{"term": "cranial", "pos": "a", "context": "cranial pressure", "definition": "of or relating to the cranium which encloses the brain", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cranial pressure\" What is the definition of \"cranial\"?"} {"term": "easy", "pos": "a", "context": "an easy job", "definition": "posing no difficulty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an easy job\" What is the definition of \"easy\"?"} {"term": "easy", "pos": "a", "context": "an easy job", "definition": "requiring little effort", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an easy job\" What is the definition of \"easy\"?"} {"term": "easy", "pos": "a", "context": "knowing that I had done my best , my mind was easy", "definition": "free from worry or anxiety", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"knowing that I had done my best , my mind was easy\" What is the definition of \"easy\"?"} {"term": "easy", "pos": "s", "context": "an easy walk around the block", "definition": "not hurried or forced", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an easy walk around the block\" What is the definition of \"easy\"?"} {"term": "easy", "pos": "s", "context": "easy good looks", "definition": "affording pleasure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"easy good looks\" What is the definition of \"easy\"?"} {"term": "easy", "pos": "s", "context": "an easy pat on the shoulder", "definition": "having little impact", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an easy pat on the shoulder\" What is the definition of \"easy\"?"} {"term": "easy", "pos": "r", "context": "go easy here -- the road is slippery", "definition": "without speed slow is sometimes used informally for slowly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"go easy here -- the road is slippery\" What is the definition of \"easy\"?"} {"term": "penetrative", "pos": "s", "context": "a toxic penetrative spray applied to the surface", "definition": "tending to penetrate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a toxic penetrative spray applied to the surface\" What is the definition of \"penetrative\"?"} {"term": "penetrative", "pos": "s", "context": "a toxic penetrative spray applied to the surface", "definition": "having the power of entering or piercing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a toxic penetrative spray applied to the surface\" What is the definition of \"penetrative\"?"} {"term": "penetrative", "pos": "s", "context": "frequent penetrative observations", "definition": "having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"frequent penetrative observations\" What is the definition of \"penetrative\"?"} {"term": "keen", "pos": "s", "context": "a keen blade", "definition": "having a sharp cutting edge or point", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a keen blade\" What is the definition of \"keen\"?"} {"term": "puissance", "pos": "n", "context": "the puissance of the labor vote", "definition": "power to influence or coerce", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the puissance of the labor vote\" What is the definition of \"puissance\"?"} {"term": "verbatim", "pos": "s", "context": "repeated their dialog verbatim", "definition": "in precisely the same words used by a writer or speaker", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"repeated their dialog verbatim\" What is the definition of \"verbatim\"?"} {"term": "verbatim", "pos": "r", "context": "he repeated her remarks verbatim", "definition": "using exactly the same words", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he repeated her remarks verbatim\" What is the definition of \"verbatim\"?"} {"term": "hospitable", "pos": "a", "context": "soil sufficiently hospitable for forest growth", "definition": "favorable to life and growth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"soil sufficiently hospitable for forest growth\" What is the definition of \"hospitable\"?"} {"term": "hospitable", "pos": "a", "context": "a good-natured and hospitable man", "definition": "disposed to treat guests and strangers with cordiality and generosity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a good-natured and hospitable man\" What is the definition of \"hospitable\"?"} {"term": "hospitable", "pos": "s", "context": "hospitable to new ideas", "definition": "having an open mind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hospitable to new ideas\" What is the definition of \"hospitable\"?"} {"term": "rank", "pos": "n", "context": "his salary was determined by his rank and seniority", "definition": "relative status", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his salary was determined by his rank and seniority\" What is the definition of \"rank\"?"} {"term": "rank", "pos": "n", "context": "the strike was supported by the union rank and file", "definition": "the ordinary members of an organization such as the enlisted soldiers of an army", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the strike was supported by the union rank and file\" What is the definition of \"rank\"?"} {"term": "rank", "pos": "s", "context": "rank earth", "definition": "very fertile", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rank earth\" What is the definition of \"rank\"?"} {"term": "rank", "pos": "s", "context": "rank earth", "definition": "producing profuse growth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rank earth\" What is the definition of \"rank\"?"} {"term": "rank", "pos": "s", "context": "a rank cigar", "definition": "very offensive in smell or taste", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a rank cigar\" What is the definition of \"rank\"?"} {"term": "rank", "pos": "s", "context": "rank jungle vegetation", "definition": "growing profusely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rank jungle vegetation\" What is the definition of \"rank\"?"} {"term": "intrusive", "pos": "a", "context": "she felt her presence there was intrusive", "definition": "tending to intrude especially upon privacy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she felt her presence there was intrusive\" What is the definition of \"intrusive\"?"} {"term": "intrusive", "pos": "a", "context": "an intrusive arm of the sea", "definition": "thrusting inward", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an intrusive arm of the sea\" What is the definition of \"intrusive\"?"} {"term": "puncture", "pos": "v", "context": "puncture a tire", "definition": "to pierce with a pointed object", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"puncture a tire\" What is the definition of \"puncture\"?"} {"term": "puncture", "pos": "v", "context": "puncture a tire", "definition": "to make a hole into", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"puncture a tire\" What is the definition of \"puncture\"?"} {"term": "puncture", "pos": "v", "context": "puncture a hole", "definition": "to make by piercing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"puncture a hole\" What is the definition of \"puncture\"?"} {"term": "puncture", "pos": "v", "context": "puncture an air balloon", "definition": "to cause to lose air pressure or collapse by piercing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"puncture an air balloon\" What is the definition of \"puncture\"?"} {"term": "instruction", "pos": "n", "context": "our instruction was carefully programmed", "definition": "the activities of educating or instructing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"our instruction was carefully programmed\" What is the definition of \"instruction\"?"} {"term": "instruction", "pos": "n", "context": "our instruction was carefully programmed", "definition": "activities that impart knowledge or skill", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"our instruction was carefully programmed\" What is the definition of \"instruction\"?"} {"term": "plasma", "pos": "n", "context": "particles in space exist in the form of a plasma", "definition": "a fourth state of matter distinct from solid or liquid or gas and present in stars and fusion reactors", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"particles in space exist in the form of a plasma\" What is the definition of \"plasma\"?"} {"term": "minimum", "pos": "a", "context": "minimum wage", "definition": "the least possible", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"minimum wage\" What is the definition of \"minimum\"?"} {"term": "martial", "pos": "s", "context": "martial law", "definition": "of or relating to the armed forces", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"martial law\" What is the definition of \"martial\"?"} {"term": "inapplicable", "pos": "s", "context": "rules inapplicable to day students", "definition": "not capable of being applied", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rules inapplicable to day students\" What is the definition of \"inapplicable\"?"} {"term": "affiliation", "pos": "n", "context": "a valuable financial affiliation", "definition": "a social or business relationship", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a valuable financial affiliation\" What is the definition of \"affiliation\"?"} {"term": "affiliation", "pos": "n", "context": "welcomed the affiliation of the research center with the university", "definition": "the act of becoming formally connected or joined", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"welcomed the affiliation of the research center with the university\" What is the definition of \"affiliation\"?"} {"term": "bristly", "pos": "s", "context": "bristly exchanges between the White House and the press", "definition": "very irritable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bristly exchanges between the White House and the press\" What is the definition of \"bristly\"?"} {"term": "bristly", "pos": "s", "context": "a horse with a short bristly mane", "definition": "having or covered with protective barbs or quills or spines or thorns or setae etc. .", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a horse with a short bristly mane\" What is the definition of \"bristly\"?"} {"term": "pace", "pos": "n", "context": "he lived at a fast pace", "definition": "the relative speed of progress or change", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he lived at a fast pace\" What is the definition of \"pace\"?"} {"term": "noted", "pos": "v", "context": "They noted that it was a fine day to go sailing", "definition": "to make mention of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"They noted that it was a fine day to go sailing\" What is the definition of \"noted\"?"} {"term": "noted", "pos": "v", "context": "She noted that someone was following her", "definition": "to notice or perceive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"She noted that someone was following her\" What is the definition of \"noted\"?"} {"term": "noted", "pos": "s", "context": "a noted increase in the crime rate", "definition": "worthy of notice or attention", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a noted increase in the crime rate\" What is the definition of \"noted\"?"} {"term": "morose", "pos": "s", "context": "a morose and unsociable manner", "definition": "showing a brooding ill humor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a morose and unsociable manner\" What is the definition of \"morose\"?"} {"term": "licit", "pos": "a", "context": "a wife 's licit love", "definition": "sanctioned by custom or morality especially sexual morality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a wife 's licit love\" What is the definition of \"licit\"?"} {"term": "love", "pos": "n", "context": "his love for his work", "definition": "a strong positive emotion of regard and affection", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his love for his work\" What is the definition of \"love\"?"} {"term": "love", "pos": "n", "context": "the theater was her first love", "definition": "any object of warm affection or devotion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the theater was her first love\" What is the definition of \"love\"?"} {"term": "love", "pos": "n", "context": "their love left them indifferent to their surroundings", "definition": "a deep feeling of sexual desire and attraction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their love left them indifferent to their surroundings\" What is the definition of \"love\"?"} {"term": "love", "pos": "v", "context": "I love French food", "definition": "to have a great affection or liking for", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I love French food\" What is the definition of \"love\"?"} {"term": "love", "pos": "v", "context": "I love cooking", "definition": "to get pleasure from", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I love cooking\" What is the definition of \"love\"?"} {"term": "charming", "pos": "s", "context": "endowed with charming manners", "definition": "pleasing or delighting", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"endowed with charming manners\" What is the definition of \"charming\"?"} {"term": "charming", "pos": "s", "context": "charming incantations", "definition": "possessing or using or characteristic of or appropriate to supernatural powers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"charming incantations\" What is the definition of \"charming\"?"} {"term": "wary", "pos": "a", "context": "they were wary in their movements", "definition": "marked by keen caution and watchful prudence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they were wary in their movements\" What is the definition of \"wary\"?"} {"term": "intoxication", "pos": "n", "context": "the intoxication of wealth and power", "definition": "excitement and elation beyond the bounds of sobriety", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the intoxication of wealth and power\" What is the definition of \"intoxication\"?"} {"term": "metatarsal", "pos": "a", "context": "metatarsal bones", "definition": "of or relating to the metatarsus", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"metatarsal bones\" What is the definition of \"metatarsal\"?"} {"term": "duration", "pos": "n", "context": "the ceremony was of short duration", "definition": "continuance in time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ceremony was of short duration\" What is the definition of \"duration\"?"} {"term": "effusive", "pos": "s", "context": "insincere and effusive demonstrations of sentimental friendship", "definition": "extravagantly demonstrative", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"insincere and effusive demonstrations of sentimental friendship\" What is the definition of \"effusive\"?"} {"term": "sedimentary", "pos": "a", "context": "sedimentary deposits", "definition": "resembling or containing or formed by the accumulation of sediment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sedimentary deposits\" What is the definition of \"sedimentary\"?"} {"term": "abuse", "pos": "n", "context": "when a student made a stupid mistake he spared them no abuse", "definition": "a rude expression intended to offend or hurt", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when a student made a stupid mistake he spared them no abuse\" What is the definition of \"abuse\"?"} {"term": "abuse", "pos": "n", "context": "the child showed signs of physical abuse", "definition": "cruel or inhumane treatment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the child showed signs of physical abuse\" What is the definition of \"abuse\"?"} {"term": "abuse", "pos": "n", "context": "alcohol abuse", "definition": "improper or excessive use", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"alcohol abuse\" What is the definition of \"abuse\"?"} {"term": "appreciative", "pos": "s", "context": "was appreciative of his efforts", "definition": "feeling or expressive of gratitude", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"was appreciative of his efforts\" What is the definition of \"appreciative\"?"} {"term": "appreciative", "pos": "s", "context": "appreciative of a beautiful landscape", "definition": "having or showing appreciation or a favorable critical judgment or opinion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"appreciative of a beautiful landscape\" What is the definition of \"appreciative\"?"} {"term": "wickedly", "pos": "r", "context": "act wickedly", "definition": "in a wicked evil manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"act wickedly\" What is the definition of \"wickedly\"?"} {"term": "unformed", "pos": "a", "context": "unformed clay", "definition": "not having form or shape", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unformed clay\" What is the definition of \"unformed\"?"} {"term": "unformed", "pos": "s", "context": "an as yet unformed government", "definition": "not formed or organized", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an as yet unformed government\" What is the definition of \"unformed\"?"} {"term": "ace", "pos": "s", "context": "an ace reporter", "definition": "of the highest quality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an ace reporter\" What is the definition of \"ace\"?"} {"term": "deaden", "pos": "v", "context": "deaden a ship 's headway", "definition": "to lessen the momentum or velocity of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"deaden a ship 's headway\" What is the definition of \"deaden\"?"} {"term": "thorny", "pos": "s", "context": "the thorny question of states ' rights", "definition": "bristling with perplexities", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the thorny question of states ' rights\" What is the definition of \"thorny\"?"} {"term": "bewildered", "pos": "s", "context": "bewildered and confused", "definition": "perplexed by many conflicting situations or statements", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bewildered and confused\" What is the definition of \"bewildered\"?"} {"term": "bewildered", "pos": "s", "context": "bewildered and confused", "definition": "filled with bewilderment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bewildered and confused\" What is the definition of \"bewildered\"?"} {"term": "grammatical", "pos": "a", "context": "grammatical rules", "definition": "of or pertaining to grammar", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"grammatical rules\" What is the definition of \"grammatical\"?"} {"term": "grammatical", "pos": "a", "context": "spoke in grammatical sentences", "definition": "conforming to the rules of grammar or usage accepted by native speakers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"spoke in grammatical sentences\" What is the definition of \"grammatical\"?"} {"term": "sincerely", "pos": "r", "context": "she praised him sincerely for his victory", "definition": "with sincerity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she praised him sincerely for his victory\" What is the definition of \"sincerely\"?"} {"term": "sincerely", "pos": "r", "context": "she praised him sincerely for his victory", "definition": "without pretense", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she praised him sincerely for his victory\" What is the definition of \"sincerely\"?"} {"term": "mile", "pos": "n", "context": "he missed by a mile", "definition": "a large distance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he missed by a mile\" What is the definition of \"mile\"?"} {"term": "expert", "pos": "s", "context": "an expert job", "definition": "having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an expert job\" What is the definition of \"expert\"?"} {"term": "backwater", "pos": "n", "context": "the country is an economic backwater", "definition": "a place or condition in which no development or progress is occurring", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the country is an economic backwater\" What is the definition of \"backwater\"?"} {"term": "telegraphic", "pos": "a", "context": "a telegraphic machine", "definition": "of or relating to or transmitted by telegraph", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a telegraphic machine\" What is the definition of \"telegraphic\"?"} {"term": "telegraphic", "pos": "s", "context": "telegraphic economy of words", "definition": "having the style of a telegram with many short words left out", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"telegraphic economy of words\" What is the definition of \"telegraphic\"?"} {"term": "wanly", "pos": "r", "context": "she was smiling wanly", "definition": "in a weak or pale or languid manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was smiling wanly\" What is the definition of \"wanly\"?"} {"term": "indescribable", "pos": "s", "context": "indescribable beauty", "definition": "defying expression or description", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"indescribable beauty\" What is the definition of \"indescribable\"?"} {"term": "precipitation", "pos": "n", "context": "the storm brought several inches of precipitation", "definition": "the quantity of water falling to earth at a specific place within a specified period of time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the storm brought several inches of precipitation\" What is the definition of \"precipitation\"?"} {"term": "append", "pos": "v", "context": "append a charm to the necklace", "definition": "to fix to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"append a charm to the necklace\" What is the definition of \"append\"?"} {"term": "append", "pos": "v", "context": "append a charm to the necklace", "definition": "to attach", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"append a charm to the necklace\" What is the definition of \"append\"?"} {"term": "crooked", "pos": "v", "context": "He crooked his index finger", "definition": "to bend or cause to bend", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"He crooked his index finger\" What is the definition of \"crooked\"?"} {"term": "crooked", "pos": "a", "context": "crooked country roads", "definition": "having or marked by bends or angles", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"crooked country roads\" What is the definition of \"crooked\"?"} {"term": "crooked", "pos": "a", "context": "crooked country roads", "definition": "not straight or aligned", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"crooked country roads\" What is the definition of \"crooked\"?"} {"term": "crooked", "pos": "s", "context": "a dress with a crooked hemline", "definition": "irregular in shape or outline", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dress with a crooked hemline\" What is the definition of \"crooked\"?"} {"term": "remorseless", "pos": "s", "context": "a monster of remorseless cruelty", "definition": "without mercy or pity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a monster of remorseless cruelty\" What is the definition of \"remorseless\"?"} {"term": "flank", "pos": "n", "context": "they attacked the enemy 's right flank", "definition": "the side of military or naval formation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they attacked the enemy 's right flank\" What is the definition of \"flank\"?"} {"term": "wittily", "pos": "r", "context": "he would wittily chime into our conversation", "definition": "in a witty manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he would wittily chime into our conversation\" What is the definition of \"wittily\"?"} {"term": "attractor", "pos": "n", "context": "flowers are an attractor for bees", "definition": "a characteristic that provides pleasure and attracts", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"flowers are an attractor for bees\" What is the definition of \"attractor\"?"} {"term": "remover", "pos": "n", "context": "paint remover", "definition": "a solvent that removes a substance usually from a surface", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"paint remover\" What is the definition of \"remover\"?"} {"term": "dandruff", "pos": "n", "context": "I could see the dandruff on her shoulders", "definition": "loose scales shed from the scalp", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I could see the dandruff on her shoulders\" What is the definition of \"dandruff\"?"} {"term": "heartbreaking", "pos": "s", "context": "her sigh was heartbreaking", "definition": "causing or marked by grief or anguish", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her sigh was heartbreaking\" What is the definition of \"heartbreaking\"?"} {"term": "kinetic", "pos": "a", "context": "kinetic energy", "definition": "relating to the motion of material bodies and the forces associated therewith", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"kinetic energy\" What is the definition of \"kinetic\"?"} {"term": "kinetic", "pos": "s", "context": "modern dance has been called kinetic pantomime", "definition": "characterized by motion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"modern dance has been called kinetic pantomime\" What is the definition of \"kinetic\"?"} {"term": "kinetic", "pos": "s", "context": "the complex civilization of which Rome was the kinetic center \" - H.O.Taylor", "definition": "supplying motive force", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the complex civilization of which Rome was the kinetic center \" - H.O.Taylor\" What is the definition of \"kinetic\"?"} {"term": "humane", "pos": "a", "context": "a humane education", "definition": "pertaining to or concerned with the humanities", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a humane education\" What is the definition of \"humane\"?"} {"term": "artesian", "pos": "a", "context": "an artesian well", "definition": "rising to the surface under internal hydrostatic pressure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an artesian well\" What is the definition of \"artesian\"?"} {"term": "enlighten", "pos": "v", "context": "Can you enlighten me -- I do n't understand this proposal", "definition": "to make understand", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Can you enlighten me -- I do n't understand this proposal\" What is the definition of \"enlighten\"?"} {"term": "backed", "pos": "v", "context": "I backed Kennedy in 1960", "definition": "to be behind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I backed Kennedy in 1960\" What is the definition of \"backed\"?"} {"term": "backed", "pos": "v", "context": "I backed Kennedy in 1960", "definition": "to approve of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I backed Kennedy in 1960\" What is the definition of \"backed\"?"} {"term": "backed", "pos": "v", "context": "The car backed up and hit the tree", "definition": "to travel backward", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The car backed up and hit the tree\" What is the definition of \"backed\"?"} {"term": "afield", "pos": "r", "context": "looking afield for new lands to conquer \" - R.A.Hall", "definition": "far away from home or ones usual surroundings", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"looking afield for new lands to conquer \" - R.A.Hall\" What is the definition of \"afield\"?"} {"term": "afield", "pos": "r", "context": "unlawful to carry hunting rifles afield until the season opens", "definition": "in or into a field especially a field of battle", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unlawful to carry hunting rifles afield until the season opens\" What is the definition of \"afield\"?"} {"term": "afield", "pos": "r", "context": "such digressions can lead us too far afield", "definition": "off the subject", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"such digressions can lead us too far afield\" What is the definition of \"afield\"?"} {"term": "afield", "pos": "r", "context": "such digressions can lead us too far afield", "definition": "beyond the point at issue", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"such digressions can lead us too far afield\" What is the definition of \"afield\"?"} {"term": "gloom", "pos": "n", "context": "he struck a match to dispel the gloom", "definition": "a state of partial or total darkness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he struck a match to dispel the gloom\" What is the definition of \"gloom\"?"} {"term": "gloom", "pos": "n", "context": "gloom pervaded the office", "definition": "an atmosphere of depression and melancholy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gloom pervaded the office\" What is the definition of \"gloom\"?"} {"term": "streaked", "pos": "v", "context": "The plane streaked across the sky", "definition": "to move quickly in a straight line", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The plane streaked across the sky\" What is the definition of \"streaked\"?"} {"term": "streaked", "pos": "s", "context": "streaked hair", "definition": "marked with or as if with stripes or linear discolorations", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"streaked hair\" What is the definition of \"streaked\"?"} {"term": "equate", "pos": "v", "context": "You can not equate success in financial matters with greed", "definition": "to consider or describe as similar , equal , or analogous", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"You can not equate success in financial matters with greed\" What is the definition of \"equate\"?"} {"term": "fallow", "pos": "s", "context": "fallow farmland", "definition": "left unplowed and unseeded during a growing season", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fallow farmland\" What is the definition of \"fallow\"?"} {"term": "fallow", "pos": "s", "context": "a fallow gold market", "definition": "undeveloped but potentially useful", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fallow gold market\" What is the definition of \"fallow\"?"} {"term": "spirituous", "pos": "s", "context": "spirituous liquors", "definition": "containing or of the nature of alcohol", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"spirituous liquors\" What is the definition of \"spirituous\"?"} {"term": "tripping", "pos": "s", "context": "a tripping singing measure", "definition": "characterized by a buoyant rhythm", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tripping singing measure\" What is the definition of \"tripping\"?"} {"term": "tripping", "pos": "s", "context": "walked with a light tripping step", "definition": "moving easily and quickly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"walked with a light tripping step\" What is the definition of \"tripping\"?"} {"term": "tripping", "pos": "s", "context": "walked with a light tripping step", "definition": "nimble", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"walked with a light tripping step\" What is the definition of \"tripping\"?"} {"term": "ditch", "pos": "v", "context": "ditch a lover", "definition": "to forsake", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ditch a lover\" What is the definition of \"ditch\"?"} {"term": "ditch", "pos": "v", "context": "ditch a car", "definition": "to crash or crash-land", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ditch a car\" What is the definition of \"ditch\"?"} {"term": "custodial", "pos": "s", "context": "daycare that is educational and not just custodial", "definition": "providing protective supervision", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"daycare that is educational and not just custodial\" What is the definition of \"custodial\"?"} {"term": "custodial", "pos": "s", "context": "daycare that is educational and not just custodial", "definition": "watching over or safeguarding", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"daycare that is educational and not just custodial\" What is the definition of \"custodial\"?"} {"term": "entrepot", "pos": "n", "context": "Bahrain has been an entrepot of trade between Arabia and India since the second millennium BC", "definition": "a port where merchandise can be imported and then exported without paying import duties", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Bahrain has been an entrepot of trade between Arabia and India since the second millennium BC\" What is the definition of \"entrepot\"?"} {"term": "huge", "pos": "s", "context": "huge government spending", "definition": "unusually great in size or amount or degree or especially extent or scope", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"huge government spending\" What is the definition of \"huge\"?"} {"term": "unavoidable", "pos": "s", "context": "an unavoidable accident", "definition": "impossible to avoid or evade", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unavoidable accident\" What is the definition of \"unavoidable\"?"} {"term": "mask", "pos": "n", "context": "no mask could conceal his ignorance", "definition": "activity that tries to conceal something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"no mask could conceal his ignorance\" What is the definition of \"mask\"?"} {"term": "mask", "pos": "v", "context": "mask the meat", "definition": "to cover with a sauce", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mask the meat\" What is the definition of \"mask\"?"} {"term": "alpine", "pos": "a", "context": "alpine sports", "definition": "relating to or characteristic of alps", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"alpine sports\" What is the definition of \"alpine\"?"} {"term": "alpine", "pos": "s", "context": "alpine flowers", "definition": "living or growing above the timber line", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"alpine flowers\" What is the definition of \"alpine\"?"} {"term": "relevant", "pos": "a", "context": "the scientist corresponds with colleagues in order to learn about matters relevant to her own research", "definition": "having a bearing on or connection with the subject at issue", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the scientist corresponds with colleagues in order to learn about matters relevant to her own research\" What is the definition of \"relevant\"?"} {"term": "exploratory", "pos": "a", "context": "an exploratory operation", "definition": "serving in or intended for exploration or discovery", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an exploratory operation\" What is the definition of \"exploratory\"?"} {"term": "inflexible", "pos": "a", "context": "a man of inflexible purpose", "definition": "incapable of change", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a man of inflexible purpose\" What is the definition of \"inflexible\"?"} {"term": "inflexible", "pos": "a", "context": "an inflexible iron bar", "definition": "resistant to being bent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an inflexible iron bar\" What is the definition of \"inflexible\"?"} {"term": "inflexible", "pos": "s", "context": "an inflexible law", "definition": "incapable of adapting or changing to meet circumstances", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an inflexible law\" What is the definition of \"inflexible\"?"} {"term": "gossamer", "pos": "s", "context": "gossamer shading through his playing", "definition": "characterized by unusual lightness and delicacy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gossamer shading through his playing\" What is the definition of \"gossamer\"?"} {"term": "gossamer", "pos": "s", "context": "gossamer cobwebs", "definition": "so thin as to transmit light", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gossamer cobwebs\" What is the definition of \"gossamer\"?"} {"term": "stove", "pos": "n", "context": "dinner was already on the stove", "definition": "a kitchen appliance used for cooking food", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dinner was already on the stove\" What is the definition of \"stove\"?"} {"term": "inflate", "pos": "v", "context": "inflate a balloons", "definition": "to fill with gas or air", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"inflate a balloons\" What is the definition of \"inflate\"?"} {"term": "rancid", "pos": "s", "context": "rancid butter", "definition": "having a rank smell or taste usually due to a chemical change or decomposition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rancid butter\" What is the definition of \"rancid\"?"} {"term": "sorry", "pos": "s", "context": "a sorry state of affairs", "definition": "bad", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sorry state of affairs\" What is the definition of \"sorry\"?"} {"term": "sorry", "pos": "s", "context": "a sorry state of affairs", "definition": "unfortunate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sorry state of affairs\" What is the definition of \"sorry\"?"} {"term": "sorry", "pos": "s", "context": "a sorry horse", "definition": "without merit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sorry horse\" What is the definition of \"sorry\"?"} {"term": "colored", "pos": "a", "context": "colored crepe paper", "definition": "sometimes used in combination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"colored crepe paper\" What is the definition of \"colored\"?"} {"term": "nautical", "pos": "a", "context": "nautical charts", "definition": "relating to or involving ships or shipping or navigation or seamen", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nautical charts\" What is the definition of \"nautical\"?"} {"term": "element", "pos": "n", "context": "water is the element of fishes", "definition": "the most favorable environment for a plant or animal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"water is the element of fishes\" What is the definition of \"element\"?"} {"term": "element", "pos": "n", "context": "in your element", "definition": "the situation in which you are happiest and most effective", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in your element\" What is the definition of \"element\"?"} {"term": "liner", "pos": "n", "context": "the batter hit a liner to the shortstop", "definition": "a hit that flies straight out from the batter", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the batter hit a liner to the shortstop\" What is the definition of \"liner\"?"} {"term": "unequally", "pos": "r", "context": "angry at being dealt with so unequally", "definition": "in an unequal or partial manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"angry at being dealt with so unequally\" What is the definition of \"unequally\"?"} {"term": "extreme", "pos": "s", "context": "extreme cold", "definition": "of the greatest possible degree or extent or intensity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"extreme cold\" What is the definition of \"extreme\"?"} {"term": "extreme", "pos": "s", "context": "an extreme example", "definition": "far beyond a norm in quantity or amount or degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an extreme example\" What is the definition of \"extreme\"?"} {"term": "extreme", "pos": "s", "context": "an extreme example", "definition": "to an utmost degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an extreme example\" What is the definition of \"extreme\"?"} {"term": "extreme", "pos": "s", "context": "an extreme conservative", "definition": "beyond a norm in views or actions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an extreme conservative\" What is the definition of \"extreme\"?"} {"term": "wizard", "pos": "s", "context": "wizard wands", "definition": "possessing or using or characteristic of or appropriate to supernatural powers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wizard wands\" What is the definition of \"wizard\"?"} {"term": "odd", "pos": "s", "context": "it is odd that his name is never mentioned", "definition": "not easily explained", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is odd that his name is never mentioned\" What is the definition of \"odd\"?"} {"term": "objective", "pos": "a", "context": "an objective appraisal", "definition": "undistorted by emotion or personal bias", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an objective appraisal\" What is the definition of \"objective\"?"} {"term": "objective", "pos": "a", "context": "an objective appraisal", "definition": "based on observable phenomena", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an objective appraisal\" What is the definition of \"objective\"?"} {"term": "objective", "pos": "a", "context": "objective case", "definition": "serving as or indicating the object of a verb or of certain prepositions and used for certain other purposes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"objective case\" What is the definition of \"objective\"?"} {"term": "objective", "pos": "s", "context": "objective art", "definition": "emphasizing or expressing things as perceived without distortion of personal feelings , insertion of fictional matter , or interpretation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"objective art\" What is the definition of \"objective\"?"} {"term": "objective", "pos": "s", "context": "objective benefits", "definition": "belonging to immediate experience of actual things or events", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"objective benefits\" What is the definition of \"objective\"?"} {"term": "reserved", "pos": "a", "context": "was habitually reserved in speech , withholding her opinion \" - Victoria Sackville-West", "definition": "marked by self-restraint and reticence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"was habitually reserved in speech , withholding her opinion \" - Victoria Sackville-West\" What is the definition of \"reserved\"?"} {"term": "ceaseless", "pos": "s", "context": "the ceaseless thunder of surf", "definition": "uninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ceaseless thunder of surf\" What is the definition of \"ceaseless\"?"} {"term": "toxoid", "pos": "n", "context": "diphtheria toxoid", "definition": "a bacterial toxin that has been weakened until it is no longer toxic but is strong enough to induce the formation of antibodies and immunity to the specific disease caused by the toxin", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"diphtheria toxoid\" What is the definition of \"toxoid\"?"} {"term": "task", "pos": "n", "context": "the endless task of classifying the samples", "definition": "a specific piece of work required to be done as a duty or for a specific fee", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the endless task of classifying the samples\" What is the definition of \"task\"?"} {"term": "stunted", "pos": "s", "context": "old stunted thorn trees", "definition": "inferior in size or quality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"old stunted thorn trees\" What is the definition of \"stunted\"?"} {"term": "thirst", "pos": "n", "context": "a thirst for knowledge", "definition": "strong desire for something not food or drink", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a thirst for knowledge\" What is the definition of \"thirst\"?"} {"term": "confinement", "pos": "n", "context": "he was held in confinement", "definition": "the state of being confined", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was held in confinement\" What is the definition of \"confinement\"?"} {"term": "extremist", "pos": "s", "context": "extremist political views", "definition": "far beyond the norm", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"extremist political views\" What is the definition of \"extremist\"?"} {"term": "licking", "pos": "n", "context": "they suffered a convincing licking", "definition": "an unsuccessful ending to a struggle or contest", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they suffered a convincing licking\" What is the definition of \"licking\"?"} {"term": "imputable", "pos": "s", "context": "the oversight was not imputable to him", "definition": "capable of being assigned or credited to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the oversight was not imputable to him\" What is the definition of \"imputable\"?"} {"term": "sniff", "pos": "v", "context": "sniff the perfume", "definition": "to perceive by inhaling through the nose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sniff the perfume\" What is the definition of \"sniff\"?"} {"term": "unjust", "pos": "a", "context": "unjust punishment", "definition": "violating principles of justice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unjust punishment\" What is the definition of \"unjust\"?"} {"term": "bench", "pos": "n", "context": "our team has a strong bench", "definition": "the reserve players on a team", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"our team has a strong bench\" What is the definition of \"bench\"?"} {"term": "pledge", "pos": "n", "context": "his saxophone was in pledge", "definition": "a deposit of personal property as security for a debt", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his saxophone was in pledge\" What is the definition of \"pledge\"?"} {"term": "pledge", "pos": "v", "context": "I pledge that I will honor my wife", "definition": "to promise solemnly and formally", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I pledge that I will honor my wife\" What is the definition of \"pledge\"?"} {"term": "pledge", "pos": "v", "context": "I pledge my honor", "definition": "to give as a guarantee", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I pledge my honor\" What is the definition of \"pledge\"?"} {"term": "department", "pos": "n", "context": "you 'll find it in the hardware department", "definition": "a specialized division of a large organization", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you 'll find it in the hardware department\" What is the definition of \"department\"?"} {"term": "department", "pos": "n", "context": "baking is not my department", "definition": "a specialized sphere of knowledge", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"baking is not my department\" What is the definition of \"department\"?"} {"term": "fallen", "pos": "s", "context": "fallen leaves covered the forest floor", "definition": "having dropped by the force of gravity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fallen leaves covered the forest floor\" What is the definition of \"fallen\"?"} {"term": "fallen", "pos": "s", "context": "a fallen woman", "definition": "having lost your chastity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fallen woman\" What is the definition of \"fallen\"?"} {"term": "amicably", "pos": "r", "context": "they separated amicably", "definition": "in an amicable manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they separated amicably\" What is the definition of \"amicably\"?"} {"term": "pains", "pos": "v", "context": "It pains me to see my children not being taught well in school", "definition": "to cause emotional anguish or make miserable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"It pains me to see my children not being taught well in school\" What is the definition of \"pains\"?"} {"term": "pain", "pos": "n", "context": "the patient developed severe pain and distension", "definition": "a symptom of some physical hurt or disorder", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the patient developed severe pain and distension\" What is the definition of \"pain\"?"} {"term": "pain", "pos": "n", "context": "the pain of loneliness", "definition": "emotional distress", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the pain of loneliness\" What is the definition of \"pain\"?"} {"term": "pain", "pos": "n", "context": "the pain of loneliness", "definition": "a fundamental feeling that people try to avoid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the pain of loneliness\" What is the definition of \"pain\"?"} {"term": "pain", "pos": "n", "context": "as the intensity increased the sensation changed from tickle to pain", "definition": "a somatic sensation of acute discomfort", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as the intensity increased the sensation changed from tickle to pain\" What is the definition of \"pain\"?"} {"term": "strangulation", "pos": "n", "context": "strangulation of the intestine", "definition": "constriction of a body part so as to cut off the flow of blood or other fluid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"strangulation of the intestine\" What is the definition of \"strangulation\"?"} {"term": "mutual", "pos": "s", "context": "the mutual interests of management and labor", "definition": "common to or shared by two or more parties", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the mutual interests of management and labor\" What is the definition of \"mutual\"?"} {"term": "mutual", "pos": "a", "context": "mutual respect", "definition": "concerning each of two or more persons or things", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mutual respect\" What is the definition of \"mutual\"?"} {"term": "mutual", "pos": "a", "context": "mutual respect", "definition": "especially given or done in return", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mutual respect\" What is the definition of \"mutual\"?"} {"term": "thrusting", "pos": "n", "context": "he made a thrusting motion with his fist", "definition": "a sharp hand gesture resembling a blow", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he made a thrusting motion with his fist\" What is the definition of \"thrusting\"?"} {"term": "coarse", "pos": "a", "context": "coarse meal", "definition": "of textures that are rough to the touch or substances consisting of relatively large particles", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"coarse meal\" What is the definition of \"coarse\"?"} {"term": "coarse", "pos": "s", "context": "he had coarse manners but a first-rate mind", "definition": "lacking refinement or cultivation or taste", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had coarse manners but a first-rate mind\" What is the definition of \"coarse\"?"} {"term": "coarse", "pos": "s", "context": "of what coarse metal ye are molded \" - Shakespeare", "definition": "of low or inferior quality or value", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"of what coarse metal ye are molded \" - Shakespeare\" What is the definition of \"coarse\"?"} {"term": "mischievous", "pos": "s", "context": "mischievous rumors and falsehoods", "definition": "deliberately causing harm or damage", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mischievous rumors and falsehoods\" What is the definition of \"mischievous\"?"} {"term": "sunset", "pos": "s", "context": "sunset industries", "definition": "of a declining industry or technology", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sunset industries\" What is the definition of \"sunset\"?"} {"term": "sunset", "pos": "s", "context": "a program with a sunset provision", "definition": "providing for termination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a program with a sunset provision\" What is the definition of \"sunset\"?"} {"term": "climax", "pos": "n", "context": "the climax of the artist 's career", "definition": "the highest point of anything conceived of as growing or developing or unfolding", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the climax of the artist 's career\" What is the definition of \"climax\"?"} {"term": "climax", "pos": "n", "context": "the deathbed scene is the climax of the play", "definition": "the decisive moment in a novel or play", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the deathbed scene is the climax of the play\" What is the definition of \"climax\"?"} {"term": "mellow", "pos": "s", "context": "a mellow port", "definition": "having a full and pleasing flavor through proper aging", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a mellow port\" What is the definition of \"mellow\"?"} {"term": "mellow", "pos": "s", "context": "mellow wisdom", "definition": "having attained to kindliness or gentleness through age and experience", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mellow wisdom\" What is the definition of \"mellow\"?"} {"term": "mellow", "pos": "s", "context": "mellow wisdom", "definition": "having attained to kindliness or gentleness through age and experience", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mellow wisdom\" What is the definition of \"mellow\"?"} {"term": "revise", "pos": "v", "context": "revise a thesis", "definition": "to make revisions in", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"revise a thesis\" What is the definition of \"revise\"?"} {"term": "review", "pos": "v", "context": "let 's review your situation", "definition": "to look at again", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"let 's review your situation\" What is the definition of \"review\"?"} {"term": "review", "pos": "v", "context": "let 's review your situation", "definition": "to examine again", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"let 's review your situation\" What is the definition of \"review\"?"} {"term": "meteoric", "pos": "a", "context": "meteoric shower", "definition": "pertaining to or consisting of meteors or meteoroids", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"meteoric shower\" What is the definition of \"meteoric\"?"} {"term": "meteoric", "pos": "a", "context": "meteoric ( or meteorological ) phenomena", "definition": "of or pertaining to atmospheric phenomena , especially weather and weather conditions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"meteoric ( or meteorological ) phenomena\" What is the definition of \"meteoric\"?"} {"term": "meteoric", "pos": "s", "context": "a meteoric rise to fame", "definition": "like a meteor in speed or brilliance or transience", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a meteoric rise to fame\" What is the definition of \"meteoric\"?"} {"term": "unread", "pos": "s", "context": "he seems to have been wholly unread in political theory \" - V.L.Parrington", "definition": "not informed through reading", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he seems to have been wholly unread in political theory \" - V.L.Parrington\" What is the definition of \"unread\"?"} {"term": "framing", "pos": "n", "context": "the framing of judicial decrees", "definition": "formulation of the plans and important details", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the framing of judicial decrees\" What is the definition of \"framing\"?"} {"term": "obtusely", "pos": "r", "context": "he had so rapaciously desired and so obtusely expected to find her alone", "definition": "in a stupid manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had so rapaciously desired and so obtusely expected to find her alone\" What is the definition of \"obtusely\"?"} {"term": "intentionally", "pos": "r", "context": "he used that word intentionally", "definition": "with intention", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he used that word intentionally\" What is the definition of \"intentionally\"?"} {"term": "intentionally", "pos": "r", "context": "he used that word intentionally", "definition": "in an intentional manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he used that word intentionally\" What is the definition of \"intentionally\"?"} {"term": "straightway", "pos": "r", "context": "straightway the clouds began to scatter", "definition": "at once", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"straightway the clouds began to scatter\" What is the definition of \"straightway\"?"} {"term": "straightway", "pos": "r", "context": "plunged straightway to the rocks below", "definition": "in a direct course", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"plunged straightway to the rocks below\" What is the definition of \"straightway\"?"} {"term": "retreat", "pos": "n", "context": "the disorderly retreat of French troops", "definition": "withdrawal of troops to a more favorable position to escape the enemys superior forces or after a defeat", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the disorderly retreat of French troops\" What is the definition of \"retreat\"?"} {"term": "dawn", "pos": "n", "context": "we got up before dawn", "definition": "the first light of day", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we got up before dawn\" What is the definition of \"dawn\"?"} {"term": "dawn", "pos": "n", "context": "the dawn of civilization", "definition": "the earliest period", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the dawn of civilization\" What is the definition of \"dawn\"?"} {"term": "dawn", "pos": "n", "context": "it was the dawn of the Roman Empire", "definition": "an opening time period", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was the dawn of the Roman Empire\" What is the definition of \"dawn\"?"} {"term": "pluperfect", "pos": "s", "context": "he spoke with pluperfect precision", "definition": "more than perfect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he spoke with pluperfect precision\" What is the definition of \"pluperfect\"?"} {"term": "testimony", "pos": "n", "context": "according to his own testimony he ca n't do it", "definition": "an assertion offering firsthand authentication of a fact", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"according to his own testimony he ca n't do it\" What is the definition of \"testimony\"?"} {"term": "testimony", "pos": "n", "context": "his effort was testimony to his devotion", "definition": "something that serves as evidence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his effort was testimony to his devotion\" What is the definition of \"testimony\"?"} {"term": "bring", "pos": "v", "context": "bring water to the boiling point", "definition": "to cause to come into a particular state or condition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bring water to the boiling point\" What is the definition of \"bring\"?"} {"term": "bring", "pos": "v", "context": "bring comments", "definition": "to cause to happen or to occur as a consequence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bring comments\" What is the definition of \"bring\"?"} {"term": "nationally", "pos": "r", "context": "a nationally uniform culture", "definition": "with regard to a nation taken as a whole", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a nationally uniform culture\" What is the definition of \"nationally\"?"} {"term": "nationally", "pos": "r", "context": "nationally advertised", "definition": "extending throughout an entire nation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nationally advertised\" What is the definition of \"nationally\"?"} {"term": "stopped", "pos": "s", "context": "a stopped ( or stopped-up ) nose", "definition": "blocked", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a stopped ( or stopped-up ) nose\" What is the definition of \"stopped\"?"} {"term": "complete", "pos": "v", "context": "A child would complete the family", "definition": "to bring to a whole , with all the necessary parts or elements", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"A child would complete the family\" What is the definition of \"complete\"?"} {"term": "complete", "pos": "a", "context": "a complete meal", "definition": "having every necessary or normal part or component or step", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a complete meal\" What is the definition of \"complete\"?"} {"term": "complete", "pos": "s", "context": "a complete gentleman", "definition": "having all necessary qualities", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a complete gentleman\" What is the definition of \"complete\"?"} {"term": "complete", "pos": "s", "context": "the harvesting was complete", "definition": "having come or been brought to a conclusion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the harvesting was complete\" What is the definition of \"complete\"?"} {"term": "complete", "pos": "s", "context": "a complete musician", "definition": "highly skilled", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a complete musician\" What is the definition of \"complete\"?"} {"term": "refuge", "pos": "n", "context": "took refuge in lying", "definition": "something or someone turned to for assistance or security", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"took refuge in lying\" What is the definition of \"refuge\"?"} {"term": "nonconformist", "pos": "a", "context": "their rabidly nonconformist deportment has made them legendary", "definition": "not conforming to some norm or socially approved pattern of behavior or thought", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their rabidly nonconformist deportment has made them legendary\" What is the definition of \"nonconformist\"?"} {"term": "disappointment", "pos": "n", "context": "his hopes were so high he was doomed to disappointment", "definition": "a feeling of dissatisfaction that results when your expectations are not realized", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his hopes were so high he was doomed to disappointment\" What is the definition of \"disappointment\"?"} {"term": "overfill", "pos": "v", "context": "overfill the baskets", "definition": "to fill beyond capacity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"overfill the baskets\" What is the definition of \"overfill\"?"} {"term": "fraught", "pos": "s", "context": "a fraught mother-daughter relationship", "definition": "marked by distress", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fraught mother-daughter relationship\" What is the definition of \"fraught\"?"} {"term": "fraught", "pos": "s", "context": "words fraught with meaning", "definition": "filled with or attended with", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"words fraught with meaning\" What is the definition of \"fraught\"?"} {"term": "nomination", "pos": "n", "context": "the Republican nomination for Governor", "definition": "the act of officially naming a candidate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the Republican nomination for Governor\" What is the definition of \"nomination\"?"} {"term": "nomination", "pos": "n", "context": "there was keen competition for the nomination", "definition": "the condition of having been proposed as a suitable candidate for appointment or election", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was keen competition for the nomination\" What is the definition of \"nomination\"?"} {"term": "nomination", "pos": "n", "context": "the nomination was brief and to the point", "definition": "an address usually at a political convention proposing the name of a candidate to run for election", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the nomination was brief and to the point\" What is the definition of \"nomination\"?"} {"term": "fat", "pos": "n", "context": "pizza has too much fat", "definition": "a soft greasy substance occurring in organic tissue and consisting of a mixture of lipids mostly triglycerides", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pizza has too much fat\" What is the definition of \"fat\"?"} {"term": "fat", "pos": "a", "context": "he had n't remembered how fat she was", "definition": "having an overabundance of flesh", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had n't remembered how fat she was\" What is the definition of \"fat\"?"} {"term": "fat", "pos": "s", "context": "a fat rope", "definition": "having a relatively large diameter", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fat rope\" What is the definition of \"fat\"?"} {"term": "fat", "pos": "s", "context": "a nice fat job", "definition": "lucrative", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a nice fat job\" What is the definition of \"fat\"?"} {"term": "fat", "pos": "s", "context": "a fat land", "definition": "marked by great fruitfulness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fat land\" What is the definition of \"fat\"?"} {"term": "characterize", "pos": "v", "context": "You can characterize his behavior as that of an egotist", "definition": "to describe or portray the character or the qualities or peculiarities of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"You can characterize his behavior as that of an egotist\" What is the definition of \"characterize\"?"} {"term": "delusive", "pos": "s", "context": "delusive faith in a wonder drug", "definition": "inappropriate to reality or facts", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"delusive faith in a wonder drug\" What is the definition of \"delusive\"?"} {"term": "configure", "pos": "v", "context": "configure my new computer", "definition": "to set up for a particular purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"configure my new computer\" What is the definition of \"configure\"?"} {"term": "hesitantly", "pos": "r", "context": "he finally accepted hesitantly", "definition": "with hesitation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he finally accepted hesitantly\" What is the definition of \"hesitantly\"?"} {"term": "hesitantly", "pos": "r", "context": "he finally accepted hesitantly", "definition": "in a hesitant manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he finally accepted hesitantly\" What is the definition of \"hesitantly\"?"} {"term": "paradigm", "pos": "n", "context": "he framed the problem within the psychoanalytic paradigm", "definition": "the generally accepted perspective of a particular discipline at a given time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he framed the problem within the psychoanalytic paradigm\" What is the definition of \"paradigm\"?"} {"term": "meek", "pos": "s", "context": "meek and self-effacing", "definition": "humble in spirit or manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"meek and self-effacing\" What is the definition of \"meek\"?"} {"term": "meek", "pos": "s", "context": "meek and self-effacing", "definition": "suggesting retiring mildness or even cowed submissiveness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"meek and self-effacing\" What is the definition of \"meek\"?"} {"term": "meek", "pos": "s", "context": "meek as a mouse \" - Langston Hughes", "definition": "very docile", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"meek as a mouse \" - Langston Hughes\" What is the definition of \"meek\"?"} {"term": "meek", "pos": "s", "context": "a fine fiery blast against meek conformity \" - Orville Prescott", "definition": "evidencing little spirit or courage", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fine fiery blast against meek conformity \" - Orville Prescott\" What is the definition of \"meek\"?"} {"term": "meek", "pos": "s", "context": "a fine fiery blast against meek conformity \" - Orville Prescott", "definition": "overly submissive or compliant", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fine fiery blast against meek conformity \" - Orville Prescott\" What is the definition of \"meek\"?"} {"term": "stout", "pos": "s", "context": "stout hearts", "definition": "dependable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stout hearts\" What is the definition of \"stout\"?"} {"term": "stout", "pos": "s", "context": "men are portly and women are stout", "definition": "euphemisms for fat", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"men are portly and women are stout\" What is the definition of \"stout\"?"} {"term": "stout", "pos": "s", "context": "stout seamen", "definition": "having rugged physical strength", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stout seamen\" What is the definition of \"stout\"?"} {"term": "stout", "pos": "s", "context": "stout seamen", "definition": "inured to fatigue or hardships", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stout seamen\" What is the definition of \"stout\"?"} {"term": "angrily", "pos": "r", "context": "he angrily denied the accusation", "definition": "with anger", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he angrily denied the accusation\" What is the definition of \"angrily\"?"} {"term": "contretemps", "pos": "n", "context": "he tried to smooth over his contretemps with the policeman", "definition": "an awkward clash", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he tried to smooth over his contretemps with the policeman\" What is the definition of \"contretemps\"?"} {"term": "effulgent", "pos": "s", "context": "the effulgent daffodils", "definition": "radiating or as if radiating light", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the effulgent daffodils\" What is the definition of \"effulgent\"?"} {"term": "cardinal", "pos": "s", "context": "a cardinal rule", "definition": "serving as an essential component", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a cardinal rule\" What is the definition of \"cardinal\"?"} {"term": "cardinal", "pos": "a", "context": "cardinal numbers", "definition": "being or denoting a numerical quantity but not order", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cardinal numbers\" What is the definition of \"cardinal\"?"} {"term": "sectorial", "pos": "a", "context": "a sectorial box", "definition": "relating to or resembling a sector", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sectorial box\" What is the definition of \"sectorial\"?"} {"term": "provocative", "pos": "a", "context": "a provocative remark", "definition": "serving or tending to provoke , excite , or stimulate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a provocative remark\" What is the definition of \"provocative\"?"} {"term": "provocative", "pos": "a", "context": "a provocative remark", "definition": "stimulating discussion or exciting controversy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a provocative remark\" What is the definition of \"provocative\"?"} {"term": "provocative", "pos": "s", "context": "her gestures and postures became more wanton and provocative", "definition": "exciting sexual desire", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her gestures and postures became more wanton and provocative\" What is the definition of \"provocative\"?"} {"term": "sculptural", "pos": "a", "context": "sculptural embellishments", "definition": "relating to or consisting of sculpture", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sculptural embellishments\" What is the definition of \"sculptural\"?"} {"term": "sculptural", "pos": "s", "context": "rendered with ... vivid sculptural effect", "definition": "resembling sculpture", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rendered with ... vivid sculptural effect\" What is the definition of \"sculptural\"?"} {"term": "weedless", "pos": "a", "context": "a weedless garden", "definition": "free from weeds", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a weedless garden\" What is the definition of \"weedless\"?"} {"term": "collate", "pos": "v", "context": "collate the papers", "definition": "to to assemble in proper sequence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"collate the papers\" What is the definition of \"collate\"?"} {"term": "bear", "pos": "v", "context": "bear a resemblance", "definition": "to have", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bear a resemblance\" What is the definition of \"bear\"?"} {"term": "bear", "pos": "v", "context": "bear a heavy load", "definition": "to move while holding up or supporting", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bear a heavy load\" What is the definition of \"bear\"?"} {"term": "ribbing", "pos": "n", "context": "his ribbing was gentle but persistent", "definition": "the act of harassing someone playfully or maliciously especially by ridicule", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his ribbing was gentle but persistent\" What is the definition of \"ribbing\"?"} {"term": "ribbing", "pos": "n", "context": "his ribbing was gentle but persistent", "definition": "provoking someone with persistent annoyances", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his ribbing was gentle but persistent\" What is the definition of \"ribbing\"?"} {"term": "compulsion", "pos": "n", "context": "he felt a compulsion to babble on about the accident", "definition": "an urge to do or say something that might be better left undone or unsaid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he felt a compulsion to babble on about the accident\" What is the definition of \"compulsion\"?"} {"term": "compulsion", "pos": "n", "context": "her compulsion to wash her hands repeatedly", "definition": "an irrational motive for performing trivial or repetitive actions , even against your will", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her compulsion to wash her hands repeatedly\" What is the definition of \"compulsion\"?"} {"term": "compulsion", "pos": "n", "context": "though pressed into rugby under compulsion I began to enjoy the game", "definition": "using force to cause something to occur", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"though pressed into rugby under compulsion I began to enjoy the game\" What is the definition of \"compulsion\"?"} {"term": "obstacle", "pos": "n", "context": "lack of imagination is an obstacle to one 's advancement", "definition": "something immaterial that stands in the way and must be circumvented or surmounted", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lack of imagination is an obstacle to one 's advancement\" What is the definition of \"obstacle\"?"} {"term": "sybaritic", "pos": "s", "context": "a chinchilla robe of sybaritic lavishness", "definition": "displaying luxury and furnishing gratification to the senses", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a chinchilla robe of sybaritic lavishness\" What is the definition of \"sybaritic\"?"} {"term": "measurable", "pos": "a", "context": "measurable depths", "definition": "capable of being measured", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"measurable depths\" What is the definition of \"measurable\"?"} {"term": "measurable", "pos": "s", "context": "a measurable figure in literature", "definition": "of distinguished importance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a measurable figure in literature\" What is the definition of \"measurable\"?"} {"term": "field", "pos": "n", "context": "he planted a field of wheat", "definition": "a piece of land cleared of trees and usually enclosed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he planted a field of wheat\" What is the definition of \"field\"?"} {"term": "field", "pos": "n", "context": "anthropologists do much of their work in the field", "definition": "somewhere away from a studio or office or library or laboratory where practical work is done or data is collected", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"anthropologists do much of their work in the field\" What is the definition of \"field\"?"} {"term": "abstain", "pos": "v", "context": "I abstain from alcohol", "definition": "to choose not to consume", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I abstain from alcohol\" What is the definition of \"abstain\"?"} {"term": "systemic", "pos": "s", "context": "a systemic poison", "definition": "affecting an entire system", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a systemic poison\" What is the definition of \"systemic\"?"} {"term": "assert", "pos": "v", "context": "Women should assert themselves more !", "definition": "to insist on having ones opinions and rights recognized", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Women should assert themselves more !\" What is the definition of \"assert\"?"} {"term": "routine", "pos": "n", "context": "she had a catchy little routine", "definition": "a short theatrical performance that is part of a longer program", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she had a catchy little routine\" What is the definition of \"routine\"?"} {"term": "routine", "pos": "s", "context": "it was a routine day", "definition": "found in the ordinary course of events", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was a routine day\" What is the definition of \"routine\"?"} {"term": "graciously", "pos": "r", "context": "he did not have a chance to grow up graciously", "definition": "in a gracious or graceful manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he did not have a chance to grow up graciously\" What is the definition of \"graciously\"?"} {"term": "postprandial", "pos": "a", "context": "his postprandial cigar", "definition": "following a meal especially dinner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his postprandial cigar\" What is the definition of \"postprandial\"?"} {"term": "quadruplicate", "pos": "n", "context": "it was signed in quadruplicate", "definition": "any four copies", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was signed in quadruplicate\" What is the definition of \"quadruplicate\"?"} {"term": "quadruplicate", "pos": "n", "context": "it was signed in quadruplicate", "definition": "any of four things that correspond to one another exactly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was signed in quadruplicate\" What is the definition of \"quadruplicate\"?"} {"term": "quadruplicate", "pos": "v", "context": "quadruplicate the bill", "definition": "to reproduce fourfold", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"quadruplicate the bill\" What is the definition of \"quadruplicate\"?"} {"term": "dog", "pos": "n", "context": "the dog barked all night", "definition": "a member of the genus canis probably descended from the common wolf that has been domesticated by man since prehistoric times", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the dog barked all night\" What is the definition of \"dog\"?"} {"term": "dog", "pos": "n", "context": "the dog barked all night", "definition": "occurs in many breeds", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the dog barked all night\" What is the definition of \"dog\"?"} {"term": "dog", "pos": "n", "context": "you lucky dog", "definition": "informal term for a man", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you lucky dog\" What is the definition of \"dog\"?"} {"term": "dog", "pos": "n", "context": "she 's a real dog", "definition": "a dull unattractive unpleasant girl or woman", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she 's a real dog\" What is the definition of \"dog\"?"} {"term": "dog", "pos": "v", "context": "the dog chased the rabbit", "definition": "to go after with the intent to catch", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the dog chased the rabbit\" What is the definition of \"dog\"?"} {"term": "restrict", "pos": "v", "context": "restrict the use of this parking lot", "definition": "to place limits on extent or access", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"restrict the use of this parking lot\" What is the definition of \"restrict\"?"} {"term": "eclat", "pos": "n", "context": "the eclat of a great achievement", "definition": "brilliant or conspicuous success or effect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the eclat of a great achievement\" What is the definition of \"eclat\"?"} {"term": "eclat", "pos": "n", "context": "they gave him more eclat than he really deserved", "definition": "enthusiastic approval", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they gave him more eclat than he really deserved\" What is the definition of \"eclat\"?"} {"term": "eclat", "pos": "n", "context": "entered with much eclat in a coach drawn by eight white horses", "definition": "ceremonial elegance and splendor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"entered with much eclat in a coach drawn by eight white horses\" What is the definition of \"eclat\"?"} {"term": "leafy", "pos": "a", "context": "leafy trees", "definition": "having or covered with leaves", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"leafy trees\" What is the definition of \"leafy\"?"} {"term": "detraction", "pos": "n", "context": "let it be no detraction from his merits to say he is plainspoken", "definition": "the act of discrediting or detracting from someones reputation especially by slander", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"let it be no detraction from his merits to say he is plainspoken\" What is the definition of \"detraction\"?"} {"term": "perturbation", "pos": "n", "context": "the term ` distress ' connotes some degree of perturbation and emotional upset", "definition": "activity that is a malfunction , intrusion , or interruption", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the term ` distress ' connotes some degree of perturbation and emotional upset\" What is the definition of \"perturbation\"?"} {"term": "squeeze", "pos": "n", "context": "he gave her cheek a playful squeeze", "definition": "the act of gripping and pressing firmly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he gave her cheek a playful squeeze\" What is the definition of \"squeeze\"?"} {"term": "squeeze", "pos": "n", "context": "increased expenses put a squeeze on profits", "definition": "a situation in which increased costs can not be passed on to the customer", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"increased expenses put a squeeze on profits\" What is the definition of \"squeeze\"?"} {"term": "squeeze", "pos": "n", "context": "she was his main squeeze", "definition": "a persons girlfriend or boyfriend", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was his main squeeze\" What is the definition of \"squeeze\"?"} {"term": "squeeze", "pos": "v", "context": "squeeze a lemon", "definition": "to to compress with violence , out of natural shape or condition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"squeeze a lemon\" What is the definition of \"squeeze\"?"} {"term": "intention", "pos": "n", "context": "my intention changed once I saw her", "definition": "an act of intending", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my intention changed once I saw her\" What is the definition of \"intention\"?"} {"term": "intention", "pos": "n", "context": "my intention changed once I saw her", "definition": "a volition that you intend to carry out", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my intention changed once I saw her\" What is the definition of \"intention\"?"} {"term": "endorse", "pos": "v", "context": "endorse cheques", "definition": "to sign as evidence of legal transfer", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"endorse cheques\" What is the definition of \"endorse\"?"} {"term": "endorse", "pos": "v", "context": "endorse a new project", "definition": "to give support or ones approval to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"endorse a new project\" What is the definition of \"endorse\"?"} {"term": "tension", "pos": "n", "context": "he suffered from fatigue and emotional tension", "definition": "a state of mental or emotional strain or suspense", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he suffered from fatigue and emotional tension\" What is the definition of \"tension\"?"} {"term": "tension", "pos": "n", "context": "it places great tension on the leg muscles", "definition": "the physical condition of being stretched or strained", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it places great tension on the leg muscles\" What is the definition of \"tension\"?"} {"term": "tension", "pos": "n", "context": "there is a tension created between narrative time and movie time", "definition": "a balance between and interplay of opposing elements or tendencies especially in art or literature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is a tension created between narrative time and movie time\" What is the definition of \"tension\"?"} {"term": "radiantly", "pos": "r", "context": "the bride smiled radiantly", "definition": "in a radiant manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the bride smiled radiantly\" What is the definition of \"radiantly\"?"} {"term": "lively", "pos": "a", "context": "a lively discussion", "definition": "full of life and energy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a lively discussion\" What is the definition of \"lively\"?"} {"term": "lively", "pos": "s", "context": "a lively period in history", "definition": "filled with events or activity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a lively period in history\" What is the definition of \"lively\"?"} {"term": "lively", "pos": "s", "context": "a lively gait", "definition": "quick and energetic", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a lively gait\" What is the definition of \"lively\"?"} {"term": "misdirect", "pos": "v", "context": "misdirect the letter", "definition": "to put a wrong address on", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"misdirect the letter\" What is the definition of \"misdirect\"?"} {"term": "exterior", "pos": "a", "context": "an exterior scene", "definition": "situated in or suitable for the outdoors or outside of a building", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an exterior scene\" What is the definition of \"exterior\"?"} {"term": "sheet", "pos": "n", "context": "a sheet of ice", "definition": "any broad thin expanse or surface", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sheet of ice\" What is the definition of \"sheet\"?"} {"term": "homeliness", "pos": "n", "context": "fine clothes could not conceal the girl 's homeliness", "definition": "an appearance that is not attractive or beautiful", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fine clothes could not conceal the girl 's homeliness\" What is the definition of \"homeliness\"?"} {"term": "sketch", "pos": "v", "context": "sketch the outline of the book", "definition": "to describe roughly or briefly or give the main points or summary of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sketch the outline of the book\" What is the definition of \"sketch\"?"} {"term": "open", "pos": "n", "context": "finally broke out of the forest into the open", "definition": "a clear or unobstructed space or expanse of land or water", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"finally broke out of the forest into the open\" What is the definition of \"open\"?"} {"term": "open", "pos": "n", "context": "all the reports were out in the open", "definition": "information that has become public", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all the reports were out in the open\" What is the definition of \"open\"?"} {"term": "open", "pos": "v", "context": "open a business", "definition": "to start to operate or function or cause to start operating or functioning", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"open a business\" What is the definition of \"open\"?"} {"term": "open", "pos": "a", "context": "an open door", "definition": "affording unobstructed entrance and exit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an open door\" What is the definition of \"open\"?"} {"term": "open", "pos": "a", "context": "an open door", "definition": "not shut or closed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an open door\" What is the definition of \"open\"?"} {"term": "open", "pos": "a", "context": "open drains", "definition": "affording free passage or access", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"open drains\" What is the definition of \"open\"?"} {"term": "open", "pos": "a", "context": "keep your eyes open", "definition": "used of mouth or eyes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"keep your eyes open\" What is the definition of \"open\"?"} {"term": "open", "pos": "s", "context": "the job is still open", "definition": "not having been filled", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the job is still open\" What is the definition of \"open\"?"} {"term": "open", "pos": "s", "context": "open season", "definition": "accessible to all", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"open season\" What is the definition of \"open\"?"} {"term": "shambling", "pos": "n", "context": "from his shambling I assumed he was very old", "definition": "walking with a slow dragging motion without lifting your feet", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"from his shambling I assumed he was very old\" What is the definition of \"shambling\"?"} {"term": "blanket", "pos": "n", "context": "there was a blanket of snow", "definition": "anything that covers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was a blanket of snow\" What is the definition of \"blanket\"?"} {"term": "blanket", "pos": "s", "context": "blanket sanctions against human-rights violators", "definition": "broad in scope or content", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"blanket sanctions against human-rights violators\" What is the definition of \"blanket\"?"} {"term": "pugnacious", "pos": "s", "context": "pugnacious spirits ... lamented that there was so little prospect of an exhilarating disturbance \" - Herman Melville", "definition": "ready and able to resort to force or violence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pugnacious spirits ... lamented that there was so little prospect of an exhilarating disturbance \" - Herman Melville\" What is the definition of \"pugnacious\"?"} {"term": "tardy", "pos": "s", "context": "tardy children are sent to the principal", "definition": "after the expected or usual time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tardy children are sent to the principal\" What is the definition of \"tardy\"?"} {"term": "tardy", "pos": "s", "context": "tardy children are sent to the principal", "definition": "delayed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tardy children are sent to the principal\" What is the definition of \"tardy\"?"} {"term": "minuscule", "pos": "s", "context": "a minuscule kitchen", "definition": "very small", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a minuscule kitchen\" What is the definition of \"minuscule\"?"} {"term": "minuscule", "pos": "s", "context": "e.e.cummings 's poetry is written all in minuscule letters", "definition": "lowercase", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"e.e.cummings 's poetry is written all in minuscule letters\" What is the definition of \"minuscule\"?"} {"term": "posting", "pos": "n", "context": "the posting was made in the cash account", "definition": "a listing on the companys records", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the posting was made in the cash account\" What is the definition of \"posting\"?"} {"term": "allurement", "pos": "n", "context": "its allurement was its remoteness", "definition": "attractiveness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"its allurement was its remoteness\" What is the definition of \"allurement\"?"} {"term": "reduce", "pos": "v", "context": "reduce your daily fat intake", "definition": "to cut down on", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"reduce your daily fat intake\" What is the definition of \"reduce\"?"} {"term": "reduce", "pos": "v", "context": "reduce your daily fat intake", "definition": "to make a reduction in", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"reduce your daily fat intake\" What is the definition of \"reduce\"?"} {"term": "reduce", "pos": "v", "context": "reduce a problem to a single question", "definition": "to make less complex", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"reduce a problem to a single question\" What is the definition of \"reduce\"?"} {"term": "wheaten", "pos": "a", "context": "wheaten bread", "definition": "of or relating to or derived from wheat", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wheaten bread\" What is the definition of \"wheaten\"?"} {"term": "reseat", "pos": "v", "context": "reseat the old broken chair", "definition": "to provide with a new seat", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"reseat the old broken chair\" What is the definition of \"reseat\"?"} {"term": "reseat", "pos": "v", "context": "reseat Carnegie Hall", "definition": "to provide with new seats", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"reseat Carnegie Hall\" What is the definition of \"reseat\"?"} {"term": "check", "pos": "n", "context": "he paid all his bills by check", "definition": "a written order directing a bank to pay money", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he paid all his bills by check\" What is the definition of \"check\"?"} {"term": "check", "pos": "n", "context": "he asked the waiter for the check", "definition": "the bill in a restaurant", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he asked the waiter for the check\" What is the definition of \"check\"?"} {"term": "check", "pos": "n", "context": "they made a check of their equipment", "definition": "the act of inspecting or verifying", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they made a check of their equipment\" What is the definition of \"check\"?"} {"term": "check", "pos": "v", "context": "check the brakes", "definition": "to examine so as to determine accuracy , quality , or condition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"check the brakes\" What is the definition of \"check\"?"} {"term": "check", "pos": "v", "context": "check into the rumor", "definition": "to make an examination or investigation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"check into the rumor\" What is the definition of \"check\"?"} {"term": "summary", "pos": "n", "context": "he gave a summary of the conclusions", "definition": "a brief statement that presents the main points in a concise form", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he gave a summary of the conclusions\" What is the definition of \"summary\"?"} {"term": "summary", "pos": "s", "context": "a summary execution", "definition": "performed speedily and without formality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a summary execution\" What is the definition of \"summary\"?"} {"term": "summary", "pos": "s", "context": "a summary formulation of a wide-ranging subject", "definition": "briefly giving the gist of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a summary formulation of a wide-ranging subject\" What is the definition of \"summary\"?"} {"term": "wayward", "pos": "s", "context": "wayward behavior", "definition": "resistant to guidance or discipline", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wayward behavior\" What is the definition of \"wayward\"?"} {"term": "dreadfully", "pos": "r", "context": "there was a dreadfully bloody accident on the road this morning", "definition": "of a dreadful kind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was a dreadfully bloody accident on the road this morning\" What is the definition of \"dreadfully\"?"} {"term": "snotty", "pos": "s", "context": "a snotty nose", "definition": "dirty with nasal discharge", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a snotty nose\" What is the definition of \"snotty\"?"} {"term": "snotty", "pos": "s", "context": "a snotty little scion of a degenerate family \" - Laurent Le Sage", "definition": "overly conceited or arrogant", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a snotty little scion of a degenerate family \" - Laurent Le Sage\" What is the definition of \"snotty\"?"} {"term": "null", "pos": "s", "context": "null and void", "definition": "lacking any legal or binding force", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"null and void\" What is the definition of \"null\"?"} {"term": "appropriation", "pos": "n", "context": "the necessary funds were obtained by the government 's appropriation of the company 's operating unit", "definition": "a deliberate act of acquisition of something , often without the permission of the owner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the necessary funds were obtained by the government 's appropriation of the company 's operating unit\" What is the definition of \"appropriation\"?"} {"term": "bold", "pos": "a", "context": "bold settlers on some foreign shore", "definition": "fearless and daring", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bold settlers on some foreign shore\" What is the definition of \"bold\"?"} {"term": "bold", "pos": "s", "context": "bold handwriting", "definition": "clear and distinct", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bold handwriting\" What is the definition of \"bold\"?"} {"term": "bold", "pos": "s", "context": "where the bold chalk cliffs of England rise", "definition": "very steep", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"where the bold chalk cliffs of England rise\" What is the definition of \"bold\"?"} {"term": "bold", "pos": "s", "context": "where the bold chalk cliffs of England rise", "definition": "having a prominent and almost vertical front", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"where the bold chalk cliffs of England rise\" What is the definition of \"bold\"?"} {"term": "attainable", "pos": "s", "context": "choose an attainable goal", "definition": "capable of being attained or accomplished", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"choose an attainable goal\" What is the definition of \"attainable\"?"} {"term": "sanguinary", "pos": "s", "context": "this bitter and sanguinary war", "definition": "accompanied by bloodshed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this bitter and sanguinary war\" What is the definition of \"sanguinary\"?"} {"term": "sanguinary", "pos": "s", "context": "went after the collaborators with a sanguinary fury that drenched the land with blood \" - G.W.Johnson", "definition": "marked by eagerness to resort to violence and bloodshed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"went after the collaborators with a sanguinary fury that drenched the land with blood \" - G.W.Johnson\" What is the definition of \"sanguinary\"?"} {"term": "expectant", "pos": "s", "context": "an expectant hush", "definition": "marked by eager anticipation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an expectant hush\" What is the definition of \"expectant\"?"} {"term": "nonce", "pos": "n", "context": "for the nonce", "definition": "the present occasion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for the nonce\" What is the definition of \"nonce\"?"} {"term": "venerable", "pos": "s", "context": "a venerable sage with white hair and beard", "definition": "impressive by reason of age", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a venerable sage with white hair and beard\" What is the definition of \"venerable\"?"} {"term": "stun", "pos": "v", "context": "stun fish", "definition": "to make senseless or dizzy by or as if by a blow", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stun fish\" What is the definition of \"stun\"?"} {"term": "loyally", "pos": "r", "context": "government will not be efficient unless the people as a whole accept leadership loyally and enthusiastically", "definition": "with loyalty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"government will not be efficient unless the people as a whole accept leadership loyally and enthusiastically\" What is the definition of \"loyally\"?"} {"term": "loyally", "pos": "r", "context": "government will not be efficient unless the people as a whole accept leadership loyally and enthusiastically", "definition": "in a loyal manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"government will not be efficient unless the people as a whole accept leadership loyally and enthusiastically\" What is the definition of \"loyally\"?"} {"term": "cheer", "pos": "v", "context": "She tried to cheer up the disappointed child when he failed to win the spelling bee", "definition": "to cause somebody to feel happier or more cheerful", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"She tried to cheer up the disappointed child when he failed to win the spelling bee\" What is the definition of \"cheer\"?"} {"term": "acerbic", "pos": "s", "context": "an acerbic tone piercing otherwise flowery prose", "definition": "harsh or corrosive in tone", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an acerbic tone piercing otherwise flowery prose\" What is the definition of \"acerbic\"?"} {"term": "effete", "pos": "s", "context": "a group of effete self-professed intellectuals", "definition": "marked by excessive self-indulgence and moral decay", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a group of effete self-professed intellectuals\" What is the definition of \"effete\"?"} {"term": "light", "pos": "n", "context": "the light was filtered through a soft glass window", "definition": "electromagnetic radiation that can produce a visual sensation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the light was filtered through a soft glass window\" What is the definition of \"light\"?"} {"term": "light", "pos": "a", "context": "a light load", "definition": "of comparatively little physical weight or density", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a light load\" What is the definition of \"light\"?"} {"term": "light", "pos": "a", "context": "light blue", "definition": "having a relatively small amount of coloring agent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"light blue\" What is the definition of \"light\"?"} {"term": "light", "pos": "a", "context": "light infantry", "definition": "of the military or industry", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"light infantry\" What is the definition of \"light\"?"} {"term": "light", "pos": "s", "context": "a light diet", "definition": "easily assimilated in the alimentary canal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a light diet\" What is the definition of \"light\"?"} {"term": "light", "pos": "s", "context": "a light diet", "definition": "not rich or heavily seasoned", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a light diet\" What is the definition of \"light\"?"} {"term": "light", "pos": "s", "context": "light soil", "definition": "loose and large-grained in consistency", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"light soil\" What is the definition of \"light\"?"} {"term": "light", "pos": "s", "context": "the dancer was light and graceful", "definition": "moving easily and quickly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the dancer was light and graceful\" What is the definition of \"light\"?"} {"term": "light", "pos": "s", "context": "the dancer was light and graceful", "definition": "nimble", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the dancer was light and graceful\" What is the definition of \"light\"?"} {"term": "light", "pos": "r", "context": "experienced travellers travel light", "definition": "with few burdens", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"experienced travellers travel light\" What is the definition of \"light\"?"} {"term": "education", "pos": "n", "context": "he received no formal education", "definition": "the activities of educating or instructing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he received no formal education\" What is the definition of \"education\"?"} {"term": "education", "pos": "n", "context": "he received no formal education", "definition": "activities that impart knowledge or skill", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he received no formal education\" What is the definition of \"education\"?"} {"term": "education", "pos": "n", "context": "it was clear that he had a very broad education", "definition": "knowledge acquired by learning and instruction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was clear that he had a very broad education\" What is the definition of \"education\"?"} {"term": "education", "pos": "n", "context": "education is a preparation for life", "definition": "the gradual process of acquiring knowledge", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"education is a preparation for life\" What is the definition of \"education\"?"} {"term": "ulcerative", "pos": "a", "context": "ulcerative colitis", "definition": "of or relating to or characterized by ulceration", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ulcerative colitis\" What is the definition of \"ulcerative\"?"} {"term": "fluorescent", "pos": "s", "context": "fluorescent colors", "definition": "brilliantly colored and apparently giving off light", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fluorescent colors\" What is the definition of \"fluorescent\"?"} {"term": "bunch", "pos": "n", "context": "a bunch of trees", "definition": "a grouping of a number of similar things", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bunch of trees\" What is the definition of \"bunch\"?"} {"term": "delicious", "pos": "s", "context": "a delicious joke", "definition": "greatly pleasing or entertaining", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a delicious joke\" What is the definition of \"delicious\"?"} {"term": "penetrate", "pos": "v", "context": "The hikers did not manage to penetrate the dense forest", "definition": "to make ones way deeper into or through", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The hikers did not manage to penetrate the dense forest\" What is the definition of \"penetrate\"?"} {"term": "skeleton", "pos": "n", "context": "the battalion was a mere skeleton of its former self", "definition": "something reduced to its minimal form", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the battalion was a mere skeleton of its former self\" What is the definition of \"skeleton\"?"} {"term": "skeleton", "pos": "n", "context": "there must be a skeleton somewhere in that family 's closet", "definition": "a scandal that is kept secret", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there must be a skeleton somewhere in that family 's closet\" What is the definition of \"skeleton\"?"} {"term": "skeleton", "pos": "n", "context": "the building has a steel skeleton", "definition": "the internal supporting structure that gives an artifact its shape", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the building has a steel skeleton\" What is the definition of \"skeleton\"?"} {"term": "disaster", "pos": "n", "context": "his policies were a disaster", "definition": "a state of extreme usually irremediable ruin and misfortune", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his policies were a disaster\" What is the definition of \"disaster\"?"} {"term": "disaster", "pos": "n", "context": "the earthquake was a disaster", "definition": "an event resulting in great loss and misfortune", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the earthquake was a disaster\" What is the definition of \"disaster\"?"} {"term": "glibness", "pos": "n", "context": "the glibness of a high-pressure salesman", "definition": "a kind of fluent easy superficiality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the glibness of a high-pressure salesman\" What is the definition of \"glibness\"?"} {"term": "flashing", "pos": "v", "context": "The lights were flashing", "definition": "to gleam or glow intermittently", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The lights were flashing\" What is the definition of \"flashing\"?"} {"term": "obsolescence", "pos": "n", "context": "a policy of planned obsolescence", "definition": "the process of becoming obsolete", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a policy of planned obsolescence\" What is the definition of \"obsolescence\"?"} {"term": "obsolescence", "pos": "n", "context": "a policy of planned obsolescence", "definition": "falling into disuse or becoming out of date", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a policy of planned obsolescence\" What is the definition of \"obsolescence\"?"} {"term": "avenue", "pos": "n", "context": "they explored every avenue they could think of", "definition": "a line of approach", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they explored every avenue they could think of\" What is the definition of \"avenue\"?"} {"term": "good", "pos": "n", "context": "for your own good", "definition": "benefit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for your own good\" What is the definition of \"good\"?"} {"term": "good", "pos": "n", "context": "there is much good to be found in people", "definition": "moral excellence or admirableness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is much good to be found in people\" What is the definition of \"good\"?"} {"term": "good", "pos": "n", "context": "weigh the good against the bad", "definition": "that which is pleasing or valuable or useful", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"weigh the good against the bad\" What is the definition of \"good\"?"} {"term": "good", "pos": "a", "context": "good news from the hospital", "definition": "having desirable or positive qualities especially those suitable for a thing specified", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"good news from the hospital\" What is the definition of \"good\"?"} {"term": "good", "pos": "s", "context": "we all had a good time", "definition": "agreeable or pleasing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we all had a good time\" What is the definition of \"good\"?"} {"term": "good", "pos": "s", "context": "a genuinely good person", "definition": "of moral excellence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a genuinely good person\" What is the definition of \"good\"?"} {"term": "good", "pos": "s", "context": "had a good workout", "definition": "thorough", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"had a good workout\" What is the definition of \"good\"?"} {"term": "salvation", "pos": "n", "context": "tourism was their economic salvation", "definition": "a means of preserving from harm or unpleasantness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tourism was their economic salvation\" What is the definition of \"salvation\"?"} {"term": "salvation", "pos": "n", "context": "the salvation of his party was the president 's major concern", "definition": "saving someone or something from harm or from an unpleasant situation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the salvation of his party was the president 's major concern\" What is the definition of \"salvation\"?"} {"term": "lady", "pos": "n", "context": "a nice lady at the library helped me", "definition": "a polite name for any woman", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a nice lady at the library helped me\" What is the definition of \"lady\"?"} {"term": "lady", "pos": "n", "context": "a chauffeur opened the door of the limousine for the grand lady", "definition": "a woman of refinement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a chauffeur opened the door of the limousine for the grand lady\" What is the definition of \"lady\"?"} {"term": "expressionless", "pos": "s", "context": "his face remained expressionless as the verdict was read", "definition": "deliberately impassive in manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his face remained expressionless as the verdict was read\" What is the definition of \"expressionless\"?"} {"term": "inconvenient", "pos": "a", "context": "it is inconvenient not to have a telephone in the kitchen", "definition": "not suited to your comfort , purpose or needs", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is inconvenient not to have a telephone in the kitchen\" What is the definition of \"inconvenient\"?"} {"term": "inconvenient", "pos": "s", "context": "an early departure is inconvenient for us", "definition": "not conveniently timed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an early departure is inconvenient for us\" What is the definition of \"inconvenient\"?"} {"term": "humorless", "pos": "a", "context": "it was a humorless wink", "definition": "lacking humor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was a humorless wink\" What is the definition of \"humorless\"?"} {"term": "humorless", "pos": "a", "context": "it was a humorless wink", "definition": "a wink of warning - truman capote", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was a humorless wink\" What is the definition of \"humorless\"?"} {"term": "soundless", "pos": "s", "context": "soundless footsteps on the grass", "definition": "marked by absence of sound", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"soundless footsteps on the grass\" What is the definition of \"soundless\"?"} {"term": "contrast", "pos": "n", "context": "in contrast to \" , \" by contrast", "definition": "the opposition or dissimilarity of things that are compared", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in contrast to \" , \" by contrast\" What is the definition of \"contrast\"?"} {"term": "contrast", "pos": "v", "context": "the students contrast considerably in their artistic abilities", "definition": "to to show differences when compared", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the students contrast considerably in their artistic abilities\" What is the definition of \"contrast\"?"} {"term": "contrast", "pos": "v", "context": "the students contrast considerably in their artistic abilities", "definition": "to be different", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the students contrast considerably in their artistic abilities\" What is the definition of \"contrast\"?"} {"term": "external", "pos": "a", "context": "the external auditory canal", "definition": "happening or arising or located outside or beyond some limits or especially surface", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the external auditory canal\" What is the definition of \"external\"?"} {"term": "external", "pos": "s", "context": "external commerce", "definition": "from or between other countries", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"external commerce\" What is the definition of \"external\"?"} {"term": "external", "pos": "s", "context": "external composure", "definition": "purely outward or superficial", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"external composure\" What is the definition of \"external\"?"} {"term": "loathsome", "pos": "s", "context": "a loathsome disease", "definition": "highly offensive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a loathsome disease\" What is the definition of \"loathsome\"?"} {"term": "loathsome", "pos": "s", "context": "a loathsome disease", "definition": "arousing aversion or disgust", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a loathsome disease\" What is the definition of \"loathsome\"?"} {"term": "faulty", "pos": "s", "context": "he submitted a faulty report", "definition": "characterized by errors", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he submitted a faulty report\" What is the definition of \"faulty\"?"} {"term": "faulty", "pos": "s", "context": "he submitted a faulty report", "definition": "not agreeing with a model or not following established rules", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he submitted a faulty report\" What is the definition of \"faulty\"?"} {"term": "faulty", "pos": "s", "context": "he submitted a faulty report", "definition": "the wrong side of the road", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he submitted a faulty report\" What is the definition of \"faulty\"?"} {"term": "probably", "pos": "r", "context": "He is probably out of the country", "definition": "with considerable certainty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"He is probably out of the country\" What is the definition of \"probably\"?"} {"term": "probably", "pos": "r", "context": "He is probably out of the country", "definition": "without much doubt", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"He is probably out of the country\" What is the definition of \"probably\"?"} {"term": "probably", "pos": "r", "context": "he will probably win the election", "definition": "easy to believe on the basis of available evidence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he will probably win the election\" What is the definition of \"probably\"?"} {"term": "operative", "pos": "a", "context": "operative regulations", "definition": "being in force or having or exerting force", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"operative regulations\" What is the definition of \"operative\"?"} {"term": "operative", "pos": "a", "context": "operative dentistry", "definition": "relating to or requiring or amenable to treatment by surgery especially as opposed to medicine", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"operative dentistry\" What is the definition of \"operative\"?"} {"term": "operative", "pos": "s", "context": "the operative word", "definition": "effective", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the operative word\" What is the definition of \"operative\"?"} {"term": "operative", "pos": "s", "context": "the operative word", "definition": "producing a desired effect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the operative word\" What is the definition of \"operative\"?"} {"term": "easterly", "pos": "s", "context": "the winds are easterly", "definition": "from the east", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the winds are easterly\" What is the definition of \"easterly\"?"} {"term": "easterly", "pos": "s", "context": "the winds are easterly", "definition": "used especially of winds", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the winds are easterly\" What is the definition of \"easterly\"?"} {"term": "easterly", "pos": "r", "context": "the winds blew easterly all night", "definition": "from the east", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the winds blew easterly all night\" What is the definition of \"easterly\"?"} {"term": "caustically", "pos": "r", "context": "he addressed her caustically", "definition": "in a caustic vitriolic manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he addressed her caustically\" What is the definition of \"caustically\"?"} {"term": "scanty", "pos": "s", "context": "a scanty harvest", "definition": "lacking in amplitude or quantity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a scanty harvest\" What is the definition of \"scanty\"?"} {"term": "contentious", "pos": "s", "context": "a style described as abrasive and contentious", "definition": "inclined or showing an inclination to dispute or disagree , even to engage in law suits", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a style described as abrasive and contentious\" What is the definition of \"contentious\"?"} {"term": "contentious", "pos": "s", "context": "a central and contentious element of the book \" - Tim W.Ferfuson", "definition": "involving or likely to cause controversy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a central and contentious element of the book \" - Tim W.Ferfuson\" What is the definition of \"contentious\"?"} {"term": "annual", "pos": "a", "context": "a border of annual flowering plants", "definition": "completing its life cycle within a year", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a border of annual flowering plants\" What is the definition of \"annual\"?"} {"term": "annual", "pos": "s", "context": "an annual trip to Paris", "definition": "occurring or payable every year", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an annual trip to Paris\" What is the definition of \"annual\"?"} {"term": "central", "pos": "s", "context": "the central cause of the problem", "definition": "serving as an essential component", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the central cause of the problem\" What is the definition of \"central\"?"} {"term": "central", "pos": "a", "context": "a central position", "definition": "in or near a center or constituting a center", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a central position\" What is the definition of \"central\"?"} {"term": "central", "pos": "a", "context": "a central position", "definition": "the inner area", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a central position\" What is the definition of \"central\"?"} {"term": "exponential", "pos": "a", "context": "exponential growth", "definition": "of or involving exponents", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"exponential growth\" What is the definition of \"exponential\"?"} {"term": "frenzied", "pos": "s", "context": "a frenzied attack", "definition": "affected with or marked by frenzy or mania uncontrolled by reason", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a frenzied attack\" What is the definition of \"frenzied\"?"} {"term": "frenzied", "pos": "s", "context": "a frenzied look in his eye", "definition": "excessively agitated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a frenzied look in his eye\" What is the definition of \"frenzied\"?"} {"term": "frenzied", "pos": "s", "context": "a frenzied look in his eye", "definition": "distraught with fear or other violent emotion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a frenzied look in his eye\" What is the definition of \"frenzied\"?"} {"term": "steamy", "pos": "s", "context": "steamy towels", "definition": "filled with steam or emitting moisture in the form of vapor or mist", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"steamy towels\" What is the definition of \"steamy\"?"} {"term": "steamy", "pos": "s", "context": "the steamy tropics", "definition": "hot or warm and humid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the steamy tropics\" What is the definition of \"steamy\"?"} {"term": "tinkling", "pos": "v", "context": "tinkling bells", "definition": "to make or emit a high sound", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tinkling bells\" What is the definition of \"tinkling\"?"} {"term": "tinkling", "pos": "s", "context": "sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal", "definition": "like the short high ringing sound of a small bell", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal\" What is the definition of \"tinkling\"?"} {"term": "lucky", "pos": "s", "context": "a lucky escape", "definition": "occurring by chance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a lucky escape\" What is the definition of \"lucky\"?"} {"term": "lucky", "pos": "s", "context": "lucky stars", "definition": "presaging or likely to bring good luck", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lucky stars\" What is the definition of \"lucky\"?"} {"term": "lucky", "pos": "a", "context": "my lucky day", "definition": "having or bringing good fortune", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my lucky day\" What is the definition of \"lucky\"?"} {"term": "ignorant", "pos": "s", "context": "an ignorant man", "definition": "uneducated in general", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an ignorant man\" What is the definition of \"ignorant\"?"} {"term": "ignorant", "pos": "s", "context": "an ignorant man", "definition": "lacking knowledge or sophistication", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an ignorant man\" What is the definition of \"ignorant\"?"} {"term": "ignorant", "pos": "s", "context": "she is ignorant of quantum mechanics", "definition": "uneducated in the fundamentals of a given art or branch of learning", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she is ignorant of quantum mechanics\" What is the definition of \"ignorant\"?"} {"term": "ignorant", "pos": "s", "context": "she is ignorant of quantum mechanics", "definition": "lacking knowledge of a specific field", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she is ignorant of quantum mechanics\" What is the definition of \"ignorant\"?"} {"term": "ignorant", "pos": "s", "context": "he was completely ignorant of the circumstances", "definition": "unaware because of a lack of relevant information or knowledge", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was completely ignorant of the circumstances\" What is the definition of \"ignorant\"?"} {"term": "possessive", "pos": "a", "context": "possessive pronouns", "definition": "serving to express or indicate possession", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"possessive pronouns\" What is the definition of \"possessive\"?"} {"term": "possessive", "pos": "s", "context": "small children are so possessive they will not let others play with their toys", "definition": "desirous of owning", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"small children are so possessive they will not let others play with their toys\" What is the definition of \"possessive\"?"} {"term": "possessive", "pos": "s", "context": "a possessive parent", "definition": "having or showing a desire to control or dominate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a possessive parent\" What is the definition of \"possessive\"?"} {"term": "statesmanlike", "pos": "a", "context": "a man of statesmanlike judgment", "definition": "marked by the qualities of or befitting a statesman", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a man of statesmanlike judgment\" What is the definition of \"statesmanlike\"?"} {"term": "perverse", "pos": "s", "context": "took perverse satisfaction in foiling her plans", "definition": "marked by a disposition to oppose and contradict", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"took perverse satisfaction in foiling her plans\" What is the definition of \"perverse\"?"} {"term": "perverse", "pos": "s", "context": "a perverse mood", "definition": "resistant to guidance or discipline", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a perverse mood\" What is the definition of \"perverse\"?"} {"term": "essentially", "pos": "r", "context": "the argument was essentially a technical one", "definition": "in essence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the argument was essentially a technical one\" What is the definition of \"essentially\"?"} {"term": "essentially", "pos": "r", "context": "the argument was essentially a technical one", "definition": "at bottom or by ones or its very nature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the argument was essentially a technical one\" What is the definition of \"essentially\"?"} {"term": "antique", "pos": "s", "context": "the beautiful antique French furniture", "definition": "made in or typical of earlier times and valued for its age", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the beautiful antique French furniture\" What is the definition of \"antique\"?"} {"term": "antique", "pos": "s", "context": "a suit of rather antique appearance", "definition": "out of fashion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a suit of rather antique appearance\" What is the definition of \"antique\"?"} {"term": "antique", "pos": "s", "context": "the antique fear that days would dwindle away to complete darkness", "definition": "belonging to or lasting from times long ago", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the antique fear that days would dwindle away to complete darkness\" What is the definition of \"antique\"?"} {"term": "airy", "pos": "s", "context": "airy theories about socioeconomic improvement", "definition": "not practical or realizable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"airy theories about socioeconomic improvement\" What is the definition of \"airy\"?"} {"term": "airy", "pos": "s", "context": "airy theories about socioeconomic improvement", "definition": "speculative", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"airy theories about socioeconomic improvement\" What is the definition of \"airy\"?"} {"term": "airy", "pos": "s", "context": "airy gauze curtains", "definition": "having little or no perceptible weight", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"airy gauze curtains\" What is the definition of \"airy\"?"} {"term": "airy", "pos": "s", "context": "airy gauze curtains", "definition": "so light as to resemble air", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"airy gauze curtains\" What is the definition of \"airy\"?"} {"term": "airy", "pos": "s", "context": "airy rooms", "definition": "open to or abounding in fresh air", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"airy rooms\" What is the definition of \"airy\"?"} {"term": "buff", "pos": "n", "context": "swimming in the buff", "definition": "bare skin", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"swimming in the buff\" What is the definition of \"buff\"?"} {"term": "buff", "pos": "n", "context": "swimming in the buff", "definition": "naked", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"swimming in the buff\" What is the definition of \"buff\"?"} {"term": "buff", "pos": "v", "context": "buff the wooden floors", "definition": "to polish and make shiny", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"buff the wooden floors\" What is the definition of \"buff\"?"} {"term": "unfounded", "pos": "s", "context": "unfounded suspicions", "definition": "without a basis in reason or fact", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unfounded suspicions\" What is the definition of \"unfounded\"?"} {"term": "proverbial", "pos": "a", "context": "he kicked the proverbial bucket", "definition": "of or relating to or resembling or expressed in a proverb", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he kicked the proverbial bucket\" What is the definition of \"proverbial\"?"} {"term": "proverbial", "pos": "s", "context": "her proverbial lateness", "definition": "widely known and spoken of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her proverbial lateness\" What is the definition of \"proverbial\"?"} {"term": "attract", "pos": "v", "context": "Her good looks attract the stares of many men", "definition": "to direct toward itself or oneself by means of some psychological power or physical attributes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Her good looks attract the stares of many men\" What is the definition of \"attract\"?"} {"term": "fade", "pos": "v", "context": "The scene begins to fade", "definition": "to become less clearly visible or distinguishable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The scene begins to fade\" What is the definition of \"fade\"?"} {"term": "fade", "pos": "v", "context": "The scene begins to fade", "definition": "to disappear gradually or seemingly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The scene begins to fade\" What is the definition of \"fade\"?"} {"term": "taproot", "pos": "n", "context": "the taproot of his resentment", "definition": "something that provides an important central source for growth or development", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the taproot of his resentment\" What is the definition of \"taproot\"?"} {"term": "nisi", "pos": "s", "context": "the decree is nisi and not absolute", "definition": "not final or absolute", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the decree is nisi and not absolute\" What is the definition of \"nisi\"?"} {"term": "dark", "pos": "n", "context": "he was in the dark concerning their intentions", "definition": "an unenlightened state", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was in the dark concerning their intentions\" What is the definition of \"dark\"?"} {"term": "dark", "pos": "a", "context": "sitting in a dark corner", "definition": "devoid of or deficient in light or brightness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sitting in a dark corner\" What is the definition of \"dark\"?"} {"term": "dark", "pos": "a", "context": "sitting in a dark corner", "definition": "shadowed or black", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sitting in a dark corner\" What is the definition of \"dark\"?"} {"term": "dark", "pos": "s", "context": "dark eyes", "definition": "brunet used of hair or skin or eyes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dark eyes\" What is the definition of \"dark\"?"} {"term": "dark", "pos": "s", "context": "keep it dark", "definition": "secret", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"keep it dark\" What is the definition of \"dark\"?"} {"term": "dark", "pos": "s", "context": "a dark scowl", "definition": "showing a brooding ill humor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dark scowl\" What is the definition of \"dark\"?"} {"term": "occasion", "pos": "n", "context": "there was no occasion for complaint", "definition": "reason", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was no occasion for complaint\" What is the definition of \"occasion\"?"} {"term": "occasion", "pos": "n", "context": "on the occasion of his 60th birthday", "definition": "the time of a particular event", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on the occasion of his 60th birthday\" What is the definition of \"occasion\"?"} {"term": "occasion", "pos": "n", "context": "there was never an occasion for her to demonstrate her skill", "definition": "an opportunity to do something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was never an occasion for her to demonstrate her skill\" What is the definition of \"occasion\"?"} {"term": "uncivil", "pos": "a", "context": "want nothing from you but to get away from your uncivil tongue \" - Willa Cather", "definition": "lacking civility or good manners", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"want nothing from you but to get away from your uncivil tongue \" - Willa Cather\" What is the definition of \"uncivil\"?"} {"term": "digestion", "pos": "n", "context": "his appetite for facts was better than his digestion", "definition": "learning and coming to understand ideas and information", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his appetite for facts was better than his digestion\" What is the definition of \"digestion\"?"} {"term": "distribution", "pos": "n", "context": "worldwide in distribution", "definition": "the spatial or geographic property of being scattered about over a range , area , or volume", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"worldwide in distribution\" What is the definition of \"distribution\"?"} {"term": "pubic", "pos": "a", "context": "pubic bones", "definition": "relating or near the pubis", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pubic bones\" What is the definition of \"pubic\"?"} {"term": "enjoyable", "pos": "s", "context": "the company was enjoyable", "definition": "affording satisfaction or pleasure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the company was enjoyable\" What is the definition of \"enjoyable\"?"} {"term": "intended", "pos": "v", "context": "She was intended to become the director", "definition": "to design or destine", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"She was intended to become the director\" What is the definition of \"intended\"?"} {"term": "intended", "pos": "a", "context": "your intended trip abroad", "definition": "resulting from ones intentions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"your intended trip abroad\" What is the definition of \"intended\"?"} {"term": "intended", "pos": "s", "context": "his intended bride", "definition": "future", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his intended bride\" What is the definition of \"intended\"?"} {"term": "intended", "pos": "s", "context": "his intended bride", "definition": "betrothed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his intended bride\" What is the definition of \"intended\"?"} {"term": "cleanly", "pos": "s", "context": "cleanly in their persons and habitations", "definition": "habitually clean", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cleanly in their persons and habitations\" What is the definition of \"cleanly\"?"} {"term": "cleanly", "pos": "r", "context": "the motor burns cleanly", "definition": "in a manner that minimizes dirt and pollution", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the motor burns cleanly\" What is the definition of \"cleanly\"?"} {"term": "cleanly", "pos": "r", "context": "she played the piano accompaniment cleanly", "definition": "without difficulty or distortion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she played the piano accompaniment cleanly\" What is the definition of \"cleanly\"?"} {"term": "cleanly", "pos": "r", "context": "he bounced it cleanly off the wall", "definition": "in an adroit manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he bounced it cleanly off the wall\" What is the definition of \"cleanly\"?"} {"term": "collapse", "pos": "n", "context": "the roof is in danger of collapse", "definition": "a natural event caused by something suddenly falling down or caving in", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the roof is in danger of collapse\" What is the definition of \"collapse\"?"} {"term": "collapse", "pos": "v", "context": "collapse the music stand", "definition": "to fold or close up", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"collapse the music stand\" What is the definition of \"collapse\"?"} {"term": "unlawful", "pos": "s", "context": "unlawful love", "definition": "not morally right or permissible", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unlawful love\" What is the definition of \"unlawful\"?"} {"term": "unlawful", "pos": "a", "context": "unlawful measures", "definition": "contrary to or prohibited by or defiant of law", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unlawful measures\" What is the definition of \"unlawful\"?"} {"term": "adjuvant", "pos": "s", "context": "the adjuvant action of certain bacteria", "definition": "enhancing the action of a medical treatment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the adjuvant action of certain bacteria\" What is the definition of \"adjuvant\"?"} {"term": "adjuvant", "pos": "s", "context": "an adjuvant discipline to forms of mysticism", "definition": "furnishing added support", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an adjuvant discipline to forms of mysticism\" What is the definition of \"adjuvant\"?"} {"term": "nomadic", "pos": "s", "context": "the nomadic habits of the Bedouins", "definition": "migratory", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the nomadic habits of the Bedouins\" What is the definition of \"nomadic\"?"} {"term": "keenly", "pos": "r", "context": "he was keenly aware of his own shortcomings", "definition": "in a keen and discriminating manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was keenly aware of his own shortcomings\" What is the definition of \"keenly\"?"} {"term": "responsibility", "pos": "n", "context": "he holds a position of great responsibility", "definition": "a form of trustworthiness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he holds a position of great responsibility\" What is the definition of \"responsibility\"?"} {"term": "responsibility", "pos": "n", "context": "he holds a position of great responsibility", "definition": "the trait of being answerable to someone for something or being responsible for ones conduct", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he holds a position of great responsibility\" What is the definition of \"responsibility\"?"} {"term": "responsibility", "pos": "n", "context": "every right implies a responsibility", "definition": "the social force that binds you to the courses of action demanded by that force", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"every right implies a responsibility\" What is the definition of \"responsibility\"?"} {"term": "responsibility", "pos": "n", "context": "every right implies a responsibility", "definition": "every opportunity , an obligation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"every right implies a responsibility\" What is the definition of \"responsibility\"?"} {"term": "responsibility", "pos": "n", "context": "every right implies a responsibility", "definition": "every possession , a duty - john d.rockefeller jr", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"every right implies a responsibility\" What is the definition of \"responsibility\"?"} {"term": "dissent", "pos": "n", "context": "he expressed his dissent in a contrary opinion", "definition": "the difference of one judges opinion from that of the majority", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he expressed his dissent in a contrary opinion\" What is the definition of \"dissent\"?"} {"term": "dissent", "pos": "v", "context": "dissent to the laws of the country", "definition": "to express opposition through action or words", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dissent to the laws of the country\" What is the definition of \"dissent\"?"} {"term": "closely", "pos": "r", "context": "the onsets were closely timed", "definition": "in a close relation or position in time or space", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the onsets were closely timed\" What is the definition of \"closely\"?"} {"term": "paralytic", "pos": "a", "context": "paralytic symptoms", "definition": "relating to or of the nature of paralysis", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"paralytic symptoms\" What is the definition of \"paralytic\"?"} {"term": "sick", "pos": "s", "context": "sat completely still , sick with envy", "definition": "deeply affected by a strong feeling", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sat completely still , sick with envy\" What is the definition of \"sick\"?"} {"term": "throw", "pos": "n", "context": "he could n't afford $ 50 a throw", "definition": "a single chance or instance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he could n't afford $ 50 a throw\" What is the definition of \"throw\"?"} {"term": "throw", "pos": "v", "context": "throw a frisbee", "definition": "to propel through the air", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"throw a frisbee\" What is the definition of \"throw\"?"} {"term": "front", "pos": "n", "context": "he put up a bold front", "definition": "the outward appearance of a person", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he put up a bold front\" What is the definition of \"front\"?"} {"term": "aft", "pos": "r", "context": "stow the luggage aft", "definition": "at or near or toward the stern of a ship or tail of an airplane", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stow the luggage aft\" What is the definition of \"aft\"?"} {"term": "prosaic", "pos": "s", "context": "a prosaic and unimaginative essay", "definition": "not fanciful or imaginative", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a prosaic and unimaginative essay\" What is the definition of \"prosaic\"?"} {"term": "impenetrable", "pos": "a", "context": "an impenetrable fortress", "definition": "not admitting of penetration or passage into or through", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an impenetrable fortress\" What is the definition of \"impenetrable\"?"} {"term": "impenetrable", "pos": "s", "context": "impenetrable jargon", "definition": "impossible to understand", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"impenetrable jargon\" What is the definition of \"impenetrable\"?"} {"term": "impenetrable", "pos": "s", "context": "impenetrable gloom", "definition": "permitting little if any light to pass through because of denseness of matter", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"impenetrable gloom\" What is the definition of \"impenetrable\"?"} {"term": "preternatural", "pos": "s", "context": "Beyond his preternatural affability there is some acid and some steel \" - George Will", "definition": "surpassing the ordinary or normal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Beyond his preternatural affability there is some acid and some steel \" - George Will\" What is the definition of \"preternatural\"?"} {"term": "sentient", "pos": "a", "context": "the living knew themselves just sentient puppets on God 's stage \" - T.E.Lawrence", "definition": "endowed with feeling and unstructured consciousness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the living knew themselves just sentient puppets on God 's stage \" - T.E.Lawrence\" What is the definition of \"sentient\"?"} {"term": "sentient", "pos": "s", "context": "sentient of the intolerable load", "definition": "consciously perceiving", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sentient of the intolerable load\" What is the definition of \"sentient\"?"} {"term": "unparalleled", "pos": "s", "context": "unparalleled athletic ability", "definition": "radically distinctive and without equal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unparalleled athletic ability\" What is the definition of \"unparalleled\"?"} {"term": "electroplate", "pos": "v", "context": "electroplate the watch", "definition": "to coat with metal by electrolysis", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"electroplate the watch\" What is the definition of \"electroplate\"?"} {"term": "inertia", "pos": "n", "context": "he had to overcome his inertia and get back to work", "definition": "a disposition to remain inactive or inert", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had to overcome his inertia and get back to work\" What is the definition of \"inertia\"?"} {"term": "extraneous", "pos": "s", "context": "an issue extraneous to the debate", "definition": "not pertinent to the matter under consideration", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an issue extraneous to the debate\" What is the definition of \"extraneous\"?"} {"term": "extraneous", "pos": "s", "context": "the ballet struck me as extraneous and somewhat out of keeping with the rest of the play", "definition": "not essential", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ballet struck me as extraneous and somewhat out of keeping with the rest of the play\" What is the definition of \"extraneous\"?"} {"term": "extraneous", "pos": "s", "context": "water free of extraneous matter", "definition": "not belonging to that in which it is contained", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"water free of extraneous matter\" What is the definition of \"extraneous\"?"} {"term": "extraneous", "pos": "s", "context": "water free of extraneous matter", "definition": "introduced from an outside source", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"water free of extraneous matter\" What is the definition of \"extraneous\"?"} {"term": "polyphonic", "pos": "a", "context": "polyphonic letters such as ` a '", "definition": "having two or more phonetic values", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"polyphonic letters such as ` a '\" What is the definition of \"polyphonic\"?"} {"term": "polyphonic", "pos": "a", "context": "polyphonic traditions of the baroque", "definition": "of or relating to or characterized by polyphony", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"polyphonic traditions of the baroque\" What is the definition of \"polyphonic\"?"} {"term": "intensity", "pos": "n", "context": "he adjusted the intensity of the sound", "definition": "the amount of energy transmitted as by acoustic or electromagnetic radiation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he adjusted the intensity of the sound\" What is the definition of \"intensity\"?"} {"term": "anodyne", "pos": "s", "context": "the anodyne properties of certain drugs", "definition": "capable of relieving pain", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the anodyne properties of certain drugs\" What is the definition of \"anodyne\"?"} {"term": "lotion", "pos": "n", "context": "a lotion for dry skin", "definition": "liquid preparation having a soothing or antiseptic or medicinal action when applied to the skin", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a lotion for dry skin\" What is the definition of \"lotion\"?"} {"term": "nonpayment", "pos": "n", "context": "he was indicted for nonpayment", "definition": "the deliberate act of failing to pay money", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was indicted for nonpayment\" What is the definition of \"nonpayment\"?"} {"term": "occupancy", "pos": "n", "context": "occupation of a building without a certificate of occupancy is illegal", "definition": "the act of occupying or taking possession of a building", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"occupation of a building without a certificate of occupancy is illegal\" What is the definition of \"occupancy\"?"} {"term": "sheathe", "pos": "v", "context": "sheathe a sword", "definition": "to enclose with a sheath", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sheathe a sword\" What is the definition of \"sheathe\"?"} {"term": "bummer", "pos": "n", "context": "having to stand in line so long was a real bummer", "definition": "an experience that is irritating or frustrating or disappointing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"having to stand in line so long was a real bummer\" What is the definition of \"bummer\"?"} {"term": "construct", "pos": "v", "context": "construct an equilateral triangle", "definition": "to draw with suitable instruments and under specified conditions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"construct an equilateral triangle\" What is the definition of \"construct\"?"} {"term": "construct", "pos": "v", "context": "construct a sentence", "definition": "to create by linking linguistic units", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"construct a sentence\" What is the definition of \"construct\"?"} {"term": "drought", "pos": "n", "context": "farmers most affected by the drought hope that there may yet be sufficient rain early in the growing season", "definition": "a shortage of rainfall", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"farmers most affected by the drought hope that there may yet be sufficient rain early in the growing season\" What is the definition of \"drought\"?"} {"term": "drought", "pos": "n", "context": "when England defeated Pakistan it ended a ten-year drought", "definition": "a prolonged shortage", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when England defeated Pakistan it ended a ten-year drought\" What is the definition of \"drought\"?"} {"term": "messianic", "pos": "a", "context": "messianic cult", "definition": "of or relating to a messiah promising deliverance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"messianic cult\" What is the definition of \"messianic\"?"} {"term": "voltaic", "pos": "a", "context": "a voltaic ( or galvanic ) couple", "definition": "pertaining to or producing electric current by chemical action", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a voltaic ( or galvanic ) couple\" What is the definition of \"voltaic\"?"} {"term": "rage", "pos": "n", "context": "she fell into a rage and refused to answer", "definition": "a state of extreme anger", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she fell into a rage and refused to answer\" What is the definition of \"rage\"?"} {"term": "rage", "pos": "n", "context": "his rage for fame destroyed him", "definition": "something that is desired intensely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his rage for fame destroyed him\" What is the definition of \"rage\"?"} {"term": "rage", "pos": "n", "context": "the sea hurled itself in thundering rage against the rocks", "definition": "violent state of the elements", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sea hurled itself in thundering rage against the rocks\" What is the definition of \"rage\"?"} {"term": "untidy", "pos": "a", "context": "careless and untidy in her personal habits", "definition": "not neat and tidy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"careless and untidy in her personal habits\" What is the definition of \"untidy\"?"} {"term": "profile", "pos": "n", "context": "a biochemical profile of blood", "definition": "an analysis often in graphical form representing the extent to which something exhibits various characteristics", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a biochemical profile of blood\" What is the definition of \"profile\"?"} {"term": "labile", "pos": "s", "context": "an emotionally labile person", "definition": "liable to change", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an emotionally labile person\" What is the definition of \"labile\"?"} {"term": "courtly", "pos": "s", "context": "a courtly gentleman", "definition": "refined or imposing in manner or appearance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a courtly gentleman\" What is the definition of \"courtly\"?"} {"term": "courtly", "pos": "s", "context": "a courtly gentleman", "definition": "befitting a royal court", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a courtly gentleman\" What is the definition of \"courtly\"?"} {"term": "pronounceable", "pos": "a", "context": "a pronounceable group of letters", "definition": "capable of being uttered or pronounced", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a pronounceable group of letters\" What is the definition of \"pronounceable\"?"} {"term": "equal", "pos": "a", "context": "on equal terms", "definition": "having the same quantity , value , or measure as another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on equal terms\" What is the definition of \"equal\"?"} {"term": "equal", "pos": "a", "context": "he was equal to the task", "definition": "having the requisite qualities or resources to meet a task", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was equal to the task\" What is the definition of \"equal\"?"} {"term": "insinuation", "pos": "n", "context": "she refused to use insinuation in order to gain favor", "definition": "the act of gaining acceptance or affection for yourself by persuasive and subtle blandishments", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she refused to use insinuation in order to gain favor\" What is the definition of \"insinuation\"?"} {"term": "maternal", "pos": "a", "context": "warm maternal affection for her guest \" - Dorothy Sayers", "definition": "characteristic of a mother", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"warm maternal affection for her guest \" - Dorothy Sayers\" What is the definition of \"maternal\"?"} {"term": "maternal", "pos": "a", "context": "maternal genes", "definition": "relating to or derived from ones mother", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"maternal genes\" What is the definition of \"maternal\"?"} {"term": "maternal", "pos": "s", "context": "my maternal grandmother", "definition": "related on the mothers side", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my maternal grandmother\" What is the definition of \"maternal\"?"} {"term": "inflatable", "pos": "s", "context": "an inflatable mattress", "definition": "designed to be filled with air or gas", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an inflatable mattress\" What is the definition of \"inflatable\"?"} {"term": "neoplastic", "pos": "a", "context": "neoplastic cells", "definition": "of or related to or having the properties of a neoplasm", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"neoplastic cells\" What is the definition of \"neoplastic\"?"} {"term": "manipulation", "pos": "n", "context": "his manipulation of his friends was scandalous", "definition": "exerting shrewd or devious influence especially for ones own advantage", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his manipulation of his friends was scandalous\" What is the definition of \"manipulation\"?"} {"term": "congregation", "pos": "n", "context": "a congregation of children pleaded for his autograph", "definition": "an assemblage of people or animals or things collected together", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a congregation of children pleaded for his autograph\" What is the definition of \"congregation\"?"} {"term": "anecdotal", "pos": "a", "context": "anecdotal evidence", "definition": "having the character of an anecdote", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"anecdotal evidence\" What is the definition of \"anecdotal\"?"} {"term": "anecdotal", "pos": "s", "context": "anecdotal conversation", "definition": "characterized by or given to telling anecdotes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"anecdotal conversation\" What is the definition of \"anecdotal\"?"} {"term": "distinguished", "pos": "s", "context": "our distinguished professor", "definition": "standing above others in character or attainment or reputation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"our distinguished professor\" What is the definition of \"distinguished\"?"} {"term": "distinguished", "pos": "s", "context": "his distinguished bearing", "definition": "used of a persons appearance or behavior", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his distinguished bearing\" What is the definition of \"distinguished\"?"} {"term": "distinguished", "pos": "s", "context": "his distinguished bearing", "definition": "befitting an eminent person", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his distinguished bearing\" What is the definition of \"distinguished\"?"} {"term": "stumpy", "pos": "s", "context": "a stumpy ungainly figure", "definition": "short and thick", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a stumpy ungainly figure\" What is the definition of \"stumpy\"?"} {"term": "stumpy", "pos": "s", "context": "a stumpy ungainly figure", "definition": "as e.g. having short legs and heavy musculature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a stumpy ungainly figure\" What is the definition of \"stumpy\"?"} {"term": "commonplace", "pos": "s", "context": "air travel has now become commonplace", "definition": "completely ordinary and unremarkable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"air travel has now become commonplace\" What is the definition of \"commonplace\"?"} {"term": "commonplace", "pos": "s", "context": "his remarks were trite and commonplace", "definition": "repeated too often", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his remarks were trite and commonplace\" What is the definition of \"commonplace\"?"} {"term": "commonplace", "pos": "s", "context": "his remarks were trite and commonplace", "definition": "overfamiliar through overuse", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his remarks were trite and commonplace\" What is the definition of \"commonplace\"?"} {"term": "indelible", "pos": "s", "context": "an indelible stain", "definition": "can not be removed or erased", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an indelible stain\" What is the definition of \"indelible\"?"} {"term": "stifled", "pos": "s", "context": "a stifled yawn", "definition": "held in check with difficulty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a stifled yawn\" What is the definition of \"stifled\"?"} {"term": "perfunctory", "pos": "s", "context": "perfunctory courtesy", "definition": "hasty and without attention to detail", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"perfunctory courtesy\" What is the definition of \"perfunctory\"?"} {"term": "perfunctory", "pos": "s", "context": "perfunctory courtesy", "definition": "not thorough", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"perfunctory courtesy\" What is the definition of \"perfunctory\"?"} {"term": "disposal", "pos": "n", "context": "used all the resources at his disposal", "definition": "the power to use something or someone", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"used all the resources at his disposal\" What is the definition of \"disposal\"?"} {"term": "continue", "pos": "v", "context": "continue the family tradition", "definition": "to keep or maintain in unaltered condition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"continue the family tradition\" What is the definition of \"continue\"?"} {"term": "continue", "pos": "v", "context": "continue the family tradition", "definition": "to cause to remain or last", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"continue the family tradition\" What is the definition of \"continue\"?"} {"term": "canal", "pos": "n", "context": "the alimentary canal", "definition": "a bodily passage or tube lined with epithelial cells and conveying a secretion or other substance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the alimentary canal\" What is the definition of \"canal\"?"} {"term": "unconditional", "pos": "a", "context": "unconditional surrender", "definition": "not conditional", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unconditional surrender\" What is the definition of \"unconditional\"?"} {"term": "rigid", "pos": "s", "context": "a rigid strip of metal", "definition": "incapable of or resistant to bending", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a rigid strip of metal\" What is the definition of \"rigid\"?"} {"term": "rigid", "pos": "s", "context": "a rigid disciplinarian", "definition": "incapable of adapting or changing to meet circumstances", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a rigid disciplinarian\" What is the definition of \"rigid\"?"} {"term": "pare", "pos": "v", "context": "pare one 's fingernails", "definition": "to remove the edges from and cut down to the desired size", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pare one 's fingernails\" What is the definition of \"pare\"?"} {"term": "applicable", "pos": "s", "context": "gave applicable examples to support her argument", "definition": "capable of being applied", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gave applicable examples to support her argument\" What is the definition of \"applicable\"?"} {"term": "applicable", "pos": "s", "context": "gave applicable examples to support her argument", "definition": "having relevance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gave applicable examples to support her argument\" What is the definition of \"applicable\"?"} {"term": "metrical", "pos": "a", "context": "metrical equivalents", "definition": "based on the meter as a standard of measurement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"metrical equivalents\" What is the definition of \"metrical\"?"} {"term": "attest", "pos": "v", "context": "I attest this signature", "definition": "to authenticate , affirm to be true , genuine , or correct , as in an official capacity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I attest this signature\" What is the definition of \"attest\"?"} {"term": "grateful", "pos": "a", "context": "a grateful heart", "definition": "feeling or showing gratitude", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a grateful heart\" What is the definition of \"grateful\"?"} {"term": "grateful", "pos": "s", "context": "the grateful warmth of the fire", "definition": "affording comfort or pleasure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the grateful warmth of the fire\" What is the definition of \"grateful\"?"} {"term": "lecture", "pos": "n", "context": "he attended a lecture on telecommunications", "definition": "a speech that is open to the public", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he attended a lecture on telecommunications\" What is the definition of \"lecture\"?"} {"term": "lecture", "pos": "n", "context": "a good lecture was my father 's idea of discipline", "definition": "a lengthy rebuke", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a good lecture was my father 's idea of discipline\" What is the definition of \"lecture\"?"} {"term": "tell", "pos": "v", "context": "He could tell that she was unhappy", "definition": "to discern or comprehend", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"He could tell that she was unhappy\" What is the definition of \"tell\"?"} {"term": "moralize", "pos": "v", "context": "moralize a story", "definition": "to interpret the moral meaning of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"moralize a story\" What is the definition of \"moralize\"?"} {"term": "discourage", "pos": "v", "context": "We should discourage this practice among our youth", "definition": "to try to prevent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"We should discourage this practice among our youth\" What is the definition of \"discourage\"?"} {"term": "discourage", "pos": "v", "context": "We should discourage this practice among our youth", "definition": "to show opposition to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"We should discourage this practice among our youth\" What is the definition of \"discourage\"?"} {"term": "flexible", "pos": "a", "context": "flexible schedules", "definition": "capable of being changed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"flexible schedules\" What is the definition of \"flexible\"?"} {"term": "flexible", "pos": "a", "context": "slim flexible birches", "definition": "able to flex", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"slim flexible birches\" What is the definition of \"flexible\"?"} {"term": "flexible", "pos": "a", "context": "slim flexible birches", "definition": "able to bend easily", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"slim flexible birches\" What is the definition of \"flexible\"?"} {"term": "flexible", "pos": "s", "context": "a flexible personality", "definition": "able to adjust readily to different conditions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a flexible personality\" What is the definition of \"flexible\"?"} {"term": "ardent", "pos": "s", "context": "ardent love", "definition": "characterized by intense emotion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ardent love\" What is the definition of \"ardent\"?"} {"term": "ardent", "pos": "s", "context": "ardent revolutionaries", "definition": "characterized by strong enthusiasm", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ardent revolutionaries\" What is the definition of \"ardent\"?"} {"term": "ardent", "pos": "s", "context": "from rank to rank she darts her ardent eyes \" - Alexander Pope", "definition": "glowing or shining like fire", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"from rank to rank she darts her ardent eyes \" - Alexander Pope\" What is the definition of \"ardent\"?"} {"term": "paternity", "pos": "n", "context": "tests were conducted to determine paternity", "definition": "the state of being a father", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tests were conducted to determine paternity\" What is the definition of \"paternity\"?"} {"term": "insolvable", "pos": "s", "context": "an apparantly insolvable problem", "definition": "not easily solved", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an apparantly insolvable problem\" What is the definition of \"insolvable\"?"} {"term": "relief", "pos": "n", "context": "as he heard the news he was suddenly flooded with relief", "definition": "the feeling that comes when something burdensome is removed or reduced", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as he heard the news he was suddenly flooded with relief\" What is the definition of \"relief\"?"} {"term": "relief", "pos": "n", "context": "he enjoyed his relief from responsibility", "definition": "the condition of being comfortable or relieved especially after being relieved of distress", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he enjoyed his relief from responsibility\" What is the definition of \"relief\"?"} {"term": "relief", "pos": "n", "context": "was the relief supposed to be protection from future harm or compensation for past injury ?", "definition": "redress awarded by a court", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"was the relief supposed to be protection from future harm or compensation for past injury ?\" What is the definition of \"relief\"?"} {"term": "undergird", "pos": "v", "context": "undergird the ship", "definition": "to make secure underneath", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"undergird the ship\" What is the definition of \"undergird\"?"} {"term": "inclement", "pos": "a", "context": "the harsh sentence of an inclement judge", "definition": "used of persons or behavior", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the harsh sentence of an inclement judge\" What is the definition of \"inclement\"?"} {"term": "inclement", "pos": "a", "context": "the harsh sentence of an inclement judge", "definition": "showing no clemency or mercy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the harsh sentence of an inclement judge\" What is the definition of \"inclement\"?"} {"term": "abbreviated", "pos": "s", "context": "an abbreviated swimsuit", "definition": "very short", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an abbreviated swimsuit\" What is the definition of \"abbreviated\"?"} {"term": "abbreviated", "pos": "s", "context": "the abbreviated speech", "definition": "cut short in duration", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the abbreviated speech\" What is the definition of \"abbreviated\"?"} {"term": "virulently", "pos": "r", "context": "an old woman advanced a few paces to shake her fist virulently in my face", "definition": "in a virulent manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an old woman advanced a few paces to shake her fist virulently in my face\" What is the definition of \"virulently\"?"} {"term": "site", "pos": "n", "context": "a good site for the school", "definition": "the piece of land on which something is located or is to be located", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a good site for the school\" What is the definition of \"site\"?"} {"term": "site", "pos": "n", "context": "the Israeli web site was damaged by hostile hackers", "definition": "a computer connected to the internet that maintains a series of web pages on the world wide web", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the Israeli web site was damaged by hostile hackers\" What is the definition of \"site\"?"} {"term": "astral", "pos": "a", "context": "an astral body", "definition": "being or relating to or resembling or emanating from stars", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an astral body\" What is the definition of \"astral\"?"} {"term": "motility", "pos": "n", "context": "gastrointestinal motility", "definition": "a change of position that does not entail a change of location", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gastrointestinal motility\" What is the definition of \"motility\"?"} {"term": "metacarpal", "pos": "a", "context": "metacarpal bones", "definition": "of or relating to the metacarpus", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"metacarpal bones\" What is the definition of \"metacarpal\"?"} {"term": "foreman", "pos": "n", "context": "if you want to leave early you have to ask the foreman", "definition": "a person who exercises control over workers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if you want to leave early you have to ask the foreman\" What is the definition of \"foreman\"?"} {"term": "staple", "pos": "n", "context": "staple fibers vary widely in length", "definition": "a natural fiber raw cotton , wool , hemp , flax that can be twisted to form yarn", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"staple fibers vary widely in length\" What is the definition of \"staple\"?"} {"term": "staple", "pos": "s", "context": "wheat is a staple crop", "definition": "necessary or important , especially regarding food or commodities", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wheat is a staple crop\" What is the definition of \"staple\"?"} {"term": "douse", "pos": "v", "context": "douse a sail", "definition": "to lower quickly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"douse a sail\" What is the definition of \"douse\"?"} {"term": "muffle", "pos": "v", "context": "muffle one 's anger", "definition": "to conceal or hide", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"muffle one 's anger\" What is the definition of \"muffle\"?"} {"term": "cocky", "pos": "s", "context": "a very cocky young man", "definition": "overly self-confident or self-assertive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a very cocky young man\" What is the definition of \"cocky\"?"} {"term": "phonetic", "pos": "a", "context": "phonetic transcription", "definition": "of or relating to speech sounds", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"phonetic transcription\" What is the definition of \"phonetic\"?"} {"term": "phonetic", "pos": "a", "context": "phonetic analysis", "definition": "of or relating to the scientific study of speech sounds", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"phonetic analysis\" What is the definition of \"phonetic\"?"} {"term": "sway", "pos": "v", "context": "His speech did not sway the voters", "definition": "to win approval or support for", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"His speech did not sway the voters\" What is the definition of \"sway\"?"} {"term": "typical", "pos": "a", "context": "a typical American girl", "definition": "exhibiting the qualities or characteristics that identify a group or kind or category", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a typical American girl\" What is the definition of \"typical\"?"} {"term": "typical", "pos": "s", "context": "the typical ( or normal ) American", "definition": "conforming to a type", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the typical ( or normal ) American\" What is the definition of \"typical\"?"} {"term": "typical", "pos": "s", "context": "that is typical of you !", "definition": "of a feature that helps to distinguish a person or thing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that is typical of you !\" What is the definition of \"typical\"?"} {"term": "vesture", "pos": "n", "context": "fields in a vesture of green", "definition": "something that covers or cloaks like a garment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fields in a vesture of green\" What is the definition of \"vesture\"?"} {"term": "satisfactory", "pos": "a", "context": "satisfactory living conditions", "definition": "giving satisfaction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"satisfactory living conditions\" What is the definition of \"satisfactory\"?"} {"term": "satisfactory", "pos": "s", "context": "the step makes a satisfactory seat", "definition": "meeting requirements", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the step makes a satisfactory seat\" What is the definition of \"satisfactory\"?"} {"term": "illegal", "pos": "a", "context": "an illegal chess move", "definition": "prohibited by law or by official or accepted rules", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an illegal chess move\" What is the definition of \"illegal\"?"} {"term": "recreation", "pos": "n", "context": "for recreation he wrote poetry and solved crossword puzzles", "definition": "an activity that diverts or amuses or stimulates", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for recreation he wrote poetry and solved crossword puzzles\" What is the definition of \"recreation\"?"} {"term": "recreation", "pos": "n", "context": "days of joyous recreation with his friends", "definition": "activity that refreshes and recreates", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"days of joyous recreation with his friends\" What is the definition of \"recreation\"?"} {"term": "recreation", "pos": "n", "context": "days of joyous recreation with his friends", "definition": "activity that renews your health and spirits by enjoyment and relaxation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"days of joyous recreation with his friends\" What is the definition of \"recreation\"?"} {"term": "permanently", "pos": "r", "context": "he is permanently disabled", "definition": "for a long time without essential change", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is permanently disabled\" What is the definition of \"permanently\"?"} {"term": "unfold", "pos": "v", "context": "A walk through town will unfold many interesting buildings", "definition": "to open to the view", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"A walk through town will unfold many interesting buildings\" What is the definition of \"unfold\"?"} {"term": "household", "pos": "n", "context": "It was a good Christian household", "definition": "a social unit living together", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"It was a good Christian household\" What is the definition of \"household\"?"} {"term": "concentrate", "pos": "v", "context": "concentrate juice", "definition": "to make denser , stronger , or purer", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"concentrate juice\" What is the definition of \"concentrate\"?"} {"term": "concentrate", "pos": "v", "context": "These groups concentrate in the inner cities", "definition": "to draw together or meet in one common center", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"These groups concentrate in the inner cities\" What is the definition of \"concentrate\"?"} {"term": "alluring", "pos": "s", "context": "an alluring prospect", "definition": "highly attractive and able to arouse hope or desire", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an alluring prospect\" What is the definition of \"alluring\"?"} {"term": "husky", "pos": "s", "context": "clothing sizes for husky boys", "definition": "muscular and heavily built", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"clothing sizes for husky boys\" What is the definition of \"husky\"?"} {"term": "scrub", "pos": "v", "context": "surgeons must scrub prior to an operation", "definition": "to wash thoroughly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"surgeons must scrub prior to an operation\" What is the definition of \"scrub\"?"} {"term": "scrub", "pos": "v", "context": "we had to scrub our vacation plans", "definition": "to postpone indefinitely or annul something that was scheduled", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we had to scrub our vacation plans\" What is the definition of \"scrub\"?"} {"term": "child", "pos": "n", "context": "he remained a child in practical matters as long as he lived", "definition": "an immature childish person", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he remained a child in practical matters as long as he lived\" What is the definition of \"child\"?"} {"term": "lying", "pos": "v", "context": "the books are lying on the shelf", "definition": "to be in a horizontal position", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the books are lying on the shelf\" What is the definition of \"lying\"?"} {"term": "bundle", "pos": "n", "context": "she made a bundle selling real estate", "definition": "a large sum of money especially as pay or profit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she made a bundle selling real estate\" What is the definition of \"bundle\"?"} {"term": "clerical", "pos": "a", "context": "clerical work", "definition": "of or relating to clerks", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"clerical work\" What is the definition of \"clerical\"?"} {"term": "clerical", "pos": "a", "context": "clerical collar", "definition": "of or relating to the clergy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"clerical collar\" What is the definition of \"clerical\"?"} {"term": "clerical", "pos": "s", "context": "clerical skills", "definition": "appropriate for or engaged in office work", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"clerical skills\" What is the definition of \"clerical\"?"} {"term": "crook", "pos": "n", "context": "a crook in the path", "definition": "a circular segment of a curve", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a crook in the path\" What is the definition of \"crook\"?"} {"term": "pull", "pos": "n", "context": "the pull up the hill had him breathing harder", "definition": "applying force to move something toward or with you", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the pull up the hill had him breathing harder\" What is the definition of \"pull\"?"} {"term": "pull", "pos": "n", "context": "the chairman 's nephew has a lot of pull", "definition": "special advantage or influence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the chairman 's nephew has a lot of pull\" What is the definition of \"pull\"?"} {"term": "pull", "pos": "v", "context": "pull the string gently", "definition": "to apply force so as to cause motion towards the source of the motion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pull the string gently\" What is the definition of \"pull\"?"} {"term": "trap", "pos": "n", "context": "the exam was full of trap questions", "definition": "something often something deceptively attractive that catches you unawares", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the exam was full of trap questions\" What is the definition of \"trap\"?"} {"term": "overview", "pos": "n", "context": "the treasurer gave a brief overview of the financial consequences", "definition": "a general summary of a subject", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the treasurer gave a brief overview of the financial consequences\" What is the definition of \"overview\"?"} {"term": "balk", "pos": "n", "context": "a player with ball in hand must play from the balk", "definition": "the area on a billiard table behind the balkline", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a player with ball in hand must play from the balk\" What is the definition of \"balk\"?"} {"term": "clash", "pos": "n", "context": "her dress was a disturbing clash of colors", "definition": "a state of conflict between colors", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her dress was a disturbing clash of colors\" What is the definition of \"clash\"?"} {"term": "clash", "pos": "v", "context": "These colors clash", "definition": "to be incompatible", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"These colors clash\" What is the definition of \"clash\"?"} {"term": "clash", "pos": "v", "context": "These colors clash", "definition": "to be or come into conflict", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"These colors clash\" What is the definition of \"clash\"?"} {"term": "colony", "pos": "n", "context": "the American colony in Paris", "definition": "a body of people who settle far from home but maintain ties with their homeland", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the American colony in Paris\" What is the definition of \"colony\"?"} {"term": "colony", "pos": "n", "context": "the American colony in Paris", "definition": "inhabitants remain nationals of their home state but are not literally under the home states system of government", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the American colony in Paris\" What is the definition of \"colony\"?"} {"term": "satisfaction", "pos": "n", "context": "the chef tasted the sauce with great satisfaction", "definition": "the contentment one feels when one has fulfilled a desire , need , or expectation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the chef tasted the sauce with great satisfaction\" What is the definition of \"satisfaction\"?"} {"term": "satisfaction", "pos": "n", "context": "the full and final satisfaction of the claim", "definition": "the payment of a debt or fulfillment of an obligation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the full and final satisfaction of the claim\" What is the definition of \"satisfaction\"?"} {"term": "satisfaction", "pos": "n", "context": "the satisfaction of their demand for better services", "definition": "act of fulfilling a desire or need or appetite", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the satisfaction of their demand for better services\" What is the definition of \"satisfaction\"?"} {"term": "ignominy", "pos": "n", "context": "suffered the ignominy of being sent to prison", "definition": "a state of dishonor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"suffered the ignominy of being sent to prison\" What is the definition of \"ignominy\"?"} {"term": "cheaply", "pos": "r", "context": "a cheaply dressed woman approached him in the bar", "definition": "in a cheap manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a cheaply dressed woman approached him in the bar\" What is the definition of \"cheaply\"?"} {"term": "cheaply", "pos": "r", "context": "I bought this car very cheaply", "definition": "with little expenditure of money", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I bought this car very cheaply\" What is the definition of \"cheaply\"?"} {"term": "baggy", "pos": "s", "context": "baggy trousers", "definition": "not fitting closely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"baggy trousers\" What is the definition of \"baggy\"?"} {"term": "baggy", "pos": "s", "context": "baggy trousers", "definition": "hanging loosely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"baggy trousers\" What is the definition of \"baggy\"?"} {"term": "blotchy", "pos": "s", "context": "blotchy skin", "definition": "marred by discolored spots or blotches", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"blotchy skin\" What is the definition of \"blotchy\"?"} {"term": "sophistication", "pos": "n", "context": "understanding affine transformations requires considerable mathematical sophistication", "definition": "being expert or having knowledge of some technical subject", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"understanding affine transformations requires considerable mathematical sophistication\" What is the definition of \"sophistication\"?"} {"term": "sophistication", "pos": "n", "context": "he practiced the art of sophistication upon reason", "definition": "falsification by the use of sophistry", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he practiced the art of sophistication upon reason\" What is the definition of \"sophistication\"?"} {"term": "sophistication", "pos": "n", "context": "he practiced the art of sophistication upon reason", "definition": "misleading by means of specious fallacies", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he practiced the art of sophistication upon reason\" What is the definition of \"sophistication\"?"} {"term": "label", "pos": "n", "context": "the label Modern is applied to many different kinds of architecture", "definition": "a brief description given for purposes of identification", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the label Modern is applied to many different kinds of architecture\" What is the definition of \"label\"?"} {"term": "label", "pos": "n", "context": "the artists and repertoire department of a recording label is responsible for finding new talent", "definition": "trade name of a company that produces musical recordings", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the artists and repertoire department of a recording label is responsible for finding new talent\" What is the definition of \"label\"?"} {"term": "knowingness", "pos": "n", "context": "their intelligence and general knowingness was impressive", "definition": "having knowledge of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their intelligence and general knowingness was impressive\" What is the definition of \"knowingness\"?"} {"term": "wittingly", "pos": "r", "context": "he wittingly deleted the references", "definition": "with full knowledge and deliberation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he wittingly deleted the references\" What is the definition of \"wittingly\"?"} {"term": "adrift", "pos": "s", "context": "after the storm the boats were adrift", "definition": "afloat on the surface of a body of water", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after the storm the boats were adrift\" What is the definition of \"adrift\"?"} {"term": "adrift", "pos": "r", "context": "the boat wasset adrift", "definition": "floating freely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the boat wasset adrift\" What is the definition of \"adrift\"?"} {"term": "adrift", "pos": "r", "context": "the boat wasset adrift", "definition": "not anchored", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the boat wasset adrift\" What is the definition of \"adrift\"?"} {"term": "adrift", "pos": "r", "context": "there was a search for beauty that had somehow gone adrift", "definition": "off course , wandering aimlessly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was a search for beauty that had somehow gone adrift\" What is the definition of \"adrift\"?"} {"term": "dorsal", "pos": "a", "context": "the dorsal fin is the vertical fin on the back of a fish and certain marine mammals", "definition": "belonging to or on or near the back or upper surface of an animal or organ or part", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the dorsal fin is the vertical fin on the back of a fish and certain marine mammals\" What is the definition of \"dorsal\"?"} {"term": "abominable", "pos": "s", "context": "abominable treatment of prisoners", "definition": "unequivocally detestable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"abominable treatment of prisoners\" What is the definition of \"abominable\"?"} {"term": "abominable", "pos": "s", "context": "abominable workmanship", "definition": "exceptionally bad or displeasing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"abominable workmanship\" What is the definition of \"abominable\"?"} {"term": "anatomy", "pos": "n", "context": "he studied the anatomy of crimes", "definition": "a detailed analysis", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he studied the anatomy of crimes\" What is the definition of \"anatomy\"?"} {"term": "bipolar", "pos": "a", "context": "the bipolar distribution of certain species", "definition": "of , pertaining to , or occurring in both polar regions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the bipolar distribution of certain species\" What is the definition of \"bipolar\"?"} {"term": "picnic", "pos": "n", "context": "marketing this product will be no picnic", "definition": "any undertaking that is easy to do", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"marketing this product will be no picnic\" What is the definition of \"picnic\"?"} {"term": "currency", "pos": "n", "context": "the currency of ideas", "definition": "general acceptance or use", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the currency of ideas\" What is the definition of \"currency\"?"} {"term": "currency", "pos": "n", "context": "the currency of a slang term", "definition": "the property of belonging to the present time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the currency of a slang term\" What is the definition of \"currency\"?"} {"term": "grandeur", "pos": "n", "context": "an imaginative mix of old-fashioned grandeur and colorful art", "definition": "the quality of being magnificent or splendid or grand", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an imaginative mix of old-fashioned grandeur and colorful art\" What is the definition of \"grandeur\"?"} {"term": "powdered", "pos": "s", "context": "powdered cellulose", "definition": "consisting of fine particles", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"powdered cellulose\" What is the definition of \"powdered\"?"} {"term": "phylogenetic", "pos": "a", "context": "phylogenetic development", "definition": "of or relating to the evolutionary development of organisms", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"phylogenetic development\" What is the definition of \"phylogenetic\"?"} {"term": "reform", "pos": "n", "context": "justice was for sale before the reform of the law courts", "definition": "a change for the better as a result of correcting abuses", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"justice was for sale before the reform of the law courts\" What is the definition of \"reform\"?"} {"term": "reform", "pos": "n", "context": "the family rejoiced in the drunkard 's reform", "definition": "self-improvement in behavior or morals by abandoning some vice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the family rejoiced in the drunkard 's reform\" What is the definition of \"reform\"?"} {"term": "reform", "pos": "v", "context": "reform a political system", "definition": "to make changes for improvement in order to remove abuse and injustices", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"reform a political system\" What is the definition of \"reform\"?"} {"term": "reform", "pos": "v", "context": "reform your conduct", "definition": "to bring , lead , or force to abandon a wrong or evil course of life , conduct , and adopt a right one", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"reform your conduct\" What is the definition of \"reform\"?"} {"term": "reform", "pos": "v", "context": "reform gas", "definition": "to produce by cracking", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"reform gas\" What is the definition of \"reform\"?"} {"term": "think", "pos": "v", "context": "I think he is very smart", "definition": "to judge or regard", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I think he is very smart\" What is the definition of \"think\"?"} {"term": "think", "pos": "v", "context": "I think he is very smart", "definition": "to look upon", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I think he is very smart\" What is the definition of \"think\"?"} {"term": "think", "pos": "v", "context": "I think he is very smart", "definition": "to judge", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I think he is very smart\" What is the definition of \"think\"?"} {"term": "think", "pos": "v", "context": "he did n't think to find her in the kitchen", "definition": "to expect , believe , or suppose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he did n't think to find her in the kitchen\" What is the definition of \"think\"?"} {"term": "median", "pos": "s", "context": "the median value of 17 , 20 , and 36 is 20", "definition": "relating to or constituting the middle value of an ordered set of values or the average of the middle two in a set with an even number of values", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the median value of 17 , 20 , and 36 is 20\" What is the definition of \"median\"?"} {"term": "alterable", "pos": "a", "context": "alterable clothing", "definition": "capable of being changed or altered in some characteristic", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"alterable clothing\" What is the definition of \"alterable\"?"} {"term": "forked", "pos": "s", "context": "a forked river", "definition": "divided or separated into two branches", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a forked river\" What is the definition of \"forked\"?"} {"term": "forked", "pos": "s", "context": "spoke with forked tongue", "definition": "having two meanings with intent to deceive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"spoke with forked tongue\" What is the definition of \"forked\"?"} {"term": "neurotic", "pos": "a", "context": "neurotic disorder", "definition": "characteristic of or affected by neurosis", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"neurotic disorder\" What is the definition of \"neurotic\"?"} {"term": "execrable", "pos": "s", "context": "execrable crimes", "definition": "unequivocally detestable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"execrable crimes\" What is the definition of \"execrable\"?"} {"term": "roadless", "pos": "s", "context": "roadless areas", "definition": "lacking pathways", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"roadless areas\" What is the definition of \"roadless\"?"} {"term": "extravagance", "pos": "n", "context": "we were surprised by the extravagance of his description", "definition": "the quality of exceeding the appropriate limits of decorum or probability or truth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we were surprised by the extravagance of his description\" What is the definition of \"extravagance\"?"} {"term": "defunct", "pos": "s", "context": "a defunct law", "definition": "no longer in force or use", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a defunct law\" What is the definition of \"defunct\"?"} {"term": "defunct", "pos": "s", "context": "a defunct law", "definition": "inactive", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a defunct law\" What is the definition of \"defunct\"?"} {"term": "defunct", "pos": "s", "context": "the will of a defunct aunt", "definition": "having ceased to exist or live", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the will of a defunct aunt\" What is the definition of \"defunct\"?"} {"term": "conceptional", "pos": "s", "context": "a plan abstract and conceptional", "definition": "being of the nature of a notion or concept", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a plan abstract and conceptional\" What is the definition of \"conceptional\"?"} {"term": "mythic", "pos": "a", "context": "a novel of almost mythic consequence", "definition": "relating to or having the nature of myth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a novel of almost mythic consequence\" What is the definition of \"mythic\"?"} {"term": "farther", "pos": "s", "context": "they live in the farther house", "definition": "more distant in especially space or time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they live in the farther house\" What is the definition of \"farther\"?"} {"term": "farther", "pos": "s", "context": "farther from the truth", "definition": "more distant in especially degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"farther from the truth\" What is the definition of \"farther\"?"} {"term": "initiatory", "pos": "s", "context": "an initiatory step toward a treaty", "definition": "serving to set in motion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an initiatory step toward a treaty\" What is the definition of \"initiatory\"?"} {"term": "disability", "pos": "n", "context": "reading disability", "definition": "the condition of being unable to perform as a consequence of physical or mental unfitness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"reading disability\" What is the definition of \"disability\"?"} {"term": "automaton", "pos": "n", "context": "only an automaton would n't have noticed", "definition": "someone who acts or responds in a mechanical or apathetic way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"only an automaton would n't have noticed\" What is the definition of \"automaton\"?"} {"term": "bearer", "pos": "n", "context": "a bearer of good tidings", "definition": "a messenger who bears or presents", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bearer of good tidings\" What is the definition of \"bearer\"?"} {"term": "conjunct", "pos": "a", "context": "conjunct motion of an ascending scale", "definition": "progressing melodically by intervals of a second", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"conjunct motion of an ascending scale\" What is the definition of \"conjunct\"?"} {"term": "conjunct", "pos": "s", "context": "conjunct influences", "definition": "bound in close association", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"conjunct influences\" What is the definition of \"conjunct\"?"} {"term": "conjunct", "pos": "s", "context": "the conjunct influence of fire and strong wind", "definition": "involving the joint activity of two or more", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the conjunct influence of fire and strong wind\" What is the definition of \"conjunct\"?"} {"term": "laugh", "pos": "n", "context": "thanks for the laugh", "definition": "a humorous anecdote or remark intended to provoke laughter", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"thanks for the laugh\" What is the definition of \"laugh\"?"} {"term": "expression", "pos": "n", "context": "a sad expression", "definition": "the feelings expressed on a persons face", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sad expression\" What is the definition of \"expression\"?"} {"term": "expression", "pos": "n", "context": "he helped me find verbal expression for my ideas", "definition": "the communication in speech or writing of your beliefs or opinions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he helped me find verbal expression for my ideas\" What is the definition of \"expression\"?"} {"term": "decidedly", "pos": "r", "context": "it was decidedly too expensive", "definition": "without question and beyond doubt", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was decidedly too expensive\" What is the definition of \"decidedly\"?"} {"term": "thick", "pos": "a", "context": "an inch thick", "definition": "not thin", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an inch thick\" What is the definition of \"thick\"?"} {"term": "thick", "pos": "a", "context": "an inch thick", "definition": "of a specific thickness or of relatively great extent from one surface to the opposite usually in the smallest of the three solid dimensions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an inch thick\" What is the definition of \"thick\"?"} {"term": "thick", "pos": "a", "context": "thick cream", "definition": "relatively dense in consistency", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"thick cream\" What is the definition of \"thick\"?"} {"term": "thick", "pos": "s", "context": "thick crowds", "definition": "having component parts closely crowded together", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"thick crowds\" What is the definition of \"thick\"?"} {"term": "thick", "pos": "s", "context": "thick night", "definition": "very intense", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"thick night\" What is the definition of \"thick\"?"} {"term": "thick", "pos": "s", "context": "the top was thick with dust", "definition": "abounding", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the top was thick with dust\" What is the definition of \"thick\"?"} {"term": "thick", "pos": "s", "context": "the top was thick with dust", "definition": "having a lot of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the top was thick with dust\" What is the definition of \"thick\"?"} {"term": "thick", "pos": "r", "context": "misfortunes come fast and thick", "definition": "in quick succession", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"misfortunes come fast and thick\" What is the definition of \"thick\"?"} {"term": "humanitarian", "pos": "s", "context": "released the prisoner for humanitarian reasons", "definition": "marked by humanistic values and devotion to human welfare", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"released the prisoner for humanitarian reasons\" What is the definition of \"humanitarian\"?"} {"term": "humanitarian", "pos": "a", "context": "humanitarian aid", "definition": "of or relating to or characteristic of humanitarianism", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"humanitarian aid\" What is the definition of \"humanitarian\"?"} {"term": "engine", "pos": "n", "context": "an engine of change", "definition": "something used to achieve a purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an engine of change\" What is the definition of \"engine\"?"} {"term": "factual", "pos": "a", "context": "factual considerations", "definition": "of or relating to or characterized by facts", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"factual considerations\" What is the definition of \"factual\"?"} {"term": "separate", "pos": "a", "context": "a problem consisting of two separate issues", "definition": "independent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a problem consisting of two separate issues\" What is the definition of \"separate\"?"} {"term": "separate", "pos": "a", "context": "a problem consisting of two separate issues", "definition": "not united or joint", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a problem consisting of two separate issues\" What is the definition of \"separate\"?"} {"term": "separate", "pos": "s", "context": "a house with a separate garage", "definition": "standing apart", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a house with a separate garage\" What is the definition of \"separate\"?"} {"term": "separate", "pos": "s", "context": "a house with a separate garage", "definition": "not attached to or supported by anything", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a house with a separate garage\" What is the definition of \"separate\"?"} {"term": "incarnation", "pos": "n", "context": "he believes that his life will be better in his next incarnation", "definition": "time passed in a particular bodily form", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he believes that his life will be better in his next incarnation\" What is the definition of \"incarnation\"?"} {"term": "incarnation", "pos": "n", "context": "the incarnation of evil", "definition": "a new personification of a familiar idea", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the incarnation of evil\" What is the definition of \"incarnation\"?"} {"term": "installation", "pos": "n", "context": "the telephone installation took only a few minutes", "definition": "the act of installing something as equipment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the telephone installation took only a few minutes\" What is the definition of \"installation\"?"} {"term": "installation", "pos": "n", "context": "he gave a speech as part of his installation into the hall of fame", "definition": "a formal entry into an organization or position or office", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he gave a speech as part of his installation into the hall of fame\" What is the definition of \"installation\"?"} {"term": "agile", "pos": "s", "context": "sleek and agile as a gymnast", "definition": "moving quickly and lightly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sleek and agile as a gymnast\" What is the definition of \"agile\"?"} {"term": "agile", "pos": "s", "context": "an agile mind", "definition": "mentally quick", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an agile mind\" What is the definition of \"agile\"?"} {"term": "format", "pos": "v", "context": "Please format this disk before entering data !", "definition": "to divide a disk into marked sectors so that it may store data", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Please format this disk before entering data !\" What is the definition of \"format\"?"} {"term": "attrition", "pos": "n", "context": "a war of attrition", "definition": "a wearing down to weaken or destroy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a war of attrition\" What is the definition of \"attrition\"?"} {"term": "animated", "pos": "v", "context": "animated cartoons", "definition": "to give lifelike qualities to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"animated cartoons\" What is the definition of \"animated\"?"} {"term": "animated", "pos": "a", "context": "an animated and expressive face", "definition": "having life or vigor or spirit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an animated and expressive face\" What is the definition of \"animated\"?"} {"term": "animated", "pos": "s", "context": "an animated cartoon", "definition": "made to appear to move as living creatures do", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an animated cartoon\" What is the definition of \"animated\"?"} {"term": "indent", "pos": "v", "context": "indent the documents", "definition": "to cut or tear along an irregular line so that the parts can later be matched for authentication", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"indent the documents\" What is the definition of \"indent\"?"} {"term": "tolerable", "pos": "a", "context": "the climate is at least tolerable", "definition": "capable of being borne or endured", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the climate is at least tolerable\" What is the definition of \"tolerable\"?"} {"term": "palatability", "pos": "n", "context": "the pursuit of electoral palatability", "definition": "acceptability to the mind or feelings", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the pursuit of electoral palatability\" What is the definition of \"palatability\"?"} {"term": "intricate", "pos": "s", "context": "intricate lacework", "definition": "having many complexly arranged elements", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"intricate lacework\" What is the definition of \"intricate\"?"} {"term": "intricate", "pos": "s", "context": "intricate lacework", "definition": "elaborate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"intricate lacework\" What is the definition of \"intricate\"?"} {"term": "leapfrog", "pos": "n", "context": "the company still believes the chip is a leapfrog in integration and will pay huge dividends", "definition": "advancing as if in the childs game , by leaping over obstacles or competitors", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the company still believes the chip is a leapfrog in integration and will pay huge dividends\" What is the definition of \"leapfrog\"?"} {"term": "replicate", "pos": "v", "context": "replicate the cell", "definition": "to reproduce or make an exact copy of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"replicate the cell\" What is the definition of \"replicate\"?"} {"term": "replicate", "pos": "v", "context": "He could never replicate his brilliant performance of the magic trick", "definition": "to make or do or perform again", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"He could never replicate his brilliant performance of the magic trick\" What is the definition of \"replicate\"?"} {"term": "appetitive", "pos": "a", "context": "appetitive needs", "definition": "of or relating to appetite", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"appetitive needs\" What is the definition of \"appetitive\"?"} {"term": "genetically", "pos": "r", "context": "genetically passed down talents", "definition": "by genetic mechanisms", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"genetically passed down talents\" What is the definition of \"genetically\"?"} {"term": "sensuous", "pos": "s", "context": "the sensuous joy from all things fair", "definition": "taking delight in beauty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sensuous joy from all things fair\" What is the definition of \"sensuous\"?"} {"term": "statutory", "pos": "a", "context": "statutory matters", "definition": "relating to or created by statutes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"statutory matters\" What is the definition of \"statutory\"?"} {"term": "statutory", "pos": "s", "context": "statutory restrictions", "definition": "prescribed or authorized by or punishable under a statute", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"statutory restrictions\" What is the definition of \"statutory\"?"} {"term": "wrestling", "pos": "n", "context": "we watched his grappling and wrestling with the bully", "definition": "the act of engaging in close hand-to-hand combat", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we watched his grappling and wrestling with the bully\" What is the definition of \"wrestling\"?"} {"term": "quaintness", "pos": "n", "context": "some words in her dialect had a charming quaintness", "definition": "strangeness as a consequence of being old fashioned", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some words in her dialect had a charming quaintness\" What is the definition of \"quaintness\"?"} {"term": "prayer", "pos": "n", "context": "the priest sank to his knees in prayer", "definition": "the act of communicating with a deity especially as a petition or in adoration or contrition or thanksgiving", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the priest sank to his knees in prayer\" What is the definition of \"prayer\"?"} {"term": "faulting", "pos": "n", "context": "he studied the faulting of the earth 's crust", "definition": "a crack in the earths crust resulting from the displacement of one side with respect to the other", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he studied the faulting of the earth 's crust\" What is the definition of \"faulting\"?"} {"term": "lightly", "pos": "r", "context": "one can not say such things lightly", "definition": "without good reason", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one can not say such things lightly\" What is the definition of \"lightly\"?"} {"term": "lightly", "pos": "r", "context": "she kissed him lightly on the forehead", "definition": "with little weight or force", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she kissed him lightly on the forehead\" What is the definition of \"lightly\"?"} {"term": "razorback", "pos": "s", "context": "razorback hogs", "definition": "having a sharp narrow back", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"razorback hogs\" What is the definition of \"razorback\"?"} {"term": "boon", "pos": "n", "context": "a spanking breeze is a boon to sailors", "definition": "a desirable state", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a spanking breeze is a boon to sailors\" What is the definition of \"boon\"?"} {"term": "boon", "pos": "s", "context": "boon companions", "definition": "very close and convivial", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"boon companions\" What is the definition of \"boon\"?"} {"term": "consultation", "pos": "n", "context": "he had a consultation with the judge", "definition": "a conference usually with someone important", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had a consultation with the judge\" What is the definition of \"consultation\"?"} {"term": "consultation", "pos": "n", "context": "a consultation of several medical specialists", "definition": "a conference between two or more people to consider a particular question", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a consultation of several medical specialists\" What is the definition of \"consultation\"?"} {"term": "edgeways", "pos": "r", "context": "he sawed the board edgeways", "definition": "with the edge forward or on , by , or toward the edge", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he sawed the board edgeways\" What is the definition of \"edgeways\"?"} {"term": "parasitic", "pos": "a", "context": "parasitic infection", "definition": "relating to or caused by parasites", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"parasitic infection\" What is the definition of \"parasitic\"?"} {"term": "parasitic", "pos": "s", "context": "a wealthy class parasitic upon the labor of the masses", "definition": "of plants or persons", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a wealthy class parasitic upon the labor of the masses\" What is the definition of \"parasitic\"?"} {"term": "parasitic", "pos": "s", "context": "a wealthy class parasitic upon the labor of the masses", "definition": "having the nature or habits of a parasite or leech", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a wealthy class parasitic upon the labor of the masses\" What is the definition of \"parasitic\"?"} {"term": "parasitic", "pos": "s", "context": "a wealthy class parasitic upon the labor of the masses", "definition": "living off another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a wealthy class parasitic upon the labor of the masses\" What is the definition of \"parasitic\"?"} {"term": "pleasant", "pos": "a", "context": "we had a pleasant evening together", "definition": "affording pleasure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we had a pleasant evening together\" What is the definition of \"pleasant\"?"} {"term": "pleasant", "pos": "a", "context": "we had a pleasant evening together", "definition": "being in harmony with your taste or likings", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we had a pleasant evening together\" What is the definition of \"pleasant\"?"} {"term": "pleasant", "pos": "s", "context": "I did n't enjoy it and probably was n't a pleasant person to be around", "definition": "having pleasing manners or behavior", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I did n't enjoy it and probably was n't a pleasant person to be around\" What is the definition of \"pleasant\"?"} {"term": "beguiling", "pos": "s", "context": "taken in by beguiling tales of overnight fortunes", "definition": "misleading by means of pleasant or alluring methods", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"taken in by beguiling tales of overnight fortunes\" What is the definition of \"beguiling\"?"} {"term": "beguiling", "pos": "s", "context": "the voice was low and beguiling", "definition": "highly attractive and able to arouse hope or desire", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the voice was low and beguiling\" What is the definition of \"beguiling\"?"} {"term": "immaculate", "pos": "s", "context": "the apartment was immaculate", "definition": "completely neat and clean", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the apartment was immaculate\" What is the definition of \"immaculate\"?"} {"term": "immaculate", "pos": "s", "context": "timing and technique were immaculate", "definition": "without fault or error", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"timing and technique were immaculate\" What is the definition of \"immaculate\"?"} {"term": "mindful", "pos": "a", "context": "ever mindful of her health", "definition": "bearing in mind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ever mindful of her health\" What is the definition of \"mindful\"?"} {"term": "mindful", "pos": "a", "context": "ever mindful of her health", "definition": "attentive to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ever mindful of her health\" What is the definition of \"mindful\"?"} {"term": "bite", "pos": "n", "context": "after fishing for an hour he still had not had a bite", "definition": "an instance of a fish taking the bait", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after fishing for an hour he still had not had a bite\" What is the definition of \"bite\"?"} {"term": "bite", "pos": "v", "context": "Gunny invariably tried to bite her", "definition": "to to grip , cut off , or tear with or as if with the teeth or jaws", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Gunny invariably tried to bite her\" What is the definition of \"bite\"?"} {"term": "toast", "pos": "n", "context": "he was the toast of the town", "definition": "a celebrity who receives much acclaim and attention", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was the toast of the town\" What is the definition of \"toast\"?"} {"term": "toast", "pos": "n", "context": "one mistake and you 're toast", "definition": "a person in desperate straits", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one mistake and you 're toast\" What is the definition of \"toast\"?"} {"term": "toast", "pos": "n", "context": "one mistake and you 're toast", "definition": "someone doomed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one mistake and you 're toast\" What is the definition of \"toast\"?"} {"term": "toast", "pos": "v", "context": "toast bread", "definition": "to make brown and crisp by heating", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"toast bread\" What is the definition of \"toast\"?"} {"term": "continuously", "pos": "r", "context": "The function is continuously differentiable", "definition": "at every point", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The function is continuously differentiable\" What is the definition of \"continuously\"?"} {"term": "adamant", "pos": "s", "context": "he is adamant in his refusal to change his mind", "definition": "impervious to pleas , persuasion , requests , reason", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is adamant in his refusal to change his mind\" What is the definition of \"adamant\"?"} {"term": "adamant", "pos": "s", "context": "he is adamant in his refusal to change his mind", "definition": "she would have none of him - w.churchill", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is adamant in his refusal to change his mind\" What is the definition of \"adamant\"?"} {"term": "manipulative", "pos": "s", "context": "the early manipulative techniques of a three-year-old child", "definition": "skillful in influencing or controlling others to your own advantage", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the early manipulative techniques of a three-year-old child\" What is the definition of \"manipulative\"?"} {"term": "wait", "pos": "v", "context": "I had to wait on line for an hour to get the tickets", "definition": "to stay in one place and anticipate or expect something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I had to wait on line for an hour to get the tickets\" What is the definition of \"wait\"?"} {"term": "untrammeled", "pos": "s", "context": "the gift of a fresh eye and an untrammeled curiosity \" - Russell Lord", "definition": "not confined or limited", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the gift of a fresh eye and an untrammeled curiosity \" - Russell Lord\" What is the definition of \"untrammeled\"?"} {"term": "core", "pos": "n", "context": "five periodicals make up the core of their publishing program", "definition": "a small group of indispensable persons or things", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"five periodicals make up the core of their publishing program\" What is the definition of \"core\"?"} {"term": "core", "pos": "n", "context": "the ball has a titanium core", "definition": "the center of an object", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ball has a titanium core\" What is the definition of \"core\"?"} {"term": "clannish", "pos": "s", "context": "clannish loyalty", "definition": "characteristic of a clan especially in being unified", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"clannish loyalty\" What is the definition of \"clannish\"?"} {"term": "rear", "pos": "n", "context": "infantrymen were in the rear", "definition": "the back of a military formation or procession", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"infantrymen were in the rear\" What is the definition of \"rear\"?"} {"term": "rear", "pos": "n", "context": "his room was toward the rear of the hotel", "definition": "the side of an object that is opposite its front", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his room was toward the rear of the hotel\" What is the definition of \"rear\"?"} {"term": "pleasure", "pos": "n", "context": "he was tingling with pleasure", "definition": "a fundamental feeling that is hard to define but that people desire to experience", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was tingling with pleasure\" What is the definition of \"pleasure\"?"} {"term": "pleasure", "pos": "n", "context": "he serves at the pleasure of the President", "definition": "a formal expression", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he serves at the pleasure of the President\" What is the definition of \"pleasure\"?"} {"term": "pleasure", "pos": "n", "context": "he puts duty before pleasure", "definition": "an activity that affords enjoyment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he puts duty before pleasure\" What is the definition of \"pleasure\"?"} {"term": "claimant", "pos": "n", "context": "he was a claimant to the throne", "definition": "someone who claims a benefit or right or title", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was a claimant to the throne\" What is the definition of \"claimant\"?"} {"term": "long", "pos": "a", "context": "a long life", "definition": "primarily temporal sense", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a long life\" What is the definition of \"long\"?"} {"term": "long", "pos": "a", "context": "a long life", "definition": "being or indicating a relatively great or greater than average duration or passage of time or a duration as specified", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a long life\" What is the definition of \"long\"?"} {"term": "long", "pos": "a", "context": "a long road", "definition": "primarily spatial sense", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a long road\" What is the definition of \"long\"?"} {"term": "long", "pos": "a", "context": "a long road", "definition": "of relatively great or greater than average spatial extension or extension as specified", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a long road\" What is the definition of \"long\"?"} {"term": "long", "pos": "a", "context": "is long on coffee", "definition": "holding securities or commodities in expectation of a rise in prices", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"is long on coffee\" What is the definition of \"long\"?"} {"term": "long", "pos": "s", "context": "a race of long gaunt men \" - Sherwood Anderson", "definition": "of relatively great height", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a race of long gaunt men \" - Sherwood Anderson\" What is the definition of \"long\"?"} {"term": "long", "pos": "s", "context": "long odds", "definition": "involving substantial risk", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"long odds\" What is the definition of \"long\"?"} {"term": "long", "pos": "r", "context": "a promotion long overdue", "definition": "for an extended time or at a distant time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a promotion long overdue\" What is the definition of \"long\"?"} {"term": "earnestly", "pos": "r", "context": "talking earnestly with his son", "definition": "in a serious manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"talking earnestly with his son\" What is the definition of \"earnestly\"?"} {"term": "alto", "pos": "s", "context": "alto clarinet or recorder", "definition": "second highest member of a group", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"alto clarinet or recorder\" What is the definition of \"alto\"?"} {"term": "flexibility", "pos": "n", "context": "he enjoyed the flexibility of his working arrangement", "definition": "the quality of being adaptable or variable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he enjoyed the flexibility of his working arrangement\" What is the definition of \"flexibility\"?"} {"term": "mellowness", "pos": "n", "context": "a mellowness of light and shade not attainable in marble", "definition": "a soft shade of a color", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a mellowness of light and shade not attainable in marble\" What is the definition of \"mellowness\"?"} {"term": "warning", "pos": "n", "context": "a warning that still more bombs could explode", "definition": "a message informing of danger", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a warning that still more bombs could explode\" What is the definition of \"warning\"?"} {"term": "warning", "pos": "n", "context": "they gave little warning of their arrival", "definition": "notification of something , usually in advance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they gave little warning of their arrival\" What is the definition of \"warning\"?"} {"term": "warning", "pos": "n", "context": "the warning was to beware of surprises", "definition": "cautionary advice about something imminent especially imminent danger or other unpleasantness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the warning was to beware of surprises\" What is the definition of \"warning\"?"} {"term": "ghostly", "pos": "s", "context": "a ghostly face at the window", "definition": "resembling or characteristic of a phantom", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a ghostly face at the window\" What is the definition of \"ghostly\"?"} {"term": "flatten", "pos": "v", "context": "flatten a road", "definition": "to make flat or flatter", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"flatten a road\" What is the definition of \"flatten\"?"} {"term": "ramshackle", "pos": "s", "context": "a ramshackle old pier", "definition": "in deplorable condition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a ramshackle old pier\" What is the definition of \"ramshackle\"?"} {"term": "jaunty", "pos": "s", "context": "a jaunty red hat", "definition": "marked by up-to-dateness in dress and manners", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a jaunty red hat\" What is the definition of \"jaunty\"?"} {"term": "jaunty", "pos": "s", "context": "walked with a jaunty step", "definition": "having a cheerful , lively , and self-confident air", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"walked with a jaunty step\" What is the definition of \"jaunty\"?"} {"term": "swamp", "pos": "n", "context": "he was trapped in a medical swamp", "definition": "a situation fraught with difficulties and imponderables", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was trapped in a medical swamp\" What is the definition of \"swamp\"?"} {"term": "crunch", "pos": "n", "context": "an end-of-the year crunch", "definition": "a critical situation that arises because of a shortage as a shortage of time or money or resources", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an end-of-the year crunch\" What is the definition of \"crunch\"?"} {"term": "terminal", "pos": "a", "context": "freight pickup is a terminal service", "definition": "of or relating to or situated at the ends of a delivery route", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"freight pickup is a terminal service\" What is the definition of \"terminal\"?"} {"term": "terminal", "pos": "a", "context": "terminal examinations", "definition": "relating to or occurring in a term or fixed period of time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"terminal examinations\" What is the definition of \"terminal\"?"} {"term": "terminal", "pos": "a", "context": "terminal buds on a branch", "definition": "being or situated at an end", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"terminal buds on a branch\" What is the definition of \"terminal\"?"} {"term": "terminal", "pos": "s", "context": "a terminal patient", "definition": "causing or ending in or approaching death", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a terminal patient\" What is the definition of \"terminal\"?"} {"term": "terminal", "pos": "s", "context": "terminal leave", "definition": "occurring at or forming an end or termination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"terminal leave\" What is the definition of \"terminal\"?"} {"term": "tunnel", "pos": "n", "context": "the tunnel reduced congestion at that intersection", "definition": "a passageway through or under something , usually underground especially one for trains or cars", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the tunnel reduced congestion at that intersection\" What is the definition of \"tunnel\"?"} {"term": "allegiant", "pos": "s", "context": "it is impossible to be allegiant to two opposing forces", "definition": "steadfast in devotion especially to your lawful monarch or government", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is impossible to be allegiant to two opposing forces\" What is the definition of \"allegiant\"?"} {"term": "solvent", "pos": "n", "context": "the solvent does not change its state in forming a solution", "definition": "a liquid substance capable of dissolving other substances", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the solvent does not change its state in forming a solution\" What is the definition of \"solvent\"?"} {"term": "retribution", "pos": "n", "context": "the swiftness of divine retribution", "definition": "the act of taking revenge harming someone in retaliation for something harmful that they have done especially in the next life", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the swiftness of divine retribution\" What is the definition of \"retribution\"?"} {"term": "retribution", "pos": "n", "context": "the swiftness of divine retribution", "definition": "i will repay , saith the lord -- romans 12", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the swiftness of divine retribution\" What is the definition of \"retribution\"?"} {"term": "ribbon", "pos": "n", "context": "a mere ribbon of land", "definition": "any long object resembling a thin line", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a mere ribbon of land\" What is the definition of \"ribbon\"?"} {"term": "bombproof", "pos": "s", "context": "bombproof shelter", "definition": "able to resist the explosive force of bombs and shells", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bombproof shelter\" What is the definition of \"bombproof\"?"} {"term": "inland", "pos": "r", "context": "the town is five miles inland", "definition": "towards or into the interior of a region", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the town is five miles inland\" What is the definition of \"inland\"?"} {"term": "antipodes", "pos": "n", "context": "the North Pole and the South Pole are antipodes", "definition": "any two places or regions on diametrically opposite sides of the earth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the North Pole and the South Pole are antipodes\" What is the definition of \"antipodes\"?"} {"term": "antipode", "pos": "n", "context": "quiet : an antipode to focused busyness", "definition": "direct opposite", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"quiet : an antipode to focused busyness\" What is the definition of \"antipode\"?"} {"term": "atmospheric", "pos": "a", "context": "atmospheric tests", "definition": "relating to or located in the atmosphere", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"atmospheric tests\" What is the definition of \"atmospheric\"?"} {"term": "degraded", "pos": "s", "context": "deplorably dissipated and degraded", "definition": "unrestrained by convention or morality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"deplorably dissipated and degraded\" What is the definition of \"degraded\"?"} {"term": "lenient", "pos": "s", "context": "lenient rules", "definition": "not strict", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lenient rules\" What is the definition of \"lenient\"?"} {"term": "surrogate", "pos": "s", "context": "surrogate father", "definition": "providing or receiving nurture or parental care though not related by blood or legal ties", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"surrogate father\" What is the definition of \"surrogate\"?"} {"term": "soon", "pos": "r", "context": "the doctor will soon be here", "definition": "in the near future", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the doctor will soon be here\" What is the definition of \"soon\"?"} {"term": "dig", "pos": "n", "context": "they set up camp next to the dig", "definition": "the site of an archeological exploration", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they set up camp next to the dig\" What is the definition of \"dig\"?"} {"term": "dig", "pos": "n", "context": "the book was in good condition except for a dig in the back cover", "definition": "a small gouge as in the cover of a book", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the book was in good condition except for a dig in the back cover\" What is the definition of \"dig\"?"} {"term": "dig", "pos": "n", "context": "she gave me a sharp dig in the ribs", "definition": "the act of touching someone suddenly with your finger or elbow", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she gave me a sharp dig in the ribs\" What is the definition of \"dig\"?"} {"term": "gluttonous", "pos": "a", "context": "over-fed women and their gluttonous husbands", "definition": "given to excess in consumption of especially food or drink", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"over-fed women and their gluttonous husbands\" What is the definition of \"gluttonous\"?"} {"term": "lug", "pos": "v", "context": "You 'll have to lug this suitcase", "definition": "to carry with difficulty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"You 'll have to lug this suitcase\" What is the definition of \"lug\"?"} {"term": "threshold", "pos": "n", "context": "on the threshold of manhood", "definition": "the starting point for a new state or experience", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on the threshold of manhood\" What is the definition of \"threshold\"?"} {"term": "paternal", "pos": "a", "context": "spent his childhood on the paternal farm", "definition": "belonging to or inherited from ones father", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"spent his childhood on the paternal farm\" What is the definition of \"paternal\"?"} {"term": "paternal", "pos": "s", "context": "a paternal aunt", "definition": "related on the fathers side", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a paternal aunt\" What is the definition of \"paternal\"?"} {"term": "caloric", "pos": "a", "context": "comparison of foods on a caloric basis", "definition": "of or relating to calories in food", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"comparison of foods on a caloric basis\" What is the definition of \"caloric\"?"} {"term": "caloric", "pos": "a", "context": "the caloric effect of sunlight", "definition": "relating to or associated with heat", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the caloric effect of sunlight\" What is the definition of \"caloric\"?"} {"term": "limber", "pos": "s", "context": "a limber imagination", "definition": "readily adaptable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a limber imagination\" What is the definition of \"limber\"?"} {"term": "whacking", "pos": "s", "context": "a whacking phone bill", "definition": "enormous", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a whacking phone bill\" What is the definition of \"whacking\"?"} {"term": "whacking", "pos": "r", "context": "a whacking good story", "definition": "extremely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a whacking good story\" What is the definition of \"whacking\"?"} {"term": "passing", "pos": "n", "context": "thousands mourned his passing", "definition": "euphemistic expressions for death", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"thousands mourned his passing\" What is the definition of \"passing\"?"} {"term": "passing", "pos": "n", "context": "the passing of winter", "definition": "the end of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the passing of winter\" What is the definition of \"passing\"?"} {"term": "passing", "pos": "s", "context": "a passing fancy", "definition": "lasting a very short time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a passing fancy\" What is the definition of \"passing\"?"} {"term": "passing", "pos": "s", "context": "a passing glance", "definition": "hasty and without attention to detail", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a passing glance\" What is the definition of \"passing\"?"} {"term": "passing", "pos": "s", "context": "a passing glance", "definition": "not thorough", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a passing glance\" What is the definition of \"passing\"?"} {"term": "passing", "pos": "a", "context": "a team with a good passing attack", "definition": "of advancing the ball by throwing it", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a team with a good passing attack\" What is the definition of \"passing\"?"} {"term": "disconnect", "pos": "n", "context": "there is a vast disconnect between public opinion and federal policy", "definition": "an unbridgeable disparity as from a failure of understanding", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is a vast disconnect between public opinion and federal policy\" What is the definition of \"disconnect\"?"} {"term": "rotation", "pos": "n", "context": "the rotation of the dancer kept time with the music", "definition": "the act of rotating as if on an axis", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the rotation of the dancer kept time with the music\" What is the definition of \"rotation\"?"} {"term": "related", "pos": "v", "context": "The witness related the events", "definition": "to give an account of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The witness related the events\" What is the definition of \"related\"?"} {"term": "related", "pos": "a", "context": "painting and the related arts", "definition": "being connected either logically or causally or by shared characteristics", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"painting and the related arts\" What is the definition of \"related\"?"} {"term": "territorially", "pos": "r", "context": "territorially important", "definition": "with respect to territory", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"territorially important\" What is the definition of \"territorially\"?"} {"term": "yoke", "pos": "n", "context": "under the yoke of a tyrant", "definition": "an oppressive power", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"under the yoke of a tyrant\" What is the definition of \"yoke\"?"} {"term": "apposite", "pos": "s", "context": "the successful copywriter is a master of apposite and evocative verbal images", "definition": "being of striking appropriateness and pertinence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the successful copywriter is a master of apposite and evocative verbal images\" What is the definition of \"apposite\"?"} {"term": "rule", "pos": "n", "context": "it was his rule to take a walk before breakfast", "definition": "a principle or condition that customarily governs behavior", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was his rule to take a walk before breakfast\" What is the definition of \"rule\"?"} {"term": "insipid", "pos": "s", "context": "an insipid personality", "definition": "lacking interest or significance or impact", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an insipid personality\" What is the definition of \"insipid\"?"} {"term": "insipid", "pos": "s", "context": "insipid hospital food", "definition": "lacking taste or flavor or tang", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"insipid hospital food\" What is the definition of \"insipid\"?"} {"term": "week", "pos": "n", "context": "it rained for a week", "definition": "any period of seven consecutive days", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it rained for a week\" What is the definition of \"week\"?"} {"term": "concert", "pos": "v", "context": "concert one 's differences", "definition": "to settle by agreement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"concert one 's differences\" What is the definition of \"concert\"?"} {"term": "cavalierly", "pos": "r", "context": "he treated his staff cavalierly", "definition": "in a proud and domineering manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he treated his staff cavalierly\" What is the definition of \"cavalierly\"?"} {"term": "randomly", "pos": "r", "context": "the houses were randomly scattered", "definition": "in a random manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the houses were randomly scattered\" What is the definition of \"randomly\"?"} {"term": "meretricious", "pos": "a", "context": "meretricious relationships", "definition": "like or relating to a prostitute", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"meretricious relationships\" What is the definition of \"meretricious\"?"} {"term": "meretricious", "pos": "s", "context": "a meretricious yet stylish book", "definition": "tastelessly showy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a meretricious yet stylish book\" What is the definition of \"meretricious\"?"} {"term": "meretricious", "pos": "s", "context": "meretricious praise", "definition": "based on pretense", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"meretricious praise\" What is the definition of \"meretricious\"?"} {"term": "meretricious", "pos": "s", "context": "meretricious praise", "definition": "deceptively pleasing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"meretricious praise\" What is the definition of \"meretricious\"?"} {"term": "colligate", "pos": "v", "context": "colligate these facts", "definition": "to make a logical or causal connection", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"colligate these facts\" What is the definition of \"colligate\"?"} {"term": "web", "pos": "n", "context": "the trees cast a delicate web of shadows over the lawn", "definition": "an intricate network suggesting something that was formed by weaving or interweaving", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the trees cast a delicate web of shadows over the lawn\" What is the definition of \"web\"?"} {"term": "aqueous", "pos": "a", "context": "aqueous solutions", "definition": "similar to or containing or dissolved in water", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"aqueous solutions\" What is the definition of \"aqueous\"?"} {"term": "surplus", "pos": "s", "context": "surplus cheese distributed to the needy", "definition": "more than is needed , desired , or required", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"surplus cheese distributed to the needy\" What is the definition of \"surplus\"?"} {"term": "frequent", "pos": "a", "context": "a frequent guest", "definition": "coming at short intervals or habitually", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a frequent guest\" What is the definition of \"frequent\"?"} {"term": "frequent", "pos": "s", "context": "a frequent ( or common ) error is using the transitive verb ` lay ' for the intransitive ` lie '", "definition": "frequently encountered", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a frequent ( or common ) error is using the transitive verb ` lay ' for the intransitive ` lie '\" What is the definition of \"frequent\"?"} {"term": "hearsay", "pos": "s", "context": "hearsay information", "definition": "heard through another rather than directly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hearsay information\" What is the definition of \"hearsay\"?"} {"term": "turquoise", "pos": "n", "context": "blue turquoise is valued as a gemstone", "definition": "a blue to grey green mineral consisting of copper aluminum phosphate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"blue turquoise is valued as a gemstone\" What is the definition of \"turquoise\"?"} {"term": "malign", "pos": "a", "context": "prompted by malign motives", "definition": "evil or harmful in nature or influence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"prompted by malign motives\" What is the definition of \"malign\"?"} {"term": "heavily", "pos": "r", "context": "he relied heavily on others ' data", "definition": "to a considerable degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he relied heavily on others ' data\" What is the definition of \"heavily\"?"} {"term": "heavily", "pos": "r", "context": "he walked heavily up the three flights to his room", "definition": "in a heavy-footed manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he walked heavily up the three flights to his room\" What is the definition of \"heavily\"?"} {"term": "heavily", "pos": "r", "context": "she hit her arm heavily against the wall", "definition": "with great force", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she hit her arm heavily against the wall\" What is the definition of \"heavily\"?"} {"term": "overland", "pos": "s", "context": "an overland journey", "definition": "traveling or passing over land", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an overland journey\" What is the definition of \"overland\"?"} {"term": "enterprise", "pos": "n", "context": "he had doubts about the whole enterprise", "definition": "a purposeful or industrious undertaking especially one that requires effort or boldness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had doubts about the whole enterprise\" What is the definition of \"enterprise\"?"} {"term": "enterprise", "pos": "n", "context": "a growing enterprise must have a bold leader", "definition": "an organization created for business ventures", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a growing enterprise must have a bold leader\" What is the definition of \"enterprise\"?"} {"term": "trust", "pos": "n", "context": "he is the beneficiary of a generous trust set up by his father", "definition": "something as property held by one party the trustee for the benefit of another the beneficiary", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is the beneficiary of a generous trust set up by his father\" What is the definition of \"trust\"?"} {"term": "trust", "pos": "n", "context": "the experience destroyed his trust and personal dignity", "definition": "the trait of believing in the honesty and reliability of others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the experience destroyed his trust and personal dignity\" What is the definition of \"trust\"?"} {"term": "trust", "pos": "n", "context": "they set up the trust in the hope of gaining a monopoly", "definition": "a consortium of independent organizations formed to limit competition by controlling the production and distribution of a product or service", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they set up the trust in the hope of gaining a monopoly\" What is the definition of \"trust\"?"} {"term": "trust", "pos": "v", "context": "We can trust in God", "definition": "to have confidence or faith in", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"We can trust in God\" What is the definition of \"trust\"?"} {"term": "trust", "pos": "v", "context": "do n't trust my ex-wife", "definition": "to extend credit to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"do n't trust my ex-wife\" What is the definition of \"trust\"?"} {"term": "trust", "pos": "v", "context": "do n't trust my ex-wife", "definition": "to i wont pay her debts anymore", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"do n't trust my ex-wife\" What is the definition of \"trust\"?"} {"term": "solar", "pos": "a", "context": "solar eclipse", "definition": "relating to or derived from the sun or utilizing the energies of the sun", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"solar eclipse\" What is the definition of \"solar\"?"} {"term": "ascending", "pos": "a", "context": "the ascending plane", "definition": "moving or going or growing upward", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ascending plane\" What is the definition of \"ascending\"?"} {"term": "lengthy", "pos": "s", "context": "a lengthy visit from her mother-in-law", "definition": "relatively long in duration", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a lengthy visit from her mother-in-law\" What is the definition of \"lengthy\"?"} {"term": "lengthy", "pos": "s", "context": "a lengthy visit from her mother-in-law", "definition": "tediously protracted", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a lengthy visit from her mother-in-law\" What is the definition of \"lengthy\"?"} {"term": "roof", "pos": "n", "context": "the roof of the cave was very high", "definition": "the inner top surface of a covered area or hollow space", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the roof of the cave was very high\" What is the definition of \"roof\"?"} {"term": "wish", "pos": "n", "context": "he got his wish", "definition": "a specific feeling of desire", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he got his wish\" What is the definition of \"wish\"?"} {"term": "wish", "pos": "n", "context": "I could tell that it was his wish that the guests leave", "definition": "an expression of some desire or inclination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I could tell that it was his wish that the guests leave\" What is the definition of \"wish\"?"} {"term": "wish", "pos": "n", "context": "it was his last wish", "definition": "the particular preference that you have", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was his last wish\" What is the definition of \"wish\"?"} {"term": "wish", "pos": "v", "context": "I wish I could go home now", "definition": "to hope for", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I wish I could go home now\" What is the definition of \"wish\"?"} {"term": "seafaring", "pos": "s", "context": "seafaring vessels", "definition": "used on the high seas", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"seafaring vessels\" What is the definition of \"seafaring\"?"} {"term": "inoffensive", "pos": "a", "context": "inoffensive behavior", "definition": "not causing anger or annoyance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"inoffensive behavior\" What is the definition of \"inoffensive\"?"} {"term": "inoffensive", "pos": "a", "context": "a quiet inoffensive man", "definition": "giving no offense", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a quiet inoffensive man\" What is the definition of \"inoffensive\"?"} {"term": "void", "pos": "v", "context": "void a plea", "definition": "to declare invalid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"void a plea\" What is the definition of \"void\"?"} {"term": "void", "pos": "s", "context": "the earth was without form , and void", "definition": "containing nothing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the earth was without form , and void\" What is the definition of \"void\"?"} {"term": "void", "pos": "s", "context": "null and void", "definition": "lacking any legal or binding force", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"null and void\" What is the definition of \"void\"?"} {"term": "constructively", "pos": "r", "context": "it is my task to look critically and constructively at the flaws and the failures", "definition": "in a constructive manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is my task to look critically and constructively at the flaws and the failures\" What is the definition of \"constructively\"?"} {"term": "recourse", "pos": "n", "context": "have recourse to the courts", "definition": "act of turning to for assistance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"have recourse to the courts\" What is the definition of \"recourse\"?"} {"term": "recourse", "pos": "n", "context": "his only recourse was the police", "definition": "something or someone turned to for assistance or security", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his only recourse was the police\" What is the definition of \"recourse\"?"} {"term": "semiprecious", "pos": "s", "context": "such semiprecious stones as amethyst , garnet , jade , and tourmaline", "definition": "used of gemstones having less commercial value than precious stones", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"such semiprecious stones as amethyst , garnet , jade , and tourmaline\" What is the definition of \"semiprecious\"?"} {"term": "mews", "pos": "n", "context": "she lives in a Chelsea mews", "definition": "street lined with buildings that were originally private stables but have been remodeled as dwellings", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she lives in a Chelsea mews\" What is the definition of \"mews\"?"} {"term": "ablative", "pos": "s", "context": "ablative material on a rocket cone", "definition": "tending to ablate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ablative material on a rocket cone\" What is the definition of \"ablative\"?"} {"term": "ablative", "pos": "s", "context": "ablative material on a rocket cone", "definition": "i.e. to be removed or vaporized at very high temperature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ablative material on a rocket cone\" What is the definition of \"ablative\"?"} {"term": "transversal", "pos": "s", "context": "transversal vibrations", "definition": "extending or lying across", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"transversal vibrations\" What is the definition of \"transversal\"?"} {"term": "transversal", "pos": "s", "context": "transversal vibrations", "definition": "in a crosswise direction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"transversal vibrations\" What is the definition of \"transversal\"?"} {"term": "transversal", "pos": "s", "context": "transversal vibrations", "definition": "at right angles to the long axis", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"transversal vibrations\" What is the definition of \"transversal\"?"} {"term": "vitally", "pos": "r", "context": "this is vitally important", "definition": "to a vital degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this is vitally important\" What is the definition of \"vitally\"?"} {"term": "innervate", "pos": "v", "context": "innervate a muscle or a nerve", "definition": "to stimulate to action", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"innervate a muscle or a nerve\" What is the definition of \"innervate\"?"} {"term": "quack", "pos": "s", "context": "a quack doctor", "definition": "medically unqualified", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a quack doctor\" What is the definition of \"quack\"?"} {"term": "modernity", "pos": "n", "context": "a shopping mall would instill a spirit of modernity into this village", "definition": "the quality of being current or of the present", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a shopping mall would instill a spirit of modernity into this village\" What is the definition of \"modernity\"?"} {"term": "scratch", "pos": "n", "context": "a golfer who plays at scratch should be able to achieve par on a course", "definition": "a handicap of zero strokes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a golfer who plays at scratch should be able to achieve par on a course\" What is the definition of \"scratch\"?"} {"term": "refractory", "pos": "s", "context": "a refractory case of acne", "definition": "not responding to treatment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a refractory case of acne\" What is the definition of \"refractory\"?"} {"term": "refractory", "pos": "s", "context": "the refractory period of a muscle fiber", "definition": "temporarily unresponsive or not fully responsive to nervous or sexual stimuli", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the refractory period of a muscle fiber\" What is the definition of \"refractory\"?"} {"term": "refractory", "pos": "s", "context": "a refractory child", "definition": "stubbornly resistant to authority or control", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a refractory child\" What is the definition of \"refractory\"?"} {"term": "boom", "pos": "n", "context": "the demand for testing has created a boom for those unregulated laboratories where boxes of specimen jars are processed like an assembly line", "definition": "a sudden happening that brings good fortune as a sudden opportunity to make money", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the demand for testing has created a boom for those unregulated laboratories where boxes of specimen jars are processed like an assembly line\" What is the definition of \"boom\"?"} {"term": "abolition", "pos": "n", "context": "the abolition of capital punishment", "definition": "the act of abolishing a system or practice or institution especially abolishing slavery", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the abolition of capital punishment\" What is the definition of \"abolition\"?"} {"term": "damned", "pos": "n", "context": "he felt he had visited the realm of the damned", "definition": "people who are condemned to eternal punishment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he felt he had visited the realm of the damned\" What is the definition of \"damned\"?"} {"term": "damned", "pos": "s", "context": "I 'll be damned ( or blessed or darned or goddamned ) if I 'll do any such thing", "definition": "expletives used informally as intensifiers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I 'll be damned ( or blessed or darned or goddamned ) if I 'll do any such thing\" What is the definition of \"damned\"?"} {"term": "damned", "pos": "s", "context": "poor damned souls", "definition": "in danger of the eternal punishment of hell", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"poor damned souls\" What is the definition of \"damned\"?"} {"term": "real", "pos": "a", "context": "real objects", "definition": "being or occurring in fact or actuality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"real objects\" What is the definition of \"real\"?"} {"term": "real", "pos": "a", "context": "real objects", "definition": "having verified existence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"real objects\" What is the definition of \"real\"?"} {"term": "real", "pos": "a", "context": "real objects", "definition": "not illusory", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"real objects\" What is the definition of \"real\"?"} {"term": "real", "pos": "a", "context": "real objects", "definition": "not ghosts", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"real objects\" What is the definition of \"real\"?"} {"term": "real", "pos": "a", "context": "the real reason", "definition": "no less than what is stated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the real reason\" What is the definition of \"real\"?"} {"term": "real", "pos": "a", "context": "the real reason", "definition": "worthy of the name", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the real reason\" What is the definition of \"real\"?"} {"term": "real", "pos": "a", "context": "real prices", "definition": "of , relating to , or representing an amount that is corrected for inflation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"real prices\" What is the definition of \"real\"?"} {"term": "real", "pos": "s", "context": "statistics demonstrate that poverty and unemployment are very real problems", "definition": "not to be taken lightly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"statistics demonstrate that poverty and unemployment are very real problems\" What is the definition of \"real\"?"} {"term": "real", "pos": "s", "context": "his brief time as Prime Minister brought few real benefits to the poor", "definition": "capable of being treated as fact", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his brief time as Prime Minister brought few real benefits to the poor\" What is the definition of \"real\"?"} {"term": "real", "pos": "s", "context": "real property consists of land and buildings", "definition": "fixed or immovable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"real property consists of land and buildings\" What is the definition of \"real\"?"} {"term": "real", "pos": "r", "context": "I 'm real sorry about it", "definition": "used as intensifiers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I 'm real sorry about it\" What is the definition of \"real\"?"} {"term": "real", "pos": "r", "context": "I 'm real sorry about it", "definition": "rattling is informal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I 'm real sorry about it\" What is the definition of \"real\"?"} {"term": "cog", "pos": "n", "context": "he was a small cog in a large machine", "definition": "a subordinate who performs an important but routine function", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was a small cog in a large machine\" What is the definition of \"cog\"?"} {"term": "horrific", "pos": "s", "context": "horrific conditions in the mining industry", "definition": "grossly offensive to decency or morality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"horrific conditions in the mining industry\" What is the definition of \"horrific\"?"} {"term": "horrific", "pos": "s", "context": "horrific conditions in the mining industry", "definition": "causing horror", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"horrific conditions in the mining industry\" What is the definition of \"horrific\"?"} {"term": "coercion", "pos": "n", "context": "they did n't have to use coercion", "definition": "using force to cause something to occur", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they did n't have to use coercion\" What is the definition of \"coercion\"?"} {"term": "brittle", "pos": "s", "context": "brittle bones", "definition": "having little elasticity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"brittle bones\" What is the definition of \"brittle\"?"} {"term": "brittle", "pos": "s", "context": "brittle bones", "definition": "hence easily cracked or fractured or snapped", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"brittle bones\" What is the definition of \"brittle\"?"} {"term": "brittle", "pos": "s", "context": "a brittle and calculating woman", "definition": "lacking warmth and generosity of spirit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a brittle and calculating woman\" What is the definition of \"brittle\"?"} {"term": "flora", "pos": "n", "context": "the flora of southern California", "definition": "all the plant life in a particular region or period", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the flora of southern California\" What is the definition of \"flora\"?"} {"term": "difference", "pos": "n", "context": "the difference in her is amazing", "definition": "a significant change", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the difference in her is amazing\" What is the definition of \"difference\"?"} {"term": "support", "pos": "n", "context": "his support kept the family together", "definition": "the activity of providing for or maintaining by supplying with money or necessities", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his support kept the family together\" What is the definition of \"support\"?"} {"term": "support", "pos": "n", "context": "the president no longer has the support of his own party", "definition": "aiding the cause or policy or interests of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the president no longer has the support of his own party\" What is the definition of \"support\"?"} {"term": "support", "pos": "n", "context": "the policy found little public support", "definition": "something providing immaterial assistance to a person or cause or interest", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the policy found little public support\" What is the definition of \"support\"?"} {"term": "abort", "pos": "n", "context": "I wasted a year of my life working on an abort", "definition": "the act of terminating a project or procedure before it is completed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I wasted a year of my life working on an abort\" What is the definition of \"abort\"?"} {"term": "abort", "pos": "v", "context": "abort the mission", "definition": "to terminate before completion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"abort the mission\" What is the definition of \"abort\"?"} {"term": "sectarian", "pos": "a", "context": "sectarian differences", "definition": "of or relating to or characteristic of a sect or sects", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sectarian differences\" What is the definition of \"sectarian\"?"} {"term": "sectarian", "pos": "a", "context": "a sectarian mind", "definition": "belonging to or characteristic of a sect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sectarian mind\" What is the definition of \"sectarian\"?"} {"term": "mortgagee", "pos": "n", "context": "the bank became our mortgagee when it accepted our mortgage on our new home", "definition": "the person who accepts a mortgage", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the bank became our mortgagee when it accepted our mortgage on our new home\" What is the definition of \"mortgagee\"?"} {"term": "visitation", "pos": "n", "context": "a visitation of the plague", "definition": "any disaster or catastrophe", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a visitation of the plague\" What is the definition of \"visitation\"?"} {"term": "visitation", "pos": "n", "context": "the recent visitation of the bishop to his diocese", "definition": "an official visit for inspection or supervision", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the recent visitation of the bishop to his diocese\" What is the definition of \"visitation\"?"} {"term": "visitation", "pos": "n", "context": "a visitation of the plague", "definition": "an annoying or frustrating or catastrophic event", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a visitation of the plague\" What is the definition of \"visitation\"?"} {"term": "behavior", "pos": "n", "context": "the behavior of small particles can be studied in experiments", "definition": "the action or reaction of something as a machine or substance under specified circumstances", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the behavior of small particles can be studied in experiments\" What is the definition of \"behavior\"?"} {"term": "interminably", "pos": "r", "context": "a theological student with whom I argued interminably", "definition": "all the time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a theological student with whom I argued interminably\" What is the definition of \"interminably\"?"} {"term": "interminably", "pos": "r", "context": "a theological student with whom I argued interminably", "definition": "seemingly without stopping", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a theological student with whom I argued interminably\" What is the definition of \"interminably\"?"} {"term": "poignant", "pos": "s", "context": "poignant anxiety", "definition": "keenly distressing to the mind or feelings", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"poignant anxiety\" What is the definition of \"poignant\"?"} {"term": "poignant", "pos": "s", "context": "poignant grief can not endure forever", "definition": "arousing affect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"poignant grief can not endure forever\" What is the definition of \"poignant\"?"} {"term": "hoodoo", "pos": "n", "context": "a tall sandstone hoodoo", "definition": "a column of weathered and unusually shaped rock", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tall sandstone hoodoo\" What is the definition of \"hoodoo\"?"} {"term": "happily", "pos": "r", "context": "they shouted happily", "definition": "in a joyous manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they shouted happily\" What is the definition of \"happily\"?"} {"term": "happily", "pos": "r", "context": "happily he was not injured", "definition": "in an unexpectedly lucky way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"happily he was not injured\" What is the definition of \"happily\"?"} {"term": "widely", "pos": "r", "context": "her work is widely known", "definition": "to a great degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her work is widely known\" What is the definition of \"widely\"?"} {"term": "widely", "pos": "r", "context": "widely separated", "definition": "so as to leave much space or distance between", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"widely separated\" What is the definition of \"widely\"?"} {"term": "widely", "pos": "r", "context": "he traveled widely", "definition": "to or over a great extent or range", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he traveled widely\" What is the definition of \"widely\"?"} {"term": "widely", "pos": "r", "context": "he traveled widely", "definition": "far", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he traveled widely\" What is the definition of \"widely\"?"} {"term": "belong", "pos": "v", "context": "This student somehow does n't belong", "definition": "to be suitable or acceptable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"This student somehow does n't belong\" What is the definition of \"belong\"?"} {"term": "punctured", "pos": "s", "context": "a punctured balloon", "definition": "having a hole cut through", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a punctured balloon\" What is the definition of \"punctured\"?"} {"term": "pond", "pos": "n", "context": "the pond was too small for sailing", "definition": "a small lake", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the pond was too small for sailing\" What is the definition of \"pond\"?"} {"term": "disastrous", "pos": "s", "context": "the battle was a disastrous end to a disastrous campaign", "definition": "having extremely unfortunate or dire consequences", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the battle was a disastrous end to a disastrous campaign\" What is the definition of \"disastrous\"?"} {"term": "disastrous", "pos": "s", "context": "the battle was a disastrous end to a disastrous campaign", "definition": "bringing ruin", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the battle was a disastrous end to a disastrous campaign\" What is the definition of \"disastrous\"?"} {"term": "destitute", "pos": "s", "context": "young recruits destitute of experience", "definition": "completely wanting or lacking", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"young recruits destitute of experience\" What is the definition of \"destitute\"?"} {"term": "exorbitantly", "pos": "r", "context": "prices are exorbitantly high in the capital", "definition": "to an exorbitant degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"prices are exorbitantly high in the capital\" What is the definition of \"exorbitantly\"?"} {"term": "tripartite", "pos": "s", "context": "a tripartite treaty", "definition": "involving three parties or elements", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tripartite treaty\" What is the definition of \"tripartite\"?"} {"term": "signalize", "pos": "v", "context": "signalize a busy intersection", "definition": "to provide with traffic signals", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"signalize a busy intersection\" What is the definition of \"signalize\"?"} {"term": "dwelling", "pos": "n", "context": "he built a modest dwelling near the pond", "definition": "housing that someone is living in", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he built a modest dwelling near the pond\" What is the definition of \"dwelling\"?"} {"term": "proficiently", "pos": "r", "context": "he dealt proficiently with the problem", "definition": "in a proficient manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he dealt proficiently with the problem\" What is the definition of \"proficiently\"?"} {"term": "fineness", "pos": "n", "context": "the inn is distinguished by the fineness of its cuisine", "definition": "the quality of being very good indeed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the inn is distinguished by the fineness of its cuisine\" What is the definition of \"fineness\"?"} {"term": "fineness", "pos": "n", "context": "he marvelled at the fineness of her hair", "definition": "the property of being very narrow or thin", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he marvelled at the fineness of her hair\" What is the definition of \"fineness\"?"} {"term": "fineness", "pos": "n", "context": "the fineness of the sand on the beach", "definition": "having a very fine texture", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the fineness of the sand on the beach\" What is the definition of \"fineness\"?"} {"term": "stultify", "pos": "v", "context": "nobody is legally allowed to stultify himself", "definition": "to prove to be of unsound mind or demonstrate someones incompetence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nobody is legally allowed to stultify himself\" What is the definition of \"stultify\"?"} {"term": "contrary", "pos": "n", "context": "public opinion to the contrary he is not guilty", "definition": "exact opposition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"public opinion to the contrary he is not guilty\" What is the definition of \"contrary\"?"} {"term": "contrary", "pos": "s", "context": "acts contrary to our code of ethics", "definition": "very opposed in nature or character or purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"acts contrary to our code of ethics\" What is the definition of \"contrary\"?"} {"term": "contrary", "pos": "s", "context": "` hot ' and ` cold ' are contrary terms", "definition": "of words or propositions so related that both can not be true but both may be false", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"` hot ' and ` cold ' are contrary terms\" What is the definition of \"contrary\"?"} {"term": "contrary", "pos": "s", "context": "Mary Mary quite contrary", "definition": "resistant to guidance or discipline", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Mary Mary quite contrary\" What is the definition of \"contrary\"?"} {"term": "decamp", "pos": "v", "context": "She persuaded him to decamp", "definition": "to leave suddenly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"She persuaded him to decamp\" What is the definition of \"decamp\"?"} {"term": "exist", "pos": "v", "context": "he could barely exist on such a low wage", "definition": "to support oneself", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he could barely exist on such a low wage\" What is the definition of \"exist\"?"} {"term": "invert", "pos": "v", "context": "when forming a question , invert the subject and the verb", "definition": "to reverse the position , order , relation , or condition of", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when forming a question , invert the subject and the verb\" What is the definition of \"invert\"?"} {"term": "eroded", "pos": "v", "context": "Her confidence eroded", "definition": "to become ground down or deteriorate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Her confidence eroded\" What is the definition of \"eroded\"?"} {"term": "eroded", "pos": "v", "context": "Rain eroded the terraces", "definition": "to remove soil or rock", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Rain eroded the terraces\" What is the definition of \"eroded\"?"} {"term": "destructible", "pos": "a", "context": "destructible glassware", "definition": "easily destroyed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"destructible glassware\" What is the definition of \"destructible\"?"} {"term": "dresser", "pos": "n", "context": "she 's an elegant dresser", "definition": "a person who dresses in a particular way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she 's an elegant dresser\" What is the definition of \"dresser\"?"} {"term": "automatically", "pos": "r", "context": "he answered automatically", "definition": "in a reflex manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he answered automatically\" What is the definition of \"automatically\"?"} {"term": "unfurl", "pos": "v", "context": "unfurl a banner", "definition": "to unroll , unfold , or spread out or be unrolled , unfolded , or spread out from a furled state", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unfurl a banner\" What is the definition of \"unfurl\"?"} {"term": "poorly", "pos": "s", "context": "feeling poorly", "definition": "somewhat ill or prone to illness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"feeling poorly\" What is the definition of \"poorly\"?"} {"term": "poorly", "pos": "r", "context": "the team played poorly", "definition": "in a poor or improper or unsatisfactory manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the team played poorly\" What is the definition of \"poorly\"?"} {"term": "poorly", "pos": "r", "context": "the team played poorly", "definition": "not well", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the team played poorly\" What is the definition of \"poorly\"?"} {"term": "generous", "pos": "a", "context": "a generous donation", "definition": "willing to give and share unstintingly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a generous donation\" What is the definition of \"generous\"?"} {"term": "generous", "pos": "a", "context": "unusually generous in his judgment of people", "definition": "not petty in character and mind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unusually generous in his judgment of people\" What is the definition of \"generous\"?"} {"term": "generous", "pos": "s", "context": "a generous portion", "definition": "more than adequate", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a generous portion\" What is the definition of \"generous\"?"} {"term": "postnatal", "pos": "a", "context": "postnatal development", "definition": "occurring immediately after birth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"postnatal development\" What is the definition of \"postnatal\"?"} {"term": "containment", "pos": "n", "context": "containment of communist expansion was a central principle of United States ' foreign policy from 1947 to the 1975", "definition": "a policy of creating strategic alliances in order to check the expansion of a hostile power or ideology or to force it to negotiate peacefully", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"containment of communist expansion was a central principle of United States ' foreign policy from 1947 to the 1975\" What is the definition of \"containment\"?"} {"term": "containment", "pos": "n", "context": "the containment of the AIDS epidemic", "definition": "the act of containing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the containment of the AIDS epidemic\" What is the definition of \"containment\"?"} {"term": "containment", "pos": "n", "context": "the containment of the AIDS epidemic", "definition": "keeping something from spreading", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the containment of the AIDS epidemic\" What is the definition of \"containment\"?"} {"term": "sugary", "pos": "a", "context": "he eats too much sugary food", "definition": "containing sugar", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he eats too much sugary food\" What is the definition of \"sugary\"?"} {"term": "style", "pos": "n", "context": "this style of shoe is in demand", "definition": "a particular kind as to appearance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this style of shoe is in demand\" What is the definition of \"style\"?"} {"term": "heroism", "pos": "n", "context": "he showed great heroism in battle", "definition": "the qualities of a hero or heroine", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he showed great heroism in battle\" What is the definition of \"heroism\"?"} {"term": "heroism", "pos": "n", "context": "he showed great heroism in battle", "definition": "exceptional or heroic courage when facing danger especially in battle", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he showed great heroism in battle\" What is the definition of \"heroism\"?"} {"term": "brim", "pos": "v", "context": "brim a cup to good fellowship", "definition": "to fill as much as possible", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"brim a cup to good fellowship\" What is the definition of \"brim\"?"} {"term": "hydrostatic", "pos": "a", "context": "hydrostatic pressure", "definition": "relating to fluids at rest or to the pressures they exert or transmit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hydrostatic pressure\" What is the definition of \"hydrostatic\"?"} {"term": "cocksure", "pos": "s", "context": "an arrogant and cocksure materialist", "definition": "marked by excessive confidence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an arrogant and cocksure materialist\" What is the definition of \"cocksure\"?"} {"term": "brother", "pos": "n", "context": "my brother still lives with our parents", "definition": "a male with the same parents as someone else", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my brother still lives with our parents\" What is the definition of \"brother\"?"} {"term": "indigenous", "pos": "s", "context": "the Ainu are indigenous to the northernmost islands of Japan", "definition": "originating where it is found", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the Ainu are indigenous to the northernmost islands of Japan\" What is the definition of \"indigenous\"?"} {"term": "distinguish", "pos": "v", "context": "We distinguish several kinds of maple", "definition": "to mark as different", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"We distinguish several kinds of maple\" What is the definition of \"distinguish\"?"} {"term": "disengage", "pos": "v", "context": "I want to disengage myself from his influence", "definition": "to release from something that holds fast , connects , or entangles", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I want to disengage myself from his influence\" What is the definition of \"disengage\"?"} {"term": "disengage", "pos": "v", "context": "in neutral , the gears disengage", "definition": "to become free", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in neutral , the gears disengage\" What is the definition of \"disengage\"?"} {"term": "nasally", "pos": "r", "context": "inhaled nasally", "definition": "in a nasal manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"inhaled nasally\" What is the definition of \"nasally\"?"} {"term": "scenic", "pos": "s", "context": "scenic drives", "definition": "used of locations", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"scenic drives\" What is the definition of \"scenic\"?"} {"term": "scenic", "pos": "s", "context": "scenic drives", "definition": "having beautiful natural scenery", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"scenic drives\" What is the definition of \"scenic\"?"} {"term": "scenic", "pos": "a", "context": "scenic design", "definition": "of or relating to the stage or stage scenery", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"scenic design\" What is the definition of \"scenic\"?"} {"term": "iambic", "pos": "a", "context": "iambic pentameter", "definition": "of or consisting of iambs", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"iambic pentameter\" What is the definition of \"iambic\"?"} {"term": "distill", "pos": "v", "context": "distill the essence of this compound", "definition": "to extract by the process of distillation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"distill the essence of this compound\" What is the definition of \"distill\"?"} {"term": "ineradicable", "pos": "a", "context": "ineradicable superstitions", "definition": "not able to be destroyed or rooted out", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ineradicable superstitions\" What is the definition of \"ineradicable\"?"} {"term": "migratory", "pos": "a", "context": "migratory birds", "definition": "used of animals that move seasonally", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"migratory birds\" What is the definition of \"migratory\"?"} {"term": "migratory", "pos": "s", "context": "migratory workers", "definition": "habitually moving from place to place especially in search of seasonal work", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"migratory workers\" What is the definition of \"migratory\"?"} {"term": "derisive", "pos": "s", "context": "derisive laughter", "definition": "abusing vocally", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"derisive laughter\" What is the definition of \"derisive\"?"} {"term": "derisive", "pos": "s", "context": "derisive laughter", "definition": "expressing contempt or ridicule", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"derisive laughter\" What is the definition of \"derisive\"?"} {"term": "swash", "pos": "n", "context": "the swash of waves on the beach", "definition": "the movement or sound of water", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the swash of waves on the beach\" What is the definition of \"swash\"?"} {"term": "grimace", "pos": "n", "context": "she made a grimace at the prospect", "definition": "a contorted facial expression", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she made a grimace at the prospect\" What is the definition of \"grimace\"?"} {"term": "flighty", "pos": "s", "context": "flighty young girls", "definition": "guided by whim and fancy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"flighty young girls\" What is the definition of \"flighty\"?"} {"term": "sincerity", "pos": "n", "context": "his sincerity inspired belief", "definition": "the quality of being open and truthful", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his sincerity inspired belief\" What is the definition of \"sincerity\"?"} {"term": "sincerity", "pos": "n", "context": "his sincerity inspired belief", "definition": "not deceitful or hypocritical", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his sincerity inspired belief\" What is the definition of \"sincerity\"?"} {"term": "sincerity", "pos": "n", "context": "the simple sincerity of folk songs", "definition": "a quality of naturalness and simplicity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the simple sincerity of folk songs\" What is the definition of \"sincerity\"?"} {"term": "wholesome", "pos": "a", "context": "wholesome attitude", "definition": "conducive to or characteristic of physical or moral well-being", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wholesome attitude\" What is the definition of \"wholesome\"?"} {"term": "wholesome", "pos": "s", "context": "exercise develops wholesome appetites", "definition": "sound or exhibiting soundness in body or mind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"exercise develops wholesome appetites\" What is the definition of \"wholesome\"?"} {"term": "breathing", "pos": "a", "context": "the boy was disappointed to find only skeletons instead of living breathing dinosaurs", "definition": "passing or able to pass air in and out of the lungs normally", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the boy was disappointed to find only skeletons instead of living breathing dinosaurs\" What is the definition of \"breathing\"?"} {"term": "breathing", "pos": "a", "context": "the boy was disappointed to find only skeletons instead of living breathing dinosaurs", "definition": "sometimes used in combination", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the boy was disappointed to find only skeletons instead of living breathing dinosaurs\" What is the definition of \"breathing\"?"} {"term": "ellipsoid", "pos": "n", "context": "the Earth is an ellipsoid", "definition": "a surface whose plane sections are all ellipses or circles", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the Earth is an ellipsoid\" What is the definition of \"ellipsoid\"?"} {"term": "orbicular", "pos": "s", "context": "nearly orbicular in shape", "definition": "having the shape of a sphere or ball", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nearly orbicular in shape\" What is the definition of \"orbicular\"?"} {"term": "brood", "pos": "v", "context": "Birds brood", "definition": "to sit on eggs", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Birds brood\" What is the definition of \"brood\"?"} {"term": "mucoid", "pos": "a", "context": "a mucoid substance", "definition": "relating to or resembling mucus", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a mucoid substance\" What is the definition of \"mucoid\"?"} {"term": "involuntary", "pos": "a", "context": "involuntary manslaughter", "definition": "not subject to the control of the will", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"involuntary manslaughter\" What is the definition of \"involuntary\"?"} {"term": "involuntary", "pos": "a", "context": "involuntary muscles", "definition": "controlled by the autonomic nervous system", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"involuntary muscles\" What is the definition of \"involuntary\"?"} {"term": "involuntary", "pos": "a", "context": "involuntary muscles", "definition": "without conscious control", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"involuntary muscles\" What is the definition of \"involuntary\"?"} {"term": "vexatious", "pos": "s", "context": "a vexatious child", "definition": "causing irritation or annoyance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a vexatious child\" What is the definition of \"vexatious\"?"} {"term": "bed", "pos": "n", "context": "he sat on the edge of the bed", "definition": "a piece of furniture that provides a place to sleep", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he sat on the edge of the bed\" What is the definition of \"bed\"?"} {"term": "bed", "pos": "n", "context": "the gardener planted a bed of roses", "definition": "a plot of ground in which plants are growing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the gardener planted a bed of roses\" What is the definition of \"bed\"?"} {"term": "bed", "pos": "n", "context": "he searched for treasure on the ocean bed", "definition": "a depression forming the ground under a body of water", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he searched for treasure on the ocean bed\" What is the definition of \"bed\"?"} {"term": "competent", "pos": "a", "context": "a competent typist", "definition": "properly or sufficiently qualified or capable or efficient", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a competent typist\" What is the definition of \"competent\"?"} {"term": "competent", "pos": "a", "context": "a competent court", "definition": "legally qualified or sufficient", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a competent court\" What is the definition of \"competent\"?"} {"term": "competent", "pos": "s", "context": "a competent performance", "definition": "adequate for the purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a competent performance\" What is the definition of \"competent\"?"} {"term": "unpleasant", "pos": "a", "context": "an unpleasant personality", "definition": "disagreeable to the senses , to the mind , or feelings", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unpleasant personality\" What is the definition of \"unpleasant\"?"} {"term": "sublet", "pos": "v", "context": "We sublet our apartment over the summer", "definition": "to lease or rent all or part of a leased or rented property to another person", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"We sublet our apartment over the summer\" What is the definition of \"sublet\"?"} {"term": "list", "pos": "n", "context": "the ship developed a list to starboard", "definition": "the property possessed by a line or surface that departs from the vertical", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ship developed a list to starboard\" What is the definition of \"list\"?"} {"term": "nonresident", "pos": "n", "context": "described by an admiring nonresident as a green and pleasant land", "definition": "someone who does not live in a particular place", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"described by an admiring nonresident as a green and pleasant land\" What is the definition of \"nonresident\"?"} {"term": "nonresident", "pos": "a", "context": "nonresident students who commute to classes", "definition": "not living in a particular place or owned by permanent residents", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nonresident students who commute to classes\" What is the definition of \"nonresident\"?"} {"term": "lifelong", "pos": "s", "context": "a lifelong friend", "definition": "continuing through life", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a lifelong friend\" What is the definition of \"lifelong\"?"} {"term": "exacerbation", "pos": "n", "context": "his foolishness was followed by an exacerbation of their quarrel", "definition": "violent and bitter exasperation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his foolishness was followed by an exacerbation of their quarrel\" What is the definition of \"exacerbation\"?"} {"term": "matte", "pos": "s", "context": "a photograph with a matte finish", "definition": "not reflecting light", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a photograph with a matte finish\" What is the definition of \"matte\"?"} {"term": "matte", "pos": "s", "context": "a photograph with a matte finish", "definition": "not glossy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a photograph with a matte finish\" What is the definition of \"matte\"?"} {"term": "ping", "pos": "v", "context": "I 'll ping my accountant -- April 15 is nearing", "definition": "to contact , usually in order to remind of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I 'll ping my accountant -- April 15 is nearing\" What is the definition of \"ping\"?"} {"term": "fall", "pos": "n", "context": "a fall from virtue", "definition": "a lapse into sin", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fall from virtue\" What is the definition of \"fall\"?"} {"term": "fall", "pos": "n", "context": "a fall from virtue", "definition": "a loss of innocence or of chastity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fall from virtue\" What is the definition of \"fall\"?"} {"term": "fall", "pos": "v", "context": "fall into a trap", "definition": "to pass suddenly and passively into a state of body or mind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fall into a trap\" What is the definition of \"fall\"?"} {"term": "fall", "pos": "v", "context": "fall into a category", "definition": "to come under , be classified or included", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fall into a category\" What is the definition of \"fall\"?"} {"term": "calamitous", "pos": "s", "context": "a calamitous defeat", "definition": "having extremely unfortunate or dire consequences", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a calamitous defeat\" What is the definition of \"calamitous\"?"} {"term": "calamitous", "pos": "s", "context": "a calamitous defeat", "definition": "bringing ruin", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a calamitous defeat\" What is the definition of \"calamitous\"?"} {"term": "bombshell", "pos": "n", "context": "she was a blonde bombshell", "definition": "an entertainer who has a sensational effect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was a blonde bombshell\" What is the definition of \"bombshell\"?"} {"term": "bombshell", "pos": "n", "context": "news of the attack came like a bombshell", "definition": "a shocking surprise", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"news of the attack came like a bombshell\" What is the definition of \"bombshell\"?"} {"term": "reject", "pos": "v", "context": "I reject the idea of starting a war", "definition": "to refuse to accept or acknowledge", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I reject the idea of starting a war\" What is the definition of \"reject\"?"} {"term": "dank", "pos": "s", "context": "a dank cellar", "definition": "unpleasantly cool and humid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dank cellar\" What is the definition of \"dank\"?"} {"term": "lecherous", "pos": "s", "context": "a lecherous gleam in his eye", "definition": "given to excessive indulgence in sexual activity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a lecherous gleam in his eye\" What is the definition of \"lecherous\"?"} {"term": "whimsical", "pos": "s", "context": "the victim of whimsical persecutions", "definition": "determined by chance or impulse or whim rather than by necessity or reason", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the victim of whimsical persecutions\" What is the definition of \"whimsical\"?"} {"term": "frustration", "pos": "n", "context": "her constant complaints were the main source of his frustration", "definition": "a feeling of annoyance at being hindered or criticized", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her constant complaints were the main source of his frustration\" What is the definition of \"frustration\"?"} {"term": "stampede", "pos": "n", "context": "when he shouted ` fire ' there was a stampede to the exits", "definition": "a headlong rush of people on a common impulse", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when he shouted ` fire ' there was a stampede to the exits\" What is the definition of \"stampede\"?"} {"term": "stampede", "pos": "v", "context": "Thunderbolts can stampede animals", "definition": "to cause to run in panic", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Thunderbolts can stampede animals\" What is the definition of \"stampede\"?"} {"term": "stampede", "pos": "v", "context": "Companies will now stampede to release their latest software", "definition": "to act , usually en masse , hurriedly or on an impulse", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Companies will now stampede to release their latest software\" What is the definition of \"stampede\"?"} {"term": "gastrointestinal", "pos": "a", "context": "a gastrointestinal disorder", "definition": "of or relating to the stomach and intestines", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a gastrointestinal disorder\" What is the definition of \"gastrointestinal\"?"} {"term": "thoughtful", "pos": "s", "context": "a deeply thoughtful essay", "definition": "having intellectual depth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a deeply thoughtful essay\" What is the definition of \"thoughtful\"?"} {"term": "thoughtful", "pos": "a", "context": "a thoughtful paper", "definition": "exhibiting or characterized by careful thought", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a thoughtful paper\" What is the definition of \"thoughtful\"?"} {"term": "inhabit", "pos": "v", "context": "sweet memories inhabit this house", "definition": "to be present in", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sweet memories inhabit this house\" What is the definition of \"inhabit\"?"} {"term": "outward", "pos": "a", "context": "a concern with outward beauty rather than with inward reflections", "definition": "relating to physical reality rather than with thoughts or the mind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a concern with outward beauty rather than with inward reflections\" What is the definition of \"outward\"?"} {"term": "outward", "pos": "s", "context": "an outward journey", "definition": "that is going out or leaving", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an outward journey\" What is the definition of \"outward\"?"} {"term": "prudently", "pos": "r", "context": "I had allotted my own bedroom for necking , prudently removing both the bed and the key , and taken both myself and my typewriter into my son 's bedroom .", "definition": "in a prudent manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I had allotted my own bedroom for necking , prudently removing both the bed and the key , and taken both myself and my typewriter into my son 's bedroom .\" What is the definition of \"prudently\"?"} {"term": "spade", "pos": "n", "context": "she led a low spade", "definition": "a playing card in the major suit that has one or more black figures on it", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she led a low spade\" What is the definition of \"spade\"?"} {"term": "publicity", "pos": "n", "context": "the publicity of the court room", "definition": "the quality of being open to public view", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the publicity of the court room\" What is the definition of \"publicity\"?"} {"term": "grasping", "pos": "s", "context": "a grasping old miser", "definition": "immoderately desirous of acquiring e.g. wealth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a grasping old miser\" What is the definition of \"grasping\"?"} {"term": "roughly", "pos": "r", "context": "roughly $ 3,000", "definition": "imprecise but fairly close to correct", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"roughly $ 3,000\" What is the definition of \"roughly\"?"} {"term": "woolly", "pos": "s", "context": "woolly thinking", "definition": "confused and vague", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"woolly thinking\" What is the definition of \"woolly\"?"} {"term": "woolly", "pos": "s", "context": "woolly thinking", "definition": "used especially of thinking", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"woolly thinking\" What is the definition of \"woolly\"?"} {"term": "woolly", "pos": "s", "context": "woolly lambs", "definition": "covered with dense often matted or curly hairs", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"woolly lambs\" What is the definition of \"woolly\"?"} {"term": "dreadful", "pos": "s", "context": "a dreadful storm", "definition": "causing fear or dread or terror", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dreadful storm\" What is the definition of \"dreadful\"?"} {"term": "dreadful", "pos": "s", "context": "dreadful manners", "definition": "exceptionally bad or displeasing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dreadful manners\" What is the definition of \"dreadful\"?"} {"term": "facultative", "pos": "a", "context": "a facultative parasite can exist as a parasite or a saprophyte", "definition": "able to exist under more than one set of conditions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a facultative parasite can exist as a parasite or a saprophyte\" What is the definition of \"facultative\"?"} {"term": "facultative", "pos": "s", "context": "a facultative enactment", "definition": "granting a privilege or permission or power to do or not do something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a facultative enactment\" What is the definition of \"facultative\"?"} {"term": "facultative", "pos": "s", "context": "facultative courses in the sciences", "definition": "not compulsory", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"facultative courses in the sciences\" What is the definition of \"facultative\"?"} {"term": "scorching", "pos": "s", "context": "scorching heat", "definition": "hot and dry enough to burn or parch a surface", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"scorching heat\" What is the definition of \"scorching\"?"} {"term": "scorching", "pos": "r", "context": "it was scorching hot", "definition": "capable of causing burns", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was scorching hot\" What is the definition of \"scorching\"?"} {"term": "exotic", "pos": "s", "context": "an exotic hair style", "definition": "strikingly strange or unusual", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an exotic hair style\" What is the definition of \"exotic\"?"} {"term": "exotic", "pos": "s", "context": "exotic plants in a greenhouse", "definition": "being or from or characteristic of another place or part of the world", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"exotic plants in a greenhouse\" What is the definition of \"exotic\"?"} {"term": "harvest", "pos": "n", "context": "they gathered a harvest of examples", "definition": "the consequence of an effort or activity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they gathered a harvest of examples\" What is the definition of \"harvest\"?"} {"term": "harvest", "pos": "v", "context": "The Chinese are said to harvest organs from executed criminals", "definition": "to remove from a culture or a living or dead body , as for the purposes of transplantation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The Chinese are said to harvest organs from executed criminals\" What is the definition of \"harvest\"?"} {"term": "harvest", "pos": "v", "context": "harvest the grapes", "definition": "to gather , as of natural products", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"harvest the grapes\" What is the definition of \"harvest\"?"} {"term": "immovable", "pos": "s", "context": "the immovable hills", "definition": "not able or intended to be moved", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the immovable hills\" What is the definition of \"immovable\"?"} {"term": "mildness", "pos": "n", "context": "even in the pulpit there are moments when mildness of manner is not enough", "definition": "acting in a manner that is gentle and mild and even-tempered", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"even in the pulpit there are moments when mildness of manner is not enough\" What is the definition of \"mildness\"?"} {"term": "assay", "pos": "n", "context": "they made an assay of the contents", "definition": "an appraisal of the state of affairs", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they made an assay of the contents\" What is the definition of \"assay\"?"} {"term": "redeemable", "pos": "s", "context": "redeemable goods in a pawnshop", "definition": "recoverable upon payment or fulfilling a condition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"redeemable goods in a pawnshop\" What is the definition of \"redeemable\"?"} {"term": "redeemable", "pos": "s", "context": "a redeemable sinner", "definition": "susceptible to improvement or reform", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a redeemable sinner\" What is the definition of \"redeemable\"?"} {"term": "redeemable", "pos": "s", "context": "redeemable stocks and bonds", "definition": "able to be converted into ready money or the equivalent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"redeemable stocks and bonds\" What is the definition of \"redeemable\"?"} {"term": "wayside", "pos": "n", "context": "flowers along the wayside", "definition": "edge of a way or road or path", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"flowers along the wayside\" What is the definition of \"wayside\"?"} {"term": "resident", "pos": "n", "context": "the resident was receiving special clinical training at the hospital", "definition": "a physician especially an intern who lives in a hospital and cares for hospitalized patients under the supervision of the medical staff of the hospital", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the resident was receiving special clinical training at the hospital\" What is the definition of \"resident\"?"} {"term": "resident", "pos": "a", "context": "resident aliens", "definition": "living in a particular place", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"resident aliens\" What is the definition of \"resident\"?"} {"term": "scour", "pos": "v", "context": "scour the counter tops", "definition": "to rub hard or scrub", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"scour the counter tops\" What is the definition of \"scour\"?"} {"term": "assuredly", "pos": "r", "context": "the grammar schools were assuredly not intended for the gentry alone", "definition": "without a doubt", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the grammar schools were assuredly not intended for the gentry alone\" What is the definition of \"assuredly\"?"} {"term": "rawness", "pos": "n", "context": "the rawness of the midnight air", "definition": "a chilly dampness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the rawness of the midnight air\" What is the definition of \"rawness\"?"} {"term": "rawness", "pos": "n", "context": "the rawness of his diary made it unpublishable", "definition": "the state of being crude and incomplete and imperfect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the rawness of his diary made it unpublishable\" What is the definition of \"rawness\"?"} {"term": "rawness", "pos": "n", "context": "after taking a cold , rawness of the larynx and trachea come on", "definition": "a pain that is felt as when the area is touched", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after taking a cold , rawness of the larynx and trachea come on\" What is the definition of \"rawness\"?"} {"term": "whiteness", "pos": "n", "context": "only the whiteness of her cheeks gave any indication of the stress from which she was suffering", "definition": "lightness or fairness of complexion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"only the whiteness of her cheeks gave any indication of the stress from which she was suffering\" What is the definition of \"whiteness\"?"} {"term": "angry", "pos": "a", "context": "angry at the weather", "definition": "feeling or showing anger", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"angry at the weather\" What is the definition of \"angry\"?"} {"term": "angry", "pos": "s", "context": "angry clouds on the horizon", "definition": "as if showing violent anger", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"angry clouds on the horizon\" What is the definition of \"angry\"?"} {"term": "angry", "pos": "s", "context": "an angry sore", "definition": "severely inflamed and painful", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an angry sore\" What is the definition of \"angry\"?"} {"term": "doubtfully", "pos": "r", "context": "Gerald shook his head doubtfully", "definition": "in a doubtful manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Gerald shook his head doubtfully\" What is the definition of \"doubtfully\"?"} {"term": "overcome", "pos": "v", "context": "You must overcome all difficulties", "definition": "to win a victory over", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"You must overcome all difficulties\" What is the definition of \"overcome\"?"} {"term": "illustrate", "pos": "v", "context": "illustrate a book with drawings", "definition": "to supply with illustrations", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"illustrate a book with drawings\" What is the definition of \"illustrate\"?"} {"term": "plenum", "pos": "n", "context": "the plenum will vote on all tax increases", "definition": "a meeting of a legislative body at which all members are present", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the plenum will vote on all tax increases\" What is the definition of \"plenum\"?"} {"term": "implosion", "pos": "n", "context": "the implosion of a light bulb", "definition": "a sudden inward collapse", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the implosion of a light bulb\" What is the definition of \"implosion\"?"} {"term": "explicit", "pos": "a", "context": "explicit instructions", "definition": "precisely and clearly expressed or readily observable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"explicit instructions\" What is the definition of \"explicit\"?"} {"term": "explicit", "pos": "a", "context": "explicit instructions", "definition": "leaving nothing to implication", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"explicit instructions\" What is the definition of \"explicit\"?"} {"term": "acquisition", "pos": "n", "context": "the acquisition of wealth", "definition": "the act of contracting or assuming or acquiring possession of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the acquisition of wealth\" What is the definition of \"acquisition\"?"} {"term": "acquisition", "pos": "n", "context": "a recent acquisition by the museum", "definition": "something acquired", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a recent acquisition by the museum\" What is the definition of \"acquisition\"?"} {"term": "acquisition", "pos": "n", "context": "the child 's acquisition of language", "definition": "the cognitive process of acquiring skill or knowledge", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the child 's acquisition of language\" What is the definition of \"acquisition\"?"} {"term": "hearty", "pos": "s", "context": "a hearty welcome", "definition": "showing warm and heartfelt friendliness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a hearty welcome\" What is the definition of \"hearty\"?"} {"term": "hearty", "pos": "s", "context": "a hearty meal", "definition": "providing abundant nourishment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a hearty meal\" What is the definition of \"hearty\"?"} {"term": "hearty", "pos": "s", "context": "a hearty glow of health", "definition": "endowed with or exhibiting great bodily or mental health", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a hearty glow of health\" What is the definition of \"hearty\"?"} {"term": "fan", "pos": "v", "context": "fan hatred", "definition": "to make an emotion fiercer", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fan hatred\" What is the definition of \"fan\"?"} {"term": "stupor", "pos": "n", "context": "someone stole his wallet while he was in a drunken stupor", "definition": "marginal consciousness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"someone stole his wallet while he was in a drunken stupor\" What is the definition of \"stupor\"?"} {"term": "slipshod", "pos": "s", "context": "slipshod spelling", "definition": "marked by great carelessness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"slipshod spelling\" What is the definition of \"slipshod\"?"} {"term": "presentable", "pos": "s", "context": "presentable clothes", "definition": "fit to be seen", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"presentable clothes\" What is the definition of \"presentable\"?"} {"term": "titular", "pos": "a", "context": "of titular rank", "definition": "of or bearing a title signifying status or function", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"of titular rank\" What is the definition of \"titular\"?"} {"term": "titular", "pos": "a", "context": "performed well in the titular ( or title ) role", "definition": "of or pertaining to the title of a work of art", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"performed well in the titular ( or title ) role\" What is the definition of \"titular\"?"} {"term": "haste", "pos": "n", "context": "he soon regretted his haste", "definition": "overly eager speed and possible carelessness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he soon regretted his haste\" What is the definition of \"haste\"?"} {"term": "haste", "pos": "n", "context": "in his haste to leave he forgot his book", "definition": "the act of moving hurriedly and in a careless manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in his haste to leave he forgot his book\" What is the definition of \"haste\"?"} {"term": "demonstratively", "pos": "r", "context": "he greeted her demonstratively", "definition": "in a demonstrative manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he greeted her demonstratively\" What is the definition of \"demonstratively\"?"} {"term": "toothsome", "pos": "s", "context": "a toothsome blonde in a tight dress", "definition": "having strong sexual appeal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a toothsome blonde in a tight dress\" What is the definition of \"toothsome\"?"} {"term": "alternative", "pos": "n", "context": "there no other alternative", "definition": "one of a number of things from which only one can be chosen", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there no other alternative\" What is the definition of \"alternative\"?"} {"term": "alternative", "pos": "s", "context": "alternative possibilities were neutrality or war", "definition": "necessitating a choice between mutually exclusive possibilities", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"alternative possibilities were neutrality or war\" What is the definition of \"alternative\"?"} {"term": "alternative", "pos": "s", "context": "an alternative life style", "definition": "pertaining to unconventional choices", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an alternative life style\" What is the definition of \"alternative\"?"} {"term": "alternative", "pos": "s", "context": "an alternative plan", "definition": "serving or used in place of another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an alternative plan\" What is the definition of \"alternative\"?"} {"term": "bazaar", "pos": "n", "context": "the church bazaar", "definition": "a sale of miscellany", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the church bazaar\" What is the definition of \"bazaar\"?"} {"term": "bazaar", "pos": "n", "context": "the church bazaar", "definition": "often for charity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the church bazaar\" What is the definition of \"bazaar\"?"} {"term": "ephemeral", "pos": "s", "context": "the ephemeral joys of childhood", "definition": "lasting a very short time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ephemeral joys of childhood\" What is the definition of \"ephemeral\"?"} {"term": "stiffen", "pos": "v", "context": "stiffen the regulations", "definition": "to restrict", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stiffen the regulations\" What is the definition of \"stiffen\"?"} {"term": "heterogeneous", "pos": "a", "context": "the population of the United States is vast and heterogeneous", "definition": "consisting of elements that are not of the same kind or nature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the population of the United States is vast and heterogeneous\" What is the definition of \"heterogeneous\"?"} {"term": "descriptive", "pos": "a", "context": "the descriptive variable", "definition": "serving to describe or inform or characterized by description", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the descriptive variable\" What is the definition of \"descriptive\"?"} {"term": "descriptive", "pos": "a", "context": "descriptive grammar", "definition": "describing the structure of a language", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"descriptive grammar\" What is the definition of \"descriptive\"?"} {"term": "platonic", "pos": "s", "context": "platonic love", "definition": "free from physical desire", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"platonic love\" What is the definition of \"platonic\"?"} {"term": "wrench", "pos": "n", "context": "the wrench to his knee occurred as he fell", "definition": "a sharp strain on muscles or ligaments", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the wrench to his knee occurred as he fell\" What is the definition of \"wrench\"?"} {"term": "wrench", "pos": "v", "context": "wrench a window off its hinges", "definition": "to twist or pull violently or suddenly , especially so as to remove something from that to which it is attached or from where it originates", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wrench a window off its hinges\" What is the definition of \"wrench\"?"} {"term": "synthetically", "pos": "r", "context": "some of these drugs have been derived from opium and others have been produced synthetically", "definition": "by synthesis", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some of these drugs have been derived from opium and others have been produced synthetically\" What is the definition of \"synthetically\"?"} {"term": "synthetically", "pos": "r", "context": "some of these drugs have been derived from opium and others have been produced synthetically", "definition": "in a synthetic manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some of these drugs have been derived from opium and others have been produced synthetically\" What is the definition of \"synthetically\"?"} {"term": "multitudinous", "pos": "s", "context": "the multitudinous seas", "definition": "too numerous to be counted", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the multitudinous seas\" What is the definition of \"multitudinous\"?"} {"term": "disguise", "pos": "n", "context": "the theatrical notion of disguise is always associated with catastrophe in his stories", "definition": "an outward semblance that misrepresents the true nature of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the theatrical notion of disguise is always associated with catastrophe in his stories\" What is the definition of \"disguise\"?"} {"term": "disguise", "pos": "n", "context": "he is a master of disguise", "definition": "the act of concealing the identity of something by modifying its appearance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is a master of disguise\" What is the definition of \"disguise\"?"} {"term": "weightless", "pos": "a", "context": "floating freely in a weightless condition", "definition": "having little or no weight or apparent gravitational pull", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"floating freely in a weightless condition\" What is the definition of \"weightless\"?"} {"term": "weightless", "pos": "a", "context": "floating freely in a weightless condition", "definition": "light", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"floating freely in a weightless condition\" What is the definition of \"weightless\"?"} {"term": "engrave", "pos": "v", "context": "engrave a letter", "definition": "to carve or cut into a block used for printing or print from such a block", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"engrave a letter\" What is the definition of \"engrave\"?"} {"term": "engrave", "pos": "v", "context": "engrave the pen with the owner 's name", "definition": "to carve or cut a design or letters into", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"engrave the pen with the owner 's name\" What is the definition of \"engrave\"?"} {"term": "mutinous", "pos": "s", "context": "the men became mutinous and insubordinate", "definition": "disposed to or in a state of mutiny", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the men became mutinous and insubordinate\" What is the definition of \"mutinous\"?"} {"term": "mutinous", "pos": "s", "context": "mutinous acts", "definition": "consisting of or characterized by or inciting to mutiny", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mutinous acts\" What is the definition of \"mutinous\"?"} {"term": "solid", "pos": "s", "context": "solid comfort", "definition": "characterized by good substantial quality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"solid comfort\" What is the definition of \"solid\"?"} {"term": "solid", "pos": "s", "context": "solid gold", "definition": "of one substance or character throughout", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"solid gold\" What is the definition of \"solid\"?"} {"term": "solid", "pos": "s", "context": "a solid line across the page", "definition": "uninterrupted in space", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a solid line across the page\" What is the definition of \"solid\"?"} {"term": "solid", "pos": "s", "context": "a solid line across the page", "definition": "having no gaps or breaks", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a solid line across the page\" What is the definition of \"solid\"?"} {"term": "solid", "pos": "a", "context": "ice is water in the solid state", "definition": "of definite shape and volume", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ice is water in the solid state\" What is the definition of \"solid\"?"} {"term": "solid", "pos": "a", "context": "ice is water in the solid state", "definition": "firm", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ice is water in the solid state\" What is the definition of \"solid\"?"} {"term": "solid", "pos": "a", "context": "ice is water in the solid state", "definition": "neither liquid nor gaseous", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ice is water in the solid state\" What is the definition of \"solid\"?"} {"term": "solid", "pos": "a", "context": "a solid block of wood", "definition": "entirely of one substance with no holes inside", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a solid block of wood\" What is the definition of \"solid\"?"} {"term": "ingenuous", "pos": "a", "context": "an ingenuous admission of responsibility", "definition": "characterized by an inability to mask your feelings", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an ingenuous admission of responsibility\" What is the definition of \"ingenuous\"?"} {"term": "ingenuous", "pos": "a", "context": "an ingenuous admission of responsibility", "definition": "not devious", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an ingenuous admission of responsibility\" What is the definition of \"ingenuous\"?"} {"term": "ingenuous", "pos": "s", "context": "his ingenuous explanation that he would not have burned the church if he had not thought the bishop was in it", "definition": "lacking in sophistication or worldliness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his ingenuous explanation that he would not have burned the church if he had not thought the bishop was in it\" What is the definition of \"ingenuous\"?"} {"term": "irreducible", "pos": "a", "context": "an irreducible minimum", "definition": "incapable of being made smaller or simpler", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an irreducible minimum\" What is the definition of \"irreducible\"?"} {"term": "oaten", "pos": "a", "context": "oaten bread", "definition": "of or related to or derived from oats", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"oaten bread\" What is the definition of \"oaten\"?"} {"term": "anal", "pos": "a", "context": "anal thermometer", "definition": "of or related to the anus", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"anal thermometer\" What is the definition of \"anal\"?"} {"term": "landed", "pos": "v", "context": "The bird landed on the highest branch", "definition": "to reach or come to rest", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The bird landed on the highest branch\" What is the definition of \"landed\"?"} {"term": "correlate", "pos": "v", "context": "I can not correlate these two pieces of information", "definition": "to bring into a mutual , complementary , or reciprocal relation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I can not correlate these two pieces of information\" What is the definition of \"correlate\"?"} {"term": "mortally", "pos": "r", "context": "a being of whom the forest Indians are said to be mortally afraid , with a hoof shaped like the heel of a bottle", "definition": "in such a manner that death ensues also in reference to hatred , jealousy , fear , etc. .", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a being of whom the forest Indians are said to be mortally afraid , with a hoof shaped like the heel of a bottle\" What is the definition of \"mortally\"?"} {"term": "irony", "pos": "n", "context": "the irony of Ireland 's copying the nation she most hated", "definition": "incongruity between what might be expected and what actually occurs", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the irony of Ireland 's copying the nation she most hated\" What is the definition of \"irony\"?"} {"term": "irony", "pos": "n", "context": "irony is wasted on the stupid", "definition": "witty language used to convey insults or scorn", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"irony is wasted on the stupid\" What is the definition of \"irony\"?"} {"term": "shining", "pos": "n", "context": "the shining of shoes provided a meager living", "definition": "the work of making something smooth and shiny by rubbing or waxing it", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the shining of shoes provided a meager living\" What is the definition of \"shining\"?"} {"term": "shining", "pos": "s", "context": "had shining virtues and few faults", "definition": "marked by exceptional merit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"had shining virtues and few faults\" What is the definition of \"shining\"?"} {"term": "shining", "pos": "s", "context": "rows of shining glasses", "definition": "made smooth and bright by or as if by rubbing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rows of shining glasses\" What is the definition of \"shining\"?"} {"term": "shining", "pos": "s", "context": "rows of shining glasses", "definition": "reflecting a sheen or glow", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rows of shining glasses\" What is the definition of \"shining\"?"} {"term": "shining", "pos": "s", "context": "shining white enamel", "definition": "reflecting light", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shining white enamel\" What is the definition of \"shining\"?"} {"term": "statute", "pos": "s", "context": "statute law", "definition": "enacted by a legislative body", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"statute law\" What is the definition of \"statute\"?"} {"term": "noxious", "pos": "a", "context": "noxious chemical wastes", "definition": "injurious to physical or mental health", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"noxious chemical wastes\" What is the definition of \"noxious\"?"} {"term": "geologically", "pos": "r", "context": "geologically speaking , this area is extremely interesting", "definition": "with respect to geology", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"geologically speaking , this area is extremely interesting\" What is the definition of \"geologically\"?"} {"term": "singly", "pos": "r", "context": "they were arranged singly", "definition": "one by one", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they were arranged singly\" What is the definition of \"singly\"?"} {"term": "singly", "pos": "r", "context": "they were arranged singly", "definition": "one at a time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they were arranged singly\" What is the definition of \"singly\"?"} {"term": "singly", "pos": "r", "context": "the fine points are treated singly", "definition": "apart from others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the fine points are treated singly\" What is the definition of \"singly\"?"} {"term": "calisthenics", "pos": "n", "context": "calisthenics is recommended for general good health", "definition": "the practice of calisthenic exercises", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"calisthenics is recommended for general good health\" What is the definition of \"calisthenics\"?"} {"term": "calisthenics", "pos": "n", "context": "several different calisthenics were illustrated in the video", "definition": "light exercises designed to promote general fitness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"several different calisthenics were illustrated in the video\" What is the definition of \"calisthenics\"?"} {"term": "venomous", "pos": "s", "context": "venomous snakes", "definition": "extremely poisonous or injurious", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"venomous snakes\" What is the definition of \"venomous\"?"} {"term": "venomous", "pos": "s", "context": "venomous snakes", "definition": "producing venom", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"venomous snakes\" What is the definition of \"venomous\"?"} {"term": "venomous", "pos": "s", "context": "venomous criticism", "definition": "marked by deep ill will", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"venomous criticism\" What is the definition of \"venomous\"?"} {"term": "venomous", "pos": "s", "context": "venomous criticism", "definition": "deliberately harmful", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"venomous criticism\" What is the definition of \"venomous\"?"} {"term": "retributive", "pos": "s", "context": "retributive justice", "definition": "given or inflicted in requital according to merits or deserts", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"retributive justice\" What is the definition of \"retributive\"?"} {"term": "retributive", "pos": "s", "context": "retributive justice demands an eye for an eye", "definition": "of or relating to or having the nature of retribution", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"retributive justice demands an eye for an eye\" What is the definition of \"retributive\"?"} {"term": "sufficiently", "pos": "r", "context": "she was sufficiently fluent in Mandarin", "definition": "to a sufficient degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was sufficiently fluent in Mandarin\" What is the definition of \"sufficiently\"?"} {"term": "foolishly", "pos": "r", "context": "He acted foolishly when he agreed to come", "definition": "without good sense or judgment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"He acted foolishly when he agreed to come\" What is the definition of \"foolishly\"?"} {"term": "instant", "pos": "s", "context": "instant gratification", "definition": "occurring with no delay", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"instant gratification\" What is the definition of \"instant\"?"} {"term": "instant", "pos": "s", "context": "an instant need", "definition": "demanding attention", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an instant need\" What is the definition of \"instant\"?"} {"term": "congenial", "pos": "a", "context": "a congenial atmosphere to work in", "definition": "suitable to your needs", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a congenial atmosphere to work in\" What is the definition of \"congenial\"?"} {"term": "society", "pos": "n", "context": "they formed a small lunch society", "definition": "a formal association of people with similar interests", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they formed a small lunch society\" What is the definition of \"society\"?"} {"term": "subterfuge", "pos": "n", "context": "he was n't sick -- it was just a subterfuge", "definition": "something intended to misrepresent the true nature of an activity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was n't sick -- it was just a subterfuge\" What is the definition of \"subterfuge\"?"} {"term": "gesture", "pos": "n", "context": "a political gesture", "definition": "something done as an indication of intention", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a political gesture\" What is the definition of \"gesture\"?"} {"term": "meanly", "pos": "r", "context": "this new leader meanly threatens the deepest values of our society", "definition": "in a despicable , ignoble manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this new leader meanly threatens the deepest values of our society\" What is the definition of \"meanly\"?"} {"term": "meanly", "pos": "r", "context": "troops meanly equipped", "definition": "poorly or in an inferior manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"troops meanly equipped\" What is the definition of \"meanly\"?"} {"term": "meanly", "pos": "r", "context": "they lived meanly and without ostentation", "definition": "in a miserly manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they lived meanly and without ostentation\" What is the definition of \"meanly\"?"} {"term": "unassuming", "pos": "s", "context": "unassuming to a fault , skeptical about the value of his work", "definition": "not arrogant or presuming", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unassuming to a fault , skeptical about the value of his work\" What is the definition of \"unassuming\"?"} {"term": "plantar", "pos": "a", "context": "plantar warts can be very painful", "definition": "relating to or occurring on the undersurface of the foot", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"plantar warts can be very painful\" What is the definition of \"plantar\"?"} {"term": "perceive", "pos": "v", "context": "I could perceive the ship coming over the horizon", "definition": "to to become aware of through the senses", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I could perceive the ship coming over the horizon\" What is the definition of \"perceive\"?"} {"term": "cruelly", "pos": "r", "context": "a cruelly bitter winter", "definition": "excessively", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a cruelly bitter winter\" What is the definition of \"cruelly\"?"} {"term": "cruelly", "pos": "r", "context": "he treated his students cruelly", "definition": "with cruelty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he treated his students cruelly\" What is the definition of \"cruelly\"?"} {"term": "innately", "pos": "r", "context": "the child is said to be innately disposed to learn language", "definition": "in an innate manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the child is said to be innately disposed to learn language\" What is the definition of \"innately\"?"} {"term": "jejune", "pos": "s", "context": "the jejune diets of the very poor", "definition": "lacking in nutritive value", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the jejune diets of the very poor\" What is the definition of \"jejune\"?"} {"term": "jejune", "pos": "s", "context": "jejune responses to our problems", "definition": "displaying or suggesting a lack of maturity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"jejune responses to our problems\" What is the definition of \"jejune\"?"} {"term": "jejune", "pos": "s", "context": "jejune novel", "definition": "lacking interest or significance or impact", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"jejune novel\" What is the definition of \"jejune\"?"} {"term": "margin", "pos": "n", "context": "the margin of victory", "definition": "an amount beyond the minimum necessary", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the margin of victory\" What is the definition of \"margin\"?"} {"term": "evil", "pos": "n", "context": "the evil that men do lives after them", "definition": "that which causes harm or destruction or misfortune", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the evil that men do lives after them\" What is the definition of \"evil\"?"} {"term": "evil", "pos": "n", "context": "the evil that men do lives after them", "definition": "the good is oft interred with their bones - shakespeare", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the evil that men do lives after them\" What is the definition of \"evil\"?"} {"term": "evil", "pos": "n", "context": "attempts to explain the origin of evil in the world", "definition": "the quality of being morally wrong in principle or practice", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"attempts to explain the origin of evil in the world\" What is the definition of \"evil\"?"} {"term": "evil", "pos": "a", "context": "evil purposes", "definition": "morally bad or wrong", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"evil purposes\" What is the definition of \"evil\"?"} {"term": "interference", "pos": "n", "context": "he ran interference for the quarterback", "definition": "blocking a players path with your body", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he ran interference for the quarterback\" What is the definition of \"interference\"?"} {"term": "political", "pos": "a", "context": "calling a meeting is a political act in itself \" - Daniel Goleman", "definition": "involving or characteristic of politics or parties or politicians", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"calling a meeting is a political act in itself \" - Daniel Goleman\" What is the definition of \"political\"?"} {"term": "political", "pos": "a", "context": "political opinions", "definition": "of or relating to your views about social relationships involving authority or power", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"political opinions\" What is the definition of \"political\"?"} {"term": "political", "pos": "a", "context": "political career", "definition": "of or relating to the profession of governing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"political career\" What is the definition of \"political\"?"} {"term": "distractedly", "pos": "r", "context": "` Come in , ' he said distractedly", "definition": "in a distracted manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"` Come in , ' he said distractedly\" What is the definition of \"distractedly\"?"} {"term": "mutually", "pos": "r", "context": "the agreement was mutually satisfactory", "definition": "in a mutual or shared manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the agreement was mutually satisfactory\" What is the definition of \"mutually\"?"} {"term": "turndown", "pos": "n", "context": "the turndown was polite but very firm", "definition": "the act of refusing an offer", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the turndown was polite but very firm\" What is the definition of \"turndown\"?"} {"term": "majestic", "pos": "s", "context": "his majestic presence", "definition": "superior to mundane matters", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his majestic presence\" What is the definition of \"majestic\"?"} {"term": "majestic", "pos": "s", "context": "majestic cities", "definition": "having or displaying great dignity or nobility", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"majestic cities\" What is the definition of \"majestic\"?"} {"term": "territory", "pos": "n", "context": "his questions covered a lot of territory", "definition": "an area of knowledge or interest", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his questions covered a lot of territory\" What is the definition of \"territory\"?"} {"term": "bottomless", "pos": "s", "context": "a bottomless pit", "definition": "extremely deep", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bottomless pit\" What is the definition of \"bottomless\"?"} {"term": "bottomless", "pos": "s", "context": "a bottomless supply of money", "definition": "having no apparent limits or bounds", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bottomless supply of money\" What is the definition of \"bottomless\"?"} {"term": "bottomless", "pos": "s", "context": "bottomless dancers", "definition": "unclothed especially below the waist or featuring such nudeness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bottomless dancers\" What is the definition of \"bottomless\"?"} {"term": "bottomless", "pos": "a", "context": "bottomless pajamas consisting simply of a long top opening down the front", "definition": "having no bottom", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bottomless pajamas consisting simply of a long top opening down the front\" What is the definition of \"bottomless\"?"} {"term": "cursed", "pos": "v", "context": "The taxi driver who felt he did n't get a high enough tip cursed the passenger", "definition": "to heap obscenities upon", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The taxi driver who felt he did n't get a high enough tip cursed the passenger\" What is the definition of \"cursed\"?"} {"term": "cursed", "pos": "v", "context": "The bad witch cursed the child", "definition": "to wish harm upon", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The bad witch cursed the child\" What is the definition of \"cursed\"?"} {"term": "cursed", "pos": "v", "context": "The bad witch cursed the child", "definition": "to invoke evil upon", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The bad witch cursed the child\" What is the definition of \"cursed\"?"} {"term": "cursed", "pos": "a", "context": "villagers shun the area believing it to be cursed", "definition": "sometimes used as an intensifier", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"villagers shun the area believing it to be cursed\" What is the definition of \"cursed\"?"} {"term": "landlocked", "pos": "s", "context": "a landlocked country", "definition": "surrounded entirely or almost entirely by land", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a landlocked country\" What is the definition of \"landlocked\"?"} {"term": "junk", "pos": "v", "context": "junk an old car", "definition": "to dispose of something useless or old", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"junk an old car\" What is the definition of \"junk\"?"} {"term": "poor", "pos": "n", "context": "the urban poor need assistance", "definition": "people without possessions or wealth considered as a group", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the urban poor need assistance\" What is the definition of \"poor\"?"} {"term": "poor", "pos": "s", "context": "a poor light for reading", "definition": "unsatisfactory", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a poor light for reading\" What is the definition of \"poor\"?"} {"term": "poor", "pos": "s", "context": "Oh , you poor thing", "definition": "deserving or inciting pity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Oh , you poor thing\" What is the definition of \"poor\"?"} {"term": "poor", "pos": "s", "context": "a poor salary", "definition": "not sufficient to meet a need", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a poor salary\" What is the definition of \"poor\"?"} {"term": "poor", "pos": "a", "context": "deplored the gap between rich and poor countries", "definition": "having little money or few possessions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"deplored the gap between rich and poor countries\" What is the definition of \"poor\"?"} {"term": "poor", "pos": "a", "context": "the country had a poor economy", "definition": "characterized by or indicating poverty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the country had a poor economy\" What is the definition of \"poor\"?"} {"term": "poor", "pos": "a", "context": "a poor land", "definition": "lacking in specific resources , qualities or substances", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a poor land\" What is the definition of \"poor\"?"} {"term": "incompetent", "pos": "a", "context": "incompetent witnesses", "definition": "legally not qualified or sufficient", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"incompetent witnesses\" What is the definition of \"incompetent\"?"} {"term": "incompetent", "pos": "a", "context": "an incompetent secret service", "definition": "not qualified or suited for a purpose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an incompetent secret service\" What is the definition of \"incompetent\"?"} {"term": "incompetent", "pos": "s", "context": "incompetent at chess", "definition": "not doing a good job", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"incompetent at chess\" What is the definition of \"incompetent\"?"} {"term": "priestly", "pos": "a", "context": "priestly ( or sacerdotal ) vestments", "definition": "associated with the priesthood or priests", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"priestly ( or sacerdotal ) vestments\" What is the definition of \"priestly\"?"} {"term": "priestly", "pos": "a", "context": "priestly dedication to the people of his parish", "definition": "befitting or characteristic of a priest or the priesthood", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"priestly dedication to the people of his parish\" What is the definition of \"priestly\"?"} {"term": "realm", "pos": "n", "context": "the rise of the realm of cotton in the south", "definition": "a domain in which something is dominant", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the rise of the realm of cotton in the south\" What is the definition of \"realm\"?"} {"term": "realm", "pos": "n", "context": "it was a limited realm of discourse", "definition": "a knowledge domain that you are interested in or are communicating about", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was a limited realm of discourse\" What is the definition of \"realm\"?"} {"term": "characterization", "pos": "n", "context": "the media 's characterization of Al Gore as a nerd", "definition": "the act of describing distinctive characteristics or essential features", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the media 's characterization of Al Gore as a nerd\" What is the definition of \"characterization\"?"} {"term": "sensibility", "pos": "n", "context": "cruelty offended his sensibility", "definition": "refined sensitivity to pleasurable or painful impressions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cruelty offended his sensibility\" What is the definition of \"sensibility\"?"} {"term": "nebulous", "pos": "s", "context": "nebulous reasons", "definition": "lacking definition or definite content", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nebulous reasons\" What is the definition of \"nebulous\"?"} {"term": "nebulous", "pos": "s", "context": "nebulous distinction between pride and conceit", "definition": "lacking definite form or limits", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nebulous distinction between pride and conceit\" What is the definition of \"nebulous\"?"} {"term": "sullen", "pos": "s", "context": "a sullen crowd", "definition": "showing a brooding ill humor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sullen crowd\" What is the definition of \"sullen\"?"} {"term": "lonesome", "pos": "s", "context": "a lonesome pine", "definition": "being the only one", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a lonesome pine\" What is the definition of \"lonesome\"?"} {"term": "lonesome", "pos": "s", "context": "a lonesome pine", "definition": "single and isolated from others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a lonesome pine\" What is the definition of \"lonesome\"?"} {"term": "lonesome", "pos": "s", "context": "lonesome when her husband is away", "definition": "marked by dejection from being alone", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lonesome when her husband is away\" What is the definition of \"lonesome\"?"} {"term": "adoption", "pos": "n", "context": "its adoption by society", "definition": "the act of accepting with approval", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"its adoption by society\" What is the definition of \"adoption\"?"} {"term": "adoption", "pos": "n", "context": "its adoption by society", "definition": "favorable reception", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"its adoption by society\" What is the definition of \"adoption\"?"} {"term": "bicameral", "pos": "s", "context": "the bicameral heart of a fish", "definition": "consisting of two chambers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the bicameral heart of a fish\" What is the definition of \"bicameral\"?"} {"term": "interpenetrate", "pos": "v", "context": "The territories of two married people interpenetrate a lot", "definition": "to penetrate mutually or be interlocked", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The territories of two married people interpenetrate a lot\" What is the definition of \"interpenetrate\"?"} {"term": "overthrow", "pos": "n", "context": "she was unprepared for this sudden overthrow of their normal way of living", "definition": "the act of disturbing the mind or body", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was unprepared for this sudden overthrow of their normal way of living\" What is the definition of \"overthrow\"?"} {"term": "emptiness", "pos": "n", "context": "the emptiness of outer space", "definition": "an empty area or space", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the emptiness of outer space\" What is the definition of \"emptiness\"?"} {"term": "asthmatic", "pos": "n", "context": "she is a chronic asthmatic", "definition": "a person suffering from asthma", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she is a chronic asthmatic\" What is the definition of \"asthmatic\"?"} {"term": "unsound", "pos": "a", "context": "an unsound foundation", "definition": "not in good condition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unsound foundation\" What is the definition of \"unsound\"?"} {"term": "unsound", "pos": "a", "context": "an unsound foundation", "definition": "damaged or decayed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unsound foundation\" What is the definition of \"unsound\"?"} {"term": "unsound", "pos": "a", "context": "unsound banking practices", "definition": "not sound financially", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unsound banking practices\" What is the definition of \"unsound\"?"} {"term": "unsound", "pos": "s", "context": "an unsound argument", "definition": "containing or based on a fallacy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unsound argument\" What is the definition of \"unsound\"?"} {"term": "unsound", "pos": "s", "context": "of unsound mind", "definition": "suffering from severe mental illness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"of unsound mind\" What is the definition of \"unsound\"?"} {"term": "character", "pos": "n", "context": "a real character", "definition": "a person of a specified kind usually with many eccentricities", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a real character\" What is the definition of \"character\"?"} {"term": "effect", "pos": "n", "context": "he just did it for effect", "definition": "an impression especially one that is artificial or contrived", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he just did it for effect\" What is the definition of \"effect\"?"} {"term": "effect", "pos": "n", "context": "the law is still in effect", "definition": "having legal validity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the law is still in effect\" What is the definition of \"effect\"?"} {"term": "effect", "pos": "v", "context": "effect a change", "definition": "to act so as to bring into existence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"effect a change\" What is the definition of \"effect\"?"} {"term": "fluidity", "pos": "n", "context": "adding lead makes the alloy easier to cast because the melting point is reduced and the fluidity is increased", "definition": "the property of flowing easily", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"adding lead makes the alloy easier to cast because the melting point is reduced and the fluidity is increased\" What is the definition of \"fluidity\"?"} {"term": "fluidity", "pos": "n", "context": "a charming Oriental fluidity of manner", "definition": "a changeable quality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a charming Oriental fluidity of manner\" What is the definition of \"fluidity\"?"} {"term": "beady", "pos": "s", "context": "bright beady eyes", "definition": "small and round and shiny like a shiny bead or button", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bright beady eyes\" What is the definition of \"beady\"?"} {"term": "steady", "pos": "a", "context": "a steady beat", "definition": "not subject to change or variation especially in behavior", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a steady beat\" What is the definition of \"steady\"?"} {"term": "steady", "pos": "s", "context": "held the ladder steady", "definition": "securely in position", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"held the ladder steady\" What is the definition of \"steady\"?"} {"term": "steady", "pos": "s", "context": "held the ladder steady", "definition": "not shaky", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"held the ladder steady\" What is the definition of \"steady\"?"} {"term": "steady", "pos": "s", "context": "steady nerves", "definition": "not easily excited or upset", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"steady nerves\" What is the definition of \"steady\"?"} {"term": "loveless", "pos": "s", "context": "a loveless marriage", "definition": "without love", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a loveless marriage\" What is the definition of \"loveless\"?"} {"term": "loveless", "pos": "s", "context": "a loveless childhood", "definition": "receiving no love", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a loveless childhood\" What is the definition of \"loveless\"?"} {"term": "opposable", "pos": "a", "context": "the thumb is opposable to the forefinger", "definition": "capable of being placed opposite to something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the thumb is opposable to the forefinger\" What is the definition of \"opposable\"?"} {"term": "unused", "pos": "s", "context": "we bought an unused car for a change", "definition": "not yet put into use", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we bought an unused car for a change\" What is the definition of \"unused\"?"} {"term": "unused", "pos": "s", "context": "feet unused to shoes", "definition": "infrequently exposed to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"feet unused to shoes\" What is the definition of \"unused\"?"} {"term": "unused", "pos": "s", "context": "an unused envelope", "definition": "not yet used or soiled", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unused envelope\" What is the definition of \"unused\"?"} {"term": "devilish", "pos": "s", "context": "devilish schemes", "definition": "showing the cunning or ingenuity or wickedness typical of a devil", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"devilish schemes\" What is the definition of \"devilish\"?"} {"term": "torrent", "pos": "n", "context": "the houses were swept away in the torrent", "definition": "a violently fast stream of water or other liquid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the houses were swept away in the torrent\" What is the definition of \"torrent\"?"} {"term": "torrent", "pos": "n", "context": "a torrent of abuse", "definition": "an overwhelming number or amount", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a torrent of abuse\" What is the definition of \"torrent\"?"} {"term": "coherently", "pos": "r", "context": "she could not talk coherently after the accident", "definition": "in a coherent manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she could not talk coherently after the accident\" What is the definition of \"coherently\"?"} {"term": "minimize", "pos": "v", "context": "Let 's minimize the risk", "definition": "to make small or insignificant", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Let 's minimize the risk\" What is the definition of \"minimize\"?"} {"term": "heart", "pos": "n", "context": "in your heart you know it is true", "definition": "the locus of feelings and intuitions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in your heart you know it is true\" What is the definition of \"heart\"?"} {"term": "heart", "pos": "n", "context": "he stood still , his heart thumping wildly", "definition": "the hollow muscular organ located behind the sternum and between the lungs", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he stood still , his heart thumping wildly\" What is the definition of \"heart\"?"} {"term": "heart", "pos": "n", "context": "he stood still , his heart thumping wildly", "definition": "its rhythmic contractions move the blood through the body", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he stood still , his heart thumping wildly\" What is the definition of \"heart\"?"} {"term": "heart", "pos": "n", "context": "you have n't got the heart for baseball", "definition": "the courage to carry on", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you have n't got the heart for baseball\" What is the definition of \"heart\"?"} {"term": "backboard", "pos": "n", "context": "he banked the shot off the backboard", "definition": "a raised vertical board with basket attached", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he banked the shot off the backboard\" What is the definition of \"backboard\"?"} {"term": "backboard", "pos": "n", "context": "he banked the shot off the backboard", "definition": "used to play basketball", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he banked the shot off the backboard\" What is the definition of \"backboard\"?"} {"term": "circumference", "pos": "n", "context": "he had walked the full circumference of his land", "definition": "the boundary line encompassing an area or object", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had walked the full circumference of his land\" What is the definition of \"circumference\"?"} {"term": "desiccate", "pos": "s", "context": "a desiccate romance", "definition": "lacking vitality or spirit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a desiccate romance\" What is the definition of \"desiccate\"?"} {"term": "desiccate", "pos": "s", "context": "a desiccate romance", "definition": "lifeless", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a desiccate romance\" What is the definition of \"desiccate\"?"} {"term": "prosperous", "pos": "s", "context": "a prosperous family", "definition": "in fortunate circumstances financially", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a prosperous family\" What is the definition of \"prosperous\"?"} {"term": "prosperous", "pos": "s", "context": "a prosperous family", "definition": "moderately rich", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a prosperous family\" What is the definition of \"prosperous\"?"} {"term": "prosperous", "pos": "s", "context": "a prosperous new business", "definition": "very lively and profitable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a prosperous new business\" What is the definition of \"prosperous\"?"} {"term": "upright", "pos": "s", "context": "an upright post", "definition": "in a vertical position", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an upright post\" What is the definition of \"upright\"?"} {"term": "upright", "pos": "s", "context": "an upright post", "definition": "not sloping", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an upright post\" What is the definition of \"upright\"?"} {"term": "upright", "pos": "s", "context": "an upright and respectable man", "definition": "of moral excellence", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an upright and respectable man\" What is the definition of \"upright\"?"} {"term": "scene", "pos": "n", "context": "the police returned to the scene of the crime", "definition": "the place where some action occurs", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the police returned to the scene of the crime\" What is the definition of \"scene\"?"} {"term": "scene", "pos": "n", "context": "their parting was a sad scene", "definition": "an incident real or imaginary", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their parting was a sad scene\" What is the definition of \"scene\"?"} {"term": "experimentation", "pos": "n", "context": "not all experimentation is done in laboratories", "definition": "the testing of an idea", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"not all experimentation is done in laboratories\" What is the definition of \"experimentation\"?"} {"term": "overeager", "pos": "s", "context": "overeager in his pursuit of the girl", "definition": "excessively eager", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"overeager in his pursuit of the girl\" What is the definition of \"overeager\"?"} {"term": "mow", "pos": "v", "context": "mow the grass", "definition": "to cut with a blade or mower", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mow the grass\" What is the definition of \"mow\"?"} {"term": "mow", "pos": "v", "context": "mop and mow", "definition": "to make a sad face and thrust out ones lower lip", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mop and mow\" What is the definition of \"mow\"?"} {"term": "prefer", "pos": "v", "context": "Some people prefer camping to staying in hotels", "definition": "to like better", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Some people prefer camping to staying in hotels\" What is the definition of \"prefer\"?"} {"term": "prefer", "pos": "v", "context": "Some people prefer camping to staying in hotels", "definition": "to value more highly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Some people prefer camping to staying in hotels\" What is the definition of \"prefer\"?"} {"term": "theatrical", "pos": "a", "context": "a theatrical pose", "definition": "suited to or characteristic of the stage or theater", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a theatrical pose\" What is the definition of \"theatrical\"?"} {"term": "undock", "pos": "v", "context": "undock the ship", "definition": "to take a ship out of a dock", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"undock the ship\" What is the definition of \"undock\"?"} {"term": "ambulatory", "pos": "n", "context": "it has an ambulatory and seven chapels", "definition": "a covered walkway as in a cloister", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it has an ambulatory and seven chapels\" What is the definition of \"ambulatory\"?"} {"term": "ambulatory", "pos": "a", "context": "an ambulatory corridor", "definition": "relating to or adapted for walking", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an ambulatory corridor\" What is the definition of \"ambulatory\"?"} {"term": "ambulatory", "pos": "s", "context": "the patient is ambulatory", "definition": "able to walk about", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the patient is ambulatory\" What is the definition of \"ambulatory\"?"} {"term": "southernmost", "pos": "s", "context": "Key West is the southernmost city in the continental United States", "definition": "situated farthest south", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Key West is the southernmost city in the continental United States\" What is the definition of \"southernmost\"?"} {"term": "ambidextrous", "pos": "a", "context": "an ambidextrous surgeon", "definition": "equally skillful with each hand", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an ambidextrous surgeon\" What is the definition of \"ambidextrous\"?"} {"term": "anathema", "pos": "n", "context": "he is an anathema to me", "definition": "a detested person", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is an anathema to me\" What is the definition of \"anathema\"?"} {"term": "adroit", "pos": "a", "context": "an exceptionally adroit pianist", "definition": "quick or skillful or adept in action or thought", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an exceptionally adroit pianist\" What is the definition of \"adroit\"?"} {"term": "already", "pos": "r", "context": "she has already graduated", "definition": "prior to a specified or implied time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she has already graduated\" What is the definition of \"already\"?"} {"term": "quondam", "pos": "s", "context": "her quondam lover", "definition": "belonging to some prior time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her quondam lover\" What is the definition of \"quondam\"?"} {"term": "reservoir", "pos": "n", "context": "a reservoir of talent", "definition": "a large or extra supply of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a reservoir of talent\" What is the definition of \"reservoir\"?"} {"term": "polymorphic", "pos": "a", "context": "a polymorphic species", "definition": "relating to the occurrence of more than one kind of individual independent of sexual differences in an interbreeding population", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a polymorphic species\" What is the definition of \"polymorphic\"?"} {"term": "polymorphic", "pos": "s", "context": "man is both polymorphic and polytypic", "definition": "having or occurring in several distinct forms", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"man is both polymorphic and polytypic\" What is the definition of \"polymorphic\"?"} {"term": "obtrusive", "pos": "a", "context": "the obtrusive behavior of a spoiled child", "definition": "undesirably noticeable", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the obtrusive behavior of a spoiled child\" What is the definition of \"obtrusive\"?"} {"term": "ambiguously", "pos": "r", "context": "this letter is worded ambiguously", "definition": "in an ambiguous manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this letter is worded ambiguously\" What is the definition of \"ambiguously\"?"} {"term": "instigator", "pos": "n", "context": "she was the instigator of their quarrel", "definition": "someone who deliberately foments trouble", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was the instigator of their quarrel\" What is the definition of \"instigator\"?"} {"term": "tubal", "pos": "a", "context": "tubal ligation", "definition": "of or relating to occurring in a tube such as e.g. the fallopian tube or eustachian tube", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tubal ligation\" What is the definition of \"tubal\"?"} {"term": "gasification", "pos": "n", "context": "coal gas is produced by the gasification of coal", "definition": "the process of changing into gas", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"coal gas is produced by the gasification of coal\" What is the definition of \"gasification\"?"} {"term": "soften", "pos": "v", "context": "This liquid will soften your laundry", "definition": "to make soft or softer", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"This liquid will soften your laundry\" What is the definition of \"soften\"?"} {"term": "soften", "pos": "v", "context": "The bread will soften if you pour some liquid on it", "definition": "to become soft or softer", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The bread will soften if you pour some liquid on it\" What is the definition of \"soften\"?"} {"term": "lean", "pos": "v", "context": "We can lean on this man", "definition": "to rely on for support", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"We can lean on this man\" What is the definition of \"lean\"?"} {"term": "lean", "pos": "a", "context": "lean ore", "definition": "lacking in mineral content or combustible material", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lean ore\" What is the definition of \"lean\"?"} {"term": "lean", "pos": "a", "context": "Yon Cassius has a lean and hungry look \" - Shakespeare", "definition": "lacking excess flesh", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Yon Cassius has a lean and hungry look \" - Shakespeare\" What is the definition of \"lean\"?"} {"term": "lean", "pos": "s", "context": "a lean budget", "definition": "containing little excess", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a lean budget\" What is the definition of \"lean\"?"} {"term": "lean", "pos": "s", "context": "a lean year", "definition": "not profitable or prosperous", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a lean year\" What is the definition of \"lean\"?"} {"term": "epochal", "pos": "s", "context": "epochal decisions made by Roosevelt and Churchill", "definition": "highly significant or important especially bringing about or marking the beginning of a new development or era", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"epochal decisions made by Roosevelt and Churchill\" What is the definition of \"epochal\"?"} {"term": "tautological", "pos": "s", "context": "the phrase ` a beginner who has just started ' is tautological", "definition": "repetition of same sense in different words", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the phrase ` a beginner who has just started ' is tautological\" What is the definition of \"tautological\"?"} {"term": "abnormal", "pos": "a", "context": "abnormal powers of concentration", "definition": "not normal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"abnormal powers of concentration\" What is the definition of \"abnormal\"?"} {"term": "abnormal", "pos": "a", "context": "abnormal powers of concentration", "definition": "not typical or usual or regular or conforming to a norm", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"abnormal powers of concentration\" What is the definition of \"abnormal\"?"} {"term": "abnormal", "pos": "a", "context": "they were heartbroken when they learned their child was abnormal", "definition": "departing from the normal in e.g. intelligence and development", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they were heartbroken when they learned their child was abnormal\" What is the definition of \"abnormal\"?"} {"term": "abnormal", "pos": "s", "context": "abnormal profits", "definition": "much greater than the normal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"abnormal profits\" What is the definition of \"abnormal\"?"} {"term": "bothersome", "pos": "s", "context": "aircraft noise is particularly bothersome near the airport", "definition": "causing irritation or annoyance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"aircraft noise is particularly bothersome near the airport\" What is the definition of \"bothersome\"?"} {"term": "inclusive", "pos": "a", "context": "an inclusive art form", "definition": "including much or everything", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an inclusive art form\" What is the definition of \"inclusive\"?"} {"term": "inclusive", "pos": "a", "context": "an inclusive art form", "definition": "and especially including stated limits", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an inclusive art form\" What is the definition of \"inclusive\"?"} {"term": "tall", "pos": "a", "context": "tall people", "definition": "great in vertical dimension", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tall people\" What is the definition of \"tall\"?"} {"term": "tall", "pos": "a", "context": "tall people", "definition": "high in stature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tall people\" What is the definition of \"tall\"?"} {"term": "tall", "pos": "s", "context": "a tall order", "definition": "impressively difficult", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tall order\" What is the definition of \"tall\"?"} {"term": "tall", "pos": "s", "context": "he engages in so much tall talk , one never really realizes what he is saying", "definition": "lofty in style", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he engages in so much tall talk , one never really realizes what he is saying\" What is the definition of \"tall\"?"} {"term": "tall", "pos": "s", "context": "a tall story", "definition": "too improbable to admit of belief", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tall story\" What is the definition of \"tall\"?"} {"term": "importune", "pos": "v", "context": "I importune you to help them", "definition": "to beg persistently and urgently", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I importune you to help them\" What is the definition of \"importune\"?"} {"term": "caress", "pos": "n", "context": "soft music was a fond caress", "definition": "a gentle affectionate stroking or something resembling it", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"soft music was a fond caress\" What is the definition of \"caress\"?"} {"term": "twice", "pos": "r", "context": "I called her twice", "definition": "two times", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I called her twice\" What is the definition of \"twice\"?"} {"term": "unleash", "pos": "v", "context": "unleash one 's anger", "definition": "to release or vent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unleash one 's anger\" What is the definition of \"unleash\"?"} {"term": "unleash", "pos": "v", "context": "unleash the dogs in the park", "definition": "to release from a leash", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unleash the dogs in the park\" What is the definition of \"unleash\"?"} {"term": "breakfast", "pos": "v", "context": "We breakfast at seven", "definition": "to eat an early morning meal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"We breakfast at seven\" What is the definition of \"breakfast\"?"} {"term": "pulmonary", "pos": "a", "context": "pulmonary disease", "definition": "relating to or affecting the lungs", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pulmonary disease\" What is the definition of \"pulmonary\"?"} {"term": "utterer", "pos": "n", "context": "an utterer of useful maxims", "definition": "someone who expresses in language", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an utterer of useful maxims\" What is the definition of \"utterer\"?"} {"term": "utterer", "pos": "n", "context": "an utterer of useful maxims", "definition": "someone who talks especially someone who delivers a public speech or someone especially garrulous", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an utterer of useful maxims\" What is the definition of \"utterer\"?"} {"term": "sobbing", "pos": "v", "context": "He was sobbing inconsolably", "definition": "to weep convulsively", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"He was sobbing inconsolably\" What is the definition of \"sobbing\"?"} {"term": "bulb", "pos": "n", "context": "the bulb of a syringe", "definition": "a rounded part of a cylindrical instrument usually at one end", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the bulb of a syringe\" What is the definition of \"bulb\"?"} {"term": "practiced", "pos": "s", "context": "a practiced marksman", "definition": "having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a practiced marksman\" What is the definition of \"practiced\"?"} {"term": "slim", "pos": "s", "context": "a slim girl with straight blonde hair", "definition": "being of delicate or slender build", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a slim girl with straight blonde hair\" What is the definition of \"slim\"?"} {"term": "slim", "pos": "s", "context": "a slim chance of winning", "definition": "small in quantity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a slim chance of winning\" What is the definition of \"slim\"?"} {"term": "speedy", "pos": "s", "context": "a speedy car", "definition": "characterized by speed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a speedy car\" What is the definition of \"speedy\"?"} {"term": "speedy", "pos": "s", "context": "a speedy car", "definition": "moving with or capable of moving with high speed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a speedy car\" What is the definition of \"speedy\"?"} {"term": "speedy", "pos": "s", "context": "hoped for a speedy resolution of the problem", "definition": "accomplished rapidly and without delay", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hoped for a speedy resolution of the problem\" What is the definition of \"speedy\"?"} {"term": "outreach", "pos": "n", "context": "the outreach toward truth of the human spirit", "definition": "the act of reaching out", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the outreach toward truth of the human spirit\" What is the definition of \"outreach\"?"} {"term": "arrangement", "pos": "n", "context": "a flower arrangement", "definition": "an orderly grouping of things or persons considered as a unit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a flower arrangement\" What is the definition of \"arrangement\"?"} {"term": "arrangement", "pos": "n", "context": "a flower arrangement", "definition": "the result of arranging", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a flower arrangement\" What is the definition of \"arrangement\"?"} {"term": "arrangement", "pos": "n", "context": "he changed the arrangement of the topics", "definition": "an organized structure for arranging or classifying", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he changed the arrangement of the topics\" What is the definition of \"arrangement\"?"} {"term": "conviction", "pos": "n", "context": "the conviction came as no surprise", "definition": "a final judgment of guilty in a criminal case and the punishment that is imposed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the conviction came as no surprise\" What is the definition of \"conviction\"?"} {"term": "continuous", "pos": "a", "context": "a continuous rearrangement of electrons in the solar atoms results in the emission of light \" - James Jeans", "definition": "continuing in time or space without interruption", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a continuous rearrangement of electrons in the solar atoms results in the emission of light \" - James Jeans\" What is the definition of \"continuous\"?"} {"term": "licentious", "pos": "s", "context": "coarse and licentious men", "definition": "lacking moral discipline", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"coarse and licentious men\" What is the definition of \"licentious\"?"} {"term": "licentious", "pos": "s", "context": "coarse and licentious men", "definition": "especially sexually unrestrained", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"coarse and licentious men\" What is the definition of \"licentious\"?"} {"term": "rational", "pos": "a", "context": "rational behavior", "definition": "consistent with or based on or using reason", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rational behavior\" What is the definition of \"rational\"?"} {"term": "rational", "pos": "a", "context": "rational numbers", "definition": "capable of being expressed as a quotient of integers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rational numbers\" What is the definition of \"rational\"?"} {"term": "rational", "pos": "s", "context": "a rational analysis", "definition": "having its source in or being guided by the intellect as distinguished from experience or emotion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a rational analysis\" What is the definition of \"rational\"?"} {"term": "rational", "pos": "s", "context": "the triumph of the rational over the animal side of man", "definition": "of or associated with or requiring the use of the mind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the triumph of the rational over the animal side of man\" What is the definition of \"rational\"?"} {"term": "hydrogenation", "pos": "n", "context": "food producers use hydrogenation to keep fat from becoming rancid", "definition": "a chemical process that adds hydrogen atoms to an unsaturated oil", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"food producers use hydrogenation to keep fat from becoming rancid\" What is the definition of \"hydrogenation\"?"} {"term": "basal", "pos": "a", "context": "basal placentation", "definition": "especially of leaves", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"basal placentation\" What is the definition of \"basal\"?"} {"term": "basal", "pos": "a", "context": "basal placentation", "definition": "located at the base of a plant or stem", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"basal placentation\" What is the definition of \"basal\"?"} {"term": "basal", "pos": "a", "context": "basal placentation", "definition": "especially arising directly from the root or rootstock or a root-like stem", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"basal placentation\" What is the definition of \"basal\"?"} {"term": "culpable", "pos": "s", "context": "culpable negligence", "definition": "deserving blame or censure as being wrong or evil or injurious", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"culpable negligence\" What is the definition of \"culpable\"?"} {"term": "effort", "pos": "n", "context": "he got an A for effort", "definition": "use of physical or mental energy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he got an A for effort\" What is the definition of \"effort\"?"} {"term": "effort", "pos": "n", "context": "he got an A for effort", "definition": "hard work", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he got an A for effort\" What is the definition of \"effort\"?"} {"term": "effort", "pos": "n", "context": "made an effort to cover all the reading material", "definition": "earnest and conscientious activity intended to do or accomplish something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"made an effort to cover all the reading material\" What is the definition of \"effort\"?"} {"term": "effort", "pos": "n", "context": "the book was her finest effort", "definition": "a notable achievement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the book was her finest effort\" What is the definition of \"effort\"?"} {"term": "knotty", "pos": "s", "context": "I faced the knotty problem of what to have for breakfast", "definition": "making great mental demands", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I faced the knotty problem of what to have for breakfast\" What is the definition of \"knotty\"?"} {"term": "knotty", "pos": "s", "context": "I faced the knotty problem of what to have for breakfast", "definition": "hard to comprehend or solve or believe", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I faced the knotty problem of what to have for breakfast\" What is the definition of \"knotty\"?"} {"term": "flit", "pos": "n", "context": "they did a moonlight flit", "definition": "a secret move to avoid paying debts", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they did a moonlight flit\" What is the definition of \"flit\"?"} {"term": "refine", "pos": "v", "context": "refine paper stock", "definition": "to treat or prepare so as to put in a usable condition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"refine paper stock\" What is the definition of \"refine\"?"} {"term": "refine", "pos": "v", "context": "refine sugar", "definition": "to reduce to a fine , unmixed , or pure state", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"refine sugar\" What is the definition of \"refine\"?"} {"term": "refine", "pos": "v", "context": "refine sugar", "definition": "to separate from extraneous matter or cleanse from impurities", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"refine sugar\" What is the definition of \"refine\"?"} {"term": "proportion", "pos": "n", "context": "an inordinate proportion of the book is given over to quotations", "definition": "the relation between things or parts of things with respect to their comparative quantity , magnitude , or degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an inordinate proportion of the book is given over to quotations\" What is the definition of \"proportion\"?"} {"term": "downright", "pos": "s", "context": "a downright answer", "definition": "characterized by plain blunt honesty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a downright answer\" What is the definition of \"downright\"?"} {"term": "downright", "pos": "s", "context": "a downright lie", "definition": "complete and without restriction or qualification", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a downright lie\" What is the definition of \"downright\"?"} {"term": "downright", "pos": "s", "context": "a downright lie", "definition": "sometimes used informally as intensifiers", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a downright lie\" What is the definition of \"downright\"?"} {"term": "neck", "pos": "n", "context": "he admired her long graceful neck", "definition": "the part of an organism human or animal that connects the head to the rest of the body", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he admired her long graceful neck\" What is the definition of \"neck\"?"} {"term": "varied", "pos": "a", "context": "immigrants ' varied ethnic and religious traditions", "definition": "characterized by variety", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"immigrants ' varied ethnic and religious traditions\" What is the definition of \"varied\"?"} {"term": "varied", "pos": "s", "context": "varied motives prompt people to join a political party", "definition": "widely different", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"varied motives prompt people to join a political party\" What is the definition of \"varied\"?"} {"term": "varied", "pos": "s", "context": "her quickly varied answers indicated uncertainty", "definition": "broken away from sameness or identity or duplication", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her quickly varied answers indicated uncertainty\" What is the definition of \"varied\"?"} {"term": "mnemonic", "pos": "a", "context": "mnemonic device", "definition": "of or relating to or involved the practice of aiding the memory", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mnemonic device\" What is the definition of \"mnemonic\"?"} {"term": "inextricable", "pos": "a", "context": "an inextricable knot", "definition": "not permitting extrication", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an inextricable knot\" What is the definition of \"inextricable\"?"} {"term": "inextricable", "pos": "a", "context": "an inextricable knot", "definition": "incapable of being disentangled or untied", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an inextricable knot\" What is the definition of \"inextricable\"?"} {"term": "scholarly", "pos": "a", "context": "scholarly pursuits", "definition": "characteristic of scholars or scholarship", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"scholarly pursuits\" What is the definition of \"scholarly\"?"} {"term": "supplicate", "pos": "v", "context": "supplicate for permission", "definition": "to make a humble , earnest petition", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"supplicate for permission\" What is the definition of \"supplicate\"?"} {"term": "supplicate", "pos": "v", "context": "supplicate God 's blessing", "definition": "to ask for humbly or earnestly , as in prayer", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"supplicate God 's blessing\" What is the definition of \"supplicate\"?"} {"term": "comfortless", "pos": "s", "context": "a comfortless room", "definition": "without comfort", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a comfortless room\" What is the definition of \"comfortless\"?"} {"term": "demurely", "pos": "r", "context": "the army girl , tall and demurely pretty , threw a quick side-glance at her", "definition": "in a demure manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the army girl , tall and demurely pretty , threw a quick side-glance at her\" What is the definition of \"demurely\"?"} {"term": "healing", "pos": "v", "context": "The wound is healing slowly", "definition": "to get healthy again", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The wound is healing slowly\" What is the definition of \"healing\"?"} {"term": "healing", "pos": "s", "context": "her gentle healing hand", "definition": "tending to cure or restore to health", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her gentle healing hand\" What is the definition of \"healing\"?"} {"term": "surge", "pos": "n", "context": "stimulated a surge of speculation", "definition": "a sudden or abrupt strong increase", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stimulated a surge of speculation\" What is the definition of \"surge\"?"} {"term": "bargainer", "pos": "n", "context": "he is a hard bargainer", "definition": "negotiator of the terms of a transaction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is a hard bargainer\" What is the definition of \"bargainer\"?"} {"term": "blameless", "pos": "s", "context": "has lived a blameless life", "definition": "free of guilt", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"has lived a blameless life\" What is the definition of \"blameless\"?"} {"term": "blameless", "pos": "s", "context": "has lived a blameless life", "definition": "not subject to blame", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"has lived a blameless life\" What is the definition of \"blameless\"?"} {"term": "correctly", "pos": "r", "context": "the flower had been correctly depicted by his son", "definition": "in an accurate manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the flower had been correctly depicted by his son\" What is the definition of \"correctly\"?"} {"term": "brief", "pos": "s", "context": "a brief stay in the country", "definition": "of short duration or distance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a brief stay in the country\" What is the definition of \"brief\"?"} {"term": "brief", "pos": "s", "context": "covered the matter in a brief statement", "definition": "concise and succinct", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"covered the matter in a brief statement\" What is the definition of \"brief\"?"} {"term": "brief", "pos": "s", "context": "a brief bikini", "definition": "very short", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a brief bikini\" What is the definition of \"brief\"?"} {"term": "negligent", "pos": "a", "context": "negligent parents", "definition": "characterized by neglect and undue lack of concern", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"negligent parents\" What is the definition of \"negligent\"?"} {"term": "platoon", "pos": "n", "context": "the defensive platoon of the football team", "definition": "a group of persons who are engaged in a common activity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the defensive platoon of the football team\" What is the definition of \"platoon\"?"} {"term": "camping", "pos": "v", "context": "Can we go camping again this summer ?", "definition": "to live in or as if in a tent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Can we go camping again this summer ?\" What is the definition of \"camping\"?"} {"term": "neat", "pos": "s", "context": "her neat dress", "definition": "clean or organized", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her neat dress\" What is the definition of \"neat\"?"} {"term": "neat", "pos": "s", "context": "neat homework", "definition": "showing care in execution", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"neat homework\" What is the definition of \"neat\"?"} {"term": "neat", "pos": "s", "context": "a neat style", "definition": "free from what is tawdry or unbecoming", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a neat style\" What is the definition of \"neat\"?"} {"term": "hardiness", "pos": "n", "context": "the plan required great hardiness of heart", "definition": "the trait of being willing to undertake things that involve risk or danger", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the plan required great hardiness of heart\" What is the definition of \"hardiness\"?"} {"term": "wed", "pos": "v", "context": "We were wed the following week", "definition": "to perform a marriage ceremony", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"We were wed the following week\" What is the definition of \"wed\"?"} {"term": "accommodating", "pos": "a", "context": "the warden was always accommodating in allowing visitors in", "definition": "helpful in bringing about a harmonious adaptation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the warden was always accommodating in allowing visitors in\" What is the definition of \"accommodating\"?"} {"term": "accommodating", "pos": "s", "context": "made a special effort to be accommodating", "definition": "obliging", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"made a special effort to be accommodating\" What is the definition of \"accommodating\"?"} {"term": "accommodating", "pos": "s", "context": "made a special effort to be accommodating", "definition": "willing to do favors", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"made a special effort to be accommodating\" What is the definition of \"accommodating\"?"} {"term": "kip", "pos": "n", "context": "roused him from his kip", "definition": "sleep", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"roused him from his kip\" What is the definition of \"kip\"?"} {"term": "specimen", "pos": "n", "context": "they collected a urine specimen for urinalysis", "definition": "a bit of tissue or blood or urine that is taken for diagnostic purposes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they collected a urine specimen for urinalysis\" What is the definition of \"specimen\"?"} {"term": "correspondence", "pos": "n", "context": "the results of two tests were in correspondence", "definition": "compatibility of observations", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the results of two tests were in correspondence\" What is the definition of \"correspondence\"?"} {"term": "audacity", "pos": "n", "context": "he had the audacity to question my decision", "definition": "aggressive boldness or unmitigated effrontery", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had the audacity to question my decision\" What is the definition of \"audacity\"?"} {"term": "jugular", "pos": "n", "context": "he always goes for the jugular", "definition": "a vital part that is vulnerable to attack", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he always goes for the jugular\" What is the definition of \"jugular\"?"} {"term": "jugular", "pos": "a", "context": "jugular vein", "definition": "relating to or located in the region of the neck or throat", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"jugular vein\" What is the definition of \"jugular\"?"} {"term": "harbor", "pos": "v", "context": "harbor a resentment", "definition": "to maintain a theory , thoughts , or feelings", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"harbor a resentment\" What is the definition of \"harbor\"?"} {"term": "fertile", "pos": "s", "context": "fertile farmland", "definition": "marked by great fruitfulness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fertile farmland\" What is the definition of \"fertile\"?"} {"term": "law", "pos": "n", "context": "civilization presupposes respect for the law", "definition": "the collection of rules imposed by authority", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"civilization presupposes respect for the law\" What is the definition of \"law\"?"} {"term": "law", "pos": "n", "context": "there is a law against kidnapping", "definition": "legal document setting forth rules governing a particular kind of activity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is a law against kidnapping\" What is the definition of \"law\"?"} {"term": "understandingly", "pos": "r", "context": "she nodded understandingly", "definition": "with understanding", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she nodded understandingly\" What is the definition of \"understandingly\"?"} {"term": "counteract", "pos": "v", "context": "This will counteract the foolish actions of my colleagues", "definition": "to oppose and mitigate the effects of by contrary actions", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"This will counteract the foolish actions of my colleagues\" What is the definition of \"counteract\"?"} {"term": "sanction", "pos": "n", "context": "it had the sanction of the church", "definition": "the act of final authorization", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it had the sanction of the church\" What is the definition of \"sanction\"?"} {"term": "drizzle", "pos": "v", "context": "drizzle the meat with melted butter", "definition": "to moisten with fine drops", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"drizzle the meat with melted butter\" What is the definition of \"drizzle\"?"} {"term": "organization", "pos": "n", "context": "he was brought in to supervise the organization of a new department", "definition": "the act of organizing a business or an activity related to a business", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was brought in to supervise the organization of a new department\" What is the definition of \"organization\"?"} {"term": "organization", "pos": "n", "context": "his compulsive organization was not an endearing quality", "definition": "an ordered manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his compulsive organization was not an endearing quality\" What is the definition of \"organization\"?"} {"term": "organization", "pos": "n", "context": "his compulsive organization was not an endearing quality", "definition": "orderliness by virtue of being methodical and well organized", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his compulsive organization was not an endearing quality\" What is the definition of \"organization\"?"} {"term": "yang", "pos": "n", "context": "yin and yang together produce everything that comes into existence", "definition": "the bright positive masculine principle in chinese dualistic cosmology", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"yin and yang together produce everything that comes into existence\" What is the definition of \"yang\"?"} {"term": "reorder", "pos": "v", "context": "The store had to reorder the popular CD several times", "definition": "to make a new request to be supplied with", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The store had to reorder the popular CD several times\" What is the definition of \"reorder\"?"} {"term": "religion", "pos": "n", "context": "he was raised in the Baptist religion", "definition": "an institution to express belief in a divine power", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was raised in the Baptist religion\" What is the definition of \"religion\"?"} {"term": "haltingly", "pos": "r", "context": "he spoke haltingly", "definition": "in a halting manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he spoke haltingly\" What is the definition of \"haltingly\"?"} {"term": "conservative", "pos": "s", "context": "a conservative estimate", "definition": "avoiding excess", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a conservative estimate\" What is the definition of \"conservative\"?"} {"term": "ream", "pos": "v", "context": "ream oranges", "definition": "to squeeze the juice out of a fruit with a reamer", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ream oranges\" What is the definition of \"ream\"?"} {"term": "ream", "pos": "v", "context": "ream a hole", "definition": "to enlarge with a reamer", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ream a hole\" What is the definition of \"ream\"?"} {"term": "habitus", "pos": "n", "context": "the consumptive habitus", "definition": "persons predisposition to be affected by something as a disease", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the consumptive habitus\" What is the definition of \"habitus\"?"} {"term": "urgency", "pos": "n", "context": "the urgency of his need", "definition": "pressing importance requiring speedy action", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the urgency of his need\" What is the definition of \"urgency\"?"} {"term": "urgency", "pos": "n", "context": "they departed hurriedly because of some great urgency in their affairs", "definition": "an urgent situation calling for prompt action", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they departed hurriedly because of some great urgency in their affairs\" What is the definition of \"urgency\"?"} {"term": "placid", "pos": "s", "context": "a ribbon of sand between the angry sea and the placid bay", "definition": "free from disturbance by heavy waves", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a ribbon of sand between the angry sea and the placid bay\" What is the definition of \"placid\"?"} {"term": "placid", "pos": "s", "context": "not everyone shared his placid temperament", "definition": "not easily irritated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"not everyone shared his placid temperament\" What is the definition of \"placid\"?"} {"term": "insensate", "pos": "s", "context": "insensate destruction", "definition": "without compunction or human feeling", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"insensate destruction\" What is the definition of \"insensate\"?"} {"term": "repudiation", "pos": "n", "context": "Congressional repudiation of the treaty that the President had negotiated", "definition": "rejecting or disowning or disclaiming as invalid", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Congressional repudiation of the treaty that the President had negotiated\" What is the definition of \"repudiation\"?"} {"term": "repudiation", "pos": "n", "context": "the repudiation of the debt by the city", "definition": "refusal to acknowledge or pay a debt or honor a contract especially by public authorities", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the repudiation of the debt by the city\" What is the definition of \"repudiation\"?"} {"term": "proud", "pos": "a", "context": "proud parents", "definition": "feeling self-respect or pleasure in something by which you measure your self-worth", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"proud parents\" What is the definition of \"proud\"?"} {"term": "proud", "pos": "a", "context": "proud parents", "definition": "or being a reason for pride", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"proud parents\" What is the definition of \"proud\"?"} {"term": "proud", "pos": "s", "context": "proud alpine peaks", "definition": "having or displaying great dignity or nobility", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"proud alpine peaks\" What is the definition of \"proud\"?"} {"term": "regardless", "pos": "s", "context": "crushing the blooms with regardless tread", "definition": "without due thought or consideration", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"crushing the blooms with regardless tread\" What is the definition of \"regardless\"?"} {"term": "regardless", "pos": "r", "context": "he carried on regardless of the difficulties", "definition": "in spite of everything", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he carried on regardless of the difficulties\" What is the definition of \"regardless\"?"} {"term": "regardless", "pos": "r", "context": "he carried on regardless of the difficulties", "definition": "without regard to drawbacks", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he carried on regardless of the difficulties\" What is the definition of \"regardless\"?"} {"term": "current", "pos": "n", "context": "the current was measured in amperes", "definition": "a flow of electricity through a conductor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the current was measured in amperes\" What is the definition of \"current\"?"} {"term": "current", "pos": "n", "context": "the raft floated downstream on the current", "definition": "a steady flow of a fluid usually from natural causes", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the raft floated downstream on the current\" What is the definition of \"current\"?"} {"term": "current", "pos": "n", "context": "the current of history", "definition": "dominant course suggestive of running water of successive events or ideas", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the current of history\" What is the definition of \"current\"?"} {"term": "current", "pos": "a", "context": "current events", "definition": "occurring in or belonging to the present time", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"current events\" What is the definition of \"current\"?"} {"term": "traction", "pos": "n", "context": "his leg was in traction for several days", "definition": "the act of pulling on a bone or limb as in a fracture to relieve pressure or align parts in a special way during healing", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his leg was in traction for several days\" What is the definition of \"traction\"?"} {"term": "portable", "pos": "a", "context": "a portable television set", "definition": "easily or conveniently transported", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a portable television set\" What is the definition of \"portable\"?"} {"term": "portable", "pos": "s", "context": "a portable outboard motor", "definition": "of a motor designed to be attached to the outside of a boats hull", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a portable outboard motor\" What is the definition of \"portable\"?"} {"term": "enormously", "pos": "r", "context": "he was enormously popular", "definition": "extremely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was enormously popular\" What is the definition of \"enormously\"?"} {"term": "mendicancy", "pos": "n", "context": "they were reduced to mendicancy", "definition": "the state of being a beggar or mendicant", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they were reduced to mendicancy\" What is the definition of \"mendicancy\"?"} {"term": "wail", "pos": "v", "context": "wail in self-pity", "definition": "to emit long loud cries", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wail in self-pity\" What is the definition of \"wail\"?"} {"term": "forgetful", "pos": "s", "context": "forgetful of her responsibilities", "definition": "failing to keep in mind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"forgetful of her responsibilities\" What is the definition of \"forgetful\"?"} {"term": "frazzle", "pos": "n", "context": "he was worn to a frazzle", "definition": "a state of extreme exhaustion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was worn to a frazzle\" What is the definition of \"frazzle\"?"} {"term": "purse", "pos": "n", "context": "the purse barely covered the winner 's expenses", "definition": "a sum of money offered as a prize", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the purse barely covered the winner 's expenses\" What is the definition of \"purse\"?"} {"term": "purse", "pos": "v", "context": "purse ones 's lips", "definition": "to gather or contract into wrinkles or folds", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"purse ones 's lips\" What is the definition of \"purse\"?"} {"term": "purse", "pos": "v", "context": "purse ones 's lips", "definition": "to pucker", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"purse ones 's lips\" What is the definition of \"purse\"?"} {"term": "shocking", "pos": "s", "context": "the most shocking book of its time", "definition": "giving offense to moral sensibilities and injurious to reputation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the most shocking book of its time\" What is the definition of \"shocking\"?"} {"term": "reheat", "pos": "v", "context": "Please reheat the food from last night", "definition": "to heat again", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Please reheat the food from last night\" What is the definition of \"reheat\"?"} {"term": "tidal", "pos": "a", "context": "tidal wave", "definition": "of or relating to or caused by tides", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tidal wave\" What is the definition of \"tidal\"?"} {"term": "dish", "pos": "n", "context": "she prepared a special dish for dinner", "definition": "a particular item of prepared food", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she prepared a special dish for dinner\" What is the definition of \"dish\"?"} {"term": "bestow", "pos": "v", "context": "bestow an honor on someone", "definition": "to present", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bestow an honor on someone\" What is the definition of \"bestow\"?"} {"term": "trim", "pos": "n", "context": "in good trim", "definition": "a state of arrangement or appearance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in good trim\" What is the definition of \"trim\"?"} {"term": "trim", "pos": "v", "context": "trim the christmas tree", "definition": "to decorate , as with ornaments", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"trim the christmas tree\" What is the definition of \"trim\"?"} {"term": "trim", "pos": "v", "context": "trim an airplane", "definition": "to balance in flight by regulating the control surfaces", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"trim an airplane\" What is the definition of \"trim\"?"} {"term": "trim", "pos": "s", "context": "a body kept trim by exercise", "definition": "thin and fit", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a body kept trim by exercise\" What is the definition of \"trim\"?"} {"term": "trim", "pos": "s", "context": "a trim little sailboat", "definition": "of places", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a trim little sailboat\" What is the definition of \"trim\"?"} {"term": "trim", "pos": "s", "context": "a trim little sailboat", "definition": "characterized by order and neatness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a trim little sailboat\" What is the definition of \"trim\"?"} {"term": "trim", "pos": "s", "context": "a trim little sailboat", "definition": "free from disorder", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a trim little sailboat\" What is the definition of \"trim\"?"} {"term": "trim", "pos": "s", "context": "a trim beard", "definition": "neat and smart in appearance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a trim beard\" What is the definition of \"trim\"?"} {"term": "antiphonal", "pos": "a", "context": "antiphonal laughter", "definition": "containing or using responses", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"antiphonal laughter\" What is the definition of \"antiphonal\"?"} {"term": "antiphonal", "pos": "a", "context": "antiphonal laughter", "definition": "alternating", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"antiphonal laughter\" What is the definition of \"antiphonal\"?"} {"term": "correctional", "pos": "s", "context": "a correctional institution", "definition": "concerned with or providing correction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a correctional institution\" What is the definition of \"correctional\"?"} {"term": "inexcusably", "pos": "r", "context": "he was inexcusably cruel to his wife", "definition": "in an unpardonable manner or to an unpardonable degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was inexcusably cruel to his wife\" What is the definition of \"inexcusably\"?"} {"term": "antagonistic", "pos": "s", "context": "slaves antagonistic to their masters", "definition": "characterized by antagonism or antipathy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"slaves antagonistic to their masters\" What is the definition of \"antagonistic\"?"} {"term": "antagonistic", "pos": "a", "context": "his antagonistic brusqueness", "definition": "arousing animosity or hostility", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his antagonistic brusqueness\" What is the definition of \"antagonistic\"?"} {"term": "warmth", "pos": "n", "context": "an agreeable warmth in the house", "definition": "the quality of having a moderate degree of heat", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an agreeable warmth in the house\" What is the definition of \"warmth\"?"} {"term": "iteration", "pos": "n", "context": "the solution is obtained by iteration", "definition": "executing the same set of instructions a given number of times or until a specified result is obtained", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the solution is obtained by iteration\" What is the definition of \"iteration\"?"} {"term": "full", "pos": "n", "context": "the moon is at the full", "definition": "the time when the moon is fully illuminated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the moon is at the full\" What is the definition of \"full\"?"} {"term": "full", "pos": "v", "context": "full the cloth", "definition": "to beat for the purpose of cleaning and thickening", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"full the cloth\" What is the definition of \"full\"?"} {"term": "full", "pos": "a", "context": "a full glass", "definition": "containing as much or as many as is possible or normal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a full glass\" What is the definition of \"full\"?"} {"term": "full", "pos": "a", "context": "full tones", "definition": "having marked deepness and body", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"full tones\" What is the definition of \"full\"?"} {"term": "full", "pos": "s", "context": "a full game", "definition": "complete in extent or degree and in every particular", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a full game\" What is the definition of \"full\"?"} {"term": "full", "pos": "s", "context": "a full stomach", "definition": "filled to satisfaction with food or drink", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a full stomach\" What is the definition of \"full\"?"} {"term": "full", "pos": "s", "context": "gives full measure", "definition": "having the normally expected amount", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gives full measure\" What is the definition of \"full\"?"} {"term": "full", "pos": "r", "context": "knew full well", "definition": "to the greatest degree or extent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"knew full well\" What is the definition of \"full\"?"} {"term": "full", "pos": "r", "context": "knew full well", "definition": "completely or entirely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"knew full well\" What is the definition of \"full\"?"} {"term": "disturb", "pos": "v", "context": "Do n't disturb the patient 's wounds by moving him too rapidly !", "definition": "to damage as if by shaking or jarring", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Do n't disturb the patient 's wounds by moving him too rapidly !\" What is the definition of \"disturb\"?"} {"term": "slack", "pos": "n", "context": "suddenly they were in a slack and the water was motionless", "definition": "a stretch of water without current or movement", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"suddenly they were in a slack and the water was motionless\" What is the definition of \"slack\"?"} {"term": "slack", "pos": "v", "context": "slack the rope", "definition": "to release tension on", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"slack the rope\" What is the definition of \"slack\"?"} {"term": "slack", "pos": "s", "context": "slack water", "definition": "flowing with little speed as e.g. at the turning of the tide", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"slack water\" What is the definition of \"slack\"?"} {"term": "slack", "pos": "s", "context": "slack and wrinkled skin", "definition": "not tense or taut", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"slack and wrinkled skin\" What is the definition of \"slack\"?"} {"term": "slack", "pos": "s", "context": "slack in maintaining discipline", "definition": "lacking in rigor or strictness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"slack in maintaining discipline\" What is the definition of \"slack\"?"} {"term": "sort", "pos": "n", "context": "she wore a sort of magenta dress", "definition": "an approximate definition or example", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she wore a sort of magenta dress\" What is the definition of \"sort\"?"} {"term": "sort", "pos": "n", "context": "what sort of person is he ?", "definition": "a person of a particular character or nature", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"what sort of person is he ?\" What is the definition of \"sort\"?"} {"term": "unholy", "pos": "s", "context": "unholy grimaces", "definition": "extremely evil or cruel", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unholy grimaces\" What is the definition of \"unholy\"?"} {"term": "unholy", "pos": "s", "context": "unholy grimaces", "definition": "expressive of cruelty or befitting hell", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unholy grimaces\" What is the definition of \"unholy\"?"} {"term": "inclination", "pos": "n", "context": "he had an inclination to give up too easily", "definition": "an attitude of mind especially one that favors one alternative over others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had an inclination to give up too easily\" What is the definition of \"inclination\"?"} {"term": "diplomatically", "pos": "r", "context": "he answered very diplomatically", "definition": "with diplomacy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he answered very diplomatically\" What is the definition of \"diplomatically\"?"} {"term": "diplomatically", "pos": "r", "context": "he answered very diplomatically", "definition": "in a diplomatic manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he answered very diplomatically\" What is the definition of \"diplomatically\"?"} {"term": "burke", "pos": "v", "context": "burke an issue", "definition": "to get rid of , silence , or suppress", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"burke an issue\" What is the definition of \"burke\"?"} {"term": "upend", "pos": "v", "context": "upend the box and empty the contents", "definition": "to set , turn , or stand on end", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"upend the box and empty the contents\" What is the definition of \"upend\"?"} {"term": "radiance", "pos": "n", "context": "the radiance of her countenance", "definition": "an attractive combination of good health and happiness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the radiance of her countenance\" What is the definition of \"radiance\"?"} {"term": "irresponsibly", "pos": "r", "context": "he acted irresponsibly", "definition": "in an irresponsible manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he acted irresponsibly\" What is the definition of \"irresponsibly\"?"} {"term": "convention", "pos": "n", "context": "political convention", "definition": "a large formal assembly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"political convention\" What is the definition of \"convention\"?"} {"term": "convention", "pos": "n", "context": "the convention of not naming the main character", "definition": "something regarded as a normative example", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the convention of not naming the main character\" What is the definition of \"convention\"?"} {"term": "feebly", "pos": "r", "context": "the lighthouse , flashing feebly against the sleet-blurred , rocky backdrop of the coast of north west Norway", "definition": "in a faint and feeble manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the lighthouse , flashing feebly against the sleet-blurred , rocky backdrop of the coast of north west Norway\" What is the definition of \"feebly\"?"} {"term": "inferno", "pos": "n", "context": "the inferno of the engine room", "definition": "any place of pain and turmoil", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the inferno of the engine room\" What is the definition of \"inferno\"?"} {"term": "socialize", "pos": "v", "context": "The old man hates to socialize", "definition": "to take part in social activities", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The old man hates to socialize\" What is the definition of \"socialize\"?"} {"term": "socialize", "pos": "v", "context": "The old man hates to socialize", "definition": "to interact with others", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The old man hates to socialize\" What is the definition of \"socialize\"?"} {"term": "vengeance", "pos": "n", "context": "For vengeance I would do nothing . This nation is too great to look for mere revenge \" -- James Garfield", "definition": "the act of taking revenge harming someone in retaliation for something harmful that they have done especially in the next life", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"For vengeance I would do nothing . This nation is too great to look for mere revenge \" -- James Garfield\" What is the definition of \"vengeance\"?"} {"term": "vengeance", "pos": "n", "context": "For vengeance I would do nothing . This nation is too great to look for mere revenge \" -- James Garfield", "definition": "i will repay , saith the lord -- romans 12", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"For vengeance I would do nothing . This nation is too great to look for mere revenge \" -- James Garfield\" What is the definition of \"vengeance\"?"} {"term": "landmark", "pos": "n", "context": "the church steeple provided a convenient landmark", "definition": "the position of a prominent or well-known object in a particular landscape", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the church steeple provided a convenient landmark\" What is the definition of \"landmark\"?"} {"term": "haphazard", "pos": "s", "context": "a haphazard plan of action", "definition": "dependent upon or characterized by chance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a haphazard plan of action\" What is the definition of \"haphazard\"?"} {"term": "haphazard", "pos": "s", "context": "a most haphazard system of record keeping", "definition": "marked by great carelessness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a most haphazard system of record keeping\" What is the definition of \"haphazard\"?"} {"term": "haphazard", "pos": "r", "context": "the Prime Minister was wearing a grey suit and a white shirt with a soft collar , but his neck had become thinner and the collar stood away from it as if it had been bought haphazard", "definition": "without care", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the Prime Minister was wearing a grey suit and a white shirt with a soft collar , but his neck had become thinner and the collar stood away from it as if it had been bought haphazard\" What is the definition of \"haphazard\"?"} {"term": "haphazard", "pos": "r", "context": "the Prime Minister was wearing a grey suit and a white shirt with a soft collar , but his neck had become thinner and the collar stood away from it as if it had been bought haphazard", "definition": "in a slapdash manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the Prime Minister was wearing a grey suit and a white shirt with a soft collar , but his neck had become thinner and the collar stood away from it as if it had been bought haphazard\" What is the definition of \"haphazard\"?"} {"term": "comparative", "pos": "a", "context": "comparative linguistics", "definition": "relating to or based on or involving comparison", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"comparative linguistics\" What is the definition of \"comparative\"?"} {"term": "windless", "pos": "s", "context": "he prefers windless days for playing golf", "definition": "without or almost without wind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he prefers windless days for playing golf\" What is the definition of \"windless\"?"} {"term": "unanswerable", "pos": "s", "context": "an unanswerable argument", "definition": "impossible to answer", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unanswerable argument\" What is the definition of \"unanswerable\"?"} {"term": "audible", "pos": "a", "context": "he spoke in an audible whisper", "definition": "heard or perceptible by the ear", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he spoke in an audible whisper\" What is the definition of \"audible\"?"} {"term": "enormous", "pos": "s", "context": "an enormous boulder", "definition": "extraordinarily large in size or extent or amount or power or degree", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an enormous boulder\" What is the definition of \"enormous\"?"} {"term": "enormous", "pos": "s", "context": "an enormous boulder", "definition": "that a whole civilization should be dependent on technology - walter lippman", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an enormous boulder\" What is the definition of \"enormous\"?"} {"term": "mirthful", "pos": "s", "context": "a mirthful laugh", "definition": "full of or showing high-spirited merriment", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a mirthful laugh\" What is the definition of \"mirthful\"?"} {"term": "mirthful", "pos": "s", "context": "a mirthful experience", "definition": "arousing or provoking laughter", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a mirthful experience\" What is the definition of \"mirthful\"?"} {"term": "pat", "pos": "v", "context": "pat him on the shoulder", "definition": "to hit lightly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pat him on the shoulder\" What is the definition of \"pat\"?"} {"term": "pat", "pos": "s", "context": "a pat reply", "definition": "exactly suited to the occasion", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a pat reply\" What is the definition of \"pat\"?"} {"term": "pat", "pos": "r", "context": "he has the lesson pat", "definition": "completely or perfectly", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he has the lesson pat\" What is the definition of \"pat\"?"} {"term": "incidence", "pos": "n", "context": "he measured the angle of incidence of the reflected light", "definition": "the striking of a light beam on a surface", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he measured the angle of incidence of the reflected light\" What is the definition of \"incidence\"?"} {"term": "drive", "pos": "n", "context": "after reaching the desired velocity the drive is cut off", "definition": "the act of applying force to propel something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after reaching the desired velocity the drive is cut off\" What is the definition of \"drive\"?"} {"term": "drive", "pos": "n", "context": "a variable speed drive permitted operation through a range of speeds", "definition": "a mechanism by which force or power is transmitted in a machine", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a variable speed drive permitted operation through a range of speeds\" What is the definition of \"drive\"?"} {"term": "drive", "pos": "n", "context": "his drive and energy exhausted his co-workers", "definition": "the trait of being highly motivated", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his drive and energy exhausted his co-workers\" What is the definition of \"drive\"?"} {"term": "drive", "pos": "v", "context": "drive a car or bus", "definition": "to operate or control a vehicle", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"drive a car or bus\" What is the definition of \"drive\"?"} {"term": "swift", "pos": "s", "context": "a swift current", "definition": "moving very fast", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a swift current\" What is the definition of \"swift\"?"} {"term": "normal", "pos": "a", "context": "serve wine at normal room temperature", "definition": "conforming with or constituting a norm or standard or level or type or social norm", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"serve wine at normal room temperature\" What is the definition of \"normal\"?"} {"term": "normal", "pos": "a", "context": "serve wine at normal room temperature", "definition": "not abnormal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"serve wine at normal room temperature\" What is the definition of \"normal\"?"} {"term": "normal", "pos": "a", "context": "a perfectly normal child", "definition": "being approximately average or within certain limits in e.g. intelligence and development", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a perfectly normal child\" What is the definition of \"normal\"?"} {"term": "abridge", "pos": "v", "context": "the new law might abridge our freedom of expression", "definition": "to lessen , diminish , or curtail", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the new law might abridge our freedom of expression\" What is the definition of \"abridge\"?"} {"term": "voluntarily", "pos": "r", "context": "he voluntarily submitted to the fingerprinting", "definition": "out of your own free will", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he voluntarily submitted to the fingerprinting\" What is the definition of \"voluntarily\"?"} {"term": "clarity", "pos": "n", "context": "when she awoke the clarity was back in her eyes", "definition": "the quality of clear water", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when she awoke the clarity was back in her eyes\" What is the definition of \"clarity\"?"} {"term": "featureless", "pos": "s", "context": "the featureless landscape of the steppe", "definition": "lacking distinguishing characteristics or features", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the featureless landscape of the steppe\" What is the definition of \"featureless\"?"} {"term": "inopportune", "pos": "a", "context": "arrived at a most inopportune hour", "definition": "not opportune", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"arrived at a most inopportune hour\" What is the definition of \"inopportune\"?"} {"term": "nuptial", "pos": "a", "context": "nuptial day", "definition": "of or relating to a wedding", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nuptial day\" What is the definition of \"nuptial\"?"} {"term": "shrink", "pos": "v", "context": "Hot water will shrink the sweater", "definition": "to reduce in size", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Hot water will shrink the sweater\" What is the definition of \"shrink\"?"} {"term": "shrink", "pos": "v", "context": "Hot water will shrink the sweater", "definition": "to reduce physically", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Hot water will shrink the sweater\" What is the definition of \"shrink\"?"} {"term": "serous", "pos": "a", "context": "a serous exudate", "definition": "of or producing or containing serum", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a serous exudate\" What is the definition of \"serous\"?"} {"term": "extrusion", "pos": "n", "context": "an unexpected extrusion of toothpaste from the bottom of the tube", "definition": "squeezing out by applying pressure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unexpected extrusion of toothpaste from the bottom of the tube\" What is the definition of \"extrusion\"?"} {"term": "disrepute", "pos": "n", "context": "because of the scandal the school has fallen into disrepute", "definition": "the state of being held in low esteem", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"because of the scandal the school has fallen into disrepute\" What is the definition of \"disrepute\"?"} {"term": "include", "pos": "v", "context": "I include you in the list of culprits", "definition": "to consider as part of something", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I include you in the list of culprits\" What is the definition of \"include\"?"} {"term": "include", "pos": "v", "context": "We must include this chemical element in the group", "definition": "to add as part of something else", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"We must include this chemical element in the group\" What is the definition of \"include\"?"} {"term": "include", "pos": "v", "context": "We must include this chemical element in the group", "definition": "to put in as part of a set , group , or category", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"We must include this chemical element in the group\" What is the definition of \"include\"?"} {"term": "chlorinate", "pos": "v", "context": "chlorinate a pool", "definition": "to disinfect with chlorine", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"chlorinate a pool\" What is the definition of \"chlorinate\"?"} {"term": "tow", "pos": "n", "context": "the truck gave him a tow to the garage", "definition": "the act of hauling something as a vehicle by means of a hitch or rope", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the truck gave him a tow to the garage\" What is the definition of \"tow\"?"} {"term": "tow", "pos": "v", "context": "Horses used to tow barges along the canal", "definition": "to drag behind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Horses used to tow barges along the canal\" What is the definition of \"tow\"?"} {"term": "slickness", "pos": "n", "context": "he could feel the slickness of the tiller", "definition": "a slippery smoothness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he could feel the slickness of the tiller\" What is the definition of \"slickness\"?"} {"term": "broaden", "pos": "v", "context": "broaden the road", "definition": "to make broader", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"broaden the road\" What is the definition of \"broaden\"?"} {"term": "broaden", "pos": "v", "context": "broaden your horizon", "definition": "to extend in scope or range or area", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"broaden your horizon\" What is the definition of \"broaden\"?"} {"term": "head", "pos": "n", "context": "he stuck his head out the window", "definition": "the upper part of the human body or the front part of the body in animals", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he stuck his head out the window\" What is the definition of \"head\"?"} {"term": "head", "pos": "n", "context": "he stuck his head out the window", "definition": "contains the face and brains", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he stuck his head out the window\" What is the definition of \"head\"?"} {"term": "head", "pos": "n", "context": "200 head of cattle", "definition": "a single domestic animal", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"200 head of cattle\" What is the definition of \"head\"?"} {"term": "head", "pos": "n", "context": "the head of the whole operation", "definition": "a person who is in charge", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the head of the whole operation\" What is the definition of \"head\"?"} {"term": "labor", "pos": "n", "context": "his labor did not require a great deal of skill", "definition": "productive work especially physical work done for wages", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his labor did not require a great deal of skill\" What is the definition of \"labor\"?"} {"term": "labor", "pos": "n", "context": "she was in labor for six hours", "definition": "concluding state of pregnancy", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was in labor for six hours\" What is the definition of \"labor\"?"} {"term": "labor", "pos": "n", "context": "she was in labor for six hours", "definition": "from the onset of contractions to the birth of a child", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was in labor for six hours\" What is the definition of \"labor\"?"} {"term": "engorgement", "pos": "n", "context": "engorgement of the breast", "definition": "congestion with blood", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"engorgement of the breast\" What is the definition of \"engorgement\"?"} {"term": "bladed", "pos": "s", "context": "bladed arsenopyrite", "definition": "composed of thin flat plates resembling a knife blade", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bladed arsenopyrite\" What is the definition of \"bladed\"?"} {"term": "hopeless", "pos": "a", "context": "in an agony of hopeless grief", "definition": "without hope because there seems to be no possibility of comfort or success", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in an agony of hopeless grief\" What is the definition of \"hopeless\"?"} {"term": "hopeless", "pos": "s", "context": "I 'm hopeless at mathematics", "definition": "of a person unable to do something skillfully", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I 'm hopeless at mathematics\" What is the definition of \"hopeless\"?"} {"term": "hopeless", "pos": "s", "context": "the situation is hopeless", "definition": "certain to fail", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the situation is hopeless\" What is the definition of \"hopeless\"?"} {"term": "hopeless", "pos": "s", "context": "she handed me a hopeless jumble of papers", "definition": "beyond hope of management or reform", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she handed me a hopeless jumble of papers\" What is the definition of \"hopeless\"?"} {"term": "slaty", "pos": "s", "context": "the slaty sky of dawn", "definition": "of the color of slate or granite", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the slaty sky of dawn\" What is the definition of \"slaty\"?"} {"term": "retentive", "pos": "a", "context": "a retentive mind", "definition": "good at remembering", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a retentive mind\" What is the definition of \"retentive\"?"} {"term": "retentive", "pos": "s", "context": "soils retentive of moisture", "definition": "having the power , capacity , or quality of retaining water", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"soils retentive of moisture\" What is the definition of \"retentive\"?"} {"term": "momentum", "pos": "n", "context": "the car 's momentum carried it off the road", "definition": "an impelling force or strength", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the car 's momentum carried it off the road\" What is the definition of \"momentum\"?"} {"term": "momentum", "pos": "n", "context": "the momentum of the particles was deduced from meteoritic velocities", "definition": "the product of a bodys mass and its velocity", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the momentum of the particles was deduced from meteoritic velocities\" What is the definition of \"momentum\"?"} {"term": "decayed", "pos": "s", "context": "a decayed foundation", "definition": "hence unsound and useless", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a decayed foundation\" What is the definition of \"decayed\"?"} {"term": "chastely", "pos": "r", "context": "she lived chastely", "definition": "in a chaste and virtuous manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she lived chastely\" What is the definition of \"chastely\"?"} {"term": "upstairs", "pos": "n", "context": "no one was allowed to see the upstairs", "definition": "the part of a building above the ground floor", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"no one was allowed to see the upstairs\" What is the definition of \"upstairs\"?"} {"term": "upstairs", "pos": "a", "context": "the upstairs maid", "definition": "on or of upper floors of a building", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the upstairs maid\" What is the definition of \"upstairs\"?"} {"term": "upstairs", "pos": "r", "context": "they lived upstairs", "definition": "on a floor above", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they lived upstairs\" What is the definition of \"upstairs\"?"} {"term": "upstairs", "pos": "r", "context": "she 's a bit weak upstairs", "definition": "with respect to the mind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she 's a bit weak upstairs\" What is the definition of \"upstairs\"?"} {"term": "translucent", "pos": "s", "context": "translucent amber", "definition": "allowing light to pass through diffusely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"translucent amber\" What is the definition of \"translucent\"?"} {"term": "bawler", "pos": "n", "context": "their new baby is a real bawler", "definition": "a loud weeper", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their new baby is a real bawler\" What is the definition of \"bawler\"?"} {"term": "respectful", "pos": "a", "context": "respectful behavior", "definition": "full of or exhibiting respect", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"respectful behavior\" What is the definition of \"respectful\"?"} {"term": "happen", "pos": "v", "context": "I happen to have just what you need !", "definition": "to chance to be or do something , without intention or causation", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I happen to have just what you need !\" What is the definition of \"happen\"?"} {"term": "pray", "pos": "v", "context": "pray to the Lord", "definition": "to address a deity , a prophet , a saint or an object of worship", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pray to the Lord\" What is the definition of \"pray\"?"} {"term": "pray", "pos": "v", "context": "pray to the Lord", "definition": "to say a prayer", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pray to the Lord\" What is the definition of \"pray\"?"} {"term": "dripping", "pos": "n", "context": "the constant sound of dripping irritated him", "definition": "the sound of a liquid falling drop by drop", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the constant sound of dripping irritated him\" What is the definition of \"dripping\"?"} {"term": "dripping", "pos": "v", "context": "Water is dripping from the faucet", "definition": "to fall in drops", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"Water is dripping from the faucet\" What is the definition of \"dripping\"?"} {"term": "dripping", "pos": "r", "context": "dripping wet", "definition": "extremely wet", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dripping wet\" What is the definition of \"dripping\"?"} {"term": "grim", "pos": "s", "context": "grim determination", "definition": "not to be placated or appeased or moved by entreaty", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"grim determination\" What is the definition of \"grim\"?"} {"term": "grim", "pos": "s", "context": "the grim aftermath of the bombing", "definition": "shockingly repellent", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the grim aftermath of the bombing\" What is the definition of \"grim\"?"} {"term": "grim", "pos": "s", "context": "the grim aftermath of the bombing", "definition": "inspiring horror", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the grim aftermath of the bombing\" What is the definition of \"grim\"?"} {"term": "grim", "pos": "s", "context": "a grim joke", "definition": "harshly ironic or sinister", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a grim joke\" What is the definition of \"grim\"?"} {"term": "partial", "pos": "s", "context": "a partial description of the suspect", "definition": "being or affecting only a part", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a partial description of the suspect\" What is the definition of \"partial\"?"} {"term": "partial", "pos": "s", "context": "a partial description of the suspect", "definition": "not total", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a partial description of the suspect\" What is the definition of \"partial\"?"} {"term": "partial", "pos": "s", "context": "partial to horror movies", "definition": "having a strong preference or liking for", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"partial to horror movies\" What is the definition of \"partial\"?"} {"term": "sodden", "pos": "s", "context": "the speaker 's sodden collar", "definition": "wet through and through", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the speaker 's sodden collar\" What is the definition of \"sodden\"?"} {"term": "sodden", "pos": "s", "context": "the speaker 's sodden collar", "definition": "thoroughly wet", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the speaker 's sodden collar\" What is the definition of \"sodden\"?"} {"term": "sublimely", "pos": "r", "context": "awaking in me , sublimely unconscious , interest and energy for tackling these tasks", "definition": "completely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"awaking in me , sublimely unconscious , interest and energy for tackling these tasks\" What is the definition of \"sublimely\"?"} {"term": "sublimely", "pos": "r", "context": "awaking in me , sublimely unconscious , interest and energy for tackling these tasks", "definition": "in a lofty and exalted manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"awaking in me , sublimely unconscious , interest and energy for tackling these tasks\" What is the definition of \"sublimely\"?"} {"term": "discharge", "pos": "v", "context": "discharge liquids", "definition": "to pour forth or release", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"discharge liquids\" What is the definition of \"discharge\"?"} {"term": "limbless", "pos": "a", "context": "a snake is a limbless reptile", "definition": "having no limbs", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a snake is a limbless reptile\" What is the definition of \"limbless\"?"} {"term": "irrefutable", "pos": "s", "context": "an irrefutable argument", "definition": "impossible to deny or disprove", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an irrefutable argument\" What is the definition of \"irrefutable\"?"} {"term": "outlying", "pos": "s", "context": "outlying settlements", "definition": "relatively far from a center or middle", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"outlying settlements\" What is the definition of \"outlying\"?"} {"term": "chaotically", "pos": "r", "context": "the drugged man was talking chaotically", "definition": "in a wild and confused manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the drugged man was talking chaotically\" What is the definition of \"chaotically\"?"} {"term": "chaotically", "pos": "r", "context": "the room was chaotically disorganized", "definition": "in a manner suggestive of chaos", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the room was chaotically disorganized\" What is the definition of \"chaotically\"?"} {"term": "imagine", "pos": "v", "context": "I imagine she earned a lot of money with her new novel", "definition": "to expect , believe , or suppose", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"I imagine she earned a lot of money with her new novel\" What is the definition of \"imagine\"?"} {"term": "tyrannous", "pos": "s", "context": "tyrannous disregard of human rights", "definition": "marked by unjust severity or arbitrary behavior", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tyrannous disregard of human rights\" What is the definition of \"tyrannous\"?"} {"term": "obscene", "pos": "s", "context": "the obscene massacre at Wounded Knee", "definition": "offensive to the mind", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the obscene massacre at Wounded Knee\" What is the definition of \"obscene\"?"} {"term": "obscene", "pos": "s", "context": "obscene telephone calls", "definition": "suggestive of or tending to moral looseness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"obscene telephone calls\" What is the definition of \"obscene\"?"} {"term": "handsome", "pos": "s", "context": "a handsome allowance", "definition": "given or giving freely", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a handsome allowance\" What is the definition of \"handsome\"?"} {"term": "reassure", "pos": "v", "context": "The airline tried to reassure the customers that the planes were safe", "definition": "to cause to feel sure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The airline tried to reassure the customers that the planes were safe\" What is the definition of \"reassure\"?"} {"term": "reassure", "pos": "v", "context": "The airline tried to reassure the customers that the planes were safe", "definition": "to give reassurance to", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"The airline tried to reassure the customers that the planes were safe\" What is the definition of \"reassure\"?"} {"term": "gaily", "pos": "r", "context": "the scandals were gaily diverting", "definition": "in a gay manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the scandals were gaily diverting\" What is the definition of \"gaily\"?"} {"term": "modulate", "pos": "v", "context": "modulate the melody", "definition": "to change the key of , in music", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"modulate the melody\" What is the definition of \"modulate\"?"} {"term": "congratulatory", "pos": "s", "context": "a congratulatory telegram", "definition": "expressive of sympathetic pleasure or joy on account of someones success or good fortune", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a congratulatory telegram\" What is the definition of \"congratulatory\"?"} {"term": "diligent", "pos": "s", "context": "a diligent ( or patient ) worker", "definition": "quietly and steadily persevering especially in detail or exactness", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a diligent ( or patient ) worker\" What is the definition of \"diligent\"?"} {"term": "diligent", "pos": "a", "context": "a diligent detective investigates all clues", "definition": "characterized by care and perseverance in carrying out tasks", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a diligent detective investigates all clues\" What is the definition of \"diligent\"?"} {"term": "locally", "pos": "r", "context": "it was locally decided", "definition": "by a particular locality", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was locally decided\" What is the definition of \"locally\"?"} {"term": "maritime", "pos": "a", "context": "maritime law", "definition": "relating to or involving ships or shipping or navigation or seamen", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"maritime law\" What is the definition of \"maritime\"?"} {"term": "maritime", "pos": "s", "context": "a maritime province", "definition": "bordering on or living or characteristic of those near the sea", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a maritime province\" What is the definition of \"maritime\"?"} {"term": "unmeasurable", "pos": "a", "context": "unmeasurable reaches of outer space", "definition": "impossible to measure", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unmeasurable reaches of outer space\" What is the definition of \"unmeasurable\"?"} {"term": "forte", "pos": "n", "context": "cooking is his forte", "definition": "an asset of special worth or utility", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cooking is his forte\" What is the definition of \"forte\"?"} {"term": "forte", "pos": "a", "context": "the forte passages in the composition", "definition": "used chiefly as a direction or description in music", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the forte passages in the composition\" What is the definition of \"forte\"?"} {"term": "award", "pos": "n", "context": "an award for bravery", "definition": "a tangible symbol signifying approval or distinction", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an award for bravery\" What is the definition of \"award\"?"} {"term": "liberally", "pos": "r", "context": "he embellished his stories liberally", "definition": "freely in a nonliteral manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he embellished his stories liberally\" What is the definition of \"liberally\"?"} {"term": "liberally", "pos": "r", "context": "he gave liberally to several charities", "definition": "in a generous manner", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he gave liberally to several charities\" What is the definition of \"liberally\"?"} {"term": "bloomer", "pos": "n", "context": "a night bloomer", "definition": "a flower that blooms in a particular way", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a night bloomer\" What is the definition of \"bloomer\"?"} {"term": "cord", "pos": "n", "context": "the bundle was tied with a cord", "definition": "a line made of twisted fibers or threads", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the bundle was tied with a cord\" What is the definition of \"cord\"?"} {"term": "purple", "pos": "n", "context": "he was born to the purple", "definition": "of imperial status", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was born to the purple\" What is the definition of \"purple\"?"} {"term": "purple", "pos": "s", "context": "many purple passages", "definition": "excessively elaborate or showily expressed", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"many purple passages\" What is the definition of \"purple\"?"} {"term": "purple", "pos": "s", "context": "purple tyrant", "definition": "belonging to or befitting a supreme ruler", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"purple tyrant\" What is the definition of \"purple\"?"} {"term": "lieu", "pos": "n", "context": "in lieu of", "definition": "the post or function properly or customarily occupied or served by another", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in lieu of\" What is the definition of \"lieu\"?"} {"term": "hybrid", "pos": "n", "context": "the vice-presidency is a hybrid of administrative and legislative offices", "definition": "a composite of mixed origin", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the vice-presidency is a hybrid of administrative and legislative offices\" What is the definition of \"hybrid\"?"} {"term": "penitential", "pos": "s", "context": "penitential tears", "definition": "showing or constituting penance", "source": "wordnet", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"penitential tears\" What is the definition of \"penitential\"?"}