is the definition of \"contradiction\"?"} {"term": "thereof", "pos": "r", "context": "a problem and the solution thereof", "definition": "of or concerning this or that", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a problem and the solution thereof\" What is the definition of \"thereof\"?"} {"term": "serried", "pos": "s", "context": "in serried ranks", "definition": "pressed together", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in serried ranks\" What is the definition of \"serried\"?"} {"term": "constitutionally", "pos": "r", "context": "this was constitutionally ruled out", "definition": "according to the constitution", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this was constitutionally ruled out\" What is the definition of \"constitutionally\"?"} {"term": "voluminous", "pos": "s", "context": "a voluminous skirt", "definition": "large in volume or bulk", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a voluminous skirt\" What is the definition of \"voluminous\"?"} {"term": "voluminous", "pos": "s", "context": "a subject of voluminous legislation", "definition": "large in number or quantity especially of discourse", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a subject of voluminous legislation\" What is the definition of \"voluminous\"?"} {"term": "oracular", "pos": "a", "context": "able by oracular means to expose a witch", "definition": "of or relating to an oracle", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"able by oracular means to expose a witch\" What is the definition of \"oracular\"?"} {"term": "oracular", "pos": "s", "context": "an oracular message", "definition": "obscurely prophetic", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an oracular message\" What is the definition of \"oracular\"?"} {"term": "oracular", "pos": "s", "context": "the oracular sayings of Victorian poets", "definition": "resembling an oracle in obscurity of thought", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the oracular sayings of Victorian poets\" What is the definition of \"oracular\"?"} {"term": "bluff", "pos": "n", "context": "his bluff succeeded in getting him accepted", "definition": "pretense that your position is stronger than it really is", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his bluff succeeded in getting him accepted\" What is the definition of \"bluff\"?"} {"term": "bluff", "pos": "s", "context": "a bluff headland", "definition": "very steep", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bluff headland\" What is the definition of \"bluff\"?"} {"term": "bluff", "pos": "s", "context": "a bluff headland", "definition": "having a prominent and almost vertical front", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bluff headland\" What is the definition of \"bluff\"?"} {"term": "bluff", "pos": "s", "context": "a bluff but pleasant manner", "definition": "bluntly direct and outspoken but good-natured", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bluff but pleasant manner\" What is the definition of \"bluff\"?"} {"term": "laterally", "pos": "r", "context": "such women carry in their heads kinship knowledge of six generations depth and extending laterally among consanguineal kin as far as the grandchildren of second cousin", "definition": "to or by or from the side", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"such women carry in their heads kinship knowledge of six generations depth and extending laterally among consanguineal kin as far as the grandchildren of second cousin\" What is the definition of \"laterally\"?"} {"term": "laterally", "pos": "r", "context": "the body is spindle-shaped and only slightly compressed laterally", "definition": "in a lateral direction or location", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the body is spindle-shaped and only slightly compressed laterally\" What is the definition of \"laterally\"?"} {"term": "tessellation", "pos": "n", "context": "a tessellation of hexagons", "definition": "the careful juxtaposition of shapes in a pattern", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tessellation of hexagons\" What is the definition of \"tessellation\"?"} {"term": "sober", "pos": "s", "context": "as sober as a judge", "definition": "dignified and somber in manner or character and committed to keeping promises", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as sober as a judge\" What is the definition of \"sober\"?"} {"term": "sober", "pos": "s", "context": "sober Puritan grey", "definition": "lacking brightness or color", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sober Puritan grey\" What is the definition of \"sober\"?"} {"term": "sober", "pos": "s", "context": "sober Puritan grey", "definition": "dull", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sober Puritan grey\" What is the definition of \"sober\"?"} {"term": "white", "pos": "a", "context": "as white as fresh snow", "definition": "being of the achromatic color of maximum lightness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as white as fresh snow\" What is the definition of \"white\"?"} {"term": "white", "pos": "a", "context": "as white as fresh snow", "definition": "having little or no hue owing to reflection of almost all incident light", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as white as fresh snow\" What is the definition of \"white\"?"} {"term": "white", "pos": "a", "context": "voting patterns within the white population", "definition": "of or belonging to a racial group having light skin coloration", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"voting patterns within the white population\" What is the definition of \"white\"?"} {"term": "white", "pos": "s", "context": "in shining white armor", "definition": "free from moral blemish or impurity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in shining white armor\" What is the definition of \"white\"?"} {"term": "white", "pos": "s", "context": "in shining white armor", "definition": "unsullied", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in shining white armor\" What is the definition of \"white\"?"} {"term": "white", "pos": "s", "context": "a white Christmas", "definition": "marked by the presence of snow", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a white Christmas\" What is the definition of \"white\"?"} {"term": "blooded", "pos": "s", "context": "blooded Jersies", "definition": "of unmixed ancestry", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"blooded Jersies\" What is the definition of \"blooded\"?"} {"term": "cheerfulness", "pos": "n", "context": "flowers added a note of cheerfulness to the drab room", "definition": "the quality of being cheerful and dispelling gloom", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["attribute", "sunshine"], "instruction": "\"flowers added a note of cheerfulness to the drab room\" What is the definition of \"cheerfulness\"?"} {"term": "cheerfulness", "pos": "n", "context": "his cheerfulness made everyone feel better", "definition": "a feeling of spontaneous good spirits", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["buoyancy", "blitheness", "insouciance"], "instruction": "\"his cheerfulness made everyone feel better\" What is the definition of \"cheerfulness\"?"} {"term": "beforehand", "pos": "s", "context": "was beforehand with her report", "definition": "being ahead of time or need", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"was beforehand with her report\" What is the definition of \"beforehand\"?"} {"term": "beforehand", "pos": "r", "context": "should have made reservations beforehand", "definition": "ahead of time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"should have made reservations beforehand\" What is the definition of \"beforehand\"?"} {"term": "beforehand", "pos": "r", "context": "should have made reservations beforehand", "definition": "in anticipation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"should have made reservations beforehand\" What is the definition of \"beforehand\"?"} {"term": "adagio", "pos": "r", "context": "here you must play adagio", "definition": "slowly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"here you must play adagio\" What is the definition of \"adagio\"?"} {"term": "nutty", "pos": "s", "context": "a nutty sherry", "definition": "having the flavor of nuts", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a nutty sherry\" What is the definition of \"nutty\"?"} {"term": "exchange", "pos": "n", "context": "they had a bitter exchange", "definition": "a mutual expression of views especially an unpleasant one", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they had a bitter exchange\" What is the definition of \"exchange\"?"} {"term": "exchange", "pos": "n", "context": "Adam was promised immortality in exchange for his disobedience", "definition": "the act of changing one thing for another thing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Adam was promised immortality in exchange for his disobedience\" What is the definition of \"exchange\"?"} {"term": "exchange", "pos": "v", "context": "exchange prisoners", "definition": "to hand over one and receive another , approximately equivalent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"exchange prisoners\" What is the definition of \"exchange\"?"} {"term": "divergence", "pos": "n", "context": "an angle is formed by the divergence of two straight lines", "definition": "the act of moving away in different direction from a common point", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an angle is formed by the divergence of two straight lines\" What is the definition of \"divergence\"?"} {"term": "siliceous", "pos": "a", "context": "gritrock is siliceous sandstone", "definition": "relating to or containing or resembling silica", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gritrock is siliceous sandstone\" What is the definition of \"siliceous\"?"} {"term": "wooden", "pos": "s", "context": "a wooden box", "definition": "made or consisting of entirely or in part or employing wood", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a wooden box\" What is the definition of \"wooden\"?"} {"term": "wooden", "pos": "s", "context": "the actor 's performance was wooden", "definition": "lacking ease or grace", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the actor 's performance was wooden\" What is the definition of \"wooden\"?"} {"term": "trip", "pos": "n", "context": "he took a trip to the shopping center", "definition": "a journey for some purpose usually including the return", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he took a trip to the shopping center\" What is the definition of \"trip\"?"} {"term": "trip", "pos": "n", "context": "an acid trip", "definition": "a hallucinatory experience induced by drugs", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an acid trip\" What is the definition of \"trip\"?"} {"term": "freshman", "pos": "s", "context": "a freshman senator", "definition": "used of a person in the first year of an experience especially in united states high school or college", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a freshman senator\" What is the definition of \"freshman\"?"} {"term": "setting", "pos": "n", "context": "you ca n't do that in a university setting", "definition": "the state of the environment in which a situation exists", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["canvass", "background", "environment", "canvas", "scope"], "instruction": "\"you ca n't do that in a university setting\" What is the definition of \"setting\"?"} {"term": "setting", "pos": "n", "context": "he changed the setting on the thermostat", "definition": "the physical position of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he changed the setting on the thermostat\" What is the definition of \"setting\"?"} {"term": "unimpeachable", "pos": "s", "context": "an unimpeachable source", "definition": "beyond doubt or reproach", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unimpeachable source\" What is the definition of \"unimpeachable\"?"} {"term": "unimpeachable", "pos": "s", "context": "an unimpeachable reputation", "definition": "free of guilt", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unimpeachable reputation\" What is the definition of \"unimpeachable\"?"} {"term": "unimpeachable", "pos": "s", "context": "an unimpeachable reputation", "definition": "not subject to blame", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unimpeachable reputation\" What is the definition of \"unimpeachable\"?"} {"term": "verbally", "pos": "r", "context": "he had a habit of using nouns verbally", "definition": "as a verb", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had a habit of using nouns verbally\" What is the definition of \"verbally\"?"} {"term": "verbally", "pos": "r", "context": "verbally expressive", "definition": "by means of language", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"verbally expressive\" What is the definition of \"verbally\"?"} {"term": "hydric", "pos": "a", "context": "a hydric habitat", "definition": "having or characterized by excessive moisture", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a hydric habitat\" What is the definition of \"hydric\"?"} {"term": "uncertainly", "pos": "r", "context": "he paused uncertainly", "definition": "showing lack of certainty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he paused uncertainly\" What is the definition of \"uncertainly\"?"} {"term": "forwardness", "pos": "n", "context": "the forwardness of the harvest this year", "definition": "an advanced stage", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the forwardness of the harvest this year\" What is the definition of \"forwardness\"?"} {"term": "forwardness", "pos": "n", "context": "he tried to explain his forwardness in battle", "definition": "prompt willingness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he tried to explain his forwardness in battle\" What is the definition of \"forwardness\"?"} {"term": "speaker", "pos": "n", "context": "the speaker at commencement", "definition": "someone who expresses in language", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["stutterer", "magpie", "ranter", "chatterer", "babbler", "conversationalist", "wailer", "witness", "talker", "orator", "venter", "teller", "articulator", "informant", "lecturer", "reciter", "caller", "narrator", "dictator", "stammerer", "raver", "growler", "speechmaker", "whisperer", "rhetorician", "inquirer"], "instruction": "\"the speaker at commencement\" What is the definition of \"speaker\"?"} {"term": "speaker", "pos": "n", "context": "the speaker at commencement", "definition": "someone who talks especially someone who delivers a public speech or someone especially garrulous", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["stutterer", "magpie", "ranter", "chatterer", "babbler", "conversationalist", "wailer", "witness", "talker", "orator", "venter", "teller", "articulator", "informant", "lecturer", "reciter", "caller", "narrator", "dictator", "stammerer", "raver", "growler", "speechmaker", "whisperer", "rhetorician", "inquirer"], "instruction": "\"the speaker at commencement\" What is the definition of \"speaker\"?"} {"term": "slighting", "pos": "s", "context": "a slighting remark", "definition": "tending to diminish or disparage", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a slighting remark\" What is the definition of \"slighting\"?"} {"term": "indigo", "pos": "s", "context": "indigo flowers", "definition": "having a color between blue and violet", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"indigo flowers\" What is the definition of \"indigo\"?"} {"term": "translate", "pos": "v", "context": "I have to translate when my in-laws from Austria visit the U.S.", "definition": "to restate words from one language into another language", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["interpret", "iterate", "reiterate", "repeat", "repeating", "retell", "gloss"], "instruction": "\"I have to translate when my in-laws from Austria visit the U.S.\" What is the definition of \"translate\"?"} {"term": "clamber", "pos": "n", "context": "reaching the crest was a real clamber", "definition": "an awkward climb", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"reaching the crest was a real clamber\" What is the definition of \"clamber\"?"} {"term": "lobe", "pos": "n", "context": "ear lobe", "definition": "a somewhat rounded subdivision of a bodily organ or part", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ear lobe\" What is the definition of \"lobe\"?"} {"term": "bouncing", "pos": "s", "context": "a bouncing baby", "definition": "vigorously healthy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bouncing baby\" What is the definition of \"bouncing\"?"} {"term": "bouncing", "pos": "s", "context": "a bouncing gait", "definition": "marked by lively action", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bouncing gait\" What is the definition of \"bouncing\"?"} {"term": "narrative", "pos": "n", "context": "his narrative was interesting", "definition": "a message that tells the particulars of an act or occurrence or course of events", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["narration", "tale", "story", "substance"], "instruction": "\"his narrative was interesting\" What is the definition of \"narrative\"?"} {"term": "narrative", "pos": "n", "context": "his narrative was interesting", "definition": "presented in writing or drama or cinema or as a radio or television program", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["narration", "tale", "story", "substance"], "instruction": "\"his narrative was interesting\" What is the definition of \"narrative\"?"} {"term": "narrative", "pos": "s", "context": "narrative poetry", "definition": "consisting of or characterized by the telling of a story", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"narrative poetry\" What is the definition of \"narrative\"?"} {"term": "sow", "pos": "v", "context": "sow suspicion or beliefs", "definition": "to introduce into an environment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sow suspicion or beliefs\" What is the definition of \"sow\"?"} {"term": "sow", "pos": "v", "context": "sow the ground with sunflower seeds", "definition": "to place seeds in or on the ground", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["sow", "inseminate", "seed"], "instruction": "\"sow the ground with sunflower seeds\" What is the definition of \"sow\"?"} {"term": "complexion", "pos": "n", "context": "he altered the complexion of his times", "definition": "a point of view or general attitude or inclination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he altered the complexion of his times\" What is the definition of \"complexion\"?"} {"term": "captivity", "pos": "n", "context": "he was held in captivity until he died", "definition": "the state of being imprisoned", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["incarceration", "internment"], "instruction": "\"he was held in captivity until he died\" What is the definition of \"captivity\"?"} {"term": "discipline", "pos": "n", "context": "in what discipline is his doctorate ?", "definition": "a branch of knowledge", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["engineering", "science", "bailiwick", "occultism", "frontier", "theology", "architecture", "subject", "genealogy", "graphology", "study", "divinity", "technology", "major"], "instruction": "\"in what discipline is his doctorate ?\" What is the definition of \"discipline\"?"} {"term": "discipline", "pos": "n", "context": "he quickly learned the discipline of prison routine", "definition": "a system of rules of conduct or method of practice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he quickly learned the discipline of prison routine\" What is the definition of \"discipline\"?"} {"term": "discipline", "pos": "n", "context": "he insisted on discipline among the troops", "definition": "the trait of being well behaved", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he insisted on discipline among the troops\" What is the definition of \"discipline\"?"} {"term": "discipline", "pos": "v", "context": "Parents must discipline their children", "definition": "to develop childrens behavior by instruction and practice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["training", "develop", "condition", "mortifying"], "instruction": "\"Parents must discipline their children\" What is the definition of \"discipline\"?"} {"term": "discipline", "pos": "v", "context": "Parents must discipline their children", "definition": "to especially to teach self-control", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["training", "develop", "condition", "mortifying"], "instruction": "\"Parents must discipline their children\" What is the definition of \"discipline\"?"} {"term": "impassive", "pos": "s", "context": "her impassive remoteness", "definition": "having or revealing little emotion or sensibility", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her impassive remoteness\" What is the definition of \"impassive\"?"} {"term": "impassive", "pos": "s", "context": "her impassive remoteness", "definition": "not easily aroused or excited", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her impassive remoteness\" What is the definition of \"impassive\"?"} {"term": "fair", "pos": "n", "context": "world fair", "definition": "gathering of producers to promote business", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"world fair\" What is the definition of \"fair\"?"} {"term": "fair", "pos": "n", "context": "she won a blue ribbon for her baking at the county fair", "definition": "a competitive exhibition of farm products", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she won a blue ribbon for her baking at the county fair\" What is the definition of \"fair\"?"} {"term": "fair", "pos": "a", "context": "a fair referee", "definition": "free from favoritism or self-interest or bias or deception", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fair referee\" What is the definition of \"fair\"?"} {"term": "fair", "pos": "a", "context": "a fair referee", "definition": "conforming with established standards or rules", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fair referee\" What is the definition of \"fair\"?"} {"term": "fair", "pos": "a", "context": "he hit a fair ball over the third base bag", "definition": "hit between the foul lines", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he hit a fair ball over the third base bag\" What is the definition of \"fair\"?"} {"term": "fair", "pos": "s", "context": "the fair sex", "definition": "attractively feminine", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the fair sex\" What is the definition of \"fair\"?"} {"term": "fair", "pos": "s", "context": "today will be fair and warm", "definition": "free of clouds or rain", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"today will be fair and warm\" What is the definition of \"fair\"?"} {"term": "therapy", "pos": "n", "context": "heat therapy gave the best relief", "definition": "the act of caring for someone as by medication or remedial training etc. .", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"heat therapy gave the best relief\" What is the definition of \"therapy\"?"} {"term": "prying", "pos": "s", "context": "prying eyes", "definition": "offensively curious or inquisitive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"prying eyes\" What is the definition of \"prying\"?"} {"term": "flaxen", "pos": "s", "context": "flaxen locks", "definition": "of hair color", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"flaxen locks\" What is the definition of \"flaxen\"?"} {"term": "flaxen", "pos": "s", "context": "flaxen locks", "definition": "pale yellowish to yellowish brown", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"flaxen locks\" What is the definition of \"flaxen\"?"} {"term": "mind", "pos": "n", "context": "his mind wandered", "definition": "that which is responsible for ones thoughts and feelings", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["unconscious", "ego", "knowledge", "subconscious", "cognition", "psyche", "brain"], "instruction": "\"his mind wandered\" What is the definition of \"mind\"?"} {"term": "mind", "pos": "n", "context": "his mind wandered", "definition": "the seat of the faculty of reason", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["unconscious", "ego", "knowledge", "subconscious", "cognition", "psyche", "brain"], "instruction": "\"his mind wandered\" What is the definition of \"mind\"?"} {"term": "mind", "pos": "n", "context": "it came to mind", "definition": "recall or remembrance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it came to mind\" What is the definition of \"mind\"?"} {"term": "mind", "pos": "n", "context": "do n't pay him any mind", "definition": "attention", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"do n't pay him any mind\" What is the definition of \"mind\"?"} {"term": "mind", "pos": "v", "context": "I do n't mind your behavior", "definition": "to be offended or bothered by", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["minded", "object"], "instruction": "\"I do n't mind your behavior\" What is the definition of \"mind\"?"} {"term": "mind", "pos": "v", "context": "I do n't mind your behavior", "definition": "to take offense with , be bothered by", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["minded", "object"], "instruction": "\"I do n't mind your behavior\" What is the definition of \"mind\"?"} {"term": "superhuman", "pos": "a", "context": "superhuman beings", "definition": "above or beyond the human or demanding more than human power or endurance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"superhuman beings\" What is the definition of \"superhuman\"?"} {"term": "bewitching", "pos": "s", "context": "bewitching smile", "definition": "capturing interest as if by a spell", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bewitching smile\" What is the definition of \"bewitching\"?"} {"term": "worldly", "pos": "a", "context": "worldly goods and advancement", "definition": "characteristic of or devoted to the temporal world as opposed to the spiritual world", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"worldly goods and advancement\" What is the definition of \"worldly\"?"} {"term": "worldly", "pos": "s", "context": "the benefits of his worldly wisdom", "definition": "very sophisticated especially because of surfeit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the benefits of his worldly wisdom\" What is the definition of \"worldly\"?"} {"term": "worldly", "pos": "s", "context": "the benefits of his worldly wisdom", "definition": "versed in the ways of the world", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the benefits of his worldly wisdom\" What is the definition of \"worldly\"?"} {"term": "kinky", "pos": "s", "context": "kinky sex", "definition": "showing or appealing to bizarre or deviant tastes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"kinky sex\" What is the definition of \"kinky\"?"} {"term": "shortsighted", "pos": "s", "context": "shortsighted policies", "definition": "lacking foresight or scope", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shortsighted policies\" What is the definition of \"shortsighted\"?"} {"term": "dealer", "pos": "n", "context": "a dealer in stolen goods", "definition": "a seller of illicit goods", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dealer in stolen goods\" What is the definition of \"dealer\"?"} {"term": "demonic", "pos": "s", "context": "something demonic in him -- something that could be cruel", "definition": "extremely evil or cruel", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["diabolic", "fiendish", "hellish", "", "satanic", "infernal"], "instruction": "\"something demonic in him -- something that could be cruel\" What is the definition of \"demonic\"?"} {"term": "demonic", "pos": "s", "context": "something demonic in him -- something that could be cruel", "definition": "expressive of cruelty or befitting hell", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["diabolic", "fiendish", "hellish", "", "satanic", "infernal"], "instruction": "\"something demonic in him -- something that could be cruel\" What is the definition of \"demonic\"?"} {"term": "closeness", "pos": "n", "context": "their closeness grew as the night wore on", "definition": "a feeling of being intimate and belonging together", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their closeness grew as the night wore on\" What is the definition of \"closeness\"?"} {"term": "queer", "pos": "s", "context": "something definitely queer about this town", "definition": "beyond or deviating from the usual or expected", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["peculiar", "", "rum", "singular", "rummy", "funny", "curious"], "instruction": "\"something definitely queer about this town\" What is the definition of \"queer\"?"} {"term": "rosy", "pos": "s", "context": "a rosy future", "definition": "reflecting optimism", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a rosy future\" What is the definition of \"rosy\"?"} {"term": "figment", "pos": "n", "context": "a figment of the imagination", "definition": "a contrived or fantastic idea", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a figment of the imagination\" What is the definition of \"figment\"?"} {"term": "tot", "pos": "n", "context": "a tot of rum", "definition": "a small amount especially of a drink", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tot of rum\" What is the definition of \"tot\"?"} {"term": "dramatize", "pos": "v", "context": "These events dramatize the lack of social responsibility among today 's youth", "definition": "to represent something in a dramatic manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"These events dramatize the lack of social responsibility among today 's youth\" What is the definition of \"dramatize\"?"} {"term": "sedulous", "pos": "s", "context": "sedulous pursuit of legal and moral principles", "definition": "marked by care and persistent effort", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sedulous pursuit of legal and moral principles\" What is the definition of \"sedulous\"?"} {"term": "slumber", "pos": "n", "context": "calm as a child in dreamless slumber", "definition": "a natural and periodic state of rest during which consciousness of the world is suspended", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"calm as a child in dreamless slumber\" What is the definition of \"slumber\"?"} {"term": "prerequisite", "pos": "n", "context": "Latin was a prerequisite for admission", "definition": "something that is required in advance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["requirement", "precondition", "obligation", "duty"], "instruction": "\"Latin was a prerequisite for admission\" What is the definition of \"prerequisite\"?"} {"term": "daytime", "pos": "n", "context": "it is easier to make the repairs in the daytime", "definition": "the time after sunrise and before sunset while it is light outside", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["eve", "evening", "even", "eventide", "period", "afternoon", "daylight"], "instruction": "\"it is easier to make the repairs in the daytime\" What is the definition of \"daytime\"?"} {"term": "instinctive", "pos": "s", "context": "offering to help was as instinctive as breathing", "definition": "unthinking", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"offering to help was as instinctive as breathing\" What is the definition of \"instinctive\"?"} {"term": "instinctive", "pos": "s", "context": "offering to help was as instinctive as breathing", "definition": "prompted by or as if by instinct", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"offering to help was as instinctive as breathing\" What is the definition of \"instinctive\"?"} {"term": "richly", "pos": "r", "context": "we benefited richly", "definition": "to an ample degree or in an ample manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we benefited richly\" What is the definition of \"richly\"?"} {"term": "convertible", "pos": "a", "context": "convertible securities", "definition": "capable of being exchanged for or replaced by something of equal value", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["exchangeable", ""], "instruction": "\"convertible securities\" What is the definition of \"convertible\"?"} {"term": "convertible", "pos": "s", "context": "a convertible sofa", "definition": "designed to be changed from one use or form to another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a convertible sofa\" What is the definition of \"convertible\"?"} {"term": "favored", "pos": "v", "context": "The local team was favored", "definition": "to consider as the favorite", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["consider", "regard", "see", "reckon", "view", "favor"], "instruction": "\"The local team was favored\" What is the definition of \"favored\"?"} {"term": "favored", "pos": "s", "context": "the favored child", "definition": "preferred above all others and treated with partiality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["pet", "", "favorite"], "instruction": "\"the favored child\" What is the definition of \"favored\"?"} {"term": "sidereal", "pos": "a", "context": "sidereal bodies", "definition": "of or relating to the stars or constellations", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sidereal bodies\" What is the definition of \"sidereal\"?"} {"term": "sidereal", "pos": "a", "context": "sidereal time", "definition": "determined by daily motion of the stars", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sidereal time\" What is the definition of \"sidereal\"?"} {"term": "salubrious", "pos": "s", "context": "not the most salubrious campsite", "definition": "favorable to health of mind or body", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"not the most salubrious campsite\" What is the definition of \"salubrious\"?"} {"term": "salubrious", "pos": "s", "context": "the salubrious mountain air and water \" - C.B.Davis", "definition": "promoting health", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the salubrious mountain air and water \" - C.B.Davis\" What is the definition of \"salubrious\"?"} {"term": "salubrious", "pos": "s", "context": "the salubrious mountain air and water \" - C.B.Davis", "definition": "healthful", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the salubrious mountain air and water \" - C.B.Davis\" What is the definition of \"salubrious\"?"} {"term": "photographic", "pos": "a", "context": "photographic equipment", "definition": "relating to photography or obtained by using photography", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"photographic equipment\" What is the definition of \"photographic\"?"} {"term": "embarrassment", "pos": "n", "context": "the outcome of the vote was an embarrassment for the liberals", "definition": "some event that causes someone to be embarrassed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the outcome of the vote was an embarrassment for the liberals\" What is the definition of \"embarrassment\"?"} {"term": "loft", "pos": "v", "context": "loft a ball", "definition": "to kick or strike high in the air", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"loft a ball\" What is the definition of \"loft\"?"} {"term": "alpha", "pos": "s", "context": "the alpha male in the group of chimpanzees", "definition": "first in order of importance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the alpha male in the group of chimpanzees\" What is the definition of \"alpha\"?"} {"term": "alpha", "pos": "s", "context": "alpha version", "definition": "early testing stage of a software or hardware product", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"alpha version\" What is the definition of \"alpha\"?"} {"term": "compile", "pos": "v", "context": "compile a list", "definition": "to put together out of existing material", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["compose", "make", "catalog"], "instruction": "\"compile a list\" What is the definition of \"compile\"?"} {"term": "tripper", "pos": "n", "context": "the pressure activates the tripper and releases the water", "definition": "a catch mechanism that acts as a switch", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["trip", "stop", "catch"], "instruction": "\"the pressure activates the tripper and releases the water\" What is the definition of \"tripper\"?"} {"term": "indecisive", "pos": "a", "context": "an indecisive manager brought the enterprise to a standstill", "definition": "characterized by lack of decision and firmness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an indecisive manager brought the enterprise to a standstill\" What is the definition of \"indecisive\"?"} {"term": "indecisive", "pos": "a", "context": "a long and indecisive war", "definition": "not definitely settling something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a long and indecisive war\" What is the definition of \"indecisive\"?"} {"term": "indecisive", "pos": "s", "context": "indecisive boundaries running through mountains", "definition": "not clearly defined", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"indecisive boundaries running through mountains\" What is the definition of \"indecisive\"?"} {"term": "tab", "pos": "n", "context": "pull the tab to open the can", "definition": "a short strip of material attached to or projecting from something in order to facilitate opening or identifying or handling it", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pull the tab to open the can\" What is the definition of \"tab\"?"} {"term": "dusky", "pos": "s", "context": "The dusky night rides down the sky/And ushers in the morn \" - Henry Fielding", "definition": "lighted by or as if by twilight", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The dusky night rides down the sky/And ushers in the morn \" - Henry Fielding\" What is the definition of \"dusky\"?"} {"term": "dusky", "pos": "s", "context": "gold earrings gleamed against her dusky cheeks", "definition": "naturally having skin of a dark color", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gold earrings gleamed against her dusky cheeks\" What is the definition of \"dusky\"?"} {"term": "constriction", "pos": "n", "context": "he felt a constriction in her chest", "definition": "a tight feeling in some part of the body", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["feeling", "tightness"], "instruction": "\"he felt a constriction in her chest\" What is the definition of \"constriction\"?"} {"term": "safe", "pos": "a", "context": "a safe trip", "definition": "free from danger or the risk of harm", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a safe trip\" What is the definition of \"safe\"?"} {"term": "safe", "pos": "a", "context": "the runner was called safe when the baseman dropped the ball", "definition": "having reached a base without being put out", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the runner was called safe when the baseman dropped the ball\" What is the definition of \"safe\"?"} {"term": "fallacious", "pos": "s", "context": "fallacious reasoning", "definition": "containing or based on a fallacy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fallacious reasoning\" What is the definition of \"fallacious\"?"} {"term": "fallacious", "pos": "s", "context": "fallacious hope", "definition": "based on an incorrect or misleading notion or information", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fallacious hope\" What is the definition of \"fallacious\"?"} {"term": "fallacious", "pos": "s", "context": "fallacious testimony", "definition": "intended to deceive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fallacious testimony\" What is the definition of \"fallacious\"?"} {"term": "winnowing", "pos": "n", "context": "the winnowing was done by women", "definition": "the act of separating grain from chaff", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["winnow", "separation"], "instruction": "\"the winnowing was done by women\" What is the definition of \"winnowing\"?"} {"term": "winnowing", "pos": "v", "context": "She stood there winnowing chaff all day in the field", "definition": "to separate the chaff from by using air currents", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["strain", "winnow", "sift"], "instruction": "\"She stood there winnowing chaff all day in the field\" What is the definition of \"winnowing\"?"} {"term": "winnowing", "pos": "v", "context": "The wind was winnowing her hair", "definition": "to blow on", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The wind was winnowing her hair\" What is the definition of \"winnowing\"?"} {"term": "inept", "pos": "s", "context": "an inept remark", "definition": "revealing lack of perceptiveness or judgment or finesse", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an inept remark\" What is the definition of \"inept\"?"} {"term": "inept", "pos": "s", "context": "if the rumor is true , can anything be more inept than to repeat it now ?", "definition": "not elegant or graceful in expression", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if the rumor is true , can anything be more inept than to repeat it now ?\" What is the definition of \"inept\"?"} {"term": "inept", "pos": "s", "context": "inept handling of the account", "definition": "generally incompetent and ineffectual", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"inept handling of the account\" What is the definition of \"inept\"?"} {"term": "difficulty", "pos": "n", "context": "they agreed about the difficulty of the climb", "definition": "the quality of being difficult", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they agreed about the difficulty of the climb\" What is the definition of \"difficulty\"?"} {"term": "sketchy", "pos": "s", "context": "a sketchy account", "definition": "giving only major points", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sketchy account\" What is the definition of \"sketchy\"?"} {"term": "sketchy", "pos": "s", "context": "a sketchy account", "definition": "lacking completeness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sketchy account\" What is the definition of \"sketchy\"?"} {"term": "somehow", "pos": "r", "context": "they managed somehow", "definition": "in some unspecified way or manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they managed somehow\" What is the definition of \"somehow\"?"} {"term": "somehow", "pos": "r", "context": "they managed somehow", "definition": "or by some unspecified means", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they managed somehow\" What is the definition of \"somehow\"?"} {"term": "somehow", "pos": "r", "context": "It does n't seem fair somehow", "definition": "for some unspecified reason", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"It does n't seem fair somehow\" What is the definition of \"somehow\"?"} {"term": "perfuse", "pos": "v", "context": "perfuse a liver with a salt solution", "definition": "to force a fluid through a body part or tissue", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"perfuse a liver with a salt solution\" What is the definition of \"perfuse\"?"} {"term": "equator", "pos": "n", "context": "the equator is the boundary between the northern and southern hemispheres", "definition": "an imaginary line around the earth forming the great circle that is equidistant from the north and south poles", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the equator is the boundary between the northern and southern hemispheres\" What is the definition of \"equator\"?"} {"term": "roving", "pos": "v", "context": "roving vagabonds", "definition": "to move about aimlessly or without any destination , often in search of food or employment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["stray", "roll", "drift", "cast", "travel", "roam", "gad", "swan", "range", "tramp", "rove"], "instruction": "\"roving vagabonds\" What is the definition of \"roving\"?"} {"term": "microscopic", "pos": "a", "context": "microscopic analysis", "definition": "of or relating to or used in microscopy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"microscopic analysis\" What is the definition of \"microscopic\"?"} {"term": "microscopic", "pos": "s", "context": "examined it with microscopic care", "definition": "extremely precise with great attention to details", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"examined it with microscopic care\" What is the definition of \"microscopic\"?"} {"term": "microscopic", "pos": "s", "context": "differences were microscopic", "definition": "so small as to be invisible without a microscope", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"differences were microscopic\" What is the definition of \"microscopic\"?"} {"term": "modification", "pos": "n", "context": "a modification of last year 's model", "definition": "slightly modified copy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a modification of last year 's model\" What is the definition of \"modification\"?"} {"term": "modification", "pos": "n", "context": "a modification of last year 's model", "definition": "not an exact copy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a modification of last year 's model\" What is the definition of \"modification\"?"} {"term": "violently", "pos": "r", "context": "they attacked violently", "definition": "in a violent manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they attacked violently\" What is the definition of \"violently\"?"} {"term": "perceivable", "pos": "s", "context": "perceivable through the mist", "definition": "capable of being perceived especially by sight or hearing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"perceivable through the mist\" What is the definition of \"perceivable\"?"} {"term": "approach", "pos": "n", "context": "his approach to every problem is to draw up a list of pros and cons", "definition": "ideas or actions intended to deal with a problem or situation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["formulation", "attack"], "instruction": "\"his approach to every problem is to draw up a list of pros and cons\" What is the definition of \"approach\"?"} {"term": "approach", "pos": "n", "context": "the hunter 's approach scattered the geese", "definition": "the act of drawing spatially closer to something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["access", "coming", "approaching", "movement", "motion"], "instruction": "\"the hunter 's approach scattered the geese\" What is the definition of \"approach\"?"} {"term": "unwind", "pos": "v", "context": "unwind a ball of yarn", "definition": "to reverse the winding or twisting of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["unroll", "moving", "displace"], "instruction": "\"unwind a ball of yarn\" What is the definition of \"unwind\"?"} {"term": "creek", "pos": "n", "context": "the creek dried up every summer", "definition": "a natural stream of water smaller than a river and often a tributary of a river", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["watercourse", "brook", "stream"], "instruction": "\"the creek dried up every summer\" What is the definition of \"creek\"?"} {"term": "legitimate", "pos": "s", "context": "legitimate advertising practices", "definition": "in accordance with recognized or accepted standards or principles", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"legitimate advertising practices\" What is the definition of \"legitimate\"?"} {"term": "legitimate", "pos": "s", "context": "a legitimate government", "definition": "authorized , sanctioned by , or in accordance with law", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a legitimate government\" What is the definition of \"legitimate\"?"} {"term": "jiggle", "pos": "v", "context": "Do n't jiggle your finger while the nurse is putting on the bandage !", "definition": "to move to and fro", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["agitate", "waggle", "wag", "shook", "shaken", "joggle"], "instruction": "\"Do n't jiggle your finger while the nurse is putting on the bandage !\" What is the definition of \"jiggle\"?"} {"term": "theology", "pos": "n", "context": "Jewish theology", "definition": "a particular system or school of religious beliefs and teachings", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Jewish theology\" What is the definition of \"theology\"?"} {"term": "theology", "pos": "n", "context": "he studied theology at Oxford", "definition": "the learned profession acquired by specialized courses in religion usually taught at a college or seminary", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he studied theology at Oxford\" What is the definition of \"theology\"?"} {"term": "anticlimax", "pos": "n", "context": "the anticlimax of a brilliant career", "definition": "a disappointing decline after a previous rise", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the anticlimax of a brilliant career\" What is the definition of \"anticlimax\"?"} {"term": "buzz", "pos": "n", "context": "the buzz of a bumble bee", "definition": "sound of rapid vibration", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the buzz of a bumble bee\" What is the definition of \"buzz\"?"} {"term": "buzz", "pos": "n", "context": "the buzz of excitement was so great that a formal denial was issued", "definition": "a confusion of activity and gossip", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the buzz of excitement was so great that a formal denial was issued\" What is the definition of \"buzz\"?"} {"term": "flout", "pos": "v", "context": "flout the rules", "definition": "to treat with contemptuous disregard", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"flout the rules\" What is the definition of \"flout\"?"} {"term": "usher", "pos": "v", "context": "The usher showed us to our seats", "definition": "to take someone to their seats , as in theaters or auditoriums", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["lead", "taking", "marshal", "leading", "conduct", "show", "direct", "take", "guide"], "instruction": "\"The usher showed us to our seats\" What is the definition of \"usher\"?"} {"term": "indoor", "pos": "a", "context": "indoor activities for a rainy day", "definition": "located , suited for , or taking place within a building", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"indoor activities for a rainy day\" What is the definition of \"indoor\"?"} {"term": "indoor", "pos": "s", "context": "an indoor setting", "definition": "within doors", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an indoor setting\" What is the definition of \"indoor\"?"} {"term": "conceive", "pos": "v", "context": "She can not conceive", "definition": "to become pregnant", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"She can not conceive\" What is the definition of \"conceive\"?"} {"term": "conceive", "pos": "v", "context": "She can not conceive", "definition": "to undergo conception", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"She can not conceive\" What is the definition of \"conceive\"?"} {"term": "snide", "pos": "s", "context": "makes many a sharp comparison but never a mean or snide one", "definition": "expressive of contempt", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"makes many a sharp comparison but never a mean or snide one\" What is the definition of \"snide\"?"} {"term": "sentimental", "pos": "s", "context": "sentimental soap operas", "definition": "effusively or insincerely emotional", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sentimental soap operas\" What is the definition of \"sentimental\"?"} {"term": "wick", "pos": "n", "context": "the physician put a wick in the wound to drain it", "definition": "any piece of cord that conveys liquid by capillary action", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the physician put a wick in the wound to drain it\" What is the definition of \"wick\"?"} {"term": "phantasmagoric", "pos": "s", "context": "a great concourse of phantasmagoric shadows \" -- J.C.Powys", "definition": "characterized by fantastic imagery and incongruous juxtapositions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a great concourse of phantasmagoric shadows \" -- J.C.Powys\" What is the definition of \"phantasmagoric\"?"} {"term": "tonight", "pos": "r", "context": "drop by tonight", "definition": "during the night of the present day", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"drop by tonight\" What is the definition of \"tonight\"?"} {"term": "brand", "pos": "n", "context": "there 's a new brand of hero in the movies now", "definition": "a recognizable kind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["variety", "make", "form", "kind"], "instruction": "\"there 's a new brand of hero in the movies now\" What is the definition of \"brand\"?"} {"term": "matronly", "pos": "s", "context": "her matronly figure", "definition": "befitting or characteristic of a fully mature woman", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her matronly figure\" What is the definition of \"matronly\"?"} {"term": "candied", "pos": "s", "context": "candied grapefruit peel", "definition": "encrusted with sugar or syrup", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"candied grapefruit peel\" What is the definition of \"candied\"?"} {"term": "jingle", "pos": "n", "context": "the jingle of coins", "definition": "a metallic sound", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the jingle of coins\" What is the definition of \"jingle\"?"} {"term": "included", "pos": "s", "context": "the included check", "definition": "enclosed in the same envelope or package", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the included check\" What is the definition of \"included\"?"} {"term": "succulent", "pos": "s", "context": "succulent roast beef", "definition": "full of juice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"succulent roast beef\" What is the definition of \"succulent\"?"} {"term": "pleural", "pos": "a", "context": "pleural muscles", "definition": "of or relating to the pleura or the walls of the thorax", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pleural muscles\" What is the definition of \"pleural\"?"} {"term": "ambitiously", "pos": "r", "context": "she pursued her goals ambitiously", "definition": "with ambition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she pursued her goals ambitiously\" What is the definition of \"ambitiously\"?"} {"term": "ambitiously", "pos": "r", "context": "she pursued her goals ambitiously", "definition": "in an ambitious and energetic manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she pursued her goals ambitiously\" What is the definition of \"ambitiously\"?"} {"term": "lilliputian", "pos": "s", "context": "a lilliputian chest of drawers", "definition": "very small", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a lilliputian chest of drawers\" What is the definition of \"lilliputian\"?"} {"term": "lilliputian", "pos": "s", "context": "our worries are lilliputian compared with those of countries that are at war", "definition": "small and of little importance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"our worries are lilliputian compared with those of countries that are at war\" What is the definition of \"lilliputian\"?"} {"term": "solidity", "pos": "n", "context": "the solidity of the evidence worked in his favor", "definition": "the quality of being solid and reliable financially or factually or morally", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["solidness", "reliability"], "instruction": "\"the solidity of the evidence worked in his favor\" What is the definition of \"solidity\"?"} {"term": "mount", "pos": "v", "context": "mount slides for macroscopic analysis", "definition": "to fix onto a backing , setting , or support", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["mounted", "set", "prepare", "ready", "mounting", "prepared"], "instruction": "\"mount slides for macroscopic analysis\" What is the definition of \"mount\"?"} {"term": "mount", "pos": "v", "context": "mount a campaign against pornography", "definition": "to put up or launch", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mount a campaign against pornography\" What is the definition of \"mount\"?"} {"term": "redistribute", "pos": "v", "context": "redistribute the troops more strategically", "definition": "to distribute anew", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"redistribute the troops more strategically\" What is the definition of \"redistribute\"?"} {"term": "leeward", "pos": "a", "context": "on the leeward side of the island", "definition": "on the side away from the wind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on the leeward side of the island\" What is the definition of \"leeward\"?"} {"term": "leeward", "pos": "r", "context": "they were sailing leeward", "definition": "toward the wind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they were sailing leeward\" What is the definition of \"leeward\"?"} {"term": "exuberant", "pos": "s", "context": "exuberant compliments", "definition": "unrestrained , especially with regard to feelings", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["excessive", "", "overweening", "extravagant"], "instruction": "\"exuberant compliments\" What is the definition of \"exuberant\"?"} {"term": "punt", "pos": "n", "context": "the punt traveled 50 yards", "definition": "a kick in which the football is dropped from the hands and kicked before it touches the ground", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the punt traveled 50 yards\" What is the definition of \"punt\"?"} {"term": "voiced", "pos": "a", "context": "a frequently voiced opinion", "definition": "produced with vibration of the vocal cords", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["soft", ""], "instruction": "\"a frequently voiced opinion\" What is the definition of \"voiced\"?"} {"term": "opponent", "pos": "s", "context": "opponent ( or opposing ) armies", "definition": "characterized by active hostility", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"opponent ( or opposing ) armies\" What is the definition of \"opponent\"?"} {"term": "buffoonish", "pos": "s", "context": "a buffoonish walk", "definition": "like a clown", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a buffoonish walk\" What is the definition of \"buffoonish\"?"} {"term": "ignominious", "pos": "s", "context": "an ignominious retreat", "definition": "deserving or bringing disgrace or shame", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an ignominious retreat\" What is the definition of \"ignominious\"?"} {"term": "impermissible", "pos": "a", "context": "impermissible behavior", "definition": "not permitted", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"impermissible behavior\" What is the definition of \"impermissible\"?"} {"term": "utilize", "pos": "v", "context": "How do you utilize this tool ?", "definition": "to put into service", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["share", "devote", "strain", "consecrate", "play", "ply", "employ", "enjoy", "overdrive", "address", "resort", "strained", "put", "avail", "misuse", "devoted", "exploit", "exert", "assign", "take", "implement", "misapply", "tap", "dedicate"], "instruction": "\"How do you utilize this tool ?\" What is the definition of \"utilize\"?"} {"term": "utilize", "pos": "v", "context": "How do you utilize this tool ?", "definition": "to make work or employ for a particular purpose or for its inherent or natural purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["share", "devote", "strain", "consecrate", "play", "ply", "employ", "enjoy", "overdrive", "address", "resort", "strained", "put", "avail", "misuse", "devoted", "exploit", "exert", "assign", "take", "implement", "misapply", "tap", "dedicate"], "instruction": "\"How do you utilize this tool ?\" What is the definition of \"utilize\"?"} {"term": "killer", "pos": "n", "context": "that exam was a real killer", "definition": "a difficulty that is hard to deal with", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that exam was a real killer\" What is the definition of \"killer\"?"} {"term": "killer", "pos": "n", "context": "heart disease is the biggest killer in the United States", "definition": "the causal agent resulting in death", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"heart disease is the biggest killer in the United States\" What is the definition of \"killer\"?"} {"term": "evasion", "pos": "n", "context": "his evasion of all his creditors", "definition": "the deliberate act of failing to pay money", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his evasion of all his creditors\" What is the definition of \"evasion\"?"} {"term": "evasion", "pos": "n", "context": "his evasion of his clear duty was reprehensible", "definition": "nonperformance of something distasteful as by deceit or trickery that you are supposed to do", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["neglect", "carelessness", "soldiering", "negligence", "escape", "nonperformance"], "instruction": "\"his evasion of his clear duty was reprehensible\" What is the definition of \"evasion\"?"} {"term": "abyssal", "pos": "s", "context": "the abyssal depths of the ocean", "definition": "resembling an abyss in depth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the abyssal depths of the ocean\" What is the definition of \"abyssal\"?"} {"term": "abyssal", "pos": "s", "context": "the abyssal depths of the ocean", "definition": "so deep as to be unmeasurable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the abyssal depths of the ocean\" What is the definition of \"abyssal\"?"} {"term": "wrongful", "pos": "s", "context": "wrongful death", "definition": "unlawfully violating the rights of others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wrongful death\" What is the definition of \"wrongful\"?"} {"term": "wrongful", "pos": "s", "context": "a wrongful act", "definition": "not just or fair", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a wrongful act\" What is the definition of \"wrongful\"?"} {"term": "wrongful", "pos": "s", "context": "the wrongful heir to the throne", "definition": "having no legally established claim", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the wrongful heir to the throne\" What is the definition of \"wrongful\"?"} {"term": "crosswise", "pos": "a", "context": "a crosswise street", "definition": "lying or extending across the length of a thing or in a cross direction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a crosswise street\" What is the definition of \"crosswise\"?"} {"term": "crosswise", "pos": "r", "context": "things are going crosswise", "definition": "not in the intended manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"things are going crosswise\" What is the definition of \"crosswise\"?"} {"term": "tantrum", "pos": "n", "context": "she threw a tantrum", "definition": "a display of bad temper", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["fit", ""], "instruction": "\"she threw a tantrum\" What is the definition of \"tantrum\"?"} {"term": "extramural", "pos": "a", "context": "extramural sports", "definition": "carried on outside the bounds of an institution or community", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"extramural sports\" What is the definition of \"extramural\"?"} {"term": "cultured", "pos": "s", "context": "cultured Bostonians", "definition": "marked by refinement in taste and manners", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cultured Bostonians\" What is the definition of \"cultured\"?"} {"term": "acceptance", "pos": "n", "context": "torn jeans received no acceptance at the country club", "definition": "the state of being acceptable and accepted", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"torn jeans received no acceptance at the country club\" What is the definition of \"acceptance\"?"} {"term": "explicable", "pos": "a", "context": "explicable behavior", "definition": "capable of being explicated or accounted for", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"explicable behavior\" What is the definition of \"explicable\"?"} {"term": "dissolving", "pos": "n", "context": "the dissolving of salt in water", "definition": "the process of going into solution", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["dissolution", "liquefaction"], "instruction": "\"the dissolving of salt in water\" What is the definition of \"dissolving\"?"} {"term": "humanly", "pos": "r", "context": "humanly possible", "definition": "in the manner of human beings", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"humanly possible\" What is the definition of \"humanly\"?"} {"term": "endless", "pos": "s", "context": "endless debates", "definition": "tiresomely long", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"endless debates\" What is the definition of \"endless\"?"} {"term": "endless", "pos": "s", "context": "endless debates", "definition": "seemingly without end", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"endless debates\" What is the definition of \"endless\"?"} {"term": "endless", "pos": "s", "context": "endless waves", "definition": "infinitely great in number", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"endless waves\" What is the definition of \"endless\"?"} {"term": "endless", "pos": "s", "context": "an endless chain", "definition": "having the ends united so as to form a continuous whole", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an endless chain\" What is the definition of \"endless\"?"} {"term": "elysian", "pos": "s", "context": "an elysian meal", "definition": "being of such surpassing excellence as to suggest inspiration by the gods", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an elysian meal\" What is the definition of \"elysian\"?"} {"term": "remainder", "pos": "n", "context": "there was no remainder", "definition": "something left after other parts have been taken away", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["rest", "residual", "balance", "component", "portion", "constituent", "remnant", "residuum"], "instruction": "\"there was no remainder\" What is the definition of \"remainder\"?"} {"term": "napping", "pos": "s", "context": "the blow caught him napping", "definition": "not prepared or vigilant", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the blow caught him napping\" What is the definition of \"napping\"?"} {"term": "debauched", "pos": "s", "context": "Congreve draws a debauched aristocratic society", "definition": "unrestrained by convention or morality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Congreve draws a debauched aristocratic society\" What is the definition of \"debauched\"?"} {"term": "irruption", "pos": "n", "context": "the recent irruption of bad manners", "definition": "a sudden violent entrance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the recent irruption of bad manners\" What is the definition of \"irruption\"?"} {"term": "irruption", "pos": "n", "context": "the recent irruption of bad manners", "definition": "a bursting in", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the recent irruption of bad manners\" What is the definition of \"irruption\"?"} {"term": "patter", "pos": "n", "context": "the patter of mice", "definition": "a quick succession of light rapid sounds", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the patter of mice\" What is the definition of \"patter\"?"} {"term": "let", "pos": "v", "context": "I let it be known that I was not interested", "definition": "to actively cause something to happen", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I let it be known that I was not interested\" What is the definition of \"let\"?"} {"term": "let", "pos": "v", "context": "let it be", "definition": "to leave unchanged", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"let it be\" What is the definition of \"let\"?"} {"term": "aground", "pos": "a", "context": "a ship aground offshore", "definition": "stuck in a place where a ship can no longer float", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a ship aground offshore\" What is the definition of \"aground\"?"} {"term": "aground", "pos": "r", "context": "he ran the ship aground", "definition": "with the bottom lodged on the ground", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he ran the ship aground\" What is the definition of \"aground\"?"} {"term": "distinctive", "pos": "s", "context": "Jerusalem has a distinctive Middle East flavor \" - Curtis Wilkie", "definition": "of a feature that helps to distinguish a person or thing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Jerusalem has a distinctive Middle East flavor \" - Curtis Wilkie\" What is the definition of \"distinctive\"?"} {"term": "immensely", "pos": "r", "context": "was immensely more important to the project as a scientist than as an administrator", "definition": "to an exceedingly great extent or degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"was immensely more important to the project as a scientist than as an administrator\" What is the definition of \"immensely\"?"} {"term": "bandage", "pos": "v", "context": "bandage an incision", "definition": "to dress by covering or binding", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bandage an incision\" What is the definition of \"bandage\"?"} {"term": "deliverance", "pos": "n", "context": "work is the deliverance of mankind", "definition": "recovery or preservation from loss or danger", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["retrieval", "rescue", "delivery", "salvage", "recovery", "reformation"], "instruction": "\"work is the deliverance of mankind\" What is the definition of \"deliverance\"?"} {"term": "rocky", "pos": "s", "context": "rocky fields", "definition": "abounding in rocks or stones", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rocky fields\" What is the definition of \"rocky\"?"} {"term": "rocky", "pos": "s", "context": "on high rocky heels", "definition": "liable to rock", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on high rocky heels\" What is the definition of \"rocky\"?"} {"term": "rocky", "pos": "s", "context": "the rocky road to success", "definition": "full of hardship or trials", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the rocky road to success\" What is the definition of \"rocky\"?"} {"term": "innermost", "pos": "s", "context": "one 's innermost feelings", "definition": "being deepest within the self", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["inmost", ""], "instruction": "\"one 's innermost feelings\" What is the definition of \"innermost\"?"} {"term": "innermost", "pos": "s", "context": "the innermost chamber", "definition": "situated or occurring farthest within", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["inmost", ""], "instruction": "\"the innermost chamber\" What is the definition of \"innermost\"?"} {"term": "massively", "pos": "r", "context": "tonight the haddock were shoaling massively in three hundred fathoms", "definition": "to a massive degree or in a massive manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tonight the haddock were shoaling massively in three hundred fathoms\" What is the definition of \"massively\"?"} {"term": "maudlin", "pos": "s", "context": "maudlin expressions of sympathy", "definition": "effusively or insincerely emotional", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"maudlin expressions of sympathy\" What is the definition of \"maudlin\"?"} {"term": "singularly", "pos": "r", "context": "Lord T. was considered singularly licentious even for the courts of Russia and Portugal", "definition": "in a singular manner or to a singular degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Lord T. was considered singularly licentious even for the courts of Russia and Portugal\" What is the definition of \"singularly\"?"} {"term": "singularly", "pos": "r", "context": "Lord T. was considered singularly licentious even for the courts of Russia and Portugal", "definition": "he acquired three wives and fourteen children during his portuguese embassy alone", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Lord T. was considered singularly licentious even for the courts of Russia and Portugal\" What is the definition of \"singularly\"?"} {"term": "bicentennial", "pos": "a", "context": "bicentennial celebration", "definition": "of or relating to or completing a period of 200 years", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bicentennial celebration\" What is the definition of \"bicentennial\"?"} {"term": "additionally", "pos": "r", "context": "he serves additionally as the CEO", "definition": "in addition , by way of addition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he serves additionally as the CEO\" What is the definition of \"additionally\"?"} {"term": "additionally", "pos": "r", "context": "he serves additionally as the CEO", "definition": "furthermore", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he serves additionally as the CEO\" What is the definition of \"additionally\"?"} {"term": "obstreperous", "pos": "s", "context": "obstreperous boys", "definition": "noisily and stubbornly defiant", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"obstreperous boys\" What is the definition of \"obstreperous\"?"} {"term": "obstreperous", "pos": "s", "context": "kept up an obstreperous clamor", "definition": "boisterously and noisily aggressive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"kept up an obstreperous clamor\" What is the definition of \"obstreperous\"?"} {"term": "boyish", "pos": "s", "context": "a boyish grin", "definition": "befitting or characteristic of a young boy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a boyish grin\" What is the definition of \"boyish\"?"} {"term": "cereal", "pos": "a", "context": "a cereal beverage", "definition": "made of grain or relating to grain or the plants that produce it", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a cereal beverage\" What is the definition of \"cereal\"?"} {"term": "telescopic", "pos": "s", "context": "a bright star with a telescopic companion", "definition": "visible only with a telescope", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bright star with a telescopic companion\" What is the definition of \"telescopic\"?"} {"term": "telescopic", "pos": "s", "context": "a telescopic eye", "definition": "capable of discerning distant objects", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a telescopic eye\" What is the definition of \"telescopic\"?"} {"term": "telescopic", "pos": "s", "context": "a telescopic antenna", "definition": "having parts that slide one within another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a telescopic antenna\" What is the definition of \"telescopic\"?"} {"term": "unwonted", "pos": "s", "context": "an unwonted softness in her face", "definition": "out of the ordinary", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unwonted softness in her face\" What is the definition of \"unwonted\"?"} {"term": "unfaithful", "pos": "a", "context": "an unfaithful lover", "definition": "not true to duty or obligation or promises", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unfaithful lover\" What is the definition of \"unfaithful\"?"} {"term": "unfaithful", "pos": "a", "context": "her husband was unfaithful", "definition": "having sexual relations with someone other than your husband or wife , or your boyfriend or girlfriend", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her husband was unfaithful\" What is the definition of \"unfaithful\"?"} {"term": "unfaithful", "pos": "s", "context": "an unfaithful reproduction", "definition": "not trustworthy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unfaithful reproduction\" What is the definition of \"unfaithful\"?"} {"term": "license", "pos": "n", "context": "when liberty becomes license dictatorship is near \" - Will Durant", "definition": "excessive freedom", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when liberty becomes license dictatorship is near \" - Will Durant\" What is the definition of \"license\"?"} {"term": "license", "pos": "n", "context": "when liberty becomes license dictatorship is near \" - Will Durant", "definition": "lack of due restraint", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when liberty becomes license dictatorship is near \" - Will Durant\" What is the definition of \"license\"?"} {"term": "loosen", "pos": "v", "context": "loosen the tension on a rope", "definition": "to make loose or looser", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["unscrew", "alter", "unbend", "change", "loose", "modify", "remit", "looseness"], "instruction": "\"loosen the tension on a rope\" What is the definition of \"loosen\"?"} {"term": "loosen", "pos": "v", "context": "loosen the soil", "definition": "to make less dense", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"loosen the soil\" What is the definition of \"loosen\"?"} {"term": "putting", "pos": "n", "context": "his putting let him down today", "definition": "hitting a golf ball that is on the green using a putter", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["putt", "swing"], "instruction": "\"his putting let him down today\" What is the definition of \"putting\"?"} {"term": "putting", "pos": "n", "context": "his putting let him down today", "definition": "he didnt sink a single putt over three feet", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["putt", "swing"], "instruction": "\"his putting let him down today\" What is the definition of \"putting\"?"} {"term": "rip", "pos": "n", "context": "there was a rip in his pants", "definition": "an opening made forcibly as by pulling apart", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["opening", "tear", "split", "gap"], "instruction": "\"there was a rip in his pants\" What is the definition of \"rip\"?"} {"term": "outstanding", "pos": "s", "context": "did outstanding work in human relations", "definition": "distinguished from others in excellence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"did outstanding work in human relations\" What is the definition of \"outstanding\"?"} {"term": "outstanding", "pos": "s", "context": "an outstanding fact of our time is that nations poisoned by anti semitism proved less fortunate in regard to their own freedom", "definition": "having a quality that thrusts itself into attention", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["prominent", "striking", "salient", ""], "instruction": "\"an outstanding fact of our time is that nations poisoned by anti semitism proved less fortunate in regard to their own freedom\" What is the definition of \"outstanding\"?"} {"term": "outstanding", "pos": "s", "context": "outstanding bills", "definition": "owed as a debt", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["owing", ""], "instruction": "\"outstanding bills\" What is the definition of \"outstanding\"?"} {"term": "underestimate", "pos": "v", "context": "Do n't underestimate the danger of such a raft trip on this river", "definition": "to make too low an estimate of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["underrate", "misjudge"], "instruction": "\"Do n't underestimate the danger of such a raft trip on this river\" What is the definition of \"underestimate\"?"} {"term": "underestimate", "pos": "v", "context": "Do n't underestimate the value of this heirloom-you may sell it at a good price", "definition": "to assign too low a value to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["value", "valued", "undervalue"], "instruction": "\"Do n't underestimate the value of this heirloom-you may sell it at a good price\" What is the definition of \"underestimate\"?"} {"term": "live", "pos": "v", "context": "we had to live frugally after the war", "definition": "to lead a certain kind of life", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["pig", "vegetate", "living", "buccaneer", "dissipate", "swing", "bushwhacking", "wanton"], "instruction": "\"we had to live frugally after the war\" What is the definition of \"live\"?"} {"term": "live", "pos": "v", "context": "You must accept yourself and others if you really want to live", "definition": "to pursue a positive and satisfying existence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"You must accept yourself and others if you really want to live\" What is the definition of \"live\"?"} {"term": "live", "pos": "a", "context": "a live television program", "definition": "actually being performed at the time of hearing or viewing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a live television program\" What is the definition of \"live\"?"} {"term": "live", "pos": "a", "context": "live coals", "definition": "exerting force or containing energy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"live coals\" What is the definition of \"live\"?"} {"term": "live", "pos": "a", "context": "a live canary", "definition": "possessing life", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["alive", ""], "instruction": "\"a live canary\" What is the definition of \"live\"?"} {"term": "live", "pos": "s", "context": "a live concert hall", "definition": "highly reverberant", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a live concert hall\" What is the definition of \"live\"?"} {"term": "live", "pos": "s", "context": "live ammunition", "definition": "charged with an explosive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"live ammunition\" What is the definition of \"live\"?"} {"term": "live", "pos": "s", "context": "the club members are a really live bunch", "definition": "abounding with life and energy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the club members are a really live bunch\" What is the definition of \"live\"?"} {"term": "live", "pos": "r", "context": "the opera was broadcast live", "definition": "not recorded", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the opera was broadcast live\" What is the definition of \"live\"?"} {"term": "inelastic", "pos": "a", "context": "economists speak of an inelastic price structure", "definition": "not elastic", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"economists speak of an inelastic price structure\" What is the definition of \"inelastic\"?"} {"term": "zodiacal", "pos": "a", "context": "zodiacal constellations", "definition": "relating to or included in the zodiac", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"zodiacal constellations\" What is the definition of \"zodiacal\"?"} {"term": "pukka", "pos": "s", "context": "pukka sahib", "definition": "absolutely first class and genuine", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pukka sahib\" What is the definition of \"pukka\"?"} {"term": "inglorious", "pos": "s", "context": "inglorious defeat", "definition": "deserving or bringing disgrace or shame", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"inglorious defeat\" What is the definition of \"inglorious\"?"} {"term": "inglorious", "pos": "a", "context": "some mute inglorious Milton here may rest", "definition": "not bringing honor and glory", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some mute inglorious Milton here may rest\" What is the definition of \"inglorious\"?"} {"term": "promptly", "pos": "r", "context": "the rescue squad arrived promptly", "definition": "with little or no delay", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the rescue squad arrived promptly\" What is the definition of \"promptly\"?"} {"term": "promptly", "pos": "r", "context": "he did his homework promptly", "definition": "in a punctual manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he did his homework promptly\" What is the definition of \"promptly\"?"} {"term": "promptly", "pos": "r", "context": "he promptly forgot the address", "definition": "at once usually modifies an undesirable occurrence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he promptly forgot the address\" What is the definition of \"promptly\"?"} {"term": "transient", "pos": "n", "context": "transient laborers", "definition": "one who stays for only a short time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"transient laborers\" What is the definition of \"transient\"?"} {"term": "transient", "pos": "s", "context": "youth 's transient beauty", "definition": "lasting a very short time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["transitory", ""], "instruction": "\"youth 's transient beauty\" What is the definition of \"transient\"?"} {"term": "abject", "pos": "s", "context": "abject cowardice", "definition": "of the most contemptible kind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"abject cowardice\" What is the definition of \"abject\"?"} {"term": "abject", "pos": "s", "context": "the most abject slaves joined in the revolt", "definition": "most unfortunate or miserable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the most abject slaves joined in the revolt\" What is the definition of \"abject\"?"} {"term": "abject", "pos": "s", "context": "abject surrender", "definition": "showing utter resignation or hopelessness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"abject surrender\" What is the definition of \"abject\"?"} {"term": "untimely", "pos": "s", "context": "an untimely remark", "definition": "badly timed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an untimely remark\" What is the definition of \"untimely\"?"} {"term": "untimely", "pos": "s", "context": "alcohol brought him to an untimely end", "definition": "uncommonly early or before the expected time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"alcohol brought him to an untimely end\" What is the definition of \"untimely\"?"} {"term": "washable", "pos": "a", "context": "washable woolens", "definition": "capable of being washed without injury", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"washable woolens\" What is the definition of \"washable\"?"} {"term": "roundness", "pos": "n", "context": "there is a musky roundness to his wordiness", "definition": "the fullness of a tone of voice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["tone", "rotundity"], "instruction": "\"there is a musky roundness to his wordiness\" What is the definition of \"roundness\"?"} {"term": "roundness", "pos": "n", "context": "he gave us the results in round numbers , but their roundness did n't affect the point he was making", "definition": "the quality of being round numbers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he gave us the results in round numbers , but their roundness did n't affect the point he was making\" What is the definition of \"roundness\"?"} {"term": "incorrect", "pos": "a", "context": "an incorrect calculation", "definition": "not correct", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an incorrect calculation\" What is the definition of \"incorrect\"?"} {"term": "incorrect", "pos": "a", "context": "an incorrect calculation", "definition": "not in conformity with fact or truth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an incorrect calculation\" What is the definition of \"incorrect\"?"} {"term": "incorrect", "pos": "s", "context": "it is incorrect for a policeman to accept gifts", "definition": "not in accord with established usage or procedure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is incorrect for a policeman to accept gifts\" What is the definition of \"incorrect\"?"} {"term": "incorrect", "pos": "s", "context": "an incorrect transcription", "definition": "characterized by errors", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an incorrect transcription\" What is the definition of \"incorrect\"?"} {"term": "incorrect", "pos": "s", "context": "an incorrect transcription", "definition": "not agreeing with a model or not following established rules", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an incorrect transcription\" What is the definition of \"incorrect\"?"} {"term": "incorrect", "pos": "s", "context": "an incorrect transcription", "definition": "the wrong side of the road", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an incorrect transcription\" What is the definition of \"incorrect\"?"} {"term": "squeak", "pos": "n", "context": "the squeak of shoes on powdery snow", "definition": "a short high-pitched noise", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the squeak of shoes on powdery snow\" What is the definition of \"squeak\"?"} {"term": "gob", "pos": "n", "context": "a gob of phlegm", "definition": "a lump of slimy stuff", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a gob of phlegm\" What is the definition of \"gob\"?"} {"term": "inboard", "pos": "a", "context": "the inboard flaps on the wing", "definition": "located within the hull or nearest the midline of a vessel or aircraft", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the inboard flaps on the wing\" What is the definition of \"inboard\"?"} {"term": "date", "pos": "n", "context": "what is the date today ?", "definition": "the specified day of the month", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"what is the date today ?\" What is the definition of \"date\"?"} {"term": "date", "pos": "n", "context": "she asked how to avoid kissing at the end of a date", "definition": "a meeting arranged in advance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["appointment", "meeting", "engagement", "rendezvous"], "instruction": "\"she asked how to avoid kissing at the end of a date\" What is the definition of \"date\"?"} {"term": "birth", "pos": "n", "context": "they divorced after the birth of the child", "definition": "the time when something begins especially life", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they divorced after the birth of the child\" What is the definition of \"birth\"?"} {"term": "birth", "pos": "n", "context": "they celebrated the birth of their first child", "definition": "the event of being born", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["nativity", "delivery", "change", "modification", "renascence", "alteration", "nascency"], "instruction": "\"they celebrated the birth of their first child\" What is the definition of \"birth\"?"} {"term": "rehash", "pos": "n", "context": "merely a dull rehash of his first novel", "definition": "old material that is slightly reworked and used again", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"merely a dull rehash of his first novel\" What is the definition of \"rehash\"?"} {"term": "acknowledge", "pos": "v", "context": "We must acknowledge the kindness she showed towards us", "definition": "to express obligation , thanks , or gratitude for", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["recognize", "thank", "appreciate"], "instruction": "\"We must acknowledge the kindness she showed towards us\" What is the definition of \"acknowledge\"?"} {"term": "acknowledge", "pos": "v", "context": "acknowledge the deed", "definition": "to accept as legally binding and valid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"acknowledge the deed\" What is the definition of \"acknowledge\"?"} {"term": "exceptionable", "pos": "s", "context": "a thoroughly unpleasant highly exceptionable piece of writing", "definition": "liable to objection or debate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a thoroughly unpleasant highly exceptionable piece of writing\" What is the definition of \"exceptionable\"?"} {"term": "exceptionable", "pos": "s", "context": "a thoroughly unpleasant highly exceptionable piece of writing", "definition": "used of something one might take exception to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a thoroughly unpleasant highly exceptionable piece of writing\" What is the definition of \"exceptionable\"?"} {"term": "presumptuous", "pos": "s", "context": "the duchess would not put up with presumptuous servants", "definition": "excessively forward", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["assumptive", ""], "instruction": "\"the duchess would not put up with presumptuous servants\" What is the definition of \"presumptuous\"?"} {"term": "memory", "pos": "n", "context": "search as he would , the memory was lost", "definition": "something that is remembered", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"search as he would , the memory was lost\" What is the definition of \"memory\"?"} {"term": "memory", "pos": "n", "context": "he can do it from memory", "definition": "the cognitive processes whereby past experience is remembered", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he can do it from memory\" What is the definition of \"memory\"?"} {"term": "memory", "pos": "n", "context": "he had a good memory when he was younger", "definition": "the power of retaining and recalling past experience", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["retention", "anamnesis", "recollection", "faculty", "remembrance", "retentiveness"], "instruction": "\"he had a good memory when he was younger\" What is the definition of \"memory\"?"} {"term": "calender", "pos": "v", "context": "calender paper", "definition": "to press between rollers or plates so as to smooth , glaze , or thin into sheets", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"calender paper\" What is the definition of \"calender\"?"} {"term": "steadiness", "pos": "n", "context": "He trusted her clear steadiness that she would do what she said", "definition": "freedom from wavering or indecision", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"He trusted her clear steadiness that she would do what she said\" What is the definition of \"steadiness\"?"} {"term": "steadiness", "pos": "n", "context": "He trusted her clear steadiness that she would do what she said", "definition": "constancy of resolve or conduct", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"He trusted her clear steadiness that she would do what she said\" What is the definition of \"steadiness\"?"} {"term": "shameful", "pos": "s", "context": "a shameful display of cowardice", "definition": "deserving or bringing disgrace or shame", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a shameful display of cowardice\" What is the definition of \"shameful\"?"} {"term": "shameful", "pos": "s", "context": "the wicked rascally shameful conduct of the bankrupt \" - Thackeray", "definition": "giving offense to moral sensibilities and injurious to reputation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the wicked rascally shameful conduct of the bankrupt \" - Thackeray\" What is the definition of \"shameful\"?"} {"term": "conjunctive", "pos": "s", "context": "the conjunctive focus of political opposition", "definition": "involving the joint activity of two or more", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the conjunctive focus of political opposition\" What is the definition of \"conjunctive\"?"} {"term": "frolic", "pos": "n", "context": "their frolic in the surf threatened to become ugly", "definition": "gay or light-hearted recreational activity for diversion or amusement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["coquetry", "lunacy", "flirt", "craziness", "diversion", "game", "horseplay", "flirtation", "folly", "foolery", "indulgence", "romp", "play", "gambol", "tomfoolery"], "instruction": "\"their frolic in the surf threatened to become ugly\" What is the definition of \"frolic\"?"} {"term": "hissing", "pos": "n", "context": "the performers could not be heard over the hissing of the audience", "definition": "a fricative sound especially as an expression of disapproval", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["noise", "hushing", "fizzle"], "instruction": "\"the performers could not be heard over the hissing of the audience\" What is the definition of \"hissing\"?"} {"term": "birthplace", "pos": "n", "context": "the birthplace of civilization", "definition": "where something originated or was nurtured in its early existence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["origin", "beginning", "source", "cradle", "root"], "instruction": "\"the birthplace of civilization\" What is the definition of \"birthplace\"?"} {"term": "reflexive", "pos": "s", "context": "sneezing is reflexive", "definition": "without volition or conscious control", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sneezing is reflexive\" What is the definition of \"reflexive\"?"} {"term": "new", "pos": "a", "context": "a new law", "definition": "not of long duration", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a new law\" What is the definition of \"new\"?"} {"term": "new", "pos": "a", "context": "a new law", "definition": "having just or relatively recently come into being or been made or acquired or discovered", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a new law\" What is the definition of \"new\"?"} {"term": "new", "pos": "a", "context": "it looks like new", "definition": "unaffected by use or exposure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it looks like new\" What is the definition of \"new\"?"} {"term": "new", "pos": "s", "context": "they now have a new leaders", "definition": "other than the former ones", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they now have a new leaders\" What is the definition of \"new\"?"} {"term": "new", "pos": "s", "context": "they now have a new leaders", "definition": "different", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they now have a new leaders\" What is the definition of \"new\"?"} {"term": "new", "pos": "r", "context": "grass new washed by the rain", "definition": "very recently", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"grass new washed by the rain\" What is the definition of \"new\"?"} {"term": "transpire", "pos": "v", "context": "plants transpire", "definition": "to exude water vapor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"plants transpire\" What is the definition of \"transpire\"?"} {"term": "official", "pos": "n", "context": "the golfer asked for an official who could give him a ruling", "definition": "someone who administers the rules of a game or sport", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the golfer asked for an official who could give him a ruling\" What is the definition of \"official\"?"} {"term": "official", "pos": "a", "context": "official privileges", "definition": "of or relating to an office", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"official privileges\" What is the definition of \"official\"?"} {"term": "official", "pos": "s", "context": "the election returns are now official", "definition": "verified officially", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the election returns are now official\" What is the definition of \"official\"?"} {"term": "retain", "pos": "v", "context": "I retain this drug for a long time", "definition": "to hold back within", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I retain this drug for a long time\" What is the definition of \"retain\"?"} {"term": "hapless", "pos": "s", "context": "a hapless victim", "definition": "deserving or inciting pity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a hapless victim\" What is the definition of \"hapless\"?"} {"term": "afresh", "pos": "r", "context": "start afresh", "definition": "again but in a new or different way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"start afresh\" What is the definition of \"afresh\"?"} {"term": "courtship", "pos": "n", "context": "its was a brief and intense courtship", "definition": "a mans courting of a woman", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["appeal", "suit", "entreaty"], "instruction": "\"its was a brief and intense courtship\" What is the definition of \"courtship\"?"} {"term": "courtship", "pos": "n", "context": "its was a brief and intense courtship", "definition": "seeking the affections of a woman usually with the hope of marriage", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["appeal", "suit", "entreaty"], "instruction": "\"its was a brief and intense courtship\" What is the definition of \"courtship\"?"} {"term": "halfway", "pos": "s", "context": "at the halfway mark", "definition": "at a point midway between two extremes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at the halfway mark\" What is the definition of \"halfway\"?"} {"term": "halfway", "pos": "s", "context": "halfway measures", "definition": "including only half or a portion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"halfway measures\" What is the definition of \"halfway\"?"} {"term": "halfway", "pos": "r", "context": "he was halfway down the ladder when he fell", "definition": "at half the distance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was halfway down the ladder when he fell\" What is the definition of \"halfway\"?"} {"term": "halfway", "pos": "r", "context": "he was halfway down the ladder when he fell", "definition": "at the middle", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was halfway down the ladder when he fell\" What is the definition of \"halfway\"?"} {"term": "isotonic", "pos": "a", "context": "isotonic tuning", "definition": "relating to or characterized by the equal intervals of a musical scale", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"isotonic tuning\" What is the definition of \"isotonic\"?"} {"term": "ringed", "pos": "s", "context": "a ringed wife \" - Tennyson", "definition": "lawfully married", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a ringed wife \" - Tennyson\" What is the definition of \"ringed\"?"} {"term": "doubling", "pos": "n", "context": "doubling with a computer took no time at all", "definition": "increase by a factor of two", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"doubling with a computer took no time at all\" What is the definition of \"doubling\"?"} {"term": "advent", "pos": "n", "context": "the advent of the computer", "definition": "arrival that has been awaited especially of something momentous", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["arrival", "coming"], "instruction": "\"the advent of the computer\" What is the definition of \"advent\"?"} {"term": "grisly", "pos": "s", "context": "a grisly murder", "definition": "shockingly repellent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a grisly murder\" What is the definition of \"grisly\"?"} {"term": "grisly", "pos": "s", "context": "a grisly murder", "definition": "inspiring horror", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a grisly murder\" What is the definition of \"grisly\"?"} {"term": "arrange", "pos": "v", "context": "arrange the books on the shelves in chronological order", "definition": "to put into a proper or systematic order", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"arrange the books on the shelves in chronological order\" What is the definition of \"arrange\"?"} {"term": "arrange", "pos": "v", "context": "Can you arrange a meeting with the President ?", "definition": "to make arrangements for", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Can you arrange a meeting with the President ?\" What is the definition of \"arrange\"?"} {"term": "empty", "pos": "a", "context": "an empty glass", "definition": "holding or containing nothing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an empty glass\" What is the definition of \"empty\"?"} {"term": "empty", "pos": "s", "context": "empty promises", "definition": "devoid of significance or point", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"empty promises\" What is the definition of \"empty\"?"} {"term": "empty", "pos": "s", "context": "after skipped lunch the men were empty by suppertime", "definition": "needing nourishment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after skipped lunch the men were empty by suppertime\" What is the definition of \"empty\"?"} {"term": "indifferent", "pos": "s", "context": "indifferent to the sufferings of others", "definition": "showing no care or concern in attitude or action", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"indifferent to the sufferings of others\" What is the definition of \"indifferent\"?"} {"term": "indifferent", "pos": "s", "context": "has an indifferent singing voice", "definition": "fairly poor to not very good", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"has an indifferent singing voice\" What is the definition of \"indifferent\"?"} {"term": "indifferent", "pos": "s", "context": "indifferent about which book you would give them", "definition": "marked by no especial liking or dislike or preference for one thing over another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"indifferent about which book you would give them\" What is the definition of \"indifferent\"?"} {"term": "pecuniary", "pos": "a", "context": "he received thanks but no pecuniary compensation for his services", "definition": "relating to or involving money", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he received thanks but no pecuniary compensation for his services\" What is the definition of \"pecuniary\"?"} {"term": "acrid", "pos": "s", "context": "the acrid smell of burning rubber", "definition": "strong and sharp", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the acrid smell of burning rubber\" What is the definition of \"acrid\"?"} {"term": "acrid", "pos": "s", "context": "her acrid remarks make her many enemies", "definition": "harsh or corrosive in tone", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her acrid remarks make her many enemies\" What is the definition of \"acrid\"?"} {"term": "breakneck", "pos": "s", "context": "a breakneck pace", "definition": "moving at very high speed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a breakneck pace\" What is the definition of \"breakneck\"?"} {"term": "sponsor", "pos": "v", "context": "The senator announced that he would sponsor the health care plan", "definition": "to assume responsibility for or leadership of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The senator announced that he would sponsor the health care plan\" What is the definition of \"sponsor\"?"} {"term": "supernatural", "pos": "a", "context": "supernatural forces and occurrences and beings", "definition": "not existing in nature or subject to explanation according to natural laws", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"supernatural forces and occurrences and beings\" What is the definition of \"supernatural\"?"} {"term": "supernatural", "pos": "a", "context": "supernatural forces and occurrences and beings", "definition": "not physical or material", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"supernatural forces and occurrences and beings\" What is the definition of \"supernatural\"?"} {"term": "report", "pos": "n", "context": "the report of his speech", "definition": "a short account of the news", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["dispatch", "account", "news", "exclusive", "newsletter", "story"], "instruction": "\"the report of his speech\" What is the definition of \"report\"?"} {"term": "report", "pos": "v", "context": "I report to work every day at 9 o'clock", "definition": "to announce ones presence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I report to work every day at 9 o'clock\" What is the definition of \"report\"?"} {"term": "difficult", "pos": "a", "context": "a difficult task", "definition": "not easy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a difficult task\" What is the definition of \"difficult\"?"} {"term": "difficult", "pos": "a", "context": "a difficult task", "definition": "requiring great physical or mental effort to accomplish or comprehend or endure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a difficult task\" What is the definition of \"difficult\"?"} {"term": "difficult", "pos": "a", "context": "a difficult child \" , \" an unmanageable situation", "definition": "hard to control", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a difficult child \" , \" an unmanageable situation\" What is the definition of \"difficult\"?"} {"term": "entire", "pos": "s", "context": "an entire town devastated by an earthquake", "definition": "constituting the full quantity or extent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["total", "", "fuller"], "instruction": "\"an entire town devastated by an earthquake\" What is the definition of \"entire\"?"} {"term": "entire", "pos": "s", "context": "an entire town devastated by an earthquake", "definition": "complete", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["total", "", "fuller"], "instruction": "\"an entire town devastated by an earthquake\" What is the definition of \"entire\"?"} {"term": "entire", "pos": "s", "context": "an entire horse", "definition": "sexually competent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an entire horse\" What is the definition of \"entire\"?"} {"term": "limited", "pos": "a", "context": "limited war", "definition": "small in range or scope", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"limited war\" What is the definition of \"limited\"?"} {"term": "consolation", "pos": "n", "context": "second place was no consolation to him", "definition": "the comfort you feel when consoled in times of disappointment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"second place was no consolation to him\" What is the definition of \"consolation\"?"} {"term": "consolation", "pos": "n", "context": "his presence was a consolation to her", "definition": "the act of consoling", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his presence was a consolation to her\" What is the definition of \"consolation\"?"} {"term": "consolation", "pos": "n", "context": "his presence was a consolation to her", "definition": "giving relief in affliction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his presence was a consolation to her\" What is the definition of \"consolation\"?"} {"term": "incoherently", "pos": "r", "context": "he talked incoherently when he drank too much", "definition": "in an incoherent manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he talked incoherently when he drank too much\" What is the definition of \"incoherently\"?"} {"term": "microcosmic", "pos": "a", "context": "the microcosmic world of business", "definition": "relating to or characteristic of a microcosm", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the microcosmic world of business\" What is the definition of \"microcosmic\"?"} {"term": "halfhearted", "pos": "s", "context": "a halfhearted effort", "definition": "feeling or showing little interest or enthusiasm", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["tepid", "", "lukewarm"], "instruction": "\"a halfhearted effort\" What is the definition of \"halfhearted\"?"} {"term": "circumstantially", "pos": "r", "context": "he was convicted circumstantially", "definition": "according to circumstances", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was convicted circumstantially\" What is the definition of \"circumstantially\"?"} {"term": "circumstantially", "pos": "r", "context": "the account was circumstantially accurate", "definition": "insofar as the circumstances are concerned", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the account was circumstantially accurate\" What is the definition of \"circumstantially\"?"} {"term": "didactically", "pos": "r", "context": "this is a didactically sound method", "definition": "in a didactic manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this is a didactically sound method\" What is the definition of \"didactically\"?"} {"term": "hefty", "pos": "s", "context": "a hefty dictionary", "definition": "of considerable weight and size", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a hefty dictionary\" What is the definition of \"hefty\"?"} {"term": "hefty", "pos": "s", "context": "a hefty athlete", "definition": "possessing physical strength and weight", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a hefty athlete\" What is the definition of \"hefty\"?"} {"term": "hefty", "pos": "s", "context": "a hefty athlete", "definition": "rugged and powerful", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a hefty athlete\" What is the definition of \"hefty\"?"} {"term": "hefty", "pos": "s", "context": "received a hefty bonus", "definition": "large in amount or extent or degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["tidy", "", "goodish", "sizable"], "instruction": "\"received a hefty bonus\" What is the definition of \"hefty\"?"} {"term": "discouraging", "pos": "a", "context": "where never is heard a discouraging word", "definition": "depriving of confidence or hope or enthusiasm and hence often deterring action", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"where never is heard a discouraging word\" What is the definition of \"discouraging\"?"} {"term": "ethically", "pos": "r", "context": "he behaved ethically", "definition": "in an ethical manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he behaved ethically\" What is the definition of \"ethically\"?"} {"term": "ethically", "pos": "r", "context": "he behaved ethically", "definition": "from an ethical point of view", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he behaved ethically\" What is the definition of \"ethically\"?"} {"term": "ethically", "pos": "r", "context": "he behaved ethically", "definition": "according to ethics", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he behaved ethically\" What is the definition of \"ethically\"?"} {"term": "levy", "pos": "v", "context": "levy a fine", "definition": "to impose and collect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["imposing", "impose", "lay", "tax", "toll", "billing", "charge", "billed"], "instruction": "\"levy a fine\" What is the definition of \"levy\"?"} {"term": "professed", "pos": "v", "context": "The terrorists professed allegiance to their country", "definition": "to confess ones faith in , or allegiance to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["profess", "declare"], "instruction": "\"The terrorists professed allegiance to their country\" What is the definition of \"professed\"?"} {"term": "professed", "pos": "s", "context": "his professed intentions", "definition": "claimed with intent to deceive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his professed intentions\" What is the definition of \"professed\"?"} {"term": "professed", "pos": "s", "context": "her professed love of everything about that country", "definition": "openly declared as such", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["avowed", ""], "instruction": "\"her professed love of everything about that country\" What is the definition of \"professed\"?"} {"term": "parliamentary", "pos": "a", "context": "parliamentary reform", "definition": "relating to or having the nature of a parliament", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"parliamentary reform\" What is the definition of \"parliamentary\"?"} {"term": "parliamentary", "pos": "s", "context": "parliamentary government", "definition": "having the supreme legislative power resting with a body of cabinet ministers chosen from and responsible to the legislature or parliament", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"parliamentary government\" What is the definition of \"parliamentary\"?"} {"term": "parliamentary", "pos": "s", "context": "parliamentary law", "definition": "in accord with rules and customs of a legislative or deliberative assembly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"parliamentary law\" What is the definition of \"parliamentary\"?"} {"term": "interrupt", "pos": "v", "context": "We interrupt the program for the following messages", "definition": "to make a break in", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["interject", "pause", "block", "stop", "break", "cut", "inject", "interpose", "jam", "heckle", "discontinue", "punctuate", "disrupt"], "instruction": "\"We interrupt the program for the following messages\" What is the definition of \"interrupt\"?"} {"term": "interrupt", "pos": "v", "context": "Do n't interrupt me when I 'm reading", "definition": "to destroy the peace or tranquility of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Do n't interrupt me when I 'm reading\" What is the definition of \"interrupt\"?"} {"term": "interrupt", "pos": "v", "context": "Please do n't interrupt me while I 'm on the phone", "definition": "to interfere in someone elses activity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Please do n't interrupt me while I 'm on the phone\" What is the definition of \"interrupt\"?"} {"term": "assessment", "pos": "n", "context": "the assessment for repairs outraged the club 's membership", "definition": "an amount determined as payable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the assessment for repairs outraged the club 's membership\" What is the definition of \"assessment\"?"} {"term": "unequivocal", "pos": "a", "context": "unequivocal evidence", "definition": "admitting of no doubt or misunderstanding", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unequivocal evidence\" What is the definition of \"unequivocal\"?"} {"term": "unequivocal", "pos": "a", "context": "unequivocal evidence", "definition": "having only one meaning or interpretation and leading to only one conclusion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unequivocal evidence\" What is the definition of \"unequivocal\"?"} {"term": "unequivocal", "pos": "s", "context": "the plain and unequivocal language of the laws \" - R.B.Taney", "definition": "clearly defined or formulated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the plain and unequivocal language of the laws \" - R.B.Taney\" What is the definition of \"unequivocal\"?"} {"term": "touch", "pos": "n", "context": "he longed for the touch of her hand", "definition": "the event of something coming in contact with the body", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["striking", "touching", "contact", "stroke"], "instruction": "\"he longed for the touch of her hand\" What is the definition of \"touch\"?"} {"term": "touch", "pos": "n", "context": "only sight and touch enable us to locate objects in the space around us", "definition": "the faculty by which external objects or forces are perceived through contact with the body especially the hands", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"only sight and touch enable us to locate objects in the space around us\" What is the definition of \"touch\"?"} {"term": "touch", "pos": "n", "context": "there was a touch of sarcasm in his tone", "definition": "a suggestion of some quality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["proposition", "suggestion", "trace", "ghost"], "instruction": "\"there was a touch of sarcasm in his tone\" What is the definition of \"touch\"?"} {"term": "distressful", "pos": "s", "context": "lived in heroic if something distressful isolation", "definition": "causing distress or worry or anxiety", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["worrisome", "", "distressing"], "instruction": "\"lived in heroic if something distressful isolation\" What is the definition of \"distressful\"?"} {"term": "bulbar", "pos": "a", "context": "bulbar paralysis", "definition": "involving the medulla oblongata", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bulbar paralysis\" What is the definition of \"bulbar\"?"} {"term": "intolerance", "pos": "n", "context": "his intolerance of interruptions", "definition": "impatience with annoyances", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his intolerance of interruptions\" What is the definition of \"intolerance\"?"} {"term": "rubber", "pos": "s", "context": "a rubber check", "definition": "returned for lack of funds", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a rubber check\" What is the definition of \"rubber\"?"} {"term": "polychromatic", "pos": "a", "context": "polychromatic light", "definition": "composed of more than one wavelength", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"polychromatic light\" What is the definition of \"polychromatic\"?"} {"term": "orally", "pos": "r", "context": "he was administered the drug orally", "definition": "through the mouth rather than through injection", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was administered the drug orally\" What is the definition of \"orally\"?"} {"term": "orally", "pos": "r", "context": "he was administered the drug orally", "definition": "by mouth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was administered the drug orally\" What is the definition of \"orally\"?"} {"term": "scentless", "pos": "s", "context": "scentless wisps of straw", "definition": "emitting or holding no odor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"scentless wisps of straw\" What is the definition of \"scentless\"?"} {"term": "denial", "pos": "n", "context": "it resulted in a complete denial of his privileges", "definition": "the act of refusing to comply as with a request", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it resulted in a complete denial of his privileges\" What is the definition of \"denial\"?"} {"term": "climber", "pos": "n", "context": "the lead climber looked strong still but his partner often slumped in his ropes", "definition": "someone who climbs as a sport", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the lead climber looked strong still but his partner often slumped in his ropes\" What is the definition of \"climber\"?"} {"term": "climber", "pos": "n", "context": "the lead climber looked strong still but his partner often slumped in his ropes", "definition": "especially someone who climbs mountains", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the lead climber looked strong still but his partner often slumped in his ropes\" What is the definition of \"climber\"?"} {"term": "abnegation", "pos": "n", "context": "abnegation of the Holy Trinity", "definition": "the denial and rejection of a doctrine or belief", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"abnegation of the Holy Trinity\" What is the definition of \"abnegation\"?"} {"term": "load", "pos": "n", "context": "he got a load on and started a brawl", "definition": "an amount of alcohol sufficient to intoxicate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he got a load on and started a brawl\" What is the definition of \"load\"?"} {"term": "load", "pos": "v", "context": "load the camera", "definition": "to provide a device with something necessary", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["loading", "fill", "recharge", "filling", "charge"], "instruction": "\"load the camera\" What is the definition of \"load\"?"} {"term": "capsular", "pos": "a", "context": "the capsular ligament is a sac surrounding the articular cavity of a freely movable joint and attached to the bones", "definition": "resembling a capsule", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the capsular ligament is a sac surrounding the articular cavity of a freely movable joint and attached to the bones\" What is the definition of \"capsular\"?"} {"term": "spherical", "pos": "a", "context": "spherical geometry", "definition": "of or relating to spheres or resembling a sphere", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"spherical geometry\" What is the definition of \"spherical\"?"} {"term": "spherical", "pos": "s", "context": "a spherical object", "definition": "having the shape of a sphere or ball", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a spherical object\" What is the definition of \"spherical\"?"} {"term": "mimic", "pos": "s", "context": "the mimic warfare of the opera stage \" - Archibald Alison", "definition": "constituting an imitation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the mimic warfare of the opera stage \" - Archibald Alison\" What is the definition of \"mimic\"?"} {"term": "eyed", "pos": "a", "context": "a peacock 's eyed feathers", "definition": "often used in combination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a peacock 's eyed feathers\" What is the definition of \"eyed\"?"} {"term": "slump", "pos": "n", "context": "the team went into a slump", "definition": "a noticeable deterioration in performance or quality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the team went into a slump\" What is the definition of \"slump\"?"} {"term": "mural", "pos": "a", "context": "mural painting", "definition": "of or relating to walls", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mural painting\" What is the definition of \"mural\"?"} {"term": "permissible", "pos": "a", "context": "permissible behavior in school", "definition": "that may be permitted especially as according to rule", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"permissible behavior in school\" What is the definition of \"permissible\"?"} {"term": "permissible", "pos": "s", "context": "a kind of speculation that was permissible in cosmology but inadmissible in medicine", "definition": "that may be accepted or conceded", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a kind of speculation that was permissible in cosmology but inadmissible in medicine\" What is the definition of \"permissible\"?"} {"term": "relay", "pos": "n", "context": "the relay was successful", "definition": "the act of passing something along from one person or group to another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the relay was successful\" What is the definition of \"relay\"?"} {"term": "relay", "pos": "v", "context": "Please relay the news to the villagers", "definition": "to pass along", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Please relay the news to the villagers\" What is the definition of \"relay\"?"} {"term": "government", "pos": "n", "context": "the government reduced taxes", "definition": "the organization that is the governing authority of a political unit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the government reduced taxes\" What is the definition of \"government\"?"} {"term": "government", "pos": "n", "context": "he had considerable experience of government", "definition": "the act of governing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["misgovernment", "lawmaking", "governing", "governance", "administration"], "instruction": "\"he had considerable experience of government\" What is the definition of \"government\"?"} {"term": "government", "pos": "n", "context": "he had considerable experience of government", "definition": "exercising authority", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["misgovernment", "lawmaking", "governing", "governance", "administration"], "instruction": "\"he had considerable experience of government\" What is the definition of \"government\"?"} {"term": "government", "pos": "n", "context": "tyrannical government", "definition": "the system or form by which a community or other political unit is governed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tyrannical government\" What is the definition of \"government\"?"} {"term": "disfigurement", "pos": "n", "context": "he objected to the dam 's massive disfigurement of the landscape", "definition": "the act of damaging the appearance or surface of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["hurt", "harm", "damage", "defacement"], "instruction": "\"he objected to the dam 's massive disfigurement of the landscape\" What is the definition of \"disfigurement\"?"} {"term": "ontological", "pos": "a", "context": "ontological speculations", "definition": "of or relating to ontology", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ontological speculations\" What is the definition of \"ontological\"?"} {"term": "beefy", "pos": "s", "context": "a beefy wrestler", "definition": "muscular and heavily built", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a beefy wrestler\" What is the definition of \"beefy\"?"} {"term": "specialization", "pos": "n", "context": "his specialization is gastroenterology", "definition": "the special line of work you have adopted as your career", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["specialty", "specialism", "calling", "vocation"], "instruction": "\"his specialization is gastroenterology\" What is the definition of \"specialization\"?"} {"term": "tacky", "pos": "s", "context": "tacky varnish", "definition": "not completely dried and slightly sticky to the touch", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tacky varnish\" What is the definition of \"tacky\"?"} {"term": "observable", "pos": "s", "context": "an observable change in behavior", "definition": "capable of being seen or noticed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an observable change in behavior\" What is the definition of \"observable\"?"} {"term": "mundane", "pos": "s", "context": "mundane affairs", "definition": "concerned with the world or worldly matters", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mundane affairs\" What is the definition of \"mundane\"?"} {"term": "outdoors", "pos": "n", "context": "he wanted to get outdoors a little", "definition": "where the air is unconfined", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he wanted to get outdoors a little\" What is the definition of \"outdoors\"?"} {"term": "ragged", "pos": "s", "context": "clothes as ragged as a scarecrow 's", "definition": "being or dressed in clothes that are worn or torn", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"clothes as ragged as a scarecrow 's\" What is the definition of \"ragged\"?"} {"term": "ragged", "pos": "s", "context": "run ragged", "definition": "worn out from stress or strain", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"run ragged\" What is the definition of \"ragged\"?"} {"term": "ragged", "pos": "s", "context": "text set with ragged right margins", "definition": "having an irregular outline", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"text set with ragged right margins\" What is the definition of \"ragged\"?"} {"term": "reasonableness", "pos": "n", "context": "the judiciary is built on the reasonableness of judges", "definition": "goodness of reason and judgment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the judiciary is built on the reasonableness of judges\" What is the definition of \"reasonableness\"?"} {"term": "reasonableness", "pos": "n", "context": "the store is famous for the reasonableness of its prices", "definition": "the property of being moderate in price or expenditures", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the store is famous for the reasonableness of its prices\" What is the definition of \"reasonableness\"?"} {"term": "reasonableness", "pos": "n", "context": "without greater reasonableness by both parties we will never settle this matter !", "definition": "moderation in expectations", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"without greater reasonableness by both parties we will never settle this matter !\" What is the definition of \"reasonableness\"?"} {"term": "ambient", "pos": "s", "context": "the ambient air", "definition": "completely enveloping", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ambient air\" What is the definition of \"ambient\"?"} {"term": "harsh", "pos": "s", "context": "wild and harsh country full of hot sand and cactus", "definition": "unpleasantly stern", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wild and harsh country full of hot sand and cactus\" What is the definition of \"harsh\"?"} {"term": "harsh", "pos": "s", "context": "the harsh cry of a blue jay", "definition": "disagreeable to the senses", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the harsh cry of a blue jay\" What is the definition of \"harsh\"?"} {"term": "harsh", "pos": "s", "context": "had harsh words", "definition": "unkind or cruel or uncivil", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"had harsh words\" What is the definition of \"harsh\"?"} {"term": "preparatory", "pos": "s", "context": "preparatory steps", "definition": "preceding and preparing for something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"preparatory steps\" What is the definition of \"preparatory\"?"} {"term": "crucial", "pos": "a", "context": "a crucial moment in his career", "definition": "of extreme importance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a crucial moment in his career\" What is the definition of \"crucial\"?"} {"term": "crucial", "pos": "a", "context": "a crucial moment in his career", "definition": "vital to the resolution of a crisis", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a crucial moment in his career\" What is the definition of \"crucial\"?"} {"term": "crucial", "pos": "s", "context": "crucial information", "definition": "of the greatest importance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"crucial information\" What is the definition of \"crucial\"?"} {"term": "toddle", "pos": "v", "context": "small children toddle", "definition": "to walk unsteadily", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["waddle", "walk", "dodder", "totter", "paddle"], "instruction": "\"small children toddle\" What is the definition of \"toddle\"?"} {"term": "orient", "pos": "v", "context": "We had to orient ourselves in the forest", "definition": "to determine ones position with reference to another point", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["orientate", "guide", "decide", "determine"], "instruction": "\"We had to orient ourselves in the forest\" What is the definition of \"orient\"?"} {"term": "jovially", "pos": "r", "context": "he greeted his friend jovially", "definition": "in a jovial manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he greeted his friend jovially\" What is the definition of \"jovially\"?"} {"term": "illicit", "pos": "a", "context": "an illicit association with his secretary", "definition": "contrary to accepted morality especially sexual morality or convention", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an illicit association with his secretary\" What is the definition of \"illicit\"?"} {"term": "illicit", "pos": "s", "context": "illicit trade", "definition": "contrary to or forbidden by law", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"illicit trade\" What is the definition of \"illicit\"?"} {"term": "irremediable", "pos": "a", "context": "an irremediable error", "definition": "impossible to remedy or correct or redress", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an irremediable error\" What is the definition of \"irremediable\"?"} {"term": "reproach", "pos": "n", "context": "words of reproach", "definition": "a mild rebuke or criticism", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"words of reproach\" What is the definition of \"reproach\"?"} {"term": "reproach", "pos": "n", "context": "he brought reproach upon his family", "definition": "disgrace or shame", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he brought reproach upon his family\" What is the definition of \"reproach\"?"} {"term": "exportable", "pos": "a", "context": "exportable cultural achievements", "definition": "suitable for export", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"exportable cultural achievements\" What is the definition of \"exportable\"?"} {"term": "trice", "pos": "v", "context": "trice a window shade", "definition": "to raise with a line", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"trice a window shade\" What is the definition of \"trice\"?"} {"term": "secretly", "pos": "r", "context": "met secretly to discuss the invasion plans", "definition": "in secrecy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"met secretly to discuss the invasion plans\" What is the definition of \"secretly\"?"} {"term": "secretly", "pos": "r", "context": "met secretly to discuss the invasion plans", "definition": "not openly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"met secretly to discuss the invasion plans\" What is the definition of \"secretly\"?"} {"term": "secretly", "pos": "r", "context": "they were secretly delighted at his embarrassment", "definition": "not openly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they were secretly delighted at his embarrassment\" What is the definition of \"secretly\"?"} {"term": "secretly", "pos": "r", "context": "they were secretly delighted at his embarrassment", "definition": "inwardly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they were secretly delighted at his embarrassment\" What is the definition of \"secretly\"?"} {"term": "notate", "pos": "v", "context": "Nowadays , you can notate an entire ballet", "definition": "to put into notation , as of music or choreography", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Nowadays , you can notate an entire ballet\" What is the definition of \"notate\"?"} {"term": "notate", "pos": "v", "context": "Nowadays , you can notate an entire ballet", "definition": "to in the old days , the steps had to be memorized", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Nowadays , you can notate an entire ballet\" What is the definition of \"notate\"?"} {"term": "entirely", "pos": "r", "context": "was entirely to blame", "definition": "without any others being included or involved", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["solely", "", "alone"], "instruction": "\"was entirely to blame\" What is the definition of \"entirely\"?"} {"term": "entirely", "pos": "r", "context": "entirely satisfied with the meal", "definition": "to a complete degree or to the full or entire extent whole is often used informally for wholly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"entirely satisfied with the meal\" What is the definition of \"entirely\"?"} {"term": "enigmatic", "pos": "s", "context": "I did n't grasp the meaning of that enigmatic comment until much later", "definition": "not clear to the understanding", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I did n't grasp the meaning of that enigmatic comment until much later\" What is the definition of \"enigmatic\"?"} {"term": "enigmatic", "pos": "s", "context": "so enigmatic that priests might have to clarify it", "definition": "resembling an oracle in obscurity of thought", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so enigmatic that priests might have to clarify it\" What is the definition of \"enigmatic\"?"} {"term": "exemplar", "pos": "n", "context": "an exemplar of success", "definition": "something to be imitated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["model", "example", "pattern", "prodigy", "ideal", "beauty"], "instruction": "\"an exemplar of success\" What is the definition of \"exemplar\"?"} {"term": "curt", "pos": "s", "context": "a curt reply", "definition": "marked by rude or peremptory shortness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a curt reply\" What is the definition of \"curt\"?"} {"term": "curt", "pos": "s", "context": "a response so curt as to be almost rude", "definition": "brief and to the point", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a response so curt as to be almost rude\" What is the definition of \"curt\"?"} {"term": "curt", "pos": "s", "context": "a response so curt as to be almost rude", "definition": "effectively cut short", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a response so curt as to be almost rude\" What is the definition of \"curt\"?"} {"term": "curt", "pos": "s", "context": "a response so curt as to be almost rude", "definition": "yes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a response so curt as to be almost rude\" What is the definition of \"curt\"?"} {"term": "energy", "pos": "n", "context": "energy can take a wide variety of forms", "definition": "a thermodynamic quantity equivalent to the capacity of a physical system to do work", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"energy can take a wide variety of forms\" What is the definition of \"energy\"?"} {"term": "energy", "pos": "n", "context": "he plays tennis with great energy", "definition": "forceful exertion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["strength", "force", "athleticism", "vigor"], "instruction": "\"he plays tennis with great energy\" What is the definition of \"energy\"?"} {"term": "energy", "pos": "n", "context": "Europeans often laugh at American energy", "definition": "enterprising or ambitious drive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Europeans often laugh at American energy\" What is the definition of \"energy\"?"} {"term": "dress", "pos": "n", "context": "battle dress", "definition": "clothing of a distinctive style or for a particular occasion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["wear", "garb", "costume", "finery", "habit", "outfit", "wearable", "attire", "rig", "getup"], "instruction": "\"battle dress\" What is the definition of \"dress\"?"} {"term": "dress", "pos": "n", "context": "fastidious about his dress", "definition": "clothing in general", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["wearable", "wear", "clothes", "apparel"], "instruction": "\"fastidious about his dress\" What is the definition of \"dress\"?"} {"term": "dress", "pos": "v", "context": "we had to dress quickly", "definition": "to put on clothes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["assume", "wear", "underdressed", "overdress", "dressing", "change", "attire", "attired", "dandified", "dress"], "instruction": "\"we had to dress quickly\" What is the definition of \"dress\"?"} {"term": "dress", "pos": "v", "context": "Parents must feed and dress their child", "definition": "to provide with clothes or put clothes on", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["shirt", "garb", "gown", "costume", "habit", "coat", "frock", "shod", "underdressed", "garment", "coating", "turn", "shoe", "raiment", "shirting", "dressing", "jacket", "turning", "habited", "vest", "overdress", "cover", "gowned", "apparel", "robe"], "instruction": "\"Parents must feed and dress their child\" What is the definition of \"dress\"?"} {"term": "dress", "pos": "v", "context": "dress the surface smooth", "definition": "to put a finish on", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["dressing", "finish"], "instruction": "\"dress the surface smooth\" What is the definition of \"dress\"?"} {"term": "dress", "pos": "s", "context": "a dress dinner", "definition": "requiring formal clothes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dress dinner\" What is the definition of \"dress\"?"} {"term": "dress", "pos": "s", "context": "dress shoes", "definition": "suitable for formal occasions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dress shoes\" What is the definition of \"dress\"?"} {"term": "stage", "pos": "n", "context": "he clambered up onto the stage and got the actors to help him into the box", "definition": "a large platform on which people can stand and can be seen by an audience", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he clambered up onto the stage and got the actors to help him into the box\" What is the definition of \"stage\"?"} {"term": "stage", "pos": "n", "context": "then we embarked on the second stage of our Caribbean cruise", "definition": "a section or portion of a journey or course", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["travel", "leg"], "instruction": "\"then we embarked on the second stage of our Caribbean cruise\" What is the definition of \"stage\"?"} {"term": "oligarchy", "pos": "n", "context": "one of his cardinal convictions was that Britain was not run as a democracy but as an oligarchy", "definition": "a political system governed by a few people", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one of his cardinal convictions was that Britain was not run as a democracy but as an oligarchy\" What is the definition of \"oligarchy\"?"} {"term": "consecrate", "pos": "v", "context": "consecrate your life to the church", "definition": "to give entirely to a specific person , activity , or cause", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["devote", "devoted", "consecrate", "dedicate", "utilize", "vow", "employ"], "instruction": "\"consecrate your life to the church\" What is the definition of \"consecrate\"?"} {"term": "evident", "pos": "s", "context": "evident hostility", "definition": "clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"evident hostility\" What is the definition of \"evident\"?"} {"term": "evident", "pos": "s", "context": "a clearly evident erasure in the manuscript", "definition": "capable of being seen or noticed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a clearly evident erasure in the manuscript\" What is the definition of \"evident\"?"} {"term": "conducive", "pos": "s", "context": "working conditions are not conducive to productivity", "definition": "tending to bring about", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"working conditions are not conducive to productivity\" What is the definition of \"conducive\"?"} {"term": "conducive", "pos": "s", "context": "working conditions are not conducive to productivity", "definition": "being partly responsible for", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"working conditions are not conducive to productivity\" What is the definition of \"conducive\"?"} {"term": "utility", "pos": "s", "context": "a utility infielder", "definition": "capable of substituting in any of several positions on a team", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["substitute", ""], "instruction": "\"a utility infielder\" What is the definition of \"utility\"?"} {"term": "stagnate", "pos": "v", "context": "Industry will stagnate if we do not stimulate our economy", "definition": "to stand still", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Industry will stagnate if we do not stimulate our economy\" What is the definition of \"stagnate\"?"} {"term": "tamp", "pos": "v", "context": "tamp the coffee grinds in the container to make espresso", "definition": "to press down tightly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["compact", "pack", "compressed", "compress"], "instruction": "\"tamp the coffee grinds in the container to make espresso\" What is the definition of \"tamp\"?"} {"term": "actually", "pos": "r", "context": "to be nominally but not actually independent", "definition": "in actual fact", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to be nominally but not actually independent\" What is the definition of \"actually\"?"} {"term": "actually", "pos": "r", "context": "you may actually be doing the right thing by walking out", "definition": "used to imply that one would expect the fact to be the opposite of that stated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you may actually be doing the right thing by walking out\" What is the definition of \"actually\"?"} {"term": "actually", "pos": "r", "context": "you may actually be doing the right thing by walking out", "definition": "surprisingly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you may actually be doing the right thing by walking out\" What is the definition of \"actually\"?"} {"term": "actually", "pos": "r", "context": "the transmission screen shows the picture that is actually on the air", "definition": "at the present moment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the transmission screen shows the picture that is actually on the air\" What is the definition of \"actually\"?"} {"term": "crackle", "pos": "s", "context": "a crackle glaze", "definition": "having the surface decorated with a network of fine cracks , as in crackleware", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a crackle glaze\" What is the definition of \"crackle\"?"} {"term": "atheist", "pos": "a", "context": "atheist leanings", "definition": "related to or characterized by or given to atheism", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"atheist leanings\" What is the definition of \"atheist\"?"} {"term": "unhinge", "pos": "v", "context": "unhinge the door", "definition": "to remove the hinges from", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unhinge the door\" What is the definition of \"unhinge\"?"} {"term": "watershed", "pos": "n", "context": "the agreement was a watershed in the history of both nations", "definition": "an event marking a unique or important historical change of course or one on which important developments depend", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the agreement was a watershed in the history of both nations\" What is the definition of \"watershed\"?"} {"term": "props", "pos": "n", "context": "I have to give my props to the governor for the way he handled the problem", "definition": "proper respect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I have to give my props to the governor for the way he handled the problem\" What is the definition of \"props\"?"} {"term": "props", "pos": "n", "context": "before every scene he ran down his checklist of props", "definition": "any movable articles or objects used on the set of a play or movie", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["prop", "object", "property"], "instruction": "\"before every scene he ran down his checklist of props\" What is the definition of \"props\"?"} {"term": "sadness", "pos": "n", "context": "she tired of his perpetual sadness", "definition": "the state of being sad", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she tired of his perpetual sadness\" What is the definition of \"sadness\"?"} {"term": "job", "pos": "n", "context": "estimates of the city 's loss on that job ranged as high as a million dollars", "definition": "a specific piece of work required to be done as a duty or for a specific fee", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["chore", "stint", "duty"], "instruction": "\"estimates of the city 's loss on that job ranged as high as a million dollars\" What is the definition of \"job\"?"} {"term": "job", "pos": "n", "context": "he held the job in his left hand and worked on it with his right", "definition": "an object worked on", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he held the job in his left hand and worked on it with his right\" What is the definition of \"job\"?"} {"term": "job", "pos": "n", "context": "he held the job in his left hand and worked on it with his right", "definition": "a result produced by working", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he held the job in his left hand and worked on it with his right\" What is the definition of \"job\"?"} {"term": "flaky", "pos": "a", "context": "flaky soap", "definition": "made of or resembling flakes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"flaky soap\" What is the definition of \"flaky\"?"} {"term": "threadbare", "pos": "s", "context": "threadbare rugs", "definition": "having the nap worn away so that the threads show through", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"threadbare rugs\" What is the definition of \"threadbare\"?"} {"term": "threadbare", "pos": "s", "context": "repeating threadbare jokes", "definition": "repeated too often", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"repeating threadbare jokes\" What is the definition of \"threadbare\"?"} {"term": "threadbare", "pos": "s", "context": "repeating threadbare jokes", "definition": "overfamiliar through overuse", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"repeating threadbare jokes\" What is the definition of \"threadbare\"?"} {"term": "screaming", "pos": "n", "context": "her screaming attracted the neighbors", "definition": "sharp piercing cry", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["call", "scream", "shout", "yell", "outcry", "crying", "cry", "shriek", "screech"], "instruction": "\"her screaming attracted the neighbors\" What is the definition of \"screaming\"?"} {"term": "screaming", "pos": "v", "context": "Fighter planes are screaming through the skies", "definition": "to make a loud , piercing sound", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["noise", "scream", "resound"], "instruction": "\"Fighter planes are screaming through the skies\" What is the definition of \"screaming\"?"} {"term": "screaming", "pos": "s", "context": "a screaming farce", "definition": "marked by or causing boisterous merriment or convulsive laughter", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a screaming farce\" What is the definition of \"screaming\"?"} {"term": "everlasting", "pos": "s", "context": "life everlasting", "definition": "continuing forever or indefinitely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["ageless", "", "eternal", "perpetual"], "instruction": "\"life everlasting\" What is the definition of \"everlasting\"?"} {"term": "boss", "pos": "n", "context": "the boss hired three more men for the new job", "definition": "a person responsible for hiring workers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the boss hired three more men for the new job\" What is the definition of \"boss\"?"} {"term": "boss", "pos": "n", "context": "he is his own boss now", "definition": "a person who exercises control and makes decisions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is his own boss now\" What is the definition of \"boss\"?"} {"term": "boss", "pos": "s", "context": "a boss hand at carpentry", "definition": "exceptionally good", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a boss hand at carpentry\" What is the definition of \"boss\"?"} {"term": "station", "pos": "n", "context": "he started looking for a gas station", "definition": "a facility equipped with special equipment and personnel for a particular purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he started looking for a gas station\" What is the definition of \"station\"?"} {"term": "plant", "pos": "n", "context": "they built a large plant to manufacture automobiles", "definition": "buildings for carrying on industrial labor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they built a large plant to manufacture automobiles\" What is the definition of \"plant\"?"} {"term": "plant", "pos": "v", "context": "plant fish", "definition": "to place into a river", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"plant fish\" What is the definition of \"plant\"?"} {"term": "plant", "pos": "v", "context": "plant bugs in the dissident 's apartment", "definition": "to place something or someone in a certain position in order to secretly observe or deceive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"plant bugs in the dissident 's apartment\" What is the definition of \"plant\"?"} {"term": "sale", "pos": "n", "context": "he has just made his first sale", "definition": "a particular instance of selling", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he has just made his first sale\" What is the definition of \"sale\"?"} {"term": "sale", "pos": "n", "context": "laws limit the sale of handguns", "definition": "the general activity of selling", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"laws limit the sale of handguns\" What is the definition of \"sale\"?"} {"term": "sale", "pos": "n", "context": "they held a sale to reduce their inventory", "definition": "an occasion usually brief for buying at specially reduced prices", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they held a sale to reduce their inventory\" What is the definition of \"sale\"?"} {"term": "sensible", "pos": "a", "context": "even amoeba are sensible creatures", "definition": "able to feel or perceive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["sensitive", ""], "instruction": "\"even amoeba are sensible creatures\" What is the definition of \"sensible\"?"} {"term": "sensible", "pos": "a", "context": "a sensible choice", "definition": "showing reason or sound judgment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sensible choice\" What is the definition of \"sensible\"?"} {"term": "sensible", "pos": "s", "context": "the sensible universe", "definition": "readily perceived by the senses", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sensible universe\" What is the definition of \"sensible\"?"} {"term": "sensible", "pos": "s", "context": "made sensible of his mistakes", "definition": "aware intuitively or intellectually of something sensed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"made sensible of his mistakes\" What is the definition of \"sensible\"?"} {"term": "singular", "pos": "s", "context": "can the singular person be understood apart from his culture ?", "definition": "being a single and separate person or thing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"can the singular person be understood apart from his culture ?\" What is the definition of \"singular\"?"} {"term": "singular", "pos": "s", "context": "a singular example", "definition": "the single one of its kind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a singular example\" What is the definition of \"singular\"?"} {"term": "singular", "pos": "s", "context": "such poise is singular in one so young", "definition": "unusual or striking", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"such poise is singular in one so young\" What is the definition of \"singular\"?"} {"term": "falsely", "pos": "r", "context": "a seduction on my part would land us with the necessity to rise , bathe and dress , chat falsely about this and that , and emerge into the rest of the evening as though nothing had happened", "definition": "in an insincerely false manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a seduction on my part would land us with the necessity to rise , bathe and dress , chat falsely about this and that , and emerge into the rest of the evening as though nothing had happened\" What is the definition of \"falsely\"?"} {"term": "falsely", "pos": "r", "context": "to credit Lister with the first formulation of the basic principle of stratigraphy would be to bestow credit falsely", "definition": "in an incorrect manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to credit Lister with the first formulation of the basic principle of stratigraphy would be to bestow credit falsely\" What is the definition of \"falsely\"?"} {"term": "stateliness", "pos": "n", "context": "she served coffee with great stateliness", "definition": "an elaborate manner of doing something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she served coffee with great stateliness\" What is the definition of \"stateliness\"?"} {"term": "tremendous", "pos": "s", "context": "tremendous sweeping plains", "definition": "extraordinarily large in size or extent or amount or power or degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tremendous sweeping plains\" What is the definition of \"tremendous\"?"} {"term": "tremendous", "pos": "s", "context": "tremendous sweeping plains", "definition": "that a whole civilization should be dependent on technology - walter lippman", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tremendous sweeping plains\" What is the definition of \"tremendous\"?"} {"term": "tremendous", "pos": "s", "context": "a tremendous achievement", "definition": "extraordinarily good or great", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tremendous achievement\" What is the definition of \"tremendous\"?"} {"term": "tremendous", "pos": "s", "context": "a tremendous achievement", "definition": "used especially as intensifiers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tremendous achievement\" What is the definition of \"tremendous\"?"} {"term": "crate", "pos": "v", "context": "crate the paintings before shipping them to the museum", "definition": "to as for protection", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"crate the paintings before shipping them to the museum\" What is the definition of \"crate\"?"} {"term": "sympathy", "pos": "n", "context": "the two of them were in close sympathy", "definition": "a relation of affinity or harmony between people", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the two of them were in close sympathy\" What is the definition of \"sympathy\"?"} {"term": "sympathy", "pos": "n", "context": "the two of them were in close sympathy", "definition": "whatever affects one correspondingly affects the other", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the two of them were in close sympathy\" What is the definition of \"sympathy\"?"} {"term": "subjective", "pos": "a", "context": "a subjective judgment", "definition": "taking place within the mind and modified by individual bias", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a subjective judgment\" What is the definition of \"subjective\"?"} {"term": "nakedly", "pos": "r", "context": "they were attacked as they huddled nakedly on the bare hill", "definition": "in an exposed manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they were attacked as they huddled nakedly on the bare hill\" What is the definition of \"nakedly\"?"} {"term": "nakedly", "pos": "r", "context": "they were attacked as they huddled nakedly on the bare hill", "definition": "without protection or defense", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they were attacked as they huddled nakedly on the bare hill\" What is the definition of \"nakedly\"?"} {"term": "nakedly", "pos": "r", "context": "Henriette saw the weaving figure of an Apache warrior reel nakedly on a pony and rush by with a rifle raised", "definition": "without clothing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Henriette saw the weaving figure of an Apache warrior reel nakedly on a pony and rush by with a rifle raised\" What is the definition of \"nakedly\"?"} {"term": "final", "pos": "s", "context": "the final answer", "definition": "conclusive in a process or progression", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the final answer\" What is the definition of \"final\"?"} {"term": "final", "pos": "s", "context": "the judge 's decision is final", "definition": "not to be altered or undone", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the judge 's decision is final\" What is the definition of \"final\"?"} {"term": "final", "pos": "s", "context": "the final chapter", "definition": "occurring at or forming an end or termination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the final chapter\" What is the definition of \"final\"?"} {"term": "lucid", "pos": "s", "context": "a lucid moment in his madness", "definition": "having a clear mind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a lucid moment in his madness\" What is the definition of \"lucid\"?"} {"term": "lucid", "pos": "s", "context": "lucid directions", "definition": "transparently clear", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["limpid", "", "pellucid", "perspicuous"], "instruction": "\"lucid directions\" What is the definition of \"lucid\"?"} {"term": "lucid", "pos": "s", "context": "lucid directions", "definition": "easily understandable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["limpid", "", "pellucid", "perspicuous"], "instruction": "\"lucid directions\" What is the definition of \"lucid\"?"} {"term": "lucid", "pos": "s", "context": "a lucid thinker", "definition": "capable of thinking and expressing yourself in a clear and consistent manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["coherent", "", "logical"], "instruction": "\"a lucid thinker\" What is the definition of \"lucid\"?"} {"term": "outlandish", "pos": "s", "context": "the outlandish clothes of teenagers", "definition": "conspicuously or grossly unconventional or unusual", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the outlandish clothes of teenagers\" What is the definition of \"outlandish\"?"} {"term": "missing", "pos": "s", "context": "missing in action", "definition": "not able to be found", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"missing in action\" What is the definition of \"missing\"?"} {"term": "lame", "pos": "n", "context": "she wore a gold lame dress", "definition": "a fabric interwoven with threads of metal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she wore a gold lame dress\" What is the definition of \"lame\"?"} {"term": "lame", "pos": "s", "context": "a lame argument", "definition": "pathetically lacking in force or effectiveness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a lame argument\" What is the definition of \"lame\"?"} {"term": "equatorial", "pos": "a", "context": "equatorial diameter", "definition": "of or relating to or at an equator", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"equatorial diameter\" What is the definition of \"equatorial\"?"} {"term": "equatorial", "pos": "a", "context": "equatorial heat", "definition": "of or relating to conditions at the geographical equator", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"equatorial heat\" What is the definition of \"equatorial\"?"} {"term": "equatorial", "pos": "a", "context": "equatorial Africa", "definition": "of or existing at or near the geographic equator", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"equatorial Africa\" What is the definition of \"equatorial\"?"} {"term": "seminal", "pos": "a", "context": "seminal fluid", "definition": "pertaining to or containing or consisting of semen", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"seminal fluid\" What is the definition of \"seminal\"?"} {"term": "seminal", "pos": "s", "context": "seminal ideas of one discipline can influence the growth of another", "definition": "containing seeds of later development", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"seminal ideas of one discipline can influence the growth of another\" What is the definition of \"seminal\"?"} {"term": "birch", "pos": "n", "context": "my father never spared the birch", "definition": "used to hit people as punishment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my father never spared the birch\" What is the definition of \"birch\"?"} {"term": "hotbed", "pos": "n", "context": "it was a hotbed of vice", "definition": "a situation that is ideal for rapid development especially of something bad", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was a hotbed of vice\" What is the definition of \"hotbed\"?"} {"term": "bovine", "pos": "s", "context": "showed a bovine apathy", "definition": "dull and slow-moving and stolid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"showed a bovine apathy\" What is the definition of \"bovine\"?"} {"term": "bovine", "pos": "s", "context": "showed a bovine apathy", "definition": "like an ox", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"showed a bovine apathy\" What is the definition of \"bovine\"?"} {"term": "nefarious", "pos": "s", "context": "nefarious schemes", "definition": "extremely wicked", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nefarious schemes\" What is the definition of \"nefarious\"?"} {"term": "signification", "pos": "n", "context": "the signification of Chinese characters", "definition": "the message that is intended or expressed or signified", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["significance", "subtlety", "connotation", "moral", "sense", "nuance", "symbolization", "point", "intension", "shade", "import", "lesson", "gist", "nicety", "substance", "essence", "refinement", "burden", "meaning"], "instruction": "\"the signification of Chinese characters\" What is the definition of \"signification\"?"} {"term": "stew", "pos": "n", "context": "do n't get in a stew", "definition": "agitation resulting from active worry", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["agitation", "lather", "fret", "sweat"], "instruction": "\"do n't get in a stew\" What is the definition of \"stew\"?"} {"term": "spur", "pos": "v", "context": "The Academy was formed to spur research", "definition": "to incite or stimulate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The Academy was formed to spur research\" What is the definition of \"spur\"?"} {"term": "tempter", "pos": "n", "context": "Satan is the great tempter of mankind", "definition": "a person who tempts others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Satan is the great tempter of mankind\" What is the definition of \"tempter\"?"} {"term": "nowadays", "pos": "r", "context": "it is solely by their language that the upper classes nowadays are distinguished \" - Nancy Mitford", "definition": "in these times", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is solely by their language that the upper classes nowadays are distinguished \" - Nancy Mitford\" What is the definition of \"nowadays\"?"} {"term": "aural", "pos": "a", "context": "an animal with a very sensitive aural apparatus", "definition": "of or pertaining to hearing or the ear", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an animal with a very sensitive aural apparatus\" What is the definition of \"aural\"?"} {"term": "aural", "pos": "a", "context": "various aural effects that precede a migraine headache", "definition": "relating to or characterized by an aura", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"various aural effects that precede a migraine headache\" What is the definition of \"aural\"?"} {"term": "attachable", "pos": "a", "context": "a handle attachable by two bolts", "definition": "capable of being fastened or added to something else", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a handle attachable by two bolts\" What is the definition of \"attachable\"?"} {"term": "producer", "pos": "n", "context": "Maine is a leading producer of potatoes", "definition": "something that produces", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Maine is a leading producer of potatoes\" What is the definition of \"producer\"?"} {"term": "celestial", "pos": "a", "context": "celestial map", "definition": "of or relating to the sky", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"celestial map\" What is the definition of \"celestial\"?"} {"term": "celestial", "pos": "a", "context": "celestial beings", "definition": "relating to or inhabiting a divine heaven", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"celestial beings\" What is the definition of \"celestial\"?"} {"term": "celestial", "pos": "s", "context": "celestial peace", "definition": "of heaven or the spirit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"celestial peace\" What is the definition of \"celestial\"?"} {"term": "deafen", "pos": "v", "context": "deafen a room", "definition": "to make soundproof", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["break", "weaken", "dampen", "deafening", "damp"], "instruction": "\"deafen a room\" What is the definition of \"deafen\"?"} {"term": "overdrive", "pos": "n", "context": "Troops are ready to go into overdrive as soon as the signal is given", "definition": "the state of high or excessive activity or productivity or concentration", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Troops are ready to go into overdrive as soon as the signal is given\" What is the definition of \"overdrive\"?"} {"term": "road", "pos": "n", "context": "the road to fame", "definition": "a way or means to achieve something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the road to fame\" What is the definition of \"road\"?"} {"term": "additional", "pos": "s", "context": "called for additional troops", "definition": "further or added", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"called for additional troops\" What is the definition of \"additional\"?"} {"term": "shiny", "pos": "s", "context": "saw the moon like a shiny dime on a deep blue velvet carpet", "definition": "reflecting light", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"saw the moon like a shiny dime on a deep blue velvet carpet\" What is the definition of \"shiny\"?"} {"term": "shiny", "pos": "s", "context": "shiny black patents", "definition": "made smooth and bright by or as if by rubbing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shiny black patents\" What is the definition of \"shiny\"?"} {"term": "shiny", "pos": "s", "context": "shiny black patents", "definition": "reflecting a sheen or glow", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shiny black patents\" What is the definition of \"shiny\"?"} {"term": "anchorage", "pos": "n", "context": "the plant needs a firm anchorage", "definition": "the condition of being secured to a base", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the plant needs a firm anchorage\" What is the definition of \"anchorage\"?"} {"term": "uniform", "pos": "a", "context": "a street of uniform tall white buildings", "definition": "always the same", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a street of uniform tall white buildings\" What is the definition of \"uniform\"?"} {"term": "uniform", "pos": "a", "context": "a street of uniform tall white buildings", "definition": "showing a single form or character in all occurrences", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a street of uniform tall white buildings\" What is the definition of \"uniform\"?"} {"term": "giving", "pos": "n", "context": "he gave us the news and made a great show of the giving", "definition": "the imparting of news or promises etc. .", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he gave us the news and made a great show of the giving\" What is the definition of \"giving\"?"} {"term": "giving", "pos": "n", "context": "the alumni followed a program of annual giving", "definition": "disposing of property by voluntary transfer without receiving value in return", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the alumni followed a program of annual giving\" What is the definition of \"giving\"?"} {"term": "frictional", "pos": "a", "context": "frictional electricity", "definition": "pertaining to or worked or produced by friction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"frictional electricity\" What is the definition of \"frictional\"?"} {"term": "gossip", "pos": "n", "context": "the divorce caused much gossip", "definition": "a report often malicious about the behavior of other people", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["rumor", "account", "talk", "dirt", "scandal", "report", "comment"], "instruction": "\"the divorce caused much gossip\" What is the definition of \"gossip\"?"} {"term": "denude", "pos": "v", "context": "denude a forest", "definition": "to lay bare", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["bare", "strip", "clear", "defoliate"], "instruction": "\"denude a forest\" What is the definition of \"denude\"?"} {"term": "distance", "pos": "n", "context": "I could see it in the distance", "definition": "a distant region", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I could see it in the distance\" What is the definition of \"distance\"?"} {"term": "distance", "pos": "n", "context": "the distance from New York to Chicago", "definition": "size of the gap between two places", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["gauge", "leg", "size", "length", "altitude"], "instruction": "\"the distance from New York to Chicago\" What is the definition of \"distance\"?"} {"term": "forever", "pos": "r", "context": "she took forever to write the paper", "definition": "for a very long or seemingly endless time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she took forever to write the paper\" What is the definition of \"forever\"?"} {"term": "forever", "pos": "r", "context": "no one can live forever", "definition": "for a limitless time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["eternally", "", "everlastingly", "evermore"], "instruction": "\"no one can live forever\" What is the definition of \"forever\"?"} {"term": "management", "pos": "n", "context": "he was given overall management of the program", "definition": "the act of managing something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was given overall management of the program\" What is the definition of \"management\"?"} {"term": "plug", "pos": "v", "context": "Students must plug away at this problem", "definition": "to persist in working hard", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Students must plug away at this problem\" What is the definition of \"plug\"?"} {"term": "economy", "pos": "n", "context": "economy of effort", "definition": "the efficient use of resources", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"economy of effort\" What is the definition of \"economy\"?"} {"term": "economy", "pos": "n", "context": "the Scots are famous for their economy", "definition": "frugality in the expenditure of money or resources", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["frugalness", "thriftiness", "frugality"], "instruction": "\"the Scots are famous for their economy\" What is the definition of \"economy\"?"} {"term": "negative", "pos": "n", "context": "he answered in the negative", "definition": "a reply of denial", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he answered in the negative\" What is the definition of \"negative\"?"} {"term": "negative", "pos": "a", "context": "a negative outlook on life", "definition": "characterized by or displaying negation or denial or opposition or resistance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a negative outlook on life\" What is the definition of \"negative\"?"} {"term": "negative", "pos": "a", "context": "a negative outlook on life", "definition": "having no positive features", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a negative outlook on life\" What is the definition of \"negative\"?"} {"term": "negative", "pos": "a", "context": "the HIV test was negative", "definition": "not indicating the presence of microorganisms or disease or a specific condition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the HIV test was negative\" What is the definition of \"negative\"?"} {"term": "negative", "pos": "s", "context": "ran a negative campaign", "definition": "having the quality of something harmful or unpleasant", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ran a negative campaign\" What is the definition of \"negative\"?"} {"term": "negative", "pos": "s", "context": "a negative number", "definition": "less than zero", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a negative number\" What is the definition of \"negative\"?"} {"term": "bugbear", "pos": "n", "context": "Germany was always a bugbear for France", "definition": "an object of dread or apprehension", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["hobgoblin", "object"], "instruction": "\"Germany was always a bugbear for France\" What is the definition of \"bugbear\"?"} {"term": "loyalty", "pos": "n", "context": "they felt no loyalty to a losing team", "definition": "the act of binding yourself intellectually or emotionally to a course of action", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["consecration", "communalism", "dedication", "faith", "commitment", "devotion", "enlistment"], "instruction": "\"they felt no loyalty to a losing team\" What is the definition of \"loyalty\"?"} {"term": "equanimity", "pos": "n", "context": "he accepted their problems with composure and she with equanimity", "definition": "steadiness of mind under stress", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["calmness", "cool", "repose", "temperament", "composure", "disposition", "poise", "serenity", "calm", "assuredness", "quiet"], "instruction": "\"he accepted their problems with composure and she with equanimity\" What is the definition of \"equanimity\"?"} {"term": "gruff", "pos": "s", "context": "gruff voices", "definition": "deep and harsh sounding as if from shouting or illness or emotion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gruff voices\" What is the definition of \"gruff\"?"} {"term": "gruff", "pos": "s", "context": "gruff manner", "definition": "brusque and surly and forbidding", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gruff manner\" What is the definition of \"gruff\"?"} {"term": "whimsy", "pos": "n", "context": "he had a whimsy about flying to the moon", "definition": "an odd or fanciful or capricious idea", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["idea", "whim", "thought"], "instruction": "\"he had a whimsy about flying to the moon\" What is the definition of \"whimsy\"?"} {"term": "intramural", "pos": "a", "context": "most of the students participated actively in the college 's intramural sports program", "definition": "carried on within the bounds of an institution or community", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"most of the students participated actively in the college 's intramural sports program\" What is the definition of \"intramural\"?"} {"term": "elegiac", "pos": "a", "context": "an elegiac poem on a friend 's death", "definition": "resembling or characteristic of or appropriate to an elegy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an elegiac poem on a friend 's death\" What is the definition of \"elegiac\"?"} {"term": "elegiac", "pos": "s", "context": "an elegiac lament for youthful ideals", "definition": "expressing sorrow often for something past", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an elegiac lament for youthful ideals\" What is the definition of \"elegiac\"?"} {"term": "inquisitorial", "pos": "s", "context": "the press was inquisitorial to the point of antagonism", "definition": "marked by inquisitive interest", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the press was inquisitorial to the point of antagonism\" What is the definition of \"inquisitorial\"?"} {"term": "inquisitorial", "pos": "s", "context": "the press was inquisitorial to the point of antagonism", "definition": "especially suggestive of an ecclesiastical inquisitor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the press was inquisitorial to the point of antagonism\" What is the definition of \"inquisitorial\"?"} {"term": "inquisitorial", "pos": "s", "context": "the inquisitorial power of the Senate", "definition": "having the authority to conduct official investigations", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the inquisitorial power of the Senate\" What is the definition of \"inquisitorial\"?"} {"term": "infrared", "pos": "n", "context": "they could sense radiation in the infrared", "definition": "electromagnetic wave frequencies below the visible range", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they could sense radiation in the infrared\" What is the definition of \"infrared\"?"} {"term": "infrared", "pos": "s", "context": "infrared radiation", "definition": "having or employing wavelengths longer than light but shorter than radio waves", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"infrared radiation\" What is the definition of \"infrared\"?"} {"term": "infrared", "pos": "s", "context": "infrared radiation", "definition": "lying outside the visible spectrum at its red end", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"infrared radiation\" What is the definition of \"infrared\"?"} {"term": "dire", "pos": "s", "context": "a dire emergency", "definition": "fraught with extreme danger", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dire emergency\" What is the definition of \"dire\"?"} {"term": "dire", "pos": "s", "context": "a dire emergency", "definition": "nearly hopeless", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dire emergency\" What is the definition of \"dire\"?"} {"term": "dire", "pos": "s", "context": "dire news", "definition": "causing fear or dread or terror", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dire news\" What is the definition of \"dire\"?"} {"term": "bicolor", "pos": "s", "context": "a bicolor flower", "definition": "having two colors", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bicolor flower\" What is the definition of \"bicolor\"?"} {"term": "impressionable", "pos": "a", "context": "an impressionable youngster", "definition": "easily impressed or influenced", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an impressionable youngster\" What is the definition of \"impressionable\"?"} {"term": "accused", "pos": "v", "context": "The neighbors accused the man of spousal abuse", "definition": "to bring an accusation against", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["accuse", "impeach", "file", "lodge", "incriminate", "reproach", "arraign", "charge", "upbraid"], "instruction": "\"The neighbors accused the man of spousal abuse\" What is the definition of \"accused\"?"} {"term": "accused", "pos": "v", "context": "The neighbors accused the man of spousal abuse", "definition": "to level a charge against", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["accuse", "impeach", "file", "lodge", "incriminate", "reproach", "arraign", "charge", "upbraid"], "instruction": "\"The neighbors accused the man of spousal abuse\" What is the definition of \"accused\"?"} {"term": "axiomatic", "pos": "s", "context": "an axiomatic truth", "definition": "evident without proof or argument", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an axiomatic truth\" What is the definition of \"axiomatic\"?"} {"term": "axiomatic", "pos": "a", "context": "axiomatic wisdom", "definition": "containing aphorisms or maxims", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"axiomatic wisdom\" What is the definition of \"axiomatic\"?"} {"term": "axiomatic", "pos": "a", "context": "axiomatic physics", "definition": "of or relating to or derived from axioms", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"axiomatic physics\" What is the definition of \"axiomatic\"?"} {"term": "bender", "pos": "n", "context": "he used pliers as a bender", "definition": "a tool for bending", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he used pliers as a bender\" What is the definition of \"bender\"?"} {"term": "phallic", "pos": "a", "context": "a phallic cult", "definition": "relating to a phallus especially as an embodiment of generative power", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a phallic cult\" What is the definition of \"phallic\"?"} {"term": "phallic", "pos": "s", "context": "a phallic symbol", "definition": "resembling or being a phallus", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a phallic symbol\" What is the definition of \"phallic\"?"} {"term": "scrupulous", "pos": "a", "context": "less scrupulous producers sent bundles that were deceptive in appearance", "definition": "having scruples", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"less scrupulous producers sent bundles that were deceptive in appearance\" What is the definition of \"scrupulous\"?"} {"term": "scrupulous", "pos": "a", "context": "less scrupulous producers sent bundles that were deceptive in appearance", "definition": "arising from a sense of right and wrong", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"less scrupulous producers sent bundles that were deceptive in appearance\" What is the definition of \"scrupulous\"?"} {"term": "scrupulous", "pos": "a", "context": "less scrupulous producers sent bundles that were deceptive in appearance", "definition": "principled", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"less scrupulous producers sent bundles that were deceptive in appearance\" What is the definition of \"scrupulous\"?"} {"term": "scrupulous", "pos": "s", "context": "scrupulous attention to details", "definition": "characterized by extreme care and great effort", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"scrupulous attention to details\" What is the definition of \"scrupulous\"?"} {"term": "salaried", "pos": "a", "context": "salaried members of the staff", "definition": "receiving a salary", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"salaried members of the staff\" What is the definition of \"salaried\"?"} {"term": "salaried", "pos": "s", "context": "salaried workers", "definition": "receiving or eligible for compensation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"salaried workers\" What is the definition of \"salaried\"?"} {"term": "salaried", "pos": "s", "context": "salaried employment", "definition": "for which money is paid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"salaried employment\" What is the definition of \"salaried\"?"} {"term": "repayable", "pos": "s", "context": "business loans are usually repayable in regular installments", "definition": "subject to repayment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"business loans are usually repayable in regular installments\" What is the definition of \"repayable\"?"} {"term": "presidency", "pos": "n", "context": "Andrew Jackson expanded the power of the presidency beyond what was customary before his time", "definition": "the office and function of president", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["billet", "berth", "office", "spot", "presidentship", "post", "place", "situation"], "instruction": "\"Andrew Jackson expanded the power of the presidency beyond what was customary before his time\" What is the definition of \"presidency\"?"} {"term": "jurisdictional", "pos": "s", "context": "the jurisdictional limits of a state", "definition": "restricted to the geographic area under a particular jurisdiction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the jurisdictional limits of a state\" What is the definition of \"jurisdictional\"?"} {"term": "improbability", "pos": "n", "context": "impossibility should never be confused with improbability", "definition": "the quality of being improbable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"impossibility should never be confused with improbability\" What is the definition of \"improbability\"?"} {"term": "amendable", "pos": "s", "context": "an amendable flaw", "definition": "capable of being corrected by additions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an amendable flaw\" What is the definition of \"amendable\"?"} {"term": "unfit", "pos": "a", "context": "an unfit parent", "definition": "below the required standards for a purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unfit parent\" What is the definition of \"unfit\"?"} {"term": "unfit", "pos": "a", "context": "fat and very unfit", "definition": "not in good physical or mental condition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fat and very unfit\" What is the definition of \"unfit\"?"} {"term": "unfit", "pos": "a", "context": "fat and very unfit", "definition": "out of condition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fat and very unfit\" What is the definition of \"unfit\"?"} {"term": "vituperative", "pos": "s", "context": "her vituperative railing", "definition": "marked by harshly abusive criticism", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her vituperative railing\" What is the definition of \"vituperative\"?"} {"term": "free", "pos": "a", "context": "free enterprise", "definition": "able to act at will", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"free enterprise\" What is the definition of \"free\"?"} {"term": "free", "pos": "a", "context": "free enterprise", "definition": "not hampered", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"free enterprise\" What is the definition of \"free\"?"} {"term": "free", "pos": "a", "context": "free enterprise", "definition": "not under compulsion or restraint", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"free enterprise\" What is the definition of \"free\"?"} {"term": "free", "pos": "a", "context": "free expansion", "definition": "unconstrained or not chemically bound in a molecule or not fixed and capable of relatively unrestricted motion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"free expansion\" What is the definition of \"free\"?"} {"term": "free", "pos": "a", "context": "after the Civil War he was a free man", "definition": "not held in servitude", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after the Civil War he was a free man\" What is the definition of \"free\"?"} {"term": "free", "pos": "s", "context": "a free locker", "definition": "not occupied or in use", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a free locker\" What is the definition of \"free\"?"} {"term": "free", "pos": "s", "context": "a free translation of the poem", "definition": "not literal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a free translation of the poem\" What is the definition of \"free\"?"} {"term": "free", "pos": "s", "context": "free admission", "definition": "costing nothing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"free admission\" What is the definition of \"free\"?"} {"term": "eccentricity", "pos": "n", "context": "a circle is an ellipse with zero eccentricity", "definition": "a ratio describing the shape of a conic section", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a circle is an ellipse with zero eccentricity\" What is the definition of \"eccentricity\"?"} {"term": "eccentricity", "pos": "n", "context": "a circle is an ellipse with zero eccentricity", "definition": "the ratio of the distance between the foci to the length of the major axis", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a circle is an ellipse with zero eccentricity\" What is the definition of \"eccentricity\"?"} {"term": "liquid", "pos": "a", "context": "water and milk and blood are liquid substances", "definition": "especially tending to flow", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"water and milk and blood are liquid substances\" What is the definition of \"liquid\"?"} {"term": "liquid", "pos": "s", "context": "sorrow made the eyes of many grow liquid", "definition": "filled or brimming with tears", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sorrow made the eyes of many grow liquid\" What is the definition of \"liquid\"?"} {"term": "liquid", "pos": "s", "context": "the liquid air of a spring morning", "definition": "clear and bright", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["limpid", ""], "instruction": "\"the liquid air of a spring morning\" What is the definition of \"liquid\"?"} {"term": "liquid", "pos": "s", "context": "the liquid song of a robin", "definition": "smooth and flowing in quality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the liquid song of a robin\" What is the definition of \"liquid\"?"} {"term": "liquid", "pos": "s", "context": "the liquid song of a robin", "definition": "entirely free of harshness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the liquid song of a robin\" What is the definition of \"liquid\"?"} {"term": "unbolt", "pos": "v", "context": "unbolt the door", "definition": "to undo the bolt of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unbolt the door\" What is the definition of \"unbolt\"?"} {"term": "reputation", "pos": "n", "context": "his reputation for promiscuity", "definition": "notoriety for some particular characteristic", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his reputation for promiscuity\" What is the definition of \"reputation\"?"} {"term": "reputation", "pos": "n", "context": "he acquired a reputation as an actor before he started writing", "definition": "the general estimation that the public has for a person", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["report", "estimate", "estimation"], "instruction": "\"he acquired a reputation as an actor before he started writing\" What is the definition of \"reputation\"?"} {"term": "territorial", "pos": "a", "context": "the territorial government of the Virgin Islands", "definition": "of or relating to a territory", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the territorial government of the Virgin Islands\" What is the definition of \"territorial\"?"} {"term": "territorial", "pos": "a", "context": "territorial behavior", "definition": "displaying territoriality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"territorial behavior\" What is the definition of \"territorial\"?"} {"term": "territorial", "pos": "a", "context": "territorial behavior", "definition": "defending a territory from intruders", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"territorial behavior\" What is the definition of \"territorial\"?"} {"term": "territorial", "pos": "a", "context": "territorial rights", "definition": "belonging to the territory of any state or ruler", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"territorial rights\" What is the definition of \"territorial\"?"} {"term": "murmuring", "pos": "s", "context": "like murmuring waves", "definition": "making a low continuous indistinct sound", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"like murmuring waves\" What is the definition of \"murmuring\"?"} {"term": "mutable", "pos": "a", "context": "a mutable substance", "definition": "capable of or tending to change in form or quality or nature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["changeable", ""], "instruction": "\"a mutable substance\" What is the definition of \"mutable\"?"} {"term": "responsive", "pos": "a", "context": "responsive reading", "definition": "containing or using responses", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"responsive reading\" What is the definition of \"responsive\"?"} {"term": "responsive", "pos": "a", "context": "responsive reading", "definition": "alternating", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"responsive reading\" What is the definition of \"responsive\"?"} {"term": "responsive", "pos": "a", "context": "children are often the quickest and most responsive members of the audience", "definition": "readily reacting or replying to people or events or stimuli", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"children are often the quickest and most responsive members of the audience\" What is the definition of \"responsive\"?"} {"term": "responsive", "pos": "a", "context": "children are often the quickest and most responsive members of the audience", "definition": "showing emotion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"children are often the quickest and most responsive members of the audience\" What is the definition of \"responsive\"?"} {"term": "scale", "pos": "n", "context": "judging on a scale of 1 to 10", "definition": "an ordered reference standard", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"judging on a scale of 1 to 10\" What is the definition of \"scale\"?"} {"term": "scale", "pos": "n", "context": "they entertained on a grand scale", "definition": "relative magnitude", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they entertained on a grand scale\" What is the definition of \"scale\"?"} {"term": "scale", "pos": "n", "context": "the scale of the map", "definition": "the ratio between the size of something and a representation of it", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the scale of the map\" What is the definition of \"scale\"?"} {"term": "hotfoot", "pos": "r", "context": "sent ambassadors hotfoot to the Turks \" - Francis Hackett", "definition": "without delay", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sent ambassadors hotfoot to the Turks \" - Francis Hackett\" What is the definition of \"hotfoot\"?"} {"term": "hotfoot", "pos": "r", "context": "sent ambassadors hotfoot to the Turks \" - Francis Hackett", "definition": "speedily", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sent ambassadors hotfoot to the Turks \" - Francis Hackett\" What is the definition of \"hotfoot\"?"} {"term": "agony", "pos": "n", "context": "an agony of doubt", "definition": "intense feelings of suffering", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["hurt", "suffering", "torment", "torture"], "instruction": "\"an agony of doubt\" What is the definition of \"agony\"?"} {"term": "agony", "pos": "n", "context": "an agony of doubt", "definition": "acute mental or physical pain", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["hurt", "suffering", "torment", "torture"], "instruction": "\"an agony of doubt\" What is the definition of \"agony\"?"} {"term": "rag", "pos": "v", "context": "rag that old tune", "definition": "to play in ragtime", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["play", "ragged"], "instruction": "\"rag that old tune\" What is the definition of \"rag\"?"} {"term": "rag", "pos": "v", "context": "rag ore", "definition": "to break into lumps before sorting", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rag ore\" What is the definition of \"rag\"?"} {"term": "consistent", "pos": "s", "context": "bituminous coal is often treated as a consistent and homogeneous product", "definition": "the same throughout in structure or composition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bituminous coal is often treated as a consistent and homogeneous product\" What is the definition of \"consistent\"?"} {"term": "regally", "pos": "r", "context": "a regally appropriate representative", "definition": "in a regal manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a regally appropriate representative\" What is the definition of \"regally\"?"} {"term": "liable", "pos": "s", "context": "liable to criminal charges", "definition": "subject to legal action", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"liable to criminal charges\" What is the definition of \"liable\"?"} {"term": "liable", "pos": "s", "context": "liable to diabetes", "definition": "likely to be affected with", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"liable to diabetes\" What is the definition of \"liable\"?"} {"term": "liable", "pos": "s", "context": "men between the ages of 18 and 35 were liable for military service", "definition": "held legally responsible", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"men between the ages of 18 and 35 were liable for military service\" What is the definition of \"liable\"?"} {"term": "joker", "pos": "n", "context": "some joker is blocking the driveway", "definition": "a person who does something thoughtless or annoying", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some joker is blocking the driveway\" What is the definition of \"joker\"?"} {"term": "joker", "pos": "n", "context": "when I demanded my money he showed me the joker in the contract", "definition": "an inconspicuous clause in a document or bill that affects its meaning in a way that is not immediately apparent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when I demanded my money he showed me the joker in the contract\" What is the definition of \"joker\"?"} {"term": "discernible", "pos": "a", "context": "things happen in the earth and sky with no discernible cause", "definition": "perceptible by the senses or intellect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"things happen in the earth and sky with no discernible cause\" What is the definition of \"discernible\"?"} {"term": "discernible", "pos": "s", "context": "an essay with a meaning that was not always discernible", "definition": "capable of being perceived clearly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an essay with a meaning that was not always discernible\" What is the definition of \"discernible\"?"} {"term": "discernible", "pos": "s", "context": "a discernible change in attitude", "definition": "capable of being seen or noticed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a discernible change in attitude\" What is the definition of \"discernible\"?"} {"term": "immemorial", "pos": "s", "context": "time immemorial", "definition": "long past", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"time immemorial\" What is the definition of \"immemorial\"?"} {"term": "immemorial", "pos": "s", "context": "time immemorial", "definition": "beyond the limits of memory or tradition or recorded history", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"time immemorial\" What is the definition of \"immemorial\"?"} {"term": "providence", "pos": "n", "context": "divine providence", "definition": "the guardianship and control exercised by a deity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"divine providence\" What is the definition of \"providence\"?"} {"term": "extempore", "pos": "s", "context": "an extempore skit", "definition": "with little or no preparation or forethought", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an extempore skit\" What is the definition of \"extempore\"?"} {"term": "potency", "pos": "n", "context": "the toxin 's potency", "definition": "capacity to produce strong physiological or chemical effects", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["strength", "power", "effectiveness"], "instruction": "\"the toxin 's potency\" What is the definition of \"potency\"?"} {"term": "potency", "pos": "n", "context": "a place of potency in the state", "definition": "the power or right to give orders or make decisions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["control", "imperium", "dominance", "authority", "authorization", "lordship", "sovereignty"], "instruction": "\"a place of potency in the state\" What is the definition of \"potency\"?"} {"term": "north", "pos": "r", "context": "they earn more up north", "definition": "in a northern direction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they earn more up north\" What is the definition of \"north\"?"} {"term": "rebellion", "pos": "n", "context": "each generation must have its own rebellion", "definition": "refusal to accept some authority or code or convention", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"each generation must have its own rebellion\" What is the definition of \"rebellion\"?"} {"term": "deleterious", "pos": "s", "context": "deleterious chemical additives", "definition": "harmful to living things", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"deleterious chemical additives\" What is the definition of \"deleterious\"?"} {"term": "curious", "pos": "s", "context": "a curious hybrid accent", "definition": "beyond or deviating from the usual or expected", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["peculiar", "", "rum", "singular", "rummy", "funny", "queer"], "instruction": "\"a curious hybrid accent\" What is the definition of \"curious\"?"} {"term": "curious", "pos": "s", "context": "a trap door that made me curious", "definition": "having curiosity aroused", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a trap door that made me curious\" What is the definition of \"curious\"?"} {"term": "curious", "pos": "s", "context": "a trap door that made me curious", "definition": "eagerly interested in learning more", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a trap door that made me curious\" What is the definition of \"curious\"?"} {"term": "curious", "pos": "a", "context": "a curious child is a teacher 's delight", "definition": "eager to investigate and learn or learn more sometimes about others concerns", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a curious child is a teacher 's delight\" What is the definition of \"curious\"?"} {"term": "immaterial", "pos": "a", "context": "an objection that is immaterial after the fact", "definition": "of no importance or relevance especially to a law case", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an objection that is immaterial after the fact\" What is the definition of \"immaterial\"?"} {"term": "immaterial", "pos": "a", "context": "immaterial apparitions", "definition": "not consisting of matter", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"immaterial apparitions\" What is the definition of \"immaterial\"?"} {"term": "immaterial", "pos": "s", "context": "whether you choose to do it or not is a matter that is quite immaterial ( or indifferent )", "definition": "lacking importance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"whether you choose to do it or not is a matter that is quite immaterial ( or indifferent )\" What is the definition of \"immaterial\"?"} {"term": "immaterial", "pos": "s", "context": "whether you choose to do it or not is a matter that is quite immaterial ( or indifferent )", "definition": "not mattering one way or the other", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"whether you choose to do it or not is a matter that is quite immaterial ( or indifferent )\" What is the definition of \"immaterial\"?"} {"term": "immaterial", "pos": "s", "context": "the price was immaterial", "definition": "not pertinent to the matter under consideration", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the price was immaterial\" What is the definition of \"immaterial\"?"} {"term": "tabulation", "pos": "n", "context": "the tabulation of the results", "definition": "the act of putting into tabular form", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the tabulation of the results\" What is the definition of \"tabulation\"?"} {"term": "crash", "pos": "n", "context": "they are still investigating the crash of the TWA plane", "definition": "a serious accident usually involving one or more vehicles", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["wreck", "accident"], "instruction": "\"they are still investigating the crash of the TWA plane\" What is the definition of \"crash\"?"} {"term": "crash", "pos": "n", "context": "his crash through the window", "definition": "the act of colliding with something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["smash", "impaction", "impingement", "hit", "striking"], "instruction": "\"his crash through the window\" What is the definition of \"crash\"?"} {"term": "meekly", "pos": "r", "context": "meekly bowed to his wishes", "definition": "in a submissive or spiritless manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"meekly bowed to his wishes\" What is the definition of \"meekly\"?"} {"term": "hatless", "pos": "a", "context": "stood hatless in the rain with water dripping down his neck", "definition": "not wearing a hat", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stood hatless in the rain with water dripping down his neck\" What is the definition of \"hatless\"?"} {"term": "hallucination", "pos": "n", "context": "he refused to believe that the angel was a hallucination", "definition": "an object perceived during a hallucinatory episode", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he refused to believe that the angel was a hallucination\" What is the definition of \"hallucination\"?"} {"term": "hallucination", "pos": "n", "context": "his dreams of vast wealth are a hallucination", "definition": "a mistaken or unfounded opinion or idea", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["misconception", "delusion"], "instruction": "\"his dreams of vast wealth are a hallucination\" What is the definition of \"hallucination\"?"} {"term": "impregnation", "pos": "n", "context": "the impregnation of wood with preservative", "definition": "the process of totally saturating something with a substance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the impregnation of wood with preservative\" What is the definition of \"impregnation\"?"} {"term": "restraint", "pos": "n", "context": "the unlawful restraint of trade", "definition": "the act of controlling by restraining someone or something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the unlawful restraint of trade\" What is the definition of \"restraint\"?"} {"term": "restraint", "pos": "n", "context": "he was a model of polite restraint", "definition": "discipline in personal and social activities", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["continence", "temperance", "inhibition", "control", "discipline", "moderation"], "instruction": "\"he was a model of polite restraint\" What is the definition of \"restraint\"?"} {"term": "thundering", "pos": "s", "context": "a thundering success", "definition": "extraordinarily big or impressive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a thundering success\" What is the definition of \"thundering\"?"} {"term": "likewise", "pos": "r", "context": "some people have little power to do good , and have likewise little strength to resist evil \" - Samuel Johnson", "definition": "in like or similar manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some people have little power to do good , and have likewise little strength to resist evil \" - Samuel Johnson\" What is the definition of \"likewise\"?"} {"term": "roundabout", "pos": "s", "context": "a roundabout paragraph", "definition": "marked by obliqueness or indirection in speech or conduct", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a roundabout paragraph\" What is the definition of \"roundabout\"?"} {"term": "roundabout", "pos": "s", "context": "a roundabout route avoided rush-hour traffic", "definition": "deviating from a straight course", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a roundabout route avoided rush-hour traffic\" What is the definition of \"roundabout\"?"} {"term": "dreamless", "pos": "s", "context": "a sound and dreamless sleep", "definition": "untroubled by dreams", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sound and dreamless sleep\" What is the definition of \"dreamless\"?"} {"term": "complexity", "pos": "n", "context": "he enjoyed the complexity of modern computers", "definition": "the quality of being intricate and compounded", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he enjoyed the complexity of modern computers\" What is the definition of \"complexity\"?"} {"term": "perfectly", "pos": "r", "context": "She performed perfectly on the balance beam", "definition": "in a perfect or faultless way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"She performed perfectly on the balance beam\" What is the definition of \"perfectly\"?"} {"term": "perfectly", "pos": "r", "context": "a perfectly idiotic idea", "definition": "completely and without qualification", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a perfectly idiotic idea\" What is the definition of \"perfectly\"?"} {"term": "perfectly", "pos": "r", "context": "a perfectly idiotic idea", "definition": "used informally as intensifiers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a perfectly idiotic idea\" What is the definition of \"perfectly\"?"} {"term": "unbeknown", "pos": "s", "context": "a crisis unbeknown to me", "definition": "occurring or existing without the knowledge of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a crisis unbeknown to me\" What is the definition of \"unbeknown\"?"} {"term": "freeze", "pos": "n", "context": "a nuclear freeze", "definition": "an interruption or temporary suspension of progress or movement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["pause", "halt"], "instruction": "\"a nuclear freeze\" What is the definition of \"freeze\"?"} {"term": "freeze", "pos": "v", "context": "I could freeze to death in this office when the air conditioning is turned on", "definition": "to be cold", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["freezing", "suffer"], "instruction": "\"I could freeze to death in this office when the air conditioning is turned on\" What is the definition of \"freeze\"?"} {"term": "breeding", "pos": "s", "context": "the breeding population", "definition": "producing offspring or set aside especially for producing offspring", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the breeding population\" What is the definition of \"breeding\"?"} {"term": "name", "pos": "n", "context": "his name really is George Washington", "definition": "a language unit by which a person or thing is known", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his name really is George Washington\" What is the definition of \"name\"?"} {"term": "name", "pos": "n", "context": "he wanted to protect his good name", "definition": "a persons reputation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he wanted to protect his good name\" What is the definition of \"name\"?"} {"term": "name", "pos": "n", "context": "he had no sons and there was no one to carry on his name", "definition": "family based on male descent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["gens", "folk", "sept", "kinfolk", "kinsfolk", "family"], "instruction": "\"he had no sons and there was no one to carry on his name\" What is the definition of \"name\"?"} {"term": "exemplary", "pos": "s", "context": "exemplary behavior", "definition": "worthy of imitation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"exemplary behavior\" What is the definition of \"exemplary\"?"} {"term": "exemplary", "pos": "s", "context": "an action exemplary of his conduct", "definition": "being or serving as an illustration of a type", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an action exemplary of his conduct\" What is the definition of \"exemplary\"?"} {"term": "exemplary", "pos": "s", "context": "an exemplary jail sentence", "definition": "serving to warn", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["monitory", "", "admonitory", "cautionary"], "instruction": "\"an exemplary jail sentence\" What is the definition of \"exemplary\"?"} {"term": "redeye", "pos": "n", "context": "he took the redeye in order to get home the next morning", "definition": "a night flight from which the passengers emerge with eyes red from lack of sleep", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he took the redeye in order to get home the next morning\" What is the definition of \"redeye\"?"} {"term": "reorganization", "pos": "n", "context": "a committee was appointed to oversee the reorganization of the curriculum", "definition": "the imposition of a new organization", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a committee was appointed to oversee the reorganization of the curriculum\" What is the definition of \"reorganization\"?"} {"term": "reorganization", "pos": "n", "context": "a committee was appointed to oversee the reorganization of the curriculum", "definition": "organizing differently often involving extensive and drastic changes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a committee was appointed to oversee the reorganization of the curriculum\" What is the definition of \"reorganization\"?"} {"term": "reorganization", "pos": "n", "context": "after the takeover there was a thorough reorganization", "definition": "an extensive alteration of the structure of a corporation or government", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after the takeover there was a thorough reorganization\" What is the definition of \"reorganization\"?"} {"term": "imprudent", "pos": "a", "context": "very imprudent of her mother to encourage her in such silly romantic ideas", "definition": "not prudent or wise", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"very imprudent of her mother to encourage her in such silly romantic ideas\" What is the definition of \"imprudent\"?"} {"term": "imprudent", "pos": "s", "context": "an imprudent remark", "definition": "lacking wise self-restraint", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an imprudent remark\" What is the definition of \"imprudent\"?"} {"term": "unspeakable", "pos": "s", "context": "unspeakable happiness", "definition": "defying expression or description", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unspeakable happiness\" What is the definition of \"unspeakable\"?"} {"term": "unspeakable", "pos": "s", "context": "an unspeakable odor came sweeping into the room", "definition": "exceptionally bad or displeasing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unspeakable odor came sweeping into the room\" What is the definition of \"unspeakable\"?"} {"term": "tributary", "pos": "s", "context": "a tributary colony", "definition": "paying tribute", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tributary colony\" What is the definition of \"tributary\"?"} {"term": "telephonic", "pos": "a", "context": "telephonic connection", "definition": "of or relating to telephony", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"telephonic connection\" What is the definition of \"telephonic\"?"} {"term": "cathedral", "pos": "a", "context": "a cathedral church", "definition": "relating to or containing or issuing from a bishops office or throne", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a cathedral church\" What is the definition of \"cathedral\"?"} {"term": "seek", "pos": "v", "context": "seek a position", "definition": "to try to get or reach", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"seek a position\" What is the definition of \"seek\"?"} {"term": "seek", "pos": "v", "context": "seek directions from a local", "definition": "to inquire for", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"seek directions from a local\" What is the definition of \"seek\"?"} {"term": "engineering", "pos": "n", "context": "he had trouble deciding which branch of engineering to study", "definition": "the discipline dealing with the art or science of applying scientific knowledge to practical problems", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["bailiwick", "subject", "discipline", "study", "technology"], "instruction": "\"he had trouble deciding which branch of engineering to study\" What is the definition of \"engineering\"?"} {"term": "recombine", "pos": "v", "context": "The DNA can recombine", "definition": "to undergo genetic recombination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The DNA can recombine\" What is the definition of \"recombine\"?"} {"term": "recombine", "pos": "v", "context": "should scientists recombine DNA ?", "definition": "to cause genetic recombination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"should scientists recombine DNA ?\" What is the definition of \"recombine\"?"} {"term": "fortuity", "pos": "n", "context": "it was due to an accident or fortuity", "definition": "anything that happens suddenly or by chance without an apparent cause", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["break", "hap", "accident", "coincidence", "lottery", "stroke"], "instruction": "\"it was due to an accident or fortuity\" What is the definition of \"fortuity\"?"} {"term": "aquatic", "pos": "a", "context": "an aquatic environment", "definition": "relating to or consisting of or being in water", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an aquatic environment\" What is the definition of \"aquatic\"?"} {"term": "aquatic", "pos": "a", "context": "boats are aquatic vehicles", "definition": "operating or living or growing in water", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"boats are aquatic vehicles\" What is the definition of \"aquatic\"?"} {"term": "chart", "pos": "v", "context": "chart the data", "definition": "to represent by means of a graph", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"chart the data\" What is the definition of \"chart\"?"} {"term": "fender", "pos": "n", "context": "in Britain they call a fender a wing", "definition": "a barrier that surrounds the wheels of a vehicle to block splashing water or mud", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in Britain they call a fender a wing\" What is the definition of \"fender\"?"} {"term": "unearned", "pos": "a", "context": "accepted the unearned rewards that came his ways as well as the unearned criticism", "definition": "not gained by merit or labor or service", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"accepted the unearned rewards that came his ways as well as the unearned criticism\" What is the definition of \"unearned\"?"} {"term": "tight", "pos": "a", "context": "tight skirts", "definition": "closely constrained or constricted or constricting", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tight skirts\" What is the definition of \"tight\"?"} {"term": "tight", "pos": "a", "context": "a tight roof", "definition": "of such close construction as to be impermeable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tight roof\" What is the definition of \"tight\"?"} {"term": "tight", "pos": "s", "context": "in tight formation", "definition": "set so close together as to be invulnerable to penetration", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in tight formation\" What is the definition of \"tight\"?"} {"term": "tight", "pos": "s", "context": "tight money", "definition": "affected by scarcity and expensive to borrow", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tight money\" What is the definition of \"tight\"?"} {"term": "tight", "pos": "s", "context": "the bolts are tight", "definition": "securely or solidly fixed in place", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the bolts are tight\" What is the definition of \"tight\"?"} {"term": "tight", "pos": "s", "context": "the bolts are tight", "definition": "rigid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the bolts are tight\" What is the definition of \"tight\"?"} {"term": "tight", "pos": "r", "context": "held tight", "definition": "firmly or closely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"held tight\" What is the definition of \"tight\"?"} {"term": "cynically", "pos": "r", "context": "Larsen 's frost-blackened lips curved cynically", "definition": "with cynicism", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Larsen 's frost-blackened lips curved cynically\" What is the definition of \"cynically\"?"} {"term": "cynically", "pos": "r", "context": "Larsen 's frost-blackened lips curved cynically", "definition": "in a cynical manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Larsen 's frost-blackened lips curved cynically\" What is the definition of \"cynically\"?"} {"term": "volume", "pos": "n", "context": "the gas expanded to twice its original volume", "definition": "the amount of 3-dimensional space occupied by an object", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the gas expanded to twice its original volume\" What is the definition of \"volume\"?"} {"term": "volume", "pos": "n", "context": "the third volume was missing", "definition": "a publication that is one of a set of several similar publications", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the third volume was missing\" What is the definition of \"volume\"?"} {"term": "volume", "pos": "n", "context": "mix one volume of the solution with ten volumes of water", "definition": "a relative amount", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mix one volume of the solution with ten volumes of water\" What is the definition of \"volume\"?"} {"term": "countable", "pos": "s", "context": "countable sins", "definition": "that can be counted", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"countable sins\" What is the definition of \"countable\"?"} {"term": "computable", "pos": "s", "context": "computable odds", "definition": "may be computed or estimated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"computable odds\" What is the definition of \"computable\"?"} {"term": "chafe", "pos": "n", "context": "he had a nasty chafe on his knee", "definition": "soreness and warmth caused by friction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had a nasty chafe on his knee\" What is the definition of \"chafe\"?"} {"term": "apostle", "pos": "n", "context": "an apostle of revolution", "definition": "an ardent early supporter of a cause or reform", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an apostle of revolution\" What is the definition of \"apostle\"?"} {"term": "die", "pos": "v", "context": "Martyrs may die every day for their faith", "definition": "to suffer or face the pain of death", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["suffer", "endure", "dying", "suffering"], "instruction": "\"Martyrs may die every day for their faith\" What is the definition of \"die\"?"} {"term": "boggy", "pos": "s", "context": "the ground was boggy under foot", "definition": "soft and watery", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ground was boggy under foot\" What is the definition of \"boggy\"?"} {"term": "rude", "pos": "s", "context": "bales of rude cotton", "definition": "being unprocessed or manufactured using only simple or minimal processes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["raw", "", "natural"], "instruction": "\"bales of rude cotton\" What is the definition of \"rude\"?"} {"term": "literature", "pos": "n", "context": "the technical literature", "definition": "published writings in a particular style on a particular subject", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the technical literature\" What is the definition of \"literature\"?"} {"term": "false", "pos": "a", "context": "gave false testimony under oath", "definition": "not in accordance with the fact or reality or actuality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gave false testimony under oath\" What is the definition of \"false\"?"} {"term": "false", "pos": "s", "context": "a false assumption", "definition": "arising from error", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a false assumption\" What is the definition of \"false\"?"} {"term": "false", "pos": "s", "context": "a false start", "definition": "erroneous and usually accidental", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a false start\" What is the definition of \"false\"?"} {"term": "false", "pos": "s", "context": "false pretenses", "definition": "deliberately deceptive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"false pretenses\" What is the definition of \"false\"?"} {"term": "false", "pos": "r", "context": "his wife played him false", "definition": "in a disloyal and faithless manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his wife played him false\" What is the definition of \"false\"?"} {"term": "headless", "pos": "a", "context": "the headless horseman", "definition": "not having a head or formed without a head", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the headless horseman\" What is the definition of \"headless\"?"} {"term": "signally", "pos": "r", "context": "a term that is used signally rather than symbolically", "definition": "as a signal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a term that is used signally rather than symbolically\" What is the definition of \"signally\"?"} {"term": "signally", "pos": "r", "context": "signally inappropriate methods", "definition": "in a signal manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"signally inappropriate methods\" What is the definition of \"signally\"?"} {"term": "screen", "pos": "n", "context": "a screen of trees afforded privacy", "definition": "a covering that serves to conceal or shelter something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["covert", "concealment", "blind", "cover"], "instruction": "\"a screen of trees afforded privacy\" What is the definition of \"screen\"?"} {"term": "screen", "pos": "v", "context": "screen the blood for the HIV virus", "definition": "to test or examine for the presence of disease or infection", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"screen the blood for the HIV virus\" What is the definition of \"screen\"?"} {"term": "screen", "pos": "v", "context": "screen the suitcases", "definition": "to examine methodically", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"screen the suitcases\" What is the definition of \"screen\"?"} {"term": "screen", "pos": "v", "context": "screen these samples", "definition": "to examine in order to test suitability", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"screen these samples\" What is the definition of \"screen\"?"} {"term": "alive", "pos": "a", "context": "the happiest person alive", "definition": "possessing life", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the happiest person alive\" What is the definition of \"alive\"?"} {"term": "alive", "pos": "s", "context": "she was wonderfully alive for her age", "definition": "full of life and spirit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was wonderfully alive for her age\" What is the definition of \"alive\"?"} {"term": "alive", "pos": "s", "context": "is alive to the moods of others", "definition": "aware of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"is alive to the moods of others\" What is the definition of \"alive\"?"} {"term": "alive", "pos": "s", "context": "the volcano is very much alive", "definition": "capable of erupting", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the volcano is very much alive\" What is the definition of \"alive\"?"} {"term": "hygiene", "pos": "n", "context": "personal hygiene", "definition": "a condition promoting sanitary practices", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"personal hygiene\" What is the definition of \"hygiene\"?"} {"term": "movingly", "pos": "r", "context": "she sang movingly", "definition": "in a moving manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she sang movingly\" What is the definition of \"movingly\"?"} {"term": "frugal", "pos": "s", "context": "a frugal farmer", "definition": "avoiding waste", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a frugal farmer\" What is the definition of \"frugal\"?"} {"term": "antiseptic", "pos": "a", "context": "doctors in antiseptic green coats", "definition": "thoroughly clean and free of or destructive to disease-causing organisms", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"doctors in antiseptic green coats\" What is the definition of \"antiseptic\"?"} {"term": "antiseptic", "pos": "s", "context": "antiseptic financial practices", "definition": "clean and honest", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"antiseptic financial practices\" What is the definition of \"antiseptic\"?"} {"term": "antiseptic", "pos": "s", "context": "the antiseptic effect of sturdy criticism", "definition": "freeing from error or corruption", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the antiseptic effect of sturdy criticism\" What is the definition of \"antiseptic\"?"} {"term": "antiseptic", "pos": "s", "context": "lyrics as antiseptic as Sunday School", "definition": "devoid of objectionable language", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lyrics as antiseptic as Sunday School\" What is the definition of \"antiseptic\"?"} {"term": "alienation", "pos": "n", "context": "the power of alienation is an essential ingredient of ownership", "definition": "the voluntary and absolute transfer of title and possession of real property from one person to another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the power of alienation is an essential ingredient of ownership\" What is the definition of \"alienation\"?"} {"term": "unawares", "pos": "r", "context": "came upon the diamond unawares", "definition": "without forethought or plan", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"came upon the diamond unawares\" What is the definition of \"unawares\"?"} {"term": "unawares", "pos": "r", "context": "came upon the diamond unawares", "definition": "inadvertently", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"came upon the diamond unawares\" What is the definition of \"unawares\"?"} {"term": "unawares", "pos": "r", "context": "rain caught them unawares", "definition": "suddenly and unexpectedly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rain caught them unawares\" What is the definition of \"unawares\"?"} {"term": "diversion", "pos": "n", "context": "scuba diving is provided as a diversion for tourists", "definition": "an activity that diverts or amuses or stimulates", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"scuba diving is provided as a diversion for tourists\" What is the definition of \"diversion\"?"} {"term": "diversion", "pos": "n", "context": "a diversion from the main highway", "definition": "a turning aside of your course or attention or concern", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["turn", "deflection", "turning", "digression"], "instruction": "\"a diversion from the main highway\" What is the definition of \"diversion\"?"} {"term": "metamorphic", "pos": "a", "context": "metamorphic stage", "definition": "of or relating to metamorphosis especially of rocks", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"metamorphic stage\" What is the definition of \"metamorphic\"?"} {"term": "halt", "pos": "n", "context": "during the halt he got some lunch", "definition": "the state of inactivity following an interruption", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["stop", "countercheck", "inaction", "inactivity", "stoppage", "arrest", "stay"], "instruction": "\"during the halt he got some lunch\" What is the definition of \"halt\"?"} {"term": "halt", "pos": "n", "context": "a halt in the arms race", "definition": "an interruption or temporary suspension of progress or movement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["pause", "freeze"], "instruction": "\"a halt in the arms race\" What is the definition of \"halt\"?"} {"term": "halt", "pos": "v", "context": "halt the presses", "definition": "to cause to stop", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["stop", "hold", "arrest"], "instruction": "\"halt the presses\" What is the definition of \"halt\"?"} {"term": "logically", "pos": "r", "context": "he acted logically under the circumstances", "definition": "in a logical manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he acted logically under the circumstances\" What is the definition of \"logically\"?"} {"term": "unerringly", "pos": "r", "context": "he unerringly fixed things for us", "definition": "without making errors", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he unerringly fixed things for us\" What is the definition of \"unerringly\"?"} {"term": "promising", "pos": "s", "context": "a promising young man", "definition": "showing possibility of achievement or excellence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a promising young man\" What is the definition of \"promising\"?"} {"term": "thirstily", "pos": "r", "context": "we drank thirstily from the bottle that was passed around", "definition": "in a thirsty manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we drank thirstily from the bottle that was passed around\" What is the definition of \"thirstily\"?"} {"term": "transfer", "pos": "v", "context": "transfer the data", "definition": "to move from one place to another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"transfer the data\" What is the definition of \"transfer\"?"} {"term": "transfer", "pos": "v", "context": "transfer the packet from his trouser pockets to a pocket in his jacket", "definition": "to move around", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["shuffling", "shift", "carry", "displace", "shifting", "shunt", "remove", "transpose", "shuffle", "transship", "moving", "transfer"], "instruction": "\"transfer the packet from his trouser pockets to a pocket in his jacket\" What is the definition of \"transfer\"?"} {"term": "nicely", "pos": "r", "context": "a nicely painted house", "definition": "in a nice way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a nicely painted house\" What is the definition of \"nicely\"?"} {"term": "handless", "pos": "a", "context": "a handless war veteran", "definition": "without a hand or hands", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a handless war veteran\" What is the definition of \"handless\"?"} {"term": "handless", "pos": "s", "context": "could scarcely empty a scuttle of ashes , so handless was the poor creature \" - Mary H. Vorse", "definition": "lacking physical movement skills , especially with the hands", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"could scarcely empty a scuttle of ashes , so handless was the poor creature \" - Mary H. Vorse\" What is the definition of \"handless\"?"} {"term": "handle", "pos": "n", "context": "he grabbed the hammer by the handle", "definition": "the appendage to an object that is designed to be held in order to use or move it", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["handless", "crop", "hold", "panhandle", "appendage", "hilt", "haft", "knob", "pommel", "gunstock", "stock", "broomstick"], "instruction": "\"he grabbed the hammer by the handle\" What is the definition of \"handle\"?"} {"term": "handle", "pos": "v", "context": "Do n't handle the merchandise", "definition": "to touch , lift , or hold with the hands", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["touching", "manhandle", "fielding", "palm", "fumble", "touch"], "instruction": "\"Do n't handle the merchandise\" What is the definition of \"handle\"?"} {"term": "handle", "pos": "v", "context": "This blender ca n't handle nuts", "definition": "to be in charge of , act on , or dispose of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["handless", "manage", "deal", "handling", "process", "control", "mind", "minded", "mismanage", "conduct", "organize", "direct", "administer", "juggle", "care", "touch", "misconduct", "mishandle"], "instruction": "\"This blender ca n't handle nuts\" What is the definition of \"handle\"?"} {"term": "tinker", "pos": "v", "context": "Can you tinker with the T.V. set -- it 's not working right", "definition": "to try to fix or mend", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["restore", "fixed", "mend", "doctor", "bushel", "fixing", "fiddle"], "instruction": "\"Can you tinker with the T.V. set -- it 's not working right\" What is the definition of \"tinker\"?"} {"term": "piratical", "pos": "a", "context": "piratical attackers", "definition": "characteristic of pirates", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"piratical attackers\" What is the definition of \"piratical\"?"} {"term": "piratical", "pos": "a", "context": "piratical editions of my book", "definition": "characteristic of piracy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"piratical editions of my book\" What is the definition of \"piratical\"?"} {"term": "alibi", "pos": "n", "context": "every day he had a new alibi for not getting a job", "definition": "a defense of some offensive behavior or some failure to keep a promise etc. .", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["extenuation", "vindication", "mitigation", "excuse", "defense"], "instruction": "\"every day he had a new alibi for not getting a job\" What is the definition of \"alibi\"?"} {"term": "pervasive", "pos": "s", "context": "the pervasive odor of garlic", "definition": "spreading or spread throughout", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the pervasive odor of garlic\" What is the definition of \"pervasive\"?"} {"term": "reckon", "pos": "v", "context": "You have to reckon with our opponents", "definition": "to take account of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["estimate", "guess", "judge", "gauge", "count", "approximate"], "instruction": "\"You have to reckon with our opponents\" What is the definition of \"reckon\"?"} {"term": "strike", "pos": "n", "context": "the strike lasted more than a month before it was settled", "definition": "a groups refusal to work in protest against low pay or bad work conditions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the strike lasted more than a month before it was settled\" What is the definition of \"strike\"?"} {"term": "strike", "pos": "n", "context": "the strike was scheduled to begin at dawn", "definition": "an attack that is intended to seize or inflict damage on or destroy an objective", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the strike was scheduled to begin at dawn\" What is the definition of \"strike\"?"} {"term": "strike", "pos": "v", "context": "the opponent refused to strike", "definition": "to deliver a sharp blow , as with the hand , fist , or weapon", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["knap", "whip", "hewn", "striking", "buffeting", "beaten", "hew", "buffet", "slap", "lashing", "pick", "butt", "beating", "rap", "lash", "knocking", "touching", "tip", "touch", "clout", "bunt", "beat", "spur", "dab", "tap", "beaked"], "instruction": "\"the opponent refused to strike\" What is the definition of \"strike\"?"} {"term": "strike", "pos": "v", "context": "We must strike the enemy 's oil fields", "definition": "to make a strategic , offensive , assault against an enemy , opponent , or a target", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["slice", "attack", "hit", "stroking", "stroke", "retaliate", "assail"], "instruction": "\"We must strike the enemy 's oil fields\" What is the definition of \"strike\"?"} {"term": "diligence", "pos": "n", "context": "his diligence won him quick promotions", "definition": "persevering determination to perform a task", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["industry", "determination", "purpose", "assiduity", "concentration"], "instruction": "\"his diligence won him quick promotions\" What is the definition of \"diligence\"?"} {"term": "crisscross", "pos": "v", "context": "crisscross the sheet of paper", "definition": "to mark with a pattern of crossing lines", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"crisscross the sheet of paper\" What is the definition of \"crisscross\"?"} {"term": "submitter", "pos": "n", "context": "he was a prolific submitter of proposals", "definition": "someone who submits something as an application for a job or a manuscript for publication etc. for the judgment of others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was a prolific submitter of proposals\" What is the definition of \"submitter\"?"} {"term": "keeping", "pos": "n", "context": "his behavior was not in keeping with the occasion", "definition": "conformity or harmony", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his behavior was not in keeping with the occasion\" What is the definition of \"keeping\"?"} {"term": "keeping", "pos": "n", "context": "he left his car in my keeping", "definition": "the responsibility of a guardian or keeper", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["custody", "obligation", "guardianship", "duty"], "instruction": "\"he left his car in my keeping\" What is the definition of \"keeping\"?"} {"term": "opprobrium", "pos": "n", "context": "the name was a by-word of scorn and opprobrium throughout the city", "definition": "a state of extreme dishonor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the name was a by-word of scorn and opprobrium throughout the city\" What is the definition of \"opprobrium\"?"} {"term": "deification", "pos": "n", "context": "the capitalists ' deification of capital", "definition": "an embodiment of the qualities of a god", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the capitalists ' deification of capital\" What is the definition of \"deification\"?"} {"term": "externally", "pos": "r", "context": "the candidate needs to be externally evaluated", "definition": "on or from the outside", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the candidate needs to be externally evaluated\" What is the definition of \"externally\"?"} {"term": "sporadic", "pos": "a", "context": "a city subjected to sporadic bombing raids", "definition": "recurring in scattered and irregular or unpredictable instances", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a city subjected to sporadic bombing raids\" What is the definition of \"sporadic\"?"} {"term": "panhandle", "pos": "n", "context": "Wheeling is located in the northern panhandle of West Virginia", "definition": "a relatively narrow strip of land projecting from some larger area", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Wheeling is located in the northern panhandle of West Virginia\" What is the definition of \"panhandle\"?"} {"term": "prepare", "pos": "v", "context": "prepare the discord in bar 139", "definition": "to lead up to and soften by sounding the dissonant note in it as a consonant note in the preceding chord", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"prepare the discord in bar 139\" What is the definition of \"prepare\"?"} {"term": "industry", "pos": "n", "context": "each industry has its own trade publications", "definition": "the people or companies engaged in a particular kind of commercial enterprise", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"each industry has its own trade publications\" What is the definition of \"industry\"?"} {"term": "industry", "pos": "n", "context": "American industry is making increased use of computers to control production", "definition": "the organized action of making of goods and services for sale", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["production", "business", "manufacture"], "instruction": "\"American industry is making increased use of computers to control production\" What is the definition of \"industry\"?"} {"term": "industry", "pos": "n", "context": "frugality and industry are still regarded as virtues", "definition": "persevering determination to perform a task", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["diligence", "determination", "purpose", "assiduity", "concentration"], "instruction": "\"frugality and industry are still regarded as virtues\" What is the definition of \"industry\"?"} {"term": "shabby", "pos": "s", "context": "shabby treatment", "definition": "mean and unworthy and despicable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shabby treatment\" What is the definition of \"shabby\"?"} {"term": "shabby", "pos": "s", "context": "shabby furniture", "definition": "showing signs of wear and tear", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shabby furniture\" What is the definition of \"shabby\"?"} {"term": "fairness", "pos": "n", "context": "the judge recognized the fairness of my claim", "definition": "conformity with rules or standards", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["equity", "justness"], "instruction": "\"the judge recognized the fairness of my claim\" What is the definition of \"fairness\"?"} {"term": "winy", "pos": "s", "context": "a rich winy taste", "definition": "having the taste of wine", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a rich winy taste\" What is the definition of \"winy\"?"} {"term": "worse", "pos": "n", "context": "for better or for worse", "definition": "something inferior in quality or condition or effect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for better or for worse\" What is the definition of \"worse\"?"} {"term": "worse", "pos": "a", "context": "this road is worse than the first one we took", "definition": "inferior to another in quality or condition or desirability", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this road is worse than the first one we took\" What is the definition of \"worse\"?"} {"term": "worse", "pos": "r", "context": "he did worse on the second exam", "definition": "in a less effective or successful or desirable manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he did worse on the second exam\" What is the definition of \"worse\"?"} {"term": "trigger", "pos": "v", "context": "trigger a reaction", "definition": "to put in motion or move to act", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["spark", "initiate", "trip", "pioneer", "actuate"], "instruction": "\"trigger a reaction\" What is the definition of \"trigger\"?"} {"term": "arboreal", "pos": "a", "context": "arboreal apes", "definition": "inhabiting or frequenting trees", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"arboreal apes\" What is the definition of \"arboreal\"?"} {"term": "mobilization", "pos": "n", "context": "mobilization of the country 's economic resources", "definition": "act of marshaling and organizing and making ready for use or action", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mobilization of the country 's economic resources\" What is the definition of \"mobilization\"?"} {"term": "neuter", "pos": "a", "context": "` it ' is the third-person singular neuter pronoun", "definition": "of grammatical gender", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"` it ' is the third-person singular neuter pronoun\" What is the definition of \"neuter\"?"} {"term": "pointless", "pos": "a", "context": "my pencils are all pointless", "definition": "not having a point especially a sharp point", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my pencils are all pointless\" What is the definition of \"pointless\"?"} {"term": "pointless", "pos": "s", "context": "a pointless remark", "definition": "serving no useful purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a pointless remark\" What is the definition of \"pointless\"?"} {"term": "pointless", "pos": "s", "context": "a pointless remark", "definition": "having no excuse for being", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a pointless remark\" What is the definition of \"pointless\"?"} {"term": "stellar", "pos": "s", "context": "a stellar role", "definition": "indicating the most important performer or role", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a stellar role\" What is the definition of \"stellar\"?"} {"term": "stellar", "pos": "a", "context": "stellar light", "definition": "being or relating to or resembling or emanating from stars", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stellar light\" What is the definition of \"stellar\"?"} {"term": "great", "pos": "s", "context": "a great juicy steak", "definition": "relatively large in size or number or extent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a great juicy steak\" What is the definition of \"great\"?"} {"term": "great", "pos": "s", "context": "a great juicy steak", "definition": "larger than others of its kind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a great juicy steak\" What is the definition of \"great\"?"} {"term": "great", "pos": "s", "context": "a great work of art", "definition": "of major significance or importance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a great work of art\" What is the definition of \"great\"?"} {"term": "great", "pos": "s", "context": "a great crisis", "definition": "remarkable or out of the ordinary in degree or magnitude or effect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a great crisis\" What is the definition of \"great\"?"} {"term": "shifty", "pos": "s", "context": "shifty eyes", "definition": "characterized by insincerity or deceit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shifty eyes\" What is the definition of \"shifty\"?"} {"term": "shifty", "pos": "s", "context": "shifty eyes", "definition": "evasive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shifty eyes\" What is the definition of \"shifty\"?"} {"term": "shifty", "pos": "s", "context": "shifty winds", "definition": "changing position or direction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shifty winds\" What is the definition of \"shifty\"?"} {"term": "binocular", "pos": "a", "context": "binocular vision", "definition": "relating to both eyes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"binocular vision\" What is the definition of \"binocular\"?"} {"term": "ineligible", "pos": "a", "context": "ineligible to vote", "definition": "not eligible", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ineligible to vote\" What is the definition of \"ineligible\"?"} {"term": "ineligible", "pos": "s", "context": "an ineligible pass receiver", "definition": "prohibited by official rules", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an ineligible pass receiver\" What is the definition of \"ineligible\"?"} {"term": "interest", "pos": "n", "context": "an interest in music", "definition": "a sense of concern with and curiosity about someone or something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["wonder", "involvement", "enthusiasm", "concern", "curiosity"], "instruction": "\"an interest in music\" What is the definition of \"interest\"?"} {"term": "interest", "pos": "n", "context": "they said nothing of great interest", "definition": "the power of attracting or holding ones attention because it is unusual or exciting etc. .", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["shrillness", "power", "color", "news", "interestingness"], "instruction": "\"they said nothing of great interest\" What is the definition of \"interest\"?"} {"term": "interest", "pos": "n", "context": "how much interest do you pay on your mortgage ?", "definition": "a fixed charge for borrowing money", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"how much interest do you pay on your mortgage ?\" What is the definition of \"interest\"?"} {"term": "interest", "pos": "n", "context": "how much interest do you pay on your mortgage ?", "definition": "usually a percentage of the amount borrowed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"how much interest do you pay on your mortgage ?\" What is the definition of \"interest\"?"} {"term": "docile", "pos": "a", "context": "the docile masses of an enslaved nation", "definition": "willing to be taught or led or supervised or directed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the docile masses of an enslaved nation\" What is the definition of \"docile\"?"} {"term": "docile", "pos": "s", "context": "docile pupils eager for instruction", "definition": "ready and willing to be taught", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"docile pupils eager for instruction\" What is the definition of \"docile\"?"} {"term": "docile", "pos": "s", "context": "a gentle old horse , docile and obedient", "definition": "easily handled or managed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a gentle old horse , docile and obedient\" What is the definition of \"docile\"?"} {"term": "episodic", "pos": "s", "context": "the book is episodic and the incidents do n't always hang together", "definition": "of writing or narration", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the book is episodic and the incidents do n't always hang together\" What is the definition of \"episodic\"?"} {"term": "episodic", "pos": "s", "context": "the book is episodic and the incidents do n't always hang together", "definition": "divided into or composed of episodes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the book is episodic and the incidents do n't always hang together\" What is the definition of \"episodic\"?"} {"term": "episodic", "pos": "s", "context": "episodic in his affections", "definition": "occurring or appearing at usually irregular intervals", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"episodic in his affections\" What is the definition of \"episodic\"?"} {"term": "episodic", "pos": "s", "context": "an account concerned primarily with episodic events such as the succession of rulers", "definition": "limited in duration to a single episode", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an account concerned primarily with episodic events such as the succession of rulers\" What is the definition of \"episodic\"?"} {"term": "triumphal", "pos": "a", "context": "a triumphal procession", "definition": "relating to or celebrating a triumph", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a triumphal procession\" What is the definition of \"triumphal\"?"} {"term": "triumphal", "pos": "s", "context": "a triumphal success", "definition": "joyful and proud especially because of triumph or success", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a triumphal success\" What is the definition of \"triumphal\"?"} {"term": "hive", "pos": "v", "context": "bees hive honey and pollen", "definition": "to store , like bees", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["store", "hives"], "instruction": "\"bees hive honey and pollen\" What is the definition of \"hive\"?"} {"term": "atonic", "pos": "a", "context": "an atonic syllable carries no stress", "definition": "used of syllables", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an atonic syllable carries no stress\" What is the definition of \"atonic\"?"} {"term": "defeat", "pos": "n", "context": "it was a narrow defeat", "definition": "an unsuccessful ending to a struggle or contest", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was a narrow defeat\" What is the definition of \"defeat\"?"} {"term": "defeat", "pos": "v", "context": "defeat your enemies", "definition": "to win a victory over", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"defeat your enemies\" What is the definition of \"defeat\"?"} {"term": "perennially", "pos": "r", "context": "We want to know what is perennially new about the world", "definition": "in a perennial manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"We want to know what is perennially new about the world\" What is the definition of \"perennially\"?"} {"term": "perennially", "pos": "r", "context": "We want to know what is perennially new about the world", "definition": "repeatedly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"We want to know what is perennially new about the world\" What is the definition of \"perennially\"?"} {"term": "exciting", "pos": "a", "context": "an exciting account of her trip", "definition": "creating or arousing excitement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an exciting account of her trip\" What is the definition of \"exciting\"?"} {"term": "exciting", "pos": "s", "context": "an exciting novel", "definition": "stimulating interest and discussion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an exciting novel\" What is the definition of \"exciting\"?"} {"term": "riotous", "pos": "s", "context": "their riotous blooming", "definition": "produced or growing in extreme abundance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their riotous blooming\" What is the definition of \"riotous\"?"} {"term": "riotous", "pos": "s", "context": "riotous times", "definition": "characterized by unrest or disorder or insubordination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["disruptive", "turbulent", "tumultuous", ""], "instruction": "\"riotous times\" What is the definition of \"riotous\"?"} {"term": "riotous", "pos": "s", "context": "riotous living", "definition": "unrestrained by convention or morality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"riotous living\" What is the definition of \"riotous\"?"} {"term": "contracted", "pos": "v", "context": "the spasm contracted the muscle", "definition": "to squeeze or press together", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["contract", "strangle", "constrict", "convulse", "tighten", "press", "scrag", "compact", "compress", "strangulate", "fret"], "instruction": "\"the spasm contracted the muscle\" What is the definition of \"contracted\"?"} {"term": "contracted", "pos": "a", "context": "the contracted pupils of her eyes", "definition": "reduced in size or pulled together", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the contracted pupils of her eyes\" What is the definition of \"contracted\"?"} {"term": "entertain", "pos": "v", "context": "entertain interesting notions", "definition": "to maintain a theory , thoughts , or feelings", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["nurse", "feeling", "hold", "entertaining", "feel", "nursing"], "instruction": "\"entertain interesting notions\" What is the definition of \"entertain\"?"} {"term": "tenacious", "pos": "a", "context": "tenacious memory", "definition": "good at remembering", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tenacious memory\" What is the definition of \"tenacious\"?"} {"term": "tenacious", "pos": "s", "context": "a mind not gifted to discover truth but tenacious to hold it \" - T.S.Eliot", "definition": "stubbornly unyielding", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["dogged", "persistent", "pertinacious", ""], "instruction": "\"a mind not gifted to discover truth but tenacious to hold it \" - T.S.Eliot\" What is the definition of \"tenacious\"?"} {"term": "tenacious", "pos": "s", "context": "tenacious burrs", "definition": "sticking together", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["coherent", ""], "instruction": "\"tenacious burrs\" What is the definition of \"tenacious\"?"} {"term": "esoteric", "pos": "a", "context": "a compilation of esoteric philosophical theories", "definition": "confined to and understandable by only an enlightened inner circle", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a compilation of esoteric philosophical theories\" What is the definition of \"esoteric\"?"} {"term": "frothing", "pos": "v", "context": "The boiling soup was frothing", "definition": "to become bubbly or frothy or foaming", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["sparkle", "froth", "bubble", "fizz", "lather"], "instruction": "\"The boiling soup was frothing\" What is the definition of \"frothing\"?"} {"term": "frothing", "pos": "v", "context": "the angry man was frothing at the mouth", "definition": "to exude or expel foam", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["ooze", "exude", "froth", "exudate", "lather"], "instruction": "\"the angry man was frothing at the mouth\" What is the definition of \"frothing\"?"} {"term": "frothing", "pos": "s", "context": "the rabid animal 's frothing mouth", "definition": "producing or covered with lathery sweat or saliva from exhaustion or disease", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the rabid animal 's frothing mouth\" What is the definition of \"frothing\"?"} {"term": "extravagant", "pos": "s", "context": "extravagant praise", "definition": "unrestrained , especially with regard to feelings", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["excessive", "", "exuberant", "overweening"], "instruction": "\"extravagant praise\" What is the definition of \"extravagant\"?"} {"term": "tuberous", "pos": "a", "context": "a tuberous root", "definition": "of or relating to or resembling a tuber", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tuberous root\" What is the definition of \"tuberous\"?"} {"term": "watery", "pos": "s", "context": "watery soil", "definition": "filled with water", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"watery soil\" What is the definition of \"watery\"?"} {"term": "watery", "pos": "s", "context": "a watery substance", "definition": "relating to or resembling or consisting of water", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a watery substance\" What is the definition of \"watery\"?"} {"term": "watery", "pos": "s", "context": "watery milk", "definition": "overly diluted", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["washy", "", "weak"], "instruction": "\"watery milk\" What is the definition of \"watery\"?"} {"term": "watery", "pos": "s", "context": "watery milk", "definition": "thin and insipid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["washy", "", "weak"], "instruction": "\"watery milk\" What is the definition of \"watery\"?"} {"term": "evolutionary", "pos": "a", "context": "evolutionary biology", "definition": "of or relating to or produced by evolution", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"evolutionary biology\" What is the definition of \"evolutionary\"?"} {"term": "infliction", "pos": "n", "context": "he 's not a friend , he 's an infliction", "definition": "something or someone that causes trouble", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["thorn", "irritant", "botheration", "annoyance", "nuisance", "bother"], "instruction": "\"he 's not a friend , he 's an infliction\" What is the definition of \"infliction\"?"} {"term": "infliction", "pos": "n", "context": "he 's not a friend , he 's an infliction", "definition": "a source of unhappiness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["thorn", "irritant", "botheration", "annoyance", "nuisance", "bother"], "instruction": "\"he 's not a friend , he 's an infliction\" What is the definition of \"infliction\"?"} {"term": "masquerade", "pos": "n", "context": "a beggar 's masquerade of wealth", "definition": "making a false outward show", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a beggar 's masquerade of wealth\" What is the definition of \"masquerade\"?"} {"term": "cunningly", "pos": "r", "context": "how cunningly the olive-green dress with its underskirt of rose-brocade fitted her perfect figure", "definition": "in an attractive manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"how cunningly the olive-green dress with its underskirt of rose-brocade fitted her perfect figure\" What is the definition of \"cunningly\"?"} {"term": "spin", "pos": "n", "context": "he gave the crank a spin", "definition": "the act of rotating rapidly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["logrolling", "whirl", "pirouette", "twist", "twirl"], "instruction": "\"he gave the crank a spin\" What is the definition of \"spin\"?"} {"term": "spin", "pos": "n", "context": "he took the new car for a spin", "definition": "a short drive in a car", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he took the new car for a spin\" What is the definition of \"spin\"?"} {"term": "spin", "pos": "v", "context": "spin a yarn", "definition": "to make up a story", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"spin a yarn\" What is the definition of \"spin\"?"} {"term": "creamy", "pos": "s", "context": "creamy translucent pebbles", "definition": "of the color of cream", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"creamy translucent pebbles\" What is the definition of \"creamy\"?"} {"term": "complementary", "pos": "s", "context": "` male ' and ` female ' are complementary terms", "definition": "of words or propositions so related that each is the negation of the other", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"` male ' and ` female ' are complementary terms\" What is the definition of \"complementary\"?"} {"term": "additive", "pos": "a", "context": "an additive process", "definition": "characterized or produced by addition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an additive process\" What is the definition of \"additive\"?"} {"term": "genius", "pos": "n", "context": "Mozart was a child genius", "definition": "someone who has exceptional intellectual ability and originality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["prodigy", "brain", "intellectual", "intellect"], "instruction": "\"Mozart was a child genius\" What is the definition of \"genius\"?"} {"term": "glaucous", "pos": "s", "context": "glaucous stems", "definition": "having a frosted look from a powdery coating , as on plants", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"glaucous stems\" What is the definition of \"glaucous\"?"} {"term": "radically", "pos": "r", "context": "she took a radically different approach", "definition": "in a radical manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she took a radically different approach\" What is the definition of \"radically\"?"} {"term": "tick", "pos": "v", "context": "tick a mattress", "definition": "to sew", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tick a mattress\" What is the definition of \"tick\"?"} {"term": "trouble", "pos": "n", "context": "one trouble after another delayed the job", "definition": "a source of difficulty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["matter", "difficulty", "problem", "hydra"], "instruction": "\"one trouble after another delayed the job\" What is the definition of \"trouble\"?"} {"term": "trouble", "pos": "n", "context": "heart trouble", "definition": "an event causing distress or pain", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"heart trouble\" What is the definition of \"trouble\"?"} {"term": "trouble", "pos": "n", "context": "I went to a lot of trouble", "definition": "an effort that is inconvenient", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["travail", "difficulty", "sweat"], "instruction": "\"I went to a lot of trouble\" What is the definition of \"trouble\"?"} {"term": "trouble", "pos": "v", "context": "Sorry to trouble you , but ...", "definition": "to to cause inconvenience or discomfort to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["disobliging", "affect", "impacted", "impact", "affecting", "inconvenience", "touch", "distressing", "affected", "bother"], "instruction": "\"Sorry to trouble you , but ...\" What is the definition of \"trouble\"?"} {"term": "card", "pos": "n", "context": "they sent us a card from Miami", "definition": "a rectangular piece of stiff paper used to send messages may have printed greetings or pictures", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they sent us a card from Miami\" What is the definition of \"card\"?"} {"term": "confectionery", "pos": "n", "context": "the business decided to concentrate on confectionery and soft drinks", "definition": "candy and other sweets considered collectively", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the business decided to concentrate on confectionery and soft drinks\" What is the definition of \"confectionery\"?"} {"term": "alert", "pos": "n", "context": "bombers were put on alert during the crisis", "definition": "condition of heightened watchfulness or preparation for action", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bombers were put on alert during the crisis\" What is the definition of \"alert\"?"} {"term": "alert", "pos": "a", "context": "caught by a couple of alert cops", "definition": "engaged in or accustomed to close observation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"caught by a couple of alert cops\" What is the definition of \"alert\"?"} {"term": "alert", "pos": "s", "context": "an alert mind", "definition": "mentally perceptive and responsive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["alive", "", "awake"], "instruction": "\"an alert mind\" What is the definition of \"alert\"?"} {"term": "profession", "pos": "n", "context": "the news spread rapidly through the medical profession", "definition": "the body of people in a learned occupation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the news spread rapidly through the medical profession\" What is the definition of \"profession\"?"} {"term": "profession", "pos": "n", "context": "a profession of disagreement", "definition": "an open avowal true or false of some belief or opinion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a profession of disagreement\" What is the definition of \"profession\"?"} {"term": "mental", "pos": "a", "context": "mental images of happy times", "definition": "involving the mind or an intellectual process", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mental images of happy times\" What is the definition of \"mental\"?"} {"term": "mental", "pos": "a", "context": "mental powers", "definition": "of or relating to the mind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mental powers\" What is the definition of \"mental\"?"} {"term": "mental", "pos": "s", "context": "a mental patient", "definition": "affected by a disorder of the mind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a mental patient\" What is the definition of \"mental\"?"} {"term": "termination", "pos": "n", "context": "the termination of the agreement", "definition": "the act of ending something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["settlement", "abolishment", "completion", "killing", "conclusion", "dissolution", "culmination", "release", "destruction", "adjournment", "disappearance", "dismissal", "abortion", "sacking", "ending", "withdrawal", "kill", "firing", "retirement", "relinquishment", "liquidation", "extinction", "discontinuation"], "instruction": "\"the termination of the agreement\" What is the definition of \"termination\"?"} {"term": "ineffective", "pos": "a", "context": "an ineffective teacher", "definition": "not producing an intended effect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an ineffective teacher\" What is the definition of \"ineffective\"?"} {"term": "ineffective", "pos": "s", "context": "an ineffective administration", "definition": "lacking the ability or skill to perform effectively", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an ineffective administration\" What is the definition of \"ineffective\"?"} {"term": "ineffective", "pos": "s", "context": "an ineffective administration", "definition": "inadequate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an ineffective administration\" What is the definition of \"ineffective\"?"} {"term": "taboo", "pos": "s", "context": "a taboo subject", "definition": "excluded from use or mention", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a taboo subject\" What is the definition of \"taboo\"?"} {"term": "lashing", "pos": "s", "context": "looked at the lashing riders", "definition": "violently urging on by whipping or flogging", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"looked at the lashing riders\" What is the definition of \"lashing\"?"} {"term": "defensibility", "pos": "n", "context": "they built their castles with an eye to their defensibility", "definition": "capability of being defended", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they built their castles with an eye to their defensibility\" What is the definition of \"defensibility\"?"} {"term": "unreal", "pos": "a", "context": "ghosts and other unreal entities", "definition": "lacking in reality or substance or genuineness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ghosts and other unreal entities\" What is the definition of \"unreal\"?"} {"term": "unreal", "pos": "a", "context": "ghosts and other unreal entities", "definition": "not corresponding to acknowledged facts or criteria", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ghosts and other unreal entities\" What is the definition of \"unreal\"?"} {"term": "unreal", "pos": "a", "context": "this conversation is getting more and more unreal", "definition": "not actually such", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this conversation is getting more and more unreal\" What is the definition of \"unreal\"?"} {"term": "unreal", "pos": "a", "context": "this conversation is getting more and more unreal", "definition": "being or seeming fanciful or imaginary", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this conversation is getting more and more unreal\" What is the definition of \"unreal\"?"} {"term": "masonic", "pos": "a", "context": "masonic tools", "definition": "of or relating to stonemasons or masonry", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"masonic tools\" What is the definition of \"masonic\"?"} {"term": "staccato", "pos": "a", "context": "staccato applause", "definition": "marked by or composed of disconnected parts or sounds", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"staccato applause\" What is the definition of \"staccato\"?"} {"term": "staccato", "pos": "a", "context": "staccato applause", "definition": "cut short crisply", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"staccato applause\" What is the definition of \"staccato\"?"} {"term": "crystalline", "pos": "a", "context": "granite is crystalline", "definition": "consisting of or containing or of the nature of crystals", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"granite is crystalline\" What is the definition of \"crystalline\"?"} {"term": "crystalline", "pos": "s", "context": "crystalline sharpness of outline \" - John Buchan", "definition": "distinctly or sharply outlined", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"crystalline sharpness of outline \" - John Buchan\" What is the definition of \"crystalline\"?"} {"term": "crystalline", "pos": "s", "context": "the cold crystalline water of melted snow", "definition": "transmitting light", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the cold crystalline water of melted snow\" What is the definition of \"crystalline\"?"} {"term": "crystalline", "pos": "s", "context": "the cold crystalline water of melted snow", "definition": "able to be seen through with clarity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the cold crystalline water of melted snow\" What is the definition of \"crystalline\"?"} {"term": "laughingly", "pos": "r", "context": "he told the story laughingly", "definition": "with laughter", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he told the story laughingly\" What is the definition of \"laughingly\"?"} {"term": "laughingly", "pos": "r", "context": "he told the story laughingly", "definition": "while laughing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he told the story laughingly\" What is the definition of \"laughingly\"?"} {"term": "deflate", "pos": "v", "context": "deflate a balloon", "definition": "to collapse by releasing contained air or gas", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"deflate a balloon\" What is the definition of \"deflate\"?"} {"term": "deflate", "pos": "v", "context": "deflate the air mattress", "definition": "to release contained air or gas from", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"deflate the air mattress\" What is the definition of \"deflate\"?"} {"term": "squally", "pos": "s", "context": "a home life that has been extraordinarily squally", "definition": "characterized by short periods of noisy commotion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a home life that has been extraordinarily squally\" What is the definition of \"squally\"?"} {"term": "squally", "pos": "s", "context": "a grey squally morning", "definition": "characterized by brief periods of violent wind or rain", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a grey squally morning\" What is the definition of \"squally\"?"} {"term": "tragic", "pos": "s", "context": "a tragic face", "definition": "very sad", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tragic face\" What is the definition of \"tragic\"?"} {"term": "tragic", "pos": "s", "context": "a tragic face", "definition": "especially involving grief or death or destruction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tragic face\" What is the definition of \"tragic\"?"} {"term": "tragic", "pos": "a", "context": "tragic hero", "definition": "of or relating to or characteristic of tragedy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tragic hero\" What is the definition of \"tragic\"?"} {"term": "destination", "pos": "n", "context": "he was nearly exhausted as their destination came into view", "definition": "the place designated as the end as of a race or journey", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["end", "goal", "finish"], "instruction": "\"he was nearly exhausted as their destination came into view\" What is the definition of \"destination\"?"} {"term": "adhere", "pos": "v", "context": "You must adhere to the rules", "definition": "to be compatible or in accordance with", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"You must adhere to the rules\" What is the definition of \"adhere\"?"} {"term": "municipally", "pos": "r", "context": "municipally funded", "definition": "by municipality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"municipally funded\" What is the definition of \"municipally\"?"} {"term": "wade", "pos": "v", "context": "Can we wade across the river to the other side ?", "definition": "to walk through relatively shallow water", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Can we wade across the river to the other side ?\" What is the definition of \"wade\"?"} {"term": "ravening", "pos": "s", "context": "ravening wolves", "definition": "living by preying on other animals especially by catching living prey", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ravening wolves\" What is the definition of \"ravening\"?"} {"term": "ravening", "pos": "s", "context": "ravening creditors", "definition": "excessively greedy and grasping", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ravening creditors\" What is the definition of \"ravening\"?"} {"term": "appeal", "pos": "n", "context": "his smile was part of his appeal to her", "definition": "attractiveness that interests or pleases or stimulates", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his smile was part of his appeal to her\" What is the definition of \"appeal\"?"} {"term": "appeal", "pos": "n", "context": "their appeal was denied in the superior court", "definition": "a legal proceeding in which the appellant resorts to a higher court for the purpose of obtaining a review of a lower court decision and a reversal of the lower courts judgment or the granting of a new trial", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their appeal was denied in the superior court\" What is the definition of \"appeal\"?"} {"term": "appeal", "pos": "n", "context": "an appeal for help", "definition": "earnest or urgent request", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["asking", "demagogy", "solicitation", "plea", "entreaty", "suit", "courtship", "request"], "instruction": "\"an appeal for help\" What is the definition of \"appeal\"?"} {"term": "appeal", "pos": "v", "context": "appeal to somebody for help", "definition": "to request earnestly something from somebody", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["invoke", "appealing", "bespeak", "turn", "plead", "pleading", "request"], "instruction": "\"appeal to somebody for help\" What is the definition of \"appeal\"?"} {"term": "appeal", "pos": "v", "context": "appeal to somebody for help", "definition": "to ask for aid or protection", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["invoke", "appealing", "bespeak", "turn", "plead", "pleading", "request"], "instruction": "\"appeal to somebody for help\" What is the definition of \"appeal\"?"} {"term": "trace", "pos": "n", "context": "he speaks French with a trace of an accent", "definition": "a just detectable amount", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["hint", "suggestion", "spark"], "instruction": "\"he speaks French with a trace of an accent\" What is the definition of \"trace\"?"} {"term": "trace", "pos": "n", "context": "there was n't a trace of evidence for the claim", "definition": "an indication that something has been present", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["indication", "footprint", "shadow", "tincture"], "instruction": "\"there was n't a trace of evidence for the claim\" What is the definition of \"trace\"?"} {"term": "trace", "pos": "v", "context": "trace the student 's progress", "definition": "to follow , discover , or ascertain the course of development of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["canvass", "analyze", "studied", "examine", "canvas", "study", "tracing"], "instruction": "\"trace the student 's progress\" What is the definition of \"trace\"?"} {"term": "trace", "pos": "v", "context": "trace the outline of a figure in the sand", "definition": "to make a mark or lines on a surface", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["lining", "mark", "delineate", "inscribe", "draw", "describe", "line", "tracing"], "instruction": "\"trace the outline of a figure in the sand\" What is the definition of \"trace\"?"} {"term": "trace", "pos": "v", "context": "trace your path", "definition": "to to go back over again", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["return", "retrace", "tracing"], "instruction": "\"trace your path\" What is the definition of \"trace\"?"} {"term": "ginger", "pos": "s", "context": "a ginger kitten", "definition": "having a bright orange-brown color", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a ginger kitten\" What is the definition of \"ginger\"?"} {"term": "misery", "pos": "n", "context": "the misery and wretchedness of those slums is intolerable", "definition": "a state of ill-being due to affliction or misfortune", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["woe", "suffering", "wretchedness"], "instruction": "\"the misery and wretchedness of those slums is intolerable\" What is the definition of \"misery\"?"} {"term": "misery", "pos": "n", "context": "she was exhausted by her misery and grief", "definition": "a feeling of intense unhappiness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was exhausted by her misery and grief\" What is the definition of \"misery\"?"} {"term": "retroactively", "pos": "r", "context": "he will get paid retroactively", "definition": "after the fact", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he will get paid retroactively\" What is the definition of \"retroactively\"?"} {"term": "select", "pos": "s", "context": "select peaches", "definition": "of superior grade", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"select peaches\" What is the definition of \"select\"?"} {"term": "conventional", "pos": "a", "context": "conventional wisdom", "definition": "following accepted customs and proprieties", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"conventional wisdom\" What is the definition of \"conventional\"?"} {"term": "conventional", "pos": "a", "context": "conventional warfare", "definition": "using energy for propulsion or destruction that is not nuclear energy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"conventional warfare\" What is the definition of \"conventional\"?"} {"term": "conventional", "pos": "a", "context": "conventional bourgeois lives", "definition": "unimaginative and conformist", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"conventional bourgeois lives\" What is the definition of \"conventional\"?"} {"term": "conventional", "pos": "s", "context": "a conventional view of the world", "definition": "conforming with accepted standards", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a conventional view of the world\" What is the definition of \"conventional\"?"} {"term": "conventional", "pos": "s", "context": "a conventional church wedding with the bride in traditional white", "definition": "in accord with or being a tradition or practice accepted from the past", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a conventional church wedding with the bride in traditional white\" What is the definition of \"conventional\"?"} {"term": "volar", "pos": "a", "context": "the volar surface", "definition": "relating to the palm of the hand or the sole of the foot", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the volar surface\" What is the definition of \"volar\"?"} {"term": "cavernous", "pos": "s", "context": "vast cavernous chambers hollowed out of limestone", "definition": "being or suggesting a cavern", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"vast cavernous chambers hollowed out of limestone\" What is the definition of \"cavernous\"?"} {"term": "pleaser", "pos": "n", "context": "he is quite the crowd pleaser", "definition": "a pleasing entertainer", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is quite the crowd pleaser\" What is the definition of \"pleaser\"?"} {"term": "lactose", "pos": "n", "context": "cow 's milk contains about 4.7 % lactose", "definition": "a sugar comprising one glucose molecule linked to a galactose molecule", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cow 's milk contains about 4.7 % lactose\" What is the definition of \"lactose\"?"} {"term": "lactose", "pos": "n", "context": "cow 's milk contains about 4.7 % lactose", "definition": "occurs only in milk", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cow 's milk contains about 4.7 % lactose\" What is the definition of \"lactose\"?"} {"term": "treat", "pos": "v", "context": "I like to treat myself to a day at a spa when I am depressed", "definition": "to provide with a gift or entertainment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I like to treat myself to a day at a spa when I am depressed\" What is the definition of \"treat\"?"} {"term": "mire", "pos": "n", "context": "the country is still trying to climb out of the mire left by its previous president", "definition": "a difficulty or embarrassment that is hard to extricate yourself from", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the country is still trying to climb out of the mire left by its previous president\" What is the definition of \"mire\"?"} {"term": "comatose", "pos": "a", "context": "comatose breathing", "definition": "relating to or associated with a coma", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"comatose breathing\" What is the definition of \"comatose\"?"} {"term": "comatose", "pos": "s", "context": "a comatose patient", "definition": "in a state of deep and usually prolonged unconsciousness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a comatose patient\" What is the definition of \"comatose\"?"} {"term": "comatose", "pos": "s", "context": "a comatose patient", "definition": "unable to respond to external stimuli", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a comatose patient\" What is the definition of \"comatose\"?"} {"term": "tasty", "pos": "a", "context": "a tasty morsel", "definition": "pleasing to the sense of taste", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tasty morsel\" What is the definition of \"tasty\"?"} {"term": "haunted", "pos": "v", "context": "the ghost of her mother haunted her", "definition": "to follow stealthily or recur constantly and spontaneously to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["haunt", "pursue"], "instruction": "\"the ghost of her mother haunted her\" What is the definition of \"haunted\"?"} {"term": "haunted", "pos": "s", "context": "became more and more haunted by the stupid riddle", "definition": "having or showing excessive or compulsive concern with something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"became more and more haunted by the stupid riddle\" What is the definition of \"haunted\"?"} {"term": "haunted", "pos": "s", "context": "her expression became progressively more haunted", "definition": "showing emotional affliction or disquiet", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her expression became progressively more haunted\" What is the definition of \"haunted\"?"} {"term": "haunted", "pos": "s", "context": "a haunted house", "definition": "inhabited by or as if by apparitions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a haunted house\" What is the definition of \"haunted\"?"} {"term": "polluted", "pos": "v", "context": "The industrial wastes polluted the lake", "definition": "to make impure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["taint", "contaminate", "infect", "grime", "soil", "dirty", "foul", "pollute"], "instruction": "\"The industrial wastes polluted the lake\" What is the definition of \"polluted\"?"} {"term": "polluted", "pos": "s", "context": "polluted lakes and streams", "definition": "rendered unwholesome by contaminants and pollution", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"polluted lakes and streams\" What is the definition of \"polluted\"?"} {"term": "meridian", "pos": "n", "context": "all points on the same meridian have the same longitude", "definition": "an imaginary great circle on the surface of the earth passing through the north and south poles at right angles to the equator", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all points on the same meridian have the same longitude\" What is the definition of \"meridian\"?"} {"term": "meridian", "pos": "a", "context": "meridian hour", "definition": "of or happening at noon", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"meridian hour\" What is the definition of \"meridian\"?"} {"term": "reputable", "pos": "a", "context": "a reputable business", "definition": "having a good reputation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a reputable business\" What is the definition of \"reputable\"?"} {"term": "curl", "pos": "v", "context": "curl my hair , please", "definition": "to twist or roll into coils or ringlets", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["wave", "crape", "frizzle", "twisted", "frizz", "twist", "crimp"], "instruction": "\"curl my hair , please\" What is the definition of \"curl\"?"} {"term": "anachronistic", "pos": "s", "context": "English public schools are anachronistic", "definition": "chronologically misplaced", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"English public schools are anachronistic\" What is the definition of \"anachronistic\"?"} {"term": "sweet", "pos": "a", "context": "sweet dessert wines", "definition": "having a high residual sugar content", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sweet dessert wines\" What is the definition of \"sweet\"?"} {"term": "sweet", "pos": "s", "context": "the sweet song of the lark", "definition": "pleasing to the senses", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sweet song of the lark\" What is the definition of \"sweet\"?"} {"term": "radial", "pos": "a", "context": "the radial aspect of the forearm", "definition": "relating to or near the radius", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the radial aspect of the forearm\" What is the definition of \"radial\"?"} {"term": "radial", "pos": "a", "context": "radial velocity", "definition": "relating to or moving along or having the direction of a radius", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"radial velocity\" What is the definition of \"radial\"?"} {"term": "radial", "pos": "a", "context": "radial heat", "definition": "issuing in rays from a common center", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"radial heat\" What is the definition of \"radial\"?"} {"term": "radial", "pos": "a", "context": "radial heat", "definition": "relating to rays of light", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"radial heat\" What is the definition of \"radial\"?"} {"term": "radial", "pos": "s", "context": "radial symmetry", "definition": "arranged like rays or radii", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"radial symmetry\" What is the definition of \"radial\"?"} {"term": "radial", "pos": "s", "context": "radial symmetry", "definition": "radiating from a common center", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"radial symmetry\" What is the definition of \"radial\"?"} {"term": "frightful", "pos": "s", "context": "in a frightful hurry", "definition": "extreme in degree or extent or amount or impact", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in a frightful hurry\" What is the definition of \"frightful\"?"} {"term": "frightful", "pos": "s", "context": "a frightful crime of decapitation", "definition": "provoking horror", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["atrocious", "", "horrible", "ugly"], "instruction": "\"a frightful crime of decapitation\" What is the definition of \"frightful\"?"} {"term": "frightful", "pos": "s", "context": "a frightful mistake", "definition": "extremely distressing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a frightful mistake\" What is the definition of \"frightful\"?"} {"term": "purblind", "pos": "s", "context": "a purblind oligarchy that flatly refused to see that history was condemning it to the dustbin \" - Jasper Griffin", "definition": "lacking in insight or discernment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a purblind oligarchy that flatly refused to see that history was condemning it to the dustbin \" - Jasper Griffin\" What is the definition of \"purblind\"?"} {"term": "violate", "pos": "v", "context": "Do n't violate my garden", "definition": "to destroy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Do n't violate my garden\" What is the definition of \"violate\"?"} {"term": "violate", "pos": "v", "context": "violate the basic laws or human civilization", "definition": "to act in disregard of laws , rules , contracts , or promises", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["transgress", "break", "trespass", "conflicting", "disrespect", "intrude", "contravene", "blunder", "infringe", "offend", "conflict", "sin"], "instruction": "\"violate the basic laws or human civilization\" What is the definition of \"violate\"?"} {"term": "onerous", "pos": "s", "context": "my duties were n't onerous", "definition": "not easily borne", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my duties were n't onerous\" What is the definition of \"onerous\"?"} {"term": "onerous", "pos": "s", "context": "my duties were n't onerous", "definition": "wearing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my duties were n't onerous\" What is the definition of \"onerous\"?"} {"term": "onerous", "pos": "s", "context": "my duties were n't onerous", "definition": "i only had to greet the guests", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my duties were n't onerous\" What is the definition of \"onerous\"?"} {"term": "harmonize", "pos": "v", "context": "The colors do n't harmonize", "definition": "to go together", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["blend", "agree", "tally", "consort", "fit", "concord", "accord", "according", "jibe"], "instruction": "\"The colors do n't harmonize\" What is the definition of \"harmonize\"?"} {"term": "reconstructive", "pos": "s", "context": "reconstructive surgery", "definition": "helping to restore to good condition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"reconstructive surgery\" What is the definition of \"reconstructive\"?"} {"term": "diversely", "pos": "r", "context": "the speakers treated the subject most diversely", "definition": "in diverse ways", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the speakers treated the subject most diversely\" What is the definition of \"diversely\"?"} {"term": "reverence", "pos": "n", "context": "the Chinese reverence for the dead", "definition": "a feeling of profound respect for someone or something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["fear", "veneration", "emotion", "awe"], "instruction": "\"the Chinese reverence for the dead\" What is the definition of \"reverence\"?"} {"term": "hoarsely", "pos": "r", "context": "` Excuse me , ' he said hoarsely", "definition": "in a hoarse or husky voice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"` Excuse me , ' he said hoarsely\" What is the definition of \"hoarsely\"?"} {"term": "unquiet", "pos": "a", "context": "unquiet days of riots", "definition": "characterized by unrest or disorder", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unquiet days of riots\" What is the definition of \"unquiet\"?"} {"term": "unquiet", "pos": "s", "context": "an unquiet mind", "definition": "causing or fraught with or showing anxiety", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unquiet mind\" What is the definition of \"unquiet\"?"} {"term": "saline", "pos": "s", "context": "a saline substance", "definition": "containing salt", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a saline substance\" What is the definition of \"saline\"?"} {"term": "leavening", "pos": "n", "context": "his sermons benefited from a leavening of humor", "definition": "an influence that works subtly to lighten or modify something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his sermons benefited from a leavening of humor\" What is the definition of \"leavening\"?"} {"term": "hardy", "pos": "s", "context": "hardy explorers of northern Canada", "definition": "having rugged physical strength", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["stalwart", ""], "instruction": "\"hardy explorers of northern Canada\" What is the definition of \"hardy\"?"} {"term": "hardy", "pos": "s", "context": "hardy explorers of northern Canada", "definition": "inured to fatigue or hardships", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["stalwart", ""], "instruction": "\"hardy explorers of northern Canada\" What is the definition of \"hardy\"?"} {"term": "hardy", "pos": "s", "context": "strawberries are hardy and easy to grow", "definition": "able to survive under unfavorable weather conditions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"strawberries are hardy and easy to grow\" What is the definition of \"hardy\"?"} {"term": "admirably", "pos": "r", "context": "the children 's responses were admirably normal", "definition": "in an admirable manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["commendable", "", "laudably"], "instruction": "\"the children 's responses were admirably normal\" What is the definition of \"admirably\"?"} {"term": "erasable", "pos": "s", "context": "a signal too loud to be erasable in a single pass through the erase head", "definition": "capable of being effaced", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a signal too loud to be erasable in a single pass through the erase head\" What is the definition of \"erasable\"?"} {"term": "racial", "pos": "a", "context": "racial groups", "definition": "of or related to genetically distinguished groups of people", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"racial groups\" What is the definition of \"racial\"?"} {"term": "racial", "pos": "a", "context": "racial differences", "definition": "of or characteristic of race or races or arising from differences among groups", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"racial differences\" What is the definition of \"racial\"?"} {"term": "switch", "pos": "v", "context": "switch to a different brand of beer", "definition": "to lay aside , abandon , or leave for another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["shift", "break", "leap", "cut", "jump", "change", "leaping", "surf"], "instruction": "\"switch to a different brand of beer\" What is the definition of \"switch\"?"} {"term": "benefit", "pos": "n", "context": "for the benefit of all", "definition": "something that aids or promotes well-being", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["sake", "interest", "welfare", "advantage", "goodness", "reward"], "instruction": "\"for the benefit of all\" What is the definition of \"benefit\"?"} {"term": "unexampled", "pos": "s", "context": "a time of unexampled prosperity", "definition": "having no previous example or precedent or parallel", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a time of unexampled prosperity\" What is the definition of \"unexampled\"?"} {"term": "transcendent", "pos": "s", "context": "the notion of any transcendent reality beyond thought", "definition": "beyond and outside the ordinary range of human experience or understanding", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the notion of any transcendent reality beyond thought\" What is the definition of \"transcendent\"?"} {"term": "brushwood", "pos": "n", "context": "they built a fire of brushwood", "definition": "the wood from bushes or small branches", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they built a fire of brushwood\" What is the definition of \"brushwood\"?"} {"term": "childish", "pos": "s", "context": "childish tantrums", "definition": "indicating a lack of maturity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"childish tantrums\" What is the definition of \"childish\"?"} {"term": "afford", "pos": "v", "context": "I ca n't afford to spend two hours with this person", "definition": "to be able to spare or give up", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I ca n't afford to spend two hours with this person\" What is the definition of \"afford\"?"} {"term": "afford", "pos": "v", "context": "We ca n't afford to send our children to college", "definition": "to have the financial means to do something or buy something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"We ca n't afford to send our children to college\" What is the definition of \"afford\"?"} {"term": "avowed", "pos": "s", "context": "an avowed enemy", "definition": "openly declared as such", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an avowed enemy\" What is the definition of \"avowed\"?"} {"term": "usage", "pos": "n", "context": "English usage", "definition": "the customary manner in which a language or a form of a language is spoken or written", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"English usage\" What is the definition of \"usage\"?"} {"term": "treble", "pos": "s", "context": "a claim for treble ( or triple ) damages", "definition": "three times as great or many", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a claim for treble ( or triple ) damages\" What is the definition of \"treble\"?"} {"term": "treble", "pos": "s", "context": "the boy still had a fine treble voice", "definition": "having or denoting a high range", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the boy still had a fine treble voice\" What is the definition of \"treble\"?"} {"term": "treble", "pos": "s", "context": "a treble row of red beads", "definition": "having three units or components or elements", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a treble row of red beads\" What is the definition of \"treble\"?"} {"term": "plastic", "pos": "s", "context": "the plastic minds of children", "definition": "capable of being influenced or formed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the plastic minds of children\" What is the definition of \"plastic\"?"} {"term": "plastic", "pos": "s", "context": "plastic substances such as wax or clay", "definition": "capable of being molded or modeled especially of earth or clay or other soft material", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"plastic substances such as wax or clay\" What is the definition of \"plastic\"?"} {"term": "indefinite", "pos": "a", "context": "amorphous blots of color having vague and indefinite edges", "definition": "vague or not clearly defined or stated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"amorphous blots of color having vague and indefinite edges\" What is the definition of \"indefinite\"?"} {"term": "indefinite", "pos": "s", "context": "were indefinite about their plans", "definition": "not decided or not known", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"were indefinite about their plans\" What is the definition of \"indefinite\"?"} {"term": "showery", "pos": "s", "context": "showery weather", "definition": "wet by periods of rain", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"showery weather\" What is the definition of \"showery\"?"} {"term": "negotiation", "pos": "n", "context": "the buyout negotiation lasted several days", "definition": "a discussion intended to produce an agreement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the buyout negotiation lasted several days\" What is the definition of \"negotiation\"?"} {"term": "oriental", "pos": "s", "context": "oriental civilization", "definition": "denoting or characteristic of countries of asia", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"oriental civilization\" What is the definition of \"oriental\"?"} {"term": "splendidly", "pos": "r", "context": "he did splendidly in the exam", "definition": "extremely well", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["excellently", "famously", ""], "instruction": "\"he did splendidly in the exam\" What is the definition of \"splendidly\"?"} {"term": "backstop", "pos": "n", "context": "he acted as a backstop in case anything went wrong", "definition": "a precaution in case of an emergency", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he acted as a backstop in case anything went wrong\" What is the definition of \"backstop\"?"} {"term": "standard", "pos": "a", "context": "windows of standard width", "definition": "or of the usual or regularized or accepted kind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"windows of standard width\" What is the definition of \"standard\"?"} {"term": "standard", "pos": "a", "context": "a standard reference work", "definition": "established or well-known or widely recognized as a model of authority or excellence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a standard reference work\" What is the definition of \"standard\"?"} {"term": "standard", "pos": "a", "context": "standard English \" ( American )", "definition": "conforming to the established language usage of educated native speakers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"standard English \" ( American )\" What is the definition of \"standard\"?"} {"term": "standard", "pos": "s", "context": "standard procedure", "definition": "commonly used or supplied", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"standard procedure\" What is the definition of \"standard\"?"} {"term": "standard", "pos": "s", "context": "a standard size", "definition": "regularly and widely used or sold", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a standard size\" What is the definition of \"standard\"?"} {"term": "necktie", "pos": "n", "context": "he stood in front of the mirror tightening his necktie", "definition": "neckwear consisting of a long narrow piece of material worn mostly by men under a collar and tied in knot at the front", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he stood in front of the mirror tightening his necktie\" What is the definition of \"necktie\"?"} {"term": "bowery", "pos": "s", "context": "a bowery lane", "definition": "like a bower", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bowery lane\" What is the definition of \"bowery\"?"} {"term": "bowery", "pos": "s", "context": "a bowery lane", "definition": "leafy and shady", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bowery lane\" What is the definition of \"bowery\"?"} {"term": "ignorantly", "pos": "r", "context": "they lived ignorantly in their own small world", "definition": "in ignorance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they lived ignorantly in their own small world\" What is the definition of \"ignorantly\"?"} {"term": "ignorantly", "pos": "r", "context": "they lived ignorantly in their own small world", "definition": "in an ignorant manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they lived ignorantly in their own small world\" What is the definition of \"ignorantly\"?"} {"term": "swish", "pos": "s", "context": "a swish pastry shop on the Rue du Bac \" - Julia Child", "definition": "elegant and fashionable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a swish pastry shop on the Rue du Bac \" - Julia Child\" What is the definition of \"swish\"?"} {"term": "anonymous", "pos": "a", "context": "anonymous authors", "definition": "having no known name or identity or known source", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"anonymous authors\" What is the definition of \"anonymous\"?"} {"term": "anonymous", "pos": "s", "context": "brown anonymous houses", "definition": "not known or lacking marked individuality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"brown anonymous houses\" What is the definition of \"anonymous\"?"} {"term": "dropper", "pos": "n", "context": "she used an eye dropper to administer medication to the eyes", "definition": "pipet consisting of a small tube with a vacuum bulb at one end for drawing liquid in and releasing it a drop at a time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she used an eye dropper to administer medication to the eyes\" What is the definition of \"dropper\"?"} {"term": "reeve", "pos": "v", "context": "reeve an opening", "definition": "to pass a rope through", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"reeve an opening\" What is the definition of \"reeve\"?"} {"term": "reeve", "pos": "v", "context": "reeve a rope", "definition": "to pass through a hole or opening", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"reeve a rope\" What is the definition of \"reeve\"?"} {"term": "vile", "pos": "s", "context": "the vile development of slavery appalled them", "definition": "morally reprehensible", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the vile development of slavery appalled them\" What is the definition of \"vile\"?"} {"term": "subject", "pos": "n", "context": "a moving picture of a train is more dramatic than a still picture of the same subject", "definition": "something a person or object or scene selected by an artist or photographer for graphic representation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a moving picture of a train is more dramatic than a still picture of the same subject\" What is the definition of \"subject\"?"} {"term": "subject", "pos": "v", "context": "He did not want to subject himself to the judgments of his superiors", "definition": "to make accountable for", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"He did not want to subject himself to the judgments of his superiors\" What is the definition of \"subject\"?"} {"term": "subject", "pos": "s", "context": "subject peoples", "definition": "being under the power or sovereignty of another or others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"subject peoples\" What is the definition of \"subject\"?"} {"term": "subject", "pos": "s", "context": "the bond is subject to taxation", "definition": "likely to be affected by something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the bond is subject to taxation\" What is the definition of \"subject\"?"} {"term": "subject", "pos": "s", "context": "the time is fixed by the director and players and therefore subject to much variation", "definition": "possibly accepting or permitting", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the time is fixed by the director and players and therefore subject to much variation\" What is the definition of \"subject\"?"} {"term": "question", "pos": "n", "context": "the question of disease merits serious discussion", "definition": "the subject matter at issue", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the question of disease merits serious discussion\" What is the definition of \"question\"?"} {"term": "question", "pos": "n", "context": "he asked a direct question", "definition": "a sentence of inquiry that asks for a reply", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["interrogation", "interrogative", "sentence"], "instruction": "\"he asked a direct question\" What is the definition of \"question\"?"} {"term": "question", "pos": "v", "context": "We must question your judgment in this matter", "definition": "to challenge the accuracy , probity , or propriety of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"We must question your judgment in this matter\" What is the definition of \"question\"?"} {"term": "peerless", "pos": "s", "context": "a peerless scholar", "definition": "eminent beyond or above comparison", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a peerless scholar\" What is the definition of \"peerless\"?"} {"term": "invisibly", "pos": "r", "context": "these organisms enter the body invisibly", "definition": "without being seen", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these organisms enter the body invisibly\" What is the definition of \"invisibly\"?"} {"term": "rearrange", "pos": "v", "context": "Please rearrange these files", "definition": "to put into a new order or arrangement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Please rearrange these files\" What is the definition of \"rearrange\"?"} {"term": "reflection", "pos": "n", "context": "he studied his reflection in the mirror", "definition": "the image of something as reflected by a mirror or other reflective material", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he studied his reflection in the mirror\" What is the definition of \"reflection\"?"} {"term": "digital", "pos": "a", "context": "digital clock", "definition": "displaying numbers rather than scale positions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"digital clock\" What is the definition of \"digital\"?"} {"term": "digital", "pos": "a", "context": "digital examination", "definition": "relating to or performed with the fingers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"digital examination\" What is the definition of \"digital\"?"} {"term": "digital", "pos": "a", "context": "digital computer", "definition": "of a circuit or device that represents magnitudes in digits", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"digital computer\" What is the definition of \"digital\"?"} {"term": "keystone", "pos": "n", "context": "the keystone of campaign reform was the ban on soft money", "definition": "a central cohesive source of support and stability", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the keystone of campaign reform was the ban on soft money\" What is the definition of \"keystone\"?"} {"term": "vibrator", "pos": "n", "context": "a reed is the vibrator that produces the sound", "definition": "a mechanical device that vibrates", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a reed is the vibrator that produces the sound\" What is the definition of \"vibrator\"?"} {"term": "exceptional", "pos": "s", "context": "special educational provisions for exceptional children", "definition": "deviating widely from a norm of physical or mental ability", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"special educational provisions for exceptional children\" What is the definition of \"exceptional\"?"} {"term": "exceptional", "pos": "s", "context": "special educational provisions for exceptional children", "definition": "used especially of children below normal in intelligence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"special educational provisions for exceptional children\" What is the definition of \"exceptional\"?"} {"term": "exceptional", "pos": "s", "context": "an exceptional memory", "definition": "far beyond what is usual in magnitude or degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an exceptional memory\" What is the definition of \"exceptional\"?"} {"term": "exceptional", "pos": "s", "context": "exceptional kindness", "definition": "surpassing what is common or usual or expected", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"exceptional kindness\" What is the definition of \"exceptional\"?"} {"term": "irregularly", "pos": "r", "context": "the patient is breathing irregularly", "definition": "in an irregular manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the patient is breathing irregularly\" What is the definition of \"irregularly\"?"} {"term": "irregularly", "pos": "r", "context": "irregularly shaped solids", "definition": "having an irregular form", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"irregularly shaped solids\" What is the definition of \"irregularly\"?"} {"term": "irregularly", "pos": "r", "context": "her letters arrived irregularly", "definition": "in an irregular manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her letters arrived irregularly\" What is the definition of \"irregularly\"?"} {"term": "sole", "pos": "s", "context": "sole rights of publication", "definition": "not divided or shared with others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sole rights of publication\" What is the definition of \"sole\"?"} {"term": "sole", "pos": "s", "context": "the sole heir", "definition": "being the only one", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sole heir\" What is the definition of \"sole\"?"} {"term": "sole", "pos": "s", "context": "the sole heir", "definition": "single and isolated from others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sole heir\" What is the definition of \"sole\"?"} {"term": "navigation", "pos": "n", "context": "the channel will be open to navigation as soon as the ice melts", "definition": "ship traffic", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the channel will be open to navigation as soon as the ice melts\" What is the definition of \"navigation\"?"} {"term": "ramify", "pos": "v", "context": "these plants ramify early and get to be very large", "definition": "to grow and send out branches or branch-like structures", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["branching", "grow", "branch"], "instruction": "\"these plants ramify early and get to be very large\" What is the definition of \"ramify\"?"} {"term": "ramify", "pos": "v", "context": "These actions will ramify", "definition": "to have or develop complicating consequences", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"These actions will ramify\" What is the definition of \"ramify\"?"} {"term": "rite", "pos": "n", "context": "the rite of baptism", "definition": "an established ceremony prescribed by a religion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the rite of baptism\" What is the definition of \"rite\"?"} {"term": "gin", "pos": "v", "context": "gin game", "definition": "to trap with a snare", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gin game\" What is the definition of \"gin\"?"} {"term": "soul", "pos": "n", "context": "the soul of honor", "definition": "the human embodiment of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the soul of honor\" What is the definition of \"soul\"?"} {"term": "prone", "pos": "s", "context": "a child prone to mischief", "definition": "having a tendency to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a child prone to mischief\" What is the definition of \"prone\"?"} {"term": "prone", "pos": "s", "context": "a child prone to mischief", "definition": "often used in combination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a child prone to mischief\" What is the definition of \"prone\"?"} {"term": "reformer", "pos": "n", "context": "a catalytic reformer", "definition": "an apparatus that reforms the molecular structure of hydrocarbons to produce richer fuel", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a catalytic reformer\" What is the definition of \"reformer\"?"} {"term": "totally", "pos": "r", "context": "a totally new situation", "definition": "to a complete degree or to the full or entire extent whole is often used informally for wholly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a totally new situation\" What is the definition of \"totally\"?"} {"term": "epistolary", "pos": "s", "context": "an endless sequence of epistolary love affairs", "definition": "written in the form of or carried on by letters or correspondence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an endless sequence of epistolary love affairs\" What is the definition of \"epistolary\"?"} {"term": "puny", "pos": "s", "context": "a puny physique", "definition": "inferior in strength or significance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a puny physique\" What is the definition of \"puny\"?"} {"term": "middling", "pos": "s", "context": "the performance was middling at best", "definition": "lacking exceptional quality or ability", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the performance was middling at best\" What is the definition of \"middling\"?"} {"term": "represent", "pos": "v", "context": "I represent the silent majority", "definition": "to be a delegate or spokesperson for", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I represent the silent majority\" What is the definition of \"represent\"?"} {"term": "brutish", "pos": "s", "context": "a dull and brutish man", "definition": "resembling a beast", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dull and brutish man\" What is the definition of \"brutish\"?"} {"term": "brutish", "pos": "s", "context": "a dull and brutish man", "definition": "showing lack of human sensibility", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dull and brutish man\" What is the definition of \"brutish\"?"} {"term": "uneven", "pos": "a", "context": "an uneven color", "definition": "not even or uniform as e.g. in shape or texture", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an uneven color\" What is the definition of \"uneven\"?"} {"term": "uneven", "pos": "s", "context": "an uneven gait", "definition": "variable and recurring at irregular intervals", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an uneven gait\" What is the definition of \"uneven\"?"} {"term": "uneven", "pos": "s", "context": "vaudeville ... waged an uneven battle against the church", "definition": "not fairly matched as opponents", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"vaudeville ... waged an uneven battle against the church\" What is the definition of \"uneven\"?"} {"term": "shook", "pos": "v", "context": "The chemist shook the flask vigorously", "definition": "to move or cause to move back and forth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["agitate", "tremble", "thresh", "rattle", "tremor", "concuss", "convulse", "toss", "palpitate", "quake", "jiggle", "slash", "thrash", "joggle"], "instruction": "\"The chemist shook the flask vigorously\" What is the definition of \"shook\"?"} {"term": "shook", "pos": "v", "context": "his hands shook", "definition": "to move with or as if with a tremor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his hands shook\" What is the definition of \"shook\"?"} {"term": "metaphoric", "pos": "s", "context": "metaphoric language", "definition": "expressing one thing in terms normally denoting another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"metaphoric language\" What is the definition of \"metaphoric\"?"} {"term": "venial", "pos": "s", "context": "venial sin", "definition": "warranting only temporal punishment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"venial sin\" What is the definition of \"venial\"?"} {"term": "venial", "pos": "s", "context": "a venial error", "definition": "easily excused or forgiven", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a venial error\" What is the definition of \"venial\"?"} {"term": "cock", "pos": "v", "context": "cock one 's head", "definition": "to tilt or slant to one side", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cock one 's head\" What is the definition of \"cock\"?"} {"term": "magnanimous", "pos": "s", "context": "a magnanimous conqueror", "definition": "noble and generous in spirit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a magnanimous conqueror\" What is the definition of \"magnanimous\"?"} {"term": "magnanimous", "pos": "s", "context": "magnanimous toward his enemies", "definition": "generous and understanding and tolerant", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"magnanimous toward his enemies\" What is the definition of \"magnanimous\"?"} {"term": "exhibition", "pos": "n", "context": "a remarkable exhibition of musicianship", "definition": "the act of exhibiting", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a remarkable exhibition of musicianship\" What is the definition of \"exhibition\"?"} {"term": "illiterate", "pos": "s", "context": "he is musically illiterate", "definition": "uneducated in the fundamentals of a given art or branch of learning", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is musically illiterate\" What is the definition of \"illiterate\"?"} {"term": "illiterate", "pos": "s", "context": "he is musically illiterate", "definition": "lacking knowledge of a specific field", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is musically illiterate\" What is the definition of \"illiterate\"?"} {"term": "stiffening", "pos": "n", "context": "stiffening his shoulders , he prepared to advance", "definition": "the act of becoming stiff", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stiffening his shoulders , he prepared to advance\" What is the definition of \"stiffening\"?"} {"term": "grotesquely", "pos": "r", "context": "behind the house lay two nude figures grotesquely bald , with deliberate knife-slashes marking their bodies", "definition": "in a grotesque manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"behind the house lay two nude figures grotesquely bald , with deliberate knife-slashes marking their bodies\" What is the definition of \"grotesquely\"?"} {"term": "tiny", "pos": "s", "context": "tiny feet", "definition": "very small", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tiny feet\" What is the definition of \"tiny\"?"} {"term": "done", "pos": "s", "context": "certain to make history before he 's done", "definition": "having finished or arrived at completion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"certain to make history before he 's done\" What is the definition of \"done\"?"} {"term": "divest", "pos": "v", "context": "The company decided to divest", "definition": "to reduce or dispose of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The company decided to divest\" What is the definition of \"divest\"?"} {"term": "divest", "pos": "v", "context": "The company decided to divest", "definition": "to cease to hold an investment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The company decided to divest\" What is the definition of \"divest\"?"} {"term": "restore", "pos": "v", "context": "restore the forest to its original pristine condition", "definition": "to return to its original or usable and functioning condition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["renew", "rehabilitate", "reconstruct"], "instruction": "\"restore the forest to its original pristine condition\" What is the definition of \"restore\"?"} {"term": "restore", "pos": "v", "context": "restore law and order", "definition": "to bring back into original existence , use , function , or position", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"restore law and order\" What is the definition of \"restore\"?"} {"term": "hypercritical", "pos": "s", "context": "hypercritical of colloquial speech", "definition": "inclined to judge too severely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hypercritical of colloquial speech\" What is the definition of \"hypercritical\"?"} {"term": "reportable", "pos": "a", "context": "reportable income", "definition": "required by law to be reported", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"reportable income\" What is the definition of \"reportable\"?"} {"term": "reportable", "pos": "s", "context": "years of research produced no reportable results", "definition": "meriting report", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"years of research produced no reportable results\" What is the definition of \"reportable\"?"} {"term": "architecture", "pos": "n", "context": "architecture and eloquence are mixed arts whose end is sometimes beauty and sometimes use", "definition": "the discipline dealing with the principles of design and construction and ornamentation of fine buildings", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"architecture and eloquence are mixed arts whose end is sometimes beauty and sometimes use\" What is the definition of \"architecture\"?"} {"term": "transparent", "pos": "s", "context": "a transparent explanation", "definition": "easily understood or seen through because of a lack of subtlety", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a transparent explanation\" What is the definition of \"transparent\"?"} {"term": "transparent", "pos": "s", "context": "transparent crystal", "definition": "transmitting light", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"transparent crystal\" What is the definition of \"transparent\"?"} {"term": "transparent", "pos": "s", "context": "transparent crystal", "definition": "able to be seen through with clarity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"transparent crystal\" What is the definition of \"transparent\"?"} {"term": "transparent", "pos": "s", "context": "transparent chiffon", "definition": "so thin as to transmit light", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"transparent chiffon\" What is the definition of \"transparent\"?"} {"term": "balky", "pos": "s", "context": "a balky mule", "definition": "stopping short and refusing to go on", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a balky mule\" What is the definition of \"balky\"?"} {"term": "par", "pos": "n", "context": "par for this course is 72", "definition": "the standard number of strokes set for each hole on a golf course , or for the entire course", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"par for this course is 72\" What is the definition of \"par\"?"} {"term": "par", "pos": "n", "context": "on a par with the best", "definition": "a state of being essentially equal or equivalent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["equivalence", "equation", "tie", "status"], "instruction": "\"on a par with the best\" What is the definition of \"par\"?"} {"term": "par", "pos": "n", "context": "on a par with the best", "definition": "equally balanced", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["equivalence", "equation", "tie", "status"], "instruction": "\"on a par with the best\" What is the definition of \"par\"?"} {"term": "insanely", "pos": "r", "context": "she behaved insanely", "definition": "in an insane manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she behaved insanely\" What is the definition of \"insanely\"?"} {"term": "insanely", "pos": "r", "context": "insanely jealous", "definition": "extremely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"insanely jealous\" What is the definition of \"insanely\"?"} {"term": "compactly", "pos": "r", "context": "The children were packed compactly into the car", "definition": "in a compact manner or state", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The children were packed compactly into the car\" What is the definition of \"compactly\"?"} {"term": "compactly", "pos": "r", "context": "liquid food compactly stored in a pressurized tank", "definition": "taking up no more space than necessary", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"liquid food compactly stored in a pressurized tank\" What is the definition of \"compactly\"?"} {"term": "compactly", "pos": "r", "context": "he wrote compactly but clearly", "definition": "with concise and precise brevity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he wrote compactly but clearly\" What is the definition of \"compactly\"?"} {"term": "compactly", "pos": "r", "context": "he wrote compactly but clearly", "definition": "to the point", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he wrote compactly but clearly\" What is the definition of \"compactly\"?"} {"term": "systematically", "pos": "r", "context": "they systematically excluded women", "definition": "in a systematic or consistent manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they systematically excluded women\" What is the definition of \"systematically\"?"} {"term": "investigative", "pos": "s", "context": "investigative reporting", "definition": "designed to find information or ascertain facts", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"investigative reporting\" What is the definition of \"investigative\"?"} {"term": "strengthen", "pos": "v", "context": "This exercise will strengthen your upper body", "definition": "to make strong or stronger", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["change", "confirm", "buttress", "substantiate", "brace", "alter", "modify", "bracing", "batten", "fortify"], "instruction": "\"This exercise will strengthen your upper body\" What is the definition of \"strengthen\"?"} {"term": "splatter", "pos": "n", "context": "a splatter of mud", "definition": "a small quantity of something moist or liquid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a splatter of mud\" What is the definition of \"splatter\"?"} {"term": "splatter", "pos": "v", "context": "splatter water", "definition": "to cause or allow a liquid substance to run or flow from a container", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["slop", "sloping", "moving", "displace"], "instruction": "\"splatter water\" What is the definition of \"splatter\"?"} {"term": "barbaric", "pos": "s", "context": "barbaric use of color or ornament", "definition": "unrestrained and crudely rich", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"barbaric use of color or ornament\" What is the definition of \"barbaric\"?"} {"term": "barbaric", "pos": "s", "context": "barbaric practices", "definition": "without civilizing influences", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"barbaric practices\" What is the definition of \"barbaric\"?"} {"term": "rascally", "pos": "s", "context": "the rascally rabble", "definition": "lacking principles or scruples", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the rascally rabble\" What is the definition of \"rascally\"?"} {"term": "expense", "pos": "n", "context": "at the expense of", "definition": "a detriment or sacrifice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at the expense of\" What is the definition of \"expense\"?"} {"term": "tangible", "pos": "a", "context": "skin with a tangible roughness", "definition": "perceptible by the senses especially the sense of touch", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"skin with a tangible roughness\" What is the definition of \"tangible\"?"} {"term": "tangible", "pos": "a", "context": "tangible property like real estate", "definition": "having physical substance and intrinsic monetary value", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tangible property like real estate\" What is the definition of \"tangible\"?"} {"term": "tangible", "pos": "s", "context": "tangible evidence", "definition": "capable of being treated as fact", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tangible evidence\" What is the definition of \"tangible\"?"} {"term": "precision", "pos": "n", "context": "note the meticulous precision of his measurements", "definition": "the quality of being reproducible in amount or performance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"note the meticulous precision of his measurements\" What is the definition of \"precision\"?"} {"term": "presentation", "pos": "n", "context": "she gave the trophy but he made the presentation", "definition": "the activity of formally presenting something as a prize or reward", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she gave the trophy but he made the presentation\" What is the definition of \"presentation\"?"} {"term": "presentation", "pos": "n", "context": "the presentation of new data", "definition": "a show or display", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["exhibition", "performance", "presentment", "exposure", "show"], "instruction": "\"the presentation of new data\" What is the definition of \"presentation\"?"} {"term": "presentation", "pos": "n", "context": "the presentation of new data", "definition": "the act of presenting something to sight or view", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["exhibition", "performance", "presentment", "exposure", "show"], "instruction": "\"the presentation of new data\" What is the definition of \"presentation\"?"} {"term": "presentation", "pos": "n", "context": "he prepared his presentation carefully in advance", "definition": "the act of making something publicly available", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he prepared his presentation carefully in advance\" What is the definition of \"presentation\"?"} {"term": "presentation", "pos": "n", "context": "he prepared his presentation carefully in advance", "definition": "presenting news or other information by broadcasting or printing it", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he prepared his presentation carefully in advance\" What is the definition of \"presentation\"?"} {"term": "tongue", "pos": "n", "context": "he spoke with a thick tongue", "definition": "a manner of speaking", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he spoke with a thick tongue\" What is the definition of \"tongue\"?"} {"term": "reconciliation", "pos": "n", "context": "the reconciliation of his checkbook and the bank statement", "definition": "getting two things to correspond", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the reconciliation of his checkbook and the bank statement\" What is the definition of \"reconciliation\"?"} {"term": "adjoin", "pos": "v", "context": "I adjoin a copy of your my lawyer 's letter", "definition": "to attach or add", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I adjoin a copy of your my lawyer 's letter\" What is the definition of \"adjoin\"?"} {"term": "oblique", "pos": "a", "context": "the oblique rays of the winter sun", "definition": "slanting or inclined in direction or course or position -- neither parallel nor perpendicular nor right-angled", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the oblique rays of the winter sun\" What is the definition of \"oblique\"?"} {"term": "oblique", "pos": "s", "context": "gave oblique answers to direct questions", "definition": "indirect in departing from the accepted or proper way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gave oblique answers to direct questions\" What is the definition of \"oblique\"?"} {"term": "oblique", "pos": "s", "context": "gave oblique answers to direct questions", "definition": "misleading", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gave oblique answers to direct questions\" What is the definition of \"oblique\"?"} {"term": "subvert", "pos": "v", "context": "subvert the ruling class", "definition": "to cause the downfall of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["depose", "overturn", "revolutionize"], "instruction": "\"subvert the ruling class\" What is the definition of \"subvert\"?"} {"term": "subvert", "pos": "v", "context": "subvert the ruling class", "definition": "to of rulers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["depose", "overturn", "revolutionize"], "instruction": "\"subvert the ruling class\" What is the definition of \"subvert\"?"} {"term": "subvert", "pos": "v", "context": "Do school counselors subvert young children ?", "definition": "to corrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["corrupt", "debased", "bastardize", "pervert", "change", "profane", "debase", "infect", "deprave", "vitiate", "alter", "modify", "debauched", "debauch", "demoralize"], "instruction": "\"Do school counselors subvert young children ?\" What is the definition of \"subvert\"?"} {"term": "curtly", "pos": "r", "context": "he told me curtly to get on with it", "definition": "in a curt , abrupt and discourteous manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he told me curtly to get on with it\" What is the definition of \"curtly\"?"} {"term": "offend", "pos": "v", "context": "offend all laws of humanity", "definition": "to act in disregard of laws , rules , contracts , or promises", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["transgress", "break", "trespass", "conflicting", "disrespect", "violate", "intrude", "contravene", "blunder", "infringe", "conflict", "sin"], "instruction": "\"offend all laws of humanity\" What is the definition of \"offend\"?"} {"term": "contrabass", "pos": "s", "context": "contrabass or double-bass clarinet", "definition": "pitched an octave below normal bass instrumental or vocal range", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"contrabass or double-bass clarinet\" What is the definition of \"contrabass\"?"} {"term": "season", "pos": "n", "context": "he celebrated his 10th season with the ballet company", "definition": "a period of the year marked by special events or activities in some field", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he celebrated his 10th season with the ballet company\" What is the definition of \"season\"?"} {"term": "season", "pos": "n", "context": "it was the Christmas season", "definition": "a recurrent time marked by major holidays", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was the Christmas season\" What is the definition of \"season\"?"} {"term": "season", "pos": "v", "context": "This trip will season even the hardiest traveller", "definition": "to make fit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["toughen", "seasoning", "harden"], "instruction": "\"This trip will season even the hardiest traveller\" What is the definition of \"season\"?"} {"term": "unrighteous", "pos": "a", "context": "an unrighteous man", "definition": "not righteous", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unrighteous man\" What is the definition of \"unrighteous\"?"} {"term": "blissful", "pos": "s", "context": "blissful young lovers", "definition": "completely happy and contented", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"blissful young lovers\" What is the definition of \"blissful\"?"} {"term": "align", "pos": "v", "context": "align the car with the curb", "definition": "to place in a line or arrange so as to be parallel or straight", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["address", "adjust", "synchronize", "focus", "aline"], "instruction": "\"align the car with the curb\" What is the definition of \"align\"?"} {"term": "subsidy", "pos": "n", "context": "a subsidy for research in artificial intelligence", "definition": "a grant paid by a government to an enterprise that benefits the public", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a subsidy for research in artificial intelligence\" What is the definition of \"subsidy\"?"} {"term": "finish", "pos": "n", "context": "a crowd assembled at the finish", "definition": "the place designated as the end as of a race or journey", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["destination", "end", "goal"], "instruction": "\"a crowd assembled at the finish\" What is the definition of \"finish\"?"} {"term": "finish", "pos": "n", "context": "excitement grew as the finish neared", "definition": "designated event that concludes a contest especially a race", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"excitement grew as the finish neared\" What is the definition of \"finish\"?"} {"term": "finish", "pos": "n", "context": "booze will be the finish of him", "definition": "the downfall of someone as of persons on one side of a conflict", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"booze will be the finish of him\" What is the definition of \"finish\"?"} {"term": "implacable", "pos": "a", "context": "an implacable enemy", "definition": "incapable of being placated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an implacable enemy\" What is the definition of \"implacable\"?"} {"term": "particularly", "pos": "r", "context": "he was particularly fussy about spelling", "definition": "to a distinctly greater extent or degree than is common", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was particularly fussy about spelling\" What is the definition of \"particularly\"?"} {"term": "particularly", "pos": "r", "context": "loves Bach , particularly his partitas", "definition": "specifically or especially distinguished from others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"loves Bach , particularly his partitas\" What is the definition of \"particularly\"?"} {"term": "particularly", "pos": "r", "context": "everyone has a moment in history which belongs particularly to him \" - John Knowles", "definition": "uniquely or characteristically", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"everyone has a moment in history which belongs particularly to him \" - John Knowles\" What is the definition of \"particularly\"?"} {"term": "comfortably", "pos": "r", "context": "he works comfortably on three continents", "definition": "in mental comfort", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he works comfortably on three continents\" What is the definition of \"comfortably\"?"} {"term": "comfortably", "pos": "r", "context": "he works comfortably on three continents", "definition": "without stress", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he works comfortably on three continents\" What is the definition of \"comfortably\"?"} {"term": "comfortably", "pos": "r", "context": "she could have been lying comfortably in bed getting the same relief", "definition": "in physical comfort", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she could have been lying comfortably in bed getting the same relief\" What is the definition of \"comfortably\"?"} {"term": "comfortably", "pos": "r", "context": "she has been able to live comfortably since her husband died", "definition": "in financial comfort", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she has been able to live comfortably since her husband died\" What is the definition of \"comfortably\"?"} {"term": "daze", "pos": "n", "context": "his mother 's death left him in a daze", "definition": "the feeling of distress and disbelief that you have when something bad happens accidentally", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["shock", "stupefaction"], "instruction": "\"his mother 's death left him in a daze\" What is the definition of \"daze\"?"} {"term": "rustle", "pos": "v", "context": "rustle cattle", "definition": "to take illegally", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["stole", "steal", "stealing", "lift"], "instruction": "\"rustle cattle\" What is the definition of \"rustle\"?"} {"term": "forlorn", "pos": "s", "context": "the last forlorn attempt", "definition": "marked by or showing hopelessness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the last forlorn attempt\" What is the definition of \"forlorn\"?"} {"term": "akimbo", "pos": "s", "context": "a tailor sitting with legs akimbo", "definition": "bent outward with the joint away from the body", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tailor sitting with legs akimbo\" What is the definition of \"akimbo\"?"} {"term": "akimbo", "pos": "r", "context": "she stood there akimbo", "definition": "with hands on hips and elbows extending outward", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she stood there akimbo\" What is the definition of \"akimbo\"?"} {"term": "burning", "pos": "v", "context": "The candles were burning", "definition": "to shine intensely , as if with heat", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["glow", "shine", "gutter", "beam"], "instruction": "\"The candles were burning\" What is the definition of \"burning\"?"} {"term": "burning", "pos": "s", "context": "burning issues of the day", "definition": "of immediate import", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"burning issues of the day\" What is the definition of \"burning\"?"} {"term": "accordant", "pos": "a", "context": "a place perfectly accordant with man 's nature \" - Thomas Hardy", "definition": "being in agreement or harmony", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a place perfectly accordant with man 's nature \" - Thomas Hardy\" What is the definition of \"accordant\"?"} {"term": "accordant", "pos": "a", "context": "a place perfectly accordant with man 's nature \" - Thomas Hardy", "definition": "often followed by with", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a place perfectly accordant with man 's nature \" - Thomas Hardy\" What is the definition of \"accordant\"?"} {"term": "art", "pos": "n", "context": "an art exhibition", "definition": "the products of human creativity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an art exhibition\" What is the definition of \"art\"?"} {"term": "art", "pos": "n", "context": "art does not need to be innovative to be good", "definition": "the creation of beautiful or significant things", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"art does not need to be innovative to be good\" What is the definition of \"art\"?"} {"term": "art", "pos": "n", "context": "the art of conversation", "definition": "a superior skill that you can learn by study and practice and observation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["minstrelsy", "taxidermy", "horology", "falconry", "puppetry", "prowess", "homiletics", "airmanship", "fortification"], "instruction": "\"the art of conversation\" What is the definition of \"art\"?"} {"term": "readjust", "pos": "v", "context": "After moving back to America , he had to readjust", "definition": "to adjust anew", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"After moving back to America , he had to readjust\" What is the definition of \"readjust\"?"} {"term": "recently", "pos": "r", "context": "he was in Paris recently", "definition": "in the recent past", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was in Paris recently\" What is the definition of \"recently\"?"} {"term": "covertly", "pos": "r", "context": "he did it covertly", "definition": "in a covert manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he did it covertly\" What is the definition of \"covertly\"?"} {"term": "inerrancy", "pos": "n", "context": "biblical inerrancy", "definition": "exemption from error", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"biblical inerrancy\" What is the definition of \"inerrancy\"?"} {"term": "crimson", "pos": "s", "context": "writes of crimson deeds and barbaric days \" - Andrea Parke", "definition": "characterized by violence or bloodshed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"writes of crimson deeds and barbaric days \" - Andrea Parke\" What is the definition of \"crimson\"?"} {"term": "crimson", "pos": "s", "context": "crimson with fury", "definition": "reddened or suffused with or as if with blood from emotion or exertion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"crimson with fury\" What is the definition of \"crimson\"?"} {"term": "plain", "pos": "n", "context": "they emerged from the woods onto a vast open plain", "definition": "extensive tract of level open land", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["flat", "steppe", "earth", "moorland", "land", "ground", "tundra", "champaign", "moor"], "instruction": "\"they emerged from the woods onto a vast open plain\" What is the definition of \"plain\"?"} {"term": "plain", "pos": "s", "context": "plain water", "definition": "not mixed with extraneous elements", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"plain water\" What is the definition of \"plain\"?"} {"term": "plain", "pos": "s", "context": "the plain and unvarnished truth", "definition": "free from any effort to soften to disguise", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the plain and unvarnished truth\" What is the definition of \"plain\"?"} {"term": "plain", "pos": "s", "context": "a plain hair style", "definition": "lacking embellishment or ornamentation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["bare", "", "spare"], "instruction": "\"a plain hair style\" What is the definition of \"plain\"?"} {"term": "plain", "pos": "a", "context": "plain food", "definition": "not elaborate or elaborated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"plain food\" What is the definition of \"plain\"?"} {"term": "plain", "pos": "a", "context": "plain food", "definition": "simple", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"plain food\" What is the definition of \"plain\"?"} {"term": "tablet", "pos": "n", "context": "a tablet of soap", "definition": "a small flat compressed cake of some substance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tablet of soap\" What is the definition of \"tablet\"?"} {"term": "celibate", "pos": "s", "context": "celibate priests", "definition": "abstaining from sexual intercourse", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"celibate priests\" What is the definition of \"celibate\"?"} {"term": "postpone", "pos": "v", "context": "let 's postpone the exam", "definition": "to hold back to a later time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["call", "delay", "shelve", "respite", "prorogue", "hold", "table", "suspend", "remit", "defer"], "instruction": "\"let 's postpone the exam\" What is the definition of \"postpone\"?"} {"term": "blurry", "pos": "s", "context": "the trees were just blurry shapes", "definition": "indistinct or hazy in outline", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the trees were just blurry shapes\" What is the definition of \"blurry\"?"} {"term": "unacquainted", "pos": "s", "context": "unacquainted with city ways", "definition": "having little or no knowledge of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unacquainted with city ways\" What is the definition of \"unacquainted\"?"} {"term": "unacquainted", "pos": "s", "context": "a person unacquainted with our customs", "definition": "not knowledgeable about something specified", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a person unacquainted with our customs\" What is the definition of \"unacquainted\"?"} {"term": "ambitious", "pos": "s", "context": "ambitious schedule", "definition": "requiring full use of your abilities or resources", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ambitious schedule\" What is the definition of \"ambitious\"?"} {"term": "hairless", "pos": "a", "context": "a Mexican Hairless is about the size of a fox terrier and hairless except for a tufts on the head and tail", "definition": "having no hair or fur", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a Mexican Hairless is about the size of a fox terrier and hairless except for a tufts on the head and tail\" What is the definition of \"hairless\"?"} {"term": "regularity", "pos": "n", "context": "he was famous for the regularity of his habits", "definition": "the quality of being characterized by a fixed principle or rate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was famous for the regularity of his habits\" What is the definition of \"regularity\"?"} {"term": "fantastic", "pos": "s", "context": "a fantastic trip to the Orient", "definition": "extraordinarily good or great", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fantastic trip to the Orient\" What is the definition of \"fantastic\"?"} {"term": "fantastic", "pos": "s", "context": "a fantastic trip to the Orient", "definition": "used especially as intensifiers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fantastic trip to the Orient\" What is the definition of \"fantastic\"?"} {"term": "fantastic", "pos": "s", "context": "a fantastic idea of his own importance", "definition": "fanciful and unrealistic", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fantastic idea of his own importance\" What is the definition of \"fantastic\"?"} {"term": "fantastic", "pos": "s", "context": "a fantastic idea of his own importance", "definition": "foolish", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fantastic idea of his own importance\" What is the definition of \"fantastic\"?"} {"term": "fantastic", "pos": "s", "context": "fantastic figures with bulbous heads the circumference of a bushel \" - Nathaniel Hawthorne", "definition": "existing in fancy only", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fantastic figures with bulbous heads the circumference of a bushel \" - Nathaniel Hawthorne\" What is the definition of \"fantastic\"?"} {"term": "concise", "pos": "a", "context": "a concise explanation", "definition": "expressing much in few words", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a concise explanation\" What is the definition of \"concise\"?"} {"term": "underfoot", "pos": "r", "context": "trampled the beans underfoot", "definition": "under the feet", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"trampled the beans underfoot\" What is the definition of \"underfoot\"?"} {"term": "underfoot", "pos": "r", "context": "a house with children and pets and toys always underfoot", "definition": "in the way and hindering progress", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a house with children and pets and toys always underfoot\" What is the definition of \"underfoot\"?"} {"term": "organic", "pos": "a", "context": "hydrocarbons are organic compounds", "definition": "relating or belonging to the class of chemical compounds having a carbon basis", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hydrocarbons are organic compounds\" What is the definition of \"organic\"?"} {"term": "organic", "pos": "a", "context": "organic life", "definition": "being or relating to or derived from or having properties characteristic of living organisms", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"organic life\" What is the definition of \"organic\"?"} {"term": "organic", "pos": "a", "context": "an organic disease", "definition": "involving or affecting physiology or bodily organs", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an organic disease\" What is the definition of \"organic\"?"} {"term": "organic", "pos": "s", "context": "organic eggs", "definition": "of or relating to foodstuff grown or raised without synthetic fertilizers or pesticides or hormones", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"organic eggs\" What is the definition of \"organic\"?"} {"term": "organic", "pos": "s", "context": "an organic lifestyle", "definition": "simple and healthful and close to nature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an organic lifestyle\" What is the definition of \"organic\"?"} {"term": "sane", "pos": "a", "context": "appears to be completely sane", "definition": "mentally healthy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"appears to be completely sane\" What is the definition of \"sane\"?"} {"term": "sane", "pos": "a", "context": "appears to be completely sane", "definition": "free from mental disorder", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"appears to be completely sane\" What is the definition of \"sane\"?"} {"term": "sane", "pos": "s", "context": "sane nuclear policy", "definition": "marked by sound judgment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sane nuclear policy\" What is the definition of \"sane\"?"} {"term": "lump", "pos": "v", "context": "lump together all the applicants", "definition": "to put together indiscriminately", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lump together all the applicants\" What is the definition of \"lump\"?"} {"term": "young", "pos": "a", "context": "young people", "definition": "in an early period of life or development or growth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"young people\" What is the definition of \"young\"?"} {"term": "young", "pos": "s", "context": "a young industry", "definition": "being in its early stage", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a young industry\" What is the definition of \"young\"?"} {"term": "young", "pos": "s", "context": "young corn", "definition": "harvested at an early stage of development", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"young corn\" What is the definition of \"young\"?"} {"term": "young", "pos": "s", "context": "young corn", "definition": "before complete maturity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"young corn\" What is the definition of \"young\"?"} {"term": "young", "pos": "s", "context": "he is young for his age", "definition": "suggestive of youth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["youthful", "", "vernal"], "instruction": "\"he is young for his age\" What is the definition of \"young\"?"} {"term": "young", "pos": "s", "context": "he is young for his age", "definition": "vigorous and fresh", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["youthful", "", "vernal"], "instruction": "\"he is young for his age\" What is the definition of \"young\"?"} {"term": "valuation", "pos": "n", "context": "the valuation of this property is much too high", "definition": "assessed price", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the valuation of this property is much too high\" What is the definition of \"valuation\"?"} {"term": "valuation", "pos": "n", "context": "he set a high valuation on friendship", "definition": "an appraisal of the value of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["assessment", "mark", "score", "evaluation", "appraisal", "undervaluation", "grade"], "instruction": "\"he set a high valuation on friendship\" What is the definition of \"valuation\"?"} {"term": "quickening", "pos": "n", "context": "the quickening of seed that will become ripe grain", "definition": "the process of showing signs of life", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the quickening of seed that will become ripe grain\" What is the definition of \"quickening\"?"} {"term": "case", "pos": "n", "context": "it was a case of bad judgment", "definition": "an occurrence of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["instance", "piece", "bit", "clip", "example", "time", "humiliation"], "instruction": "\"it was a case of bad judgment\" What is the definition of \"case\"?"} {"term": "case", "pos": "n", "context": "that was not the case", "definition": "the actual state of things", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that was not the case\" What is the definition of \"case\"?"} {"term": "impulsive", "pos": "s", "context": "an impulsive gesture of affection", "definition": "proceeding from natural feeling or impulse without external stimulus", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an impulsive gesture of affection\" What is the definition of \"impulsive\"?"} {"term": "impulsive", "pos": "s", "context": "letting him borrow her car was an impulsive act that she immediately regretted", "definition": "without forethought", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"letting him borrow her car was an impulsive act that she immediately regretted\" What is the definition of \"impulsive\"?"} {"term": "impulsive", "pos": "s", "context": "an impulsive force", "definition": "having the power of driving or impelling", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an impulsive force\" What is the definition of \"impulsive\"?"} {"term": "vulpine", "pos": "a", "context": "vulpine cunning", "definition": "resembling or characteristic of a fox", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"vulpine cunning\" What is the definition of \"vulpine\"?"} {"term": "subcutaneous", "pos": "a", "context": "subcutaneous implant", "definition": "relating to or located below the epidermis", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"subcutaneous implant\" What is the definition of \"subcutaneous\"?"} {"term": "conventionally", "pos": "r", "context": "he usually behaves rather conventionally", "definition": "in a conventional manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he usually behaves rather conventionally\" What is the definition of \"conventionally\"?"} {"term": "catholic", "pos": "s", "context": "catholic in one 's tastes", "definition": "free from provincial prejudices or attachments", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"catholic in one 's tastes\" What is the definition of \"catholic\"?"} {"term": "scabrous", "pos": "s", "context": "a scabrous novel", "definition": "dealing with salacious or indecent material", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a scabrous novel\" What is the definition of \"scabrous\"?"} {"term": "righteously", "pos": "r", "context": "righteously indignant", "definition": "in a righteous manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"righteously indignant\" What is the definition of \"righteously\"?"} {"term": "refrigerant", "pos": "s", "context": "a refrigerant substance such as ice or solid carbon dioxide", "definition": "causing cooling or freezing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a refrigerant substance such as ice or solid carbon dioxide\" What is the definition of \"refrigerant\"?"} {"term": "metaphysically", "pos": "r", "context": "he thinks metaphysically", "definition": "in a metaphysical manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he thinks metaphysically\" What is the definition of \"metaphysically\"?"} {"term": "timbre", "pos": "n", "context": "the timbre of her soprano was rich and lovely", "definition": "the distinctive property of a complex sound a voice or noise or musical sound", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["harmonic", "shrillness", "register", "color", "sonority", "resonance", "tone", "harmonics", "vibrancy", "coloration", "timber", "quality"], "instruction": "\"the timbre of her soprano was rich and lovely\" What is the definition of \"timbre\"?"} {"term": "hieratic", "pos": "a", "context": "hieratic Egyptian script", "definition": "written or belonging to a cursive form of ancient egyptian writing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hieratic Egyptian script\" What is the definition of \"hieratic\"?"} {"term": "hieratic", "pos": "a", "context": "hieratic gestures", "definition": "associated with the priesthood or priests", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hieratic gestures\" What is the definition of \"hieratic\"?"} {"term": "hieratic", "pos": "s", "context": "the more hieratic sculptures leave the viewer curiously unmoved", "definition": "adhering to fixed types or methods", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the more hieratic sculptures leave the viewer curiously unmoved\" What is the definition of \"hieratic\"?"} {"term": "hieratic", "pos": "s", "context": "the more hieratic sculptures leave the viewer curiously unmoved", "definition": "highly restrained and formal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the more hieratic sculptures leave the viewer curiously unmoved\" What is the definition of \"hieratic\"?"} {"term": "desperation", "pos": "n", "context": "it was a policy of desperation", "definition": "desperate recklessness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was a policy of desperation\" What is the definition of \"desperation\"?"} {"term": "desperation", "pos": "n", "context": "courage born of desperation", "definition": "a state in which all hope is lost or absent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["status", "condition", "despair"], "instruction": "\"courage born of desperation\" What is the definition of \"desperation\"?"} {"term": "contempt", "pos": "n", "context": "he was held in contempt", "definition": "lack of respect accompanied by a feeling of intense dislike", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["scorn", "dislike"], "instruction": "\"he was held in contempt\" What is the definition of \"contempt\"?"} {"term": "untruthful", "pos": "a", "context": "the statement given under oath was untruthful", "definition": "not expressing or given to expressing the truth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the statement given under oath was untruthful\" What is the definition of \"untruthful\"?"} {"term": "casual", "pos": "s", "context": "an ability to interest casual students", "definition": "marked by blithe unconcern", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["nonchalant", "", "insouciant"], "instruction": "\"an ability to interest casual students\" What is the definition of \"casual\"?"} {"term": "casual", "pos": "s", "context": "a casual remark", "definition": "without or seeming to be without plan or method", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a casual remark\" What is the definition of \"casual\"?"} {"term": "casual", "pos": "s", "context": "a casual remark", "definition": "offhand", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a casual remark\" What is the definition of \"casual\"?"} {"term": "casual", "pos": "s", "context": "casual clothes", "definition": "appropriate for ordinary or routine occasions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["everyday", "daily", ""], "instruction": "\"casual clothes\" What is the definition of \"casual\"?"} {"term": "fraudulently", "pos": "r", "context": "this money was fraudulently obtained", "definition": "in a dishonest and fraudulent manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this money was fraudulently obtained\" What is the definition of \"fraudulently\"?"} {"term": "dope", "pos": "v", "context": "The athletes were dope by the coach before the race", "definition": "to give a narcotic to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The athletes were dope by the coach before the race\" What is the definition of \"dope\"?"} {"term": "adopted", "pos": "a", "context": "my adopted state", "definition": "acquired as your own by free choice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my adopted state\" What is the definition of \"adopted\"?"} {"term": "pristine", "pos": "s", "context": "pristine mountain snow", "definition": "completely free from dirt or contamination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pristine mountain snow\" What is the definition of \"pristine\"?"} {"term": "pristine", "pos": "s", "context": "handed her his pristine white handkerchief", "definition": "immaculately clean and unused", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"handed her his pristine white handkerchief\" What is the definition of \"pristine\"?"} {"term": "impractical", "pos": "a", "context": "refloating the ship proved impractical because of the expense", "definition": "not practical", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"refloating the ship proved impractical because of the expense\" What is the definition of \"impractical\"?"} {"term": "impractical", "pos": "a", "context": "refloating the ship proved impractical because of the expense", "definition": "not workable or not given to practical matters", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"refloating the ship proved impractical because of the expense\" What is the definition of \"impractical\"?"} {"term": "whir", "pos": "n", "context": "whir of a bird 's wings", "definition": "sound of something in rapid motion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"whir of a bird 's wings\" What is the definition of \"whir\"?"} {"term": "cradle", "pos": "n", "context": "he was taught from the cradle never to cry", "definition": "birth of a person", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was taught from the cradle never to cry\" What is the definition of \"cradle\"?"} {"term": "plication", "pos": "n", "context": "a plication on her blouse", "definition": "an angular or rounded shape made by folding", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["flexure", "ruck", "twist", "angularity", "twirl", "crimp", "fold", "plait", "bend", "pucker", "crease"], "instruction": "\"a plication on her blouse\" What is the definition of \"plication\"?"} {"term": "catch", "pos": "v", "context": "ears open to catch every sound", "definition": "to perceive with the senses quickly , suddenly , or momentarily", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["comprehend", "catching"], "instruction": "\"ears open to catch every sound\" What is the definition of \"catch\"?"} {"term": "base", "pos": "n", "context": "the base of the mountain", "definition": "the bottom or lowest part", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the base of the mountain\" What is the definition of \"base\"?"} {"term": "base", "pos": "v", "context": "we will base this project in the new lab", "definition": "to situate as a center of operations", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["based", "situate", "locate"], "instruction": "\"we will base this project in the new lab\" What is the definition of \"base\"?"} {"term": "base", "pos": "v", "context": "base a claim on some observation", "definition": "to use as a basis for", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["based", "establish", "founding", "found", "ground", "build"], "instruction": "\"base a claim on some observation\" What is the definition of \"base\"?"} {"term": "base", "pos": "v", "context": "base a claim on some observation", "definition": "to found on", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["based", "establish", "founding", "found", "ground", "build"], "instruction": "\"base a claim on some observation\" What is the definition of \"base\"?"} {"term": "base", "pos": "s", "context": "base coins of aluminum", "definition": "consisting of or alloyed with inferior metal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"base coins of aluminum\" What is the definition of \"base\"?"} {"term": "base", "pos": "s", "context": "base and unpatriotic motives", "definition": "not adhering to ethical or moral principles", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"base and unpatriotic motives\" What is the definition of \"base\"?"} {"term": "disjoint", "pos": "v", "context": "disjoint the chicken before cooking it", "definition": "to separate at the joints", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["divide", "disarticulate", "disjointed", "disunite"], "instruction": "\"disjoint the chicken before cooking it\" What is the definition of \"disjoint\"?"} {"term": "pursuer", "pos": "n", "context": "a pursuer of truth", "definition": "a person who pursues some plan or goal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a pursuer of truth\" What is the definition of \"pursuer\"?"} {"term": "battalion", "pos": "n", "context": "a battalion of ants", "definition": "a large indefinite number", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a battalion of ants\" What is the definition of \"battalion\"?"} {"term": "vaccinate", "pos": "v", "context": "We vaccinate against scarlet fever", "definition": "to perform vaccinations or produce immunity in by inoculation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["inject", "shoot", "inoculate"], "instruction": "\"We vaccinate against scarlet fever\" What is the definition of \"vaccinate\"?"} {"term": "tenebrous", "pos": "s", "context": "a tenebrous cave", "definition": "dark and gloomy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tenebrous cave\" What is the definition of \"tenebrous\"?"} {"term": "gross", "pos": "a", "context": "gross income", "definition": "before any deductions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gross income\" What is the definition of \"gross\"?"} {"term": "gross", "pos": "s", "context": "the gross details of the structure appear reasonable", "definition": "lacking fine distinctions or detail", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the gross details of the structure appear reasonable\" What is the definition of \"gross\"?"} {"term": "instrument", "pos": "n", "context": "my greed was the instrument of my destruction", "definition": "the means whereby some act is accomplished", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["agency", "tool", "way"], "instruction": "\"my greed was the instrument of my destruction\" What is the definition of \"instrument\"?"} {"term": "differential", "pos": "a", "context": "differential treatment", "definition": "relating to or showing a difference", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"differential treatment\" What is the definition of \"differential\"?"} {"term": "differential", "pos": "a", "context": "differential equation", "definition": "involving or containing one or more derivatives", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"differential equation\" What is the definition of \"differential\"?"} {"term": "duct", "pos": "n", "context": "the tear duct was obstructed", "definition": "a bodily passage or tube lined with epithelial cells and conveying a secretion or other substance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["epididymis", "umbilical", "pore", "vagina", "passageway", "passage", "channel", "urethra", "sinus", "ureter"], "instruction": "\"the tear duct was obstructed\" What is the definition of \"duct\"?"} {"term": "absorbent", "pos": "a", "context": "as absorbent as a sponge", "definition": "having power or capacity or tendency to absorb or soak up something liquids or energy etc. .", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as absorbent as a sponge\" What is the definition of \"absorbent\"?"} {"term": "practice", "pos": "n", "context": "it is their practice to give annual raises", "definition": "a customary way of operation or behavior", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["ritual", "fashion", "cannibalism", "mistreatment", "naturism", "quotation", "slavery", "pluralism", "popery", "usage", "formalism", "custom", "pattern", "ritualism", "symbolization", "occult", "activity"], "instruction": "\"it is their practice to give annual raises\" What is the definition of \"practice\"?"} {"term": "practice", "pos": "n", "context": "a hard theory to put into practice", "definition": "translating an idea into action", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a hard theory to put into practice\" What is the definition of \"practice\"?"} {"term": "practice", "pos": "n", "context": "the practice of the law", "definition": "the exercise of a profession", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the practice of the law\" What is the definition of \"practice\"?"} {"term": "practice", "pos": "v", "context": "practice law", "definition": "to as of jobs and professions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"practice law\" What is the definition of \"practice\"?"} {"term": "practice", "pos": "v", "context": "practice a religion", "definition": "to avail oneself to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"practice a religion\" What is the definition of \"practice\"?"} {"term": "practice", "pos": "v", "context": "Pianists practice scales", "definition": "to learn by repetition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["read", "learn", "drilling", "study", "take"], "instruction": "\"Pianists practice scales\" What is the definition of \"practice\"?"} {"term": "abomination", "pos": "n", "context": "his treatment of the children is an abomination", "definition": "an action that is vicious or vile", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his treatment of the children is an abomination\" What is the definition of \"abomination\"?"} {"term": "abomination", "pos": "n", "context": "his treatment of the children is an abomination", "definition": "an action that arouses disgust or abhorrence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his treatment of the children is an abomination\" What is the definition of \"abomination\"?"} {"term": "dibs", "pos": "n", "context": "I have dibs on that last slice of pizza", "definition": "a claim of rights", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I have dibs on that last slice of pizza\" What is the definition of \"dibs\"?"} {"term": "transmit", "pos": "v", "context": "transmit a message", "definition": "to send from one person or place to another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["displace", "transport", "propagate", "fetch", "release", "channel", "convey", "get", "send", "turn", "translate", "moving", "transfer"], "instruction": "\"transmit a message\" What is the definition of \"transmit\"?"} {"term": "monopoly", "pos": "n", "context": "a monopoly on silver", "definition": "a market in which there are many buyers but only one seller", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a monopoly on silver\" What is the definition of \"monopoly\"?"} {"term": "monopoly", "pos": "n", "context": "They have no monopoly on intelligence", "definition": "exclusive control or possession of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"They have no monopoly on intelligence\" What is the definition of \"monopoly\"?"} {"term": "disjunct", "pos": "s", "context": "little isolated worlds , as abruptly disjunct and unexpected as a palm-shaded well in the Sahara \" - Scientific Monthly", "definition": "marked by separation of or from usually contiguous elements", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"little isolated worlds , as abruptly disjunct and unexpected as a palm-shaded well in the Sahara \" - Scientific Monthly\" What is the definition of \"disjunct\"?"} {"term": "disjunct", "pos": "s", "context": "disjunct distribution of king crabs", "definition": "used of distributions , as of statistical or natural populations", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"disjunct distribution of king crabs\" What is the definition of \"disjunct\"?"} {"term": "dominance", "pos": "n", "context": "her apparent dominance of her husband was really her attempt to make him pay attention to her", "definition": "the state that exists when one person or group has power over another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["tyranny", "ascendency", "domination", "monopoly", "status", "control", "absolutism", "condition", "ascendant", "supremacy", "mastery"], "instruction": "\"her apparent dominance of her husband was really her attempt to make him pay attention to her\" What is the definition of \"dominance\"?"} {"term": "familiar", "pos": "a", "context": "a familiar figure", "definition": "well known or easily recognized", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a familiar figure\" What is the definition of \"familiar\"?"} {"term": "familiar", "pos": "a", "context": "familiar ordinary objects found in every home", "definition": "within normal everyday experience", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"familiar ordinary objects found in every home\" What is the definition of \"familiar\"?"} {"term": "familiar", "pos": "a", "context": "familiar ordinary objects found in every home", "definition": "common and ordinary", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"familiar ordinary objects found in every home\" What is the definition of \"familiar\"?"} {"term": "familiar", "pos": "a", "context": "familiar ordinary objects found in every home", "definition": "not strange", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"familiar ordinary objects found in every home\" What is the definition of \"familiar\"?"} {"term": "familiar", "pos": "s", "context": "on familiar terms", "definition": "having mutual interests or affections", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on familiar terms\" What is the definition of \"familiar\"?"} {"term": "familiar", "pos": "s", "context": "on familiar terms", "definition": "of established friendship", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on familiar terms\" What is the definition of \"familiar\"?"} {"term": "familiar", "pos": "s", "context": "familiar with the complex machinery", "definition": "well informed about or knowing thoroughly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"familiar with the complex machinery\" What is the definition of \"familiar\"?"} {"term": "stilted", "pos": "s", "context": "a stilted letter of acknowledgment", "definition": "artificially formal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a stilted letter of acknowledgment\" What is the definition of \"stilted\"?"} {"term": "underhandedly", "pos": "r", "context": "oldline aristocratic diplomats underhandedly undermined the attempt ... to align Germany with the Western democracies \" - C.G.Bowers", "definition": "slyly and secretly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"oldline aristocratic diplomats underhandedly undermined the attempt ... to align Germany with the Western democracies \" - C.G.Bowers\" What is the definition of \"underhandedly\"?"} {"term": "embossed", "pos": "v", "context": "embossed stationery", "definition": "to raise in a relief", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["block", "boss", "emboss", "impress", "imprint"], "instruction": "\"embossed stationery\" What is the definition of \"embossed\"?"} {"term": "embossed", "pos": "s", "context": "an embossed satin", "definition": "embellished with a raised pattern created by pressure or embroidery", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an embossed satin\" What is the definition of \"embossed\"?"} {"term": "vulnerable", "pos": "a", "context": "a vulnerable bridge", "definition": "susceptible to attack", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a vulnerable bridge\" What is the definition of \"vulnerable\"?"} {"term": "vulnerable", "pos": "s", "context": "vulnerable to bribery", "definition": "susceptible to criticism or persuasion or temptation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"vulnerable to bribery\" What is the definition of \"vulnerable\"?"} {"term": "vulnerable", "pos": "s", "context": "vulnerable parts of the body", "definition": "capable of being wounded or hurt", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"vulnerable parts of the body\" What is the definition of \"vulnerable\"?"} {"term": "deed", "pos": "n", "context": "he signed the deed", "definition": "a legal document signed and sealed and delivered to effect a transfer of property and to show the legal right to possess it", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["instrument", "title"], "instruction": "\"he signed the deed\" What is the definition of \"deed\"?"} {"term": "terrestrial", "pos": "a", "context": "this terrestrial ball", "definition": "of or relating to or characteristic of the planet earth or its inhabitants", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this terrestrial ball\" What is the definition of \"terrestrial\"?"} {"term": "terrestrial", "pos": "s", "context": "he developed an immense terrestrial practicality", "definition": "concerned with the world or worldly matters", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he developed an immense terrestrial practicality\" What is the definition of \"terrestrial\"?"} {"term": "terrestrial", "pos": "s", "context": "the nearest to an angelic being that treads this terrestrial ball", "definition": "of this earth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the nearest to an angelic being that treads this terrestrial ball\" What is the definition of \"terrestrial\"?"} {"term": "plebeian", "pos": "s", "context": "his square plebeian nose", "definition": "of or associated with the great masses of people", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["vulgar", "", "unwashed", "common"], "instruction": "\"his square plebeian nose\" What is the definition of \"plebeian\"?"} {"term": "exploitation", "pos": "n", "context": "the exploitation of copper deposits", "definition": "the act of making some area of land or water more profitable or productive or useful", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["utilization", "employment", "electrification", "usage", "development"], "instruction": "\"the exploitation of copper deposits\" What is the definition of \"exploitation\"?"} {"term": "exploitation", "pos": "n", "context": "capitalistic exploitation of the working class", "definition": "an act that exploits or victimizes someone treats them unfairly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"capitalistic exploitation of the working class\" What is the definition of \"exploitation\"?"} {"term": "shuck", "pos": "v", "context": "shuck oysters", "definition": "to remove from the shell", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shuck oysters\" What is the definition of \"shuck\"?"} {"term": "youth", "pos": "n", "context": "during the youth of the project", "definition": "an early period of development", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"during the youth of the project\" What is the definition of \"youth\"?"} {"term": "contrivance", "pos": "n", "context": "his skillful contrivance of answers to every problem", "definition": "the faculty of contriving", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his skillful contrivance of answers to every problem\" What is the definition of \"contrivance\"?"} {"term": "contrivance", "pos": "n", "context": "his skillful contrivance of answers to every problem", "definition": "inventive skill", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his skillful contrivance of answers to every problem\" What is the definition of \"contrivance\"?"} {"term": "contrivance", "pos": "n", "context": "his testimony was just a contrivance to throw us off the track", "definition": "an elaborate or deceitful scheme contrived to deceive or evade", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["plant", "dodge", "strategy", "stratagem"], "instruction": "\"his testimony was just a contrivance to throw us off the track\" What is the definition of \"contrivance\"?"} {"term": "lubricate", "pos": "v", "context": "lubricate my car", "definition": "to apply a lubricant to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lubricate my car\" What is the definition of \"lubricate\"?"} {"term": "lubricate", "pos": "v", "context": "lubricate the key", "definition": "to make slippery or smooth through the application of a lubricant", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lubricate the key\" What is the definition of \"lubricate\"?"} {"term": "degeneracy", "pos": "n", "context": "moral degeneracy followed intellectual degeneration", "definition": "moral perversion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["corruption", "depravation", "immorality", "putrefaction", "depravity"], "instruction": "\"moral degeneracy followed intellectual degeneration\" What is the definition of \"degeneracy\"?"} {"term": "degeneracy", "pos": "n", "context": "moral degeneracy followed intellectual degeneration", "definition": "impairment of virtue and moral principles", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["corruption", "depravation", "immorality", "putrefaction", "depravity"], "instruction": "\"moral degeneracy followed intellectual degeneration\" What is the definition of \"degeneracy\"?"} {"term": "literal", "pos": "s", "context": "a literal depiction of the scene before him", "definition": "without interpretation or embellishment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a literal depiction of the scene before him\" What is the definition of \"literal\"?"} {"term": "literal", "pos": "s", "context": "it 's the literal truth", "definition": "avoiding embellishment or exaggeration used for emphasis", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's the literal truth\" What is the definition of \"literal\"?"} {"term": "literal", "pos": "s", "context": "a literal solitude like a desert \" - G.K.Chesterton", "definition": "being or reflecting the essential or genuine character of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a literal solitude like a desert \" - G.K.Chesterton\" What is the definition of \"literal\"?"} {"term": "literal", "pos": "a", "context": "a literal translation", "definition": "limited to the explicit meaning of a word or text", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a literal translation\" What is the definition of \"literal\"?"} {"term": "skeletal", "pos": "a", "context": "the skeletal system", "definition": "of or relating to or forming or attached to a skeleton", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the skeletal system\" What is the definition of \"skeletal\"?"} {"term": "skeletal", "pos": "s", "context": "a nightmare population of gaunt men and skeletal boys", "definition": "very thin especially from disease or hunger or cold", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["haggard", "", "gaunt", "bony"], "instruction": "\"a nightmare population of gaunt men and skeletal boys\" What is the definition of \"skeletal\"?"} {"term": "liquefy", "pos": "v", "context": "liquefy the silver", "definition": "to make a solid substance liquid , as by heating", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"liquefy the silver\" What is the definition of \"liquefy\"?"} {"term": "inauguration", "pos": "n", "context": "he opposed the inauguration of fluoridation", "definition": "the act of starting a new operation or practice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he opposed the inauguration of fluoridation\" What is the definition of \"inauguration\"?"} {"term": "inauguration", "pos": "n", "context": "the new president obviously enjoyed his inauguration", "definition": "the ceremonial induction into a position", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["induction", "initiation", "inaugural"], "instruction": "\"the new president obviously enjoyed his inauguration\" What is the definition of \"inauguration\"?"} {"term": "combine", "pos": "v", "context": "combine resources", "definition": "to add together from different sources", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"combine resources\" What is the definition of \"combine\"?"} {"term": "rim", "pos": "n", "context": "the ball hit the rim and bounced off", "definition": "the hoop from which the net is suspended", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ball hit the rim and bounced off\" What is the definition of \"rim\"?"} {"term": "deathly", "pos": "s", "context": "a deathly pallor", "definition": "having the physical appearance of death", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a deathly pallor\" What is the definition of \"deathly\"?"} {"term": "deathly", "pos": "r", "context": "he was deathly pale", "definition": "to a degree resembling death", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was deathly pale\" What is the definition of \"deathly\"?"} {"term": "pleasantly", "pos": "r", "context": "` I 'll do the dishes , ' he said pleasantly", "definition": "in a cheerful manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"` I 'll do the dishes , ' he said pleasantly\" What is the definition of \"pleasantly\"?"} {"term": "pleasantly", "pos": "r", "context": "we spent a pleasantly lazy afternoon", "definition": "in an enjoyable manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we spent a pleasantly lazy afternoon\" What is the definition of \"pleasantly\"?"} {"term": "temple", "pos": "n", "context": "the veins in his temple throbbed", "definition": "the flat area on either side of the forehead", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the veins in his temple throbbed\" What is the definition of \"temple\"?"} {"term": "fact", "pos": "n", "context": "your fears have no basis in fact", "definition": "an event known to have happened or something known to have existed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"your fears have no basis in fact\" What is the definition of \"fact\"?"} {"term": "prey", "pos": "n", "context": "he fell prey to muggers", "definition": "a person who is the aim of an attack especially a victim of ridicule or exploitation by some hostile person or influence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["quarry", "victim", "target"], "instruction": "\"he fell prey to muggers\" What is the definition of \"prey\"?"} {"term": "ground", "pos": "n", "context": "they gained ground step by step", "definition": "a position to be won or defended in battle or as if in battle", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they gained ground step by step\" What is the definition of \"ground\"?"} {"term": "serious", "pos": "a", "context": "a serious student of history", "definition": "concerned with work or important matters rather than play or trivialities", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a serious student of history\" What is the definition of \"serious\"?"} {"term": "serious", "pos": "s", "context": "marriage is a serious matter", "definition": "of great consequence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"marriage is a serious matter\" What is the definition of \"serious\"?"} {"term": "serious", "pos": "s", "context": "raised serious objections to the proposal", "definition": "requiring effort or concentration", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"raised serious objections to the proposal\" What is the definition of \"serious\"?"} {"term": "serious", "pos": "s", "context": "raised serious objections to the proposal", "definition": "complex and not easy to answer or solve", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"raised serious objections to the proposal\" What is the definition of \"serious\"?"} {"term": "serious", "pos": "s", "context": "a serious wound", "definition": "causing fear or anxiety by threatening great harm", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a serious wound\" What is the definition of \"serious\"?"} {"term": "breeze", "pos": "n", "context": "the breeze was cooled by the lake", "definition": "a slight wind usually refreshing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["wind", "zephyr", "air", "breath"], "instruction": "\"the breeze was cooled by the lake\" What is the definition of \"breeze\"?"} {"term": "ascend", "pos": "v", "context": "Inheritance may not ascend linearly", "definition": "to go back in order of genealogical succession", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Inheritance may not ascend linearly\" What is the definition of \"ascend\"?"} {"term": "pertinent", "pos": "s", "context": "a list of articles pertinent to the discussion", "definition": "having precise or logical relevance to the matter at hand", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a list of articles pertinent to the discussion\" What is the definition of \"pertinent\"?"} {"term": "somberly", "pos": "r", "context": "` That 's sure bad news , ' said Dowd , somberly", "definition": "in a somber manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"` That 's sure bad news , ' said Dowd , somberly\" What is the definition of \"somberly\"?"} {"term": "geographic", "pos": "a", "context": "the north and south geographic poles", "definition": "determined by geography", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the north and south geographic poles\" What is the definition of \"geographic\"?"} {"term": "catalytic", "pos": "a", "context": "catalytic reactions", "definition": "relating to or causing or involving catalysis", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"catalytic reactions\" What is the definition of \"catalytic\"?"} {"term": "comic", "pos": "s", "context": "a comic hat", "definition": "arousing or provoking laughter", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a comic hat\" What is the definition of \"comic\"?"} {"term": "comic", "pos": "a", "context": "comic hero", "definition": "of or relating to or characteristic of comedy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"comic hero\" What is the definition of \"comic\"?"} {"term": "overpressure", "pos": "n", "context": "the overpressure of the blast kills by lethal concussion", "definition": "a transient air pressure greater than the surrounding atmospheric pressure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the overpressure of the blast kills by lethal concussion\" What is the definition of \"overpressure\"?"} {"term": "hydrate", "pos": "v", "context": "hydrate your skin", "definition": "to add water or moisture to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["slake", "hydrated"], "instruction": "\"hydrate your skin\" What is the definition of \"hydrate\"?"} {"term": "sponge", "pos": "n", "context": "she soaks up foreign languages like a sponge", "definition": "someone able to acquire new knowledge and skills rapidly and easily", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she soaks up foreign languages like a sponge\" What is the definition of \"sponge\"?"} {"term": "anomalously", "pos": "r", "context": "this man behaves anomalously", "definition": "in an anomalous manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this man behaves anomalously\" What is the definition of \"anomalously\"?"} {"term": "jilt", "pos": "v", "context": "jilt a lover or a bride", "definition": "to cast aside capriciously or unfeelingly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"jilt a lover or a bride\" What is the definition of \"jilt\"?"} {"term": "general", "pos": "n", "context": "he discussed the general but neglected the particular", "definition": "a fact about the whole as opposed to particular", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he discussed the general but neglected the particular\" What is the definition of \"general\"?"} {"term": "general", "pos": "a", "context": "the general public", "definition": "applying to all or most members of a category or group", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the general public\" What is the definition of \"general\"?"} {"term": "general", "pos": "a", "context": "a general anesthetic", "definition": "affecting the entire body", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a general anesthetic\" What is the definition of \"general\"?"} {"term": "general", "pos": "s", "context": "general studies", "definition": "not specialized or limited to one class of things", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"general studies\" What is the definition of \"general\"?"} {"term": "general", "pos": "s", "context": "bearing a general resemblance to the original", "definition": "somewhat indefinite", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bearing a general resemblance to the original\" What is the definition of \"general\"?"} {"term": "absorb", "pos": "v", "context": "The liquids , light , and gases absorb", "definition": "to become imbued", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["sorb", "absorbing", "resorb", "assimilate"], "instruction": "\"The liquids , light , and gases absorb\" What is the definition of \"absorb\"?"} {"term": "absorb", "pos": "v", "context": "absorb the costs for something", "definition": "to take up , as of debts or payments", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["absorbing", "fund"], "instruction": "\"absorb the costs for something\" What is the definition of \"absorb\"?"} {"term": "banner", "pos": "s", "context": "a banner year for the company", "definition": "unusually good", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a banner year for the company\" What is the definition of \"banner\"?"} {"term": "banner", "pos": "s", "context": "a banner year for the company", "definition": "outstanding", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a banner year for the company\" What is the definition of \"banner\"?"} {"term": "nourishing", "pos": "v", "context": "This kind of food is not nourishing for young children", "definition": "to provide with nourishment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["supply", "carry", "provide", "nourish", "cater", "ply", "nurture", "sustain"], "instruction": "\"This kind of food is not nourishing for young children\" What is the definition of \"nourishing\"?"} {"term": "nourishing", "pos": "s", "context": "good nourishing stew", "definition": "of or providing nourishment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"good nourishing stew\" What is the definition of \"nourishing\"?"} {"term": "immeasurable", "pos": "s", "context": "immeasurable wealth", "definition": "beyond calculation or measure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"immeasurable wealth\" What is the definition of \"immeasurable\"?"} {"term": "set", "pos": "n", "context": "a set of books", "definition": "a group of things of the same kind that belong together and are so used", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a set of books\" What is the definition of \"set\"?"} {"term": "set", "pos": "n", "context": "the set of prime numbers is infinite", "definition": "an abstract collection of numbers or symbols", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the set of prime numbers is infinite\" What is the definition of \"set\"?"} {"term": "set", "pos": "v", "context": "set a record", "definition": "to establish as the highest level or best performance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["establish", "mark", "make"], "instruction": "\"set a record\" What is the definition of \"set\"?"} {"term": "set", "pos": "v", "context": "set the house afire", "definition": "to put into a certain state", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"set the house afire\" What is the definition of \"set\"?"} {"term": "set", "pos": "v", "context": "set the house afire", "definition": "to cause to be in a certain state", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"set the house afire\" What is the definition of \"set\"?"} {"term": "set", "pos": "v", "context": "The goldsmith set the diamond", "definition": "to fix in a border", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The goldsmith set the diamond\" What is the definition of \"set\"?"} {"term": "set", "pos": "s", "context": "the moon is set", "definition": "being below the horizon", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the moon is set\" What is the definition of \"set\"?"} {"term": "set", "pos": "s", "context": "we are set to go at any time", "definition": "on the point of or strongly disposed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["fit", "", "fitter"], "instruction": "\"we are set to go at any time\" What is the definition of \"set\"?"} {"term": "set", "pos": "s", "context": "with eyes set in a fixed glassy stare", "definition": "fixed and unmoving", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with eyes set in a fixed glassy stare\" What is the definition of \"set\"?"} {"term": "hinder", "pos": "s", "context": "the hinder part of a carcass", "definition": "located at or near the back of an animal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the hinder part of a carcass\" What is the definition of \"hinder\"?"} {"term": "hinder", "pos": "s", "context": "the hinder part of a carcass", "definition": "located at or near the back of an animal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the hinder part of a carcass\" What is the definition of \"hinder\"?"} {"term": "venerate", "pos": "v", "context": "We venerate genius", "definition": "to regard with feelings of respect and reverence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["revere", "valued", "reverence", "sainted", "worship", "enshrine", "value", "fear", "esteem", "saint", "respect", "prize"], "instruction": "\"We venerate genius\" What is the definition of \"venerate\"?"} {"term": "venerate", "pos": "v", "context": "We venerate genius", "definition": "to consider hallowed or exalted or be in awe of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["revere", "valued", "reverence", "sainted", "worship", "enshrine", "value", "fear", "esteem", "saint", "respect", "prize"], "instruction": "\"We venerate genius\" What is the definition of \"venerate\"?"} {"term": "chubby", "pos": "s", "context": "a chubby child", "definition": "sufficiently fat so as to have a pleasing fullness of figure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["plump", "embonpoint", ""], "instruction": "\"a chubby child\" What is the definition of \"chubby\"?"} {"term": "mussy", "pos": "s", "context": "a mussy fussy bedroom", "definition": "dirty and disorderly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a mussy fussy bedroom\" What is the definition of \"mussy\"?"} {"term": "anabolic", "pos": "a", "context": "some athletes take anabolic steroids to increase muscle size temporarily", "definition": "characterized by or promoting constructive metabolism", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some athletes take anabolic steroids to increase muscle size temporarily\" What is the definition of \"anabolic\"?"} {"term": "quiescent", "pos": "s", "context": "the quiescent level of centimeter wave-length solar radiation", "definition": "not active or activated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the quiescent level of centimeter wave-length solar radiation\" What is the definition of \"quiescent\"?"} {"term": "quiescent", "pos": "s", "context": "the quiescent melancholy of the town", "definition": "marked by a state of tranquil repose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the quiescent melancholy of the town\" What is the definition of \"quiescent\"?"} {"term": "desecration", "pos": "n", "context": "desecration of the Holy Sabbath", "definition": "blasphemous behavior", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["violation", "blasphemy", "sacrilege", "profanation", "irreverence"], "instruction": "\"desecration of the Holy Sabbath\" What is the definition of \"desecration\"?"} {"term": "desecration", "pos": "n", "context": "desecration of the Holy Sabbath", "definition": "the act of depriving something of its sacred character", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["violation", "blasphemy", "sacrilege", "profanation", "irreverence"], "instruction": "\"desecration of the Holy Sabbath\" What is the definition of \"desecration\"?"} {"term": "brag", "pos": "n", "context": "his brag is worse than his fight", "definition": "an instance of boastful talk", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his brag is worse than his fight\" What is the definition of \"brag\"?"} {"term": "brag", "pos": "s", "context": "his brag cornfield", "definition": "exceptionally good", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his brag cornfield\" What is the definition of \"brag\"?"} {"term": "ageless", "pos": "s", "context": "the ageless themes of love and revenge", "definition": "continuing forever or indefinitely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["everlasting", "", "eternal", "perpetual"], "instruction": "\"the ageless themes of love and revenge\" What is the definition of \"ageless\"?"} {"term": "smutty", "pos": "s", "context": "smutty jokes", "definition": "characterized by obscenity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"smutty jokes\" What is the definition of \"smutty\"?"} {"term": "apparition", "pos": "n", "context": "we were unprepared for the apparition that confronted us", "definition": "a ghostly appearing figure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["phantasm", "", "phantom", "specter"], "instruction": "\"we were unprepared for the apparition that confronted us\" What is the definition of \"apparition\"?"} {"term": "apparition", "pos": "n", "context": "I was recalled to the present by the apparition of a frightening specter", "definition": "the appearance of a ghostlike figure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I was recalled to the present by the apparition of a frightening specter\" What is the definition of \"apparition\"?"} {"term": "apparition", "pos": "n", "context": "a ghostly apparition at midnight", "definition": "something existing in perception only", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["phantasm", "semblance", "illusion", "spook", "shadow", "shade", "wraith", "phantom", "ghost", "specter"], "instruction": "\"a ghostly apparition at midnight\" What is the definition of \"apparition\"?"} {"term": "swarm", "pos": "n", "context": "a swarm of insects obscured the light", "definition": "a group of many things in the air or on the ground", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a swarm of insects obscured the light\" What is the definition of \"swarm\"?"} {"term": "unleavened", "pos": "a", "context": "unleavened bread is often simply flour mixed with water", "definition": "made without leavening", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unleavened bread is often simply flour mixed with water\" What is the definition of \"unleavened\"?"} {"term": "chloroform", "pos": "n", "context": "chloroform was the first inhalation anesthetic", "definition": "a volatile liquid haloform chcl3", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"chloroform was the first inhalation anesthetic\" What is the definition of \"chloroform\"?"} {"term": "chloroform", "pos": "n", "context": "chloroform was the first inhalation anesthetic", "definition": "formerly used as an anesthetic", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"chloroform was the first inhalation anesthetic\" What is the definition of \"chloroform\"?"} {"term": "principle", "pos": "n", "context": "a man of principle", "definition": "a rule or standard especially of good behavior", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a man of principle\" What is the definition of \"principle\"?"} {"term": "lipped", "pos": "a", "context": "a lipped bowl", "definition": "having a lip or lips", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a lipped bowl\" What is the definition of \"lipped\"?"} {"term": "fitting", "pos": "s", "context": "We have come to dedicate a portion of that field ... It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this", "definition": "in harmony with the spirit of particular persons or occasion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"We have come to dedicate a portion of that field ... It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this\" What is the definition of \"fitting\"?"} {"term": "perforate", "pos": "v", "context": "perforate the sheets of paper", "definition": "to make a hole into or between , as for ease of separation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["punch", "pierce"], "instruction": "\"perforate the sheets of paper\" What is the definition of \"perforate\"?"} {"term": "waspish", "pos": "s", "context": "witty and waspish about his colleagues", "definition": "very irritable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"witty and waspish about his colleagues\" What is the definition of \"waspish\"?"} {"term": "intemperate", "pos": "a", "context": "an intemperate climate", "definition": "not mild", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an intemperate climate\" What is the definition of \"intemperate\"?"} {"term": "intemperate", "pos": "a", "context": "an intemperate climate", "definition": "subject to extremes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an intemperate climate\" What is the definition of \"intemperate\"?"} {"term": "intemperate", "pos": "a", "context": "intemperate rage", "definition": "excessive in behavior", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"intemperate rage\" What is the definition of \"intemperate\"?"} {"term": "insignificant", "pos": "s", "context": "insignificant sounds", "definition": "signifying nothing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"insignificant sounds\" What is the definition of \"insignificant\"?"} {"term": "insignificant", "pos": "s", "context": "a minor , insignificant bureaucrat", "definition": "of little importance or influence or power", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a minor , insignificant bureaucrat\" What is the definition of \"insignificant\"?"} {"term": "insignificant", "pos": "s", "context": "a minor , insignificant bureaucrat", "definition": "of minor status", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a minor , insignificant bureaucrat\" What is the definition of \"insignificant\"?"} {"term": "reticulation", "pos": "n", "context": "the reticulation of a leaf", "definition": "an arrangement resembling a net or network", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the reticulation of a leaf\" What is the definition of \"reticulation\"?"} {"term": "stipendiary", "pos": "a", "context": "stipendiary funds", "definition": "pertaining to or of the nature of a stipend or allowance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stipendiary funds\" What is the definition of \"stipendiary\"?"} {"term": "stipendiary", "pos": "s", "context": "a stipendiary magistrate", "definition": "receiving or eligible for compensation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a stipendiary magistrate\" What is the definition of \"stipendiary\"?"} {"term": "stipendiary", "pos": "s", "context": "stipendiary services", "definition": "for which money is paid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stipendiary services\" What is the definition of \"stipendiary\"?"} {"term": "sweep", "pos": "n", "context": "the sweep of the plains", "definition": "a wide scope", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["ambit", "range", "compass", "orbit", "expanse", "reach", "scope"], "instruction": "\"the sweep of the plains\" What is the definition of \"sweep\"?"} {"term": "sweep", "pos": "n", "context": "a sweep of his arm", "definition": "a movement in an arc", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sweep of his arm\" What is the definition of \"sweep\"?"} {"term": "wretchedly", "pos": "r", "context": "` I ca n't remember who I am , ' I said , wretchedly", "definition": "in a wretched manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"` I ca n't remember who I am , ' I said , wretchedly\" What is the definition of \"wretchedly\"?"} {"term": "adultery", "pos": "n", "context": "adultery is often cited as grounds for divorce", "definition": "extramarital sex that willfully and maliciously interferes with marriage relations", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"adultery is often cited as grounds for divorce\" What is the definition of \"adultery\"?"} {"term": "exorcise", "pos": "v", "context": "exorcise evil spirits", "definition": "to expel through adjuration or prayers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"exorcise evil spirits\" What is the definition of \"exorcise\"?"} {"term": "contagiously", "pos": "r", "context": "she was contagiously bubbly", "definition": "in a contagious manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was contagiously bubbly\" What is the definition of \"contagiously\"?"} {"term": "game", "pos": "n", "context": "you need four people to play this game", "definition": "a contest with rules to determine a winner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you need four people to play this game\" What is the definition of \"game\"?"} {"term": "game", "pos": "n", "context": "the game lasted two hours", "definition": "a single play of a sport or other contest", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the game lasted two hours\" What is the definition of \"game\"?"} {"term": "game", "pos": "n", "context": "he thought of his painting as a game that filled his empty time", "definition": "an amusement or pastime", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he thought of his painting as a game that filled his empty time\" What is the definition of \"game\"?"} {"term": "game", "pos": "s", "context": "a game leg", "definition": "disabled in the feet or legs", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a game leg\" What is the definition of \"game\"?"} {"term": "twine", "pos": "v", "context": "twine a rope", "definition": "to make by twisting together or intertwining", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"twine a rope\" What is the definition of \"twine\"?"} {"term": "floating", "pos": "s", "context": "the ship is still floating", "definition": "borne up by or suspended in a liquid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ship is still floating\" What is the definition of \"floating\"?"} {"term": "floating", "pos": "s", "context": "a floating crap game", "definition": "inclined to move or be moved about", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a floating crap game\" What is the definition of \"floating\"?"} {"term": "floating", "pos": "s", "context": "floating ribs are not connected with the sternum", "definition": "not firmly connected", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"floating ribs are not connected with the sternum\" What is the definition of \"floating\"?"} {"term": "floating", "pos": "s", "context": "floating ribs are not connected with the sternum", "definition": "movable or out of normal position", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"floating ribs are not connected with the sternum\" What is the definition of \"floating\"?"} {"term": "scattered", "pos": "v", "context": "She waved her hand and scattered the crowds", "definition": "to to cause to separate and go in different directions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["disband", "divide", "dissipate", "disperse", "scatter"], "instruction": "\"She waved her hand and scattered the crowds\" What is the definition of \"scattered\"?"} {"term": "scattered", "pos": "v", "context": "The children scattered in all directions when the teacher approached", "definition": "to move away from each other", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["break", "dissipate", "split", "disperse", "scatter", "volley"], "instruction": "\"The children scattered in all directions when the teacher approached\" What is the definition of \"scattered\"?"} {"term": "scattered", "pos": "v", "context": "He scattered gun powder under the wagon", "definition": "to distribute loosely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["splatter", "spray", "dot", "dust", "disperse", "scatter", "splash"], "instruction": "\"He scattered gun powder under the wagon\" What is the definition of \"scattered\"?"} {"term": "scattered", "pos": "s", "context": "scattered showers", "definition": "occurring or distributed over widely spaced and irregular intervals in time or space", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"scattered showers\" What is the definition of \"scattered\"?"} {"term": "scattered", "pos": "s", "context": "scattered thoughts", "definition": "lacking orderly continuity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"scattered thoughts\" What is the definition of \"scattered\"?"} {"term": "discrepant", "pos": "s", "context": "widely discrepant statements", "definition": "not in accord", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"widely discrepant statements\" What is the definition of \"discrepant\"?"} {"term": "editorial", "pos": "a", "context": "editorial column", "definition": "of or relating to an article stating opinions or giving perspectives", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"editorial column\" What is the definition of \"editorial\"?"} {"term": "editorial", "pos": "a", "context": "editorial duties", "definition": "relating to or characteristic of an editor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"editorial duties\" What is the definition of \"editorial\"?"} {"term": "step", "pos": "n", "context": "he paused on the bottom step", "definition": "support consisting of a place to rest the foot while ascending or descending a stairway", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he paused on the bottom step\" What is the definition of \"step\"?"} {"term": "step", "pos": "n", "context": "it 's only a step to the drugstore", "definition": "a short distance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's only a step to the drugstore\" What is the definition of \"step\"?"} {"term": "step", "pos": "v", "context": "step on the brake", "definition": "to put down or press the foot , place the foot", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["travel", "traveled", "tread", "going", "moving"], "instruction": "\"step on the brake\" What is the definition of \"step\"?"} {"term": "bigoted", "pos": "s", "context": "a bigoted person", "definition": "blindly and obstinately attached to some creed or opinion and intolerant toward others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bigoted person\" What is the definition of \"bigoted\"?"} {"term": "fondness", "pos": "n", "context": "he had a fondness for whiskey", "definition": "a predisposition to like something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["partiality", "liking", "fancy"], "instruction": "\"he had a fondness for whiskey\" What is the definition of \"fondness\"?"} {"term": "beetle", "pos": "s", "context": "beetle brows", "definition": "jutting or overhanging", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"beetle brows\" What is the definition of \"beetle\"?"} {"term": "vote", "pos": "n", "context": "they allowed just one vote per person", "definition": "a choice that is made by counting the number of people in favor of each alternative", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["ballot", "choice", "selection", "pick", "veto"], "instruction": "\"they allowed just one vote per person\" What is the definition of \"vote\"?"} {"term": "vote", "pos": "n", "context": "he failed to get the Black vote", "definition": "a body of voters who have the same interests", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he failed to get the Black vote\" What is the definition of \"vote\"?"} {"term": "vote", "pos": "v", "context": "I vote that we all go home", "definition": "to express a choice or opinion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I vote that we all go home\" What is the definition of \"vote\"?"} {"term": "inefficiently", "pos": "r", "context": "he dealt inefficiently with the crisis", "definition": "in an inefficient manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he dealt inefficiently with the crisis\" What is the definition of \"inefficiently\"?"} {"term": "sovereign", "pos": "s", "context": "a sovereign state", "definition": "not controlled by outside forces", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sovereign state\" What is the definition of \"sovereign\"?"} {"term": "amusing", "pos": "s", "context": "an amusing speaker", "definition": "providing enjoyment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an amusing speaker\" What is the definition of \"amusing\"?"} {"term": "amusing", "pos": "s", "context": "an amusing speaker", "definition": "pleasantly entertaining", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an amusing speaker\" What is the definition of \"amusing\"?"} {"term": "amusing", "pos": "s", "context": "an amusing film with a steady stream of pranks and pratfalls", "definition": "arousing or provoking laughter", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an amusing film with a steady stream of pranks and pratfalls\" What is the definition of \"amusing\"?"} {"term": "humanize", "pos": "v", "context": "The mayor tried to humanize life in the big city", "definition": "to make more humane", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The mayor tried to humanize life in the big city\" What is the definition of \"humanize\"?"} {"term": "sop", "pos": "n", "context": "the offer was a sop to my feelings", "definition": "a concession given to mollify or placate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the offer was a sop to my feelings\" What is the definition of \"sop\"?"} {"term": "sop", "pos": "v", "context": "sop bread into the sauce", "definition": "to dip into liquid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sop bread into the sauce\" What is the definition of \"sop\"?"} {"term": "jockey", "pos": "n", "context": "he 's a truck jockey", "definition": "an operator of some vehicle or machine or apparatus", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he 's a truck jockey\" What is the definition of \"jockey\"?"} {"term": "mediocre", "pos": "s", "context": "they improved the quality from mediocre to above average", "definition": "moderate to inferior in quality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they improved the quality from mediocre to above average\" What is the definition of \"mediocre\"?"} {"term": "mediocre", "pos": "s", "context": "there have been good and mediocre and bad artists", "definition": "poor to middling in quality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there have been good and mediocre and bad artists\" What is the definition of \"mediocre\"?"} {"term": "mediocre", "pos": "s", "context": "the caliber of the students has gone from mediocre to above average", "definition": "lacking exceptional quality or ability", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the caliber of the students has gone from mediocre to above average\" What is the definition of \"mediocre\"?"} {"term": "extrajudicial", "pos": "s", "context": "an extrajudicial penalty", "definition": "beyond the usual course of legal proceedings", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an extrajudicial penalty\" What is the definition of \"extrajudicial\"?"} {"term": "extrajudicial", "pos": "s", "context": "an extrajudicial penalty", "definition": "legally unwarranted", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an extrajudicial penalty\" What is the definition of \"extrajudicial\"?"} {"term": "overlap", "pos": "n", "context": "there was no overlap between their proposals", "definition": "a representation of common ground between theories or phenomena", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["intersection", "convergence", "representation"], "instruction": "\"there was no overlap between their proposals\" What is the definition of \"overlap\"?"} {"term": "overlap", "pos": "v", "context": "Our vacations overlap", "definition": "to coincide partially or wholly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Our vacations overlap\" What is the definition of \"overlap\"?"} {"term": "overlap", "pos": "v", "context": "The roofs of the houses overlap in this crowded city", "definition": "to extend over and cover a part of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The roofs of the houses overlap in this crowded city\" What is the definition of \"overlap\"?"} {"term": "perpetrate", "pos": "v", "context": "perpetrate a crime", "definition": "to perform an act , usually with a negative connotation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"perpetrate a crime\" What is the definition of \"perpetrate\"?"} {"term": "presidential", "pos": "a", "context": "presidential aides", "definition": "relating to a president or presidency", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"presidential aides\" What is the definition of \"presidential\"?"} {"term": "presidential", "pos": "a", "context": "criticized the candidate for not looking presidential", "definition": "befitting a president", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"criticized the candidate for not looking presidential\" What is the definition of \"presidential\"?"} {"term": "distinction", "pos": "n", "context": "it has the distinction of being the cheapest restaurant in town", "definition": "a distinguishing quality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it has the distinction of being the cheapest restaurant in town\" What is the definition of \"distinction\"?"} {"term": "distinction", "pos": "n", "context": "he learned the distinction between gold and lead", "definition": "a distinguishing difference", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he learned the distinction between gold and lead\" What is the definition of \"distinction\"?"} {"term": "distinction", "pos": "n", "context": "it is necessary to make a distinction between love and infatuation", "definition": "a discrimination between things as different and distinct", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["demarcation", "contradistinction", "differentiation", "discrimination", "line"], "instruction": "\"it is necessary to make a distinction between love and infatuation\" What is the definition of \"distinction\"?"} {"term": "settlement", "pos": "n", "context": "they finally reached a settlement with the union", "definition": "something settled or resolved", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they finally reached a settlement with the union\" What is the definition of \"settlement\"?"} {"term": "settlement", "pos": "n", "context": "they finally reached a settlement with the union", "definition": "the outcome of decision making", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they finally reached a settlement with the union\" What is the definition of \"settlement\"?"} {"term": "northerly", "pos": "s", "context": "going in a northerly direction", "definition": "situated in or oriented toward the north", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"going in a northerly direction\" What is the definition of \"northerly\"?"} {"term": "northerly", "pos": "s", "context": "the winds are northerly", "definition": "coming from the north", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the winds are northerly\" What is the definition of \"northerly\"?"} {"term": "northerly", "pos": "s", "context": "the winds are northerly", "definition": "used especially of wind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the winds are northerly\" What is the definition of \"northerly\"?"} {"term": "rapacious", "pos": "s", "context": "a rapacious divorcee on the prowl", "definition": "excessively greedy and grasping", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a rapacious divorcee on the prowl\" What is the definition of \"rapacious\"?"} {"term": "rapacious", "pos": "s", "context": "the rapacious wolf", "definition": "living by preying on other animals especially by catching living prey", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the rapacious wolf\" What is the definition of \"rapacious\"?"} {"term": "rapacious", "pos": "s", "context": "a rapacious appetite", "definition": "devouring or craving food in great quantities", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a rapacious appetite\" What is the definition of \"rapacious\"?"} {"term": "fetal", "pos": "a", "context": "fetal development", "definition": "of or relating to a fetus", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fetal development\" What is the definition of \"fetal\"?"} {"term": "fret", "pos": "n", "context": "there was a simple fret at the top of the walls", "definition": "an ornamental pattern consisting of repeated vertical and horizontal lines often in relief", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was a simple fret at the top of the walls\" What is the definition of \"fret\"?"} {"term": "fret", "pos": "v", "context": "do n't fret over these small details", "definition": "to be agitated or irritated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["worry", "fretted"], "instruction": "\"do n't fret over these small details\" What is the definition of \"fret\"?"} {"term": "gawky", "pos": "s", "context": "a gawky lad with long ungainly legs", "definition": "lacking grace in movement or posture", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a gawky lad with long ungainly legs\" What is the definition of \"gawky\"?"} {"term": "alphabetically", "pos": "r", "context": "the list was arranged alphabetically", "definition": "in alphabetical order", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the list was arranged alphabetically\" What is the definition of \"alphabetically\"?"} {"term": "crowd", "pos": "n", "context": "a crowd of insects assembled around the flowers", "definition": "a large number of things or people considered together", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a crowd of insects assembled around the flowers\" What is the definition of \"crowd\"?"} {"term": "crowd", "pos": "n", "context": "he still hangs out with the same crowd", "definition": "an informal body of friends", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["crew", "gathering", "assemblage", "gang"], "instruction": "\"he still hangs out with the same crowd\" What is the definition of \"crowd\"?"} {"term": "absolutely", "pos": "r", "context": "an absolutely magnificent painting", "definition": "completely and without qualification", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an absolutely magnificent painting\" What is the definition of \"absolutely\"?"} {"term": "absolutely", "pos": "r", "context": "an absolutely magnificent painting", "definition": "used informally as intensifiers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an absolutely magnificent painting\" What is the definition of \"absolutely\"?"} {"term": "absolutely", "pos": "r", "context": "we are absolutely opposed to the idea", "definition": "totally and definitely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we are absolutely opposed to the idea\" What is the definition of \"absolutely\"?"} {"term": "absolutely", "pos": "r", "context": "we are absolutely opposed to the idea", "definition": "without question", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we are absolutely opposed to the idea\" What is the definition of \"absolutely\"?"} {"term": "filthy", "pos": "s", "context": "as filthy as a pigsty", "definition": "disgustingly dirty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as filthy as a pigsty\" What is the definition of \"filthy\"?"} {"term": "filthy", "pos": "s", "context": "as filthy as a pigsty", "definition": "filled or smeared with offensive matter", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as filthy as a pigsty\" What is the definition of \"filthy\"?"} {"term": "filthy", "pos": "s", "context": "a filthy traitor", "definition": "vile", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["dirty", "", "lousy"], "instruction": "\"a filthy traitor\" What is the definition of \"filthy\"?"} {"term": "filthy", "pos": "s", "context": "a filthy traitor", "definition": "despicable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["dirty", "", "lousy"], "instruction": "\"a filthy traitor\" What is the definition of \"filthy\"?"} {"term": "filthy", "pos": "s", "context": "had a filthy mouth", "definition": "characterized by obscenity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"had a filthy mouth\" What is the definition of \"filthy\"?"} {"term": "power", "pos": "n", "context": "the deterrent power of nuclear weapons", "definition": "possession of controlling influence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the deterrent power of nuclear weapons\" What is the definition of \"power\"?"} {"term": "animatedly", "pos": "r", "context": "they talked animatedly", "definition": "in an animated manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they talked animatedly\" What is the definition of \"animatedly\"?"} {"term": "somnolent", "pos": "s", "context": "the sound had a somnolent effect", "definition": "inclined to or marked by drowsiness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["slumberous", ""], "instruction": "\"the sound had a somnolent effect\" What is the definition of \"somnolent\"?"} {"term": "secret", "pos": "n", "context": "the combination to the safe was a secret", "definition": "something that should remain hidden from others especially information that is not to be passed on", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the combination to the safe was a secret\" What is the definition of \"secret\"?"} {"term": "secret", "pos": "n", "context": "the secret of Cajun cooking", "definition": "information known only to a special group", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the secret of Cajun cooking\" What is the definition of \"secret\"?"} {"term": "secret", "pos": "s", "context": "a secret formula", "definition": "not open or public", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a secret formula\" What is the definition of \"secret\"?"} {"term": "secret", "pos": "s", "context": "a secret formula", "definition": "kept private or not revealed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a secret formula\" What is the definition of \"secret\"?"} {"term": "secret", "pos": "s", "context": "their secret signal was a wink", "definition": "communicated covertly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their secret signal was a wink\" What is the definition of \"secret\"?"} {"term": "secret", "pos": "s", "context": "secret ( or private ) thoughts", "definition": "not expressed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"secret ( or private ) thoughts\" What is the definition of \"secret\"?"} {"term": "underdressed", "pos": "v", "context": "She was underdressed for the hiking trip and suffered hypothermia", "definition": "to dress without sufficient warmth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"She was underdressed for the hiking trip and suffered hypothermia\" What is the definition of \"underdressed\"?"} {"term": "bondage", "pos": "n", "context": "he was in bondage to fear :", "definition": "the state of being under the control of a force or influence or abstract power", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was in bondage to fear :\" What is the definition of \"bondage\"?"} {"term": "juice", "pos": "n", "context": "when the wiring was finished they turned on the juice", "definition": "electric current", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when the wiring was finished they turned on the juice\" What is the definition of \"juice\"?"} {"term": "blaspheme", "pos": "v", "context": "blaspheme God", "definition": "to speak of in an irreverent or impious manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"blaspheme God\" What is the definition of \"blaspheme\"?"} {"term": "forced", "pos": "s", "context": "a forced landing", "definition": "made necessary by an unexpected situation or emergency", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a forced landing\" What is the definition of \"forced\"?"} {"term": "forced", "pos": "s", "context": "forced heartiness", "definition": "lacking spontaneity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"forced heartiness\" What is the definition of \"forced\"?"} {"term": "forced", "pos": "s", "context": "forced heartiness", "definition": "not natural", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"forced heartiness\" What is the definition of \"forced\"?"} {"term": "merge", "pos": "v", "context": "the cells merge", "definition": "to become one", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["united", "consolidated", "converge", "integrate", "unify", "consolidate", "federalize", "unite", "federate"], "instruction": "\"the cells merge\" What is the definition of \"merge\"?"} {"term": "excitement", "pos": "n", "context": "his face was flushed with excitement and his hands trembled", "definition": "the state of being emotionally aroused and worked up", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his face was flushed with excitement and his hands trembled\" What is the definition of \"excitement\"?"} {"term": "excitement", "pos": "n", "context": "he could hardly conceal his excitement when she agreed", "definition": "the feeling of lively and cheerful joy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["rush", "titillation", "boot", "exhilaration", "joy", "thrill", "kick", "bang", "charge", "flush"], "instruction": "\"he could hardly conceal his excitement when she agreed\" What is the definition of \"excitement\"?"} {"term": "exploit", "pos": "v", "context": "He exploit the new taxation system", "definition": "to use or manipulate to ones advantage", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"He exploit the new taxation system\" What is the definition of \"exploit\"?"} {"term": "exploit", "pos": "v", "context": "we must exploit the resources we are given wisely", "definition": "to draw from", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["milk", "maximize", "quarry", "mining", "tap", "harness", "utilize", "employ"], "instruction": "\"we must exploit the resources we are given wisely\" What is the definition of \"exploit\"?"} {"term": "exploit", "pos": "v", "context": "we must exploit the resources we are given wisely", "definition": "to make good use of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["milk", "maximize", "quarry", "mining", "tap", "harness", "utilize", "employ"], "instruction": "\"we must exploit the resources we are given wisely\" What is the definition of \"exploit\"?"} {"term": "demolish", "pos": "v", "context": "demolish your enemies", "definition": "to destroy completely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"demolish your enemies\" What is the definition of \"demolish\"?"} {"term": "philosophy", "pos": "n", "context": "self-indulgence was his only philosophy", "definition": "any personal belief about how to live or how to deal with a situation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"self-indulgence was his only philosophy\" What is the definition of \"philosophy\"?"} {"term": "quote", "pos": "v", "context": "quote prices for cars", "definition": "to name the price of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"quote prices for cars\" What is the definition of \"quote\"?"} {"term": "quote", "pos": "v", "context": "He said he could quote several instances of this behavior", "definition": "to refer to for illustration or proof", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["advert", "cite", "name", "mention"], "instruction": "\"He said he could quote several instances of this behavior\" What is the definition of \"quote\"?"} {"term": "respecter", "pos": "n", "context": "X is no respecter of Y", "definition": "a person who respects someone or something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"X is no respecter of Y\" What is the definition of \"respecter\"?"} {"term": "respecter", "pos": "n", "context": "X is no respecter of Y", "definition": "usually used in the negative", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"X is no respecter of Y\" What is the definition of \"respecter\"?"} {"term": "consider", "pos": "v", "context": "You must consider her age", "definition": "to show consideration for", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["weigh", "", "countess", "count"], "instruction": "\"You must consider her age\" What is the definition of \"consider\"?"} {"term": "consider", "pos": "v", "context": "You must consider her age", "definition": "to take into account", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["weigh", "", "countess", "count"], "instruction": "\"You must consider her age\" What is the definition of \"consider\"?"} {"term": "diabolic", "pos": "s", "context": "the cold calculation and diabolic art of some statesmen", "definition": "showing the cunning or ingenuity or wickedness typical of a devil", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the cold calculation and diabolic art of some statesmen\" What is the definition of \"diabolic\"?"} {"term": "diabolic", "pos": "s", "context": "fires lit up a diabolic scene", "definition": "extremely evil or cruel", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fires lit up a diabolic scene\" What is the definition of \"diabolic\"?"} {"term": "diabolic", "pos": "s", "context": "fires lit up a diabolic scene", "definition": "expressive of cruelty or befitting hell", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fires lit up a diabolic scene\" What is the definition of \"diabolic\"?"} {"term": "audaciously", "pos": "r", "context": "an idea so daring and yet so audaciously tempting that a shiver of excitement quivered through him", "definition": "in an audacious manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an idea so daring and yet so audaciously tempting that a shiver of excitement quivered through him\" What is the definition of \"audaciously\"?"} {"term": "horseback", "pos": "r", "context": "he rode horseback to town", "definition": "on the back of a horse", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he rode horseback to town\" What is the definition of \"horseback\"?"} {"term": "icily", "pos": "r", "context": "` Mr. Powell finds it easier to take it out of mothers , children and sick people than to take on this vast industry , ' Mr Brown commented icily", "definition": "in a cold and icy manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"` Mr. Powell finds it easier to take it out of mothers , children and sick people than to take on this vast industry , ' Mr Brown commented icily\" What is the definition of \"icily\"?"} {"term": "considerable", "pos": "a", "context": "a considerable quantity", "definition": "large or relatively large in number or amount or extent or degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a considerable quantity\" What is the definition of \"considerable\"?"} {"term": "longitudinal", "pos": "a", "context": "longitudinal reckoning by the navigator", "definition": "of or relating to lines of longitude", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"longitudinal reckoning by the navigator\" What is the definition of \"longitudinal\"?"} {"term": "longitudinal", "pos": "s", "context": "a thin longitudinal strip", "definition": "running lengthwise", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a thin longitudinal strip\" What is the definition of \"longitudinal\"?"} {"term": "longitudinal", "pos": "s", "context": "a longitudinal study of twins", "definition": "over an extended time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a longitudinal study of twins\" What is the definition of \"longitudinal\"?"} {"term": "outright", "pos": "r", "context": "buy outright", "definition": "without restrictions or stipulations or further payments", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"buy outright\" What is the definition of \"outright\"?"} {"term": "outright", "pos": "r", "context": "she asked him outright for a divorce", "definition": "without reservation or concealment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she asked him outright for a divorce\" What is the definition of \"outright\"?"} {"term": "outright", "pos": "r", "context": "he was killed outright", "definition": "without any delay", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was killed outright\" What is the definition of \"outright\"?"} {"term": "modal", "pos": "s", "context": "the modal age at which American novelists reach their peak is 30", "definition": "relating to or constituting the most frequent value in a distribution", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the modal age at which American novelists reach their peak is 30\" What is the definition of \"modal\"?"} {"term": "modal", "pos": "a", "context": "modal auxiliary", "definition": "relating to or expressing the mood of a verb", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"modal auxiliary\" What is the definition of \"modal\"?"} {"term": "hide", "pos": "v", "context": "Muslim women hide their faces", "definition": "to prevent from being seen or discovered", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["obscure", "lurk", "clouding", "bury", "veiling", "becloud", "bosomed", "hidden", "conceal", "bosom", "secrete", "mist", "fog", "block", "skulk", "obstruct", "masked", "veil", "shield", "veiled", "cover", "concealed", "hiding"], "instruction": "\"Muslim women hide their faces\" What is the definition of \"hide\"?"} {"term": "antenna", "pos": "n", "context": "he had a special antenna for public relations", "definition": "sensitivity similar to that of a receptor organ", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["sensitivity", "feeler"], "instruction": "\"he had a special antenna for public relations\" What is the definition of \"antenna\"?"} {"term": "maiden", "pos": "s", "context": "the liner 's maiden voyage", "definition": "serving to set in motion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the liner 's maiden voyage\" What is the definition of \"maiden\"?"} {"term": "exude", "pos": "v", "context": "exude sweat through the pores", "definition": "to release a liquid in drops or small quantities", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["ooze", "stream", "froth", "eliminate", "reek", "secrete", "frothing", "transpire", "exudate", "release", "excrete", "streaming", "fume"], "instruction": "\"exude sweat through the pores\" What is the definition of \"exude\"?"} {"term": "dichotomy", "pos": "n", "context": "the dichotomy between eastern and western culture", "definition": "being twofold", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["classification", "duality"], "instruction": "\"the dichotomy between eastern and western culture\" What is the definition of \"dichotomy\"?"} {"term": "dichotomy", "pos": "n", "context": "the dichotomy between eastern and western culture", "definition": "a classification into two opposed parts or subclasses", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["classification", "duality"], "instruction": "\"the dichotomy between eastern and western culture\" What is the definition of \"dichotomy\"?"} {"term": "pattern", "pos": "n", "context": "the American constitution has provided a pattern for many republics", "definition": "a model considered worthy of imitation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the American constitution has provided a pattern for many republics\" What is the definition of \"pattern\"?"} {"term": "pattern", "pos": "n", "context": "a visual pattern must include not only objects but the spaces between them", "definition": "a perceptual structure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["shape", "mosaic", "grid", "structure", "form", "kaleidoscope", "strand"], "instruction": "\"a visual pattern must include not only objects but the spaces between them\" What is the definition of \"pattern\"?"} {"term": "pattern", "pos": "n", "context": "they changed their dietary pattern", "definition": "a customary way of operation or behavior", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["ritual", "fashion", "cannibalism", "mistreatment", "naturism", "practice", "quotation", "slavery", "pluralism", "popery", "usage", "formalism", "custom", "ritualism", "symbolization", "occult", "activity"], "instruction": "\"they changed their dietary pattern\" What is the definition of \"pattern\"?"} {"term": "spy", "pos": "v", "context": "spy for the Russians", "definition": "to secretly collect sensitive or classified information", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"spy for the Russians\" What is the definition of \"spy\"?"} {"term": "spy", "pos": "v", "context": "spy for the Russians", "definition": "to engage in espionage", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"spy for the Russians\" What is the definition of \"spy\"?"} {"term": "escape", "pos": "n", "context": "romantic novels were her escape from the stress of daily life", "definition": "an inclination to retreat from unpleasant realities through diversion or fantasy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"romantic novels were her escape from the stress of daily life\" What is the definition of \"escape\"?"} {"term": "escape", "pos": "n", "context": "that was a narrow escape", "definition": "an avoidance of danger or difficulty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that was a narrow escape\" What is the definition of \"escape\"?"} {"term": "twisted", "pos": "s", "context": "many of the facts seemed twisted out of any semblance to reality", "definition": "having an intended meaning altered or misrepresented", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"many of the facts seemed twisted out of any semblance to reality\" What is the definition of \"twisted\"?"} {"term": "hesitancy", "pos": "n", "context": "his hesitancy revealed his basic indisposition", "definition": "a certain degree of unwillingness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["indisposition", "hesitation", "disinclination", "sloth", "reluctance"], "instruction": "\"his hesitancy revealed his basic indisposition\" What is the definition of \"hesitancy\"?"} {"term": "accusingly", "pos": "r", "context": "he looked at her accusingly", "definition": "in an accusing manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he looked at her accusingly\" What is the definition of \"accusingly\"?"} {"term": "length", "pos": "n", "context": "the length of the table was 5 feet", "definition": "the linear extent in space from one end to the other", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the length of the table was 5 feet\" What is the definition of \"length\"?"} {"term": "length", "pos": "n", "context": "the length of the table was 5 feet", "definition": "the longest dimension of something that is fixed in place", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the length of the table was 5 feet\" What is the definition of \"length\"?"} {"term": "length", "pos": "n", "context": "the editor limited the length of my article to 500 words", "definition": "the property of being the extent of something from beginning to end", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the editor limited the length of my article to 500 words\" What is the definition of \"length\"?"} {"term": "length", "pos": "n", "context": "a length of timber", "definition": "a section of something that is long and narrow", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a length of timber\" What is the definition of \"length\"?"} {"term": "immune", "pos": "a", "context": "the immune system", "definition": "relating to the condition of immunity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the immune system\" What is the definition of \"immune\"?"} {"term": "immune", "pos": "s", "context": "immune from taxation as long as he resided in Bermuda", "definition": "secure against", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"immune from taxation as long as he resided in Bermuda\" What is the definition of \"immune\"?"} {"term": "immune", "pos": "s", "context": "immune to persuasion", "definition": "not affected by a given influence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"immune to persuasion\" What is the definition of \"immune\"?"} {"term": "objectionable", "pos": "s", "context": "a vulgar and objectionable person", "definition": "causing disapproval or protest", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a vulgar and objectionable person\" What is the definition of \"objectionable\"?"} {"term": "objectionable", "pos": "s", "context": "found the politician 's views objectionable", "definition": "liable to objection or debate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"found the politician 's views objectionable\" What is the definition of \"objectionable\"?"} {"term": "objectionable", "pos": "s", "context": "found the politician 's views objectionable", "definition": "used of something one might take exception to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"found the politician 's views objectionable\" What is the definition of \"objectionable\"?"} {"term": "gastronomy", "pos": "n", "context": "New England gastronomy", "definition": "a particular style of cookery as of a region", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"New England gastronomy\" What is the definition of \"gastronomy\"?"} {"term": "putative", "pos": "s", "context": "the foundling 's putative father", "definition": "purported", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the foundling 's putative father\" What is the definition of \"putative\"?"} {"term": "putative", "pos": "s", "context": "the foundling 's putative father", "definition": "commonly put forth or accepted as true on inconclusive grounds", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the foundling 's putative father\" What is the definition of \"putative\"?"} {"term": "crippled", "pos": "v", "context": "This measure crippled our efforts", "definition": "to deprive of strength or efficiency", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["weaken", "cripple"], "instruction": "\"This measure crippled our efforts\" What is the definition of \"crippled\"?"} {"term": "crippled", "pos": "v", "context": "This measure crippled our efforts", "definition": "to make useless or worthless", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["weaken", "cripple"], "instruction": "\"This measure crippled our efforts\" What is the definition of \"crippled\"?"} {"term": "crippled", "pos": "v", "context": "The accident has crippled her for life", "definition": "to deprive of the use of a limb , especially a leg", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["lame", "maim", "hamstring", "cripple"], "instruction": "\"The accident has crippled her for life\" What is the definition of \"crippled\"?"} {"term": "crippled", "pos": "s", "context": "a crippled soldier", "definition": "disabled in the feet or legs", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a crippled soldier\" What is the definition of \"crippled\"?"} {"term": "scant", "pos": "s", "context": "a scant cup of sugar", "definition": "less than the correct or legal or full amount often deliberately so", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a scant cup of sugar\" What is the definition of \"scant\"?"} {"term": "arrhythmic", "pos": "s", "context": "an arrhythmic heartbeat", "definition": "lacking a steady rhythm", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an arrhythmic heartbeat\" What is the definition of \"arrhythmic\"?"} {"term": "compliant", "pos": "a", "context": "children compliant with the parental will", "definition": "disposed or willing to comply", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"children compliant with the parental will\" What is the definition of \"compliant\"?"} {"term": "aristocratic", "pos": "s", "context": "an aristocratic family", "definition": "belonging to or characteristic of the nobility or aristocracy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an aristocratic family\" What is the definition of \"aristocratic\"?"} {"term": "maneuver", "pos": "n", "context": "he made a great maneuver", "definition": "a deliberate coordinated movement requiring dexterity and skill", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["assist", "stroke", "mousetrap", "completion", "movement", "figure", "play", "shot", "obstruction", "motion"], "instruction": "\"he made a great maneuver\" What is the definition of \"maneuver\"?"} {"term": "diplopia", "pos": "n", "context": "diplopia often disappears when one eye is covered", "definition": "visual impairment in which an object is seen as two objects", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"diplopia often disappears when one eye is covered\" What is the definition of \"diplopia\"?"} {"term": "make", "pos": "n", "context": "what make of car is that ?", "definition": "a recognizable kind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["brand", "kind", "form", "variety"], "instruction": "\"what make of car is that ?\" What is the definition of \"make\"?"} {"term": "make", "pos": "v", "context": "make love , not war", "definition": "to engage in", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["exaggerate", "made", "exaggerated", "overdo", "done"], "instruction": "\"make love , not war\" What is the definition of \"make\"?"} {"term": "make", "pos": "v", "context": "Do n't make this into a big deal", "definition": "to give certain properties to something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["rendering", "getting", "change", "made", "left", "get", "alter", "modify", "let", "leave"], "instruction": "\"Do n't make this into a big deal\" What is the definition of \"make\"?"} {"term": "headed", "pos": "v", "context": "We were headed for the mountains", "definition": "to to go or travel towards", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"We were headed for the mountains\" What is the definition of \"headed\"?"} {"term": "headed", "pos": "v", "context": "The procession was headed by John", "definition": "to travel in front of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["lead", "precede"], "instruction": "\"The procession was headed by John\" What is the definition of \"headed\"?"} {"term": "headed", "pos": "v", "context": "The procession was headed by John", "definition": "to go in advance of others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["lead", "precede"], "instruction": "\"The procession was headed by John\" What is the definition of \"headed\"?"} {"term": "headed", "pos": "s", "context": "headed cabbages", "definition": "of leafy vegetables", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"headed cabbages\" What is the definition of \"headed\"?"} {"term": "headed", "pos": "a", "context": "headed bolts", "definition": "often used in combination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"headed bolts\" What is the definition of \"headed\"?"} {"term": "awakening", "pos": "n", "context": "it was an early awakening", "definition": "the act of waking", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["wakening", "reveille", "rousing"], "instruction": "\"it was an early awakening\" What is the definition of \"awakening\"?"} {"term": "voiceless", "pos": "a", "context": "labor was voiceless", "definition": "deprived of the rights of citizenship especially the right to vote", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"labor was voiceless\" What is the definition of \"voiceless\"?"} {"term": "voiceless", "pos": "s", "context": "voiceless whispers", "definition": "uttered without voice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"voiceless whispers\" What is the definition of \"voiceless\"?"} {"term": "obvious", "pos": "a", "context": "obvious errors", "definition": "easily perceived by the senses or grasped by the mind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"obvious errors\" What is the definition of \"obvious\"?"} {"term": "pretended", "pos": "s", "context": "a pretended interest", "definition": "adopted in order to deceive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a pretended interest\" What is the definition of \"pretended\"?"} {"term": "amend", "pos": "v", "context": "amend the document", "definition": "to make amendments to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"amend the document\" What is the definition of \"amend\"?"} {"term": "weakness", "pos": "n", "context": "his weakness increased as he became older", "definition": "the property of lacking physical or mental strength", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his weakness increased as he became older\" What is the definition of \"weakness\"?"} {"term": "weakness", "pos": "n", "context": "his weakness increased as he became older", "definition": "liability to failure under pressure or stress or strain", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his weakness increased as he became older\" What is the definition of \"weakness\"?"} {"term": "weakness", "pos": "n", "context": "the weakness of the dollar against the yen", "definition": "the condition of being financially weak", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the weakness of the dollar against the yen\" What is the definition of \"weakness\"?"} {"term": "weakness", "pos": "n", "context": "he has a weakness for chocolate", "definition": "a penchant for something even though it might not be good for you", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he has a weakness for chocolate\" What is the definition of \"weakness\"?"} {"term": "baron", "pos": "n", "context": "an oil baron", "definition": "a very wealthy or powerful businessman", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an oil baron\" What is the definition of \"baron\"?"} {"term": "rehearsal", "pos": "n", "context": "a rehearsal will be held the day before the wedding", "definition": "a practice session in preparation for a public performance as of a play or speech or concert", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a rehearsal will be held the day before the wedding\" What is the definition of \"rehearsal\"?"} {"term": "unregenerate", "pos": "a", "context": "unregenerate human nature", "definition": "not reformed morally or spiritually", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unregenerate human nature\" What is the definition of \"unregenerate\"?"} {"term": "unregenerate", "pos": "s", "context": "an unregenerate criminal", "definition": "unrepentant and incapable of being reformed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unregenerate criminal\" What is the definition of \"unregenerate\"?"} {"term": "squiggle", "pos": "n", "context": "his signature was just a squiggle but only he could make that squiggle", "definition": "an illegible scrawl", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his signature was just a squiggle but only he could make that squiggle\" What is the definition of \"squiggle\"?"} {"term": "pliant", "pos": "s", "context": "a pliant nature", "definition": "capable of being influenced or formed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["plastic", ""], "instruction": "\"a pliant nature\" What is the definition of \"pliant\"?"} {"term": "pliant", "pos": "s", "context": "pliant molten glass", "definition": "capable of being shaped or bent or drawn out", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pliant molten glass\" What is the definition of \"pliant\"?"} {"term": "paint", "pos": "n", "context": "he dominates play in the paint", "definition": "a space including the foul line in front of the basket at each end of a basketball court", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["key", "space"], "instruction": "\"he dominates play in the paint\" What is the definition of \"paint\"?"} {"term": "sarcastically", "pos": "r", "context": "` Ah , now we 're getting at the truth , ' he interposed sarcastically", "definition": "in a sarcastic manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"` Ah , now we 're getting at the truth , ' he interposed sarcastically\" What is the definition of \"sarcastically\"?"} {"term": "rakishly", "pos": "r", "context": "she wore her hat rakishly at an angle", "definition": "in a rakish manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["carelessly", ""], "instruction": "\"she wore her hat rakishly at an angle\" What is the definition of \"rakishly\"?"} {"term": "armless", "pos": "a", "context": "the armless Venus de Milo", "definition": "having no arms", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the armless Venus de Milo\" What is the definition of \"armless\"?"} {"term": "due", "pos": "n", "context": "give the devil his due", "definition": "that which is deserved or owed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"give the devil his due\" What is the definition of \"due\"?"} {"term": "due", "pos": "a", "context": "payment is due", "definition": "owed and payable immediately or on demand", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"payment is due\" What is the definition of \"due\"?"} {"term": "due", "pos": "a", "context": "all due respect", "definition": "suitable to or expected in the circumstances", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all due respect\" What is the definition of \"due\"?"} {"term": "due", "pos": "s", "context": "the train is due in 15 minutes", "definition": "scheduled to arrive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the train is due in 15 minutes\" What is the definition of \"due\"?"} {"term": "due", "pos": "s", "context": "the cancellation of the concert was due to the rain", "definition": "capable of being assigned or credited to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the cancellation of the concert was due to the rain\" What is the definition of \"due\"?"} {"term": "due", "pos": "r", "context": "went due North", "definition": "directly or exactly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"went due North\" What is the definition of \"due\"?"} {"term": "due", "pos": "r", "context": "went due North", "definition": "straight", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"went due North\" What is the definition of \"due\"?"} {"term": "integer", "pos": "n", "context": "an integer is a number that is not a fraction", "definition": "any of the natural numbers positive or negative or zero", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an integer is a number that is not a fraction\" What is the definition of \"integer\"?"} {"term": "drinking", "pos": "v", "context": "We were up drinking all night", "definition": "to consume alcohol", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["tank", "carry", "soak", "booze", "hold", "port", "consume", "inebriate", "souse", "bib", "tipple", "ingest", "drink", "take", "fuddle", "claret"], "instruction": "\"We were up drinking all night\" What is the definition of \"drinking\"?"} {"term": "judge", "pos": "v", "context": "I can not judge some works of modern art", "definition": "to form a critical opinion of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["thought", "thinking", "estimate", "rate", "assess", "accept", "anticipate", "cogitate", "expect", "range", "conceive", "try", "declare", "order", "adjudge", "reckoning", "approve", "evaluate", "measure", "impute", "reckon", "examine", "figure", "attribute", "test", "believing", "consider", "approving", "hold", "testing", "chosen", "disapprove", "prove", "value", "prejudge", "believe", "critique", "grade", "stand", "assign", "figured", "calculating", "forecast", "trying", "choose", "place", "calculated", "grading", "essay"], "instruction": "\"I can not judge some works of modern art\" What is the definition of \"judge\"?"} {"term": "nearly", "pos": "r", "context": "he nearly fainted", "definition": "slightly short of or not quite accomplished", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he nearly fainted\" What is the definition of \"nearly\"?"} {"term": "nearly", "pos": "r", "context": "he nearly fainted", "definition": "all but", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he nearly fainted\" What is the definition of \"nearly\"?"} {"term": "nearly", "pos": "r", "context": "the person most nearly concerned", "definition": "in a close manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the person most nearly concerned\" What is the definition of \"nearly\"?"} {"term": "fend", "pos": "v", "context": "The youngsters had to fend for themselves after their parents died", "definition": "to try to manage without help", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The youngsters had to fend for themselves after their parents died\" What is the definition of \"fend\"?"} {"term": "fend", "pos": "v", "context": "The mountain climbers had to fend against the ice and snow", "definition": "to withstand the force of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["defend", "resist", "fight", "stand", "fighting"], "instruction": "\"The mountain climbers had to fend against the ice and snow\" What is the definition of \"fend\"?"} {"term": "aboriginal", "pos": "n", "context": "the Canadian government scrapped plans to tax the grants to aboriginal college students", "definition": "an indigenous person who was born in a particular place", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["individual", "soul", "indigene", "native", "person"], "instruction": "\"the Canadian government scrapped plans to tax the grants to aboriginal college students\" What is the definition of \"aboriginal\"?"} {"term": "aboriginal", "pos": "a", "context": "the aboriginal peoples of Australia", "definition": "characteristic of or relating to people inhabiting a region from the beginning", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the aboriginal peoples of Australia\" What is the definition of \"aboriginal\"?"} {"term": "aboriginal", "pos": "s", "context": "aboriginal forests", "definition": "having existed from the beginning", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["primordial", "", "primeval"], "instruction": "\"aboriginal forests\" What is the definition of \"aboriginal\"?"} {"term": "aboriginal", "pos": "s", "context": "aboriginal forests", "definition": "in an earliest or original stage or state", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["primordial", "", "primeval"], "instruction": "\"aboriginal forests\" What is the definition of \"aboriginal\"?"} {"term": "pleasurable", "pos": "s", "context": "full of happiness and pleasurable excitement", "definition": "affording satisfaction or pleasure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"full of happiness and pleasurable excitement\" What is the definition of \"pleasurable\"?"} {"term": "piteous", "pos": "s", "context": "piteous appeals for help", "definition": "deserving or inciting pity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"piteous appeals for help\" What is the definition of \"piteous\"?"} {"term": "married", "pos": "v", "context": "The minister married us on Saturday", "definition": "to perform a marriage ceremony", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["officiate", "splice", "tie", "solemnize"], "instruction": "\"The minister married us on Saturday\" What is the definition of \"married\"?"} {"term": "married", "pos": "a", "context": "a married man", "definition": "joined in matrimony", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a married man\" What is the definition of \"married\"?"} {"term": "married", "pos": "a", "context": "married bliss", "definition": "of or relating to the state of marriage", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["matrimonial", "", "marital"], "instruction": "\"married bliss\" What is the definition of \"married\"?"} {"term": "complex", "pos": "n", "context": "the complex of shopping malls , houses , and roads created a new town", "definition": "a conceptual whole made up of complicated and related parts", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["composite", "whole", "syndrome"], "instruction": "\"the complex of shopping malls , houses , and roads created a new town\" What is the definition of \"complex\"?"} {"term": "complex", "pos": "a", "context": "a complex set of variations based on a simple folk melody", "definition": "complicated in structure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a complex set of variations based on a simple folk melody\" What is the definition of \"complex\"?"} {"term": "complex", "pos": "a", "context": "a complex set of variations based on a simple folk melody", "definition": "consisting of interconnected parts", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a complex set of variations based on a simple folk melody\" What is the definition of \"complex\"?"} {"term": "whiff", "pos": "v", "context": "whiff out a prayer", "definition": "to utter with a puff of air", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"whiff out a prayer\" What is the definition of \"whiff\"?"} {"term": "fatalist", "pos": "a", "context": "a fatalist person", "definition": "of or relating to fatalism", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fatalist person\" What is the definition of \"fatalist\"?"} {"term": "barbarian", "pos": "s", "context": "barbarian invaders", "definition": "without civilizing influences", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"barbarian invaders\" What is the definition of \"barbarian\"?"} {"term": "inexperience", "pos": "n", "context": "procedural inexperience created difficulties", "definition": "lack of experience and the knowledge and understanding derived from experience", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"procedural inexperience created difficulties\" What is the definition of \"inexperience\"?"} {"term": "recall", "pos": "n", "context": "the recall of our ambassador", "definition": "a call to return", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the recall of our ambassador\" What is the definition of \"recall\"?"} {"term": "steadily", "pos": "r", "context": "his interest eroded steadily", "definition": "at a steady rate or pace", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his interest eroded steadily\" What is the definition of \"steadily\"?"} {"term": "steadily", "pos": "r", "context": "he could still walk steadily", "definition": "in a steady manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he could still walk steadily\" What is the definition of \"steadily\"?"} {"term": "revocation", "pos": "n", "context": "the revocation of a law", "definition": "the act by someone having the authority of annulling something previously done", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the revocation of a law\" What is the definition of \"revocation\"?"} {"term": "lyrically", "pos": "r", "context": "she danced the part of the Black Swan very lyrically", "definition": "in a lyrical manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she danced the part of the Black Swan very lyrically\" What is the definition of \"lyrically\"?"} {"term": "undue", "pos": "a", "context": "an undue loan", "definition": "not yet payable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an undue loan\" What is the definition of \"undue\"?"} {"term": "undue", "pos": "a", "context": "undue influence", "definition": "not appropriate or proper or even legal in the circumstances", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"undue influence\" What is the definition of \"undue\"?"} {"term": "undue", "pos": "s", "context": "desire for undue private profit", "definition": "lacking justification or authorization", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"desire for undue private profit\" What is the definition of \"undue\"?"} {"term": "undue", "pos": "s", "context": "his dress stops just short of undue elegance", "definition": "beyond normal limits", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["excessive", "", "inordinate", "unreasonable"], "instruction": "\"his dress stops just short of undue elegance\" What is the definition of \"undue\"?"} {"term": "downhill", "pos": "r", "context": "your performance has been going downhill for a long time now", "definition": "toward a lower or inferior state", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"your performance has been going downhill for a long time now\" What is the definition of \"downhill\"?"} {"term": "disservice", "pos": "n", "context": "he did them a disservice", "definition": "an act intended to help that turns out badly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he did them a disservice\" What is the definition of \"disservice\"?"} {"term": "budding", "pos": "v", "context": "a budding friendship", "definition": "to start to grow or develop", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["begin", "bud"], "instruction": "\"a budding friendship\" What is the definition of \"budding\"?"} {"term": "budding", "pos": "s", "context": "a budding genius", "definition": "beginning to develop", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a budding genius\" What is the definition of \"budding\"?"} {"term": "timorous", "pos": "s", "context": "timorous little mouse", "definition": "timid by nature or revealing timidity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"timorous little mouse\" What is the definition of \"timorous\"?"} {"term": "guttural", "pos": "s", "context": "a guttural voice", "definition": "like the sounds of frogs and crows", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a guttural voice\" What is the definition of \"guttural\"?"} {"term": "guttural", "pos": "a", "context": "the glottal stop and uvular ` r ' and ` ch ' in German ` Bach ' are guttural sounds", "definition": "relating to or articulated in the throat", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the glottal stop and uvular ` r ' and ` ch ' in German ` Bach ' are guttural sounds\" What is the definition of \"guttural\"?"} {"term": "discriminating", "pos": "a", "context": "the discriminating eye of the connoisseur", "definition": "showing or indicating careful judgment and discernment especially in matters of taste", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the discriminating eye of the connoisseur\" What is the definition of \"discriminating\"?"} {"term": "detract", "pos": "v", "context": "His bad manners detract from his good character", "definition": "to take away a part from", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"His bad manners detract from his good character\" What is the definition of \"detract\"?"} {"term": "detract", "pos": "v", "context": "His bad manners detract from his good character", "definition": "to diminish", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"His bad manners detract from his good character\" What is the definition of \"detract\"?"} {"term": "binding", "pos": "n", "context": "the book had a leather binding", "definition": "the protective covering on the front , back , and spine of a book", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the book had a leather binding\" What is the definition of \"binding\"?"} {"term": "binding", "pos": "s", "context": "a binding contract", "definition": "executed with proper legal authority", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a binding contract\" What is the definition of \"binding\"?"} {"term": "unfavorable", "pos": "a", "context": "unfavorable conditions", "definition": "not encouraging or approving or pleasing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unfavorable conditions\" What is the definition of \"unfavorable\"?"} {"term": "unfavorable", "pos": "a", "context": "unfavorable winds", "definition": "tending to hinder or oppose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unfavorable winds\" What is the definition of \"unfavorable\"?"} {"term": "unfavorable", "pos": "s", "context": "made an unfavorable impression", "definition": "not favorable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"made an unfavorable impression\" What is the definition of \"unfavorable\"?"} {"term": "intentional", "pos": "s", "context": "intentional damage", "definition": "characterized by conscious design or purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"intentional damage\" What is the definition of \"intentional\"?"} {"term": "lumbering", "pos": "s", "context": "moved with a lumbering sag-bellied trot", "definition": "slow and laborious because of weight", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"moved with a lumbering sag-bellied trot\" What is the definition of \"lumbering\"?"} {"term": "categorical", "pos": "s", "context": "a categorical denial", "definition": "not modified or restricted by reservations", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a categorical denial\" What is the definition of \"categorical\"?"} {"term": "ensemble", "pos": "n", "context": "a string ensemble", "definition": "a group of musicians playing or singing together", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a string ensemble\" What is the definition of \"ensemble\"?"} {"term": "depravity", "pos": "n", "context": "its brothels , its opium parlors , its depravity", "definition": "moral perversion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["corruption", "depravation", "immorality", "putrefaction", "degeneracy"], "instruction": "\"its brothels , its opium parlors , its depravity\" What is the definition of \"depravity\"?"} {"term": "depravity", "pos": "n", "context": "its brothels , its opium parlors , its depravity", "definition": "impairment of virtue and moral principles", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["corruption", "depravation", "immorality", "putrefaction", "degeneracy"], "instruction": "\"its brothels , its opium parlors , its depravity\" What is the definition of \"depravity\"?"} {"term": "pleasantness", "pos": "n", "context": "the pleasantness of a cool breeze on a hot summer day", "definition": "the quality of giving pleasure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the pleasantness of a cool breeze on a hot summer day\" What is the definition of \"pleasantness\"?"} {"term": "poetically", "pos": "r", "context": "poetically expressed", "definition": "in a poetic manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"poetically expressed\" What is the definition of \"poetically\"?"} {"term": "pellucid", "pos": "s", "context": "a pellucid brook", "definition": "transmitting light", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a pellucid brook\" What is the definition of \"pellucid\"?"} {"term": "pellucid", "pos": "s", "context": "a pellucid brook", "definition": "able to be seen through with clarity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a pellucid brook\" What is the definition of \"pellucid\"?"} {"term": "pellucid", "pos": "s", "context": "pellucid prose", "definition": "transparently clear", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["limpid", "", "lucid", "perspicuous"], "instruction": "\"pellucid prose\" What is the definition of \"pellucid\"?"} {"term": "pellucid", "pos": "s", "context": "pellucid prose", "definition": "easily understandable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["limpid", "", "lucid", "perspicuous"], "instruction": "\"pellucid prose\" What is the definition of \"pellucid\"?"} {"term": "horizon", "pos": "n", "context": "It is beyond the horizon of present knowledge", "definition": "the range of interest or activity that can be anticipated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["ambit", "range", "compass", "orbit", "view", "reach", "scope"], "instruction": "\"It is beyond the horizon of present knowledge\" What is the definition of \"horizon\"?"} {"term": "thoroughgoing", "pos": "s", "context": "thoroughgoing research", "definition": "performed comprehensively and completely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"thoroughgoing research\" What is the definition of \"thoroughgoing\"?"} {"term": "thoroughgoing", "pos": "s", "context": "a thoroughgoing villain", "definition": "without qualification", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a thoroughgoing villain\" What is the definition of \"thoroughgoing\"?"} {"term": "thoroughgoing", "pos": "s", "context": "a thoroughgoing villain", "definition": "used informally as often pejorative intensifiers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a thoroughgoing villain\" What is the definition of \"thoroughgoing\"?"} {"term": "trustworthy", "pos": "a", "context": "a trustworthy report", "definition": "worthy of trust or belief", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a trustworthy report\" What is the definition of \"trustworthy\"?"} {"term": "trustworthy", "pos": "s", "context": "trustworthy public servants", "definition": "taking responsibility for ones conduct and obligations", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"trustworthy public servants\" What is the definition of \"trustworthy\"?"} {"term": "communicate", "pos": "v", "context": "Please communicate this message to all employees", "definition": "to transmit information", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Please communicate this message to all employees\" What is the definition of \"communicate\"?"} {"term": "class", "pos": "n", "context": "the working class", "definition": "people having the same social , economic , or educational status", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["center", "woman", "estate", "caste", "stratum", "commons", "people", "world", "fraternity", "proletariat", "bourgeoisie", "yeomanry", "womanhood", "trade", "sodality", "craft", "underworld"], "instruction": "\"the working class\" What is the definition of \"class\"?"} {"term": "unwell", "pos": "s", "context": "is unwell and ca n't come to work", "definition": "somewhat ill or prone to illness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"is unwell and ca n't come to work\" What is the definition of \"unwell\"?"} {"term": "mannered", "pos": "s", "context": "brief , mannered and unlifelike idiom", "definition": "having unnatural mannerisms", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"brief , mannered and unlifelike idiom\" What is the definition of \"mannered\"?"} {"term": "preferably", "pos": "r", "context": "clean it well , preferably with warm water", "definition": "more readily or willingly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"clean it well , preferably with warm water\" What is the definition of \"preferably\"?"} {"term": "certainty", "pos": "n", "context": "his certainty reassured the others", "definition": "the state of being certain", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his certainty reassured the others\" What is the definition of \"certainty\"?"} {"term": "certainty", "pos": "n", "context": "his victory is a certainty", "definition": "something that is certain", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his victory is a certainty\" What is the definition of \"certainty\"?"} {"term": "lyric", "pos": "a", "context": "a lyric soprano", "definition": "used of a singer or singing voice that is light in volume and modest in range", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a lyric soprano\" What is the definition of \"lyric\"?"} {"term": "lyric", "pos": "a", "context": "the lyric stage", "definition": "relating to or being musical drama", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the lyric stage\" What is the definition of \"lyric\"?"} {"term": "lyric", "pos": "a", "context": "lyric poetry", "definition": "of or relating to a category of poetry that expresses emotion often in a songlike way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lyric poetry\" What is the definition of \"lyric\"?"} {"term": "systematize", "pos": "v", "context": "systematize our scientific knowledge", "definition": "to arrange according to a system or reduce to a system", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["order", "systemize", "digest", "codify"], "instruction": "\"systematize our scientific knowledge\" What is the definition of \"systematize\"?"} {"term": "inconspicuous", "pos": "a", "context": "he pushed the string through an inconspicuous hole", "definition": "not prominent or readily noticeable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he pushed the string through an inconspicuous hole\" What is the definition of \"inconspicuous\"?"} {"term": "volition", "pos": "n", "context": "the exercise of their volition we construe as revolt \" - George Meredith", "definition": "the capability of conscious choice and decision and intention", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the exercise of their volition we construe as revolt \" - George Meredith\" What is the definition of \"volition\"?"} {"term": "volition", "pos": "n", "context": "followed my father of my own volition", "definition": "the act of making a choice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"followed my father of my own volition\" What is the definition of \"volition\"?"} {"term": "futurist", "pos": "a", "context": "futurist art", "definition": "of or relating to futurism", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"futurist art\" What is the definition of \"futurist\"?"} {"term": "commitment", "pos": "n", "context": "his long commitment to public service", "definition": "the act of binding yourself intellectually or emotionally to a course of action", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["consecration", "communalism", "dedication", "loyalty", "faith", "devotion", "enlistment"], "instruction": "\"his long commitment to public service\" What is the definition of \"commitment\"?"} {"term": "encounter", "pos": "n", "context": "there was a brief encounter in the hallway", "definition": "a casual or unexpected convergence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["meeting", "convergence", "conjunction"], "instruction": "\"there was a brief encounter in the hallway\" What is the definition of \"encounter\"?"} {"term": "conscientious", "pos": "s", "context": "conscientious application to the work at hand", "definition": "characterized by extreme care and great effort", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"conscientious application to the work at hand\" What is the definition of \"conscientious\"?"} {"term": "conscientious", "pos": "a", "context": "a conscientious decision to speak out about injustice", "definition": "guided by or in accordance with conscience or sense of right and wrong", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a conscientious decision to speak out about injustice\" What is the definition of \"conscientious\"?"} {"term": "oily", "pos": "s", "context": "oily puddles in the streets", "definition": "coated or covered with oil", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"oily puddles in the streets\" What is the definition of \"oily\"?"} {"term": "oily", "pos": "s", "context": "oily fried potatoes", "definition": "containing an unusual amount of grease or oil", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"oily fried potatoes\" What is the definition of \"oily\"?"} {"term": "oily", "pos": "s", "context": "an oily sycophantic press agent", "definition": "unpleasantly and excessively suave or ingratiating in manner or speech", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an oily sycophantic press agent\" What is the definition of \"oily\"?"} {"term": "despotic", "pos": "s", "context": "moved from a feudal to a despotic order", "definition": "ruled by or characteristic of a despot", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"moved from a feudal to a despotic order\" What is the definition of \"despotic\"?"} {"term": "despotic", "pos": "s", "context": "despotic rulers", "definition": "characteristic of an absolute ruler or absolute rule", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"despotic rulers\" What is the definition of \"despotic\"?"} {"term": "despotic", "pos": "s", "context": "despotic rulers", "definition": "having absolute sovereignty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"despotic rulers\" What is the definition of \"despotic\"?"} {"term": "flagging", "pos": "n", "context": "there was a pile of flagging waiting to be laid in place", "definition": "flagstones collectively", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was a pile of flagging waiting to be laid in place\" What is the definition of \"flagging\"?"} {"term": "flagging", "pos": "n", "context": "the flagging in the garden was quite imaginative", "definition": "a walk of flagstones", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the flagging in the garden was quite imaginative\" What is the definition of \"flagging\"?"} {"term": "murine", "pos": "a", "context": "a murine plague", "definition": "of or relating to or transmitted by a member of the family muridae rats and mice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a murine plague\" What is the definition of \"murine\"?"} {"term": "tintinnabulation", "pos": "n", "context": "the tintinnabulation that so voluminously swells from the ringing and the dinging of the bells \" -- E. A. Poe", "definition": "the sound of a bell ringing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the tintinnabulation that so voluminously swells from the ringing and the dinging of the bells \" -- E. A. Poe\" What is the definition of \"tintinnabulation\"?"} {"term": "extensive", "pos": "s", "context": "an extensive Roman settlement in northwest England", "definition": "large in spatial extent or range or scope or quantity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an extensive Roman settlement in northwest England\" What is the definition of \"extensive\"?"} {"term": "extensive", "pos": "a", "context": "producing wheat under extensive conditions", "definition": "of agriculture", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"producing wheat under extensive conditions\" What is the definition of \"extensive\"?"} {"term": "extensive", "pos": "a", "context": "producing wheat under extensive conditions", "definition": "increasing productivity by using large areas with minimal outlay and labor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"producing wheat under extensive conditions\" What is the definition of \"extensive\"?"} {"term": "bounden", "pos": "s", "context": "my bounden duty", "definition": "morally obligatory", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my bounden duty\" What is the definition of \"bounden\"?"} {"term": "corrupt", "pos": "a", "context": "a corrupt and incompetent city government", "definition": "lacking in integrity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a corrupt and incompetent city government\" What is the definition of \"corrupt\"?"} {"term": "corrupt", "pos": "s", "context": "a corrupt text", "definition": "containing errors or alterations", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a corrupt text\" What is the definition of \"corrupt\"?"} {"term": "compressible", "pos": "a", "context": "compressible packing materials", "definition": "capable of being compressed or made more compact", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"compressible packing materials\" What is the definition of \"compressible\"?"} {"term": "acquiescent", "pos": "s", "context": "too acquiescent to challenge authority", "definition": "willing to carry out the orders or wishes of another without protest", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"too acquiescent to challenge authority\" What is the definition of \"acquiescent\"?"} {"term": "importantly", "pos": "r", "context": "for centuries jellies have figured importantly among English desserts , particularly upon festive occasion", "definition": "in an important way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for centuries jellies have figured importantly among English desserts , particularly upon festive occasion\" What is the definition of \"importantly\"?"} {"term": "vegetation", "pos": "n", "context": "Pleistocene vegetation", "definition": "all the plant life in a particular region or period", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["shrubbery", "wood", "copse", "garden", "thicket", "brushwood", "botany", "growth", "forest", "browse", "brier", "stand", "bush", "assemblage"], "instruction": "\"Pleistocene vegetation\" What is the definition of \"vegetation\"?"} {"term": "tuck", "pos": "v", "context": "tuck your shirttail in", "definition": "to fit snugly into", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["insert", "enclose"], "instruction": "\"tuck your shirttail in\" What is the definition of \"tuck\"?"} {"term": "wrest", "pos": "v", "context": "wrest the knife from his hands", "definition": "to obtain by seizing forcibly or violently , also metaphorically", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wrest the knife from his hands\" What is the definition of \"wrest\"?"} {"term": "appealing", "pos": "a", "context": "He added an appealing and memorable figure to popular American mythology \" - Vincent Starrett", "definition": "able to attract interest or draw favorable attention", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"He added an appealing and memorable figure to popular American mythology \" - Vincent Starrett\" What is the definition of \"appealing\"?"} {"term": "criminal", "pos": "s", "context": "criminal in the sight of God and man", "definition": "guilty of crime or serious offense", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"criminal in the sight of God and man\" What is the definition of \"criminal\"?"} {"term": "criminal", "pos": "s", "context": "a criminal offense", "definition": "involving or being or having the nature of a crime", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a criminal offense\" What is the definition of \"criminal\"?"} {"term": "criminal", "pos": "s", "context": "a criminal waste of talent", "definition": "bringing or deserving severe rebuke or censure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a criminal waste of talent\" What is the definition of \"criminal\"?"} {"term": "pilot", "pos": "v", "context": "The pilot flew to Cuba", "definition": "to operate an airplane", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["flying", "control", "operate", "balloon", "jet", "glide", "fly", "soar", "hydroplane"], "instruction": "\"The pilot flew to Cuba\" What is the definition of \"pilot\"?"} {"term": "menstrual", "pos": "a", "context": "menstrual period", "definition": "of or relating to menstruation or the menses", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"menstrual period\" What is the definition of \"menstrual\"?"} {"term": "grudge", "pos": "n", "context": "holding a grudge", "definition": "a resentment strong enough to justify retaliation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["grievance", "bitterness", "score", "gall", "resentment"], "instruction": "\"holding a grudge\" What is the definition of \"grudge\"?"} {"term": "chap", "pos": "n", "context": "that chap is your host", "definition": "a boy or man", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["fellow", "male", "feller", "lad"], "instruction": "\"that chap is your host\" What is the definition of \"chap\"?"} {"term": "chap", "pos": "v", "context": "My lips chap in this dry weather", "definition": "to crack due to dehydration", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"My lips chap in this dry weather\" What is the definition of \"chap\"?"} {"term": "publish", "pos": "v", "context": "publish a magazine or newspaper", "definition": "to prepare and issue for public distribution or sale", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["air", "edit", "release", "issue", "bare"], "instruction": "\"publish a magazine or newspaper\" What is the definition of \"publish\"?"} {"term": "sender", "pos": "n", "context": "return to sender", "definition": "someone who transmits a message", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["communicator", "transmitter"], "instruction": "\"return to sender\" What is the definition of \"sender\"?"} {"term": "scion", "pos": "n", "context": "a scion of royal stock", "definition": "a descendent or heir", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a scion of royal stock\" What is the definition of \"scion\"?"} {"term": "willingly", "pos": "r", "context": "I willingly accept", "definition": "in a willing manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I willingly accept\" What is the definition of \"willingly\"?"} {"term": "prophetic", "pos": "a", "context": "prophetic writings", "definition": "foretelling events as if by supernatural intervention", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"prophetic writings\" What is the definition of \"prophetic\"?"} {"term": "roughen", "pos": "v", "context": "roughen the surfaces so they will stick to each other", "definition": "to make rough or rougher", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"roughen the surfaces so they will stick to each other\" What is the definition of \"roughen\"?"} {"term": "lawless", "pos": "s", "context": "lawless bands roaming the plains", "definition": "disobedient to or defiant of law", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lawless bands roaming the plains\" What is the definition of \"lawless\"?"} {"term": "pointlessly", "pos": "r", "context": "he spent his life in pointlessly tiresome drudgery", "definition": "in a pointless manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he spent his life in pointlessly tiresome drudgery\" What is the definition of \"pointlessly\"?"} {"term": "bail", "pos": "n", "context": "the judge set bail at $ 10,000", "definition": "money that must be forfeited by the bondsman if an accused person fails to appear in court for trial", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["bond", "recognizance"], "instruction": "\"the judge set bail at $ 10,000\" What is the definition of \"bail\"?"} {"term": "bail", "pos": "n", "context": "he is out on bail", "definition": "the legal system that allows an accused person to be temporarily released from custody usually on condition that a sum of money guarantees their appearance at trial", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is out on bail\" What is the definition of \"bail\"?"} {"term": "verbalize", "pos": "v", "context": "This depressed patient does not verbalize", "definition": "to express in speech", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["babble", "blabber", "talk", "intone", "inflect", "murmuring", "gibber", "whiff", "generalized", "cackle", "whine", "bark", "chanting", "clack", "prate", "palaver", "slurred", "shout", "communicate", "stutter", "mouth", "toned", "raving", "whisper", "hissing", "chant", "mumble", "verbalize", "ejaculate", "utter", "gabble", "read", "gulp", "talking", "falter", "begin", "prattle", "troll", "blurt", "blunder", "siss", "blubber", "snarl", "enthuse", "speaking", "murmur", "blab", "jabber", "peep", "snivel", "spout", "jawed", "intercommunicate", "stammer", "tattle", "spoken", "speak", "deliver", "chatter", "inflected", "tone", "swallow", "mumbling", "spoke", "vocalize", "twaddle"], "instruction": "\"This depressed patient does not verbalize\" What is the definition of \"verbalize\"?"} {"term": "dignified", "pos": "v", "context": "He was dignified with a title", "definition": "to confer dignity or honor upon", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["honor", "reward", "ennoble", "dignify"], "instruction": "\"He was dignified with a title\" What is the definition of \"dignified\"?"} {"term": "dignified", "pos": "a", "context": "her dignified demeanor", "definition": "having or expressing dignity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her dignified demeanor\" What is the definition of \"dignified\"?"} {"term": "dignified", "pos": "a", "context": "her dignified demeanor", "definition": "especially formality or stateliness in bearing or appearance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her dignified demeanor\" What is the definition of \"dignified\"?"} {"term": "unborn", "pos": "a", "context": "unborn generations", "definition": "not yet brought into existence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unborn generations\" What is the definition of \"unborn\"?"} {"term": "authorized", "pos": "v", "context": "The rock star never authorized this slanderous biography", "definition": "to grant authorization or clearance for", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["formalize", "certificate", "certify", "countenance", "approve", "authorize", "permit", "clear", "validate", "license", "let", "declare"], "instruction": "\"The rock star never authorized this slanderous biography\" What is the definition of \"authorized\"?"} {"term": "authorized", "pos": "v", "context": "She authorized her assistant to sign the papers", "definition": "to give or delegate power or authority to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["authorize", "appoint", "entitle", "empower", "charge"], "instruction": "\"She authorized her assistant to sign the papers\" What is the definition of \"authorized\"?"} {"term": "authorized", "pos": "s", "context": "the authorized biography", "definition": "sanctioned by established authority", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the authorized biography\" What is the definition of \"authorized\"?"} {"term": "bubble", "pos": "n", "context": "he did n't want to burst the newcomer 's bubble", "definition": "an impracticable and illusory idea", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he did n't want to burst the newcomer 's bubble\" What is the definition of \"bubble\"?"} {"term": "contraction", "pos": "n", "context": "` wo n't ' is a contraction of ` will not '", "definition": "a word formed from two or more words by omitting or combining some sounds", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"` wo n't ' is a contraction of ` will not '\" What is the definition of \"contraction\"?"} {"term": "probity", "pos": "n", "context": "in a world where financial probity may not be widespread", "definition": "complete and confirmed integrity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in a world where financial probity may not be widespread\" What is the definition of \"probity\"?"} {"term": "probity", "pos": "n", "context": "in a world where financial probity may not be widespread", "definition": "having strong moral principles", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in a world where financial probity may not be widespread\" What is the definition of \"probity\"?"} {"term": "stubby", "pos": "s", "context": "stubby fingers", "definition": "short and blunt", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stubby fingers\" What is the definition of \"stubby\"?"} {"term": "rejoinder", "pos": "n", "context": "it brought a sharp rejoinder from the teacher", "definition": "a quick reply to a question or remark especially a witty or critical one", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["counter", "reply", "mouth", "return", "replication", "retort"], "instruction": "\"it brought a sharp rejoinder from the teacher\" What is the definition of \"rejoinder\"?"} {"term": "thrice", "pos": "r", "context": "I called you thrice last night", "definition": "three times", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I called you thrice last night\" What is the definition of \"thrice\"?"} {"term": "waker", "pos": "n", "context": "an early waker", "definition": "a person who awakes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an early waker\" What is the definition of \"waker\"?"} {"term": "insufficient", "pos": "a", "context": "insufficient funds", "definition": "of a quantity not able to fulfill a need or requirement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"insufficient funds\" What is the definition of \"insufficient\"?"} {"term": "temporal", "pos": "s", "context": "temporal matters of but fleeting moment \" - F.D.Roosevelt", "definition": "not eternal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"temporal matters of but fleeting moment \" - F.D.Roosevelt\" What is the definition of \"temporal\"?"} {"term": "temporal", "pos": "s", "context": "temporal joys", "definition": "of this earth or world", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"temporal joys\" What is the definition of \"temporal\"?"} {"term": "temporal", "pos": "a", "context": "temporal processing", "definition": "of or relating to or limited by time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"temporal processing\" What is the definition of \"temporal\"?"} {"term": "temporal", "pos": "a", "context": "temporal bone", "definition": "of or relating to the temples the sides of the skull behind the orbit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"temporal bone\" What is the definition of \"temporal\"?"} {"term": "sulkily", "pos": "r", "context": "` What else could I do ? ' said Graham sulkily", "definition": "in a sulky manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"` What else could I do ? ' said Graham sulkily\" What is the definition of \"sulkily\"?"} {"term": "provision", "pos": "n", "context": "he accepted subject to one provision", "definition": "a stipulated condition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["precondition", "proviso", "condition"], "instruction": "\"he accepted subject to one provision\" What is the definition of \"provision\"?"} {"term": "feverish", "pos": "s", "context": "worked at a feverish pace", "definition": "marked by intense agitation or emotion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"worked at a feverish pace\" What is the definition of \"feverish\"?"} {"term": "rubicund", "pos": "s", "context": "Santa 's rubicund cheeks", "definition": "inclined to a healthy reddish color often associated with outdoor life", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Santa 's rubicund cheeks\" What is the definition of \"rubicund\"?"} {"term": "sluggish", "pos": "s", "context": "a sluggish stream", "definition": "moving slowly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sluggish stream\" What is the definition of \"sluggish\"?"} {"term": "sluggish", "pos": "s", "context": "a sluggish market", "definition": "not active or brisk", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sluggish market\" What is the definition of \"sluggish\"?"} {"term": "sluggish", "pos": "s", "context": "a sluggish worker", "definition": "slow and apathetic", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sluggish worker\" What is the definition of \"sluggish\"?"} {"term": "meantime", "pos": "r", "context": "meantime he was attentive to his other interests", "definition": "during the intervening time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"meantime he was attentive to his other interests\" What is the definition of \"meantime\"?"} {"term": "whiten", "pos": "v", "context": "This detergent will whiten your laundry", "definition": "to turn white", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["whiting", "whitening", "color", "bleach", "white", "discolor", "bleached"], "instruction": "\"This detergent will whiten your laundry\" What is the definition of \"whiten\"?"} {"term": "comprehensive", "pos": "a", "context": "comprehensive coverage", "definition": "including all or everything", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"comprehensive coverage\" What is the definition of \"comprehensive\"?"} {"term": "comprehensive", "pos": "s", "context": "a comprehensive survey of world affairs", "definition": "broad in scope", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a comprehensive survey of world affairs\" What is the definition of \"comprehensive\"?"} {"term": "zed", "pos": "n", "context": "the British call Z zed and the Scots call it ezed but Americans call it zee", "definition": "the 26th letter of the roman alphabet", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the British call Z zed and the Scots call it ezed but Americans call it zee\" What is the definition of \"zed\"?"} {"term": "shiftless", "pos": "s", "context": "a shiftless student", "definition": "lacking or characterized by lack of ambition or initiative", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a shiftless student\" What is the definition of \"shiftless\"?"} {"term": "shiftless", "pos": "s", "context": "a shiftless student", "definition": "lazy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a shiftless student\" What is the definition of \"shiftless\"?"} {"term": "inconsiderate", "pos": "a", "context": "shockingly inconsiderate behavior", "definition": "lacking regard for the rights or feelings of others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shockingly inconsiderate behavior\" What is the definition of \"inconsiderate\"?"} {"term": "inconsiderate", "pos": "s", "context": "slovenly inconsiderate reasoning", "definition": "without proper consideration or reflection", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"slovenly inconsiderate reasoning\" What is the definition of \"inconsiderate\"?"} {"term": "speck", "pos": "n", "context": "the plane was just a speck in the sky", "definition": "a very small spot", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the plane was just a speck in the sky\" What is the definition of \"speck\"?"} {"term": "virgin", "pos": "s", "context": "virgin wool", "definition": "being used or worked for the first time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"virgin wool\" What is the definition of \"virgin\"?"} {"term": "virgin", "pos": "s", "context": "a spinster or virgin lady", "definition": "in a state of sexual virginity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["vestal", "virtuous", "", "pure", "virginal"], "instruction": "\"a spinster or virgin lady\" What is the definition of \"virgin\"?"} {"term": "pedal", "pos": "a", "context": "the word for a pedal extremity is ` foot '", "definition": "of or relating to the feet", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the word for a pedal extremity is ` foot '\" What is the definition of \"pedal\"?"} {"term": "nature", "pos": "n", "context": "it is the nature of fire to burn", "definition": "the essential qualities or characteristics by which something is recognized", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is the nature of fire to burn\" What is the definition of \"nature\"?"} {"term": "nature", "pos": "n", "context": "the laws of nature", "definition": "a causal agent creating and controlling things in the universe", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the laws of nature\" What is the definition of \"nature\"?"} {"term": "nature", "pos": "n", "context": "they tried to preserve nature as they found it", "definition": "the natural physical world including plants and animals and landscapes etc. .", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they tried to preserve nature as they found it\" What is the definition of \"nature\"?"} {"term": "machinery", "pos": "n", "context": "the complex machinery of negotiation", "definition": "a system of means and activities whereby a social institution functions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the complex machinery of negotiation\" What is the definition of \"machinery\"?"} {"term": "sister", "pos": "n", "context": "my sister married a musician", "definition": "a female person who has the same parents as another person", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["sis", "siss", "stepsister"], "instruction": "\"my sister married a musician\" What is the definition of \"sister\"?"} {"term": "binaural", "pos": "a", "context": "binaural hearing", "definition": "relating to or having or hearing with two ears", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"binaural hearing\" What is the definition of \"binaural\"?"} {"term": "decision", "pos": "n", "context": "the burden of decision was his", "definition": "the act of making up your mind about something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["call", "conclusion", "resolution", "assignment", "determination", "choice", "selection", "appointment", "pick"], "instruction": "\"the burden of decision was his\" What is the definition of \"decision\"?"} {"term": "decision", "pos": "n", "context": "a decision unfavorable to the opposition", "definition": "a position or opinion or judgment reached after consideration", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["conclusion", "determination", "mind", "predetermination", "judgment"], "instruction": "\"a decision unfavorable to the opposition\" What is the definition of \"decision\"?"} {"term": "decision", "pos": "n", "context": "had little trouble in taking a unanimous decision over his opponent", "definition": "a victory won on points when no knockout has occurred", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"had little trouble in taking a unanimous decision over his opponent\" What is the definition of \"decision\"?"} {"term": "party", "pos": "n", "context": "in 1992 Perot tried to organize a third party at the national level", "definition": "an organization to gain political power", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in 1992 Perot tried to organize a third party at the national level\" What is the definition of \"party\"?"} {"term": "party", "pos": "n", "context": "she joined the party after dinner", "definition": "a group of people gathered together for pleasure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she joined the party after dinner\" What is the definition of \"party\"?"} {"term": "party", "pos": "n", "context": "they organized a party to search for food", "definition": "a band of people associated temporarily in some activity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they organized a party to search for food\" What is the definition of \"party\"?"} {"term": "trophic", "pos": "a", "context": "a trophic level on the food chain", "definition": "of or relating to nutrition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a trophic level on the food chain\" What is the definition of \"trophic\"?"} {"term": "creditable", "pos": "s", "context": "the student 's effort on the essay -- though not outstanding -- was creditable", "definition": "worthy of often limited commendation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the student 's effort on the essay -- though not outstanding -- was creditable\" What is the definition of \"creditable\"?"} {"term": "unseasoned", "pos": "a", "context": "unseasoned timber", "definition": "not aged or processed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unseasoned timber\" What is the definition of \"unseasoned\"?"} {"term": "unseasoned", "pos": "s", "context": "unseasoned artillery volunteers", "definition": "not tried or tested by experience", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unseasoned artillery volunteers\" What is the definition of \"unseasoned\"?"} {"term": "intrinsic", "pos": "s", "context": "intrinsic muscles", "definition": "situated within or belonging solely to the organ or body part on which it acts", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"intrinsic muscles\" What is the definition of \"intrinsic\"?"} {"term": "conformity", "pos": "n", "context": "their financial statements are in conformity with generally accepted accounting practices", "definition": "acting according to certain accepted standards", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["keeping", "observance", "compliance", "conformation", "abidance", "line"], "instruction": "\"their financial statements are in conformity with generally accepted accounting practices\" What is the definition of \"conformity\"?"} {"term": "mantra", "pos": "n", "context": "she repeated ` So pleased with how its going ' at intervals like a mantra", "definition": "a commonly repeated word or phrase", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she repeated ` So pleased with how its going ' at intervals like a mantra\" What is the definition of \"mantra\"?"} {"term": "tap", "pos": "v", "context": "tap one 's memory", "definition": "to draw from or dip into to get something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tap one 's memory\" What is the definition of \"tap\"?"} {"term": "spiritually", "pos": "r", "context": "the ninth century was the spiritually freest period", "definition": "in a spiritual manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ninth century was the spiritually freest period\" What is the definition of \"spiritually\"?"} {"term": "hash", "pos": "v", "context": "hash the potatoes", "definition": "to chop up", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hash the potatoes\" What is the definition of \"hash\"?"} {"term": "space", "pos": "n", "context": "they tested his ability to locate objects in space", "definition": "the unlimited expanse in which everything is located", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["attribute", "infinite", "space"], "instruction": "\"they tested his ability to locate objects in space\" What is the definition of \"space\"?"} {"term": "space", "pos": "n", "context": "the architect left space in front of the building", "definition": "an empty area usually bounded in some way between things", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the architect left space in front of the building\" What is the definition of \"space\"?"} {"term": "space", "pos": "n", "context": "the laboratory 's floor space", "definition": "an area reserved for some particular purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the laboratory 's floor space\" What is the definition of \"space\"?"} {"term": "paternally", "pos": "r", "context": "he behaves very paternally toward his young bride", "definition": "in a paternal manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he behaves very paternally toward his young bride\" What is the definition of \"paternally\"?"} {"term": "ruddy", "pos": "s", "context": "a ruddy complexion", "definition": "inclined to a healthy reddish color often associated with outdoor life", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a ruddy complexion\" What is the definition of \"ruddy\"?"} {"term": "fortunate", "pos": "a", "context": "a fortunate choice", "definition": "having unexpected good fortune", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fortunate choice\" What is the definition of \"fortunate\"?"} {"term": "fortunate", "pos": "s", "context": "she made a fortunate decision to go to medical school", "definition": "presaging good fortune", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she made a fortunate decision to go to medical school\" What is the definition of \"fortunate\"?"} {"term": "lottery", "pos": "n", "context": "the election was just a lottery to them", "definition": "something that is regarded as a chance event", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the election was just a lottery to them\" What is the definition of \"lottery\"?"} {"term": "inexhaustible", "pos": "s", "context": "an inexhaustible supply of coal", "definition": "that can not be entirely consumed or used up", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an inexhaustible supply of coal\" What is the definition of \"inexhaustible\"?"} {"term": "inexhaustible", "pos": "a", "context": "an inexhaustible supply of coal", "definition": "incapable of being entirely consumed or used up", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an inexhaustible supply of coal\" What is the definition of \"inexhaustible\"?"} {"term": "refined", "pos": "a", "context": "she was delicate and refined and unused to hardship", "definition": "cultivated and genteel", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was delicate and refined and unused to hardship\" What is the definition of \"refined\"?"} {"term": "refined", "pos": "a", "context": "refined sugar", "definition": "freed from impurities by processing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"refined sugar\" What is the definition of \"refined\"?"} {"term": "evidential", "pos": "s", "context": "evidential signs of a forced entry", "definition": "serving as or based on evidence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"evidential signs of a forced entry\" What is the definition of \"evidential\"?"} {"term": "expressly", "pos": "r", "context": "she needs the money expressly for her patients", "definition": "with specific intentions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she needs the money expressly for her patients\" What is the definition of \"expressly\"?"} {"term": "expressly", "pos": "r", "context": "she needs the money expressly for her patients", "definition": "for the express purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she needs the money expressly for her patients\" What is the definition of \"expressly\"?"} {"term": "sterile", "pos": "s", "context": "a sterile ideology lacking in originality", "definition": "deficient in originality or creativity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sterile ideology lacking in originality\" What is the definition of \"sterile\"?"} {"term": "sterile", "pos": "s", "context": "a sterile ideology lacking in originality", "definition": "lacking powers of invention", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sterile ideology lacking in originality\" What is the definition of \"sterile\"?"} {"term": "sterile", "pos": "s", "context": "a sterile operating area", "definition": "free of or using methods to keep free of pathological microorganisms", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sterile operating area\" What is the definition of \"sterile\"?"} {"term": "hilarious", "pos": "s", "context": "hilarious broad comedy", "definition": "marked by or causing boisterous merriment or convulsive laughter", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hilarious broad comedy\" What is the definition of \"hilarious\"?"} {"term": "sultry", "pos": "s", "context": "the summer was sultry and oppressive", "definition": "characterized by oppressive heat and humidity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the summer was sultry and oppressive\" What is the definition of \"sultry\"?"} {"term": "sultry", "pos": "s", "context": "a sultry look", "definition": "sexually exciting or gratifying", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sultry look\" What is the definition of \"sultry\"?"} {"term": "unification", "pos": "n", "context": "he looked forward to the unification of his family for the holidays", "definition": "the act of making or becoming a single unit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["jointure", "coalition", "combination", "union", "conjugation", "concretion", "reunion", "coalescence", "umbrella"], "instruction": "\"he looked forward to the unification of his family for the holidays\" What is the definition of \"unification\"?"} {"term": "sixfold", "pos": "r", "context": "the population of this town increased sixfold when gold was found in the surrounding hills", "definition": "by a factor of six", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the population of this town increased sixfold when gold was found in the surrounding hills\" What is the definition of \"sixfold\"?"} {"term": "residential", "pos": "a", "context": "a residential hotel", "definition": "used or designed for residence or limited to residences", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a residential hotel\" What is the definition of \"residential\"?"} {"term": "residential", "pos": "a", "context": "a residential requirement for the doctorate", "definition": "of or relating to or connected with residence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a residential requirement for the doctorate\" What is the definition of \"residential\"?"} {"term": "diametrically", "pos": "r", "context": "three of these brushes were approximately 120 feet apart and the fourth diametrically opposite to one of the three", "definition": "as from opposite ends of a diameter", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"three of these brushes were approximately 120 feet apart and the fourth diametrically opposite to one of the three\" What is the definition of \"diametrically\"?"} {"term": "chary", "pos": "s", "context": "chary of the risks involved", "definition": "characterized by great caution and wariness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"chary of the risks involved\" What is the definition of \"chary\"?"} {"term": "accurate", "pos": "a", "context": "an accurate reproduction", "definition": "conforming exactly or almost exactly to fact or to a standard or performing with total accuracy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an accurate reproduction\" What is the definition of \"accurate\"?"} {"term": "absoluteness", "pos": "n", "context": "the absoluteness of the pope 's decree could not be challenged", "definition": "the quality of being absolute", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the absoluteness of the pope 's decree could not be challenged\" What is the definition of \"absoluteness\"?"} {"term": "disorderly", "pos": "a", "context": "disorderly youths", "definition": "undisciplined and unruly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"disorderly youths\" What is the definition of \"disorderly\"?"} {"term": "disorderly", "pos": "s", "context": "a disorderly pile of clothes", "definition": "in utter disorder", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a disorderly pile of clothes\" What is the definition of \"disorderly\"?"} {"term": "poetic", "pos": "a", "context": "poetic works", "definition": "of or relating to poetry", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"poetic works\" What is the definition of \"poetic\"?"} {"term": "poetic", "pos": "a", "context": "poetic insight", "definition": "of or relating to poets", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"poetic insight\" What is the definition of \"poetic\"?"} {"term": "poetic", "pos": "s", "context": "Turner 's vision of the rainbow ... was poetic", "definition": "characterized by romantic imagery", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Turner 's vision of the rainbow ... was poetic\" What is the definition of \"poetic\"?"} {"term": "poetic", "pos": "s", "context": "poetic diction", "definition": "characteristic of or befitting poetry", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"poetic diction\" What is the definition of \"poetic\"?"} {"term": "reconsider", "pos": "v", "context": "Wo n't you reconsider your decision ?", "definition": "to consider again", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Wo n't you reconsider your decision ?\" What is the definition of \"reconsider\"?"} {"term": "reconsider", "pos": "v", "context": "Wo n't you reconsider your decision ?", "definition": "to give new consideration to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Wo n't you reconsider your decision ?\" What is the definition of \"reconsider\"?"} {"term": "reconsider", "pos": "v", "context": "Wo n't you reconsider your decision ?", "definition": "to usually with a view to changing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Wo n't you reconsider your decision ?\" What is the definition of \"reconsider\"?"} {"term": "emulsion", "pos": "n", "context": "an oil-in-water emulsion", "definition": "a colloid in which both phases are liquids", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an oil-in-water emulsion\" What is the definition of \"emulsion\"?"} {"term": "dullness", "pos": "n", "context": "the stories were of a dullness to bring a buffalo to its knees", "definition": "the quality of lacking interestingness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the stories were of a dullness to bring a buffalo to its knees\" What is the definition of \"dullness\"?"} {"term": "dullness", "pos": "n", "context": "the brightness of the orange sky was reflected in the dullness of the orange sea", "definition": "a lack of visual brightness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the brightness of the orange sky was reflected in the dullness of the orange sea\" What is the definition of \"dullness\"?"} {"term": "muse", "pos": "n", "context": "Euterpe was his muse", "definition": "the source of an artists inspiration", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Euterpe was his muse\" What is the definition of \"muse\"?"} {"term": "trojan", "pos": "n", "context": "the contents of a trojan can be a virus or a worm", "definition": "a program that appears desirable but actually contains something harmful", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the contents of a trojan can be a virus or a worm\" What is the definition of \"trojan\"?"} {"term": "explainable", "pos": "s", "context": "explainable phenomena", "definition": "capable of being understood", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"explainable phenomena\" What is the definition of \"explainable\"?"} {"term": "sloppiness", "pos": "n", "context": "the sloppiness of a rainy November day", "definition": "the wetness of ground that is covered or soaked with water", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["muddiness", "wetness"], "instruction": "\"the sloppiness of a rainy November day\" What is the definition of \"sloppiness\"?"} {"term": "bankrupt", "pos": "s", "context": "a bankrupt company", "definition": "financially ruined", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bankrupt company\" What is the definition of \"bankrupt\"?"} {"term": "ungainly", "pos": "s", "context": "a gawky lad with long ungainly legs", "definition": "lacking grace in movement or posture", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["gawky", "", "clumsy", "unwieldy"], "instruction": "\"a gawky lad with long ungainly legs\" What is the definition of \"ungainly\"?"} {"term": "ungainly", "pos": "s", "context": "the cello , a rather ungainly instrument for a girl", "definition": "difficult to handle or manage especially because of shape", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the cello , a rather ungainly instrument for a girl\" What is the definition of \"ungainly\"?"} {"term": "enterprising", "pos": "a", "context": "an enterprising foreign policy", "definition": "marked by imagination , initiative , and readiness to undertake new projects", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an enterprising foreign policy\" What is the definition of \"enterprising\"?"} {"term": "terminological", "pos": "a", "context": "terminological disputes", "definition": "of or concerning terminology", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"terminological disputes\" What is the definition of \"terminological\"?"} {"term": "panic", "pos": "n", "context": "panic in the stock market", "definition": "sudden mass fear and anxiety over anticipated events", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["anxiousness", "scare"], "instruction": "\"panic in the stock market\" What is the definition of \"panic\"?"} {"term": "useless", "pos": "a", "context": "a kitchen full of useless gadgets", "definition": "having no beneficial use or incapable of functioning usefully", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a kitchen full of useless gadgets\" What is the definition of \"useless\"?"} {"term": "clarion", "pos": "s", "context": "a clarion call", "definition": "loud and clear", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a clarion call\" What is the definition of \"clarion\"?"} {"term": "grotesque", "pos": "s", "context": "tales of grotesque serpents eight fathoms long that churned the seas", "definition": "distorted and unnatural in shape or size", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tales of grotesque serpents eight fathoms long that churned the seas\" What is the definition of \"grotesque\"?"} {"term": "grotesque", "pos": "s", "context": "tales of grotesque serpents eight fathoms long that churned the seas", "definition": "abnormal and hideous", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tales of grotesque serpents eight fathoms long that churned the seas\" What is the definition of \"grotesque\"?"} {"term": "grotesque", "pos": "s", "context": "a grotesque reflection in the mirror", "definition": "ludicrously odd", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["fantastic", "", "antic", "fantastical"], "instruction": "\"a grotesque reflection in the mirror\" What is the definition of \"grotesque\"?"} {"term": "inconsiderable", "pos": "a", "context": "passed his life in an inconsiderable village", "definition": "too small or unimportant to merit attention", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"passed his life in an inconsiderable village\" What is the definition of \"inconsiderable\"?"} {"term": "bracing", "pos": "s", "context": "the bracing mountain air", "definition": "imparting vitality and energy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the bracing mountain air\" What is the definition of \"bracing\"?"} {"term": "derelict", "pos": "s", "context": "derelict ( or delinquent ) in his duty", "definition": "failing in what duty requires", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"derelict ( or delinquent ) in his duty\" What is the definition of \"derelict\"?"} {"term": "reversal", "pos": "n", "context": "there was a reversal of autonomic function", "definition": "a change from one state to the opposite state", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was a reversal of autonomic function\" What is the definition of \"reversal\"?"} {"term": "reversal", "pos": "n", "context": "the reversal of the image in the lens", "definition": "turning in an opposite direction or position", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the reversal of the image in the lens\" What is the definition of \"reversal\"?"} {"term": "mucky", "pos": "s", "context": "a mucky stable", "definition": "dirty and messy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a mucky stable\" What is the definition of \"mucky\"?"} {"term": "mucky", "pos": "s", "context": "a mucky stable", "definition": "covered with mud or muck", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a mucky stable\" What is the definition of \"mucky\"?"} {"term": "mucky", "pos": "s", "context": "wet mucky lowland", "definition": "soft and watery", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wet mucky lowland\" What is the definition of \"mucky\"?"} {"term": "amorphous", "pos": "s", "context": "amorphous clouds of insects", "definition": "having no definite form or distinct shape", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"amorphous clouds of insects\" What is the definition of \"amorphous\"?"} {"term": "amorphous", "pos": "s", "context": "an amorphous mineral", "definition": "without real or apparent crystalline form", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an amorphous mineral\" What is the definition of \"amorphous\"?"} {"term": "triple", "pos": "s", "context": "overcrowding made triple sessions necessary", "definition": "having three units or components or elements", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"overcrowding made triple sessions necessary\" What is the definition of \"triple\"?"} {"term": "indolent", "pos": "s", "context": "an indolent ulcer", "definition": "slow to heal or develop and usually painless", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an indolent ulcer\" What is the definition of \"indolent\"?"} {"term": "indolent", "pos": "s", "context": "an indolent hanger-on", "definition": "disinclined to work or exertion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an indolent hanger-on\" What is the definition of \"indolent\"?"} {"term": "unwashed", "pos": "s", "context": "a sink full of unwashed dishes", "definition": "not cleaned with or as if with soap and water", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sink full of unwashed dishes\" What is the definition of \"unwashed\"?"} {"term": "unwashed", "pos": "s", "context": "the unwashed masses", "definition": "of or associated with the great masses of people", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["vulgar", "", "common", "plebeian"], "instruction": "\"the unwashed masses\" What is the definition of \"unwashed\"?"} {"term": "truncated", "pos": "v", "context": "Erosion has truncated the ridges of the mountains", "definition": "to make shorter as if by cutting off", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["shorten", "truncate"], "instruction": "\"Erosion has truncated the ridges of the mountains\" What is the definition of \"truncated\"?"} {"term": "truncated", "pos": "s", "context": "an unsatisfactory truncated conversation", "definition": "cut short in duration", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unsatisfactory truncated conversation\" What is the definition of \"truncated\"?"} {"term": "truncated", "pos": "s", "context": "truncated volcanic mountains", "definition": "terminating abruptly by having or as if having an end or point cut off", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"truncated volcanic mountains\" What is the definition of \"truncated\"?"} {"term": "mercantile", "pos": "a", "context": "mercantile theories", "definition": "of or relating to the economic system of mercantilism", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mercantile theories\" What is the definition of \"mercantile\"?"} {"term": "mercantile", "pos": "s", "context": "preached a mercantile and militant patriotism \" - John Buchan", "definition": "profit oriented", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"preached a mercantile and militant patriotism \" - John Buchan\" What is the definition of \"mercantile\"?"} {"term": "mercantile", "pos": "s", "context": "the mercantile North was forging ahead \" - Van Wyck Brooks", "definition": "relating to or characteristic of trade or traders", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the mercantile North was forging ahead \" - Van Wyck Brooks\" What is the definition of \"mercantile\"?"} {"term": "fee", "pos": "v", "context": "fee the steward", "definition": "to give a tip or gratuity to in return for a service , beyond the compensation agreed on", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["gift", "tip", "bung"], "instruction": "\"fee the steward\" What is the definition of \"fee\"?"} {"term": "bog", "pos": "v", "context": "The vote would bog down the house", "definition": "to cause to slow down or get stuck", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The vote would bog down the house\" What is the definition of \"bog\"?"} {"term": "cognitive", "pos": "a", "context": "cognitive psychology", "definition": "of or being or relating to or involving cognition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cognitive psychology\" What is the definition of \"cognitive\"?"} {"term": "perpetuate", "pos": "v", "context": "perpetuate a myth", "definition": "to cause to continue or prevail", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"perpetuate a myth\" What is the definition of \"perpetuate\"?"} {"term": "arrant", "pos": "s", "context": "an arrant fool", "definition": "without qualification", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an arrant fool\" What is the definition of \"arrant\"?"} {"term": "arrant", "pos": "s", "context": "an arrant fool", "definition": "used informally as often pejorative intensifiers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an arrant fool\" What is the definition of \"arrant\"?"} {"term": "warmly", "pos": "r", "context": "warmly dressed", "definition": "in a warm manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"warmly dressed\" What is the definition of \"warmly\"?"} {"term": "warmly", "pos": "r", "context": "We welcomed her warmly", "definition": "in a hearty manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["heartily", ""], "instruction": "\"We welcomed her warmly\" What is the definition of \"warmly\"?"} {"term": "antic", "pos": "s", "context": "Hamlet 's assumed antic disposition", "definition": "ludicrously odd", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["fantastic", "", "grotesque", "fantastical"], "instruction": "\"Hamlet 's assumed antic disposition\" What is the definition of \"antic\"?"} {"term": "liberty", "pos": "n", "context": "liberty of opinion", "definition": "freedom of choice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"liberty of opinion\" What is the definition of \"liberty\"?"} {"term": "faller", "pos": "n", "context": "one of them was safe but they were unable to save the faller", "definition": "a person who falls", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one of them was safe but they were unable to save the faller\" What is the definition of \"faller\"?"} {"term": "pluck", "pos": "v", "context": "pluck the flowers off the bush", "definition": "to pull or pull out sharply", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["draw", "tweak", "force"], "instruction": "\"pluck the flowers off the bush\" What is the definition of \"pluck\"?"} {"term": "pluck", "pos": "v", "context": "pluck the capon", "definition": "to strip of feathers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["strip", "stripping", "tear"], "instruction": "\"pluck the capon\" What is the definition of \"pluck\"?"} {"term": "furious", "pos": "s", "context": "a furious battle", "definition": "marked by extreme and violent energy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a furious battle\" What is the definition of \"furious\"?"} {"term": "furious", "pos": "s", "context": "furious about the accident", "definition": "marked by extreme anger", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"furious about the accident\" What is the definition of \"furious\"?"} {"term": "furious", "pos": "s", "context": "furious winds", "definition": "as if showing violent anger", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"furious winds\" What is the definition of \"furious\"?"} {"term": "talismanic", "pos": "s", "context": "a talismanic amulet", "definition": "possessing or believed to possess magic power especially protective power", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a talismanic amulet\" What is the definition of \"talismanic\"?"} {"term": "obligatorily", "pos": "r", "context": "this rule applies obligatorily", "definition": "in an obligatory manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this rule applies obligatorily\" What is the definition of \"obligatorily\"?"} {"term": "speckle", "pos": "v", "context": "speckle the wall with tiny yellow spots", "definition": "to mark with small spots", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["speckled", "spot", "fleck", "blot", "blob"], "instruction": "\"speckle the wall with tiny yellow spots\" What is the definition of \"speckle\"?"} {"term": "wall", "pos": "n", "context": "the south wall had a small window", "definition": "an architectural partition with a height and length greater than its thickness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the south wall had a small window\" What is the definition of \"wall\"?"} {"term": "wall", "pos": "n", "context": "the south wall had a small window", "definition": "used to divide or enclose an area or to support another structure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the south wall had a small window\" What is the definition of \"wall\"?"} {"term": "plop", "pos": "r", "context": "plop came the ball down to the corner of the green", "definition": "with a short hollow thud", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"plop came the ball down to the corner of the green\" What is the definition of \"plop\"?"} {"term": "powerful", "pos": "a", "context": "the most powerful government in western Europe", "definition": "having great power or force or potency or effect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the most powerful government in western Europe\" What is the definition of \"powerful\"?"} {"term": "powerful", "pos": "s", "context": "powerful arms", "definition": "possessing physical strength and weight", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"powerful arms\" What is the definition of \"powerful\"?"} {"term": "powerful", "pos": "r", "context": "it is powerful humid", "definition": "very", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["mighty", "", "mightily", "right"], "instruction": "\"it is powerful humid\" What is the definition of \"powerful\"?"} {"term": "powerful", "pos": "r", "context": "it is powerful humid", "definition": "to a great degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["mighty", "", "mightily", "right"], "instruction": "\"it is powerful humid\" What is the definition of \"powerful\"?"} {"term": "polyvalent", "pos": "a", "context": "a polyvalent vaccine", "definition": "containing several antibodies each capable of counteracting a specific antigen", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a polyvalent vaccine\" What is the definition of \"polyvalent\"?"} {"term": "duplicate", "pos": "n", "context": "he made a duplicate for the files", "definition": "a copy that corresponds to an original exactly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["copy", "counterpart", "duplication", "mate", "twin"], "instruction": "\"he made a duplicate for the files\" What is the definition of \"duplicate\"?"} {"term": "duplicate", "pos": "s", "context": "a duplicate key", "definition": "identically copied from an original", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a duplicate key\" What is the definition of \"duplicate\"?"} {"term": "intensely", "pos": "r", "context": "he worked intensely", "definition": "in an intense manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he worked intensely\" What is the definition of \"intensely\"?"} {"term": "objectively", "pos": "r", "context": "we must look at the facts objectively", "definition": "with objectivity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we must look at the facts objectively\" What is the definition of \"objectively\"?"} {"term": "terse", "pos": "s", "context": "short and terse and easy to understand", "definition": "brief and to the point", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"short and terse and easy to understand\" What is the definition of \"terse\"?"} {"term": "terse", "pos": "s", "context": "short and terse and easy to understand", "definition": "effectively cut short", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"short and terse and easy to understand\" What is the definition of \"terse\"?"} {"term": "terse", "pos": "s", "context": "short and terse and easy to understand", "definition": "yes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"short and terse and easy to understand\" What is the definition of \"terse\"?"} {"term": "caption", "pos": "n", "context": "a mere caption unworthy of a reply", "definition": "taking exception", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a mere caption unworthy of a reply\" What is the definition of \"caption\"?"} {"term": "caption", "pos": "n", "context": "a mere caption unworthy of a reply", "definition": "especially a quibble based on a captious argument", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a mere caption unworthy of a reply\" What is the definition of \"caption\"?"} {"term": "stoic", "pos": "s", "context": "stoic courage", "definition": "seeming unaffected by pleasure or pain", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stoic courage\" What is the definition of \"stoic\"?"} {"term": "stoic", "pos": "s", "context": "stoic courage", "definition": "impassive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stoic courage\" What is the definition of \"stoic\"?"} {"term": "scare", "pos": "n", "context": "a war scare", "definition": "sudden mass fear and anxiety over anticipated events", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["panic", "anxiousness"], "instruction": "\"a war scare\" What is the definition of \"scare\"?"} {"term": "illusion", "pos": "n", "context": "they have the illusion that I am very wealthy", "definition": "something many people believe that is false", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["fantasy", "bubble", "misconception", "fancy"], "instruction": "\"they have the illusion that I am very wealthy\" What is the definition of \"illusion\"?"} {"term": "area", "pos": "n", "context": "it was a mountainous area", "definition": "a particular geographical region of indefinite boundary usually serving some special purpose or distinguished by its people or culture or geography", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["section", "fireside", "playground", "hearth", "arena", "safety", "danger", "resort", "neighborhood", "corner", "haunt", "space", "center", "anchorage", "block", "middle", "quadrant", "eye", "clear", "country", "shrubbery", "region"], "instruction": "\"it was a mountainous area\" What is the definition of \"area\"?"} {"term": "area", "pos": "n", "context": "it was his area of specialization", "definition": "a subject of study", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was his area of specialization\" What is the definition of \"area\"?"} {"term": "early", "pos": "a", "context": "early morning", "definition": "at or near the beginning of a period of time or course of events or before the usual or expected time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"early morning\" What is the definition of \"early\"?"} {"term": "early", "pos": "s", "context": "the early inhabitants of Europe", "definition": "belonging to the distant past", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["former", ""], "instruction": "\"the early inhabitants of Europe\" What is the definition of \"early\"?"} {"term": "early", "pos": "s", "context": "at an early age", "definition": "very young", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at an early age\" What is the definition of \"early\"?"} {"term": "early", "pos": "s", "context": "look for an early end to the negotiations", "definition": "expected in the near future", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"look for an early end to the negotiations\" What is the definition of \"early\"?"} {"term": "early", "pos": "r", "context": "she graduated early", "definition": "before the usual time or the time expected", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she graduated early\" What is the definition of \"early\"?"} {"term": "senatorial", "pos": "a", "context": "senatorial election", "definition": "of or relating to senators", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"senatorial election\" What is the definition of \"senatorial\"?"} {"term": "vibrant", "pos": "s", "context": "a vibrant group that challenged the system", "definition": "vigorous and animated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a vibrant group that challenged the system\" What is the definition of \"vibrant\"?"} {"term": "vibrant", "pos": "s", "context": "the men 's vibrant voices", "definition": "of sounds that are strong and resonating", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the men 's vibrant voices\" What is the definition of \"vibrant\"?"} {"term": "revolution", "pos": "n", "context": "the industrial revolution was also a cultural revolution", "definition": "a drastic and far-reaching change in ways of thinking and behaving", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the industrial revolution was also a cultural revolution\" What is the definition of \"revolution\"?"} {"term": "revolution", "pos": "n", "context": "the revolution of the earth about the sun takes one year", "definition": "a single complete turn axial or orbital", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["spin", "roll", "gyration", "turning", "turn"], "instruction": "\"the revolution of the earth about the sun takes one year\" What is the definition of \"revolution\"?"} {"term": "softness", "pos": "n", "context": "orders have recently picked up after a period of extreme softness", "definition": "a state of declining economic condition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"orders have recently picked up after a period of extreme softness\" What is the definition of \"softness\"?"} {"term": "softness", "pos": "n", "context": "and in softness almost beyond hearing", "definition": "a sound property that is free from loudness or stridency", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and in softness almost beyond hearing\" What is the definition of \"softness\"?"} {"term": "slap", "pos": "r", "context": "ran slap into her", "definition": "directly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ran slap into her\" What is the definition of \"slap\"?"} {"term": "dispute", "pos": "n", "context": "he had a dispute with his wife", "definition": "a disagreement or argument about something important", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["collision", "controversy", "tilt", "disagreement", "contention", "contestation", "gap", "wrangle", "conflict", "argument", "quarrel"], "instruction": "\"he had a dispute with his wife\" What is the definition of \"dispute\"?"} {"term": "snug", "pos": "s", "context": "a snug harbor", "definition": "offering safety", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a snug harbor\" What is the definition of \"snug\"?"} {"term": "snug", "pos": "s", "context": "a snug harbor", "definition": "well protected or concealed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a snug harbor\" What is the definition of \"snug\"?"} {"term": "snug", "pos": "s", "context": "a snug house", "definition": "well and tightly constructed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a snug house\" What is the definition of \"snug\"?"} {"term": "county", "pos": "n", "context": "the county has a population of 12,345 people", "definition": "a region created by territorial division for the purpose of local government", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the county has a population of 12,345 people\" What is the definition of \"county\"?"} {"term": "county", "pos": "n", "context": "the county plans to build a new road", "definition": "the largest administrative district within a state", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the county plans to build a new road\" What is the definition of \"county\"?"} {"term": "improvement", "pos": "n", "context": "the new school represents a great improvement", "definition": "a condition superior to an earlier condition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the new school represents a great improvement\" What is the definition of \"improvement\"?"} {"term": "traumatic", "pos": "s", "context": "few experiences are more traumatic than losing a child", "definition": "psychologically painful", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"few experiences are more traumatic than losing a child\" What is the definition of \"traumatic\"?"} {"term": "barky", "pos": "s", "context": "the rattlesnake 's barky scales", "definition": "resembling the rough bark of a tree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the rattlesnake 's barky scales\" What is the definition of \"barky\"?"} {"term": "acutely", "pos": "r", "context": "she pitied her sister acutely", "definition": "in an acute manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she pitied her sister acutely\" What is the definition of \"acutely\"?"} {"term": "acutely", "pos": "r", "context": "an acutely debilitating virus", "definition": "having a rapid onset", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an acutely debilitating virus\" What is the definition of \"acutely\"?"} {"term": "acutely", "pos": "r", "context": "the visor was acutely peaked", "definition": "changing suddenly in direction and degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the visor was acutely peaked\" What is the definition of \"acutely\"?"} {"term": "prodigiously", "pos": "r", "context": "the prices of farms rose prodigiously", "definition": "to a prodigious degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the prices of farms rose prodigiously\" What is the definition of \"prodigiously\"?"} {"term": "eve", "pos": "n", "context": "he always arrives on the eve of her departure", "definition": "the day before", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he always arrives on the eve of her departure\" What is the definition of \"eve\"?"} {"term": "eve", "pos": "n", "context": "on the eve of the French Revolution", "definition": "the period immediately before something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on the eve of the French Revolution\" What is the definition of \"eve\"?"} {"term": "procreate", "pos": "v", "context": "The Bible tells people to procreate", "definition": "to have offspring or produce more individuals of a given animal or plant", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["set", "make", "fructify", "propagate", "create", "made", "cover", "incubate", "breed", "reproduce", "hatch"], "instruction": "\"The Bible tells people to procreate\" What is the definition of \"procreate\"?"} {"term": "emulate", "pos": "v", "context": "This artist 's drawings can not emulate his water colors", "definition": "to compete with successfully", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"This artist 's drawings can not emulate his water colors\" What is the definition of \"emulate\"?"} {"term": "emulate", "pos": "v", "context": "This artist 's drawings can not emulate his water colors", "definition": "to approach or reach equality with", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"This artist 's drawings can not emulate his water colors\" What is the definition of \"emulate\"?"} {"term": "maladroit", "pos": "a", "context": "a maladroit movement of his hand caused the car to swerve", "definition": "not adroit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a maladroit movement of his hand caused the car to swerve\" What is the definition of \"maladroit\"?"} {"term": "habitable", "pos": "s", "context": "the habitable world", "definition": "fit for habitation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the habitable world\" What is the definition of \"habitable\"?"} {"term": "remunerative", "pos": "s", "context": "remunerative work", "definition": "for which money is paid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"remunerative work\" What is the definition of \"remunerative\"?"} {"term": "remunerative", "pos": "s", "context": "a remunerative business", "definition": "producing a sizeable profit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a remunerative business\" What is the definition of \"remunerative\"?"} {"term": "pang", "pos": "n", "context": "a pang of conscience", "definition": "a mental pain or distress", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a pang of conscience\" What is the definition of \"pang\"?"} {"term": "ask", "pos": "v", "context": "He had to ask directions several times", "definition": "to inquire about", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["intercommunicate", "asking", "communicate", "consult", "inquire", "inquiring", "prying"], "instruction": "\"He had to ask directions several times\" What is the definition of \"ask\"?"} {"term": "ask", "pos": "v", "context": "ask a question", "definition": "to direct or put", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["formulate", "asking", "articulated", "phrasing", "wording", "articulate", "word", "phrase"], "instruction": "\"ask a question\" What is the definition of \"ask\"?"} {"term": "ask", "pos": "v", "context": "ask a question", "definition": "to seek an answer to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["formulate", "asking", "articulated", "phrasing", "wording", "articulate", "word", "phrase"], "instruction": "\"ask a question\" What is the definition of \"ask\"?"} {"term": "artificially", "pos": "r", "context": "artificially induced conditions", "definition": "not according to nature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"artificially induced conditions\" What is the definition of \"artificially\"?"} {"term": "artificially", "pos": "r", "context": "artificially induced conditions", "definition": "not by natural means", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"artificially induced conditions\" What is the definition of \"artificially\"?"} {"term": "guarded", "pos": "s", "context": "guarded optimism", "definition": "prudent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"guarded optimism\" What is the definition of \"guarded\"?"} {"term": "mighty", "pos": "s", "context": "struck a mighty blow", "definition": "having or showing great strength or force or intensity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"struck a mighty blow\" What is the definition of \"mighty\"?"} {"term": "mighty", "pos": "r", "context": "the baby is mighty cute", "definition": "very", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the baby is mighty cute\" What is the definition of \"mighty\"?"} {"term": "mighty", "pos": "r", "context": "the baby is mighty cute", "definition": "to a great degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the baby is mighty cute\" What is the definition of \"mighty\"?"} {"term": "righteous", "pos": "a", "context": "the ... prayer of a righteous man availeth much \" - James 5:16", "definition": "characterized by or proceeding from accepted standards of morality or justice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ... prayer of a righteous man availeth much \" - James 5:16\" What is the definition of \"righteous\"?"} {"term": "righteous", "pos": "s", "context": "righteous indignation", "definition": "morally justified", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"righteous indignation\" What is the definition of \"righteous\"?"} {"term": "madly", "pos": "r", "context": "she fought back madly", "definition": "in an uncontrolled manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she fought back madly\" What is the definition of \"madly\"?"} {"term": "madly", "pos": "r", "context": "she was madly in love", "definition": "extremely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was madly in love\" What is the definition of \"madly\"?"} {"term": "madly", "pos": "r", "context": "the witch cackled madly", "definition": "in an insane manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the witch cackled madly\" What is the definition of \"madly\"?"} {"term": "donate", "pos": "v", "context": "donate money to the orphanage", "definition": "to give to a charity or good cause", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"donate money to the orphanage\" What is the definition of \"donate\"?"} {"term": "music", "pos": "n", "context": "he fell asleep to the music of the wind chimes", "definition": "any agreeable pleasing and harmonious sounds", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he fell asleep to the music of the wind chimes\" What is the definition of \"music\"?"} {"term": "music", "pos": "n", "context": "his music was his central interest", "definition": "musical activity singing or whistling etc. .", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his music was his central interest\" What is the definition of \"music\"?"} {"term": "insufficiently", "pos": "r", "context": "he was insufficiently prepared", "definition": "to an insufficient degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was insufficiently prepared\" What is the definition of \"insufficiently\"?"} {"term": "plane", "pos": "n", "context": "we will refer to the plane of the graph as the X-Y plane", "definition": "an unbounded two-dimensional shape", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we will refer to the plane of the graph as the X-Y plane\" What is the definition of \"plane\"?"} {"term": "plane", "pos": "n", "context": "he lived on a worldly plane", "definition": "a level of existence or development", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he lived on a worldly plane\" What is the definition of \"plane\"?"} {"term": "plane", "pos": "s", "context": "a plane surface", "definition": "having a surface without slope , tilt in which no part is higher or lower than another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a plane surface\" What is the definition of \"plane\"?"} {"term": "geologic", "pos": "a", "context": "geologic forces", "definition": "of or relating to or based on geology", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"geologic forces\" What is the definition of \"geologic\"?"} {"term": "detached", "pos": "s", "context": "she felt detached from the group", "definition": "being or feeling set or kept apart from others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she felt detached from the group\" What is the definition of \"detached\"?"} {"term": "detached", "pos": "s", "context": "a detached part", "definition": "no longer connected or joined", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a detached part\" What is the definition of \"detached\"?"} {"term": "detached", "pos": "a", "context": "detached houses", "definition": "used of buildings", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"detached houses\" What is the definition of \"detached\"?"} {"term": "detached", "pos": "a", "context": "detached houses", "definition": "standing apart from others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"detached houses\" What is the definition of \"detached\"?"} {"term": "latitude", "pos": "n", "context": "allowed his children considerable latitude in how they spent their money", "definition": "freedom from normal restraints in conduct", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"allowed his children considerable latitude in how they spent their money\" What is the definition of \"latitude\"?"} {"term": "overpowering", "pos": "s", "context": "an overpowering need for solitude", "definition": "so strong as to be irresistible", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["overwhelming", ""], "instruction": "\"an overpowering need for solitude\" What is the definition of \"overpowering\"?"} {"term": "pitch", "pos": "v", "context": "pitch a tent", "definition": "to erect and fasten", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pitch a tent\" What is the definition of \"pitch\"?"} {"term": "tincture", "pos": "n", "context": "a tincture of condescension", "definition": "an indication that something has been present", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["indication", "footprint", "shadow", "trace"], "instruction": "\"a tincture of condescension\" What is the definition of \"tincture\"?"} {"term": "grimy", "pos": "s", "context": "grimy hands", "definition": "thickly covered with ingrained dirt or soot", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"grimy hands\" What is the definition of \"grimy\"?"} {"term": "umbilical", "pos": "a", "context": "umbilical cord", "definition": "relating to or resembling the umbilicus", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"umbilical cord\" What is the definition of \"umbilical\"?"} {"term": "partially", "pos": "r", "context": "He was partially paralyzed", "definition": "in part", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["partly", ""], "instruction": "\"He was partially paralyzed\" What is the definition of \"partially\"?"} {"term": "partially", "pos": "r", "context": "He was partially paralyzed", "definition": "in some degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["partly", ""], "instruction": "\"He was partially paralyzed\" What is the definition of \"partially\"?"} {"term": "partially", "pos": "r", "context": "He was partially paralyzed", "definition": "not wholly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["partly", ""], "instruction": "\"He was partially paralyzed\" What is the definition of \"partially\"?"} {"term": "maintenance", "pos": "n", "context": "unlike champerty , criminal maintenance does not necessarily involve personal profit", "definition": "the unauthorized interference in a legal action by a person having no interest in it as by helping one party with money or otherwise to continue the action so as to obstruct justice or promote unnecessary litigation or unsettle the peace of the community", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unlike champerty , criminal maintenance does not necessarily involve personal profit\" What is the definition of \"maintenance\"?"} {"term": "suspicious", "pos": "s", "context": "suspicious behavior", "definition": "not as expected", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"suspicious behavior\" What is the definition of \"suspicious\"?"} {"term": "achiever", "pos": "n", "context": "his son would never be the achiever that his father was", "definition": "a person with a record of successes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["sleeper", "individual", "success", "great", "soul", "winner", "person", "natural"], "instruction": "\"his son would never be the achiever that his father was\" What is the definition of \"achiever\"?"} {"term": "said", "pos": "v", "context": "He said that he wanted to marry her", "definition": "to express in words", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["add", "articulate", "precede", "sum", "declare", "mention", "misstate", "preface", "observe", "express", "note", "supply", "verbalize", "utter", "represent", "answer", "summarize", "explain", "announce", "reply", "remark", "say", "enunciate", "premise", "vocalize"], "instruction": "\"He said that he wanted to marry her\" What is the definition of \"said\"?"} {"term": "said", "pos": "v", "context": "He said it was too late to intervene in the war", "definition": "to report or maintain", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["say", "plead", "allege"], "instruction": "\"He said it was too late to intervene in the war\" What is the definition of \"said\"?"} {"term": "said", "pos": "s", "context": "said party has denied the charges", "definition": "being the one previously mentioned or spoken of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"said party has denied the charges\" What is the definition of \"said\"?"} {"term": "hoist", "pos": "v", "context": "hoist the bicycle onto the roof of the car", "definition": "to raise or haul up with or as if with mechanical help", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["lift", "elevate", "raise", "raising", "wind", "trice"], "instruction": "\"hoist the bicycle onto the roof of the car\" What is the definition of \"hoist\"?"} {"term": "hoist", "pos": "v", "context": "hoist the flags", "definition": "to raise", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hoist the flags\" What is the definition of \"hoist\"?"} {"term": "unbutton", "pos": "v", "context": "unbutton the shirt", "definition": "to undo the buttons of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unbutton the shirt\" What is the definition of \"unbutton\"?"} {"term": "manic", "pos": "s", "context": "outbursts of drunken violence and manic activity and creativity", "definition": "affected with or marked by frenzy or mania uncontrolled by reason", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"outbursts of drunken violence and manic activity and creativity\" What is the definition of \"manic\"?"} {"term": "blink", "pos": "v", "context": "The TV announcer never seems to blink", "definition": "to briefly shut the eyes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["bat", "flutter", "batting", "wink"], "instruction": "\"The TV announcer never seems to blink\" What is the definition of \"blink\"?"} {"term": "brachial", "pos": "a", "context": "brachial artery", "definition": "of or relating to an arm", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"brachial artery\" What is the definition of \"brachial\"?"} {"term": "letter", "pos": "n", "context": "mailed an indignant letter to the editor", "definition": "a written message addressed to a person or organization", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mailed an indignant letter to the editor\" What is the definition of \"letter\"?"} {"term": "slot", "pos": "n", "context": "he developed a version of slot grammar", "definition": "a position in a grammatical linguistic construction in which a variety of alternative units are interchangeable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he developed a version of slot grammar\" What is the definition of \"slot\"?"} {"term": "slot", "pos": "n", "context": "he put a quarter in the slot", "definition": "a small slit as for inserting a coin or depositing mail", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he put a quarter in the slot\" What is the definition of \"slot\"?"} {"term": "slot", "pos": "n", "context": "Bob Dylan occupied the top slot for several weeks", "definition": "a position in a hierarchy or organization", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Bob Dylan occupied the top slot for several weeks\" What is the definition of \"slot\"?"} {"term": "delirious", "pos": "s", "context": "a crowd of delirious baseball fans", "definition": "marked by uncontrolled excitement or emotion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a crowd of delirious baseball fans\" What is the definition of \"delirious\"?"} {"term": "trashy", "pos": "s", "context": "trashy merchandise", "definition": "cheap and inferior", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"trashy merchandise\" What is the definition of \"trashy\"?"} {"term": "trashy", "pos": "s", "context": "trashy merchandise", "definition": "of no value", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"trashy merchandise\" What is the definition of \"trashy\"?"} {"term": "intermediate", "pos": "a", "context": "going from sitting to standing without intermediate pushes with the hands", "definition": "lying between two extremes in time or space or state", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"going from sitting to standing without intermediate pushes with the hands\" What is the definition of \"intermediate\"?"} {"term": "intermediate", "pos": "s", "context": "intermediate capacity", "definition": "around the middle of a scale of evaluation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"intermediate capacity\" What is the definition of \"intermediate\"?"} {"term": "calculating", "pos": "s", "context": "the most calculating and selfish men in the community", "definition": "used of persons", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the most calculating and selfish men in the community\" What is the definition of \"calculating\"?"} {"term": "hangdog", "pos": "s", "context": "the hangdog and shamefaced air of the retreating enemy \" - Eric Linklater", "definition": "showing a sense of guilt", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["shamefaced", ""], "instruction": "\"the hangdog and shamefaced air of the retreating enemy \" - Eric Linklater\" What is the definition of \"hangdog\"?"} {"term": "dryly", "pos": "r", "context": "I know that , \" he said dryly", "definition": "in a dry laconic manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I know that , \" he said dryly\" What is the definition of \"dryly\"?"} {"term": "horror", "pos": "n", "context": "the painting that others found so beautiful was a horror to him", "definition": "something that inspires dislike", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the painting that others found so beautiful was a horror to him\" What is the definition of \"horror\"?"} {"term": "horror", "pos": "n", "context": "the painting that others found so beautiful was a horror to him", "definition": "something horrible", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the painting that others found so beautiful was a horror to him\" What is the definition of \"horror\"?"} {"term": "variable", "pos": "n", "context": "the weather is one variable to be considered", "definition": "something that is likely to vary", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the weather is one variable to be considered\" What is the definition of \"variable\"?"} {"term": "variable", "pos": "n", "context": "the weather is one variable to be considered", "definition": "something that is subject to variation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the weather is one variable to be considered\" What is the definition of \"variable\"?"} {"term": "variable", "pos": "a", "context": "rainfall in the tropics is notoriously variable", "definition": "liable to or capable of change", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rainfall in the tropics is notoriously variable\" What is the definition of \"variable\"?"} {"term": "variable", "pos": "s", "context": "a variable capacitor", "definition": "designed so that a property as e.g. light can be varied", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a variable capacitor\" What is the definition of \"variable\"?"} {"term": "variable", "pos": "s", "context": "nature is infinitely variable", "definition": "marked by diversity or difference", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nature is infinitely variable\" What is the definition of \"variable\"?"} {"term": "irreverently", "pos": "r", "context": "the student irreverently mimicked the teacher in his presence", "definition": "without respect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the student irreverently mimicked the teacher in his presence\" What is the definition of \"irreverently\"?"} {"term": "qualification", "pos": "n", "context": "his new position involves a qualification of his party 's platform", "definition": "the act of modifying or changing the strength of some idea", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his new position involves a qualification of his party 's platform\" What is the definition of \"qualification\"?"} {"term": "awry", "pos": "r", "context": "something has gone awry in our plans", "definition": "away from the correct or expected course", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"something has gone awry in our plans\" What is the definition of \"awry\"?"} {"term": "awry", "pos": "r", "context": "with his necktie twisted awry", "definition": "turned or twisted to one side", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with his necktie twisted awry\" What is the definition of \"awry\"?"} {"term": "retell", "pos": "v", "context": "retell a story", "definition": "to render verbally , recite a poem", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["recite", ""], "instruction": "\"retell a story\" What is the definition of \"retell\"?"} {"term": "sacrilegious", "pos": "s", "context": "it is sacrilegious to enter with shoes on", "definition": "grossly irreverent toward what is held to be sacred", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is sacrilegious to enter with shoes on\" What is the definition of \"sacrilegious\"?"} {"term": "ravishing", "pos": "s", "context": "a ravishing blonde", "definition": "stunningly beautiful", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a ravishing blonde\" What is the definition of \"ravishing\"?"} {"term": "listless", "pos": "s", "context": "he was listless and bored", "definition": "lacking zest or vivacity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was listless and bored\" What is the definition of \"listless\"?"} {"term": "listless", "pos": "s", "context": "reacted to the crisis with listless resignation", "definition": "marked by low spirits", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"reacted to the crisis with listless resignation\" What is the definition of \"listless\"?"} {"term": "listless", "pos": "s", "context": "reacted to the crisis with listless resignation", "definition": "showing no enthusiasm", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"reacted to the crisis with listless resignation\" What is the definition of \"listless\"?"} {"term": "raucous", "pos": "s", "context": "a raucous party", "definition": "disturbing the public peace", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a raucous party\" What is the definition of \"raucous\"?"} {"term": "raucous", "pos": "s", "context": "a raucous party", "definition": "loud and rough", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a raucous party\" What is the definition of \"raucous\"?"} {"term": "article", "pos": "n", "context": "an article of clothing", "definition": "one of a class of artifacts", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an article of clothing\" What is the definition of \"article\"?"} {"term": "bathe", "pos": "n", "context": "the Englishman said he had a good bathe", "definition": "the act of swimming", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the Englishman said he had a good bathe\" What is the definition of \"bathe\"?"} {"term": "bathe", "pos": "v", "context": "bathe daily", "definition": "to cleanse the entire body", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["shower", "cleanse", "bathing", "clean"], "instruction": "\"bathe daily\" What is the definition of \"bathe\"?"} {"term": "bathe", "pos": "v", "context": "The child should bathe every day", "definition": "to clean ones body by immersion into water", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["foment", "cleanse", "bath", "bathing", "clean"], "instruction": "\"The child should bathe every day\" What is the definition of \"bathe\"?"} {"term": "attraction", "pos": "n", "context": "her personality held a strange attraction for him", "definition": "the quality of arousing interest", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her personality held a strange attraction for him\" What is the definition of \"attraction\"?"} {"term": "attraction", "pos": "n", "context": "her personality held a strange attraction for him", "definition": "being attractive or something that attracts", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her personality held a strange attraction for him\" What is the definition of \"attraction\"?"} {"term": "incarnate", "pos": "s", "context": "a monarch ... regarded as a god incarnate", "definition": "invested with a bodily form especially of a human body", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a monarch ... regarded as a god incarnate\" What is the definition of \"incarnate\"?"} {"term": "incarnate", "pos": "s", "context": "an incarnate spirit", "definition": "possessing or existing in bodily form", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an incarnate spirit\" What is the definition of \"incarnate\"?"} {"term": "confiding", "pos": "s", "context": "first she was suspicious , then she became confiding", "definition": "willing to entrust personal matters", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"first she was suspicious , then she became confiding\" What is the definition of \"confiding\"?"} {"term": "inviolable", "pos": "a", "context": "the person of the king is inviolable", "definition": "incapable of being transgressed or dishonored", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the person of the king is inviolable\" What is the definition of \"inviolable\"?"} {"term": "inviolable", "pos": "s", "context": "fortifications that made the frontier inviolable", "definition": "immune to attack", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fortifications that made the frontier inviolable\" What is the definition of \"inviolable\"?"} {"term": "inviolable", "pos": "s", "context": "fortifications that made the frontier inviolable", "definition": "incapable of being tampered with", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fortifications that made the frontier inviolable\" What is the definition of \"inviolable\"?"} {"term": "intact", "pos": "s", "context": "the vase remained intact despit rough handling", "definition": "undamaged in any way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the vase remained intact despit rough handling\" What is the definition of \"intact\"?"} {"term": "intact", "pos": "s", "context": "fought to keep the union intact", "definition": "constituting the undiminished entirety", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fought to keep the union intact\" What is the definition of \"intact\"?"} {"term": "intact", "pos": "s", "context": "fought to keep the union intact", "definition": "lacking nothing essential especially not damaged", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fought to keep the union intact\" What is the definition of \"intact\"?"} {"term": "excuse", "pos": "n", "context": "he had to get his mother to write an excuse for him", "definition": "a note explaining an absence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had to get his mother to write an excuse for him\" What is the definition of \"excuse\"?"} {"term": "excuse", "pos": "n", "context": "a poor excuse for an automobile", "definition": "a poor example", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["representative", "instance", "apology", "example"], "instruction": "\"a poor excuse for an automobile\" What is the definition of \"excuse\"?"} {"term": "excuse", "pos": "v", "context": "Please excuse me from this class", "definition": "to grant exemption or release to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["relieve", "free", "absolve", "justify"], "instruction": "\"Please excuse me from this class\" What is the definition of \"excuse\"?"} {"term": "excuse", "pos": "v", "context": "Your need to sleep late does not excuse your late arrival at work", "definition": "to serve as a reason or cause or justification of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["vindicate", "explain", "justify", "alibi"], "instruction": "\"Your need to sleep late does not excuse your late arrival at work\" What is the definition of \"excuse\"?"} {"term": "hungry", "pos": "a", "context": "a world full of hungry people", "definition": "feeling hunger", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a world full of hungry people\" What is the definition of \"hungry\"?"} {"term": "hungry", "pos": "a", "context": "a world full of hungry people", "definition": "feeling a need or desire to eat food", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a world full of hungry people\" What is the definition of \"hungry\"?"} {"term": "hungry", "pos": "s", "context": "hungry for recognition", "definition": "extremely desirous", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hungry for recognition\" What is the definition of \"hungry\"?"} {"term": "sustainment", "pos": "n", "context": "fishing was their main sustainment", "definition": "the act of sustaining life by food or providing a means of subsistence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fishing was their main sustainment\" What is the definition of \"sustainment\"?"} {"term": "disagreeable", "pos": "a", "context": "a disagreeable situation", "definition": "not to your liking", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a disagreeable situation\" What is the definition of \"disagreeable\"?"} {"term": "disagreeable", "pos": "s", "context": "a disagreeable old man", "definition": "unpleasant to interact with", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a disagreeable old man\" What is the definition of \"disagreeable\"?"} {"term": "disagreeable", "pos": "s", "context": "found the task disagreeable and decided to abandon it", "definition": "not agreeing with your tastes or expectations", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"found the task disagreeable and decided to abandon it\" What is the definition of \"disagreeable\"?"} {"term": "aleatory", "pos": "s", "context": "the aleatory element in life", "definition": "dependent on chance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the aleatory element in life\" What is the definition of \"aleatory\"?"} {"term": "box", "pos": "n", "context": "he rummaged through a box of spare parts", "definition": "a usually rectangular container", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he rummaged through a box of spare parts\" What is the definition of \"box\"?"} {"term": "box", "pos": "n", "context": "he rummaged through a box of spare parts", "definition": "may have a lid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he rummaged through a box of spare parts\" What is the definition of \"box\"?"} {"term": "box", "pos": "n", "context": "the royal box was empty", "definition": "private area in a theater or grandstand where a small group can watch the performance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the royal box was empty\" What is the definition of \"box\"?"} {"term": "box", "pos": "v", "context": "I 'll box your ears !", "definition": "to hit with the fist", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["hit", "boxing"], "instruction": "\"I 'll box your ears !\" What is the definition of \"box\"?"} {"term": "outmaneuver", "pos": "v", "context": "My new supervisor knows how to outmaneuver the boss in most situations", "definition": "to defeat by more skillful maneuvering", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"My new supervisor knows how to outmaneuver the boss in most situations\" What is the definition of \"outmaneuver\"?"} {"term": "latterly", "pos": "r", "context": "the spelling was first affected , but latterly the meaning also", "definition": "in the recent past", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the spelling was first affected , but latterly the meaning also\" What is the definition of \"latterly\"?"} {"term": "involve", "pos": "v", "context": "Do n't involve me in your family affairs !", "definition": "to engage as a participant", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Do n't involve me in your family affairs !\" What is the definition of \"involve\"?"} {"term": "care", "pos": "n", "context": "no medical care was required", "definition": "the work of providing treatment for or attending to someone or something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["intervention", "aid", "attention", "incubation", "nursing", "pedicure", "manicure", "nourishment"], "instruction": "\"no medical care was required\" What is the definition of \"care\"?"} {"term": "care", "pos": "n", "context": "his major care was the illness of his wife", "definition": "a cause for feeling concern", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his major care was the illness of his wife\" What is the definition of \"care\"?"} {"term": "care", "pos": "n", "context": "he is in the care of a bodyguard", "definition": "attention and management implying responsibility for safety", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["tutelage", "charge", "providence", "guardianship"], "instruction": "\"he is in the care of a bodyguard\" What is the definition of \"care\"?"} {"term": "care", "pos": "v", "context": "I really care about my work", "definition": "to feel concern or interest", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I really care about my work\" What is the definition of \"care\"?"} {"term": "care", "pos": "v", "context": "Do you care to try this dish ?", "definition": "to prefer or wish to do something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["please", "want", "liking", "pleased"], "instruction": "\"Do you care to try this dish ?\" What is the definition of \"care\"?"} {"term": "dealing", "pos": "n", "context": "honest dealing", "definition": "method or manner of conduct in relation to others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"honest dealing\" What is the definition of \"dealing\"?"} {"term": "asymptote", "pos": "n", "context": "the asymptote of the curve", "definition": "a straight line that is the limiting value of a curve", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the asymptote of the curve\" What is the definition of \"asymptote\"?"} {"term": "asymptote", "pos": "n", "context": "the asymptote of the curve", "definition": "can be considered as tangent at infinity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the asymptote of the curve\" What is the definition of \"asymptote\"?"} {"term": "freight", "pos": "n", "context": "we pay the freight", "definition": "the charge for transporting something by common carrier", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we pay the freight\" What is the definition of \"freight\"?"} {"term": "faint", "pos": "s", "context": "a faint outline", "definition": "deficient in magnitude", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["weak", ""], "instruction": "\"a faint outline\" What is the definition of \"faint\"?"} {"term": "faint", "pos": "s", "context": "a faint outline", "definition": "barely perceptible", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["weak", ""], "instruction": "\"a faint outline\" What is the definition of \"faint\"?"} {"term": "faint", "pos": "s", "context": "a faint outline", "definition": "lacking clarity or brightness or loudness etc", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["weak", ""], "instruction": "\"a faint outline\" What is the definition of \"faint\"?"} {"term": "faint", "pos": "s", "context": "damning with faint praise", "definition": "lacking strength or vigor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"damning with faint praise\" What is the definition of \"faint\"?"} {"term": "faint", "pos": "s", "context": "suddenly felt faint from the pain", "definition": "weak and likely to lose consciousness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"suddenly felt faint from the pain\" What is the definition of \"faint\"?"} {"term": "subtraction", "pos": "n", "context": "the subtraction of three from four leaves one", "definition": "an arithmetic operation in which the difference between two numbers is calculated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the subtraction of three from four leaves one\" What is the definition of \"subtraction\"?"} {"term": "subtraction", "pos": "n", "context": "he complained about the subtraction of money from their paychecks", "definition": "the act of subtracting removing a part from the whole", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he complained about the subtraction of money from their paychecks\" What is the definition of \"subtraction\"?"} {"term": "stinging", "pos": "n", "context": "he felt the stinging of nettles", "definition": "a kind of pain", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he felt the stinging of nettles\" What is the definition of \"stinging\"?"} {"term": "stinging", "pos": "s", "context": "a stinging comment", "definition": "harsh or hurtful in tone or character", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a stinging comment\" What is the definition of \"stinging\"?"} {"term": "hygienic", "pos": "s", "context": "hygienic habits like using disposable tissues", "definition": "tending to promote or preserve health", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hygienic habits like using disposable tissues\" What is the definition of \"hygienic\"?"} {"term": "favorable", "pos": "a", "context": "a favorable reply", "definition": "encouraging or approving or pleasing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a favorable reply\" What is the definition of \"favorable\"?"} {"term": "favorable", "pos": "a", "context": "the days were fair and the winds were favorable", "definition": "tending to promote or facilitate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the days were fair and the winds were favorable\" What is the definition of \"favorable\"?"} {"term": "favorable", "pos": "s", "context": "a favorable time to ask for a raise", "definition": "presaging or likely to bring good luck", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a favorable time to ask for a raise\" What is the definition of \"favorable\"?"} {"term": "continental", "pos": "a", "context": "the continental divide", "definition": "of or relating to or characteristic of a continent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the continental divide\" What is the definition of \"continental\"?"} {"term": "pregnant", "pos": "s", "context": "a silence pregnant with suspense", "definition": "filled with or attended with", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a silence pregnant with suspense\" What is the definition of \"pregnant\"?"} {"term": "coat", "pos": "n", "context": "a second coat of paint", "definition": "a thin layer covering something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["plating", "varnish", "rendering", "seal", "emulsion", "patina", "overcoat", "gilding", "paint", "pigment", "coating", "enamel", "veneering", "gilt", "veneer", "lacquer", "facing"], "instruction": "\"a second coat of paint\" What is the definition of \"coat\"?"} {"term": "coat", "pos": "v", "context": "coat the cake with chocolate", "definition": "to cover the surface of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["foliate", "seal", "metal", "daubing", "dredge", "skim", "painted", "cement", "crumb", "stucco", "coating", "plaster", "finish", "zinc", "sized", "encrust", "plating", "grit", "surface", "tar", "pave", "varnish", "copper", "plate", "paint", "cover", "glaze", "paving", "size", "painting", "rubber", "soot", "daub"], "instruction": "\"coat the cake with chocolate\" What is the definition of \"coat\"?"} {"term": "coat", "pos": "v", "context": "coat the cake with chocolate", "definition": "to furnish with a surface", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["foliate", "seal", "metal", "daubing", "dredge", "skim", "painted", "cement", "crumb", "stucco", "coating", "plaster", "finish", "zinc", "sized", "encrust", "plating", "grit", "surface", "tar", "pave", "varnish", "copper", "plate", "paint", "cover", "glaze", "paving", "size", "painting", "rubber", "soot", "daub"], "instruction": "\"coat the cake with chocolate\" What is the definition of \"coat\"?"} {"term": "heaviness", "pos": "n", "context": "the heaviness of lead", "definition": "the property of being comparatively great in weight", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["ponderousness", "massiveness", "heft", "weight", "weightiness"], "instruction": "\"the heaviness of lead\" What is the definition of \"heaviness\"?"} {"term": "heaviness", "pos": "n", "context": "nothing lifted the heaviness of her heart after her loss", "definition": "persisting sadness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nothing lifted the heaviness of her heart after her loss\" What is the definition of \"heaviness\"?"} {"term": "heaviness", "pos": "n", "context": "his lectures tend to heaviness and repetition", "definition": "an oppressive quality that is laborious and solemn and lacks grace or fluency", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his lectures tend to heaviness and repetition\" What is the definition of \"heaviness\"?"} {"term": "appetite", "pos": "n", "context": "an appetite for life", "definition": "a feeling of craving something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an appetite for life\" What is the definition of \"appetite\"?"} {"term": "stick", "pos": "n", "context": "the kid had a candied apple on a stick", "definition": "an implement consisting of a length of wood", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the kid had a candied apple on a stick\" What is the definition of \"stick\"?"} {"term": "stick", "pos": "v", "context": "stick some feathers in the turkey before you serve it", "definition": "to cover and decorate with objects that pierce the surface", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stick some feathers in the turkey before you serve it\" What is the definition of \"stick\"?"} {"term": "basis", "pos": "n", "context": "the whole argument rested on a basis of conjecture", "definition": "the fundamental assumptions from which something is begun or developed or calculated or explained", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["groundwork", "foundation", "fundament", "base", "assumption", "supposition"], "instruction": "\"the whole argument rested on a basis of conjecture\" What is the definition of \"basis\"?"} {"term": "basis", "pos": "n", "context": "the basis of this drink is orange juice", "definition": "the most important or necessary part of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["component", "constituent", "portion", "base"], "instruction": "\"the basis of this drink is orange juice\" What is the definition of \"basis\"?"} {"term": "basis", "pos": "n", "context": "he worked on an interim basis", "definition": "a relation that provides the foundation for something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["foundation", "ground"], "instruction": "\"he worked on an interim basis\" What is the definition of \"basis\"?"} {"term": "dissuasive", "pos": "a", "context": "dissuasive advice", "definition": "deterring from action", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dissuasive advice\" What is the definition of \"dissuasive\"?"} {"term": "challenge", "pos": "n", "context": "they reacted irrationally to the challenge of Russian power", "definition": "a demanding or stimulating situation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they reacted irrationally to the challenge of Russian power\" What is the definition of \"challenge\"?"} {"term": "challenge", "pos": "n", "context": "his challenge of the assumption that Japan is still our enemy", "definition": "questioning a statement and demanding an explanation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his challenge of the assumption that Japan is still our enemy\" What is the definition of \"challenge\"?"} {"term": "deadly", "pos": "s", "context": "a deadly enemy", "definition": "causing or capable of causing death", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a deadly enemy\" What is the definition of \"deadly\"?"} {"term": "deadly", "pos": "s", "context": "deadly poisons", "definition": "of an instrument of certain death", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"deadly poisons\" What is the definition of \"deadly\"?"} {"term": "deadly", "pos": "r", "context": "deadly dull", "definition": "extremely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"deadly dull\" What is the definition of \"deadly\"?"} {"term": "rotund", "pos": "s", "context": "the rotund and reverberating phrase", "definition": "full and rich", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the rotund and reverberating phrase\" What is the definition of \"rotund\"?"} {"term": "provident", "pos": "a", "context": "wild squirrels are provident", "definition": "providing carefully for the future", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wild squirrels are provident\" What is the definition of \"provident\"?"} {"term": "provident", "pos": "s", "context": "wild squirrels are provident", "definition": "careful in regard to your own interests", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wild squirrels are provident\" What is the definition of \"provident\"?"} {"term": "acclaim", "pos": "n", "context": "the book met with modest acclaim", "definition": "enthusiastic approval", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the book met with modest acclaim\" What is the definition of \"acclaim\"?"} {"term": "nastily", "pos": "r", "context": "` Do n't expect me to help you , ' he added nastily", "definition": "in a nasty ill-tempered manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"` Do n't expect me to help you , ' he added nastily\" What is the definition of \"nastily\"?"} {"term": "totality", "pos": "n", "context": "the totality of war and its consequences", "definition": "the quality of being complete and indiscriminate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the totality of war and its consequences\" What is the definition of \"totality\"?"} {"term": "totality", "pos": "n", "context": "appalled by the totality of the destruction", "definition": "the state of being total and complete", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["entirety", "completeness"], "instruction": "\"appalled by the totality of the destruction\" What is the definition of \"totality\"?"} {"term": "appreciator", "pos": "n", "context": "he is not an appreciator of our dilemma", "definition": "a person who is fully aware of something and understands it", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is not an appreciator of our dilemma\" What is the definition of \"appreciator\"?"} {"term": "kidney", "pos": "n", "context": "urine passes out of the kidney through ureters to the bladder", "definition": "either of two bean-shaped excretory organs that filter wastes especially urea from the blood and excrete them and water in urine", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"urine passes out of the kidney through ureters to the bladder\" What is the definition of \"kidney\"?"} {"term": "vapid", "pos": "s", "context": "a vapid conversation", "definition": "lacking significance or liveliness or spirit or zest", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a vapid conversation\" What is the definition of \"vapid\"?"} {"term": "vapid", "pos": "s", "context": "vapid beer", "definition": "lacking taste or flavor or tang", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"vapid beer\" What is the definition of \"vapid\"?"} {"term": "born", "pos": "a", "context": "he was a child born of adultery", "definition": "brought into existence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was a child born of adultery\" What is the definition of \"born\"?"} {"term": "born", "pos": "s", "context": "a born musician", "definition": "being talented through inherited qualities", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a born musician\" What is the definition of \"born\"?"} {"term": "background", "pos": "n", "context": "he is a lawyer with a sports background", "definition": "a persons social heritage", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is a lawyer with a sports background\" What is the definition of \"background\"?"} {"term": "background", "pos": "n", "context": "he posed her against a background of rolling hills", "definition": "the part of a scene or picture that lies behind objects in the foreground", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["vista", "view", "prospect", "panorama", "ground"], "instruction": "\"he posed her against a background of rolling hills\" What is the definition of \"background\"?"} {"term": "background", "pos": "n", "context": "the embassy filled him in on the background of the incident", "definition": "information that is essential to understanding a situation or problem", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the embassy filled him in on the background of the incident\" What is the definition of \"background\"?"} {"term": "prejudicial", "pos": "s", "context": "the reporter 's coverage resulted in prejudicial publicity for the defendant", "definition": "causing harm or injury", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the reporter 's coverage resulted in prejudicial publicity for the defendant\" What is the definition of \"prejudicial\"?"} {"term": "prejudicial", "pos": "a", "context": "the presence of discriminatory or prejudicial attitudes in the white population", "definition": "tending to favor preconceived ideas", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the presence of discriminatory or prejudicial attitudes in the white population\" What is the definition of \"prejudicial\"?"} {"term": "posture", "pos": "n", "context": "stood with good posture", "definition": "characteristic way of bearing ones body", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["clumsiness", "slouch", "bearing", "walk", "carriage"], "instruction": "\"stood with good posture\" What is the definition of \"posture\"?"} {"term": "demand", "pos": "n", "context": "the automobile reduced the demand for buggywhips", "definition": "the ability and desire to purchase goods and services", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the automobile reduced the demand for buggywhips\" What is the definition of \"demand\"?"} {"term": "actuate", "pos": "v", "context": "actuate the circuits", "definition": "to put in motion or move to act", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["spark", "initiate", "trip", "pioneer", "trigger"], "instruction": "\"actuate the circuits\" What is the definition of \"actuate\"?"} {"term": "assistance", "pos": "n", "context": "could not walk without assistance", "definition": "the activity of contributing to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["resort", "help", "lift", "facilitation", "assist", "aid", "boost", "service", "accommodation", "encouragement", "succor", "hand", "activity"], "instruction": "\"could not walk without assistance\" What is the definition of \"assistance\"?"} {"term": "pick", "pos": "n", "context": "he used a pick to clean the dirt out of the cracks", "definition": "a thin sharp implement used for removing unwanted material", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he used a pick to clean the dirt out of the cracks\" What is the definition of \"pick\"?"} {"term": "pick", "pos": "v", "context": "pick mushrooms", "definition": "to look for and gather", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["mushroom", "collected", "cull", "gather", "pluck", "berry", "collect", "picking", "gathering", "berried"], "instruction": "\"pick mushrooms\" What is the definition of \"pick\"?"} {"term": "pick", "pos": "v", "context": "pick a fight or a quarrel", "definition": "to provoke", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pick a fight or a quarrel\" What is the definition of \"pick\"?"} {"term": "heartily", "pos": "r", "context": "the boy threw himself heartily into his work", "definition": "with gusto and without reservation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the boy threw himself heartily into his work\" What is the definition of \"heartily\"?"} {"term": "heartily", "pos": "r", "context": "` Yes , ' the children chorused heartily", "definition": "in a hearty manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"` Yes , ' the children chorused heartily\" What is the definition of \"heartily\"?"} {"term": "hearth", "pos": "n", "context": "driven from hearth and home", "definition": "home symbolized as a part of the fireplace", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["home", "fireside", "domicile", "habitation"], "instruction": "\"driven from hearth and home\" What is the definition of \"hearth\"?"} {"term": "hearth", "pos": "n", "context": "they sat on the hearth and warmed themselves before the fire", "definition": "an area near a fireplace usually paved and extending out into a room", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["area", "country", "fireside"], "instruction": "\"they sat on the hearth and warmed themselves before the fire\" What is the definition of \"hearth\"?"} {"term": "hearth", "pos": "n", "context": "he laid a fire in the hearth and lit it", "definition": "an open recess in a wall at the base of a chimney where a fire can be built", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["fireplace", "fire", "recess", "niche"], "instruction": "\"he laid a fire in the hearth and lit it\" What is the definition of \"hearth\"?"} {"term": "concern", "pos": "n", "context": "the safety of the ship is the captain 's concern", "definition": "something that interests you because it is important or affects you", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the safety of the ship is the captain 's concern\" What is the definition of \"concern\"?"} {"term": "concern", "pos": "n", "context": "She felt strong concern for those less fortunate", "definition": "a feeling of sympathy for someone or something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"She felt strong concern for those less fortunate\" What is the definition of \"concern\"?"} {"term": "grief", "pos": "n", "context": "her death was a great grief to John", "definition": "something that causes great unhappiness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her death was a great grief to John\" What is the definition of \"grief\"?"} {"term": "inquire", "pos": "v", "context": "inquire into the disappearance of the rich old lady", "definition": "to conduct an inquiry or investigation of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["inquiring", "examine", "spy", "probe"], "instruction": "\"inquire into the disappearance of the rich old lady\" What is the definition of \"inquire\"?"} {"term": "muddy", "pos": "v", "context": "muddy the water", "definition": "to make turbid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"muddy the water\" What is the definition of \"muddy\"?"} {"term": "muddy", "pos": "s", "context": "muddy barnyard", "definition": "soft and watery", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"muddy barnyard\" What is the definition of \"muddy\"?"} {"term": "muddy", "pos": "s", "context": "muddy boots", "definition": "dirty and messy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"muddy boots\" What is the definition of \"muddy\"?"} {"term": "muddy", "pos": "s", "context": "muddy boots", "definition": "covered with mud or muck", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"muddy boots\" What is the definition of \"muddy\"?"} {"term": "muddy", "pos": "s", "context": "muddy colors", "definition": "discolored by impurities", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["dirty", "", "dingy"], "instruction": "\"muddy colors\" What is the definition of \"muddy\"?"} {"term": "muddy", "pos": "s", "context": "muddy colors", "definition": "not bright and clear", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["dirty", "", "dingy"], "instruction": "\"muddy colors\" What is the definition of \"muddy\"?"} {"term": "indistinguishable", "pos": "s", "context": "they wore indistinguishable hats", "definition": "exactly alike", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they wore indistinguishable hats\" What is the definition of \"indistinguishable\"?"} {"term": "indistinguishable", "pos": "s", "context": "they wore indistinguishable hats", "definition": "incapable of being perceived as different", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they wore indistinguishable hats\" What is the definition of \"indistinguishable\"?"} {"term": "indistinguishable", "pos": "a", "context": "the two specimens are actually different from each other but the differences are almost indistinguishable", "definition": "not capable of being distinguished or differentiated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the two specimens are actually different from each other but the differences are almost indistinguishable\" What is the definition of \"indistinguishable\"?"} {"term": "interstellar", "pos": "a", "context": "the density of hydrogen in interplanetary and interstellar space", "definition": "between or among stars", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the density of hydrogen in interplanetary and interstellar space\" What is the definition of \"interstellar\"?"} {"term": "civilized", "pos": "a", "context": "terrorist acts that shocked the civilized world", "definition": "having a high state of culture and development both social and technological", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"terrorist acts that shocked the civilized world\" What is the definition of \"civilized\"?"} {"term": "monitor", "pos": "v", "context": "the police monitor the suspect 's moves", "definition": "to keep tabs on", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["supervise", "stag", "observe", "spy"], "instruction": "\"the police monitor the suspect 's moves\" What is the definition of \"monitor\"?"} {"term": "monitor", "pos": "v", "context": "the police monitor the suspect 's moves", "definition": "to keep an eye on", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["supervise", "stag", "observe", "spy"], "instruction": "\"the police monitor the suspect 's moves\" What is the definition of \"monitor\"?"} {"term": "monitor", "pos": "v", "context": "the police monitor the suspect 's moves", "definition": "to keep under surveillance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["supervise", "stag", "observe", "spy"], "instruction": "\"the police monitor the suspect 's moves\" What is the definition of \"monitor\"?"} {"term": "addition", "pos": "n", "context": "the addition of a bathroom was a major improvement", "definition": "a component that is added to something to improve it", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["additive", "annex", "attachment", "extension", "component", "improver", "constituent", "afterthought"], "instruction": "\"the addition of a bathroom was a major improvement\" What is the definition of \"addition\"?"} {"term": "addition", "pos": "n", "context": "the addition of flowers created a pleasing effect", "definition": "the act of adding one thing to another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the addition of flowers created a pleasing effect\" What is the definition of \"addition\"?"} {"term": "addition", "pos": "n", "context": "there was an addition to property taxes this year", "definition": "a quantity that is added", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["accretion", "increase", "gain"], "instruction": "\"there was an addition to property taxes this year\" What is the definition of \"addition\"?"} {"term": "currently", "pos": "r", "context": "currently they live in Connecticut", "definition": "at this time or period", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["presently", ""], "instruction": "\"currently they live in Connecticut\" What is the definition of \"currently\"?"} {"term": "currently", "pos": "r", "context": "currently they live in Connecticut", "definition": "now", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["presently", ""], "instruction": "\"currently they live in Connecticut\" What is the definition of \"currently\"?"} {"term": "action", "pos": "n", "context": "he is out of action", "definition": "the state of being active", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["overdrive", "eructation", "swing", "hum", "play", "extravasation", "operation", "agency", "activity", "eruption"], "instruction": "\"he is out of action\" What is the definition of \"action\"?"} {"term": "action", "pos": "n", "context": "his novels always have a lot of action", "definition": "the series of events that form a plot", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his novels always have a lot of action\" What is the definition of \"action\"?"} {"term": "intervene", "pos": "v", "context": "Why did the U.S. not intervene earlier in WW II ?", "definition": "to get involved , so as to alter or hinder an action , or through force or threat of force", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["meddling", "tamper", "interpose", "meddle", "interfere", "interact"], "instruction": "\"Why did the U.S. not intervene earlier in WW II ?\" What is the definition of \"intervene\"?"} {"term": "reveal", "pos": "v", "context": "God rarely reveal his plans for Mankind", "definition": "to disclose directly or through prophets", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"God rarely reveal his plans for Mankind\" What is the definition of \"reveal\"?"} {"term": "reveal", "pos": "v", "context": "The actress wo n't reveal how old she is", "definition": "to make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["babble", "talk", "divulge", "disclose", "muckrake", "confiding", "telling", "disclosed", "discover", "expose", "break", "blow", "betray", "reveal", "confide", "unwrap", "outing", "tattle", "blab", "spring"], "instruction": "\"The actress wo n't reveal how old she is\" What is the definition of \"reveal\"?"} {"term": "unloose", "pos": "v", "context": "unloose your sneakers", "definition": "to loosen the ties of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unloose your sneakers\" What is the definition of \"unloose\"?"} {"term": "alternately", "pos": "r", "context": "They were deglycerolized by alternately centrifuging and mixing", "definition": "in an alternating sequence or position", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"They were deglycerolized by alternately centrifuging and mixing\" What is the definition of \"alternately\"?"} {"term": "wide", "pos": "a", "context": "wide roads", "definition": "having great or a certain extent from one side to the other", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wide roads\" What is the definition of \"wide\"?"} {"term": "wide", "pos": "a", "context": "won by a wide margin", "definition": "great in degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"won by a wide margin\" What is the definition of \"wide\"?"} {"term": "wide", "pos": "s", "context": "the current taste for wide trousers", "definition": "having ample fabric", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the current taste for wide trousers\" What is the definition of \"wide\"?"} {"term": "wide", "pos": "s", "context": "the kick was wide", "definition": "not on target", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the kick was wide\" What is the definition of \"wide\"?"} {"term": "wide", "pos": "s", "context": "granted him wide powers", "definition": "broad in scope or content", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"granted him wide powers\" What is the definition of \"wide\"?"} {"term": "wide", "pos": "r", "context": "stand with legs wide apart", "definition": "with or by a broad space", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stand with legs wide apart\" What is the definition of \"wide\"?"} {"term": "wide", "pos": "r", "context": "open your eyes wide", "definition": "to the fullest extent possible", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"open your eyes wide\" What is the definition of \"wide\"?"} {"term": "wide", "pos": "r", "context": "the arrow went wide of the mark", "definition": "far from the intended target", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the arrow went wide of the mark\" What is the definition of \"wide\"?"} {"term": "denominational", "pos": "a", "context": "denominational politics", "definition": "relating to or characteristic of a particular religious denomination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"denominational politics\" What is the definition of \"denominational\"?"} {"term": "denominational", "pos": "s", "context": "denominational prejudice", "definition": "adhering or confined to a particular sect or denomination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"denominational prejudice\" What is the definition of \"denominational\"?"} {"term": "consent", "pos": "n", "context": "he indicated his consent", "definition": "permission to do something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he indicated his consent\" What is the definition of \"consent\"?"} {"term": "oration", "pos": "n", "context": "he delivered an oration on the decline of family values", "definition": "an instance of oratory", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he delivered an oration on the decline of family values\" What is the definition of \"oration\"?"} {"term": "innocent", "pos": "a", "context": "an innocent child", "definition": "free from evil or guilt", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an innocent child\" What is the definition of \"innocent\"?"} {"term": "innocent", "pos": "s", "context": "an innocent prank", "definition": "lacking intent or capacity to injure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["innocuous", ""], "instruction": "\"an innocent prank\" What is the definition of \"innocent\"?"} {"term": "innocent", "pos": "s", "context": "a child 's innocent stare", "definition": "lacking in sophistication or worldliness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a child 's innocent stare\" What is the definition of \"innocent\"?"} {"term": "innocent", "pos": "s", "context": "American tourists wholly innocent of French", "definition": "not knowledgeable about something specified", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"American tourists wholly innocent of French\" What is the definition of \"innocent\"?"} {"term": "presuppose", "pos": "v", "context": "I presuppose that you have done your work", "definition": "to take for granted or as a given", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["assume", "suppose", "premise", "postulate", "posit", "presume", "assumed"], "instruction": "\"I presuppose that you have done your work\" What is the definition of \"presuppose\"?"} {"term": "presuppose", "pos": "v", "context": "I presuppose that you have done your work", "definition": "to suppose beforehand", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["assume", "suppose", "premise", "postulate", "posit", "presume", "assumed"], "instruction": "\"I presuppose that you have done your work\" What is the definition of \"presuppose\"?"} {"term": "irresponsible", "pos": "a", "context": "behaved like an irresponsible idiot", "definition": "showing lack of care for consequences", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"behaved like an irresponsible idiot\" What is the definition of \"irresponsible\"?"} {"term": "triumphantly", "pos": "r", "context": "she shouted triumphantly", "definition": "in a triumphant manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she shouted triumphantly\" What is the definition of \"triumphantly\"?"} {"term": "furthest", "pos": "s", "context": "explored the furthest reaches of space", "definition": "most remote in space or time or order", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"explored the furthest reaches of space\" What is the definition of \"furthest\"?"} {"term": "diversify", "pos": "v", "context": "diversify a course of study", "definition": "to make more diverse", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["alter", "motley", "vary", "change", "diversified", "variegated", "modify"], "instruction": "\"diversify a course of study\" What is the definition of \"diversify\"?"} {"term": "vindicate", "pos": "v", "context": "vindicate the rights of the citizens", "definition": "to maintain , uphold , or defend", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"vindicate the rights of the citizens\" What is the definition of \"vindicate\"?"} {"term": "vindicate", "pos": "v", "context": "You must vindicate yourself and fight this libel", "definition": "to clear of accusation , blame , suspicion , or doubt with supporting proof", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"You must vindicate yourself and fight this libel\" What is the definition of \"vindicate\"?"} {"term": "vindicate", "pos": "v", "context": "vindicate a claim", "definition": "to show to be right by providing justification or proof", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["excuse", "explain", "legitimate", "justify"], "instruction": "\"vindicate a claim\" What is the definition of \"vindicate\"?"} {"term": "westward", "pos": "r", "context": "they traveled westward toward the setting sun", "definition": "toward the west", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they traveled westward toward the setting sun\" What is the definition of \"westward\"?"} {"term": "lithic", "pos": "a", "context": "lithic sandstone", "definition": "relating to or composed of stone", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lithic sandstone\" What is the definition of \"lithic\"?"} {"term": "retrieve", "pos": "v", "context": "retrieve the car from the parking garage", "definition": "to go for and bring back", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"retrieve the car from the parking garage\" What is the definition of \"retrieve\"?"} {"term": "retrieve", "pos": "v", "context": "train the dog to retrieve", "definition": "to run after , pick up , and bring to the master", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"train the dog to retrieve\" What is the definition of \"retrieve\"?"} {"term": "digging", "pos": "v", "context": "She was digging away at her math homework", "definition": "to work hard", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"She was digging away at her math homework\" What is the definition of \"digging\"?"} {"term": "irritably", "pos": "r", "context": "she had become irritably exact", "definition": "in an irritable manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she had become irritably exact\" What is the definition of \"irritably\"?"} {"term": "triumph", "pos": "n", "context": "the agreement was a triumph for common sense", "definition": "a successful ending of a struggle or contest", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["victory", "conclusion", "slam", "success", "independence", "laugher", "landslide", "ending", "finish", "checkmate", "romp", "pin", "sweep", "waltz"], "instruction": "\"the agreement was a triumph for common sense\" What is the definition of \"triumph\"?"} {"term": "spine", "pos": "n", "context": "the title and author were printed on the spine of the book", "definition": "the part of a books cover that encloses the inner side of the books pages and that faces outward when the book is shelved", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["portion", "backbone"], "instruction": "\"the title and author were printed on the spine of the book\" What is the definition of \"spine\"?"} {"term": "manly", "pos": "s", "context": "manly sports", "definition": "characteristic of a man", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["male", "", "manful", "virile"], "instruction": "\"manly sports\" What is the definition of \"manly\"?"} {"term": "plumy", "pos": "s", "context": "the dog 's plumy tail", "definition": "resembling a plume", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the dog 's plumy tail\" What is the definition of \"plumy\"?"} {"term": "looseness", "pos": "n", "context": "the flexibility and looseness of the materials from which mythology is made", "definition": "freedom from restraint", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the flexibility and looseness of the materials from which mythology is made\" What is the definition of \"looseness\"?"} {"term": "looseness", "pos": "n", "context": "misunderstandings can often be traced to a looseness of expression", "definition": "a lack of strict accuracy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"misunderstandings can often be traced to a looseness of expression\" What is the definition of \"looseness\"?"} {"term": "looseness", "pos": "n", "context": "misunderstandings can often be traced to a looseness of expression", "definition": "laxity of practice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"misunderstandings can often be traced to a looseness of expression\" What is the definition of \"looseness\"?"} {"term": "summarily", "pos": "r", "context": "the suspected spy was summarily executed", "definition": "without delay", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the suspected spy was summarily executed\" What is the definition of \"summarily\"?"} {"term": "summarily", "pos": "r", "context": "the suspected spy was summarily executed", "definition": "in a summary manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the suspected spy was summarily executed\" What is the definition of \"summarily\"?"} {"term": "interpretation", "pos": "n", "context": "the report included his interpretation of the forensic evidence", "definition": "an explanation that results from interpreting something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the report included his interpretation of the forensic evidence\" What is the definition of \"interpretation\"?"} {"term": "hydrated", "pos": "v", "context": "the bicyclists must be hydrated frequently", "definition": "to supply water or liquid to in order to maintain a healthy balance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["supply", "hydrate", "provide", "furnish"], "instruction": "\"the bicyclists must be hydrated frequently\" What is the definition of \"hydrated\"?"} {"term": "prospectus", "pos": "n", "context": "a prospectus should contain the facts that an investor needs to make an informed decision", "definition": "a formal written offer to sell securities filed with the sec that sets forth a plan for a proposed business enterprise", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a prospectus should contain the facts that an investor needs to make an informed decision\" What is the definition of \"prospectus\"?"} {"term": "flash", "pos": "n", "context": "a flash of emotion swept over him", "definition": "a short vivid experience", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a flash of emotion swept over him\" What is the definition of \"flash\"?"} {"term": "flash", "pos": "s", "context": "a flash car", "definition": "tastelessly showy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a flash car\" What is the definition of \"flash\"?"} {"term": "primitively", "pos": "r", "context": "rather primitively operated foundries", "definition": "in a primitive style or manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rather primitively operated foundries\" What is the definition of \"primitively\"?"} {"term": "durable", "pos": "s", "context": "hopes for a durable peace", "definition": "existing for a long time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hopes for a durable peace\" What is the definition of \"durable\"?"} {"term": "durable", "pos": "s", "context": "durable denim jeans", "definition": "capable of withstanding wear and tear and decay", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"durable denim jeans\" What is the definition of \"durable\"?"} {"term": "durable", "pos": "s", "context": "less durable rocks were gradually worn away to form valleys", "definition": "very long lasting", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"less durable rocks were gradually worn away to form valleys\" What is the definition of \"durable\"?"} {"term": "crawl", "pos": "n", "context": "the traffic advanced at a crawl", "definition": "a very slow movement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the traffic advanced at a crawl\" What is the definition of \"crawl\"?"} {"term": "crawl", "pos": "n", "context": "a crawl was all that the injured man could manage", "definition": "a slow mode of locomotion on hands and knees or dragging the body", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["travel", "creeping", "creep", "locomotion"], "instruction": "\"a crawl was all that the injured man could manage\" What is the definition of \"crawl\"?"} {"term": "swiftly", "pos": "r", "context": "she moved swiftly", "definition": "in a swift manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["fleetly", ""], "instruction": "\"she moved swiftly\" What is the definition of \"swiftly\"?"} {"term": "nest", "pos": "n", "context": "a machine-gun nest", "definition": "a kind of gun emplacement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a machine-gun nest\" What is the definition of \"nest\"?"} {"term": "permeable", "pos": "a", "context": "permeable membranes", "definition": "allowing fluids or gases to pass or diffuse through", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"permeable membranes\" What is the definition of \"permeable\"?"} {"term": "shaggy", "pos": "s", "context": "a shaggy beard", "definition": "used of hair", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a shaggy beard\" What is the definition of \"shaggy\"?"} {"term": "shaggy", "pos": "s", "context": "a shaggy beard", "definition": "thick and poorly groomed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a shaggy beard\" What is the definition of \"shaggy\"?"} {"term": "shaggy", "pos": "s", "context": "shaggy rugs", "definition": "having a very rough nap or covered with hanging shags", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shaggy rugs\" What is the definition of \"shaggy\"?"} {"term": "ethnic", "pos": "s", "context": "influenced by ethnic and cultural ties \" - J.F.Kennedy", "definition": "denoting or deriving from or distinctive of the ways of living built up by a group of people", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"influenced by ethnic and cultural ties \" - J.F.Kennedy\" What is the definition of \"ethnic\"?"} {"term": "cascade", "pos": "n", "context": "progressing in severity as though a cascade of genetic damage was occurring", "definition": "a succession of stages or operations or processes or units", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"progressing in severity as though a cascade of genetic damage was occurring\" What is the definition of \"cascade\"?"} {"term": "cascade", "pos": "n", "context": "a sudden cascade of sparks", "definition": "a sudden downpour as of tears or sparks etc likened to a rain shower", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["shower", "descent"], "instruction": "\"a sudden cascade of sparks\" What is the definition of \"cascade\"?"} {"term": "disturbance", "pos": "n", "context": "there was too much anger and disturbance", "definition": "an unhappy and worried mental state", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["agitation", "upset"], "instruction": "\"there was too much anger and disturbance\" What is the definition of \"disturbance\"?"} {"term": "disturbance", "pos": "n", "context": "they were amazed by the furious disturbance they had caused", "definition": "a disorderly outburst or tumult", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["disruption", "incident", "convulsion", "tempest", "disorder", "uproar", "flutter", "tumult", "splash", "commotion"], "instruction": "\"they were amazed by the furious disturbance they had caused\" What is the definition of \"disturbance\"?"} {"term": "stereotyped", "pos": "s", "context": "stereotyped phrases of condolence", "definition": "lacking spontaneity or originality or individuality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stereotyped phrases of condolence\" What is the definition of \"stereotyped\"?"} {"term": "react", "pos": "v", "context": "The hydrogen and the oxygen react", "definition": "to undergo a chemical reaction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The hydrogen and the oxygen react\" What is the definition of \"react\"?"} {"term": "bloodshot", "pos": "s", "context": "bloodshot eyes", "definition": "reddened as a result of locally congested blood vessels", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bloodshot eyes\" What is the definition of \"bloodshot\"?"} {"term": "bloodshot", "pos": "s", "context": "bloodshot eyes", "definition": "inflamed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bloodshot eyes\" What is the definition of \"bloodshot\"?"} {"term": "fully", "pos": "r", "context": "fully grown", "definition": "to the greatest degree or extent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fully grown\" What is the definition of \"fully\"?"} {"term": "fully", "pos": "r", "context": "fully grown", "definition": "completely or entirely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fully grown\" What is the definition of \"fully\"?"} {"term": "fully", "pos": "r", "context": "they were fully ( or amply ) fed", "definition": "sufficiently", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they were fully ( or amply ) fed\" What is the definition of \"fully\"?"} {"term": "fully", "pos": "r", "context": "they were fully ( or amply ) fed", "definition": "more than adequately", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they were fully ( or amply ) fed\" What is the definition of \"fully\"?"} {"term": "publicly", "pos": "r", "context": "she admitted publicly to being a communist", "definition": "in a manner accessible to or observable by the public", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she admitted publicly to being a communist\" What is the definition of \"publicly\"?"} {"term": "publicly", "pos": "r", "context": "she admitted publicly to being a communist", "definition": "openly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she admitted publicly to being a communist\" What is the definition of \"publicly\"?"} {"term": "publicly", "pos": "r", "context": "publicly provided medical care", "definition": "by the public or the people generally", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"publicly provided medical care\" What is the definition of \"publicly\"?"} {"term": "pronounced", "pos": "s", "context": "a pronounced flavor of cinnamon", "definition": "strongly marked", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a pronounced flavor of cinnamon\" What is the definition of \"pronounced\"?"} {"term": "pronounced", "pos": "s", "context": "a pronounced flavor of cinnamon", "definition": "easily noticeable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a pronounced flavor of cinnamon\" What is the definition of \"pronounced\"?"} {"term": "active", "pos": "n", "context": "` The boy threw the ball ' uses the active voice", "definition": "the voice used to indicate that the grammatical subject of the verb is performing the action or causing the happening denoted by the verb", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"` The boy threw the ball ' uses the active voice\" What is the definition of \"active\"?"} {"term": "active", "pos": "a", "context": "active tuberculosis", "definition": "tending to become more severe or wider in scope", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"active tuberculosis\" What is the definition of \"active\"?"} {"term": "active", "pos": "a", "context": "a director who takes an active interest in corporate operations", "definition": "disposed to take action or effectuate change", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a director who takes an active interest in corporate operations\" What is the definition of \"active\"?"} {"term": "active", "pos": "a", "context": "an active toddler", "definition": "characterized by energetic activity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an active toddler\" What is the definition of \"active\"?"} {"term": "active", "pos": "s", "context": "on active duty", "definition": "engaged in or ready for military or naval operations", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on active duty\" What is the definition of \"active\"?"} {"term": "active", "pos": "s", "context": "an active member of the club", "definition": "taking part in an activity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an active member of the club\" What is the definition of \"active\"?"} {"term": "active", "pos": "s", "context": "an active tradition", "definition": "in operation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["alive", ""], "instruction": "\"an active tradition\" What is the definition of \"active\"?"} {"term": "commercial", "pos": "a", "context": "a commercial attache", "definition": "of or relating to commercialism", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a commercial attache\" What is the definition of \"commercial\"?"} {"term": "commercial", "pos": "s", "context": "commercial grade of beef", "definition": "of the kind or quality used in commerce", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"commercial grade of beef\" What is the definition of \"commercial\"?"} {"term": "commercial", "pos": "s", "context": "commercial grade of beef", "definition": "average or inferior", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"commercial grade of beef\" What is the definition of \"commercial\"?"} {"term": "ghastly", "pos": "s", "context": "ghastly wounds", "definition": "shockingly repellent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ghastly wounds\" What is the definition of \"ghastly\"?"} {"term": "ghastly", "pos": "s", "context": "ghastly wounds", "definition": "inspiring horror", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ghastly wounds\" What is the definition of \"ghastly\"?"} {"term": "ghastly", "pos": "s", "context": "ghastly shrieks", "definition": "gruesomely indicative of death or the dead", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ghastly shrieks\" What is the definition of \"ghastly\"?"} {"term": "absurd", "pos": "n", "context": "The absurd is the essential concept and the first truth \" -- Albert Camus", "definition": "a situation in which life seems irrational and meaningless", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The absurd is the essential concept and the first truth \" -- Albert Camus\" What is the definition of \"absurd\"?"} {"term": "absurd", "pos": "s", "context": "the absurd predicament of seeming to argue that virtue is highly desirable but intensely unpleasant \" - Walter Lippman", "definition": "inconsistent with reason or logic or common sense", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the absurd predicament of seeming to argue that virtue is highly desirable but intensely unpleasant \" - Walter Lippman\" What is the definition of \"absurd\"?"} {"term": "absurd", "pos": "s", "context": "the absurd excuse that the dog ate his homework", "definition": "incongruous", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the absurd excuse that the dog ate his homework\" What is the definition of \"absurd\"?"} {"term": "absurd", "pos": "s", "context": "the absurd excuse that the dog ate his homework", "definition": "inviting ridicule", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the absurd excuse that the dog ate his homework\" What is the definition of \"absurd\"?"} {"term": "indictable", "pos": "s", "context": "an indictable offense", "definition": "liable to be accused , or cause for such liability", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an indictable offense\" What is the definition of \"indictable\"?"} {"term": "barefaced", "pos": "s", "context": "a barefaced lie", "definition": "with no effort to conceal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["bald", ""], "instruction": "\"a barefaced lie\" What is the definition of \"barefaced\"?"} {"term": "barefaced", "pos": "s", "context": "a barefaced hypocrite", "definition": "unrestrained by convention or propriety", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["brazen", "", "audacious", "brassy", "insolent"], "instruction": "\"a barefaced hypocrite\" What is the definition of \"barefaced\"?"} {"term": "organize", "pos": "v", "context": "Can you help me organize my files ?", "definition": "to bring order and organization to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Can you help me organize my files ?\" What is the definition of \"organize\"?"} {"term": "organize", "pos": "v", "context": "organize a strike", "definition": "to arrange by systematic planning and united effort", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["initiate", "prepare", "laying", "laid", "lay", "pioneer", "sandwich", "embattled", "mount"], "instruction": "\"organize a strike\" What is the definition of \"organize\"?"} {"term": "ornately", "pos": "r", "context": "the cradle was ornately carved", "definition": "in an ornate manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the cradle was ornately carved\" What is the definition of \"ornately\"?"} {"term": "repel", "pos": "v", "context": "repel the enemy", "definition": "to cause to move back by force or influence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["force", "forced", "pushing", "repulse", "push"], "instruction": "\"repel the enemy\" What is the definition of \"repel\"?"} {"term": "repel", "pos": "v", "context": "repel the attacker", "definition": "to force or drive back", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["rebuff", "defend", "fight", "repulse", "fighting"], "instruction": "\"repel the attacker\" What is the definition of \"repel\"?"} {"term": "catarrhal", "pos": "a", "context": "catarrhal fever is any of several respiratory or oral diseases of livestock such as bluetongue in horses and sheep", "definition": "of or relating to a catarrh", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"catarrhal fever is any of several respiratory or oral diseases of livestock such as bluetongue in horses and sheep\" What is the definition of \"catarrhal\"?"} {"term": "popularity", "pos": "n", "context": "his charm soon won him affection and popularity", "definition": "the quality of being widely admired or accepted or sought after", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his charm soon won him affection and popularity\" What is the definition of \"popularity\"?"} {"term": "accidentally", "pos": "r", "context": "they met accidentally", "definition": "without advance planning", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they met accidentally\" What is the definition of \"accidentally\"?"} {"term": "grantor", "pos": "n", "context": "conveyed from grantor to grantee", "definition": "a person who makes a grant in legal form", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"conveyed from grantor to grantee\" What is the definition of \"grantor\"?"} {"term": "desperate", "pos": "n", "context": "they prey on the hopes of the desperate", "definition": "a person who is frightened and in need of help", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they prey on the hopes of the desperate\" What is the definition of \"desperate\"?"} {"term": "desperate", "pos": "s", "context": "a desperate criminal", "definition": "dangerously reckless or violent as from urgency or despair", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a desperate criminal\" What is the definition of \"desperate\"?"} {"term": "desperate", "pos": "s", "context": "made a last desperate attempt to reach the climber", "definition": "showing extreme courage", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"made a last desperate attempt to reach the climber\" What is the definition of \"desperate\"?"} {"term": "desperate", "pos": "s", "context": "made a last desperate attempt to reach the climber", "definition": "especially of actions courageously undertaken in desperation as a last resort", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"made a last desperate attempt to reach the climber\" What is the definition of \"desperate\"?"} {"term": "physiological", "pos": "a", "context": "physiological psychology", "definition": "of or relating to the biological study of physiology", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"physiological psychology\" What is the definition of \"physiological\"?"} {"term": "physiological", "pos": "s", "context": "physiological processes", "definition": "of or consistent with an organisms normal functioning", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"physiological processes\" What is the definition of \"physiological\"?"} {"term": "psychic", "pos": "s", "context": "psychic energy", "definition": "affecting or influenced by the human mind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"psychic energy\" What is the definition of \"psychic\"?"} {"term": "psychic", "pos": "s", "context": "psychic phenomena", "definition": "outside the sphere of physical science", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"psychic phenomena\" What is the definition of \"psychic\"?"} {"term": "disrespectful", "pos": "a", "context": "remarks disrespectful of the law", "definition": "exhibiting lack of respect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"remarks disrespectful of the law\" What is the definition of \"disrespectful\"?"} {"term": "disrespectful", "pos": "a", "context": "remarks disrespectful of the law", "definition": "rude and discourteous", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"remarks disrespectful of the law\" What is the definition of \"disrespectful\"?"} {"term": "taxable", "pos": "a", "context": "taxable income", "definition": "subject to taxation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"taxable income\" What is the definition of \"taxable\"?"} {"term": "glorification", "pos": "n", "context": "the glorification of God", "definition": "the act of glorifying as in worship", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the glorification of God\" What is the definition of \"glorification\"?"} {"term": "longevity", "pos": "n", "context": "her longevity as a star", "definition": "duration of service", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her longevity as a star\" What is the definition of \"longevity\"?"} {"term": "compact", "pos": "a", "context": "compact soil", "definition": "closely and firmly united or packed together", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"compact soil\" What is the definition of \"compact\"?"} {"term": "compact", "pos": "s", "context": "a wrestler of compact build", "definition": "having a short and solid form or stature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a wrestler of compact build\" What is the definition of \"compact\"?"} {"term": "compact", "pos": "s", "context": "a compact style is brief and pithy", "definition": "briefly giving the gist of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["compendious", "", "succinct"], "instruction": "\"a compact style is brief and pithy\" What is the definition of \"compact\"?"} {"term": "sublime", "pos": "v", "context": "sublime iodine", "definition": "to change or cause to change directly from a solid into a vapor without first melting", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["gasify", "vaporize", "sublimate"], "instruction": "\"sublime iodine\" What is the definition of \"sublime\"?"} {"term": "sublime", "pos": "s", "context": "the sublime beauty of the night", "definition": "inspiring awe", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sublime beauty of the night\" What is the definition of \"sublime\"?"} {"term": "mission", "pos": "n", "context": "the planes were on a bombing mission", "definition": "an operation that is assigned by a higher headquarters", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the planes were on a bombing mission\" What is the definition of \"mission\"?"} {"term": "mission", "pos": "n", "context": "a confidential mission to London", "definition": "a special assignment that is given to a person or group", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["assignment", "charge"], "instruction": "\"a confidential mission to London\" What is the definition of \"mission\"?"} {"term": "rectal", "pos": "a", "context": "rectal cancer", "definition": "of or involving the rectum", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rectal cancer\" What is the definition of \"rectal\"?"} {"term": "meritorious", "pos": "s", "context": "a lifetime of meritorious service", "definition": "deserving reward or praise", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a lifetime of meritorious service\" What is the definition of \"meritorious\"?"} {"term": "academic", "pos": "a", "context": "the academic curriculum", "definition": "associated with academia or an academy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the academic curriculum\" What is the definition of \"academic\"?"} {"term": "academic", "pos": "s", "context": "an academic discussion", "definition": "hypothetical or theoretical and not expected to produce an immediate or practical result", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an academic discussion\" What is the definition of \"academic\"?"} {"term": "detach", "pos": "v", "context": "detach the skin from the chicken before you eat it", "definition": "to take off", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["detached", "unbind", "break"], "instruction": "\"detach the skin from the chicken before you eat it\" What is the definition of \"detach\"?"} {"term": "detach", "pos": "v", "context": "detach a regiment", "definition": "to separate a small unit from a larger , especially for a special assignment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["detached", "divide"], "instruction": "\"detach a regiment\" What is the definition of \"detach\"?"} {"term": "treacherous", "pos": "s", "context": "treacherous winding roads", "definition": "dangerously unstable and unpredictable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"treacherous winding roads\" What is the definition of \"treacherous\"?"} {"term": "treacherous", "pos": "s", "context": "the fiercest and most treacherous of foes", "definition": "tending to betray", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the fiercest and most treacherous of foes\" What is the definition of \"treacherous\"?"} {"term": "connective", "pos": "s", "context": "connective remarks between chapters", "definition": "connecting or tending to connect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"connective remarks between chapters\" What is the definition of \"connective\"?"} {"term": "differ", "pos": "v", "context": "These two tests differ in only one respect", "definition": "to be different", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"These two tests differ in only one respect\" What is the definition of \"differ\"?"} {"term": "close", "pos": "n", "context": "they were playing better at the close of the season", "definition": "the temporal end", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["end", "conclusion", "finis", "ending", "finale", "finish"], "instruction": "\"they were playing better at the close of the season\" What is the definition of \"close\"?"} {"term": "close", "pos": "n", "context": "they were playing better at the close of the season", "definition": "the concluding time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["end", "conclusion", "finis", "ending", "finale", "finish"], "instruction": "\"they were playing better at the close of the season\" What is the definition of \"close\"?"} {"term": "close", "pos": "a", "context": "close to noon", "definition": "at or within a short distance in space or time or having elements near each other", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"close to noon\" What is the definition of \"close\"?"} {"term": "close", "pos": "a", "context": "she was close to tears", "definition": "not far distant in time or space or degree or circumstances", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was close to tears\" What is the definition of \"close\"?"} {"term": "close", "pos": "s", "context": "close supervision", "definition": "rigorously attentive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"close supervision\" What is the definition of \"close\"?"} {"term": "close", "pos": "s", "context": "close supervision", "definition": "strict and thorough", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"close supervision\" What is the definition of \"close\"?"} {"term": "close", "pos": "s", "context": "a close translation", "definition": "marked by fidelity to an original", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a close translation\" What is the definition of \"close\"?"} {"term": "close", "pos": "s", "context": "a close contest", "definition": "evenly matched", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a close contest\" What is the definition of \"close\"?"} {"term": "close", "pos": "r", "context": "he remained close on his guard", "definition": "in an attentive manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he remained close on his guard\" What is the definition of \"close\"?"} {"term": "close", "pos": "r", "context": "the bullet did n't come close", "definition": "near in time or place or relationship", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the bullet did n't come close\" What is the definition of \"close\"?"} {"term": "coolness", "pos": "n", "context": "he performed with all the coolness of a veteran", "definition": "calm and unruffled self-assurance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["calmness", "imperturbability"], "instruction": "\"he performed with all the coolness of a veteran\" What is the definition of \"coolness\"?"} {"term": "possible", "pos": "n", "context": "politics is the art of the possible", "definition": "something that can be done", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"politics is the art of the possible\" What is the definition of \"possible\"?"} {"term": "possible", "pos": "a", "context": "a breakthrough may be possible next year", "definition": "capable of happening or existing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a breakthrough may be possible next year\" What is the definition of \"possible\"?"} {"term": "possible", "pos": "a", "context": "possible uses of nuclear power", "definition": "existing in possibility", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"possible uses of nuclear power\" What is the definition of \"possible\"?"} {"term": "amenable", "pos": "s", "context": "someone amenable to persuasion", "definition": "disposed or willing to comply", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"someone amenable to persuasion\" What is the definition of \"amenable\"?"} {"term": "amenable", "pos": "s", "context": "an amenable hospitalization should not result in untimely death", "definition": "open to being acted upon in a certain way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an amenable hospitalization should not result in untimely death\" What is the definition of \"amenable\"?"} {"term": "girl", "pos": "n", "context": "the baby was a girl", "definition": "a youthful female person", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the baby was a girl\" What is the definition of \"girl\"?"} {"term": "joyful", "pos": "a", "context": "make a joyful noise", "definition": "full of or producing joy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"make a joyful noise\" What is the definition of \"joyful\"?"} {"term": "joyful", "pos": "s", "context": "a joyful heart", "definition": "full of high-spirited delight", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a joyful heart\" What is the definition of \"joyful\"?"} {"term": "characteristic", "pos": "a", "context": "heard my friend 's characteristic laugh", "definition": "typical or distinctive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"heard my friend 's characteristic laugh\" What is the definition of \"characteristic\"?"} {"term": "flaming", "pos": "s", "context": "you flaming idiot", "definition": "informal intensifiers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["crashing", "", "blooming", "bloody"], "instruction": "\"you flaming idiot\" What is the definition of \"flaming\"?"} {"term": "flaming", "pos": "s", "context": "flaming passions", "definition": "very intense", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"flaming passions\" What is the definition of \"flaming\"?"} {"term": "bitter", "pos": "s", "context": "the bitter truth", "definition": "very difficult to accept or bear", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the bitter truth\" What is the definition of \"bitter\"?"} {"term": "bitter", "pos": "s", "context": "shed bitter tears", "definition": "expressive of severe grief or regret", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shed bitter tears\" What is the definition of \"bitter\"?"} {"term": "bitter", "pos": "s", "context": "a bitter struggle", "definition": "proceeding from or exhibiting great hostility or animosity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bitter struggle\" What is the definition of \"bitter\"?"} {"term": "bitter", "pos": "r", "context": "bitter cold", "definition": "extremely and sharply", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bitter cold\" What is the definition of \"bitter\"?"} {"term": "overmuch", "pos": "s", "context": "showed overmuch affection", "definition": "very great in quantity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"showed overmuch affection\" What is the definition of \"overmuch\"?"} {"term": "overmuch", "pos": "s", "context": "showed overmuch affection", "definition": "overabundant", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"showed overmuch affection\" What is the definition of \"overmuch\"?"} {"term": "overmuch", "pos": "r", "context": "let 's not blame them overmuch", "definition": "more than necessary", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"let 's not blame them overmuch\" What is the definition of \"overmuch\"?"} {"term": "collegiate", "pos": "a", "context": "collegiate living", "definition": "of or resembling or typical of a college or college students", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"collegiate living\" What is the definition of \"collegiate\"?"} {"term": "newcomer", "pos": "n", "context": "he 's a newcomer to Boston", "definition": "a recent arrival", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he 's a newcomer to Boston\" What is the definition of \"newcomer\"?"} {"term": "manumission", "pos": "n", "context": "he believed in the manumission of the slaves", "definition": "the formal act of freeing from slavery", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he believed in the manumission of the slaves\" What is the definition of \"manumission\"?"} {"term": "coercive", "pos": "s", "context": "authority is directional instead of coercive", "definition": "serving or intended to coerce", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"authority is directional instead of coercive\" What is the definition of \"coercive\"?"} {"term": "efface", "pos": "v", "context": "efface oneself", "definition": "to make inconspicuous", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"efface oneself\" What is the definition of \"efface\"?"} {"term": "efface", "pos": "v", "context": "efface the memory of the time in the camps", "definition": "to remove completely from recognition or memory", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["obliterate", "blur", "dim"], "instruction": "\"efface the memory of the time in the camps\" What is the definition of \"efface\"?"} {"term": "preventive", "pos": "s", "context": "preventive medicine", "definition": "preventing or contributing to the prevention of disease", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["preventative", "", "prophylactic"], "instruction": "\"preventive medicine\" What is the definition of \"preventive\"?"} {"term": "torpor", "pos": "n", "context": "he fell into a deep torpor", "definition": "a state of motor and mental inactivity with a partial suspension of sensibility", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["hibernation", "lassitude", "torpidity", "lethargy"], "instruction": "\"he fell into a deep torpor\" What is the definition of \"torpor\"?"} {"term": "chief", "pos": "s", "context": "the chief aim of living", "definition": "most important element", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the chief aim of living\" What is the definition of \"chief\"?"} {"term": "whey", "pos": "n", "context": "Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet eating some curds and whey", "definition": "watery part of milk produced when raw milk sours and coagulates", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet eating some curds and whey\" What is the definition of \"whey\"?"} {"term": "clientele", "pos": "n", "context": "they have an upper class clientele", "definition": "customers collectively", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["patronage", "business", "people"], "instruction": "\"they have an upper class clientele\" What is the definition of \"clientele\"?"} {"term": "clogging", "pos": "s", "context": "the clogging crowds of revelers overflowing into the street", "definition": "preventing movement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the clogging crowds of revelers overflowing into the street\" What is the definition of \"clogging\"?"} {"term": "mouth", "pos": "n", "context": "he stuffed his mouth with candy", "definition": "the opening through which food is taken in and vocalizations emerge", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he stuffed his mouth with candy\" What is the definition of \"mouth\"?"} {"term": "mouth", "pos": "n", "context": "she wiped lipstick from her mouth", "definition": "the externally visible part of the oral cavity on the face and the system of organs surrounding the opening", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she wiped lipstick from her mouth\" What is the definition of \"mouth\"?"} {"term": "stupefaction", "pos": "n", "context": "the professor was noted for his stupefaction of the students", "definition": "the action of stupefying", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the professor was noted for his stupefaction of the students\" What is the definition of \"stupefaction\"?"} {"term": "stupefaction", "pos": "n", "context": "the professor was noted for his stupefaction of the students", "definition": "making dull or lethargic", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the professor was noted for his stupefaction of the students\" What is the definition of \"stupefaction\"?"} {"term": "blinding", "pos": "s", "context": "blinding headlights", "definition": "shining intensely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"blinding headlights\" What is the definition of \"blinding\"?"} {"term": "excessive", "pos": "s", "context": "excessive charges", "definition": "beyond normal limits", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"excessive charges\" What is the definition of \"excessive\"?"} {"term": "appositive", "pos": "a", "context": "an appositive noun", "definition": "relating to or being in apposition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an appositive noun\" What is the definition of \"appositive\"?"} {"term": "relieve", "pos": "v", "context": "This pill will relieve your headaches", "definition": "to provide physical relief , as from pain", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["assuage", "improve", "alleviate", "ease", "soothe", "better", "ameliorate", "meliorate", "palliate", "improving", "amend"], "instruction": "\"This pill will relieve your headaches\" What is the definition of \"relieve\"?"} {"term": "quicksilver", "pos": "s", "context": "a quicksilver character , cool and willful at one moment , utterly fragile the next", "definition": "liable to sudden unpredictable change", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a quicksilver character , cool and willful at one moment , utterly fragile the next\" What is the definition of \"quicksilver\"?"} {"term": "cute", "pos": "s", "context": "a child with intolerably cute mannerisms", "definition": "obviously contrived to charm", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a child with intolerably cute mannerisms\" What is the definition of \"cute\"?"} {"term": "cute", "pos": "s", "context": "a cute kid with pigtails", "definition": "attractive especially by means of smallness or prettiness or quaintness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a cute kid with pigtails\" What is the definition of \"cute\"?"} {"term": "divide", "pos": "v", "context": "divide the cake into three equal parts", "definition": "to separate into parts or portions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["lot", "canton", "divided", "split", "splinter"], "instruction": "\"divide the cake into three equal parts\" What is the definition of \"divide\"?"} {"term": "divide", "pos": "v", "context": "Can you divide 49 by seven ?", "definition": "to perform a division", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["compute", "reckon", "divided", "figure", "halve", "calculated", "cipher", "calculating"], "instruction": "\"Can you divide 49 by seven ?\" What is the definition of \"divide\"?"} {"term": "perceptive", "pos": "a", "context": "perceptive faculties", "definition": "of or relating to perception", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"perceptive faculties\" What is the definition of \"perceptive\"?"} {"term": "perceptive", "pos": "a", "context": "a perceptive eye", "definition": "having the ability to perceive or understand", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a perceptive eye\" What is the definition of \"perceptive\"?"} {"term": "perceptive", "pos": "a", "context": "a perceptive eye", "definition": "keen in discernment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a perceptive eye\" What is the definition of \"perceptive\"?"} {"term": "liking", "pos": "n", "context": "I 've always had a liking for reading", "definition": "a feeling of pleasure and enjoyment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I 've always had a liking for reading\" What is the definition of \"liking\"?"} {"term": "uninterested", "pos": "a", "context": "an uninterested spectator", "definition": "not having or showing interest", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an uninterested spectator\" What is the definition of \"uninterested\"?"} {"term": "uninterested", "pos": "s", "context": "she appeared totally uninterested", "definition": "having no care or interest in knowing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she appeared totally uninterested\" What is the definition of \"uninterested\"?"} {"term": "polite", "pos": "s", "context": "polite society", "definition": "marked by refinement in taste and manners", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"polite society\" What is the definition of \"polite\"?"} {"term": "barefoot", "pos": "s", "context": "the barefoot boy", "definition": "without shoes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the barefoot boy\" What is the definition of \"barefoot\"?"} {"term": "barefoot", "pos": "r", "context": "he chased her barefoot across the meadow", "definition": "without shoes on", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he chased her barefoot across the meadow\" What is the definition of \"barefoot\"?"} {"term": "alkaline", "pos": "a", "context": "alkaline soils derived from chalk or limestone", "definition": "relating to or containing an alkali", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"alkaline soils derived from chalk or limestone\" What is the definition of \"alkaline\"?"} {"term": "alkaline", "pos": "a", "context": "alkaline soils derived from chalk or limestone", "definition": "having a ph greater than 7", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"alkaline soils derived from chalk or limestone\" What is the definition of \"alkaline\"?"} {"term": "port", "pos": "v", "context": "port the helm", "definition": "to put or turn on the left side , of a ship", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"port the helm\" What is the definition of \"port\"?"} {"term": "defacement", "pos": "n", "context": "the defacement of an Italian mosaic during the Turkish invasion", "definition": "the act of damaging the appearance or surface of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["hurt", "harm", "damage", "disfigurement"], "instruction": "\"the defacement of an Italian mosaic during the Turkish invasion\" What is the definition of \"defacement\"?"} {"term": "safeguard", "pos": "n", "context": "an insurance policy is a good safeguard", "definition": "a precautionary measure warding off impending danger or damage or injury etc. .", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["step", "measure", "precaution", "backstop", "security", "guard"], "instruction": "\"an insurance policy is a good safeguard\" What is the definition of \"safeguard\"?"} {"term": "posterity", "pos": "n", "context": "we must secure the benefits of freedom for ourselves and our posterity", "definition": "all of the offspring of a given progenitor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we must secure the benefits of freedom for ourselves and our posterity\" What is the definition of \"posterity\"?"} {"term": "negotiable", "pos": "s", "context": "a negotiable road", "definition": "capable of being passed or negotiated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a negotiable road\" What is the definition of \"negotiable\"?"} {"term": "negotiable", "pos": "s", "context": "negotiable demands", "definition": "able to be negotiated or arranged by compromise", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"negotiable demands\" What is the definition of \"negotiable\"?"} {"term": "negotiable", "pos": "s", "context": "negotiable bonds", "definition": "legally transferable to the ownership of another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"negotiable bonds\" What is the definition of \"negotiable\"?"} {"term": "city", "pos": "n", "context": "Ancient Troy was a great city", "definition": "a large and densely populated urban area", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Ancient Troy was a great city\" What is the definition of \"city\"?"} {"term": "city", "pos": "n", "context": "Ancient Troy was a great city", "definition": "may include several independent administrative districts", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Ancient Troy was a great city\" What is the definition of \"city\"?"} {"term": "city", "pos": "n", "context": "the city raised the tax rate", "definition": "an incorporated administrative district established by state charter", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the city raised the tax rate\" What is the definition of \"city\"?"} {"term": "city", "pos": "n", "context": "the city voted for Republicans in 1994", "definition": "people living in a large densely populated municipality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the city voted for Republicans in 1994\" What is the definition of \"city\"?"} {"term": "surveying", "pos": "n", "context": "he studied surveying at college", "definition": "the practice of measuring angles and distances on the ground so that they can be accurately plotted on a map", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he studied surveying at college\" What is the definition of \"surveying\"?"} {"term": "gospel", "pos": "n", "context": "his word was gospel", "definition": "an unquestionable truth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his word was gospel\" What is the definition of \"gospel\"?"} {"term": "afterthought", "pos": "n", "context": "the garage was an afterthought", "definition": "an addition that was not included in the original plan", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the garage was an afterthought\" What is the definition of \"afterthought\"?"} {"term": "blaze", "pos": "n", "context": "the blaze spread rapidly", "definition": "a strong flame that burns brightly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["flaming", "fire", "blazing"], "instruction": "\"the blaze spread rapidly\" What is the definition of \"blaze\"?"} {"term": "blaze", "pos": "n", "context": "the horse had a blaze between its eyes", "definition": "a light-colored marking", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the horse had a blaze between its eyes\" What is the definition of \"blaze\"?"} {"term": "blaze", "pos": "v", "context": "The summer sun alone can cause a pine to blaze", "definition": "to burn brightly and intensely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["burning", "blazing", "burnt"], "instruction": "\"The summer sun alone can cause a pine to blaze\" What is the definition of \"blaze\"?"} {"term": "gnaw", "pos": "v", "context": "gnaw an old cracker", "definition": "to bite or chew on with the teeth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gnaw an old cracker\" What is the definition of \"gnaw\"?"} {"term": "coin", "pos": "v", "context": "coin phrases or words", "definition": "to make up", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"coin phrases or words\" What is the definition of \"coin\"?"} {"term": "intravenous", "pos": "a", "context": "an intravenous inflammation", "definition": "within or by means of a vein", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an intravenous inflammation\" What is the definition of \"intravenous\"?"} {"term": "cobble", "pos": "v", "context": "cobble shoes", "definition": "to repair or mend", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cobble shoes\" What is the definition of \"cobble\"?"} {"term": "substantially", "pos": "r", "context": "the house was substantially built", "definition": "in a strong substantial way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the house was substantially built\" What is the definition of \"substantially\"?"} {"term": "substantially", "pos": "r", "context": "the price went up substantially", "definition": "to a great extent or degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the price went up substantially\" What is the definition of \"substantially\"?"} {"term": "finance", "pos": "v", "context": "Can we finance the addition to our home ?", "definition": "to obtain or provide money for", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Can we finance the addition to our home ?\" What is the definition of \"finance\"?"} {"term": "parting", "pos": "n", "context": "parting is such sweet sorrow", "definition": "the act of departing politely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["farewell", "valediction", "leave", "going"], "instruction": "\"parting is such sweet sorrow\" What is the definition of \"parting\"?"} {"term": "precarious", "pos": "s", "context": "a precarious truce", "definition": "affording no ease or reassurance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a precarious truce\" What is the definition of \"precarious\"?"} {"term": "precarious", "pos": "s", "context": "the precarious life of an undersea diver", "definition": "fraught with danger", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the precarious life of an undersea diver\" What is the definition of \"precarious\"?"} {"term": "immorality", "pos": "n", "context": "the immorality of basing the defense of the West on the threat of mutual assured destruction", "definition": "the quality of not being in accord with standards of right or good conduct", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the immorality of basing the defense of the West on the threat of mutual assured destruction\" What is the definition of \"immorality\"?"} {"term": "continent", "pos": "n", "context": "pioneers had to cross the continent on foot", "definition": "one of the large landmasses of the earth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pioneers had to cross the continent on foot\" What is the definition of \"continent\"?"} {"term": "advantage", "pos": "n", "context": "the experience gave him the advantage over me", "definition": "the quality of having a superior or more favorable position", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["expedience", "profit", "clout", "lead", "handicap", "positiveness", "gain", "privilege", "preference", "favor", "superiority", "vantage"], "instruction": "\"the experience gave him the advantage over me\" What is the definition of \"advantage\"?"} {"term": "advantage", "pos": "n", "context": "it turned out to my advantage", "definition": "benefit resulting from some event or action", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["reward", "welfare", "benefit"], "instruction": "\"it turned out to my advantage\" What is the definition of \"advantage\"?"} {"term": "treasure", "pos": "n", "context": "the pirates hid their treasure on a small island in the West Indies", "definition": "accumulated wealth in the form of money or jewels etc. .", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the pirates hid their treasure on a small island in the West Indies\" What is the definition of \"treasure\"?"} {"term": "debonair", "pos": "s", "context": "a debonair gentleman", "definition": "having a sophisticated charm", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["suave", ""], "instruction": "\"a debonair gentleman\" What is the definition of \"debonair\"?"} {"term": "deceptive", "pos": "s", "context": "deceptive calm", "definition": "causing one to believe what is not true or fail to believe what is true", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"deceptive calm\" What is the definition of \"deceptive\"?"} {"term": "deceptive", "pos": "s", "context": "the deceptive calm in the eye of the storm", "definition": "designed to deceive or mislead either deliberately or inadvertently", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the deceptive calm in the eye of the storm\" What is the definition of \"deceptive\"?"} {"term": "curiously", "pos": "r", "context": "had a curiously husky voice", "definition": "in a manner differing from the usual or expected", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"had a curiously husky voice\" What is the definition of \"curiously\"?"} {"term": "curiously", "pos": "r", "context": "the baby looked around curiously", "definition": "with curiosity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the baby looked around curiously\" What is the definition of \"curiously\"?"} {"term": "behold", "pos": "v", "context": "behold Christ !", "definition": "to see with attention", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["beholden", "beholding", "see", "saw", "seeing"], "instruction": "\"behold Christ !\" What is the definition of \"behold\"?"} {"term": "logical", "pos": "a", "context": "a logical mind", "definition": "capable of or reflecting the capability for correct and valid reasoning", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a logical mind\" What is the definition of \"logical\"?"} {"term": "logical", "pos": "s", "context": "rain was a logical expectation , given the time of year", "definition": "based on known statements or events or conditions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rain was a logical expectation , given the time of year\" What is the definition of \"logical\"?"} {"term": "foursome", "pos": "n", "context": "the foursome teed off before 9 a.m.", "definition": "four people considered as a unit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["gathering", "quartet", "assemblage"], "instruction": "\"the foursome teed off before 9 a.m.\" What is the definition of \"foursome\"?"} {"term": "ulcerated", "pos": "v", "context": "Her stomach ulcerated", "definition": "to undergo ulceration", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["ulcerate", "change"], "instruction": "\"Her stomach ulcerated\" What is the definition of \"ulcerated\"?"} {"term": "ulcerated", "pos": "v", "context": "Her stomach was ulcerated", "definition": "to affect with an ulcer", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["affect", "ulcerate"], "instruction": "\"Her stomach was ulcerated\" What is the definition of \"ulcerated\"?"} {"term": "favor", "pos": "n", "context": "the outcome was in his favor", "definition": "an advantage to the benefit of someone or something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the outcome was in his favor\" What is the definition of \"favor\"?"} {"term": "favor", "pos": "n", "context": "that style is in favor this season", "definition": "an inclination to approve", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that style is in favor this season\" What is the definition of \"favor\"?"} {"term": "elemental", "pos": "a", "context": "elemental sulphur", "definition": "relating to or being an element", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"elemental sulphur\" What is the definition of \"elemental\"?"} {"term": "elemental", "pos": "a", "context": "a race against hail or cold rains or some other elemental catastrophe \" - J.K.Howard", "definition": "relating to severe atmospheric conditions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a race against hail or cold rains or some other elemental catastrophe \" - J.K.Howard\" What is the definition of \"elemental\"?"} {"term": "tartaric", "pos": "a", "context": "tartaric acid", "definition": "relating to or derived from or resembling tartar", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tartaric acid\" What is the definition of \"tartaric\"?"} {"term": "conquer", "pos": "v", "context": "conquer your fears", "definition": "to overcome by conquest", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"conquer your fears\" What is the definition of \"conquer\"?"} {"term": "conquer", "pos": "v", "context": "conquer one 's desires", "definition": "to to put down by force or authority", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["silence", "inhibit", "smother", "subdued", "stifle", "repress", "squelch", "quell", "subdue", "blink", "still", "hold", "suppress", "hushing", "quench", "strangle", "hush", "control", "moderate", "dampen", "wink", "contain"], "instruction": "\"conquer one 's desires\" What is the definition of \"conquer\"?"} {"term": "seat", "pos": "n", "context": "he dusted off the seat before sitting down", "definition": "any support where you can sit especially the part of a chair or bench etc. on which you sit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he dusted off the seat before sitting down\" What is the definition of \"seat\"?"} {"term": "tape", "pos": "n", "context": "he used a piece of tape for a belt", "definition": "a long thin piece of cloth or paper as used for binding or fastening", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he used a piece of tape for a belt\" What is the definition of \"tape\"?"} {"term": "tape", "pos": "n", "context": "he broke the tape in record time", "definition": "the finishing line for a foot race", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he broke the tape in record time\" What is the definition of \"tape\"?"} {"term": "dietary", "pos": "a", "context": "dietary restrictions", "definition": "of or relating to the diet", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dietary restrictions\" What is the definition of \"dietary\"?"} {"term": "naturalness", "pos": "n", "context": "he accepted the naturalness of death", "definition": "the quality of being natural or based on natural principles", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he accepted the naturalness of death\" What is the definition of \"naturalness\"?"} {"term": "naturalness", "pos": "n", "context": "engineers strove to increase the naturalness of recorded music", "definition": "the likeness of a representation to the thing represented", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"engineers strove to increase the naturalness of recorded music\" What is the definition of \"naturalness\"?"} {"term": "tortious", "pos": "a", "context": "tortious acts", "definition": "of or pertaining to the nature of a tort", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tortious acts\" What is the definition of \"tortious\"?"} {"term": "impersonal", "pos": "a", "context": "an impersonal corporation", "definition": "not relating to or responsive to individual persons", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an impersonal corporation\" What is the definition of \"impersonal\"?"} {"term": "impersonal", "pos": "s", "context": "impersonal criticism", "definition": "having no personal preference", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"impersonal criticism\" What is the definition of \"impersonal\"?"} {"term": "indoctrinate", "pos": "v", "context": "The Moonies indoctrinate their disciples", "definition": "to teach doctrines to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The Moonies indoctrinate their disciples\" What is the definition of \"indoctrinate\"?"} {"term": "indoctrinate", "pos": "v", "context": "The Moonies indoctrinate their disciples", "definition": "to teach uncritically", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The Moonies indoctrinate their disciples\" What is the definition of \"indoctrinate\"?"} {"term": "evanescence", "pos": "n", "context": "the evanescence of the morning mist", "definition": "the event of fading and gradually vanishing from sight", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the evanescence of the morning mist\" What is the definition of \"evanescence\"?"} {"term": "feigned", "pos": "v", "context": "He feigned that he was ill", "definition": "to make believe with the intent to deceive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["sham", "affect", "mouth", "fake", "bull", "dissemble", "pretend", "feign"], "instruction": "\"He feigned that he was ill\" What is the definition of \"feigned\"?"} {"term": "feigned", "pos": "v", "context": "he feigned sleep", "definition": "to make a pretence of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["assume", "sham", "simulate", "act", "play", "feint", "dissemble", "pretend", "feign"], "instruction": "\"he feigned sleep\" What is the definition of \"feigned\"?"} {"term": "feigned", "pos": "s", "context": "feigned sympathy", "definition": "not genuine", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"feigned sympathy\" What is the definition of \"feigned\"?"} {"term": "known", "pos": "a", "context": "a known quantity", "definition": "apprehended with certainty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a known quantity\" What is the definition of \"known\"?"} {"term": "worker", "pos": "n", "context": "he is a good worker", "definition": "a person who works at a specific occupation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is a good worker\" What is the definition of \"worker\"?"} {"term": "gauche", "pos": "s", "context": "too gauche to leave the room when the conversation became intimate", "definition": "lacking social polish", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"too gauche to leave the room when the conversation became intimate\" What is the definition of \"gauche\"?"} {"term": "ordering", "pos": "n", "context": "there were mistakes in the ordering of items on the list", "definition": "the act of putting things in a sequential arrangement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["order", "grading", "scaling", "sequence"], "instruction": "\"there were mistakes in the ordering of items on the list\" What is the definition of \"ordering\"?"} {"term": "abreast", "pos": "s", "context": "kept abreast of the latest developments", "definition": "being up to particular standard or level especially in being up to date in knowledge", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"kept abreast of the latest developments\" What is the definition of \"abreast\"?"} {"term": "resuscitation", "pos": "n", "context": "although he was apparently drowned , resuscitation was accomplished by artificial respiration", "definition": "the act of reviving a person and returning them to consciousness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"although he was apparently drowned , resuscitation was accomplished by artificial respiration\" What is the definition of \"resuscitation\"?"} {"term": "expeditionary", "pos": "s", "context": "the French expeditionary force in Indochina", "definition": "designed for military operations abroad", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the French expeditionary force in Indochina\" What is the definition of \"expeditionary\"?"} {"term": "interior", "pos": "a", "context": "an interior scene", "definition": "situated within or suitable for inside a building", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an interior scene\" What is the definition of \"interior\"?"} {"term": "interior", "pos": "s", "context": "interior regions of the earth", "definition": "inside and toward a center", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"interior regions of the earth\" What is the definition of \"interior\"?"} {"term": "astronomic", "pos": "a", "context": "astronomic telescope", "definition": "relating or belonging to the science of astronomy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"astronomic telescope\" What is the definition of \"astronomic\"?"} {"term": "quiet", "pos": "n", "context": "the street was quiet", "definition": "the absence of sound", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["silence", "stillness", "hush", "quietness", "still"], "instruction": "\"the street was quiet\" What is the definition of \"quiet\"?"} {"term": "quiet", "pos": "v", "context": "quiet the dragons of worry and fear", "definition": "to make calm or still", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["gentle", "compose", "assuage", "console", "pacify", "placate", "mollify", "soothe", "tranquilize", "lull", "calm", "tranquilizing", "consoling", "still"], "instruction": "\"quiet the dragons of worry and fear\" What is the definition of \"quiet\"?"} {"term": "quiet", "pos": "a", "context": "a quiet life", "definition": "characterized by an absence or near absence of agitation or activity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a quiet life\" What is the definition of \"quiet\"?"} {"term": "quiet", "pos": "a", "context": "a quiet audience at the concert", "definition": "free of noise or uproar", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a quiet audience at the concert\" What is the definition of \"quiet\"?"} {"term": "quiet", "pos": "a", "context": "a quiet audience at the concert", "definition": "or making little if any sound", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a quiet audience at the concert\" What is the definition of \"quiet\"?"} {"term": "quiet", "pos": "s", "context": "clothes in quiet good taste", "definition": "not showy or obtrusive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"clothes in quiet good taste\" What is the definition of \"quiet\"?"} {"term": "quiet", "pos": "s", "context": "a quiet reprimand", "definition": "in a softened tone", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a quiet reprimand\" What is the definition of \"quiet\"?"} {"term": "quiet", "pos": "s", "context": "the quiet waters of a lagoon", "definition": "free from disturbance by heavy waves", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["tranquil", "", "unruffled", "still"], "instruction": "\"the quiet waters of a lagoon\" What is the definition of \"quiet\"?"} {"term": "pulverize", "pos": "v", "context": "pulverize the grains", "definition": "to make into a powder by breaking up or cause to become dust", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["powder", "disintegrate"], "instruction": "\"pulverize the grains\" What is the definition of \"pulverize\"?"} {"term": "pulverize", "pos": "v", "context": "pulverize the rebellion before it gets out of hand", "definition": "to destroy completely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["demolish", ""], "instruction": "\"pulverize the rebellion before it gets out of hand\" What is the definition of \"pulverize\"?"} {"term": "subversion", "pos": "n", "context": "the big city 's subversion of rural innocence", "definition": "destroying someones or some groups honesty or loyalty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["debasement", "corruption"], "instruction": "\"the big city 's subversion of rural innocence\" What is the definition of \"subversion\"?"} {"term": "subversion", "pos": "n", "context": "the big city 's subversion of rural innocence", "definition": "undermining moral integrity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["debasement", "corruption"], "instruction": "\"the big city 's subversion of rural innocence\" What is the definition of \"subversion\"?"} {"term": "rewrite", "pos": "n", "context": "the rewrite was much better", "definition": "something that has been written again", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["revision", "rescript", "writing"], "instruction": "\"the rewrite was much better\" What is the definition of \"rewrite\"?"} {"term": "procurement", "pos": "n", "context": "he was responsible for the procurement of materials and supplies", "definition": "the act of getting possession of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was responsible for the procurement of materials and supplies\" What is the definition of \"procurement\"?"} {"term": "inaccurately", "pos": "r", "context": "this student works rather inaccurately and sloppily", "definition": "in an inaccurate manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this student works rather inaccurately and sloppily\" What is the definition of \"inaccurately\"?"} {"term": "belief", "pos": "n", "context": "it strengthened my belief in his sincerity", "definition": "a vague idea in which some confidence is placed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["suspicion", "thought", "feeling", "hunch", "presence", "idea", "intuition", "opinion", "impression"], "instruction": "\"it strengthened my belief in his sincerity\" What is the definition of \"belief\"?"} {"term": "unprecedented", "pos": "a", "context": "an unprecedented expansion in population and industry", "definition": "having no precedent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unprecedented expansion in population and industry\" What is the definition of \"unprecedented\"?"} {"term": "unprecedented", "pos": "a", "context": "an unprecedented expansion in population and industry", "definition": "novel", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unprecedented expansion in population and industry\" What is the definition of \"unprecedented\"?"} {"term": "initiate", "pos": "n", "context": "it is very familiar to the initiate", "definition": "people who have been introduced to the mysteries of some field or activity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is very familiar to the initiate\" What is the definition of \"initiate\"?"} {"term": "horrid", "pos": "s", "context": "when she was bad she was horrid", "definition": "exceedingly bad", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when she was bad she was horrid\" What is the definition of \"horrid\"?"} {"term": "evenhanded", "pos": "s", "context": "evenhanded justice", "definition": "without partiality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"evenhanded justice\" What is the definition of \"evenhanded\"?"} {"term": "broiling", "pos": "v", "context": "The town was broiling in the sun", "definition": "to be very hot , due to hot weather or exposure to the sun", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The town was broiling in the sun\" What is the definition of \"broiling\"?"} {"term": "exult", "pos": "v", "context": "Who can not exult in Spring ?", "definition": "to to express great joy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["glory", "rejoice", "exulting", "rejoicing", "triumph"], "instruction": "\"Who can not exult in Spring ?\" What is the definition of \"exult\"?"} {"term": "technical", "pos": "a", "context": "his technical innovation was his brushwork", "definition": "of or relating to technique or proficiency in a practical skill", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his technical innovation was his brushwork\" What is the definition of \"technical\"?"} {"term": "technical", "pos": "a", "context": "a technical problem", "definition": "characterizing or showing skill in or specialized knowledge of applied arts and sciences", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a technical problem\" What is the definition of \"technical\"?"} {"term": "technical", "pos": "a", "context": "technical college", "definition": "of or relating to a practical subject that is organized according to scientific principles", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"technical college\" What is the definition of \"technical\"?"} {"term": "technical", "pos": "s", "context": "technical terminology", "definition": "of or relating to or requiring special knowledge to be understood", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"technical terminology\" What is the definition of \"technical\"?"} {"term": "technical", "pos": "s", "context": "analysts content that the stock market is due for a technical rally", "definition": "resulting from or dependent on market factors rather than fundamental economic considerations", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"analysts content that the stock market is due for a technical rally\" What is the definition of \"technical\"?"} {"term": "bubonic", "pos": "a", "context": "bubonic plague", "definition": "of or evidencing buboes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bubonic plague\" What is the definition of \"bubonic\"?"} {"term": "affirmative", "pos": "n", "context": "he answered in the affirmative", "definition": "a reply of affirmation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he answered in the affirmative\" What is the definition of \"affirmative\"?"} {"term": "affirmative", "pos": "a", "context": "an affirmative decision", "definition": "affirming or giving assent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an affirmative decision\" What is the definition of \"affirmative\"?"} {"term": "affirmative", "pos": "s", "context": "an affirmative outlook", "definition": "expecting the best", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an affirmative outlook\" What is the definition of \"affirmative\"?"} {"term": "affirmative", "pos": "s", "context": "an affirmative nod", "definition": "expressing or manifesting praise or approval", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an affirmative nod\" What is the definition of \"affirmative\"?"} {"term": "legislate", "pos": "v", "context": "We can not legislate how people spend their free time", "definition": "to make laws , bills , etc. or bring into effect by legislation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"We can not legislate how people spend their free time\" What is the definition of \"legislate\"?"} {"term": "forbearance", "pos": "n", "context": "his forbearance to reply was alarming", "definition": "a delay in enforcing rights or claims or privileges", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his forbearance to reply was alarming\" What is the definition of \"forbearance\"?"} {"term": "forbearance", "pos": "n", "context": "his forbearance to reply was alarming", "definition": "refraining from acting", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his forbearance to reply was alarming\" What is the definition of \"forbearance\"?"} {"term": "induct", "pos": "v", "context": "there was a ceremony to induct the president of the Academy", "definition": "to place ceremoniously or formally in an office or position", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["invest", "seat", "install", "seating"], "instruction": "\"there was a ceremony to induct the president of the Academy\" What is the definition of \"induct\"?"} {"term": "laughter", "pos": "n", "context": "he enjoyed the laughter of the crowd", "definition": "the activity of laughing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he enjoyed the laughter of the crowd\" What is the definition of \"laughter\"?"} {"term": "laughter", "pos": "n", "context": "he enjoyed the laughter of the crowd", "definition": "the manifestation of joy or mirth or scorn", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he enjoyed the laughter of the crowd\" What is the definition of \"laughter\"?"} {"term": "calendar", "pos": "n", "context": "I have you on my calendar for next Monday", "definition": "a list or register of events appointments or social events or court cases etc", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I have you on my calendar for next Monday\" What is the definition of \"calendar\"?"} {"term": "elegant", "pos": "a", "context": "elegant handwriting", "definition": "refined and tasteful in appearance or behavior or style", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"elegant handwriting\" What is the definition of \"elegant\"?"} {"term": "elegant", "pos": "s", "context": "an elegant dancer", "definition": "displaying effortless beauty and simplicity in movement or execution", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an elegant dancer\" What is the definition of \"elegant\"?"} {"term": "overflowing", "pos": "s", "context": "an overflowing tub", "definition": "covered with water", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an overflowing tub\" What is the definition of \"overflowing\"?"} {"term": "nascent", "pos": "a", "context": "the nascent chicks", "definition": "being born or beginning", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the nascent chicks\" What is the definition of \"nascent\"?"} {"term": "vanilla", "pos": "s", "context": "the most common type of bond is the straight or plain vanilla bond", "definition": "plain and without any extras or adornments", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the most common type of bond is the straight or plain vanilla bond\" What is the definition of \"vanilla\"?"} {"term": "pestilential", "pos": "s", "context": "a pestilential malignancy in the air \" - Jonathan Swift", "definition": "likely to spread and cause an epidemic disease", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a pestilential malignancy in the air \" - Jonathan Swift\" What is the definition of \"pestilential\"?"} {"term": "largely", "pos": "r", "context": "These accounts are largely inactive", "definition": "in large part", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"These accounts are largely inactive\" What is the definition of \"largely\"?"} {"term": "largely", "pos": "r", "context": "These accounts are largely inactive", "definition": "mainly or chiefly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"These accounts are largely inactive\" What is the definition of \"largely\"?"} {"term": "largely", "pos": "r", "context": "the sketch was so largely drawn that you could see it from the back row", "definition": "on a large scale", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sketch was so largely drawn that you could see it from the back row\" What is the definition of \"largely\"?"} {"term": "slumberous", "pos": "s", "context": "a slumberous June morning", "definition": "quiet and tranquil", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a slumberous June morning\" What is the definition of \"slumberous\"?"} {"term": "slumberous", "pos": "s", "context": "slumberous ( or slumbrous ) eyes", "definition": "inclined to or marked by drowsiness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"slumberous ( or slumbrous ) eyes\" What is the definition of \"slumberous\"?"} {"term": "ninth", "pos": "n", "context": "going into the ninth they were a run ahead", "definition": "position nine in a countable series of things", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"going into the ninth they were a run ahead\" What is the definition of \"ninth\"?"} {"term": "oral", "pos": "s", "context": "an oral tradition", "definition": "using speech rather than writing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an oral tradition\" What is the definition of \"oral\"?"} {"term": "oral", "pos": "a", "context": "oral hygiene", "definition": "of or relating to or affecting or for use in the mouth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"oral hygiene\" What is the definition of \"oral\"?"} {"term": "oral", "pos": "a", "context": "the oral cavity", "definition": "of or involving the mouth or mouth region or the surface on which the mouth is located", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the oral cavity\" What is the definition of \"oral\"?"} {"term": "first", "pos": "a", "context": "the first house on the right", "definition": "preceding all others in time or space or degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the first house on the right\" What is the definition of \"first\"?"} {"term": "first", "pos": "a", "context": "first soprano", "definition": "highest in pitch or chief among parts or voices or instruments or orchestra sections", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"first soprano\" What is the definition of \"first\"?"} {"term": "first", "pos": "s", "context": "was first in her class", "definition": "ranking above all others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"was first in her class\" What is the definition of \"first\"?"} {"term": "first", "pos": "s", "context": "his first ( or maiden ) speech in Congress", "definition": "serving to set in motion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his first ( or maiden ) speech in Congress\" What is the definition of \"first\"?"} {"term": "first", "pos": "r", "context": "first we must consider the garter snake", "definition": "before anything else", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"first we must consider the garter snake\" What is the definition of \"first\"?"} {"term": "first", "pos": "r", "context": "when Felix first saw a garter snake", "definition": "the initial time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when Felix first saw a garter snake\" What is the definition of \"first\"?"} {"term": "first", "pos": "r", "context": "I was here first", "definition": "before another in time , space , or importance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I was here first\" What is the definition of \"first\"?"} {"term": "gothic", "pos": "s", "context": "gothic novels like ` Frankenstein '", "definition": "characterized by gloom and mystery and the grotesque", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gothic novels like ` Frankenstein '\" What is the definition of \"gothic\"?"} {"term": "bluntly", "pos": "r", "context": "he spoke bluntly", "definition": "in a blunt direct manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he spoke bluntly\" What is the definition of \"bluntly\"?"} {"term": "crotch", "pos": "n", "context": "he climbed into the crotch of a tree", "definition": "the region of the angle formed by the junction of two branches", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["leg", "fork", "ramification", "branch"], "instruction": "\"he climbed into the crotch of a tree\" What is the definition of \"crotch\"?"} {"term": "cover", "pos": "n", "context": "the cover concealed their guns from enemy aircraft", "definition": "the act of concealing the existence of something by obstructing the view of it", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the cover concealed their guns from enemy aircraft\" What is the definition of \"cover\"?"} {"term": "cover", "pos": "n", "context": "they made a cover of a Beatles ' song", "definition": "a recording of a song that was first recorded or made popular by somebody else", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they made a cover of a Beatles ' song\" What is the definition of \"cover\"?"} {"term": "efficient", "pos": "a", "context": "an efficient production manager", "definition": "being effective without wasting time or effort or expense", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an efficient production manager\" What is the definition of \"efficient\"?"} {"term": "efficient", "pos": "s", "context": "an efficient secretary", "definition": "able to accomplish a purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an efficient secretary\" What is the definition of \"efficient\"?"} {"term": "efficient", "pos": "s", "context": "an efficient secretary", "definition": "functioning effectively", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an efficient secretary\" What is the definition of \"efficient\"?"} {"term": "intraventricular", "pos": "a", "context": "intraventricular pressure", "definition": "within the system of ventricles in the brain", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"intraventricular pressure\" What is the definition of \"intraventricular\"?"} {"term": "strongly", "pos": "r", "context": "argues very strongly for his proposal", "definition": "with strength or in a strong manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"argues very strongly for his proposal\" What is the definition of \"strongly\"?"} {"term": "promulgation", "pos": "n", "context": "the promulgation was written in English", "definition": "a public statement containing information about an event that has happened or is going to happen", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the promulgation was written in English\" What is the definition of \"promulgation\"?"} {"term": "promulgation", "pos": "n", "context": "his promulgation of the policy proved to be premature", "definition": "the formal act of proclaiming", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his promulgation of the policy proved to be premature\" What is the definition of \"promulgation\"?"} {"term": "promulgation", "pos": "n", "context": "his promulgation of the policy proved to be premature", "definition": "giving public notice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his promulgation of the policy proved to be premature\" What is the definition of \"promulgation\"?"} {"term": "dreary", "pos": "s", "context": "a series of dreary dinner parties", "definition": "lacking in liveliness or charm or surprise", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a series of dreary dinner parties\" What is the definition of \"dreary\"?"} {"term": "snaky", "pos": "s", "context": "snaky ridges in the sand", "definition": "resembling a serpent in form", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"snaky ridges in the sand\" What is the definition of \"snaky\"?"} {"term": "furtively", "pos": "r", "context": "the soldiers were furtively crawling through the night", "definition": "in a furtive manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the soldiers were furtively crawling through the night\" What is the definition of \"furtively\"?"} {"term": "peppery", "pos": "s", "context": "corn chips with peppery salsa", "definition": "having the piquant burning taste of peppers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"corn chips with peppery salsa\" What is the definition of \"peppery\"?"} {"term": "misappropriation", "pos": "n", "context": "his explanation was a misappropriation of sociological theory", "definition": "wrongful borrowing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his explanation was a misappropriation of sociological theory\" What is the definition of \"misappropriation\"?"} {"term": "presentiment", "pos": "n", "context": "the lawyer had a presentiment that the judge would dismiss the case", "definition": "a feeling of evil to come", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["boding", "presage", "shadow", "dread", "foreboding", "premonition", "apprehension", "apprehensiveness"], "instruction": "\"the lawyer had a presentiment that the judge would dismiss the case\" What is the definition of \"presentiment\"?"} {"term": "extensible", "pos": "a", "context": "an extensible measuring rule", "definition": "capable of being protruded or stretched or opened out", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an extensible measuring rule\" What is the definition of \"extensible\"?"} {"term": "assumption", "pos": "n", "context": "his assumption of office coincided with the trouble in Cuba", "definition": "the act of taking possession of or power over something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his assumption of office coincided with the trouble in Cuba\" What is the definition of \"assumption\"?"} {"term": "presently", "pos": "r", "context": "he is presently our ambassador to the United Nations", "definition": "at this time or period", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is presently our ambassador to the United Nations\" What is the definition of \"presently\"?"} {"term": "presently", "pos": "r", "context": "he is presently our ambassador to the United Nations", "definition": "now", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is presently our ambassador to the United Nations\" What is the definition of \"presently\"?"} {"term": "presently", "pos": "r", "context": "she will arrive presently", "definition": "in the near future", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she will arrive presently\" What is the definition of \"presently\"?"} {"term": "sell", "pos": "n", "context": "it was a hard sell", "definition": "the activity of persuading someone to buy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was a hard sell\" What is the definition of \"sell\"?"} {"term": "sell", "pos": "v", "context": "The French try to sell us their image as great lovers", "definition": "to persuade somebody to accept something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The French try to sell us their image as great lovers\" What is the definition of \"sell\"?"} {"term": "ingrown", "pos": "s", "context": "an ingrown toenail", "definition": "growing abnormally into the flesh", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an ingrown toenail\" What is the definition of \"ingrown\"?"} {"term": "innumerable", "pos": "s", "context": "innumerable difficulties", "definition": "too numerous to be counted", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"innumerable difficulties\" What is the definition of \"innumerable\"?"} {"term": "suspend", "pos": "v", "context": "suspend the particles", "definition": "to cause to be held in suspension in a fluid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"suspend the particles\" What is the definition of \"suspend\"?"} {"term": "tod", "pos": "s", "context": "do n't just sit there on your tod", "definition": "alone and on your own", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"do n't just sit there on your tod\" What is the definition of \"tod\"?"} {"term": "sunny", "pos": "s", "context": "a gay sunny room", "definition": "bright and pleasant", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a gay sunny room\" What is the definition of \"sunny\"?"} {"term": "sunny", "pos": "s", "context": "a gay sunny room", "definition": "promoting a feeling of cheer", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a gay sunny room\" What is the definition of \"sunny\"?"} {"term": "throaty", "pos": "s", "context": "a rich throaty voice", "definition": "sounding as if pronounced low in the throat", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a rich throaty voice\" What is the definition of \"throaty\"?"} {"term": "elliptic", "pos": "s", "context": "the dialogue is elliptic and full of dark hints", "definition": "characterized by extreme economy of expression or omission of superfluous elements", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the dialogue is elliptic and full of dark hints\" What is the definition of \"elliptic\"?"} {"term": "ostensibly", "pos": "r", "context": "had been ostensibly frank as to his purpose while really concealing it \" - Thomas Hardy", "definition": "from appearances alone", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"had been ostensibly frank as to his purpose while really concealing it \" - Thomas Hardy\" What is the definition of \"ostensibly\"?"} {"term": "disloyal", "pos": "a", "context": "disloyal aides revealed his indiscretions to the papers", "definition": "deserting your allegiance or duty to leader or cause or principle", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"disloyal aides revealed his indiscretions to the papers\" What is the definition of \"disloyal\"?"} {"term": "recuperative", "pos": "s", "context": "recuperative powers", "definition": "promoting recuperation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["restorative", ""], "instruction": "\"recuperative powers\" What is the definition of \"recuperative\"?"} {"term": "affinity", "pos": "n", "context": "in anatomical structure prehistoric man shows close affinity with modern humans", "definition": "state of relationship between organisms or groups of organisms resulting in resemblance in structure or structural parts", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in anatomical structure prehistoric man shows close affinity with modern humans\" What is the definition of \"affinity\"?"} {"term": "soupy", "pos": "s", "context": "a soupy fog", "definition": "having the consistency and appearance of soup", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a soupy fog\" What is the definition of \"soupy\"?"} {"term": "gauge", "pos": "v", "context": "gauge bricks", "definition": "to rub to a uniform size", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gauge bricks\" What is the definition of \"gauge\"?"} {"term": "gauge", "pos": "v", "context": "gauge the wine barrels", "definition": "to determine the capacity , volume , or contents of by measurement and calculation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gauge the wine barrels\" What is the definition of \"gauge\"?"} {"term": "interbreed", "pos": "v", "context": "these species do not interbreed", "definition": "to breed animals or plants using parents of different races and varieties", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["hybridize", "crossbred", "breeding", "breed", "cross", "crossbreed"], "instruction": "\"these species do not interbreed\" What is the definition of \"interbreed\"?"} {"term": "wiry", "pos": "s", "context": "wiry red hair", "definition": "of hair that resembles wire in stiffness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wiry red hair\" What is the definition of \"wiry\"?"} {"term": "illuminating", "pos": "a", "context": "an illuminating lecture", "definition": "tending to increase knowledge or dissipate ignorance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an illuminating lecture\" What is the definition of \"illuminating\"?"} {"term": "bleak", "pos": "s", "context": "bleak winds of the North Atlantic", "definition": "unpleasantly cold and damp", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["raw", "cutting", ""], "instruction": "\"bleak winds of the North Atlantic\" What is the definition of \"bleak\"?"} {"term": "bleak", "pos": "s", "context": "prospects were bleak", "definition": "offering little or no hope", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"prospects were bleak\" What is the definition of \"bleak\"?"} {"term": "bleak", "pos": "s", "context": "the bleak treeless regions of the high Andes", "definition": "providing no shelter or sustenance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["bare", "", "stark", "barren"], "instruction": "\"the bleak treeless regions of the high Andes\" What is the definition of \"bleak\"?"} {"term": "situation", "pos": "n", "context": "the present international situation is dangerous", "definition": "the general state of things", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the present international situation is dangerous\" What is the definition of \"situation\"?"} {"term": "situation", "pos": "n", "context": "the present international situation is dangerous", "definition": "the combination of circumstances at a given time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the present international situation is dangerous\" What is the definition of \"situation\"?"} {"term": "situation", "pos": "n", "context": "the unpleasant situation ( or position ) of having to choose between two evils", "definition": "a condition or position in which you find yourself", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the unpleasant situation ( or position ) of having to choose between two evils\" What is the definition of \"situation\"?"} {"term": "situation", "pos": "n", "context": "the dangerous situation developed suddenly", "definition": "a complex or critical or unusual difficulty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the dangerous situation developed suddenly\" What is the definition of \"situation\"?"} {"term": "placidly", "pos": "r", "context": "the sea now shimmered placidly before our eyes", "definition": "in a quiet and tranquil manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sea now shimmered placidly before our eyes\" What is the definition of \"placidly\"?"} {"term": "placidly", "pos": "r", "context": "I put the questions , and she answered them placidly", "definition": "in a placid and good-natured manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I put the questions , and she answered them placidly\" What is the definition of \"placidly\"?"} {"term": "scholastically", "pos": "r", "context": "scholastically apt", "definition": "with respect to scholastic activities", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"scholastically apt\" What is the definition of \"scholastically\"?"} {"term": "expertly", "pos": "r", "context": "he repaired the TV set expertly", "definition": "in an expert manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he repaired the TV set expertly\" What is the definition of \"expertly\"?"} {"term": "deficiency", "pos": "n", "context": "water is the critical deficiency in desert regions", "definition": "the state of needing something that is absent or unavailable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["deficit", "shortage", "lack", "tightness", "dearth", "stringency", "demand", "shortness", "want"], "instruction": "\"water is the critical deficiency in desert regions\" What is the definition of \"deficiency\"?"} {"term": "preliminary", "pos": "n", "context": "training is a necessary preliminary to employment", "definition": "something that serves as a preceding event or introduces what follows", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["overture", "prelude", "origin", "inception", "origination"], "instruction": "\"training is a necessary preliminary to employment\" What is the definition of \"preliminary\"?"} {"term": "preliminary", "pos": "s", "context": "a preliminary investigation", "definition": "denoting an action or event preceding or in preparation for something more important", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a preliminary investigation\" What is the definition of \"preliminary\"?"} {"term": "preliminary", "pos": "s", "context": "a preliminary investigation", "definition": "designed to orient or acquaint with a situation before proceeding", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a preliminary investigation\" What is the definition of \"preliminary\"?"} {"term": "retractable", "pos": "s", "context": "retractable landing gear", "definition": "capable of being retracted", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"retractable landing gear\" What is the definition of \"retractable\"?"} {"term": "schism", "pos": "n", "context": "another schism like that and they will wind up in bankruptcy", "definition": "division of a group into opposing factions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["division", "split"], "instruction": "\"another schism like that and they will wind up in bankruptcy\" What is the definition of \"schism\"?"} {"term": "armory", "pos": "n", "context": "he dipped into his intellectual armory to find an answer", "definition": "a collection of resources", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["inventory", "imagination", "resource"], "instruction": "\"he dipped into his intellectual armory to find an answer\" What is the definition of \"armory\"?"} {"term": "edition", "pos": "n", "context": "the first edition appeared in 1920", "definition": "all of the identical copies of something offered to the public at the same time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the first edition appeared in 1920\" What is the definition of \"edition\"?"} {"term": "edition", "pos": "n", "context": "he read it in yesterday 's edition of the Times", "definition": "an issue of a newspaper", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he read it in yesterday 's edition of the Times\" What is the definition of \"edition\"?"} {"term": "asphaltic", "pos": "a", "context": "asphaltic residues", "definition": "containing asphalt", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"asphaltic residues\" What is the definition of \"asphaltic\"?"} {"term": "addiction", "pos": "n", "context": "under Roman law addiction was the justification for slavery", "definition": "a formal award by a magistrate of a thing or person to another person as the award of a debtor to his creditor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"under Roman law addiction was the justification for slavery\" What is the definition of \"addiction\"?"} {"term": "addiction", "pos": "n", "context": "under Roman law addiction was the justification for slavery", "definition": "a surrender to a master", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"under Roman law addiction was the justification for slavery\" What is the definition of \"addiction\"?"} {"term": "corps", "pos": "n", "context": "diplomatic corps", "definition": "a body of people associated together", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"diplomatic corps\" What is the definition of \"corps\"?"} {"term": "catastrophe", "pos": "n", "context": "lack of funds has resulted in a catastrophe for our school system", "definition": "a state of extreme usually irremediable ruin and misfortune", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lack of funds has resulted in a catastrophe for our school system\" What is the definition of \"catastrophe\"?"} {"term": "idea", "pos": "n", "context": "it was not a good idea", "definition": "the content of cognition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["thought", "misconception", "motif", "whimsy", "program", "idealization", "suggestion", "feeling", "theorem", "belief", "figment", "conception", "ideal", "concept", "inspiration", "keynote", "theme", "generality", "preoccupation", "whim", "impression", "substance", "plan", "cogitation", "burden", "opinion", "meaning"], "instruction": "\"it was not a good idea\" What is the definition of \"idea\"?"} {"term": "idea", "pos": "n", "context": "it was not a good idea", "definition": "the main thing you are thinking about", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["thought", "misconception", "motif", "whimsy", "program", "idealization", "suggestion", "feeling", "theorem", "belief", "figment", "conception", "ideal", "concept", "inspiration", "keynote", "theme", "generality", "preoccupation", "whim", "impression", "substance", "plan", "cogitation", "burden", "opinion", "meaning"], "instruction": "\"it was not a good idea\" What is the definition of \"idea\"?"} {"term": "idea", "pos": "n", "context": "he has an idea that we do n't like him", "definition": "a personal view", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he has an idea that we do n't like him\" What is the definition of \"idea\"?"} {"term": "idea", "pos": "n", "context": "the idea of the game is to capture all the pieces", "definition": "your intention", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["purpose", "design", "mind", "aim"], "instruction": "\"the idea of the game is to capture all the pieces\" What is the definition of \"idea\"?"} {"term": "idea", "pos": "n", "context": "the idea of the game is to capture all the pieces", "definition": "what you intend to do", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["purpose", "design", "mind", "aim"], "instruction": "\"the idea of the game is to capture all the pieces\" What is the definition of \"idea\"?"} {"term": "designer", "pos": "n", "context": "he is believed to be the principal designer of the terrorist bombing attack", "definition": "a person who devises plots or intrigues", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["planner", "intriguer"], "instruction": "\"he is believed to be the principal designer of the terrorist bombing attack\" What is the definition of \"designer\"?"} {"term": "holiday", "pos": "n", "context": "it 's a good thing that New Year 's was a holiday because everyone had a hangover", "definition": "a day on which work is suspended by law or custom", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's a good thing that New Year 's was a holiday because everyone had a hangover\" What is the definition of \"holiday\"?"} {"term": "holiday", "pos": "n", "context": "we took a short holiday in Puerto Rico", "definition": "leisure time away from work devoted to rest or pleasure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["vacation", "leisure", "honeymoon", "outing"], "instruction": "\"we took a short holiday in Puerto Rico\" What is the definition of \"holiday\"?"} {"term": "duple", "pos": "s", "context": "duple ( or double ) time consists of two ( or a multiple of two ) beats to a measure", "definition": "consisting of or involving two parts or components usually in pairs", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"duple ( or double ) time consists of two ( or a multiple of two ) beats to a measure\" What is the definition of \"duple\"?"} {"term": "medically", "pos": "r", "context": "medically trained nurses", "definition": "involving medical practice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"medically trained nurses\" What is the definition of \"medically\"?"} {"term": "merciful", "pos": "a", "context": "sought merciful treatment for the captives", "definition": "showing or giving mercy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sought merciful treatment for the captives\" What is the definition of \"merciful\"?"} {"term": "merciful", "pos": "s", "context": "our merciful king", "definition": "gracious", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"our merciful king\" What is the definition of \"merciful\"?"} {"term": "rub", "pos": "v", "context": "rub my hands", "definition": "to move over something with pressure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rub my hands\" What is the definition of \"rub\"?"} {"term": "doorway", "pos": "n", "context": "he stuck his head in the doorway", "definition": "the entrance the space in a wall through which you enter or leave a room or building", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["door", "entrance", "entry"], "instruction": "\"he stuck his head in the doorway\" What is the definition of \"doorway\"?"} {"term": "doorway", "pos": "n", "context": "he stuck his head in the doorway", "definition": "the space that a door can close", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["door", "entrance", "entry"], "instruction": "\"he stuck his head in the doorway\" What is the definition of \"doorway\"?"} {"term": "prehistoric", "pos": "s", "context": "prehistoric settlements", "definition": "belonging to or existing in times before recorded history", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"prehistoric settlements\" What is the definition of \"prehistoric\"?"} {"term": "prehistoric", "pos": "s", "context": "my mother has these prehistoric ideas about proper clothes", "definition": "no longer fashionable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my mother has these prehistoric ideas about proper clothes\" What is the definition of \"prehistoric\"?"} {"term": "prehistoric", "pos": "a", "context": "prehistoric archeology", "definition": "of or relating to times before written history", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"prehistoric archeology\" What is the definition of \"prehistoric\"?"} {"term": "consensual", "pos": "s", "context": "a consensual contract", "definition": "existing by consent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a consensual contract\" What is the definition of \"consensual\"?"} {"term": "rambling", "pos": "s", "context": "a rambling discursive book", "definition": "tending to depart from the main point or cover a wide range of subjects", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a rambling discursive book\" What is the definition of \"rambling\"?"} {"term": "rambling", "pos": "s", "context": "rambling forest paths", "definition": "of a path", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rambling forest paths\" What is the definition of \"rambling\"?"} {"term": "eager", "pos": "a", "context": "eager to learn", "definition": "having or showing keen interest or intense desire or impatient expectancy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"eager to learn\" What is the definition of \"eager\"?"} {"term": "gaseous", "pos": "a", "context": "steam is water is the gaseous state", "definition": "existing as or having characteristics of a gas", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"steam is water is the gaseous state\" What is the definition of \"gaseous\"?"} {"term": "saturnine", "pos": "s", "context": "the face was saturnine and swarthy , and the sensual lips ... twisted with disdain \" - Oscar Wilde", "definition": "bitter or scornful", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the face was saturnine and swarthy , and the sensual lips ... twisted with disdain \" - Oscar Wilde\" What is the definition of \"saturnine\"?"} {"term": "illegitimate", "pos": "s", "context": "an illegitimate seizure of power", "definition": "contrary to or forbidden by law", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an illegitimate seizure of power\" What is the definition of \"illegitimate\"?"} {"term": "odorless", "pos": "a", "context": "odorless gas", "definition": "having no odor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"odorless gas\" What is the definition of \"odorless\"?"} {"term": "virulence", "pos": "n", "context": "the virulence of the plague", "definition": "extreme harmfulness as the capacity of a microorganism to cause disease", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the virulence of the plague\" What is the definition of \"virulence\"?"} {"term": "virulence", "pos": "n", "context": "the virulence of the malicious old man", "definition": "extreme hostility", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the virulence of the malicious old man\" What is the definition of \"virulence\"?"} {"term": "knotted", "pos": "s", "context": "gnarled and knotted hands", "definition": "used of old persons or old trees", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gnarled and knotted hands\" What is the definition of \"knotted\"?"} {"term": "adjustable", "pos": "s", "context": "adjustable seat belts", "definition": "capable of being changed so as to match or fit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"adjustable seat belts\" What is the definition of \"adjustable\"?"} {"term": "adjustable", "pos": "s", "context": "adjustable interest rates", "definition": "capable of being regulated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"adjustable interest rates\" What is the definition of \"adjustable\"?"} {"term": "declension", "pos": "n", "context": "the first declension in Latin", "definition": "a class of nouns or pronouns or adjectives in indo-european languages having the same or very similar inflectional forms", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the first declension in Latin\" What is the definition of \"declension\"?"} {"term": "lot", "pos": "n", "context": "he bought a lot on the lake", "definition": "a parcel of land having fixed boundaries", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he bought a lot on the lake\" What is the definition of \"lot\"?"} {"term": "lot", "pos": "n", "context": "a lot of money", "definition": "a large number or amount or extent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["mint", "haymow", "deal", "wad", "batch", "heap", "mass", "plenty", "spate", "mess", "pile", "raft", "sight", "flood", "mountain"], "instruction": "\"a lot of money\" What is the definition of \"lot\"?"} {"term": "lot", "pos": "n", "context": "they were an angry lot", "definition": "an unofficial association of people or groups", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["pack", "set", "camp", "band", "confederacy", "coterie", "clique", "conspiracy", "party", "cohort"], "instruction": "\"they were an angry lot\" What is the definition of \"lot\"?"} {"term": "engagement", "pos": "n", "context": "the engagement of the clutch", "definition": "contact by fitting together", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["mesh", "striking", "contact"], "instruction": "\"the engagement of the clutch\" What is the definition of \"engagement\"?"} {"term": "engagement", "pos": "n", "context": "the teacher tried to increase his students ' engagement in class activities", "definition": "the act of sharing in the activities of a group", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["intervention", "involvement", "involution", "participation", "intercession", "commitment"], "instruction": "\"the teacher tried to increase his students ' engagement in class activities\" What is the definition of \"engagement\"?"} {"term": "voluble", "pos": "a", "context": "she is an extremely voluble young woman who engages in soliloquies not conversations", "definition": "marked by a ready flow of speech", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she is an extremely voluble young woman who engages in soliloquies not conversations\" What is the definition of \"voluble\"?"} {"term": "silence", "pos": "n", "context": "there was a shocked silence", "definition": "the state of being silent as when no one is speaking", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was a shocked silence\" What is the definition of \"silence\"?"} {"term": "silence", "pos": "n", "context": "he needed silence in order to sleep", "definition": "the absence of sound", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["stillness", "hush", "quietness", "quiet", "still"], "instruction": "\"he needed silence in order to sleep\" What is the definition of \"silence\"?"} {"term": "silence", "pos": "n", "context": "his silence about my contribution was surprising", "definition": "a refusal to speak when expected", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["muteness", ""], "instruction": "\"his silence about my contribution was surprising\" What is the definition of \"silence\"?"} {"term": "silence", "pos": "v", "context": "Please silence the children in the church !", "definition": "to cause to be quiet or not talk", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["muzzle", "conquer", "inhibit", "hush", "suppress", "hushing", "lull", "subdue", "subdued", "still"], "instruction": "\"Please silence the children in the church !\" What is the definition of \"silence\"?"} {"term": "estimation", "pos": "n", "context": "they had a high estimation of his ability", "definition": "the respect with which a person is held", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["estimate", "regard", "reputation", "esteem", "respect", "report"], "instruction": "\"they had a high estimation of his ability\" What is the definition of \"estimation\"?"} {"term": "portfolio", "pos": "n", "context": "he remembered her because she was carrying a large portfolio", "definition": "a large , flat , thin case for carrying loose papers or drawings or maps", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he remembered her because she was carrying a large portfolio\" What is the definition of \"portfolio\"?"} {"term": "portfolio", "pos": "n", "context": "he remembered her because she was carrying a large portfolio", "definition": "usually leather", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he remembered her because she was carrying a large portfolio\" What is the definition of \"portfolio\"?"} {"term": "portfolio", "pos": "n", "context": "the artist had put together a portfolio of his work", "definition": "a set of pieces of creative work collected to be shown to potential customers or employers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the artist had put together a portfolio of his work\" What is the definition of \"portfolio\"?"} {"term": "portfolio", "pos": "n", "context": "they were disappointed by the poor returns on their stock portfolio", "definition": "a list of the financial assets held by an individual or a bank or other financial institution", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they were disappointed by the poor returns on their stock portfolio\" What is the definition of \"portfolio\"?"} {"term": "laziness", "pos": "n", "context": "the laziness of the day helped her to relax", "definition": "relaxed and easy activity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the laziness of the day helped her to relax\" What is the definition of \"laziness\"?"} {"term": "fleck", "pos": "n", "context": "a fleck of red", "definition": "a small contrasting part of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["patch", "speckle", "spot", "plaque", "speck", "dapple", "nebula", "splash", "fret"], "instruction": "\"a fleck of red\" What is the definition of \"fleck\"?"} {"term": "unprincipled", "pos": "a", "context": "freedom from coarse unprincipled calumny \" - A.E.Stevenson", "definition": "lacking principles or moral scruples", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"freedom from coarse unprincipled calumny \" - A.E.Stevenson\" What is the definition of \"unprincipled\"?"} {"term": "indubitably", "pos": "r", "context": "it was immediately and indubitably apparent that I had interrupted a scene of lovers", "definition": "in a manner or to a degree that could not be doubted", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was immediately and indubitably apparent that I had interrupted a scene of lovers\" What is the definition of \"indubitably\"?"} {"term": "characteristically", "pos": "r", "context": "he arrived characteristically late", "definition": "in characteristic manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he arrived characteristically late\" What is the definition of \"characteristically\"?"} {"term": "erosive", "pos": "s", "context": "the erosive effects of waves on the shoreline", "definition": "wearing away by friction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the erosive effects of waves on the shoreline\" What is the definition of \"erosive\"?"} {"term": "nationalist", "pos": "s", "context": "nationalist aspirations", "definition": "devotion to the interests or culture of a particular nation including promoting the interests of one country over those of others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nationalist aspirations\" What is the definition of \"nationalist\"?"} {"term": "tamely", "pos": "r", "context": "the labour movement allowed itself to be run out of power tamely", "definition": "in a tame manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the labour movement allowed itself to be run out of power tamely\" What is the definition of \"tamely\"?"} {"term": "peninsular", "pos": "a", "context": "peninsular isolation", "definition": "of or forming or resembling a peninsula", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"peninsular isolation\" What is the definition of \"peninsular\"?"} {"term": "orchestral", "pos": "a", "context": "orchestral score", "definition": "relating to or composed for an orchestra", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"orchestral score\" What is the definition of \"orchestral\"?"} {"term": "macerate", "pos": "v", "context": "macerate peaches", "definition": "to soften , usually by steeping in liquid , and cause to disintegrate as a result", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"macerate peaches\" What is the definition of \"macerate\"?"} {"term": "momentarily", "pos": "r", "context": "we paused momentarily before proceeding", "definition": "for an instant or moment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we paused momentarily before proceeding\" What is the definition of \"momentarily\"?"} {"term": "chestnut", "pos": "s", "context": "a chestnut horse", "definition": "of a golden brown to reddish brown color", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a chestnut horse\" What is the definition of \"chestnut\"?"} {"term": "erudite", "pos": "s", "context": "an erudite professor", "definition": "having or showing profound knowledge", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an erudite professor\" What is the definition of \"erudite\"?"} {"term": "hitter", "pos": "n", "context": "a hard hitter", "definition": "someone who hits", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["slapper", "spanker", "striker"], "instruction": "\"a hard hitter\" What is the definition of \"hitter\"?"} {"term": "impalpable", "pos": "a", "context": "an impalpable cloud", "definition": "imperceptible to the senses or the mind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an impalpable cloud\" What is the definition of \"impalpable\"?"} {"term": "impalpable", "pos": "s", "context": "an impalpable pulse", "definition": "not perceptible to the touch", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an impalpable pulse\" What is the definition of \"impalpable\"?"} {"term": "persuasive", "pos": "a", "context": "persuasive eloquence", "definition": "intended or having the power to induce action or belief", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"persuasive eloquence\" What is the definition of \"persuasive\"?"} {"term": "icy", "pos": "s", "context": "icy northern waters", "definition": "covered with or containing or consisting of ice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"icy northern waters\" What is the definition of \"icy\"?"} {"term": "icy", "pos": "s", "context": "roads and trees glazed with an icy film", "definition": "shiny and slick as with a thin coating of ice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"roads and trees glazed with an icy film\" What is the definition of \"icy\"?"} {"term": "icy", "pos": "s", "context": "icy stare", "definition": "devoid of warmth and cordiality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"icy stare\" What is the definition of \"icy\"?"} {"term": "icy", "pos": "s", "context": "icy stare", "definition": "expressive of unfriendliness or disdain", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"icy stare\" What is the definition of \"icy\"?"} {"term": "sensitivity", "pos": "n", "context": "sensitivity to pain", "definition": "responsiveness to external stimuli", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sensitivity to pain\" What is the definition of \"sensitivity\"?"} {"term": "sensitivity", "pos": "n", "context": "sensitivity to pain", "definition": "the faculty of sensation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sensitivity to pain\" What is the definition of \"sensitivity\"?"} {"term": "sensitivity", "pos": "n", "context": "a galvanometer of extreme sensitivity", "definition": "the ability to respond to physical stimuli or to register small physical amounts or differences", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a galvanometer of extreme sensitivity\" What is the definition of \"sensitivity\"?"} {"term": "behave", "pos": "v", "context": "Do n't behave like a fool", "definition": "to show a certain behavior", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["make", "swelling", "freeze", "toy", "acting", "play", "swollen", "presume", "jesting", "menace", "joke", "footless", "wanton", "bungling", "swagger", "bungle", "swell", "act", "trifle", "bluster", "ramp", "blustering", "sauce", "jest"], "instruction": "\"Do n't behave like a fool\" What is the definition of \"behave\"?"} {"term": "behave", "pos": "v", "context": "Do n't behave like a fool", "definition": "to conduct or comport oneself", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["make", "swelling", "freeze", "toy", "acting", "play", "swollen", "presume", "jesting", "menace", "joke", "footless", "wanton", "bungling", "swagger", "bungle", "swell", "act", "trifle", "bluster", "ramp", "blustering", "sauce", "jest"], "instruction": "\"Do n't behave like a fool\" What is the definition of \"behave\"?"} {"term": "generic", "pos": "a", "context": "the generic name", "definition": "relating to or common to or descriptive of all members of a genus", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the generic name\" What is the definition of \"generic\"?"} {"term": "generic", "pos": "s", "context": "` Acetaminophen ' is the generic form of the proprietary drug ` Tylenol '", "definition": "not protected by trademark", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"` Acetaminophen ' is the generic form of the proprietary drug ` Tylenol '\" What is the definition of \"generic\"?"} {"term": "generic", "pos": "s", "context": "is there a generic Asian mind ?", "definition": "applicable to an entire class or group", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"is there a generic Asian mind ?\" What is the definition of \"generic\"?"} {"term": "suggestion", "pos": "n", "context": "the picnic was her suggestion", "definition": "an idea that is suggested", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the picnic was her suggestion\" What is the definition of \"suggestion\"?"} {"term": "suggestion", "pos": "n", "context": "it was a suggestion we could n't refuse", "definition": "a proposal offered for acceptance or rejection", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["overture", "approach", "hint", "feeler", "advance", "trace", "ghost", "breath", "touch", "proposition"], "instruction": "\"it was a suggestion we could n't refuse\" What is the definition of \"suggestion\"?"} {"term": "upwind", "pos": "r", "context": "they flew upwind", "definition": "in the direction opposite to the direction the wind is blowing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they flew upwind\" What is the definition of \"upwind\"?"} {"term": "appreciate", "pos": "v", "context": "Do you appreciate the full meaning of this letter ?", "definition": "to be fully aware of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Do you appreciate the full meaning of this letter ?\" What is the definition of \"appreciate\"?"} {"term": "appreciate", "pos": "v", "context": "Do you appreciate the full meaning of this letter ?", "definition": "to realize fully", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Do you appreciate the full meaning of this letter ?\" What is the definition of \"appreciate\"?"} {"term": "bier", "pos": "n", "context": "we followed the bier to the graveyard", "definition": "a coffin along with its stand", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we followed the bier to the graveyard\" What is the definition of \"bier\"?"} {"term": "fashionably", "pos": "r", "context": "his voice had no trace of the drawl that you would expect to find in a fashionably dressed young man", "definition": "in a fashionable manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his voice had no trace of the drawl that you would expect to find in a fashionably dressed young man\" What is the definition of \"fashionably\"?"} {"term": "duress", "pos": "n", "context": "confessed under duress", "definition": "compulsory force or threat", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"confessed under duress\" What is the definition of \"duress\"?"} {"term": "sacred", "pos": "a", "context": "sacred texts", "definition": "concerned with religion or religious purposes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sacred texts\" What is the definition of \"sacred\"?"} {"term": "sacred", "pos": "s", "context": "saw motherhood as woman 's sacred calling", "definition": "worthy of respect or dedication", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"saw motherhood as woman 's sacred calling\" What is the definition of \"sacred\"?"} {"term": "sacred", "pos": "s", "context": "a fund sacred to charity", "definition": "devoted exclusively to a single use or purpose or person", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fund sacred to charity\" What is the definition of \"sacred\"?"} {"term": "sacred", "pos": "s", "context": "the sacred mosque", "definition": "made or declared or believed to be holy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sacred mosque\" What is the definition of \"sacred\"?"} {"term": "sacred", "pos": "s", "context": "the sacred mosque", "definition": "devoted to a deity or some religious ceremony or use", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sacred mosque\" What is the definition of \"sacred\"?"} {"term": "serene", "pos": "s", "context": "serene skies and a bright blue sea", "definition": "completely clear and fine", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"serene skies and a bright blue sea\" What is the definition of \"serene\"?"} {"term": "serene", "pos": "s", "context": "he remained serene in the midst of turbulence", "definition": "not agitated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he remained serene in the midst of turbulence\" What is the definition of \"serene\"?"} {"term": "serene", "pos": "s", "context": "he remained serene in the midst of turbulence", "definition": "without losing self-possession", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he remained serene in the midst of turbulence\" What is the definition of \"serene\"?"} {"term": "crude", "pos": "s", "context": "managed to make a crude splint", "definition": "not carefully or expertly made", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"managed to make a crude splint\" What is the definition of \"crude\"?"} {"term": "crude", "pos": "s", "context": "a crude joke", "definition": "conspicuously and tastelessly indecent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["vulgar", "earthy", "gross", ""], "instruction": "\"a crude joke\" What is the definition of \"crude\"?"} {"term": "crude", "pos": "s", "context": "the crude weapons and rude agricultural implements of early man", "definition": "belonging to an early stage of technical development", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the crude weapons and rude agricultural implements of early man\" What is the definition of \"crude\"?"} {"term": "crude", "pos": "s", "context": "the crude weapons and rude agricultural implements of early man", "definition": "characterized by simplicity and often crudeness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the crude weapons and rude agricultural implements of early man\" What is the definition of \"crude\"?"} {"term": "crude", "pos": "a", "context": "crude oil", "definition": "not refined or processed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"crude oil\" What is the definition of \"crude\"?"} {"term": "climatic", "pos": "a", "context": "climatic changes", "definition": "of or relating to a climate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"climatic changes\" What is the definition of \"climatic\"?"} {"term": "piebald", "pos": "s", "context": "a piebald horse", "definition": "having sections or patches colored differently and usually brightly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["painted", "", "pied", "motley"], "instruction": "\"a piebald horse\" What is the definition of \"piebald\"?"} {"term": "innovative", "pos": "s", "context": "stylistically innovative works", "definition": "being or producing something like nothing done or experienced or created before", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stylistically innovative works\" What is the definition of \"innovative\"?"} {"term": "innovative", "pos": "s", "context": "is British industry innovative enough ?", "definition": "ahead of the times", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["advanced", "", "modern"], "instruction": "\"is British industry innovative enough ?\" What is the definition of \"innovative\"?"} {"term": "underlying", "pos": "s", "context": "an underlying meaning", "definition": "in the nature of something though not readily apparent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an underlying meaning\" What is the definition of \"underlying\"?"} {"term": "underlying", "pos": "s", "context": "underlying principles", "definition": "being or involving basic facts or principles", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"underlying principles\" What is the definition of \"underlying\"?"} {"term": "therein", "pos": "r", "context": "they can read therein what our plans are", "definition": "in or into that thing or place", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they can read therein what our plans are\" What is the definition of \"therein\"?"} {"term": "sexual", "pos": "a", "context": "sexual orientation", "definition": "of or relating to or characterized by sexuality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sexual orientation\" What is the definition of \"sexual\"?"} {"term": "sexual", "pos": "a", "context": "sexual reproduction", "definition": "having or involving sex", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sexual reproduction\" What is the definition of \"sexual\"?"} {"term": "lucent", "pos": "s", "context": "the lucent moon", "definition": "softly bright or radiant", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["aglow", "", "luminous", "lambent"], "instruction": "\"the lucent moon\" What is the definition of \"lucent\"?"} {"term": "puffy", "pos": "s", "context": "puffy tumid flesh", "definition": "abnormally distended especially by fluids or gas", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["turgid", "", "tumescent"], "instruction": "\"puffy tumid flesh\" What is the definition of \"puffy\"?"} {"term": "puffy", "pos": "s", "context": "puffy off-shore winds", "definition": "blowing in puffs or short intermittent blasts", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"puffy off-shore winds\" What is the definition of \"puffy\"?"} {"term": "openly", "pos": "r", "context": "he openly flaunted his affection for his sister", "definition": "in an open way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he openly flaunted his affection for his sister\" What is the definition of \"openly\"?"} {"term": "capital", "pos": "s", "context": "a capital fellow", "definition": "first-rate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a capital fellow\" What is the definition of \"capital\"?"} {"term": "capital", "pos": "s", "context": "our capital concern was to avoid defeat", "definition": "of primary importance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"our capital concern was to avoid defeat\" What is the definition of \"capital\"?"} {"term": "capital", "pos": "s", "context": "capital A", "definition": "uppercase", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"capital A\" What is the definition of \"capital\"?"} {"term": "oppression", "pos": "n", "context": "the tyrant 's oppression of the people", "definition": "the act of subjugating by cruelty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the tyrant 's oppression of the people\" What is the definition of \"oppression\"?"} {"term": "imaginative", "pos": "s", "context": "an imaginative use of material", "definition": "marked by independence and creativity in thought or action", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an imaginative use of material\" What is the definition of \"imaginative\"?"} {"term": "specialize", "pos": "v", "context": "specialize one 's research", "definition": "to suit to a special purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"specialize one 's research\" What is the definition of \"specialize\"?"} {"term": "inhalant", "pos": "a", "context": "an inhalant pore", "definition": "inhaling or serving for inhalation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an inhalant pore\" What is the definition of \"inhalant\"?"} {"term": "engraved", "pos": "v", "context": "engraved the trophy cupt with the winner 's", "definition": "to carve , cut , or etch into a material or surface", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["inscribe", "grave", "carve"], "instruction": "\"engraved the trophy cupt with the winner 's\" What is the definition of \"engraved\"?"} {"term": "engraved", "pos": "v", "context": "The event engraved itself into her memory", "definition": "to impress or affect deeply", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The event engraved itself into her memory\" What is the definition of \"engraved\"?"} {"term": "engraved", "pos": "s", "context": "engraved invitations", "definition": "cut or impressed into a surface", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"engraved invitations\" What is the definition of \"engraved\"?"} {"term": "forager", "pos": "n", "context": "in Japan a fungus forager can earn a good living", "definition": "someone who hunts for food and provisions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in Japan a fungus forager can earn a good living\" What is the definition of \"forager\"?"} {"term": "affluent", "pos": "s", "context": "an affluent banker", "definition": "having an abundant supply of money or possessions of value", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["moneyed", "", "wealthy", "flush"], "instruction": "\"an affluent banker\" What is the definition of \"affluent\"?"} {"term": "overhasty", "pos": "s", "context": "rejected what was regarded as an overhasty plan for reconversion", "definition": "done with very great haste and without due deliberation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rejected what was regarded as an overhasty plan for reconversion\" What is the definition of \"overhasty\"?"} {"term": "previously", "pos": "r", "context": "she had previously lived in Chicago", "definition": "at an earlier time or formerly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she had previously lived in Chicago\" What is the definition of \"previously\"?"} {"term": "clearance", "pos": "n", "context": "the plane was given clearance to land", "definition": "permission to proceed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the plane was given clearance to land\" What is the definition of \"clearance\"?"} {"term": "tip", "pos": "n", "context": "he got a tip on the stock market", "definition": "an indication of potential opportunity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["steer", "hint", "counsel", "lead", "wind", "guidance"], "instruction": "\"he got a tip on the stock market\" What is the definition of \"tip\"?"} {"term": "tip", "pos": "v", "context": "tip the screen upward", "definition": "to cause to tilt", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tip the screen upward\" What is the definition of \"tip\"?"} {"term": "gripe", "pos": "n", "context": "I have a gripe about the service here", "definition": "informal terms for objecting", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I have a gripe about the service here\" What is the definition of \"gripe\"?"} {"term": "count", "pos": "v", "context": "Can you count the books on your shelf ?", "definition": "to determine the number or amount of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["determine", "census", "countess", "add", "recount", "tally", "find", "tot", "determined", "ascertain", "enumerate", "sum", "number", "total", "numerate"], "instruction": "\"Can you count the books on your shelf ?\" What is the definition of \"count\"?"} {"term": "count", "pos": "v", "context": "The toddler could count to 100", "definition": "to name or recite the numbers in ascending order", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The toddler could count to 100\" What is the definition of \"count\"?"} {"term": "install", "pos": "v", "context": "install the washer and dryer", "definition": "to set up for use", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"install the washer and dryer\" What is the definition of \"install\"?"} {"term": "available", "pos": "a", "context": "kept a fire extinguisher available", "definition": "obtainable or accessible and ready for use or service", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"kept a fire extinguisher available\" What is the definition of \"available\"?"} {"term": "available", "pos": "s", "context": "he was not available for comment", "definition": "not busy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was not available for comment\" What is the definition of \"available\"?"} {"term": "available", "pos": "s", "context": "he was not available for comment", "definition": "not otherwise committed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was not available for comment\" What is the definition of \"available\"?"} {"term": "available", "pos": "s", "context": "the house is available after July 1", "definition": "convenient for use or disposal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the house is available after July 1\" What is the definition of \"available\"?"} {"term": "disgusting", "pos": "s", "context": "a disgusting smell", "definition": "highly offensive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a disgusting smell\" What is the definition of \"disgusting\"?"} {"term": "intertwine", "pos": "v", "context": "intertwine the ribbons", "definition": "to spin , wind , or twist together", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["knotted", "lace", "wattle", "wreathe", "laced", "tangle", "twine", "lacing", "splice", "twist", "ravel", "distort", "wind", "entwine", "knot"], "instruction": "\"intertwine the ribbons\" What is the definition of \"intertwine\"?"} {"term": "stunner", "pos": "n", "context": "the stunner was what happened on Saturday", "definition": "an unexpected and amazing event", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the stunner was what happened on Saturday\" What is the definition of \"stunner\"?"} {"term": "immigration", "pos": "n", "context": "the increased immigration strengthened the colony", "definition": "the body of immigrants arriving during a specified interval", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the increased immigration strengthened the colony\" What is the definition of \"immigration\"?"} {"term": "greasy", "pos": "s", "context": "greasy hamburgers", "definition": "containing an unusual amount of grease or oil", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"greasy hamburgers\" What is the definition of \"greasy\"?"} {"term": "greasy", "pos": "s", "context": "greasy coveralls", "definition": "smeared or soiled with grease or oil", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"greasy coveralls\" What is the definition of \"greasy\"?"} {"term": "adhesion", "pos": "n", "context": "a heated hydraulic press was required for adhesion", "definition": "the property of sticking together as of glue and wood or the joining of surfaces of different composition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["adhesiveness", "bond", "stickiness"], "instruction": "\"a heated hydraulic press was required for adhesion\" What is the definition of \"adhesion\"?"} {"term": "appropriate", "pos": "a", "context": "a book not appropriate for children", "definition": "suitable for a particular person or place or condition etc", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a book not appropriate for children\" What is the definition of \"appropriate\"?"} {"term": "beneficiary", "pos": "a", "context": "a beneficiary baron", "definition": "having or arising from a benefice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a beneficiary baron\" What is the definition of \"beneficiary\"?"} {"term": "tramp", "pos": "n", "context": "a homeless tramp", "definition": "a disreputable vagrant", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["vagrant", "bum"], "instruction": "\"a homeless tramp\" What is the definition of \"tramp\"?"} {"term": "tramp", "pos": "n", "context": "the tramp of military boots", "definition": "a heavy footfall", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the tramp of military boots\" What is the definition of \"tramp\"?"} {"term": "tramp", "pos": "v", "context": "We had to tramp the creeks", "definition": "to cross on foot", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"We had to tramp the creeks\" What is the definition of \"tramp\"?"} {"term": "perky", "pos": "s", "context": "a perky little widow in her 70s", "definition": "characterized by liveliness and lightheartedness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a perky little widow in her 70s\" What is the definition of \"perky\"?"} {"term": "dimple", "pos": "n", "context": "His dimple appeared whenever he smiled", "definition": "a small natural hollow in the cheek or chin", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"His dimple appeared whenever he smiled\" What is the definition of \"dimple\"?"} {"term": "spatially", "pos": "r", "context": "spatially limited", "definition": "with regard to space", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"spatially limited\" What is the definition of \"spatially\"?"} {"term": "germane", "pos": "s", "context": "he asks questions that are germane and central to the issue", "definition": "relevant and appropriate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he asks questions that are germane and central to the issue\" What is the definition of \"germane\"?"} {"term": "doubly", "pos": "r", "context": "she was doubly rewarded", "definition": "to double the degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was doubly rewarded\" What is the definition of \"doubly\"?"} {"term": "doubly", "pos": "r", "context": "he was doubly wrong", "definition": "in a twofold manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was doubly wrong\" What is the definition of \"doubly\"?"} {"term": "revolutionary", "pos": "s", "context": "a revolutionary discovery", "definition": "markedly new or introducing radical change", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["radical", ""], "instruction": "\"a revolutionary discovery\" What is the definition of \"revolutionary\"?"} {"term": "revolutionary", "pos": "a", "context": "revolutionary wars", "definition": "relating to or having the nature of a revolution", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"revolutionary wars\" What is the definition of \"revolutionary\"?"} {"term": "revolutionary", "pos": "a", "context": "revolutionary pamphlets", "definition": "advocating or engaged in revolution", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"revolutionary pamphlets\" What is the definition of \"revolutionary\"?"} {"term": "prompt", "pos": "s", "context": "the train is prompt", "definition": "according to schedule or without delay", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the train is prompt\" What is the definition of \"prompt\"?"} {"term": "prompt", "pos": "s", "context": "the train is prompt", "definition": "on time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the train is prompt\" What is the definition of \"prompt\"?"} {"term": "prompt", "pos": "s", "context": "she is always prompt to help her friends", "definition": "ready and willing or quick to act", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she is always prompt to help her friends\" What is the definition of \"prompt\"?"} {"term": "prompt", "pos": "s", "context": "a prompt reply", "definition": "performed with little or no delay", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a prompt reply\" What is the definition of \"prompt\"?"} {"term": "religiousness", "pos": "n", "context": "his care in observing the rules of good health amounted to a kind of religiousness", "definition": "the quality of being extremely conscientious", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his care in observing the rules of good health amounted to a kind of religiousness\" What is the definition of \"religiousness\"?"} {"term": "welfare", "pos": "n", "context": "she lives on welfare", "definition": "governmental provision of economic assistance to persons in need", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she lives on welfare\" What is the definition of \"welfare\"?"} {"term": "alveolar", "pos": "a", "context": "alveolar processes", "definition": "pertaining to the sockets of the teeth or that part of the upper jaw", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"alveolar processes\" What is the definition of \"alveolar\"?"} {"term": "say", "pos": "n", "context": "let him have his say", "definition": "the chance to speak", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"let him have his say\" What is the definition of \"say\"?"} {"term": "say", "pos": "v", "context": "Did his face say anything about how he felt ?", "definition": "to communicate or express nonverbally", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Did his face say anything about how he felt ?\" What is the definition of \"say\"?"} {"term": "say", "pos": "v", "context": "I say let 's forget this whole business", "definition": "to state as ones opinion or judgement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I say let 's forget this whole business\" What is the definition of \"say\"?"} {"term": "say", "pos": "v", "context": "I say let 's forget this whole business", "definition": "to declare", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I say let 's forget this whole business\" What is the definition of \"say\"?"} {"term": "discreditable", "pos": "s", "context": "his marks were not at all discreditable", "definition": "tending to bring discredit or disrepute", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his marks were not at all discreditable\" What is the definition of \"discreditable\"?"} {"term": "discreditable", "pos": "s", "context": "his marks were not at all discreditable", "definition": "blameworthy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his marks were not at all discreditable\" What is the definition of \"discreditable\"?"} {"term": "domestication", "pos": "n", "context": "her explorer husband resisted all her attempts at domestication", "definition": "accommodation to domestic life", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her explorer husband resisted all her attempts at domestication\" What is the definition of \"domestication\"?"} {"term": "inverted", "pos": "v", "context": "here the theme is inverted", "definition": "to make an inversion in a musical composition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"here the theme is inverted\" What is the definition of \"inverted\"?"} {"term": "inverted", "pos": "s", "context": "a quotation mark is sometimes called an inverted comma", "definition": "being in such a position that top and bottom are reversed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a quotation mark is sometimes called an inverted comma\" What is the definition of \"inverted\"?"} {"term": "internecine", "pos": "s", "context": "an internecine feud among proxy holders", "definition": "within a group or organization", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an internecine feud among proxy holders\" What is the definition of \"internecine\"?"} {"term": "internecine", "pos": "s", "context": "internecine war", "definition": "characterized by bloodshed and carnage for both sides", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"internecine war\" What is the definition of \"internecine\"?"} {"term": "juicy", "pos": "s", "context": "juicy barmaids", "definition": "having strong sexual appeal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"juicy barmaids\" What is the definition of \"juicy\"?"} {"term": "juicy", "pos": "s", "context": "a juicy contract", "definition": "lucrative", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a juicy contract\" What is the definition of \"juicy\"?"} {"term": "juicy", "pos": "s", "context": "a juicy scandal", "definition": "suggestive of sexual impropriety", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a juicy scandal\" What is the definition of \"juicy\"?"} {"term": "traffic", "pos": "n", "context": "heavy traffic overloaded the trunk lines", "definition": "the amount of activity over a communication system during a given period of time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"heavy traffic overloaded the trunk lines\" What is the definition of \"traffic\"?"} {"term": "traffic", "pos": "v", "context": "traffic drugs", "definition": "to deal illegally", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"traffic drugs\" What is the definition of \"traffic\"?"} {"term": "instantaneous", "pos": "s", "context": "relief was instantaneous", "definition": "occurring with no delay", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"relief was instantaneous\" What is the definition of \"instantaneous\"?"} {"term": "innocuous", "pos": "s", "context": "it was an innocuous remark", "definition": "not causing disapproval", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was an innocuous remark\" What is the definition of \"innocuous\"?"} {"term": "sector", "pos": "n", "context": "the public sector", "definition": "a social group that forms part of the society or the economy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the public sector\" What is the definition of \"sector\"?"} {"term": "sector", "pos": "n", "context": "he was helpless in an important sector of his life", "definition": "a particular aspect of life or activity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["facet", "sphere"], "instruction": "\"he was helpless in an important sector of his life\" What is the definition of \"sector\"?"} {"term": "adequate", "pos": "a", "context": "she had adequate training", "definition": "having the requisite qualities or resources to meet a task", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she had adequate training\" What is the definition of \"adequate\"?"} {"term": "adequate", "pos": "s", "context": "an adequate income", "definition": "sufficient for the purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an adequate income\" What is the definition of \"adequate\"?"} {"term": "adequate", "pos": "s", "context": "more than adequate as a secretary", "definition": "about average", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"more than adequate as a secretary\" What is the definition of \"adequate\"?"} {"term": "adequate", "pos": "s", "context": "more than adequate as a secretary", "definition": "acceptable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"more than adequate as a secretary\" What is the definition of \"adequate\"?"} {"term": "insurmountable", "pos": "a", "context": "insurmountable disadvantages", "definition": "not capable of being surmounted or overcome", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"insurmountable disadvantages\" What is the definition of \"insurmountable\"?"} {"term": "shadow", "pos": "n", "context": "a shadow over his happiness", "definition": "a premonition of something adverse", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a shadow over his happiness\" What is the definition of \"shadow\"?"} {"term": "shadow", "pos": "n", "context": "he felt secure in his father 's shadow", "definition": "refuge from danger or observation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he felt secure in his father 's shadow\" What is the definition of \"shadow\"?"} {"term": "wind", "pos": "n", "context": "the collision knocked the wind out of him", "definition": "breath", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the collision knocked the wind out of him\" What is the definition of \"wind\"?"} {"term": "wind", "pos": "v", "context": "wind your watch", "definition": "to coil the spring of some mechanical device by turning a stem", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wind your watch\" What is the definition of \"wind\"?"} {"term": "astute", "pos": "s", "context": "an astute tenant always reads the small print in a lease", "definition": "marked by practical hardheaded intelligence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an astute tenant always reads the small print in a lease\" What is the definition of \"astute\"?"} {"term": "perhaps", "pos": "r", "context": "perhaps she will call tomorrow", "definition": "by chance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"perhaps she will call tomorrow\" What is the definition of \"perhaps\"?"} {"term": "look", "pos": "n", "context": "he went out to have a look", "definition": "the act of directing the eyes toward something and perceiving it visually", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["perception", "observance", "sight", "view", "observation", "peek", "glance", "survey", "scrutiny", "glimpse", "stare", "looking", "squint", "lookout", "peep"], "instruction": "\"he went out to have a look\" What is the definition of \"look\"?"} {"term": "look", "pos": "n", "context": "a look of triumph", "definition": "the feelings expressed on a persons face", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["face", "spark", "sparkle", "countenance", "leer", "twinkle", "visage"], "instruction": "\"a look of triumph\" What is the definition of \"look\"?"} {"term": "consult", "pos": "v", "context": "They had to consult before arriving at a decision", "definition": "to get or ask advice from", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"They had to consult before arriving at a decision\" What is the definition of \"consult\"?"} {"term": "consult", "pos": "v", "context": "You should consult the dictionary", "definition": "to seek information from", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"You should consult the dictionary\" What is the definition of \"consult\"?"} {"term": "sparkling", "pos": "s", "context": "sparkling snow", "definition": "shining with brilliant points of light like stars", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sparkling snow\" What is the definition of \"sparkling\"?"} {"term": "sparkling", "pos": "a", "context": "sparkling wines", "definition": "used of wines and waters", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sparkling wines\" What is the definition of \"sparkling\"?"} {"term": "sparkling", "pos": "a", "context": "sparkling wines", "definition": "charged naturally or artificially with carbon dioxide", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sparkling wines\" What is the definition of \"sparkling\"?"} {"term": "nickel", "pos": "n", "context": "a nickel bag of drugs", "definition": "five dollars worth of a drug", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a nickel bag of drugs\" What is the definition of \"nickel\"?"} {"term": "aboveboard", "pos": "s", "context": "their business was open and aboveboard", "definition": "without concealment or deception", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their business was open and aboveboard\" What is the definition of \"aboveboard\"?"} {"term": "aboveboard", "pos": "s", "context": "their business was open and aboveboard", "definition": "honest", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their business was open and aboveboard\" What is the definition of \"aboveboard\"?"} {"term": "aboveboard", "pos": "r", "context": "was known for dealing aboveboard in everything", "definition": "in an honest manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"was known for dealing aboveboard in everything\" What is the definition of \"aboveboard\"?"} {"term": "articular", "pos": "a", "context": "the articular surfaces of bones", "definition": "relating to or affecting the joints of the body", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the articular surfaces of bones\" What is the definition of \"articular\"?"} {"term": "apologetically", "pos": "r", "context": "he spoke apologetically about his past", "definition": "in an apologetic manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he spoke apologetically about his past\" What is the definition of \"apologetically\"?"} {"term": "billowy", "pos": "s", "context": "billowy storm clouds", "definition": "characterized by great swelling waves or surges", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"billowy storm clouds\" What is the definition of \"billowy\"?"} {"term": "aweigh", "pos": "s", "context": "anchors aweigh", "definition": "hanging clear of the bottom", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"anchors aweigh\" What is the definition of \"aweigh\"?"} {"term": "deliberation", "pos": "n", "context": "a little deliberation would have deterred them", "definition": "careful consideration", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["consideration", "advisement"], "instruction": "\"a little deliberation would have deterred them\" What is the definition of \"deliberation\"?"} {"term": "deliberation", "pos": "n", "context": "he was a man of judicial deliberation", "definition": "the trait of thoughtfulness in action or decision", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["intentionality", "deliberateness"], "instruction": "\"he was a man of judicial deliberation\" What is the definition of \"deliberation\"?"} {"term": "unique", "pos": "s", "context": "a species unique to Australia", "definition": "applying exclusively to a given category or condition or locality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a species unique to Australia\" What is the definition of \"unique\"?"} {"term": "unique", "pos": "s", "context": "spoke with a unique accent", "definition": "highly unusual or rare but not the single instance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"spoke with a unique accent\" What is the definition of \"unique\"?"} {"term": "unique", "pos": "s", "context": "Bach was unique in his handling of counterpoint", "definition": "radically distinctive and without equal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Bach was unique in his handling of counterpoint\" What is the definition of \"unique\"?"} {"term": "surf", "pos": "v", "context": "Californians love to surf", "definition": "to ride the waves of the sea with a surfboard", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Californians love to surf\" What is the definition of \"surf\"?"} {"term": "surf", "pos": "v", "context": "surf the internet or the world wide web", "definition": "to look around casually and randomly , without seeking anything in particular", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["browse", "seek", "browsing", "search"], "instruction": "\"surf the internet or the world wide web\" What is the definition of \"surf\"?"} {"term": "least", "pos": "n", "context": "it is the least I can do", "definition": "something that is of no importance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is the least I can do\" What is the definition of \"least\"?"} {"term": "least", "pos": "a", "context": "did n't care the least bit", "definition": "the superlative of little that can be used with mass nouns and is usually preceded by the", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"did n't care the least bit\" What is the definition of \"least\"?"} {"term": "least", "pos": "a", "context": "did n't care the least bit", "definition": "a quantifier meaning smallest in amount or extent or degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"did n't care the least bit\" What is the definition of \"least\"?"} {"term": "least", "pos": "r", "context": "The garter snake is the least dangerous snake", "definition": "used to form the superlative", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The garter snake is the least dangerous snake\" What is the definition of \"least\"?"} {"term": "aspirate", "pos": "v", "context": "aspirate the wound", "definition": "to remove as if by suction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"aspirate the wound\" What is the definition of \"aspirate\"?"} {"term": "devious", "pos": "s", "context": "used devious means to achieve success", "definition": "indirect in departing from the accepted or proper way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"used devious means to achieve success\" What is the definition of \"devious\"?"} {"term": "devious", "pos": "s", "context": "used devious means to achieve success", "definition": "misleading", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"used devious means to achieve success\" What is the definition of \"devious\"?"} {"term": "devious", "pos": "s", "context": "a devious character", "definition": "characterized by insincerity or deceit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a devious character\" What is the definition of \"devious\"?"} {"term": "devious", "pos": "s", "context": "a devious character", "definition": "evasive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a devious character\" What is the definition of \"devious\"?"} {"term": "devious", "pos": "s", "context": "a scenic but devious route", "definition": "deviating from a straight course", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a scenic but devious route\" What is the definition of \"devious\"?"} {"term": "offensive", "pos": "s", "context": "considered such depravity offensive against all laws of humanity", "definition": "violating or tending to violate or offend against", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"considered such depravity offensive against all laws of humanity\" What is the definition of \"offensive\"?"} {"term": "offensive", "pos": "a", "context": "offensive weapons", "definition": "for the purpose of attack rather than defense", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"offensive weapons\" What is the definition of \"offensive\"?"} {"term": "offensive", "pos": "a", "context": "offensive remarks", "definition": "causing anger or annoyance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"offensive remarks\" What is the definition of \"offensive\"?"} {"term": "offensive", "pos": "a", "context": "offensive odors", "definition": "unpleasant or disgusting especially to the senses", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"offensive odors\" What is the definition of \"offensive\"?"} {"term": "gap", "pos": "n", "context": "gap between income and outgo", "definition": "a conspicuous disparity or difference as between two figures", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["spread", "disparity"], "instruction": "\"gap between income and outgo\" What is the definition of \"gap\"?"} {"term": "predicament", "pos": "n", "context": "finds himself in a most awkward predicament", "definition": "a situation from which extrication is difficult especially an unpleasant or trying one", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"finds himself in a most awkward predicament\" What is the definition of \"predicament\"?"} {"term": "credible", "pos": "a", "context": "completely credible testimony", "definition": "capable of being believed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"completely credible testimony\" What is the definition of \"credible\"?"} {"term": "credible", "pos": "s", "context": "a credible witness", "definition": "appearing to merit belief or acceptance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a credible witness\" What is the definition of \"credible\"?"} {"term": "suppress", "pos": "v", "context": "suppress a nascent uprising", "definition": "to to put down by force or authority", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["silence", "inhibit", "smother", "subdued", "stifle", "repress", "squelch", "quell", "subdue", "blink", "still", "conquer", "hold", "hushing", "quench", "strangle", "hush", "control", "moderate", "dampen", "wink", "contain"], "instruction": "\"suppress a nascent uprising\" What is the definition of \"suppress\"?"} {"term": "suppress", "pos": "v", "context": "suppress a yawn", "definition": "to reduce the incidence or severity of or stop", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"suppress a yawn\" What is the definition of \"suppress\"?"} {"term": "vacant", "pos": "s", "context": "a vacant mind", "definition": "void of thought or knowledge", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a vacant mind\" What is the definition of \"vacant\"?"} {"term": "vacant", "pos": "s", "context": "the throne is never vacant", "definition": "without an occupant or incumbent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the throne is never vacant\" What is the definition of \"vacant\"?"} {"term": "oath", "pos": "n", "context": "they took an oath of allegiance", "definition": "a solemn promise , usually invoking a divine witness , regarding your future acts or behavior", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they took an oath of allegiance\" What is the definition of \"oath\"?"} {"term": "upset", "pos": "n", "context": "his carelessness could have caused an ecological upset", "definition": "the act of disturbing the mind or body", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his carelessness could have caused an ecological upset\" What is the definition of \"upset\"?"} {"term": "upset", "pos": "v", "context": "The hostile talks upset the peaceful relations between the two countries", "definition": "to disturb the balance or stability of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["touch", "upsetting"], "instruction": "\"The hostile talks upset the peaceful relations between the two countries\" What is the definition of \"upset\"?"} {"term": "upset", "pos": "v", "context": "The foreign team upset the local team", "definition": "to defeat suddenly and unexpectedly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The foreign team upset the local team\" What is the definition of \"upset\"?"} {"term": "upset", "pos": "s", "context": "the Bills ' upset victory over the Houston Oilers", "definition": "used of an unexpected defeat of a team favored to win", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the Bills ' upset victory over the Houston Oilers\" What is the definition of \"upset\"?"} {"term": "upset", "pos": "s", "context": "an upset stomach", "definition": "mildly physically distressed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an upset stomach\" What is the definition of \"upset\"?"} {"term": "upset", "pos": "s", "context": "too upset to say anything", "definition": "afflicted with or marked by anxious uneasiness or trouble or grief", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"too upset to say anything\" What is the definition of \"upset\"?"} {"term": "receivership", "pos": "n", "context": "the business is in receivership", "definition": "the state of property that is in the hands of a receiver", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the business is in receivership\" What is the definition of \"receivership\"?"} {"term": "disconsolate", "pos": "s", "context": "a disconsolate winter landscape", "definition": "causing dejection", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a disconsolate winter landscape\" What is the definition of \"disconsolate\"?"} {"term": "alliterative", "pos": "s", "context": "alliterative verse", "definition": "having the same consonant at the beginning of each stressed syllable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"alliterative verse\" What is the definition of \"alliterative\"?"} {"term": "lap", "pos": "n", "context": "he picked up the little girl and plopped her down in his lap", "definition": "the upper side of the thighs of a seated person", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he picked up the little girl and plopped her down in his lap\" What is the definition of \"lap\"?"} {"term": "lap", "pos": "n", "context": "the job fell right in my lap", "definition": "an area of control or responsibility", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the job fell right in my lap\" What is the definition of \"lap\"?"} {"term": "lap", "pos": "n", "context": "his lap was covered with food stains", "definition": "the part of a piece of clothing that covers the thighs", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his lap was covered with food stains\" What is the definition of \"lap\"?"} {"term": "suspense", "pos": "n", "context": "the matter remained in suspense for several years", "definition": "an uncertain cognitive state", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the matter remained in suspense for several years\" What is the definition of \"suspense\"?"} {"term": "suspense", "pos": "n", "context": "the play kept the audience in suspense", "definition": "excited anticipation of an approaching climax", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the play kept the audience in suspense\" What is the definition of \"suspense\"?"} {"term": "dominant", "pos": "a", "context": "television plays a dominant role in molding public opinion", "definition": "exercising influence or control", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"television plays a dominant role in molding public opinion\" What is the definition of \"dominant\"?"} {"term": "centennial", "pos": "a", "context": "centennial celebration", "definition": "of or relating to or completing a period of 100 years", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"centennial celebration\" What is the definition of \"centennial\"?"} {"term": "unnatural", "pos": "a", "context": "an unnatural death", "definition": "not in accordance with or determined by nature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unnatural death\" What is the definition of \"unnatural\"?"} {"term": "unnatural", "pos": "a", "context": "an unnatural death", "definition": "contrary to nature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unnatural death\" What is the definition of \"unnatural\"?"} {"term": "splice", "pos": "n", "context": "the break was due to an imperfect splice", "definition": "a junction where two things as paper or film or magnetic tape have been joined together", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the break was due to an imperfect splice\" What is the definition of \"splice\"?"} {"term": "splice", "pos": "v", "context": "splice film", "definition": "to join the ends of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"splice film\" What is the definition of \"splice\"?"} {"term": "splice", "pos": "v", "context": "splice genes", "definition": "to join together so as to form new genetic combinations", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"splice genes\" What is the definition of \"splice\"?"} {"term": "morning", "pos": "n", "context": "I spent the morning running errands", "definition": "the time period between dawn and noon", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["period", "morn", "forenoon"], "instruction": "\"I spent the morning running errands\" What is the definition of \"morning\"?"} {"term": "morning", "pos": "n", "context": "they talked until morning", "definition": "the first light of day", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["sunrise", "daybreak", "sunup", "hour"], "instruction": "\"they talked until morning\" What is the definition of \"morning\"?"} {"term": "disjointed", "pos": "s", "context": "a disjointed fowl", "definition": "taken apart at the joints", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a disjointed fowl\" What is the definition of \"disjointed\"?"} {"term": "epidemic", "pos": "a", "context": "an epidemic outbreak of influenza", "definition": "of disease or anything resembling a disease", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an epidemic outbreak of influenza\" What is the definition of \"epidemic\"?"} {"term": "epidemic", "pos": "a", "context": "an epidemic outbreak of influenza", "definition": "attacking or affecting many individuals in a community or a population simultaneously", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an epidemic outbreak of influenza\" What is the definition of \"epidemic\"?"} {"term": "gloomy", "pos": "s", "context": "gloomy at the thought of what he had to face", "definition": "filled with melancholy and despondency", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["downcast", "", "downhearted", "blue", "dispirited", "depressed", "low"], "instruction": "\"gloomy at the thought of what he had to face\" What is the definition of \"gloomy\"?"} {"term": "gloomy", "pos": "s", "context": "the gloomy forest", "definition": "depressingly dark", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the gloomy forest\" What is the definition of \"gloomy\"?"} {"term": "gloomy", "pos": "s", "context": "a dark gloomy day", "definition": "causing dejection", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dark gloomy day\" What is the definition of \"gloomy\"?"} {"term": "beamy", "pos": "s", "context": "a beamy cargo ship", "definition": "broad in the beam", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a beamy cargo ship\" What is the definition of \"beamy\"?"} {"term": "mistreatment", "pos": "n", "context": "he should be punished for his mistreatment of his mother", "definition": "the practice of treating someone or something badly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he should be punished for his mistreatment of his mother\" What is the definition of \"mistreatment\"?"} {"term": "text", "pos": "n", "context": "there were more than a thousand words of text", "definition": "the words of something written", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there were more than a thousand words of text\" What is the definition of \"text\"?"} {"term": "text", "pos": "n", "context": "the preacher chose a text from Psalms to introduce his sermon", "definition": "a passage from the bible that is used as the subject of a sermon", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the preacher chose a text from Psalms to introduce his sermon\" What is the definition of \"text\"?"} {"term": "text", "pos": "n", "context": "pictures made the text easier to understand", "definition": "the main body of a written work as distinct from illustrations or footnotes etc. .", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pictures made the text easier to understand\" What is the definition of \"text\"?"} {"term": "paw", "pos": "v", "context": "The man tried to paw her", "definition": "to touch clumsily", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The man tried to paw her\" What is the definition of \"paw\"?"} {"term": "crease", "pos": "n", "context": "a crease in his trousers", "definition": "an angular or rounded shape made by folding", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["flexure", "plait", "ruck", "twist", "angularity", "twirl", "crimp", "fold", "plication", "bend", "pucker"], "instruction": "\"a crease in his trousers\" What is the definition of \"crease\"?"} {"term": "crease", "pos": "v", "context": "crease the paper like this to make a crane", "definition": "to make a pressed , folded or wrinkled line in", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["fold", "folding", "ruck", "wrinkle", "rumpled", "knit", "crinkled", "scrunch", "rumple", "crisp", "pucker", "crumple"], "instruction": "\"crease the paper like this to make a crane\" What is the definition of \"crease\"?"} {"term": "imprint", "pos": "n", "context": "English stills bears the imprint of the Norman invasion", "definition": "a distinctive influence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"English stills bears the imprint of the Norman invasion\" What is the definition of \"imprint\"?"} {"term": "imprint", "pos": "n", "context": "the book was published under a distinguished imprint", "definition": "an identification of a publisher", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the book was published under a distinguished imprint\" What is the definition of \"imprint\"?"} {"term": "imprint", "pos": "n", "context": "the book was published under a distinguished imprint", "definition": "a publishers name along with the date and address and edition that is printed at the bottom of the title page", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the book was published under a distinguished imprint\" What is the definition of \"imprint\"?"} {"term": "imprint", "pos": "v", "context": "We imprint our ideas onto our children", "definition": "to establish or impress firmly in the mind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["form", "influence"], "instruction": "\"We imprint our ideas onto our children\" What is the definition of \"imprint\"?"} {"term": "resultant", "pos": "s", "context": "the resultant savings were considerable", "definition": "following or accompanying as a consequence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the resultant savings were considerable\" What is the definition of \"resultant\"?"} {"term": "magnificent", "pos": "s", "context": "magnificent cathedrals", "definition": "characterized by grandeur", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"magnificent cathedrals\" What is the definition of \"magnificent\"?"} {"term": "loose", "pos": "a", "context": "loose gravel", "definition": "not compact or dense in structure or arrangement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"loose gravel\" What is the definition of \"loose\"?"} {"term": "loose", "pos": "a", "context": "loose clothing", "definition": "not tight", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"loose clothing\" What is the definition of \"loose\"?"} {"term": "loose", "pos": "a", "context": "loose clothing", "definition": "not closely constrained or constricted or constricting", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"loose clothing\" What is the definition of \"loose\"?"} {"term": "loose", "pos": "a", "context": "the stamp came loose", "definition": "not affixed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the stamp came loose\" What is the definition of \"loose\"?"} {"term": "loose", "pos": "s", "context": "a loose ball", "definition": "not in the possession or control of any player", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a loose ball\" What is the definition of \"loose\"?"} {"term": "loose", "pos": "s", "context": "the old man 's skin hung loose and grey", "definition": "not tense or taut", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the old man 's skin hung loose and grey\" What is the definition of \"loose\"?"} {"term": "loose", "pos": "s", "context": "a loose weave", "definition": "full of small openings or gaps", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a loose weave\" What is the definition of \"loose\"?"} {"term": "loose", "pos": "r", "context": "cows in India are running loose", "definition": "without restraint", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cows in India are running loose\" What is the definition of \"loose\"?"} {"term": "materially", "pos": "r", "context": "psychologically similar but materially different", "definition": "with respect to material aspects", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"psychologically similar but materially different\" What is the definition of \"materially\"?"} {"term": "materially", "pos": "r", "context": "it aided him materially in winning the argument", "definition": "to a significant degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it aided him materially in winning the argument\" What is the definition of \"materially\"?"} {"term": "compulsory", "pos": "s", "context": "in most schools physical education is compulsory", "definition": "required by rule", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in most schools physical education is compulsory\" What is the definition of \"compulsory\"?"} {"term": "isolated", "pos": "v", "context": "They isolated the political prisoners from the other inmates", "definition": "to place or set apart", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["sequestrate", "discriminate", "isolate", "maroon", "quarantine", "segregate", "cloister", "sequester"], "instruction": "\"They isolated the political prisoners from the other inmates\" What is the definition of \"isolated\"?"} {"term": "isolated", "pos": "s", "context": "isolated instances of rebellion", "definition": "not close together in time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["stray", ""], "instruction": "\"isolated instances of rebellion\" What is the definition of \"isolated\"?"} {"term": "isolated", "pos": "s", "context": "an isolated pawn", "definition": "cut off or left behind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an isolated pawn\" What is the definition of \"isolated\"?"} {"term": "isolated", "pos": "s", "context": "isolated patients", "definition": "under forced isolation especially for health reasons", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"isolated patients\" What is the definition of \"isolated\"?"} {"term": "prevalence", "pos": "n", "context": "he was surprised by the prevalence of optimism about the future", "definition": "the quality of prevailing generally", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was surprised by the prevalence of optimism about the future\" What is the definition of \"prevalence\"?"} {"term": "prevalence", "pos": "n", "context": "he was surprised by the prevalence of optimism about the future", "definition": "being widespread", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was surprised by the prevalence of optimism about the future\" What is the definition of \"prevalence\"?"} {"term": "mentally", "pos": "r", "context": "he suffered mentally", "definition": "in your mind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he suffered mentally\" What is the definition of \"mentally\"?"} {"term": "plainly", "pos": "r", "context": "she was dressed plainly", "definition": "in a simple manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was dressed plainly\" What is the definition of \"plainly\"?"} {"term": "plainly", "pos": "r", "context": "she was dressed plainly", "definition": "without extravagance or embellishment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was dressed plainly\" What is the definition of \"plainly\"?"} {"term": "mendacious", "pos": "s", "context": "a mendacious child", "definition": "given to lying", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a mendacious child\" What is the definition of \"mendacious\"?"} {"term": "mendacious", "pos": "s", "context": "a mendacious statement", "definition": "intentionally untrue", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a mendacious statement\" What is the definition of \"mendacious\"?"} {"term": "virulent", "pos": "s", "context": "a virulent insect bite", "definition": "extremely poisonous or injurious", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a virulent insect bite\" What is the definition of \"virulent\"?"} {"term": "virulent", "pos": "s", "context": "a virulent insect bite", "definition": "producing venom", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a virulent insect bite\" What is the definition of \"virulent\"?"} {"term": "calcification", "pos": "n", "context": "the calcification of negotiations", "definition": "an inflexible and unchanging state", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the calcification of negotiations\" What is the definition of \"calcification\"?"} {"term": "potently", "pos": "r", "context": "Clytemnestra 's ghost crying in the night for vengeance remained most potently in the audience 's mind", "definition": "in a manner having a powerful influence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Clytemnestra 's ghost crying in the night for vengeance remained most potently in the audience 's mind\" What is the definition of \"potently\"?"} {"term": "wordless", "pos": "s", "context": "choking exasperation and wordless shame \" - Thomas Wolfe", "definition": "expressed without speech", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"choking exasperation and wordless shame \" - Thomas Wolfe\" What is the definition of \"wordless\"?"} {"term": "interchange", "pos": "n", "context": "there was an interchange of prisoners", "definition": "the act of changing one thing for another thing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was an interchange of prisoners\" What is the definition of \"interchange\"?"} {"term": "bank", "pos": "n", "context": "they pulled the canoe up on the bank", "definition": "sloping land especially the slope beside a body of water", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they pulled the canoe up on the bank\" What is the definition of \"bank\"?"} {"term": "bank", "pos": "n", "context": "a huge bank of earth", "definition": "a long ridge or pile", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a huge bank of earth\" What is the definition of \"bank\"?"} {"term": "bank", "pos": "n", "context": "he operated a bank of switches", "definition": "an arrangement of similar objects in a row or in tiers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he operated a bank of switches\" What is the definition of \"bank\"?"} {"term": "bank", "pos": "v", "context": "the pilot had to bank the aircraft", "definition": "to tip laterally", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["banking", "tip"], "instruction": "\"the pilot had to bank the aircraft\" What is the definition of \"bank\"?"} {"term": "view", "pos": "n", "context": "he tried to get a better view of it", "definition": "the act of looking or seeing or observing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["sight", "survey", "looking", "look"], "instruction": "\"he tried to get a better view of it\" What is the definition of \"view\"?"} {"term": "view", "pos": "n", "context": "they were soon out of view", "definition": "the range of the eye", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they were soon out of view\" What is the definition of \"view\"?"} {"term": "view", "pos": "v", "context": "view a problem", "definition": "to look at carefully", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["canvass", "consider", "analyze", "studied", "contemplate", "examine", "canvas", "study"], "instruction": "\"view a problem\" What is the definition of \"view\"?"} {"term": "view", "pos": "v", "context": "view a problem", "definition": "to study mentally", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["canvass", "consider", "analyze", "studied", "contemplate", "examine", "canvas", "study"], "instruction": "\"view a problem\" What is the definition of \"view\"?"} {"term": "view", "pos": "v", "context": "view a show on television", "definition": "to see or watch", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["watch", "catch", "visualize", "see"], "instruction": "\"view a show on television\" What is the definition of \"view\"?"} {"term": "surviving", "pos": "s", "context": "the Wollemi pine found in Australia is a surviving specimen of a conifer thought to have been long extinct and therefore known as a living fossil", "definition": "still in existence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the Wollemi pine found in Australia is a surviving specimen of a conifer thought to have been long extinct and therefore known as a living fossil\" What is the definition of \"surviving\"?"} {"term": "inexorable", "pos": "s", "context": "Russia 's final hour , it seemed , approached with inexorable certainty", "definition": "not to be placated or appeased or moved by entreaty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Russia 's final hour , it seemed , approached with inexorable certainty\" What is the definition of \"inexorable\"?"} {"term": "inexorable", "pos": "s", "context": "Cynthia was inexorable", "definition": "impervious to pleas , persuasion , requests , reason", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Cynthia was inexorable\" What is the definition of \"inexorable\"?"} {"term": "inexorable", "pos": "s", "context": "Cynthia was inexorable", "definition": "she would have none of him - w.churchill", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Cynthia was inexorable\" What is the definition of \"inexorable\"?"} {"term": "stony", "pos": "s", "context": "stony ground", "definition": "abounding in rocks or stones", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stony ground\" What is the definition of \"stony\"?"} {"term": "unwrap", "pos": "v", "context": "Let 's unwrap the gifts !", "definition": "to remove the outer cover or wrapping of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["expose", "uncover", "undo"], "instruction": "\"Let 's unwrap the gifts !\" What is the definition of \"unwrap\"?"} {"term": "unwrap", "pos": "v", "context": "unwrap the evidence in the murder case", "definition": "to make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["babble", "talk", "divulge", "disclose", "muckrake", "confiding", "telling", "disclosed", "discover", "expose", "break", "blow", "betray", "reveal", "confide", "outing", "tattle", "blab", "spring"], "instruction": "\"unwrap the evidence in the murder case\" What is the definition of \"unwrap\"?"} {"term": "series", "pos": "n", "context": "they were investigating a series of bank robberies", "definition": "similar things placed in order or happening one after another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they were investigating a series of bank robberies\" What is the definition of \"series\"?"} {"term": "series", "pos": "n", "context": "the visiting team swept the series", "definition": "several contests played successively by the same teams", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the visiting team swept the series\" What is the definition of \"series\"?"} {"term": "sessile", "pos": "a", "context": "sessile marine animals and plants", "definition": "permanently attached to a substrate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sessile marine animals and plants\" What is the definition of \"sessile\"?"} {"term": "sessile", "pos": "a", "context": "sessile marine animals and plants", "definition": "not free to move about", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sessile marine animals and plants\" What is the definition of \"sessile\"?"} {"term": "sessile", "pos": "a", "context": "sessile flowers", "definition": "attached directly by the base", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sessile flowers\" What is the definition of \"sessile\"?"} {"term": "sessile", "pos": "a", "context": "sessile flowers", "definition": "not having an intervening stalk", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sessile flowers\" What is the definition of \"sessile\"?"} {"term": "therefrom", "pos": "r", "context": "public interest and a policy deriving therefrom", "definition": "from that circumstance or source", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"public interest and a policy deriving therefrom\" What is the definition of \"therefrom\"?"} {"term": "therefrom", "pos": "r", "context": "roads that lead therefrom", "definition": "from that place or from there", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"roads that lead therefrom\" What is the definition of \"therefrom\"?"} {"term": "clatter", "pos": "n", "context": "the clatter of iron wheels on cobblestones", "definition": "a rattling noise often produced by rapid movement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the clatter of iron wheels on cobblestones\" What is the definition of \"clatter\"?"} {"term": "uttermost", "pos": "s", "context": "in the uttermost distress", "definition": "of the greatest possible degree or extent or intensity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the uttermost distress\" What is the definition of \"uttermost\"?"} {"term": "enervation", "pos": "n", "context": "an enervation of mind greater than any fatigue", "definition": "lack of vitality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an enervation of mind greater than any fatigue\" What is the definition of \"enervation\"?"} {"term": "adiabatic", "pos": "a", "context": "adiabatic expansion", "definition": "occurring without loss or gain of heat", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"adiabatic expansion\" What is the definition of \"adiabatic\"?"} {"term": "interested", "pos": "a", "context": "an interested audience", "definition": "especially curiosity or fascination or concern", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an interested audience\" What is the definition of \"interested\"?"} {"term": "interested", "pos": "s", "context": "the interested parties met to discuss the business", "definition": "involved in or affected by or having a claim to or share in", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the interested parties met to discuss the business\" What is the definition of \"interested\"?"} {"term": "business", "pos": "n", "context": "he bought his brother 's business", "definition": "a commercial or industrial enterprise and the people who constitute it", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["partnership", "house", "chain", "manufacturer", "franchise", "firm", "concern", "brokerage", "carrier", "shipbuilder", "agency", "maker"], "instruction": "\"he bought his brother 's business\" What is the definition of \"business\"?"} {"term": "business", "pos": "n", "context": "it 's none of your business", "definition": "a rightful concern or responsibility", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's none of your business\" What is the definition of \"business\"?"} {"term": "business", "pos": "n", "context": "gossip was the main business of the evening", "definition": "an immediate objective", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gossip was the main business of the evening\" What is the definition of \"business\"?"} {"term": "later", "pos": "r", "context": "he 's going to the store but he 'll be back here later", "definition": "happening at a time subsequent to a reference time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he 's going to the store but he 'll be back here later\" What is the definition of \"later\"?"} {"term": "later", "pos": "r", "context": "I 'll see you later", "definition": "at some eventual time in the future", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I 'll see you later\" What is the definition of \"later\"?"} {"term": "club", "pos": "n", "context": "he joined a golf club", "definition": "a formal association of people with similar interests", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["order", "association", "hunt", "fraternity", "lodge", "guild", "gild"], "instruction": "\"he joined a golf club\" What is the definition of \"club\"?"} {"term": "club", "pos": "n", "context": "he carried a club in self defense", "definition": "stout stick that is larger at one end", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he carried a club in self defense\" What is the definition of \"club\"?"} {"term": "club", "pos": "n", "context": "he led a small club", "definition": "a playing card in the minor suit that has one or more black trefoils on it", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he led a small club\" What is the definition of \"club\"?"} {"term": "club", "pos": "v", "context": "They always club together", "definition": "to gather and spend time together", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"They always club together\" What is the definition of \"club\"?"} {"term": "checkered", "pos": "s", "context": "a checkered business career", "definition": "marked by changeable fortune", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a checkered business career\" What is the definition of \"checkered\"?"} {"term": "dangerous", "pos": "a", "context": "a dangerous criminal", "definition": "involving or causing danger or risk", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dangerous criminal\" What is the definition of \"dangerous\"?"} {"term": "dangerous", "pos": "a", "context": "a dangerous criminal", "definition": "liable to hurt or harm", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dangerous criminal\" What is the definition of \"dangerous\"?"} {"term": "dangerous", "pos": "s", "context": "a dangerous operation", "definition": "causing fear or anxiety by threatening great harm", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dangerous operation\" What is the definition of \"dangerous\"?"} {"term": "robust", "pos": "a", "context": "a robust body", "definition": "sturdy and strong in form , constitution , or construction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a robust body\" What is the definition of \"robust\"?"} {"term": "robust", "pos": "s", "context": "the experiment yielded robust results", "definition": "strong enough to withstand or overcome intellectual challenges or adversity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the experiment yielded robust results\" What is the definition of \"robust\"?"} {"term": "robust", "pos": "s", "context": "a robust tale", "definition": "rough and crude", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a robust tale\" What is the definition of \"robust\"?"} {"term": "robust", "pos": "s", "context": "a robust claret", "definition": "marked by richness and fullness of flavor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["rich", "", "racy"], "instruction": "\"a robust claret\" What is the definition of \"robust\"?"} {"term": "rally", "pos": "n", "context": "he singled to start a rally in the 9th inning", "definition": "the feat of mustering strength for a renewed effort", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he singled to start a rally in the 9th inning\" What is the definition of \"rally\"?"} {"term": "vice", "pos": "n", "context": "vice offends the moral standards of the community", "definition": "a specific form of evildoing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"vice offends the moral standards of the community\" What is the definition of \"vice\"?"} {"term": "cosmic", "pos": "a", "context": "cosmic laws", "definition": "of or from or pertaining to or characteristic of the cosmos or universe", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cosmic laws\" What is the definition of \"cosmic\"?"} {"term": "char", "pos": "n", "context": "the char will clean the carpet", "definition": "a human female employed to do housework", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["woman", "cleaner"], "instruction": "\"the char will clean the carpet\" What is the definition of \"char\"?"} {"term": "char", "pos": "v", "context": "Without a drenching rain , the forest fire will char everything", "definition": "to burn to charcoal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Without a drenching rain , the forest fire will char everything\" What is the definition of \"char\"?"} {"term": "collision", "pos": "n", "context": "the collision of the particles resulted in an exchange of energy and a change of direction", "definition": "a brief event in which two or more bodies come together", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["striking", "hit", "contact"], "instruction": "\"the collision of the particles resulted in an exchange of energy and a change of direction\" What is the definition of \"collision\"?"} {"term": "collision", "pos": "n", "context": "three passengers were killed in the collision", "definition": "an accident resulting from violent impact of a moving object", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"three passengers were killed in the collision\" What is the definition of \"collision\"?"} {"term": "collision", "pos": "n", "context": "a collision of interests", "definition": "a conflict of opposed ideas or attitudes or goals", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a collision of interests\" What is the definition of \"collision\"?"} {"term": "repressive", "pos": "s", "context": "a repressive regime", "definition": "restrictive of action", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a repressive regime\" What is the definition of \"repressive\"?"} {"term": "amiable", "pos": "s", "context": "an amiable villain with a cocky sidelong grin \" - Hal Hinson", "definition": "disposed to please", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an amiable villain with a cocky sidelong grin \" - Hal Hinson\" What is the definition of \"amiable\"?"} {"term": "amiable", "pos": "s", "context": "an amiable gathering", "definition": "diffusing warmth and friendliness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["genial", "", "affable", "cordial"], "instruction": "\"an amiable gathering\" What is the definition of \"amiable\"?"} {"term": "inseparable", "pos": "s", "context": "inseparable pieces of rock", "definition": "not capable of being separated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"inseparable pieces of rock\" What is the definition of \"inseparable\"?"} {"term": "connection", "pos": "n", "context": "there was a connection between eating that pickle and having that nightmare", "definition": "a relation between things or events as in the case of one causing the other or sharing features with it", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was a connection between eating that pickle and having that nightmare\" What is the definition of \"connection\"?"} {"term": "connection", "pos": "n", "context": "the connection between church and state is inescapable", "definition": "the state of being connected", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["cohesion", "coherence", "union", "link", "concatenation", "unification", "interconnection", "contact"], "instruction": "\"the connection between church and state is inescapable\" What is the definition of \"connection\"?"} {"term": "connection", "pos": "n", "context": "he soldered the connection", "definition": "an instrumentality that connects", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["jumper", "conjunction", "patch", "attachment", "connective", "earth", "backbone", "connector", "instrumentation", "bond", "junction", "instrumentality", "coupling", "ground", "line"], "instruction": "\"he soldered the connection\" What is the definition of \"connection\"?"} {"term": "wild", "pos": "a", "context": "wild talk", "definition": "marked by extreme lack of restraint or control", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wild talk\" What is the definition of \"wild\"?"} {"term": "wild", "pos": "a", "context": "wild geese", "definition": "in a natural state", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wild geese\" What is the definition of \"wild\"?"} {"term": "wild", "pos": "a", "context": "wild geese", "definition": "not tamed or domesticated or cultivated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wild geese\" What is the definition of \"wild\"?"} {"term": "wild", "pos": "s", "context": "wild with anger", "definition": "in a state of extreme emotion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wild with anger\" What is the definition of \"wild\"?"} {"term": "wild", "pos": "s", "context": "a wild bullet", "definition": "deviating widely from an intended course", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a wild bullet\" What is the definition of \"wild\"?"} {"term": "wild", "pos": "s", "context": "wild colors", "definition": "intensely vivid or loud", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wild colors\" What is the definition of \"wild\"?"} {"term": "vindictive", "pos": "s", "context": "more vindictive than jealous love \" - Shakespeare", "definition": "disposed to seek revenge or intended for revenge", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"more vindictive than jealous love \" - Shakespeare\" What is the definition of \"vindictive\"?"} {"term": "vindictive", "pos": "s", "context": "a vindictive man will look for occasions for resentment", "definition": "showing malicious ill will and a desire to hurt", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["spiteful", ""], "instruction": "\"a vindictive man will look for occasions for resentment\" What is the definition of \"vindictive\"?"} {"term": "vindictive", "pos": "s", "context": "a vindictive man will look for occasions for resentment", "definition": "motivated by spite", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["spiteful", ""], "instruction": "\"a vindictive man will look for occasions for resentment\" What is the definition of \"vindictive\"?"} {"term": "plod", "pos": "n", "context": "I could recognize his plod anywhere", "definition": "the act of walking with a slow heavy gait", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I could recognize his plod anywhere\" What is the definition of \"plod\"?"} {"term": "kid", "pos": "n", "context": "kid gloves", "definition": "soft smooth leather from the hide of a young goat", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"kid gloves\" What is the definition of \"kid\"?"} {"term": "purpose", "pos": "n", "context": "he is a man of purpose", "definition": "the quality of being determined to do or achieve something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["industry", "diligence", "resolution", "determination", "doggedness", "resoluteness", "perseverance", "resolve", "persistence"], "instruction": "\"he is a man of purpose\" What is the definition of \"purpose\"?"} {"term": "starlike", "pos": "s", "context": "they saw a starlike object in the sky", "definition": "resembling a star", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they saw a starlike object in the sky\" What is the definition of \"starlike\"?"} {"term": "shapeless", "pos": "s", "context": "a shapeless hat on his head", "definition": "lacking symmetry or attractive form", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a shapeless hat on his head\" What is the definition of \"shapeless\"?"} {"term": "shapeless", "pos": "s", "context": "a shapeless mass of protoplasm", "definition": "having no definite form or distinct shape", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a shapeless mass of protoplasm\" What is the definition of \"shapeless\"?"} {"term": "subtract", "pos": "v", "context": "subtract this amount from my paycheck", "definition": "to make a subtraction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["compute", "reckon", "figure", "calculated", "cipher", "deduct", "calculating"], "instruction": "\"subtract this amount from my paycheck\" What is the definition of \"subtract\"?"} {"term": "always", "pos": "r", "context": "I will always be there to help you", "definition": "at all times", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["ever", ""], "instruction": "\"I will always be there to help you\" What is the definition of \"always\"?"} {"term": "always", "pos": "r", "context": "I will always be there to help you", "definition": "all the time and on every occasion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["ever", ""], "instruction": "\"I will always be there to help you\" What is the definition of \"always\"?"} {"term": "always", "pos": "r", "context": "you can always resign if you do n't like it", "definition": "at any time or in any event", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you can always resign if you do n't like it\" What is the definition of \"always\"?"} {"term": "always", "pos": "r", "context": "we will always be friends", "definition": "forever", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we will always be friends\" What is the definition of \"always\"?"} {"term": "always", "pos": "r", "context": "we will always be friends", "definition": "throughout all time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we will always be friends\" What is the definition of \"always\"?"} {"term": "kneel", "pos": "v", "context": "In church you have to kneel during parts of the service", "definition": "to rest ones weight on ones knees", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"In church you have to kneel during parts of the service\" What is the definition of \"kneel\"?"} {"term": "itinerant", "pos": "n", "context": "itinerant traders", "definition": "a laborer who moves from place to place as demanded by employment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["swagger", "laborer", "tinker", "jack", "gypsy"], "instruction": "\"itinerant traders\" What is the definition of \"itinerant\"?"} {"term": "itinerant", "pos": "s", "context": "itinerant labor", "definition": "traveling from place to place to work", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"itinerant labor\" What is the definition of \"itinerant\"?"} {"term": "hunter", "pos": "n", "context": "a treasure hunter", "definition": "a person who searches for something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a treasure hunter\" What is the definition of \"hunter\"?"} {"term": "kindred", "pos": "s", "context": "kindred clans", "definition": "related by blood or marriage", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"kindred clans\" What is the definition of \"kindred\"?"} {"term": "kindred", "pos": "s", "context": "kindred souls", "definition": "similar in quality or character", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"kindred souls\" What is the definition of \"kindred\"?"} {"term": "advancement", "pos": "n", "context": "advancement of knowledge", "definition": "gradual improvement or growth or development", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["progress", "furtherance", "development", "promotion", "stride"], "instruction": "\"advancement of knowledge\" What is the definition of \"advancement\"?"} {"term": "curly", "pos": "a", "context": "they envied her naturally curly hair", "definition": "having curls or waves", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they envied her naturally curly hair\" What is the definition of \"curly\"?"} {"term": "famously", "pos": "r", "context": "in his famously anecdotal style", "definition": "in a manner or to an extent that is well known", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in his famously anecdotal style\" What is the definition of \"famously\"?"} {"term": "famously", "pos": "r", "context": "we got along famously", "definition": "extremely well", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["excellently", "splendidly", ""], "instruction": "\"we got along famously\" What is the definition of \"famously\"?"} {"term": "red", "pos": "s", "context": "convulsed with red rage \" - Hudson Strode", "definition": "characterized by violence or bloodshed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"convulsed with red rage \" - Hudson Strode\" What is the definition of \"red\"?"} {"term": "red", "pos": "s", "context": "turned red from exertion", "definition": "reddened or suffused with or as if with blood from emotion or exertion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"turned red from exertion\" What is the definition of \"red\"?"} {"term": "peeler", "pos": "n", "context": "she invented a potato peeler", "definition": "a device for peeling vegetables or fruits", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she invented a potato peeler\" What is the definition of \"peeler\"?"} {"term": "require", "pos": "v", "context": "We require our secretary to be on time", "definition": "to consider obligatory", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["expect", "call", "demand", "ask"], "instruction": "\"We require our secretary to be on time\" What is the definition of \"require\"?"} {"term": "require", "pos": "v", "context": "We require our secretary to be on time", "definition": "to request and expect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["expect", "call", "demand", "ask"], "instruction": "\"We require our secretary to be on time\" What is the definition of \"require\"?"} {"term": "concealment", "pos": "n", "context": "the simplest concealment is to match perfectly the color of the background", "definition": "a covering that serves to conceal or shelter something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["covert", "blind", "screen", "cover"], "instruction": "\"the simplest concealment is to match perfectly the color of the background\" What is the definition of \"concealment\"?"} {"term": "datable", "pos": "a", "context": "a concrete and datable happening \" - C.W.Shumaker", "definition": "that can be given a date", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a concrete and datable happening \" - C.W.Shumaker\" What is the definition of \"datable\"?"} {"term": "better", "pos": "n", "context": "a change for the better", "definition": "something superior in quality or condition or effect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a change for the better\" What is the definition of \"better\"?"} {"term": "better", "pos": "n", "context": "chose the better of the two", "definition": "the superior one of two alternatives", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"chose the better of the two\" What is the definition of \"better\"?"} {"term": "better", "pos": "a", "context": "You 're a better man than I am , Gunga Din", "definition": "superior to another of the same class or set or kind in excellence or quality or desirability or suitability", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"You 're a better man than I am , Gunga Din\" What is the definition of \"better\"?"} {"term": "better", "pos": "a", "context": "You 're a better man than I am , Gunga Din", "definition": "more highly skilled than another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"You 're a better man than I am , Gunga Din\" What is the definition of \"better\"?"} {"term": "better", "pos": "s", "context": "it would be better to speak to him", "definition": "wiser or more advantageous and hence advisable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it would be better to speak to him\" What is the definition of \"better\"?"} {"term": "better", "pos": "s", "context": "argued for the better part of an hour", "definition": "more than half", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"argued for the better part of an hour\" What is the definition of \"better\"?"} {"term": "wireless", "pos": "a", "context": "a wireless security system", "definition": "having no wires", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a wireless security system\" What is the definition of \"wireless\"?"} {"term": "papal", "pos": "a", "context": "papal dispensation", "definition": "proceeding from or ordered by or subject to a pope or the papacy regarded as the successor of the apostles", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"papal dispensation\" What is the definition of \"papal\"?"} {"term": "doctor", "pos": "n", "context": "I felt so bad I went to see my doctor", "definition": "a licensed medical practitioner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["sawbones", "veterinarian", "specialist", "abortionist", "surgeon", "extern", "physician", "hakim"], "instruction": "\"I felt so bad I went to see my doctor\" What is the definition of \"doctor\"?"} {"term": "doctor", "pos": "n", "context": "the children explored each other 's bodies by playing the game of doctor", "definition": "children take the roles of physician or patient or nurse and pretend they are at the physicians office", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the children explored each other 's bodies by playing the game of doctor\" What is the definition of \"doctor\"?"} {"term": "doctor", "pos": "n", "context": "she is a doctor of philosophy in physics", "definition": "a person who holds ph.d. degree or the equivalent from an academic institution", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she is a doctor of philosophy in physics\" What is the definition of \"doctor\"?"} {"term": "coyly", "pos": "r", "context": "she pouted and looked at him coyly", "definition": "in a coy manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she pouted and looked at him coyly\" What is the definition of \"coyly\"?"} {"term": "internationalize", "pos": "v", "context": "internationalize trade of certain drugs", "definition": "to put under international control", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"internationalize trade of certain drugs\" What is the definition of \"internationalize\"?"} {"term": "vim", "pos": "n", "context": "he seemed full of vim and vigor", "definition": "a healthy capacity for vigorous activity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["energy", "juice", "vitality"], "instruction": "\"he seemed full of vim and vigor\" What is the definition of \"vim\"?"} {"term": "evidently", "pos": "r", "context": "she was in bed and evidently in great pain", "definition": "unmistakably plain is often used informally for plainly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was in bed and evidently in great pain\" What is the definition of \"evidently\"?"} {"term": "ultraviolet", "pos": "s", "context": "ultraviolet radiation", "definition": "having or employing wavelengths shorter than light but longer than x-rays", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ultraviolet radiation\" What is the definition of \"ultraviolet\"?"} {"term": "ultraviolet", "pos": "s", "context": "ultraviolet radiation", "definition": "lying outside the visible spectrum at its violet end", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ultraviolet radiation\" What is the definition of \"ultraviolet\"?"} {"term": "ornate", "pos": "s", "context": "ornate rhetoric taught out of the rule of Plato \" - John Milton", "definition": "marked by elaborate rhetoric and elaborated with decorative details", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ornate rhetoric taught out of the rule of Plato \" - John Milton\" What is the definition of \"ornate\"?"} {"term": "uterine", "pos": "a", "context": "uterine cancer", "definition": "of or involving the uterus", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"uterine cancer\" What is the definition of \"uterine\"?"} {"term": "reintroduce", "pos": "v", "context": "We have n't met in a long time , so let me reintroduce myself", "definition": "to introduce anew", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"We have n't met in a long time , so let me reintroduce myself\" What is the definition of \"reintroduce\"?"} {"term": "pioneer", "pos": "v", "context": "pioneer space", "definition": "to open up and explore a new area", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pioneer space\" What is the definition of \"pioneer\"?"} {"term": "cleverly", "pos": "r", "context": "they were cleverly arranged", "definition": "in a clever manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they were cleverly arranged\" What is the definition of \"cleverly\"?"} {"term": "water", "pos": "n", "context": "he asked for a drink of water", "definition": "a liquid necessary for the life of most animals and plants", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he asked for a drink of water\" What is the definition of \"water\"?"} {"term": "school", "pos": "n", "context": "the school was founded in 1900", "definition": "an educational institution", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the school was founded in 1900\" What is the definition of \"school\"?"} {"term": "school", "pos": "n", "context": "the school was built in 1932", "definition": "a building where young people receive education", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["conservatoire", "conservatory", "schoolhouse", "building"], "instruction": "\"the school was built in 1932\" What is the definition of \"school\"?"} {"term": "reign", "pos": "n", "context": "he was helpless under the reign of his egotism", "definition": "a period during which something or somebody is dominant or powerful", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was helpless under the reign of his egotism\" What is the definition of \"reign\"?"} {"term": "reign", "pos": "n", "context": "during the reign of Henry VIII", "definition": "the period during which a monarch is sovereign", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"during the reign of Henry VIII\" What is the definition of \"reign\"?"} {"term": "inanimate", "pos": "a", "context": "the word ` car ' is inanimate", "definition": "belonging to the class of nouns denoting nonliving things", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the word ` car ' is inanimate\" What is the definition of \"inanimate\"?"} {"term": "inanimate", "pos": "a", "context": "the inorganic world is inanimate", "definition": "not endowed with life", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the inorganic world is inanimate\" What is the definition of \"inanimate\"?"} {"term": "inanimate", "pos": "s", "context": "an inanimate body", "definition": "appearing dead", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an inanimate body\" What is the definition of \"inanimate\"?"} {"term": "inanimate", "pos": "s", "context": "an inanimate body", "definition": "not breathing or having no perceptible pulse", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an inanimate body\" What is the definition of \"inanimate\"?"} {"term": "bidding", "pos": "n", "context": "they came at his bidding", "definition": "a request to be present", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["summons", "invitation"], "instruction": "\"they came at his bidding\" What is the definition of \"bidding\"?"} {"term": "help", "pos": "n", "context": "offered his help in unloading", "definition": "the activity of contributing to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["resort", "lift", "facilitation", "assist", "aid", "assistance", "boost", "accommodation", "encouragement", "service", "succor", "hand", "activity"], "instruction": "\"offered his help in unloading\" What is the definition of \"help\"?"} {"term": "help", "pos": "n", "context": "they hired additional help to finish the work", "definition": "a person who contributes to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["attendant", "worker", "manakin", "auxiliary", "confederate", "model", "instrument", "attender", "assistant", "underling", "secretary", "tender", "poser", "supporter", "deputy", "subordinate", "accomplice", "manikin", "coadjutor", "enforcer", "pawn"], "instruction": "\"they hired additional help to finish the work\" What is the definition of \"help\"?"} {"term": "help", "pos": "v", "context": "Can you help me carry this table ?", "definition": "to be of service", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["expedite", "alleviate", "subserve", "assist", "aid", "ease", "succor", "hasten", "avail", "care", "facilitate"], "instruction": "\"Can you help me carry this table ?\" What is the definition of \"help\"?"} {"term": "help", "pos": "v", "context": "These pills will help the patient", "definition": "to improve the condition of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["improve", "aid", "benefit", "better", "cure", "ameliorate", "meliorate", "improving", "amend"], "instruction": "\"These pills will help the patient\" What is the definition of \"help\"?"} {"term": "help", "pos": "v", "context": "This will help to prevent accidents", "definition": "to be of use", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"This will help to prevent accidents\" What is the definition of \"help\"?"} {"term": "adventurous", "pos": "a", "context": "adventurous pioneers", "definition": "willing to undertake or seeking out new and daring enterprises", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["adventuresome", ""], "instruction": "\"adventurous pioneers\" What is the definition of \"adventurous\"?"} {"term": "flyaway", "pos": "s", "context": "her flyaway hair", "definition": "worn loose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her flyaway hair\" What is the definition of \"flyaway\"?"} {"term": "driveway", "pos": "n", "context": "they parked in the driveway", "definition": "a road leading up to a private house", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they parked in the driveway\" What is the definition of \"driveway\"?"} {"term": "array", "pos": "n", "context": "an array of troops in battle order", "definition": "an orderly arrangement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an array of troops in battle order\" What is the definition of \"array\"?"} {"term": "array", "pos": "n", "context": "it was a bewildering array of books", "definition": "an impressive display", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was a bewildering array of books\" What is the definition of \"array\"?"} {"term": "glad", "pos": "a", "context": "glad you are here", "definition": "showing or causing joy and pleasure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"glad you are here\" What is the definition of \"glad\"?"} {"term": "glad", "pos": "a", "context": "glad you are here", "definition": "especially made happy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"glad you are here\" What is the definition of \"glad\"?"} {"term": "glad", "pos": "s", "context": "glad to help", "definition": "eagerly disposed to act or to be of service", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"glad to help\" What is the definition of \"glad\"?"} {"term": "glad", "pos": "s", "context": "glad of the fire 's warmth", "definition": "feeling happy appreciation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"glad of the fire 's warmth\" What is the definition of \"glad\"?"} {"term": "glad", "pos": "s", "context": "a glad May morning", "definition": "cheerful and bright", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a glad May morning\" What is the definition of \"glad\"?"} {"term": "science", "pos": "n", "context": "the science of genetics", "definition": "a particular branch of scientific knowledge", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the science of genetics\" What is the definition of \"science\"?"} {"term": "science", "pos": "n", "context": "the sweet science of pugilism", "definition": "ability to produce solutions in some problem domain", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["power", "nose", "ability", "skill"], "instruction": "\"the sweet science of pugilism\" What is the definition of \"science\"?"} {"term": "impress", "pos": "v", "context": "To make a batik , you impress a design with wax", "definition": "to mark or stamp with or as if with pressure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["emboss", "embossed", "imprint", "boss"], "instruction": "\"To make a batik , you impress a design with wax\" What is the definition of \"impress\"?"} {"term": "withered", "pos": "s", "context": "a lanky scarecrow of a man with withered face and lantern jaws \" - W.F.Starkie", "definition": "lean and wrinkled by shrinkage as from age or illness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a lanky scarecrow of a man with withered face and lantern jaws \" - W.F.Starkie\" What is the definition of \"withered\"?"} {"term": "withered", "pos": "s", "context": "withered vines", "definition": "having lost all moisture", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"withered vines\" What is the definition of \"withered\"?"} {"term": "moist", "pos": "s", "context": "a moist breeze", "definition": "slightly wet", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["dampish", "", "damp"], "instruction": "\"a moist breeze\" What is the definition of \"moist\"?"} {"term": "grade", "pos": "n", "context": "the road had a steep grade", "definition": "the gradient of a slope or road or other surface", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the road had a steep grade\" What is the definition of \"grade\"?"} {"term": "warm", "pos": "a", "context": "a warm body", "definition": "having or producing a comfortable and agreeable degree of heat or imparting or maintaining heat", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a warm body\" What is the definition of \"warm\"?"} {"term": "warm", "pos": "a", "context": "a warm greeting", "definition": "friendly and responsive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a warm greeting\" What is the definition of \"warm\"?"} {"term": "warm", "pos": "a", "context": "warm reds and yellows and orange", "definition": "inducing the impression of warmth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"warm reds and yellows and orange\" What is the definition of \"warm\"?"} {"term": "warm", "pos": "a", "context": "warm reds and yellows and orange", "definition": "used especially of reds and oranges and yellows", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"warm reds and yellows and orange\" What is the definition of \"warm\"?"} {"term": "warm", "pos": "s", "context": "a warm debate", "definition": "characterized by liveliness or excitement or disagreement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a warm debate\" What is the definition of \"warm\"?"} {"term": "warm", "pos": "s", "context": "made things warm for the bookies", "definition": "uncomfortable because of possible danger or trouble", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"made things warm for the bookies\" What is the definition of \"warm\"?"} {"term": "warm", "pos": "s", "context": "you 're getting warm", "definition": "of a seeker", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you 're getting warm\" What is the definition of \"warm\"?"} {"term": "warm", "pos": "s", "context": "you 're getting warm", "definition": "near to the object sought", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you 're getting warm\" What is the definition of \"warm\"?"} {"term": "sympathetically", "pos": "r", "context": "the stimulus acted sympathetically", "definition": "with respect to the sympathetic nervous system", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the stimulus acted sympathetically\" What is the definition of \"sympathetically\"?"} {"term": "sympathetically", "pos": "r", "context": "she listened to him sympathetically", "definition": "in a sympathetic manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she listened to him sympathetically\" What is the definition of \"sympathetically\"?"} {"term": "gargle", "pos": "v", "context": "gargle with this liquid", "definition": "to rinse ones mouth and throat with mouthwash", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["rinse", "washing", "lave"], "instruction": "\"gargle with this liquid\" What is the definition of \"gargle\"?"} {"term": "couple", "pos": "n", "context": "the engaged couple", "definition": "a pair who associate with one another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["duet", ""], "instruction": "\"the engaged couple\" What is the definition of \"couple\"?"} {"term": "couple", "pos": "n", "context": "a married couple from Chicago", "definition": "a pair of people who live together", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a married couple from Chicago\" What is the definition of \"couple\"?"} {"term": "couple", "pos": "n", "context": "he 's coming for a couple of days", "definition": "a small indefinite number", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he 's coming for a couple of days\" What is the definition of \"couple\"?"} {"term": "couple", "pos": "v", "context": "can we couple these proposals ?", "definition": "to link together", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["attach", "coupling"], "instruction": "\"can we couple these proposals ?\" What is the definition of \"couple\"?"} {"term": "migrant", "pos": "s", "context": "appalled by the social conditions of migrant life", "definition": "habitually moving from place to place especially in search of seasonal work", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"appalled by the social conditions of migrant life\" What is the definition of \"migrant\"?"} {"term": "composition", "pos": "n", "context": "harmonious composition is essential in a serious work of art", "definition": "the spatial property resulting from the arrangement of parts in relation to each other and to the whole", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"harmonious composition is essential in a serious work of art\" What is the definition of \"composition\"?"} {"term": "composition", "pos": "n", "context": "he got an A on his composition", "definition": "an essay especially one written as an assignment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["report", "paper", "theme", "essay"], "instruction": "\"he got an A on his composition\" What is the definition of \"composition\"?"} {"term": "blast", "pos": "v", "context": "She tended to blast when speaking into a microphone", "definition": "to make a strident sound", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["noise", "resound", "blare", "blasting"], "instruction": "\"She tended to blast when speaking into a microphone\" What is the definition of \"blast\"?"} {"term": "jurisprudence", "pos": "n", "context": "the great problem for jurisprudence to allow freedom while enforcing order", "definition": "the collection of rules imposed by authority", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the great problem for jurisprudence to allow freedom while enforcing order\" What is the definition of \"jurisprudence\"?"} {"term": "social", "pos": "a", "context": "social institutions", "definition": "relating to human society and its members", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"social institutions\" What is the definition of \"social\"?"} {"term": "social", "pos": "a", "context": "a human being is a social animal", "definition": "living together or enjoying life in communities or organized groups", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a human being is a social animal\" What is the definition of \"social\"?"} {"term": "social", "pos": "a", "context": "made fun of her being so social and high-toned", "definition": "relating to or belonging to or characteristic of high society", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"made fun of her being so social and high-toned\" What is the definition of \"social\"?"} {"term": "social", "pos": "s", "context": "a purely social club", "definition": "composed of sociable people or formed for the purpose of sociability", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a purely social club\" What is the definition of \"social\"?"} {"term": "social", "pos": "s", "context": "ants are social insects", "definition": "tending to move or live together in groups or colonies of the same kind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ants are social insects\" What is the definition of \"social\"?"} {"term": "social", "pos": "s", "context": "a social cup of coffee", "definition": "marked by friendly companionship with others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a social cup of coffee\" What is the definition of \"social\"?"} {"term": "bookish", "pos": "s", "context": "a bookish farmer who always had a book in his pocket", "definition": "characterized by diligent study and fondness for reading", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bookish farmer who always had a book in his pocket\" What is the definition of \"bookish\"?"} {"term": "unconscious", "pos": "a", "context": "lay unconscious on the floor", "definition": "not conscious", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lay unconscious on the floor\" What is the definition of \"unconscious\"?"} {"term": "unconscious", "pos": "a", "context": "lay unconscious on the floor", "definition": "lacking awareness and the capacity for sensory perception as if asleep or dead", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lay unconscious on the floor\" What is the definition of \"unconscious\"?"} {"term": "unconscious", "pos": "s", "context": "happily unconscious of the new calamity at home \" - Charles Dickens", "definition": "not knowing or perceiving", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"happily unconscious of the new calamity at home \" - Charles Dickens\" What is the definition of \"unconscious\"?"} {"term": "wrathful", "pos": "s", "context": "they trembled before the wrathful queen", "definition": "vehemently incensed and condemnatory", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they trembled before the wrathful queen\" What is the definition of \"wrathful\"?"} {"term": "creationism", "pos": "n", "context": "creationism denies the theory of evolution of species", "definition": "the literal belief in the account of creation given in the book of genesis", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"creationism denies the theory of evolution of species\" What is the definition of \"creationism\"?"} {"term": "placental", "pos": "a", "context": "all mammals except monotremes and marsupials are placental mammals", "definition": "pertaining to or having or occurring by means of a placenta", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all mammals except monotremes and marsupials are placental mammals\" What is the definition of \"placental\"?"} {"term": "reef", "pos": "v", "context": "reef the sailboat 's mast", "definition": "to lower and bring partially inboard", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"reef the sailboat 's mast\" What is the definition of \"reef\"?"} {"term": "toilet", "pos": "n", "context": "he made his morning toilet and went to breakfast", "definition": "the act of dressing and preparing yourself", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he made his morning toilet and went to breakfast\" What is the definition of \"toilet\"?"} {"term": "reversible", "pos": "a", "context": "reversible hypertension", "definition": "capable of reversing or being reversed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"reversible hypertension\" What is the definition of \"reversible\"?"} {"term": "reversible", "pos": "a", "context": "a reversible jacket", "definition": "capable of being reversed or used with either side out", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a reversible jacket\" What is the definition of \"reversible\"?"} {"term": "reversible", "pos": "s", "context": "a reversible decision is one that can be appealed or vacated", "definition": "capable of being reversed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a reversible decision is one that can be appealed or vacated\" What is the definition of \"reversible\"?"} {"term": "reversible", "pos": "s", "context": "a reversible chemical reaction", "definition": "capable of assuming or producing either of two states", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a reversible chemical reaction\" What is the definition of \"reversible\"?"} {"term": "discontented", "pos": "a", "context": "was discontented with his position", "definition": "showing or experiencing dissatisfaction or restless longing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"was discontented with his position\" What is the definition of \"discontented\"?"} {"term": "vicious", "pos": "s", "context": "vicious kicks", "definition": "able or disposed to inflict pain or suffering", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"vicious kicks\" What is the definition of \"vicious\"?"} {"term": "rickety", "pos": "s", "context": "a rickety table", "definition": "inclined to shake as from weakness or defect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a rickety table\" What is the definition of \"rickety\"?"} {"term": "rickety", "pos": "s", "context": "rickety limbs and joints", "definition": "affected with , suffering from , or characteristic of rickets", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rickety limbs and joints\" What is the definition of \"rickety\"?"} {"term": "disinfect", "pos": "v", "context": "disinfect a wound", "definition": "to destroy microorganisms or pathogens by cleansing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"disinfect a wound\" What is the definition of \"disinfect\"?"} {"term": "stellate", "pos": "s", "context": "a starlike or stellate arrangement of petals", "definition": "arranged like rays or radii", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["radial", "", "radiate"], "instruction": "\"a starlike or stellate arrangement of petals\" What is the definition of \"stellate\"?"} {"term": "stellate", "pos": "s", "context": "a starlike or stellate arrangement of petals", "definition": "radiating from a common center", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["radial", "", "radiate"], "instruction": "\"a starlike or stellate arrangement of petals\" What is the definition of \"stellate\"?"} {"term": "accountable", "pos": "s", "context": "governments must be accountable to someone beside themselves", "definition": "liable to account for ones actions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"governments must be accountable to someone beside themselves\" What is the definition of \"accountable\"?"} {"term": "consciousness", "pos": "n", "context": "he lost consciousness", "definition": "an alert cognitive state in which you are aware of yourself and your situation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he lost consciousness\" What is the definition of \"consciousness\"?"} {"term": "consciousness", "pos": "n", "context": "his sudden consciousness of the problem he faced", "definition": "having knowledge of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his sudden consciousness of the problem he faced\" What is the definition of \"consciousness\"?"} {"term": "irresistible", "pos": "a", "context": "irresistible ( or resistless ) impulses", "definition": "impossible to resist", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"irresistible ( or resistless ) impulses\" What is the definition of \"irresistible\"?"} {"term": "irresistible", "pos": "a", "context": "irresistible ( or resistless ) impulses", "definition": "overpowering", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"irresistible ( or resistless ) impulses\" What is the definition of \"irresistible\"?"} {"term": "irresistible", "pos": "s", "context": "irresistible beauty", "definition": "overpoweringly attractive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"irresistible beauty\" What is the definition of \"irresistible\"?"} {"term": "exposure", "pos": "n", "context": "exposure to the weather \" or \" they died from exposure", "definition": "vulnerability to the elements", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"exposure to the weather \" or \" they died from exposure\" What is the definition of \"exposure\"?"} {"term": "exposure", "pos": "n", "context": "exposure to the weather \" or \" they died from exposure", "definition": "to the action of heat or cold or wind or rain", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"exposure to the weather \" or \" they died from exposure\" What is the definition of \"exposure\"?"} {"term": "exposure", "pos": "n", "context": "she denounced the exposure of children to pornography", "definition": "the act of subjecting someone to an influencing experience", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she denounced the exposure of children to pornography\" What is the definition of \"exposure\"?"} {"term": "exposure", "pos": "n", "context": "they feared exposure of their campaign plans", "definition": "the disclosure of something secret", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they feared exposure of their campaign plans\" What is the definition of \"exposure\"?"} {"term": "assorted", "pos": "s", "context": "an arrangement of assorted spring flowers", "definition": "consisting of a haphazard assortment of different kinds", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an arrangement of assorted spring flowers\" What is the definition of \"assorted\"?"} {"term": "assorted", "pos": "s", "context": "assorted sizes", "definition": "of many different kinds purposefully arranged but lacking any uniformity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"assorted sizes\" What is the definition of \"assorted\"?"} {"term": "secretory", "pos": "a", "context": "a secretory cell", "definition": "of or relating to or producing a secretion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a secretory cell\" What is the definition of \"secretory\"?"} {"term": "gallery", "pos": "n", "context": "shooting gallery", "definition": "a long usually narrow room used for some specific purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shooting gallery\" What is the definition of \"gallery\"?"} {"term": "personal", "pos": "a", "context": "a personal favor", "definition": "concerning or affecting a particular person or his or her private life and personality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a personal favor\" What is the definition of \"personal\"?"} {"term": "personal", "pos": "a", "context": "personal magnetism", "definition": "of or arising from personality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"personal magnetism\" What is the definition of \"personal\"?"} {"term": "personal", "pos": "a", "context": "personal verb endings", "definition": "indicating grammatical person", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"personal verb endings\" What is the definition of \"personal\"?"} {"term": "personal", "pos": "s", "context": "personal hygiene", "definition": "intimately concerning a persons body or physical being", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"personal hygiene\" What is the definition of \"personal\"?"} {"term": "benevolent", "pos": "a", "context": "a benevolent society", "definition": "intending or showing kindness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a benevolent society\" What is the definition of \"benevolent\"?"} {"term": "benevolent", "pos": "s", "context": "a benevolent contributor", "definition": "generous in assistance to the poor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a benevolent contributor\" What is the definition of \"benevolent\"?"} {"term": "communistic", "pos": "a", "context": "communistic propaganda", "definition": "relating to or marked by communism", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"communistic propaganda\" What is the definition of \"communistic\"?"} {"term": "devoid", "pos": "s", "context": "the sentence was devoid of meaning", "definition": "completely wanting or lacking", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sentence was devoid of meaning\" What is the definition of \"devoid\"?"} {"term": "flop", "pos": "n", "context": "the play was a dismal flop", "definition": "a complete failure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["failure", "turkey", "bomb", "bust", "fizzle"], "instruction": "\"the play was a dismal flop\" What is the definition of \"flop\"?"} {"term": "flop", "pos": "n", "context": "he landed on the bed with a great flop", "definition": "the act of throwing yourself down", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he landed on the bed with a great flop\" What is the definition of \"flop\"?"} {"term": "flop", "pos": "r", "context": "he fell flop on his face", "definition": "exactly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he fell flop on his face\" What is the definition of \"flop\"?"} {"term": "impatiently", "pos": "r", "context": "he answered her impatiently", "definition": "with impatience", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he answered her impatiently\" What is the definition of \"impatiently\"?"} {"term": "impatiently", "pos": "r", "context": "he answered her impatiently", "definition": "in an impatient manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he answered her impatiently\" What is the definition of \"impatiently\"?"} {"term": "govern", "pos": "v", "context": "most transitive verbs govern the accusative case in German", "definition": "to require to be in a certain grammatical case , voice , or mood", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"most transitive verbs govern the accusative case in German\" What is the definition of \"govern\"?"} {"term": "prenatal", "pos": "a", "context": "the prenatal period", "definition": "occurring or existing before birth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the prenatal period\" What is the definition of \"prenatal\"?"} {"term": "deal", "pos": "n", "context": "it was a package deal", "definition": "a particular instance of buying or selling", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["transaction", "dealing", "trade"], "instruction": "\"it was a package deal\" What is the definition of \"deal\"?"} {"term": "deal", "pos": "n", "context": "he got a good deal on his car", "definition": "the type of treatment received especially as the result of an agreement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he got a good deal on his car\" What is the definition of \"deal\"?"} {"term": "deal", "pos": "v", "context": "How are we going to deal with this problem ?", "definition": "to take action with respect to someone or something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["act", "dealing", "acting"], "instruction": "\"How are we going to deal with this problem ?\" What is the definition of \"deal\"?"} {"term": "plenteous", "pos": "s", "context": "a plenteous grape harvest", "definition": "affording an abundant supply", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["rich", "", "copious", "ample", "plentiful"], "instruction": "\"a plenteous grape harvest\" What is the definition of \"plenteous\"?"} {"term": "gradual", "pos": "a", "context": "a gradual increase in prices", "definition": "proceeding in small stages", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a gradual increase in prices\" What is the definition of \"gradual\"?"} {"term": "gradual", "pos": "a", "context": "a gradual slope", "definition": "not steep or abrupt", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a gradual slope\" What is the definition of \"gradual\"?"} {"term": "bastard", "pos": "n", "context": "the architecture was a kind of bastard suggesting Gothic but not true Gothic", "definition": "derogatory term for a variation that is not genuine", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["variation", "mongrel"], "instruction": "\"the architecture was a kind of bastard suggesting Gothic but not true Gothic\" What is the definition of \"bastard\"?"} {"term": "bastard", "pos": "n", "context": "the architecture was a kind of bastard suggesting Gothic but not true Gothic", "definition": "something irregular or inferior or of dubious origin", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["variation", "mongrel"], "instruction": "\"the architecture was a kind of bastard suggesting Gothic but not true Gothic\" What is the definition of \"bastard\"?"} {"term": "isolate", "pos": "v", "context": "The chemist managed to isolate the compound", "definition": "to obtain in pure form", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["isolated", "getting", "get"], "instruction": "\"The chemist managed to isolate the compound\" What is the definition of \"isolate\"?"} {"term": "mix", "pos": "v", "context": "mix water into the drink", "definition": "to add as an additional element or part", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mix water into the drink\" What is the definition of \"mix\"?"} {"term": "remount", "pos": "v", "context": "remount a regiment", "definition": "to provide with fresh horses", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"remount a regiment\" What is the definition of \"remount\"?"} {"term": "bleach", "pos": "n", "context": "a complete bleach usually requires several applications", "definition": "the whiteness that results from removing the color from something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a complete bleach usually requires several applications\" What is the definition of \"bleach\"?"} {"term": "bleach", "pos": "v", "context": "bleach the laundry", "definition": "to make whiter or lighter", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["whiting", "peroxide", "whitening", "whiten", "white", "bleached"], "instruction": "\"bleach the laundry\" What is the definition of \"bleach\"?"} {"term": "increase", "pos": "n", "context": "the increase in unemployment", "definition": "a process of becoming larger or longer or more numerous or more important", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["relaxation", "process", "proliferation", "increment", "accretion", "accession", "multiplication", "growth"], "instruction": "\"the increase in unemployment\" What is the definition of \"increase\"?"} {"term": "artfully", "pos": "r", "context": "her foot pointed artfully toward tapering toes", "definition": "in an artful manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her foot pointed artfully toward tapering toes\" What is the definition of \"artfully\"?"} {"term": "humor", "pos": "n", "context": "she did n't appreciate my humor", "definition": "the trait of appreciating and being able to express the humorous", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she did n't appreciate my humor\" What is the definition of \"humor\"?"} {"term": "humor", "pos": "n", "context": "I fail to see the humor in it", "definition": "the quality of being funny", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I fail to see the humor in it\" What is the definition of \"humor\"?"} {"term": "idolatrous", "pos": "a", "context": "idolatrous worship", "definition": "relating to or practicing idolatry", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"idolatrous worship\" What is the definition of \"idolatrous\"?"} {"term": "bus", "pos": "n", "context": "he always rode the bus to work", "definition": "a vehicle carrying many passengers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["minibus", "buss"], "instruction": "\"he always rode the bus to work\" What is the definition of \"bus\"?"} {"term": "bus", "pos": "n", "context": "he always rode the bus to work", "definition": "used for public transport", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["minibus", "buss"], "instruction": "\"he always rode the bus to work\" What is the definition of \"bus\"?"} {"term": "bus", "pos": "n", "context": "the fenders had fallen off that old bus", "definition": "a car that is old and unreliable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["machine", "automobile", "heap", "auto", "car"], "instruction": "\"the fenders had fallen off that old bus\" What is the definition of \"bus\"?"} {"term": "habitat", "pos": "n", "context": "a marine habitat", "definition": "the type of environment in which an organism or group normally lives or occurs", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a marine habitat\" What is the definition of \"habitat\"?"} {"term": "scraggy", "pos": "s", "context": "scraggy cliffs", "definition": "having a sharply uneven surface or outline", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"scraggy cliffs\" What is the definition of \"scraggy\"?"} {"term": "disclosed", "pos": "s", "context": "the disclosed purpose of their wicked plan", "definition": "made known especially something secret or concealed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the disclosed purpose of their wicked plan\" What is the definition of \"disclosed\"?"} {"term": "inimitable", "pos": "s", "context": "an inimitable style", "definition": "defying imitation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an inimitable style\" What is the definition of \"inimitable\"?"} {"term": "inimitable", "pos": "s", "context": "an inimitable style", "definition": "matchless", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an inimitable style\" What is the definition of \"inimitable\"?"} {"term": "heartrending", "pos": "s", "context": "the heartrending words of Rabin 's granddaughter", "definition": "causing or marked by grief or anguish", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the heartrending words of Rabin 's granddaughter\" What is the definition of \"heartrending\"?"} {"term": "exactitude", "pos": "n", "context": "a man of great exactitude", "definition": "the quality of being exact", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["truth", "accuracy", "exactness", "minuteness", "precision"], "instruction": "\"a man of great exactitude\" What is the definition of \"exactitude\"?"} {"term": "inadequacy", "pos": "n", "context": "the inadequacy of unemployment benefits", "definition": "lack of an adequate quantity or number", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["deficit", "shortage", "meagerness", "amount", "leanness", "insufficiency", "scarceness", "deficiency"], "instruction": "\"the inadequacy of unemployment benefits\" What is the definition of \"inadequacy\"?"} {"term": "inadequacy", "pos": "n", "context": "juvenile offenses often reflect an inadequacy in the parents", "definition": "a lack of competence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["weakness", "insufficiency"], "instruction": "\"juvenile offenses often reflect an inadequacy in the parents\" What is the definition of \"inadequacy\"?"} {"term": "distally", "pos": "r", "context": "the bronchus is situated distally", "definition": "far from the center", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the bronchus is situated distally\" What is the definition of \"distally\"?"} {"term": "lavish", "pos": "s", "context": "distributed gifts with a lavish hand", "definition": "very generous", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["munificent", "", "unsparing"], "instruction": "\"distributed gifts with a lavish hand\" What is the definition of \"lavish\"?"} {"term": "lavish", "pos": "s", "context": "a lavish buffet", "definition": "characterized by extravagance and profusion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a lavish buffet\" What is the definition of \"lavish\"?"} {"term": "mummification", "pos": "n", "context": "bureaucratic mummification in red tape", "definition": "a condition resembling that of a mummy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bureaucratic mummification in red tape\" What is the definition of \"mummification\"?"} {"term": "surface", "pos": "n", "context": "the cloth had a pattern of red dots on a white surface", "definition": "the outer boundary of an artifact or a material layer constituting or resembling such a boundary", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the cloth had a pattern of red dots on a white surface\" What is the definition of \"surface\"?"} {"term": "surface", "pos": "n", "context": "they skimmed over the surface of the water", "definition": "the extended two-dimensional outer boundary of a three-dimensional object", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they skimmed over the surface of the water\" What is the definition of \"surface\"?"} {"term": "surface", "pos": "n", "context": "earthquakes originate far below the surface", "definition": "the outermost level of the land or sea", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"earthquakes originate far below the surface\" What is the definition of \"surface\"?"} {"term": "surface", "pos": "v", "context": "I hope the list key is going to surface again", "definition": "to appear or become visible", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I hope the list key is going to surface again\" What is the definition of \"surface\"?"} {"term": "surface", "pos": "v", "context": "I hope the list key is going to surface again", "definition": "to make a showing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I hope the list key is going to surface again\" What is the definition of \"surface\"?"} {"term": "negligible", "pos": "s", "context": "the effect was negligible", "definition": "so small as to be meaningless", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the effect was negligible\" What is the definition of \"negligible\"?"} {"term": "negligible", "pos": "s", "context": "the effect was negligible", "definition": "insignificant", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the effect was negligible\" What is the definition of \"negligible\"?"} {"term": "establish", "pos": "v", "context": "establish a new department", "definition": "to set up or lay the groundwork for", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["constitute", "initiate", "appoint", "founding", "name", "found", "pioneer", "planting", "planted", "plant", "institute"], "instruction": "\"establish a new department\" What is the definition of \"establish\"?"} {"term": "successor", "pos": "n", "context": "he was President Lincoln 's successor", "definition": "a person who follows next in order", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["peer", "replacement"], "instruction": "\"he was President Lincoln 's successor\" What is the definition of \"successor\"?"} {"term": "petty", "pos": "s", "context": "petty little comments", "definition": "contemptibly narrow in outlook", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"petty little comments\" What is the definition of \"petty\"?"} {"term": "petty", "pos": "s", "context": "petty officialdom", "definition": "inferior in rank or status", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"petty officialdom\" What is the definition of \"petty\"?"} {"term": "petty", "pos": "s", "context": "limited to petty enterprises", "definition": "small and of little importance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"limited to petty enterprises\" What is the definition of \"petty\"?"} {"term": "eloquence", "pos": "n", "context": "his eloquence attracted a large congregation", "definition": "powerful and effective language", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his eloquence attracted a large congregation\" What is the definition of \"eloquence\"?"} {"term": "tireless", "pos": "s", "context": "a tireless worker", "definition": "showing sustained enthusiastic action with unflagging vitality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tireless worker\" What is the definition of \"tireless\"?"} {"term": "unerring", "pos": "s", "context": "an unerring marksman", "definition": "not liable to error", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unerring marksman\" What is the definition of \"unerring\"?"} {"term": "instructional", "pos": "a", "context": "instructional aids", "definition": "of or relating to or used in instruction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"instructional aids\" What is the definition of \"instructional\"?"} {"term": "noisily", "pos": "r", "context": "he blew his nose noisily", "definition": "with much noise or loud and unpleasant sound", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he blew his nose noisily\" What is the definition of \"noisily\"?"} {"term": "grace", "pos": "n", "context": "the conception of grace developed alongside the conception of sin", "definition": "a state of sanctification by god", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the conception of grace developed alongside the conception of sin\" What is the definition of \"grace\"?"} {"term": "grace", "pos": "n", "context": "the conception of grace developed alongside the conception of sin", "definition": "the state of one who is under such divine influence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the conception of grace developed alongside the conception of sin\" What is the definition of \"grace\"?"} {"term": "grace", "pos": "n", "context": "a beautiful figure which she used in subtle movements of unparalleled grace", "definition": "elegance and beauty of movement or expression", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a beautiful figure which she used in subtle movements of unparalleled grace\" What is the definition of \"grace\"?"} {"term": "grace", "pos": "n", "context": "the victor 's grace in treating the vanquished", "definition": "a disposition to kindness and compassion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the victor 's grace in treating the vanquished\" What is the definition of \"grace\"?"} {"term": "renegade", "pos": "s", "context": "renegade supporters of the usurper", "definition": "having deserted a cause or principle", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"renegade supporters of the usurper\" What is the definition of \"renegade\"?"} {"term": "reply", "pos": "n", "context": "he growled his reply", "definition": "the speech act of continuing a conversational exchange", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he growled his reply\" What is the definition of \"reply\"?"} {"term": "inner", "pos": "s", "context": "Beethoven 's manuscript looks like a bloody record of a tremendous inner battle \" - Leonard Bernstein", "definition": "located inward", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["interior", "", "internal"], "instruction": "\"Beethoven 's manuscript looks like a bloody record of a tremendous inner battle \" - Leonard Bernstein\" What is the definition of \"inner\"?"} {"term": "inner", "pos": "s", "context": "the inner logic of Cubism", "definition": "innermost or essential", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the inner logic of Cubism\" What is the definition of \"inner\"?"} {"term": "inner", "pos": "s", "context": "inner regions of the organization", "definition": "exclusive to a center", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"inner regions of the organization\" What is the definition of \"inner\"?"} {"term": "inner", "pos": "s", "context": "inner regions of the organization", "definition": "especially a center of influence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"inner regions of the organization\" What is the definition of \"inner\"?"} {"term": "inner", "pos": "a", "context": "an inner room", "definition": "located or occurring within or closer to a center", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an inner room\" What is the definition of \"inner\"?"} {"term": "grandiloquent", "pos": "s", "context": "a grandiloquent and boastful manner", "definition": "puffed up with vanity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["portentous", "", "pompous", "pontifical"], "instruction": "\"a grandiloquent and boastful manner\" What is the definition of \"grandiloquent\"?"} {"term": "gentleness", "pos": "n", "context": "his fingers have learned gentleness", "definition": "acting in a manner that is gentle and mild and even-tempered", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his fingers have learned gentleness\" What is the definition of \"gentleness\"?"} {"term": "unbecoming", "pos": "s", "context": "language unbecoming to a lady", "definition": "not in keeping with accepted standards of what is right or proper in polite society", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"language unbecoming to a lady\" What is the definition of \"unbecoming\"?"} {"term": "copy", "pos": "n", "context": "she made a copy of the designer dress", "definition": "a thing made to be similar or identical to another thing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she made a copy of the designer dress\" What is the definition of \"copy\"?"} {"term": "copy", "pos": "n", "context": "catastrophes make good copy", "definition": "material suitable for a journalistic account", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"catastrophes make good copy\" What is the definition of \"copy\"?"} {"term": "copy", "pos": "v", "context": "copy that drawing", "definition": "to make a replica of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"copy that drawing\" What is the definition of \"copy\"?"} {"term": "copy", "pos": "v", "context": "Children often copy their parents or older siblings", "definition": "to reproduce someones behavior or looks", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["mocking", "imitate", "simulate", "model", "emulate", "modeling", "mock", "pattern", "copying", "mimic", "reproduce"], "instruction": "\"Children often copy their parents or older siblings\" What is the definition of \"copy\"?"} {"term": "bibulous", "pos": "s", "context": "a bibulous fellow", "definition": "given to or marked by the consumption of alcohol", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bibulous fellow\" What is the definition of \"bibulous\"?"} {"term": "spasmodic", "pos": "s", "context": "his body made a spasmodic jerk", "definition": "affected by involuntary jerky muscular contractions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his body made a spasmodic jerk\" What is the definition of \"spasmodic\"?"} {"term": "spasmodic", "pos": "s", "context": "his body made a spasmodic jerk", "definition": "resembling a spasm", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his body made a spasmodic jerk\" What is the definition of \"spasmodic\"?"} {"term": "spasmodic", "pos": "s", "context": "spasmodic rifle fire", "definition": "occurring in spells and often abruptly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["fitful", ""], "instruction": "\"spasmodic rifle fire\" What is the definition of \"spasmodic\"?"} {"term": "dirty", "pos": "a", "context": "dirty unswept sidewalks", "definition": "soiled or likely to soil with dirt or grime", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dirty unswept sidewalks\" What is the definition of \"dirty\"?"} {"term": "dirty", "pos": "a", "context": "dirty words", "definition": "characterized by obscenity or indecency", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dirty words\" What is the definition of \"dirty\"?"} {"term": "dirty", "pos": "a", "context": "the air near the foundry was always dirty", "definition": "spreading pollution or contamination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the air near the foundry was always dirty\" What is the definition of \"dirty\"?"} {"term": "dirty", "pos": "a", "context": "the air near the foundry was always dirty", "definition": "especially radioactive contamination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the air near the foundry was always dirty\" What is the definition of \"dirty\"?"} {"term": "dirty", "pos": "s", "context": "a dirty ( or lousy ) trick", "definition": "vile", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dirty ( or lousy ) trick\" What is the definition of \"dirty\"?"} {"term": "dirty", "pos": "s", "context": "a dirty ( or lousy ) trick", "definition": "despicable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dirty ( or lousy ) trick\" What is the definition of \"dirty\"?"} {"term": "dirty", "pos": "s", "context": "dirty wounds", "definition": "contaminated with infecting organisms", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dirty wounds\" What is the definition of \"dirty\"?"} {"term": "dirty", "pos": "s", "context": "a dirty ( or dingy ) white", "definition": "discolored by impurities", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dirty ( or dingy ) white\" What is the definition of \"dirty\"?"} {"term": "dirty", "pos": "s", "context": "a dirty ( or dingy ) white", "definition": "not bright and clear", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dirty ( or dingy ) white\" What is the definition of \"dirty\"?"} {"term": "tumultuous", "pos": "s", "context": "the tumultuous years of his administration", "definition": "characterized by unrest or disorder or insubordination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["disruptive", "turbulent", "riotous", ""], "instruction": "\"the tumultuous years of his administration\" What is the definition of \"tumultuous\"?"} {"term": "remarkable", "pos": "s", "context": "a remarkable sight", "definition": "unusual or striking", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a remarkable sight\" What is the definition of \"remarkable\"?"} {"term": "remarkable", "pos": "s", "context": "a remarkable achievement", "definition": "worthy of notice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["noteworthy", ""], "instruction": "\"a remarkable achievement\" What is the definition of \"remarkable\"?"} {"term": "askew", "pos": "r", "context": "rugs lying askew", "definition": "turned or twisted to one side", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rugs lying askew\" What is the definition of \"askew\"?"} {"term": "handcraft", "pos": "v", "context": "We handcraft all our paper", "definition": "to make something by hand", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"We handcraft all our paper\" What is the definition of \"handcraft\"?"} {"term": "personality", "pos": "n", "context": "she is a Hollywood personality", "definition": "a person of considerable prominence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she is a Hollywood personality\" What is the definition of \"personality\"?"} {"term": "adviser", "pos": "n", "context": "an adviser helped students select their courses", "definition": "an expert who gives advice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an adviser helped students select their courses\" What is the definition of \"adviser\"?"} {"term": "sledding", "pos": "n", "context": "the proposal faces tough sledding", "definition": "advancing toward a goal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["accomplishment", "going"], "instruction": "\"the proposal faces tough sledding\" What is the definition of \"sledding\"?"} {"term": "airily", "pos": "r", "context": "this can not be airily explained to your children", "definition": "in a flippant manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this can not be airily explained to your children\" What is the definition of \"airily\"?"} {"term": "dizzy", "pos": "s", "context": "had a dizzy spell", "definition": "having or causing a whirling sensation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"had a dizzy spell\" What is the definition of \"dizzy\"?"} {"term": "dizzy", "pos": "s", "context": "had a dizzy spell", "definition": "liable to falling", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"had a dizzy spell\" What is the definition of \"dizzy\"?"} {"term": "dizzy", "pos": "s", "context": "a dizzy blonde", "definition": "lacking seriousness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dizzy blonde\" What is the definition of \"dizzy\"?"} {"term": "dizzy", "pos": "s", "context": "a dizzy blonde", "definition": "given to frivolity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dizzy blonde\" What is the definition of \"dizzy\"?"} {"term": "stem", "pos": "n", "context": "thematic vowels are part of the stem", "definition": "the form of a word after all affixes are removed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["theme", "base", "radical", "form", "root"], "instruction": "\"thematic vowels are part of the stem\" What is the definition of \"stem\"?"} {"term": "stem", "pos": "v", "context": "stem your skis", "definition": "to cause to point inward", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stem your skis\" What is the definition of \"stem\"?"} {"term": "stem", "pos": "v", "context": "stem the tide", "definition": "to stop the flow of a liquid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stem the tide\" What is the definition of \"stem\"?"} {"term": "cult", "pos": "n", "context": "it was a satanic cult", "definition": "a religion or sect that is generally considered to be unorthodox , extremist , or false", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was a satanic cult\" What is the definition of \"cult\"?"} {"term": "illegitimately", "pos": "r", "context": "He acted illegitimately when he increased the rent fourfold", "definition": "in a manner disapproved or not allowed by custom", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"He acted illegitimately when he increased the rent fourfold\" What is the definition of \"illegitimately\"?"} {"term": "illegitimately", "pos": "r", "context": "this child was born illegitimately", "definition": "of biological parents not married to each other", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this child was born illegitimately\" What is the definition of \"illegitimately\"?"} {"term": "broadcast", "pos": "v", "context": "broadcast seeds", "definition": "to sow over a wide area , especially by hand", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"broadcast seeds\" What is the definition of \"broadcast\"?"} {"term": "broadcast", "pos": "v", "context": "broadcast the news", "definition": "to cause to become widely known", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["circulate", "spread", "carry", "diffused", "air", "run", "propagate", "bare", "distribute", "generalized", "disperse", "sow", "diffuse"], "instruction": "\"broadcast the news\" What is the definition of \"broadcast\"?"} {"term": "handcart", "pos": "n", "context": "he used a handcart to carry the rocks away", "definition": "wheeled vehicle that can be pushed by a person", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["cart", "barrow"], "instruction": "\"he used a handcart to carry the rocks away\" What is the definition of \"handcart\"?"} {"term": "handcart", "pos": "n", "context": "he used a handcart to carry the rocks away", "definition": "may have one or two or four wheels", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["cart", "barrow"], "instruction": "\"he used a handcart to carry the rocks away\" What is the definition of \"handcart\"?"} {"term": "medicine", "pos": "n", "context": "he studied medicine at Harvard", "definition": "the learned profession that is mastered by graduate training in a medical school and that is devoted to preventing or alleviating or curing diseases and injuries", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he studied medicine at Harvard\" What is the definition of \"medicine\"?"} {"term": "latent", "pos": "s", "context": "a latent fingerprint", "definition": "potentially existing but not presently evident or realized", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a latent fingerprint\" What is the definition of \"latent\"?"} {"term": "latent", "pos": "s", "context": "latent infection", "definition": "not presently active", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"latent infection\" What is the definition of \"latent\"?"} {"term": "indulgent", "pos": "a", "context": "indulgent grandparents", "definition": "characterized by or given to yielding to the wishes of someone", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"indulgent grandparents\" What is the definition of \"indulgent\"?"} {"term": "indulgent", "pos": "s", "context": "indulgent parents risk spoiling their children", "definition": "tolerant or lenient", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["soft", ""], "instruction": "\"indulgent parents risk spoiling their children\" What is the definition of \"indulgent\"?"} {"term": "indulgent", "pos": "s", "context": "an indulgent attitude", "definition": "being favorably inclined", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an indulgent attitude\" What is the definition of \"indulgent\"?"} {"term": "melodramatic", "pos": "s", "context": "a melodramatic account of two perilous days at sea", "definition": "having the excitement and emotional appeal of melodrama", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a melodramatic account of two perilous days at sea\" What is the definition of \"melodramatic\"?"} {"term": "melodramatic", "pos": "s", "context": "an attitude of melodramatic despair", "definition": "characteristic of acting or a stage performance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an attitude of melodramatic despair\" What is the definition of \"melodramatic\"?"} {"term": "melodramatic", "pos": "s", "context": "an attitude of melodramatic despair", "definition": "often affected", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an attitude of melodramatic despair\" What is the definition of \"melodramatic\"?"} {"term": "thereto", "pos": "r", "context": "with all the appurtenances fitting thereto", "definition": "to that", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with all the appurtenances fitting thereto\" What is the definition of \"thereto\"?"} {"term": "cleave", "pos": "v", "context": "cleave the bone", "definition": "to separate or cut with a tool , such as a sharp instrument", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["cloven", "laminate", "clove", "tore", "split", "cleft", "maul", "tear", "rive"], "instruction": "\"cleave the bone\" What is the definition of \"cleave\"?"} {"term": "cleave", "pos": "v", "context": "The water is going to cleave a channel into the rock", "definition": "to make by cutting into", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["cloven", "make", "clove", "create", "made", "cleft"], "instruction": "\"The water is going to cleave a channel into the rock\" What is the definition of \"cleave\"?"} {"term": "bull", "pos": "n", "context": "he was a bull of a man", "definition": "a large and strong and heavyset man", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["man", "men", "strapper", "bruiser"], "instruction": "\"he was a bull of a man\" What is the definition of \"bull\"?"} {"term": "bull", "pos": "n", "context": "he made a bad bull of the assignment", "definition": "a serious and ludicrous blunder", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he made a bad bull of the assignment\" What is the definition of \"bull\"?"} {"term": "insidious", "pos": "s", "context": "insidious pleasures", "definition": "beguiling but harmful", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"insidious pleasures\" What is the definition of \"insidious\"?"} {"term": "insidious", "pos": "s", "context": "glaucoma is an insidious disease", "definition": "working or spreading in a hidden and usually injurious way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["subtle", "", "pernicious"], "instruction": "\"glaucoma is an insidious disease\" What is the definition of \"insidious\"?"} {"term": "slating", "pos": "n", "context": "the reviewers gave his book a sound slating", "definition": "a severely critical attack", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the reviewers gave his book a sound slating\" What is the definition of \"slating\"?"} {"term": "intervention", "pos": "n", "context": "it occurs without human intervention", "definition": "the act of intervening as to mediate a dispute , etc. .", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["engagement", "involvement", "involution", "participation", "intermediation", "mediation", "intercession"], "instruction": "\"it occurs without human intervention\" What is the definition of \"intervention\"?"} {"term": "intervention", "pos": "n", "context": "the purpose of intervention is to prevent unnecessary duplication of lawsuits", "definition": "a proceeding that permits a person to enter into a lawsuit already in progress", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the purpose of intervention is to prevent unnecessary duplication of lawsuits\" What is the definition of \"intervention\"?"} {"term": "intervention", "pos": "n", "context": "the purpose of intervention is to prevent unnecessary duplication of lawsuits", "definition": "admission of person not an original party to the suit so that person can protect some right or interest that is allegedly affected by the proceedings", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the purpose of intervention is to prevent unnecessary duplication of lawsuits\" What is the definition of \"intervention\"?"} {"term": "conceited", "pos": "s", "context": "a conceited fool", "definition": "characteristic of false pride", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["vain", "", "swollen"], "instruction": "\"a conceited fool\" What is the definition of \"conceited\"?"} {"term": "conceited", "pos": "s", "context": "a conceited fool", "definition": "having an exaggerated sense of self-importance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["vain", "", "swollen"], "instruction": "\"a conceited fool\" What is the definition of \"conceited\"?"} {"term": "eventful", "pos": "a", "context": "the most exhausting and eventful day of my life", "definition": "full of events or incidents", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the most exhausting and eventful day of my life\" What is the definition of \"eventful\"?"} {"term": "eventful", "pos": "s", "context": "an eventful decision", "definition": "having important issues or results", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an eventful decision\" What is the definition of \"eventful\"?"} {"term": "electrification", "pos": "n", "context": "the electrification of rural Tennessee", "definition": "the act of providing electricity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the electrification of rural Tennessee\" What is the definition of \"electrification\"?"} {"term": "immediacy", "pos": "n", "context": "the immediacy of television coverage", "definition": "lack of an intervening or mediating agency", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the immediacy of television coverage\" What is the definition of \"immediacy\"?"} {"term": "immediacy", "pos": "n", "context": "the immediacy of their response", "definition": "the quickness of action or occurrence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the immediacy of their response\" What is the definition of \"immediacy\"?"} {"term": "range", "pos": "n", "context": "range of motion", "definition": "the limits within which something can be effective", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["reach", "limit", "view", "earshot"], "instruction": "\"range of motion\" What is the definition of \"range\"?"} {"term": "range", "pos": "n", "context": "they used to drive the cattle across the open range every spring", "definition": "a large tract of grassy open land on which livestock can graze", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they used to drive the cattle across the open range every spring\" What is the definition of \"range\"?"} {"term": "range", "pos": "n", "context": "the plains lay just beyond the mountain range", "definition": "a series of hills or mountains", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["formation", "chain"], "instruction": "\"the plains lay just beyond the mountain range\" What is the definition of \"range\"?"} {"term": "range", "pos": "v", "context": "Estimates for the losses in the earthquake range as high as $ 2 billion", "definition": "to change or be different within limits", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["run", ""], "instruction": "\"Estimates for the losses in the earthquake range as high as $ 2 billion\" What is the definition of \"range\"?"} {"term": "neighboring", "pos": "s", "context": "neighboring cities", "definition": "having a common boundary or edge", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["conterminous", "", "adjacent", "contiguous"], "instruction": "\"neighboring cities\" What is the definition of \"neighboring\"?"} {"term": "neighboring", "pos": "s", "context": "neighboring cities", "definition": "abutting", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["conterminous", "", "adjacent", "contiguous"], "instruction": "\"neighboring cities\" What is the definition of \"neighboring\"?"} {"term": "neighboring", "pos": "s", "context": "neighboring cities", "definition": "touching", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["conterminous", "", "adjacent", "contiguous"], "instruction": "\"neighboring cities\" What is the definition of \"neighboring\"?"} {"term": "neighboring", "pos": "s", "context": "neighboring cities", "definition": "massachusetts and conncecticut", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["conterminous", "", "adjacent", "contiguous"], "instruction": "\"neighboring cities\" What is the definition of \"neighboring\"?"} {"term": "influential", "pos": "a", "context": "an influential newspaper", "definition": "having or exercising influence or power", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an influential newspaper\" What is the definition of \"influential\"?"} {"term": "universalize", "pos": "v", "context": "This author 's stories universalize old themes", "definition": "to make universal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"This author 's stories universalize old themes\" What is the definition of \"universalize\"?"} {"term": "crying", "pos": "n", "context": "I hate to hear the crying of a child", "definition": "the process of shedding tears usually accompanied by sobs or other inarticulate sounds", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["weeping", "sob", "activity", "snivel"], "instruction": "\"I hate to hear the crying of a child\" What is the definition of \"crying\"?"} {"term": "crying", "pos": "s", "context": "a crying shame", "definition": "conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a crying shame\" What is the definition of \"crying\"?"} {"term": "crying", "pos": "s", "context": "a crying need", "definition": "demanding attention", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a crying need\" What is the definition of \"crying\"?"} {"term": "cry", "pos": "n", "context": "a cry of rage", "definition": "a loud utterance of emotion especially when inarticulate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["utterance", "yell", "vocalization", "crying"], "instruction": "\"a cry of rage\" What is the definition of \"cry\"?"} {"term": "cry", "pos": "n", "context": "had a good cry", "definition": "a fit of weeping", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"had a good cry\" What is the definition of \"cry\"?"} {"term": "cry", "pos": "v", "context": "before we had newspapers , a town crier would cry the news", "definition": "to proclaim or announce in public", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"before we had newspapers , a town crier would cry the news\" What is the definition of \"cry\"?"} {"term": "dense", "pos": "s", "context": "dense smoke", "definition": "permitting little if any light to pass through because of denseness of matter", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dense smoke\" What is the definition of \"dense\"?"} {"term": "dense", "pos": "s", "context": "dense as lead", "definition": "having high relative density or specific gravity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dense as lead\" What is the definition of \"dense\"?"} {"term": "overlying", "pos": "s", "context": "an overlying image", "definition": "placed on or over something else", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an overlying image\" What is the definition of \"overlying\"?"} {"term": "rune", "pos": "n", "context": "each rune had its own magical significance", "definition": "any character from an ancient germanic alphabet used in scandinavia from the 3rd century to the middle ages", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"each rune had its own magical significance\" What is the definition of \"rune\"?"} {"term": "act", "pos": "v", "context": "think before you act", "definition": "to perform an action , or work out or perform an action", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["repay", "carry", "anticipate", "stoop", "try", "presume", "deport", "engaged", "cope", "deign", "approach", "engage", "offering", "evade", "misbehave", "manage", "force", "solicit", "descend", "maneuver", "romance", "behave", "court", "continued", "forestall", "foresee", "pursue", "surprising", "grapple", "seek", "approaching", "react", "daring", "exert", "misconduct", "counter", "take", "engaging", "descending", "rush", "repeat", "coping", "woo", "guard", "play", "surprise", "reward", "dispatch", "offer", "attempt", "deal", "perform", "taking", "conduct", "interact", "finishing", "create", "hurry", "going", "trying", "keep", "essay", "comport", "flirt", "interrupt", "prosecute", "toy", "acting", "dealing", "attack", "race", "volunteer", "perpetrate", "finish", "reciprocate", "begin", "sneak", "aggress", "keeping", "antagonize", "alternate", "acquit", "hasten", "participate", "proceed"], "instruction": "\"think before you act\" What is the definition of \"act\"?"} {"term": "act", "pos": "v", "context": "You should act like an adult", "definition": "to behave in a certain manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["make", "swelling", "freeze", "toy", "acting", "play", "swollen", "presume", "jesting", "menace", "joke", "footless", "wanton", "bungling", "swagger", "bungle", "swell", "act", "trifle", "bluster", "ramp", "blustering", "sauce", "jest", "behave"], "instruction": "\"You should act like an adult\" What is the definition of \"act\"?"} {"term": "act", "pos": "v", "context": "You should act like an adult", "definition": "to show a certain behavior", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["make", "swelling", "freeze", "toy", "acting", "play", "swollen", "presume", "jesting", "menace", "joke", "footless", "wanton", "bungling", "swagger", "bungle", "swell", "act", "trifle", "bluster", "ramp", "blustering", "sauce", "jest", "behave"], "instruction": "\"You should act like an adult\" What is the definition of \"act\"?"} {"term": "act", "pos": "v", "context": "You should act like an adult", "definition": "to conduct or comport oneself", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["make", "swelling", "freeze", "toy", "acting", "play", "swollen", "presume", "jesting", "menace", "joke", "footless", "wanton", "bungling", "swagger", "bungle", "swell", "act", "trifle", "bluster", "ramp", "blustering", "sauce", "jest", "behave"], "instruction": "\"You should act like an adult\" What is the definition of \"act\"?"} {"term": "act", "pos": "v", "context": "She wants to act Lady Macbeth , but she is too young for the role", "definition": "to play a role or part", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["impersonate", "make", "pretend", "represent", "acting", "play", "portray", "parody", "enact"], "instruction": "\"She wants to act Lady Macbeth , but she is too young for the role\" What is the definition of \"act\"?"} {"term": "glossy", "pos": "s", "context": "a glossy TV series", "definition": "superficially attractive and stylish", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a glossy TV series\" What is the definition of \"glossy\"?"} {"term": "glossy", "pos": "s", "context": "a glossy TV series", "definition": "suggesting wealth or expense", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a glossy TV series\" What is the definition of \"glossy\"?"} {"term": "glossy", "pos": "s", "context": "the horse 's glossy coat", "definition": "reflecting light", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the horse 's glossy coat\" What is the definition of \"glossy\"?"} {"term": "dredge", "pos": "v", "context": "dredge the chicken in flour before frying it", "definition": "to cover before cooking", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dredge the chicken in flour before frying it\" What is the definition of \"dredge\"?"} {"term": "salt", "pos": "s", "context": "salt scorn \" - Shakespeare", "definition": "painful or bitter", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"salt scorn \" - Shakespeare\" What is the definition of \"salt\"?"} {"term": "militia", "pos": "n", "context": "their troops were untrained militia", "definition": "the entire body of physically fit civilians eligible by law for military service", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their troops were untrained militia\" What is the definition of \"militia\"?"} {"term": "receivable", "pos": "s", "context": "accounts receivable", "definition": "awaiting payment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"accounts receivable\" What is the definition of \"receivable\"?"} {"term": "stater", "pos": "n", "context": "Keystone stater", "definition": "a resident of a particular state or group of states", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Keystone stater\" What is the definition of \"stater\"?"} {"term": "demonstrably", "pos": "r", "context": "his documentary sources are demonstrably wrong", "definition": "in an obvious and provable manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his documentary sources are demonstrably wrong\" What is the definition of \"demonstrably\"?"} {"term": "craftsman", "pos": "n", "context": "as an actor he was a consummate craftsman", "definition": "a professional whose work is consistently of high quality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as an actor he was a consummate craftsman\" What is the definition of \"craftsman\"?"} {"term": "gravity", "pos": "n", "context": "the more remote the body the less the gravity", "definition": "the force of attraction between all masses in the universe", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["gravitation", "attraction"], "instruction": "\"the more remote the body the less the gravity\" What is the definition of \"gravity\"?"} {"term": "gravity", "pos": "n", "context": "the more remote the body the less the gravity", "definition": "especially the attraction of the earths mass for bodies near its surface", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["gravitation", "attraction"], "instruction": "\"the more remote the body the less the gravity\" What is the definition of \"gravity\"?"} {"term": "gush", "pos": "n", "context": "there was a little gush of blood", "definition": "a sudden rapid flow as of water", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["flowing", "flow", "flush"], "instruction": "\"there was a little gush of blood\" What is the definition of \"gush\"?"} {"term": "expressible", "pos": "a", "context": "an expressible emotion", "definition": "capable of being expressed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an expressible emotion\" What is the definition of \"expressible\"?"} {"term": "defiant", "pos": "a", "context": "brought up to be aggressive and defiant", "definition": "boldly resisting authority or an opposing force", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"brought up to be aggressive and defiant\" What is the definition of \"defiant\"?"} {"term": "terminable", "pos": "s", "context": "terminable employees", "definition": "capable of being terminated after a designated time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"terminable employees\" What is the definition of \"terminable\"?"} {"term": "cleavage", "pos": "n", "context": "there was a cleavage between the liberal and conservative members", "definition": "the state of being split or cleft", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was a cleavage between the liberal and conservative members\" What is the definition of \"cleavage\"?"} {"term": "flair", "pos": "n", "context": "he has a flair for mathematics", "definition": "a natural talent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["genius", "endowment", "talent", "gift"], "instruction": "\"he has a flair for mathematics\" What is the definition of \"flair\"?"} {"term": "provable", "pos": "s", "context": "practical truth provable to all men \" - Walter Bagehot", "definition": "capable of being demonstrated or proved", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["demonstrable", ""], "instruction": "\"practical truth provable to all men \" - Walter Bagehot\" What is the definition of \"provable\"?"} {"term": "audit", "pos": "n", "context": "he made an audit of all the plants on his property", "definition": "a methodical examination or review of a condition or situation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he made an audit of all the plants on his property\" What is the definition of \"audit\"?"} {"term": "audit", "pos": "v", "context": "audit accounts and tax returns", "definition": "to examine carefully for accuracy with the intent of verification", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["canvass", "analyze", "inspect", "studied", "examine", "canvas", "study", "scrutinize"], "instruction": "\"audit accounts and tax returns\" What is the definition of \"audit\"?"} {"term": "freshly", "pos": "r", "context": "a freshly cleaned floor", "definition": "very recently", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a freshly cleaned floor\" What is the definition of \"freshly\"?"} {"term": "fiscal", "pos": "a", "context": "fiscal responsibility", "definition": "involving financial matters", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fiscal responsibility\" What is the definition of \"fiscal\"?"} {"term": "mathematical", "pos": "a", "context": "a mathematical textbook", "definition": "of or pertaining to or of the nature of mathematics", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a mathematical textbook\" What is the definition of \"mathematical\"?"} {"term": "mathematical", "pos": "a", "context": "a mathematical whiz", "definition": "relating to or having ability to think in or work with numbers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a mathematical whiz\" What is the definition of \"mathematical\"?"} {"term": "mathematical", "pos": "s", "context": "a mathematical certainty", "definition": "beyond question", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a mathematical certainty\" What is the definition of \"mathematical\"?"} {"term": "mathematical", "pos": "s", "context": "have a mathematical chance of making the playoffs", "definition": "statistically possible though highly improbable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"have a mathematical chance of making the playoffs\" What is the definition of \"mathematical\"?"} {"term": "mathematical", "pos": "s", "context": "mathematical precision", "definition": "characterized by the exactness or precision of mathematics", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mathematical precision\" What is the definition of \"mathematical\"?"} {"term": "visibility", "pos": "n", "context": "low visibility caused by fog", "definition": "quality or fact or degree of being visible", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"low visibility caused by fog\" What is the definition of \"visibility\"?"} {"term": "visibility", "pos": "n", "context": "low visibility caused by fog", "definition": "perceptible by the eye or obvious to the eye", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"low visibility caused by fog\" What is the definition of \"visibility\"?"} {"term": "visibility", "pos": "n", "context": "that candidate does not have sufficient visibility to win an election", "definition": "degree of exposure to public notice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that candidate does not have sufficient visibility to win an election\" What is the definition of \"visibility\"?"} {"term": "visibility", "pos": "n", "context": "a windshield with good visibility", "definition": "capability of providing a clear unobstructed view", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a windshield with good visibility\" What is the definition of \"visibility\"?"} {"term": "acquainted", "pos": "s", "context": "they were acquainted", "definition": "having fair knowledge of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they were acquainted\" What is the definition of \"acquainted\"?"} {"term": "beggarly", "pos": "s", "context": "a beggarly existence in the slums", "definition": "marked by poverty befitting a beggar", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a beggarly existence in the slums\" What is the definition of \"beggarly\"?"} {"term": "nobly", "pos": "r", "context": "she has behaved nobly", "definition": "in a noble manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she has behaved nobly\" What is the definition of \"nobly\"?"} {"term": "insert", "pos": "v", "context": "insert a picture into the text", "definition": "to put or introduce into something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["graft", "imbed", "grafting", "transplant", "connect", "attach", "implant", "sandwich", "instill", "planting", "planted", "plant", "enter"], "instruction": "\"insert a picture into the text\" What is the definition of \"insert\"?"} {"term": "insert", "pos": "v", "context": "insert your ticket into the slot", "definition": "to fit snugly into", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["enclose", "tuck"], "instruction": "\"insert your ticket into the slot\" What is the definition of \"insert\"?"} {"term": "venturesome", "pos": "s", "context": "a venturesome investor", "definition": "disposed to venture or take risks", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a venturesome investor\" What is the definition of \"venturesome\"?"} {"term": "consequence", "pos": "n", "context": "decisions of great consequence are made by the president himself", "definition": "having important effects or influence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["moment", "significance", "matter", "import"], "instruction": "\"decisions of great consequence are made by the president himself\" What is the definition of \"consequence\"?"} {"term": "leap", "pos": "n", "context": "a successful leap from college to the major leagues", "definition": "an abrupt transition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a successful leap from college to the major leagues\" What is the definition of \"leap\"?"} {"term": "leap", "pos": "v", "context": "leap into fame", "definition": "to pass abruptly from one state or topic to another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["switch", "shift", "change", "jump", "leaping"], "instruction": "\"leap into fame\" What is the definition of \"leap\"?"} {"term": "categorize", "pos": "v", "context": "Children learn early on to categorize", "definition": "to place into or assign to a category", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Children learn early on to categorize\" What is the definition of \"categorize\"?"} {"term": "moodily", "pos": "r", "context": "in the bar , a youngish , sharp-eyed man was staring moodily into a gin and tonic", "definition": "in a moody manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the bar , a youngish , sharp-eyed man was staring moodily into a gin and tonic\" What is the definition of \"moodily\"?"} {"term": "nil", "pos": "n", "context": "reduced to nil all the work we had done", "definition": "a quantity of no importance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["cipher", "zero", "nihil", "nix"], "instruction": "\"reduced to nil all the work we had done\" What is the definition of \"nil\"?"} {"term": "blandly", "pos": "r", "context": "his blandly incompetent attempts", "definition": "in a bland manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his blandly incompetent attempts\" What is the definition of \"blandly\"?"} {"term": "profitless", "pos": "s", "context": "let us have no part in profitless quarrels \" - D.D.Eisenhower", "definition": "without profit or reward", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"let us have no part in profitless quarrels \" - D.D.Eisenhower\" What is the definition of \"profitless\"?"} {"term": "superfluous", "pos": "s", "context": "delete superfluous ( or unnecessary ) words", "definition": "more than is needed , desired , or required", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"delete superfluous ( or unnecessary ) words\" What is the definition of \"superfluous\"?"} {"term": "bumper", "pos": "n", "context": "we quaffed a bumper of ale", "definition": "a glass filled to the brim especially as a toast", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we quaffed a bumper of ale\" What is the definition of \"bumper\"?"} {"term": "regrow", "pos": "v", "context": "parts of the trunk of this tree can regrow", "definition": "to grow anew or continue growth after an injury or interruption", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"parts of the trunk of this tree can regrow\" What is the definition of \"regrow\"?"} {"term": "ride", "pos": "v", "context": "Did you ever ride a camel ?", "definition": "to sit and travel on the back of animal , usually while controlling its motions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["canter", "travel", "traveled", "moving", "outride", "override", "sit", "going", "prance", "gallop"], "instruction": "\"Did you ever ride a camel ?\" What is the definition of \"ride\"?"} {"term": "ride", "pos": "v", "context": "I ride to work in a bus", "definition": "to be carried or travel on or in a vehicle", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I ride to work in a bus\" What is the definition of \"ride\"?"} {"term": "ride", "pos": "v", "context": "Let it ride", "definition": "to continue undisturbed and without interference", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Let it ride\" What is the definition of \"ride\"?"} {"term": "winged", "pos": "s", "context": "on winged feet", "definition": "very fast", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on winged feet\" What is the definition of \"winged\"?"} {"term": "hermetically", "pos": "r", "context": "this bag is hermetically sealed", "definition": "in an airtight manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this bag is hermetically sealed\" What is the definition of \"hermetically\"?"} {"term": "largeness", "pos": "n", "context": "the might have repercussions of unimaginable largeness", "definition": "large or extensive in breadth or importance or comprehensiveness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["extensiveness", "magnitude"], "instruction": "\"the might have repercussions of unimaginable largeness\" What is the definition of \"largeness\"?"} {"term": "largeness", "pos": "n", "context": "a man distinguished by the largeness and scope of his views", "definition": "the capacity to understand a broad range of topics", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["comprehensiveness", "intelligence", "roominess", "breadth"], "instruction": "\"a man distinguished by the largeness and scope of his views\" What is the definition of \"largeness\"?"} {"term": "patrimonial", "pos": "s", "context": "patrimonial estate", "definition": "inherited or inheritable by established rules usually legal rules of descent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["ancestral", "transmissible", "hereditary", ""], "instruction": "\"patrimonial estate\" What is the definition of \"patrimonial\"?"} {"term": "food", "pos": "n", "context": "food and drink", "definition": "any solid substance as opposed to liquid that is used as a source of nourishment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"food and drink\" What is the definition of \"food\"?"} {"term": "administration", "pos": "n", "context": "he claims that the present administration is corrupt", "definition": "the persons or committees or departments etc. who make up a body for the purpose of administering something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["establishment", "management", "brass", "body", "governance", "executive", "judiciary"], "instruction": "\"he claims that the present administration is corrupt\" What is the definition of \"administration\"?"} {"term": "accept", "pos": "v", "context": "I can not accept the dogma of this church", "definition": "to consider or hold as true", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I can not accept the dogma of this church\" What is the definition of \"accept\"?"} {"term": "accept", "pos": "v", "context": "Please accept my present", "definition": "to receive willingly something given or offered", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["welcome", "adopted", "adopt", "borrow", "honor", "getting", "accept", "get", "admit", "take"], "instruction": "\"Please accept my present\" What is the definition of \"accept\"?"} {"term": "accept", "pos": "v", "context": "I can not accept your invitation", "definition": "to give an affirmative reply to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["countenance", "agree", "consent", "permit", "react", "succumb", "undertake", "yield", "let", "settle"], "instruction": "\"I can not accept your invitation\" What is the definition of \"accept\"?"} {"term": "accept", "pos": "v", "context": "I can not accept your invitation", "definition": "to respond favorably to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["countenance", "agree", "consent", "permit", "react", "succumb", "undertake", "yield", "let", "settle"], "instruction": "\"I can not accept your invitation\" What is the definition of \"accept\"?"} {"term": "leisurely", "pos": "s", "context": "at a leisurely ( or easygoing ) pace", "definition": "not hurried or forced", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at a leisurely ( or easygoing ) pace\" What is the definition of \"leisurely\"?"} {"term": "leisurely", "pos": "r", "context": "he traveled leisurely", "definition": "in an unhurried way or at ones convenience", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he traveled leisurely\" What is the definition of \"leisurely\"?"} {"term": "radical", "pos": "s", "context": "a radical flaw in the plan", "definition": "arising from or going to the root or source", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a radical flaw in the plan\" What is the definition of \"radical\"?"} {"term": "radical", "pos": "s", "context": "radical opinions on education", "definition": "far beyond the norm", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"radical opinions on education\" What is the definition of \"radical\"?"} {"term": "radical", "pos": "a", "context": "a radical verb form", "definition": "of or relating to or constituting a linguistic root", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a radical verb form\" What is the definition of \"radical\"?"} {"term": "radical", "pos": "a", "context": "radical leaves", "definition": "especially of leaves", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"radical leaves\" What is the definition of \"radical\"?"} {"term": "radical", "pos": "a", "context": "radical leaves", "definition": "located at the base of a plant or stem", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"radical leaves\" What is the definition of \"radical\"?"} {"term": "radical", "pos": "a", "context": "radical leaves", "definition": "especially arising directly from the root or rootstock or a root-like stem", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"radical leaves\" What is the definition of \"radical\"?"} {"term": "elaborate", "pos": "v", "context": "elaborate a plan", "definition": "to work out in detail", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"elaborate a plan\" What is the definition of \"elaborate\"?"} {"term": "elaborate", "pos": "s", "context": "an elaborate lace pattern", "definition": "marked by complexity and richness of detail", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an elaborate lace pattern\" What is the definition of \"elaborate\"?"} {"term": "elaborate", "pos": "s", "context": "the elaborate register of the inhabitants prevented tax evasion \" - John Buchan", "definition": "developed or executed with care and in minute detail", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the elaborate register of the inhabitants prevented tax evasion \" - John Buchan\" What is the definition of \"elaborate\"?"} {"term": "genus", "pos": "n", "context": "ignore the genus communism", "definition": "a general kind of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ignore the genus communism\" What is the definition of \"genus\"?"} {"term": "divestiture", "pos": "n", "context": "the court found divestiture to be necessary in preventing a monopoly", "definition": "an order to an offending party to rid itself of property", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the court found divestiture to be necessary in preventing a monopoly\" What is the definition of \"divestiture\"?"} {"term": "divestiture", "pos": "n", "context": "the court found divestiture to be necessary in preventing a monopoly", "definition": "it has the purpose of depriving the defendant of the gains of wrongful behavior", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the court found divestiture to be necessary in preventing a monopoly\" What is the definition of \"divestiture\"?"} {"term": "zero", "pos": "s", "context": "a zero score", "definition": "indicating the absence of any or all units under consideration", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a zero score\" What is the definition of \"zero\"?"} {"term": "zero", "pos": "s", "context": "the goal is zero population growth", "definition": "having no measurable or otherwise determinable value", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the goal is zero population growth\" What is the definition of \"zero\"?"} {"term": "diaphragm", "pos": "n", "context": "the new cameras adjust the diaphragm automatically", "definition": "a mechanical device in a camera that controls size of aperture of the lens", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["iris", "stop"], "instruction": "\"the new cameras adjust the diaphragm automatically\" What is the definition of \"diaphragm\"?"} {"term": "wrong", "pos": "n", "context": "he feels that you are in the wrong", "definition": "that which is contrary to the principles of justice or law", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he feels that you are in the wrong\" What is the definition of \"wrong\"?"} {"term": "wrong", "pos": "a", "context": "it is wrong for the rich to take advantage of the poor", "definition": "contrary to conscience or morality or law", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is wrong for the rich to take advantage of the poor\" What is the definition of \"wrong\"?"} {"term": "wrong", "pos": "a", "context": "it is wrong to think that way", "definition": "based on or acting or judging in error", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is wrong to think that way\" What is the definition of \"wrong\"?"} {"term": "wrong", "pos": "a", "context": "the report in the paper is wrong", "definition": "not correct", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the report in the paper is wrong\" What is the definition of \"wrong\"?"} {"term": "wrong", "pos": "a", "context": "the report in the paper is wrong", "definition": "not in conformity with fact or truth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the report in the paper is wrong\" What is the definition of \"wrong\"?"} {"term": "wrong", "pos": "s", "context": "the wrong medicine", "definition": "not in accord with established usage or procedure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the wrong medicine\" What is the definition of \"wrong\"?"} {"term": "wrong", "pos": "s", "context": "socks worn wrong side out", "definition": "used of the side of cloth or clothing intended to face inward", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"socks worn wrong side out\" What is the definition of \"wrong\"?"} {"term": "wrong", "pos": "s", "context": "said all the wrong things", "definition": "not appropriate for a purpose or occasion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"said all the wrong things\" What is the definition of \"wrong\"?"} {"term": "wrong", "pos": "r", "context": "she guessed wrong", "definition": "in an inaccurate manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she guessed wrong\" What is the definition of \"wrong\"?"} {"term": "silken", "pos": "s", "context": "silken eyelashes", "definition": "having a smooth , gleaming surface reflecting light", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"silken eyelashes\" What is the definition of \"silken\"?"} {"term": "nastiness", "pos": "n", "context": "I flinched at the nastiness of his wound", "definition": "the quality of being unpleasant", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I flinched at the nastiness of his wound\" What is the definition of \"nastiness\"?"} {"term": "linearly", "pos": "r", "context": "linearly polarized radiation", "definition": "in a linear manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"linearly polarized radiation\" What is the definition of \"linearly\"?"} {"term": "waggish", "pos": "s", "context": "Muskrat Castle as the house has been facetiously named by some waggish officer \" - James Fenimore Cooper", "definition": "witty or joking", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Muskrat Castle as the house has been facetiously named by some waggish officer \" - James Fenimore Cooper\" What is the definition of \"waggish\"?"} {"term": "drowsy", "pos": "s", "context": "made drowsy by the long ride", "definition": "half asleep", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"made drowsy by the long ride\" What is the definition of \"drowsy\"?"} {"term": "explosion", "pos": "n", "context": "the explosion of the firecrackers awoke the children", "definition": "the act of exploding or bursting", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the explosion of the firecrackers awoke the children\" What is the definition of \"explosion\"?"} {"term": "explosion", "pos": "n", "context": "the population explosion", "definition": "a sudden great increase", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the population explosion\" What is the definition of \"explosion\"?"} {"term": "republican", "pos": "s", "context": "the United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government \" - United States Constitution", "definition": "having the supreme power lying in the body of citizens entitled to vote for officers and representatives responsible to them or characteristic of such government", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government \" - United States Constitution\" What is the definition of \"republican\"?"} {"term": "windy", "pos": "s", "context": "a windy dash home", "definition": "resembling the wind in speed , force , or variability", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a windy dash home\" What is the definition of \"windy\"?"} {"term": "windy", "pos": "s", "context": "a windy bluff", "definition": "abounding in or exposed to the wind or breezes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a windy bluff\" What is the definition of \"windy\"?"} {"term": "discourteous", "pos": "a", "context": "a distant and at times discourteous young", "definition": "showing no courtesy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a distant and at times discourteous young\" What is the definition of \"discourteous\"?"} {"term": "discourteous", "pos": "a", "context": "a distant and at times discourteous young", "definition": "rude", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a distant and at times discourteous young\" What is the definition of \"discourteous\"?"} {"term": "material", "pos": "n", "context": "coal is a hard black material", "definition": "the tangible substance that goes into the makeup of a physical object", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["conductor", "builder", "fill", "ballast", "ammunition", "color", "corpuscle", "particulate", "stone", "litter", "impregnation", "rock", "wad", "wadding", "mineral", "detritus", "paper", "filling", "abrasive", "atom", "packing", "chemical", "fiber", "earth", "emission", "insulator", "aggregate", "thickening", "bedding", "ground", "particle", "substance", "mote", "contamination", "molecule", "sorbate", "speck", "dust", "stuff", "undercut", "dielectric"], "instruction": "\"coal is a hard black material\" What is the definition of \"material\"?"} {"term": "material", "pos": "n", "context": "the archives provided rich material for a definitive biography", "definition": "information data or ideas or observations that can be used or reworked into a finished form", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the archives provided rich material for a definitive biography\" What is the definition of \"material\"?"} {"term": "material", "pos": "s", "context": "material possessions", "definition": "concerned with worldly rather than spiritual interests", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"material possessions\" What is the definition of \"material\"?"} {"term": "material", "pos": "s", "context": "material needs", "definition": "concerned with or affecting physical as distinct from intellectual or psychological well-being", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"material needs\" What is the definition of \"material\"?"} {"term": "material", "pos": "a", "context": "the material universe", "definition": "derived from or composed of matter", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the material universe\" What is the definition of \"material\"?"} {"term": "material", "pos": "a", "context": "his support made a material difference", "definition": "directly relevant to a matter especially a law case", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his support made a material difference\" What is the definition of \"material\"?"} {"term": "violent", "pos": "a", "context": "a violent attack", "definition": "acting with or marked by or resulting from great force or energy or emotional intensity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a violent attack\" What is the definition of \"violent\"?"} {"term": "violent", "pos": "s", "context": "a violent death", "definition": "effected by force or injury rather than natural causes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a violent death\" What is the definition of \"violent\"?"} {"term": "violent", "pos": "s", "context": "a violent clash of colors", "definition": "intensely vivid or loud", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a violent clash of colors\" What is the definition of \"violent\"?"} {"term": "violent", "pos": "s", "context": "violent passions", "definition": "marked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"violent passions\" What is the definition of \"violent\"?"} {"term": "violent", "pos": "s", "context": "violent passions", "definition": "inclined to react violently", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"violent passions\" What is the definition of \"violent\"?"} {"term": "violent", "pos": "s", "context": "violent passions", "definition": "fervid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"violent passions\" What is the definition of \"violent\"?"} {"term": "substance", "pos": "n", "context": "DNA is the substance of our genes", "definition": "the real physical matter of which a person or thing consists", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"DNA is the substance of our genes\" What is the definition of \"substance\"?"} {"term": "queenly", "pos": "s", "context": "queenly propriety", "definition": "having the rank of or resembling or befitting a queen", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"queenly propriety\" What is the definition of \"queenly\"?"} {"term": "natal", "pos": "a", "context": "natal injuries", "definition": "relating to or accompanying birth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"natal injuries\" What is the definition of \"natal\"?"} {"term": "fortnight", "pos": "n", "context": "most major tennis tournaments last a fortnight", "definition": "a period of fourteen consecutive days", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"most major tennis tournaments last a fortnight\" What is the definition of \"fortnight\"?"} {"term": "fetch", "pos": "v", "context": "The devil will fetch you !", "definition": "to take away or remove", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The devil will fetch you !\" What is the definition of \"fetch\"?"} {"term": "burnt", "pos": "s", "context": "she served us underdone bacon and burnt biscuits", "definition": "ruined by overcooking", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she served us underdone bacon and burnt biscuits\" What is the definition of \"burnt\"?"} {"term": "burnt", "pos": "s", "context": "burnt sienna", "definition": "treated by heating to a high temperature but below the melting or fusing point", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"burnt sienna\" What is the definition of \"burnt\"?"} {"term": "burnt", "pos": "s", "context": "a charred bit of burnt wood", "definition": "destroyed or badly damaged by fire", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a charred bit of burnt wood\" What is the definition of \"burnt\"?"} {"term": "measly", "pos": "s", "context": "a measly tip", "definition": "contemptibly small in amount", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a measly tip\" What is the definition of \"measly\"?"} {"term": "separable", "pos": "s", "context": "the siamese twins were not considered separable", "definition": "capable of being divided or dissociated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the siamese twins were not considered separable\" What is the definition of \"separable\"?"} {"term": "septic", "pos": "a", "context": "a septic sore throat", "definition": "containing or resulting from disease-causing organisms", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a septic sore throat\" What is the definition of \"septic\"?"} {"term": "septic", "pos": "a", "context": "the septic action occurs at the bottom of the septic tank", "definition": "of or relating to or caused by putrefaction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the septic action occurs at the bottom of the septic tank\" What is the definition of \"septic\"?"} {"term": "wring", "pos": "n", "context": "gave the wet cloth a wring", "definition": "a twisting squeeze", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gave the wet cloth a wring\" What is the definition of \"wring\"?"} {"term": "wring", "pos": "v", "context": "wring the towels", "definition": "to twist , squeeze , or compress in order to extract liquid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wring the towels\" What is the definition of \"wring\"?"} {"term": "sparsely", "pos": "r", "context": "sparsely inhabited", "definition": "in a sparse manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sparsely inhabited\" What is the definition of \"sparsely\"?"} {"term": "summarize", "pos": "v", "context": "I will now summarize", "definition": "to give a summary of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["abstract", "resume", "iterate", "docket", "reiterate", "repeat", "repeating", "recapitulate", "retell"], "instruction": "\"I will now summarize\" What is the definition of \"summarize\"?"} {"term": "incidental", "pos": "n", "context": "he requested reimbursement of $ 7 for incidental expenses", "definition": "an expense not budgeted or not specified", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he requested reimbursement of $ 7 for incidental expenses\" What is the definition of \"incidental\"?"} {"term": "incidental", "pos": "a", "context": "incidental expenses", "definition": "minor or casual or subordinate in significance or nature or occurring as a chance concomitant or consequence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"incidental expenses\" What is the definition of \"incidental\"?"} {"term": "incidental", "pos": "s", "context": "snags incidental to the changeover in management", "definition": "following or accompanying as a consequence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"snags incidental to the changeover in management\" What is the definition of \"incidental\"?"} {"term": "straight", "pos": "s", "context": "sick for five straight days", "definition": "successive without a break", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sick for five straight days\" What is the definition of \"straight\"?"} {"term": "straight", "pos": "s", "context": "sit straight", "definition": "erect in posture", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sit straight\" What is the definition of \"straight\"?"} {"term": "straight", "pos": "s", "context": "set the record straight", "definition": "in keeping with the facts", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"set the record straight\" What is the definition of \"straight\"?"} {"term": "straight", "pos": "a", "context": "straight lines", "definition": "having no deviations", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"straight lines\" What is the definition of \"straight\"?"} {"term": "straight", "pos": "a", "context": "her naturally straight hair hung long and silky", "definition": "having no waves or curls", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her naturally straight hair hung long and silky\" What is the definition of \"straight\"?"} {"term": "straight", "pos": "a", "context": "straight dealing", "definition": "characterized by honesty and fairness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"straight dealing\" What is the definition of \"straight\"?"} {"term": "straight", "pos": "r", "context": "the road runs straight", "definition": "in a direct course", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the road runs straight\" What is the definition of \"straight\"?"} {"term": "straight", "pos": "r", "context": "told me straight out", "definition": "in a forthright manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"told me straight out\" What is the definition of \"straight\"?"} {"term": "straight", "pos": "r", "context": "told me straight out", "definition": "candidly or frankly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"told me straight out\" What is the definition of \"straight\"?"} {"term": "shortness", "pos": "n", "context": "the shortness of the Channel crossing", "definition": "the property of being of short spatial extent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the shortness of the Channel crossing\" What is the definition of \"shortness\"?"} {"term": "shortness", "pos": "n", "context": "there was no shortness of money", "definition": "the condition of being short of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was no shortness of money\" What is the definition of \"shortness\"?"} {"term": "specious", "pos": "s", "context": "a specious claim", "definition": "plausible but false", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["spurious", ""], "instruction": "\"a specious claim\" What is the definition of \"specious\"?"} {"term": "causeless", "pos": "s", "context": "a senseless , causeless murder", "definition": "having no justifying cause or reason", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a senseless , causeless murder\" What is the definition of \"causeless\"?"} {"term": "causeless", "pos": "s", "context": "a causeless miracle", "definition": "having no cause or apparent cause", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a causeless miracle\" What is the definition of \"causeless\"?"} {"term": "instinct", "pos": "n", "context": "the spawning instinct in salmon", "definition": "inborn pattern of behavior often responsive to specific stimuli", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the spawning instinct in salmon\" What is the definition of \"instinct\"?"} {"term": "instinct", "pos": "s", "context": "words instinct with love", "definition": "deeply filled or permeated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"words instinct with love\" What is the definition of \"instinct\"?"} {"term": "briefly", "pos": "r", "context": "she visited him briefly", "definition": "for a short time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she visited him briefly\" What is the definition of \"briefly\"?"} {"term": "briefly", "pos": "r", "context": "she replied briefly", "definition": "in a concise manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she replied briefly\" What is the definition of \"briefly\"?"} {"term": "briefly", "pos": "r", "context": "she replied briefly", "definition": "in a few words", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she replied briefly\" What is the definition of \"briefly\"?"} {"term": "stale", "pos": "a", "context": "stale bread", "definition": "lacking freshness , palatability , or showing deterioration from age", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stale bread\" What is the definition of \"stale\"?"} {"term": "stale", "pos": "s", "context": "stale news", "definition": "lacking originality or spontaneity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stale news\" What is the definition of \"stale\"?"} {"term": "stale", "pos": "s", "context": "stale news", "definition": "no longer new", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stale news\" What is the definition of \"stale\"?"} {"term": "numeral", "pos": "a", "context": "a numeral adjective", "definition": "of or relating to or denoting numbers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a numeral adjective\" What is the definition of \"numeral\"?"} {"term": "curvature", "pos": "n", "context": "curvature of the spine", "definition": "a curving or bending", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"curvature of the spine\" What is the definition of \"curvature\"?"} {"term": "curvature", "pos": "n", "context": "curvature of the spine", "definition": "often abnormal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"curvature of the spine\" What is the definition of \"curvature\"?"} {"term": "pun", "pos": "n", "context": "I do it for the pun of it", "definition": "a humorous play on words", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["sport", "wordplay", "play", "fun"], "instruction": "\"I do it for the pun of it\" What is the definition of \"pun\"?"} {"term": "burg", "pos": "n", "context": "I 've lived in this burg all my life", "definition": "colloquial american term for a town", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I 've lived in this burg all my life\" What is the definition of \"burg\"?"} {"term": "considerate", "pos": "a", "context": "friends considerate enough to leave us alone", "definition": "showing concern for the rights and feelings of others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"friends considerate enough to leave us alone\" What is the definition of \"considerate\"?"} {"term": "wrangle", "pos": "v", "context": "wrangle horses", "definition": "to herd and care for", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wrangle horses\" What is the definition of \"wrangle\"?"} {"term": "wrangle", "pos": "v", "context": "The bar keeper threw them out , but they continued to wrangle on down the street", "definition": "to to quarrel noisily , angrily or disruptively", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["brawl", "quarrel", "dispute"], "instruction": "\"The bar keeper threw them out , but they continued to wrangle on down the street\" What is the definition of \"wrangle\"?"} {"term": "faithful", "pos": "a", "context": "years of faithful service", "definition": "steadfast in affection or allegiance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"years of faithful service\" What is the definition of \"faithful\"?"} {"term": "faithful", "pos": "a", "context": "he remained faithful to his wife", "definition": "not having sexual relations with anyone except your husband or wife , or your boyfriend or girlfriend", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he remained faithful to his wife\" What is the definition of \"faithful\"?"} {"term": "faithful", "pos": "s", "context": "a faithful copy of the portrait", "definition": "marked by fidelity to an original", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a faithful copy of the portrait\" What is the definition of \"faithful\"?"} {"term": "lusterless", "pos": "s", "context": "a lusterless performance", "definition": "lacking brilliance or vitality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a lusterless performance\" What is the definition of \"lusterless\"?"} {"term": "lusterless", "pos": "s", "context": "lusterless hair", "definition": "lacking luster or shine", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lusterless hair\" What is the definition of \"lusterless\"?"} {"term": "fairly", "pos": "r", "context": "deal fairly with one another", "definition": "without favoring one party , in a fair evenhanded manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"deal fairly with one another\" What is the definition of \"fairly\"?"} {"term": "fairly", "pos": "r", "context": "they played fairly", "definition": "in conformity with the rules or laws and without fraud or cheating", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they played fairly\" What is the definition of \"fairly\"?"} {"term": "fairly", "pos": "r", "context": "he is fairly clever with computers", "definition": "to a moderately sufficient extent or degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is fairly clever with computers\" What is the definition of \"fairly\"?"} {"term": "health", "pos": "n", "context": "physicians should be held responsible for the health of their patients", "definition": "a healthy state of wellbeing free from disease", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"physicians should be held responsible for the health of their patients\" What is the definition of \"health\"?"} {"term": "health", "pos": "n", "context": "his delicate health", "definition": "the general condition of body and mind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his delicate health\" What is the definition of \"health\"?"} {"term": "relinquish", "pos": "v", "context": "relinquish the old ideas", "definition": "to do without or cease to hold or adhere to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["forego", "forgo", "kick", "waive"], "instruction": "\"relinquish the old ideas\" What is the definition of \"relinquish\"?"} {"term": "convivial", "pos": "s", "context": "a convivial atmosphere at the reunion", "definition": "occupied with or fond of the pleasures of good company", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a convivial atmosphere at the reunion\" What is the definition of \"convivial\"?"} {"term": "collectible", "pos": "s", "context": "a collectible bill", "definition": "subject to or requiring payment especially as specified", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["payable", ""], "instruction": "\"a collectible bill\" What is the definition of \"collectible\"?"} {"term": "clarification", "pos": "n", "context": "the professor 's clarification helped her to understand the textbook", "definition": "an interpretation that removes obstacles to understanding", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["interpretation", "illumination"], "instruction": "\"the professor 's clarification helped her to understand the textbook\" What is the definition of \"clarification\"?"} {"term": "luminosity", "pos": "n", "context": "its luminosity is measured relative to that of our sun", "definition": "the quality of being luminous", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["brightness", "glow", "illumination"], "instruction": "\"its luminosity is measured relative to that of our sun\" What is the definition of \"luminosity\"?"} {"term": "luminosity", "pos": "n", "context": "its luminosity is measured relative to that of our sun", "definition": "emitting or reflecting light", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["brightness", "glow", "illumination"], "instruction": "\"its luminosity is measured relative to that of our sun\" What is the definition of \"luminosity\"?"} {"term": "refract", "pos": "v", "context": "refract a light beam", "definition": "to subject to refraction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"refract a light beam\" What is the definition of \"refract\"?"} {"term": "efficacy", "pos": "n", "context": "concern about the safety and efficacy of the vaccine", "definition": "capacity or power to produce a desired effect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"concern about the safety and efficacy of the vaccine\" What is the definition of \"efficacy\"?"} {"term": "autonomous", "pos": "s", "context": "an autonomous judiciary", "definition": "not controlled by outside forces", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an autonomous judiciary\" What is the definition of \"autonomous\"?"} {"term": "autonomous", "pos": "s", "context": "the partitioning of India created two separate and autonomous jute economies", "definition": "existing as an independent entity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the partitioning of India created two separate and autonomous jute economies\" What is the definition of \"autonomous\"?"} {"term": "purge", "pos": "n", "context": "he died in a purge by Stalin", "definition": "an abrupt or sudden removal of a person or group from an organization or place", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he died in a purge by Stalin\" What is the definition of \"purge\"?"} {"term": "purge", "pos": "v", "context": "purge the water", "definition": "to rid of impurities", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"purge the water\" What is the definition of \"purge\"?"} {"term": "propensity", "pos": "n", "context": "the propensity of disease to spread", "definition": "a disposition to behave in a certain way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["aptness", "disposition"], "instruction": "\"the propensity of disease to spread\" What is the definition of \"propensity\"?"} {"term": "incorporeal", "pos": "a", "context": "an incorporeal spirit", "definition": "without material form or substance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an incorporeal spirit\" What is the definition of \"incorporeal\"?"} {"term": "weekly", "pos": "s", "context": "a weekly visit", "definition": "of or occurring every seven days", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a weekly visit\" What is the definition of \"weekly\"?"} {"term": "weekly", "pos": "r", "context": "she visited her aunt weekly", "definition": "without missing a week", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she visited her aunt weekly\" What is the definition of \"weekly\"?"} {"term": "clastic", "pos": "s", "context": "the professor had a clastic model of the human brain", "definition": "capable of being taken apart", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the professor had a clastic model of the human brain\" What is the definition of \"clastic\"?"} {"term": "pathetic", "pos": "s", "context": "their efforts were pathetic", "definition": "inspiring mixed contempt and pity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their efforts were pathetic\" What is the definition of \"pathetic\"?"} {"term": "delusory", "pos": "s", "context": "a delusory pleasure", "definition": "causing one to believe what is not true or fail to believe what is true", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a delusory pleasure\" What is the definition of \"delusory\"?"} {"term": "reliance", "pos": "n", "context": "he wrote the paper with considerable reliance on the work of other scientists", "definition": "certainty based on past experience", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he wrote the paper with considerable reliance on the work of other scientists\" What is the definition of \"reliance\"?"} {"term": "fatigue", "pos": "n", "context": "he was hospitalized for extreme fatigue", "definition": "temporary loss of strength and energy resulting from hard physical or mental work", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["exhaustion", "tiredness", "weariness"], "instruction": "\"he was hospitalized for extreme fatigue\" What is the definition of \"fatigue\"?"} {"term": "fatigue", "pos": "n", "context": "metal fatigue", "definition": "used of materials especially metals in a weakened state caused by long stress", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"metal fatigue\" What is the definition of \"fatigue\"?"} {"term": "fatigue", "pos": "n", "context": "he was suffering from museum fatigue", "definition": "boredom resulting from overexposure to something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was suffering from museum fatigue\" What is the definition of \"fatigue\"?"} {"term": "quantify", "pos": "v", "context": "Can you quantify your results ?", "definition": "to express as a number or measure or quantity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["step", "plumb", "carry", "weigh", "measure", "fathom", "meter", "express", "scale", "gauge", "time", "clock", "convey", "plumbing", "measuring", "measured", "titrate"], "instruction": "\"Can you quantify your results ?\" What is the definition of \"quantify\"?"} {"term": "know", "pos": "v", "context": "I know that the President lied to the people", "definition": "to be cognizant or aware of a fact or a specific piece of information", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["recognize", "cognize", "known", "knowing"], "instruction": "\"I know that the President lied to the people\" What is the definition of \"know\"?"} {"term": "know", "pos": "v", "context": "I know that the President lied to the people", "definition": "to possess knowledge or information about", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["recognize", "cognize", "known", "knowing"], "instruction": "\"I know that the President lied to the people\" What is the definition of \"know\"?"} {"term": "know", "pos": "v", "context": "I know that I left the key on the table", "definition": "to be aware of the truth of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["anticipate", "known", "knowing", "foresee"], "instruction": "\"I know that I left the key on the table\" What is the definition of \"know\"?"} {"term": "know", "pos": "v", "context": "I know that I left the key on the table", "definition": "to have a belief or faith in something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["anticipate", "known", "knowing", "foresee"], "instruction": "\"I know that I left the key on the table\" What is the definition of \"know\"?"} {"term": "know", "pos": "v", "context": "I know that I left the key on the table", "definition": "to regard as true beyond any doubt", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["anticipate", "known", "knowing", "foresee"], "instruction": "\"I know that I left the key on the table\" What is the definition of \"know\"?"} {"term": "overwhelming", "pos": "s", "context": "the temptation to despair may become overwhelming", "definition": "so strong as to be irresistible", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the temptation to despair may become overwhelming\" What is the definition of \"overwhelming\"?"} {"term": "overwhelming", "pos": "s", "context": "overwhelming joy", "definition": "very intense", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"overwhelming joy\" What is the definition of \"overwhelming\"?"} {"term": "sparkle", "pos": "n", "context": "he had a sparkle in his eye", "definition": "merriment expressed by a brightness or gleam or animation of countenance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["face", "spark", "look", "twinkle", "verve", "vitality"], "instruction": "\"he had a sparkle in his eye\" What is the definition of \"sparkle\"?"} {"term": "simple", "pos": "a", "context": "a simple problem", "definition": "having few parts", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a simple problem\" What is the definition of \"simple\"?"} {"term": "simple", "pos": "a", "context": "a simple problem", "definition": "not complex or complicated or involved", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a simple problem\" What is the definition of \"simple\"?"} {"term": "simple", "pos": "s", "context": "a simple country schoolhouse", "definition": "unornamented", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a simple country schoolhouse\" What is the definition of \"simple\"?"} {"term": "simple", "pos": "s", "context": "a simple game", "definition": "easy and not involved or complicated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a simple game\" What is the definition of \"simple\"?"} {"term": "simple", "pos": "s", "context": "the simple passage of time was enough", "definition": "apart from anything else", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["bare", "", "mere"], "instruction": "\"the simple passage of time was enough\" What is the definition of \"simple\"?"} {"term": "simple", "pos": "s", "context": "the simple passage of time was enough", "definition": "without additions or modifications", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["bare", "", "mere"], "instruction": "\"the simple passage of time was enough\" What is the definition of \"simple\"?"} {"term": "reticulate", "pos": "a", "context": "the reticulate veins of a leaf", "definition": "resembling or forming a network", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the reticulate veins of a leaf\" What is the definition of \"reticulate\"?"} {"term": "habitual", "pos": "s", "context": "his habitual comment", "definition": "commonly used or practiced", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["wonted", "", "accustomed"], "instruction": "\"his habitual comment\" What is the definition of \"habitual\"?"} {"term": "habitual", "pos": "s", "context": "his habitual comment", "definition": "usual", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["wonted", "", "accustomed"], "instruction": "\"his habitual comment\" What is the definition of \"habitual\"?"} {"term": "perspicuous", "pos": "s", "context": "a perspicuous argument", "definition": "transparently clear", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["limpid", "", "pellucid", "lucid"], "instruction": "\"a perspicuous argument\" What is the definition of \"perspicuous\"?"} {"term": "perspicuous", "pos": "s", "context": "a perspicuous argument", "definition": "easily understandable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["limpid", "", "pellucid", "lucid"], "instruction": "\"a perspicuous argument\" What is the definition of \"perspicuous\"?"} {"term": "modifiable", "pos": "a", "context": "the rhythm of physiological time is not modifiable except by interference with certain fundamental processes \" - Alexis Carrel", "definition": "capable of being modified in form or character or strength especially by making less extreme", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the rhythm of physiological time is not modifiable except by interference with certain fundamental processes \" - Alexis Carrel\" What is the definition of \"modifiable\"?"} {"term": "occult", "pos": "n", "context": "he is a student of the occult", "definition": "supernatural practices and techniques", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is a student of the occult\" What is the definition of \"occult\"?"} {"term": "occult", "pos": "s", "context": "an occult fracture", "definition": "hidden and difficult to see", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an occult fracture\" What is the definition of \"occult\"?"} {"term": "occult", "pos": "s", "context": "occult lore", "definition": "having an import not apparent to the senses nor obvious to the intelligence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"occult lore\" What is the definition of \"occult\"?"} {"term": "occult", "pos": "s", "context": "occult lore", "definition": "beyond ordinary understanding", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"occult lore\" What is the definition of \"occult\"?"} {"term": "oratorical", "pos": "s", "context": "oratorical prose", "definition": "characteristic of an orator or oratory", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"oratorical prose\" What is the definition of \"oratorical\"?"} {"term": "foamy", "pos": "s", "context": "foamy ( or frothy ) beer", "definition": "emitting or filled with bubbles as from carbonation or fermentation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"foamy ( or frothy ) beer\" What is the definition of \"foamy\"?"} {"term": "labyrinthine", "pos": "a", "context": "labyrinthine deafness", "definition": "relating to or affecting or originating in the inner ear", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"labyrinthine deafness\" What is the definition of \"labyrinthine\"?"} {"term": "labyrinthine", "pos": "s", "context": "a labyrinthine network of tortuous footpaths", "definition": "resembling a labyrinth in form or complexity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a labyrinthine network of tortuous footpaths\" What is the definition of \"labyrinthine\"?"} {"term": "obliging", "pos": "s", "context": "the obliging waiter was in no hurry for us to leave", "definition": "showing a cheerful willingness to do favors for others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the obliging waiter was in no hurry for us to leave\" What is the definition of \"obliging\"?"} {"term": "smart", "pos": "s", "context": "he gave the dog a smart blow", "definition": "painfully severe", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he gave the dog a smart blow\" What is the definition of \"smart\"?"} {"term": "smart", "pos": "s", "context": "I gave him a smart salute", "definition": "quick and brisk", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I gave him a smart salute\" What is the definition of \"smart\"?"} {"term": "smart", "pos": "s", "context": "smart weapons", "definition": "capable of independent and apparently intelligent action", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"smart weapons\" What is the definition of \"smart\"?"} {"term": "indulgently", "pos": "r", "context": "I was indulgently advised to give the kids what they wanted unless I wished my son to be socially ostracised", "definition": "in an indulgent manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I was indulgently advised to give the kids what they wanted unless I wished my son to be socially ostracised\" What is the definition of \"indulgently\"?"} {"term": "drudge", "pos": "v", "context": "Lexicographers drudge all day long", "definition": "to work hard", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["labored", "grind", "grinding", "laboring", "digging", "travail", "wrought", "fag", "moil"], "instruction": "\"Lexicographers drudge all day long\" What is the definition of \"drudge\"?"} {"term": "quixotic", "pos": "s", "context": "as quixotic as a restoration of medieval knighthood", "definition": "not sensible about practical matters", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as quixotic as a restoration of medieval knighthood\" What is the definition of \"quixotic\"?"} {"term": "quixotic", "pos": "s", "context": "as quixotic as a restoration of medieval knighthood", "definition": "idealistic and unrealistic", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as quixotic as a restoration of medieval knighthood\" What is the definition of \"quixotic\"?"} {"term": "stoppage", "pos": "n", "context": "his stoppage of the flow resulted in a flood", "definition": "the act of stopping something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["act", "stop", "deed"], "instruction": "\"his stoppage of the flow resulted in a flood\" What is the definition of \"stoppage\"?"} {"term": "insufferable", "pos": "s", "context": "insufferable insolence", "definition": "used of persons or their behavior", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"insufferable insolence\" What is the definition of \"insufferable\"?"} {"term": "refutation", "pos": "n", "context": "his refutation of the charges was short and persuasive", "definition": "the speech act of answering an attack on your assertions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["defense", "rebuttal", "answer"], "instruction": "\"his refutation of the charges was short and persuasive\" What is the definition of \"refutation\"?"} {"term": "unseat", "pos": "v", "context": "The Republicans are trying to unseat the liberal Democrat", "definition": "to remove from political office", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The Republicans are trying to unseat the liberal Democrat\" What is the definition of \"unseat\"?"} {"term": "circumferential", "pos": "s", "context": "circumferential highways around cities", "definition": "lying around or just outside the edges or outskirts", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"circumferential highways around cities\" What is the definition of \"circumferential\"?"} {"term": "obstruction", "pos": "n", "context": "obstruction of justice", "definition": "the act of obstructing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"obstruction of justice\" What is the definition of \"obstruction\"?"} {"term": "mismanagement", "pos": "n", "context": "he accomplished little due to the mismanagement of his energies", "definition": "management that is careless or inefficient", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["management", "misdirection"], "instruction": "\"he accomplished little due to the mismanagement of his energies\" What is the definition of \"mismanagement\"?"} {"term": "plume", "pos": "n", "context": "a plume of smoke", "definition": "anything that resembles a feather in shape or lightness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a plume of smoke\" What is the definition of \"plume\"?"} {"term": "session", "pos": "n", "context": "it was the opening session of the legislature", "definition": "a meeting for execution of a groups functions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was the opening session of the legislature\" What is the definition of \"session\"?"} {"term": "session", "pos": "n", "context": "a filming session", "definition": "a meeting devoted to a particular activity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a filming session\" What is the definition of \"session\"?"} {"term": "baby", "pos": "n", "context": "the baby began to cry again", "definition": "a very young child birth to 1 year who has not yet begun to walk or talk", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["suckling", "cherub", "kid", "godchild", "newborn", "babe", "infant", "papoose"], "instruction": "\"the baby began to cry again\" What is the definition of \"baby\"?"} {"term": "baby", "pos": "n", "context": "the baby of the family", "definition": "the youngest member of a group not necessarily young", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the baby of the family\" What is the definition of \"baby\"?"} {"term": "baby", "pos": "n", "context": "I felt healthy and very feminine carrying the baby", "definition": "an unborn child", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I felt healthy and very feminine carrying the baby\" What is the definition of \"baby\"?"} {"term": "baby", "pos": "n", "context": "I felt healthy and very feminine carrying the baby", "definition": "a human fetus", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I felt healthy and very feminine carrying the baby\" What is the definition of \"baby\"?"} {"term": "pushing", "pos": "n", "context": "the pushing is good exercise", "definition": "the act of applying force in order to move something away", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["propulsion", "shove", "nudge", "actuation", "boost", "jog", "press", "pressure", "push", "pressing"], "instruction": "\"the pushing is good exercise\" What is the definition of \"pushing\"?"} {"term": "pushing", "pos": "v", "context": "The salesman is aggressively pushing the new computer model", "definition": "to make publicity for", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["agitate", "plug", "press", "fight", "advertise", "push"], "instruction": "\"The salesman is aggressively pushing the new computer model\" What is the definition of \"pushing\"?"} {"term": "pushing", "pos": "v", "context": "The salesman is aggressively pushing the new computer model", "definition": "to try to sell a product", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["agitate", "plug", "press", "fight", "advertise", "push"], "instruction": "\"The salesman is aggressively pushing the new computer model\" What is the definition of \"pushing\"?"} {"term": "blandness", "pos": "n", "context": "the blandness of his confession enraged the judge", "definition": "the trait of exhibiting no personal embarrassment or concern", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the blandness of his confession enraged the judge\" What is the definition of \"blandness\"?"} {"term": "augmentative", "pos": "s", "context": "` up ' is an augmentative word in ` hurry up '", "definition": "increasing or having the power to increase especially in size or amount or degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"` up ' is an augmentative word in ` hurry up '\" What is the definition of \"augmentative\"?"} {"term": "affix", "pos": "v", "context": "affix the seal here", "definition": "to attach to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"affix the seal here\" What is the definition of \"affix\"?"} {"term": "affix", "pos": "v", "context": "grammatical morphemes affix to the stem", "definition": "to attach or become attached to a stem word", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"grammatical morphemes affix to the stem\" What is the definition of \"affix\"?"} {"term": "smoothness", "pos": "n", "context": "admiring the slim smoothness of her thighs", "definition": "a texture without roughness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"admiring the slim smoothness of her thighs\" What is the definition of \"smoothness\"?"} {"term": "smoothness", "pos": "n", "context": "admiring the slim smoothness of her thighs", "definition": "smooth to the touch", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"admiring the slim smoothness of her thighs\" What is the definition of \"smoothness\"?"} {"term": "smoothness", "pos": "n", "context": "the water was a glassy smoothness", "definition": "the quality of having a level and even surface", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the water was a glassy smoothness\" What is the definition of \"smoothness\"?"} {"term": "smoothness", "pos": "n", "context": "the five-speed manual gearbox is smoothness personified", "definition": "the quality of being free from errors or interruptions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the five-speed manual gearbox is smoothness personified\" What is the definition of \"smoothness\"?"} {"term": "glibly", "pos": "r", "context": "he talked glibly", "definition": "with superficial plausibility", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he talked glibly\" What is the definition of \"glibly\"?"} {"term": "sporadically", "pos": "r", "context": "he only works sporadically", "definition": "in a sporadic manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he only works sporadically\" What is the definition of \"sporadically\"?"} {"term": "shakedown", "pos": "n", "context": "the new industry 's economic shakedown", "definition": "initial adjustments to improve the functioning or the efficiency and to bring to a more satisfactory state", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the new industry 's economic shakedown\" What is the definition of \"shakedown\"?"} {"term": "shakedown", "pos": "n", "context": "a shakedown by the police uncovered the drugs", "definition": "a very thorough search of a person or a place", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a shakedown by the police uncovered the drugs\" What is the definition of \"shakedown\"?"} {"term": "shakedown", "pos": "a", "context": "a shakedown cruise", "definition": "intended to test a new system under operating conditions and to familiarize the operators with the system", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a shakedown cruise\" What is the definition of \"shakedown\"?"} {"term": "algebraic", "pos": "a", "context": "algebraic geometry", "definition": "of or relating to algebra", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"algebraic geometry\" What is the definition of \"algebraic\"?"} {"term": "sum", "pos": "n", "context": "he borrowed a large sum", "definition": "a quantity of money", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["revenue", "loss", "gain", "contribution", "advance", "amount", "defalcation", "red", "gross", "figure"], "instruction": "\"he borrowed a large sum\" What is the definition of \"sum\"?"} {"term": "sum", "pos": "n", "context": "the sum of all our troubles did not equal the misery they suffered", "definition": "the final aggregate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["congeries", "summation", "aggregate", "conglomeration", "assemblage"], "instruction": "\"the sum of all our troubles did not equal the misery they suffered\" What is the definition of \"sum\"?"} {"term": "attainment", "pos": "n", "context": "the attainment of independence", "definition": "the act of achieving an aim", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the attainment of independence\" What is the definition of \"attainment\"?"} {"term": "attainment", "pos": "n", "context": "his attainment of puberty was delayed by malnutrition", "definition": "arrival at a new stage", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his attainment of puberty was delayed by malnutrition\" What is the definition of \"attainment\"?"} {"term": "smell", "pos": "n", "context": "she loved the smell of roses", "definition": "the sensation that results when olfactory receptors in the nose are stimulated by particular chemicals in gaseous form", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she loved the smell of roses\" What is the definition of \"smell\"?"} {"term": "logarithmically", "pos": "r", "context": "data plotted logarithmically with respect to time is shown in Figure 2", "definition": "in a logarithmic manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"data plotted logarithmically with respect to time is shown in Figure 2\" What is the definition of \"logarithmically\"?"} {"term": "literary", "pos": "a", "context": "literary criticism", "definition": "of or relating to or characteristic of literature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"literary criticism\" What is the definition of \"literary\"?"} {"term": "literary", "pos": "s", "context": "a literary style", "definition": "knowledgeable about literature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a literary style\" What is the definition of \"literary\"?"} {"term": "literary", "pos": "s", "context": "when trying to impress someone she spoke in an affected literary style", "definition": "appropriate to literature rather than everyday speech or writing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when trying to impress someone she spoke in an affected literary style\" What is the definition of \"literary\"?"} {"term": "bacchanalian", "pos": "s", "context": "a night of bacchanalian revelry", "definition": "used of riotously drunken merrymaking", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a night of bacchanalian revelry\" What is the definition of \"bacchanalian\"?"} {"term": "cavalryman", "pos": "n", "context": "a cavalryman always takes good care of his mount", "definition": "a soldier mounted on horseback", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a cavalryman always takes good care of his mount\" What is the definition of \"cavalryman\"?"} {"term": "causative", "pos": "a", "context": "poverty as a causative factor in crime", "definition": "producing an effect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"poverty as a causative factor in crime\" What is the definition of \"causative\"?"} {"term": "iconography", "pos": "n", "context": "religious iconography", "definition": "the images and symbolic representations that are traditionally associated with a person or a subject", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"religious iconography\" What is the definition of \"iconography\"?"} {"term": "tame", "pos": "v", "context": "tame the soil", "definition": "to adapt a wild plant or unclaimed land to the environment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["adapt", "accommodate", "cultivate", "domesticate", "naturalize"], "instruction": "\"tame the soil\" What is the definition of \"tame\"?"} {"term": "tame", "pos": "s", "context": "tame obedience", "definition": "very docile", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tame obedience\" What is the definition of \"tame\"?"} {"term": "tame", "pos": "a", "context": "a tame Christmas party", "definition": "very restrained or quiet", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tame Christmas party\" What is the definition of \"tame\"?"} {"term": "tame", "pos": "a", "context": "tame animals", "definition": "brought from wildness into a domesticated state", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tame animals\" What is the definition of \"tame\"?"} {"term": "pied", "pos": "s", "context": "pied daisies", "definition": "having sections or patches colored differently and usually brightly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["painted", "piebald", "", "motley"], "instruction": "\"pied daisies\" What is the definition of \"pied\"?"} {"term": "attendance", "pos": "n", "context": "a student 's attendance is an important factor in her grade", "definition": "the frequency with which a person is present", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a student 's attendance is an important factor in her grade\" What is the definition of \"attendance\"?"} {"term": "attendance", "pos": "n", "context": "attendance was up by 50 per cent", "definition": "the number of people that are present", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"attendance was up by 50 per cent\" What is the definition of \"attendance\"?"} {"term": "brash", "pos": "s", "context": "a brash newcomer disputed the age-old rules for admission to the club", "definition": "offensively bold", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a brash newcomer disputed the age-old rules for admission to the club\" What is the definition of \"brash\"?"} {"term": "merit", "pos": "n", "context": "work of great merit", "definition": "any admirable quality or attribute", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"work of great merit\" What is the definition of \"merit\"?"} {"term": "equivocal", "pos": "a", "context": "an equivocal statement", "definition": "open to two or more interpretations", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an equivocal statement\" What is the definition of \"equivocal\"?"} {"term": "equivocal", "pos": "a", "context": "an equivocal statement", "definition": "or of uncertain nature or significance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an equivocal statement\" What is the definition of \"equivocal\"?"} {"term": "equivocal", "pos": "a", "context": "an equivocal statement", "definition": "or often intended to mislead", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an equivocal statement\" What is the definition of \"equivocal\"?"} {"term": "equivocal", "pos": "s", "context": "aliens of equivocal loyalty", "definition": "open to question", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"aliens of equivocal loyalty\" What is the definition of \"equivocal\"?"} {"term": "equivocal", "pos": "s", "context": "the evidence from bacteriologic analysis was equivocal", "definition": "uncertain as a sign or indication", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the evidence from bacteriologic analysis was equivocal\" What is the definition of \"equivocal\"?"} {"term": "spongy", "pos": "s", "context": "spongy bread", "definition": "easily squashed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"spongy bread\" What is the definition of \"spongy\"?"} {"term": "spongy", "pos": "s", "context": "spongy bread", "definition": "resembling a sponge in having soft porous texture and compressibility", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"spongy bread\" What is the definition of \"spongy\"?"} {"term": "infinite", "pos": "n", "context": "the boundless regions of the infinite", "definition": "the unlimited expanse in which everything is located", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["attribute", "space"], "instruction": "\"the boundless regions of the infinite\" What is the definition of \"infinite\"?"} {"term": "infinite", "pos": "a", "context": "the infinite ingenuity of man", "definition": "having no limits or boundaries in time or space or extent or magnitude", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the infinite ingenuity of man\" What is the definition of \"infinite\"?"} {"term": "infinite", "pos": "a", "context": "infinite verb form", "definition": "of verbs", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"infinite verb form\" What is the definition of \"infinite\"?"} {"term": "infinite", "pos": "a", "context": "infinite verb form", "definition": "having neither person nor number nor mood as a participle or gerund or infinitive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"infinite verb form\" What is the definition of \"infinite\"?"} {"term": "infinite", "pos": "s", "context": "God 's infinite wisdom", "definition": "total and all-embracing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"God 's infinite wisdom\" What is the definition of \"infinite\"?"} {"term": "infinite", "pos": "s", "context": "an infinite number of reasons", "definition": "too numerous to be counted", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an infinite number of reasons\" What is the definition of \"infinite\"?"} {"term": "tiptoe", "pos": "s", "context": "moving with tiptoe steps", "definition": "walking on the tips of oness toes so as to make no noise", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"moving with tiptoe steps\" What is the definition of \"tiptoe\"?"} {"term": "quickly", "pos": "r", "context": "he works quickly", "definition": "with rapid movements", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he works quickly\" What is the definition of \"quickly\"?"} {"term": "livelong", "pos": "s", "context": "all the livelong day", "definition": "constituting the full extent or duration", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all the livelong day\" What is the definition of \"livelong\"?"} {"term": "hatchery", "pos": "n", "context": "the park authorities operated a trout hatchery", "definition": "a place where eggs are hatched under artificial conditions especially fish eggs", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the park authorities operated a trout hatchery\" What is the definition of \"hatchery\"?"} {"term": "transversely", "pos": "r", "context": "they were cut transversely", "definition": "in a transverse manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they were cut transversely\" What is the definition of \"transversely\"?"} {"term": "cloudless", "pos": "s", "context": "under a cloudless sky", "definition": "free from clouds", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"under a cloudless sky\" What is the definition of \"cloudless\"?"} {"term": "store", "pos": "n", "context": "he brought back a large store of Cuban cigars", "definition": "a supply of something available for future use", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["provision", "stock", "base", "fund", "issue"], "instruction": "\"he brought back a large store of Cuban cigars\" What is the definition of \"store\"?"} {"term": "store", "pos": "v", "context": "store grain for the winter", "definition": "to keep or lay aside for future use", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"store grain for the winter\" What is the definition of \"store\"?"} {"term": "store", "pos": "v", "context": "I could n't store all the books in the attic so I sold some", "definition": "to find a place for and put away for storage", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I could n't store all the books in the attic so I sold some\" What is the definition of \"store\"?"} {"term": "murky", "pos": "s", "context": "a murky dungeon", "definition": "dark or gloomy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a murky dungeon\" What is the definition of \"murky\"?"} {"term": "murky", "pos": "s", "context": "murky waters", "definition": "clouded as with sediment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["turbid", "muddy", "cloudy", ""], "instruction": "\"murky waters\" What is the definition of \"murky\"?"} {"term": "tyrant", "pos": "n", "context": "his father was a tyrant", "definition": "any person who exercises power in a cruel way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his father was a tyrant\" What is the definition of \"tyrant\"?"} {"term": "accident", "pos": "n", "context": "winning the lottery was a happy accident", "definition": "anything that happens suddenly or by chance without an apparent cause", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["break", "hap", "coincidence", "fortuity", "lottery", "stroke"], "instruction": "\"winning the lottery was a happy accident\" What is the definition of \"accident\"?"} {"term": "syndrome", "pos": "n", "context": "every word has a syndrome of meanings", "definition": "a complex of concurrent things", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"every word has a syndrome of meanings\" What is the definition of \"syndrome\"?"} {"term": "intermittent", "pos": "s", "context": "intermittent rain showers", "definition": "stopping and starting at irregular intervals", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"intermittent rain showers\" What is the definition of \"intermittent\"?"} {"term": "noisy", "pos": "a", "context": "a noisy cafeteria", "definition": "full of or characterized by loud and nonmusical sounds", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a noisy cafeteria\" What is the definition of \"noisy\"?"} {"term": "noisy", "pos": "s", "context": "a noisy sweater", "definition": "attracting attention by showiness or bright colors", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a noisy sweater\" What is the definition of \"noisy\"?"} {"term": "resurrection", "pos": "n", "context": "it produced a resurrection of hope", "definition": "a revival from inactivity and disuse", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it produced a resurrection of hope\" What is the definition of \"resurrection\"?"} {"term": "apart", "pos": "s", "context": "existed over the centuries as a world apart", "definition": "remote and separate physically or socially", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"existed over the centuries as a world apart\" What is the definition of \"apart\"?"} {"term": "apart", "pos": "r", "context": "These towns are many miles apart", "definition": "separated or at a distance in place or position or time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"These towns are many miles apart\" What is the definition of \"apart\"?"} {"term": "apart", "pos": "r", "context": "they grew apart over the years", "definition": "away from another or others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they grew apart over the years\" What is the definition of \"apart\"?"} {"term": "norm", "pos": "n", "context": "the current middle-class norm of two children per family", "definition": "a standard or model or pattern regarded as typical", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the current middle-class norm of two children per family\" What is the definition of \"norm\"?"} {"term": "norm", "pos": "n", "context": "it set the norm for American homes", "definition": "a statistic describing the location of a distribution", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it set the norm for American homes\" What is the definition of \"norm\"?"} {"term": "hunt", "pos": "n", "context": "the hunt for submarines", "definition": "an instance of searching for something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the hunt for submarines\" What is the definition of \"hunt\"?"} {"term": "cumbersome", "pos": "s", "context": "a cumbersome piece of machinery", "definition": "difficult to handle or use especially because of size or weight", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a cumbersome piece of machinery\" What is the definition of \"cumbersome\"?"} {"term": "cumbersome", "pos": "s", "context": "his cumbersome writing style", "definition": "not elegant or graceful in expression", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his cumbersome writing style\" What is the definition of \"cumbersome\"?"} {"term": "twilight", "pos": "n", "context": "he loved the twilight", "definition": "the time of day immediately following sunset", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he loved the twilight\" What is the definition of \"twilight\"?"} {"term": "twilight", "pos": "n", "context": "in the twilight of the empire", "definition": "a condition of decline following successes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the twilight of the empire\" What is the definition of \"twilight\"?"} {"term": "street", "pos": "n", "context": "be careful crossing the street", "definition": "the part of a thoroughfare between the sidewalks", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"be careful crossing the street\" What is the definition of \"street\"?"} {"term": "street", "pos": "n", "context": "be careful crossing the street", "definition": "the part of the thoroughfare on which vehicles travel", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"be careful crossing the street\" What is the definition of \"street\"?"} {"term": "failure", "pos": "n", "context": "his failure to pass the test", "definition": "an act that fails", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his failure to pass the test\" What is the definition of \"failure\"?"} {"term": "failure", "pos": "n", "context": "the surprise party was a complete failure", "definition": "an event that does not accomplish its intended purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the surprise party was a complete failure\" What is the definition of \"failure\"?"} {"term": "failure", "pos": "n", "context": "he felt that his entire life had been a failure", "definition": "lack of success", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he felt that his entire life had been a failure\" What is the definition of \"failure\"?"} {"term": "realizable", "pos": "s", "context": "realizable benefits of the plan", "definition": "capable of being realized", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"realizable benefits of the plan\" What is the definition of \"realizable\"?"} {"term": "resistance", "pos": "n", "context": "he encountered a general feeling of resistance from many citizens", "definition": "the action of opposing something that you disapprove or disagree with", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["lockout", "action", "opposition"], "instruction": "\"he encountered a general feeling of resistance from many citizens\" What is the definition of \"resistance\"?"} {"term": "resistance", "pos": "n", "context": "the enemy offered little resistance", "definition": "the military action of resisting the enemys advance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the enemy offered little resistance\" What is the definition of \"resistance\"?"} {"term": "impolitic", "pos": "a", "context": "an impolitic approach to a sensitive issue", "definition": "not politic", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an impolitic approach to a sensitive issue\" What is the definition of \"impolitic\"?"} {"term": "refiner", "pos": "n", "context": "he was a sugar refiner", "definition": "one whose work is to refine a specific thing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was a sugar refiner\" What is the definition of \"refiner\"?"} {"term": "impacted", "pos": "s", "context": "an impacted tooth", "definition": "wedged or packed in together", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an impacted tooth\" What is the definition of \"impacted\"?"} {"term": "shock", "pos": "n", "context": "the armies met in the shock of battle", "definition": "the violent interaction of individuals or groups entering into combat", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["fighting", "fight", "combat", "impact"], "instruction": "\"the armies met in the shock of battle\" What is the definition of \"shock\"?"} {"term": "shock", "pos": "n", "context": "loss of blood is an important cause of shock", "definition": "bodily collapse or near collapse caused by inadequate oxygen delivery to the cells", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"loss of blood is an important cause of shock\" What is the definition of \"shock\"?"} {"term": "shock", "pos": "n", "context": "loss of blood is an important cause of shock", "definition": "characterized by reduced cardiac output and rapid heartbeat and circulatory insufficiency and pallor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"loss of blood is an important cause of shock\" What is the definition of \"shock\"?"} {"term": "shock", "pos": "n", "context": "the first shock of the earthquake came shortly after noon while workers were at lunch", "definition": "an instance of agitation of the earths crust", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the first shock of the earthquake came shortly after noon while workers were at lunch\" What is the definition of \"shock\"?"} {"term": "spicy", "pos": "s", "context": "spicy gossip", "definition": "suggestive of sexual impropriety", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"spicy gossip\" What is the definition of \"spicy\"?"} {"term": "thought", "pos": "n", "context": "19th century thought", "definition": "the organized beliefs of a period or group or individual", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"19th century thought\" What is the definition of \"thought\"?"} {"term": "thought", "pos": "n", "context": "the thought never entered my mind", "definition": "the content of cognition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["misconception", "motif", "whimsy", "program", "idealization", "suggestion", "feeling", "theorem", "belief", "figment", "conception", "ideal", "concept", "inspiration", "keynote", "theme", "generality", "preoccupation", "whim", "impression", "substance", "plan", "cogitation", "burden", "idea", "opinion", "meaning"], "instruction": "\"the thought never entered my mind\" What is the definition of \"thought\"?"} {"term": "thought", "pos": "n", "context": "she paused for thought", "definition": "the process of using your mind to consider something carefully", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["explanation", "construction", "consideration", "mysticism", "ideation", "provision", "cerebration", "thinking", "preparation", "intellection"], "instruction": "\"she paused for thought\" What is the definition of \"thought\"?"} {"term": "thought", "pos": "v", "context": "I thought to find her in a bad state", "definition": "to expect , believe , or suppose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["opine", "suppose", "guess", "suspect", "reckon", "anticipate", "expect"], "instruction": "\"I thought to find her in a bad state\" What is the definition of \"thought\"?"} {"term": "stalling", "pos": "v", "context": "she does n't want to write the report , so she is stalling", "definition": "to deliberately delay an event or action", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she does n't want to write the report , so she is stalling\" What is the definition of \"stalling\"?"} {"term": "darn", "pos": "v", "context": "darn socks", "definition": "to repair by sewing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"darn socks\" What is the definition of \"darn\"?"} {"term": "purchasable", "pos": "s", "context": "purchasable goods", "definition": "available for purchase", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"purchasable goods\" What is the definition of \"purchasable\"?"} {"term": "purchasable", "pos": "s", "context": "a purchasable senator", "definition": "capable of being corrupted", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a purchasable senator\" What is the definition of \"purchasable\"?"} {"term": "unconscionable", "pos": "s", "context": "an unconscionable liar", "definition": "lacking a conscience", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unconscionable liar\" What is the definition of \"unconscionable\"?"} {"term": "unconscionable", "pos": "s", "context": "unconscionable spending", "definition": "greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["usurious", "", "exorbitant", "steeper", "steep", "outrageous"], "instruction": "\"unconscionable spending\" What is the definition of \"unconscionable\"?"} {"term": "shop", "pos": "n", "context": "he bought it at a shop on Cape Cod", "definition": "a mercantile establishment for the retail sale of goods or services", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["store", "haberdashery", "bakehouse", "booth", "canteen", "florist", "millinery", "confectionery", "salon", "bookstore", "pharmacy", "outlet", "bookshop", "confectionary", "perfumery", "bakery", "outfitter"], "instruction": "\"he bought it at a shop on Cape Cod\" What is the definition of \"shop\"?"} {"term": "shop", "pos": "n", "context": "I built a birdhouse in shop", "definition": "a course of instruction in a trade as carpentry or electricity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I built a birdhouse in shop\" What is the definition of \"shop\"?"} {"term": "parallel", "pos": "a", "context": "parallel lines never converge", "definition": "being everywhere equidistant and not intersecting", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"parallel lines never converge\" What is the definition of \"parallel\"?"} {"term": "parallel", "pos": "s", "context": "parallel processing", "definition": "of or relating to the simultaneous performance of multiple operations", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"parallel processing\" What is the definition of \"parallel\"?"} {"term": "adjust", "pos": "v", "context": "We must adjust to the bad economic situation", "definition": "to adapt or conform oneself to new or different conditions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["readjust", "adapt", "square", "assimilate", "change", "conform", "acclimate", "focus", "acclimatize"], "instruction": "\"We must adjust to the bad economic situation\" What is the definition of \"adjust\"?"} {"term": "meaning", "pos": "n", "context": "what is the meaning of this sentence", "definition": "the message that is intended or expressed or signified", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["significance", "subtlety", "connotation", "moral", "sense", "nuance", "symbolization", "signification", "point", "intension", "shade", "import", "lesson", "gist", "nicety", "substance", "essence", "refinement", "burden"], "instruction": "\"what is the meaning of this sentence\" What is the definition of \"meaning\"?"} {"term": "meaning", "pos": "n", "context": "What is the meaning of this proverb ?", "definition": "the idea that is intended", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["implication", "thought", "tenor", "significance", "strain", "connotation", "import", "undercurrent", "extension", "idea", "reference", "substance"], "instruction": "\"What is the meaning of this proverb ?\" What is the definition of \"meaning\"?"} {"term": "meaning", "pos": "s", "context": "a meaning look", "definition": "rich in significance or implication", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["pregnant", "", "significant"], "instruction": "\"a meaning look\" What is the definition of \"meaning\"?"} {"term": "civic", "pos": "a", "context": "civic center", "definition": "of or relating or belonging to a city", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"civic center\" What is the definition of \"civic\"?"} {"term": "civic", "pos": "a", "context": "civic duties", "definition": "of or relating to or befitting citizens as individuals", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"civic duties\" What is the definition of \"civic\"?"} {"term": "ossified", "pos": "v", "context": "The tissue ossified", "definition": "to become bony", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["turn", "ossify"], "instruction": "\"The tissue ossified\" What is the definition of \"ossified\"?"} {"term": "ossified", "pos": "v", "context": "ossified teaching methods", "definition": "to make rigid and set into a conventional pattern", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ossified teaching methods\" What is the definition of \"ossified\"?"} {"term": "ossified", "pos": "v", "context": "The disease ossified the tissue", "definition": "to cause to become hard and bony", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["modify", "change", "alter", "ossify"], "instruction": "\"The disease ossified the tissue\" What is the definition of \"ossified\"?"} {"term": "ossified", "pos": "s", "context": "an ossified bureaucratic system", "definition": "set in a rigidly conventional pattern of behavior , habits , or beliefs", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an ossified bureaucratic system\" What is the definition of \"ossified\"?"} {"term": "feeble", "pos": "s", "context": "a feeble excuse", "definition": "pathetically lacking in force or effectiveness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a feeble excuse\" What is the definition of \"feeble\"?"} {"term": "feeble", "pos": "s", "context": "feeble efforts", "definition": "lacking strength or vigor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"feeble efforts\" What is the definition of \"feeble\"?"} {"term": "hoary", "pos": "s", "context": "hoary jokes", "definition": "ancient", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hoary jokes\" What is the definition of \"hoary\"?"} {"term": "hoary", "pos": "s", "context": "nodded his hoary head", "definition": "showing characteristics of age , especially having grey or white hair", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nodded his hoary head\" What is the definition of \"hoary\"?"} {"term": "intelligence", "pos": "n", "context": "we sent out planes to gather intelligence on their radar coverage", "definition": "secret information about an enemy or potential enemy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we sent out planes to gather intelligence on their radar coverage\" What is the definition of \"intelligence\"?"} {"term": "hourly", "pos": "s", "context": "hourly chimes", "definition": "occurring every hour or payable by the hour", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hourly chimes\" What is the definition of \"hourly\"?"} {"term": "requisition", "pos": "n", "context": "first you have to fill out the requisition", "definition": "an official form on which a request in made", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"first you have to fill out the requisition\" What is the definition of \"requisition\"?"} {"term": "moment", "pos": "n", "context": "the moment he arrived the party began", "definition": "a particular point in time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["time", "culmination", "point", "minute"], "instruction": "\"the moment he arrived the party began\" What is the definition of \"moment\"?"} {"term": "moment", "pos": "n", "context": "wait just a moment", "definition": "an indefinitely short time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["jiffy", "bit", "twinkling", "time", "minute", "flash", "wink", "trice"], "instruction": "\"wait just a moment\" What is the definition of \"moment\"?"} {"term": "imperial", "pos": "a", "context": "imperial colony", "definition": "relating to or associated with an empire", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"imperial colony\" What is the definition of \"imperial\"?"} {"term": "imperial", "pos": "a", "context": "imperial palace", "definition": "befitting or belonging to an emperor or empress", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"imperial palace\" What is the definition of \"imperial\"?"} {"term": "imperial", "pos": "s", "context": "golden age of imperial splendor", "definition": "belonging to or befitting a supreme ruler", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["regal", "royal", ""], "instruction": "\"golden age of imperial splendor\" What is the definition of \"imperial\"?"} {"term": "prudent", "pos": "a", "context": "a prudent manager", "definition": "careful and sensible", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a prudent manager\" What is the definition of \"prudent\"?"} {"term": "prudent", "pos": "a", "context": "a prudent manager", "definition": "marked by sound judgment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a prudent manager\" What is the definition of \"prudent\"?"} {"term": "splurge", "pos": "n", "context": "a splurge of spending", "definition": "any act of immoderate indulgence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["indulgence", "orgy"], "instruction": "\"a splurge of spending\" What is the definition of \"splurge\"?"} {"term": "partnership", "pos": "n", "context": "effective language learning is a partnership between school , teacher and student", "definition": "a cooperative relationship between people or groups who agree to share responsibility for achieving some specific goal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"effective language learning is a partnership between school , teacher and student\" What is the definition of \"partnership\"?"} {"term": "pronunciation", "pos": "n", "context": "they are always correcting my pronunciation", "definition": "the manner in which someone utters a word", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they are always correcting my pronunciation\" What is the definition of \"pronunciation\"?"} {"term": "pronunciation", "pos": "n", "context": "the pronunciation of Chinese is difficult for foreigners", "definition": "the way a word or a language is customarily spoken", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the pronunciation of Chinese is difficult for foreigners\" What is the definition of \"pronunciation\"?"} {"term": "numerous", "pos": "s", "context": "numerous times", "definition": "amounting to a large indefinite number", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"numerous times\" What is the definition of \"numerous\"?"} {"term": "assimilative", "pos": "s", "context": "assimilative processes \" , \" assimilative capacity of the human mind", "definition": "capable of mentally absorbing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"assimilative processes \" , \" assimilative capacity of the human mind\" What is the definition of \"assimilative\"?"} {"term": "assimilative", "pos": "s", "context": "an assimilative substance", "definition": "capable of taking gas , light , or liquids into a solution", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an assimilative substance\" What is the definition of \"assimilative\"?"} {"term": "pictorial", "pos": "a", "context": "pictorial perspective", "definition": "pertaining to or consisting of pictures", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pictorial perspective\" What is the definition of \"pictorial\"?"} {"term": "pictorial", "pos": "s", "context": "pictorial poetry and prose", "definition": "evoking lifelike images within the mind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pictorial poetry and prose\" What is the definition of \"pictorial\"?"} {"term": "redemptive", "pos": "a", "context": "a redemptive theory about life \" - E.K.Brown", "definition": "of or relating to or resulting in redemption", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a redemptive theory about life \" - E.K.Brown\" What is the definition of \"redemptive\"?"} {"term": "redemptive", "pos": "s", "context": "redemptive ( or redeeming ) love", "definition": "bringing about salvation or redemption from sin", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"redemptive ( or redeeming ) love\" What is the definition of \"redemptive\"?"} {"term": "fruit", "pos": "n", "context": "he lived long enough to see the fruit of his policies", "definition": "the consequence of some effort or action", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he lived long enough to see the fruit of his policies\" What is the definition of \"fruit\"?"} {"term": "nagging", "pos": "v", "context": "nagging concerns and doubts", "definition": "to worry persistently", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["worry", "nag"], "instruction": "\"nagging concerns and doubts\" What is the definition of \"nagging\"?"} {"term": "nagging", "pos": "s", "context": "nagging parents", "definition": "continually complaining or faultfinding", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nagging parents\" What is the definition of \"nagging\"?"} {"term": "hub", "pos": "n", "context": "the playground is the hub of parental supervision", "definition": "a center of activity or interest or commerce or transportation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the playground is the hub of parental supervision\" What is the definition of \"hub\"?"} {"term": "hub", "pos": "n", "context": "the playground is the hub of parental supervision", "definition": "a focal point around which events revolve", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the playground is the hub of parental supervision\" What is the definition of \"hub\"?"} {"term": "insatiable", "pos": "a", "context": "an insatiable demand for old buildings to restore", "definition": "impossible to satisfy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an insatiable demand for old buildings to restore\" What is the definition of \"insatiable\"?"} {"term": "yardstick", "pos": "n", "context": "on what kind of yardstick is he basing his judgment ?", "definition": "a measure or standard used for comparison", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on what kind of yardstick is he basing his judgment ?\" What is the definition of \"yardstick\"?"} {"term": "honeymoon", "pos": "v", "context": "they plan to honeymoon in Hawai'i", "definition": "to spend a holiday after ones marriage", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they plan to honeymoon in Hawai'i\" What is the definition of \"honeymoon\"?"} {"term": "gaunt", "pos": "s", "context": "a nightmare population of gaunt men and skeletal boys", "definition": "very thin especially from disease or hunger or cold", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["haggard", "", "skeletal", "bony"], "instruction": "\"a nightmare population of gaunt men and skeletal boys\" What is the definition of \"gaunt\"?"} {"term": "program", "pos": "n", "context": "he proposed an elaborate program of public works", "definition": "a system of projects or services intended to meet a public need", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he proposed an elaborate program of public works\" What is the definition of \"program\"?"} {"term": "program", "pos": "n", "context": "you ca n't tell the players without a program", "definition": "an announcement of the events that will occur as part of a theatrical or sporting event", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you ca n't tell the players without a program\" What is the definition of \"program\"?"} {"term": "program", "pos": "n", "context": "the program required several hundred lines of code", "definition": "a sequence of instructions that a computer can interpret and execute", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the program required several hundred lines of code\" What is the definition of \"program\"?"} {"term": "tender", "pos": "a", "context": "a tender heart", "definition": "given to sympathy or gentleness or sentimentality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tender heart\" What is the definition of \"tender\"?"} {"term": "tender", "pos": "a", "context": "tender beef", "definition": "easy to cut or chew", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tender beef\" What is the definition of \"tender\"?"} {"term": "tender", "pos": "a", "context": "tender feet", "definition": "physically untoughened", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tender feet\" What is the definition of \"tender\"?"} {"term": "tender", "pos": "s", "context": "at a tender age", "definition": "young and immature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at a tender age\" What is the definition of \"tender\"?"} {"term": "tender", "pos": "s", "context": "tender green shoots", "definition": "not hardy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tender green shoots\" What is the definition of \"tender\"?"} {"term": "tender", "pos": "s", "context": "tender green shoots", "definition": "easily killed by adverse growing condition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tender green shoots\" What is the definition of \"tender\"?"} {"term": "tender", "pos": "s", "context": "the tender spot on his jaw", "definition": "hurting", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["raw", "", "sensitive"], "instruction": "\"the tender spot on his jaw\" What is the definition of \"tender\"?"} {"term": "pointed", "pos": "v", "context": "He pointed to the empty parking space", "definition": "to indicate a place , direction , person , or thing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["point", "finger", "designate", "inform", "reflect", "show", "indicate"], "instruction": "\"He pointed to the empty parking space\" What is the definition of \"pointed\"?"} {"term": "pointed", "pos": "v", "context": "He pointed to the empty parking space", "definition": "to either spatially or figuratively", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["point", "finger", "designate", "inform", "reflect", "show", "indicate"], "instruction": "\"He pointed to the empty parking space\" What is the definition of \"pointed\"?"} {"term": "pointed", "pos": "v", "context": "the dancers toes pointed outward", "definition": "to be oriented", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["orient", "point", "lie"], "instruction": "\"the dancers toes pointed outward\" What is the definition of \"pointed\"?"} {"term": "pointed", "pos": "s", "context": "a pointed critique", "definition": "direct and obvious in meaning or reference", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a pointed critique\" What is the definition of \"pointed\"?"} {"term": "pointed", "pos": "s", "context": "a pointed critique", "definition": "often unpleasant", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a pointed critique\" What is the definition of \"pointed\"?"} {"term": "going", "pos": "n", "context": "persuading him was easy going", "definition": "advancing toward a goal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["sledding", "accomplishment"], "instruction": "\"persuading him was easy going\" What is the definition of \"going\"?"} {"term": "going", "pos": "s", "context": "a going concern", "definition": "in full operation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a going concern\" What is the definition of \"going\"?"} {"term": "channel", "pos": "n", "context": "a channel is typically what you rent from a telephone company", "definition": "a path over which electrical signals can pass", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a channel is typically what you rent from a telephone company\" What is the definition of \"channel\"?"} {"term": "channel", "pos": "n", "context": "the ship went aground in the channel", "definition": "a deep and relatively narrow body of water as in a river or a harbor or a strait linking two larger bodies that allows the best passage for vessels", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ship went aground in the channel\" What is the definition of \"channel\"?"} {"term": "channel", "pos": "v", "context": "channel information towards a broad audience", "definition": "to direct the flow of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"channel information towards a broad audience\" What is the definition of \"channel\"?"} {"term": "vulgar", "pos": "s", "context": "appealing to the vulgar taste for violence", "definition": "lacking refinement or cultivation or taste", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["uncouth", "", "common"], "instruction": "\"appealing to the vulgar taste for violence\" What is the definition of \"vulgar\"?"} {"term": "vulgar", "pos": "s", "context": "a vulgar and objectionable person", "definition": "of or associated with the great masses of people", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a vulgar and objectionable person\" What is the definition of \"vulgar\"?"} {"term": "vulgar", "pos": "s", "context": "the vulgar tongue of the masses", "definition": "being or characteristic of or appropriate to everyday language", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["commoner", "", "common"], "instruction": "\"the vulgar tongue of the masses\" What is the definition of \"vulgar\"?"} {"term": "tagger", "pos": "n", "context": "a theory that was simply added on by some anonymous tagger", "definition": "someone who appends or joins one thing to another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a theory that was simply added on by some anonymous tagger\" What is the definition of \"tagger\"?"} {"term": "rainy", "pos": "s", "context": "rainy days", "definition": "wet by periods of rain", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rainy days\" What is the definition of \"rainy\"?"} {"term": "existence", "pos": "n", "context": "laws in existence for centuries", "definition": "the state or fact of existing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["being", "living", "possibility", "actuality", "subsistence", "presence", "eternity", "animation"], "instruction": "\"laws in existence for centuries\" What is the definition of \"existence\"?"} {"term": "existence", "pos": "n", "context": "the biggest tree in existence", "definition": "everything that exists anywhere", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["nature", "world", "universe", "macrocosm", "creation", "cosmos"], "instruction": "\"the biggest tree in existence\" What is the definition of \"existence\"?"} {"term": "macaroni", "pos": "n", "context": "Yankee Doodle stuck a feather in his cap and called it macaroni", "definition": "a british dandy in the 18th century who affected continental mannerisms", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Yankee Doodle stuck a feather in his cap and called it macaroni\" What is the definition of \"macaroni\"?"} {"term": "consequent", "pos": "s", "context": "the period of tension and consequent need for military preparedness", "definition": "following or accompanying as a consequence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the period of tension and consequent need for military preparedness\" What is the definition of \"consequent\"?"} {"term": "thorough", "pos": "s", "context": "our accountant is thorough", "definition": "painstakingly careful and accurate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"our accountant is thorough\" What is the definition of \"thorough\"?"} {"term": "thorough", "pos": "s", "context": "made a thorough search", "definition": "performed comprehensively and completely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"made a thorough search\" What is the definition of \"thorough\"?"} {"term": "sure", "pos": "a", "context": "was sure ( or certain ) she had seen it", "definition": "having or feeling no doubt or uncertainty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"was sure ( or certain ) she had seen it\" What is the definition of \"sure\"?"} {"term": "sure", "pos": "a", "context": "was sure ( or certain ) she had seen it", "definition": "confident and assured", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"was sure ( or certain ) she had seen it\" What is the definition of \"sure\"?"} {"term": "sure", "pos": "a", "context": "sudden but sure regret", "definition": "certain to occur", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sudden but sure regret\" What is the definition of \"sure\"?"} {"term": "sure", "pos": "a", "context": "sudden but sure regret", "definition": "destined or inevitable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sudden but sure regret\" What is the definition of \"sure\"?"} {"term": "sure", "pos": "s", "context": "a sure footing", "definition": "physically secure or dependable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sure footing\" What is the definition of \"sure\"?"} {"term": "sure", "pos": "s", "context": "a sure ( or trusted ) friend", "definition": "worthy of trust or confidence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sure ( or trusted ) friend\" What is the definition of \"sure\"?"} {"term": "sure", "pos": "s", "context": "a sure ( or true ) sign of one 's commitment", "definition": "infallible or unfailing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sure ( or true ) sign of one 's commitment\" What is the definition of \"sure\"?"} {"term": "scrotal", "pos": "a", "context": "scrotal mammals", "definition": "relating to or having or lying within a scrotum", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"scrotal mammals\" What is the definition of \"scrotal\"?"} {"term": "extensiveness", "pos": "n", "context": "the very extensiveness of his power was a temptation to abuse it", "definition": "large or extensive in breadth or importance or comprehensiveness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["largeness", "magnitude"], "instruction": "\"the very extensiveness of his power was a temptation to abuse it\" What is the definition of \"extensiveness\"?"} {"term": "ticklish", "pos": "s", "context": "hesitates to be explicit on so ticklish a matter", "definition": "difficult to handle", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["touchy", "", "delicate"], "instruction": "\"hesitates to be explicit on so ticklish a matter\" What is the definition of \"ticklish\"?"} {"term": "ticklish", "pos": "s", "context": "hesitates to be explicit on so ticklish a matter", "definition": "requiring great tact", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["touchy", "", "delicate"], "instruction": "\"hesitates to be explicit on so ticklish a matter\" What is the definition of \"ticklish\"?"} {"term": "solicit", "pos": "v", "context": "She is too shy to solicit", "definition": "to make a solicitation or petition for something desired", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"She is too shy to solicit\" What is the definition of \"solicit\"?"} {"term": "rendition", "pos": "n", "context": "they heard a live rendition of three pieces by Schubert", "definition": "a performance of a musical composition or a dramatic role etc. .", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["performance", "rendering"], "instruction": "\"they heard a live rendition of three pieces by Schubert\" What is the definition of \"rendition\"?"} {"term": "rendition", "pos": "n", "context": "her rendition of Milton 's verse was extraordinarily moving", "definition": "the act of interpreting something as expressed in an artistic performance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["performance", "spin", "interpretation", "rendering"], "instruction": "\"her rendition of Milton 's verse was extraordinarily moving\" What is the definition of \"rendition\"?"} {"term": "plot", "pos": "n", "context": "they concocted a plot to discredit the governor", "definition": "a secret scheme to do something especially something underhand or illegal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["cabal", "strategy", "game", "conspiracy", "machination", "intrigue"], "instruction": "\"they concocted a plot to discredit the governor\" What is the definition of \"plot\"?"} {"term": "plot", "pos": "n", "context": "a bean plot", "definition": "a small area of ground covered by specific vegetation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["tract", "garden", "patch"], "instruction": "\"a bean plot\" What is the definition of \"plot\"?"} {"term": "plot", "pos": "n", "context": "the characters were well drawn but the plot was banal", "definition": "the story that is told in a novel or play or movie etc. .", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the characters were well drawn but the plot was banal\" What is the definition of \"plot\"?"} {"term": "scandalously", "pos": "r", "context": "you behaved scandalously when you walked out of that meeting !", "definition": "in a scandalous manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you behaved scandalously when you walked out of that meeting !\" What is the definition of \"scandalously\"?"} {"term": "imminent", "pos": "s", "context": "in imminent danger", "definition": "close in time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in imminent danger\" What is the definition of \"imminent\"?"} {"term": "imminent", "pos": "s", "context": "in imminent danger", "definition": "about to occur", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in imminent danger\" What is the definition of \"imminent\"?"} {"term": "proudly", "pos": "r", "context": "he walked proudly into town", "definition": "with pride", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he walked proudly into town\" What is the definition of \"proudly\"?"} {"term": "proudly", "pos": "r", "context": "he walked proudly into town", "definition": "in a proud manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he walked proudly into town\" What is the definition of \"proudly\"?"} {"term": "traitorous", "pos": "s", "context": "a lying traitorous insurrectionist", "definition": "having the character of , or characteristic of , a traitor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a lying traitorous insurrectionist\" What is the definition of \"traitorous\"?"} {"term": "compel", "pos": "v", "context": "We compel all students to fill out this form", "definition": "to force somebody to do something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["implement", "imposing", "make", "force", "oblige", "impose", "shame", "coerce", "hale", "walk", "thrust", "get", "condemn", "stimulate", "clamor", "pressure", "induce", "obliging"], "instruction": "\"We compel all students to fill out this form\" What is the definition of \"compel\"?"} {"term": "edit", "pos": "v", "context": "edit film", "definition": "to cut and assemble the components of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["modify", "cut", "change", "alter"], "instruction": "\"edit film\" What is the definition of \"edit\"?"} {"term": "tongued", "pos": "a", "context": "tongued shoes", "definition": "often used in combination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tongued shoes\" What is the definition of \"tongued\"?"} {"term": "nourishment", "pos": "n", "context": "her nourishment of the orphans saved many lives", "definition": "the act of nourishing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her nourishment of the orphans saved many lives\" What is the definition of \"nourishment\"?"} {"term": "prospect", "pos": "v", "context": "prospect a job", "definition": "to search for something desirable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"prospect a job\" What is the definition of \"prospect\"?"} {"term": "magisterial", "pos": "a", "context": "official magisterial functions", "definition": "of or relating to a magistrate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"official magisterial functions\" What is the definition of \"magisterial\"?"} {"term": "magisterial", "pos": "s", "context": "managed the employees in an aloof magisterial way", "definition": "offensively self-assured or given to exercising usually unwarranted power", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"managed the employees in an aloof magisterial way\" What is the definition of \"magisterial\"?"} {"term": "magisterial", "pos": "s", "context": "she reigned in magisterial beauty", "definition": "used of a persons appearance or behavior", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she reigned in magisterial beauty\" What is the definition of \"magisterial\"?"} {"term": "magisterial", "pos": "s", "context": "she reigned in magisterial beauty", "definition": "befitting an eminent person", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she reigned in magisterial beauty\" What is the definition of \"magisterial\"?"} {"term": "amateur", "pos": "s", "context": "an amateur painter", "definition": "engaged in as a pastime", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an amateur painter\" What is the definition of \"amateur\"?"} {"term": "uncut", "pos": "a", "context": "an uncut diamond", "definition": "not shaped by cutting or trimming", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an uncut diamond\" What is the definition of \"uncut\"?"} {"term": "uncut", "pos": "a", "context": "a book with its leaves still uncut", "definition": "having adjacent leaves still joined at the fore edge", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a book with its leaves still uncut\" What is the definition of \"uncut\"?"} {"term": "topless", "pos": "a", "context": "a topless jar", "definition": "having no top", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a topless jar\" What is the definition of \"topless\"?"} {"term": "topless", "pos": "s", "context": "topless waitresses", "definition": "having the breasts uncovered or featuring such nudity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"topless waitresses\" What is the definition of \"topless\"?"} {"term": "unitary", "pos": "a", "context": "the unitary principles of nationalism", "definition": "relating to or characterized by or aiming toward unity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the unitary principles of nationalism\" What is the definition of \"unitary\"?"} {"term": "unitary", "pos": "a", "context": "a unitary method was applied", "definition": "of or pertaining to or involving the use of units", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a unitary method was applied\" What is the definition of \"unitary\"?"} {"term": "unitary", "pos": "a", "context": "a unitary as opposed to a federal form of government", "definition": "characterized by or constituting a form of government in which power is held by one central authority", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a unitary as opposed to a federal form of government\" What is the definition of \"unitary\"?"} {"term": "unitary", "pos": "s", "context": "a unitary action", "definition": "having the indivisible character of a unit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a unitary action\" What is the definition of \"unitary\"?"} {"term": "veneration", "pos": "n", "context": "his respect for the law bordered on veneration", "definition": "a feeling of profound respect for someone or something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["fear", "reverence", "emotion", "awe"], "instruction": "\"his respect for the law bordered on veneration\" What is the definition of \"veneration\"?"} {"term": "promissory", "pos": "a", "context": "promissory note", "definition": "relating to or having the character of a promise", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"promissory note\" What is the definition of \"promissory\"?"} {"term": "faithless", "pos": "s", "context": "the faithless Benedict Arnold", "definition": "having the character of , or characteristic of , a traitor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the faithless Benedict Arnold\" What is the definition of \"faithless\"?"} {"term": "soluble", "pos": "a", "context": "the puzzle is soluble", "definition": "susceptible of solution or of being solved or explained", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the puzzle is soluble\" What is the definition of \"soluble\"?"} {"term": "larval", "pos": "s", "context": "larval societies", "definition": "immature of its kind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"larval societies\" What is the definition of \"larval\"?"} {"term": "larval", "pos": "s", "context": "larval societies", "definition": "especially being or characteristic of immature insects in the newly hatched wormlike feeding stage", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"larval societies\" What is the definition of \"larval\"?"} {"term": "larval", "pos": "a", "context": "the larval eye", "definition": "relating to or typical of a larva", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the larval eye\" What is the definition of \"larval\"?"} {"term": "partly", "pos": "r", "context": "I felt partly to blame", "definition": "in part", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["partially", ""], "instruction": "\"I felt partly to blame\" What is the definition of \"partly\"?"} {"term": "partly", "pos": "r", "context": "I felt partly to blame", "definition": "in some degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["partially", ""], "instruction": "\"I felt partly to blame\" What is the definition of \"partly\"?"} {"term": "partly", "pos": "r", "context": "I felt partly to blame", "definition": "not wholly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["partially", ""], "instruction": "\"I felt partly to blame\" What is the definition of \"partly\"?"} {"term": "network", "pos": "n", "context": "he owned a network of shops", "definition": "an interconnected system of things or people", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he owned a network of shops\" What is the definition of \"network\"?"} {"term": "network", "pos": "n", "context": "a railroad network", "definition": "a system of intersecting lines or channels", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a railroad network\" What is the definition of \"network\"?"} {"term": "network", "pos": "v", "context": "You have to network if you want to get a good job", "definition": "to communicate with and within a group", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"You have to network if you want to get a good job\" What is the definition of \"network\"?"} {"term": "uncover", "pos": "v", "context": "uncover your belly", "definition": "to remove all or part of ones clothes to show ones body", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["unmask", "expose", "unclothed", "unveil", "undo", "bare", "unwrap"], "instruction": "\"uncover your belly\" What is the definition of \"uncover\"?"} {"term": "submissive", "pos": "a", "context": "submissive servants", "definition": "inclined or willing to submit to orders or wishes of others or showing such inclination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"submissive servants\" What is the definition of \"submissive\"?"} {"term": "submissive", "pos": "s", "context": "she has become submissive and subservient", "definition": "characteristic of a slave or servant", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she has become submissive and subservient\" What is the definition of \"submissive\"?"} {"term": "inclusion", "pos": "n", "context": "he admired the inclusion of so many ideas in such a short work", "definition": "the relation of comprising something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["involvement", "comprehension"], "instruction": "\"he admired the inclusion of so many ideas in such a short work\" What is the definition of \"inclusion\"?"} {"term": "unequaled", "pos": "s", "context": "craftsmen whose skill is unequaled", "definition": "radically distinctive and without equal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"craftsmen whose skill is unequaled\" What is the definition of \"unequaled\"?"} {"term": "pure", "pos": "a", "context": "pure air and water", "definition": "free of extraneous elements of any kind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pure air and water\" What is the definition of \"pure\"?"} {"term": "pure", "pos": "a", "context": "I felt pure and sweet as a new baby \" - Sylvia Plath", "definition": "having no faults", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I felt pure and sweet as a new baby \" - Sylvia Plath\" What is the definition of \"pure\"?"} {"term": "pure", "pos": "a", "context": "I felt pure and sweet as a new baby \" - Sylvia Plath", "definition": "sinless", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I felt pure and sweet as a new baby \" - Sylvia Plath\" What is the definition of \"pure\"?"} {"term": "pure", "pos": "s", "context": "pure science", "definition": "concerned with theory and data rather than practice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pure science\" What is the definition of \"pure\"?"} {"term": "pure", "pos": "s", "context": "pure science", "definition": "opposed to applied", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pure science\" What is the definition of \"pure\"?"} {"term": "pure", "pos": "s", "context": "pure and vestal modesty", "definition": "in a state of sexual virginity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["vestal", "virtuous", "", "virgin", "virginal"], "instruction": "\"pure and vestal modesty\" What is the definition of \"pure\"?"} {"term": "peripheral", "pos": "a", "context": "Russia 's peripheral provinces", "definition": "on or near an edge or constituting an outer boundary", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Russia 's peripheral provinces\" What is the definition of \"peripheral\"?"} {"term": "peripheral", "pos": "a", "context": "Russia 's peripheral provinces", "definition": "the outer area", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Russia 's peripheral provinces\" What is the definition of \"peripheral\"?"} {"term": "peripheral", "pos": "s", "context": "a peripheral interest", "definition": "related to the key issue but not of central importance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a peripheral interest\" What is the definition of \"peripheral\"?"} {"term": "migrate", "pos": "v", "context": "birds migrate in the Winter", "definition": "to move periodically or seasonally", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"birds migrate in the Winter\" What is the definition of \"migrate\"?"} {"term": "shut", "pos": "v", "context": "shut the window", "definition": "to move so that an opening or passage is obstructed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["banging", "bung", "seal", "slam", "slat", "shutter", "draw", "close", "bang"], "instruction": "\"shut the window\" What is the definition of \"shut\"?"} {"term": "shut", "pos": "a", "context": "the door slammed shut", "definition": "not open", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the door slammed shut\" What is the definition of \"shut\"?"} {"term": "shut", "pos": "a", "context": "his eyes were shut against the sunlight", "definition": "used especially of mouth or eyes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his eyes were shut against the sunlight\" What is the definition of \"shut\"?"} {"term": "briny", "pos": "s", "context": "the briny deep", "definition": "slightly salty especially from containing a mixture of seawater and fresh water", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the briny deep\" What is the definition of \"briny\"?"} {"term": "hedonistic", "pos": "s", "context": "lives of unending hedonistic delight", "definition": "devoted to pleasure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lives of unending hedonistic delight\" What is the definition of \"hedonistic\"?"} {"term": "billed", "pos": "v", "context": "We were billed for 4 nights in the hotel , although we stayed only 3 nights", "definition": "to demand payment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["account", "levy", "assess", "surcharge", "impose", "charge"], "instruction": "\"We were billed for 4 nights in the hotel , although we stayed only 3 nights\" What is the definition of \"billed\"?"} {"term": "billed", "pos": "v", "context": "He was billed as the greatest tenor since Caruso", "definition": "to advertise especially by posters or placards", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"He was billed as the greatest tenor since Caruso\" What is the definition of \"billed\"?"} {"term": "sleepless", "pos": "s", "context": "lay sleepless all night", "definition": "experiencing or accompanied by sleeplessness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lay sleepless all night\" What is the definition of \"sleepless\"?"} {"term": "collect", "pos": "s", "context": "a collect call", "definition": "payable by the recipient on delivery", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a collect call\" What is the definition of \"collect\"?"} {"term": "collect", "pos": "r", "context": "call collect", "definition": "make a telephone call or mail a package so that the recipient pays", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"call collect\" What is the definition of \"collect\"?"} {"term": "stone", "pos": "n", "context": "he wanted a special stone to mark the site", "definition": "building material consisting of a piece of rock hewn in a definite shape for a special purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he wanted a special stone to mark the site\" What is the definition of \"stone\"?"} {"term": "stone", "pos": "n", "context": "a heavy chap who must have weighed more than twenty stone", "definition": "an avoirdupois unit used to measure the weight of a human body", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a heavy chap who must have weighed more than twenty stone\" What is the definition of \"stone\"?"} {"term": "stone", "pos": "n", "context": "a heavy chap who must have weighed more than twenty stone", "definition": "equal to 14 pounds", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a heavy chap who must have weighed more than twenty stone\" What is the definition of \"stone\"?"} {"term": "averse", "pos": "s", "context": "averse to taking risks", "definition": "strongly opposed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"averse to taking risks\" What is the definition of \"averse\"?"} {"term": "adhesiveness", "pos": "n", "context": "the mutual adhesiveness of cells", "definition": "the property of sticking together as of glue and wood or the joining of surfaces of different composition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["bond", "adhesion", "stickiness"], "instruction": "\"the mutual adhesiveness of cells\" What is the definition of \"adhesiveness\"?"} {"term": "variance", "pos": "n", "context": "a zoning variance", "definition": "an official dispensation to act contrary to a rule or regulation typically a building regulation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a zoning variance\" What is the definition of \"variance\"?"} {"term": "arterial", "pos": "a", "context": "arterial disease", "definition": "of or involving or contained in the arteries", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"arterial disease\" What is the definition of \"arterial\"?"} {"term": "jealous", "pos": "s", "context": "a jealous lover", "definition": "suspicious or unduly suspicious or fearful of being displaced by a rival", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a jealous lover\" What is the definition of \"jealous\"?"} {"term": "jealous", "pos": "s", "context": "jealous of his success and covetous of his possessions", "definition": "showing extreme cupidity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"jealous of his success and covetous of his possessions\" What is the definition of \"jealous\"?"} {"term": "jealous", "pos": "s", "context": "jealous of his success and covetous of his possessions", "definition": "painfully desirous of anothers advantages", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"jealous of his success and covetous of his possessions\" What is the definition of \"jealous\"?"} {"term": "hazardous", "pos": "s", "context": "skydiving is a hazardous sport", "definition": "involving risk or danger", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"skydiving is a hazardous sport\" What is the definition of \"hazardous\"?"} {"term": "snappy", "pos": "s", "context": "snappy conversation", "definition": "smart and fashionable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"snappy conversation\" What is the definition of \"snappy\"?"} {"term": "snappy", "pos": "s", "context": "snappy weather", "definition": "pleasantly cold and invigorating", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"snappy weather\" What is the definition of \"snappy\"?"} {"term": "chain", "pos": "n", "context": "the chain of command", "definition": "a series of things depending on each other as if linked together", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["series", "concatenation"], "instruction": "\"the chain of command\" What is the definition of \"chain\"?"} {"term": "pesky", "pos": "s", "context": "a pesky mosquito", "definition": "causing irritation or annoyance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a pesky mosquito\" What is the definition of \"pesky\"?"} {"term": "smash", "pos": "r", "context": "the car went smash through the fence", "definition": "with a loud crash", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the car went smash through the fence\" What is the definition of \"smash\"?"} {"term": "groundwork", "pos": "n", "context": "we are prepared today because of groundwork that was done ten years ago", "definition": "preliminary preparation as a basis or foundation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we are prepared today because of groundwork that was done ten years ago\" What is the definition of \"groundwork\"?"} {"term": "railroad", "pos": "n", "context": "he walked along the railroad track", "definition": "a line of track providing a runway for wheels", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he walked along the railroad track\" What is the definition of \"railroad\"?"} {"term": "calm", "pos": "s", "context": "spoke in a calm voice", "definition": "not agitated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"spoke in a calm voice\" What is the definition of \"calm\"?"} {"term": "calm", "pos": "s", "context": "spoke in a calm voice", "definition": "without losing self-possession", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"spoke in a calm voice\" What is the definition of \"calm\"?"} {"term": "calm", "pos": "a", "context": "calm seas", "definition": "free from storm or wind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"calm seas\" What is the definition of \"calm\"?"} {"term": "historically", "pos": "r", "context": "historically they have never coexisted peacefully", "definition": "throughout history", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"historically they have never coexisted peacefully\" What is the definition of \"historically\"?"} {"term": "historically", "pos": "r", "context": "this is historically interesting", "definition": "with respect to history", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this is historically interesting\" What is the definition of \"historically\"?"} {"term": "endemic", "pos": "n", "context": "it is an endemic found only this island", "definition": "a plant that is native to a certain limited area", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is an endemic found only this island\" What is the definition of \"endemic\"?"} {"term": "endemic", "pos": "a", "context": "diseases endemic to the tropics", "definition": "of or relating to a disease or anything resembling a disease constantly present to greater or lesser extent in a particular locality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"diseases endemic to the tropics\" What is the definition of \"endemic\"?"} {"term": "endemic", "pos": "a", "context": "the islands have a number of interesting endemic species", "definition": "native to or confined to a certain region", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the islands have a number of interesting endemic species\" What is the definition of \"endemic\"?"} {"term": "endemic", "pos": "s", "context": "endemic folkways", "definition": "originating where it is found", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"endemic folkways\" What is the definition of \"endemic\"?"} {"term": "circumpolar", "pos": "s", "context": "a circumpolar star", "definition": "continually visible above the horizon during the entire 360 degrees of daily travel", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a circumpolar star\" What is the definition of \"circumpolar\"?"} {"term": "uncivilized", "pos": "s", "context": "fighting is crude and uncivilized especially if the weapons are efficient \" - Margaret Meade", "definition": "without civilizing influences", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fighting is crude and uncivilized especially if the weapons are efficient \" - Margaret Meade\" What is the definition of \"uncivilized\"?"} {"term": "hydroplane", "pos": "n", "context": "the designer of marine aircraft demonstrated his newest hydroplane", "definition": "an airplane that can land on or take off from water", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the designer of marine aircraft demonstrated his newest hydroplane\" What is the definition of \"hydroplane\"?"} {"term": "hydroplane", "pos": "n", "context": "the museum houses a replica of the jet hydroplane that broke the record", "definition": "a speedboat that is equipped with winglike structures that lift it so that it skims the water at high speeds", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the museum houses a replica of the jet hydroplane that broke the record\" What is the definition of \"hydroplane\"?"} {"term": "lucifer", "pos": "n", "context": "as long you 've a lucifer to light your fag", "definition": "lighter consisting of a thin piece of wood or cardboard tipped with combustible chemical", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as long you 've a lucifer to light your fag\" What is the definition of \"lucifer\"?"} {"term": "lucifer", "pos": "n", "context": "as long you 've a lucifer to light your fag", "definition": "ignites with friction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as long you 've a lucifer to light your fag\" What is the definition of \"lucifer\"?"} {"term": "tense", "pos": "v", "context": "alternately relax and tense your calf muscle", "definition": "to increase the tension on", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"alternately relax and tense your calf muscle\" What is the definition of \"tense\"?"} {"term": "tense", "pos": "a", "context": "tense piano strings", "definition": "taut or rigid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tense piano strings\" What is the definition of \"tense\"?"} {"term": "tense", "pos": "a", "context": "tense piano strings", "definition": "stretched tight", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tense piano strings\" What is the definition of \"tense\"?"} {"term": "moralization", "pos": "n", "context": "for years she worked toward the moralization of English literature", "definition": "the act of making moral or more moral", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for years she worked toward the moralization of English literature\" What is the definition of \"moralization\"?"} {"term": "twist", "pos": "n", "context": "they liked to dance the twist", "definition": "was popular in the 1960s", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they liked to dance the twist\" What is the definition of \"twist\"?"} {"term": "twist", "pos": "v", "context": "twist one 's head", "definition": "to turn in the opposite direction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["wave", "twisted", "turning", "curl", "turn", "quirk"], "instruction": "\"twist one 's head\" What is the definition of \"twist\"?"} {"term": "spinous", "pos": "a", "context": "the dorsal fin is spinous", "definition": "having spines", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the dorsal fin is spinous\" What is the definition of \"spinous\"?"} {"term": "rurality", "pos": "n", "context": "a place with the rurality of a turnip field", "definition": "a rural characteristic or trait", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a place with the rurality of a turnip field\" What is the definition of \"rurality\"?"} {"term": "cherubic", "pos": "s", "context": "a cherubic face", "definition": "having a sweet nature befitting an angel or cherub", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a cherubic face\" What is the definition of \"cherubic\"?"} {"term": "caravan", "pos": "n", "context": "we were part of a caravan of almost a thousand camels", "definition": "a procession of wagons or mules or camels traveling together in single file", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we were part of a caravan of almost a thousand camels\" What is the definition of \"caravan\"?"} {"term": "bellow", "pos": "n", "context": "his bellow filled the hallway", "definition": "a very loud utterance like the sound of an animal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["holla", "bellows", "call", "roaring", "shout", "outcry", "crying", "yell", "cry", "roar"], "instruction": "\"his bellow filled the hallway\" What is the definition of \"bellow\"?"} {"term": "lobar", "pos": "a", "context": "lobar pneumonia", "definition": "of or relating to or affecting a lobe", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lobar pneumonia\" What is the definition of \"lobar\"?"} {"term": "reserve", "pos": "v", "context": "We managed to reserve a table at Maxim 's", "definition": "to obtain or arrange for oneself in advance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"We managed to reserve a table at Maxim 's\" What is the definition of \"reserve\"?"} {"term": "tour", "pos": "n", "context": "they took an extended tour of Europe", "definition": "a journey or route all the way around a particular place or area", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["circuit", "journey"], "instruction": "\"they took an extended tour of Europe\" What is the definition of \"tour\"?"} {"term": "aeration", "pos": "n", "context": "the aeration of the soil", "definition": "the process of exposing to air so as to purify", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the aeration of the soil\" What is the definition of \"aeration\"?"} {"term": "caliber", "pos": "n", "context": "an executive of low caliber", "definition": "a degree or grade of excellence or worth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["grade", "degree", "superiority", "quality", "level"], "instruction": "\"an executive of low caliber\" What is the definition of \"caliber\"?"} {"term": "continued", "pos": "a", "context": "to insure the continued success of the war", "definition": "without stop or interruption", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to insure the continued success of the war\" What is the definition of \"continued\"?"} {"term": "masculine", "pos": "s", "context": "a masculine cadence", "definition": "ending on an accented beat or syllable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a masculine cadence\" What is the definition of \"masculine\"?"} {"term": "import", "pos": "n", "context": "the import of his announcement was ambiguous", "definition": "the message that is intended or expressed or signified", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["significance", "subtlety", "connotation", "moral", "sense", "nuance", "symbolization", "signification", "point", "intension", "shade", "lesson", "gist", "nicety", "substance", "essence", "refinement", "burden", "meaning"], "instruction": "\"the import of his announcement was ambiguous\" What is the definition of \"import\"?"} {"term": "motiveless", "pos": "s", "context": "motiveless malignity", "definition": "occurring without motivation or provocation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"motiveless malignity\" What is the definition of \"motiveless\"?"} {"term": "data", "pos": "n", "context": "statistical data", "definition": "a collection of facts from which conclusions may be drawn", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"statistical data\" What is the definition of \"data\"?"} {"term": "prurient", "pos": "s", "context": "prurient literature", "definition": "characterized by lust", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"prurient literature\" What is the definition of \"prurient\"?"} {"term": "lethargic", "pos": "a", "context": "bullfrogs became lethargic with the first cold nights", "definition": "deficient in alertness or activity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bullfrogs became lethargic with the first cold nights\" What is the definition of \"lethargic\"?"} {"term": "widen", "pos": "v", "context": "widen the road", "definition": "to make wider", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["modify", "wideness", "change", "alter"], "instruction": "\"widen the road\" What is the definition of \"widen\"?"} {"term": "widen", "pos": "v", "context": "widen the range of applications", "definition": "to extend in scope or range or area", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"widen the range of applications\" What is the definition of \"widen\"?"} {"term": "transmissible", "pos": "s", "context": "transmissible tradition", "definition": "inherited or inheritable by established rules usually legal rules of descent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["ancestral", "", "patrimonial", "hereditary"], "instruction": "\"transmissible tradition\" What is the definition of \"transmissible\"?"} {"term": "again", "pos": "r", "context": "she tried again", "definition": "anew", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she tried again\" What is the definition of \"again\"?"} {"term": "deference", "pos": "n", "context": "his deference to her wishes was very flattering", "definition": "a courteous expression by word or deed of esteem or regard", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["court", "civility", "props", "respect"], "instruction": "\"his deference to her wishes was very flattering\" What is the definition of \"deference\"?"} {"term": "deference", "pos": "n", "context": "in deference to your wishes", "definition": "courteous regard for peoples feelings", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in deference to your wishes\" What is the definition of \"deference\"?"} {"term": "unbridled", "pos": "s", "context": "unbridled rage", "definition": "not restrained or controlled", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unbridled rage\" What is the definition of \"unbridled\"?"} {"term": "bushwhacking", "pos": "s", "context": "bushwhacking guerrillas attacking from ambush", "definition": "lying in ambush", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bushwhacking guerrillas attacking from ambush\" What is the definition of \"bushwhacking\"?"} {"term": "essential", "pos": "s", "context": "essential tools and materials", "definition": "absolutely necessary", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["indispensable", ""], "instruction": "\"essential tools and materials\" What is the definition of \"essential\"?"} {"term": "essential", "pos": "s", "context": "essential tools and materials", "definition": "vitally necessary", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["indispensable", ""], "instruction": "\"essential tools and materials\" What is the definition of \"essential\"?"} {"term": "essential", "pos": "a", "context": "the essential feature", "definition": "basic and fundamental", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the essential feature\" What is the definition of \"essential\"?"} {"term": "essential", "pos": "a", "context": "essential oil", "definition": "being or relating to or containing the essence of a plant etc", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"essential oil\" What is the definition of \"essential\"?"} {"term": "hoot", "pos": "v", "context": "the toughs and blades of the city hoot and bang their drums , drink arak , play dice , and dance", "definition": "to to utter a loud clamorous shout", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the toughs and blades of the city hoot and bang their drums , drink arak , play dice , and dance\" What is the definition of \"hoot\"?"} {"term": "involvement", "pos": "n", "context": "he escaped involvement in the accident", "definition": "a connection of inclusion or containment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he escaped involvement in the accident\" What is the definition of \"involvement\"?"} {"term": "honeycombed", "pos": "v", "context": "the revolutionaries honeycombed the organization", "definition": "to penetrate thoroughly and into every part", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the revolutionaries honeycombed the organization\" What is the definition of \"honeycombed\"?"} {"term": "wave", "pos": "n", "context": "a wave of settlers", "definition": "a movement like that of a sudden occurrence or increase in a specified phenomenon", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a wave of settlers\" What is the definition of \"wave\"?"} {"term": "patellar", "pos": "a", "context": "patellar tendon", "definition": "near or relating to the patella or kneecap", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"patellar tendon\" What is the definition of \"patellar\"?"} {"term": "mean", "pos": "s", "context": "famous for a mean backhand", "definition": "excellent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"famous for a mean backhand\" What is the definition of \"mean\"?"} {"term": "mean", "pos": "s", "context": "a mean person", "definition": "characterized by or indicative of lack of generosity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a mean person\" What is the definition of \"mean\"?"} {"term": "mean", "pos": "s", "context": "the mean annual rainfall", "definition": "approximating the statistical norm or average or expected value", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the mean annual rainfall\" What is the definition of \"mean\"?"} {"term": "commune", "pos": "v", "context": "He seemed to commune with nature", "definition": "to communicate intimately with", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"He seemed to commune with nature\" What is the definition of \"commune\"?"} {"term": "commune", "pos": "v", "context": "He seemed to commune with nature", "definition": "to be in a state of heightened , intimate receptivity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"He seemed to commune with nature\" What is the definition of \"commune\"?"} {"term": "tenability", "pos": "n", "context": "he questioned the tenability of my claims", "definition": "the quality of being plausible or acceptable to a reasonable person", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["plausibility", "reasonableness"], "instruction": "\"he questioned the tenability of my claims\" What is the definition of \"tenability\"?"} {"term": "proof", "pos": "n", "context": "if you have any proof for what you say , now is the time to produce it", "definition": "any factual evidence that helps to establish the truth of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if you have any proof for what you say , now is the time to produce it\" What is the definition of \"proof\"?"} {"term": "proof", "pos": "v", "context": "proof dough", "definition": "to knead to reach proper lightness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"proof dough\" What is the definition of \"proof\"?"} {"term": "proof", "pos": "v", "context": "proof yeast", "definition": "to activate by mixing with water and sometimes sugar or milk", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"proof yeast\" What is the definition of \"proof\"?"} {"term": "soaking", "pos": "r", "context": "soaking wet", "definition": "extremely wet", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"soaking wet\" What is the definition of \"soaking\"?"} {"term": "waking", "pos": "n", "context": "days of danger and nights of waking", "definition": "the state of remaining awake", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"days of danger and nights of waking\" What is the definition of \"waking\"?"} {"term": "waking", "pos": "s", "context": "worked every moment of my waking hours", "definition": "marked by full consciousness or alertness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"worked every moment of my waking hours\" What is the definition of \"waking\"?"} {"term": "approximation", "pos": "n", "context": "newspapers gave only an approximation of the actual events", "definition": "an imprecise or incomplete account", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"newspapers gave only an approximation of the actual events\" What is the definition of \"approximation\"?"} {"term": "featured", "pos": "s", "context": "a featured actor", "definition": "given prominence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a featured actor\" What is the definition of \"featured\"?"} {"term": "slip", "pos": "n", "context": "he 's a mere slip of a lad", "definition": "a young and slender person", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he 's a mere slip of a lad\" What is the definition of \"slip\"?"} {"term": "adolescent", "pos": "s", "context": "adolescent insecurity", "definition": "displaying or suggesting a lack of maturity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"adolescent insecurity\" What is the definition of \"adolescent\"?"} {"term": "adolescent", "pos": "s", "context": "adolescent boys and girls", "definition": "in the state of development between puberty and maturity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"adolescent boys and girls\" What is the definition of \"adolescent\"?"} {"term": "tactful", "pos": "a", "context": "she was tactful enough not to shatter his illusion", "definition": "having or showing a sense of what is fitting and considerate in dealing with others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was tactful enough not to shatter his illusion\" What is the definition of \"tactful\"?"} {"term": "tactful", "pos": "s", "context": "a tactful way of correcting someone", "definition": "showing skill and sensitivity in dealing with people", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tactful way of correcting someone\" What is the definition of \"tactful\"?"} {"term": "irreparable", "pos": "a", "context": "irreparable harm", "definition": "impossible to repair , rectify , or amend", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"irreparable harm\" What is the definition of \"irreparable\"?"} {"term": "telephone", "pos": "n", "context": "I talked to him on the telephone", "definition": "electronic equipment that converts sound into electrical signals that can be transmitted over distances and then converts received signals back into sounds", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["extension", "phone", "radiophone", "radiotelephone"], "instruction": "\"I talked to him on the telephone\" What is the definition of \"telephone\"?"} {"term": "brocaded", "pos": "s", "context": "brocaded silk", "definition": "embellished with a raised pattern created by pressure or embroidery", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"brocaded silk\" What is the definition of \"brocaded\"?"} {"term": "war", "pos": "n", "context": "thousands of people were killed in the war", "definition": "the waging of armed conflict against an enemy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["warfare", "action"], "instruction": "\"thousands of people were killed in the war\" What is the definition of \"war\"?"} {"term": "war", "pos": "n", "context": "a price war", "definition": "an active struggle between competing entities", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["conflict", "warfare", "struggle", "battle"], "instruction": "\"a price war\" What is the definition of \"war\"?"} {"term": "peroration", "pos": "n", "context": "he summarized his main points in his peroration", "definition": "the concluding section of an oration", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he summarized his main points in his peroration\" What is the definition of \"peroration\"?"} {"term": "tantamount", "pos": "s", "context": "his statement was tantamount to an admission of guilt", "definition": "being essentially equal to something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his statement was tantamount to an admission of guilt\" What is the definition of \"tantamount\"?"} {"term": "auxiliary", "pos": "s", "context": "the main library and its auxiliary branches", "definition": "functioning in a supporting capacity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the main library and its auxiliary branches\" What is the definition of \"auxiliary\"?"} {"term": "auxiliary", "pos": "s", "context": "The mind and emotions are auxiliary to each other", "definition": "furnishing added support", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The mind and emotions are auxiliary to each other\" What is the definition of \"auxiliary\"?"} {"term": "popularly", "pos": "r", "context": "this topic was popularly discussed", "definition": "among the people", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this topic was popularly discussed\" What is the definition of \"popularly\"?"} {"term": "homeopathic", "pos": "a", "context": "homeopathic medicine", "definition": "of or relating to the practice of homeopathy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"homeopathic medicine\" What is the definition of \"homeopathic\"?"} {"term": "agilely", "pos": "r", "context": "leaped agilely from roof to roof", "definition": "in a nimble or agile manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"leaped agilely from roof to roof\" What is the definition of \"agilely\"?"} {"term": "agilely", "pos": "r", "context": "leaped agilely from roof to roof", "definition": "with quickness and lightness and ease", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"leaped agilely from roof to roof\" What is the definition of \"agilely\"?"} {"term": "rustic", "pos": "s", "context": "rustic awkwardness", "definition": "characteristic of rural life", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rustic awkwardness\" What is the definition of \"rustic\"?"} {"term": "rustic", "pos": "s", "context": "rustic farmers", "definition": "awkwardly simple and provincial", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rustic farmers\" What is the definition of \"rustic\"?"} {"term": "rustic", "pos": "s", "context": "rustic stone walls", "definition": "characteristic of the fields or country", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rustic stone walls\" What is the definition of \"rustic\"?"} {"term": "injunction", "pos": "n", "context": "injunction were formerly obtained by writ but now by a judicial order", "definition": "a judicial remedy issued in order to prohibit a party from doing or continuing to do a certain activity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"injunction were formerly obtained by writ but now by a judicial order\" What is the definition of \"injunction\"?"} {"term": "big", "pos": "a", "context": "set out for the big city", "definition": "above average in size or number or quantity or magnitude or extent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"set out for the big city\" What is the definition of \"big\"?"} {"term": "big", "pos": "s", "context": "graduation was a big day in his life", "definition": "significant", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"graduation was a big day in his life\" What is the definition of \"big\"?"} {"term": "big", "pos": "s", "context": "a big voice", "definition": "loud and firm", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a big voice\" What is the definition of \"big\"?"} {"term": "big", "pos": "s", "context": "a big figure in the movement", "definition": "conspicuous in position or importance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["prominent", "", "large"], "instruction": "\"a big figure in the movement\" What is the definition of \"big\"?"} {"term": "big", "pos": "r", "context": "his performance went over big", "definition": "extremely well", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his performance went over big\" What is the definition of \"big\"?"} {"term": "big", "pos": "r", "context": "think big", "definition": "on a grand scale", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"think big\" What is the definition of \"big\"?"} {"term": "big", "pos": "r", "context": "the play failed big at the box office", "definition": "in a major way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the play failed big at the box office\" What is the definition of \"big\"?"} {"term": "shallowness", "pos": "n", "context": "take into account the shallowness at that end of the pool before you dive", "definition": "the quality of lacking physical depth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"take into account the shallowness at that end of the pool before you dive\" What is the definition of \"shallowness\"?"} {"term": "danger", "pos": "n", "context": "you are in no danger", "definition": "the condition of being susceptible to harm or injury", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you are in no danger\" What is the definition of \"danger\"?"} {"term": "danger", "pos": "n", "context": "He moved out of danger", "definition": "a dangerous place", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"He moved out of danger\" What is the definition of \"danger\"?"} {"term": "portray", "pos": "v", "context": "Goya wanted to portray his mistress , the Duchess of Alba", "definition": "to make a portrait of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["interpret", "depict", "represent", "limning"], "instruction": "\"Goya wanted to portray his mistress , the Duchess of Alba\" What is the definition of \"portray\"?"} {"term": "explosively", "pos": "r", "context": "the population in Central America is growing explosively", "definition": "suddenly and rapidly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the population in Central America is growing explosively\" What is the definition of \"explosively\"?"} {"term": "explosively", "pos": "r", "context": "the political situation in Kashmir and Jammu is explosively unstable", "definition": "in an explosive manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the political situation in Kashmir and Jammu is explosively unstable\" What is the definition of \"explosively\"?"} {"term": "bungling", "pos": "s", "context": "a bungling workman", "definition": "showing lack of skill or aptitude", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bungling workman\" What is the definition of \"bungling\"?"} {"term": "bungling", "pos": "s", "context": "a bungling performance", "definition": "lacking physical movement skills , especially with the hands", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["handless", "", "butterfingered"], "instruction": "\"a bungling performance\" What is the definition of \"bungling\"?"} {"term": "substantiate", "pos": "v", "context": "The president 's trip will substantiate good relations with the former enemy country", "definition": "to solidify , firm , or strengthen", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The president 's trip will substantiate good relations with the former enemy country\" What is the definition of \"substantiate\"?"} {"term": "climate", "pos": "n", "context": "the dank climate of southern Wales", "definition": "the weather in some location averaged over some long period of time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the dank climate of southern Wales\" What is the definition of \"climate\"?"} {"term": "climate", "pos": "n", "context": "the climate of opinion", "definition": "the prevailing psychological state", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["status", "mood", "condition"], "instruction": "\"the climate of opinion\" What is the definition of \"climate\"?"} {"term": "monopolize", "pos": "v", "context": "OPEC wants to monopolize oil", "definition": "to have or exploit a monopoly of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"OPEC wants to monopolize oil\" What is the definition of \"monopolize\"?"} {"term": "connubial", "pos": "a", "context": "connubial bliss", "definition": "of or relating to marriage or to the relationship between a wife and husband", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"connubial bliss\" What is the definition of \"connubial\"?"} {"term": "clang", "pos": "n", "context": "he could hear the clang of distant bells", "definition": "a loud resonant repeating noise", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["noise", "crash", "clangor", "clank"], "instruction": "\"he could hear the clang of distant bells\" What is the definition of \"clang\"?"} {"term": "ironic", "pos": "s", "context": "madness , an ironic fate for such a clear thinker", "definition": "characterized by often poignant difference or incongruity between what is expected and what actually is", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["ironical", ""], "instruction": "\"madness , an ironic fate for such a clear thinker\" What is the definition of \"ironic\"?"} {"term": "ironic", "pos": "s", "context": "an ironic remark often conveys an intended meaning obliquely", "definition": "humorously sarcastic or mocking", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an ironic remark often conveys an intended meaning obliquely\" What is the definition of \"ironic\"?"} {"term": "neolithic", "pos": "a", "context": "evidence of neolithic settlements", "definition": "of or relating to the most recent period of the stone age following the mesolithic", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"evidence of neolithic settlements\" What is the definition of \"neolithic\"?"} {"term": "columnar", "pos": "s", "context": "columnar construction", "definition": "characterized by columns", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"columnar construction\" What is the definition of \"columnar\"?"} {"term": "columnar", "pos": "s", "context": "columnar forms", "definition": "having the form of a column", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"columnar forms\" What is the definition of \"columnar\"?"} {"term": "incident", "pos": "n", "context": "the police investigated an incident at the bus station", "definition": "a public disturbance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the police investigated an incident at the bus station\" What is the definition of \"incident\"?"} {"term": "incident", "pos": "a", "context": "incident light", "definition": "falling or striking of light rays on something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"incident light\" What is the definition of \"incident\"?"} {"term": "breast", "pos": "n", "context": "he beat his breast in anger", "definition": "the front of the trunk from the neck to the abdomen", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["bosom", "chest"], "instruction": "\"he beat his breast in anger\" What is the definition of \"breast\"?"} {"term": "breast", "pos": "v", "context": "breast the storm", "definition": "to confront bodily", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["face", "confront", "faced", "breasted", "facing"], "instruction": "\"breast the storm\" What is the definition of \"breast\"?"} {"term": "catalog", "pos": "n", "context": "he found it in the Sears catalog", "definition": "a book or pamphlet containing an enumeration of things", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he found it in the Sears catalog\" What is the definition of \"catalog\"?"} {"term": "catalog", "pos": "n", "context": "it does not pretend to be a catalog of his achievements", "definition": "a complete list of things", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it does not pretend to be a catalog of his achievements\" What is the definition of \"catalog\"?"} {"term": "catalog", "pos": "n", "context": "it does not pretend to be a catalog of his achievements", "definition": "usually arranged systematically", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it does not pretend to be a catalog of his achievements\" What is the definition of \"catalog\"?"} {"term": "discordant", "pos": "a", "context": "views discordant with present-day ideas", "definition": "not in agreement or harmony", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"views discordant with present-day ideas\" What is the definition of \"discordant\"?"} {"term": "blend", "pos": "n", "context": "` smog ' is a blend of ` smoke ' and ` fog '", "definition": "a new word formed by joining two others and combining their meanings", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["neologism", "portmanteau", "coinage"], "instruction": "\"` smog ' is a blend of ` smoke ' and ` fog '\" What is the definition of \"blend\"?"} {"term": "blend", "pos": "v", "context": "blend the nuts and raisins together", "definition": "to combine into one", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["amalgamate", "mingle", "intermix", "unify", "mix", "intermingle", "commingle"], "instruction": "\"blend the nuts and raisins together\" What is the definition of \"blend\"?"} {"term": "blend", "pos": "v", "context": "The colors blend well", "definition": "to mix together different elements", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["combine", "fuse", "alloy", "absorb", "melt", "gauge", "mix", "accrete", "conflate", "merge", "commingle"], "instruction": "\"The colors blend well\" What is the definition of \"blend\"?"} {"term": "beautify", "pos": "v", "context": "beautify yourself for the special day", "definition": "to make more attractive by adding ornament , colour , etc. .", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["braid", "foliate", "prank", "color", "inlay", "illuminating", "bedeck", "jewel", "flighted", "emblazon", "enamel", "bead", "flight", "fringe", "gild", "grace", "modify", "lacquer", "fret", "landscape", "illuminate", "hang", "tinsel", "stucco", "garland", "garnish", "spangle", "gilt", "dress", "encrust", "embroider", "beading", "blazon", "wreathe", "gilding", "change", "flag", "adorn", "beset", "alter", "smock", "inlaid", "stick", "ornament", "trimming", "scalloped", "pipe", "fledge", "braiding", "deck", "panel", "festoon", "fillet", "decorate"], "instruction": "\"beautify yourself for the special day\" What is the definition of \"beautify\"?"} {"term": "cabalistic", "pos": "s", "context": "cabalistic symbols engraved in stone", "definition": "having a secret or hidden meaning", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cabalistic symbols engraved in stone\" What is the definition of \"cabalistic\"?"} {"term": "presumptuousness", "pos": "n", "context": "he despised them for their presumptuousness", "definition": "audacious even arrogant behavior that you have no right to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he despised them for their presumptuousness\" What is the definition of \"presumptuousness\"?"} {"term": "roundel", "pos": "n", "context": "a hollow roundel", "definition": "a charge in the shape of a circle", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a hollow roundel\" What is the definition of \"roundel\"?"} {"term": "graze", "pos": "v", "context": "graze the skin", "definition": "to scrape gently", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["shave", "brushing", "crease"], "instruction": "\"graze the skin\" What is the definition of \"graze\"?"} {"term": "mightily", "pos": "r", "context": "he strove mightily to achieve a better position in life", "definition": "powerfully or vigorously", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he strove mightily to achieve a better position in life\" What is the definition of \"mightily\"?"} {"term": "mightily", "pos": "r", "context": "they rejoiced mightily", "definition": "very", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["mighty", "powerful", "right", ""], "instruction": "\"they rejoiced mightily\" What is the definition of \"mightily\"?"} {"term": "mightily", "pos": "r", "context": "they rejoiced mightily", "definition": "to a great degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["mighty", "powerful", "right", ""], "instruction": "\"they rejoiced mightily\" What is the definition of \"mightily\"?"} {"term": "intercommunication", "pos": "n", "context": "they intercepted intercommunication between enemy ships", "definition": "mutual communication", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they intercepted intercommunication between enemy ships\" What is the definition of \"intercommunication\"?"} {"term": "intercommunication", "pos": "n", "context": "they intercepted intercommunication between enemy ships", "definition": "communication with each other", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they intercepted intercommunication between enemy ships\" What is the definition of \"intercommunication\"?"} {"term": "rarely", "pos": "r", "context": "we rarely met", "definition": "not often", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we rarely met\" What is the definition of \"rarely\"?"} {"term": "afar", "pos": "r", "context": "we traveled afar", "definition": "at or from or to a great distance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we traveled afar\" What is the definition of \"afar\"?"} {"term": "afar", "pos": "r", "context": "we traveled afar", "definition": "far", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we traveled afar\" What is the definition of \"afar\"?"} {"term": "organizer", "pos": "n", "context": "she was the organizer of the meeting", "definition": "a person who brings order and organization to an enterprise", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was the organizer of the meeting\" What is the definition of \"organizer\"?"} {"term": "decisive", "pos": "a", "context": "cast the decisive vote", "definition": "determining or having the power to determine an outcome", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cast the decisive vote\" What is the definition of \"decisive\"?"} {"term": "decisive", "pos": "a", "context": "an able and decisive young woman", "definition": "characterized by decision and firmness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an able and decisive young woman\" What is the definition of \"decisive\"?"} {"term": "decisive", "pos": "s", "context": "had a decisive lead in the polls", "definition": "unmistakable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"had a decisive lead in the polls\" What is the definition of \"decisive\"?"} {"term": "figure", "pos": "n", "context": "he made a figure of Santa Claus", "definition": "a model of a bodily form especially of a person", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he made a figure of Santa Claus\" What is the definition of \"figure\"?"} {"term": "figure", "pos": "v", "context": "Elections figure prominently in every government program", "definition": "to be or play a part of or in", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Elections figure prominently in every government program\" What is the definition of \"figure\"?"} {"term": "figure", "pos": "v", "context": "He did n't figure her", "definition": "to understand", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"He did n't figure her\" What is the definition of \"figure\"?"} {"term": "bailable", "pos": "s", "context": "a bailable offense", "definition": "admitting of bail", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bailable offense\" What is the definition of \"bailable\"?"} {"term": "bailable", "pos": "s", "context": "a bailable defendant", "definition": "eligible for bail", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bailable defendant\" What is the definition of \"bailable\"?"} {"term": "tolerant", "pos": "s", "context": "the plant is tolerant of saltwater", "definition": "able to tolerate environmental conditions or physiological stress", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["resistant", ""], "instruction": "\"the plant is tolerant of saltwater\" What is the definition of \"tolerant\"?"} {"term": "tolerant", "pos": "s", "context": "injustice can make us tolerant and forgiving", "definition": "showing the capacity for endurance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"injustice can make us tolerant and forgiving\" What is the definition of \"tolerant\"?"} {"term": "consign", "pos": "v", "context": "consign your baggage", "definition": "to give over to another for care or safekeeping", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["soak", "hock", "confiding", "confide", "charge", "pawn"], "instruction": "\"consign your baggage\" What is the definition of \"consign\"?"} {"term": "cosmopolitan", "pos": "a", "context": "a cosmopolitan herb", "definition": "growing or occurring in many parts of the world", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a cosmopolitan herb\" What is the definition of \"cosmopolitan\"?"} {"term": "cosmopolitan", "pos": "a", "context": "his cosmopolitan benevolence impartially extended to all races and to all creeds \" - T.B. Macaulay", "definition": "composed of people from or at home in many parts of the world", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his cosmopolitan benevolence impartially extended to all races and to all creeds \" - T.B. Macaulay\" What is the definition of \"cosmopolitan\"?"} {"term": "cosmopolitan", "pos": "a", "context": "his cosmopolitan benevolence impartially extended to all races and to all creeds \" - T.B. Macaulay", "definition": "especially not provincial in attitudes or interests", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his cosmopolitan benevolence impartially extended to all races and to all creeds \" - T.B. Macaulay\" What is the definition of \"cosmopolitan\"?"} {"term": "cosmopolitan", "pos": "s", "context": "an issue of cosmopolitan import", "definition": "of worldwide scope or applicability", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an issue of cosmopolitan import\" What is the definition of \"cosmopolitan\"?"} {"term": "distinguishable", "pos": "a", "context": "only the shine of their metal was distinguishable in the gloom", "definition": "capable of being perceived as different or distinct", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"only the shine of their metal was distinguishable in the gloom\" What is the definition of \"distinguishable\"?"} {"term": "prismatic", "pos": "a", "context": "prismatic form", "definition": "of or relating to or resembling or constituting a prism", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"prismatic form\" What is the definition of \"prismatic\"?"} {"term": "prismatic", "pos": "s", "context": "prismatic light", "definition": "exhibiting spectral colors formed by refraction of light through a prism", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"prismatic light\" What is the definition of \"prismatic\"?"} {"term": "fragile", "pos": "s", "context": "she has the fragile beauty of youth", "definition": "vulnerably delicate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she has the fragile beauty of youth\" What is the definition of \"fragile\"?"} {"term": "fragile", "pos": "s", "context": "fragile porcelain plates", "definition": "easily broken or damaged or destroyed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fragile porcelain plates\" What is the definition of \"fragile\"?"} {"term": "nose", "pos": "n", "context": "he has a cold in the nose", "definition": "the organ of smell and entrance to the respiratory tract", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he has a cold in the nose\" What is the definition of \"nose\"?"} {"term": "nose", "pos": "n", "context": "he has a cold in the nose", "definition": "the prominent part of the face of man or other mammals", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he has a cold in the nose\" What is the definition of \"nose\"?"} {"term": "nose", "pos": "n", "context": "he ducked under the nose of the gun", "definition": "the front or forward projection of a tool or weapon", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he ducked under the nose of the gun\" What is the definition of \"nose\"?"} {"term": "bloodletting", "pos": "n", "context": "ten days after the bloodletting Hitler gave the action its name", "definition": "indiscriminate slaughter", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["slaughter", "bloodshed", "massacre"], "instruction": "\"ten days after the bloodletting Hitler gave the action its name\" What is the definition of \"bloodletting\"?"} {"term": "ever", "pos": "r", "context": "did you ever smoke ?", "definition": "at any time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"did you ever smoke ?\" What is the definition of \"ever\"?"} {"term": "ever", "pos": "r", "context": "she was ever so friendly", "definition": "very", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was ever so friendly\" What is the definition of \"ever\"?"} {"term": "ever", "pos": "r", "context": "ever hoping to strike it rich", "definition": "at all times", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ever hoping to strike it rich\" What is the definition of \"ever\"?"} {"term": "ever", "pos": "r", "context": "ever hoping to strike it rich", "definition": "all the time and on every occasion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ever hoping to strike it rich\" What is the definition of \"ever\"?"} {"term": "recovery", "pos": "n", "context": "the recovery of the forest after the fire was surprisingly rapid", "definition": "return to an original state", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the recovery of the forest after the fire was surprisingly rapid\" What is the definition of \"recovery\"?"} {"term": "monochromatic", "pos": "a", "context": "monochromatic light", "definition": "having only one wavelength", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"monochromatic light\" What is the definition of \"monochromatic\"?"} {"term": "value", "pos": "n", "context": "the value assigned was 16 milliseconds", "definition": "a numerical quantity measured or assigned or computed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the value assigned was 16 milliseconds\" What is the definition of \"value\"?"} {"term": "value", "pos": "n", "context": "the Shakespearean Shylock is of dubious value in the modern world", "definition": "the quality positive or negative that renders something desirable or valuable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the Shakespearean Shylock is of dubious value in the modern world\" What is the definition of \"value\"?"} {"term": "value", "pos": "n", "context": "he tried to estimate the value of the produce at normal prices", "definition": "the amount of money or goods or services that is considered to be a fair equivalent for something else", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he tried to estimate the value of the produce at normal prices\" What is the definition of \"value\"?"} {"term": "yin", "pos": "n", "context": "the interaction of yin and yang maintains the harmony of the universe", "definition": "the dark negative feminine principle in chinese dualistic cosmology", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the interaction of yin and yang maintains the harmony of the universe\" What is the definition of \"yin\"?"} {"term": "enucleation", "pos": "n", "context": "the enucleation of the tumor", "definition": "surgical removal of something without cutting into it", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the enucleation of the tumor\" What is the definition of \"enucleation\"?"} {"term": "salient", "pos": "s", "context": "salient traits", "definition": "having a quality that thrusts itself into attention", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["prominent", "striking", "outstanding", ""], "instruction": "\"salient traits\" What is the definition of \"salient\"?"} {"term": "derivative", "pos": "n", "context": "` electricity ' is a derivative of ` electric '", "definition": "a word that is derived from another word", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"` electricity ' is a derivative of ` electric '\" What is the definition of \"derivative\"?"} {"term": "derivative", "pos": "s", "context": "a derivative process", "definition": "resulting from or employing derivation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a derivative process\" What is the definition of \"derivative\"?"} {"term": "everyday", "pos": "s", "context": "a placid everyday scene", "definition": "found in the ordinary course of events", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a placid everyday scene\" What is the definition of \"everyday\"?"} {"term": "everyday", "pos": "s", "context": "the familiar everyday world", "definition": "commonplace and ordinary", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the familiar everyday world\" What is the definition of \"everyday\"?"} {"term": "everyday", "pos": "s", "context": "everyday clothes", "definition": "appropriate for ordinary or routine occasions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"everyday clothes\" What is the definition of \"everyday\"?"} {"term": "severable", "pos": "s", "context": "a song ... never conceived of as severable from the melody", "definition": "capable of being divided or dissociated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["separable", ""], "instruction": "\"a song ... never conceived of as severable from the melody\" What is the definition of \"severable\"?"} {"term": "acuteness", "pos": "n", "context": "dogs have a remarkable acuteness of smell", "definition": "a sensitivity that is keen and highly developed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dogs have a remarkable acuteness of smell\" What is the definition of \"acuteness\"?"} {"term": "acuteness", "pos": "n", "context": "he argued with great acuteness", "definition": "a quick and penetrating intelligence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["acuity", "keenness", "intelligence", "sharpness"], "instruction": "\"he argued with great acuteness\" What is the definition of \"acuteness\"?"} {"term": "lustrous", "pos": "s", "context": "set a lustrous example for others to follow", "definition": "brilliant", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"set a lustrous example for others to follow\" What is the definition of \"lustrous\"?"} {"term": "lustrous", "pos": "s", "context": "she brushed her hair until it fell in lustrous auburn waves", "definition": "made smooth and bright by or as if by rubbing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she brushed her hair until it fell in lustrous auburn waves\" What is the definition of \"lustrous\"?"} {"term": "lustrous", "pos": "s", "context": "she brushed her hair until it fell in lustrous auburn waves", "definition": "reflecting a sheen or glow", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she brushed her hair until it fell in lustrous auburn waves\" What is the definition of \"lustrous\"?"} {"term": "lustrous", "pos": "s", "context": "lustrous auburn hair", "definition": "reflecting light", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lustrous auburn hair\" What is the definition of \"lustrous\"?"} {"term": "curare", "pos": "n", "context": "curare acts by blocking cholinergic transmission at the myoneural junction", "definition": "a toxic alkaloid found in certain tropical south american trees that is a powerful relaxant for striated muscles", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"curare acts by blocking cholinergic transmission at the myoneural junction\" What is the definition of \"curare\"?"} {"term": "sitting", "pos": "n", "context": "he wanted his portrait painted but could n't spare time for the sitting", "definition": "the act of assuming a certain position as for a photograph or portrait", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he wanted his portrait painted but could n't spare time for the sitting\" What is the definition of \"sitting\"?"} {"term": "sitting", "pos": "n", "context": "he read the mystery at one sitting", "definition": "the act of assuming or maintaining a seated position", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he read the mystery at one sitting\" What is the definition of \"sitting\"?"} {"term": "sitting", "pos": "s", "context": "a sitting target", "definition": "not moving and therefore easy to attack", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sitting target\" What is the definition of \"sitting\"?"} {"term": "limelight", "pos": "n", "context": "he enjoyed being in the limelight", "definition": "a focus of public attention", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["glare", "prominence"], "instruction": "\"he enjoyed being in the limelight\" What is the definition of \"limelight\"?"} {"term": "turn", "pos": "n", "context": "he took a turn to the right", "definition": "the act of changing or reversing the direction of the course", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["stem", "veering", "deflection", "version", "diversion", "turning", "left", "right", "digression"], "instruction": "\"he took a turn to the right\" What is the definition of \"turn\"?"} {"term": "turn", "pos": "n", "context": "it is my turn", "definition": "the activity of doing something in an agreed succession", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["bat", "lead", "attack", "trick", "ruff", "play", "activity"], "instruction": "\"it is my turn\" What is the definition of \"turn\"?"} {"term": "turn", "pos": "n", "context": "events suddenly took an awkward turn", "definition": "an unforeseen development", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["development", "twist"], "instruction": "\"events suddenly took an awkward turn\" What is the definition of \"turn\"?"} {"term": "turn", "pos": "v", "context": "turn a key", "definition": "to cause to move around or rotate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"turn a key\" What is the definition of \"turn\"?"} {"term": "turn", "pos": "v", "context": "turn the corner", "definition": "to pass to the other side of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"turn the corner\" What is the definition of \"turn\"?"} {"term": "smoke", "pos": "n", "context": "the fire produced a tower of black smoke that could be seen for miles", "definition": "a hot vapor containing fine particles of carbon being produced by combustion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the fire produced a tower of black smoke that could be seen for miles\" What is the definition of \"smoke\"?"} {"term": "smoke", "pos": "n", "context": "with all that smoke there must be a fire somewhere", "definition": "an indication of some hidden activity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with all that smoke there must be a fire somewhere\" What is the definition of \"smoke\"?"} {"term": "monetary", "pos": "a", "context": "monetary rewards", "definition": "relating to or involving money", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"monetary rewards\" What is the definition of \"monetary\"?"} {"term": "authorial", "pos": "a", "context": "authorial comments", "definition": "of or by or typical of an author", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"authorial comments\" What is the definition of \"authorial\"?"} {"term": "charge", "pos": "n", "context": "the wrestler 's charge carried him past his adversary", "definition": "an impetuous rush toward someone or something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the wrestler 's charge carried him past his adversary\" What is the definition of \"charge\"?"} {"term": "charge", "pos": "n", "context": "he was arrested on a charge of larceny", "definition": "a pleading describing some wrong or offense", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was arrested on a charge of larceny\" What is the definition of \"charge\"?"} {"term": "totemic", "pos": "a", "context": "totemic object", "definition": "relating to totemism", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"totemic object\" What is the definition of \"totemic\"?"} {"term": "raptorial", "pos": "a", "context": "raptorial claws and bill for seizing prey", "definition": "relating to or characteristic of birds of prey", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"raptorial claws and bill for seizing prey\" What is the definition of \"raptorial\"?"} {"term": "raptorial", "pos": "s", "context": "raptorial birds", "definition": "living by preying on other animals especially by catching living prey", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"raptorial birds\" What is the definition of \"raptorial\"?"} {"term": "starred", "pos": "s", "context": "the starred items", "definition": "marked with an asterisk", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the starred items\" What is the definition of \"starred\"?"} {"term": "amiably", "pos": "r", "context": "` Come and visit me , ' he said amiably", "definition": "in an affable manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"` Come and visit me , ' he said amiably\" What is the definition of \"amiably\"?"} {"term": "backhanded", "pos": "s", "context": "attacks from that source amounted to a backhanded compliment to his integrity", "definition": "roundabout or ambiguous", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"attacks from that source amounted to a backhanded compliment to his integrity\" What is the definition of \"backhanded\"?"} {"term": "agonizingly", "pos": "r", "context": "the progress was agonizingly slow", "definition": "in a very painful manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the progress was agonizingly slow\" What is the definition of \"agonizingly\"?"} {"term": "educated", "pos": "s", "context": "an educated guess", "definition": "characterized by full comprehension of the problem involved", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an educated guess\" What is the definition of \"educated\"?"} {"term": "germination", "pos": "n", "context": "the germination of their discontent", "definition": "the origin of some development", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the germination of their discontent\" What is the definition of \"germination\"?"} {"term": "brandish", "pos": "v", "context": "brandish a sword", "definition": "to exhibit aggressively", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"brandish a sword\" What is the definition of \"brandish\"?"} {"term": "incensed", "pos": "s", "context": "incensed at the judges ' unfairness", "definition": "angered at something unjust or wrong", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"incensed at the judges ' unfairness\" What is the definition of \"incensed\"?"} {"term": "sink", "pos": "n", "context": "the ocean is a sink for carbon dioxide", "definition": "a process that acts to absorb or remove energy or a substance from a system", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ocean is a sink for carbon dioxide\" What is the definition of \"sink\"?"} {"term": "roominess", "pos": "n", "context": "his unselfishness gave him great intellectual roominess", "definition": "intellectual breadth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his unselfishness gave him great intellectual roominess\" What is the definition of \"roominess\"?"} {"term": "roominess", "pos": "n", "context": "roominess in this size car is always a compromise", "definition": "spatial largeness and extensiveness especially inside a building", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"roominess in this size car is always a compromise\" What is the definition of \"roominess\"?"} {"term": "eastward", "pos": "r", "context": "they migrated eastward to Sweden", "definition": "toward the east", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they migrated eastward to Sweden\" What is the definition of \"eastward\"?"} {"term": "hack", "pos": "v", "context": "I ca n't hack it anymore", "definition": "to be able to manage or manage successfully", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["manage", "deal", "coping", "grapple", "cut", "cope"], "instruction": "\"I ca n't hack it anymore\" What is the definition of \"hack\"?"} {"term": "liege", "pos": "s", "context": "one 's liege lord", "definition": "owing or owed feudal allegiance and service", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one 's liege lord\" What is the definition of \"liege\"?"} {"term": "prolific", "pos": "s", "context": "flying foxes are extremely prolific", "definition": "bearing in abundance especially offspring", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"flying foxes are extremely prolific\" What is the definition of \"prolific\"?"} {"term": "prolific", "pos": "s", "context": "a prolific writer", "definition": "intellectually productive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a prolific writer\" What is the definition of \"prolific\"?"} {"term": "immunity", "pos": "n", "context": "immunity to criticism", "definition": "the quality of being unaffected by something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"immunity to criticism\" What is the definition of \"immunity\"?"} {"term": "kit", "pos": "n", "context": "a fox kit", "definition": "young of any of various fur-bearing animals", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fox kit\" What is the definition of \"kit\"?"} {"term": "tantalizingly", "pos": "r", "context": "she smiled at him tantalizingly", "definition": "in a tantalizing manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she smiled at him tantalizingly\" What is the definition of \"tantalizingly\"?"} {"term": "syncretism", "pos": "n", "context": "a syncretism of material and immaterial theories", "definition": "the union or attempted fusion of different systems of thought or belief especially in religion or philosophy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a syncretism of material and immaterial theories\" What is the definition of \"syncretism\"?"} {"term": "bilingual", "pos": "s", "context": "bilingual education", "definition": "using or knowing two languages", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bilingual education\" What is the definition of \"bilingual\"?"} {"term": "diverse", "pos": "s", "context": "celebrities as diverse as Bob Hope and Bob Dylan", "definition": "distinctly dissimilar or unlike", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"celebrities as diverse as Bob Hope and Bob Dylan\" What is the definition of \"diverse\"?"} {"term": "diverse", "pos": "s", "context": "a person of diverse talents", "definition": "many and different", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a person of diverse talents\" What is the definition of \"diverse\"?"} {"term": "wavy", "pos": "s", "context": "she had long wavy hair", "definition": "having waves", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she had long wavy hair\" What is the definition of \"wavy\"?"} {"term": "accusatory", "pos": "s", "context": "black accusatory looks", "definition": "containing or expressing accusation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"black accusatory looks\" What is the definition of \"accusatory\"?"} {"term": "fertilize", "pos": "v", "context": "We should fertilize soil if we want to grow healthy plants", "definition": "to provide with fertilizers or add nutrients to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"We should fertilize soil if we want to grow healthy plants\" What is the definition of \"fertilize\"?"} {"term": "merchandise", "pos": "n", "context": "good business depends on having good merchandise", "definition": "commodities offered for sale", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["feature", "stock", "generic", "load", "refill", "product", "consignment", "cargo", "release", "line", "inventory", "ironmongery", "freight", "commodity", "loading", "ware", "contraband", "irregular", "lading", "number"], "instruction": "\"good business depends on having good merchandise\" What is the definition of \"merchandise\"?"} {"term": "liver", "pos": "n", "context": "a high liver", "definition": "a person who has a special life style", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a high liver\" What is the definition of \"liver\"?"} {"term": "slurred", "pos": "v", "context": "the pianist slurred the most beautiful passage in the sonata", "definition": "to play smoothly or legato", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the pianist slurred the most beautiful passage in the sonata\" What is the definition of \"slurred\"?"} {"term": "slurred", "pos": "s", "context": "his words were slurred", "definition": "spoken as if with a thick tongue", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his words were slurred\" What is the definition of \"slurred\"?"} {"term": "endeavor", "pos": "n", "context": "wished him luck in his endeavor", "definition": "earnest and conscientious activity intended to do or accomplish something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["share", "strain", "stab", "battle", "play", "try", "offer", "attempt", "contribution", "best", "trial", "test", "batting", "whirl", "crack", "shot", "bid", "struggle", "foray", "run", "worst", "activity", "essay"], "instruction": "\"wished him luck in his endeavor\" What is the definition of \"endeavor\"?"} {"term": "endeavor", "pos": "v", "context": "we endeavor to make our customers happy", "definition": "to attempt by employing effort", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["try", "attempt", "trying", "seek", "buck", "strive", "struggle", "essay"], "instruction": "\"we endeavor to make our customers happy\" What is the definition of \"endeavor\"?"} {"term": "resentful", "pos": "a", "context": "resentful at the way he was treated", "definition": "full of or marked by resentment or indignant ill will", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"resentful at the way he was treated\" What is the definition of \"resentful\"?"} {"term": "topically", "pos": "r", "context": "apply this medicine topically", "definition": "to a restricted area of the body", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"apply this medicine topically\" What is the definition of \"topically\"?"} {"term": "arbor", "pos": "n", "context": "the arbor provided a shady resting place in the park", "definition": "a framework that supports climbing plants", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["pergola", "framework", "bower"], "instruction": "\"the arbor provided a shady resting place in the park\" What is the definition of \"arbor\"?"} {"term": "cattle", "pos": "n", "context": "so many head of cattle", "definition": "domesticated bovine animals as a group regardless of sex or age", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so many head of cattle\" What is the definition of \"cattle\"?"} {"term": "eerie", "pos": "s", "context": "an eerie feeling of deja vu", "definition": "suggestive of the supernatural", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an eerie feeling of deja vu\" What is the definition of \"eerie\"?"} {"term": "eerie", "pos": "s", "context": "an eerie feeling of deja vu", "definition": "mysterious", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an eerie feeling of deja vu\" What is the definition of \"eerie\"?"} {"term": "eerie", "pos": "s", "context": "an uncomfortable and eerie stillness in the woods", "definition": "inspiring a feeling of fear", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an uncomfortable and eerie stillness in the woods\" What is the definition of \"eerie\"?"} {"term": "eerie", "pos": "s", "context": "an uncomfortable and eerie stillness in the woods", "definition": "strange and frightening", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an uncomfortable and eerie stillness in the woods\" What is the definition of \"eerie\"?"} {"term": "genial", "pos": "s", "context": "a genial host", "definition": "diffusing warmth and friendliness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["amiable", "", "affable", "cordial"], "instruction": "\"a genial host\" What is the definition of \"genial\"?"} {"term": "genial", "pos": "s", "context": "the genial sunshine", "definition": "agreeable , conducive to comfort", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the genial sunshine\" What is the definition of \"genial\"?"} {"term": "practicable", "pos": "s", "context": "a practicable solution", "definition": "usable for a specific purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a practicable solution\" What is the definition of \"practicable\"?"} {"term": "amputate", "pos": "v", "context": "amputate limbs", "definition": "to remove surgically", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"amputate limbs\" What is the definition of \"amputate\"?"} {"term": "suicidal", "pos": "s", "context": "suicidal impulses", "definition": "dangerous to yourself or your interests", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"suicidal impulses\" What is the definition of \"suicidal\"?"} {"term": "corrosive", "pos": "s", "context": "corrosive cristism", "definition": "spitefully sarcastic", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"corrosive cristism\" What is the definition of \"corrosive\"?"} {"term": "enter", "pos": "v", "context": "enter a race", "definition": "to become a participant", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["participate", "jump"], "instruction": "\"enter a race\" What is the definition of \"enter\"?"} {"term": "enter", "pos": "v", "context": "enter a race", "definition": "to be involved in", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["participate", "jump"], "instruction": "\"enter a race\" What is the definition of \"enter\"?"} {"term": "contented", "pos": "v", "context": "He contented himself with one glass of beer per day", "definition": "to satisfy in a limited way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"He contented himself with one glass of beer per day\" What is the definition of \"contented\"?"} {"term": "contented", "pos": "a", "context": "a contented smile", "definition": "satisfied or showing satisfaction with things as they are", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a contented smile\" What is the definition of \"contented\"?"} {"term": "protectiveness", "pos": "n", "context": "statistical evidence for the protectiveness of vaccination", "definition": "the quality of providing protection", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"statistical evidence for the protectiveness of vaccination\" What is the definition of \"protectiveness\"?"} {"term": "temporary", "pos": "a", "context": "temporary housing", "definition": "not permanent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"temporary housing\" What is the definition of \"temporary\"?"} {"term": "temporary", "pos": "a", "context": "temporary housing", "definition": "not lasting", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"temporary housing\" What is the definition of \"temporary\"?"} {"term": "temporary", "pos": "s", "context": "employed on a temporary basis", "definition": "lacking continuity or regularity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"employed on a temporary basis\" What is the definition of \"temporary\"?"} {"term": "strew", "pos": "v", "context": "strew toys all over the carpet", "definition": "to spread by scattering straw is archaic", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["strewing", "spread", "litter", "straw", "distribute"], "instruction": "\"strew toys all over the carpet\" What is the definition of \"strew\"?"} {"term": "necromantic", "pos": "a", "context": "mysterious necromantic rites", "definition": "relating to or associated with necromancy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mysterious necromantic rites\" What is the definition of \"necromantic\"?"} {"term": "necromantic", "pos": "s", "context": "a necromantic sorcerer", "definition": "given to or produced by or used in the art of conjuring up the dead", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a necromantic sorcerer\" What is the definition of \"necromantic\"?"} {"term": "vertiginous", "pos": "s", "context": "a vertiginous climb up the face of the cliff", "definition": "having or causing a whirling sensation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a vertiginous climb up the face of the cliff\" What is the definition of \"vertiginous\"?"} {"term": "vertiginous", "pos": "s", "context": "a vertiginous climb up the face of the cliff", "definition": "liable to falling", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a vertiginous climb up the face of the cliff\" What is the definition of \"vertiginous\"?"} {"term": "cadaver", "pos": "n", "context": "the cadaver was intended for dissection", "definition": "the dead body of a human being", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["stiff", "body", "clay", "corpse"], "instruction": "\"the cadaver was intended for dissection\" What is the definition of \"cadaver\"?"} {"term": "doggedly", "pos": "r", "context": "he pursued her doggedly", "definition": "with obstinate determination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he pursued her doggedly\" What is the definition of \"doggedly\"?"} {"term": "carrier", "pos": "n", "context": "the bonds were transmitted by carrier", "definition": "someone whose employment involves carrying something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["traveler", "toter"], "instruction": "\"the bonds were transmitted by carrier\" What is the definition of \"carrier\"?"} {"term": "limitless", "pos": "s", "context": "limitless vastness of our solar system", "definition": "without limits in extent or size or quantity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"limitless vastness of our solar system\" What is the definition of \"limitless\"?"} {"term": "limitless", "pos": "s", "context": "a limitless supply of money", "definition": "seemingly boundless in amount , number , degree , or especially extent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a limitless supply of money\" What is the definition of \"limitless\"?"} {"term": "limitless", "pos": "a", "context": "the limitless reaches of outer space", "definition": "having no limits in range or scope", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the limitless reaches of outer space\" What is the definition of \"limitless\"?"} {"term": "glaring", "pos": "s", "context": "the glaring sun", "definition": "shining intensely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the glaring sun\" What is the definition of \"glaring\"?"} {"term": "glaring", "pos": "s", "context": "a glaring error", "definition": "conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a glaring error\" What is the definition of \"glaring\"?"} {"term": "malarial", "pos": "a", "context": "malarial fever", "definition": "of or infected by or resembling malaria", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"malarial fever\" What is the definition of \"malarial\"?"} {"term": "roofless", "pos": "a", "context": "the hurricane left hundreds of house roofless", "definition": "not having a roof", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the hurricane left hundreds of house roofless\" What is the definition of \"roofless\"?"} {"term": "tyrannize", "pos": "v", "context": "her husband and mother-in-law tyrannize her", "definition": "to rule or exercise power over somebody in a cruel and autocratic manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["hector", "domineer", "bully", "browbeat"], "instruction": "\"her husband and mother-in-law tyrannize her\" What is the definition of \"tyrannize\"?"} {"term": "center", "pos": "n", "context": "it is in the center of town", "definition": "an area that is approximately central within some larger region", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["middle", "eye", "hub", "area", "seat", "country"], "instruction": "\"it is in the center of town\" What is the definition of \"center\"?"} {"term": "center", "pos": "n", "context": "they were raising money to build a new center for research", "definition": "a building dedicated to a particular activity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they were raising money to build a new center for research\" What is the definition of \"center\"?"} {"term": "cruel", "pos": "s", "context": "cruel tortures", "definition": "able or disposed to inflict pain or suffering", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cruel tortures\" What is the definition of \"cruel\"?"} {"term": "brazen", "pos": "v", "context": "brazen it out", "definition": "to face with defiance or impudence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"brazen it out\" What is the definition of \"brazen\"?"} {"term": "brazen", "pos": "s", "context": "brazen arrogance", "definition": "unrestrained by convention or propriety", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"brazen arrogance\" What is the definition of \"brazen\"?"} {"term": "bucolic", "pos": "s", "context": "a pleasant bucolic scene", "definition": "idyllically rustic", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a pleasant bucolic scene\" What is the definition of \"bucolic\"?"} {"term": "improbable", "pos": "a", "context": "an improbable event", "definition": "not likely to be true or to occur or to have occurred", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an improbable event\" What is the definition of \"improbable\"?"} {"term": "involuntarily", "pos": "r", "context": "he was involuntarily held against his will", "definition": "against your will", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was involuntarily held against his will\" What is the definition of \"involuntarily\"?"} {"term": "constricted", "pos": "v", "context": "Her throat constricted", "definition": "to become tight or as if tight", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["strangulate", "narrow", "tighten", "constrict"], "instruction": "\"Her throat constricted\" What is the definition of \"constricted\"?"} {"term": "constricted", "pos": "a", "context": "a constricted blood vessel", "definition": "drawn together or squeezed physically or by extension psychologically", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a constricted blood vessel\" What is the definition of \"constricted\"?"} {"term": "chartered", "pos": "a", "context": "a chartered plane", "definition": "hired for the exclusive temporary use of a group of travelers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a chartered plane\" What is the definition of \"chartered\"?"} {"term": "bosky", "pos": "s", "context": "a bosky park leading to a modest yet majestic plaza \" - Jack Beatty", "definition": "covered with or consisting of bushes or thickets", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["brushy", ""], "instruction": "\"a bosky park leading to a modest yet majestic plaza \" - Jack Beatty\" What is the definition of \"bosky\"?"} {"term": "dip", "pos": "n", "context": "there was a dip in the road", "definition": "a depression in an otherwise level surface", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was a dip in the road\" What is the definition of \"dip\"?"} {"term": "dip", "pos": "v", "context": "I had to dip into my savings to buy him this present", "definition": "to take a small amount from", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I had to dip into my savings to buy him this present\" What is the definition of \"dip\"?"} {"term": "pretty", "pos": "s", "context": "pretty girl", "definition": "pleasing by delicacy or grace", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pretty girl\" What is the definition of \"pretty\"?"} {"term": "pretty", "pos": "s", "context": "pretty girl", "definition": "not imposing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pretty girl\" What is the definition of \"pretty\"?"} {"term": "pretty", "pos": "s", "context": "a pretty mess", "definition": "unexpectedly bad", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a pretty mess\" What is the definition of \"pretty\"?"} {"term": "pretty", "pos": "r", "context": "pretty big", "definition": "to a moderately sufficient extent or degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pretty big\" What is the definition of \"pretty\"?"} {"term": "commemorative", "pos": "a", "context": "a commemorative plaque", "definition": "intended as a commemoration", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a commemorative plaque\" What is the definition of \"commemorative\"?"} {"term": "industrial", "pos": "a", "context": "industrial output", "definition": "of or relating to or resulting from industry", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"industrial output\" What is the definition of \"industrial\"?"} {"term": "industrial", "pos": "a", "context": "the industrial revolution", "definition": "having highly developed industries", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the industrial revolution\" What is the definition of \"industrial\"?"} {"term": "industrial", "pos": "s", "context": "the industrial classes", "definition": "employed in industry", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the industrial classes\" What is the definition of \"industrial\"?"} {"term": "industrial", "pos": "s", "context": "industrial carpeting", "definition": "suitable to stand up to hard wear", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"industrial carpeting\" What is the definition of \"industrial\"?"} {"term": "corporate", "pos": "a", "context": "corporate rates", "definition": "of or belonging to a corporation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"corporate rates\" What is the definition of \"corporate\"?"} {"term": "corporate", "pos": "s", "context": "the corporate good", "definition": "done by or characteristic of individuals acting together", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["collective", ""], "instruction": "\"the corporate good\" What is the definition of \"corporate\"?"} {"term": "corporate", "pos": "s", "context": "a special agency set up in corporate form", "definition": "organized and maintained as a legal corporation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a special agency set up in corporate form\" What is the definition of \"corporate\"?"} {"term": "allegation", "pos": "n", "context": "an allegation of malpractice", "definition": "a formal accusation against somebody often in a court of law", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an allegation of malpractice\" What is the definition of \"allegation\"?"} {"term": "assumed", "pos": "v", "context": "She assumed strange manners", "definition": "to take on a certain form , attribute , or aspect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["take", "assume", "adopt", "change"], "instruction": "\"She assumed strange manners\" What is the definition of \"assumed\"?"} {"term": "assumed", "pos": "s", "context": "an assumed name", "definition": "adopted in order to deceive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an assumed name\" What is the definition of \"assumed\"?"} {"term": "blessed", "pos": "v", "context": "The dying man blessed his son", "definition": "to give a benediction to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["bless", "invoke", "oil", "conjure", "raise", "anoint", "arouse"], "instruction": "\"The dying man blessed his son\" What is the definition of \"blessed\"?"} {"term": "blessed", "pos": "a", "context": "our blessed land", "definition": "highly favored or fortunate as e.g. by divine grace", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"our blessed land\" What is the definition of \"blessed\"?"} {"term": "blessed", "pos": "s", "context": "a blessed time", "definition": "characterized by happiness and good fortune", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a blessed time\" What is the definition of \"blessed\"?"} {"term": "glimpse", "pos": "n", "context": "from the window he could catch a glimpse of the lake", "definition": "a brief or incomplete view", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"from the window he could catch a glimpse of the lake\" What is the definition of \"glimpse\"?"} {"term": "glimpse", "pos": "n", "context": "he caught only a glimpse of the professor 's meaning", "definition": "a vague indication", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he caught only a glimpse of the professor 's meaning\" What is the definition of \"glimpse\"?"} {"term": "repudiate", "pos": "v", "context": "repudiate a debt", "definition": "to refuse to recognize or pay", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"repudiate a debt\" What is the definition of \"repudiate\"?"} {"term": "incomprehensible", "pos": "a", "context": "the most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is comprehensible \" - A. Einstein", "definition": "difficult to understand", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is comprehensible \" - A. Einstein\" What is the definition of \"incomprehensible\"?"} {"term": "swing", "pos": "n", "context": "the party went with a swing", "definition": "a state of steady vigorous action that is characteristic of an activity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the party went with a swing\" What is the definition of \"swing\"?"} {"term": "swing", "pos": "n", "context": "he took a wild swing at my head", "definition": "a sweeping blow or stroke", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he took a wild swing at my head\" What is the definition of \"swing\"?"} {"term": "swing", "pos": "v", "context": "swing a bat", "definition": "to move in a curve or arc , usually with the intent of hitting", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"swing a bat\" What is the definition of \"swing\"?"} {"term": "swing", "pos": "v", "context": "swing back", "definition": "to turn", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"swing back\" What is the definition of \"swing\"?"} {"term": "schooling", "pos": "v", "context": "A cluster of schooling fish was attracted to the bait", "definition": "to swim in or form a large group of fish", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["school", "swim"], "instruction": "\"A cluster of schooling fish was attracted to the bait\" What is the definition of \"schooling\"?"} {"term": "countersign", "pos": "v", "context": "You must countersign on this line of the contract", "definition": "to add ones signature to after anothers to attest authenticity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"You must countersign on this line of the contract\" What is the definition of \"countersign\"?"} {"term": "mucous", "pos": "a", "context": "mucous tissue", "definition": "of or secreting or covered with or resembling mucus", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mucous tissue\" What is the definition of \"mucous\"?"} {"term": "ophthalmic", "pos": "a", "context": "ophthalmic defect", "definition": "of or relating to the eye", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ophthalmic defect\" What is the definition of \"ophthalmic\"?"} {"term": "ophthalmic", "pos": "a", "context": "ophthalmic surgery", "definition": "of or relating to ophthalmology", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ophthalmic surgery\" What is the definition of \"ophthalmic\"?"} {"term": "palmy", "pos": "s", "context": "a palmy time for stockbrokers", "definition": "very lively and profitable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a palmy time for stockbrokers\" What is the definition of \"palmy\"?"} {"term": "tidily", "pos": "r", "context": "the door gave access to a tidily furnished sitting-room where chintz and oak predominated", "definition": "in a tidy manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the door gave access to a tidily furnished sitting-room where chintz and oak predominated\" What is the definition of \"tidily\"?"} {"term": "convulsive", "pos": "s", "context": "convulsive motions", "definition": "affected by involuntary jerky muscular contractions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"convulsive motions\" What is the definition of \"convulsive\"?"} {"term": "convulsive", "pos": "s", "context": "convulsive motions", "definition": "resembling a spasm", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"convulsive motions\" What is the definition of \"convulsive\"?"} {"term": "convulsive", "pos": "s", "context": "a convulsive rage", "definition": "resembling a convulsion in being sudden and violent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a convulsive rage\" What is the definition of \"convulsive\"?"} {"term": "definition", "pos": "n", "context": "exercise had given his muscles superior definition", "definition": "clarity of outline", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"exercise had given his muscles superior definition\" What is the definition of \"definition\"?"} {"term": "repression", "pos": "n", "context": "the long repression of Christian sects", "definition": "a state of forcible subjugation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the long repression of Christian sects\" What is the definition of \"repression\"?"} {"term": "repression", "pos": "n", "context": "his goal was the repression of insolence", "definition": "the act of repressing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his goal was the repression of insolence\" What is the definition of \"repression\"?"} {"term": "repression", "pos": "n", "context": "his goal was the repression of insolence", "definition": "control by holding down", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his goal was the repression of insolence\" What is the definition of \"repression\"?"} {"term": "withdrawal", "pos": "n", "context": "the withdrawal of French troops from Vietnam", "definition": "the act of withdrawing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the withdrawal of French troops from Vietnam\" What is the definition of \"withdrawal\"?"} {"term": "parsimonious", "pos": "s", "context": "parsimonious thrift relieved by few generous impulses", "definition": "excessively unwilling to spend", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"parsimonious thrift relieved by few generous impulses\" What is the definition of \"parsimonious\"?"} {"term": "childishly", "pos": "r", "context": "he acted very childishly", "definition": "in a childlike manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he acted very childishly\" What is the definition of \"childishly\"?"} {"term": "defenseless", "pos": "s", "context": "a defenseless child", "definition": "lacking protection or support", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a defenseless child\" What is the definition of \"defenseless\"?"} {"term": "guiltily", "pos": "r", "context": "she blushed guiltily as she spoke", "definition": "in the manner of someone who has committed an offense", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she blushed guiltily as she spoke\" What is the definition of \"guiltily\"?"} {"term": "protuberance", "pos": "n", "context": "the protuberance of his belly", "definition": "the condition of being protuberant", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the protuberance of his belly\" What is the definition of \"protuberance\"?"} {"term": "protuberance", "pos": "n", "context": "the protuberance of his belly", "definition": "the condition of bulging out", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the protuberance of his belly\" What is the definition of \"protuberance\"?"} {"term": "protuberance", "pos": "n", "context": "the occipital protuberance was well developed", "definition": "something that bulges out or is protuberant or projects from its surroundings", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["nub", "swelling", "jut", "bump", "wart", "belly", "mogul", "protrusion", "caput", "excrescence", "prominence"], "instruction": "\"the occipital protuberance was well developed\" What is the definition of \"protuberance\"?"} {"term": "transact", "pos": "v", "context": "transact with foreign governments", "definition": "to conduct business", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"transact with foreign governments\" What is the definition of \"transact\"?"} {"term": "freshness", "pos": "n", "context": "she loved the freshness of newly baked bread", "definition": "the property of being pure and fresh as if newly made", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she loved the freshness of newly baked bread\" What is the definition of \"freshness\"?"} {"term": "freshness", "pos": "n", "context": "she loved the freshness of newly baked bread", "definition": "not stale or deteriorated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she loved the freshness of newly baked bread\" What is the definition of \"freshness\"?"} {"term": "triumphant", "pos": "s", "context": "a triumphant shout", "definition": "joyful and proud especially because of triumph or success", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a triumphant shout\" What is the definition of \"triumphant\"?"} {"term": "tailor", "pos": "v", "context": "tailor your needs to your surroundings", "definition": "to adjust to a specific need or market", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["tailoring", "orient", "accommodate", "adapt"], "instruction": "\"tailor your needs to your surroundings\" What is the definition of \"tailor\"?"} {"term": "rotten", "pos": "s", "context": "dead and rotten in his grave", "definition": "having decayed or disintegrated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dead and rotten in his grave\" What is the definition of \"rotten\"?"} {"term": "rotten", "pos": "s", "context": "dead and rotten in his grave", "definition": "usually implies foulness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dead and rotten in his grave\" What is the definition of \"rotten\"?"} {"term": "rotten", "pos": "s", "context": "rotten floor boards", "definition": "damaged by decay", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rotten floor boards\" What is the definition of \"rotten\"?"} {"term": "rotten", "pos": "s", "context": "rotten floor boards", "definition": "hence unsound and useless", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rotten floor boards\" What is the definition of \"rotten\"?"} {"term": "scrape", "pos": "n", "context": "the scrape of violin bows distracted her", "definition": "a harsh noise made by scraping", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["noise", "scraping", "scratching"], "instruction": "\"the scrape of violin bows distracted her\" What is the definition of \"scrape\"?"} {"term": "veteran", "pos": "s", "context": "veteran steadiness", "definition": "rendered competent through trial and experience", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"veteran steadiness\" What is the definition of \"veteran\"?"} {"term": "sheer", "pos": "s", "context": "got the job through sheer persistence", "definition": "complete and without restriction or qualification", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"got the job through sheer persistence\" What is the definition of \"sheer\"?"} {"term": "sheer", "pos": "s", "context": "got the job through sheer persistence", "definition": "sometimes used informally as intensifiers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"got the job through sheer persistence\" What is the definition of \"sheer\"?"} {"term": "sheer", "pos": "s", "context": "sheer wine", "definition": "not mixed with extraneous elements", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sheer wine\" What is the definition of \"sheer\"?"} {"term": "sheer", "pos": "s", "context": "a sheer descent of rock", "definition": "very steep", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sheer descent of rock\" What is the definition of \"sheer\"?"} {"term": "sheer", "pos": "s", "context": "a sheer descent of rock", "definition": "having a prominent and almost vertical front", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sheer descent of rock\" What is the definition of \"sheer\"?"} {"term": "sheer", "pos": "r", "context": "he fell sheer into the water", "definition": "directly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he fell sheer into the water\" What is the definition of \"sheer\"?"} {"term": "confluence", "pos": "n", "context": "Pittsburgh is located at the confluence of the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers", "definition": "a place where things merge or flow together especially rivers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Pittsburgh is located at the confluence of the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers\" What is the definition of \"confluence\"?"} {"term": "temptation", "pos": "n", "context": "he felt the temptation and his will power weakened", "definition": "the desire to have or do something that you know you should avoid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he felt the temptation and his will power weakened\" What is the definition of \"temptation\"?"} {"term": "changer", "pos": "n", "context": "an inveterate changer of the menu", "definition": "a person who changes something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["individual", "modifier", "soul", "person"], "instruction": "\"an inveterate changer of the menu\" What is the definition of \"changer\"?"} {"term": "subtlety", "pos": "n", "context": "you had to admire the subtlety of the distinctions he drew", "definition": "the quality of being difficult to detect or analyze", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you had to admire the subtlety of the distinctions he drew\" What is the definition of \"subtlety\"?"} {"term": "prefrontal", "pos": "s", "context": "a prefrontal bone", "definition": "anterior to a frontal structure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a prefrontal bone\" What is the definition of \"prefrontal\"?"} {"term": "relation", "pos": "n", "context": "he was the hero according to his own relation", "definition": "an act of narration", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["narration", "telling", "recital", "yarn"], "instruction": "\"he was the hero according to his own relation\" What is the definition of \"relation\"?"} {"term": "prohibition", "pos": "n", "context": "in 1920 the 18th amendment to the Constitution established prohibition in the US", "definition": "a law forbidding the sale of alcoholic beverages", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in 1920 the 18th amendment to the Constitution established prohibition in the US\" What is the definition of \"prohibition\"?"} {"term": "tactile", "pos": "a", "context": "a tactile reflex", "definition": "of or relating to or proceeding from the sense of touch", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tactile reflex\" What is the definition of \"tactile\"?"} {"term": "tactile", "pos": "s", "context": "tactile qualities", "definition": "producing a sensation of touch", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tactile qualities\" What is the definition of \"tactile\"?"} {"term": "canon", "pos": "n", "context": "the neoclassical canon", "definition": "a rule or especially body of rules or principles generally established as valid and fundamental in a field or art or philosophy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the neoclassical canon\" What is the definition of \"canon\"?"} {"term": "nickname", "pos": "n", "context": "Joe 's mother would not use his nickname and always called him Joseph", "definition": "a familiar name for a person often a shortened version of a persons given name", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["cognomen", "sobriquet", "denomination", "appellation"], "instruction": "\"Joe 's mother would not use his nickname and always called him Joseph\" What is the definition of \"nickname\"?"} {"term": "nickname", "pos": "n", "context": "the nickname for the U.S. Constitution is ` Old Ironsides '", "definition": "a descriptive name for a place or thing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the nickname for the U.S. Constitution is ` Old Ironsides '\" What is the definition of \"nickname\"?"} {"term": "slang", "pos": "n", "context": "their speech was full of slang expressions", "definition": "informal language consisting of words and expressions that are not considered appropriate for formal occasions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their speech was full of slang expressions\" What is the definition of \"slang\"?"} {"term": "slang", "pos": "n", "context": "their speech was full of slang expressions", "definition": "often vituperative or vulgar", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their speech was full of slang expressions\" What is the definition of \"slang\"?"} {"term": "approachable", "pos": "s", "context": "a site approachable from a branch of the Niger", "definition": "easily approached", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a site approachable from a branch of the Niger\" What is the definition of \"approachable\"?"} {"term": "approachable", "pos": "s", "context": "the tales seem more approachable than his more difficult novels", "definition": "capable of being read with comprehension", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the tales seem more approachable than his more difficult novels\" What is the definition of \"approachable\"?"} {"term": "approachable", "pos": "a", "context": "a friendly approachable person", "definition": "easy to meet or converse or do business with", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a friendly approachable person\" What is the definition of \"approachable\"?"} {"term": "preferable", "pos": "s", "context": "coffee is preferable to tea", "definition": "more desirable than another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"coffee is preferable to tea\" What is the definition of \"preferable\"?"} {"term": "rural", "pos": "a", "context": "rural people", "definition": "living in or characteristic of farming or country life", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rural people\" What is the definition of \"rural\"?"} {"term": "rural", "pos": "a", "context": "rural electrification", "definition": "of or relating to the countryside as opposed to the city", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rural electrification\" What is the definition of \"rural\"?"} {"term": "inspect", "pos": "v", "context": "Please inspect your father 's will carefully", "definition": "to look over carefully", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Please inspect your father 's will carefully\" What is the definition of \"inspect\"?"} {"term": "tiger", "pos": "n", "context": "he 's a tiger on the tennis court", "definition": "a fierce or audacious person", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he 's a tiger on the tennis court\" What is the definition of \"tiger\"?"} {"term": "vouch", "pos": "v", "context": "Will he vouch for me ?", "definition": "to give personal assurance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Will he vouch for me ?\" What is the definition of \"vouch\"?"} {"term": "vouch", "pos": "v", "context": "Will he vouch for me ?", "definition": "to guarantee", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Will he vouch for me ?\" What is the definition of \"vouch\"?"} {"term": "finality", "pos": "n", "context": "the finality of death", "definition": "the quality of being final or definitely settled", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the finality of death\" What is the definition of \"finality\"?"} {"term": "rich", "pos": "n", "context": "only the very rich benefit from this legislation", "definition": "people who have possessions and wealth considered as a group", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["people", "riches"], "instruction": "\"only the very rich benefit from this legislation\" What is the definition of \"rich\"?"} {"term": "rich", "pos": "a", "context": "her father is extremely rich", "definition": "possessing material wealth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her father is extremely rich\" What is the definition of \"rich\"?"} {"term": "rich", "pos": "a", "context": "blessed with a land rich in minerals", "definition": "having an abundant supply of desirable qualities or substances especially natural resources", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"blessed with a land rich in minerals\" What is the definition of \"rich\"?"} {"term": "rich", "pos": "a", "context": "a rich vein of copper \" , \" a rich gas mixture", "definition": "high in mineral content", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a rich vein of copper \" , \" a rich gas mixture\" What is the definition of \"rich\"?"} {"term": "rich", "pos": "a", "context": "a rich vein of copper \" , \" a rich gas mixture", "definition": "having a high proportion of fuel to air", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a rich vein of copper \" , \" a rich gas mixture\" What is the definition of \"rich\"?"} {"term": "rich", "pos": "s", "context": "a rich collection of antiques", "definition": "of great worth or quality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a rich collection of antiques\" What is the definition of \"rich\"?"} {"term": "rich", "pos": "s", "context": "rich seams of coal", "definition": "very productive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rich seams of coal\" What is the definition of \"rich\"?"} {"term": "rich", "pos": "s", "context": "rich desserts", "definition": "containing plenty of fat , or eggs , or sugar", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rich desserts\" What is the definition of \"rich\"?"} {"term": "adulterous", "pos": "s", "context": "an adulterous relationship", "definition": "characterized by adultery", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an adulterous relationship\" What is the definition of \"adulterous\"?"} {"term": "adulterous", "pos": "s", "context": "adulterous husbands and wives", "definition": "not faithful to a spouse or lover", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"adulterous husbands and wives\" What is the definition of \"adulterous\"?"} {"term": "provoking", "pos": "s", "context": "a provoking delay at the airport", "definition": "causing or tending to cause anger or resentment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a provoking delay at the airport\" What is the definition of \"provoking\"?"} {"term": "demagogic", "pos": "a", "context": "demagogic speeches", "definition": "characteristic of or resembling a demagogue", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"demagogic speeches\" What is the definition of \"demagogic\"?"} {"term": "polymeric", "pos": "a", "context": "a polymeric compound", "definition": "of or relating to or consisting of a polymer", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a polymeric compound\" What is the definition of \"polymeric\"?"} {"term": "quadrillion", "pos": "n", "context": "in England they call a septillion a quadrillion", "definition": "the number that is represented as a one followed by 24 zeros", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in England they call a septillion a quadrillion\" What is the definition of \"quadrillion\"?"} {"term": "bare", "pos": "s", "context": "bare bodies", "definition": "completely unclothed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bare bodies\" What is the definition of \"bare\"?"} {"term": "bare", "pos": "s", "context": "a bare livelihood", "definition": "lacking in amplitude or quantity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bare livelihood\" What is the definition of \"bare\"?"} {"term": "bare", "pos": "s", "context": "a bare majority", "definition": "just barely adequate or within a lower limit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bare majority\" What is the definition of \"bare\"?"} {"term": "bare", "pos": "a", "context": "a bare hill", "definition": "lacking its natural or customary covering", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bare hill\" What is the definition of \"bare\"?"} {"term": "bare", "pos": "a", "context": "a bare blade", "definition": "not having a protective covering", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bare blade\" What is the definition of \"bare\"?"} {"term": "roughness", "pos": "n", "context": "men associate the roughness of nonstandard working-class speech with masculinity", "definition": "harsh or severe speech or behavior", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"men associate the roughness of nonstandard working-class speech with masculinity\" What is the definition of \"roughness\"?"} {"term": "anciently", "pos": "r", "context": "a concern with what may have happened anciently", "definition": "in ancient times", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a concern with what may have happened anciently\" What is the definition of \"anciently\"?"} {"term": "anciently", "pos": "r", "context": "a concern with what may have happened anciently", "definition": "long ago", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a concern with what may have happened anciently\" What is the definition of \"anciently\"?"} {"term": "tone", "pos": "n", "context": "he began in a conversational tone", "definition": "the quality of a persons voice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he began in a conversational tone\" What is the definition of \"tone\"?"} {"term": "distributor", "pos": "n", "context": "his company is a large distributor of software products", "definition": "a company that markets merchandise", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his company is a large distributor of software products\" What is the definition of \"distributor\"?"} {"term": "vehemently", "pos": "r", "context": "he vehemently denied the accusations against him", "definition": "in a vehement manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he vehemently denied the accusations against him\" What is the definition of \"vehemently\"?"} {"term": "misread", "pos": "v", "context": "He misread the data", "definition": "to read or interpret wrongly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"He misread the data\" What is the definition of \"misread\"?"} {"term": "misread", "pos": "v", "context": "I misread Hamlet all my life !", "definition": "to interpret wrongly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["read", "take", "misinterpret"], "instruction": "\"I misread Hamlet all my life !\" What is the definition of \"misread\"?"} {"term": "potentiate", "pos": "v", "context": "potentiate the drug", "definition": "to increase the effect of or act synergistically with a drug or a physiological or biochemical phenomenon", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"potentiate the drug\" What is the definition of \"potentiate\"?"} {"term": "hidden", "pos": "s", "context": "a hidden room or place of concealment such as a priest hole", "definition": "designed to elude detection", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a hidden room or place of concealment such as a priest hole\" What is the definition of \"hidden\"?"} {"term": "hidden", "pos": "s", "context": "hidden valleys", "definition": "difficult to find", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hidden valleys\" What is the definition of \"hidden\"?"} {"term": "anonymously", "pos": "r", "context": "she wrote these letters anonymously", "definition": "without giving a name", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she wrote these letters anonymously\" What is the definition of \"anonymously\"?"} {"term": "fury", "pos": "n", "context": "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned", "definition": "a feeling of intense anger", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["madness", "wrath", "anger"], "instruction": "\"hell hath no fury like a woman scorned\" What is the definition of \"fury\"?"} {"term": "moody", "pos": "s", "context": "he sat in moody silence", "definition": "showing a brooding ill humor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he sat in moody silence\" What is the definition of \"moody\"?"} {"term": "argument", "pos": "n", "context": "it was a strong argument that his hypothesis was true", "definition": "a fact or assertion offered as evidence that something is true", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["evidence", "determiner", "pro", "proof", "clincher", "statement", "case"], "instruction": "\"it was a strong argument that his hypothesis was true\" What is the definition of \"argument\"?"} {"term": "argument", "pos": "n", "context": "the argument over foreign aid goes on and on", "definition": "a discussion in which reasons are advanced for and against some proposition or proposal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["argumentation", "debate", "word"], "instruction": "\"the argument over foreign aid goes on and on\" What is the definition of \"argument\"?"} {"term": "argument", "pos": "n", "context": "the editor added the argument to the poem", "definition": "a summary of the subject or plot of a literary work or play or movie", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the editor added the argument to the poem\" What is the definition of \"argument\"?"} {"term": "framework", "pos": "n", "context": "providing a factual framework for future research", "definition": "the underlying structure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["structure", "fabric"], "instruction": "\"providing a factual framework for future research\" What is the definition of \"framework\"?"} {"term": "implement", "pos": "v", "context": "implement a procedure", "definition": "to apply in a manner consistent with its purpose or design", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"implement a procedure\" What is the definition of \"implement\"?"} {"term": "unreliable", "pos": "s", "context": "an unreliable trestle", "definition": "dangerously unstable and unpredictable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unreliable trestle\" What is the definition of \"unreliable\"?"} {"term": "unreliable", "pos": "a", "context": "in the early 1950s computers were large and expensive and unreliable", "definition": "not worthy of reliance or trust", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the early 1950s computers were large and expensive and unreliable\" What is the definition of \"unreliable\"?"} {"term": "baffling", "pos": "s", "context": "a baffling problem", "definition": "making great mental demands", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a baffling problem\" What is the definition of \"baffling\"?"} {"term": "baffling", "pos": "s", "context": "a baffling problem", "definition": "hard to comprehend or solve or believe", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a baffling problem\" What is the definition of \"baffling\"?"} {"term": "dotted", "pos": "s", "context": "sign on the dotted line", "definition": "having gaps or spaces", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sign on the dotted line\" What is the definition of \"dotted\"?"} {"term": "insane", "pos": "a", "context": "was declared insane", "definition": "afflicted with or characteristic of mental derangement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"was declared insane\" What is the definition of \"insane\"?"} {"term": "insane", "pos": "s", "context": "took insane risks behind the wheel", "definition": "very foolish", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"took insane risks behind the wheel\" What is the definition of \"insane\"?"} {"term": "sanctum", "pos": "n", "context": "he withdrew to his sanctum sanctorum , where the children could never go", "definition": "a place of inviolable privacy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he withdrew to his sanctum sanctorum , where the children could never go\" What is the definition of \"sanctum\"?"} {"term": "sedative", "pos": "s", "context": "took a hot drink with sedative properties before going to bed", "definition": "tending to soothe or tranquilize", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"took a hot drink with sedative properties before going to bed\" What is the definition of \"sedative\"?"} {"term": "befall", "pos": "v", "context": "He promised that no harm would befall her", "definition": "to become of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["hap", "occur", "betide"], "instruction": "\"He promised that no harm would befall her\" What is the definition of \"befall\"?"} {"term": "befall", "pos": "v", "context": "He promised that no harm would befall her", "definition": "to happen to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["hap", "occur", "betide"], "instruction": "\"He promised that no harm would befall her\" What is the definition of \"befall\"?"} {"term": "sapient", "pos": "s", "context": "a source of valuable insights and sapient advice to educators", "definition": "acutely insightful and wise", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a source of valuable insights and sapient advice to educators\" What is the definition of \"sapient\"?"} {"term": "significant", "pos": "a", "context": "a significant change in tax laws", "definition": "important in effect or meaning", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a significant change in tax laws\" What is the definition of \"significant\"?"} {"term": "significant", "pos": "a", "context": "the interaction effect is significant at the .01 level", "definition": "too closely correlated to be attributed to chance and therefore indicating a systematic relation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the interaction effect is significant at the .01 level\" What is the definition of \"significant\"?"} {"term": "unconsidered", "pos": "s", "context": "unconsidered words", "definition": "without proper consideration or reflection", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unconsidered words\" What is the definition of \"unconsidered\"?"} {"term": "rectifier", "pos": "n", "context": "a rectifier of prejudices", "definition": "a person who corrects or sets right", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a rectifier of prejudices\" What is the definition of \"rectifier\"?"} {"term": "governmental", "pos": "s", "context": "governmental policy", "definition": "relating to or dealing with the affairs or structure of government or politics or the state", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"governmental policy\" What is the definition of \"governmental\"?"} {"term": "manifest", "pos": "v", "context": "The buildings in Rome manifest a high level of architectural sophistication", "definition": "to provide evidence for", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["evidence", "certify", "demonstrate", "testify", "prove", "authenticate", "reflect", "show", "condemn", "showing"], "instruction": "\"The buildings in Rome manifest a high level of architectural sophistication\" What is the definition of \"manifest\"?"} {"term": "manifest", "pos": "v", "context": "The buildings in Rome manifest a high level of architectural sophistication", "definition": "to stand as proof of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["evidence", "certify", "demonstrate", "testify", "prove", "authenticate", "reflect", "show", "condemn", "showing"], "instruction": "\"The buildings in Rome manifest a high level of architectural sophistication\" What is the definition of \"manifest\"?"} {"term": "manifest", "pos": "v", "context": "The buildings in Rome manifest a high level of architectural sophistication", "definition": "to show by ones behavior , attitude , or external attributes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["evidence", "certify", "demonstrate", "testify", "prove", "authenticate", "reflect", "show", "condemn", "showing"], "instruction": "\"The buildings in Rome manifest a high level of architectural sophistication\" What is the definition of \"manifest\"?"} {"term": "manifest", "pos": "s", "context": "manifest disapproval", "definition": "clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"manifest disapproval\" What is the definition of \"manifest\"?"} {"term": "circumstantial", "pos": "s", "context": "a circumstantial report about the debate", "definition": "fully detailed and specific about particulars", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a circumstantial report about the debate\" What is the definition of \"circumstantial\"?"} {"term": "puerile", "pos": "a", "context": "puerile breathing", "definition": "of or characteristic of a child", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"puerile breathing\" What is the definition of \"puerile\"?"} {"term": "puerile", "pos": "s", "context": "puerile jokes", "definition": "displaying or suggesting a lack of maturity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"puerile jokes\" What is the definition of \"puerile\"?"} {"term": "consideration", "pos": "n", "context": "consideration of the traffic problem took more than an hour", "definition": "a discussion of a topic as in a meeting", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"consideration of the traffic problem took more than an hour\" What is the definition of \"consideration\"?"} {"term": "consideration", "pos": "n", "context": "he showed no consideration for her feelings", "definition": "kind and considerate regard for others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he showed no consideration for her feelings\" What is the definition of \"consideration\"?"} {"term": "console", "pos": "n", "context": "the bust of Napoleon stood on a console", "definition": "an ornamental scroll-shaped bracket especially one used to support a wall fixture", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the bust of Napoleon stood on a console\" What is the definition of \"console\"?"} {"term": "split", "pos": "n", "context": "he demanded his split before they disbanded", "definition": "a promised or claimed share of loot or money", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he demanded his split before they disbanded\" What is the definition of \"split\"?"} {"term": "split", "pos": "v", "context": "My friend and I split up", "definition": "to discontinue an association or relation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["disjointed", "break", "disunite", "parted", "disassociate", "disjoint", "parting", "splinter", "dissociate", "secede"], "instruction": "\"My friend and I split up\" What is the definition of \"split\"?"} {"term": "split", "pos": "v", "context": "My friend and I split up", "definition": "to go different ways", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["disjointed", "break", "disunite", "parted", "disassociate", "disjoint", "parting", "splinter", "dissociate", "secede"], "instruction": "\"My friend and I split up\" What is the definition of \"split\"?"} {"term": "split", "pos": "s", "context": "we bought split logs for the fireplace", "definition": "cut or ripped longitudinally with the grain", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we bought split logs for the fireplace\" What is the definition of \"split\"?"} {"term": "split", "pos": "s", "context": "a split group", "definition": "having been divided", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a split group\" What is the definition of \"split\"?"} {"term": "split", "pos": "s", "context": "a split group", "definition": "having the unity destroyed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a split group\" What is the definition of \"split\"?"} {"term": "dispatch", "pos": "n", "context": "it was done with dispatch", "definition": "the property of being prompt and efficient", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["expedition", "rapidness", "quickness", "celerity"], "instruction": "\"it was done with dispatch\" What is the definition of \"dispatch\"?"} {"term": "silvery", "pos": "s", "context": "singing in her silvery tones", "definition": "resembling or reminiscent of silver", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"singing in her silvery tones\" What is the definition of \"silvery\"?"} {"term": "silvery", "pos": "s", "context": "repeated scrubbings have given the wood a silvery sheen", "definition": "having the white lustrous sheen of silver", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"repeated scrubbings have given the wood a silvery sheen\" What is the definition of \"silvery\"?"} {"term": "silvery", "pos": "s", "context": "silvery hair", "definition": "of lustrous grey", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"silvery hair\" What is the definition of \"silvery\"?"} {"term": "silvery", "pos": "s", "context": "silvery hair", "definition": "covered with or tinged with the color of silver", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"silvery hair\" What is the definition of \"silvery\"?"} {"term": "diagnostic", "pos": "a", "context": "a diagnostic reading test", "definition": "concerned with diagnosis", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a diagnostic reading test\" What is the definition of \"diagnostic\"?"} {"term": "diagnostic", "pos": "a", "context": "a diagnostic reading test", "definition": "used for furthering diagnosis", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a diagnostic reading test\" What is the definition of \"diagnostic\"?"} {"term": "diagnostic", "pos": "s", "context": "a diagnostic sign of yellow fever", "definition": "characteristic or indicative of a disease", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a diagnostic sign of yellow fever\" What is the definition of \"diagnostic\"?"} {"term": "peanut", "pos": "s", "context": "peanut politicians", "definition": "of little importance or influence or power", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"peanut politicians\" What is the definition of \"peanut\"?"} {"term": "peanut", "pos": "s", "context": "peanut politicians", "definition": "of minor status", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"peanut politicians\" What is the definition of \"peanut\"?"} {"term": "faintly", "pos": "r", "context": "between him and the dim light a form was outlined faintly", "definition": "to a faint degree or weakly perceived", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"between him and the dim light a form was outlined faintly\" What is the definition of \"faintly\"?"} {"term": "fuss", "pos": "n", "context": "he did n't want to make a fuss", "definition": "an angry disturbance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["trouble", "disturbance", "bother"], "instruction": "\"he did n't want to make a fuss\" What is the definition of \"fuss\"?"} {"term": "fuss", "pos": "v", "context": "do n't fuss too much over the grandchildren -- they are quite big now", "definition": "to worry unnecessarily or excessively", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["worry", "flap", "niggling", "scruple", "fretted", "pother", "niggle", "fret"], "instruction": "\"do n't fuss too much over the grandchildren -- they are quite big now\" What is the definition of \"fuss\"?"} {"term": "risky", "pos": "s", "context": "extremely risky going out in the tide and fog", "definition": "involving risk or danger", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"extremely risky going out in the tide and fog\" What is the definition of \"risky\"?"} {"term": "risky", "pos": "s", "context": "anything that promises to pay too much ca n't help being risky", "definition": "not financially safe or secure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"anything that promises to pay too much ca n't help being risky\" What is the definition of \"risky\"?"} {"term": "impermeable", "pos": "a", "context": "impermeable stone", "definition": "preventing especially liquids to pass or diffuse through", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"impermeable stone\" What is the definition of \"impermeable\"?"} {"term": "sternly", "pos": "r", "context": "` No , ' she said sternly", "definition": "with sternness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"` No , ' she said sternly\" What is the definition of \"sternly\"?"} {"term": "sternly", "pos": "r", "context": "` No , ' she said sternly", "definition": "in a severe manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"` No , ' she said sternly\" What is the definition of \"sternly\"?"} {"term": "ostensible", "pos": "s", "context": "His ostensible purpose was charity , his real goal popularity", "definition": "represented or appearing as such", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"His ostensible purpose was charity , his real goal popularity\" What is the definition of \"ostensible\"?"} {"term": "ostensible", "pos": "s", "context": "His ostensible purpose was charity , his real goal popularity", "definition": "pretended", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"His ostensible purpose was charity , his real goal popularity\" What is the definition of \"ostensible\"?"} {"term": "ostensible", "pos": "s", "context": "the ostensible truth of their theories", "definition": "appearing as such but not necessarily so", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ostensible truth of their theories\" What is the definition of \"ostensible\"?"} {"term": "triune", "pos": "s", "context": "a triune God", "definition": "being three in one", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a triune God\" What is the definition of \"triune\"?"} {"term": "triune", "pos": "s", "context": "a triune God", "definition": "used especially of the christian trinity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a triune God\" What is the definition of \"triune\"?"} {"term": "pleased", "pos": "v", "context": "he could do many things if he pleased", "definition": "to be the will of or have the will to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["please", "care"], "instruction": "\"he could do many things if he pleased\" What is the definition of \"pleased\"?"} {"term": "bedside", "pos": "n", "context": "the doctor stood at her bedside", "definition": "space by the side of a bed especially the bed of a sick or dying person", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the doctor stood at her bedside\" What is the definition of \"bedside\"?"} {"term": "completely", "pos": "r", "context": "he had filled out the form completely", "definition": "so as to be complete", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had filled out the form completely\" What is the definition of \"completely\"?"} {"term": "completely", "pos": "r", "context": "he had filled out the form completely", "definition": "with everything necessary", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had filled out the form completely\" What is the definition of \"completely\"?"} {"term": "completely", "pos": "r", "context": "it was completely different from what we expected", "definition": "to a complete degree or to the full or entire extent whole is often used informally for wholly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was completely different from what we expected\" What is the definition of \"completely\"?"} {"term": "morbidly", "pos": "r", "context": "he was morbidly fascinated by dead bodies", "definition": "in a morbid manner or to a morbid degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was morbidly fascinated by dead bodies\" What is the definition of \"morbidly\"?"} {"term": "distracted", "pos": "v", "context": "The thief distracted the bystanders", "definition": "to draw someones attention away from something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["disconcert", "deflect", "confuse"], "instruction": "\"The thief distracted the bystanders\" What is the definition of \"distracted\"?"} {"term": "lax", "pos": "s", "context": "such lax and slipshod ways are no longer acceptable", "definition": "lacking in rigor or strictness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"such lax and slipshod ways are no longer acceptable\" What is the definition of \"lax\"?"} {"term": "lax", "pos": "a", "context": "a lax rope", "definition": "lacking in strength or firmness or resilience", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a lax rope\" What is the definition of \"lax\"?"} {"term": "outfitter", "pos": "n", "context": "an outfitter provided everything needed for the safari", "definition": "a shop that provides equipment for some specific purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an outfitter provided everything needed for the safari\" What is the definition of \"outfitter\"?"} {"term": "undaunted", "pos": "s", "context": "undaunted in the face of death", "definition": "resolutely courageous", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"undaunted in the face of death\" What is the definition of \"undaunted\"?"} {"term": "implicit", "pos": "a", "context": "an implicit agreement not to raise the subject", "definition": "implied though not directly expressed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an implicit agreement not to raise the subject\" What is the definition of \"implicit\"?"} {"term": "implicit", "pos": "a", "context": "an implicit agreement not to raise the subject", "definition": "inherent in the nature of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an implicit agreement not to raise the subject\" What is the definition of \"implicit\"?"} {"term": "implicit", "pos": "s", "context": "implicit trust", "definition": "being without doubt or reserve", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"implicit trust\" What is the definition of \"implicit\"?"} {"term": "gist", "pos": "n", "context": "the gist of the prosecutor 's argument", "definition": "the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["center", "nub", "essence", "meat", "marrow", "sum", "inwardness", "pith", "stuff", "substance"], "instruction": "\"the gist of the prosecutor 's argument\" What is the definition of \"gist\"?"} {"term": "opener", "pos": "n", "context": "she played Chopin for her opener", "definition": "the first event in a series", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she played Chopin for her opener\" What is the definition of \"opener\"?"} {"term": "nation", "pos": "n", "context": "the Shawnee nation", "definition": "a federation of tribes especially native american tribes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the Shawnee nation\" What is the definition of \"nation\"?"} {"term": "stalwart", "pos": "s", "context": "the stalwart citizens at Lexington", "definition": "dependable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the stalwart citizens at Lexington\" What is the definition of \"stalwart\"?"} {"term": "stalwart", "pos": "s", "context": "a stalwart knight", "definition": "used especially of persons", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a stalwart knight\" What is the definition of \"stalwart\"?"} {"term": "stalwart", "pos": "s", "context": "proud of her tall stalwart son", "definition": "having rugged physical strength", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"proud of her tall stalwart son\" What is the definition of \"stalwart\"?"} {"term": "stalwart", "pos": "s", "context": "proud of her tall stalwart son", "definition": "inured to fatigue or hardships", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"proud of her tall stalwart son\" What is the definition of \"stalwart\"?"} {"term": "dispensable", "pos": "a", "context": "dispensable items of personal property", "definition": "capable of being dispensed with or done without", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dispensable items of personal property\" What is the definition of \"dispensable\"?"} {"term": "wipe", "pos": "v", "context": "wipe the blackboard", "definition": "to rub with a circular motion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wipe the blackboard\" What is the definition of \"wipe\"?"} {"term": "sympathetic", "pos": "a", "context": "sympathetic to the students ' cause", "definition": "expressing or feeling or resulting from sympathy or compassion or friendly fellow feelings", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sympathetic to the students ' cause\" What is the definition of \"sympathetic\"?"} {"term": "sympathetic", "pos": "a", "context": "sympathetic to the students ' cause", "definition": "disposed toward", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sympathetic to the students ' cause\" What is the definition of \"sympathetic\"?"} {"term": "sympathetic", "pos": "s", "context": "with their many similar tastes , he found her a most sympathetic companion", "definition": "having similar disposition and tastes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with their many similar tastes , he found her a most sympathetic companion\" What is the definition of \"sympathetic\"?"} {"term": "sympathetic", "pos": "s", "context": "sympathetic words", "definition": "showing or motivated by sympathy and understanding and generosity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["benevolent", "", "kindly", "charitable"], "instruction": "\"sympathetic words\" What is the definition of \"sympathetic\"?"} {"term": "sympathetic", "pos": "s", "context": "sympathetic vibration", "definition": "relating to vibrations that occur as a result of vibrations in a nearby body", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sympathetic vibration\" What is the definition of \"sympathetic\"?"} {"term": "implicitly", "pos": "r", "context": "I implicitly trust him", "definition": "without doubting or questioning", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I implicitly trust him\" What is the definition of \"implicitly\"?"} {"term": "implicitly", "pos": "r", "context": "he implicitly assumes that you know the answer", "definition": "without ever expressing so clearly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he implicitly assumes that you know the answer\" What is the definition of \"implicitly\"?"} {"term": "whimsicality", "pos": "n", "context": "I despair at the flightiness and whimsicality of my memory", "definition": "the trait of acting unpredictably and more from whim or caprice than from reason or judgment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["arbitrariness", "whimsy", "irresponsibility"], "instruction": "\"I despair at the flightiness and whimsicality of my memory\" What is the definition of \"whimsicality\"?"} {"term": "inseparably", "pos": "r", "context": "these two are inseparably linked", "definition": "without possibility of separation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these two are inseparably linked\" What is the definition of \"inseparably\"?"} {"term": "bruise", "pos": "v", "context": "bruise the berries with a wooden spoon and strain them", "definition": "to break up into small pieces for food preparation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bruise the berries with a wooden spoon and strain them\" What is the definition of \"bruise\"?"} {"term": "verbose", "pos": "s", "context": "verbose and ineffective instructional methods", "definition": "using or containing too many words", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["windy", "", "tedious", "wordy"], "instruction": "\"verbose and ineffective instructional methods\" What is the definition of \"verbose\"?"} {"term": "impure", "pos": "a", "context": "impure thoughts", "definition": "immoral or obscene", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"impure thoughts\" What is the definition of \"impure\"?"} {"term": "motion", "pos": "n", "context": "the reflex motion of his eyebrows revealed his surprise", "definition": "a change of position that does not entail a change of location", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["flicker", "standing", "disturbance", "straddle", "stroke", "jolt", "lurch", "jerking", "reach", "span", "sweep", "squat", "abduction", "reciprocation", "sitting", "wriggle", "saccade", "retraction", "pitch", "inclining", "eversion", "change", "kick", "squirm", "agitation", "kneel", "pitching", "wave", "quiver", "waver", "toss", "opening", "flutter", "movement", "reclining", "prostration"], "instruction": "\"the reflex motion of his eyebrows revealed his surprise\" What is the definition of \"motion\"?"} {"term": "motion", "pos": "n", "context": "they were in a state of steady motion", "definition": "a state of change", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they were in a state of steady motion\" What is the definition of \"motion\"?"} {"term": "motion", "pos": "n", "context": "he made a motion to adjourn", "definition": "a formal proposal for action made to a deliberative assembly for discussion and vote", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he made a motion to adjourn\" What is the definition of \"motion\"?"} {"term": "immolate", "pos": "v", "context": "immolate the valuables at the temple", "definition": "to offer as a sacrifice by killing or by giving up to destruction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"immolate the valuables at the temple\" What is the definition of \"immolate\"?"} {"term": "pity", "pos": "n", "context": "it 's a pity he could n't do it", "definition": "an unfortunate development", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["shame", "misfortune"], "instruction": "\"it 's a pity he could n't do it\" What is the definition of \"pity\"?"} {"term": "pity", "pos": "n", "context": "the blind are too often objects of pity", "definition": "a feeling of sympathy and sorrow for the misfortunes of others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["ruth", "commiseration", "pathos", "sympathy"], "instruction": "\"the blind are too often objects of pity\" What is the definition of \"pity\"?"} {"term": "rampant", "pos": "s", "context": "rampant aggression", "definition": "unrestrained and violent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rampant aggression\" What is the definition of \"rampant\"?"} {"term": "rampant", "pos": "s", "context": "a lion rampant", "definition": "rearing on left hind leg with forelegs elevated and head usually in profile", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a lion rampant\" What is the definition of \"rampant\"?"} {"term": "rampant", "pos": "s", "context": "a rampant growth of weeds", "definition": "having a lush and unchecked growth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a rampant growth of weeds\" What is the definition of \"rampant\"?"} {"term": "ironwork", "pos": "n", "context": "the houses had much ornamental ironwork", "definition": "work made of iron gratings or rails or railings etc", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the houses had much ornamental ironwork\" What is the definition of \"ironwork\"?"} {"term": "seraphic", "pos": "a", "context": "he imagined a seraphic presence in the room", "definition": "of or relating to an angel of the first order", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he imagined a seraphic presence in the room\" What is the definition of \"seraphic\"?"} {"term": "seraphic", "pos": "s", "context": "looking so seraphic when he slept", "definition": "having a sweet nature befitting an angel or cherub", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"looking so seraphic when he slept\" What is the definition of \"seraphic\"?"} {"term": "smoothly", "pos": "r", "context": "put the plans into effect quickly and smoothly", "definition": "with no problems or difficulties", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"put the plans into effect quickly and smoothly\" What is the definition of \"smoothly\"?"} {"term": "infernally", "pos": "r", "context": "infernally clever", "definition": "extremely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"infernally clever\" What is the definition of \"infernally\"?"} {"term": "liquidate", "pos": "v", "context": "I had to liquidate my holdings to pay off my ex-husband", "definition": "to convert into cash", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I had to liquidate my holdings to pay off my ex-husband\" What is the definition of \"liquidate\"?"} {"term": "liquidate", "pos": "v", "context": "liquidate a company", "definition": "to settle the affairs of by determining the debts and applying the assets to pay them off", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"liquidate a company\" What is the definition of \"liquidate\"?"} {"term": "errant", "pos": "s", "context": "errant youngsters", "definition": "straying from the right course or from accepted standards", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"errant youngsters\" What is the definition of \"errant\"?"} {"term": "errant", "pos": "s", "context": "an errant breeze", "definition": "uncontrolled motion that is irregular or unpredictable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an errant breeze\" What is the definition of \"errant\"?"} {"term": "incorporate", "pos": "v", "context": "incorporate this document with those pertaining to the same case", "definition": "to unite or merge with something already in existence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"incorporate this document with those pertaining to the same case\" What is the definition of \"incorporate\"?"} {"term": "symbolic", "pos": "a", "context": "symbolic logic", "definition": "relating to or using or proceeding by means of symbols", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"symbolic logic\" What is the definition of \"symbolic\"?"} {"term": "symbolic", "pos": "a", "context": "symbolic art", "definition": "using symbolism", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"symbolic art\" What is the definition of \"symbolic\"?"} {"term": "symbolic", "pos": "s", "context": "the spinning wheel was as symbolic of colonical Massachusetts as the codfish", "definition": "serving as a visible symbol for something abstract", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the spinning wheel was as symbolic of colonical Massachusetts as the codfish\" What is the definition of \"symbolic\"?"} {"term": "intensifier", "pos": "n", "context": "` up ' in ` finished up ' is an intensifier", "definition": "a modifier that has little meaning except to intensify the meaning it modifies", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["modifier", "intensive", "qualifier"], "instruction": "\"` up ' in ` finished up ' is an intensifier\" What is the definition of \"intensifier\"?"} {"term": "sentience", "pos": "n", "context": "gave sentience to slugs and newts \" - Richard Eberhart", "definition": "the readiness to perceive sensations", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gave sentience to slugs and newts \" - Richard Eberhart\" What is the definition of \"sentience\"?"} {"term": "sentience", "pos": "n", "context": "gave sentience to slugs and newts \" - Richard Eberhart", "definition": "elementary or undifferentiated consciousness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gave sentience to slugs and newts \" - Richard Eberhart\" What is the definition of \"sentience\"?"} {"term": "yes", "pos": "n", "context": "I was hoping for a yes", "definition": "an affirmative", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I was hoping for a yes\" What is the definition of \"yes\"?"} {"term": "regal", "pos": "s", "context": "regal attire", "definition": "belonging to or befitting a supreme ruler", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"regal attire\" What is the definition of \"regal\"?"} {"term": "ruinous", "pos": "s", "context": "a ruinous course of action", "definition": "extremely harmful", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a ruinous course of action\" What is the definition of \"ruinous\"?"} {"term": "ruinous", "pos": "s", "context": "a ruinous course of action", "definition": "bringing physical or financial ruin", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a ruinous course of action\" What is the definition of \"ruinous\"?"} {"term": "ruinous", "pos": "s", "context": "a ruinous war", "definition": "causing injury or blight", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a ruinous war\" What is the definition of \"ruinous\"?"} {"term": "ruinous", "pos": "s", "context": "a ruinous war", "definition": "especially affecting with sudden violence or plague or ruin", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a ruinous war\" What is the definition of \"ruinous\"?"} {"term": "favorite", "pos": "s", "context": "a favorite tourist attraction", "definition": "appealing to the general public", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a favorite tourist attraction\" What is the definition of \"favorite\"?"} {"term": "buck", "pos": "v", "context": "buck the trend", "definition": "to resist", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"buck the trend\" What is the definition of \"buck\"?"} {"term": "research", "pos": "n", "context": "their pottery deserves more research than it has received", "definition": "a search for knowledge", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["canvass", "investigation", "inquiry", "heraldry", "experiment", "probe"], "instruction": "\"their pottery deserves more research than it has received\" What is the definition of \"research\"?"} {"term": "research", "pos": "v", "context": "the students had to research the history of the Second World War for their history project", "definition": "to inquire into", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["prospect", "explore", "search"], "instruction": "\"the students had to research the history of the Second World War for their history project\" What is the definition of \"research\"?"} {"term": "monolithic", "pos": "s", "context": "a monolithic society", "definition": "characterized by massiveness and rigidity and total uniformity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a monolithic society\" What is the definition of \"monolithic\"?"} {"term": "monolithic", "pos": "s", "context": "the monolithic proportions of Stalinist architecture", "definition": "imposing in size or bulk or solidity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the monolithic proportions of Stalinist architecture\" What is the definition of \"monolithic\"?"} {"term": "raving", "pos": "n", "context": "the raving of maniacs", "definition": "declaiming wildly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the raving of maniacs\" What is the definition of \"raving\"?"} {"term": "extant", "pos": "a", "context": "extant manuscripts", "definition": "still in existence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"extant manuscripts\" What is the definition of \"extant\"?"} {"term": "extant", "pos": "a", "context": "extant manuscripts", "definition": "not extinct or destroyed or lost", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"extant manuscripts\" What is the definition of \"extant\"?"} {"term": "backstairs", "pos": "s", "context": "backstairs gossip", "definition": "secret and sly or sordid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"backstairs gossip\" What is the definition of \"backstairs\"?"} {"term": "afternoon", "pos": "n", "context": "he spent a quiet afternoon in the park", "definition": "the part of the day between noon and evening", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he spent a quiet afternoon in the park\" What is the definition of \"afternoon\"?"} {"term": "sully", "pos": "v", "context": "sully someone 's reputation", "definition": "to place under suspicion or cast doubt upon", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["corrupt", "taint", "mar", "vitiate", "spoil"], "instruction": "\"sully someone 's reputation\" What is the definition of \"sully\"?"} {"term": "contemporaneous", "pos": "s", "context": "a rise in interest rates is often contemporaneous with an increase in inflation", "definition": "occurring in the same period of time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a rise in interest rates is often contemporaneous with an increase in inflation\" What is the definition of \"contemporaneous\"?"} {"term": "daub", "pos": "v", "context": "daub paint onto the wall", "definition": "to apply to a surface", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"daub paint onto the wall\" What is the definition of \"daub\"?"} {"term": "daub", "pos": "v", "context": "daub the ceiling with plaster", "definition": "to cover a surface by smearing a substance over it", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["blooded", "smear", "cover", "blood", "daubing"], "instruction": "\"daub the ceiling with plaster\" What is the definition of \"daub\"?"} {"term": "daub", "pos": "v", "context": "daub the wall", "definition": "to coat with plaster", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["mortar", "coat", "surface", "mud", "coating", "plaster", "daubing"], "instruction": "\"daub the wall\" What is the definition of \"daub\"?"} {"term": "prerogative", "pos": "n", "context": "suffrage was the prerogative of white adult males", "definition": "a right reserved exclusively by a particular person or group especially a hereditary or official right", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["perquisite", "right", "privilege", "easement"], "instruction": "\"suffrage was the prerogative of white adult males\" What is the definition of \"prerogative\"?"} {"term": "impudently", "pos": "r", "context": "a lean , swarthy fellow was peering through the window , grinning impudently", "definition": "in an impudent or impertinent manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a lean , swarthy fellow was peering through the window , grinning impudently\" What is the definition of \"impudently\"?"} {"term": "firearm", "pos": "n", "context": "he wore his firearm in a shoulder holster", "definition": "a portable gun", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["piece", "pistol", "repeater", "rifle", "shotgun", "smoothbore"], "instruction": "\"he wore his firearm in a shoulder holster\" What is the definition of \"firearm\"?"} {"term": "aptness", "pos": "n", "context": "the aptness of iron to rust", "definition": "a disposition to behave in a certain way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["propensity", "disposition"], "instruction": "\"the aptness of iron to rust\" What is the definition of \"aptness\"?"} {"term": "aptness", "pos": "n", "context": "the phrase had considerable aptness", "definition": "appropriateness for the occasion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the phrase had considerable aptness\" What is the definition of \"aptness\"?"} {"term": "symphony", "pos": "n", "context": "we heard the Vienna symphony", "definition": "a large orchestra", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["orchestra", "philharmonic"], "instruction": "\"we heard the Vienna symphony\" What is the definition of \"symphony\"?"} {"term": "tease", "pos": "v", "context": "The advertisement is intended to tease the customers", "definition": "to to arouse hope , desire , or curiosity without satisfying them", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The advertisement is intended to tease the customers\" What is the definition of \"tease\"?"} {"term": "tranquil", "pos": "s", "context": "a lake of tranquil blue water reflecting a tranquil blue sky", "definition": "free from disturbance by heavy waves", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["unruffled", "", "quiet", "still"], "instruction": "\"a lake of tranquil blue water reflecting a tranquil blue sky\" What is the definition of \"tranquil\"?"} {"term": "tranquil", "pos": "s", "context": "she became more tranquil", "definition": "not agitated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she became more tranquil\" What is the definition of \"tranquil\"?"} {"term": "tranquil", "pos": "s", "context": "she became more tranquil", "definition": "without losing self-possession", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she became more tranquil\" What is the definition of \"tranquil\"?"} {"term": "actuality", "pos": "n", "context": "a hope that progressed from possibility to actuality", "definition": "the state of actually existing objectively", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a hope that progressed from possibility to actuality\" What is the definition of \"actuality\"?"} {"term": "proliferate", "pos": "v", "context": "Pizza parlors proliferate in this area", "definition": "to grow rapidly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Pizza parlors proliferate in this area\" What is the definition of \"proliferate\"?"} {"term": "proliferate", "pos": "v", "context": "We must not proliferate nuclear arms", "definition": "to cause to grow or increase rapidly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"We must not proliferate nuclear arms\" What is the definition of \"proliferate\"?"} {"term": "still", "pos": "n", "context": "the still of the night", "definition": "tranquil silence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["quiet", "silence", "stillness", "hush"], "instruction": "\"the still of the night\" What is the definition of \"still\"?"} {"term": "still", "pos": "v", "context": "still the fears", "definition": "to lessen the intensity of or calm", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["console", "ease", "soothe", "relieve", "consoling"], "instruction": "\"still the fears\" What is the definition of \"still\"?"} {"term": "still", "pos": "s", "context": "a still pond", "definition": "free from noticeable current", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a still pond\" What is the definition of \"still\"?"} {"term": "still", "pos": "s", "context": "the night was still", "definition": "marked by absence of sound", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the night was still\" What is the definition of \"still\"?"} {"term": "still", "pos": "a", "context": "a still photograph", "definition": "used of pictures", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a still photograph\" What is the definition of \"still\"?"} {"term": "still", "pos": "a", "context": "a still photograph", "definition": "of a single or static photograph not presented so as to create the illusion of motion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a still photograph\" What is the definition of \"still\"?"} {"term": "still", "pos": "a", "context": "a still photograph", "definition": "or representing objects not capable of motion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a still photograph\" What is the definition of \"still\"?"} {"term": "still", "pos": "a", "context": "a still wine", "definition": "not sparkling", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a still wine\" What is the definition of \"still\"?"} {"term": "still", "pos": "r", "context": "it 's still warm outside", "definition": "with reference to action or condition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's still warm outside\" What is the definition of \"still\"?"} {"term": "still", "pos": "r", "context": "it 's still warm outside", "definition": "without change , interruption , or cessation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's still warm outside\" What is the definition of \"still\"?"} {"term": "still", "pos": "r", "context": "he sat still as a statue", "definition": "without moving or making a sound", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he sat still as a statue\" What is the definition of \"still\"?"} {"term": "still", "pos": "r", "context": "granted that it is dangerous , all the same I still want to go", "definition": "despite anything to the contrary usually following a concession", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"granted that it is dangerous , all the same I still want to go\" What is the definition of \"still\"?"} {"term": "library", "pos": "n", "context": "they had brandy in the library", "definition": "a room where books are kept", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they had brandy in the library\" What is the definition of \"library\"?"} {"term": "divinity", "pos": "n", "context": "ancient Egyptians believed in the divinity of the Pharaohs", "definition": "the quality of being divine", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ancient Egyptians believed in the divinity of the Pharaohs\" What is the definition of \"divinity\"?"} {"term": "reship", "pos": "v", "context": "reship the cargo", "definition": "to place on a ship again or transfer to another ship", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"reship the cargo\" What is the definition of \"reship\"?"} {"term": "prickly", "pos": "s", "context": "he became prickly and spiteful", "definition": "very irritable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he became prickly and spiteful\" What is the definition of \"prickly\"?"} {"term": "soothingly", "pos": "r", "context": "the mother talked soothingly to her child", "definition": "in a soothing manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the mother talked soothingly to her child\" What is the definition of \"soothingly\"?"} {"term": "dislocate", "pos": "v", "context": "dislocate joints", "definition": "to move out of position", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["moving", "slip", "splay", "displace"], "instruction": "\"dislocate joints\" What is the definition of \"dislocate\"?"} {"term": "kinship", "pos": "n", "context": "felt a deep kinship with the other students", "definition": "a close connection marked by community of interests or similarity in nature or character", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["sympathy", "affinity", "relation", "rapport", "resonance"], "instruction": "\"felt a deep kinship with the other students\" What is the definition of \"kinship\"?"} {"term": "mantel", "pos": "n", "context": "in Britain they call a mantel a chimneypiece", "definition": "shelf that projects from wall above fireplace", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in Britain they call a mantel a chimneypiece\" What is the definition of \"mantel\"?"} {"term": "repulsive", "pos": "s", "context": "repulsive behavior", "definition": "offensive to the mind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"repulsive behavior\" What is the definition of \"repulsive\"?"} {"term": "repulsive", "pos": "s", "context": "a repulsive mask", "definition": "so extremely ugly as to be terrifying", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a repulsive mask\" What is the definition of \"repulsive\"?"} {"term": "repulsive", "pos": "a", "context": "a repulsive force", "definition": "possessing the ability to repel", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a repulsive force\" What is the definition of \"repulsive\"?"} {"term": "regiment", "pos": "v", "context": "regiment one 's children", "definition": "to subject to rigid discipline , order , and systematization", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"regiment one 's children\" What is the definition of \"regiment\"?"} {"term": "trimming", "pos": "n", "context": "the children had to be in bed before it was time for the trimming of the tree", "definition": "the act of adding decoration", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the children had to be in bed before it was time for the trimming of the tree\" What is the definition of \"trimming\"?"} {"term": "trimming", "pos": "n", "context": "the trimming on a hat", "definition": "a decoration or adornment on a garment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["braid", "adornment", "passementerie", "braiding"], "instruction": "\"the trimming on a hat\" What is the definition of \"trimming\"?"} {"term": "virile", "pos": "s", "context": "a virile and ever stronger free society", "definition": "characterized by energy and vigor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a virile and ever stronger free society\" What is the definition of \"virile\"?"} {"term": "nimbly", "pos": "r", "context": "nimbly scaling an iron gate \" - Charles Dickens", "definition": "in a nimble or agile manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nimbly scaling an iron gate \" - Charles Dickens\" What is the definition of \"nimbly\"?"} {"term": "nimbly", "pos": "r", "context": "nimbly scaling an iron gate \" - Charles Dickens", "definition": "with quickness and lightness and ease", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nimbly scaling an iron gate \" - Charles Dickens\" What is the definition of \"nimbly\"?"} {"term": "graven", "pos": "s", "context": "graven images", "definition": "cut into a desired shape", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"graven images\" What is the definition of \"graven\"?"} {"term": "believe", "pos": "v", "context": "We did n't believe his stories from the War", "definition": "to accept as true", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["infer", "trusting", "rely", "buy", "swear", "accept", "understand", "believe", "bank", "swallow", "believing"], "instruction": "\"We did n't believe his stories from the War\" What is the definition of \"believe\"?"} {"term": "believe", "pos": "v", "context": "We did n't believe his stories from the War", "definition": "to take to be true", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["infer", "trusting", "rely", "buy", "swear", "accept", "understand", "believe", "bank", "swallow", "believing"], "instruction": "\"We did n't believe his stories from the War\" What is the definition of \"believe\"?"} {"term": "believe", "pos": "v", "context": "I believe that he will come back from the war", "definition": "to be confident about something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["anticipate", "trusting", "expect", "believing"], "instruction": "\"I believe that he will come back from the war\" What is the definition of \"believe\"?"} {"term": "impulse", "pos": "n", "context": "the impulse knocked him over", "definition": "the act of applying force suddenly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["impulsion", "thrust", "impetus"], "instruction": "\"the impulse knocked him over\" What is the definition of \"impulse\"?"} {"term": "impulse", "pos": "n", "context": "he bought it on an impulse", "definition": "a sudden desire", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he bought it on an impulse\" What is the definition of \"impulse\"?"} {"term": "dim", "pos": "s", "context": "a dim light beside the bed", "definition": "lacking in light", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dim light beside the bed\" What is the definition of \"dim\"?"} {"term": "dim", "pos": "s", "context": "a dim light beside the bed", "definition": "not bright or harsh", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dim light beside the bed\" What is the definition of \"dim\"?"} {"term": "dim", "pos": "s", "context": "a dim figure in the distance", "definition": "lacking clarity or distinctness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dim figure in the distance\" What is the definition of \"dim\"?"} {"term": "dim", "pos": "s", "context": "took a dim view of things", "definition": "offering little or no hope", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"took a dim view of things\" What is the definition of \"dim\"?"} {"term": "auburn", "pos": "s", "context": "auburn hair", "definition": "colored a moderate reddish-brown", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"auburn hair\" What is the definition of \"auburn\"?"} {"term": "extremely", "pos": "r", "context": "extremely cold", "definition": "to an extreme degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"extremely cold\" What is the definition of \"extremely\"?"} {"term": "extremely", "pos": "r", "context": "extremely interesting", "definition": "to a high degree or extent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"extremely interesting\" What is the definition of \"extremely\"?"} {"term": "extremely", "pos": "r", "context": "extremely interesting", "definition": "favorably or with much respect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"extremely interesting\" What is the definition of \"extremely\"?"} {"term": "back", "pos": "n", "context": "his back was nicely tanned", "definition": "the posterior part of a human or animal body from the neck to the end of the spine", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his back was nicely tanned\" What is the definition of \"back\"?"} {"term": "back", "pos": "n", "context": "he stood at the back of the stage", "definition": "the part of something that is furthest from the normal viewer", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he stood at the back of the stage\" What is the definition of \"back\"?"} {"term": "back", "pos": "v", "context": "back into the driveway", "definition": "to travel backward", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["backing", "traveled", "travel", "going", "moving"], "instruction": "\"back into the driveway\" What is the definition of \"back\"?"} {"term": "back", "pos": "v", "context": "back the car into the parking spot", "definition": "to cause to travel backward", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"back the car into the parking spot\" What is the definition of \"back\"?"} {"term": "back", "pos": "s", "context": "back issues of the magazine", "definition": "of an earlier date", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"back issues of the magazine\" What is the definition of \"back\"?"} {"term": "back", "pos": "r", "context": "she went back to her parents ' house", "definition": "in or to or toward a former location", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she went back to her parents ' house\" What is the definition of \"back\"?"} {"term": "back", "pos": "r", "context": "he went back to sleep", "definition": "in or to or toward an original condition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he went back to sleep\" What is the definition of \"back\"?"} {"term": "rest", "pos": "n", "context": "a body will continue in a state of rest until acted upon", "definition": "a state of inaction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a body will continue in a state of rest until acted upon\" What is the definition of \"rest\"?"} {"term": "rest", "pos": "n", "context": "she was laid to rest beside her husband", "definition": "euphemisms for death based on an analogy between lying in a bed and in a tomb", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["death", "quietus"], "instruction": "\"she was laid to rest beside her husband\" What is the definition of \"rest\"?"} {"term": "resoluteness", "pos": "n", "context": "his resoluteness carried him through the battle", "definition": "the trait of being resolute", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["trait", "steadiness", "steadfastness", "resolution", "sturdiness", "decision", "determination", "stiffness", "obstinacy", "purpose", "possession", "resolve"], "instruction": "\"his resoluteness carried him through the battle\" What is the definition of \"resoluteness\"?"} {"term": "harmonically", "pos": "r", "context": "harmonically interesting piece", "definition": "with respect to harmony", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"harmonically interesting piece\" What is the definition of \"harmonically\"?"} {"term": "total", "pos": "s", "context": "a total failure", "definition": "constituting the full quantity or extent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a total failure\" What is the definition of \"total\"?"} {"term": "total", "pos": "s", "context": "a total failure", "definition": "complete", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a total failure\" What is the definition of \"total\"?"} {"term": "total", "pos": "s", "context": "a total eclipse", "definition": "complete in extent or degree and in every particular", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a total eclipse\" What is the definition of \"total\"?"} {"term": "folding", "pos": "n", "context": "understanding protein folding is the next step in deciphering the genetic code", "definition": "the process whereby a protein molecule assumes its intricate three-dimensional shape", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"understanding protein folding is the next step in deciphering the genetic code\" What is the definition of \"folding\"?"} {"term": "shapely", "pos": "a", "context": "a slim waist and shapely legs", "definition": "having a well-proportioned and pleasing shape", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a slim waist and shapely legs\" What is the definition of \"shapely\"?"} {"term": "wasteful", "pos": "s", "context": "when wasteful war shall statues overturn \" - Shakespeare", "definition": "laying waste", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when wasteful war shall statues overturn \" - Shakespeare\" What is the definition of \"wasteful\"?"} {"term": "wasteful", "pos": "s", "context": "a clumsy and wasteful process", "definition": "inefficient in use of time and effort and materials", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a clumsy and wasteful process\" What is the definition of \"wasteful\"?"} {"term": "foremost", "pos": "s", "context": "the foremost compartment of the ship", "definition": "preceding all others in spatial position", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the foremost compartment of the ship\" What is the definition of \"foremost\"?"} {"term": "foremost", "pos": "s", "context": "the foremost compartment of the ship", "definition": "situated closest to the bow", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the foremost compartment of the ship\" What is the definition of \"foremost\"?"} {"term": "foremost", "pos": "s", "context": "the foremost figure among marine artists", "definition": "ranking above all others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the foremost figure among marine artists\" What is the definition of \"foremost\"?"} {"term": "foremost", "pos": "r", "context": "he put his best foot foremost", "definition": "prominently forward", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he put his best foot foremost\" What is the definition of \"foremost\"?"} {"term": "note", "pos": "n", "context": "he made a note of the appointment", "definition": "a brief written record", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he made a note of the appointment\" What is the definition of \"note\"?"} {"term": "note", "pos": "n", "context": "the singer held the note too long", "definition": "a notation representing the pitch and duration of a musical sound", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["quaver", "pedal", "keynote", "trill", "crotchet", "chord", "minim", "tone", "tonic", "dominant"], "instruction": "\"the singer held the note too long\" What is the definition of \"note\"?"} {"term": "note", "pos": "v", "context": "Take note of this chemical reaction", "definition": "to observe with care or pay close attention to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Take note of this chemical reaction\" What is the definition of \"note\"?"} {"term": "sententious", "pos": "s", "context": "too often the significant episode deteriorates into sententious conversation \" - Kathleen Barnes", "definition": "abounding in or given to pompous or aphoristic moralizing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"too often the significant episode deteriorates into sententious conversation \" - Kathleen Barnes\" What is the definition of \"sententious\"?"} {"term": "sententious", "pos": "s", "context": "the peculiarly sardonic and sententious style in which Don Luis composed his epigrams \" - Hervey Allen", "definition": "concise and full of meaning", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["pithy", ""], "instruction": "\"the peculiarly sardonic and sententious style in which Don Luis composed his epigrams \" - Hervey Allen\" What is the definition of \"sententious\"?"} {"term": "orgy", "pos": "n", "context": "an orgy of shopping", "definition": "any act of immoderate indulgence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["indulgence", "splurge"], "instruction": "\"an orgy of shopping\" What is the definition of \"orgy\"?"} {"term": "tempting", "pos": "s", "context": "a tempting invitation", "definition": "highly attractive and able to arouse hope or desire", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tempting invitation\" What is the definition of \"tempting\"?"} {"term": "tempting", "pos": "s", "context": "a tempting repast", "definition": "very pleasantly inviting", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tempting repast\" What is the definition of \"tempting\"?"} {"term": "irreverent", "pos": "a", "context": "irreverent scholars mocking sacred things", "definition": "showing lack of due respect or veneration", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"irreverent scholars mocking sacred things\" What is the definition of \"irreverent\"?"} {"term": "irreverent", "pos": "s", "context": "a certain irreverent gaiety and ease of manner", "definition": "characterized by a lightly pert and exuberant quality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a certain irreverent gaiety and ease of manner\" What is the definition of \"irreverent\"?"} {"term": "interestingly", "pos": "r", "context": "when he ceases to be just interestingly neurotic and ... gets locked up \" - Time", "definition": "in an interesting manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when he ceases to be just interestingly neurotic and ... gets locked up \" - Time\" What is the definition of \"interestingly\"?"} {"term": "versatile", "pos": "s", "context": "his vast and versatile erudition", "definition": "having great diversity or variety", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his vast and versatile erudition\" What is the definition of \"versatile\"?"} {"term": "versatile", "pos": "s", "context": "versatile moods", "definition": "changeable or inconstant", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"versatile moods\" What is the definition of \"versatile\"?"} {"term": "versatile", "pos": "s", "context": "a versatile writer", "definition": "competent in many areas and able to turn with ease from one thing to another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a versatile writer\" What is the definition of \"versatile\"?"} {"term": "continual", "pos": "a", "context": "the continual banging of the shutters", "definition": "occurring without interruption", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the continual banging of the shutters\" What is the definition of \"continual\"?"} {"term": "continual", "pos": "a", "context": "the continual banging of the shutters", "definition": "chiefly restricted to what recurs regularly or frequently in a prolonged and closely spaced series", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the continual banging of the shutters\" What is the definition of \"continual\"?"} {"term": "sleepy", "pos": "s", "context": "beginning to feel sleepy", "definition": "ready to fall asleep", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"beginning to feel sleepy\" What is the definition of \"sleepy\"?"} {"term": "diving", "pos": "v", "context": "the children enjoyed diving and looking for shells", "definition": "to swim under water", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["dive", "swim"], "instruction": "\"the children enjoyed diving and looking for shells\" What is the definition of \"diving\"?"} {"term": "diverting", "pos": "s", "context": "a diverting story", "definition": "providing enjoyment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a diverting story\" What is the definition of \"diverting\"?"} {"term": "diverting", "pos": "s", "context": "a diverting story", "definition": "pleasantly entertaining", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a diverting story\" What is the definition of \"diverting\"?"} {"term": "prodigious", "pos": "s", "context": "a prodigious storm", "definition": "so great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a prodigious storm\" What is the definition of \"prodigious\"?"} {"term": "prodigious", "pos": "s", "context": "a prodigious vision", "definition": "of momentous or ominous significance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["portentous", ""], "instruction": "\"a prodigious vision\" What is the definition of \"prodigious\"?"} {"term": "prodigious", "pos": "s", "context": "the young Mozart 's prodigious talents", "definition": "far beyond what is usual in magnitude or degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["exceptional", "", "surpassing", "exceeding"], "instruction": "\"the young Mozart 's prodigious talents\" What is the definition of \"prodigious\"?"} {"term": "eccentric", "pos": "n", "context": "a friendly eccentric", "definition": "a person of a specified kind usually with many eccentricities", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["case", "type", "adult"], "instruction": "\"a friendly eccentric\" What is the definition of \"eccentric\"?"} {"term": "eccentric", "pos": "s", "context": "famed for his eccentric spelling", "definition": "conspicuously or grossly unconventional or unusual", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"famed for his eccentric spelling\" What is the definition of \"eccentric\"?"} {"term": "eccentric", "pos": "a", "context": "eccentric circles", "definition": "not having a common center", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"eccentric circles\" What is the definition of \"eccentric\"?"} {"term": "eccentric", "pos": "a", "context": "eccentric circles", "definition": "not concentric", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"eccentric circles\" What is the definition of \"eccentric\"?"} {"term": "fallible", "pos": "a", "context": "everyone is fallible to some degree", "definition": "likely to fail or make errors", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"everyone is fallible to some degree\" What is the definition of \"fallible\"?"} {"term": "fallible", "pos": "s", "context": "I 'm only a fallible human", "definition": "wanting in moral strength , courage , or will", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["imperfect", "", "weak"], "instruction": "\"I 'm only a fallible human\" What is the definition of \"fallible\"?"} {"term": "fallible", "pos": "s", "context": "I 'm only a fallible human", "definition": "having the attributes of man as opposed to e.g. divine beings", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["imperfect", "", "weak"], "instruction": "\"I 'm only a fallible human\" What is the definition of \"fallible\"?"} {"term": "cosmetic", "pos": "s", "context": "cosmetic fenders on cars", "definition": "serving an esthetic rather than a useful purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cosmetic fenders on cars\" What is the definition of \"cosmetic\"?"} {"term": "cosmetic", "pos": "s", "context": "cosmetic surgery", "definition": "serving an aesthetic purpose in beautifying the body", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cosmetic surgery\" What is the definition of \"cosmetic\"?"} {"term": "sardonic", "pos": "s", "context": "his rebellion is the bitter , sardonic laughter of all great satirists \" - Frank Schoenberner", "definition": "disdainfully or ironically humorous", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his rebellion is the bitter , sardonic laughter of all great satirists \" - Frank Schoenberner\" What is the definition of \"sardonic\"?"} {"term": "sardonic", "pos": "s", "context": "his rebellion is the bitter , sardonic laughter of all great satirists \" - Frank Schoenberner", "definition": "scornful and mocking", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his rebellion is the bitter , sardonic laughter of all great satirists \" - Frank Schoenberner\" What is the definition of \"sardonic\"?"} {"term": "uproot", "pos": "v", "context": "uproot the vine that has spread all over the garden", "definition": "to pull up by or as if by the roots", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"uproot the vine that has spread all over the garden\" What is the definition of \"uproot\"?"} {"term": "post", "pos": "n", "context": "a soldier manned the entrance post", "definition": "the position where someone as a guard or sentry stands or is assigned to stand", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["bridgehead", "station", "place", "lookout", "outpost"], "instruction": "\"a soldier manned the entrance post\" What is the definition of \"post\"?"} {"term": "post", "pos": "v", "context": "post a warning", "definition": "to affix in a public place or for public notice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"post a warning\" What is the definition of \"post\"?"} {"term": "post", "pos": "v", "context": "I 'll post the news on the bulletin board", "definition": "to publicize with , or as if with , a poster", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I 'll post the news on the bulletin board\" What is the definition of \"post\"?"} {"term": "shipboard", "pos": "s", "context": "shipboard romances", "definition": "casual or ephemeral as if taking place on board a ship", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shipboard romances\" What is the definition of \"shipboard\"?"} {"term": "speculative", "pos": "s", "context": "speculative business enterprises", "definition": "not financially safe or secure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"speculative business enterprises\" What is the definition of \"speculative\"?"} {"term": "speculative", "pos": "s", "context": "speculative knowledge", "definition": "not based on fact or investigation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["notional", ""], "instruction": "\"speculative knowledge\" What is the definition of \"speculative\"?"} {"term": "speculative", "pos": "s", "context": "raised a speculative eyebrow", "definition": "showing curiosity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"raised a speculative eyebrow\" What is the definition of \"speculative\"?"} {"term": "empyrean", "pos": "a", "context": "the empyrean sphere", "definition": "of or relating to the sky or heavens", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the empyrean sphere\" What is the definition of \"empyrean\"?"} {"term": "empyrean", "pos": "s", "context": "empyrean aplomb \" - Hamilton Basso", "definition": "inspiring awe", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"empyrean aplomb \" - Hamilton Basso\" What is the definition of \"empyrean\"?"} {"term": "sophomore", "pos": "s", "context": "the sophomore class", "definition": "used of the second year in united states high school or college", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sophomore class\" What is the definition of \"sophomore\"?"} {"term": "cheerful", "pos": "a", "context": "her cheerful nature", "definition": "being full of or promoting cheer", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her cheerful nature\" What is the definition of \"cheerful\"?"} {"term": "cheerful", "pos": "a", "context": "her cheerful nature", "definition": "having or showing good spirits", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her cheerful nature\" What is the definition of \"cheerful\"?"} {"term": "log", "pos": "n", "context": "they kept a log of all transmission by the radio station", "definition": "a written record of messages sent or received", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they kept a log of all transmission by the radio station\" What is the definition of \"log\"?"} {"term": "intuition", "pos": "n", "context": "he had an intuition that something had gone wrong", "definition": "an impression that something might be the case", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["suspicion", "bosom", "feeling", "hunch", "belief", "opinion", "impression"], "instruction": "\"he had an intuition that something had gone wrong\" What is the definition of \"intuition\"?"} {"term": "hardening", "pos": "n", "context": "the hardening of concrete", "definition": "the process of becoming hard or solid by cooling or drying or crystallization", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["action", "set", "activity", "solidification"], "instruction": "\"the hardening of concrete\" What is the definition of \"hardening\"?"} {"term": "hope", "pos": "n", "context": "it revived their hope of winning the pennant", "definition": "a specific instance of feeling hopeful", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it revived their hope of winning the pennant\" What is the definition of \"hope\"?"} {"term": "hope", "pos": "n", "context": "in spite of his troubles he never gave up hope", "definition": "the general feeling that some desire will be fulfilled", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in spite of his troubles he never gave up hope\" What is the definition of \"hope\"?"} {"term": "hope", "pos": "n", "context": "he was their best hope for a victory", "definition": "someone or something on which expectations are centered", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was their best hope for a victory\" What is the definition of \"hope\"?"} {"term": "hope", "pos": "v", "context": "I hope she understands that she can not expect a raise", "definition": "to expect and wish", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I hope she understands that she can not expect a raise\" What is the definition of \"hope\"?"} {"term": "hope", "pos": "v", "context": "I hope to have finished this work by tomorrow evening", "definition": "to intend with some possibility of fulfilment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I hope to have finished this work by tomorrow evening\" What is the definition of \"hope\"?"} {"term": "puzzler", "pos": "n", "context": "that 's a real puzzler", "definition": "a particularly baffling problem that is said to have a correct solution", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["problem", "acrostic", "puzzle", "teaser"], "instruction": "\"that 's a real puzzler\" What is the definition of \"puzzler\"?"} {"term": "extensively", "pos": "r", "context": "oxidation ponds are extensively used for sewage treatment in the Midwest", "definition": "in a widespread way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"oxidation ponds are extensively used for sewage treatment in the Midwest\" What is the definition of \"extensively\"?"} {"term": "service", "pos": "n", "context": "he did them a service", "definition": "an act of help or assistance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he did them a service\" What is the definition of \"service\"?"} {"term": "service", "pos": "n", "context": "the Sunday service", "definition": "the act of public worship following prescribed rules", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the Sunday service\" What is the definition of \"service\"?"} {"term": "service", "pos": "v", "context": "service my truck", "definition": "to make fit for use", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"service my truck\" What is the definition of \"service\"?"} {"term": "harebrained", "pos": "s", "context": "harebrained ideas", "definition": "very foolish", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"harebrained ideas\" What is the definition of \"harebrained\"?"} {"term": "workmanlike", "pos": "s", "context": "the book is a workmanlike job with chronology and bibliography and index", "definition": "worthy of a good workman", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the book is a workmanlike job with chronology and bibliography and index\" What is the definition of \"workmanlike\"?"} {"term": "gulf", "pos": "n", "context": "he felt a gulf between himself and his former friends", "definition": "an unbridgeable disparity as from a failure of understanding", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he felt a gulf between himself and his former friends\" What is the definition of \"gulf\"?"} {"term": "avalanche", "pos": "n", "context": "the program brought an avalanche of mail", "definition": "a sudden appearance of an overwhelming number of things", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the program brought an avalanche of mail\" What is the definition of \"avalanche\"?"} {"term": "arson", "pos": "n", "context": "the British term for arson is fire-raising", "definition": "malicious burning to destroy property", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the British term for arson is fire-raising\" What is the definition of \"arson\"?"} {"term": "bushy", "pos": "s", "context": "bushy locks", "definition": "used of hair", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bushy locks\" What is the definition of \"bushy\"?"} {"term": "bushy", "pos": "s", "context": "bushy locks", "definition": "thick and poorly groomed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bushy locks\" What is the definition of \"bushy\"?"} {"term": "diffuse", "pos": "s", "context": "a large diffuse organization", "definition": "spread out", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a large diffuse organization\" What is the definition of \"diffuse\"?"} {"term": "diffuse", "pos": "s", "context": "a large diffuse organization", "definition": "not concentrated in one place", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a large diffuse organization\" What is the definition of \"diffuse\"?"} {"term": "diffuse", "pos": "s", "context": "a diffuse historical novel", "definition": "lacking conciseness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a diffuse historical novel\" What is the definition of \"diffuse\"?"} {"term": "transcontinental", "pos": "s", "context": "transcontinental railway", "definition": "spanning or crossing or on the farther side of a continent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"transcontinental railway\" What is the definition of \"transcontinental\"?"} {"term": "warily", "pos": "r", "context": "the sailor watched the sky warily", "definition": "in a wary manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sailor watched the sky warily\" What is the definition of \"warily\"?"} {"term": "glassy", "pos": "s", "context": "the glassy surface of the lake", "definition": "resembling glass in smoothness and shininess and slickness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the glassy surface of the lake\" What is the definition of \"glassy\"?"} {"term": "glassy", "pos": "s", "context": "a glassy stare", "definition": "lacking liveliness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a glassy stare\" What is the definition of \"glassy\"?"} {"term": "glassy", "pos": "s", "context": "glassy porcelain", "definition": "having the surface made shiny and nonporous by fusing a vitreous solution to it", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["vitrified", ""], "instruction": "\"glassy porcelain\" What is the definition of \"glassy\"?"} {"term": "blue", "pos": "n", "context": "he had eyes of bright blue", "definition": "resembling the color of the clear sky in the daytime", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["aquamarine", "blueness", "navy", "azure", "cerulean", "ultramarine"], "instruction": "\"he had eyes of bright blue\" What is the definition of \"blue\"?"} {"term": "blue", "pos": "s", "context": "October 's bright blue weather \" - Helen Hunt Jackson", "definition": "of the color intermediate between green and violet", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"October 's bright blue weather \" - Helen Hunt Jackson\" What is the definition of \"blue\"?"} {"term": "blue", "pos": "s", "context": "October 's bright blue weather \" - Helen Hunt Jackson", "definition": "having a color similar to that of a clear unclouded sky", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"October 's bright blue weather \" - Helen Hunt Jackson\" What is the definition of \"blue\"?"} {"term": "blue", "pos": "s", "context": "a blue movie", "definition": "suggestive of sexual impropriety", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a blue movie\" What is the definition of \"blue\"?"} {"term": "skirting", "pos": "s", "context": "the room 's skirting board needs painting", "definition": "being all around the edges", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the room 's skirting board needs painting\" What is the definition of \"skirting\"?"} {"term": "skirting", "pos": "s", "context": "the room 's skirting board needs painting", "definition": "enclosing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the room 's skirting board needs painting\" What is the definition of \"skirting\"?"} {"term": "table", "pos": "n", "context": "see table 1", "definition": "a set of data arranged in rows and columns", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"see table 1\" What is the definition of \"table\"?"} {"term": "table", "pos": "n", "context": "it was a sturdy table", "definition": "a piece of furniture having a smooth flat top that is usually supported by one or more vertical legs", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was a sturdy table\" What is the definition of \"table\"?"} {"term": "table", "pos": "n", "context": "I reserved a table at my favorite restaurant", "definition": "a piece of furniture with tableware for a meal laid out on it", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I reserved a table at my favorite restaurant\" What is the definition of \"table\"?"} {"term": "dishonestly", "pos": "r", "context": "he acted dishonestly when he gave the contract to his best friend", "definition": "in a corrupt and deceitful manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he acted dishonestly when he gave the contract to his best friend\" What is the definition of \"dishonestly\"?"} {"term": "underlay", "pos": "v", "context": "underlay the plate", "definition": "to raise or support the level of printing by inserting a piece of paper or cardboard under the type", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"underlay the plate\" What is the definition of \"underlay\"?"} {"term": "underlay", "pos": "v", "context": "underlay the boards with joists", "definition": "to provide with a base , support , lining , or backing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"underlay the boards with joists\" What is the definition of \"underlay\"?"} {"term": "voracious", "pos": "s", "context": "paying taxes to voracious governments", "definition": "excessively greedy and grasping", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"paying taxes to voracious governments\" What is the definition of \"voracious\"?"} {"term": "voracious", "pos": "s", "context": "voracious sharks", "definition": "devouring or craving food in great quantities", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"voracious sharks\" What is the definition of \"voracious\"?"} {"term": "mesmeric", "pos": "s", "context": "she had a warm mesmeric charm", "definition": "attracting and holding interest as if by a spell", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she had a warm mesmeric charm\" What is the definition of \"mesmeric\"?"} {"term": "teachable", "pos": "s", "context": "teachable youngsters", "definition": "ready and willing to be taught", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"teachable youngsters\" What is the definition of \"teachable\"?"} {"term": "fluky", "pos": "s", "context": "getting that job was definitely fluky", "definition": "subject to accident or chance or change", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"getting that job was definitely fluky\" What is the definition of \"fluky\"?"} {"term": "subsist", "pos": "v", "context": "Many people in the world have to subsist on $ 1 a day", "definition": "to support oneself", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["freewheel", "survive", "drift", "surviving", "breathe", "live"], "instruction": "\"Many people in the world have to subsist on $ 1 a day\" What is the definition of \"subsist\"?"} {"term": "outrageous", "pos": "s", "context": "subjected to outrageous cruelty", "definition": "grossly offensive to decency or morality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"subjected to outrageous cruelty\" What is the definition of \"outrageous\"?"} {"term": "outrageous", "pos": "s", "context": "subjected to outrageous cruelty", "definition": "causing horror", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"subjected to outrageous cruelty\" What is the definition of \"outrageous\"?"} {"term": "outrageous", "pos": "s", "context": "spends an outrageous amount on entertainment", "definition": "greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["usurious", "", "unconscionable", "exorbitant", "steeper", "steep"], "instruction": "\"spends an outrageous amount on entertainment\" What is the definition of \"outrageous\"?"} {"term": "crowned", "pos": "v", "context": "The prince was crowned in Westminster Abbey", "definition": "to invest with regal power", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The prince was crowned in Westminster Abbey\" What is the definition of \"crowned\"?"} {"term": "crowned", "pos": "v", "context": "The prince was crowned in Westminster Abbey", "definition": "to enthrone", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The prince was crowned in Westminster Abbey\" What is the definition of \"crowned\"?"} {"term": "crowned", "pos": "v", "context": "The speech crowned the meeting", "definition": "to be the culminating event", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["top", "culminate"], "instruction": "\"The speech crowned the meeting\" What is the definition of \"crowned\"?"} {"term": "crowned", "pos": "a", "context": "a crowned signet ring", "definition": "often used in combination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a crowned signet ring\" What is the definition of \"crowned\"?"} {"term": "muddle", "pos": "n", "context": "he made a muddle of his marriage", "definition": "informal terms for a difficult situation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["jam", "pickle", "mess", "difficulty"], "instruction": "\"he made a muddle of his marriage\" What is the definition of \"muddle\"?"} {"term": "freemasonry", "pos": "n", "context": "he enjoyed the freemasonry of the Press", "definition": "a natural or instinctive fellowship between people of similar interests", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he enjoyed the freemasonry of the Press\" What is the definition of \"freemasonry\"?"} {"term": "single", "pos": "a", "context": "single chrysanthemums resemble daisies and may have more than one row of petals", "definition": "used of flowers having usually only one row or whorl of petals", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"single chrysanthemums resemble daisies and may have more than one row of petals\" What is the definition of \"single\"?"} {"term": "single", "pos": "a", "context": "upon the hill stood a single tower", "definition": "existing alone or consisting of one entity or part or aspect or individual", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"upon the hill stood a single tower\" What is the definition of \"single\"?"} {"term": "single", "pos": "s", "context": "a single legal code for all", "definition": "having uniform application", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a single legal code for all\" What is the definition of \"single\"?"} {"term": "single", "pos": "s", "context": "judging a contest with a single eye", "definition": "not divided among or brought to bear on more than one object or objective", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"judging a contest with a single eye\" What is the definition of \"single\"?"} {"term": "delinquency", "pos": "n", "context": "he inherited his delinquency from his father", "definition": "a tendency to be negligent and uncaring", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["negligence", "neglect", "dereliction"], "instruction": "\"he inherited his delinquency from his father\" What is the definition of \"delinquency\"?"} {"term": "educative", "pos": "s", "context": "an educative experience", "definition": "resulting in education", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an educative experience\" What is the definition of \"educative\"?"} {"term": "proprietary", "pos": "a", "context": "` Tylenol ' is a proprietary drug of which ` acetaminophen ' is the generic form", "definition": "protected by trademark or patent or copyright", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"` Tylenol ' is a proprietary drug of which ` acetaminophen ' is the generic form\" What is the definition of \"proprietary\"?"} {"term": "proprietary", "pos": "a", "context": "` Tylenol ' is a proprietary drug of which ` acetaminophen ' is the generic form", "definition": "made or produced or distributed by one having exclusive rights", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"` Tylenol ' is a proprietary drug of which ` acetaminophen ' is the generic form\" What is the definition of \"proprietary\"?"} {"term": "context", "pos": "n", "context": "the historical context", "definition": "the set of facts or circumstances that surround a situation or event", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["circumstance", "environment", "setting"], "instruction": "\"the historical context\" What is the definition of \"context\"?"} {"term": "faultless", "pos": "s", "context": "faultless logic", "definition": "without fault or error", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"faultless logic\" What is the definition of \"faultless\"?"} {"term": "random", "pos": "a", "context": "a random choice", "definition": "lacking any definite plan or order or purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a random choice\" What is the definition of \"random\"?"} {"term": "random", "pos": "a", "context": "a random choice", "definition": "governed by or depending on chance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a random choice\" What is the definition of \"random\"?"} {"term": "approximately", "pos": "r", "context": "lasted approximately an hour", "definition": "imprecise but fairly close to correct", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lasted approximately an hour\" What is the definition of \"approximately\"?"} {"term": "problematic", "pos": "s", "context": "If you ever get married , which seems to be extremely problematic", "definition": "open to doubt or debate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"If you ever get married , which seems to be extremely problematic\" What is the definition of \"problematic\"?"} {"term": "problematic", "pos": "s", "context": "a problematic situation at home", "definition": "making great mental demands", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a problematic situation at home\" What is the definition of \"problematic\"?"} {"term": "problematic", "pos": "s", "context": "a problematic situation at home", "definition": "hard to comprehend or solve or believe", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a problematic situation at home\" What is the definition of \"problematic\"?"} {"term": "fluidness", "pos": "n", "context": "a certain fluidness in his perception of time made him an unpredictable colleague", "definition": "a changeable quality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a certain fluidness in his perception of time made him an unpredictable colleague\" What is the definition of \"fluidness\"?"} {"term": "kingly", "pos": "s", "context": "symbolizing kingly power", "definition": "having the rank of or resembling or befitting a king", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"symbolizing kingly power\" What is the definition of \"kingly\"?"} {"term": "thinking", "pos": "n", "context": "thinking always made him frown", "definition": "the process of using your mind to consider something carefully", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["explanation", "construction", "thought", "consideration", "ideation", "provision", "cerebration", "mysticism", "preparation", "intellection"], "instruction": "\"thinking always made him frown\" What is the definition of \"thinking\"?"} {"term": "thinking", "pos": "v", "context": "I 've been thinking all day and getting nowhere", "definition": "to use or exercise the mind or ones power of reason in order to make inferences , decisions , or arrive at a solution or judgments", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["devote", "link", "cogitate", "study", "rationalize", "associate", "evaluate", "reason", "meditate", "rivet", "center", "muse", "relate", "judge", "connect", "focus", "pay", "speculate", "plan", "ponder", "pore", "mull", "philosophize", "reflect", "contemplate"], "instruction": "\"I 've been thinking all day and getting nowhere\" What is the definition of \"thinking\"?"} {"term": "kind", "pos": "a", "context": "kind to sick patients", "definition": "having or showing a tender and considerate and helpful nature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"kind to sick patients\" What is the definition of \"kind\"?"} {"term": "kind", "pos": "a", "context": "kind to sick patients", "definition": "used especially of persons and their behavior", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"kind to sick patients\" What is the definition of \"kind\"?"} {"term": "kind", "pos": "s", "context": "a dry climate kind to asthmatics", "definition": "agreeable , conducive to comfort", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["genial", ""], "instruction": "\"a dry climate kind to asthmatics\" What is the definition of \"kind\"?"} {"term": "kind", "pos": "s", "context": "our neighbor was very kind about the window our son broke", "definition": "tolerant and forgiving under provocation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"our neighbor was very kind about the window our son broke\" What is the definition of \"kind\"?"} {"term": "peaceable", "pos": "s", "context": "they met in a peaceable spirit", "definition": "inclined or disposed to peace", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they met in a peaceable spirit\" What is the definition of \"peaceable\"?"} {"term": "peaceable", "pos": "s", "context": "a quiet and peaceable person", "definition": "disposed to peace or of a peaceful nature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["pacific", ""], "instruction": "\"a quiet and peaceable person\" What is the definition of \"peaceable\"?"} {"term": "gang", "pos": "n", "context": "police tried to break up the gang", "definition": "an association of criminals", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["pack", "nest", "association"], "instruction": "\"police tried to break up the gang\" What is the definition of \"gang\"?"} {"term": "weedy", "pos": "a", "context": "a weedy path", "definition": "abounding with or resembling weeds", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a weedy path\" What is the definition of \"weedy\"?"} {"term": "narrow", "pos": "v", "context": "I can not narrow down the rules for this game", "definition": "to define clearly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["narrowing", "determine"], "instruction": "\"I can not narrow down the rules for this game\" What is the definition of \"narrow\"?"} {"term": "narrow", "pos": "a", "context": "a narrow bridge", "definition": "not wide", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a narrow bridge\" What is the definition of \"narrow\"?"} {"term": "narrow", "pos": "a", "context": "won by a narrow margin", "definition": "very limited in degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"won by a narrow margin\" What is the definition of \"narrow\"?"} {"term": "narrow", "pos": "a", "context": "narrow opinions", "definition": "lacking tolerance or flexibility or breadth of view", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"narrow opinions\" What is the definition of \"narrow\"?"} {"term": "narrow", "pos": "s", "context": "the narrow sense of a word", "definition": "limited in size or scope", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the narrow sense of a word\" What is the definition of \"narrow\"?"} {"term": "narrow", "pos": "s", "context": "a narrow scrutiny", "definition": "characterized by painstaking care and detailed examination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a narrow scrutiny\" What is the definition of \"narrow\"?"} {"term": "outbreak", "pos": "n", "context": "the outbreak of hostilities", "definition": "a sudden violent spontaneous occurrence usually of some undesirable condition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["irruption", "recrudescence", "epidemic", "eruption"], "instruction": "\"the outbreak of hostilities\" What is the definition of \"outbreak\"?"} {"term": "propitious", "pos": "a", "context": "propitious omens", "definition": "presenting favorable circumstances", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"propitious omens\" What is the definition of \"propitious\"?"} {"term": "propitious", "pos": "a", "context": "propitious omens", "definition": "likely to result in or show signs of success", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"propitious omens\" What is the definition of \"propitious\"?"} {"term": "mate", "pos": "n", "context": "he lost the mate to his shoe", "definition": "one of a pair", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he lost the mate to his shoe\" What is the definition of \"mate\"?"} {"term": "mate", "pos": "v", "context": "Birds mate in the Spring", "definition": "to engage in sexual intercourse", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["ride", "ruin", "copulate", "breeding", "couple", "cover", "join", "screw", "service", "tread", "know", "breed", "bang", "mount"], "instruction": "\"Birds mate in the Spring\" What is the definition of \"mate\"?"} {"term": "moral", "pos": "n", "context": "the moral of the story is to love thy neighbor", "definition": "the significance of a story or event", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["signification", "significance", "import", "lesson", "meaning"], "instruction": "\"the moral of the story is to love thy neighbor\" What is the definition of \"moral\"?"} {"term": "moral", "pos": "a", "context": "moral sense", "definition": "concerned with principles of right and wrong or conforming to standards of behavior and character based on those principles", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"moral sense\" What is the definition of \"moral\"?"} {"term": "moral", "pos": "s", "context": "a moral victory", "definition": "psychological rather than physical or tangible in effect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a moral victory\" What is the definition of \"moral\"?"} {"term": "impromptu", "pos": "n", "context": "a witty impromptu must not sound premeditated", "definition": "an extemporaneous speech or remark", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a witty impromptu must not sound premeditated\" What is the definition of \"impromptu\"?"} {"term": "impromptu", "pos": "s", "context": "an impromptu speech", "definition": "with little or no preparation or forethought", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an impromptu speech\" What is the definition of \"impromptu\"?"} {"term": "vary", "pos": "v", "context": "Prices vary", "definition": "to be subject to change in accordance with a variable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Prices vary\" What is the definition of \"vary\"?"} {"term": "depth", "pos": "n", "context": "the depth of the water", "definition": "the extent downward or backward or inward", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["penetration", "profundity", "draft", "deepness", "profoundness", "extent", "shallowness"], "instruction": "\"the depth of the water\" What is the definition of \"depth\"?"} {"term": "baptismal", "pos": "a", "context": "baptismal font", "definition": "of or relating to baptism", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"baptismal font\" What is the definition of \"baptismal\"?"} {"term": "flattering", "pos": "a", "context": "a flattering color", "definition": "showing or representing to advantage", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a flattering color\" What is the definition of \"flattering\"?"} {"term": "hold", "pos": "n", "context": "he has a hold over them", "definition": "power by which something or someone is affected or dominated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he has a hold over them\" What is the definition of \"hold\"?"} {"term": "hold", "pos": "v", "context": "hold a reception", "definition": "to organize or be responsible for", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["direct", "holding", "make"], "instruction": "\"hold a reception\" What is the definition of \"hold\"?"} {"term": "effectual", "pos": "a", "context": "his complaint proved to be effectual in bringing action", "definition": "producing or capable of producing an intended result or having a striking effect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his complaint proved to be effectual in bringing action\" What is the definition of \"effectual\"?"} {"term": "disclose", "pos": "v", "context": "The auction house would not disclose the price at which the van Gogh had sold", "definition": "to make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["babble", "talk", "divulge", "muckrake", "confiding", "telling", "disclosed", "discover", "expose", "break", "blow", "betray", "reveal", "confide", "unwrap", "outing", "tattle", "blab", "spring"], "instruction": "\"The auction house would not disclose the price at which the van Gogh had sold\" What is the definition of \"disclose\"?"} {"term": "careless", "pos": "a", "context": "careless about her clothes", "definition": "marked by lack of attention or consideration or forethought or thoroughness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"careless about her clothes\" What is the definition of \"careless\"?"} {"term": "careless", "pos": "a", "context": "careless about her clothes", "definition": "not careful", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"careless about her clothes\" What is the definition of \"careless\"?"} {"term": "careless", "pos": "s", "context": "an impression of careless elegance", "definition": "effortless and unstudied", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an impression of careless elegance\" What is the definition of \"careless\"?"} {"term": "careless", "pos": "s", "context": "careless of the consequences", "definition": "without due thought or consideration", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"careless of the consequences\" What is the definition of \"careless\"?"} {"term": "gauntlet", "pos": "n", "context": "threw down the gauntlet", "definition": "to offer or accept a challenge", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["gantlet", "challenge"], "instruction": "\"threw down the gauntlet\" What is the definition of \"gauntlet\"?"} {"term": "potent", "pos": "s", "context": "providing the ground soldier with increasingly potent weapons", "definition": "having or wielding force or authority", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"providing the ground soldier with increasingly potent weapons\" What is the definition of \"potent\"?"} {"term": "potent", "pos": "a", "context": "a potent toxin", "definition": "having a strong physiological or chemical effect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a potent toxin\" What is the definition of \"potent\"?"} {"term": "respect", "pos": "n", "context": "it differs in that respect", "definition": "a detail or point", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["item", "point", "regard", "detail"], "instruction": "\"it differs in that respect\" What is the definition of \"respect\"?"} {"term": "respect", "pos": "n", "context": "she lost all respect for him", "definition": "an attitude of admiration or esteem", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["estimate", "esteem", "estimation", "regard"], "instruction": "\"she lost all respect for him\" What is the definition of \"respect\"?"} {"term": "respect", "pos": "v", "context": "I respect his judgement", "definition": "to regard highly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["reckoning", "valued", "consider", "regard", "revere", "see", "venerate", "reverence", "admire", "reckon", "value", "admired", "esteem", "fear", "view", "prize"], "instruction": "\"I respect his judgement\" What is the definition of \"respect\"?"} {"term": "respect", "pos": "v", "context": "I respect his judgement", "definition": "to think much of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["reckoning", "valued", "consider", "regard", "revere", "see", "venerate", "reverence", "admire", "reckon", "value", "admired", "esteem", "fear", "view", "prize"], "instruction": "\"I respect his judgement\" What is the definition of \"respect\"?"} {"term": "efficacious", "pos": "a", "context": "written propaganda is less efficacious than the habits and prejudices ... of the readers \" - Aldous Huxley", "definition": "marked by qualities giving the power to produce an intended effect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"written propaganda is less efficacious than the habits and prejudices ... of the readers \" - Aldous Huxley\" What is the definition of \"efficacious\"?"} {"term": "efficacious", "pos": "a", "context": "an efficacious law", "definition": "producing or capable of producing an intended result or having a striking effect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an efficacious law\" What is the definition of \"efficacious\"?"} {"term": "purify", "pos": "v", "context": "purify the water", "definition": "to remove impurities from , increase the concentration of , and separate through the process of distillation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["sublimated", "improve", "sublimate", "better", "purge", "ameliorate", "meliorate", "improving", "amend"], "instruction": "\"purify the water\" What is the definition of \"purify\"?"} {"term": "purify", "pos": "v", "context": "The hippies came to the ashram in order to purify", "definition": "to become clean or pure or free of guilt and sin", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The hippies came to the ashram in order to purify\" What is the definition of \"purify\"?"} {"term": "recapture", "pos": "v", "context": "She could not recapture that feeling of happiness", "definition": "to experience anew", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"She could not recapture that feeling of happiness\" What is the definition of \"recapture\"?"} {"term": "recapture", "pos": "v", "context": "The military forces managed to recapture the fort", "definition": "to take back by force , as after a battle", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["take", "retake"], "instruction": "\"The military forces managed to recapture the fort\" What is the definition of \"recapture\"?"} {"term": "improper", "pos": "a", "context": "slightly improper to dine alone with a married man", "definition": "not suitable or right or appropriate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"slightly improper to dine alone with a married man\" What is the definition of \"improper\"?"} {"term": "improper", "pos": "s", "context": "improper banking practices", "definition": "not conforming to legality , moral law , or social convention", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"improper banking practices\" What is the definition of \"improper\"?"} {"term": "ultimately", "pos": "r", "context": "ultimately he had to give in", "definition": "as the end result of a succession or process", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["finally", ""], "instruction": "\"ultimately he had to give in\" What is the definition of \"ultimately\"?"} {"term": "touching", "pos": "v", "context": "Helen Keller felt the physical world by touching people and objects around her", "definition": "to perceive via the tactile sense", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["touch", "comprehend"], "instruction": "\"Helen Keller felt the physical world by touching people and objects around her\" What is the definition of \"touching\"?"} {"term": "touching", "pos": "s", "context": "his gratitude was simple and touching", "definition": "arousing affect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his gratitude was simple and touching\" What is the definition of \"touching\"?"} {"term": "wizened", "pos": "s", "context": "a wizened little man with frizzy grey hair", "definition": "lean and wrinkled by shrinkage as from age or illness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a wizened little man with frizzy grey hair\" What is the definition of \"wizened\"?"} {"term": "weird", "pos": "s", "context": "the three weird sisters", "definition": "suggesting the operation of supernatural influences", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["eldritch", "uncanny", "unearthly", ""], "instruction": "\"the three weird sisters\" What is the definition of \"weird\"?"} {"term": "battery", "pos": "n", "context": "took a battery of achievement tests", "definition": "a collection of related things intended for use together", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"took a battery of achievement tests\" What is the definition of \"battery\"?"} {"term": "disentangle", "pos": "v", "context": "Can you disentangle the cord ?", "definition": "to extricate from entanglement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Can you disentangle the cord ?\" What is the definition of \"disentangle\"?"} {"term": "disentangle", "pos": "v", "context": "How can I disentangle myself from her personal affairs ?", "definition": "to free from involvement or entanglement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"How can I disentangle myself from her personal affairs ?\" What is the definition of \"disentangle\"?"} {"term": "tune", "pos": "n", "context": "he can not sing in tune", "definition": "the property of producing accurately a note of a given pitch", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he can not sing in tune\" What is the definition of \"tune\"?"} {"term": "tune", "pos": "v", "context": "tune the engine", "definition": "to adjust for better functioning", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tune the engine\" What is the definition of \"tune\"?"} {"term": "concealed", "pos": "s", "context": "concealed ( or hidden ) damage", "definition": "not accessible to view", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"concealed ( or hidden ) damage\" What is the definition of \"concealed\"?"} {"term": "concealed", "pos": "a", "context": "a concealed weapon", "definition": "hidden on any grounds for any motive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a concealed weapon\" What is the definition of \"concealed\"?"} {"term": "symphonic", "pos": "a", "context": "symphonic choir", "definition": "relating to or characteristic or suggestive of a symphony", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"symphonic choir\" What is the definition of \"symphonic\"?"} {"term": "symphonic", "pos": "s", "context": "the symphonic hum of a million insects", "definition": "harmonious in sound", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the symphonic hum of a million insects\" What is the definition of \"symphonic\"?"} {"term": "concurrently", "pos": "r", "context": "concurrently with the conference an exhibition of things associated with Rutherford was held", "definition": "overlapping in duration", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"concurrently with the conference an exhibition of things associated with Rutherford was held\" What is the definition of \"concurrently\"?"} {"term": "truncate", "pos": "v", "context": "truncate a series", "definition": "to approximate by ignoring all terms beyond a chosen one", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["estimate", "guess", "judge", "gauge", "truncated", "approximate"], "instruction": "\"truncate a series\" What is the definition of \"truncate\"?"} {"term": "truncate", "pos": "v", "context": "truncate a word", "definition": "to make shorter as if by cutting off", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["shortening", "truncated", "shorten"], "instruction": "\"truncate a word\" What is the definition of \"truncate\"?"} {"term": "truncate", "pos": "s", "context": "a truncate leaf", "definition": "terminating abruptly by having or as if having an end or point cut off", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a truncate leaf\" What is the definition of \"truncate\"?"} {"term": "comfortable", "pos": "a", "context": "comfortable clothes", "definition": "providing or experiencing physical well-being or relief comfy is informal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"comfortable clothes\" What is the definition of \"comfortable\"?"} {"term": "comfortable", "pos": "a", "context": "was settled in a comfortable job , one for which he was well prepared", "definition": "free from stress or conducive to mental ease", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"was settled in a comfortable job , one for which he was well prepared\" What is the definition of \"comfortable\"?"} {"term": "comfortable", "pos": "a", "context": "was settled in a comfortable job , one for which he was well prepared", "definition": "having or affording peace of mind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"was settled in a comfortable job , one for which he was well prepared\" What is the definition of \"comfortable\"?"} {"term": "comfortable", "pos": "s", "context": "the home team had a comfortable lead", "definition": "more than adequate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the home team had a comfortable lead\" What is the definition of \"comfortable\"?"} {"term": "comfortable", "pos": "s", "context": "a comfortable salary", "definition": "sufficient to provide comfort", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a comfortable salary\" What is the definition of \"comfortable\"?"} {"term": "comfortable", "pos": "s", "context": "they were comfortable or even wealthy by some standards", "definition": "in fortunate circumstances financially", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they were comfortable or even wealthy by some standards\" What is the definition of \"comfortable\"?"} {"term": "comfortable", "pos": "s", "context": "they were comfortable or even wealthy by some standards", "definition": "moderately rich", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they were comfortable or even wealthy by some standards\" What is the definition of \"comfortable\"?"} {"term": "tribal", "pos": "a", "context": "tribal customs", "definition": "relating to or characteristic of a tribe", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tribal customs\" What is the definition of \"tribal\"?"} {"term": "gladly", "pos": "r", "context": "this was gladly agreed to", "definition": "in a willing manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this was gladly agreed to\" What is the definition of \"gladly\"?"} {"term": "breed", "pos": "n", "context": "he experimented on a particular breed of white rats", "definition": "a special variety of domesticated animals within a species", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["strain", "variety", "stock"], "instruction": "\"he experimented on a particular breed of white rats\" What is the definition of \"breed\"?"} {"term": "breed", "pos": "n", "context": "Google represents a new breed of entrepreneurs", "definition": "a special type", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Google represents a new breed of entrepreneurs\" What is the definition of \"breed\"?"} {"term": "breed", "pos": "v", "context": "pandas rarely breed in captivity", "definition": "to have young animals or reproduce organisms", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pandas rarely breed in captivity\" What is the definition of \"breed\"?"} {"term": "unbroken", "pos": "a", "context": "cars in an unbroken procession", "definition": "marked by continuous or uninterrupted extension in space or time or sequence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cars in an unbroken procession\" What is the definition of \"unbroken\"?"} {"term": "unbroken", "pos": "a", "context": "unbroken promises", "definition": "not violated or disregarded", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unbroken promises\" What is the definition of \"unbroken\"?"} {"term": "unbroken", "pos": "a", "context": "fortunately the other lens is unbroken", "definition": "not broken", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fortunately the other lens is unbroken\" What is the definition of \"unbroken\"?"} {"term": "unbroken", "pos": "a", "context": "fortunately the other lens is unbroken", "definition": "whole and intact", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fortunately the other lens is unbroken\" What is the definition of \"unbroken\"?"} {"term": "unbroken", "pos": "a", "context": "fortunately the other lens is unbroken", "definition": "in one piece", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fortunately the other lens is unbroken\" What is the definition of \"unbroken\"?"} {"term": "unbroken", "pos": "s", "context": "unbroken colts", "definition": "not subdued or trained for service or use", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unbroken colts\" What is the definition of \"unbroken\"?"} {"term": "pitching", "pos": "n", "context": "the pitching and tossing was quite exciting", "definition": "abrupt up-and-down motion as caused by a ship or other conveyance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["pitch", "rock", "tilt", "careen", "movement", "lurch", "motion"], "instruction": "\"the pitching and tossing was quite exciting\" What is the definition of \"pitching\"?"} {"term": "petite", "pos": "s", "context": "her petite figure", "definition": "very small", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her petite figure\" What is the definition of \"petite\"?"} {"term": "intermingle", "pos": "v", "context": "We do n't intermingle much", "definition": "to combine into one", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["amalgamate", "blend", "mingle", "intermix", "unify", "mix", "commingle"], "instruction": "\"We do n't intermingle much\" What is the definition of \"intermingle\"?"} {"term": "epilogue", "pos": "n", "context": "the epilogue told what eventually happened to the main characters", "definition": "a short passage added at the end of a literary work", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the epilogue told what eventually happened to the main characters\" What is the definition of \"epilogue\"?"} {"term": "limp", "pos": "s", "context": "gave a limp handshake", "definition": "lacking in strength or firmness or resilience", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gave a limp handshake\" What is the definition of \"limp\"?"} {"term": "sustain", "pos": "v", "context": "The money will sustain our good cause", "definition": "to supply with necessities and support", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["patronage", "carry", "keep", "hold"], "instruction": "\"The money will sustain our good cause\" What is the definition of \"sustain\"?"} {"term": "bifocal", "pos": "s", "context": "bifocal eyeglasses", "definition": "having two foci", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bifocal eyeglasses\" What is the definition of \"bifocal\"?"} {"term": "personage", "pos": "n", "context": "a strange personage appeared at the door", "definition": "another word for person", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a strange personage appeared at the door\" What is the definition of \"personage\"?"} {"term": "personage", "pos": "n", "context": "a strange personage appeared at the door", "definition": "a person not meriting identification", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a strange personage appeared at the door\" What is the definition of \"personage\"?"} {"term": "serviceable", "pos": "a", "context": "serviceable equipment", "definition": "ready for service or able to give long service", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"serviceable equipment\" What is the definition of \"serviceable\"?"} {"term": "serviceable", "pos": "s", "context": "a serviceable kitchen gadget", "definition": "capable of being put to good use", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a serviceable kitchen gadget\" What is the definition of \"serviceable\"?"} {"term": "serviceable", "pos": "s", "context": "serviceable low-heeled shoes", "definition": "intended or able to serve a purpose without elaboration", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"serviceable low-heeled shoes\" What is the definition of \"serviceable\"?"} {"term": "inconsistent", "pos": "a", "context": "inconsistent statements can not both be true at the same time", "definition": "displaying a lack of consistency", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"inconsistent statements can not both be true at the same time\" What is the definition of \"inconsistent\"?"} {"term": "inconsistent", "pos": "s", "context": "inconsistent accounts", "definition": "not capable of being made consistent or harmonious", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"inconsistent accounts\" What is the definition of \"inconsistent\"?"} {"term": "stripe", "pos": "n", "context": "businessmen of every stripe joined in opposition to the proposal", "definition": "a kind or category", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"businessmen of every stripe joined in opposition to the proposal\" What is the definition of \"stripe\"?"} {"term": "diffusely", "pos": "r", "context": "the arteries were diffusely narrowed", "definition": "in a diffuse manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the arteries were diffusely narrowed\" What is the definition of \"diffusely\"?"} {"term": "feature", "pos": "n", "context": "the feature tonight is ` Casablanca '", "definition": "the principal full-length film in a program at a movie theater", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the feature tonight is ` Casablanca '\" What is the definition of \"feature\"?"} {"term": "tracing", "pos": "n", "context": "the tracing of genealogies", "definition": "the discovery and description of the course of development of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the tracing of genealogies\" What is the definition of \"tracing\"?"} {"term": "blot", "pos": "n", "context": "he made a huge blot on his copybook", "definition": "an act that brings discredit to the person who does it", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["smear", "stain", "spot", "mistake", "fault"], "instruction": "\"he made a huge blot on his copybook\" What is the definition of \"blot\"?"} {"term": "courteous", "pos": "a", "context": "if a man be gracious and courteous to strangers it shows he is a citizen of the world \" - Francis Bacon", "definition": "characterized by courtesy and gracious good manners", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if a man be gracious and courteous to strangers it shows he is a citizen of the world \" - Francis Bacon\" What is the definition of \"courteous\"?"} {"term": "plainness", "pos": "n", "context": "the plainness of vanilla ice cream", "definition": "the state of being unmixed with other material", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the plainness of vanilla ice cream\" What is the definition of \"plainness\"?"} {"term": "popular", "pos": "a", "context": "a popular tourist attraction", "definition": "regarded with great favor , approval , or affection especially by the general public", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a popular tourist attraction\" What is the definition of \"popular\"?"} {"term": "popular", "pos": "s", "context": "the popular vote", "definition": "carried on by or for the people or citizens at large", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the popular vote\" What is the definition of \"popular\"?"} {"term": "popular", "pos": "s", "context": "a democratic or popular movement", "definition": "representing or appealing to or adapted for the benefit of the people at large", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a democratic or popular movement\" What is the definition of \"popular\"?"} {"term": "ice", "pos": "n", "context": "Americans like ice in their drinks", "definition": "water frozen in the solid state", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Americans like ice in their drinks\" What is the definition of \"ice\"?"} {"term": "ice", "pos": "n", "context": "look at the ice on that dame !", "definition": "diamonds", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"look at the ice on that dame !\" What is the definition of \"ice\"?"} {"term": "straightener", "pos": "n", "context": "a hair straightener", "definition": "a device for straightening", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a hair straightener\" What is the definition of \"straightener\"?"} {"term": "bang", "pos": "n", "context": "they got a great bang out of it", "definition": "the swift release of a store of affective force", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["rush", "excitement", "boot", "exhilaration", "thrill", "kick", "charge", "flush"], "instruction": "\"they got a great bang out of it\" What is the definition of \"bang\"?"} {"term": "bang", "pos": "r", "context": "he ran bang into the pole", "definition": "directly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["slap", "", "smack"], "instruction": "\"he ran bang into the pole\" What is the definition of \"bang\"?"} {"term": "soprano", "pos": "s", "context": "soprano voice", "definition": "having or denoting a high range", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"soprano voice\" What is the definition of \"soprano\"?"} {"term": "pulp", "pos": "n", "context": "he pounded it to a pulp", "definition": "any soft or soggy mass", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["mush", "mass"], "instruction": "\"he pounded it to a pulp\" What is the definition of \"pulp\"?"} {"term": "amazing", "pos": "s", "context": "she does an amazing amount of work", "definition": "surprising greatly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she does an amazing amount of work\" What is the definition of \"amazing\"?"} {"term": "amazing", "pos": "s", "context": "New York is an amazing city", "definition": "inspiring awe or admiration or wonder", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"New York is an amazing city\" What is the definition of \"amazing\"?"} {"term": "relaxant", "pos": "s", "context": "a relaxant drug", "definition": "tending to relax or relieve muscular or nervous tension", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a relaxant drug\" What is the definition of \"relaxant\"?"} {"term": "unveil", "pos": "v", "context": "Women must not unveil themselves in public in Islamic societies", "definition": "to remove the veil from", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Women must not unveil themselves in public in Islamic societies\" What is the definition of \"unveil\"?"} {"term": "unveil", "pos": "v", "context": "unveil a painting", "definition": "to remove the cover from", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unveil a painting\" What is the definition of \"unveil\"?"} {"term": "hydraulic", "pos": "a", "context": "hydraulic erosion", "definition": "moved or operated or effected by liquid water or oil", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hydraulic erosion\" What is the definition of \"hydraulic\"?"} {"term": "hydraulic", "pos": "a", "context": "hydraulic engineer", "definition": "of or relating to the study of hydraulics", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hydraulic engineer\" What is the definition of \"hydraulic\"?"} {"term": "advisory", "pos": "n", "context": "a frost advisory", "definition": "an announcement that usually advises or warns the public of some threat", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a frost advisory\" What is the definition of \"advisory\"?"} {"term": "advisory", "pos": "s", "context": "an advisory memorandum \" , \" his function was purely consultative", "definition": "giving advice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an advisory memorandum \" , \" his function was purely consultative\" What is the definition of \"advisory\"?"} {"term": "pierced", "pos": "v", "context": "The path pierced the jungle", "definition": "to cut or make a way through", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["pick", "perforate", "pierce"], "instruction": "\"The path pierced the jungle\" What is the definition of \"pierced\"?"} {"term": "pierced", "pos": "v", "context": "The cold pierced her bones", "definition": "to move or affect a persons emotions or bodily feelings deeply or sharply", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["impress", "affect", "strike", "pierce"], "instruction": "\"The cold pierced her bones\" What is the definition of \"pierced\"?"} {"term": "pierced", "pos": "v", "context": "The scream pierced the night", "definition": "to sound sharply or shrilly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The scream pierced the night\" What is the definition of \"pierced\"?"} {"term": "pierced", "pos": "s", "context": "pierced ears", "definition": "having a hole cut through", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pierced ears\" What is the definition of \"pierced\"?"} {"term": "chorus", "pos": "n", "context": "a chorus of boos", "definition": "any utterance produced simultaneously by a group", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a chorus of boos\" What is the definition of \"chorus\"?"} {"term": "grubby", "pos": "s", "context": "grubby little fingers", "definition": "thickly covered with ingrained dirt or soot", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"grubby little fingers\" What is the definition of \"grubby\"?"} {"term": "bounteous", "pos": "s", "context": "the bounteous goodness of God", "definition": "given or giving freely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the bounteous goodness of God\" What is the definition of \"bounteous\"?"} {"term": "intellect", "pos": "n", "context": "he has a keen intellect", "definition": "knowledge and intellectual ability", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["intelligence", "mind"], "instruction": "\"he has a keen intellect\" What is the definition of \"intellect\"?"} {"term": "distrustful", "pos": "a", "context": "a man of distrustful nature", "definition": "having or showing distrust", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a man of distrustful nature\" What is the definition of \"distrustful\"?"} {"term": "gigantic", "pos": "s", "context": "a gigantic redwood", "definition": "so exceedingly large or extensive as to suggest a giant or mammoth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["mammoth", ""], "instruction": "\"a gigantic redwood\" What is the definition of \"gigantic\"?"} {"term": "asperity", "pos": "n", "context": "the asperity of northern winters", "definition": "something hard to endure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["rigor", "severity", "hardship", "sternness", "grimness", "difficulty"], "instruction": "\"the asperity of northern winters\" What is the definition of \"asperity\"?"} {"term": "roseate", "pos": "s", "context": "the roseate glow of dawn", "definition": "of something having a dusty purplish pink color", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the roseate glow of dawn\" What is the definition of \"roseate\"?"} {"term": "wigged", "pos": "a", "context": "the judges all wigged and robed", "definition": "wearing a wig", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the judges all wigged and robed\" What is the definition of \"wigged\"?"} {"term": "application", "pos": "n", "context": "he advocated the application of statistics to the problem", "definition": "the act of bringing something to bear", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he advocated the application of statistics to the problem\" What is the definition of \"application\"?"} {"term": "application", "pos": "n", "context": "he advocated the application of statistics to the problem", "definition": "using it for a particular purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he advocated the application of statistics to the problem\" What is the definition of \"application\"?"} {"term": "application", "pos": "n", "context": "the doctor prescribed a topical application of iodine", "definition": "the work of applying something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["plating", "lining", "tiling", "tinning", "paving", "plastering", "coating", "painting", "daubing", "foliation", "fumigation", "facing", "lubrication"], "instruction": "\"the doctor prescribed a topical application of iodine\" What is the definition of \"application\"?"} {"term": "dead", "pos": "n", "context": "they buried the dead", "definition": "people who are no longer living", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they buried the dead\" What is the definition of \"dead\"?"} {"term": "dead", "pos": "n", "context": "the dead of winter", "definition": "a time when coldness or some other quality associated with death is intense", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the dead of winter\" What is the definition of \"dead\"?"} {"term": "dead", "pos": "a", "context": "the nerve is dead", "definition": "no longer having or seeming to have or expecting to have life", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the nerve is dead\" What is the definition of \"dead\"?"} {"term": "dead", "pos": "a", "context": "Mars is a dead planet", "definition": "not showing characteristics of life especially the capacity to sustain life", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Mars is a dead planet\" What is the definition of \"dead\"?"} {"term": "dead", "pos": "a", "context": "Mars is a dead planet", "definition": "no longer exerting force or having energy or heat", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Mars is a dead planet\" What is the definition of \"dead\"?"} {"term": "dead", "pos": "s", "context": "a dead shot", "definition": "unerringly accurate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dead shot\" What is the definition of \"dead\"?"} {"term": "dead", "pos": "s", "context": "Crater Lake is in the crater of a dead volcano of the Cascade Range", "definition": "physically inactive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Crater Lake is in the crater of a dead volcano of the Cascade Range\" What is the definition of \"dead\"?"} {"term": "dead", "pos": "s", "context": "passersby were dead to our plea for help", "definition": "not showing human feeling or sensitivity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"passersby were dead to our plea for help\" What is the definition of \"dead\"?"} {"term": "dead", "pos": "s", "context": "passersby were dead to our plea for help", "definition": "unresponsive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"passersby were dead to our plea for help\" What is the definition of \"dead\"?"} {"term": "dead", "pos": "r", "context": "you can be dead sure of my innocence", "definition": "completely and without qualification", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you can be dead sure of my innocence\" What is the definition of \"dead\"?"} {"term": "dead", "pos": "r", "context": "you can be dead sure of my innocence", "definition": "used informally as intensifiers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you can be dead sure of my innocence\" What is the definition of \"dead\"?"} {"term": "ductless", "pos": "a", "context": "ductless glands", "definition": "not having a duct", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ductless glands\" What is the definition of \"ductless\"?"} {"term": "indecorous", "pos": "a", "context": "indecorous behavior", "definition": "lacking propriety and good taste in manners and conduct", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"indecorous behavior\" What is the definition of \"indecorous\"?"} {"term": "indecorous", "pos": "s", "context": "indecorous behavior", "definition": "not in keeping with accepted standards of what is right or proper in polite society", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"indecorous behavior\" What is the definition of \"indecorous\"?"} {"term": "unrest", "pos": "n", "context": "social unrest", "definition": "a state of agitation or turbulent change or development", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["agitation", "turbulence", "ferment"], "instruction": "\"social unrest\" What is the definition of \"unrest\"?"} {"term": "lowness", "pos": "n", "context": "he was suddenly aware of the lowness of the ceiling", "definition": "the quality of being low", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was suddenly aware of the lowness of the ceiling\" What is the definition of \"lowness\"?"} {"term": "lowness", "pos": "n", "context": "he was suddenly aware of the lowness of the ceiling", "definition": "lacking height", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was suddenly aware of the lowness of the ceiling\" What is the definition of \"lowness\"?"} {"term": "lowness", "pos": "n", "context": "he took advantage of the lowness of interest rates", "definition": "a low or small degree of any quality amount or force or temperature etc. .", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he took advantage of the lowness of interest rates\" What is the definition of \"lowness\"?"} {"term": "seem", "pos": "v", "context": "I seem to be misunderstood by everyone", "definition": "to appear to ones own mind or opinion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I seem to be misunderstood by everyone\" What is the definition of \"seem\"?"} {"term": "classically", "pos": "r", "context": "this exercise develops a classically shaped body", "definition": "in the manner of greek and roman culture", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this exercise develops a classically shaped body\" What is the definition of \"classically\"?"} {"term": "melancholy", "pos": "s", "context": "growing more melancholy every hour", "definition": "characterized by or causing or expressing sadness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"growing more melancholy every hour\" What is the definition of \"melancholy\"?"} {"term": "movement", "pos": "n", "context": "he was a charter member of the movement", "definition": "a group of people with a common ideology who try together to achieve certain general goals", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was a charter member of the movement\" What is the definition of \"movement\"?"} {"term": "movement", "pos": "n", "context": "the second movement is slow and melodic", "definition": "a major self-contained part of a symphony or sonata", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the second movement is slow and melodic\" What is the definition of \"movement\"?"} {"term": "result", "pos": "n", "context": "he computed the result to four decimal places", "definition": "a statement that solves a problem or explains how to solve the problem", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["solution", "answer", "resolution", "statement"], "instruction": "\"he computed the result to four decimal places\" What is the definition of \"result\"?"} {"term": "result", "pos": "v", "context": "result in tragedy", "definition": "to issue or terminate in a specified way , state , etc. .", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["ensue", "come", "prove"], "instruction": "\"result in tragedy\" What is the definition of \"result\"?"} {"term": "result", "pos": "v", "context": "result in tragedy", "definition": "to end", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["ensue", "come", "prove"], "instruction": "\"result in tragedy\" What is the definition of \"result\"?"} {"term": "result", "pos": "v", "context": "nothing will result from this meeting", "definition": "to come about or follow as a consequence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nothing will result from this meeting\" What is the definition of \"result\"?"} {"term": "skilled", "pos": "a", "context": "only the most skilled gymnasts make an Olympic team", "definition": "having or showing or requiring special skill", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"only the most skilled gymnasts make an Olympic team\" What is the definition of \"skilled\"?"} {"term": "legion", "pos": "s", "context": "Palomar 's fans are legion", "definition": "amounting to a large indefinite number", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["numerous", ""], "instruction": "\"Palomar 's fans are legion\" What is the definition of \"legion\"?"} {"term": "restive", "pos": "s", "context": "the government has done nothing to ease restrictions and manufacturers are growing restive", "definition": "impatient especially under restriction or delay", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the government has done nothing to ease restrictions and manufacturers are growing restive\" What is the definition of \"restive\"?"} {"term": "monogamous", "pos": "a", "context": "monogamous marriage", "definition": "having one mate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"monogamous marriage\" What is the definition of \"monogamous\"?"} {"term": "eldritch", "pos": "s", "context": "an eldritch screech", "definition": "suggesting the operation of supernatural influences", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["uncanny", "weird", "unearthly", ""], "instruction": "\"an eldritch screech\" What is the definition of \"eldritch\"?"} {"term": "fragmentary", "pos": "s", "context": "fragmentary remains", "definition": "consisting of small disconnected parts", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fragmentary remains\" What is the definition of \"fragmentary\"?"} {"term": "humdrum", "pos": "n", "context": "he was sick of the humdrum of his fellow prisoners", "definition": "the quality of wearisome constancy , routine , and lack of variety", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was sick of the humdrum of his fellow prisoners\" What is the definition of \"humdrum\"?"} {"term": "humdrum", "pos": "s", "context": "a humdrum existence", "definition": "tediously repetitious or lacking in variety", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a humdrum existence\" What is the definition of \"humdrum\"?"} {"term": "humdrum", "pos": "s", "context": "a humdrum existence", "definition": "all work and no play", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a humdrum existence\" What is the definition of \"humdrum\"?"} {"term": "impending", "pos": "v", "context": "Changes are impending", "definition": "to be imminent or about to happen", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Changes are impending\" What is the definition of \"impending\"?"} {"term": "impending", "pos": "s", "context": "his impending retirement", "definition": "close in time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his impending retirement\" What is the definition of \"impending\"?"} {"term": "impending", "pos": "s", "context": "his impending retirement", "definition": "about to occur", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his impending retirement\" What is the definition of \"impending\"?"} {"term": "cryptically", "pos": "r", "context": "we will meet again , \" he said cryptically", "definition": "in a cryptic manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we will meet again , \" he said cryptically\" What is the definition of \"cryptically\"?"} {"term": "frivolous", "pos": "a", "context": "a frivolous novel", "definition": "not serious in content or attitude or behavior", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a frivolous novel\" What is the definition of \"frivolous\"?"} {"term": "stylish", "pos": "a", "context": "a little less posh but every bit as stylish as Lord Peter Wimsey", "definition": "having elegance or taste or refinement in manners or dress", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a little less posh but every bit as stylish as Lord Peter Wimsey\" What is the definition of \"stylish\"?"} {"term": "useful", "pos": "a", "context": "the girl felt motherly and useful", "definition": "being of use or service", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the girl felt motherly and useful\" What is the definition of \"useful\"?"} {"term": "madcap", "pos": "s", "context": "madcap escapades", "definition": "characterized by undue haste and lack of thought or deliberation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"madcap escapades\" What is the definition of \"madcap\"?"} {"term": "longingly", "pos": "r", "context": "he spent the rest of the act gazing longingly over my right shoulder at the illuminated word ` Exit '", "definition": "in a yearning manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he spent the rest of the act gazing longingly over my right shoulder at the illuminated word ` Exit '\" What is the definition of \"longingly\"?"} {"term": "preferment", "pos": "n", "context": "the preferment went to the younger candidate", "definition": "the act of preferring", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the preferment went to the younger candidate\" What is the definition of \"preferment\"?"} {"term": "preferment", "pos": "n", "context": "preferment of charges", "definition": "the act of making accusations", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"preferment of charges\" What is the definition of \"preferment\"?"} {"term": "breathe", "pos": "v", "context": "I can breathe better when the air is clean", "definition": "to draw air into , and expel out of , the lungs", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["expire", "inhale", "snoring", "hiccough", "choking", "respire", "sigh", "wheeze", "yawn"], "instruction": "\"I can breathe better when the air is clean\" What is the definition of \"breathe\"?"} {"term": "seedless", "pos": "a", "context": "seedless grapefruit", "definition": "lacking seeds", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"seedless grapefruit\" What is the definition of \"seedless\"?"} {"term": "custom", "pos": "n", "context": "I have given this tailor my custom for many years", "definition": "habitual patronage", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I have given this tailor my custom for many years\" What is the definition of \"custom\"?"} {"term": "dented", "pos": "v", "context": "The bicycle dented my car", "definition": "to make a depression into", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["deform", "twist", "dent", "turn", "bend"], "instruction": "\"The bicycle dented my car\" What is the definition of \"dented\"?"} {"term": "dented", "pos": "s", "context": "dented fenders", "definition": "of metal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dented fenders\" What is the definition of \"dented\"?"} {"term": "osseous", "pos": "a", "context": "osseous tissue", "definition": "composed of or containing bone", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"osseous tissue\" What is the definition of \"osseous\"?"} {"term": "rumination", "pos": "n", "context": "ruminants have remarkable powers of rumination", "definition": "chewing the cud", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ruminants have remarkable powers of rumination\" What is the definition of \"rumination\"?"} {"term": "physically", "pos": "r", "context": "it is physically impossible", "definition": "in accord with physical laws", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is physically impossible\" What is the definition of \"physically\"?"} {"term": "especially", "pos": "r", "context": "an especially ( or specially ) cautious approach to the danger", "definition": "to a distinctly greater extent or degree than is common", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an especially ( or specially ) cautious approach to the danger\" What is the definition of \"especially\"?"} {"term": "prideful", "pos": "s", "context": "walked with a prideful swagger", "definition": "having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one views as unworthy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"walked with a prideful swagger\" What is the definition of \"prideful\"?"} {"term": "penchant", "pos": "n", "context": "the Irish have a penchant for blarney", "definition": "a strong liking", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["liking", "taste", "weakness", "preference", "predilection"], "instruction": "\"the Irish have a penchant for blarney\" What is the definition of \"penchant\"?"} {"term": "interchangeable", "pos": "s", "context": "the arguments of the symmetric relation , ` is a sister of , ' are interchangeable", "definition": "such that the arguments or roles can be interchanged", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the arguments of the symmetric relation , ` is a sister of , ' are interchangeable\" What is the definition of \"interchangeable\"?"} {"term": "interchangeable", "pos": "s", "context": "interchangeable electric outlets \" \" interchangeable parts", "definition": "capable of replacing or changing places with something else", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["exchangeable", ""], "instruction": "\"interchangeable electric outlets \" \" interchangeable parts\" What is the definition of \"interchangeable\"?"} {"term": "interchangeable", "pos": "s", "context": "interchangeable electric outlets \" \" interchangeable parts", "definition": "permitting mutual substitution without loss of function or suitability", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["exchangeable", ""], "instruction": "\"interchangeable electric outlets \" \" interchangeable parts\" What is the definition of \"interchangeable\"?"} {"term": "fearless", "pos": "s", "context": "fearless reporters and photographers", "definition": "invulnerable to fear or intimidation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fearless reporters and photographers\" What is the definition of \"fearless\"?"} {"term": "suer", "pos": "n", "context": "a suer for the hand of the princess", "definition": "a man who courts a woman", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["admirer", "wooer"], "instruction": "\"a suer for the hand of the princess\" What is the definition of \"suer\"?"} {"term": "diagonal", "pos": "s", "context": "a diagonal line across the page", "definition": "connecting two nonadjacent corners of a plane figure or any two corners of a solid that are not in the same face", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a diagonal line across the page\" What is the definition of \"diagonal\"?"} {"term": "extricate", "pos": "v", "context": "I can not extricate myself from this task", "definition": "to release from entanglement of difficulty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["free", "disentangle"], "instruction": "\"I can not extricate myself from this task\" What is the definition of \"extricate\"?"} {"term": "perturbed", "pos": "v", "context": "She was rather perturbed by the news that her father was seriously ill", "definition": "to disturb in mind or make uneasy or cause to be worried or alarmed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["worry", "unhinge", "upset", "disorder", "perturb", "trouble", "disquiet"], "instruction": "\"She was rather perturbed by the news that her father was seriously ill\" What is the definition of \"perturbed\"?"} {"term": "perturbed", "pos": "v", "context": "The electrons were perturbed by the passing ion", "definition": "to disturb or interfere with the usual path of an electron or atom", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["perturb", "deviate"], "instruction": "\"The electrons were perturbed by the passing ion\" What is the definition of \"perturbed\"?"} {"term": "perturbed", "pos": "v", "context": "The orbits of these stars were perturbed by the passings of a comet", "definition": "to cause a celestial body to deviate from a theoretically regular orbital motion , especially as a result of interposed or extraordinary gravitational pull", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["perturb", "deviate"], "instruction": "\"The orbits of these stars were perturbed by the passings of a comet\" What is the definition of \"perturbed\"?"} {"term": "ambrosial", "pos": "s", "context": "ambrosial food", "definition": "extremely pleasing to the taste", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ambrosial food\" What is the definition of \"ambrosial\"?"} {"term": "ambrosial", "pos": "s", "context": "ambrosial food", "definition": "sweet and fragrant", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ambrosial food\" What is the definition of \"ambrosial\"?"} {"term": "bag", "pos": "n", "context": "he stuffed his laundry into a large bag", "definition": "a flexible container with a single opening", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he stuffed his laundry into a large bag\" What is the definition of \"bag\"?"} {"term": "bag", "pos": "n", "context": "his bag included two deer", "definition": "the quantity of game taken in a particular period usually by one person", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his bag included two deer\" What is the definition of \"bag\"?"} {"term": "bag", "pos": "n", "context": "she reached into her bag and found a comb", "definition": "a container used for carrying money and small personal items or accessories especially by women", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["pocketbook", "clutch", "reticule", "container"], "instruction": "\"she reached into her bag and found a comb\" What is the definition of \"bag\"?"} {"term": "bag", "pos": "v", "context": "bag a few pheasants", "definition": "to capture or kill , as in hunting", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["bagging", "catch"], "instruction": "\"bag a few pheasants\" What is the definition of \"bag\"?"} {"term": "people", "pos": "n", "context": "old people", "definition": "any group of human beings men or women or children collectively", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"old people\" What is the definition of \"people\"?"} {"term": "people", "pos": "n", "context": "his people have been farmers for generations", "definition": "members of a family line", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his people have been farmers for generations\" What is the definition of \"people\"?"} {"term": "people", "pos": "n", "context": "the Spanish people", "definition": "the body of citizens of a state or country", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the Spanish people\" What is the definition of \"people\"?"} {"term": "dumbly", "pos": "r", "context": "I nodded dumbly and he slit the envelope", "definition": "in an inarticulate manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I nodded dumbly and he slit the envelope\" What is the definition of \"dumbly\"?"} {"term": "flagrant", "pos": "s", "context": "flagrant violation of human rights", "definition": "conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"flagrant violation of human rights\" What is the definition of \"flagrant\"?"} {"term": "confidentially", "pos": "r", "context": "spoke to him intimately and confidentially", "definition": "in a confidential manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"spoke to him intimately and confidentially\" What is the definition of \"confidentially\"?"} {"term": "appreciable", "pos": "s", "context": "appreciable amounts of noxious wastes are dumped into the harbor", "definition": "enough to be estimated or measured", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"appreciable amounts of noxious wastes are dumped into the harbor\" What is the definition of \"appreciable\"?"} {"term": "amply", "pos": "r", "context": "these voices were amply represented", "definition": "to an ample degree or in an ample manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these voices were amply represented\" What is the definition of \"amply\"?"} {"term": "amply", "pos": "r", "context": "the evidence amply ( or fully ) confirms our suspicions", "definition": "sufficiently", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the evidence amply ( or fully ) confirms our suspicions\" What is the definition of \"amply\"?"} {"term": "amply", "pos": "r", "context": "the evidence amply ( or fully ) confirms our suspicions", "definition": "more than adequately", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the evidence amply ( or fully ) confirms our suspicions\" What is the definition of \"amply\"?"} {"term": "reversionary", "pos": "a", "context": "reversionary annuity", "definition": "of or relating to or involving a reversion especially a legal reversion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"reversionary annuity\" What is the definition of \"reversionary\"?"} {"term": "strict", "pos": "s", "context": "a strict vegetarian", "definition": "rigidly accurate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a strict vegetarian\" What is the definition of \"strict\"?"} {"term": "strict", "pos": "s", "context": "a strict vegetarian", "definition": "allowing no deviation from a standard", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a strict vegetarian\" What is the definition of \"strict\"?"} {"term": "fortune", "pos": "n", "context": "whatever my fortune may be", "definition": "your overall circumstances or condition in life including everything that happens to you", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["destiny", "failure", "lot", "fate", "misfortune", "condition", "portion", "providence"], "instruction": "\"whatever my fortune may be\" What is the definition of \"fortune\"?"} {"term": "telltale", "pos": "s", "context": "a telltale panel of lights", "definition": "disclosing unintentionally", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a telltale panel of lights\" What is the definition of \"telltale\"?"} {"term": "explanation", "pos": "n", "context": "the explanation was very simple", "definition": "a statement that makes something comprehensible by describing the relevant structure or operation or circumstances etc. .", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["definition", "account", "exposition", "interpretation", "statement", "simplification", "derivation", "explication", "reason", "gloss", "justification"], "instruction": "\"the explanation was very simple\" What is the definition of \"explanation\"?"} {"term": "explanation", "pos": "n", "context": "I heard his explanation of the accident", "definition": "the act of explaining", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I heard his explanation of the accident\" What is the definition of \"explanation\"?"} {"term": "explanation", "pos": "n", "context": "I heard his explanation of the accident", "definition": "making something plain or intelligible", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I heard his explanation of the accident\" What is the definition of \"explanation\"?"} {"term": "sundry", "pos": "s", "context": "sundry sciences commonly known as social \" - I.A.Richards", "definition": "consisting of a haphazard assortment of different kinds", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sundry sciences commonly known as social \" - I.A.Richards\" What is the definition of \"sundry\"?"} {"term": "glaucoma", "pos": "n", "context": "contrary to popular belief , glaucoma is not always caused by elevated intraocular pressure", "definition": "an eye disease that damages the optic nerve and impairs vision sometimes progressing to blindness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"contrary to popular belief , glaucoma is not always caused by elevated intraocular pressure\" What is the definition of \"glaucoma\"?"} {"term": "toss", "pos": "n", "context": "a toss of his head", "definition": "an abrupt movement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a toss of his head\" What is the definition of \"toss\"?"} {"term": "toss", "pos": "v", "context": "toss the salad", "definition": "to agitate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"toss the salad\" What is the definition of \"toss\"?"} {"term": "kindly", "pos": "s", "context": "a kindly climate", "definition": "pleasant and agreeable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a kindly climate\" What is the definition of \"kindly\"?"} {"term": "kindly", "pos": "s", "context": "kindly criticism", "definition": "showing or motivated by sympathy and understanding and generosity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["benevolent", "", "sympathetic", "charitable"], "instruction": "\"kindly criticism\" What is the definition of \"kindly\"?"} {"term": "kindly", "pos": "r", "context": "He spoke kindly to the boy", "definition": "in a kind manner or out of kindness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"He spoke kindly to the boy\" What is the definition of \"kindly\"?"} {"term": "fluid", "pos": "s", "context": "a fluid situation fraught with uncertainty", "definition": "subject to change", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fluid situation fraught with uncertainty\" What is the definition of \"fluid\"?"} {"term": "fluid", "pos": "s", "context": "a fluid situation fraught with uncertainty", "definition": "variable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fluid situation fraught with uncertainty\" What is the definition of \"fluid\"?"} {"term": "meddle", "pos": "v", "context": "Do n't meddle in my affairs !", "definition": "to intrude in other peoples affairs or business", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["meddling", "intervene", "tamper", "interpose", "interfere"], "instruction": "\"Do n't meddle in my affairs !\" What is the definition of \"meddle\"?"} {"term": "meddle", "pos": "v", "context": "Do n't meddle in my affairs !", "definition": "to interfere unwantedly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["meddling", "intervene", "tamper", "interpose", "interfere"], "instruction": "\"Do n't meddle in my affairs !\" What is the definition of \"meddle\"?"} {"term": "tapering", "pos": "n", "context": "the doctor prescribed the tapering of the dose", "definition": "the act of gradually lowering the size or amount", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the doctor prescribed the tapering of the dose\" What is the definition of \"tapering\"?"} {"term": "tapering", "pos": "s", "context": "long tapering fingers", "definition": "becoming gradually narrower", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"long tapering fingers\" What is the definition of \"tapering\"?"} {"term": "petrify", "pos": "v", "context": "slogans petrify our thinking", "definition": "to make rigid and set into a conventional pattern", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["ossify", "stiffening", "ossified"], "instruction": "\"slogans petrify our thinking\" What is the definition of \"petrify\"?"} {"term": "rampantly", "pos": "r", "context": "weeds grew rampantly around here", "definition": "in an uncontrolled and rampant manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"weeds grew rampantly around here\" What is the definition of \"rampantly\"?"} {"term": "province", "pos": "n", "context": "it was his province to take care of himself", "definition": "the proper sphere or extent of your activities", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was his province to take care of himself\" What is the definition of \"province\"?"} {"term": "lightness", "pos": "n", "context": "the lightness of balsa wood", "definition": "the property of being comparatively small in weight", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the lightness of balsa wood\" What is the definition of \"lightness\"?"} {"term": "avail", "pos": "n", "context": "of no avail", "definition": "a means of serving", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"of no avail\" What is the definition of \"avail\"?"} {"term": "avail", "pos": "v", "context": "It will avail them to dispose of their booty", "definition": "to be of use to , be useful to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"It will avail them to dispose of their booty\" What is the definition of \"avail\"?"} {"term": "springboard", "pos": "n", "context": "he uses other people 's ideas as a springboard for his own", "definition": "a beginning from which an enterprise is launched", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he uses other people 's ideas as a springboard for his own\" What is the definition of \"springboard\"?"} {"term": "god", "pos": "n", "context": "he was a god among men", "definition": "a man of such superior qualities that he seems like a deity to other people", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was a god among men\" What is the definition of \"god\"?"} {"term": "god", "pos": "n", "context": "money was his god", "definition": "a material effigy that is worshipped", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["joss", "idol", "simulacrum", "juggernaut", "effigy"], "instruction": "\"money was his god\" What is the definition of \"god\"?"} {"term": "clubbish", "pos": "s", "context": "a clubbish set", "definition": "effusively sociable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a clubbish set\" What is the definition of \"clubbish\"?"} {"term": "navel", "pos": "n", "context": "you were not supposed to show your navel on television", "definition": "a scar where the umbilical cord was attached", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["point", "umbilicus"], "instruction": "\"you were not supposed to show your navel on television\" What is the definition of \"navel\"?"} {"term": "navel", "pos": "n", "context": "the Incas believed that Cuzco was the navel of the universe", "definition": "the center point or middle of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the Incas believed that Cuzco was the navel of the universe\" What is the definition of \"navel\"?"} {"term": "questionably", "pos": "r", "context": "these were estates his father questionably acquired", "definition": "in a questionable and dubious manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["dubiously", ""], "instruction": "\"these were estates his father questionably acquired\" What is the definition of \"questionably\"?"} {"term": "translatable", "pos": "a", "context": "substances readily translatable to the American home table", "definition": "capable of being put into another form or style or language", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"substances readily translatable to the American home table\" What is the definition of \"translatable\"?"} {"term": "translatable", "pos": "s", "context": "ideas translatable into reality", "definition": "capable of being changed in substance as if by alchemy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["transformable", "", "convertible"], "instruction": "\"ideas translatable into reality\" What is the definition of \"translatable\"?"} {"term": "deliberative", "pos": "s", "context": "a deliberative body", "definition": "involved in or characterized by deliberation and discussion and examination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a deliberative body\" What is the definition of \"deliberative\"?"} {"term": "flippantly", "pos": "r", "context": "he answered the reporters ' questions flippantly", "definition": "in a flippant manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he answered the reporters ' questions flippantly\" What is the definition of \"flippantly\"?"} {"term": "predominate", "pos": "v", "context": "Hispanics predominate in this neighborhood", "definition": "to be larger in number , quantity , power , status or importance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["override", "reign", "ruling", "prevail", "prevailing"], "instruction": "\"Hispanics predominate in this neighborhood\" What is the definition of \"predominate\"?"} {"term": "concerned", "pos": "a", "context": "concerned parents of youthful offenders", "definition": "feeling or showing worry or solicitude", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"concerned parents of youthful offenders\" What is the definition of \"concerned\"?"} {"term": "concerned", "pos": "s", "context": "a memorandum to those concerned", "definition": "involved in or affected by or having a claim to or share in", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a memorandum to those concerned\" What is the definition of \"concerned\"?"} {"term": "concerned", "pos": "s", "context": "all those concerned in the bribery case have been identified", "definition": "culpably involved", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all those concerned in the bribery case have been identified\" What is the definition of \"concerned\"?"} {"term": "phenomenal", "pos": "a", "context": "phenomenal science", "definition": "of or relating to a phenomenon", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"phenomenal science\" What is the definition of \"phenomenal\"?"} {"term": "secondarily", "pos": "r", "context": "secondarily affected", "definition": "of secondary import", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"secondarily affected\" What is the definition of \"secondarily\"?"} {"term": "shunt", "pos": "n", "context": "an arteriovenus shunt", "definition": "a passage by which a bodily fluid especially blood is diverted from one channel to another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an arteriovenus shunt\" What is the definition of \"shunt\"?"} {"term": "domesticate", "pos": "v", "context": "domesticate oats", "definition": "to adapt a wild plant or unclaimed land to the environment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["adapt", "tame", "accommodate", "cultivate", "naturalize"], "instruction": "\"domesticate oats\" What is the definition of \"domesticate\"?"} {"term": "impracticable", "pos": "s", "context": "refloating the sunken ship proved impracticable because of its fragility", "definition": "not capable of being carried out or put into practice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"refloating the sunken ship proved impracticable because of its fragility\" What is the definition of \"impracticable\"?"} {"term": "fancied", "pos": "s", "context": "a fancied wrong", "definition": "formed or conceived by the imagination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fancied wrong\" What is the definition of \"fancied\"?"} {"term": "marvelous", "pos": "s", "context": "a marvelous collection of rare books", "definition": "extraordinarily good or great", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a marvelous collection of rare books\" What is the definition of \"marvelous\"?"} {"term": "marvelous", "pos": "s", "context": "a marvelous collection of rare books", "definition": "used especially as intensifiers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a marvelous collection of rare books\" What is the definition of \"marvelous\"?"} {"term": "vestal", "pos": "a", "context": "vestal virgin", "definition": "of or relating to vesta", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"vestal virgin\" What is the definition of \"vestal\"?"} {"term": "vestal", "pos": "s", "context": "pure and vestal modesty", "definition": "in a state of sexual virginity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pure and vestal modesty\" What is the definition of \"vestal\"?"} {"term": "chivalric", "pos": "s", "context": "chivalric rites", "definition": "characteristic of the time of chivalry and knighthood in the middle ages", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"chivalric rites\" What is the definition of \"chivalric\"?"} {"term": "restoration", "pos": "n", "context": "the restoration looked exactly like the original", "definition": "some artifact that has been restored or reconstructed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the restoration looked exactly like the original\" What is the definition of \"restoration\"?"} {"term": "demoralization", "pos": "n", "context": "his inconsistency resulted in the demoralization of his staff", "definition": "a state of disorder and confusion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his inconsistency resulted in the demoralization of his staff\" What is the definition of \"demoralization\"?"} {"term": "gray", "pos": "s", "context": "gray flannel suit", "definition": "of an achromatic color of any lightness intermediate between the extremes of white and black", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gray flannel suit\" What is the definition of \"gray\"?"} {"term": "doubtful", "pos": "s", "context": "the candidate 's doubtful past", "definition": "open to doubt or suspicion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the candidate 's doubtful past\" What is the definition of \"doubtful\"?"} {"term": "doubtful", "pos": "s", "context": "they were doubtful that the cord would hold", "definition": "fraught with uncertainty or doubt", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they were doubtful that the cord would hold\" What is the definition of \"doubtful\"?"} {"term": "mock", "pos": "s", "context": "boys in mock battle", "definition": "constituting a copy or imitation of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"boys in mock battle\" What is the definition of \"mock\"?"} {"term": "delete", "pos": "v", "context": "Please delete my name from your list", "definition": "to remove or make invisible", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["erase", "strike", "efface", "expunge", "remove", "cancel", "excise", "take", "removed"], "instruction": "\"Please delete my name from your list\" What is the definition of \"delete\"?"} {"term": "playbook", "pos": "n", "context": "the 1963 playbook leaves out the whole first scene", "definition": "a book containing the scripts of one or more dramatic plays", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the 1963 playbook leaves out the whole first scene\" What is the definition of \"playbook\"?"} {"term": "playbook", "pos": "n", "context": "they borrowed a page from the playbook of the opposition", "definition": "a scheme or set of strategies for conducting a business campaign or a political campaign", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they borrowed a page from the playbook of the opposition\" What is the definition of \"playbook\"?"} {"term": "serpentine", "pos": "s", "context": "a serpentine wall", "definition": "resembling a serpent in form", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a serpentine wall\" What is the definition of \"serpentine\"?"} {"term": "pursuance", "pos": "n", "context": "life is more than the pursuance of fame", "definition": "a search for an alternative that meets cognitive criteria", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["pursuit", "search"], "instruction": "\"life is more than the pursuance of fame\" What is the definition of \"pursuance\"?"} {"term": "writing", "pos": "n", "context": "the writing in her novels is excellent", "definition": "the work of a writer", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the writing in her novels is excellent\" What is the definition of \"writing\"?"} {"term": "writing", "pos": "n", "context": "the writing in her novels is excellent", "definition": "anything expressed in letters of the alphabet especially when considered from the point of view of style and effect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the writing in her novels is excellent\" What is the definition of \"writing\"?"} {"term": "sly", "pos": "s", "context": "sly as a fox", "definition": "marked by skill in deception", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["knavish", "", "foxy", "tricky", "slick", "tricksy", "guileful", "cunning"], "instruction": "\"sly as a fox\" What is the definition of \"sly\"?"} {"term": "booked", "pos": "v", "context": "Her agent had booked her for several concerts in Tokyo", "definition": "to engage for a performance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["book", "schedule"], "instruction": "\"Her agent had booked her for several concerts in Tokyo\" What is the definition of \"booked\"?"} {"term": "booked", "pos": "v", "context": "The agent booked tickets to the show for the whole family", "definition": "to arrange for and reserve something for someone else in advance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["hold", "book", "request", "keep", "bespeak", "reserve"], "instruction": "\"The agent booked tickets to the show for the whole family\" What is the definition of \"booked\"?"} {"term": "booked", "pos": "v", "context": "The policeman booked her when she tried to solicit a man", "definition": "to record a charge in a police register", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["book", "record", "enter", "ticket"], "instruction": "\"The policeman booked her when she tried to solicit a man\" What is the definition of \"booked\"?"} {"term": "wriggle", "pos": "v", "context": "The child tried to wriggle free from his aunt 's embrace", "definition": "to to move in a twisting or contorted motion , especially when struggling", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["wrestle", "writhe", "twisted", "twist", "moving", "squirm"], "instruction": "\"The child tried to wriggle free from his aunt 's embrace\" What is the definition of \"wriggle\"?"} {"term": "virtual", "pos": "s", "context": "the once elegant temple lay in virtual ruin", "definition": "being actually such in almost every respect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the once elegant temple lay in virtual ruin\" What is the definition of \"virtual\"?"} {"term": "virtual", "pos": "s", "context": "a virtual dependence on charity", "definition": "existing in essence or effect though not in actual fact", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a virtual dependence on charity\" What is the definition of \"virtual\"?"} {"term": "boarding", "pos": "v", "context": "she rooms in an old boarding house", "definition": "to live and take ones meals at or in", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["dwell", "room", "populate", "live"], "instruction": "\"she rooms in an old boarding house\" What is the definition of \"boarding\"?"} {"term": "debauch", "pos": "v", "context": "debauch the young people with wine and women", "definition": "to corrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["corrupt", "debased", "bastardize", "pervert", "change", "profane", "debase", "subvert", "deprave", "vitiate", "infect", "alter", "modify", "debauched", "demoralize"], "instruction": "\"debauch the young people with wine and women\" What is the definition of \"debauch\"?"} {"term": "diluted", "pos": "a", "context": "diluted alcohol", "definition": "reduced in strength or concentration or quality or purity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"diluted alcohol\" What is the definition of \"diluted\"?"} {"term": "economize", "pos": "v", "context": "I try to economize my spare time", "definition": "to use cautiously and frugally", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["conserve", "preserve"], "instruction": "\"I try to economize my spare time\" What is the definition of \"economize\"?"} {"term": "economize", "pos": "v", "context": "The less fortunate will have to economize now", "definition": "to spend sparingly , avoid the waste of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The less fortunate will have to economize now\" What is the definition of \"economize\"?"} {"term": "crop", "pos": "n", "context": "the annual crop of students brings a new crop of ideas", "definition": "a collection of people or things appearing together", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the annual crop of students brings a new crop of ideas\" What is the definition of \"crop\"?"} {"term": "suckling", "pos": "v", "context": "the infant was suckling happily", "definition": "to suck milk from the mothers breasts", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["suckle", "eat"], "instruction": "\"the infant was suckling happily\" What is the definition of \"suckling\"?"} {"term": "restful", "pos": "a", "context": "she spent a restful night at home", "definition": "affording physical or mental rest", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she spent a restful night at home\" What is the definition of \"restful\"?"} {"term": "regurgitation", "pos": "n", "context": "he complained that school was just memorization and regurgitation", "definition": "recall after rote memorization", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he complained that school was just memorization and regurgitation\" What is the definition of \"regurgitation\"?"} {"term": "priority", "pos": "n", "context": "national independence takes priority over class struggle", "definition": "status established in order of importance or urgency", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"national independence takes priority over class struggle\" What is the definition of \"priority\"?"} {"term": "crispness", "pos": "n", "context": "crispness of new dollar bills", "definition": "a pleasing firmness and freshness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"crispness of new dollar bills\" What is the definition of \"crispness\"?"} {"term": "crispness", "pos": "n", "context": "the crispness of his reply", "definition": "an expressive style that is direct and to the point", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the crispness of his reply\" What is the definition of \"crispness\"?"} {"term": "handling", "pos": "n", "context": "the handling of prisoners", "definition": "the management of someone or something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the handling of prisoners\" What is the definition of \"handling\"?"} {"term": "definitive", "pos": "s", "context": "a definitive verdict", "definition": "supplying or being a final or conclusive settlement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a definitive verdict\" What is the definition of \"definitive\"?"} {"term": "definitive", "pos": "s", "context": "the definitive work on Greece", "definition": "of recognized authority or excellence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the definitive work on Greece\" What is the definition of \"definitive\"?"} {"term": "clever", "pos": "s", "context": "a clever gadget", "definition": "showing inventiveness and skill", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a clever gadget\" What is the definition of \"clever\"?"} {"term": "clever", "pos": "s", "context": "too clever to be sound", "definition": "showing self-interest and shrewdness in dealing with others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["canny", ""], "instruction": "\"too clever to be sound\" What is the definition of \"clever\"?"} {"term": "clever", "pos": "s", "context": "you are a clever man ... you reason well and your wit is bold \" - Bram Stoker", "definition": "mentally quick and resourceful", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you are a clever man ... you reason well and your wit is bold \" - Bram Stoker\" What is the definition of \"clever\"?"} {"term": "whiz", "pos": "n", "context": "he heard the whiz of bullets near his head", "definition": "a buzzing or hissing sound as of something traveling rapidly through the air", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he heard the whiz of bullets near his head\" What is the definition of \"whiz\"?"} {"term": "prostration", "pos": "n", "context": "the commander 's prostration demoralized his men", "definition": "an abrupt failure of function or complete physical exhaustion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the commander 's prostration demoralized his men\" What is the definition of \"prostration\"?"} {"term": "inherent", "pos": "s", "context": "shortcomings inherent in our approach", "definition": "in the nature of something though not readily apparent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shortcomings inherent in our approach\" What is the definition of \"inherent\"?"} {"term": "obedience", "pos": "n", "context": "their children were never very strong on obedience", "definition": "behavior intended to please your parents", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their children were never very strong on obedience\" What is the definition of \"obedience\"?"} {"term": "motive", "pos": "s", "context": "a motive force", "definition": "causing or able to cause motion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a motive force\" What is the definition of \"motive\"?"} {"term": "motive", "pos": "s", "context": "motive pleas", "definition": "impelling to action", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"motive pleas\" What is the definition of \"motive\"?"} {"term": "earthen", "pos": "a", "context": "an earthen pot", "definition": "made of earth or baked clay", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an earthen pot\" What is the definition of \"earthen\"?"} {"term": "truculent", "pos": "s", "context": "a truculent speech against the new government", "definition": "defiantly aggressive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a truculent speech against the new government\" What is the definition of \"truculent\"?"} {"term": "careworn", "pos": "s", "context": "looking careworn as she bent over her mending", "definition": "showing the wearing effects of overwork or care or suffering", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["haggard", ""], "instruction": "\"looking careworn as she bent over her mending\" What is the definition of \"careworn\"?"} {"term": "restorative", "pos": "s", "context": "restorative effects of exercise", "definition": "promoting recuperation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"restorative effects of exercise\" What is the definition of \"restorative\"?"} {"term": "inversely", "pos": "r", "context": "inversely related", "definition": "in an inverse or contrary manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["reciprocally", ""], "instruction": "\"inversely related\" What is the definition of \"inversely\"?"} {"term": "rigidly", "pos": "r", "context": "the body was rigidly erect", "definition": "in a rigid manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the body was rigidly erect\" What is the definition of \"rigidly\"?"} {"term": "arbiter", "pos": "n", "context": "she was the final arbiter on all matters of fashion", "definition": "someone with the power to settle matters at will", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was the final arbiter on all matters of fashion\" What is the definition of \"arbiter\"?"} {"term": "arbiter", "pos": "n", "context": "the critic was considered to be an arbiter of modern literature", "definition": "someone chosen to judge and decide a disputed issue", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["arbitrator", "judge", "umpire"], "instruction": "\"the critic was considered to be an arbiter of modern literature\" What is the definition of \"arbiter\"?"} {"term": "ineptly", "pos": "r", "context": "he performed his functions ineptly", "definition": "with ineptitude", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he performed his functions ineptly\" What is the definition of \"ineptly\"?"} {"term": "ineptly", "pos": "r", "context": "he performed his functions ineptly", "definition": "in an incompetent manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he performed his functions ineptly\" What is the definition of \"ineptly\"?"} {"term": "ineptly", "pos": "r", "context": "this function is ineptly left to a small voice", "definition": "in an infelicitous manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this function is ineptly left to a small voice\" What is the definition of \"ineptly\"?"} {"term": "remuneration", "pos": "n", "context": "adequate remuneration for his work", "definition": "the act of paying for goods or services or to recompense for losses", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"adequate remuneration for his work\" What is the definition of \"remuneration\"?"} {"term": "precede", "pos": "v", "context": "Most English adjectives precede the noun they modify", "definition": "to come before", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["predate", "lie"], "instruction": "\"Most English adjectives precede the noun they modify\" What is the definition of \"precede\"?"} {"term": "testicular", "pos": "a", "context": "testicular cancer", "definition": "of or involving the testes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"testicular cancer\" What is the definition of \"testicular\"?"} {"term": "keenness", "pos": "n", "context": "I admired the keenness of his mind", "definition": "a quick and penetrating intelligence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["acuteness", "acuity", "intelligence", "sharpness"], "instruction": "\"I admired the keenness of his mind\" What is the definition of \"keenness\"?"} {"term": "windward", "pos": "a", "context": "the windward islands", "definition": "on the side exposed to the wind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the windward islands\" What is the definition of \"windward\"?"} {"term": "windward", "pos": "r", "context": "they were sailing windward", "definition": "away from the wind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they were sailing windward\" What is the definition of \"windward\"?"} {"term": "oafish", "pos": "s", "context": "her stupid oafish husband", "definition": "ill-mannered and coarse and contemptible in behavior or appearance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her stupid oafish husband\" What is the definition of \"oafish\"?"} {"term": "somatic", "pos": "s", "context": "a somatic symptom or somatic illness", "definition": "affecting or characteristic of the body as opposed to the mind or spirit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a somatic symptom or somatic illness\" What is the definition of \"somatic\"?"} {"term": "unblushing", "pos": "s", "context": "an unblushing apologist for fascism", "definition": "feeling no shame", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unblushing apologist for fascism\" What is the definition of \"unblushing\"?"} {"term": "actively", "pos": "r", "context": "he participated actively in the war", "definition": "in an active manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he participated actively in the war\" What is the definition of \"actively\"?"} {"term": "bye", "pos": "n", "context": "he had a bye in the first round", "definition": "you advance to the next round in a tournament without playing an opponent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had a bye in the first round\" What is the definition of \"bye\"?"} {"term": "transatlantic", "pos": "a", "context": "transatlantic flight", "definition": "crossing the atlantic ocean", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"transatlantic flight\" What is the definition of \"transatlantic\"?"} {"term": "metabolic", "pos": "a", "context": "metabolic rate", "definition": "of or relating to metabolism", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"metabolic rate\" What is the definition of \"metabolic\"?"} {"term": "linguistically", "pos": "r", "context": "linguistically interesting data", "definition": "with respect to the science of linguistics", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"linguistically interesting data\" What is the definition of \"linguistically\"?"} {"term": "linguistically", "pos": "r", "context": "linguistically impaired children", "definition": "with respect to language", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"linguistically impaired children\" What is the definition of \"linguistically\"?"} {"term": "prolong", "pos": "v", "context": "prolong the treatment of the patient", "definition": "to lengthen or extend in duration or space", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["continued", "keep", "preserve", "retain", "sustain", "sustained"], "instruction": "\"prolong the treatment of the patient\" What is the definition of \"prolong\"?"} {"term": "patriotism", "pos": "n", "context": "they rode the same wave of popular patriotism", "definition": "love of country and willingness to sacrifice for it", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["nationalism", "chauvinism", "loyalty"], "instruction": "\"they rode the same wave of popular patriotism\" What is the definition of \"patriotism\"?"} {"term": "melancholic", "pos": "s", "context": "her melancholic smile", "definition": "characterized by or causing or expressing sadness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her melancholic smile\" What is the definition of \"melancholic\"?"} {"term": "intrude", "pos": "v", "context": "The colors do n't intrude on the viewer", "definition": "to thrust oneself in as if by force", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The colors do n't intrude on the viewer\" What is the definition of \"intrude\"?"} {"term": "notch", "pos": "n", "context": "mandibular notch", "definition": "a v-shaped indentation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mandibular notch\" What is the definition of \"notch\"?"} {"term": "polished", "pos": "a", "context": "his polished prose", "definition": "perfected or made shiny and smooth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his polished prose\" What is the definition of \"polished\"?"} {"term": "polished", "pos": "s", "context": "his polished manner", "definition": "showing a high degree of refinement and the assurance that comes from wide social experience", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["refined", "", "urbane"], "instruction": "\"his polished manner\" What is the definition of \"polished\"?"} {"term": "polished", "pos": "s", "context": "polished rice", "definition": "having the husk or outer layers removed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["milled", ""], "instruction": "\"polished rice\" What is the definition of \"polished\"?"} {"term": "tumescent", "pos": "s", "context": "tumescent tissue", "definition": "abnormally distended especially by fluids or gas", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["turgid", "", "puffy"], "instruction": "\"tumescent tissue\" What is the definition of \"tumescent\"?"} {"term": "smasher", "pos": "n", "context": "that new Broadway show is a real smasher", "definition": "a conspicuous success", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["smash", "sleeper", "strike", "hit", "success", "bang"], "instruction": "\"that new Broadway show is a real smasher\" What is the definition of \"smasher\"?"} {"term": "main", "pos": "s", "context": "by main strength", "definition": "of force", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"by main strength\" What is the definition of \"main\"?"} {"term": "main", "pos": "s", "context": "by main strength", "definition": "of the greatest possible intensity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"by main strength\" What is the definition of \"main\"?"} {"term": "main", "pos": "s", "context": "the main doors were of solid glass", "definition": "most important element", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the main doors were of solid glass\" What is the definition of \"main\"?"} {"term": "main", "pos": "a", "context": "the main ( or independent ) clause in a complex sentence has at least a subject and a verb", "definition": "capable of standing syntactically alone as a complete sentence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the main ( or independent ) clause in a complex sentence has at least a subject and a verb\" What is the definition of \"main\"?"} {"term": "profound", "pos": "a", "context": "the differences are profound", "definition": "showing intellectual penetration or emotional depth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the differences are profound\" What is the definition of \"profound\"?"} {"term": "profound", "pos": "s", "context": "a profound silence", "definition": "of the greatest intensity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a profound silence\" What is the definition of \"profound\"?"} {"term": "profound", "pos": "s", "context": "a profound silence", "definition": "complete", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a profound silence\" What is the definition of \"profound\"?"} {"term": "profound", "pos": "s", "context": "a profound sigh", "definition": "coming from deep within one", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a profound sigh\" What is the definition of \"profound\"?"} {"term": "profound", "pos": "s", "context": "the profound depths of the sea", "definition": "situated at or extending to great depth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the profound depths of the sea\" What is the definition of \"profound\"?"} {"term": "profound", "pos": "s", "context": "the profound depths of the sea", "definition": "too deep to have been sounded or plumbed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the profound depths of the sea\" What is the definition of \"profound\"?"} {"term": "ultimate", "pos": "n", "context": "the ultimate in luxury", "definition": "the finest or most superior quality of its kind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ultimate in luxury\" What is the definition of \"ultimate\"?"} {"term": "ultimate", "pos": "a", "context": "the ultimate achievement", "definition": "furthest or highest in degree or order", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ultimate achievement\" What is the definition of \"ultimate\"?"} {"term": "ultimate", "pos": "a", "context": "the ultimate achievement", "definition": "utmost or extreme", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ultimate achievement\" What is the definition of \"ultimate\"?"} {"term": "ultimate", "pos": "s", "context": "the ultimate sonata of that opus", "definition": "being the last or concluding element of a series", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ultimate sonata of that opus\" What is the definition of \"ultimate\"?"} {"term": "fain", "pos": "r", "context": "I would fain do it", "definition": "in a willing manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I would fain do it\" What is the definition of \"fain\"?"} {"term": "inaccessible", "pos": "s", "context": "a rare work , today almost inaccessible", "definition": "not capable of being obtained", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a rare work , today almost inaccessible\" What is the definition of \"inaccessible\"?"} {"term": "celluloid", "pos": "n", "context": "theater pieces transferred to celluloid", "definition": "a medium that disseminates moving pictures", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["film", "medium"], "instruction": "\"theater pieces transferred to celluloid\" What is the definition of \"celluloid\"?"} {"term": "celluloid", "pos": "s", "context": "a novel with flat celluloid characters", "definition": "artificial as if portrayed in a film", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a novel with flat celluloid characters\" What is the definition of \"celluloid\"?"} {"term": "clandestine", "pos": "s", "context": "clandestine intelligence operations", "definition": "conducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"clandestine intelligence operations\" What is the definition of \"clandestine\"?"} {"term": "laudatory", "pos": "s", "context": "a laudatory remark", "definition": "full of or giving praise", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a laudatory remark\" What is the definition of \"laudatory\"?"} {"term": "greedy", "pos": "s", "context": "do n't be greedy with the cookies", "definition": "wanting to eat or drink more than one can reasonably consume", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"do n't be greedy with the cookies\" What is the definition of \"greedy\"?"} {"term": "greedy", "pos": "s", "context": "greedy for money and power", "definition": "immoderately desirous of acquiring e.g. wealth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"greedy for money and power\" What is the definition of \"greedy\"?"} {"term": "greedy", "pos": "s", "context": "greedy for fame", "definition": "ardently or excessively desirous", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"greedy for fame\" What is the definition of \"greedy\"?"} {"term": "curable", "pos": "a", "context": "curable diseases", "definition": "curing or healing is possible", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"curable diseases\" What is the definition of \"curable\"?"} {"term": "skin", "pos": "n", "context": "your skin is the largest organ of your body", "definition": "a natural protective body covering and site of the sense of touch", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"your skin is the largest organ of your body\" What is the definition of \"skin\"?"} {"term": "skin", "pos": "n", "context": "the skin of an airplane", "definition": "an outer surface usually thin", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the skin of an airplane\" What is the definition of \"skin\"?"} {"term": "briskly", "pos": "r", "context": "she walked briskly in the cold air", "definition": "in a brisk manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she walked briskly in the cold air\" What is the definition of \"briskly\"?"} {"term": "roam", "pos": "v", "context": "The cattle roam across the prairie", "definition": "to move about aimlessly or without any destination , often in search of food or employment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["stray", "rambling", "roll", "drift", "cast", "travel", "gad", "traveled", "swan", "moving", "range", "roving", "tramp", "going", "rove"], "instruction": "\"The cattle roam across the prairie\" What is the definition of \"roam\"?"} {"term": "shore", "pos": "v", "context": "shore and buttress an old building", "definition": "to support by placing against something solid or rigid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["hold", "shoring", "prop", "sustain", "bolster", "props"], "instruction": "\"shore and buttress an old building\" What is the definition of \"shore\"?"} {"term": "predominantly", "pos": "r", "context": "the patients are predominantly indigenous", "definition": "much greater in number or influence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the patients are predominantly indigenous\" What is the definition of \"predominantly\"?"} {"term": "peaked", "pos": "v", "context": "That wild , speculative spirit peaked in 1929", "definition": "to to reach the highest point", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["make", "gain", "peak", "hit", "crest", "reach", "attain"], "instruction": "\"That wild , speculative spirit peaked in 1929\" What is the definition of \"peaked\"?"} {"term": "peaked", "pos": "v", "context": "That wild , speculative spirit peaked in 1929", "definition": "to attain maximum intensity , activity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["make", "gain", "peak", "hit", "crest", "reach", "attain"], "instruction": "\"That wild , speculative spirit peaked in 1929\" What is the definition of \"peaked\"?"} {"term": "peaked", "pos": "s", "context": "you look a little peaked", "definition": "somewhat ill or prone to illness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["unwell", "", "seedy", "sickly"], "instruction": "\"you look a little peaked\" What is the definition of \"peaked\"?"} {"term": "broody", "pos": "s", "context": "a broody hen", "definition": "physiologically ready to incubate eggs", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a broody hen\" What is the definition of \"broody\"?"} {"term": "nonpareil", "pos": "s", "context": "the team 's nonpareil center fielder", "definition": "eminent beyond or above comparison", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the team 's nonpareil center fielder\" What is the definition of \"nonpareil\"?"} {"term": "questionable", "pos": "a", "context": "questionable motives", "definition": "subject to question", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"questionable motives\" What is the definition of \"questionable\"?"} {"term": "ungracious", "pos": "a", "context": "an ungracious industrial city", "definition": "lacking charm and good taste", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an ungracious industrial city\" What is the definition of \"ungracious\"?"} {"term": "telescope", "pos": "v", "context": "my hiking sticks telescope and can be put into the backpack", "definition": "to crush together or collapse", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my hiking sticks telescope and can be put into the backpack\" What is the definition of \"telescope\"?"} {"term": "pertinacious", "pos": "s", "context": "the most vocal and pertinacious of all the critics", "definition": "stubbornly unyielding", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["dogged", "persistent", "tenacious", ""], "instruction": "\"the most vocal and pertinacious of all the critics\" What is the definition of \"pertinacious\"?"} {"term": "extent", "pos": "n", "context": "the extent of the damage", "definition": "the point or degree to which something extends", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the extent of the damage\" What is the definition of \"extent\"?"} {"term": "extent", "pos": "n", "context": "the vast extent of the desert", "definition": "the distance or area or volume over which something extends", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the vast extent of the desert\" What is the definition of \"extent\"?"} {"term": "infernal", "pos": "a", "context": "infernal noise", "definition": "characteristic of or resembling hell", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"infernal noise\" What is the definition of \"infernal\"?"} {"term": "infernal", "pos": "a", "context": "infernal heat", "definition": "of or pertaining to or characteristic of a very uncontrolled and intense fire", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"infernal heat\" What is the definition of \"infernal\"?"} {"term": "infernal", "pos": "a", "context": "infernal regions", "definition": "being of the underworld", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"infernal regions\" What is the definition of \"infernal\"?"} {"term": "infernal", "pos": "s", "context": "infernal instruments of war", "definition": "extremely evil or cruel", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["diabolic", "fiendish", "hellish", "", "demonic", "satanic"], "instruction": "\"infernal instruments of war\" What is the definition of \"infernal\"?"} {"term": "infernal", "pos": "s", "context": "infernal instruments of war", "definition": "expressive of cruelty or befitting hell", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["diabolic", "fiendish", "hellish", "", "demonic", "satanic"], "instruction": "\"infernal instruments of war\" What is the definition of \"infernal\"?"} {"term": "infernal", "pos": "s", "context": "an infernal nuisance", "definition": "expletives used informally as intensifiers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["blame", "", "damn", "blessed"], "instruction": "\"an infernal nuisance\" What is the definition of \"infernal\"?"} {"term": "tiresome", "pos": "s", "context": "the tiresome chirping of a cricket \" - Mark Twain", "definition": "so lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the tiresome chirping of a cricket \" - Mark Twain\" What is the definition of \"tiresome\"?"} {"term": "sedentary", "pos": "s", "context": "forced by illness to lead a sedentary life", "definition": "requiring sitting or little activity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"forced by illness to lead a sedentary life\" What is the definition of \"sedentary\"?"} {"term": "rough", "pos": "a", "context": "trees with rough bark", "definition": "having or caused by an irregular surface", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"trees with rough bark\" What is the definition of \"rough\"?"} {"term": "rough", "pos": "a", "context": "a rough ride", "definition": "causing or characterized by jolts and irregular movements", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["jumpy", "", "rocky"], "instruction": "\"a rough ride\" What is the definition of \"rough\"?"} {"term": "rough", "pos": "s", "context": "she was a diamond in the rough", "definition": "lacking refinement or finesse", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was a diamond in the rough\" What is the definition of \"rough\"?"} {"term": "rough", "pos": "s", "context": "a rough draft", "definition": "not perfected", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a rough draft\" What is the definition of \"rough\"?"} {"term": "rough", "pos": "s", "context": "a rough guess", "definition": "not quite exact or correct", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a rough guess\" What is the definition of \"rough\"?"} {"term": "carousing", "pos": "v", "context": "They were out carousing last night", "definition": "to engage in boisterous , drunken merrymaking", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["riot", "revel", "carouse", "racket"], "instruction": "\"They were out carousing last night\" What is the definition of \"carousing\"?"} {"term": "carousing", "pos": "s", "context": "carousing bands of drunken soldiers", "definition": "used of riotously drunken merrymaking", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"carousing bands of drunken soldiers\" What is the definition of \"carousing\"?"} {"term": "inharmonious", "pos": "s", "context": "an inharmonious ( or incongruous ) mixture of architectural styles", "definition": "lacking in harmony of parts", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an inharmonious ( or incongruous ) mixture of architectural styles\" What is the definition of \"inharmonious\"?"} {"term": "handiness", "pos": "n", "context": "he can do any sort of work requiring handiness and dexterity", "definition": "skillfulness with the hands", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he can do any sort of work requiring handiness and dexterity\" What is the definition of \"handiness\"?"} {"term": "vaporous", "pos": "s", "context": "vaporous silks", "definition": "so thin as to transmit light", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"vaporous silks\" What is the definition of \"vaporous\"?"} {"term": "vaporous", "pos": "s", "context": "vaporous clouds", "definition": "resembling or characteristic of vapor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"vaporous clouds\" What is the definition of \"vaporous\"?"} {"term": "vaporous", "pos": "s", "context": "a vaporous bog", "definition": "filled with vapor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a vaporous bog\" What is the definition of \"vaporous\"?"} {"term": "impertinent", "pos": "s", "context": "mentioned several impertinent facts before finally coming to the point", "definition": "not pertinent to the matter under consideration", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mentioned several impertinent facts before finally coming to the point\" What is the definition of \"impertinent\"?"} {"term": "impertinent", "pos": "s", "context": "impertinent of a child to lecture a grownup", "definition": "improperly forward or bold", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"impertinent of a child to lecture a grownup\" What is the definition of \"impertinent\"?"} {"term": "shyly", "pos": "r", "context": "he smiled shyly", "definition": "in a shy or timid or bashful manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he smiled shyly\" What is the definition of \"shyly\"?"} {"term": "egregious", "pos": "s", "context": "an egregious lie", "definition": "conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an egregious lie\" What is the definition of \"egregious\"?"} {"term": "chemistry", "pos": "n", "context": "the chemistry of soil", "definition": "the chemical composition and properties of a substance or object", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the chemistry of soil\" What is the definition of \"chemistry\"?"} {"term": "chemistry", "pos": "n", "context": "their chemistry was wrong from the beginning -- they hated each other", "definition": "the way two individuals relate to each other", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their chemistry was wrong from the beginning -- they hated each other\" What is the definition of \"chemistry\"?"} {"term": "libidinous", "pos": "s", "context": "libidinous orgies", "definition": "driven by lust", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["lewd", "lascivious", "lustful", ""], "instruction": "\"libidinous orgies\" What is the definition of \"libidinous\"?"} {"term": "libidinous", "pos": "s", "context": "libidinous orgies", "definition": "preoccupied with or exhibiting lustful desires", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["lewd", "lascivious", "lustful", ""], "instruction": "\"libidinous orgies\" What is the definition of \"libidinous\"?"} {"term": "rotate", "pos": "v", "context": "We rotate the lead soprano every night", "definition": "to exchange on a regular basis", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["alternate", "rotated"], "instruction": "\"We rotate the lead soprano every night\" What is the definition of \"rotate\"?"} {"term": "superior", "pos": "a", "context": "a superior ruler", "definition": "of or characteristic of high rank or importance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a superior ruler\" What is the definition of \"superior\"?"} {"term": "superior", "pos": "a", "context": "Mars and Jupiter are the closest in of the superior planets", "definition": "having an orbit farther from the sun than the earths orbit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Mars and Jupiter are the closest in of the superior planets\" What is the definition of \"superior\"?"} {"term": "superior", "pos": "s", "context": "overcome by a superior opponent", "definition": "not subject to or influenced by", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"overcome by a superior opponent\" What is the definition of \"superior\"?"} {"term": "superior", "pos": "s", "context": "he is superior to fear", "definition": "above being affected or influenced by", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is superior to fear\" What is the definition of \"superior\"?"} {"term": "superior", "pos": "s", "context": "superior officer", "definition": "having a higher rank", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"superior officer\" What is the definition of \"superior\"?"} {"term": "country", "pos": "n", "context": "his poetry celebrated the slower pace of life in the country", "definition": "an area outside of cities and towns", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his poetry celebrated the slower pace of life in the country\" What is the definition of \"country\"?"} {"term": "pliability", "pos": "n", "context": "he was valued for his reliability and pliability", "definition": "adaptability of mind or character", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["pliancy", "suppleness", "adaptability"], "instruction": "\"he was valued for his reliability and pliability\" What is the definition of \"pliability\"?"} {"term": "timbered", "pos": "a", "context": "timbered walls", "definition": "furnished with or made of wood or timbers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"timbered walls\" What is the definition of \"timbered\"?"} {"term": "timbered", "pos": "s", "context": "thickly timbered ridges clothed with loblolly pine and holly", "definition": "covered with growing timber", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"thickly timbered ridges clothed with loblolly pine and holly\" What is the definition of \"timbered\"?"} {"term": "lesser", "pos": "s", "context": "the lesser powers of Europe", "definition": "smaller in size or amount or value", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the lesser powers of Europe\" What is the definition of \"lesser\"?"} {"term": "volitional", "pos": "s", "context": "a volitional act", "definition": "with deliberate intention", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a volitional act\" What is the definition of \"volitional\"?"} {"term": "compassionate", "pos": "a", "context": "heard the soft and compassionate voices of women", "definition": "showing or having compassion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"heard the soft and compassionate voices of women\" What is the definition of \"compassionate\"?"} {"term": "pressor", "pos": "a", "context": "pressor reflexes", "definition": "increasing or tending to increase blood pressure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pressor reflexes\" What is the definition of \"pressor\"?"} {"term": "strained", "pos": "s", "context": "her voice was strained as she asked the question", "definition": "showing signs of mental and emotional tension", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her voice was strained as she asked the question\" What is the definition of \"strained\"?"} {"term": "strained", "pos": "s", "context": "a strained smile", "definition": "lacking spontaneity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a strained smile\" What is the definition of \"strained\"?"} {"term": "strained", "pos": "s", "context": "a strained smile", "definition": "not natural", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a strained smile\" What is the definition of \"strained\"?"} {"term": "grill", "pos": "n", "context": "he cooked hamburgers on the grill", "definition": "a framework of metal bars used as a partition or a grate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["framework", "grille"], "instruction": "\"he cooked hamburgers on the grill\" What is the definition of \"grill\"?"} {"term": "sensory", "pos": "s", "context": "sensory neurons", "definition": "of a nerve fiber or impulse originating outside and passing toward the central nervous system", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sensory neurons\" What is the definition of \"sensory\"?"} {"term": "sensory", "pos": "a", "context": "sensory experience", "definition": "involving or derived from the senses", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sensory experience\" What is the definition of \"sensory\"?"} {"term": "sensory", "pos": "a", "context": "the sensory cortex", "definition": "relating to or concerned in sensation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sensory cortex\" What is the definition of \"sensory\"?"} {"term": "summon", "pos": "v", "context": "summon a lawyer", "definition": "to ask to come", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["summons", "call", "paging", "convoke", "beckon", "convene", "buzz", "page"], "instruction": "\"summon a lawyer\" What is the definition of \"summon\"?"} {"term": "firmly", "pos": "r", "context": "we firmly believed it", "definition": "with resolute determination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["firm", "", "steadfastly"], "instruction": "\"we firmly believed it\" What is the definition of \"firmly\"?"} {"term": "foil", "pos": "n", "context": "the photographic film was wrapped in foil", "definition": "a piece of thin and flexible sheet metal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the photographic film was wrapped in foil\" What is the definition of \"foil\"?"} {"term": "foil", "pos": "v", "context": "foil your opponent", "definition": "to hinder or prevent the efforts , plans , or desires of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["crossing", "baffle", "foiling", "dash", "ruin", "frustrate", "spoil", "forbid", "forestall", "disappointed", "baffling", "queer", "disappoint", "preclude", "cross", "foreclose"], "instruction": "\"foil your opponent\" What is the definition of \"foil\"?"} {"term": "intelligent", "pos": "a", "context": "is there intelligent life in the universe ?", "definition": "having the capacity for thought and reason especially to a high degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"is there intelligent life in the universe ?\" What is the definition of \"intelligent\"?"} {"term": "intelligent", "pos": "s", "context": "an intelligent solution", "definition": "exercising or showing good judgment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an intelligent solution\" What is the definition of \"intelligent\"?"} {"term": "minister", "pos": "v", "context": "I have to minister to my mother all the time", "definition": "to attend to the wants and needs of others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I have to minister to my mother all the time\" What is the definition of \"minister\"?"} {"term": "horizontally", "pos": "r", "context": "a gallery quite often is added to make use of space vertically as well as horizontally", "definition": "in a horizontal direction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a gallery quite often is added to make use of space vertically as well as horizontally\" What is the definition of \"horizontally\"?"} {"term": "kith", "pos": "n", "context": "all his kith and kin", "definition": "your friends and acquaintances", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all his kith and kin\" What is the definition of \"kith\"?"} {"term": "deep", "pos": "n", "context": "in the deep of night", "definition": "the central and most intense or profound part", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the deep of night\" What is the definition of \"deep\"?"} {"term": "deep", "pos": "n", "context": "denizens of the deep", "definition": "literary term for an ocean", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"denizens of the deep\" What is the definition of \"deep\"?"} {"term": "deep", "pos": "a", "context": "a deep breath", "definition": "affecting one deeply", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a deep breath\" What is the definition of \"deep\"?"} {"term": "deep", "pos": "a", "context": "a deep well", "definition": "having great spatial extension or penetration downward or inward from an outer surface or backward or laterally or outward from a center", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a deep well\" What is the definition of \"deep\"?"} {"term": "deep", "pos": "a", "context": "a deep well", "definition": "sometimes used in combination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a deep well\" What is the definition of \"deep\"?"} {"term": "deep", "pos": "s", "context": "deep thoughts", "definition": "marked by depth of thinking", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"deep thoughts\" What is the definition of \"deep\"?"} {"term": "deep", "pos": "s", "context": "deep in the past", "definition": "very distant in time or space", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"deep in the past\" What is the definition of \"deep\"?"} {"term": "deep", "pos": "s", "context": "in deep trouble", "definition": "extreme", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in deep trouble\" What is the definition of \"deep\"?"} {"term": "deep", "pos": "r", "context": "deep into the night", "definition": "to an advanced time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"deep into the night\" What is the definition of \"deep\"?"} {"term": "deep", "pos": "r", "context": "penetrated deep into enemy territory", "definition": "to a great distance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"penetrated deep into enemy territory\" What is the definition of \"deep\"?"} {"term": "deep", "pos": "r", "context": "dug deep", "definition": "to a great depth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["deeply", ""], "instruction": "\"dug deep\" What is the definition of \"deep\"?"} {"term": "deep", "pos": "r", "context": "dug deep", "definition": "far down", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["deeply", ""], "instruction": "\"dug deep\" What is the definition of \"deep\"?"} {"term": "fantasy", "pos": "n", "context": "a schoolgirl fantasy", "definition": "imagination unrestricted by reality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a schoolgirl fantasy\" What is the definition of \"fantasy\"?"} {"term": "rightfully", "pos": "r", "context": "baseball rightfully is the nation 's pastime", "definition": "by right", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"baseball rightfully is the nation 's pastime\" What is the definition of \"rightfully\"?"} {"term": "oleaginous", "pos": "s", "context": "oleaginous hypocrisy", "definition": "unpleasantly and excessively suave or ingratiating in manner or speech", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"oleaginous hypocrisy\" What is the definition of \"oleaginous\"?"} {"term": "oleaginous", "pos": "s", "context": "oleaginous seeds", "definition": "containing an unusual amount of grease or oil", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"oleaginous seeds\" What is the definition of \"oleaginous\"?"} {"term": "testing", "pos": "n", "context": "there are laboratories for commercial testing", "definition": "an examination of the characteristics of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there are laboratories for commercial testing\" What is the definition of \"testing\"?"} {"term": "redirect", "pos": "v", "context": "redirect your attention to the danger from the fundamentalists", "definition": "to channel into a new direction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"redirect your attention to the danger from the fundamentalists\" What is the definition of \"redirect\"?"} {"term": "bruiser", "pos": "n", "context": "a thick-skinned bruiser ready to give as good as he got", "definition": "a large and strong and heavyset man", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["man", "men", "bull", "strapper"], "instruction": "\"a thick-skinned bruiser ready to give as good as he got\" What is the definition of \"bruiser\"?"} {"term": "stress", "pos": "n", "context": "the stress was more on accuracy than on speed", "definition": "special emphasis attached to something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["accent", "focus", "emphasis"], "instruction": "\"the stress was more on accuracy than on speed\" What is the definition of \"stress\"?"} {"term": "stress", "pos": "n", "context": "he presided over the economy during the period of the greatest stress and danger \" - R.J.Samuelson", "definition": "difficulty that causes worry or emotional tension", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["strain", "difficulty"], "instruction": "\"he presided over the economy during the period of the greatest stress and danger \" - R.J.Samuelson\" What is the definition of \"stress\"?"} {"term": "coil", "pos": "n", "context": "a coil of rope", "definition": "a structure consisting of something wound in a continuous series of loops", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["construction", "helix", "structure", "spiral", "whorl", "hank"], "instruction": "\"a coil of rope\" What is the definition of \"coil\"?"} {"term": "periodontal", "pos": "a", "context": "periodontal disease", "definition": "of or relating to or involving or practicing periodontics", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"periodontal disease\" What is the definition of \"periodontal\"?"} {"term": "indefinitely", "pos": "r", "context": "this could go on indefinitely", "definition": "to an indefinite extent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this could go on indefinitely\" What is the definition of \"indefinitely\"?"} {"term": "indefinitely", "pos": "r", "context": "this could go on indefinitely", "definition": "for an indefinite time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this could go on indefinitely\" What is the definition of \"indefinitely\"?"} {"term": "order", "pos": "n", "context": "it was on the order of a mile", "definition": "a degree in a continuum of size or quantity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was on the order of a mile\" What is the definition of \"order\"?"} {"term": "order", "pos": "n", "context": "order ruled in the streets", "definition": "established customary state especially of society", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"order ruled in the streets\" What is the definition of \"order\"?"} {"term": "order", "pos": "v", "context": "order a work stoppage", "definition": "to make a request for something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["call", "ordering", "bespeak", "place", "request"], "instruction": "\"order a work stoppage\" What is the definition of \"order\"?"} {"term": "mendicant", "pos": "s", "context": "mendicant friars", "definition": "practicing beggary", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mendicant friars\" What is the definition of \"mendicant\"?"} {"term": "attractive", "pos": "a", "context": "a remarkably attractive young man", "definition": "pleasing to the eye or mind especially through beauty or charm", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a remarkably attractive young man\" What is the definition of \"attractive\"?"} {"term": "attractive", "pos": "a", "context": "an attractive force", "definition": "having the properties of a magnet", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an attractive force\" What is the definition of \"attractive\"?"} {"term": "attractive", "pos": "a", "context": "an attractive force", "definition": "the ability to draw or pull", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an attractive force\" What is the definition of \"attractive\"?"} {"term": "attractive", "pos": "s", "context": "an attractive opportunity", "definition": "having power to arouse interest", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an attractive opportunity\" What is the definition of \"attractive\"?"} {"term": "dryness", "pos": "n", "context": "her manner assumed a dispassion and dryness very unlike her usual tone", "definition": "objectivity and detachment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her manner assumed a dispassion and dryness very unlike her usual tone\" What is the definition of \"dryness\"?"} {"term": "purchase", "pos": "n", "context": "they closed the purchase with a handshake", "definition": "the acquisition of something for payment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they closed the purchase with a handshake\" What is the definition of \"purchase\"?"} {"term": "purchase", "pos": "n", "context": "he could get no purchase on the situation", "definition": "a means of exerting influence or gaining advantage", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he could get no purchase on the situation\" What is the definition of \"purchase\"?"} {"term": "iceberg", "pos": "n", "context": "iceberg is still the most popular lettuce", "definition": "lettuce with crisp tightly packed light-green leaves in a firm head", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"iceberg is still the most popular lettuce\" What is the definition of \"iceberg\"?"} {"term": "courageous", "pos": "a", "context": "a frank courageous heart ... triumphed over pain \" - William Wordsworth", "definition": "possessing or displaying courage", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a frank courageous heart ... triumphed over pain \" - William Wordsworth\" What is the definition of \"courageous\"?"} {"term": "courageous", "pos": "a", "context": "a frank courageous heart ... triumphed over pain \" - William Wordsworth", "definition": "able to face and deal with danger or fear without flinching", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a frank courageous heart ... triumphed over pain \" - William Wordsworth\" What is the definition of \"courageous\"?"} {"term": "unfeeling", "pos": "s", "context": "unfeeling trees", "definition": "devoid of feeling or sensation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unfeeling trees\" What is the definition of \"unfeeling\"?"} {"term": "unfeeling", "pos": "s", "context": "an unfeeling wretch", "definition": "devoid of feeling for others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unfeeling wretch\" What is the definition of \"unfeeling\"?"} {"term": "legitimation", "pos": "n", "context": "he has filial rights because he obtained letters of legitimation from the king", "definition": "the act of rendering a person legitimate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he has filial rights because he obtained letters of legitimation from the king\" What is the definition of \"legitimation\"?"} {"term": "idiomatic", "pos": "a", "context": "idiomatic English", "definition": "of or relating to or conforming to idiom", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"idiomatic English\" What is the definition of \"idiomatic\"?"} {"term": "sexualize", "pos": "v", "context": "Some languages sexualize all nouns and do not have a neuter gender", "definition": "to make sexual , endow with sex , attribute sex to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Some languages sexualize all nouns and do not have a neuter gender\" What is the definition of \"sexualize\"?"} {"term": "vagrant", "pos": "s", "context": "vagrant hippies of the sixties", "definition": "continually changing especially as from one abode or occupation to another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"vagrant hippies of the sixties\" What is the definition of \"vagrant\"?"} {"term": "archipelagic", "pos": "a", "context": "an archipelagic war", "definition": "relating to or part of an archipelago", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an archipelagic war\" What is the definition of \"archipelagic\"?"} {"term": "indirect", "pos": "s", "context": "reflection from the ceiling provided a soft indirect light", "definition": "having intervening factors or persons or influences", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"reflection from the ceiling provided a soft indirect light\" What is the definition of \"indirect\"?"} {"term": "indirect", "pos": "s", "context": "indirect benefits", "definition": "not as a direct effect or consequence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"indirect benefits\" What is the definition of \"indirect\"?"} {"term": "indirect", "pos": "a", "context": "sometimes taking an indirect path saves time", "definition": "not direct in spatial dimension", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sometimes taking an indirect path saves time\" What is the definition of \"indirect\"?"} {"term": "indirect", "pos": "a", "context": "sometimes taking an indirect path saves time", "definition": "not leading by a straight line or course to a destination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sometimes taking an indirect path saves time\" What is the definition of \"indirect\"?"} {"term": "indirect", "pos": "a", "context": "making indirect but legitimate inquiries", "definition": "extended senses", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"making indirect but legitimate inquiries\" What is the definition of \"indirect\"?"} {"term": "indirect", "pos": "a", "context": "making indirect but legitimate inquiries", "definition": "not direct in manner or language or behavior or action", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"making indirect but legitimate inquiries\" What is the definition of \"indirect\"?"} {"term": "indirect", "pos": "a", "context": "an indirect descendant of the Stuarts", "definition": "descended from a common ancestor but through different lines", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an indirect descendant of the Stuarts\" What is the definition of \"indirect\"?"} {"term": "terrible", "pos": "s", "context": "a terrible curse", "definition": "causing fear or dread or terror", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a terrible curse\" What is the definition of \"terrible\"?"} {"term": "terrible", "pos": "s", "context": "terrible handwriting", "definition": "exceptionally bad or displeasing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"terrible handwriting\" What is the definition of \"terrible\"?"} {"term": "terrible", "pos": "s", "context": "a terrible cough", "definition": "intensely or extremely bad or unpleasant in degree or quality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a terrible cough\" What is the definition of \"terrible\"?"} {"term": "dogma", "pos": "n", "context": "he believed all the Marxist dogma", "definition": "a doctrine or code of beliefs accepted as authoritative", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he believed all the Marxist dogma\" What is the definition of \"dogma\"?"} {"term": "textual", "pos": "a", "context": "textual analysis", "definition": "of or relating to or based on a text", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"textual analysis\" What is the definition of \"textual\"?"} {"term": "independence", "pos": "n", "context": "they maintained close relations with England even after independence", "definition": "the successful ending of the american revolution", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they maintained close relations with England even after independence\" What is the definition of \"independence\"?"} {"term": "attempt", "pos": "n", "context": "they made an attempt on his life", "definition": "the act of attacking", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["assault", "offense", "attack"], "instruction": "\"they made an attempt on his life\" What is the definition of \"attempt\"?"} {"term": "folio", "pos": "n", "context": "the first folio of Shakespeare 's plays", "definition": "a book or manuscript consisting of large sheets of paper folded in the middle to make two leaves or four pages", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the first folio of Shakespeare 's plays\" What is the definition of \"folio\"?"} {"term": "epicurean", "pos": "s", "context": "an epicurean banquet", "definition": "displaying luxury and furnishing gratification to the senses", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an epicurean banquet\" What is the definition of \"epicurean\"?"} {"term": "epicurean", "pos": "s", "context": "epicurean pleasures", "definition": "devoted to pleasure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"epicurean pleasures\" What is the definition of \"epicurean\"?"} {"term": "excision", "pos": "n", "context": "both parties agreed on the excision of the proposed clause", "definition": "the omission that is made when an editorial change shortens a written passage", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["cut", "redaction"], "instruction": "\"both parties agreed on the excision of the proposed clause\" What is the definition of \"excision\"?"} {"term": "bias", "pos": "s", "context": "a bias fold", "definition": "slanting diagonally across the grain of a fabric", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bias fold\" What is the definition of \"bias\"?"} {"term": "percipient", "pos": "s", "context": "a percipient author", "definition": "characterized by ease and quickness in perceiving", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a percipient author\" What is the definition of \"percipient\"?"} {"term": "postal", "pos": "a", "context": "postal delivery", "definition": "of or relating to the system for delivering mail", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"postal delivery\" What is the definition of \"postal\"?"} {"term": "evade", "pos": "v", "context": "They tend to evade their responsibilities", "definition": "to avoid or try to avoid fulfilling , answering , or performing duties , questions , or issues", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": ["skirting", "avoid", "quibble", "dodge", "parry", "beg"], "instruction": "\"They tend to evade their responsibilities\" What is the definition of \"evade\"?"} {"term": "coastal", "pos": "a", "context": "coastal erosion", "definition": "of or relating to a coast", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"coastal erosion\" What is the definition of \"coastal\"?"} {"term": "coastal", "pos": "a", "context": "coastal marshes", "definition": "located on or near or bordering on a coast", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"coastal marshes\" What is the definition of \"coastal\"?"} {"term": "fulsome", "pos": "s", "context": "gave him a fulsome introduction", "definition": "unpleasantly and excessively suave or ingratiating in manner or speech", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gave him a fulsome introduction\" What is the definition of \"fulsome\"?"} {"term": "endowment", "pos": "n", "context": "his generous endowment of the laboratory came just in the nick of time", "definition": "the act of endowing with a permanent source of income", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his generous endowment of the laboratory came just in the nick of time\" What is the definition of \"endowment\"?"} {"term": "lidded", "pos": "a", "context": "milk is left in a large lidded mug", "definition": "having or covered with a lid or lids", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"milk is left in a large lidded mug\" What is the definition of \"lidded\"?"} {"term": "lidded", "pos": "a", "context": "milk is left in a large lidded mug", "definition": "often used in combination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"milk is left in a large lidded mug\" What is the definition of \"lidded\"?"} {"term": "lidded", "pos": "s", "context": "milk in a heavy lidded mug", "definition": "having a lid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"milk in a heavy lidded mug\" What is the definition of \"lidded\"?"} {"term": "needful", "pos": "s", "context": "provided them with all things needful", "definition": "necessary for relief or supply", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"provided them with all things needful\" What is the definition of \"needful\"?"} {"term": "spew", "pos": "v", "context": "The editors of the paper spew out hostile articles about the Presidential candidate", "definition": "to eject or send out in large quantities , also metaphorical", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The editors of the paper spew out hostile articles about the Presidential candidate\" What is the definition of \"spew\"?"} {"term": "eversion", "pos": "n", "context": "the eversion of the foot", "definition": "the position of being turned outward", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the eversion of the foot\" What is the definition of \"eversion\"?"} {"term": "humanistic", "pos": "a", "context": "the humanistic revival of learning", "definition": "of or pertaining to renaissance humanism", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the humanistic revival of learning\" What is the definition of \"humanistic\"?"} {"term": "humanistic", "pos": "a", "context": "humanistic studies", "definition": "pertaining to or concerned with the humanities", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"humanistic studies\" What is the definition of \"humanistic\"?"} {"term": "serially", "pos": "r", "context": "serially composed music", "definition": "in a serial manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"serially composed music\" What is the definition of \"serially\"?"}