{"term": "subsist", "pos": "", "context": "many people in the world have to subsist on $ 1 a day", "definition": "support oneself", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"many people in the world have to subsist on $ 1 a day\" What is the definition of \"subsist\"?"} {"term": "salaam", "pos": "", "context": "but the guy was so calm , i came closer to him and said : salaam . how are you doing ? ! he looked at me with his eyes barely opened , smiled , and said in a very faint voice : fine , thank allah for everything !", "definition": "a common greeting in many arabic-speaking and muslim countries .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but the guy was so calm , i came closer to him and said : salaam . how are you doing ? ! he looked at me with his eyes barely opened , smiled , and said in a very faint voice : fine , thank allah for everything !\" What is the definition of \"salaam\"?"} {"term": "concession", "pos": "", "context": "a corona and one adverb of resignation - or is it concession ?", "definition": "the action of conceding or granting something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a corona and one adverb of resignation - or is it concession ?\" What is the definition of \"concession\"?"} {"term": "revitalize", "pos": "", "context": "this food revitalized the patient", "definition": "restore strength", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this food revitalized the patient\" What is the definition of \"revitalize\"?"} {"term": "squeegee", "pos": "", "context": "moving to canvas , he rolls on a base color and a layer of iridescent pigment , then uses a squeegee to apply from 9 to 20 layers of iridescent glazes .", "definition": "a rubber roller or small implement consisting of a strip of rubber set on a wooden frame , used especially in photography for squeezing water out of prints .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"moving to canvas , he rolls on a base color and a layer of iridescent pigment , then uses a squeegee to apply from 9 to 20 layers of iridescent glazes .\" What is the definition of \"squeegee\"?"} {"term": "squeegee", "pos": "", "context": "squeegee the windows", "definition": "wipe with a squeegee", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"squeegee the windows\" What is the definition of \"squeegee\"?"} {"term": "redd", "pos": "", "context": "during the courtship , which can last up to several hours , the male vibrates and crosses in front of the female , while the female is preparing for spawning by digging the redd .", "definition": "a hollow in a riverbed made by a trout or salmon to spawn in .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"during the courtship , which can last up to several hours , the male vibrates and crosses in front of the female , while the female is preparing for spawning by digging the redd .\" What is the definition of \"redd\"?"} {"term": "romantic", "pos": "", "context": "writers like the romantics , who found mystery in the commonplace and saw the universal in each individual 's experience , remind us to hope .", "definition": "a writer or artist of the romantic movement", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"writers like the romantics , who found mystery in the commonplace and saw the universal in each individual 's experience , remind us to hope .\" What is the definition of \"romantic\"?"} {"term": "thill", "pos": "", "context": "when we got righted and again on our way , on descending a gentle hillside and having met some slight obstacle which required us to back up the hill , the sleigh reared up behind and threw us on the thills and horse 's feet .", "definition": "a shaft , especially one of a pair , used to attach a cart or carriage to the animal drawing it .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when we got righted and again on our way , on descending a gentle hillside and having met some slight obstacle which required us to back up the hill , the sleigh reared up behind and threw us on the thills and horse 's feet .\" What is the definition of \"thill\"?"} {"term": "smite", "pos": "", "context": "jordan prepared a smite from his longsword , and then stabbed straight into the king 's heart .", "definition": "a heavy blow or stroke with a weapon or the hand", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"jordan prepared a smite from his longsword , and then stabbed straight into the king 's heart .\" What is the definition of \"smite\"?"} {"term": "macho", "pos": "", "context": "when it comes to macho , bruno says there is only so much of that you can take .", "definition": "machismo .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when it comes to macho , bruno says there is only so much of that you can take .\" What is the definition of \"macho\"?"} {"term": "now", "pos": "", "context": "eileen 's been with the princes trust for four or five months now and she 's very happy .", "definition": "used to emphasize a particular length of time", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"eileen 's been with the princes trust for four or five months now and she 's very happy .\" What is the definition of \"now\"?"} {"term": "innocence", "pos": "", "context": "she ran her hand through the water in mourning for her lost innocence , and her inability to fight him .", "definition": "a person 's virginity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she ran her hand through the water in mourning for her lost innocence , and her inability to fight him .\" What is the definition of \"innocence\"?"} {"term": "chippy", "pos": "", "context": "washington will need haywood to play a similar chippy role in this series .", "definition": "( of an ice-hockey game or player ) rough and belligerent", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"washington will need haywood to play a similar chippy role in this series .\" What is the definition of \"chippy\"?"} {"term": "stretch", "pos": "", "context": "we 'd asked the car attendant to make up the lower berth , so yoli could stretch out and take a nap .", "definition": "straighten or extend one 's body or a part of one 's body to its full length , typically so as to tighten one 's muscles or in order to reach something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we 'd asked the car attendant to make up the lower berth , so yoli could stretch out and take a nap .\" What is the definition of \"stretch\"?"} {"term": "pascal", "pos": "", "context": "pascal went far beyond its original design goals , with commercial use of the language often exceeding academic interest .", "definition": "a high-level structured computer programming language used for teaching and general programming .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pascal went far beyond its original design goals , with commercial use of the language often exceeding academic interest .\" What is the definition of \"pascal\"?"} {"term": "wife", "pos": "", "context": "the young wife 's gaunt desolation is one of the most haunting aspects of the novel .", "definition": "a married woman considered in relation to her spouse .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the young wife 's gaunt desolation is one of the most haunting aspects of the novel .\" What is the definition of \"wife\"?"} {"term": "orc", "pos": "", "context": "as they continue on the road , the sky is filled with carrion birds and wolves feed on the bodies of unburied orcs .", "definition": "( in fantasy literature and games ) a member of an imaginary race of human-like creatures , characterized as ugly , warlike , and malevolent .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as they continue on the road , the sky is filled with carrion birds and wolves feed on the bodies of unburied orcs .\" What is the definition of \"orc\"?"} {"term": "conditional", "pos": "", "context": "the conditional sale will not be complete until the full purchase price is paid", "definition": "imposing or depending on or containing a condition", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the conditional sale will not be complete until the full purchase price is paid\" What is the definition of \"conditional\"?"} {"term": "accent", "pos": "", "context": "in both cases , cobalt blue was used to accent certain elements including the bells , the man 's shoes , shirt , and hat , and the cantons of the flags .", "definition": "emphasize ( a particular feature )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in both cases , cobalt blue was used to accent certain elements including the bells , the man 's shoes , shirt , and hat , and the cantons of the flags .\" What is the definition of \"accent\"?"} {"term": "cryobiology", "pos": "", "context": "yearly , a scientific meeting is held , which focuses specifically on cryobiology and related topics .", "definition": "the branch of biology which deals with the properties of organisms and tissues at low temperatures .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"yearly , a scientific meeting is held , which focuses specifically on cryobiology and related topics .\" What is the definition of \"cryobiology\"?"} {"term": "electronic", "pos": "", "context": "1987 was an early but fertile time for electronic dance music .", "definition": "( of music ) produced by electronic instruments", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"1987 was an early but fertile time for electronic dance music .\" What is the definition of \"electronic\"?"} {"term": "groom", "pos": "", "context": "he is always well-groomed", "definition": "care for one 's external appearance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is always well-groomed\" What is the definition of \"groom\"?"} {"term": "table", "pos": "", "context": "it was a sturdy table", "definition": "a piece of furniture having a smooth flat top that is usually supported by one or more vertical legs", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was a sturdy table\" What is the definition of \"table\"?"} {"term": "elevated", "pos": "", "context": "an elevated platform", "definition": "raised above the ground", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an elevated platform\" What is the definition of \"elevated\"?"} {"term": "orphanage", "pos": "", "context": "his early orphanage shaped his character as an adult", "definition": "the condition of being a child without living parents", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his early orphanage shaped his character as an adult\" What is the definition of \"orphanage\"?"} {"term": "goof-off", "pos": "", "context": "this was a flight for way-ward pilots , drunks , and general goof-offs .", "definition": "a person who is habitually lazy or does less than their fair share of work", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this was a flight for way-ward pilots , drunks , and general goof-offs .\" What is the definition of \"goof-off\"?"} {"term": "sikh", "pos": "", "context": "an important ceremony for the sikhs is the baptism , or initiation into the sikh religion .", "definition": "an adherent of sikhism .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an important ceremony for the sikhs is the baptism , or initiation into the sikh religion .\" What is the definition of \"sikh\"?"} {"term": "acciaccatura", "pos": "", "context": "a third , subordinate motif is stated in bare octaves answered by bird-like pianissimo acciaccaturas in the treble ( precursors of bartók 's nature sounds , perhaps ?", "definition": "a grace note performed as quickly as possible before an essential note of a melody .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a third , subordinate motif is stated in bare octaves answered by bird-like pianissimo acciaccaturas in the treble ( precursors of bartók 's nature sounds , perhaps ?\" What is the definition of \"acciaccatura\"?"} {"term": "stand-up", "pos": "", "context": "a stand-up bar", "definition": "requiring a standing position", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a stand-up bar\" What is the definition of \"stand-up\"?"} {"term": "rick", "pos": "", "context": "the rattle of empty bottles into a wooden crate , awoke me , and i noticed that every man was in great humour , the rick was being combed down by two men with long handled rakes .", "definition": "a stack of hay , corn , straw , or similar material , especially one formerly built into a regular shape and thatched .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the rattle of empty bottles into a wooden crate , awoke me , and i noticed that every man was in great humour , the rick was being combed down by two men with long handled rakes .\" What is the definition of \"rick\"?"} {"term": "tell", "pos": "", "context": "however , the most telling evidence of its enduring value is that it is still in print three decades later .", "definition": "reveal ( information ) to someone in a non-verbal way", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"however , the most telling evidence of its enduring value is that it is still in print three decades later .\" What is the definition of \"tell\"?"} {"term": "tell", "pos": "", "context": "he was telling on all his former colleague", "definition": "give evidence", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was telling on all his former colleague\" What is the definition of \"tell\"?"} {"term": "scene", "pos": "", "context": "he painted scenes from everyday life", "definition": "graphic art consisting of the graphic or photographic representation of a visual percept", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he painted scenes from everyday life\" What is the definition of \"scene\"?"} {"term": "legation", "pos": "", "context": "the german minister was murdered on his way to the foreign office on 20 june , and that afternoon the legations were attacked .", "definition": "a diplomatic minister , especially one below the rank of ambassador , and their staff", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the german minister was murdered on his way to the foreign office on 20 june , and that afternoon the legations were attacked .\" What is the definition of \"legation\"?"} {"term": "vibrate", "pos": "", "context": "the sitar also has resonator strings that vibrate harmonically with the main strings and adds sustain to the main strings by the same principle , aka feedback .", "definition": "( of a sound ) resonate ; continue to be heard", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sitar also has resonator strings that vibrate harmonically with the main strings and adds sustain to the main strings by the same principle , aka feedback .\" What is the definition of \"vibrate\"?"} {"term": "spiral", "pos": "", "context": "the plates were shaped to induce spiral motion in the particles , since accelerating them along a straight track would require an accelerator longer than the laboratory .", "definition": "winding in a continuous curve of constant diameter about a central axis , as though along a cylinder ; helical .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the plates were shaped to induce spiral motion in the particles , since accelerating them along a straight track would require an accelerator longer than the laboratory .\" What is the definition of \"spiral\"?"} {"term": "spiral", "pos": "", "context": "it has a top speed of fifty five miles per hour and riders will experience spirals , corkscrews , a cobra roll , and overbanked curves .", "definition": "a spiral curve , shape , pattern , or object", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it has a top speed of fifty five miles per hour and riders will experience spirals , corkscrews , a cobra roll , and overbanked curves .\" What is the definition of \"spiral\"?"} {"term": "spiral", "pos": "", "context": "as tensions have spiraled between pyongyang and the us , anti-american sentiment has exploded in south korea .", "definition": "show a continuous and dramatic increase", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as tensions have spiraled between pyongyang and the us , anti-american sentiment has exploded in south korea .\" What is the definition of \"spiral\"?"} {"term": "spiral", "pos": "", "context": "this creates the spiral damascus pattern and it is forged again to form a billet .", "definition": "winding in a continuous and gradually widening ( or tightening ) curve , either around a central point on a flat plane or about an axis so as to form a cone", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this creates the spiral damascus pattern and it is forged again to form a billet .\" What is the definition of \"spiral\"?"} {"term": "self-interest", "pos": "", "context": "it is a reminder of the delicate line that lies between self-interest and the national interest .", "definition": "one 's personal interest or advantage , especially when pursued without regard for others", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is a reminder of the delicate line that lies between self-interest and the national interest .\" What is the definition of \"self-interest\"?"} {"term": "ecology", "pos": "", "context": "the latter paper complements the majority of those in this volume that focused on stopover ecology in eastern north america .", "definition": "the branch of biology that deals with the relations of organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the latter paper complements the majority of those in this volume that focused on stopover ecology in eastern north america .\" What is the definition of \"ecology\"?"} {"term": "cub", "pos": "", "context": "at a country-house dinner in wiltshire , my hunting friends tell me the cubbing is fantastic this year .", "definition": "hunt fox cubs", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at a country-house dinner in wiltshire , my hunting friends tell me the cubbing is fantastic this year .\" What is the definition of \"cub\"?"} {"term": "poilu", "pos": "", "context": "it coincides with a large number of books and exhibitions about the poilus , as french soldiers in the great war were known .", "definition": "an infantry soldier in the french army , especially one who fought in the first world war .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it coincides with a large number of books and exhibitions about the poilus , as french soldiers in the great war were known .\" What is the definition of \"poilu\"?"} {"term": "feel", "pos": "", "context": "he has a feel for animals ' or `` it 's easy when you get the feel of it", "definition": "an intuitive awareness ;", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he has a feel for animals ' or `` it 's easy when you get the feel of it\" What is the definition of \"feel\"?"} {"term": "feel", "pos": "", "context": "i made the students feel different about themselves", "definition": "have a feeling or perception about oneself in reaction to someone 's behavior or attitude", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i made the students feel different about themselves\" What is the definition of \"feel\"?"} {"term": "finish", "pos": "", "context": "it was fun racing , it was really nice finishing up with this competition but i wanted to win the tour .", "definition": "end a period of time or course of action by doing something or being in a particular position", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was fun racing , it was really nice finishing up with this competition but i wanted to win the tour .\" What is the definition of \"finish\"?"} {"term": "finish", "pos": "", "context": "naas took the div two crown with some clinical goal finishing from talented full forward fergal barry to overcome carbury in an excellent final played in clane .", "definition": "( in soccer ) score a goal or goals", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"naas took the div two crown with some clinical goal finishing from talented full forward fergal barry to overcome carbury in an excellent final played in clane .\" What is the definition of \"finish\"?"} {"term": "finish", "pos": "", "context": "for example , farmers finishing cattle over the winter will need a level of advance guarantee on spring beef prices .", "definition": "complete the fattening of ( livestock ) before slaughter", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for example , farmers finishing cattle over the winter will need a level of advance guarantee on spring beef prices .\" What is the definition of \"finish\"?"} {"term": "quahog", "pos": "", "context": "as on the fish serving fork , the terminal of the fork is formed by a thick quahog clamshell with a tiny crab on it , and the stem is lavishly encrusted with marine elements .", "definition": "a large , rounded edible clam of the atlantic coast of north america .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as on the fish serving fork , the terminal of the fork is formed by a thick quahog clamshell with a tiny crab on it , and the stem is lavishly encrusted with marine elements .\" What is the definition of \"quahog\"?"} {"term": "gait", "pos": "", "context": "he dressed smartly and tended to walk with an odd gait .", "definition": "a person 's manner of walking", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he dressed smartly and tended to walk with an odd gait .\" What is the definition of \"gait\"?"} {"term": "azimuth", "pos": "", "context": "the relative aspect is defined as the subject 's aspect minus the solar azimuth .", "definition": "the direction of a celestial object from the observer , expressed as the angular distance from the north or south point of the horizon to the point at which a vertical circle passing through the object intersects the horizon .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the relative aspect is defined as the subject 's aspect minus the solar azimuth .\" What is the definition of \"azimuth\"?"} {"term": "leatherneck", "pos": "", "context": "those resourceful leathernecks have come up with a slightly higher tech replacement .", "definition": "a marine", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"those resourceful leathernecks have come up with a slightly higher tech replacement .\" What is the definition of \"leatherneck\"?"} {"term": "winning", "pos": "", "context": "the wicked mix of an acerbic tongue and a winning smile means holding grudges is nigh impossible .", "definition": "attractive ; endearing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the wicked mix of an acerbic tongue and a winning smile means holding grudges is nigh impossible .\" What is the definition of \"winning\"?"} {"term": "winning", "pos": "", "context": "winning is not everything", "definition": "succeeding with great difficulty", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"winning is not everything\" What is the definition of \"winning\"?"} {"term": "winning", "pos": "", "context": "a winning personality", "definition": "very attractive ; capturing interest", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a winning personality\" What is the definition of \"winning\"?"} {"term": "ndebele", "pos": "", "context": "over the years thousands of ndebele were violently removed from their actual heartland to be dumped in a virtual wilderness .", "definition": "a member of a people of zimbabwe and ne south africa .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"over the years thousands of ndebele were violently removed from their actual heartland to be dumped in a virtual wilderness .\" What is the definition of \"ndebele\"?"} {"term": "careen", "pos": "", "context": "he pulled back on the sticks , and the ship careened upward , its belly facing the attacker .", "definition": "( of a ship ) tilt ; lean over", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he pulled back on the sticks , and the ship careened upward , its belly facing the attacker .\" What is the definition of \"careen\"?"} {"term": "basic", "pos": "", "context": "accounting for 60 % of the world 's total output of crude steel , the basic oxygen steelmaking ( bos ) process is the dominant steelmaking technology .", "definition": "relating to or denoting steel-making processes involving lime-rich refractories and slags .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"accounting for 60 % of the world 's total output of crude steel , the basic oxygen steelmaking ( bos ) process is the dominant steelmaking technology .\" What is the definition of \"basic\"?"} {"term": "affaire", "pos": "", "context": "i tried to act utterly cool and nonplussed by the whole affaire de madamoiselle a .", "definition": "a love affair .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i tried to act utterly cool and nonplussed by the whole affaire de madamoiselle a .\" What is the definition of \"affaire\"?"} {"term": "partial", "pos": "", "context": "on another note , i have always been more partial to his poetry than his criticism .", "definition": "having a liking for", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on another note , i have always been more partial to his poetry than his criticism .\" What is the definition of \"partial\"?"} {"term": "crackle", "pos": "", "context": "my rice krispies crackled in the bowl", "definition": "make a crackling sound", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my rice krispies crackled in the bowl\" What is the definition of \"crackle\"?"} {"term": "crackle", "pos": "", "context": "the surface of the drawing was then polished , and parts were carefully burnt in with a heat lamp , producing a crackle pattern .", "definition": "a pattern of minute surface cracks on paintwork , varnish , glazed ceramics , or glass .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the surface of the drawing was then polished , and parts were carefully burnt in with a heat lamp , producing a crackle pattern .\" What is the definition of \"crackle\"?"} {"term": "backbone", "pos": "", "context": "villagers can not afford to use the network even if the backbone transport and connection are free .", "definition": "a high-speed , high-capacity digital connection which forms the axis of a local or wide area network .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"villagers can not afford to use the network even if the backbone transport and connection are free .\" What is the definition of \"backbone\"?"} {"term": "bongo", "pos": "", "context": "‘ sinner man ‘ is a tamla tornado of sitars , trumpets , bongos and guitars . ’", "definition": "each of a joined pair of small deep-bodied drums , typically held between the knees and played with the fingers .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ sinner man ‘ is a tamla tornado of sitars , trumpets , bongos and guitars . ’\" What is the definition of \"bongo\"?"} {"term": "administer", "pos": "", "context": "new york institutions , the study found , were slow to administer drug therapies that effectively fight the illness .", "definition": "dispense or apply ( a remedy or drug )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"new york institutions , the study found , were slow to administer drug therapies that effectively fight the illness .\" What is the definition of \"administer\"?"} {"term": "commingle", "pos": "", "context": "his book commingles sarcasm and sadness", "definition": "mix or blend", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his book commingles sarcasm and sadness\" What is the definition of \"commingle\"?"} {"term": "urticaria", "pos": "", "context": "antihistamines may be beneficial in the treatment of urticaria and other allergic causes of pruritus .", "definition": "a rash of round , red welts on the skin that itch intensely , sometimes with dangerous swelling , caused by an allergic reaction , typically to specific foods .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"antihistamines may be beneficial in the treatment of urticaria and other allergic causes of pruritus .\" What is the definition of \"urticaria\"?"} {"term": "scout", "pos": "", "context": "if missouri loses a great prospect or two because other teams are scouting and making living-room pitches , the impact will linger .", "definition": "look for suitably talented people for recruitment to one 's own organization or sports team", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if missouri loses a great prospect or two because other teams are scouting and making living-room pitches , the impact will linger .\" What is the definition of \"scout\"?"} {"term": "basis", "pos": "", "context": "the basis of this drink is orange juice", "definition": "the most important or necessary part of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the basis of this drink is orange juice\" What is the definition of \"basis\"?"} {"term": "outburst", "pos": "", "context": "this is a dramatically different view of star death , one that entails multiple explosive outbursts and not just a single bang , as previously thought .", "definition": "a sudden emission of energy or particles", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this is a dramatically different view of star death , one that entails multiple explosive outbursts and not just a single bang , as previously thought .\" What is the definition of \"outburst\"?"} {"term": "outburst", "pos": "", "context": "it was an outburst of instinctive american idealism .", "definition": "a sudden occurrence of a particular activity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was an outburst of instinctive american idealism .\" What is the definition of \"outburst\"?"} {"term": "instrumental", "pos": "", "context": "of the five inflectional cases which are commonly ascribed to the old english noun , the instrumental is the one least obvious .", "definition": "the instrumental case .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"of the five inflectional cases which are commonly ascribed to the old english noun , the instrumental is the one least obvious .\" What is the definition of \"instrumental\"?"} {"term": "instrumental", "pos": "", "context": "those featuring in the concert will travel from all over the county , guaranteeing those present a wonderful night 's entertainment in instrumental music , singing and dancing .", "definition": "( of music ) performed on instruments , with no vocals", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"those featuring in the concert will travel from all over the county , guaranteeing those present a wonderful night 's entertainment in instrumental music , singing and dancing .\" What is the definition of \"instrumental\"?"} {"term": "jehovah", "pos": "", "context": "saul was a devout jew , a pharisee , a teacher of the law , a member of the sanhedrin , a believer in the jehovah of israel and looked for the coming messiah .", "definition": "a form of the hebrew name of god used in some translations of the bible .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"saul was a devout jew , a pharisee , a teacher of the law , a member of the sanhedrin , a believer in the jehovah of israel and looked for the coming messiah .\" What is the definition of \"jehovah\"?"} {"term": "puritanism", "pos": "", "context": "theologically , puritanism represents an emphasis within the reformed protestant ( calvinist ) tradition on intense personal devotion and extreme ethical probity .", "definition": "the beliefs or principles of a group of english protestants of the late 16th and 17th centuries who regarded the reformation of the church under elizabeth i as incomplete and sought to simplify and regulate forms of worship .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"theologically , puritanism represents an emphasis within the reformed protestant ( calvinist ) tradition on intense personal devotion and extreme ethical probity .\" What is the definition of \"puritanism\"?"} {"term": "immunize", "pos": "", "context": "thus the ‘ stark fiction ’ confronts us squarely with ‘ the horrors ’ and immunizes us against the philosophers ’ ‘ good news . ’", "definition": "make ( a person or animal ) immune to infection , typically by inoculation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"thus the ‘ stark fiction ’ confronts us squarely with ‘ the horrors ’ and immunizes us against the philosophers ’ ‘ good news . ’\" What is the definition of \"immunize\"?"} {"term": "testament", "pos": "", "context": "his testament was drawn up on 26 may 1349 and received probate on 8 june .", "definition": "a person 's will , especially the part relating to personal property", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his testament was drawn up on 26 may 1349 and received probate on 8 june .\" What is the definition of \"testament\"?"} {"term": "habituation", "pos": "", "context": "other studies have suggested that arousal responses may be subject to habituation .", "definition": "the diminishing of an innate response to a frequently repeated stimulus", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"other studies have suggested that arousal responses may be subject to habituation .\" What is the definition of \"habituation\"?"} {"term": "vivisection", "pos": "", "context": "one commenter has even suggested aaron 's lack of posting on animal vivisection in the past somehow means he is being hypocritical now .", "definition": "the practice of performing operations on live animals for the purpose of experimentation or scientific research ( used only by opponents of such work )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one commenter has even suggested aaron 's lack of posting on animal vivisection in the past somehow means he is being hypocritical now .\" What is the definition of \"vivisection\"?"} {"term": "embassy", "pos": "", "context": "well , this article is supposed to be based on a memo from the u.s. embassy to the state department .", "definition": "the staff working in an embassy", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"well , this article is supposed to be based on a memo from the u.s. embassy to the state department .\" What is the definition of \"embassy\"?"} {"term": "malice", "pos": "", "context": "consequently it limited the damages in such cases unless the plaintiff proved actual malice .", "definition": "wrongful intention , especially as increasing the guilt of certain offences .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"consequently it limited the damages in such cases unless the plaintiff proved actual malice .\" What is the definition of \"malice\"?"} {"term": "texture", "pos": "", "context": "fish with a delicate flavor and texture", "definition": "the physical composition of something ( especially with respect to the size and shape of the small constituents of a substance )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fish with a delicate flavor and texture\" What is the definition of \"texture\"?"} {"term": "texture", "pos": "", "context": "then another melodic line is added to the texture", "definition": "the musical pattern created by parts being played or sung together", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"then another melodic line is added to the texture\" What is the definition of \"texture\"?"} {"term": "nurture", "pos": "", "context": "the golden quartet line up was a dream smith had nurtured for some 30 years till their formation in 2000 .", "definition": "cherish ( a hope , belief , or ambition )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the golden quartet line up was a dream smith had nurtured for some 30 years till their formation in 2000 .\" What is the definition of \"nurture\"?"} {"term": "selaginella", "pos": "", "context": "also found here is shining club moss , which has membrane-like leaves and spore cases hidden at the base of each leaf , and the spike moss northern selaginella , which has short , needlelike , evergreen leaves .", "definition": "a creeping moss-like plant of a genus which includes the lesser clubmosses .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"also found here is shining club moss , which has membrane-like leaves and spore cases hidden at the base of each leaf , and the spike moss northern selaginella , which has short , needlelike , evergreen leaves .\" What is the definition of \"selaginella\"?"} {"term": "jerkin", "pos": "", "context": "from the pouch tied to his jerkin , he pulled forth a small gem .", "definition": "a sleeveless jacket .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"from the pouch tied to his jerkin , he pulled forth a small gem .\" What is the definition of \"jerkin\"?"} {"term": "cincture", "pos": "", "context": "separating the column from the base is the decorative cincture .", "definition": "a ring at either end of a column shaft .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"separating the column from the base is the decorative cincture .\" What is the definition of \"cincture\"?"} {"term": "attitude", "pos": "", "context": "i too would like a young blonde thing with attitude .", "definition": "individuality and self-confidence", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i too would like a young blonde thing with attitude .\" What is the definition of \"attitude\"?"} {"term": "attitude", "pos": "", "context": "she came to his studio with attitude , but cradled his face in her hands to kiss him before she left .", "definition": "truculent or uncooperative behaviour", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she came to his studio with attitude , but cradled his face in her hands to kiss him before she left .\" What is the definition of \"attitude\"?"} {"term": "finca", "pos": "", "context": "initial daydreams of a little finca close to a spanish beach were destroyed by the cost of even the grimmest coastal properties .", "definition": "( in spain and spanish-speaking countries ) a country estate ; a ranch .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"initial daydreams of a little finca close to a spanish beach were destroyed by the cost of even the grimmest coastal properties .\" What is the definition of \"finca\"?"} {"term": "steal", "pos": "", "context": "no matter how maddening a baserunner might be , a steal remains 90 feet .", "definition": "an act of stealing a base .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"no matter how maddening a baserunner might be , a steal remains 90 feet .\" What is the definition of \"steal\"?"} {"term": "enter", "pos": "", "context": "enter a drug treatment program", "definition": "become a participant ; be involved in", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"enter a drug treatment program\" What is the definition of \"enter\"?"} {"term": "enter", "pos": "", "context": "she finishes her typing with a drawn-out pressing of the enter key and looks pointedly at her sister .", "definition": "a key on a computer keyboard which is used to perform various functions , such as executing a command or selecting options on a menu .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she finishes her typing with a drawn-out pressing of the enter key and looks pointedly at her sister .\" What is the definition of \"enter\"?"} {"term": "lock-up", "pos": "", "context": "other suggestions include all-women police stations , separate jails and lock-ups for women .", "definition": "a jail , especially a temporary one .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"other suggestions include all-women police stations , separate jails and lock-ups for women .\" What is the definition of \"lock-up\"?"} {"term": "turn-up", "pos": "", "context": "i did go to my 12 o'clock political thought lecture and so did barbara , which is really a turn-up for the books .", "definition": "an unusual or unexpected event or occurrence ; a surprise", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i did go to my 12 o'clock political thought lecture and so did barbara , which is really a turn-up for the books .\" What is the definition of \"turn-up\"?"} {"term": "pragmatics", "pos": "", "context": "to analyse language and to define language disorders most linguists divide language into four domains : phonology , grammar , semantics , and pragmatics .", "definition": "the branch of linguistics dealing with language in use and the contexts in which it is used , including such matters as deixis , the taking of turns in conversation , text organization , presupposition , and implicature .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to analyse language and to define language disorders most linguists divide language into four domains : phonology , grammar , semantics , and pragmatics .\" What is the definition of \"pragmatics\"?"} {"term": "exacerbate", "pos": "", "context": "so what they do is take the driving test and then they fail , and it simply exacerbates the situation .", "definition": "make ( a problem , bad situation , or negative feeling ) worse", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so what they do is take the driving test and then they fail , and it simply exacerbates the situation .\" What is the definition of \"exacerbate\"?"} {"term": "co-own", "pos": "", "context": "the 26-year-old , who co-owned the car from which the deadly shots were fired , was seized in flint , michigan .", "definition": "own ( something ) jointly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the 26-year-old , who co-owned the car from which the deadly shots were fired , was seized in flint , michigan .\" What is the definition of \"co-own\"?"} {"term": "blind", "pos": "", "context": "he waited impatiently in the blind", "definition": "a hiding place sometimes used by hunters ( especially duck hunters )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he waited impatiently in the blind\" What is the definition of \"blind\"?"} {"term": "blind", "pos": "", "context": "there 's another reason why blind devotion to rules wo n't do .", "definition": "not controlled by reason", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there 's another reason why blind devotion to rules wo n't do .\" What is the definition of \"blind\"?"} {"term": "saddlery", "pos": "", "context": "established in 1837 by thierry hermes , a harness maker , the hermes firm branched out into saddlery in 1880 .", "definition": "saddles , bridles , and other equipment for horses .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"established in 1837 by thierry hermes , a harness maker , the hermes firm branched out into saddlery in 1880 .\" What is the definition of \"saddlery\"?"} {"term": "archbishopric", "pos": "", "context": "around 1075 adam of bremen wrote a history of the archbishopric of bremen and hamburg , which until 1104 included the scandinavian countries .", "definition": "an archdiocese .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"around 1075 adam of bremen wrote a history of the archbishopric of bremen and hamburg , which until 1104 included the scandinavian countries .\" What is the definition of \"archbishopric\"?"} {"term": "sway", "pos": "", "context": "the trouble is a strong leader with persuasive oratory can easily sway simple folk who have little ability or even inclination to make up their own minds on issues .", "definition": "control or influence ( a person or course of action )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the trouble is a strong leader with persuasive oratory can easily sway simple folk who have little ability or even inclination to make up their own minds on issues .\" What is the definition of \"sway\"?"} {"term": "sway", "pos": "", "context": "what gives him the right to hold so much sway and power over montserrat and the lives of montserratians ?", "definition": "rule ; control", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"what gives him the right to hold so much sway and power over montserrat and the lives of montserratians ?\" What is the definition of \"sway\"?"} {"term": "lawsuit", "pos": "", "context": "the company is the target of several class-action lawsuits , and cites this as an excuse for stonewalling .", "definition": "a claim or dispute brought to a law court for adjudication", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the company is the target of several class-action lawsuits , and cites this as an excuse for stonewalling .\" What is the definition of \"lawsuit\"?"} {"term": "surge", "pos": "", "context": "an upsurge in violent crime", "definition": "a sudden or abrupt strong increase", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an upsurge in violent crime\" What is the definition of \"surge\"?"} {"term": "surge", "pos": "", "context": "the testing equipment-maker 's shares surged as sales rose for the first time in six quarters .", "definition": "increase suddenly and powerfully", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the testing equipment-maker 's shares surged as sales rose for the first time in six quarters .\" What is the definition of \"surge\"?"} {"term": "pitch", "pos": "", "context": "the truck accelerated as it pitched down the hill .", "definition": "( of a vehicle ) move with a vigorous jolting motion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the truck accelerated as it pitched down the hill .\" What is the definition of \"pitch\"?"} {"term": "pitch", "pos": "", "context": "i 've never pitched a story to someone in my life .", "definition": "try to persuade someone to buy or accept ( something )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i 've never pitched a story to someone in my life .\" What is the definition of \"pitch\"?"} {"term": "pitch", "pos": "", "context": "a font may have a fixed pitch or a proportional one .", "definition": "the density of typed or printed characters on a line , typically expressed as numbers of characters per inch .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a font may have a fixed pitch or a proportional one .\" What is the definition of \"pitch\"?"} {"term": "pitch", "pos": "", "context": "some of the most difficult shots in golf are pitches from 40 to 80 yards - ones that require less than a full swing .", "definition": "a high approach shot on to the green .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some of the most difficult shots in golf are pitches from 40 to 80 yards - ones that require less than a full swing .\" What is the definition of \"pitch\"?"} {"term": "pitch", "pos": "", "context": "sound waves are converted by a microphone into electrical signals that vary with the pitch and intensity of the sound .", "definition": "the quality of a sound governed by the rate of vibrations producing it ; the degree of highness or lowness of a tone", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sound waves are converted by a microphone into electrical signals that vary with the pitch and intensity of the sound .\" What is the definition of \"pitch\"?"} {"term": "birdlime", "pos": "", "context": "sulphur , along with charcoal and birdlime , was a principal component of 16th century gunpowder , and a method of producing it from copperas stones was discovered in 1570 .", "definition": "a sticky substance spread on to twigs to trap small birds .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sulphur , along with charcoal and birdlime , was a principal component of 16th century gunpowder , and a method of producing it from copperas stones was discovered in 1570 .\" What is the definition of \"birdlime\"?"} {"term": "specimen", "pos": "", "context": "miss rossiter provided a specimen of urine to the surgery for analysis .", "definition": "a sample for medical testing , especially of urine .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"miss rossiter provided a specimen of urine to the surgery for analysis .\" What is the definition of \"specimen\"?"} {"term": "director", "pos": "", "context": "prior to that hayek was the director of an institute on business cycle research .", "definition": "a person who is in charge of an activity , department , or organization", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"prior to that hayek was the director of an institute on business cycle research .\" What is the definition of \"director\"?"} {"term": "antediluvian", "pos": "", "context": "freeman organises his almost overwhelmingly rich subject into thematic chapters , of which the most absorbing discuss the way such artists as john martin portrayed the antediluvian world as a place of catastrophe or competition .", "definition": "of or belonging to the time before the biblical flood", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"freeman organises his almost overwhelmingly rich subject into thematic chapters , of which the most absorbing discuss the way such artists as john martin portrayed the antediluvian world as a place of catastrophe or competition .\" What is the definition of \"antediluvian\"?"} {"term": "halophyte", "pos": "", "context": "physiologically salt tolerance is also complex , with halophytes and less tolerant plants showing a wide range of adaptations .", "definition": "a plant adapted to growing in saline conditions , as in a salt marsh .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"physiologically salt tolerance is also complex , with halophytes and less tolerant plants showing a wide range of adaptations .\" What is the definition of \"halophyte\"?"} {"term": "burrow", "pos": "", "context": "his blue eyes felt like they were burrowing into her soul searching for something hidden .", "definition": "make a thorough inquiry ; investigate", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his blue eyes felt like they were burrowing into her soul searching for something hidden .\" What is the definition of \"burrow\"?"} {"term": "burrow", "pos": "", "context": "it is equipped with a rock drill and grinder , and a ‘ mole ’ that can burrow under the ground , collecting soil from a depth of 1.5 metres .", "definition": "( of an animal ) make a hole or tunnel , typically for use as a dwelling", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is equipped with a rock drill and grinder , and a ‘ mole ’ that can burrow under the ground , collecting soil from a depth of 1.5 metres .\" What is the definition of \"burrow\"?"} {"term": "luminance", "pos": "", "context": "this principal component direction is taken to be the luminance direction .", "definition": "the intensity of light emitted from a surface per unit area in a given direction .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this principal component direction is taken to be the luminance direction .\" What is the definition of \"luminance\"?"} {"term": "litigiousness", "pos": "", "context": "charges of litigiousness and widespread perjury", "definition": "a quarrelsome disposition to engage in or carry on lawsuits", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"charges of litigiousness and widespread perjury\" What is the definition of \"litigiousness\"?"} {"term": "parasite", "pos": "", "context": "it was in essence a parasite leeching on to western decadence and lack of will .", "definition": "a person who habitually relies on or exploits others and gives nothing in return", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was in essence a parasite leeching on to western decadence and lack of will .\" What is the definition of \"parasite\"?"} {"term": "antithesis", "pos": "", "context": "his theory is the antithesis of mine", "definition": "exact opposite", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his theory is the antithesis of mine\" What is the definition of \"antithesis\"?"} {"term": "swither", "pos": "", "context": "he is swithering about possibly riding blowing wind , however , as he is consistent and has been placed twice in the past two years .", "definition": "be uncertain as to which course of action to choose", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is swithering about possibly riding blowing wind , however , as he is consistent and has been placed twice in the past two years .\" What is the definition of \"swither\"?"} {"term": "salish", "pos": "", "context": "indians came to talk about peace between the salish and kootenai and their enemies , the blackfeet , not about land cessions or a treaty with the united states , because they saw no reason to ‘ treat with friends ’ .", "definition": "a member of a group of american indian peoples inhabiting areas of the north-western us and the west coast of canada .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"indians came to talk about peace between the salish and kootenai and their enemies , the blackfeet , not about land cessions or a treaty with the united states , because they saw no reason to ‘ treat with friends ’ .\" What is the definition of \"salish\"?"} {"term": "peruvian", "pos": "", "context": "about 60 couples wore traditional peruvian outfits to tie the knot in a mass wedding in lima on monday .", "definition": "relating to peru or its people", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"about 60 couples wore traditional peruvian outfits to tie the knot in a mass wedding in lima on monday .\" What is the definition of \"peruvian\"?"} {"term": "suffuse", "pos": "", "context": "his whole frame suffused with a cold dew", "definition": "to become overspread as with a fluid , a colour , a gleam of light", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his whole frame suffused with a cold dew\" What is the definition of \"suffuse\"?"} {"term": "elevator", "pos": "", "context": "there is certified non-biotech grain in storage bins at many elevators , available at a premium , but few processors are knocking at the door right now .", "definition": "a tall building used for storing grain", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is certified non-biotech grain in storage bins at many elevators , available at a premium , but few processors are knocking at the door right now .\" What is the definition of \"elevator\"?"} {"term": "bifocal", "pos": "", "context": "he was responsible for breakthroughs like lighting = electricity , and inventions like bifocals and the franklin stove .", "definition": "a pair of glasses with bifocal lenses .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was responsible for breakthroughs like lighting = electricity , and inventions like bifocals and the franklin stove .\" What is the definition of \"bifocal\"?"} {"term": "bifocal", "pos": "", "context": "bifocal eyeglasses", "definition": "having two foci", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bifocal eyeglasses\" What is the definition of \"bifocal\"?"} {"term": "superfetation", "pos": "", "context": "the topmost photo at right is of an ovary of the species poeciliopsis presidionis , which has superfetation and extensive maternal provisioning .", "definition": "the occurrence of a second conception during pregnancy , giving rise to embryos of different ages in the uterus", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the topmost photo at right is of an ovary of the species poeciliopsis presidionis , which has superfetation and extensive maternal provisioning .\" What is the definition of \"superfetation\"?"} {"term": "revision", "pos": "", "context": "have there been any scientific revisions since this report was published ?", "definition": "a revised edition or form of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"have there been any scientific revisions since this report was published ?\" What is the definition of \"revision\"?"} {"term": "instigation", "pos": "", "context": "finally , i have never seen evidence of extremist instigation in schools we sponsor .", "definition": "the action or process of instigating an action or event", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"finally , i have never seen evidence of extremist instigation in schools we sponsor .\" What is the definition of \"instigation\"?"} {"term": "ventilator", "pos": "", "context": "frequent communication with his family revealed that he desired to have ventilator support withdrawn .", "definition": "an appliance for artificial respiration ; a respirator .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"frequent communication with his family revealed that he desired to have ventilator support withdrawn .\" What is the definition of \"ventilator\"?"} {"term": "preparation", "pos": "", "context": "in other football news , two junior national teams are currently undergoing training in preparation for regional competitions scheduled for later this year .", "definition": "the action or process of preparing or being prepared for use or consideration", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in other football news , two junior national teams are currently undergoing training in preparation for regional competitions scheduled for later this year .\" What is the definition of \"preparation\"?"} {"term": "hindustani", "pos": "", "context": "when i was growing up , the only language i ever heard was either urdu or hindustani .", "definition": "a group of mutually intelligible languages and dialects spoken in nw india , principally hindi and urdu .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when i was growing up , the only language i ever heard was either urdu or hindustani .\" What is the definition of \"hindustani\"?"} {"term": "hatemonger", "pos": "", "context": "anybody who denies their peaceful nature runs the risk of being called a hatemonger .", "definition": "a person who promotes hostility and prejudice , especially towards a minority group", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"anybody who denies their peaceful nature runs the risk of being called a hatemonger .\" What is the definition of \"hatemonger\"?"} {"term": "goosefoot", "pos": "", "context": "cultivated late woodland plants included sumpweed , squash , sunflower , goosefoot , and maize .", "definition": "a plant of temperate regions with divided leaves which are said to resemble the foot of a goose . some kinds are edible and many are common weeds .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cultivated late woodland plants included sumpweed , squash , sunflower , goosefoot , and maize .\" What is the definition of \"goosefoot\"?"} {"term": "endocarp", "pos": "", "context": "surface deposits are covering materials on seed coats and are apparently derived from the endocarp .", "definition": "the innermost layer of the pericarp which surrounds a seed in a fruit . it may be membranous ( as in apples ) or woody ( as in the stone of a peach or cherry ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"surface deposits are covering materials on seed coats and are apparently derived from the endocarp .\" What is the definition of \"endocarp\"?"} {"term": "fine", "pos": "", "context": "the product dries in 20 to 30 minutes to form a hard , durable surface that binds fines to the larger aggregate particles in the road surface .", "definition": "very small particles found in mining , milling , etc .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the product dries in 20 to 30 minutes to form a hard , durable surface that binds fines to the larger aggregate particles in the road surface .\" What is the definition of \"fine\"?"} {"term": "fine", "pos": "", "context": "finely shaped features", "definition": "in a delicate manner", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"finely shaped features\" What is the definition of \"fine\"?"} {"term": "fine", "pos": "", "context": "this pottery is distinctive because of its high quality , fine decoration , and beautifully curved shapes .", "definition": "of very high quality ; very good of its kind", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this pottery is distinctive because of its high quality , fine decoration , and beautifully curved shapes .\" What is the definition of \"fine\"?"} {"term": "brazen", "pos": "", "context": "brazen it out", "definition": "face with defiance or impudence", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"brazen it out\" What is the definition of \"brazen\"?"} {"term": "oystercatcher", "pos": "", "context": "although the breeding success remained low , number of breeding pairs increased markedly , suggesting that the absence of gulls made the nesting area more attractive for oystercatchers .", "definition": "a wading bird with black-and-white or all-black plumage and a strong orange-red bill , typically found on the coast and feeding chiefly on shellfish .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"although the breeding success remained low , number of breeding pairs increased markedly , suggesting that the absence of gulls made the nesting area more attractive for oystercatchers .\" What is the definition of \"oystercatcher\"?"} {"term": "antidepressant", "pos": "", "context": "if you are experiencing major depression , however , your doctor may prescribe antidepressant medication to treat it .", "definition": "( chiefly of a drug ) used to alleviate depression .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if you are experiencing major depression , however , your doctor may prescribe antidepressant medication to treat it .\" What is the definition of \"antidepressant\"?"} {"term": "shadowy", "pos": "", "context": "thin beams of intense , orange light striped the otherwise shadowy walls of my bedroom from my window .", "definition": "full of shadows", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"thin beams of intense , orange light striped the otherwise shadowy walls of my bedroom from my window .\" What is the definition of \"shadowy\"?"} {"term": "pot", "pos": "", "context": "in a productive grouse year , around 350,000 of the birds are potted by shooting parties in the uk , mostly in scotland , during the august to november season .", "definition": "hit or kill by shooting", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in a productive grouse year , around 350,000 of the birds are potted by shooting parties in the uk , mostly in scotland , during the august to november season .\" What is the definition of \"pot\"?"} {"term": "pot", "pos": "", "context": "banning parties and blockading raves will not stop a movement , nor will it stop the use of ecstasy , cocaine , speed , heroin and pot for that matter .", "definition": "cannabis", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"banning parties and blockading raves will not stop a movement , nor will it stop the use of ecstasy , cocaine , speed , heroin and pot for that matter .\" What is the definition of \"pot\"?"} {"term": "tube", "pos": "", "context": "his australian colleagues can sit in their armchairs swiggering on a `` tube ' of fosters with total immunity smiling that he has taken the rap for the decisions they were responsible in making .", "definition": "a can of beer", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his australian colleagues can sit in their armchairs swiggering on a `` tube ' of fosters with total immunity smiling that he has taken the rap for the decisions they were responsible in making .\" What is the definition of \"tube\"?"} {"term": "secretary", "pos": "", "context": "the 1986 legislation also specified the responsibilities of each service secretary to the defense secretary .", "definition": "an official in charge of a us government department .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the 1986 legislation also specified the responsibilities of each service secretary to the defense secretary .\" What is the definition of \"secretary\"?"} {"term": "dependent", "pos": "", "context": "at the bottom will be society 's poorest and most vulnerable people , dependent on over-stretched public hospitals and whatever bulk-billing services remain .", "definition": "unable to do without", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at the bottom will be society 's poorest and most vulnerable people , dependent on over-stretched public hospitals and whatever bulk-billing services remain .\" What is the definition of \"dependent\"?"} {"term": "lacking", "pos": "", "context": "her failure will be because people took a look at the content of her character and found it lacking .", "definition": "deficient or inadequate", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her failure will be because people took a look at the content of her character and found it lacking .\" What is the definition of \"lacking\"?"} {"term": "mist", "pos": "", "context": "the windshield misted over", "definition": "become covered with mist", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the windshield misted over\" What is the definition of \"mist\"?"} {"term": "afghan", "pos": "", "context": "what information do you have about other afghans who have returned home or been sent home ?", "definition": "a native or inhabitant of afghanistan , or a person of afghan descent .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"what information do you have about other afghans who have returned home or been sent home ?\" What is the definition of \"afghan\"?"} {"term": "show", "pos": "", "context": "the crowd shuffled and mumbled and showed few signs of vitality .", "definition": "allow ( a quality or emotion ) to be perceived ; display", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the crowd shuffled and mumbled and showed few signs of vitality .\" What is the definition of \"show\"?"} {"term": "show", "pos": "", "context": "she led me upstairs and showed me a narrow room with a long line of narrow cots .", "definition": "offer , exhibit , or produce ( something ) for inspection", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she led me upstairs and showed me a narrow room with a long line of narrow cots .\" What is the definition of \"show\"?"} {"term": "hierarchy", "pos": "", "context": "boys , on the other hand , tend to have more hierarchically organized groups than girls , and status in the hierarchy is paramount .", "definition": "a system in which members of an organization or society are ranked according to relative status or authority", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"boys , on the other hand , tend to have more hierarchically organized groups than girls , and status in the hierarchy is paramount .\" What is the definition of \"hierarchy\"?"} {"term": "deep", "pos": "", "context": "the peroxide , he says , would n't penetrate very deep beneath the surface .", "definition": "far down or in ; deeply", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the peroxide , he says , would n't penetrate very deep beneath the surface .\" What is the definition of \"deep\"?"} {"term": "deep", "pos": "", "context": "if a better catch has been taken in the deep in any form of cricket , i 'm not sure that i 've seen it .", "definition": "the part of the field distant from the batsman .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if a better catch has been taken in the deep in any form of cricket , i 'm not sure that i 've seen it .\" What is the definition of \"deep\"?"} {"term": "deep", "pos": "", "context": "dived deeply", "definition": "to a great depth ; far down", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dived deeply\" What is the definition of \"deep\"?"} {"term": "supper", "pos": "", "context": "her suppers often included celebrities", "definition": "a social gathering where a light evening meal is served", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her suppers often included celebrities\" What is the definition of \"supper\"?"} {"term": "rank", "pos": "", "context": "the service ranks the most popular search subjects each day , listing leaders in music , movies , sports , and tv , among others .", "definition": "give ( someone or something ) a rank or place within a grading system", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the service ranks the most popular search subjects each day , listing leaders in music , movies , sports , and tv , among others .\" What is the definition of \"rank\"?"} {"term": "rank", "pos": "", "context": "those classes may represent groups of individuals differing by their sex , age , stage , social rank , or geographical position .", "definition": "a position within the hierarchy of an organization or society", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"those classes may represent groups of individuals differing by their sex , age , stage , social rank , or geographical position .\" What is the definition of \"rank\"?"} {"term": "rank", "pos": "", "context": "this painting ranks among the best in the western world", "definition": "take or have a position relative to others", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this painting ranks among the best in the western world\" What is the definition of \"rank\"?"} {"term": "rank", "pos": "", "context": "a rank cigar", "definition": "very offensive in smell or taste", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a rank cigar\" What is the definition of \"rank\"?"} {"term": "rank", "pos": "", "context": "the strike was supported by the union rank and file", "definition": "the ordinary members of an organization ( such as the enlisted soldiers of an army )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the strike was supported by the union rank and file\" What is the definition of \"rank\"?"} {"term": "rank", "pos": "", "context": "the enormous expansion of white collar work throughout the twentieth century meant pushing the vast majority down into the ranks of the working class .", "definition": "the people belonging to or constituting a group or class", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the enormous expansion of white collar work throughout the twentieth century meant pushing the vast majority down into the ranks of the working class .\" What is the definition of \"rank\"?"} {"term": "bullshit", "pos": "", "context": "i put up with a lot of bullshit from that jerk", "definition": "obscene words for unacceptable behavior", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i put up with a lot of bullshit from that jerk\" What is the definition of \"bullshit\"?"} {"term": "website", "pos": "", "context": "the survey sought to measure the performance of the websites from a user 's perspective .", "definition": "a set of related web pages located under a single domain name", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the survey sought to measure the performance of the websites from a user 's perspective .\" What is the definition of \"website\"?"} {"term": "swine", "pos": "", "context": "between 11 pm last night and 8am this morning the heartless swine crept into our front garden and took it .", "definition": "a contemptible or unpleasant person", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"between 11 pm last night and 8am this morning the heartless swine crept into our front garden and took it .\" What is the definition of \"swine\"?"} {"term": "shop", "pos": "", "context": "there was absolutely no reason for the attack and it is sad in this day when you ca n't go shopping in broad daylight safely .", "definition": "visit one or more shops or websites to buy goods", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was absolutely no reason for the attack and it is sad in this day when you ca n't go shopping in broad daylight safely .\" What is the definition of \"shop\"?"} {"term": "numb", "pos": "", "context": "it 's surprising that one event follows another in such a way that we are left totally numb .", "definition": "unable to think , feel , or respond normally", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's surprising that one event follows another in such a way that we are left totally numb .\" What is the definition of \"numb\"?"} {"term": "numb", "pos": "", "context": "he woke numb and cold , inside a carved hole in the rock .", "definition": "( of a part of the body ) deprived of the power of physical sensation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he woke numb and cold , inside a carved hole in the rock .\" What is the definition of \"numb\"?"} {"term": "reprint", "pos": "", "context": "they never reprinted the famous treatise", "definition": "print anew", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they never reprinted the famous treatise\" What is the definition of \"reprint\"?"} {"term": "baobab", "pos": "", "context": "school children will pitch in to help staff at johannesburg zoo plant baobabs and false cabbage trees at the zoo on arbor day , friday , 2 september , to celebrate national arbor week .", "definition": "a short tree with a very thick trunk and large edible fruit , living to a great age .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"school children will pitch in to help staff at johannesburg zoo plant baobabs and false cabbage trees at the zoo on arbor day , friday , 2 september , to celebrate national arbor week .\" What is the definition of \"baobab\"?"} {"term": "erase", "pos": "", "context": "the turks erased the armenians in 1915", "definition": "remove from memory or existence", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the turks erased the armenians in 1915\" What is the definition of \"erase\"?"} {"term": "self-publicist", "pos": "", "context": "despite his professional and personal attributes , and his abilities as a self-publicist , his ambitions within the church were ultimately frustrated .", "definition": "a person who publicly promotes themselves or their accomplishments", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"despite his professional and personal attributes , and his abilities as a self-publicist , his ambitions within the church were ultimately frustrated .\" What is the definition of \"self-publicist\"?"} {"term": "chemosynthesis", "pos": "", "context": "it turned out that the hydrogen sulphide rising from the sea floor vents produced a process called chemosynthesis ; the basis of the food chain .", "definition": "the synthesis of organic compounds by bacteria or other living organisms using energy derived from reactions involving inorganic chemicals , typically in the absence of sunlight .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it turned out that the hydrogen sulphide rising from the sea floor vents produced a process called chemosynthesis ; the basis of the food chain .\" What is the definition of \"chemosynthesis\"?"} {"term": "slasher", "pos": "", "context": "i 'm a shooter more than a slasher , but i can definitely get to the basket .", "definition": "a sporting competitor who is quick and agile", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i 'm a shooter more than a slasher , but i can definitely get to the basket .\" What is the definition of \"slasher\"?"} {"term": "slasher", "pos": "", "context": "up until the middle of last century farmers were limited to cutting the hedges back with a hand slasher .", "definition": "any of various tools for cutting wood", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"up until the middle of last century farmers were limited to cutting the hedges back with a hand slasher .\" What is the definition of \"slasher\"?"} {"term": "stain", "pos": "", "context": "the wine left a dark stain", "definition": "a soiled or discolored appearance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the wine left a dark stain\" What is the definition of \"stain\"?"} {"term": "rake", "pos": "", "context": "to do this , cut 6 inches off the first shingle of the second course at the rake of the slope .", "definition": "the angle at which a thing slopes", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to do this , cut 6 inches off the first shingle of the second course at the rake of the slope .\" What is the definition of \"rake\"?"} {"term": "dim", "pos": "", "context": "shifting away from the dim hopes of my rescue , i conjure up a series of bright memories that bring me a tidal change of emotion .", "definition": "( of a situation ) not giving cause for hope or optimism", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shifting away from the dim hopes of my rescue , i conjure up a series of bright memories that bring me a tidal change of emotion .\" What is the definition of \"dim\"?"} {"term": "dressing", "pos": "", "context": "but sugar is also in a lot of other places you may never even suspect - smoothies , salad dressing , iced tea , spaghetti sauce , even soup !", "definition": "a sauce for salads , typically one consisting of oil and vinegar with herbs or other flavourings", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but sugar is also in a lot of other places you may never even suspect - smoothies , salad dressing , iced tea , spaghetti sauce , even soup !\" What is the definition of \"dressing\"?"} {"term": "talebearer", "pos": "", "context": "talebearers have a habit of telling evil things only to those who will spread evil , not stop it .", "definition": "a person who maliciously gossips or reveals secrets .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"talebearers have a habit of telling evil things only to those who will spread evil , not stop it .\" What is the definition of \"talebearer\"?"} {"term": "menominee", "pos": "", "context": "several garden bed sites are linked by historic records to specific identifiable groups , including the menominee , mesquakie / fox , chippewa , and potawatomi .", "definition": "a member of an american indian people of ne wisconsin .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"several garden bed sites are linked by historic records to specific identifiable groups , including the menominee , mesquakie / fox , chippewa , and potawatomi .\" What is the definition of \"menominee\"?"} {"term": "vacuum", "pos": "", "context": "without their support he 'll be ruling in a vacuum", "definition": "an empty area or space", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"without their support he 'll be ruling in a vacuum\" What is the definition of \"vacuum\"?"} {"term": "zairean", "pos": "", "context": "the zairean painter was showing illustrational pictures that dealt with informational content .", "definition": "relating to or characteristic of the former country of zaire , now the democratic republic of congo , or its people", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the zairean painter was showing illustrational pictures that dealt with informational content .\" What is the definition of \"zairean\"?"} {"term": "mammalogy", "pos": "", "context": "the section contains about 44,000 reprints and books and currently holds the most important periodicals of mammalogy and vertebrate palaeontology .", "definition": "the branch of zoology concerned with mammals .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the section contains about 44,000 reprints and books and currently holds the most important periodicals of mammalogy and vertebrate palaeontology .\" What is the definition of \"mammalogy\"?"} {"term": "greasy", "pos": "", "context": "greasy coveralls", "definition": "smeared or soiled with grease or oil", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"greasy coveralls\" What is the definition of \"greasy\"?"} {"term": "elixir", "pos": "", "context": "the catalyst required was the elixir of life , tincture , or philosophers ' stone , the preparation of which long obsessed men of all ranks , despite its futility .", "definition": "a preparation supposedly able to change metals into gold , sought by alchemists .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the catalyst required was the elixir of life , tincture , or philosophers ' stone , the preparation of which long obsessed men of all ranks , despite its futility .\" What is the definition of \"elixir\"?"} {"term": "target", "pos": "", "context": "the target of a manhunt", "definition": "a person who is the aim of an attack ( especially a victim of ridicule or exploitation ) by some hostile person or influence", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the target of a manhunt\" What is the definition of \"target\"?"} {"term": "target", "pos": "", "context": "the sorting office had been the target of much criticism in recent months , following the implementation of a single-service delivery system .", "definition": "a person or thing against whom criticism or abuse is directed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sorting office had been the target of much criticism in recent months , following the implementation of a single-service delivery system .\" What is the definition of \"target\"?"} {"term": "tufted", "pos": "", "context": "for something a bit different , any yellow or variegated hedging plant would contrast well with an infill of the tufted blue grass of festuca glauca .", "definition": "having or growing in a tuft or tufts", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for something a bit different , any yellow or variegated hedging plant would contrast well with an infill of the tufted blue grass of festuca glauca .\" What is the definition of \"tufted\"?"} {"term": "gunge", "pos": "", "context": "i 'm as guilty of gunge in the keyboard as the next person ( the first laptop was a prime victim of it , i have to say ) but all the same , yuck .", "definition": "an unpleasantly sticky or viscous substance .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i 'm as guilty of gunge in the keyboard as the next person ( the first laptop was a prime victim of it , i have to say ) but all the same , yuck .\" What is the definition of \"gunge\"?"} {"term": "spree", "pos": "", "context": "the result is a spree of robberies , culminating in ‘ one last big job . ’", "definition": "a spell or sustained period of unrestrained activity of a particular kind", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the result is a spree of robberies , culminating in ‘ one last big job . ’\" What is the definition of \"spree\"?"} {"term": "jaywalk", "pos": "", "context": "people are always in the street , crossing against the light or jaywalking across even busy avenues or through stopped traffic .", "definition": "cross or walk in the street or road unlawfully or without regard for approaching traffic", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"people are always in the street , crossing against the light or jaywalking across even busy avenues or through stopped traffic .\" What is the definition of \"jaywalk\"?"} {"term": "session", "pos": "", "context": "and whatever the gallery does in between parliamentary sessions it is clearly not the study of official reports and policy .", "definition": "a period during which an official body meets regularly to conduct its business", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and whatever the gallery does in between parliamentary sessions it is clearly not the study of official reports and policy .\" What is the definition of \"session\"?"} {"term": "cock", "pos": "", "context": "the cocks really were the most beautiful birds .", "definition": "a male bird , especially of a domestic fowl .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the cocks really were the most beautiful birds .\" What is the definition of \"cock\"?"} {"term": "cock", "pos": "", "context": "the last thing a private detective wants to be doing is trampling all over the evidence and cocking it up .", "definition": "ruin something as a result of incompetence or inefficiency", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the last thing a private detective wants to be doing is trampling all over the evidence and cocking it up .\" What is the definition of \"cock\"?"} {"term": "platform", "pos": "", "context": "to the north of the block , a tower rises to provide a viewing platform that overlooks the whole site .", "definition": "a raised level surface on which people or things can stand", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to the north of the block , a tower rises to provide a viewing platform that overlooks the whole site .\" What is the definition of \"platform\"?"} {"term": "platform", "pos": "", "context": "their candidate simply ignored the party platform", "definition": "a document stating the aims and principles of a political party", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their candidate simply ignored the party platform\" What is the definition of \"platform\"?"} {"term": "platform", "pos": "", "context": "one of the missiles accidentally missed the launch platform and fell onto the heliopolis lake shore .", "definition": "a raised structure or orbiting satellite from which rockets or missiles may be launched", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one of the missiles accidentally missed the launch platform and fell onto the heliopolis lake shore .\" What is the definition of \"platform\"?"} {"term": "tale", "pos": "", "context": "new research , published yesterday , suggests children 's love of contemporary fiction means classic tales are being left on the shelves .", "definition": "a fictitious or true narrative or story , especially one that is imaginatively recounted", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"new research , published yesterday , suggests children 's love of contemporary fiction means classic tales are being left on the shelves .\" What is the definition of \"tale\"?"} {"term": "barnstorm", "pos": "", "context": "the presidential candidates are busy barnstorming this month", "definition": "tour the country making political speeches , giving lectures , or presenting plays", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the presidential candidates are busy barnstorming this month\" What is the definition of \"barnstorm\"?"} {"term": "slackness", "pos": "", "context": "he had n't counted on the slackness of the rope", "definition": "the quality of being loose ( not taut )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had n't counted on the slackness of the rope\" What is the definition of \"slackness\"?"} {"term": "bract", "pos": "", "context": "what we think are flowers are actually brightly hued leaf bracts .", "definition": "a modified leaf or scale , typically small , with a flower or flower cluster in its axil . bracts are sometimes larger and more brightly coloured than the true flower , as in poinsettia .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"what we think are flowers are actually brightly hued leaf bracts .\" What is the definition of \"bract\"?"} {"term": "purgative", "pos": "", "context": "prepared rhubarb is used when one desires to enhance the blood moving or heat clearing effects of the herb , but minimize the purgative action .", "definition": "strongly laxative in effect .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"prepared rhubarb is used when one desires to enhance the blood moving or heat clearing effects of the herb , but minimize the purgative action .\" What is the definition of \"purgative\"?"} {"term": "greet", "pos": "", "context": "in the morning a different sound greets my ears - cherie , our cook , has come in to prepare breakfast .", "definition": "( especially of a sight or sound ) become apparent to ( a person arriving somewhere )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the morning a different sound greets my ears - cherie , our cook , has come in to prepare breakfast .\" What is the definition of \"greet\"?"} {"term": "finder", "pos": "", "context": "canon could easily have dropped the optical finder in the ixus 40 , in my opinion .", "definition": "the viewfinder of a camera .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"canon could easily have dropped the optical finder in the ixus 40 , in my opinion .\" What is the definition of \"finder\"?"} {"term": "lantern", "pos": "", "context": "the proposed aerial will stick out for 1.5 metres alongside the lower walkway railings below the lighthouse lantern , and has two antennae of nearly a metre each .", "definition": "the light chamber at the top of a lighthouse .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the proposed aerial will stick out for 1.5 metres alongside the lower walkway railings below the lighthouse lantern , and has two antennae of nearly a metre each .\" What is the definition of \"lantern\"?"} {"term": "liberty", "pos": "", "context": "it would , i think , be generally agreed that he has laid down a necessary condition of liberty .", "definition": "a person 's freedom from control by fate or necessity .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it would , i think , be generally agreed that he has laid down a necessary condition of liberty .\" What is the definition of \"liberty\"?"} {"term": "liberty", "pos": "", "context": "as gorgeous as he was i could not date a guy with an ego as large as the statue of liberty .", "definition": "the personification of liberty as a female figure", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as gorgeous as he was i could not date a guy with an ego as large as the statue of liberty .\" What is the definition of \"liberty\"?"} {"term": "liberty", "pos": "", "context": "should we trade liberty for security ?", "definition": "the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one 's behaviour or political views", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"should we trade liberty for security ?\" What is the definition of \"liberty\"?"} {"term": "undergo", "pos": "", "context": "at the time of inspection , the prison was undergoing an extensive building programme .", "definition": "experience or be subjected to ( something , typically something unpleasant or arduous )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at the time of inspection , the prison was undergoing an extensive building programme .\" What is the definition of \"undergo\"?"} {"term": "infestation", "pos": "", "context": "these grass mite infestations have been seen in some cornfields in western nebraska .", "definition": "the presence of an unusually large number of insects or animals in a place , typically so as to cause damage or disease", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these grass mite infestations have been seen in some cornfields in western nebraska .\" What is the definition of \"infestation\"?"} {"term": "dong", "pos": "", "context": "the loud dong caused donnie to sit up and rub his eyes .", "definition": "the deep , resonant sound of a large bell .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the loud dong caused donnie to sit up and rub his eyes .\" What is the definition of \"dong\"?"} {"term": "dither", "pos": "", "context": "instead , the government opted for dither and funk .", "definition": "a state of agitation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"instead , the government opted for dither and funk .\" What is the definition of \"dither\"?"} {"term": "coercion", "pos": "", "context": "he refused to speculate as to the identity of the groups or individuals who had been behind the coercion .", "definition": "the action or practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he refused to speculate as to the identity of the groups or individuals who had been behind the coercion .\" What is the definition of \"coercion\"?"} {"term": "bergschrund", "pos": "", "context": "pumping turn after exuberant turn , i drop to the south side of the mountain until i 'm looking straight down into the gaping bergschrund .", "definition": "a crevasse at the junction of a glacier or snowfield with a steep upper slope .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pumping turn after exuberant turn , i drop to the south side of the mountain until i 'm looking straight down into the gaping bergschrund .\" What is the definition of \"bergschrund\"?"} {"term": "outright", "pos": "", "context": "as a country moves , one hopes , from outright dictatorship to full liberal democracy , the rules change .", "definition": "total", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as a country moves , one hopes , from outright dictatorship to full liberal democracy , the rules change .\" What is the definition of \"outright\"?"} {"term": "outright", "pos": "", "context": "for example , he declared outright that artistic directors have to back winners at the expense of exciting creativity .", "definition": "directly or openly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for example , he declared outright that artistic directors have to back winners at the expense of exciting creativity .\" What is the definition of \"outright\"?"} {"term": "theatrical", "pos": "", "context": "she was the late , loved dame thora hird , who lived the last months of her life in brinsworth house home for retired theatricals .", "definition": "a professional actor or actress", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was the late , loved dame thora hird , who lived the last months of her life in brinsworth house home for retired theatricals .\" What is the definition of \"theatrical\"?"} {"term": "ring", "pos": "", "context": "the writing house on the central peak , ringed by other peaks with valley around it and the narrow drop away to the sea in front , reminds again of a tongue in a surrounding landscape mouth .", "definition": "surround ( someone or something ) , especially for protection or containment", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the writing house on the central peak , ringed by other peaks with valley around it and the narrow drop away to the sea in front , reminds again of a tongue in a surrounding landscape mouth .\" What is the definition of \"ring\"?"} {"term": "ring", "pos": "", "context": "a ring of ships in the harbor", "definition": "a toroidal shape", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a ring of ships in the harbor\" What is the definition of \"ring\"?"} {"term": "ring", "pos": "", "context": "all she did was raise her blade to meet his , sending a loud ring through the room .", "definition": "a loud , clear sound or tone", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all she did was raise her blade to meet his , sending a loud ring through the room .\" What is the definition of \"ring\"?"} {"term": "provincialism", "pos": "", "context": "strong uniformity in permian ammonoid biostratigraphy and provincialism between xinjiang and pamir is suggested .", "definition": "the degree to which plant or animal communities are restricted to particular areas", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"strong uniformity in permian ammonoid biostratigraphy and provincialism between xinjiang and pamir is suggested .\" What is the definition of \"provincialism\"?"} {"term": "fortune", "pos": "", "context": "i have had the good fortune to see the piece several times a day for several weeks , as it was placed outside my office before the sale .", "definition": "luck , especially good luck", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i have had the good fortune to see the piece several times a day for several weeks , as it was placed outside my office before the sale .\" What is the definition of \"fortune\"?"} {"term": "recoil", "pos": "", "context": "all suffering recoils on the wrongdoer himself .", "definition": "( of an action ) have an adverse reactive effect on ( the originator )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all suffering recoils on the wrongdoer himself .\" What is the definition of \"recoil\"?"} {"term": "recoil", "pos": "", "context": "the young mistress , on her part , recoiled from the idea of having an old lover , and so she pulled out his white hairs .", "definition": "feel fear , horror , or disgust at the thought of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the young mistress , on her part , recoiled from the idea of having an old lover , and so she pulled out his white hairs .\" What is the definition of \"recoil\"?"} {"term": "mate", "pos": "", "context": "it may be just a smear to you , mate , but it 's life and death to some poor wretch .", "definition": "used as a friendly form of address between men or boys", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it may be just a smear to you , mate , but it 's life and death to some poor wretch .\" What is the definition of \"mate\"?"} {"term": "mate", "pos": "", "context": "from this perspective , the problem of your missus or your mate takes on added significance .", "definition": "a person 's husband , wife , or other sexual partner", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"from this perspective , the problem of your missus or your mate takes on added significance .\" What is the definition of \"mate\"?"} {"term": "mate", "pos": "", "context": "therefore the defendant 's fault was not a cause of the collision which occurred while the mate was in charge of the ship .", "definition": "an officer on a merchant ship subordinate to the master .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"therefore the defendant 's fault was not a cause of the collision which occurred while the mate was in charge of the ship .\" What is the definition of \"mate\"?"} {"term": "healer", "pos": "", "context": "dance is still a form of worship and now has the added feature of also being a healer .", "definition": "something that alleviates a person 's distress or anguish", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dance is still a form of worship and now has the added feature of also being a healer .\" What is the definition of \"healer\"?"} {"term": "cretan", "pos": "", "context": "the cuisine at the hotel is pure cretan and all homemade .", "definition": "relating to or characteristic of the greek island of crete or its inhabitants", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the cuisine at the hotel is pure cretan and all homemade .\" What is the definition of \"cretan\"?"} {"term": "thanatos", "pos": "", "context": "surely that 's necessary , but as freud pointed out almost a century ago , thanatos and eros are hard to keep apart .", "definition": "( in freudian theory ) the death instinct .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"surely that 's necessary , but as freud pointed out almost a century ago , thanatos and eros are hard to keep apart .\" What is the definition of \"thanatos\"?"} {"term": "nominal", "pos": "", "context": "the nominal gdp", "definition": "of , relating to , or characteristic of an amount that is not adjusted for inflation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the nominal gdp\" What is the definition of \"nominal\"?"} {"term": "nominal", "pos": "", "context": "nominal phrase", "definition": "pertaining to a noun or to a word group that functions as a noun", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nominal phrase\" What is the definition of \"nominal\"?"} {"term": "nominal", "pos": "", "context": "this was made possible by the department of veteran 's decision to construct a nominal roll of all who served in the australian forces during world war two .", "definition": "relating to or consisting of names", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this was made possible by the department of veteran 's decision to construct a nominal roll of all who served in the australian forces during world war two .\" What is the definition of \"nominal\"?"} {"term": "ruler", "pos": "", "context": "clear plastic rulers and quilting templates can be a headache to store .", "definition": "a straight strip or cylinder of plastic , wood , metal , or other rigid material , typically marked at regular intervals and used to draw straight lines or measure distances .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"clear plastic rulers and quilting templates can be a headache to store .\" What is the definition of \"ruler\"?"} {"term": "know-all", "pos": "", "context": "despite his reputation as a know-all , he had charisma and went on to become president of the students ' union at strathclyde .", "definition": "a person who behaves as if they know everything", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"despite his reputation as a know-all , he had charisma and went on to become president of the students ' union at strathclyde .\" What is the definition of \"know-all\"?"} {"term": "salsa", "pos": "", "context": "havana night combines the traditional culture of cuba with modern dance like the salsa , rumba , cha cha cha and mambo .", "definition": "a dance performed to salsa music .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"havana night combines the traditional culture of cuba with modern dance like the salsa , rumba , cha cha cha and mambo .\" What is the definition of \"salsa\"?"} {"term": "weedy", "pos": "", "context": "the rain we had through july and into early august left the fields far too weedy to give the cover crops a chance .", "definition": "containing or covered with many weeds", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the rain we had through july and into early august left the fields far too weedy to give the cover crops a chance .\" What is the definition of \"weedy\"?"} {"term": "antimalarial", "pos": "", "context": "i was also introduced to the merits of preventive medicine inoculations , vaccinations , antimalarial drugs , etc .", "definition": "( of a drug ) used to prevent malaria .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i was also introduced to the merits of preventive medicine inoculations , vaccinations , antimalarial drugs , etc .\" What is the definition of \"antimalarial\"?"} {"term": "serjeanty", "pos": "", "context": "vivian de davenport , son of richard , had a grant of the magisterial serjeanty of the hundred of macclesfield from randle blundeville , earl of chester , by the charter annexed , made during the justiceship of phillip de orreby , and abbacy of hugh grylle .", "definition": "a form of feudal tenure conditional on rendering some specified personal service to the monarch .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"vivian de davenport , son of richard , had a grant of the magisterial serjeanty of the hundred of macclesfield from randle blundeville , earl of chester , by the charter annexed , made during the justiceship of phillip de orreby , and abbacy of hugh grylle .\" What is the definition of \"serjeanty\"?"} {"term": "tachycardia", "pos": "", "context": "rapid heartbeat turns into tachycardia and a heart attack is a myocardial infarction .", "definition": "an abnormally rapid heart rate .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rapid heartbeat turns into tachycardia and a heart attack is a myocardial infarction .\" What is the definition of \"tachycardia\"?"} {"term": "planetary", "pos": "", "context": "what are the odds of one of these things hitting the planet earth and causing planetary devastation ?", "definition": "relating to the earth as a planet", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"what are the odds of one of these things hitting the planet earth and causing planetary devastation ?\" What is the definition of \"planetary\"?"} {"term": "dovecote", "pos": "", "context": "one remedy being considered is the provision of a dovecote where controlled feeding could take place .", "definition": "a shelter with nest holes for domesticated pigeons .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one remedy being considered is the provision of a dovecote where controlled feeding could take place .\" What is the definition of \"dovecote\"?"} {"term": "elimination", "pos": "", "context": "this activity can also be played as an elimination game .", "definition": "the exclusion of someone or something from consideration or further participation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this activity can also be played as an elimination game .\" What is the definition of \"elimination\"?"} {"term": "rumble", "pos": "", "context": "viewers were outraged when the link to the site was cut at 2am this morning - just as resident bad guy nick was about to be rumbled .", "definition": "discover ( an illicit activity or its perpetrator )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"viewers were outraged when the link to the site was cut at 2am this morning - just as resident bad guy nick was about to be rumbled .\" What is the definition of \"rumble\"?"} {"term": "breaker", "pos": "", "context": "the question is simply this : should great passenger ships , when they come to the end of their working life , be saved and turned into a museum piece or consigned to the breaker 's yard to be fondly remembered as they were in their heydays ?", "definition": "a person who breaks up disused machinery", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the question is simply this : should great passenger ships , when they come to the end of their working life , be saved and turned into a museum piece or consigned to the breaker 's yard to be fondly remembered as they were in their heydays ?\" What is the definition of \"breaker\"?"} {"term": "breaker", "pos": "", "context": "the boys and i bodysurf and rent surfboards , plunging into happy white breakers .", "definition": "a heavy sea wave that breaks into white foam on the shore .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the boys and i bodysurf and rent surfboards , plunging into happy white breakers .\" What is the definition of \"breaker\"?"} {"term": "breaker", "pos": "", "context": "they also feature some histories and definitions for new breakers .", "definition": "a break dancer .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they also feature some histories and definitions for new breakers .\" What is the definition of \"breaker\"?"} {"term": "accrete", "pos": "", "context": "there may have been an additional body of work , but this was secondary to the text-representation of yourself that accreted , word by word , as a result of your participation .", "definition": "grow by accumulation or coalescence", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there may have been an additional body of work , but this was secondary to the text-representation of yourself that accreted , word by word , as a result of your participation .\" What is the definition of \"accrete\"?"} {"term": "accrete", "pos": "", "context": "as the monster travelled and mutated , it also accreted ever more complex layers of meaning .", "definition": "form ( a composite whole ) by gradual accumulation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as the monster travelled and mutated , it also accreted ever more complex layers of meaning .\" What is the definition of \"accrete\"?"} {"term": "lagoon", "pos": "", "context": "duchas has constructed three lagoons to take waste water from the sewage treatment plant which serves muckross house .", "definition": "an artificial pool for the treatment of effluent or to accommodate an overspill from surface drains during heavy rain .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"duchas has constructed three lagoons to take waste water from the sewage treatment plant which serves muckross house .\" What is the definition of \"lagoon\"?"} {"term": "fruit", "pos": "", "context": "the proportion of flowers and ovules that develop into fruits and seeds in flowering plants rarely reaches 1 .", "definition": "the seed-bearing structure of a plant , e.g . an acorn .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the proportion of flowers and ovules that develop into fruits and seeds in flowering plants rarely reaches 1 .\" What is the definition of \"fruit\"?"} {"term": "fruit", "pos": "", "context": "blessed are you and blessed are all the fruits of your womb .", "definition": "offspring", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"blessed are you and blessed are all the fruits of your womb .\" What is the definition of \"fruit\"?"} {"term": "shadowgraph", "pos": "", "context": "absorption contrast radiographs are basically shadowgraphs of the object under test .", "definition": "a radiograph .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"absorption contrast radiographs are basically shadowgraphs of the object under test .\" What is the definition of \"shadowgraph\"?"} {"term": "shadowgraph", "pos": "", "context": "he refers to this picture as a shadowgraph rather than a mirage for there are elements of truth of the commerce and industry picture that partially explains its persistence .", "definition": "an image formed by the shadow of an object on a surface .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he refers to this picture as a shadowgraph rather than a mirage for there are elements of truth of the commerce and industry picture that partially explains its persistence .\" What is the definition of \"shadowgraph\"?"} {"term": "ghibelline", "pos": "", "context": "the italian nation was split between the guelf party , who theoretically supported papal supremacy , and the ghibellines , who backed the emperor .", "definition": "a member of one of the two great political factions in italian medieval politics , traditionally supporting the holy roman emperor against the pope and his supporters , the guelphs .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the italian nation was split between the guelf party , who theoretically supported papal supremacy , and the ghibellines , who backed the emperor .\" What is the definition of \"ghibelline\"?"} {"term": "moustache", "pos": "", "context": "the clay-colored can be distinguished from the chipping by a brown , rather than gray , rump , a darker face pattern , and the absence of a moustache .", "definition": "a growth similar to a moustache , or a marking that resembles one , round the mouth of some animals .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the clay-colored can be distinguished from the chipping by a brown , rather than gray , rump , a darker face pattern , and the absence of a moustache .\" What is the definition of \"moustache\"?"} {"term": "gusset", "pos": "", "context": "a no-ride-up underarm gusset lets you raise your arms without lifting the jacket body , adding comfort while carrying a backpack .", "definition": "a piece of material sewn into a garment to strengthen or enlarge a part of it .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a no-ride-up underarm gusset lets you raise your arms without lifting the jacket body , adding comfort while carrying a backpack .\" What is the definition of \"gusset\"?"} {"term": "dude", "pos": "", "context": "see , there 's this dude , dude , and he thinks people are too uptight , right ?", "definition": "a man ; a guy ( often as a form of address )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"see , there 's this dude , dude , and he thinks people are too uptight , right ?\" What is the definition of \"dude\"?"} {"term": "cheapen", "pos": "", "context": "the idea of competitive price pressures - it sounds like it 's all about just cheapening the price of labor .", "definition": "reduce the price of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the idea of competitive price pressures - it sounds like it 's all about just cheapening the price of labor .\" What is the definition of \"cheapen\"?"} {"term": "narrowboat", "pos": "", "context": "the basin fills up with colourful narrowboats from far and wide , and the banks are packed out with the folk who congregate at events such as this .", "definition": "a canal boat less than 7 ft ( 2.1 metres ) wide with a maximum length of 70 ft ( 21.3 metres ) and steered with a tiller rather than a wheel .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the basin fills up with colourful narrowboats from far and wide , and the banks are packed out with the folk who congregate at events such as this .\" What is the definition of \"narrowboat\"?"} {"term": "boxing", "pos": "", "context": "the - final score would have baffled einstein - and had the game been a boxing match the referee would have stopped it long before time was up .", "definition": "the sport or practice of fighting with the fists , especially with padded gloves in a roped square ring according to prescribed rules ( the queensberry rules ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the - final score would have baffled einstein - and had the game been a boxing match the referee would have stopped it long before time was up .\" What is the definition of \"boxing\"?"} {"term": "biologism", "pos": "", "context": "postmodern theory is resolutely opposed to such ‘ essentialism ’ , but the problem with anti-essentialist approaches is that they often involve jumping from one extreme , scientism / biologism , to another , culturalism .", "definition": "the interpretation of human life from a strictly biological point of view .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"postmodern theory is resolutely opposed to such ‘ essentialism ’ , but the problem with anti-essentialist approaches is that they often involve jumping from one extreme , scientism / biologism , to another , culturalism .\" What is the definition of \"biologism\"?"} {"term": "pinch", "pos": "", "context": "in some cases , pinching the screen causes surrounding items to jump around .", "definition": "move one 's finger and thumb apart or bring them together on ( a touchscreen ) in order to zoom into or out of an image , activate a function , etc .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in some cases , pinching the screen causes surrounding items to jump around .\" What is the definition of \"pinch\"?"} {"term": "pinch", "pos": "", "context": "unfortunately , i think i was given a slightly too large a pinch .", "definition": "an act of pinching someone", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unfortunately , i think i was given a slightly too large a pinch .\" What is the definition of \"pinch\"?"} {"term": "resound", "pos": "", "context": "it resounds with the noise of falling water as the avon tumbles over a weir .", "definition": "( of a place ) be filled or echo with a sound or sounds", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it resounds with the noise of falling water as the avon tumbles over a weir .\" What is the definition of \"resound\"?"} {"term": "ceremonial", "pos": "", "context": "with her , he sealed himself away in palatial residences , letting the people see him mainly through stagey televised ceremonials .", "definition": "a rite or ceremony", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with her , he sealed himself away in palatial residences , letting the people see him mainly through stagey televised ceremonials .\" What is the definition of \"ceremonial\"?"} {"term": "ceremonial", "pos": "", "context": "a ceremonial occasion", "definition": "marked by pomp or ceremony or formality", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a ceremonial occasion\" What is the definition of \"ceremonial\"?"} {"term": "tellin", "pos": "", "context": "other prey , such as bristle worms , razor shells and tellins are also taken when available .", "definition": "a marine bivalve mollusc which lives buried in the sand siphoning detritus from the surface around its burrow .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"other prey , such as bristle worms , razor shells and tellins are also taken when available .\" What is the definition of \"tellin\"?"} {"term": "alcaic", "pos": "", "context": "he employed the classical elegiacs and alcaics with ease , and was equally at home with trochaic and iambic lines .", "definition": "alcaic verse .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he employed the classical elegiacs and alcaics with ease , and was equally at home with trochaic and iambic lines .\" What is the definition of \"alcaic\"?"} {"term": "crush", "pos": "", "context": "crush an aluminum can", "definition": "to compress with violence , out of natural shape or condition", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"crush an aluminum can\" What is the definition of \"crush\"?"} {"term": "intangible", "pos": "", "context": "how did intangible assets come to play such a central role at so many companies ?", "definition": "( of an asset or benefit ) not constituting or represented by a physical object and of a value not precisely measurable", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"how did intangible assets come to play such a central role at so many companies ?\" What is the definition of \"intangible\"?"} {"term": "intangible", "pos": "", "context": "lydia was used to thinking in intangible , theoretical abstracts - not in the brutal world of tangible human realities .", "definition": "difficult or impossible to define or understand ; vague and abstract", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lydia was used to thinking in intangible , theoretical abstracts - not in the brutal world of tangible human realities .\" What is the definition of \"intangible\"?"} {"term": "alkaline", "pos": "", "context": "values between 7 and 14 are found in basic or alkaline solutions such as caustic or washing soda .", "definition": "having the properties of an alkali , or containing alkali ; having a ph greater than 7", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"values between 7 and 14 are found in basic or alkaline solutions such as caustic or washing soda .\" What is the definition of \"alkaline\"?"} {"term": "mag", "pos": "", "context": "mag mobile phones and laptops , mag taps , mag door handles , mag car trim , even mag power tools are set to transform the look , performance , feel and durability of hundreds of familiar items , thanks to a discovery by australian scientists .", "definition": "magnesium or magnesium alloy .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mag mobile phones and laptops , mag taps , mag door handles , mag car trim , even mag power tools are set to transform the look , performance , feel and durability of hundreds of familiar items , thanks to a discovery by australian scientists .\" What is the definition of \"mag\"?"} {"term": "mag", "pos": "", "context": "it takes several years before a magazine starts to break even or make money", "definition": "a periodic publication containing pictures and stories and articles of interest to those who purchase it or subscribe to it", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it takes several years before a magazine starts to break even or make money\" What is the definition of \"mag\"?"} {"term": "mag", "pos": "", "context": "it was then that i checked the mags on one of the mustangs with the belt around the stick .", "definition": "a magneto .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was then that i checked the mags on one of the mustangs with the belt around the stick .\" What is the definition of \"mag\"?"} {"term": "greedy", "pos": "", "context": "you have to accept that human beings are essentially greedy , and motivated by the pursuit of wealth .", "definition": "having or showing an intense and selfish desire for wealth or power", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you have to accept that human beings are essentially greedy , and motivated by the pursuit of wealth .\" What is the definition of \"greedy\"?"} {"term": "greedy", "pos": "", "context": "`` she is a very greedy dog and will eat anything given the chance . '", "definition": "having an excessive desire or appetite for food", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"`` she is a very greedy dog and will eat anything given the chance . '\" What is the definition of \"greedy\"?"} {"term": "yap", "pos": "", "context": "if they ca n't see that it 's the lack of political yap yap that has done it for the tories then there really is no hope .", "definition": "loud , irritating talk", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if they ca n't see that it 's the lack of political yap yap that has done it for the tories then there really is no hope .\" What is the definition of \"yap\"?"} {"term": "flagon", "pos": "", "context": "as an actor , no , i can not do without the words of a writer ( or a flagon of booze to keep me going each day ) .", "definition": "the amount of liquid held in a flagon", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as an actor , no , i can not do without the words of a writer ( or a flagon of booze to keep me going each day ) .\" What is the definition of \"flagon\"?"} {"term": "tope", "pos": "", "context": "by casting uptide anglers started to double the numbers of cod , tope and rays caught in many other areas", "definition": "a small greyish slender-bodied shark , occurring chiefly in inshore waters .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"by casting uptide anglers started to double the numbers of cod , tope and rays caught in many other areas\" What is the definition of \"tope\"?"} {"term": "uniqueness", "pos": "", "context": "nothing further needs to be said about the uniqueness of the two musicians ' partnership .", "definition": "the quality of being particularly remarkable , special , or unusual", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nothing further needs to be said about the uniqueness of the two musicians ' partnership .\" What is the definition of \"uniqueness\"?"} {"term": "comeback", "pos": "", "context": "as well , we both know that square toes shoes will make a comeback as soon as fashion marketers have found a way to lace every man in pointy shoes .", "definition": "a return to fashion of an item , activity , or style", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as well , we both know that square toes shoes will make a comeback as soon as fashion marketers have found a way to lace every man in pointy shoes .\" What is the definition of \"comeback\"?"} {"term": "anorak", "pos": "", "context": "at least in america , you can go outside without a massive anorak and an umbrella ; ireland 's weather sucks .", "definition": "a waterproof jacket , typically with a hood , of a kind originally used in polar regions .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at least in america , you can go outside without a massive anorak and an umbrella ; ireland 's weather sucks .\" What is the definition of \"anorak\"?"} {"term": "proliferate", "pos": "", "context": "pizza parlors proliferate in this area", "definition": "grow rapidly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pizza parlors proliferate in this area\" What is the definition of \"proliferate\"?"} {"term": "caption", "pos": "", "context": "if yes , provide details of each case or proceeding on an attached sheet , including caption , court and index or docket number , the particulars , and the disposition .", "definition": "the heading of a legal document .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if yes , provide details of each case or proceeding on an attached sheet , including caption , court and index or docket number , the particulars , and the disposition .\" What is the definition of \"caption\"?"} {"term": "pocket", "pos": "", "context": "‘ you do need a fairly deep pocket to finance the running of an estate , ’ concedes bound .", "definition": "a person 's financial resources", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ you do need a fairly deep pocket to finance the running of an estate , ’ concedes bound .\" What is the definition of \"pocket\"?"} {"term": "pocket", "pos": "", "context": "the film is based on the british navy 's triumph over a german pocket battleship , the graf spee , in the early months of the second world war .", "definition": "on a small scale", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the film is based on the british navy 's triumph over a german pocket battleship , the graf spee , in the early months of the second world war .\" What is the definition of \"pocket\"?"} {"term": "contend", "pos": "", "context": "i guess this all goes back to the idea of the artists ' dole helping up-and-comers build a base to contend for more serious arts funding .", "definition": "compete with others in a struggle to achieve ( something )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i guess this all goes back to the idea of the artists ' dole helping up-and-comers build a base to contend for more serious arts funding .\" What is the definition of \"contend\"?"} {"term": "funny", "pos": "", "context": "a royal mail spokesman insists that this is a serious problem and not funny at all .", "definition": "used to emphasize that something is unpleasant or wrong and should be regarded seriously or avoided", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a royal mail spokesman insists that this is a serious problem and not funny at all .\" What is the definition of \"funny\"?"} {"term": "funny", "pos": "", "context": "family movies are a funny thing - and when i say family movies , i mean movies about families , not movies for families .", "definition": "difficult to explain or understand ; strange or curious", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"family movies are a funny thing - and when i say family movies , i mean movies about families , not movies for families .\" What is the definition of \"funny\"?"} {"term": "yesteryear", "pos": "", "context": "of my past , i have no knowledge - it is a whirlwind of forgotten yesterdays and yesteryears .", "definition": "last year or the recent past , especially as nostalgically recalled", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"of my past , i have no knowledge - it is a whirlwind of forgotten yesterdays and yesteryears .\" What is the definition of \"yesteryear\"?"} {"term": "absolute", "pos": "", "context": "philip had his advisors but he ruled as an absolute ruler and he was a firm believer in the divine right of kings - that god had appointed him as king and that as god could not make a mistake neither could philip .", "definition": "( of a ruler ) having unrestricted power", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"philip had his advisors but he ruled as an absolute ruler and he was a firm believer in the divine right of kings - that god had appointed him as king and that as god could not make a mistake neither could philip .\" What is the definition of \"absolute\"?"} {"term": "absolute", "pos": "", "context": "ignorance and knowledge are conceptions in this world of duality , but in the absolute there is no duality .", "definition": "ultimate reality ; god .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ignorance and knowledge are conceptions in this world of duality , but in the absolute there is no duality .\" What is the definition of \"absolute\"?"} {"term": "bake", "pos": "", "context": "the blazing hot sun continued to bake the entire landscape at a consistent 102 degrees .", "definition": "( of the sun or other agency ) subject ( something ) to dry heat , especially so as to harden it", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the blazing hot sun continued to bake the entire landscape at a consistent 102 degrees .\" What is the definition of \"bake\"?"} {"term": "polyploid", "pos": "", "context": "we also investigated a possible dmso effect on the frequency of polyploid and endo-reduplicated cells by chromosome counting .", "definition": "of or denoting cells or nuclei containing more than two homologous sets of chromosomes", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we also investigated a possible dmso effect on the frequency of polyploid and endo-reduplicated cells by chromosome counting .\" What is the definition of \"polyploid\"?"} {"term": "perk", "pos": "", "context": "many government employees who could not otherwise afford these things get them as perks of the job .", "definition": "a benefit to which one is entitled because of one 's job", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"many government employees who could not otherwise afford these things get them as perks of the job .\" What is the definition of \"perk\"?"} {"term": "trial", "pos": "", "context": "the trials for the semifinals began yesterday", "definition": "( sports ) a preliminary competition to determine qualifications", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the trials for the semifinals began yesterday\" What is the definition of \"trial\"?"} {"term": "provincial", "pos": "", "context": "roman citizens paid little tax , but provincials paid a property tax and a poll tax amounting to 10 or 15 percent of income .", "definition": "an inhabitant of a province of a country or empire .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"roman citizens paid little tax , but provincials paid a property tax and a poll tax amounting to 10 or 15 percent of income .\" What is the definition of \"provincial\"?"} {"term": "provincial", "pos": "", "context": "well over €1million an acre is being achieved for retail parks outside provincial towns .", "definition": "of or concerning the regions outside the capital city of a country , especially when regarded as unsophisticated or narrow-minded", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"well over €1million an acre is being achieved for retail parks outside provincial towns .\" What is the definition of \"provincial\"?"} {"term": "provincial", "pos": "", "context": "provincial government", "definition": "of or associated with a province", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"provincial government\" What is the definition of \"provincial\"?"} {"term": "connect", "pos": "", "context": "do you think he can meet your test and connect with voters in the south and in the border states in the general election ?", "definition": "form a relationship or feel an affinity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"do you think he can meet your test and connect with voters in the south and in the border states in the general election ?\" What is the definition of \"connect\"?"} {"term": "speech-writer", "pos": "", "context": "his key aides have barely varied since he was governor of texas ; his vice-president is the same ; his speech-writers are almost the same ; his cabinet is virtually the same .", "definition": "a person employed to write speeches for others to deliver .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his key aides have barely varied since he was governor of texas ; his vice-president is the same ; his speech-writers are almost the same ; his cabinet is virtually the same .\" What is the definition of \"speech-writer\"?"} {"term": "sinistral", "pos": "", "context": "these gastropods have slender , high-spired , multiwhorled shells bearing a sinistral protoconch and were united by knight in the family streptacididae .", "definition": "( of a spiral mollusc shell ) with whorls rising to the left and coiling in a clockwise direction .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these gastropods have slender , high-spired , multiwhorled shells bearing a sinistral protoconch and were united by knight in the family streptacididae .\" What is the definition of \"sinistral\"?"} {"term": "sinistral", "pos": "", "context": "sinistral individuals exhibit dominance of the left hand and eye", "definition": "preferring to use left foot or hand or eye", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sinistral individuals exhibit dominance of the left hand and eye\" What is the definition of \"sinistral\"?"} {"term": "re-form", "pos": "", "context": "some time later , a message was relayed back to the intersection that the police line had spilled out through the breach in the wall and re-formed a few feet in front of it , menacing the peaceful protest .", "definition": "form or cause to form again", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some time later , a message was relayed back to the intersection that the police line had spilled out through the breach in the wall and re-formed a few feet in front of it , menacing the peaceful protest .\" What is the definition of \"re-form\"?"} {"term": "grief", "pos": "", "context": "she was well known and respected in the area and her death has caused much grief and sorrow .", "definition": "intense sorrow , especially caused by someone 's death", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was well known and respected in the area and her death has caused much grief and sorrow .\" What is the definition of \"grief\"?"} {"term": "daylight", "pos": "", "context": "the man and the woman work on it from daylight to dusk .", "definition": "the first appearance of light in the morning ; dawn", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the man and the woman work on it from daylight to dusk .\" What is the definition of \"daylight\"?"} {"term": "sawbuck", "pos": "", "context": "so , for a sawbuck , you can add this to your collection .", "definition": "a $ 10 note .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so , for a sawbuck , you can add this to your collection .\" What is the definition of \"sawbuck\"?"} {"term": "airplane", "pos": "", "context": "the flight was delayed due to trouble with the airplane", "definition": "an aircraft that has a fixed wing and is powered by propellers or jets", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the flight was delayed due to trouble with the airplane\" What is the definition of \"airplane\"?"} {"term": "airplane", "pos": "", "context": "seconds later , an airplane darted by , flying straight into the cerulean blue horizon .", "definition": "an aeroplane .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"seconds later , an airplane darted by , flying straight into the cerulean blue horizon .\" What is the definition of \"airplane\"?"} {"term": "exhibition", "pos": "", "context": "turing sat the scholarship examinations in 1929 and won an exhibition , but not a scholarship .", "definition": "a scholarship awarded to a student at a school or university , usually after a competitive examination", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"turing sat the scholarship examinations in 1929 and won an exhibition , but not a scholarship .\" What is the definition of \"exhibition\"?"} {"term": "periapsis", "pos": "", "context": "for objects orbiting earth , periapsis and apoapsis are known as perigee and apogee ; for objects orbiting the sun , these locations are known as perihelion and aphelion .", "definition": "the point in the path of an orbiting body at which it is nearest to the body that it orbits .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for objects orbiting earth , periapsis and apoapsis are known as perigee and apogee ; for objects orbiting the sun , these locations are known as perihelion and aphelion .\" What is the definition of \"periapsis\"?"} {"term": "ninety", "pos": "", "context": "by the way , ninety to a hundred years ago , this was the first stop for a variety of immigrants .", "definition": "equivalent to the product of nine and ten ; ten less than one hundred ; 90", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"by the way , ninety to a hundred years ago , this was the first stop for a variety of immigrants .\" What is the definition of \"ninety\"?"} {"term": "antiseptic", "pos": "", "context": "it is said that marjoram has antiseptic qualities", "definition": "thoroughly clean and free of or destructive to disease-causing organisms", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is said that marjoram has antiseptic qualities\" What is the definition of \"antiseptic\"?"} {"term": "antiseptic", "pos": "", "context": "it was a bit too clean and antiseptic to be really considered an evil lair .", "definition": "scrupulously clean or pure , especially so as to be bland or characterless", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was a bit too clean and antiseptic to be really considered an evil lair .\" What is the definition of \"antiseptic\"?"} {"term": "antiseptic", "pos": "", "context": "antiseptic financial practices", "definition": "clean and honest", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"antiseptic financial practices\" What is the definition of \"antiseptic\"?"} {"term": "pommy", "pos": "", "context": "i wish he 'd gone back to britian with the rest of his pommy mates .", "definition": "british", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i wish he 'd gone back to britian with the rest of his pommy mates .\" What is the definition of \"pommy\"?"} {"term": "set-up", "pos": "", "context": "did their initial meeting happen by pure chance , or was it a set-up from the beginning , cunningly devised by bruno ?", "definition": "a scheme or trick intended to incriminate or deceive someone", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"did their initial meeting happen by pure chance , or was it a set-up from the beginning , cunningly devised by bruno ?\" What is the definition of \"set-up\"?"} {"term": "resident", "pos": "", "context": "he was assigned to the soviet embassy in london as the kgb `` resident ' responsible for soviet intelligence-gathering and espionage in the uk .", "definition": "an intelligence agent in a foreign country .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was assigned to the soviet embassy in london as the kgb `` resident ' responsible for soviet intelligence-gathering and espionage in the uk .\" What is the definition of \"resident\"?"} {"term": "cool", "pos": "", "context": "the gazebo of the amphitheatre was the perfect setting for their ethereal fusion of cool jazz and old-time calypso .", "definition": "( of jazz ) restrained and relaxed .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the gazebo of the amphitheatre was the perfect setting for their ethereal fusion of cool jazz and old-time calypso .\" What is the definition of \"cool\"?"} {"term": "cool", "pos": "", "context": "in the cool of the evening i made my way back to the ramblas , and took up station among the buzzing crowds for the giants ' parade .", "definition": "a time or place at which the temperature is pleasantly low", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the cool of the evening i made my way back to the ramblas , and took up station among the buzzing crowds for the giants ' parade .\" What is the definition of \"cool\"?"} {"term": "cool", "pos": "", "context": "instead of going for red , orange or yellow , try a cool tone , such as green or blue .", "definition": "( of a colour ) containing pale blue , green , or grey tones", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"instead of going for red , orange or yellow , try a cool tone , such as green or blue .\" What is the definition of \"cool\"?"} {"term": "cool", "pos": "", "context": "mary 's dress is really cool", "definition": "fashionable and attractive at the time ; often skilled or socially adept", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mary 's dress is really cool\" What is the definition of \"cool\"?"} {"term": "cool", "pos": "", "context": "cool drinks", "definition": "neither warm nor very cold ; giving relief from heat", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cool drinks\" What is the definition of \"cool\"?"} {"term": "longhouse", "pos": "", "context": "one late middle-aged man , an active farmer , was a regular smoker of local cigars ( which he smoked both at the longhouse and at the distant rice farms ) .", "definition": "a large communal village house in parts of malaysia and indonesia .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one late middle-aged man , an active farmer , was a regular smoker of local cigars ( which he smoked both at the longhouse and at the distant rice farms ) .\" What is the definition of \"longhouse\"?"} {"term": "perplexity", "pos": "", "context": "i pointed that out to her and watched her face change from its look of indignant perplexity to a very sad and hurt confusion .", "definition": "inability to deal with or understand something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i pointed that out to her and watched her face change from its look of indignant perplexity to a very sad and hurt confusion .\" What is the definition of \"perplexity\"?"} {"term": "mutual", "pos": "", "context": "they were mutual admirers of each other 's work and had wanted to record together for some time .", "definition": "( of two or more people ) having the same specified relationship to each other", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they were mutual admirers of each other 's work and had wanted to record together for some time .\" What is the definition of \"mutual\"?"} {"term": "giddy", "pos": "", "context": "harry was always giddying me too - to loosen up , to see the bigger picture , to just be my total , fabulous , faerie self .", "definition": "make ( someone ) feel excited to the point of disorientation .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"harry was always giddying me too - to loosen up , to see the bigger picture , to just be my total , fabulous , faerie self .\" What is the definition of \"giddy\"?"} {"term": "course", "pos": "", "context": "the river takes a southern course", "definition": "general line of orientation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the river takes a southern course\" What is the definition of \"course\"?"} {"term": "course", "pos": "", "context": "next we had to set the course sail , the top sail of the forward mast , then the foresails out over the bowsprit .", "definition": "a sail on the lowest yards of a square-rigged ship .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"next we had to set the course sail , the top sail of the forward mast , then the foresails out over the bowsprit .\" What is the definition of \"course\"?"} {"term": "flaw", "pos": "", "context": "also , carefully check for any flaws or imperfections .", "definition": "a mark , blemish , or other imperfection which mars a substance or object", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"also , carefully check for any flaws or imperfections .\" What is the definition of \"flaw\"?"} {"term": "cry", "pos": "", "context": "he gave an inarticulate cry and attempted to wedge himself further into the corner he was occupying .", "definition": "a loud inarticulate shout or scream expressing a powerful feeling or emotion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he gave an inarticulate cry and attempted to wedge himself further into the corner he was occupying .\" What is the definition of \"cry\"?"} {"term": "tailing", "pos": "", "context": "after tooling , cut off mortar tailings with trowel and brush excess mortar burrs and dust from face of brick .", "definition": "the part of a beam or projecting brick or stone embedded in a wall .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after tooling , cut off mortar tailings with trowel and brush excess mortar burrs and dust from face of brick .\" What is the definition of \"tailing\"?"} {"term": "clarkia", "pos": "", "context": "continuing on , you begin to see some clarkias , a few mariposa lilies and some lupine .", "definition": "a north american plant with showy white , pink , or purple flowers , cultivated as a border plant in gardens .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"continuing on , you begin to see some clarkias , a few mariposa lilies and some lupine .\" What is the definition of \"clarkia\"?"} {"term": "suite", "pos": "", "context": "with the 6310i you get a cd with a suite of pc programs which lets you make backups of data and settings .", "definition": "a set of programs with a uniform design and the ability to share data .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with the 6310i you get a cd with a suite of pc programs which lets you make backups of data and settings .\" What is the definition of \"suite\"?"} {"term": "lame", "pos": "", "context": "the comedy aspect is a little lame , with too many one-liners , and the movie is hopelessly trapped in the '80s in almost every way .", "definition": "( of something intended to be entertaining ) uninspiring and dull", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the comedy aspect is a little lame , with too many one-liners , and the movie is hopelessly trapped in the '80s in almost every way .\" What is the definition of \"lame\"?"} {"term": "lame", "pos": "", "context": "she wore a gold lame dress", "definition": "a fabric interwoven with threads of metal", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she wore a gold lame dress\" What is the definition of \"lame\"?"} {"term": "lame", "pos": "", "context": "he turned up at 3pm , with a lame excuse about having had a puncture .", "definition": "( of an explanation or excuse ) unconvincingly feeble", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he turned up at 3pm , with a lame excuse about having had a puncture .\" What is the definition of \"lame\"?"} {"term": "interface", "pos": "", "context": "the interface between chemistry and biology", "definition": "the overlap where two theories or phenomena affect each other or have links with each other", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the interface between chemistry and biology\" What is the definition of \"interface\"?"} {"term": "purdah", "pos": "", "context": "learn to read , and while you are seated behind the purdah you may make a tour of the whole world .", "definition": "a curtain used for the purpose of purdah .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"learn to read , and while you are seated behind the purdah you may make a tour of the whole world .\" What is the definition of \"purdah\"?"} {"term": "waistcoat", "pos": "", "context": "black waistcoats over a white shirt ( with the men wearing ties ) is the order of the day , and very smart it looks too .", "definition": "a close-fitting waist-length garment , typically having no sleeves or collar and buttoning down the front , worn especially by men over a shirt and under a jacket .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"black waistcoats over a white shirt ( with the men wearing ties ) is the order of the day , and very smart it looks too .\" What is the definition of \"waistcoat\"?"} {"term": "select", "pos": "", "context": "cousin caroline lived in a posh townhouse in a very quiet and select neighborhood .", "definition": "( of a place or group of people ) only used by or consisting of a wealthy or sophisticated elite ; exclusive", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cousin caroline lived in a posh townhouse in a very quiet and select neighborhood .\" What is the definition of \"select\"?"} {"term": "sabbatarian", "pos": "", "context": "traskite sabbatarians generally held the the following tenets : 1 ) a literal fourth commandment ; 2 ) christ did not change the sabbath ; 3 ) god had created the seventh day to rest .", "definition": "a christian belonging to a denomination or sect that observes saturday as the sabbath .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"traskite sabbatarians generally held the the following tenets : 1 ) a literal fourth commandment ; 2 ) christ did not change the sabbath ; 3 ) god had created the seventh day to rest .\" What is the definition of \"sabbatarian\"?"} {"term": "loading", "pos": "", "context": "additional shifts were voluntary and no loading paid on the standard rate for additional hours .", "definition": "an increment added to a basic wage for special skills or qualifications .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"additional shifts were voluntary and no loading paid on the standard rate for additional hours .\" What is the definition of \"loading\"?"} {"term": "peak", "pos": "", "context": "also , peak levels of both can be maintained with a limited amount of training .", "definition": "at the highest level ; maximum", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"also , peak levels of both can be maintained with a limited amount of training .\" What is the definition of \"peak\"?"} {"term": "strychnine", "pos": "", "context": "for example , potatoes contain solanine , mushrooms have strychnine , apples and apricots have cyanide .", "definition": "a bitter and highly poisonous compound obtained from nux vomica and related plants . an alkaloid , it has occasionally been used as a stimulant .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for example , potatoes contain solanine , mushrooms have strychnine , apples and apricots have cyanide .\" What is the definition of \"strychnine\"?"} {"term": "punctuate", "pos": "", "context": "with her long legs curled under her on a sofa in the cavernous main room of her atelier , she is relaxed enough to punctuate the conversation with sudden gusts of wild laughter .", "definition": "interrupt or intersperse something with", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with her long legs curled under her on a sofa in the cavernous main room of her atelier , she is relaxed enough to punctuate the conversation with sudden gusts of wild laughter .\" What is the definition of \"punctuate\"?"} {"term": "speak", "pos": "", "context": "i could speak and debate about people not believing things for quite some time , but i am sure that you would , as would i , like to continue .", "definition": "make a speech or contribute to a debate", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i could speak and debate about people not believing things for quite some time , but i am sure that you would , as would i , like to continue .\" What is the definition of \"speak\"?"} {"term": "bad", "pos": "", "context": "it made me feel real bad for him , and for the way i and others were feeling towards him .", "definition": "regretful , guilty , or ashamed about something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it made me feel real bad for him , and for the way i and others were feeling towards him .\" What is the definition of \"bad\"?"} {"term": "bad", "pos": "", "context": "a bad telephone connection", "definition": "not working properly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bad telephone connection\" What is the definition of \"bad\"?"} {"term": "upturn", "pos": "", "context": "similar development master-plans may well be launched by some of hungary 's wealthier neighbours in central and eastern europe in response to the economic upturn helped by a recovery of key western export markets .", "definition": "an improvement or upward trend , especially in economic conditions or someone 's fortunes", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"similar development master-plans may well be launched by some of hungary 's wealthier neighbours in central and eastern europe in response to the economic upturn helped by a recovery of key western export markets .\" What is the definition of \"upturn\"?"} {"term": "hipster", "pos": "", "context": "she was dressed for going out , dyed blonde hair back in a chignon , smart hipster jeans and fitted jacket .", "definition": "( of a garment ) cut to fit and fasten at the hips rather than the waist .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was dressed for going out , dyed blonde hair back in a chignon , smart hipster jeans and fitted jacket .\" What is the definition of \"hipster\"?"} {"term": "hipster", "pos": "", "context": "if you do n't like it , that does n't make you un-hip , it just makes you a hipster who does n't like electroclash .", "definition": "a person who follows the latest trends and fashions , especially those regarded as being outside the cultural mainstream .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if you do n't like it , that does n't make you un-hip , it just makes you a hipster who does n't like electroclash .\" What is the definition of \"hipster\"?"} {"term": "pulchritude", "pos": "", "context": "the availability of steaming pulchritude has always been a magnetic feature of college life but i never thought that it would be emphasized in recruiting literature .", "definition": "beauty", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the availability of steaming pulchritude has always been a magnetic feature of college life but i never thought that it would be emphasized in recruiting literature .\" What is the definition of \"pulchritude\"?"} {"term": "exempt", "pos": "", "context": "the system of exemptions told draftees that their society did not value them , long before this was made patent on their return home when they were spat upon by the exempt .", "definition": "a person who is exempt from something , especially the payment of tax .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the system of exemptions told draftees that their society did not value them , long before this was made patent on their return home when they were spat upon by the exempt .\" What is the definition of \"exempt\"?"} {"term": "stratigraphy", "pos": "", "context": "such estimates of time-scale based on the stratigraphy of canyon fill will remain uncertain , however , until the nature of the fill is better understood .", "definition": "the analysis of the order and position of layers of archaeological remains .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"such estimates of time-scale based on the stratigraphy of canyon fill will remain uncertain , however , until the nature of the fill is better understood .\" What is the definition of \"stratigraphy\"?"} {"term": "stratigraphy", "pos": "", "context": "a second constraint on the timescale of canyon filling relates to the cyclic stratigraphy documented at the umberatana syncline example .", "definition": "the structure of a particular set of strata", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a second constraint on the timescale of canyon filling relates to the cyclic stratigraphy documented at the umberatana syncline example .\" What is the definition of \"stratigraphy\"?"} {"term": "rattle", "pos": "", "context": "the primary traditional instruments were shaman 's rattles and sticks beaten during hand games .", "definition": "a thing used to make a rattling sound .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the primary traditional instruments were shaman 's rattles and sticks beaten during hand games .\" What is the definition of \"rattle\"?"} {"term": "rattle", "pos": "", "context": "for some , it should have long since gone the way of fans with rattles and balls with laces into a museum .", "definition": "a wooden device that makes a loud noise when whirled around , formerly used by spectators at football matches .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for some , it should have long since gone the way of fans with rattles and balls with laces into a museum .\" What is the definition of \"rattle\"?"} {"term": "congregant", "pos": "", "context": "in addition , we collected data on the friendship networks of the congregants .", "definition": "a member of a congregation , especially that of a church or synagogue .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in addition , we collected data on the friendship networks of the congregants .\" What is the definition of \"congregant\"?"} {"term": "despond", "pos": "", "context": "the supporters of the presidential candidate desponded when they learned the early results of the election", "definition": "lose confidence or hope ; become dejected", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the supporters of the presidential candidate desponded when they learned the early results of the election\" What is the definition of \"despond\"?"} {"term": "bum", "pos": "", "context": "a lazy bum", "definition": "person who does no work", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a lazy bum\" What is the definition of \"bum\"?"} {"term": "bygone", "pos": "", "context": "the atmosphere of strawberry hill is one of gracious hospitality - again somehow it speaks of a bygone age .", "definition": "belonging to an earlier time", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the atmosphere of strawberry hill is one of gracious hospitality - again somehow it speaks of a bygone age .\" What is the definition of \"bygone\"?"} {"term": "cairn", "pos": "", "context": "they live with their cairn terrier , sammy , in a house in bridgehampton , long island , and an eighth-floor apartment on central park with his studio in the former basement laundry , meaning he can take the lift to work .", "definition": "a small terrier of a breed with short legs , a longish body , and a shaggy coat .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they live with their cairn terrier , sammy , in a house in bridgehampton , long island , and an eighth-floor apartment on central park with his studio in the former basement laundry , meaning he can take the lift to work .\" What is the definition of \"cairn\"?"} {"term": "cairn", "pos": "", "context": "this menhir is surrounded by a network of enigmatic cairns and chambered warrior tombs .", "definition": "a prehistoric burial mound made of stones", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this menhir is surrounded by a network of enigmatic cairns and chambered warrior tombs .\" What is the definition of \"cairn\"?"} {"term": "merc", "pos": "", "context": "within the bowels of the merc vessel we meet junner , a chic-looking commander of the mercs , serving an unknown leader .", "definition": "a mercenary soldier", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"within the bowels of the merc vessel we meet junner , a chic-looking commander of the mercs , serving an unknown leader .\" What is the definition of \"merc\"?"} {"term": "devilry", "pos": "", "context": "the artist that launched a thousand two-tone bands has dignity and devilry , vocal smile and varnished soul .", "definition": "reckless mischief", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the artist that launched a thousand two-tone bands has dignity and devilry , vocal smile and varnished soul .\" What is the definition of \"devilry\"?"} {"term": "davit", "pos": "", "context": "after reaching the first super-structures , continue for about 15m on to the poop deck , where you 'll see the two davits .", "definition": "a small crane on board a ship , especially one of a pair for suspending or lowering a lifeboat .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after reaching the first super-structures , continue for about 15m on to the poop deck , where you 'll see the two davits .\" What is the definition of \"davit\"?"} {"term": "associate", "pos": "", "context": "the tie-up will enable the company to take the card business to centres where the associate banks are located .", "definition": "connected with an organization or business", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the tie-up will enable the company to take the card business to centres where the associate banks are located .\" What is the definition of \"associate\"?"} {"term": "hemlock", "pos": "", "context": "socrates refused to flee and died by drinking hemlock", "definition": "poisonous drug derived from an eurasian plant of the genus conium", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"socrates refused to flee and died by drinking hemlock\" What is the definition of \"hemlock\"?"} {"term": "funboard", "pos": "", "context": "the most favourable months for those that ride funboards are certainly the spring and autumn months when the frequency of windy days is greatest .", "definition": "a type of windsurfing board that is less stable but faster than a standard board", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the most favourable months for those that ride funboards are certainly the spring and autumn months when the frequency of windy days is greatest .\" What is the definition of \"funboard\"?"} {"term": "weep", "pos": "", "context": "i could understand how skin like this might weep or bleed on occasion .", "definition": "exude liquid", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i could understand how skin like this might weep or bleed on occasion .\" What is the definition of \"weep\"?"} {"term": "bay", "pos": "", "context": "they put him in the sick bay", "definition": "a compartment on a ship between decks ; often used as a hospital", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they put him in the sick bay\" What is the definition of \"bay\"?"} {"term": "bay", "pos": "", "context": "i suspect the soundproofing from the engine bay was deliberately moderated , so the driver can hear all the action under the bonnet .", "definition": "a compartment with a specified function in a vehicle , aircraft , or ship", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i suspect the soundproofing from the engine bay was deliberately moderated , so the driver can hear all the action under the bonnet .\" What is the definition of \"bay\"?"} {"term": "jugular", "pos": "", "context": "the classic signs of raised jugular venous pressure and fine basal crepitations become evident at the later stages of heart failure when there is severe dysfunction .", "definition": "of the neck or throat .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the classic signs of raised jugular venous pressure and fine basal crepitations become evident at the later stages of heart failure when there is severe dysfunction .\" What is the definition of \"jugular\"?"} {"term": "resistance", "pos": "", "context": "massive reprisals were carried out and were not followed by an upsurge of armed resistance .", "definition": "the use of force or violence to oppose someone or something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"massive reprisals were carried out and were not followed by an upsurge of armed resistance .\" What is the definition of \"resistance\"?"} {"term": "small", "pos": "", "context": "since then he has clocked up a number of small parts in minor television dramas and films .", "definition": "insignificant ; unimportant", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"since then he has clocked up a number of small parts in minor television dramas and films .\" What is the definition of \"small\"?"} {"term": "small", "pos": "", "context": "helped in my own small way", "definition": "not large but sufficient in size or amount", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"helped in my own small way\" What is the definition of \"small\"?"} {"term": "boost", "pos": "", "context": "she gave me a boost up so i could crawl into it , being the smallest one of us .", "definition": "a push from below .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she gave me a boost up so i could crawl into it , being the smallest one of us .\" What is the definition of \"boost\"?"} {"term": "woodworm", "pos": "", "context": "have you ever pulled a piece of furniture out from the wall , after several years , to find that the woodworm have been busy behind ?", "definition": "the wood-boring larva of the furniture beetle .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"have you ever pulled a piece of furniture out from the wall , after several years , to find that the woodworm have been busy behind ?\" What is the definition of \"woodworm\"?"} {"term": "woodworm", "pos": "", "context": "the hills of ibiza are covered in savine pine trees which are prized for their wood because it is immune to woodworm and therefore excellent in the construction of interiors .", "definition": "the damaged condition of wood resulting from infestation with woodworm", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the hills of ibiza are covered in savine pine trees which are prized for their wood because it is immune to woodworm and therefore excellent in the construction of interiors .\" What is the definition of \"woodworm\"?"} {"term": "execute", "pos": "", "context": "the mafioso who collaborated with the police was executed", "definition": "murder in a planned fashion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the mafioso who collaborated with the police was executed\" What is the definition of \"execute\"?"} {"term": "execute", "pos": "", "context": "every decision we make seeks to provide soldiers what they need to successfully execute the missions that we assign them .", "definition": "put ( a plan , order , or course of action ) into effect", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"every decision we make seeks to provide soldiers what they need to successfully execute the missions that we assign them .\" What is the definition of \"execute\"?"} {"term": "enclosure", "pos": "", "context": "i confirm that i received this letter and the enclosures .", "definition": "a document or object placed in an envelope together with a letter .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i confirm that i received this letter and the enclosures .\" What is the definition of \"enclosure\"?"} {"term": "prion", "pos": "", "context": "the causative prions are resistant to steam sterilization , dry heat , ethylene oxide gas , and chemical disinfection with either formaldehyde or glutaraldehyde , as normally used in the health care environment .", "definition": "a protein particle that is believed to be the cause of brain diseases such as bse , scrapie , and cjd . prions are not visible microscopically , contain no nucleic acid , and are highly resistant to destruction .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the causative prions are resistant to steam sterilization , dry heat , ethylene oxide gas , and chemical disinfection with either formaldehyde or glutaraldehyde , as normally used in the health care environment .\" What is the definition of \"prion\"?"} {"term": "wrestler", "pos": "", "context": "i watched a film years ago called `` foul king , ' about a guy who wanted to become a wrestler .", "definition": "a person who takes part in wrestling , especially for sport", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i watched a film years ago called `` foul king , ' about a guy who wanted to become a wrestler .\" What is the definition of \"wrestler\"?"} {"term": "luck", "pos": "", "context": "i really lucked out because i knew what i wanted to be .", "definition": "achieve success or advantage by good luck", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i really lucked out because i knew what i wanted to be .\" What is the definition of \"luck\"?"} {"term": "oculist", "pos": "", "context": "he was not a particularly good dog - he once bit the oculist who dared to lean over me and touch my face to adjust a new pair of glasses .", "definition": "an ophthalmologist or optician", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was not a particularly good dog - he once bit the oculist who dared to lean over me and touch my face to adjust a new pair of glasses .\" What is the definition of \"oculist\"?"} {"term": "tectonic", "pos": "", "context": "the house has a tectonic simplicity and an ephemeral beauty , being as light in its mass as it is in ambience .", "definition": "relating to building or construction", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the house has a tectonic simplicity and an ephemeral beauty , being as light in its mass as it is in ambience .\" What is the definition of \"tectonic\"?"} {"term": "telex", "pos": "", "context": "they telexed the company denying breach of contract , and refusing to agree to a usd 230,000 discount .", "definition": "communicate with ( someone ) by telex", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they telexed the company denying breach of contract , and refusing to agree to a usd 230,000 discount .\" What is the definition of \"telex\"?"} {"term": "linger", "pos": "", "context": "her perfume lingered on", "definition": "remain present although waning or gradually dying", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her perfume lingered on\" What is the definition of \"linger\"?"} {"term": "blaze", "pos": "", "context": "raising blazes", "definition": "noisy and unrestrained mischief", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"raising blazes\" What is the definition of \"blaze\"?"} {"term": "blaze", "pos": "", "context": "one must prolong the periods between productivity so that each complete work can be released upon the unsuspecting public in a blaze of sycophantic publicity .", "definition": "a conspicuous display or outburst of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one must prolong the periods between productivity so that each complete work can be released upon the unsuspecting public in a blaze of sycophantic publicity .\" What is the definition of \"blaze\"?"} {"term": "bulky", "pos": "", "context": "radio and telephones could communicate between cities , ships and higher headquarters , but they were too bulky to be man-carried .", "definition": "taking up much space ; large and unwieldy", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"radio and telephones could communicate between cities , ships and higher headquarters , but they were too bulky to be man-carried .\" What is the definition of \"bulky\"?"} {"term": "palette", "pos": "", "context": "consequently seurat did not mix the colors on his palette , but rather put little tiny spots of complementary color pigments on the canvas .", "definition": "a thin board or slab on which an artist lays and mixes colours .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"consequently seurat did not mix the colors on his palette , but rather put little tiny spots of complementary color pigments on the canvas .\" What is the definition of \"palette\"?"} {"term": "leeboard", "pos": "", "context": "more modern rigs generally use a leeboard on only one side of the boat , while older rigs have one on each side .", "definition": "a plank frame fixed to the side of a flat-bottomed boat and let down into the water to reduce drifting to the leeward side .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"more modern rigs generally use a leeboard on only one side of the boat , while older rigs have one on each side .\" What is the definition of \"leeboard\"?"} {"term": "evaporate", "pos": "", "context": "the liquid evaporates in the heat pipe 's evaporation section .", "definition": "turn from liquid into vapour", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the liquid evaporates in the heat pipe 's evaporation section .\" What is the definition of \"evaporate\"?"} {"term": "mouth", "pos": "", "context": "there are five wrecks in all and they lie in the mouth of the old harbour , so the only way of safely diving on them is by boat .", "definition": "the opening or entrance to a harbour or bay", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there are five wrecks in all and they lie in the mouth of the old harbour , so the only way of safely diving on them is by boat .\" What is the definition of \"mouth\"?"} {"term": "urinate", "pos": "", "context": "the sick men urinated blood", "definition": "pass after the manner of urine", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sick men urinated blood\" What is the definition of \"urinate\"?"} {"term": "oatmeal", "pos": "", "context": "it is decorated in cream with an oatmeal carpet , a colour scheme that is continued throughout the apartment .", "definition": "a greyish-fawn colour flecked with brown", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is decorated in cream with an oatmeal carpet , a colour scheme that is continued throughout the apartment .\" What is the definition of \"oatmeal\"?"} {"term": "sloganeer", "pos": "", "context": "too often worn down by sloganeering or lost in misquotation , the truths of this statement are delicate , and seldom receive the careful consideration they demand .", "definition": "employ or invent slogans , typically in a political context", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"too often worn down by sloganeering or lost in misquotation , the truths of this statement are delicate , and seldom receive the careful consideration they demand .\" What is the definition of \"sloganeer\"?"} {"term": "guard", "pos": "", "context": "he was on guard that night", "definition": "the duty of serving as a sentry", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was on guard that night\" What is the definition of \"guard\"?"} {"term": "guard", "pos": "", "context": "the closer to the basket your player is , the closer you should guard them .", "definition": "stay close to ( an opponent ) in order to prevent them getting or passing the ball", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the closer to the basket your player is , the closer you should guard them .\" What is the definition of \"guard\"?"} {"term": "pul", "pos": "", "context": "in 1927 , afghanistan replaced the rupee with the afghani ( afa ) , divisible into 100 puli .", "definition": "a monetary unit of afghanistan , equal to one hundredth of an afghani .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in 1927 , afghanistan replaced the rupee with the afghani ( afa ) , divisible into 100 puli .\" What is the definition of \"pul\"?"} {"term": "upwelling", "pos": "", "context": "they can often be found in areas with upwellings or convergence zones that bring food to the surface .", "definition": "an instance or amount of seawater , magma , or other liquid rising up", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they can often be found in areas with upwellings or convergence zones that bring food to the surface .\" What is the definition of \"upwelling\"?"} {"term": "salmon", "pos": "", "context": "for ann , the lemon and coriander poached salmon , dill , crème fraiche and cucumber ribbons open sandwich could n't be bettered .", "definition": "the flesh of the salmon as food .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for ann , the lemon and coriander poached salmon , dill , crème fraiche and cucumber ribbons open sandwich could n't be bettered .\" What is the definition of \"salmon\"?"} {"term": "salmon", "pos": "", "context": "depending on the time of year and the movements of the fish in false bay , we fish where we know the fish will be feeding . inshore fishing trips predominantly target yellowtail and cape snoek . cape salmon , kob and various species of reef fish are also caught .", "definition": "any of a number of fishes resembling the salmon .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"depending on the time of year and the movements of the fish in false bay , we fish where we know the fish will be feeding . inshore fishing trips predominantly target yellowtail and cape snoek . cape salmon , kob and various species of reef fish are also caught .\" What is the definition of \"salmon\"?"} {"term": "word", "pos": "", "context": "there is , when it comes to the arts , a massive dislocation between word and deed .", "definition": "speech as distinct from action", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is , when it comes to the arts , a massive dislocation between word and deed .\" What is the definition of \"word\"?"} {"term": "word", "pos": "", "context": "it is important that they be so , for science needs good communicators whose word can be trusted .", "definition": "a promise or assurance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is important that they be so , for science needs good communicators whose word can be trusted .\" What is the definition of \"word\"?"} {"term": "word", "pos": "", "context": "he had words with the referee after the game concerning the foul that led to the second goal .", "definition": "angry talk", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had words with the referee after the game concerning the foul that led to the second goal .\" What is the definition of \"word\"?"} {"term": "word", "pos": "", "context": "i stroked his head and murmured calming words and it seemed to help .", "definition": "something spoken or written ; a remark or statement", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i stroked his head and murmured calming words and it seemed to help .\" What is the definition of \"word\"?"} {"term": "d-day", "pos": "", "context": "rehearsals began in october gathering in frequency and intensity as d-day approaches .", "definition": "the day on which an important operation is to begin or a change to take effect", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rehearsals began in october gathering in frequency and intensity as d-day approaches .\" What is the definition of \"d-day\"?"} {"term": "confederation", "pos": "", "context": "the action , which is officially a one-day strike called by all the trade union federations and confederations , will be continued indefinitely by many workers .", "definition": "an organization which consists of a number of parties or groups united in an alliance or league", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the action , which is officially a one-day strike called by all the trade union federations and confederations , will be continued indefinitely by many workers .\" What is the definition of \"confederation\"?"} {"term": "pantomime", "pos": "", "context": "hart plays the genie in this raucous take on the british pantomime , a story based on the myth of aladdin and his magic lamp .", "definition": "a theatrical entertainment , mainly for children , which involves music , topical jokes , and slapstick comedy and is based on a fairy tale or nursery story , usually produced around christmas", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hart plays the genie in this raucous take on the british pantomime , a story based on the myth of aladdin and his magic lamp .\" What is the definition of \"pantomime\"?"} {"term": "apron", "pos": "", "context": "the brook trout lived in the deep pot outside that little apron of land .", "definition": "a small area adjacent to another larger area or structure", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the brook trout lived in the deep pot outside that little apron of land .\" What is the definition of \"apron\"?"} {"term": "apron", "pos": "", "context": "the fire trucks followed us as we rolled to the end and turned into the apron , with hot brakes on the port side .", "definition": "an area of asphalt where the drive of a house meets the road .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the fire trucks followed us as we rolled to the end and turned into the apron , with hot brakes on the port side .\" What is the definition of \"apron\"?"} {"term": "recompense", "pos": "", "context": "she feels that this has more than recompensed her burning desire to be a journalist .", "definition": "make amends to or reward someone for ( loss , harm , or effort )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she feels that this has more than recompensed her burning desire to be a journalist .\" What is the definition of \"recompense\"?"} {"term": "prime", "pos": "", "context": "`` primes are announced throughout a race to make things more interesting as riders sprint each other for ( them ) , ' meyers said .", "definition": "a special section in a cycle race , attracting a special prize .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"`` primes are announced throughout a race to make things more interesting as riders sprint each other for ( them ) , ' meyers said .\" What is the definition of \"prime\"?"} {"term": "prime", "pos": "", "context": "it is hard when we lose our parents as adults and even harder for parents and family when their children are taken away from them in the prime of their youth .", "definition": "the state or time of greatest vigour or success in a person 's life", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is hard when we lose our parents as adults and even harder for parents and family when their children are taken away from them in the prime of their youth .\" What is the definition of \"prime\"?"} {"term": "prime", "pos": "", "context": "if your pharmacist assembled the unit for you , check to see if it has already been primed by pumping the unit once .", "definition": "pour or spray liquid into ( a pump ) before starting in order to seal the moving parts and facilitate its operation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if your pharmacist assembled the unit for you , check to see if it has already been primed by pumping the unit once .\" What is the definition of \"prime\"?"} {"term": "prime", "pos": "", "context": "the goat 's horn thus stands as a representation of the elemental energies of the earth , the prime matter from which the alchemical process begins its quest for the transformation of gold .", "definition": "from which another thing may derive or proceed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the goat 's horn thus stands as a representation of the elemental energies of the earth , the prime matter from which the alchemical process begins its quest for the transformation of gold .\" What is the definition of \"prime\"?"} {"term": "transform", "pos": "", "context": "he transformed into a monster", "definition": "change in outward structure or looks", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he transformed into a monster\" What is the definition of \"transform\"?"} {"term": "transform", "pos": "", "context": "the transformation rules may comprise both causal hypotheses and modal transforms .", "definition": "a rule for making a transformation .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the transformation rules may comprise both causal hypotheses and modal transforms .\" What is the definition of \"transform\"?"} {"term": "transform", "pos": "", "context": "it was a coming of age , a place where boys transformed into men .", "definition": "undergo a marked change", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was a coming of age , a place where boys transformed into men .\" What is the definition of \"transform\"?"} {"term": "juggle", "pos": "", "context": "she had to juggle her job and her children", "definition": "deal with simultaneously", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she had to juggle her job and her children\" What is the definition of \"juggle\"?"} {"term": "tax-exempt", "pos": "", "context": "tax-exempt bonds", "definition": "( of goods or funds ) not taxed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tax-exempt bonds\" What is the definition of \"tax-exempt\"?"} {"term": "anaglyph", "pos": "", "context": "it may not be by name , but more people are likely familiar with anaglyphs than any other form of 3d images .", "definition": "a stereoscopic photograph with the two images superimposed and printed in different colours , usually red and green , producing a stereo effect when viewed with appropriate filters over each eye .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it may not be by name , but more people are likely familiar with anaglyphs than any other form of 3d images .\" What is the definition of \"anaglyph\"?"} {"term": "cetacean", "pos": "", "context": "within odontocete cetaceans , variation in body design affects stability and turning performance .", "definition": "a marine mammal of the order `` cetacea ' ; a whale , dolphin , or porpoise .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"within odontocete cetaceans , variation in body design affects stability and turning performance .\" What is the definition of \"cetacean\"?"} {"term": "pick", "pos": "", "context": "my sister picked a hole in her navy school tights as we sat and listened .", "definition": "make ( a hole ) in fabric by pulling at it with one 's fingers", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my sister picked a hole in her navy school tights as we sat and listened .\" What is the definition of \"pick\"?"} {"term": "pick", "pos": "", "context": "take , for instance , the building repetition of the guitar picking of ‘ back to mali ’ .", "definition": "pluck the strings of ( a guitar or banjo )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"take , for instance , the building repetition of the guitar picking of ‘ back to mali ’ .\" What is the definition of \"pick\"?"} {"term": "pick", "pos": "", "context": "in this example , the offense sends a big player up to set a pick near the free throw line .", "definition": "an act of blocking or screening a defensive player from the ball handler .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in this example , the offense sends a big player up to set a pick near the free throw line .\" What is the definition of \"pick\"?"} {"term": "plunging", "pos": "", "context": "she was clad in a skin tight gold and blue uniform , with a plunging neckline to reveal her incredible body .", "definition": "denoting a very low-cut neckline on a woman 's garment", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was clad in a skin tight gold and blue uniform , with a plunging neckline to reveal her incredible body .\" What is the definition of \"plunging\"?"} {"term": "stolon", "pos": "", "context": "the length of the lateral shoot at each phytomer position along the primary stolon of plants after 45 ( solid symbols ) and 38 ( open symbols ) d growth .", "definition": "a creeping horizontal plant stem or runner that takes root at points along its length to form new plants .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the length of the lateral shoot at each phytomer position along the primary stolon of plants after 45 ( solid symbols ) and 38 ( open symbols ) d growth .\" What is the definition of \"stolon\"?"} {"term": "stolon", "pos": "", "context": "older studies noted that runners , stolons or prostrate stems of many plants became more erect when shaded .", "definition": "an arching stem of a plant that roots at the tip to form a new plant , as in the bramble .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"older studies noted that runners , stolons or prostrate stems of many plants became more erect when shaded .\" What is the definition of \"stolon\"?"} {"term": "lazy", "pos": "", "context": "it was a hazy , lazy summer 's day in most parts of the yorkshire region yesterday - and today 's bank holiday weather looks set to be similar .", "definition": "characterized by lack of effort or activity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was a hazy , lazy summer 's day in most parts of the yorkshire region yesterday - and today 's bank holiday weather looks set to be similar .\" What is the definition of \"lazy\"?"} {"term": "palatinate", "pos": "", "context": "maryland was by its charter erected into a palatinate after the model of the palatinate of durham in england .", "definition": "a territory under the jurisdiction of a count palatine .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"maryland was by its charter erected into a palatinate after the model of the palatinate of durham in england .\" What is the definition of \"palatinate\"?"} {"term": "steel", "pos": "", "context": "with it i demonstrate that it is impossible to cut yourself when sharpening on a steel as long as you use neville knives .", "definition": "a rod of roughened steel on which knives are sharpened .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with it i demonstrate that it is impossible to cut yourself when sharpening on a steel as long as you use neville knives .\" What is the definition of \"steel\"?"} {"term": "silverpoint", "pos": "", "context": "in the past , she has hung whole rooms with her own silkscreened wallpaper , the paper covered with intricate and precise silverpoint spirals .", "definition": "the art of drawing with a silver-pointed instrument on paper prepared with a coating of powdered bone or zinc white , creating a fine indelible line composed of metal fragments .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the past , she has hung whole rooms with her own silkscreened wallpaper , the paper covered with intricate and precise silverpoint spirals .\" What is the definition of \"silverpoint\"?"} {"term": "squat", "pos": "", "context": "bourque took his time with the squatters , and a week after the squat , following negotiations , he got the squatters to move into another building on rachel e .", "definition": "an unlawful occupation of an uninhabited building", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bourque took his time with the squatters , and a week after the squat , following negotiations , he got the squatters to move into another building on rachel e .\" What is the definition of \"squat\"?"} {"term": "squat", "pos": "", "context": "studio sputnik started off when we squatted in an old attic of a building while we were still students .", "definition": "unlawfully occupy an uninhabited building or settle on a piece of land", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"studio sputnik started off when we squatted in an old attic of a building while we were still students .\" What is the definition of \"squat\"?"} {"term": "diminish", "pos": "", "context": "her life became more and more squalid and her expectations diminished .", "definition": "make or become less", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her life became more and more squalid and her expectations diminished .\" What is the definition of \"diminish\"?"} {"term": "laze", "pos": "", "context": "one night we decided to invite a couple of close friends over , for an evening of very cheap wine , and a laze in the spa .", "definition": "a spell of lazing around", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one night we decided to invite a couple of close friends over , for an evening of very cheap wine , and a laze in the spa .\" What is the definition of \"laze\"?"} {"term": "transgress", "pos": "", "context": "at some point during the lower devonian , the sea began to transgress again , and this continued through the deposition of the port ewen formation .", "definition": "( of the sea ) spread over ( an area of land )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at some point during the lower devonian , the sea began to transgress again , and this continued through the deposition of the port ewen formation .\" What is the definition of \"transgress\"?"} {"term": "voodoo", "pos": "", "context": "nevertheless , most of what a person learns of her in the touristy parts of the french quarter are myths , twisted truths and lies - as is often the case with most things voodoo .", "definition": "a black religious cult practised in the caribbean and the southern us , combining elements of roman catholic ritual with traditional african magical and religious rites , and characterized by sorcery and spirit possession", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nevertheless , most of what a person learns of her in the touristy parts of the french quarter are myths , twisted truths and lies - as is often the case with most things voodoo .\" What is the definition of \"voodoo\"?"} {"term": "worker", "pos": "", "context": "the guy is a worker , there 's no doubt he 's a worker .", "definition": "a person who works hard", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the guy is a worker , there 's no doubt he 's a worker .\" What is the definition of \"worker\"?"} {"term": "worker", "pos": "", "context": "he is a good worker", "definition": "a person who works at a specific occupation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is a good worker\" What is the definition of \"worker\"?"} {"term": "os", "pos": "", "context": "besides this unambiguous distinguishing character , a second , derived character , exists which is particular to the carnivora : in the wrist the joint bones , scaphoid , lunate , and os centrale , are fused .", "definition": "a bone ( used chiefly in latin names of individual bones , e.g . os trapezium ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"besides this unambiguous distinguishing character , a second , derived character , exists which is particular to the carnivora : in the wrist the joint bones , scaphoid , lunate , and os centrale , are fused .\" What is the definition of \"os\"?"} {"term": "pluralist", "pos": "", "context": "for zoline , we are all children of calamity and woe if we live `` without a myth sufficiently pluralist to save us . '", "definition": "relating to a system of thought that recognizes more than one ultimate principle", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for zoline , we are all children of calamity and woe if we live `` without a myth sufficiently pluralist to save us . '\" What is the definition of \"pluralist\"?"} {"term": "pluralist", "pos": "", "context": "it embarked upon a cultural pluralist rapprochement with protestants .", "definition": "relating to or advocating a system in which two or more states , groups , principles , sources of authority , etc. , coexist", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it embarked upon a cultural pluralist rapprochement with protestants .\" What is the definition of \"pluralist\"?"} {"term": "sly", "pos": "", "context": "nelson took a sip of the wine and a sly smile appeared .", "definition": "( of an action ) surreptitious", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nelson took a sip of the wine and a sly smile appeared .\" What is the definition of \"sly\"?"} {"term": "mine", "pos": "", "context": "the vietnamese mined cambodia", "definition": "lay mines", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the vietnamese mined cambodia\" What is the definition of \"mine\"?"} {"term": "water", "pos": "", "context": "we wondered if the coach had a malfunction , or if somebody forgot to water this coach .", "definition": "take a fresh supply of water on board ( a ship or steam train )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we wondered if the coach had a malfunction , or if somebody forgot to water this coach .\" What is the definition of \"water\"?"} {"term": "scotch", "pos": "", "context": "shortly afterwards , i saw the same man on television pronouncing that the leader 's brilliant speech would scotch the conspirators .", "definition": "render ( something regarded as dangerous ) temporarily harmless", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shortly afterwards , i saw the same man on television pronouncing that the leader 's brilliant speech would scotch the conspirators .\" What is the definition of \"scotch\"?"} {"term": "scrape", "pos": "", "context": "they scraped a letter into the stone", "definition": "make by scraping", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they scraped a letter into the stone\" What is the definition of \"scrape\"?"} {"term": "alkahest", "pos": "", "context": "they called that unknown liquid the alkahest . alkahest was a word made up by the sixteenth-century alchemist paracelsus .", "definition": "the hypothetical universal solvent sought by alchemists .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they called that unknown liquid the alkahest . alkahest was a word made up by the sixteenth-century alchemist paracelsus .\" What is the definition of \"alkahest\"?"} {"term": "cancer", "pos": "", "context": "cancers tend to attach themselves to physical objects for emotional healing .", "definition": "a person born when the sun is in the sign of cancer .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cancers tend to attach themselves to physical objects for emotional healing .\" What is the definition of \"cancer\"?"} {"term": "cognomen", "pos": "", "context": "robert fitzgerald correctly refers to athena 's cognomen in the first book of the odyssey as ‘ mentes . ’", "definition": "an extra personal name given to an ancient roman citizen , functioning rather like a nickname and typically passed down from father to son , for example marcus tullius cicero .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"robert fitzgerald correctly refers to athena 's cognomen in the first book of the odyssey as ‘ mentes . ’\" What is the definition of \"cognomen\"?"} {"term": "illustrate", "pos": "", "context": "chart 1 illustrates the path of employment in industry , the key exposed sector of the irish economy .", "definition": "explain or make ( something ) clear by using examples , charts , pictures , etc .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"chart 1 illustrates the path of employment in industry , the key exposed sector of the irish economy .\" What is the definition of \"illustrate\"?"} {"term": "one-upmanship", "pos": "", "context": "however , the political-battle of one-upmanship did not end here .", "definition": "the technique or practice of gaining an advantage or feeling of superiority over another person", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"however , the political-battle of one-upmanship did not end here .\" What is the definition of \"one-upmanship\"?"} {"term": "yard", "pos": "", "context": "although they yard together in spring , during most of the year , moose are solitary secretive animals and very wary of mankind .", "definition": "( of moose ) gather as a herd for the winter", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"although they yard together in spring , during most of the year , moose are solitary secretive animals and very wary of mankind .\" What is the definition of \"yard\"?"} {"term": "yard", "pos": "", "context": "barton malow also placed 1700 cubic yards of scc to cast a mat-slab for the building .", "definition": "a square or cubic yard , especially of sand or other building materials .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"barton malow also placed 1700 cubic yards of scc to cast a mat-slab for the building .\" What is the definition of \"yard\"?"} {"term": "nocturne", "pos": "", "context": "his televised recordings of the composer 's complete nocturnes have been screened throughout europe , australia and on pbs in the united states .", "definition": "a short composition of a romantic nature , typically for piano .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his televised recordings of the composer 's complete nocturnes have been screened throughout europe , australia and on pbs in the united states .\" What is the definition of \"nocturne\"?"} {"term": "purse", "pos": "", "context": "compared to shoulder bags or purses , backpacks are better because the strongest muscles in the body - the back and the abdominal muscles - support the weight of the packs .", "definition": "a handbag", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"compared to shoulder bags or purses , backpacks are better because the strongest muscles in the body - the back and the abdominal muscles - support the weight of the packs .\" What is the definition of \"purse\"?"} {"term": "personification", "pos": "", "context": "with its emphasis on personification and topical allusion , allegory has a long association with political discourse .", "definition": "the attribution of a personal nature or human characteristics to something non-human , or the representation of an abstract quality in human form", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with its emphasis on personification and topical allusion , allegory has a long association with political discourse .\" What is the definition of \"personification\"?"} {"term": "concentration", "pos": "", "context": "daily attention to diet and exercise will improve focus and concentration .", "definition": "the action or power of focusing all one 's attention", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"daily attention to diet and exercise will improve focus and concentration .\" What is the definition of \"concentration\"?"} {"term": "concentration", "pos": "", "context": "this map shows the concentration of water vapour close to the soil around the equatorial region of mars .", "definition": "the relative amount of a particular substance contained within a solution or mixture or in a particular volume of space", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this map shows the concentration of water vapour close to the soil around the equatorial region of mars .\" What is the definition of \"concentration\"?"} {"term": "keel", "pos": "", "context": "the earliest recorded use of keels for transporting coal on the tyne is in the early 1300 's .", "definition": "a flat-bottomed boat of a kind formerly used on the rivers tyne and wear for loading ships carrying coal .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the earliest recorded use of keels for transporting coal on the tyne is in the early 1300 's .\" What is the definition of \"keel\"?"} {"term": "anaconda", "pos": "", "context": "you know the python from africa and asia , the anaconda from south america .", "definition": "a semiaquatic snake of the boa family that may grow to a great size , native to tropical south america .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you know the python from africa and asia , the anaconda from south america .\" What is the definition of \"anaconda\"?"} {"term": "enemy", "pos": "", "context": "the enemy attacked at dawn", "definition": "an opposing military force", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the enemy attacked at dawn\" What is the definition of \"enemy\"?"} {"term": "avesta", "pos": "", "context": "the ossetians of today , descendants of ancient northern iranians , predominantly resemble northern iranians and europeans and speak an archaic iranian language ( like the avesta of the zoroastrians ) .", "definition": "the sacred texts of zoroastrianism , compiled in the 4th century .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ossetians of today , descendants of ancient northern iranians , predominantly resemble northern iranians and europeans and speak an archaic iranian language ( like the avesta of the zoroastrians ) .\" What is the definition of \"avesta\"?"} {"term": "expedition", "pos": "", "context": "you heard what i said in relation to the possible expedition of the hearing of the application for special leave .", "definition": "promptness or speed in doing something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you heard what i said in relation to the possible expedition of the hearing of the application for special leave .\" What is the definition of \"expedition\"?"} {"term": "dram", "pos": "", "context": "so who will be enjoying a wee dram and celebrating lower interest rates this weekend , and who will be crying in their beer ?", "definition": "a small drink of whisky or other spirits", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so who will be enjoying a wee dram and celebrating lower interest rates this weekend , and who will be crying in their beer ?\" What is the definition of \"dram\"?"} {"term": "dump", "pos": "", "context": "shelved product was getting dumped onto the market like toxic waste , and the big budget productions played it so safe that they wound up being less than garbage .", "definition": "send ( goods unsaleable in the home market ) to a foreign market for sale at a low price", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shelved product was getting dumped onto the market like toxic waste , and the big budget productions played it so safe that they wound up being less than garbage .\" What is the definition of \"dump\"?"} {"term": "prevent", "pos": "", "context": "scenario 3 : a flight or other travel delay prevents you from arriving at the dock before the ship sails .", "definition": "stop ( someone ) from doing something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"scenario 3 : a flight or other travel delay prevents you from arriving at the dock before the ship sails .\" What is the definition of \"prevent\"?"} {"term": "semiotics", "pos": "", "context": "anyway , in semiotics a sign is an abstract unit of social meaning .", "definition": "the study of signs and symbols and their use or interpretation .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"anyway , in semiotics a sign is an abstract unit of social meaning .\" What is the definition of \"semiotics\"?"} {"term": "whoopee", "pos": "", "context": "however , the collective whoopee was abruptly halted when the small print was made known .", "definition": "wild revelry", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"however , the collective whoopee was abruptly halted when the small print was made known .\" What is the definition of \"whoopee\"?"} {"term": "dilute", "pos": "", "context": "when using washing-machine water , combine the rinse-cycle water with the wash-cycle water to dilute the detergent and bleaching agents .", "definition": "make ( a liquid ) thinner or weaker by adding water or another solvent to it", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when using washing-machine water , combine the rinse-cycle water with the wash-cycle water to dilute the detergent and bleaching agents .\" What is the definition of \"dilute\"?"} {"term": "bluegrass", "pos": "", "context": "most contemporary forms of music - rock , blues , jazz , bluegrass , country - have a common ancestry , if you go back far enough in time .", "definition": "a kind of country music characterized by virtuoso playing of banjos and guitars and high-pitched , close-harmony vocals .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"most contemporary forms of music - rock , blues , jazz , bluegrass , country - have a common ancestry , if you go back far enough in time .\" What is the definition of \"bluegrass\"?"} {"term": "shorts", "pos": "", "context": "men 's volleyball uniforms consist of polo shirts and baggy shorts .", "definition": "short trousers that reach only to the knees or thighs", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"men 's volleyball uniforms consist of polo shirts and baggy shorts .\" What is the definition of \"shorts\"?"} {"term": "caleche", "pos": "", "context": "‘ i never saw so many caleches , cabs , charrettes , and similar vehicles collected before , ’ he wrote .", "definition": "a two-wheeled one-horse vehicle with a seat for the driver on the splashboard .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ i never saw so many caleches , cabs , charrettes , and similar vehicles collected before , ’ he wrote .\" What is the definition of \"caleche\"?"} {"term": "cart", "pos": "", "context": "peter baum , administration officer with casino rural lands protection board , said some landowners in the malanganee area are already carting water .", "definition": "convey or put in a cart or similar vehicle", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"peter baum , administration officer with casino rural lands protection board , said some landowners in the malanganee area are already carting water .\" What is the definition of \"cart\"?"} {"term": "cart", "pos": "", "context": "and now my shoulder 's out from carting heavy record bags all over london .", "definition": "carry ( a heavy or cumbersome object ) somewhere with difficulty", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and now my shoulder 's out from carting heavy record bags all over london .\" What is the definition of \"cart\"?"} {"term": "overwater", "pos": "", "context": "however , the gradual loss of the foliage from your plant suggests that it has been overwatered .", "definition": "water ( a plant , sports field , etc . ) too much", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"however , the gradual loss of the foliage from your plant suggests that it has been overwatered .\" What is the definition of \"overwater\"?"} {"term": "ditch", "pos": "", "context": "ditch a lover", "definition": "forsake", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ditch a lover\" What is the definition of \"ditch\"?"} {"term": "hypnotism", "pos": "", "context": "another psychologist , e.m. thornton , extends the analogy between hypnotism , mesmerism , and exorcism .", "definition": "the study or practice of hypnosis .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"another psychologist , e.m. thornton , extends the analogy between hypnotism , mesmerism , and exorcism .\" What is the definition of \"hypnotism\"?"} {"term": "non-conductor", "pos": "", "context": "they terminate at the surfaces of the conductors under induction , or at the particles of non-conductors , which , being electrified , are in that condition .", "definition": "a substance that does not conduct heat or electricity .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they terminate at the surfaces of the conductors under induction , or at the particles of non-conductors , which , being electrified , are in that condition .\" What is the definition of \"non-conductor\"?"} {"term": "buy", "pos": "", "context": "it buys him first bemusement , then solicitation , and finally enmity and a serious whack upside the head .", "definition": "be a means of obtaining ( something ) through exchange or payment", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it buys him first bemusement , then solicitation , and finally enmity and a serious whack upside the head .\" What is the definition of \"buy\"?"} {"term": "trooper", "pos": "", "context": "every trooper , every transport , every ship is brought together in a massive armada for the invasion .", "definition": "a troopship .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"every trooper , every transport , every ship is brought together in a massive armada for the invasion .\" What is the definition of \"trooper\"?"} {"term": "bulge", "pos": "", "context": "his stomach bulged after the huge meal", "definition": "swell or protrude outwards", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his stomach bulged after the huge meal\" What is the definition of \"bulge\"?"} {"term": "circulate", "pos": "", "context": "this letter is being circulated among the faculty", "definition": "cause be distributed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this letter is being circulated among the faculty\" What is the definition of \"circulate\"?"} {"term": "panorama", "pos": "", "context": "the color panorama is a mosaic pulled together from 225 frames taken by spirit 's pancam [ panoramic camera ] , the stereovision color camera mounted atop its mast .", "definition": "a picture or photograph containing a wide view .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the color panorama is a mosaic pulled together from 225 frames taken by spirit 's pancam [ panoramic camera ] , the stereovision color camera mounted atop its mast .\" What is the definition of \"panorama\"?"} {"term": "practical", "pos": "", "context": "practical mathematics", "definition": "having or put to a practical purpose or use", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"practical mathematics\" What is the definition of \"practical\"?"} {"term": "practical", "pos": "", "context": "a practical failure", "definition": "being actually such in almost every respect", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a practical failure\" What is the definition of \"practical\"?"} {"term": "turnout", "pos": "", "context": "the southern railway has always prided itself in its turnout and kept the rack section running despite the revenue deficit .", "definition": "a point at which a railway track diverges ; a set of points", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the southern railway has always prided itself in its turnout and kept the rack section running despite the revenue deficit .\" What is the definition of \"turnout\"?"} {"term": "angel", "pos": "", "context": "mary inquired in order that we might learn from the angel concerning that conception which is a sublime matter beyond understanding .", "definition": "a spiritual being believed to act as an attendant , agent , or messenger of god , conventionally represented in human form with wings and a long robe", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mary inquired in order that we might learn from the angel concerning that conception which is a sublime matter beyond understanding .\" What is the definition of \"angel\"?"} {"term": "pro-am", "pos": "", "context": "george has been a member of mission hills for some time , and he regularly plays in the pro-am tournament held the same week in march as the lpga event now known as the nabisco championship .", "definition": "( of a sports event ) involving both professionals and amateurs", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"george has been a member of mission hills for some time , and he regularly plays in the pro-am tournament held the same week in march as the lpga event now known as the nabisco championship .\" What is the definition of \"pro-am\"?"} {"term": "derby", "pos": "", "context": "that 's why this semi-final has been dubbed the most important derby this century .", "definition": "an important sporting contest", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that 's why this semi-final has been dubbed the most important derby this century .\" What is the definition of \"derby\"?"} {"term": "coolness", "pos": "", "context": "unfortunately , this idea never evolves into the potential font of coolness it could have .", "definition": "the quality of being fashionably attractive or impressive", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unfortunately , this idea never evolves into the potential font of coolness it could have .\" What is the definition of \"coolness\"?"} {"term": "coolness", "pos": "", "context": "the materiality of the tapestry , with its optically softening effect , lends the work a necessary coolness and distance .", "definition": "freedom from excitement , anxiety , or excessive emotion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the materiality of the tapestry , with its optically softening effect , lends the work a necessary coolness and distance .\" What is the definition of \"coolness\"?"} {"term": "coolness", "pos": "", "context": "you feel his pleasure like the coolness of silk sheets on nights when the wind scalds your mind .", "definition": "the quality of being soothing or refreshing because of its low temperature", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you feel his pleasure like the coolness of silk sheets on nights when the wind scalds your mind .\" What is the definition of \"coolness\"?"} {"term": "depositary", "pos": "", "context": "ratification takes place by an exchange of instruments or , in the case of multilateral agreements , by deposit with a designated depositary .", "definition": "a person to whom something is lodged in trust", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ratification takes place by an exchange of instruments or , in the case of multilateral agreements , by deposit with a designated depositary .\" What is the definition of \"depositary\"?"} {"term": "wing", "pos": "", "context": "anhimids are strong , soaring flyers with the big wings and substantial feathers necessary for that lifestyle .", "definition": "( in a bird ) a modified forelimb that bears large feathers and is used for flying .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"anhimids are strong , soaring flyers with the big wings and substantial feathers necessary for that lifestyle .\" What is the definition of \"wing\"?"} {"term": "wing", "pos": "", "context": "a rear wing and integrated rear diffuser have also been developed as part of a new rear end panel .", "definition": "a raised part of the body of a car or other vehicle above the wheel .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a rear wing and integrated rear diffuser have also been developed as part of a new rear end panel .\" What is the definition of \"wing\"?"} {"term": "islamist", "pos": "", "context": "the group is named for the islamist who died in afghanistan fighting the soviets in the late 1980s .", "definition": "an advocate or supporter of islamic militancy or fundamentalism", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the group is named for the islamist who died in afghanistan fighting the soviets in the late 1980s .\" What is the definition of \"islamist\"?"} {"term": "doge", "pos": "", "context": "if the ruler 's ‘ will ’ could be voted down by his advisers , the regal power would be no more than that of the doge of venice .", "definition": "the chief magistrate of venice or genoa .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if the ruler 's ‘ will ’ could be voted down by his advisers , the regal power would be no more than that of the doge of venice .\" What is the definition of \"doge\"?"} {"term": "fluoroscope", "pos": "", "context": "inside are five treatment tables and a fluoroscope .", "definition": "an instrument with a fluorescent screen used for viewing x-ray images without taking and developing x-ray photographs .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"inside are five treatment tables and a fluoroscope .\" What is the definition of \"fluoroscope\"?"} {"term": "sleepwalk", "pos": "", "context": "his latest show carries no particular message and no meaning , as manson sleepwalks through goth-rock and showbiz clichés .", "definition": "engage in an activity without interest , enthusiasm , or awareness of the possible consequences", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his latest show carries no particular message and no meaning , as manson sleepwalks through goth-rock and showbiz clichés .\" What is the definition of \"sleepwalk\"?"} {"term": "thirsty", "pos": "", "context": "if you 're thirsty for a fresh new rock album , this is the one !", "definition": "having or showing a strong desire for something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if you 're thirsty for a fresh new rock album , this is the one !\" What is the definition of \"thirsty\"?"} {"term": "thirsty", "pos": "", "context": "thirsty for informaton", "definition": "( usually followed by `for ' ) extremely desirous", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"thirsty for informaton\" What is the definition of \"thirsty\"?"} {"term": "hymen", "pos": "", "context": "most women experience discomfort and bleeding the first time they have sexual intercourse due to the stretching or tearing of their hymen .", "definition": "a membrane which partially closes the opening of the vagina and whose presence is traditionally taken to be a mark of virginity .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"most women experience discomfort and bleeding the first time they have sexual intercourse due to the stretching or tearing of their hymen .\" What is the definition of \"hymen\"?"} {"term": "deadlock", "pos": "", "context": "however , security and safety are amongst the best in its class , with airbags , a brake assist system , deadlocks , and an immobiliser on many models .", "definition": "a type of lock requiring a key to open and close it , as distinct from a spring lock .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"however , security and safety are amongst the best in its class , with airbags , a brake assist system , deadlocks , and an immobiliser on many models .\" What is the definition of \"deadlock\"?"} {"term": "spammer", "pos": "", "context": "the spammer may simply use automated processes to generate random public keys once in possession of an organization 's email format .", "definition": "a person or organization that sends irrelevant or unsolicited messages over the internet , typically to large numbers of users , for the purposes of advertising , phishing , spreading malware , etc", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the spammer may simply use automated processes to generate random public keys once in possession of an organization 's email format .\" What is the definition of \"spammer\"?"} {"term": "compound", "pos": "", "context": "compound leaves are composed of several lobes", "definition": "composed of more than one part", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"compound leaves are composed of several lobes\" What is the definition of \"compound\"?"} {"term": "compound", "pos": "", "context": "a blackberry is a compound fruit", "definition": "consisting of two or more substances or ingredients or elements or parts", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a blackberry is a compound fruit\" What is the definition of \"compound\"?"} {"term": "map", "pos": "", "context": "we have mapped the human genome and embarked on identifying and curing heretofore intractable genetic conditions .", "definition": "record in detail the spatial distribution of ( something )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we have mapped the human genome and embarked on identifying and curing heretofore intractable genetic conditions .\" What is the definition of \"map\"?"} {"term": "endospore", "pos": "", "context": "free endospores can be confused with small yeast forms .", "definition": "the inner layer of the membrane or wall of some spores and pollen grains .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"free endospores can be confused with small yeast forms .\" What is the definition of \"endospore\"?"} {"term": "convent", "pos": "", "context": "pioneering work in the diocese at this time was extremely difficult , setting out lands for the building of schools , convents etc .", "definition": "the building or buildings occupied by a convent", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pioneering work in the diocese at this time was extremely difficult , setting out lands for the building of schools , convents etc .\" What is the definition of \"convent\"?"} {"term": "compact", "pos": "", "context": "compact soil", "definition": "closely and firmly united or packed together", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"compact soil\" What is the definition of \"compact\"?"} {"term": "elitist", "pos": "", "context": "the basic charge is that these men , critics of capitalism , were racists and elitists .", "definition": "a person who believes that a society or system should be led by an elite", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the basic charge is that these men , critics of capitalism , were racists and elitists .\" What is the definition of \"elitist\"?"} {"term": "quantification", "pos": "", "context": "there has been no quantification of the specific risks for which pollution prevention is needed .", "definition": "the expression or measurement of the quantity of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there has been no quantification of the specific risks for which pollution prevention is needed .\" What is the definition of \"quantification\"?"} {"term": "fascia", "pos": "", "context": "many retailers can enjoy great success simply because the fascia above their shops are valued by consumers .", "definition": "a signboard on the upper part of a shopfront showing the name of the shop", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"many retailers can enjoy great success simply because the fascia above their shops are valued by consumers .\" What is the definition of \"fascia\"?"} {"term": "fascia", "pos": "", "context": "it 's a direct attachment of muscle and fascia and ligament .", "definition": "a thin sheath of fibrous tissue enclosing a muscle or other organ", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's a direct attachment of muscle and fascia and ligament .\" What is the definition of \"fascia\"?"} {"term": "come-on", "pos": "", "context": "the prolonged price war is forcing rival carmakers to offer more creative come-ons .", "definition": "a marketing ploy , such as a free or cheap offer", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the prolonged price war is forcing rival carmakers to offer more creative come-ons .\" What is the definition of \"come-on\"?"} {"term": "taster", "pos": "", "context": "this magician will tirelessly sample the cheese in the making , estimate the flexibility of the paste , evaluate the intensity of the penicillium roqueforti with a cheese taster .", "definition": "an instrument for extracting a small sample from within a cheese .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this magician will tirelessly sample the cheese in the making , estimate the flexibility of the paste , evaluate the intensity of the penicillium roqueforti with a cheese taster .\" What is the definition of \"taster\"?"} {"term": "taster", "pos": "", "context": "the company also says its cheese was picked as the consumers ' favourite in blind tests it conducted involving 300 tasters .", "definition": "a person employed to test food or drink for quality by tasting it", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the company also says its cheese was picked as the consumers ' favourite in blind tests it conducted involving 300 tasters .\" What is the definition of \"taster\"?"} {"term": "taster", "pos": "", "context": "in fact , it was a rare charles ii ( 1660-1680 ) silver wine taster .", "definition": "a small cup used by a person tasting wine .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in fact , it was a rare charles ii ( 1660-1680 ) silver wine taster .\" What is the definition of \"taster\"?"} {"term": "satire", "pos": "", "context": "i love to throw some political satire into superhero comics .", "definition": "the use of humour , irony , exaggeration , or ridicule to expose and criticize people 's stupidity or vices , particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i love to throw some political satire into superhero comics .\" What is the definition of \"satire\"?"} {"term": "lighter", "pos": "", "context": "they provide an interface between strategic sealift ships and lighters , and between the lighters and the beach or underdeveloped ports .", "definition": "a flat-bottomed barge or other unpowered boat used to transfer goods to and from ships in harbour .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they provide an interface between strategic sealift ships and lighters , and between the lighters and the beach or underdeveloped ports .\" What is the definition of \"lighter\"?"} {"term": "crack", "pos": "", "context": "even he cracked under the pressure of the kinds of policies that the national party tried to introduce .", "definition": "give way or cause to give way under torture , pressure , or strain", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"even he cracked under the pressure of the kinds of policies that the national party tried to introduce .\" What is the definition of \"crack\"?"} {"term": "crack", "pos": "", "context": "heat and light cracked the back of the leather chair", "definition": "cause to become cracked", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"heat and light cracked the back of the leather chair\" What is the definition of \"crack\"?"} {"term": "ancient", "pos": "", "context": "the ancient was a banner bearing an heraldic device , the token of ancient or noble descent , borne by a gentleman or a leader in a war .", "definition": "a standard , flag , or ensign .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ancient was a banner bearing an heraldic device , the token of ancient or noble descent , borne by a gentleman or a leader in a war .\" What is the definition of \"ancient\"?"} {"term": "lacquerware", "pos": "", "context": "a century before columbus and his fellow europeans began to make their way to the new world , fleets of giant chinese junks carried porcelains , lacquerware , copper coins , and silks far and wide .", "definition": "decorative articles , typically made of wood , that have been coated with lacquer .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a century before columbus and his fellow europeans began to make their way to the new world , fleets of giant chinese junks carried porcelains , lacquerware , copper coins , and silks far and wide .\" What is the definition of \"lacquerware\"?"} {"term": "neat", "pos": "", "context": "she hated to have her neat plans upset", "definition": "free from what is tawdry or unbecoming", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she hated to have her neat plans upset\" What is the definition of \"neat\"?"} {"term": "neat", "pos": "", "context": "you seem to have moved from a neat engineer 's view of the world to a view which accepts and celebrates the complexity out there .", "definition": "tending to disregard specifics for the sake of convenience ; facile", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you seem to have moved from a neat engineer 's view of the world to a view which accepts and celebrates the complexity out there .\" What is the definition of \"neat\"?"} {"term": "neat", "pos": "", "context": "to relieve the irritation of an insect bite itch , apply neat apple cider vinegar to the itchy spot , or add 500 ml of apple cider vinegar to a warm bath and soak in it .", "definition": "( of liquid , especially spirits ) not diluted or mixed with anything else", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to relieve the irritation of an insect bite itch , apply neat apple cider vinegar to the itchy spot , or add 500 ml of apple cider vinegar to a warm bath and soak in it .\" What is the definition of \"neat\"?"} {"term": "whisper", "pos": "", "context": "so i just whisper it under my breath instead , which works out fine .", "definition": "speak very softly using one 's breath rather than one 's throat , especially for the sake of secrecy", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so i just whisper it under my breath instead , which works out fine .\" What is the definition of \"whisper\"?"} {"term": "whisper", "pos": "", "context": "when the original smile sessions were taking place , it was whispered that the material was far too bizarre to be released .", "definition": "be rumoured", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when the original smile sessions were taking place , it was whispered that the material was far too bizarre to be released .\" What is the definition of \"whisper\"?"} {"term": "jack-in-the-pulpit", "pos": "", "context": "jack-in-the-pulpits are perennials that pass the winter underground as corms . in the spring , they send up a shoot , which unfolds one or two leaves and a `` flower '", "definition": "either of two small plants of the arum family .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"jack-in-the-pulpits are perennials that pass the winter underground as corms . in the spring , they send up a shoot , which unfolds one or two leaves and a `` flower '\" What is the definition of \"jack-in-the-pulpit\"?"} {"term": "twitter", "pos": "", "context": "there 's 15,000 16,000 , almost 15,000 people who are twittering with us .", "definition": "post a message , image , etc . on the social media service twitter", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there 's 15,000 16,000 , almost 15,000 people who are twittering with us .\" What is the definition of \"twitter\"?"} {"term": "twitter", "pos": "", "context": "a bird twittering outside her window welcomed celly back into the land of the waking .", "definition": "( of a bird ) give a call consisting of repeated light tremulous sounds", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bird twittering outside her window welcomed celly back into the land of the waking .\" What is the definition of \"twitter\"?"} {"term": "montessori", "pos": "", "context": "the montessori system was based on the principle of children learning for themselves , with the teacher in the background .", "definition": "a system of education for young children that seeks to develop natural interests and activities rather than use formal teaching methods", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the montessori system was based on the principle of children learning for themselves , with the teacher in the background .\" What is the definition of \"montessori\"?"} {"term": "nymph", "pos": "", "context": "dragonfly nymphs are shorter and bulkier , and the gills are located inside the abdomen .", "definition": "an immature form of an insect that does not change greatly as it grows , e.g . a dragonfly , mayfly , or locust .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dragonfly nymphs are shorter and bulkier , and the gills are located inside the abdomen .\" What is the definition of \"nymph\"?"} {"term": "astringent", "pos": "", "context": "where are the days of long , complex formulas , and what has happened to difficult perfumes that smell sharp and astringent , or dry and peppery ?", "definition": "( of taste or smell ) sharp or bitter", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"where are the days of long , complex formulas , and what has happened to difficult perfumes that smell sharp and astringent , or dry and peppery ?\" What is the definition of \"astringent\"?"} {"term": "air", "pos": "", "context": "why do we have to leave our cities and towns to breathe fresh air ?", "definition": "air regarded as necessary for breathing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"why do we have to leave our cities and towns to breathe fresh air ?\" What is the definition of \"air\"?"} {"term": "air", "pos": "", "context": "i asked my mother one day , airing out the sheets .", "definition": "warm ( washed laundry ) to remove dampness", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i asked my mother one day , airing out the sheets .\" What is the definition of \"air\"?"} {"term": "air", "pos": "", "context": "it may be wise to actually close this place now , so that you can air out this room properly before the start of the next season .", "definition": "expose ( a room ) to the open air in order to ventilate it", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it may be wise to actually close this place now , so that you can air out this room properly before the start of the next season .\" What is the definition of \"air\"?"} {"term": "air", "pos": "", "context": "sailing performance is very respectable particularly in light to moderate air .", "definition": "a breeze or light wind .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sailing performance is very respectable particularly in light to moderate air .\" What is the definition of \"air\"?"} {"term": "jigger", "pos": "", "context": "a more personal synergy of my own : a jigger of harvey 's turns a fine chili to ambrosia .", "definition": "a measure or small glass of spirits or wine", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a more personal synergy of my own : a jigger of harvey 's turns a fine chili to ambrosia .\" What is the definition of \"jigger\"?"} {"term": "pub", "pos": "", "context": "from now on , only on premises with designated places such as pubs with beer gardens will people be allowed to drink outside .", "definition": "an establishment for the sale of beer and other drinks , and sometimes also food , to be consumed on the premises", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"from now on , only on premises with designated places such as pubs with beer gardens will people be allowed to drink outside .\" What is the definition of \"pub\"?"} {"term": "barbette", "pos": "", "context": "the barbette mounted the gun on a pivot so that it could fire over a parapet .", "definition": "a platform on which a gun was placed to fire over a parapet .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the barbette mounted the gun on a pivot so that it could fire over a parapet .\" What is the definition of \"barbette\"?"} {"term": "incense", "pos": "", "context": "the people also held various kinds of burial rituals and burnt incense on special days .", "definition": "a gum , spice , or other substance that is burned for the sweet smell it produces", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the people also held various kinds of burial rituals and burnt incense on special days .\" What is the definition of \"incense\"?"} {"term": "walk-in", "pos": "", "context": "there is a walk-in attic storage area off the games room .", "definition": "( especially of a storage area ) large enough to walk into", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is a walk-in attic storage area off the games room .\" What is the definition of \"walk-in\"?"} {"term": "glint", "pos": "", "context": "her hair , glinting in the starlight , cascaded over her sleeveless white top .", "definition": "give out or reflect small flashes of light", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her hair , glinting in the starlight , cascaded over her sleeveless white top .\" What is the definition of \"glint\"?"} {"term": "hospitalize", "pos": "", "context": "mother had to be hospitalized because her blood pressure was too high", "definition": "admit into a hospital", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mother had to be hospitalized because her blood pressure was too high\" What is the definition of \"hospitalize\"?"} {"term": "susceptibility", "pos": "", "context": "data were collected to identify genetic variants conferring susceptibility to crohn 's disease .", "definition": "the state or fact of being likely or liable to be influenced or harmed by a particular thing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"data were collected to identify genetic variants conferring susceptibility to crohn 's disease .\" What is the definition of \"susceptibility\"?"} {"term": "queasy", "pos": "", "context": "under kevin sutley 's direction , this production finds a queasy pace , coloured as much by the insane bingeing on stage as the emotional minefield it traverses .", "definition": "inducing a feeling of nausea", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"under kevin sutley 's direction , this production finds a queasy pace , coloured as much by the insane bingeing on stage as the emotional minefield it traverses .\" What is the definition of \"queasy\"?"} {"term": "slaughter", "pos": "", "context": "they slaughtered their only goat to survive the winter", "definition": "kill ( animals ) usually for food consumption", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they slaughtered their only goat to survive the winter\" What is the definition of \"slaughter\"?"} {"term": "simony", "pos": "", "context": "to manipulate religious conviction into a political commodity is a contemporary form of simony .", "definition": "the buying or selling of ecclesiastical privileges , for example pardons or benefices .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to manipulate religious conviction into a political commodity is a contemporary form of simony .\" What is the definition of \"simony\"?"} {"term": "polish", "pos": "", "context": "polish your social manners", "definition": "bring to a highly developed , finished , or refined state", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"polish your social manners\" What is the definition of \"polish\"?"} {"term": "polish", "pos": "", "context": "or would one of them claim it tasted of peanut butter and elderberries while the other detected hints of shoe polish and rainbow trout ?", "definition": "a substance used to give something a smooth and shiny surface when rubbed in", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"or would one of them claim it tasted of peanut butter and elderberries while the other detected hints of shoe polish and rainbow trout ?\" What is the definition of \"polish\"?"} {"term": "wall", "pos": "", "context": "his back was to the wall", "definition": "a difficult or awkward situation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his back was to the wall\" What is the definition of \"wall\"?"} {"term": "wall", "pos": "", "context": "next to that , the stereo is walled in by records and tapes .", "definition": "confine or imprison someone or something in a restricted or sealed place", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"next to that , the stereo is walled in by records and tapes .\" What is the definition of \"wall\"?"} {"term": "wall", "pos": "", "context": "nastja ceh put slovenia ahead in the 16th minute after curling a free-kick over a wall of defenders .", "definition": "a line of defenders forming a barrier against a free kick taken near the penalty area", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nastja ceh put slovenia ahead in the 16th minute after curling a free-kick over a wall of defenders .\" What is the definition of \"wall\"?"} {"term": "overtone", "pos": "", "context": "that is , vowels are created by the first few broad peaks on the amplitude envelope imposed on the overtone spectrum by vocal-tract resonances .", "definition": "a component of any oscillation whose frequency is an integral multiple of the fundamental frequency .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that is , vowels are created by the first few broad peaks on the amplitude envelope imposed on the overtone spectrum by vocal-tract resonances .\" What is the definition of \"overtone\"?"} {"term": "overtone", "pos": "", "context": "once roma were level , that incident acquired ominous overtones retrospectively .", "definition": "a subtle or subsidiary quality , implication , or connotation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"once roma were level , that incident acquired ominous overtones retrospectively .\" What is the definition of \"overtone\"?"} {"term": "cenobite", "pos": "", "context": "a cenobite is usually a monk in a monastery , as opposed to an anchorite , who is a monk living alone ( also called an ‘ eremite ’ or ‘ hermit ’ ) .", "definition": "a member of a monastic community .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a cenobite is usually a monk in a monastery , as opposed to an anchorite , who is a monk living alone ( also called an ‘ eremite ’ or ‘ hermit ’ ) .\" What is the definition of \"cenobite\"?"} {"term": "hygienic", "pos": "", "context": "hygienic habits like using disposable tissues", "definition": "tending to promote or preserve health", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hygienic habits like using disposable tissues\" What is the definition of \"hygienic\"?"} {"term": "transitive", "pos": "", "context": "i glanced at nick , who nodded , and the teacher went back to droning on and on about the transitive property in geometry : easily the most boring class of the day .", "definition": "( of a relation ) such that , if it applies between successive members of a sequence , it must also apply between any two members taken in order . for instance , if a is larger than b , and b is larger than c , then a is larger than c .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i glanced at nick , who nodded , and the teacher went back to droning on and on about the transitive property in geometry : easily the most boring class of the day .\" What is the definition of \"transitive\"?"} {"term": "transitive", "pos": "", "context": "the first part of the utterance seems to be in english , except for the verb rub which has been given the tok pisin suffix - im , which marks transitive verbs .", "definition": "( of a verb or a sense or use of a verb ) able to take a direct object ( expressed or implied ) , e.g . saw in he saw the donkey .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the first part of the utterance seems to be in english , except for the verb rub which has been given the tok pisin suffix - im , which marks transitive verbs .\" What is the definition of \"transitive\"?"} {"term": "heliotherapy", "pos": "", "context": "we had no intention of making it seem as if some of the benefits of heliotherapy were suggested by you .", "definition": "the therapeutic use of sunlight .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we had no intention of making it seem as if some of the benefits of heliotherapy were suggested by you .\" What is the definition of \"heliotherapy\"?"} {"term": "teasing", "pos": "", "context": "the parody was just a form of teasing", "definition": "playful vexation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the parody was just a form of teasing\" What is the definition of \"teasing\"?"} {"term": "trio", "pos": "", "context": "similarly , the player with the better trio or quatorze can also score any other trios and quatorzes they hold , but the other player scores nothing for any trios or quatorzes .", "definition": "( in piquet ) a set of three aces , kings , queens , jacks , or tens held in one hand .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"similarly , the player with the better trio or quatorze can also score any other trios and quatorzes they hold , but the other player scores nothing for any trios or quatorzes .\" What is the definition of \"trio\"?"} {"term": "trio", "pos": "", "context": "the trio performed its first concert as part of the arts week .", "definition": "a group of three musicians", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the trio performed its first concert as part of the arts week .\" What is the definition of \"trio\"?"} {"term": "trio", "pos": "", "context": "formally , the posthorn episode takes the place of the trio in the would-be scherzo of the third movement .", "definition": "the central , typically contrastive , section of a minuet , scherzo , or march .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"formally , the posthorn episode takes the place of the trio in the would-be scherzo of the third movement .\" What is the definition of \"trio\"?"} {"term": "spillover", "pos": "", "context": "last night , two people overnighted in accident and emergency and on sunday , there was a spillover of 12 there .", "definition": "a thing that spreads or has spread into another area", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"last night , two people overnighted in accident and emergency and on sunday , there was a spillover of 12 there .\" What is the definition of \"spillover\"?"} {"term": "recheck", "pos": "", "context": "he and the shop assistant did the recheck and then the man , who lives locally but was not known to the assistant , just walked out of the shop .", "definition": "an act of checking or verifying something again", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he and the shop assistant did the recheck and then the man , who lives locally but was not known to the assistant , just walked out of the shop .\" What is the definition of \"recheck\"?"} {"term": "prejudice", "pos": "", "context": "we all bring to a film our own storehouse of experiences , impressions , prejudices .", "definition": "preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we all bring to a film our own storehouse of experiences , impressions , prejudices .\" What is the definition of \"prejudice\"?"} {"term": "prejudice", "pos": "", "context": "it is little bit hard to see how a guarantor is prejudiced by having a 10-year obligation reduced to some shorter obligation .", "definition": "cause harm to ( a state of affairs )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is little bit hard to see how a guarantor is prejudiced by having a 10-year obligation reduced to some shorter obligation .\" What is the definition of \"prejudice\"?"} {"term": "implantation", "pos": "", "context": "if fertilization occurs , progesterone supports implantation of the ovum and maintains the pregnancy .", "definition": "( in a mammal ) the attachment of the fertilized egg or blastocyst to the wall of the uterus at the start of pregnancy .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if fertilization occurs , progesterone supports implantation of the ovum and maintains the pregnancy .\" What is the definition of \"implantation\"?"} {"term": "oratorio", "pos": "", "context": "born in edinburgh , he was a violinist , conductor and teacher whose compositions included operas , oratorios , songs , concertos , chamber and orchestral works .", "definition": "a large-scale , usually narrative musical work for orchestra and voices , typically on a sacred theme , performed without costume , scenery , or action . well-known examples include bach 's christmas oratorio , handel 's messiah , and haydn 's the creation .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"born in edinburgh , he was a violinist , conductor and teacher whose compositions included operas , oratorios , songs , concertos , chamber and orchestral works .\" What is the definition of \"oratorio\"?"} {"term": "dispersant", "pos": "", "context": "further , mr knowles knew nothing of the idea of powdered ingredients or particles acting as dispersants in the dry state from his long experience in the agrochemical industry .", "definition": "a liquid or gas used to disperse small particles in a medium .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"further , mr knowles knew nothing of the idea of powdered ingredients or particles acting as dispersants in the dry state from his long experience in the agrochemical industry .\" What is the definition of \"dispersant\"?"} {"term": "cutthroat", "pos": "", "context": "cutthroat competition", "definition": "ruthless in competition", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cutthroat competition\" What is the definition of \"cutthroat\"?"} {"term": "disperse", "pos": "", "context": "the prosm disperses light", "definition": "separate ( light ) into spectral rays", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the prosm disperses light\" What is the definition of \"disperse\"?"} {"term": "contact", "pos": "", "context": "litmus paper turns red on contact with an acid", "definition": "the state or condition of touching or of being in immediate proximity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"litmus paper turns red on contact with an acid\" What is the definition of \"contact\"?"} {"term": "iambic", "pos": "", "context": "halfway through part 2 , the three-line stanzas with their fairly regular iambics are interrupted , and quite literally torn apart .", "definition": "iambic verse .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"halfway through part 2 , the three-line stanzas with their fairly regular iambics are interrupted , and quite literally torn apart .\" What is the definition of \"iambic\"?"} {"term": "standing", "pos": "", "context": "the only place this team is picking up speed is in its downhill slide in the points standings .", "definition": "the table of scores indicating the relative positions of competitors in a sporting contest", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the only place this team is picking up speed is in its downhill slide in the points standings .\" What is the definition of \"standing\"?"} {"term": "standing", "pos": "", "context": "mosquitoes breed in standing water", "definition": "( of fluids ) not moving or flowing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mosquitoes breed in standing water\" What is the definition of \"standing\"?"} {"term": "skeg", "pos": "", "context": "when i was 16 , i spent two weeks at a different school , and the very first thing i was asked there was `` are you a skeg ? '", "definition": "a surfer .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when i was 16 , i spent two weeks at a different school , and the very first thing i was asked there was `` are you a skeg ? '\" What is the definition of \"skeg\"?"} {"term": "faint", "pos": "", "context": "faint heart ne'er won fair lady", "definition": "lacking conviction or boldness or courage", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"faint heart ne'er won fair lady\" What is the definition of \"faint\"?"} {"term": "rainstorm", "pos": "", "context": "he had to deal with sweltering humidity , torrential rainstorms , former khmer rouge warlords and mischievous monkeys and elephants .", "definition": "a storm with heavy rain .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had to deal with sweltering humidity , torrential rainstorms , former khmer rouge warlords and mischievous monkeys and elephants .\" What is the definition of \"rainstorm\"?"} {"term": "arabist", "pos": "", "context": "but as they claim arab descent and an arab cultural identity , they make a convenient local ally for the arabists .", "definition": "a person who supports arab nationalism or political interests .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but as they claim arab descent and an arab cultural identity , they make a convenient local ally for the arabists .\" What is the definition of \"arabist\"?"} {"term": "bonny", "pos": "", "context": "keith believes his grandpa got less than £5000 for the farm ( still , a bonny sum in the early 50s ) .", "definition": "sizeable ( usually expressing approval )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"keith believes his grandpa got less than £5000 for the farm ( still , a bonny sum in the early 50s ) .\" What is the definition of \"bonny\"?"} {"term": "combine", "pos": "", "context": "combine resources", "definition": "add together from different sources", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"combine resources\" What is the definition of \"combine\"?"} {"term": "combine", "pos": "", "context": "couples can combine a visit to the abbey with a three-course supper at the restaurant in the visitors centre , where the trust is promising a menu with a romantic theme .", "definition": "engage in simultaneously", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"couples can combine a visit to the abbey with a three-course supper at the restaurant in the visitors centre , where the trust is promising a menu with a romantic theme .\" What is the definition of \"combine\"?"} {"term": "stroma", "pos": "", "context": "the endometrial stroma has a framework consisting of reticular fibers and stromal cells .", "definition": "the spongy framework of protein fibres in a red blood cell or platelet .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the endometrial stroma has a framework consisting of reticular fibers and stromal cells .\" What is the definition of \"stroma\"?"} {"term": "sprawl", "pos": "", "context": "tracey and his wife jackie live in a small flat in st albans , in a residential sprawl of cul-de-sacs and barratt homes a world away from the smoky soho jazz scene they inhabited for so long .", "definition": "a group or mass of something that has spread out in an untidy or irregular way", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tracey and his wife jackie live in a small flat in st albans , in a residential sprawl of cul-de-sacs and barratt homes a world away from the smoky soho jazz scene they inhabited for so long .\" What is the definition of \"sprawl\"?"} {"term": "overlock", "pos": "", "context": "thread the serger upper looper with decorative thread , then overlock the mesh edge with a 3-thread rolled hem stitch .", "definition": "strengthen and prevent fraying of ( an edge of cloth ) by oversewing it", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"thread the serger upper looper with decorative thread , then overlock the mesh edge with a 3-thread rolled hem stitch .\" What is the definition of \"overlock\"?"} {"term": "straightforwardness", "pos": "", "context": "what some people take for rudeness is really straightforwardness", "definition": "the quality of being direct and straightforward", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"what some people take for rudeness is really straightforwardness\" What is the definition of \"straightforwardness\"?"} {"term": "philosopher", "pos": "", "context": "the philosopher hannah arendt concluded that evil lay in the refusal to think .", "definition": "a person engaged or learned in philosophy , especially as an academic discipline .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the philosopher hannah arendt concluded that evil lay in the refusal to think .\" What is the definition of \"philosopher\"?"} {"term": "strain", "pos": "", "context": "i felt his arms straining me , could hear his laughter near me , could smell his stench .", "definition": "embrace ( someone ) tightly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i felt his arms straining me , could hear his laughter near me , could smell his stench .\" What is the definition of \"strain\"?"} {"term": "strain", "pos": "", "context": "there has always been a strain in conservative thinking , the little englander or isolationist tendency , that has been deeply suspicious of foreign intervention .", "definition": "a variety of something abstract", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there has always been a strain in conservative thinking , the little englander or isolationist tendency , that has been deeply suspicious of foreign intervention .\" What is the definition of \"strain\"?"} {"term": "strain", "pos": "", "context": "this is the most successful part of the recipe . you strain the mussel liquid into a bowl , wipe out your pot , then re-add the liquid and bring it to a boil .", "definition": "drain ( liquid ) off food by using a porous or perforated device", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this is the most successful part of the recipe . you strain the mussel liquid into a bowl , wipe out your pot , then re-add the liquid and bring it to a boil .\" What is the definition of \"strain\"?"} {"term": "strain", "pos": "", "context": "it opted for quick-cooking , high-yielding grains , while the east bred its strains for taste and texture .", "definition": "a particular breed , stock , or variety of an animal or plant .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it opted for quick-cooking , high-yielding grains , while the east bred its strains for taste and texture .\" What is the definition of \"strain\"?"} {"term": "strain", "pos": "", "context": "but when both are focused on taking , then the dynamic is pulling in opposite directions - creating strain and tension .", "definition": "a state of tension or exhaustion resulting from severe demands on one 's strength or resources", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but when both are focused on taking , then the dynamic is pulling in opposite directions - creating strain and tension .\" What is the definition of \"strain\"?"} {"term": "brave", "pos": "", "context": "she braved the elements", "definition": "face and withstand with courage", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she braved the elements\" What is the definition of \"brave\"?"} {"term": "showreel", "pos": "", "context": "they have a showreel , but they do n't like it - it 's quite boring , and they do n't feel they 've been given a chance to actually bring out themselves .", "definition": "a short videotape containing examples of an actor 's or director 's work for showing to potential employers .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they have a showreel , but they do n't like it - it 's quite boring , and they do n't feel they 've been given a chance to actually bring out themselves .\" What is the definition of \"showreel\"?"} {"term": "goodness", "pos": "", "context": "very basic flavouring should underline the goodness of the piece of meat and fish or whatever .", "definition": "the beneficial or nourishing element of food .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"very basic flavouring should underline the goodness of the piece of meat and fish or whatever .\" What is the definition of \"goodness\"?"} {"term": "tail", "pos": "", "context": "while someone pulled the rope down the mast , which came through some jammers , another crew tailed the rope around the winch .", "definition": "pull on the end of ( a rope ) after it has been wrapped round the drum of a winch a few times , in order to prevent slipping when the winch rotates .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"while someone pulled the rope down the mast , which came through some jammers , another crew tailed the rope around the winch .\" What is the definition of \"tail\"?"} {"term": "tail", "pos": "", "context": "he and darren cousins have been opening the bowling for northants , and blain has also been contributing with the bat from his position deep in the tail .", "definition": "the end of the batting order , with the weakest batsmen", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he and darren cousins have been opening the bowling for northants , and blain has also been contributing with the bat from his position deep in the tail .\" What is the definition of \"tail\"?"} {"term": "ink", "pos": "", "context": "he inked his finger", "definition": "mark , coat , cover , or stain with ink", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he inked his finger\" What is the definition of \"ink\"?"} {"term": "ink", "pos": "", "context": "‘ words , phrases , entire lines were inked out , ’ hutson wrote .", "definition": "obliterate something , especially writing , with ink", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ words , phrases , entire lines were inked out , ’ hutson wrote .\" What is the definition of \"ink\"?"} {"term": "stint", "pos": "", "context": "while buffers can help mitigate the impact of jitter and wander , they also serve to increase one-way latency , which may stint a conversation .", "definition": "supply a very ungenerous or inadequate amount of ( something )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"while buffers can help mitigate the impact of jitter and wander , they also serve to increase one-way latency , which may stint a conversation .\" What is the definition of \"stint\"?"} {"term": "stint", "pos": "", "context": "her stint as a lifeguard exhausted her", "definition": "an individual 's prescribed share of work", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her stint as a lifeguard exhausted her\" What is the definition of \"stint\"?"} {"term": "bezant", "pos": "", "context": "al-kamil sent back a second time , adding 30,000 bezants cash to compensate for the two castles , but again the offer was rejected .", "definition": "a gold or silver coin originally minted at byzantium .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"al-kamil sent back a second time , adding 30,000 bezants cash to compensate for the two castles , but again the offer was rejected .\" What is the definition of \"bezant\"?"} {"term": "franchise", "pos": "", "context": "the workers are also demanding that they have job security even if the city does not renew the franchise to the private companies for which they work .", "definition": "an authorization granted by a government or company to an individual or group enabling them to carry out specified commercial activities , for example acting as an agent for a company 's products", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the workers are also demanding that they have job security even if the city does not renew the franchise to the private companies for which they work .\" What is the definition of \"franchise\"?"} {"term": "mural", "pos": "", "context": "additionally , mucinous cystadenocarcinomas often have papillary projections and mural nodules that may correlate with areas of malignancy .", "definition": "relating to or occurring in the wall of a body cavity or blood vessel", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"additionally , mucinous cystadenocarcinomas often have papillary projections and mural nodules that may correlate with areas of malignancy .\" What is the definition of \"mural\"?"} {"term": "mural", "pos": "", "context": "a mural stairs leads to a series of small gardens also .", "definition": "relating to or resembling a wall", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a mural stairs leads to a series of small gardens also .\" What is the definition of \"mural\"?"} {"term": "endorse", "pos": "", "context": "endorse cheques", "definition": "sign as evidence of legal transfer", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"endorse cheques\" What is the definition of \"endorse\"?"} {"term": "fate", "pos": "", "context": "over the next century , nine major searches added to the sense that the party had met an almost supernatural fate .", "definition": "the inescapable death of a person", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"over the next century , nine major searches added to the sense that the party had met an almost supernatural fate .\" What is the definition of \"fate\"?"} {"term": "spice", "pos": "", "context": "this was no contrived presentation of foreign exoticism to satisfy some state-granting agency looking to spice up multicultural awareness week .", "definition": "make more interesting or exciting", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this was no contrived presentation of foreign exoticism to satisfy some state-granting agency looking to spice up multicultural awareness week .\" What is the definition of \"spice\"?"} {"term": "spice", "pos": "", "context": "all these add spice to bhavani 's idea of knowledge dissemination , her stand being that music has to reach across to the people and that ultimately , those who matter are the listeners .", "definition": "an element providing interest and excitement", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all these add spice to bhavani 's idea of knowledge dissemination , her stand being that music has to reach across to the people and that ultimately , those who matter are the listeners .\" What is the definition of \"spice\"?"} {"term": "editorial", "pos": "", "context": "a telegraph editorial says the case shows that something 's rotten in the european superstate .", "definition": "a newspaper article expressing the editor 's opinion on a topical issue", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a telegraph editorial says the case shows that something 's rotten in the european superstate .\" What is the definition of \"editorial\"?"} {"term": "duchess", "pos": "", "context": "the less gentlemanly ones settled for leering at the so-called future duchess and congratulating rafe by slapping him on the back .", "definition": "a woman holding a rank equivalent to duke in her own right .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the less gentlemanly ones settled for leering at the so-called future duchess and congratulating rafe by slapping him on the back .\" What is the definition of \"duchess\"?"} {"term": "quaff", "pos": "", "context": "irish people , north and south , guzzled their way through £600m worth of soft drinks last year , quaffing 729m litres of their favourite non-alcoholic tipples in the process .", "definition": "drink ( something , especially an alcoholic drink ) heartily", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"irish people , north and south , guzzled their way through £600m worth of soft drinks last year , quaffing 729m litres of their favourite non-alcoholic tipples in the process .\" What is the definition of \"quaff\"?"} {"term": "quaff", "pos": "", "context": "the first drink you 'll find here is summer berries , a non-alcoholic quaff , though i 'm sure it would also work well with a lot of rum , tequila , gin , or vodka .", "definition": "an alcoholic drink", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the first drink you 'll find here is summer berries , a non-alcoholic quaff , though i 'm sure it would also work well with a lot of rum , tequila , gin , or vodka .\" What is the definition of \"quaff\"?"} {"term": "royalty", "pos": "", "context": "if yeoman treated her employees like family , she treated her customers like royalty .", "definition": "a member of a royal family", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if yeoman treated her employees like family , she treated her customers like royalty .\" What is the definition of \"royalty\"?"} {"term": "sty", "pos": "", "context": "the captain crossed over an old wooden sty , his feet landed in the lush grass on the other side , he looked down at the morning dew , other foot steps stretched out in front of him .", "definition": "a pigsty", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the captain crossed over an old wooden sty , his feet landed in the lush grass on the other side , he looked down at the morning dew , other foot steps stretched out in front of him .\" What is the definition of \"sty\"?"} {"term": "humble", "pos": "", "context": "the sheer expanse of the skies humbles me but also makes me feel real and like i need to open up .", "definition": "cause ( someone ) to feel less important or proud", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sheer expanse of the skies humbles me but also makes me feel real and like i need to open up .\" What is the definition of \"humble\"?"} {"term": "leek", "pos": "", "context": "to make the sauce , heat the remaining butter and oil and cook the leeks , garlic , salt and pepper for 5 minutes until soft .", "definition": "a plant related to the onion , with flat overlapping leaves forming an elongated cylindrical bulb which together with the leaf bases is eaten as a vegetable . it is used as a welsh national emblem .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to make the sauce , heat the remaining butter and oil and cook the leeks , garlic , salt and pepper for 5 minutes until soft .\" What is the definition of \"leek\"?"} {"term": "subscript", "pos": "", "context": "of course we have modernised the notation , for example subscript notation was not used in parseval 's time , and we have also corrected his theorem for he omitted the first 2 on the left hand side .", "definition": "( of a letter , figure , or symbol ) written or printed below the line .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"of course we have modernised the notation , for example subscript notation was not used in parseval 's time , and we have also corrected his theorem for he omitted the first 2 on the left hand side .\" What is the definition of \"subscript\"?"} {"term": "cantonese", "pos": "", "context": "beyond that , one theory from canton states that the inventor was hung hsiu-ch'uan , the cantonese who led a rebellion and proclaimed himself emperor of nanking .", "definition": "a native or inhabitant of canton .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"beyond that , one theory from canton states that the inventor was hung hsiu-ch'uan , the cantonese who led a rebellion and proclaimed himself emperor of nanking .\" What is the definition of \"cantonese\"?"} {"term": "maund", "pos": "", "context": "the official maund in india is 82.6 pounds avoirdupois", "definition": "a unit of weight used in asia ; has different values in different countries", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the official maund in india is 82.6 pounds avoirdupois\" What is the definition of \"maund\"?"} {"term": "operation", "pos": "", "context": "these mechanisms and powers are always in operation even when empirically the rate of profit is rising .", "definition": "the action of functioning or the fact of being active or in effect", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these mechanisms and powers are always in operation even when empirically the rate of profit is rising .\" What is the definition of \"operation\"?"} {"term": "operation", "pos": "", "context": "they will schedule the operation as soon as an operating room is available", "definition": "a medical procedure involving an incision with instruments ; performed to repair damage or arrest disease in a living body", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they will schedule the operation as soon as an operating room is available\" What is the definition of \"operation\"?"} {"term": "intend", "pos": "", "context": "but these interventions also served humanitarian purposes , and presumably were intended to do that too .", "definition": "design or destine something for a particular purpose", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but these interventions also served humanitarian purposes , and presumably were intended to do that too .\" What is the definition of \"intend\"?"} {"term": "flask", "pos": "", "context": "in a broader sense , new orleans is a ‘ movable feast ’ , a flask of good wine that you carry with you wherever you are .", "definition": "a narrow-necked bulbous glass container , typically with a covering of wickerwork , for storing wine or oil .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in a broader sense , new orleans is a ‘ movable feast ’ , a flask of good wine that you carry with you wherever you are .\" What is the definition of \"flask\"?"} {"term": "flask", "pos": "", "context": "older ones can be given a flask of soup made with milk for extra nourishment during winter months .", "definition": "the contents of a flask", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"older ones can be given a flask of soup made with milk for extra nourishment during winter months .\" What is the definition of \"flask\"?"} {"term": "flask", "pos": "", "context": "so , i made a flask of tea and a knocked together breakfasty lunch to take out in the car .", "definition": "a vacuum flask .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so , i made a flask of tea and a knocked together breakfasty lunch to take out in the car .\" What is the definition of \"flask\"?"} {"term": "bungle", "pos": "", "context": "today we know of a new bungle which will deliver an average debt to australian families of an additional $ 400 to $ 800 .", "definition": "a mistake or badly carried out action", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"today we know of a new bungle which will deliver an average debt to australian families of an additional $ 400 to $ 800 .\" What is the definition of \"bungle\"?"} {"term": "jumpy", "pos": "", "context": "he says that since starting the job he is less jumpy and no longer afraid of the dark .", "definition": "( of a person ) anxious and uneasy", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he says that since starting the job he is less jumpy and no longer afraid of the dark .\" What is the definition of \"jumpy\"?"} {"term": "choke", "pos": "", "context": "for most 12-gauges shooting lead shot , turkey chokes have ids of.665 -.640 .", "definition": "a narrowed part of a shotgun bore near the muzzle , serving to restrict the spread of the shot", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for most 12-gauges shooting lead shot , turkey chokes have ids of.665 -.640 .\" What is the definition of \"choke\"?"} {"term": "choke", "pos": "", "context": "the man choked his opponent", "definition": "wring the neck of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the man choked his opponent\" What is the definition of \"choke\"?"} {"term": "monster", "pos": "", "context": "certainly , if early press reviews are anything to go by , king kong should become another box office monster itself .", "definition": "a thing of extraordinary or daunting size", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"certainly , if early press reviews are anything to go by , king kong should become another box office monster itself .\" What is the definition of \"monster\"?"} {"term": "heckle", "pos": "", "context": "the first step is to heckle the fiber , combing the long fibers from the short .", "definition": "dress ( flax or hemp ) to split and straighten the fibres for spinning", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the first step is to heckle the fiber , combing the long fibers from the short .\" What is the definition of \"heckle\"?"} {"term": "skater", "pos": "", "context": "sometimes the dancers donned business suits and tried in vain to emulate the skaters ' seamless glide and careless cool .", "definition": "a person who skates , especially on ice", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sometimes the dancers donned business suits and tried in vain to emulate the skaters ' seamless glide and careless cool .\" What is the definition of \"skater\"?"} {"term": "bougainvillea", "pos": "", "context": "dunn organizes weekend trips during the semester to sites in overtown , where students work for eight hours planting bougainvilleas , roses , shrimp plants , and vegetables like sweet potatoes , greens , and string beans .", "definition": "an ornamental shrubby climbing plant that is widely cultivated in the tropics . the insignificant flowers are surrounded by large , brightly coloured papery bracts which persist on the plant for a long time .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dunn organizes weekend trips during the semester to sites in overtown , where students work for eight hours planting bougainvilleas , roses , shrimp plants , and vegetables like sweet potatoes , greens , and string beans .\" What is the definition of \"bougainvillea\"?"} {"term": "irrigate", "pos": "", "context": "when the dressing is removed , the wound should be irrigated with normal saline to remove liquefied debris .", "definition": "wash out ( an organ or wound ) with a continuous flow of water or medication .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when the dressing is removed , the wound should be irrigated with normal saline to remove liquefied debris .\" What is the definition of \"irrigate\"?"} {"term": "detail", "pos": "", "context": "for more resources and useful contact details see the further information : 21+ page .", "definition": "itemized information about someone", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for more resources and useful contact details see the further information : 21+ page .\" What is the definition of \"detail\"?"} {"term": "detail", "pos": "", "context": "i took snapshots of individual works and of details and became madly obsessed with the paintings .", "definition": "a small part of a picture that is reproduced separately for close study", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i took snapshots of individual works and of details and became madly obsessed with the paintings .\" What is the definition of \"detail\"?"} {"term": "detail", "pos": "", "context": "some troops are on cleanup detail in parts of new orleans the flood never touched .", "definition": "a special duty assigned to a detachment of troops or police officers", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some troops are on cleanup detail in parts of new orleans the flood never touched .\" What is the definition of \"detail\"?"} {"term": "gape", "pos": "", "context": "kirsten gaped at her younger sister , then turned , enraged , to stalk off .", "definition": "stare with one 's mouth open wide in amazement or wonder", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"kirsten gaped at her younger sister , then turned , enraged , to stalk off .\" What is the definition of \"gape\"?"} {"term": "snout", "pos": "", "context": "apparently , a third of calls to the cheatline relate to household insurance , with snouts telling tales about burglaries that never happened or fires started by ‘ accident ’ .", "definition": "a police informer", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"apparently , a third of calls to the cheatline relate to household insurance , with snouts telling tales about burglaries that never happened or fires started by ‘ accident ’ .\" What is the definition of \"snout\"?"} {"term": "column", "pos": "", "context": "he criticised france 's reliance on the maginot line for defence against germany and called for the formation of mechanised armoured columns .", "definition": "a military force or convoy of ships", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he criticised france 's reliance on the maginot line for defence against germany and called for the formation of mechanised armoured columns .\" What is the definition of \"column\"?"} {"term": "fribble", "pos": "", "context": "what quantities of fribbles , paupers , invalids , epicures , antiquaries , politicians , thieves , and triflers of both sexes , might be advantageously spared !", "definition": "a frivolous or foolish person", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"what quantities of fribbles , paupers , invalids , epicures , antiquaries , politicians , thieves , and triflers of both sexes , might be advantageously spared !\" What is the definition of \"fribble\"?"} {"term": "diaphoretic", "pos": "", "context": "the action is diuretic , refrigerant and diaphoretic , and the juice extracted from the fresh plant is of use in urinary and kidney diseases .", "definition": "( chiefly of a drug ) inducing perspiration .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the action is diuretic , refrigerant and diaphoretic , and the juice extracted from the fresh plant is of use in urinary and kidney diseases .\" What is the definition of \"diaphoretic\"?"} {"term": "afford", "pos": "", "context": "checking it out took three hours we could n't afford to spare .", "definition": "have ( a resource such as money or time ) available or to spare", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"checking it out took three hours we could n't afford to spare .\" What is the definition of \"afford\"?"} {"term": "press", "pos": "", "context": "pressed flowers", "definition": "place between two surfaces and apply weight or pressure", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pressed flowers\" What is the definition of \"press\"?"} {"term": "press", "pos": "", "context": "the former manchester united midfielder is being pressed for a decision on a new deal .", "definition": "make strong efforts to persuade or force ( someone ) to do something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the former manchester united midfielder is being pressed for a decision on a new deal .\" What is the definition of \"press\"?"} {"term": "press", "pos": "", "context": "whole clusters go into a press in which the juice is extracted and pumped into a big stainless steel tank .", "definition": "a device for applying pressure to something in order to flatten or shape it or to extract juice or oil", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"whole clusters go into a press in which the juice is extracted and pumped into a big stainless steel tank .\" What is the definition of \"press\"?"} {"term": "elizabethan", "pos": "", "context": "the elizabethans discovered a strain of double-flowered primroses that were prized by collectors , and these are once again available , in limited numbers wherever primroses are sold .", "definition": "a person alive during the reign of queen elizabeth i .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the elizabethans discovered a strain of double-flowered primroses that were prized by collectors , and these are once again available , in limited numbers wherever primroses are sold .\" What is the definition of \"elizabethan\"?"} {"term": "fundamental", "pos": "", "context": "fundamentals include a company 's growth , revenues , earnings , management , and capital structure", "definition": "any factor that could be considered important to the understanding of a particular business", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fundamentals include a company 's growth , revenues , earnings , management , and capital structure\" What is the definition of \"fundamental\"?"} {"term": "encroach", "pos": "", "context": "as with so much of ancient britain , however , the theme-park disease is encroaching .", "definition": "advance gradually beyond usual or acceptable limits", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as with so much of ancient britain , however , the theme-park disease is encroaching .\" What is the definition of \"encroach\"?"} {"term": "extort", "pos": "", "context": "in the past , they had to hire consultants who extorted a lot of money from them .", "definition": "obtain ( something ) by force , threats , or other unfair means", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the past , they had to hire consultants who extorted a lot of money from them .\" What is the definition of \"extort\"?"} {"term": "premium", "pos": "", "context": "they paid a premium for access to water", "definition": "the amount that something in scarce supply is valued above its nominal value", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they paid a premium for access to water\" What is the definition of \"premium\"?"} {"term": "silkworm", "pos": "", "context": "tussah silk , often called shantung , is made from the cocoons of wild tussah silkworms that eat oak and juniper leaves .", "definition": "a commercial silk-yielding caterpillar of a saturniid moth .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tussah silk , often called shantung , is made from the cocoons of wild tussah silkworms that eat oak and juniper leaves .\" What is the definition of \"silkworm\"?"} {"term": "juice", "pos": "", "context": "add the pickled sloes to the cooking juices and warm through .", "definition": "the liquid that comes from meat or other food when cooked", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"add the pickled sloes to the cooking juices and warm through .\" What is the definition of \"juice\"?"} {"term": "juice", "pos": "", "context": "being a congressman just gives him a little more juice with the ward-heelers , union guys and pinstripe guys back home .", "definition": "influence or power , especially in a political or business context", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"being a congressman just gives him a little more juice with the ward-heelers , union guys and pinstripe guys back home .\" What is the definition of \"juice\"?"} {"term": "damascene", "pos": "", "context": "damascene city gates", "definition": "of or relating to or characteristic of damascus or its people", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"damascene city gates\" What is the definition of \"damascene\"?"} {"term": "damascene", "pos": "", "context": "a key feature of this structure is that the damascene wiring directly below the bonding pad has been limited to its outer edges , that is it is formed in the shape of a hollow square .", "definition": "relating to or denoting a process of inlaying a metal object with gold or silver decoration", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a key feature of this structure is that the damascene wiring directly below the bonding pad has been limited to its outer edges , that is it is formed in the shape of a hollow square .\" What is the definition of \"damascene\"?"} {"term": "seed", "pos": "", "context": "he still thinks about that , but his new experiences have seeded another idea : he thinks being a flight attendant would be great as he loves meeting people and travelling .", "definition": "cause ( something ) to begin to develop or grow", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he still thinks about that , but his new experiences have seeded another idea : he thinks being a flight attendant would be great as he loves meeting people and travelling .\" What is the definition of \"seed\"?"} {"term": "seed", "pos": "", "context": "most recommend that once you get close to or just past the suggested seeding date , the crop should be seeded as soon as possible .", "definition": "sow ( seed )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"most recommend that once you get close to or just past the suggested seeding date , the crop should be seeded as soon as possible .\" What is the definition of \"seed\"?"} {"term": "palfrey", "pos": "", "context": "the queen 's litter is depicted as followed by six ladies riding upon palfreys , and by three chariots each followed similarly : these would be the peeresses and ladies of the household .", "definition": "a docile horse used for ordinary riding , especially by women .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the queen 's litter is depicted as followed by six ladies riding upon palfreys , and by three chariots each followed similarly : these would be the peeresses and ladies of the household .\" What is the definition of \"palfrey\"?"} {"term": "return", "pos": "", "context": "he explained to his clients that he could find nothing worth buying at the time - and returned their money .", "definition": "give , put , or send ( something ) back to a place or person", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he explained to his clients that he could find nothing worth buying at the time - and returned their money .\" What is the definition of \"return\"?"} {"term": "return", "pos": "", "context": "instead , the election was held with parliament still in situ and fianna fail was returned with a greatly reduced majority .", "definition": "( of an electorate ) elect ( a person or party ) to office", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"instead , the election was held with parliament still in situ and fianna fail was returned with a greatly reduced majority .\" What is the definition of \"return\"?"} {"term": "anomie", "pos": "", "context": "in spite of his brush with big city anomie , he 's a survivor , someone who tries to find the good in every situation and strives to be agreeable .", "definition": "lack of the usual social or ethical standards in an individual or group", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in spite of his brush with big city anomie , he 's a survivor , someone who tries to find the good in every situation and strives to be agreeable .\" What is the definition of \"anomie\"?"} {"term": "project", "pos": "", "context": "project a missile", "definition": "throw , send , or cast forward", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"project a missile\" What is the definition of \"project\"?"} {"term": "project", "pos": "", "context": "at every turn in the road she saw an arsenal of spears projecting from the bushes on either side .", "definition": "extend outwards beyond something else ; protrude", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at every turn in the road she saw an arsenal of spears projecting from the bushes on either side .\" What is the definition of \"project\"?"} {"term": "project", "pos": "", "context": "the kemp town development was completed by thomas cubitt , though even then only half of what kemp had projected was built .", "definition": "plan ( a scheme or undertaking )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the kemp town development was completed by thomas cubitt , though even then only half of what kemp had projected was built .\" What is the definition of \"project\"?"} {"term": "project", "pos": "", "context": "to me , one of the best faces america has ever projected is the face of a peace corps volunteer .", "definition": "present ( someone or something ) in a particular way", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to me , one of the best faces america has ever projected is the face of a peace corps volunteer .\" What is the definition of \"project\"?"} {"term": "project", "pos": "", "context": "then again , maybe i 'm just projecting my own political behaviour onto a wider section of the public than is justified .", "definition": "attribute or transfer an emotion or desire to ( another person ) , especially unconsciously", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"then again , maybe i 'm just projecting my own political behaviour onto a wider section of the public than is justified .\" What is the definition of \"project\"?"} {"term": "exemplar", "pos": "", "context": "we have our own british exemplars too : orwell above all .", "definition": "a person or thing serving as a typical example or appropriate model", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we have our own british exemplars too : orwell above all .\" What is the definition of \"exemplar\"?"} {"term": "skip", "pos": "", "context": "skip a stone across the pond", "definition": "cause to skip over a surface", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"skip a stone across the pond\" What is the definition of \"skip\"?"} {"term": "skip", "pos": "", "context": "shannon noticed a slight skip in his step and laughed to herself .", "definition": "a light , bouncing step ; a skipping movement", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shannon noticed a slight skip in his step and laughed to herself .\" What is the definition of \"skip\"?"} {"term": "half-and-half", "pos": "", "context": "the tapioca pearls are the most popular ; you can also choose a half-and-half mix .", "definition": "in equal parts", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the tapioca pearls are the most popular ; you can also choose a half-and-half mix .\" What is the definition of \"half-and-half\"?"} {"term": "strict", "pos": "", "context": "strict standards", "definition": "severe and unremitting in making demands", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"strict standards\" What is the definition of \"strict\"?"} {"term": "homophobia", "pos": "", "context": "i wrote about coming out in the family and about the insidious homophobia of siblings .", "definition": "dislike of or prejudice against homosexual people .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i wrote about coming out in the family and about the insidious homophobia of siblings .\" What is the definition of \"homophobia\"?"} {"term": "lar", "pos": "", "context": "of the three species found in thailand , the lar is the most numerous but is still under threat , while the agile and pileated are endangered .", "definition": "the common gibbon , which has white hands and feet and is found in thailand and malaysia .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"of the three species found in thailand , the lar is the most numerous but is still under threat , while the agile and pileated are endangered .\" What is the definition of \"lar\"?"} {"term": "atmosphere", "pos": "", "context": "the atmosphere was thick with fog", "definition": "the weather or climate at some place", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the atmosphere was thick with fog\" What is the definition of \"atmosphere\"?"} {"term": "noel", "pos": "", "context": "catherine and i , with all our family , wish you a ‘ joyous noel ’ and a peaceful and happy new year .", "definition": "christmas , especially as a refrain in carols and on christmas cards .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"catherine and i , with all our family , wish you a ‘ joyous noel ’ and a peaceful and happy new year .\" What is the definition of \"noel\"?"} {"term": "criminality", "pos": "", "context": "he swept away much of the petty criminality that financed other illegal activities in the city .", "definition": "behaviour that is contrary to or forbidden by criminal law", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he swept away much of the petty criminality that financed other illegal activities in the city .\" What is the definition of \"criminality\"?"} {"term": "nonstop", "pos": "", "context": "how many nonstops are there to dallas ?", "definition": "a flight made without intermediate stops between source and destination", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"how many nonstops are there to dallas ?\" What is the definition of \"nonstop\"?"} {"term": "quart", "pos": "", "context": "the name of the parry is determined by the position where it finishes , e.g . the fencer starts on guard in the position of sixte , and when attacked parries by moving the blade laterally across the body to the parry of quarte .", "definition": "the fourth of eight parrying positions .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the name of the parry is determined by the position where it finishes , e.g . the fencer starts on guard in the position of sixte , and when attacked parries by moving the blade laterally across the body to the parry of quarte .\" What is the definition of \"quart\"?"} {"term": "quart", "pos": "", "context": "bring four quarts of water to a boil and add two tablespoons salt .", "definition": "a unit of liquid capacity equal to a quarter of a gallon or two pints , equivalent in britain to approximately 1.13 litres and in the us to approximately 0.94 litre", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bring four quarts of water to a boil and add two tablespoons salt .\" What is the definition of \"quart\"?"} {"term": "reincarnation", "pos": "", "context": "southern armies thus became more than a reincarnation of norman knights ; they strove to be the military arm of god , just as the roundheads of old had been .", "definition": "a new version of something from the past", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"southern armies thus became more than a reincarnation of norman knights ; they strove to be the military arm of god , just as the roundheads of old had been .\" What is the definition of \"reincarnation\"?"} {"term": "vicariate", "pos": "", "context": "the british vicariate could be an important stage in a fully professional career , and the men in the post of whom we know were not mediocrities .", "definition": "the office or authority of a vicar .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the british vicariate could be an important stage in a fully professional career , and the men in the post of whom we know were not mediocrities .\" What is the definition of \"vicariate\"?"} {"term": "elderberry", "pos": "", "context": "as a dietary supplement , `` high anthocyanin `` elderberry extracts are finding their way onto health-food stores shelves .", "definition": "the bluish-black or red berry of the elder , used for making jelly or wine .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as a dietary supplement , `` high anthocyanin `` elderberry extracts are finding their way onto health-food stores shelves .\" What is the definition of \"elderberry\"?"} {"term": "elderberry", "pos": "", "context": "red willow , arroyo willow , elderberry , and mcdonald oak are present in the tree and shrub layers .", "definition": "an elder tree or shrub .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"red willow , arroyo willow , elderberry , and mcdonald oak are present in the tree and shrub layers .\" What is the definition of \"elderberry\"?"} {"term": "refrigerate", "pos": "", "context": "if the room temperature is above 90 f , refrigerate perishable foods within one hour .", "definition": "subject ( food or drink ) to cold in order to chill or preserve it , typically by placing it in a refrigerator", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if the room temperature is above 90 f , refrigerate perishable foods within one hour .\" What is the definition of \"refrigerate\"?"} {"term": "iterate", "pos": "", "context": "it rarely failed to mollify , but carried with it the penalty of having to iterate the performance many , many times .", "definition": "perform or utter repeatedly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it rarely failed to mollify , but carried with it the penalty of having to iterate the performance many , many times .\" What is the definition of \"iterate\"?"} {"term": "backflow", "pos": "", "context": "the reverse flow of electricity or `` backflow ' can injure an unsuspecting utility worker .", "definition": "the movement of liquid or air back in the direction it was flowing from", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the reverse flow of electricity or `` backflow ' can injure an unsuspecting utility worker .\" What is the definition of \"backflow\"?"} {"term": "helmet", "pos": "", "context": "one diagram of helmets shows a simple , radially symmetrical ancestral helmet at the bottom .", "definition": "a predatory mollusc with a squat heavy shell , which lives in tropical and temperate seas .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one diagram of helmets shows a simple , radially symmetrical ancestral helmet at the bottom .\" What is the definition of \"helmet\"?"} {"term": "helmet", "pos": "", "context": "the adjustable hood fits over helmets and hats and wo n't hinder your vision while you 're out and about .", "definition": "a hard or padded protective hat , various types of which are worn by soldiers , police officers , motorcyclists , sports players , and others .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the adjustable hood fits over helmets and hats and wo n't hinder your vision while you 're out and about .\" What is the definition of \"helmet\"?"} {"term": "malinger", "pos": "", "context": "companies indicated that , in their opinion , a whopping 75 % of time taken was due to feigned illness or malingering .", "definition": "pretend to be ill in order to escape duty or work", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"companies indicated that , in their opinion , a whopping 75 % of time taken was due to feigned illness or malingering .\" What is the definition of \"malinger\"?"} {"term": "mid-water", "pos": "", "context": "many marine fishes inhabit the mid-waters", "definition": "the water that is well below the surface but also well above the bottom", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"many marine fishes inhabit the mid-waters\" What is the definition of \"mid-water\"?"} {"term": "appeal", "pos": "", "context": "on appeal , however , the eighth circuit reversed , without dedicating a single line to the issue of class actions .", "definition": "an application to a higher court for a decision to be reversed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on appeal , however , the eighth circuit reversed , without dedicating a single line to the issue of class actions .\" What is the definition of \"appeal\"?"} {"term": "appeal", "pos": "", "context": "what were the historical and political circumstances of his success and to which popular opinions and social interests do his works appeal ?", "definition": "try to persuade someone to do something by calling on ( a particular principle or quality )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"what were the historical and political circumstances of his success and to which popular opinions and social interests do his works appeal ?\" What is the definition of \"appeal\"?"} {"term": "penetrate", "pos": "", "context": "she 's pretty , he thinks unexpectedly , but the thought is lost as her words penetrate .", "definition": "be fully understood or realized by someone", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she 's pretty , he thinks unexpectedly , but the thought is lost as her words penetrate .\" What is the definition of \"penetrate\"?"} {"term": "subside", "pos": "", "context": "the major problem according to fisheries scientists is not so much fish getting washed away but those that get stranded on the ings land are unable to find a route back to the river when the water subsides .", "definition": "( of water ) go down to a lower or the normal level", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the major problem according to fisheries scientists is not so much fish getting washed away but those that get stranded on the ings land are unable to find a route back to the river when the water subsides .\" What is the definition of \"subside\"?"} {"term": "exarchate", "pos": "", "context": "the term militia had social , military , and political significance and was linked to the organization of the different byzantine duchies and the exarchate .", "definition": "a byzantine province governed by an exarch .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the term militia had social , military , and political significance and was linked to the organization of the different byzantine duchies and the exarchate .\" What is the definition of \"exarchate\"?"} {"term": "accession", "pos": "", "context": "denmark , for instance , voted against the maastricht treaty in june 1992 , and later only a marginal majority of french voters confirmed the accession to the treaty .", "definition": "the formal acceptance of a treaty or agreement", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"denmark , for instance , voted against the maastricht treaty in june 1992 , and later only a marginal majority of french voters confirmed the accession to the treaty .\" What is the definition of \"accession\"?"} {"term": "decoder", "pos": "", "context": "the decoder is currently available for additional fees only .", "definition": "a device capable of converting audio or video signals into a different form , for example from digital to analogue", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the decoder is currently available for additional fees only .\" What is the definition of \"decoder\"?"} {"term": "ned", "pos": "", "context": "but we all know that you 're unemployable , because which job advertisement starts with ‘ seeking a stupid , inarticulate , aggressive ned . ’", "definition": "a stupid or loutish boy or man .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but we all know that you 're unemployable , because which job advertisement starts with ‘ seeking a stupid , inarticulate , aggressive ned . ’\" What is the definition of \"ned\"?"} {"term": "rockumentary", "pos": "", "context": "in 20 years , if there 's some kind of rockumentary and they want to interview my withered old form about how crazy it was back in the '90s , i 'd totally be into it .", "definition": "a documentary about rock music and musicians .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in 20 years , if there 's some kind of rockumentary and they want to interview my withered old form about how crazy it was back in the '90s , i 'd totally be into it .\" What is the definition of \"rockumentary\"?"} {"term": "fiddle-faddle", "pos": "", "context": "we should n't fiddle-faddle around with the samurai-cons on the loose .", "definition": "mess about ; fuss", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we should n't fiddle-faddle around with the samurai-cons on the loose .\" What is the definition of \"fiddle-faddle\"?"} {"term": "mount", "pos": "", "context": "over a year this could mount up to an extra 3-4kg of fat .", "definition": "grow larger or more numerous", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"over a year this could mount up to an extra 3-4kg of fat .\" What is the definition of \"mount\"?"} {"term": "posset", "pos": "", "context": "to serve , simply spoon whipped posset into four to six individual ramekins and top with a scoop of berries .", "definition": "a cold dessert made from thickened cream , typically flavoured with lemon", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to serve , simply spoon whipped posset into four to six individual ramekins and top with a scoop of berries .\" What is the definition of \"posset\"?"} {"term": "dumper", "pos": "", "context": "they were spilling waves rather than dumpers ; meaning conditions would be good for swimming .", "definition": "a large wave that breaks and hurls the swimmer or surfer on to the beach .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they were spilling waves rather than dumpers ; meaning conditions would be good for swimming .\" What is the definition of \"dumper\"?"} {"term": "sorry", "pos": "", "context": "excuse me , sorry , excuse me , sorry , pardon !", "definition": "used to express apology", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"excuse me , sorry , excuse me , sorry , pardon !\" What is the definition of \"sorry\"?"} {"term": "waddle", "pos": "", "context": "ducks walk with a waddle", "definition": "walking with short steps and the weight tilting from one foot to the other", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ducks walk with a waddle\" What is the definition of \"waddle\"?"} {"term": "icefall", "pos": "", "context": "and the following day they are base camp bound , which also means the last trip down through the icefall .", "definition": "a steep part of a glacier like a frozen waterfall .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and the following day they are base camp bound , which also means the last trip down through the icefall .\" What is the definition of \"icefall\"?"} {"term": "lightweight", "pos": "", "context": "in 1965 he used some aluminium tubing , a piece of canvas and lightweight wheels to build a prototype .", "definition": "of thin material or build and weighing less than average", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in 1965 he used some aluminium tubing , a piece of canvas and lightweight wheels to build a prototype .\" What is the definition of \"lightweight\"?"} {"term": "lightweight", "pos": "", "context": "a lightweight fabric", "definition": "weighing relatively little compared with another item or object of similar use", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a lightweight fabric\" What is the definition of \"lightweight\"?"} {"term": "livery", "pos": "", "context": "this , not very popular , livery continued for some time , but the buses began to look very grimy and in the late 1970s a variation of the former tram livery of predominantly green with cream relief was introduced .", "definition": "a special design and colour scheme used on the vehicles , aircraft , or products of a particular company", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this , not very popular , livery continued for some time , but the buses began to look very grimy and in the late 1970s a variation of the former tram livery of predominantly green with cream relief was introduced .\" What is the definition of \"livery\"?"} {"term": "clawback", "pos": "", "context": "the treasury will find some clawback for the extra benefits members received", "definition": "finding a way to take money back from people that they were given in another way", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the treasury will find some clawback for the extra benefits members received\" What is the definition of \"clawback\"?"} {"term": "jonquil", "pos": "", "context": "i could see some particularly attractive flowers up ahead , and as we drew closer , i realized that they were jonquils , my favorite flower .", "definition": "a narcissus with clusters of small fragrant yellow flowers and cylindrical leaves , native to southern europe and ne africa .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i could see some particularly attractive flowers up ahead , and as we drew closer , i realized that they were jonquils , my favorite flower .\" What is the definition of \"jonquil\"?"} {"term": "lig", "pos": "", "context": "showing their support - or love of a good lig - a full complement of cook 's posse had come out to brazil .", "definition": "a free party or show provided for publicity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"showing their support - or love of a good lig - a full complement of cook 's posse had come out to brazil .\" What is the definition of \"lig\"?"} {"term": "paella", "pos": "", "context": "this was rice , sausage , fresh herbs and broth cooked in the oven as you would prepare paella at home .", "definition": "a spanish dish of rice , saffron , chicken , seafood , etc. , cooked and served in a large shallow pan", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this was rice , sausage , fresh herbs and broth cooked in the oven as you would prepare paella at home .\" What is the definition of \"paella\"?"} {"term": "rustiness", "pos": "", "context": "his rustiness showed when he was asked to speed up", "definition": "ineptitude or awkwardness as a consequence of age or lack of practice", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his rustiness showed when he was asked to speed up\" What is the definition of \"rustiness\"?"} {"term": "spline", "pos": "", "context": "therefore , there is more flexibility in the fitted splines than is strictly necessary to model the data .", "definition": "a flexible wood or rubber strip used especially in drawing large curves .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"therefore , there is more flexibility in the fitted splines than is strictly necessary to model the data .\" What is the definition of \"spline\"?"} {"term": "precipitation", "pos": "", "context": "the end of august could lead to earlier nights and the odd spell of seasonal weather mixed in with unusual conditions , with precipitation likely where rain falls .", "definition": "rain , snow , sleet , or hail that falls to or condenses on the ground", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the end of august could lead to earlier nights and the odd spell of seasonal weather mixed in with unusual conditions , with precipitation likely where rain falls .\" What is the definition of \"precipitation\"?"} {"term": "cryptography", "pos": "", "context": "encryption is the process of using cryptography to protect information .", "definition": "the art of writing or solving codes .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"encryption is the process of using cryptography to protect information .\" What is the definition of \"cryptography\"?"} {"term": "peafowl", "pos": "", "context": "by now very interested in peafowl , i began to make inquiries .", "definition": "a large crested pheasant found mainly in asia .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"by now very interested in peafowl , i began to make inquiries .\" What is the definition of \"peafowl\"?"} {"term": "neglect", "pos": "", "context": "the house was in a terrible state of neglect", "definition": "the state of something that has been unused and neglected", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the house was in a terrible state of neglect\" What is the definition of \"neglect\"?"} {"term": "smilax", "pos": "", "context": "best live greens to use are cypress , assorted evergreens and variegated holly , rosemary , smilax , white pine , common boxwood , fresh moss , and little gem ’ miniature magnolia .", "definition": "a widely distributed climbing shrub with hooks and tendrils . several south american species yield sarsaparilla from their roots , and some are cultivated as ornamentals .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"best live greens to use are cypress , assorted evergreens and variegated holly , rosemary , smilax , white pine , common boxwood , fresh moss , and little gem ’ miniature magnolia .\" What is the definition of \"smilax\"?"} {"term": "mud", "pos": "", "context": "`` she wanted to get back at the japanese companies who had slung mud on her face .", "definition": "information or allegations regarded as damaging or scandalous", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"`` she wanted to get back at the japanese companies who had slung mud on her face .\" What is the definition of \"mud\"?"} {"term": "railcard", "pos": "", "context": "a ticket inspector stopped her and found she had purchased a ticket at a discounted rate , although she did not hold a young person 's railcard .", "definition": "a pass entitling the holder to reduced rail fares on off-peak trains .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a ticket inspector stopped her and found she had purchased a ticket at a discounted rate , although she did not hold a young person 's railcard .\" What is the definition of \"railcard\"?"} {"term": "decommission", "pos": "", "context": "if locomotives become too old to maintain , they have to be decommissioned .", "definition": "withdraw ( something , especially weapons or military equipment ) from service", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if locomotives become too old to maintain , they have to be decommissioned .\" What is the definition of \"decommission\"?"} {"term": "decommission", "pos": "", "context": "the warship was decommissioned in 1998", "definition": "withdraw from active service", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the warship was decommissioned in 1998\" What is the definition of \"decommission\"?"} {"term": "ego", "pos": "", "context": "so what if perception is warped by our egos and reality is warped by perception ?", "definition": "the part of the mind that mediates between the conscious and the unconscious and is responsible for reality testing and a sense of personal identity .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so what if perception is warped by our egos and reality is warped by perception ?\" What is the definition of \"ego\"?"} {"term": "ego", "pos": "", "context": "a couple of bruised male egos later i and about 11 other guys made the team .", "definition": "a person 's sense of self-esteem or self-importance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a couple of bruised male egos later i and about 11 other guys made the team .\" What is the definition of \"ego\"?"} {"term": "aubergine", "pos": "", "context": "the entire outside of the building is lit up every night in a disturbingly bright shade of aubergine .", "definition": "a dark purple colour like the skin of an aubergine .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the entire outside of the building is lit up every night in a disturbingly bright shade of aubergine .\" What is the definition of \"aubergine\"?"} {"term": "universalism", "pos": "", "context": "with roots going back to 19th-century national objectives , universalism became central to 20th-century canadian public policy .", "definition": "loyalty to and concern for others without regard to national or other allegiances", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with roots going back to 19th-century national objectives , universalism became central to 20th-century canadian public policy .\" What is the definition of \"universalism\"?"} {"term": "turn", "pos": "", "context": "the tide started turning during the '70s , mostly due to economic factors .", "definition": "( of the tide ) change from flood to ebb or vice versa", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the tide started turning during the '70s , mostly due to economic factors .\" What is the definition of \"turn\"?"} {"term": "turn", "pos": "", "context": "the turning of the wind", "definition": "a movement in a new direction", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the turning of the wind\" What is the definition of \"turn\"?"} {"term": "turn", "pos": "", "context": "they turned away the crowd at the gate of the governor 's mansion", "definition": "to send or let go", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they turned away the crowd at the gate of the governor 's mansion\" What is the definition of \"turn\"?"} {"term": "turn", "pos": "", "context": "the weather turned nasty", "definition": "pass into a condition gradually , take on a specific property or attribute ; become", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the weather turned nasty\" What is the definition of \"turn\"?"} {"term": "turn", "pos": "", "context": "we 're going to make a left turn or a right turn , a complete turn right now .", "definition": "a change of direction when moving", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we 're going to make a left turn or a right turn , a complete turn right now .\" What is the definition of \"turn\"?"} {"term": "turn", "pos": "", "context": "it 's a second bogey in three holes since the turn .", "definition": "the beginning of the second nine holes of a round of golf", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's a second bogey in three holes since the turn .\" What is the definition of \"turn\"?"} {"term": "turn", "pos": "", "context": "the princess turned the frog into a prince by kissing him", "definition": "cause to change or turn into something different ; assume new characteristics", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the princess turned the frog into a prince by kissing him\" What is the definition of \"turn\"?"} {"term": "turn", "pos": "", "context": "it is my turn", "definition": "( game ) the activity of doing something in an agreed succession", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is my turn\" What is the definition of \"turn\"?"} {"term": "oilskin", "pos": "", "context": "he then rolled the hide into a bundle , placed the bundle in an oilskin sack , and began leading the way back to their skiff .", "definition": "heavy cotton cloth waterproofed with oil", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he then rolled the hide into a bundle , placed the bundle in an oilskin sack , and began leading the way back to their skiff .\" What is the definition of \"oilskin\"?"} {"term": "jungian", "pos": "", "context": "there was a coincidence - which i prefer to refer to as a synchronicity , in the jungian sense .", "definition": "relating to or characteristic of the swiss psychologist carl jung or his works", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was a coincidence - which i prefer to refer to as a synchronicity , in the jungian sense .\" What is the definition of \"jungian\"?"} {"term": "office", "pos": "", "context": "the little hallway contains many doors , all leading into psychiatrist 's offices .", "definition": "the consulting room of a professional person", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the little hallway contains many doors , all leading into psychiatrist 's offices .\" What is the definition of \"office\"?"} {"term": "office", "pos": "", "context": "the seven daily offices punctuate a way of life regulated by prayer , while the passing of the seasons marks time .", "definition": "a service conducted daily as part of the office", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the seven daily offices punctuate a way of life regulated by prayer , while the passing of the seasons marks time .\" What is the definition of \"office\"?"} {"term": "hassle", "pos": "", "context": "by day , he has to remain out of sight , but in the evening , he pushes his cart out and chooses a place where he is unlikely to be hassled by the police .", "definition": "harass ; pester", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"by day , he has to remain out of sight , but in the evening , he pushes his cart out and chooses a place where he is unlikely to be hassled by the police .\" What is the definition of \"hassle\"?"} {"term": "cling", "pos": "", "context": "he used to cavort with her in stairwells and find inventive ways to eat cling peaches .", "definition": "a clingstone peach .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he used to cavort with her in stairwells and find inventive ways to eat cling peaches .\" What is the definition of \"cling\"?"} {"term": "grisette", "pos": "", "context": "the grisette differs from other amanita species by having no ring on the stem .", "definition": "a common edible woodland mushroom with a brown or grey cap , a slender stem , and white gills .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the grisette differs from other amanita species by having no ring on the stem .\" What is the definition of \"grisette\"?"} {"term": "sheep", "pos": "", "context": "his students followed him like sheep", "definition": "a docile and vulnerable person who would rather follow than make an independent decision", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his students followed him like sheep\" What is the definition of \"sheep\"?"} {"term": "supervise", "pos": "", "context": "he decides to censor it and to supervise the author , watching out for further subversiveness lest it become necessary to deport him to an island .", "definition": "observe and direct the work of ( someone )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he decides to censor it and to supervise the author , watching out for further subversiveness lest it become necessary to deport him to an island .\" What is the definition of \"supervise\"?"} {"term": "yardman", "pos": "", "context": "sources at the town hall also confirmed the yardman , responsible for operating the weighbridge , was sacked after another disciplinary hearing .", "definition": "a person working in a railway or timber yard .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sources at the town hall also confirmed the yardman , responsible for operating the weighbridge , was sacked after another disciplinary hearing .\" What is the definition of \"yardman\"?"} {"term": "bin", "pos": "", "context": "the study showed that only 14 per cent of household rubbish bins contain absolutely no information of interest to fraudsters .", "definition": "a receptacle in which to deposit rubbish .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the study showed that only 14 per cent of household rubbish bins contain absolutely no information of interest to fraudsters .\" What is the definition of \"bin\"?"} {"term": "bin", "pos": "", "context": "just as it turned dark we discovered the wine bin was bare so we hopped down to replenish our stocks .", "definition": "a partitioned stand for storing bottles of wine .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"just as it turned dark we discovered the wine bin was bare so we hopped down to replenish our stocks .\" What is the definition of \"bin\"?"} {"term": "bumper", "pos": "", "context": "we quaffed a bumper of ale", "definition": "a glass filled to the brim ( especially as a toast )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we quaffed a bumper of ale\" What is the definition of \"bumper\"?"} {"term": "bumper", "pos": "", "context": "there was a little damage to the front bumper on the right side and he did not bother getting it fixed .", "definition": "a horizontal bar fixed across the front or back of a motor vehicle to reduce damage in a collision", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was a little damage to the front bumper on the right side and he did not bother getting it fixed .\" What is the definition of \"bumper\"?"} {"term": "propagule", "pos": "", "context": "the trees were planted from propagules , in april 1994 , in an overexploited clear-cut area .", "definition": "a vegetative structure that can become detached from a plant and give rise to a new plant , e.g . a bud , sucker , or spore .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the trees were planted from propagules , in april 1994 , in an overexploited clear-cut area .\" What is the definition of \"propagule\"?"} {"term": "absolutism", "pos": "", "context": "i was raised catholic and left at an early age , but the roman church 's absolutism and attention to detail stay with one for life .", "definition": "the holding of absolute principles in political , philosophical , or theological matters .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i was raised catholic and left at an early age , but the roman church 's absolutism and attention to detail stay with one for life .\" What is the definition of \"absolutism\"?"} {"term": "eld", "pos": "", "context": "for billy rose , at present busily revamping the theatre , it was like eld times .", "definition": "former times ; the past .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for billy rose , at present busily revamping the theatre , it was like eld times .\" What is the definition of \"eld\"?"} {"term": "remoteness", "pos": "", "context": "she remembered a remoteness in her stepfather ; she saw in him the figure of a man conflicted about involving himself emotionally in the activities of his children .", "definition": "the quality of being aloof and unfriendly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she remembered a remoteness in her stepfather ; she saw in him the figure of a man conflicted about involving himself emotionally in the activities of his children .\" What is the definition of \"remoteness\"?"} {"term": "deism", "pos": "", "context": "put into practice , her ceremonial deism will cease to be either ceremonial or deistic .", "definition": "belief in the existence of a supreme being , specifically of a creator who does not intervene in the universe .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"put into practice , her ceremonial deism will cease to be either ceremonial or deistic .\" What is the definition of \"deism\"?"} {"term": "fantail", "pos": "", "context": "the skirt was hourglass shaped with a fantail train .", "definition": "a fan-shaped tail or end .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the skirt was hourglass shaped with a fantail train .\" What is the definition of \"fantail\"?"} {"term": "fantail", "pos": "", "context": "this year i did observe two little fantails collecting spider web from around the house itself and visiting a nearby avocado sapling that had grown from a carelessly thrown stone last year - or maybe the year before .", "definition": "a flycatcher with a long tapering tail that is often fanned out , found mainly in se asia and australasia .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this year i did observe two little fantails collecting spider web from around the house itself and visiting a nearby avocado sapling that had grown from a carelessly thrown stone last year - or maybe the year before .\" What is the definition of \"fantail\"?"} {"term": "ascent", "pos": "", "context": "in july 1925 friedmann made a record-breaking ascent in a balloon to 7400 metres to make meteorological and medical observations .", "definition": "an instance of rising or moving up through the air", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in july 1925 friedmann made a record-breaking ascent in a balloon to 7400 metres to make meteorological and medical observations .\" What is the definition of \"ascent\"?"} {"term": "fracture", "pos": "", "context": "this writer really fractures the language", "definition": "violate or abuse", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this writer really fractures the language\" What is the definition of \"fracture\"?"} {"term": "fracture", "pos": "", "context": "it is brittle , breaking with a conchoidal to uneven fracture , and it has a hardness of 2.5 and a measured density of 5.82 .", "definition": "the physical appearance of a freshly broken rock or mineral , especially as regards the shape of the surface formed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is brittle , breaking with a conchoidal to uneven fracture , and it has a hardness of 2.5 and a measured density of 5.82 .\" What is the definition of \"fracture\"?"} {"term": "fracture", "pos": "", "context": "broken columns of rock fractured from the face are tumbled like a game of jackstraws below .", "definition": "break or cause to break", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"broken columns of rock fractured from the face are tumbled like a game of jackstraws below .\" What is the definition of \"fracture\"?"} {"term": "feminist", "pos": "", "context": "feminist critique", "definition": "of or relating to or advocating equal rights for women", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"feminist critique\" What is the definition of \"feminist\"?"} {"term": "raspberry", "pos": "", "context": "rhea blew a raspberry with her tongue and fiddled with the fabric she was lying on .", "definition": "a sound made with the tongue and lips , expressing derision or contempt", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rhea blew a raspberry with her tongue and fiddled with the fabric she was lying on .\" What is the definition of \"raspberry\"?"} {"term": "raspberry", "pos": "", "context": "the flower girls were kara and shannon mcgovern , nieces of the bridegroom , who wore full length white gowns with raspberry coloured sashes .", "definition": "a deep reddish-pink colour", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the flower girls were kara and shannon mcgovern , nieces of the bridegroom , who wore full length white gowns with raspberry coloured sashes .\" What is the definition of \"raspberry\"?"} {"term": "red-hot", "pos": "", "context": "we can make transport an interesting , attractive , galvanising , inspiring , or perhaps red-hot issue , but buses , trams and even freudian trains are not and never will be sexy .", "definition": "very exciting , interesting , or good", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we can make transport an interesting , attractive , galvanising , inspiring , or perhaps red-hot issue , but buses , trams and even freudian trains are not and never will be sexy .\" What is the definition of \"red-hot\"?"} {"term": "throes", "pos": "", "context": "death throes", "definition": "violent pangs of suffering", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"death throes\" What is the definition of \"throes\"?"} {"term": "proletarian", "pos": "", "context": "there was also the perennial problem of all concerted attempts to ‘ elevate ’ the workers ' taste in popular art : like it or not , proletarians enjoy ‘ bourgeois ’ realism .", "definition": "a member of the proletariat", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was also the perennial problem of all concerted attempts to ‘ elevate ’ the workers ' taste in popular art : like it or not , proletarians enjoy ‘ bourgeois ’ realism .\" What is the definition of \"proletarian\"?"} {"term": "earplug", "pos": "", "context": "when washing the child 's hair , use earplugs to stop soapy water getting into the child 's ears .", "definition": "a piece of wax , rubber , or cotton wool placed in the ear as protection against noise , water , or cold air .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when washing the child 's hair , use earplugs to stop soapy water getting into the child 's ears .\" What is the definition of \"earplug\"?"} {"term": "fool", "pos": "", "context": "the only reason big corporations want to open casinos is to part fools from their money .", "definition": "a person who acts unwisely or imprudently ; a silly person", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the only reason big corporations want to open casinos is to part fools from their money .\" What is the definition of \"fool\"?"} {"term": "fool", "pos": "", "context": "`` stop fooling around kira , `` snapped rava , coming to a quick halt and eyeing the girl .", "definition": "engage in casual or extramarital sexual activity .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"`` stop fooling around kira , `` snapped rava , coming to a quick halt and eyeing the girl .\" What is the definition of \"fool\"?"} {"term": "lyrist", "pos": "", "context": "‘ beyond the sea ’ began its long journey as the immensely popular french song ‘ la mer , ’ written by lyrist and composer charles trenet .", "definition": "a person who plays the lyre .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ beyond the sea ’ began its long journey as the immensely popular french song ‘ la mer , ’ written by lyrist and composer charles trenet .\" What is the definition of \"lyrist\"?"} {"term": "precede", "pos": "", "context": "most english adjectives precede the noun they modify", "definition": "come before", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"most english adjectives precede the noun they modify\" What is the definition of \"precede\"?"} {"term": "precede", "pos": "", "context": "she always precedes her lectures with a joke", "definition": "furnish with a preface or introduction", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she always precedes her lectures with a joke\" What is the definition of \"precede\"?"} {"term": "precede", "pos": "", "context": "bill preceded john in the long line of susan 's husbands", "definition": "be the predecessor of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bill preceded john in the long line of susan 's husbands\" What is the definition of \"precede\"?"} {"term": "kimberlite", "pos": "", "context": "so rankin inlet was n't surprised when prospectors exploring the area recently announced a promising find of kimberlite , a volcanic rock that often contains diamonds , 20 km from town .", "definition": "a rare , blue-tinged , coarse-grained intrusive igneous rock sometimes containing diamonds , found in south africa and siberia .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so rankin inlet was n't surprised when prospectors exploring the area recently announced a promising find of kimberlite , a volcanic rock that often contains diamonds , 20 km from town .\" What is the definition of \"kimberlite\"?"} {"term": "worthiness", "pos": "", "context": "he took the company from the bowels of serious worthiness to wowing the london literati with dynamic , subversive , well-produced books that echoed the counterculture bubbling under the historical granite of edinburgh .", "definition": "the quality of deserving attention or respect", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he took the company from the bowels of serious worthiness to wowing the london literati with dynamic , subversive , well-produced books that echoed the counterculture bubbling under the historical granite of edinburgh .\" What is the definition of \"worthiness\"?"} {"term": "romp", "pos": "", "context": "all was empty there in the ocean-breezed lot , save for some random piles of garbage and a cat or two romping through the lanes .", "definition": "( especially of a child or animal ) play roughly and energetically", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all was empty there in the ocean-breezed lot , save for some random piles of garbage and a cat or two romping through the lanes .\" What is the definition of \"romp\"?"} {"term": "romp", "pos": "", "context": "the toddlers romped in the playroom", "definition": "play boisterously", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the toddlers romped in the playroom\" What is the definition of \"romp\"?"} {"term": "attachment", "pos": "", "context": "trustees in bankruptcy were appointed and the court ordered attachment of its property .", "definition": "legal seizure of property .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"trustees in bankruptcy were appointed and the court ordered attachment of its property .\" What is the definition of \"attachment\"?"} {"term": "substantiate", "pos": "", "context": "our ideas must be substantiated into actions", "definition": "make real or concrete ; give reality or substance to", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"our ideas must be substantiated into actions\" What is the definition of \"substantiate\"?"} {"term": "westward", "pos": "", "context": "to the westward , but on their left instead of their right , tombs of great antiquity passed by their gaze .", "definition": "a direction or region towards the west", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to the westward , but on their left instead of their right , tombs of great antiquity passed by their gaze .\" What is the definition of \"westward\"?"} {"term": "deadness", "pos": "", "context": "he objected to the deadness of the tennis balls", "definition": "the physical property of something that has lost its elasticity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he objected to the deadness of the tennis balls\" What is the definition of \"deadness\"?"} {"term": "dispel", "pos": "", "context": "if anyone was ever in doubt that conway 's was not a sports bar , the doubt would quickly be dispelled by a visit on match-day .", "definition": "make ( a doubt , feeling , or belief ) disappear", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if anyone was ever in doubt that conway 's was not a sports bar , the doubt would quickly be dispelled by a visit on match-day .\" What is the definition of \"dispel\"?"} {"term": "dispel", "pos": "", "context": "dispel doubts", "definition": "force to go away ; used both with concrete and metaphoric meanings", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dispel doubts\" What is the definition of \"dispel\"?"} {"term": "rearm", "pos": "", "context": "hence even if disarmament were achieved , conflicts would eventually provoke rearming .", "definition": "acquire or build up a new supply of weapons", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hence even if disarmament were achieved , conflicts would eventually provoke rearming .\" What is the definition of \"rearm\"?"} {"term": "commit", "pos": "", "context": "part of love , part of committing yourself to a relationship , is the voluntary surrender of part of your emotions .", "definition": "resolve to remain in a long-term emotional relationship with ( someone )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"part of love , part of committing yourself to a relationship , is the voluntary surrender of part of your emotions .\" What is the definition of \"commit\"?"} {"term": "commit", "pos": "", "context": "magistrates had committed her to preston crown court for sentence .", "definition": "send ( a person or case ) for trial in a higher court", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"magistrates had committed her to preston crown court for sentence .\" What is the definition of \"commit\"?"} {"term": "infanticide", "pos": "", "context": "their vision of murderesses and female infanticides as victims and of their murders as motivated by self-defense was part of a strategy of systematic confrontation .", "definition": "a person who kills an infant , especially their own child .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their vision of murderesses and female infanticides as victims and of their murders as motivated by self-defense was part of a strategy of systematic confrontation .\" What is the definition of \"infanticide\"?"} {"term": "riser", "pos": "", "context": "the early risers were up and about , doing their chores , while those who elect to sleep in were just about ready to rub their still sleepy eyes and stretch yesterday 's tiredness away .", "definition": "a person who habitually gets out of bed at a particular time of the morning", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the early risers were up and about , doing their chores , while those who elect to sleep in were just about ready to rub their still sleepy eyes and stretch yesterday 's tiredness away .\" What is the definition of \"riser\"?"} {"term": "boiler", "pos": "", "context": "as part of last year 's work the boiler and central heating system was upgraded with the bedrooms and function suites undergoing redecoration .", "definition": "a household device providing a hot-water supply or serving a central heating system .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as part of last year 's work the boiler and central heating system was upgraded with the bedrooms and function suites undergoing redecoration .\" What is the definition of \"boiler\"?"} {"term": "kidney", "pos": "", "context": "urine passes out of the kidney through ureters to the bladder", "definition": "either of two bean-shaped excretory organs that filter wastes ( especially urea ) from the blood and excrete them and water in urine", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"urine passes out of the kidney through ureters to the bladder\" What is the definition of \"kidney\"?"} {"term": "inhabitant", "pos": "", "context": "the island 's original inhabitants probably came across bass strait during a period of low sea level .", "definition": "a person or animal that lives in or occupies a place .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the island 's original inhabitants probably came across bass strait during a period of low sea level .\" What is the definition of \"inhabitant\"?"} {"term": "passion", "pos": "", "context": "but we move from the procession to the long narrative for the day , the full passion from matthew .", "definition": "an account of the passion from any of the gospels .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but we move from the procession to the long narrative for the day , the full passion from matthew .\" What is the definition of \"passion\"?"} {"term": "quantize", "pos": "", "context": "the various modes of motion are quantized , meaning that only certain discrete energy states are possible .", "definition": "form into quanta , in particular restrict the number of possible values of ( a quantity ) or states of ( a system ) so that certain variables can assume only certain discrete magnitudes", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the various modes of motion are quantized , meaning that only certain discrete energy states are possible .\" What is the definition of \"quantize\"?"} {"term": "encourage", "pos": "", "context": "the scoring system encourages activity - the more you play , the better you will score .", "definition": "stimulate the development of ( an activity , state , or belief )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the scoring system encourages activity - the more you play , the better you will score .\" What is the definition of \"encourage\"?"} {"term": "debug", "pos": "", "context": "and maybe next time they roll out a new instant upgrade they 'll debug it properly beforehand .", "definition": "identify and remove errors from ( computer hardware or software )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and maybe next time they roll out a new instant upgrade they 'll debug it properly beforehand .\" What is the definition of \"debug\"?"} {"term": "mister", "pos": "", "context": "as the fellow carried him ashore , the boy looked up and said , ‘ thanks for saving my life , mister . ’", "definition": "used as a form of address to a man whose name is not known", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as the fellow carried him ashore , the boy looked up and said , ‘ thanks for saving my life , mister . ’\" What is the definition of \"mister\"?"} {"term": "ado", "pos": "", "context": "much ado about nothing , maybe , but when it comes to nosey and cynical journalists , few believe there can ever be smoke without fire .", "definition": "a state of agitation or fuss", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"much ado about nothing , maybe , but when it comes to nosey and cynical journalists , few believe there can ever be smoke without fire .\" What is the definition of \"ado\"?"} {"term": "decimal", "pos": "", "context": "about the only thing this calculator lacks is the ability to switch from decimal to hex to octal to binary .", "definition": "the system of decimal numerical notation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"about the only thing this calculator lacks is the ability to switch from decimal to hex to octal to binary .\" What is the definition of \"decimal\"?"} {"term": "nab", "pos": "", "context": "that afternoon , before i could snake out to the buses , i was nabbed by two of the student council decorating committee .", "definition": "take , grab , or steal ( something )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that afternoon , before i could snake out to the buses , i was nabbed by two of the student council decorating committee .\" What is the definition of \"nab\"?"} {"term": "benefit", "pos": "", "context": "this situation in particular refers to people who receive social welfare benefits and old age pension recipients .", "definition": "a payment made by the state or an insurance scheme to someone entitled to receive it", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this situation in particular refers to people who receive social welfare benefits and old age pension recipients .\" What is the definition of \"benefit\"?"} {"term": "parishioner", "pos": "", "context": "let 's not forget the party and the unions are like the church running out of parishioners .", "definition": "an inhabitant of a particular church parish , especially one who is a regular churchgoer .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"let 's not forget the party and the unions are like the church running out of parishioners .\" What is the definition of \"parishioner\"?"} {"term": "probationer", "pos": "", "context": "shaheen also says she was forced to go on night duty , something probationers are not supposed to do .", "definition": "a person who is serving a probationary or trial period in a job or position to which they are newly appointed .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shaheen also says she was forced to go on night duty , something probationers are not supposed to do .\" What is the definition of \"probationer\"?"} {"term": "octobrist", "pos": "", "context": "the leader of the octobrists in the duma , guchkov , in protest resigned from his office of duma president .", "definition": "a member of the moderate party in the russian duma , which supported tsar nicholas ii 's reforming manifesto of 30 october 1905 .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the leader of the octobrists in the duma , guchkov , in protest resigned from his office of duma president .\" What is the definition of \"octobrist\"?"} {"term": "bevel", "pos": "", "context": "set a sliding bevel square to the preferred angle with a protractor , hold the square against the post , and mark it . then cut along the line with a handsaw", "definition": "a tool for marking angles in carpentry and stonework .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"set a sliding bevel square to the preferred angle with a protractor , hold the square against the post , and mark it . then cut along the line with a handsaw\" What is the definition of \"bevel\"?"} {"term": "cogitation", "pos": "", "context": "his cogitations were dutifully recorded in his daybook", "definition": "a carefully considered thought about something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his cogitations were dutifully recorded in his daybook\" What is the definition of \"cogitation\"?"} {"term": "choroid", "pos": "", "context": "high myopia often leads to atrophy of the choroid and subsequent retinal macular degeneration , with loss of central visual acuity and high incidence of retinal detachment , glaucoma , and strabismus", "definition": "the pigmented vascular layer of the eyeball between the retina and the sclera .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"high myopia often leads to atrophy of the choroid and subsequent retinal macular degeneration , with loss of central visual acuity and high incidence of retinal detachment , glaucoma , and strabismus\" What is the definition of \"choroid\"?"} {"term": "uppercase", "pos": "", "context": "uppercase letters", "definition": "relating to capital letters which were kept in the top half of a compositor 's type case ; x and y and z etc '", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"uppercase letters\" What is the definition of \"uppercase\"?"} {"term": "corset", "pos": "", "context": "tonight she was wearing a beautiful red and black skirt and a matching corset .", "definition": "a tightly fitting laced or stiffened outer bodice .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tonight she was wearing a beautiful red and black skirt and a matching corset .\" What is the definition of \"corset\"?"} {"term": "address", "pos": "", "context": "the rest of the boxes are flagged with the memory address of the cache line they contain .", "definition": "a binary number which identifies a particular location in a data storage system or computer memory", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the rest of the boxes are flagged with the memory address of the cache line they contain .\" What is the definition of \"address\"?"} {"term": "address", "pos": "", "context": "she is prevented by motives of delicacy from accepting the renewal of his addresses .", "definition": "courteous or amorous approaches to someone", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she is prevented by motives of delicacy from accepting the renewal of his addresses .\" What is the definition of \"address\"?"} {"term": "polemic", "pos": "", "context": "literature on the palestinian diaspora has usually been wrought with fierce and involuted tensions which emerge from the politics and polemics of exile .", "definition": "the practice of engaging in controversial debate or dispute", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"literature on the palestinian diaspora has usually been wrought with fierce and involuted tensions which emerge from the politics and polemics of exile .\" What is the definition of \"polemic\"?"} {"term": "vein", "pos": "", "context": "he continued in this vein for several minutes", "definition": "a distinctive style or manner", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he continued in this vein for several minutes\" What is the definition of \"vein\"?"} {"term": "lay-by", "pos": "", "context": "the manufacturing sector are in despair that the bulk of the r & d money is on lay-by and wo n't be paid until the third and fourth year out .", "definition": "a system of paying a deposit to secure an article for later purchase", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the manufacturing sector are in despair that the bulk of the r & d money is on lay-by and wo n't be paid until the third and fourth year out .\" What is the definition of \"lay-by\"?"} {"term": "lay-by", "pos": "", "context": "the decision was taken despite fears raised by people living near the lay-by on the b4632 road to broadway .", "definition": "an area at the side of a road where vehicles may pull off the road and stop .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the decision was taken despite fears raised by people living near the lay-by on the b4632 road to broadway .\" What is the definition of \"lay-by\"?"} {"term": "milker", "pos": "", "context": "the animal calved three weeks ago in the butterfields ' herd of 100 milkers , and is giving 35 kg of milk daily .", "definition": "a cow or other animal that is kept for milk , especially one of a specified productivity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the animal calved three weeks ago in the butterfields ' herd of 100 milkers , and is giving 35 kg of milk daily .\" What is the definition of \"milker\"?"} {"term": "enumeration", "pos": "", "context": "the varieties of this plant are so numerous that it would be beyond the limit of any cookery book to attempt an enumeration of comparative merits .", "definition": "the action of mentioning a number of things one by one", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the varieties of this plant are so numerous that it would be beyond the limit of any cookery book to attempt an enumeration of comparative merits .\" What is the definition of \"enumeration\"?"} {"term": "hull", "pos": "", "context": "our ship of state 's hulled , our economy 's sinking .", "definition": "hit and pierce the hull of ( a ship ) with a missile", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"our ship of state 's hulled , our economy 's sinking .\" What is the definition of \"hull\"?"} {"term": "hull", "pos": "", "context": "it also has a sharp edge so the user may cut the grain hulls from the cob .", "definition": "the outer covering of a fruit or seed , especially the pod of peas and beans , or the husk of grain .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it also has a sharp edge so the user may cut the grain hulls from the cob .\" What is the definition of \"hull\"?"} {"term": "gum", "pos": "", "context": "he also has a piece of adhesive gum with drawing pins sunk in it which , when combined with a thick rubber band , makes a horrifying catapult .", "definition": "glue that is used for sticking paper or other light materials together .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he also has a piece of adhesive gum with drawing pins sunk in it which , when combined with a thick rubber band , makes a horrifying catapult .\" What is the definition of \"gum\"?"} {"term": "courtly", "pos": "", "context": "he had asked her , in a courtly , polite way , if she would let him make the choice .", "definition": "very polite or refined , as befitting a royal court", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had asked her , in a courtly , polite way , if she would let him make the choice .\" What is the definition of \"courtly\"?"} {"term": "app", "pos": "", "context": "the vietnamese lettuce wrap is a leading chicken app .", "definition": "an appetizer", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the vietnamese lettuce wrap is a leading chicken app .\" What is the definition of \"app\"?"} {"term": "beginning", "pos": "", "context": "the beginning canto of the poem", "definition": "serving to begin", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the beginning canto of the poem\" What is the definition of \"beginning\"?"} {"term": "teleology", "pos": "", "context": "thus the appearance of teleology by itself is not sufficient to infer intelligent design .", "definition": "the doctrine of design and purpose in the material world .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"thus the appearance of teleology by itself is not sufficient to infer intelligent design .\" What is the definition of \"teleology\"?"} {"term": "wild", "pos": "", "context": "the mother had jokingly advised her not to go to any wild parties or get bitten on the leg by a scorpion .", "definition": "lacking discipline or restraint", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the mother had jokingly advised her not to go to any wild parties or get bitten on the leg by a scorpion .\" What is the definition of \"wild\"?"} {"term": "wild", "pos": "", "context": "a wild stretch of land", "definition": "located in a dismal or remote area ; desolate", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a wild stretch of land\" What is the definition of \"wild\"?"} {"term": "wild", "pos": "", "context": "it was a wilderness preserved for the hawks and mountaineers", "definition": "a wild and uninhabited area left in its natural condition", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was a wilderness preserved for the hawks and mountaineers\" What is the definition of \"wild\"?"} {"term": "morass", "pos": "", "context": "the road leading into the village was a stinking morass of oil and dirt that resembled an airline crash site more then a driveable path .", "definition": "an area of muddy or boggy ground", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the road leading into the village was a stinking morass of oil and dirt that resembled an airline crash site more then a driveable path .\" What is the definition of \"morass\"?"} {"term": "iceberg", "pos": "", "context": "iceberg is still the most popular lettuce", "definition": "lettuce with crisp tightly packed light-green leaves in a firm head", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"iceberg is still the most popular lettuce\" What is the definition of \"iceberg\"?"} {"term": "miscarriage", "pos": "", "context": "confusingly , healthcare professionals sometimes refer to miscarriage as spontaneous abortion .", "definition": "the spontaneous or unplanned expulsion of a fetus from the womb before it is able to survive independently", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"confusingly , healthcare professionals sometimes refer to miscarriage as spontaneous abortion .\" What is the definition of \"miscarriage\"?"} {"term": "camber", "pos": "", "context": "based in auckland , the event is a popular one with the drivers who revel in the fast and flowing ‘ roller coaster ’ roads , with their heavily banked cambers and rapid direction changes .", "definition": "a tilt built into a road at a bend or curve , enabling vehicles to maintain speed .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"based in auckland , the event is a popular one with the drivers who revel in the fast and flowing ‘ roller coaster ’ roads , with their heavily banked cambers and rapid direction changes .\" What is the definition of \"camber\"?"} {"term": "humanitarianism", "pos": "", "context": "this is the sort of humanitarianism that should be applauded , not punished .", "definition": "the promotion of human welfare", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this is the sort of humanitarianism that should be applauded , not punished .\" What is the definition of \"humanitarianism\"?"} {"term": "sleep", "pos": "", "context": "for most people a night or two of poor sleep , or even a night of no sleep , is n't that bad .", "definition": "a condition of body and mind which typically recurs for several hours every night , in which the nervous system is inactive , the eyes closed , the postural muscles relaxed , and consciousness practically suspended", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for most people a night or two of poor sleep , or even a night of no sleep , is n't that bad .\" What is the definition of \"sleep\"?"} {"term": "beaver", "pos": "", "context": "the overcoat was of navy blue beaver cloth , double-breasted , rolling collar , pocket-welts on back , breast pocket with flap on the right side , the waist extending to one inch below the hip , and the skirt to three inches below the bend of the knee , swell edge stitch one-fourth of an inch from edge , flaps on pocket , swell edge stitched one fourth of an inch from edge .", "definition": "a heavy woollen cloth resembling felted beaver fur .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the overcoat was of navy blue beaver cloth , double-breasted , rolling collar , pocket-welts on back , breast pocket with flap on the right side , the waist extending to one inch below the hip , and the skirt to three inches below the bend of the knee , swell edge stitch one-fourth of an inch from edge , flaps on pocket , swell edge stitched one fourth of an inch from edge .\" What is the definition of \"beaver\"?"} {"term": "federalist", "pos": "", "context": "a federalist is not against federal power in all instances .", "definition": "a member or supporter of the federalist party", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a federalist is not against federal power in all instances .\" What is the definition of \"federalist\"?"} {"term": "ablation", "pos": "", "context": "endometrial ablation is the first surgical advance in the treatment of menorrhagia since hysterectomy .", "definition": "the surgical removal of body tissue .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"endometrial ablation is the first surgical advance in the treatment of menorrhagia since hysterectomy .\" What is the definition of \"ablation\"?"} {"term": "cold", "pos": "", "context": "the old resorts are seen as melancholy places where the skies are perpetually cloudy and the beaches cold and windswept .", "definition": "depressing or dispiriting ; not suggestive of warmth", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the old resorts are seen as melancholy places where the skies are perpetually cloudy and the beaches cold and windswept .\" What is the definition of \"cold\"?"} {"term": "cold", "pos": "", "context": "cold fingers", "definition": "having a low or inadequate temperature or feeling a sensation of coldness or having been made cold by e.g . ice or refrigeration", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cold fingers\" What is the definition of \"cold\"?"} {"term": "cold", "pos": "", "context": "people may say we are cold , but what is wrong with being less demonstrative ?", "definition": "lacking affection or warmth of feeling ; unemotional", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"people may say we are cold , but what is wrong with being less demonstrative ?\" What is the definition of \"cold\"?"} {"term": "cold", "pos": "", "context": "a cold bluish grey", "definition": "( color ) giving no sensation of warmth", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a cold bluish grey\" What is the definition of \"cold\"?"} {"term": "cold", "pos": "", "context": "was cold to his advances", "definition": "sexually unresponsive", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"was cold to his advances\" What is the definition of \"cold\"?"} {"term": "cold", "pos": "", "context": "cold in his grave", "definition": "lacking the warmth of life", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cold in his grave\" What is the definition of \"cold\"?"} {"term": "stout", "pos": "", "context": "stout seamen", "definition": "having rugged physical strength ; inured to fatigue or hardships", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stout seamen\" What is the definition of \"stout\"?"} {"term": "stout", "pos": "", "context": "engineered with the ergonomics of a spinal column , the highest grade of surgical stainless steel is crafted into stout links of solid metal .", "definition": "( of an object ) strong and thick", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"engineered with the ergonomics of a spinal column , the highest grade of surgical stainless steel is crafted into stout links of solid metal .\" What is the definition of \"stout\"?"} {"term": "carambola", "pos": "", "context": "if you are growing custard apples , bananas , sapodillas and carambolas , they could all do with a dressing of citrus and fruit tree fertiliser spread evenly around under the leaf canopy .", "definition": "the small tropical tree which bears carambolas .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if you are growing custard apples , bananas , sapodillas and carambolas , they could all do with a dressing of citrus and fruit tree fertiliser spread evenly around under the leaf canopy .\" What is the definition of \"carambola\"?"} {"term": "wye", "pos": "", "context": "after backing down to the bartle wye , the remaining time will be on the burney line with just the passenger cars .", "definition": "a triangle of railway track used for turning locomotives or trains .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after backing down to the bartle wye , the remaining time will be on the burney line with just the passenger cars .\" What is the definition of \"wye\"?"} {"term": "immune", "pos": "", "context": "historically , firms have been virtually immune from lawsuits based on their decisions relating to their own partners .", "definition": "protected or exempt , especially from an obligation or the effects of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"historically , firms have been virtually immune from lawsuits based on their decisions relating to their own partners .\" What is the definition of \"immune\"?"} {"term": "immune", "pos": "", "context": "several studies have been undertaken using this natural immune modulator .", "definition": "relating to immune resistance .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"several studies have been undertaken using this natural immune modulator .\" What is the definition of \"immune\"?"} {"term": "immune", "pos": "", "context": "is reform possible in a people so immune to reason ?", "definition": "not affected or influenced by something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"is reform possible in a people so immune to reason ?\" What is the definition of \"immune\"?"} {"term": "tidings", "pos": "", "context": "several of his less talented colleagues , i 'm told , protested vehemently when they heard the glad tidings .", "definition": "news ; information", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"several of his less talented colleagues , i 'm told , protested vehemently when they heard the glad tidings .\" What is the definition of \"tidings\"?"} {"term": "factor", "pos": "", "context": "a number of factors determined the outcome", "definition": "anything that contributes causally to a result", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a number of factors determined the outcome\" What is the definition of \"factor\"?"} {"term": "factor", "pos": "", "context": "a key factor in her success", "definition": "an abstract part of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a key factor in her success\" What is the definition of \"factor\"?"} {"term": "loose", "pos": "", "context": "loosen the tension on a rope", "definition": "make loose or looser", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"loosen the tension on a rope\" What is the definition of \"loose\"?"} {"term": "homey", "pos": "", "context": "another house specialty is the sweet stewed apples that give every plate a homey feel .", "definition": "unsophisticated ; unpretentious", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"another house specialty is the sweet stewed apples that give every plate a homey feel .\" What is the definition of \"homey\"?"} {"term": "elaborate", "pos": "", "context": "she elaborated on the main ideas in her dissertation", "definition": "add details , as to an account or idea ; clarify the meaning of and discourse in a learned way , usually in writing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she elaborated on the main ideas in her dissertation\" What is the definition of \"elaborate\"?"} {"term": "elaborate", "pos": "", "context": "in the later stages they elaborate the collagenous intercellular substance of the scar .", "definition": "( of a natural agency ) produce ( a substance ) from its elements or simpler constituents", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the later stages they elaborate the collagenous intercellular substance of the scar .\" What is the definition of \"elaborate\"?"} {"term": "debutant", "pos": "", "context": "south africa are playing with a new-look side led by smith , which includes three debutants - left-handed batsman rudolph and pacemen dawson and charl willoughby .", "definition": "a man making his first public appearance , especially in sport", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"south africa are playing with a new-look side led by smith , which includes three debutants - left-handed batsman rudolph and pacemen dawson and charl willoughby .\" What is the definition of \"debutant\"?"} {"term": "eucalyptus", "pos": "", "context": "six drops each of eucalyptus oil and lavender oil mixed together and massaged into the painful area will also help .", "definition": "the oil from eucalyptus leaves , chiefly used for its medicinal properties .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"six drops each of eucalyptus oil and lavender oil mixed together and massaged into the painful area will also help .\" What is the definition of \"eucalyptus\"?"} {"term": "complementary", "pos": "", "context": "neil is a senior lecturer at two leading complementary therapy colleges and has two busy homeopathic practices .", "definition": "relating to complementary medicine", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"neil is a senior lecturer at two leading complementary therapy colleges and has two busy homeopathic practices .\" What is the definition of \"complementary\"?"} {"term": "shapely", "pos": "", "context": "from her shapely body to her fluffy lips , jolie was born to play the role of lady croft .", "definition": "( especially of a woman or part of her body ) having an attractive or well-proportioned shape", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"from her shapely body to her fluffy lips , jolie was born to play the role of lady croft .\" What is the definition of \"shapely\"?"} {"term": "teriyaki", "pos": "", "context": "as a response to a recent trend back to more traditional japanese tastes , teriyaki burgers often appear on the menu alongside the big mac .", "definition": "a japanese dish consisting of fish or meat marinated in soy sauce and grilled .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as a response to a recent trend back to more traditional japanese tastes , teriyaki burgers often appear on the menu alongside the big mac .\" What is the definition of \"teriyaki\"?"} {"term": "independent", "pos": "", "context": "however he also showed that linear sentence systems do have independent axiom systems .", "definition": "( of one of a set of axioms , equations , or quantities ) incapable of being expressed in terms of , or derived or deduced from , the others .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"however he also showed that linear sentence systems do have independent axiom systems .\" What is the definition of \"independent\"?"} {"term": "independent", "pos": "", "context": "news and commentary have never been more interesting and diverse than they are today under the influence of independent media .", "definition": "not influenced by others ; impartial", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"news and commentary have never been more interesting and diverse than they are today under the influence of independent media .\" What is the definition of \"independent\"?"} {"term": "vermiculite", "pos": "", "context": "clay minerals are mainly illite and chlorite , with only traces of smectite , vermiculite and kaolinite .", "definition": "a yellow or brown mineral found as an alteration product of mica and other minerals , used for insulation or as a moisture-retentive medium for growing plants .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"clay minerals are mainly illite and chlorite , with only traces of smectite , vermiculite and kaolinite .\" What is the definition of \"vermiculite\"?"} {"term": "society", "pos": "", "context": "this is a valuable addition to the abundant literature about nature and society in the amazon region .", "definition": "the community of people living in a particular country or region and having shared customs , laws , and organizations", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this is a valuable addition to the abundant literature about nature and society in the amazon region .\" What is the definition of \"society\"?"} {"term": "variable", "pos": "", "context": "variable expenses", "definition": "liable to or capable of change", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"variable expenses\" What is the definition of \"variable\"?"} {"term": "variable", "pos": "", "context": "perhaps his most important contribution was to the calculus of several variables .", "definition": "a quantity which during a calculation is assumed to vary or be capable of varying in value .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"perhaps his most important contribution was to the calculus of several variables .\" What is the definition of \"variable\"?"} {"term": "incompatibility", "pos": "", "context": "hybridization may result in sterile offspring because of the incompatibility of genes or enzyme systems inherited from two dissimilar species .", "definition": "the condition of two things being so different in nature as to be incapable of coexisting", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hybridization may result in sterile offspring because of the incompatibility of genes or enzyme systems inherited from two dissimilar species .\" What is the definition of \"incompatibility\"?"} {"term": "delectation", "pos": "", "context": "and now , for your delight and delectation : my first online column .", "definition": "pleasure and delight", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and now , for your delight and delectation : my first online column .\" What is the definition of \"delectation\"?"} {"term": "handcart", "pos": "", "context": "he used a handcart to carry the rocks away", "definition": "wheeled vehicle that can be pushed by a person ; may have one or two or four wheels", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he used a handcart to carry the rocks away\" What is the definition of \"handcart\"?"} {"term": "complete", "pos": "", "context": "in order to enjoy the game , it will be necessary to get the complete and official rules .", "definition": "having all the necessary or appropriate parts", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in order to enjoy the game , it will be necessary to get the complete and official rules .\" What is the definition of \"complete\"?"} {"term": "complete", "pos": "", "context": "it stated that a copy of the agreement and side letter had been sent to the claimant and that she would be able to complete when she had them back duly signed by the claimant .", "definition": "conclude the sale of a property", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it stated that a copy of the agreement and side letter had been sent to the claimant and that she would be able to complete when she had them back duly signed by the claimant .\" What is the definition of \"complete\"?"} {"term": "holdback", "pos": "", "context": "in other words , only for the requisite 10 % holdback .", "definition": "a sum of money withheld under certain conditions .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in other words , only for the requisite 10 % holdback .\" What is the definition of \"holdback\"?"} {"term": "medium", "pos": "", "context": "she worked in a variety of mediums , including artist 's books , painting , printmaking , sculpture , installation and dance .", "definition": "the material or form used by an artist , composer , or writer", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she worked in a variety of mediums , including artist 's books , painting , printmaking , sculpture , installation and dance .\" What is the definition of \"medium\"?"} {"term": "medium", "pos": "", "context": "he consulted several mediums", "definition": "someone who serves as an intermediary between the living and the dead", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he consulted several mediums\" What is the definition of \"medium\"?"} {"term": "regrow", "pos": "", "context": "these colonies could hardly be regrown on solid media , and they did not grow at all in liquid media .", "definition": "grow or cause to grow again", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these colonies could hardly be regrown on solid media , and they did not grow at all in liquid media .\" What is the definition of \"regrow\"?"} {"term": "caparison", "pos": "", "context": "caparison the horses for the festive occasion", "definition": "put a caparison on", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"caparison the horses for the festive occasion\" What is the definition of \"caparison\"?"} {"term": "caparison", "pos": "", "context": "thousands of curious onlookers positioned themselves along the road as well as on top of buildings enjoying the tableaux and floats as they moved in procession behind three caparisoned elephants .", "definition": "( of a horse ) be decked out in rich decorative coverings", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"thousands of curious onlookers positioned themselves along the road as well as on top of buildings enjoying the tableaux and floats as they moved in procession behind three caparisoned elephants .\" What is the definition of \"caparison\"?"} {"term": "pottle", "pos": "", "context": "once i move a little way away from the fresh produce , however , and into the cans , bottles , pottles , plastics , and packets , ‘ buying local ’ becomes much more difficult .", "definition": "a small plastic or cardboard food container", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"once i move a little way away from the fresh produce , however , and into the cans , bottles , pottles , plastics , and packets , ‘ buying local ’ becomes much more difficult .\" What is the definition of \"pottle\"?"} {"term": "fag", "pos": "", "context": "so instead of a relaxing end to a busy social week , diving has become a fag and a beastly chore .", "definition": "a tiring or unwelcome task", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so instead of a relaxing end to a busy social week , diving has become a fag and a beastly chore .\" What is the definition of \"fag\"?"} {"term": "fag", "pos": "", "context": "unlike most of the top pros who , when the camera 's are pointed elsewhere , treat their caddies as if they were public school fags , garcia is genuinely close to his bagman , south african glenn murray .", "definition": "a junior pupil at a public school who does minor chores for a senior pupil", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unlike most of the top pros who , when the camera 's are pointed elsewhere , treat their caddies as if they were public school fags , garcia is genuinely close to his bagman , south african glenn murray .\" What is the definition of \"fag\"?"} {"term": "mulligan", "pos": "", "context": "but unfortunately , the film also tries to be a suspense thriller , a love story , and god knows what else , until it finally becomes what they used to call mulligan stew .", "definition": "a stew made from odds and ends of food .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but unfortunately , the film also tries to be a suspense thriller , a love story , and god knows what else , until it finally becomes what they used to call mulligan stew .\" What is the definition of \"mulligan\"?"} {"term": "homosexuality", "pos": "", "context": "the secret life of oscar wilde shows how society viewed and reacted to homosexuality back then .", "definition": "the quality or characteristic of being sexually attracted solely to people of one 's own sex .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the secret life of oscar wilde shows how society viewed and reacted to homosexuality back then .\" What is the definition of \"homosexuality\"?"} {"term": "ginglymus", "pos": "", "context": "at the junction on each side of trochantin and post-clypeus is a concave process for articulation with the ginglymus of the mandible .", "definition": "a hinge-like joint such as the elbow or knee , which allows movement in only one plane .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at the junction on each side of trochantin and post-clypeus is a concave process for articulation with the ginglymus of the mandible .\" What is the definition of \"ginglymus\"?"} {"term": "brisk", "pos": "", "context": "business brisked up", "definition": "become brisk", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"business brisked up\" What is the definition of \"brisk\"?"} {"term": "bird", "pos": "", "context": "it seems there 's still life left in the old bird after all .", "definition": "a person of a specified kind or character", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it seems there 's still life left in the old bird after all .\" What is the definition of \"bird\"?"} {"term": "roomful", "pos": "", "context": "what better way to break the ice with a roomful of total strangers in a foreign country whose language you do n't know ?", "definition": "as much or as many as fit in a room", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"what better way to break the ice with a roomful of total strangers in a foreign country whose language you do n't know ?\" What is the definition of \"roomful\"?"} {"term": "fly-by-night", "pos": "", "context": "if you have a storefront , post its address along with a telephone number for those who want more than a virtual connection or assurance that you 're no fly-by-night operation .", "definition": "unreliable or untrustworthy , especially in business or financial matters", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if you have a storefront , post its address along with a telephone number for those who want more than a virtual connection or assurance that you 're no fly-by-night operation .\" What is the definition of \"fly-by-night\"?"} {"term": "gondolier", "pos": "", "context": "the venetian has gondolas with gondoliers who imitate italian accents .", "definition": "a person who propels and steers a gondola .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the venetian has gondolas with gondoliers who imitate italian accents .\" What is the definition of \"gondolier\"?"} {"term": "bijou", "pos": "", "context": "when the handsome hollywood actress brooke shields , left , starred as roxie hart in the west end musical chicago over the summer , she picked out a bijou house in marylebone as her home .", "definition": "( especially of a house or flat ) small and elegant", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when the handsome hollywood actress brooke shields , left , starred as roxie hart in the west end musical chicago over the summer , she picked out a bijou house in marylebone as her home .\" What is the definition of \"bijou\"?"} {"term": "hightail", "pos": "", "context": "she said she had planned on hightailing it to the cheap seats , but a police officer caught her arm .", "definition": "move or travel fast", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she said she had planned on hightailing it to the cheap seats , but a police officer caught her arm .\" What is the definition of \"hightail\"?"} {"term": "ranger", "pos": "", "context": "the renowned scout rangers of the philippine army , modeled on the us army rangers , will be the model for taiwan 's military to learn about real combat experience in counter-terrorism .", "definition": "a commando .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the renowned scout rangers of the philippine army , modeled on the us army rangers , will be the model for taiwan 's military to learn about real combat experience in counter-terrorism .\" What is the definition of \"ranger\"?"} {"term": "pol", "pos": "", "context": "skeptics say the genial chief executive is just a well-connected corporate diplomat , a schmoozy pol in pinstripes .", "definition": "a politician", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"skeptics say the genial chief executive is just a well-connected corporate diplomat , a schmoozy pol in pinstripes .\" What is the definition of \"pol\"?"} {"term": "profile", "pos": "", "context": "our overarching goal is to both provide a needed community service , and to raise the profile and public visibility of the alabama state nurses association .", "definition": "the extent to which a person or organization attracts public notice", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"our overarching goal is to both provide a needed community service , and to raise the profile and public visibility of the alabama state nurses association .\" What is the definition of \"profile\"?"} {"term": "grim", "pos": "", "context": "but somehow , that sort of irreverent , grim humor does n't seem appropriate .", "definition": "( of humour ) lacking genuine levity ; black", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but somehow , that sort of irreverent , grim humor does n't seem appropriate .\" What is the definition of \"grim\"?"} {"term": "grim", "pos": "", "context": "and like most contemporary science fiction it offers a fairly grim view of the future .", "definition": "depressing or worrying to consider", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and like most contemporary science fiction it offers a fairly grim view of the future .\" What is the definition of \"grim\"?"} {"term": "ploy", "pos": "", "context": "he 's always full of games and little plans and ploys , ’ said watson .", "definition": "a cunning plan or action designed to turn a situation to one 's own advantage", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he 's always full of games and little plans and ploys , ’ said watson .\" What is the definition of \"ploy\"?"} {"term": "odium", "pos": "", "context": "pursing her lips together kyle stormed off her odium for him increasing with every living day .", "definition": "general or widespread hatred or disgust incurred by someone as a result of their actions", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pursing her lips together kyle stormed off her odium for him increasing with every living day .\" What is the definition of \"odium\"?"} {"term": "eugenics", "pos": "", "context": "and as you know eugenics is defined as the science of improving the qualities of the human race .", "definition": "the science of improving a population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and as you know eugenics is defined as the science of improving the qualities of the human race .\" What is the definition of \"eugenics\"?"} {"term": "doctor", "pos": "", "context": "she is a doctor of philosophy in physics", "definition": "a person who holds ph.d. degree ( or the equivalent ) from an academic institution", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she is a doctor of philosophy in physics\" What is the definition of \"doctor\"?"} {"term": "rollick", "pos": "", "context": "the caterpillars , very active now , escaped from their muslin sleeve and were soon rollicking all over the furry upholstery , providing them with excellent camouflage .", "definition": "act or behave in a jovial and exuberant fashion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the caterpillars , very active now , escaped from their muslin sleeve and were soon rollicking all over the furry upholstery , providing them with excellent camouflage .\" What is the definition of \"rollick\"?"} {"term": "concoction", "pos": "", "context": "maud martha 's refusal to purchase the millinery concoction , even at a substantially discounted price , reaffirms her sense of self .", "definition": "an elaborate or showy garment or hat", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"maud martha 's refusal to purchase the millinery concoction , even at a substantially discounted price , reaffirms her sense of self .\" What is the definition of \"concoction\"?"} {"term": "concoction", "pos": "", "context": "it suddenly spewed out a thick green concoction", "definition": "an occurrence of an unusual mixture", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it suddenly spewed out a thick green concoction\" What is the definition of \"concoction\"?"} {"term": "mounting", "pos": "", "context": "aggressive behaviors included pecking the male , bill snapping , reverse mounting , and frontal attack , which resulted in aerial grappling .", "definition": "the action of mounting something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"aggressive behaviors included pecking the male , bill snapping , reverse mounting , and frontal attack , which resulted in aerial grappling .\" What is the definition of \"mounting\"?"} {"term": "morphology", "pos": "", "context": "the general implication is that the ambiguities that exist in the relationships between orthography , phonology , and morphology underlie spelling knowledge .", "definition": "the study of the forms of words , in particular inflected forms", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the general implication is that the ambiguities that exist in the relationships between orthography , phonology , and morphology underlie spelling knowledge .\" What is the definition of \"morphology\"?"} {"term": "speech-making", "pos": "", "context": "practise your presentation and speech-making skills - although most of you probably find that side of things easier than i do .", "definition": "the art or practice of delivering a formal address in public .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"practise your presentation and speech-making skills - although most of you probably find that side of things easier than i do .\" What is the definition of \"speech-making\"?"} {"term": "rider", "pos": "", "context": "in 1998 , for example , leahy attached a rider to a bill designating vermont 's lake champlain one of the great lakes .", "definition": "a condition or proviso added to something already agreed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in 1998 , for example , leahy attached a rider to a bill designating vermont 's lake champlain one of the great lakes .\" What is the definition of \"rider\"?"} {"term": "guilty", "pos": "", "context": "secret guilty deeds", "definition": "responsible for or chargeable with a reprehensible act", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"secret guilty deeds\" What is the definition of \"guilty\"?"} {"term": "camouflage", "pos": "", "context": "there are too many hunters with guns wearing camouflage and red sox hats .", "definition": "clothing or materials used as camouflage", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there are too many hunters with guns wearing camouflage and red sox hats .\" What is the definition of \"camouflage\"?"} {"term": "immorality", "pos": "", "context": "the immorality of basing the defense of the west on the threat of mutual assured destruction", "definition": "the quality of not being in accord with standards of right or good conduct", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the immorality of basing the defense of the west on the threat of mutual assured destruction\" What is the definition of \"immorality\"?"} {"term": "nightmare", "pos": "", "context": "his worst nightmare came true the day before when he spotted some of his sheep frothing at the mouth .", "definition": "a very unpleasant or frightening experience or prospect", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his worst nightmare came true the day before when he spotted some of his sheep frothing at the mouth .\" What is the definition of \"nightmare\"?"} {"term": "suckling", "pos": "", "context": "my first dinner there is on a monday , and the menu lists suckling pig as a plat du jour , available only on weekends .", "definition": "an unweaned child or animal", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my first dinner there is on a monday , and the menu lists suckling pig as a plat du jour , available only on weekends .\" What is the definition of \"suckling\"?"} {"term": "punch", "pos": "", "context": "she did n't expect him to suddenly strike out and punch her in the gut with his hand wrapped around norianna 's hilt .", "definition": "strike with the fist", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she did n't expect him to suddenly strike out and punch her in the gut with his hand wrapped around norianna 's hilt .\" What is the definition of \"punch\"?"} {"term": "sensationalism", "pos": "", "context": "the tabloids relied on sensationalism to maintain their circulation", "definition": "the journalistic use of subject matter that appeals to vulgar tastes", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the tabloids relied on sensationalism to maintain their circulation\" What is the definition of \"sensationalism\"?"} {"term": "linotype", "pos": "", "context": "there 's no way a typewriter could ‘ set ’ the type in this memo and even a good typesetter using a linotype machine of the era would have to spend hours getting this effect .", "definition": "a composing machine producing lines of words as single strips of metal , used chiefly for newspapers . it is now rarely used .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there 's no way a typewriter could ‘ set ’ the type in this memo and even a good typesetter using a linotype machine of the era would have to spend hours getting this effect .\" What is the definition of \"linotype\"?"} {"term": "banneret", "pos": "", "context": "my lord leinhart richartinger , werner pentznawer , ulrich kuchler , and little stainer , all bannerets , were killed in the fight , also many other brave knights and soldiers .", "definition": "a knight who commanded his own troops in battle under his own banner .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my lord leinhart richartinger , werner pentznawer , ulrich kuchler , and little stainer , all bannerets , were killed in the fight , also many other brave knights and soldiers .\" What is the definition of \"banneret\"?"} {"term": "devilment", "pos": "", "context": "there was more devilment than conviction , but the comment spoke volumes about how mcleish and his players ' morale had been transformed by the little matter of putting one over on celtic .", "definition": "reckless mischief ; wild spirits", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was more devilment than conviction , but the comment spoke volumes about how mcleish and his players ' morale had been transformed by the little matter of putting one over on celtic .\" What is the definition of \"devilment\"?"} {"term": "quality", "pos": "", "context": "yorkshire is one of the nation 's richest agricultural regions , producing vast quantities of quality food", "definition": "general excellence of standard or level", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"yorkshire is one of the nation 's richest agricultural regions , producing vast quantities of quality food\" What is the definition of \"quality\"?"} {"term": "quality", "pos": "", "context": "quality paper", "definition": "of superior grade", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"quality paper\" What is the definition of \"quality\"?"} {"term": "row", "pos": "", "context": "they won the championship three years in a row", "definition": "a continuous chronological succession without an interruption", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they won the championship three years in a row\" What is the definition of \"row\"?"} {"term": "row", "pos": "", "context": "row the boat across the lake", "definition": "propel with oars", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"row the boat across the lake\" What is the definition of \"row\"?"} {"term": "row", "pos": "", "context": "then , from the other end of house , she said she heard ‘ an awful row , shouting and raised voices , a real commotion ’ .", "definition": "a loud noise or uproar", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"then , from the other end of house , she said she heard ‘ an awful row , shouting and raised voices , a real commotion ’ .\" What is the definition of \"row\"?"} {"term": "well", "pos": "", "context": "she was a well of information", "definition": "an abundant source", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was a well of information\" What is the definition of \"well\"?"} {"term": "well", "pos": "", "context": "a gurgling well sprang from the foot of the altar , saving the townspeople from dying of thirst .", "definition": "a water spring or fountain .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a gurgling well sprang from the foot of the altar , saving the townspeople from dying of thirst .\" What is the definition of \"well\"?"} {"term": "well", "pos": "", "context": "it is well that no one saw you", "definition": "resulting favorably", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is well that no one saw you\" What is the definition of \"well\"?"} {"term": "well", "pos": "", "context": "mr harding is not only of good character , and a number of people have spoken well of him .", "definition": "with praise or approval", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mr harding is not only of good character , and a number of people have spoken well of him .\" What is the definition of \"well\"?"} {"term": "well", "pos": "", "context": "well drinks are poured 'out of the well ' , a 'speed rack ' of stock liquors kept at the bartender 's station .", "definition": "a shelf beneath the counter of a bar on which bottles of alcohol are stored within easy reach of the person serving", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"well drinks are poured 'out of the well ' , a 'speed rack ' of stock liquors kept at the bartender 's station .\" What is the definition of \"well\"?"} {"term": "well", "pos": "", "context": "it is pulled inside and set in place before the front center console , lighted front door step wells and rear ‘ kick guards ’ are installed .", "definition": "an enclosed space in the middle of a building , giving room for stairs or a lift , or to allow light or ventilation .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is pulled inside and set in place before the front center console , lighted front door step wells and rear ‘ kick guards ’ are installed .\" What is the definition of \"well\"?"} {"term": "well", "pos": "", "context": "a well-planned party", "definition": "( often used as a combining form ) in a good or proper or satisfactory manner or to a high standard ( `good ' is a nonstandard dialectal variant for `well ' )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a well-planned party\" What is the definition of \"well\"?"} {"term": "well", "pos": "", "context": "we got to know each other quite well , and started seeing each other outside of work .", "definition": "intimately ; closely", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we got to know each other quite well , and started seeing each other outside of work .\" What is the definition of \"well\"?"} {"term": "well", "pos": "", "context": "in doing this the methodists may well be returning to what was probably the role of religion for centuries .", "definition": "very probably ; in all likelihood", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in doing this the methodists may well be returning to what was probably the role of religion for centuries .\" What is the definition of \"well\"?"} {"term": "exotic", "pos": "", "context": "historically , anthropologists have used ethnography to gain perspective on foreign , exotic cultures .", "definition": "originating in or characteristic of a distant foreign country", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"historically , anthropologists have used ethnography to gain perspective on foreign , exotic cultures .\" What is the definition of \"exotic\"?"} {"term": "commoner", "pos": "", "context": "diana , on the other hand , was a commoner ( albeit an aristocrat ) who worked in a common job when her engagement to prince charles was announced .", "definition": "one of the ordinary or common people , as opposed to the aristocracy or to royalty", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"diana , on the other hand , was a commoner ( albeit an aristocrat ) who worked in a common job when her engagement to prince charles was announced .\" What is the definition of \"commoner\"?"} {"term": "permutation", "pos": "", "context": "we will give a proof here , independent of wilson 's theorem , that all permutations are possible .", "definition": "each of several possible ways in which a set or number of things can be ordered or arranged", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we will give a proof here , independent of wilson 's theorem , that all permutations are possible .\" What is the definition of \"permutation\"?"} {"term": "significance", "pos": "", "context": "the failure of the results to reach statistical significance in women may simply reflect the fact that fewer procedures are carried out in women .", "definition": "the extent to which a result deviates from that expected to arise simply from random variation or errors in sampling .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the failure of the results to reach statistical significance in women may simply reflect the fact that fewer procedures are carried out in women .\" What is the definition of \"significance\"?"} {"term": "wallow", "pos": "", "context": "now all that 's left are guns and herds of overweight buffalo wallowing across a subcontinent of syrup .", "definition": "( chiefly of large mammals ) roll about or lie in mud or water , especially to keep cool or avoid biting insects", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"now all that 's left are guns and herds of overweight buffalo wallowing across a subcontinent of syrup .\" What is the definition of \"wallow\"?"} {"term": "wallow", "pos": "", "context": "wallow in luxury", "definition": "devote oneself entirely to something ; indulge in to an immoderate degree , usually with pleasure", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wallow in luxury\" What is the definition of \"wallow\"?"} {"term": "oxidase", "pos": "", "context": "polyphenol oxidase is the enzyme that makes phenolics react to form brown pigments .", "definition": "an enzyme which promotes the transfer of a hydrogen atom from a particular substrate to an oxygen molecule , forming water or hydrogen peroxide", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"polyphenol oxidase is the enzyme that makes phenolics react to form brown pigments .\" What is the definition of \"oxidase\"?"} {"term": "distinction", "pos": "", "context": "he learned the distinction between gold and lead", "definition": "a distinguishing difference", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he learned the distinction between gold and lead\" What is the definition of \"distinction\"?"} {"term": "implication", "pos": "", "context": "most people would instinctively say no , and his implication in his article is that this crazy .", "definition": "the conclusion that can be drawn from something although it is not explicitly stated", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"most people would instinctively say no , and his implication in his article is that this crazy .\" What is the definition of \"implication\"?"} {"term": "hooker", "pos": "", "context": "galway 's traditional fishing vessel known as 'the hooker ' , is an intricate piece of craftsmanship and the sight of her strikingly elegant sails has always been a feature of galway bay .", "definition": "a one-masted sailing boat of a kind used especially in ireland for fishing .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"galway 's traditional fishing vessel known as 'the hooker ' , is an intricate piece of craftsmanship and the sight of her strikingly elegant sails has always been a feature of galway bay .\" What is the definition of \"hooker\"?"} {"term": "hooker", "pos": "", "context": "the sun burned through the haze of the spume filled sky as the gallant old hooker drove down each wave .", "definition": "an old boat .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sun burned through the haze of the spume filled sky as the gallant old hooker drove down each wave .\" What is the definition of \"hooker\"?"} {"term": "saga", "pos": "", "context": "indeed mr jones is right to acknowledge the impact the whole saga has had on staff morale .", "definition": "a long , involved story , account , or series of incidents", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"indeed mr jones is right to acknowledge the impact the whole saga has had on staff morale .\" What is the definition of \"saga\"?"} {"term": "bottlebrush", "pos": "", "context": "naniloa is a flat , simple , public course distinguished by bottlebrush trees .", "definition": "an australian shrub or small tree with spikes of scarlet or yellow flowers which resemble bottlebrushes .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"naniloa is a flat , simple , public course distinguished by bottlebrush trees .\" What is the definition of \"bottlebrush\"?"} {"term": "bottlebrush", "pos": "", "context": "to clean your hamster 's water bottle you 'll need a bottlebrush , spout brush and dish washing liquid .", "definition": "a cylindrical brush for cleaning inside bottles .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to clean your hamster 's water bottle you 'll need a bottlebrush , spout brush and dish washing liquid .\" What is the definition of \"bottlebrush\"?"} {"term": "girth", "pos": "", "context": "no doubt contributing to her girth was the circumstance of having borne her royal lover six children .", "definition": "a person 's waist or stomach , especially when large", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"no doubt contributing to her girth was the circumstance of having borne her royal lover six children .\" What is the definition of \"girth\"?"} {"term": "choirboy", "pos": "", "context": "what led this former choirboy , sunday school teacher and london bookseller to such a dramatic and violent end ?", "definition": "a boy ( or girl ) who sings in a church or cathedral choir .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"what led this former choirboy , sunday school teacher and london bookseller to such a dramatic and violent end ?\" What is the definition of \"choirboy\"?"} {"term": "fab", "pos": "", "context": "a fabulous vacation", "definition": "extremely pleasing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fabulous vacation\" What is the definition of \"fab\"?"} {"term": "fab", "pos": "", "context": "head to the snowy slopes this winter and get into the groove with some skiing as this week 's fab gear swishes and slides through the winter wonderland of the ski suit .", "definition": "fabulous ; wonderful", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"head to the snowy slopes this winter and get into the groove with some skiing as this week 's fab gear swishes and slides through the winter wonderland of the ski suit .\" What is the definition of \"fab\"?"} {"term": "trier", "pos": "", "context": "such language is normally used to create mandatory presumptions of law that require a trier of fact to find a presumed fact upon proof of a basic fact .", "definition": "a person or body responsible for investigating and deciding a case judicially", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"such language is normally used to create mandatory presumptions of law that require a trier of fact to find a presumed fact upon proof of a basic fact .\" What is the definition of \"trier\"?"} {"term": "pronoun", "pos": "", "context": "once the family has been explicitly mentioned , lanchester can refer to them with pronouns , in particular the pronoun them .", "definition": "a word that can function as a noun phrase used by itself and that refers either to the participants in the discourse ( e.g . i , you ) or to someone or something mentioned elsewhere in the discourse ( e.g . she , it , this ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"once the family has been explicitly mentioned , lanchester can refer to them with pronouns , in particular the pronoun them .\" What is the definition of \"pronoun\"?"} {"term": "mulct", "pos": "", "context": "supposing a landowner exploits his tenants and mulcts them of the fruit of their toil by appropriating it to his own use .", "definition": "take money or possessions from ( someone ) by fraudulent means", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"supposing a landowner exploits his tenants and mulcts them of the fruit of their toil by appropriating it to his own use .\" What is the definition of \"mulct\"?"} {"term": "design", "pos": "", "context": "design a better mousetrap", "definition": "make a design of ; plan out in systematic , often graphic form", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"design a better mousetrap\" What is the definition of \"design\"?"} {"term": "design", "pos": "", "context": "a visual feast of late victorian stamp design and commercial printing can be found in the pages of this award winning exhibit .", "definition": "the arrangement of the features of an artefact , as produced from following a plan or drawing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a visual feast of late victorian stamp design and commercial printing can be found in the pages of this award winning exhibit .\" What is the definition of \"design\"?"} {"term": "design", "pos": "", "context": "the design of a building", "definition": "a preliminary sketch indicating the plan for something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the design of a building\" What is the definition of \"design\"?"} {"term": "design", "pos": "", "context": "she designed a good excuse for not attending classes that day", "definition": "conceive or fashion in the mind ; invent", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she designed a good excuse for not attending classes that day\" What is the definition of \"design\"?"} {"term": "cross-fertilization", "pos": "", "context": "the cross-fertilization of science and the creative arts", "definition": "interchange between different cultures or different ways of thinking that is mutually productive and beneficial", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the cross-fertilization of science and the creative arts\" What is the definition of \"cross-fertilization\"?"} {"term": "conk", "pos": "", "context": "then , on the way up a winding staircase , on the 13th step from the bottom , my flashlight just conked out .", "definition": "( of a machine ) break down", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"then , on the way up a winding staircase , on the 13th step from the bottom , my flashlight just conked out .\" What is the definition of \"conk\"?"} {"term": "conk", "pos": "", "context": "the stranger conked him and he fainted", "definition": "hit , especially on the head", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the stranger conked him and he fainted\" What is the definition of \"conk\"?"} {"term": "conk", "pos": "", "context": "i do n't buy organic and i wear a conk .", "definition": "a hairstyle in which curly or kinky hair is straightened .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i do n't buy organic and i wear a conk .\" What is the definition of \"conk\"?"} {"term": "woodchip", "pos": "", "context": "you either painted it or put woodchip paper everywhere .", "definition": "wallpaper with woodchips embedded in it to give a grainy surface texture .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you either painted it or put woodchip paper everywhere .\" What is the definition of \"woodchip\"?"} {"term": "humanitarian", "pos": "", "context": "most of the signatories were happy to sign because of their profound humanitarian concerns .", "definition": "concerned with or seeking to promote human welfare", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"most of the signatories were happy to sign because of their profound humanitarian concerns .\" What is the definition of \"humanitarian\"?"} {"term": "humanitarian", "pos": "", "context": "so we have got two humanitarian disasters .", "definition": "denoting an event or situation which causes or involves widespread human suffering , especially one which requires the large-scale provision of aid", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so we have got two humanitarian disasters .\" What is the definition of \"humanitarian\"?"} {"term": "croup", "pos": "", "context": "length in the neck , shoulder , forearm , croup , and from hip to hock helps a horse take longer strides for his size .", "definition": "the rump or hindquarters , especially of a horse .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"length in the neck , shoulder , forearm , croup , and from hip to hock helps a horse take longer strides for his size .\" What is the definition of \"croup\"?"} {"term": "savannah", "pos": "", "context": "my family 's savannah cat just gave birth to a litter of four kittens .", "definition": "a large cat of a breed that is a cross between a domestic cat and an african serval", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my family 's savannah cat just gave birth to a litter of four kittens .\" What is the definition of \"savannah\"?"} {"term": "wetness", "pos": "", "context": "the only conceivable outcome of this feeble wetness will be some free publicity .", "definition": "a lack of forcefulness or strength of character ; feebleness", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the only conceivable outcome of this feeble wetness will be some free publicity .\" What is the definition of \"wetness\"?"} {"term": "neume", "pos": "", "context": "rhythmic letters and episemas can be attached to these elements , and will stay with the neume where it is dragged on the staff .", "definition": "a sign indicating a neume .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rhythmic letters and episemas can be attached to these elements , and will stay with the neume where it is dragged on the staff .\" What is the definition of \"neume\"?"} {"term": "licence", "pos": "", "context": "outside and opposed to normal social life , liminality is also given ritual expression in licence , disorder , and role reversal .", "definition": "licentiousness .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"outside and opposed to normal social life , liminality is also given ritual expression in licence , disorder , and role reversal .\" What is the definition of \"licence\"?"} {"term": "toilet", "pos": "", "context": "the loss of ciliated epithelium emphasizes the need for hydration to improve the pulmonary toilet .", "definition": "the cleansing of part of a person 's body as a medical procedure .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the loss of ciliated epithelium emphasizes the need for hydration to improve the pulmonary toilet .\" What is the definition of \"toilet\"?"} {"term": "toilet", "pos": "", "context": "seat covers have been available for decades , and it used correctly , most seat covers will flush down the toilet without the user touching them .", "definition": "a fixed receptacle into which a person may urinate or defecate , typically consisting of a large bowl connected to a system for flushing away the waste into a sewer", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"seat covers have been available for decades , and it used correctly , most seat covers will flush down the toilet without the user touching them .\" What is the definition of \"toilet\"?"} {"term": "call", "pos": "", "context": "you can upgrade to call drinks for an additional $ 10 .", "definition": "( in a bar , club , etc . ) denoting or made with relatively expensive brands of alcohol which customers request by name .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you can upgrade to call drinks for an additional $ 10 .\" What is the definition of \"call\"?"} {"term": "call", "pos": "", "context": "but she did not endorse calls to ban home breeding , instead focusing her concern on commercial breeders who keep five or more dogs .", "definition": "an appeal or demand for something to happen or be done", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but she did not endorse calls to ban home breeding , instead focusing her concern on commercial breeders who keep five or more dogs .\" What is the definition of \"call\"?"} {"term": "call", "pos": "", "context": "your votes are flooding in every day in their hundreds but , with many categories still too close to call , every vote really does count .", "definition": "predict the result of ( a future event , especially an election or a vote )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"your votes are flooding in every day in their hundreds but , with many categories still too close to call , every vote really does count .\" What is the definition of \"call\"?"} {"term": "call", "pos": "", "context": "he deserves to be called on that", "definition": "challenge ( somebody ) to make good on a statement ; charge with or censure for an offense", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he deserves to be called on that\" What is the definition of \"call\"?"} {"term": "call", "pos": "", "context": "i was called at 5 a.m. this morning", "definition": "rouse somebody from sleep with a call", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i was called at 5 a.m. this morning\" What is the definition of \"call\"?"} {"term": "call", "pos": "", "context": "`` no , ' said sally , `` she 's called vicky . '", "definition": "have a specified name", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"`` no , ' said sally , `` she 's called vicky . '\" What is the definition of \"call\"?"} {"term": "call", "pos": "", "context": "peter , an idealistic young yale graduate , worked as a journalist covering the war in paris when he felt the call to serve .", "definition": "a vocation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"peter , an idealistic young yale graduate , worked as a journalist covering the war in paris when he felt the call to serve .\" What is the definition of \"call\"?"} {"term": "widget", "pos": "", "context": "gadgets and widgets and all that cool stuff that make life easier , or at least more fun , that 's what i want to write about .", "definition": "a small gadget or mechanical device .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gadgets and widgets and all that cool stuff that make life easier , or at least more fun , that 's what i want to write about .\" What is the definition of \"widget\"?"} {"term": "reverse", "pos": "", "context": "the benefit is that it allows hands-off forward or reverse travel without affecting left/right steering .", "definition": "reverse gear on a motor vehicle ; the position of a gear lever or selector corresponding to this", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the benefit is that it allows hands-off forward or reverse travel without affecting left/right steering .\" What is the definition of \"reverse\"?"} {"term": "crescent", "pos": "", "context": "each charm is an alternating crescent moon and star shape .", "definition": "having the shape of a crescent", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"each charm is an alternating crescent moon and star shape .\" What is the definition of \"crescent\"?"} {"term": "waterworks", "pos": "", "context": "there are certain things we just do n't talk about - and if there is a problem with the waterworks , chances are we will suffer in silence rather than seek help .", "definition": "used as a humorous euphemism for the urinary system", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there are certain things we just do n't talk about - and if there is a problem with the waterworks , chances are we will suffer in silence rather than seek help .\" What is the definition of \"waterworks\"?"} {"term": "clarify", "pos": "", "context": "clarify the mystery surrounding her death", "definition": "make clear and ( more ) comprehensible", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"clarify the mystery surrounding her death\" What is the definition of \"clarify\"?"} {"term": "hamartia", "pos": "", "context": "the tragic hero 's reversal inspires pity if it is due not to wickedness of character but rather to some hamartia , by which aristotle seems to mean some error in action , sometimes blameworthy and sometimes not .", "definition": "a fatal flaw leading to the downfall of a tragic hero or heroine", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the tragic hero 's reversal inspires pity if it is due not to wickedness of character but rather to some hamartia , by which aristotle seems to mean some error in action , sometimes blameworthy and sometimes not .\" What is the definition of \"hamartia\"?"} {"term": "brand", "pos": "", "context": "then the suits came , branded everyone with these marks and turned us into slaves .", "definition": "mark with a branding iron", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"then the suits came , branded everyone with these marks and turned us into slaves .\" What is the definition of \"brand\"?"} {"term": "brand", "pos": "", "context": "there were no wrinkles , no folds , or stretch marks that would have branded her a mother .", "definition": "mark indelibly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there were no wrinkles , no folds , or stretch marks that would have branded her a mother .\" What is the definition of \"brand\"?"} {"term": "brand", "pos": "", "context": "she was branded a loose woman", "definition": "mark or expose as infamous", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was branded a loose woman\" What is the definition of \"brand\"?"} {"term": "socialist", "pos": "", "context": "he was a fighter and socialist who was committed to working class revolution .", "definition": "a person who advocates or practises socialism", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was a fighter and socialist who was committed to working class revolution .\" What is the definition of \"socialist\"?"} {"term": "kind", "pos": "", "context": "he recognized three sacraments : baptism , the eucharist in both kinds , and penitence .", "definition": "each of the elements ( bread and wine ) of the eucharist", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he recognized three sacraments : baptism , the eucharist in both kinds , and penitence .\" What is the definition of \"kind\"?"} {"term": "kind", "pos": "", "context": "our neighbor was very kind about the window our son broke", "definition": "tolerant and forgiving under provocation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"our neighbor was very kind about the window our son broke\" What is the definition of \"kind\"?"} {"term": "wheatgrass", "pos": "", "context": "one parent contains genes from wheatgrass , a wild relative of wheat .", "definition": "any of various creeping grasses , especially couch grass .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one parent contains genes from wheatgrass , a wild relative of wheat .\" What is the definition of \"wheatgrass\"?"} {"term": "finesse", "pos": "", "context": "the problem of the legitimately dependent can not be finessed or argued away .", "definition": "slyly attempt to avoid blame or censure when dealing with ( a situation or problem )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the problem of the legitimately dependent can not be finessed or argued away .\" What is the definition of \"finesse\"?"} {"term": "weak", "pos": "", "context": "i do n't believe that cork and the other teams were weak , but that fermanagh were never given full credit for what they achieved .", "definition": "( of a team or military force ) containing too few members or members of insufficient quality", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i do n't believe that cork and the other teams were weak , but that fermanagh were never given full credit for what they achieved .\" What is the definition of \"weak\"?"} {"term": "weak", "pos": "", "context": "the weak link in the chain", "definition": "likely to fail under stress or pressure", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the weak link in the chain\" What is the definition of \"weak\"?"} {"term": "weak", "pos": "", "context": "although too weak for nba standards , he is certainly not a liability on the defensive end .", "definition": "of a low standard ; performing or performed badly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"although too weak for nba standards , he is certainly not a liability on the defensive end .\" What is the definition of \"weak\"?"} {"term": "weak", "pos": "", "context": "he is a man of strong convictions and weak commitments .", "definition": "( of a belief ) not held with conviction or intensity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is a man of strong convictions and weak commitments .\" What is the definition of \"weak\"?"} {"term": "weak", "pos": "", "context": "i 'll have to forgo my coffee and get it from the office , which probably is n't a god idea since i hear that harris makes weak coffee .", "definition": "( of a liquid or solution ) heavily diluted", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i 'll have to forgo my coffee and get it from the office , which probably is n't a god idea since i hear that harris makes weak coffee .\" What is the definition of \"weak\"?"} {"term": "countess", "pos": "", "context": "none of the dogs belonging to either the duke and duchess or the earl and countess ever barked .", "definition": "the wife or widow of a count or earl .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"none of the dogs belonging to either the duke and duchess or the earl and countess ever barked .\" What is the definition of \"countess\"?"} {"term": "batten", "pos": "", "context": "batten ships", "definition": "furnish with battens", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"batten ships\" What is the definition of \"batten\"?"} {"term": "spit", "pos": "", "context": "if he were a cat , he 'd be hissing and spitting by now , hair on end .", "definition": "( of a cat ) make a hissing noise as a sign of anger or hostility", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if he were a cat , he 'd be hissing and spitting by now , hair on end .\" What is the definition of \"spit\"?"} {"term": "spit", "pos": "", "context": "mate , at the speed you spit , you have a language all unto yourself !", "definition": "perform rap music .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mate , at the speed you spit , you have a language all unto yourself !\" What is the definition of \"spit\"?"} {"term": "spit", "pos": "", "context": "i then got shouted at by one of the dinner ladies ( only you ca n't call them that now ) for spitting my food out onto the plate .", "definition": "forcibly eject ( food or liquid ) from one 's mouth", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i then got shouted at by one of the dinner ladies ( only you ca n't call them that now ) for spitting my food out onto the plate .\" What is the definition of \"spit\"?"} {"term": "lament", "pos": "", "context": "the girls are singing a sad lament in sinhalese : ‘ old sea waves , you have kidnapped us ’ .", "definition": "a song , piece of music , or poem expressing grief or sorrow", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the girls are singing a sad lament in sinhalese : ‘ old sea waves , you have kidnapped us ’ .\" What is the definition of \"lament\"?"} {"term": "divorce", "pos": "", "context": "and finally , they contributed a specifically christian objection to any divorce between expediency and the moral realm .", "definition": "a separation between things which were or ought to be connected", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and finally , they contributed a specifically christian objection to any divorce between expediency and the moral realm .\" What is the definition of \"divorce\"?"} {"term": "history", "pos": "", "context": "by turning your head , you seemed to take in the whole sweep of irish history , from the vikings to the plantation .", "definition": "the whole series of past events connected with a particular person or thing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"by turning your head , you seemed to take in the whole sweep of irish history , from the vikings to the plantation .\" What is the definition of \"history\"?"} {"term": "history", "pos": "", "context": "it 's important to recount the history of that story and the lessons howard learned .", "definition": "a continuous , typically chronological , record of important or public events or of a particular trend or institution", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's important to recount the history of that story and the lessons howard learned .\" What is the definition of \"history\"?"} {"term": "grade", "pos": "", "context": "indeed farmers with u grade stock have already reached the €2.94 / kg mark .", "definition": "a variety of cattle produced by crossing with a superior breed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"indeed farmers with u grade stock have already reached the €2.94 / kg mark .\" What is the definition of \"grade\"?"} {"term": "marketing", "pos": "", "context": "in the end , it will all come down to clever marketing of the brand extension .", "definition": "the action or business of promoting and selling products or services , including market research and advertising", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the end , it will all come down to clever marketing of the brand extension .\" What is the definition of \"marketing\"?"} {"term": "marketing", "pos": "", "context": "most companies have a manager in charge of marketing", "definition": "the commercial processes involved in promoting and selling and distributing a product or service", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"most companies have a manager in charge of marketing\" What is the definition of \"marketing\"?"} {"term": "senna", "pos": "", "context": "do not use strong laxatives , such as the stimulant laxative senna , on a routine basis unless on the advice of doctor , because long term use of such laxatives can be harmful .", "definition": "a laxative prepared from the dried pods of the cassia tree .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"do not use strong laxatives , such as the stimulant laxative senna , on a routine basis unless on the advice of doctor , because long term use of such laxatives can be harmful .\" What is the definition of \"senna\"?"} {"term": "do-nothing", "pos": "", "context": "it 's about half do-nothing stuff and about half small changes to different grant programs .", "definition": "taking no action ; doing nothing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's about half do-nothing stuff and about half small changes to different grant programs .\" What is the definition of \"do-nothing\"?"} {"term": "do-nothing", "pos": "", "context": "so what distinguishes the demonstrators from the do-nothings ?", "definition": "an idle or feckless person", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so what distinguishes the demonstrators from the do-nothings ?\" What is the definition of \"do-nothing\"?"} {"term": "interchange", "pos": "", "context": "the titles of the two books could be interchanged .", "definition": "put each of ( two things ) in the other 's place", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the titles of the two books could be interchanged .\" What is the definition of \"interchange\"?"} {"term": "pace", "pos": "", "context": "the horse paced", "definition": "go at a pace", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the horse paced\" What is the definition of \"pace\"?"} {"term": "pace", "pos": "", "context": "he paced up and down the hall", "definition": "walk with slow or fast paces", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he paced up and down the hall\" What is the definition of \"pace\"?"} {"term": "obeah", "pos": "", "context": "you see somebody with a beautiful religious artifact , and you do n't want to touch it - you 're afraid of some obeah jumping out of it to get you .", "definition": "a kind of sorcery practised especially in the caribbean", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you see somebody with a beautiful religious artifact , and you do n't want to touch it - you 're afraid of some obeah jumping out of it to get you .\" What is the definition of \"obeah\"?"} {"term": "pseudoephedrine", "pos": "", "context": "several states , including montana , have banned unregistered sales of pseudoephedrine .", "definition": "a drug obtained from plants of the genus `` ephedra ' ( or prepared synthetically ) and used as a nasal decongestant .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"several states , including montana , have banned unregistered sales of pseudoephedrine .\" What is the definition of \"pseudoephedrine\"?"} {"term": "danish", "pos": "", "context": "lego for example come from denmark and in danish is pronounced leg godt and means play well .", "definition": "the scandinavian language spoken in denmark , which is also the official language of greenland and the faroes . it is spoken by over 5 million people .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lego for example come from denmark and in danish is pronounced leg godt and means play well .\" What is the definition of \"danish\"?"} {"term": "danish", "pos": "", "context": "we wake up every morning and eat mangoes , papayas and cinnamon danishes .", "definition": "a danish pastry .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we wake up every morning and eat mangoes , papayas and cinnamon danishes .\" What is the definition of \"danish\"?"} {"term": "scoliosis", "pos": "", "context": "his lung exam was significant for limited chest excursion , but he did not have obvious kyphosis or scoliosis .", "definition": "abnormal lateral curvature of the spine .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his lung exam was significant for limited chest excursion , but he did not have obvious kyphosis or scoliosis .\" What is the definition of \"scoliosis\"?"} {"term": "majuscule", "pos": "", "context": "many medieval manuscripts are in majuscule script", "definition": "uppercase", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"many medieval manuscripts are in majuscule script\" What is the definition of \"majuscule\"?"} {"term": "brisket", "pos": "", "context": "everyone knows how to make a brisket or a turkey .", "definition": "meat cut from the breast of an animal , typically a cow .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"everyone knows how to make a brisket or a turkey .\" What is the definition of \"brisket\"?"} {"term": "billboard", "pos": "", "context": "he paid for advertising on billboards and in newspapers , the commissioning of opinion polls and a leaflet campaign .", "definition": "a large outdoor board for displaying advertisements ; a hoarding", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he paid for advertising on billboards and in newspapers , the commissioning of opinion polls and a leaflet campaign .\" What is the definition of \"billboard\"?"} {"term": "tercentenary", "pos": "", "context": "in may 2007 , the next scottish election will coincide with the tercentenary of the treaty of union .", "definition": "the three-hundredth anniversary of a significant event", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in may 2007 , the next scottish election will coincide with the tercentenary of the treaty of union .\" What is the definition of \"tercentenary\"?"} {"term": "broadbill", "pos": "", "context": "winter residents include large flocks of ducks , geese , and swans winter in the sound . in west haven , connecticut 8,000 scaup ( also called broadbills or bluebills ) were regularly counted in the 1970s .", "definition": "a bird with a broad bill , especially a duck such as the shoveler or the scaup .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"winter residents include large flocks of ducks , geese , and swans winter in the sound . in west haven , connecticut 8,000 scaup ( also called broadbills or bluebills ) were regularly counted in the 1970s .\" What is the definition of \"broadbill\"?"} {"term": "bodach", "pos": "", "context": "the hungry customer turns out to have a filing cabinet and trophy room based on the worlds most terrible serial killers , and his house is thronged with bodachs .", "definition": "a ghost ; a spectre .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the hungry customer turns out to have a filing cabinet and trophy room based on the worlds most terrible serial killers , and his house is thronged with bodachs .\" What is the definition of \"bodach\"?"} {"term": "cartoon", "pos": "", "context": "bob 's other credits include appearing with michael parkinson in australia , and having his own cartoon strip published in the daily express .", "definition": "a narrative sequence of humorous drawings in a comic , magazine , or newspaper , usually with captions", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bob 's other credits include appearing with michael parkinson in australia , and having his own cartoon strip published in the daily express .\" What is the definition of \"cartoon\"?"} {"term": "cartoon", "pos": "", "context": "i do n't even pay attention to political cartoons in newspapers .", "definition": "a simple drawing showing the features of its subjects in a humorously exaggerated way , especially a satirical one in a newspaper or magazine", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i do n't even pay attention to political cartoons in newspapers .\" What is the definition of \"cartoon\"?"} {"term": "crowd", "pos": "", "context": "the students crowded the auditorium", "definition": "fill or occupy to the point of overflowing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the students crowded the auditorium\" What is the definition of \"crowd\"?"} {"term": "refresher", "pos": "", "context": "her substantive and entertaining synopsis of classical references to druids should serve both as an introduction to laymen and a useful refresher for celticists .", "definition": "an activity that refreshes one 's skills or knowledge", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her substantive and entertaining synopsis of classical references to druids should serve both as an introduction to laymen and a useful refresher for celticists .\" What is the definition of \"refresher\"?"} {"term": "irritation", "pos": "", "context": "it has been shown that the mouse model has a predictive value for human responses to sensory irritation .", "definition": "the stimulation of an organism , cell , or organ to produce an active response .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it has been shown that the mouse model has a predictive value for human responses to sensory irritation .\" What is the definition of \"irritation\"?"} {"term": "lustre", "pos": "", "context": "its particles have a dull metallic lustre , far less brilliant than that of gold .", "definition": "the manner in which the surface of a mineral reflects light .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"its particles have a dull metallic lustre , far less brilliant than that of gold .\" What is the definition of \"lustre\"?"} {"term": "mend", "pos": "", "context": "his two broken ribs had been mended , but were still weak and sore .", "definition": "return to health ; heal", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his two broken ribs had been mended , but were still weak and sore .\" What is the definition of \"mend\"?"} {"term": "uncover", "pos": "", "context": "uncover your belly", "definition": "remove all or part of one 's clothes to show one 's body", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"uncover your belly\" What is the definition of \"uncover\"?"} {"term": "clot", "pos": "", "context": "i cut my legs shaving , i thought the blood had finally clotted , so i put my stockings on - and smeared the blood .", "definition": "form or cause to form clots", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i cut my legs shaving , i thought the blood had finally clotted , so i put my stockings on - and smeared the blood .\" What is the definition of \"clot\"?"} {"term": "unconformity", "pos": "", "context": "you still get men wearing hats now but it 's almost a sign of unconformity for a young man to wear a hat apart from baseball hats .", "definition": "the condition of being unconformable", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you still get men wearing hats now but it 's almost a sign of unconformity for a young man to wear a hat apart from baseball hats .\" What is the definition of \"unconformity\"?"} {"term": "tuff", "pos": "", "context": "increasing proximity to a subduction zone during plate convergence is indicated by the appearance of felsic tuff .", "definition": "a light , porous rock formed by consolidation of volcanic ash .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"increasing proximity to a subduction zone during plate convergence is indicated by the appearance of felsic tuff .\" What is the definition of \"tuff\"?"} {"term": "whine", "pos": "", "context": "the only ‘ work ’ these characters appear to do is gossip , whinge , whine and bitch about everyone and anything .", "definition": "a feeble or petulant complaint", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the only ‘ work ’ these characters appear to do is gossip , whinge , whine and bitch about everyone and anything .\" What is the definition of \"whine\"?"} {"term": "dominance", "pos": "", "context": "not all canopy species actually rise to dominance along any given transect .", "definition": "the predominance of one or more species in a plant ( or animal ) community", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"not all canopy species actually rise to dominance along any given transect .\" What is the definition of \"dominance\"?"} {"term": "dominance", "pos": "", "context": "her apparent dominance of her husband was really her attempt to make him pay attention to her", "definition": "the state that exists when one person or group has power over another", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her apparent dominance of her husband was really her attempt to make him pay attention to her\" What is the definition of \"dominance\"?"} {"term": "dominance", "pos": "", "context": "the essence of dominance is the power to behave independently of competitive pressures .", "definition": "power and influence over others", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the essence of dominance is the power to behave independently of competitive pressures .\" What is the definition of \"dominance\"?"} {"term": "timid", "pos": "", "context": "whitewater rafting is not for the timid", "definition": "people who are fearful and cautious", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"whitewater rafting is not for the timid\" What is the definition of \"timid\"?"} {"term": "hefty", "pos": "", "context": "a disabled car owner has been left with no transport and a hefty bill after vandals sprayed his car with a corrosive substance .", "definition": "( of a number or amount ) impressively large", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a disabled car owner has been left with no transport and a hefty bill after vandals sprayed his car with a corrosive substance .\" What is the definition of \"hefty\"?"} {"term": "nature", "pos": "", "context": "yes , when passion ebbs , nurture comes before nature and compassion must overflow .", "definition": "inborn or hereditary characteristics as an influence on or determinant of personality .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"yes , when passion ebbs , nurture comes before nature and compassion must overflow .\" What is the definition of \"nature\"?"} {"term": "therapy", "pos": "", "context": "as interested as you no doubt are in my childhood days , this is not a public therapy session .", "definition": "the treatment of mental or psychological disorders by psychological means", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as interested as you no doubt are in my childhood days , this is not a public therapy session .\" What is the definition of \"therapy\"?"} {"term": "inch", "pos": "", "context": "almost four inches of rain fell on the region during a 12-hour period .", "definition": "( as a unit of rainfall ) a quantity that would cover a horizontal surface to a depth of one inch , equivalent to 253.7 cubic metres per hectare", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"almost four inches of rain fell on the region during a 12-hour period .\" What is the definition of \"inch\"?"} {"term": "inch", "pos": "", "context": "p2 is the actual barometric pressure , expressed in inches of mercury , at the cruise altitude above the destination airport .", "definition": "( as a unit of atmospheric pressure ) an amount that would support a column of mercury one-inch high in a barometer ( equal to 33.86 millibars , 29.5 inches being equal to one bar ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"p2 is the actual barometric pressure , expressed in inches of mercury , at the cruise altitude above the destination airport .\" What is the definition of \"inch\"?"} {"term": "inch", "pos": "", "context": "asha slowly inched along the wall , but lucas followed her , practically stepping on top of her .", "definition": "move along slowly and carefully", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"asha slowly inched along the wall , but lucas followed her , practically stepping on top of her .\" What is the definition of \"inch\"?"} {"term": "burnish", "pos": "", "context": "in vain the communists tried to burnish their image , formally abandoning the doctrine of the dictatorship of the proletariat at their twenty-second party congress in february 1976 .", "definition": "enhance or improve", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in vain the communists tried to burnish their image , formally abandoning the doctrine of the dictatorship of the proletariat at their twenty-second party congress in february 1976 .\" What is the definition of \"burnish\"?"} {"term": "burnish", "pos": "", "context": "the motifs lie upon luminous fields of pale color that shift between shades of rose and burnished gold .", "definition": "polish ( something , especially metal ) by rubbing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the motifs lie upon luminous fields of pale color that shift between shades of rose and burnished gold .\" What is the definition of \"burnish\"?"} {"term": "warehousing", "pos": "", "context": "the facility has a holding capacity of five million pounds of milk and utilizes 30,000 square feet of on-site warehousing to contain approximately four million pounds of product .", "definition": "warehouses collectively", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the facility has a holding capacity of five million pounds of milk and utilizes 30,000 square feet of on-site warehousing to contain approximately four million pounds of product .\" What is the definition of \"warehousing\"?"} {"term": "secret", "pos": "", "context": "a secret garden", "definition": "hidden from general view or use", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a secret garden\" What is the definition of \"secret\"?"} {"term": "secret", "pos": "", "context": "the secret compartment in the desk", "definition": "designed to elude detection", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the secret compartment in the desk\" What is the definition of \"secret\"?"} {"term": "invite", "pos": "", "context": "he did n't get no invite to the party", "definition": "a colloquial expression for invitation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he did n't get no invite to the party\" What is the definition of \"invite\"?"} {"term": "invite", "pos": "", "context": "you are invited to anonymously contribute a secret to the postsecret project .", "definition": "make a polite , formal , or friendly request to ( someone ) to go somewhere or to do something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you are invited to anonymously contribute a secret to the postsecret project .\" What is the definition of \"invite\"?"} {"term": "lawmaker", "pos": "", "context": "if elected , he would be one of the few lawmakers elected to office in two states .", "definition": "a legislator", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if elected , he would be one of the few lawmakers elected to office in two states .\" What is the definition of \"lawmaker\"?"} {"term": "investment", "pos": "", "context": "this job calls for the investment of some hard thinking", "definition": "the commitment of something other than money ( time , energy , or effort ) to a project with the expectation of some worthwhile result", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this job calls for the investment of some hard thinking\" What is the definition of \"investment\"?"} {"term": "haunting", "pos": "", "context": "from two handsome and talented young men to two haunting horrors of disintegration ' -charles lee", "definition": "having a deeply disquieting or disturbing effect", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"from two handsome and talented young men to two haunting horrors of disintegration ' -charles lee\" What is the definition of \"haunting\"?"} {"term": "haunting", "pos": "", "context": "haunting memories", "definition": "continually recurring to the mind", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"haunting memories\" What is the definition of \"haunting\"?"} {"term": "dutch", "pos": "", "context": "particularly when i tell them me and the old dutch live in the old folks ' flats , yes the upstairs one , and their nice young men will have to carry the dead fridge ( six feet high , etc . ) down the stairs first .", "definition": "( especially among cockneys ) one 's wife .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"particularly when i tell them me and the old dutch live in the old folks ' flats , yes the upstairs one , and their nice young men will have to carry the dead fridge ( six feet high , etc . ) down the stairs first .\" What is the definition of \"dutch\"?"} {"term": "maoist", "pos": "", "context": "in view of the threat perception from maoists , the security cover has been tightened .", "definition": "a follower of the communist doctrines of mao zedong", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in view of the threat perception from maoists , the security cover has been tightened .\" What is the definition of \"maoist\"?"} {"term": "purl", "pos": "", "context": "‘ see how easily the white meat slices , ’ a dark , rumbling voice purled around the gunner 's ears .", "definition": "a purling motion or sound", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ see how easily the white meat slices , ’ a dark , rumbling voice purled around the gunner 's ears .\" What is the definition of \"purl\"?"} {"term": "splash", "pos": "", "context": "former handsworth student blythe hartley will look to make a big splash in victoria this weekend .", "definition": "a striking , ostentatious , or exciting effect or event", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"former handsworth student blythe hartley will look to make a big splash in victoria this weekend .\" What is the definition of \"splash\"?"} {"term": "splash", "pos": "", "context": "he made a great splash and then disappeared", "definition": "a prominent or sensational but short-lived news event", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he made a great splash and then disappeared\" What is the definition of \"splash\"?"} {"term": "advantage", "pos": "", "context": "the experience gave him the advantage over me", "definition": "the quality of having a superior or more favorable position", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the experience gave him the advantage over me\" What is the definition of \"advantage\"?"} {"term": "guidance", "pos": "", "context": "no studies compared two dimensional ultrasound guidance as a single procedure against surgical cut-down .", "definition": "the directing of the motion or position of something , especially an aircraft , spacecraft , or missile", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"no studies compared two dimensional ultrasound guidance as a single procedure against surgical cut-down .\" What is the definition of \"guidance\"?"} {"term": "portrait", "pos": "", "context": "although a rough and possibly abandoned study , it was almost certainly done at the time gauguin was painting the portrait of him .", "definition": "a painting , drawing , photograph , or engraving of a person , especially one depicting only the face or head and shoulders", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"although a rough and possibly abandoned study , it was almost certainly done at the time gauguin was painting the portrait of him .\" What is the definition of \"portrait\"?"} {"term": "consistory", "pos": "", "context": "twenty-six dioceses each had a consistory court with defamation cases providing about one quarter of their business .", "definition": "( in the church of england ) a court presided over by a bishop , for the administration of ecclesiastical law in a diocese .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"twenty-six dioceses each had a consistory court with defamation cases providing about one quarter of their business .\" What is the definition of \"consistory\"?"} {"term": "accommodate", "pos": "", "context": "a 336-square-foot guest suite above the garage accommodates visitors for extended stays .", "definition": "( of a building or other area ) provide lodging or sufficient space for", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a 336-square-foot guest suite above the garage accommodates visitors for extended stays .\" What is the definition of \"accommodate\"?"} {"term": "discomfiture", "pos": "", "context": "this will spare you the discomfiture of having to discuss the realities of sex before your daughter is intellectually and emotionally ready to understand .", "definition": "a feeling of unease or embarrassment ; awkwardness", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this will spare you the discomfiture of having to discuss the realities of sex before your daughter is intellectually and emotionally ready to understand .\" What is the definition of \"discomfiture\"?"} {"term": "gouda", "pos": "", "context": "the cheese courses , from pierre robert to gouda with apple-and-maple strudel , enchanted even those at the table who eschew anything more complex than a wheel of brie .", "definition": "a flat round cheese with a yellow rind , originally made in gouda .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the cheese courses , from pierre robert to gouda with apple-and-maple strudel , enchanted even those at the table who eschew anything more complex than a wheel of brie .\" What is the definition of \"gouda\"?"} {"term": "leicester", "pos": "", "context": "the first border leicesters were introduced into otago from scotland by the new zealand and australian land co. in 1859 .", "definition": "a sheep of a breed often crossed with other breeds to produce lambs for the meat industry .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the first border leicesters were introduced into otago from scotland by the new zealand and australian land co. in 1859 .\" What is the definition of \"leicester\"?"} {"term": "rejuvenate", "pos": "", "context": "the land rejuvenated", "definition": "develop youthful topographical features", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the land rejuvenated\" What is the definition of \"rejuvenate\"?"} {"term": "puncture", "pos": "", "context": "allergic status was documented by puncture skin tests .", "definition": "a small hole in something such as the skin , caused by a sharp object", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"allergic status was documented by puncture skin tests .\" What is the definition of \"puncture\"?"} {"term": "bulwark", "pos": "", "context": "israel bills the barrier as its bulwark against infiltrating palestinian suicide bombers .", "definition": "a defensive wall .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"israel bills the barrier as its bulwark against infiltrating palestinian suicide bombers .\" What is the definition of \"bulwark\"?"} {"term": "pause", "pos": "", "context": "without pause , he grabbed the tree branch and pulled himself up into the hollow of the tree .", "definition": "a temporary stop in action or speech", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"without pause , he grabbed the tree branch and pulled himself up into the hollow of the tree .\" What is the definition of \"pause\"?"} {"term": "pause", "pos": "", "context": "we pause for station identification", "definition": "cease an action temporarily", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we pause for station identification\" What is the definition of \"pause\"?"} {"term": "genocide", "pos": "", "context": "the tragedy is made all the worse because genocide is both predictable and preventable .", "definition": "the deliberate killing of a large group of people , especially those of a particular nation or ethnic group", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the tragedy is made all the worse because genocide is both predictable and preventable .\" What is the definition of \"genocide\"?"} {"term": "yesterday", "pos": "", "context": "yesterday 's solutions are not good enough", "definition": "the recent past", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"yesterday 's solutions are not good enough\" What is the definition of \"yesterday\"?"} {"term": "scumbag", "pos": "", "context": "but there were a lot of scumbags to me who hung in those circles , and i did n't want to be around them .", "definition": "a contemptible or objectionable person .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but there were a lot of scumbags to me who hung in those circles , and i did n't want to be around them .\" What is the definition of \"scumbag\"?"} {"term": "perpendicular", "pos": "", "context": "the axes are perpendicular to each other", "definition": "intersecting at or forming right angles", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the axes are perpendicular to each other\" What is the definition of \"perpendicular\"?"} {"term": "perpendicular", "pos": "", "context": "the town was kept going by a fine abbey , whose last church still stands as one of the final triumphs of the perpendicular style .", "definition": "denoting the latest stage of english gothic church architecture , prevalent from the late 14th to mid 16th centuries and characterized by broad arches , elaborate fan vaulting , and large windows with vertical tracery", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the town was kept going by a fine abbey , whose last church still stands as one of the final triumphs of the perpendicular style .\" What is the definition of \"perpendicular\"?"} {"term": "card", "pos": "", "context": "you have to turn in your card to get a handicap", "definition": "( golf ) a record of scores ( as in golf )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you have to turn in your card to get a handicap\" What is the definition of \"card\"?"} {"term": "card", "pos": "", "context": "the managers presented their cards to the umpire at home plate", "definition": "( baseball ) a list of batters in the order in which they will bat", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the managers presented their cards to the umpire at home plate\" What is the definition of \"card\"?"} {"term": "card", "pos": "", "context": "jude tried to get ol ’ davy to stay around a while for a game of cards or a drink , but davy refused .", "definition": "a game played with playing cards", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"jude tried to get ol ’ davy to stay around a while for a game of cards or a drink , but davy refused .\" What is the definition of \"card\"?"} {"term": "concealment", "pos": "", "context": "however , it should not be on the basis on which this bill proceeds , which is a blanket concealment of convictions .", "definition": "the action of hiding something or preventing it from being known", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"however , it should not be on the basis on which this bill proceeds , which is a blanket concealment of convictions .\" What is the definition of \"concealment\"?"} {"term": "pepperoni", "pos": "", "context": "there 's pork mince , peppers , pepperoni , ham , pineapple , tomato purée and herbs in it .", "definition": "beef and pork sausage seasoned with pepper .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there 's pork mince , peppers , pepperoni , ham , pineapple , tomato purée and herbs in it .\" What is the definition of \"pepperoni\"?"} {"term": "sweetsop", "pos": "", "context": "in apparently healthy tissues of sweetsop and soursop plants , some fungi promote shoot growth or reduce root growth , while others have no effect on growth of sweetsop seedlings .", "definition": "the tropical american evergreen shrub which yields sweetsops .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in apparently healthy tissues of sweetsop and soursop plants , some fungi promote shoot growth or reduce root growth , while others have no effect on growth of sweetsop seedlings .\" What is the definition of \"sweetsop\"?"} {"term": "horsewhip", "pos": "", "context": "all i suggest is that she be horsewhipped for putting a full stop wrongly outside a bracket .", "definition": "beat ( a person or animal ) with a horsewhip", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all i suggest is that she be horsewhipped for putting a full stop wrongly outside a bracket .\" What is the definition of \"horsewhip\"?"} {"term": "electric", "pos": "", "context": "an atmosphere electric with suspicion", "definition": "( of a situation ) exceptionally tense", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an atmosphere electric with suspicion\" What is the definition of \"electric\"?"} {"term": "meow", "pos": "", "context": "the cat meowed", "definition": "cry like a cat", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the cat meowed\" What is the definition of \"meow\"?"} {"term": "rave", "pos": "", "context": "rather than defining genres , skinner explores them , intersecting garage and hip-hop with rave , reggae , and even a twinge of bedsit indie .", "definition": "electronic dance music of the kind played at a rave", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rather than defining genres , skinner explores them , intersecting garage and hip-hop with rave , reggae , and even a twinge of bedsit indie .\" What is the definition of \"rave\"?"} {"term": "rave", "pos": "", "context": "raves are very popular in berlin", "definition": "a dance party that lasts all night and electronically synthesized music is played", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"raves are very popular in berlin\" What is the definition of \"rave\"?"} {"term": "wrack", "pos": "", "context": "wrack and ruin", "definition": "the destruction or collapse of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wrack and ruin\" What is the definition of \"wrack\"?"} {"term": "telephone", "pos": "", "context": "workers communicate by voice in meetings , in hall conversations , and by telephone .", "definition": "a system for transmitting voices over a distance using wire or radio , by converting acoustic vibrations to electrical signals", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"workers communicate by voice in meetings , in hall conversations , and by telephone .\" What is the definition of \"telephone\"?"} {"term": "telephone", "pos": "", "context": "traditionally , the results of emergency biochemistry and haematology requests have been telephoned by laboratory staff to the requesting clinician or ward area as soon as a specimen has been analysed .", "definition": "send ( a message ) by telephone", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"traditionally , the results of emergency biochemistry and haematology requests have been telephoned by laboratory staff to the requesting clinician or ward area as soon as a specimen has been analysed .\" What is the definition of \"telephone\"?"} {"term": "telephone", "pos": "", "context": "‘ it 's not like i need the money , ’ the woman had said when wendy telephoned for information and gasped at the cost .", "definition": "make a telephone call", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ it 's not like i need the money , ’ the woman had said when wendy telephoned for information and gasped at the cost .\" What is the definition of \"telephone\"?"} {"term": "spectacle", "pos": "", "context": "heather taylor and amy chu produced and performed in the spectacle .", "definition": "a visually striking performance or display", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"heather taylor and amy chu produced and performed in the spectacle .\" What is the definition of \"spectacle\"?"} {"term": "pineapple", "pos": "", "context": "he said the explosive was among three pineapple grenades and a mortar found by local residents over the past month , with the most recent discovery taking place on july 8 .", "definition": "a hand grenade .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he said the explosive was among three pineapple grenades and a mortar found by local residents over the past month , with the most recent discovery taking place on july 8 .\" What is the definition of \"pineapple\"?"} {"term": "methanol", "pos": "", "context": "for example , the alcohol derivative of methane is methanol and of ethane is ethanol .", "definition": "a toxic , colourless , volatile flammable liquid alcohol , made chiefly by oxidizing methane .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for example , the alcohol derivative of methane is methanol and of ethane is ethanol .\" What is the definition of \"methanol\"?"} {"term": "paean", "pos": "", "context": "the first few minutes of the film are a paean to romantic love , recreating that intensity and joy with disarming simplicity .", "definition": "a creative work expressing enthusiastic praise", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the first few minutes of the film are a paean to romantic love , recreating that intensity and joy with disarming simplicity .\" What is the definition of \"paean\"?"} {"term": "moonlight", "pos": "", "context": "he was moonlighting as a bartender on friday and saturday nights to make some extra money .", "definition": "have a second job , typically secretly and at night , in addition to one 's regular employment", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was moonlighting as a bartender on friday and saturday nights to make some extra money .\" What is the definition of \"moonlight\"?"} {"term": "redress", "pos": "", "context": "the right to seek redress of wrongs in court is precious and should not be restricted or abridged , based on myths .", "definition": "remedy or compensation for a wrong or grievance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the right to seek redress of wrongs in court is precious and should not be restricted or abridged , based on myths .\" What is the definition of \"redress\"?"} {"term": "nursery", "pos": "", "context": "the only way the couple can stop this is by claiming that marie is pregnant and that they will need their spare room as a nursery .", "definition": "a room in a house for the special use of young children", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the only way the couple can stop this is by claiming that marie is pregnant and that they will need their spare room as a nursery .\" What is the definition of \"nursery\"?"} {"term": "adhesiveness", "pos": "", "context": "the mutual adhesiveness of cells", "definition": "the property of sticking together ( as of glue and wood ) or the joining of surfaces of different composition", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the mutual adhesiveness of cells\" What is the definition of \"adhesiveness\"?"} {"term": "episcopacy", "pos": "", "context": "orthodox people certainly can deeply appreciate the rhodes conclusions regarding the impossibility of ordaining women to the priesthood and episcopacy .", "definition": "the office of a bishop .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"orthodox people certainly can deeply appreciate the rhodes conclusions regarding the impossibility of ordaining women to the priesthood and episcopacy .\" What is the definition of \"episcopacy\"?"} {"term": "shield", "pos": "", "context": "the entire imaging set-up was covered by dark foil to shield the root from light , which could interfere with root growth .", "definition": "protect from a danger , risk , or unpleasant experience", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the entire imaging set-up was covered by dark foil to shield the root from light , which could interfere with root growth .\" What is the definition of \"shield\"?"} {"term": "shield", "pos": "", "context": "the structural discontinuity between the shield and the horizontal lavas filling the embayment corresponds to the eroded scarps of the landslide .", "definition": "a large rigid area of the earth 's crust , typically of precambrian rock , which has been unaffected by later orogenic episodes , e.g . the canadian shield .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the structural discontinuity between the shield and the horizontal lavas filling the embayment corresponds to the eroded scarps of the landslide .\" What is the definition of \"shield\"?"} {"term": "shield", "pos": "", "context": "somebody 's in the uniform where they had a badge , or a shield .", "definition": "a us police officer 's badge .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"somebody 's in the uniform where they had a badge , or a shield .\" What is the definition of \"shield\"?"} {"term": "cushion", "pos": "", "context": "i bought it because it had big soft cushions and was very long and deep from front to back so anyone with insomnia could find it a safe haven .", "definition": "a bag of cloth stuffed with a mass of soft material , used as a comfortable support for sitting or leaning on", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i bought it because it had big soft cushions and was very long and deep from front to back so anyone with insomnia could find it a safe haven .\" What is the definition of \"cushion\"?"} {"term": "precedent", "pos": "", "context": "we fear there may well be a precedent set for the rest of her school life .", "definition": "an earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or guide to be considered in subsequent similar circumstances", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we fear there may well be a precedent set for the rest of her school life .\" What is the definition of \"precedent\"?"} {"term": "scarper", "pos": "", "context": "he actually lay in wait for burglars and shot them as a deliberate act , even though they were about to scarper .", "definition": "run away", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he actually lay in wait for burglars and shot them as a deliberate act , even though they were about to scarper .\" What is the definition of \"scarper\"?"} {"term": "moorhen", "pos": "", "context": "local residents have argued that the idea could destroy a quiet riverside environment where lilies grow and moorhens swim .", "definition": "a small aquatic rail with mainly blackish plumage .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"local residents have argued that the idea could destroy a quiet riverside environment where lilies grow and moorhens swim .\" What is the definition of \"moorhen\"?"} {"term": "half-brother", "pos": "", "context": "morris stayed in europe until 1799 , earning the money that would enable him to buy the morris estate from his half-brothers .", "definition": "a brother with whom one has only one parent in common", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"morris stayed in europe until 1799 , earning the money that would enable him to buy the morris estate from his half-brothers .\" What is the definition of \"half-brother\"?"} {"term": "bank", "pos": "", "context": "we 've regularly - almost religiously - deposited money into our bank savings account .", "definition": "a financial establishment that uses money deposited by customers for investment , pays it out when required , makes loans at interest , and exchanges currency", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we 've regularly - almost religiously - deposited money into our bank savings account .\" What is the definition of \"bank\"?"} {"term": "bank", "pos": "", "context": "a huge bank of earth", "definition": "a long ridge or pile", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a huge bank of earth\" What is the definition of \"bank\"?"} {"term": "bank", "pos": "", "context": "bank roads", "definition": "enclose with a bank", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bank roads\" What is the definition of \"bank\"?"} {"term": "pit", "pos": "", "context": "this conflict pitted guerrilla forces against the national government .", "definition": "set someone or something in conflict or competition with", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this conflict pitted guerrilla forces against the national government .\" What is the definition of \"pit\"?"} {"term": "pit", "pos": "", "context": "once home we shuffled off to our respective pits , i surfaced at 10.30 am .", "definition": "a person 's bed .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"once home we shuffled off to our respective pits , i surfaced at 10.30 am .\" What is the definition of \"pit\"?"} {"term": "pit", "pos": "", "context": "the exoskeleton of the cranidium shows minute pits in the central area , pits which are not visible in either of clark 's specimens .", "definition": "a hollow or indentation in a surface .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the exoskeleton of the cranidium shows minute pits in the central area , pits which are not visible in either of clark 's specimens .\" What is the definition of \"pit\"?"} {"term": "pit", "pos": "", "context": "i cut the cherries in half and pitted them .", "definition": "remove the pit from ( fruit ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i cut the cherries in half and pitted them .\" What is the definition of \"pit\"?"} {"term": "slurry", "pos": "", "context": "instead of having to stock parts , dealers could just have a tank of soybean slurry and a couple of computer discs .", "definition": "a semi-liquid mixture , typically of fine particles of manure , cement , or coal and water", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"instead of having to stock parts , dealers could just have a tank of soybean slurry and a couple of computer discs .\" What is the definition of \"slurry\"?"} {"term": "nationality", "pos": "", "context": "immigrants of the same nationality often seek each other out", "definition": "people having common origins or traditions and often comprising a nation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"immigrants of the same nationality often seek each other out\" What is the definition of \"nationality\"?"} {"term": "cleaner", "pos": "", "context": "for instance , when all the actors sent their clothes to the cleaners , all of the women 's underwear was sent back .", "definition": "a shop where clothes and fabrics are dry-cleaned", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for instance , when all the actors sent their clothes to the cleaners , all of the women 's underwear was sent back .\" What is the definition of \"cleaner\"?"} {"term": "cleaner", "pos": "", "context": "many soaps and other sudsy cleaners like dishwashing liquid and shampoo are detergents .", "definition": "a chemical substance used for cleaning", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"many soaps and other sudsy cleaners like dishwashing liquid and shampoo are detergents .\" What is the definition of \"cleaner\"?"} {"term": "neo-liberal", "pos": "", "context": "it has been a catastrophe for third world producers whose livelihoods have been destroyed by neo-liberal policies .", "definition": "relating to or denoting a modified form of liberalism tending to favour free-market capitalism .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it has been a catastrophe for third world producers whose livelihoods have been destroyed by neo-liberal policies .\" What is the definition of \"neo-liberal\"?"} {"term": "sprout", "pos": "", "context": "some species will sprout right away ; others could take a year or more to grow .", "definition": "( of a plant ) put out shoots", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some species will sprout right away ; others could take a year or more to grow .\" What is the definition of \"sprout\"?"} {"term": "fixate", "pos": "", "context": "if an aspiring writer ca n't help but become fixated on a grammatical error in a love letter , is this a curse ?", "definition": "cause ( someone ) to develop an obsessive attachment to someone or something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if an aspiring writer ca n't help but become fixated on a grammatical error in a love letter , is this a curse ?\" What is the definition of \"fixate\"?"} {"term": "gallant", "pos": "", "context": "the room was very gallant with pale yellow walls and a pink ceiling .", "definition": "grand or impressive", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the room was very gallant with pale yellow walls and a pink ceiling .\" What is the definition of \"gallant\"?"} {"term": "sedan", "pos": "", "context": "the 2003 model year is when mercedes is expected to introduce a redesigned e-class sedan .", "definition": "a car for four or more people .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the 2003 model year is when mercedes is expected to introduce a redesigned e-class sedan .\" What is the definition of \"sedan\"?"} {"term": "by-blow", "pos": "", "context": "the second hypothesis , which is more plausible , is that helen is illegitimate - one of her debauched father 's by-blows .", "definition": "a man 's illegitimate child", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the second hypothesis , which is more plausible , is that helen is illegitimate - one of her debauched father 's by-blows .\" What is the definition of \"by-blow\"?"} {"term": "aftereffect", "pos": "", "context": "the drug had unexpected aftereffects", "definition": "a delayed effect of a drug or therapy", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the drug had unexpected aftereffects\" What is the definition of \"aftereffect\"?"} {"term": "outdoors", "pos": "", "context": "finally , if you 're deciding when to brave the great outdoors , choose a windy , sunny day .", "definition": "any area outside buildings or shelter , typically that far away from human habitation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"finally , if you 're deciding when to brave the great outdoors , choose a windy , sunny day .\" What is the definition of \"outdoors\"?"} {"term": "scottish", "pos": "", "context": "it helps that most of us are scottish and everyone is desperate to win for themselves and for the team .", "definition": "relating to scotland or its people", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it helps that most of us are scottish and everyone is desperate to win for themselves and for the team .\" What is the definition of \"scottish\"?"} {"term": "testate", "pos": "", "context": "currently the rights enjoyed by married couples , such as the automatic right of inheritance in the event of a spouse dying in testate or the right of succession to certain tenancies and to pension funds , are denied to non-married couples .", "definition": "having made a valid will before one dies", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"currently the rights enjoyed by married couples , such as the automatic right of inheritance in the event of a spouse dying in testate or the right of succession to certain tenancies and to pension funds , are denied to non-married couples .\" What is the definition of \"testate\"?"} {"term": "swipe", "pos": "", "context": "it 's very unusual to see such established celebrities taking verbal swipes at each other .", "definition": "an attack or criticism", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's very unusual to see such established celebrities taking verbal swipes at each other .\" What is the definition of \"swipe\"?"} {"term": "board", "pos": "", "context": "there were a couple of board members at the meeting .", "definition": "a group of people constituted as the decision-making body of an organization", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there were a couple of board members at the meeting .\" What is the definition of \"board\"?"} {"term": "board", "pos": "", "context": "running into the boards in the rinks these days is like running into a brick wall .", "definition": "the wooden structure surrounding an ice-hockey rink .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"running into the boards in the rinks these days is like running into a brick wall .\" What is the definition of \"board\"?"} {"term": "board", "pos": "", "context": "he approached the captain of the ship and offered his services for board , and eventually boarded the ship .", "definition": "the provision of regular meals when one stays somewhere , in return for payment or services", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he approached the captain of the ship and offered his services for board , and eventually boarded the ship .\" What is the definition of \"board\"?"} {"term": "board", "pos": "", "context": "he arose when he heard the household stir , and went down to the table , where the board was laid with fresh , hot bread and butter , and golden honeycomb , with strawberries and cream in bowls .", "definition": "a table set for a meal", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he arose when he heard the household stir , and went down to the table , where the board was laid with fresh , hot bread and butter , and golden honeycomb , with strawberries and cream in bowls .\" What is the definition of \"board\"?"} {"term": "board", "pos": "", "context": "he got out the board and set up the pieces", "definition": "a flat portable surface ( usually rectangular ) designed for board games", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he got out the board and set up the pieces\" What is the definition of \"board\"?"} {"term": "squadron", "pos": "", "context": "losses were heavy and the raaf squadrons were supplemented by raf hudsons flown from india .", "definition": "an operational unit in an air force consisting of two or more flights of aircraft and the personnel required to fly them .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"losses were heavy and the raaf squadrons were supplemented by raf hudsons flown from india .\" What is the definition of \"squadron\"?"} {"term": "pool", "pos": "", "context": "constable elm found mr. duncan at about 4 : 50 am lying unconscious in a pool of blood in his garage .", "definition": "a shallow patch of liquid lying on a surface", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"constable elm found mr. duncan at about 4 : 50 am lying unconscious in a pool of blood in his garage .\" What is the definition of \"pool\"?"} {"term": "pool", "pos": "", "context": "there are six tournaments in the first five months of 2002 with guaranteed prize pools of $ 1 million or more !", "definition": "the collective amount of players ' stakes in gambling or sweepstakes ; a kitty", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there are six tournaments in the first five months of 2002 with guaranteed prize pools of $ 1 million or more !\" What is the definition of \"pool\"?"} {"term": "pool", "pos": "", "context": "assuming each person only goes out with one other , somewhere there must be a pool of available women .", "definition": "a group of people available for work when required or considered as a resource", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"assuming each person only goes out with one other , somewhere there must be a pool of available women .\" What is the definition of \"pool\"?"} {"term": "schizophrenia", "pos": "", "context": "abrupt changes in mood , the destruction of comfort , and schizophrenia are all elements at work here .", "definition": "( in general use ) a mentality or approach characterized by inconsistent or contradictory elements", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"abrupt changes in mood , the destruction of comfort , and schizophrenia are all elements at work here .\" What is the definition of \"schizophrenia\"?"} {"term": "this", "pos": "", "context": "he has n't mentioned the funerals this week and they have just got to carry on and do a normal day 's work .", "definition": "used with periods of time related to the present", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he has n't mentioned the funerals this week and they have just got to carry on and do a normal day 's work .\" What is the definition of \"this\"?"} {"term": "yelp", "pos": "", "context": "my head cracked against the floor and i let out a yelp of pain .", "definition": "a short , sharp cry , especially of pain or alarm", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my head cracked against the floor and i let out a yelp of pain .\" What is the definition of \"yelp\"?"} {"term": "non-specialist", "pos": "", "context": "prosumer 's product , the prosumer suite , enables non-specialists to create complex and interactive web applications quickly and easily .", "definition": "a person who is not an expert or specialist in a particular subject .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"prosumer 's product , the prosumer suite , enables non-specialists to create complex and interactive web applications quickly and easily .\" What is the definition of \"non-specialist\"?"} {"term": "chrysomelid", "pos": "", "context": "it was also in august that the first chrysomelids were found in france , around the paris-area airports at roissy , orly , and le bourget , where the authorities had installed pheromone traps .", "definition": "a beetle of a family ( `` chrysomelidae ' ) that comprises the leaf beetles and their relatives .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was also in august that the first chrysomelids were found in france , around the paris-area airports at roissy , orly , and le bourget , where the authorities had installed pheromone traps .\" What is the definition of \"chrysomelid\"?"} {"term": "painting", "pos": "", "context": "on display will be a selection of paintings , ceramics and textile arts all of which will be on sale .", "definition": "a painted picture", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on display will be a selection of paintings , ceramics and textile arts all of which will be on sale .\" What is the definition of \"painting\"?"} {"term": "beamy", "pos": "", "context": "a beamy cargo ship", "definition": "broad in the beam", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a beamy cargo ship\" What is the definition of \"beamy\"?"} {"term": "balcony", "pos": "", "context": "in zamboanga itself , a grenade hurled from a cinema balcony into the crowd below injured four people .", "definition": "the upstairs seats in a cinema .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in zamboanga itself , a grenade hurled from a cinema balcony into the crowd below injured four people .\" What is the definition of \"balcony\"?"} {"term": "pill", "pos": "", "context": "his competitor 's success was a bitter pill to take", "definition": "something unpleasant or offensive that must be tolerated or endured", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his competitor 's success was a bitter pill to take\" What is the definition of \"pill\"?"} {"term": "translation", "pos": "", "context": "three arabic texts are presented in translation .", "definition": "the process of translating words or text from one language into another", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"three arabic texts are presented in translation .\" What is the definition of \"translation\"?"} {"term": "translation", "pos": "", "context": "the mrna containing the amber codon then leaves the nucleus and travels to the ribosome where it serves as a template for translation of a specific protein .", "definition": "the process by which a sequence of nucleotide triplets in a messenger rna molecule gives rise to a specific sequence of amino acids during synthesis of a polypeptide or protein .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the mrna containing the amber codon then leaves the nucleus and travels to the ribosome where it serves as a template for translation of a specific protein .\" What is the definition of \"translation\"?"} {"term": "geisha", "pos": "", "context": "he seems to be a huge fan of geishas , as they seem to turn up in some form or another in the majority of his videos .", "definition": "a japanese hostess trained to entertain men with conversation , dance , and song", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he seems to be a huge fan of geishas , as they seem to turn up in some form or another in the majority of his videos .\" What is the definition of \"geisha\"?"} {"term": "hunker", "pos": "", "context": "the sight of them sitting next to one another , hunkered over the book as they finished the sentence , struck a deep feeling in him , though exactly what he could n't identify .", "definition": "bend the top of one 's body forward ; hunch", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sight of them sitting next to one another , hunkered over the book as they finished the sentence , struck a deep feeling in him , though exactly what he could n't identify .\" What is the definition of \"hunker\"?"} {"term": "chelate", "pos": "", "context": "edta chelates divalent cations and thus prevents the formation of the inactive complex .", "definition": "form a chelate with .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"edta chelates divalent cations and thus prevents the formation of the inactive complex .\" What is the definition of \"chelate\"?"} {"term": "fifty", "pos": "", "context": "our speed had dropped down to fifty miles per hour .", "definition": "fifty miles an hour", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"our speed had dropped down to fifty miles per hour .\" What is the definition of \"fifty\"?"} {"term": "serin", "pos": "", "context": "a european serin is present in warley woods singing from thickets to the left of the path leading from the abbey .", "definition": "a small eurasian and north african finch related to the canary , with a short bill and typically streaky plumage .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a european serin is present in warley woods singing from thickets to the left of the path leading from the abbey .\" What is the definition of \"serin\"?"} {"term": "anglo-saxon", "pos": "", "context": "the women of nineteenth-century germany have been strikingly absent in almost any kind of historical work on this period whether written by germans or anglo-saxons .", "definition": "a person of english descent .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the women of nineteenth-century germany have been strikingly absent in almost any kind of historical work on this period whether written by germans or anglo-saxons .\" What is the definition of \"anglo-saxon\"?"} {"term": "anglo-saxon", "pos": "", "context": "what level does she calculate the immigrant population must exceed before the racist problem kicks in for her , a white woman among what she imagines to be fellow anglo-saxons ?", "definition": "any white , english-speaking person .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"what level does she calculate the immigrant population must exceed before the racist problem kicks in for her , a white woman among what she imagines to be fellow anglo-saxons ?\" What is the definition of \"anglo-saxon\"?"} {"term": "anglo-saxon", "pos": "", "context": "for the most part they were men of white , anglo-saxon , protestant background who felt themselves to be guardians of true americanism .", "definition": "of english descent .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for the most part they were men of white , anglo-saxon , protestant background who felt themselves to be guardians of true americanism .\" What is the definition of \"anglo-saxon\"?"} {"term": "inertial", "pos": "", "context": "in newton 's theory , all three of these masses - the inertial mass , the active and passive gravitational masses - are equivalent .", "definition": "relating to or arising from inertia", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in newton 's theory , all three of these masses - the inertial mass , the active and passive gravitational masses - are equivalent .\" What is the definition of \"inertial\"?"} {"term": "mime", "pos": "", "context": "his works have not survived , and the only known greek mimes date from two centuries later .", "definition": "( in ancient greece and rome ) a simple farcical drama including mimicry", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his works have not survived , and the only known greek mimes date from two centuries later .\" What is the definition of \"mime\"?"} {"term": "spectacles", "pos": "", "context": "i advised his honour to buy a new pair of spectacles .", "definition": "a pair of glasses", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i advised his honour to buy a new pair of spectacles .\" What is the definition of \"spectacles\"?"} {"term": "hobby", "pos": "", "context": "this is a hobby , a bird that is extremely fast and acute in flight reaching speeds of up to 200 km/h .", "definition": "a migratory old world falcon with long , narrow wings , catching dragonflies and birds on the wing .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this is a hobby , a bird that is extremely fast and acute in flight reaching speeds of up to 200 km/h .\" What is the definition of \"hobby\"?"} {"term": "antimicrobial", "pos": "", "context": "one is that the clinical microbiology laboratory provides summary data on antimicrobial resistance in a facility to concerned clinicians on a regular basis .", "definition": "active against microbes .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one is that the clinical microbiology laboratory provides summary data on antimicrobial resistance in a facility to concerned clinicians on a regular basis .\" What is the definition of \"antimicrobial\"?"} {"term": "transport", "pos": "", "context": "in both world wars the merchant ships were requisitioned for troop transports , for hospital ships and for the carriage of cargoes for war service .", "definition": "a large vehicle , ship , or aircraft used to carry troops or stores", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in both world wars the merchant ships were requisitioned for troop transports , for hospital ships and for the carriage of cargoes for war service .\" What is the definition of \"transport\"?"} {"term": "characterize", "pos": "", "context": "what characterizes a venetian painting ?", "definition": "be characteristic of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"what characterizes a venetian painting ?\" What is the definition of \"characterize\"?"} {"term": "check", "pos": "", "context": "check into the rumor", "definition": "make an examination or investigation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"check into the rumor\" What is the definition of \"check\"?"} {"term": "check", "pos": "", "context": "sometimes in the old west , theatre patrons checked their guns at the door - why ca n't theaters require patrons to check their phones and blackberries ?", "definition": "deposit ( a coat , bag , or other item ) for temporary safekeeping in the cloakroom of a restaurant , theatre , etc .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sometimes in the old west , theatre patrons checked their guns at the door - why ca n't theaters require patrons to check their phones and blackberries ?\" What is the definition of \"check\"?"} {"term": "management", "pos": "", "context": "he was given overall management of the program", "definition": "the act of managing something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was given overall management of the program\" What is the definition of \"management\"?"} {"term": "clockmaker", "pos": "", "context": "around 1660 , clocks with longer pendulums were introduced by english clockmakers .", "definition": "a person who makes and repairs clocks and watches .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"around 1660 , clocks with longer pendulums were introduced by english clockmakers .\" What is the definition of \"clockmaker\"?"} {"term": "marine", "pos": "", "context": "at certain junctures , you 're given marines under your command to carry out your mission .", "definition": "a member of a body of troops trained to serve on land or sea , in particular ( in the uk ) a member of the royal marines or ( in the us ) a member of the marine corps", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at certain junctures , you 're given marines under your command to carry out your mission .\" What is the definition of \"marine\"?"} {"term": "ringing", "pos": "", "context": "in the center of the room , shifting around upon a shining pink bed amongst a mess of hair and sheet , a girl clawed at the ringing sound of her alarm .", "definition": "having or emitting a clear resonant sound", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the center of the room , shifting around upon a shining pink bed amongst a mess of hair and sheet , a girl clawed at the ringing sound of her alarm .\" What is the definition of \"ringing\"?"} {"term": "revile", "pos": "", "context": "there will be tribulation and people will revile you and slander you , but he has overcome and that we live for that .", "definition": "criticize in an abusive or angrily insulting manner", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there will be tribulation and people will revile you and slander you , but he has overcome and that we live for that .\" What is the definition of \"revile\"?"} {"term": "sissy", "pos": "", "context": "most kids are brought up to regard cricket as a sissy game , most kids never even get to play .", "definition": "feeble and cowardly .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"most kids are brought up to regard cricket as a sissy game , most kids never even get to play .\" What is the definition of \"sissy\"?"} {"term": "divorcee", "pos": "", "context": "pensioners , the young , singles and divorcees all now look upon wash day as a social occasion .", "definition": "a divorced person .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pensioners , the young , singles and divorcees all now look upon wash day as a social occasion .\" What is the definition of \"divorcee\"?"} {"term": "hobbyhorse", "pos": "", "context": "do n't get him started on his hobbyhorse", "definition": "a topic to which one constantly reverts", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"do n't get him started on his hobbyhorse\" What is the definition of \"hobbyhorse\"?"} {"term": "attendant", "pos": "", "context": "for the past five years i have been a regular attendant at the algico primary schools sports and the lack of parental support has always struck me .", "definition": "a person who is present on a particular occasion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for the past five years i have been a regular attendant at the algico primary schools sports and the lack of parental support has always struck me .\" What is the definition of \"attendant\"?"} {"term": "secretion", "pos": "", "context": "serial quantitative microbiologic studies of lower respiratory tract secretions can also define resolution end points .", "definition": "a substance discharged by secretion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"serial quantitative microbiologic studies of lower respiratory tract secretions can also define resolution end points .\" What is the definition of \"secretion\"?"} {"term": "marble", "pos": "", "context": "pat and his staff also work with a number of quarries to allow them get limestone and marble directly at the most competitive price .", "definition": "a hard crystalline metamorphic form of limestone , typically white with coloured mottlings or streaks , which may be polished and is used in sculpture and architecture", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pat and his staff also work with a number of quarries to allow them get limestone and marble directly at the most competitive price .\" What is the definition of \"marble\"?"} {"term": "levy", "pos": "", "context": "levy a fine", "definition": "impose and collect", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"levy a fine\" What is the definition of \"levy\"?"} {"term": "levy", "pos": "", "context": "the levy on other blank media , however , remains intact .", "definition": "an act of levying a tax , fee , or fine", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the levy on other blank media , however , remains intact .\" What is the definition of \"levy\"?"} {"term": "levy", "pos": "", "context": "the immediate cause of rebellion was a national levy of 300,000 conscripts in march 1793 .", "definition": "an act of enlisting troops", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the immediate cause of rebellion was a national levy of 300,000 conscripts in march 1793 .\" What is the definition of \"levy\"?"} {"term": "levy", "pos": "", "context": "patrice ford and jeffrey battle pled guilty today to charges of conspiring to levy war against the united states .", "definition": "begin to wage ( war )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"patrice ford and jeffrey battle pled guilty today to charges of conspiring to levy war against the united states .\" What is the definition of \"levy\"?"} {"term": "hunter", "pos": "", "context": "wills was an incredible hunter , western performance horse , and dressage horse .", "definition": "a horse of a breed developed for stamina in fox-hunting and ability to jump obstacles .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wills was an incredible hunter , western performance horse , and dressage horse .\" What is the definition of \"hunter\"?"} {"term": "mistake", "pos": "", "context": "the danger in iraq is repeating the biggest mistake - yielding to gradualism .", "definition": "an act or judgement that is misguided or wrong", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the danger in iraq is repeating the biggest mistake - yielding to gradualism .\" What is the definition of \"mistake\"?"} {"term": "eristic", "pos": "", "context": "it has now fallen to the level of eristics , in which the winner of a debate is the one who shouts the loudest and has the best arsenal of insults .", "definition": "the art or practice of debate or argument .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it has now fallen to the level of eristics , in which the winner of a debate is the one who shouts the loudest and has the best arsenal of insults .\" What is the definition of \"eristic\"?"} {"term": "chastise", "pos": "", "context": "we are rightly chastised and will punish ourselves for our failures .", "definition": "punish , especially by beating", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we are rightly chastised and will punish ourselves for our failures .\" What is the definition of \"chastise\"?"} {"term": "tour", "pos": "", "context": "he is also expected to pay back the tour by playing in events he would n't otherwise schedule .", "definition": "( in golf , tennis , and other sports ) the annual round of events in which top professionals compete .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is also expected to pay back the tour by playing in events he would n't otherwise schedule .\" What is the definition of \"tour\"?"} {"term": "tour", "pos": "", "context": "from the london launch , the tour visits sheffield , brighton , cambridge , manchester and milton keynes .", "definition": "a journey for pleasure in which several different places are visited", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"from the london launch , the tour visits sheffield , brighton , cambridge , manchester and milton keynes .\" What is the definition of \"tour\"?"} {"term": "cross", "pos": "", "context": "they were obviously trying to play down the gay content and cross over to straight audiences .", "definition": "( especially of an artist or an artistic style or work ) begin to appeal to a different audience , especially a wider one", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they were obviously trying to play down the gay content and cross over to straight audiences .\" What is the definition of \"cross\"?"} {"term": "cross", "pos": "", "context": "since that time there have been a total of 1,354 crosses awarded .", "definition": "a cross-shaped decoration awarded for personal valour or indicating rank in some orders of knighthood", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"since that time there have been a total of 1,354 crosses awarded .\" What is the definition of \"cross\"?"} {"term": "cross", "pos": "", "context": "a letter from alstom also of 18 june probably crossed with that letter .", "definition": "( of a letter ) be dispatched before receipt of another from the person being written to", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a letter from alstom also of 18 june probably crossed with that letter .\" What is the definition of \"cross\"?"} {"term": "cross", "pos": "", "context": "she crushed the list against her chest and crossed herself .", "definition": "( of a person ) make the sign of the cross in front of one 's chest as a sign of christian reverence or to invoke divine protection", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she crushed the list against her chest and crossed herself .\" What is the definition of \"cross\"?"} {"term": "cross", "pos": "", "context": "in many respects , this form of analysis represents a cross between a psychological profile and stereotyping .", "definition": "a mixture or compromise of two things", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in many respects , this form of analysis represents a cross between a psychological profile and stereotyping .\" What is the definition of \"cross\"?"} {"term": "cross", "pos": "", "context": "anyone wishing to contribute as requested to should have cheques crossed and made payable to the athletic club .", "definition": "mark or annotate ( a cheque ) , typically by drawing a pair of parallel lines across it , to indicate that it must be paid into a named bank account", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"anyone wishing to contribute as requested to should have cheques crossed and made payable to the athletic club .\" What is the definition of \"cross\"?"} {"term": "wolf", "pos": "", "context": "the teenager wolfed down the pizza", "definition": "eat hastily", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the teenager wolfed down the pizza\" What is the definition of \"wolf\"?"} {"term": "incus", "pos": "", "context": "mammals hear sounds after they are transmitted from the outside world to their inner ears by a chain of three bones , the malleus , incus , and stapes .", "definition": "a small anvil-shaped bone in the middle ear , transmitting vibrations between the malleus and stapes .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mammals hear sounds after they are transmitted from the outside world to their inner ears by a chain of three bones , the malleus , incus , and stapes .\" What is the definition of \"incus\"?"} {"term": "flipper", "pos": "", "context": "customers can also win a pair of turkey feet - like rubber flippers .", "definition": "a flat rubber attachment worn on the foot for underwater swimming .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"customers can also win a pair of turkey feet - like rubber flippers .\" What is the definition of \"flipper\"?"} {"term": "flop", "pos": "", "context": "all investors should realise that the majority of shares sold at initial public offerings flop and fail to recover the price that they were sold at .", "definition": "( of a performer or show ) be completely unsuccessful ; fail totally", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all investors should realise that the majority of shares sold at initial public offerings flop and fail to recover the price that they were sold at .\" What is the definition of \"flop\"?"} {"term": "buffeting", "pos": "", "context": "today , after many years of monetary self-discipline , they have stable , prosperous economies better able than ours to withstand the buffeting of world recession .", "definition": "the action or result of afflicting or harming someone , typically repeatedly or over a long period", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"today , after many years of monetary self-discipline , they have stable , prosperous economies better able than ours to withstand the buffeting of world recession .\" What is the definition of \"buffeting\"?"} {"term": "repute", "pos": "", "context": "they had kept tom in a tiny cell , feeding him nothing but a bit of moldy bread and some water of questionable repute .", "definition": "the opinion generally held of someone or something ; the state of being regarded in a particular way", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they had kept tom in a tiny cell , feeding him nothing but a bit of moldy bread and some water of questionable repute .\" What is the definition of \"repute\"?"} {"term": "captain", "pos": "", "context": "welles is hank quindlen , police captain in the filthy town on the north side of the mexican border .", "definition": "( in the us ) a police officer in charge of a precinct , ranking below a chief .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"welles is hank quindlen , police captain in the filthy town on the north side of the mexican border .\" What is the definition of \"captain\"?"} {"term": "captain", "pos": "", "context": "from that program i learned that the composer was the captain of a slave ship that made the triangular voyage from england to africa to the caribbean .", "definition": "the person in command of a ship", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"from that program i learned that the composer was the captain of a slave ship that made the triangular voyage from england to africa to the caribbean .\" What is the definition of \"captain\"?"} {"term": "plunge", "pos": "", "context": "after christmas , reverse the process and plunge the pot into the ground until the following year", "definition": "sink ( a pot containing a plant ) in the ground", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after christmas , reverse the process and plunge the pot into the ground until the following year\" What is the definition of \"plunge\"?"} {"term": "plunge", "pos": "", "context": "we were at the front of the boat , and that ensured we had a true shower when the boat plunged the watery depths .", "definition": "( of a ship ) pitch", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we were at the front of the boat , and that ensured we had a true shower when the boat plunged the watery depths .\" What is the definition of \"plunge\"?"} {"term": "theory", "pos": "", "context": "a scientific hypothesis that survives experimental testing becomes a scientific theory", "definition": "a tentative insight into the natural world ; a concept that is not yet verified but that if true would explain certain facts or phenomena", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a scientific hypothesis that survives experimental testing becomes a scientific theory\" What is the definition of \"theory\"?"} {"term": "theory", "pos": "", "context": "his mathematical work covered cartesian geometry and the theory of equations .", "definition": "a collection of propositions to illustrate the principles of a subject .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his mathematical work covered cartesian geometry and the theory of equations .\" What is the definition of \"theory\"?"} {"term": "shiva", "pos": "", "context": "the shiva was the worst period , the shloshim was very hard , and this stage is bad .", "definition": "a period of seven days ' formal mourning for the dead , beginning immediately after the funeral", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the shiva was the worst period , the shloshim was very hard , and this stage is bad .\" What is the definition of \"shiva\"?"} {"term": "fourteenth", "pos": "", "context": "an earlier version of this article was presented at the fourteenth annual meeting in colorado springs .", "definition": "constituting number fourteen in a sequence ; 14th", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an earlier version of this article was presented at the fourteenth annual meeting in colorado springs .\" What is the definition of \"fourteenth\"?"} {"term": "fourteenth", "pos": "", "context": "this suit is brought to recover the three-fourteenths of the amount so collected .", "definition": "each of fourteen equal parts into which something is or may be divided", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this suit is brought to recover the three-fourteenths of the amount so collected .\" What is the definition of \"fourteenth\"?"} {"term": "whaler", "pos": "", "context": "cosens and innes observed few bowheads south of wager bay , where american whalers found high densities of bowheads from 1860 into the 1870s .", "definition": "a whaling ship .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cosens and innes observed few bowheads south of wager bay , where american whalers found high densities of bowheads from 1860 into the 1870s .\" What is the definition of \"whaler\"?"} {"term": "trip", "pos": "", "context": "all i can say is the city is on a power trip and they need to come down to earth and see the simpler stuff in life .", "definition": "a self-indulgent attitude or activity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all i can say is the city is on a power trip and they need to come down to earth and see the simpler stuff in life .\" What is the definition of \"trip\"?"} {"term": "trip", "pos": "", "context": "if you overload the circuit , you will cause the circuit breaker to trip at best , and a fire at worst .", "definition": "( of part of an electric circuit ) disconnect automatically as a safety measure", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if you overload the circuit , you will cause the circuit breaker to trip at best , and a fire at worst .\" What is the definition of \"trip\"?"} {"term": "trip", "pos": "", "context": "he heard the trip of women 's feet overhead", "definition": "a light or nimble tread", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he heard the trip of women 's feet overhead\" What is the definition of \"trip\"?"} {"term": "annulet", "pos": "", "context": "the star and annulets are surrounded by a wreath of laurel which follows the contour of the medal .", "definition": "a charge in the form of a small ring .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the star and annulets are surrounded by a wreath of laurel which follows the contour of the medal .\" What is the definition of \"annulet\"?"} {"term": "guru", "pos": "", "context": "it is not everyday that a management guru decides to brave the ups and downs of the ‘ dream-factory ’ .", "definition": "an influential teacher or popular expert", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is not everyday that a management guru decides to brave the ups and downs of the ‘ dream-factory ’ .\" What is the definition of \"guru\"?"} {"term": "guru", "pos": "", "context": "a guru of genomics", "definition": "a recognized leader in some field or of some movement", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a guru of genomics\" What is the definition of \"guru\"?"} {"term": "tutorial", "pos": "", "context": "monday and tuesday are reserved for all-day tutorial sessions .", "definition": "relating to a tutor or a tutor 's tuition", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"monday and tuesday are reserved for all-day tutorial sessions .\" What is the definition of \"tutorial\"?"} {"term": "maidenhood", "pos": "", "context": "she took up music again , and languages , drawing , painting , and the other long-discarded delights of her maidenhood .", "definition": "the fact or condition of being a young , unmarried woman .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she took up music again , and languages , drawing , painting , and the other long-discarded delights of her maidenhood .\" What is the definition of \"maidenhood\"?"} {"term": "photosynthesize", "pos": "", "context": "there is evidence that the stems of different cuscuta species photosynthesize to varying degrees , and that the plastid genome is becoming reorganized .", "definition": "( of a plant ) synthesize sugars or other substances by means of photosynthesis", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is evidence that the stems of different cuscuta species photosynthesize to varying degrees , and that the plastid genome is becoming reorganized .\" What is the definition of \"photosynthesize\"?"} {"term": "eighth", "pos": "", "context": "they have just celebrated their eighth year at number one .", "definition": "constituting number eight in a sequence ; 8th", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they have just celebrated their eighth year at number one .\" What is the definition of \"eighth\"?"} {"term": "clash", "pos": "", "context": "these colors clash", "definition": "be incompatible ; be or come into conflict", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these colors clash\" What is the definition of \"clash\"?"} {"term": "clash", "pos": "", "context": "the government clashed with one of its biggest employee unions yesterday over the effect of a strike by workers protesting at the removal of security screens protecting them from the public .", "definition": "have a forceful disagreement", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the government clashed with one of its biggest employee unions yesterday over the effect of a strike by workers protesting at the removal of security screens protecting them from the public .\" What is the definition of \"clash\"?"} {"term": "blast", "pos": "", "context": "the tennis prodigy offers a refreshingly impolite blast to his critics from the us open before heading home .", "definition": "a severe reprimand", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the tennis prodigy offers a refreshingly impolite blast to his critics from the us open before heading home .\" What is the definition of \"blast\"?"} {"term": "blast", "pos": "", "context": "critics blasted him for pouring taxpayer funds into badly managed banks and unneeded infrastructure projects .", "definition": "criticize fiercely", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"critics blasted him for pouring taxpayer funds into badly managed banks and unneeded infrastructure projects .\" What is the definition of \"blast\"?"} {"term": "blast", "pos": "", "context": "the windows and doors were all blasted away , but the main structure stood solid , and they survived with but a few scratches .", "definition": "blow up or break apart ( something solid ) with explosives", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the windows and doors were all blasted away , but the main structure stood solid , and they survived with but a few scratches .\" What is the definition of \"blast\"?"} {"term": "steady", "pos": "", "context": "i straightened my spine and stood back up upon my wobbly legs , with a steady gaze that was all too familiar to me of how tommy addressed strangers that disapproved of him .", "definition": "not faltering or wavering ; controlled", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i straightened my spine and stood back up upon my wobbly legs , with a steady gaze that was all too familiar to me of how tommy addressed strangers that disapproved of him .\" What is the definition of \"steady\"?"} {"term": "happy", "pos": "", "context": "a happy marriage", "definition": "enjoying or showing or marked by joy or pleasure", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a happy marriage\" What is the definition of \"happy\"?"} {"term": "happy", "pos": "", "context": "are you happy with the role of these representative groups in the diversity programme ?", "definition": "satisfied with the quality or standard of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"are you happy with the role of these representative groups in the diversity programme ?\" What is the definition of \"happy\"?"} {"term": "accordion", "pos": "", "context": "by mixing unashamed rock with mexican music and throwing in accordions and honking saxophones , los lobos create a sound that endures .", "definition": "a musical instrument played by stretching and squeezing with the hands to work a central bellows that blows air over metal reeds , the melody and chords being sounded by buttons or keys .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"by mixing unashamed rock with mexican music and throwing in accordions and honking saxophones , los lobos create a sound that endures .\" What is the definition of \"accordion\"?"} {"term": "metoprolol", "pos": "", "context": "studies have suggested that metoprolol , a selective beta blocker , improves left ventricular function and reduces mortality rates .", "definition": "a beta-blocking drug related to propranolol , used to treat hypertension and angina .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"studies have suggested that metoprolol , a selective beta blocker , improves left ventricular function and reduces mortality rates .\" What is the definition of \"metoprolol\"?"} {"term": "stereotype", "pos": "", "context": "i was stereotyped as a lazy southern european", "definition": "treat or classify according to a mental stereotype", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i was stereotyped as a lazy southern european\" What is the definition of \"stereotype\"?"} {"term": "wear", "pos": "", "context": "the programme began shortly after 8pm and featured the delegates in traditional east indian wear and evening gowns .", "definition": "clothing suitable for a particular purpose or of a particular type", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the programme began shortly after 8pm and featured the delegates in traditional east indian wear and evening gowns .\" What is the definition of \"wear\"?"} {"term": "serviceman", "pos": "", "context": "he is a us serviceman on leave in london .", "definition": "a man serving in the armed forces .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is a us serviceman on leave in london .\" What is the definition of \"serviceman\"?"} {"term": "cease", "pos": "", "context": "the doctor has a duty to inform the patient that driving should cease and the patient has a duty to act on that advice .", "definition": "come or bring to an end", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the doctor has a duty to inform the patient that driving should cease and the patient has a duty to act on that advice .\" What is the definition of \"cease\"?"} {"term": "controvert", "pos": "", "context": "none of the propositions that i have placed before the court thus far , with perhaps the exception of the relevance of the precontract correspondence , can be controverted .", "definition": "argue about ( something )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"none of the propositions that i have placed before the court thus far , with perhaps the exception of the relevance of the precontract correspondence , can be controverted .\" What is the definition of \"controvert\"?"} {"term": "stateroom", "pos": "", "context": "when we think about the work of diplomats , we think about well - dressed people , like him , but doing polite , discreet work in salons and staterooms .", "definition": "a large room in a palace or public building , for use on formal occasions .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when we think about the work of diplomats , we think about well - dressed people , like him , but doing polite , discreet work in salons and staterooms .\" What is the definition of \"stateroom\"?"} {"term": "stateroom", "pos": "", "context": "unlike the navy 's larger warships , the scout frigate co 's had little more than one-man staterooms to serve as office and sleeping quarters .", "definition": "a captain 's or superior officer 's room on a ship .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unlike the navy 's larger warships , the scout frigate co 's had little more than one-man staterooms to serve as office and sleeping quarters .\" What is the definition of \"stateroom\"?"} {"term": "lake", "pos": "", "context": "burnt umber , terre verte , red ochre , red lake and burnt sienna were identified in several places .", "definition": "an insoluble pigment made by combining a soluble organic dye and an insoluble mordant .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"burnt umber , terre verte , red ochre , red lake and burnt sienna were identified in several places .\" What is the definition of \"lake\"?"} {"term": "lake", "pos": "", "context": "then she picked up a handful of lake and gave it to me .", "definition": "a purplish-red pigment made in the same way as lake , originally one obtained from lac .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"then she picked up a handful of lake and gave it to me .\" What is the definition of \"lake\"?"} {"term": "disabled", "pos": "", "context": "however , when the car park was repainted they were replaced with more disabled bays .", "definition": "relating to or specifically designed for people with a physical or mental disability", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"however , when the car park was repainted they were replaced with more disabled bays .\" What is the definition of \"disabled\"?"} {"term": "indifference", "pos": "", "context": "i ran menial errands , tasted everything , and feigned indifference towards the whole process .", "definition": "lack of interest , concern , or sympathy", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i ran menial errands , tasted everything , and feigned indifference towards the whole process .\" What is the definition of \"indifference\"?"} {"term": "sucker", "pos": "", "context": "the tribes , whose treaties guaranteed them the right to harvest sucker and salmon in perpetuity , filed lawsuits demanding protection for the fish .", "definition": "a freshwater fish with thick lips that are used to suck up food from the bottom , native to north america and asia .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the tribes , whose treaties guaranteed them the right to harvest sucker and salmon in perpetuity , filed lawsuits demanding protection for the fish .\" What is the definition of \"sucker\"?"} {"term": "flatus", "pos": "", "context": "her abdomen was soft with normal , active bowel sounds , and she was passing flatus .", "definition": "gas in or from the stomach or intestines , produced by swallowing air or by bacterial fermentation .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her abdomen was soft with normal , active bowel sounds , and she was passing flatus .\" What is the definition of \"flatus\"?"} {"term": "differential", "pos": "", "context": "a differential amplifier was constructed and has many advantages for a variety of applications .", "definition": "relating to a difference in a physical quantity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a differential amplifier was constructed and has many advantages for a variety of applications .\" What is the definition of \"differential\"?"} {"term": "differential", "pos": "", "context": "if they are allowed to explain pay differentials , they only perpetuate that past discrimination .", "definition": "a difference in wages between industries or between categories of employees in the same industry", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if they are allowed to explain pay differentials , they only perpetuate that past discrimination .\" What is the definition of \"differential\"?"} {"term": "hydrodynamics", "pos": "", "context": "thus , the lipid dynamics depend on the friction and not on hydrodynamics .", "definition": "the branch of science concerned with forces acting on or exerted by fluids ( especially liquids ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"thus , the lipid dynamics depend on the friction and not on hydrodynamics .\" What is the definition of \"hydrodynamics\"?"} {"term": "pulp", "pos": "", "context": "made from a composite of grass and sugar-cane pulp , the utensils are entirely natural .", "definition": "a soft , wet , shapeless mass of material", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"made from a composite of grass and sugar-cane pulp , the utensils are entirely natural .\" What is the definition of \"pulp\"?"} {"term": "coon", "pos": "", "context": "i 'll be a gone coon when the battle starts", "definition": "an eccentric or undignified rustic", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i 'll be a gone coon when the battle starts\" What is the definition of \"coon\"?"} {"term": "grouse", "pos": "", "context": "my life [ as an excavator ] has been full of grouses about local museums not taking my material .", "definition": "a complaint or grumble", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my life [ as an excavator ] has been full of grouses about local museums not taking my material .\" What is the definition of \"grouse\"?"} {"term": "agouti", "pos": "", "context": "the fanciers , from whom most yellows come , ordinarily keep few agouti mice .", "definition": "a rodent , especially a mouse , having agouti fur .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the fanciers , from whom most yellows come , ordinarily keep few agouti mice .\" What is the definition of \"agouti\"?"} {"term": "bow-wow", "pos": "", "context": "he starts off living in a cabin in the forest , with two alaskan bow-wows , and ends up on a tahitian island , looking for the son he has spent his whole life avoiding .", "definition": "a child 's word for a dog .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he starts off living in a cabin in the forest , with two alaskan bow-wows , and ends up on a tahitian island , looking for the son he has spent his whole life avoiding .\" What is the definition of \"bow-wow\"?"} {"term": "bow-wow", "pos": "", "context": "the cases we think of as exceptions are ‘ onomatopoeic ’ words , where the sound seems to imitate what it represents , like bow-wow , or buzz .", "definition": "an imitation of a dog 's bark .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the cases we think of as exceptions are ‘ onomatopoeic ’ words , where the sound seems to imitate what it represents , like bow-wow , or buzz .\" What is the definition of \"bow-wow\"?"} {"term": "furniture", "pos": "", "context": "they had too much furniture for the small apartment", "definition": "furnishings that make a room or other area ready for occupancy", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they had too much furniture for the small apartment\" What is the definition of \"furniture\"?"} {"term": "bramble", "pos": "", "context": "once , out picking blackberries , he over-reached and fell headlong into the prickly bramble .", "definition": "a prickly scrambling shrub of the rose family , especially a blackberry .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"once , out picking blackberries , he over-reached and fell headlong into the prickly bramble .\" What is the definition of \"bramble\"?"} {"term": "samnite", "pos": "", "context": "he showed a particular vindictiveness against the samnite troops which his enemies had raised in large numbers , evoking an echo of the social war .", "definition": "relating to the samnites .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he showed a particular vindictiveness against the samnite troops which his enemies had raised in large numbers , evoking an echo of the social war .\" What is the definition of \"samnite\"?"} {"term": "flinch", "pos": "", "context": "a machine exists which can find and grab slugs , without flinching , and work is in progress on an electricity generator which runs on slug flesh , which the robot would be able to stoke up and then plug into for refuelling .", "definition": "make a quick , nervous movement of the face or body as an instinctive reaction to fear or pain", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a machine exists which can find and grab slugs , without flinching , and work is in progress on an electricity generator which runs on slug flesh , which the robot would be able to stoke up and then plug into for refuelling .\" What is the definition of \"flinch\"?"} {"term": "anchoress", "pos": "", "context": "as a priest performed the ceremonies of the burial office , julian took up residence as an anchoress in a small apartment attached to the church .", "definition": "a female anchorite .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as a priest performed the ceremonies of the burial office , julian took up residence as an anchoress in a small apartment attached to the church .\" What is the definition of \"anchoress\"?"} {"term": "chore", "pos": "", "context": "this seems strange to some , but why should we not make something fun out of a necessary chore ?", "definition": "a tedious but necessary task", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this seems strange to some , but why should we not make something fun out of a necessary chore ?\" What is the definition of \"chore\"?"} {"term": "glow", "pos": "", "context": "she looked up at him , her grey eyes glowing with concern .", "definition": "convey deep pleasure through one 's expression or bearing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she looked up at him , her grey eyes glowing with concern .\" What is the definition of \"glow\"?"} {"term": "glow", "pos": "", "context": "the fireflies were glowing and flying about in the garden", "definition": "emit a steady even light without flames", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the fireflies were glowing and flying about in the garden\" What is the definition of \"glow\"?"} {"term": "jest", "pos": "", "context": "in jest , he tells jake he should n't talk about his injury , making it a mystery like henry 's bicycle .", "definition": "a thing said or done for amusement ; a joke", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in jest , he tells jake he should n't talk about his injury , making it a mystery like henry 's bicycle .\" What is the definition of \"jest\"?"} {"term": "dozen", "pos": "", "context": "only a dozen or so fish had been caught from the dozens and dozens of boats which included two fish for bill .", "definition": "a group or set of twelve", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"only a dozen or so fish had been caught from the dozens and dozens of boats which included two fish for bill .\" What is the definition of \"dozen\"?"} {"term": "toughness", "pos": "", "context": "each time party leaders try to demonstrate their national-security toughness , they run into predictable difficulties .", "definition": "demonstration of a strict and uncompromising approach", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"each time party leaders try to demonstrate their national-security toughness , they run into predictable difficulties .\" What is the definition of \"toughness\"?"} {"term": "empowerment", "pos": "", "context": "the organization 's work in liberia has made a considerable contribution to political party empowerment .", "definition": "authority or power given to someone to do something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the organization 's work in liberia has made a considerable contribution to political party empowerment .\" What is the definition of \"empowerment\"?"} {"term": "shirt", "pos": "", "context": "the making of women 's blouses also bought the cut of men 's shirts .", "definition": "a garment for the upper body made of cotton or a similar fabric , with a collar and sleeves , and with buttons down the front", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the making of women 's blouses also bought the cut of men 's shirts .\" What is the definition of \"shirt\"?"} {"term": "hegelian", "pos": "", "context": "but i try to prove that , without being aware of it , he was actually a hegelian .", "definition": "a follower of the ideas of the german philosopher hegel", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but i try to prove that , without being aware of it , he was actually a hegelian .\" What is the definition of \"hegelian\"?"} {"term": "carapace", "pos": "", "context": "the carapace is used for protection and so a new shell is usually grown under the old in order for the organism to be shielded at all times .", "definition": "the hard upper shell of a tortoise , crustacean , or arachnid", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the carapace is used for protection and so a new shell is usually grown under the old in order for the organism to be shielded at all times .\" What is the definition of \"carapace\"?"} {"term": "attack", "pos": "", "context": "the attack began at dawn", "definition": "( military ) an offensive against an enemy ( using weapons )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the attack began at dawn\" What is the definition of \"attack\"?"} {"term": "attack", "pos": "", "context": "an attack of rheumatic fever may last for six weeks or longer .", "definition": "a sudden short bout of an illness or stress", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an attack of rheumatic fever may last for six weeks or longer .\" What is the definition of \"attack\"?"} {"term": "attack", "pos": "", "context": "in tikrit , guerrillas detonated two car bombs in an attack on a police checkpoint .", "definition": "an aggressive and violent act against a person or place", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in tikrit , guerrillas detonated two car bombs in an attack on a police checkpoint .\" What is the definition of \"attack\"?"} {"term": "attack", "pos": "", "context": "the serbs attacked the village at night", "definition": "take the initiative and go on the offensive", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the serbs attacked the village at night\" What is the definition of \"attack\"?"} {"term": "attack", "pos": "", "context": "his plan of attack was misguided", "definition": "ideas or actions intended to deal with a problem or situation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his plan of attack was misguided\" What is the definition of \"attack\"?"} {"term": "attack", "pos": "", "context": "attacks on women increased last year", "definition": "the act of attacking", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"attacks on women increased last year\" What is the definition of \"attack\"?"} {"term": "bodyside", "pos": "", "context": "cruise control is available on the automatic version , while the limited version offers leather or suede seats with driver 's lumbar support , chrome bodyside mouldings , alloy wheels , front fog lamps and leather-covered steering wheel .", "definition": "the side of the body of a vehicle", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cruise control is available on the automatic version , while the limited version offers leather or suede seats with driver 's lumbar support , chrome bodyside mouldings , alloy wheels , front fog lamps and leather-covered steering wheel .\" What is the definition of \"bodyside\"?"} {"term": "fizz", "pos": "", "context": "all the fizz - such as it is - comes from the market-based think tanks .", "definition": "exuberance or liveliness", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all the fizz - such as it is - comes from the market-based think tanks .\" What is the definition of \"fizz\"?"} {"term": "bookmaker", "pos": "", "context": "but in that race , as in many throughout the week , it was the bookmakers who were the winners .", "definition": "a person whose job is to take bets ( especially on horse races ) , calculate odds , and pay out winnings ; the manager of a betting shop .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but in that race , as in many throughout the week , it was the bookmakers who were the winners .\" What is the definition of \"bookmaker\"?"} {"term": "spy", "pos": "", "context": "it had gotten to the point where i was starting to suspect my own friends of spying on me .", "definition": "observe ( someone ) furtively", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it had gotten to the point where i was starting to suspect my own friends of spying on me .\" What is the definition of \"spy\"?"} {"term": "superbug", "pos": "", "context": "it has helped us to understand why medicines do not always work as we might hope , why irresponsible use of antibiotics has bred superbugs , how the aids virus does its terrible work .", "definition": "a strain of bacteria that has become resistant to antibiotic drugs .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it has helped us to understand why medicines do not always work as we might hope , why irresponsible use of antibiotics has bred superbugs , how the aids virus does its terrible work .\" What is the definition of \"superbug\"?"} {"term": "one", "pos": "", "context": "i want to talk to my little girl who is going to be one today .", "definition": "one year old .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i want to talk to my little girl who is going to be one today .\" What is the definition of \"one\"?"} {"term": "one", "pos": "", "context": "it was a curious remark to make for one who dreamed of emulating alexander the great .", "definition": "a domino or dice with one spot .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was a curious remark to make for one who dreamed of emulating alexander the great .\" What is the definition of \"one\"?"} {"term": "entail", "pos": "", "context": "what does this move entail ?", "definition": "impose , involve , or imply as a necessary accompaniment or result", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"what does this move entail ?\" What is the definition of \"entail\"?"} {"term": "immediacy", "pos": "", "context": "there is a quality of immediacy and reality in what writing is taken to be .", "definition": "the quality of bringing one into direct and instant involvement with something , giving rise to a sense of urgency or excitement", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is a quality of immediacy and reality in what writing is taken to be .\" What is the definition of \"immediacy\"?"} {"term": "immediacy", "pos": "", "context": "the immediacy of television coverage", "definition": "lack of an intervening or mediating agency", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the immediacy of television coverage\" What is the definition of \"immediacy\"?"} {"term": "dust", "pos": "", "context": "it may also by carried by dust and long grass contaminated by infected animals so if one beast develops the condition , the others should be moved out of that pasture .", "definition": "fine , dry powder consisting of tiny particles of earth or waste matter lying on the ground or on surfaces or carried in the air", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it may also by carried by dust and long grass contaminated by infected animals so if one beast develops the condition , the others should be moved out of that pasture .\" What is the definition of \"dust\"?"} {"term": "dust", "pos": "", "context": "and by ‘ somewhat ’ i note it 's been 29 weeks and 5 days since we last dusted it off and bestowed it on a worthy individual .", "definition": "bring something out for use again after a long period of neglect", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and by ‘ somewhat ’ i note it 's been 29 weeks and 5 days since we last dusted it off and bestowed it on a worthy individual .\" What is the definition of \"dust\"?"} {"term": "imposition", "pos": "", "context": "replacement funds were presumably provided by the athenian élite through liturgies , impositions of property and ‘ semi-voluntary ’ subscriptions .", "definition": "a tax or duty .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"replacement funds were presumably provided by the athenian élite through liturgies , impositions of property and ‘ semi-voluntary ’ subscriptions .\" What is the definition of \"imposition\"?"} {"term": "pyx", "pos": "", "context": "the pyx is the strong-box in which the coins are delivered to the jury .", "definition": "( in the uk ) a box at the royal mint in which specimen gold and silver coins are deposited to be tested annually at the trial of the pyx by members of the goldsmiths ' company .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the pyx is the strong-box in which the coins are delivered to the jury .\" What is the definition of \"pyx\"?"} {"term": "fairyland", "pos": "", "context": "in denmark , the pacific might seem like a distant fairyland .", "definition": "an imagined ideal place", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in denmark , the pacific might seem like a distant fairyland .\" What is the definition of \"fairyland\"?"} {"term": "fairyland", "pos": "", "context": "from this elevated viewpoint the peaks of the paine massif appeared as tightly packed turrets in some fairyland castle .", "definition": "a beautiful place", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"from this elevated viewpoint the peaks of the paine massif appeared as tightly packed turrets in some fairyland castle .\" What is the definition of \"fairyland\"?"} {"term": "freedom", "pos": "", "context": "the law gives the government the power to restrict freedom of the press and freedom of assembly and to shut down theaters .", "definition": "the power or right to act , speak , or think as one wants", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the law gives the government the power to restrict freedom of the press and freedom of assembly and to shut down theaters .\" What is the definition of \"freedom\"?"} {"term": "freedom", "pos": "", "context": "what we can do is ensure the future safety of the residents , especially the children , who enjoy the freedom of their village .", "definition": "unrestricted use of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"what we can do is ensure the future safety of the residents , especially the children , who enjoy the freedom of their village .\" What is the definition of \"freedom\"?"} {"term": "morel", "pos": "", "context": "other fungi provide numerous drugs ( such as penicillin and other antibiotics ) , foods like mushrooms , truffles and morels , and the bubbles in bread , champagne , and beer .", "definition": "a widely distributed edible fungus which has a brown oval or pointed fruiting body with an irregular honeycombed surface bearing the spores .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"other fungi provide numerous drugs ( such as penicillin and other antibiotics ) , foods like mushrooms , truffles and morels , and the bubbles in bread , champagne , and beer .\" What is the definition of \"morel\"?"} {"term": "tinsel", "pos": "", "context": "all the tinsel of self-promotion", "definition": "a showy decoration that is basically valueless", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all the tinsel of self-promotion\" What is the definition of \"tinsel\"?"} {"term": "tinsel", "pos": "", "context": "despite his tinsel heroics , jeremy was n't able to overcome his fear and says he wo n't be doing it again any time soon .", "definition": "showy or superficial attractiveness or glamour", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"despite his tinsel heroics , jeremy was n't able to overcome his fear and says he wo n't be doing it again any time soon .\" What is the definition of \"tinsel\"?"} {"term": "zion", "pos": "", "context": "a major personality among the hovevi zion was judah leob pinsker .", "definition": "the jewish people or religion .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a major personality among the hovevi zion was judah leob pinsker .\" What is the definition of \"zion\"?"} {"term": "beautician", "pos": "", "context": "this is a highly specialised treatment and should only be done by a qualified beautician .", "definition": "a person whose job is to give people beauty treatment .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this is a highly specialised treatment and should only be done by a qualified beautician .\" What is the definition of \"beautician\"?"} {"term": "swill", "pos": "", "context": "they both then paused , an awkward moment stepping into their time as they took a small swill from their drinks .", "definition": "a large mouthful of a drink", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they both then paused , an awkward moment stepping into their time as they took a small swill from their drinks .\" What is the definition of \"swill\"?"} {"term": "shine", "pos": "", "context": "shine the silver , please", "definition": "make ( a surface ) shine", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shine the silver , please\" What is the definition of \"shine\"?"} {"term": "shine", "pos": "", "context": "outside the bright sun shines in through the open window catching the white of her skirt .", "definition": "( of the sun or another source of light ) give out a bright light", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"outside the bright sun shines in through the open window catching the white of her skirt .\" What is the definition of \"shine\"?"} {"term": "tragus", "pos": "", "context": "they are often united by a band of skin across the forehead , and a tragus is present ( a fleshy lobe that protrudes from the ear ) .", "definition": "a prominence on the inner side of the external ear , in front of and partly closing the passage to the organs of hearing .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they are often united by a band of skin across the forehead , and a tragus is present ( a fleshy lobe that protrudes from the ear ) .\" What is the definition of \"tragus\"?"} {"term": "cursive", "pos": "", "context": "i really never figured out why we had to learn it , the only people i see who use cursive , i ca n't read their handwriting anyway .", "definition": "cursive writing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i really never figured out why we had to learn it , the only people i see who use cursive , i ca n't read their handwriting anyway .\" What is the definition of \"cursive\"?"} {"term": "sooty", "pos": "", "context": "another virus managed to get transferred from a species of monkey called the sooty mangabey , and this is known as hiv - 2 .", "definition": "used in names of birds and other animals that are mainly blackish or brownish black , e.g . sooty tern .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"another virus managed to get transferred from a species of monkey called the sooty mangabey , and this is known as hiv - 2 .\" What is the definition of \"sooty\"?"} {"term": "august", "pos": "", "context": "he will return to his base in two weeks ' time before taking a month off in august .", "definition": "the eighth month of the year , in the northern hemisphere usually considered the last month of summer", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he will return to his base in two weeks ' time before taking a month off in august .\" What is the definition of \"august\"?"} {"term": "gridiron", "pos": "", "context": "despite appearing on the gridiron in only a trio of games , his numbers reflect the impact he can have on a game 's outcome .", "definition": "a field for american football , marked with regularly spaced parallel lines .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"despite appearing on the gridiron in only a trio of games , his numbers reflect the impact he can have on a game 's outcome .\" What is the definition of \"gridiron\"?"} {"term": "gridiron", "pos": "", "context": "the stage is equipped with traps , a fly loft , lights , ladders and the height from stage to gridiron is 40 feet .", "definition": "( in the theatre ) a framework over a stage supporting scenery and lighting .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the stage is equipped with traps , a fly loft , lights , ladders and the height from stage to gridiron is 40 feet .\" What is the definition of \"gridiron\"?"} {"term": "ethos", "pos": "", "context": "the greek ethos", "definition": "( anthropology ) the distinctive spirit of a culture or an era", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the greek ethos\" What is the definition of \"ethos\"?"} {"term": "mahogany", "pos": "", "context": "so you 'll notice dark-colored wood such as mahogany , and rich colors like burgundy , forest green , yellow , and shades of beige .", "definition": "hard reddish-brown timber from a tropical tree , used for quality furniture .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so you 'll notice dark-colored wood such as mahogany , and rich colors like burgundy , forest green , yellow , and shades of beige .\" What is the definition of \"mahogany\"?"} {"term": "furunculosis", "pos": "", "context": "this disease is a localized folliculitis , which is an inflammation of the hair follicle , and furunculosis or rupture of the hair follicle restricted to the chin and lips .", "definition": "the simultaneous or repeated occurrence of boils on the skin .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this disease is a localized folliculitis , which is an inflammation of the hair follicle , and furunculosis or rupture of the hair follicle restricted to the chin and lips .\" What is the definition of \"furunculosis\"?"} {"term": "clobber", "pos": "", "context": "because i had never had a cold sore before , the virus clobbered me with a very high fever .", "definition": "treat or deal with harshly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"because i had never had a cold sore before , the virus clobbered me with a very high fever .\" What is the definition of \"clobber\"?"} {"term": "calve", "pos": "", "context": "the whales calve at this time of year", "definition": "birth", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the whales calve at this time of year\" What is the definition of \"calve\"?"} {"term": "propose", "pos": "", "context": "the senator proposed to abolish the sales tax", "definition": "make a proposal , declare a plan for something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the senator proposed to abolish the sales tax\" What is the definition of \"propose\"?"} {"term": "coffin", "pos": "", "context": "the increased use of aeroplanes in warfare led to such terms as beauey , biscuit bomber , and flying coffin .", "definition": "an old and unsafe aircraft or ship", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the increased use of aeroplanes in warfare led to such terms as beauey , biscuit bomber , and flying coffin .\" What is the definition of \"coffin\"?"} {"term": "uighur", "pos": "", "context": "the uighur language was purged from school curricula , and thousands of uighur writers were arrested for ‘ advocating separatism ’ - which often meant nothing more than writing in uighur .", "definition": "the turkic language of the uighurs , which has about 7 million speakers .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the uighur language was purged from school curricula , and thousands of uighur writers were arrested for ‘ advocating separatism ’ - which often meant nothing more than writing in uighur .\" What is the definition of \"uighur\"?"} {"term": "estimate", "pos": "", "context": "i estimate this chicken to weigh three pounds", "definition": "judge tentatively or form an estimate of ( quantities or time )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i estimate this chicken to weigh three pounds\" What is the definition of \"estimate\"?"} {"term": "aids", "pos": "", "context": "powell said entire generations were at risk from aids and other infectious diseases .", "definition": "a disease in which there is a severe loss of the body 's cellular immunity , greatly lowering the resistance to infection and malignancy .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"powell said entire generations were at risk from aids and other infectious diseases .\" What is the definition of \"aids\"?"} {"term": "eyeball", "pos": "", "context": "documentaries have limited runs in theatres , and are subject to limited eyeballs and competition from feature films .", "definition": "used to refer to the number of people who visit a website , watch a television programme or channel , read a publication , etc. , especially when regarded as a potential source of revenue", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"documentaries have limited runs in theatres , and are subject to limited eyeballs and competition from feature films .\" What is the definition of \"eyeball\"?"} {"term": "swarm", "pos": "", "context": "in 1948 thousands of grasshoppers swarmed montreal and outlying districts .", "definition": "( of honeybees , ants , or termites ) issue from the nest in large numbers in order to mate and found new colonies", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in 1948 thousands of grasshoppers swarmed montreal and outlying districts .\" What is the definition of \"swarm\"?"} {"term": "swarm", "pos": "", "context": "loup shouted , and a swarm of vehicles and troops charged from the base into the oppressor line .", "definition": "a large number of people or things", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"loup shouted , and a swarm of vehicles and troops charged from the base into the oppressor line .\" What is the definition of \"swarm\"?"} {"term": "etch", "pos": "", "context": "and they could play a role in hyper-accurate gyroscopes or help etch superfast computer chips .", "definition": "selectively dissolve the surface of ( a semiconductor or printed circuit ) with a solvent , laser , or stream of electrons", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and they could play a role in hyper-accurate gyroscopes or help etch superfast computer chips .\" What is the definition of \"etch\"?"} {"term": "purge", "pos": "", "context": "she wondered if she would ever be purged of the overwhelming emotion for good .", "definition": "free someone from ( an unwanted feeling , memory , etc . )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she wondered if she would ever be purged of the overwhelming emotion for good .\" What is the definition of \"purge\"?"} {"term": "purge", "pos": "", "context": "deng xiao ping was purged several times throughout his lifetime", "definition": "oust politically", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"deng xiao ping was purged several times throughout his lifetime\" What is the definition of \"purge\"?"} {"term": "superior", "pos": "", "context": "by 1579 , the jesuit , matteo ricci , in a letter to his superiors , offered a more detailed description of the plant 's cultivation and was the first to note a difference in brewing between the chinese and the japanese .", "definition": "the head of a monastery or other religious institution .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"by 1579 , the jesuit , matteo ricci , in a letter to his superiors , offered a more detailed description of the plant 's cultivation and was the first to note a difference in brewing between the chinese and the japanese .\" What is the definition of \"superior\"?"} {"term": "tend", "pos": "", "context": "he was tending towards crankiness .", "definition": "be liable to possess or display ( a particular characteristic )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was tending towards crankiness .\" What is the definition of \"tend\"?"} {"term": "reason", "pos": "", "context": "we are told that man is endowed with reason and capable of distinguishing good from evil", "definition": "the capacity for rational thought or inference or discrimination", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we are told that man is endowed with reason and capable of distinguishing good from evil\" What is the definition of \"reason\"?"} {"term": "reason", "pos": "", "context": "it is , accordingly clear that , within reason , any order that the court makes will not stifle the appeal .", "definition": "what is right , practical , or possible ; common sense", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is , accordingly clear that , within reason , any order that the court makes will not stifle the appeal .\" What is the definition of \"reason\"?"} {"term": "purple", "pos": "", "context": "still in ancient times , but in rome , do you remember the imperial purple worn so proudly by the roman toffs .", "definition": "( in ancient rome or byzantium ) clothing made from fabric dyed with tyrian purple .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"still in ancient times , but in rome , do you remember the imperial purple worn so proudly by the roman toffs .\" What is the definition of \"purple\"?"} {"term": "purple", "pos": "", "context": "this person dressed always in blues and purples , softened by silvers .", "definition": "purple clothing or material .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this person dressed always in blues and purples , softened by silvers .\" What is the definition of \"purple\"?"} {"term": "mufti", "pos": "", "context": "in 1989 , then a municipal reporter , i spent a night bobbing in the wake of the then mayor of cape town as he paid a series of visits , in mufti and minus his chain of office , to nightclubs throughout the city .", "definition": "plain clothes worn by a person who wears a uniform for their job , such as a soldier or police officer", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in 1989 , then a municipal reporter , i spent a night bobbing in the wake of the then mayor of cape town as he paid a series of visits , in mufti and minus his chain of office , to nightclubs throughout the city .\" What is the definition of \"mufti\"?"} {"term": "group", "pos": "", "context": "this messenger in turn activates a so-called kinase , an enzyme that attaches phosphate groups to other proteins .", "definition": "a combination of atoms having a recognizable identity in a number of compounds", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this messenger in turn activates a so-called kinase , an enzyme that attaches phosphate groups to other proteins .\" What is the definition of \"group\"?"} {"term": "group", "pos": "", "context": "one of the areas which his work took him into was infinite permutation groups .", "definition": "a set of elements , together with an associative binary operation , which contains an inverse for each element and an identity element .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one of the areas which his work took him into was infinite permutation groups .\" What is the definition of \"group\"?"} {"term": "group", "pos": "", "context": "his most characteristic works were figures or groups of a historical , literary , allegorical , or symbolic nature .", "definition": "two or more figures or objects forming a design .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his most characteristic works were figures or groups of a historical , literary , allegorical , or symbolic nature .\" What is the definition of \"group\"?"} {"term": "nod", "pos": "", "context": "the salesman at the counter though said not a word merely nodding toward a door behind him .", "definition": "make a mistake due to a momentary lack of alertness or attention", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the salesman at the counter though said not a word merely nodding toward a door behind him .\" What is the definition of \"nod\"?"} {"term": "formative", "pos": "", "context": "a formative influence", "definition": "forming or capable of forming or molding or fashioning", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a formative influence\" What is the definition of \"formative\"?"} {"term": "bead", "pos": "", "context": "the cool humidity of the low hanging clouds forms beads of moisture on the surface of each stone .", "definition": "a drop of a liquid on a surface", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the cool humidity of the low hanging clouds forms beads of moisture on the surface of each stone .\" What is the definition of \"bead\"?"} {"term": "cup", "pos": "", "context": "she cupped her hands", "definition": "form into the shape of a cup", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she cupped her hands\" What is the definition of \"cup\"?"} {"term": "cup", "pos": "", "context": "he drank a cup of coffee", "definition": "the quantity a cup will hold", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he drank a cup of coffee\" What is the definition of \"cup\"?"} {"term": "datura", "pos": "", "context": "according to some accounts , zombies are fed a paste made from datura stramonium - the zombie 's cucumber - that contains tropane alkaloids capable of inducing a psychotic state .", "definition": "a shrubby annual plant with large , erect , trumpet-shaped flowers , native to southern north america . they contain toxic or narcotic alkaloids and are used as hallucinogens by some american indian peoples .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"according to some accounts , zombies are fed a paste made from datura stramonium - the zombie 's cucumber - that contains tropane alkaloids capable of inducing a psychotic state .\" What is the definition of \"datura\"?"} {"term": "recommend", "pos": "", "context": "fans of great dialogue and spirited acting are recommended to check this film out .", "definition": "advise ( someone ) to do something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fans of great dialogue and spirited acting are recommended to check this film out .\" What is the definition of \"recommend\"?"} {"term": "recommend", "pos": "", "context": "his critique of the corporatization of politics has much to recommend it .", "definition": "make ( someone or something ) appealing or desirable", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his critique of the corporatization of politics has much to recommend it .\" What is the definition of \"recommend\"?"} {"term": "unconcern", "pos": "", "context": "‘ nothing 's wrong with your friend , honey , so now take her up to your room and do n't forget to be nice , ’ my mom scolds me , a look of unconcern on her face .", "definition": "a lack of worry or interest , especially when surprising or callous", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ nothing 's wrong with your friend , honey , so now take her up to your room and do n't forget to be nice , ’ my mom scolds me , a look of unconcern on her face .\" What is the definition of \"unconcern\"?"} {"term": "cheapness", "pos": "", "context": "we share an unwholesome interest in matters like the appalling cheapness of canadian game-show prizes .", "definition": "the quality of being selfish with money ; miserliness", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we share an unwholesome interest in matters like the appalling cheapness of canadian game-show prizes .\" What is the definition of \"cheapness\"?"} {"term": "grin", "pos": "", "context": "in all of the pictures , her mother was grinning like a cheshire cat .", "definition": "smile broadly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in all of the pictures , her mother was grinning like a cheshire cat .\" What is the definition of \"grin\"?"} {"term": "ben", "pos": "", "context": "they were climbing the ben", "definition": "a mountain or tall hill", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they were climbing the ben\" What is the definition of \"ben\"?"} {"term": "hybrid", "pos": "", "context": "the vice-presidency is a hybrid of administrative and legislative offices", "definition": "a composite of mixed origin", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the vice-presidency is a hybrid of administrative and legislative offices\" What is the definition of \"hybrid\"?"} {"term": "lecture", "pos": "", "context": "he lectured his london school of economics audience in december last year , while the prime minister bit his lip with jealousy .", "definition": "give a lecture to ( a class or other audience )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he lectured his london school of economics audience in december last year , while the prime minister bit his lip with jealousy .\" What is the definition of \"lecture\"?"} {"term": "sky", "pos": "", "context": "allen 's swift 35 allowed mcmahon to sky the final run and leave the oxford side relieved after seeing the game almost slip away .", "definition": "hit ( a ball ) high into the air", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"allen 's swift 35 allowed mcmahon to sky the final run and leave the oxford side relieved after seeing the game almost slip away .\" What is the definition of \"sky\"?"} {"term": "recreation", "pos": "", "context": "hanmer forest needs to be maintained in the future for public enjoyment , for recreation and for education .", "definition": "activity done for enjoyment when one is not working", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hanmer forest needs to be maintained in the future for public enjoyment , for recreation and for education .\" What is the definition of \"recreation\"?"} {"term": "rigging", "pos": "", "context": "it has a large grassy rigging and take off area suitable for scores of gliders .", "definition": "the action of assembling and adjusting the rigging of an airship , hang-glider , etc .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it has a large grassy rigging and take off area suitable for scores of gliders .\" What is the definition of \"rigging\"?"} {"term": "dusk", "pos": "", "context": "the island was enveloped in the shades of dusk and the wind from the sea was extremely cold .", "definition": "semi-darkness", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the island was enveloped in the shades of dusk and the wind from the sea was extremely cold .\" What is the definition of \"dusk\"?"} {"term": "oiler", "pos": "", "context": "their father worked in construction as a crane operator , oiler and mechanic .", "definition": "a person who oils machinery .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their father worked in construction as a crane operator , oiler and mechanic .\" What is the definition of \"oiler\"?"} {"term": "manubrium", "pos": "", "context": "the manubrium sometimes extends to the insertion of the third costal cartilages .", "definition": "a handle-shaped projection or part .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the manubrium sometimes extends to the insertion of the third costal cartilages .\" What is the definition of \"manubrium\"?"} {"term": "leak", "pos": "", "context": "scottish water is also to launch a campaign next month urging people to take care of the plumbing in their homes amid fears a freeze will result in widespread leaks from burst pipes .", "definition": "an instance of leaking", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"scottish water is also to launch a campaign next month urging people to take care of the plumbing in their homes amid fears a freeze will result in widespread leaks from burst pipes .\" What is the definition of \"leak\"?"} {"term": "leak", "pos": "", "context": "pain shot up his arm as he felt something warm leak between his clenched fingers .", "definition": "( of liquid , gas , etc . ) be accidentally lost or admitted through a hole or crack in a container or covering", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pain shot up his arm as he felt something warm leak between his clenched fingers .\" What is the definition of \"leak\"?"} {"term": "frothing", "pos": "", "context": "the rabid animal 's frothing mouth", "definition": "producing or covered with lathery sweat or saliva from exhaustion or disease", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the rabid animal 's frothing mouth\" What is the definition of \"frothing\"?"} {"term": "disapprobation", "pos": "", "context": "i shall put moral indignation - or , more weakly , moral disapprobation - in the centre of this one .", "definition": "strong disapproval , typically on moral grounds", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i shall put moral indignation - or , more weakly , moral disapprobation - in the centre of this one .\" What is the definition of \"disapprobation\"?"} {"term": "shareholding", "pos": "", "context": "its shareholding in the new bank will not be diluted to less than 55 per cent .", "definition": "an allocation of shares held in a company", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"its shareholding in the new bank will not be diluted to less than 55 per cent .\" What is the definition of \"shareholding\"?"} {"term": "storm", "pos": "", "context": "a spokesman for the met office in manchester said the winds were storm force , but the gusts were up to 85 mph .", "definition": "a wind of force 10 on the beaufort scale ( 48–55 knots or 88–102 km/h ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a spokesman for the met office in manchester said the winds were storm force , but the gusts were up to 85 mph .\" What is the definition of \"storm\"?"} {"term": "bitter", "pos": "", "context": "a bitter struggle", "definition": "proceeding from or exhibiting great hostility or animosity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bitter struggle\" What is the definition of \"bitter\"?"} {"term": "bitter", "pos": "", "context": "the invasion of south korea by its communist neighbour in 1950 stunned the world and sparked three years of bitter conflict , which claimed more than two million lives .", "definition": "( of a conflict , argument , or opponent ) full of anger and acrimony", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the invasion of south korea by its communist neighbour in 1950 stunned the world and sparked three years of bitter conflict , which claimed more than two million lives .\" What is the definition of \"bitter\"?"} {"term": "credential", "pos": "", "context": "quotas must not apply , and applications for visas , press credentials and other documentation requisite for their work should be approved promptly .", "definition": "a document proving a person 's identity or qualifications", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"quotas must not apply , and applications for visas , press credentials and other documentation requisite for their work should be approved promptly .\" What is the definition of \"credential\"?"} {"term": "exhibit", "pos": "", "context": "bill henson is one of the best known and most widely exhibited artists in australia .", "definition": "publicly display the work of ( an artist ) in an art gallery or museum", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bill henson is one of the best known and most widely exhibited artists in australia .\" What is the definition of \"exhibit\"?"} {"term": "pitman", "pos": "", "context": "the saw frame was then lowered , and the pitman , powered by the driving pulley , moved the saw frame back and forth over the stone .", "definition": "a connecting rod .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the saw frame was then lowered , and the pitman , powered by the driving pulley , moved the saw frame back and forth over the stone .\" What is the definition of \"pitman\"?"} {"term": "headline", "pos": "", "context": "la jornada headlined his death by saying ‘ a subversive creator and critic of power has died ’ .", "definition": "provide with a headline", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"la jornada headlined his death by saying ‘ a subversive creator and critic of power has died ’ .\" What is the definition of \"headline\"?"} {"term": "headline", "pos": "", "context": "adams headlined a benefit concert for the victims of the major earthquake that killed 87,000 people , and left 3.5 million people homeless just last year .", "definition": "appear as the star performer at ( a concert )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"adams headlined a benefit concert for the victims of the major earthquake that killed 87,000 people , and left 3.5 million people homeless just last year .\" What is the definition of \"headline\"?"} {"term": "tessellation", "pos": "", "context": "a tessellation of hexagons", "definition": "the careful juxtaposition of shapes in a pattern", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tessellation of hexagons\" What is the definition of \"tessellation\"?"} {"term": "telugu", "pos": "", "context": "the research centre will soon come out with similar internet search engines for hindi , malayalam , telugu and kannada languages , he said .", "definition": "the dravidian language of the telugu , with about 72 million speakers .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the research centre will soon come out with similar internet search engines for hindi , malayalam , telugu and kannada languages , he said .\" What is the definition of \"telugu\"?"} {"term": "hang", "pos": "", "context": "hang wallpaper", "definition": "decorate or furnish with something suspended", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hang wallpaper\" What is the definition of \"hang\"?"} {"term": "hang", "pos": "", "context": "i know it 's wrong , but hang , i feel compelled to get my $ 0.02 in !", "definition": "used to express a range of strong emotions from enthusiasm to anger", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i know it 's wrong , but hang , i feel compelled to get my $ 0.02 in !\" What is the definition of \"hang\"?"} {"term": "hang", "pos": "", "context": "hang on to your father 's hands", "definition": "hold on tightly or tenaciously", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hang on to your father 's hands\" What is the definition of \"hang\"?"} {"term": "hang", "pos": "", "context": "i was going to go talk to him and just hang with him and sort of soak in some of his wisdom .", "definition": "spend time relaxing or enjoying oneself", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i was going to go talk to him and just hang with him and sort of soak in some of his wisdom .\" What is the definition of \"hang\"?"} {"term": "antique", "pos": "", "context": "sixty or so art and antiques dealers will occupy the ground floor , some twenty jewellers the lower level .", "definition": "a collectable object such as a piece of furniture or work of art that has a high value because of its age and quality", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sixty or so art and antiques dealers will occupy the ground floor , some twenty jewellers the lower level .\" What is the definition of \"antique\"?"} {"term": "mask", "pos": "", "context": "for example , masking a patient who is morbidly obese is difficult because of the need for high pressure to overcome the weight of the chest and abdomen when the patient is supine .", "definition": "cover ( the face ) with a mask", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for example , masking a patient who is morbidly obese is difficult because of the need for high pressure to overcome the weight of the chest and abdomen when the patient is supine .\" What is the definition of \"mask\"?"} {"term": "mask", "pos": "", "context": "a friend has left me a fox mask with an inscription to say that it was caught by the hunt in 1936 .", "definition": "the face or head of a fox or other game animal , as a trophy .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a friend has left me a fox mask with an inscription to say that it was caught by the hunt in 1936 .\" What is the definition of \"mask\"?"} {"term": "mask", "pos": "", "context": "when a prey is in sight , the mask is thrust forward and the prey instantly impaled on the hooks , then drawn back to the mouth and eaten .", "definition": "the enlarged labium of a dragonfly larva , which can be extended to seize prey .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when a prey is in sight , the mask is thrust forward and the prey instantly impaled on the hooks , then drawn back to the mouth and eaten .\" What is the definition of \"mask\"?"} {"term": "capitulate", "pos": "", "context": "an effort without ground action leaves the decision of when to capitulate with the enemy .", "definition": "cease to resist an opponent or an unwelcome demand ; yield", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an effort without ground action leaves the decision of when to capitulate with the enemy .\" What is the definition of \"capitulate\"?"} {"term": "colleague", "pos": "", "context": "the surgeon consulted his colleagues", "definition": "a person who is member of one 's class or profession", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the surgeon consulted his colleagues\" What is the definition of \"colleague\"?"} {"term": "troop", "pos": "", "context": "despite being a novice at commanding armoured units , he quickly grasped the great potential of mechanised and armoured troops .", "definition": "a unit of artillery and armoured formation .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"despite being a novice at commanding armoured units , he quickly grasped the great potential of mechanised and armoured troops .\" What is the definition of \"troop\"?"} {"term": "nuisance", "pos": "", "context": "the white house listens to these outraged voices but considers them more a nuisance than genuine problem .", "definition": "a person or thing causing inconvenience or annoyance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the white house listens to these outraged voices but considers them more a nuisance than genuine problem .\" What is the definition of \"nuisance\"?"} {"term": "nuisance", "pos": "", "context": "the courts tend to approach the question of the existence of a nuisance , whether public or private , as a question of fact .", "definition": "an act which is harmful or offensive to the public or a member of it and for which there is a legal remedy .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the courts tend to approach the question of the existence of a nuisance , whether public or private , as a question of fact .\" What is the definition of \"nuisance\"?"} {"term": "divisional", "pos": "", "context": "passing from this main wall at right angles , were the divisional partitions of the rooms , 3 feet 0 inches in width .", "definition": "forming a partition", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"passing from this main wall at right angles , were the divisional partitions of the rooms , 3 feet 0 inches in width .\" What is the definition of \"divisional\"?"} {"term": "befit", "pos": "", "context": "it was perhaps used to convey the senior noblewomen in a manner befitting their status as the entourage made its way into windsor .", "definition": "be appropriate for ; suit", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was perhaps used to convey the senior noblewomen in a manner befitting their status as the entourage made its way into windsor .\" What is the definition of \"befit\"?"} {"term": "talking", "pos": "", "context": "yap had talked about his encounter with a magical talking fish who took him beneath the ocean and made him lord of the seas .", "definition": "( of an animal or object ) able to make sounds similar to those of speech", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"yap had talked about his encounter with a magical talking fish who took him beneath the ocean and made him lord of the seas .\" What is the definition of \"talking\"?"} {"term": "toxic", "pos": "", "context": "suffering from exposure to toxic substances", "definition": "of or relating to or caused by a toxin or poison", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"suffering from exposure to toxic substances\" What is the definition of \"toxic\"?"} {"term": "grub", "pos": "", "context": "however , these grubs are the larvae of beetles , most commonly the june beetle in this area .", "definition": "the larva of an insect , especially a beetle", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"however , these grubs are the larvae of beetles , most commonly the june beetle in this area .\" What is the definition of \"grub\"?"} {"term": "mangle", "pos": "", "context": "for decades now , our pop stars have been sending us political messages that are less mixed than mangled beyond reason .", "definition": "destroy or severely damage by tearing or crushing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for decades now , our pop stars have been sending us political messages that are less mixed than mangled beyond reason .\" What is the definition of \"mangle\"?"} {"term": "hammering", "pos": "", "context": "wetheriggs were the most impressive winners in the trophy matches with a 9-1 hammering of shap .", "definition": "a heavy defeat", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wetheriggs were the most impressive winners in the trophy matches with a 9-1 hammering of shap .\" What is the definition of \"hammering\"?"} {"term": "bleacher", "pos": "", "context": "it was usual practice for the finishing trades of the bleachers and dyers to develop alongside hosiery .", "definition": "a person or thing that bleaches .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was usual practice for the finishing trades of the bleachers and dyers to develop alongside hosiery .\" What is the definition of \"bleacher\"?"} {"term": "feeling", "pos": "", "context": "it all feels so lacking in genuine feeling , genuine emotion , genuine interest .", "definition": "strong emotion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it all feels so lacking in genuine feeling , genuine emotion , genuine interest .\" What is the definition of \"feeling\"?"} {"term": "feeling", "pos": "", "context": "i think it 's permissible , after working on your favourite virus for over 20 years , to develop some sort of feeling for it .", "definition": "a sensitivity to or intuitive understanding of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i think it 's permissible , after working on your favourite virus for over 20 years , to develop some sort of feeling for it .\" What is the definition of \"feeling\"?"} {"term": "piculet", "pos": "", "context": "the avian family picidae includes the woodpeckers , piculets and wrynecks .", "definition": "a tiny tropical woodpecker with a short tail , found chiefly in central and south america .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the avian family picidae includes the woodpeckers , piculets and wrynecks .\" What is the definition of \"piculet\"?"} {"term": "hoyle", "pos": "", "context": "if all had gone according to hoyle , as you say , your client would have gone by now .", "definition": "according to plan or the rules", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if all had gone according to hoyle , as you say , your client would have gone by now .\" What is the definition of \"hoyle\"?"} {"term": "untie", "pos": "", "context": "i quickly untied the rope that was bound around her body , then worked on her hands and ankles .", "definition": "undo or unfasten ( something that is tied or tied up )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i quickly untied the rope that was bound around her body , then worked on her hands and ankles .\" What is the definition of \"untie\"?"} {"term": "trot", "pos": "", "context": "she trotted the horse home", "definition": "cause to trot", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she trotted the horse home\" What is the definition of \"trot\"?"} {"term": "trot", "pos": "", "context": "but as he sat on his horse , trotting along in that seemingly endless line , he was struck by the sheer futility of war .", "definition": "( with reference to a horse or other quadruped ) proceed or cause to proceed at a pace faster than a walk , lifting each diagonal pair of legs alternately", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but as he sat on his horse , trotting along in that seemingly endless line , he was struck by the sheer futility of war .\" What is the definition of \"trot\"?"} {"term": "diphthong", "pos": "", "context": "the pali alphabet used for written burmese is made up of eight vowels , three diphthongs , 32 consonants , and several tones .", "definition": "a digraph representing the sound of a diphthong or single vowel ( as in feat ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the pali alphabet used for written burmese is made up of eight vowels , three diphthongs , 32 consonants , and several tones .\" What is the definition of \"diphthong\"?"} {"term": "formula", "pos": "", "context": "but that 's what is so refreshing about their approach - they have somehow cracked the secret formula of winning pop , and if that involves a little thievery from their idols , so be it .", "definition": "a list of ingredients with which something is made", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but that 's what is so refreshing about their approach - they have somehow cracked the secret formula of winning pop , and if that involves a little thievery from their idols , so be it .\" What is the definition of \"formula\"?"} {"term": "hosepipe", "pos": "", "context": "a primary school headteacher was found dead in his car with a hosepipe attached to the exhaust , days after being quizzed about indecent photographs , it emerged yesterday .", "definition": "a flexible tube conveying water , used chiefly for watering plants .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a primary school headteacher was found dead in his car with a hosepipe attached to the exhaust , days after being quizzed about indecent photographs , it emerged yesterday .\" What is the definition of \"hosepipe\"?"} {"term": "island", "pos": "", "context": "he lurches the car across the traffic island and accelerates toward the oncoming traffic .", "definition": "a traffic island .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he lurches the car across the traffic island and accelerates toward the oncoming traffic .\" What is the definition of \"island\"?"} {"term": "island", "pos": "", "context": "their latest stop was on the beautiful holiday island of phi phi in thailand .", "definition": "a piece of land surrounded by water", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their latest stop was on the beautiful holiday island of phi phi in thailand .\" What is the definition of \"island\"?"} {"term": "freebase", "pos": "", "context": "cocaine is usually snorted or swallowed , but can be injected or smoked in the form of crack or freebase .", "definition": "cocaine that has been purified by heating with ether , taken by inhaling the fumes or smoking the residue .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cocaine is usually snorted or swallowed , but can be injected or smoked in the form of crack or freebase .\" What is the definition of \"freebase\"?"} {"term": "uncial", "pos": "", "context": "the uncial system was adopted by the greeks of sicily .", "definition": "relating to an inch or an ounce .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the uncial system was adopted by the greeks of sicily .\" What is the definition of \"uncial\"?"} {"term": "uncial", "pos": "", "context": "the codices produced in this period bear display scripts in capitals and uncials executed in double tracing , and are also remarkable for the narrowing of certain letter-forms like for instance the ‘ o ’ .", "definition": "an uncial letter or script .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the codices produced in this period bear display scripts in capitals and uncials executed in double tracing , and are also remarkable for the narrowing of certain letter-forms like for instance the ‘ o ’ .\" What is the definition of \"uncial\"?"} {"term": "uncial", "pos": "", "context": "uncial letters", "definition": "relating to or written in majuscule letters ( which resemble modern capitals )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"uncial letters\" What is the definition of \"uncial\"?"} {"term": "whitewash", "pos": "", "context": "whitewash walls", "definition": "cover with whitewash", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"whitewash walls\" What is the definition of \"whitewash\"?"} {"term": "weatherstrip", "pos": "", "context": "the window must be weatherstripped before the cold weather sets in", "definition": "provide with weatherstripping", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the window must be weatherstripped before the cold weather sets in\" What is the definition of \"weatherstrip\"?"} {"term": "obliteration", "pos": "", "context": "but the obliteration of nagasaki was , if comparisons on this scale are even possible , even worse than that of hiroshima .", "definition": "the action or fact of obliterating or being obliterated ; total destruction", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but the obliteration of nagasaki was , if comparisons on this scale are even possible , even worse than that of hiroshima .\" What is the definition of \"obliteration\"?"} {"term": "equal", "pos": "", "context": "a professional equal opportunities approach must underpin appointments , otherwise the same old faces will reappear .", "definition": "uniform in application or effect ; without discrimination on any grounds", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a professional equal opportunities approach must underpin appointments , otherwise the same old faces will reappear .\" What is the definition of \"equal\"?"} {"term": "institution", "pos": "", "context": "thus , just as in the american south , cherokee lawmakers would prohibit legal marriages between slaves and free people to preserve the institution of slavery .", "definition": "an established law or practice", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"thus , just as in the american south , cherokee lawmakers would prohibit legal marriages between slaves and free people to preserve the institution of slavery .\" What is the definition of \"institution\"?"} {"term": "goose", "pos": "", "context": "also popular for special meals is roast duck , pork , or goose with dumplings and sauerkraut .", "definition": "the flesh of a goose as food .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"also popular for special meals is roast duck , pork , or goose with dumplings and sauerkraut .\" What is the definition of \"goose\"?"} {"term": "goose", "pos": "", "context": "i might have goosed my husband on his way out of the shower .", "definition": "poke ( someone ) in the bottom .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i might have goosed my husband on his way out of the shower .\" What is the definition of \"goose\"?"} {"term": "idahoan", "pos": "", "context": "it is still somewhat amazing , considering the conservative heritage of idaho politics , to realize the influence that kennedy had with idahoan politicians .", "definition": "relating to or characteristic of the us state of idaho or its inhabitants", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is still somewhat amazing , considering the conservative heritage of idaho politics , to realize the influence that kennedy had with idahoan politicians .\" What is the definition of \"idahoan\"?"} {"term": "slacken", "pos": "", "context": "the rope slackened", "definition": "become looser or slack", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the rope slackened\" What is the definition of \"slacken\"?"} {"term": "prophase", "pos": "", "context": "these questions asked the reader to describe and draw the cell when it was in the telophase and the late prophase stages of mitosis .", "definition": "the first stage of cell division , before metaphase , during which the chromosomes become visible as paired chromatids and the nuclear envelope disappears . the first prophase of meiosis includes the reduction division .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these questions asked the reader to describe and draw the cell when it was in the telophase and the late prophase stages of mitosis .\" What is the definition of \"prophase\"?"} {"term": "a-list", "pos": "", "context": "the play centres around charlie , a modern media phenomenon , an a-list celebrity .", "definition": "a real or imaginary list of the most celebrated or sought-after individuals , especially in show business", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the play centres around charlie , a modern media phenomenon , an a-list celebrity .\" What is the definition of \"a-list\"?"} {"term": "gambusia", "pos": "", "context": "fish around in the lagoon include eels , gambusias and the springer great mullet .", "definition": "a small live-bearing fish found in mangrove creeks and brackish waters of the southern us and northern mexico .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fish around in the lagoon include eels , gambusias and the springer great mullet .\" What is the definition of \"gambusia\"?"} {"term": "mattress", "pos": "", "context": "sleeping mattresses were also available for members of noble households .", "definition": "a fabric case filled with soft , firm , or springy material , used for sleeping on .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sleeping mattresses were also available for members of noble households .\" What is the definition of \"mattress\"?"} {"term": "restyle", "pos": "", "context": "he quickly rectified that error by bowing to the conventions of hippiedom and restyled himself as jeff starship .", "definition": "give a new designation to", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he quickly rectified that error by bowing to the conventions of hippiedom and restyled himself as jeff starship .\" What is the definition of \"restyle\"?"} {"term": "bachelorette", "pos": "", "context": "wendy , a married mother of three , oversees parador pictures , a thriving miramax-like movie studio , and victory , a diehard bachelorette and fashion designer , runs her own clothing company .", "definition": "a young unmarried woman", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wendy , a married mother of three , oversees parador pictures , a thriving miramax-like movie studio , and victory , a diehard bachelorette and fashion designer , runs her own clothing company .\" What is the definition of \"bachelorette\"?"} {"term": "kalmia", "pos": "", "context": "kalmia is a genus of about 7 species of evergreen shrubs from 0.2-5 m tall , in the family ericaceae .", "definition": "an evergreen leathery-leaved shrub of the heather family , bearing large clusters of pink or red flowers . it is native to north america and cuba and widely grown as an ornamental .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"kalmia is a genus of about 7 species of evergreen shrubs from 0.2-5 m tall , in the family ericaceae .\" What is the definition of \"kalmia\"?"} {"term": "more", "pos": "", "context": "more , too often , both strauss and librettist hugo von hofmannsthal seem to be coasting on automatic pilot .", "definition": "moreover", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"more , too often , both strauss and librettist hugo von hofmannsthal seem to be coasting on automatic pilot .\" What is the definition of \"more\"?"} {"term": "more", "pos": "", "context": "more than one", "definition": "( comparative of `many ' used with count nouns ) quantifier meaning greater in number", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"more than one\" What is the definition of \"more\"?"} {"term": "thread", "pos": "", "context": "one of the unexpected benefits of posting the article to a newsgroup was that a thread developed on the subject of competition on the london to manchester route .", "definition": "a group of linked messages posted on an internet forum that share a common subject or theme .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one of the unexpected benefits of posting the article to a newsgroup was that a thread developed on the subject of competition on the london to manchester route .\" What is the definition of \"thread\"?"} {"term": "cheek", "pos": "", "context": "darien had to bite the side of his inner cheek to keep from saying something insulting and cruel to her .", "definition": "either of the inner sides of the mouth", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"darien had to bite the side of his inner cheek to keep from saying something insulting and cruel to her .\" What is the definition of \"cheek\"?"} {"term": "mock", "pos": "", "context": "the children mocked their handicapped classmate", "definition": "imitate with mockery and derision", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the children mocked their handicapped classmate\" What is the definition of \"mock\"?"} {"term": "ascendant", "pos": "", "context": "the economically ascendant class", "definition": "most powerful or important or influential", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the economically ascendant class\" What is the definition of \"ascendant\"?"} {"term": "hypothecate", "pos": "", "context": "in most oecd countries these contributions are made through hypothecated taxes ( usually imposed on individual taxpayers ) .", "definition": "pledge ( money ) by law to a specific purpose", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in most oecd countries these contributions are made through hypothecated taxes ( usually imposed on individual taxpayers ) .\" What is the definition of \"hypothecate\"?"} {"term": "outercourse", "pos": "", "context": "since pregnancy can not happen if sperm are kept out of the vagina , outercourse is one method of birth control", "definition": "sexual stimulation without vaginal penetration", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"since pregnancy can not happen if sperm are kept out of the vagina , outercourse is one method of birth control\" What is the definition of \"outercourse\"?"} {"term": "sixth", "pos": "", "context": "the school allows pupils in the upper sixth to have one or two glasses of wine with a meal on a saturday or sunday .", "definition": "the sixth form of a school or college", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the school allows pupils in the upper sixth to have one or two glasses of wine with a meal on a saturday or sunday .\" What is the definition of \"sixth\"?"} {"term": "fiddly", "pos": "", "context": "soup-making is often viewed as time-consuming and fiddly .", "definition": "complicated or detailed and awkward to do or use", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"soup-making is often viewed as time-consuming and fiddly .\" What is the definition of \"fiddly\"?"} {"term": "sesquipedalian", "pos": "", "context": "sesquipedalian orators", "definition": "given to the overuse of long words", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sesquipedalian orators\" What is the definition of \"sesquipedalian\"?"} {"term": "sesquipedalian", "pos": "", "context": "sesquipedalian technical terms", "definition": "( of words ) long and ponderous ; having many syllables", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sesquipedalian technical terms\" What is the definition of \"sesquipedalian\"?"} {"term": "iodophor", "pos": "", "context": "this reflects changes in food habits , reduction of iodised salt intake , changes in food technology , phasing out of iodophors s disinfectants in milk .", "definition": "any of a group of disinfectants containing iodine in combination with a surfactant .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this reflects changes in food habits , reduction of iodised salt intake , changes in food technology , phasing out of iodophors s disinfectants in milk .\" What is the definition of \"iodophor\"?"} {"term": "attacker", "pos": "", "context": "in january the authorities charged the two alleged attackers with murder and arson .", "definition": "a person or animal that attacks someone or something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in january the authorities charged the two alleged attackers with murder and arson .\" What is the definition of \"attacker\"?"} {"term": "try", "pos": "", "context": "she gave it a good try", "definition": "earnest and conscientious activity intended to do or accomplish something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she gave it a good try\" What is the definition of \"try\"?"} {"term": "periodical", "pos": "", "context": "i wonder whether it might have been better to publish these reviews in the periodical biomedical literature as a supplement to an established journal , so that they could more certainly find their way into libraries and indices .", "definition": "( of a magazine or newspaper ) published at regular intervals", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i wonder whether it might have been better to publish these reviews in the periodical biomedical literature as a supplement to an established journal , so that they could more certainly find their way into libraries and indices .\" What is the definition of \"periodical\"?"} {"term": "berth", "pos": "", "context": "in my upper berth , there were a couple times when i was sure that we 'd derailed .", "definition": "a fixed bunk on a ship , train , or other means of transport", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in my upper berth , there were a couple times when i was sure that we 'd derailed .\" What is the definition of \"berth\"?"} {"term": "contract", "pos": "", "context": "the queen 's cousin , prince michael of kent , married in a civil ceremony in vienna , but no member of the royal family has ever contracted a civil marriage in britain .", "definition": "formally enter into ( a marriage )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the queen 's cousin , prince michael of kent , married in a civil ceremony in vienna , but no member of the royal family has ever contracted a civil marriage in britain .\" What is the definition of \"contract\"?"} {"term": "outline", "pos": "", "context": "at the meetings , we presented major findings of the study and a proposed outline for the final project report .", "definition": "a general description or plan showing the essential features of something but not the detail", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at the meetings , we presented major findings of the study and a proposed outline for the final project report .\" What is the definition of \"outline\"?"} {"term": "bendability", "pos": "", "context": "eight-year-old divas on the vws and rovers , pounding up and down to test the bendability of the metal .", "definition": "the quality of being easily bent ; flexibility .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"eight-year-old divas on the vws and rovers , pounding up and down to test the bendability of the metal .\" What is the definition of \"bendability\"?"} {"term": "nicker", "pos": "", "context": "the colt nickered at her , deep almond coloured eyes blinking innocently .", "definition": "( of a horse ) give a soft breathy whinny .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the colt nickered at her , deep almond coloured eyes blinking innocently .\" What is the definition of \"nicker\"?"} {"term": "nicker", "pos": "", "context": "adam heard a familiar nicker , and turned his head a little further .", "definition": "a soft whinnying sound .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"adam heard a familiar nicker , and turned his head a little further .\" What is the definition of \"nicker\"?"} {"term": "droob", "pos": "", "context": "can anyone explain this to a droob like me ?", "definition": "an unprepossessing or contemptible person .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"can anyone explain this to a droob like me ?\" What is the definition of \"droob\"?"} {"term": "ration", "pos": "", "context": "tech came after weinke hard with a variety of blitzes that resulted in four sacks and rationed florida state to 30 yards rushing .", "definition": "allow someone to have only ( a fixed amount of a commodity )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tech came after weinke hard with a variety of blitzes that resulted in four sacks and rationed florida state to 30 yards rushing .\" What is the definition of \"ration\"?"} {"term": "ration", "pos": "", "context": "bread was rationed during the siege of the city", "definition": "restrict the consumption of a relatively scarce commodity , as during war", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bread was rationed during the siege of the city\" What is the definition of \"ration\"?"} {"term": "dysphagia", "pos": "", "context": "a 50 year old man presented with a two week history of a flu-like illness and four days of dysarthria , dysphagia , shortness of breath , and neck discomfort .", "definition": "difficulty or discomfort in swallowing , as a symptom of disease", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a 50 year old man presented with a two week history of a flu-like illness and four days of dysarthria , dysphagia , shortness of breath , and neck discomfort .\" What is the definition of \"dysphagia\"?"} {"term": "klingon", "pos": "", "context": "you can buy dictionaries , teach-yourself cd-roms , and audio tapes offering conversational klingon for use during space travel or - more probably - at star trek conventions .", "definition": "the language of the klingons .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you can buy dictionaries , teach-yourself cd-roms , and audio tapes offering conversational klingon for use during space travel or - more probably - at star trek conventions .\" What is the definition of \"klingon\"?"} {"term": "energetic", "pos": "", "context": "these voltages would also explain the radio emission from energetic electrons observed near jupiter by the ulysses spacecraft .", "definition": "relating to or characterized by energy ( in the technical sense )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these voltages would also explain the radio emission from energetic electrons observed near jupiter by the ulysses spacecraft .\" What is the definition of \"energetic\"?"} {"term": "ponderosa", "pos": "", "context": "the douglas-fir , ponderosa pine , and sugar pine planted in this area will help regenerate an ecosystem inhabited by wildlife , including bald eagles .", "definition": "a tall , slender north american pine tree , planted for timber and as an ornamental .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the douglas-fir , ponderosa pine , and sugar pine planted in this area will help regenerate an ecosystem inhabited by wildlife , including bald eagles .\" What is the definition of \"ponderosa\"?"} {"term": "beefeater", "pos": "", "context": "a parade of the tower 's famous beefeaters , members of the royal british legion and their support team accompanied mr abrutat as he cycled to his starting point cheered by crowds of tourists .", "definition": "a yeoman warder or yeoman of the guard in the tower of london .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a parade of the tower 's famous beefeaters , members of the royal british legion and their support team accompanied mr abrutat as he cycled to his starting point cheered by crowds of tourists .\" What is the definition of \"beefeater\"?"} {"term": "glut", "pos": "", "context": "this turned out to be quite affordable , since the used gun market is glutted with traded-in service revolvers these days .", "definition": "supply or fill to excess", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this turned out to be quite affordable , since the used gun market is glutted with traded-in service revolvers these days .\" What is the definition of \"glut\"?"} {"term": "co-host", "pos": "", "context": "the united states and the european union are co-hosting the event .", "definition": "host ( an event or broadcast ) together with another or others .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the united states and the european union are co-hosting the event .\" What is the definition of \"co-host\"?"} {"term": "tricolour", "pos": "", "context": "i do n't know who took commercial advantage of the public mood and produced all the baby tricolours but they must be smiling all the way to the bank .", "definition": "a flag with three bands or blocks of different colours , especially the french national flag with equal upright bands of blue , white , and red .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i do n't know who took commercial advantage of the public mood and produced all the baby tricolours but they must be smiling all the way to the bank .\" What is the definition of \"tricolour\"?"} {"term": "inferior", "pos": "", "context": "mercury and venus are inferior planets", "definition": "having an orbit between the sun and the earth 's orbit", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mercury and venus are inferior planets\" What is the definition of \"inferior\"?"} {"term": "inferior", "pos": "", "context": "maybe it does not apply because it is an inferior tribunal , but just assume for the moment it does .", "definition": "( of a court or tribunal ) susceptible to having its decisions overturned by a higher court .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"maybe it does not apply because it is an inferior tribunal , but just assume for the moment it does .\" What is the definition of \"inferior\"?"} {"term": "inferior", "pos": "", "context": "more seriously , the lead content in the paint of some inferior toys is much higher than the national standard .", "definition": "of low standard or quality", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"more seriously , the lead content in the paint of some inferior toys is much higher than the national standard .\" What is the definition of \"inferior\"?"} {"term": "supra", "pos": "", "context": "it refers to stein , supra , among other cases , in this regard .", "definition": "used in academic or legal texts to refer to someone or something mentioned above or earlier", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it refers to stein , supra , among other cases , in this regard .\" What is the definition of \"supra\"?"} {"term": "maze", "pos": "", "context": "he kept running , turning through a maze of alleys and back roads .", "definition": "a complex network of paths or passages", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he kept running , turning through a maze of alleys and back roads .\" What is the definition of \"maze\"?"} {"term": "local", "pos": "", "context": "it can help if you can find a local phone number for the baggage claim at the airport you flew into .", "definition": "denoting a telephone call made to a nearby place and charged at a relatively low rate .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it can help if you can find a local phone number for the baggage claim at the airport you flew into .\" What is the definition of \"local\"?"} {"term": "wily", "pos": "", "context": "a wily old attorney", "definition": "marked by skill in deception", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a wily old attorney\" What is the definition of \"wily\"?"} {"term": "paramo", "pos": "", "context": "the team trekked over 96 km and ascended a total of 3 , 000m through rainforest , cloud forest and paramo .", "definition": "a high treeless plateau in tropical south america .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the team trekked over 96 km and ascended a total of 3 , 000m through rainforest , cloud forest and paramo .\" What is the definition of \"paramo\"?"} {"term": "look", "pos": "", "context": "you do n't look your age !", "definition": "accord in appearance with", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you do n't look your age !\" What is the definition of \"look\"?"} {"term": "look", "pos": "", "context": "she looked pale after the surgery", "definition": "have a certain outward or facial expression", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she looked pale after the surgery\" What is the definition of \"look\"?"} {"term": "look", "pos": "", "context": "on the basis that they have to be right one day , it looks like they 're right this time .", "definition": "show a likelihood of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on the basis that they have to be right one day , it looks like they 're right this time .\" What is the definition of \"look\"?"} {"term": "look", "pos": "", "context": "he walked along the street without looking where he put his feet .", "definition": "ascertain with a quick glance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he walked along the street without looking where he put his feet .\" What is the definition of \"look\"?"} {"term": "look", "pos": "", "context": "‘ now look here bee - you ca n't sing - all you are doing is making a buzzing noise ’ .", "definition": "used to call attention to what one is going to say", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ now look here bee - you ca n't sing - all you are doing is making a buzzing noise ’ .\" What is the definition of \"look\"?"} {"term": "downpipe", "pos": "", "context": "so this morning the unfortunate plumber is fixing my downpipe , which is , as it turns out , a minor job after all .", "definition": "a pipe to carry rainwater from a roof to a drain or to ground level .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so this morning the unfortunate plumber is fixing my downpipe , which is , as it turns out , a minor job after all .\" What is the definition of \"downpipe\"?"} {"term": "changer", "pos": "", "context": "after all , the significantly reduced size of an mp3 file means you can fit the contents of eight or more regular audio cds onto a single cdr and gives you the functionality of a multi-disk cd changer even if your player only holds one disk .", "definition": "a device that holds several computer disks or cds and is able to switch between them .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after all , the significantly reduced size of an mp3 file means you can fit the contents of eight or more regular audio cds onto a single cdr and gives you the functionality of a multi-disk cd changer even if your player only holds one disk .\" What is the definition of \"changer\"?"} {"term": "changer", "pos": "", "context": "in an ideal world , the public would vote with their channel changers .", "definition": "a person or thing that changes something .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in an ideal world , the public would vote with their channel changers .\" What is the definition of \"changer\"?"} {"term": "gag", "pos": "", "context": "around 1300 + steps and three hours or so later , we were back where started from and absolutely gagging for a beer .", "definition": "be very eager to have or do ( something )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"around 1300 + steps and three hours or so later , we were back where started from and absolutely gagging for a beer .\" What is the definition of \"gag\"?"} {"term": "resonance", "pos": "", "context": "selective resonance at these eigentone frequencies will inevitably colour the sound , especially in small rectangular rooms where the resonant frequencies are high enough to fall within the musical range .", "definition": "the condition in which an object or system is subjected to an oscillating force having a frequency close to its own natural frequency .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"selective resonance at these eigentone frequencies will inevitably colour the sound , especially in small rectangular rooms where the resonant frequencies are high enough to fall within the musical range .\" What is the definition of \"resonance\"?"} {"term": "resonance", "pos": "", "context": "not to be outdone , the nurses looked for a banner carrier whose image would evoke even greater resonance .", "definition": "the power to evoke enduring images , memories , and emotions", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"not to be outdone , the nurses looked for a banner carrier whose image would evoke even greater resonance .\" What is the definition of \"resonance\"?"} {"term": "scrappy", "pos": "", "context": "the general impression was of a scrappy and superficial campaign , facing a coherent and single-minded government .", "definition": "consisting of disorganized , untidy , or incomplete parts", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the general impression was of a scrappy and superficial campaign , facing a coherent and single-minded government .\" What is the definition of \"scrappy\"?"} {"term": "variation", "pos": "", "context": "he patented a variation on the sandal", "definition": "an artifact that deviates from a norm or standard", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he patented a variation on the sandal\" What is the definition of \"variation\"?"} {"term": "variation", "pos": "", "context": "he did publish on electricity and magnetism , the variation of magnetic declination with time as well as several publications on optics and astronomical topics .", "definition": "the angular difference between true north and magnetic north at a particular place .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he did publish on electricity and magnetism , the variation of magnetic declination with time as well as several publications on optics and astronomical topics .\" What is the definition of \"variation\"?"} {"term": "remember", "pos": "", "context": "he remembered her in his will", "definition": "show appreciation to", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he remembered her in his will\" What is the definition of \"remember\"?"} {"term": "remember", "pos": "", "context": "after the shelling , many people lost the ability to remember", "definition": "exercise , or have the power of , memory", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after the shelling , many people lost the ability to remember\" What is the definition of \"remember\"?"} {"term": "cosy", "pos": "", "context": "i want my world rocked and my cosy assumptions blown out of the water .", "definition": "not seeking or offering challenge or difficulty ; complacent", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i want my world rocked and my cosy assumptions blown out of the water .\" What is the definition of \"cosy\"?"} {"term": "idiot", "pos": "", "context": "i felt like such an idiot that morning , like a stupid dog that would follow him around wherever he went .", "definition": "a stupid person .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i felt like such an idiot that morning , like a stupid dog that would follow him around wherever he went .\" What is the definition of \"idiot\"?"} {"term": "compulsion", "pos": "", "context": "this consists of recurring obsessions or compulsions .", "definition": "an irresistible urge to behave in a certain way", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this consists of recurring obsessions or compulsions .\" What is the definition of \"compulsion\"?"} {"term": "appear", "pos": "", "context": "from the moon , earth appears as a bright blue-and-white object in the black sky .", "definition": "come into sight ; become visible or noticeable , especially without apparent cause", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"from the moon , earth appears as a bright blue-and-white object in the black sky .\" What is the definition of \"appear\"?"} {"term": "volcanic", "pos": "", "context": "a volcanic temper", "definition": "explosively unstable", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a volcanic temper\" What is the definition of \"volcanic\"?"} {"term": "infill", "pos": "", "context": "much of today 's field pattern was created by the subsequent subdivision and infilling of this early landscape .", "definition": "fill or block up ( a space or hole )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"much of today 's field pattern was created by the subsequent subdivision and infilling of this early landscape .\" What is the definition of \"infill\"?"} {"term": "credit", "pos": "", "context": "it is the first item on the debit side of the account , that is discharged , or reduced , by the first item on the credit side .", "definition": "an entry recording a sum received , listed on the right-hand side or column of an account", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is the first item on the debit side of the account , that is discharged , or reduced , by the first item on the credit side .\" What is the definition of \"credit\"?"} {"term": "credit", "pos": "", "context": "this is a credit to the hard work of those employees who have skilfully planned and carried out the project from start to finish .", "definition": "a source of pride", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this is a credit to the hard work of those employees who have skilfully planned and carried out the project from start to finish .\" What is the definition of \"credit\"?"} {"term": "credit", "pos": "", "context": "the credits were given at the end of the film", "definition": "an entry on a list of persons who contributed to a film or written work", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the credits were given at the end of the film\" What is the definition of \"credit\"?"} {"term": "skidoo", "pos": "", "context": "i like to think they spend their free time skidooing down mountains .", "definition": "ride on a skidoo", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i like to think they spend their free time skidooing down mountains .\" What is the definition of \"skidoo\"?"} {"term": "decadence", "pos": "", "context": "as an ingredient , it adds decadence to our dairy desserts , a sweet richness to our dairy beverages .", "definition": "luxurious self-indulgence", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as an ingredient , it adds decadence to our dairy desserts , a sweet richness to our dairy beverages .\" What is the definition of \"decadence\"?"} {"term": "nipple", "pos": "", "context": "while nipples in woman serve a purpose , male nipples appear to be simply left over from the initial stage of embryonic development .", "definition": "the vestigial structure in a male that corresponds to the nipple of a female mammal .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"while nipples in woman serve a purpose , male nipples appear to be simply left over from the initial stage of embryonic development .\" What is the definition of \"nipple\"?"} {"term": "grunt", "pos": "", "context": "a hand grabbed his arm and he shook it loose , only turning to face his assailant when he heard a very definite female grunt .", "definition": "a low , short guttural sound made by an animal or a person", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a hand grabbed his arm and he shook it loose , only turning to face his assailant when he heard a very definite female grunt .\" What is the definition of \"grunt\"?"} {"term": "grunt", "pos": "", "context": "infantrymen in vietnam were called grunts", "definition": "an unskilled or low-ranking soldier or other worker", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"infantrymen in vietnam were called grunts\" What is the definition of \"grunt\"?"} {"term": "run", "pos": "", "context": "having a coarse run , she carried a huge body of water in her wake , in which the rudder was useless .", "definition": "the after part of a ship 's bottom where it rises and narrows towards the stern .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"having a coarse run , she carried a huge body of water in her wake , in which the rudder was useless .\" What is the definition of \"run\"?"} {"term": "run", "pos": "", "context": "a few minutes later , my nose is running , i 'm sneezing and coughing , and there are sharp pains behind my eyes .", "definition": "emit or exude a liquid", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a few minutes later , my nose is running , i 'm sneezing and coughing , and there are sharp pains behind my eyes .\" What is the definition of \"run\"?"} {"term": "run", "pos": "", "context": "run the wire behind the cabinet", "definition": "cause something to pass or lead somewhere", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"run the wire behind the cabinet\" What is the definition of \"run\"?"} {"term": "run", "pos": "", "context": "run a subject", "definition": "cause to perform", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"run a subject\" What is the definition of \"run\"?"} {"term": "run", "pos": "", "context": "fine gael is to run two candidates in the renamed east constituency , which has been reduced to a three seater .", "definition": "( especially of a political party ) sponsor ( a candidate ) in an election", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fine gael is to run two candidates in the renamed east constituency , which has been reduced to a three seater .\" What is the definition of \"run\"?"} {"term": "run", "pos": "", "context": "swindon train operator first great western , which runs services from london to wales and the west country , has announced fare rises for 2005 .", "definition": "put ( a form of public transport ) in service", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"swindon train operator first great western , which runs services from london to wales and the west country , has announced fare rises for 2005 .\" What is the definition of \"run\"?"} {"term": "run", "pos": "", "context": "trees should be felled away from any holes , main badger runs or obvious latrines .", "definition": "a track made or regularly used by a particular animal", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"trees should be felled away from any holes , main badger runs or obvious latrines .\" What is the definition of \"run\"?"} {"term": "run", "pos": "", "context": "the film runs 5 hours", "definition": "extend or continue for a certain period of time", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the film runs 5 hours\" What is the definition of \"run\"?"} {"term": "run", "pos": "", "context": "the great cause of conflict was aborigines taking cattle and sheep from newly established grazing runs .", "definition": "a large open stretch of land used for pasture or the raising of stock", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the great cause of conflict was aborigines taking cattle and sheep from newly established grazing runs .\" What is the definition of \"run\"?"} {"term": "run", "pos": "", "context": "tabloid newspapers are running lurid accounts of his battle with cancer .", "definition": "publish or be published in a newspaper or magazine", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tabloid newspapers are running lurid accounts of his battle with cancer .\" What is the definition of \"run\"?"} {"term": "run", "pos": "", "context": "as a result , running around the city trying to get hold of cash has become a full-time occupation for some people .", "definition": "move about in a hurried and hectic way", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as a result , running around the city trying to get hold of cash has become a full-time occupation for some people .\" What is the definition of \"run\"?"} {"term": "run", "pos": "", "context": "lacking in any obvious rationale , the british terrorism-attack practice runs appear more like panicked pr than useful exercises .", "definition": "a preliminary test of a procedure or system", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lacking in any obvious rationale , the british terrorism-attack practice runs appear more like panicked pr than useful exercises .\" What is the definition of \"run\"?"} {"term": "run", "pos": "", "context": "he broke into a run", "definition": "the act of running ; traveling on foot at a fast pace", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he broke into a run\" What is the definition of \"run\"?"} {"term": "run", "pos": "", "context": "she got a run in her stocking", "definition": "a row of unravelled stitches", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she got a run in her stocking\" What is the definition of \"run\"?"} {"term": "run", "pos": "", "context": "plato realizes that the general run of humankind can think , and speak , etc. , without ( so far as they acknowledge ) any awareness of his realm of forms .", "definition": "the average or usual type of person or thing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"plato realizes that the general run of humankind can think , and speak , etc. , without ( so far as they acknowledge ) any awareness of his realm of forms .\" What is the definition of \"run\"?"} {"term": "run", "pos": "", "context": "i guess he had a pretty bad case of the runs , because he kept talking to himself , and flushing the toilet .", "definition": "diarrhoea .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i guess he had a pretty bad case of the runs , because he kept talking to himself , and flushing the toilet .\" What is the definition of \"run\"?"} {"term": "plank", "pos": "", "context": "when i was a gym member i got an instructor to watch me do a plank because i was having trouble .", "definition": "a physical exercise designed to strengthen the abdominal muscles , in which one performs a press-up and holds the raised position for a set period of time", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when i was a gym member i got an instructor to watch me do a plank because i was having trouble .\" What is the definition of \"plank\"?"} {"term": "beater", "pos": "", "context": "if any of your corporate allies do n't like it , they 'll have to come up with a market beater that works this time , or they have no right to comment on what you do .", "definition": "a person or thing that overcomes or prevents something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if any of your corporate allies do n't like it , they 'll have to come up with a market beater that works this time , or they have no right to comment on what you do .\" What is the definition of \"beater\"?"} {"term": "jollity", "pos": "", "context": "the tone of the card is often one of jollity and fun with the sender trying to excuse their laziness with witty remarks and the message that instead of sending cards , they 'll be donating the money to charity .", "definition": "lively and cheerful activity or celebration", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the tone of the card is often one of jollity and fun with the sender trying to excuse their laziness with witty remarks and the message that instead of sending cards , they 'll be donating the money to charity .\" What is the definition of \"jollity\"?"} {"term": "murine", "pos": "", "context": "all mice were housed in a pathogen-free barrier facility in which sentinel mice were periodically monitored for common murine pathogens .", "definition": "relating to or affecting mice or related rodents .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all mice were housed in a pathogen-free barrier facility in which sentinel mice were periodically monitored for common murine pathogens .\" What is the definition of \"murine\"?"} {"term": "life", "pos": "", "context": "there is no life on the moon", "definition": "the organic phenomenon that distinguishes living organisms from nonliving ones", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is no life on the moon\" What is the definition of \"life\"?"} {"term": "life", "pos": "", "context": "at this period el greco did not paint from life , except for the heads in his portraits .", "definition": "( in art ) the depiction of a subject from a real model , rather than from an artist 's imagination", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at this period el greco did not paint from life , except for the heads in his portraits .\" What is the definition of \"life\"?"} {"term": "life", "pos": "", "context": "he appointed himself emperor for life", "definition": "the period from the present until death", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he appointed himself emperor for life\" What is the definition of \"life\"?"} {"term": "dive", "pos": "", "context": "if this were a corner dive bar , the place would be packed , but here people are so spread out , it feels empty , and voices float and echo without colliding .", "definition": "a shabby or sleazy bar or similar establishment", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if this were a corner dive bar , the place would be packed , but here people are so spread out , it feels empty , and voices float and echo without colliding .\" What is the definition of \"dive\"?"} {"term": "dive", "pos": "", "context": "again , a short pumping cadence is efficient ; dropping the high tip low to the water gives the fish more time to dive as you reel to recover line .", "definition": "( of a fish or submarine ) go to a deeper level in water", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"again , a short pumping cadence is efficient ; dropping the high tip low to the water gives the fish more time to dive as you reel to recover line .\" What is the definition of \"dive\"?"} {"term": "anvil", "pos": "", "context": "composed mostly of ice , an anvil cloud gets its shape from the rising air in the thunderstorm that expands and spreads out as the air bumps up against the bottom of the stratosphere .", "definition": "the horizontally extended upper part of a cumulonimbus cloud", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"composed mostly of ice , an anvil cloud gets its shape from the rising air in the thunderstorm that expands and spreads out as the air bumps up against the bottom of the stratosphere .\" What is the definition of \"anvil\"?"} {"term": "profit", "pos": "", "context": "results should profit and serve the profession and people for which they are intended .", "definition": "be beneficial to", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"results should profit and serve the profession and people for which they are intended .\" What is the definition of \"profit\"?"} {"term": "retort", "pos": "", "context": "the first experiments with the caustic potash purification had been conducted in glass retorts , but they were less successful when scaled up .", "definition": "a glass container with a long neck , used in distilling liquids and other chemical operations", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the first experiments with the caustic potash purification had been conducted in glass retorts , but they were less successful when scaled up .\" What is the definition of \"retort\"?"} {"term": "unpleasantness", "pos": "", "context": "this time there was no media coverage as there was no public hostility or unpleasantness .", "definition": "bad feeling or quarrelling between people", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this time there was no media coverage as there was no public hostility or unpleasantness .\" What is the definition of \"unpleasantness\"?"} {"term": "unpleasantness", "pos": "", "context": "when partnered with herring , he adopts a snide , sharp persona to contrast with his sidekick 's village idiot act , and the resulting personality clash provides ample opportunity for eloquent unpleasantness .", "definition": "the state or quality of being unpleasant", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when partnered with herring , he adopts a snide , sharp persona to contrast with his sidekick 's village idiot act , and the resulting personality clash provides ample opportunity for eloquent unpleasantness .\" What is the definition of \"unpleasantness\"?"} {"term": "margin", "pos": "", "context": "students first draw a 2-inch margin around the edge of the paper , and then position the projected image on the paper .", "definition": "a line ruled on paper to mark off a margin .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"students first draw a 2-inch margin around the edge of the paper , and then position the projected image on the paper .\" What is the definition of \"margin\"?"} {"term": "suburban", "pos": "", "context": "suburban population", "definition": "relating to or characteristic of or situated in suburbs", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"suburban population\" What is the definition of \"suburban\"?"} {"term": "hectolitre", "pos": "", "context": "annual capacity would be 200,000 tonnes , equivalent to 1.7 million barrels or 1.97 million hectolitres of beer .", "definition": "a metric unit of capacity equal to one hundred litres , used especially for wine , beer , grain , and other agricultural produce .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"annual capacity would be 200,000 tonnes , equivalent to 1.7 million barrels or 1.97 million hectolitres of beer .\" What is the definition of \"hectolitre\"?"} {"term": "malefactor", "pos": "", "context": "the cure for crime is locking up malefactors and doing so with equal and impartial enthusiasm regardless of skin colour .", "definition": "a person who commits a crime or some other wrong .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the cure for crime is locking up malefactors and doing so with equal and impartial enthusiasm regardless of skin colour .\" What is the definition of \"malefactor\"?"} {"term": "slash", "pos": "", "context": "the slash caught locke from his left cheek in a diagonal line to his forehead .", "definition": "a wide , sweeping stroke made with a knife or sword", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the slash caught locke from his left cheek in a diagonal line to his forehead .\" What is the definition of \"slash\"?"} {"term": "hesperus", "pos": "", "context": "this is a tautology since hesperus and phosphorus are both the planet venus - the two expressions thus have the same extension .", "definition": "the planet venus .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this is a tautology since hesperus and phosphorus are both the planet venus - the two expressions thus have the same extension .\" What is the definition of \"hesperus\"?"} {"term": "lith", "pos": "", "context": "since lith film is easily damaged by handling , i recommend leaving at least a half-inch border around the enlarged negative for manipulation with tongs or fingers .", "definition": "photographic film with a very thin coat of emulsion , producing images of high contrast and density", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"since lith film is easily damaged by handling , i recommend leaving at least a half-inch border around the enlarged negative for manipulation with tongs or fingers .\" What is the definition of \"lith\"?"} {"term": "summon", "pos": "", "context": "summon all your courage", "definition": "gather or bring together", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"summon all your courage\" What is the definition of \"summon\"?"} {"term": "punjabi", "pos": "", "context": "there are many punjabi singers who are from canada , but we will definitely make a mark .", "definition": "relating to punjab or its people or language .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there are many punjabi singers who are from canada , but we will definitely make a mark .\" What is the definition of \"punjabi\"?"} {"term": "dollar", "pos": "", "context": "the dollar coin has never been popular in the united states", "definition": "a united states coin worth one dollar", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the dollar coin has never been popular in the united states\" What is the definition of \"dollar\"?"} {"term": "mexican", "pos": "", "context": "the mexican economy is growing by roughly 4 to 4.5 percent a year .", "definition": "relating to mexico or its people", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the mexican economy is growing by roughly 4 to 4.5 percent a year .\" What is the definition of \"mexican\"?"} {"term": "protractor", "pos": "", "context": "we are pushed into thinking that illusions must be departures from quite simple-minded physics , as measured with rulers , protractors , and clocks .", "definition": "an instrument for measuring angles , typically in the form of a flat semicircle marked with degrees along the curved edge .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we are pushed into thinking that illusions must be departures from quite simple-minded physics , as measured with rulers , protractors , and clocks .\" What is the definition of \"protractor\"?"} {"term": "arcadian", "pos": "", "context": "the ‘ fancy pictures ’ , arcadian rustic themes like the peasant girl gathering sticks , led on to the sentiment of early romanticism .", "definition": "relating to an ideal pastoral paradise .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ‘ fancy pictures ’ , arcadian rustic themes like the peasant girl gathering sticks , led on to the sentiment of early romanticism .\" What is the definition of \"arcadian\"?"} {"term": "recess", "pos": "", "context": "recess the piece of wood", "definition": "make a recess in", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"recess the piece of wood\" What is the definition of \"recess\"?"} {"term": "direction", "pos": "", "context": "the trend indicates the general tendency or direction over the long-term .", "definition": "a general way in which someone or something is developing ; a trend or tendency", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the trend indicates the general tendency or direction over the long-term .\" What is the definition of \"direction\"?"} {"term": "direction", "pos": "", "context": "i was genuinely surprised by the solid , thoughtful direction levin gave his film .", "definition": "the work of directing the actors and other staff in a film , play , or other production .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i was genuinely surprised by the solid , thoughtful direction levin gave his film .\" What is the definition of \"direction\"?"} {"term": "direction", "pos": "", "context": "he looked the other direction", "definition": "a line leading to a place or point", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he looked the other direction\" What is the definition of \"direction\"?"} {"term": "direction", "pos": "", "context": "like the rails that keep a train on track , they provide direction , motive and purpose .", "definition": "general aim or purpose", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"like the rails that keep a train on track , they provide direction , motive and purpose .\" What is the definition of \"direction\"?"} {"term": "rheostat", "pos": "", "context": "the light started to brighten as if turned by a rheostat .", "definition": "an electrical instrument used to control a current by varying the resistance .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the light started to brighten as if turned by a rheostat .\" What is the definition of \"rheostat\"?"} {"term": "druse", "pos": "", "context": "the crystals form druses that line the pockets and partially coat the copper crystal groups .", "definition": "the crust of crystals lining a druse .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the crystals form druses that line the pockets and partially coat the copper crystal groups .\" What is the definition of \"druse\"?"} {"term": "bill", "pos": "", "context": "the flukes will be buried into the seabed . the very tip of a fluke is sometimes called the bill .", "definition": "the point of an anchor fluke .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the flukes will be buried into the seabed . the very tip of a fluke is sometimes called the bill .\" What is the definition of \"bill\"?"} {"term": "climb", "pos": "", "context": "did you ever climb up the hill behind your house ?", "definition": "go upward with gradual or continuous progress", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"did you ever climb up the hill behind your house ?\" What is the definition of \"climb\"?"} {"term": "climb", "pos": "", "context": "it was a difficult climb to the top", "definition": "the act of climbing something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was a difficult climb to the top\" What is the definition of \"climb\"?"} {"term": "climb", "pos": "", "context": "as he moved closer to climb inside he saw her face lit up by the moonlight .", "definition": "move with effort , especially into or out of a confined space ; clamber", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as he moved closer to climb inside he saw her face lit up by the moonlight .\" What is the definition of \"climb\"?"} {"term": "wanton", "pos": "", "context": "she , who had not come to wanton , used a borrowed wantonness as the instrument of her devotion and courage .", "definition": "behave in a sexually immodest or promiscuous way", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she , who had not come to wanton , used a borrowed wantonness as the instrument of her devotion and courage .\" What is the definition of \"wanton\"?"} {"term": "erethism", "pos": "", "context": "but these are not worthy concerns , they are mere symptoms of a moral erethism ( mental over-excitement ) .", "definition": "a state of abnormal mental excitement or irritation .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but these are not worthy concerns , they are mere symptoms of a moral erethism ( mental over-excitement ) .\" What is the definition of \"erethism\"?"} {"term": "quandary", "pos": "", "context": "i too would be in a quandary as to how to vote were we to have a referendum soon - just like many of the french interviewed about their voting intentions in the past few days .", "definition": "a state of perplexity or uncertainty over what to do in a difficult situation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i too would be in a quandary as to how to vote were we to have a referendum soon - just like many of the french interviewed about their voting intentions in the past few days .\" What is the definition of \"quandary\"?"} {"term": "shellac", "pos": "", "context": "after the lakers play the pacers , you do n't have representatives of both teams out arguing that their side shellacked the opposition .", "definition": "defeat or beat ( someone ) decisively", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after the lakers play the pacers , you do n't have representatives of both teams out arguing that their side shellacked the opposition .\" What is the definition of \"shellac\"?"} {"term": "shellac", "pos": "", "context": "she wanted to shellac the desk to protect it from water spots", "definition": "cover with shellac", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she wanted to shellac the desk to protect it from water spots\" What is the definition of \"shellac\"?"} {"term": "fancy", "pos": "", "context": "yesterday when i brought out a platter of fancy cheeses , chichi crackers , and sliced pears for dessert r. was both astonished and delighted .", "definition": "( especially of foodstuffs ) of high quality", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"yesterday when i brought out a platter of fancy cheeses , chichi crackers , and sliced pears for dessert r. was both astonished and delighted .\" What is the definition of \"fancy\"?"} {"term": "glory", "pos": "", "context": "black-eyed and skeletal , she seemed to be almost glorying in her predicament .", "definition": "exult in unpleasantly or boastfully", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"black-eyed and skeletal , she seemed to be almost glorying in her predicament .\" What is the definition of \"glory\"?"} {"term": "outpoint", "pos": "", "context": "he outpointed his opponent to win a unanimous decision .", "definition": "defeat ( an opponent ) on points", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he outpointed his opponent to win a unanimous decision .\" What is the definition of \"outpoint\"?"} {"term": "injunction", "pos": "", "context": "injunction were formerly obtained by writ but now by a judicial order", "definition": "( law ) a judicial remedy issued in order to prohibit a party from doing or continuing to do a certain activity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"injunction were formerly obtained by writ but now by a judicial order\" What is the definition of \"injunction\"?"} {"term": "depart", "pos": "", "context": "george washington , as we all know , advised strongly , as he departed his presidency , that we should avoid all entangling alliances with foreign nations .", "definition": "leave ( one 's job )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"george washington , as we all know , advised strongly , as he departed his presidency , that we should avoid all entangling alliances with foreign nations .\" What is the definition of \"depart\"?"} {"term": "depart", "pos": "", "context": "it departs from the photographic style she has mostly favoured and adopts a story-telling stance .", "definition": "deviate from ( an accepted , prescribed , or usual course of action )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it departs from the photographic style she has mostly favoured and adopts a story-telling stance .\" What is the definition of \"depart\"?"} {"term": "coronal", "pos": "", "context": "the images will be used by noaa and the u.s. air force to monitor and forecast solar flares , coronal mass ejections , coronal holes and active regions .", "definition": "relating to the corona of the sun or another star", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the images will be used by noaa and the u.s. air force to monitor and forecast solar flares , coronal mass ejections , coronal holes and active regions .\" What is the definition of \"coronal\"?"} {"term": "funk", "pos": "", "context": "as for formals , i 'd suggest bringing a few cocktail dresses and some accessories to funk them up a bit .", "definition": "give music elements of funk", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as for formals , i 'd suggest bringing a few cocktail dresses and some accessories to funk them up a bit .\" What is the definition of \"funk\"?"} {"term": "disagreement", "pos": "", "context": "the apparent disagreement between the result of field and ours was solved by a model simulation .", "definition": "lack of consistency or correspondence", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the apparent disagreement between the result of field and ours was solved by a model simulation .\" What is the definition of \"disagreement\"?"} {"term": "owe", "pos": "", "context": "brigget was nowhere to be found , so i helped myself to a mouth-wateringly good cherry tomato . man , was it good ! brigget , i owe you for a tomato . okay , okay… i owe you for two tomatoes !", "definition": "owe something , especially money , to", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"brigget was nowhere to be found , so i helped myself to a mouth-wateringly good cherry tomato . man , was it good ! brigget , i owe you for a tomato . okay , okay… i owe you for two tomatoes !\" What is the definition of \"owe\"?"} {"term": "lard", "pos": "", "context": "lard meat", "definition": "prepare or cook with lard", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lard meat\" What is the definition of \"lard\"?"} {"term": "catechesis", "pos": "", "context": "we urgently need an effective program of catechesis and religious education on all levels .", "definition": "( in roman catholic use ) religious instruction in general .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we urgently need an effective program of catechesis and religious education on all levels .\" What is the definition of \"catechesis\"?"} {"term": "argument", "pos": "", "context": "then i got into a heated argument with the snotty salesman who would not allow me to test it outside !", "definition": "an exchange of diverging or opposite views , typically a heated or angry one", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"then i got into a heated argument with the snotty salesman who would not allow me to test it outside !\" What is the definition of \"argument\"?"} {"term": "tambour", "pos": "", "context": "the tajik style of tapestries typically has floral designs on silk or cotton and is made on a tambour frame .", "definition": "a circular frame for holding fabric taut while it is being embroidered .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the tajik style of tapestries typically has floral designs on silk or cotton and is made on a tambour frame .\" What is the definition of \"tambour\"?"} {"term": "tambour", "pos": "", "context": "the practical significance of the tambour is that if you hit a shot off the sloped section ( the ‘ face ’ ) , it changes direction ninety degrees .", "definition": "a sloping buttress or projection in a real tennis or fives court .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the practical significance of the tambour is that if you hit a shot off the sloped section ( the ‘ face ’ ) , it changes direction ninety degrees .\" What is the definition of \"tambour\"?"} {"term": "dandle", "pos": "", "context": "he longs for grandchildren to dandle on his knee through his dotage .", "definition": "move ( a baby or young child ) up and down in a playful or affectionate way", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he longs for grandchildren to dandle on his knee through his dotage .\" What is the definition of \"dandle\"?"} {"term": "dachshund", "pos": "", "context": "he glanced down toward the end of the bed , where scottie , his miniature dachshund was sound asleep .", "definition": "a dog of a very short-legged , long-bodied breed .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he glanced down toward the end of the bed , where scottie , his miniature dachshund was sound asleep .\" What is the definition of \"dachshund\"?"} {"term": "pain", "pos": "", "context": "as the intensity increased the sensation changed from tickle to pain", "definition": "a somatic sensation of acute discomfort", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as the intensity increased the sensation changed from tickle to pain\" What is the definition of \"pain\"?"} {"term": "t-bar", "pos": "", "context": "nearby , a woman in a pair of t-bar sandals asked softly for a copy of 'ghandi and non-violence ' .", "definition": "a t-shaped fastening on a shoe or sandal", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nearby , a woman in a pair of t-bar sandals asked softly for a copy of 'ghandi and non-violence ' .\" What is the definition of \"t-bar\"?"} {"term": "walrus", "pos": "", "context": "polar bears are seagoing hunters that roam vast areas of the arctic , pursuing a movable feast of seals , narwhals , beluga whales , and walruses .", "definition": "a large gregarious marine mammal related to the eared seals , having two large downward-pointing tusks and found in the arctic ocean .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"polar bears are seagoing hunters that roam vast areas of the arctic , pursuing a movable feast of seals , narwhals , beluga whales , and walruses .\" What is the definition of \"walrus\"?"} {"term": "lumbering", "pos": "", "context": "you go down to the beach in a group after dark and wait patiently until the turtles turn up - big , lumbering , shelled shapes , dragging themselves over the sand .", "definition": "moving in a slow , heavy , awkward way", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you go down to the beach in a group after dark and wait patiently until the turtles turn up - big , lumbering , shelled shapes , dragging themselves over the sand .\" What is the definition of \"lumbering\"?"} {"term": "dwarf", "pos": "", "context": "so the coolest , dimmest dwarfs represent the remnants of the oldest stars .", "definition": "a star of relatively small size and low luminosity , including the majority of main sequence stars .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so the coolest , dimmest dwarfs represent the remnants of the oldest stars .\" What is the definition of \"dwarf\"?"} {"term": "discontinuity", "pos": "", "context": "in the last chapter , the editors pull together a number of themes such as the future of career , continuity and discontinuity in work , meaning making , and power and conflict , all of which were raised by the other contributors .", "definition": "the state of having intervals or gaps ; lack of continuity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the last chapter , the editors pull together a number of themes such as the future of career , continuity and discontinuity in work , meaning making , and power and conflict , all of which were raised by the other contributors .\" What is the definition of \"discontinuity\"?"} {"term": "widow", "pos": "", "context": "in africa , for instance , there are birds called widows and whydahs , many of which have tails longer than a foot .", "definition": "a widowbird .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in africa , for instance , there are birds called widows and whydahs , many of which have tails longer than a foot .\" What is the definition of \"widow\"?"} {"term": "symmetry", "pos": "", "context": "it 's also a tidy world , with a degree of moral symmetry between the past and the present .", "definition": "similarity or exact correspondence between different things", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's also a tidy world , with a degree of moral symmetry between the past and the present .\" What is the definition of \"symmetry\"?"} {"term": "connection", "pos": "", "context": "the many facets and connections of wesleyan methodism make it difficult to generalize about its importance .", "definition": "an association of methodist churches", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the many facets and connections of wesleyan methodism make it difficult to generalize about its importance .\" What is the definition of \"connection\"?"} {"term": "connection", "pos": "", "context": "a second electrical conductor forms an electrical connection with the patient 's body .", "definition": "a link between electrical components or pipes", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a second electrical conductor forms an electrical connection with the patient 's body .\" What is the definition of \"connection\"?"} {"term": "connection", "pos": "", "context": "‘ things ’ are placed within the environments , and the viewer has to make the connections between the things , the illness and reality .", "definition": "a relationship in which a person or thing is linked or associated with something else", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ things ’ are placed within the environments , and the viewer has to make the connections between the things , the illness and reality .\" What is the definition of \"connection\"?"} {"term": "perfusate", "pos": "", "context": "we allowed flow to continue until less than 1 drop of perfusate drained from the circulation in 10 seconds .", "definition": "a fluid used in perfusion .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we allowed flow to continue until less than 1 drop of perfusate drained from the circulation in 10 seconds .\" What is the definition of \"perfusate\"?"} {"term": "hind", "pos": "", "context": "back ( or hind ) legs", "definition": "located at or near the back of an animal", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"back ( or hind ) legs\" What is the definition of \"hind\"?"} {"term": "supporting", "pos": "", "context": "the anxious child needs supporting and accepting treatment from the teacher", "definition": "furnishing support and encouragement", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the anxious child needs supporting and accepting treatment from the teacher\" What is the definition of \"supporting\"?"} {"term": "close", "pos": "", "context": "he pulled out a sheet of thin blue paper covered in close type .", "definition": "with very little or no space in between ; dense", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he pulled out a sheet of thin blue paper covered in close type .\" What is the definition of \"close\"?"} {"term": "close", "pos": "", "context": "close the door", "definition": "move so that an opening or passage is obstructed ; make shut", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"close the door\" What is the definition of \"close\"?"} {"term": "close", "pos": "", "context": "in this way , the capsule can open and close an electric circuit depending on the angle at which it is tipped .", "definition": "make ( an electric circuit ) continuous", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in this way , the capsule can open and close an electric circuit depending on the angle at which it is tipped .\" What is the definition of \"close\"?"} {"term": "close", "pos": "", "context": "can you close the cracks with caulking ?", "definition": "fill or stop up", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"can you close the cracks with caulking ?\" What is the definition of \"close\"?"} {"term": "slur", "pos": "", "context": "‘ this point is sometimes forgotten , and sometimes slurred over , ’ observed eoghan o neachtain in 1902 .", "definition": "pass over ( a fact or aspect ) so as to conceal or minimize it", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ this point is sometimes forgotten , and sometimes slurred over , ’ observed eoghan o neachtain in 1902 .\" What is the definition of \"slur\"?"} {"term": "flume", "pos": "", "context": "tom could n't get enough of the mini flume and waterslide .", "definition": "a winding tubular water slide or chute at a swimming pool or amusement park .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tom could n't get enough of the mini flume and waterslide .\" What is the definition of \"flume\"?"} {"term": "convergence", "pos": "", "context": "the assumption is that a strong convergence zone appeared in the skies above central namibia which was the cause of the downpours of the last two weeks .", "definition": "a location where airflows or ocean currents meet , characteristically marked by upwelling ( of air ) or downwelling ( of water ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the assumption is that a strong convergence zone appeared in the skies above central namibia which was the cause of the downpours of the last two weeks .\" What is the definition of \"convergence\"?"} {"term": "abscond", "pos": "", "context": "in these circumstances the majority of the colony absconded , leaving a few hundred freshly emerged workers behind .", "definition": "( of a colony of honeybees , especially africanized ones ) entirely abandon a hive or nest .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in these circumstances the majority of the colony absconded , leaving a few hundred freshly emerged workers behind .\" What is the definition of \"abscond\"?"} {"term": "goulash", "pos": "", "context": "since the days of the austro-hungarian empire , the austrians have incorporated goulash into their menu .", "definition": "a highly seasoned hungarian soup or stew of meat and vegetables , flavoured with paprika .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"since the days of the austro-hungarian empire , the austrians have incorporated goulash into their menu .\" What is the definition of \"goulash\"?"} {"term": "labyrinth", "pos": "", "context": "if the membranous labyrinth ruptures , the endolymph mixes with another inner ear fluid called perilymph .", "definition": "a complex structure in the inner ear which contains the organs of hearing and balance . it consists of bony cavities ( the bony labyrinth ) filled with fluid and lined with sensitive membranes ( the membranous labyrinth ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if the membranous labyrinth ruptures , the endolymph mixes with another inner ear fluid called perilymph .\" What is the definition of \"labyrinth\"?"} {"term": "cupola", "pos": "", "context": "the vehicle is protected with an armoured superstructure and fitted with an armoured observation cupola .", "definition": "a gun turret .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the vehicle is protected with an armoured superstructure and fitted with an armoured observation cupola .\" What is the definition of \"cupola\"?"} {"term": "kirkyard", "pos": "", "context": "the committee agreed by five votes to four not to grant permission for siting the plaque on the kirkyard wall .", "definition": "a churchyard .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the committee agreed by five votes to four not to grant permission for siting the plaque on the kirkyard wall .\" What is the definition of \"kirkyard\"?"} {"term": "drain", "pos": "", "context": "her lumbar drain and indwelling foley catheter was removed the morning after surgery , and she ambulated in the hall later that morning .", "definition": "a tube for drawing off accumulating fluid from a body cavity or an abscess .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her lumbar drain and indwelling foley catheter was removed the morning after surgery , and she ambulated in the hall later that morning .\" What is the definition of \"drain\"?"} {"term": "nail", "pos": "", "context": "he nailed down a spot at harvard", "definition": "succeed in obtaining a position", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he nailed down a spot at harvard\" What is the definition of \"nail\"?"} {"term": "pretext", "pos": "", "context": "he has often sought to justify repression on the pretexts of threatened coups against his government .", "definition": "a reason given in justification of a course of action that is not the real reason", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he has often sought to justify repression on the pretexts of threatened coups against his government .\" What is the definition of \"pretext\"?"} {"term": "cut", "pos": "", "context": "france , a former newsweek reporter , juggles dozens of story lines , cutting quickly from scene to scene to achieve cinematic momentum .", "definition": "move to another shot in a film", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"france , a former newsweek reporter , juggles dozens of story lines , cutting quickly from scene to scene to achieve cinematic momentum .\" What is the definition of \"cut\"?"} {"term": "cut", "pos": "", "context": "even ethiopia , situated on a high plateau , which was cut up by mountains and vast canyons that made internal travel difficult , was accessible only from an exceptionally hot and unpleasant desert coast .", "definition": "make divisions in ( something )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"even ethiopia , situated on a high plateau , which was cut up by mountains and vast canyons that made internal travel difficult , was accessible only from an exceptionally hot and unpleasant desert coast .\" What is the definition of \"cut\"?"} {"term": "cut", "pos": "", "context": "cut a dress", "definition": "style and tailor in a certain fashion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cut a dress\" What is the definition of \"cut\"?"} {"term": "cut", "pos": "", "context": "the loggers come to the forest with mechanical chainsaws , cut the trees down indiscriminately and load them onto trucks before leaving the forest as if nothing had happened .", "definition": "cause something to fall by cutting it through at the base", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the loggers come to the forest with mechanical chainsaws , cut the trees down indiscriminately and load them onto trucks before leaving the forest as if nothing had happened .\" What is the definition of \"cut\"?"} {"term": "cut", "pos": "", "context": "o.k. , let 's cut right there for a second .", "definition": "stop filming or recording", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"o.k. , let 's cut right there for a second .\" What is the definition of \"cut\"?"} {"term": "cut", "pos": "", "context": "if you 're concerned about the amount of fat you take in , choose leaner cuts , cook the meat longer and concentrate more on chicken and turkey .", "definition": "a piece of meat cut from a carcass", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if you 're concerned about the amount of fat you take in , choose leaner cuts , cook the meat longer and concentrate more on chicken and turkey .\" What is the definition of \"cut\"?"} {"term": "cut", "pos": "", "context": "they 're nice set pieces , but it 's easy to see why they were cut from the final print .", "definition": "abridge ( a text , film , or performance ) by removing material", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they 're nice set pieces , but it 's easy to see why they were cut from the final print .\" What is the definition of \"cut\"?"} {"term": "cut", "pos": "", "context": "he played the first cut on the cd", "definition": "a distinct selection of music from a recording or a compact disc", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he played the first cut on the cd\" What is the definition of \"cut\"?"} {"term": "cut", "pos": "", "context": "cut my hair", "definition": "shorten as if by severing the edges or ends of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cut my hair\" What is the definition of \"cut\"?"} {"term": "cut", "pos": "", "context": "the new tooth is cutting", "definition": "grow through the gums", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the new tooth is cutting\" What is the definition of \"cut\"?"} {"term": "cut", "pos": "", "context": "dr. zachariah also testified that the achilles ' tendons of many wounded persons were cut to prevent them from fleeing .", "definition": "separate ( something ) into two ; sever", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dr. zachariah also testified that the achilles ' tendons of many wounded persons were cut to prevent them from fleeing .\" What is the definition of \"cut\"?"} {"term": "cut", "pos": "", "context": "the baby cut a tooth", "definition": "have grow through the gums", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the baby cut a tooth\" What is the definition of \"cut\"?"} {"term": "cut", "pos": "", "context": "his cuts were skillful", "definition": "the act of cutting something into parts", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his cuts were skillful\" What is the definition of \"cut\"?"} {"term": "tangle", "pos": "", "context": "kelps are generally larger than the wracks and the most common , known as tangle or oarweed , laminaria digitata , grows up to 3 – 4 metres long .", "definition": "any of a number of brown seaweeds , especially oarweed .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"kelps are generally larger than the wracks and the most common , known as tangle or oarweed , laminaria digitata , grows up to 3 – 4 metres long .\" What is the definition of \"tangle\"?"} {"term": "sideswipe", "pos": "", "context": "a drunk driver failed to see her bright flashing lights , sideswiped her vehicle , and plowed into the back of the truck .", "definition": "strike with a glancing blow", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a drunk driver failed to see her bright flashing lights , sideswiped her vehicle , and plowed into the back of the truck .\" What is the definition of \"sideswipe\"?"} {"term": "sideswipe", "pos": "", "context": "and there 's now new research offering ways to prevent head injury , especially from 4-wheel-drives , which can be even more hazardous in sideswipes .", "definition": "a glancing blow from or on the side of something , especially a motor vehicle .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and there 's now new research offering ways to prevent head injury , especially from 4-wheel-drives , which can be even more hazardous in sideswipes .\" What is the definition of \"sideswipe\"?"} {"term": "nickname", "pos": "", "context": "the nickname for the u.s. constitution is `old ironsides '", "definition": "a descriptive name for a place or thing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the nickname for the u.s. constitution is `old ironsides '\" What is the definition of \"nickname\"?"} {"term": "bat", "pos": "", "context": "bat the ball", "definition": "strike with , or as if with a baseball bat", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bat the ball\" What is the definition of \"bat\"?"} {"term": "bat", "pos": "", "context": "today it was the turn of cathryn fitzpatrick to wreak havoc with the bat .", "definition": "a turn at playing with a bat .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"today it was the turn of cathryn fitzpatrick to wreak havoc with the bat .\" What is the definition of \"bat\"?"} {"term": "chemoattractant", "pos": "", "context": "this fungus has just two mating types and pheromones are secreted to act as chemoattractants for identifying compatible mating partners .", "definition": "a substance which attracts motile cells of a particular type .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this fungus has just two mating types and pheromones are secreted to act as chemoattractants for identifying compatible mating partners .\" What is the definition of \"chemoattractant\"?"} {"term": "skyway", "pos": "", "context": "he crossed the skyway and waited in the first security check line .", "definition": "a covered overhead walkway between buildings", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he crossed the skyway and waited in the first security check line .\" What is the definition of \"skyway\"?"} {"term": "chest", "pos": "", "context": "and in the late evening i was bundled off to the accident and emergency department suffering from bad pains in the chest .", "definition": "the whole of a person 's upper trunk , especially as considered with reference to their respiratory health or to their size of clothes", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and in the late evening i was bundled off to the accident and emergency department suffering from bad pains in the chest .\" What is the definition of \"chest\"?"} {"term": "quell", "pos": "", "context": "quell my hunger", "definition": "overcome or allay", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"quell my hunger\" What is the definition of \"quell\"?"} {"term": "zionist", "pos": "", "context": "the zionist mainstream began planning their own fight for independence .", "definition": "relating to or advocating zionism", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the zionist mainstream began planning their own fight for independence .\" What is the definition of \"zionist\"?"} {"term": "cable", "pos": "", "context": "cable trees", "definition": "fasten with a cable", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cable trees\" What is the definition of \"cable\"?"} {"term": "cable", "pos": "", "context": "he cabled to him that he was ‘ very sorry to learn that i appear to have got the government in trouble ’ .", "definition": "send a cablegram", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he cabled to him that he was ‘ very sorry to learn that i appear to have got the government in trouble ’ .\" What is the definition of \"cable\"?"} {"term": "ermine", "pos": "", "context": "the coloring scheme of ermine can also be changed .", "definition": "fur represented as black spots on a white ground , as a heraldic tincture", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the coloring scheme of ermine can also be changed .\" What is the definition of \"ermine\"?"} {"term": "ascarid", "pos": "", "context": "roundworms , also know as ascarids , are transmitted from mothers to nursing kittens or through the cat ingesting eggs or other hosts ( such as mice ) that are infected with the eggs .", "definition": "a parasitic nematode worm of a family ( `` ascaridae ' ) whose members typically live in the intestines of vertebrates .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"roundworms , also know as ascarids , are transmitted from mothers to nursing kittens or through the cat ingesting eggs or other hosts ( such as mice ) that are infected with the eggs .\" What is the definition of \"ascarid\"?"} {"term": "blessing", "pos": "", "context": "the anglican church has given its blessing for mobile phone masts to be erected in two of its church towers in yorkshire - just as long as they 're not used to transmit porn .", "definition": "a person 's sanction or support", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the anglican church has given its blessing for mobile phone masts to be erected in two of its church towers in yorkshire - just as long as they 're not used to transmit porn .\" What is the definition of \"blessing\"?"} {"term": "chip", "pos": "", "context": "i also found a nice handmade chip basket in different colored wood .", "definition": "wood or woody fibre split into thin strips and used for weaving hats or baskets .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i also found a nice handmade chip basket in different colored wood .\" What is the definition of \"chip\"?"} {"term": "chip", "pos": "", "context": "that movement saved him , as another silenced gunshot rang out , chipping the hard concrete floor above him .", "definition": "cut or break ( a small piece ) from a hard material", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that movement saved him , as another silenced gunshot rang out , chipping the hard concrete floor above him .\" What is the definition of \"chip\"?"} {"term": "convertible", "pos": "", "context": "a £38,000 bmw m3 convertible car , which had been stolen in a commercial burglary in leeds , was recovered in east bowling .", "definition": "( of a car ) having a folding or detachable roof", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a £38,000 bmw m3 convertible car , which had been stolen in a commercial burglary in leeds , was recovered in east bowling .\" What is the definition of \"convertible\"?"} {"term": "decision", "pos": "", "context": "the team dropped three decisions in a row", "definition": "the outcome of a game or contest", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the team dropped three decisions in a row\" What is the definition of \"decision\"?"} {"term": "stonewall", "pos": "", "context": "but when the journalist politely quizzed barry about his pay - whether he felt it complied with the recent sentiment about corporate accountability , and whether he felt earned it - all we got was a stonewall .", "definition": "an act of delaying or obstructing a person , request , or process", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but when the journalist politely quizzed barry about his pay - whether he felt it complied with the recent sentiment about corporate accountability , and whether he felt earned it - all we got was a stonewall .\" What is the definition of \"stonewall\"?"} {"term": "resolve", "pos": "", "context": "after a heated debate , the meeting resolved to form a committee to consolidate and investigate the origins of the lists .", "definition": "( of a legislative body or other formal meeting ) make a decision by a formal vote", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after a heated debate , the meeting resolved to form a committee to consolidate and investigate the origins of the lists .\" What is the definition of \"resolve\"?"} {"term": "resolve", "pos": "", "context": "having resolved to follow this course of action i contacted both england and russia and formed an alliance to the detriment of germany .", "definition": "decide firmly on a course of action", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"having resolved to follow this course of action i contacted both england and russia and formed an alliance to the detriment of germany .\" What is the definition of \"resolve\"?"} {"term": "resolve", "pos": "", "context": "joe 's resolve crumbled further as he nearly shook with rage .", "definition": "firm determination to do something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"joe 's resolve crumbled further as he nearly shook with rage .\" What is the definition of \"resolve\"?"} {"term": "maritime", "pos": "", "context": "this species lives exclusively in or near sandy soils within coastal dune and scrub communities and maritime chaparral .", "definition": "living or found in or near the sea", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this species lives exclusively in or near sandy soils within coastal dune and scrub communities and maritime chaparral .\" What is the definition of \"maritime\"?"} {"term": "mandate", "pos": "", "context": "with the money , it will acquire and restructure more mills , as mandated by the state council .", "definition": "give ( someone ) authority to act in a certain way", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with the money , it will acquire and restructure more mills , as mandated by the state council .\" What is the definition of \"mandate\"?"} {"term": "mandate", "pos": "", "context": "the new director of the school board mandated regular tests", "definition": "make mandatory", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the new director of the school board mandated regular tests\" What is the definition of \"mandate\"?"} {"term": "capitulation", "pos": "", "context": "if these capitulations contain conditions which curtail the jurisdiction or the prerogatives of the bishop , the privileges of the diocese , or the like , then they do not bind the candidate-elect .", "definition": "an agreement or set of conditions .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if these capitulations contain conditions which curtail the jurisdiction or the prerogatives of the bishop , the privileges of the diocese , or the like , then they do not bind the candidate-elect .\" What is the definition of \"capitulation\"?"} {"term": "manicure", "pos": "", "context": "manicure fingernails", "definition": "trim carefully and neatly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"manicure fingernails\" What is the definition of \"manicure\"?"} {"term": "turning", "pos": "", "context": "the law took many turnings over the years", "definition": "act of changing in practice or custom", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the law took many turnings over the years\" What is the definition of \"turning\"?"} {"term": "bullfinch", "pos": "", "context": "such riches are not without robbers , and we observed male purple-throats defending their patches , repelling other purple-throats as well as saint lucia orioles and lesser antillean bullfinches .", "definition": "a caribbean songbird of the bunting family , resembling the old world bullfinch .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"such riches are not without robbers , and we observed male purple-throats defending their patches , repelling other purple-throats as well as saint lucia orioles and lesser antillean bullfinches .\" What is the definition of \"bullfinch\"?"} {"term": "antic", "pos": "", "context": "‘ rapper 's delight ’ is played again , the punks doing an antic dance , pogoing on the couch , playing at break dancing , striking poses .", "definition": "grotesque or bizarre .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ rapper 's delight ’ is played again , the punks doing an antic dance , pogoing on the couch , playing at break dancing , striking poses .\" What is the definition of \"antic\"?"} {"term": "think", "pos": "", "context": "think the matter through", "definition": "ponder ; reflect on , or reason about", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"think the matter through\" What is the definition of \"think\"?"} {"term": "think", "pos": "", "context": "the tendency is to take what he wants , and act as he wants without thinking of the possible effect on others .", "definition": "take into consideration when deciding on a possible action", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the tendency is to take what he wants , and act as he wants without thinking of the possible effect on others .\" What is the definition of \"think\"?"} {"term": "think", "pos": "", "context": "when i stopped coughing and spluttering , we sat down , had a think and decided to let her have one .", "definition": "an act of thinking", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when i stopped coughing and spluttering , we sat down , had a think and decided to let her have one .\" What is the definition of \"think\"?"} {"term": "pencil", "pos": "", "context": "she then took a sketchpad from her handbag , along with some drawing pencils and an eraser .", "definition": "an instrument for writing or drawing , consisting of a thin stick of graphite or a similar substance enclosed in a long thin piece of wood or fixed in a cylindrical case", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she then took a sketchpad from her handbag , along with some drawing pencils and an eraser .\" What is the definition of \"pencil\"?"} {"term": "pencil", "pos": "", "context": "mark then started nipping on the edges of the pencil shaped hole .", "definition": "something with the shape of a pencil", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mark then started nipping on the edges of the pencil shaped hole .\" What is the definition of \"pencil\"?"} {"term": "pencil", "pos": "", "context": "it 's startling at one point to see her appear in a series of photographs , her features as striking as they are in rossetti 's paint and pencil .", "definition": "graphite or a similar substance used as a medium for writing or drawing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's startling at one point to see her appear in a series of photographs , her features as striking as they are in rossetti 's paint and pencil .\" What is the definition of \"pencil\"?"} {"term": "impregnate", "pos": "", "context": "jake sat for a moment , and stared at amy 's stomach , he could n't pick a moment for sure that he had impregnated her , but he knew it had to be him .", "definition": "make ( a woman or female animal ) pregnant", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"jake sat for a moment , and stared at amy 's stomach , he could n't pick a moment for sure that he had impregnated her , but he knew it had to be him .\" What is the definition of \"impregnate\"?"} {"term": "chadian", "pos": "", "context": "the chadian national folkloric ballet is particularly popular .", "definition": "relating to or characteristic of chad or its people", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the chadian national folkloric ballet is particularly popular .\" What is the definition of \"chadian\"?"} {"term": "nosebleed", "pos": "", "context": "you might have trouble hearing in one ear , or you might have nosebleeds , headaches , ringing in one or both ears , or you might feel a change in sensation over one side of your face .", "definition": "an instance of bleeding from the nose", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you might have trouble hearing in one ear , or you might have nosebleeds , headaches , ringing in one or both ears , or you might feel a change in sensation over one side of your face .\" What is the definition of \"nosebleed\"?"} {"term": "nihil", "pos": "", "context": "nihil habet", "definition": "( latin ) nil ; nothing ( as used by a sheriff after an unsuccessful effort to serve a writ )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nihil habet\" What is the definition of \"nihil\"?"} {"term": "roll", "pos": "", "context": "sean took a look at him and said , `` yup , he 's burnt real bad , roll him over ' .", "definition": "turn over to face a different direction", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sean took a look at him and said , `` yup , he 's burnt real bad , roll him over ' .\" What is the definition of \"roll\"?"} {"term": "roll", "pos": "", "context": "his name was struck off the rolls", "definition": "a list of names", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his name was struck off the rolls\" What is the definition of \"roll\"?"} {"term": "roll", "pos": "", "context": "was it exploitation by going in and watching tears roll down their faces ?", "definition": "( of a drop of liquid ) flow", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"was it exploitation by going in and watching tears roll down their faces ?\" What is the definition of \"roll\"?"} {"term": "roll", "pos": "", "context": "the flames engulfed the left wing before the plane went into a roll and crashed .", "definition": "a complete rotation by a flying aircraft about its longitudinal axis .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the flames engulfed the left wing before the plane went into a roll and crashed .\" What is the definition of \"roll\"?"} {"term": "roll", "pos": "", "context": "i worry about incremental reforms that take so many people off the tax rolls in order to make them politically palatable .", "definition": "an official list or register of names", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i worry about incremental reforms that take so many people off the tax rolls in order to make them politically palatable .\" What is the definition of \"roll\"?"} {"term": "roll", "pos": "", "context": "protruding out the open sides were thick rolls of flesh that undulated like two well-fed seals .", "definition": "a cylindrical mass of something or a number of items arranged in a cylindrical shape", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"protruding out the open sides were thick rolls of flesh that undulated like two well-fed seals .\" What is the definition of \"roll\"?"} {"term": "roll", "pos": "", "context": "our boarding party had to get aboard a ship rolling and heaving in large seas .", "definition": "( of a moving ship , aircraft , or vehicle ) rock or oscillate around an axis parallel to the direction of motion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"our boarding party had to get aboard a ship rolling and heaving in large seas .\" What is the definition of \"roll\"?"} {"term": "spaniel", "pos": "", "context": "one day he took me for a walk with miko , one of his dogs , an ancient milky-eyed spaniel .", "definition": "a dog of a breed with a long silky coat and drooping ears .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one day he took me for a walk with miko , one of his dogs , an ancient milky-eyed spaniel .\" What is the definition of \"spaniel\"?"} {"term": "rearward", "pos": "", "context": "a rearward glance", "definition": "directed or moving toward the rear", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a rearward glance\" What is the definition of \"rearward\"?"} {"term": "bob", "pos": "", "context": "she swept out of the room , and the maid , after bobbing in a curtsy , followed .", "definition": "make a brief curtsy", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she swept out of the room , and the maid , after bobbing in a curtsy , followed .\" What is the definition of \"bob\"?"} {"term": "refractor", "pos": "", "context": "your doctor may use a computerized refractor to measure your eyes and estimate the prescription you need to correct a refractive error .", "definition": "a lens or other object which causes refraction .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"your doctor may use a computerized refractor to measure your eyes and estimate the prescription you need to correct a refractive error .\" What is the definition of \"refractor\"?"} {"term": "wallboard", "pos": "", "context": "the resulting rush to build pushed up prices for structural panels , lumber , wallboard and other materials .", "definition": "a type of board made from wood pulp , plaster , or other material , used for covering walls and ceilings", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the resulting rush to build pushed up prices for structural panels , lumber , wallboard and other materials .\" What is the definition of \"wallboard\"?"} {"term": "tunnel", "pos": "", "context": "animal tunnels incorporated into the design will also allow local wildlife to cross .", "definition": "an underground passage dug by a burrowing animal .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"animal tunnels incorporated into the design will also allow local wildlife to cross .\" What is the definition of \"tunnel\"?"} {"term": "observer", "pos": "", "context": "capt donald regularly flew all types of missions in fixed wing aircraft and acted as an observer in rotary wing aircraft .", "definition": "a person trained to spot and identify enemy aircraft or to reconnoitre enemy positions from the air", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"capt donald regularly flew all types of missions in fixed wing aircraft and acted as an observer in rotary wing aircraft .\" What is the definition of \"observer\"?"} {"term": "russian", "pos": "", "context": "the most flagrant example that showed how the russians disposed of political dissenters took place in czechoslovakia .", "definition": "( in general use ) a national of the former soviet union .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the most flagrant example that showed how the russians disposed of political dissenters took place in czechoslovakia .\" What is the definition of \"russian\"?"} {"term": "russian", "pos": "", "context": "though she counts chinese and russian among the languages she speaks fluently , fritzie has never played piano in either of those countries .", "definition": "the language of russia , an eastern slavic language written in the cyrillic alphabet and spoken by over 130 million people .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"though she counts chinese and russian among the languages she speaks fluently , fritzie has never played piano in either of those countries .\" What is the definition of \"russian\"?"} {"term": "mutilation", "pos": "", "context": "other pressures facing children in detention are the ongoing exposure to trauma of parents and siblings , witnessing acts of violence between officers and detainees , self-harm , mutilation and attempted hangings .", "definition": "the action of mutilating or being mutilated", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"other pressures facing children in detention are the ongoing exposure to trauma of parents and siblings , witnessing acts of violence between officers and detainees , self-harm , mutilation and attempted hangings .\" What is the definition of \"mutilation\"?"} {"term": "bambino", "pos": "", "context": "he created the world 's first christmas creche , complete with a real bambino , in the corner of a village church in 1223 .", "definition": "an image of the infant jesus", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he created the world 's first christmas creche , complete with a real bambino , in the corner of a village church in 1223 .\" What is the definition of \"bambino\"?"} {"term": "abolition", "pos": "", "context": "among the major parties abolition of faith schools is inconceivable because they are too popular .", "definition": "the action of abolishing a system , practice , or institution", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"among the major parties abolition of faith schools is inconceivable because they are too popular .\" What is the definition of \"abolition\"?"} {"term": "vestiture", "pos": "", "context": "when this basic right of fatherhood is violated via the routine or ritualistic destruction or discarding of these vestitures , fathers then have the exclusive right to purchase a high-end electronic device such as a high definition plasma tv .", "definition": "clothing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when this basic right of fatherhood is violated via the routine or ritualistic destruction or discarding of these vestitures , fathers then have the exclusive right to purchase a high-end electronic device such as a high definition plasma tv .\" What is the definition of \"vestiture\"?"} {"term": "poise", "pos": "", "context": "nikki was poised for several stressful weeks of preparation .", "definition": "be ready and prepared to do something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nikki was poised for several stressful weeks of preparation .\" What is the definition of \"poise\"?"} {"term": "spermatocyte", "pos": "", "context": "at least 10 spermatocytes at the metaphase i stage were recorded per male .", "definition": "a cell produced at the second stage in the formation of spermatozoa , formed from a spermatogonium and dividing by meiosis into spermatids .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at least 10 spermatocytes at the metaphase i stage were recorded per male .\" What is the definition of \"spermatocyte\"?"} {"term": "irradiation", "pos": "", "context": "after a prolonged period of dark growth , light irradiation does not elicit pigmentation .", "definition": "the process or fact of irradiating or being irradiated", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after a prolonged period of dark growth , light irradiation does not elicit pigmentation .\" What is the definition of \"irradiation\"?"} {"term": "maraud", "pos": "", "context": "ten years of marauding the high seas had left him with a ruthless look in his gem-green eyes .", "definition": "raid and plunder ( a place )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ten years of marauding the high seas had left him with a ruthless look in his gem-green eyes .\" What is the definition of \"maraud\"?"} {"term": "landform", "pos": "", "context": "a wide variety of rock coatings is found on landforms at the earth 's surface .", "definition": "a natural feature of the earth 's surface .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a wide variety of rock coatings is found on landforms at the earth 's surface .\" What is the definition of \"landform\"?"} {"term": "voluntary", "pos": "", "context": "voluntary generosity in times of disaster", "definition": "of your own free will or design ; done by choice ; not forced or compelled", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"voluntary generosity in times of disaster\" What is the definition of \"voluntary\"?"} {"term": "voluntary", "pos": "", "context": "if there are junior liens outstanding , they are not eliminated by a voluntary conveyance .", "definition": "( of a conveyance or disposition ) made without return in money or other consideration .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if there are junior liens outstanding , they are not eliminated by a voluntary conveyance .\" What is the definition of \"voluntary\"?"} {"term": "slobber", "pos": "", "context": "they ca n't be eaten by mold or slobbered on by your dog or ripped by a malicious child .", "definition": "have saliva dripping copiously from the mouth", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they ca n't be eaten by mold or slobbered on by your dog or ripped by a malicious child .\" What is the definition of \"slobber\"?"} {"term": "altaic", "pos": "", "context": "the difference in algal communities between the altaic and other glaciers is discussed together with physical and chemical conditions affecting the algae .", "definition": "relating to the altai mountains .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the difference in algal communities between the altaic and other glaciers is discussed together with physical and chemical conditions affecting the algae .\" What is the definition of \"altaic\"?"} {"term": "streaming", "pos": "", "context": "one blogger wrote how mad he was over the fact that the streaming video was n't live , saying the clips were stale the moment they were up .", "definition": "( of data ) transmitted in a continuous stream while earlier parts are being used .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one blogger wrote how mad he was over the fact that the streaming video was n't live , saying the clips were stale the moment they were up .\" What is the definition of \"streaming\"?"} {"term": "public", "pos": "", "context": "the reading public", "definition": "a body of people sharing some common interest", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the reading public\" What is the definition of \"public\"?"} {"term": "public", "pos": "", "context": "it 's a strange but pleasant feeling , meeting one 's public for the first time .", "definition": "the people who watch or are interested in an artist , writer , or performer", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's a strange but pleasant feeling , meeting one 's public for the first time .\" What is the definition of \"public\"?"} {"term": "reality", "pos": "", "context": "the above point reflects a deep tendency in western societies to deny the reality of life as a biological reality .", "definition": "a thing that is actually experienced or seen , especially when this is unpleasant", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the above point reflects a deep tendency in western societies to deny the reality of life as a biological reality .\" What is the definition of \"reality\"?"} {"term": "reshuffle", "pos": "", "context": "so as to prevent cheating , he was asked to reshuffle the cards", "definition": "shuffle again", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so as to prevent cheating , he was asked to reshuffle the cards\" What is the definition of \"reshuffle\"?"} {"term": "sabot", "pos": "", "context": "modern guns will use a sabot or a pistol bullet , which come pre-packaged .", "definition": "a device which ensures the correct positioning of a bullet or shell in the barrel of a gun , attached either to the projectile or inside the barrel and falling away as it leaves the muzzle .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"modern guns will use a sabot or a pistol bullet , which come pre-packaged .\" What is the definition of \"sabot\"?"} {"term": "decoration", "pos": "", "context": "all contain decoration , embellishments , fringing , or cut-out design-work of the paper .", "definition": "ornamentation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all contain decoration , embellishments , fringing , or cut-out design-work of the paper .\" What is the definition of \"decoration\"?"} {"term": "conform", "pos": "", "context": "once , at a press conference , he was asked if his thinking as a scientist could conform to the thinking of a politician .", "definition": "be similar in form or type ; agree", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"once , at a press conference , he was asked if his thinking as a scientist could conform to the thinking of a politician .\" What is the definition of \"conform\"?"} {"term": "irreproducibility", "pos": "", "context": "he could not explain the irreproducibility of the results of his experiment", "definition": "the quality of being unreproducible", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he could not explain the irreproducibility of the results of his experiment\" What is the definition of \"irreproducibility\"?"} {"term": "torte", "pos": "", "context": "for dessert there is a wide selection of cakes and tarts such as white and dark chocolate tortes , berry tarts and pecan pie .", "definition": "a sweet cake or tart", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for dessert there is a wide selection of cakes and tarts such as white and dark chocolate tortes , berry tarts and pecan pie .\" What is the definition of \"torte\"?"} {"term": "rambling", "pos": "", "context": "contrast living in a small flat with a gorgeous rambling house .", "definition": "( of a building or path ) spreading or winding irregularly in various directions", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"contrast living in a small flat with a gorgeous rambling house .\" What is the definition of \"rambling\"?"} {"term": "brevet", "pos": "", "context": "meritorious service in three battles won him promotions to brevet major .", "definition": "a former type of military commission conferred especially for outstanding service , by which an officer was promoted to a higher rank without the corresponding pay", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"meritorious service in three battles won him promotions to brevet major .\" What is the definition of \"brevet\"?"} {"term": "deal", "pos": "", "context": "it was difficult ‘ for people from the traditional and conservative professions to understand how these business deals are made ’ .", "definition": "an agreement entered into by two or more parties for their mutual benefit , especially in a business or political context", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was difficult ‘ for people from the traditional and conservative professions to understand how these business deals are made ’ .\" What is the definition of \"deal\"?"} {"term": "stage", "pos": "", "context": "he said he could not say whether he preferred teaching or performing on stage .", "definition": "a raised floor or platform , typically in a theatre , on which actors , entertainers , or speakers perform", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he said he could not say whether he preferred teaching or performing on stage .\" What is the definition of \"stage\"?"} {"term": "stage", "pos": "", "context": "a four horse teem mail stage operated over this route daily , except sunday , going west one day and returning eastward the following day .", "definition": "a stagecoach .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a four horse teem mail stage operated over this route daily , except sunday , going west one day and returning eastward the following day .\" What is the definition of \"stage\"?"} {"term": "expertise", "pos": "", "context": "each member casts a ballot for the category of competition in their field of expertise .", "definition": "expert skill or knowledge in a particular field", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"each member casts a ballot for the category of competition in their field of expertise .\" What is the definition of \"expertise\"?"} {"term": "neutron", "pos": "", "context": "the mass number gives you the total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of that element .", "definition": "a subatomic particle of about the same mass as a proton but without an electric charge , present in all atomic nuclei except those of ordinary hydrogen .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the mass number gives you the total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of that element .\" What is the definition of \"neutron\"?"} {"term": "guinea", "pos": "", "context": "my senses were all confused as within my sight was a king 's ransom - spanish gold doubloons and shining silver reals , gold pieces of eight , old english milled gold guineas , crowns , minted silver shillings .", "definition": "a former british gold coin that was first minted in 1663 from gold imported from west africa , with a value that was later fixed at 21 shillings . it was replaced by the sovereign from 1817 .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my senses were all confused as within my sight was a king 's ransom - spanish gold doubloons and shining silver reals , gold pieces of eight , old english milled gold guineas , crowns , minted silver shillings .\" What is the definition of \"guinea\"?"} {"term": "sawm", "pos": "", "context": "during the month of ramadan , muslims practice sawm , or fasting , during the hours between sunrise and sunset .", "definition": "fasting from dawn until dusk during ramadan , one of the five pillars of islam .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"during the month of ramadan , muslims practice sawm , or fasting , during the hours between sunrise and sunset .\" What is the definition of \"sawm\"?"} {"term": "heft", "pos": "", "context": "this trend lent intellectual heft to an earlier movement , the vocational education movement of the 20th century 's first decades .", "definition": "ability or influence", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this trend lent intellectual heft to an earlier movement , the vocational education movement of the 20th century 's first decades .\" What is the definition of \"heft\"?"} {"term": "heft", "pos": "", "context": "he took it and hefted it in his hand , feeling the weight and inspecting the clear visor .", "definition": "lift or hold ( something ) in order to test its weight", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he took it and hefted it in his hand , feeling the weight and inspecting the clear visor .\" What is the definition of \"heft\"?"} {"term": "prob", "pos": "", "context": "but lola is n't concerned , fired-up aries , because you rarely have probs staying on top of your game .", "definition": "a problem", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but lola is n't concerned , fired-up aries , because you rarely have probs staying on top of your game .\" What is the definition of \"prob\"?"} {"term": "troubleshoot", "pos": "", "context": "he also has a proven track record in troubleshooting , having rescued failing swindon council a year ago .", "definition": "analyse and solve serious problems for a company or other organization .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he also has a proven track record in troubleshooting , having rescued failing swindon council a year ago .\" What is the definition of \"troubleshoot\"?"} {"term": "troubleshoot", "pos": "", "context": "the manual includes the code translations , but this is a nice feature that will assist veterans and newbies alike when troubleshooting their system .", "definition": "trace and correct faults in a mechanical or electronic system .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the manual includes the code translations , but this is a nice feature that will assist veterans and newbies alike when troubleshooting their system .\" What is the definition of \"troubleshoot\"?"} {"term": "jasper", "pos": "", "context": "the crowning achievement and one that sealed jasperware as the most sought after decorative pottery in england and the continent was his reproduction of the famous portland vase in 1790 after 4 years of laborious trials .", "definition": "a kind of fine hard porcelain developed by josiah wedgwood and used for wedgwood cameos and other delicate work .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the crowning achievement and one that sealed jasperware as the most sought after decorative pottery in england and the continent was his reproduction of the famous portland vase in 1790 after 4 years of laborious trials .\" What is the definition of \"jasper\"?"} {"term": "clementine", "pos": "", "context": "this time she brought sour cherries in kirsch syrup , and blood oranges in clementine syrup .", "definition": "a tangerine of a deep orange-red north african variety which is grown around the mediterranean and in south africa .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this time she brought sour cherries in kirsch syrup , and blood oranges in clementine syrup .\" What is the definition of \"clementine\"?"} {"term": "tack", "pos": "", "context": "the mainly south-westerly air-stream , alternating with south-easterlies , turned the beat to temple into a series of short tacks as the fickle breeze tempted boats on to a course before dying away and changing direction .", "definition": "a distance sailed between tacks", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the mainly south-westerly air-stream , alternating with south-easterlies , turned the beat to temple into a series of short tacks as the fickle breeze tempted boats on to a course before dying away and changing direction .\" What is the definition of \"tack\"?"} {"term": "deflate", "pos": "", "context": "deflate a balloon", "definition": "collapse by releasing contained air or gas", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"deflate a balloon\" What is the definition of \"deflate\"?"} {"term": "rubbish", "pos": "", "context": "we know that some people fear a build-up of rubbish where domestic waste collections have been reduced .", "definition": "waste material ; refuse or litter", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we know that some people fear a build-up of rubbish where domestic waste collections have been reduced .\" What is the definition of \"rubbish\"?"} {"term": "rubbish", "pos": "", "context": "we constantly hear about people being encouraged to dump their cars and get on the bus but then we are left with a rubbish bus service .", "definition": "very bad ; worthless or useless", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we constantly hear about people being encouraged to dump their cars and get on the bus but then we are left with a rubbish bus service .\" What is the definition of \"rubbish\"?"} {"term": "danaid", "pos": "", "context": "all nymph and danaid butterflies are strong and rapid fliers .", "definition": "a large strikingly marked butterfly of a group that includes the monarch ( milkweed ) and plain tiger , found chiefly in the tropics of africa and east asia .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all nymph and danaid butterflies are strong and rapid fliers .\" What is the definition of \"danaid\"?"} {"term": "epoxide", "pos": "", "context": "it was suggested that the formation of the epoxides was due to the reactivity of singlet oxygen with double bonds .", "definition": "an organic compound whose molecule contains a three-membered ring involving an oxygen atom and two carbon atoms .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was suggested that the formation of the epoxides was due to the reactivity of singlet oxygen with double bonds .\" What is the definition of \"epoxide\"?"} {"term": "guide", "pos": "", "context": "he was a spiritual guide of the lubavitch community in all matters .", "definition": "a person who advises others , especially in matters of behaviour or belief", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was a spiritual guide of the lubavitch community in all matters .\" What is the definition of \"guide\"?"} {"term": "sangaree", "pos": "", "context": "though the british enjoyed sipping their rich madeira after dinner , the fortified wine was transformed into a thirst quencher when mixed with cold water , sugar , nutmeg , and other exotic spices , known as a sangaree .", "definition": "a cold drink of wine mixed with water and spices", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"though the british enjoyed sipping their rich madeira after dinner , the fortified wine was transformed into a thirst quencher when mixed with cold water , sugar , nutmeg , and other exotic spices , known as a sangaree .\" What is the definition of \"sangaree\"?"} {"term": "bach", "pos": "", "context": "he spent all his time at the bach out on the deck or in the house reading , except when they entertained .", "definition": "a small holiday house .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he spent all his time at the bach out on the deck or in the house reading , except when they entertained .\" What is the definition of \"bach\"?"} {"term": "bucket", "pos": "", "context": "one shot captures him pouring a bucket of money over his head .", "definition": "the contents of a bucket or the amount it can contain", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one shot captures him pouring a bucket of money over his head .\" What is the definition of \"bucket\"?"} {"term": "workroom", "pos": "", "context": "there is also a substantial pantry , wine cellar , a boiler room , a room for storing solid fuel and some workrooms , all at basement level .", "definition": "a room for working in , especially one equipped for a particular kind of work .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is also a substantial pantry , wine cellar , a boiler room , a room for storing solid fuel and some workrooms , all at basement level .\" What is the definition of \"workroom\"?"} {"term": "straddle", "pos": "", "context": "he straddled over to the car and gently slid her into the backseat .", "definition": "stand , walk , or sit with one 's legs wide apart", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he straddled over to the car and gently slid her into the backseat .\" What is the definition of \"straddle\"?"} {"term": "unwelcome", "pos": "", "context": "i have been limiting myself to a slice a week to prevent any unwelcome changes in waist-size .", "definition": "not wanted", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i have been limiting myself to a slice a week to prevent any unwelcome changes in waist-size .\" What is the definition of \"unwelcome\"?"} {"term": "grievance", "pos": "", "context": "long a festering popular grievance , official corruption has reached endemic levels , with potentially explosive social consequences .", "definition": "a feeling of resentment over something believed to be wrong or unfair", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"long a festering popular grievance , official corruption has reached endemic levels , with potentially explosive social consequences .\" What is the definition of \"grievance\"?"} {"term": "milestone", "pos": "", "context": "it is not easy but represents a positive milestone on the long road to recovery .", "definition": "a significant stage or event in the development of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is not easy but represents a positive milestone on the long road to recovery .\" What is the definition of \"milestone\"?"} {"term": "rioja", "pos": "", "context": "draught beer is around €2.20 a glass , but why bother when you can buy fantastic rioja reservas for the price of a bottle of plonk back home ?", "definition": "a wine produced in la rioja , spain .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"draught beer is around €2.20 a glass , but why bother when you can buy fantastic rioja reservas for the price of a bottle of plonk back home ?\" What is the definition of \"rioja\"?"} {"term": "expel", "pos": "", "context": "he was expelled from a city school in second year and was heading straight for jail .", "definition": "officially make ( someone ) leave a school or other organization", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was expelled from a city school in second year and was heading straight for jail .\" What is the definition of \"expel\"?"} {"term": "topographic", "pos": "", "context": "topographic maps", "definition": "concerned with topography", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"topographic maps\" What is the definition of \"topographic\"?"} {"term": "chiroptera", "pos": "", "context": "depending on the rodent species considered , however , some comparisons of rodentia versus cetacea and chiroptera did not support rate differences .", "definition": "an order of mammals that comprises the bats .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"depending on the rodent species considered , however , some comparisons of rodentia versus cetacea and chiroptera did not support rate differences .\" What is the definition of \"chiroptera\"?"} {"term": "shipwright", "pos": "", "context": "the two shipwright 's or mast axes are representative of the most common hathaway tools .", "definition": "a shipbuilder .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the two shipwright 's or mast axes are representative of the most common hathaway tools .\" What is the definition of \"shipwright\"?"} {"term": "formulation", "pos": "", "context": "personally , i think we should avoid privileging economics as the pre-eminent discipline in formulation of public policy .", "definition": "the action of creating or preparing something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"personally , i think we should avoid privileging economics as the pre-eminent discipline in formulation of public policy .\" What is the definition of \"formulation\"?"} {"term": "understatement", "pos": "", "context": "this song set the tone for the downbeat understatement that the event traditionally displays .", "definition": "the presentation of something as being smaller or less good or important than it really is", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this song set the tone for the downbeat understatement that the event traditionally displays .\" What is the definition of \"understatement\"?"} {"term": "roomie", "pos": "", "context": "one thing that is important to consider are the many qualities of a compatible roomie .", "definition": "a room-mate .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one thing that is important to consider are the many qualities of a compatible roomie .\" What is the definition of \"roomie\"?"} {"term": "poach", "pos": "", "context": "livestock poaching during the incessant wet weather and machinery operations on soft ground has done enormous damage to grass swards .", "definition": "( of an animal ) trample or cut up ( turf ) with its hoofs", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"livestock poaching during the incessant wet weather and machinery operations on soft ground has done enormous damage to grass swards .\" What is the definition of \"poach\"?"} {"term": "lore", "pos": "", "context": "early peoples passed on plant and animal lore through legend", "definition": "knowledge gained through tradition or anecdote", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"early peoples passed on plant and animal lore through legend\" What is the definition of \"lore\"?"} {"term": "muse", "pos": "", "context": "i call it quits for the day , having earned the rituals & em.the long bath , the shave , the afternoon muse .", "definition": "an instance or period of reflection .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i call it quits for the day , having earned the rituals & em.the long bath , the shave , the afternoon muse .\" What is the definition of \"muse\"?"} {"term": "vajra", "pos": "", "context": "the vajra symbolizes eternal truth .", "definition": "( in buddhism and hinduism ) a thunderbolt or mythical weapon , especially one wielded by the god indra .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the vajra symbolizes eternal truth .\" What is the definition of \"vajra\"?"} {"term": "driver", "pos": "", "context": "lsi has chosen to put the power amplifier for the line driver into the codec chip .", "definition": "a device or part of a circuit that provides power for output .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lsi has chosen to put the power amplifier for the line driver into the codec chip .\" What is the definition of \"driver\"?"} {"term": "driver", "pos": "", "context": "the input manager operates between a device driver and a player application program .", "definition": "a program that controls the operation of a device such as a printer or scanner .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the input manager operates between a device driver and a player application program .\" What is the definition of \"driver\"?"} {"term": "spearhead", "pos": "", "context": "in 1891 , family and friends spearheaded a restoration campaign for chasseriau 's frescos .", "definition": "lead ( an attack or movement )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in 1891 , family and friends spearheaded a restoration campaign for chasseriau 's frescos .\" What is the definition of \"spearhead\"?"} {"term": "bereavement", "pos": "", "context": "have you suffered a loss through bereavement and feel you could do with someone to talk to ?", "definition": "the action or condition of being bereaved", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"have you suffered a loss through bereavement and feel you could do with someone to talk to ?\" What is the definition of \"bereavement\"?"} {"term": "mass", "pos": "", "context": "a huge ice mass", "definition": "a body of matter without definite shape", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a huge ice mass\" What is the definition of \"mass\"?"} {"term": "mass", "pos": "", "context": "power has been , at best , exercised by a class against the masses .", "definition": "the ordinary people", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"power has been , at best , exercised by a class against the masses .\" What is the definition of \"mass\"?"} {"term": "carving", "pos": "", "context": "wooden carvings of birds hang upside down from a set of wires stretched along the low ceiling .", "definition": "an object or design carved from a hard material as an artistic work", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wooden carvings of birds hang upside down from a set of wires stretched along the low ceiling .\" What is the definition of \"carving\"?"} {"term": "pyrotechnics", "pos": "", "context": "apparently there were celestial pyrotechnics on a scale almost-unknown at this latitude .", "definition": "a brilliant performance or display of a specified skill", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"apparently there were celestial pyrotechnics on a scale almost-unknown at this latitude .\" What is the definition of \"pyrotechnics\"?"} {"term": "schlock", "pos": "", "context": "and you have to admire the unrepentant schlock .", "definition": "cheap or inferior goods or material ; trash", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and you have to admire the unrepentant schlock .\" What is the definition of \"schlock\"?"} {"term": "deckle", "pos": "", "context": "first , you need to get a frame , or mould and deckle .", "definition": "a frame on the mould used to shape the pulp when making paper by hand .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"first , you need to get a frame , or mould and deckle .\" What is the definition of \"deckle\"?"} {"term": "ouzel", "pos": "", "context": "we had to climb a very steep hill to reach the realm of the ouzel , a black bird with a white ring around its neck that was sitting out on a bare limb of a tree .", "definition": "a bird that resembles the blackbird , especially the ring ouzel .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we had to climb a very steep hill to reach the realm of the ouzel , a black bird with a white ring around its neck that was sitting out on a bare limb of a tree .\" What is the definition of \"ouzel\"?"} {"term": "noisy", "pos": "", "context": "its noisy antics to pressure companies into making changes may not be to everyone 's taste but at least it has swung the balance back in favour of the shareholder .", "definition": "stridently seeking to attract attention to one 's views", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"its noisy antics to pressure companies into making changes may not be to everyone 's taste but at least it has swung the balance back in favour of the shareholder .\" What is the definition of \"noisy\"?"} {"term": "suppliant", "pos": "", "context": "a suppliant for her favors", "definition": "one praying humbly for something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a suppliant for her favors\" What is the definition of \"suppliant\"?"} {"term": "grab", "pos": "", "context": "this story will grab you", "definition": "capture the attention or imagination of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this story will grab you\" What is the definition of \"grab\"?"} {"term": "fax", "pos": "", "context": "can you fax me the report right away ?", "definition": "send something via a facsimile machine", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"can you fax me the report right away ?\" What is the definition of \"fax\"?"} {"term": "high", "pos": "", "context": "she wore her hair in a high bun and even applied a little kohl around her eyes and some red rouge on her cheeks and lips .", "definition": "extending above the normal level", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she wore her hair in a high bun and even applied a little kohl around her eyes and some red rouge on her cheeks and lips .\" What is the definition of \"high\"?"} {"term": "high", "pos": "", "context": "it has to be said that pas de la casa is boring , unless getting legless ranks high on your list .", "definition": "highly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it has to be said that pas de la casa is boring , unless getting legless ranks high on your list .\" What is the definition of \"high\"?"} {"term": "high", "pos": "", "context": "the soccer conversation ended as we arrived at the school parking lot of clemington high .", "definition": "high school", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the soccer conversation ended as we arrived at the school parking lot of clemington high .\" What is the definition of \"high\"?"} {"term": "high", "pos": "", "context": "he does not hold the pastor in high regard and often considers his homilies burdensome .", "definition": "very favourable", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he does not hold the pastor in high regard and often considers his homilies burdensome .\" What is the definition of \"high\"?"} {"term": "high", "pos": "", "context": "this species ranged the high grasslands of western north america from alaska to mexico , while a lighter-built species ( arctodus pristinus ) with smaller teeth inhabited the more heavily wooded atlantic coastal region .", "definition": "( of an area ) inland and well above sea level", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this species ranged the high grasslands of western north america from alaska to mexico , while a lighter-built species ( arctodus pristinus ) with smaller teeth inhabited the more heavily wooded atlantic coastal region .\" What is the definition of \"high\"?"} {"term": "high", "pos": "", "context": "prices have gone up far too high", "definition": "in or to a high position , amount , or degree", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"prices have gone up far too high\" What is the definition of \"high\"?"} {"term": "high", "pos": "", "context": "he goes to the neighborhood highschool", "definition": "a public secondary school usually including grades 9 through 12", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he goes to the neighborhood highschool\" What is the definition of \"high\"?"} {"term": "habitation", "pos": "", "context": "with the jumbos invading the fringe villages during nights , villagers are spending sleepless nights to save themselves , forget about saving their crops and habitations .", "definition": "a house or home", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with the jumbos invading the fringe villages during nights , villagers are spending sleepless nights to save themselves , forget about saving their crops and habitations .\" What is the definition of \"habitation\"?"} {"term": "metal", "pos": "", "context": "in cases where the mounting or backing of the enamel is metal ( silver or gold ) , matching is not really important .", "definition": "gold and silver ( as tinctures in blazoning ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in cases where the mounting or backing of the enamel is metal ( silver or gold ) , matching is not really important .\" What is the definition of \"metal\"?"} {"term": "metal", "pos": "", "context": "pyrotechnicians started putting metal chlorides in the fireworks to produce a dazzling array of color .", "definition": "a solid material which is typically hard , shiny , malleable , fusible , and ductile , with good electrical and thermal conductivity ( e.g . iron , gold , silver , and aluminium , and alloys such as steel )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pyrotechnicians started putting metal chlorides in the fireworks to produce a dazzling array of color .\" What is the definition of \"metal\"?"} {"term": "racy", "pos": "", "context": "in the 18th century , there is a vivid description of the interface in a kitchen between a chef and a cook , from the racy pen of william verral .", "definition": "showing vigour or spirit .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the 18th century , there is a vivid description of the interface in a kitchen between a chef and a cook , from the racy pen of william verral .\" What is the definition of \"racy\"?"} {"term": "racy", "pos": "", "context": "so racy is/was the content that in the 1930s the book could not even have been legally shipped through the us mail !", "definition": "lively , entertaining , and typically sexually titillating", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so racy is/was the content that in the 1930s the book could not even have been legally shipped through the us mail !\" What is the definition of \"racy\"?"} {"term": "hyaline", "pos": "", "context": "collagenous hyaline deposition was variable , and collagenous spherules could be seen .", "definition": "relating to or consisting of hyalin .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"collagenous hyaline deposition was variable , and collagenous spherules could be seen .\" What is the definition of \"hyaline\"?"} {"term": "kneeler", "pos": "", "context": "instantly the kneelers and the standers joined her .", "definition": "a person who kneels , especially in prayer .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"instantly the kneelers and the standers joined her .\" What is the definition of \"kneeler\"?"} {"term": "stand", "pos": "", "context": "we had to stand for the entire performance !", "definition": "be standing ; be upright", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we had to stand for the entire performance !\" What is the definition of \"stand\"?"} {"term": "stand", "pos": "", "context": "he spoke of the principled stand mick took on the issue of the transfer of elective orthopaedics from kilkenny to waterford .", "definition": "an attitude towards a particular issue", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he spoke of the principled stand mick took on the issue of the transfer of elective orthopaedics from kilkenny to waterford .\" What is the definition of \"stand\"?"} {"term": "stand", "pos": "", "context": "i stand corrected", "definition": "be in some specified state or condition", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i stand corrected\" What is the definition of \"stand\"?"} {"term": "stand", "pos": "", "context": "where do you stand on this issue ?", "definition": "adopt a particular attitude towards a matter or issue", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"where do you stand on this issue ?\" What is the definition of \"stand\"?"} {"term": "stand", "pos": "", "context": "but first consider what is happening , and why the water is standing where it is .", "definition": "( of a liquid ) collect and remain motionless", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but first consider what is happening , and why the water is standing where it is .\" What is the definition of \"stand\"?"} {"term": "stand", "pos": "", "context": "a one-night stand", "definition": "a stop made by a touring musical or theatrical group to give a performance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a one-night stand\" What is the definition of \"stand\"?"} {"term": "stand", "pos": "", "context": "she stands 6 feet tall", "definition": "be tall ; have a height of ; copula", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she stands 6 feet tall\" What is the definition of \"stand\"?"} {"term": "dialect", "pos": "", "context": "the company has developed a dialect of c to create code for the microengines .", "definition": "a particular version of a programming language .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the company has developed a dialect of c to create code for the microengines .\" What is the definition of \"dialect\"?"} {"term": "dialect", "pos": "", "context": "although there is some overlap , dialect regions are generally separated by tracts of mostly unused sagebrush or forested areas .", "definition": "a particular form of a language which is peculiar to a specific region or social group", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"although there is some overlap , dialect regions are generally separated by tracts of mostly unused sagebrush or forested areas .\" What is the definition of \"dialect\"?"} {"term": "penalty", "pos": "", "context": "john and his teammates were finally awarded a penalty after neither team had scored in the 20-minute competition .", "definition": "a kick or shot awarded to a team because of an infringement of the rules by an opponent", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"john and his teammates were finally awarded a penalty after neither team had scored in the 20-minute competition .\" What is the definition of \"penalty\"?"} {"term": "shelter", "pos": "", "context": "if money is n't an issue , then another option is to volunteer at places like hospitals/health care facilities and animal shelters .", "definition": "an animal sanctuary", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if money is n't an issue , then another option is to volunteer at places like hospitals/health care facilities and animal shelters .\" What is the definition of \"shelter\"?"} {"term": "norm", "pos": "", "context": "when the sat was normed , its population represented a small minority of college-bound white middle-class students .", "definition": "adjust ( something ) to conform to a norm .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when the sat was normed , its population represented a small minority of college-bound white middle-class students .\" What is the definition of \"norm\"?"} {"term": "norm", "pos": "", "context": "the share of the households in the distribution that has an availability of calories below the norm is classified as undernourished .", "definition": "a required standard ; a level to be complied with or reached", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the share of the households in the distribution that has an availability of calories below the norm is classified as undernourished .\" What is the definition of \"norm\"?"} {"term": "itinerary", "pos": "", "context": "but the exact itinerary of the tour is yet to be finalised .", "definition": "a planned route or journey", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but the exact itinerary of the tour is yet to be finalised .\" What is the definition of \"itinerary\"?"} {"term": "resettle", "pos": "", "context": "a large number of those who migrated across the new border to india were resettled in delhi .", "definition": "settle or cause to settle in a different place", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a large number of those who migrated across the new border to india were resettled in delhi .\" What is the definition of \"resettle\"?"} {"term": "senior", "pos": "", "context": "do the junior ranks feel that you deal fairly with their request for funding and representation when it is a senior rank whom they are making the complaint against ?", "definition": "high or higher in rank or status", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"do the junior ranks feel that you deal fairly with their request for funding and representation when it is a senior rank whom they are making the complaint against ?\" What is the definition of \"senior\"?"} {"term": "line", "pos": "", "context": "the vauxhall , travelling towards bath , was overtaking a line of stationary vehicles looking to turn right .", "definition": "a row of people or things", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the vauxhall , travelling towards bath , was overtaking a line of stationary vehicles looking to turn right .\" What is the definition of \"line\"?"} {"term": "line", "pos": "", "context": "the massive line of rebel soldiers became clear as the cloud of smoke began to thin .", "definition": "an arrangement of soldiers or ships in a column or line formation ; a line of battle .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the massive line of rebel soldiers became clear as the cloud of smoke began to thin .\" What is the definition of \"line\"?"} {"term": "line", "pos": "", "context": "they gave me a direct line , which was a relief , instead of those infuriating 0800 numbers .", "definition": "a telephone connection or service", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they gave me a direct line , which was a relief , instead of those infuriating 0800 numbers .\" What is the definition of \"line\"?"} {"term": "line", "pos": "", "context": "chemical peels smooth out rough skin and minimize fine lines .", "definition": "a furrow or wrinkle in the skin , especially on the face", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"chemical peels smooth out rough skin and minimize fine lines .\" What is the definition of \"line\"?"} {"term": "line", "pos": "", "context": "toe the line", "definition": "acting in conformity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"toe the line\" What is the definition of \"line\"?"} {"term": "line", "pos": "", "context": "the flute carries the melodic lines throughout with the piano providing the simple accompaniment .", "definition": "a sequence of notes or tones forming an instrumental or vocal melody", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the flute carries the melodic lines throughout with the piano providing the simple accompaniment .\" What is the definition of \"line\"?"} {"term": "line", "pos": "", "context": "line the gloves", "definition": "cover the interior of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"line the gloves\" What is the definition of \"line\"?"} {"term": "mumbling", "pos": "", "context": "he 's a gentle , mumbling soul who means well but never quite manages to make those around him happy .", "definition": "speaking or spoken in a quiet and indistinct way", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he 's a gentle , mumbling soul who means well but never quite manages to make those around him happy .\" What is the definition of \"mumbling\"?"} {"term": "express", "pos": "", "context": "so people may have given you express consent by subscribing to something or requesting something .", "definition": "stated explicitly , not merely implied", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so people may have given you express consent by subscribing to something or requesting something .\" What is the definition of \"express\"?"} {"term": "assign", "pos": "", "context": "we 've therefore decided that we will no longer ask authors to assign their copyrights .", "definition": "transfer ( legal rights or liabilities )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we 've therefore decided that we will no longer ask authors to assign their copyrights .\" What is the definition of \"assign\"?"} {"term": "identify", "pos": "", "context": "he urges us to identify with them and share their inmost hopes and fears , their solitude .", "definition": "regard oneself as sharing the same characteristics or thinking as someone else", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he urges us to identify with them and share their inmost hopes and fears , their solitude .\" What is the definition of \"identify\"?"} {"term": "index", "pos": "", "context": "in spite of the widespread acceptance of withdrawal symptoms as an index of addiction , this consensual faith does not appear to be justified .", "definition": "a sign or measure of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in spite of the widespread acceptance of withdrawal symptoms as an index of addiction , this consensual faith does not appear to be justified .\" What is the definition of \"index\"?"} {"term": "perplex", "pos": "", "context": "questions such as those can perplex many workers .", "definition": "make ( someone ) feel completely baffled", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"questions such as those can perplex many workers .\" What is the definition of \"perplex\"?"} {"term": "arrival", "pos": "", "context": "the arrival of spring has put people in the mood for going out for a breath of fresh air away from urban centres .", "definition": "the emergence or appearance of a new development or product", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the arrival of spring has put people in the mood for going out for a breath of fresh air away from urban centres .\" What is the definition of \"arrival\"?"} {"term": "arrival", "pos": "", "context": "visitor arrivals fell by 15 per cent in march and could fall more in april .", "definition": "a person who has arrived somewhere", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"visitor arrivals fell by 15 per cent in march and could fall more in april .\" What is the definition of \"arrival\"?"} {"term": "baritone", "pos": "", "context": "a baritone voice", "definition": "lower in range than tenor and higher than bass", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a baritone voice\" What is the definition of \"baritone\"?"} {"term": "constant", "pos": "", "context": "constant as the northern star", "definition": "steadfast in purpose or devotion or affection", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"constant as the northern star\" What is the definition of \"constant\"?"} {"term": "constant", "pos": "", "context": "the importance of the constant is that it measures the strength of the electromagnetic interaction .", "definition": "a number expressing a relation or property which remains the same in all circumstances , or for the same substance under the same conditions .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the importance of the constant is that it measures the strength of the electromagnetic interaction .\" What is the definition of \"constant\"?"} {"term": "constant", "pos": "", "context": "maintained a constant temperature", "definition": "unvarying in nature", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"maintained a constant temperature\" What is the definition of \"constant\"?"} {"term": "domination", "pos": "", "context": "they sense their domination of the debate in canteens , cafés and coffee bars .", "definition": "the exercise of power or influence over someone or something , or the state of being so controlled", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they sense their domination of the debate in canteens , cafés and coffee bars .\" What is the definition of \"domination\"?"} {"term": "centre", "pos": "", "context": "but , at the moment , see i 'm very much centred in the city because i 'm busy .", "definition": "occur mainly in or around ( a specified place )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but , at the moment , see i 'm very much centred in the city because i 'm busy .\" What is the definition of \"centre\"?"} {"term": "centre", "pos": "", "context": "problems of language also surfaced at the refuge centres .", "definition": "a place or group of buildings where a specified activity is concentrated", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"problems of language also surfaced at the refuge centres .\" What is the definition of \"centre\"?"} {"term": "eye", "pos": "", "context": "a slot on one side allows the thread to slide into the eye of this general-purpose needle .", "definition": "the small hole in a needle through which the thread is passed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a slot on one side allows the thread to slide into the eye of this general-purpose needle .\" What is the definition of \"eye\"?"} {"term": "eye", "pos": "", "context": "having a permanently fixed loop ( eye splice ) on a rope-end removes the need to tie and then untie a knot each time you wish to use it .", "definition": "a loop at the end of a rope , especially one at the top end of a shroud or stay .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"having a permanently fixed loop ( eye splice ) on a rope-end removes the need to tie and then untie a knot each time you wish to use it .\" What is the definition of \"eye\"?"} {"term": "halon", "pos": "", "context": "the protocol restricts the manufacture and use of human-made , ozone-depleting compounds , such as chlorofluorocarbons and halons .", "definition": "any of a number of unreactive gaseous compounds of carbon with bromine and other halogens , used in fire extinguishers , but now known to damage the ozone layer .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the protocol restricts the manufacture and use of human-made , ozone-depleting compounds , such as chlorofluorocarbons and halons .\" What is the definition of \"halon\"?"} {"term": "oust", "pos": "", "context": "once more , the nephew and the business partner join forces to oust him and , after a bitter and bloody battle , they again triumph .", "definition": "drive out or expel ( someone ) from a position or place", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"once more , the nephew and the business partner join forces to oust him and , after a bitter and bloody battle , they again triumph .\" What is the definition of \"oust\"?"} {"term": "oust", "pos": "", "context": "the chairman was ousted after he misappropriated funds", "definition": "remove from a position or office", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the chairman was ousted after he misappropriated funds\" What is the definition of \"oust\"?"} {"term": "antipodes", "pos": "", "context": "one final thing that took the gloss off the evening was the fact that we were charged $ 10 per bottle of 1 litre antipodes mineral water - an outrageous cost that was not brought to the attention of the table when we asked for water .", "definition": "australia and new zealand ( used by inhabitants of the northern hemisphere )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one final thing that took the gloss off the evening was the fact that we were charged $ 10 per bottle of 1 litre antipodes mineral water - an outrageous cost that was not brought to the attention of the table when we asked for water .\" What is the definition of \"antipodes\"?"} {"term": "quarry", "pos": "", "context": "one sign united have been piling less pressure on their quarry is that the penalty van nistelrooy scored against tottenham recently was united 's first in 11 months .", "definition": "a thing or person that is chased or sought", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one sign united have been piling less pressure on their quarry is that the penalty van nistelrooy scored against tottenham recently was united 's first in 11 months .\" What is the definition of \"quarry\"?"} {"term": "proprioceptor", "pos": "", "context": "this response is thought to be neurally mediated by impulses originating from the muscle spindles in the exercising muscles , tendons , and proprioceptors in the joints .", "definition": "a sensory receptor which receives stimuli from within the body , especially one that responds to position and movement .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this response is thought to be neurally mediated by impulses originating from the muscle spindles in the exercising muscles , tendons , and proprioceptors in the joints .\" What is the definition of \"proprioceptor\"?"} {"term": "naturalize", "pos": "", "context": "this is an account of nineteenth-century efforts to naturalize alien freshwater and anadromous fish in california .", "definition": "establish ( a plant or animal ) so that it lives wild in a region where it is not indigenous", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this is an account of nineteenth-century efforts to naturalize alien freshwater and anadromous fish in california .\" What is the definition of \"naturalize\"?"} {"term": "naturalize", "pos": "", "context": "even the supreme court was not as willing to allow asian immigrants to naturalize .", "definition": "( of a foreigner ) be admitted to the citizenship of a country", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"even the supreme court was not as willing to allow asian immigrants to naturalize .\" What is the definition of \"naturalize\"?"} {"term": "naturalize", "pos": "", "context": "the stories had become naturalized into an american setting", "definition": "adopt to another place", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the stories had become naturalized into an american setting\" What is the definition of \"naturalize\"?"} {"term": "check-in", "pos": "", "context": "the agent gave us instructions about the flight along with check-in times at the airport .", "definition": "the action of registering one 's presence , typically as a passenger at an airport", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the agent gave us instructions about the flight along with check-in times at the airport .\" What is the definition of \"check-in\"?"} {"term": "vasodilation", "pos": "", "context": "many patients with diabetes , however , have no change in palpable temperature due to distal vasodilation related to autonomic neuropathy .", "definition": "the dilatation of blood vessels , which decreases blood pressure .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"many patients with diabetes , however , have no change in palpable temperature due to distal vasodilation related to autonomic neuropathy .\" What is the definition of \"vasodilation\"?"} {"term": "quick", "pos": "", "context": "however , there is enough help for the seamers to persuade both teams to play three frontline quicks .", "definition": "a fast bowler .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"however , there is enough help for the seamers to persuade both teams to play three frontline quicks .\" What is the definition of \"quick\"?"} {"term": "quick", "pos": "", "context": "a quick inspection", "definition": "hurried and brief", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a quick inspection\" What is the definition of \"quick\"?"} {"term": "quick", "pos": "", "context": "ivan denisovich 's quick eye allows him to cut in front of another prisoner for a serving tray .", "definition": "( of a person 's eye or ear ) keenly perceptive ; alert .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ivan denisovich 's quick eye allows him to cut in front of another prisoner for a serving tray .\" What is the definition of \"quick\"?"} {"term": "quick", "pos": "", "context": "was quick to respond", "definition": "performed with little or no delay", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"was quick to respond\" What is the definition of \"quick\"?"} {"term": "above", "pos": "", "context": "as noted above , at common law the trespasser received the least protection of any entrant on the occupier 's premises .", "definition": "( in printed text ) mentioned earlier or further up on the same page", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as noted above , at common law the trespasser received the least protection of any entrant on the occupier 's premises .\" What is the definition of \"above\"?"} {"term": "prohibit", "pos": "", "context": "the u.s. prohibits fishing sharks solely for their fins , which are a delicacy in asia .", "definition": "formally forbid ( something ) by law , rule , or other authority", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the u.s. prohibits fishing sharks solely for their fins , which are a delicacy in asia .\" What is the definition of \"prohibit\"?"} {"term": "skullcap", "pos": "", "context": "next came the helmet , made of bronze with a iron skullcap .", "definition": "a protective helmet , in particular one worn by jockeys or horse riders .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"next came the helmet , made of bronze with a iron skullcap .\" What is the definition of \"skullcap\"?"} {"term": "scrap", "pos": "", "context": "scrap your old computer", "definition": "dispose of ( something useless or old )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"scrap your old computer\" What is the definition of \"scrap\"?"} {"term": "scrap", "pos": "", "context": "the pay and display machines were scrapped following the opening of a new car park further away on the south side of the abbey .", "definition": "discard or remove from service ( a redundant , old , or inoperative vehicle , vessel , or machine ) , especially so as to convert it to scrap metal", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the pay and display machines were scrapped following the opening of a new car park further away on the south side of the abbey .\" What is the definition of \"scrap\"?"} {"term": "scrap", "pos": "", "context": "campaigning by the rmt rail union has forced the government to drop plans to scrap tube safety regulations .", "definition": "abolish or cancel ( a plan , policy , or law )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"campaigning by the rmt rail union has forced the government to drop plans to scrap tube safety regulations .\" What is the definition of \"scrap\"?"} {"term": "pachysandra", "pos": "", "context": "we must do something about the potato vine tangled in the pachysandra .", "definition": "an evergreen creeping shrubby plant of the box family .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we must do something about the potato vine tangled in the pachysandra .\" What is the definition of \"pachysandra\"?"} {"term": "overhang", "pos": "", "context": "this has meant that the supply of shares is outstripping demand for them , creating a share overhang , which has caused the price to remain quite flat .", "definition": "a quantity of securities or commodities large enough to make prices fall if offered for sale .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this has meant that the supply of shares is outstripping demand for them , creating a share overhang , which has caused the price to remain quite flat .\" What is the definition of \"overhang\"?"} {"term": "palm", "pos": "", "context": "the inspiration for the poem came initially from seeing a sailmaker 's palm in the maritime museum in greenock when i was over there visiting a writer 's workshop .", "definition": "a hard shield worn on the hand by sailmakers to protect the palm", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the inspiration for the poem came initially from seeing a sailmaker 's palm in the maritime museum in greenock when i was over there visiting a writer 's workshop .\" What is the definition of \"palm\"?"} {"term": "true", "pos": "", "context": "you have no one in your life you consider to be a true friend , and never have .", "definition": "loyal or faithful", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you have no one in your life you consider to be a true friend , and never have .\" What is the definition of \"true\"?"} {"term": "true", "pos": "", "context": "he is decent and honest and true , which can not be said of many of his critics .", "definition": "honest", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is decent and honest and true , which can not be said of many of his critics .\" What is the definition of \"true\"?"} {"term": "conjecture", "pos": "", "context": "as he conjectures that the story is not about the mutually longed-for tryst that he had read into her letters , he questions his own ability to interpret what is figured in a text .", "definition": "( in textual criticism ) propose ( a reading ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as he conjectures that the story is not about the mutually longed-for tryst that he had read into her letters , he questions his own ability to interpret what is figured in a text .\" What is the definition of \"conjecture\"?"} {"term": "conjecture", "pos": "", "context": "and has the conjecture been supported by rigorous mathematics or a mere dismissal ?", "definition": "an unproven mathematical or scientific theorem .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and has the conjecture been supported by rigorous mathematics or a mere dismissal ?\" What is the definition of \"conjecture\"?"} {"term": "multistage", "pos": "", "context": "sandstones frequently possess multistage histories involving several cycles of deposition and redeposition .", "definition": "consisting of , occurring in , or involving several stages or processes", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sandstones frequently possess multistage histories involving several cycles of deposition and redeposition .\" What is the definition of \"multistage\"?"} {"term": "nine", "pos": "", "context": "between the age of nine and 11 , 21 per cent have had contact with porn .", "definition": "nine years old", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"between the age of nine and 11 , 21 per cent have had contact with porn .\" What is the definition of \"nine\"?"} {"term": "nine", "pos": "", "context": "`` it 's only half nine , `` said hermione .", "definition": "nine o'clock", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"`` it 's only half nine , `` said hermione .\" What is the definition of \"nine\"?"} {"term": "dawn", "pos": "", "context": "it started to dawn , and we had to get up", "definition": "become light", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it started to dawn , and we had to get up\" What is the definition of \"dawn\"?"} {"term": "facilitate", "pos": "", "context": "the stimulus facilitates a delayed impulse", "definition": "increase the likelihood of ( a response )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the stimulus facilitates a delayed impulse\" What is the definition of \"facilitate\"?"} {"term": "macronutrient", "pos": "", "context": "however , said suping , a long-term solution would be to bio-augment the dam - a process that involves adding natural macronutrients to stimulate the emission of oxygen from natural organisms in the lake .", "definition": "a chemical element ( e.g . potassium , magnesium , calcium ) required in large amounts for plant growth .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"however , said suping , a long-term solution would be to bio-augment the dam - a process that involves adding natural macronutrients to stimulate the emission of oxygen from natural organisms in the lake .\" What is the definition of \"macronutrient\"?"} {"term": "lockbox", "pos": "", "context": "there was ‘ a long waiting list ’ for lockboxes at the post office , and texas , oklahoma , and wyoming license plates are almost as common as those from montana . ’", "definition": "a delivery letter box provided with a lock .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was ‘ a long waiting list ’ for lockboxes at the post office , and texas , oklahoma , and wyoming license plates are almost as common as those from montana . ’\" What is the definition of \"lockbox\"?"} {"term": "kindle", "pos": "", "context": "the setting sun kindled the sky with oranges and reds", "definition": "cause to start burning", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the setting sun kindled the sky with oranges and reds\" What is the definition of \"kindle\"?"} {"term": "kindle", "pos": "", "context": "the dried grass of the prairie kindled , spreading the flames for miles", "definition": "catch fire", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the dried grass of the prairie kindled , spreading the flames for miles\" What is the definition of \"kindle\"?"} {"term": "confess", "pos": "", "context": "she confessed that she had taken the money", "definition": "admit ( to a wrongdoing )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she confessed that she had taken the money\" What is the definition of \"confess\"?"} {"term": "druggist", "pos": "", "context": "not only do druggists lose sales , but purchases of other products - from sunscreen to pantyhose - also shrink .", "definition": "a pharmacist or retailer of medicinal drugs .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"not only do druggists lose sales , but purchases of other products - from sunscreen to pantyhose - also shrink .\" What is the definition of \"druggist\"?"} {"term": "need", "pos": "", "context": "olympiakos need only draw , but will carry to anfield one of the poorest away records in the competition .", "definition": "expressing necessity or obligation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"olympiakos need only draw , but will carry to anfield one of the poorest away records in the competition .\" What is the definition of \"need\"?"} {"term": "extropy", "pos": "", "context": "extropy means designing and managing technologies not as ends in themselves but as effective means for improving life .", "definition": "the pseudoscientific principle that life will expand indefinitely and in an orderly , progressive way throughout the entire universe by the means of human intelligence and technology", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"extropy means designing and managing technologies not as ends in themselves but as effective means for improving life .\" What is the definition of \"extropy\"?"} {"term": "pelota", "pos": "", "context": "after watching a game of pelota , i sat on my balcony and got drunk on a dramatic view of rocky ridges calmed down by sheep , cows and farmers .", "definition": "a basque or spanish game played in a walled court with a ball and basket-like rackets attached to the hand .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after watching a game of pelota , i sat on my balcony and got drunk on a dramatic view of rocky ridges calmed down by sheep , cows and farmers .\" What is the definition of \"pelota\"?"} {"term": "analyst", "pos": "", "context": "since the analysand comes to the analyst because of pain , the role of the psychoanalyst in my book is naturally the relief of that pain .", "definition": "a psychoanalyst .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"since the analysand comes to the analyst because of pain , the role of the psychoanalyst in my book is naturally the relief of that pain .\" What is the definition of \"analyst\"?"} {"term": "baffle", "pos": "", "context": "the tortuous passage restricts or baffles the gas flow out of the glass assembly .", "definition": "restrain or regulate ( a fluid , sound , etc . )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the tortuous passage restricts or baffles the gas flow out of the glass assembly .\" What is the definition of \"baffle\"?"} {"term": "west", "pos": "", "context": "it points to every direction on the compass , north , south , east and west… what more do you want .", "definition": "the compass point corresponding to west .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it points to every direction on the compass , north , south , east and west… what more do you want .\" What is the definition of \"west\"?"} {"term": "saw", "pos": "", "context": "whether or not they like current expressions of democracy , i think it would be fair to say that most people agree with this old saw .", "definition": "a proverb or maxim", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"whether or not they like current expressions of democracy , i think it would be fair to say that most people agree with this old saw .\" What is the definition of \"saw\"?"} {"term": "kettle", "pos": "", "context": "judges dismissed their argument that their detention within the kettle in freezing temperatures without food or water for over six hours had breached their human rights .", "definition": "a small area in which demonstrators or protesters are confined by police seeking to maintain order during a demonstration", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"judges dismissed their argument that their detention within the kettle in freezing temperatures without food or water for over six hours had breached their human rights .\" What is the definition of \"kettle\"?"} {"term": "deme", "pos": "", "context": "we have studied different aspects of dna sequence polymorphism within a single deme drawn from a population that has experienced a range expansion .", "definition": "a subdivision of a population consisting of closely related plants , animals , or people , typically breeding mainly within the group .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we have studied different aspects of dna sequence polymorphism within a single deme drawn from a population that has experienced a range expansion .\" What is the definition of \"deme\"?"} {"term": "ligurian", "pos": "", "context": "tea with a slice of lemon , a slab of reheated focaccia , and the company of four good ligurians : who needs cocktails and celebrities ?", "definition": "a native or inhabitant of the italian coastal region of liguria", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tea with a slice of lemon , a slab of reheated focaccia , and the company of four good ligurians : who needs cocktails and celebrities ?\" What is the definition of \"ligurian\"?"} {"term": "stupidity", "pos": "", "context": "the only thing that they are good at is showing their own stupidity .", "definition": "the quality of being stupid or unintelligent", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the only thing that they are good at is showing their own stupidity .\" What is the definition of \"stupidity\"?"} {"term": "cerecloth", "pos": "", "context": "the specimen i enclose , wrapped in a golden cerecloth , and with the remains of his last dinner in the proper region , will prove to you the heights to which the creative power of the true artist may soar .", "definition": "waxed cloth used for wrapping a corpse .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the specimen i enclose , wrapped in a golden cerecloth , and with the remains of his last dinner in the proper region , will prove to you the heights to which the creative power of the true artist may soar .\" What is the definition of \"cerecloth\"?"} {"term": "microcircuit", "pos": "", "context": "instead of producing microcircuits , intel could end up making furnaces .", "definition": "a minute electric circuit , especially an integrated circuit .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"instead of producing microcircuits , intel could end up making furnaces .\" What is the definition of \"microcircuit\"?"} {"term": "apt", "pos": "", "context": "she becomes quite the apt pupil for him , becoming much like him but resenting him as well .", "definition": "quick to learn", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she becomes quite the apt pupil for him , becoming much like him but resenting him as well .\" What is the definition of \"apt\"?"} {"term": "apt", "pos": "", "context": "intuitions are apt to differ , for example , regarding the existence of a moral obligation to pay for the wine delivered to your home by mistake .", "definition": "having a tendency to do something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"intuitions are apt to differ , for example , regarding the existence of a moral obligation to pay for the wine delivered to your home by mistake .\" What is the definition of \"apt\"?"} {"term": "maar", "pos": "", "context": "however , with an initial diameter of about 1,500 m the messel maar was certainly considerably larger than the eckfeld maar .", "definition": "a broad , shallow crater , typically filled by a lake , formed by a volcanic eruption with little lava .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"however , with an initial diameter of about 1,500 m the messel maar was certainly considerably larger than the eckfeld maar .\" What is the definition of \"maar\"?"} {"term": "backside", "pos": "", "context": "is it the front or backside of the plexi , or the surface of the plywood ?", "definition": "the reverse or rear side of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"is it the front or backside of the plexi , or the surface of the plywood ?\" What is the definition of \"backside\"?"} {"term": "strumpet", "pos": "", "context": "she meant something more to him than any of the strumpets he 'd dallied with before .", "definition": "a female prostitute or a promiscuous woman .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she meant something more to him than any of the strumpets he 'd dallied with before .\" What is the definition of \"strumpet\"?"} {"term": "effect", "pos": "", "context": "she retained that bold effect in her reproductions of the original painting", "definition": "an outward appearance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she retained that bold effect in her reproductions of the original painting\" What is the definition of \"effect\"?"} {"term": "effect", "pos": "", "context": "but he fears the campaign could have a damaging effect on impressionable teenagers .", "definition": "an impression produced in the mind of a person", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but he fears the campaign could have a damaging effect on impressionable teenagers .\" What is the definition of \"effect\"?"} {"term": "warehouse", "pos": "", "context": "the result : nearly one million blacks are now warehoused in america 's jails , the majority of them young blacks , and a significant number of them are there for non-violent , petty drug crimes .", "definition": "place ( a prisoner or a psychiatric patient ) in a large , impersonal institution in which their problems are not satisfactorily addressed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the result : nearly one million blacks are now warehoused in america 's jails , the majority of them young blacks , and a significant number of them are there for non-violent , petty drug crimes .\" What is the definition of \"warehouse\"?"} {"term": "warehouse", "pos": "", "context": "the new 23,000 square foot facility will allow for vas ' entire inventory to be warehoused and staged under one roof .", "definition": "store ( goods ) in a warehouse", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the new 23,000 square foot facility will allow for vas ' entire inventory to be warehoused and staged under one roof .\" What is the definition of \"warehouse\"?"} {"term": "totter", "pos": "", "context": "it is this rebirth and destruction that keeps the balance and saves the universe from tottering over the brink of destruction .", "definition": "be insecure or about to fail", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is this rebirth and destruction that keeps the balance and saves the universe from tottering over the brink of destruction .\" What is the definition of \"totter\"?"} {"term": "totter", "pos": "", "context": "call it a slight totter in an approximately forward direction if you must but it feels like a giant leap to me .", "definition": "a feeble or unsteady gait .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"call it a slight totter in an approximately forward direction if you must but it feels like a giant leap to me .\" What is the definition of \"totter\"?"} {"term": "lungfish", "pos": "", "context": "there are five hypaxial muscles in both the african and south american lungfishes .", "definition": "an elongated freshwater fish with one or two sacs which function as lungs , enabling it to breathe air . it lives in poorly oxygenated water and can aestivate in mud for long periods to survive drought .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there are five hypaxial muscles in both the african and south american lungfishes .\" What is the definition of \"lungfish\"?"} {"term": "badness", "pos": "", "context": "research into the causes of its badness revealed that the recipe called for a fourth of a teaspoon of salt in the filling .", "definition": "poor quality or low standard", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"research into the causes of its badness revealed that the recipe called for a fourth of a teaspoon of salt in the filling .\" What is the definition of \"badness\"?"} {"term": "hernia", "pos": "", "context": "an abdominal examination showed no abnormality apart from an umbilical hernia .", "definition": "a condition in which part of an organ is displaced and protrudes through the wall of the cavity containing it ( often involving the intestine at a weak point in the abdominal wall )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an abdominal examination showed no abnormality apart from an umbilical hernia .\" What is the definition of \"hernia\"?"} {"term": "document", "pos": "", "context": "last week , another report documented a sharp drop in national guard recruiting rates .", "definition": "record ( something ) in written , photographic , or other form", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"last week , another report documented a sharp drop in national guard recruiting rates .\" What is the definition of \"document\"?"} {"term": "ornament", "pos": "", "context": "he is also an ornament to the game on and off the field .", "definition": "a quality or person adding grace , beauty , or honour to something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is also an ornament to the game on and off the field .\" What is the definition of \"ornament\"?"} {"term": "pollute", "pos": "", "context": "the industrial wastes polluted the lake", "definition": "make impure", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the industrial wastes polluted the lake\" What is the definition of \"pollute\"?"} {"term": "mistral", "pos": "", "context": "the mistral of the southern rhône is one of the more notorious examples of this .", "definition": "a strong cold north-westerly wind that blows through the rhône valley and southern france towards the mediterranean , mainly in winter .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the mistral of the southern rhône is one of the more notorious examples of this .\" What is the definition of \"mistral\"?"} {"term": "provitamin", "pos": "", "context": "it is a fat-soluble substance that is divided into retinol and provitamin a. retinol is the active form of vitamin a usually found in animal products , while provitamin a is found in fruits and vegetables .", "definition": "a substance which is converted into a vitamin within an organism .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is a fat-soluble substance that is divided into retinol and provitamin a. retinol is the active form of vitamin a usually found in animal products , while provitamin a is found in fruits and vegetables .\" What is the definition of \"provitamin\"?"} {"term": "legate", "pos": "", "context": "‘ there was another thing about caesar , ’ thought the legate .", "definition": "a general or governor of an ancient roman province , or their deputy", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ there was another thing about caesar , ’ thought the legate .\" What is the definition of \"legate\"?"} {"term": "remake", "pos": "", "context": "being a remake , the film really needs to keep the basic plot intact .", "definition": "a film or piece of music that has been filmed or recorded again", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"being a remake , the film really needs to keep the basic plot intact .\" What is the definition of \"remake\"?"} {"term": "redhead", "pos": "", "context": "she did n't have many freckles like most redheads do .", "definition": "a person with reddish hair .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she did n't have many freckles like most redheads do .\" What is the definition of \"redhead\"?"} {"term": "rifle", "pos": "", "context": "johnston initially intended to create a black battalion that would include a mobile company comprising gilmer 's rifles and additional troops .", "definition": "troops armed with rifles", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"johnston initially intended to create a black battalion that would include a mobile company comprising gilmer 's rifles and additional troops .\" What is the definition of \"rifle\"?"} {"term": "sidekick", "pos": "", "context": "eventually , the bully 's sidekicks realise things have gone too far and , with julian 's friends , set about getting the bullying stopped .", "definition": "a person 's assistant or close associate , especially one who has less authority than that person", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"eventually , the bully 's sidekicks realise things have gone too far and , with julian 's friends , set about getting the bullying stopped .\" What is the definition of \"sidekick\"?"} {"term": "breakout", "pos": "", "context": "the best way to prevent breakout is to use a scrap wood plug on the inside of the tubing during drilling operations .", "definition": "the deformation or splintering of wood , stone , or other material being drilled or planed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the best way to prevent breakout is to use a scrap wood plug on the inside of the tubing during drilling operations .\" What is the definition of \"breakout\"?"} {"term": "breakout", "pos": "", "context": "how ethical would it be to let millions of livestock be slaughtered [ if there were a major spongiform breakout in the united states ] ?", "definition": "an outbreak", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"how ethical would it be to let millions of livestock be slaughtered [ if there were a major spongiform breakout in the united states ] ?\" What is the definition of \"breakout\"?"} {"term": "monkey", "pos": "", "context": "well , we 've definitely heard of mischievous monkeys but charlie is just cheeky , i think we can safely say .", "definition": "a mischievous person , especially a child", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"well , we 've definitely heard of mischievous monkeys but charlie is just cheeky , i think we can safely say .\" What is the definition of \"monkey\"?"} {"term": "elderly", "pos": "", "context": "the dogs were bred as guide dogs for elderly people who suffered from allergies .", "definition": "( of a person ) old or ageing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the dogs were bred as guide dogs for elderly people who suffered from allergies .\" What is the definition of \"elderly\"?"} {"term": "impeachment", "pos": "", "context": "they found that a prosecutor 's detailed , negative impeachment of the character witness outweighed that of the witness 's positive character evidence .", "definition": "the action of calling into question the integrity or validity of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they found that a prosecutor 's detailed , negative impeachment of the character witness outweighed that of the witness 's positive character evidence .\" What is the definition of \"impeachment\"?"} {"term": "determinative", "pos": "", "context": "the determinative ( or determinant ) battle", "definition": "having the power or quality of deciding", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the determinative ( or determinant ) battle\" What is the definition of \"determinative\"?"} {"term": "interpose", "pos": "", "context": "at least one starter switch is interposed between the starter and the starter battery .", "definition": "place or insert between one thing and another", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at least one starter switch is interposed between the starter and the starter battery .\" What is the definition of \"interpose\"?"} {"term": "gardenia", "pos": "", "context": "if you think about it , orchids , gardenias , heliconias , birds of paradise , and plumerias are all lovely additions to gardens in tropical areas .", "definition": "a tree or shrub of warm climates , with large , fragrant white or yellow flowers .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if you think about it , orchids , gardenias , heliconias , birds of paradise , and plumerias are all lovely additions to gardens in tropical areas .\" What is the definition of \"gardenia\"?"} {"term": "width", "pos": "", "context": "each floor offers ample space for individual designs , consisting of a long , open space of about 30m in length and 10m in width .", "definition": "the measurement or extent of something from side to side ; the lesser of two or the least of three dimensions of a body", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"each floor offers ample space for individual designs , consisting of a long , open space of about 30m in length and 10m in width .\" What is the definition of \"width\"?"} {"term": "contravene", "pos": "", "context": "the proposal contravenes the policy and objective .", "definition": "conflict with ( a right , principle , etc . ) , especially to its detriment", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the proposal contravenes the policy and objective .\" What is the definition of \"contravene\"?"} {"term": "zag", "pos": "", "context": "the only thing that threatens the company , in fact , is a change in the game , an industry zig to the company 's zag .", "definition": "a sharp change of direction in a zigzag course", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the only thing that threatens the company , in fact , is a change in the game , an industry zig to the company 's zag .\" What is the definition of \"zag\"?"} {"term": "fourth", "pos": "", "context": "practicing fourths and consecutive sevenths challenges the ear in ways that sixths and thirds do n't , in addition to enhancing hand stability .", "definition": "an interval spanning four consecutive notes in a diatonic scale , in particular ( also perfect fourth ) an interval of two tones and a semitone ( e.g . c to f ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"practicing fourths and consecutive sevenths challenges the ear in ways that sixths and thirds do n't , in addition to enhancing hand stability .\" What is the definition of \"fourth\"?"} {"term": "fourth", "pos": "", "context": "then fourth , then fifth and finally sixth gear and you 're still pulling like a train .", "definition": "the fourth ( and often highest ) in a sequence of a vehicle 's gears", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"then fourth , then fifth and finally sixth gear and you 're still pulling like a train .\" What is the definition of \"fourth\"?"} {"term": "baluchi", "pos": "", "context": "in addition to persian , some hazaras also speak pashtu , baluchi , and turkic .", "definition": "the language of the iranian group spoken by over 5 million people in and around baluchistan .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in addition to persian , some hazaras also speak pashtu , baluchi , and turkic .\" What is the definition of \"baluchi\"?"} {"term": "baluchi", "pos": "", "context": "pakistani officials have , in turn , accused india and , by implication , the us , of stirring up baluchi separatists .", "definition": "relating to the baluchi or their language .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pakistani officials have , in turn , accused india and , by implication , the us , of stirring up baluchi separatists .\" What is the definition of \"baluchi\"?"} {"term": "resettlement", "pos": "", "context": "prior to white resettlement in the early 1800s , the delta had been largely occupied by a number of native american communities , including the choctaw .", "definition": "the settlement of people in a different place", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"prior to white resettlement in the early 1800s , the delta had been largely occupied by a number of native american communities , including the choctaw .\" What is the definition of \"resettlement\"?"} {"term": "lockage", "pos": "", "context": "there would be descending lockage the whole way , and the lake erie water would have continued in the canal until it arrived at the hudson !", "definition": "the construction or use of locks on waterways .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there would be descending lockage the whole way , and the lake erie water would have continued in the canal until it arrived at the hudson !\" What is the definition of \"lockage\"?"} {"term": "bop", "pos": "", "context": "‘ please wake up ! ’ cried charlie , bopping him lightly over the head with her flashlight .", "definition": "hit or punch quickly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ please wake up ! ’ cried charlie , bopping him lightly over the head with her flashlight .\" What is the definition of \"bop\"?"} {"term": "bop", "pos": "", "context": "over 1,000 people bopped , jigged , jived and pogoed to some excellent bands .", "definition": "dance to pop music", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"over 1,000 people bopped , jigged , jived and pogoed to some excellent bands .\" What is the definition of \"bop\"?"} {"term": "bop", "pos": "", "context": "whenever i tried to take food between meals when i was a boy , i was scolded and got a bop on the head .", "definition": "a quick blow or punch .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"whenever i tried to take food between meals when i was a boy , i was scolded and got a bop on the head .\" What is the definition of \"bop\"?"} {"term": "swell", "pos": "", "context": "there was a heavy swell and they were caught by the tide . the small engine on the boat made little impact , and they drifted .", "definition": "a slow , regular movement of the sea in rolling waves that do not break", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was a heavy swell and they were caught by the tide . the small engine on the boat made little impact , and they drifted .\" What is the definition of \"swell\"?"} {"term": "swell", "pos": "", "context": "the bellies of the starving children are swelling", "definition": "expand abnormally", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the bellies of the starving children are swelling\" What is the definition of \"swell\"?"} {"term": "swell", "pos": "", "context": "the water swells the wood", "definition": "cause to become swollen", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the water swells the wood\" What is the definition of \"swell\"?"} {"term": "swell", "pos": "", "context": "every big chorus kicks off with a raucous singalong or choir-like swells , and hearing everybody in the studio bellow together may be the best part of the album .", "definition": "a mechanism for producing a crescendo or diminuendo in an organ or harmonium .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"every big chorus kicks off with a raucous singalong or choir-like swells , and hearing everybody in the studio bellow together may be the best part of the album .\" What is the definition of \"swell\"?"} {"term": "crystal", "pos": "", "context": "the cornea is the clear part of the eye much like a watch crystal .", "definition": "the glass over a watch face .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the cornea is the clear part of the eye much like a watch crystal .\" What is the definition of \"crystal\"?"} {"term": "crystal", "pos": "", "context": "most plant cells rupture when jagged ice crystals form inside them , and if enough damage takes place , plants die .", "definition": "a piece of a homogeneous solid substance having a natural geometrically regular form with symmetrically arranged plane faces", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"most plant cells rupture when jagged ice crystals form inside them , and if enough damage takes place , plants die .\" What is the definition of \"crystal\"?"} {"term": "milliampere", "pos": "", "context": "that version is a cradle-type design that uses a thumb-sized cartridge containing methanol at a concentration of 30 percent to provide an output of 5.4 volts at 700 milliamperes .", "definition": "one thousandth of an ampere , a measure for small electric currents .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that version is a cradle-type design that uses a thumb-sized cartridge containing methanol at a concentration of 30 percent to provide an output of 5.4 volts at 700 milliamperes .\" What is the definition of \"milliampere\"?"} {"term": "sleeper", "pos": "", "context": "there are seventeen cars : two engines , dorm , two sleepers , diner , lounge , three coaches , and seven mail cars .", "definition": "a sleeping car , or a berth in one .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there are seventeen cars : two engines , dorm , two sleepers , diner , lounge , three coaches , and seven mail cars .\" What is the definition of \"sleeper\"?"} {"term": "haematuria", "pos": "", "context": "men with severe symptoms , urinary retention , recurrent urinary infections , incontinence , haematuria , or bladder stones should be referred to a urologist .", "definition": "the presence of blood in urine .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"men with severe symptoms , urinary retention , recurrent urinary infections , incontinence , haematuria , or bladder stones should be referred to a urologist .\" What is the definition of \"haematuria\"?"} {"term": "peel", "pos": "", "context": "the paint in my house is peeling off", "definition": "come off in flakes or thin small pieces", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the paint in my house is peeling off\" What is the definition of \"peel\"?"} {"term": "peel", "pos": "", "context": "‘ we try to use as many fresh ingredients as possible and cooks are busy in the morning peeling potatoes and carrots for that day 's menu , ’ said mr marshall .", "definition": "remove the outer covering or skin from ( a fruit , vegetable , or prawn )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ we try to use as many fresh ingredients as possible and cooks are busy in the morning peeling potatoes and carrots for that day 's menu , ’ said mr marshall .\" What is the definition of \"peel\"?"} {"term": "peel", "pos": "", "context": "at-home body peels also can keep skin even-toned .", "definition": "an act of exfoliating dead skin in the cosmetic treatment of microdermabrasion .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at-home body peels also can keep skin even-toned .\" What is the definition of \"peel\"?"} {"term": "go", "pos": "", "context": "older and wiser , and with slightly more money in my purse , we were going to do paris in style .", "definition": "intend or be likely or intended to be or do something ( used to express a future tense )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"older and wiser , and with slightly more money in my purse , we were going to do paris in style .\" What is the definition of \"go\"?"} {"term": "go", "pos": "", "context": "you may notice that you need to pass water more often ; have very little warning before you need to go , and sometimes do not reach the lavatory in time .", "definition": "use a toilet ; urinate or defecate", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you may notice that you need to pass water more often ; have very little warning before you need to go , and sometimes do not reach the lavatory in time .\" What is the definition of \"go\"?"} {"term": "go", "pos": "", "context": "in summary , if you receive a demand for the return of overpaid tax credits , do n't feel obliged to pay it all in one go .", "definition": "used in reference to a single item , action , or spell of activity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in summary , if you receive a demand for the return of overpaid tax credits , do n't feel obliged to pay it all in one go .\" What is the definition of \"go\"?"} {"term": "go", "pos": "", "context": "over the 30 years i have been at altrincham , i 've done nearly every job and at 47 there 's still plenty of go left in me yet .", "definition": "spirit , animation , or energy", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"over the 30 years i have been at altrincham , i 've done nearly every job and at 47 there 's still plenty of go left in me yet .\" What is the definition of \"go\"?"} {"term": "go", "pos": "", "context": "yet both superpowers thought of it as another territory to compete over in a global game of go .", "definition": "a japanese board game of territorial possession and capture .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"yet both superpowers thought of it as another territory to compete over in a global game of go .\" What is the definition of \"go\"?"} {"term": "go", "pos": "", "context": "when i say go , run as fast as you can to that rock on your right and hide behind it .", "definition": "begin motion ( used in a starter 's order to begin a race )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when i say go , run as fast as you can to that rock on your right and hide behind it .\" What is the definition of \"go\"?"} {"term": "go", "pos": "", "context": "she will gain a child , a pram , responsibility for another human being and all that goes with motherhood .", "definition": "be found in the same place or situation ; be associated", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she will gain a child , a pram , responsibility for another human being and all that goes with motherhood .\" What is the definition of \"go\"?"} {"term": "sneer", "pos": "", "context": "surely the whole event reeked of the political correctness that you 've made a fortune from sneering at ?", "definition": "smile or speak in a contemptuous or mocking manner", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"surely the whole event reeked of the political correctness that you 've made a fortune from sneering at ?\" What is the definition of \"sneer\"?"} {"term": "wale", "pos": "", "context": "an example of this is the round linen basket where the wales have been woven in white willow .", "definition": "a horizontal band around a woven basket .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an example of this is the round linen basket where the wales have been woven in white willow .\" What is the definition of \"wale\"?"} {"term": "wale", "pos": "", "context": "in case of corduroy , we will use , either 8 wale corduroy ( about 320 gsm ) , or 14 wale corduroy ( about 300 gsm ) in 100 % cotton or cotton/spandex blend .", "definition": "a ridge on a textured woven fabric such as corduroy", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in case of corduroy , we will use , either 8 wale corduroy ( about 320 gsm ) , or 14 wale corduroy ( about 300 gsm ) in 100 % cotton or cotton/spandex blend .\" What is the definition of \"wale\"?"} {"term": "lambrequin", "pos": "", "context": "the base of the octagonal lantern is adorned with female heads , an inner rope-twist molding , and an outer lambrequin fringe .", "definition": "a short piece of decorative drapery hung over the top of a door or window or draped from a shelf or mantelpiece .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the base of the octagonal lantern is adorned with female heads , an inner rope-twist molding , and an outer lambrequin fringe .\" What is the definition of \"lambrequin\"?"} {"term": "whalebone", "pos": "", "context": "philippa survived the murder attempt , when walter stabbed her , because her whalebone corset protected her .", "definition": "strips of whalebone , formerly used as stays in corsets and dresses", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"philippa survived the murder attempt , when walter stabbed her , because her whalebone corset protected her .\" What is the definition of \"whalebone\"?"} {"term": "droid", "pos": "", "context": "so , while i am waiting for the sales droid to process my order i started talking to a couple about mp3 players .", "definition": "a person regarded as lifeless or mechanical", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so , while i am waiting for the sales droid to process my order i started talking to a couple about mp3 players .\" What is the definition of \"droid\"?"} {"term": "disable", "pos": "", "context": "disable this command on your computer", "definition": "make unable to perform a certain action", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"disable this command on your computer\" What is the definition of \"disable\"?"} {"term": "cornish", "pos": "", "context": "tin mining has played an essential part in shaping both the landscape of cornwall and the character of the cornish .", "definition": "the people of cornwall collectively .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tin mining has played an essential part in shaping both the landscape of cornwall and the character of the cornish .\" What is the definition of \"cornish\"?"} {"term": "bonemeal", "pos": "", "context": "this problem meant that , at least in this country , the cheapest sources of phosphorus , namely bloodmeal and bonemeal , were no longer available .", "definition": "crushed or ground bones used as a fertilizer .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this problem meant that , at least in this country , the cheapest sources of phosphorus , namely bloodmeal and bonemeal , were no longer available .\" What is the definition of \"bonemeal\"?"} {"term": "anaesthetic", "pos": "", "context": "incidents have been investigated in obstetrics , anaesthetics , accident and emergency , orthopaedics , general medicine , and psychiatry .", "definition": "the study or practice of anaesthesia", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"incidents have been investigated in obstetrics , anaesthetics , accident and emergency , orthopaedics , general medicine , and psychiatry .\" What is the definition of \"anaesthetic\"?"} {"term": "positive", "pos": "", "context": "if we are to move forward , we must espouse this more positive approach in all dimensions of the club 's activity .", "definition": "constructive , optimistic , or confident", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if we are to move forward , we must espouse this more positive approach in all dimensions of the club 's activity .\" What is the definition of \"positive\"?"} {"term": "positive", "pos": "", "context": "the security footage produced a positive identification of the vans , but not of the people inside .", "definition": "with no possibility of doubt ; definite", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the security footage produced a positive identification of the vans , but not of the people inside .\" What is the definition of \"positive\"?"} {"term": "positive", "pos": "", "context": "protons are positive", "definition": "having a positive charge", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"protons are positive\" What is the definition of \"positive\"?"} {"term": "surfing", "pos": "", "context": "using the stylus to click on web pages while surfing is very intuitive .", "definition": "the activity of moving from site to site on the internet", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"using the stylus to click on web pages while surfing is very intuitive .\" What is the definition of \"surfing\"?"} {"term": "founder", "pos": "", "context": "rapid intakes of highly fermentable diets that occur with meal-eating behavior may cause feed-related metabolic disorders such as acidosis , founder , and bloat .", "definition": "laminitis in horses , ponies , or other hoofed animals .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rapid intakes of highly fermentable diets that occur with meal-eating behavior may cause feed-related metabolic disorders such as acidosis , founder , and bloat .\" What is the definition of \"founder\"?"} {"term": "founder", "pos": "", "context": "this plan foundered more through the sheer impracticability of the proposals than obstruction by officials .", "definition": "( of a plan or undertaking ) fail or break down as a result of a particular problem", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this plan foundered more through the sheer impracticability of the proposals than obstruction by officials .\" What is the definition of \"founder\"?"} {"term": "founder", "pos": "", "context": "but mr milner , director of keighley iron founders leach and thompson , said there were dozens of examples of manufacturers in the district switching jobs overseas .", "definition": "a person who manufactures articles of cast metal ; the owner or operator of a foundry", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but mr milner , director of keighley iron founders leach and thompson , said there were dozens of examples of manufacturers in the district switching jobs overseas .\" What is the definition of \"founder\"?"} {"term": "delve", "pos": "", "context": "at great personal risk i delved in among the spines today but , apart from last year 's abandoned nest , there was nothing .", "definition": "reach inside a receptacle and search for something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at great personal risk i delved in among the spines today but , apart from last year 's abandoned nest , there was nothing .\" What is the definition of \"delve\"?"} {"term": "diencephalon", "pos": "", "context": "the internal capsule and corona radiata have been exposed by removal of the corpus callosum , caudate nucleus , and diencephalon .", "definition": "the caudal ( posterior ) part of the forebrain , containing the epithalamus , thalamus , hypothalamus , and ventral thalamus and the third ventricle .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the internal capsule and corona radiata have been exposed by removal of the corpus callosum , caudate nucleus , and diencephalon .\" What is the definition of \"diencephalon\"?"} {"term": "regional", "pos": "", "context": "regional flora", "definition": "characteristic of a region", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"regional flora\" What is the definition of \"regional\"?"} {"term": "restatement", "pos": "", "context": "at the point where the sections join , they are unobtrusive—that is , the restatements and transpositions are not advertised by themes .", "definition": "a repeated use of a theme or melody within a composition", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at the point where the sections join , they are unobtrusive—that is , the restatements and transpositions are not advertised by themes .\" What is the definition of \"restatement\"?"} {"term": "zimbabwean", "pos": "", "context": "that fateful final pass was too early and a soft job for the zimbabwean goalkeeper .", "definition": "relating to zimbabwe or its people .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that fateful final pass was too early and a soft job for the zimbabwean goalkeeper .\" What is the definition of \"zimbabwean\"?"} {"term": "obviate", "pos": "", "context": "forcing that outcome now is right and timely , and may obviate the need to pursue it militarily later .", "definition": "remove ( a need or difficulty )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"forcing that outcome now is right and timely , and may obviate the need to pursue it militarily later .\" What is the definition of \"obviate\"?"} {"term": "faceplate", "pos": "", "context": "she had a faceplate on her helmet , blocking most of her face from my view , but her eyes seemed familiar , even though they wore an angry guise .", "definition": "the transparent window of a diver 's or astronaut 's helmet .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she had a faceplate on her helmet , blocking most of her face from my view , but her eyes seemed familiar , even though they wore an angry guise .\" What is the definition of \"faceplate\"?"} {"term": "faceplate", "pos": "", "context": "take a moment to gauge the temperature of the faceplates on your electrical outlets .", "definition": "a plate protecting a piece of machinery , a light switch , or an electrical outlet .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"take a moment to gauge the temperature of the faceplates on your electrical outlets .\" What is the definition of \"faceplate\"?"} {"term": "fence", "pos": "", "context": "make sure it 's completely fenced , that the fence is locked and that there 's no access from the home to the pool .", "definition": "surround or protect with a fence", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"make sure it 's completely fenced , that the fence is locked and that there 's no access from the home to the pool .\" What is the definition of \"fence\"?"} {"term": "blot", "pos": "", "context": "a few blots of cloud were on the blue morning sky , with light haze beneath .", "definition": "a dark mark or stain made by ink , paint , dirt , etc .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a few blots of cloud were on the blue morning sky , with light haze beneath .\" What is the definition of \"blot\"?"} {"term": "blot", "pos": "", "context": "eighteen candidate clones from the genomic library were digested with a series of restriction enzymes , southern blotted , and hybridized with the same probe .", "definition": "transfer by means of a blot .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"eighteen candidate clones from the genomic library were digested with a series of restriction enzymes , southern blotted , and hybridized with the same probe .\" What is the definition of \"blot\"?"} {"term": "say", "pos": "", "context": "let us say that he did not tell the truth", "definition": "express a supposition", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"let us say that he did not tell the truth\" What is the definition of \"say\"?"} {"term": "say", "pos": "", "context": "she turns and looks at her alarm clock which says eight o'clock .", "definition": "( of a clock or watch ) indicate ( a specified time )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she turns and looks at her alarm clock which says eight o'clock .\" What is the definition of \"say\"?"} {"term": "gorilla", "pos": "", "context": "robin’s new boss is a gorilla .", "definition": "a heavily built aggressive-looking man .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"robin’s new boss is a gorilla .\" What is the definition of \"gorilla\"?"} {"term": "crash", "pos": "", "context": "the car crashed through the glass door", "definition": "move with , or as if with , a crashing noise", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the car crashed through the glass door\" What is the definition of \"crash\"?"} {"term": "crash", "pos": "", "context": "the next thing i remember is a big bang when her car crashed into mine .", "definition": "( of a vehicle ) collide violently with an obstacle or another vehicle", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the next thing i remember is a big bang when her car crashed into mine .\" What is the definition of \"crash\"?"} {"term": "crash", "pos": "", "context": "the mother of a woman who died in a car crash near scarborough today paid tribute to her loving , caring daughter .", "definition": "a violent collision , typically of one vehicle with another or with an object", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the mother of a woman who died in a car crash near scarborough today paid tribute to her loving , caring daughter .\" What is the definition of \"crash\"?"} {"term": "crash", "pos": "", "context": "a hammer flew across the basement and landed with a crash on the pile .", "definition": "a sudden loud noise as of something breaking or hitting another object", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a hammer flew across the basement and landed with a crash on the pile .\" What is the definition of \"crash\"?"} {"term": "prodding", "pos": "", "context": "the ceaseless prodding got on his nerves", "definition": "a verbalization that encourages you to attempt something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ceaseless prodding got on his nerves\" What is the definition of \"prodding\"?"} {"term": "facet", "pos": "", "context": "he studied every facet of the question", "definition": "a distinct feature or element in a problem", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he studied every facet of the question\" What is the definition of \"facet\"?"} {"term": "balearic", "pos": "", "context": "the result of the club attention was an invitation for poloroid to perform a bespoke balearic set live for radio 1 in ibiza , an experience dan will never forget .", "definition": "relating to or denoting a style of synthesized dance music that developed in ibiza", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the result of the club attention was an invitation for poloroid to perform a bespoke balearic set live for radio 1 in ibiza , an experience dan will never forget .\" What is the definition of \"balearic\"?"} {"term": "knock", "pos": "", "context": "this is no knock against lucas , who does a fine job in his short scenes , but it is a structural problem that the film does not entirely solve .", "definition": "a critical comment .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this is no knock against lucas , who does a fine job in his short scenes , but it is a structural problem that the film does not entirely solve .\" What is the definition of \"knock\"?"} {"term": "knock", "pos": "", "context": "just down the walk , i found a hole knocked in a garden wall and a hundred bricks missing .", "definition": "make ( a hole or a dent ) in something by striking it forcefully", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"just down the walk , i found a hole knocked in a garden wall and a hundred bricks missing .\" What is the definition of \"knock\"?"} {"term": "sass", "pos": "", "context": "do n't give me any of your sass", "definition": "an impudent or insolent rejoinder", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"do n't give me any of your sass\" What is the definition of \"sass\"?"} {"term": "meantime", "pos": "", "context": "neverthless , that does n't mean we should sit on our hands in the meantime .", "definition": "meanwhile", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"neverthless , that does n't mean we should sit on our hands in the meantime .\" What is the definition of \"meantime\"?"} {"term": "tektite", "pos": "", "context": "these bits of glass , called tektites , appear to be scattered across the entire region that the researchers examined , suggesting that much of the pampean plain is a vast tektite field .", "definition": "a small black glassy object found in numbers over certain areas of the earth 's surface , believed to have been formed as molten debris in meteorite impacts and scattered widely through the air .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these bits of glass , called tektites , appear to be scattered across the entire region that the researchers examined , suggesting that much of the pampean plain is a vast tektite field .\" What is the definition of \"tektite\"?"} {"term": "nanny", "pos": "", "context": "after about another half an hour of questions , she had decided that i was fit to nanny her daughter .", "definition": "be overprotective towards", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after about another half an hour of questions , she had decided that i was fit to nanny her daughter .\" What is the definition of \"nanny\"?"} {"term": "phase", "pos": "", "context": "for talking about two actions or states , which are closely linked , we use two verbs together in phase .", "definition": "( in systemic grammar ) the relationship between a catenative verb and the verb that follows it , as in she hoped to succeed and i like swimming .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for talking about two actions or states , which are closely linked , we use two verbs together in phase .\" What is the definition of \"phase\"?"} {"term": "rub", "pos": "", "context": "daniel took a deep breath , and shook his head a little , rubbing a hand over his eyes .", "definition": "move ( one 's hand , a cloth , or another object ) back and forth against a surface", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"daniel took a deep breath , and shook his head a little , rubbing a hand over his eyes .\" What is the definition of \"rub\"?"} {"term": "shower", "pos": "", "context": "apply moisturizers right after taking a bath or shower or after washing your face .", "definition": "an act of washing oneself in a shower", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"apply moisturizers right after taking a bath or shower or after washing your face .\" What is the definition of \"shower\"?"} {"term": "shower", "pos": "", "context": "you should shower after vigorous exercise", "definition": "take a shower ; wash one 's body in the shower", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you should shower after vigorous exercise\" What is the definition of \"shower\"?"} {"term": "shower", "pos": "", "context": "he took a shower after the game", "definition": "washing yourself by standing upright under water sprayed from a nozzle", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he took a shower after the game\" What is the definition of \"shower\"?"} {"term": "bid", "pos": "", "context": "the amounts of the losing bids were not disclosed .", "definition": "an offer to do work or supply goods at a stated price ; a tender", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the amounts of the losing bids were not disclosed .\" What is the definition of \"bid\"?"} {"term": "bid", "pos": "", "context": "the england rider will be defending the world title he won in australia , as he bids to become the first rider in cycle speedway history to win three world titles .", "definition": "make an effort or attempt to achieve", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the england rider will be defending the world title he won in australia , as he bids to become the first rider in cycle speedway history to win three world titles .\" What is the definition of \"bid\"?"} {"term": "enfranchisement", "pos": "", "context": "the movement in that college to set up a dictatorship where there was once a jcr sees the dream of student enfranchisement replaced with sheer pragmatism .", "definition": "the giving of a right or privilege , especially the right to vote", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the movement in that college to set up a dictatorship where there was once a jcr sees the dream of student enfranchisement replaced with sheer pragmatism .\" What is the definition of \"enfranchisement\"?"} {"term": "charm", "pos": "", "context": "at this energy level , two more quarks , the strange and charm quarks , exist .", "definition": "one of six flavours of quark .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at this energy level , two more quarks , the strange and charm quarks , exist .\" What is the definition of \"charm\"?"} {"term": "charm", "pos": "", "context": "their pop sensibility , spangly make-up and subversiveness bemused , charmed and totally won me over .", "definition": "delight greatly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their pop sensibility , spangly make-up and subversiveness bemused , charmed and totally won me over .\" What is the definition of \"charm\"?"} {"term": "stereotypy", "pos": "", "context": "however , ginseng attenuated the other effects of amphetamine , namely , stereotypy and lethality in aggregated mice .", "definition": "the persistent repetition of an act , especially by an animal , for no obvious purpose", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"however , ginseng attenuated the other effects of amphetamine , namely , stereotypy and lethality in aggregated mice .\" What is the definition of \"stereotypy\"?"} {"term": "ovenware", "pos": "", "context": "there , he was dazzled by stores filled with ‘ beautiful , heavy copper pots and pans , white-porcelain ovenware , baking dishes , and casseroles of all different shapes and sizes , ’ he says .", "definition": "dishes that can be used for cooking food in the oven .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there , he was dazzled by stores filled with ‘ beautiful , heavy copper pots and pans , white-porcelain ovenware , baking dishes , and casseroles of all different shapes and sizes , ’ he says .\" What is the definition of \"ovenware\"?"} {"term": "beige", "pos": "", "context": "black is back , used alongside hazy winter pastel hues , such as alice blue and shades of light beige .", "definition": "a pale sandy fawn colour", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"black is back , used alongside hazy winter pastel hues , such as alice blue and shades of light beige .\" What is the definition of \"beige\"?"} {"term": "lifebelt", "pos": "", "context": "we are tuned into a good programme on the radio , a kipper the size of a ship 's lifebelt is gently grilling and i have a pot of tea mashing at my elbow .", "definition": "a ring of buoyant or inflatable material used to help a person who has fallen into water to stay afloat .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we are tuned into a good programme on the radio , a kipper the size of a ship 's lifebelt is gently grilling and i have a pot of tea mashing at my elbow .\" What is the definition of \"lifebelt\"?"} {"term": "klebsiella", "pos": "", "context": "legal action against the department of health was being considered by many of the parents of the babies who died in an outbreak of klebsiella at the hospital , an attorney said yesterday .", "definition": "a bacterium which causes respiratory , urinary , and wound infections .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"legal action against the department of health was being considered by many of the parents of the babies who died in an outbreak of klebsiella at the hospital , an attorney said yesterday .\" What is the definition of \"klebsiella\"?"} {"term": "solution", "pos": "", "context": "since soap and detergents are salts , they separate into their component ions in a solution of water .", "definition": "a liquid mixture in which the minor component ( the solute ) is uniformly distributed within the major component ( the solvent )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"since soap and detergents are salts , they separate into their component ions in a solution of water .\" What is the definition of \"solution\"?"} {"term": "salopian", "pos": "", "context": "chris talks to proud salopians who simply wo n't live anywhere else , and charts how the county has changed whilst they have been in residence .", "definition": "a native or inhabitant of the english county of salop , now known as shropshire", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"chris talks to proud salopians who simply wo n't live anywhere else , and charts how the county has changed whilst they have been in residence .\" What is the definition of \"salopian\"?"} {"term": "pet", "pos": "", "context": "and , again , no one should buy birds as a pet unless they 're bred domestically .", "definition": "a domestic or tamed animal kept for companionship or pleasure", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and , again , no one should buy birds as a pet unless they 're bred domestically .\" What is the definition of \"pet\"?"} {"term": "profligacy", "pos": "", "context": "locals are stunned by the profligacy as deadlines are passed and the budget overruns by millions of dollars .", "definition": "reckless extravagance or wastefulness in the use of resources", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"locals are stunned by the profligacy as deadlines are passed and the budget overruns by millions of dollars .\" What is the definition of \"profligacy\"?"} {"term": "austenite", "pos": "", "context": "at higher temperatures , the structure switches to austenite .", "definition": "a solid solution of carbon in a non-magnetic form of iron stable at high temperatures . it is a constituent of some forms of steel .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at higher temperatures , the structure switches to austenite .\" What is the definition of \"austenite\"?"} {"term": "doohickey", "pos": "", "context": "the sensible thing now would be to repackage the doohickey and take it to the nearest charity shop .", "definition": "a small object or gadget , especially one whose precise name the speaker can not recall", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sensible thing now would be to repackage the doohickey and take it to the nearest charity shop .\" What is the definition of \"doohickey\"?"} {"term": "adjustable", "pos": "", "context": "adjustable interest rates", "definition": "capable of being regulated", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"adjustable interest rates\" What is the definition of \"adjustable\"?"} {"term": "adjustable", "pos": "", "context": "adjustable seat belts", "definition": "capable of being changed so as to match or fit", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"adjustable seat belts\" What is the definition of \"adjustable\"?"} {"term": "sheepskin", "pos": "", "context": "another value added to the cows was the fact that while the rest of europe used manuscripts made from sheepskin , in ireland it was calfskin .", "definition": "leather from a sheep 's skin used in bookbinding .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"another value added to the cows was the fact that while the rest of europe used manuscripts made from sheepskin , in ireland it was calfskin .\" What is the definition of \"sheepskin\"?"} {"term": "charge", "pos": "", "context": "they also charged that following the 1911 change of government , construction standards had not been upheld .", "definition": "make an accusation or assertion that", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they also charged that following the 1911 change of government , construction standards had not been upheld .\" What is the definition of \"charge\"?"} {"term": "charge", "pos": "", "context": "his honour 's charge to the jury in this case was based upon what they thought they should do , what was reasonable .", "definition": "an official instruction , especially one given by a judge to a jury regarding points of law", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his honour 's charge to the jury in this case was based upon what they thought they should do , what was reasonable .\" What is the definition of \"charge\"?"} {"term": "charge", "pos": "", "context": "i need to charge my car battery", "definition": "energize a battery by passing a current through it in the direction opposite to discharge", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i need to charge my car battery\" What is the definition of \"charge\"?"} {"term": "charge", "pos": "", "context": "he charged her with cleaning up all the files over the weekend", "definition": "impose a task upon , assign a responsibility to", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he charged her with cleaning up all the files over the weekend\" What is the definition of \"charge\"?"} {"term": "charge", "pos": "", "context": "the teacher led her charges across the street", "definition": "a person committed to your care", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the teacher led her charges across the street\" What is the definition of \"charge\"?"} {"term": "staple", "pos": "", "context": "wheat is a staple crop", "definition": "necessary or important , especially regarding food or commodities", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wheat is a staple crop\" What is the definition of \"staple\"?"} {"term": "view", "pos": "", "context": "they look the same in outward view", "definition": "outward appearance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they look the same in outward view\" What is the definition of \"view\"?"} {"term": "resuscitation", "pos": "", "context": "the male rate for completed suicide has always been higher , even when we lacked the technology for quick , easy resuscitation .", "definition": "the action or process of reviving someone from unconsciousness or apparent death", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the male rate for completed suicide has always been higher , even when we lacked the technology for quick , easy resuscitation .\" What is the definition of \"resuscitation\"?"} {"term": "resuscitation", "pos": "", "context": "although he was apparently drowned , resuscitation was accomplished by artificial respiration", "definition": "the act of reviving a person and returning them to consciousness", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"although he was apparently drowned , resuscitation was accomplished by artificial respiration\" What is the definition of \"resuscitation\"?"} {"term": "resuscitation", "pos": "", "context": "the resuscitation of the religious view of nature requires a very radical change .", "definition": "the action of making something active or vigorous again", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the resuscitation of the religious view of nature requires a very radical change .\" What is the definition of \"resuscitation\"?"} {"term": "postmodernism", "pos": "", "context": "modernism and postmodernism have made us more aware of the complexities of the art form .", "definition": "a late 20th-century style and concept in the arts , architecture , and criticism , which represents a departure from modernism and is characterized by the self-conscious use of earlier styles and conventions , a mixing of different artistic styles and media , and a general distrust of theories .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"modernism and postmodernism have made us more aware of the complexities of the art form .\" What is the definition of \"postmodernism\"?"} {"term": "bag", "pos": "", "context": "i do n't appreciate the bagging of other 's opinions for no apparent reason .", "definition": "criticize", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i do n't appreciate the bagging of other 's opinions for no apparent reason .\" What is the definition of \"bag\"?"} {"term": "bag", "pos": "", "context": "he scrambled to get back to the bag", "definition": "a place that the runner must touch before scoring", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he scrambled to get back to the bag\" What is the definition of \"bag\"?"} {"term": "bag", "pos": "", "context": "bag a few pheasants", "definition": "capture or kill , as in hunting", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bag a few pheasants\" What is the definition of \"bag\"?"} {"term": "oriole", "pos": "", "context": "if you want to lure woodpeckers , hummingbirds , or orioles to your yard , invest in specialized feeders .", "definition": "a tree-dwelling old world bird of which the male typically has bright yellow and black plumage .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if you want to lure woodpeckers , hummingbirds , or orioles to your yard , invest in specialized feeders .\" What is the definition of \"oriole\"?"} {"term": "handwriting", "pos": "", "context": "it is claimed that the fresh crosses were made in the same handwriting and with the same blue pen .", "definition": "a person 's particular style of writing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is claimed that the fresh crosses were made in the same handwriting and with the same blue pen .\" What is the definition of \"handwriting\"?"} {"term": "thunderflash", "pos": "", "context": "we managed to scare the bear away using 30 mm rubber bullets and thunderflashes - a kind of pyrotechnic or firework .", "definition": "a noisy but harmless pyrotechnic device used especially in military exercises .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we managed to scare the bear away using 30 mm rubber bullets and thunderflashes - a kind of pyrotechnic or firework .\" What is the definition of \"thunderflash\"?"} {"term": "chancery", "pos": "", "context": "on november 2 , 1998 the chancery action was dismissed ‘ without prejudice ’ .", "definition": "a court of law that decides legal cases based on the principle of equity .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on november 2 , 1998 the chancery action was dismissed ‘ without prejudice ’ .\" What is the definition of \"chancery\"?"} {"term": "sealyham", "pos": "", "context": "he believed a sealyham and a scotty could produce the type of dog he wanted .", "definition": "a terrier of a wire-haired short-legged breed .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he believed a sealyham and a scotty could produce the type of dog he wanted .\" What is the definition of \"sealyham\"?"} {"term": "bioterrorism", "pos": "", "context": "conference topics include the latest in cardiovascular surgery , bioterrorism , and patient safety .", "definition": "the use of infectious agents or other harmful biological or biochemical substances as weapons of terrorism .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"conference topics include the latest in cardiovascular surgery , bioterrorism , and patient safety .\" What is the definition of \"bioterrorism\"?"} {"term": "steeplejack", "pos": "", "context": "they may be miners or steeplejacks , bank clerks or civil servants : it 's just that whatever they do for a living and however hard they work at it , they are never going to become multimillionaires .", "definition": "a person who climbs tall structures such as chimneys and steeples in order to carry out repairs .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they may be miners or steeplejacks , bank clerks or civil servants : it 's just that whatever they do for a living and however hard they work at it , they are never going to become multimillionaires .\" What is the definition of \"steeplejack\"?"} {"term": "equilibrium", "pos": "", "context": "his black wings flapped vainly in the wind and water as they tried to regain the precious equilibrium of balance .", "definition": "a state of physical balance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his black wings flapped vainly in the wind and water as they tried to regain the precious equilibrium of balance .\" What is the definition of \"equilibrium\"?"} {"term": "equilibrium", "pos": "", "context": "the maximum concentration of ions in the solution is in equilibrium with the precipitated solid .", "definition": "a state in which a process and its reverse are occurring at equal rates so that no overall change is taking place", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the maximum concentration of ions in the solution is in equilibrium with the precipitated solid .\" What is the definition of \"equilibrium\"?"} {"term": "stimulation", "pos": "", "context": "research that is genuinely unobtrusive may involve the intentional stimulation of organizational responses .", "definition": "encouragement of something to make it develop or become more active", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"research that is genuinely unobtrusive may involve the intentional stimulation of organizational responses .\" What is the definition of \"stimulation\"?"} {"term": "woodcraft", "pos": "", "context": "they had to know woodcraft and the types of forage to use .", "definition": "knowledge of woodland , especially with reference to camping and other outdoor pursuits .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they had to know woodcraft and the types of forage to use .\" What is the definition of \"woodcraft\"?"} {"term": "scry", "pos": "", "context": "i do n't need to scry for the girl , i need to scry for the demon .", "definition": "foretell the future using a crystal ball or other reflective object or surface", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i do n't need to scry for the girl , i need to scry for the demon .\" What is the definition of \"scry\"?"} {"term": "warm", "pos": "", "context": "made things warm for the bookies", "definition": "uncomfortable because of possible danger or trouble", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"made things warm for the bookies\" What is the definition of \"warm\"?"} {"term": "textile", "pos": "", "context": "this is a beach where 'textiles ' and nudists have mingled quite happily together for years .", "definition": "( among nudists ) a non-nudist , especially on a beach", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this is a beach where 'textiles ' and nudists have mingled quite happily together for years .\" What is the definition of \"textile\"?"} {"term": "textile", "pos": "", "context": "the decline and fall of the home care industry , textiles , heavy and light engineering proves that free trade and cheap goods are more powerful influences on our spending habits than emotions .", "definition": "the branch of industry involved in the manufacture of cloth", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the decline and fall of the home care industry , textiles , heavy and light engineering proves that free trade and cheap goods are more powerful influences on our spending habits than emotions .\" What is the definition of \"textile\"?"} {"term": "activity", "pos": "", "context": "the level of activity declines with age", "definition": "the trait of being active ; moving or acting rapidly and energetically", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the level of activity declines with age\" What is the definition of \"activity\"?"} {"term": "activity", "pos": "", "context": "catalytic activity", "definition": "( chemistry ) the capacity of a substance to take part in a chemical reaction", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"catalytic activity\" What is the definition of \"activity\"?"} {"term": "fug", "pos": "", "context": "the experience is suggestive of walking through an inner city shopping mall before ending up in the laser-lit fug of a rave .", "definition": "a warm , stuffy or smoky atmosphere in a room", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the experience is suggestive of walking through an inner city shopping mall before ending up in the laser-lit fug of a rave .\" What is the definition of \"fug\"?"} {"term": "sild", "pos": "", "context": "i ate a nice tinned sild last night .", "definition": "a small immature herring , especially one caught in northern european seas .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i ate a nice tinned sild last night .\" What is the definition of \"sild\"?"} {"term": "commonalty", "pos": "", "context": "the growing prestige of parliament as an institution gave the aristocracy a powerful base from which to challenge the monarchy and defend itself against the commonalty .", "definition": "people without special rank or position , usually viewed as an estate of the realm", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the growing prestige of parliament as an institution gave the aristocracy a powerful base from which to challenge the monarchy and defend itself against the commonalty .\" What is the definition of \"commonalty\"?"} {"term": "defecation", "pos": "", "context": "the programme did not appropriately address the community 's resistance to opt for toilets as an alternative to open defecation .", "definition": "the discharge of faeces from the body", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the programme did not appropriately address the community 's resistance to opt for toilets as an alternative to open defecation .\" What is the definition of \"defecation\"?"} {"term": "metatherian", "pos": "", "context": "in contrast , metatherian fossils from the late cretaceous are exclusively from eurasia and north america ( which formed the supercontinent laurasia ) .", "definition": "relating to or denoting metatherians .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in contrast , metatherian fossils from the late cretaceous are exclusively from eurasia and north america ( which formed the supercontinent laurasia ) .\" What is the definition of \"metatherian\"?"} {"term": "tipple", "pos": "", "context": "we tippled the cognac", "definition": "drink moderately but regularly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we tippled the cognac\" What is the definition of \"tipple\"?"} {"term": "borough", "pos": "", "context": "currently operating in a number of london boroughs , the business offers various care packages ranging from a half-hour domestic call to 24-hour personal care plans .", "definition": "an administrative division of london .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"currently operating in a number of london boroughs , the business offers various care packages ranging from a half-hour domestic call to 24-hour personal care plans .\" What is the definition of \"borough\"?"} {"term": "grow", "pos": "", "context": "the tree trunks had grown together", "definition": "become attached by or as if by the process of growth", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the tree trunks had grown together\" What is the definition of \"grow\"?"} {"term": "grow", "pos": "", "context": "we grow wheat here", "definition": "cultivate by growing , often involving improvements by means of agricultural techniques", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we grow wheat here\" What is the definition of \"grow\"?"} {"term": "grow", "pos": "", "context": "it may mean the end of the knock-about stuff we have grown to love and deplore at the same time , but , if yesterday was anything to go by , this will be replaced with a much smarter and subtler weekly clash .", "definition": "( of a person ) come to feel or think something over time", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it may mean the end of the knock-about stuff we have grown to love and deplore at the same time , but , if yesterday was anything to go by , this will be replaced with a much smarter and subtler weekly clash .\" What is the definition of \"grow\"?"} {"term": "supremacy", "pos": "", "context": "thus it was in this environment that independent africa 's elites sought to exert their supremacy .", "definition": "the state or condition of being superior to all others in authority , power , or status", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"thus it was in this environment that independent africa 's elites sought to exert their supremacy .\" What is the definition of \"supremacy\"?"} {"term": "membership", "pos": "", "context": "if the employers are now digging their heels in then we need action involving all the membership .", "definition": "the members or the number of members in a group", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if the employers are now digging their heels in then we need action involving all the membership .\" What is the definition of \"membership\"?"} {"term": "milliwatt", "pos": "", "context": "the main beam from a base station hits the ground around 50 metres away , and at this distance the maximum power from a typical 60-watt antenna is around 100 milliwatts per square metre .", "definition": "a unit of power equal to one thousandth of a watt .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the main beam from a base station hits the ground around 50 metres away , and at this distance the maximum power from a typical 60-watt antenna is around 100 milliwatts per square metre .\" What is the definition of \"milliwatt\"?"} {"term": "kick", "pos": "", "context": "paul barnard has become an excellent kick for goal .", "definition": "( chiefly in rugby ) a player of specified kicking ability .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"paul barnard has become an excellent kick for goal .\" What is the definition of \"kick\"?"} {"term": "kick", "pos": "", "context": "a post-mortem examination revealed he died as a result of a single blow to the neck , probably a kick .", "definition": "a blow or forceful thrust with the foot", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a post-mortem examination revealed he died as a result of a single blow to the neck , probably a kick .\" What is the definition of \"kick\"?"} {"term": "kick", "pos": "", "context": "against eaglehawk , they kicked nine goals in the second quarter to lead at half-time .", "definition": "( chiefly in rugby ) score ( a goal ) by a kick", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"against eaglehawk , they kicked nine goals in the second quarter to lead at half-time .\" What is the definition of \"kick\"?"} {"term": "shift", "pos": "", "context": "you have to shift when you go down a steep hill", "definition": "change gears", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you have to shift when you go down a steep hill\" What is the definition of \"shift\"?"} {"term": "shift", "pos": "", "context": "she could not shift so all her letters are written in lower case", "definition": "use a shift key on a keyboard", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she could not shift so all her letters are written in lower case\" What is the definition of \"shift\"?"} {"term": "shift", "pos": "", "context": "he shifts into lotus position in his chair , tucking both feet beneath him and riffling quickly through his magazine , which is abnormally thick .", "definition": "change the position of one 's body , especially because one is nervous or uncomfortable", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he shifts into lotus position in his chair , tucking both feet beneath him and riffling quickly through his magazine , which is abnormally thick .\" What is the definition of \"shift\"?"} {"term": "coverage", "pos": "", "context": "there is not the total coverage of the country that we had in the past .", "definition": "the area reached by a broadcasting station or advertising medium", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is not the total coverage of the country that we had in the past .\" What is the definition of \"coverage\"?"} {"term": "coverage", "pos": "", "context": "the majority work long hours for low wages , with no insurance coverage or legal protection .", "definition": "the amount of protection given by an insurance policy .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the majority work long hours for low wages , with no insurance coverage or legal protection .\" What is the definition of \"coverage\"?"} {"term": "hetman", "pos": "", "context": "two hundred years ago king karl xii of sweden fought together with the cossack hetman ivan mazepa for the independence of ukraine from russia .", "definition": "a polish or cossack military commander .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"two hundred years ago king karl xii of sweden fought together with the cossack hetman ivan mazepa for the independence of ukraine from russia .\" What is the definition of \"hetman\"?"} {"term": "vague", "pos": "", "context": "vague feelings of sadness", "definition": "not precisely limited , determined , or distinguished", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"vague feelings of sadness\" What is the definition of \"vague\"?"} {"term": "vague", "pos": "", "context": "the home office , not the most tentative of whitehall departments , kept things vague .", "definition": "thinking or communicating in an unfocused or imprecise way", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the home office , not the most tentative of whitehall departments , kept things vague .\" What is the definition of \"vague\"?"} {"term": "shindy", "pos": "", "context": "we 'd celebrate our new trading status with cheap rum and boozy shindy dancing and the pirates would engage in swashbuckling sword fights over who gets first arrgghs !", "definition": "a large , lively party .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we 'd celebrate our new trading status with cheap rum and boozy shindy dancing and the pirates would engage in swashbuckling sword fights over who gets first arrgghs !\" What is the definition of \"shindy\"?"} {"term": "converge", "pos": "", "context": "the limit of an infinite sequence of numbers often possesses properties not shared by any member of the sequence of terms that converges to it .", "definition": "( of a series ) approximate in the sum of its terms towards a definite limit", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the limit of an infinite sequence of numbers often possesses properties not shared by any member of the sequence of terms that converges to it .\" What is the definition of \"converge\"?"} {"term": "adjourn", "pos": "", "context": "sentence was adjourned for a psychiatric report .", "definition": "put off or postpone ( a resolution or sentence )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sentence was adjourned for a psychiatric report .\" What is the definition of \"adjourn\"?"} {"term": "jolt", "pos": "", "context": "the door closed with a jolt", "definition": "a sudden jarring impact", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the door closed with a jolt\" What is the definition of \"jolt\"?"} {"term": "precision", "pos": "", "context": "the greek archaeologist manolis korres has been working on the acropolis for 25 years , devising diagrams in accordance with the precisions made by the architects of the parthenon , ietinus and callicrates .", "definition": "refinement in a measurement , calculation , or specification , especially as represented by the number of digits given", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the greek archaeologist manolis korres has been working on the acropolis for 25 years , devising diagrams in accordance with the precisions made by the architects of the parthenon , ietinus and callicrates .\" What is the definition of \"precision\"?"} {"term": "halo", "pos": "", "context": "auras are not to be confused with the aureoles or halos of saints , which are devices of christian iconography used to depict the radiance of light associated with divine infusion .", "definition": "a circle of light shown around or above the head of a saint or holy person to represent their holiness .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"auras are not to be confused with the aureoles or halos of saints , which are devices of christian iconography used to depict the radiance of light associated with divine infusion .\" What is the definition of \"halo\"?"} {"term": "countersign", "pos": "", "context": "if two soldiers have the day 's password and countersign , they can get physically close enough to kill each other without knowing that their uniforms do n't match or their language is n't even the same .", "definition": "a signal or password given in reply to a soldier on guard", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if two soldiers have the day 's password and countersign , they can get physically close enough to kill each other without knowing that their uniforms do n't match or their language is n't even the same .\" What is the definition of \"countersign\"?"} {"term": "parliamentarian", "pos": "", "context": "dominica has a british parliamentarian system of government , headed by a president and prime minister .", "definition": "relating to a parliament or its members", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dominica has a british parliamentarian system of government , headed by a president and prime minister .\" What is the definition of \"parliamentarian\"?"} {"term": "frame", "pos": "", "context": "use frames such as ‘ what if… ’ and ‘ would n't it be nice if… ’ amongst others , and as you play with those thoughts they 'll become more familiar and more believable .", "definition": "a feature which marks a transition from one section of discourse to another", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"use frames such as ‘ what if… ’ and ‘ would n't it be nice if… ’ amongst others , and as you play with those thoughts they 'll become more familiar and more believable .\" What is the definition of \"frame\"?"} {"term": "frame", "pos": "", "context": "it would seem , in fact , that not a single frame of film has been left on the cutting room floor .", "definition": "a single complete picture in a series forming a cinema , television , or video film", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it would seem , in fact , that not a single frame of film has been left on the cutting room floor .\" What is the definition of \"frame\"?"} {"term": "frame", "pos": "", "context": "he has destroyed carpets , doors , frames and skirting boards in every room .", "definition": "a rigid structure that surrounds something such as a picture , door , or windowpane .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he has destroyed carpets , doors , frames and skirting boards in every room .\" What is the definition of \"frame\"?"} {"term": "frame", "pos": "", "context": "the mangled metal frames of what were once york phone boxes are testament to a new , and potentially lethal , craze .", "definition": "the rigid supporting structure of an object such as a vehicle , building , or piece of furniture", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the mangled metal frames of what were once york phone boxes are testament to a new , and potentially lethal , craze .\" What is the definition of \"frame\"?"} {"term": "frame", "pos": "", "context": "the frame enhances but is not itself the subject of attention", "definition": "a framework that supports and protects a picture or a mirror", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the frame enhances but is not itself the subject of attention\" What is the definition of \"frame\"?"} {"term": "territory", "pos": "", "context": "also anxious to make a big impression on his home territory is bradford-born left-arm spinner ian fisher who has bagged a five-wicket haul in the last three innings in which he has bowled .", "definition": "an area defended by a team or player in a game or sport .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"also anxious to make a big impression on his home territory is bradford-born left-arm spinner ian fisher who has bagged a five-wicket haul in the last three innings in which he has bowled .\" What is the definition of \"territory\"?"} {"term": "massacre", "pos": "", "context": "it was a massacre . when a team wins 38-14 , on the road , without forcing a single defensive turnover , you know it has been a one-sided game .", "definition": "a heavy defeat of a sporting team or contestant", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was a massacre . when a team wins 38-14 , on the road , without forcing a single defensive turnover , you know it has been a one-sided game .\" What is the definition of \"massacre\"?"} {"term": "ungainly", "pos": "", "context": "what an ungainly creature a giraffe is", "definition": "lacking grace in movement or posture", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"what an ungainly creature a giraffe is\" What is the definition of \"ungainly\"?"} {"term": "insolvent", "pos": "", "context": "liquidator reports on 49 insolvent technology companies were sent to the office of the director of corporate enforcement last year .", "definition": "unable to pay debts owed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"liquidator reports on 49 insolvent technology companies were sent to the office of the director of corporate enforcement last year .\" What is the definition of \"insolvent\"?"} {"term": "parable", "pos": "", "context": "in the parable of the sheep and the goats , jesus indicates that some will be condemned .", "definition": "a simple story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson , as told by jesus in the gospels", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the parable of the sheep and the goats , jesus indicates that some will be condemned .\" What is the definition of \"parable\"?"} {"term": "slugger", "pos": "", "context": "known as a 'ty cobb wannabe ' for his flashing spikes and surly manner , this slugger always swings for the fences .", "definition": "a player who consistently hits for power , especially home runs and doubles", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"known as a 'ty cobb wannabe ' for his flashing spikes and surly manner , this slugger always swings for the fences .\" What is the definition of \"slugger\"?"} {"term": "glamour", "pos": "", "context": "there is no glamour , no sexuality , on display , only the innocent emotions of a young girl in love .", "definition": "beauty or charm that is sexually attractive", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is no glamour , no sexuality , on display , only the innocent emotions of a young girl in love .\" What is the definition of \"glamour\"?"} {"term": "huff", "pos": "", "context": "the detection of an opportunity to huff is not essential , but you may want to consider how it could be done .", "definition": "( in draughts ) remove ( an opponent 's piece that could have made a capture ) from the board as a forfeit .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the detection of an opportunity to huff is not essential , but you may want to consider how it could be done .\" What is the definition of \"huff\"?"} {"term": "value", "pos": "", "context": "another car buying issue that is of equal importance is the residual value of a car after its purchase .", "definition": "the material or monetary worth of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"another car buying issue that is of equal importance is the residual value of a car after its purchase .\" What is the definition of \"value\"?"} {"term": "causerie", "pos": "", "context": "where critics of the older school would bring forth laborious lay sermons , he would trot out a diverting confection of a causerie .", "definition": "an informal article or talk , typically on a literary subject .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"where critics of the older school would bring forth laborious lay sermons , he would trot out a diverting confection of a causerie .\" What is the definition of \"causerie\"?"} {"term": "stick-in-the-mud", "pos": "", "context": "it is the kind of move that makes most london orchestras look like stick-in-the-muds , adrift in the thinking of the last century .", "definition": "a person who is dull and unadventurous and who resists change", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is the kind of move that makes most london orchestras look like stick-in-the-muds , adrift in the thinking of the last century .\" What is the definition of \"stick-in-the-mud\"?"} {"term": "plectrum", "pos": "", "context": "ten of its twenty-five strings are played with a plectrum , while the others resonate .", "definition": "a thin flat piece of plastic , tortoiseshell , or other slightly flexible material held by or worn on the fingers and used to pluck the strings of a musical instrument such as a guitar .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ten of its twenty-five strings are played with a plectrum , while the others resonate .\" What is the definition of \"plectrum\"?"} {"term": "cataract", "pos": "", "context": "the current weather report is for , basically , the sky to collapse , typhoons , cataracts and hurricanes , spouting till they have drench 'd our steeples , etc .", "definition": "a sudden rush of water ; a downpour", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the current weather report is for , basically , the sky to collapse , typhoons , cataracts and hurricanes , spouting till they have drench 'd our steeples , etc .\" What is the definition of \"cataract\"?"} {"term": "racecourse", "pos": "", "context": "gatemen know me at any racecourse and i find that very nice indeed .", "definition": "a ground or track for horse or dog racing .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gatemen know me at any racecourse and i find that very nice indeed .\" What is the definition of \"racecourse\"?"} {"term": "surface", "pos": "", "context": "one of our suppliers despatched a small parcel to us by surface mail on september 30 .", "definition": "carried by or denoting transportation by sea or overland rather than by air", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one of our suppliers despatched a small parcel to us by surface mail on september 30 .\" What is the definition of \"surface\"?"} {"term": "catapult", "pos": "", "context": "if that is done as a joint venture , they could well find themselves catapulted into the limelight on more than one front .", "definition": "move suddenly or at great speed as though hurled by a catapult", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if that is done as a joint venture , they could well find themselves catapulted into the limelight on more than one front .\" What is the definition of \"catapult\"?"} {"term": "sumatran", "pos": "", "context": "he had orders to meet with the sumatrans and seek a peaceful resolution to the situation .", "definition": "a native or inhabitant of the indonesian island of sumatra", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had orders to meet with the sumatrans and seek a peaceful resolution to the situation .\" What is the definition of \"sumatran\"?"} {"term": "dossier", "pos": "", "context": "will the government be gathering dossiers on members of the local women 's cooperative for lobbying for federally funded child care ?", "definition": "a collection of documents about a particular person , event , or subject", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"will the government be gathering dossiers on members of the local women 's cooperative for lobbying for federally funded child care ?\" What is the definition of \"dossier\"?"} {"term": "follow-up", "pos": "", "context": "he is doing a follow-up to the fantastic television musical feltham sings , for which he worked with juvenile offenders .", "definition": "a piece of work that builds on or exploits the success of earlier work", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is doing a follow-up to the fantastic television musical feltham sings , for which he worked with juvenile offenders .\" What is the definition of \"follow-up\"?"} {"term": "brag", "pos": "", "context": "these pups should make excellent prospects for trialing or be true brag dogs in the future .", "definition": "excellent ; first-rate", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these pups should make excellent prospects for trialing or be true brag dogs in the future .\" What is the definition of \"brag\"?"} {"term": "possession", "pos": "", "context": "potential donors need to feel confident that their possessions will be properly looked after .", "definition": "something that is owned or possessed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"potential donors need to feel confident that their possessions will be properly looked after .\" What is the definition of \"possession\"?"} {"term": "denial", "pos": "", "context": "the denials and expressions of disbelief and even disgust were therefore a bit of a surprise .", "definition": "a statement that something is not true", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the denials and expressions of disbelief and even disgust were therefore a bit of a surprise .\" What is the definition of \"denial\"?"} {"term": "rug", "pos": "", "context": "drafted in 1963 , it presently remains in law that gramophones , travelling rugs , and typewriters are our most at-risk goods .", "definition": "a thick woollen coverlet or wrap , used especially when travelling .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"drafted in 1963 , it presently remains in law that gramophones , travelling rugs , and typewriters are our most at-risk goods .\" What is the definition of \"rug\"?"} {"term": "packaging", "pos": "", "context": "opera is different from the mainstream entertainment industry , which uses packaging and promotion to increase popularity .", "definition": "the presentation of a person or thing in an advantageous way", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"opera is different from the mainstream entertainment industry , which uses packaging and promotion to increase popularity .\" What is the definition of \"packaging\"?"} {"term": "nankeen", "pos": "", "context": "the oneida was absent seventeen months , and returned with a rich cargo of teas , silks , and nankeens , so profitable that it was talked of in the counting-rooms of all our ports .", "definition": "a yellowish cotton cloth", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the oneida was absent seventeen months , and returned with a rich cargo of teas , silks , and nankeens , so profitable that it was talked of in the counting-rooms of all our ports .\" What is the definition of \"nankeen\"?"} {"term": "safety", "pos": "", "context": "until they find more definitive evidence of the danger or safety of meat entering the food chain the public must continue to make up their own minds about what they eat .", "definition": "the condition of being protected from or unlikely to cause danger , risk , or injury", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"until they find more definitive evidence of the danger or safety of meat entering the food chain the public must continue to make up their own minds about what they eat .\" What is the definition of \"safety\"?"} {"term": "steam", "pos": "", "context": "and peaking just over the tops of the tin roofs , you can see two double-decker buses , their windows steamed up and their occupants bundled up in huge padded anoraks .", "definition": "become or cause something to become covered or misted over with steam", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and peaking just over the tops of the tin roofs , you can see two double-decker buses , their windows steamed up and their occupants bundled up in huge padded anoraks .\" What is the definition of \"steam\"?"} {"term": "steam", "pos": "", "context": "one of their big players got up a head of steam and charged at me .", "definition": "energy and momentum or impetus", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one of their big players got up a head of steam and charged at me .\" What is the definition of \"steam\"?"} {"term": "punchy", "pos": "", "context": "hollywood hated the movie , but it still got a consolation mention for its punchy sound effects editing .", "definition": "having an immediate impact ; forceful", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hollywood hated the movie , but it still got a consolation mention for its punchy sound effects editing .\" What is the definition of \"punchy\"?"} {"term": "futurist", "pos": "", "context": "apart from a few speakers visiting college , the only futurists i 've met have been on the same course as me , so i was interested to see what the rest of the field looked like .", "definition": "a person who studies the future and makes predictions about it based on current trends", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"apart from a few speakers visiting college , the only futurists i 've met have been on the same course as me , so i was interested to see what the rest of the field looked like .\" What is the definition of \"futurist\"?"} {"term": "nut", "pos": "", "context": "crunchy cereals , pretzels , soy nuts , veggie chips , even beef or turkey jerky can help satisfy the need to work the jaw while filling the stomach .", "definition": "a small lump of something hard or solid , especially coal .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"crunchy cereals , pretzels , soy nuts , veggie chips , even beef or turkey jerky can help satisfy the need to work the jaw while filling the stomach .\" What is the definition of \"nut\"?"} {"term": "countermand", "pos": "", "context": "as a collection of texts , scripture is capable of holding both a point and its countermand .", "definition": "an order revoking a previous one", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as a collection of texts , scripture is capable of holding both a point and its countermand .\" What is the definition of \"countermand\"?"} {"term": "bereaved", "pos": "", "context": "the bereaved do not always need to be taken care of", "definition": "a person who has suffered the death of someone they loved", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the bereaved do not always need to be taken care of\" What is the definition of \"bereaved\"?"} {"term": "estrangement", "pos": "", "context": "this estrangement from her father was the hardest thing to bear .", "definition": "the fact of no longer being on friendly terms or part of a social group", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this estrangement from her father was the hardest thing to bear .\" What is the definition of \"estrangement\"?"} {"term": "skewbald", "pos": "", "context": "he was a handsome 10-year-old skewbald native cross called gaffer .", "definition": "( of an animal ) having irregular patches of white and another colour ( properly not black ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was a handsome 10-year-old skewbald native cross called gaffer .\" What is the definition of \"skewbald\"?"} {"term": "sectarian", "pos": "", "context": "most sectarians are intolerant of the views of any other sect", "definition": "a member of a sect", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"most sectarians are intolerant of the views of any other sect\" What is the definition of \"sectarian\"?"} {"term": "hatch", "pos": "", "context": "hatcheries , which use incubators to hatch the eggs , take advantage of this biological phenomenon for shipping .", "definition": "incubate ( an egg ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hatcheries , which use incubators to hatch the eggs , take advantage of this biological phenomenon for shipping .\" What is the definition of \"hatch\"?"} {"term": "condensation", "pos": "", "context": "the second , ‘ of the passions ' , was a condensation and revision of the second book of the treatise .", "definition": "a concise version of something , especially a text", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the second , ‘ of the passions ' , was a condensation and revision of the second book of the treatise .\" What is the definition of \"condensation\"?"} {"term": "upstage", "pos": "", "context": "dominating the upstage wall is a crude collage of dust-weathered letters that provides a screen on which slides are projected .", "definition": "at or towards the back of a theatre stage", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dominating the upstage wall is a crude collage of dust-weathered letters that provides a screen on which slides are projected .\" What is the definition of \"upstage\"?"} {"term": "stony", "pos": "", "context": "you can picture the rugged terrain of rocky beaches and stony slopes with ancient smouldering volcanoes standing guard over antique vines .", "definition": "covered with or full of small pieces of rock", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you can picture the rugged terrain of rocky beaches and stony slopes with ancient smouldering volcanoes standing guard over antique vines .\" What is the definition of \"stony\"?"} {"term": "monition", "pos": "", "context": "any political operative who would consider attempting a backstabing operation needs to have a certain six-word monition whispered in their ear .", "definition": "a warning of impending danger .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"any political operative who would consider attempting a backstabing operation needs to have a certain six-word monition whispered in their ear .\" What is the definition of \"monition\"?"} {"term": "pincushion", "pos": "", "context": "during testing i noted no spherical aberration , no astigmatism , no curvature of field , no barrel or pincushion , and no rolling distortion .", "definition": "a form of optical distortion in which straight lines along the edge of a screen or a lens bulge towards the centre .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"during testing i noted no spherical aberration , no astigmatism , no curvature of field , no barrel or pincushion , and no rolling distortion .\" What is the definition of \"pincushion\"?"} {"term": "smell", "pos": "", "context": "it 's hard to breathe , your nose drips constantly and your sense of smell just is n't what it used to be .", "definition": "the faculty or power of perceiving odours or scents by means of the organs in the nose", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's hard to breathe , your nose drips constantly and your sense of smell just is n't what it used to be .\" What is the definition of \"smell\"?"} {"term": "smell", "pos": "", "context": "i love citrus -- but the first time i sprayed this on a card and took a smell i almost passed out . it is strong in the first few minutes .", "definition": "an act of inhaling in order to ascertain an odour or scent", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i love citrus -- but the first time i sprayed this on a card and took a smell i almost passed out . it is strong in the first few minutes .\" What is the definition of \"smell\"?"} {"term": "honeyeater", "pos": "", "context": "my grandfather wanted to look through the book and quickly became enthralled by its colorful plates of whistlers , honeyeaters , parrots , pigeons , and doves .", "definition": "an australasian songbird with a long brush-like tongue for feeding on nectar .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my grandfather wanted to look through the book and quickly became enthralled by its colorful plates of whistlers , honeyeaters , parrots , pigeons , and doves .\" What is the definition of \"honeyeater\"?"} {"term": "zinfandel", "pos": "", "context": "prices for multi-purpose grapes have fallen sharply as americans have shifted to varietal wines made from merlot , cabernet , zinfandel , or chardonnay grapes .", "definition": "a variety of wine grape grown in california .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"prices for multi-purpose grapes have fallen sharply as americans have shifted to varietal wines made from merlot , cabernet , zinfandel , or chardonnay grapes .\" What is the definition of \"zinfandel\"?"} {"term": "sentinel", "pos": "", "context": "a sentinel stood on top of the wall , an easy target .", "definition": "a soldier or guard whose job is to stand and keep watch", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sentinel stood on top of the wall , an easy target .\" What is the definition of \"sentinel\"?"} {"term": "point", "pos": "", "context": "she skated in from her position at the point to collect a pass in the right circle .", "definition": "either of two areas to the left and right of the net , just inside the blue line where it meets the boards .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she skated in from her position at the point to collect a pass in the right circle .\" What is the definition of \"point\"?"} {"term": "mecca", "pos": "", "context": "the diving is always spectacular because it has also become a mecca for the wildlife of the celebes sea .", "definition": "a place which attracts people of a particular group or with a particular interest", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the diving is always spectacular because it has also become a mecca for the wildlife of the celebes sea .\" What is the definition of \"mecca\"?"} {"term": "knuckle", "pos": "", "context": "if you had a sore on a joint or a knuckle , you would know that constant bending would break the sore open and prevent its healing quickly .", "definition": "a part of a finger at a joint where the bone is near the surface , especially where the finger joins the hand .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if you had a sore on a joint or a knuckle , you would know that constant bending would break the sore open and prevent its healing quickly .\" What is the definition of \"knuckle\"?"} {"term": "full", "pos": "", "context": "he summoned the full of his eloquence in persuasion .", "definition": "the whole .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he summoned the full of his eloquence in persuasion .\" What is the definition of \"full\"?"} {"term": "full", "pos": "", "context": "the effect is a sharp contrast in time and space , full of humour or satire .", "definition": "having a lot of ( a particular quality )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the effect is a sharp contrast in time and space , full of humour or satire .\" What is the definition of \"full\"?"} {"term": "full", "pos": "", "context": "here is a woman who has lived a rich and full life , but who has not given up her creativity .", "definition": "involving many activities", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"here is a woman who has lived a rich and full life , but who has not given up her creativity .\" What is the definition of \"full\"?"} {"term": "receipt", "pos": "", "context": "income tax receipts have soared by 19 per cent in the last year and the economy is all but back to full employment .", "definition": "an amount of money received during a particular period by an organization or business", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"income tax receipts have soared by 19 per cent in the last year and the economy is all but back to full employment .\" What is the definition of \"receipt\"?"} {"term": "muscovite", "pos": "", "context": "a step below this grandeur are restaurants that middle-class muscovites enjoy on special occasions .", "definition": "a native or citizen of moscow", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a step below this grandeur are restaurants that middle-class muscovites enjoy on special occasions .\" What is the definition of \"muscovite\"?"} {"term": "operative", "pos": "", "context": "nevertheless , the high incidence of macrosomia and other complications often results in cesarean or other operative delivery .", "definition": "relating to surgery", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nevertheless , the high incidence of macrosomia and other complications often results in cesarean or other operative delivery .\" What is the definition of \"operative\"?"} {"term": "particular", "pos": "", "context": "the motion should also give detailed particulars of the violation or crime allegedly committed .", "definition": "detailed information about someone or something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the motion should also give detailed particulars of the violation or crime allegedly committed .\" What is the definition of \"particular\"?"} {"term": "particular", "pos": "", "context": "the claim that there are no universals apart from particulars needs to be understood in context .", "definition": "an individual item , as contrasted with a universal quality", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the claim that there are no universals apart from particulars needs to be understood in context .\" What is the definition of \"particular\"?"} {"term": "particular", "pos": "", "context": "when you report on life and death issues , you owe it to your readers to take particular care in the editing process .", "definition": "especially great or intense", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when you report on life and death issues , you owe it to your readers to take particular care in the editing process .\" What is the definition of \"particular\"?"} {"term": "making", "pos": "", "context": "the making of measurements", "definition": "the act that results in something coming to be", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the making of measurements\" What is the definition of \"making\"?"} {"term": "arc", "pos": "", "context": "these jumps from one number to the next can be visualized as arcs of circles along a number line .", "definition": "a part of a curve , especially a part of the circumference of a circle", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these jumps from one number to the next can be visualized as arcs of circles along a number line .\" What is the definition of \"arc\"?"} {"term": "quintile", "pos": "", "context": "for example , leftists point to studies showing that the gap between the bottom quintile and the top two quintiles is increasing .", "definition": "any of five equal groups into which a population can be divided according to the distribution of values of a particular variable .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for example , leftists point to studies showing that the gap between the bottom quintile and the top two quintiles is increasing .\" What is the definition of \"quintile\"?"} {"term": "sensitive", "pos": "", "context": "in the future a more sensitive appreciation for these sorts of emotional predispositions can help us generate a more refined approach to violence prevention .", "definition": "having or displaying a quick and delicate appreciation of others ' feelings", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the future a more sensitive appreciation for these sorts of emotional predispositions can help us generate a more refined approach to violence prevention .\" What is the definition of \"sensitive\"?"} {"term": "stone", "pos": "", "context": "you should remove the stones from prunes before cooking", "definition": "the hard inner ( usually woody ) layer of the pericarp of some fruits ( as peaches or plums or cherries or olives ) that contains the seed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you should remove the stones from prunes before cooking\" What is the definition of \"stone\"?"} {"term": "stone", "pos": "", "context": "the architects collaborated with a stone mason to explore new possibilities of stone as a building material .", "definition": "hard solid non-metallic mineral matter of which rock is made , especially as a building material", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the architects collaborated with a stone mason to explore new possibilities of stone as a building material .\" What is the definition of \"stone\"?"} {"term": "opportunist", "pos": "", "context": "nor is it all the fault of racist or opportunist politicians - but they hardly help .", "definition": "opportunistic", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nor is it all the fault of racist or opportunist politicians - but they hardly help .\" What is the definition of \"opportunist\"?"} {"term": "opportunist", "pos": "", "context": "it said criminals are more likely to be opportunists making the most of chances that arise in their everyday lives .", "definition": "a person who takes advantage of opportunities as and when they arise , regardless of planning or principle", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it said criminals are more likely to be opportunists making the most of chances that arise in their everyday lives .\" What is the definition of \"opportunist\"?"} {"term": "shortness", "pos": "", "context": "the shortness of air travel time", "definition": "the property of being of short temporal extent", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the shortness of air travel time\" What is the definition of \"shortness\"?"} {"term": "ictus", "pos": "", "context": "more typically ictal symptoms of depression are followed by alteration of consciousness as the ictus evolves from a simple to a complex partial seizure .", "definition": "a stroke or seizure ; a fit .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"more typically ictal symptoms of depression are followed by alteration of consciousness as the ictus evolves from a simple to a complex partial seizure .\" What is the definition of \"ictus\"?"} {"term": "high-power", "pos": "", "context": "high-powered executives", "definition": "vigorously energetic or forceful", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"high-powered executives\" What is the definition of \"high-power\"?"} {"term": "will", "pos": "", "context": "by the way , you will stop me when i get a title graphic up that everyone likes wo n't you ?", "definition": "expressing a request", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"by the way , you will stop me when i get a title graphic up that everyone likes wo n't you ?\" What is the definition of \"will\"?"} {"term": "will", "pos": "", "context": "this action was willed and intended", "definition": "determine by choice", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this action was willed and intended\" What is the definition of \"will\"?"} {"term": "will", "pos": "", "context": "the anger felt in the square mile will probably not be comprehensible to him , but it is real .", "definition": "expressing probability or expectation about something in the present", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the anger felt in the square mile will probably not be comprehensible to him , but it is real .\" What is the definition of \"will\"?"} {"term": "will", "pos": "", "context": "since all the peoples of the world are his heirs , and since presumably he willed the land to his heirs , then all the people of the earth own it .", "definition": "bequeath something to ( someone ) by the terms of one 's will", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"since all the peoples of the world are his heirs , and since presumably he willed the land to his heirs , then all the people of the earth own it .\" What is the definition of \"will\"?"} {"term": "gaze", "pos": "", "context": "his blindness ensures that she does not , once again , become the object of the male gaze .", "definition": "( in literary theory ) a particular perspective considered as embodying certain aspects of the relationship between observer and observed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his blindness ensures that she does not , once again , become the object of the male gaze .\" What is the definition of \"gaze\"?"} {"term": "drunk", "pos": "", "context": "we can drink a little , drink a lot or become staggering drunks that have stopped studying altogether .", "definition": "a person who is drunk or who habitually drinks to excess", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we can drink a little , drink a lot or become staggering drunks that have stopped studying altogether .\" What is the definition of \"drunk\"?"} {"term": "drunk", "pos": "", "context": "his bloodshot eyes were glassy , now drunk with outrage .", "definition": "overcome with ( a strong emotion )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his bloodshot eyes were glassy , now drunk with outrage .\" What is the definition of \"drunk\"?"} {"term": "drunk", "pos": "", "context": "will drunk college students attempt to scale the seven metre structure ?", "definition": "affected by alcohol to the extent of losing control of one 's faculties or behaviour", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"will drunk college students attempt to scale the seven metre structure ?\" What is the definition of \"drunk\"?"} {"term": "demonize", "pos": "", "context": "power had demonized him", "definition": "make into a demon", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"power had demonized him\" What is the definition of \"demonize\"?"} {"term": "enact", "pos": "", "context": "she reenacted what had happened earlier that day", "definition": "act out ; represent or perform as if in a play", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she reenacted what had happened earlier that day\" What is the definition of \"enact\"?"} {"term": "norite", "pos": "", "context": "enstatite occurs in plutonic basic and ultrabasic rocks such as peridotite and norite , and also in some high-grade metamorphic rocks .", "definition": "a coarse-grained plutonic rock similar to gabbro but containing hypersthene .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"enstatite occurs in plutonic basic and ultrabasic rocks such as peridotite and norite , and also in some high-grade metamorphic rocks .\" What is the definition of \"norite\"?"} {"term": "human", "pos": "", "context": "the experiment was conducted on 6 monkeys and 2 human subjects", "definition": "relating to a person", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the experiment was conducted on 6 monkeys and 2 human subjects\" What is the definition of \"human\"?"} {"term": "human", "pos": "", "context": "human nature", "definition": "characteristic of humanity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"human nature\" What is the definition of \"human\"?"} {"term": "deformation", "pos": "", "context": "it is a light grey , porphyritic volcanic to subvolcanic rock , which shows almost no deformation .", "definition": "the action or process of deforming or distorting", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is a light grey , porphyritic volcanic to subvolcanic rock , which shows almost no deformation .\" What is the definition of \"deformation\"?"} {"term": "waft", "pos": "", "context": "a business owner claims a foul stench wafting through his premises is driving disgusted customers away .", "definition": "( with reference to a scent , sound , etc . ) pass or cause to pass gently through the air", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a business owner claims a foul stench wafting through his premises is driving disgusted customers away .\" What is the definition of \"waft\"?"} {"term": "curler", "pos": "", "context": "a woman with her head full of curlers is not a pretty sight", "definition": "a mechanical device consisting of a cylindrical tube around which the hair is wound to curl it", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a woman with her head full of curlers is not a pretty sight\" What is the definition of \"curler\"?"} {"term": "sook", "pos": "", "context": "a mature ( adult ) female blue crab , known as a `` sook ' to watermen , is identified as having an inverted `` u ' or bell-shaped apron and red-tipped claws .", "definition": "a female crab .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a mature ( adult ) female blue crab , known as a `` sook ' to watermen , is identified as having an inverted `` u ' or bell-shaped apron and red-tipped claws .\" What is the definition of \"sook\"?"} {"term": "fan", "pos": "", "context": "the team hopes service returns to his 1998 form , when he fanned 95 batters in 82 2/3 innings .", "definition": "strike out ( a batter )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the team hopes service returns to his 1998 form , when he fanned 95 batters in 82 2/3 innings .\" What is the definition of \"fan\"?"} {"term": "testimony", "pos": "", "context": "on the other hand , there is a serious discrepancy in the testimony of the defendant that is troublesome on the issue of credibility .", "definition": "a formal written or spoken statement , especially one given in a court of law", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on the other hand , there is a serious discrepancy in the testimony of the defendant that is troublesome on the issue of credibility .\" What is the definition of \"testimony\"?"} {"term": "docudrama", "pos": "", "context": "the other one i did was much more like a docudrama , where you took a real situation and told a story around that .", "definition": "a dramatized television film based on real events", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the other one i did was much more like a docudrama , where you took a real situation and told a story around that .\" What is the definition of \"docudrama\"?"} {"term": "swing", "pos": "", "context": "the west indies were constrained early in their chase by some healthy swing bowling aided by the overcast conditions .", "definition": "sideways deviation of the ball from a regular path", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the west indies were constrained early in their chase by some healthy swing bowling aided by the overcast conditions .\" What is the definition of \"swing\"?"} {"term": "swing", "pos": "", "context": "he tied a rope to a limb and would swing out , leap into the air and land , usually , on his feet .", "definition": "move by grasping a support from below and leaping", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he tied a rope to a limb and would swing out , leap into the air and land , usually , on his feet .\" What is the definition of \"swing\"?"} {"term": "swing", "pos": "", "context": "there were many swinging couples in the 1960 's", "definition": "engage freely in promiscuous sex , often with the husband or wife of one 's friends", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there were many swinging couples in the 1960 's\" What is the definition of \"swing\"?"} {"term": "swing", "pos": "", "context": "on record , he is a master of filling spaces with innovative licks , whilst still leaving enough room for the music 's swing and rhythm to ease the tunes along .", "definition": "the rhythmic feeling or drive of swing .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on record , he is a master of filling spaces with innovative licks , whilst still leaving enough room for the music 's swing and rhythm to ease the tunes along .\" What is the definition of \"swing\"?"} {"term": "thicken", "pos": "", "context": "the sauce thickened", "definition": "become thick or thicker", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sauce thickened\" What is the definition of \"thicken\"?"} {"term": "travel", "pos": "", "context": "i am forced to the conclusion that this is not a play that travels well .", "definition": "be successful away from the place of origin", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i am forced to the conclusion that this is not a play that travels well .\" What is the definition of \"travel\"?"} {"term": "bolero", "pos": "", "context": "he was very famous in the '50s and '60s - doing cha-cha-chas and boleros orchestrally .", "definition": "a piece of music for or in the time of a bolero .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was very famous in the '50s and '60s - doing cha-cha-chas and boleros orchestrally .\" What is the definition of \"bolero\"?"} {"term": "lipstick", "pos": "", "context": "the clown had lipsticked circles on his cheeks", "definition": "form by tracing with lipstick", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the clown had lipsticked circles on his cheeks\" What is the definition of \"lipstick\"?"} {"term": "counterchange", "pos": "", "context": "almost every magazine features patterns for counterchange and this book will help you learn the basic steps .", "definition": "patterning in which a dark motif on a light ground alternates with the same motif light on a dark ground .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"almost every magazine features patterns for counterchange and this book will help you learn the basic steps .\" What is the definition of \"counterchange\"?"} {"term": "imperishability", "pos": "", "context": "he advertised the imperishability of the product", "definition": "the property of being resistant to decay", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he advertised the imperishability of the product\" What is the definition of \"imperishability\"?"} {"term": "whup", "pos": "", "context": "building a city from blocks , dice , toy soldiers and other odds and ends , he 's transported into a make-believe municipality just in time to slay a monster , whup a villain , load up an ark - and learn a few lessons in kindness and humility .", "definition": "beat or assault ( someone )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"building a city from blocks , dice , toy soldiers and other odds and ends , he 's transported into a make-believe municipality just in time to slay a monster , whup a villain , load up an ark - and learn a few lessons in kindness and humility .\" What is the definition of \"whup\"?"} {"term": "cyborg", "pos": "", "context": "a cyborg is a cybernetic organism", "definition": "a human being whose body has been taken over in whole or in part by electromechanical devices", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a cyborg is a cybernetic organism\" What is the definition of \"cyborg\"?"} {"term": "noose", "pos": "", "context": "individuals were noosed , measured , weighed , and marked with synthetic paint to ease observation .", "definition": "catch ( an animal ) with a noose", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"individuals were noosed , measured , weighed , and marked with synthetic paint to ease observation .\" What is the definition of \"noose\"?"} {"term": "receive", "pos": "", "context": "her new collection of poems was not well received", "definition": "regard favorably or with disapproval", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her new collection of poems was not well received\" What is the definition of \"receive\"?"} {"term": "plinth", "pos": "", "context": "isolated from the main house further inland , it stands on a stone plinth set into the tidal waters of the river ilen , near skibbereen in county cork .", "definition": "the base course of a building , or projecting base of a wall .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"isolated from the main house further inland , it stands on a stone plinth set into the tidal waters of the river ilen , near skibbereen in county cork .\" What is the definition of \"plinth\"?"} {"term": "aneurysm", "pos": "", "context": "your doctor can measure pulses at points around your body to check for a variety of problems , including aneurysms and narrowed arteries .", "definition": "an excessive localized swelling of the wall of an artery .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"your doctor can measure pulses at points around your body to check for a variety of problems , including aneurysms and narrowed arteries .\" What is the definition of \"aneurysm\"?"} {"term": "silhouette", "pos": "", "context": "he was silhouetted against the outlines of the two empty beds across the room .", "definition": "cast or show ( someone or something ) as a dark shape and outline against a brighter background", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was silhouetted against the outlines of the two empty beds across the room .\" What is the definition of \"silhouette\"?"} {"term": "relict", "pos": "", "context": "where the court is balancing the relict 's claims against those of others , she might claim that she actually owned the house , which , therefore , did not pass under the will anyway .", "definition": "a widow .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"where the court is balancing the relict 's claims against those of others , she might claim that she actually owned the house , which , therefore , did not pass under the will anyway .\" What is the definition of \"relict\"?"} {"term": "flexure", "pos": "", "context": "a flexure of the colon", "definition": "an angular or rounded shape made by folding", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a flexure of the colon\" What is the definition of \"flexure\"?"} {"term": "distaste", "pos": "", "context": "you have expressed a distaste for spiders yourself , and even the intrepid coraline had a thing about them .", "definition": "mild dislike or aversion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you have expressed a distaste for spiders yourself , and even the intrepid coraline had a thing about them .\" What is the definition of \"distaste\"?"} {"term": "crookneck", "pos": "", "context": "like a lot of other squash types , the female flowers of crooknecks are much larger than the male blossoms .", "definition": "a squash of a club-shaped variety with a curved neck and warty skin .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"like a lot of other squash types , the female flowers of crooknecks are much larger than the male blossoms .\" What is the definition of \"crookneck\"?"} {"term": "intuition", "pos": "", "context": "excluded from consideration are such matters as a speaker 's intentions , intuitions , and conceptualizations .", "definition": "a thing that one knows or considers likely from instinctive feeling rather than conscious reasoning", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"excluded from consideration are such matters as a speaker 's intentions , intuitions , and conceptualizations .\" What is the definition of \"intuition\"?"} {"term": "trackside", "pos": "", "context": "sharman and his friends did not spend much time in the trackside towns ; they were simply too busy .", "definition": "by the side of a railway track or sports track", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sharman and his friends did not spend much time in the trackside towns ; they were simply too busy .\" What is the definition of \"trackside\"?"} {"term": "meltdown", "pos": "", "context": "perhaps the most critical lesson learned from last year , however , is the heavy price corporate reputations pay for such meltdowns .", "definition": "a disastrous collapse or breakdown", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"perhaps the most critical lesson learned from last year , however , is the heavy price corporate reputations pay for such meltdowns .\" What is the definition of \"meltdown\"?"} {"term": "lance", "pos": "", "context": "this is made evident by the fact that young protestant girls from neighbouring schools also joined in the protest as they lanced verbal assaults at their catholic peers .", "definition": "throw ; hurl", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this is made evident by the fact that young protestant girls from neighbouring schools also joined in the protest as they lanced verbal assaults at their catholic peers .\" What is the definition of \"lance\"?"} {"term": "chatelaine", "pos": "", "context": "he could tell emily was restive , eager to belt on her chatelaine 's keys and rush off to primp the cushions .", "definition": "a set of short chains attached to a woman 's belt , used for carrying keys or other items .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he could tell emily was restive , eager to belt on her chatelaine 's keys and rush off to primp the cushions .\" What is the definition of \"chatelaine\"?"} {"term": "brotherhood", "pos": "", "context": "of course , we 're told that the freemasons are no longer a secret brotherhood , but a brotherhood with secrets .", "definition": "an association or community of people linked by a common interest , religion , or trade", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"of course , we 're told that the freemasons are no longer a secret brotherhood , but a brotherhood with secrets .\" What is the definition of \"brotherhood\"?"} {"term": "foreboding", "pos": "", "context": "the others she talked to all had different opinions and varying forebodings , but had no problem accepting their essential obligation to participate in what appeared to be an inevitable conflict .", "definition": "a feeling that something bad will happen ; fearful apprehension", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the others she talked to all had different opinions and varying forebodings , but had no problem accepting their essential obligation to participate in what appeared to be an inevitable conflict .\" What is the definition of \"foreboding\"?"} {"term": "epigastrium", "pos": "", "context": "when the primary site is in the epigastrium the source usually is the pancreas , stomach , duodenum , or liver .", "definition": "the part of the upper abdomen immediately over the stomach .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when the primary site is in the epigastrium the source usually is the pancreas , stomach , duodenum , or liver .\" What is the definition of \"epigastrium\"?"} {"term": "shifting", "pos": "", "context": "shifting sands", "definition": "( of soil ) unstable", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shifting sands\" What is the definition of \"shifting\"?"} {"term": "shifting", "pos": "", "context": "taffeta with shifting colors", "definition": "continuously varying", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"taffeta with shifting colors\" What is the definition of \"shifting\"?"} {"term": "arrive", "pos": "", "context": "youngsters who have a history of truancy or poor behaviour or who have just arrived in the city from overseas can find it particularly difficult to find a school place .", "definition": "reach a place at the end of a journey or a stage in a journey", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"youngsters who have a history of truancy or poor behaviour or who have just arrived in the city from overseas can find it particularly difficult to find a school place .\" What is the definition of \"arrive\"?"} {"term": "arrive", "pos": "", "context": "however , if you struggle too much then you wo n't actually be able to achieve victory once you arrive .", "definition": "achieve success or recognition", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"however , if you struggle too much then you wo n't actually be able to achieve victory once you arrive .\" What is the definition of \"arrive\"?"} {"term": "degradation", "pos": "", "context": "we all want to see recycling and an end to environmental degradation .", "definition": "the condition or process of degrading or being degraded", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we all want to see recycling and an end to environmental degradation .\" What is the definition of \"degradation\"?"} {"term": "high-up", "pos": "", "context": "i was also sitting near a personal assistant for some high-up executive .", "definition": "a senior person in an organization", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i was also sitting near a personal assistant for some high-up executive .\" What is the definition of \"high-up\"?"} {"term": "throb", "pos": "", "context": "he felt a throbbing in his head", "definition": "an instance of rapid strong pulsation ( of the heart )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he felt a throbbing in his head\" What is the definition of \"throb\"?"} {"term": "be", "pos": "", "context": "they have been there twice before but hope this time they will make it third time lucky .", "definition": "come ; go ; visit", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they have been there twice before but hope this time they will make it third time lucky .\" What is the definition of \"be\"?"} {"term": "acarine", "pos": "", "context": "those interested in acarines or the captive culture of arachnids are referred to two other listservers : acarology and arachnid .", "definition": "a small arachnid of the order `` acari ' ; a mite or tick .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"those interested in acarines or the captive culture of arachnids are referred to two other listservers : acarology and arachnid .\" What is the definition of \"acarine\"?"} {"term": "algerian", "pos": "", "context": "bouzar is an anthropologist who is both algerian and french .", "definition": "relating to or characteristic of algeria", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bouzar is an anthropologist who is both algerian and french .\" What is the definition of \"algerian\"?"} {"term": "fellowship", "pos": "", "context": "now they have all been drawn together into a world fellowship of bible societies called the united bible societies .", "definition": "a guild or corporation .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"now they have all been drawn together into a world fellowship of bible societies called the united bible societies .\" What is the definition of \"fellowship\"?"} {"term": "uniate", "pos": "", "context": "like the eastern churches , the uniates also allow priests to marry ( though monks and bishops must remain celibate ) .", "definition": "a member of a uniate community .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"like the eastern churches , the uniates also allow priests to marry ( though monks and bishops must remain celibate ) .\" What is the definition of \"uniate\"?"} {"term": "preoccupation", "pos": "", "context": "despite this preoccupation with finding evil , they are able to recognize the good in anyone or anything .", "definition": "the state or condition of being preoccupied or engrossed with something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"despite this preoccupation with finding evil , they are able to recognize the good in anyone or anything .\" What is the definition of \"preoccupation\"?"} {"term": "deposit", "pos": "", "context": "no matter how many miles are on them , your mechanic should replace the spark plugs if they 're oil or carbon-fouled , if they 're covered with deposits , or if the electrode is worn .", "definition": "a layer or mass of accumulated matter", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"no matter how many miles are on them , your mechanic should replace the spark plugs if they 're oil or carbon-fouled , if they 're covered with deposits , or if the electrode is worn .\" What is the definition of \"deposit\"?"} {"term": "inculcate", "pos": "", "context": "for like the wars on drugs or poverty it inculcates expectations at the risk of showing few results .", "definition": "instil ( an idea , attitude , or habit ) by persistent instruction", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for like the wars on drugs or poverty it inculcates expectations at the risk of showing few results .\" What is the definition of \"inculcate\"?"} {"term": "schoolgirl", "pos": "", "context": "there 's very little novel about the phenomenon of the pop industry flirting with lesbianism and schoolgirl sexuality .", "definition": "characteristic of or associated with schoolgirls", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there 's very little novel about the phenomenon of the pop industry flirting with lesbianism and schoolgirl sexuality .\" What is the definition of \"schoolgirl\"?"} {"term": "denouement", "pos": "", "context": "when we believe our own storyline , as if it were a novel that will reach its climax and denouement in tidy fashion , we delude ourselves .", "definition": "the outcome of a situation , when something is decided or made clear", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when we believe our own storyline , as if it were a novel that will reach its climax and denouement in tidy fashion , we delude ourselves .\" What is the definition of \"denouement\"?"} {"term": "hearth", "pos": "", "context": "a reverberating furnace with two hearths heated a roaster to 1,200 degrees fahrenheit to calcine the ore .", "definition": "the base or lower part of a furnace , where molten metal collects .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a reverberating furnace with two hearths heated a roaster to 1,200 degrees fahrenheit to calcine the ore .\" What is the definition of \"hearth\"?"} {"term": "filmy", "pos": "", "context": "actually , i do like the delicate , filmy white square edged in yellow with an m embroidered in one corner .", "definition": "( especially of fabric ) thin and translucent", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"actually , i do like the delicate , filmy white square edged in yellow with an m embroidered in one corner .\" What is the definition of \"filmy\"?"} {"term": "actualize", "pos": "", "context": "what this master couple has effectively accomplished is to actualize the great marital paradox : that people can only change if they do n't feel they have to .", "definition": "make a reality of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"what this master couple has effectively accomplished is to actualize the great marital paradox : that people can only change if they do n't feel they have to .\" What is the definition of \"actualize\"?"} {"term": "beret", "pos": "", "context": "the old soldiers , wearing military berets and caps , were greeted with warm applause , hugs and kisses from a grateful crowd lining the streets .", "definition": "a round flattish cap of felt or cloth .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the old soldiers , wearing military berets and caps , were greeted with warm applause , hugs and kisses from a grateful crowd lining the streets .\" What is the definition of \"beret\"?"} {"term": "shush", "pos": "", "context": "i grinned as i lay back while the sleigh shushed through the countryside : pity they were n't bigger .", "definition": "move with or make a soft swishing or rustling sound", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i grinned as i lay back while the sleigh shushed through the countryside : pity they were n't bigger .\" What is the definition of \"shush\"?"} {"term": "mohican", "pos": "", "context": "a guy with a green mohican slapped evan on the back , and left the office , chewing gum loudly in my ear as he passed .", "definition": "a hairstyle with the head shaved except for a strip of hair from the middle of the forehead to the back of the neck , typically stiffened to stand erect or in spikes", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a guy with a green mohican slapped evan on the back , and left the office , chewing gum loudly in my ear as he passed .\" What is the definition of \"mohican\"?"} {"term": "queen", "pos": "", "context": "mousers left their prey , elder toms left their warm places by the fire , kittens left their meals , queens grabbed a kitten from their nest , and they all ran to the woods .", "definition": "an adult female cat that has not been spayed .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mousers left their prey , elder toms left their warm places by the fire , kittens left their meals , queens grabbed a kitten from their nest , and they all ran to the woods .\" What is the definition of \"queen\"?"} {"term": "maranta", "pos": "", "context": "the maranta and calathea are other such plants .", "definition": "a tropical american plant of a genus which includes the prayer plant and the arrowroot .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the maranta and calathea are other such plants .\" What is the definition of \"maranta\"?"} {"term": "zionism", "pos": "", "context": "in zionism , african ‘ prophets ’ combined aspects of traditional african and christian religious ritual , belief , and social organization .", "definition": "( in southern africa ) a religious movement represented by a group of independent churches which practise a form of christianity incorporating elements of traditional african beliefs .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in zionism , african ‘ prophets ’ combined aspects of traditional african and christian religious ritual , belief , and social organization .\" What is the definition of \"zionism\"?"} {"term": "filofax", "pos": "", "context": "this year alone i 've lost a filofax , a camera and my wallet , and every one of those items has been returned .", "definition": "a loose-leaf notebook for recording appointments , addresses , and notes .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this year alone i 've lost a filofax , a camera and my wallet , and every one of those items has been returned .\" What is the definition of \"filofax\"?"} {"term": "nutrition", "pos": "", "context": "he thought a professional coach should be good at anatomy , medicine , nutrition , and other related subjects .", "definition": "the branch of science that deals with nutrients and nutrition , particularly in humans .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he thought a professional coach should be good at anatomy , medicine , nutrition , and other related subjects .\" What is the definition of \"nutrition\"?"} {"term": "pigeonhole", "pos": "", "context": "her route in the north tower has been transformed into a 6ft-by - 6ft steel cubicle ( called a ‘ sorting case ’ ) surrounded by tall metal racks of pigeonholes .", "definition": "a small recess for a domestic pigeon to nest in .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her route in the north tower has been transformed into a 6ft-by - 6ft steel cubicle ( called a ‘ sorting case ’ ) surrounded by tall metal racks of pigeonholes .\" What is the definition of \"pigeonhole\"?"} {"term": "pigeonhole", "pos": "", "context": "jackie is an american living in the uk and she does n't like being pigeonholed so i 'll avoid trying to place here on the political spectrum .", "definition": "assign to a particular category , typically an overly restrictive one", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"jackie is an american living in the uk and she does n't like being pigeonholed so i 'll avoid trying to place here on the political spectrum .\" What is the definition of \"pigeonhole\"?"} {"term": "eponym", "pos": "", "context": "naming experts are also wary of eponyms because they stake the company 's reputation on the founder 's personal reputation .", "definition": "a name or noun formed after a person .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"naming experts are also wary of eponyms because they stake the company 's reputation on the founder 's personal reputation .\" What is the definition of \"eponym\"?"} {"term": "acridity", "pos": "", "context": "the acridity of alkali", "definition": "extreme bitterness", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the acridity of alkali\" What is the definition of \"acridity\"?"} {"term": "hold", "pos": "", "context": "under the new commitments , airlines will also have to help customers locate the cheapest fares and hold reservations for 24 hours so that prices can be compared .", "definition": "keep or reserve for someone", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"under the new commitments , airlines will also have to help customers locate the cheapest fares and hold reservations for 24 hours so that prices can be compared .\" What is the definition of \"hold\"?"} {"term": "hold", "pos": "", "context": "as more americans hold the cream and cut the carbs , starbucks has been forced to respond .", "definition": "refrain from adding or using ( something , typically an item of food or drink )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as more americans hold the cream and cut the carbs , starbucks has been forced to respond .\" What is the definition of \"hold\"?"} {"term": "hold", "pos": "", "context": "for now , however , the ceasefire holds with both sides of the political divide stating their continued commitment to the peace process .", "definition": "( of a favourable condition or situation ) continue without changing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for now , however , the ceasefire holds with both sides of the political divide stating their continued commitment to the peace process .\" What is the definition of \"hold\"?"} {"term": "constructivism", "pos": "", "context": "brouwerian intuitionism takes a more liberal view of the matter , resulting in a considerable enrichment of the arithmetical continuum over the version offered by strict constructivism .", "definition": "a view which admits as valid only constructive proofs and entities demonstrable by them , implying that the latter have no independent existence .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"brouwerian intuitionism takes a more liberal view of the matter , resulting in a considerable enrichment of the arithmetical continuum over the version offered by strict constructivism .\" What is the definition of \"constructivism\"?"} {"term": "absorb", "pos": "", "context": "the immigrants were quickly absorbed into society", "definition": "assimilate or take in", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the immigrants were quickly absorbed into society\" What is the definition of \"absorb\"?"} {"term": "absorb", "pos": "", "context": "the command is not expected to encounter problems absorbing the missiles from the army 's missile control as the missiles have been under a unified system of control for many years .", "definition": "take control of ( a smaller or less powerful entity ) and make it a part of a larger one", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the command is not expected to encounter problems absorbing the missiles from the army 's missile control as the missiles have been under a unified system of control for many years .\" What is the definition of \"absorb\"?"} {"term": "trash", "pos": "", "context": "sugar cane farmers would be foolish to send their cane trash to the broadwater sugar mill co-generation power plant .", "definition": "the leaves , tops , and crushed stems of sugar cane , used as fuel .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sugar cane farmers would be foolish to send their cane trash to the broadwater sugar mill co-generation power plant .\" What is the definition of \"trash\"?"} {"term": "workhouse", "pos": "", "context": "no matter how we felt about the workhouse the inmates who had been there quite awhile , like myself , had learnt not to even mention running away .", "definition": "a prison in which petty offenders are expected to work .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"no matter how we felt about the workhouse the inmates who had been there quite awhile , like myself , had learnt not to even mention running away .\" What is the definition of \"workhouse\"?"} {"term": "gore", "pos": "", "context": "rather than pencil-straight skirts , steer toward gored and a-line styles with a little more fullness for easier fitting and camouflage .", "definition": "shape with a gore or gores", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rather than pencil-straight skirts , steer toward gored and a-line styles with a little more fullness for easier fitting and camouflage .\" What is the definition of \"gore\"?"} {"term": "persistence", "pos": "", "context": "longitudinal studies from childhood to adult years have yielded risk factors for the persistence of childhood asthma .", "definition": "the continued or prolonged existence of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"longitudinal studies from childhood to adult years have yielded risk factors for the persistence of childhood asthma .\" What is the definition of \"persistence\"?"} {"term": "proselyte", "pos": "", "context": "for in politics , as in religion , it is equally absurd to aim at making proselytes by fire and sword .", "definition": "a person who has converted from one opinion , religion , or party to another .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for in politics , as in religion , it is equally absurd to aim at making proselytes by fire and sword .\" What is the definition of \"proselyte\"?"} {"term": "proselyte", "pos": "", "context": "the artist of the printed amsterdam haggadah , a proselyte by the name of abraham bar jacob , based his image on an unrelated image from the well-known icones biblicae of the swiss artist matthaeus merian , first published in 1630 .", "definition": "a gentile who has converted to judaism .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the artist of the printed amsterdam haggadah , a proselyte by the name of abraham bar jacob , based his image on an unrelated image from the well-known icones biblicae of the swiss artist matthaeus merian , first published in 1630 .\" What is the definition of \"proselyte\"?"} {"term": "virago", "pos": "", "context": "it was not the glance of a cheerful guardian of the shelves , but instead the leer of a triumphant virago .", "definition": "a domineering , violent , or bad-tempered woman", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was not the glance of a cheerful guardian of the shelves , but instead the leer of a triumphant virago .\" What is the definition of \"virago\"?"} {"term": "regular", "pos": "", "context": "only 46 were bishops ; so that the nobles , canons , and regulars who had hitherto controlled all the levers of power in the church were exposed as lacking the confidence of their subordinates .", "definition": "one of the regular clergy .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"only 46 were bishops ; so that the nobles , canons , and regulars who had hitherto controlled all the levers of power in the church were exposed as lacking the confidence of their subordinates .\" What is the definition of \"regular\"?"} {"term": "regular", "pos": "", "context": "the presence of north vietnamese army regulars intermingled with the viet cong was becoming more and more evident .", "definition": "a regular member of the armed forces", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the presence of north vietnamese army regulars intermingled with the viet cong was becoming more and more evident .\" What is the definition of \"regular\"?"} {"term": "regular", "pos": "", "context": "a regular beat", "definition": "occurring at fixed intervals", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a regular beat\" What is the definition of \"regular\"?"} {"term": "regular", "pos": "", "context": "patients were required to have had regular menstrual cycles and to have reported their symptoms for at least two years .", "definition": "defecating or menstruating at predictable times or intervals", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"patients were required to have had regular menstrual cycles and to have reported their symptoms for at least two years .\" What is the definition of \"regular\"?"} {"term": "regular", "pos": "", "context": "a regular customer", "definition": "relating to a person who does something regularly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a regular customer\" What is the definition of \"regular\"?"} {"term": "chapter", "pos": "", "context": "the industrial revolution opened a new chapter in british history", "definition": "any distinct period in history or in a person 's life", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the industrial revolution opened a new chapter in british history\" What is the definition of \"chapter\"?"} {"term": "downstage", "pos": "", "context": "ghostly singing and piano riffs are heard from time to time ; scenes end with hedda downstage center staring at the audience , sometimes followed by her hideous cackle .", "definition": "at or towards the front of a stage", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ghostly singing and piano riffs are heard from time to time ; scenes end with hedda downstage center staring at the audience , sometimes followed by her hideous cackle .\" What is the definition of \"downstage\"?"} {"term": "wick", "pos": "", "context": "the physician put a wick in the wound to drain it", "definition": "any piece of cord that conveys liquid by capillary action", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the physician put a wick in the wound to drain it\" What is the definition of \"wick\"?"} {"term": "endoderm", "pos": "", "context": "these cells , usually seen as being mesodermal , apparently represent another cell line originating from endoderm .", "definition": "the innermost layer of cells or tissue of an embryo in early development , or the parts derived from this , which include the lining of the gut and associated structures .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these cells , usually seen as being mesodermal , apparently represent another cell line originating from endoderm .\" What is the definition of \"endoderm\"?"} {"term": "put-put", "pos": "", "context": "it 's 6.15 pm on an early autumn evening and we are put-putting straight into the heart of the sun set .", "definition": "the rapid intermittent sound of a small petrol engine", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's 6.15 pm on an early autumn evening and we are put-putting straight into the heart of the sun set .\" What is the definition of \"put-put\"?"} {"term": "axel", "pos": "", "context": "we have side-by-side triple toes , triple salchows , and double axels already and a throw double salchow .", "definition": "a jump in skating from the forward outside edge of one skate to the backward outside edge of the other , with one ( or more ) and a half turns in the air .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we have side-by-side triple toes , triple salchows , and double axels already and a throw double salchow .\" What is the definition of \"axel\"?"} {"term": "peculiarity", "pos": "", "context": "but this is by no means an australian peculiarity .", "definition": "a characteristic that is distinctive of a particular person or place", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but this is by no means an australian peculiarity .\" What is the definition of \"peculiarity\"?"} {"term": "exposure", "pos": "", "context": "exposure has damaged the plaster ceilings , rotted joists , and peeled paint .", "definition": "a physical condition resulting from being outside in severe weather without adequate protection", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"exposure has damaged the plaster ceilings , rotted joists , and peeled paint .\" What is the definition of \"exposure\"?"} {"term": "pasteurellosis", "pos": "", "context": "both receive vaccines against vibriosis and the infections pasteurellosis , myxobacteriosis and viral nervous necrosis .", "definition": "a bacterial infection commonly affecting animals and sometimes transferred to humans through bites and scratches .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"both receive vaccines against vibriosis and the infections pasteurellosis , myxobacteriosis and viral nervous necrosis .\" What is the definition of \"pasteurellosis\"?"} {"term": "wah", "pos": "", "context": "thakeray have even reiterated this in public interviews ( what class our leaders possess , wah ! )", "definition": "used typically to express admiration", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"thakeray have even reiterated this in public interviews ( what class our leaders possess , wah ! )\" What is the definition of \"wah\"?"} {"term": "refute", "pos": "", "context": "some austrian economists have tried to refute this argument by denying the very existence of an income effect .", "definition": "prove ( a statement or theory ) to be wrong or false ; disprove", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some austrian economists have tried to refute this argument by denying the very existence of an income effect .\" What is the definition of \"refute\"?"} {"term": "survivorship", "pos": "", "context": "mite fitness was primarily composed of adult fecundity and juvenile survivorship .", "definition": "the proportion of a population surviving to a given age .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mite fitness was primarily composed of adult fecundity and juvenile survivorship .\" What is the definition of \"survivorship\"?"} {"term": "jurisdiction", "pos": "", "context": "the foundations of the present administrative law jurisdiction of common law courts is found in this process .", "definition": "the official power to make legal decisions and judgements", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the foundations of the present administrative law jurisdiction of common law courts is found in this process .\" What is the definition of \"jurisdiction\"?"} {"term": "jurisdiction", "pos": "", "context": "many a writ in rem has been issued in the hope or expectation that the ship against which the plaintiff has brought his action will come within the jurisdiction .", "definition": "the extent of the power to make legal decisions and judgements", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"many a writ in rem has been issued in the hope or expectation that the ship against which the plaintiff has brought his action will come within the jurisdiction .\" What is the definition of \"jurisdiction\"?"} {"term": "modem", "pos": "", "context": "they will modem in to work from locations very distant from central headquarters .", "definition": "send ( data ) by modem", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they will modem in to work from locations very distant from central headquarters .\" What is the definition of \"modem\"?"} {"term": "influence", "pos": "", "context": "audience participation and influence over media content development is still exceedingly limited .", "definition": "the capacity to have an effect on the character , development , or behaviour of someone or something , or the effect itself", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"audience participation and influence over media content development is still exceedingly limited .\" What is the definition of \"influence\"?"} {"term": "influence", "pos": "", "context": "the influence of magnetic substrate on the flux distribution in superconductor films may be modeled .", "definition": "electrical or magnetic induction .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the influence of magnetic substrate on the flux distribution in superconductor films may be modeled .\" What is the definition of \"influence\"?"} {"term": "cittern", "pos": "", "context": "one of the commonest consorts in the elizabethan period was the combination of treble viol or violin , flute or recorder , bass viol , lute , cittern , and bandora , for which morley wrote his consort lessons in 1599 .", "definition": "a stringed instrument similar to a lute , with a flattened back and wire strings , used in 16th- and 17th-century europe .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one of the commonest consorts in the elizabethan period was the combination of treble viol or violin , flute or recorder , bass viol , lute , cittern , and bandora , for which morley wrote his consort lessons in 1599 .\" What is the definition of \"cittern\"?"} {"term": "sanctum", "pos": "", "context": "he withdrew to his sanctum sanctorum , where the children could never go", "definition": "a place of inviolable privacy", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he withdrew to his sanctum sanctorum , where the children could never go\" What is the definition of \"sanctum\"?"} {"term": "arrogance", "pos": "", "context": "the official media has stressed the culpability of the american side and the arrogance of its leaders .", "definition": "the quality of being arrogant", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the official media has stressed the culpability of the american side and the arrogance of its leaders .\" What is the definition of \"arrogance\"?"} {"term": "coralroot", "pos": "", "context": "in spring time the floor is bright with bluebells , wood anemone and wild daffodils and also supports the nationally rare coralroot bittercress .", "definition": "a eurasian woodland plant with purple flowers and bud-like swellings ( bulbils ) at the base of the stem .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in spring time the floor is bright with bluebells , wood anemone and wild daffodils and also supports the nationally rare coralroot bittercress .\" What is the definition of \"coralroot\"?"} {"term": "tomb", "pos": "", "context": "she glared at the him with fire in her eyes , but she held her peace as both stared each other down while the room became quiet as a tomb .", "definition": "used in similes and metaphors to refer to a place or situation that is extremely cold , quiet , or dark , or that forms a confining enclosure", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she glared at the him with fire in her eyes , but she held her peace as both stared each other down while the room became quiet as a tomb .\" What is the definition of \"tomb\"?"} {"term": "answer", "pos": "", "context": "just answer the following question and write your answer on a postcard .", "definition": "a thing written or said in reaction to a question in a test or quiz", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"just answer the following question and write your answer on a postcard .\" What is the definition of \"answer\"?"} {"term": "answer", "pos": "", "context": "i 'm happy to say that i answer to you and not to the media .", "definition": "be required to explain or justify oneself to ( someone )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i 'm happy to say that i answer to you and not to the media .\" What is the definition of \"answer\"?"} {"term": "answer", "pos": "", "context": "the nanny complains , ollie answers back , and she carefully takes his hat off and smacks him over the head with the baby 's bottle .", "definition": "respond impudently or disrespectfully to someone , especially when being criticized or told to do something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the nanny complains , ollie answers back , and she carefully takes his hat off and smacks him over the head with the baby 's bottle .\" What is the definition of \"answer\"?"} {"term": "answer", "pos": "", "context": "the film has an amazing amount of high gloss energy , and it feels like an early '80s answer to a hard day 's night .", "definition": "a person or thing regarded as the equivalent to a better-known one from another place", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the film has an amazing amount of high gloss energy , and it feels like an early '80s answer to a hard day 's night .\" What is the definition of \"answer\"?"} {"term": "banzai", "pos": "", "context": "a few miles up the track lies mt austen , where the japanese defended their most important command post with suicidal banzai counter-attacks .", "definition": "( especially of troops ) attacking fiercely and recklessly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a few miles up the track lies mt austen , where the japanese defended their most important command post with suicidal banzai counter-attacks .\" What is the definition of \"banzai\"?"} {"term": "depletion", "pos": "", "context": "the depletion of mangroves has also affected the fish wealth of the state .", "definition": "reduction in the number or quantity of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the depletion of mangroves has also affected the fish wealth of the state .\" What is the definition of \"depletion\"?"} {"term": "shorten", "pos": "", "context": "this shortens the odds for the other pub winners as far as the grand prize of a digital camera goes with two absentee winners not going into the draw .", "definition": "( with reference to gambling odds ) make or become shorter ; decrease", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this shortens the odds for the other pub winners as far as the grand prize of a digital camera goes with two absentee winners not going into the draw .\" What is the definition of \"shorten\"?"} {"term": "plummy", "pos": "", "context": "the radio announcer 's plummy voice", "definition": "( of a voice ) affectedly mellow and rich", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the radio announcer 's plummy voice\" What is the definition of \"plummy\"?"} {"term": "vicar", "pos": "", "context": "two of the vicars choral were sitting by the fire .", "definition": "a cleric or choir member appointed to sing certain parts of a cathedral service .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"two of the vicars choral were sitting by the fire .\" What is the definition of \"vicar\"?"} {"term": "homeworker", "pos": "", "context": "the researchers will also be giving information and support to homeworkers who want to try to fight for their right to the minimum wage .", "definition": "a person who works from home , especially doing low-paid piecework .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the researchers will also be giving information and support to homeworkers who want to try to fight for their right to the minimum wage .\" What is the definition of \"homeworker\"?"} {"term": "cert", "pos": "", "context": "it 's a dead cert", "definition": "an absolute certainty", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's a dead cert\" What is the definition of \"cert\"?"} {"term": "oblique", "pos": "", "context": "oblique political maneuvers", "definition": "indirect in departing from the accepted or proper way ; misleading", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"oblique political maneuvers\" What is the definition of \"oblique\"?"} {"term": "peerage", "pos": "", "context": "the life peerage act made it possible for people to be given a peerage during their own lifetime without the title passing to their heirs ; they were life peers .", "definition": "the title and rank of peer or peeress", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the life peerage act made it possible for people to be given a peerage during their own lifetime without the title passing to their heirs ; they were life peers .\" What is the definition of \"peerage\"?"} {"term": "coordinate", "pos": "", "context": "coordinate our efforts", "definition": "bring into common action , movement , or condition", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"coordinate our efforts\" What is the definition of \"coordinate\"?"} {"term": "coordinate", "pos": "", "context": "a coordinate construction of the form ‘ a , or b , and both ’ is neither grammatical nor clearly interpretable .", "definition": "( of parts of a compound sentence ) equal in rank and fulfilling identical functions .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a coordinate construction of the form ‘ a , or b , and both ’ is neither grammatical nor clearly interpretable .\" What is the definition of \"coordinate\"?"} {"term": "diffuser", "pos": "", "context": "had a facility worker been walking the space daily during the winter break , water dripping from the ductwork and diffusers would likely have been seen less than 24 hours after it started .", "definition": "an attachment or duct for broadening an airflow and reducing its speed .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"had a facility worker been walking the space daily during the winter break , water dripping from the ductwork and diffusers would likely have been seen less than 24 hours after it started .\" What is the definition of \"diffuser\"?"} {"term": "personalize", "pos": "", "context": "a cookie is a text file of user data that helps e-tailers personalize web pages for specific users , as well as identify an online customer 's shopping habits .", "definition": "design or produce ( something ) to meet someone 's individual requirements", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a cookie is a text file of user data that helps e-tailers personalize web pages for specific users , as well as identify an online customer 's shopping habits .\" What is the definition of \"personalize\"?"} {"term": "personalize", "pos": "", "context": "personalized service", "definition": "make personal or more personal", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"personalized service\" What is the definition of \"personalize\"?"} {"term": "clamshell", "pos": "", "context": "i had forgotten my wallet , so i had to borrow $ 6 for my styrofoam clamshell of mongolian beef over rice .", "definition": "something , such as a mobile phone , with hinged parts that open and shut like a clamshell", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i had forgotten my wallet , so i had to borrow $ 6 for my styrofoam clamshell of mongolian beef over rice .\" What is the definition of \"clamshell\"?"} {"term": "bucolic", "pos": "", "context": "from the more bucolic vantage point of farm sanctuaries , he examined the behaviour of pigs , cows , goats , sheep and fowl and found that their tenderness , affection and social interaction gave them a level of sympathy he found surprising .", "definition": "relating to the pleasant aspects of the countryside and country life", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"from the more bucolic vantage point of farm sanctuaries , he examined the behaviour of pigs , cows , goats , sheep and fowl and found that their tenderness , affection and social interaction gave them a level of sympathy he found surprising .\" What is the definition of \"bucolic\"?"} {"term": "adoption", "pos": "", "context": "its adoption by society", "definition": "the act of accepting with approval ; favorable reception", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"its adoption by society\" What is the definition of \"adoption\"?"} {"term": "syenite", "pos": "", "context": "the selective removal of these minerals resulted in a change of the composition of the magma to one near that of the rock syenite .", "definition": "a coarse-grained grey igneous rock composed mainly of alkali feldspar and ferromagnesian minerals such as hornblende .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the selective removal of these minerals resulted in a change of the composition of the magma to one near that of the rock syenite .\" What is the definition of \"syenite\"?"} {"term": "elevation", "pos": "", "context": "pibal input includes the angles of elevation and azimuth of the balloon at whole-minute time intervals for three different weights of balloons .", "definition": "the angle of something with the horizontal , especially of a gun or of the direction of a celestial object", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pibal input includes the angles of elevation and azimuth of the balloon at whole-minute time intervals for three different weights of balloons .\" What is the definition of \"elevation\"?"} {"term": "salve", "pos": "", "context": "the airline threw well over a billion bonus miles at them as a salve , and most of them are still flying the ‘ friendly ’ skies one year later .", "definition": "something that is soothing or consoling for wounded feelings or an uneasy conscience", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the airline threw well over a billion bonus miles at them as a salve , and most of them are still flying the ‘ friendly ’ skies one year later .\" What is the definition of \"salve\"?"} {"term": "split", "pos": "", "context": "my friend and i split up", "definition": "discontinue an association or relation ; go different ways", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my friend and i split up\" What is the definition of \"split\"?"} {"term": "split", "pos": "", "context": "he was winning until he got a split in the tenth frame", "definition": "( tenpin bowling ) a divided formation of pins left standing after the first bowl", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was winning until he got a split in the tenth frame\" What is the definition of \"split\"?"} {"term": "split", "pos": "", "context": "he demanded his split before they disbanded", "definition": "a promised or claimed share of loot or money", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he demanded his split before they disbanded\" What is the definition of \"split\"?"} {"term": "snooty", "pos": "", "context": "kelly was hardly alone in his contempt for the snooty officials .", "definition": "showing disapproval or contempt towards others , especially those considered to belong to a lower social class", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"kelly was hardly alone in his contempt for the snooty officials .\" What is the definition of \"snooty\"?"} {"term": "dismount", "pos": "", "context": "i most certainly do not need help dismounting from a horse .", "definition": "get off a horse , bicycle , or anything that one is riding", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i most certainly do not need help dismounting from a horse .\" What is the definition of \"dismount\"?"} {"term": "foundation", "pos": "", "context": "larry was given a special comhaltas award last year for his extraordinary service to the organisation since its foundation in 1951 .", "definition": "the action of establishing an institution or organization", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"larry was given a special comhaltas award last year for his extraordinary service to the organisation since its foundation in 1951 .\" What is the definition of \"foundation\"?"} {"term": "scarab", "pos": "", "context": "for the moment , the scarabs were lost from sight .", "definition": "a large dung beetle of the eastern mediterranean area , regarded as sacred in ancient egypt .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for the moment , the scarabs were lost from sight .\" What is the definition of \"scarab\"?"} {"term": "divest", "pos": "", "context": "he was divested of his rights and his title", "definition": "deprive of status or authority", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was divested of his rights and his title\" What is the definition of \"divest\"?"} {"term": "signal", "pos": "", "context": "because the signal is transmitted over radio waves , others can listen in to any transmissions , so the authentication mechanisms are also visible .", "definition": "an electrical impulse or radio wave transmitted or received", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"because the signal is transmitted over radio waves , others can listen in to any transmissions , so the authentication mechanisms are also visible .\" What is the definition of \"signal\"?"} {"term": "signal", "pos": "", "context": "signals from the boat suddenly stopped", "definition": "any nonverbal action or gesture that encodes a message", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"signals from the boat suddenly stopped\" What is the definition of \"signal\"?"} {"term": "signal", "pos": "", "context": "when he saw sarah at the window he waved and signaled her to come outside .", "definition": "instruct ( someone ) to do something by means of gestures or signs", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when he saw sarah at the window he waved and signaled her to come outside .\" What is the definition of \"signal\"?"} {"term": "saxon", "pos": "", "context": "the site develops with the construction of an aisled late saxon timber hall , which was one of king cnut 's royal manors .", "definition": "relating to or denoting the style of early romanesque architecture preceding the norman in england .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the site develops with the construction of an aisled late saxon timber hall , which was one of king cnut 's royal manors .\" What is the definition of \"saxon\"?"} {"term": "warrener", "pos": "", "context": "semi-fortified warren lodges were built for the warreners .", "definition": "a gamekeeper .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"semi-fortified warren lodges were built for the warreners .\" What is the definition of \"warrener\"?"} {"term": "portent", "pos": "", "context": "his opening cadenza is filled with tension and dark portent , and his tempos , as usual , are well judged .", "definition": "future significance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his opening cadenza is filled with tension and dark portent , and his tempos , as usual , are well judged .\" What is the definition of \"portent\"?"} {"term": "reversion", "pos": "", "context": "when the house is eventually vacated and sold , the proceeds are divided between the reversion company and the homeowner , or the beneficiaries of the estate if the homeowner has died .", "definition": "a sum payable on a person 's death , especially by way of life insurance .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when the house is eventually vacated and sold , the proceeds are divided between the reversion company and the homeowner , or the beneficiaries of the estate if the homeowner has died .\" What is the definition of \"reversion\"?"} {"term": "domesticate", "pos": "", "context": "with the advent of farming in the neolithic , a number of animal species were domesticated , starting with sheep , goats , pigs , and cattle .", "definition": "tame ( an animal ) and keep it as a pet or on a farm", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with the advent of farming in the neolithic , a number of animal species were domesticated , starting with sheep , goats , pigs , and cattle .\" What is the definition of \"domesticate\"?"} {"term": "footprint", "pos": "", "context": "the computer had a desktop footprint of 10 by 16 inches", "definition": "the area taken up by some object", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the computer had a desktop footprint of 10 by 16 inches\" What is the definition of \"footprint\"?"} {"term": "scandium", "pos": "", "context": "research with scandium began almost as soon as the titanium guns reached the market .", "definition": "the chemical element of atomic number 21 , a soft silvery-white metal generally included among the rare earth elements .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"research with scandium began almost as soon as the titanium guns reached the market .\" What is the definition of \"scandium\"?"} {"term": "greatcoat", "pos": "", "context": "every ounce saved was important and they did n't even take blankets or greatcoats and they slept as best they could in rough bamboo shelters with only a groundsheet to keep out the mountain cold .", "definition": "a long heavy overcoat .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"every ounce saved was important and they did n't even take blankets or greatcoats and they slept as best they could in rough bamboo shelters with only a groundsheet to keep out the mountain cold .\" What is the definition of \"greatcoat\"?"} {"term": "topper", "pos": "", "context": "when i got the truck back from the topper installer , i noticed that the workers had made a bunch of dents when they stood on the gate to work on their install .", "definition": "a hard protective lightweight cover or shell mounted on the back or bed of a pickup truck .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when i got the truck back from the topper installer , i noticed that the workers had made a bunch of dents when they stood on the gate to work on their install .\" What is the definition of \"topper\"?"} {"term": "azure", "pos": "", "context": "it is the same souls that quiver , the same passions that ferment , the same vices that grow , the same straining toward the azure .", "definition": "the clear sky .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is the same souls that quiver , the same passions that ferment , the same vices that grow , the same straining toward the azure .\" What is the definition of \"azure\"?"} {"term": "norse", "pos": "", "context": "a thorough review of the history of the medieval norse in the north atlantic follows this introduction .", "definition": "norwegians or scandinavians in ancient or medieval times", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a thorough review of the history of the medieval norse in the north atlantic follows this introduction .\" What is the definition of \"norse\"?"} {"term": "norse", "pos": "", "context": "the inscriptions are in runes and old norse , but the personal names ( both norse and celtic ) and the grammatically-confused language suggest a thoroughly mixed community .", "definition": "the norwegian language , especially in an ancient or medieval form , or the scandinavian language group .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the inscriptions are in runes and old norse , but the personal names ( both norse and celtic ) and the grammatically-confused language suggest a thoroughly mixed community .\" What is the definition of \"norse\"?"} {"term": "levant", "pos": "", "context": "clutching same , he levanted from paris and headed for the us via london .", "definition": "run away , typically leaving unpaid debts", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"clutching same , he levanted from paris and headed for the us via london .\" What is the definition of \"levant\"?"} {"term": "hin", "pos": "", "context": "for a ram two-tenths of an ephah of fine flour mixed with a third of a hin of oil and a libation of a third of a hin of wine are required .", "definition": "a hebrew unit of liquid capacity equal to approximately 5 litres ( about one gallon ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for a ram two-tenths of an ephah of fine flour mixed with a third of a hin of oil and a libation of a third of a hin of wine are required .\" What is the definition of \"hin\"?"} {"term": "carpal", "pos": "", "context": "there are eight carpal bones in the wrist , five metacarpals , and 14 nonsesamoid bones that comprise the phalanges .", "definition": "relating to the bones forming the human carpus ( wrist ) , or to their equivalent in an animal 's forelimb .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there are eight carpal bones in the wrist , five metacarpals , and 14 nonsesamoid bones that comprise the phalanges .\" What is the definition of \"carpal\"?"} {"term": "carpal", "pos": "", "context": "carpal tunnel syndrome", "definition": "of or relating to the wrist", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"carpal tunnel syndrome\" What is the definition of \"carpal\"?"} {"term": "hypertensive", "pos": "", "context": "one in four american adults have hypertension , and up to 30 % of deaths in hypertensives are attributable to high blood pressure .", "definition": "a person with high blood pressure .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one in four american adults have hypertension , and up to 30 % of deaths in hypertensives are attributable to high blood pressure .\" What is the definition of \"hypertensive\"?"} {"term": "slowness", "pos": "", "context": "the opposite of high intellect is dullness or slowness , but the opposite of wisdom is foolishness , which is far more dangerous .", "definition": "lack of understanding or intellect ; dullness", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the opposite of high intellect is dullness or slowness , but the opposite of wisdom is foolishness , which is far more dangerous .\" What is the definition of \"slowness\"?"} {"term": "mayor", "pos": "", "context": "on the local level , the country is divided into forty districts administered by mayors and councils elected by the people .", "definition": "( in england , wales , and northern ireland ) the head of a town , borough , or county council , elected by council members and generally having purely ceremonial duties .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on the local level , the country is divided into forty districts administered by mayors and councils elected by the people .\" What is the definition of \"mayor\"?"} {"term": "hedgehog", "pos": "", "context": "baby hedgehogs are born with short , soft spines that do n't harden for several weeks , and baby humans can not walk on their own for the first couple of years .", "definition": "a small nocturnal old world mammal with a spiny coat and short legs , able to roll itself into a ball for defence .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"baby hedgehogs are born with short , soft spines that do n't harden for several weeks , and baby humans can not walk on their own for the first couple of years .\" What is the definition of \"hedgehog\"?"} {"term": "indentation", "pos": "", "context": "they usually provide custom indentation and pretty printing options suitable to the subject at hand .", "definition": "the action of indenting or the state of being indented", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they usually provide custom indentation and pretty printing options suitable to the subject at hand .\" What is the definition of \"indentation\"?"} {"term": "indentation", "pos": "", "context": "true enough , there was a tell-tale head-shaped indentation on my pillow this morning , but that could mean anything .", "definition": "a deep recess or notch on the edge or surface of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"true enough , there was a tell-tale head-shaped indentation on my pillow this morning , but that could mean anything .\" What is the definition of \"indentation\"?"} {"term": "showy", "pos": "", "context": "a cheap showy rhinestone bracelet", "definition": "marked by ostentation but often tasteless", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a cheap showy rhinestone bracelet\" What is the definition of \"showy\"?"} {"term": "velvetleaf", "pos": "", "context": "predominant weed species at both locations/years were velvetleaf , common waterhemp and green foxtail , with the densities ranging from 70-100 plants per square yard .", "definition": "a eurasian plant of the mallow family , with large heart-shaped velvety leaves and yellow flowers . it is naturalized in north america , where it has become a serious weed of farmland .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"predominant weed species at both locations/years were velvetleaf , common waterhemp and green foxtail , with the densities ranging from 70-100 plants per square yard .\" What is the definition of \"velvetleaf\"?"} {"term": "perception", "pos": "", "context": "unproven claims cleverly mask the truth with false doctrines about nature 's workings that distort unsuspecting perceptions of reality .", "definition": "the way in which something is regarded , understood , or interpreted", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unproven claims cleverly mask the truth with false doctrines about nature 's workings that distort unsuspecting perceptions of reality .\" What is the definition of \"perception\"?"} {"term": "action", "pos": "", "context": "no words , just clean efficient movement and actions .", "definition": "a gesture or movement", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"no words , just clean efficient movement and actions .\" What is the definition of \"action\"?"} {"term": "action", "pos": "", "context": "he saw action in korea", "definition": "a military engagement", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he saw action in korea\" What is the definition of \"action\"?"} {"term": "cladogram", "pos": "", "context": "in this cladogram and in all other eukaryote cladograms , we use the following color scheme : animals are blue , fungi are dark red , plants are green , and protists are yellow .", "definition": "a branching diagram showing the cladistic relationship between a number of species .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in this cladogram and in all other eukaryote cladograms , we use the following color scheme : animals are blue , fungi are dark red , plants are green , and protists are yellow .\" What is the definition of \"cladogram\"?"} {"term": "dishy", "pos": "", "context": "this is not a dishy , tell-all tale of wasted days and wasted nights .", "definition": "scandalous or gossipy", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this is not a dishy , tell-all tale of wasted days and wasted nights .\" What is the definition of \"dishy\"?"} {"term": "sardine", "pos": "", "context": "i ca n't imagine they could ever feel as sardined as the empire state building 's platforms .", "definition": "pack closely together", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i ca n't imagine they could ever feel as sardined as the empire state building 's platforms .\" What is the definition of \"sardine\"?"} {"term": "sardine", "pos": "", "context": "the healthy fats found in oily fish such as salmon , trout , mackerel , herring and sardines appear to help raise hdl levels .", "definition": "a young pilchard or other young or small herring-like fish .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the healthy fats found in oily fish such as salmon , trout , mackerel , herring and sardines appear to help raise hdl levels .\" What is the definition of \"sardine\"?"} {"term": "preen", "pos": "", "context": "he was there last week , preening himself , powerful and proud as ever , but unmistakably a man who had overstayed his welcome .", "definition": "congratulate or pride oneself", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was there last week , preening himself , powerful and proud as ever , but unmistakably a man who had overstayed his welcome .\" What is the definition of \"preen\"?"} {"term": "preen", "pos": "", "context": "watch any bird for a while , and you will see that it spends a lot of time preening its feathers and bathing in water or dust .", "definition": "( of a bird ) tidy and clean its feathers with its beak", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"watch any bird for a while , and you will see that it spends a lot of time preening its feathers and bathing in water or dust .\" What is the definition of \"preen\"?"} {"term": "follow", "pos": "", "context": "this makes the events that follow all the more poignant , and later heart-rending .", "definition": "happen after ( something else ) as a consequence", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this makes the events that follow all the more poignant , and later heart-rending .\" What is the definition of \"follow\"?"} {"term": "follow", "pos": "", "context": "now , did the primary judge at any point indicate which of those courses would have been followed ?", "definition": "undertake or carry out ( a course of action or study )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"now , did the primary judge at any point indicate which of those courses would have been followed ?\" What is the definition of \"follow\"?"} {"term": "follow", "pos": "", "context": "alternatively , a tram route could follow above the rising northern line to morden station .", "definition": "( of a route or path ) go in the same direction as or parallel to ( another )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"alternatively , a tram route could follow above the rising northern line to morden station .\" What is the definition of \"follow\"?"} {"term": "even", "pos": "", "context": "the laughter of the children urged him onwards along the even forest path that led at last to a hill in an open meadow .", "definition": "flat and smooth", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the laughter of the children urged him onwards along the even forest path that led at last to a hill in an open meadow .\" What is the definition of \"even\"?"} {"term": "flavour", "pos": "", "context": "her books are intended to give children a flavour of the period and also an understanding of a timeline - a concept often difficult to teach .", "definition": "an indication of the essential character of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her books are intended to give children a flavour of the period and also an understanding of a timeline - a concept often difficult to teach .\" What is the definition of \"flavour\"?"} {"term": "flavour", "pos": "", "context": "each quark can be chosen from any of six flavours : up , down , strange , charm , bottom and top .", "definition": "a quantized property of quarks which differentiates them into at least six varieties ( up , down , charmed , strange , top , bottom ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"each quark can be chosen from any of six flavours : up , down , strange , charm , bottom and top .\" What is the definition of \"flavour\"?"} {"term": "pile", "pos": "", "context": "interestingly the original plans show the buildings supported and made level by brick piles grounded in the sloping valley side .", "definition": "a heavy stake or post driven vertically into the bed of a river , soft ground , etc. , to support the foundations of a superstructure .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"interestingly the original plans show the buildings supported and made level by brick piles grounded in the sloping valley side .\" What is the definition of \"pile\"?"} {"term": "sisterhood", "pos": "", "context": "we can no longer assume that social groups - classes , races , nations , sisterhoods , will be homogeneous and consensual : we look instead for evidence of power , resistance , coercion and consent .", "definition": "an association , society , or community of women linked by a common interest , religion , or trade", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we can no longer assume that social groups - classes , races , nations , sisterhoods , will be homogeneous and consensual : we look instead for evidence of power , resistance , coercion and consent .\" What is the definition of \"sisterhood\"?"} {"term": "sisterhood", "pos": "", "context": "it is a celebration of motherhood , sisterhood and womanhood .", "definition": "the relationship between sisters", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is a celebration of motherhood , sisterhood and womanhood .\" What is the definition of \"sisterhood\"?"} {"term": "fiftieth", "pos": "", "context": "today is the fiftieth anniversary of the coronation of queen elizabeth ii at westminster abbey , so expect lots of celebrations and tributes to her majesty this week .", "definition": "constituting number fifty in a sequence ; 50th", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"today is the fiftieth anniversary of the coronation of queen elizabeth ii at westminster abbey , so expect lots of celebrations and tributes to her majesty this week .\" What is the definition of \"fiftieth\"?"} {"term": "ride", "pos": "", "context": "he used to tell me that he used to ride my grandmother to amritsar to see a movie on his bicycle and then go back to lahore .", "definition": "transport ( someone ) in a vehicle", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he used to tell me that he used to ride my grandmother to amritsar to see a movie on his bicycle and then go back to lahore .\" What is the definition of \"ride\"?"} {"term": "ride", "pos": "", "context": "ship rides at anchor", "definition": "lie moored or anchored", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ship rides at anchor\" What is the definition of \"ride\"?"} {"term": "ride", "pos": "", "context": "after cleaning up and finding a ride into town , seth and i did n't hesitate with spending most of the money on tomas ' credit card .", "definition": "a person giving someone a lift in a vehicle", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after cleaning up and finding a ride into town , seth and i did n't hesitate with spending most of the money on tomas ' credit card .\" What is the definition of \"ride\"?"} {"term": "heighten", "pos": "", "context": "the tension heightened", "definition": "become more extreme", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the tension heightened\" What is the definition of \"heighten\"?"} {"term": "nucleate", "pos": "", "context": "the more complicated nucleated cell appeared about 1.2 billion years ago .", "definition": "form a nucleus", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the more complicated nucleated cell appeared about 1.2 billion years ago .\" What is the definition of \"nucleate\"?"} {"term": "litter", "pos": "", "context": "cigar butts littered the ground", "definition": "strew", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cigar butts littered the ground\" What is the definition of \"litter\"?"} {"term": "endogamy", "pos": "", "context": "the tribe often encourage endogamy out of the belief that it will help keep the tribal identity from being lost .", "definition": "the custom of marrying only within the limits of a local community , clan , or tribe .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the tribe often encourage endogamy out of the belief that it will help keep the tribal identity from being lost .\" What is the definition of \"endogamy\"?"} {"term": "endogamy", "pos": "", "context": "this , in plant species , can buffer against genetic erosion resulting from processes of endogamy and genetic drift .", "definition": "the fusion of reproductive cells from related individuals ; inbreeding ; self-pollination .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this , in plant species , can buffer against genetic erosion resulting from processes of endogamy and genetic drift .\" What is the definition of \"endogamy\"?"} {"term": "sponge", "pos": "", "context": "however , dubuffet soon extended the meaning of the word ‘ assemblage ’ to cover small sculptures he made from such materials as sponge and scraps of wood .", "definition": "a soft , light , porous substance used as padding or insulating material", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"however , dubuffet soon extended the meaning of the word ‘ assemblage ’ to cover small sculptures he made from such materials as sponge and scraps of wood .\" What is the definition of \"sponge\"?"} {"term": "sponge", "pos": "", "context": "chinese scholar 's rocks , coral and sponges come to mind .", "definition": "a primitive sedentary aquatic invertebrate with a soft porous body that is typically supported by a framework of fibres or calcareous or glassy spicules . sponges draw in a current of water to extract nutrients and oxygen .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"chinese scholar 's rocks , coral and sponges come to mind .\" What is the definition of \"sponge\"?"} {"term": "octopod", "pos": "", "context": "for both decapod and octopod suckers , the maximum pressure differentials show a significant inverse correlation with sucker size .", "definition": "a cephalopod mollusc of the order `` octopoda ' ; an octopus .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for both decapod and octopod suckers , the maximum pressure differentials show a significant inverse correlation with sucker size .\" What is the definition of \"octopod\"?"} {"term": "rad", "pos": "", "context": "the dose equivalent in rems is numerically equal to the absorbed dose in rads multiplied by the quality factor , which , for most medical radiation , is one .", "definition": "a unit of absorbed dose of ionizing radiation , corresponding to the absorption of 0.01 joule per kilogram of absorbing material .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the dose equivalent in rems is numerically equal to the absorbed dose in rads multiplied by the quality factor , which , for most medical radiation , is one .\" What is the definition of \"rad\"?"} {"term": "hood", "pos": "", "context": "but to king 's supporters , none of this justifies slashing services in the hood .", "definition": "a neighbourhood , especially one in an urban area", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but to king 's supporters , none of this justifies slashing services in the hood .\" What is the definition of \"hood\"?"} {"term": "hood", "pos": "", "context": "there are powerful engines under the hoods of new cars", "definition": "protective covering consisting of a metal part that covers the engine", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there are powerful engines under the hoods of new cars\" What is the definition of \"hood\"?"} {"term": "hood", "pos": "", "context": "these sources say the prisoners there are hooded from the moment they are captured .", "definition": "put a hood on or over", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these sources say the prisoners there are hooded from the moment they are captured .\" What is the definition of \"hood\"?"} {"term": "trundle", "pos": "", "context": "the streetcar trundled down the avenue", "definition": "move heavily", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the streetcar trundled down the avenue\" What is the definition of \"trundle\"?"} {"term": "trundle", "pos": "", "context": "ben trundles on behind the trolley carrying my rather large bag of hospital essentials .", "definition": "( of a person ) move heavily and slowly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ben trundles on behind the trolley carrying my rather large bag of hospital essentials .\" What is the definition of \"trundle\"?"} {"term": "protura", "pos": "", "context": "there are huge gaps in the early fossil record , since several basal hexapod groups have not been found at all in the paleozoic : protura , diplura , and thysanura .", "definition": "an order of minute white wingless insects with slender bodies . they lack eyes and antennae , using the first pair of legs as sensory organs .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there are huge gaps in the early fossil record , since several basal hexapod groups have not been found at all in the paleozoic : protura , diplura , and thysanura .\" What is the definition of \"protura\"?"} {"term": "maintenance", "pos": "", "context": "an estimated 34 % of new entrants benefited from some form of means-tested financial maintenance support .", "definition": "the provision of financial support for a person 's living expenses , or the support so provided", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an estimated 34 % of new entrants benefited from some form of means-tested financial maintenance support .\" What is the definition of \"maintenance\"?"} {"term": "sheeting", "pos": "", "context": "the black plastic sheeting was to cover the horse for one week before being carefully removed .", "definition": "material formed into or used as a sheet", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the black plastic sheeting was to cover the horse for one week before being carefully removed .\" What is the definition of \"sheeting\"?"} {"term": "convention", "pos": "", "context": "if we are not restrained by conventions , traditions or rules we are all capable of grotesque cruelties .", "definition": "behaviour that is considered acceptable or polite to most members of a society", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if we are not restrained by conventions , traditions or rules we are all capable of grotesque cruelties .\" What is the definition of \"convention\"?"} {"term": "flic", "pos": "", "context": "however , most times that stuff is a flic file .", "definition": "a data file containing computer animations .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"however , most times that stuff is a flic file .\" What is the definition of \"flic\"?"} {"term": "sumerian", "pos": "", "context": "the language represented was probably sumerian but that is not certain .", "definition": "the sumerian language .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the language represented was probably sumerian but that is not certain .\" What is the definition of \"sumerian\"?"} {"term": "sumerian", "pos": "", "context": "it was adopted from many sumerian customs that had been around for a while before the babylonians .", "definition": "relating to sumer , its ancient language , or the element it contributed to babylonian civilization .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was adopted from many sumerian customs that had been around for a while before the babylonians .\" What is the definition of \"sumerian\"?"} {"term": "showcase", "pos": "", "context": "instead of igniting public interest in technology and industry , the museum had become a style showcase , he said .", "definition": "a place or occasion for presenting something favourably to general attention", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"instead of igniting public interest in technology and industry , the museum had become a style showcase , he said .\" What is the definition of \"showcase\"?"} {"term": "sup", "pos": "", "context": "a sup of ale", "definition": "a small amount of liquid food", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sup of ale\" What is the definition of \"sup\"?"} {"term": "stay", "pos": "", "context": "what can any of us do to help our kids stay healthy ?", "definition": "remain in a specified state or position", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"what can any of us do to help our kids stay healthy ?\" What is the definition of \"stay\"?"} {"term": "stay", "pos": "", "context": "i 've been staying down south , but i have to head off again straight away and i do n't want to be lugging this thing round .", "definition": "( of a person ) live somewhere temporarily as a visitor or guest", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i 've been staying down south , but i have to head off again straight away and i do n't want to be lugging this thing round .\" What is the definition of \"stay\"?"} {"term": "stay", "pos": "", "context": "please stay the bloodshed !", "definition": "stop or halt", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"please stay the bloodshed !\" What is the definition of \"stay\"?"} {"term": "chokehold", "pos": "", "context": "but the underlying motive is to prevent challenging opinions from spreading and coalescing through the chokehold of state-sponsored control .", "definition": "a tight grip round a person 's neck , used to restrain them by restricting their breathing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but the underlying motive is to prevent challenging opinions from spreading and coalescing through the chokehold of state-sponsored control .\" What is the definition of \"chokehold\"?"} {"term": "redundancy", "pos": "", "context": "the use of industrial robots created redundancy among workers", "definition": "the attribute of being superfluous and unneeded", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the use of industrial robots created redundancy among workers\" What is the definition of \"redundancy\"?"} {"term": "extent", "pos": "", "context": "thick smoke was seen rising from the area , but the extent of the damage was not immediately clear .", "definition": "the size or scale of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"thick smoke was seen rising from the area , but the extent of the damage was not immediately clear .\" What is the definition of \"extent\"?"} {"term": "dropout", "pos": "", "context": "if you have dropouts , it sends you a smaller stream ; if your download finishes , it sends you more data .", "definition": "a momentary loss of recorded audio signal or an error in reading data on a magnetic tape or disk , usually due to a flaw in the coating .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if you have dropouts , it sends you a smaller stream ; if your download finishes , it sends you more data .\" What is the definition of \"dropout\"?"} {"term": "commando", "pos": "", "context": "training was similar to that carried out by the commandos , with emphasis placed on raiding , sentry elimination , ambushing , cross-country night navigation exercises , and target attacks .", "definition": "a soldier specially trained for carrying out raids", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"training was similar to that carried out by the commandos , with emphasis placed on raiding , sentry elimination , ambushing , cross-country night navigation exercises , and target attacks .\" What is the definition of \"commando\"?"} {"term": "creamery", "pos": "", "context": "commerce , starting with an ice house , creamery and blacksmith shop , expanded to auto dealers , retail stores , and shopping centers .", "definition": "a shop where dairy products are sold .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"commerce , starting with an ice house , creamery and blacksmith shop , expanded to auto dealers , retail stores , and shopping centers .\" What is the definition of \"creamery\"?"} {"term": "amusement", "pos": "", "context": "baggy drag makes no sense at all for a sport played by women for the amusement of other women !", "definition": "the provision or enjoyment of entertainment", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"baggy drag makes no sense at all for a sport played by women for the amusement of other women !\" What is the definition of \"amusement\"?"} {"term": "spiky", "pos": "", "context": "the suspect is described as a white man , mid-twenties , 5'6 ' tall , thin build , with dark spiky hair .", "definition": "resembling a spike or spikes", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the suspect is described as a white man , mid-twenties , 5'6 ' tall , thin build , with dark spiky hair .\" What is the definition of \"spiky\"?"} {"term": "docker", "pos": "", "context": "he said that he was still concerned over the future of the jobs of dockers and others relying on ships coming into the harbour .", "definition": "a person employed in a port to load and unload ships .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he said that he was still concerned over the future of the jobs of dockers and others relying on ships coming into the harbour .\" What is the definition of \"docker\"?"} {"term": "emplace", "pos": "", "context": "the box with the ancestors ' ashes was emplaced on the top shelf of the house altar", "definition": "put into place or position", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the box with the ancestors ' ashes was emplaced on the top shelf of the house altar\" What is the definition of \"emplace\"?"} {"term": "apollo", "pos": "", "context": "the apollo goes one step further ; after mating he secretes and glues a rigid structure called a ‘ sphragis ’ over the unfortunate female 's abdomen .", "definition": "a large butterfly which has creamy-white wings marked with black and red spots , found chiefly on the mountains of mainland europe .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the apollo goes one step further ; after mating he secretes and glues a rigid structure called a ‘ sphragis ’ over the unfortunate female 's abdomen .\" What is the definition of \"apollo\"?"} {"term": "loathe", "pos": "", "context": "queen mary , who loathes sentiment , is obsessed with pruning and especially hates ivy .", "definition": "feel intense dislike or disgust for", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"queen mary , who loathes sentiment , is obsessed with pruning and especially hates ivy .\" What is the definition of \"loathe\"?"} {"term": "field", "pos": "", "context": "he planted a field of wheat", "definition": "a piece of land cleared of trees and usually enclosed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he planted a field of wheat\" What is the definition of \"field\"?"} {"term": "field", "pos": "", "context": "it was a flag bearing thirteen stars on a blue field with red and white bars .", "definition": "an area on a flag with a single background colour", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was a flag bearing thirteen stars on a blue field with red and white bars .\" What is the definition of \"field\"?"} {"term": "field", "pos": "", "context": "they are outstanding in their field", "definition": "a particular kind of commercial enterprise", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they are outstanding in their field\" What is the definition of \"field\"?"} {"term": "field", "pos": "", "context": "the buckeyes fielded a young new quarterback for the rose bowl", "definition": "select ( a team or individual player ) for a game", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the buckeyes fielded a young new quarterback for the rose bowl\" What is the definition of \"field\"?"} {"term": "field", "pos": "", "context": "they made a tour of civil war battlefields", "definition": "a region where a battle is being ( or has been ) fought", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they made a tour of civil war battlefields\" What is the definition of \"field\"?"} {"term": "young", "pos": "", "context": "a young industry", "definition": "being in its early stage", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a young industry\" What is the definition of \"young\"?"} {"term": "flatland", "pos": "", "context": "that 's all you need in these flatlands and the all-round views are super .", "definition": "land with no hills , valleys , or mountains", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that 's all you need in these flatlands and the all-round views are super .\" What is the definition of \"flatland\"?"} {"term": "double", "pos": "", "context": "though not as comprehensive as their win early in the season , holme wood athletic completed a double over oakenshaw .", "definition": "a home and away victory over the same team in one season or competition", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"though not as comprehensive as their win early in the season , holme wood athletic completed a double over oakenshaw .\" What is the definition of \"double\"?"} {"term": "double", "pos": "", "context": "people think there ca n't possibly be two lots of double letters in one word so they often drop one set .", "definition": "( of a letter or number ) occurring twice in succession", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"people think there ca n't possibly be two lots of double letters in one word so they often drop one set .\" What is the definition of \"double\"?"} {"term": "double", "pos": "", "context": "tony dobbin claims a 35-1 double in the opening two races when master tern and limerick boy both record victories .", "definition": "a type of bet in which two selections are made , with any winnings from the first being transferred to the second .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tony dobbin claims a 35-1 double in the opening two races when master tern and limerick boy both record victories .\" What is the definition of \"double\"?"} {"term": "double", "pos": "", "context": "carey 's brand new cd also doubles as a soundtrack for her upcoming rookie endeavour into film , all that glitters .", "definition": "be used in or play another , different role", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"carey 's brand new cd also doubles as a soundtrack for her upcoming rookie endeavour into film , all that glitters .\" What is the definition of \"double\"?"} {"term": "poster", "pos": "", "context": "his office is spare but comfortable , decorated with posters from previous shows and a few of his many theatre awards .", "definition": "a large printed picture used for decoration .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his office is spare but comfortable , decorated with posters from previous shows and a few of his many theatre awards .\" What is the definition of \"poster\"?"} {"term": "chewy", "pos": "", "context": "chewy caramels", "definition": "( of a consistency ) requiring chewing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"chewy caramels\" What is the definition of \"chewy\"?"} {"term": "penobscot", "pos": "", "context": "did the penobscot move west and join with other native americans , or did they remain their own people ?", "definition": "a member of an american indian people of the penobscot river valley in maine .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"did the penobscot move west and join with other native americans , or did they remain their own people ?\" What is the definition of \"penobscot\"?"} {"term": "presumption", "pos": "", "context": "but , appearances to the contrary notwithstanding , there are clear connecting threads that identify the underlying ideological presumptions .", "definition": "an idea that is taken to be true on the basis of probability", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but , appearances to the contrary notwithstanding , there are clear connecting threads that identify the underlying ideological presumptions .\" What is the definition of \"presumption\"?"} {"term": "laughter", "pos": "", "context": "he enjoyed the laughter of the crowd", "definition": "the activity of laughing ; the manifestation of joy or mirth or scorn", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he enjoyed the laughter of the crowd\" What is the definition of \"laughter\"?"} {"term": "laughter", "pos": "", "context": "she described a time where she walked into jackson 's room to the sound of laughter .", "definition": "the action or sound of laughing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she described a time where she walked into jackson 's room to the sound of laughter .\" What is the definition of \"laughter\"?"} {"term": "fill-up", "pos": "", "context": "no locking petrol cap to wrestle with , in fact , no petrol cap at all to touch , making fill-ups the cleanest ever .", "definition": "an instance of filling something , especially the fuel tank of a car", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"no locking petrol cap to wrestle with , in fact , no petrol cap at all to touch , making fill-ups the cleanest ever .\" What is the definition of \"fill-up\"?"} {"term": "peddle", "pos": "", "context": "they took to the streets of the inner city to wash cars , sell cakes , peddle perfume , polish shoes and give massages and manicures , all in a bid to make a quick buck .", "definition": "try to sell ( something , especially small goods ) by going from place to place", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they took to the streets of the inner city to wash cars , sell cakes , peddle perfume , polish shoes and give massages and manicures , all in a bid to make a quick buck .\" What is the definition of \"peddle\"?"} {"term": "truce", "pos": "", "context": "the narrative sources in particular are full of accounts of embassies and special meetings to arrange truces or conclude peace between warring bands .", "definition": "an agreement between enemies or opponents to stop fighting or arguing for a certain time", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the narrative sources in particular are full of accounts of embassies and special meetings to arrange truces or conclude peace between warring bands .\" What is the definition of \"truce\"?"} {"term": "overdo", "pos": "", "context": "when athletes do core stabilisation and abdominal work we tend to see a lot of lower back problems because they 're overdoing it .", "definition": "exhaust oneself by overwork or overexertion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when athletes do core stabilisation and abdominal work we tend to see a lot of lower back problems because they 're overdoing it .\" What is the definition of \"overdo\"?"} {"term": "niceness", "pos": "", "context": "we did little to help him and , charmed by mcgrath 's niceness , we protected him and allowed him to get away with it .", "definition": "the quality of being nice ; pleasantness", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we did little to help him and , charmed by mcgrath 's niceness , we protected him and allowed him to get away with it .\" What is the definition of \"niceness\"?"} {"term": "gin", "pos": "", "context": "producers in south-central kansas are ginning a crop once unheard of in their state .", "definition": "treat ( cotton ) in a gin .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"producers in south-central kansas are ginning a crop once unheard of in their state .\" What is the definition of \"gin\"?"} {"term": "gin", "pos": "", "context": "gin game", "definition": "trap with a snare", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gin game\" What is the definition of \"gin\"?"} {"term": "bitumen", "pos": "", "context": "the playground would not affect the streetscape as ‘ we would rip up bitumen and put down turf and shrubs . ’", "definition": "a tarred road surface", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the playground would not affect the streetscape as ‘ we would rip up bitumen and put down turf and shrubs . ’\" What is the definition of \"bitumen\"?"} {"term": "formalism", "pos": "", "context": "this article highlights the mathematical foundations of formalisms proposed to mimic human qualitative reasoning along with potential and limitations .", "definition": "a description of something in formal mathematical or logical terms", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this article highlights the mathematical foundations of formalisms proposed to mimic human qualitative reasoning along with potential and limitations .\" What is the definition of \"formalism\"?"} {"term": "formalism", "pos": "", "context": "this inclination has developed the furthest in philosophy , political science , and economics , where most practitioners have adopted an otherworldly and self-referential formalism .", "definition": "excessive adherence to prescribed forms", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this inclination has developed the furthest in philosophy , political science , and economics , where most practitioners have adopted an otherworldly and self-referential formalism .\" What is the definition of \"formalism\"?"} {"term": "formalism", "pos": "", "context": "brouwer emphasizes , as he had done in his dissertation , that formalism presupposes contentual mathematics at the metalevel .", "definition": "the treatment of mathematics as a manipulation of meaningless symbols .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"brouwer emphasizes , as he had done in his dissertation , that formalism presupposes contentual mathematics at the metalevel .\" What is the definition of \"formalism\"?"} {"term": "skipper", "pos": "", "context": "unknown to our crew , the skipper had told the squadron our aircraft had ditched , and survivor status was unknown .", "definition": "the captain of an aircraft .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unknown to our crew , the skipper had told the squadron our aircraft had ditched , and survivor status was unknown .\" What is the definition of \"skipper\"?"} {"term": "crybaby", "pos": "", "context": "who can blame them ; i 've been such a crybaby for the last day or so .", "definition": "a person , especially a child , who sheds tears frequently or readily .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"who can blame them ; i 've been such a crybaby for the last day or so .\" What is the definition of \"crybaby\"?"} {"term": "skew", "pos": "", "context": "the female skew was most evident during saturday 's opening ceremony rebroadcast , which attracted almost three-quarters of the female audience and 66 per cent of men .", "definition": "a bias towards one particular group or subject", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the female skew was most evident during saturday 's opening ceremony rebroadcast , which attracted almost three-quarters of the female audience and 66 per cent of men .\" What is the definition of \"skew\"?"} {"term": "five", "pos": "", "context": "some were still in packages of fives and 10s .", "definition": "a group or unit of five people or things", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some were still in packages of fives and 10s .\" What is the definition of \"five\"?"} {"term": "five", "pos": "", "context": "when the taxi dropped me home it was ten past five in the morning .", "definition": "five o'clock", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when the taxi dropped me home it was ten past five in the morning .\" What is the definition of \"five\"?"} {"term": "enjoy", "pos": "", "context": "she no longer enjoys the benefit of a legal aid certificate .", "definition": "possess and benefit from", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she no longer enjoys the benefit of a legal aid certificate .\" What is the definition of \"enjoy\"?"} {"term": "heteroptera", "pos": "", "context": "the wekiu bug belongs to the family lygaeidae within the order of insects known as heteroptera ( true bugs ) .", "definition": "a group of true bugs comprising those in which the forewings are non-uniform , having a thickened base and membranous tip . the predatory and water bugs belong to this group , as well as many plant bugs .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the wekiu bug belongs to the family lygaeidae within the order of insects known as heteroptera ( true bugs ) .\" What is the definition of \"heteroptera\"?"} {"term": "grant", "pos": "", "context": "naturally , i did not read between the lines of her letter , and did not detect the threatening undertone of what would happen if her request was not granted .", "definition": "agree to give or allow ( something requested ) to", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"naturally , i did not read between the lines of her letter , and did not detect the threatening undertone of what would happen if her request was not granted .\" What is the definition of \"grant\"?"} {"term": "mutation", "pos": "", "context": "in this example mutations accrue successively , starting with the most beneficial single mutation .", "definition": "a distinct form resulting from genetic mutation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in this example mutations accrue successively , starting with the most beneficial single mutation .\" What is the definition of \"mutation\"?"} {"term": "odalisque", "pos": "", "context": "we ask ourselves , what is the real difference between a harem and a brothel , an odalisque and a call-girl .", "definition": "an exotic , sexually attractive woman", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we ask ourselves , what is the real difference between a harem and a brothel , an odalisque and a call-girl .\" What is the definition of \"odalisque\"?"} {"term": "shoe", "pos": "", "context": "to get your flash far away from your camera lens , you need to purchase an external flash , and you need a camera with a hot shoe .", "definition": "a socket , especially on a camera , for fitting a flash unit or other accessory", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to get your flash far away from your camera lens , you need to purchase an external flash , and you need a camera with a hot shoe .\" What is the definition of \"shoe\"?"} {"term": "boatload", "pos": "", "context": "without these emergency-level interest rates , servicing this additional boatload of debt is no longer possible for ordinary consumers .", "definition": "a large amount", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"without these emergency-level interest rates , servicing this additional boatload of debt is no longer possible for ordinary consumers .\" What is the definition of \"boatload\"?"} {"term": "boatload", "pos": "", "context": "he imported wine by the boatload", "definition": "the amount of cargo that can be held by a boat or ship or a freight car", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he imported wine by the boatload\" What is the definition of \"boatload\"?"} {"term": "subtle", "pos": "", "context": "the rum opens up the subtle and elaborate world of flavours within each chocolate .", "definition": "arranged in an ingenious and elaborate way", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the rum opens up the subtle and elaborate world of flavours within each chocolate .\" What is the definition of \"subtle\"?"} {"term": "subtle", "pos": "", "context": "but mostly change is subtle , almost delicate , and it is viewed most clearly not from the stand or drawing room but with a squint-eyed look from across the net .", "definition": "( especially of a change or distinction ) so delicate or precise as to be difficult to analyse or describe", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but mostly change is subtle , almost delicate , and it is viewed most clearly not from the stand or drawing room but with a squint-eyed look from across the net .\" What is the definition of \"subtle\"?"} {"term": "remodel", "pos": "", "context": "grover reconstructs , remodels and redesigns leather into a guilt-free luxury , giving the three r 's ( reduce , reuse , recycle ) an entirely new meaning .", "definition": "shape ( a figure or object ) again or differently", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"grover reconstructs , remodels and redesigns leather into a guilt-free luxury , giving the three r 's ( reduce , reuse , recycle ) an entirely new meaning .\" What is the definition of \"remodel\"?"} {"term": "self-consciousness", "pos": "", "context": "who else , after all , would describe the onset of puberty in terms of self-consciousness over performing scottish dances ?", "definition": "undue awareness of oneself , one 's appearance , or one 's actions", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"who else , after all , would describe the onset of puberty in terms of self-consciousness over performing scottish dances ?\" What is the definition of \"self-consciousness\"?"} {"term": "grumbling", "pos": "", "context": "often it feels as if their constant , innocuous grumblings are just a set-up for a legitimate complaint that never comes .", "definition": "a complaint or protest", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"often it feels as if their constant , innocuous grumblings are just a set-up for a legitimate complaint that never comes .\" What is the definition of \"grumbling\"?"} {"term": "gauge", "pos": "", "context": "this approach of measuring user performance helps us gauge the quality of our improvements through successive rounds of refinement of the architecture .", "definition": "estimate or determine the amount , level , or volume of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this approach of measuring user performance helps us gauge the quality of our improvements through successive rounds of refinement of the architecture .\" What is the definition of \"gauge\"?"} {"term": "gauge", "pos": "", "context": "the wire is gauged", "definition": "measure precisely and against a standard", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the wire is gauged\" What is the definition of \"gauge\"?"} {"term": "score", "pos": "", "context": "it 's clear that joyce used the first part to score off his erstwhile friends-turned-enemies .", "definition": "outdo or humiliate ( someone ) in an argument .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's clear that joyce used the first part to score off his erstwhile friends-turned-enemies .\" What is the definition of \"score\"?"} {"term": "prom", "pos": "", "context": "kaitlyn was always going to win prom queen , just to show up karen .", "definition": "a formal dance , especially one held by a class in high school or college at the end of a year", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"kaitlyn was always going to win prom queen , just to show up karen .\" What is the definition of \"prom\"?"} {"term": "cog", "pos": "", "context": "it 's ok to be a cog in the wheel and not every college in the world is looking for somebody that 's been a leader across the board .", "definition": "each of the projections on a cog", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's ok to be a cog in the wheel and not every college in the world is looking for somebody that 's been a leader across the board .\" What is the definition of \"cog\"?"} {"term": "greenhouse", "pos": "", "context": "greenhouse gases", "definition": "of or relating to or caused by the greenhouse effect", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"greenhouse gases\" What is the definition of \"greenhouse\"?"} {"term": "road", "pos": "", "context": "the road to fame", "definition": "a way or means to achieve something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the road to fame\" What is the definition of \"road\"?"} {"term": "culture", "pos": "", "context": "like flaubert and proust , he was the son of a doctor , in that era a profession of wide culture and learning .", "definition": "a refined understanding or appreciation of culture", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"like flaubert and proust , he was the son of a doctor , in that era a profession of wide culture and learning .\" What is the definition of \"culture\"?"} {"term": "deaf", "pos": "", "context": "the father of two has lived in the country for the past 29 years after moving there to set up a charity working with the deaf .", "definition": "lacking the power of hearing or having impaired hearing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the father of two has lived in the country for the past 29 years after moving there to set up a charity working with the deaf .\" What is the definition of \"deaf\"?"} {"term": "warrant", "pos": "", "context": "the emergency does not warrant all of us buying guns", "definition": "show to be reasonable or provide adequate ground for", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the emergency does not warrant all of us buying guns\" What is the definition of \"warrant\"?"} {"term": "validity", "pos": "", "context": "this characterization seeks to move beyond judging the absolute truth value of a propagandist statement ( since often those propagandizing believe fully in the validity of their messages ) .", "definition": "the quality of being logically or factually sound ; soundness or cogency", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this characterization seeks to move beyond judging the absolute truth value of a propagandist statement ( since often those propagandizing believe fully in the validity of their messages ) .\" What is the definition of \"validity\"?"} {"term": "plop", "pos": "", "context": "it was an almost sleepless night for him , watching the cold flickering of the stars beyond the screen of thin leaves , often starting at plops and splashing sounds from the stream .", "definition": "a short sound as of a small , solid object dropping into water without a splash", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was an almost sleepless night for him , watching the cold flickering of the stars beyond the screen of thin leaves , often starting at plops and splashing sounds from the stream .\" What is the definition of \"plop\"?"} {"term": "victorian", "pos": "", "context": "they had a premier who promised to govern for all victorians .", "definition": "a person from the australian state of victoria", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they had a premier who promised to govern for all victorians .\" What is the definition of \"victorian\"?"} {"term": "lop", "pos": "", "context": "the height/size of the tree will be reduced by lopping and pruning .", "definition": "remove branches from ( a tree )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the height/size of the tree will be reduced by lopping and pruning .\" What is the definition of \"lop\"?"} {"term": "mallow", "pos": "", "context": "rose mallow can be distinguished from marsh mallow mainly by the leaves and the size of the flowers .", "definition": "a herbaceous plant with hairy stems , pink or purple flowers , and disc-shaped fruit .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rose mallow can be distinguished from marsh mallow mainly by the leaves and the size of the flowers .\" What is the definition of \"mallow\"?"} {"term": "sinecure", "pos": "", "context": "i find it very amusing that the right wing ‘ intellectuals , ’ from their ivory tower think tanks and millionaire supported sinecures at political magazines , have still failed to recognize that .", "definition": "a position requiring little or no work but giving the holder status or financial benefit", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i find it very amusing that the right wing ‘ intellectuals , ’ from their ivory tower think tanks and millionaire supported sinecures at political magazines , have still failed to recognize that .\" What is the definition of \"sinecure\"?"} {"term": "approach", "pos": "", "context": "i was approached by the president to serve as his adviser in foreign matters", "definition": "make advances to someone , usually with a proposal or suggestion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i was approached by the president to serve as his adviser in foreign matters\" What is the definition of \"approach\"?"} {"term": "approach", "pos": "", "context": "in the course of doing so i also approached the people of york for their views on the proposed scheme .", "definition": "speak to ( someone ) for the first time about a proposal or request", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the course of doing so i also approached the people of york for their views on the proposed scheme .\" What is the definition of \"approach\"?"} {"term": "capriccio", "pos": "", "context": "after 1783 he turned to less weighty genres aimed at the amateur solo player , producing keyboard sonatas , sonatinas , and capriccios , programme works , and towards the end of his life some contrapuntal teaching pieces .", "definition": "a lively piece of music , typically one that is short and free in form", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after 1783 he turned to less weighty genres aimed at the amateur solo player , producing keyboard sonatas , sonatinas , and capriccios , programme works , and towards the end of his life some contrapuntal teaching pieces .\" What is the definition of \"capriccio\"?"} {"term": "nama", "pos": "", "context": "the nama language is highlighted as relevant and useful in a contemporary world , and brought into the mainstream of cultural discourse .", "definition": "relating to the nama or their language .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the nama language is highlighted as relevant and useful in a contemporary world , and brought into the mainstream of cultural discourse .\" What is the definition of \"nama\"?"} {"term": "composition", "pos": "", "context": "harmonious composition is essential in a serious work of art", "definition": "the spatial property resulting from the arrangement of parts in relation to each other and to the whole", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"harmonious composition is essential in a serious work of art\" What is the definition of \"composition\"?"} {"term": "composition", "pos": "", "context": "an acceptance by the holder of the acceptor 's offer to pay a composition is not a renunciation of the holder 's rights .", "definition": "a sum paid in lieu of a larger debt", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an acceptance by the holder of the acceptor 's offer to pay a composition is not a renunciation of the holder 's rights .\" What is the definition of \"composition\"?"} {"term": "composition", "pos": "", "context": "a new , 500-space parking lot is hidden amid grassy dunes on which saltgrass is growing in durable composition material .", "definition": "a compound artificial substance or material", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a new , 500-space parking lot is hidden amid grassy dunes on which saltgrass is growing in durable composition material .\" What is the definition of \"composition\"?"} {"term": "rondo", "pos": "", "context": "from what exists of the sketches , the finale was to have been on a grand scale : a rondo , with a theme nearly ten minutes long , and at least four substantial episodes .", "definition": "a musical form with a recurring leading theme , often found in the final movement of a sonata or concerto .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"from what exists of the sketches , the finale was to have been on a grand scale : a rondo , with a theme nearly ten minutes long , and at least four substantial episodes .\" What is the definition of \"rondo\"?"} {"term": "puffy", "pos": "", "context": "his blond hair was disheveled and puffy bags bulged from beneath his eyes .", "definition": "( especially of part of the body ) unusually swollen", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his blond hair was disheveled and puffy bags bulged from beneath his eyes .\" What is the definition of \"puffy\"?"} {"term": "muddy", "pos": "", "context": "muddy colors", "definition": "( of color ) discolored by impurities ; not bright and clear", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"muddy colors\" What is the definition of \"muddy\"?"} {"term": "muddy", "pos": "", "context": "some people may feel it sounds a bit muddy but my ear soon adjusts to that phenomenon and it does n't depreciate my appreciation of this recording a whit .", "definition": "( of a sound , especially in music ) not clearly defined", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some people may feel it sounds a bit muddy but my ear soon adjusts to that phenomenon and it does n't depreciate my appreciation of this recording a whit .\" What is the definition of \"muddy\"?"} {"term": "serration", "pos": "", "context": "the pliers had serrations to improve the grip", "definition": "a row of notches", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the pliers had serrations to improve the grip\" What is the definition of \"serration\"?"} {"term": "serration", "pos": "", "context": "it may not be so clear in this particular fossil but those serrations are teeth !", "definition": "a tooth or point of a serrated edge or surface", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it may not be so clear in this particular fossil but those serrations are teeth !\" What is the definition of \"serration\"?"} {"term": "refurnish", "pos": "", "context": "it has been painstakingly refurnished and modernised to an extremely high standard , all done in the best possible taste .", "definition": "furnish ( a room or building ) again or differently", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it has been painstakingly refurnished and modernised to an extremely high standard , all done in the best possible taste .\" What is the definition of \"refurnish\"?"} {"term": "day", "pos": "", "context": "i’ve done a lot of different workouts in my day .", "definition": "the most active or successful period of a person 's life or career", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i’ve done a lot of different workouts in my day .\" What is the definition of \"day\"?"} {"term": "montonero", "pos": "", "context": "it 's difficult for outsiders to understand how argentina reached that extreme , but after several years of vicious attacks by the montoneros guerrillas , the argentines were desperate for relief .", "definition": "a member of a left-wing peronist guerrilla organization in argentina .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's difficult for outsiders to understand how argentina reached that extreme , but after several years of vicious attacks by the montoneros guerrillas , the argentines were desperate for relief .\" What is the definition of \"montonero\"?"} {"term": "slender", "pos": "", "context": "her lips were reducing to a slender line and she tried constantly to show some form of a crooked smile .", "definition": "( especially of a rod or stem ) of small girth or breadth", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her lips were reducing to a slender line and she tried constantly to show some form of a crooked smile .\" What is the definition of \"slender\"?"} {"term": "dryness", "pos": "", "context": "her manner assumed a dispassion and dryness very unlike her usual tone", "definition": "objectivity and detachment", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her manner assumed a dispassion and dryness very unlike her usual tone\" What is the definition of \"dryness\"?"} {"term": "braid", "pos": "", "context": "if he 'd played in that game he would have had his lone cap , tasselled and braided with the gold s v e .", "definition": "edge or trim ( a garment ) with braid", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if he 'd played in that game he would have had his lone cap , tasselled and braided with the gold s v e .\" What is the definition of \"braid\"?"} {"term": "farmhouse", "pos": "", "context": "for many people it conjures up visions of log cabins , country farmhouses and shaker style kitchens .", "definition": "a house attached to a farm , especially the main house in which the farmer lives", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for many people it conjures up visions of log cabins , country farmhouses and shaker style kitchens .\" What is the definition of \"farmhouse\"?"} {"term": "suppose", "pos": "", "context": "to take a hypothetical case , suppose that , on day one , an unlawful trading activity starts which is not disclosed or prevented as a result of the defendant 's negligence .", "definition": "used to introduce a hypothesis and imagine its development", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to take a hypothetical case , suppose that , on day one , an unlawful trading activity starts which is not disclosed or prevented as a result of the defendant 's negligence .\" What is the definition of \"suppose\"?"} {"term": "elect", "pos": "", "context": "the president elect", "definition": "elected but not yet installed in office", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the president elect\" What is the definition of \"elect\"?"} {"term": "elect", "pos": "", "context": "mr coles was elected to the position at the annual general meeting in july just gone .", "definition": "choose ( someone ) to hold public office or some other position by voting", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mr coles was elected to the position at the annual general meeting in july just gone .\" What is the definition of \"elect\"?"} {"term": "cowhide", "pos": "", "context": "but let 's face it - what we 're talking about here is cowhide , something that is seen in everyday use .", "definition": "leather made from the hide of a cow", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but let 's face it - what we 're talking about here is cowhide , something that is seen in everyday use .\" What is the definition of \"cowhide\"?"} {"term": "pearl", "pos": "", "context": "variations of green , pale and gentle , or a shimmer of apricot or pearl can perfectly set a great reading mood for pages with heavy content .", "definition": "a very pale bluish grey or white colour like that of a pearl", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"variations of green , pale and gentle , or a shimmer of apricot or pearl can perfectly set a great reading mood for pages with heavy content .\" What is the definition of \"pearl\"?"} {"term": "pearl", "pos": "", "context": "the way it would warm cold and clammy skin , or make a pearl of sweat roll down my face .", "definition": "something resembling a pearl", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the way it would warm cold and clammy skin , or make a pearl of sweat roll down my face .\" What is the definition of \"pearl\"?"} {"term": "jatropha", "pos": "", "context": "according to the energy and resources institute in new delhi , a hectare of jatropha can produce four times as much fuel as a hectare of soybeans .", "definition": "any of various plants or shrubs of the genus `` jatropha ' ( family `` euphorbiaceae ' ) , one species of which ( `` jatropha curcas ) ' produces seeds that can be used in the production of biodiesel .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"according to the energy and resources institute in new delhi , a hectare of jatropha can produce four times as much fuel as a hectare of soybeans .\" What is the definition of \"jatropha\"?"} {"term": "garb", "pos": "", "context": "at the end of the tunnel stood a man dressed in leather garb with a sling of arrows on his back .", "definition": "clothing , especially of a distinctive or special kind", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at the end of the tunnel stood a man dressed in leather garb with a sling of arrows on his back .\" What is the definition of \"garb\"?"} {"term": "brewhouse", "pos": "", "context": "a model of a combined brewhouse and bakehouse found in an egyptian tomb is to be seen in the museum .", "definition": "a brewery .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a model of a combined brewhouse and bakehouse found in an egyptian tomb is to be seen in the museum .\" What is the definition of \"brewhouse\"?"} {"term": "agree", "pos": "", "context": "it was agreed on thursday that these groups should be persuaded to return homes .", "definition": "reach agreement about ( something ) after negotiation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was agreed on thursday that these groups should be persuaded to return homes .\" What is the definition of \"agree\"?"} {"term": "agree", "pos": "", "context": "no two of my colleagues would agree on whom to elect chairman", "definition": "achieve harmony of opinion , feeling , or purpose", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"no two of my colleagues would agree on whom to elect chairman\" What is the definition of \"agree\"?"} {"term": "collective", "pos": "", "context": "individuals are expected to act on behalf of the collective whole , and the corporate body is expected to act in the normative interests of its members .", "definition": "taken as a whole ; aggregate", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"individuals are expected to act on behalf of the collective whole , and the corporate body is expected to act in the normative interests of its members .\" What is the definition of \"collective\"?"} {"term": "chug", "pos": "", "context": "double chugs are required for all other distracting cameos thereafter , and for whenever knightley drags her drinking glass across her lips to signify how troubled her character is .", "definition": "a large gulp of a drink", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"double chugs are required for all other distracting cameos thereafter , and for whenever knightley drags her drinking glass across her lips to signify how troubled her character is .\" What is the definition of \"chug\"?"} {"term": "chug", "pos": "", "context": "the engine chugged down the street", "definition": "make a dull , explosive sound", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the engine chugged down the street\" What is the definition of \"chug\"?"} {"term": "inchoative", "pos": "", "context": "a hundred and forty years later , the inchoative generalization of the verb has shown up in the new york times .", "definition": "denoting an aspect of a verb expressing the beginning of an action , typically one occurring of its own accord .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a hundred and forty years later , the inchoative generalization of the verb has shown up in the new york times .\" What is the definition of \"inchoative\"?"} {"term": "situation", "pos": "", "context": "no human situation is simple", "definition": "a complex or critical or unusual difficulty", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"no human situation is simple\" What is the definition of \"situation\"?"} {"term": "intelligence", "pos": "", "context": "an office boy will not be what he is now if he had education , skills , common sense and intelligence like his boss .", "definition": "the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an office boy will not be what he is now if he had education , skills , common sense and intelligence like his boss .\" What is the definition of \"intelligence\"?"} {"term": "regenerate", "pos": "", "context": "fortunately , skin regenerates constantly , which is the reason why the strategy of eliminating some cells is a good one .", "definition": "( of an organ or tissue ) grow again", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fortunately , skin regenerates constantly , which is the reason why the strategy of eliminating some cells is a good one .\" What is the definition of \"regenerate\"?"} {"term": "sink", "pos": "", "context": "we had a bloom a couple of years ago in jervis bay , nsw so we know that they can be very abundant and in the oceans they 're actually the major sink for carbon dioxide .", "definition": "a body or process which acts to absorb or remove energy or a particular component from a system", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we had a bloom a couple of years ago in jervis bay , nsw so we know that they can be very abundant and in the oceans they 're actually the major sink for carbon dioxide .\" What is the definition of \"sink\"?"} {"term": "clinic", "pos": "", "context": "women who attended the antenatal clinics of a medical center in the united kingdom were recruited for the study .", "definition": "an occasion or time when medical treatment or advice is given", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"women who attended the antenatal clinics of a medical center in the united kingdom were recruited for the study .\" What is the definition of \"clinic\"?"} {"term": "common", "pos": "", "context": "the sighting of the black neck crane and several other rare and common birds in the area kept my spirit and interest buoyant .", "definition": "( of an animal or plant ) found or living in relatively large numbers ; not rare", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sighting of the black neck crane and several other rare and common birds in the area kept my spirit and interest buoyant .\" What is the definition of \"common\"?"} {"term": "common", "pos": "", "context": "they depend upon the social concern and common decency of ordinary people .", "definition": "( of a quality ) of a sort or level to be generally expected", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they depend upon the social concern and common decency of ordinary people .\" What is the definition of \"common\"?"} {"term": "prowess", "pos": "", "context": "he added that irrespective of technical prowess , security consulting required more than just technical skills .", "definition": "skill or expertise in a particular activity or field", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he added that irrespective of technical prowess , security consulting required more than just technical skills .\" What is the definition of \"prowess\"?"} {"term": "consequent", "pos": "", "context": "the period of tension and consequent need for military preparedness", "definition": "following or accompanying as a consequence", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the period of tension and consequent need for military preparedness\" What is the definition of \"consequent\"?"} {"term": "commissar", "pos": "", "context": "under the able leadership of the old bolshevik a.p . smirnov , the commissar of agriculture , expertise and science were privileged over politics .", "definition": "a head of a government department in the former soviet union before 1946 .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"under the able leadership of the old bolshevik a.p . smirnov , the commissar of agriculture , expertise and science were privileged over politics .\" What is the definition of \"commissar\"?"} {"term": "rightist", "pos": "", "context": "they had already been in direct violation of the amendment , which prohibited aid to the rightists .", "definition": "a person who supports the political views or policies of the right", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they had already been in direct violation of the amendment , which prohibited aid to the rightists .\" What is the definition of \"rightist\"?"} {"term": "war", "pos": "", "context": "war was declared in november but actual fighting did not begin until the following spring", "definition": "a legal state created by a declaration of war and ended by official declaration during which the international rules of war apply", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"war was declared in november but actual fighting did not begin until the following spring\" What is the definition of \"war\"?"} {"term": "pleat", "pos": "", "context": "her skirt was orange pleated , and barely covered the tops of her thighs .", "definition": "fold into pleats", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her skirt was orange pleated , and barely covered the tops of her thighs .\" What is the definition of \"pleat\"?"} {"term": "furnace", "pos": "", "context": "these appliances include space heaters , gas ranges and ovens , furnaces , gas water heaters , gas clothes dryers , wood or coal-burning stoves , and fireplaces .", "definition": "an appliance fired by gas or oil in which air or water is heated to be circulated throughout a building in a heating system .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these appliances include space heaters , gas ranges and ovens , furnaces , gas water heaters , gas clothes dryers , wood or coal-burning stoves , and fireplaces .\" What is the definition of \"furnace\"?"} {"term": "lycopodium", "pos": "", "context": "dried lycopodium is used for making herbal tea , which is good for diarrhea , urinary complains , and inflammations .", "definition": "a plant of a genus that includes the common clubmosses .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dried lycopodium is used for making herbal tea , which is good for diarrhea , urinary complains , and inflammations .\" What is the definition of \"lycopodium\"?"} {"term": "anorthite", "pos": "", "context": "because of the preponderance of the mineral anorthite ( a calcium-rich variety of the mineral plagioclase feldspar ) this rock type is called anorthosite .", "definition": "a calcium-rich mineral of the feldspar group , typically white , occurring in many basic igneous rocks .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"because of the preponderance of the mineral anorthite ( a calcium-rich variety of the mineral plagioclase feldspar ) this rock type is called anorthosite .\" What is the definition of \"anorthite\"?"} {"term": "guffaw", "pos": "", "context": "suddenly the tension broke and loud guffaws shattered the silence .", "definition": "a loud and hearty laugh .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"suddenly the tension broke and loud guffaws shattered the silence .\" What is the definition of \"guffaw\"?"} {"term": "freezing", "pos": "", "context": "seconds later , she fell into the freezing water below .", "definition": "below 0°c", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"seconds later , she fell into the freezing water below .\" What is the definition of \"freezing\"?"} {"term": "sensibility", "pos": "", "context": "he knew full well that his friend was beginning to lose his sensibility but the pain still had a bitter sting .", "definition": "sensitivity to sensory stimuli .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he knew full well that his friend was beginning to lose his sensibility but the pain still had a bitter sting .\" What is the definition of \"sensibility\"?"} {"term": "stormy", "pos": "", "context": "a stormy day", "definition": "( especially of weather ) affected or characterized by storms or commotion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a stormy day\" What is the definition of \"stormy\"?"} {"term": "popularize", "pos": "", "context": "they popularized coffee in washington state", "definition": "cater to popular taste to make popular and present to the general public ; bring into general or common use", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they popularized coffee in washington state\" What is the definition of \"popularize\"?"} {"term": "hafnium", "pos": "", "context": "samarium is a rare earth element , one of the elements that occupy the space in row 6 of the periodic table between lanthanum and hafnium .", "definition": "the chemical element of atomic number 72 , a hard silver-grey metal of the transition series , resembling and often occurring with zirconium .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"samarium is a rare earth element , one of the elements that occupy the space in row 6 of the periodic table between lanthanum and hafnium .\" What is the definition of \"hafnium\"?"} {"term": "bury", "pos": "", "context": "the bulldozer continued to advance , burying her in the pile of rubble before driving over her twice .", "definition": "cover ( someone or something ) completely", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the bulldozer continued to advance , burying her in the pile of rubble before driving over her twice .\" What is the definition of \"bury\"?"} {"term": "bury", "pos": "", "context": "definitely this is not the time to call in a child psychologist or bury ourselves in academic discussions on the merits and demerits of freud versus skinner versus piaget .", "definition": "involve oneself deeply in something to the exclusion of other concerns", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"definitely this is not the time to call in a child psychologist or bury ourselves in academic discussions on the merits and demerits of freud versus skinner versus piaget .\" What is the definition of \"bury\"?"} {"term": "geld", "pos": "", "context": "unfortunately , i found the obvious talents of him and the director to have been gelded along the way and prevented from reaching the level of punch and impact that i think could have otherwise been delivered .", "definition": "deprive of vitality or vigour", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unfortunately , i found the obvious talents of him and the director to have been gelded along the way and prevented from reaching the level of punch and impact that i think could have otherwise been delivered .\" What is the definition of \"geld\"?"} {"term": "aquaculture", "pos": "", "context": "the good news about mussel farming is that unlike other forms of aquaculture , the end product is better than the wild version .", "definition": "the rearing of aquatic animals or the cultivation of aquatic plants for food .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the good news about mussel farming is that unlike other forms of aquaculture , the end product is better than the wild version .\" What is the definition of \"aquaculture\"?"} {"term": "self-respect", "pos": "", "context": "they were not concerned with the boundaries of the french nation , but self-respect and honour .", "definition": "pride and confidence in oneself ; a feeling that one is behaving with honour and dignity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they were not concerned with the boundaries of the french nation , but self-respect and honour .\" What is the definition of \"self-respect\"?"} {"term": "display", "pos": "", "context": "‘ the biggest single thing about our displays is the visual impact : they look good and can be read in direct sunlight or at an angle , ’ he said .", "definition": "an electronic device for the visual presentation of data or images", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ the biggest single thing about our displays is the visual impact : they look good and can be read in direct sunlight or at an angle , ’ he said .\" What is the definition of \"display\"?"} {"term": "display", "pos": "", "context": "during his courtship display , the male puffs up his body and fans his tail .", "definition": "a specialized pattern of behaviour by the males of certain species of birds , reptiles , and fish that is intended to attract a mate", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"during his courtship display , the male puffs up his body and fans his tail .\" What is the definition of \"display\"?"} {"term": "display", "pos": "", "context": "a display of courage", "definition": "exhibiting openly in public view", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a display of courage\" What is the definition of \"display\"?"} {"term": "infamy", "pos": "", "context": "do estate agents deserve such infamy ?", "definition": "the state of being well known for some bad quality or deed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"do estate agents deserve such infamy ?\" What is the definition of \"infamy\"?"} {"term": "seaward", "pos": "", "context": "the coastal villages where the salt makers lived stand on islands or peninsulas of firm ground , with marshes and fens on their inland side and salt marshes on the seaward .", "definition": "the side that faces or is nearer to the sea", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the coastal villages where the salt makers lived stand on islands or peninsulas of firm ground , with marshes and fens on their inland side and salt marshes on the seaward .\" What is the definition of \"seaward\"?"} {"term": "jumbo", "pos": "", "context": "brown rather than pink , these jumbos are sculpted out of stone and they support the building .", "definition": "a very large person or thing .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"brown rather than pink , these jumbos are sculpted out of stone and they support the building .\" What is the definition of \"jumbo\"?"} {"term": "micronesian", "pos": "", "context": "greetings among many micronesians are equivalent to the english ‘ welcome . ’", "definition": "a native of micronesia .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"greetings among many micronesians are equivalent to the english ‘ welcome . ’\" What is the definition of \"micronesian\"?"} {"term": "repeater", "pos": "", "context": "the audience consisted largely of repeaters who had seen the movie many times", "definition": "a person who repeats", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the audience consisted largely of repeaters who had seen the movie many times\" What is the definition of \"repeater\"?"} {"term": "anal", "pos": "", "context": "the bimanual examination should also include a rectal examination to check anal sphincter tone and , for fecal impaction , the presence of occult blood or rectal lesions .", "definition": "relating to or situated near the anus", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the bimanual examination should also include a rectal examination to check anal sphincter tone and , for fecal impaction , the presence of occult blood or rectal lesions .\" What is the definition of \"anal\"?"} {"term": "talk", "pos": "", "context": "he still ca n't talk english , but thanks to the classes , he now can put together alphabets and words .", "definition": "use ( a particular language ) in speech", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he still ca n't talk english , but thanks to the classes , he now can put together alphabets and words .\" What is the definition of \"talk\"?"} {"term": "talk", "pos": "", "context": "i also participated in the public programs with talks and lectures to various groups during the exhibition .", "definition": "an informal address or lecture", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i also participated in the public programs with talks and lectures to various groups during the exhibition .\" What is the definition of \"talk\"?"} {"term": "talk", "pos": "", "context": "these long ago promised chairs have had the whole office talking for weeks now .", "definition": "gossip", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these long ago promised chairs have had the whole office talking for weeks now .\" What is the definition of \"talk\"?"} {"term": "heart", "pos": "", "context": "a stunning garden at the heart of the city 's european flower festival stopped workers and shoppers in their tracks .", "definition": "the central or innermost part of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a stunning garden at the heart of the city 's european flower festival stopped workers and shoppers in their tracks .\" What is the definition of \"heart\"?"} {"term": "siren", "pos": "", "context": "adults sirens are aquatic and neotenic , with lengths ranging from 4-36 inches .", "definition": "an eel-like american amphibian with tiny forelimbs , no hindlimbs , small eyes , and external gills , typically living in muddy pools .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"adults sirens are aquatic and neotenic , with lengths ranging from 4-36 inches .\" What is the definition of \"siren\"?"} {"term": "scrub-bird", "pos": "", "context": "nonetheless , the scrub-bird 's future was far from secure ; at the time of its re-discovery , two people 's bay had been gazetted for development as a holiday resort .", "definition": "a secretive australian songbird with mainly brown plumage and a long tail , now rare .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nonetheless , the scrub-bird 's future was far from secure ; at the time of its re-discovery , two people 's bay had been gazetted for development as a holiday resort .\" What is the definition of \"scrub-bird\"?"} {"term": "hallucinogenic", "pos": "", "context": "i have n't been ingesting hallucinogenic substances .", "definition": "( of a drug ) causing hallucinations", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i have n't been ingesting hallucinogenic substances .\" What is the definition of \"hallucinogenic\"?"} {"term": "nutlet", "pos": "", "context": "at that time , fruit seediness or the number of enclosed ripe nutlets was also determined for each ripe fruit .", "definition": "a small nut , especially an achene .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at that time , fruit seediness or the number of enclosed ripe nutlets was also determined for each ripe fruit .\" What is the definition of \"nutlet\"?"} {"term": "legislation", "pos": "", "context": "that has all led to the investment in growth that this legislation will put into place .", "definition": "the process of making or enacting laws", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that has all led to the investment in growth that this legislation will put into place .\" What is the definition of \"legislation\"?"} {"term": "legislation", "pos": "", "context": "this may be enforced by law , with a clause in the legislation to set up regulation of care providers .", "definition": "laws , considered collectively", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this may be enforced by law , with a clause in the legislation to set up regulation of care providers .\" What is the definition of \"legislation\"?"} {"term": "qualification", "pos": "", "context": "add in a forthcoming german residency qualification , and the young man has plenty of options .", "definition": "a condition that must be fulfilled before a right can be acquired ; an official requirement", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"add in a forthcoming german residency qualification , and the young man has plenty of options .\" What is the definition of \"qualification\"?"} {"term": "gill", "pos": "", "context": "notice the three large gills that the animal uses to ‘ breathe ’ in its underwater environment .", "definition": "an organ in an invertebrate animal with a similar function to gills in fish and amphibians .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"notice the three large gills that the animal uses to ‘ breathe ’ in its underwater environment .\" What is the definition of \"gill\"?"} {"term": "gill", "pos": "", "context": "a tot is a sixth , a fifth , a quarter or a third of a gill of whisky .", "definition": "a unit of liquid measure , equal to a quarter of a pint .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tot is a sixth , a fifth , a quarter or a third of a gill of whisky .\" What is the definition of \"gill\"?"} {"term": "imputation", "pos": "", "context": "the imputation that my success was due to nepotism meant that i was not taken seriously", "definition": "the attribution to a source or cause", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the imputation that my success was due to nepotism meant that i was not taken seriously\" What is the definition of \"imputation\"?"} {"term": "pilgrim", "pos": "", "context": "i think i have to pilgrim to urbanville , but not til the semester 's over .", "definition": "travel or wander like a pilgrim", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i think i have to pilgrim to urbanville , but not til the semester 's over .\" What is the definition of \"pilgrim\"?"} {"term": "commercial", "pos": "", "context": "the adventure has been covered by a film crew for a documentary to be broadcast on satellite and commercial television stations across italy .", "definition": "( of television or radio ) funded by the revenue from broadcast advertisements .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the adventure has been covered by a film crew for a documentary to be broadcast on satellite and commercial television stations across italy .\" What is the definition of \"commercial\"?"} {"term": "matte", "pos": "", "context": "botswana exports are dominated by diamonds , copper/nickel matte , beef and animal products ; also exported are textiles and soda ash .", "definition": "an impure product of the smelting of sulphide ores , especially those of copper or nickel .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"botswana exports are dominated by diamonds , copper/nickel matte , beef and animal products ; also exported are textiles and soda ash .\" What is the definition of \"matte\"?"} {"term": "chiaroscuro", "pos": "", "context": "inhabiting these buildings are the depth , the reflections , the veils , the chiaroscuros , and an attenuated clarity that are created by the shade .", "definition": "an effect of contrasted light and shadow", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"inhabiting these buildings are the depth , the reflections , the veils , the chiaroscuros , and an attenuated clarity that are created by the shade .\" What is the definition of \"chiaroscuro\"?"} {"term": "cordwood", "pos": "", "context": "that implied that about 2.6 million of cordwood is used annually making it among the highest contributors of deforestation .", "definition": "wood that has been cut into uniform lengths , used especially as firewood or for building .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that implied that about 2.6 million of cordwood is used annually making it among the highest contributors of deforestation .\" What is the definition of \"cordwood\"?"} {"term": "kite", "pos": "", "context": "inmates manage to pass ‘ kites ’ or handwritten notes to each other .", "definition": "an illicit or surreptitious letter or note .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"inmates manage to pass ‘ kites ’ or handwritten notes to each other .\" What is the definition of \"kite\"?"} {"term": "feminism", "pos": "", "context": "one would like to request the filmmaker at least to do some reading on feminism .", "definition": "the advocacy of women 's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one would like to request the filmmaker at least to do some reading on feminism .\" What is the definition of \"feminism\"?"} {"term": "oxygen", "pos": "", "context": "copper reacts with oxygen and carbon dioxide to form a greenish patina of copper carbonate .", "definition": "a colourless , odourless reactive gas , the chemical element of atomic number 8 and the life-supporting component of the air", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"copper reacts with oxygen and carbon dioxide to form a greenish patina of copper carbonate .\" What is the definition of \"oxygen\"?"} {"term": "gel", "pos": "", "context": "there were instances of well-bred middle-class gels entering into marriage with only the haziest idea of how babies were conceived and born .", "definition": "an upper-class or well-bred girl or young woman", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there were instances of well-bred middle-class gels entering into marriage with only the haziest idea of how babies were conceived and born .\" What is the definition of \"gel\"?"} {"term": "filter", "pos": "", "context": "the problem with the whole system is it is putting too much pressure on main street as the traffic can not filter through new street anymore .", "definition": "( of traffic ) be allowed to pass to the left or right at a junction while traffic going straight ahead is halted .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the problem with the whole system is it is putting too much pressure on main street as the traffic can not filter through new street anymore .\" What is the definition of \"filter\"?"} {"term": "filter", "pos": "", "context": "that will speed up download times and should allow software filters to be reinstalled , to the relief of teachers and parents .", "definition": "a piece of software that processes data before passing it to another application , for example to reformat characters or to remove unwanted types of material .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that will speed up download times and should allow software filters to be reinstalled , to the relief of teachers and parents .\" What is the definition of \"filter\"?"} {"term": "fair", "pos": "", "context": "the fair women seem to have a layer of light hiding beneath their skin .", "definition": "( of a person ) having a light complexion or hair", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the fair women seem to have a layer of light hiding beneath their skin .\" What is the definition of \"fair\"?"} {"term": "fair", "pos": "", "context": "after a month of fair words artois came away in april 1793 with a jewelled sword inscribed with god , for the king but no more tangible support .", "definition": "( of words ) specious despite being initially attractive", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after a month of fair words artois came away in april 1793 with a jewelled sword inscribed with god , for the king but no more tangible support .\" What is the definition of \"fair\"?"} {"term": "fair", "pos": "", "context": "as you may imagine she was fair delighted , and thought how pleased the king would be when he came home and found that his dearest wish had been fulfilled .", "definition": "to a high degree", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as you may imagine she was fair delighted , and thought how pleased the king would be when he came home and found that his dearest wish had been fulfilled .\" What is the definition of \"fair\"?"} {"term": "fair", "pos": "", "context": "mom had taken me to the county fair with lily , and i had won the painting by popping a balloon with a dart .", "definition": "an annual competitive exhibition of livestock , agricultural products , etc. , held by a town , county , or state .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mom had taken me to the county fair with lily , and i had won the painting by popping a balloon with a dart .\" What is the definition of \"fair\"?"} {"term": "fair", "pos": "", "context": "the fair sex", "definition": "attractively feminine", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the fair sex\" What is the definition of \"fair\"?"} {"term": "fair", "pos": "", "context": "it sounds good and if it does result in more properly-managed concerts , fairs , festivals and community events being staged in the city 's parks it has to be good news .", "definition": "a gathering of stalls and amusements for public entertainment", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it sounds good and if it does result in more properly-managed concerts , fairs , festivals and community events being staged in the city 's parks it has to be good news .\" What is the definition of \"fair\"?"} {"term": "fair", "pos": "", "context": "its silver reflection lay delicately on the calm , deep blue water , like the shimmering gown of a fair lady .", "definition": "beautiful", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"its silver reflection lay delicately on the calm , deep blue water , like the shimmering gown of a fair lady .\" What is the definition of \"fair\"?"} {"term": "fair", "pos": "", "context": "uk ministers regard the bid as standing a fair chance of success and believe that it will prove popular with the public .", "definition": "moderately good", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"uk ministers regard the bid as standing a fair chance of success and believe that it will prove popular with the public .\" What is the definition of \"fair\"?"} {"term": "tipsy", "pos": "", "context": "a tipsy boat", "definition": "unstable and prone to tip as if intoxicated", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tipsy boat\" What is the definition of \"tipsy\"?"} {"term": "requiescat", "pos": "", "context": "when i go to work each day in the hugo black courthouse and see the bust of that judge in the rotunda , i can not help but say the prayer for father coyle that he used as the title of a poem : requiescat in pace .", "definition": "a wish or prayer for the repose of a dead person .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when i go to work each day in the hugo black courthouse and see the bust of that judge in the rotunda , i can not help but say the prayer for father coyle that he used as the title of a poem : requiescat in pace .\" What is the definition of \"requiescat\"?"} {"term": "gravitate", "pos": "", "context": "boys gravitate towards girls at that age", "definition": "be attracted to", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"boys gravitate towards girls at that age\" What is the definition of \"gravitate\"?"} {"term": "warble", "pos": "", "context": "deregulating the rendering process and/or dosing cattle for warbles with organo-phosphates gave us mad cow disease .", "definition": "a swelling or abscess beneath the skin on the back of cattle , horses , and other mammals , caused by the presence of the larva of a warble fly .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"deregulating the rendering process and/or dosing cattle for warbles with organo-phosphates gave us mad cow disease .\" What is the definition of \"warble\"?"} {"term": "jade", "pos": "", "context": "our examination of this ornament and several other jades has provided evidence for the use of rotary tools during the ming and qing dynasties .", "definition": "an ornament made of jade .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"our examination of this ornament and several other jades has provided evidence for the use of rotary tools during the ming and qing dynasties .\" What is the definition of \"jade\"?"} {"term": "broker", "pos": "", "context": "some sell through brokers , others sell to retail stores like whole foods , others choose to sell through alba organics .", "definition": "a person who buys and sells goods or assets for others", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some sell through brokers , others sell to retail stores like whole foods , others choose to sell through alba organics .\" What is the definition of \"broker\"?"} {"term": "hash", "pos": "", "context": "its pinot noir reduction , sesame-shot spinach and hashed potato accompaniments seemed altogether fitting .", "definition": "a finely chopped mixture", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"its pinot noir reduction , sesame-shot spinach and hashed potato accompaniments seemed altogether fitting .\" What is the definition of \"hash\"?"} {"term": "squirt", "pos": "", "context": "you 'd wonder how such an insulting little squirt could amass such a fortune and control the mighty moguls of the motor racing business .", "definition": "a puny or insignificant person", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you 'd wonder how such an insulting little squirt could amass such a fortune and control the mighty moguls of the motor racing business .\" What is the definition of \"squirt\"?"} {"term": "premises", "pos": "", "context": "bread is baked on the premises", "definition": "land and the buildings on it", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bread is baked on the premises\" What is the definition of \"premises\"?"} {"term": "violation", "pos": "", "context": "he claimed a violation of his rights under the fifth amendment", "definition": "an act that disregards an agreement or a right", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he claimed a violation of his rights under the fifth amendment\" What is the definition of \"violation\"?"} {"term": "noble", "pos": "", "context": "families knew that their successful integration into the noble ranks of society rested on their lineage being recognized as worthy .", "definition": "belonging by rank , title , or birth to the aristocracy", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"families knew that their successful integration into the noble ranks of society rested on their lineage being recognized as worthy .\" What is the definition of \"noble\"?"} {"term": "flub", "pos": "", "context": "there are several hearty laughs to be had , and the hesitations and flubbed lines of opening night will surely disappear as the run continues .", "definition": "botch or bungle ( something )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there are several hearty laughs to be had , and the hesitations and flubbed lines of opening night will surely disappear as the run continues .\" What is the definition of \"flub\"?"} {"term": "sassafras", "pos": "", "context": "and so , shaded by eucalyptus trees , amidst the sweet scents of sassafras and olearia , the people lay down to rest .", "definition": "a deciduous north american tree with aromatic leaves and bark . the leaves are infused to make tea or ground into filé .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and so , shaded by eucalyptus trees , amidst the sweet scents of sassafras and olearia , the people lay down to rest .\" What is the definition of \"sassafras\"?"} {"term": "recapture", "pos": "", "context": "the city had been under insurgent control since april and its recapture was seen as essential to organizing the promised january elections .", "definition": "an act of recapturing someone or something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the city had been under insurgent control since april and its recapture was seen as essential to organizing the promised january elections .\" What is the definition of \"recapture\"?"} {"term": "recapture", "pos": "", "context": "the military forces managed to recapture the fort", "definition": "take back by force , as after a battle", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the military forces managed to recapture the fort\" What is the definition of \"recapture\"?"} {"term": "recapture", "pos": "", "context": "it 's an opportunity to brush up on a foreign language , recapture memories of a past visit and get first-hand information for that trip you 've been planning .", "definition": "recreate or experience again ( a past time , event , or feeling )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's an opportunity to brush up on a foreign language , recapture memories of a past visit and get first-hand information for that trip you 've been planning .\" What is the definition of \"recapture\"?"} {"term": "blackness", "pos": "", "context": "i was staring down at a maw of blackness that had robbed me of my hope and future .", "definition": "a state characterized by despair or depression", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i was staring down at a maw of blackness that had robbed me of my hope and future .\" What is the definition of \"blackness\"?"} {"term": "heritage", "pos": "", "context": "a heritage of freedom", "definition": "practices that are handed down from the past by tradition", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a heritage of freedom\" What is the definition of \"heritage\"?"} {"term": "heritage", "pos": "", "context": "quarried stone is used mainly for the production of roof tiles and other heritage products rather than garden rockery stone or sand and gravel .", "definition": "denoting a traditional brand or product regarded as emblematic of fine craftsmanship", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"quarried stone is used mainly for the production of roof tiles and other heritage products rather than garden rockery stone or sand and gravel .\" What is the definition of \"heritage\"?"} {"term": "synonym", "pos": "", "context": "frequently , however , that term is a synonym for horribly divided .", "definition": "a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase in the same language , for example shut is a synonym of close", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"frequently , however , that term is a synonym for horribly divided .\" What is the definition of \"synonym\"?"} {"term": "hypodermic", "pos": "", "context": "hypodermic needle", "definition": "relating to or located below the epidermis", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hypodermic needle\" What is the definition of \"hypodermic\"?"} {"term": "crab", "pos": "", "context": "start your evening with assorted cold meats , crab , and jasmine smoked chicken .", "definition": "the flesh of a crab as food .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"start your evening with assorted cold meats , crab , and jasmine smoked chicken .\" What is the definition of \"crab\"?"} {"term": "stalk", "pos": "", "context": "em 's stride was just a few shades below a stalk , so the dribble of people still leaving the school gave way to the irritated girl .", "definition": "a stiff , striding gait .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"em 's stride was just a few shades below a stalk , so the dribble of people still leaving the school gave way to the irritated girl .\" What is the definition of \"stalk\"?"} {"term": "stalk", "pos": "", "context": "this technique , called `` glassing ' allows the hunter to spot the game from some distance away , then plan out a ambush or stalk .", "definition": "a stealthy pursuit of someone or something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this technique , called `` glassing ' allows the hunter to spot the game from some distance away , then plan out a ambush or stalk .\" What is the definition of \"stalk\"?"} {"term": "sharia", "pos": "", "context": "he wants islamic law or shariah to be the law of the land , but does not want the shiite clerics to be government officials .", "definition": "islamic canonical law based on the teachings of the koran and the traditions of the prophet ( hadith and sunna ) , prescribing both religious and secular duties and sometimes retributive penalties for lawbreaking . it has generally been supplemented by legislation adapted to the conditions of the day , though the manner in which it should be applied in modern states is a subject of dispute between muslim traditionalists and reformists .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he wants islamic law or shariah to be the law of the land , but does not want the shiite clerics to be government officials .\" What is the definition of \"sharia\"?"} {"term": "disown", "pos": "", "context": "my family will disown me upon hearing the news that i surrendered .", "definition": "refuse to acknowledge or maintain any connection with", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my family will disown me upon hearing the news that i surrendered .\" What is the definition of \"disown\"?"} {"term": "retreat", "pos": "", "context": "deng , as a result , had to argue his case , to move one step at a time , and sometimes to retreat from positions which opposition had made untenable .", "definition": "change one 's mind or plans as a result of criticism or difficulty", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"deng , as a result , had to argue his case , to move one step at a time , and sometimes to retreat from positions which opposition had made untenable .\" What is the definition of \"retreat\"?"} {"term": "tart", "pos": "", "context": "prichard is making friends on the sixth floor too , where the secretaries have been treated to an image consultant brought in at company expense to teach them how to tart themselves up .", "definition": "dress or make oneself up in order to look attractive", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"prichard is making friends on the sixth floor too , where the secretaries have been treated to an image consultant brought in at company expense to teach them how to tart themselves up .\" What is the definition of \"tart\"?"} {"term": "reception", "pos": "", "context": "on the other hand , through acts of charity , prayer and reception of the sacraments we can increase our share of grace .", "definition": "the action or process of receiving something sent , given , or inflicted", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on the other hand , through acts of charity , prayer and reception of the sacraments we can increase our share of grace .\" What is the definition of \"reception\"?"} {"term": "reception", "pos": "", "context": "higher frequencies were developed which improved reception .", "definition": "the quality of broadcast signals received", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"higher frequencies were developed which improved reception .\" What is the definition of \"reception\"?"} {"term": "redemption", "pos": "", "context": "understand that the redemption in this title is not what saves us from violence but what propels us toward it .", "definition": "a thing that saves someone from error or evil", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"understand that the redemption in this title is not what saves us from violence but what propels us toward it .\" What is the definition of \"redemption\"?"} {"term": "specify", "pos": "", "context": "they can specify that at the interview stage .", "definition": "state a fact or requirement clearly and precisely", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they can specify that at the interview stage .\" What is the definition of \"specify\"?"} {"term": "linchpin", "pos": "", "context": "he is the linchpin of this firm", "definition": "a central cohesive source of support and stability", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is the linchpin of this firm\" What is the definition of \"linchpin\"?"} {"term": "phantasmagoria", "pos": "", "context": "he creates a bad-dream atmosphere , a phantasmagoria of boredom , futile journeys , wasted lives and endless , incantatory meetings .", "definition": "a sequence of real or imaginary images like that seen in a dream", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he creates a bad-dream atmosphere , a phantasmagoria of boredom , futile journeys , wasted lives and endless , incantatory meetings .\" What is the definition of \"phantasmagoria\"?"} {"term": "hit", "pos": "", "context": "the car hit a tree", "definition": "hit against ; come into sudden contact with", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the car hit a tree\" What is the definition of \"hit\"?"} {"term": "hit", "pos": "", "context": "violence returned six centuries later when mile end was hit by london 's first ever flying bomb .", "definition": "( of a missile or a person aiming one ) strike ( a target )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"violence returned six centuries later when mile end was hit by london 's first ever flying bomb .\" What is the definition of \"hit\"?"} {"term": "hit", "pos": "", "context": "he does n't like being hit in the body , and after three rounds he 's not the same fighter .", "definition": "bring one 's hand or a tool or weapon into contact with ( someone or something ) quickly and forcefully", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he does n't like being hit in the body , and after three rounds he 's not the same fighter .\" What is the definition of \"hit\"?"} {"term": "hit", "pos": "", "context": "he is finding it more and more difficult to walk as the effects of kidney failure hit .", "definition": "take effect", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is finding it more and more difficult to walk as the effects of kidney failure hit .\" What is the definition of \"hit\"?"} {"term": "roust", "pos": "", "context": "still following the sure footing of rocky drainages , we flushed ptarmigan from the willows as we went , at one point rousting several hundred of them .", "definition": "cause to get up or start moving ; rouse", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"still following the sure footing of rocky drainages , we flushed ptarmigan from the willows as we went , at one point rousting several hundred of them .\" What is the definition of \"roust\"?"} {"term": "durable", "pos": "", "context": "durable denim jeans", "definition": "capable of withstanding wear and tear and decay", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"durable denim jeans\" What is the definition of \"durable\"?"} {"term": "contraction", "pos": "", "context": "unless they are very small they will take weeks to heal and undergo severe contraction .", "definition": "the process in which a muscle becomes or is made shorter and tighter", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unless they are very small they will take weeks to heal and undergo severe contraction .\" What is the definition of \"contraction\"?"} {"term": "restorative", "pos": "", "context": "restorative effects of exercise", "definition": "promoting recuperation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"restorative effects of exercise\" What is the definition of \"restorative\"?"} {"term": "sin", "pos": "", "context": "and lordy , the script committed two unforgivable sins .", "definition": "an act regarded as a serious or regrettable fault , offence , or omission", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and lordy , the script committed two unforgivable sins .\" What is the definition of \"sin\"?"} {"term": "cuckold", "pos": "", "context": "he 'll be forced to go on living under the care of a woman who 's cuckolded him , or find some way to live without his only support .", "definition": "( of a man 's wife ) make ( her husband ) a cuckold", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he 'll be forced to go on living under the care of a woman who 's cuckolded him , or find some way to live without his only support .\" What is the definition of \"cuckold\"?"} {"term": "tinware", "pos": "", "context": "for example almost all the tinware is packed , so there 'll be no baking until we set up the next kitchen .", "definition": "kitchen utensils or other articles made of tin or tinplate .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for example almost all the tinware is packed , so there 'll be no baking until we set up the next kitchen .\" What is the definition of \"tinware\"?"} {"term": "pizzeria", "pos": "", "context": "it 's near dusk in milan 's trendy naviglio district , and the cafés and pizzerias are filling up with revelers .", "definition": "a place where pizzas are made or sold ; a pizza restaurant .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's near dusk in milan 's trendy naviglio district , and the cafés and pizzerias are filling up with revelers .\" What is the definition of \"pizzeria\"?"} {"term": "tangible", "pos": "", "context": "skin with a tangible roughness", "definition": "perceptible by the senses especially the sense of touch", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"skin with a tangible roughness\" What is the definition of \"tangible\"?"} {"term": "darwinian", "pos": "", "context": "the key to the mechanism of darwinian evolution is natural selection .", "definition": "relating to darwinism", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the key to the mechanism of darwinian evolution is natural selection .\" What is the definition of \"darwinian\"?"} {"term": "heave", "pos": "", "context": "the other friend heaved a sigh and said he was totally dependent on his son who did n't give him any money .", "definition": "produce ( a sigh )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the other friend heaved a sigh and said he was totally dependent on his son who did n't give him any money .\" What is the definition of \"heave\"?"} {"term": "heave", "pos": "", "context": "he gave it a mighty heave", "definition": "throwing something heavy ( with great effort )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he gave it a mighty heave\" What is the definition of \"heave\"?"} {"term": "heave", "pos": "", "context": "my stomach heaved and i covered my mouth as i tried to regain control of my senses .", "definition": "make an effort to vomit ; retch", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my stomach heaved and i covered my mouth as i tried to regain control of my senses .\" What is the definition of \"heave\"?"} {"term": "oppression", "pos": "", "context": "if nothing is done to address the root problems behind the oppressions i can see it happening again , i ca n't see any hope really .", "definition": "prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or exercise of authority", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if nothing is done to address the root problems behind the oppressions i can see it happening again , i ca n't see any hope really .\" What is the definition of \"oppression\"?"} {"term": "plan", "pos": "", "context": "householders are also being advised to prepare an escape plan from home and smokers are being warned to take special care .", "definition": "a diagram showing how something will be arranged", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"householders are also being advised to prepare an escape plan from home and smokers are being warned to take special care .\" What is the definition of \"plan\"?"} {"term": "valve", "pos": "", "context": "the brush-like hairs at the end of the anther tube are not bent , and they enclose the valve .", "definition": "each of the halves or sections into which a dry fruit ( especially a pod or capsule ) dehisces .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the brush-like hairs at the end of the anther tube are not bent , and they enclose the valve .\" What is the definition of \"valve\"?"} {"term": "deprive", "pos": "", "context": "his views were not popular and he was deprived of his chair in 1710 .", "definition": "depose ( someone , especially a member of the clergy ) from office", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his views were not popular and he was deprived of his chair in 1710 .\" What is the definition of \"deprive\"?"} {"term": "tallyman", "pos": "", "context": "mr poolman , who was widowed in 1988 , started work as a tallyman selling clothes door-to-door , but he decided to start his own business .", "definition": "a person who sells goods on credit , especially from door to door .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mr poolman , who was widowed in 1988 , started work as a tallyman selling clothes door-to-door , but he decided to start his own business .\" What is the definition of \"tallyman\"?"} {"term": "sahib", "pos": "", "context": "in their race to realise the more-or-less elusive american dream , the characters come across as study cases or automatons , caught in the fast-forward gear to become suburban sahibs .", "definition": "a polite title or form of address for a man", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in their race to realise the more-or-less elusive american dream , the characters come across as study cases or automatons , caught in the fast-forward gear to become suburban sahibs .\" What is the definition of \"sahib\"?"} {"term": "greengrocer", "pos": "", "context": "i just hope that supermarkets do not put all butchers and greengrocers out of business , as i personally hate supermarkets .", "definition": "a retailer of fruit and vegetables", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i just hope that supermarkets do not put all butchers and greengrocers out of business , as i personally hate supermarkets .\" What is the definition of \"greengrocer\"?"} {"term": "insertion", "pos": "", "context": "the preferred site of administration is the skin over the deltoid muscle insertion or over the triceps muscle .", "definition": "the place or manner of attachment of a muscle to the part which it moves", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the preferred site of administration is the skin over the deltoid muscle insertion or over the triceps muscle .\" What is the definition of \"insertion\"?"} {"term": "fatness", "pos": "", "context": "with economic fatness trumping everything else - including truth , integrity , egalitarianism - the party was returned with an increased majority in the house of representatives and control of the senate .", "definition": "the quality of being substantial , especially financially", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with economic fatness trumping everything else - including truth , integrity , egalitarianism - the party was returned with an increased majority in the house of representatives and control of the senate .\" What is the definition of \"fatness\"?"} {"term": "emit", "pos": "", "context": "when that happens , the particle emits radiation in the form of a ‘ shock wave ’ , widely known as cerenkov radiation .", "definition": "produce and discharge ( something , especially gas or radiation )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when that happens , the particle emits radiation in the form of a ‘ shock wave ’ , widely known as cerenkov radiation .\" What is the definition of \"emit\"?"} {"term": "gastroenterology", "pos": "", "context": "for example , radiology was big on guidewires , but urology , gastroenterology , and cardiology were n't .", "definition": "the branch of medicine which deals with disorders of the stomach and intestines .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for example , radiology was big on guidewires , but urology , gastroenterology , and cardiology were n't .\" What is the definition of \"gastroenterology\"?"} {"term": "dire", "pos": "", "context": "but wisconsin is arguably in the most dire straits .", "definition": "extremely serious or urgent", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but wisconsin is arguably in the most dire straits .\" What is the definition of \"dire\"?"} {"term": "canvas", "pos": "", "context": "below it is the cubist gallery , filled with canvases by picasso , braque , and gris as well as sculptures by matisse and giacometti .", "definition": "an oil painting", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"below it is the cubist gallery , filled with canvases by picasso , braque , and gris as well as sculptures by matisse and giacometti .\" What is the definition of \"canvas\"?"} {"term": "canvas", "pos": "", "context": "the boxer picked himself up off the canvas", "definition": "the mat that forms the floor of the ring in which boxers or professional wrestlers compete", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the boxer picked himself up off the canvas\" What is the definition of \"canvas\"?"} {"term": "canvas", "pos": "", "context": "the cast members will be subsisting on 1897 type supplies : canvas tents , no mosquito repellent , canned and dry goods .", "definition": "a strong , coarse unbleached cloth made from hemp , flax , or a similar yarn , used to make items such as sails and tents and as a surface for oil painting", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the cast members will be subsisting on 1897 type supplies : canvas tents , no mosquito repellent , canned and dry goods .\" What is the definition of \"canvas\"?"} {"term": "svedberg", "pos": "", "context": "throughout the time course the dominant species was ply monomer with s 20 , w = 3.42 svedbergs .", "definition": "a unit of time equal to 10⁻¹³ seconds , used in expressing sedimentation coefficients .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"throughout the time course the dominant species was ply monomer with s 20 , w = 3.42 svedbergs .\" What is the definition of \"svedberg\"?"} {"term": "homogenization", "pos": "", "context": "it represents a steady homogenization of the many farming cultures developed over the centuries in response to local conditions .", "definition": "the process of making things uniform or similar", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it represents a steady homogenization of the many farming cultures developed over the centuries in response to local conditions .\" What is the definition of \"homogenization\"?"} {"term": "pall", "pos": "", "context": "the course palled on her", "definition": "lose strength or effectiveness ; become or appear boring , insipid , or tiresome ( to )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the course palled on her\" What is the definition of \"pall\"?"} {"term": "pall", "pos": "", "context": "while a pall of acrid fumes spread over the town centre , police sealed off the area to shoppers and firefighters in four engines began tackling the blaze .", "definition": "a dark cloud of smoke , dust , etc .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"while a pall of acrid fumes spread over the town centre , police sealed off the area to shoppers and firefighters in four engines began tackling the blaze .\" What is the definition of \"pall\"?"} {"term": "universalist", "pos": "", "context": "i am with the universalist liberals on both counts , with reservations .", "definition": "a person advocating loyalty to and concern for others without regard to national or other allegiances", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i am with the universalist liberals on both counts , with reservations .\" What is the definition of \"universalist\"?"} {"term": "standardization", "pos": "", "context": "standardization of production practices increases task programmability .", "definition": "the process of making something conform to a standard", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"standardization of production practices increases task programmability .\" What is the definition of \"standardization\"?"} {"term": "reduce", "pos": "", "context": "the dislocation should be reduced as soon as possible .", "definition": "restore ( a dislocated part of the body ) to its proper position by manipulation or surgery", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the dislocation should be reduced as soon as possible .\" What is the definition of \"reduce\"?"} {"term": "reduce", "pos": "", "context": "reduce the influx of foreigners", "definition": "narrow or limit", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"reduce the influx of foreigners\" What is the definition of \"reduce\"?"} {"term": "mudlark", "pos": "", "context": "in london where i 've lived and worked , the real mudlark , the historical one , was a child who lived in the gutter , as it were .", "definition": "a scruffy or dirty child who spent most of the time on the street .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in london where i 've lived and worked , the real mudlark , the historical one , was a child who lived in the gutter , as it were .\" What is the definition of \"mudlark\"?"} {"term": "desertion", "pos": "", "context": "in 1921 king george v granted him a pardon on the desertion charge .", "definition": "the action of illegally leaving the armed forces", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in 1921 king george v granted him a pardon on the desertion charge .\" What is the definition of \"desertion\"?"} {"term": "integrity", "pos": "", "context": "he expects to find in us the common honesty and integrity of men of business", "definition": "moral soundness", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he expects to find in us the common honesty and integrity of men of business\" What is the definition of \"integrity\"?"} {"term": "exonerate", "pos": "", "context": "a report , to be published by the department of defence , will exonerate the men of wrongdoing and recommend that their efforts be officially recognised .", "definition": "( of an official body ) absolve ( someone ) from blame for a fault or wrongdoing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a report , to be published by the department of defence , will exonerate the men of wrongdoing and recommend that their efforts be officially recognised .\" What is the definition of \"exonerate\"?"} {"term": "shape", "pos": "", "context": "disturbing images of police tape outlining the shape of evangeline 's lifeless body flashed before his eyes .", "definition": "the external form , contours , or outline of someone or something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"disturbing images of police tape outlining the shape of evangeline 's lifeless body flashed before his eyes .\" What is the definition of \"shape\"?"} {"term": "shape", "pos": "", "context": "through the dark mist , i could make out the faint shape of a large cat .", "definition": "a person or thing that is difficult to see and identify clearly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"through the dark mist , i could make out the faint shape of a large cat .\" What is the definition of \"shape\"?"} {"term": "wobbler", "pos": "", "context": "even if ponnuru is misinformed , with the nomination of a supreme court justice looming , several of the wobblers almost surely will eventually bite the bullet and support their party .", "definition": "a person or thing that wobbles .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"even if ponnuru is misinformed , with the nomination of a supreme court justice looming , several of the wobblers almost surely will eventually bite the bullet and support their party .\" What is the definition of \"wobbler\"?"} {"term": "planetesimal", "pos": "", "context": "after all , planetesimal sized portions of the solar system can not be considered to be orbiting the earth , except in the obvious case of the moon .", "definition": "denoting or relating to planetesimals", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after all , planetesimal sized portions of the solar system can not be considered to be orbiting the earth , except in the obvious case of the moon .\" What is the definition of \"planetesimal\"?"} {"term": "beauty", "pos": "", "context": "that 's beauty mate , and a nice fish too !", "definition": "good ; excellent ( used as a general term of approval ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that 's beauty mate , and a nice fish too !\" What is the definition of \"beauty\"?"} {"term": "invader", "pos": "", "context": "by the age of 16 , this son of peasant farmers was in charge of a country under attack from communist invaders .", "definition": "a person or group that invades a country , region , or other place", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"by the age of 16 , this son of peasant farmers was in charge of a country under attack from communist invaders .\" What is the definition of \"invader\"?"} {"term": "irrational", "pos": "", "context": "irrational numbers", "definition": "real but not expressible as the quotient of two integers", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"irrational numbers\" What is the definition of \"irrational\"?"} {"term": "payable", "pos": "", "context": "a check payable to john doe", "definition": "subject to or requiring payment especially as specified", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a check payable to john doe\" What is the definition of \"payable\"?"} {"term": "rob", "pos": "", "context": "after robbing john hughes of possession his drive was parried by the falkirk goalkeeper , and tunbridge could only lob the rebound over the bar .", "definition": "deprive ( an opposing player ) of the ball", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after robbing john hughes of possession his drive was parried by the falkirk goalkeeper , and tunbridge could only lob the rebound over the bar .\" What is the definition of \"rob\"?"} {"term": "so-and-so", "pos": "", "context": "my name is so-and-so and i tried to kill myself by doing this !", "definition": "a person or thing whose name the speaker does not need to specify or does not know or remember", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my name is so-and-so and i tried to kill myself by doing this !\" What is the definition of \"so-and-so\"?"} {"term": "expansion", "pos": "", "context": "this value signifies that the colony contains 37,800 sectors of cells having tract length expansions .", "definition": "a thing formed by the enlargement or broadening of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this value signifies that the colony contains 37,800 sectors of cells having tract length expansions .\" What is the definition of \"expansion\"?"} {"term": "ormolu", "pos": "", "context": "these are the only versions known to have been executed in ormolu , and must be one of the earliest instances of this material being used for decorative objects in england .", "definition": "a gold-coloured alloy of copper , zinc , and tin used in decoration and making ornaments", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these are the only versions known to have been executed in ormolu , and must be one of the earliest instances of this material being used for decorative objects in england .\" What is the definition of \"ormolu\"?"} {"term": "flush", "pos": "", "context": "a sewage treatment facility to be built this summer will allow flush toilets , and all of the new rooms will have their own bathrooms .", "definition": "denoting a type of toilet that has a flushing device .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sewage treatment facility to be built this summer will allow flush toilets , and all of the new rooms will have their own bathrooms .\" What is the definition of \"flush\"?"} {"term": "flush", "pos": "", "context": "the early leaves flush immediately after bud breaking , and the late leaves appear after the early leaves are mature and continue to appear until early september .", "definition": "( of a plant ) send out fresh shoots", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the early leaves flush immediately after bud breaking , and the late leaves appear after the early leaves are mature and continue to appear until early september .\" What is the definition of \"flush\"?"} {"term": "flush", "pos": "", "context": "she considers it fun to flush saline solution through the port in her chest .", "definition": "cause ( a liquid ) to flow through something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she considers it fun to flush saline solution through the port in her chest .\" What is the definition of \"flush\"?"} {"term": "reciprocate", "pos": "", "context": "what i did was to reciprocate the gesture he made to me .", "definition": "respond to ( a gesture or action ) by making a corresponding one", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"what i did was to reciprocate the gesture he made to me .\" What is the definition of \"reciprocate\"?"} {"term": "allottee", "pos": "", "context": "part of his concern was the smallness of the farms created by land division , and the ‘ arbitrary ’ selection of allottees , which allowed those without farming competence to acquire land .", "definition": "a person to whom something is allotted , especially land or shares .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"part of his concern was the smallness of the farms created by land division , and the ‘ arbitrary ’ selection of allottees , which allowed those without farming competence to acquire land .\" What is the definition of \"allottee\"?"} {"term": "arch-enemy", "pos": "", "context": "the young boy ca n't believe that he will have to show up at the neighbourhood rink in the blue and white colours of the arch-enemy !", "definition": "a person who is extremely opposed or hostile to someone or something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the young boy ca n't believe that he will have to show up at the neighbourhood rink in the blue and white colours of the arch-enemy !\" What is the definition of \"arch-enemy\"?"} {"term": "reconnaissance", "pos": "", "context": "an exchange of fire occurred on a reconnaissance mission", "definition": "the act of reconnoitring ( especially to gain information about an enemy or potential enemy )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an exchange of fire occurred on a reconnaissance mission\" What is the definition of \"reconnaissance\"?"} {"term": "pandemonium", "pos": "", "context": "they 're just there to add to the general sense of pandemonium .", "definition": "wild and noisy disorder or confusion ; uproar", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they 're just there to add to the general sense of pandemonium .\" What is the definition of \"pandemonium\"?"} {"term": "hap", "pos": "", "context": "he recorded all the little haps and mishaps of his life", "definition": "an accidental happening", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he recorded all the little haps and mishaps of his life\" What is the definition of \"hap\"?"} {"term": "weather", "pos": "", "context": "a weathered old hut", "definition": "change under the action or influence of the weather", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a weathered old hut\" What is the definition of \"weather\"?"} {"term": "weather", "pos": "", "context": "normal deck duties were not possible , so we continually chipped ice from the weather side , as the sea froze on the deck .", "definition": "denoting the side from which the wind is blowing , especially on board a ship ; windward", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"normal deck duties were not possible , so we continually chipped ice from the weather side , as the sea froze on the deck .\" What is the definition of \"weather\"?"} {"term": "partitive", "pos": "", "context": "a partitive construction", "definition": "( romance languages ) relating to or denoting a part of a whole or a quantity that is less than the whole", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a partitive construction\" What is the definition of \"partitive\"?"} {"term": "hurt", "pos": "", "context": "he jumped about a foot into the air , startled that a girl he had hurt so badly in the past could still have any feelings for him .", "definition": "cause distress to", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he jumped about a foot into the air , startled that a girl he had hurt so badly in the past could still have any feelings for him .\" What is the definition of \"hurt\"?"} {"term": "hurt", "pos": "", "context": "were you hurting after the accident ?", "definition": "feel physical pain", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"were you hurting after the accident ?\" What is the definition of \"hurt\"?"} {"term": "substituent", "pos": "", "context": "these compounds differ in the level of oxidation of the flavane nucleus and in the number and position of hydroxyl , methyl , and methoxyl substituents .", "definition": "an atom or group of atoms taking the place of another atom or group or occupying a specified position in a molecule", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these compounds differ in the level of oxidation of the flavane nucleus and in the number and position of hydroxyl , methyl , and methoxyl substituents .\" What is the definition of \"substituent\"?"} {"term": "governorship", "pos": "", "context": "the chairman of the party 's financial committee always held the governorship of the central bank .", "definition": "the office or position of being governor of a town , region , or public institution", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the chairman of the party 's financial committee always held the governorship of the central bank .\" What is the definition of \"governorship\"?"} {"term": "montanan", "pos": "", "context": "the even-tempered montanan is conducting painstaking , closed-door negotiations .", "definition": "a native or inhabitant of the us state of montana", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the even-tempered montanan is conducting painstaking , closed-door negotiations .\" What is the definition of \"montanan\"?"} {"term": "unlatch", "pos": "", "context": "rommel 's comforting embrace was a key that unlatched the locked door which held all of jun 's accumulated despair crammed within .", "definition": "unfasten the latch of ( a door or gate )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rommel 's comforting embrace was a key that unlatched the locked door which held all of jun 's accumulated despair crammed within .\" What is the definition of \"unlatch\"?"} {"term": "christen", "pos": "", "context": "the major later decided that such a formidable opponent must certainly be an officer , and christened him ‘ colonel bogey , ’ a term still heard today .", "definition": "give a name to ( someone or something ) which reflects a notable characteristic", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the major later decided that such a formidable opponent must certainly be an officer , and christened him ‘ colonel bogey , ’ a term still heard today .\" What is the definition of \"christen\"?"} {"term": "originalism", "pos": "", "context": "indeed , even people inclined to agree with him find his diatribe against originalism wanting .", "definition": "the judicial interpretation of the constitution which aims to follow closely the original intentions of those who drafted it .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"indeed , even people inclined to agree with him find his diatribe against originalism wanting .\" What is the definition of \"originalism\"?"} {"term": "mongrel", "pos": "", "context": "many mongrel dogs could be seen walking freely on the streets .", "definition": "a dog of no definable type or breed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"many mongrel dogs could be seen walking freely on the streets .\" What is the definition of \"mongrel\"?"} {"term": "sociology", "pos": "", "context": "a sociology of violence in the schools is primarily a sociology of exclusion .", "definition": "the study of social problems .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sociology of violence in the schools is primarily a sociology of exclusion .\" What is the definition of \"sociology\"?"} {"term": "magnitude", "pos": "", "context": "grasses , for example , produce an insulative thatch that reduces the average temperature and the magnitude of temperature fluctuations in surface mineral soils .", "definition": "size", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"grasses , for example , produce an insulative thatch that reduces the average temperature and the magnitude of temperature fluctuations in surface mineral soils .\" What is the definition of \"magnitude\"?"} {"term": "extract", "pos": "", "context": "the five-megawatt reactor at yongbyon generates spent fuel rods laced with plutonium , but they must be removed and reprocessed to extract the plutonium for use in a nuclear weapon .", "definition": "obtain ( a substance or resource ) from something by a special method", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the five-megawatt reactor at yongbyon generates spent fuel rods laced with plutonium , but they must be removed and reprocessed to extract the plutonium for use in a nuclear weapon .\" What is the definition of \"extract\"?"} {"term": "tarantism", "pos": "", "context": "his study of tarantism , for instance , ignored traditional academic boundaries , making use of a team of scholars - a psychologist , a musicologist , a sociologist - with himself in the guiding position as historian-ethnologist .", "definition": "a psychological illness characterized by an extreme impulse to dance , prevalent in southern italy from the 15th to the 17th century , and widely believed at the time to be caused by the bite of a tarantula .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his study of tarantism , for instance , ignored traditional academic boundaries , making use of a team of scholars - a psychologist , a musicologist , a sociologist - with himself in the guiding position as historian-ethnologist .\" What is the definition of \"tarantism\"?"} {"term": "ropey", "pos": "", "context": "ropey food", "definition": "( british informal ) very poor in quality", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ropey food\" What is the definition of \"ropey\"?"} {"term": "footage", "pos": "", "context": "they had stock footage of lightning , tornados , and hurricanes", "definition": "film that has been shot", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they had stock footage of lightning , tornados , and hurricanes\" What is the definition of \"footage\"?"} {"term": "intrusive", "pos": "", "context": "her tone 's informal , friendly and modest , even when she 's fending off unwanted or intrusive questions - of which there prove to be several .", "definition": "causing disruption or annoyance through being unwelcome or uninvited", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her tone 's informal , friendly and modest , even when she 's fending off unwanted or intrusive questions - of which there prove to be several .\" What is the definition of \"intrusive\"?"} {"term": "intrusive", "pos": "", "context": "she felt her presence there was intrusive", "definition": "tending to intrude ( especially upon privacy )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she felt her presence there was intrusive\" What is the definition of \"intrusive\"?"} {"term": "butter", "pos": "", "context": "butter bread", "definition": "spread butter on", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"butter bread\" What is the definition of \"butter\"?"} {"term": "cause", "pos": "", "context": "they are trying to determine the cause of the crash", "definition": "events that provide the generative force that is the origin of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they are trying to determine the cause of the crash\" What is the definition of \"cause\"?"} {"term": "sting", "pos": "", "context": "jellyfish stings are common and may be treated with heat application .", "definition": "a wound from a sting", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"jellyfish stings are common and may be treated with heat application .\" What is the definition of \"sting\"?"} {"term": "survival", "pos": "", "context": "it would be imprudent to write them off as doomed archaic survivals .", "definition": "an object or practice that has continued to exist from an earlier time", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it would be imprudent to write them off as doomed archaic survivals .\" What is the definition of \"survival\"?"} {"term": "flagging", "pos": "", "context": "there was a pile of flagging waiting to be laid in place", "definition": "flagstones collectively", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was a pile of flagging waiting to be laid in place\" What is the definition of \"flagging\"?"} {"term": "reserve", "pos": "", "context": "apart from any use as permitted under the copyright act 1968 , all other rights are reserved .", "definition": "retain or hold ( a right or entitlement ) , especially by formal or legal stipulation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"apart from any use as permitted under the copyright act 1968 , all other rights are reserved .\" What is the definition of \"reserve\"?"} {"term": "reserve", "pos": "", "context": "eating out now plays a major part in british life and is no longer reserved for special occasions .", "definition": "use or engage in something only in or at ( a particular circumstance or time )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"eating out now plays a major part in british life and is no longer reserved for special occasions .\" What is the definition of \"reserve\"?"} {"term": "reserve", "pos": "", "context": "we managed to reserve a table at maxim 's", "definition": "obtain or arrange ( for oneself ) in advance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we managed to reserve a table at maxim 's\" What is the definition of \"reserve\"?"} {"term": "reserve", "pos": "", "context": "this is why many natives leave reserves for the city .", "definition": "a reservation for an indigenous people", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this is why many natives leave reserves for the city .\" What is the definition of \"reserve\"?"} {"term": "part", "pos": "", "context": "many of the historical details that amyes presents in the first parts of the book which i especially enjoyed will be unfamiliar to most readers .", "definition": "a division of a book , periodical , or broadcast serial", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"many of the historical details that amyes presents in the first parts of the book which i especially enjoyed will be unfamiliar to most readers .\" What is the definition of \"part\"?"} {"term": "part", "pos": "", "context": "i do n't expect cats to be free of the wild instinct that 's an essential part of their nature .", "definition": "an element or constituent that is essential to the nature of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i do n't expect cats to be free of the wild instinct that 's an essential part of their nature .\" What is the definition of \"part\"?"} {"term": "attainment", "pos": "", "context": "the attainment of independence", "definition": "the act of achieving an aim", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the attainment of independence\" What is the definition of \"attainment\"?"} {"term": "vermicelli", "pos": "", "context": "onam is the season for banana chips , pappadams and vermicelli .", "definition": "pasta in the form of long slender threads .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"onam is the season for banana chips , pappadams and vermicelli .\" What is the definition of \"vermicelli\"?"} {"term": "tilt", "pos": "", "context": "the court 's tilt toward conservative rulings", "definition": "a slight but noticeable partiality", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the court 's tilt toward conservative rulings\" What is the definition of \"tilt\"?"} {"term": "tilt", "pos": "", "context": "the upward tilt of the camera captures the perfect equipoise of the acrobat featured against a dull grey sky .", "definition": "an upwards or downwards pivoting movement of a camera", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the upward tilt of the camera captures the perfect equipoise of the acrobat featured against a dull grey sky .\" What is the definition of \"tilt\"?"} {"term": "trailblazer", "pos": "", "context": "he cites the government-commissioned exploits of columbus and drake as imperative trailblazers prior to the opening of commercial traffic , but it is here that the analogy falls apart .", "definition": "a person who makes a new track through wild country .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he cites the government-commissioned exploits of columbus and drake as imperative trailblazers prior to the opening of commercial traffic , but it is here that the analogy falls apart .\" What is the definition of \"trailblazer\"?"} {"term": "pull", "pos": "", "context": "it was a long pull but we made it", "definition": "a sustained effort", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was a long pull but we made it\" What is the definition of \"pull\"?"} {"term": "inhibition", "pos": "", "context": "i sense in monica 's response a surprising inhibition , a lack of confidence that a true union is possible .", "definition": "a feeling that makes one self-conscious and unable to act in a relaxed and natural way", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i sense in monica 's response a surprising inhibition , a lack of confidence that a true union is possible .\" What is the definition of \"inhibition\"?"} {"term": "inhibition", "pos": "", "context": "this process can lead to the addition or inhibition of cellular function .", "definition": "the action of inhibiting a process .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this process can lead to the addition or inhibition of cellular function .\" What is the definition of \"inhibition\"?"} {"term": "continental", "pos": "", "context": "towards the middle of the period the climate became warmer and milder , the glaciers receded , and the continental interiors became drier .", "definition": "forming or belonging to a continent", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"towards the middle of the period the climate became warmer and milder , the glaciers receded , and the continental interiors became drier .\" What is the definition of \"continental\"?"} {"term": "ratchet", "pos": "", "context": "a ratcheting lopping tool", "definition": "move by degrees in one direction only", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a ratcheting lopping tool\" What is the definition of \"ratchet\"?"} {"term": "decline", "pos": "", "context": "the roof declines here", "definition": "go down", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the roof declines here\" What is the definition of \"decline\"?"} {"term": "termination", "pos": "", "context": "selective termination of pregnancy in severe twin-twin transfusion syndrome is one option that is done in only a handful of centres in the united kingdom .", "definition": "an induced abortion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"selective termination of pregnancy in severe twin-twin transfusion syndrome is one option that is done in only a handful of centres in the united kingdom .\" What is the definition of \"termination\"?"} {"term": "scandalmonger", "pos": "", "context": "anyone who has watched the last rounds of the world cup knows that these scandalmongers have a point .", "definition": "a person who stirs up public outrage towards someone or their actions by spreading rumours or malicious gossip .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"anyone who has watched the last rounds of the world cup knows that these scandalmongers have a point .\" What is the definition of \"scandalmonger\"?"} {"term": "instate", "pos": "", "context": "i am meaning to see that the prince is happily settled with the rightful lady and that he is instated in due time .", "definition": "set up in position ; install or establish", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i am meaning to see that the prince is happily settled with the rightful lady and that he is instated in due time .\" What is the definition of \"instate\"?"} {"term": "involvement", "pos": "", "context": "he escaped involvement in the accident", "definition": "a connection of inclusion or containment", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he escaped involvement in the accident\" What is the definition of \"involvement\"?"} {"term": "gold", "pos": "", "context": "unlike the dwarfs , bilbo cherishes friendship and merriment over gold and wealth .", "definition": "money in large sums ; wealth", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unlike the dwarfs , bilbo cherishes friendship and merriment over gold and wealth .\" What is the definition of \"gold\"?"} {"term": "gold", "pos": "", "context": "the child was as good as gold", "definition": "something likened to the metal in brightness or preciousness or superiority etc .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the child was as good as gold\" What is the definition of \"gold\"?"} {"term": "gone", "pos": "", "context": "gone with the wind", "definition": "no longer retained", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gone with the wind\" What is the definition of \"gone\"?"} {"term": "beechnut", "pos": "", "context": "omnivorous , mainly vegetarians in the winter , jays eat many kinds of nuts and seeds , including acorns , beechnuts , grain , berries , and small fruit .", "definition": "the small angular brown fruit of the beech tree , pairs of which are enclosed in a prickly case .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"omnivorous , mainly vegetarians in the winter , jays eat many kinds of nuts and seeds , including acorns , beechnuts , grain , berries , and small fruit .\" What is the definition of \"beechnut\"?"} {"term": "flamboyance", "pos": "", "context": "the set design ranges from colorful flamboyance to austere solemnity .", "definition": "the quality of being bright , colourful , and very noticeable", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the set design ranges from colorful flamboyance to austere solemnity .\" What is the definition of \"flamboyance\"?"} {"term": "trackball", "pos": "", "context": "‘ it 's too big , ’ he pronounces , and demonstrates that it will not quite fit in his drawer next to his trackball .", "definition": "a small ball that is set in a holder and can be rotated by hand to move a cursor on a computer screen .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ it 's too big , ’ he pronounces , and demonstrates that it will not quite fit in his drawer next to his trackball .\" What is the definition of \"trackball\"?"} {"term": "grammarian", "pos": "", "context": "prescriptive grammarians routinely disparage innovative usages as introducing ambiguities .", "definition": "a person who studies and writes about grammar .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"prescriptive grammarians routinely disparage innovative usages as introducing ambiguities .\" What is the definition of \"grammarian\"?"} {"term": "chunter", "pos": "", "context": "while most of the big cruise ships passed in the night , occasionally one would chunter past by day , its passengers looking down at us and we up at them .", "definition": "move along slowly and noisily", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"while most of the big cruise ships passed in the night , occasionally one would chunter past by day , its passengers looking down at us and we up at them .\" What is the definition of \"chunter\"?"} {"term": "practise", "pos": "", "context": "oh what a tangled web we weave , when first we practise to deceive .", "definition": "scheme or plot for an evil purpose", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"oh what a tangled web we weave , when first we practise to deceive .\" What is the definition of \"practise\"?"} {"term": "edify", "pos": "", "context": "some are called to sow , others to reap some are eminently qualified to awaken sinners , others to edify saints .", "definition": "instruct or improve ( someone ) morally or intellectually", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some are called to sow , others to reap some are eminently qualified to awaken sinners , others to edify saints .\" What is the definition of \"edify\"?"} {"term": "preserve", "pos": "", "context": "he then opened a jar of cherry preserve , spooned some out , and put it in his mouth .", "definition": "a foodstuff made with fruit preserved in sugar , such as jam or marmalade", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he then opened a jar of cherry preserve , spooned some out , and put it in his mouth .\" What is the definition of \"preserve\"?"} {"term": "preserve", "pos": "", "context": "despite rumblings in the media that classical music is only the preserve of the middle-aged and middle-class , classic fm has shown otherwise .", "definition": "a sphere of activity regarded as being reserved for a particular person or group", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"despite rumblings in the media that classical music is only the preserve of the middle-aged and middle-class , classic fm has shown otherwise .\" What is the definition of \"preserve\"?"} {"term": "preserve", "pos": "", "context": "preserved meats", "definition": "prevent ( food ) from rotting", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"preserved meats\" What is the definition of \"preserve\"?"} {"term": "preserve", "pos": "", "context": "the fishermen along this coast believe that if their wives are faithful and perform the rituals , they will be preserved from harm .", "definition": "keep safe from harm or injury", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the fishermen along this coast believe that if their wives are faithful and perform the rituals , they will be preserved from harm .\" What is the definition of \"preserve\"?"} {"term": "dink", "pos": "", "context": "robinson picked out the unmarked midfielder robert power inside the penalty area but power dinked a left-footed effort the wrong side of the post .", "definition": "hit or kick ( the ball ) softly so that it drops abruptly to the ground", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"robinson picked out the unmarked midfielder robert power inside the penalty area but power dinked a left-footed effort the wrong side of the post .\" What is the definition of \"dink\"?"} {"term": "mulch", "pos": "", "context": "remove the mulch before growth resumes once the weather warms up the following spring .", "definition": "material ( such as decaying leaves , bark , or compost ) spread around or over a plant to enrich or insulate the soil .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"remove the mulch before growth resumes once the weather warms up the following spring .\" What is the definition of \"mulch\"?"} {"term": "mage", "pos": "", "context": "in the room were mages , sorceresses and spokesmen from all known branches of magic .", "definition": "a magician or learned person .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the room were mages , sorceresses and spokesmen from all known branches of magic .\" What is the definition of \"mage\"?"} {"term": "lateral", "pos": "", "context": "lateral to the midbrain are the medial and lateral geniculate bodies .", "definition": "situated on one side or other of the body or of an organ , especially in the region furthest from the median plane", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lateral to the midbrain are the medial and lateral geniculate bodies .\" What is the definition of \"lateral\"?"} {"term": "drachm", "pos": "", "context": "he requested garrett to send over a ‘ drachm ’ of strychnine .", "definition": "a liquid measure formerly used by apothecaries , equivalent to 60 minims or one eighth of a fluid ounce .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he requested garrett to send over a ‘ drachm ’ of strychnine .\" What is the definition of \"drachm\"?"} {"term": "exaltation", "pos": "", "context": "the contrast must necessarily lie between such expression and that where the serene and blissful exaltation of the situation sets the predominating tone .", "definition": "a feeling or state of extreme happiness", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the contrast must necessarily lie between such expression and that where the serene and blissful exaltation of the situation sets the predominating tone .\" What is the definition of \"exaltation\"?"} {"term": "exaltation", "pos": "", "context": "structurally amorphous , there 's little for the musical mind to hold onto , but , then perhaps that 's the nature of an exaltation of larks .", "definition": "a flock of larks", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"structurally amorphous , there 's little for the musical mind to hold onto , but , then perhaps that 's the nature of an exaltation of larks .\" What is the definition of \"exaltation\"?"} {"term": "tie-dye", "pos": "", "context": "i wore flowery shirts and tie-dye pants and spent hours in a smoky arena swaying to never-ending jams and feeling the love .", "definition": "a tie-dyed garment or piece of fabric", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i wore flowery shirts and tie-dye pants and spent hours in a smoky arena swaying to never-ending jams and feeling the love .\" What is the definition of \"tie-dye\"?"} {"term": "chop", "pos": "", "context": "chop a hole in the ground", "definition": "form or shape by chopping", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"chop a hole in the ground\" What is the definition of \"chop\"?"} {"term": "corn", "pos": "", "context": "see your regular doctor or a foot-care specialist for calluses , corns , bunions or warts .", "definition": "a small , painful area of thickened skin on the foot , especially on the toes , caused by pressure .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"see your regular doctor or a foot-care specialist for calluses , corns , bunions or warts .\" What is the definition of \"corn\"?"} {"term": "awl", "pos": "", "context": "stone tools of the tradition include triangular points made on flakes , racloirs , triangular bifacial handaxes , and burins and awls made on blades .", "definition": "a small pointed tool used for piercing holes , especially in leather .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stone tools of the tradition include triangular points made on flakes , racloirs , triangular bifacial handaxes , and burins and awls made on blades .\" What is the definition of \"awl\"?"} {"term": "shut-in", "pos": "", "context": "kennedy has also helped abolish the poll tax , liberalize immigration laws , fund cancer research and create the meals on wheels program for shut-ins and the elderly .", "definition": "a person confined indoors , especially as a result of either physical or mental disability", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"kennedy has also helped abolish the poll tax , liberalize immigration laws , fund cancer research and create the meals on wheels program for shut-ins and the elderly .\" What is the definition of \"shut-in\"?"} {"term": "as", "pos": "", "context": "sang as sweetly as a nightingale", "definition": "to the same degree ( often followed by `as ' )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sang as sweetly as a nightingale\" What is the definition of \"as\"?"} {"term": "moonshine", "pos": "", "context": "people just thought i was drinking moonshine ; i never let them see what was in the flask .", "definition": "illicitly distilled or smuggled alcohol .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"people just thought i was drinking moonshine ; i never let them see what was in the flask .\" What is the definition of \"moonshine\"?"} {"term": "impeach", "pos": "", "context": "the lawyers tried to impeach the credibility of the witnesses", "definition": "challenge the honesty or veracity of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the lawyers tried to impeach the credibility of the witnesses\" What is the definition of \"impeach\"?"} {"term": "impeach", "pos": "", "context": "in article 9 , the bill declared ‘ freedom of speech and debates or proceedings in parliament ought not to be impeached or questioned in any court or place out of parliament ’ .", "definition": "call into question the integrity or validity of ( a practice )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in article 9 , the bill declared ‘ freedom of speech and debates or proceedings in parliament ought not to be impeached or questioned in any court or place out of parliament ’ .\" What is the definition of \"impeach\"?"} {"term": "porter", "pos": "", "context": "she said : ‘ the best way to reduce the infection rate is to ensure all staff , from porters to consultants , are rigorous about washing their hands and hygiene after examining a patient . ’", "definition": "a hospital employee who moves equipment or patients", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she said : ‘ the best way to reduce the infection rate is to ensure all staff , from porters to consultants , are rigorous about washing their hands and hygiene after examining a patient . ’\" What is the definition of \"porter\"?"} {"term": "woodbine", "pos": "", "context": "every twitch of woodbine , every rustle of foliage filled her imagination with the morbid and grotesque images of tall wolves and dogs , snarling and snapping at her whilst she looked on helplessly , unable to run .", "definition": "virginia creeper .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"every twitch of woodbine , every rustle of foliage filled her imagination with the morbid and grotesque images of tall wolves and dogs , snarling and snapping at her whilst she looked on helplessly , unable to run .\" What is the definition of \"woodbine\"?"} {"term": "interior", "pos": "", "context": "an interior bathroom without windows", "definition": "situated within or suitable for inside a building", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an interior bathroom without windows\" What is the definition of \"interior\"?"} {"term": "artefact", "pos": "", "context": "all the historical artefacts rescued from the building will be sold at auction next month .", "definition": "an object made by a human being , typically one of cultural or historical interest", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all the historical artefacts rescued from the building will be sold at auction next month .\" What is the definition of \"artefact\"?"} {"term": "bootlace", "pos": "", "context": "the tagliatelle had been sitting under a hot lamp for so long that it looked like a mound of bleached bootlaces , only crispier .", "definition": "a cord or leather strip for lacing boots .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the tagliatelle had been sitting under a hot lamp for so long that it looked like a mound of bleached bootlaces , only crispier .\" What is the definition of \"bootlace\"?"} {"term": "sucre", "pos": "", "context": "ecuadorian trade unions are threatening to call mass protests this month against the worsening economic conditions caused by last april 's replacement of ecuador 's currency - the sucre - with the dollar .", "definition": "the basic monetary unit of ecuador until 2000 , equal to 100 centavos .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ecuadorian trade unions are threatening to call mass protests this month against the worsening economic conditions caused by last april 's replacement of ecuador 's currency - the sucre - with the dollar .\" What is the definition of \"sucre\"?"} {"term": "disengagement", "pos": "", "context": "only thus can we be sure of starting the process of disengagement from the project .", "definition": "the action or process of withdrawing from involvement in an activity , situation , or group", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"only thus can we be sure of starting the process of disengagement from the project .\" What is the definition of \"disengagement\"?"} {"term": "overtake", "pos": "", "context": "no temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man .", "definition": "( of a feeling ) affect ( someone ) suddenly and powerfully", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"no temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man .\" What is the definition of \"overtake\"?"} {"term": "midfielder", "pos": "", "context": "the backs worked hard in the first half , while the midfielders and forwards outshone their opponents in the second half .", "definition": "( chiefly in soccer ) a player in the central part of the field .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the backs worked hard in the first half , while the midfielders and forwards outshone their opponents in the second half .\" What is the definition of \"midfielder\"?"} {"term": "flag", "pos": "", "context": "the building was flagged for the holiday", "definition": "decorate with flags", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the building was flagged for the holiday\" What is the definition of \"flag\"?"} {"term": "flag", "pos": "", "context": "the party , so recently flagging , was beginning to take flight now .", "definition": "become tired or less enthusiastic or dynamic", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the party , so recently flagging , was beginning to take flight now .\" What is the definition of \"flag\"?"} {"term": "fur", "pos": "", "context": "the atrocities carried out by the janjawiid are aimed at speakers of fur , tunjur , masalit and zaghawa .", "definition": "the language of the fur , an isolated member of the nilo-saharan family , with about 500,000 speakers .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the atrocities carried out by the janjawiid are aimed at speakers of fur , tunjur , masalit and zaghawa .\" What is the definition of \"fur\"?"} {"term": "fur", "pos": "", "context": "leather and/or fur hats can look great on older men who want to keep warm while maintaining their refined , polished look .", "definition": "animal skin with fur on it , or fabric resembling this , used in making or trimming garments", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"leather and/or fur hats can look great on older men who want to keep warm while maintaining their refined , polished look .\" What is the definition of \"fur\"?"} {"term": "acknowledge", "pos": "", "context": "acknowledge the deed", "definition": "accept as legally binding and valid", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"acknowledge the deed\" What is the definition of \"acknowledge\"?"} {"term": "acknowledge", "pos": "", "context": "the rest of council rejected her call to cancel the deal , and were unwilling to acknowledge the letter .", "definition": "confirm ( receipt of something )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the rest of council rejected her call to cancel the deal , and were unwilling to acknowledge the letter .\" What is the definition of \"acknowledge\"?"} {"term": "reimport", "pos": "", "context": "the reasons that reimporting them is a bad idea are economic ones .", "definition": "import ( goods processed or made from exported materials )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the reasons that reimporting them is a bad idea are economic ones .\" What is the definition of \"reimport\"?"} {"term": "muster", "pos": "", "context": "how lonely and worrying it must have been when john was away for days and weeks at a time , mustering wild cattle in country as dangerous as it gets for horses and men .", "definition": "round up ( livestock )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"how lonely and worrying it must have been when john was away for days and weeks at a time , mustering wild cattle in country as dangerous as it gets for horses and men .\" What is the definition of \"muster\"?"} {"term": "engrossment", "pos": "", "context": "the solicitor was not happy with the engrossment and the will was executed again five days later , this time witnessed by two italian gentlemen .", "definition": "the final version of a legal document , especially a deed or statute .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the solicitor was not happy with the engrossment and the will was executed again five days later , this time witnessed by two italian gentlemen .\" What is the definition of \"engrossment\"?"} {"term": "freeze-frame", "pos": "", "context": "bray wears out every stylistic gimmick in his arsenal : slo-mo , fast-mo , quick cuts , freeze-frame .", "definition": "the facility or process of stopping a film or videotape to obtain a freeze-frame .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bray wears out every stylistic gimmick in his arsenal : slo-mo , fast-mo , quick cuts , freeze-frame .\" What is the definition of \"freeze-frame\"?"} {"term": "viaduct", "pos": "", "context": "the arches of active and disused railway viaducts are filled with restaurants , car repair workshops , markets , and businesses of other kinds .", "definition": "a long bridge-like structure , typically a series of arches , carrying a road or railway across a valley or other low ground .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the arches of active and disused railway viaducts are filled with restaurants , car repair workshops , markets , and businesses of other kinds .\" What is the definition of \"viaduct\"?"} {"term": "impinge", "pos": "", "context": "this impinges on my rights as an individual", "definition": "impinge or infringe upon", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this impinges on my rights as an individual\" What is the definition of \"impinge\"?"} {"term": "propagate", "pos": "", "context": "sound and light propagate in this medium", "definition": "travel through the air", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sound and light propagate in this medium\" What is the definition of \"propagate\"?"} {"term": "constitutional", "pos": "", "context": "this may be caused by constitutional weakness , excessive work , illness or emotional stress .", "definition": "relating to someone 's nature or physical condition", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this may be caused by constitutional weakness , excessive work , illness or emotional stress .\" What is the definition of \"constitutional\"?"} {"term": "constitutional", "pos": "", "context": "the people might even pass a constitutional amendment reversing the supreme court 's decision .", "definition": "relating to an established set of principles governing a state", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the people might even pass a constitutional amendment reversing the supreme court 's decision .\" What is the definition of \"constitutional\"?"} {"term": "hostel", "pos": "", "context": "students living in hostels , unlike other tenants , are not covered by the residential tenancy act 1986 , which lays out the minimum standards required of landlords .", "definition": "an establishment which provides inexpensive food and lodging for a specific group of people , such as students , workers , or travellers .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"students living in hostels , unlike other tenants , are not covered by the residential tenancy act 1986 , which lays out the minimum standards required of landlords .\" What is the definition of \"hostel\"?"} {"term": "damn", "pos": "", "context": "where the substance is glorified in this disc , the style , unfortunately , is damned .", "definition": "be doomed to misfortune or failure", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"where the substance is glorified in this disc , the style , unfortunately , is damned .\" What is the definition of \"damn\"?"} {"term": "damn", "pos": "", "context": "weep , said the illustrious poet , for they are damned until mankind has lived for three several generations , perfectly in harmony , peace and love , without discord .", "definition": "curse ( someone or something )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"weep , said the illustrious poet , for they are damned until mankind has lived for three several generations , perfectly in harmony , peace and love , without discord .\" What is the definition of \"damn\"?"} {"term": "damn", "pos": "", "context": "the show handles religion brilliantly and has been variously damned as anti-christian and hailed as the most moral programme on the box - no mean feat .", "definition": "criticize strongly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the show handles religion brilliantly and has been variously damned as anti-christian and hailed as the most moral programme on the box - no mean feat .\" What is the definition of \"damn\"?"} {"term": "odonate", "pos": "", "context": "distance moved was not analyzed because it is well correlated with number of moves ( position changes ) in odonate larvae .", "definition": "relating to or denoting odonates .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"distance moved was not analyzed because it is well correlated with number of moves ( position changes ) in odonate larvae .\" What is the definition of \"odonate\"?"} {"term": "intensive", "pos": "", "context": "intensive agriculture", "definition": "of agriculture ; intended to increase productivity of a fixed area by expending more capital and labor", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"intensive agriculture\" What is the definition of \"intensive\"?"} {"term": "intensive", "pos": "", "context": "research-intensive", "definition": "characterized by a high degree or intensity ; often used as a combining form", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"research-intensive\" What is the definition of \"intensive\"?"} {"term": "letup", "pos": "", "context": "there was never a letup in the noise", "definition": "a pause during which things are calm or activities are diminished", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was never a letup in the noise\" What is the definition of \"letup\"?"} {"term": "skirt", "pos": "", "context": "jean tries to keep her patience by smoothing her suede leather skirt .", "definition": "a woman 's outer garment fastened around the waist and hanging down around the legs .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"jean tries to keep her patience by smoothing her suede leather skirt .\" What is the definition of \"skirt\"?"} {"term": "account", "pos": "", "context": "i ca n't account for the missing money", "definition": "furnish a justifying analysis or explanation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i ca n't account for the missing money\" What is the definition of \"account\"?"} {"term": "account", "pos": "", "context": "he asked to see the executive who handled his account", "definition": "a formal contractual relationship established to provide for regular banking or brokerage or business services", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he asked to see the executive who handled his account\" What is the definition of \"account\"?"} {"term": "account", "pos": "", "context": "a person of considerable account", "definition": "importance or value", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a person of considerable account\" What is the definition of \"account\"?"} {"term": "revolutionary", "pos": "", "context": "why are you so convinced that his new work will be so revolutionary ?", "definition": "involving or causing a complete or dramatic change", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"why are you so convinced that his new work will be so revolutionary ?\" What is the definition of \"revolutionary\"?"} {"term": "jumble", "pos": "", "context": "even after we had become used to the fascinating jumble of treasures piled throughout the house our visits were marked by an anticipatory , nervous excitement .", "definition": "an untidy collection or pile of things", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"even after we had become used to the fascinating jumble of treasures piled throughout the house our visits were marked by an anticipatory , nervous excitement .\" What is the definition of \"jumble\"?"} {"term": "cycloalkane", "pos": "", "context": "as we have shown , the use of a photomediator has a dramatic effect on the c - c bond forming reaction between alkynes and cycloalkanes in terms of reaction times and yields .", "definition": "a hydrocarbon with a molecule containing a ring of carbon atoms joined by single bonds .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as we have shown , the use of a photomediator has a dramatic effect on the c - c bond forming reaction between alkynes and cycloalkanes in terms of reaction times and yields .\" What is the definition of \"cycloalkane\"?"} {"term": "focus", "pos": "", "context": "as his heart started to race , he drew his attention inward , focussing on his breathing .", "definition": "pay particular attention to", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as his heart started to race , he drew his attention inward , focussing on his breathing .\" What is the definition of \"focus\"?"} {"term": "focus", "pos": "", "context": "the focus and directrix of a parabola were considered by pappus .", "definition": "one of the fixed points from which the distances to any point of a given curve , such as an ellipse or parabola , are connected by a linear relation .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the focus and directrix of a parabola were considered by pappus .\" What is the definition of \"focus\"?"} {"term": "bragging", "pos": "", "context": "there 's a heroes ' guild from which you choose quests , and a bragging platform where you gain additional fame by opting to take on specific missions .", "definition": "exhibiting or characterized by excessive pride or boastfulness", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there 's a heroes ' guild from which you choose quests , and a bragging platform where you gain additional fame by opting to take on specific missions .\" What is the definition of \"bragging\"?"} {"term": "processional", "pos": "", "context": "processional music", "definition": "intended for use in a procession", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"processional music\" What is the definition of \"processional\"?"} {"term": "borane", "pos": "", "context": "the number of ‘ boranes ’ ( hydrides of boron ) that have been synthesized illustrates this rich chemistry .", "definition": "any of a series of unstable binary compounds of boron and hydrogen , analogous to the alkanes . the simplest example is diborane , b₂h₆ .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the number of ‘ boranes ’ ( hydrides of boron ) that have been synthesized illustrates this rich chemistry .\" What is the definition of \"borane\"?"} {"term": "present", "pos": "", "context": "no evidence was presented to the court that any party ever gave mr. macrae permission to park vehicles on the right-of-way .", "definition": "bring ( a complaint , petition , or evidence ) formally to the notice of a court", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"no evidence was presented to the court that any party ever gave mr. macrae permission to park vehicles on the right-of-way .\" What is the definition of \"present\"?"} {"term": "present", "pos": "", "context": "within a sexist ideology and a male-dominated cinema , woman is presented as what she represents for man…", "definition": "represent ( someone or something ) to others in a particular way", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"within a sexist ideology and a male-dominated cinema , woman is presented as what she represents for man…\" What is the definition of \"present\"?"} {"term": "present", "pos": "", "context": "the whitecross hospice fundraising committee is presenting a cheque to newry hospice .", "definition": "give or award formally or ceremonially", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the whitecross hospice fundraising committee is presenting a cheque to newry hospice .\" What is the definition of \"present\"?"} {"term": "present", "pos": "", "context": "the present system", "definition": "temporal sense ; intermediate between past and future ; now existing or happening or in consideration", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the present system\" What is the definition of \"present\"?"} {"term": "present", "pos": "", "context": "headlines are written in the present : bus kills man .", "definition": "a present tense", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"headlines are written in the present : bus kills man .\" What is the definition of \"present\"?"} {"term": "present", "pos": "", "context": "in addition to this , think of all the presents , the toys , gift sets and , most importantly , all that wrapping paper .", "definition": "a thing given to someone as a gift", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in addition to this , think of all the presents , the toys , gift sets and , most importantly , all that wrapping paper .\" What is the definition of \"present\"?"} {"term": "present", "pos": "", "context": "present at the creation", "definition": "being or existing in a specified place", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"present at the creation\" What is the definition of \"present\"?"} {"term": "unfairness", "pos": "", "context": "do n't expect them to be too vociferous about the unfairness of the political system .", "definition": "lack of equality or justice", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"do n't expect them to be too vociferous about the unfairness of the political system .\" What is the definition of \"unfairness\"?"} {"term": "xenophobic", "pos": "", "context": "critics also complained that hague focused too much on asylum , making the tories look intolerant and xenophobic .", "definition": "having or showing a dislike of or prejudice against people from other countries", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"critics also complained that hague focused too much on asylum , making the tories look intolerant and xenophobic .\" What is the definition of \"xenophobic\"?"} {"term": "deform", "pos": "", "context": "sure , they were discolored and deformed , but i had seen plenty of cases that were much worse .", "definition": "become distorted or misshapen ; undergo deformation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sure , they were discolored and deformed , but i had seen plenty of cases that were much worse .\" What is the definition of \"deform\"?"} {"term": "deform", "pos": "", "context": "his body was deformed by leprosy", "definition": "alter the shape of ( something ) by stress", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his body was deformed by leprosy\" What is the definition of \"deform\"?"} {"term": "worksheet", "pos": "", "context": "a visual basic program was used to extract data from the worksheet .", "definition": "a data file created and used by a spreadsheet program , which takes the form of a matrix of cells when displayed .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a visual basic program was used to extract data from the worksheet .\" What is the definition of \"worksheet\"?"} {"term": "settle", "pos": "", "context": "as the water settled and all became placid again only the wrecked and sinking craft remained , alone in the sea .", "definition": "( of a liquid ) become clear or still as suspended particles sink", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as the water settled and all became placid again only the wrecked and sinking craft remained , alone in the sea .\" What is the definition of \"settle\"?"} {"term": "ready", "pos": "", "context": "the soup will be ready in a minute", "definition": "completely prepared or in condition for immediate action or use or progress", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the soup will be ready in a minute\" What is the definition of \"ready\"?"} {"term": "radical", "pos": "", "context": "he 's accused of supporting extremists or radical groups in other countries as well , but colombia is an sufficient place to start .", "definition": "advocating or based on thorough or complete political or social change ; representing or supporting an extreme or progressive section of a political party", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he 's accused of supporting extremists or radical groups in other countries as well , but colombia is an sufficient place to start .\" What is the definition of \"radical\"?"} {"term": "radical", "pos": "", "context": "it is unfortunate that most people are not in a position to come into contact , let alone sympathize , with radical musical ideas .", "definition": "characterized by independence of or departure from tradition ; innovative or unorthodox", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is unfortunate that most people are not in a position to come into contact , let alone sympathize , with radical musical ideas .\" What is the definition of \"radical\"?"} {"term": "radical", "pos": "", "context": "he was elected as mp for stirling burghs in 1868 , and gained a reputation as a radical liberal .", "definition": "belonging to an extreme section of the liberal party during the 19th century .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was elected as mp for stirling burghs in 1868 , and gained a reputation as a radical liberal .\" What is the definition of \"radical\"?"} {"term": "visor", "pos": "", "context": "tests showed the gadget , which riders attach to the inside of fixed visors on their helmets to act as sunglasses , only let through three per cent of light .", "definition": "a movable part of a helmet that can be pulled down to cover the face", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tests showed the gadget , which riders attach to the inside of fixed visors on their helmets to act as sunglasses , only let through three per cent of light .\" What is the definition of \"visor\"?"} {"term": "sweep", "pos": "", "context": "the scarab is accompanied by a man with a brush whose job is to sweep the litter into the road so that the scarab can lift it .", "definition": "move or remove ( dirt or litter ) by brushing it away", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the scarab is accompanied by a man with a brush whose job is to sweep the litter into the road so that the scarab can lift it .\" What is the definition of \"sweep\"?"} {"term": "sweep", "pos": "", "context": "an injured chaminda vaas hit three boundaries in an enterprising knock of 19 , before losing the ball in an attempt to sweep banks .", "definition": "hit ( the ball ) on the leg side by bringing the bat across the body from a half-kneeling position ; hit a ball delivered by ( a bowler ) with such a stroke .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an injured chaminda vaas hit three boundaries in an enterprising knock of 19 , before losing the ball in an attempt to sweep banks .\" What is the definition of \"sweep\"?"} {"term": "sweep", "pos": "", "context": "please sweep the floor", "definition": "clean by sweeping", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"please sweep the floor\" What is the definition of \"sweep\"?"} {"term": "sweep", "pos": "", "context": "the sweep of the plains", "definition": "a wide scope", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sweep of the plains\" What is the definition of \"sweep\"?"} {"term": "sweep", "pos": "", "context": "plus , the holiday season is to retailers what the advertising rate-setting sweeps months are to tv networks .", "definition": "a survey of the ratings of television stations , carried out at regular intervals to determine advertising rates .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"plus , the holiday season is to retailers what the advertising rate-setting sweeps months are to tv networks .\" What is the definition of \"sweep\"?"} {"term": "rive", "pos": "", "context": "since the middle of the 19th century , the world of ‘ classical music ’ has been a world riven with political factions and contentious publicity .", "definition": "split or tear apart violently", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"since the middle of the 19th century , the world of ‘ classical music ’ has been a world riven with political factions and contentious publicity .\" What is the definition of \"rive\"?"} {"term": "sandalwood", "pos": "", "context": "laboratory rodents have been tortured and destroyed in the name of australian sandalwood , and yet the aromatic is an ingredient in certain ‘ cruelty free ’ cosmetics sold in the usa and australia !", "definition": "used in names of trees which yield timber similar to that of the sandalwood , e.g . red sandalwood .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"laboratory rodents have been tortured and destroyed in the name of australian sandalwood , and yet the aromatic is an ingredient in certain ‘ cruelty free ’ cosmetics sold in the usa and australia !\" What is the definition of \"sandalwood\"?"} {"term": "sight", "pos": "", "context": "out of sight of land", "definition": "the range of vision", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"out of sight of land\" What is the definition of \"sight\"?"} {"term": "sight", "pos": "", "context": "in his sight she could do no wrong", "definition": "a range of mental vision", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in his sight she could do no wrong\" What is the definition of \"sight\"?"} {"term": "sight", "pos": "", "context": "leave manneken to the other tourists and head off to visit the city 's unmissable sights .", "definition": "places of interest to tourists and visitors in a city , town , or other place", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"leave manneken to the other tourists and head off to visit the city 's unmissable sights .\" What is the definition of \"sight\"?"} {"term": "brew", "pos": "", "context": "on the entertainment front , a storm was brewing .", "definition": "( of an unwelcome event or situation ) begin to develop", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on the entertainment front , a storm was brewing .\" What is the definition of \"brew\"?"} {"term": "brew", "pos": "", "context": "they brew cask beers using only traditional methods and use mainly locally grown hops wherever possible .", "definition": "make ( beer ) by soaking , boiling , and fermentation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they brew cask beers using only traditional methods and use mainly locally grown hops wherever possible .\" What is the definition of \"brew\"?"} {"term": "goidelic", "pos": "", "context": "irish is a celtic ( indo-european ) language , part of the goidelic branch of insular celtic ( as are scottish gaelic and manx ) .", "definition": "relating to or denoting the northern group of celtic languages , including irish , scottish gaelic , and manx . speakers of the celtic precursor of the goidelic languages are thought to have invaded ireland from europe c.1000 bc , spreading into scotland and the isle of man from the 5th century ad onwards .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"irish is a celtic ( indo-european ) language , part of the goidelic branch of insular celtic ( as are scottish gaelic and manx ) .\" What is the definition of \"goidelic\"?"} {"term": "skinner", "pos": "", "context": "‘ well , you 'd better fatten up them skinners or all you 'll get from the apple will be the core , ’ was the quick rejoinder .", "definition": "a horse that wins a race at very long odds .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ well , you 'd better fatten up them skinners or all you 'll get from the apple will be the core , ’ was the quick rejoinder .\" What is the definition of \"skinner\"?"} {"term": "twofer", "pos": "", "context": "as a matter of fact , we were on what you call ‘ twofers , ’ that 's two tickets for one .", "definition": "an item or offer that comprises two items but is sold for the price of one .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as a matter of fact , we were on what you call ‘ twofers , ’ that 's two tickets for one .\" What is the definition of \"twofer\"?"} {"term": "wish", "pos": "", "context": "but what 's the point of getting actively involved if outside bodies can come in and blatantly make threats and demands and get their way against the wishes of the communities here ?", "definition": "an expression of a desire , typically in the form of a request or instruction", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but what 's the point of getting actively involved if outside bodies can come in and blatantly make threats and demands and get their way against the wishes of the communities here ?\" What is the definition of \"wish\"?"} {"term": "wish", "pos": "", "context": "i wish everyone on the council would visit the cat rescue and see for themselves instead of listening to lies and rumours .", "definition": "want ( someone ) to do or have something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i wish everyone on the council would visit the cat rescue and see for themselves instead of listening to lies and rumours .\" What is the definition of \"wish\"?"} {"term": "salvage", "pos": "", "context": "in the case of rehabilitation or remodeling , leed points can be earned through salvage and reuse of materials .", "definition": "the rescue of property or material from potential loss or destruction", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the case of rehabilitation or remodeling , leed points can be earned through salvage and reuse of materials .\" What is the definition of \"salvage\"?"} {"term": "salvage", "pos": "", "context": "it needed an inspired performance by goalkeeper shay given and a much more defensive and conservative second-half performance to salvage a point .", "definition": "retrieve or preserve ( something ) from potential loss or adverse circumstances", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it needed an inspired performance by goalkeeper shay given and a much more defensive and conservative second-half performance to salvage a point .\" What is the definition of \"salvage\"?"} {"term": "mali", "pos": "", "context": "the match took place at the r.s.i . ground , a lovely piece of turf maintained by the army malis , with a row of trees ringing the outfield .", "definition": "a gardener .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the match took place at the r.s.i . ground , a lovely piece of turf maintained by the army malis , with a row of trees ringing the outfield .\" What is the definition of \"mali\"?"} {"term": "statist", "pos": "", "context": "they read into certain biblical texts a message consistent with their own statist environmentalism .", "definition": "relating to or characteristic of a political system in which the state has substantial centralized control over social and economic affairs", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they read into certain biblical texts a message consistent with their own statist environmentalism .\" What is the definition of \"statist\"?"} {"term": "intake", "pos": "", "context": "value added measures are intended to allow comparisons between schools with different student intakes .", "definition": "the people taken into an organization at a particular time", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"value added measures are intended to allow comparisons between schools with different student intakes .\" What is the definition of \"intake\"?"} {"term": "pagination", "pos": "", "context": "while i understand it may be difficult to cite the exact page number ( since the pagination is not set until all other changes are made ) it should be possible .", "definition": "the sequence of numbers assigned to pages in a book or periodical", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"while i understand it may be difficult to cite the exact page number ( since the pagination is not set until all other changes are made ) it should be possible .\" What is the definition of \"pagination\"?"} {"term": "collage", "pos": "", "context": "gabriel orozco usually installs his photos interspersed with other works - drawings , collages , and sculpture .", "definition": "the art of making collages .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gabriel orozco usually installs his photos interspersed with other works - drawings , collages , and sculpture .\" What is the definition of \"collage\"?"} {"term": "talmud", "pos": "", "context": "the world of the talmud is one of razor-sharp analysis .", "definition": "the body of jewish civil and ceremonial law and legend comprising the mishnah and the gemara . there are two versions of the talmud : the babylonian talmud ( which dates from the 5th century ad but includes earlier material ) and the earlier palestinian or jerusalem talmud .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the world of the talmud is one of razor-sharp analysis .\" What is the definition of \"talmud\"?"} {"term": "piezoelectricity", "pos": "", "context": "electricity as a natural phenomenon shows up in many forms , including piezoelectricity , static electricity , atmospheric effects , and cosmic rays .", "definition": "electric polarization in a substance ( especially certain crystals ) resulting from the application of mechanical stress .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"electricity as a natural phenomenon shows up in many forms , including piezoelectricity , static electricity , atmospheric effects , and cosmic rays .\" What is the definition of \"piezoelectricity\"?"} {"term": "recall", "pos": "", "context": "the ambassador was recalled to his country", "definition": "summon to return", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ambassador was recalled to his country\" What is the definition of \"recall\"?"} {"term": "recall", "pos": "", "context": "the smell of the food they were eating and a sense of hunger recalled him from these reflections .", "definition": "bring ( someone ) out of a state of inattention or reverie", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the smell of the food they were eating and a sense of hunger recalled him from these reflections .\" What is the definition of \"recall\"?"} {"term": "recall", "pos": "", "context": "it has come up with the plausible , although ridiculous , excuse that it has software problems with 103,000 handsets and so has had to recall them .", "definition": "( of a manufacturer ) request all the purchasers of ( a certain product ) to return it , as the result of the discovery of a fault", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it has come up with the plausible , although ridiculous , excuse that it has software problems with 103,000 handsets and so has had to recall them .\" What is the definition of \"recall\"?"} {"term": "debauchee", "pos": "", "context": "i took the one per cent of me that was a reckless debauchee like john seff and imagined that the other ninety-nine per cent did n't exist . that 's how novels are written .", "definition": "a person given to excessive indulgence in sex , alcohol , or drugs .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i took the one per cent of me that was a reckless debauchee like john seff and imagined that the other ninety-nine per cent did n't exist . that 's how novels are written .\" What is the definition of \"debauchee\"?"} {"term": "glutamate", "pos": "", "context": "monosodium glutamate is the salt of glutamate , an amino acid found naturally in protein-containing foods such as meat , vegetables , and milk .", "definition": "glutamic acid , its salts , or its anion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"monosodium glutamate is the salt of glutamate , an amino acid found naturally in protein-containing foods such as meat , vegetables , and milk .\" What is the definition of \"glutamate\"?"} {"term": "glutamate", "pos": "", "context": "of all the 90 ionizable residues located along the ion-conducting pathway , 52 residues are lysines and arginines and 38 residues are aspartate and glutamates .", "definition": "a salt or ester of glutamic acid", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"of all the 90 ionizable residues located along the ion-conducting pathway , 52 residues are lysines and arginines and 38 residues are aspartate and glutamates .\" What is the definition of \"glutamate\"?"} {"term": "reign", "pos": "", "context": "henry viii reigned for a long time", "definition": "have sovereign power", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"henry viii reigned for a long time\" What is the definition of \"reign\"?"} {"term": "reign", "pos": "", "context": "his wife secretly taught their four daughters during the taliban 's oppressive reign , a time when girls were denied an education .", "definition": "the period during which someone or something is predominant or pre-eminent", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his wife secretly taught their four daughters during the taliban 's oppressive reign , a time when girls were denied an education .\" What is the definition of \"reign\"?"} {"term": "chairperson", "pos": "", "context": "she sits as a recorder and she is also a part-time chairperson of employment tribunals .", "definition": "a chairman or chairwoman ( used as a neutral alternative ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she sits as a recorder and she is also a part-time chairperson of employment tribunals .\" What is the definition of \"chairperson\"?"} {"term": "equation", "pos": "", "context": "the fact that he might have to do without does n't enter into the equation for some in the animal protection industry .", "definition": "a situation in which several factors must be taken into account", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the fact that he might have to do without does n't enter into the equation for some in the animal protection industry .\" What is the definition of \"equation\"?"} {"term": "collectivism", "pos": "", "context": "she was apparently horrified by stalinist collectivism and its brutality .", "definition": "the ownership of land and the means of production by the people or the state , as a political principle or system", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was apparently horrified by stalinist collectivism and its brutality .\" What is the definition of \"collectivism\"?"} {"term": "ampleness", "pos": "", "context": "the ampleness of her servings more than satisfied his hunger", "definition": "the property of being more than sufficient ; comfortable sufficiency", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ampleness of her servings more than satisfied his hunger\" What is the definition of \"ampleness\"?"} {"term": "post-mortem", "pos": "", "context": "the post-mortem toxicological report confirmed the 45-year-old 's cause of death was a drug overdose of morphine and fluoxetine prescribed for her anxiety .", "definition": "relating to a post-mortem", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the post-mortem toxicological report confirmed the 45-year-old 's cause of death was a drug overdose of morphine and fluoxetine prescribed for her anxiety .\" What is the definition of \"post-mortem\"?"} {"term": "sext", "pos": "", "context": "a vow of celibacy would be the order of the day , although there is something called sext… a midday prayer .", "definition": "a service forming part of the divine office of the western christian church , traditionally said ( or chanted ) at the sixth hour of the day ( i.e . noon ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a vow of celibacy would be the order of the day , although there is something called sext… a midday prayer .\" What is the definition of \"sext\"?"} {"term": "reave", "pos": "", "context": "as their gods were , so their laws were ; thor the strong could reave and steal .", "definition": "carry out raids in order to plunder", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as their gods were , so their laws were ; thor the strong could reave and steal .\" What is the definition of \"reave\"?"} {"term": "repudiation", "pos": "", "context": "the repudiation of the debt by the city", "definition": "refusal to acknowledge or pay a debt or honor a contract ( especially by public authorities )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the repudiation of the debt by the city\" What is the definition of \"repudiation\"?"} {"term": "portray", "pos": "", "context": "i have no qualms about talented straight actors portraying gay characters as long as they play the role completely and uncompromisingly .", "definition": "( of an actor ) play the part of ( someone ) in a film or play", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i have no qualms about talented straight actors portraying gay characters as long as they play the role completely and uncompromisingly .\" What is the definition of \"portray\"?"} {"term": "desire", "pos": "", "context": "it must be relevant to people 's dreams , hopes , desires , aspirations .", "definition": "something desired .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it must be relevant to people 's dreams , hopes , desires , aspirations .\" What is the definition of \"desire\"?"} {"term": "heparin", "pos": "", "context": "the drug is based on the natural anticoagulant heparin .", "definition": "a compound occurring in the liver and other tissues which inhibits blood coagulation . a sulphur-containing polysaccharide , it is used as an anticoagulant in the treatment of thrombosis .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the drug is based on the natural anticoagulant heparin .\" What is the definition of \"heparin\"?"} {"term": "ebony", "pos": "", "context": "it really stood out because of her ebony coloured hair .", "definition": "a very dark brown or black colour", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it really stood out because of her ebony coloured hair .\" What is the definition of \"ebony\"?"} {"term": "blessedness", "pos": "", "context": "his dream of future india was that along with material prosperity , which would be hers , she would , as the queen of nations , extend the hand of peace and blessedness to all peoples of the world .", "definition": "the state of being blessed with divine favour .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his dream of future india was that along with material prosperity , which would be hers , she would , as the queen of nations , extend the hand of peace and blessedness to all peoples of the world .\" What is the definition of \"blessedness\"?"} {"term": "mandola", "pos": "", "context": "the first time i had ever saw a mandola was on the back cover of a planxty album .", "definition": "a large tenor or bass mandolin , used in ensembles and folk groups .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the first time i had ever saw a mandola was on the back cover of a planxty album .\" What is the definition of \"mandola\"?"} {"term": "subject", "pos": "", "context": "a moving picture of a train is more dramatic than a still picture of the same subject", "definition": "something ( a person or object or scene ) selected by an artist or photographer for graphic representation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a moving picture of a train is more dramatic than a still picture of the same subject\" What is the definition of \"subject\"?"} {"term": "subject", "pos": "", "context": "he did not want to subject himself to the judgments of his superiors", "definition": "make accountable for", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he did not want to subject himself to the judgments of his superiors\" What is the definition of \"subject\"?"} {"term": "draught", "pos": "", "context": "the best distance swimmers are the thoroughbreds of the pool , but if you do n't manage them carefully you could end up with a stable of draught horses .", "definition": "denoting an animal used for pulling heavy loads", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the best distance swimmers are the thoroughbreds of the pool , but if you do n't manage them carefully you could end up with a stable of draught horses .\" What is the definition of \"draught\"?"} {"term": "trepidation", "pos": "", "context": "twice the fish is close , the tuna boat far behind , bemused fishermen watching our manoeuvres with some trepidation .", "definition": "a feeling of fear or anxiety about something that may happen", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"twice the fish is close , the tuna boat far behind , bemused fishermen watching our manoeuvres with some trepidation .\" What is the definition of \"trepidation\"?"} {"term": "establish", "pos": "", "context": "you now leave him with his trump winner , and establish clubs .", "definition": "ensure that one 's remaining cards in ( a suit ) will be winners ( if not trumped ) by playing off the high cards in that suit", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you now leave him with his trump winner , and establish clubs .\" What is the definition of \"establish\"?"} {"term": "establish", "pos": "", "context": "contacts have already been established with farming organizations in the county .", "definition": "initiate or bring about ( contact or communication )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"contacts have already been established with farming organizations in the county .\" What is the definition of \"establish\"?"} {"term": "establish", "pos": "", "context": "he took a job with an italian law firm , establishing its london office while at the same time building his own firm .", "definition": "set up on a firm or permanent basis", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he took a job with an italian law firm , establishing its london office while at the same time building his own firm .\" What is the definition of \"establish\"?"} {"term": "kilo", "pos": "", "context": "the clothes would be fine if she were about one hundred kilos thinner .", "definition": "a kilogram .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the clothes would be fine if she were about one hundred kilos thinner .\" What is the definition of \"kilo\"?"} {"term": "dob", "pos": "", "context": "water wasted by householders is but a gnat 's whatsit compared to the huge volumes that are wasted by the water companies - dobbing on your neighbour is n't going to solve anything", "definition": "inform on ; betray .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"water wasted by householders is but a gnat 's whatsit compared to the huge volumes that are wasted by the water companies - dobbing on your neighbour is n't going to solve anything\" What is the definition of \"dob\"?"} {"term": "loft", "pos": "", "context": "the 67-unit project contains a wide variety of housing types , including two- and three-story townhouses , flats , lofts , and three single-family houses on the north end .", "definition": "a room or space directly under the roof of a house or other building , used for accommodation or storage", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the 67-unit project contains a wide variety of housing types , including two- and three-story townhouses , flats , lofts , and three single-family houses on the north end .\" What is the definition of \"loft\"?"} {"term": "cookie", "pos": "", "context": "people set aside time to make cookies , cakes , and decorations .", "definition": "a sweet biscuit .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"people set aside time to make cookies , cakes , and decorations .\" What is the definition of \"cookie\"?"} {"term": "switch", "pos": "", "context": "a network switch works by ensuring packets travel directly from their origin to their destination , rather than broadcasting through the entire system .", "definition": "a device which forwards data packets to an appropriate part of the network .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a network switch works by ensuring packets travel directly from their origin to their destination , rather than broadcasting through the entire system .\" What is the definition of \"switch\"?"} {"term": "artillery", "pos": "", "context": "coalition ground forces wanted air support to take out harassing enemy artillery .", "definition": "a military detachment or branch of the armed forces that uses large-calibre guns", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"coalition ground forces wanted air support to take out harassing enemy artillery .\" What is the definition of \"artillery\"?"} {"term": "carpel", "pos": "", "context": "unisexual flowers with three white petals produce numerous stamens or carpels and both present floral nectar .", "definition": "the female reproductive organ of a flower , consisting of an ovary , a stigma , and usually a style . it may occur singly or as one of a group .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unisexual flowers with three white petals produce numerous stamens or carpels and both present floral nectar .\" What is the definition of \"carpel\"?"} {"term": "access", "pos": "", "context": "mill lane is accessed through wrought-iron gates flanked by stone pillars .", "definition": "approach or enter ( a place )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mill lane is accessed through wrought-iron gates flanked by stone pillars .\" What is the definition of \"access\"?"} {"term": "access", "pos": "", "context": "for example , today you can access microsoft file servers with a samba client .", "definition": "obtain or retrieve ( computer data or a file )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for example , today you can access microsoft file servers with a samba client .\" What is the definition of \"access\"?"} {"term": "panzer", "pos": "", "context": "sixteen exhausted soviet divisions were holding units of the 2nd and 3rd german panzer groups outside the encirclement ring .", "definition": "a german armoured unit", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sixteen exhausted soviet divisions were holding units of the 2nd and 3rd german panzer groups outside the encirclement ring .\" What is the definition of \"panzer\"?"} {"term": "recruit", "pos": "", "context": "yet in 1993 , when the commandant of the marine corps proposed that recruits be limited to single persons only , he was publicly rebuked .", "definition": "a person newly enlisted in the armed forces and not yet fully trained .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"yet in 1993 , when the commandant of the marine corps proposed that recruits be limited to single persons only , he was publicly rebuked .\" What is the definition of \"recruit\"?"} {"term": "stowaway", "pos": "", "context": "the spotlight will also be on senior belgian government ministers next week when a senate commission will ask why x-ray scanners were not installed at all ports to detect stowaways .", "definition": "a person who stows away on a passenger vehicle .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the spotlight will also be on senior belgian government ministers next week when a senate commission will ask why x-ray scanners were not installed at all ports to detect stowaways .\" What is the definition of \"stowaway\"?"} {"term": "exonuclease", "pos": "", "context": "the rapid rise of the first fluorescence maximum puts a strict upper bound on the timescale of magnesium binding to the exonuclease .", "definition": "an enzyme which removes successive nucleotides from the end of a polynucleotide molecule .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the rapid rise of the first fluorescence maximum puts a strict upper bound on the timescale of magnesium binding to the exonuclease .\" What is the definition of \"exonuclease\"?"} {"term": "flick", "pos": "", "context": "they are judi dench and maggie smith and they are debuting their new flick at your film festival .", "definition": "a cinema film", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they are judi dench and maggie smith and they are debuting their new flick at your film festival .\" What is the definition of \"flick\"?"} {"term": "ideology", "pos": "", "context": "it was this discipline that he described as ideology - literally , the science of ideas .", "definition": "the science of ideas ; the study of their origin and nature .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was this discipline that he described as ideology - literally , the science of ideas .\" What is the definition of \"ideology\"?"} {"term": "topside", "pos": "", "context": "my partner asked for auntie maria 's stifado : topside of beef cubes cooked in a casserole with onions , red wine vinegar and tomatoes served with rice and chips .", "definition": "the outer side of a round of beef", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my partner asked for auntie maria 's stifado : topside of beef cubes cooked in a casserole with onions , red wine vinegar and tomatoes served with rice and chips .\" What is the definition of \"topside\"?"} {"term": "wrasse", "pos": "", "context": "when spawning , wrasses gather in loose aggregations where one dominant male oversees many females within a general territory .", "definition": "a marine fish with thick lips and strong teeth , typically brightly coloured with marked differences between the male and female .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when spawning , wrasses gather in loose aggregations where one dominant male oversees many females within a general territory .\" What is the definition of \"wrasse\"?"} {"term": "hostelry", "pos": "", "context": "police were called to the three cups pub in malmesbury after mayor elect patrick goldstone was barred indefinitely from the hostelry in the triangle .", "definition": "an inn or pub .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"police were called to the three cups pub in malmesbury after mayor elect patrick goldstone was barred indefinitely from the hostelry in the triangle .\" What is the definition of \"hostelry\"?"} {"term": "shaver", "pos": "", "context": "it was a keen disappointment , as i was hoping to see both little n. aeschylus and miss fiske for the very first time , and i wanted the little shaver to play baby jesus in our traditional nativity pantomime tableau .", "definition": "a young lad", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was a keen disappointment , as i was hoping to see both little n. aeschylus and miss fiske for the very first time , and i wanted the little shaver to play baby jesus in our traditional nativity pantomime tableau .\" What is the definition of \"shaver\"?"} {"term": "huron", "pos": "", "context": "later , in 1864 , he accepted a position as superintendent of the huron mine near houghton .", "definition": "relating to the huron or their language .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"later , in 1864 , he accepted a position as superintendent of the huron mine near houghton .\" What is the definition of \"huron\"?"} {"term": "amnesty", "pos": "", "context": "he was eventually given a pardon under a general amnesty in 1945 at the age of 59 .", "definition": "an official pardon for people who have been convicted of political offences", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was eventually given a pardon under a general amnesty in 1945 at the age of 59 .\" What is the definition of \"amnesty\"?"} {"term": "miss", "pos": "", "context": "he misses his mother", "definition": "feel or suffer from the lack of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he misses his mother\" What is the definition of \"miss\"?"} {"term": "miss", "pos": "", "context": "how could i miss that typo ?", "definition": "leave undone or leave out", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"how could i miss that typo ?\" What is the definition of \"miss\"?"} {"term": "miss", "pos": "", "context": "although clifton bridge is not on the route he is likely to have taken to catch his bus , he often went to stay with a friend in clifton if he missed the last bus home .", "definition": "be too late to catch ( a passenger vehicle or the post )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"although clifton bridge is not on the route he is likely to have taken to catch his bus , he often went to stay with a friend in clifton if he missed the last bus home .\" What is the definition of \"miss\"?"} {"term": "perch", "pos": "", "context": "this strange measure undoubtedly is related to other archaisms such as the furlong , the perch and the fathom .", "definition": "a measure of length , especially for land , equal to a quarter of a chain or 51/2 yards ( approximately 5.029 m ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this strange measure undoubtedly is related to other archaisms such as the furlong , the perch and the fathom .\" What is the definition of \"perch\"?"} {"term": "perch", "pos": "", "context": "one of the grandest old lodgings is the jamaican inn perched on a cliff above a secluded slice of beach .", "definition": "( of a building ) be situated above or on the edge of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one of the grandest old lodgings is the jamaican inn perched on a cliff above a secluded slice of beach .\" What is the definition of \"perch\"?"} {"term": "perch", "pos": "", "context": "it 's on one of the most dramatic stretches of coastline in the country , and rugged perches with ocean views and road frontage will only become more of a rarity with the tightening of planning regulations in areas of scenic beauty .", "definition": "a place where someone or something rests or sits , especially one that is high or precarious", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's on one of the most dramatic stretches of coastline in the country , and rugged perches with ocean views and road frontage will only become more of a rarity with the tightening of planning regulations in areas of scenic beauty .\" What is the definition of \"perch\"?"} {"term": "entente", "pos": "", "context": "if anyone had told these two teams that there was an entente cordiale between england and france , there was no evidence shown here .", "definition": "the understanding between britain and france reached in 1904 , forming the basis of anglo-french cooperation in the first world war .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if anyone had told these two teams that there was an entente cordiale between england and france , there was no evidence shown here .\" What is the definition of \"entente\"?"} {"term": "parish", "pos": "", "context": "still , when properly led by a personally secure , sensitive , and open pastor , parishes generate levels of enthusiasm and commitment seldom matched in human community .", "definition": "( in the christian church ) a small administrative district typically having its own church and a priest or pastor", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"still , when properly led by a personally secure , sensitive , and open pastor , parishes generate levels of enthusiasm and commitment seldom matched in human community .\" What is the definition of \"parish\"?"} {"term": "assert", "pos": "", "context": "women are increasingly asserting themselves .", "definition": "behave or speak in a confident and forceful manner", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"women are increasingly asserting themselves .\" What is the definition of \"assert\"?"} {"term": "avenue", "pos": "", "context": "you approach the studios , whose exact location we have been asked not to reveal , along an avenue of cherry trees foaming with blossom .", "definition": "a tree-lined approach to a country house or similar building", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you approach the studios , whose exact location we have been asked not to reveal , along an avenue of cherry trees foaming with blossom .\" What is the definition of \"avenue\"?"} {"term": "avenue", "pos": "", "context": "it 's at that restaurant down on 38th street and 6th avenue .", "definition": "a thoroughfare running at right angles to the streets in a city laid out on a grid pattern", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's at that restaurant down on 38th street and 6th avenue .\" What is the definition of \"avenue\"?"} {"term": "cycle", "pos": "", "context": "a year constitutes a cycle of the seasons", "definition": "a single complete execution of a periodically repeated phenomenon", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a year constitutes a cycle of the seasons\" What is the definition of \"cycle\"?"} {"term": "cycle", "pos": "", "context": "dr perrett said that hepatitis a has a natural periodic cycle of about seven years , which would explain two outbreaks in such quick succession .", "definition": "the period of time taken to complete a cycle of events", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dr perrett said that hepatitis a has a natural periodic cycle of about seven years , which would explain two outbreaks in such quick succession .\" What is the definition of \"cycle\"?"} {"term": "oh", "pos": "", "context": "oh no , there 's only back seats left !", "definition": "used to express a range of emotions including surprise , anger , disappointment , or joy , or when reacting to a remark", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"oh no , there 's only back seats left !\" What is the definition of \"oh\"?"} {"term": "quenelle", "pos": "", "context": "using two teaspoons , shape the malfatti into small quenelles and gently drop them directly from the spoons into the simmering water .", "definition": "a small seasoned ball of pounded fish or meat", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"using two teaspoons , shape the malfatti into small quenelles and gently drop them directly from the spoons into the simmering water .\" What is the definition of \"quenelle\"?"} {"term": "starship", "pos": "", "context": "he manages to escape the barren planet , commandeers a starship , and seeks to exact his revenge on kirk .", "definition": "( in science fiction ) a large manned spaceship used for interstellar travel .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he manages to escape the barren planet , commandeers a starship , and seeks to exact his revenge on kirk .\" What is the definition of \"starship\"?"} {"term": "leaflet", "pos": "", "context": "lastly , in species with compound leaves the length of the largest leaflet was considered .", "definition": "each of the leaflike structures that together make up a compound leaf , such as in the ash and horse chestnut .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lastly , in species with compound leaves the length of the largest leaflet was considered .\" What is the definition of \"leaflet\"?"} {"term": "radiator", "pos": "", "context": "the itinerant handyman is driving through the arizona desert when he realizes that his car radiator is in need of water .", "definition": "an engine-cooling device in a motor vehicle or aircraft consisting of a bank of thin tubes in which circulating water is cooled by the surrounding air", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the itinerant handyman is driving through the arizona desert when he realizes that his car radiator is in need of water .\" What is the definition of \"radiator\"?"} {"term": "great", "pos": "", "context": "had a great time at the party", "definition": "very good", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"had a great time at the party\" What is the definition of \"great\"?"} {"term": "great", "pos": "", "context": "a great work of art", "definition": "of major significance or importance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a great work of art\" What is the definition of \"great\"?"} {"term": "self-service", "pos": "", "context": "if he takes goods in a self-service supermarket he may be guilty of both offences .", "definition": "denoting a shop , restaurant , etc . where customers select goods for themselves and pay at a checkout", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if he takes goods in a self-service supermarket he may be guilty of both offences .\" What is the definition of \"self-service\"?"} {"term": "exterior", "pos": "", "context": "but the boy is still visible beneath the hirsute exterior .", "definition": "a person 's behaviour and demeanour , especially when at variance with their true character", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but the boy is still visible beneath the hirsute exterior .\" What is the definition of \"exterior\"?"} {"term": "tithe", "pos": "", "context": "although she left the church officially , she still tithes", "definition": "pay a tenth of one 's income , especially to the church", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"although she left the church officially , she still tithes\" What is the definition of \"tithe\"?"} {"term": "frisbee", "pos": "", "context": "for as much as $ 950 a week , you and your dog can bunk-in with others and enjoy such fun as playing frisbee , square dancing and kissing contests .", "definition": "the activity of skimming a frisbee", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for as much as $ 950 a week , you and your dog can bunk-in with others and enjoy such fun as playing frisbee , square dancing and kissing contests .\" What is the definition of \"frisbee\"?"} {"term": "utter", "pos": "", "context": "to walk into a bar even with a toy gun was an act of absolute and utter madness .", "definition": "complete ; absolute", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to walk into a bar even with a toy gun was an act of absolute and utter madness .\" What is the definition of \"utter\"?"} {"term": "tassel", "pos": "", "context": "the fields of tall corn she drives through are beautiful , gentle waves of green , wind-tossed tassels of gold .", "definition": "the tufted head of some plants , especially a flower head with prominent stamens at the top of a maize stalk", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the fields of tall corn she drives through are beautiful , gentle waves of green , wind-tossed tassels of gold .\" What is the definition of \"tassel\"?"} {"term": "squib", "pos": "", "context": "i can tell by your spiritual power that you are no squib .", "definition": "a small , slight , or weak person , especially a child .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i can tell by your spiritual power that you are no squib .\" What is the definition of \"squib\"?"} {"term": "asbestosis", "pos": "", "context": "chest radiographs showed no evidence of asbestosis or other scarring pulmonary disease .", "definition": "a lung disease resulting from the inhalation of asbestos particles , marked by severe fibrosis and a high risk of mesothelioma ( cancer of the pleura ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"chest radiographs showed no evidence of asbestosis or other scarring pulmonary disease .\" What is the definition of \"asbestosis\"?"} {"term": "garrison", "pos": "", "context": "france garrisons a regiment of the foreign legion in mayotte , as well as a naval detachment .", "definition": "station ( troops ) in a particular place", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"france garrisons a regiment of the foreign legion in mayotte , as well as a naval detachment .\" What is the definition of \"garrison\"?"} {"term": "psychiatric", "pos": "", "context": "he was currently unemployable and had received psychiatric treatment for depression .", "definition": "relating to mental illness or its treatment", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was currently unemployable and had received psychiatric treatment for depression .\" What is the definition of \"psychiatric\"?"} {"term": "moldovan", "pos": "", "context": "moldovans take great pride in their tradition of wine-making .", "definition": "a native or inhabitant of moldova", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"moldovans take great pride in their tradition of wine-making .\" What is the definition of \"moldovan\"?"} {"term": "review", "pos": "", "context": "let 's review your situation", "definition": "look at again ; examine again", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"let 's review your situation\" What is the definition of \"review\"?"} {"term": "review", "pos": "", "context": "she reviews books for the new york times", "definition": "appraise critically", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she reviews books for the new york times\" What is the definition of \"review\"?"} {"term": "predicate", "pos": "", "context": "the predicate `dog ' is predicated of the subject `fido ' in the sentence `fido is a dog '", "definition": "make the ( grammatical ) predicate in a proposition", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the predicate `dog ' is predicated of the subject `fido ' in the sentence `fido is a dog '\" What is the definition of \"predicate\"?"} {"term": "flowage", "pos": "", "context": "many campsites were located near the flowage", "definition": "a body of water that has been created by deliberately flooding an area", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"many campsites were located near the flowage\" What is the definition of \"flowage\"?"} {"term": "stammer", "pos": "", "context": "here i am , a distinguished public speaker , stuttering and stammering , at a complete loss for words .", "definition": "speak with sudden involuntary pauses and a tendency to repeat the initial letters of words", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"here i am , a distinguished public speaker , stuttering and stammering , at a complete loss for words .\" What is the definition of \"stammer\"?"} {"term": "sensualist", "pos": "", "context": "kepesh is cold , even in his pleasures ; he is extraordinarily cerebral for a sensualist .", "definition": "a person devoted to physical , especially sexual , pleasure", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"kepesh is cold , even in his pleasures ; he is extraordinarily cerebral for a sensualist .\" What is the definition of \"sensualist\"?"} {"term": "retake", "pos": "", "context": "he offered me the support of the babylonians if i would declare myself and retake not just malia , but all of crete .", "definition": "regain possession or control of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he offered me the support of the babylonians if i would declare myself and retake not just malia , but all of crete .\" What is the definition of \"retake\"?"} {"term": "retake", "pos": "", "context": "but ‘ seems fine shuffle , ’ which closes the set , is a fun retake on one of the concretes ' better tracks , and is what compilations like this are for .", "definition": "an instance of filming a scene or recording a piece of music again", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but ‘ seems fine shuffle , ’ which closes the set , is a fun retake on one of the concretes ' better tracks , and is what compilations like this are for .\" What is the definition of \"retake\"?"} {"term": "rift", "pos": "", "context": "these thrust sheets were considered until recently to represent segments of the late ncoproterozoic rifted margin of baltica , the opposing rift margin to east greenland in conventional palaeocontinental reconstructions .", "definition": "tear or force ( something ) apart", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these thrust sheets were considered until recently to represent segments of the late ncoproterozoic rifted margin of baltica , the opposing rift margin to east greenland in conventional palaeocontinental reconstructions .\" What is the definition of \"rift\"?"} {"term": "furlong", "pos": "", "context": "the john gosden-trained colt took up the lead coming into the home straight but faded in the final furlong .", "definition": "an eighth of a mile , 220 yards .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the john gosden-trained colt took up the lead coming into the home straight but faded in the final furlong .\" What is the definition of \"furlong\"?"} {"term": "incorrect", "pos": "", "context": "it is incorrect for a policeman to accept gifts", "definition": "not in accord with established usage or procedure", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is incorrect for a policeman to accept gifts\" What is the definition of \"incorrect\"?"} {"term": "breeze", "pos": "", "context": "the winds picked up , approaching ‘ strong breeze ’ ( beaufort scale 5-6 ) and the sky darkened sharply .", "definition": "a wind of force 2 to 6 on the beaufort scale ( 4–27 knots or 7–50 km/h ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the winds picked up , approaching ‘ strong breeze ’ ( beaufort scale 5-6 ) and the sky darkened sharply .\" What is the definition of \"breeze\"?"} {"term": "crystallize", "pos": "", "context": "here i added some cooked apple dice along with pomegranate seeds , and some grated fresh ginger root in addition to crystallized ginger .", "definition": "coat and impregnate ( fruit or petals ) with sugar as a means of preserving them", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"here i added some cooked apple dice along with pomegranate seeds , and some grated fresh ginger root in addition to crystallized ginger .\" What is the definition of \"crystallize\"?"} {"term": "squash", "pos": "", "context": "peel the squash then cut the flesh into chunks .", "definition": "an edible gourd , the flesh of which may be cooked and eaten as a vegetable .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"peel the squash then cut the flesh into chunks .\" What is the definition of \"squash\"?"} {"term": "squash", "pos": "", "context": "saturday morning all six of the tate family piled into the car - it was a tight squash in the back seat .", "definition": "a state of being squeezed or forced into a small or restricted space", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"saturday morning all six of the tate family piled into the car - it was a tight squash in the back seat .\" What is the definition of \"squash\"?"} {"term": "priming", "pos": "", "context": "‘ a reloading-kit package includes a press , a priming tool and a powder measure , ’ lee said .", "definition": "gunpowder placed in the pan of a firearm to ignite a charge", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ a reloading-kit package includes a press , a priming tool and a powder measure , ’ lee said .\" What is the definition of \"priming\"?"} {"term": "courier", "pos": "", "context": "the fun began in the south of france when i was a tour courier .", "definition": "a person employed to guide and assist a group of tourists", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the fun began in the south of france when i was a tour courier .\" What is the definition of \"courier\"?"} {"term": "inductor", "pos": "", "context": "he had invented cryogenic chemicals , ion magnetic inductors - everything .", "definition": "a substance that promotes an equilibrium reaction by reacting with one of the substances produced .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had invented cryogenic chemicals , ion magnetic inductors - everything .\" What is the definition of \"inductor\"?"} {"term": "cyberwar", "pos": "", "context": "there have been similar cyberwars between china and indonesia , china and taiwan and china and japan .", "definition": "the use of computer technology to disrupt the activities of a state or organization , especially the deliberate attacking of information systems for strategic or military purposes", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there have been similar cyberwars between china and indonesia , china and taiwan and china and japan .\" What is the definition of \"cyberwar\"?"} {"term": "okra", "pos": "", "context": "several varieties of tomatoes , okra and peppers , among others , require long growing seasons .", "definition": "a plant of the mallow family with long ridged seed pods , native to the old world tropics .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"several varieties of tomatoes , okra and peppers , among others , require long growing seasons .\" What is the definition of \"okra\"?"} {"term": "fiscal", "pos": "", "context": "as early as 1711 , an oberfiscal was appointed aided by a staff of fiscals who had to be secret appointments as they had the task of checking the honesty and integrity of government officials .", "definition": "a legal or treasury official in some countries .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as early as 1711 , an oberfiscal was appointed aided by a staff of fiscals who had to be secret appointments as they had the task of checking the honesty and integrity of government officials .\" What is the definition of \"fiscal\"?"} {"term": "fiscal", "pos": "", "context": "fiscal responsibility", "definition": "involving financial matters", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fiscal responsibility\" What is the definition of \"fiscal\"?"} {"term": "fulguration", "pos": "", "context": "then the darkness or bloudy colour of the sun and moon ; the shaking of the powers of heaven , the fulgurations of the air and the falling of stars .", "definition": "a flash like that of lightning .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"then the darkness or bloudy colour of the sun and moon ; the shaking of the powers of heaven , the fulgurations of the air and the falling of stars .\" What is the definition of \"fulguration\"?"} {"term": "antimony", "pos": "", "context": "there are seven metalloids : boron , silicon , germanium , arsenic , selenium , antimony , and tellurium .", "definition": "the chemical element of atomic number 51 , a brittle silvery-white metalloid .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there are seven metalloids : boron , silicon , germanium , arsenic , selenium , antimony , and tellurium .\" What is the definition of \"antimony\"?"} {"term": "accustom", "pos": "", "context": "now , i know it 's the done thing to give your children a little of what you 're having , in order to accustom their palates to fineness and adventure and all that rubbish .", "definition": "make someone or something accept ( something ) as normal or usual", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"now , i know it 's the done thing to give your children a little of what you 're having , in order to accustom their palates to fineness and adventure and all that rubbish .\" What is the definition of \"accustom\"?"} {"term": "recitation", "pos": "", "context": "the program included songs and recitations of well-loved poems", "definition": "a public instance of reciting or repeating ( from memory ) something prepared in advance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the program included songs and recitations of well-loved poems\" What is the definition of \"recitation\"?"} {"term": "text", "pos": "", "context": "in fifty years as a writer he has published over 30 educational texts , and seven novels .", "definition": "a textbook", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in fifty years as a writer he has published over 30 educational texts , and seven novels .\" What is the definition of \"text\"?"} {"term": "pavlova", "pos": "", "context": "it all sounds very practical : a brisk once-over , a brief chat , a spoonful of pavlova and a decision about whether you could have children together .", "definition": "a dessert consisting of a meringue base or shell filled with whipped cream and fruit .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it all sounds very practical : a brisk once-over , a brief chat , a spoonful of pavlova and a decision about whether you could have children together .\" What is the definition of \"pavlova\"?"} {"term": "quarterback", "pos": "", "context": "indeed , the whole process is quarterbacked out of the counsel 's office .", "definition": "direct or coordinate ( an operation or project )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"indeed , the whole process is quarterbacked out of the counsel 's office .\" What is the definition of \"quarterback\"?"} {"term": "quarterback", "pos": "", "context": "quite often , everyone is acting independently , with the exception of the accountant , the quarterback .", "definition": "a person who directs or coordinates an operation or project .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"quite often , everyone is acting independently , with the exception of the accountant , the quarterback .\" What is the definition of \"quarterback\"?"} {"term": "antipsychotic", "pos": "", "context": "how this drug compares with other newer antipsychotics remains to be established .", "definition": "an antipsychotic drug .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"how this drug compares with other newer antipsychotics remains to be established .\" What is the definition of \"antipsychotic\"?"} {"term": "rusty", "pos": "", "context": "it felt a bit rusty at first but i am really enjoying myself .", "definition": "stiff with age or disuse", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it felt a bit rusty at first but i am really enjoying myself .\" What is the definition of \"rusty\"?"} {"term": "chair", "pos": "", "context": "address your remarks to the chairperson", "definition": "the officer who presides at the meetings of an organization", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"address your remarks to the chairperson\" What is the definition of \"chair\"?"} {"term": "chair", "pos": "", "context": "at the completion of the game , warne lapped up yet another standing ovation from the 79,000-strong crowd , the champ responding in kind , bowing and blowing kisses to the crowd before a futile attempt to chair him off the ground .", "definition": "carry ( someone ) aloft in a chair or in a sitting position to celebrate a victory", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at the completion of the game , warne lapped up yet another standing ovation from the 79,000-strong crowd , the champ responding in kind , bowing and blowing kisses to the crowd before a futile attempt to chair him off the ground .\" What is the definition of \"chair\"?"} {"term": "chair", "pos": "", "context": "these manage policies in their areas and provide the chairs for interdepartmental meetings .", "definition": "the person in charge of a meeting or of an organization ( used as a neutral alternative to chairman or chairwoman )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these manage policies in their areas and provide the chairs for interdepartmental meetings .\" What is the definition of \"chair\"?"} {"term": "chair", "pos": "", "context": "after three years in rome , beltrami moved to pavia to take up the chair of mathematical physics there .", "definition": "a professorship", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after three years in rome , beltrami moved to pavia to take up the chair of mathematical physics there .\" What is the definition of \"chair\"?"} {"term": "attrition", "pos": "", "context": "there is no gold found more perfect than this , as the current polishes it thoroughly by attrition .", "definition": "wearing away by friction ; abrasion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is no gold found more perfect than this , as the current polishes it thoroughly by attrition .\" What is the definition of \"attrition\"?"} {"term": "farness", "pos": "", "context": "in this magical moment , as the ink black sky was dominated by stellar diadems , as the little bear twinkled knowingly in the seemingly close farness of celestial majesty , everything made sense .", "definition": "the condition of being far off ; distance or remoteness", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in this magical moment , as the ink black sky was dominated by stellar diadems , as the little bear twinkled knowingly in the seemingly close farness of celestial majesty , everything made sense .\" What is the definition of \"farness\"?"} {"term": "spot", "pos": "", "context": "they changed his spot on the program", "definition": "a section of an entertainment that is assigned to a specific performer or performance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they changed his spot on the program\" What is the definition of \"spot\"?"} {"term": "trainband", "pos": "", "context": "when the fear of an alliance between the deposed stuart and louis xiv seized england , and her colonies , the trainbands in new york were required every day to go to the fort .", "definition": "a division of civilian soldiers in london and other areas , in particular in the stuart period .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when the fear of an alliance between the deposed stuart and louis xiv seized england , and her colonies , the trainbands in new york were required every day to go to the fort .\" What is the definition of \"trainband\"?"} {"term": "quayside", "pos": "", "context": "over 100 three and four-masted sailing ships will be berthed on the quayside here for over a week .", "definition": "a quay and the area around it .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"over 100 three and four-masted sailing ships will be berthed on the quayside here for over a week .\" What is the definition of \"quayside\"?"} {"term": "religious", "pos": "", "context": "many new religious observances were designed by the feminist movement in the church .", "definition": "relating to or believing in a religion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"many new religious observances were designed by the feminist movement in the church .\" What is the definition of \"religious\"?"} {"term": "religious", "pos": "", "context": "it was not , one would think , the normal one of a religious with a church .", "definition": "a person bound by monastic vows .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was not , one would think , the normal one of a religious with a church .\" What is the definition of \"religious\"?"} {"term": "bless", "pos": "", "context": "religious expressions , talk of harlots and people blessing themselves also feature widely in what is the kind of cutesy vision of ireland that might be presented to a tourist .", "definition": "make the sign of the cross", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"religious expressions , talk of harlots and people blessing themselves also feature widely in what is the kind of cutesy vision of ireland that might be presented to a tourist .\" What is the definition of \"bless\"?"} {"term": "bless", "pos": "", "context": "the moment i said that , a million and one things that could have happened rushed into my mind , blessing my brain with an instant overload .", "definition": "( of god or some notional higher power ) endow someone with ( a particular cherished thing or attribute )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the moment i said that , a million and one things that could have happened rushed into my mind , blessing my brain with an instant overload .\" What is the definition of \"bless\"?"} {"term": "rag", "pos": "", "context": "as part of a campaign to tame his wild bride , the groom showed up late , wearing rags and old boots , and carrying a broken sword .", "definition": "old or tattered clothes", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as part of a campaign to tame his wild bride , the groom showed up late , wearing rags and old boots , and carrying a broken sword .\" What is the definition of \"rag\"?"} {"term": "rag", "pos": "", "context": "rag ore", "definition": "break into lumps before sorting", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rag ore\" What is the definition of \"rag\"?"} {"term": "grazing", "pos": "", "context": "the first was to discover natural assets - principally rivers , and land suitable for grazing or agriculture .", "definition": "grassland suitable for pasturage", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the first was to discover natural assets - principally rivers , and land suitable for grazing or agriculture .\" What is the definition of \"grazing\"?"} {"term": "soak", "pos": "", "context": "since they can not maintain a peaceful mind within activity , they avoid noisy places and spend their days soaking in stale water .", "definition": "be immersed in water or another liquid", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"since they can not maintain a peaceful mind within activity , they avoid noisy places and spend their days soaking in stale water .\" What is the definition of \"soak\"?"} {"term": "soak", "pos": "", "context": "if you do n't make any more beer soon you 'll run out , and then where will you be , you old soak ?", "definition": "a heavy drinker", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if you do n't make any more beer soon you 'll run out , and then where will you be , you old soak ?\" What is the definition of \"soak\"?"} {"term": "rescind", "pos": "", "context": "in addition to the changes you mention , a free labor market would require rescinding any laws that prohibit an employer from firing any worker at any time for any reason .", "definition": "revoke , cancel , or repeal ( a law , order , or agreement )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in addition to the changes you mention , a free labor market would require rescinding any laws that prohibit an employer from firing any worker at any time for any reason .\" What is the definition of \"rescind\"?"} {"term": "medication", "pos": "", "context": "we talk round and round the question of whether to have more drug medication before surgery .", "definition": "treatment using drugs", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we talk round and round the question of whether to have more drug medication before surgery .\" What is the definition of \"medication\"?"} {"term": "frailty", "pos": "", "context": "perhaps so , but the great attraction of sport is that , still in 2001 , it holds a mirror to the human condition in all its strength and frailty .", "definition": "the condition of being weak and delicate", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"perhaps so , but the great attraction of sport is that , still in 2001 , it holds a mirror to the human condition in all its strength and frailty .\" What is the definition of \"frailty\"?"} {"term": "lost", "pos": "", "context": "his lost honor", "definition": "incapable of being recovered or regained", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his lost honor\" What is the definition of \"lost\"?"} {"term": "lost", "pos": "", "context": "but even so , you can still get lost down the trail , and that 's the general idea .", "definition": "unable to find one 's way ; not knowing one 's whereabouts", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but even so , you can still get lost down the trail , and that 's the general idea .\" What is the definition of \"lost\"?"} {"term": "verbosity", "pos": "", "context": "i have never felt so attracted to pompous verbosity .", "definition": "the fact or quality of using more words than needed ; wordiness", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i have never felt so attracted to pompous verbosity .\" What is the definition of \"verbosity\"?"} {"term": "bypass", "pos": "", "context": "it reduces th e number of vehicles on the road so eliminating any need to expend billions of the taxpayer 's money on new motorways , road widening schemes and bypasses .", "definition": "a road passing round a town or its centre to provide an alternative route for through traffic .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it reduces th e number of vehicles on the road so eliminating any need to expend billions of the taxpayer 's money on new motorways , road widening schemes and bypasses .\" What is the definition of \"bypass\"?"} {"term": "bypass", "pos": "", "context": "you can not bypass these rules !", "definition": "avoid something unpleasant or laborious", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you can not bypass these rules !\" What is the definition of \"bypass\"?"} {"term": "tip", "pos": "", "context": "this is probably one of the best tips anybody can give on saving money at the gas pump .", "definition": "a small but useful piece of practical advice", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this is probably one of the best tips anybody can give on saving money at the gas pump .\" What is the definition of \"tip\"?"} {"term": "tip", "pos": "", "context": "we were told it would be just right , not too hot , but it was bitterly cold for the first two weeks we were there and then when we went to see a wildflower garden it was tipping down with rain .", "definition": "rain heavily .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we were told it would be just right , not too hot , but it was bitterly cold for the first two weeks we were there and then when we went to see a wildflower garden it was tipping down with rain .\" What is the definition of \"tip\"?"} {"term": "cheyenne", "pos": "", "context": "the generations that succeed us will be unable to articulate those same feelings in cheyenne , since english is now their first language .", "definition": "the algonquian language of the cheyenne , now almost extinct .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the generations that succeed us will be unable to articulate those same feelings in cheyenne , since english is now their first language .\" What is the definition of \"cheyenne\"?"} {"term": "middling", "pos": "", "context": "while happy to mingle with aristocracy and royalty , he retained pride in his middling origins , claiming that the name franklin itself echoed the status of his long line of freeholding ancestors .", "definition": "moderate or average in size , amount , or rank", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"while happy to mingle with aristocracy and royalty , he retained pride in his middling origins , claiming that the name franklin itself echoed the status of his long line of freeholding ancestors .\" What is the definition of \"middling\"?"} {"term": "fluxion", "pos": "", "context": "he integrated leibniz 's differential calculus and newton 's method of fluxions into mathematical analysis .", "definition": "a function corresponding to the rate of change of a variable quantity ; a derivative .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he integrated leibniz 's differential calculus and newton 's method of fluxions into mathematical analysis .\" What is the definition of \"fluxion\"?"} {"term": "smokescreen", "pos": "", "context": "requesting new powers of surveillance is just a smokescreen to hide their failures", "definition": "an action intended to conceal or confuse or obscure", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"requesting new powers of surveillance is just a smokescreen to hide their failures\" What is the definition of \"smokescreen\"?"} {"term": "tigrayan", "pos": "", "context": "during the colonial era , italy briefly ruled tigrayan lands .", "definition": "relating to or characteristic of the ethiopian province of tigray or its people", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"during the colonial era , italy briefly ruled tigrayan lands .\" What is the definition of \"tigrayan\"?"} {"term": "kebab", "pos": "", "context": "outdoors is a grill from which you can order various flame-grilled meats including kebabs , steaks and meatballs .", "definition": "a dish of pieces of meat , fish , or vegetables roasted or grilled on a skewer or spit .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"outdoors is a grill from which you can order various flame-grilled meats including kebabs , steaks and meatballs .\" What is the definition of \"kebab\"?"} {"term": "tool", "pos": "", "context": "a number of tools were stolen from sheds and the vandals uprooted vegetables and plants , throwing them around .", "definition": "a device or implement , especially one held in the hand , used to carry out a particular function", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a number of tools were stolen from sheds and the vandals uprooted vegetables and plants , throwing them around .\" What is the definition of \"tool\"?"} {"term": "self-reliance", "pos": "", "context": "education was necessary to engender self-reliance and self-respect .", "definition": "reliance on one 's own powers and resources rather than those of others .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"education was necessary to engender self-reliance and self-respect .\" What is the definition of \"self-reliance\"?"} {"term": "canoe", "pos": "", "context": "from dawn to dusk they ran , swam , canoed and cycled around north yorkshire in a trial of stamina and skill .", "definition": "travel in or paddle a canoe", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"from dawn to dusk they ran , swam , canoed and cycled around north yorkshire in a trial of stamina and skill .\" What is the definition of \"canoe\"?"} {"term": "compartment", "pos": "", "context": "there 's also a separate shoe compartment with locking zippers .", "definition": "a separate section or part of a structure or container", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there 's also a separate shoe compartment with locking zippers .\" What is the definition of \"compartment\"?"} {"term": "pistachio", "pos": "", "context": "i can only describe them as 150 % sweet , sticky , full of sesame seeds and pistachio nuts with added chilli and curry powder .", "definition": "the edible pale green seed of an asian tree", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i can only describe them as 150 % sweet , sticky , full of sesame seeds and pistachio nuts with added chilli and curry powder .\" What is the definition of \"pistachio\"?"} {"term": "testudo", "pos": "", "context": "the testudo , the tortoise formation , involved raising the scutums into a shell .", "definition": "a protective screen formed by a body of troops holding their shields above their heads in such a way that the shields overlap .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the testudo , the tortoise formation , involved raising the scutums into a shell .\" What is the definition of \"testudo\"?"} {"term": "posterior", "pos": "", "context": "if our recognition of a greek idiom in ecclesiastes is valid , it points to a date posterior to the conquest of alexander the great .", "definition": "coming after in time or order ; later", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if our recognition of a greek idiom in ecclesiastes is valid , it points to a date posterior to the conquest of alexander the great .\" What is the definition of \"posterior\"?"} {"term": "inkberry", "pos": "", "context": "minor building alterations brought forth mighty dagga plants ; cannas migrated without provocation into any gap left by the lantana and inkberry .", "definition": "a low-growing north american holly with black berries and nearly spineless leaves .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"minor building alterations brought forth mighty dagga plants ; cannas migrated without provocation into any gap left by the lantana and inkberry .\" What is the definition of \"inkberry\"?"} {"term": "nudge", "pos": "", "context": "she nudged my elbow when she saw her friend enter the restaurant", "definition": "to push against gently", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she nudged my elbow when she saw her friend enter the restaurant\" What is the definition of \"nudge\"?"} {"term": "half-life", "pos": "", "context": "radioactive depleted uranium has a half-life of 4500 million years .", "definition": "the time taken for the radioactivity of a specified isotope to fall to half its original value", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"radioactive depleted uranium has a half-life of 4500 million years .\" What is the definition of \"half-life\"?"} {"term": "gutter", "pos": "", "context": "in april 1996 , a crew of outside contract workers was sent up onto the roof to clean gutters .", "definition": "a shallow trough fixed beneath the edge of a roof for carrying off rainwater .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in april 1996 , a crew of outside contract workers was sent up onto the roof to clean gutters .\" What is the definition of \"gutter\"?"} {"term": "gutter", "pos": "", "context": "lapping against the ship 's immense , rust-coloured flanks is a rippling sea of undulating hills covered with callitris pines and guttered by creeks lined with river red gums .", "definition": "make channels or furrows in ( something )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lapping against the ship 's immense , rust-coloured flanks is a rippling sea of undulating hills covered with callitris pines and guttered by creeks lined with river red gums .\" What is the definition of \"gutter\"?"} {"term": "gutter", "pos": "", "context": "the company allegedly dumps its waste into a gutter that flows into the river .", "definition": "a groove or channel for flowing liquid .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the company allegedly dumps its waste into a gutter that flows into the river .\" What is the definition of \"gutter\"?"} {"term": "gentile", "pos": "", "context": "christians refer to themselves as gentiles", "definition": "a christian", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"christians refer to themselves as gentiles\" What is the definition of \"gentile\"?"} {"term": "formal", "pos": "", "context": "the bosco drama group will also be holding a summer school daily for two weeks during august and are also in the process of organising their annual formal which is planned for early october .", "definition": "an occasion on which evening dress is worn", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the bosco drama group will also be holding a summer school daily for two weeks during august and are also in the process of organising their annual formal which is planned for early october .\" What is the definition of \"formal\"?"} {"term": "pervert", "pos": "", "context": "alas his sojourn into being an op/ed columnist has totally perverted him .", "definition": "lead ( someone ) away from what is considered natural or acceptable", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"alas his sojourn into being an op/ed columnist has totally perverted him .\" What is the definition of \"pervert\"?"} {"term": "bentonite", "pos": "", "context": "i work with a low-fire clay body consisting of ball clay , talc and bentonite .", "definition": "a kind of absorbent clay formed by breakdown of volcanic ash , used especially as a filler .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i work with a low-fire clay body consisting of ball clay , talc and bentonite .\" What is the definition of \"bentonite\"?"} {"term": "behest", "pos": "", "context": "the items were sold at the behest of his descendants and fetched much more than the auctioneers had bargained for .", "definition": "a person 's orders or command", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the items were sold at the behest of his descendants and fetched much more than the auctioneers had bargained for .\" What is the definition of \"behest\"?"} {"term": "charger", "pos": "", "context": "the first church of deerfield retains two large plates , or chargers , marked by the london pewterer samuel ellis i .", "definition": "a large flat dish .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the first church of deerfield retains two large plates , or chargers , marked by the london pewterer samuel ellis i .\" What is the definition of \"charger\"?"} {"term": "houseful", "pos": "", "context": "they entertained a houseful of guests", "definition": "as many as a house will accommodate", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they entertained a houseful of guests\" What is the definition of \"houseful\"?"} {"term": "post", "pos": "", "context": "if the letter had been posted it would presumably have arrived either on saturday the 28th or monday the 30th .", "definition": "send ( a letter or parcel ) via the postal system", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if the letter had been posted it would presumably have arrived either on saturday the 28th or monday the 30th .\" What is the definition of \"post\"?"} {"term": "ponce", "pos": "", "context": "you know you love prancing around like a ponce with new clothes .", "definition": "an effeminate man .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you know you love prancing around like a ponce with new clothes .\" What is the definition of \"ponce\"?"} {"term": "latch", "pos": "", "context": "outside , several latches disengaged , one after another .", "definition": "a spring lock for an outer door , which catches when the door is closed and can only be opened from the outside with a key .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"outside , several latches disengaged , one after another .\" What is the definition of \"latch\"?"} {"term": "epoch", "pos": "", "context": "chekhov 's life straddled two epochs of russian history .", "definition": "a particular period of time in history or a person 's life", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"chekhov 's life straddled two epochs of russian history .\" What is the definition of \"epoch\"?"} {"term": "consecrate", "pos": "", "context": "he had been appointed by henry in 1163 , but was never formally consecrated before being removed in 1172 .", "definition": "ordain ( someone ) to a sacred office , typically that of bishop", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had been appointed by henry in 1163 , but was never formally consecrated before being removed in 1172 .\" What is the definition of \"consecrate\"?"} {"term": "homeostasis", "pos": "", "context": "this is one possible reason for the elaborate system cells have evolved to maintain cholesterol homeostasis .", "definition": "the tendency towards a relatively stable equilibrium between interdependent elements , especially as maintained by physiological processes .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this is one possible reason for the elaborate system cells have evolved to maintain cholesterol homeostasis .\" What is the definition of \"homeostasis\"?"} {"term": "extraterrestrial", "pos": "", "context": "is there extraterrestrial life ?", "definition": "originating or located or occurring outside earth or its atmosphere", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"is there extraterrestrial life ?\" What is the definition of \"extraterrestrial\"?"} {"term": "oeuvre", "pos": "", "context": "while it might not be suitable for young children , it certainly is one of the mildest films in his oeuvre .", "definition": "the body of work of a painter , composer , or author", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"while it might not be suitable for young children , it certainly is one of the mildest films in his oeuvre .\" What is the definition of \"oeuvre\"?"} {"term": "defeated", "pos": "", "context": "the defeated enemy", "definition": "beaten or overcome ; not victorious", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the defeated enemy\" What is the definition of \"defeated\"?"} {"term": "defeated", "pos": "", "context": "it was one of five agreed exit routes for the defeated army to take in its retreat .", "definition": "having been beaten in a battle or other contest", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was one of five agreed exit routes for the defeated army to take in its retreat .\" What is the definition of \"defeated\"?"} {"term": "fleur-de-lis", "pos": "", "context": "the fleur-de-lis of france , the eagles - single or double-headed - of prussia , russia , and austria , the white horse of hanover : all these appeared on the battlefield on the national uniforms of european soldiers .", "definition": "a stylized lily composed of three petals bound together near their bases . it is especially known from the former royal arms of france , in which it appears in gold on a blue field .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the fleur-de-lis of france , the eagles - single or double-headed - of prussia , russia , and austria , the white horse of hanover : all these appeared on the battlefield on the national uniforms of european soldiers .\" What is the definition of \"fleur-de-lis\"?"} {"term": "contribution", "pos": "", "context": "one of the best contributions of the book is its section on fantasies and pleasure .", "definition": "a piece of writing submitted for publication in a journal , book , etc .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one of the best contributions of the book is its section on fantasies and pleasure .\" What is the definition of \"contribution\"?"} {"term": "piazza", "pos": "", "context": "in the late 1400s , northern italian magic tales were publicly performed in city piazzas , sung or recited , and members of the audience could buy printed sheets from which the performers had taken their cues .", "definition": "a public square or marketplace , especially in an italian town .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the late 1400s , northern italian magic tales were publicly performed in city piazzas , sung or recited , and members of the audience could buy printed sheets from which the performers had taken their cues .\" What is the definition of \"piazza\"?"} {"term": "trance", "pos": "", "context": "inside , a form of trance music played as the people danced , almost to a slower beat .", "definition": "a type of electronic dance music characterized by hypnotic rhythms and sounds", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"inside , a form of trance music played as the people danced , almost to a slower beat .\" What is the definition of \"trance\"?"} {"term": "calla", "pos": "", "context": "after frost kills their foliage , dig up callas , cannas , dahlias , tuberous begonias , and other tender bulbs .", "definition": "either of two plants of the arum family .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after frost kills their foliage , dig up callas , cannas , dahlias , tuberous begonias , and other tender bulbs .\" What is the definition of \"calla\"?"} {"term": "incompatible", "pos": "", "context": "i am maintaining baudelaire 's view that dandyism is incompatible with being a woman", "definition": "( of one thing or person ) not consistent or able to coexist with ( another )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i am maintaining baudelaire 's view that dandyism is incompatible with being a woman\" What is the definition of \"incompatible\"?"} {"term": "incompatible", "pos": "", "context": "remember also that many disk and other utility programs are incompatible , this is not necessarily a problem as they are largely redundant .", "definition": "( of equipment , computer programs , etc . ) not capable of being used in combination", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"remember also that many disk and other utility programs are incompatible , this is not necessarily a problem as they are largely redundant .\" What is the definition of \"incompatible\"?"} {"term": "barb", "pos": "", "context": "everyone in that room expected me to reply to his hurtful comments with barbs of my own but i sat there quietly , fuming inside yet refusing to stoop to his level .", "definition": "a deliberately hurtful remark", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"everyone in that room expected me to reply to his hurtful comments with barbs of my own but i sat there quietly , fuming inside yet refusing to stoop to his level .\" What is the definition of \"barb\"?"} {"term": "speleology", "pos": "", "context": "he studied speleology and wrote a book on the work and life of karel absolon , discoverer of the punkva caves near brno .", "definition": "the study or exploration of caves .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he studied speleology and wrote a book on the work and life of karel absolon , discoverer of the punkva caves near brno .\" What is the definition of \"speleology\"?"} {"term": "kala-azar", "pos": "", "context": "most cases of hiv related kala-azar have so far been reported in southern europe along the mediterranean basin .", "definition": "a form of the disease leishmaniasis marked by emaciation , anaemia , fever , and enlargement of the liver and spleen .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"most cases of hiv related kala-azar have so far been reported in southern europe along the mediterranean basin .\" What is the definition of \"kala-azar\"?"} {"term": "midnight", "pos": "", "context": "young children should not be allowed to stay up until midnight", "definition": "12 o'clock at night ; the middle of the night", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"young children should not be allowed to stay up until midnight\" What is the definition of \"midnight\"?"} {"term": "fold", "pos": "", "context": "individually they weigh about as much as a teabag , and can be folded up to approximately the size of a cornflake .", "definition": "bend ( something flexible and relatively flat ) over on itself so that one part of it covers another", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"individually they weigh about as much as a teabag , and can be folded up to approximately the size of a cornflake .\" What is the definition of \"fold\"?"} {"term": "fold", "pos": "", "context": "asymmetrical folds and axial planar quartz veins , isoclinal and rootless folds and boudinage of chert layers are common .", "definition": "a bend or curvature of strata .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"asymmetrical folds and axial planar quartz veins , isoclinal and rootless folds and boudinage of chert layers are common .\" What is the definition of \"fold\"?"} {"term": "fold", "pos": "", "context": "trudging up the glen , one comes gradually upon a little limewashed house clinging to a fold in the hills .", "definition": "a slight hill or hollow in the ground", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"trudging up the glen , one comes gradually upon a little limewashed house clinging to a fold in the hills .\" What is the definition of \"fold\"?"} {"term": "fold", "pos": "", "context": "when not in use , the cage/crate folds flat for easy transport and storage .", "definition": "( of a piece of furniture or equipment ) be able to be bent or rearranged into a flatter or more compact shape , typically in order to make it easier to store or carry", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when not in use , the cage/crate folds flat for easy transport and storage .\" What is the definition of \"fold\"?"} {"term": "oversight", "pos": "", "context": "no other state agency exercises effective oversight over army expenditures .", "definition": "the action of overseeing something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"no other state agency exercises effective oversight over army expenditures .\" What is the definition of \"oversight\"?"} {"term": "vesicle", "pos": "", "context": "in the road cuts of both early and later construction , rock was blasted that contains zeolite-filled vesicles .", "definition": "a small cavity in volcanic rock , produced by gas bubbles .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the road cuts of both early and later construction , rock was blasted that contains zeolite-filled vesicles .\" What is the definition of \"vesicle\"?"} {"term": "meteorite", "pos": "", "context": "when meteorites hit nearby worlds , they kick up bits of rock , some of which might have enough speed to escape from their planet entirely .", "definition": "a piece of rock or metal that has fallen to the earth 's surface from outer space as a meteor . over 90 per cent of meteorites are of rock while the remainder consist wholly or partly of iron and nickel .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when meteorites hit nearby worlds , they kick up bits of rock , some of which might have enough speed to escape from their planet entirely .\" What is the definition of \"meteorite\"?"} {"term": "aggro", "pos": "", "context": "we pay a little extra for the privilege , but then we do save on fuel and the need for a special journey , not to mention the usual parking aggro and all that .", "definition": "problems and difficulties", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we pay a little extra for the privilege , but then we do save on fuel and the need for a special journey , not to mention the usual parking aggro and all that .\" What is the definition of \"aggro\"?"} {"term": "aggro", "pos": "", "context": "i skipped it because it was too much aggro", "definition": "( informal british usage ) aggravation or aggression", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i skipped it because it was too much aggro\" What is the definition of \"aggro\"?"} {"term": "preview", "pos": "", "context": "also , the print preview shows headers , like the page title and url , which do not appear when the pages are printed .", "definition": "a facility for inspecting the appearance of a document before it is printed .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"also , the print preview shows headers , like the page title and url , which do not appear when the pages are printed .\" What is the definition of \"preview\"?"} {"term": "visiting", "pos": "", "context": "as a show of brotherhood , every rugby match is followed by a ‘ social ’ where the home team feeds and hosts the visiting team .", "definition": "( of a person ) on a visit to a person or place", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as a show of brotherhood , every rugby match is followed by a ‘ social ’ where the home team feeds and hosts the visiting team .\" What is the definition of \"visiting\"?"} {"term": "faith", "pos": "", "context": "he cherished the faith of a good woman", "definition": "complete confidence in a person or plan etc", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he cherished the faith of a good woman\" What is the definition of \"faith\"?"} {"term": "brandish", "pos": "", "context": "he brandished a weapon and began firing on police as he ran across the street .", "definition": "wave or flourish ( something , especially a weapon ) as a threat or in anger or excitement", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he brandished a weapon and began firing on police as he ran across the street .\" What is the definition of \"brandish\"?"} {"term": "orgasm", "pos": "", "context": "i almost spontaneously orgasmed at the feel of the car purring along the road .", "definition": "have an orgasm .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i almost spontaneously orgasmed at the feel of the car purring along the road .\" What is the definition of \"orgasm\"?"} {"term": "pinna", "pos": "", "context": "they get their name from the latin words pinna ( feather or wing ) and pedes ( feet ) .", "definition": "any of a number of animal structures resembling fins or wings .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they get their name from the latin words pinna ( feather or wing ) and pedes ( feet ) .\" What is the definition of \"pinna\"?"} {"term": "takeaway", "pos": "", "context": "in england they call takeout food `takeaway '", "definition": "prepared food that is intended to be eaten off of the premises", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in england they call takeout food `takeaway '\" What is the definition of \"takeaway\"?"} {"term": "takeaway", "pos": "", "context": "almost 90 % of britons said they were partial to a plate of chips , with more than 300 million takeaways being sold each year .", "definition": "a restaurant or shop selling cooked food to be eaten elsewhere", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"almost 90 % of britons said they were partial to a plate of chips , with more than 300 million takeaways being sold each year .\" What is the definition of \"takeaway\"?"} {"term": "chance", "pos": "", "context": "i chanced to meet my old friend in the street", "definition": "be the case by chance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i chanced to meet my old friend in the street\" What is the definition of \"chance\"?"} {"term": "chance", "pos": "", "context": "in 1936 , a chance meeting placed johnson on the path to his destiny .", "definition": "fortuitous ; accidental", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in 1936 , a chance meeting placed johnson on the path to his destiny .\" What is the definition of \"chance\"?"} {"term": "blackcap", "pos": "", "context": "we have planted over 800 native trees along the embankment , creating a wonderful habitat for warblers such as whitethroat , garden warbler and blackcap .", "definition": "a mainly european warbler with a black cap in the male and a reddish-brown one in the female .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we have planted over 800 native trees along the embankment , creating a wonderful habitat for warblers such as whitethroat , garden warbler and blackcap .\" What is the definition of \"blackcap\"?"} {"term": "grandfather", "pos": "", "context": "at a minimum , these ordinances could have been grandfathered , so that existing property owners face less onerous restrictions on what they can do .", "definition": "exempt ( someone or something ) from a new law or regulation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at a minimum , these ordinances could have been grandfathered , so that existing property owners face less onerous restrictions on what they can do .\" What is the definition of \"grandfather\"?"} {"term": "breast", "pos": "", "context": "they breasted the mountain", "definition": "reach the summit ( of a mountain )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they breasted the mountain\" What is the definition of \"breast\"?"} {"term": "stagnation", "pos": "", "context": "economic growth of less than 1 % per year is considered to be economic stagnation", "definition": "a state of inactivity ( in business or art etc )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"economic growth of less than 1 % per year is considered to be economic stagnation\" What is the definition of \"stagnation\"?"} {"term": "stagnation", "pos": "", "context": "during the french revolution there was obviously a period of stagnation in the formation of collections .", "definition": "lack of activity , growth , or development", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"during the french revolution there was obviously a period of stagnation in the formation of collections .\" What is the definition of \"stagnation\"?"} {"term": "disorientation", "pos": "", "context": "his disorientation was the result of inattention", "definition": "confusion ( usually transient ) about where you are and how to proceed ; uncertainty as to direction", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his disorientation was the result of inattention\" What is the definition of \"disorientation\"?"} {"term": "level", "pos": "", "context": "a laser level is the modern way of doing surveying .", "definition": "an instrument for giving a horizontal line of sight .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a laser level is the modern way of doing surveying .\" What is the definition of \"level\"?"} {"term": "level", "pos": "", "context": "shares were level from there and closed at $ 3.86 .", "definition": "not having risen or fallen ; unchanged", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shares were level from there and closed at $ 3.86 .\" What is the definition of \"level\"?"} {"term": "communicate", "pos": "", "context": "if this was the location of the door , then it communicated directly with the room or space west of the northern kitchen , rather than directly with the northern kitchen .", "definition": "( of two rooms ) have a common connecting door", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if this was the location of the door , then it communicated directly with the room or space west of the northern kitchen , rather than directly with the northern kitchen .\" What is the definition of \"communicate\"?"} {"term": "communicate", "pos": "", "context": "he communicated his anxieties to the psychiatrist", "definition": "transmit thoughts or feelings", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he communicated his anxieties to the psychiatrist\" What is the definition of \"communicate\"?"} {"term": "communicate", "pos": "", "context": "communicate a disease", "definition": "transfer to another", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"communicate a disease\" What is the definition of \"communicate\"?"} {"term": "hermaphrodite", "pos": "", "context": "the idea of the hermaphrodite who has fully functioning male and female organs and is capable of self-fertilization is a myth , though a very persistent one , which has long exercised a fascination over the human mind .", "definition": "a person or animal having both male and female sex organs or other sexual characteristics , either abnormally or ( in the case of some organisms ) as the natural condition .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the idea of the hermaphrodite who has fully functioning male and female organs and is capable of self-fertilization is a myth , though a very persistent one , which has long exercised a fascination over the human mind .\" What is the definition of \"hermaphrodite\"?"} {"term": "cinnamon", "pos": "", "context": "they sway slightly with the breeze and range in hue from cinnamon to dusty violet .", "definition": "a yellowish-brown colour resembling that of cinnamon", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they sway slightly with the breeze and range in hue from cinnamon to dusty violet .\" What is the definition of \"cinnamon\"?"} {"term": "dominant", "pos": "", "context": "it has , since the 1960s , been the dominant influence on education policy on both sides of the atlantic .", "definition": "having power and influence over others", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it has , since the 1960s , been the dominant influence on education policy on both sides of the atlantic .\" What is the definition of \"dominant\"?"} {"term": "explanation", "pos": "", "context": "the explanation was very simple", "definition": "a statement that makes something comprehensible by describing the relevant structure or operation or circumstances etc .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the explanation was very simple\" What is the definition of \"explanation\"?"} {"term": "unicum", "pos": "", "context": "the essays in this and the next issue of currents are the opportunity for many to give witness and testimony back to him and out to you about this unicum , this unprecedented man and his life and ministry .", "definition": "a unique example or specimen", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the essays in this and the next issue of currents are the opportunity for many to give witness and testimony back to him and out to you about this unicum , this unprecedented man and his life and ministry .\" What is the definition of \"unicum\"?"} {"term": "modillion", "pos": "", "context": "the craftsmen removed and replaced 335 modillion brackets and 1200 feet of two-layered cornice running the perimeter of the roof level .", "definition": "a projecting bracket under the corona of a cornice in the corinthian and other orders .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the craftsmen removed and replaced 335 modillion brackets and 1200 feet of two-layered cornice running the perimeter of the roof level .\" What is the definition of \"modillion\"?"} {"term": "fascinate", "pos": "", "context": "the snake charmer fascinates the cobra", "definition": "to render motionless , as with a fixed stare or by arousing terror or awe", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the snake charmer fascinates the cobra\" What is the definition of \"fascinate\"?"} {"term": "kowhai", "pos": "", "context": "at the end of the book , a kowhai is planted , a reminder of the bush that once covered the hill .", "definition": "a tree of the pea family , which bears hanging clusters of yellow flowers . it is native to new zealand and chile and yields useful timber .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at the end of the book , a kowhai is planted , a reminder of the bush that once covered the hill .\" What is the definition of \"kowhai\"?"} {"term": "cork", "pos": "", "context": "the cork floated on the surface , its quill upright like the periscope of a submarine .", "definition": "a piece of cork used as a float for a fishing line or net", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the cork floated on the surface , its quill upright like the periscope of a submarine .\" What is the definition of \"cork\"?"} {"term": "cul-de-sac", "pos": "", "context": "it is performed by first drying the tear film , then inserting a schirmer strip into the lower conjunctival cul-de-sac toward the temporal aspect of the lower lid .", "definition": "a vessel , tube , or sac open at only one end .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is performed by first drying the tear film , then inserting a schirmer strip into the lower conjunctival cul-de-sac toward the temporal aspect of the lower lid .\" What is the definition of \"cul-de-sac\"?"} {"term": "prick", "pos": "", "context": "the nurse pricked my finger to get a small blood sample", "definition": "make a small hole into , as with a needle or a thorn", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the nurse pricked my finger to get a small blood sample\" What is the definition of \"prick\"?"} {"term": "bony", "pos": "", "context": "the dome of the skull , for example , is made of bony plates , which must be immovable to protect the brain .", "definition": "of or like bone", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the dome of the skull , for example , is made of bony plates , which must be immovable to protect the brain .\" What is the definition of \"bony\"?"} {"term": "reword", "pos": "", "context": "researchers using likert scales reword items to identify yeasayers and naysayers .", "definition": "put ( something ) into different words", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"researchers using likert scales reword items to identify yeasayers and naysayers .\" What is the definition of \"reword\"?"} {"term": "outside", "pos": "", "context": "in summer we play outside", "definition": "outside a building", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in summer we play outside\" What is the definition of \"outside\"?"} {"term": "outside", "pos": "", "context": "outside , the box is black", "definition": "on the outside", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"outside , the box is black\" What is the definition of \"outside\"?"} {"term": "lav", "pos": "", "context": "by the end of the journey , he can find himself caught seriously short , so the aromatic cubicles that pass for lavs at bondi junction station become sanctuaries of blessed relief .", "definition": "a lavatory .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"by the end of the journey , he can find himself caught seriously short , so the aromatic cubicles that pass for lavs at bondi junction station become sanctuaries of blessed relief .\" What is the definition of \"lav\"?"} {"term": "observable", "pos": "", "context": "an observable change in behavior", "definition": "capable of being seen or noticed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an observable change in behavior\" What is the definition of \"observable\"?"} {"term": "thrifty", "pos": "", "context": "despite meagre wages she had been thrifty and had saved money towards going to chiang mai university , gaining her teaching degree in 1976 .", "definition": "using money and other resources carefully and not wastefully", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"despite meagre wages she had been thrifty and had saved money towards going to chiang mai university , gaining her teaching degree in 1976 .\" What is the definition of \"thrifty\"?"} {"term": "discovery", "pos": "", "context": "instead , opt for a locally grown cox , discovery or bramley apple - or a conference or williams pear .", "definition": "a dessert apple of a variety with crisp flesh and bright red skin .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"instead , opt for a locally grown cox , discovery or bramley apple - or a conference or williams pear .\" What is the definition of \"discovery\"?"} {"term": "northumbrian", "pos": "", "context": "he had eaten celeriac and northumbrian smoked cheese followed by a fillet of cowell peninsula salmon .", "definition": "relating to or characteristic of northumbria in ne england or its inhabitants", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had eaten celeriac and northumbrian smoked cheese followed by a fillet of cowell peninsula salmon .\" What is the definition of \"northumbrian\"?"} {"term": "vaporize", "pos": "", "context": "laser resurfacing is performed using a beam of laser energy that vaporizes the upper layers of damaged skin at specific and controlled levels of penetration .", "definition": "convert or be converted into vapour", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"laser resurfacing is performed using a beam of laser energy that vaporizes the upper layers of damaged skin at specific and controlled levels of penetration .\" What is the definition of \"vaporize\"?"} {"term": "modulate", "pos": "", "context": "the operation on a previously modulated wave in such a way that it will have substantially the same characteristics as the original modulating wave .", "definition": "alter the amplitude or frequency of ( an electromagnetic wave or other oscillation ) in accordance with the variations of a second signal , typically one of a lower frequency", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the operation on a previously modulated wave in such a way that it will have substantially the same characteristics as the original modulating wave .\" What is the definition of \"modulate\"?"} {"term": "name", "pos": "", "context": "his name was mentioned in connection with the invention", "definition": "make reference to", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his name was mentioned in connection with the invention\" What is the definition of \"name\"?"} {"term": "thyroid", "pos": "", "context": "the epiglottis is a flap-like cartilage connected to the thyroid cartilage .", "definition": "a large cartilage of the larynx , a projection of which forms the adam 's apple in humans .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the epiglottis is a flap-like cartilage connected to the thyroid cartilage .\" What is the definition of \"thyroid\"?"} {"term": "refer", "pos": "", "context": "surveillance of construction sites , followed by visits , resulting in cases being referred for possible prosecution .", "definition": "pass a matter to ( a higher body ) for a decision", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"surveillance of construction sites , followed by visits , resulting in cases being referred for possible prosecution .\" What is the definition of \"refer\"?"} {"term": "pal", "pos": "", "context": "this is where you pal around with your friend or friends and just have fun .", "definition": "spend time with a friend", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this is where you pal around with your friend or friends and just have fun .\" What is the definition of \"pal\"?"} {"term": "links", "pos": "", "context": "he said : ‘ the golf links i envisage would be essentially hand-crafted , a return to how courses were created long ago . ’", "definition": "a golf course , especially one on grass-covered sandy ground near the sea", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he said : ‘ the golf links i envisage would be essentially hand-crafted , a return to how courses were created long ago . ’\" What is the definition of \"links\"?"} {"term": "rare", "pos": "", "context": "rare herbs", "definition": "not widely distributed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rare herbs\" What is the definition of \"rare\"?"} {"term": "rare", "pos": "", "context": "rare gasses", "definition": "having low density", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rare gasses\" What is the definition of \"rare\"?"} {"term": "dogmatism", "pos": "", "context": "another backdrop is the rise of influence of fundamentalist groups and various forms of religious dogmatism .", "definition": "the tendency to lay down principles as undeniably true , without consideration of evidence or the opinions of others", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"another backdrop is the rise of influence of fundamentalist groups and various forms of religious dogmatism .\" What is the definition of \"dogmatism\"?"} {"term": "hope", "pos": "", "context": "holistic treatments may offer slender hope to patients , but they seem to prefer hopes to drugs and surgery .", "definition": "a feeling of expectation and desire for a particular thing to happen", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"holistic treatments may offer slender hope to patients , but they seem to prefer hopes to drugs and surgery .\" What is the definition of \"hope\"?"} {"term": "hope", "pos": "", "context": "we can enter into the faithful stories of the past in order to embrace the present-with faith , hope and love .", "definition": "a feeling of trust", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we can enter into the faithful stories of the past in order to embrace the present-with faith , hope and love .\" What is the definition of \"hope\"?"} {"term": "plug", "pos": "", "context": "he was a hopeless plug and never ran in the money .", "definition": "a tired or old horse .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was a hopeless plug and never ran in the money .\" What is the definition of \"plug\"?"} {"term": "plug", "pos": "", "context": "i plan to put a little topsoil and st. augustine grass plugs in these bare spots .", "definition": "( in gardening ) a young plant or clump of grass with a small mass of soil protecting its roots , for planting out .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i plan to put a little topsoil and st. augustine grass plugs in these bare spots .\" What is the definition of \"plug\"?"} {"term": "plug", "pos": "", "context": "spinning artificial lures such as bar spoons and plugs offered great sport and this led some anglers to develop the idea that atlantic bass could be caught on an artificial lure and with a fly-rod .", "definition": "a lure with one or more hooks attached .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"spinning artificial lures such as bar spoons and plugs offered great sport and this led some anglers to develop the idea that atlantic bass could be caught on an artificial lure and with a fly-rod .\" What is the definition of \"plug\"?"} {"term": "plug", "pos": "", "context": "plug the hole", "definition": "fill or close tightly with or as if with a plug", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"plug the hole\" What is the definition of \"plug\"?"} {"term": "breather", "pos": "", "context": "these highly polished breathers are the final touch to accent your valve covers .", "definition": "a vent or valve to release pressure or to allow air to move freely around something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these highly polished breathers are the final touch to accent your valve covers .\" What is the definition of \"breather\"?"} {"term": "episcopalian", "pos": "", "context": "further , in spite of the proliferation of weekday celebrations of lesser feasts , many episcopalians lack even cursory knowledge of the early church and the patristic fathers .", "definition": "a member of the episcopal church .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"further , in spite of the proliferation of weekday celebrations of lesser feasts , many episcopalians lack even cursory knowledge of the early church and the patristic fathers .\" What is the definition of \"episcopalian\"?"} {"term": "jackknife", "pos": "", "context": "a double-semi had jackknifed , neatly shutting down four lanes .", "definition": "( of an articulated vehicle ) bend into a v-shape in an uncontrolled skidding movement", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a double-semi had jackknifed , neatly shutting down four lanes .\" What is the definition of \"jackknife\"?"} {"term": "boutique", "pos": "", "context": "business firms range in size from boutiques operated by individuals to huge multinational corporations employing thousands .", "definition": "a business or establishment that is small and sophisticated or fashionable", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"business firms range in size from boutiques operated by individuals to huge multinational corporations employing thousands .\" What is the definition of \"boutique\"?"} {"term": "garbage", "pos": "", "context": "the moral of the story : do n't take that garbage on amazon 's message boards seriously in the first place .", "definition": "worthless or meaningless material or ideas ; rubbish", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the moral of the story : do n't take that garbage on amazon 's message boards seriously in the first place .\" What is the definition of \"garbage\"?"} {"term": "familiar", "pos": "", "context": "a familiar excuse", "definition": "within normal everyday experience ; common and ordinary ; not strange", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a familiar excuse\" What is the definition of \"familiar\"?"} {"term": "familiar", "pos": "", "context": "he was familiar with those roads", "definition": "( usually followed by `with ' ) well informed about or knowing thoroughly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was familiar with those roads\" What is the definition of \"familiar\"?"} {"term": "familiar", "pos": "", "context": "exhibitions celebrating the art of the goldsmith are a familiar feature of the annual programme at goldsmiths ' hall .", "definition": "often encountered or experienced ; common", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"exhibitions celebrating the art of the goldsmith are a familiar feature of the annual programme at goldsmiths ' hall .\" What is the definition of \"familiar\"?"} {"term": "familiar", "pos": "", "context": "familiars actually dwelling in a monastery may receive their easter communion in the church or chapel of the monastery .", "definition": "( in the roman catholic church ) a person rendering certain services in a pope 's or bishop 's household .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"familiars actually dwelling in a monastery may receive their easter communion in the church or chapel of the monastery .\" What is the definition of \"familiar\"?"} {"term": "embarrassment", "pos": "", "context": "despite our loser basketball players , and a few other embarrassments , it 's been difficult to quell the american spirit .", "definition": "a person or thing causing feelings of embarrassment", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"despite our loser basketball players , and a few other embarrassments , it 's been difficult to quell the american spirit .\" What is the definition of \"embarrassment\"?"} {"term": "first", "pos": "", "context": "he wanted to be the first", "definition": "the first or highest in an ordering or series", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he wanted to be the first\" What is the definition of \"first\"?"} {"term": "first", "pos": "", "context": "pull both together for neutral and with a foot on the brake you select first .", "definition": "the first in a sequence of a vehicle 's gears", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pull both together for neutral and with a foot on the brake you select first .\" What is the definition of \"first\"?"} {"term": "first", "pos": "", "context": "i never intended to play on for the firsts , i did n't want to keep coming back , but at the start of the season there was a shortage of props .", "definition": "the best or main team of a sports club", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i never intended to play on for the firsts , i did n't want to keep coming back , but at the start of the season there was a shortage of props .\" What is the definition of \"first\"?"} {"term": "first", "pos": "", "context": "one of its first orders is to set up special tribunals to try members of the former regime .", "definition": "coming before all others in time or order ; earliest ; 1st", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one of its first orders is to set up special tribunals to try members of the former regime .\" What is the definition of \"first\"?"} {"term": "butt", "pos": "", "context": "practice butts open 8.30am .", "definition": "an archery or shooting target or range .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"practice butts open 8.30am .\" What is the definition of \"butt\"?"} {"term": "provider", "pos": "", "context": "he found that demands on him as a father and provider were relentless .", "definition": "a person who earns money to support their family", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he found that demands on him as a father and provider were relentless .\" What is the definition of \"provider\"?"} {"term": "retention", "pos": "", "context": "metrical speech not only produces some heightened form of attention that increases mnemonic retention ; it also seems to provide innate physical pleasure in both the auditor and orator .", "definition": "the fact of keeping something in one 's memory", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"metrical speech not only produces some heightened form of attention that increases mnemonic retention ; it also seems to provide innate physical pleasure in both the auditor and orator .\" What is the definition of \"retention\"?"} {"term": "retention", "pos": "", "context": "in 1972 , after liberation , the tribal people asked for autonomy , with a separate legislative body , and a retention of the 1900 regulations against non-tribal settlers .", "definition": "the continued possession , use , or control of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in 1972 , after liberation , the tribal people asked for autonomy , with a separate legislative body , and a retention of the 1900 regulations against non-tribal settlers .\" What is the definition of \"retention\"?"} {"term": "retention", "pos": "", "context": "in areas prone to frost heave or with poor drainage , additional drainage material such as drain rock can be placed below the footings to reduce water retention in the soil .", "definition": "the action of absorbing and continuing to hold a substance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in areas prone to frost heave or with poor drainage , additional drainage material such as drain rock can be placed below the footings to reduce water retention in the soil .\" What is the definition of \"retention\"?"} {"term": "adjunct", "pos": "", "context": "the lion database of english poetry has 144 instances of ‘ under god ’ , and quite a few of them seem to me to be unambiguously locative adjuncts modifying noun phrases .", "definition": "a word or phrase that constitutes an optional element or is considered of secondary importance in a sentence , for example on the table in we left some flowers on the table .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the lion database of english poetry has 144 instances of ‘ under god ’ , and quite a few of them seem to me to be unambiguously locative adjuncts modifying noun phrases .\" What is the definition of \"adjunct\"?"} {"term": "adjunct", "pos": "", "context": "of course , line items must be included in the budget to cover adjuncts for parental leaves .", "definition": "a person who is another 's assistant or subordinate", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"of course , line items must be included in the budget to cover adjuncts for parental leaves .\" What is the definition of \"adjunct\"?"} {"term": "adjunct", "pos": "", "context": "by adding capacity to primary care practices , these group sessions can become an adjunct to open access scheduling .", "definition": "a thing added to something else as a supplementary rather than an essential part", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"by adding capacity to primary care practices , these group sessions can become an adjunct to open access scheduling .\" What is the definition of \"adjunct\"?"} {"term": "montage", "pos": "", "context": "the opening montage sequence has also been suitably celebrated .", "definition": "the technique of selecting , editing , and piecing together separate sections of film to form a continuous whole", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the opening montage sequence has also been suitably celebrated .\" What is the definition of \"montage\"?"} {"term": "washingtonian", "pos": "", "context": "she lives in the not-so-green washingtonian city of prosser .", "definition": "relating to or characteristic of the us state of washington or its inhabitants", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she lives in the not-so-green washingtonian city of prosser .\" What is the definition of \"washingtonian\"?"} {"term": "ramp", "pos": "", "context": "these are the same unforgiving analysts who talked up the technology boom in the hunt for corporate business , shamelessly ramping up the price of stock which many then cunningly sold near the top of the market .", "definition": "drive up the price of ( a company 's shares ) in order to gain a financial advantage", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these are the same unforgiving analysts who talked up the technology boom in the hunt for corporate business , shamelessly ramping up the price of stock which many then cunningly sold near the top of the market .\" What is the definition of \"ramp\"?"} {"term": "ramp", "pos": "", "context": "the buildings began to thin out as they left the industrial sector of the city and entered onto a ramp that would take them to the freeway and towards chris 's house .", "definition": "an inclined slip road leading on to or off a main road or motorway", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the buildings began to thin out as they left the industrial sector of the city and entered onto a ramp that would take them to the freeway and towards chris 's house .\" What is the definition of \"ramp\"?"} {"term": "rattlebox", "pos": "", "context": "summer wildflowers include meadow-beauty , marsh pink , wild pea , and round-leaved rattlebox ( whose seeds , which are loose in the pod , rattle when the pods are shaken ) .", "definition": "used in reference to something that rattles , such as an old or rickety vehicle .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"summer wildflowers include meadow-beauty , marsh pink , wild pea , and round-leaved rattlebox ( whose seeds , which are loose in the pod , rattle when the pods are shaken ) .\" What is the definition of \"rattlebox\"?"} {"term": "disloyalty", "pos": "", "context": "by your historically unprecedented disloyalty , you have betrayed our trust .", "definition": "the quality of not being loyal to a person , country , or organization ; unfaithfulness", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"by your historically unprecedented disloyalty , you have betrayed our trust .\" What is the definition of \"disloyalty\"?"} {"term": "herringbone", "pos": "", "context": "when the hill gets too steep , the snow too deep , or the herringbone too tiring , it is time to side step .", "definition": "a method of ascending a slope by walking up it with the skis pointing outwards .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when the hill gets too steep , the snow too deep , or the herringbone too tiring , it is time to side step .\" What is the definition of \"herringbone\"?"} {"term": "obscenity", "pos": "", "context": "in the 1960s and 1970s bad language and obscenity began to make its presence felt on the stage and television .", "definition": "obscene behaviour , language , or images", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the 1960s and 1970s bad language and obscenity began to make its presence felt on the stage and television .\" What is the definition of \"obscenity\"?"} {"term": "bombing", "pos": "", "context": "on being asked to leave he accused the shopkeeper of being a terrorist and playing a part in the bombings .", "definition": "an act or instance of dropping or detonating a bomb somewhere", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on being asked to leave he accused the shopkeeper of being a terrorist and playing a part in the bombings .\" What is the definition of \"bombing\"?"} {"term": "bigeye", "pos": "", "context": "while i was observing a dense mass of postlarval bigeyes circling a night light in the bahamas , some gray snappers arrived on the scene and began to prey upon the small fish .", "definition": "a reddish fish with large eyes which lives in moderately deep waters of the tropical atlantic and the western indian ocean .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"while i was observing a dense mass of postlarval bigeyes circling a night light in the bahamas , some gray snappers arrived on the scene and began to prey upon the small fish .\" What is the definition of \"bigeye\"?"} {"term": "puff", "pos": "", "context": "from crimped waves to afro puffs , fringed ends to soft waves , hair that gets noticed for being anything but flat is where it 's at .", "definition": "a rolled protuberant mass of hair", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"from crimped waves to afro puffs , fringed ends to soft waves , hair that gets noticed for being anything but flat is where it 's at .\" What is the definition of \"puff\"?"} {"term": "psychedelic", "pos": "", "context": "they said they had great respect for lsd and other psychedelic drugs , and were well aware of their potential dangers .", "definition": "relating to or denoting drugs ( especially lsd ) that produce hallucinations and apparent expansion of consciousness", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they said they had great respect for lsd and other psychedelic drugs , and were well aware of their potential dangers .\" What is the definition of \"psychedelic\"?"} {"term": "newsreel", "pos": "", "context": "the first cinema newsreels ever were filmed at the front during the anglo-boer war .", "definition": "a short film of news and current affairs , formerly made for showing as part of the programme in a cinema .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the first cinema newsreels ever were filmed at the front during the anglo-boer war .\" What is the definition of \"newsreel\"?"} {"term": "meconium", "pos": "", "context": "in 95 percent of newborns , meconium is passed by 24 hours of age .", "definition": "the dark green substance forming the first faeces of a newborn infant .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in 95 percent of newborns , meconium is passed by 24 hours of age .\" What is the definition of \"meconium\"?"} {"term": "belong", "pos": "", "context": "much of the success belongs to the committee members who gave of their time , talents and ideas to help raise awareness and dollars for such a worthwhile cause .", "definition": "be due to", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"much of the success belongs to the committee members who gave of their time , talents and ideas to help raise awareness and dollars for such a worthwhile cause .\" What is the definition of \"belong\"?"} {"term": "inconvenience", "pos": "", "context": "he had even parked on the other side of the road , facing the oncoming traffic so that he would n't be inconvenienced by having to move to the passenger seat .", "definition": "cause trouble or difficulty to", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had even parked on the other side of the road , facing the oncoming traffic so that he would n't be inconvenienced by having to move to the passenger seat .\" What is the definition of \"inconvenience\"?"} {"term": "inconvenience", "pos": "", "context": "however , while inconvenience for many people had been substantial , it was a near miracle that no serious damage to property had occurred .", "definition": "the state or fact of being troublesome or difficult with regard to one 's personal requirements or comfort", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"however , while inconvenience for many people had been substantial , it was a near miracle that no serious damage to property had occurred .\" What is the definition of \"inconvenience\"?"} {"term": "romanian", "pos": "", "context": "although it was influenced linguistically by invaders and neighbours ( turks and greeks ) , romanian is a romance language , with obvious implications for the character of its folk music .", "definition": "the language of romania , a romance language influenced by the neighbouring slavic languages . it is spoken by over 23 million people in romania itself and by the majority of the population of moldova .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"although it was influenced linguistically by invaders and neighbours ( turks and greeks ) , romanian is a romance language , with obvious implications for the character of its folk music .\" What is the definition of \"romanian\"?"} {"term": "quarter", "pos": "", "context": "the fall quarter ends at christmas", "definition": "one of four periods into which the school year is divided", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the fall quarter ends at christmas\" What is the definition of \"quarter\"?"} {"term": "quarter", "pos": "", "context": "it 's a quarter til 4", "definition": "a unit of time equal to 15 minutes or a quarter of an hour", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's a quarter til 4\" What is the definition of \"quarter\"?"} {"term": "quarter", "pos": "", "context": "unemployment fell during the last quarter", "definition": "a fourth part of a year ; three months", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unemployment fell during the last quarter\" What is the definition of \"quarter\"?"} {"term": "gird", "pos": "", "context": "soon his shoes were being girded with golden spurs .", "definition": "secure ( a garment or sword ) on the body with a belt or band", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"soon his shoes were being girded with golden spurs .\" What is the definition of \"gird\"?"} {"term": "oyster", "pos": "", "context": "tip the bird over slightly , and with the point of the knife remove the oyster and the small dark portion found on the side-bone .", "definition": "an oyster-shaped morsel of meat on each side of the backbone in poultry .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tip the bird over slightly , and with the point of the knife remove the oyster and the small dark portion found on the side-bone .\" What is the definition of \"oyster\"?"} {"term": "oyster", "pos": "", "context": "with unbounded flair , tia couples opalescent shades of princess and oyster in the finest cotton with stiff denim to capture the edgy allure of modern london .", "definition": "a shade of greyish white .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with unbounded flair , tia couples opalescent shades of princess and oyster in the finest cotton with stiff denim to capture the edgy allure of modern london .\" What is the definition of \"oyster\"?"} {"term": "prostitute", "pos": "", "context": "and for the rest of us who prostitute ourselves in non-sexual ways ?", "definition": "put ( oneself or one 's talents ) to an unworthy or corrupt use for personal or financial gain", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and for the rest of us who prostitute ourselves in non-sexual ways ?\" What is the definition of \"prostitute\"?"} {"term": "gigahertz", "pos": "", "context": "all the wireless usage was taking place in the frequency known as 2.4 gigahertz , where signals cycle 2.4 billion times a second .", "definition": "a measure of frequency equivalent to one thousand million ( 10⁹ ) cycles per second .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all the wireless usage was taking place in the frequency known as 2.4 gigahertz , where signals cycle 2.4 billion times a second .\" What is the definition of \"gigahertz\"?"} {"term": "metier", "pos": "", "context": "in law he found his true metier", "definition": "an occupation for which you are especially well suited", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in law he found his true metier\" What is the definition of \"metier\"?"} {"term": "roe", "pos": "", "context": "add the sake to the codfish soft roe and mix to combine .", "definition": "the ripe testes of a male fish , especially when used as food .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"add the sake to the codfish soft roe and mix to combine .\" What is the definition of \"roe\"?"} {"term": "dynamite", "pos": "", "context": "the wardencliff tower sat until 1914 when it was dynamited by someone .", "definition": "blow up ( something ) with dynamite", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the wardencliff tower sat until 1914 when it was dynamited by someone .\" What is the definition of \"dynamite\"?"} {"term": "instrument", "pos": "", "context": "the part 572 subpart l free motion headform was instrumented with a critically damped entran triaxial accelerometer .", "definition": "equip ( something ) with measuring instruments", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the part 572 subpart l free motion headform was instrumented with a critically damped entran triaxial accelerometer .\" What is the definition of \"instrument\"?"} {"term": "instrument", "pos": "", "context": "the chlorophyll content was measured with an instrument called a spad meter which is sensitive to slight chlorophyll differences .", "definition": "a measuring device used to gauge the level , position , speed , etc . of something , especially a motor vehicle or aircraft", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the chlorophyll content was measured with an instrument called a spad meter which is sensitive to slight chlorophyll differences .\" What is the definition of \"instrument\"?"} {"term": "raster", "pos": "", "context": "for raster scan pattern the correlation of a series of images appears on three different timescales .", "definition": "a rectangular pattern of parallel scanning lines followed by the electron beam on a television screen or computer monitor", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for raster scan pattern the correlation of a series of images appears on three different timescales .\" What is the definition of \"raster\"?"} {"term": "strait", "pos": "", "context": "incensed with rage , he commands that his wife should be carried to strait prison until they heard further of his pleasure .", "definition": "close , strict , or rigorous", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"incensed with rage , he commands that his wife should be carried to strait prison until they heard further of his pleasure .\" What is the definition of \"strait\"?"} {"term": "strip", "pos": "", "context": "between each plot , there 's a strip of no-man 's land disguised as a hedge or a ditch .", "definition": "a long , narrow area of land", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"between each plot , there 's a strip of no-man 's land disguised as a hedge or a ditch .\" What is the definition of \"strip\"?"} {"term": "strip", "pos": "", "context": "there is also a question of whether there is a scheme of dividend stripping .", "definition": "divest ( a bond ) of its interest coupons so that it and they may be sold separately .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is also a question of whether there is a scheme of dividend stripping .\" What is the definition of \"strip\"?"} {"term": "strip", "pos": "", "context": "strip tobacco", "definition": "strip the cured leaves from", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"strip tobacco\" What is the definition of \"strip\"?"} {"term": "trophoblast", "pos": "", "context": "after implantation of the blastocyst in the uterine wall the trophoblast divides into two layers , the chorion and the placenta", "definition": "the membrane that forms the wall of the blastocyst in early development ; aids implantation in the uterine wall", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after implantation of the blastocyst in the uterine wall the trophoblast divides into two layers , the chorion and the placenta\" What is the definition of \"trophoblast\"?"} {"term": "country", "pos": "", "context": "the objective evidence that the violence from the gia are mainly confined to the country areas .", "definition": "districts and small settlements outside large urban areas or the capital", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the objective evidence that the violence from the gia are mainly confined to the country areas .\" What is the definition of \"country\"?"} {"term": "handicap", "pos": "", "context": "those born to poor parents are handicapped from birth by poor schooling , poor healthcare , and frequently poor nutrition .", "definition": "place ( someone ) at a disadvantage", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"those born to poor parents are handicapped from birth by poor schooling , poor healthcare , and frequently poor nutrition .\" What is the definition of \"handicap\"?"} {"term": "handicap", "pos": "", "context": "in reality , this will probably mean improving his golf handicap of 21 .", "definition": "a disadvantage imposed on a superior competitor in sports such as golf , horse racing , and competitive sailing in order to make the chances more equal .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in reality , this will probably mean improving his golf handicap of 21 .\" What is the definition of \"handicap\"?"} {"term": "foliate", "pos": "", "context": "the newly discovered manuscript had in fact been foliated and the figures are omitted from the plates .", "definition": "number the leaves of ( a book ) rather than the pages .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the newly discovered manuscript had in fact been foliated and the figures are omitted from the plates .\" What is the definition of \"foliate\"?"} {"term": "foliate", "pos": "", "context": "the tree foliated in spring", "definition": "grow leaves", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the tree foliated in spring\" What is the definition of \"foliate\"?"} {"term": "throwster", "pos": "", "context": "i laid out layers of colour and added various fancy yarns , metallic threads , throwsters silk , silk tops , and even some alpaca fleece given to me by a friend with her own herd of alpacas .", "definition": "a person who twists silk fibres into thread .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i laid out layers of colour and added various fancy yarns , metallic threads , throwsters silk , silk tops , and even some alpaca fleece given to me by a friend with her own herd of alpacas .\" What is the definition of \"throwster\"?"} {"term": "riparian", "pos": "", "context": "with their support , we can improve and protect the stream and riparian habitats upon which the imperiled wildlife of the green river fauna depends .", "definition": "relating to wetlands adjacent to rivers and streams", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with their support , we can improve and protect the stream and riparian habitats upon which the imperiled wildlife of the green river fauna depends .\" What is the definition of \"riparian\"?"} {"term": "pic", "pos": "", "context": "i tried taking some videos today with the digicam , so no pics to post for now .", "definition": "a photograph or cinema film", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i tried taking some videos today with the digicam , so no pics to post for now .\" What is the definition of \"pic\"?"} {"term": "bottler", "pos": "", "context": "but a loophole has recently allowed one bottler to divorce itself from this system of inconsistent state and federal rules .", "definition": "a person with little mental strength or resilience", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but a loophole has recently allowed one bottler to divorce itself from this system of inconsistent state and federal rules .\" What is the definition of \"bottler\"?"} {"term": "dish", "pos": "", "context": "marriage was scarcely his dish", "definition": "an activity that you like or at which you are superior", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"marriage was scarcely his dish\" What is the definition of \"dish\"?"} {"term": "dish", "pos": "", "context": "their mistakes were made all the more unpalatable by the largesse with which our cash is dished out to undeserving causes .", "definition": "dispense something in a casual or indiscriminate way", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their mistakes were made all the more unpalatable by the largesse with which our cash is dished out to undeserving causes .\" What is the definition of \"dish\"?"} {"term": "dish", "pos": "", "context": "she prepared a special dish for dinner", "definition": "a particular item of prepared food", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she prepared a special dish for dinner\" What is the definition of \"dish\"?"} {"term": "long", "pos": "", "context": "issuers who are unwilling to pay the price to sell these long securities can instead sell shorter maturities .", "definition": "( of a security ) maturing at a distant date .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"issuers who are unwilling to pay the price to sell these long securities can instead sell shorter maturities .\" What is the definition of \"long\"?"} {"term": "long", "pos": "", "context": "we wo n't wait any longer for this country 's children have health care and a quality education .", "definition": "after an implied point of time", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we wo n't wait any longer for this country 's children have health care and a quality education .\" What is the definition of \"long\"?"} {"term": "long", "pos": "", "context": "she has long straight blonde hair , which she usually wears in a ponytail .", "definition": "measuring a great distance from end to end", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she has long straight blonde hair , which she usually wears in a ponytail .\" What is the definition of \"long\"?"} {"term": "long", "pos": "", "context": "sos is three longs , followed by three shorts , and another three longs .", "definition": "a long sound such as a long signal in morse code or a long vowel or syllable", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sos is three longs , followed by three shorts , and another three longs .\" What is the definition of \"long\"?"} {"term": "long", "pos": "", "context": "picking up a long pole with a hooked end , a farmer plucks down a pod and cleaves it open with a cutlass .", "definition": "of elongated shape", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"picking up a long pole with a hooked end , a farmer plucks down a pod and cleaves it open with a cutlass .\" What is the definition of \"long\"?"} {"term": "fingermark", "pos": "", "context": "there were fingermarks on the pelican 's neck where it was held very tightly while someone hit it with something heavy .", "definition": "a mark left on a surface by a dirty or greasy finger", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there were fingermarks on the pelican 's neck where it was held very tightly while someone hit it with something heavy .\" What is the definition of \"fingermark\"?"} {"term": "propellant", "pos": "", "context": "these substances , also known as freons , were once used extensively as coolant fluids in refrigerators and air conditioners , and as propellants in aerosol cans .", "definition": "an inert fluid , liquefied under pressure , in which the active contents of an aerosol are dispersed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these substances , also known as freons , were once used extensively as coolant fluids in refrigerators and air conditioners , and as propellants in aerosol cans .\" What is the definition of \"propellant\"?"} {"term": "propellant", "pos": "", "context": "it is necessary that all field artillery officers understand the different types of propellants , projectiles , fuzes , and their proper use , so that we can supervise our subordinates .", "definition": "an explosive that fires bullets from a firearm", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is necessary that all field artillery officers understand the different types of propellants , projectiles , fuzes , and their proper use , so that we can supervise our subordinates .\" What is the definition of \"propellant\"?"} {"term": "adherence", "pos": "", "context": "it causes diarrhea by adherence to the small intestine .", "definition": "the quality or process of sticking fast to an object or surface", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it causes diarrhea by adherence to the small intestine .\" What is the definition of \"adherence\"?"} {"term": "standby", "pos": "", "context": "it serves as a timely reminder , though , that i am very bad at leaving appliances - computer , cd players - on , or tv on standby , overnight or when i 'm out .", "definition": "an operational mode of an electrical appliance in which the power is switched on but the appliance is not actually functioning", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it serves as a timely reminder , though , that i am very bad at leaving appliances - computer , cd players - on , or tv on standby , overnight or when i 'm out .\" What is the definition of \"standby\"?"} {"term": "standby", "pos": "", "context": "voters will go to the polls today with 95,000 police on the streets and 100,000 troops on standby for immediate deployment .", "definition": "readiness for duty or immediate deployment", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"voters will go to the polls today with 95,000 police on the streets and 100,000 troops on standby for immediate deployment .\" What is the definition of \"standby\"?"} {"term": "ejido", "pos": "", "context": "‘ there is no one left to defend the land , ’ says ángel , regarding a recent incident where a patch of trees had been cut down without the knowledge of the community - a direct violation of the ejido system of communal land use .", "definition": "( in mexico ) a piece of land farmed communally under a system supported by the state", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ there is no one left to defend the land , ’ says ángel , regarding a recent incident where a patch of trees had been cut down without the knowledge of the community - a direct violation of the ejido system of communal land use .\" What is the definition of \"ejido\"?"} {"term": "eastward", "pos": "", "context": "what had happened ‘ at the eastward , ’ and what valence did those events retain in salem ?", "definition": "the direction or region towards the east", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"what had happened ‘ at the eastward , ’ and what valence did those events retain in salem ?\" What is the definition of \"eastward\"?"} {"term": "eastward", "pos": "", "context": "a web of rivers flowed eastwards from the drakensberg mountains to the sea .", "definition": "towards the east", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a web of rivers flowed eastwards from the drakensberg mountains to the sea .\" What is the definition of \"eastward\"?"} {"term": "purloin", "pos": "", "context": "robert aickman , who wrote some of the finest supernatural fiction of the 20th century , purloined the word to describe the effect he strove for in his work .", "definition": "steal ( something )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"robert aickman , who wrote some of the finest supernatural fiction of the 20th century , purloined the word to describe the effect he strove for in his work .\" What is the definition of \"purloin\"?"} {"term": "inaptness", "pos": "", "context": "greater inaptness of expression would be hard to imagine", "definition": "inappropriateness", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"greater inaptness of expression would be hard to imagine\" What is the definition of \"inaptness\"?"} {"term": "col", "pos": "", "context": "thereafter the major system , which was present in the mid-atlantic , weakened considerably and became little more than a col between the two anticyclones , one receding as the new one advanced .", "definition": "a region of slightly elevated pressure between two anticyclones .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"thereafter the major system , which was present in the mid-atlantic , weakened considerably and became little more than a col between the two anticyclones , one receding as the new one advanced .\" What is the definition of \"col\"?"} {"term": "hindrance", "pos": "", "context": "lack of experience leads to doubt which forms one of the five hindrances .", "definition": "a thing that provides resistance , delay , or obstruction to something or someone", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lack of experience leads to doubt which forms one of the five hindrances .\" What is the definition of \"hindrance\"?"} {"term": "time", "pos": "", "context": "we were going to have to get very busy and make a lot of contacts if we were to achieve our objectives in such a short space of time .", "definition": "the continued progress of existence as affecting people and things", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we were going to have to get very busy and make a lot of contacts if we were to achieve our objectives in such a short space of time .\" What is the definition of \"time\"?"} {"term": "time", "pos": "", "context": "the music is written in 3/4 time , which means there are three beats to a bar of music .", "definition": "the tempo at which a piece of music is played or marked to be played .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the music is written in 3/4 time , which means there are three beats to a bar of music .\" What is the definition of \"time\"?"} {"term": "time", "pos": "", "context": "it reminded me of a time many years before when a guy asked me did i want to come in for coffee .", "definition": "an indefinite period", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it reminded me of a time many years before when a guy asked me did i want to come in for coffee .\" What is the definition of \"time\"?"} {"term": "lumber", "pos": "", "context": "but the humpback gives the lie to the notion that things of great bulk move only by lumbering .", "definition": "move in a slow , heavy , awkward way", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but the humpback gives the lie to the notion that things of great bulk move only by lumbering .\" What is the definition of \"lumber\"?"} {"term": "dissipation", "pos": "", "context": "wasteful dissipation of resources has become associated more with the public sector than the private sector , especially since the collapse of the soviet union has revealed the worst excesses of public kleptocracy .", "definition": "the squandering of money , energy , or resources", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wasteful dissipation of resources has become associated more with the public sector than the private sector , especially since the collapse of the soviet union has revealed the worst excesses of public kleptocracy .\" What is the definition of \"dissipation\"?"} {"term": "ground", "pos": "", "context": "they gained ground step by step", "definition": "a position to be won or defended in battle ( or as if in battle )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they gained ground step by step\" What is the definition of \"ground\"?"} {"term": "ground", "pos": "", "context": "if theo wanted independence , henry grounded him .", "definition": "( of a parent ) refuse to allow ( a child ) to go out socially as a punishment", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if theo wanted independence , henry grounded him .\" What is the definition of \"ground\"?"} {"term": "ground", "pos": "", "context": "he grounded to the second baseman", "definition": "hit a groundball", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he grounded to the second baseman\" What is the definition of \"ground\"?"} {"term": "ground", "pos": "", "context": "she landed in the moist ground , sobbing , and wishing that the car would turn around .", "definition": "land of a specified kind", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she landed in the moist ground , sobbing , and wishing that the car would turn around .\" What is the definition of \"ground\"?"} {"term": "artwork", "pos": "", "context": "but there is a big difference between the artwork and its publication in the mass media .", "definition": "illustrations , photographs , or other non-textual material prepared for inclusion in a publication", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but there is a big difference between the artwork and its publication in the mass media .\" What is the definition of \"artwork\"?"} {"term": "artwork", "pos": "", "context": "view five featured exceptional artworks by international and irish artists .", "definition": "paintings , drawings , or other artistic works", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"view five featured exceptional artworks by international and irish artists .\" What is the definition of \"artwork\"?"} {"term": "merchant", "pos": "", "context": "he can expect to find sampras , the ultimate serve and volley merchant , claiming a position netside with the same sort of voracity with which a german holidaymaker stakes his claim poolside .", "definition": "a person who has a liking for a particular activity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he can expect to find sampras , the ultimate serve and volley merchant , claiming a position netside with the same sort of voracity with which a german holidaymaker stakes his claim poolside .\" What is the definition of \"merchant\"?"} {"term": "chambray", "pos": "", "context": "he had no baggage and was dressed in blue jeans and a chambray shirt topped by a brown stetson .", "definition": "a cloth with a white weft and a coloured warp .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had no baggage and was dressed in blue jeans and a chambray shirt topped by a brown stetson .\" What is the definition of \"chambray\"?"} {"term": "poll", "pos": "", "context": "sirius is currently polling existing satellite radio customers to determine what content would sell well in vehicles .", "definition": "record the opinion or vote of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sirius is currently polling existing satellite radio customers to determine what content would sell well in vehicles .\" What is the definition of \"poll\"?"} {"term": "poll", "pos": "", "context": "a poll goat is one that is naturally hornless ie . it will never grow horns without needing to be disbudded .", "definition": "a hornless animal , especially one of a breed of hornless cattle .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a poll goat is one that is naturally hornless ie . it will never grow horns without needing to be disbudded .\" What is the definition of \"poll\"?"} {"term": "poll", "pos": "", "context": "now the idiot parson has polled them into wretched stumps .", "definition": "cut off the top of ( a tree or plant ) , typically to encourage further growth ; pollard", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"now the idiot parson has polled them into wretched stumps .\" What is the definition of \"poll\"?"} {"term": "lyric", "pos": "", "context": "the lyric stage", "definition": "relating to or being musical drama", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the lyric stage\" What is the definition of \"lyric\"?"} {"term": "lyric", "pos": "", "context": "levis saw among his generation of poets a ‘ new homelessness , ’ which meant a lack of identity he saw best attended by a poetry more narrative than lyric .", "definition": "lyric poetry as a literary genre", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"levis saw among his generation of poets a ‘ new homelessness , ’ which meant a lack of identity he saw best attended by a poetry more narrative than lyric .\" What is the definition of \"lyric\"?"} {"term": "lyric", "pos": "", "context": "what 's your favorite quote , verse , lyric or poem ?", "definition": "the words of a popular song", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"what 's your favorite quote , verse , lyric or poem ?\" What is the definition of \"lyric\"?"} {"term": "serpentine", "pos": "", "context": "gladiator weds the heroic scope of movies like ben-hur , spartacus , braveheart , and rob roy with the serpentine political treachery of i , claudius .", "definition": "complex , cunning , or treacherous", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gladiator weds the heroic scope of movies like ben-hur , spartacus , braveheart , and rob roy with the serpentine political treachery of i , claudius .\" What is the definition of \"serpentine\"?"} {"term": "serpentine", "pos": "", "context": "they complement each other wonderfully , their serpentine lines constantly weaving in and out , creating a dense tapestry .", "definition": "winding and twisting like a snake", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they complement each other wonderfully , their serpentine lines constantly weaving in and out , creating a dense tapestry .\" What is the definition of \"serpentine\"?"} {"term": "indivisible", "pos": "", "context": "the last sequence is of course the sequence of prime numbers , the indivisible numbers that can only be divided by themselves and one .", "definition": "( of a number ) unable to be divided by another number exactly without leaving a remainder .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the last sequence is of course the sequence of prime numbers , the indivisible numbers that can only be divided by themselves and one .\" What is the definition of \"indivisible\"?"} {"term": "smoking", "pos": "", "context": "mystra replied , her gaze once again returning to the smoking embers of the fire .", "definition": "emitting smoke or visible vapour", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mystra replied , her gaze once again returning to the smoking embers of the fire .\" What is the definition of \"smoking\"?"} {"term": "collaboration", "pos": "", "context": "the play is being written by anthony cullen in collaboration with students and teachers at st. edward 's .", "definition": "the action of working with someone to produce something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the play is being written by anthony cullen in collaboration with students and teachers at st. edward 's .\" What is the definition of \"collaboration\"?"} {"term": "collaboration", "pos": "", "context": "it was later vilified for the extent of its co-operation with the regime , accused of collaboration .", "definition": "traitorous cooperation with an enemy", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was later vilified for the extent of its co-operation with the regime , accused of collaboration .\" What is the definition of \"collaboration\"?"} {"term": "collaboration", "pos": "", "context": "they worked either in collaboration or independently", "definition": "act of working jointly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they worked either in collaboration or independently\" What is the definition of \"collaboration\"?"} {"term": "save", "pos": "", "context": "the goalie made a brilliant save", "definition": "( sports ) the act of preventing the opposition from scoring", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the goalie made a brilliant save\" What is the definition of \"save\"?"} {"term": "save", "pos": "", "context": "you 'd be surprised how many points are saved and thrown away in the latter stage of the game .", "definition": "prevent an opponent from scoring ( a goal or point ) in a game or from winning ( the game )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you 'd be surprised how many points are saved and thrown away in the latter stage of the game .\" What is the definition of \"save\"?"} {"term": "patency", "pos": "", "context": "we also found that nasal patency decreased as room temperatures increased .", "definition": "the condition of being open or unobstructed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we also found that nasal patency decreased as room temperatures increased .\" What is the definition of \"patency\"?"} {"term": "gloss", "pos": "", "context": "not only are all statements susceptible to interpretation and qualification , but it is scarcely possible to understand any sophisticated statement without interpretation or gloss .", "definition": "an explanation , interpretation , or paraphrase of a text", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"not only are all statements susceptible to interpretation and qualification , but it is scarcely possible to understand any sophisticated statement without interpretation or gloss .\" What is the definition of \"gloss\"?"} {"term": "transformation", "pos": "", "context": "in the essay , however , the trip took on something of an arabian nights adventure and a theatrical transformation scene .", "definition": "a sudden dramatic change of scenery on stage .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the essay , however , the trip took on something of an arabian nights adventure and a theatrical transformation scene .\" What is the definition of \"transformation\"?"} {"term": "blackbird", "pos": "", "context": "if no berries remain , having been stripped earlier by blackbirds and mistle thrushes , they perish .", "definition": "an old world thrush with mainly black plumage .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if no berries remain , having been stripped earlier by blackbirds and mistle thrushes , they perish .\" What is the definition of \"blackbird\"?"} {"term": "detour", "pos": "", "context": "travelling with her parents to their new home in the countryside , they take a detour to explore an old-fashioned japanese bath-house , which is actually a bath-house for spirits .", "definition": "a long or roundabout route that is taken to avoid something or to visit somewhere along the way", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"travelling with her parents to their new home in the countryside , they take a detour to explore an old-fashioned japanese bath-house , which is actually a bath-house for spirits .\" What is the definition of \"detour\"?"} {"term": "clip", "pos": "", "context": "the statues and trees looked tiny from up high , as did the hedges that had been clipped into elaborate shapes by the skilled gardeners , into birds and animals .", "definition": "cut short or trim ( hair , vegetation , etc . ) with shears or scissors", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the statues and trees looked tiny from up high , as did the hedges that had been clipped into elaborate shapes by the skilled gardeners , into birds and animals .\" What is the definition of \"clip\"?"} {"term": "clip", "pos": "", "context": "somehow we were under the impression that money clips were old hat , replaced by wallets and purses .", "definition": "a clip for holding banknotes", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"somehow we were under the impression that money clips were old hat , replaced by wallets and purses .\" What is the definition of \"clip\"?"} {"term": "wahoo", "pos": "", "context": "weeds in blue water attract significant numbers of sailfish and wahoo during the summer months .", "definition": "a large predatory tropical marine fish of the mackerel family , prized as a game fish .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"weeds in blue water attract significant numbers of sailfish and wahoo during the summer months .\" What is the definition of \"wahoo\"?"} {"term": "bond", "pos": "", "context": "bricks shall be laid in running or stretcher bond with control joints as noted on drawings .", "definition": "a pattern in which bricks are laid in order to ensure the strength of the resulting structure", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bricks shall be laid in running or stretcher bond with control joints as noted on drawings .\" What is the definition of \"bond\"?"} {"term": "bond", "pos": "", "context": "the horses also help campers bond with your camp .", "definition": "establish a relationship or link with someone based on shared feelings , interests , or experiences", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the horses also help campers bond with your camp .\" What is the definition of \"bond\"?"} {"term": "putter", "pos": "", "context": "the sisters spend their days doing little more than puttering in the garden and bickering over dinner .", "definition": "move with or make a puttering sound", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sisters spend their days doing little more than puttering in the garden and bickering over dinner .\" What is the definition of \"putter\"?"} {"term": "sponsor", "pos": "", "context": "the japanese do n't have a tradition of raising money by sponsored walks , nor generally of giving to charity , unlike in the west .", "definition": "pledge to donate money to a participant in ( a fund-raising event )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the japanese do n't have a tradition of raising money by sponsored walks , nor generally of giving to charity , unlike in the west .\" What is the definition of \"sponsor\"?"} {"term": "strangulate", "pos": "", "context": "the hernia will strangulate", "definition": "become constricted", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the hernia will strangulate\" What is the definition of \"strangulate\"?"} {"term": "strangulate", "pos": "", "context": "pain is not common but can occur when the pile is strangulated or clotted .", "definition": "prevent circulation of the blood supply through ( a part of the body , especially a hernia ) by constriction", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pain is not common but can occur when the pile is strangulated or clotted .\" What is the definition of \"strangulate\"?"} {"term": "sadness", "pos": "", "context": "yet you are never far from reminders of the sadness and regret that suffuses the mind of the composer .", "definition": "the condition or quality of being sad", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"yet you are never far from reminders of the sadness and regret that suffuses the mind of the composer .\" What is the definition of \"sadness\"?"} {"term": "soft", "pos": "", "context": "walking through the woods in northern ireland on a clear blue day , alex smiled at the soft breeze that ruffled his hair .", "definition": "not strong or violent", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"walking through the woods in northern ireland on a clear blue day , alex smiled at the soft breeze that ruffled his hair .\" What is the definition of \"soft\"?"} {"term": "pig", "pos": "", "context": "with the help of some farmers around , we kept two pigs fed on our leftovers .", "definition": "an omnivorous domesticated hoofed mammal with sparse bristly hair and a flat snout for rooting in the soil , kept for its meat .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with the help of some farmers around , we kept two pigs fed on our leftovers .\" What is the definition of \"pig\"?"} {"term": "pig", "pos": "", "context": "apparently rural hunters use dogs to hunt down and kill feral pigs .", "definition": "a wild animal of the pig family ; a hog .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"apparently rural hunters use dogs to hunt down and kill feral pigs .\" What is the definition of \"pig\"?"} {"term": "pig", "pos": "", "context": "since the last time i was here , the hotel had added sausage , bacon and eggs to their buffet breakfast and we lingered , savoured or pigged out if you prefer .", "definition": "gorge oneself with food", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"since the last time i was here , the hotel had added sausage , bacon and eggs to their buffet breakfast and we lingered , savoured or pigged out if you prefer .\" What is the definition of \"pig\"?"} {"term": "pig", "pos": "", "context": "entry fee includes green fee , caddy , european and thai food , and pig on a spit .", "definition": "the flesh of a pig as food .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"entry fee includes green fee , caddy , european and thai food , and pig on a spit .\" What is the definition of \"pig\"?"} {"term": "stomp", "pos": "", "context": "the men stomped through the snow in their heavy boots", "definition": "walk heavily", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the men stomped through the snow in their heavy boots\" What is the definition of \"stomp\"?"} {"term": "stomp", "pos": "", "context": "in the stomp dance , as in all facets of traditional cherokee life , women and men follow anciently prescribed roles that complement each other and make it possible for cherokees to live balanced lives .", "definition": "a lively dance performed to music with a fast tempo and heavy beat , involving stamping", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the stomp dance , as in all facets of traditional cherokee life , women and men follow anciently prescribed roles that complement each other and make it possible for cherokees to live balanced lives .\" What is the definition of \"stomp\"?"} {"term": "stomp", "pos": "", "context": "a revivalist stomp and blissed-out sludge chords fight for transcendence in ‘ dead for a sun . ’", "definition": "( in jazz or popular music ) a tune or song with a fast tempo and a heavy beat .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a revivalist stomp and blissed-out sludge chords fight for transcendence in ‘ dead for a sun . ’\" What is the definition of \"stomp\"?"} {"term": "mince", "pos": "", "context": "a mince of mushrooms", "definition": "food chopped into small bits", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a mince of mushrooms\" What is the definition of \"mince\"?"} {"term": "mince", "pos": "", "context": "truman capote may have been the only man who could mince while slouching ; that takes exceptional skill .", "definition": "walk with short quick steps in an affectedly dainty manner", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"truman capote may have been the only man who could mince while slouching ; that takes exceptional skill .\" What is the definition of \"mince\"?"} {"term": "joker", "pos": "", "context": "but the time has surely come to blow the whistle on these jokers .", "definition": "a foolish or inept person", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but the time has surely come to blow the whistle on these jokers .\" What is the definition of \"joker\"?"} {"term": "electro-acoustic", "pos": "", "context": "the versatility of an electro-acoustic with the comforting , homely feel of an electric .", "definition": "an electro-acoustic guitar .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the versatility of an electro-acoustic with the comforting , homely feel of an electric .\" What is the definition of \"electro-acoustic\"?"} {"term": "apex", "pos": "", "context": "up in the heights of the room , bross could barely pick out the small windows that lined the apex of the ceiling .", "definition": "the top or highest part of something , especially one forming a point", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"up in the heights of the room , bross could barely pick out the small windows that lined the apex of the ceiling .\" What is the definition of \"apex\"?"} {"term": "hiker", "pos": "", "context": "this hotel is the among the biggest rate hikers according to the survey .", "definition": "a person or group that sharply increases something , especially a price", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this hotel is the among the biggest rate hikers according to the survey .\" What is the definition of \"hiker\"?"} {"term": "universal", "pos": "", "context": "conceptualists hold that universals are mental constructions and traditional nominalists hold that either universals are linguistic constructions or they do not exist at all .", "definition": "a nature or essence signified by a general term .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"conceptualists hold that universals are mental constructions and traditional nominalists hold that either universals are linguistic constructions or they do not exist at all .\" What is the definition of \"universal\"?"} {"term": "universal", "pos": "", "context": "in motor vehicles a universal joint allows the driveshaft to move up and down as the vehicle passes over bumps", "definition": "coupling that connects two rotating shafts allowing freedom of movement in all directions", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in motor vehicles a universal joint allows the driveshaft to move up and down as the vehicle passes over bumps\" What is the definition of \"universal\"?"} {"term": "excrescence", "pos": "", "context": "going further , fiction that celebrates darkness and destruction without the redemption of new insight is at best a useless excrescence and at worst a kind of dangerous pollution .", "definition": "an unattractive or superfluous object or feature", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"going further , fiction that celebrates darkness and destruction without the redemption of new insight is at best a useless excrescence and at worst a kind of dangerous pollution .\" What is the definition of \"excrescence\"?"} {"term": "clammy", "pos": "", "context": "soon the lingering sent of burning coal permeated the clammy air .", "definition": "( of air or atmosphere ) damp and unpleasant", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"soon the lingering sent of burning coal permeated the clammy air .\" What is the definition of \"clammy\"?"} {"term": "tease", "pos": "", "context": "he ignored their teases", "definition": "the act of harassing someone playfully or maliciously ( especially by ridicule ) ; provoking someone with persistent annoyances", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he ignored their teases\" What is the definition of \"tease\"?"} {"term": "tease", "pos": "", "context": "she then teased this section and smoothed it back to meet the ponytail .", "definition": "backcomb ( hair ) in order to make it appear fuller", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she then teased this section and smoothed it back to meet the ponytail .\" What is the definition of \"tease\"?"} {"term": "teacup", "pos": "", "context": "his mother came in a moment later with a tray with two teacups full of coffee , some sugar and a small container of cream .", "definition": "a cup from which tea is drunk .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his mother came in a moment later with a tray with two teacups full of coffee , some sugar and a small container of cream .\" What is the definition of \"teacup\"?"} {"term": "cumin", "pos": "", "context": "put in the salt , ground cumin , ground coriander , lemon juice and cayenne .", "definition": "the aromatic seeds of a plant of the parsley family , used as a spice , especially ground and used in curry powder", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"put in the salt , ground cumin , ground coriander , lemon juice and cayenne .\" What is the definition of \"cumin\"?"} {"term": "demoiselle", "pos": "", "context": "the goddess , clad in a diaphanous robe , overawes the medieval demoiselles who have gathered to admire their reflections in a mountain pool .", "definition": "a young woman .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the goddess , clad in a diaphanous robe , overawes the medieval demoiselles who have gathered to admire their reflections in a mountain pool .\" What is the definition of \"demoiselle\"?"} {"term": "cannonball", "pos": "", "context": "a nearby black hole , hurtling like a cannonball through the plane of our milky way , has provided possibly the best evidence yet that stellar-mass black holes are made in supernova explosions .", "definition": "a round metal or stone projectile fired from a cannon .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a nearby black hole , hurtling like a cannonball through the plane of our milky way , has provided possibly the best evidence yet that stellar-mass black holes are made in supernova explosions .\" What is the definition of \"cannonball\"?"} {"term": "remnant", "pos": "", "context": "the coalfield represents an erosional remnant of the south wales coal basin preserved within the variscan fold belt .", "definition": "a part or quantity that is left after the greater part has been used , removed , or destroyed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the coalfield represents an erosional remnant of the south wales coal basin preserved within the variscan fold belt .\" What is the definition of \"remnant\"?"} {"term": "jangle", "pos": "", "context": "a jangle of locks being unlocked sounded and then the gate jerked open .", "definition": "a ringing metallic sound", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a jangle of locks being unlocked sounded and then the gate jerked open .\" What is the definition of \"jangle\"?"} {"term": "biped", "pos": "", "context": "australopithecus postcranial skeletons demonstrate that these forms were upright bipeds .", "definition": "an animal that uses two legs for walking .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"australopithecus postcranial skeletons demonstrate that these forms were upright bipeds .\" What is the definition of \"biped\"?"} {"term": "genome", "pos": "", "context": "while hiv is good at adding genes to cells ' genomes , it does not target lung epithelial cells .", "definition": "the complete set of genes or genetic material present in a cell or organism .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"while hiv is good at adding genes to cells ' genomes , it does not target lung epithelial cells .\" What is the definition of \"genome\"?"} {"term": "patch", "pos": "", "context": "the english and french gentry used patch boxes in which to keep beauty patches as well as patches to cover pox scars .", "definition": "a small disc of black silk worn attached to the face for adornment by women in the 17th and 18th centuries .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the english and french gentry used patch boxes in which to keep beauty patches as well as patches to cover pox scars .\" What is the definition of \"patch\"?"} {"term": "patch", "pos": "", "context": "the team was going through a bit of a tough patch towards the end of the national league .", "definition": "a particular period of time", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the team was going through a bit of a tough patch towards the end of the national league .\" What is the definition of \"patch\"?"} {"term": "macaroni", "pos": "", "context": "yankee doodle stuck a feather in his cap and called it macaroni", "definition": "a british dandy in the 18th century who affected continental mannerisms", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"yankee doodle stuck a feather in his cap and called it macaroni\" What is the definition of \"macaroni\"?"} {"term": "con", "pos": "", "context": "we hope to show that a logic-based learning method can be applied to less conned learning tasks .", "definition": "study attentively or learn by heart ( a piece of writing )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we hope to show that a logic-based learning method can be applied to less conned learning tasks .\" What is the definition of \"con\"?"} {"term": "con", "pos": "", "context": "in the film they play escaped cons with bad teeth .", "definition": "a convict", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the film they play escaped cons with bad teeth .\" What is the definition of \"con\"?"} {"term": "etching", "pos": "", "context": "he was unsatisfied with the results until , he met mark draper , someone who had mastered the technical aspects of etching and from whom he learned a great deal one summer .", "definition": "the art or process of producing etched plates or objects", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was unsatisfied with the results until , he met mark draper , someone who had mastered the technical aspects of etching and from whom he learned a great deal one summer .\" What is the definition of \"etching\"?"} {"term": "break", "pos": "", "context": "he was up two breaks in the second set", "definition": "( tennis ) a score consisting of winning a game when your opponent was serving", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was up two breaks in the second set\" What is the definition of \"break\"?"} {"term": "break", "pos": "", "context": "if the new teacher wo n't break , we 'll add some stress", "definition": "be broken in", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if the new teacher wo n't break , we 'll add some stress\" What is the definition of \"break\"?"} {"term": "break", "pos": "", "context": "in many ( but not all ) accents of english , a similar breaking happens to tense vowels before l .", "definition": "( of a vowel ) develop into a diphthong , under the influence of an adjacent sound .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in many ( but not all ) accents of english , a similar breaking happens to tense vowels before l .\" What is the definition of \"break\"?"} {"term": "break", "pos": "", "context": "the bourgeoisie are agreed that the only solution is a dictatorship that crushes and breaks the workers ' movement .", "definition": "destroy the power of ( a movement or organization )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the bourgeoisie are agreed that the only solution is a dictatorship that crushes and breaks the workers ' movement .\" What is the definition of \"break\"?"} {"term": "break", "pos": "", "context": "the phone clicked back into place as jackie crumpled onto the floor , her composure finally breaking .", "definition": "( of a person 's emotional strength or control ) give way", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the phone clicked back into place as jackie crumpled onto the floor , her composure finally breaking .\" What is the definition of \"break\"?"} {"term": "break", "pos": "", "context": "i picked up on the urgency in her voice , detecting emotional breaks .", "definition": "a change of tone in a person 's voice due to emotion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i picked up on the urgency in her voice , detecting emotional breaks .\" What is the definition of \"break\"?"} {"term": "break", "pos": "", "context": "the company has turned to the state government and courts to help break the strike .", "definition": "destroy the effectiveness of ( a strike ) , typically by moving in other people to replace the striking workers", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the company has turned to the state government and courts to help break the strike .\" What is the definition of \"break\"?"} {"term": "dodgy", "pos": "", "context": "a nifty footballer and a dab hand at catch and chase , matthew admitted he thought he was going to lose her after she had an operation for a dodgy heart .", "definition": "potentially dangerous", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a nifty footballer and a dab hand at catch and chase , matthew admitted he thought he was going to lose her after she had an operation for a dodgy heart .\" What is the definition of \"dodgy\"?"} {"term": "beget", "pos": "", "context": "apart from other things , she too begets children by someone other than her husband .", "definition": "( especially of a man ) bring ( a child ) into existence by the process of reproduction", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"apart from other things , she too begets children by someone other than her husband .\" What is the definition of \"beget\"?"} {"term": "huck", "pos": "", "context": "even if a landing stage could only be used twice before being hucked in the scrap heap , that would still be 30 million dollars instead of 60 million .", "definition": "throw ( something )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"even if a landing stage could only be used twice before being hucked in the scrap heap , that would still be 30 million dollars instead of 60 million .\" What is the definition of \"huck\"?"} {"term": "continuity", "pos": "", "context": "this allows for continuity , stability , and reliability , without the uncertainty of state or city budget constraints .", "definition": "a state of stability and the absence of disruption", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this allows for continuity , stability , and reliability , without the uncertainty of state or city budget constraints .\" What is the definition of \"continuity\"?"} {"term": "continuity", "pos": "", "context": "the claimants ' continuity of employment was unbroken .", "definition": "the unbroken and consistent existence or operation of something over time", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the claimants ' continuity of employment was unbroken .\" What is the definition of \"continuity\"?"} {"term": "alpha", "pos": "", "context": "and now , in a small nebula brimming with new lifeforms , ready and innocently waiting to see what the universe had in store for them , an alpha lurks .", "definition": "the first ( typically the brightest ) star in a constellation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and now , in a small nebula brimming with new lifeforms , ready and innocently waiting to see what the universe had in store for them , an alpha lurks .\" What is the definition of \"alpha\"?"} {"term": "version", "pos": "", "context": "it is a sort of literary version of history from the ground up .", "definition": "an account of a matter from a particular person 's point of view", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is a sort of literary version of history from the ground up .\" What is the definition of \"version\"?"} {"term": "version", "pos": "", "context": "computers with updated versions of anti-virus software should be protected , according to sans centre .", "definition": "a particular release of a piece of computer software .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"computers with updated versions of anti-virus software should be protected , according to sans centre .\" What is the definition of \"version\"?"} {"term": "version", "pos": "", "context": "the online versioning of campaign messages is one of those opportunities .", "definition": "create a new version of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the online versioning of campaign messages is one of those opportunities .\" What is the definition of \"version\"?"} {"term": "otorhinolaryngology", "pos": "", "context": "this ocular emergency requires intravenous antibiotics , otorhinolaryngology , and ophthalmologic consultation .", "definition": "the study of diseases of the ear , nose , and throat .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this ocular emergency requires intravenous antibiotics , otorhinolaryngology , and ophthalmologic consultation .\" What is the definition of \"otorhinolaryngology\"?"} {"term": "use", "pos": "", "context": "use your common sense", "definition": "avail oneself to", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"use your common sense\" What is the definition of \"use\"?"} {"term": "jab", "pos": "", "context": "the mum contacted the surgery the next day and was told that georgina had been administered the mmr booster jab on january 8 .", "definition": "a hypodermic injection , especially a vaccination", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the mum contacted the surgery the next day and was told that georgina had been administered the mmr booster jab on january 8 .\" What is the definition of \"jab\"?"} {"term": "jab", "pos": "", "context": "he jabbed the piece of meat with his pocket knife", "definition": "stab or pierce", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he jabbed the piece of meat with his pocket knife\" What is the definition of \"jab\"?"} {"term": "law", "pos": "", "context": "it is important for students of law to situate the legal doctrine of the eu in its historical and political context .", "definition": "systems of law as a subject of study or as the basis of the legal profession", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is important for students of law to situate the legal doctrine of the eu in its historical and political context .\" What is the definition of \"law\"?"} {"term": "law", "pos": "", "context": "there is a law against kidnapping", "definition": "legal document setting forth rules governing a particular kind of activity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is a law against kidnapping\" What is the definition of \"law\"?"} {"term": "other", "pos": "", "context": "hearing was good in his other ear", "definition": "not the same one or ones already mentioned or implied", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hearing was good in his other ear\" What is the definition of \"other\"?"} {"term": "firefly", "pos": "", "context": "the firefly 's light is only visible for an instant .", "definition": "a soft-bodied beetle related to the glow-worm , the winged male and flightless female of which both have luminescent organs . the light is chiefly produced in flashes and typically functions as a signal between the sexes .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the firefly 's light is only visible for an instant .\" What is the definition of \"firefly\"?"} {"term": "offal", "pos": "", "context": "around 10 makers of tripe and animal feed received offal and meat products from the same bse-tainted herd .", "definition": "the entrails and internal organs of an animal used as food", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"around 10 makers of tripe and animal feed received offal and meat products from the same bse-tainted herd .\" What is the definition of \"offal\"?"} {"term": "incurable", "pos": "", "context": "i 've mentioned before his incurable optimism and general good will and positive attitudes .", "definition": "( of a person or behaviour ) unable to be changed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i 've mentioned before his incurable optimism and general good will and positive attitudes .\" What is the definition of \"incurable\"?"} {"term": "incurable", "pos": "", "context": "from the early twentieth century many psychiatrists began to establish private practices in the belief that asylums had become repositories for the incurable .", "definition": "a person who can not be cured .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"from the early twentieth century many psychiatrists began to establish private practices in the belief that asylums had become repositories for the incurable .\" What is the definition of \"incurable\"?"} {"term": "generalize", "pos": "", "context": "it is foolhardy to generalize about the political attitudes of 100 million peasants , except to say that they were far from being a cowed mass .", "definition": "make a general or broad statement by inferring from specific cases", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is foolhardy to generalize about the political attitudes of 100 million peasants , except to say that they were far from being a cowed mass .\" What is the definition of \"generalize\"?"} {"term": "sensitometer", "pos": "", "context": "with this sensitometer , proper exposure of either blue or green sensitive x-ray film is easily accomplished , with no need for internal adjustments .", "definition": "a device for measuring the sensitivity of photographic equipment to light .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with this sensitometer , proper exposure of either blue or green sensitive x-ray film is easily accomplished , with no need for internal adjustments .\" What is the definition of \"sensitometer\"?"} {"term": "catharsis", "pos": "", "context": "these acidify the proximal colon and result in a dose dependent catharsis .", "definition": "purgation .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these acidify the proximal colon and result in a dose dependent catharsis .\" What is the definition of \"catharsis\"?"} {"term": "gilet", "pos": "", "context": "the obligatory items are a very , very long scarf and a suede sheepskin or canvas gilet .", "definition": "a light sleeveless padded jacket .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the obligatory items are a very , very long scarf and a suede sheepskin or canvas gilet .\" What is the definition of \"gilet\"?"} {"term": "hyoid", "pos": "", "context": "the mechanism by which these fish capture prey involves upper jaw protrusion , lower jaw depression , hyoid depression , and cranial rotation .", "definition": "relating to the hyoid or structures associated with it .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the mechanism by which these fish capture prey involves upper jaw protrusion , lower jaw depression , hyoid depression , and cranial rotation .\" What is the definition of \"hyoid\"?"} {"term": "lion", "pos": "", "context": "living with elephants and giraffes , and seeing lions hunt and kill , was fantastic .", "definition": "a large tawny-coloured cat that lives in prides , found in africa and nw india . the male has a flowing shaggy mane and takes little part in hunting , which is done cooperatively by the females .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"living with elephants and giraffes , and seeing lions hunt and kill , was fantastic .\" What is the definition of \"lion\"?"} {"term": "manhood", "pos": "", "context": "he kneed me from behind , getting the more sensitive part of my manhood .", "definition": "used euphemistically to refer to a man 's penis", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he kneed me from behind , getting the more sensitive part of my manhood .\" What is the definition of \"manhood\"?"} {"term": "manhood", "pos": "", "context": "the names of the fallen - sometimes a family 's entire fine crop of young manhood - feature on those war memorials and on the roll of honour in memorial halls .", "definition": "the men of a country or society regarded collectively", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the names of the fallen - sometimes a family 's entire fine crop of young manhood - feature on those war memorials and on the roll of honour in memorial halls .\" What is the definition of \"manhood\"?"} {"term": "avoid", "pos": "", "context": "for example , patients with diabetes may need help in avoiding excessive sugar intake as an inappropriate way of improving food taste .", "definition": "keep away from or stop oneself from doing ( something )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for example , patients with diabetes may need help in avoiding excessive sugar intake as an inappropriate way of improving food taste .\" What is the definition of \"avoid\"?"} {"term": "pixie", "pos": "", "context": "i see myself in one sense as a zoo of conflicting desires each trying to clamour for my attention like a class of noisy children or a swarm of irritating pixies - you have to decide who to listen to and who to ignore .", "definition": "a supernatural being in folklore and children 's stories , typically portrayed as small and human-like in form , with pointed ears and a pointed hat .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i see myself in one sense as a zoo of conflicting desires each trying to clamour for my attention like a class of noisy children or a swarm of irritating pixies - you have to decide who to listen to and who to ignore .\" What is the definition of \"pixie\"?"} {"term": "hunt", "pos": "", "context": "detectives yesterday continued their hunt for a hooded man seen fleeing the scene and appealed for a young couple who may have seen him fleeing to come forward .", "definition": "a search", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"detectives yesterday continued their hunt for a hooded man seen fleeing the scene and appealed for a young couple who may have seen him fleeing to come forward .\" What is the definition of \"hunt\"?"} {"term": "hunt", "pos": "", "context": "in one aborted poem i explored the feeling by examining the way a tuning circuit hunts up and down its scale to locate and fix on a signal .", "definition": "( of a device or system ) oscillate about a desired speed , position , or state", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in one aborted poem i explored the feeling by examining the way a tuning circuit hunts up and down its scale to locate and fix on a signal .\" What is the definition of \"hunt\"?"} {"term": "hunt", "pos": "", "context": "she hunted for her reading glasses but was unable to locate them", "definition": "seek , search for", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she hunted for her reading glasses but was unable to locate them\" What is the definition of \"hunt\"?"} {"term": "template", "pos": "", "context": "if the indonesian effort is successful , it could serve as a template to save forests across southeast asia .", "definition": "something that serves as a model for others to copy", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if the indonesian effort is successful , it could serve as a template to save forests across southeast asia .\" What is the definition of \"template\"?"} {"term": "mischief", "pos": "", "context": "new technology keeps showing up , making more mischief , or benefits , possible .", "definition": "harm or trouble caused by someone or something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"new technology keeps showing up , making more mischief , or benefits , possible .\" What is the definition of \"mischief\"?"} {"term": "mischief", "pos": "", "context": "then , as they were spooning the dough into cookie shapes , they returned to their usual mischief .", "definition": "playful misbehaviour , especially on the part of children", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"then , as they were spooning the dough into cookie shapes , they returned to their usual mischief .\" What is the definition of \"mischief\"?"} {"term": "ghost", "pos": "", "context": "how many books have you ghostwritten so far ?", "definition": "write for someone else", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"how many books have you ghostwritten so far ?\" What is the definition of \"ghost\"?"} {"term": "ghost", "pos": "", "context": "a range of sports people , and writers who 've ghosted these ‘ autobiographies ’ , discuss the process and the pitfalls .", "definition": "act as ghostwriter of ( a work )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a range of sports people , and writers who 've ghosted these ‘ autobiographies ’ , discuss the process and the pitfalls .\" What is the definition of \"ghost\"?"} {"term": "ghost", "pos": "", "context": "it causes additional stress and even physical ailments as we worry about what might happen if we encounter the person we are ghosting .", "definition": "end a personal relationship with ( someone ) by suddenly and without explanation withdrawing from all communication", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it causes additional stress and even physical ailments as we worry about what might happen if we encounter the person we are ghosting .\" What is the definition of \"ghost\"?"} {"term": "plat", "pos": "", "context": "in addition , cannon includes , throughout the book , an extensive collection of black-and-white photographs and assorted plat maps of the town and vicinity .", "definition": "a map or plan of an area of land showing actual or proposed features .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in addition , cannon includes , throughout the book , an extensive collection of black-and-white photographs and assorted plat maps of the town and vicinity .\" What is the definition of \"plat\"?"} {"term": "wagnerian", "pos": "", "context": "how she will develop as a wagnerian remains to be seen .", "definition": "a performer of the music of the german composer richard wagner", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"how she will develop as a wagnerian remains to be seen .\" What is the definition of \"wagnerian\"?"} {"term": "borderland", "pos": "", "context": "the dee estuary , the wirral peninsula and the welsh borderlands are all within easy access .", "definition": "a district near the line separating two countries or areas", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the dee estuary , the wirral peninsula and the welsh borderlands are all within easy access .\" What is the definition of \"borderland\"?"} {"term": "paint", "pos": "", "context": "whatever the reason , thompson has been fortunate to avoid being trapped in the paint all the time , a fact that has greatly enhanced his game .", "definition": "the rectangular area marked near the basket at each end of the court", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"whatever the reason , thompson has been fortunate to avoid being trapped in the paint all the time , a fact that has greatly enhanced his game .\" What is the definition of \"paint\"?"} {"term": "paint", "pos": "", "context": "when the irish portraitist , nathaniel hone painted her in 1765 , she was at the height of her popularity .", "definition": "depict ( someone or something ) or produce ( a picture ) with paint", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when the irish portraitist , nathaniel hone painted her in 1765 , she was at the height of her popularity .\" What is the definition of \"paint\"?"} {"term": "placer", "pos": "", "context": "the state heavily pushed gold miners toward it ; a special governmental decree even authorized free placer gold prospecting and mining .", "definition": "a deposit of sand or gravel in the bed of a river or lake , containing particles of valuable minerals", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the state heavily pushed gold miners toward it ; a special governmental decree even authorized free placer gold prospecting and mining .\" What is the definition of \"placer\"?"} {"term": "metronidazole", "pos": "", "context": "the patient was treated with cefepime , vancomycin hydrochloride , metronidazole , tobramycin sulfate , and granulocyte-colony stimulating factor .", "definition": "a synthetic drug used to treat trichomoniasis and some similar infections .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the patient was treated with cefepime , vancomycin hydrochloride , metronidazole , tobramycin sulfate , and granulocyte-colony stimulating factor .\" What is the definition of \"metronidazole\"?"} {"term": "regiment", "pos": "", "context": "regiment soldiers", "definition": "assign to a regiment", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"regiment soldiers\" What is the definition of \"regiment\"?"} {"term": "thick", "pos": "", "context": "the actors are especially unhappy about the scene where the asylum seeker meets the english girl 's parents and they can not understand a word he says because of his thick accent .", "definition": "( of an accent ) very marked and difficult to understand", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the actors are especially unhappy about the scene where the asylum seeker meets the english girl 's parents and they can not understand a word he says because of his thick accent .\" What is the definition of \"thick\"?"} {"term": "sheet", "pos": "", "context": "crowds jostle and a six-piece jazz band begins to entertain the captive audience as the rain sheets down outside .", "definition": "( of rain ) fall in large quantities", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"crowds jostle and a six-piece jazz band begins to entertain the captive audience as the rain sheets down outside .\" What is the definition of \"sheet\"?"} {"term": "sheet", "pos": "", "context": "that poses a problem with perforation and overlapping other similar stamps on the sheet .", "definition": "all the postage stamps printed on one piece of paper", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that poses a problem with perforation and overlapping other similar stamps on the sheet .\" What is the definition of \"sheet\"?"} {"term": "invade", "pos": "", "context": "british armed forces invaded mesopotamia in 1914 with promises of freedom—from the turks .", "definition": "( of an armed force ) enter ( a country or region ) so as to subjugate or occupy it", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"british armed forces invaded mesopotamia in 1914 with promises of freedom—from the turks .\" What is the definition of \"invade\"?"} {"term": "invade", "pos": "", "context": "hitler invaded poland on september 1 , 1939", "definition": "march aggressively into another 's territory by military force for the purposes of conquest and occupation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hitler invaded poland on september 1 , 1939\" What is the definition of \"invade\"?"} {"term": "sagebrush", "pos": "", "context": "from base camp with vans in the rugged smoke creek desert north of reno , we will day-hike in these sweeping expanses of sagebrush and juniper .", "definition": "scrub which is dominated by sagebrush , occurring chiefly in semi-arid regions of western north america .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"from base camp with vans in the rugged smoke creek desert north of reno , we will day-hike in these sweeping expanses of sagebrush and juniper .\" What is the definition of \"sagebrush\"?"} {"term": "oromo", "pos": "", "context": "people from ethiopia 's largest ethnic group , the oromo , gather at villages , dotting lakes and scenic mountains to celebrate .", "definition": "a member of an east african people , the largest ethnic group in ethiopia .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"people from ethiopia 's largest ethnic group , the oromo , gather at villages , dotting lakes and scenic mountains to celebrate .\" What is the definition of \"oromo\"?"} {"term": "oromo", "pos": "", "context": "boof claims she was born naima alu kolbookek on the nile to egyptian archaeologist atmu bahri kolbookek and his only wife jiddi , a blue-black gisi-waaq princess of somalia 's oromo nomads .", "definition": "relating to the oromo or their language .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"boof claims she was born naima alu kolbookek on the nile to egyptian archaeologist atmu bahri kolbookek and his only wife jiddi , a blue-black gisi-waaq princess of somalia 's oromo nomads .\" What is the definition of \"oromo\"?"} {"term": "has-been", "pos": "", "context": "while many solo acts from the '80s are one-hit wonders and has-beens , finn clearly breaks the mold .", "definition": "a person or thing considered to be outmoded or no longer of any significance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"while many solo acts from the '80s are one-hit wonders and has-beens , finn clearly breaks the mold .\" What is the definition of \"has-been\"?"} {"term": "carton", "pos": "", "context": "who knew that a carton of milk could expand to three times its normal size ?", "definition": "a small , light box or container in which drinks or foodstuffs are packaged", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"who knew that a carton of milk could expand to three times its normal size ?\" What is the definition of \"carton\"?"} {"term": "sailcloth", "pos": "", "context": "made of 70 % cotton / 30 % nylon oxford sailcloth with a 100 % cotton poplin body lining .", "definition": "a canvas-like fabric used for making durable weatherproof clothes", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"made of 70 % cotton / 30 % nylon oxford sailcloth with a 100 % cotton poplin body lining .\" What is the definition of \"sailcloth\"?"} {"term": "school", "pos": "", "context": "the school keeps parents informed", "definition": "an educational institution 's faculty and students", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the school keeps parents informed\" What is the definition of \"school\"?"} {"term": "soppy", "pos": "", "context": "and with that unfocused and slightly soppy sentiment , i 'm off to bed .", "definition": "self-indulgently sentimental", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and with that unfocused and slightly soppy sentiment , i 'm off to bed .\" What is the definition of \"soppy\"?"} {"term": "rational", "pos": "", "context": "he sounded like he thought that was a complete , perfectly rational explanation .", "definition": "based on or in accordance with reason or logic", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he sounded like he thought that was a complete , perfectly rational explanation .\" What is the definition of \"rational\"?"} {"term": "gentle", "pos": "", "context": "a gentle old horse , docile and obedient", "definition": "easily handled or managed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a gentle old horse , docile and obedient\" What is the definition of \"gentle\"?"} {"term": "gentle", "pos": "", "context": "poked gentle fun at him", "definition": "soft and mild ; not harsh or stern or severe", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"poked gentle fun at him\" What is the definition of \"gentle\"?"} {"term": "gentle", "pos": "", "context": "a gentle voice", "definition": "quiet and soothing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a gentle voice\" What is the definition of \"gentle\"?"} {"term": "gentle", "pos": "", "context": "a gentle sensitive nature", "definition": "having or showing a kindly or tender nature", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a gentle sensitive nature\" What is the definition of \"gentle\"?"} {"term": "polynomial", "pos": "", "context": "this latter choice was justified because for several species a long-term decline , which started in the early 1970s , could be better described by a second order polynomial .", "definition": "an expression of more than two algebraic terms , especially the sum of several terms that contain different powers of the same variable ( s ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this latter choice was justified because for several species a long-term decline , which started in the early 1970s , could be better described by a second order polynomial .\" What is the definition of \"polynomial\"?"} {"term": "amnion", "pos": "", "context": "meconium changes were separated into 4 groups : pigment in the amnion only , pigment in the amnion and decidua , a green - stained umbilical cord , and meconium-associated vascular necrosis of large fetal vessels .", "definition": "the innermost membrane that encloses the embryo of a mammal , bird , or reptile .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"meconium changes were separated into 4 groups : pigment in the amnion only , pigment in the amnion and decidua , a green - stained umbilical cord , and meconium-associated vascular necrosis of large fetal vessels .\" What is the definition of \"amnion\"?"} {"term": "stead", "pos": "", "context": "they had ceased to patronise the nautch , and in its stead preferred english music or military bands .", "definition": "the place or role that someone or something should have or fill ( used in referring to a substitute )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they had ceased to patronise the nautch , and in its stead preferred english music or military bands .\" What is the definition of \"stead\"?"} {"term": "posh", "pos": "", "context": "the interior seems cheap , despite the attempt to posh it up .", "definition": "smarten someone or something up", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the interior seems cheap , despite the attempt to posh it up .\" What is the definition of \"posh\"?"} {"term": "brown", "pos": "", "context": "the draught browned the leaves on the trees in the yard", "definition": "make brown in color", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the draught browned the leaves on the trees in the yard\" What is the definition of \"brown\"?"} {"term": "creature", "pos": "", "context": "both movies have a big-name comedian dressed up as a fictional creature .", "definition": "a fictional or imaginary being", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"both movies have a big-name comedian dressed up as a fictional creature .\" What is the definition of \"creature\"?"} {"term": "dementia", "pos": "", "context": "people with dementia sometimes find it easier to look into memories than fact .", "definition": "a chronic or persistent disorder of the mental processes caused by brain disease or injury and marked by memory disorders , personality changes , and impaired reasoning .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"people with dementia sometimes find it easier to look into memories than fact .\" What is the definition of \"dementia\"?"} {"term": "windmill", "pos": "", "context": "using ancient technology unique to the region , windmills grind the wheat harvested in june through september , the windy period during which wind speeds can get as high as 100 mph .", "definition": "a building with sails or vanes that turn in the wind and generate power to grind corn into flour .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"using ancient technology unique to the region , windmills grind the wheat harvested in june through september , the windy period during which wind speeds can get as high as 100 mph .\" What is the definition of \"windmill\"?"} {"term": "windmill", "pos": "", "context": "almost immediately the engine cut , but continued to windmill .", "definition": "( of the propeller or rotor of an aircraft , or the aircraft itself ) spin unpowered .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"almost immediately the engine cut , but continued to windmill .\" What is the definition of \"windmill\"?"} {"term": "friend", "pos": "", "context": "in cyberspace you will find both friends and enemies , all trying to be heard .", "definition": "a person who is not an enemy or opponent ; an ally", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in cyberspace you will find both friends and enemies , all trying to be heard .\" What is the definition of \"friend\"?"} {"term": "dendrogram", "pos": "", "context": "the proposed methodology is applicable to a broad class of problems that require comparison of the topological properties of various dendrograms .", "definition": "a tree diagram , especially one showing taxonomic relationships .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the proposed methodology is applicable to a broad class of problems that require comparison of the topological properties of various dendrograms .\" What is the definition of \"dendrogram\"?"} {"term": "genet", "pos": "", "context": "we have birds and mammals here such as the slender mongoose and large spotted genets that are not rare , but it 's still nice to have them in a city like johannesburg .", "definition": "a catlike nocturnal mammal of the civet family with short legs , spotted fur , and a long bushy ringed tail , found in africa , sw europe , and arabia .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we have birds and mammals here such as the slender mongoose and large spotted genets that are not rare , but it 's still nice to have them in a city like johannesburg .\" What is the definition of \"genet\"?"} {"term": "tuck", "pos": "", "context": "mrs. holly guided the kids to bed and tucked them in .", "definition": "make someone , especially a child , comfortable in bed by pulling the edges of the bedclothes firmly under the mattress", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mrs. holly guided the kids to bed and tucked them in .\" What is the definition of \"tuck\"?"} {"term": "minivan", "pos": "", "context": "yoshino is credited with leading honda into the north american minivan and suv markets and expanding u.s. sales .", "definition": "a small van .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"yoshino is credited with leading honda into the north american minivan and suv markets and expanding u.s. sales .\" What is the definition of \"minivan\"?"} {"term": "slim", "pos": "", "context": "a lot more robust seems ane urkizu 's range of asymmetric shapes and screen printed fabrics made into pencil skirts and slim fit trousers .", "definition": "( of a garment ) cut on slender lines ; designed to make the wearer appear slim", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a lot more robust seems ane urkizu 's range of asymmetric shapes and screen printed fabrics made into pencil skirts and slim fit trousers .\" What is the definition of \"slim\"?"} {"term": "venule", "pos": "", "context": "cherry angiomas are composed of dilated capillaries and postcapillary venules .", "definition": "a very small vein , especially one collecting blood from the capillaries .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cherry angiomas are composed of dilated capillaries and postcapillary venules .\" What is the definition of \"venule\"?"} {"term": "commencement", "pos": "", "context": "one of the keys to avoiding construction pitfalls is to obtain all permits before the commencement of work .", "definition": "the beginning of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one of the keys to avoiding construction pitfalls is to obtain all permits before the commencement of work .\" What is the definition of \"commencement\"?"} {"term": "work", "pos": "", "context": "i will work hard to improve my grades", "definition": "exert oneself by doing mental or physical work for a purpose or out of necessity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i will work hard to improve my grades\" What is the definition of \"work\"?"} {"term": "work", "pos": "", "context": "the artist 's work influenced the young painter", "definition": "have and exert influence or effect", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the artist 's work influenced the young painter\" What is the definition of \"work\"?"} {"term": "work", "pos": "", "context": "she never did any work because she inherited a lot of money", "definition": "be employed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she never did any work because she inherited a lot of money\" What is the definition of \"work\"?"} {"term": "work", "pos": "", "context": "the smallest petrol version proved a willing performer and very refined , even when being worked hard .", "definition": "set to or keep at work", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the smallest petrol version proved a willing performer and very refined , even when being worked hard .\" What is the definition of \"work\"?"} {"term": "work", "pos": "", "context": "work the soil", "definition": "prepare for crops", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"work the soil\" What is the definition of \"work\"?"} {"term": "work", "pos": "", "context": "the company was restructured five times in five years ; no plan worked better than the last one .", "definition": "( of a plan or method ) have the desired result or effect", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the company was restructured five times in five years ; no plan worked better than the last one .\" What is the definition of \"work\"?"} {"term": "aspire", "pos": "", "context": "a street kid who was once sent to a reformatory , he aspired to be a boxer , enlisted in the navy , and did jail time for a minor robbery .", "definition": "direct one 's hopes or ambitions towards achieving something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a street kid who was once sent to a reformatory , he aspired to be a boxer , enlisted in the navy , and did jail time for a minor robbery .\" What is the definition of \"aspire\"?"} {"term": "woman", "pos": "", "context": "for god 's sake , woman , it 's a tweed skirt and a polo neck with a pair of boots .", "definition": "a peremptory form of address to a woman", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for god 's sake , woman , it 's a tweed skirt and a polo neck with a pair of boots .\" What is the definition of \"woman\"?"} {"term": "woman", "pos": "", "context": "he was faithful to his woman", "definition": "a female person who plays a significant role ( wife or mistress or girlfriend ) in the life of a particular man", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was faithful to his woman\" What is the definition of \"woman\"?"} {"term": "thickness", "pos": "", "context": "i am finding thicknessing rosewood with my conventional smoothing planes to be a lot of work .", "definition": "plane or cut ( wood ) to a desired breadth or depth .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i am finding thicknessing rosewood with my conventional smoothing planes to be a lot of work .\" What is the definition of \"thickness\"?"} {"term": "damage", "pos": "", "context": "these fine china cups damage easily", "definition": "suffer or be susceptible to damage", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these fine china cups damage easily\" What is the definition of \"damage\"?"} {"term": "damage", "pos": "", "context": "the institution of monarchy has inflicted terrible psychological damage on him since he was a toddler .", "definition": "detrimental effects", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the institution of monarchy has inflicted terrible psychological damage on him since he was a toddler .\" What is the definition of \"damage\"?"} {"term": "liberal", "pos": "", "context": "western countries pride themselves on their supposedly liberal acceptance of different cultures .", "definition": "willing to respect or accept behaviour or opinions different from one 's own ; open to new ideas", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"western countries pride themselves on their supposedly liberal acceptance of different cultures .\" What is the definition of \"liberal\"?"} {"term": "liberal", "pos": "", "context": "these are liberal interpretations of the text to be sure .", "definition": "( especially of an interpretation of a law ) broadly construed or understood ; not strictly literal", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these are liberal interpretations of the text to be sure .\" What is the definition of \"liberal\"?"} {"term": "liberal", "pos": "", "context": "if new zealand 's liberal media ownership laws have a virtue , it 's that of simplicity .", "definition": "favourable to or respectful of individual rights and freedoms", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if new zealand 's liberal media ownership laws have a virtue , it 's that of simplicity .\" What is the definition of \"liberal\"?"} {"term": "tower", "pos": "", "context": "i 'd gone to interview her in 1994 and found a copy of it in a second-hand bookstore in exmouth , crawling around on the floor to explore the towers of books haphazardly piled there .", "definition": "a tall pile or mass of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i 'd gone to interview her in 1994 and found a copy of it in a second-hand bookstore in exmouth , crawling around on the floor to explore the towers of books haphazardly piled there .\" What is the definition of \"tower\"?"} {"term": "tower", "pos": "", "context": "her cd collection was arranged alphabetically in a tall cd tower , and she always kept her favorite ones of the moment on the top .", "definition": "a tall structure used as a receptacle or for storage", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her cd collection was arranged alphabetically in a tall cd tower , and she always kept her favorite ones of the moment on the top .\" What is the definition of \"tower\"?"} {"term": "kanzu", "pos": "", "context": "the kanzu in kenya is associated with swahili culture , and most wearers of the kanzu in kenya are muslims .", "definition": "a long white cotton or linen robe worn by east african men .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the kanzu in kenya is associated with swahili culture , and most wearers of the kanzu in kenya are muslims .\" What is the definition of \"kanzu\"?"} {"term": "self-awareness", "pos": "", "context": "victoria , on the other hand , has a smattering of self-awareness .", "definition": "conscious knowledge of one 's own character and feelings", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"victoria , on the other hand , has a smattering of self-awareness .\" What is the definition of \"self-awareness\"?"} {"term": "broiling", "pos": "", "context": "in addition , the spacecraft will follow an orbit that requires it to pass only briefly over mercury 's hottest regions , limiting exposure to the intense heat bouncing back from the broiling surface .", "definition": "extremely hot ; scorching", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in addition , the spacecraft will follow an orbit that requires it to pass only briefly over mercury 's hottest regions , limiting exposure to the intense heat bouncing back from the broiling surface .\" What is the definition of \"broiling\"?"} {"term": "showpiece", "pos": "", "context": "the government was today trying to fend off a torrent of criticism following the latest bail-out for the cash-strapped showpiece attraction .", "definition": "something which attracts attention or admiration as an outstanding example of its type", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the government was today trying to fend off a torrent of criticism following the latest bail-out for the cash-strapped showpiece attraction .\" What is the definition of \"showpiece\"?"} {"term": "implant", "pos": "", "context": "growing student populations were used to implant a sentiment of urgency .", "definition": "establish ( an idea ) in a person 's mind", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"growing student populations were used to implant a sentiment of urgency .\" What is the definition of \"implant\"?"} {"term": "telegraphist", "pos": "", "context": "initially the royal australian navy was reluctant to employ women : it took on only 14 , most of them as telegraphists .", "definition": "a person skilled or employed in telegraphy .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"initially the royal australian navy was reluctant to employ women : it took on only 14 , most of them as telegraphists .\" What is the definition of \"telegraphist\"?"} {"term": "noseband", "pos": "", "context": "i put a drop noseband or something similar on the horse to stabilize his jaw so that the game of nipping or mouthing me just never even gets started .", "definition": "the strap of a bridle or head collar , which passes over the horse 's nose and under its chin .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i put a drop noseband or something similar on the horse to stabilize his jaw so that the game of nipping or mouthing me just never even gets started .\" What is the definition of \"noseband\"?"} {"term": "tickle", "pos": "", "context": "momma was pleased , the cops were tickled , and baby just kept on dreaming .", "definition": "cause ( someone ) amusement or pleasure", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"momma was pleased , the cops were tickled , and baby just kept on dreaming .\" What is the definition of \"tickle\"?"} {"term": "deceive", "pos": "", "context": "for a moment , she had believed him… but she could n't let him deceive her again , it could n't be true - he did n't love her .", "definition": "deliberately cause ( someone ) to believe something that is not true , especially for personal gain", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for a moment , she had believed him… but she could n't let him deceive her again , it could n't be true - he did n't love her .\" What is the definition of \"deceive\"?"} {"term": "miscount", "pos": "", "context": "explaining the miscount , another told jurors : ‘ the tourists are constantly moving around you . ’", "definition": "an incorrect reckoning", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"explaining the miscount , another told jurors : ‘ the tourists are constantly moving around you . ’\" What is the definition of \"miscount\"?"} {"term": "tricot", "pos": "", "context": "prevent fabric distortion or stretch on mediumweight fabrics by applying lightweight fusible tricot interfacing to the fabric wrong side before embroidering .", "definition": "a fine knitted fabric made of a natural or man-made fibre", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"prevent fabric distortion or stretch on mediumweight fabrics by applying lightweight fusible tricot interfacing to the fabric wrong side before embroidering .\" What is the definition of \"tricot\"?"} {"term": "counterpoise", "pos": "", "context": "as costello 's political star rose quickly , the media needed a counterpoise .", "definition": "a factor or force that balances or neutralizes another", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as costello 's political star rose quickly , the media needed a counterpoise .\" What is the definition of \"counterpoise\"?"} {"term": "pacifist", "pos": "", "context": "the women from oslo , and from northern europe generally , had a strong pacifist mission .", "definition": "holding the belief that war and violence are unjustifiable .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the women from oslo , and from northern europe generally , had a strong pacifist mission .\" What is the definition of \"pacifist\"?"} {"term": "gummy", "pos": "", "context": "like her , many of the residents are irish ; gummy men with drink problems who ‘ emigrated not through choice , stayed though reluctant , and never returned out of pride ’ .", "definition": "toothless", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"like her , many of the residents are irish ; gummy men with drink problems who ‘ emigrated not through choice , stayed though reluctant , and never returned out of pride ’ .\" What is the definition of \"gummy\"?"} {"term": "discontent", "pos": "", "context": "but until then , lower class revolt could merge with the discontents of political and social elites , as in the great revolts of the middle decades of the century , to threaten the political stability of the governments of the day .", "definition": "a person who is dissatisfied , typically with the prevailing social or political situation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but until then , lower class revolt could merge with the discontents of political and social elites , as in the great revolts of the middle decades of the century , to threaten the political stability of the governments of the day .\" What is the definition of \"discontent\"?"} {"term": "lead", "pos": "", "context": "there was a large spiral staircase leading into the hallway in the front .", "definition": "be a route or means of access to a particular place or in a particular direction", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was a large spiral staircase leading into the hallway in the front .\" What is the definition of \"lead\"?"} {"term": "offline", "pos": "", "context": "some initiatives work within the internet , whereas others use the internet more directly to facilitate offline activities .", "definition": "not controlled by or directly connected to a computer or the internet .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some initiatives work within the internet , whereas others use the internet more directly to facilitate offline activities .\" What is the definition of \"offline\"?"} {"term": "drug", "pos": "", "context": "they drugged your drink and then while you were out of it , you fell into the pool .", "definition": "add a drug to ( food or drink ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they drugged your drink and then while you were out of it , you fell into the pool .\" What is the definition of \"drug\"?"} {"term": "scream", "pos": "", "context": "a hand yanked him backwards as a car went screaming past him , the driver angrily blaring his horn at him .", "definition": "move very rapidly with or as if with a loud , high-pitched sound", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a hand yanked him backwards as a car went screaming past him , the driver angrily blaring his horn at him .\" What is the definition of \"scream\"?"} {"term": "scream", "pos": "", "context": "a small child in the back room screams for attention , waking another child in the cradle in the far side of the living room .", "definition": "urgently and vociferously call attention to one 's views or feelings , especially ones of anger or distress", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a small child in the back room screams for attention , waking another child in the cradle in the far side of the living room .\" What is the definition of \"scream\"?"} {"term": "utility", "pos": "", "context": "i am looking at their jobs as civilians and in the military and focusing on how they coped with rationing and utility clothing .", "definition": "functional rather than attractive", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i am looking at their jobs as civilians and in the military and focusing on how they coped with rationing and utility clothing .\" What is the definition of \"utility\"?"} {"term": "bluestone", "pos": "", "context": "the river mouth was reinforced by low walls of bluestone in the latter part of the 19th century and the stone walls hold the river to this day , protecting the boats and supporting the piers .", "definition": "any of various bluish or grey building stones .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the river mouth was reinforced by low walls of bluestone in the latter part of the 19th century and the stone walls hold the river to this day , protecting the boats and supporting the piers .\" What is the definition of \"bluestone\"?"} {"term": "handbasin", "pos": "", "context": "both are equipped with built-in wardrobes while the double bedroom also has a handbasin and shower cubicle .", "definition": "a washbasin .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"both are equipped with built-in wardrobes while the double bedroom also has a handbasin and shower cubicle .\" What is the definition of \"handbasin\"?"} {"term": "damara", "pos": "", "context": "frederik and the groomers are traditional damara people and sing church songs and harmonic lullabies as they tend to the horses .", "definition": "relating to the damara .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"frederik and the groomers are traditional damara people and sing church songs and harmonic lullabies as they tend to the horses .\" What is the definition of \"damara\"?"} {"term": "ophthalmoscope", "pos": "", "context": "there are no batteries for electrical instruments like torches , ophthalmoscopes and laryngoscopes .", "definition": "an instrument for inspecting the retina and other parts of the eye .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there are no batteries for electrical instruments like torches , ophthalmoscopes and laryngoscopes .\" What is the definition of \"ophthalmoscope\"?"} {"term": "ozokerite", "pos": "", "context": "the oil field in upper cretaceous sandstones at teapot dome was discovered in the 1880’s based on surface occurrences of a waxy hydrocarbon , ‘ ozokerite ’ , within calcite-lined fractures .", "definition": "a brown or black paraffin wax occurring naturally in some shales and sandstones and formerly used in candles , polishes , and electrical insulation .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the oil field in upper cretaceous sandstones at teapot dome was discovered in the 1880’s based on surface occurrences of a waxy hydrocarbon , ‘ ozokerite ’ , within calcite-lined fractures .\" What is the definition of \"ozokerite\"?"} {"term": "brutal", "pos": "", "context": "the brutal summer sun", "definition": "harsh", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the brutal summer sun\" What is the definition of \"brutal\"?"} {"term": "altercation", "pos": "", "context": "he was a gentleman on and off the field and even when involved in altercations , took the role of mentor rather than an aggressor .", "definition": "a noisy argument or disagreement , especially in public", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was a gentleman on and off the field and even when involved in altercations , took the role of mentor rather than an aggressor .\" What is the definition of \"altercation\"?"} {"term": "remark", "pos": "", "context": "the image of the social totality has often been remarked to be more difficult to perceive from street level than from above .", "definition": "regard with attention ; notice", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the image of the social totality has often been remarked to be more difficult to perceive from street level than from above .\" What is the definition of \"remark\"?"} {"term": "remark", "pos": "", "context": "it passed without remark", "definition": "explicit notice", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it passed without remark\" What is the definition of \"remark\"?"} {"term": "mature", "pos": "", "context": "mature plans", "definition": "fully considered and perfected", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mature plans\" What is the definition of \"mature\"?"} {"term": "mature", "pos": "", "context": "a selection of fine mature cheeses and some roasted hazelnuts , or a single dry slice of brown bread ?", "definition": "( of certain foods or drinks ) ready for consumption", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a selection of fine mature cheeses and some roasted hazelnuts , or a single dry slice of brown bread ?\" What is the definition of \"mature\"?"} {"term": "customer", "pos": "", "context": "employers can access funding to improve the customer service skills of their workers .", "definition": "a person who buys goods or services from a shop or business", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"employers can access funding to improve the customer service skills of their workers .\" What is the definition of \"customer\"?"} {"term": "cross-country", "pos": "", "context": "it 's not seen as a punishment in the same way that cross-country is .", "definition": "the sport of cross-country running , riding , skiing , or motoring", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's not seen as a punishment in the same way that cross-country is .\" What is the definition of \"cross-country\"?"} {"term": "cross-country", "pos": "", "context": "the river runs cross-country", "definition": "across the countryside", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the river runs cross-country\" What is the definition of \"cross-country\"?"} {"term": "cross-country", "pos": "", "context": "today , they embarked on a cross-country tour called ‘ believe in america . ’", "definition": "travelling to many different parts of a country", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"today , they embarked on a cross-country tour called ‘ believe in america . ’\" What is the definition of \"cross-country\"?"} {"term": "quartile", "pos": "", "context": "every measurement was first divided by its plate 's quartile and then multiplied by the average quartile of the respective experiment .", "definition": "each of the three values of the random variable which divide a population into quartiles .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"every measurement was first divided by its plate 's quartile and then multiplied by the average quartile of the respective experiment .\" What is the definition of \"quartile\"?"} {"term": "canyon", "pos": "", "context": "the helicopter then descended into the bottom of the canyon and landed on one side of the colorado river .", "definition": "a deep gorge , typically one with a river flowing through it , as found in north america", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the helicopter then descended into the bottom of the canyon and landed on one side of the colorado river .\" What is the definition of \"canyon\"?"} {"term": "spanner", "pos": "", "context": "hand me that number three spanner .", "definition": "a tool with a shaped opening or jaws for gripping and turning a nut or bolt .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hand me that number three spanner .\" What is the definition of \"spanner\"?"} {"term": "strike", "pos": "", "context": "he tells his wife that if he is killed , she should remain hidden until the men have passed and then strike out on her own for loreto .", "definition": "move or proceed vigorously or purposefully", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he tells his wife that if he is killed , she should remain hidden until the men have passed and then strike out on her own for loreto .\" What is the definition of \"strike\"?"} {"term": "strike", "pos": "", "context": "the saw strikes sparks from the wire , his arms soon grow tired and he begins to sweat , but slowly the teethy edge bites through the tightly-wound steel .", "definition": "produce ( fire or a spark ) as a result of friction", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the saw strikes sparks from the wire , his arms soon grow tired and he begins to sweat , but slowly the teethy edge bites through the tightly-wound steel .\" What is the definition of \"strike\"?"} {"term": "strike", "pos": "", "context": "the strike lasted more than a month before it was settled", "definition": "a group 's refusal to work in protest against low pay or bad work conditions", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the strike lasted more than a month before it was settled\" What is the definition of \"strike\"?"} {"term": "collect", "pos": "", "context": "we collected over a million dollars in outstanding debts", "definition": "call for and obtain payment of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we collected over a million dollars in outstanding debts\" What is the definition of \"collect\"?"} {"term": "play", "pos": "", "context": "even if you 're not into playing the ponies , the setting is marvelous and it 's a superb place for a picnic .", "definition": "bet or gamble at or on", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"even if you 're not into playing the ponies , the setting is marvelous and it 's a superb place for a picnic .\" What is the definition of \"play\"?"} {"term": "play", "pos": "", "context": "what 's playing in the local movie theater ?", "definition": "be performed or presented for public viewing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"what 's playing in the local movie theater ?\" What is the definition of \"play\"?"} {"term": "play", "pos": "", "context": "i waiting impatiently for the bell to ring so i could run out to meet my friends at the playground and play cops and robbers .", "definition": "amuse oneself by engaging in imaginative pretence", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i waiting impatiently for the bell to ring so i could run out to meet my friends at the playground and play cops and robbers .\" What is the definition of \"play\"?"} {"term": "play", "pos": "", "context": "the play of the imagination", "definition": "utilization or exercise", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the play of the imagination\" What is the definition of \"play\"?"} {"term": "play", "pos": "", "context": "she played the servant to her husband 's master", "definition": "play a role or part", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she played the servant to her husband 's master\" What is the definition of \"play\"?"} {"term": "play", "pos": "", "context": "it also recognises the fact that the free play of markets creates problems for society .", "definition": "scope or freedom to act or operate", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it also recognises the fact that the free play of markets creates problems for society .\" What is the definition of \"play\"?"} {"term": "play", "pos": "", "context": "he was a lovely kid and he 's gone on to play for northern ireland and wimbledon .", "definition": "be part of a team , especially in a specified position , in a sporting contest", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was a lovely kid and he 's gone on to play for northern ireland and wimbledon .\" What is the definition of \"play\"?"} {"term": "play", "pos": "", "context": "on weekends i play", "definition": "engage in recreational activities rather than work ; occupy oneself in a diversion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on weekends i play\" What is the definition of \"play\"?"} {"term": "play", "pos": "", "context": "pele played for the brazilian teams in many important matches", "definition": "participate in games or sport", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pele played for the brazilian teams in many important matches\" What is the definition of \"play\"?"} {"term": "play", "pos": "", "context": "the band played all night long", "definition": "play on an instrument", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the band played all night long\" What is the definition of \"play\"?"} {"term": "play", "pos": "", "context": "let 's play like i am mommy", "definition": "pretend to be somebody in the framework of a game or playful activity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"let 's play like i am mommy\" What is the definition of \"play\"?"} {"term": "potsherd", "pos": "", "context": "they can erase the traces of human settlement with such vigour that , often , nothing remains of a civilisation except a few potsherds , coins and glass beads .", "definition": "a broken piece of ceramic material , especially one found on an archaeological site .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they can erase the traces of human settlement with such vigour that , often , nothing remains of a civilisation except a few potsherds , coins and glass beads .\" What is the definition of \"potsherd\"?"} {"term": "height", "pos": "", "context": "each pole measured about 30 feet in height according to chuck .", "definition": "the measurement of someone or something from head to foot or from base to top", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"each pole measured about 30 feet in height according to chuck .\" What is the definition of \"height\"?"} {"term": "pop-up", "pos": "", "context": "always remember to shut down the card using the pop-up in the menu bar before you pull it out .", "definition": "a pop-up menu or other utility .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"always remember to shut down the card using the pop-up in the menu bar before you pull it out .\" What is the definition of \"pop-up\"?"} {"term": "pop-up", "pos": "", "context": "under new management , the company is dropping as far as possible graphical advertising , including pop-ups and so-called ‘ skyscrapers ’ , which add clutter .", "definition": "an unrequested browser window , especially one generated for the purpose of advertising .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"under new management , the company is dropping as far as possible graphical advertising , including pop-ups and so-called ‘ skyscrapers ’ , which add clutter .\" What is the definition of \"pop-up\"?"} {"term": "slop", "pos": "", "context": "as the local women empty their slops into the drain outside the shop , the secretary runs out with her disinfectant spray to ward off infection .", "definition": "waste water from a kitchen , bathroom , or chamber pot that has to be emptied by hand", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as the local women empty their slops into the drain outside the shop , the secretary runs out with her disinfectant spray to ward off infection .\" What is the definition of \"slop\"?"} {"term": "slop", "pos": "", "context": "besides that , their songs are unremarkable , hookless and slop along with lumpen arrangements that recall swimming in porridge .", "definition": "speak or write in a sentimentally effusive manner ; gush", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"besides that , their songs are unremarkable , hookless and slop along with lumpen arrangements that recall swimming in porridge .\" What is the definition of \"slop\"?"} {"term": "congener", "pos": "", "context": "no one is my congener .", "definition": "a thing or person of the same kind or category as another .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"no one is my congener .\" What is the definition of \"congener\"?"} {"term": "creaky", "pos": "", "context": "to the left were old creaky looking stairs , going to the second floor .", "definition": "making or liable to make a creaking sound when being moved or when pressure is applied", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to the left were old creaky looking stairs , going to the second floor .\" What is the definition of \"creaky\"?"} {"term": "moon", "pos": "", "context": "moon the audience", "definition": "expose one 's buttocks to", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"moon the audience\" What is the definition of \"moon\"?"} {"term": "moon", "pos": "", "context": "the average distance to the moon is 384,400 kilometers", "definition": "the natural satellite of the earth", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the average distance to the moon is 384,400 kilometers\" What is the definition of \"moon\"?"} {"term": "diacritic", "pos": "", "context": "because it was the english alphabet that was the standard , only a very few non-english accents and diacritics could be handled .", "definition": "a sign , such as an accent or cedilla , which when written above or below a letter indicates a difference in pronunciation from the same letter when unmarked or differently marked .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"because it was the english alphabet that was the standard , only a very few non-english accents and diacritics could be handled .\" What is the definition of \"diacritic\"?"} {"term": "undertaking", "pos": "", "context": "in undertaking that task , it may be , and commonly will be , necessary to make some assessment of the strength of the case for invalidity .", "definition": "the action of undertaking to do something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in undertaking that task , it may be , and commonly will be , necessary to make some assessment of the strength of the case for invalidity .\" What is the definition of \"undertaking\"?"} {"term": "retrograde", "pos": "", "context": "there is a retrograde filtration process where only certain films made east of the bosphorous and south of the equator actually make it back to a critiquing european audience , creating a sort of sampling bias .", "definition": "( of the order of something ) reversed ; inverse", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is a retrograde filtration process where only certain films made east of the bosphorous and south of the equator actually make it back to a critiquing european audience , creating a sort of sampling bias .\" What is the definition of \"retrograde\"?"} {"term": "retrograde", "pos": "", "context": "‘ that 's called retrograde amnesia , which is common , ’ umberto said .", "definition": "( of amnesia ) involving the period immediately preceding the causal event .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ that 's called retrograde amnesia , which is common , ’ umberto said .\" What is the definition of \"retrograde\"?"} {"term": "detritus", "pos": "", "context": "some crustaceans filter tiny plankton or even bacteria from the water ; others are active predators ; while still others scavenge nutrients from detritus .", "definition": "organic matter produced by the decomposition of organisms .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some crustaceans filter tiny plankton or even bacteria from the water ; others are active predators ; while still others scavenge nutrients from detritus .\" What is the definition of \"detritus\"?"} {"term": "jokey", "pos": "", "context": "ryan 's whole body tensed up and his jokey , light-hearted aura dissipated in a second .", "definition": "not serious ; teasing or humorous", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ryan 's whole body tensed up and his jokey , light-hearted aura dissipated in a second .\" What is the definition of \"jokey\"?"} {"term": "reply", "pos": "", "context": "some of them get through fourteen episodes thinking that the emails she sends them are personal to them , and in reply to the ones that they send her .", "definition": "the action of answering someone or something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some of them get through fourteen episodes thinking that the emails she sends them are personal to them , and in reply to the ones that they send her .\" What is the definition of \"reply\"?"} {"term": "astrophysicist", "pos": "", "context": "he excelled at every subject and could easily have become an astrophysicist .", "definition": "an expert in or student of astrophysics .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he excelled at every subject and could easily have become an astrophysicist .\" What is the definition of \"astrophysicist\"?"} {"term": "jam", "pos": "", "context": "their latest album , you forgot it in people , amazingly encompasses all of it , the anthemic indie , the ambient dub , the free rock , the orchestral jams and the pristine pop .", "definition": "an improvised performance by a group of musicians , especially in jazz or blues .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their latest album , you forgot it in people , amazingly encompasses all of it , the anthemic indie , the ambient dub , the free rock , the orchestral jams and the pristine pop .\" What is the definition of \"jam\"?"} {"term": "checkroom", "pos": "", "context": "there is another checkroom located in the lower level of the center .", "definition": "an office for left luggage .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is another checkroom located in the lower level of the center .\" What is the definition of \"checkroom\"?"} {"term": "firm", "pos": "", "context": "i 'm a junior partner at a law firm specializing in mergers and acquisitions .", "definition": "a business concern , especially one involving a partnership of two or more people", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i 'm a junior partner at a law firm specializing in mergers and acquisitions .\" What is the definition of \"firm\"?"} {"term": "firm", "pos": "", "context": "a firm grasp", "definition": "strong and sure", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a firm grasp\" What is the definition of \"firm\"?"} {"term": "excel", "pos": "", "context": "she excelled in every subject and was friends with just about the entire school .", "definition": "be exceptionally good at or proficient in an activity or subject", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she excelled in every subject and was friends with just about the entire school .\" What is the definition of \"excel\"?"} {"term": "blinding", "pos": "", "context": "the invert of the 4100 level was graded with a gravel blinding layer ( roktek ) .", "definition": "a thin bed of concrete laid down over an area before the main mass of concrete is put in place .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the invert of the 4100 level was graded with a gravel blinding layer ( roktek ) .\" What is the definition of \"blinding\"?"} {"term": "lighten", "pos": "", "context": "after a glass of wine , he lightened up a bit", "definition": "become more cheerful", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after a glass of wine , he lightened up a bit\" What is the definition of \"lighten\"?"} {"term": "mechanical", "pos": "", "context": "oil contamination would result from neglect of compressor maintenance , leading to mechanical failure .", "definition": "relating to machines or machinery", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"oil contamination would result from neglect of compressor maintenance , leading to mechanical failure .\" What is the definition of \"mechanical\"?"} {"term": "paiute", "pos": "", "context": "the winnemucca family consistently urged paiutes toward accommodation of non-indians and selective acculturation .", "definition": "a member of either of two culturally similar but geographically separate and linguistically distinct american indian peoples ( the southern paiute and the northern paiute ) of the western us .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the winnemucca family consistently urged paiutes toward accommodation of non-indians and selective acculturation .\" What is the definition of \"paiute\"?"} {"term": "conception", "pos": "", "context": "assessment of circumstances and conception of plans springs from it .", "definition": "the forming or devising of a plan or idea", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"assessment of circumstances and conception of plans springs from it .\" What is the definition of \"conception\"?"} {"term": "smocking", "pos": "", "context": "the stitchers display dazzling skill and finesse , creating textured surfaces of petit point , needlepoint , beading , embroidery , appliqué , smocking and macramé .", "definition": "decoration on a garment created by gathering a section of the material into tight pleats and holding them together with parallel stitches in an ornamental pattern .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the stitchers display dazzling skill and finesse , creating textured surfaces of petit point , needlepoint , beading , embroidery , appliqué , smocking and macramé .\" What is the definition of \"smocking\"?"} {"term": "position", "pos": "", "context": "is n't marx making a deliberately exaggerated statement of his own position in order to display its novelty ?", "definition": "a proposition laid down or asserted ; a tenet or assertion .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"is n't marx making a deliberately exaggerated statement of his own position in order to display its novelty ?\" What is the definition of \"position\"?"} {"term": "position", "pos": "", "context": "any significant increase in costs could affect the financial position adversely .", "definition": "a situation , especially as it affects one 's power to act", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"any significant increase in costs could affect the financial position adversely .\" What is the definition of \"position\"?"} {"term": "position", "pos": "", "context": "the position of the hands on the clock", "definition": "the spatial property of a place where or way in which something is situated", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the position of the hands on the clock\" What is the definition of \"position\"?"} {"term": "position", "pos": "", "context": "what position does he play ?", "definition": "( in team sports ) the role assigned to an individual player", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"what position does he play ?\" What is the definition of \"position\"?"} {"term": "position", "pos": "", "context": "students can view their hand positions , posture and essentially take each lesson home with them for review .", "definition": "a particular location of the hand on the fingerboard of a stringed instrument", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"students can view their hand positions , posture and essentially take each lesson home with them for review .\" What is the definition of \"position\"?"} {"term": "trouser", "pos": "", "context": "another modern mystery has been the tyranny of torso , as for the past few years the hipster trouser has reigned supreme .", "definition": "( chiefly in commercial use ) a pair of trousers", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"another modern mystery has been the tyranny of torso , as for the past few years the hipster trouser has reigned supreme .\" What is the definition of \"trouser\"?"} {"term": "baler", "pos": "", "context": "the work has been progressing well and thoughts are gradually turning from balers and bogs to beaches and from hay fields and haggarts to holidays .", "definition": "a machine for making up material such as paper , hay , or cotton into bales", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the work has been progressing well and thoughts are gradually turning from balers and bogs to beaches and from hay fields and haggarts to holidays .\" What is the definition of \"baler\"?"} {"term": "beignet", "pos": "", "context": "cut beignet into quarters and arrange on plates .", "definition": "a fritter", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cut beignet into quarters and arrange on plates .\" What is the definition of \"beignet\"?"} {"term": "belly", "pos": "", "context": "in the belly of the ship", "definition": "the hollow inside of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the belly of the ship\" What is the definition of \"belly\"?"} {"term": "belly", "pos": "", "context": "she had a home , plenty of clothes and food in her belly .", "definition": "the stomach , especially as representing the body 's need for food", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she had a home , plenty of clothes and food in her belly .\" What is the definition of \"belly\"?"} {"term": "graniteware", "pos": "", "context": "this is a huge old antique graniteware/enamelware coffee pot with the wonderful splatter enamel design .", "definition": "a kind of enamelled ironware .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this is a huge old antique graniteware/enamelware coffee pot with the wonderful splatter enamel design .\" What is the definition of \"graniteware\"?"} {"term": "graniteware", "pos": "", "context": "the types and colors of stripes on graniteware also help to date it , but it 's fairly complicated , so you might want to consult a graniteware guide .", "definition": "a speckled form of earthenware imitating the appearance of granite .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the types and colors of stripes on graniteware also help to date it , but it 's fairly complicated , so you might want to consult a graniteware guide .\" What is the definition of \"graniteware\"?"} {"term": "maid", "pos": "", "context": "on the eve of st valentine , a number of young folk - maids and bachelors - would assemble together , and inscribe upon little billets the names of an equal number of maids and bachelors of their acquaintance , throw the whole into a receptacle of some sort , and then draw them lottery-wise - care , of course , being taken that each should draw one of the opposite sex .", "definition": "a virgin .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on the eve of st valentine , a number of young folk - maids and bachelors - would assemble together , and inscribe upon little billets the names of an equal number of maids and bachelors of their acquaintance , throw the whole into a receptacle of some sort , and then draw them lottery-wise - care , of course , being taken that each should draw one of the opposite sex .\" What is the definition of \"maid\"?"} {"term": "exclude", "pos": "", "context": "protection of the molten alloy using either a flux or a protective gas cover to exclude oxygen is therefore necessary .", "definition": "keep ( something ) out of a place", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"protection of the molten alloy using either a flux or a protective gas cover to exclude oxygen is therefore necessary .\" What is the definition of \"exclude\"?"} {"term": "exclude", "pos": "", "context": "the unruly student was excluded from the game", "definition": "put out or expel from a place", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the unruly student was excluded from the game\" What is the definition of \"exclude\"?"} {"term": "bell", "pos": "", "context": "she had pressed the bell indicating that she wanted the bus to halt at the next stop where she would disembark .", "definition": "a device that includes or sounds like a bell , used to give a signal or warning", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she had pressed the bell indicating that she wanted the bus to halt at the next stop where she would disembark .\" What is the definition of \"bell\"?"} {"term": "bell", "pos": "", "context": "bell cows", "definition": "attach a bell to", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bell cows\" What is the definition of \"bell\"?"} {"term": "uptake", "pos": "", "context": "they developed paper napkins with a greater uptake of liquids", "definition": "a process of taking up or using up or consuming", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they developed paper napkins with a greater uptake of liquids\" What is the definition of \"uptake\"?"} {"term": "low", "pos": "", "context": "fruits and vegetables are naturally low in fat , and they add flavor and variety to your diet .", "definition": "( of a substance or food ) containing smaller quantities than usual of a specified ingredient", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fruits and vegetables are naturally low in fat , and they add flavor and variety to your diet .\" What is the definition of \"low\"?"} {"term": "yawp", "pos": "", "context": "the british rapper has a strangled yawp of a voice ( occasionally he swallows his words whole ) , his rhymes are all about the rough patches of street life and romance , and his stage name suggests a teetering instability .", "definition": "a harsh or hoarse cry or yelp", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the british rapper has a strangled yawp of a voice ( occasionally he swallows his words whole ) , his rhymes are all about the rough patches of street life and romance , and his stage name suggests a teetering instability .\" What is the definition of \"yawp\"?"} {"term": "tam-tam", "pos": "", "context": "among the principal musical instruments are tam-tams , pottery drums , goat-horn whistles and flutes , and gourd-calabash horns .", "definition": "a large metal gong .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"among the principal musical instruments are tam-tams , pottery drums , goat-horn whistles and flutes , and gourd-calabash horns .\" What is the definition of \"tam-tam\"?"} {"term": "superscript", "pos": "", "context": "haploid sperm from p. lucida ( different superscripts represent different males ) fertilizes the m egg producing an ml female with the same maternal genome as her mother , but different paternal genome .", "definition": "a superscript letter , figure , or symbol .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"haploid sperm from p. lucida ( different superscripts represent different males ) fertilizes the m egg producing an ml female with the same maternal genome as her mother , but different paternal genome .\" What is the definition of \"superscript\"?"} {"term": "evenki", "pos": "", "context": "it is particularly good on the disconnection between evenki clan order and russia 's attempts to institutionalize iasak ( tribute payments ) .", "definition": "relating to the evenki or their language .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is particularly good on the disconnection between evenki clan order and russia 's attempts to institutionalize iasak ( tribute payments ) .\" What is the definition of \"evenki\"?"} {"term": "toque", "pos": "", "context": "johnny does n't wear toques , and it 's not even that cold out anyway .", "definition": "a woman 's small hat having a narrow , closely turned up brim .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"johnny does n't wear toques , and it 's not even that cold out anyway .\" What is the definition of \"toque\"?"} {"term": "overriding", "pos": "", "context": "when convergence rate and subduction rate differ , the trench migrates with respect to a fixed point in the overriding plate interior .", "definition": "extending or moving over something , especially while remaining in close contact", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when convergence rate and subduction rate differ , the trench migrates with respect to a fixed point in the overriding plate interior .\" What is the definition of \"overriding\"?"} {"term": "supremo", "pos": "", "context": "what you must understand at this point is that we are talking to two marketing supremos .", "definition": "a person in overall charge of an organization or activity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"what you must understand at this point is that we are talking to two marketing supremos .\" What is the definition of \"supremo\"?"} {"term": "snoop", "pos": "", "context": "that way , dutiful snoops can see if any of the hundreds of alien detainees in custody have ever purchased a firearm .", "definition": "a person who furtively tries to find out information about someone 's private affairs", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that way , dutiful snoops can see if any of the hundreds of alien detainees in custody have ever purchased a firearm .\" What is the definition of \"snoop\"?"} {"term": "toil", "pos": "", "context": "i strap everything to my pack , and toil my way up the last three miles in my soggy snowboard boots .", "definition": "move slowly and with difficulty", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i strap everything to my pack , and toil my way up the last three miles in my soggy snowboard boots .\" What is the definition of \"toil\"?"} {"term": "logotype", "pos": "", "context": "instead of a conventional graphic logotype , the emblem is simply the legend ‘ fair trade ‘ hand-lettered and underlined . ’", "definition": "a logo .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"instead of a conventional graphic logotype , the emblem is simply the legend ‘ fair trade ‘ hand-lettered and underlined . ’\" What is the definition of \"logotype\"?"} {"term": "understeer", "pos": "", "context": "at speed , this reduces to concerns about whether the car drives too ‘ tight ’ or too ‘ loose ’ - tight meaning it is hard to turn , it understeers , and loose meaning it turns too much , it oversteers .", "definition": "( of a motor vehicle ) have a tendency to turn less sharply than is intended", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at speed , this reduces to concerns about whether the car drives too ‘ tight ’ or too ‘ loose ’ - tight meaning it is hard to turn , it understeers , and loose meaning it turns too much , it oversteers .\" What is the definition of \"understeer\"?"} {"term": "sherbet", "pos": "", "context": "dinner menus offered just one soup , two salads , fresh hot breads , a choice of six main courses , and a featured dessert plus sherbets .", "definition": "water ice ; sorbet .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dinner menus offered just one soup , two salads , fresh hot breads , a choice of six main courses , and a featured dessert plus sherbets .\" What is the definition of \"sherbet\"?"} {"term": "wigwag", "pos": "", "context": "their tails popped up reflexively , almost absurdly long and white , and wigwagged out of sight .", "definition": "move to and fro", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their tails popped up reflexively , almost absurdly long and white , and wigwagged out of sight .\" What is the definition of \"wigwag\"?"} {"term": "theorize", "pos": "", "context": "he thinks and theorizes all day", "definition": "form or construct theories", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he thinks and theorizes all day\" What is the definition of \"theorize\"?"} {"term": "sonar", "pos": "", "context": "now , video footage and sonar data proves conclusively that the wreck is not centaur .", "definition": "a system for the detection of objects under water by emitting sound pulses and detecting or measuring their return after being reflected", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"now , video footage and sonar data proves conclusively that the wreck is not centaur .\" What is the definition of \"sonar\"?"} {"term": "ream", "pos": "", "context": "it was washed down with a draught of yule-ale that reamed briskly in a corner of the kitchen .", "definition": "froth or overflow", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was washed down with a draught of yule-ale that reamed briskly in a corner of the kitchen .\" What is the definition of \"ream\"?"} {"term": "ream", "pos": "", "context": "for months i worked nonstop grinding out the detailed specification for the system - a monumental ream of paper going into incredible detail covering a gigantic object model and programming environment .", "definition": "a large quantity of something , especially paper or writing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for months i worked nonstop grinding out the detailed specification for the system - a monumental ream of paper going into incredible detail covering a gigantic object model and programming environment .\" What is the definition of \"ream\"?"} {"term": "awe", "pos": "", "context": "the famous professor awed the undergraduates", "definition": "inspire awe in", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the famous professor awed the undergraduates\" What is the definition of \"awe\"?"} {"term": "awe", "pos": "", "context": "the metro has lost its awe , and i now feel like a true muscovite as i monotonously ride the metro without effort .", "definition": "capacity to inspire awe", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the metro has lost its awe , and i now feel like a true muscovite as i monotonously ride the metro without effort .\" What is the definition of \"awe\"?"} {"term": "utilization", "pos": "", "context": "they endorse our utilization of emerging technologies for research , education , and therapy .", "definition": "the action of making practical and effective use of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they endorse our utilization of emerging technologies for research , education , and therapy .\" What is the definition of \"utilization\"?"} {"term": "knop", "pos": "", "context": "the stem may be straight or with swellings called knops .", "definition": "a knob , especially an ornamental one , for example in the stem of a wine glass .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the stem may be straight or with swellings called knops .\" What is the definition of \"knop\"?"} {"term": "bulletin", "pos": "", "context": "i believe that two extra bulletins of world news are required , one in the afternoon and one in prime time .", "definition": "a short official statement or broadcast summary of news .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i believe that two extra bulletins of world news are required , one in the afternoon and one in prime time .\" What is the definition of \"bulletin\"?"} {"term": "conjugate", "pos": "", "context": "compounds containing this group are enols , and their conjugate bases - the c = coh anion - are enolates .", "definition": "( of an acid or base ) related to the corresponding base or acid by loss or gain of a proton .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"compounds containing this group are enols , and their conjugate bases - the c = coh anion - are enolates .\" What is the definition of \"conjugate\"?"} {"term": "kiddo", "pos": "", "context": "she does n't know what she 's got , she does n't deserve you , kiddo .", "definition": "a friendly or slightly condescending form of address", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she does n't know what she 's got , she does n't deserve you , kiddo .\" What is the definition of \"kiddo\"?"} {"term": "chime", "pos": "", "context": "there is disclosed a cask and chime assembly wherein the cask has end surface side wall portions of reduced diameter relative to the central wall surface portion of the cask .", "definition": "the projecting rim at the end of a cask .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is disclosed a cask and chime assembly wherein the cask has end surface side wall portions of reduced diameter relative to the central wall surface portion of the cask .\" What is the definition of \"chime\"?"} {"term": "frizzle", "pos": "", "context": "in the crowded roasted-meats category , the loin chops of lamb seemed best , despite stiff competition from the sweetbreads and a simple country chicken with frizzled sprigs of thyme under the crackly skin .", "definition": "fry until crisp , shrivelled , or burnt", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the crowded roasted-meats category , the loin chops of lamb seemed best , despite stiff competition from the sweetbreads and a simple country chicken with frizzled sprigs of thyme under the crackly skin .\" What is the definition of \"frizzle\"?"} {"term": "weimaraner", "pos": "", "context": "mrs jordan has two weimaraner dogs , which she enjoys walking in the forest .", "definition": "a dog of a thin-coated , typically grey breed of pointer used as a gun dog .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mrs jordan has two weimaraner dogs , which she enjoys walking in the forest .\" What is the definition of \"weimaraner\"?"} {"term": "drawdown", "pos": "", "context": "the company is using cash along with a drawdown on its existing credit facility and an additional $ 800m bridge credit facility .", "definition": "an act of drawing on available funds or loan facilities", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the company is using cash along with a drawdown on its existing credit facility and an additional $ 800m bridge credit facility .\" What is the definition of \"drawdown\"?"} {"term": "scramble", "pos": "", "context": "speedway racing is not the only interest of the new club - members will go to scrambles and tt races .", "definition": "a motorcycle race over rough and hilly ground", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"speedway racing is not the only interest of the new club - members will go to scrambles and tt races .\" What is the definition of \"scramble\"?"} {"term": "grave", "pos": "", "context": "tommy was laid to rest in the family grave in the adjoining cemetery .", "definition": "a hole dug in the ground to receive a coffin or dead body , typically marked by a stone or mound", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tommy was laid to rest in the family grave in the adjoining cemetery .\" What is the definition of \"grave\"?"} {"term": "grave", "pos": "", "context": "he asked to have his ship trimmed and graved , and was much grieved to hear that the prize had been bestowed elsewhere .", "definition": "clean ( a ship 's bottom ) by burning off the accretions and then tarring it", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he asked to have his ship trimmed and graved , and was much grieved to hear that the prize had been bestowed elsewhere .\" What is the definition of \"grave\"?"} {"term": "grave", "pos": "", "context": "he went to his grave without forgiving me", "definition": "death of a person", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he went to his grave without forgiving me\" What is the definition of \"grave\"?"} {"term": "lay", "pos": "", "context": "in my opinion the church needs lay advisory boards with some teeth .", "definition": "not ordained into or belonging to the clergy", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in my opinion the church needs lay advisory boards with some teeth .\" What is the definition of \"lay\"?"} {"term": "ping", "pos": "", "context": "some people ping us directly , and most of the rest comes from blogs - which polls weblogs.com once an hour .", "definition": "send an email or other electronic message to ( someone )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some people ping us directly , and most of the rest comes from blogs - which polls weblogs.com once an hour .\" What is the definition of \"ping\"?"} {"term": "cement", "pos": "", "context": "the nearby jubilee garden , next to the old bell hotel , has four benches , which have been cemented to the ground because of previous problems with vandalism .", "definition": "fix with cement", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the nearby jubilee garden , next to the old bell hotel , has four benches , which have been cemented to the ground because of previous problems with vandalism .\" What is the definition of \"cement\"?"} {"term": "churn", "pos": "", "context": "about 30 boulders have been mounted on the grass verge in wilcot avenue to stop motorists churning up the ground .", "definition": "break up the surface of ( an area of ground )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"about 30 boulders have been mounted on the grass verge in wilcot avenue to stop motorists churning up the ground .\" What is the definition of \"churn\"?"} {"term": "regard", "pos": "", "context": "i asked him to pass on my regards and my hopes that life , no matter how short from now on , will be kind to them .", "definition": "best wishes ( used to express friendliness in greetings )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i asked him to pass on my regards and my hopes that life , no matter how short from now on , will be kind to them .\" What is the definition of \"regard\"?"} {"term": "procure", "pos": "", "context": "the perjured evidence was not procured or knowingly adopted by orion , nor was it given by someone who was part of the company 's directing mind and will .", "definition": "cause ( something ) to happen", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the perjured evidence was not procured or knowingly adopted by orion , nor was it given by someone who was part of the company 's directing mind and will .\" What is the definition of \"procure\"?"} {"term": "shovel", "pos": "", "context": "shovel sand", "definition": "dig with or as if with a shovel", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shovel sand\" What is the definition of \"shovel\"?"} {"term": "drop", "pos": "", "context": "there were freshwater pearl drop earrings and a matching five-stringed pearl choker , framed in delicate rose gold .", "definition": "an earring that hangs down from the earlobe", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there were freshwater pearl drop earrings and a matching five-stringed pearl choker , framed in delicate rose gold .\" What is the definition of \"drop\"?"} {"term": "drop", "pos": "", "context": "they dropped her after she had a child out of wedlock", "definition": "stop associating with", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they dropped her after she had a child out of wedlock\" What is the definition of \"drop\"?"} {"term": "drop", "pos": "", "context": "there is not a drop of pity in that man", "definition": "a small indefinite quantity ( especially of a liquid )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is not a drop of pity in that man\" What is the definition of \"drop\"?"} {"term": "drop", "pos": "", "context": "new englanders drop their post-vocalic r 's", "definition": "omit ( a letter or syllable ) in speaking or writing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"new englanders drop their post-vocalic r 's\" What is the definition of \"drop\"?"} {"term": "drop", "pos": "", "context": "some , who might have come miles to see ‘ the drop ’ , were determined to have a good time - almost as though it was a holiday or they had gone to a carnival .", "definition": "execution by hanging .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some , who might have come miles to see ‘ the drop ’ , were determined to have a good time - almost as though it was a holiday or they had gone to a carnival .\" What is the definition of \"drop\"?"} {"term": "lablab", "pos": "", "context": "supplementing the diet of goats with lablab in many areas has been shown to yield better condition for expecting goats , higher kid birth weights , growth rates , and milk yields .", "definition": "an asian plant of the pea family , which is widely grown in the tropics for its edible seeds and pods and as a fodder crop .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"supplementing the diet of goats with lablab in many areas has been shown to yield better condition for expecting goats , higher kid birth weights , growth rates , and milk yields .\" What is the definition of \"lablab\"?"} {"term": "posterity", "pos": "", "context": "the goal of enoch 's prayer , and mahalalel 's command , is to preserve the posterity of the righteous .", "definition": "the descendants of a person", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the goal of enoch 's prayer , and mahalalel 's command , is to preserve the posterity of the righteous .\" What is the definition of \"posterity\"?"} {"term": "kennel", "pos": "", "context": "kennel a dog", "definition": "put up in a kennel", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"kennel a dog\" What is the definition of \"kennel\"?"} {"term": "kennel", "pos": "", "context": "i have a dog , and i 've noticed that though she is pleased to see me when i get home , it 's often because now she can get out of the kennel .", "definition": "a small shelter for a dog .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i have a dog , and i 've noticed that though she is pleased to see me when i get home , it 's often because now she can get out of the kennel .\" What is the definition of \"kennel\"?"} {"term": "rig", "pos": "", "context": "i have to use the roads too and do n't want this guy driving a big rig or a school bus .", "definition": "a truck .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i have to use the roads too and do n't want this guy driving a big rig or a school bus .\" What is the definition of \"rig\"?"} {"term": "rig", "pos": "", "context": "they started rigging up the aircraft after unloading it from a trailer but the pilot was interrupted twice .", "definition": "assemble and adjust ( the equipment of a sailing boat , aircraft , etc . ) in readiness for operation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they started rigging up the aircraft after unloading it from a trailer but the pilot was interrupted twice .\" What is the definition of \"rig\"?"} {"term": "rig", "pos": "", "context": "if you really want to get crazy , then you can set up two midi keyboards and use them in the dual-manual fashion with a foot-pedal rig to play bass , just like the genuine article .", "definition": "a device or piece of equipment designed for a particular purpose", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if you really want to get crazy , then you can set up two midi keyboards and use them in the dual-manual fashion with a foot-pedal rig to play bass , just like the genuine article .\" What is the definition of \"rig\"?"} {"term": "rig", "pos": "", "context": "rent a rig at windsurfing hatteras , which also offers kiteboarding lessons .", "definition": "the sail , mast , and boom of a windsurfer", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rent a rig at windsurfing hatteras , which also offers kiteboarding lessons .\" What is the definition of \"rig\"?"} {"term": "shit", "pos": "", "context": "he took a shit", "definition": "a coarse term for defecation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he took a shit\" What is the definition of \"shit\"?"} {"term": "pygmy", "pos": "", "context": "looking like a pygmy version of the old atari 2600 , the atari flashback 2 ( $ 30 ) is a retro-inspired collection of atari games , 20 classic and 20 new , along with two joysticks in one easy pack .", "definition": "very small or insignificant .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"looking like a pygmy version of the old atari 2600 , the atari flashback 2 ( $ 30 ) is a retro-inspired collection of atari games , 20 classic and 20 new , along with two joysticks in one easy pack .\" What is the definition of \"pygmy\"?"} {"term": "pygmy", "pos": "", "context": "how long will this intellectual pygmy spend his time hiding behind the building industry taskforce ?", "definition": "a person who is insignificant or is deficient in a particular respect", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"how long will this intellectual pygmy spend his time hiding behind the building industry taskforce ?\" What is the definition of \"pygmy\"?"} {"term": "comer", "pos": "", "context": "he seemed to welcome all comers as long as they were young and pretty .", "definition": "a person who arrives somewhere", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he seemed to welcome all comers as long as they were young and pretty .\" What is the definition of \"comer\"?"} {"term": "bdellium", "pos": "", "context": "manna was said to be the color of bdellium .", "definition": "a fragrant resin produced by a number of trees related to myrrh , used in perfumes .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"manna was said to be the color of bdellium .\" What is the definition of \"bdellium\"?"} {"term": "liana", "pos": "", "context": "tropical forest foragers fashion their own nets from lianas , and make belt pouches , baskets , and mats from grasses .", "definition": "the free-hanging stem of a liana .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tropical forest foragers fashion their own nets from lianas , and make belt pouches , baskets , and mats from grasses .\" What is the definition of \"liana\"?"} {"term": "xhosa", "pos": "", "context": "and i had to tell them it was on male circumcision amongst the xhosa tribes .", "definition": "relating to the xhosa or their language .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and i had to tell them it was on male circumcision amongst the xhosa tribes .\" What is the definition of \"xhosa\"?"} {"term": "illegitimacy", "pos": "", "context": "the illegitimacy ratio in the late 1990s was 33 percent .", "definition": "the state of being born to parents not lawfully married to each other", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the illegitimacy ratio in the late 1990s was 33 percent .\" What is the definition of \"illegitimacy\"?"} {"term": "pythagorean", "pos": "", "context": "newton 's axiom on slicing the pie to satisfy musical harmonies is reminiscent of kepler 's pythagorean speculations .", "definition": "relating to or characteristic of the greek philosopher pythagoras or his ideas", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"newton 's axiom on slicing the pie to satisfy musical harmonies is reminiscent of kepler 's pythagorean speculations .\" What is the definition of \"pythagorean\"?"} {"term": "grassland", "pos": "", "context": "an area of grassland near lower pen pond was designated a protected zone to encourage the skylarks to breed undisturbed .", "definition": "a large open area of country covered with grass , especially one used for grazing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an area of grassland near lower pen pond was designated a protected zone to encourage the skylarks to breed undisturbed .\" What is the definition of \"grassland\"?"} {"term": "cleat", "pos": "", "context": "the cleats give the metal edges another level of defense against wind uplift .", "definition": "a projecting wedge on a spar or other part of a ship , to prevent slipping .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the cleats give the metal edges another level of defense against wind uplift .\" What is the definition of \"cleat\"?"} {"term": "tuber", "pos": "", "context": "their food consists of tubers and rhizomes , which they dig out with their bills .", "definition": "a much thickened underground part of a stem or rhizome , e.g . in the potato , serving as a food reserve and bearing buds from which new plants arise .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their food consists of tubers and rhizomes , which they dig out with their bills .\" What is the definition of \"tuber\"?"} {"term": "damask", "pos": "", "context": "damask table linens", "definition": "having a woven pattern", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"damask table linens\" What is the definition of \"damask\"?"} {"term": "skivvy", "pos": "", "context": "i had worn a black skivvy with my favourite pair of faded jeans and my white sneakers .", "definition": "a lightweight high-necked long-sleeved garment .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i had worn a black skivvy with my favourite pair of faded jeans and my white sneakers .\" What is the definition of \"skivvy\"?"} {"term": "still", "pos": "", "context": "sitting by the window and looking outwards , i noticed how very still it was yesterday .", "definition": "( of air , water , or the weather ) undisturbed by wind , sound , or current ; calm and tranquil", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sitting by the window and looking outwards , i noticed how very still it was yesterday .\" What is the definition of \"still\"?"} {"term": "thrill", "pos": "", "context": "the men were thrilled by a loud whistle blow", "definition": "cause to be thrilled by some perceptual input", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the men were thrilled by a loud whistle blow\" What is the definition of \"thrill\"?"} {"term": "roasting", "pos": "", "context": "the sky is gray but it 's roasting .", "definition": "very hot and dry", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sky is gray but it 's roasting .\" What is the definition of \"roasting\"?"} {"term": "linage", "pos": "", "context": "the 753,116 column inches of display advertising the post amounts to just 45 % of the linage of the daily news and 18 % of newsday 's , the metro area 's third major tabloid , according to the analyst .", "definition": "the number of lines in printed or written matter , especially when used to calculate payment .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the 753,116 column inches of display advertising the post amounts to just 45 % of the linage of the daily news and 18 % of newsday 's , the metro area 's third major tabloid , according to the analyst .\" What is the definition of \"linage\"?"} {"term": "re-mark", "pos": "", "context": "she said : ‘ there have been a considerable number of key stage three english papers re-marked and we are waiting for the outcome of the re-marks . ’", "definition": "an act of marking an examination or piece of academic work again", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she said : ‘ there have been a considerable number of key stage three english papers re-marked and we are waiting for the outcome of the re-marks . ’\" What is the definition of \"re-mark\"?"} {"term": "blasphemy", "pos": "", "context": "is a culture that 's gone so far away from the substance of christianity really able to discern what is blasphemy ?", "definition": "the action or offence of speaking sacrilegiously about god or sacred things ; profane talk", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"is a culture that 's gone so far away from the substance of christianity really able to discern what is blasphemy ?\" What is the definition of \"blasphemy\"?"} {"term": "aw", "pos": "", "context": "aww , my little joshy boy is all grown up .", "definition": "used to express pleasure , delight , or affection , especially in response to something regarded as sweet or endearing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"aww , my little joshy boy is all grown up .\" What is the definition of \"aw\"?"} {"term": "period", "pos": "", "context": "there is an extra period called injury time , usually in the vicinity of three minutes .", "definition": "each of the divisions of the playing time of a sporting event", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is an extra period called injury time , usually in the vicinity of three minutes .\" What is the definition of \"period\"?"} {"term": "period", "pos": "", "context": "picasso 's blue period", "definition": "an amount of time", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"picasso 's blue period\" What is the definition of \"period\"?"} {"term": "period", "pos": "", "context": "in my day , that meant the four boys who drank it in an alley near school during free periods ( i joined them once and will spare you the details ) .", "definition": "each of the set divisions of the day in a school allocated to a lesson or other activity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in my day , that meant the four boys who drank it in an alley near school during free periods ( i joined them once and will spare you the details ) .\" What is the definition of \"period\"?"} {"term": "period", "pos": "", "context": "ganoid fishes swarmed during the earlier geological periods", "definition": "a unit of geological time during which a system of rocks formed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ganoid fishes swarmed during the earlier geological periods\" What is the definition of \"period\"?"} {"term": "period", "pos": "", "context": "despite our lack of knowledge , or perhaps because of it , researchers have divided the precambrian into three time periods called eons .", "definition": "a major division of geological time that is a subdivision of an era and is itself subdivided into epochs", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"despite our lack of knowledge , or perhaps because of it , researchers have divided the precambrian into three time periods called eons .\" What is the definition of \"period\"?"} {"term": "margarine", "pos": "", "context": "just a few ounces of cheese , butter and margarine were allowed per person , along with one fresh egg a week .", "definition": "a butter substitute made from vegetable oils or animal fats .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"just a few ounces of cheese , butter and margarine were allowed per person , along with one fresh egg a week .\" What is the definition of \"margarine\"?"} {"term": "erythronium", "pos": "", "context": "‘ pagoda ’ is one of the most commonly available erythroniums .", "definition": "a plant of a genus which includes dog's-tooth violet .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ pagoda ’ is one of the most commonly available erythroniums .\" What is the definition of \"erythronium\"?"} {"term": "cowl", "pos": "", "context": "another woman walks to her side , in black , with a white cowl .", "definition": "a large loose hood , especially one forming part of a monk 's habit .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"another woman walks to her side , in black , with a white cowl .\" What is the definition of \"cowl\"?"} {"term": "lighting", "pos": "", "context": "after about 1900 , banks , offices , libraries , and schools installed artificial lighting .", "definition": "equipment in a room , building , or street for producing light", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after about 1900 , banks , offices , libraries , and schools installed artificial lighting .\" What is the definition of \"lighting\"?"} {"term": "shimmy", "pos": "", "context": "he could feel the shimmy in the steering wheel", "definition": "an abnormal wobble in a motor vehicle ( especially in the front wheels )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he could feel the shimmy in the steering wheel\" What is the definition of \"shimmy\"?"} {"term": "ingredient", "pos": "", "context": "they told us every detail of the ingredients of each dish and how they would benefit our health .", "definition": "any of the foods or substances that are combined to make a particular dish", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they told us every detail of the ingredients of each dish and how they would benefit our health .\" What is the definition of \"ingredient\"?"} {"term": "ytterbium", "pos": "", "context": "it is extracted from its ores by heating lanthanum metal with ytterbium oxide .", "definition": "the chemical element of atomic number 70 , a silvery-white metal of the lanthanide series .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is extracted from its ores by heating lanthanum metal with ytterbium oxide .\" What is the definition of \"ytterbium\"?"} {"term": "antecedent", "pos": "", "context": "my students make mistakes with matching the pronoun and the antecedent all the time .", "definition": "an earlier word , phrase , or clause to which another word ( especially a following relative pronoun ) refers back .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my students make mistakes with matching the pronoun and the antecedent all the time .\" What is the definition of \"antecedent\"?"} {"term": "naturalist", "pos": "", "context": "but as johnson himself notes , many people think that they can be methodological naturalists and theists .", "definition": "a person who adopts philosophical naturalism .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but as johnson himself notes , many people think that they can be methodological naturalists and theists .\" What is the definition of \"naturalist\"?"} {"term": "suspend", "pos": "", "context": "she was suspended from teaching in oct. 2004 and resigned her position just before christmas .", "definition": "officially prohibit ( someone ) from holding their usual post or carrying out their usual role for a particular length of time", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was suspended from teaching in oct. 2004 and resigned her position just before christmas .\" What is the definition of \"suspend\"?"} {"term": "suspend", "pos": "", "context": "while we ultimately know this film is a mockumentary , these techniques allow us to temporarily suspend our disbelief .", "definition": "temporarily prevent from continuing or being in force or effect", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"while we ultimately know this film is a mockumentary , these techniques allow us to temporarily suspend our disbelief .\" What is the definition of \"suspend\"?"} {"term": "suspend", "pos": "", "context": "suspend the aid to the war-torn country", "definition": "stop a process or a habit by imposing a freeze on it", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"suspend the aid to the war-torn country\" What is the definition of \"suspend\"?"} {"term": "fuggle", "pos": "", "context": "an american cross of fuggle and a russian hop , cascade is a very popular aroma hop with a distinct character .", "definition": "hops of a variety used in beer-making", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an american cross of fuggle and a russian hop , cascade is a very popular aroma hop with a distinct character .\" What is the definition of \"fuggle\"?"} {"term": "narrative", "pos": "", "context": "narrative poetry", "definition": "consisting of or characterized by the telling of a story", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"narrative poetry\" What is the definition of \"narrative\"?"} {"term": "narrative", "pos": "", "context": "nonfiction narrative is to my mind a higher art because the writer has far more demands put on them by the known facts .", "definition": "the practice or art of telling stories", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nonfiction narrative is to my mind a higher art because the writer has far more demands put on them by the known facts .\" What is the definition of \"narrative\"?"} {"term": "narrative", "pos": "", "context": "these various narratives are weaved in with combat footage and historical analysis .", "definition": "the narrated part of a literary work , as distinct from dialogue", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these various narratives are weaved in with combat footage and historical analysis .\" What is the definition of \"narrative\"?"} {"term": "hydrostatic", "pos": "", "context": "in operation , hydrostatic head pressure forces stormwater flow into the housing where primary separation of insoluble contaminants occurs .", "definition": "relating to or denoting the equilibrium of liquids and the pressure exerted by liquid at rest", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in operation , hydrostatic head pressure forces stormwater flow into the housing where primary separation of insoluble contaminants occurs .\" What is the definition of \"hydrostatic\"?"} {"term": "balladeer", "pos": "", "context": "even homer , the balladeer , was a turk , living most of his life in izmir ( smyrna ) .", "definition": "a singer or composer of ballads .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"even homer , the balladeer , was a turk , living most of his life in izmir ( smyrna ) .\" What is the definition of \"balladeer\"?"} {"term": "breath", "pos": "", "context": "not a breath of scandal ever touched her", "definition": "an indirect suggestion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"not a breath of scandal ever touched her\" What is the definition of \"breath\"?"} {"term": "breath", "pos": "", "context": "the sunshine passed away , and a breath of cold wind seemed to drift over us .", "definition": "a slight movement of air", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sunshine passed away , and a breath of cold wind seemed to drift over us .\" What is the definition of \"breath\"?"} {"term": "uptown", "pos": "", "context": "uptown residential areas", "definition": "of or located in the upper part of a town", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"uptown residential areas\" What is the definition of \"uptown\"?"} {"term": "threepence", "pos": "", "context": "he had to give threepence for a copy of that paper .", "definition": "the sum of three pence , especially before decimalization ( 1971 ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had to give threepence for a copy of that paper .\" What is the definition of \"threepence\"?"} {"term": "beery", "pos": "", "context": "to escape the blubbery kisses of great aunts and the beery , fag - fugged breaths of distant cousins , we children used to escape outside , playing a game called jumping the gardens , which was modelled on the grand national .", "definition": "smelling or tasting of beer", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to escape the blubbery kisses of great aunts and the beery , fag - fugged breaths of distant cousins , we children used to escape outside , playing a game called jumping the gardens , which was modelled on the grand national .\" What is the definition of \"beery\"?"} {"term": "bullion", "pos": "", "context": "this pillow has a gorgeous raised peach tone fabric with quality leopard inlay and bullion fringe .", "definition": "ornamental braid or fringing made with twists of gold or silver thread", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this pillow has a gorgeous raised peach tone fabric with quality leopard inlay and bullion fringe .\" What is the definition of \"bullion\"?"} {"term": "varnish", "pos": "", "context": "when the piece is dry , sand it lightly and apply one coat of acrylic varnish to protect the finish .", "definition": "resin dissolved in a liquid for applying on wood , metal , or other materials to form a hard , clear , shiny surface when dry", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when the piece is dry , sand it lightly and apply one coat of acrylic varnish to protect the finish .\" What is the definition of \"varnish\"?"} {"term": "materialize", "pos": "", "context": "indeed , in the film , the ocean can project and materialize the deepest thoughts that lie in the minds of the humans living close by .", "definition": "represent or cause to appear in bodily or physical form", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"indeed , in the film , the ocean can project and materialize the deepest thoughts that lie in the minds of the humans living close by .\" What is the definition of \"materialize\"?"} {"term": "materialize", "pos": "", "context": "her dream really materialized", "definition": "come into being ; become reality", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her dream really materialized\" What is the definition of \"materialize\"?"} {"term": "recalculate", "pos": "", "context": "a salford city council spokesman said the benefit bill had been recalculated and the couple would now be better off - by just over £1 a week .", "definition": "calculate again , typically using different data", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a salford city council spokesman said the benefit bill had been recalculated and the couple would now be better off - by just over £1 a week .\" What is the definition of \"recalculate\"?"} {"term": "recalculate", "pos": "", "context": "the costs had to be recalculated", "definition": "calculate anew", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the costs had to be recalculated\" What is the definition of \"recalculate\"?"} {"term": "crotch", "pos": "", "context": "squat to see if pants gap in back , or cut into the crotch .", "definition": "the part of the human body between the legs where they join the torso .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"squat to see if pants gap in back , or cut into the crotch .\" What is the definition of \"crotch\"?"} {"term": "blackout", "pos": "", "context": "the blackout curtain was cracked on the side and allowed just enough light in to barely see by .", "definition": "a period when all lights must be turned out or covered to prevent them being seen by the enemy during an air raid", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the blackout curtain was cracked on the side and allowed just enough light in to barely see by .\" What is the definition of \"blackout\"?"} {"term": "official", "pos": "", "context": "official permission", "definition": "having official authority or sanction", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"official permission\" What is the definition of \"official\"?"} {"term": "official", "pos": "", "context": "the golfer asked for an official who could give him a ruling", "definition": "someone who administers the rules of a game or sport", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the golfer asked for an official who could give him a ruling\" What is the definition of \"official\"?"} {"term": "constructivist", "pos": "", "context": "the following vignettes provide a glimpse of some changes for students and teachers in a constructivist mathematics classroom .", "definition": "consistent with or relating to a view that admits as valid only constructive proofs and entities demonstrable by them", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the following vignettes provide a glimpse of some changes for students and teachers in a constructivist mathematics classroom .\" What is the definition of \"constructivist\"?"} {"term": "hearsay", "pos": "", "context": "hearsay information", "definition": "heard through another rather than directly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hearsay information\" What is the definition of \"hearsay\"?"} {"term": "hearsay", "pos": "", "context": "the irony has often been that charges were based on hearsay and rumour rather than on proper research and verification .", "definition": "information received from other people which can not be substantiated ; rumour", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the irony has often been that charges were based on hearsay and rumour rather than on proper research and verification .\" What is the definition of \"hearsay\"?"} {"term": "misplace", "pos": "", "context": "it can not be denied that land applications under various categories have either been routinely delayed or the paper work misplaced or lost , on several occasions .", "definition": "put ( an object ) in the wrong place and so lose it temporarily", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it can not be denied that land applications under various categories have either been routinely delayed or the paper work misplaced or lost , on several occasions .\" What is the definition of \"misplace\"?"} {"term": "vouchsafe", "pos": "", "context": "if god sends or raises up among us someone who can feed our souls , let us receive him with joy and thankfulness from god , according to the gift that has been vouchsafed to him . '", "definition": "give or grant ( something ) to ( someone ) in a gracious or condescending manner", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if god sends or raises up among us someone who can feed our souls , let us receive him with joy and thankfulness from god , according to the gift that has been vouchsafed to him . '\" What is the definition of \"vouchsafe\"?"} {"term": "chain", "pos": "", "context": "one hundred million years ago tobago was in the pacific , part of a chain of volcanic islands .", "definition": "a sequence of items of the same type forming a line", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one hundred million years ago tobago was in the pacific , part of a chain of volcanic islands .\" What is the definition of \"chain\"?"} {"term": "chain", "pos": "", "context": "dressed up in a track suit with a baseball cap , rings on his finger and a silver chain round his neck , the 25 years old explains to the vacuum how to get most of the brew .", "definition": "a decorative chain worn round the neck as jewellery or as a badge of office", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dressed up in a track suit with a baseball cap , rings on his finger and a silver chain round his neck , the 25 years old explains to the vacuum how to get most of the brew .\" What is the definition of \"chain\"?"} {"term": "chain", "pos": "", "context": "step combinations are given for nineteen quadrille figures , such as `` right and left , ' `` hands round , ' `` english chain , ' `` ladies ' chain , ' and `` balance . '", "definition": "a figure in a quadrille or similar dance , in which dancers meet and pass each other in a continuous sequence .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"step combinations are given for nineteen quadrille figures , such as `` right and left , ' `` hands round , ' `` english chain , ' `` ladies ' chain , ' and `` balance . '\" What is the definition of \"chain\"?"} {"term": "chain", "pos": "", "context": "the chain of command", "definition": "a series of things depending on each other as if linked together", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the chain of command\" What is the definition of \"chain\"?"} {"term": "seat", "pos": "", "context": "the mother seated the toddler on the high chair", "definition": "place in or on a seat", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the mother seated the toddler on the high chair\" What is the definition of \"seat\"?"} {"term": "azeri", "pos": "", "context": "consequently , there are today twice as many ethnic azeris in iran as there are in azerbaijan , with a population of 8 million .", "definition": "a member of a turkic people forming the majority population of azerbaijan , and also living in armenia and northern iran .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"consequently , there are today twice as many ethnic azeris in iran as there are in azerbaijan , with a population of 8 million .\" What is the definition of \"azeri\"?"} {"term": "tom", "pos": "", "context": "fritz is a ginger tom of nine and a half months .", "definition": "the male of various animals , especially a domestic cat .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fritz is a ginger tom of nine and a half months .\" What is the definition of \"tom\"?"} {"term": "medulla", "pos": "", "context": "melanin pigment , associated with melanocytes , is more typically leptomeningeal based , particularly in the ventral medulla and cervical spinal cord regions .", "definition": "the inner region of an organ or tissue , especially when it is distinct from the outer region or cortex ( as in a kidney , an adrenal gland , or hair )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"melanin pigment , associated with melanocytes , is more typically leptomeningeal based , particularly in the ventral medulla and cervical spinal cord regions .\" What is the definition of \"medulla\"?"} {"term": "good", "pos": "", "context": "we all had a good time", "definition": "agreeable or pleasing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we all had a good time\" What is the definition of \"good\"?"} {"term": "good", "pos": "", "context": "i 've gotten quite good at screaming abuse at the tv screen on the rare occasions he pops up .", "definition": "skilled at doing or dealing with a specified thing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i 've gotten quite good at screaming abuse at the tv screen on the rare occasions he pops up .\" What is the definition of \"good\"?"} {"term": "good", "pos": "", "context": "there are good arguments for sharing her health data with the social care staff who look after her .", "definition": "appropriate to a particular purpose", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there are good arguments for sharing her health data with the social care staff who look after her .\" What is the definition of \"good\"?"} {"term": "dutchwoman", "pos": "", "context": "the dutchwoman , the current world champion in road and cyclocross , will enter wednesday 's round of the world cup as the top favorite once again .", "definition": "a female native or inhabitant of the netherlands , or a woman of dutch descent", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the dutchwoman , the current world champion in road and cyclocross , will enter wednesday 's round of the world cup as the top favorite once again .\" What is the definition of \"dutchwoman\"?"} {"term": "pellitory", "pos": "", "context": "the root of pellitory possesses very pungent stimulating properties , which , when chewed , give a sharp and tingling sense of heat in the mouth , and excite a copious flow of saliva .", "definition": "a plant of the daisy family , `` anacyclus pyrethrum ' , with a pungent root , once used as a remedy for toothache .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the root of pellitory possesses very pungent stimulating properties , which , when chewed , give a sharp and tingling sense of heat in the mouth , and excite a copious flow of saliva .\" What is the definition of \"pellitory\"?"} {"term": "plead", "pos": "", "context": "i thought you had conceded earlier that as originally framed , it would not have been appropriate to expect the accused to plead guilty to that charge .", "definition": "state formally in court whether one is guilty or not guilty of the offence with which one is charged", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i thought you had conceded earlier that as originally framed , it would not have been appropriate to expect the accused to plead guilty to that charge .\" What is the definition of \"plead\"?"} {"term": "plead", "pos": "", "context": "she pleaded not guilty", "definition": "enter a plea , as in courts of law", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she pleaded not guilty\" What is the definition of \"plead\"?"} {"term": "countertrade", "pos": "", "context": "the combat aircraft were bought through a countertrade deal for indonesian products and commodities .", "definition": "international trade by exchange of goods rather than by currency purchase .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the combat aircraft were bought through a countertrade deal for indonesian products and commodities .\" What is the definition of \"countertrade\"?"} {"term": "caller", "pos": "", "context": "you need a fiddler and a caller for country dancing", "definition": "a person who announces the changes of steps during a dance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you need a fiddler and a caller for country dancing\" What is the definition of \"caller\"?"} {"term": "slide", "pos": "", "context": "it must have been fun creating the ice slide , where we see the animals swirling around on a kind of natural rollercoaster ?", "definition": "a smooth stretch or slope of ice or packed snow for sliding or tobogganing on .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it must have been fun creating the ice slide , where we see the animals swirling around on a kind of natural rollercoaster ?\" What is the definition of \"slide\"?"} {"term": "slide", "pos": "", "context": "headfirst slides on the bases are off limits , as well .", "definition": "a sliding approach made to a base along the ground .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"headfirst slides on the bases are off limits , as well .\" What is the definition of \"slide\"?"} {"term": "race", "pos": "", "context": "some biologists doubt that there are important genetic differences between races of human beings", "definition": "people who are believed to belong to the same genetic stock", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some biologists doubt that there are important genetic differences between races of human beings\" What is the definition of \"race\"?"} {"term": "severe", "pos": "", "context": "these exams were undoubtedly among of the most severe mathematical tests .", "definition": "demanding great ability , skill , or resilience", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these exams were undoubtedly among of the most severe mathematical tests .\" What is the definition of \"severe\"?"} {"term": "severe", "pos": "", "context": "a severe case of pneumonia", "definition": "causing fear or anxiety by threatening great harm", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a severe case of pneumonia\" What is the definition of \"severe\"?"} {"term": "severe", "pos": "", "context": "of simple , indeed severe , design , it is informative to compare it to the second font which was carved in 1225 .", "definition": "very plain in style or appearance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"of simple , indeed severe , design , it is informative to compare it to the second font which was carved in 1225 .\" What is the definition of \"severe\"?"} {"term": "hidatsa", "pos": "", "context": "he met the crows in june 1805 at the knife river villages of the mandans and hidatsas on the upper missouri .", "definition": "a member of an american indian people living on the upper missouri river .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he met the crows in june 1805 at the knife river villages of the mandans and hidatsas on the upper missouri .\" What is the definition of \"hidatsa\"?"} {"term": "hidatsa", "pos": "", "context": "hidatsa , like many languages , is on the verge of vanishing and taking with it crucial linguistic and cultural data .", "definition": "the siouan language of the hidatsa , now almost extinct .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hidatsa , like many languages , is on the verge of vanishing and taking with it crucial linguistic and cultural data .\" What is the definition of \"hidatsa\"?"} {"term": "spatchcock", "pos": "", "context": "she is used to six hours of gymnastics somehow spatchcocked on to a normal school day .", "definition": "add ( a phrase , sentence , clause , etc . ) in a context where it is inappropriate", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she is used to six hours of gymnastics somehow spatchcocked on to a normal school day .\" What is the definition of \"spatchcock\"?"} {"term": "mande", "pos": "", "context": "koité , from northwestern mali , is a member of the hereditary mande caste of musicians and craftsmen known as jalis .", "definition": "relating to the mande or the mande group of languages .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"koité , from northwestern mali , is a member of the hereditary mande caste of musicians and craftsmen known as jalis .\" What is the definition of \"mande\"?"} {"term": "budding", "pos": "", "context": "life is just like a budding flower at the break of spring all over again .", "definition": "( of a plant ) having or developing buds", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"life is just like a budding flower at the break of spring all over again .\" What is the definition of \"budding\"?"} {"term": "autograph", "pos": "", "context": "the cainan difference is not an error in the original autographs of scripture , but one of the extremely few copyist 's errors in the manuscripts available today .", "definition": "a manuscript or musical score in an author 's or musician 's own handwriting", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the cainan difference is not an error in the original autographs of scripture , but one of the extremely few copyist 's errors in the manuscripts available today .\" What is the definition of \"autograph\"?"} {"term": "intermarriage", "pos": "", "context": "many never learned to speak english at all , and there was little intermarriage with other immigrant groups .", "definition": "marriage between people of different races , castes , or religions", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"many never learned to speak english at all , and there was little intermarriage with other immigrant groups .\" What is the definition of \"intermarriage\"?"} {"term": "dewater", "pos": "", "context": "in its vertical configuration , the system has been adapted successfully as a filter press for cost-effective sludge dewatering .", "definition": "remove water from ( sediment or waste materials )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in its vertical configuration , the system has been adapted successfully as a filter press for cost-effective sludge dewatering .\" What is the definition of \"dewater\"?"} {"term": "candidate", "pos": "", "context": "he was , in fact , a prime candidate for arrest and removal from the scene .", "definition": "a person or thing regarded as suitable for or likely to receive a particular fate , treatment , or position", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was , in fact , a prime candidate for arrest and removal from the scene .\" What is the definition of \"candidate\"?"} {"term": "perversity", "pos": "", "context": "it deals frankly , openly , and graphically with sexual perversity and fetishism .", "definition": "the quality of being sexually perverted .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it deals frankly , openly , and graphically with sexual perversity and fetishism .\" What is the definition of \"perversity\"?"} {"term": "tortrix", "pos": "", "context": "outbreaks of the large aspen tortrix tend to precede those of the forest tent caterpillar .", "definition": "a small moth with typically green caterpillars that live inside rolled leaves and can be a serious pest of fruit and other trees .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"outbreaks of the large aspen tortrix tend to precede those of the forest tent caterpillar .\" What is the definition of \"tortrix\"?"} {"term": "heat", "pos": "", "context": "the room heated up quickly", "definition": "gain heat or get hot", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the room heated up quickly\" What is the definition of \"heat\"?"} {"term": "temple", "pos": "", "context": "i always taught in the temple where the jews always meet .", "definition": "a synagogue .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i always taught in the temple where the jews always meet .\" What is the definition of \"temple\"?"} {"term": "temple", "pos": "", "context": "he examines huguenot temples , the symbol of the protestant place in france .", "definition": "a place of christian public worship , especially a protestant church in france .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he examines huguenot temples , the symbol of the protestant place in france .\" What is the definition of \"temple\"?"} {"term": "gadroon", "pos": "", "context": "large , round tray features an ornate edge pattern including design elements such as swags and gadroons .", "definition": "a decorative edging on metal or wood formed by parallel rounded strips ( reeding ) like inverted fluting .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"large , round tray features an ornate edge pattern including design elements such as swags and gadroons .\" What is the definition of \"gadroon\"?"} {"term": "place", "pos": "", "context": "your place or mine ?", "definition": "where you live at a particular time", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"your place or mine ?\" What is the definition of \"place\"?"} {"term": "place", "pos": "", "context": "we usually name public places and spaces after the big shots or big donors .", "definition": "a particular position , point , or area in space ; a location", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we usually name public places and spaces after the big shots or big donors .\" What is the definition of \"place\"?"} {"term": "place", "pos": "", "context": "he comes from a place near chicago", "definition": "a general vicinity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he comes from a place near chicago\" What is the definition of \"place\"?"} {"term": "place", "pos": "", "context": "if there is no partner or willing family older children will be placed in foster care .", "definition": "find a home or employment for", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if there is no partner or willing family older children will be placed in foster care .\" What is the definition of \"place\"?"} {"term": "corps", "pos": "", "context": "diplomatic corps", "definition": "a body of people associated together", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"diplomatic corps\" What is the definition of \"corps\"?"} {"term": "reject", "pos": "", "context": "unfortunately the irish medical organisation has rejected this request in writing .", "definition": "refuse to agree to ( a request )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unfortunately the irish medical organisation has rejected this request in writing .\" What is the definition of \"reject\"?"} {"term": "instant", "pos": "", "context": "do you prefer fresh coffee to instant and do you purchase mineral water ?", "definition": "instant coffee .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"do you prefer fresh coffee to instant and do you purchase mineral water ?\" What is the definition of \"instant\"?"} {"term": "schorl", "pos": "", "context": "garnets and schorl are the most likely collectible minerals to be encountered .", "definition": "a black iron-rich variety of tourmaline .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"garnets and schorl are the most likely collectible minerals to be encountered .\" What is the definition of \"schorl\"?"} {"term": "variate", "pos": "", "context": "here , one could introduce latent variables , such as the typical liability variate of quantitative genetics , and then model feedback or recursiveness at that level .", "definition": "a quantity having a numerical value for each member of a group , especially one whose values occur according to a frequency distribution .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"here , one could introduce latent variables , such as the typical liability variate of quantitative genetics , and then model feedback or recursiveness at that level .\" What is the definition of \"variate\"?"} {"term": "retrospect", "pos": "", "context": "in retrospect", "definition": "contemplation of things past", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in retrospect\" What is the definition of \"retrospect\"?"} {"term": "hyperborean", "pos": "", "context": "we restricted our density calculations to birds on the water , with the exception of glaucous gulls ( larus hyperborean ) .", "definition": "an inhabitant of the extreme north .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we restricted our density calculations to birds on the water , with the exception of glaucous gulls ( larus hyperborean ) .\" What is the definition of \"hyperborean\"?"} {"term": "crew", "pos": "", "context": "residents had called the police who , together with a nsw ambulance rescue crew , mounted a search in the drain .", "definition": "a group of people who work closely together", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"residents had called the police who , together with a nsw ambulance rescue crew , mounted a search in the drain .\" What is the definition of \"crew\"?"} {"term": "assault", "pos": "", "context": "sixty enemy combatants in fortified positions assaulted the platoon .", "definition": "carry out a military attack or raid on ( an enemy position )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sixty enemy combatants in fortified positions assaulted the platoon .\" What is the definition of \"assault\"?"} {"term": "assault", "pos": "", "context": "the wind picked up suddenly and the familiar beat of a helicopter assaulted her ears .", "definition": "bombard with something undesirable or unpleasant", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the wind picked up suddenly and the familiar beat of a helicopter assaulted her ears .\" What is the definition of \"assault\"?"} {"term": "extraction", "pos": "", "context": "the dentist gave her a local anesthetic prior to the extraction", "definition": "the action of taking out something ( especially using effort or force )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the dentist gave her a local anesthetic prior to the extraction\" What is the definition of \"extraction\"?"} {"term": "pew", "pos": "", "context": "canon sue whitehouse has been under fire over proposals by her and the church council to remove pews , raise part of the nave floor , install a nave altar and introduce a grand piano at st andrew 's church in aysgarth .", "definition": "a long bench with a back , placed in rows in the main part of some churches to seat the congregation .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"canon sue whitehouse has been under fire over proposals by her and the church council to remove pews , raise part of the nave floor , install a nave altar and introduce a grand piano at st andrew 's church in aysgarth .\" What is the definition of \"pew\"?"} {"term": "thing", "pos": "", "context": "he has a thing about seafood", "definition": "a persistent illogical feeling of desire or aversion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he has a thing about seafood\" What is the definition of \"thing\"?"} {"term": "thing", "pos": "", "context": "the only thing enterprises could do was mass produce , regardless of market feedback .", "definition": "an action , event , thought , or utterance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the only thing enterprises could do was mass produce , regardless of market feedback .\" What is the definition of \"thing\"?"} {"term": "thing", "pos": "", "context": "things are going well", "definition": "a vaguely specified concern", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"things are going well\" What is the definition of \"thing\"?"} {"term": "thing", "pos": "", "context": "we can try and come up with ways of making things better , no matter how tough that may be .", "definition": "circumstances or matters that are unspecified", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we can try and come up with ways of making things better , no matter how tough that may be .\" What is the definition of \"thing\"?"} {"term": "stitch", "pos": "", "context": "old grandmothers sitting in a circle were stitching tiny colourful stitches on a quilt .", "definition": "a loop of thread or yarn resulting from a single pass or movement of the needle in sewing , knitting , or crocheting .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"old grandmothers sitting in a circle were stitching tiny colourful stitches on a quilt .\" What is the definition of \"stitch\"?"} {"term": "rune", "pos": "", "context": "he was a jeweler of sorts but as a hobby he spiffed around in ancient runes and languages .", "definition": "a letter of an ancient germanic alphabet , related to the roman alphabet", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was a jeweler of sorts but as a hobby he spiffed around in ancient runes and languages .\" What is the definition of \"rune\"?"} {"term": "sneak", "pos": "", "context": "now he was a great big , ugly , bucktoothed guy , a real creepola , with sneaky eyes and , you guessed it , a well-earned reputation for being a sneak .", "definition": "( especially in children 's use ) someone who informs an adult or person in authority of a companion 's misdeeds ; a telltale", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"now he was a great big , ugly , bucktoothed guy , a real creepola , with sneaky eyes and , you guessed it , a well-earned reputation for being a sneak .\" What is the definition of \"sneak\"?"} {"term": "regurgitate", "pos": "", "context": "most simply regurgitate the same old reductive , formulaic information .", "definition": "repeat ( information ) without analysing or comprehending it", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"most simply regurgitate the same old reductive , formulaic information .\" What is the definition of \"regurgitate\"?"} {"term": "restore", "pos": "", "context": "by the time he died , the english ruling class was ready to do almost anything to restore the monarchy , and charles ii returned to england in 1660 .", "definition": "return ( someone or something ) to a former condition , place , or position", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"by the time he died , the english ruling class was ready to do almost anything to restore the monarchy , and charles ii returned to england in 1660 .\" What is the definition of \"restore\"?"} {"term": "responsibility", "pos": "", "context": "employees are chosen for self-sufficiency and for the ability to take responsibility .", "definition": "the opportunity or ability to act independently and take decisions without authorization", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"employees are chosen for self-sufficiency and for the ability to take responsibility .\" What is the definition of \"responsibility\"?"} {"term": "postulate", "pos": "", "context": "the barium-flame-colour generalization is a deductive consequence of the postulates of atomic theory .", "definition": "a thing suggested or assumed as true as the basis for reasoning , discussion , or belief", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the barium-flame-colour generalization is a deductive consequence of the postulates of atomic theory .\" What is the definition of \"postulate\"?"} {"term": "concord", "pos": "", "context": "book 1 establishes the ratios of concords and melodic intervals , and divisions of tetrachords in each genus .", "definition": "a chord that is pleasing or satisfactory in itself .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"book 1 establishes the ratios of concords and melodic intervals , and divisions of tetrachords in each genus .\" What is the definition of \"concord\"?"} {"term": "concord", "pos": "", "context": "the team concorded several thousand nouns , verbs , and adjectives", "definition": "arrange the words of a text so as to create a concordance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the team concorded several thousand nouns , verbs , and adjectives\" What is the definition of \"concord\"?"} {"term": "wipe", "pos": "", "context": "remember those programs i described that wipe clean your computer to keep others from knowing where and when you surfed ?", "definition": "erase ( data ) from a tape , computer , etc .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"remember those programs i described that wipe clean your computer to keep others from knowing where and when you surfed ?\" What is the definition of \"wipe\"?"} {"term": "teaspoon", "pos": "", "context": "one can play metal teaspoons , tablespoons , soup spoons , and wooden spoons .", "definition": "a small spoon used typically for adding sugar to and stirring hot drinks or for eating some foods .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one can play metal teaspoons , tablespoons , soup spoons , and wooden spoons .\" What is the definition of \"teaspoon\"?"} {"term": "taxonomy", "pos": "", "context": "in the linnaean taxonomy , everything is , to begin with , a member of a kingdom .", "definition": "the classification of something , especially organisms", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the linnaean taxonomy , everything is , to begin with , a member of a kingdom .\" What is the definition of \"taxonomy\"?"} {"term": "tau", "pos": "", "context": "the most likely destinations are the stars closest to earth , such as alpha centauri and proxima centauri , tau ceti , and epsilon eridani .", "definition": "the nineteenth star in a constellation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the most likely destinations are the stars closest to earth , such as alpha centauri and proxima centauri , tau ceti , and epsilon eridani .\" What is the definition of \"tau\"?"} {"term": "cabinetry", "pos": "", "context": "like old , garish kitchen cabinetry , these smaller cabinets can start to look outdated and consequently ruin the look of everything else in the space .", "definition": "cabinets collectively", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"like old , garish kitchen cabinetry , these smaller cabinets can start to look outdated and consequently ruin the look of everything else in the space .\" What is the definition of \"cabinetry\"?"} {"term": "rewire", "pos": "", "context": "a local marine company had just rewired the boat , he said .", "definition": "provide ( an appliance , building , or vehicle ) with new electric wiring", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a local marine company had just rewired the boat , he said .\" What is the definition of \"rewire\"?"} {"term": "choir", "pos": "", "context": "many people sang in school or church choirs or in choral societies .", "definition": "an organized group of singers , especially one that takes part in church services or performs in public", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"many people sang in school or church choirs or in choral societies .\" What is the definition of \"choir\"?"} {"term": "choir", "pos": "", "context": "choral hymns sung in four-part harmony by church choirs are commonly performed during secular and church-related events .", "definition": "one of two or more subdivisions of such a group performing together", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"choral hymns sung in four-part harmony by church choirs are commonly performed during secular and church-related events .\" What is the definition of \"choir\"?"} {"term": "sniff", "pos": "", "context": "he sniffed around in an attempt to find something to do , as his mistress was still asleep .", "definition": "investigate covertly , especially in an attempt to find out confidential or incriminating information about someone", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he sniffed around in an attempt to find something to do , as his mistress was still asleep .\" What is the definition of \"sniff\"?"} {"term": "sniff", "pos": "", "context": "a hairless hand scooped the slabs up and raised them to the face as the creature sniffed at the steaks .", "definition": "draw up air audibly through the nose to detect a smell , to stop it running , or to express contempt", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a hairless hand scooped the slabs up and raised them to the face as the creature sniffed at the steaks .\" What is the definition of \"sniff\"?"} {"term": "chum", "pos": "", "context": "john replied , `` do n't look so glum , chum ! '", "definition": "used as a friendly or familiar form of address between men or boys", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"john replied , `` do n't look so glum , chum ! '\" What is the definition of \"chum\"?"} {"term": "sweetheart", "pos": "", "context": "i hated it when people called you darling , sweetheart , honey , sweetie .", "definition": "used as a term of endearment or affectionate form of address", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i hated it when people called you darling , sweetheart , honey , sweetie .\" What is the definition of \"sweetheart\"?"} {"term": "sweetheart", "pos": "", "context": "he took $ 6 million through a really questionable sweetheart backroom deal with the bush administration .", "definition": "denoting an arrangement reached privately by two sides , especially an employer and a trade union , in their own interests", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he took $ 6 million through a really questionable sweetheart backroom deal with the bush administration .\" What is the definition of \"sweetheart\"?"} {"term": "header", "pos": "", "context": "that single line in the header of your e-mail is valuable advertising space ; it separates you from thousands of other job seekers .", "definition": "a line or block of text appearing at the top of each page of a book or document .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that single line in the header of your e-mail is valuable advertising space ; it separates you from thousands of other job seekers .\" What is the definition of \"header\"?"} {"term": "header", "pos": "", "context": "the bricks are laid in alternate pairs of headers and stretchers .", "definition": "a brick or stone laid at right angles to the face of a wall .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the bricks are laid in alternate pairs of headers and stretchers .\" What is the definition of \"header\"?"} {"term": "akkadian", "pos": "", "context": "this ‘ succession myth ’ has striking parallels in akkadian and hittite texts , and seems originally to have come from the near east .", "definition": "relating to akkad or its language .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this ‘ succession myth ’ has striking parallels in akkadian and hittite texts , and seems originally to have come from the near east .\" What is the definition of \"akkadian\"?"} {"term": "freebie", "pos": "", "context": "the road map was a freebie", "definition": "something that is free ( usually provided as part of a promotional scheme )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the road map was a freebie\" What is the definition of \"freebie\"?"} {"term": "blancmange", "pos": "", "context": "may i have some more of the pink blancmange please ?", "definition": "a sweet opaque gelatinous dessert made with flavoured cornflour and milk", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"may i have some more of the pink blancmange please ?\" What is the definition of \"blancmange\"?"} {"term": "trichotillomania", "pos": "", "context": "this eleven-year-old girl presented with a well-established case of trichotillomania .", "definition": "a compulsive desire to pull out one 's hair", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this eleven-year-old girl presented with a well-established case of trichotillomania .\" What is the definition of \"trichotillomania\"?"} {"term": "unchain", "pos": "", "context": "it would at least give me something safe to talk about while unchaining my employer .", "definition": "remove the chains fastening or securing ( someone or something )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it would at least give me something safe to talk about while unchaining my employer .\" What is the definition of \"unchain\"?"} {"term": "sally", "pos": "", "context": "a sally into the wide world beyond his home", "definition": "a venture off the beaten path", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sally into the wide world beyond his home\" What is the definition of \"sally\"?"} {"term": "anatomy", "pos": "", "context": "he studied the anatomy of crimes", "definition": "a detailed analysis", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he studied the anatomy of crimes\" What is the definition of \"anatomy\"?"} {"term": "cusp", "pos": "", "context": "thus , the vein wall is inherently weak in varicose veins , which leads to dilatation and separation of valve cusps so that they become incompetent .", "definition": "a pocket or fold in the wall of the heart or a major blood vessel that fills and distends if the blood flows backwards , so forming part of a valve .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"thus , the vein wall is inherently weak in varicose veins , which leads to dilatation and separation of valve cusps so that they become incompetent .\" What is the definition of \"cusp\"?"} {"term": "cusp", "pos": "", "context": "the recurve of the leaf blade will focus the sun 's rays and increase the heat slightly within the leaf 's cusp .", "definition": "a sharp rigid point of a leaf .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the recurve of the leaf blade will focus the sun 's rays and increase the heat slightly within the leaf 's cusp .\" What is the definition of \"cusp\"?"} {"term": "pulse", "pos": "", "context": "if the cells or islets were not synchronized we would observe a flat , averaged signal even though the single cells and islets released insulin in pulses .", "definition": "a measured amount of an isotopic label given to a culture of cells .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if the cells or islets were not synchronized we would observe a flat , averaged signal even though the single cells and islets released insulin in pulses .\" What is the definition of \"pulse\"?"} {"term": "pulse", "pos": "", "context": "at ‘ ok ’ parking , groups of young people with foam cups in their hands hang around the open doors and boots of cars from which beat music pulses into the darkness .", "definition": "a musical beat or other regular rhythm .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at ‘ ok ’ parking , groups of young people with foam cups in their hands hang around the open doors and boots of cars from which beat music pulses into the darkness .\" What is the definition of \"pulse\"?"} {"term": "marshal", "pos": "", "context": "the defense lawyers ca n't possibly have marshaled all of the mitigating factors in order to make a presentation already .", "definition": "bring together and arrange in order ( facts , ideas , objects , etc . )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the defense lawyers ca n't possibly have marshaled all of the mitigating factors in order to make a presentation already .\" What is the definition of \"marshal\"?"} {"term": "apologetics", "pos": "", "context": "he demonstrates this by taking up two topics often seen as points of divergence and conflict : apologetics and biblical exegesis .", "definition": "reasoned arguments or writings in justification of something , typically a theory or religious doctrine", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he demonstrates this by taking up two topics often seen as points of divergence and conflict : apologetics and biblical exegesis .\" What is the definition of \"apologetics\"?"} {"term": "nimrod", "pos": "", "context": "truckloads of deer and bear have been slain by nimrods using rifles topped off with over or under scope mounts and will continue to be until grandpa 's prize bull starts producing milk .", "definition": "a skilful hunter", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"truckloads of deer and bear have been slain by nimrods using rifles topped off with over or under scope mounts and will continue to be until grandpa 's prize bull starts producing milk .\" What is the definition of \"nimrod\"?"} {"term": "blandness", "pos": "", "context": "the blandness of the port-and-chicken-liver mousse was redeemed by a sweet red-onion marmalade .", "definition": "( with reference to food or drink ) the quality of being unseasoned , mild-tasting , or insipid", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the blandness of the port-and-chicken-liver mousse was redeemed by a sweet red-onion marmalade .\" What is the definition of \"blandness\"?"} {"term": "misdeclaration", "pos": "", "context": "even in the appeal the charge of misdeclaration was sustained .", "definition": "an incorrect declaration , especially in an official context", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"even in the appeal the charge of misdeclaration was sustained .\" What is the definition of \"misdeclaration\"?"} {"term": "loom", "pos": "", "context": "another air plane loomed into the sky", "definition": "come into view indistinctly , often threateningly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"another air plane loomed into the sky\" What is the definition of \"loom\"?"} {"term": "hebraism", "pos": "", "context": "his idea was to make moses seem more german by eliminating his hebraisms to such an extent that no one would think of calling him a hebrew .", "definition": "a hebrew idiom or expression .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his idea was to make moses seem more german by eliminating his hebraisms to such an extent that no one would think of calling him a hebrew .\" What is the definition of \"hebraism\"?"} {"term": "sing", "pos": "", "context": "she was singing while she was cooking", "definition": "produce tones with the voice", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was singing while she was cooking\" What is the definition of \"sing\"?"} {"term": "sing", "pos": "", "context": "forty male voices sang in spell-binding chorus , softening at moments and then rising , fortified , to a crescendo .", "definition": "make musical sounds with the voice , especially words with a set tune", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"forty male voices sang in spell-binding chorus , softening at moments and then rising , fortified , to a crescendo .\" What is the definition of \"sing\"?"} {"term": "champ", "pos": "", "context": "there has been an irish stew and champ night organized .", "definition": "an irish dish of potatoes mashed with spring onions , butter , and milk", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there has been an irish stew and champ night organized .\" What is the definition of \"champ\"?"} {"term": "blowpipe", "pos": "", "context": "a small blowpipe was clutched tightly in its hand , a slender wooden tube carved around with a coiled snake , its fangs curved around the departure hole of the darts .", "definition": "a primitive weapon consisting of a long tube through which an arrow or dart is propelled by force of the breath .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a small blowpipe was clutched tightly in its hand , a slender wooden tube carved around with a coiled snake , its fangs curved around the departure hole of the darts .\" What is the definition of \"blowpipe\"?"} {"term": "defence", "pos": "", "context": "he pronounced military defences ready for a potential missile attack , but said the risks of such a strike were slim .", "definition": "fortifications or barriers against attack", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he pronounced military defences ready for a potential missile attack , but said the risks of such a strike were slim .\" What is the definition of \"defence\"?"} {"term": "defence", "pos": "", "context": "the main defence against them is protective clothing - gas masks and special suits made of rubber or treated synthetic cloth .", "definition": "a means of protecting something from attack", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the main defence against them is protective clothing - gas masks and special suits made of rubber or treated synthetic cloth .\" What is the definition of \"defence\"?"} {"term": "slime", "pos": "", "context": "the snake slimed his victim", "definition": "cover or stain with slime", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the snake slimed his victim\" What is the definition of \"slime\"?"} {"term": "murmur", "pos": "", "context": "the murmurs against bruno 's physical and mental stamina had already begun .", "definition": "express one 's discontent about ( someone or something ) in a subdued manner", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the murmurs against bruno 's physical and mental stamina had already begun .\" What is the definition of \"murmur\"?"} {"term": "tombstone", "pos": "", "context": "rob and i walked slowly along the rows of stark white granite tombstones , each engraved with a canadian maple leaf .", "definition": "a large , flat inscribed stone standing or laid over a grave", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rob and i walked slowly along the rows of stark white granite tombstones , each engraved with a canadian maple leaf .\" What is the definition of \"tombstone\"?"} {"term": "umayyad", "pos": "", "context": "later muslim historians accused the umayyads of transforming the islamic state into an arab kingdom .", "definition": "a member of a muslim dynasty that ruled the islamic world from ad 660 ( or 661 ) to 750 and moorish spain 756–1031 . the dynasty claimed descent from umayya , a distant relative of muhammad .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"later muslim historians accused the umayyads of transforming the islamic state into an arab kingdom .\" What is the definition of \"umayyad\"?"} {"term": "partition", "pos": "", "context": "fig . 10 a shows the water-membrane partition equilibrium of the monomer .", "definition": "the distribution of a solute between two immiscible or slightly miscible solvents in contact with one another , in accordance with its differing solubility in each", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fig . 10 a shows the water-membrane partition equilibrium of the monomer .\" What is the definition of \"partition\"?"} {"term": "minor", "pos": "", "context": "many of these hardy adventurers were minor noblemen", "definition": "of lesser importance or stature or rank", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"many of these hardy adventurers were minor noblemen\" What is the definition of \"minor\"?"} {"term": "minor", "pos": "", "context": "the minor keys", "definition": "of a scale or mode", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the minor keys\" What is the definition of \"minor\"?"} {"term": "issue", "pos": "", "context": "a new issue of stamps", "definition": "the act of providing an item for general use or for official purposes ( usually in quantity )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a new issue of stamps\" What is the definition of \"issue\"?"} {"term": "issue", "pos": "", "context": "the seychelles government was not amused and cancelled the complete note issue .", "definition": "a number or set of items distributed at one time", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the seychelles government was not amused and cancelled the complete note issue .\" What is the definition of \"issue\"?"} {"term": "a-line", "pos": "", "context": "they would look great with a-line dresses and dark jeans .", "definition": "( of a garment ) slightly flared from a narrow waist or shoulders", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they would look great with a-line dresses and dark jeans .\" What is the definition of \"a-line\"?"} {"term": "reread", "pos": "", "context": "despite the fact that i edited this book , and was intimately involved with the material , i gave it a reread and i have to say , it rocks .", "definition": "an act of reading something again", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"despite the fact that i edited this book , and was intimately involved with the material , i gave it a reread and i have to say , it rocks .\" What is the definition of \"reread\"?"} {"term": "trample", "pos": "", "context": "the passerby was trampled by an elephant", "definition": "injure by trampling or as if by trampling", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the passerby was trampled by an elephant\" What is the definition of \"trample\"?"} {"term": "bias", "pos": "", "context": "publication bias in favour of aspirin also exists .", "definition": "inclination or prejudice for or against one person or group , especially in a way considered to be unfair", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"publication bias in favour of aspirin also exists .\" What is the definition of \"bias\"?"} {"term": "bias", "pos": "", "context": "you are biasing my choice by telling me yours", "definition": "influence in an unfair way", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you are biasing my choice by telling me yours\" What is the definition of \"bias\"?"} {"term": "community", "pos": "", "context": "the team is drawn from all parts of the community", "definition": "a group of people living in a particular local area", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the team is drawn from all parts of the community\" What is the definition of \"community\"?"} {"term": "paraphrase", "pos": "", "context": "the answers are paraphrased as i wrote them down as fast as i could .", "definition": "express the meaning of ( something written or spoken ) using different words , especially to achieve greater clarity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the answers are paraphrased as i wrote them down as fast as i could .\" What is the definition of \"paraphrase\"?"} {"term": "residual", "pos": "", "context": "it is not uncommon for patients to have residual physical or cognitive problems following myocardial infarction and the dramatic treatments now administered .", "definition": "( of a physical state or property ) remaining after the removal of or present in the absence of a causative agent", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is not uncommon for patients to have residual physical or cognitive problems following myocardial infarction and the dramatic treatments now administered .\" What is the definition of \"residual\"?"} {"term": "residual", "pos": "", "context": "residual quantity", "definition": "relating to or indicating a remainder", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"residual quantity\" What is the definition of \"residual\"?"} {"term": "humidity", "pos": "", "context": "they worked on everything from diet and tactics , to playing in heat and humidity and dealing with play-acting opponents or suspect officiating .", "definition": "the state or quality of being humid .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they worked on everything from diet and tactics , to playing in heat and humidity and dealing with play-acting opponents or suspect officiating .\" What is the definition of \"humidity\"?"} {"term": "rouse", "pos": "", "context": "he was roused by the drunken men in the street", "definition": "cause to become awake or conscious", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was roused by the drunken men in the street\" What is the definition of \"rouse\"?"} {"term": "image", "pos": "", "context": "consider a triangle and its homothetic image in the lemoine point of the triangle .", "definition": "a point or set formed by mapping from another point or set .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"consider a triangle and its homothetic image in the lemoine point of the triangle .\" What is the definition of \"image\"?"} {"term": "image", "pos": "", "context": "there have been attempts to present a more open image to the public .", "definition": "the general impression that a person , organization , or product presents to the public", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there have been attempts to present a more open image to the public .\" What is the definition of \"image\"?"} {"term": "civic", "pos": "", "context": "the town needed a new building that combined the civic role of a town hall with the cultural dimension of a small theatre .", "definition": "relating to a city or town , especially its administration ; municipal", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the town needed a new building that combined the civic role of a town hall with the cultural dimension of a small theatre .\" What is the definition of \"civic\"?"} {"term": "civic", "pos": "", "context": "civic center", "definition": "of or relating or belonging to a city", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"civic center\" What is the definition of \"civic\"?"} {"term": "saunter", "pos": "", "context": "we spent most of our days sauntering down sunny beaches , eating romantic candlelit lunches , and singing songs with some of our closest friends .", "definition": "walk in a slow , relaxed manner", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we spent most of our days sauntering down sunny beaches , eating romantic candlelit lunches , and singing songs with some of our closest friends .\" What is the definition of \"saunter\"?"} {"term": "fibrin", "pos": "", "context": "all of these agents convert plasminogen to plasmin , which in turn breaks down fibrin and promotes clot lysis .", "definition": "an insoluble protein formed from fibrinogen during the clotting of blood . it forms a fibrous mesh that impedes the flow of blood .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all of these agents convert plasminogen to plasmin , which in turn breaks down fibrin and promotes clot lysis .\" What is the definition of \"fibrin\"?"} {"term": "nosepiece", "pos": "", "context": "beretta 's new deluxe shooting glasses feature replacement nosepieces , nylon case and three interchangeable lenses in smoke , vermilion and yellow .", "definition": "the central part of a pair of glasses that fits over the bridge of the nose .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"beretta 's new deluxe shooting glasses feature replacement nosepieces , nylon case and three interchangeable lenses in smoke , vermilion and yellow .\" What is the definition of \"nosepiece\"?"} {"term": "turboprop", "pos": "", "context": "the combination of a proven airframe with a turboprop engine widely used in eastern europe and russia was perceived to be an attractive way to bring a new design to market relatively quickly .", "definition": "a jet engine in which a turbine is used to drive a propeller .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the combination of a proven airframe with a turboprop engine widely used in eastern europe and russia was perceived to be an attractive way to bring a new design to market relatively quickly .\" What is the definition of \"turboprop\"?"} {"term": "inundation", "pos": "", "context": "provided burial is not too deep , plants will recover within weeks or months of inundation .", "definition": "flooding", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"provided burial is not too deep , plants will recover within weeks or months of inundation .\" What is the definition of \"inundation\"?"} {"term": "zigzag", "pos": "", "context": "they zigzagged on every wall like miniscule bumper cars .", "definition": "have or move along in a zigzag course", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they zigzagged on every wall like miniscule bumper cars .\" What is the definition of \"zigzag\"?"} {"term": "handcraft", "pos": "", "context": "we handcraft all our paper", "definition": "make something by hand", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we handcraft all our paper\" What is the definition of \"handcraft\"?"} {"term": "recover", "pos": "", "context": "if an extended warranty provider becomes insolvent , the very least a consumer will want is to be able to recover his premiums .", "definition": "regain or secure ( money spent or lost or compensation ) by legal process or the making of profits", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if an extended warranty provider becomes insolvent , the very least a consumer will want is to be able to recover his premiums .\" What is the definition of \"recover\"?"} {"term": "enthalpy", "pos": "", "context": "first , the volume change and the enthalpy change of the protein can be determined in time domain without temperature variation or solvent variation method .", "definition": "the change in enthalpy associated with a particular chemical process", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"first , the volume change and the enthalpy change of the protein can be determined in time domain without temperature variation or solvent variation method .\" What is the definition of \"enthalpy\"?"} {"term": "microscope", "pos": "", "context": "photographs were taken after dissection using a microscope at a magnification of 64x .", "definition": "an optical instrument used for viewing very small objects , such as mineral samples or animal or plant cells , typically magnified several hundred times .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"photographs were taken after dissection using a microscope at a magnification of 64x .\" What is the definition of \"microscope\"?"} {"term": "trogon", "pos": "", "context": "time and again he provoked a response , be it from a cuban parrot , a cuban pygmy owl , a cuban trogon or a cuban red-bellied woodpecker .", "definition": "a bird of tropical american forests , with a long tail and brilliantly coloured plumage .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"time and again he provoked a response , be it from a cuban parrot , a cuban pygmy owl , a cuban trogon or a cuban red-bellied woodpecker .\" What is the definition of \"trogon\"?"} {"term": "abundance", "pos": "", "context": "if it 's tranquillity you 're after , the spanish countryside has it in abundance , though if you do n't have a good water source or a connection to the electricity grid , life can become a struggle .", "definition": "the state or condition of having a copious quantity of something ; plentifulness", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if it 's tranquillity you 're after , the spanish countryside has it in abundance , though if you do n't have a good water source or a connection to the electricity grid , life can become a struggle .\" What is the definition of \"abundance\"?"} {"term": "kitchen", "pos": "", "context": "we no longer live in a time when the routines of household life revolve around the rhythms of the kitchen .", "definition": "a room or area where food is prepared and cooked .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we no longer live in a time when the routines of household life revolve around the rhythms of the kitchen .\" What is the definition of \"kitchen\"?"} {"term": "tardiness", "pos": "", "context": "humiliated by its tardiness in plugging into the internet boom , japan is determined not to suffer the same indignity in bioscience .", "definition": "the quality or fact of being late ; lateness", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"humiliated by its tardiness in plugging into the internet boom , japan is determined not to suffer the same indignity in bioscience .\" What is the definition of \"tardiness\"?"} {"term": "drag", "pos": "", "context": "the drag kings were wearing gold lamé tracksuits .", "definition": "clothing more conventionally worn by the opposite sex , especially women 's clothes worn by a man", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the drag kings were wearing gold lamé tracksuits .\" What is the definition of \"drag\"?"} {"term": "drag", "pos": "", "context": "he went to the party dressed in drag", "definition": "clothing that is conventionally worn by the opposite sex ( especially women 's clothing when worn by a man )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he went to the party dressed in drag\" What is the definition of \"drag\"?"} {"term": "drag", "pos": "", "context": "if he took the time to investigate this issue further he would find that video evidence is available showing greyhounds enthusiastically following a drag lure .", "definition": "a strong-smelling lure drawn before hounds as a substitute for a fox .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if he took the time to investigate this issue further he would find that video evidence is available showing greyhounds enthusiastically following a drag lure .\" What is the definition of \"drag\"?"} {"term": "gondola", "pos": "", "context": "among items sold were box cars , flat cars and side-dump gondola cars .", "definition": "an open railway freight wagon .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"among items sold were box cars , flat cars and side-dump gondola cars .\" What is the definition of \"gondola\"?"} {"term": "hydrocele", "pos": "", "context": "these membranes form a closed , fluid-lined sac , like a deflated balloon , that sometimes swells up to become a hydrocele .", "definition": "the accumulation of serous fluid in a body sac", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these membranes form a closed , fluid-lined sac , like a deflated balloon , that sometimes swells up to become a hydrocele .\" What is the definition of \"hydrocele\"?"} {"term": "mogul", "pos": "", "context": "this stripped mogul in the erecting shop is former sp no . 1771 , a favorite of mine since childhood .", "definition": "a steam locomotive of 2-6-0 wheel arrangement .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this stripped mogul in the erecting shop is former sp no . 1771 , a favorite of mine since childhood .\" What is the definition of \"mogul\"?"} {"term": "thrust", "pos": "", "context": "it is not known whether the thrusts and reverse faults represent reactivated extensional basement structures or formed entirely during basin inversion .", "definition": "a reverse fault of low angle , with older strata displaced horizontally over newer .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is not known whether the thrusts and reverse faults represent reactivated extensional basement structures or formed entirely during basin inversion .\" What is the definition of \"thrust\"?"} {"term": "thrust", "pos": "", "context": "the result is for the roof thrust to have a greater chance of being folded .", "definition": "the lateral pressure exerted by an arch or other support in a building", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the result is for the roof thrust to have a greater chance of being folded .\" What is the definition of \"thrust\"?"} {"term": "peg", "pos": "", "context": "meanwhile , santa rounded third and headed for home , as the shortstop finally came to his senses and threw a perfect peg to catcher yunir garcia , who held the ball in a collision at the plate .", "definition": "a strong throw .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"meanwhile , santa rounded third and headed for home , as the shortstop finally came to his senses and threw a perfect peg to catcher yunir garcia , who held the ball in a collision at the plate .\" What is the definition of \"peg\"?"} {"term": "peg", "pos": "", "context": "your feet rests on pegs , your back is flat on the board and your head is slightly elevated so you are able to see where you are going .", "definition": "a footrest on a motorbike .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"your feet rests on pegs , your back is flat on the board and your head is slightly elevated so you are able to see where you are going .\" What is the definition of \"peg\"?"} {"term": "entitlement", "pos": "", "context": "profligate budget rules led to the greatest expansion of an entitlement since the great society .", "definition": "a government scheme that provides benefits to any individual meeting certain eligibility requirements", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"profligate budget rules led to the greatest expansion of an entitlement since the great society .\" What is the definition of \"entitlement\"?"} {"term": "treat", "pos": "", "context": "it is nursing which has shown ways to involve parents in the care of their children who are being treated for cancer .", "definition": "give medical care or attention to ; try to heal or cure", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is nursing which has shown ways to involve parents in the care of their children who are being treated for cancer .\" What is the definition of \"treat\"?"} {"term": "treat", "pos": "", "context": "do n't worry about the expensive wine -- i 'm treating", "definition": "provide with choice or abundant food or drink", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"do n't worry about the expensive wine -- i 'm treating\" What is the definition of \"treat\"?"} {"term": "logo", "pos": "", "context": "many pails had a manufacturer 's name or logo embossed across the bottom .", "definition": "a symbol or other small design adopted by an organization to identify its products , uniform , vehicles , etc .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"many pails had a manufacturer 's name or logo embossed across the bottom .\" What is the definition of \"logo\"?"} {"term": "twirl", "pos": "", "context": "she looked absolutely radiant with joy in her period dress , spinning and twirling on the floor .", "definition": "spin quickly and lightly round , especially repeatedly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she looked absolutely radiant with joy in her period dress , spinning and twirling on the floor .\" What is the definition of \"twirl\"?"} {"term": "dream", "pos": "", "context": "read your glossy magazines and dream away the long , lonely hours with thoughts of when your chance might come .", "definition": "waste one 's time in a lazy , unproductive way", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"read your glossy magazines and dream away the long , lonely hours with thoughts of when your chance might come .\" What is the definition of \"dream\"?"} {"term": "dream", "pos": "", "context": "but instead of fire they found the object of their dreams : the bright chess set basking in the reflected glow of the full moon in the sky above .", "definition": "a cherished aspiration , ambition , or ideal", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but instead of fire they found the object of their dreams : the bright chess set basking in the reflected glow of the full moon in the sky above .\" What is the definition of \"dream\"?"} {"term": "frisk", "pos": "", "context": "for four years john phelan allowed the beautiful freckled-faced colt to frisk and gambol to his hearts content in long meadow .", "definition": "skip or leap playfully ; frolic", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for four years john phelan allowed the beautiful freckled-faced colt to frisk and gambol to his hearts content in long meadow .\" What is the definition of \"frisk\"?"} {"term": "neta", "pos": "", "context": "pick the noisiest neta of a session and make him the speaker for the next .", "definition": "a politician or leader of an organization .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pick the noisiest neta of a session and make him the speaker for the next .\" What is the definition of \"neta\"?"} {"term": "bush", "pos": "", "context": "he ran his fingers through the gray bushing up from his scalp .", "definition": "spread out into a thick clump", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he ran his fingers through the gray bushing up from his scalp .\" What is the definition of \"bush\"?"} {"term": "laotian", "pos": "", "context": "there was a delicate wicker sculpture and photographs by the laotian artist .", "definition": "relating to or characteristic of laos or its inhabitants", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was a delicate wicker sculpture and photographs by the laotian artist .\" What is the definition of \"laotian\"?"} {"term": "cryptograph", "pos": "", "context": "he starts decoding the complex cryptograph with the help of his fellow officer .", "definition": "a coded message", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he starts decoding the complex cryptograph with the help of his fellow officer .\" What is the definition of \"cryptograph\"?"} {"term": "picture", "pos": "", "context": "in television the picture stays pretty much the same no matter what size screen you are viewing on .", "definition": "an image on a television screen", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in television the picture stays pretty much the same no matter what size screen you are viewing on .\" What is the definition of \"picture\"?"} {"term": "picture", "pos": "", "context": "the political picture is favorable", "definition": "a situation treated as an observable object", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the political picture is favorable\" What is the definition of \"picture\"?"} {"term": "picture", "pos": "", "context": "it was then that mothers kept their children from going to the pictures on saturday afternoon .", "definition": "the cinema", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was then that mothers kept their children from going to the pictures on saturday afternoon .\" What is the definition of \"picture\"?"} {"term": "fizzle", "pos": "", "context": "so with a damp fizzle and a surprised pop , the monitor died on us .", "definition": "a feeble hissing or spluttering sound .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so with a damp fizzle and a surprised pop , the monitor died on us .\" What is the definition of \"fizzle\"?"} {"term": "fizzle", "pos": "", "context": "that might not seem like a lofty goal , but after the plans last year fizzled out and the hoped-for inaugural festival was cancelled , it 's a realistic one .", "definition": "end or fail in a weak or disappointing way", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that might not seem like a lofty goal , but after the plans last year fizzled out and the hoped-for inaugural festival was cancelled , it 's a realistic one .\" What is the definition of \"fizzle\"?"} {"term": "philanthropy", "pos": "", "context": "it was certainly not pure philanthropy which made them display all that untiring fervor in order to curb the slave trade on the high seas and so halt the development of countries which still maintained slaves .", "definition": "the desire to promote the welfare of others , expressed especially by the generous donation of money to good causes", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was certainly not pure philanthropy which made them display all that untiring fervor in order to curb the slave trade on the high seas and so halt the development of countries which still maintained slaves .\" What is the definition of \"philanthropy\"?"} {"term": "somewhere", "pos": "", "context": "they moved to somewhere in spain", "definition": "an indefinite or unknown location", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they moved to somewhere in spain\" What is the definition of \"somewhere\"?"} {"term": "somewhere", "pos": "", "context": "people do acknowledge that young people need an outlet but we have to draw a line somewhere .", "definition": "in or to some place", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"people do acknowledge that young people need an outlet but we have to draw a line somewhere .\" What is the definition of \"somewhere\"?"} {"term": "schmuck", "pos": "", "context": "run , you brown-nosing schmucks , there 's a monogrammed empire to build !", "definition": "a foolish or contemptible person", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"run , you brown-nosing schmucks , there 's a monogrammed empire to build !\" What is the definition of \"schmuck\"?"} {"term": "pech", "pos": "", "context": "he had been out for three games and , understandably , looked short of pace and pech .", "definition": "a gasping or laboured breath ; a pant", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had been out for three games and , understandably , looked short of pace and pech .\" What is the definition of \"pech\"?"} {"term": "saucer", "pos": "", "context": "soon the children were all armed with steaming cups and saucers .", "definition": "a shallow dish , typically having a circular indentation in the centre , on which a cup is placed .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"soon the children were all armed with steaming cups and saucers .\" What is the definition of \"saucer\"?"} {"term": "body", "pos": "", "context": "he wraps her in a sheet like a corpse and carries her body to the abandoned abbey near the manor .", "definition": "a corpse", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he wraps her in a sheet like a corpse and carries her body to the abandoned abbey near the manor .\" What is the definition of \"body\"?"} {"term": "body", "pos": "", "context": "its deficiency lies , however , in failing to recognise that the universality we encounter in sense-perception has features which go far beyond what is given in the encounters in question , and are sometimes so categorial that no set of such encounters can ever adequately body them forth .", "definition": "give material form to something abstract", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"its deficiency lies , however , in failing to recognise that the universality we encounter in sense-perception has features which go far beyond what is given in the encounters in question , and are sometimes so categorial that no set of such encounters can ever adequately body them forth .\" What is the definition of \"body\"?"} {"term": "spook", "pos": "", "context": "perhaps at an even slower pace , with more stunning images and settings , this movie would really spook .", "definition": "( especially of an animal ) take fright suddenly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"perhaps at an even slower pace , with more stunning images and settings , this movie would really spook .\" What is the definition of \"spook\"?"} {"term": "hem", "pos": "", "context": "short-sleeve style s500t is double-needle hemmed at the sleeve cuffs and is constructed without a back pleat .", "definition": "turn under and sew the edge of ( a piece of cloth )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"short-sleeve style s500t is double-needle hemmed at the sleeve cuffs and is constructed without a back pleat .\" What is the definition of \"hem\"?"} {"term": "hem", "pos": "", "context": "hem my skirt", "definition": "fold over and sew together to provide with a hem", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hem my skirt\" What is the definition of \"hem\"?"} {"term": "saale", "pos": "", "context": "glacial deposits found in the southern part are probably of saale age , or even older .", "definition": "the system of deposits laid down in the saale glaciation .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"glacial deposits found in the southern part are probably of saale age , or even older .\" What is the definition of \"saale\"?"} {"term": "bottle", "pos": "", "context": "bottle the mineral water", "definition": "put into bottles", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bottle the mineral water\" What is the definition of \"bottle\"?"} {"term": "bottle", "pos": "", "context": "so he lost his bottle in the end , and postponed the general election before he had even called it .", "definition": "the courage or confidence needed to do something difficult or dangerous", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so he lost his bottle in the end , and postponed the general election before he had even called it .\" What is the definition of \"bottle\"?"} {"term": "drift", "pos": "", "context": "drift the boats downstream", "definition": "cause to be carried by a current", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"drift the boats downstream\" What is the definition of \"drift\"?"} {"term": "drift", "pos": "", "context": "slowly , the cat began to drift out of conciseness , not bothering to fight it .", "definition": "move passively , aimlessly , or involuntarily into a certain situation or condition", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"slowly , the cat began to drift out of conciseness , not bothering to fight it .\" What is the definition of \"drift\"?"} {"term": "hike", "pos": "", "context": "why , my skirt was hiked up two or three inches , exposing most of my thighs .", "definition": "pull or lift up ( something , especially clothing )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"why , my skirt was hiked up two or three inches , exposing most of my thighs .\" What is the definition of \"hike\"?"} {"term": "bicentennial", "pos": "", "context": "bicentennial celebration", "definition": "of or relating to or completing a period of 200 years", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bicentennial celebration\" What is the definition of \"bicentennial\"?"} {"term": "insanity", "pos": "", "context": "as well , he accuses a former lawyer of attempting to trick him into pleading insanity .", "definition": "the state of being seriously mentally ill ; madness", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as well , he accuses a former lawyer of attempting to trick him into pleading insanity .\" What is the definition of \"insanity\"?"} {"term": "concentrate", "pos": "", "context": "concentrate juice", "definition": "make denser , stronger , or purer", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"concentrate juice\" What is the definition of \"concentrate\"?"} {"term": "smash", "pos": "", "context": "a forearm smash from richard morales earned him an instant red .", "definition": "a violent blow", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a forearm smash from richard morales earned him an instant red .\" What is the definition of \"smash\"?"} {"term": "smash", "pos": "", "context": "there was a fast drop in temperature , a creaking sound echoed throughout the room , and then a smash .", "definition": "an act or sound of something smashing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was a fast drop in temperature , a creaking sound echoed throughout the room , and then a smash .\" What is the definition of \"smash\"?"} {"term": "spall", "pos": "", "context": "a spall liner and mine protection carpet are installed to minimise the secondary effects of armour penetration and mines .", "definition": "a splinter or chip , especially of rock .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a spall liner and mine protection carpet are installed to minimise the secondary effects of armour penetration and mines .\" What is the definition of \"spall\"?"} {"term": "state", "pos": "", "context": "the state has lowered its income tax", "definition": "the group of people comprising the government of a sovereign state", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the state has lowered its income tax\" What is the definition of \"state\"?"} {"term": "state", "pos": "", "context": "worn on a hot evening at a state occasion , such dresses must have been uncomfortable to wear .", "definition": "involving the ceremony associated with a head of state", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"worn on a hot evening at a state occasion , such dresses must have been uncomfortable to wear .\" What is the definition of \"state\"?"} {"term": "state", "pos": "", "context": "in a weak financial state", "definition": "the way something is with respect to its main attributes", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in a weak financial state\" What is the definition of \"state\"?"} {"term": "pedometer", "pos": "", "context": "log your steps with a pedometer , available at sporting goods stores .", "definition": "an instrument for estimating the distance travelled on foot by recording the number of steps taken .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"log your steps with a pedometer , available at sporting goods stores .\" What is the definition of \"pedometer\"?"} {"term": "except", "pos": "", "context": "similar techniques are also being used to produce chocolate which is normal in every way , except that it is chewy .", "definition": "used before a statement that forms an exception to one just made", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"similar techniques are also being used to produce chocolate which is normal in every way , except that it is chewy .\" What is the definition of \"except\"?"} {"term": "except", "pos": "", "context": "everything is very quiet , except for the occasional floomfing sound of snow falling off pine trees and cedars .", "definition": "not including ; other than", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"everything is very quiet , except for the occasional floomfing sound of snow falling off pine trees and cedars .\" What is the definition of \"except\"?"} {"term": "verdict", "pos": "", "context": "each competitor had to sing two numbers before the judges made their verdict .", "definition": "an opinion or judgement", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"each competitor had to sing two numbers before the judges made their verdict .\" What is the definition of \"verdict\"?"} {"term": "signalman", "pos": "", "context": "signals should be made by only one signalman ; more than one creates too much confusion and can be dangerous .", "definition": "a person responsible for sending and receiving naval or military signals .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"signals should be made by only one signalman ; more than one creates too much confusion and can be dangerous .\" What is the definition of \"signalman\"?"} {"term": "balance", "pos": "", "context": "the balance of the schedule visits markets that have a long and storied tradition in sport compact drag racing .", "definition": "a predominating amount ; a preponderance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the balance of the schedule visits markets that have a long and storied tradition in sport compact drag racing .\" What is the definition of \"balance\"?"} {"term": "balance", "pos": "", "context": "you must pay this fee even if you pay off your balance when your credit card bill arrives .", "definition": "the difference between an amount due and an amount paid", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you must pay this fee even if you pay off your balance when your credit card bill arrives .\" What is the definition of \"balance\"?"} {"term": "screen", "pos": "", "context": "they had to be whisked in by a back entrance , completely screened from the workers protesting outside .", "definition": "protect ( someone ) from something dangerous or unpleasant", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they had to be whisked in by a back entrance , completely screened from the workers protesting outside .\" What is the definition of \"screen\"?"} {"term": "screen", "pos": "", "context": "these mutants were then screened for their ability to suppress other yme1 phenotypes , as well as for inherent collateral phenotypes .", "definition": "evaluate or analyse ( something ) for its suitability for a particular purpose or application", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these mutants were then screened for their ability to suppress other yme1 phenotypes , as well as for inherent collateral phenotypes .\" What is the definition of \"screen\"?"} {"term": "plantagenet", "pos": "", "context": "like most members of the plantagenet royal house , the duke had a tightly-reined temper that flew off the handle from time to time .", "definition": "relating to the english royal dynasty which held the throne from the accession of henry ii in 1154 until the death of richard iii in 1485 .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"like most members of the plantagenet royal house , the duke had a tightly-reined temper that flew off the handle from time to time .\" What is the definition of \"plantagenet\"?"} {"term": "cache", "pos": "", "context": "to replace them , the epidermis relies on a cache of stem cells stored near the epidermal-dermal border .", "definition": "a collection of items of the same type stored in a hidden or inaccessible place", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to replace them , the epidermis relies on a cache of stem cells stored near the epidermal-dermal border .\" What is the definition of \"cache\"?"} {"term": "flummox", "pos": "", "context": "mr rawson said he was completely flummoxed by the decision taken by the bank .", "definition": "perplex ( someone ) greatly ; bewilder", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mr rawson said he was completely flummoxed by the decision taken by the bank .\" What is the definition of \"flummox\"?"} {"term": "miracle", "pos": "", "context": "in new zealand , so they tell us , an economic miracle has been performed and a dream world has been created which is the envy of the entire globe .", "definition": "a remarkable event or development that brings very welcome consequences", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in new zealand , so they tell us , an economic miracle has been performed and a dream world has been created which is the envy of the entire globe .\" What is the definition of \"miracle\"?"} {"term": "century", "pos": "", "context": "the collection now includes works dating from the 18th century right up to present day .", "definition": "a period of a hundred years reckoned from the traditional date of the birth of christ", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the collection now includes works dating from the 18th century right up to present day .\" What is the definition of \"century\"?"} {"term": "pentlandite", "pos": "", "context": "the most common ores of nickel are pentlandite , pyrrhotite , and garnierite .", "definition": "a bronze-yellow mineral which consists of a sulphide of iron and nickel and is the principal ore of nickel .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the most common ores of nickel are pentlandite , pyrrhotite , and garnierite .\" What is the definition of \"pentlandite\"?"} {"term": "allowance", "pos": "", "context": "tax individualisation means that we both have separate tax free allowances ( now called tax credits ) and separate income rate bands .", "definition": "an amount of money that can be earned or received free of tax", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tax individualisation means that we both have separate tax free allowances ( now called tax credits ) and separate income rate bands .\" What is the definition of \"allowance\"?"} {"term": "over", "pos": "", "context": "he has been getting a lot more aggressive recently over such trivial things as the housework and his dinner .", "definition": "on the subject of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he has been getting a lot more aggressive recently over such trivial things as the housework and his dinner .\" What is the definition of \"over\"?"} {"term": "over", "pos": "", "context": "as the globe warms and over a billion people live on less than one dollar a day , a global left is needed more than ever .", "definition": "higher or more than ( a specified number or quantity )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as the globe warms and over a billion people live on less than one dollar a day , a global left is needed more than ever .\" What is the definition of \"over\"?"} {"term": "over", "pos": "", "context": "some the stems of the flowers seem too weak to support the flower , so they bend over and sometimes break off .", "definition": "beyond and falling or hanging from a point", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some the stems of the flowers seem too weak to support the flower , so they bend over and sometimes break off .\" What is the definition of \"over\"?"} {"term": "sirocco", "pos": "", "context": "the warm sirocco wind blowing up from the sahara can make diving conditions rough off southern coasts in spring and summer .", "definition": "a hot wind , often dusty or rainy , blowing from north africa across the mediterranean to southern europe .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the warm sirocco wind blowing up from the sahara can make diving conditions rough off southern coasts in spring and summer .\" What is the definition of \"sirocco\"?"} {"term": "real", "pos": "", "context": "in this case , this is not a problem , since the domain of the sine function is all real numbers .", "definition": "( of a number or quantity ) having no imaginary part .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in this case , this is not a problem , since the domain of the sine function is all real numbers .\" What is the definition of \"real\"?"} {"term": "metacentre", "pos": "", "context": "mr wong was more interested in the cat outside the window than our overturning ships with high metacentres .", "definition": "the point of intersection between an imaginary line drawn vertically through the centre of buoyancy of a floating vessel and a corresponding line through the new centre of buoyancy when the vessel is tilted .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mr wong was more interested in the cat outside the window than our overturning ships with high metacentres .\" What is the definition of \"metacentre\"?"} {"term": "bladderwort", "pos": "", "context": "yellow dock root and an herb appropriately named bladderwort also reduce the chances of getting calcium stones , although science has n't discovered exactly why .", "definition": "an aquatic plant of north temperate regions , with small air-filled bladders which keep the plant afloat and trap tiny animals that provide additional nutrients .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"yellow dock root and an herb appropriately named bladderwort also reduce the chances of getting calcium stones , although science has n't discovered exactly why .\" What is the definition of \"bladderwort\"?"} {"term": "salvo", "pos": "", "context": "the conservatives and labour today launched the opening salvos in the battle for the parent vote , both promising to give people more choice over their child 's schooling and to crack down on poor behaviour .", "definition": "a sudden , vigorous , or aggressive act or series of acts", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the conservatives and labour today launched the opening salvos in the battle for the parent vote , both promising to give people more choice over their child 's schooling and to crack down on poor behaviour .\" What is the definition of \"salvo\"?"} {"term": "waiver", "pos": "", "context": "the day of his accident , glover had signed the waiver , surrendering any right to sue the company .", "definition": "a document recording the waiving of a right or claim .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the day of his accident , glover had signed the waiver , surrendering any right to sue the company .\" What is the definition of \"waiver\"?"} {"term": "shuffle", "pos": "", "context": "for line of fire , he sets up a jazzy shuffle on the drums while a lone guitar twangs thousands of feet below .", "definition": "a piece of music for or in the style of a shuffle", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for line of fire , he sets up a jazzy shuffle on the drums while a lone guitar twangs thousands of feet below .\" What is the definition of \"shuffle\"?"} {"term": "shuffle", "pos": "", "context": "if you have a customer complaint , do n't shuffle it off to others .", "definition": "get out of or avoid a responsibility or obligation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if you have a customer complaint , do n't shuffle it off to others .\" What is the definition of \"shuffle\"?"} {"term": "shuffle", "pos": "", "context": "he shuffled out of the room", "definition": "walk by dragging one 's feet", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he shuffled out of the room\" What is the definition of \"shuffle\"?"} {"term": "acceptance", "pos": "", "context": "brad had received his acceptance letter earlier that month .", "definition": "the action of consenting to receive or undertake something offered", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"brad had received his acceptance letter earlier that month .\" What is the definition of \"acceptance\"?"} {"term": "acceptance", "pos": "", "context": "in spite of this , incidences of fraud are still emerging in all business areas , including bills , bank acceptance , deposits and loans .", "definition": "a draft or bill of exchange that is accepted by being signed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in spite of this , incidences of fraud are still emerging in all business areas , including bills , bank acceptance , deposits and loans .\" What is the definition of \"acceptance\"?"} {"term": "avalanche", "pos": "", "context": "there will even be antennae attached to lamp-posts in major cities to cope with the expected avalanche of radio waves .", "definition": "a sudden arrival or occurrence of something in overwhelming quantities", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there will even be antennae attached to lamp-posts in major cities to cope with the expected avalanche of radio waves .\" What is the definition of \"avalanche\"?"} {"term": "recent", "pos": "", "context": "in recent months", "definition": "of the immediate past or just previous to the present time", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in recent months\" What is the definition of \"recent\"?"} {"term": "blower", "pos": "", "context": "we had a chat on the blower and were both satisfied with my withdrawal of the comment and my public apology .", "definition": "a telephone", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we had a chat on the blower and were both satisfied with my withdrawal of the comment and my public apology .\" What is the definition of \"blower\"?"} {"term": "heiress", "pos": "", "context": "to do her justice , the hotel heiress does a competent job of the task required of her .", "definition": "a woman who is legally entitled to the property or rank of another on that person 's death", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to do her justice , the hotel heiress does a competent job of the task required of her .\" What is the definition of \"heiress\"?"} {"term": "sectionalism", "pos": "", "context": "past animosities and sectionalism were laid aside in favor of fellowship and intellectual stimulation .", "definition": "restriction of interest to a narrow sphere ; undue concern with local interests or petty distinctions at the expense of general well-being", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"past animosities and sectionalism were laid aside in favor of fellowship and intellectual stimulation .\" What is the definition of \"sectionalism\"?"} {"term": "sculpt", "pos": "", "context": "she is sculpting the block of marble into an image of her husband", "definition": "shape ( a material like stone or wood ) by whittling away at it", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she is sculpting the block of marble into an image of her husband\" What is the definition of \"sculpt\"?"} {"term": "divinity", "pos": "", "context": "human history , particularly the history of the twentieth century , renders faith in an innate human divinity difficult for many of us .", "definition": "the state or quality of being divine", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"human history , particularly the history of the twentieth century , renders faith in an innate human divinity difficult for many of us .\" What is the definition of \"divinity\"?"} {"term": "divinity", "pos": "", "context": "it describes worship of divinity through devotion to the physical yoni .", "definition": "god .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it describes worship of divinity through devotion to the physical yoni .\" What is the definition of \"divinity\"?"} {"term": "spindle", "pos": "", "context": "that 's the ones when they used to have the spindle that drops six records , 45s , at one time .", "definition": "the vertical rod at the centre of a record turntable which keeps the record in place during play .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that 's the ones when they used to have the spindle that drops six records , 45s , at one time .\" What is the definition of \"spindle\"?"} {"term": "spindle", "pos": "", "context": "a lime tree there is already turning a beautiful bright yellow , and a large himalayan spindle bush is taking on rich red and pink colouring .", "definition": "a eurasian shrub or small tree with slender toothed leaves and pink capsules containing bright orange seeds . its hard timber was formerly used for making spindles .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a lime tree there is already turning a beautiful bright yellow , and a large himalayan spindle bush is taking on rich red and pink colouring .\" What is the definition of \"spindle\"?"} {"term": "seersucker", "pos": "", "context": "constructed of wire , the garland is spherical , and it is decorated with strips of various materials from seersucker to damask .", "definition": "a lightweight fabric with a crimped or puckered surface", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"constructed of wire , the garland is spherical , and it is decorated with strips of various materials from seersucker to damask .\" What is the definition of \"seersucker\"?"} {"term": "andalusian", "pos": "", "context": "andalusia also has its own regional dialect - andalusian - that contains words derived from arabic , reflecting the region 's period of moorish rule .", "definition": "the dialect of spanish spoken in andalusia .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"andalusia also has its own regional dialect - andalusian - that contains words derived from arabic , reflecting the region 's period of moorish rule .\" What is the definition of \"andalusian\"?"} {"term": "cuff", "pos": "", "context": "finally , the detective sighed in exasperation , and ordered his partner to take the teacher away , cuffing his hands from behind .", "definition": "secure with handcuffs", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"finally , the detective sighed in exasperation , and ordered his partner to take the teacher away , cuffing his hands from behind .\" What is the definition of \"cuff\"?"} {"term": "pedalo", "pos": "", "context": "got on a pedalo and pedaloed round the serpentine .", "definition": "a small pedal-operated pleasure boat .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"got on a pedalo and pedaloed round the serpentine .\" What is the definition of \"pedalo\"?"} {"term": "pre-raphaelite", "pos": "", "context": "there is ( after an absence ) a room dedicated to the pre-raphaelites .", "definition": "a member of a group of english 19th-century artists , including holman hunt , millais , and d. g. rossetti , who consciously sought to emulate the simplicity and sincerity of the work of italian artists from before the time of raphael .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is ( after an absence ) a room dedicated to the pre-raphaelites .\" What is the definition of \"pre-raphaelite\"?"} {"term": "frisson", "pos": "", "context": "a frisson of surprise shot through him", "definition": "an almost pleasurable sensation of fright", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a frisson of surprise shot through him\" What is the definition of \"frisson\"?"} {"term": "memoir", "pos": "", "context": "in 1943 douglas was awarded the bôcher prize by the american mathematical society for his memoirs on the plateau problem .", "definition": "an essay on a learned subject", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in 1943 douglas was awarded the bôcher prize by the american mathematical society for his memoirs on the plateau problem .\" What is the definition of \"memoir\"?"} {"term": "granulate", "pos": "", "context": "wounds and ulcers can granulate", "definition": "form granulating tissue", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wounds and ulcers can granulate\" What is the definition of \"granulate\"?"} {"term": "granulate", "pos": "", "context": "he anaesthetised my finger and excised a wedge of skin that included the entire graze , leaving the wound open to granulate .", "definition": "( of a wound or lesion ) form multiple small prominences as part of the healing process .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he anaesthetised my finger and excised a wedge of skin that included the entire graze , leaving the wound open to granulate .\" What is the definition of \"granulate\"?"} {"term": "movie", "pos": "", "context": "unlike in the movies , this commencement was long , boring and very unsatisfying .", "definition": "films generally or the film industry", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unlike in the movies , this commencement was long , boring and very unsatisfying .\" What is the definition of \"movie\"?"} {"term": "carmine", "pos": "", "context": "their value as ornamental plants is contained in their intricately patterned and colourful foliage which ranges from jade green with cyclamen veins ; chartreuse with carmine veins ; and sherwood green with silver veins .", "definition": "a vivid crimson colour", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their value as ornamental plants is contained in their intricately patterned and colourful foliage which ranges from jade green with cyclamen veins ; chartreuse with carmine veins ; and sherwood green with silver veins .\" What is the definition of \"carmine\"?"} {"term": "cotoneaster", "pos": "", "context": "this striking arrangement is made with prunings from cotoneaster , deodar cedar , and juniper .", "definition": "a small-leaved shrub of the rose family , cultivated as a hedging plant or for its bright red berries which often remain on the plant throughout the winter .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this striking arrangement is made with prunings from cotoneaster , deodar cedar , and juniper .\" What is the definition of \"cotoneaster\"?"} {"term": "manipulator", "pos": "", "context": "obviously it was valuable to have the financial side of the story addressed and to hear the views of the magazine editors , social commentators and image manipulators who were summoned to assist us in our thinking .", "definition": "a person who handles or controls something skilfully .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"obviously it was valuable to have the financial side of the story addressed and to hear the views of the magazine editors , social commentators and image manipulators who were summoned to assist us in our thinking .\" What is the definition of \"manipulator\"?"} {"term": "quicksilver", "pos": "", "context": "if one ventures to wonder whether haitink has the quicksilver mind necessary for mozart , it is only because his verdi and wagner were superlative .", "definition": "moving or changing rapidly and unpredictably", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if one ventures to wonder whether haitink has the quicksilver mind necessary for mozart , it is only because his verdi and wagner were superlative .\" What is the definition of \"quicksilver\"?"} {"term": "isometric", "pos": "", "context": "although the stitched textiles have physical presence , their intersecting linear passages function primarily as isometric drawing .", "definition": "( in technical or architectural drawing ) incorporating a method of showing projection or perspective in which the three principal dimensions are represented by three axes 120° apart .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"although the stitched textiles have physical presence , their intersecting linear passages function primarily as isometric drawing .\" What is the definition of \"isometric\"?"} {"term": "halve", "pos": "", "context": "the cost of sales roughly halved from £7.2m to £3.7m during the period .", "definition": "reduce or be reduced by half", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the cost of sales roughly halved from £7.2m to £3.7m during the period .\" What is the definition of \"halve\"?"} {"term": "result", "pos": "", "context": "even assembling a variety of ancient sources does not necessarily result in a truthful or complete picture .", "definition": "have ( a specified outcome )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"even assembling a variety of ancient sources does not necessarily result in a truthful or complete picture .\" What is the definition of \"result\"?"} {"term": "friendly", "pos": "", "context": "the only friendly person here", "definition": "characteristic of or befitting a friend", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the only friendly person here\" What is the definition of \"friendly\"?"} {"term": "gouache", "pos": "", "context": "apart from paintings his work included drawings in ink and gouache , collages , and prints of various kinds ( etchings , lithographs , screenprints ) , and he also wrote numerous articles on artistic and social issues .", "definition": "opaque watercolour of the type used in gouache painting .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"apart from paintings his work included drawings in ink and gouache , collages , and prints of various kinds ( etchings , lithographs , screenprints ) , and he also wrote numerous articles on artistic and social issues .\" What is the definition of \"gouache\"?"} {"term": "tramp", "pos": "", "context": "the tramp of military boots", "definition": "a heavy footfall", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the tramp of military boots\" What is the definition of \"tramp\"?"} {"term": "darter", "pos": "", "context": "the evolutionary relationships of anhingas and darters remain unclear .", "definition": "a long-necked fish-eating bird related to the cormorants , typically found in fresh water , where they frequently swim submerged to the neck .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the evolutionary relationships of anhingas and darters remain unclear .\" What is the definition of \"darter\"?"} {"term": "second-hand", "pos": "", "context": "cllr johnny o'malley said the second-hand unit could be accepted as a stop-gap .", "definition": "( of goods ) having had a previous owner ; not new", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cllr johnny o'malley said the second-hand unit could be accepted as a stop-gap .\" What is the definition of \"second-hand\"?"} {"term": "second-hand", "pos": "", "context": "i have a friend who used to run a second-hand bookshop in the city .", "definition": "denoting a shop where second-hand goods can be bought", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i have a friend who used to run a second-hand bookshop in the city .\" What is the definition of \"second-hand\"?"} {"term": "splatter", "pos": "", "context": "a drop of hot oil splattered up on the cook 's hand and he dropped the bird the rest of the way into the pot and took three quick steps backward .", "definition": "( of a liquid ) splash", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a drop of hot oil splattered up on the cook 's hand and he dropped the bird the rest of the way into the pot and took three quick steps backward .\" What is the definition of \"splatter\"?"} {"term": "talus", "pos": "", "context": "along these exposed fault scarps , 500 m or more high , not only can the nature of oceanic crust be examined , but complex patterns of fault breccias , talus , and lavas can be discerned .", "definition": "a sloping mass of rock fragments at the foot of a cliff .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"along these exposed fault scarps , 500 m or more high , not only can the nature of oceanic crust be examined , but complex patterns of fault breccias , talus , and lavas can be discerned .\" What is the definition of \"talus\"?"} {"term": "cave-in", "pos": "", "context": "as cave-ins go , the package he successfully bulldozed through caucus was elegant .", "definition": "an instance of yielding or submitting under pressure", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as cave-ins go , the package he successfully bulldozed through caucus was elegant .\" What is the definition of \"cave-in\"?"} {"term": "hepatitis", "pos": "", "context": "among the most prevalent liver diseases in this group are hepatitis and alcoholic cirrhosis .", "definition": "a disease characterized by inflammation of the liver .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"among the most prevalent liver diseases in this group are hepatitis and alcoholic cirrhosis .\" What is the definition of \"hepatitis\"?"} {"term": "viability", "pos": "", "context": "depigmented wing patch size is a condition-dependent indicator of viability in male collared flycatchers .", "definition": "ability to survive or live successfully", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"depigmented wing patch size is a condition-dependent indicator of viability in male collared flycatchers .\" What is the definition of \"viability\"?"} {"term": "poor", "pos": "", "context": "food poor in nutritive value", "definition": "lacking in specific resources , qualities or substances", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"food poor in nutritive value\" What is the definition of \"poor\"?"} {"term": "overwhelm", "pos": "", "context": "she is overwhelmed by the parental duties she now bears .", "definition": "give too much of something to ; inundate", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she is overwhelmed by the parental duties she now bears .\" What is the definition of \"overwhelm\"?"} {"term": "powerhouse", "pos": "", "context": "a nutritional powerhouse , kale is adored by foodies and nutritionists alike .", "definition": "a person or thing of great energy , strength , or power", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a nutritional powerhouse , kale is adored by foodies and nutritionists alike .\" What is the definition of \"powerhouse\"?"} {"term": "indication", "pos": "", "context": "it was an indication of the way the academy 's luck has been going .", "definition": "a sign or piece of information that indicates something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was an indication of the way the academy 's luck has been going .\" What is the definition of \"indication\"?"} {"term": "attenuation", "pos": "", "context": "attenuation in the volume of the sound", "definition": "weakening in force or intensity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"attenuation in the volume of the sound\" What is the definition of \"attenuation\"?"} {"term": "pin", "pos": "", "context": "in a round that included three birdies and seven pars , she also claimed near pins on holes eight and fifteen , and the long putt on hole nine .", "definition": "a stick with a flag placed in a hole to mark its position .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in a round that included three birdies and seven pars , she also claimed near pins on holes eight and fifteen , and the long putt on hole nine .\" What is the definition of \"pin\"?"} {"term": "suggestion", "pos": "", "context": "also implied was the suggestion that femininity coupled with an aggressive stance is desirable .", "definition": "something that implies or indicates a certain fact or situation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"also implied was the suggestion that femininity coupled with an aggressive stance is desirable .\" What is the definition of \"suggestion\"?"} {"term": "suggestion", "pos": "", "context": "it was a suggestion we could n't refuse", "definition": "a proposal offered for acceptance or rejection", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was a suggestion we could n't refuse\" What is the definition of \"suggestion\"?"} {"term": "forfeit", "pos": "", "context": "breakaways had a double win this weekend with their on-court 38-23 victory over tribes followed by a forfeit victory over all saints from their game held over from the first round .", "definition": "lost or surrendered as a penalty for wrongdoing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"breakaways had a double win this weekend with their on-court 38-23 victory over tribes followed by a forfeit victory over all saints from their game held over from the first round .\" What is the definition of \"forfeit\"?"} {"term": "representation", "pos": "", "context": "it does , however , authorize and inform the tensions between the past and the present , the historical event and its representation , that i have been describing .", "definition": "the description or portrayal of someone or something in a particular way", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it does , however , authorize and inform the tensions between the past and the present , the historical event and its representation , that i have been describing .\" What is the definition of \"representation\"?"} {"term": "ham", "pos": "", "context": "today , use such cured meats as ham , prosciutto , bacon , and pancetta for the hints of salt , nuts , and spice that curing imparts .", "definition": "salted or smoked meat from the upper part of a pig 's leg", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"today , use such cured meats as ham , prosciutto , bacon , and pancetta for the hints of salt , nuts , and spice that curing imparts .\" What is the definition of \"ham\"?"} {"term": "peat", "pos": "", "context": "first the stove had to be stoked up with peats , then i changed , dried my hair and made a cup of coffee .", "definition": "a cut piece of peat", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"first the stove had to be stoked up with peats , then i changed , dried my hair and made a cup of coffee .\" What is the definition of \"peat\"?"} {"term": "martin", "pos": "", "context": "both bats and martins , it turns out , prefer larger insects such as beetles , moths , flies , wasps and bees , which give a better return on their energy efforts .", "definition": "a swift-flying insectivorous songbird of the swallow family , typically having a less strongly forked tail than a swallow .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"both bats and martins , it turns out , prefer larger insects such as beetles , moths , flies , wasps and bees , which give a better return on their energy efforts .\" What is the definition of \"martin\"?"} {"term": "blear", "pos": "", "context": "in the poet gerard manley hopkins ' evocative phrasing , ‘ all is seared with trade ; bleared , smeared with toil ; and wears man 's smudge and shares man 's smell . ’", "definition": "make dim ; blur", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the poet gerard manley hopkins ' evocative phrasing , ‘ all is seared with trade ; bleared , smeared with toil ; and wears man 's smudge and shares man 's smell . ’\" What is the definition of \"blear\"?"} {"term": "reinvest", "pos": "", "context": "i want to grow the business , but i ca n't unless we start reinvesting our profits .", "definition": "put ( the profit on a previous investment ) back into the same scheme", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i want to grow the business , but i ca n't unless we start reinvesting our profits .\" What is the definition of \"reinvest\"?"} {"term": "polar", "pos": "", "context": "also there are areas at higher elevation on the rim of polar craters that see the sun more than half of the time .", "definition": "relating to the poles of a celestial body", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"also there are areas at higher elevation on the rim of polar craters that see the sun more than half of the time .\" What is the definition of \"polar\"?"} {"term": "polar", "pos": "", "context": "molecular dynamics analysis of a second phosphate site in the hemoglobins of the seabird , south polar skua .", "definition": "( of an animal or plant ) living in the north or south polar region", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"molecular dynamics analysis of a second phosphate site in the hemoglobins of the seabird , south polar skua .\" What is the definition of \"polar\"?"} {"term": "polar", "pos": "", "context": "the polar events of this study", "definition": "being of crucial importance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the polar events of this study\" What is the definition of \"polar\"?"} {"term": "adorn", "pos": "", "context": "flowers adorned the tables everywhere", "definition": "be beautiful to look at", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"flowers adorned the tables everywhere\" What is the definition of \"adorn\"?"} {"term": "burner", "pos": "", "context": "they try to set up traces for the calls , but burner phones do n't make that possible .", "definition": "a cheap mobile phone paid for in advance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they try to set up traces for the calls , but burner phones do n't make that possible .\" What is the definition of \"burner\"?"} {"term": "opulence", "pos": "", "context": "but all is not quite as it seems - and despite the opulence of her wedding preparations , felicia has some hard choices to make .", "definition": "great wealth or luxuriousness", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but all is not quite as it seems - and despite the opulence of her wedding preparations , felicia has some hard choices to make .\" What is the definition of \"opulence\"?"} {"term": "bundle", "pos": "", "context": "as we 're walking out i see her glance over at a group in the corner , but we bundle out the door pretty fast and i lead her over towards the park .", "definition": "( of a group of people ) move in a disorganized way", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as we 're walking out i see her glance over at a group in the corner , but we bundle out the door pretty fast and i lead her over towards the park .\" What is the definition of \"bundle\"?"} {"term": "moviemaking", "pos": "", "context": "you will probably not see something so unique and yet so completely recognizable in the realm of low-budget moviemaking .", "definition": "the direction or production of films for the cinema", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you will probably not see something so unique and yet so completely recognizable in the realm of low-budget moviemaking .\" What is the definition of \"moviemaking\"?"} {"term": "remind", "pos": "", "context": "remind me to call mother", "definition": "put in the mind of someone", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"remind me to call mother\" What is the definition of \"remind\"?"} {"term": "glauconite", "pos": "", "context": "the presence of glauconite indicates deeper water and low sedimentation rates , with less oxygenated conditions .", "definition": "a greenish clay mineral of the illite group , found chiefly in marine sands .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the presence of glauconite indicates deeper water and low sedimentation rates , with less oxygenated conditions .\" What is the definition of \"glauconite\"?"} {"term": "umbrage", "pos": "", "context": "the umbrage came from the tree like a dark cloud .", "definition": "shade or shadow , especially as cast by trees .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the umbrage came from the tree like a dark cloud .\" What is the definition of \"umbrage\"?"} {"term": "locus", "pos": "", "context": "it all revolved around the idea that the body is a locus of memory , and it brought that idea into so many dimensions .", "definition": "a particular position or place where something occurs or is situated", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it all revolved around the idea that the body is a locus of memory , and it brought that idea into so many dimensions .\" What is the definition of \"locus\"?"} {"term": "locus", "pos": "", "context": "the curve can be considered as the locus of a point p defined as follows .", "definition": "a curve or other figure formed by all the points satisfying a particular equation of the relation between coordinates , or by a point , line , or surface moving according to mathematically defined conditions", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the curve can be considered as the locus of a point p defined as follows .\" What is the definition of \"locus\"?"} {"term": "enchantress", "pos": "", "context": "she is a goddess and enchantress , also daughter of the sun .", "definition": "a woman who uses magic to put someone or something under a spell .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she is a goddess and enchantress , also daughter of the sun .\" What is the definition of \"enchantress\"?"} {"term": "rataplan", "pos": "", "context": "above us a rataplan of thunder sounded in a swollen sky that still stubbornly refused to yield its rain .", "definition": "a drumming or beating sound", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"above us a rataplan of thunder sounded in a swollen sky that still stubbornly refused to yield its rain .\" What is the definition of \"rataplan\"?"} {"term": "traffic", "pos": "", "context": "computers could be used to route traffic around numerous interconnected systems and if one or several boxes failed , the network would keep on ticking .", "definition": "the messages or signals transmitted through a communications system", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"computers could be used to route traffic around numerous interconnected systems and if one or several boxes failed , the network would keep on ticking .\" What is the definition of \"traffic\"?"} {"term": "protoplast", "pos": "", "context": "the hydrostatic pressure model proposes that statocytes detect the total weight exerted by the protoplast on its cell wall .", "definition": "the protoplasm of a living plant or bacterial cell whose cell wall has been removed .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the hydrostatic pressure model proposes that statocytes detect the total weight exerted by the protoplast on its cell wall .\" What is the definition of \"protoplast\"?"} {"term": "polynya", "pos": "", "context": "the length of the sea ice season can vary from a few days to year-round and generally decreases with distance from the continent , with the exception of coastal polynyas and the large and regular polynya off the ross ice shelf .", "definition": "a stretch of open water surrounded by ice , especially in arctic seas .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the length of the sea ice season can vary from a few days to year-round and generally decreases with distance from the continent , with the exception of coastal polynyas and the large and regular polynya off the ross ice shelf .\" What is the definition of \"polynya\"?"} {"term": "crescendo", "pos": "", "context": "as sora walked further down the hall , the redhead 's sensitive ears picked up a gradual crescendo of a beautifully played piano .", "definition": "a gradual increase in loudness in a piece of music", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as sora walked further down the hall , the redhead 's sensitive ears picked up a gradual crescendo of a beautifully played piano .\" What is the definition of \"crescendo\"?"} {"term": "tattle", "pos": "", "context": "one crisp november afternoon , she summoned her lovers to her bedside bistro for tea and tattle .", "definition": "gossip ; idle talk", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one crisp november afternoon , she summoned her lovers to her bedside bistro for tea and tattle .\" What is the definition of \"tattle\"?"} {"term": "audience", "pos": "", "context": "no other of the enlightened despots was more fond than gustav of the time-wasting rituals of court life , the levees , formal audiences and ceremonial entries and exits .", "definition": "a formal interview with a person in authority", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"no other of the enlightened despots was more fond than gustav of the time-wasting rituals of court life , the levees , formal audiences and ceremonial entries and exits .\" What is the definition of \"audience\"?"} {"term": "fibroid", "pos": "", "context": "the painful , heavy periods can be caused by a variety of conditions including endometriosis , fibroids , chronic pelvic infections , and adhesions .", "definition": "a benign tumour of muscular and fibrous tissues , typically developing in the wall of the uterus .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the painful , heavy periods can be caused by a variety of conditions including endometriosis , fibroids , chronic pelvic infections , and adhesions .\" What is the definition of \"fibroid\"?"} {"term": "larch", "pos": "", "context": "that 's where ponderosa pine and western larch grow and where more people live .", "definition": "a coniferous tree with bunches of deciduous bright green needles , found in cool regions of the northern hemisphere . it is grown for its tough timber and its resin ( which yields turpentine ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that 's where ponderosa pine and western larch grow and where more people live .\" What is the definition of \"larch\"?"} {"term": "sunny", "pos": "", "context": "he 's sunny , upbeat , and cheerfully polite , and always aware of what you 're doing , how well you 're managing .", "definition": "( of a person or their temperament ) cheery and bright", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he 's sunny , upbeat , and cheerfully polite , and always aware of what you 're doing , how well you 're managing .\" What is the definition of \"sunny\"?"} {"term": "christian", "pos": "", "context": "today however there is special need for christians openly to confess their faith .", "definition": "a person who has received christian baptism or is a believer in christianity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"today however there is special need for christians openly to confess their faith .\" What is the definition of \"christian\"?"} {"term": "janitor", "pos": "", "context": "they took jobs with low pay and little advancement potential , working as busboys , waiters , gardeners , janitors , and domestic help in cities .", "definition": "a caretaker or doorkeeper of a building .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they took jobs with low pay and little advancement potential , working as busboys , waiters , gardeners , janitors , and domestic help in cities .\" What is the definition of \"janitor\"?"} {"term": "frazzle", "pos": "", "context": "on it , the frazzled remains of some poor beast were nicely complemented by rosti so thick and chewy it bore a strong resemblance to gardening twine .", "definition": "the state of being completely burnt", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on it , the frazzled remains of some poor beast were nicely complemented by rosti so thick and chewy it bore a strong resemblance to gardening twine .\" What is the definition of \"frazzle\"?"} {"term": "stroke", "pos": "", "context": "you have to stroke the boss", "definition": "treat gingerly or carefully", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you have to stroke the boss\" What is the definition of \"stroke\"?"} {"term": "stroke", "pos": "", "context": "this type of exhaust also significantly reduces the excess gasses after each exhaust stroke of the pistons .", "definition": "the whole motion of a piston in either direction .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this type of exhaust also significantly reduces the excess gasses after each exhaust stroke of the pistons .\" What is the definition of \"stroke\"?"} {"term": "stroke", "pos": "", "context": "the queensland crew was stroked by world junior silver medallist in the single scull eugene arendsen .", "definition": "act as the stroke of ( a boat or crew )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the queensland crew was stroked by world junior silver medallist in the single scull eugene arendsen .\" What is the definition of \"stroke\"?"} {"term": "interest", "pos": "", "context": "he has enjoyed a variety of interests , including the visual arts , the theater and sports .", "definition": "an activity or subject which one enjoys doing or studying", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he has enjoyed a variety of interests , including the visual arts , the theater and sports .\" What is the definition of \"interest\"?"} {"term": "interest", "pos": "", "context": "since we 're always looking for games that might stand apart , our interest was piqued to learn more .", "definition": "the feeling of wanting to know or learn about something or someone", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"since we 're always looking for games that might stand apart , our interest was piqued to learn more .\" What is the definition of \"interest\"?"} {"term": "washing", "pos": "", "context": "i only need someone to hang my washing on the line .", "definition": "a quantity of clothes , bed linen , etc . that is to be washed or has just been washed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i only need someone to hang my washing on the line .\" What is the definition of \"washing\"?"} {"term": "curium", "pos": "", "context": "kept secret until after the war , they were respectively called americium and curium .", "definition": "the chemical element of atomic number 96 , a radioactive metal of the actinide series . curium does not occur naturally and was first made by bombarding plutonium with helium ions .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"kept secret until after the war , they were respectively called americium and curium .\" What is the definition of \"curium\"?"} {"term": "feedback", "pos": "", "context": "they gave me great feedback that helped me improve my research papers in various ways .", "definition": "information about reactions to a product , a person 's performance of a task , etc . which is used as a basis for improvement .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they gave me great feedback that helped me improve my research papers in various ways .\" What is the definition of \"feedback\"?"} {"term": "swag", "pos": "", "context": "every year by december 6 - st. nicholas ' day - the exterior of the historic georgian-style home is swagged with laurel and windows are filled with candlelight .", "definition": "arrange in or decorate with a swag or swags of fabric", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"every year by december 6 - st. nicholas ' day - the exterior of the historic georgian-style home is swagged with laurel and windows are filled with candlelight .\" What is the definition of \"swag\"?"} {"term": "swag", "pos": "", "context": "to my surprise , the lead singer was the same guy who sold me some swag earlier .", "definition": "cannabis , typically of a low grade", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to my surprise , the lead singer was the same guy who sold me some swag earlier .\" What is the definition of \"swag\"?"} {"term": "void", "pos": "", "context": "it is the emptiness , the void that swallows me for a moment , and i realize i am working , and far from my love .", "definition": "an emptiness caused by the loss of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is the emptiness , the void that swallows me for a moment , and i realize i am working , and far from my love .\" What is the definition of \"void\"?"} {"term": "void", "pos": "", "context": "the earth was without form , and void", "definition": "containing nothing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the earth was without form , and void\" What is the definition of \"void\"?"} {"term": "lotion", "pos": "", "context": "most corticosteroids are available as solutions , lotions , creams and ointments .", "definition": "a thick , smooth liquid preparation designed to be applied to the skin for medicinal or cosmetic purposes", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"most corticosteroids are available as solutions , lotions , creams and ointments .\" What is the definition of \"lotion\"?"} {"term": "chasm", "pos": "", "context": "the plateau is rugged and interspersed with towering mountains and deep chasms .", "definition": "a deep fissure in the earth 's surface", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the plateau is rugged and interspersed with towering mountains and deep chasms .\" What is the definition of \"chasm\"?"} {"term": "ozone", "pos": "", "context": "because of wind patterns , most ozone blows east to fountain hills .", "definition": "fresh invigorating air , especially that blowing on to the shore from the sea .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"because of wind patterns , most ozone blows east to fountain hills .\" What is the definition of \"ozone\"?"} {"term": "nothingness", "pos": "", "context": "swirls of nothingness embraced me and whispered to me of nothing , and everything .", "definition": "the absence or cessation of life or existence", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"swirls of nothingness embraced me and whispered to me of nothing , and everything .\" What is the definition of \"nothingness\"?"} {"term": "nothingness", "pos": "", "context": "the hot weather we had last week deteriorated to gray nothingness here .", "definition": "worthlessness or insignificance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the hot weather we had last week deteriorated to gray nothingness here .\" What is the definition of \"nothingness\"?"} {"term": "atone", "pos": "", "context": "eleven long years later , langer may have a chance to atone for that miss .", "definition": "make amends or reparation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"eleven long years later , langer may have a chance to atone for that miss .\" What is the definition of \"atone\"?"} {"term": "goth", "pos": "", "context": "she was dressed all in black , like a goth , and wore black cut up socks on her arms .", "definition": "a member of a subculture favouring black clothing , white and black make-up , and goth music .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was dressed all in black , like a goth , and wore black cut up socks on her arms .\" What is the definition of \"goth\"?"} {"term": "reprieve", "pos": "", "context": "instead , they have won reprieves because their economies are still developing .", "definition": "a cancellation or postponement of an undesirable event", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"instead , they have won reprieves because their economies are still developing .\" What is the definition of \"reprieve\"?"} {"term": "dabchick", "pos": "", "context": "smallest of the grebes , the little grebe , or dabchick , is considerably rounder and more dumpy than its congeners .", "definition": "a small grebe , especially the little grebe .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"smallest of the grebes , the little grebe , or dabchick , is considerably rounder and more dumpy than its congeners .\" What is the definition of \"dabchick\"?"} {"term": "abjure", "pos": "", "context": "he abjured an inclination to ‘ tinker ’ with the rate to take account of transient shifts in market conditions .", "definition": "solemnly renounce ( a belief , cause , or claim )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he abjured an inclination to ‘ tinker ’ with the rate to take account of transient shifts in market conditions .\" What is the definition of \"abjure\"?"} {"term": "plaything", "pos": "", "context": "he soon realizes that he is only a toy , a plaything for his enemy , kept alive as a showcase of human inferiority .", "definition": "a person treated as amusing but unimportant by someone else", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he soon realizes that he is only a toy , a plaything for his enemy , kept alive as a showcase of human inferiority .\" What is the definition of \"plaything\"?"} {"term": "domicile", "pos": "", "context": "the claimant is domiciled in the republic of ireland .", "definition": "treat a specified country as a permanent home", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the claimant is domiciled in the republic of ireland .\" What is the definition of \"domicile\"?"} {"term": "menial", "pos": "", "context": "in the eleventh century the norse kings probably had an immediate retinue of about ninety men , excluding menial servants and hangers on .", "definition": "( of a servant ) domestic .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the eleventh century the norse kings probably had an immediate retinue of about ninety men , excluding menial servants and hangers on .\" What is the definition of \"menial\"?"} {"term": "borrow", "pos": "", "context": "once again , my coaching ideas are borrowed from great coaches and implemented in ways that i think can help my athletes .", "definition": "take ( a word or idea ) from another language , person , or source and use it in one 's own language or work", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"once again , my coaching ideas are borrowed from great coaches and implemented in ways that i think can help my athletes .\" What is the definition of \"borrow\"?"} {"term": "crow", "pos": "", "context": "i am up like the cock 's crow on wednesdays to get ready for the bus , which picks me up at my door .", "definition": "the cry of a cock .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i am up like the cock 's crow on wednesdays to get ready for the bus , which picks me up at my door .\" What is the definition of \"crow\"?"} {"term": "fetus", "pos": "", "context": "not every mother agrees that it is desirable to identify and terminate a fetus with down 's syndrome .", "definition": "an unborn or unhatched offspring of a mammal , in particular an unborn human more than eight weeks after conception .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"not every mother agrees that it is desirable to identify and terminate a fetus with down 's syndrome .\" What is the definition of \"fetus\"?"} {"term": "preponderate", "pos": "", "context": "but on the whole , only two generations , two ‘ classes , ’ preponderate - the ripe and the ailing .", "definition": "be greater in number , influence , or importance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but on the whole , only two generations , two ‘ classes , ’ preponderate - the ripe and the ailing .\" What is the definition of \"preponderate\"?"} {"term": "vireo", "pos": "", "context": "forests of bur oak serve as breeding sites for numerous songbirds , including indigo bunting , vesper sparrow , and yellow-throated vireo , which breed in these areas exclusively .", "definition": "a small american songbird , typically having a green or grey back and yellow or white underparts .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"forests of bur oak serve as breeding sites for numerous songbirds , including indigo bunting , vesper sparrow , and yellow-throated vireo , which breed in these areas exclusively .\" What is the definition of \"vireo\"?"} {"term": "reseller", "pos": "", "context": "the firm said its german operations had been boosted by the purchase of a mobile service reseller earlier this year .", "definition": "a person or company that sells something they have bought to someone else", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the firm said its german operations had been boosted by the purchase of a mobile service reseller earlier this year .\" What is the definition of \"reseller\"?"} {"term": "cognate", "pos": "", "context": "a kin group usually includes cognates of all degrees and godparents .", "definition": "a blood relative , especially on the mother 's side .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a kin group usually includes cognates of all degrees and godparents .\" What is the definition of \"cognate\"?"} {"term": "cognate", "pos": "", "context": "it 's a very old word , with cognates in most germanic languages .", "definition": "a cognate word .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's a very old word , with cognates in most germanic languages .\" What is the definition of \"cognate\"?"} {"term": "steamy", "pos": "", "context": "besides noticing the scenery en route you 'll also notice how you 've gone from the decidedly cool , damp climate of the cloud forest to the typically hot and steamy atmosphere of the coast .", "definition": "( of a place ) hot and humid", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"besides noticing the scenery en route you 'll also notice how you 've gone from the decidedly cool , damp climate of the cloud forest to the typically hot and steamy atmosphere of the coast .\" What is the definition of \"steamy\"?"} {"term": "contiguity", "pos": "", "context": "there are also several well-established neutral districting principles , such as contiguity , compactness , community of interest among those in the district , and adherence to municipal and county lines .", "definition": "the state of bordering or being in contact with something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there are also several well-established neutral districting principles , such as contiguity , compactness , community of interest among those in the district , and adherence to municipal and county lines .\" What is the definition of \"contiguity\"?"} {"term": "quirk", "pos": "", "context": "there are some twists and quirks that also remind me of that admittedly better comedy , but still served to make me like this one .", "definition": "a sudden twist , turn , or curve", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there are some twists and quirks that also remind me of that admittedly better comedy , but still served to make me like this one .\" What is the definition of \"quirk\"?"} {"term": "portion", "pos": "", "context": "those same homemade tortellini reappear in a thick cream sauce , modestly portioned but immodestly rich .", "definition": "serve ( food ) in an amount suitable for one person", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"those same homemade tortellini reappear in a thick cream sauce , modestly portioned but immodestly rich .\" What is the definition of \"portion\"?"} {"term": "fire-watcher", "pos": "", "context": "failing to notice the brutal dictatorship under which the daughters of educated men lived , she became a fire-watcher by night during the blitz and a mechanic constructing tank engines by day .", "definition": "a person keeping watch for fires , especially forest fires or those caused by bombs .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"failing to notice the brutal dictatorship under which the daughters of educated men lived , she became a fire-watcher by night during the blitz and a mechanic constructing tank engines by day .\" What is the definition of \"fire-watcher\"?"} {"term": "buoy", "pos": "", "context": "the dive site is marked by mooring buoys in the bay before cabo cope .", "definition": "an anchored float serving as a navigation mark , to show reefs or other hazards , or for mooring .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the dive site is marked by mooring buoys in the bay before cabo cope .\" What is the definition of \"buoy\"?"} {"term": "buoy", "pos": "", "context": "the life vest buoyed him up", "definition": "keep afloat", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the life vest buoyed him up\" What is the definition of \"buoy\"?"} {"term": "frigate", "pos": "", "context": "by 1780 there were 86 frigates and 79 ships of the line in french service , and the annual cost of the navy almost quadrupled between 1776 and 1783 .", "definition": "a sailing warship of a size and armament just below that of a ship of the line .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"by 1780 there were 86 frigates and 79 ships of the line in french service , and the annual cost of the navy almost quadrupled between 1776 and 1783 .\" What is the definition of \"frigate\"?"} {"term": "eclipse", "pos": "", "context": "the sun eclipses the moon today", "definition": "cause an eclipse of ( a celestial body ) by intervention", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sun eclipses the moon today\" What is the definition of \"eclipse\"?"} {"term": "bowl", "pos": "", "context": "when the first ball was bowled , mandira gave a simple catch .", "definition": "( of a bowler ) propel ( the ball ) with a straight arm towards the batsman , typically in such a way that the ball bounces once", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when the first ball was bowled , mandira gave a simple catch .\" What is the definition of \"bowl\"?"} {"term": "hydrolysate", "pos": "", "context": "collagen hydrolysate is a protein that helps regenerate and synthesize the cartilage in humans and animals , and supplements come from pigs , cows , oxen , chickens or sheep .", "definition": "a substance produced by hydrolysis .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"collagen hydrolysate is a protein that helps regenerate and synthesize the cartilage in humans and animals , and supplements come from pigs , cows , oxen , chickens or sheep .\" What is the definition of \"hydrolysate\"?"} {"term": "photomicrograph", "pos": "", "context": "throughout his career , julie was an innovator , contributing to improvements in photomicrographs and the microscopes , cameras , and film that produced them .", "definition": "a photograph of a microscopic object , taken with the aid of a microscope .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"throughout his career , julie was an innovator , contributing to improvements in photomicrographs and the microscopes , cameras , and film that produced them .\" What is the definition of \"photomicrograph\"?"} {"term": "shill", "pos": "", "context": "this has gotten me labeled , in several online and offline arguments , as a `` shill for the recording industry ' .", "definition": "a person who pretends to give an impartial endorsement of something in which they themselves have an interest", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this has gotten me labeled , in several online and offline arguments , as a `` shill for the recording industry ' .\" What is the definition of \"shill\"?"} {"term": "triangulate", "pos": "", "context": "for example , morton envisions someone developing a way to triangulate the location of gunshots between several cameras .", "definition": "determine ( a height , distance , or location ) by triangulating an area .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for example , morton envisions someone developing a way to triangulate the location of gunshots between several cameras .\" What is the definition of \"triangulate\"?"} {"term": "virgin", "pos": "", "context": "men have decreed that their women must be pure and virginal", "definition": "in a state of sexual virginity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"men have decreed that their women must be pure and virginal\" What is the definition of \"virgin\"?"} {"term": "clan", "pos": "", "context": "`` kaya , watch your mouth , you 're talking to your clan leader !", "definition": "a close-knit group of interrelated families , especially in the scottish highlands", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"`` kaya , watch your mouth , you 're talking to your clan leader !\" What is the definition of \"clan\"?"} {"term": "clan", "pos": "", "context": "yet he has his own life , and it remains uncertain whether he will attend the next big mortimer clan gathering in long island this christmas .", "definition": "a large family", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"yet he has his own life , and it remains uncertain whether he will attend the next big mortimer clan gathering in long island this christmas .\" What is the definition of \"clan\"?"} {"term": "academic", "pos": "", "context": "to pursue this line of reasoning in this case is really only of academic interest and of no practical import .", "definition": "not of practical relevance ; of only theoretical interest", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to pursue this line of reasoning in this case is really only of academic interest and of no practical import .\" What is the definition of \"academic\"?"} {"term": "physostigmine", "pos": "", "context": "the symptoms of anticholinergic overdose may be treated with physostigmine in a dosage of 1 to 2 mg given intramuscularly or intravenously at 20-minute intervals .", "definition": "a compound which is the active ingredient of the calabar bean and is used medicinally in eye drops on account of its anticholinesterase activity .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the symptoms of anticholinergic overdose may be treated with physostigmine in a dosage of 1 to 2 mg given intramuscularly or intravenously at 20-minute intervals .\" What is the definition of \"physostigmine\"?"} {"term": "crimp", "pos": "", "context": "it 's a real issue - our paper did a story on it a while back , how the lack of high-speed access crimps the ability of outstate companies to compete .", "definition": "have a limiting or adverse effect on ( something )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's a real issue - our paper did a story on it a while back , how the lack of high-speed access crimps the ability of outstate companies to compete .\" What is the definition of \"crimp\"?"} {"term": "crimp", "pos": "", "context": "she even crimped her hair once , and we went lurid green with envy .", "definition": "make waves in ( someone 's hair ) with a hot iron", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she even crimped her hair once , and we went lurid green with envy .\" What is the definition of \"crimp\"?"} {"term": "opt-out", "pos": "", "context": "the government is sheltering behind these workers , insisting that it ca n't drop the opt-out because that would effectively mean legislating a pay-cut for 1.6 million workers .", "definition": "an instance of choosing not to participate in something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the government is sheltering behind these workers , insisting that it ca n't drop the opt-out because that would effectively mean legislating a pay-cut for 1.6 million workers .\" What is the definition of \"opt-out\"?"} {"term": "approval", "pos": "", "context": "he bought it on approval", "definition": "acceptance as satisfactory", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he bought it on approval\" What is the definition of \"approval\"?"} {"term": "loser", "pos": "", "context": "the losers in the game also won their share of goodies too from the organisers .", "definition": "a person or thing that loses or has lost something , especially a game or contest", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the losers in the game also won their share of goodies too from the organisers .\" What is the definition of \"loser\"?"} {"term": "adolescent", "pos": "", "context": "adolescent boys and girls", "definition": "in the state of development between puberty and maturity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"adolescent boys and girls\" What is the definition of \"adolescent\"?"} {"term": "prelude", "pos": "", "context": "hopefully it forms a brief diversion from the main action , and a prelude to the character development and genuinely shocking revelations of the third volume .", "definition": "an action or event serving as an introduction to something more important", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hopefully it forms a brief diversion from the main action , and a prelude to the character development and genuinely shocking revelations of the third volume .\" What is the definition of \"prelude\"?"} {"term": "hirundine", "pos": "", "context": "we have now investigated the selection pressures acting on tail morphology in a variety of hirundine species , and obtained highly consistent results .", "definition": "a songbird of the swallow family ( `` hirundinidae ' ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we have now investigated the selection pressures acting on tail morphology in a variety of hirundine species , and obtained highly consistent results .\" What is the definition of \"hirundine\"?"} {"term": "trove", "pos": "", "context": "in short , there is a rich trove of primary source material from which to work .", "definition": "a store of valuable or delightful things", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in short , there is a rich trove of primary source material from which to work .\" What is the definition of \"trove\"?"} {"term": "cinematography", "pos": "", "context": "the film looks beautiful with striking cinematography , bolstered by some excellent choices of locations .", "definition": "the art of photography and camerawork in film-making", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the film looks beautiful with striking cinematography , bolstered by some excellent choices of locations .\" What is the definition of \"cinematography\"?"} {"term": "quarrel", "pos": "", "context": "she shares her own student quarrels with new criticism , describes how she supplements her use of it with psychology and history , and laments its waning relevance .", "definition": "a reason for disagreement with a person , group , or principle", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she shares her own student quarrels with new criticism , describes how she supplements her use of it with psychology and history , and laments its waning relevance .\" What is the definition of \"quarrel\"?"} {"term": "expatriate", "pos": "", "context": "expatriate saudis living in london , notionally providing opposition in exile , had been bought off long ago .", "definition": "expelled from one 's native country .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"expatriate saudis living in london , notionally providing opposition in exile , had been bought off long ago .\" What is the definition of \"expatriate\"?"} {"term": "expatriate", "pos": "", "context": "american expatriates", "definition": "a person who is voluntarily absent from home or country", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"american expatriates\" What is the definition of \"expatriate\"?"} {"term": "minuscule", "pos": "", "context": "here for the first time it became common to mix both majuscule and minuscule letters in a single text .", "definition": "of or in lower-case letters , as distinct from capitals or uncials .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"here for the first time it became common to mix both majuscule and minuscule letters in a single text .\" What is the definition of \"minuscule\"?"} {"term": "percolate", "pos": "", "context": "percolate coffee", "definition": "prepare in a percolator", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"percolate coffee\" What is the definition of \"percolate\"?"} {"term": "lase", "pos": "", "context": "nanopowders can lase or can upconvert light , finding potential applications such as security and anticounterfeiting .", "definition": "( of a substance , especially a gas or crystal ) undergo the physical processes employed in a laser ; function as or in a laser", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nanopowders can lase or can upconvert light , finding potential applications such as security and anticounterfeiting .\" What is the definition of \"lase\"?"} {"term": "airbrick", "pos": "", "context": "buy sandbags or floorboards to block doors and airbricks and remember to ensure there is adequate ventilation .", "definition": "a brick perforated with small holes for ventilation .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"buy sandbags or floorboards to block doors and airbricks and remember to ensure there is adequate ventilation .\" What is the definition of \"airbrick\"?"} {"term": "fixation", "pos": "", "context": "finally , it is worth noting that a full examination of protoplast contents was not possible due to poor fixation of specimens .", "definition": "the process of preserving or stabilizing ( a specimen ) with a chemical substance prior to microscopy or other examination", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"finally , it is worth noting that a full examination of protoplast contents was not possible due to poor fixation of specimens .\" What is the definition of \"fixation\"?"} {"term": "fixation", "pos": "", "context": "it is well known that the rate of n 2 fixation in plants deficient in p is reduced .", "definition": "the process by which some plants and microorganisms assimilate nitrogen or carbon dioxide", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is well known that the rate of n 2 fixation in plants deficient in p is reduced .\" What is the definition of \"fixation\"?"} {"term": "bicarbonate", "pos": "", "context": "brewers concentrate primarily on the levels of calcium , magnesium , sulfate , sodium , chloride , bicarbonates , and nitrates in their brewing liquor .", "definition": "a salt containing the anion hco₃⁻ .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"brewers concentrate primarily on the levels of calcium , magnesium , sulfate , sodium , chloride , bicarbonates , and nitrates in their brewing liquor .\" What is the definition of \"bicarbonate\"?"} {"term": "alstroemeria", "pos": "", "context": "although i 'll bet dominic did n't choose the alstroemeria on its meaning , it 's definitely similar to his life and personality .", "definition": "a south american plant with showy lily-like flowers , cultivated as an ornamental .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"although i 'll bet dominic did n't choose the alstroemeria on its meaning , it 's definitely similar to his life and personality .\" What is the definition of \"alstroemeria\"?"} {"term": "aberdonian", "pos": "", "context": "it is an acquired taste , but aberdonians love them and eat them by the tens of thousand .", "definition": "a person from aberdeen .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is an acquired taste , but aberdonians love them and eat them by the tens of thousand .\" What is the definition of \"aberdonian\"?"} {"term": "rigatoni", "pos": "", "context": "my mother went out to buy groceries , and then she fixed a big dinner of rigatoni , sausage , cheese , and bread .", "definition": "pasta in the form of short hollow fluted tubes .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my mother went out to buy groceries , and then she fixed a big dinner of rigatoni , sausage , cheese , and bread .\" What is the definition of \"rigatoni\"?"} {"term": "open", "pos": "", "context": "one of the companies involved is messagecare , a small sydney business that opened in march .", "definition": "( of an enterprise , meeting , or event ) begin or be formally established", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one of the companies involved is messagecare , a small sydney business that opened in march .\" What is the definition of \"open\"?"} {"term": "open", "pos": "", "context": "the queen opened the new city hall this morning on the south bank .", "definition": "ceremonially declare ( a building , road , etc . ) to be completed and ready for use", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the queen opened the new city hall this morning on the south bank .\" What is the definition of \"open\"?"} {"term": "open", "pos": "", "context": "an open shop employs nonunion workers", "definition": "not requiring union membership", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an open shop employs nonunion workers\" What is the definition of \"open\"?"} {"term": "open", "pos": "", "context": "it is a poly cotton blend with an open knit .", "definition": "( of a fabric ) loosely knitted or woven .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is a poly cotton blend with an open knit .\" What is the definition of \"open\"?"} {"term": "open", "pos": "", "context": "if an open exists in a conductor , then the portions on either side of the open will appear bright on the x-ray .", "definition": "an accidental break in the conducting path for an electric current .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if an open exists in a conductor , then the portions on either side of the open will appear bright on the x-ray .\" What is the definition of \"open\"?"} {"term": "open", "pos": "", "context": "he opened the meeting with a long speech", "definition": "begin or set in action , of meetings , speeches , recitals , etc .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he opened the meeting with a long speech\" What is the definition of \"open\"?"} {"term": "open", "pos": "", "context": "when an open note is followed by a fretted note on the same string , it is damped when the fretted note is formed .", "definition": "( of a note ) sounded from an open string or pipe .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when an open note is followed by a fretted note on the same string , it is damped when the fretted note is formed .\" What is the definition of \"open\"?"} {"term": "open", "pos": "", "context": "such emphasis on the quality of the open vowels , achieved by years of assiduous practice , was also at the heart of gregorian chant .", "definition": "( of a vowel ) produced with a relatively wide opening of the mouth and the tongue kept low .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"such emphasis on the quality of the open vowels , achieved by years of assiduous practice , was also at the heart of gregorian chant .\" What is the definition of \"open\"?"} {"term": "open", "pos": "", "context": "mary opened the car door", "definition": "cause to open or to become open", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mary opened the car door\" What is the definition of \"open\"?"} {"term": "open", "pos": "", "context": "all the reports were out in the open", "definition": "information that has become public", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all the reports were out in the open\" What is the definition of \"open\"?"} {"term": "open", "pos": "", "context": "on 13 june paris was declared an open city , as the french government fled to bordeaux .", "definition": "( of a town or city ) officially declared to be undefended , and so immune under international law from bombardment .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on 13 june paris was declared an open city , as the french government fled to bordeaux .\" What is the definition of \"open\"?"} {"term": "skin", "pos": "", "context": "my climbing skins grip slushy snow for a moment , then slip back with an exhausting lurch .", "definition": "a strip of sealskin or other material attached to the underside of a ski to prevent a skier slipping backwards during climbing .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my climbing skins grip slushy snow for a moment , then slip back with an exhausting lurch .\" What is the definition of \"skin\"?"} {"term": "skin", "pos": "", "context": "it is chilly enough that where the water is calm a skin of ice has formed .", "definition": "a thin layer forming on the surface of certain hot liquids , such as milk , as they cool", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is chilly enough that where the water is calm a skin of ice has formed .\" What is the definition of \"skin\"?"} {"term": "parade", "pos": "", "context": "i think that one of the most telling images of the queen was that three days later , she was going down the mall in an open carriage to horse guards parade just as she would have done .", "definition": "a parade ground .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i think that one of the most telling images of the queen was that three days later , she was going down the mall in an open carriage to horse guards parade just as she would have done .\" What is the definition of \"parade\"?"} {"term": "parade", "pos": "", "context": "there was a parade of other celebrities - all of whom were featured in that us magazine .", "definition": "a series of people or things appearing or being displayed one after the other", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was a parade of other celebrities - all of whom were featured in that us magazine .\" What is the definition of \"parade\"?"} {"term": "start", "pos": "", "context": "prices invariably start at rs.500 and that is probably for a gaudy or a beady look on a slipper .", "definition": "cost at least a specified amount", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"prices invariably start at rs.500 and that is probably for a gaudy or a beady look on a slipper .\" What is the definition of \"start\"?"} {"term": "start", "pos": "", "context": "prices for these homes start at $ 250,000", "definition": "have a beginning , in a temporal , spatial , or evaluative sense", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"prices for these homes start at $ 250,000\" What is the definition of \"start\"?"} {"term": "start", "pos": "", "context": "as we started to travel to the beach i noticed a lake of over 4 acres on our left-hand side .", "definition": "embark on a continuing action or a new venture", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as we started to travel to the beach i noticed a lake of over 4 acres on our left-hand side .\" What is the definition of \"start\"?"} {"term": "start", "pos": "", "context": "‘ the season starts now , ’ he says , before reeling off the names of almost his entire squad .", "definition": "begin or be reckoned from a particular point in time or space ; come into being", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ the season starts now , ’ he says , before reeling off the names of almost his entire squad .\" What is the definition of \"start\"?"} {"term": "start", "pos": "", "context": "on what was to be the last days fishing of that holiday , val and i had decided to make an early start and fish up at flix .", "definition": "an act of beginning to do or deal with something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on what was to be the last days fishing of that holiday , val and i had decided to make an early start and fish up at flix .\" What is the definition of \"start\"?"} {"term": "start", "pos": "", "context": "the starting signal was a green light", "definition": "a signal to begin ( as in a race )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the starting signal was a green light\" What is the definition of \"start\"?"} {"term": "entire", "pos": "", "context": "this agreement embodies the entire understanding of the parties as it relates to the subject matter hereof .", "definition": "without qualification or reservations ; absolute", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this agreement embodies the entire understanding of the parties as it relates to the subject matter hereof .\" What is the definition of \"entire\"?"} {"term": "lakota", "pos": "", "context": "in short , malachi in hebrew means ‘ messenger of god ’ and helki in lakota means ‘ touched . ’", "definition": "the siouan language of the lakota , with about 6,000 speakers .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in short , malachi in hebrew means ‘ messenger of god ’ and helki in lakota means ‘ touched . ’\" What is the definition of \"lakota\"?"} {"term": "intimate", "pos": "", "context": "and though it strewed the stage with disaster and disgrace , nevertheless , not even their closest intimates could presume to reproach them .", "definition": "a very close friend", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and though it strewed the stage with disaster and disgrace , nevertheless , not even their closest intimates could presume to reproach them .\" What is the definition of \"intimate\"?"} {"term": "stuff", "pos": "", "context": "the earliest woven stuffs were made for use or ornament , before refinements in spinning and weaving permitted textiles malleable enough to clothe the body .", "definition": "woollen fabric , especially as distinct from silk , cotton , and linen", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the earliest woven stuffs were made for use or ornament , before refinements in spinning and weaving permitted textiles malleable enough to clothe the body .\" What is the definition of \"stuff\"?"} {"term": "huntsman", "pos": "", "context": "there were seven hospital rooms dedicated to sick hounds , a handsome house for the huntsman , and apartments for the two kennel keepers .", "definition": "a hunt official in charge of hounds .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there were seven hospital rooms dedicated to sick hounds , a handsome house for the huntsman , and apartments for the two kennel keepers .\" What is the definition of \"huntsman\"?"} {"term": "roughy", "pos": "", "context": "orange roughy reach 150 years old and they do n't reproduce until they 're in the mid 20s to mid 30s .", "definition": "a marine fish with a deep laterally compressed body and large rough-edged scales which become spiny on the belly .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"orange roughy reach 150 years old and they do n't reproduce until they 're in the mid 20s to mid 30s .\" What is the definition of \"roughy\"?"} {"term": "excommunicate", "pos": "", "context": "the constitutions of clarendon expressly forbade any oath about future conduct being required from an excommunicate .", "definition": "an excommunicated person", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the constitutions of clarendon expressly forbade any oath about future conduct being required from an excommunicate .\" What is the definition of \"excommunicate\"?"} {"term": "waste", "pos": "", "context": "waste heat", "definition": "use inefficiently or inappropriately", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"waste heat\" What is the definition of \"waste\"?"} {"term": "waste", "pos": "", "context": "but nobody ever pulls out a grenade launcher and wastes the guy with the battle ax .", "definition": "kill or severely injure ( someone )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but nobody ever pulls out a grenade launcher and wastes the guy with the battle ax .\" What is the definition of \"waste\"?"} {"term": "hill", "pos": "", "context": "but all this variety and good looks would n't amount to a hill of slush without some solid control .", "definition": "a heap or mound of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but all this variety and good looks would n't amount to a hill of slush without some solid control .\" What is the definition of \"hill\"?"} {"term": "pipe", "pos": "", "context": "the crew were piped to supper .", "definition": "use a boatswain 's whistle to summon ( the crew ) to work or a meal", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the crew were piped to supper .\" What is the definition of \"pipe\"?"} {"term": "pipe", "pos": "", "context": "the men sing carols and the scots contingent joins in with their pipes .", "definition": "bagpipes .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the men sing carols and the scots contingent joins in with their pipes .\" What is the definition of \"pipe\"?"} {"term": "pipe", "pos": "", "context": "pipe the skirt", "definition": "trim with piping", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pipe the skirt\" What is the definition of \"pipe\"?"} {"term": "pipe", "pos": "", "context": "the acid damages cells lining the oesophagus , also known as the food pipe or gullet , which can later become cancerous .", "definition": "a duct , vessel , or tubular structure in the body , or in an animal or plant .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the acid damages cells lining the oesophagus , also known as the food pipe or gullet , which can later become cancerous .\" What is the definition of \"pipe\"?"} {"term": "ladyship", "pos": "", "context": "imagine the traffic snarls which would happen if her ladyship went to work .", "definition": "a form of reference or address to a woman thought to be acting in a grand or self-important way", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"imagine the traffic snarls which would happen if her ladyship went to work .\" What is the definition of \"ladyship\"?"} {"term": "professional", "pos": "", "context": "certainly , tiger woods seems happy with their services given that he 's been with them since he turned professional .", "definition": "engaged in a specified activity as one 's main paid occupation rather than as an amateur", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"certainly , tiger woods seems happy with their services given that he 's been with them since he turned professional .\" What is the definition of \"professional\"?"} {"term": "ionic", "pos": "", "context": "he composed in a variety of rhythms ; the dialect is ionic vernacular with some epic features .", "definition": "the ancient greek dialect used in ionia .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he composed in a variety of rhythms ; the dialect is ionic vernacular with some epic features .\" What is the definition of \"ionic\"?"} {"term": "tattletale", "pos": "", "context": "partly it 's because i feel a profound sadness when reading accounts by recently-returned-from-somewhere tattletales .", "definition": "a person , especially a child , who reveals secrets or informs on others ; a telltale .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"partly it 's because i feel a profound sadness when reading accounts by recently-returned-from-somewhere tattletales .\" What is the definition of \"tattletale\"?"} {"term": "sub-branch", "pos": "", "context": "the new sub-branch was opened due to long queues and slow service at the current office located in pattaya naklua , where the majority of electricity subscribers must pay their electrical bills .", "definition": "a secondary or subordinate branch of anything that has branches , such as a tree , a subject of study , or a bank .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the new sub-branch was opened due to long queues and slow service at the current office located in pattaya naklua , where the majority of electricity subscribers must pay their electrical bills .\" What is the definition of \"sub-branch\"?"} {"term": "nay", "pos": "", "context": "the nays have it", "definition": "a negative", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the nays have it\" What is the definition of \"nay\"?"} {"term": "handset", "pos": "", "context": "within the space of ten years , the mobile telephone handset industry has moved from a growth phase to a maturity phase .", "definition": "the part of a telephone that is held up to speak into and listen to .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"within the space of ten years , the mobile telephone handset industry has moved from a growth phase to a maturity phase .\" What is the definition of \"handset\"?"} {"term": "preventative", "pos": "", "context": "the doctor recommended several preventatives", "definition": "remedy that prevents or slows the course of an illness or disease", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the doctor recommended several preventatives\" What is the definition of \"preventative\"?"} {"term": "fetch", "pos": "", "context": "it is no ingenious fetches of argument that we want .", "definition": "a stratagem or trick .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is no ingenious fetches of argument that we want .\" What is the definition of \"fetch\"?"} {"term": "homely", "pos": "", "context": "homely fare", "definition": "plain and unpretentious", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"homely fare\" What is the definition of \"homely\"?"} {"term": "homely", "pos": "", "context": "i was homely , and he did n't want me to embarrass him any more than was absolutely necessary .", "definition": "( of a person ) unattractive in appearance .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i was homely , and he did n't want me to embarrass him any more than was absolutely necessary .\" What is the definition of \"homely\"?"} {"term": "charleston", "pos": "", "context": "the big band supplied the hip tunes and while some cut a rug , others were happy to watch the professional dance troupe lindy-hop , charleston and spin their way to rapturous applause .", "definition": "dance the charleston .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the big band supplied the hip tunes and while some cut a rug , others were happy to watch the professional dance troupe lindy-hop , charleston and spin their way to rapturous applause .\" What is the definition of \"charleston\"?"} {"term": "charleston", "pos": "", "context": "the forerunners of all the swing dances , namely the charleston and particularly the lesser known collegiate , are responsible for the existence of the shag .", "definition": "a lively dance of the 1920s which involved turning the knees inwards and kicking out the ankles .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the forerunners of all the swing dances , namely the charleston and particularly the lesser known collegiate , are responsible for the existence of the shag .\" What is the definition of \"charleston\"?"} {"term": "propaganda", "pos": "", "context": "newspaper proprietors accepted the new controls on the altar of total war and co-operated in disseminating government propaganda .", "definition": "information , especially of a biased or misleading nature , used to promote a political cause or point of view", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"newspaper proprietors accepted the new controls on the altar of total war and co-operated in disseminating government propaganda .\" What is the definition of \"propaganda\"?"} {"term": "commander", "pos": "", "context": "military commanders have warned coalition troops in the south , where british troops are based , to be on their guard against attack .", "definition": "a person in authority , especially over a body of troops or a military operation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"military commanders have warned coalition troops in the south , where british troops are based , to be on their guard against attack .\" What is the definition of \"commander\"?"} {"term": "cascade", "pos": "", "context": "for the first time ever , the group has rolled out a pay-for-performance bonus plan for business leaders , which has triggered a cascade of complaints from those who went unrewarded .", "definition": "a large number or amount of something occurring at the same time", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for the first time ever , the group has rolled out a pay-for-performance bonus plan for business leaders , which has triggered a cascade of complaints from those who went unrewarded .\" What is the definition of \"cascade\"?"} {"term": "cascade", "pos": "", "context": "you can create a slope effect by arranging your plants to cascade down from your tallest plant .", "definition": "arrange ( a number of devices or objects ) in a series or sequence .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you can create a slope effect by arranging your plants to cascade down from your tallest plant .\" What is the definition of \"cascade\"?"} {"term": "explosion", "pos": "", "context": "an explosion in property prices could follow in the second and third quarters .", "definition": "a sudden increase in amount or extent", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an explosion in property prices could follow in the second and third quarters .\" What is the definition of \"explosion\"?"} {"term": "admiration", "pos": "", "context": "i take no pleasure from passive admiration of designer products .", "definition": "pleasurable contemplation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i take no pleasure from passive admiration of designer products .\" What is the definition of \"admiration\"?"} {"term": "brother", "pos": "", "context": "fraternity brothers everywhere , you have a future !", "definition": "a male associate or fellow member of an organization", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fraternity brothers everywhere , you have a future !\" What is the definition of \"brother\"?"} {"term": "brother", "pos": "", "context": "oh brother , what a meeting of the minds this is gon na be .", "definition": "used to express annoyance or surprise", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"oh brother , what a meeting of the minds this is gon na be .\" What is the definition of \"brother\"?"} {"term": "brother", "pos": "", "context": "help me lord to work in harmony with my brothers and sisters in christ , to rise above small-mindedness and to walk in victory !", "definition": "a ( male ) fellow christian .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"help me lord to work in harmony with my brothers and sisters in christ , to rise above small-mindedness and to walk in victory !\" What is the definition of \"brother\"?"} {"term": "monstera", "pos": "", "context": "her last design , a tall stand , displayed large palm leaves and monstera leaves .", "definition": "a large tropical american climbing plant of the arum family , which typically has divided or perforated leaves and corky aerial roots . several kinds are cultivated as indoor plants when young .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her last design , a tall stand , displayed large palm leaves and monstera leaves .\" What is the definition of \"monstera\"?"} {"term": "matchbox", "pos": "", "context": "just one peek at cars the size of matchboxes was enough .", "definition": "a small box in which matches are sold , with a striking surface on one side .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"just one peek at cars the size of matchboxes was enough .\" What is the definition of \"matchbox\"?"} {"term": "sledge", "pos": "", "context": "we walked over to the sledge ride and that 's when the armband came in .", "definition": "a small lightweight vehicle , either on runners or having a smooth bottom surface , used for sliding downhill over snow or ice .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we walked over to the sledge ride and that 's when the armband came in .\" What is the definition of \"sledge\"?"} {"term": "incorporation", "pos": "", "context": "in 1896 , new jersey passed a law that made it easy to charter a company - and it quickly became a leading venue for incorporations .", "definition": "the process of constituting a company , city , or other organization as a legal corporation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in 1896 , new jersey passed a law that made it easy to charter a company - and it quickly became a leading venue for incorporations .\" What is the definition of \"incorporation\"?"} {"term": "stranglehold", "pos": "", "context": "at that moment , lior sprinted toward the terrorist , jumped on him , grabbed him in a stranglehold , and dragged him six or seven meters away from the stricken policemen .", "definition": "a grip around the neck of another person that can kill by asphyxiation if held for long enough .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at that moment , lior sprinted toward the terrorist , jumped on him , grabbed him in a stranglehold , and dragged him six or seven meters away from the stricken policemen .\" What is the definition of \"stranglehold\"?"} {"term": "art", "pos": "", "context": "he was her first and only boyfriend , just into his second year at durham , where he was studying general arts .", "definition": "subjects of study primarily concerned with human creativity and social life , such as languages , literature , and history ( as contrasted with scientific or technical subjects )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was her first and only boyfriend , just into his second year at durham , where he was studying general arts .\" What is the definition of \"art\"?"} {"term": "corroborate", "pos": "", "context": "as i have explained she has produced no documentary or other evidence to corroborate those bald assertions .", "definition": "confirm or give support to ( a statement , theory , or finding )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as i have explained she has produced no documentary or other evidence to corroborate those bald assertions .\" What is the definition of \"corroborate\"?"} {"term": "relationship", "pos": "", "context": "the relationship between mothers and their children", "definition": "a relation between people ; ( `relationship ' is often used where `relation ' would serve , as in `the relationship between inflation and unemployment ' , but the preferred usage of `relationship ' is for human relations or states of relatedness )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the relationship between mothers and their children\" What is the definition of \"relationship\"?"} {"term": "relationship", "pos": "", "context": "reciprocal transactions are one of the ways that people begin to develop relationships with each other .", "definition": "an emotional and sexual association between two people", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"reciprocal transactions are one of the ways that people begin to develop relationships with each other .\" What is the definition of \"relationship\"?"} {"term": "showroom", "pos": "", "context": "you can purchase their products in some of ireland 's top stores or from their showrooms at bert cross .", "definition": "a room used to display goods for sale , such as appliances , cars , or furniture .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you can purchase their products in some of ireland 's top stores or from their showrooms at bert cross .\" What is the definition of \"showroom\"?"} {"term": "nebraskan", "pos": "", "context": "he was enthusiastically received by huge crowds of nebraskans .", "definition": "a native or inhabitant of the us state of nebraska", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was enthusiastically received by huge crowds of nebraskans .\" What is the definition of \"nebraskan\"?"} {"term": "nitrocellulose", "pos": "", "context": "nitrogen is an important component of common chemical explosives like tnt , nitroglycerin , gunpowder , guncotton , nitrocellulose , picric acid , and ammonium nitrate .", "definition": "a highly flammable material made by treating cellulose with concentrated nitric acid , used to make explosives ( e.g . guncotton ) and celluloid .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nitrogen is an important component of common chemical explosives like tnt , nitroglycerin , gunpowder , guncotton , nitrocellulose , picric acid , and ammonium nitrate .\" What is the definition of \"nitrocellulose\"?"} {"term": "anglican", "pos": "", "context": "the u.s. agreement reflects good relationships between lutherans and anglicans in many countries .", "definition": "a member of any of the anglican churches .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the u.s. agreement reflects good relationships between lutherans and anglicans in many countries .\" What is the definition of \"anglican\"?"} {"term": "decapod", "pos": "", "context": "limestones of the underlying carbonate ramp sediments are primarily packstones containing numerous foraminiferans but they do not contain decapod fossils .", "definition": "a crustacean of the order `` decapoda ' , such as a shrimp , crab , or lobster .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"limestones of the underlying carbonate ramp sediments are primarily packstones containing numerous foraminiferans but they do not contain decapod fossils .\" What is the definition of \"decapod\"?"} {"term": "brucellosis", "pos": "", "context": "four cows have been culled amid concerns they may have contracted brucellosis , a contagious disease , which in cattle causes abortion or premature calving .", "definition": "a bacterial disease typically affecting cattle and causing undulant fever in humans .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"four cows have been culled amid concerns they may have contracted brucellosis , a contagious disease , which in cattle causes abortion or premature calving .\" What is the definition of \"brucellosis\"?"} {"term": "kiss", "pos": "", "context": "the blossoms were kissed by the soft rain", "definition": "touch lightly or gently", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the blossoms were kissed by the soft rain\" What is the definition of \"kiss\"?"} {"term": "bloke", "pos": "", "context": "as a normal , relaxed , laid back bloke , i find the whole phenomenon just really odd .", "definition": "a man", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as a normal , relaxed , laid back bloke , i find the whole phenomenon just really odd .\" What is the definition of \"bloke\"?"} {"term": "corrosive", "pos": "", "context": "that is an enormous range of substances and , as has already been pointed out , it includes explosives , corrosives , oxidising agents , reducing agents , caustic agents , and acidic agents - the works .", "definition": "a corrosive substance .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that is an enormous range of substances and , as has already been pointed out , it includes explosives , corrosives , oxidising agents , reducing agents , caustic agents , and acidic agents - the works .\" What is the definition of \"corrosive\"?"} {"term": "tong", "pos": "", "context": "the struggle for control of these illicit businesses also gave rise to frequent intrigues , violence , and political corruption and to sensational press coverage of the so-called tong wars .", "definition": "( in the us ) a chinese association or secret society , frequently associated with organized crime", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the struggle for control of these illicit businesses also gave rise to frequent intrigues , violence , and political corruption and to sensational press coverage of the so-called tong wars .\" What is the definition of \"tong\"?"} {"term": "tong", "pos": "", "context": "the stylist suggests tonging the front section into a large wave before pinning it to the head .", "definition": "curl ( hair ) using tongs", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the stylist suggests tonging the front section into a large wave before pinning it to the head .\" What is the definition of \"tong\"?"} {"term": "dime", "pos": "", "context": "my son collects my change - the random coins that come from little daily transactions , the pennies , nickels and dimes that build up in my pockets .", "definition": "a ten-cent coin .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my son collects my change - the random coins that come from little daily transactions , the pennies , nickels and dimes that build up in my pockets .\" What is the definition of \"dime\"?"} {"term": "aim", "pos": "", "context": "the aim can be perfect , while a poor stroke causes the cueball to diverge off the intended path .", "definition": "the directing of a weapon or missile at a target", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the aim can be perfect , while a poor stroke causes the cueball to diverge off the intended path .\" What is the definition of \"aim\"?"} {"term": "let", "pos": "", "context": "the landmark trust buys and restores interesting and historic building at risk , restores them and lets them out as holiday lets , so that the income can pay for their continued maintenance .", "definition": "a property available for rent", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the landmark trust buys and restores interesting and historic building at risk , restores them and lets them out as holiday lets , so that the income can pay for their continued maintenance .\" What is the definition of \"let\"?"} {"term": "pathfinder", "pos": "", "context": "as the struggle began , these pilots were the pathfinders who flew into the unknown , seeking information on how the ussr might be preparing an attack on the west .", "definition": "a person who goes ahead and discovers or shows others a path or way .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as the struggle began , these pilots were the pathfinders who flew into the unknown , seeking information on how the ussr might be preparing an attack on the west .\" What is the definition of \"pathfinder\"?"} {"term": "vasoconstriction", "pos": "", "context": "the vascular effects result in tissue ischemia from vasoconstriction , platelet aggregation , and increased blood viscosity .", "definition": "the constriction of blood vessels , which increases blood pressure .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the vascular effects result in tissue ischemia from vasoconstriction , platelet aggregation , and increased blood viscosity .\" What is the definition of \"vasoconstriction\"?"} {"term": "pagan", "pos": "", "context": "my happiness , strengths , passive aggressive tendencies and insecurities are likely to be the same regardless of whether or not i currently identify as a pagan , atheist or gnostic .", "definition": "a person holding religious beliefs other than those of the main world religions", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my happiness , strengths , passive aggressive tendencies and insecurities are likely to be the same regardless of whether or not i currently identify as a pagan , atheist or gnostic .\" What is the definition of \"pagan\"?"} {"term": "search", "pos": "", "context": "his search for a move that would avoid checkmate was unsuccessful", "definition": "the examination of alternative hypotheses", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his search for a move that would avoid checkmate was unsuccessful\" What is the definition of \"search\"?"} {"term": "favela", "pos": "", "context": "many areas in the world , from favelas to urban ghettos , are becoming areas where law enforcement officials have little , if any , authority .", "definition": "a brazilian shack or shanty town ; a slum", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"many areas in the world , from favelas to urban ghettos , are becoming areas where law enforcement officials have little , if any , authority .\" What is the definition of \"favela\"?"} {"term": "vault", "pos": "", "context": "we go to a table smack-bang in the middle of the cavernous , vaulted , chandeliered room , and we wait .", "definition": "provide ( a building or room ) with an arched roof or roofs", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we go to a table smack-bang in the middle of the cavernous , vaulted , chandeliered room , and we wait .\" What is the definition of \"vault\"?"} {"term": "vault", "pos": "", "context": "attempting a vault , her right foot missed the springboard and she crashed head first at full speed into the horse .", "definition": "an act of vaulting", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"attempting a vault , her right foot missed the springboard and she crashed head first at full speed into the horse .\" What is the definition of \"vault\"?"} {"term": "revival", "pos": "", "context": "the gothic revival in architecture", "definition": "bringing again into activity and prominence", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the gothic revival in architecture\" What is the definition of \"revival\"?"} {"term": "comp", "pos": "", "context": "a third friend , having just snared comps to fiddler , caterwauled into her cell phone , ‘ are n't you just dying to see it again ? ’", "definition": "a complimentary ticket or voucher .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a third friend , having just snared comps to fiddler , caterwauled into her cell phone , ‘ are n't you just dying to see it again ? ’\" What is the definition of \"comp\"?"} {"term": "macumba", "pos": "", "context": "macumba originated with african slaves shipped to brazil in the 1550 's , who continued to worship their african gods .", "definition": "a religious cult practised among black people in brazil , using sorcery , ritual dance , and fetishes .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"macumba originated with african slaves shipped to brazil in the 1550 's , who continued to worship their african gods .\" What is the definition of \"macumba\"?"} {"term": "romeo", "pos": "", "context": "but this was a romeo not even shakespeare could envision .", "definition": "an attractive , passionate male seducer or lover", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but this was a romeo not even shakespeare could envision .\" What is the definition of \"romeo\"?"} {"term": "conquer", "pos": "", "context": "conquer one 's desires", "definition": "to put down by force or authority", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"conquer one 's desires\" What is the definition of \"conquer\"?"} {"term": "dockyard", "pos": "", "context": "the government has allowed a dockyard in plymouth to increase radioactive discharges into the sea by five times .", "definition": "an area with docks and equipment for repairing and maintaining ships .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the government has allowed a dockyard in plymouth to increase radioactive discharges into the sea by five times .\" What is the definition of \"dockyard\"?"} {"term": "instinct", "pos": "", "context": "but was her affection for him , her obvious attraction to him , based solely upon an instinct to reproduce and justify her feminine role in society ?", "definition": "an innate , typically fixed pattern of behaviour in animals in response to certain stimuli", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but was her affection for him , her obvious attraction to him , based solely upon an instinct to reproduce and justify her feminine role in society ?\" What is the definition of \"instinct\"?"} {"term": "underwire", "pos": "", "context": "an underwire bra is not permitted inside the facility .", "definition": "a semicircular wire support stitched under each cup of a bra", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an underwire bra is not permitted inside the facility .\" What is the definition of \"underwire\"?"} {"term": "fort", "pos": "", "context": "a number of other entrepreneurs established permanent trading forts in locations that were known to have mild winter climates .", "definition": "a trading station .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a number of other entrepreneurs established permanent trading forts in locations that were known to have mild winter climates .\" What is the definition of \"fort\"?"} {"term": "fetish", "pos": "", "context": "common male fetishes are breasts , legs , hair , shoes , and underwear", "definition": "a form of sexual desire in which gratification depends to an abnormal degree on some object or item of clothing or part of the body", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"common male fetishes are breasts , legs , hair , shoes , and underwear\" What is the definition of \"fetish\"?"} {"term": "printout", "pos": "", "context": "email , internet , on-line research , printouts and other computer services are available for a small fee .", "definition": "a page or set of pages of printed material obtained from a computer 's printer", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"email , internet , on-line research , printouts and other computer services are available for a small fee .\" What is the definition of \"printout\"?"} {"term": "pewter", "pos": "", "context": "modern pewter is mostly tarnish-resistant alloys of about 90 % tin with antimony or copper .", "definition": "a grey alloy of tin with copper and antimony ( formerly , tin and lead )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"modern pewter is mostly tarnish-resistant alloys of about 90 % tin with antimony or copper .\" What is the definition of \"pewter\"?"} {"term": "puck", "pos": "", "context": "the players carry around hunks of lumber called sticks , which they used to hit a slab of hard rubber called a puck .", "definition": "a black disc made of hard rubber , used in ice hockey .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the players carry around hunks of lumber called sticks , which they used to hit a slab of hard rubber called a puck .\" What is the definition of \"puck\"?"} {"term": "babylon", "pos": "", "context": "babylon is like , the society built by white people .", "definition": "( chiefly among rastafarians ) a contemptuous or dismissive term for aspects of white culture seen as degenerate or oppressive , especially the police", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"babylon is like , the society built by white people .\" What is the definition of \"babylon\"?"} {"term": "advert", "pos": "", "context": "the gloss i just referred to is adverted to in paragraph 34 of our written submissions .", "definition": "refer to in speaking or writing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the gloss i just referred to is adverted to in paragraph 34 of our written submissions .\" What is the definition of \"advert\"?"} {"term": "drum", "pos": "", "context": "he could hear the drums before he heard the fifes", "definition": "the sound of a drum", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he could hear the drums before he heard the fifes\" What is the definition of \"drum\"?"} {"term": "drum", "pos": "", "context": "it 's home i 'd like to be , not humping my drum in the sheep country .", "definition": "a tramp 's bundle of belongings .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's home i 'd like to be , not humping my drum in the sheep country .\" What is the definition of \"drum\"?"} {"term": "family", "pos": "", "context": "there is no need to talk to understand the longing they feel for a new role in the european family of nations .", "definition": "a group of peoples from a common stock .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is no need to talk to understand the longing they feel for a new role in the european family of nations .\" What is the definition of \"family\"?"} {"term": "afflict", "pos": "", "context": "she was afflicted by the death of her parents", "definition": "cause great unhappiness for ; distress", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was afflicted by the death of her parents\" What is the definition of \"afflict\"?"} {"term": "cascabel", "pos": "", "context": "i dumped anchos , chipotles and cascabels into a pot and let iris have at it .", "definition": "a small red chilli pepper of a mild-flavoured variety .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i dumped anchos , chipotles and cascabels into a pot and let iris have at it .\" What is the definition of \"cascabel\"?"} {"term": "grand", "pos": "", "context": "but even four uprights would have overcrowded the small stage of the arts centre 's great hall , let alone four grands .", "definition": "a grand piano .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but even four uprights would have overcrowded the small stage of the arts centre 's great hall , let alone four grands .\" What is the definition of \"grand\"?"} {"term": "rung", "pos": "", "context": "upon opening the hatch we were looking down a large corrugated pipe , with rebar ladder rungs , descending vertically for thirty feet into the darkness .", "definition": "a horizontal support on a ladder for a person 's foot .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"upon opening the hatch we were looking down a large corrugated pipe , with rebar ladder rungs , descending vertically for thirty feet into the darkness .\" What is the definition of \"rung\"?"} {"term": "plosive", "pos": "", "context": "he is not yet comfortable in its ever so russian skin , that demands a concrete command of affective articulation , and which duplicates , in compositional categories , the fruity vowels and plosive consonants of russian speech .", "definition": "denoting a consonant that is produced by stopping the airflow using the lips , teeth , or palate , followed by a sudden release of air .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is not yet comfortable in its ever so russian skin , that demands a concrete command of affective articulation , and which duplicates , in compositional categories , the fruity vowels and plosive consonants of russian speech .\" What is the definition of \"plosive\"?"} {"term": "footstool", "pos": "", "context": "an armchair , a side-table , and a footstool had all been removed to one of the windows , and had been placed as close as possible to the light .", "definition": "a low stool for resting the feet on when sitting", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an armchair , a side-table , and a footstool had all been removed to one of the windows , and had been placed as close as possible to the light .\" What is the definition of \"footstool\"?"} {"term": "idea", "pos": "", "context": "kant nonetheless takes the ideas of god , the soul , and the world to have a valid philosophical use as “regulative , ” i.e. , for guiding the direction of inquiry to be all the more encompassing in scope .", "definition": "( in kantian thought ) a concept of pure reason , not empirically based in experience .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"kant nonetheless takes the ideas of god , the soul , and the world to have a valid philosophical use as “regulative , ” i.e. , for guiding the direction of inquiry to be all the more encompassing in scope .\" What is the definition of \"idea\"?"} {"term": "pentecost", "pos": "", "context": "the feast of the pentecost was a pilgrimage feast , a jewish thanksgiving that drew all ‘ nations ’ together .", "definition": "the jewish festival of shavuoth .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the feast of the pentecost was a pilgrimage feast , a jewish thanksgiving that drew all ‘ nations ’ together .\" What is the definition of \"pentecost\"?"} {"term": "goody", "pos": "", "context": "when the tutor said , ‘ next week we 're drawing shells , ’ at the end of the last session , i thought , ‘ oh goody , that will be easy . ’", "definition": "expressing childish delight", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when the tutor said , ‘ next week we 're drawing shells , ’ at the end of the last session , i thought , ‘ oh goody , that will be easy . ’\" What is the definition of \"goody\"?"} {"term": "abstain", "pos": "", "context": "ms campbell was a key campaigner against top-up fees , but was heavily criticised by students after abstaining in the final vote in the commons .", "definition": "formally decline to vote either for or against a proposal or motion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ms campbell was a key campaigner against top-up fees , but was heavily criticised by students after abstaining in the final vote in the commons .\" What is the definition of \"abstain\"?"} {"term": "hysteric", "pos": "", "context": "during hysterical conditions various functions of the human body are disordered ' - morris fishbein", "definition": "characterized by or arising from psychoneurotic hysteria", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"during hysterical conditions various functions of the human body are disordered ' - morris fishbein\" What is the definition of \"hysteric\"?"} {"term": "hysteric", "pos": "", "context": "candace doubled up with laughter and lay on the floor in hysterics , still in control of the beam .", "definition": "uncontrollable laughter", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"candace doubled up with laughter and lay on the floor in hysterics , still in control of the beam .\" What is the definition of \"hysteric\"?"} {"term": "latria", "pos": "", "context": "he began that first night by discussing a single latin word he had written on the blackboard : latria , worship .", "definition": "( in the roman catholic church ) supreme worship allowed to god alone .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he began that first night by discussing a single latin word he had written on the blackboard : latria , worship .\" What is the definition of \"latria\"?"} {"term": "plaster", "pos": "", "context": "mix dry plaster of paris with water until you have a thick , pudding-like consistency .", "definition": "the powder from which plaster of paris is made .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mix dry plaster of paris with water until you have a thick , pudding-like consistency .\" What is the definition of \"plaster\"?"} {"term": "plaster", "pos": "", "context": "these agents could be used in a pure form but are best utilized in concoctions , plasters , poultices , packs , washes or fumigants .", "definition": "a bandage on which a poultice or liniment is spread for application .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these agents could be used in a pure form but are best utilized in concoctions , plasters , poultices , packs , washes or fumigants .\" What is the definition of \"plaster\"?"} {"term": "plaster", "pos": "", "context": "if you are nailing over a lath and plaster ceiling , longer nails may be needed .", "definition": "a soft mixture of sand and cement and sometimes lime with water , for spreading on walls , ceilings , or other structures , to form a smooth hard surface when dried", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if you are nailing over a lath and plaster ceiling , longer nails may be needed .\" What is the definition of \"plaster\"?"} {"term": "plaster", "pos": "", "context": "there were cracks in the plaster", "definition": "a surface of hardened plaster ( as on a wall or ceiling )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there were cracks in the plaster\" What is the definition of \"plaster\"?"} {"term": "amuse", "pos": "", "context": "do n't ask how i found this out , but it amuses me immensely .", "definition": "cause ( someone ) to find something funny", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"do n't ask how i found this out , but it amuses me immensely .\" What is the definition of \"amuse\"?"} {"term": "diamond", "pos": "", "context": "he led a small diamond", "definition": "a playing card in the minor suit that has one or more red rhombuses on it", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he led a small diamond\" What is the definition of \"diamond\"?"} {"term": "vespa", "pos": "", "context": "stephen says his production will not be all vespas and cappuccinos .", "definition": "an italian make of motor scooter .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stephen says his production will not be all vespas and cappuccinos .\" What is the definition of \"vespa\"?"} {"term": "pharynx", "pos": "", "context": "derived from the greek for throat , the pharynx is the continuous space behind the nose and the mouth that leads down both to the passage for food and to the passage for air .", "definition": "the membrane-lined cavity behind the nose and mouth , connecting them to the oesophagus .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"derived from the greek for throat , the pharynx is the continuous space behind the nose and the mouth that leads down both to the passage for food and to the passage for air .\" What is the definition of \"pharynx\"?"} {"term": "selective", "pos": "", "context": "finally , i do not understand the motivation of selective breeding .", "definition": "relating to or involving the selection of the most suitable or best qualified", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"finally , i do not understand the motivation of selective breeding .\" What is the definition of \"selective\"?"} {"term": "obsidian", "pos": "", "context": "silent as stones like two black pillars carved from obsidian rock .", "definition": "a hard , dark , glass-like volcanic rock formed by the rapid solidification of lava without crystallization .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"silent as stones like two black pillars carved from obsidian rock .\" What is the definition of \"obsidian\"?"} {"term": "feed", "pos": "", "context": "feed the guests the nuts", "definition": "provide as food", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"feed the guests the nuts\" What is the definition of \"feed\"?"} {"term": "dramatize", "pos": "", "context": "the story was dramatized by german playwright bertolt brecht in 1930 .", "definition": "adapt ( a novel ) or present ( a particular incident ) as a play or film", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the story was dramatized by german playwright bertolt brecht in 1930 .\" What is the definition of \"dramatize\"?"} {"term": "piston", "pos": "", "context": "the valves and pistons on a trumpet are very delicate - and essential .", "definition": "a valve in a brass musical instrument in the form of a piston , depressed to alter the pitch of a note .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the valves and pistons on a trumpet are very delicate - and essential .\" What is the definition of \"piston\"?"} {"term": "cosine", "pos": "", "context": "in fact , it corresponds to the graph of a function called the hyperbolic cosine .", "definition": "the trigonometric function that is equal to the ratio of the side adjacent to an acute angle ( in a right-angled triangle ) to the hypotenuse .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in fact , it corresponds to the graph of a function called the hyperbolic cosine .\" What is the definition of \"cosine\"?"} {"term": "drape", "pos": "", "context": "how vital is it for those patient drapes to be made of costly barrier-quality materials ?", "definition": "a cloth for covering parts of a patient 's body other than that part on which a surgical operation is being performed .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"how vital is it for those patient drapes to be made of costly barrier-quality materials ?\" What is the definition of \"drape\"?"} {"term": "drape", "pos": "", "context": "at his funeral the coffin was draped with the club flag and members carried the coffin .", "definition": "cover or wrap loosely with folds of cloth", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at his funeral the coffin was draped with the club flag and members carried the coffin .\" What is the definition of \"drape\"?"} {"term": "dead", "pos": "", "context": "before kat could respond , the line went dead and the faint beeping of the phone began to bother her .", "definition": "( of a piece of equipment ) no longer functioning", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"before kat could respond , the line went dead and the faint beeping of the phone began to bother her .\" What is the definition of \"dead\"?"} {"term": "dead", "pos": "", "context": "came to a dead stop", "definition": "complete", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"came to a dead stop\" What is the definition of \"dead\"?"} {"term": "reside", "pos": "", "context": "she resides in princeton", "definition": "live ( in a certain place )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she resides in princeton\" What is the definition of \"reside\"?"} {"term": "reside", "pos": "", "context": "may parents reside in florida", "definition": "make one 's home in a particular place or community", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"may parents reside in florida\" What is the definition of \"reside\"?"} {"term": "remove", "pos": "", "context": "i think this is very far removed from political reality .", "definition": "be distant from", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i think this is very far removed from political reality .\" What is the definition of \"remove\"?"} {"term": "remove", "pos": "", "context": "the death of her mother removed the last obstacle to their marriage", "definition": "get rid of something abstract", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the death of her mother removed the last obstacle to their marriage\" What is the definition of \"remove\"?"} {"term": "remove", "pos": "", "context": "she was famous for portraying naïvety and innocence on stage , qualities far removed from her real-life personality .", "definition": "be very different from", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was famous for portraying naïvety and innocence on stage , qualities far removed from her real-life personality .\" What is the definition of \"remove\"?"} {"term": "frosty", "pos": "", "context": "her feet crunched the frosty grass as she slowly made her way to the weapon .", "definition": "covered with or as if with frost", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her feet crunched the frosty grass as she slowly made her way to the weapon .\" What is the definition of \"frosty\"?"} {"term": "areaway", "pos": "", "context": "a drive from the west wing allows direct access to the ground floor by way of open courts or areaways on the north side of the white house on either side of the north portico .", "definition": "a passageway between buildings .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a drive from the west wing allows direct access to the ground floor by way of open courts or areaways on the north side of the white house on either side of the north portico .\" What is the definition of \"areaway\"?"} {"term": "keyhole", "pos": "", "context": "she was wearing a long peasant skirt dyed in shades of blue and a blouse in airy white with a keyhole neck .", "definition": "a circle cut out of a garment as a decorative effect , typically at the front or back neckline", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was wearing a long peasant skirt dyed in shades of blue and a blouse in airy white with a keyhole neck .\" What is the definition of \"keyhole\"?"} {"term": "stan", "pos": "", "context": "i ca n't believe this woman has people stanning for her .", "definition": "be an overzealous or obsessive fan of a particular celebrity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i ca n't believe this woman has people stanning for her .\" What is the definition of \"stan\"?"} {"term": "brook", "pos": "", "context": "below the balcony there were many acres of grounds , and as far as the eye could see there were brooks , rivers , lakes and forests .", "definition": "a small stream", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"below the balcony there were many acres of grounds , and as far as the eye could see there were brooks , rivers , lakes and forests .\" What is the definition of \"brook\"?"} {"term": "brook", "pos": "", "context": "as singapore 's first prime minister , he brooked no political opposition for 31 years of tough rule , before stepping down .", "definition": "tolerate or allow ( something , typically dissent or opposition )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as singapore 's first prime minister , he brooked no political opposition for 31 years of tough rule , before stepping down .\" What is the definition of \"brook\"?"} {"term": "frontman", "pos": "", "context": "at one point during the performance , stones frontman mick jagger said the band would take a break , but did n't say why .", "definition": "the lead singer of a pop or rock group .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at one point during the performance , stones frontman mick jagger said the band would take a break , but did n't say why .\" What is the definition of \"frontman\"?"} {"term": "proud", "pos": "", "context": "already hailed by the motoring press , the all-new fiesta is set to continue the nameplate 's proud achievements on the irish market .", "definition": "( of an event , achievement , etc . ) causing someone to feel proud", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"already hailed by the motoring press , the all-new fiesta is set to continue the nameplate 's proud achievements on the irish market .\" What is the definition of \"proud\"?"} {"term": "roadwork", "pos": "", "context": "one of the reasons for nickelback 's success has been the non-stop roadwork and touring .", "definition": "time spent travelling while working or on tour", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one of the reasons for nickelback 's success has been the non-stop roadwork and touring .\" What is the definition of \"roadwork\"?"} {"term": "anoa", "pos": "", "context": "the anoa feeds in the morning and rests in the shade during the hottest parts of the day .", "definition": "a small deer-like water buffalo , native to sulawesi .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the anoa feeds in the morning and rests in the shade during the hottest parts of the day .\" What is the definition of \"anoa\"?"} {"term": "vegetable", "pos": "", "context": "he sells his fruit and vegetables locally for prices little higher than those for non-organic produce .", "definition": "a plant or part of a plant used as food , such as a cabbage , potato , turnip , or bean", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he sells his fruit and vegetables locally for prices little higher than those for non-organic produce .\" What is the definition of \"vegetable\"?"} {"term": "clump", "pos": "", "context": "the eight strains that showed aggregative adherence pattern in hela cells also showed clump formation in liquid cultures .", "definition": "an agglutinated mass of blood cells or bacteria , especially as an indicator of the presence of an antibody to them .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the eight strains that showed aggregative adherence pattern in hela cells also showed clump formation in liquid cultures .\" What is the definition of \"clump\"?"} {"term": "clump", "pos": "", "context": "a spokesman for the wetland centre said there are already signs that this will be an excellent breeding year for amphibians with large clumps of frogspawn evident in shallow pools throughout the reserve .", "definition": "a compacted mass or lump of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a spokesman for the wetland centre said there are already signs that this will be an excellent breeding year for amphibians with large clumps of frogspawn evident in shallow pools throughout the reserve .\" What is the definition of \"clump\"?"} {"term": "same", "pos": "", "context": "he broke down the tape , same as usual . he went through the goods and the bads , same as usual . he saw plenty of things that went wrong in monday 's game 5 , starting with losing the puck twice on the first shift , and ending with 40-plus shots that did n't get to the net .", "definition": "similarly ; in the same way", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he broke down the tape , same as usual . he went through the goods and the bads , same as usual . he saw plenty of things that went wrong in monday 's game 5 , starting with losing the puck twice on the first shift , and ending with 40-plus shots that did n't get to the net .\" What is the definition of \"same\"?"} {"term": "party", "pos": "", "context": "she is looking up at the group and beaming at them , like someone at a drinks party who is hovering on the edge of a conversation in the hope of being included .", "definition": "a social gathering of invited guests , typically involving eating , drinking , and entertainment", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she is looking up at the group and beaming at them , like someone at a drinks party who is hovering on the edge of a conversation in the hope of being included .\" What is the definition of \"party\"?"} {"term": "footpath", "pos": "", "context": "there are a number of long distance footpaths in the mid-cheshire area .", "definition": "a path for people to walk along , especially a right of way in the countryside .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there are a number of long distance footpaths in the mid-cheshire area .\" What is the definition of \"footpath\"?"} {"term": "panamanian", "pos": "", "context": "perez gave the panamanians a 1-0 lead in the 13th minute .", "definition": "a native or inhabitant of panama , or a person of panamanian descent", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"perez gave the panamanians a 1-0 lead in the 13th minute .\" What is the definition of \"panamanian\"?"} {"term": "billet", "pos": "", "context": "billet moulding , a series of little rolls like a dotted line , and chevron , or zigzag moulding were widely used .", "definition": "each of a series of short cylindrical pieces inserted at intervals in norman decorative mouldings .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"billet moulding , a series of little rolls like a dotted line , and chevron , or zigzag moulding were widely used .\" What is the definition of \"billet\"?"} {"term": "learn", "pos": "", "context": "i learned that she has two grown-up children", "definition": "get to know or become aware of , usually accidentally", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i learned that she has two grown-up children\" What is the definition of \"learn\"?"} {"term": "onrush", "pos": "", "context": "nothing is done or said that does n't feel coruscantly correct , dexterously blending private and public events , and making a one-person play convey so many lives , so much history , such an onrush of humanity .", "definition": "a surging rush forward", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nothing is done or said that does n't feel coruscantly correct , dexterously blending private and public events , and making a one-person play convey so many lives , so much history , such an onrush of humanity .\" What is the definition of \"onrush\"?"} {"term": "stratagem", "pos": "", "context": "often the market is not organized : an invisible hand guides the assignment , via offers and counter-offers , stratagems and influences , deals and deadlines .", "definition": "a plan or scheme , especially one used to outwit an opponent or achieve an end", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"often the market is not organized : an invisible hand guides the assignment , via offers and counter-offers , stratagems and influences , deals and deadlines .\" What is the definition of \"stratagem\"?"} {"term": "senegalese", "pos": "", "context": "senegalese are members of more than twenty ethnic groups .", "definition": "a native or inhabitant of senegal , or a person of senegalese descent .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"senegalese are members of more than twenty ethnic groups .\" What is the definition of \"senegalese\"?"} {"term": "latvian", "pos": "", "context": "he was walking home with two latvian friends when they were overheard talking in russian by a group of up to 20 teenagers in lower broughton road .", "definition": "relating to latvia or its language .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was walking home with two latvian friends when they were overheard talking in russian by a group of up to 20 teenagers in lower broughton road .\" What is the definition of \"latvian\"?"} {"term": "emaciate", "pos": "", "context": "she emaciated during the chemotherapy", "definition": "grow weak and thin or waste away physically", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she emaciated during the chemotherapy\" What is the definition of \"emaciate\"?"} {"term": "rotation", "pos": "", "context": "during the first two years of the course , we 'll do dissection weekly and living anatomy frequently : in the third year , on clinical rotation , we 'll still be coming back into the dr to look at specific organs .", "definition": "the passing of a privilege or responsibility to each member of a group in a regularly recurring order", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"during the first two years of the course , we 'll do dissection weekly and living anatomy frequently : in the third year , on clinical rotation , we 'll still be coming back into the dr to look at specific organs .\" What is the definition of \"rotation\"?"} {"term": "rotation", "pos": "", "context": "the plane made three rotations before it crashed", "definition": "a single complete turn ( axial or orbital )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the plane made three rotations before it crashed\" What is the definition of \"rotation\"?"} {"term": "functionalism", "pos": "", "context": "the school of social functionalism examines the ways in which society , considered as an organism , attempts to contain and manage conflict , integrating disparate members and subgroups into the whole .", "definition": "the theory that all aspects of a society serve a function and are necessary for the survival of that society .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the school of social functionalism examines the ways in which society , considered as an organism , attempts to contain and manage conflict , integrating disparate members and subgroups into the whole .\" What is the definition of \"functionalism\"?"} {"term": "repeat", "pos": "", "context": "he gives us few tempo indications , but gives us repeats that we can arbitrarily take or not .", "definition": "a mark indicating a passage to be repeated .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he gives us few tempo indications , but gives us repeats that we can arbitrarily take or not .\" What is the definition of \"repeat\"?"} {"term": "repeat", "pos": "", "context": "our linguistic history is repeating itself in this latest verbal revolution .", "definition": "occur again in the same way or form", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"our linguistic history is repeating itself in this latest verbal revolution .\" What is the definition of \"repeat\"?"} {"term": "loyalist", "pos": "", "context": "this coincided with an influx of black immigrants , mostly loyalists who had served in the british army during the american war of independence .", "definition": "a colonist of the american revolutionary period who supported the british cause .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this coincided with an influx of black immigrants , mostly loyalists who had served in the british army during the american war of independence .\" What is the definition of \"loyalist\"?"} {"term": "sample", "pos": "", "context": "usda inspectors sample apples to gauge taste and other quality factors .", "definition": "try the qualities of ( food or drink ) by tasting it", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"usda inspectors sample apples to gauge taste and other quality factors .\" What is the definition of \"sample\"?"} {"term": "sample", "pos": "", "context": "among the 20 cases , variable numbers of parathyroid glands were sampled and histologically examined in the pathology laboratory .", "definition": "take a sample or samples of ( something ) for analysis", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"among the 20 cases , variable numbers of parathyroid glands were sampled and histologically examined in the pathology laboratory .\" What is the definition of \"sample\"?"} {"term": "allow", "pos": "", "context": "in addition to allowing him to travel throughout the city , the job permits him to meet ‘ with all kinds of people ’ .", "definition": "give the necessary time or opportunity for", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in addition to allowing him to travel throughout the city , the job permits him to meet ‘ with all kinds of people ’ .\" What is the definition of \"allow\"?"} {"term": "allow", "pos": "", "context": "we can allow for inflation by just excluding it from both sides of the equation .", "definition": "take ( something ) into consideration when making plans or calculations", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we can allow for inflation by just excluding it from both sides of the equation .\" What is the definition of \"allow\"?"} {"term": "determination", "pos": "", "context": "the determination of molecular structures", "definition": "the act of determining the properties of something , usually by research or calculation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the determination of molecular structures\" What is the definition of \"determination\"?"} {"term": "weapon", "pos": "", "context": "he had other weapons in his armoury and felt cheated that the battle had finished early .", "definition": "a means of gaining an advantage or defending oneself in a conflict or contest", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had other weapons in his armoury and felt cheated that the battle had finished early .\" What is the definition of \"weapon\"?"} {"term": "weapon", "pos": "", "context": "the pirate leader was screaming in anger , trying to gain access to his remaining weapons .", "definition": "a thing designed or used for inflicting bodily harm or physical damage", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the pirate leader was screaming in anger , trying to gain access to his remaining weapons .\" What is the definition of \"weapon\"?"} {"term": "cock-up", "pos": "", "context": "to those hacks like me who find life littered , as it were , with cock-ups rather than conspiracies , this is rather more plausible .", "definition": "something done badly or inefficiently", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to those hacks like me who find life littered , as it were , with cock-ups rather than conspiracies , this is rather more plausible .\" What is the definition of \"cock-up\"?"} {"term": "cheese", "pos": "", "context": "cheese it !", "definition": "used in the imperative ( get away , or stop it )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cheese it !\" What is the definition of \"cheese\"?"} {"term": "unsoundness", "pos": "", "context": "no one can be a poet without a certain unsoundness of mind", "definition": "not mentally or physically healthy", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"no one can be a poet without a certain unsoundness of mind\" What is the definition of \"unsoundness\"?"} {"term": "risky", "pos": "", "context": "as such , the potential returns can be enormous , but investing in these stocks can also be risky .", "definition": "full of the possibility of danger , failure , or loss", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as such , the potential returns can be enormous , but investing in these stocks can also be risky .\" What is the definition of \"risky\"?"} {"term": "crown", "pos": "", "context": "with your hands by your hips , reach down into the earth with your fingertips as you lift up through your spine and the crown of your head .", "definition": "the top part of a person 's head or a hat", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with your hands by your hips , reach down into the earth with your fingertips as you lift up through your spine and the crown of your head .\" What is the definition of \"crown\"?"} {"term": "crown", "pos": "", "context": "the mother receives a crown of flowers and gifts of beer and money .", "definition": "a wreath of leaves or flowers , especially that worn as an emblem of victory in ancient greece or rome .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the mother receives a crown of flowers and gifts of beer and money .\" What is the definition of \"crown\"?"} {"term": "crown", "pos": "", "context": "she was standing beside telli on the crown of horn hill .", "definition": "the top or highest part of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was standing beside telli on the crown of horn hill .\" What is the definition of \"crown\"?"} {"term": "projection", "pos": "", "context": "a ventral projection of the jugal extends over the lateral surface of the maxilla .", "definition": "a thing that extends outwards from something else", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a ventral projection of the jugal extends over the lateral surface of the maxilla .\" What is the definition of \"projection\"?"} {"term": "grits", "pos": "", "context": "season with salt and pepper and fold in the grits , corn , and parsley .", "definition": "coarsely ground maize kernels used to make grits .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"season with salt and pepper and fold in the grits , corn , and parsley .\" What is the definition of \"grits\"?"} {"term": "capital", "pos": "", "context": "the first mate is a pole called conrad and is a capital chap .", "definition": "excellent", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the first mate is a pole called conrad and is a capital chap .\" What is the definition of \"capital\"?"} {"term": "capital", "pos": "", "context": "they certainly wo n't cite the global production capitals of hollywood and bombay .", "definition": "a place associated more than any other with a specified activity or product", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they certainly wo n't cite the global production capitals of hollywood and bombay .\" What is the definition of \"capital\"?"} {"term": "interpolate", "pos": "", "context": "the action of the bakery is interpolated with scenes of domestic discord : the declining relationship between di and her husband , conducted over ritualistically awkward meals .", "definition": "insert ( something of a different nature ) into something else", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the action of the bakery is interpolated with scenes of domestic discord : the declining relationship between di and her husband , conducted over ritualistically awkward meals .\" What is the definition of \"interpolate\"?"} {"term": "gloomy", "pos": "", "context": "the concrete was moist and cold , and the atmosphere was cold and gloomy .", "definition": "causing or feeling depression or despondency", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the concrete was moist and cold , and the atmosphere was cold and gloomy .\" What is the definition of \"gloomy\"?"} {"term": "exact", "pos": "", "context": "i am saying that i am not a member of your french culture , but i will not be a member of american culture , here ; i am an exact entity , exact person .", "definition": "( of a person ) accurate and careful about minor details", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i am saying that i am not a member of your french culture , but i will not be a member of american culture , here ; i am an exact entity , exact person .\" What is the definition of \"exact\"?"} {"term": "despotism", "pos": "", "context": "the more we nourish widespread ambition , the less we have to fear the overweening power of mild despotism .", "definition": "the exercise of absolute power , especially in a cruel and oppressive way", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the more we nourish widespread ambition , the less we have to fear the overweening power of mild despotism .\" What is the definition of \"despotism\"?"} {"term": "expose", "pos": "", "context": "the infant was exposed by the teenage mother", "definition": "abandon by leaving out in the open air", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the infant was exposed by the teenage mother\" What is the definition of \"expose\"?"} {"term": "orangeade", "pos": "", "context": "when we got back to our dressing room we had some sandwiches , stuffed rolls , orangeade and lemonade .", "definition": "a fizzy non-alcoholic drink flavoured with orange .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when we got back to our dressing room we had some sandwiches , stuffed rolls , orangeade and lemonade .\" What is the definition of \"orangeade\"?"} {"term": "anthozoan", "pos": "", "context": "the oldest anthozoans are probably some of the polyp-like and sea pen-like fossils from the vendian ( late precambrian ) .", "definition": "a member of a large class of marine coelenterates ( the anthozoa ) , such as a sea anemone or coral .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the oldest anthozoans are probably some of the polyp-like and sea pen-like fossils from the vendian ( late precambrian ) .\" What is the definition of \"anthozoan\"?"} {"term": "houngan", "pos": "", "context": "hex pretends to be a houngan , but he 's actually an arawak .", "definition": "a voodoo priest .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hex pretends to be a houngan , but he 's actually an arawak .\" What is the definition of \"houngan\"?"} {"term": "reference", "pos": "", "context": "the speaker made several references to his wife", "definition": "a remark that calls attention to something or someone", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the speaker made several references to his wife\" What is the definition of \"reference\"?"} {"term": "reference", "pos": "", "context": "many sources of reference survive to support this view .", "definition": "a source of information cited in a book or article .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"many sources of reference survive to support this view .\" What is the definition of \"reference\"?"} {"term": "reference", "pos": "", "context": "it is used as a reference for comparing the heating and the electrical energy involved", "definition": "an indicator that orients you generally", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is used as a reference for comparing the heating and the electrical energy involved\" What is the definition of \"reference\"?"} {"term": "oximeter", "pos": "", "context": "all patients are equipped with a pulse oximeter for monitoring of percutaneous oxygen saturation .", "definition": "an instrument for measuring the proportion of oxygenated haemoglobin in the blood .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all patients are equipped with a pulse oximeter for monitoring of percutaneous oxygen saturation .\" What is the definition of \"oximeter\"?"} {"term": "tripos", "pos": "", "context": "the mathematician who came first did little work of importance after graduating : this was not at uncommon in the ‘ speed test ’ which the tripos was at that time .", "definition": "the final honours examination for a ba degree at cambridge university", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the mathematician who came first did little work of importance after graduating : this was not at uncommon in the ‘ speed test ’ which the tripos was at that time .\" What is the definition of \"tripos\"?"} {"term": "loneliness", "pos": "", "context": "the loneliness forced upon her by her sickness is what makes her so special .", "definition": "the fact of being without companions ; solitariness", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the loneliness forced upon her by her sickness is what makes her so special .\" What is the definition of \"loneliness\"?"} {"term": "nominative", "pos": "", "context": "other names on the sealing facets occur in either the nominative or the genitive .", "definition": "the nominative case .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"other names on the sealing facets occur in either the nominative or the genitive .\" What is the definition of \"nominative\"?"} {"term": "fin", "pos": "", "context": "i hung , just waiting like everybody else , and amused myself watching dozens of divers finning quickly from one area to another , as the false alarms of sightings started to rack up .", "definition": "swim under water by means of flippers", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i hung , just waiting like everybody else , and amused myself watching dozens of divers finning quickly from one area to another , as the false alarms of sightings started to rack up .\" What is the definition of \"fin\"?"} {"term": "screwdriver", "pos": "", "context": "he led kelley over to the open bar , and ordered two screwdrivers .", "definition": "a cocktail made from vodka and orange juice .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he led kelley over to the open bar , and ordered two screwdrivers .\" What is the definition of \"screwdriver\"?"} {"term": "magic", "pos": "", "context": "gordon was the magic ingredient in james 's recipe but was hidden from view .", "definition": "very effective in producing the desired results", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gordon was the magic ingredient in james 's recipe but was hidden from view .\" What is the definition of \"magic\"?"} {"term": "magic", "pos": "", "context": "at one time in the beginning of the universe and the beginning of energy , that energy must have been magicked or tricked into being .", "definition": "move , change , or create by or as if by magic", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at one time in the beginning of the universe and the beginning of energy , that energy must have been magicked or tricked into being .\" What is the definition of \"magic\"?"} {"term": "epenthesis", "pos": "", "context": "i assume we know the correct hidden structure ( like foot structure ) and the correct underlying forms ( no epenthesis or deletion or lexical stress ) .", "definition": "the insertion of a sound or letter within a word , e.g . the b in thimble .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i assume we know the correct hidden structure ( like foot structure ) and the correct underlying forms ( no epenthesis or deletion or lexical stress ) .\" What is the definition of \"epenthesis\"?"} {"term": "passing", "pos": "", "context": "his future depended on his passing that test", "definition": "success in satisfying a test or requirement", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his future depended on his passing that test\" What is the definition of \"passing\"?"} {"term": "passing", "pos": "", "context": "with the passing of the cold war , humanity 's experience of nuclear weapons and their meaning may turn to other regions .", "definition": "the end of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with the passing of the cold war , humanity 's experience of nuclear weapons and their meaning may turn to other regions .\" What is the definition of \"passing\"?"} {"term": "passing", "pos": "", "context": "a passing grade", "definition": "allowing you to pass ( e.g. , an examination or inspection ) satisfactorily", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a passing grade\" What is the definition of \"passing\"?"} {"term": "marquise", "pos": "", "context": "with her thirtieth year had come promotion to the rank of duchesse , although she preferred the tide of marquise .", "definition": "a woman holding the rank of marquis in her own right .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with her thirtieth year had come promotion to the rank of duchesse , although she preferred the tide of marquise .\" What is the definition of \"marquise\"?"} {"term": "compatriot", "pos": "", "context": "i want the cosmopolitan feel of a newspaper that i know is also read by several hundred thousand of my compatriots at least .", "definition": "a fellow citizen or national of a country", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i want the cosmopolitan feel of a newspaper that i know is also read by several hundred thousand of my compatriots at least .\" What is the definition of \"compatriot\"?"} {"term": "pasha", "pos": "", "context": "the two-tailed pasha is one of europe’s most spectacular butterflies .", "definition": "a large orange-brown butterfly with two tails on each hindwing and complex patterns on the underwings , occurring around the mediterranean and in africa .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the two-tailed pasha is one of europe’s most spectacular butterflies .\" What is the definition of \"pasha\"?"} {"term": "moleskin", "pos": "", "context": "for texture , we 've used traditional moleskin in our cushioning and have hot-branded the longhorn logo in leather and timber throughout .", "definition": "a thick , strong cotton fabric with a shaved pile surface", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for texture , we 've used traditional moleskin in our cushioning and have hot-branded the longhorn logo in leather and timber throughout .\" What is the definition of \"moleskin\"?"} {"term": "scathe", "pos": "", "context": "the little wiry bushes that grow all over yosemite seem to be barely scathed by the flames in places , a tribute to their hardiness .", "definition": "damage or destroy by fire or lightning", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the little wiry bushes that grow all over yosemite seem to be barely scathed by the flames in places , a tribute to their hardiness .\" What is the definition of \"scathe\"?"} {"term": "taboo", "pos": "", "context": "to talk favourably of the enlightenment has become something of a taboo in recent years .", "definition": "a practice that is prohibited or restricted by social or religious custom", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to talk favourably of the enlightenment has become something of a taboo in recent years .\" What is the definition of \"taboo\"?"} {"term": "pillock", "pos": "", "context": "why would i want a photograph of a pillock in a tacky golden skirt holding up some fake dagger in an effort to pretend to kill me ?", "definition": "a stupid person", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"why would i want a photograph of a pillock in a tacky golden skirt holding up some fake dagger in an effort to pretend to kill me ?\" What is the definition of \"pillock\"?"} {"term": "whig", "pos": "", "context": "you align yourself with whig historians , happy to see the victory of the hanoverian regime as a necessary triumph of progress and pragmatism .", "definition": "denoting a historian who interprets history as the continuing and inevitable victory of progress over reaction .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you align yourself with whig historians , happy to see the victory of the hanoverian regime as a necessary triumph of progress and pragmatism .\" What is the definition of \"whig\"?"} {"term": "improvise", "pos": "", "context": "in kindamba he improvised a splint from palm branches and asked a carpenter to make another , around which tarpaulin would be wrapped .", "definition": "produce or make ( something ) from whatever is available", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in kindamba he improvised a splint from palm branches and asked a carpenter to make another , around which tarpaulin would be wrapped .\" What is the definition of \"improvise\"?"} {"term": "compile", "pos": "", "context": "compile a list", "definition": "put together out of existing material", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"compile a list\" What is the definition of \"compile\"?"} {"term": "agroecosystem", "pos": "", "context": "although plant interference is a complex process involving both removal and addition of substances to the common environment , it influences the productivity of all agroecosystems .", "definition": "an ecosystem on agricultural land .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"although plant interference is a complex process involving both removal and addition of substances to the common environment , it influences the productivity of all agroecosystems .\" What is the definition of \"agroecosystem\"?"} {"term": "blackface", "pos": "", "context": "he makes an excellent case for the value , integrity , and racial equanimity of blackface minstrel performance .", "definition": "make-up used by a non-black performer playing a black role .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he makes an excellent case for the value , integrity , and racial equanimity of blackface minstrel performance .\" What is the definition of \"blackface\"?"} {"term": "delay", "pos": "", "context": "i will be traveling this week and there may be delays in posting .", "definition": "a period of time by which something is late or postponed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i will be traveling this week and there may be delays in posting .\" What is the definition of \"delay\"?"} {"term": "tete-a-tete", "pos": "", "context": "a tete-a-tete supper", "definition": "involving two persons ; intimately private", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tete-a-tete supper\" What is the definition of \"tete-a-tete\"?"} {"term": "quadragesima", "pos": "", "context": "at one time only operas with religious themes could be staged during quadragesima .", "definition": "the first sunday in lent .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at one time only operas with religious themes could be staged during quadragesima .\" What is the definition of \"quadragesima\"?"} {"term": "means", "pos": "", "context": "you have had the means under your control for quite some time now .", "definition": "substantial resources ; wealth", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you have had the means under your control for quite some time now .\" What is the definition of \"means\"?"} {"term": "grumble", "pos": "", "context": "he thought he might hear the distant grumble of thunder .", "definition": "a low rumbling sound .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he thought he might hear the distant grumble of thunder .\" What is the definition of \"grumble\"?"} {"term": "waqf", "pos": "", "context": "the demolished houses were occupied by those who were regular tenants of waqf and had paid rent of june and july too .", "definition": "an endowment made by a muslim to a religious , educational , or charitable cause .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the demolished houses were occupied by those who were regular tenants of waqf and had paid rent of june and july too .\" What is the definition of \"waqf\"?"} {"term": "hob", "pos": "", "context": "it has been the haunt of the mischievous , mythical hobs .", "definition": "a sprite or hobgoblin .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it has been the haunt of the mischievous , mythical hobs .\" What is the definition of \"hob\"?"} {"term": "distance", "pos": "", "context": "sasha smiled , a familiar look of distance flashing in his eye , and i knew he was recalling a memory .", "definition": "the condition of being far off ; remoteness", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sasha smiled , a familiar look of distance flashing in his eye , and i knew he was recalling a memory .\" What is the definition of \"distance\"?"} {"term": "clarification", "pos": "", "context": "he had only sought clarification on a taxation matter , he said .", "definition": "the action of making a statement or situation less confused and more comprehensible", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had only sought clarification on a taxation matter , he said .\" What is the definition of \"clarification\"?"} {"term": "opportunity", "pos": "", "context": "the holiday gave us the opportunity to visit washington", "definition": "a possibility due to a favorable combination of circumstances", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the holiday gave us the opportunity to visit washington\" What is the definition of \"opportunity\"?"} {"term": "abort", "pos": "", "context": "he had told him to be five minutes early and if smolensk failed to show up , that would count as an abort .", "definition": "an aborted enterprise", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had told him to be five minutes early and if smolensk failed to show up , that would count as an abort .\" What is the definition of \"abort\"?"} {"term": "fineness", "pos": "", "context": "the fineness of the sand on the beach", "definition": "having a very fine texture", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the fineness of the sand on the beach\" What is the definition of \"fineness\"?"} {"term": "psychology", "pos": "", "context": "he wittily captures the psychology of the situation without actually showing many of the faces .", "definition": "the mental factors governing a situation or activity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he wittily captures the psychology of the situation without actually showing many of the faces .\" What is the definition of \"psychology\"?"} {"term": "fray", "pos": "", "context": "the paper was thin and the edges were beginning to fray from age .", "definition": "( of a fabric , rope , or cord ) unravel or become worn at the edge , typically through constant rubbing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the paper was thin and the edges were beginning to fray from age .\" What is the definition of \"fray\"?"} {"term": "six", "pos": "", "context": "it was during my unsuccessful attempt to buy a cotton skirt in an american department store that i was told my hips were too large to fit into a size six .", "definition": "a size of garment or other merchandise denoted by six .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was during my unsuccessful attempt to buy a cotton skirt in an american department store that i was told my hips were too large to fit into a size six .\" What is the definition of \"six\"?"} {"term": "six", "pos": "", "context": "sri lanka school 's under 19 player rashan pieris scored 85 with five sixes and ten boundaries .", "definition": "a hit that reaches the boundary without first striking the ground , scoring six runs", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sri lanka school 's under 19 player rashan pieris scored 85 with five sixes and ten boundaries .\" What is the definition of \"six\"?"} {"term": "soliloquy", "pos": "", "context": "she did not - as she told it - interrupt the man with pesky questions about his pain but rather listened in an analytical way as if he were a character giving a soliloquy .", "definition": "an act of speaking one 's thoughts aloud when by oneself or regardless of any hearers , especially by a character in a play", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she did not - as she told it - interrupt the man with pesky questions about his pain but rather listened in an analytical way as if he were a character giving a soliloquy .\" What is the definition of \"soliloquy\"?"} {"term": "marry", "pos": "", "context": "the final step was to marry the two skills together .", "definition": "join together ; combine harmoniously", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the final step was to marry the two skills together .\" What is the definition of \"marry\"?"} {"term": "chamber", "pos": "", "context": "if both prosecution and defence lawyers agree , the hearing can be held in the privacy of the judge 's chambers , not in open court .", "definition": "a judge 's office , where proceedings may be held if not required to be held in open court .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if both prosecution and defence lawyers agree , the hearing can be held in the privacy of the judge 's chambers , not in open court .\" What is the definition of \"chamber\"?"} {"term": "flounce", "pos": "", "context": "she gets a pouty face on and flounces over to jacobs .", "definition": "go or move in an exaggeratedly impatient or angry manner", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she gets a pouty face on and flounces over to jacobs .\" What is the definition of \"flounce\"?"} {"term": "touch", "pos": "", "context": "she was surprised to have been so touched by his words .", "definition": "produce feelings of affection , gratitude , or sympathy in", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was surprised to have been so touched by his words .\" What is the definition of \"touch\"?"} {"term": "touch", "pos": "", "context": "helen keller felt the physical world by touching people and objects around her", "definition": "perceive via the tactile sense", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"helen keller felt the physical world by touching people and objects around her\" What is the definition of \"touch\"?"} {"term": "touch", "pos": "", "context": "if their hearts are not at the club then they should be kicked straight into touch .", "definition": "the area beyond the sidelines , out of play", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if their hearts are not at the club then they should be kicked straight into touch .\" What is the definition of \"touch\"?"} {"term": "touch", "pos": "", "context": "hollywood was late to catch on , not least because no-one in the cold war days would have touched a movie about two communists such as kahlo and rivera .", "definition": "used to indicate that something is avoided or rejected", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hollywood was late to catch on , not least because no-one in the cold war days would have touched a movie about two communists such as kahlo and rivera .\" What is the definition of \"touch\"?"} {"term": "touch", "pos": "", "context": "mclaren were also fined even though the contents of the box were not touched and were legal .", "definition": "handle in order to interfere with , alter , or otherwise affect", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mclaren were also fined even though the contents of the box were not touched and were legal .\" What is the definition of \"touch\"?"} {"term": "touch", "pos": "", "context": "touch the stone for good luck", "definition": "make physical contact with , come in contact with", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"touch the stone for good luck\" What is the definition of \"touch\"?"} {"term": "protestation", "pos": "", "context": "the police were n't moved by his protestations of innocence , however .", "definition": "an emphatic declaration in response to doubt or accusation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the police were n't moved by his protestations of innocence , however .\" What is the definition of \"protestation\"?"} {"term": "velodrome", "pos": "", "context": "the track there is the busiest velodrome in the world and mcglynn sees no reason why a facility in scotland would n't be just as popular .", "definition": "a cycle-racing track , typically with steeply banked curves .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the track there is the busiest velodrome in the world and mcglynn sees no reason why a facility in scotland would n't be just as popular .\" What is the definition of \"velodrome\"?"} {"term": "unman", "pos": "", "context": "an unmanning experience", "definition": "cause to lose one 's nerve", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unmanning experience\" What is the definition of \"unman\"?"} {"term": "technical", "pos": "", "context": "but while the overall story is predictable and shallow some of the individual pages and the monologues therein are nice , and the illustrations executed with some technical skill .", "definition": "relating to a particular subject , art , or craft , or its techniques", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but while the overall story is predictable and shallow some of the individual pages and the monologues therein are nice , and the illustrations executed with some technical skill .\" What is the definition of \"technical\"?"} {"term": "multilayer", "pos": "", "context": "it proves its efficiency for the development of multilayer software architectures , where each layer provides a service to the upper layer .", "definition": "relating to or consisting of several or many layers", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it proves its efficiency for the development of multilayer software architectures , where each layer provides a service to the upper layer .\" What is the definition of \"multilayer\"?"} {"term": "bounty", "pos": "", "context": "according to george , individuals have equal rights of access to the bounty of nature .", "definition": "something given or occurring in generous amounts", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"according to george , individuals have equal rights of access to the bounty of nature .\" What is the definition of \"bounty\"?"} {"term": "ling", "pos": "", "context": "try coley or ling to bulk out fish pies , or gurnard or rock turbot for roasting .", "definition": "any of a number of long-bodied edible marine fishes .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"try coley or ling to bulk out fish pies , or gurnard or rock turbot for roasting .\" What is the definition of \"ling\"?"} {"term": "mortuary", "pos": "", "context": "police sealed off the area while scenes of crime officers photographed the incident site and carried out a forensic examination before the body was removed to the mortuary at york district hospital .", "definition": "a room or building in which dead bodies are kept , for hygienic storage or for examination , until burial or cremation .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"police sealed off the area while scenes of crime officers photographed the incident site and carried out a forensic examination before the body was removed to the mortuary at york district hospital .\" What is the definition of \"mortuary\"?"} {"term": "plenty", "pos": "", "context": "for a fourteen year old that is downright insulting and even an eight year old may have plenty to say on his or her own account .", "definition": "a large or sufficient amount or quantity ; more than enough", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for a fourteen year old that is downright insulting and even an eight year old may have plenty to say on his or her own account .\" What is the definition of \"plenty\"?"} {"term": "falconet", "pos": "", "context": "the falconets and rockets have the same damage against infrantry ... why use factories to produce rockets if the falconets do the same damage ?", "definition": "a light cannon .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the falconets and rockets have the same damage against infrantry ... why use factories to produce rockets if the falconets do the same damage ?\" What is the definition of \"falconet\"?"} {"term": "mortal", "pos": "", "context": "the indifference shown to the mortal remains of their own people did not bring any gains to the dictator or his country .", "definition": "relating to humans as subject to death", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the indifference shown to the mortal remains of their own people did not bring any gains to the dictator or his country .\" What is the definition of \"mortal\"?"} {"term": "yay", "pos": "", "context": "finally , finally someone from my ‘ family ’ comes visit me in june , yay !", "definition": "expressing triumph , approval , or encouragement", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"finally , finally someone from my ‘ family ’ comes visit me in june , yay !\" What is the definition of \"yay\"?"} {"term": "reeve", "pos": "", "context": "reeve a rope", "definition": "pass through a hole or opening", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"reeve a rope\" What is the definition of \"reeve\"?"} {"term": "portaloo", "pos": "", "context": "instead he took a last-minute diversion and insisted on showing explaining to us the architectural merits of a row of portaloos and a rubbish skip .", "definition": "a portable building containing a toilet .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"instead he took a last-minute diversion and insisted on showing explaining to us the architectural merits of a row of portaloos and a rubbish skip .\" What is the definition of \"portaloo\"?"} {"term": "vancomycin", "pos": "", "context": "mrsa infections were treated with vancomycin and one to two other antibiotics based on bacterial susceptibility .", "definition": "a bacterial antibiotic used against resistant strains of streptococcus and staphylococcus .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mrsa infections were treated with vancomycin and one to two other antibiotics based on bacterial susceptibility .\" What is the definition of \"vancomycin\"?"} {"term": "blunt", "pos": "", "context": "thick marks made by a blunt pencil", "definition": "having a broad or rounded end", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"thick marks made by a blunt pencil\" What is the definition of \"blunt\"?"} {"term": "plural", "pos": "", "context": "but the concept that there is a person around whom we could all unite , who could articulate a vision to which we would all be willing to sign up flies in the face of any understanding of australia as a plural , diverse democracy .", "definition": "containing several diverse elements", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but the concept that there is a person around whom we could all unite , who could articulate a vision to which we would all be willing to sign up flies in the face of any understanding of australia as a plural , diverse democracy .\" What is the definition of \"plural\"?"} {"term": "trim", "pos": "", "context": "the airplane trimmed", "definition": "be in equilibrium during a flight", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the airplane trimmed\" What is the definition of \"trim\"?"} {"term": "third", "pos": "", "context": "pregnancy is often divided into trimesters or thirds .", "definition": "each of three equal parts into which something is or may be divided", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pregnancy is often divided into trimesters or thirds .\" What is the definition of \"third\"?"} {"term": "third", "pos": "", "context": "a distant third", "definition": "following the second position in an ordering or series", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a distant third\" What is the definition of \"third\"?"} {"term": "third", "pos": "", "context": "the legend contends that valentine served as a priest during third century rome .", "definition": "constituting number three in a sequence ; 3rd", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the legend contends that valentine served as a priest during third century rome .\" What is the definition of \"third\"?"} {"term": "dope", "pos": "", "context": "olympic athletes doped themselves without fear of being caught .", "definition": "administer drugs to ( a racehorse , greyhound , or athlete ) in order to inhibit or enhance sporting performance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"olympic athletes doped themselves without fear of being caught .\" What is the definition of \"dope\"?"} {"term": "lord", "pos": "", "context": "those bishops who sit in the lords do so , not as peers , but as lords of parliament .", "definition": "( in the uk ) the house of lords , or its members collectively .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"those bishops who sit in the lords do so , not as peers , but as lords of parliament .\" What is the definition of \"lord\"?"} {"term": "lord", "pos": "", "context": "the one person is the lord jesus christ , or jesus christ the lord .", "definition": "a name for god or christ", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the one person is the lord jesus christ , or jesus christ the lord .\" What is the definition of \"lord\"?"} {"term": "lord", "pos": "", "context": "my master , the great scholar li k'ai-men heard these words from his lord and master , his majesty , the emperor kao .", "definition": "a master or ruler", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my master , the great scholar li k'ai-men heard these words from his lord and master , his majesty , the emperor kao .\" What is the definition of \"lord\"?"} {"term": "parting", "pos": "", "context": "parting is such sweet sorrow", "definition": "the act of departing politely", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"parting is such sweet sorrow\" What is the definition of \"parting\"?"} {"term": "sonnet", "pos": "", "context": "and in delightful tones sit sonneting : who when they mention you in their sweet lays , may th ' angler eccho your deserved praise .", "definition": "compose sonnets", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and in delightful tones sit sonneting : who when they mention you in their sweet lays , may th ' angler eccho your deserved praise .\" What is the definition of \"sonnet\"?"} {"term": "planchet", "pos": "", "context": "the leachate was separated from the solids by centrifugation , and the dissolved polonium isotopes in the liquid were plated spontaneously onto a silver planchet .", "definition": "a plain metal disc from which a coin is made .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the leachate was separated from the solids by centrifugation , and the dissolved polonium isotopes in the liquid were plated spontaneously onto a silver planchet .\" What is the definition of \"planchet\"?"} {"term": "chopstick", "pos": "", "context": "these are used to create goods such as bowls , cutlery , chopsticks and even wine cups .", "definition": "each of a pair of small , thin , tapered sticks of wood , ivory , or plastic , held together in one hand and used as eating utensils especially by the chinese and the japanese .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these are used to create goods such as bowls , cutlery , chopsticks and even wine cups .\" What is the definition of \"chopstick\"?"} {"term": "banger", "pos": "", "context": "next up at wimbledon are the stock cars , rookie bangers and national hot rods on sunday , march 30 .", "definition": "an old car in poor condition", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"next up at wimbledon are the stock cars , rookie bangers and national hot rods on sunday , march 30 .\" What is the definition of \"banger\"?"} {"term": "banger", "pos": "", "context": "all pet owners should be extremely cautious this weekend as children play with fireworks and bangers , he said .", "definition": "a loud explosive firework", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all pet owners should be extremely cautious this weekend as children play with fireworks and bangers , he said .\" What is the definition of \"banger\"?"} {"term": "rebate", "pos": "", "context": "that means consumers can expect rebates and cut-rate financing deals to continue and both companies will have to slow down their assembly lines .", "definition": "a deduction or discount on a sum of money due", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that means consumers can expect rebates and cut-rate financing deals to continue and both companies will have to slow down their assembly lines .\" What is the definition of \"rebate\"?"} {"term": "architecture", "pos": "", "context": "the architecture of a computer 's system software", "definition": "( computer science ) the structure and organization of a computer 's hardware or system software", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the architecture of a computer 's system software\" What is the definition of \"architecture\"?"} {"term": "warhead", "pos": "", "context": "a careful review of low-yield and neutron bomb warheads would be most timely .", "definition": "the explosive head of a missile , torpedo , or similar weapon", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a careful review of low-yield and neutron bomb warheads would be most timely .\" What is the definition of \"warhead\"?"} {"term": "edentate", "pos": "", "context": "anteaters are edentate animals", "definition": "having few if any teeth", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"anteaters are edentate animals\" What is the definition of \"edentate\"?"} {"term": "ballot", "pos": "", "context": "the union will ballot its nearly 500 members at first bus on the offer .", "definition": "( of an organization ) ask ( members ) to vote secretly on an issue", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the union will ballot its nearly 500 members at first bus on the offer .\" What is the definition of \"ballot\"?"} {"term": "ballot", "pos": "", "context": "apart from some ‘ legislators-at-large ’ , however , all the legislators were elected by ballot .", "definition": "a system of voting secretly and in writing on a particular issue", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"apart from some ‘ legislators-at-large ’ , however , all the legislators were elected by ballot .\" What is the definition of \"ballot\"?"} {"term": "chrism", "pos": "", "context": "the frequent theft of chrism from churches for magical purposes is a case in point ; surely this was not a clear indicator of persistent paganism .", "definition": "a mixture of oil and balsam , consecrated and used for anointing at baptism and in other rites of catholic , orthodox , and anglican churches .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the frequent theft of chrism from churches for magical purposes is a case in point ; surely this was not a clear indicator of persistent paganism .\" What is the definition of \"chrism\"?"} {"term": "menu", "pos": "", "context": "the menu lists not only the dishes , but also reveals the chef 's kitchen secrets .", "definition": "a list of dishes available in a restaurant", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the menu lists not only the dishes , but also reveals the chef 's kitchen secrets .\" What is the definition of \"menu\"?"} {"term": "chimney", "pos": "", "context": "check the flashings-the metal pieces used to waterproof interruptions in the roof plane such as pipes , chimneys and skylights .", "definition": "a vertical channel or pipe which conducts smoke and combustion gases up from a fire or furnace and typically through the roof of a building", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"check the flashings-the metal pieces used to waterproof interruptions in the roof plane such as pipes , chimneys and skylights .\" What is the definition of \"chimney\"?"} {"term": "expressionism", "pos": "", "context": "he developed an idiosyncratic , instantly recognizable style that combined figurative expressionism with influences from klimt , schiele and austrian art nouveau .", "definition": "a style of painting , music , or drama in which the artist or writer seeks to express the inner world of emotion rather than external reality .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he developed an idiosyncratic , instantly recognizable style that combined figurative expressionism with influences from klimt , schiele and austrian art nouveau .\" What is the definition of \"expressionism\"?"} {"term": "far", "pos": "", "context": "if we could see far into the future", "definition": "remote in time", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if we could see far into the future\" What is the definition of \"far\"?"} {"term": "far", "pos": "", "context": "i can only go so far before i have to give up", "definition": "at or to a certain point or degree", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i can only go so far before i have to give up\" What is the definition of \"far\"?"} {"term": "far", "pos": "", "context": "it was an excellent campaigning sale and four of us sold 43 papers at the tube , far more than usual .", "definition": "by a great deal", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was an excellent campaigning sale and four of us sold 43 papers at the tube , far more than usual .\" What is the definition of \"far\"?"} {"term": "ensemble", "pos": "", "context": "certainly , his detail-oriented approach to conducting helped hone the orchestra 's ensemble and refine its sound .", "definition": "the coordination between performers executing an ensemble passage", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"certainly , his detail-oriented approach to conducting helped hone the orchestra 's ensemble and refine its sound .\" What is the definition of \"ensemble\"?"} {"term": "necromancy", "pos": "", "context": "in my kingdom , necromancy , magic related with resurrection and death , was illegal .", "definition": "the supposed practice of communicating with the dead , especially in order to predict the future", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in my kingdom , necromancy , magic related with resurrection and death , was illegal .\" What is the definition of \"necromancy\"?"} {"term": "staker", "pos": "", "context": "to stake a claim , a staker must have a prospecting licence .", "definition": "a person who makes a mining claim .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to stake a claim , a staker must have a prospecting licence .\" What is the definition of \"staker\"?"} {"term": "bobtail", "pos": "", "context": "bobtail mare", "definition": "having a short or shortened tail", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bobtail mare\" What is the definition of \"bobtail\"?"} {"term": "nude", "pos": "", "context": "he also , unusually , made three drawings of female nudes from life .", "definition": "a naked human figure , typically as the subject of a painting , sculpture , or photograph", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he also , unusually , made three drawings of female nudes from life .\" What is the definition of \"nude\"?"} {"term": "boa", "pos": "", "context": "there was a feather boa around her neck as she played and i sang ‘ good-bye , good-bye forever ’ and it was a wonderful evening .", "definition": "a long , thin decorative scarf made of feathers or a similar material , worn by women at parties or as part of fancy dress", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was a feather boa around her neck as she played and i sang ‘ good-bye , good-bye forever ’ and it was a wonderful evening .\" What is the definition of \"boa\"?"} {"term": "ensure", "pos": "", "context": "this nest egg will ensure a nice retirement for us", "definition": "make certain of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this nest egg will ensure a nice retirement for us\" What is the definition of \"ensure\"?"} {"term": "dazzle", "pos": "", "context": "she was dazzled by the bright headlights", "definition": "to cause someone to lose clear vision , especially from intense light", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was dazzled by the bright headlights\" What is the definition of \"dazzle\"?"} {"term": "pawn", "pos": "", "context": "when did it become okay to use students as pawns in a twisted game ?", "definition": "a person used by others for their own purposes", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when did it become okay to use students as pawns in a twisted game ?\" What is the definition of \"pawn\"?"} {"term": "say-so", "pos": "", "context": "there is no indication that they received , or even sought , such information other than the utterly unconvincing say-so of mr davis .", "definition": "a person 's arbitrary or unauthorized assertion or instruction", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is no indication that they received , or even sought , such information other than the utterly unconvincing say-so of mr davis .\" What is the definition of \"say-so\"?"} {"term": "balthazar", "pos": "", "context": "for the reception , there will be a “classic champagne fountain” poured from a giant balthazar bottle of veuve clicquot .", "definition": "a very large wine bottle , equivalent in capacity to sixteen regular bottles .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for the reception , there will be a “classic champagne fountain” poured from a giant balthazar bottle of veuve clicquot .\" What is the definition of \"balthazar\"?"} {"term": "jackass", "pos": "", "context": "if he had the ears of a horse he 'd look like a jackass .", "definition": "a male ass or donkey .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if he had the ears of a horse he 'd look like a jackass .\" What is the definition of \"jackass\"?"} {"term": "augment", "pos": "", "context": "the recent speech of the president augmented tensions in the near east", "definition": "enlarge or increase", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the recent speech of the president augmented tensions in the near east\" What is the definition of \"augment\"?"} {"term": "atrocity", "pos": "", "context": "meat eaters think this is a joke but it 's not funny to people who believe it 's an atrocity to eat murdered animals .", "definition": "an extremely wicked or cruel act , typically one involving physical violence or injury", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"meat eaters think this is a joke but it 's not funny to people who believe it 's an atrocity to eat murdered animals .\" What is the definition of \"atrocity\"?"} {"term": "steenbok", "pos": "", "context": "the reserve is stocked with small game - blesbok , mountain reebok , duiker , klipspringer and steenbok , as well as the small creatures : mongoose , tortoise and genet .", "definition": "a small african antelope with large ears , a small tail , and smooth upright horns .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the reserve is stocked with small game - blesbok , mountain reebok , duiker , klipspringer and steenbok , as well as the small creatures : mongoose , tortoise and genet .\" What is the definition of \"steenbok\"?"} {"term": "entr'acte", "pos": "", "context": "columbia is also given high marks for acceding to lean 's original wishes that the overture , entr'acte , and exit music be presented with nothing but a blank screen .", "definition": "a piece of music or a dance performed during an interval .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"columbia is also given high marks for acceding to lean 's original wishes that the overture , entr'acte , and exit music be presented with nothing but a blank screen .\" What is the definition of \"entr'acte\"?"} {"term": "entr'acte", "pos": "", "context": "if we bear in mind that the entr'acte takes place whilst zdenka and matteo are making love for the first time , then the concept behind mussbach 's production starts to fall into place .", "definition": "an interval between two acts of a play or opera .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if we bear in mind that the entr'acte takes place whilst zdenka and matteo are making love for the first time , then the concept behind mussbach 's production starts to fall into place .\" What is the definition of \"entr'acte\"?"} {"term": "emendation", "pos": "", "context": "are his 688 emendations of the copy-text acceptable ?", "definition": "a correction or revision to a text", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"are his 688 emendations of the copy-text acceptable ?\" What is the definition of \"emendation\"?"} {"term": "valuable", "pos": "", "context": "one of these extremely rare and valuable bottles will be given out to the winner of the lucky draw every week .", "definition": "worth a great deal of money", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one of these extremely rare and valuable bottles will be given out to the winner of the lucky draw every week .\" What is the definition of \"valuable\"?"} {"term": "unlink", "pos": "", "context": "only when the arm released it 's grip was she able to unlink it from her waist .", "definition": "detach ; separate", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"only when the arm released it 's grip was she able to unlink it from her waist .\" What is the definition of \"unlink\"?"} {"term": "matchlock", "pos": "", "context": "his followers had matchlocks , spears , swords , bows and arrows .", "definition": "a type of gun with a lock in which a piece of wick or cord is placed for igniting the powder .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his followers had matchlocks , spears , swords , bows and arrows .\" What is the definition of \"matchlock\"?"} {"term": "flat", "pos": "", "context": "a flat market", "definition": "commercially inactive", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a flat market\" What is the definition of \"flat\"?"} {"term": "flat", "pos": "", "context": "many surface flows , supplied mainly from leaks in the ocean entry tubes , are also observed in the coastal flats near the ocean .", "definition": "an area of low level ground , especially near water", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"many surface flows , supplied mainly from leaks in the ocean entry tubes , are also observed in the coastal flats near the ocean .\" What is the definition of \"flat\"?"} {"term": "flat", "pos": "", "context": "it had a large rock central to the area with a flat surface and was bathed in sunlight that had filtered through the canopy of trees .", "definition": "having a level surface ; without raised areas or indentations", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it had a large rock central to the area with a flat surface and was bathed in sunlight that had filtered through the canopy of trees .\" What is the definition of \"flat\"?"} {"term": "demulcent", "pos": "", "context": "the mucilages are a very useful group of substances , being in most cases both demulcent and nutritive .", "definition": "( of a substance ) relieving inflammation or irritation .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the mucilages are a very useful group of substances , being in most cases both demulcent and nutritive .\" What is the definition of \"demulcent\"?"} {"term": "fiery", "pos": "", "context": "a fiery desert wind", "definition": "like or suggestive of fire", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fiery desert wind\" What is the definition of \"fiery\"?"} {"term": "buoyancy", "pos": "", "context": "thus is philip gura caught in neutral buoyancy between belief and hope .", "definition": "a cheerful and optimistic attitude or disposition .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"thus is philip gura caught in neutral buoyancy between belief and hope .\" What is the definition of \"buoyancy\"?"} {"term": "typify", "pos": "", "context": "i also think that packer is right : blogs are indeed ‘ atomized , fragmentary , and of the instant ’ and those are characteristics that typify successful media of our time .", "definition": "be characteristic or a representative example of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i also think that packer is right : blogs are indeed ‘ atomized , fragmentary , and of the instant ’ and those are characteristics that typify successful media of our time .\" What is the definition of \"typify\"?"} {"term": "inevitable", "pos": "", "context": "the inevitable result", "definition": "incapable of being avoided or prevented", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the inevitable result\" What is the definition of \"inevitable\"?"} {"term": "guarani", "pos": "", "context": "last year i was one such person , who as part of a 10-month journey through south america travelled to the former jesuit mission towns of the chiquitos indians in bolivia , and those of the guarani in paraguay and argentina .", "definition": "a member of an american indian people of paraguay and adjacent regions .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"last year i was one such person , who as part of a 10-month journey through south america travelled to the former jesuit mission towns of the chiquitos indians in bolivia , and those of the guarani in paraguay and argentina .\" What is the definition of \"guarani\"?"} {"term": "druther", "pos": "", "context": "given my druthers , i 'd choose being female any day over the alternative .", "definition": "one 's preference in a matter", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"given my druthers , i 'd choose being female any day over the alternative .\" What is the definition of \"druther\"?"} {"term": "input", "pos": "", "context": "the upside of this setup is that it can accept either balanced or unbalanced signal input .", "definition": "energy supplied to a device or system ; an electrical signal", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the upside of this setup is that it can accept either balanced or unbalanced signal input .\" What is the definition of \"input\"?"} {"term": "input", "pos": "", "context": "questions were directed at students who were particularly vocal on the audiotapes , but other students were free to walk up and contribute input to the questions as they wished .", "definition": "a contribution of work or information", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"questions were directed at students who were particularly vocal on the audiotapes , but other students were free to walk up and contribute input to the questions as they wished .\" What is the definition of \"input\"?"} {"term": "bash", "pos": "", "context": "the oaf would n't know the difference between a crotchet , a quaver , and a bash in the chops with a bassoon .", "definition": "a heavy blow", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the oaf would n't know the difference between a crotchet , a quaver , and a bash in the chops with a bassoon .\" What is the definition of \"bash\"?"} {"term": "garden", "pos": "", "context": "my hobby is gardening", "definition": "work in the garden", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my hobby is gardening\" What is the definition of \"garden\"?"} {"term": "garden", "pos": "", "context": "elmer and my dad worked together , played together , and gardened together .", "definition": "cultivate or work in a garden", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"elmer and my dad worked together , played together , and gardened together .\" What is the definition of \"garden\"?"} {"term": "bite", "pos": "", "context": "these subtle requirements are the things that bite us .", "definition": "annoy or worry", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these subtle requirements are the things that bite us .\" What is the definition of \"bite\"?"} {"term": "bite", "pos": "", "context": "a mighty night for all concerned with all present having a bite to eat and then dancing the night away into the early hours !", "definition": "a quick snack", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a mighty night for all concerned with all present having a bite to eat and then dancing the night away into the early hours !\" What is the definition of \"bite\"?"} {"term": "sole", "pos": "", "context": "a regular but infrequent 'chore ' was taking boots and shoes to the cobbler to be soled and heeled .", "definition": "put a new sole on to ( a shoe )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a regular but infrequent 'chore ' was taking boots and shoes to the cobbler to be soled and heeled .\" What is the definition of \"sole\"?"} {"term": "leader", "pos": "", "context": "skate away cruised by the leaders , followed closely by seainsky coming out of fifth place down the stretch .", "definition": "the person or team that is winning a sporting competition at a particular time", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"skate away cruised by the leaders , followed closely by seainsky coming out of fifth place down the stretch .\" What is the definition of \"leader\"?"} {"term": "leader", "pos": "", "context": "there are also leaders outside of the parliament who escape prosecution because they have been granted immunity by their own governments .", "definition": "the person who leads or commands a group , organization , or country", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there are also leaders outside of the parliament who escape prosecution because they have been granted immunity by their own governments .\" What is the definition of \"leader\"?"} {"term": "attribute", "pos": "", "context": "similar analyses were conducted for other attributes .", "definition": "a real property which a statistical analysis is attempting to describe .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"similar analyses were conducted for other attributes .\" What is the definition of \"attribute\"?"} {"term": "last", "pos": "", "context": "last thursday", "definition": "immediately past", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"last thursday\" What is the definition of \"last\"?"} {"term": "bookmark", "pos": "", "context": "they will cost you time , though , because you access your bookmarks via an internet connection .", "definition": "a record of the address of a website , file , or other data made to enable quick access in future .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they will cost you time , though , because you access your bookmarks via an internet connection .\" What is the definition of \"bookmark\"?"} {"term": "scroll", "pos": "", "context": "lines of black text emerged from the bottom of the screen and scrolled up and away toward a vanishing point somewhere near the top .", "definition": "( of displayed text or graphics ) move up , down , or across a computer screen", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lines of black text emerged from the bottom of the screen and scrolled up and away toward a vanishing point somewhere near the top .\" What is the definition of \"scroll\"?"} {"term": "outing", "pos": "", "context": "it is a fragile thing , this tactic of outing to expose hypocrisy .", "definition": "the practice of revealing the homosexuality of a prominent person", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is a fragile thing , this tactic of outing to expose hypocrisy .\" What is the definition of \"outing\"?"} {"term": "intensify", "pos": "", "context": "the researchers say that increasing the amount of zirconium may intensify the color .", "definition": "increase the opacity of ( a negative ) using a chemical", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the researchers say that increasing the amount of zirconium may intensify the color .\" What is the definition of \"intensify\"?"} {"term": "fidget", "pos": "", "context": "this summer , for those road trips where i-spy and license-plate bingo are no longer enough , you might want to consider another way to fight the fidgets .", "definition": "a state of mental or physical restlessness or unease", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this summer , for those road trips where i-spy and license-plate bingo are no longer enough , you might want to consider another way to fight the fidgets .\" What is the definition of \"fidget\"?"} {"term": "indiscernible", "pos": "", "context": "upon one of the boughs , high off the ground , almost indiscernible from the night around it , a hunched form sat motionless , as if waiting .", "definition": "impossible to see or clearly distinguish", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"upon one of the boughs , high off the ground , almost indiscernible from the night around it , a hunched form sat motionless , as if waiting .\" What is the definition of \"indiscernible\"?"} {"term": "candidiasis", "pos": "", "context": "subsequently , he was diagnosed as having hepatitis b , oral candidiasis , central nervous system toxoplasmosis , and perirectal herpes simplex virus .", "definition": "infection with candida , especially as causing oral or vaginal thrush .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"subsequently , he was diagnosed as having hepatitis b , oral candidiasis , central nervous system toxoplasmosis , and perirectal herpes simplex virus .\" What is the definition of \"candidiasis\"?"} {"term": "amyl", "pos": "", "context": "the powdered bark can also be treated with solvents , such as toluene , or amyl alcohol to extract the quinine .", "definition": "of or denoting the straight-chain pentyl radical —c₅h₁₁ .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the powdered bark can also be treated with solvents , such as toluene , or amyl alcohol to extract the quinine .\" What is the definition of \"amyl\"?"} {"term": "diaper", "pos": "", "context": "she takes great joy in stripping off her clothes , diaper and all , in the middle of the living room .", "definition": "a baby 's nappy .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she takes great joy in stripping off her clothes , diaper and all , in the middle of the living room .\" What is the definition of \"diaper\"?"} {"term": "cryolite", "pos": "", "context": "potroom asthma has been recognized for many years in workers employed in the production of aluminum smelting , where the alumina is partially dissolved in an electrolyte of molten cryolite at about 960°c .", "definition": "a white or colourless mineral consisting of a fluoride of sodium and aluminium . it is added to bauxite as a flux in aluminium smelting .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"potroom asthma has been recognized for many years in workers employed in the production of aluminum smelting , where the alumina is partially dissolved in an electrolyte of molten cryolite at about 960°c .\" What is the definition of \"cryolite\"?"} {"term": "slew", "pos": "", "context": "a grid entered into the navigation system can be used to cue and slew aircraft sensors , weapons , and even the helmet-mounted sight .", "definition": "( of an electronic device ) undergo slewing .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a grid entered into the navigation system can be used to cue and slew aircraft sensors , weapons , and even the helmet-mounted sight .\" What is the definition of \"slew\"?"} {"term": "bedcover", "pos": "", "context": "her bedcovers were pulled up tightly around her knees , her pillows propping up her head , and her reading lamp on .", "definition": "bedclothes .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her bedcovers were pulled up tightly around her knees , her pillows propping up her head , and her reading lamp on .\" What is the definition of \"bedcover\"?"} {"term": "pothead", "pos": "", "context": "you may wonder how a cartoon strip about three potheads could survive the 1960s , let alone the 80s .", "definition": "a person who smokes cannabis .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you may wonder how a cartoon strip about three potheads could survive the 1960s , let alone the 80s .\" What is the definition of \"pothead\"?"} {"term": "irrupt", "pos": "", "context": "my neighbors in tucson , for instance , planted south african sweet gum that irrupted into the sonoran desert and covered cactus and other indigenous shrubs .", "definition": "( of a bird or other animal ) migrate into an area in abnormally large numbers .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my neighbors in tucson , for instance , planted south african sweet gum that irrupted into the sonoran desert and covered cactus and other indigenous shrubs .\" What is the definition of \"irrupt\"?"} {"term": "t-bone", "pos": "", "context": "one of the traffic experts quoted observed that it was much better to be rear-ended at 10 mph than t-boned at 40 ; true enough , i suppose .", "definition": "crash head-on into the side of ( another vehicle )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one of the traffic experts quoted observed that it was much better to be rear-ended at 10 mph than t-boned at 40 ; true enough , i suppose .\" What is the definition of \"t-bone\"?"} {"term": "terrestrial", "pos": "", "context": "this terrestrial ball", "definition": "of or relating to or characteristic of the planet earth or its inhabitants", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this terrestrial ball\" What is the definition of \"terrestrial\"?"} {"term": "clutch", "pos": "", "context": "eggs are laid one a day and there is often a second clutch .", "definition": "a group of eggs fertilized at the same time , laid in a single session and ( in birds ) incubated together", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"eggs are laid one a day and there is often a second clutch .\" What is the definition of \"clutch\"?"} {"term": "proceedings", "pos": "", "context": "nothing in the letter indicated that the residents were contemplating judicial review proceedings .", "definition": "action taken in a court to settle a dispute", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nothing in the letter indicated that the residents were contemplating judicial review proceedings .\" What is the definition of \"proceedings\"?"} {"term": "shrink", "pos": "", "context": "they did n't even want to look at me… ‘ she wrapped her arms around her stomach and seemed to shrink into herself , rocking slowly back and forth . ’", "definition": "become withdrawn .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they did n't even want to look at me… ‘ she wrapped her arms around her stomach and seemed to shrink into herself , rocking slowly back and forth . ’\" What is the definition of \"shrink\"?"} {"term": "smooch", "pos": "", "context": "although some of the lyrics are n't appropriate , i love this song all the same… and i would love to be dancing and smooching up against my man to it .", "definition": "dance slowly in a close embrace", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"although some of the lyrics are n't appropriate , i love this song all the same… and i would love to be dancing and smooching up against my man to it .\" What is the definition of \"smooch\"?"} {"term": "hat-trick", "pos": "", "context": "his two goals were excellently taken and he was most unlucky not to score a hat-trick .", "definition": "three successes of the same kind within a limited period , in particular ( in soccer ) the scoring of three goals in a game by one player or ( in cricket ) the taking of three wickets by the same bowler with successive balls", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his two goals were excellently taken and he was most unlucky not to score a hat-trick .\" What is the definition of \"hat-trick\"?"} {"term": "pad", "pos": "", "context": "at the park hotel that night , i sat in my room again , looking out at the illuminated tokyo tower and the helicopter pads on the roofs of the office blocks below .", "definition": "a flat-topped structure or area used for helicopter take-off and landing or for rocket-launching", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at the park hotel that night , i sat in my room again , looking out at the illuminated tokyo tower and the helicopter pads on the roofs of the office blocks below .\" What is the definition of \"pad\"?"} {"term": "pad", "pos": "", "context": "he tried to gently dab it out with the pad of his finger , but that did n't work .", "definition": "the fleshy underpart of an animal 's foot or of a human finger", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he tried to gently dab it out with the pad of his finger , but that did n't work .\" What is the definition of \"pad\"?"} {"term": "pad", "pos": "", "context": "playing cricket tends to be a case of standing about for hours and then getting padded up for one or two hits .", "definition": "put on protective pads in order to play a sport , especially cricket", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"playing cricket tends to be a case of standing about for hours and then getting padded up for one or two hits .\" What is the definition of \"pad\"?"} {"term": "pad", "pos": "", "context": "nicci was about to question further when the soft pad of hooves prevented her .", "definition": "the soft dull sound of steady steps", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nicci was about to question further when the soft pad of hooves prevented her .\" What is the definition of \"pad\"?"} {"term": "paste-up", "pos": "", "context": "there are , for instance , paste-ups of proofs , and a number of items relating to children 's folklore .", "definition": "a document prepared for copying or printing by combining and pasting various sections on a backing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there are , for instance , paste-ups of proofs , and a number of items relating to children 's folklore .\" What is the definition of \"paste-up\"?"} {"term": "hybridize", "pos": "", "context": "individuals from pure-breeding families of the two species were hybridized to produce f 1 families .", "definition": "cross-breed ( individuals of two different species or varieties )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"individuals from pure-breeding families of the two species were hybridized to produce f 1 families .\" What is the definition of \"hybridize\"?"} {"term": "lush", "pos": "", "context": "the sky above is clear and blue , the grasslands lush and green , but there is no birdsong , no buzz of insects , no sign of anything living but the ones walking with him .", "definition": "( of vegetation , especially grass ) growing luxuriantly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sky above is clear and blue , the grasslands lush and green , but there is no birdsong , no buzz of insects , no sign of anything living but the ones walking with him .\" What is the definition of \"lush\"?"} {"term": "heel", "pos": "", "context": "this causes the foot to be sharply angled at the heel , with the foot pointing up and outward .", "definition": "the back part of the human foot below the ankle .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this causes the foot to be sharply angled at the heel , with the foot pointing up and outward .\" What is the definition of \"heel\"?"} {"term": "heel", "pos": "", "context": "in fact , if you are dining there he will lend you a pair of flip-flops to get back to your chair while he heels your soles .", "definition": "fit or renew a heel on ( a shoe or boot )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in fact , if you are dining there he will lend you a pair of flip-flops to get back to your chair while he heels your soles .\" What is the definition of \"heel\"?"} {"term": "heel", "pos": "", "context": "suddenly the boat heeled to an angle of 45° under a gust of wind from the port side , catching me unprepared and out of position .", "definition": "( of a boat or ship ) lean over owing to the pressure of wind or an uneven load", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"suddenly the boat heeled to an angle of 45° under a gust of wind from the port side , catching me unprepared and out of position .\" What is the definition of \"heel\"?"} {"term": "covey", "pos": "", "context": "now , however , a covey of intellectuals have suggested that technology has changed the battlefield again .", "definition": "a small group of people or things", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"now , however , a covey of intellectuals have suggested that technology has changed the battlefield again .\" What is the definition of \"covey\"?"} {"term": "trench", "pos": "", "context": "the national guardsmen were sent out to trench", "definition": "dig a trench or trenches", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the national guardsmen were sent out to trench\" What is the definition of \"trench\"?"} {"term": "shroud", "pos": "", "context": "we had been instructed to steer by manipulating the shroud lines of the parachute , and i tried that without success .", "definition": "each of the lines joining the canopy of a parachute to the harness .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we had been instructed to steer by manipulating the shroud lines of the parachute , and i tried that without success .\" What is the definition of \"shroud\"?"} {"term": "osier", "pos": "", "context": "you play it by hitting the outside with a big wooden kiyak and the inside with a small osier which plays the part of the small drum , not used in bulgarian folk music .", "definition": "a shoot of a willow .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you play it by hitting the outside with a big wooden kiyak and the inside with a small osier which plays the part of the small drum , not used in bulgarian folk music .\" What is the definition of \"osier\"?"} {"term": "osier", "pos": "", "context": "you then discover the placidity of berkshire : hawthorn , alder and osier hemming in the path ; beyond them , water meadows where horses pad about .", "definition": "any willow tree .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you then discover the placidity of berkshire : hawthorn , alder and osier hemming in the path ; beyond them , water meadows where horses pad about .\" What is the definition of \"osier\"?"} {"term": "metric", "pos": "", "context": "the metric system", "definition": "based on the meter as a standard of measurement", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the metric system\" What is the definition of \"metric\"?"} {"term": "metric", "pos": "", "context": "weyl opened the way to the conformal differential geometry of riemannian spaces in which one studies the properties of the spaces invariant under the so-called conformal transformation of the riemannian metric .", "definition": "a binary function of a topological space which gives , for any two points of the space , a value equal to the distance between them , or to a value treated as analogous to distance for the purpose of analysis", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"weyl opened the way to the conformal differential geometry of riemannian spaces in which one studies the properties of the spaces invariant under the so-called conformal transformation of the riemannian metric .\" What is the definition of \"metric\"?"} {"term": "scouring", "pos": "", "context": "scouring the entire area revealed nothing", "definition": "moving over territory to search for something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"scouring the entire area revealed nothing\" What is the definition of \"scouring\"?"} {"term": "folio", "pos": "", "context": "the action continues on the facing folio , another full-page miniature , this time divided into two registers .", "definition": "an individual leaf of paper or parchment , either loose as one of a series or forming part of a bound volume , which is numbered on the recto or front side only .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the action continues on the facing folio , another full-page miniature , this time divided into two registers .\" What is the definition of \"folio\"?"} {"term": "folio", "pos": "", "context": "so it was that on 15 april , 1755 , the two huge folio volumes went on sale for four pounds and ten shillings a set .", "definition": "a book or manuscript made up of folio sheets of paper ; a volume of the largest standard size .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so it was that on 15 april , 1755 , the two huge folio volumes went on sale for four pounds and ten shillings a set .\" What is the definition of \"folio\"?"} {"term": "folio", "pos": "", "context": "these were engraved in two sizes : folio , and a smaller series as book illustrations .", "definition": "a size of book made up of folio sheets of paper .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these were engraved in two sizes : folio , and a smaller series as book illustrations .\" What is the definition of \"folio\"?"} {"term": "can", "pos": "", "context": "canada , however , can only take 11 players to the olympics .", "definition": "be permitted to", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"canada , however , can only take 11 players to the olympics .\" What is the definition of \"can\"?"} {"term": "can", "pos": "", "context": "slamming and reopening the cupboards below the sink several times , he finally produced a large bag of dog food and several cans of soft puppy food .", "definition": "the quantity of food or drink held by a can", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"slamming and reopening the cupboards below the sink several times , he finally produced a large bag of dog food and several cans of soft puppy food .\" What is the definition of \"can\"?"} {"term": "can", "pos": "", "context": "in the early days after the birth , it can be useful to set aside some time to rest when the baby sleeps .", "definition": "used to indicate that something is typically the case", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the early days after the birth , it can be useful to set aside some time to rest when the baby sleeps .\" What is the definition of \"can\"?"} {"term": "quarantine", "pos": "", "context": "the whole family was put in quarantine for a month but soon after she had recovered from one disease julia was struck down with another , namely rheumatic fever .", "definition": "a state , period , or place of isolation in which people or animals that have arrived from elsewhere or been exposed to infectious or contagious disease are placed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the whole family was put in quarantine for a month but soon after she had recovered from one disease julia was struck down with another , namely rheumatic fever .\" What is the definition of \"quarantine\"?"} {"term": "pendant", "pos": "", "context": "they are trained to locate , detect and attach recovery pendants in deep water .", "definition": "a short rope hanging from the head of a ship 's mast , yardarm , or clew of a sail , used for attaching tackles .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they are trained to locate , detect and attach recovery pendants in deep water .\" What is the definition of \"pendant\"?"} {"term": "pendant", "pos": "", "context": "if someone needs help if she has fallen and ca n't get up , she can now click on a pendant or wristwatch that taps into a support system .", "definition": "the part of a pocket watch by which it is suspended .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if someone needs help if she has fallen and ca n't get up , she can now click on a pendant or wristwatch that taps into a support system .\" What is the definition of \"pendant\"?"} {"term": "south-east", "pos": "", "context": "travelling south from preston , it begins to swing to the south-east at adlington and then skirts blackrod .", "definition": "the direction towards the point of the horizon midway between south and east", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"travelling south from preston , it begins to swing to the south-east at adlington and then skirts blackrod .\" What is the definition of \"south-east\"?"} {"term": "excise", "pos": "", "context": "this included vrt , vat , fuel excise duty and road tax .", "definition": "a tax levied on certain goods and commodities produced or sold within a country and on licences granted for certain activities", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this included vrt , vat , fuel excise duty and road tax .\" What is the definition of \"excise\"?"} {"term": "smother", "pos": "", "context": "othello smothered desdemona with a pillow", "definition": "deprive of oxygen and prevent from breathing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"othello smothered desdemona with a pillow\" What is the definition of \"smother\"?"} {"term": "smother", "pos": "", "context": "tayrah took a deep breath and smothered the anger she felt approaching and then quickly changed the subject .", "definition": "suppress ( a feeling or action )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tayrah took a deep breath and smothered the anger she felt approaching and then quickly changed the subject .\" What is the definition of \"smother\"?"} {"term": "smother", "pos": "", "context": "smother the meat in gravy", "definition": "envelop completely", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"smother the meat in gravy\" What is the definition of \"smother\"?"} {"term": "gallop", "pos": "", "context": "a minute later , two braves rode off , galloping their horses to the west .", "definition": "make ( a horse ) gallop", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a minute later , two braves rode off , galloping their horses to the west .\" What is the definition of \"gallop\"?"} {"term": "guile", "pos": "", "context": "you have to provide guile , craft and quality service through to your frontmen to open teams up at this level .", "definition": "sly or cunning intelligence", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you have to provide guile , craft and quality service through to your frontmen to open teams up at this level .\" What is the definition of \"guile\"?"} {"term": "reassemble", "pos": "", "context": "we 're not sure , but i think what we have to do is follow the terrorist groups as they try to reassemble wherever they are .", "definition": "( of a group ) gather together again", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we 're not sure , but i think what we have to do is follow the terrorist groups as they try to reassemble wherever they are .\" What is the definition of \"reassemble\"?"} {"term": "melkite", "pos": "", "context": "michel sayde , an eastern orthodox melkite priest from lebanon , also cautiously believes that the marolly house is blessed .", "definition": "an eastern christian adhering to the orthodox faith as defined by the councils of ephesus ( ad 431 ) and chalcedon ( ad 451 ) and as accepted by the byzantine emperor .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"michel sayde , an eastern orthodox melkite priest from lebanon , also cautiously believes that the marolly house is blessed .\" What is the definition of \"melkite\"?"} {"term": "department", "pos": "", "context": "you 'll find it in the hardware department", "definition": "a specialized division of a large organization", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you 'll find it in the hardware department\" What is the definition of \"department\"?"} {"term": "cram", "pos": "", "context": "students really should get a good night 's sleep after cramming for an exam .", "definition": "study intensively over a short period of time just before an examination", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"students really should get a good night 's sleep after cramming for an exam .\" What is the definition of \"cram\"?"} {"term": "qintar", "pos": "", "context": "among the people of the scripture is he who , if entrusted with a qintar ( a great amount of wealth ) , will readily pay it back .", "definition": "a monetary unit of albania , equal to one hundredth of a lek .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"among the people of the scripture is he who , if entrusted with a qintar ( a great amount of wealth ) , will readily pay it back .\" What is the definition of \"qintar\"?"} {"term": "hinge", "pos": "", "context": "i think it 's important to recognize that we are at the hinge of history .", "definition": "a central or pivotal point or principle on which everything depends", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i think it 's important to recognize that we are at the hinge of history .\" What is the definition of \"hinge\"?"} {"term": "hinge", "pos": "", "context": "when the gallery is open , the door will hinge out into the foyer so that it offers another perspective on the building .", "definition": "( of a door or part of a structure ) hang and turn on a hinge", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when the gallery is open , the door will hinge out into the foyer so that it offers another perspective on the building .\" What is the definition of \"hinge\"?"} {"term": "hinge", "pos": "", "context": "the door with different hinges opened suddenly , revealing armand and behind him a stone spiral staircase leading upwards .", "definition": "a movable joint or mechanism on which a door , gate , or lid swings as it opens and closes or which connects linked objects .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the door with different hinges opened suddenly , revealing armand and behind him a stone spiral staircase leading upwards .\" What is the definition of \"hinge\"?"} {"term": "claim", "pos": "", "context": "they struck in support of their claim for a shorter work day", "definition": "demand for something as rightful or due", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they struck in support of their claim for a shorter work day\" What is the definition of \"claim\"?"} {"term": "claim", "pos": "", "context": "he staked his claim", "definition": "an established or recognized right", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he staked his claim\" What is the definition of \"claim\"?"} {"term": "claim", "pos": "", "context": "that is , that it is to be operated in a manner which would not fall within any of the claims of the patent .", "definition": "a statement of the novel features in a patent", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that is , that it is to be operated in a manner which would not fall within any of the claims of the patent .\" What is the definition of \"claim\"?"} {"term": "claim", "pos": "", "context": "the flag of canada , were a real energy and price crisis to develop in america , would hardly hamper their claims to our resources .", "definition": "a demand or request for something considered one 's due", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the flag of canada , were a real energy and price crisis to develop in america , would hardly hamper their claims to our resources .\" What is the definition of \"claim\"?"} {"term": "claim", "pos": "", "context": "his claim on her attentions", "definition": "an informal right to something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his claim on her attentions\" What is the definition of \"claim\"?"} {"term": "shoreline", "pos": "", "context": "black bears may be seen best by boat in may and june , as they forage for crabs and fish along shorelines at low tide .", "definition": "the line along which a large body of water meets the land", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"black bears may be seen best by boat in may and june , as they forage for crabs and fish along shorelines at low tide .\" What is the definition of \"shoreline\"?"} {"term": "consumerism", "pos": "", "context": "the widening opportunities for consumerism and shopping enhanced the scope for women to make decisions and spend money .", "definition": "the preoccupation of society with the acquisition of consumer goods", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the widening opportunities for consumerism and shopping enhanced the scope for women to make decisions and spend money .\" What is the definition of \"consumerism\"?"} {"term": "venture", "pos": "", "context": "as she moved from the cave , her head slowly ventured out into the sunlight .", "definition": "undertake a risky or daring journey or course of action", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as she moved from the cave , her head slowly ventured out into the sunlight .\" What is the definition of \"venture\"?"} {"term": "venture", "pos": "", "context": "in today 's overheated financial markets , euphoric investors are once again happily financing risky ventures .", "definition": "a business enterprise , typically one that involves risk", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in today 's overheated financial markets , euphoric investors are once again happily financing risky ventures .\" What is the definition of \"venture\"?"} {"term": "lithium", "pos": "", "context": "such patients are usually monitored for the effect of lithium on the kidney by the estimation of serum electrolytes .", "definition": "lithium carbonate or another lithium salt , used as a mood-stabilizing drug .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"such patients are usually monitored for the effect of lithium on the kidney by the estimation of serum electrolytes .\" What is the definition of \"lithium\"?"} {"term": "deaden", "pos": "", "context": "in this culture , we are deadened to the effects of our lives on other people , other animals , on natural resources every day .", "definition": "make ( someone ) insensitive to something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in this culture , we are deadened to the effects of our lives on other people , other animals , on natural resources every day .\" What is the definition of \"deaden\"?"} {"term": "full-timer", "pos": "", "context": "at the same time , part-timers are not accorded the institutional support offered to full-timers , such as participation in professional development activities that might strengthen their teaching .", "definition": "a person who does a full-time job .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at the same time , part-timers are not accorded the institutional support offered to full-timers , such as participation in professional development activities that might strengthen their teaching .\" What is the definition of \"full-timer\"?"} {"term": "dissolve", "pos": "", "context": "finally , whey protein dissolves easily in water , making it convenient for a protein drink when you 're on the go .", "definition": "( with reference to a solid ) become or cause to become incorporated into a liquid so as to form a solution", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"finally , whey protein dissolves easily in water , making it convenient for a protein drink when you 're on the go .\" What is the definition of \"dissolve\"?"} {"term": "otter", "pos": "", "context": "other animals spotted in greater manchester include otters , stoats and weasels .", "definition": "a semiaquatic fish-eating mammal of the weasel family , with an elongated body , dense fur , and webbed feet .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"other animals spotted in greater manchester include otters , stoats and weasels .\" What is the definition of \"otter\"?"} {"term": "delaware", "pos": "", "context": "its name comes from a delaware indian word meaning ‘ on the great plain ’ and its 253,500 sq . kilometres range from rocky snow peaks to hot springs to truly great plains .", "definition": "relating to the delaware or their languages .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"its name comes from a delaware indian word meaning ‘ on the great plain ’ and its 253,500 sq . kilometres range from rocky snow peaks to hot springs to truly great plains .\" What is the definition of \"delaware\"?"} {"term": "costume", "pos": "", "context": "in spite of the heat he insisted on his woolen costume", "definition": "unusual or period attire not characteristic of or appropriate to the time and place", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in spite of the heat he insisted on his woolen costume\" What is the definition of \"costume\"?"} {"term": "doorstop", "pos": "", "context": "the traditional preference of the british reading public for conventionally sized novels or literary doorstoppers is a pity , because the novella at its best is not an awkward hybrid , but a novel in beautifully controlled miniature .", "definition": "a heavy or bulky object , especially a thick book", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the traditional preference of the british reading public for conventionally sized novels or literary doorstoppers is a pity , because the novella at its best is not an awkward hybrid , but a novel in beautifully controlled miniature .\" What is the definition of \"doorstop\"?"} {"term": "auction", "pos": "", "context": "each hand begins with an auction in which players can bid a contract that they are prepared to play .", "definition": "the part of the play in which players bid to decide the contract in which the hand shall be played .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"each hand begins with an auction in which players can bid a contract that they are prepared to play .\" What is the definition of \"auction\"?"} {"term": "auction", "pos": "", "context": "the valuables could be identified immediately if a thief tries to sell them at auction .", "definition": "the action or process of selling something to the highest bidder", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the valuables could be identified immediately if a thief tries to sell them at auction .\" What is the definition of \"auction\"?"} {"term": "clientele", "pos": "", "context": "in hollywood , food is not the most important factor : the hot spots enjoy a brisk trade in a-list clientele .", "definition": "clients collectively", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in hollywood , food is not the most important factor : the hot spots enjoy a brisk trade in a-list clientele .\" What is the definition of \"clientele\"?"} {"term": "bug", "pos": "", "context": "they counted gastropods , spiders , beetles and bugs , butterflies , lacewings and bees .", "definition": "a small insect", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they counted gastropods , spiders , beetles and bugs , butterflies , lacewings and bees .\" What is the definition of \"bug\"?"} {"term": "bug", "pos": "", "context": "again , the conversation was bugged ; it gives a chilling insight into the mind of a hardened militant .", "definition": "record or eavesdrop on ( a conversation ) using a concealed microphone", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"again , the conversation was bugged ; it gives a chilling insight into the mind of a hardened militant .\" What is the definition of \"bug\"?"} {"term": "bug", "pos": "", "context": "other figures , including lbj and martin luther king are observed vicariously through wire taps or electronic bugs .", "definition": "a concealed miniature microphone , used for secret eavesdropping or recording", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"other figures , including lbj and martin luther king are observed vicariously through wire taps or electronic bugs .\" What is the definition of \"bug\"?"} {"term": "knocker", "pos": "", "context": "open the door and see who the knocker is", "definition": "a person who knocks ( as seeking to gain admittance )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"open the door and see who the knocker is\" What is the definition of \"knocker\"?"} {"term": "possible", "pos": "", "context": "it has been awarded the highest possible score for its teaching quality .", "definition": "( of a number or score ) as high as is achievable in a test , competition , or game", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it has been awarded the highest possible score for its teaching quality .\" What is the definition of \"possible\"?"} {"term": "possible", "pos": "", "context": "warned of possible consequences", "definition": "capable of happening or existing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"warned of possible consequences\" What is the definition of \"possible\"?"} {"term": "imaginary", "pos": "", "context": "to escape reality , i invented an imaginary world and began writing poetry .", "definition": "existing only in the imagination", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to escape reality , i invented an imaginary world and began writing poetry .\" What is the definition of \"imaginary\"?"} {"term": "thud", "pos": "", "context": "a dull thud echoed all around him and the creature looked wildly around at its pack .", "definition": "a dull , heavy sound , such as that made by an object falling to the ground", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dull thud echoed all around him and the creature looked wildly around at its pack .\" What is the definition of \"thud\"?"} {"term": "heavy", "pos": "", "context": "heavy investor", "definition": "prodigious", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"heavy investor\" What is the definition of \"heavy\"?"} {"term": "heavy", "pos": "", "context": "the room was heavy with smoke , for in the center burned a groggy fire .", "definition": "weighed down ; full of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the room was heavy with smoke , for in the center burned a groggy fire .\" What is the definition of \"heavy\"?"} {"term": "heavy", "pos": "", "context": "i meant to wait however long it took , even if i had to sit in that unfriendly place and smell the heavy aroma of frying fat from the kitchens forever .", "definition": "( of a smell ) very strong ; overpowering", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i meant to wait however long it took , even if i had to sit in that unfriendly place and smell the heavy aroma of frying fat from the kitchens forever .\" What is the definition of \"heavy\"?"} {"term": "heavy", "pos": "", "context": "heavy hydrogen", "definition": "( physics , chemistry ) being or containing an isotope with greater than average atomic mass or weight", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"heavy hydrogen\" What is the definition of \"heavy\"?"} {"term": "heavy", "pos": "", "context": "it is unfair for the local people to bear exclusively the heavy burden of responsibility and cost .", "definition": "mentally oppressive ; hard to endure", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is unfair for the local people to bear exclusively the heavy burden of responsibility and cost .\" What is the definition of \"heavy\"?"} {"term": "closing", "pos": "", "context": "the closing scene of the film", "definition": "final or ending", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the closing scene of the film\" What is the definition of \"closing\"?"} {"term": "contradict", "pos": "", "context": "shortly thereafter , completely contradicting this advice , the ship 's captain indicated that he would enter australian territorial waters and approach christmas island .", "definition": "be in conflict with", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shortly thereafter , completely contradicting this advice , the ship 's captain indicated that he would enter australian territorial waters and approach christmas island .\" What is the definition of \"contradict\"?"} {"term": "contradict", "pos": "", "context": "that appeared to contradict a statement by the police yesterday morning which flatly denied having offered any compensation to the family .", "definition": "deny the truth of ( a statement ) by asserting the opposite", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that appeared to contradict a statement by the police yesterday morning which flatly denied having offered any compensation to the family .\" What is the definition of \"contradict\"?"} {"term": "social", "pos": "", "context": "endemic to the south island , the kea is a highly intelligent , curious , social , and adaptable bird .", "definition": "( of a bird ) gregarious ; breeding or nesting in colonies .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"endemic to the south island , the kea is a highly intelligent , curious , social , and adaptable bird .\" What is the definition of \"social\"?"} {"term": "oppositionist", "pos": "", "context": "soon after bush took office , the flow of money to various iraqi oppositionists began to substantially increase .", "definition": "( typically in a political context ) a person who opposes someone or something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"soon after bush took office , the flow of money to various iraqi oppositionists began to substantially increase .\" What is the definition of \"oppositionist\"?"} {"term": "cerastium", "pos": "", "context": "many species of cerastium look alike and can be hard to differentiate .", "definition": "a plant of a genus that includes chickweed and snow-in-summer .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"many species of cerastium look alike and can be hard to differentiate .\" What is the definition of \"cerastium\"?"} {"term": "leeward", "pos": "", "context": "on the leeward side of the island", "definition": "on the side away from the wind", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on the leeward side of the island\" What is the definition of \"leeward\"?"} {"term": "chook", "pos": "", "context": "russell also kept free range chooks , ducks and geese , most but not all of whom became quite adept at avoiding the local dogs .", "definition": "a chicken or fowl .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"russell also kept free range chooks , ducks and geese , most but not all of whom became quite adept at avoiding the local dogs .\" What is the definition of \"chook\"?"} {"term": "shackle", "pos": "", "context": "so was the shackle which fastened it to the halyard .", "definition": "a metal link , typically u-shaped , closed by a bolt , used to secure a chain or rope to something .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so was the shackle which fastened it to the halyard .\" What is the definition of \"shackle\"?"} {"term": "moment", "pos": "", "context": "the men in this novel are mostly shadowy figures who seem to appear at the right moment to fill out a necessary niche .", "definition": "an appropriate time for doing something ; an opportunity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the men in this novel are mostly shadowy figures who seem to appear at the right moment to fill out a necessary niche .\" What is the definition of \"moment\"?"} {"term": "moment", "pos": "", "context": "she disappeared for a moment and returned with a towel , blanket , and a first aid kit .", "definition": "a very brief period of time", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she disappeared for a moment and returned with a towel , blanket , and a first aid kit .\" What is the definition of \"moment\"?"} {"term": "mourner", "pos": "", "context": "in palestine , professional mourners were sometimes hired .", "definition": "a person hired to attend a funeral .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in palestine , professional mourners were sometimes hired .\" What is the definition of \"mourner\"?"} {"term": "mourner", "pos": "", "context": "the pale-bellied mourner ( rhytipterna immunda ) of northern south america is rare in museum collections , virtually unknown in life , and of uncertain generic and familial affinities .", "definition": "any of a number of drab-coloured south american tyrant flycatchers and related birds .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the pale-bellied mourner ( rhytipterna immunda ) of northern south america is rare in museum collections , virtually unknown in life , and of uncertain generic and familial affinities .\" What is the definition of \"mourner\"?"} {"term": "elastic", "pos": "", "context": "as the temperature decreases the elastic energy increases and eventually causes a shear in a part of the matrix , which stabilises the rest .", "definition": "( of a collision ) involving no decrease of kinetic energy .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as the temperature decreases the elastic energy increases and eventually causes a shear in a part of the matrix , which stabilises the rest .\" What is the definition of \"elastic\"?"} {"term": "elastic", "pos": "", "context": "after doing some research , i discovered the answer : the dryer was destroying the rubber elastic in the socks and underwear .", "definition": "cord , tape , or fabric , woven with strips of rubber , which returns to its original length or shape after being stretched", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after doing some research , i discovered the answer : the dryer was destroying the rubber elastic in the socks and underwear .\" What is the definition of \"elastic\"?"} {"term": "oxalis", "pos": "", "context": "this was the weedmat that defeated my oxalis and couch grass .", "definition": "a plant of a genus which includes the wood sorrel , typically having three-lobed leaves and white , yellow , or pink flowers .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this was the weedmat that defeated my oxalis and couch grass .\" What is the definition of \"oxalis\"?"} {"term": "mauve", "pos": "", "context": "cells were first stained with aniline dyes - mauve in fact - in the early 1860s .", "definition": "a pale purple aniline dye prepared by william h. perkin in 1856. it was the first synthetic dyestuff .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cells were first stained with aniline dyes - mauve in fact - in the early 1860s .\" What is the definition of \"mauve\"?"} {"term": "nitroglycerine", "pos": "", "context": "the explosive power of nitroglycerine had been recognised but it was a dangerous , volatile substance which no-one had managed to harness safely .", "definition": "an explosive yellow liquid made by nitrating glycerol , used in explosives such as dynamite .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the explosive power of nitroglycerine had been recognised but it was a dangerous , volatile substance which no-one had managed to harness safely .\" What is the definition of \"nitroglycerine\"?"} {"term": "gossamer", "pos": "", "context": "in the uk , gossamer is the creation of a million baby spiders that spin threads vertically from the top of bushes which will carry them off into the wind , enabling them to travel for miles .", "definition": "a fine , filmy substance consisting of cobwebs spun by small spiders , seen especially in autumn .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the uk , gossamer is the creation of a million baby spiders that spin threads vertically from the top of bushes which will carry them off into the wind , enabling them to travel for miles .\" What is the definition of \"gossamer\"?"} {"term": "indigent", "pos": "", "context": "one of our many concerns and challenges is identifying indigents .", "definition": "a needy person .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one of our many concerns and challenges is identifying indigents .\" What is the definition of \"indigent\"?"} {"term": "sumac", "pos": "", "context": "commonly encountered shrubs barberry and oregon graperoot ( both berberis species ) , sumacs , rose , blackberry , raspberry , myrtle , alders and elders .", "definition": "a shrub or small tree with compound leaves , reddish hairy fruits in conical clusters , and bright autumn colours .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"commonly encountered shrubs barberry and oregon graperoot ( both berberis species ) , sumacs , rose , blackberry , raspberry , myrtle , alders and elders .\" What is the definition of \"sumac\"?"} {"term": "unhappiness", "pos": "", "context": "her approach forced me to think about my contribution to the unhappiness in our home .", "definition": "the feeling of not being happy ; sadness", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her approach forced me to think about my contribution to the unhappiness in our home .\" What is the definition of \"unhappiness\"?"} {"term": "micro", "pos": "", "context": "jodrell bank , the radio astronomy observatory in the uk , uses a bbc micro from the early 1980s to steer one of their smaller dishes which tracks a pulsar in the crab nebula .", "definition": "a microcomputer .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"jodrell bank , the radio astronomy observatory in the uk , uses a bbc micro from the early 1980s to steer one of their smaller dishes which tracks a pulsar in the crab nebula .\" What is the definition of \"micro\"?"} {"term": "mop", "pos": "", "context": "the women at baby group were talking about how they mopped their kitchen floors daily .", "definition": "clean or soak up liquid from ( something ) by wiping", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the women at baby group were talking about how they mopped their kitchen floors daily .\" What is the definition of \"mop\"?"} {"term": "mop", "pos": "", "context": "he was young and tanned with a floppy mop of hair under his helmet .", "definition": "a thick mass of disordered hair", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was young and tanned with a floppy mop of hair under his helmet .\" What is the definition of \"mop\"?"} {"term": "late", "pos": "", "context": "bridget was a hard worker as was her late husband james and together they reared a family of four in very difficult times .", "definition": "( of a specified person ) no longer alive", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bridget was a hard worker as was her late husband james and together they reared a family of four in very difficult times .\" What is the definition of \"late\"?"} {"term": "specialize", "pos": "", "context": "specialize one 's research", "definition": "suit to a special purpose", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"specialize one 's research\" What is the definition of \"specialize\"?"} {"term": "central", "pos": "", "context": "a central position", "definition": "in or near a center or constituting a center ; the inner area", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a central position\" What is the definition of \"central\"?"} {"term": "dormitory", "pos": "", "context": "the campers are staying in the university dormitory , and have most of their meals on campus .", "definition": "a university or college hall of residence or hostel .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the campers are staying in the university dormitory , and have most of their meals on campus .\" What is the definition of \"dormitory\"?"} {"term": "diffractometer", "pos": "", "context": "these could include microscopes ; magnetic resonance , infrared , and mass spectrometers ; x-ray diffractometers ; chromatographs ; enzymatic assays ; even dna sequencers .", "definition": "an instrument for measuring diffraction , chiefly used to determine the structure of a crystal by analysis of the diffraction of x-rays .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these could include microscopes ; magnetic resonance , infrared , and mass spectrometers ; x-ray diffractometers ; chromatographs ; enzymatic assays ; even dna sequencers .\" What is the definition of \"diffractometer\"?"} {"term": "white", "pos": "", "context": "i always ate white rice until i read that you can sustain yourself on brown rice alone .", "definition": "( of food such as bread or rice ) light in colour as a result of a refining process .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i always ate white rice until i read that you can sustain yourself on brown rice alone .\" What is the definition of \"white\"?"} {"term": "white", "pos": "", "context": "crispy fried noodle threads and minced peppers add crunch ; sieved egg yolks and whites add softness .", "definition": "the outer part ( white when cooked ) which surrounds the yolk of an egg ; the albumen .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"crispy fried noodle threads and minced peppers add crunch ; sieved egg yolks and whites add softness .\" What is the definition of \"white\"?"} {"term": "white", "pos": "", "context": "in shining white armor", "definition": "free from moral blemish or impurity ; unsullied", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in shining white armor\" What is the definition of \"white\"?"} {"term": "white", "pos": "", "context": "in the middle there lay a small table , with a cloudy white glass sphere in the middle .", "definition": "( of glass ) transparent ; colourless .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the middle there lay a small table , with a cloudy white glass sphere in the middle .\" What is the definition of \"white\"?"} {"term": "bunch", "pos": "", "context": "his muscles bunched as his fur stood on end , and i could see that he was readying him self to leap .", "definition": "( of muscles ) flex or bulge .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his muscles bunched as his fur stood on end , and i could see that he was readying him self to leap .\" What is the definition of \"bunch\"?"} {"term": "washboard", "pos": "", "context": "a linear compression rate through the first half of the suspension travel and then a slightly rising rate for the last half results in a long , smooth ride that sucks up everything from washboard to 50-foot road gaps .", "definition": "a ridged , uneven road surface", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a linear compression rate through the first half of the suspension travel and then a slightly rising rate for the last half results in a long , smooth ride that sucks up everything from washboard to 50-foot road gaps .\" What is the definition of \"washboard\"?"} {"term": "shunt", "pos": "", "context": "an arteriovenus shunt", "definition": "a passage by which a bodily fluid ( especially blood ) is diverted from one channel to another", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an arteriovenus shunt\" What is the definition of \"shunt\"?"} {"term": "memsahib", "pos": "", "context": "perhaps the jewel in the crown , so to speak , of the central business district or ‘ the fort ’ is the old colonial army and navy store , built in 1889 , when victorian memsahibs with parasols went shopping with their servants .", "definition": "a married white or upper-class woman ( often used as a respectful form of address by non-whites )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"perhaps the jewel in the crown , so to speak , of the central business district or ‘ the fort ’ is the old colonial army and navy store , built in 1889 , when victorian memsahibs with parasols went shopping with their servants .\" What is the definition of \"memsahib\"?"} {"term": "visualization", "pos": "", "context": "using archicad as a design and visualization tool , entrants were challenged to create virtual representations of these imaginary places .", "definition": "the representation of an object , situation , or set of information as a chart or other image", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"using archicad as a design and visualization tool , entrants were challenged to create virtual representations of these imaginary places .\" What is the definition of \"visualization\"?"} {"term": "tier", "pos": "", "context": "the sail is fastened to the yard with tiers", "definition": "something that is used for tying", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sail is fastened to the yard with tiers\" What is the definition of \"tier\"?"} {"term": "misspell", "pos": "", "context": "after all , nearly every other word had been misspelled in the previous 41 pages she 'd written that night and dealing with another 20 pages of constant spell checking would 've been way too much of a hassle .", "definition": "spell ( a word ) wrongly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after all , nearly every other word had been misspelled in the previous 41 pages she 'd written that night and dealing with another 20 pages of constant spell checking would 've been way too much of a hassle .\" What is the definition of \"misspell\"?"} {"term": "steeple", "pos": "", "context": "atop one of the lower hills , a lone building shaded by a grove of oaks stood watching over the rest ; a white steeple protruding skyward from the shingled roof as if reaching for the heavens themselves .", "definition": "a church tower and spire .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"atop one of the lower hills , a lone building shaded by a grove of oaks stood watching over the rest ; a white steeple protruding skyward from the shingled roof as if reaching for the heavens themselves .\" What is the definition of \"steeple\"?"} {"term": "manoeuvre", "pos": "", "context": "reverse parking into small spaces is also a must as it would not do to keep the purchasers waiting as simple manoeuvres turn into a protracted disaster .", "definition": "a movement or series of moves requiring skill and care", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"reverse parking into small spaces is also a must as it would not do to keep the purchasers waiting as simple manoeuvres turn into a protracted disaster .\" What is the definition of \"manoeuvre\"?"} {"term": "vasectomy", "pos": "", "context": "after a vasectomy , there will be numbness caused by the local anaesthetic .", "definition": "the surgical cutting and sealing of part of each vas deferens , typically as a means of sterilization", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after a vasectomy , there will be numbness caused by the local anaesthetic .\" What is the definition of \"vasectomy\"?"} {"term": "launch", "pos": "", "context": "launch a career", "definition": "get going ; give impetus to", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"launch a career\" What is the definition of \"launch\"?"} {"term": "launch", "pos": "", "context": "we could have sworn that the downloading of music took off with the launch of napster .", "definition": "an act or instance of launching something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we could have sworn that the downloading of music took off with the launch of napster .\" What is the definition of \"launch\"?"} {"term": "flanker", "pos": "", "context": "the 23rd light dragoons , raised in 1781 , armed its flankers with small , short blunderbusses with elliptical muzzles referred to as musketoons .", "definition": "a fortification guarding or menacing the side of a force or position .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the 23rd light dragoons , raised in 1781 , armed its flankers with small , short blunderbusses with elliptical muzzles referred to as musketoons .\" What is the definition of \"flanker\"?"} {"term": "final", "pos": "", "context": "i had six finals in a three day period , then a few days to breathe before my last final of the semester .", "definition": "an examination at the end of a term , school year , or particular class .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i had six finals in a three day period , then a few days to breathe before my last final of the semester .\" What is the definition of \"final\"?"} {"term": "defy", "pos": "", "context": "i defy anyone to find the actual hokey-pokey in that sequence .", "definition": "appear to be challenging ( someone ) to do or prove something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i defy anyone to find the actual hokey-pokey in that sequence .\" What is the definition of \"defy\"?"} {"term": "letting", "pos": "", "context": "jon lord , bolton council 's head of community housing services , says this means local lettings are not affected .", "definition": "a property that is let or available to be let", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"jon lord , bolton council 's head of community housing services , says this means local lettings are not affected .\" What is the definition of \"letting\"?"} {"term": "ruminant", "pos": "", "context": "the feeding of ruminant meat and bone meal to other ruminants had been a common practice in many countries until british experts determined that as the cause of bse infection in cattle .", "definition": "an even-toed ungulate mammal that chews the cud regurgitated from its rumen . the ruminants comprise the cattle , sheep , antelopes , deer , giraffes , and their relatives .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the feeding of ruminant meat and bone meal to other ruminants had been a common practice in many countries until british experts determined that as the cause of bse infection in cattle .\" What is the definition of \"ruminant\"?"} {"term": "overrun", "pos": "", "context": "the believer can also fail by overrunning the boundary of personal love .", "definition": "move or extend over or beyond", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the believer can also fail by overrunning the boundary of personal love .\" What is the definition of \"overrun\"?"} {"term": "waterweed", "pos": "", "context": "one had tresses of green waterweed hanging in her eyes .", "definition": "any aquatic plant with inconspicuous flowers", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one had tresses of green waterweed hanging in her eyes .\" What is the definition of \"waterweed\"?"} {"term": "grey", "pos": "", "context": "a man wearing a smart but casual suit of light grey sat behind one of the largest desks that jasmine had ever seen .", "definition": "grey clothes or material", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a man wearing a smart but casual suit of light grey sat behind one of the largest desks that jasmine had ever seen .\" What is the definition of \"grey\"?"} {"term": "grey", "pos": "", "context": "her hair began to grey", "definition": "turn grey", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her hair began to grey\" What is the definition of \"grey\"?"} {"term": "grey", "pos": "", "context": "among the greys is a darker-coloured shark with brilliant white trailing edges to its fins - the first silvertip i have seen .", "definition": "a grey thing or animal , in particular a grey or white horse .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"among the greys is a darker-coloured shark with brilliant white trailing edges to its fins - the first silvertip i have seen .\" What is the definition of \"grey\"?"} {"term": "splice", "pos": "", "context": "coils of lights are available in lengths of up to about 150 feet , along with all of the splice and power cord fittings , to allow you to make up just about whatever length and shape you 're looking for .", "definition": "a join consisting of two ropes , pieces of tape or timber , etc . joined together at the ends", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"coils of lights are available in lengths of up to about 150 feet , along with all of the splice and power cord fittings , to allow you to make up just about whatever length and shape you 're looking for .\" What is the definition of \"splice\"?"} {"term": "bellyband", "pos": "", "context": "as soon as he had finished eating , he told me to go out and get the bellyband off the harness .", "definition": "a band placed around the belly , especially one used to harness a horse to the shafts of a cart .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as soon as he had finished eating , he told me to go out and get the bellyband off the harness .\" What is the definition of \"bellyband\"?"} {"term": "phenobarbitone", "pos": "", "context": "seven children were receiving anticonvulsants when first seen ; all were being given phenobarbitone and two children were receiving one and one child two additional drugs .", "definition": "a narcotic and sedative barbiturate drug used chiefly to treat epilepsy .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"seven children were receiving anticonvulsants when first seen ; all were being given phenobarbitone and two children were receiving one and one child two additional drugs .\" What is the definition of \"phenobarbitone\"?"} {"term": "wristwatch", "pos": "", "context": "for example , an organized group counterfeiting high-end wristwatches often has the knockoff faces manufactured in one country , the bands in another and the moving parts in a third .", "definition": "a watch worn on a strap round the wrist .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for example , an organized group counterfeiting high-end wristwatches often has the knockoff faces manufactured in one country , the bands in another and the moving parts in a third .\" What is the definition of \"wristwatch\"?"} {"term": "piebald", "pos": "", "context": "the seventh time i was riding a bucking piebald .", "definition": "a piebald horse .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the seventh time i was riding a bucking piebald .\" What is the definition of \"piebald\"?"} {"term": "bergenia", "pos": "", "context": "splashes of yellow and pink are supplied by clumps of daffodils and bergenia .", "definition": "an evergreen asian plant with large , thick leaves and typically pink , red , or purple flowers .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"splashes of yellow and pink are supplied by clumps of daffodils and bergenia .\" What is the definition of \"bergenia\"?"} {"term": "option", "pos": "", "context": "a single slab is also a practical option because it 's easier to clean than a surface broken up by porous grout lines .", "definition": "a thing that is or may be chosen", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a single slab is also a practical option because it 's easier to clean than a surface broken up by porous grout lines .\" What is the definition of \"option\"?"} {"term": "nubian", "pos": "", "context": "these include the jamala and the nubians in the north ; the beja in the red sea hills ; and several nilotic peoples in the south , including the azande , dinka , nuer , and shilluk .", "definition": "a native or inhabitant of nubia .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these include the jamala and the nubians in the north ; the beja in the red sea hills ; and several nilotic peoples in the south , including the azande , dinka , nuer , and shilluk .\" What is the definition of \"nubian\"?"} {"term": "portable", "pos": "", "context": "the same factors that made hardware-centric database machines obsolete in favor of portable database software are now at play in the storage market .", "definition": "( of software ) able to be transferred from one machine or system to another", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the same factors that made hardware-centric database machines obsolete in favor of portable database software are now at play in the storage market .\" What is the definition of \"portable\"?"} {"term": "portable", "pos": "", "context": "a portable outboard motor", "definition": "of a motor designed to be attached to the outside of a boat 's hull", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a portable outboard motor\" What is the definition of \"portable\"?"} {"term": "bilge", "pos": "", "context": "even better news is that certain synthetic materials in the polypropylene family can pick up the oil and leave the water behind , enabling you to discharge clean bilge water .", "definition": "dirty water that collects inside the bilges .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"even better news is that certain synthetic materials in the polypropylene family can pick up the oil and leave the water behind , enabling you to discharge clean bilge water .\" What is the definition of \"bilge\"?"} {"term": "lexis", "pos": "", "context": "according to mr. schaik , the influence of the dutch was there in the indian and sri lankan languages which had absorbed a few dutch words in their lexis .", "definition": "the total stock of words in a language .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"according to mr. schaik , the influence of the dutch was there in the indian and sri lankan languages which had absorbed a few dutch words in their lexis .\" What is the definition of \"lexis\"?"} {"term": "excelsior", "pos": "", "context": "for instance , my dream is to wrap myself as a birthday present , pack myself in excelsior and ship myself to greenland - collect !", "definition": "softwood shavings used for packing fragile goods or stuffing furniture .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for instance , my dream is to wrap myself as a birthday present , pack myself in excelsior and ship myself to greenland - collect !\" What is the definition of \"excelsior\"?"} {"term": "decide", "pos": "", "context": "thus , the two senior commanders on the spot decided on a land campaign to capture the gallipoli peninsula .", "definition": "make a choice from a number of alternatives", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"thus , the two senior commanders on the spot decided on a land campaign to capture the gallipoli peninsula .\" What is the definition of \"decide\"?"} {"term": "rich", "pos": "", "context": "poor people want money and rich people want more money .", "definition": "having a great deal of money or assets ; wealthy", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"poor people want money and rich people want more money .\" What is the definition of \"rich\"?"} {"term": "rich", "pos": "", "context": "a rich vein of copper ' , `` a rich gas mixture", "definition": "high in mineral content ; having a high proportion of fuel to air", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a rich vein of copper ' , `` a rich gas mixture\" What is the definition of \"rich\"?"} {"term": "rich", "pos": "", "context": "rich desserts", "definition": "containing plenty of fat , or eggs , or sugar", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rich desserts\" What is the definition of \"rich\"?"} {"term": "rich", "pos": "", "context": "this was followed closely by new demand for air transport to serve exploration teams seeking to exploit the country 's rich deposits of iron ore .", "definition": "( of a mine or mineral deposit ) yielding a large quantity of precious metal", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this was followed closely by new demand for air transport to serve exploration teams seeking to exploit the country 's rich deposits of iron ore .\" What is the definition of \"rich\"?"} {"term": "rich", "pos": "", "context": "only the very rich benefit from this legislation", "definition": "people who have possessions and wealth ( considered as a group )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"only the very rich benefit from this legislation\" What is the definition of \"rich\"?"} {"term": "rich", "pos": "", "context": "bolivia is a country rich in resources , yet its majority indian population is mired in unemployment and abject poverty .", "definition": "having ( a particular thing ) in large amounts", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bolivia is a country rich in resources , yet its majority indian population is mired in unemployment and abject poverty .\" What is the definition of \"rich\"?"} {"term": "rich", "pos": "", "context": "welsh and isherwood convey their joy in the rich variety of wildlife they encounter during their travels , and the book is attractively illustrated .", "definition": "existing in plentiful quantities ; abundant", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"welsh and isherwood convey their joy in the rich variety of wildlife they encounter during their travels , and the book is attractively illustrated .\" What is the definition of \"rich\"?"} {"term": "rich", "pos": "", "context": "her father is extremely rich", "definition": "possessing material wealth", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her father is extremely rich\" What is the definition of \"rich\"?"} {"term": "dominie", "pos": "", "context": "when she learns that he has been secretly having an affair with the tutor she joins her in attempting to oust the hapless dominie .", "definition": "a schoolmaster .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when she learns that he has been secretly having an affair with the tutor she joins her in attempting to oust the hapless dominie .\" What is the definition of \"dominie\"?"} {"term": "smock", "pos": "", "context": "frozen solid in her smocked white dress , dorothy realised she was n't in kansas anymore .", "definition": "decorate ( a garment ) with smocking", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"frozen solid in her smocked white dress , dorothy realised she was n't in kansas anymore .\" What is the definition of \"smock\"?"} {"term": "scrub", "pos": "", "context": "the one thing that people always unkindly say about her is , she 's no supermodel , but she does scrub up well .", "definition": "( of a person ) have a smart and well-groomed appearance after making a deliberate effort", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the one thing that people always unkindly say about her is , she 's no supermodel , but she does scrub up well .\" What is the definition of \"scrub\"?"} {"term": "scrub", "pos": "", "context": "if a child shows an aptitude and a burning desire to play the violin , the plan for her to train for world cup soccer may have to be scrubbed ,", "definition": "cancel or abandon ( something )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if a child shows an aptitude and a burning desire to play the violin , the plan for her to train for world cup soccer may have to be scrubbed ,\" What is the definition of \"scrub\"?"} {"term": "scrub", "pos": "", "context": "before the stock law was enacted nearly every farmer had a herd of scrub sheep running ‘ outside ’ on mountains and hills .", "definition": "denoting an animal of inferior breed or physique", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"before the stock law was enacted nearly every farmer had a herd of scrub sheep running ‘ outside ’ on mountains and hills .\" What is the definition of \"scrub\"?"} {"term": "scrub", "pos": "", "context": "she scrubbed his back", "definition": "clean with hard rubbing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she scrubbed his back\" What is the definition of \"scrub\"?"} {"term": "mycelium", "pos": "", "context": "once excreted , the fungal mycelium [ the mass of hyphae emanating from the fungus ] grows into tiny spheres , about the size of a small pinhead .", "definition": "the vegetative part of a fungus , consisting of a network of fine white filaments ( hyphae ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"once excreted , the fungal mycelium [ the mass of hyphae emanating from the fungus ] grows into tiny spheres , about the size of a small pinhead .\" What is the definition of \"mycelium\"?"} {"term": "quirt", "pos": "", "context": "their stocky indian driver , pigtailed and black-hatted , followed them astride a mule and quirted their hindquarters with a length of rope which he swung like a lariat .", "definition": "hit with a quirt", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their stocky indian driver , pigtailed and black-hatted , followed them astride a mule and quirted their hindquarters with a length of rope which he swung like a lariat .\" What is the definition of \"quirt\"?"} {"term": "cope", "pos": "", "context": "and could the australian economy cope with a mass exodus from credit ?", "definition": "( of a machine or system ) have the capacity to deal successfully with", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and could the australian economy cope with a mass exodus from credit ?\" What is the definition of \"cope\"?"} {"term": "bolster", "pos": "", "context": "the seats are well bolstered and leather trim is also available .", "definition": "provide ( a seat ) with padded support", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the seats are well bolstered and leather trim is also available .\" What is the definition of \"bolster\"?"} {"term": "footing", "pos": "", "context": "they were on a friendly footing", "definition": "a relation that provides the foundation for something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they were on a friendly footing\" What is the definition of \"footing\"?"} {"term": "merge", "pos": "", "context": "we merged our resources", "definition": "join or combine", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we merged our resources\" What is the definition of \"merge\"?"} {"term": "manifestation", "pos": "", "context": "the holy land of bharat is the birthplace of many incarnations and manifestations of divine power that descended on earth in human garb .", "definition": "a version or incarnation of something or someone", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the holy land of bharat is the birthplace of many incarnations and manifestations of divine power that descended on earth in human garb .\" What is the definition of \"manifestation\"?"} {"term": "manifestation", "pos": "", "context": "a manifestation of great emotion", "definition": "a clear appearance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a manifestation of great emotion\" What is the definition of \"manifestation\"?"} {"term": "picot", "pos": "", "context": "pin elastic to upper edge of bra right side with plush side facing up and picot edge pointing inward .", "definition": "a small loop or series of small loops of twisted thread in lace or embroidery , typically decorating the border of a fabric", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pin elastic to upper edge of bra right side with plush side facing up and picot edge pointing inward .\" What is the definition of \"picot\"?"} {"term": "subscription", "pos": "", "context": "the deed was attested by the subscription of his signature", "definition": "the act of signing your name ; writing your signature ( as on a document )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the deed was attested by the subscription of his signature\" What is the definition of \"subscription\"?"} {"term": "subscription", "pos": "", "context": "both movements were funded by voluntary subscription , although small grants-in-aid were made to voluntary schools after 1833 .", "definition": "the contribution of money to a fund , project , or cause", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"both movements were funded by voluntary subscription , although small grants-in-aid were made to voluntary schools after 1833 .\" What is the definition of \"subscription\"?"} {"term": "argus", "pos": "", "context": "not only has the brown argus moved into those habitats , it 's been using them as stepping-stones to populations of h. chamaecistus that used to be too far apart .", "definition": "a small brown or bluish eurasian butterfly which has eye-like markings near the wing margins .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"not only has the brown argus moved into those habitats , it 's been using them as stepping-stones to populations of h. chamaecistus that used to be too far apart .\" What is the definition of \"argus\"?"} {"term": "coincide", "pos": "", "context": "the equations coincided with the experimentally revealed correlations in the present study , and also with observations from other studies .", "definition": "correspond in nature ; tally", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the equations coincided with the experimentally revealed correlations in the present study , and also with observations from other studies .\" What is the definition of \"coincide\"?"} {"term": "desolation", "pos": "", "context": "it is a scene of utter desolation caused by the great famine of 1770 .", "definition": "a state of complete emptiness or destruction", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is a scene of utter desolation caused by the great famine of 1770 .\" What is the definition of \"desolation\"?"} {"term": "cowpuncher", "pos": "", "context": "it embodies all my ideas of what such a gun should be for the cowpuncher , hunter , or old hillbilly .", "definition": "a cowboy .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it embodies all my ideas of what such a gun should be for the cowpuncher , hunter , or old hillbilly .\" What is the definition of \"cowpuncher\"?"} {"term": "sniper", "pos": "", "context": "when all was ready , the long-range snipers , including me and my men , began firing .", "definition": "a person who shoots from a hiding place , especially accurately and at long range", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when all was ready , the long-range snipers , including me and my men , began firing .\" What is the definition of \"sniper\"?"} {"term": "schnitzel", "pos": "", "context": "but even if the best schnitzels in the world were not to be found here , vienna would still be one of my favourite cities .", "definition": "a thin slice of veal or other light meat , coated in breadcrumbs and fried", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but even if the best schnitzels in the world were not to be found here , vienna would still be one of my favourite cities .\" What is the definition of \"schnitzel\"?"} {"term": "bone", "pos": "", "context": "remove bones from tray and place in a large - 10 litre - stock pot .", "definition": "a bone of an animal with meat on it fed to a dog", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"remove bones from tray and place in a large - 10 litre - stock pot .\" What is the definition of \"bone\"?"} {"term": "stipulate", "pos": "", "context": "they stipulated to release all the prisoners", "definition": "give a guarantee or promise of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they stipulated to release all the prisoners\" What is the definition of \"stipulate\"?"} {"term": "beginner", "pos": "", "context": "training on the course begins with the basics and complete beginners are catered for .", "definition": "a person just starting to learn a skill or take part in an activity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"training on the course begins with the basics and complete beginners are catered for .\" What is the definition of \"beginner\"?"} {"term": "acquire", "pos": "", "context": "children acquire language at an amazing rate", "definition": "gain knowledge or skills", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"children acquire language at an amazing rate\" What is the definition of \"acquire\"?"} {"term": "balsam", "pos": "", "context": "the indian balsam plant is an example of the incredible relationship between the pollinator and the plant .", "definition": "a herbaceous plant cultivated for its helmeted pink or purple flowers .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the indian balsam plant is an example of the incredible relationship between the pollinator and the plant .\" What is the definition of \"balsam\"?"} {"term": "rebuff", "pos": "", "context": "it might have helped if the person who fielded all our claims had been slightly less triumphant in the tone of her standard rebuff .", "definition": "an abrupt or ungracious rejection of an offer , request , or friendly gesture", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it might have helped if the person who fielded all our claims had been slightly less triumphant in the tone of her standard rebuff .\" What is the definition of \"rebuff\"?"} {"term": "tough", "pos": "", "context": "the tough bottoms of his feet", "definition": "physically toughened", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the tough bottoms of his feet\" What is the definition of \"tough\"?"} {"term": "daily", "pos": "", "context": "the poor lawyers want a little rise in their daily fee .", "definition": "relating to the period of a single day", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the poor lawyers want a little rise in their daily fee .\" What is the definition of \"daily\"?"} {"term": "essayist", "pos": "", "context": "he was quick to point out that though he was a great essayist , azorín was a poor novelist .", "definition": "a person who writes essays , especially as a literary genre .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was quick to point out that though he was a great essayist , azorín was a poor novelist .\" What is the definition of \"essayist\"?"} {"term": "diner", "pos": "", "context": "at fado restaurants , diners are periodically regaled by heart-rending renditions of these woe-stricken ballads , thus allowing a pause for digestion .", "definition": "a person who is eating , typically a customer in a restaurant .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at fado restaurants , diners are periodically regaled by heart-rending renditions of these woe-stricken ballads , thus allowing a pause for digestion .\" What is the definition of \"diner\"?"} {"term": "trypsin", "pos": "", "context": "when the two loops in trypsin were changed into chymotrypsin loops , the hybrid protein shows chymotrypsin-like cooperatvity .", "definition": "a digestive enzyme which breaks down proteins in the small intestine , secreted by the pancreas as trypsinogen .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when the two loops in trypsin were changed into chymotrypsin loops , the hybrid protein shows chymotrypsin-like cooperatvity .\" What is the definition of \"trypsin\"?"} {"term": "plant", "pos": "", "context": "thinking this might make a good sifter , she took one to the garden with her when she planted seeds .", "definition": "put ( a seed , bulb , or plant ) in the ground so that it can grow", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"thinking this might make a good sifter , she took one to the garden with her when she planted seeds .\" What is the definition of \"plant\"?"} {"term": "plant", "pos": "", "context": "plant fish", "definition": "place into a river", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"plant fish\" What is the definition of \"plant\"?"} {"term": "seta", "pos": "", "context": "inside their gill chambers are mats and hair-like setae covered in bacteria .", "definition": "a stiff hair-like or bristle-like structure , especially in an invertebrate .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"inside their gill chambers are mats and hair-like setae covered in bacteria .\" What is the definition of \"seta\"?"} {"term": "squeeze", "pos": "", "context": "i 'll see if i can squeeze you in on next year 's list .", "definition": "manage to find time for someone or something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i 'll see if i can squeeze you in on next year 's list .\" What is the definition of \"squeeze\"?"} {"term": "province", "pos": "", "context": "it was his province to take care of himself", "definition": "the proper sphere or extent of your activities", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was his province to take care of himself\" What is the definition of \"province\"?"} {"term": "wreak", "pos": "", "context": "in the back of his mind , he believes he may corner laeddis and wreak his vengeance on the man who caused the death of the most important person in his life .", "definition": "inflict ( vengeance )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the back of his mind , he believes he may corner laeddis and wreak his vengeance on the man who caused the death of the most important person in his life .\" What is the definition of \"wreak\"?"} {"term": "sartorius", "pos": "", "context": "of the anterior group of muscles , those seen at this level include the sartorius and quadriceps femoris .", "definition": "a long , narrow muscle running obliquely across the front of each thigh from the hip bone to the inside of the leg below the knee .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"of the anterior group of muscles , those seen at this level include the sartorius and quadriceps femoris .\" What is the definition of \"sartorius\"?"} {"term": "tenement", "pos": "", "context": "their lands and tenements should be seized into the king 's hands .", "definition": "a piece of land held by an owner .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their lands and tenements should be seized into the king 's hands .\" What is the definition of \"tenement\"?"} {"term": "hatband", "pos": "", "context": "buddy pulled on his cowboy boots , and donned a black felt cowboy hat with an indian pattern hatband .", "definition": "a decorative ribbon encircling a hat , held in position above the brim .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"buddy pulled on his cowboy boots , and donned a black felt cowboy hat with an indian pattern hatband .\" What is the definition of \"hatband\"?"} {"term": "operatic", "pos": "", "context": "her voice no longer can do what it used to do in heavy classical music , at least not in concert halls and operatic stages .", "definition": "relating to or characteristic of opera", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her voice no longer can do what it used to do in heavy classical music , at least not in concert halls and operatic stages .\" What is the definition of \"operatic\"?"} {"term": "minoxidil", "pos": "", "context": "your doctor might also have you apply minoxidil solution , a steroid cream or lotion , or anthralin cream ( brand name : psoriatec ) .", "definition": "a synthetic drug which is used as a vasodilator in the treatment of hypertension , and is also used in lotions to promote hair growth .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"your doctor might also have you apply minoxidil solution , a steroid cream or lotion , or anthralin cream ( brand name : psoriatec ) .\" What is the definition of \"minoxidil\"?"} {"term": "tajik", "pos": "", "context": "although afghanistan is often described as a simple ethnic division , with tajiks and uzbeks in the north and pashtuns in the south and east , this is an oversimplification .", "definition": "a member of a mainly muslim people inhabiting tajikistan and parts of neighbouring countries .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"although afghanistan is often described as a simple ethnic division , with tajiks and uzbeks in the north and pashtuns in the south and east , this is an oversimplification .\" What is the definition of \"tajik\"?"} {"term": "shampoo", "pos": "", "context": "vacuum your carpet regularly , and do not use liquid carpet shampoos to clean them .", "definition": "a liquid preparation for cleaning a carpet , soft furnishings , or a car", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"vacuum your carpet regularly , and do not use liquid carpet shampoos to clean them .\" What is the definition of \"shampoo\"?"} {"term": "mystery", "pos": "", "context": "if i 've ever had an air of mystery , it 's by default .", "definition": "secrecy or obscurity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if i 've ever had an air of mystery , it 's by default .\" What is the definition of \"mystery\"?"} {"term": "creosote", "pos": "", "context": "if you are really desperate , take advantage of the hot weather and slap a coat of creosote on the garden fence or shed .", "definition": "a dark brown oil containing various phenols and other organic compounds , distilled from coal tar and used as a wood preservative .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if you are really desperate , take advantage of the hot weather and slap a coat of creosote on the garden fence or shed .\" What is the definition of \"creosote\"?"} {"term": "parochial", "pos": "", "context": "little sympathy with parochial mentality", "definition": "narrowly restricted in outlook or scope", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"little sympathy with parochial mentality\" What is the definition of \"parochial\"?"} {"term": "thief", "pos": "", "context": "swindon police say that he was away from his bike , delivering a letter , when the thief took the bag .", "definition": "a person who steals another person 's property , especially by stealth and without using force or threat of violence", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"swindon police say that he was away from his bike , delivering a letter , when the thief took the bag .\" What is the definition of \"thief\"?"} {"term": "gall", "pos": "", "context": "what the french lack in reason they make up for in sheer gall .", "definition": "bold and impudent behaviour", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"what the french lack in reason they make up for in sheer gall .\" What is the definition of \"gall\"?"} {"term": "event", "pos": "", "context": "he acted very wise after the event", "definition": "a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he acted very wise after the event\" What is the definition of \"event\"?"} {"term": "cremate", "pos": "", "context": "cremate a corpse", "definition": "reduce to ashes", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cremate a corpse\" What is the definition of \"cremate\"?"} {"term": "car", "pos": "", "context": "their armour shone like a flame of blazing fire as they stood in their car : their swift horses struck the earth and pawed it with their hoofs , and the dust rose like smoke about them .", "definition": "a chariot .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their armour shone like a flame of blazing fire as they stood in their car : their swift horses struck the earth and pawed it with their hoofs , and the dust rose like smoke about them .\" What is the definition of \"car\"?"} {"term": "car", "pos": "", "context": "three cars had jumped the rails", "definition": "a wheeled vehicle adapted to the rails of railroad", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"three cars had jumped the rails\" What is the definition of \"car\"?"} {"term": "powder", "pos": "", "context": "blow the excess powder off the brush before you begin , then smile into the mirror .", "definition": "a cosmetic in the form of powder , applied to a person 's face with a brush or soft pad", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"blow the excess powder off the brush before you begin , then smile into the mirror .\" What is the definition of \"powder\"?"} {"term": "saturate", "pos": "", "context": "to be fully active , osteocalcin must be saturated with carboxyl groups , and that 's vitamin k 's job .", "definition": "cause ( a substance ) to combine with , dissolve , or hold the greatest possible quantity of another substance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to be fully active , osteocalcin must be saturated with carboxyl groups , and that 's vitamin k 's job .\" What is the definition of \"saturate\"?"} {"term": "excretion", "pos": "", "context": "in most cases of gout decreased urinary excretion of urate is the most common metabolic abnormality .", "definition": "( in living organisms and cells ) the process of eliminating or expelling waste matter .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in most cases of gout decreased urinary excretion of urate is the most common metabolic abnormality .\" What is the definition of \"excretion\"?"} {"term": "wafer", "pos": "", "context": "meantime , ebay has moved to stop the auction of a eucharist wafer said to have been blessed by pope john paul ii .", "definition": "a thin disc of unleavened bread used in the eucharist .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"meantime , ebay has moved to stop the auction of a eucharist wafer said to have been blessed by pope john paul ii .\" What is the definition of \"wafer\"?"} {"term": "wafer", "pos": "", "context": "this wafer functions as an artificial retina ; light hitting the wafer causes it to generate electrical stimuli that are applied to the optic nerve and restore some degree of vision .", "definition": "a thin piece of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this wafer functions as an artificial retina ; light hitting the wafer causes it to generate electrical stimuli that are applied to the optic nerve and restore some degree of vision .\" What is the definition of \"wafer\"?"} {"term": "modernism", "pos": "", "context": "in objectifying his memories , jim abandons what we might call his realism for a mode of representation more characteristic of modernism .", "definition": "modern character or quality of thought , expression , or technique", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in objectifying his memories , jim abandons what we might call his realism for a mode of representation more characteristic of modernism .\" What is the definition of \"modernism\"?"} {"term": "conserve", "pos": "", "context": "generally , energy can neither be created nor destroyed , so the sum of mass and energy is always conserved .", "definition": "maintain ( a quantity such as energy ) at a constant overall total", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"generally , energy can neither be created nor destroyed , so the sum of mass and energy is always conserved .\" What is the definition of \"conserve\"?"} {"term": "conserve", "pos": "", "context": "mom always conserved the strawberries we grew in the backyard", "definition": "preserve with sugar", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mom always conserved the strawberries we grew in the backyard\" What is the definition of \"conserve\"?"} {"term": "nurser", "pos": "", "context": "a great nurser of pennies", "definition": "a person who treats something carefully", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a great nurser of pennies\" What is the definition of \"nurser\"?"} {"term": "well-wisher", "pos": "", "context": "the happy couple received the traditional pouring of holy water by family , friends and many well-wishers .", "definition": "a person who desires happiness or success for another , or who expresses such a desire", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the happy couple received the traditional pouring of holy water by family , friends and many well-wishers .\" What is the definition of \"well-wisher\"?"} {"term": "peppermint", "pos": "", "context": "plant tea-making herbs , such as chamomile , peppermint , spearmint , and lemongrass .", "definition": "the cultivated old world plant which yields peppermint leaves or oil .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"plant tea-making herbs , such as chamomile , peppermint , spearmint , and lemongrass .\" What is the definition of \"peppermint\"?"} {"term": "libel", "pos": "", "context": "that does n't mean that it is ok to slander and libel people .", "definition": "defame ( someone ) by publishing a libel", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that does n't mean that it is ok to slander and libel people .\" What is the definition of \"libel\"?"} {"term": "libel", "pos": "", "context": "one can not say what one likes about people or institutions because one can not libel anyone .", "definition": "make a false and typically malicious statement about .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one can not say what one likes about people or institutions because one can not libel anyone .\" What is the definition of \"libel\"?"} {"term": "nurse", "pos": "", "context": "here a grey nurse shark gets among the baitfish .", "definition": "a greyish australian shark of shallow inshore waters .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"here a grey nurse shark gets among the baitfish .\" What is the definition of \"nurse\"?"} {"term": "nurse", "pos": "", "context": "a young mother nursed her infant in a plastic chair not far from animal cages .", "definition": "feed ( a baby ) at the breast", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a young mother nursed her infant in a plastic chair not far from animal cages .\" What is the definition of \"nurse\"?"} {"term": "nurse", "pos": "", "context": "tracking back in support of his besieged full-back , arjen robben seemed in control as he nursed the ball towards the end-line and used his superior size to hold off messi .", "definition": "hold closely and carefully or caressingly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tracking back in support of his besieged full-back , arjen robben seemed in control as he nursed the ball towards the end-line and used his superior size to hold off messi .\" What is the definition of \"nurse\"?"} {"term": "powerhead", "pos": "", "context": "bombardier purchased powerheads from suzuki for use on evinrude and johnson engines .", "definition": "a part of an engine or other device that supplies power .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bombardier purchased powerheads from suzuki for use on evinrude and johnson engines .\" What is the definition of \"powerhead\"?"} {"term": "win", "pos": "", "context": "it 's a charmer , a movie that slowly wins you over with its subtle humour and its depiction of the great , stupid little moments that characterize the beginning of a relationship .", "definition": "gain the support or favour of someone by action or persuasion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's a charmer , a movie that slowly wins you over with its subtle humour and its depiction of the great , stupid little moments that characterize the beginning of a relationship .\" What is the definition of \"win\"?"} {"term": "win", "pos": "", "context": "he played in one more test to try to help them get a result and a series win .", "definition": "a successful result in a contest , conflict , bet , or other endeavour ; a victory", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he played in one more test to try to help them get a result and a series win .\" What is the definition of \"win\"?"} {"term": "domesticity", "pos": "", "context": "tolstoy tried to mix domesticity and family life , but he would come downstairs after writing and see his family playing and his eyes would well up .", "definition": "home or family life", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tolstoy tried to mix domesticity and family life , but he would come downstairs after writing and see his family playing and his eyes would well up .\" What is the definition of \"domesticity\"?"} {"term": "blue", "pos": "", "context": "he then joined the fracas , slipping in two or three good blows before the blue was broken up .", "definition": "an argument or fight", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he then joined the fracas , slipping in two or three good blows before the blue was broken up .\" What is the definition of \"blue\"?"} {"term": "blue", "pos": "", "context": "the vehicle involved , which had also been damaged , had been a light green or blue in colour , although the make or model was not known .", "definition": "blue colour or pigment", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the vehicle involved , which had also been damaged , had been a light green or blue in colour , although the make or model was not known .\" What is the definition of \"blue\"?"} {"term": "blue", "pos": "", "context": "he ended up with all sorts of blues when he went to university , different sports .", "definition": "a distinction awarded to a cambridge blue or an oxford blue", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he ended up with all sorts of blues when he went to university , different sports .\" What is the definition of \"blue\"?"} {"term": "seraglio", "pos": "", "context": "a seraglio of harem girls seemed to take unfathomable delight in passing my place of confinement .", "definition": "the women inhabiting a seraglio or harem .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a seraglio of harem girls seemed to take unfathomable delight in passing my place of confinement .\" What is the definition of \"seraglio\"?"} {"term": "tenor", "pos": "", "context": "the tenor in these passages is assertive , quite at odds with the almost diffident tone of the rest of the book .", "definition": "the general meaning , sense , or content of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the tenor in these passages is assertive , quite at odds with the almost diffident tone of the rest of the book .\" What is the definition of \"tenor\"?"} {"term": "tenor", "pos": "", "context": "the second movement , a tenor solo movement , depicts the young lover recollecting his sweet days with the departed .", "definition": "a part written for a tenor voice", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the second movement , a tenor solo movement , depicts the young lover recollecting his sweet days with the departed .\" What is the definition of \"tenor\"?"} {"term": "timekeeper", "pos": "", "context": "say thank you to the officials and that includes the scorekeeper and the timekeeper .", "definition": "a person who measures or records the amount of time taken , especially in a sports competition", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"say thank you to the officials and that includes the scorekeeper and the timekeeper .\" What is the definition of \"timekeeper\"?"} {"term": "listeriosis", "pos": "", "context": "when a pregnant woman is infected with listeriosis , she may have a miscarriage , premature delivery or stillbirth , or her newborn baby may become seriously ill and may die .", "definition": "disease caused by infection with listeria , which can resemble influenza or meningitis and may cause miscarriage .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when a pregnant woman is infected with listeriosis , she may have a miscarriage , premature delivery or stillbirth , or her newborn baby may become seriously ill and may die .\" What is the definition of \"listeriosis\"?"} {"term": "basenji", "pos": "", "context": "as paul studies for his series 7 exam , kimberly massages the gums of a basenji , and a former tech writer whips something other than hyperbolic verbiage into submission , i find myself feeling strangely hopeful .", "definition": "a smallish hunting dog of a central african breed , which growls and yelps but does not bark .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as paul studies for his series 7 exam , kimberly massages the gums of a basenji , and a former tech writer whips something other than hyperbolic verbiage into submission , i find myself feeling strangely hopeful .\" What is the definition of \"basenji\"?"} {"term": "mnemonic", "pos": "", "context": "the second is that the mnemonic power of a life-size naturalistic effigy vivifies the presence of the dead during the second-burial ceremony , enabling mourners to treat the image as if it were alive .", "definition": "relating to the power of memory .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the second is that the mnemonic power of a life-size naturalistic effigy vivifies the presence of the dead during the second-burial ceremony , enabling mourners to treat the image as if it were alive .\" What is the definition of \"mnemonic\"?"} {"term": "reactivity", "pos": "", "context": "because of the instability , an rbmk reactor that loses its coolant can under certain circumstances increase in reactivity and run progressively faster and hotter rather than shut itself down .", "definition": "the extent to which a nuclear reactor deviates from a steady state", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"because of the instability , an rbmk reactor that loses its coolant can under certain circumstances increase in reactivity and run progressively faster and hotter rather than shut itself down .\" What is the definition of \"reactivity\"?"} {"term": "vroom", "pos": "", "context": "vroom , vroom motorsport fans in india are roused to a frenzy every time f1 speed demons whiz around on tv screens .", "definition": "used to convey the idea of speed or acceleration", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"vroom , vroom motorsport fans in india are roused to a frenzy every time f1 speed demons whiz around on tv screens .\" What is the definition of \"vroom\"?"} {"term": "write", "pos": "", "context": "after each new edition , hundreds write in with suggestions and the occasional correction .", "definition": "write to an organization , newspaper , etc . with a question , suggestion , or opinion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after each new edition , hundreds write in with suggestions and the occasional correction .\" What is the definition of \"write\"?"} {"term": "write", "pos": "", "context": "she writes code faster than anybody else", "definition": "create code , write a computer program", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she writes code faster than anybody else\" What is the definition of \"write\"?"} {"term": "quilt", "pos": "", "context": "quilt the skirt", "definition": "stitch or sew together", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"quilt the skirt\" What is the definition of \"quilt\"?"} {"term": "market", "pos": "", "context": "the market always frustrates the small investor", "definition": "the securities markets in the aggregate", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the market always frustrates the small investor\" What is the definition of \"market\"?"} {"term": "market", "pos": "", "context": "the services of a cpa firm will be in good demand no matter which way the market or economy goes .", "definition": "the state of trade at a particular time or in a particular context", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the services of a cpa firm will be in good demand no matter which way the market or economy goes .\" What is the definition of \"market\"?"} {"term": "ridge", "pos": "", "context": "this has turned out to be a problem , because the attic is vented at the roof ridge , and the vent screen becomes clogged with dryer lint .", "definition": "the line or edge formed where the two sloping sides of a roof meet at the top", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this has turned out to be a problem , because the attic is vented at the roof ridge , and the vent screen becomes clogged with dryer lint .\" What is the definition of \"ridge\"?"} {"term": "awarding", "pos": "", "context": "he criticized the awarding of compensation by the court", "definition": "a grant made by a law court", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he criticized the awarding of compensation by the court\" What is the definition of \"awarding\"?"} {"term": "by-product", "pos": "", "context": "in ireland it is produced as a by-product of the drugs industry .", "definition": "an incidental or secondary product made in the manufacture or synthesis of something else", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in ireland it is produced as a by-product of the drugs industry .\" What is the definition of \"by-product\"?"} {"term": "order", "pos": "", "context": "order the photos chronologically", "definition": "place in a certain order", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"order the photos chronologically\" What is the definition of \"order\"?"} {"term": "order", "pos": "", "context": "i left the house in time to prepare the orders and get them delivered .", "definition": "a thing made , supplied , or served as a result of an order", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i left the house in time to prepare the orders and get them delivered .\" What is the definition of \"order\"?"} {"term": "order", "pos": "", "context": "we shall consider these questions in the inverse order of their presentation", "definition": "logical or comprehensible arrangement of separate elements", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we shall consider these questions in the inverse order of their presentation\" What is the definition of \"order\"?"} {"term": "order", "pos": "", "context": "the field was in good order but the damp conditions hampered the accuracy of the passing between sides .", "definition": "the overall state or condition of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the field was in good order but the damp conditions hampered the accuracy of the passing between sides .\" What is the definition of \"order\"?"} {"term": "inductee", "pos": "", "context": "ty cobb and babe ruth were 1936 inductees in the national baseball hall of fame", "definition": "a person inducted into an organization or social group", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ty cobb and babe ruth were 1936 inductees in the national baseball hall of fame\" What is the definition of \"inductee\"?"} {"term": "whiteness", "pos": "", "context": "they engage the racialized politics of modernist representation through abstraction , consciously challenging the presumed whiteness of the tradition .", "definition": "the fact or state of belonging to a human group having light-coloured skin", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they engage the racialized politics of modernist representation through abstraction , consciously challenging the presumed whiteness of the tradition .\" What is the definition of \"whiteness\"?"} {"term": "interference", "pos": "", "context": "obstruction and interference continue to infest the expansion-crazed nhl , but roberts , corson and tucker can muck it up .", "definition": "( in ice hockey and other sports ) the illegal hindering of an opponent not in possession of the puck or ball .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"obstruction and interference continue to infest the expansion-crazed nhl , but roberts , corson and tucker can muck it up .\" What is the definition of \"interference\"?"} {"term": "interference", "pos": "", "context": "the said equipment must not cause interference to others .", "definition": "the fading or disturbance of received radio signals caused by unwanted signals from other sources , such as unshielded electrical equipment , or broadcasts from other channels .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the said equipment must not cause interference to others .\" What is the definition of \"interference\"?"} {"term": "plain", "pos": "", "context": "she plained of love ; she longed for wings .", "definition": "emit a mournful or plaintive sound .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she plained of love ; she longed for wings .\" What is the definition of \"plain\"?"} {"term": "plain", "pos": "", "context": "the plain and unvarnished truth", "definition": "free from any effort to soften to disguise", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the plain and unvarnished truth\" What is the definition of \"plain\"?"} {"term": "plain", "pos": "", "context": "he was speaking plain enough to be very intelligible to emma .", "definition": "clearly or unequivocally", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was speaking plain enough to be very intelligible to emma .\" What is the definition of \"plain\"?"} {"term": "plain", "pos": "", "context": "what essentially is the debate about how to read a text that 's written in plain english ?", "definition": "( of written or spoken usage ) clearly expressed , without the use of technical or abstruse terms", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"what essentially is the debate about how to read a text that 's written in plain english ?\" What is the definition of \"plain\"?"} {"term": "plain", "pos": "", "context": "they emerged from the woods onto a vast open plain", "definition": "extensive tract of level open land", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they emerged from the woods onto a vast open plain\" What is the definition of \"plain\"?"} {"term": "myth", "pos": "", "context": "among the most common myths is the belief that it is contagious or caused by poor hygiene .", "definition": "a widely held but false belief or idea", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"among the most common myths is the belief that it is contagious or caused by poor hygiene .\" What is the definition of \"myth\"?"} {"term": "falsetto", "pos": "", "context": "smith takes more vocal chances on hill , giving us his bright falsetto often and almost without apology - almost .", "definition": "a voice or sound that is unusually high", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"smith takes more vocal chances on hill , giving us his bright falsetto often and almost without apology - almost .\" What is the definition of \"falsetto\"?"} {"term": "study", "pos": "", "context": "and coming up , lawmakers may be squabbling over its merits , but students of business are studying up on outsourcing .", "definition": "learn intensively about something , especially in preparation for a test of knowledge", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and coming up , lawmakers may be squabbling over its merits , but students of business are studying up on outsourcing .\" What is the definition of \"study\"?"} {"term": "study", "pos": "", "context": "it involves academic study as well as a gruelling daily round of training and matches across the states .", "definition": "the devotion of time and attention to gaining knowledge of an academic subject , especially by means of books", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it involves academic study as well as a gruelling daily round of training and matches across the states .\" What is the definition of \"study\"?"} {"term": "study", "pos": "", "context": "at university , he was considered to be too interested in the good life rather than studying .", "definition": "apply oneself to study", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at university , he was considered to be too interested in the good life rather than studying .\" What is the definition of \"study\"?"} {"term": "study", "pos": "", "context": "he is a quick study", "definition": "someone who memorizes quickly and easily ( as the lines for a part in a play )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is a quick study\" What is the definition of \"study\"?"} {"term": "inversion", "pos": "", "context": "do not spray when conditions are favorable for an atmospheric inversion .", "definition": "a layer of the atmosphere in which temperature increases with height .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"do not spray when conditions are favorable for an atmospheric inversion .\" What is the definition of \"inversion\"?"} {"term": "inversion", "pos": "", "context": "the treble voice of edward 's theme is a modified inversion of its own bassline , and thus , by extension , it too is a variant of the mother 's theme .", "definition": "an inverted interval , chord , or phrase .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the treble voice of edward 's theme is a modified inversion of its own bassline , and thus , by extension , it too is a variant of the mother 's theme .\" What is the definition of \"inversion\"?"} {"term": "inversion", "pos": "", "context": "one of its little peculiarities is that along with front placement of the adverbial goes inversion of main verb and subject .", "definition": "reversal of the normal order of words , typically for rhetorical effect but also found in the regular formation of questions in english .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one of its little peculiarities is that along with front placement of the adverbial goes inversion of main verb and subject .\" What is the definition of \"inversion\"?"} {"term": "wastrel", "pos": "", "context": "this is a horribly patronising movie that makes dublin in 1967 look like a theme-park of amiable drunken wastrels and boozy squawking women in headscarves and ankle socks .", "definition": "a wasteful or good-for-nothing person", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this is a horribly patronising movie that makes dublin in 1967 look like a theme-park of amiable drunken wastrels and boozy squawking women in headscarves and ankle socks .\" What is the definition of \"wastrel\"?"} {"term": "bmus", "pos": "", "context": "i suppose technically , my having a bmus makes me a musician but i think i 'll just go for ‘ music student ’ because at least that 's self deprecating - more my style .", "definition": "bachelor of music .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i suppose technically , my having a bmus makes me a musician but i think i 'll just go for ‘ music student ’ because at least that 's self deprecating - more my style .\" What is the definition of \"bmus\"?"} {"term": "judge", "pos": "", "context": "he had always been a good judge of character , and was always big on first impressions .", "definition": "a person able or qualified to give an opinion on something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had always been a good judge of character , and was always big on first impressions .\" What is the definition of \"judge\"?"} {"term": "elbow", "pos": "", "context": "his coat had patches over the elbows", "definition": "the part of a sleeve that covers the elbow joint", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his coat had patches over the elbows\" What is the definition of \"elbow\"?"} {"term": "elbow", "pos": "", "context": "the elbow is a joint that serves to move the distal extremity to position the hand for fine motor activities .", "definition": "the joint between the forearm and the upper arm", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the elbow is a joint that serves to move the distal extremity to position the hand for fine motor activities .\" What is the definition of \"elbow\"?"} {"term": "purism", "pos": "", "context": "these included , as he wrote in his journals , cubism , futurism , purism , orphism , expressionism , dadaism , surrealism , ‘ and an avalanche of exposed secrets . ’", "definition": "an early 20th-century artistic style and movement founded by le corbusier and the french painter amédée ozenfant ( 1886–1966 ) and emphasizing purity of geometric form . it arose out of a rejection of cubism and was characterized by a return to the representation of recognizable objects .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these included , as he wrote in his journals , cubism , futurism , purism , orphism , expressionism , dadaism , surrealism , ‘ and an avalanche of exposed secrets . ’\" What is the definition of \"purism\"?"} {"term": "winnow", "pos": "", "context": "winnow chaff", "definition": "blow away or off with a current of air", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"winnow chaff\" What is the definition of \"winnow\"?"} {"term": "vision", "pos": "", "context": "is it debeers ' worst nightmare or their vision for a sparkly future ?", "definition": "the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"is it debeers ' worst nightmare or their vision for a sparkly future ?\" What is the definition of \"vision\"?"} {"term": "festival", "pos": "", "context": "the world situation has had deleterious effects on a couple of international film festivals this week .", "definition": "an organized series of concerts , plays , or films , typically one held annually in the same place", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the world situation has had deleterious effects on a couple of international film festivals this week .\" What is the definition of \"festival\"?"} {"term": "shindig", "pos": "", "context": "so there 's this big dance party shindig on saturday night .", "definition": "a large , lively party , especially one celebrating something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so there 's this big dance party shindig on saturday night .\" What is the definition of \"shindig\"?"} {"term": "southerner", "pos": "", "context": "i 'll give you southerners some credit on that front .", "definition": "a native or inhabitant of the south , especially of the southern united states or southern england .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i 'll give you southerners some credit on that front .\" What is the definition of \"southerner\"?"} {"term": "peck", "pos": "", "context": "i gave him a peck on the lips and went back downstairs .", "definition": "a light or perfunctory kiss", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i gave him a peck on the lips and went back downstairs .\" What is the definition of \"peck\"?"} {"term": "peck", "pos": "", "context": "apparently the crow pecks a small hole in the toad to get at the liver .", "definition": "make ( a hole ) by striking with the beak", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"apparently the crow pecks a small hole in the toad to get at the liver .\" What is the definition of \"peck\"?"} {"term": "abyss", "pos": "", "context": "and it felt as if leukaemia was nudging me towards the edge of the abyss .", "definition": "a catastrophic situation seen as likely to occur", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and it felt as if leukaemia was nudging me towards the edge of the abyss .\" What is the definition of \"abyss\"?"} {"term": "second", "pos": "", "context": "it was with a slightly lighter heart that she seconded her son 's recommendation .", "definition": "express agreement with", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was with a slightly lighter heart that she seconded her son 's recommendation .\" What is the definition of \"second\"?"} {"term": "second", "pos": "", "context": "i slip the bike into the second of 24 powerful gears and accelerate to six miles an hour .", "definition": "the second in a sequence of a vehicle 's gears", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i slip the bike into the second of 24 powerful gears and accelerate to six miles an hour .\" What is the definition of \"second\"?"} {"term": "second", "pos": "", "context": "the treasure is 2 minutes and 45 seconds south of here", "definition": "a 60th part of a minute of arc", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the treasure is 2 minutes and 45 seconds south of here\" What is the definition of \"second\"?"} {"term": "quotient", "pos": "", "context": "equation predicts that the quotient of growth rate and the amount of nitrogen in leaves is constant .", "definition": "a result obtained by dividing one quantity by another .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"equation predicts that the quotient of growth rate and the amount of nitrogen in leaves is constant .\" What is the definition of \"quotient\"?"} {"term": "generalist", "pos": "", "context": "do generalists differ from specialists in the prescription of cognitive enhancers ?", "definition": "a person competent in several different fields or activities .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"do generalists differ from specialists in the prescription of cognitive enhancers ?\" What is the definition of \"generalist\"?"} {"term": "give", "pos": "", "context": "give one 's name", "definition": "convey or reveal information", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"give one 's name\" What is the definition of \"give\"?"} {"term": "give", "pos": "", "context": "can i give you my keys while i go in the pool ?", "definition": "leave with ; give temporarily", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"can i give you my keys while i go in the pool ?\" What is the definition of \"give\"?"} {"term": "give", "pos": "", "context": "give a decision for the plaintiff", "definition": "accord by verdict", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"give a decision for the plaintiff\" What is the definition of \"give\"?"} {"term": "scavenger", "pos": "", "context": "primarily a carnivore the wolverine captures most of its prey , though it is also an extensive scavenger , eating quantities of carrion .", "definition": "an animal that feeds on carrion , dead plant material , or refuse", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"primarily a carnivore the wolverine captures most of its prey , though it is also an extensive scavenger , eating quantities of carrion .\" What is the definition of \"scavenger\"?"} {"term": "princely", "pos": "", "context": "a fellow 's salary is no princely sum , and in 1965 foreign holidays were still relatively unusual , so the newlyweds honeymooned in suffolk for a week .", "definition": "( of a sum of money ) large or generous ( often used ironically )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fellow 's salary is no princely sum , and in 1965 foreign holidays were still relatively unusual , so the newlyweds honeymooned in suffolk for a week .\" What is the definition of \"princely\"?"} {"term": "particularism", "pos": "", "context": "i hope we would all agree , that the type of particularism , which sent popper into exile , which resulted in the catastrophes in central europe , and continues to cause major catastrophes today , that this is not an acceptable alternative .", "definition": "the principle of leaving each state in an empire or federation free to govern itself and promote its own interests , without reference to those of the whole .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i hope we would all agree , that the type of particularism , which sent popper into exile , which resulted in the catastrophes in central europe , and continues to cause major catastrophes today , that this is not an acceptable alternative .\" What is the definition of \"particularism\"?"} {"term": "longliner", "pos": "", "context": "though they make up a small fishery with severely limited resources , the longliners have achieved a level of success in turtle conservation beyond anyone 's wildest speculations .", "definition": "a person or fishing vessel that uses longlines .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"though they make up a small fishery with severely limited resources , the longliners have achieved a level of success in turtle conservation beyond anyone 's wildest speculations .\" What is the definition of \"longliner\"?"} {"term": "rallying", "pos": "", "context": "the bell was a signal for the rallying of the whole neighborhood", "definition": "the act of mobilizing for a common purpose", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the bell was a signal for the rallying of the whole neighborhood\" What is the definition of \"rallying\"?"} {"term": "blurt", "pos": "", "context": "he blurted out the secret", "definition": "utter impulsively", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he blurted out the secret\" What is the definition of \"blurt\"?"} {"term": "cliff", "pos": "", "context": "he stood on a high cliff overlooking the town", "definition": "a steep high face of rock", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he stood on a high cliff overlooking the town\" What is the definition of \"cliff\"?"} {"term": "bitterness", "pos": "", "context": "yet the browns harbour no bitterness towards waugh over the destruction of their business .", "definition": "anger and disappointment at being treated unfairly ; resentment", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"yet the browns harbour no bitterness towards waugh over the destruction of their business .\" What is the definition of \"bitterness\"?"} {"term": "romance", "pos": "", "context": "the continuing schizophrenia of partition dictates our collective romance with the border , and the different avatars it assumes within the public sphere .", "definition": "a quality or feeling of mystery , excitement , and remoteness from everyday life", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the continuing schizophrenia of partition dictates our collective romance with the border , and the different avatars it assumes within the public sphere .\" What is the definition of \"romance\"?"} {"term": "concept", "pos": "", "context": "a friend told me yesterday that he had just sold a tv concept on behalf of a famous author he represents .", "definition": "an idea or invention to help sell or publicize a commodity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a friend told me yesterday that he had just sold a tv concept on behalf of a famous author he represents .\" What is the definition of \"concept\"?"} {"term": "tracklayer", "pos": "", "context": "the holt tractor company and the best tractor company both took their heavy commercial tracklayers around 1916 and experimented by adding riveted boilerplates to the tractor chassis .", "definition": "a tractor or other vehicle equipped with continuous tracks .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the holt tractor company and the best tractor company both took their heavy commercial tracklayers around 1916 and experimented by adding riveted boilerplates to the tractor chassis .\" What is the definition of \"tracklayer\"?"} {"term": "raptor", "pos": "", "context": "the crested serpent eagle and the fishing eagle are among the raptors that top off the avian hierarchy .", "definition": "a bird of prey , e.g . an eagle or hawk .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the crested serpent eagle and the fishing eagle are among the raptors that top off the avian hierarchy .\" What is the definition of \"raptor\"?"} {"term": "alert", "pos": "", "context": "still alert and active , she talked to the evening press and recalled how she managed to get the youngsters and all her family on to a ship bound for the usa in 1935 .", "definition": "able to think clearly ; intellectually active", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"still alert and active , she talked to the evening press and recalled how she managed to get the youngsters and all her family on to a ship bound for the usa in 1935 .\" What is the definition of \"alert\"?"} {"term": "trioxide", "pos": "", "context": "the chemical toxicity of inhaled uranium trioxide ( uranyl oxide ) gas vapor fumes is much worse - about a million times worse - than the radiation from inhalation of any of the other oxides .", "definition": "an oxide containing three atoms of oxygen in its molecule or empirical formula .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the chemical toxicity of inhaled uranium trioxide ( uranyl oxide ) gas vapor fumes is much worse - about a million times worse - than the radiation from inhalation of any of the other oxides .\" What is the definition of \"trioxide\"?"} {"term": "constraint", "pos": "", "context": "well i know that it 's not my best work , and some of it is years old , used again partly because of financial constraint .", "definition": "a limitation or restriction", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"well i know that it 's not my best work , and some of it is years old , used again partly because of financial constraint .\" What is the definition of \"constraint\"?"} {"term": "pullback", "pos": "", "context": "he said yesterday the pullback would start immediately after a meeting in damascus between the leaders of both countries to approve the withdrawal plan .", "definition": "an act of withdrawing troops", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he said yesterday the pullback would start immediately after a meeting in damascus between the leaders of both countries to approve the withdrawal plan .\" What is the definition of \"pullback\"?"} {"term": "bog", "pos": "", "context": "the vote would bog down the house", "definition": "cause to slow down or get stuck", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the vote would bog down the house\" What is the definition of \"bog\"?"} {"term": "flax", "pos": "", "context": "travelling with them were weeds of nuisance significance , selection favouring their life-cycles to fit those of the crops or to mimic them : false oat in cereals , and in flax , the false flax .", "definition": "used in names of other plants of the flax family ( e.g . purging flax ) or plants that yield similar fibre ( e.g . false flax ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"travelling with them were weeds of nuisance significance , selection favouring their life-cycles to fit those of the crops or to mimic them : false oat in cereals , and in flax , the false flax .\" What is the definition of \"flax\"?"} {"term": "astatine", "pos": "", "context": "the halogens are a group of chemical elements that includes fluorine , chlorine , bromine , iodine , and astatine .", "definition": "the chemical element of atomic number 85 , a radioactive member of the halogen group . astatine was first produced by bombarding bismuth with alpha particles , and it occurs in traces in nature as a decay product .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the halogens are a group of chemical elements that includes fluorine , chlorine , bromine , iodine , and astatine .\" What is the definition of \"astatine\"?"} {"term": "deity", "pos": "", "context": "i know i will never convince anyone who does not believe in a deity .", "definition": "a god or goddess ( in a polytheistic religion )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i know i will never convince anyone who does not believe in a deity .\" What is the definition of \"deity\"?"} {"term": "admixture", "pos": "", "context": "the growing medium should be equal parts of sand and loam with an admixture of peat moss and cow manure", "definition": "an additional ingredient that is added by mixing with the base", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the growing medium should be equal parts of sand and loam with an admixture of peat moss and cow manure\" What is the definition of \"admixture\"?"} {"term": "boulder", "pos": "", "context": "fortified by some lunch we clambered up a final range of large boulders and emerged onto the windswept summit .", "definition": "a large rock , typically one that has been worn smooth by erosion .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fortified by some lunch we clambered up a final range of large boulders and emerged onto the windswept summit .\" What is the definition of \"boulder\"?"} {"term": "diaphragm", "pos": "", "context": "the new cameras adjust the diaphragm automatically", "definition": "a mechanical device in a camera that controls size of aperture of the lens", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the new cameras adjust the diaphragm automatically\" What is the definition of \"diaphragm\"?"} {"term": "maggot", "pos": "", "context": "there 's a strange maggot hath got into their brains , which possesseth them with a kind of vertigo , and it reigns in the pulpit more than anywhere else , for some of our preachmen are grown dog mad , there 's a worm got into their tongues as well as their heads .", "definition": "a whimsical or strange idea .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there 's a strange maggot hath got into their brains , which possesseth them with a kind of vertigo , and it reigns in the pulpit more than anywhere else , for some of our preachmen are grown dog mad , there 's a worm got into their tongues as well as their heads .\" What is the definition of \"maggot\"?"} {"term": "tradeoff", "pos": "", "context": "i faced a tradeoff between eating and buying my medicine", "definition": "an exchange that occurs as a compromise", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i faced a tradeoff between eating and buying my medicine\" What is the definition of \"tradeoff\"?"} {"term": "unison", "pos": "", "context": "singing in unison", "definition": "( music ) two or more sounds or tones at the same pitch or in octaves", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"singing in unison\" What is the definition of \"unison\"?"} {"term": "heading", "pos": "", "context": "the heading seemed to have little to do with the text", "definition": "a line of text serving to indicate what the passage below it is about", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the heading seemed to have little to do with the text\" What is the definition of \"heading\"?"} {"term": "jujube", "pos": "", "context": "wild jujubes , a type of fruit widely seen in north china , symbolizes the straightforward , faithful and resolute character of northern chinese represented by shanxi merchants .", "definition": "the edible berry-like fruit of a eurasian plant , formerly taken as a cough cure .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wild jujubes , a type of fruit widely seen in north china , symbolizes the straightforward , faithful and resolute character of northern chinese represented by shanxi merchants .\" What is the definition of \"jujube\"?"} {"term": "baron", "pos": "", "context": "a railroad baron then donated his property on nob hill for a diocesan cathedral .", "definition": "an important or powerful person in a specified business or industry", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a railroad baron then donated his property on nob hill for a diocesan cathedral .\" What is the definition of \"baron\"?"} {"term": "oatcake", "pos": "", "context": "the chief meat-eater among us opted for the assiette de charcuterie , a dish of ham , pork and salami with chicken pâté , served with oatcakes and olives .", "definition": "a thin savoury oatmeal biscuit , traditionally made in scotland .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the chief meat-eater among us opted for the assiette de charcuterie , a dish of ham , pork and salami with chicken pâté , served with oatcakes and olives .\" What is the definition of \"oatcake\"?"} {"term": "flex", "pos": "", "context": "he gave his biceps a flex to impress the ladies", "definition": "the act of flexing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he gave his biceps a flex to impress the ladies\" What is the definition of \"flex\"?"} {"term": "behaviorist", "pos": "", "context": "behavioristic psychology", "definition": "of or relating to behaviorism", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"behavioristic psychology\" What is the definition of \"behaviorist\"?"} {"term": "bale", "pos": "", "context": "bale hay", "definition": "make into a bale", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bale hay\" What is the definition of \"bale\"?"} {"term": "snivel", "pos": "", "context": "they 're the ones who are sniveling , just because someone is actually using the service that they 're offering .", "definition": "complain in a whining or tearful way", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they 're the ones who are sniveling , just because someone is actually using the service that they 're offering .\" What is the definition of \"snivel\"?"} {"term": "tribune", "pos": "", "context": "the media tribune was overflowing with hundreds of reporters , all drawn to an event that has been hyped incessantly since phelps entered and qualified for the 200 free at the u.s. olympic trials last month .", "definition": "a raised area or gallery with seats , especially in a church .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the media tribune was overflowing with hundreds of reporters , all drawn to an event that has been hyped incessantly since phelps entered and qualified for the 200 free at the u.s. olympic trials last month .\" What is the definition of \"tribune\"?"} {"term": "corral", "pos": "", "context": "corral the horses", "definition": "enclose in a corral", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"corral the horses\" What is the definition of \"corral\"?"} {"term": "exhaust", "pos": "", "context": "a number of cooling fans mounted at one end of the cooler would draw air into the chamber through filters , blow it over the surface of the product and exhaust the air at the exit end .", "definition": "expel ( gas or steam ) from or into a particular place", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a number of cooling fans mounted at one end of the cooler would draw air into the chamber through filters , blow it over the surface of the product and exhaust the air at the exit end .\" What is the definition of \"exhaust\"?"} {"term": "exhaust", "pos": "", "context": "this kind of effort requires such an outpouring of unconditional love that it is exhausting and totally draining .", "definition": "make ( someone ) feel very tired", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this kind of effort requires such an outpouring of unconditional love that it is exhausting and totally draining .\" What is the definition of \"exhaust\"?"} {"term": "exhaust", "pos": "", "context": "i 'm sure that i have not exhausted the subject with these comments and there are doubtless other considerations worthy of mention .", "definition": "expound on or explore ( a subject or options ) so fully that there is nothing further to be said or discovered", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i 'm sure that i have not exhausted the subject with these comments and there are doubtless other considerations worthy of mention .\" What is the definition of \"exhaust\"?"} {"term": "machair", "pos": "", "context": "on the lower ground , choose a line which leads over crofting machair land to a tractor track back to the village .", "definition": "( in scotland , especially the western isles ) low-lying arable or grazing land formed near the coast by the deposition of sand and shell fragments by the wind", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on the lower ground , choose a line which leads over crofting machair land to a tractor track back to the village .\" What is the definition of \"machair\"?"} {"term": "photoresist", "pos": "", "context": "the mask creates an interference pattern , exposing the photoresist in certain areas and leaving it unaffected in others .", "definition": "a photosensitive resist which , when exposed to light , loses its resistance or its susceptibility to attack by an etchant or solvent . such materials are used in making microcircuits .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the mask creates an interference pattern , exposing the photoresist in certain areas and leaving it unaffected in others .\" What is the definition of \"photoresist\"?"} {"term": "phantom", "pos": "", "context": "seemed to hear faint phantom bells", "definition": "something apparently sensed but having no physical reality", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"seemed to hear faint phantom bells\" What is the definition of \"phantom\"?"} {"term": "squandering", "pos": "", "context": "more wasteful than the squandering of time", "definition": "spending resources lavishly and wastefully", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"more wasteful than the squandering of time\" What is the definition of \"squandering\"?"} {"term": "articulate", "pos": "", "context": "they have no means within the current political order to articulate their own interests or be heard .", "definition": "express ( an idea or feeling ) fluently and coherently", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they have no means within the current political order to articulate their own interests or be heard .\" What is the definition of \"articulate\"?"} {"term": "articulate", "pos": "", "context": "i think it 's a well-designed site , and there s absolutely no doubt that the chap that writes it is articulate , eloquent and well-read .", "definition": "having or showing the ability to speak fluently and coherently", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i think it 's a well-designed site , and there s absolutely no doubt that the chap that writes it is articulate , eloquent and well-read .\" What is the definition of \"articulate\"?"} {"term": "articulate", "pos": "", "context": "the radius is still expanding and will ultimately articulate with three carpal bones .", "definition": "form a joint", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the radius is still expanding and will ultimately articulate with three carpal bones .\" What is the definition of \"articulate\"?"} {"term": "articulate", "pos": "", "context": "the ankle bone articulates with the leg bones to form the ankle bones", "definition": "unite by forming a joint or joints", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ankle bone articulates with the leg bones to form the ankle bones\" What is the definition of \"articulate\"?"} {"term": "unmask", "pos": "", "context": "kashmir herald is an attempt by kashmiri hindus to unmask the truths behind the mayhem perpetrated in the name of religion in the state of jammu & kashmir in india .", "definition": "expose the true character of or hidden truth about", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"kashmir herald is an attempt by kashmiri hindus to unmask the truths behind the mayhem perpetrated in the name of religion in the state of jammu & kashmir in india .\" What is the definition of \"unmask\"?"} {"term": "farthing", "pos": "", "context": "have they , then , expended a single farthing on the improvement of that river ?", "definition": "the least possible amount", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"have they , then , expended a single farthing on the improvement of that river ?\" What is the definition of \"farthing\"?"} {"term": "demise", "pos": "", "context": "because the confessor and his subjects distrusted harold godwinson , the king demised the crown in his will to the duke of normandy and his heirs , who were , after all , his blood relatives .", "definition": "transmit ( a sovereign 's title ) by death or abdication .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"because the confessor and his subjects distrusted harold godwinson , the king demised the crown in his will to the duke of normandy and his heirs , who were , after all , his blood relatives .\" What is the definition of \"demise\"?"} {"term": "emergence", "pos": "", "context": "figurines presage the emergence of sculpture in greece", "definition": "the gradual beginning or coming forth", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"figurines presage the emergence of sculpture in greece\" What is the definition of \"emergence\"?"} {"term": "emergence", "pos": "", "context": "seeds were scored daily for radicle emergence through the testa or pe envelope .", "definition": "the process of becoming visible after being concealed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"seeds were scored daily for radicle emergence through the testa or pe envelope .\" What is the definition of \"emergence\"?"} {"term": "volvulus", "pos": "", "context": "postoperatively , the patient had a distal intestinal obstruction requiring reduction of a volvulus .", "definition": "an obstruction caused by twisting of the stomach or intestine", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"postoperatively , the patient had a distal intestinal obstruction requiring reduction of a volvulus .\" What is the definition of \"volvulus\"?"} {"term": "scanner", "pos": "", "context": "the rule also affects imports of other devices including mobile phones personal digital assistants , scanners and network cards .", "definition": "a device that scans documents and converts them into digital data .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the rule also affects imports of other devices including mobile phones personal digital assistants , scanners and network cards .\" What is the definition of \"scanner\"?"} {"term": "comply", "pos": "", "context": "half an hour later i managed to force my eyes open to comply with his request .", "definition": "act in accordance with a wish or command", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"half an hour later i managed to force my eyes open to comply with his request .\" What is the definition of \"comply\"?"} {"term": "lid", "pos": "", "context": "he raised the piano lid", "definition": "a movable top or cover ( hinged or separate ) for closing the opening at the top of a box , chest , jar , pan , etc .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he raised the piano lid\" What is the definition of \"lid\"?"} {"term": "hustler", "pos": "", "context": "if a driver stops to engage street hustlers and the car is from outside the neighborhood , the car 's owner may receive an anonymous letter .", "definition": "a person adept at aggressive selling or illicit dealing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if a driver stops to engage street hustlers and the car is from outside the neighborhood , the car 's owner may receive an anonymous letter .\" What is the definition of \"hustler\"?"} {"term": "bushbaby", "pos": "", "context": "however , the rate of gh evolution in the bushbaby ( a prosimian ) was similar to those in nonprimates .", "definition": "a small nocturnal tree-dwelling african primate with very large eyes .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"however , the rate of gh evolution in the bushbaby ( a prosimian ) was similar to those in nonprimates .\" What is the definition of \"bushbaby\"?"} {"term": "assimilationist", "pos": "", "context": "in classrooms where an assimilationist view of language and culture is in place , language arts instruction focuses on the acquisition of english first .", "definition": "a person who advocates or participates in racial or cultural integration", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in classrooms where an assimilationist view of language and culture is in place , language arts instruction focuses on the acquisition of english first .\" What is the definition of \"assimilationist\"?"} {"term": "spill", "pos": "", "context": "chad watched amy from across the room as odette spilled the news about kenny 's death .", "definition": "reveal ( confidential information ) to someone", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"chad watched amy from across the room as odette spilled the news about kenny 's death .\" What is the definition of \"spill\"?"} {"term": "spill", "pos": "", "context": "pack a container of wet wipes in the car for accidental spills .", "definition": "an instance of a liquid spilling or being spilt", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pack a container of wet wipes in the car for accidental spills .\" What is the definition of \"spill\"?"} {"term": "wane", "pos": "", "context": "interest in his novels waned", "definition": "become smaller", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"interest in his novels waned\" What is the definition of \"wane\"?"} {"term": "cruiser", "pos": "", "context": "i waited a minute or two and looked for a police cruiser ; nothing .", "definition": "a police patrol car .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i waited a minute or two and looked for a police cruiser ; nothing .\" What is the definition of \"cruiser\"?"} {"term": "scoop", "pos": "", "context": "i have seen , wavering below , as if viewed through heat waves or clear , deep water , what appears to be a fantastic siege machinery - an elaborate system of scoops , cables & wheels .", "definition": "a moving bowl-shaped part of a digging machine , dredger , or other mechanism into which material is gathered .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i have seen , wavering below , as if viewed through heat waves or clear , deep water , what appears to be a fantastic siege machinery - an elaborate system of scoops , cables & wheels .\" What is the definition of \"scoop\"?"} {"term": "scoop", "pos": "", "context": "rosanna is the entertainment news reporter , so she always has the scoop on what is happening with the stars .", "definition": "the latest information about something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rosanna is the entertainment news reporter , so she always has the scoop on what is happening with the stars .\" What is the definition of \"scoop\"?"} {"term": "straight", "pos": "", "context": "the room is straight now", "definition": "neatly arranged ; not disorderly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the room is straight now\" What is the definition of \"straight\"?"} {"term": "straight", "pos": "", "context": "for instance i was shocked beyond words the other day when i eavesdropped on a casual conversation between a driver and his trusted companion on how they would be able to afford a straight of brandy if they unilaterally raised the commuter fare .", "definition": "( in township slang ) a 750 ml bottle of alcoholic drink .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for instance i was shocked beyond words the other day when i eavesdropped on a casual conversation between a driver and his trusted companion on how they would be able to afford a straight of brandy if they unilaterally raised the commuter fare .\" What is the definition of \"straight\"?"} {"term": "aphorism", "pos": "", "context": "it is a book of aphorisms - short , pithy , philosophical nuggets .", "definition": "a pithy observation which contains a general truth", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is a book of aphorisms - short , pithy , philosophical nuggets .\" What is the definition of \"aphorism\"?"} {"term": "toll", "pos": "", "context": "presently , the church bell began to toll , signalling that the nightly curfew was about to begin .", "definition": "( with reference to a bell ) sound or cause to sound with a slow , uniform succession of strokes , as a signal or announcement", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"presently , the church bell began to toll , signalling that the nightly curfew was about to begin .\" What is the definition of \"toll\"?"} {"term": "herbage", "pos": "", "context": "crude protein levels range from 15 to 25 percent in the herbage and 8 to 15 percent in the roots , depending on nitrogen fertilization rate and weather conditions .", "definition": "the succulent part of herbaceous vegetation , used as pasture", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"crude protein levels range from 15 to 25 percent in the herbage and 8 to 15 percent in the roots , depending on nitrogen fertilization rate and weather conditions .\" What is the definition of \"herbage\"?"} {"term": "flock", "pos": "", "context": "thereafter people came in flocks to carve caves to express their belief in the buddhas .", "definition": "a large number or crowd of people", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"thereafter people came in flocks to carve caves to express their belief in the buddhas .\" What is the definition of \"flock\"?"} {"term": "flock", "pos": "", "context": "but the dance crowd also flocks to more obscure events .", "definition": "move or go together in a crowd", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but the dance crowd also flocks to more obscure events .\" What is the definition of \"flock\"?"} {"term": "appetizer", "pos": "", "context": "the book is divided into chapters according to different types of meals , appetizers , desserts and drinks .", "definition": "a small dish of food or a drink taken before a meal or the main course of a meal to stimulate one 's appetite", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the book is divided into chapters according to different types of meals , appetizers , desserts and drinks .\" What is the definition of \"appetizer\"?"} {"term": "newsprint", "pos": "", "context": "lesson one in printing on cheap newsprint is surely never to print black type over a highly coloured background .", "definition": "cheap , low-quality absorbent printing paper made from coarse wood pulp and used chiefly for newspapers .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lesson one in printing on cheap newsprint is surely never to print black type over a highly coloured background .\" What is the definition of \"newsprint\"?"} {"term": "fiddlehead", "pos": "", "context": "christmas fern and soft shield fern ( p. setiferum ) remain green ; the fiddleheads of many ferns emerge early from the winter ground .", "definition": "the young , curled , edible frond of certain ferns .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"christmas fern and soft shield fern ( p. setiferum ) remain green ; the fiddleheads of many ferns emerge early from the winter ground .\" What is the definition of \"fiddlehead\"?"} {"term": "lather", "pos": "", "context": "the lather rinses from the hands easily , but gets into the crevices of the face and looks really disgusting .", "definition": "a frothy white mass of bubbles produced by soap , washing powder , etc . when mixed with water", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the lather rinses from the hands easily , but gets into the crevices of the face and looks really disgusting .\" What is the definition of \"lather\"?"} {"term": "lather", "pos": "", "context": "slowly , she lathered her body with the softly scented soap , watching as the water washed it away in rivulets down her arms .", "definition": "rub soap on to ( the body ) until a lather is produced", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"slowly , she lathered her body with the softly scented soap , watching as the water washed it away in rivulets down her arms .\" What is the definition of \"lather\"?"} {"term": "corpuscle", "pos": "", "context": "neither arago nor any other scientist could demonstrate that light must be either a stream of emitted corpuscles or a wave motion .", "definition": "a minute particle regarded as the basic constituent of matter or light", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"neither arago nor any other scientist could demonstrate that light must be either a stream of emitted corpuscles or a wave motion .\" What is the definition of \"corpuscle\"?"} {"term": "mesh", "pos": "", "context": "the shown numerical solutions were for meshes with 1100 elements .", "definition": "a representation of a given shape or form , consisting of an arrangement of a finite set of geometric components .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the shown numerical solutions were for meshes with 1100 elements .\" What is the definition of \"mesh\"?"} {"term": "mesh", "pos": "", "context": "through the mesh of the floor the lizard gazed down at the passers-by .", "definition": "an interlaced structure", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"through the mesh of the floor the lizard gazed down at the passers-by .\" What is the definition of \"mesh\"?"} {"term": "fumbling", "pos": "", "context": "the jackknife was in my hand as soon as my fumbling fingers could manage the pockets on my jumpsuit .", "definition": "doing or handling something clumsily", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the jackknife was in my hand as soon as my fumbling fingers could manage the pockets on my jumpsuit .\" What is the definition of \"fumbling\"?"} {"term": "slouch", "pos": "", "context": "not hall of famers , perhaps , but no slouches either .", "definition": "an incompetent person", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"not hall of famers , perhaps , but no slouches either .\" What is the definition of \"slouch\"?"} {"term": "catgut", "pos": "", "context": "the only instruments used in performing these nine tracks are ostensibly ones that need to be struck in order to make sound , whether the sticks be wood or strung with catgut or even just triangular pieces of plastic .", "definition": "a material used for the strings of some musical instruments , made of the dried twisted intestines of sheep or horses ( but not cats ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the only instruments used in performing these nine tracks are ostensibly ones that need to be struck in order to make sound , whether the sticks be wood or strung with catgut or even just triangular pieces of plastic .\" What is the definition of \"catgut\"?"} {"term": "antiphony", "pos": "", "context": "though here , too , there is the braggadocio of the blues persona , cortez employs less antiphony in her own voice , using instead a softer , more sensual tone to simulate a jazz ballad .", "definition": "antiphonal singing , playing , or chanting .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"though here , too , there is the braggadocio of the blues persona , cortez employs less antiphony in her own voice , using instead a softer , more sensual tone to simulate a jazz ballad .\" What is the definition of \"antiphony\"?"} {"term": "viroid", "pos": "", "context": "they include animals , insects , and nematodes ( while vine diseases include the microbes bacteria , fungi , phytoplasma , viroids , and virus ) .", "definition": "an infectious entity affecting plants , smaller than a virus and consisting only of nucleic acid without a protein coat .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they include animals , insects , and nematodes ( while vine diseases include the microbes bacteria , fungi , phytoplasma , viroids , and virus ) .\" What is the definition of \"viroid\"?"} {"term": "fody", "pos": "", "context": "the native fodies may also face competition from the madagascar fody , which has been introduced to mauritius .", "definition": "a songbird of the weaver family occurring in madagascar and islands in the indian ocean , the male of which typically has mainly red plumage .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the native fodies may also face competition from the madagascar fody , which has been introduced to mauritius .\" What is the definition of \"fody\"?"} {"term": "clap", "pos": "", "context": "the wings of the birds clapped loudly", "definition": "strike the air in flight", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the wings of the birds clapped loudly\" What is the definition of \"clap\"?"} {"term": "highlight", "pos": "", "context": "are there any plans to screen edited highlights as uk viewers have to date only been able to watch it on satellite on wdr or the spanish channel tve internacional ?", "definition": "the best parts of a sporting or other event edited for broadcasting or recording", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"are there any plans to screen edited highlights as uk viewers have to date only been able to watch it on satellite on wdr or the spanish channel tve internacional ?\" What is the definition of \"highlight\"?"} {"term": "yakima", "pos": "", "context": "indeed , his case studies of the yakima and the pima indians provide extraordinarily vivid examples of the effects reclamation had on local power relations , although one could pull many other instances from his book .", "definition": "a member of a north american indian people of south central washington state .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"indeed , his case studies of the yakima and the pima indians provide extraordinarily vivid examples of the effects reclamation had on local power relations , although one could pull many other instances from his book .\" What is the definition of \"yakima\"?"} {"term": "inquest", "pos": "", "context": "the inquest into last week 's incident has already had an adverse effect on the clubs , whose officials have been reprimanded for speaking to the press .", "definition": "a judicial inquiry to ascertain the facts relating to an incident .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the inquest into last week 's incident has already had an adverse effect on the clubs , whose officials have been reprimanded for speaking to the press .\" What is the definition of \"inquest\"?"} {"term": "prep", "pos": "", "context": "‘ there 's more sleep after death ’ had become a comfort phrase among my classmates as we prepped for our big finals .", "definition": "prepare oneself for an event", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ there 's more sleep after death ’ had become a comfort phrase among my classmates as we prepped for our big finals .\" What is the definition of \"prep\"?"} {"term": "buzzard", "pos": "", "context": "but the common buzzard , found across much of europe and asia , is a hawk , not a vulture .", "definition": "a large hawklike bird of prey with broad wings and a rounded tail , often seen soaring in wide circles .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but the common buzzard , found across much of europe and asia , is a hawk , not a vulture .\" What is the definition of \"buzzard\"?"} {"term": "evil", "pos": "", "context": "you have won a place in this world , but remember , the last to hold it was filled with wickedness and evil .", "definition": "profound immorality and wickedness , especially when regarded as a supernatural force", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you have won a place in this world , but remember , the last to hold it was filled with wickedness and evil .\" What is the definition of \"evil\"?"} {"term": "evil", "pos": "", "context": "attempts to explain the origin of evil in the world", "definition": "the quality of being morally wrong in principle or practice", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"attempts to explain the origin of evil in the world\" What is the definition of \"evil\"?"} {"term": "unbutton", "pos": "", "context": "this is n't the first time i 've been here when there has been a group of very noisy women who seem to be using dining as an excuse to get hammered with their mates and unbutton a little .", "definition": "relax and become less inhibited", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this is n't the first time i 've been here when there has been a group of very noisy women who seem to be using dining as an excuse to get hammered with their mates and unbutton a little .\" What is the definition of \"unbutton\"?"} {"term": "vaccine", "pos": "", "context": "i have been working on the computer vaccine for five years .", "definition": "a program designed to detect computer viruses and inactivate them .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i have been working on the computer vaccine for five years .\" What is the definition of \"vaccine\"?"} {"term": "shrieking", "pos": "", "context": "just as we 'd all left the movie set , the distant sound of shrieking became audible .", "definition": "high-pitched piercing cries or sounds", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"just as we 'd all left the movie set , the distant sound of shrieking became audible .\" What is the definition of \"shrieking\"?"} {"term": "high-rise", "pos": "", "context": "the wide view outside displays shanghai 's historical buildings and modern high-rises .", "definition": "a building with many storeys", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the wide view outside displays shanghai 's historical buildings and modern high-rises .\" What is the definition of \"high-rise\"?"} {"term": "leet", "pos": "", "context": "this is cool and shows that black clad berlin marketing gurus are down with leetspeak .", "definition": "an informal language or code used on the internet , in which standard letters are often replaced by numerals or special characters .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this is cool and shows that black clad berlin marketing gurus are down with leetspeak .\" What is the definition of \"leet\"?"} {"term": "leet", "pos": "", "context": "where the lord of the manor held a court leet , the jurisdiction of the hundred was exercised in that court , and the fines collected were payable to the lord .", "definition": "a yearly or half-yearly court of record that the lords of certain manors held .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"where the lord of the manor held a court leet , the jurisdiction of the hundred was exercised in that court , and the fines collected were payable to the lord .\" What is the definition of \"leet\"?"} {"term": "krona", "pos": "", "context": "svanberg 's comments were taken as a threat to move production out of sweden should the krona be maintained .", "definition": "the basic monetary unit of sweden , equal to 100 öre .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"svanberg 's comments were taken as a threat to move production out of sweden should the krona be maintained .\" What is the definition of \"krona\"?"} {"term": "analects", "pos": "", "context": "read and share with the class the information in the background information about the time in which the analects were written .", "definition": "a collection of short literary or philosophical extracts .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"read and share with the class the information in the background information about the time in which the analects were written .\" What is the definition of \"analects\"?"} {"term": "inoculum", "pos": "", "context": "the inoculum was injected slowly into the bladder to avoid leakage and the catheter was withdrawn carefully .", "definition": "a substance used for inoculation .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the inoculum was injected slowly into the bladder to avoid leakage and the catheter was withdrawn carefully .\" What is the definition of \"inoculum\"?"} {"term": "smooth", "pos": "", "context": "a smooth ride", "definition": "of motion that runs or flows or proceeds without jolts or turbulence", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a smooth ride\" What is the definition of \"smooth\"?"} {"term": "smooth", "pos": "", "context": "the cumulative measures smooth graphs and provide an overall indication of directional changes in forecast accuracy .", "definition": "modify ( a graph , curve , etc . ) so as to lessen irregularities", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the cumulative measures smooth graphs and provide an overall indication of directional changes in forecast accuracy .\" What is the definition of \"smooth\"?"} {"term": "fulani", "pos": "", "context": "beginning in 1966 there were pogroms by hausa and fulani in northern nigeria against nigerians who had moved there for work from the more developed south .", "definition": "a member of a people living in a region of west africa from senegal to northern nigeria and cameroon . they are traditionally nomadic cattle herders of muslim faith .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"beginning in 1966 there were pogroms by hausa and fulani in northern nigeria against nigerians who had moved there for work from the more developed south .\" What is the definition of \"fulani\"?"} {"term": "tawny", "pos": "", "context": "following the guardian story , readers have told us of their alleged sightings of a tawny brown , outsized cat around leatherhead .", "definition": "of an orange-brown or yellowish-brown colour", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"following the guardian story , readers have told us of their alleged sightings of a tawny brown , outsized cat around leatherhead .\" What is the definition of \"tawny\"?"} {"term": "sumpter", "pos": "", "context": "a team of sumpter horses ( pack horses ) , each one in the care of its own sumpterrnan , riding his own horse , was sent up to carry the queen 's baggage .", "definition": "a pack animal", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a team of sumpter horses ( pack horses ) , each one in the care of its own sumpterrnan , riding his own horse , was sent up to carry the queen 's baggage .\" What is the definition of \"sumpter\"?"} {"term": "dinge", "pos": "", "context": "dinge a soft hat", "definition": "make a dent or impression in", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dinge a soft hat\" What is the definition of \"dinge\"?"} {"term": "outlier", "pos": "", "context": "he is widely regarded in the intelligence community as an outlier , as a man who always goes for the worst-case scenario and sometimes overlooks less alarming or at least ambiguous signs .", "definition": "a person or thing differing from all other members of a particular group or set", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is widely regarded in the intelligence community as an outlier , as a man who always goes for the worst-case scenario and sometimes overlooks less alarming or at least ambiguous signs .\" What is the definition of \"outlier\"?"} {"term": "trillion", "pos": "", "context": "in england they call a trillion a billion", "definition": "the number that is represented as a one followed by 12 zeros", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in england they call a trillion a billion\" What is the definition of \"trillion\"?"} {"term": "trillion", "pos": "", "context": "a british trillion used to be one million american trillions , but they are mostly the same now .", "definition": "a million million million ( 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 or 10¹⁸ ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a british trillion used to be one million american trillions , but they are mostly the same now .\" What is the definition of \"trillion\"?"} {"term": "captive", "pos": "", "context": "the government has so far refused to consider the exchange and the captives are condemned to many more years in their jungle prisons .", "definition": "a person who has been taken prisoner or an animal that has been confined", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the government has so far refused to consider the exchange and the captives are condemned to many more years in their jungle prisons .\" What is the definition of \"captive\"?"} {"term": "organize", "pos": "", "context": "can you help me organize my files ?", "definition": "bring order and organization to", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"can you help me organize my files ?\" What is the definition of \"organize\"?"} {"term": "organize", "pos": "", "context": "it should systematically unify and organize a set of observations , building from basic principles .", "definition": "arrange systematically ; order", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it should systematically unify and organize a set of observations , building from basic principles .\" What is the definition of \"organize\"?"} {"term": "mammogram", "pos": "", "context": "compare this mri with a mammogram and an ultrasound , and you 'll see what i mean .", "definition": "an image obtained by mammography .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"compare this mri with a mammogram and an ultrasound , and you 'll see what i mean .\" What is the definition of \"mammogram\"?"} {"term": "phon", "pos": "", "context": "coincidentally , one phon is approximately the smallest detectable difference in loudness .", "definition": "a unit of the perceived loudness of sounds .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"coincidentally , one phon is approximately the smallest detectable difference in loudness .\" What is the definition of \"phon\"?"} {"term": "prevail", "pos": "", "context": "he prevailed upon her to visit his parents", "definition": "use persuasion successfully", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he prevailed upon her to visit his parents\" What is the definition of \"prevail\"?"} {"term": "goal", "pos": "", "context": "the competitors are allotted a start time and it is a race to the goal .", "definition": "a point marking the end of a race .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the competitors are allotted a start time and it is a race to the goal .\" What is the definition of \"goal\"?"} {"term": "mention", "pos": "", "context": "she made no mention of any physical threat to her when she was last arrested in any of her previous statements or interview .", "definition": "a reference to someone or something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she made no mention of any physical threat to her when she was last arrested in any of her previous statements or interview .\" What is the definition of \"mention\"?"} {"term": "holoenzyme", "pos": "", "context": "in this report , a combination of evolutionary and crystallographic data from the cox holoenzyme was used to study interactions at the dna level .", "definition": "a biochemically active compound formed by the combination of an enzyme with a coenzyme .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in this report , a combination of evolutionary and crystallographic data from the cox holoenzyme was used to study interactions at the dna level .\" What is the definition of \"holoenzyme\"?"} {"term": "chorion", "pos": "", "context": "care was exercised not to separate the amniotic sac into its components , the chorion and amnion .", "definition": "the outermost membrane surrounding an embryo of a reptile , bird , or mammal . in mammals it contributes to the formation of the placenta .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"care was exercised not to separate the amniotic sac into its components , the chorion and amnion .\" What is the definition of \"chorion\"?"} {"term": "outer", "pos": "", "context": "he judged on the outer , the material not the spiritual .", "definition": "objective or physical ; not subjective .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he judged on the outer , the material not the spiritual .\" What is the definition of \"outer\"?"} {"term": "openness", "pos": "", "context": "the referee seemed to be more responsive to the openness of the game , choosing to let the play flow whenever possible .", "definition": "( in sport ) a style of play characterized by action which is spread out over the field", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the referee seemed to be more responsive to the openness of the game , choosing to let the play flow whenever possible .\" What is the definition of \"openness\"?"} {"term": "hearty", "pos": "", "context": "sipping ales and arguing into the afternoon gave us the opportunity to work up a hearty appetite .", "definition": "( of a person 's appetite ) robust and healthy", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sipping ales and arguing into the afternoon gave us the opportunity to work up a hearty appetite .\" What is the definition of \"hearty\"?"} {"term": "cadet", "pos": "", "context": "i suppose it would n't be so bad if in fact the monies it collects from everyday citizens , say a twelve-year old girl or naval cadets , actually went to the artists themselves .", "definition": "a boy or girl of 13–18 who undergoes voluntary army , navy , or air force training together with adventure training .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i suppose it would n't be so bad if in fact the monies it collects from everyday citizens , say a twelve-year old girl or naval cadets , actually went to the artists themselves .\" What is the definition of \"cadet\"?"} {"term": "caddis", "pos": "", "context": "every day the sun sets behind blurred clouds of stonefly , caddis , midge or mayfly dancing against the horizon .", "definition": "a small moth-like insect with an aquatic larva that typically builds a protective portable case of sticks , stones , and other particles .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"every day the sun sets behind blurred clouds of stonefly , caddis , midge or mayfly dancing against the horizon .\" What is the definition of \"caddis\"?"} {"term": "microstate", "pos": "", "context": "andorra , historically , was a rural microstate whose population oscillated between 4,000 and 6,000 inhabitants .", "definition": "a very small country", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"andorra , historically , was a rural microstate whose population oscillated between 4,000 and 6,000 inhabitants .\" What is the definition of \"microstate\"?"} {"term": "jostle", "pos": "", "context": "the unpretentious , butter-hued dining room is calm then - underpopulated , even , compared to the darwinian bray and jostle of jampacked evenings .", "definition": "the action of jostling", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the unpretentious , butter-hued dining room is calm then - underpopulated , even , compared to the darwinian bray and jostle of jampacked evenings .\" What is the definition of \"jostle\"?"} {"term": "impertinence", "pos": "", "context": "and politicians have the impertinence , not to mention the brass neck , to continue to wonder why the public is disillusioned with them .", "definition": "lack of respect ; rudeness", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and politicians have the impertinence , not to mention the brass neck , to continue to wonder why the public is disillusioned with them .\" What is the definition of \"impertinence\"?"} {"term": "abstinent", "pos": "", "context": "not totally abstinent but abstemious", "definition": "self-restraining ; not indulging an appetite especially for food or drink", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"not totally abstinent but abstemious\" What is the definition of \"abstinent\"?"} {"term": "rocketeer", "pos": "", "context": "esa rocketeers are hoping that the payload does not actually end up in the atlantic - as happened during the last ariane 5 eca launch in 2002 .", "definition": "a person who works with space rockets ; a rocket enthusiast .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"esa rocketeers are hoping that the payload does not actually end up in the atlantic - as happened during the last ariane 5 eca launch in 2002 .\" What is the definition of \"rocketeer\"?"} {"term": "memorize", "pos": "", "context": "have you memorized your lines for the play yet ?", "definition": "commit to memory ; learn by heart", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"have you memorized your lines for the play yet ?\" What is the definition of \"memorize\"?"} {"term": "teaser", "pos": "", "context": "a teaser is used to disentangle the fibers", "definition": "a device for teasing wool", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a teaser is used to disentangle the fibers\" What is the definition of \"teaser\"?"} {"term": "limpet", "pos": "", "context": "barnacles are crustaceans like crabs and shrimps but , because of their appearance , until the 19th century they were thought to be molluscs like limpets and whelks .", "definition": "a marine mollusc which has a shallow conical shell and a broad muscular foot , found clinging tightly to rocks .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"barnacles are crustaceans like crabs and shrimps but , because of their appearance , until the 19th century they were thought to be molluscs like limpets and whelks .\" What is the definition of \"limpet\"?"} {"term": "proboscis", "pos": "", "context": "when the hawk moth proboscises were long compared to the length of the flower tube , the hawk moths did not efficiently pick up pollen , and the flowers did not reproduce well .", "definition": "( in many insects ) an elongated sucking mouthpart that is typically tubular and flexible .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when the hawk moth proboscises were long compared to the length of the flower tube , the hawk moths did not efficiently pick up pollen , and the flowers did not reproduce well .\" What is the definition of \"proboscis\"?"} {"term": "ashlar", "pos": "", "context": "the gaps above the designated ashlars have been cleared of debris and new ashlars have been inserted .", "definition": "a stone used in ashlar .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the gaps above the designated ashlars have been cleared of debris and new ashlars have been inserted .\" What is the definition of \"ashlar\"?"} {"term": "min", "pos": "", "context": "the phylogeny above groups chinese dialects into two : southern dialects ( yue , hakka , min ) and northern . dialects ( wu , gan , xiang , mandarin ) .", "definition": "a dialect of chinese spoken by over 50 million people , mainly in fujian province , hainan , and taiwan . it has two main forms , northern and southern .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the phylogeny above groups chinese dialects into two : southern dialects ( yue , hakka , min ) and northern . dialects ( wu , gan , xiang , mandarin ) .\" What is the definition of \"min\"?"} {"term": "porn", "pos": "", "context": "that might be changing , despite how the movie wrings its hands about the end of the day of narrative porn .", "definition": "television programmes , magazine , books , etc . that are regarded as emphasizing the sensuous or sensational aspects of a non-sexual subject and stimulating a compulsive interest in their audience", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that might be changing , despite how the movie wrings its hands about the end of the day of narrative porn .\" What is the definition of \"porn\"?"} {"term": "porn", "pos": "", "context": "instead , we presented a series of gay porno films from the late 70 's .", "definition": "pornographic", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"instead , we presented a series of gay porno films from the late 70 's .\" What is the definition of \"porn\"?"} {"term": "morgue", "pos": "", "context": "this beautiful chateau had gone from a boarding house to a morgue in just one day .", "definition": "used in reference to a place that is quiet , gloomy , or cold", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this beautiful chateau had gone from a boarding house to a morgue in just one day .\" What is the definition of \"morgue\"?"} {"term": "morgue", "pos": "", "context": "his body lay unrecognised in the city morgue for three days .", "definition": "a mortuary", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his body lay unrecognised in the city morgue for three days .\" What is the definition of \"morgue\"?"} {"term": "dag", "pos": "", "context": "besides reducing methane emissions , condensed tannins have other animal-related benefits , including improved milk yields , increased liveweight gain , decreased internal parasite burden and reduced bloat , dags and fly strike .", "definition": "a lock of wool matted with dung hanging from the hindquarters of a sheep .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"besides reducing methane emissions , condensed tannins have other animal-related benefits , including improved milk yields , increased liveweight gain , decreased internal parasite burden and reduced bloat , dags and fly strike .\" What is the definition of \"dag\"?"} {"term": "nuptial", "pos": "", "context": "the males develop nuptial coloration consisting of red-colored fins and eyes .", "definition": "denoting the characteristic breeding behaviour , coloration , or structures of some animals", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the males develop nuptial coloration consisting of red-colored fins and eyes .\" What is the definition of \"nuptial\"?"} {"term": "mistress", "pos": "", "context": "the post mistress raises our flag in front of the post office .", "definition": "a woman in a position of authority or control", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the post mistress raises our flag in front of the post office .\" What is the definition of \"mistress\"?"} {"term": "coronach", "pos": "", "context": "‘ oh , there 'll be plenty of that… but not if you play coronachs , ’ said darien .", "definition": "( in scotland or ireland ) a funeral song .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ oh , there 'll be plenty of that… but not if you play coronachs , ’ said darien .\" What is the definition of \"coronach\"?"} {"term": "constrict", "pos": "", "context": "so alex loved someone , i felt my heart constrict tightly as i registered what he said .", "definition": "become narrower", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so alex loved someone , i felt my heart constrict tightly as i registered what he said .\" What is the definition of \"constrict\"?"} {"term": "vax", "pos": "", "context": "did we have a terrible time deciding if john should receive a vax , and if so which one ? horrible time .", "definition": "a vaccine or vaccination", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"did we have a terrible time deciding if john should receive a vax , and if so which one ? horrible time .\" What is the definition of \"vax\"?"} {"term": "thrash", "pos": "", "context": "meanwhile the players dressed to thrill when they turned out for their thrash at the hotel following their 1-0 win .", "definition": "a party , especially a loud or lavish one", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"meanwhile the players dressed to thrill when they turned out for their thrash at the hotel following their 1-0 win .\" What is the definition of \"thrash\"?"} {"term": "thrash", "pos": "", "context": "the feverish patient thrashed around in his bed", "definition": "move or stir about violently", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the feverish patient thrashed around in his bed\" What is the definition of \"thrash\"?"} {"term": "probation", "pos": "", "context": "he was given a community service order and put on probation .", "definition": "the release of an offender from detention , subject to a period of good behaviour under supervision", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was given a community service order and put on probation .\" What is the definition of \"probation\"?"} {"term": "jolly", "pos": "", "context": "the boyfriend and i had a day off yesterday and went on a jolly round the thames like tourists .", "definition": "a clinker-built ship 's boat that is smaller than a cutter , typically hoisted at the stern of the ship .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the boyfriend and i had a day off yesterday and went on a jolly round the thames like tourists .\" What is the definition of \"jolly\"?"} {"term": "vinegar", "pos": "", "context": "lady catherine de bourgh would turn a saint 's milk of human kindness to vinegar .", "definition": "sourness or peevishness of behaviour , character , or speech", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lady catherine de bourgh would turn a saint 's milk of human kindness to vinegar .\" What is the definition of \"vinegar\"?"} {"term": "nob", "pos": "", "context": "the real worry about this is that it did not happen in chapel town in leeds , nor in some of the riot-prone ghettoes of bradford , but in a leafy part of mar'ton where the nobs all live .", "definition": "a person of wealth or high social position", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the real worry about this is that it did not happen in chapel town in leeds , nor in some of the riot-prone ghettoes of bradford , but in a leafy part of mar'ton where the nobs all live .\" What is the definition of \"nob\"?"} {"term": "satisfice", "pos": "", "context": "optimization requires processes that are more complex than those needed to merely satisfice", "definition": "decide on and pursue a course of action satisfying the minimum requirements to achieve a goal", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"optimization requires processes that are more complex than those needed to merely satisfice\" What is the definition of \"satisfice\"?"} {"term": "mummer", "pos": "", "context": "while the traditional roles are not always filled by the same mummers , they have their favourites .", "definition": "an actor in a traditional masked mime or a mummers ' play .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"while the traditional roles are not always filled by the same mummers , they have their favourites .\" What is the definition of \"mummer\"?"} {"term": "singleton", "pos": "", "context": "the set-theorist ernst zermelo proposed that the number is the empty set and for each number n , the successor of n is the singleton of n , so that 1 is , 2 is , 3 is , etc .", "definition": "a set which contains exactly one element", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the set-theorist ernst zermelo proposed that the number is the empty set and for each number n , the successor of n is the singleton of n , so that 1 is , 2 is , 3 is , etc .\" What is the definition of \"singleton\"?"} {"term": "empire", "pos": "", "context": "the romans established their empire at the height of roman power .", "definition": "an extensive group of states or countries ruled over by a single monarch , an oligarchy , or a sovereign state", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the romans established their empire at the height of roman power .\" What is the definition of \"empire\"?"} {"term": "up-and-coming", "pos": "", "context": "over two hundred people attended including many up-and-coming young handballers .", "definition": "( of a person beginning a particular activity or occupation ) making good progress and likely to become successful", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"over two hundred people attended including many up-and-coming young handballers .\" What is the definition of \"up-and-coming\"?"} {"term": "chaffer", "pos": "", "context": "we chaffered a good deal , but at last a bargain was struck .", "definition": "haggle about the terms of an agreement or price of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we chaffered a good deal , but at last a bargain was struck .\" What is the definition of \"chaffer\"?"} {"term": "putsch", "pos": "", "context": "de gaulle became president of france in 1958 , following a putsch by french settlers and the military in algeria .", "definition": "a violent attempt to overthrow a government ; a coup .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"de gaulle became president of france in 1958 , following a putsch by french settlers and the military in algeria .\" What is the definition of \"putsch\"?"} {"term": "clatter", "pos": "", "context": "the distant clatter of a milk van revives a long-lost , though momentary , reverie .", "definition": "a continuous rattling sound as of hard objects falling or striking each other", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the distant clatter of a milk van revives a long-lost , though momentary , reverie .\" What is the definition of \"clatter\"?"} {"term": "descend", "pos": "", "context": "a disagreement between four boys was all it took to provoke the gang into descending on the area and attacking people at random , the court heard .", "definition": "make a sudden attack on", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a disagreement between four boys was all it took to provoke the gang into descending on the area and attacking people at random , the court heard .\" What is the definition of \"descend\"?"} {"term": "descend", "pos": "", "context": "in another case , a judge dismissed a claim for negligence where a 12-year-old pupil broke her ankle when descending a staircase .", "definition": "move down ( a slope or stairs )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in another case , a judge dismissed a claim for negligence where a 12-year-old pupil broke her ankle when descending a staircase .\" What is the definition of \"descend\"?"} {"term": "self-inductance", "pos": "", "context": "however , it was also wrong , as it completely ignored self-inductance .", "definition": "a measure or coefficient of self-induction in a circuit , usually measured in henries .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"however , it was also wrong , as it completely ignored self-inductance .\" What is the definition of \"self-inductance\"?"} {"term": "dielectric", "pos": "", "context": "in many photonic structures composed of two or more dielectrics , the absolute value of the refractive index contrast is critical to performance .", "definition": "a medium or substance with a dielectric property ; an insulator .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in many photonic structures composed of two or more dielectrics , the absolute value of the refractive index contrast is critical to performance .\" What is the definition of \"dielectric\"?"} {"term": "withholder", "pos": "", "context": "a withholder of payments", "definition": "a person who refrains from granting", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a withholder of payments\" What is the definition of \"withholder\"?"} {"term": "cringe", "pos": "", "context": "kokon and tona cringed in fear that their master might turn on them and kill them .", "definition": "bend one 's head and body in fear or apprehension or in a servile manner", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"kokon and tona cringed in fear that their master might turn on them and kill them .\" What is the definition of \"cringe\"?"} {"term": "tagalog", "pos": "", "context": "the tagalog text of the poem revisits the balangiga incident .", "definition": "relating to the tagalogs or their language .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the tagalog text of the poem revisits the balangiga incident .\" What is the definition of \"tagalog\"?"} {"term": "hover", "pos": "", "context": "by mid-morning , helicopters hovered overhead and police barked orders through bullhorns to keep order on the ground .", "definition": "remain in one place in the air", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"by mid-morning , helicopters hovered overhead and police barked orders through bullhorns to keep order on the ground .\" What is the definition of \"hover\"?"} {"term": "signatory", "pos": "", "context": "all the signatory countries will have to abide by the rules .", "definition": "a party that has signed an agreement , especially a state that has signed a treaty", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all the signatory countries will have to abide by the rules .\" What is the definition of \"signatory\"?"} {"term": "designer", "pos": "", "context": "he took , supposedly or allegedly , this designer steroid that helped him run faster .", "definition": "fashionable", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he took , supposedly or allegedly , this designer steroid that helped him run faster .\" What is the definition of \"designer\"?"} {"term": "physiocrat", "pos": "", "context": "it can be traced in the theories of public finance to the work of the 18th century french physiocrats .", "definition": "a member of an 18th-century group of french economists who believed that agriculture was the source of all wealth and that agricultural products should be highly priced . advocating adherence to a supposed natural order of social institutions , they also stressed the necessity of free trade .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it can be traced in the theories of public finance to the work of the 18th century french physiocrats .\" What is the definition of \"physiocrat\"?"} {"term": "repair", "pos": "", "context": "the building was in good repair", "definition": "a formal way of referring to the condition of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the building was in good repair\" What is the definition of \"repair\"?"} {"term": "disseminate", "pos": "", "context": "this tumor disseminated early and pursued a highly aggressive course .", "definition": "spread throughout an organ or the body", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this tumor disseminated early and pursued a highly aggressive course .\" What is the definition of \"disseminate\"?"} {"term": "frangipane", "pos": "", "context": "he urged me to try the day 's fresh tart : pear poached in white wine with frangipane .", "definition": "an almond-flavoured cream or paste .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he urged me to try the day 's fresh tart : pear poached in white wine with frangipane .\" What is the definition of \"frangipane\"?"} {"term": "stop", "pos": "", "context": "fewer stops surely means fewer passengers , therefore lower financial performance .", "definition": "a place designated for a bus or train to halt and pick up or set down passengers", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fewer stops surely means fewer passengers , therefore lower financial performance .\" What is the definition of \"stop\"?"} {"term": "stop", "pos": "", "context": "stop the project", "definition": "prevent completion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stop the project\" What is the definition of \"stop\"?"} {"term": "stop", "pos": "", "context": "how is she supposed to get any rest if you guys do n't stop this racket out here ?", "definition": "cause ( an action , process , or event ) to come to an end", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"how is she supposed to get any rest if you guys do n't stop this racket out here ?\" What is the definition of \"stop\"?"} {"term": "stop", "pos": "", "context": "the car stopped", "definition": "come to a halt , stop moving", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the car stopped\" What is the definition of \"stop\"?"} {"term": "batholith", "pos": "", "context": "the batholith extends into the west kimberley , and is more than 750 km long and about 60-70 km wide .", "definition": "a very large igneous intrusion extending to an unknown depth in the earth 's crust .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the batholith extends into the west kimberley , and is more than 750 km long and about 60-70 km wide .\" What is the definition of \"batholith\"?"} {"term": "hang-glider", "pos": "", "context": "like a hang-glider i dropped over the edge and down into the blue .", "definition": "a person flying a hang-glider .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"like a hang-glider i dropped over the edge and down into the blue .\" What is the definition of \"hang-glider\"?"} {"term": "cochin", "pos": "", "context": "numerous fowl of asiatic origin came into britain , often acquiring names which had little to do with their origins : cochins may actually have come from shanghai .", "definition": "a chicken of an asian breed with feathery legs .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"numerous fowl of asiatic origin came into britain , often acquiring names which had little to do with their origins : cochins may actually have come from shanghai .\" What is the definition of \"cochin\"?"} {"term": "spike", "pos": "", "context": "his hair was dark blond like mine , but he kept his in a short style and sometimes spiked it up .", "definition": "form into or cover with sharp points", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his hair was dark blond like mine , but he kept his in a short style and sometimes spiked it up .\" What is the definition of \"spike\"?"} {"term": "spike", "pos": "", "context": "they used spikes to fasten the rails to a railroad tie", "definition": "a large stout nail", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they used spikes to fasten the rails to a railroad tie\" What is the definition of \"spike\"?"} {"term": "able", "pos": "", "context": "the morning journey was relaxing and i was able to read a lot that will help me at work .", "definition": "having the power , skill , means , or opportunity to do something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the morning journey was relaxing and i was able to read a lot that will help me at work .\" What is the definition of \"able\"?"} {"term": "arbitrator", "pos": "", "context": "he is calling for the appointment of an independent arbitrator to nip the dispute in the bud .", "definition": "an independent person or body officially appointed to settle a dispute", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is calling for the appointment of an independent arbitrator to nip the dispute in the bud .\" What is the definition of \"arbitrator\"?"} {"term": "betting", "pos": "", "context": "from the 1930s the states in turn legalised state lotteries and off-course betting on horse races , and introduced casinos for continuous gambling .", "definition": "the action of gambling money on the outcome of a race , game , or other unpredictable event", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"from the 1930s the states in turn legalised state lotteries and off-course betting on horse races , and introduced casinos for continuous gambling .\" What is the definition of \"betting\"?"} {"term": "arawak", "pos": "", "context": "each of a dozen native groups speaks a different carib , arawak , or warrau dialect .", "definition": "any of the languages of the arawak .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"each of a dozen native groups speaks a different carib , arawak , or warrau dialect .\" What is the definition of \"arawak\"?"} {"term": "mentor", "pos": "", "context": "it would be great for him to be mentored into working .", "definition": "advise or train ( someone , especially a younger colleague )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it would be great for him to be mentored into working .\" What is the definition of \"mentor\"?"} {"term": "waterdog", "pos": "", "context": "a good population of the neuse river waterdog , a large salamander , still remains in the little river , and dam removal increased its habitat .", "definition": "an aquatic north american salamander which is a smaller relative of the mud puppy , typically living in flowing water .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a good population of the neuse river waterdog , a large salamander , still remains in the little river , and dam removal increased its habitat .\" What is the definition of \"waterdog\"?"} {"term": "vivify", "pos": "", "context": "his remarks always vivify an otherwise dull story", "definition": "make more striking or animated", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his remarks always vivify an otherwise dull story\" What is the definition of \"vivify\"?"} {"term": "password", "pos": "", "context": "he forgot the password", "definition": "a secret word or phrase known only to a restricted group", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he forgot the password\" What is the definition of \"password\"?"} {"term": "portmanteau", "pos": "", "context": "a portmanteau word combining smoke and fog , the term was popularized by h. a. des voeux in his report to the manchester conference of the smoke abatement league of great britain in 1911 .", "definition": "a word blending the sounds and combining the meanings of two others , for example motel or brunch", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a portmanteau word combining smoke and fog , the term was popularized by h. a. des voeux in his report to the manchester conference of the smoke abatement league of great britain in 1911 .\" What is the definition of \"portmanteau\"?"} {"term": "champion", "pos": "", "context": "well , the prime minister 's always very fair about these matters , and he is a great champion of the democratic system of government .", "definition": "a person who vigorously supports or defends a person or cause", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"well , the prime minister 's always very fair about these matters , and he is a great champion of the democratic system of government .\" What is the definition of \"champion\"?"} {"term": "overstatement", "pos": "", "context": "at first glance , such a comment seems like hyperbole , an eulogizing overstatement .", "definition": "the action of stating something too strongly ; exaggeration", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at first glance , such a comment seems like hyperbole , an eulogizing overstatement .\" What is the definition of \"overstatement\"?"} {"term": "spacecraft", "pos": "", "context": "the operations team came up with a plan to roll the spacecraft and warm the hinges with the sun .", "definition": "a vehicle used for travelling in space .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the operations team came up with a plan to roll the spacecraft and warm the hinges with the sun .\" What is the definition of \"spacecraft\"?"} {"term": "stab", "pos": "", "context": "he felt a sharp stab of pain as he remembered that that was part of being in love .", "definition": "a sudden sharp feeling or pain", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he felt a sharp stab of pain as he remembered that that was part of being in love .\" What is the definition of \"stab\"?"} {"term": "radioisotope", "pos": "", "context": "synthesis of the heavier transuranic elements , as well as of radioisotopes of the natural elements , is sometimes included under the broader umbrella of chemical synthesis .", "definition": "a radioactive isotope .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"synthesis of the heavier transuranic elements , as well as of radioisotopes of the natural elements , is sometimes included under the broader umbrella of chemical synthesis .\" What is the definition of \"radioisotope\"?"} {"term": "admiral", "pos": "", "context": "there is often an extreme contrast between full sunshine and deep shadow , as can be seen in the photograph of the white admiral .", "definition": "a butterfly which has dark wings with bold red or white markings .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is often an extreme contrast between full sunshine and deep shadow , as can be seen in the photograph of the white admiral .\" What is the definition of \"admiral\"?"} {"term": "initial", "pos": "", "context": "they both initialled the proposal form and they both signed the cheques for the premiums .", "definition": "mark or sign ( a document ) with one 's initials in order to authorize or validate it", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they both initialled the proposal form and they both signed the cheques for the premiums .\" What is the definition of \"initial\"?"} {"term": "picnic", "pos": "", "context": "and this was labor day , a holiday when families here would traditionally head for that park and hold picnics , barbecues , play ball , sunbathe and relax at the end of a super hot summer .", "definition": "an occasion when a packed meal is eaten outdoors , especially during an outing to the countryside", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and this was labor day , a holiday when families here would traditionally head for that park and hold picnics , barbecues , play ball , sunbathe and relax at the end of a super hot summer .\" What is the definition of \"picnic\"?"} {"term": "tippet", "pos": "", "context": "at his fancy-dress party , arkadin , already huge , augments his volume with tails , a heavy cloak with a triple tippet , and a three-cornered hat .", "definition": "a long , narrow strip of cloth forming part of or attached to a hood or sleeve .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at his fancy-dress party , arkadin , already huge , augments his volume with tails , a heavy cloak with a triple tippet , and a three-cornered hat .\" What is the definition of \"tippet\"?"} {"term": "screamer", "pos": "", "context": "after a somewhat creepy beginning down on the farm , the film is just a screamer .", "definition": "a thing that causes screams of laughter", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after a somewhat creepy beginning down on the farm , the film is just a screamer .\" What is the definition of \"screamer\"?"} {"term": "biotechnology", "pos": "", "context": "none of the supposed problems raised in the biotech debate were either substantial or specific to biotechnology .", "definition": "the exploitation of biological processes for industrial and other purposes , especially the genetic manipulation of microorganisms for the production of antibiotics , hormones , etc .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"none of the supposed problems raised in the biotech debate were either substantial or specific to biotechnology .\" What is the definition of \"biotechnology\"?"} {"term": "burr", "pos": "", "context": "at this point , i make a burring noise and replace the receiver .", "definition": "make a whirring sound .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at this point , i make a burring noise and replace the receiver .\" What is the definition of \"burr\"?"} {"term": "balsa", "pos": "", "context": "hunt constructed these lightweight volumes from thin ribs of spruce or balsa wood before sheathing them in layers of silk paper and metal leaf .", "definition": "very lightweight timber used chiefly for making models and rafts .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hunt constructed these lightweight volumes from thin ribs of spruce or balsa wood before sheathing them in layers of silk paper and metal leaf .\" What is the definition of \"balsa\"?"} {"term": "self-abnegation", "pos": "", "context": "obeying the guru required discipline and self-abnegation , an exercise that was always beneficial to the spiritual aspirant .", "definition": "the denial or abasement of oneself", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"obeying the guru required discipline and self-abnegation , an exercise that was always beneficial to the spiritual aspirant .\" What is the definition of \"self-abnegation\"?"} {"term": "hopsack", "pos": "", "context": "all the hopsacks i have seen feel too heavy for summer .", "definition": "a coarse clothing fabric of a loose plain weave", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all the hopsacks i have seen feel too heavy for summer .\" What is the definition of \"hopsack\"?"} {"term": "solitude", "pos": "", "context": "one would have said that the writer must have threaded its wildest solitudes by the light of the moon and stars as well as by day .", "definition": "a lonely or uninhabited place", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one would have said that the writer must have threaded its wildest solitudes by the light of the moon and stars as well as by day .\" What is the definition of \"solitude\"?"} {"term": "myrrh", "pos": "", "context": "on ancient altars perfumes were offered to the gods , while in the kitchens of antiquity the same scents - saffron , cinnamon , rose , myrrh - might be used to flavour food and wine .", "definition": "a fragrant gum resin obtained from certain trees and used , especially in the near east , in perfumery , medicines , and incense .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on ancient altars perfumes were offered to the gods , while in the kitchens of antiquity the same scents - saffron , cinnamon , rose , myrrh - might be used to flavour food and wine .\" What is the definition of \"myrrh\"?"} {"term": "namecheck", "pos": "", "context": "this is the operation he will later replicate at home , without crediting or namechecking its inventors .", "definition": "publicly mention or list the name of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this is the operation he will later replicate at home , without crediting or namechecking its inventors .\" What is the definition of \"namecheck\"?"} {"term": "ending", "pos": "", "context": "you 're cutting through tissues , bones , blood vessels , nerve endings - it 's painful .", "definition": "the furthest part of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you 're cutting through tissues , bones , blood vessels , nerve endings - it 's painful .\" What is the definition of \"ending\"?"} {"term": "hispanic", "pos": "", "context": "these children are on their way to two weeks of summer camp , but for many parents in this heavily hispanic neighborhood that is a frightful thought .", "definition": "relating to spanish-speaking people or their culture , especially in the us", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these children are on their way to two weeks of summer camp , but for many parents in this heavily hispanic neighborhood that is a frightful thought .\" What is the definition of \"hispanic\"?"} {"term": "back", "pos": "", "context": "fifty minutes of the interview have elapsed and eddie jordan has pushed back his chair and jumped to his feet .", "definition": "in the opposite direction from the one that one is facing or travelling towards", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fifty minutes of the interview have elapsed and eddie jordan has pushed back his chair and jumped to his feet .\" What is the definition of \"back\"?"} {"term": "back", "pos": "", "context": "so they never actually see just how stupefyingly dull this sport can be for the folks back home .", "definition": "at a place previously left or mentioned", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so they never actually see just how stupefyingly dull this sport can be for the folks back home .\" What is the definition of \"back\"?"} {"term": "back", "pos": "", "context": "he wrote back three days later", "definition": "in reply", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he wrote back three days later\" What is the definition of \"back\"?"} {"term": "back", "pos": "", "context": "would n't it have been good to see starr backing sir paul mccartney at hyde park ?", "definition": "( in popular music ) provide musical accompaniment to ( a singer or musician )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"would n't it have been good to see starr backing sir paul mccartney at hyde park ?\" What is the definition of \"back\"?"} {"term": "piggyback", "pos": "", "context": "piggyback mounts allow a camera to be mounted parallel to the axis of a telescope , such that camera and telescope are pointed at the same target .", "definition": "attached to or riding on a larger object", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"piggyback mounts allow a camera to be mounted parallel to the axis of a telescope , such that camera and telescope are pointed at the same target .\" What is the definition of \"piggyback\"?"} {"term": "rock", "pos": "", "context": "brimstone 's ship was violently rocked by the explosions , but still managed to maintain their shields .", "definition": "( with reference to a building or region ) shake or cause to shake or vibrate , especially because of an impact , earthquake , or explosion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"brimstone 's ship was violently rocked by the explosions , but still managed to maintain their shields .\" What is the definition of \"rock\"?"} {"term": "rock", "pos": "", "context": "it 's like a trip through a jewelry store that sells nothing but pricey diamond rings with big rocks .", "definition": "a precious stone , especially a diamond .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's like a trip through a jewelry store that sells nothing but pricey diamond rings with big rocks .\" What is the definition of \"rock\"?"} {"term": "yell", "pos": "", "context": "as they finished their last song , i rushed up to talk to them amidst cheers and yells from the crowd .", "definition": "an organized cheer , especially one used to support a sports team .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as they finished their last song , i rushed up to talk to them amidst cheers and yells from the crowd .\" What is the definition of \"yell\"?"} {"term": "phenylephrine", "pos": "", "context": "nasal decongestants for example , oxymetazoline , xylometazoline , phenylephrine , ephedrine are applied directly to the inside of the nose .", "definition": "a synthetic compound related to adrenaline , used as a vasoconstrictor and nasal decongestant .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nasal decongestants for example , oxymetazoline , xylometazoline , phenylephrine , ephedrine are applied directly to the inside of the nose .\" What is the definition of \"phenylephrine\"?"} {"term": "carrier", "pos": "", "context": "in the form of iodized salt , it is a carrier of iodine .", "definition": "a substance used to support or convey another substance such as a pigment , catalyst , or radioactive material .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the form of iodized salt , it is a carrier of iodine .\" What is the definition of \"carrier\"?"} {"term": "average", "pos": "", "context": "proportions were first averaged for each nestling with multiple bill load estimates .", "definition": "calculate or estimate the average of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"proportions were first averaged for each nestling with multiple bill load estimates .\" What is the definition of \"average\"?"} {"term": "military", "pos": "", "context": "we ca n't allow that to happen , and there are so many like me in the military who feel this way .", "definition": "the armed forces of a country", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we ca n't allow that to happen , and there are so many like me in the military who feel this way .\" What is the definition of \"military\"?"} {"term": "brassy", "pos": "", "context": "the follow up chases hot on its heels with more brassy and in-your-face lyrics of defiance and determination .", "definition": "sounding like a brass musical instrument ; harsh and loud", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the follow up chases hot on its heels with more brassy and in-your-face lyrics of defiance and determination .\" What is the definition of \"brassy\"?"} {"term": "mew", "pos": "", "context": "the kitten gave her a quizzical look but did not let out a mew .", "definition": "the high-pitched cry of a cat or gull", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the kitten gave her a quizzical look but did not let out a mew .\" What is the definition of \"mew\"?"} {"term": "zulu", "pos": "", "context": "atlas 4 this is zulu 7 requesting immediate evac from , bigs hand me that map , dog niner alpha zero .", "definition": "a code word representing the letter z , used in radio communication .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"atlas 4 this is zulu 7 requesting immediate evac from , bigs hand me that map , dog niner alpha zero .\" What is the definition of \"zulu\"?"} {"term": "unmentionable", "pos": "", "context": "when he does mention the unmentionable , as an aside , the effect is callous .", "definition": "a person or thing that is too shocking or embarrassing to be mentioned by name", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when he does mention the unmentionable , as an aside , the effect is callous .\" What is the definition of \"unmentionable\"?"} {"term": "corner", "pos": "", "context": "he knocked off the corners", "definition": "a projecting part where two sides or edges meet", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he knocked off the corners\" What is the definition of \"corner\"?"} {"term": "sedation", "pos": "", "context": "taken together with the clinical findings , ct under sedation was not required .", "definition": "the action of administering a sedative drug to produce a state of calm or sleep", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"taken together with the clinical findings , ct under sedation was not required .\" What is the definition of \"sedation\"?"} {"term": "dervish", "pos": "", "context": "while pakistan beckoned us with its antique wooden chests , turkey had me mesmerised with its flying dervishes .", "definition": "a member of a muslim ( specifically sufi ) religious order who has taken vows of poverty and austerity . dervishes first appeared in the 12th century ; they were noted for their wild or ecstatic rituals and were known as dancing , whirling , or howling dervishes according to the practice of their order .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"while pakistan beckoned us with its antique wooden chests , turkey had me mesmerised with its flying dervishes .\" What is the definition of \"dervish\"?"} {"term": "decoction", "pos": "", "context": "medicinal plants are predominantly wildcrafted and dispensed mainly by decoction , although prepared formulas are given .", "definition": "the action or process of extracting the essence of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"medicinal plants are predominantly wildcrafted and dispensed mainly by decoction , although prepared formulas are given .\" What is the definition of \"decoction\"?"} {"term": "airbrush", "pos": "", "context": "interns , why ca n't they get their campaign photos airbrushed ?", "definition": "alter or conceal ( a photograph or a detail in one ) using an airbrush", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"interns , why ca n't they get their campaign photos airbrushed ?\" What is the definition of \"airbrush\"?"} {"term": "airbrush", "pos": "", "context": "the old car looks like new now that we airbrushed it", "definition": "paint with an airbrush", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the old car looks like new now that we airbrushed it\" What is the definition of \"airbrush\"?"} {"term": "challah", "pos": "", "context": "just in case , we arranged for a rabbi to be here to conduct the meal and i cooked a little , and we left challah , salads , drinks , and provisions .", "definition": "a plaited loaf of white leavened bread , traditionally baked to celebrate the jewish sabbath .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"just in case , we arranged for a rabbi to be here to conduct the meal and i cooked a little , and we left challah , salads , drinks , and provisions .\" What is the definition of \"challah\"?"} {"term": "killing", "pos": "", "context": "have we forgotten all the lessons of how to prevent this killing disease ?", "definition": "causing death", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"have we forgotten all the lessons of how to prevent this killing disease ?\" What is the definition of \"killing\"?"} {"term": "mandarin", "pos": "", "context": "at last the fruits are ripe on the mandarin tree and you squeeze your first delicious juice from them for breakfast .", "definition": "the citrus tree that yields the mandarin .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at last the fruits are ripe on the mandarin tree and you squeeze your first delicious juice from them for breakfast .\" What is the definition of \"mandarin\"?"} {"term": "styptic", "pos": "", "context": "in the event that too ambitious trimming results in bleeding , styptic powder should be applied to the wounded nail .", "definition": "( of a substance ) capable of causing bleeding to stop when it is applied to a wound .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the event that too ambitious trimming results in bleeding , styptic powder should be applied to the wounded nail .\" What is the definition of \"styptic\"?"} {"term": "acadian", "pos": "", "context": "louisiana attracted acadians who wanted to rejoin their kin and acadian culture .", "definition": "a descendant of the acadians deported to louisiana in the 18th century ; a cajun .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"louisiana attracted acadians who wanted to rejoin their kin and acadian culture .\" What is the definition of \"acadian\"?"} {"term": "welkin", "pos": "", "context": "when the welkin had ceased to ring with their laughter and screeches , it was customary to join forces and proceed arm-in-arm to spend the evening in the town .", "definition": "the sky or heaven .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when the welkin had ceased to ring with their laughter and screeches , it was customary to join forces and proceed arm-in-arm to spend the evening in the town .\" What is the definition of \"welkin\"?"} {"term": "lap", "pos": "", "context": "the dead woman rose for a moment of agony while she was lapped in the flame , and her bitter scream of pain was drowned in the thundercrash .", "definition": "wrap or enfold someone or something in ( something soft )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the dead woman rose for a moment of agony while she was lapped in the flame , and her bitter scream of pain was drowned in the thundercrash .\" What is the definition of \"lap\"?"} {"term": "lap", "pos": "", "context": "the dog 's laps were warm and wet", "definition": "touching with the tongue", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the dog 's laps were warm and wet\" What is the definition of \"lap\"?"} {"term": "death", "pos": "", "context": "it was the death of all his plans", "definition": "the time when something ends", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was the death of all his plans\" What is the definition of \"death\"?"} {"term": "arm", "pos": "", "context": "the u.s. armed the freedom fighters in afghanistan", "definition": "supply with arms", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the u.s. armed the freedom fighters in afghanistan\" What is the definition of \"arm\"?"} {"term": "armpit", "pos": "", "context": "your dismal little country in the armpit of nowhere .", "definition": "a place regarded as extremely unpleasant", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"your dismal little country in the armpit of nowhere .\" What is the definition of \"armpit\"?"} {"term": "tall", "pos": "", "context": "he engages in so much tall talk , one never really realizes what he is saying", "definition": "lofty in style", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he engages in so much tall talk , one never really realizes what he is saying\" What is the definition of \"tall\"?"} {"term": "tall", "pos": "", "context": "with no tall buildings nearby to obstruct your sight , you can see for miles around .", "definition": "of great or more than average height , especially ( with reference to an object ) relative to width", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with no tall buildings nearby to obstruct your sight , you can see for miles around .\" What is the definition of \"tall\"?"} {"term": "pragmatic", "pos": "", "context": "this is how what linguists term pragmatic markers have arisen in languages worldwide .", "definition": "relating to pragmatics .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this is how what linguists term pragmatic markers have arisen in languages worldwide .\" What is the definition of \"pragmatic\"?"} {"term": "pragmatic", "pos": "", "context": "but some pragmatic strategists fear that his voting record in congress may be a bit too liberal .", "definition": "relating to philosophical or political pragmatism .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but some pragmatic strategists fear that his voting record in congress may be a bit too liberal .\" What is the definition of \"pragmatic\"?"} {"term": "celluloid", "pos": "", "context": "a novel with flat celluloid characters", "definition": "artificial as if portrayed in a film", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a novel with flat celluloid characters\" What is the definition of \"celluloid\"?"} {"term": "collection", "pos": "", "context": "despite regular garbage collection , the disposal becomes a nagging pain for corporation .", "definition": "the action or process of collecting someone or something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"despite regular garbage collection , the disposal becomes a nagging pain for corporation .\" What is the definition of \"collection\"?"} {"term": "banyan", "pos": "", "context": "also of interest is a rare crimson damask banyan - an early precursor of the dressing gown - of early 18 th-century silk , worn by thomas severne , gentleman of the bed chamber to king william iii .", "definition": "a loose flannel undergarment worn in india .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"also of interest is a rare crimson damask banyan - an early precursor of the dressing gown - of early 18 th-century silk , worn by thomas severne , gentleman of the bed chamber to king william iii .\" What is the definition of \"banyan\"?"} {"term": "upshift", "pos": "", "context": "unfortunately , though , the sequential changes are tad sloppy on the upshift and slightly jerky on the downshift .", "definition": "a change to a higher gear", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unfortunately , though , the sequential changes are tad sloppy on the upshift and slightly jerky on the downshift .\" What is the definition of \"upshift\"?"} {"term": "mutualism", "pos": "", "context": "israeli credit cooperatives are a likely population to generate ideological mutualism for the coops .", "definition": "the doctrine that mutual dependence is necessary to social well-being .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"israeli credit cooperatives are a likely population to generate ideological mutualism for the coops .\" What is the definition of \"mutualism\"?"} {"term": "shoot", "pos": "", "context": "shoot the edges perfectly straight , true , and square , or at right angles to the face side .", "definition": "plane ( the edge of a board ) accurately", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shoot the edges perfectly straight , true , and square , or at right angles to the face side .\" What is the definition of \"shoot\"?"} {"term": "backwash", "pos": "", "context": "terry and alice share a beer glass for some bizarre reason ( am i the only one who fears backwash ? )", "definition": "the liquid that flows back into a bottle , glass , etc . after someone has taken a drink , assumed to contain that person 's saliva", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"terry and alice share a beer glass for some bizarre reason ( am i the only one who fears backwash ? )\" What is the definition of \"backwash\"?"} {"term": "upload", "pos": "", "context": "users can continue to use the web-based file upload utility gratis , but this can be slow , reader helen cain points out .", "definition": "an act or process of uploading data", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"users can continue to use the web-based file upload utility gratis , but this can be slow , reader helen cain points out .\" What is the definition of \"upload\"?"} {"term": "grimace", "pos": "", "context": "he grimaced when he saw the amount of homework he had to do", "definition": "contort the face to indicate a certain mental or emotional state", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he grimaced when he saw the amount of homework he had to do\" What is the definition of \"grimace\"?"} {"term": "grimace", "pos": "", "context": "she made a grimace at the prospect", "definition": "a contorted facial expression", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she made a grimace at the prospect\" What is the definition of \"grimace\"?"} {"term": "jurisdictional", "pos": "", "context": "their role was to provide clear jurisdictional lines to ensure that forest management plans could be implemented .", "definition": "relating to the territory or sphere of activity over which the legal authority of a court or other institution extends", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their role was to provide clear jurisdictional lines to ensure that forest management plans could be implemented .\" What is the definition of \"jurisdictional\"?"} {"term": "snort", "pos": "", "context": "the addict was snorting cocaine almost every day", "definition": "inhale recreational drugs", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the addict was snorting cocaine almost every day\" What is the definition of \"snort\"?"} {"term": "frangipani", "pos": "", "context": "you know the drill - ‘ this oil contains notes of fresh frangipani with citrus undertones to awaken your senses ’ spoken in the sort of hushed tones reserved for sanctified grounds .", "definition": "perfume obtained from the frangipani plant .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you know the drill - ‘ this oil contains notes of fresh frangipani with citrus undertones to awaken your senses ’ spoken in the sort of hushed tones reserved for sanctified grounds .\" What is the definition of \"frangipani\"?"} {"term": "big", "pos": "", "context": "he talked big all evening", "definition": "in a boastful manner", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he talked big all evening\" What is the definition of \"big\"?"} {"term": "big", "pos": "", "context": "she had lots of friends , but she clung on to her big sister samantha , who she idolised .", "definition": "elder", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she had lots of friends , but she clung on to her big sister samantha , who she idolised .\" What is the definition of \"big\"?"} {"term": "saucisson", "pos": "", "context": "although i just wanted ham and cheese , fred needed a saucisson sec which was a little more elusive .", "definition": "a large , thick french sausage , typically firm in texture and flavoured with herbs .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"although i just wanted ham and cheese , fred needed a saucisson sec which was a little more elusive .\" What is the definition of \"saucisson\"?"} {"term": "birder", "pos": "", "context": "meeting new birders is often as enjoyable as meeting new birds .", "definition": "a birdwatcher .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"meeting new birders is often as enjoyable as meeting new birds .\" What is the definition of \"birder\"?"} {"term": "grind", "pos": "", "context": "where these plates meet , they grind together , creating earthquakes .", "definition": "rub or cause to rub together gratingly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"where these plates meet , they grind together , creating earthquakes .\" What is the definition of \"grind\"?"} {"term": "grind", "pos": "", "context": "each worker has a tale of hard work , staff shortages and the daily grind to survive .", "definition": "hard dull work", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"each worker has a tale of hard work , staff shortages and the daily grind to survive .\" What is the definition of \"grind\"?"} {"term": "grind", "pos": "", "context": "grind the spices in a mortar", "definition": "reduce to small pieces or particles by pounding or abrading", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"grind the spices in a mortar\" What is the definition of \"grind\"?"} {"term": "dynamism", "pos": "", "context": "on the one hand , the propeller embodies the no-nonsense industry and propulsive dynamism of the modern period .", "definition": "the quality of being characterized by vigorous activity and progress", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on the one hand , the propeller embodies the no-nonsense industry and propulsive dynamism of the modern period .\" What is the definition of \"dynamism\"?"} {"term": "perfect", "pos": "", "context": "it has seven vowels , it has no perfect tenses , it is chock-a-block with suffixes and its syntax is baroque .", "definition": "( of a tense ) denoting a completed action or a state or habitual action which began in the past . the perfect tense is formed in english with have or has and the past participle , as in they have eaten and they have been eating ( present perfect ) , they had eaten ( past perfect ) , and they will have eaten ( future perfect ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it has seven vowels , it has no perfect tenses , it is chock-a-block with suffixes and its syntax is baroque .\" What is the definition of \"perfect\"?"} {"term": "scandal", "pos": "", "context": "watching celebrity lives is almost exactly like watching soap operas , and in a sphere where scandal is a weekly event , a gay drug binge gone wrong is hardly worthy of note .", "definition": "the outrage or anger caused by a scandalous action or event", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"watching celebrity lives is almost exactly like watching soap operas , and in a sphere where scandal is a weekly event , a gay drug binge gone wrong is hardly worthy of note .\" What is the definition of \"scandal\"?"} {"term": "exposition", "pos": "", "context": "this is not a matter of giving a semi-popular exposition of the latest theories .", "definition": "a comprehensive description and explanation of an idea or theory", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this is not a matter of giving a semi-popular exposition of the latest theories .\" What is the definition of \"exposition\"?"} {"term": "foreigner", "pos": "", "context": "many immigrants are classed as foreigners in germany , despite being born or brought up in the country .", "definition": "a person not belonging to a particular place or group ; a stranger or outsider .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"many immigrants are classed as foreigners in germany , despite being born or brought up in the country .\" What is the definition of \"foreigner\"?"} {"term": "peculiar", "pos": "", "context": "a peculiar hobby of stuffing and mounting bats", "definition": "markedly different from the usual", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a peculiar hobby of stuffing and mounting bats\" What is the definition of \"peculiar\"?"} {"term": "funnel", "pos": "", "context": "funnel the liquid into the small bottle", "definition": "move or pour through a funnel", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"funnel the liquid into the small bottle\" What is the definition of \"funnel\"?"} {"term": "tow", "pos": "", "context": "for non-skiing fun in the snow , people of any age can find thrills on the groomed tubing hill with its individual lanes and rope tow .", "definition": "a rope or line used to tow a vehicle or boat .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for non-skiing fun in the snow , people of any age can find thrills on the groomed tubing hill with its individual lanes and rope tow .\" What is the definition of \"tow\"?"} {"term": "certainty", "pos": "", "context": "americans today crave the confidence , certainty and reckless aplomb he exuded but are at the same time uneasily aware that his approach would be inappropriate now .", "definition": "a general air of confidence", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"americans today crave the confidence , certainty and reckless aplomb he exuded but are at the same time uneasily aware that his approach would be inappropriate now .\" What is the definition of \"certainty\"?"} {"term": "sit-up", "pos": "", "context": "now 53 , he stays in shape by jogging and doing push-ups and sit-ups .", "definition": "a physical exercise designed to strengthen the abdominal muscles , in which a person sits up from a supine position without using the arms for leverage .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"now 53 , he stays in shape by jogging and doing push-ups and sit-ups .\" What is the definition of \"sit-up\"?"} {"term": "revolution", "pos": "", "context": "i was trying to start a workers ' revolution in glasgow .", "definition": "a forcible overthrow of a government or social order , in favour of a new system", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i was trying to start a workers ' revolution in glasgow .\" What is the definition of \"revolution\"?"} {"term": "snappy", "pos": "", "context": "he 'd read twice through every book in the house , and he 'd become irritable and snappy .", "definition": "irritable and inclined to speak sharply ; snappish", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he 'd read twice through every book in the house , and he 'd become irritable and snappy .\" What is the definition of \"snappy\"?"} {"term": "railroad", "pos": "", "context": "his irish ancestors had emigrated to the united states in the early 19th century and made fortunes in logging and railroading .", "definition": "travel or work on the railways", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his irish ancestors had emigrated to the united states in the early 19th century and made fortunes in logging and railroading .\" What is the definition of \"railroad\"?"} {"term": "overnighter", "pos": "", "context": "‘ i am in a hurry . in any case , i am not happy about it , ’ said a lady in dark blue suit , carrying an overnighter .", "definition": "an overnight bag .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ i am in a hurry . in any case , i am not happy about it , ’ said a lady in dark blue suit , carrying an overnighter .\" What is the definition of \"overnighter\"?"} {"term": "turndown", "pos": "", "context": "the turndown was polite but very firm", "definition": "the act of refusing an offer", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the turndown was polite but very firm\" What is the definition of \"turndown\"?"} {"term": "primitive", "pos": "", "context": "hands evolved to lift , heft , and hurl stones ( such hard , straight , primitive words those three , clearly made for use with stones ) .", "definition": "denoting a word , base , or root from which another is historically derived .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hands evolved to lift , heft , and hurl stones ( such hard , straight , primitive words those three , clearly made for use with stones ) .\" What is the definition of \"primitive\"?"} {"term": "proprietary", "pos": "", "context": "yet its staid middle-class ending fails to narrate hard work as the proprietary glue that binds owner to estate .", "definition": "relating to an owner or ownership", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"yet its staid middle-class ending fails to narrate hard work as the proprietary glue that binds owner to estate .\" What is the definition of \"proprietary\"?"} {"term": "drool", "pos": "", "context": "the baby drooled", "definition": "let saliva drivel from the mouth", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the baby drooled\" What is the definition of \"drool\"?"} {"term": "mean", "pos": "", "context": "i meant no harm by my remark , but remember he 's only a novice .", "definition": "have something as a motive or explanation in saying or doing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i meant no harm by my remark , but remember he 's only a novice .\" What is the definition of \"mean\"?"} {"term": "mean", "pos": "", "context": "they do a mean curry in this place , but i opt for a hot sandwich instead .", "definition": "very skilful or effective ; excellent", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they do a mean curry in this place , but i opt for a hot sandwich instead .\" What is the definition of \"mean\"?"} {"term": "mean", "pos": "", "context": "my ex-husband means nothing to me", "definition": "have a specified degree of importance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my ex-husband means nothing to me\" What is the definition of \"mean\"?"} {"term": "mean", "pos": "", "context": "this person was also abusive , mean and vicious .", "definition": "vicious or aggressive in behaviour", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this person was also abusive , mean and vicious .\" What is the definition of \"mean\"?"} {"term": "staggers", "pos": "", "context": "as heney points out , each of these diseases - with the sole exception of the staggers - causes swelling .", "definition": "any of several parasitic or acute deficiency diseases of farm animals characterized by staggering or loss of balance .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as heney points out , each of these diseases - with the sole exception of the staggers - causes swelling .\" What is the definition of \"staggers\"?"} {"term": "quinta", "pos": "", "context": "upriver amidst rocky hills , villages and quintas - country estates - lie portugal 's steep and fabled vineyards .", "definition": "a country estate , in particular a wine-growing estate in portugal .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"upriver amidst rocky hills , villages and quintas - country estates - lie portugal 's steep and fabled vineyards .\" What is the definition of \"quinta\"?"} {"term": "predestine", "pos": "", "context": "look at ephesians 1 : 5 , ‘ he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through jesus christ , in accordance with his pleasure and will . ’", "definition": "( of god ) destine ( someone ) for a particular fate or purpose", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"look at ephesians 1 : 5 , ‘ he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through jesus christ , in accordance with his pleasure and will . ’\" What is the definition of \"predestine\"?"} {"term": "inhumanity", "pos": "", "context": "instead , she has chosen a dangerous , heartbreaking life , which sees risk and suffering and gross inhumanity every single day .", "definition": "extremely cruel and brutal behaviour", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"instead , she has chosen a dangerous , heartbreaking life , which sees risk and suffering and gross inhumanity every single day .\" What is the definition of \"inhumanity\"?"} {"term": "subunit", "pos": "", "context": "the heart of this work is identifying the sequence of dna subunits that constitute the human genome .", "definition": "a distinct component of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the heart of this work is identifying the sequence of dna subunits that constitute the human genome .\" What is the definition of \"subunit\"?"} {"term": "horror", "pos": "", "context": "traumatic events have in common the ability to elicit intense and immediate fear , helplessness , horror and distress .", "definition": "an intense feeling of fear , shock , or disgust", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"traumatic events have in common the ability to elicit intense and immediate fear , helplessness , horror and distress .\" What is the definition of \"horror\"?"} {"term": "horror", "pos": "", "context": "i 'd like to see sex comedies with sex , horror films without irony and political dramas that really appreciate where we are these days .", "definition": "a literary or film genre concerned with arousing feelings of horror", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i 'd like to see sex comedies with sex , horror films without irony and political dramas that really appreciate where we are these days .\" What is the definition of \"horror\"?"} {"term": "treatment", "pos": "", "context": "there is no doubt that the holocaust has been nearly exhausted as a subject , but this treatment brings it alive .", "definition": "the presentation or discussion of a subject", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is no doubt that the holocaust has been nearly exhausted as a subject , but this treatment brings it alive .\" What is the definition of \"treatment\"?"} {"term": "cadmium", "pos": "", "context": "in addition to mercury and lead , the other heavy metals commonly used by auto makers are cadmium and hexavalent chromium .", "definition": "the chemical element of atomic number 48 , a silvery-white metal .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in addition to mercury and lead , the other heavy metals commonly used by auto makers are cadmium and hexavalent chromium .\" What is the definition of \"cadmium\"?"} {"term": "silence", "pos": "", "context": "as we sat in the departure lounge at the airport there was a national moment of silence to honor the dead .", "definition": "a short appointed period of time during which people stand still and do not speak as a sign of respect for a dead person or group of people", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as we sat in the departure lounge at the airport there was a national moment of silence to honor the dead .\" What is the definition of \"silence\"?"} {"term": "ratty", "pos": "", "context": "he used the next field over with these ratty little kids and they were all running , throwing this one little ball around .", "definition": "resembling or characteristic of a rat", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he used the next field over with these ratty little kids and they were all running , throwing this one little ball around .\" What is the definition of \"ratty\"?"} {"term": "permanent", "pos": "", "context": "we decided to buy it as a holiday home but continue to look for a permanent base in the city .", "definition": "lasting or intended to last or remain unchanged indefinitely", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we decided to buy it as a holiday home but continue to look for a permanent base in the city .\" What is the definition of \"permanent\"?"} {"term": "helm", "pos": "", "context": "we do get a window into how the film was helmed from a behind-the-scenes setting .", "definition": "direct ( a film ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we do get a window into how the film was helmed from a behind-the-scenes setting .\" What is the definition of \"helm\"?"} {"term": "helm", "pos": "", "context": "despite the fact he continues to helm the magazine , everyone over there seems to have thrown in the towel .", "definition": "manage ( an organization )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"despite the fact he continues to helm the magazine , everyone over there seems to have thrown in the towel .\" What is the definition of \"helm\"?"} {"term": "briton", "pos": "", "context": "sixty-nine britons or british companies are listed .", "definition": "a native or inhabitant of great britain , or a person of british descent .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sixty-nine britons or british companies are listed .\" What is the definition of \"briton\"?"} {"term": "interlude", "pos": "", "context": "the evening might best be described as a surreal musical revue with spoken-word interludes and snatches of drama .", "definition": "something performed during a theatre interval", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the evening might best be described as a surreal musical revue with spoken-word interludes and snatches of drama .\" What is the definition of \"interlude\"?"} {"term": "land", "pos": "", "context": "the bird landed on the highest branch", "definition": "reach or come to rest", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the bird landed on the highest branch\" What is the definition of \"land\"?"} {"term": "land", "pos": "", "context": "the pilot managed to land the airplane safely", "definition": "cause to come to the ground", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the pilot managed to land the airplane safely\" What is the definition of \"land\"?"} {"term": "land", "pos": "", "context": "the land had never been plowed", "definition": "material in the top layer of the surface of the earth in which plants can grow ( especially with reference to its quality or use )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the land had never been plowed\" What is the definition of \"land\"?"} {"term": "land", "pos": "", "context": "being able to land an airplane when the engine has quit is a skill that can save your bacon .", "definition": "bring ( an aircraft or spacecraft ) to the ground or the surface of water in a controlled way", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"being able to land an airplane when the engine has quit is a skill that can save your bacon .\" What is the definition of \"land\"?"} {"term": "land", "pos": "", "context": "the drug smugglers landed the heroin on the beach of the island", "definition": "bring ashore", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the drug smugglers landed the heroin on the beach of the island\" What is the definition of \"land\"?"} {"term": "shekel", "pos": "", "context": "they received five shekels [ about £0.60 ] in order to throw them .", "definition": "the basic monetary unit of modern israel , equal to 100 agorot .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they received five shekels [ about £0.60 ] in order to throw them .\" What is the definition of \"shekel\"?"} {"term": "entrench", "pos": "", "context": "taken together , this core legislation entrenched the suppression of wage rises and cuts to the public sector .", "definition": "apply extra legal safeguards to ( a right guaranteed by legislation )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"taken together , this core legislation entrenched the suppression of wage rises and cuts to the public sector .\" What is the definition of \"entrench\"?"} {"term": "parvovirus", "pos": "", "context": "when parvovirus appeared in the late 1970s max said vets were initially baffled .", "definition": "any of a class of very small viruses chiefly affecting animals , especially one ( canine parvovirus ) which causes contagious disease in dogs .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when parvovirus appeared in the late 1970s max said vets were initially baffled .\" What is the definition of \"parvovirus\"?"} {"term": "sow", "pos": "", "context": "he sows seeds by broadcasting them on the ground in february , the coldest month of the year .", "definition": "plant ( seed ) by scattering it on or in the earth", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he sows seeds by broadcasting them on the ground in february , the coldest month of the year .\" What is the definition of \"sow\"?"} {"term": "sow", "pos": "", "context": "‘ in previous years , no one even bothered to plant crops because our lands were dry like a desert , but that has all changed and everyone is sowing their land , ’ he said .", "definition": "plant ( a piece of land ) with seed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ in previous years , no one even bothered to plant crops because our lands were dry like a desert , but that has all changed and everyone is sowing their land , ’ he said .\" What is the definition of \"sow\"?"} {"term": "negative", "pos": "", "context": "the magic of photography takes negative images and can turn them into positive things of beauty , it fits so well with our theme .", "definition": "( of a photographic image ) showing light and shade or colours reversed from those of the original .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the magic of photography takes negative images and can turn them into positive things of beauty , it fits so well with our theme .\" What is the definition of \"negative\"?"} {"term": "negative", "pos": "", "context": "but for the immediate future , the effect of a declining currency will be negative .", "definition": "( of a person , attitude , or situation ) not desirable or optimistic", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but for the immediate future , the effect of a declining currency will be negative .\" What is the definition of \"negative\"?"} {"term": "negative", "pos": "", "context": "all manner of latent exotic infections might be coming back to haunt him , but all the test results were negative .", "definition": "( of the results of a test or experiment ) indicating that a certain substance or condition is not present or does not exist", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all manner of latent exotic infections might be coming back to haunt him , but all the test results were negative .\" What is the definition of \"negative\"?"} {"term": "negative", "pos": "", "context": "is the antibody test a false positive or the histological examination a false negative ?", "definition": "a result of a test or experiment indicating that a certain substance or condition is not present or does not exist", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"is the antibody test a false positive or the histological examination a false negative ?\" What is the definition of \"negative\"?"} {"term": "negative", "pos": "", "context": "a week ago we were attacked in my apartment , the attackers went through my darkroom and took the prints and negatives of all my photographic work over the last year but they were n't that good .", "definition": "a negative photographic image made on film or specially prepared glass , from which positive prints may be made", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a week ago we were attacked in my apartment , the attackers went through my darkroom and took the prints and negatives of all my photographic work over the last year but they were n't that good .\" What is the definition of \"negative\"?"} {"term": "negative", "pos": "", "context": "notice that negatives were allowed and so were decimal fractions .", "definition": "a number less than zero .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"notice that negatives were allowed and so were decimal fractions .\" What is the definition of \"negative\"?"} {"term": "enlighten", "pos": "", "context": "as you stand firm in whatever trials you are facing , the holy spirit will be present with you to enlighten you , to strengthen you , and to draw you closer to himself .", "definition": "give ( someone ) spiritual knowledge or insight", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as you stand firm in whatever trials you are facing , the holy spirit will be present with you to enlighten you , to strengthen you , and to draw you closer to himself .\" What is the definition of \"enlighten\"?"} {"term": "podzol", "pos": "", "context": "the soil is derived from podzols , with a sandy surface layer and clay at 1 m depth .", "definition": "an infertile acidic soil having an ash-like subsurface layer ( from which minerals have been leached ) and a lower dark stratum , occurring typically under temperate coniferous woodland .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the soil is derived from podzols , with a sandy surface layer and clay at 1 m depth .\" What is the definition of \"podzol\"?"} {"term": "tableware", "pos": "", "context": "i use traditional techniques such as forging and hammering to create contemporary tableware that shows a bit of my character .", "definition": "crockery , cutlery , and glassware used for serving and eating meals at a table .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i use traditional techniques such as forging and hammering to create contemporary tableware that shows a bit of my character .\" What is the definition of \"tableware\"?"} {"term": "loungewear", "pos": "", "context": "inspired by the elegance of the kaftan , the range is both flattering to wear and practical as many designs double as loungewear .", "definition": "casual , comfortable clothing suitable for wearing at home .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"inspired by the elegance of the kaftan , the range is both flattering to wear and practical as many designs double as loungewear .\" What is the definition of \"loungewear\"?"} {"term": "pederast", "pos": "", "context": "but before he can confront that fact , he must first unravel a labyrinthine mystery that leads to a ring of high-powered gay pederasts .", "definition": "a man who indulges in pederasty .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but before he can confront that fact , he must first unravel a labyrinthine mystery that leads to a ring of high-powered gay pederasts .\" What is the definition of \"pederast\"?"} {"term": "saddle", "pos": "", "context": "indeed , one can imagine the surface as the sum of an infinite number of saddles .", "definition": "a low region of a curve between two high points , especially ( in three dimensions ) one representing the highest point of a curve in one direction and the lowest point in another direction .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"indeed , one can imagine the surface as the sum of an infinite number of saddles .\" What is the definition of \"saddle\"?"} {"term": "saddle", "pos": "", "context": "he saddled me with that heavy responsibility", "definition": "load or burden ; encumber", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he saddled me with that heavy responsibility\" What is the definition of \"saddle\"?"} {"term": "vocal", "pos": "", "context": "the body language , the particular vocal tone of his voice , the mischievous glint in his eye , all the ways in which he related to myself and others , were absent .", "definition": "relating to the human voice", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the body language , the particular vocal tone of his voice , the mischievous glint in his eye , all the ways in which he related to myself and others , were absent .\" What is the definition of \"vocal\"?"} {"term": "clank", "pos": "", "context": "the sound of booted feet was punctuated by the occasional clank of metal and soft , guttural voices .", "definition": "a loud , sharp sound or series of sounds , as is made by pieces of metal being struck together", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sound of booted feet was punctuated by the occasional clank of metal and soft , guttural voices .\" What is the definition of \"clank\"?"} {"term": "yaw", "pos": "", "context": "the ship yawed when the huge waves hit it", "definition": "swerve off course momentarily", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ship yawed when the huge waves hit it\" What is the definition of \"yaw\"?"} {"term": "shrilling", "pos": "", "context": "the clash of swords and the shrilling of trumpets ' -- p. j. searles", "definition": "a continuing shrill noise", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the clash of swords and the shrilling of trumpets ' -- p. j. searles\" What is the definition of \"shrilling\"?"} {"term": "weekly", "pos": "", "context": "she visited her aunt weekly", "definition": "without missing a week", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she visited her aunt weekly\" What is the definition of \"weekly\"?"} {"term": "fluke", "pos": "", "context": "having said that , on the seabed to the port side of the bows lies a large iron pendant , perhaps the remains of an anchor with broken flukes .", "definition": "a broad triangular plate on the arm of an anchor .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"having said that , on the seabed to the port side of the bows lies a large iron pendant , perhaps the remains of an anchor with broken flukes .\" What is the definition of \"fluke\"?"} {"term": "squit", "pos": "", "context": "the next day i had the squits so badly i took a precautionary packet of immodium to the proms - immodium i bought for cuba and never used ; that i took to egypt and never used .", "definition": "diarrhoea .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the next day i had the squits so badly i took a precautionary packet of immodium to the proms - immodium i bought for cuba and never used ; that i took to egypt and never used .\" What is the definition of \"squit\"?"} {"term": "catholic", "pos": "", "context": "though when she was child , she did think that the catholics spent an inordinate amount of time in church .", "definition": "a member of the roman catholic church .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"though when she was child , she did think that the catholics spent an inordinate amount of time in church .\" What is the definition of \"catholic\"?"} {"term": "holding", "pos": "", "context": "although most major australian libraries list the book in their holdings it is not well known .", "definition": "books , periodicals , magazines , and other material in a library .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"although most major australian libraries list the book in their holdings it is not well known .\" What is the definition of \"holding\"?"} {"term": "blinker", "pos": "", "context": "joan once opened her mouth to tell him where to turn , but he switched his blinker before she could say anything .", "definition": "a vehicle indicator or other device that gives out an intermittent light", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"joan once opened her mouth to tell him where to turn , but he switched his blinker before she could say anything .\" What is the definition of \"blinker\"?"} {"term": "frostbite", "pos": "", "context": "the condition has been known to arise from injuries as diverse as frostbite , leg ulcers and punctures from hypodermic syringes .", "definition": "injury to body tissues caused by exposure to extreme cold , typically affecting the nose , fingers , or toes and often resulting in gangrene", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the condition has been known to arise from injuries as diverse as frostbite , leg ulcers and punctures from hypodermic syringes .\" What is the definition of \"frostbite\"?"} {"term": "hurricane", "pos": "", "context": "the season is barely two full days old and we 've already had nine advisories , although as yet no tropical storms or hurricanes .", "definition": "a storm with a violent wind , in particular a tropical cyclone in the caribbean .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the season is barely two full days old and we 've already had nine advisories , although as yet no tropical storms or hurricanes .\" What is the definition of \"hurricane\"?"} {"term": "ceremony", "pos": "", "context": "why devote so much pomp and ceremony to someone who lived such a long and full life and died peacefully ?", "definition": "the ritual observances and procedures required or performed at grand and formal occasions", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"why devote so much pomp and ceremony to someone who lived such a long and full life and died peacefully ?\" What is the definition of \"ceremony\"?"} {"term": "broad", "pos": "", "context": "the observations of travellers to scotland dating back to the 1540s is the subject of this broad selection of material on display at the national library of scotland .", "definition": "covering a large number and wide scope of subjects", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the observations of travellers to scotland dating back to the 1540s is the subject of this broad selection of material on display at the national library of scotland .\" What is the definition of \"broad\"?"} {"term": "broad", "pos": "", "context": "a broad is a woman who can throw a mean punch", "definition": "slang term for a woman", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a broad is a woman who can throw a mean punch\" What is the definition of \"broad\"?"} {"term": "broad", "pos": "", "context": "gave us a broad hint that it was time to leave", "definition": "lacking subtlety ; obvious", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gave us a broad hint that it was time to leave\" What is the definition of \"broad\"?"} {"term": "broad", "pos": "", "context": "and he 's even started dropping broad hints that he plans to stick around in formula one , to stay with ferrari until he 's 40 .", "definition": "( of a hint ) clear and unambiguous ; not subtle", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and he 's even started dropping broad hints that he plans to stick around in formula one , to stay with ferrari until he 's 40 .\" What is the definition of \"broad\"?"} {"term": "neutral", "pos": "", "context": "to get the same effect with a car using an engine - slipping the transmission into neutral and shutting down the engine - is hazardous .", "definition": "a disengaged position of gears in which the engine is disconnected from the driven parts", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to get the same effect with a car using an engine - slipping the transmission into neutral and shutting down the engine - is hazardous .\" What is the definition of \"neutral\"?"} {"term": "neutral", "pos": "", "context": "obviously , neutrals wo n't give us a chance and a lot of wexford people wo n't either .", "definition": "an impartial or unbiased state or person", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"obviously , neutrals wo n't give us a chance and a lot of wexford people wo n't either .\" What is the definition of \"neutral\"?"} {"term": "troubadour", "pos": "", "context": "provenal literature in the medieval period consisted chiefly of the lyric poetry composed by the troubadours for the feudal courts of the midi , northern italy , and spain .", "definition": "a french medieval lyric poet composing and singing in provençal in the 11th to 13th centuries , especially on the theme of courtly love .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"provenal literature in the medieval period consisted chiefly of the lyric poetry composed by the troubadours for the feudal courts of the midi , northern italy , and spain .\" What is the definition of \"troubadour\"?"} {"term": "scour", "pos": "", "context": "soak the filters in hot soapy water , then scour them with salt or baking soda and rinse thoroughly .", "definition": "clean or brighten the surface of ( something ) by rubbing it hard , typically with an abrasive or detergent", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"soak the filters in hot soapy water , then scour them with salt or baking soda and rinse thoroughly .\" What is the definition of \"scour\"?"} {"term": "housecleaning", "pos": "", "context": "efficient housecleaning should proceed one room at a time", "definition": "the act of cleaning the rooms and furnishings of a house", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"efficient housecleaning should proceed one room at a time\" What is the definition of \"housecleaning\"?"} {"term": "housecleaning", "pos": "", "context": "last week 's supreme court decision to strike down a texas law was not just housecleaning .", "definition": "the process of removing unwanted or superfluous elements", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"last week 's supreme court decision to strike down a texas law was not just housecleaning .\" What is the definition of \"housecleaning\"?"} {"term": "vindication", "pos": "", "context": "she summarized recent mathematical research and experimental vindications of newton 's theories .", "definition": "proof that someone or something is right , reasonable , or justified", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she summarized recent mathematical research and experimental vindications of newton 's theories .\" What is the definition of \"vindication\"?"} {"term": "vindication", "pos": "", "context": "friends provided a vindication of his position", "definition": "the act of vindicating or defending against criticism or censure etc .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"friends provided a vindication of his position\" What is the definition of \"vindication\"?"} {"term": "gypsy", "pos": "", "context": "recognizing the traveler the young gypsy dropped down in front of him .", "definition": "a member of a travelling people traditionally living by itinerant trade and fortune telling . gypsies speak a language ( romany ) that is related to hindi and are believed to have originated in south asia .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"recognizing the traveler the young gypsy dropped down in front of him .\" What is the definition of \"gypsy\"?"} {"term": "bearer", "pos": "", "context": "each step of the last leg was a drudging journey , the heavy camera bearing down on the bearer 's back .", "definition": "a carrier of equipment on an expedition .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"each step of the last leg was a drudging journey , the heavy camera bearing down on the bearer 's back .\" What is the definition of \"bearer\"?"} {"term": "plover", "pos": "", "context": "such behavior is unique among the pluvialis plovers and unusual among shore - birds in general .", "definition": "used in names of birds similar to the plover in other families , e.g . egyptian plover .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"such behavior is unique among the pluvialis plovers and unusual among shore - birds in general .\" What is the definition of \"plover\"?"} {"term": "left", "pos": "", "context": "however , he pulled himself together and near corners scored frequently with well-placed lefts to the nose , drawing blood .", "definition": "a blow given with the left fist", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"however , he pulled himself together and near corners scored frequently with well-placed lefts to the nose , drawing blood .\" What is the definition of \"left\"?"} {"term": "triennial", "pos": "", "context": "the challenge was placed before us all by a varied range of speakers throughout the triennial .", "definition": "a visitation of an anglican diocese by its bishop every three years .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the challenge was placed before us all by a varied range of speakers throughout the triennial .\" What is the definition of \"triennial\"?"} {"term": "emotion", "pos": "", "context": "do you ever feel caught up in emotions and find yourself making a bad decision ?", "definition": "a strong feeling deriving from one 's circumstances , mood , or relationships with others", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"do you ever feel caught up in emotions and find yourself making a bad decision ?\" What is the definition of \"emotion\"?"} {"term": "aggregation", "pos": "", "context": "as aggregation capabilities accelerate , real-time usage of deep personal data sources will force organizations to redirect their strategies and attention .", "definition": "( on the internet ) the collection of related items of content so that they can be displayed or linked to", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as aggregation capabilities accelerate , real-time usage of deep personal data sources will force organizations to redirect their strategies and attention .\" What is the definition of \"aggregation\"?"} {"term": "variant", "pos": "", "context": "what we need to do is correlate the various gene variants with various behavioral propensities .", "definition": "a form or version of something that differs in some respect from other forms of the same thing or from a standard", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"what we need to do is correlate the various gene variants with various behavioral propensities .\" What is the definition of \"variant\"?"} {"term": "tutor", "pos": "", "context": "‘ the tutors will tell [ students ] what professors wo n't , ’ brown says .", "definition": "an assistant lecturer in a college or university .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ the tutors will tell [ students ] what professors wo n't , ’ brown says .\" What is the definition of \"tutor\"?"} {"term": "stagger", "pos": "", "context": "global markets continue to stagger from one perceived crisis to the next .", "definition": "continue in existence or operation uncertainly or precariously", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"global markets continue to stagger from one perceived crisis to the next .\" What is the definition of \"stagger\"?"} {"term": "rebel", "pos": "", "context": "america rose up and rebelled , and then expanded in power until it tipped the balance during world war one and harnessed the power of the atom to win world war two .", "definition": "rise in opposition or armed resistance to an established government or leader", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"america rose up and rebelled , and then expanded in power until it tipped the balance during world war one and harnessed the power of the atom to win world war two .\" What is the definition of \"rebel\"?"} {"term": "corsair", "pos": "", "context": "french corsairs settled on the western part of the island in the 17th century and spain recognized the french claims to the area in 1697 in the treaty of ryswick .", "definition": "a privateer , especially one operating along the southern shore of the mediterranean in the 16th–18th centuries .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"french corsairs settled on the western part of the island in the 17th century and spain recognized the french claims to the area in 1697 in the treaty of ryswick .\" What is the definition of \"corsair\"?"} {"term": "oblivion", "pos": "", "context": "he sought the great oblivion of sleep", "definition": "total forgetfulness", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he sought the great oblivion of sleep\" What is the definition of \"oblivion\"?"} {"term": "combination", "pos": "", "context": "she spun the combination and pulled open the door .", "definition": "a sequence of numbers or letters used to open a combination lock", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she spun the combination and pulled open the door .\" What is the definition of \"combination\"?"} {"term": "knowing", "pos": "", "context": "a knowing collector of rare books", "definition": "alert and fully informed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a knowing collector of rare books\" What is the definition of \"knowing\"?"} {"term": "figwort", "pos": "", "context": "among the wildflowers are a red columbine , aster , figwort , wild sarsaparilla , fleabane , and avens .", "definition": "a widely distributed herbaceous plant with purplish-brown two-lobed flowers . it was formerly considered to be effective in the treatment of scrofula .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"among the wildflowers are a red columbine , aster , figwort , wild sarsaparilla , fleabane , and avens .\" What is the definition of \"figwort\"?"} {"term": "boater", "pos": "", "context": "dark or near-dark conditions send the pleasure boaters home and open the lake to fishing , but same as at high noon , bass will concentrate in specific spots .", "definition": "a person who uses or travels in a boat for pleasure .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dark or near-dark conditions send the pleasure boaters home and open the lake to fishing , but same as at high noon , bass will concentrate in specific spots .\" What is the definition of \"boater\"?"} {"term": "scorcher", "pos": "", "context": "the new version by opera ireland at the gaiety looks like a real scorcher .", "definition": "a sensational or very good book , film , or play", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the new version by opera ireland at the gaiety looks like a real scorcher .\" What is the definition of \"scorcher\"?"} {"term": "scorcher", "pos": "", "context": "we all know the agony of returning to a sun-drenched car on a scorcher .", "definition": "a day or period of very hot weather", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we all know the agony of returning to a sun-drenched car on a scorcher .\" What is the definition of \"scorcher\"?"} {"term": "but", "pos": "", "context": "it was a scene which could have come out of a cheap thriller - but there was a difference .", "definition": "used to introduce a phrase or clause contrasting with what has already been mentioned", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was a scene which could have come out of a cheap thriller - but there was a difference .\" What is the definition of \"but\"?"} {"term": "but", "pos": "", "context": "cause and effect are related in such a way that , if the first occurs , the second can not but occur .", "definition": "used to indicate the impossibility of anything other than what is being stated", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cause and effect are related in such a way that , if the first occurs , the second can not but occur .\" What is the definition of \"but\"?"} {"term": "fast", "pos": "", "context": "set a fast pace", "definition": "acting or moving or capable of acting or moving quickly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"set a fast pace\" What is the definition of \"fast\"?"} {"term": "fast", "pos": "", "context": "tyler moved so swiftly and so fast he lived up to our team 's name : the black panthers .", "definition": "at high speed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tyler moved so swiftly and so fast he lived up to our team 's name : the black panthers .\" What is the definition of \"fast\"?"} {"term": "brick", "pos": "", "context": "this update can brick your phone .", "definition": "cause ( a smartphone or other electronic device ) to become completely unable to function , typically on a permanent basis", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this update can brick your phone .\" What is the definition of \"brick\"?"} {"term": "brick", "pos": "", "context": "i 've been nervous about rooting because my friend turned his phone into a brick .", "definition": "a smartphone or other electronic device that has completely ceased to function", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i 've been nervous about rooting because my friend turned his phone into a brick .\" What is the definition of \"brick\"?"} {"term": "brick", "pos": "", "context": "james was a brick , he helped anyway he could and managed to get me the tablets and stuff i needed .", "definition": "a generous , helpful , and reliable person", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"james was a brick , he helped anyway he could and managed to get me the tablets and stuff i needed .\" What is the definition of \"brick\"?"} {"term": "capetian", "pos": "", "context": "he was more ambitious and energetic than was his father , and he was the first king of the capetian line to have success in compelling obedience from his barons .", "definition": "relating to or denoting the dynasty ruling france 987–1328 .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was more ambitious and energetic than was his father , and he was the first king of the capetian line to have success in compelling obedience from his barons .\" What is the definition of \"capetian\"?"} {"term": "arrondissement", "pos": "", "context": "the administration of the governmental system is organized through the levels of nation , region , department , arrondissement , canton , and commune .", "definition": "a subdivision of a french department , for local government administration .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the administration of the governmental system is organized through the levels of nation , region , department , arrondissement , canton , and commune .\" What is the definition of \"arrondissement\"?"} {"term": "evening", "pos": "", "context": "it was the evening of the roman empire", "definition": "a later concluding time period", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was the evening of the roman empire\" What is the definition of \"evening\"?"} {"term": "evening", "pos": "", "context": "get a guided tour around this beautiful house , visit the gift shop or look out for events such as ghost evenings throughout the year .", "definition": "an evening characterized by a particular event or activity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"get a guided tour around this beautiful house , visit the gift shop or look out for events such as ghost evenings throughout the year .\" What is the definition of \"evening\"?"} {"term": "evening", "pos": "", "context": "people who know the victim said he could be seen having a drink in town pubs most friday and saturday evenings and usually walked home alone .", "definition": "in the evening ; every evening", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"people who know the victim said he could be seen having a drink in town pubs most friday and saturday evenings and usually walked home alone .\" What is the definition of \"evening\"?"} {"term": "cant", "pos": "", "context": "in his view the problem was caused by the cant not being placed so as to abut the vertical inside wall of the parapet , thus allowing a space between the vertical surface of the cant and the vertical inside surface of the parapet .", "definition": "a slope or tilt", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in his view the problem was caused by the cant not being placed so as to abut the vertical inside wall of the parapet , thus allowing a space between the vertical surface of the cant and the vertical inside surface of the parapet .\" What is the definition of \"cant\"?"} {"term": "pioneer", "pos": "", "context": "in the 100 years since , the wrights have become the most famous aviation pioneers of all .", "definition": "a person who is among the first to research and develop a new area of knowledge or activity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the 100 years since , the wrights have become the most famous aviation pioneers of all .\" What is the definition of \"pioneer\"?"} {"term": "run-up", "pos": "", "context": "we 've had an eight-month run-up in the stock market this year , far ahead of the real evidence that the economy was recovering .", "definition": "a marked rise in the value or level of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we 've had an eight-month run-up in the stock market this year , far ahead of the real evidence that the economy was recovering .\" What is the definition of \"run-up\"?"} {"term": "flip", "pos": "", "context": "with a flip of the wrist", "definition": "a sudden , quick movement", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with a flip of the wrist\" What is the definition of \"flip\"?"} {"term": "flip", "pos": "", "context": "because if i have to stay here for another year , i am going to flip !", "definition": "suddenly lose control or become very angry", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"because if i have to stay here for another year , i am going to flip !\" What is the definition of \"flip\"?"} {"term": "flip", "pos": "", "context": "something about the way georgina said that made penelope feel uneasy , her stomach performing a small flip in the pit of her belly .", "definition": "an act or instance of turning over or being turned over in the air", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"something about the way georgina said that made penelope feel uneasy , her stomach performing a small flip in the pit of her belly .\" What is the definition of \"flip\"?"} {"term": "flip", "pos": "", "context": "he drank glass after glass of flip , until he 'd achieved a superb , shimmering calm .", "definition": "a drink of heated , sweetened beer and spirit .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he drank glass after glass of flip , until he 'd achieved a superb , shimmering calm .\" What is the definition of \"flip\"?"} {"term": "prototype", "pos": "", "context": "he is the prototype of good breeding", "definition": "a standard or typical example", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is the prototype of good breeding\" What is the definition of \"prototype\"?"} {"term": "offering", "pos": "", "context": "there is , for example , little to differentiate their offerings from the competition .", "definition": "a thing offered , especially as a gift or contribution", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is , for example , little to differentiate their offerings from the competition .\" What is the definition of \"offering\"?"} {"term": "moorland", "pos": "", "context": "the pennine and peak moorlands are favoured areas for observing breeding ring ouzels .", "definition": "an extensive area of moor", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the pennine and peak moorlands are favoured areas for observing breeding ring ouzels .\" What is the definition of \"moorland\"?"} {"term": "tetroxide", "pos": "", "context": "it is a four stage missile like the minuteman iii , with the first three stages being solid propellant and the fourth stage by hypergolicly fueled with hydrazine and nitrogen tetroxide .", "definition": "an oxide containing four atoms of oxygen in its molecule or empirical formula .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is a four stage missile like the minuteman iii , with the first three stages being solid propellant and the fourth stage by hypergolicly fueled with hydrazine and nitrogen tetroxide .\" What is the definition of \"tetroxide\"?"} {"term": "abstract", "pos": "", "context": "he loved her only in the abstract -- not in person", "definition": "a concept or idea not associated with any specific instance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he loved her only in the abstract -- not in person\" What is the definition of \"abstract\"?"} {"term": "abstract", "pos": "", "context": "lyrics are abstract and often inscrutable , but powerful images sometime fight through the verbal and instrumental haze .", "definition": "dealing with ideas rather than events", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lyrics are abstract and often inscrutable , but powerful images sometime fight through the verbal and instrumental haze .\" What is the definition of \"abstract\"?"} {"term": "engineer", "pos": "", "context": "the students work with engineers and teachers to design , build and test a robot in just six weeks .", "definition": "a person who designs , builds , or maintains engines , machines , or structures .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the students work with engineers and teachers to design , build and test a robot in just six weeks .\" What is the definition of \"engineer\"?"} {"term": "drogue", "pos": "", "context": "the 767 aircraft can be modified to accommodate refuelling wingpods and a centreline hose for probe and drogue refuelling .", "definition": "( in tanker aircraft ) a funnel-shaped part on the end of the hose into which a probe is inserted by an aircraft being refuelled in flight .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the 767 aircraft can be modified to accommodate refuelling wingpods and a centreline hose for probe and drogue refuelling .\" What is the definition of \"drogue\"?"} {"term": "gumbo", "pos": "", "context": "the common basis of all gumbos is the roux , a roughly equal combination of flour and fat cooked until very nearly burnt ; it is the dark smoky roux that gives the gumbo its colour and flavour .", "definition": "( in cajun cooking ) a spicy chicken or seafood soup thickened typically with okra or rice .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the common basis of all gumbos is the roux , a roughly equal combination of flour and fat cooked until very nearly burnt ; it is the dark smoky roux that gives the gumbo its colour and flavour .\" What is the definition of \"gumbo\"?"} {"term": "gumbo", "pos": "", "context": "indeed , elmer was raised on what old-timers down home still call the island , a 2,000-acre tract of low-lying sand and black gumbo that the mississippi periodically reclaimed .", "definition": "a fine clayey soil that becomes sticky and impervious when wet .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"indeed , elmer was raised on what old-timers down home still call the island , a 2,000-acre tract of low-lying sand and black gumbo that the mississippi periodically reclaimed .\" What is the definition of \"gumbo\"?"} {"term": "caution", "pos": "", "context": "a man of caution", "definition": "the trait of being cautious ; being attentive to possible danger", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a man of caution\" What is the definition of \"caution\"?"} {"term": "pumice", "pos": "", "context": "using a pumice stone , she scraped off the dirt , and once she was done her skin was soft and pink as a baby 's .", "definition": "a piece of pumice used as an abrasive , especially for removing hard skin .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"using a pumice stone , she scraped off the dirt , and once she was done her skin was soft and pink as a baby 's .\" What is the definition of \"pumice\"?"} {"term": "bass", "pos": "", "context": "as he only comes to notice a year before he joined handel 's company , the bass who sang so vigorously in those early arias written for him must have been remarkably young .", "definition": "a singer with a bass voice .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as he only comes to notice a year before he joined handel 's company , the bass who sang so vigorously in those early arias written for him must have been remarkably young .\" What is the definition of \"bass\"?"} {"term": "prohibition", "pos": "", "context": "we seem to be left with an application for - well , it is described as an application for writs of prohibition , mandamus and a declaration .", "definition": "a writ from a superior court forbidding an inferior court from proceeding in a suit deemed to be beyond its cognizance .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we seem to be left with an application for - well , it is described as an application for writs of prohibition , mandamus and a declaration .\" What is the definition of \"prohibition\"?"} {"term": "prohibition", "pos": "", "context": "i 'd like to promote elimination of drug prohibition .", "definition": "the action of forbidding something , especially by law", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i 'd like to promote elimination of drug prohibition .\" What is the definition of \"prohibition\"?"} {"term": "serenity", "pos": "", "context": "a weekend break here , amid such beauty and serenity , will revive flagging city spirits .", "definition": "the state of being calm , peaceful , and untroubled", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a weekend break here , amid such beauty and serenity , will revive flagging city spirits .\" What is the definition of \"serenity\"?"} {"term": "abutilon", "pos": "", "context": "anyone watching television coverage of the chelsea flower show this past week ca n't have failed to notice a splendid specimen of abutilon , an exotic small shrub also known as flowering maple , parlour maple and indian mallow .", "definition": "a herbaceous plant or shrub of warm climates , typically bearing showy yellow , red , or mauve flowers and sometimes used for fibre .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"anyone watching television coverage of the chelsea flower show this past week ca n't have failed to notice a splendid specimen of abutilon , an exotic small shrub also known as flowering maple , parlour maple and indian mallow .\" What is the definition of \"abutilon\"?"} {"term": "unity", "pos": "", "context": "it 's a unique and remarkably good way to finesse suspense - because of the show 's strict adherence to the unity of time , it forecasts in which episode you can expect events to happen .", "definition": "each of the three dramatic principles requiring limitation of the supposed time of a drama to that occupied in acting it or to a single day ( unity of time ) , use of one scene throughout ( unity of place ) , and concentration on the development of a single plot ( unity of action ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's a unique and remarkably good way to finesse suspense - because of the show 's strict adherence to the unity of time , it forecasts in which episode you can expect events to happen .\" What is the definition of \"unity\"?"} {"term": "megastar", "pos": "", "context": "currently a resident of the wealthy region of fulmer in buckinghamshire , it must feel strange to a hollywood megastar such as angelina to not be the richest person in the entire street .", "definition": "a very famous person in the world of entertainment or sport .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"currently a resident of the wealthy region of fulmer in buckinghamshire , it must feel strange to a hollywood megastar such as angelina to not be the richest person in the entire street .\" What is the definition of \"megastar\"?"} {"term": "potter", "pos": "", "context": "we tracked down a house in malvern where one of them used to live , then went to st kilda cemetery to potter about among the graves .", "definition": "occupy oneself in a desultory but pleasant way", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we tracked down a house in malvern where one of them used to live , then went to st kilda cemetery to potter about among the graves .\" What is the definition of \"potter\"?"} {"term": "potter", "pos": "", "context": "the old lady is pottering around in the garden", "definition": "work lightly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the old lady is pottering around in the garden\" What is the definition of \"potter\"?"} {"term": "grist", "pos": "", "context": "also buried here is a son , sherwood white , who operated a grist mill on second creek a few miles west of rogersville .", "definition": "corn that is ground to make flour .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"also buried here is a son , sherwood white , who operated a grist mill on second creek a few miles west of rogersville .\" What is the definition of \"grist\"?"} {"term": "osteomyelitis", "pos": "", "context": "osteitis or osteomyelitis may be observed with imaging studies , but bone biopsy may be necessary .", "definition": "inflammation of bone or bone marrow , usually due to infection .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"osteitis or osteomyelitis may be observed with imaging studies , but bone biopsy may be necessary .\" What is the definition of \"osteomyelitis\"?"} {"term": "athletic", "pos": "", "context": "athletic facilities", "definition": "relating to or befitting athletics or athletes", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"athletic facilities\" What is the definition of \"athletic\"?"} {"term": "plot", "pos": "", "context": "the writer is plotting a new novel", "definition": "devise the sequence of events in ( a literary work or a play , movie , or ballet )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the writer is plotting a new novel\" What is the definition of \"plot\"?"} {"term": "plot", "pos": "", "context": "the characters were well drawn but the plot was banal", "definition": "the story that is told in a novel or play or movie etc .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the characters were well drawn but the plot was banal\" What is the definition of \"plot\"?"} {"term": "veg", "pos": "", "context": "he paid for our tickets while i vegged in those really comfy blue armchairs they have for you to sit in while you wait .", "definition": "relax to the point of complete inertia", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he paid for our tickets while i vegged in those really comfy blue armchairs they have for you to sit in while you wait .\" What is the definition of \"veg\"?"} {"term": "veg", "pos": "", "context": "it is as if an entire nation that once ate meat and two veg at lunchtime now eats only sandwiches .", "definition": "a vegetable or vegetables", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is as if an entire nation that once ate meat and two veg at lunchtime now eats only sandwiches .\" What is the definition of \"veg\"?"} {"term": "hazard", "pos": "", "context": "the winning hazard becomes automatic .", "definition": "the pocketing of the object ball .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the winning hazard becomes automatic .\" What is the definition of \"hazard\"?"} {"term": "rut", "pos": "", "context": "conventionally male and female caribou are assumed to congregate on rutting areas , which i believe is usually true for peary caribou .", "definition": "( of a deer or other mammal ) engage in the rut", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"conventionally male and female caribou are assumed to congregate on rutting areas , which i believe is usually true for peary caribou .\" What is the definition of \"rut\"?"} {"term": "notch", "pos": "", "context": "mandibular notch", "definition": "a v-shaped indentation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mandibular notch\" What is the definition of \"notch\"?"} {"term": "notch", "pos": "", "context": "every serious hiker will want to notch this one up on their walking stick .", "definition": "make notches in", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"every serious hiker will want to notch this one up on their walking stick .\" What is the definition of \"notch\"?"} {"term": "span", "pos": "", "context": "according to a newspaper report , the first arch spanned the river severn on 2nd july 1779 .", "definition": "( of a bridge , arch , etc . ) extend from side to side of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"according to a newspaper report , the first arch spanned the river severn on 2nd july 1779 .\" What is the definition of \"span\"?"} {"term": "span", "pos": "", "context": "the moon would peek out every now and then , but it was mostly hidden behind monstrous black clouds that stretched across the span of the sky .", "definition": "the full extent of something from end to end ; the amount of space that something covers", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the moon would peek out every now and then , but it was mostly hidden behind monstrous black clouds that stretched across the span of the sky .\" What is the definition of \"span\"?"} {"term": "collateral", "pos": "", "context": "collateral evidence", "definition": "serving to support or corroborate", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"collateral evidence\" What is the definition of \"collateral\"?"} {"term": "collateral", "pos": "", "context": "when such techniques are adhered to , the risk of trauma to the radial artery and subsequent thrombosis is reduced even when collateral circulation in the hand is reduced .", "definition": "situated side by side ; parallel", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when such techniques are adhered to , the risk of trauma to the radial artery and subsequent thrombosis is reduced even when collateral circulation in the hand is reduced .\" What is the definition of \"collateral\"?"} {"term": "stele", "pos": "", "context": "once inside the symplast , radial transport across the root to the central stele and , subsequently , unloading into the xylem are necessary for translocation to the shoot .", "definition": "the central core of the stem and root of a vascular plant , consisting of the vascular tissue ( xylem and phloem ) and associated supporting tissue .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"once inside the symplast , radial transport across the root to the central stele and , subsequently , unloading into the xylem are necessary for translocation to the shoot .\" What is the definition of \"stele\"?"} {"term": "future", "pos": "", "context": "judgements of national interest require prudence , and some concern for the likely trend of future events .", "definition": "at a later time ; going or likely to happen or exist", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"judgements of national interest require prudence , and some concern for the likely trend of future events .\" What is the definition of \"future\"?"} {"term": "bookie", "pos": "", "context": "doubtless , the bookies will be rubbing their hands with glee no matter what lands the big prize .", "definition": "a bookmaker .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"doubtless , the bookies will be rubbing their hands with glee no matter what lands the big prize .\" What is the definition of \"bookie\"?"} {"term": "chelicera", "pos": "", "context": "the legs , pedipalps and chelicerae are pulled free from the skin with rhythmic movements until finally the spider pulls free .", "definition": "either of a pair of appendages in front of the mouth in arachnids and some other arthropods , usually modified as pincer-like claws .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the legs , pedipalps and chelicerae are pulled free from the skin with rhythmic movements until finally the spider pulls free .\" What is the definition of \"chelicera\"?"} {"term": "antler", "pos": "", "context": "if you are lucky enough to live on the outskirts of a forest , there is a great chance that you will spy an antler or two , usually at dusk .", "definition": "each of the branches on an antler .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if you are lucky enough to live on the outskirts of a forest , there is a great chance that you will spy an antler or two , usually at dusk .\" What is the definition of \"antler\"?"} {"term": "grain", "pos": "", "context": "it 's a boat-tailed bullet ( that is , the rear of the bullet is tapered ) and weighs 173 grains .", "definition": "the smallest unit of weight in the troy and avoirdupois systems , equal to 1/5760 of a pound troy and 1/7000 of a pound avoirdupois ( approximately 0.0648 gram ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's a boat-tailed bullet ( that is , the rear of the bullet is tapered ) and weighs 173 grains .\" What is the definition of \"grain\"?"} {"term": "grain", "pos": "", "context": "among these are smoke graining ( executed with a candle ) , dry graining ( achieved by squeezing most of the paint off the brush ) , stenciling , and freehand painting .", "definition": "paint ( especially furniture or interior surfaces ) in imitation of the grain of wood or marble .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"among these are smoke graining ( executed with a candle ) , dry graining ( achieved by squeezing most of the paint off the brush ) , stenciling , and freehand painting .\" What is the definition of \"grain\"?"} {"term": "silt", "pos": "", "context": "under the placic layers were 10s of meters of stratified glaciodeltaic sands and silts .", "definition": "a bed or layer of silt .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"under the placic layers were 10s of meters of stratified glaciodeltaic sands and silts .\" What is the definition of \"silt\"?"} {"term": "recap", "pos": "", "context": "so i missed the speech , but in reading through the recaps and critiques on the news sites , i most likely did n't miss much .", "definition": "a summary of what has been said ; a recapitulation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so i missed the speech , but in reading through the recaps and critiques on the news sites , i most likely did n't miss much .\" What is the definition of \"recap\"?"} {"term": "recap", "pos": "", "context": "let 's recapitulate the main ideas", "definition": "summarize briefly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"let 's recapitulate the main ideas\" What is the definition of \"recap\"?"} {"term": "lousy", "pos": "", "context": "this camp was lousy with lice and fleas , and it was n't long before i was as lousy as the rest of the boys there .", "definition": "infested with lice .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this camp was lousy with lice and fleas , and it was n't long before i was as lousy as the rest of the boys there .\" What is the definition of \"lousy\"?"} {"term": "heartburn", "pos": "", "context": "pregnant women can alleviate heartburn by keeping their weight increase within the recommended limits and eating sensibly .", "definition": "a form of indigestion felt as a burning sensation in the chest , caused by acid regurgitation into the oesophagus .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pregnant women can alleviate heartburn by keeping their weight increase within the recommended limits and eating sensibly .\" What is the definition of \"heartburn\"?"} {"term": "progressive", "pos": "", "context": "progressive euchre", "definition": "( of a card game or a dance ) involving a series of sections for which the participants successively change place or relative position", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"progressive euchre\" What is the definition of \"progressive\"?"} {"term": "fairing", "pos": "", "context": "emergency floatation units can be installed on the main landing gear fairings and on the forward section of the fuselage .", "definition": "an external metal or plastic structure added to increase streamlining on a high-performance car , motorcycle , boat , or aircraft", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"emergency floatation units can be installed on the main landing gear fairings and on the forward section of the fuselage .\" What is the definition of \"fairing\"?"} {"term": "anglo-french", "pos": "", "context": "his raids on northumberland in may and july 1217 served only to accelerate the anglo-french peace negotiations culminating in the treaty of kingston ( 12 september 1217 ) .", "definition": "relating to both england ( or britain ) and france", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his raids on northumberland in may and july 1217 served only to accelerate the anglo-french peace negotiations culminating in the treaty of kingston ( 12 september 1217 ) .\" What is the definition of \"anglo-french\"?"} {"term": "anglo-french", "pos": "", "context": "from this dual anglo-french heritage come the constitutional tensions of modern canada .", "definition": "of mixed english ( or british ) and french parentage or origin", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"from this dual anglo-french heritage come the constitutional tensions of modern canada .\" What is the definition of \"anglo-french\"?"} {"term": "petty", "pos": "", "context": "your father and my husband began to have problems with each other , regarding petty matters of business .", "definition": "of little importance ; trivial", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"your father and my husband began to have problems with each other , regarding petty matters of business .\" What is the definition of \"petty\"?"} {"term": "petty", "pos": "", "context": "more widely known for its petty squabbles and back-biting , the women 's game closed ranks in support of morariu .", "definition": "unduly concerned with trivial matters , especially in a small-minded or spiteful way", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"more widely known for its petty squabbles and back-biting , the women 's game closed ranks in support of morariu .\" What is the definition of \"petty\"?"} {"term": "petty", "pos": "", "context": "smaller crimes like petty theft , and burglary were common , but not murder .", "definition": "( of a crime ) of lesser importance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"smaller crimes like petty theft , and burglary were common , but not murder .\" What is the definition of \"petty\"?"} {"term": "petty", "pos": "", "context": "petty little comments", "definition": "contemptibly narrow in outlook", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"petty little comments\" What is the definition of \"petty\"?"} {"term": "dirt", "pos": "", "context": "the short six-mile loop offers stretches of dirt road for passing and technical singletrack that runs along cliff edges .", "definition": "soil or earth", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the short six-mile loop offers stretches of dirt road for passing and technical singletrack that runs along cliff edges .\" What is the definition of \"dirt\"?"} {"term": "loud", "pos": "", "context": "the dining-room , opposite , was equally loud and gaudy - mirrors everywhere , and a vast chandelier over the dining room table .", "definition": "vulgarly obtrusive ; flashy", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the dining-room , opposite , was equally loud and gaudy - mirrors everywhere , and a vast chandelier over the dining room table .\" What is the definition of \"loud\"?"} {"term": "seventeen", "pos": "", "context": "forty teams representing ten schools competed in this year 's semi-finals with the top seventeen qualifying for the final .", "definition": "a set or team of seventeen individuals .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"forty teams representing ten schools competed in this year 's semi-finals with the top seventeen qualifying for the final .\" What is the definition of \"seventeen\"?"} {"term": "politic", "pos": "", "context": "a politic old scoundrel", "definition": "marked by artful prudence , expedience , and shrewdness", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a politic old scoundrel\" What is the definition of \"politic\"?"} {"term": "detailing", "pos": "", "context": "new styles feature more feminine detailing and include new knit shirts , wovens and jackets .", "definition": "small decorative features on a building , garment , or work of art", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"new styles feature more feminine detailing and include new knit shirts , wovens and jackets .\" What is the definition of \"detailing\"?"} {"term": "pale", "pos": "", "context": "from the back pocket of her jeans , she takes a smooth polished stone , shades of pale green swirled inside it like ocean waves .", "definition": "light in colour or shade ; containing little colour or pigment", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"from the back pocket of her jeans , she takes a smooth polished stone , shades of pale green swirled inside it like ocean waves .\" What is the definition of \"pale\"?"} {"term": "reedy", "pos": "", "context": "‘ each man kills the thing he loves , ’ sings moreau in reedy , exhausted tones that recapitulate the inevitable downward trajectory of every star 's career .", "definition": "( of a sound or voice ) high and thin in tone", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ each man kills the thing he loves , ’ sings moreau in reedy , exhausted tones that recapitulate the inevitable downward trajectory of every star 's career .\" What is the definition of \"reedy\"?"} {"term": "reedy", "pos": "", "context": "little grebes may be expected in the vicinity of breydon water all year ; up to 20 breeding pairs occupy reedy dykes at berney and alongside the south wall .", "definition": "( of water or land ) full of or edged with reeds", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"little grebes may be expected in the vicinity of breydon water all year ; up to 20 breeding pairs occupy reedy dykes at berney and alongside the south wall .\" What is the definition of \"reedy\"?"} {"term": "duty-free", "pos": "", "context": "duty-free liquor", "definition": "exempt from duty", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"duty-free liquor\" What is the definition of \"duty-free\"?"} {"term": "slushy", "pos": "", "context": "now he has gone traditional and mainstream with jersey girl , a mushy , slushy father-and-daughter dramatic comedy .", "definition": "excessively sentimental", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"now he has gone traditional and mainstream with jersey girl , a mushy , slushy father-and-daughter dramatic comedy .\" What is the definition of \"slushy\"?"} {"term": "meitnerium", "pos": "", "context": "element 109 is named meitnerium , for lise meitner , who was the first to realize that uranium undergoes nuclear fission .", "definition": "the chemical element of atomic number 109 , a very unstable element made by high-energy atomic collisions .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"element 109 is named meitnerium , for lise meitner , who was the first to realize that uranium undergoes nuclear fission .\" What is the definition of \"meitnerium\"?"} {"term": "protection", "pos": "", "context": "while the legal protections are mostly clear , some parts of internet libel law are still unsettled .", "definition": "a legal or other formal measure intended to preserve civil liberties and rights", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"while the legal protections are mostly clear , some parts of internet libel law are still unsettled .\" What is the definition of \"protection\"?"} {"term": "protection", "pos": "", "context": "these three laws form a perfect circle of logic and protection for humans .", "definition": "the action of protecting , or the state of being protected", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these three laws form a perfect circle of logic and protection for humans .\" What is the definition of \"protection\"?"} {"term": "weigh-in", "pos": "", "context": "at the weigh-in before liston , floyd had nothing but nice things to say about his fearsome opponent .", "definition": "an official or regular weighing of something or someone , for example of boxers before a fight .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at the weigh-in before liston , floyd had nothing but nice things to say about his fearsome opponent .\" What is the definition of \"weigh-in\"?"} {"term": "dark", "pos": "", "context": "the /l/ sound that appears at the ends of words ( actually , in coda position of syllables ) is referred to as ‘ dark /l/ ’ and is transcribed as /l with a squiggle .", "definition": "denoting a velarized form of the sound of the letter l ( as in pull in south-eastern english speech ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the /l/ sound that appears at the ends of words ( actually , in coda position of syllables ) is referred to as ‘ dark /l/ ’ and is transcribed as /l with a squiggle .\" What is the definition of \"dark\"?"} {"term": "dark", "pos": "", "context": "he moved off into the darkness", "definition": "an unilluminated area", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he moved off into the darkness\" What is the definition of \"dark\"?"} {"term": "interceptor", "pos": "", "context": "well , the most salient fact about that missile test was that , like the more grandiose pacific tests of the star wars interceptors , it was a failure .", "definition": "a person or thing that intercepts .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"well , the most salient fact about that missile test was that , like the more grandiose pacific tests of the star wars interceptors , it was a failure .\" What is the definition of \"interceptor\"?"} {"term": "rape", "pos": "", "context": "the woman was raped on her way home at night", "definition": "force ( someone ) to have sex against their will", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the woman was raped on her way home at night\" What is the definition of \"rape\"?"} {"term": "deft", "pos": "", "context": "their deft passes led to the three goals in the match .", "definition": "neatly skilful and quick in one 's movements", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their deft passes led to the three goals in the match .\" What is the definition of \"deft\"?"} {"term": "sidestep", "pos": "", "context": "if i could just use the magic… a quick sidestep prevented him from being skewered by a fang .", "definition": "a step taken sideways , typically to avoid someone or something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if i could just use the magic… a quick sidestep prevented him from being skewered by a fang .\" What is the definition of \"sidestep\"?"} {"term": "lithographic", "pos": "", "context": "it tells the story of europe 's exploration of egypt , accompanied by over a thousand color reproductions of old lithographic prints .", "definition": "relating to or produced by lithography", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it tells the story of europe 's exploration of egypt , accompanied by over a thousand color reproductions of old lithographic prints .\" What is the definition of \"lithographic\"?"} {"term": "coupling", "pos": "", "context": "i put my camera pack in one , and we each perched on a coupling between cars , squaring down .", "definition": "a fitting on the end of a railway vehicle for connecting it to another", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i put my camera pack in one , and we each perched on a coupling between cars , squaring down .\" What is the definition of \"coupling\"?"} {"term": "coupling", "pos": "", "context": "but if this coupling truly is a marriage made in heaven , the real honeymoon period has been the past two decades .", "definition": "two people in a romantic relationship ; a couple .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but if this coupling truly is a marriage made in heaven , the real honeymoon period has been the past two decades .\" What is the definition of \"coupling\"?"} {"term": "coupling", "pos": "", "context": "we now turn to the question of the effect of these national differences in the forms of coupling and number of partners on sexual activity itself .", "definition": "the action of mating or having sexual intercourse .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we now turn to the question of the effect of these national differences in the forms of coupling and number of partners on sexual activity itself .\" What is the definition of \"coupling\"?"} {"term": "hammerlock", "pos": "", "context": "nunzio gets out of a hammerlock by telling the ref that funaki was pulling on his hair .", "definition": "an armlock in which a person 's arm is bent up behind their back .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nunzio gets out of a hammerlock by telling the ref that funaki was pulling on his hair .\" What is the definition of \"hammerlock\"?"} {"term": "ornithischian", "pos": "", "context": "the only definite ornithischian materials known from this unit are the fragmentary holotype specimens of tatisaurus and bienosaurus and some indeterminate postcranial material .", "definition": "relating to or denoting herbivorous dinosaurs of an order distinguished by having a pelvic structure resembling that of birds .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the only definite ornithischian materials known from this unit are the fragmentary holotype specimens of tatisaurus and bienosaurus and some indeterminate postcranial material .\" What is the definition of \"ornithischian\"?"} {"term": "fun", "pos": "", "context": "coupled with learning , fun , jive and jest , to enhance one 's personality one must get a good campus life .", "definition": "a source of fun", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"coupled with learning , fun , jive and jest , to enhance one 's personality one must get a good campus life .\" What is the definition of \"fun\"?"} {"term": "precinct", "pos": "", "context": "the crime rate in the central park police precinct is the lowest in all of new york city .", "definition": "a district of a city or town as defined for policing purposes .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the crime rate in the central park police precinct is the lowest in all of new york city .\" What is the definition of \"precinct\"?"} {"term": "precinct", "pos": "", "context": "the election chiefs also propose to do away with voting precincts .", "definition": "an electoral district of a city or town served by a single polling station", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the election chiefs also propose to do away with voting precincts .\" What is the definition of \"precinct\"?"} {"term": "spay", "pos": "", "context": "the emphasis on spaying females is critically important .", "definition": "sterilize ( a female animal ) by removing the ovaries", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the emphasis on spaying females is critically important .\" What is the definition of \"spay\"?"} {"term": "domestication", "pos": "", "context": "domestication led to the emergence , as early as the 6th millennium bc , of cultivated barley with firmly attached grains .", "definition": "the cultivation of a plant for food", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"domestication led to the emergence , as early as the 6th millennium bc , of cultivated barley with firmly attached grains .\" What is the definition of \"domestication\"?"} {"term": "domestication", "pos": "", "context": "ana 's world is pitted against the dull monochrome of conventionality - marriage , domestication - and becomes the source of energy both for ana as character and the central leitmotif of the story .", "definition": "the process of making someone fond of and good at home life and the tasks that it involves", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ana 's world is pitted against the dull monochrome of conventionality - marriage , domestication - and becomes the source of energy both for ana as character and the central leitmotif of the story .\" What is the definition of \"domestication\"?"} {"term": "barbarism", "pos": "", "context": "for instance , fowler preferred britishism to briticism , labelling the latter a barbarism ; burchfield simply comments that briticism is now the more usual term in scholarly work .", "definition": "a word or expression which is badly formed according to traditional philological rules , e.g . a word formed from elements of different languages , such as breathalyser ( english and greek ) or television ( greek and latin ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for instance , fowler preferred britishism to briticism , labelling the latter a barbarism ; burchfield simply comments that briticism is now the more usual term in scholarly work .\" What is the definition of \"barbarism\"?"} {"term": "tailwheel", "pos": "", "context": "in every sense , it 's everything that made the skyhawk the world 's most popular airplane - except with the advantages of a tailwheel .", "definition": "a wheel supporting the tail of an aircraft while on the ground .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in every sense , it 's everything that made the skyhawk the world 's most popular airplane - except with the advantages of a tailwheel .\" What is the definition of \"tailwheel\"?"} {"term": "wolframite", "pos": "", "context": "it is found in more than 800 different minerals , the most important of which are thortveitite and wolframite .", "definition": "a black or brown mineral which is the chief ore of tungsten . it consists of a tungstate of iron and manganese .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is found in more than 800 different minerals , the most important of which are thortveitite and wolframite .\" What is the definition of \"wolframite\"?"} {"term": "repack", "pos": "", "context": "he had brought all of claire 's things , having had to repack some of them .", "definition": "pack ( a suitcase or bag ) again .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had brought all of claire 's things , having had to repack some of them .\" What is the definition of \"repack\"?"} {"term": "trade", "pos": "", "context": "they rode the trade winds going west", "definition": "steady winds blowing from east to west above and below the equator", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they rode the trade winds going west\" What is the definition of \"trade\"?"} {"term": "trade", "pos": "", "context": "indeed , a queen 's cloak , red linen , and entire sets of garb were traded for land .", "definition": "exchange ( something ) for something else , typically as a commercial transaction", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"indeed , a queen 's cloak , red linen , and entire sets of garb were traded for land .\" What is the definition of \"trade\"?"} {"term": "chaise", "pos": "", "context": "i heard by a waggoner that there was a person who he saw follow the chaise , he described him , and by that means i found him out", "definition": "a horse-drawn carriage for one or two people , typically one with an open top and two wheels .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i heard by a waggoner that there was a person who he saw follow the chaise , he described him , and by that means i found him out\" What is the definition of \"chaise\"?"} {"term": "greenshank", "pos": "", "context": "in summer , the breeding season , greenshanks are brown , and in winter their plumage turns gray and gray-brown .", "definition": "a large sandpiper with long greenish legs and grey plumage , breeding in northern eurasia and north america .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in summer , the breeding season , greenshanks are brown , and in winter their plumage turns gray and gray-brown .\" What is the definition of \"greenshank\"?"} {"term": "thimble", "pos": "", "context": "they were the usual set tricks , such as making things disappear from under thimbles , and card and rope tricks .", "definition": "a small metal or plastic cap with a closed end , worn to protect the finger and push the needle in sewing .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they were the usual set tricks , such as making things disappear from under thimbles , and card and rope tricks .\" What is the definition of \"thimble\"?"} {"term": "numbat", "pos": "", "context": "the winery has a wetland centre in south australia where it is also intended to release brush-tailed bettong and numbats later in the year .", "definition": "a small termite-eating australian marsupial with a black-and-white striped back and a bushy tail .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the winery has a wetland centre in south australia where it is also intended to release brush-tailed bettong and numbats later in the year .\" What is the definition of \"numbat\"?"} {"term": "african", "pos": "", "context": "but amanda hopes it will be the experience of a lifetime as she jets out to teach english to african children .", "definition": "relating to africa or people of african descent .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but amanda hopes it will be the experience of a lifetime as she jets out to teach english to african children .\" What is the definition of \"african\"?"} {"term": "african", "pos": "", "context": "europeans and africans are going deeper into the forest to dig for gold and diamonds .", "definition": "a person from africa , especially a black person .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"europeans and africans are going deeper into the forest to dig for gold and diamonds .\" What is the definition of \"african\"?"} {"term": "blockade", "pos": "", "context": "the mechanism for this benefit is most likely a blockade of aldosterone receptors .", "definition": "an obstruction of a physiological or mental function , especially of a biochemical receptor .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the mechanism for this benefit is most likely a blockade of aldosterone receptors .\" What is the definition of \"blockade\"?"} {"term": "hush", "pos": "", "context": "the headmaster of the school hushed the children , led a short prayer and started the assembly .", "definition": "make ( someone ) be quiet or stop talking", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the headmaster of the school hushed the children , led a short prayer and started the assembly .\" What is the definition of \"hush\"?"} {"term": "jazzy", "pos": "", "context": "what fat freddy 's drop make is some of the most soulful , jazzy , and deliciously groovy music to come out of wellington .", "definition": "of , resembling , or in the style of jazz", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"what fat freddy 's drop make is some of the most soulful , jazzy , and deliciously groovy music to come out of wellington .\" What is the definition of \"jazzy\"?"} {"term": "stroll", "pos": "", "context": "other walks will also include rural rambles , a walk around the town centre , short strolls , hard moorland walks and family walks .", "definition": "a short leisurely walk", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"other walks will also include rural rambles , a walk around the town centre , short strolls , hard moorland walks and family walks .\" What is the definition of \"stroll\"?"} {"term": "application", "pos": "", "context": "december 31 is the deadline for applications", "definition": "a verbal or written request for assistance or employment or admission to a school", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"december 31 is the deadline for applications\" What is the definition of \"application\"?"} {"term": "suspense", "pos": "", "context": "the play kept the audience in suspense", "definition": "excited anticipation of an approaching climax", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the play kept the audience in suspense\" What is the definition of \"suspense\"?"} {"term": "chartism", "pos": "", "context": "in short , fundamental analysis tries to estimate what a stock should sell for , while technical analysis - chartism - tries to judge what other investors think it will sell for .", "definition": "the use of charts of financial data to predict future trends and to guide investment strategies .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in short , fundamental analysis tries to estimate what a stock should sell for , while technical analysis - chartism - tries to judge what other investors think it will sell for .\" What is the definition of \"chartism\"?"} {"term": "baronet", "pos": "", "context": "since he was a baronet he had to be addressed as sir henry jones , bart .", "definition": "a member of the british order of honor ; ranks below a baron but above a knight", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"since he was a baronet he had to be addressed as sir henry jones , bart .\" What is the definition of \"baronet\"?"} {"term": "jurat", "pos": "", "context": "the reformers proposed to amend mayoral elections so that the assembly would nominate two jurats , from whom mayor and jurats would select one for the following year 's mayor .", "definition": "a person who has taken an oath or who performs a duty on oath , e.g . a juror .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the reformers proposed to amend mayoral elections so that the assembly would nominate two jurats , from whom mayor and jurats would select one for the following year 's mayor .\" What is the definition of \"jurat\"?"} {"term": "co-chair", "pos": "", "context": "the executive , now a co-chair of the board of directors , says the organization strives to ‘ bring artistry into everyday acts of resistance . ’", "definition": "a person who chairs a meeting jointly with another or others .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the executive , now a co-chair of the board of directors , says the organization strives to ‘ bring artistry into everyday acts of resistance . ’\" What is the definition of \"co-chair\"?"} {"term": "swallow", "pos": "", "context": "i swallowed my anger and kept quiet", "definition": "keep from expressing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i swallowed my anger and kept quiet\" What is the definition of \"swallow\"?"} {"term": "swallow", "pos": "", "context": "he handed me his glass and i drank down his last swallow .", "definition": "an act of swallowing something , especially food or drink", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he handed me his glass and i drank down his last swallow .\" What is the definition of \"swallow\"?"} {"term": "swallow", "pos": "", "context": "am i supposed to swallow that story ?", "definition": "believe or accept without questioning or challenge", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"am i supposed to swallow that story ?\" What is the definition of \"swallow\"?"} {"term": "hoop", "pos": "", "context": "there was still a rusty iron hoop for tying a horse", "definition": "a rigid circular band of metal or wood or other material used for holding or fastening or hanging or pulling", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was still a rusty iron hoop for tying a horse\" What is the definition of \"hoop\"?"} {"term": "hoop", "pos": "", "context": "this will add lots of volume to your skirt , without using boned hoops .", "definition": "a circle of flexible material used for expanding a woman 's petticoat or skirt", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this will add lots of volume to your skirt , without using boned hoops .\" What is the definition of \"hoop\"?"} {"term": "spool", "pos": "", "context": "in a nearly identical re-enactment of the first correction , the aircraft again pitched down to apparently continue the approach with the engines spooling back .", "definition": "( of an engine ) increase its speed of rotation , typically to that required for operation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in a nearly identical re-enactment of the first correction , the aircraft again pitched down to apparently continue the approach with the engines spooling back .\" What is the definition of \"spool\"?"} {"term": "bridgework", "pos": "", "context": "chronological excerpts connect historical islands with an elaborate quasi-fictional bridgework .", "definition": "the construction of bridges .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"chronological excerpts connect historical islands with an elaborate quasi-fictional bridgework .\" What is the definition of \"bridgework\"?"} {"term": "nordic", "pos": "", "context": "the book , which divided the white race into nordics , alpines , and mediterraneans according to their physical and mental attributes , was a sophisticated encapsulation of the same assumptions .", "definition": "a person from scandinavia , finland , or iceland", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the book , which divided the white race into nordics , alpines , and mediterraneans according to their physical and mental attributes , was a sophisticated encapsulation of the same assumptions .\" What is the definition of \"nordic\"?"} {"term": "rooibos", "pos": "", "context": "the legislated products referred to include fresh , canned and frozen fruit and vegetables , dried fruit , groundnuts , grains , as well as rooibos and honeybush tea .", "definition": "an infusion of the leaves of the rooibos plant drunk as tea .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the legislated products referred to include fresh , canned and frozen fruit and vegetables , dried fruit , groundnuts , grains , as well as rooibos and honeybush tea .\" What is the definition of \"rooibos\"?"} {"term": "carotid", "pos": "", "context": "palpation of the carotids , thyroid or abdominal organs was impossible .", "definition": "each of the carotid arteries .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"palpation of the carotids , thyroid or abdominal organs was impossible .\" What is the definition of \"carotid\"?"} {"term": "observation", "pos": "", "context": "it testifies to his powers of observation and imagination and his storytelling abilities .", "definition": "the ability to notice things , especially significant details", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it testifies to his powers of observation and imagination and his storytelling abilities .\" What is the definition of \"observation\"?"} {"term": "reach", "pos": "", "context": "it 's just countryside within easy reach of the city centre .", "definition": "the extent or range of something 's application , effect , or influence", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's just countryside within easy reach of the city centre .\" What is the definition of \"reach\"?"} {"term": "cahier", "pos": "", "context": "his pleas went unheeded , and the delegates prepared a cahier of grievances to present to henry .", "definition": "an exercise book or notebook .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his pleas went unheeded , and the delegates prepared a cahier of grievances to present to henry .\" What is the definition of \"cahier\"?"} {"term": "toehold", "pos": "", "context": "minor blister pain can advance from a low simmer to a fiery torture in the space of a few miles , so do n't let it get a toehold in the gap between your feet and your socks and shoes .", "definition": "a relatively insignificant position from which further progress may be made", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"minor blister pain can advance from a low simmer to a fiery torture in the space of a few miles , so do n't let it get a toehold in the gap between your feet and your socks and shoes .\" What is the definition of \"toehold\"?"} {"term": "inclination", "pos": "", "context": "we also recorded terrain inclination angle , observer distance , time of day , date and year .", "definition": "the angle at which a straight line or plane is inclined to another .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we also recorded terrain inclination angle , observer distance , time of day , date and year .\" What is the definition of \"inclination\"?"} {"term": "infiltration", "pos": "", "context": "the movie is a direct reflection of the growing fear of foreign infiltration at the time , and the expanding social unrest of the civil rights movement .", "definition": "the action of entering or gaining access to an organization or place surreptitiously , especially in order to acquire secret information or cause damage", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the movie is a direct reflection of the growing fear of foreign infiltration at the time , and the expanding social unrest of the civil rights movement .\" What is the definition of \"infiltration\"?"} {"term": "blank", "pos": "", "context": "a blank stare", "definition": "void of expression", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a blank stare\" What is the definition of \"blank\"?"} {"term": "blank", "pos": "", "context": "i sent an email last night to someone who 's been blanking me for the last few days .", "definition": "deliberately ignore ( someone )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i sent an email last night to someone who 's been blanking me for the last few days .\" What is the definition of \"blank\"?"} {"term": "blank", "pos": "", "context": "i ca n't remember what it was , i 've blanked it out .", "definition": "make ( something ) blank or empty", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i ca n't remember what it was , i 've blanked it out .\" What is the definition of \"blank\"?"} {"term": "patchouli", "pos": "", "context": "some oils such as patchouli and sandalwood can improve .", "definition": "an aromatic oil obtained from a se asian shrub , which is used in perfumery , insecticides , and medicine .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some oils such as patchouli and sandalwood can improve .\" What is the definition of \"patchouli\"?"} {"term": "chancre", "pos": "", "context": "in addition to leprosy , foreigners seeking work permits are now required to be tested for tuberculosis and the sexually transmitted diseases syphilis , chlamydia and chancres .", "definition": "a painless ulcer , particularly one that develops on the genitals in venereal disease .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in addition to leprosy , foreigners seeking work permits are now required to be tested for tuberculosis and the sexually transmitted diseases syphilis , chlamydia and chancres .\" What is the definition of \"chancre\"?"} {"term": "co-education", "pos": "", "context": "it was the only learning institution offering co-education in the district and if measures to save it from collapsing failed , most children would suffer .", "definition": "the education of pupils of both sexes together .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was the only learning institution offering co-education in the district and if measures to save it from collapsing failed , most children would suffer .\" What is the definition of \"co-education\"?"} {"term": "rumination", "pos": "", "context": "the problems that develop in relationships are great fuel for rumination , the obsessive overthinking that often pulls people into depression .", "definition": "the action or process of thinking deeply about something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the problems that develop in relationships are great fuel for rumination , the obsessive overthinking that often pulls people into depression .\" What is the definition of \"rumination\"?"} {"term": "rumination", "pos": "", "context": "saliva secretion in ruminants is continuous but increases with eating and rumination .", "definition": "the action of chewing the cud", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"saliva secretion in ruminants is continuous but increases with eating and rumination .\" What is the definition of \"rumination\"?"} {"term": "implore", "pos": "", "context": "we implore god 's mercy for ourselves , the church , and the world , because in god 's world there is peace for all .", "definition": "beg earnestly for", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we implore god 's mercy for ourselves , the church , and the world , because in god 's world there is peace for all .\" What is the definition of \"implore\"?"} {"term": "rush", "pos": "", "context": "he heard the hiss of a door shutting and air rushing into the room .", "definition": "( of air or a liquid ) flow strongly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he heard the hiss of a door shutting and air rushing into the room .\" What is the definition of \"rush\"?"} {"term": "rush", "pos": "", "context": "helicopters in india were rushing medicine to stricken areas , while warships in thailand steamed to island resorts to rescue survivors .", "definition": "deliver ( something ) quickly to ( someone )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"helicopters in india were rushing medicine to stricken areas , while warships in thailand steamed to island resorts to rescue survivors .\" What is the definition of \"rush\"?"} {"term": "rush", "pos": "", "context": "the defensive scheme calls for an all-out rush against the quarterback on every play .", "definition": "an act of advancing forward , especially towards the quarterback .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the defensive scheme calls for an all-out rush against the quarterback on every play .\" What is the definition of \"rush\"?"} {"term": "revenant", "pos": "", "context": "revenant shrieks and groans", "definition": "of or relating to or typical of a revenant", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"revenant shrieks and groans\" What is the definition of \"revenant\"?"} {"term": "sit", "pos": "", "context": "his son was still unconscious , but he was n't so badly wounded that he could n't sit a horse as long as someone held him there .", "definition": "ride or keep one 's seat on ( a horse )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his son was still unconscious , but he was n't so badly wounded that he could n't sit a horse as long as someone held him there .\" What is the definition of \"sit\"?"} {"term": "pylon", "pos": "", "context": "the answer to the problem was to hang immense fuel tanks from underwing pylons .", "definition": "a structure on the wing of an aircraft used for supporting an engine or carrying a weapon , fuel tank , or other load .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the answer to the problem was to hang immense fuel tanks from underwing pylons .\" What is the definition of \"pylon\"?"} {"term": "dynamic", "pos": "", "context": "for bernoulli 's principle to dominate a dynamic situation , friction must be less dominant .", "definition": "relating to forces producing motion .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for bernoulli 's principle to dominate a dynamic situation , friction must be less dominant .\" What is the definition of \"dynamic\"?"} {"term": "dynamic", "pos": "", "context": "the dynamic president of the firm", "definition": "characterized by action or forcefulness or force of personality", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the dynamic president of the firm\" What is the definition of \"dynamic\"?"} {"term": "scorch", "pos": "", "context": "the flames scorched the ceiling", "definition": "burn slightly and superficially so as to affect color", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the flames scorched the ceiling\" What is the definition of \"scorch\"?"} {"term": "incarnation", "pos": "", "context": "the result has been some fascinating studies of such topics as sin , the atonement , and the incarnation .", "definition": "( in christian theology ) the embodiment of god the son in human flesh as jesus christ .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the result has been some fascinating studies of such topics as sin , the atonement , and the incarnation .\" What is the definition of \"incarnation\"?"} {"term": "doorbell", "pos": "", "context": "both have been ringing more doorbells for several reasons .", "definition": "a bell in a building which can be rung by visitors outside to signal their arrival", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"both have been ringing more doorbells for several reasons .\" What is the definition of \"doorbell\"?"} {"term": "rebellion", "pos": "", "context": "there had been countless rebellions and revolts during the second half of the 1790s .", "definition": "an act of armed resistance to an established government or leader", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there had been countless rebellions and revolts during the second half of the 1790s .\" What is the definition of \"rebellion\"?"} {"term": "persecution", "pos": "", "context": "in the face of this persecution , morgan takes an interest in nick 's girlfriend frankie .", "definition": "persistent annoyance or harassment", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the face of this persecution , morgan takes an interest in nick 's girlfriend frankie .\" What is the definition of \"persecution\"?"} {"term": "bamboo", "pos": "", "context": "most bamboos fall between the two physiological states of constant flowering and constant sterility .", "definition": "a giant woody grass which is grown chiefly in the tropics .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"most bamboos fall between the two physiological states of constant flowering and constant sterility .\" What is the definition of \"bamboo\"?"} {"term": "bamboo", "pos": "", "context": "i stand over another well , another deep hole , but this one has long bamboo poles and timber flung in .", "definition": "the hollow jointed stem of the bamboo plant , used as a cane or to make furniture and implements", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i stand over another well , another deep hole , but this one has long bamboo poles and timber flung in .\" What is the definition of \"bamboo\"?"} {"term": "gheg", "pos": "", "context": "during the 1920s and 1930s , the government tried to establish a mixed tosk and gheg dialect from the elbascan region as the official language .", "definition": "relating to the gheg or their dialect .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"during the 1920s and 1930s , the government tried to establish a mixed tosk and gheg dialect from the elbascan region as the official language .\" What is the definition of \"gheg\"?"} {"term": "trapdoor", "pos": "", "context": "under polite questioning from the audience , he acknowledged that some closed-source commercial products have been found to have trapdoors themselves .", "definition": "a feature or defect of a computer system which allows surreptitious unauthorized access to data .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"under polite questioning from the audience , he acknowledged that some closed-source commercial products have been found to have trapdoors themselves .\" What is the definition of \"trapdoor\"?"} {"term": "stunt", "pos": "", "context": "what the world needs from economists are sophisticated hedging strategies , not glib publicity stunts .", "definition": "something unusual done to attract attention", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"what the world needs from economists are sophisticated hedging strategies , not glib publicity stunts .\" What is the definition of \"stunt\"?"} {"term": "gain", "pos": "", "context": "many people found it difficult to justify the near 88,000 allied men lost for every one mile gained in the advance .", "definition": "reach or arrive at ( a destination )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"many people found it difficult to justify the near 88,000 allied men lost for every one mile gained in the advance .\" What is the definition of \"gain\"?"} {"term": "gain", "pos": "", "context": "there is only 2 days left and zimbabwe is gaining on me .", "definition": "come closer to ( a person or thing pursued )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is only 2 days left and zimbabwe is gaining on me .\" What is the definition of \"gain\"?"} {"term": "spin", "pos": "", "context": "she was on a production line that spins cotton thread onto the spools .", "definition": "make ( threads ) by drawing out and twisting fibres of wool , cotton , or other material", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was on a production line that spins cotton thread onto the spools .\" What is the definition of \"spin\"?"} {"term": "spin", "pos": "", "context": "spin a yarn", "definition": "make up a story", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"spin a yarn\" What is the definition of \"spin\"?"} {"term": "spin", "pos": "", "context": "spin silk", "definition": "work natural fibers into a thread", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"spin silk\" What is the definition of \"spin\"?"} {"term": "spin", "pos": "", "context": "he took the new car for a spin", "definition": "a short drive in a car", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he took the new car for a spin\" What is the definition of \"spin\"?"} {"term": "contrast", "pos": "", "context": "the students contrast considerably in their artistic abilities", "definition": "to show differences when compared ; be different", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the students contrast considerably in their artistic abilities\" What is the definition of \"contrast\"?"} {"term": "sire", "pos": "", "context": "i never really knew my father , while the rest admired their noble sires .", "definition": "a father or other male forebear .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i never really knew my father , while the rest admired their noble sires .\" What is the definition of \"sire\"?"} {"term": "gradation", "pos": "", "context": "now you say these are very serious matters , terrorism , but do you not see any gradation at all in the range of terrorism related charges , that there may be less serious charges within the category ?", "definition": "a scale or series of successive changes , stages , or degrees", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"now you say these are very serious matters , terrorism , but do you not see any gradation at all in the range of terrorism related charges , that there may be less serious charges within the category ?\" What is the definition of \"gradation\"?"} {"term": "locution", "pos": "", "context": "like the protagonists in the classic hollywood films of anthony mann , hawks or ford , the leads of collateral express themselves through their action as much as their locution .", "definition": "a person 's style of speech", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"like the protagonists in the classic hollywood films of anthony mann , hawks or ford , the leads of collateral express themselves through their action as much as their locution .\" What is the definition of \"locution\"?"} {"term": "odd", "pos": "", "context": "every even natural number x greater than six can be written as the sum of two distinct odd primes .", "definition": "( of whole numbers such as 3 and 5 ) having one left over as a remainder when divided by two", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"every even natural number x greater than six can be written as the sum of two distinct odd primes .\" What is the definition of \"odd\"?"} {"term": "odd", "pos": "", "context": "invited 30-odd guests", "definition": "an indefinite quantity more than that specified", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"invited 30-odd guests\" What is the definition of \"odd\"?"} {"term": "odd", "pos": "", "context": "back in the desert i had an odd sensation of riding into a landscape .", "definition": "different to what is usual or expected ; strange", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"back in the desert i had an odd sensation of riding into a landscape .\" What is the definition of \"odd\"?"} {"term": "smack", "pos": "", "context": "the intruder shot across the floor in a straight horizontal line to smack against a pillar in a bone-crushing impact .", "definition": "smash , drive , or put forcefully into or on to something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the intruder shot across the floor in a straight horizontal line to smack against a pillar in a bone-crushing impact .\" What is the definition of \"smack\"?"} {"term": "harmattan", "pos": "", "context": "in winter the drying harmattan wind blows from the interior .", "definition": "a very dry , dusty easterly or north-easterly wind on the west african coast , occurring from december to february .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in winter the drying harmattan wind blows from the interior .\" What is the definition of \"harmattan\"?"} {"term": "understanding", "pos": "", "context": "every story he tells in some way teaches tolerance and understanding .", "definition": "sympathetic awareness or tolerance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"every story he tells in some way teaches tolerance and understanding .\" What is the definition of \"understanding\"?"} {"term": "understanding", "pos": "", "context": "if you lack understanding and meditative insight , this test could become an obstacle .", "definition": "having insight or good judgement .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if you lack understanding and meditative insight , this test could become an obstacle .\" What is the definition of \"understanding\"?"} {"term": "guff", "pos": "", "context": "you 're going to get a lot of guff from readers who actually follow the link to that review and see how glibly dismissive it is .", "definition": "foolish talk or ideas .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you 're going to get a lot of guff from readers who actually follow the link to that review and see how glibly dismissive it is .\" What is the definition of \"guff\"?"} {"term": "athanor", "pos": "", "context": "for the same sum , an alchemist may purchase alembics , athanors and general laboratory equipment which allows them to double the number of potions they can brew between adventures .", "definition": "a type of furnace used by alchemists , able to maintain a steady heat for long periods .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for the same sum , an alchemist may purchase alembics , athanors and general laboratory equipment which allows them to double the number of potions they can brew between adventures .\" What is the definition of \"athanor\"?"} {"term": "tanner", "pos": "", "context": "when applying the tanner , you 'll get the most natural look if you dilute the self-tanner with an equal amount of moisturizer before applying it to your feet , ankles , elbows and knees , as well as to the inside of your arms and under your chin .", "definition": "a lotion or cream designed to promote the development of a suntan or produce a similar skin colour artificially", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when applying the tanner , you 'll get the most natural look if you dilute the self-tanner with an equal amount of moisturizer before applying it to your feet , ankles , elbows and knees , as well as to the inside of your arms and under your chin .\" What is the definition of \"tanner\"?"} {"term": "block", "pos": "", "context": "whether you opt for a single flat or whole block , though , choosing where to buy can require some careful research .", "definition": "a large single building subdivided into separate rooms , flats , or offices", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"whether you opt for a single flat or whole block , though , choosing where to buy can require some careful research .\" What is the definition of \"block\"?"} {"term": "block", "pos": "", "context": "he is well cast and carries the part like a well blocked hat , ( though his own hat sometimes got the better of him ) .", "definition": "shape or reshape ( a hat ) on a mould", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is well cast and carries the part like a well blocked hat , ( though his own hat sometimes got the better of him ) .\" What is the definition of \"block\"?"} {"term": "block", "pos": "", "context": "block the book cover", "definition": "stamp or emboss a title or design on a book with a block", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"block the book cover\" What is the definition of \"block\"?"} {"term": "block", "pos": "", "context": "those business people have now been subdividing the land , and selling blocks for housing and commercial developments .", "definition": "an urban or suburban building plot .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"those business people have now been subdividing the land , and selling blocks for housing and commercial developments .\" What is the definition of \"block\"?"} {"term": "block", "pos": "", "context": "original blue cloth , spine lettered and blocked in gold .", "definition": "impress text or a design on ( a book cover ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"original blue cloth , spine lettered and blocked in gold .\" What is the definition of \"block\"?"} {"term": "block", "pos": "", "context": "block a plate for printing", "definition": "support , secure , or raise with a block", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"block a plate for printing\" What is the definition of \"block\"?"} {"term": "tetragrammaton", "pos": "", "context": "in the cabala , the quaternical system is the tetragrammaton , the four-letter name of god , commonly pronounced yahweh or jehovah .", "definition": "the hebrew name of god transliterated in four letters as yhwh or jhvh and articulated as yahweh or jehovah .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the cabala , the quaternical system is the tetragrammaton , the four-letter name of god , commonly pronounced yahweh or jehovah .\" What is the definition of \"tetragrammaton\"?"} {"term": "price", "pos": "", "context": "generally speaking , the online bookmakers give the best betting prices to the public .", "definition": "the odds in betting .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"generally speaking , the online bookmakers give the best betting prices to the public .\" What is the definition of \"price\"?"} {"term": "merger", "pos": "", "context": "it seems that evolutionary growth was limited and the industry saw mergers and acquisitions as the answer .", "definition": "a combination of two things , especially companies , into one", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it seems that evolutionary growth was limited and the industry saw mergers and acquisitions as the answer .\" What is the definition of \"merger\"?"} {"term": "snaffle", "pos": "", "context": "snaffle a horse", "definition": "fit or restrain with a snaffle", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"snaffle a horse\" What is the definition of \"snaffle\"?"} {"term": "definitive", "pos": "", "context": "if a definitive agreement is signed - one is hoped for by the end of april - reilly will be named president and ceo of the new company .", "definition": "( of a conclusion or agreement ) done or reached decisively and with authority", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if a definitive agreement is signed - one is hoped for by the end of april - reilly will be named president and ceo of the new company .\" What is the definition of \"definitive\"?"} {"term": "welcome", "pos": "", "context": "made the children feel welcome", "definition": "giving pleasure or satisfaction or received with pleasure or freely granted", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"made the children feel welcome\" What is the definition of \"welcome\"?"} {"term": "welcome", "pos": "", "context": "all current members and interested community members are encouraged and most welcome to attend .", "definition": "allowed or invited to do a specified thing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all current members and interested community members are encouraged and most welcome to attend .\" What is the definition of \"welcome\"?"} {"term": "welcome", "pos": "", "context": "i welcome your proposals", "definition": "accept gladly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i welcome your proposals\" What is the definition of \"welcome\"?"} {"term": "dapsone", "pos": "", "context": "skin lesions in linear iga dermatosis and chronic bullous disease of childhood respond rapidly when treated with dapsone or sulfapyridine .", "definition": "a sulphur compound with bacteriostatic action , used in the treatment of leprosy .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"skin lesions in linear iga dermatosis and chronic bullous disease of childhood respond rapidly when treated with dapsone or sulfapyridine .\" What is the definition of \"dapsone\"?"} {"term": "cappuccino", "pos": "", "context": "worth a trip if only to sample the cappuccino in the coffee shop !", "definition": "a type of coffee made with espresso and milk that has been frothed up with pressurized steam .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"worth a trip if only to sample the cappuccino in the coffee shop !\" What is the definition of \"cappuccino\"?"} {"term": "pleb", "pos": "", "context": "when you turn on your tv , you may see a wizened old man making plebs laugh with his bad wigs and big chin , but we see someone else entirely .", "definition": "an ordinary person , especially one from the lower social classes .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when you turn on your tv , you may see a wizened old man making plebs laugh with his bad wigs and big chin , but we see someone else entirely .\" What is the definition of \"pleb\"?"} {"term": "yashmak", "pos": "", "context": "the yashmak is tied around the back of the head with string and is sometimes also supported over the nose by a small piece of gold .", "definition": "a veil concealing all of the face except the eyes , worn by some muslim women in public .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the yashmak is tied around the back of the head with string and is sometimes also supported over the nose by a small piece of gold .\" What is the definition of \"yashmak\"?"} {"term": "dogma", "pos": "", "context": "he believed all the marxist dogma", "definition": "a doctrine or code of beliefs accepted as authoritative", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he believed all the marxist dogma\" What is the definition of \"dogma\"?"} {"term": "back-projection", "pos": "", "context": "no one ever goes outdoors : back-projections abound , with the puppets flatly lit .", "definition": "an image created using the technique of back-projection", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"no one ever goes outdoors : back-projections abound , with the puppets flatly lit .\" What is the definition of \"back-projection\"?"} {"term": "amphiuma", "pos": "", "context": "sirens and amphiumas are large salamanders that may determine community structure through top-down effects .", "definition": "a fully aquatic eel-like amphibian with very small limbs , occurring in stagnant water and swamps in the south-eastern us .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sirens and amphiumas are large salamanders that may determine community structure through top-down effects .\" What is the definition of \"amphiuma\"?"} {"term": "batting", "pos": "", "context": "cut several additional pieces of batting in graduated sizes , each slightly smaller than the previous .", "definition": "cotton wadding prepared in sheets for use in quilts", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cut several additional pieces of batting in graduated sizes , each slightly smaller than the previous .\" What is the definition of \"batting\"?"} {"term": "woodsia", "pos": "", "context": "oregon and rocky mountain woodsia hybrid are native to minnesota .", "definition": "a small tufted fern that grows among rocks in mountains in temperate and cool regions .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"oregon and rocky mountain woodsia hybrid are native to minnesota .\" What is the definition of \"woodsia\"?"} {"term": "command", "pos": "", "context": "these activities work closely with combatant commands to identify operational requirements .", "definition": "a body of troops or a district under the control of a particular officer .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these activities work closely with combatant commands to identify operational requirements .\" What is the definition of \"command\"?"} {"term": "command", "pos": "", "context": "the materials at the command of the potters grew", "definition": "availability for use", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the materials at the command of the potters grew\" What is the definition of \"command\"?"} {"term": "command", "pos": "", "context": "an admiral in command", "definition": "the power or authority to command", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an admiral in command\" What is the definition of \"command\"?"} {"term": "command", "pos": "", "context": "i obeyed her command without questioning , since she was responsible for the most fun i 'd had in my life up to that point .", "definition": "an authoritative order", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i obeyed her command without questioning , since she was responsible for the most fun i 'd had in my life up to that point .\" What is the definition of \"command\"?"} {"term": "bedmate", "pos": "", "context": "antony , caesar 's lieutenant who eventually succeeded him as cleopatra 's bedmate and political partner , fares less well .", "definition": "a person , especially a sexual partner , with whom one shares a bed .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"antony , caesar 's lieutenant who eventually succeeded him as cleopatra 's bedmate and political partner , fares less well .\" What is the definition of \"bedmate\"?"} {"term": "canker", "pos": "", "context": "i 'm a 37-year-old graduate student who 's having the usual dating difficulties common among those of us who are old and grey and cankered .", "definition": "infected with a pervasive and corrupting bitterness", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i 'm a 37-year-old graduate student who 's having the usual dating difficulties common among those of us who are old and grey and cankered .\" What is the definition of \"canker\"?"} {"term": "right", "pos": "", "context": "instead he countered with two lefts to the body , a right to the head and a left to the jaw .", "definition": "a blow given with the right fist", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"instead he countered with two lefts to the body , a right to the head and a left to the jaw .\" What is the definition of \"right\"?"} {"term": "right", "pos": "", "context": "the right exercises with the correct volumes and intensities will give you what you seek !", "definition": "best or most appropriate for a particular situation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the right exercises with the correct volumes and intensities will give you what you seek !\" What is the definition of \"right\"?"} {"term": "cholo", "pos": "", "context": "the cholos baptized their clubs in spanish , just because the banda was in vogue .", "definition": "a member of a mexican street gang .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the cholos baptized their clubs in spanish , just because the banda was in vogue .\" What is the definition of \"cholo\"?"} {"term": "reverberate", "pos": "", "context": "for the last few years , victoria 's walls have reverberated with lamentations of the defunct student days of yore .", "definition": "( of a place ) appear to vibrate because of a loud noise", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for the last few years , victoria 's walls have reverberated with lamentations of the defunct student days of yore .\" What is the definition of \"reverberate\"?"} {"term": "bawdy", "pos": "", "context": "as result of your reading did you form an opinion regarding the sincerity of the writer in an attempt to express an honest picture as opposed to mere bawdy ?", "definition": "humorously indecent talk or writing .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as result of your reading did you form an opinion regarding the sincerity of the writer in an attempt to express an honest picture as opposed to mere bawdy ?\" What is the definition of \"bawdy\"?"} {"term": "hand", "pos": "", "context": "we need a 4th hand for bridge", "definition": "a card player in a game of bridge", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we need a 4th hand for bridge\" What is the definition of \"hand\"?"} {"term": "hand", "pos": "", "context": "give the little lady a great big hand", "definition": "a round of applause to signify approval", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"give the little lady a great big hand\" What is the definition of \"hand\"?"} {"term": "hand", "pos": "", "context": "further more euthanasia places a dangerous amount of power in the hands of doctors .", "definition": "used in reference to the power to direct something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"further more euthanasia places a dangerous amount of power in the hands of doctors .\" What is the definition of \"hand\"?"} {"term": "hand", "pos": "", "context": "in any case , kyle larsen cleared spades as jonathan won in hand .", "definition": "the cards held by a declarer as opposed to those in the dummy", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in any case , kyle larsen cleared spades as jonathan won in hand .\" What is the definition of \"hand\"?"} {"term": "verbal", "pos": "", "context": "verbal imagery", "definition": "communicated in the form of words", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"verbal imagery\" What is the definition of \"verbal\"?"} {"term": "verbal", "pos": "", "context": "but the mischief that mckinney , after two decades of cases , the mischief was exactly the problem of verbals .", "definition": "a verbal statement containing a damaging admission alleged to have been made to the police , and offered as evidence by the prosecution .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but the mischief that mckinney , after two decades of cases , the mischief was exactly the problem of verbals .\" What is the definition of \"verbal\"?"} {"term": "verbal", "pos": "", "context": "a verbal contract", "definition": "expressed in spoken words", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a verbal contract\" What is the definition of \"verbal\"?"} {"term": "legitimate", "pos": "", "context": "the manner in which the trial had been conducted meant that it was necessary to do so in order to introduce legitimate examination of the appellant 's evidence at the first trial .", "definition": "conforming to the law or to rules", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the manner in which the trial had been conducted meant that it was necessary to do so in order to introduce legitimate examination of the appellant 's evidence at the first trial .\" What is the definition of \"legitimate\"?"} {"term": "suitability", "pos": "", "context": "an important requirement is suitability for long trips", "definition": "the quality of having the properties that are right for a specific purpose", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an important requirement is suitability for long trips\" What is the definition of \"suitability\"?"} {"term": "frogmouth", "pos": "", "context": "i 'm studying my field guide every day and trying to imagine what a gerygone sounds like , what a treeswift looks like , whether i 'll see a frogmouth , and so many other things .", "definition": "a nocturnal bird resembling a nightjar , occurring in se asia and australasia .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i 'm studying my field guide every day and trying to imagine what a gerygone sounds like , what a treeswift looks like , whether i 'll see a frogmouth , and so many other things .\" What is the definition of \"frogmouth\"?"} {"term": "sober", "pos": "", "context": "keep him in bed until he sobers up", "definition": "become sober after excessive alcohol consumption", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"keep him in bed until he sobers up\" What is the definition of \"sober\"?"} {"term": "spat", "pos": "", "context": "the latest trouble to hit airbus involves a transatlantic spat over aircraft subsidies .", "definition": "quarrel about an unimportant matter", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the latest trouble to hit airbus involves a transatlantic spat over aircraft subsidies .\" What is the definition of \"spat\"?"} {"term": "cacophony", "pos": "", "context": "whereas before , it was a discordant cacophony of voices , now there is a clear message being communicated by one side to the other .", "definition": "a harsh discordant mixture of sounds", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"whereas before , it was a discordant cacophony of voices , now there is a clear message being communicated by one side to the other .\" What is the definition of \"cacophony\"?"} {"term": "flare", "pos": "", "context": "he flared his nostrils , threatened anyone who decided to continue the patience / horse argument with violence .", "definition": "( of a person ) cause ( the nostrils ) to dilate .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he flared his nostrils , threatened anyone who decided to continue the patience / horse argument with violence .\" What is the definition of \"flare\"?"} {"term": "arrange", "pos": "", "context": "this collection of fifteen standard christmas pieces is arranged for solo piano by joseph scianni .", "definition": "adapt ( a musical composition ) for performance with instruments or voices other than those originally specified", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this collection of fifteen standard christmas pieces is arranged for solo piano by joseph scianni .\" What is the definition of \"arrange\"?"} {"term": "arrange", "pos": "", "context": "can you arrange a meeting with the president ?", "definition": "make arrangements for", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"can you arrange a meeting with the president ?\" What is the definition of \"arrange\"?"} {"term": "improvement", "pos": "", "context": "their improvements increased the value of the property", "definition": "the act of improving something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their improvements increased the value of the property\" What is the definition of \"improvement\"?"} {"term": "deviate", "pos": "", "context": "but so strong are the temptations to deviate from this path that we must make it an unbreakable precept never to give our assent unless the evidence compels it .", "definition": "depart from an established course", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but so strong are the temptations to deviate from this path that we must make it an unbreakable precept never to give our assent unless the evidence compels it .\" What is the definition of \"deviate\"?"} {"term": "flutter", "pos": "", "context": "a flutter of black wings , and it was gone from its perch of observation .", "definition": "an act of fluttering", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a flutter of black wings , and it was gone from its perch of observation .\" What is the definition of \"flutter\"?"} {"term": "flutter", "pos": "", "context": "children , teenagers and adults flutter to the local courts in search of enjoyment and exercise .", "definition": "( of a person ) move restlessly or uncertainly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"children , teenagers and adults flutter to the local courts in search of enjoyment and exercise .\" What is the definition of \"flutter\"?"} {"term": "flutter", "pos": "", "context": "pressed up against her , aelex could feel the fluttering heartbeat .", "definition": "( of a pulse or heartbeat ) beat feebly or irregularly .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pressed up against her , aelex could feel the fluttering heartbeat .\" What is the definition of \"flutter\"?"} {"term": "assent", "pos": "", "context": "the formality of being made to click assent is significant , even if one is assenting to standard form contracts .", "definition": "express approval or agreement", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the formality of being made to click assent is significant , even if one is assenting to standard form contracts .\" What is the definition of \"assent\"?"} {"term": "code", "pos": "", "context": "this gene codes for a protein which is 513 amino acids in length .", "definition": "be the genetic code for ( an amino acid or protein )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this gene codes for a protein which is 513 amino acids in length .\" What is the definition of \"code\"?"} {"term": "ally", "pos": "", "context": "he 's a good ally in fight", "definition": "an associate who provides cooperation or assistance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he 's a good ally in fight\" What is the definition of \"ally\"?"} {"term": "exceptional", "pos": "", "context": "in exceptional circumstances , proposals or amendments could be introduced after the circulation of the agenda .", "definition": "unusual ; not typical", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in exceptional circumstances , proposals or amendments could be introduced after the circulation of the agenda .\" What is the definition of \"exceptional\"?"} {"term": "physical", "pos": "", "context": "another issue , in design writing at least , is that online writing is separated from a tangible physical object .", "definition": "relating to things perceived through the senses as opposed to the mind ; tangible or concrete", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"another issue , in design writing at least , is that online writing is separated from a tangible physical object .\" What is the definition of \"physical\"?"} {"term": "physical", "pos": "", "context": "physical sciences", "definition": "relating to the sciences dealing with matter and energy ; especially physics", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"physical sciences\" What is the definition of \"physical\"?"} {"term": "romanticize", "pos": "", "context": "the designer romanticized the little black dress", "definition": "make romantic in style", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the designer romanticized the little black dress\" What is the definition of \"romanticize\"?"} {"term": "curvy", "pos": "", "context": "to enhance control and fun on curvy roads , move the shifter to manual mode and slap it up and down through six distract ratios like the best manu-matic .", "definition": "having curves", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to enhance control and fun on curvy roads , move the shifter to manual mode and slap it up and down through six distract ratios like the best manu-matic .\" What is the definition of \"curvy\"?"} {"term": "sunlamp", "pos": "", "context": "‘ to meet him was like suddenly coming under a sunlamp , such was the quality of his magnetism , ’ jones wrote .", "definition": "a large lamp with a parabolic reflector used in film-making .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ to meet him was like suddenly coming under a sunlamp , such was the quality of his magnetism , ’ jones wrote .\" What is the definition of \"sunlamp\"?"} {"term": "australian", "pos": "", "context": "for the prime minister , this is about the symbolism of the australian farmer .", "definition": "relating to australia .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for the prime minister , this is about the symbolism of the australian farmer .\" What is the definition of \"australian\"?"} {"term": "bunt", "pos": "", "context": "the pilot momentarily pulled back on the stick and then executed a slat bunt .", "definition": "an act of flying an aircraft in part of an outside loop .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the pilot momentarily pulled back on the stick and then executed a slat bunt .\" What is the definition of \"bunt\"?"} {"term": "realism", "pos": "", "context": "the other school of thought is sometimes called positivism , sometimes called legal realism .", "definition": "the doctrine that the law is better understood by analysis of judges rather than the judgements given", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the other school of thought is sometimes called positivism , sometimes called legal realism .\" What is the definition of \"realism\"?"} {"term": "funeral", "pos": "", "context": "when she was a child it was common to see funerals pass the road with the coffin carried by men .", "definition": "a procession of mourners at a burial", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when she was a child it was common to see funerals pass the road with the coffin carried by men .\" What is the definition of \"funeral\"?"} {"term": "living", "pos": "", "context": "even if one has left his native place , he continues to perform ritualistic practices at his present living place .", "definition": "( of a place ) used for living rather than working in", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"even if one has left his native place , he continues to perform ritualistic practices at his present living place .\" What is the definition of \"living\"?"} {"term": "living", "pos": "", "context": "edward was a younger son , and - after ordination - was given the living at lowick .", "definition": "( in church use ) a position as a vicar or rector with an income or property", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"edward was a younger son , and - after ordination - was given the living at lowick .\" What is the definition of \"living\"?"} {"term": "living", "pos": "", "context": "unable to find enough energy to hit a ball his confidence drained away and , with no income , he took a job folding clothes and stacking shelves for a living .", "definition": "an income sufficient to live on or the means of earning it", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unable to find enough energy to hit a ball his confidence drained away and , with no income , he took a job folding clothes and stacking shelves for a living .\" What is the definition of \"living\"?"} {"term": "analyte", "pos": "", "context": "our system uses nir spectroscopy to measure analytes in tissue .", "definition": "a substance whose chemical constituents are being identified and measured .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"our system uses nir spectroscopy to measure analytes in tissue .\" What is the definition of \"analyte\"?"} {"term": "pastoral", "pos": "", "context": "pastoral work", "definition": "of or relating to a pastor", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pastoral work\" What is the definition of \"pastoral\"?"} {"term": "shot", "pos": "", "context": "the novels are shot through with a burkean fear of enlightenment rationalism .", "definition": "suffused with ( a particular feature or quality )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the novels are shot through with a burkean fear of enlightenment rationalism .\" What is the definition of \"shot\"?"} {"term": "align", "pos": "", "context": "align the car with the curb", "definition": "place in a line or arrange so as to be parallel or straight", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"align the car with the curb\" What is the definition of \"align\"?"} {"term": "wicket", "pos": "", "context": "the barred wicket opened and shut , and the door creaked ajar .", "definition": "an opening in a door or wall , often fitted with glass or a grille and used for selling tickets or a similar purpose .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the barred wicket opened and shut , and the door creaked ajar .\" What is the definition of \"wicket\"?"} {"term": "wicket", "pos": "", "context": "man-of-the-match hill snatched four quick wickets as the home side found themselves in disarray on 47-6 .", "definition": "the dismissal of a batsman ; each of ten dismissals regarded as marking a division of a side 's innings", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"man-of-the-match hill snatched four quick wickets as the home side found themselves in disarray on 47-6 .\" What is the definition of \"wicket\"?"} {"term": "draft", "pos": "", "context": "in the end he persuaded them to pay £40,000 in a banker 's draft .", "definition": "a written order to pay a specified sum .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the end he persuaded them to pay £40,000 in a banker 's draft .\" What is the definition of \"draft\"?"} {"term": "draft", "pos": "", "context": "this was originally allocated for housing in the first draft of the local plan .", "definition": "a plan , sketch , or rough drawing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this was originally allocated for housing in the first draft of the local plan .\" What is the definition of \"draft\"?"} {"term": "draft", "pos": "", "context": "security measures had been dramatically stepped up at heathrow airport with extra police officers being drafted in from surrounding areas and forces .", "definition": "select ( a person or group of people ) and bring them somewhere for a certain purpose", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"security measures had been dramatically stepped up at heathrow airport with extra police officers being drafted in from surrounding areas and forces .\" What is the definition of \"draft\"?"} {"term": "fester", "pos": "", "context": "in fact the evidence hints that they are as coolly fuzzy as ever , bands like this do n't go away they just fester and get better in the process .", "definition": "( of a person ) deteriorate physically and mentally in isolated inactivity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in fact the evidence hints that they are as coolly fuzzy as ever , bands like this do n't go away they just fester and get better in the process .\" What is the definition of \"fester\"?"} {"term": "fester", "pos": "", "context": "plates of baked beans on toast were festering near piles of unfinished homework on the dust covered desk .", "definition": "( of food or rubbish ) become rotten and offensive to the senses", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"plates of baked beans on toast were festering near piles of unfinished homework on the dust covered desk .\" What is the definition of \"fester\"?"} {"term": "hijacker", "pos": "", "context": "he is the world 's most prolific television hijacker having disrupted around 20,000 live link-ups , according to the guinness book of records .", "definition": "a person who takes over an organization or activity and uses it for a different purpose", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is the world 's most prolific television hijacker having disrupted around 20,000 live link-ups , according to the guinness book of records .\" What is the definition of \"hijacker\"?"} {"term": "hijacker", "pos": "", "context": "hijackers take over the boat , but for no apparent purpose .", "definition": "a person who illegally seizes an aircraft , ship , or vehicle while in transit and forces it to go to a different destination or uses it for their own purposes", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hijackers take over the boat , but for no apparent purpose .\" What is the definition of \"hijacker\"?"} {"term": "provision", "pos": "", "context": "the scheme is also fully supported by the wigan and bolton health authority , with whom the hospice has a contract for service provision .", "definition": "an amount or thing supplied or provided", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the scheme is also fully supported by the wigan and bolton health authority , with whom the hospice has a contract for service provision .\" What is the definition of \"provision\"?"} {"term": "provision", "pos": "", "context": "but a new site for the spacious museum will have to be found as the development plans do not make provision for it as it currently stands .", "definition": "financial or other arrangements for future eventualities or requirements", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but a new site for the spacious museum will have to be found as the development plans do not make provision for it as it currently stands .\" What is the definition of \"provision\"?"} {"term": "unmake", "pos": "", "context": "and where in all this do people have the capacity to make and unmake governments and keep a democracy alive and kicking ?", "definition": "reverse or undo the making of ; annul", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and where in all this do people have the capacity to make and unmake governments and keep a democracy alive and kicking ?\" What is the definition of \"unmake\"?"} {"term": "crumb", "pos": "", "context": "the key components in achieving a crusty bread with a lusciously soft crumb are heat and steam .", "definition": "the soft inner part of a loaf of bread", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the key components in achieving a crusty bread with a lusciously soft crumb are heat and steam .\" What is the definition of \"crumb\"?"} {"term": "adagio", "pos": "", "context": "here you must play adagio", "definition": "slowly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"here you must play adagio\" What is the definition of \"adagio\"?"} {"term": "bollywood", "pos": "", "context": "however , she says it is not just western society that is opening up to the idea bollywood films .", "definition": "a name for the indian popular film industry , based in mumbai ( bombay )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"however , she says it is not just western society that is opening up to the idea bollywood films .\" What is the definition of \"bollywood\"?"} {"term": "zebra", "pos": "", "context": "it is a blending of dna from a zebra fish and either a jellyfish or sea anemone .", "definition": "a silvery-gold sea bream with vertical black stripes .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is a blending of dna from a zebra fish and either a jellyfish or sea anemone .\" What is the definition of \"zebra\"?"} {"term": "pup", "pos": "", "context": "we have assumed that a reduction in sea ice area is largely detrimental to icebreeding seals but it is conceivable that , similar to their more temperate relatives , they may move to landbased haul-outs , moulting , and pupping areas .", "definition": "( of bitches and certain other female animals ) give birth to young", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we have assumed that a reduction in sea ice area is largely detrimental to icebreeding seals but it is conceivable that , similar to their more temperate relatives , they may move to landbased haul-outs , moulting , and pupping areas .\" What is the definition of \"pup\"?"} {"term": "drive", "pos": "", "context": "another 30-yard run from the dangerous jamaican ended with a fierce drive that flew across goal and out for a throw in .", "definition": "( in ball games ) a forceful stroke made with a free swing of the bat , racket , or foot against the ball", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"another 30-yard run from the dangerous jamaican ended with a fierce drive that flew across goal and out for a throw in .\" What is the definition of \"drive\"?"} {"term": "drive", "pos": "", "context": "this device drives the disks for the computer", "definition": "cause to function by supplying the force or power for or by controlling", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this device drives the disks for the computer\" What is the definition of \"drive\"?"} {"term": "drive", "pos": "", "context": "the players raised £400 for the appeal by holding a beetle drive .", "definition": "an organized gathering to play whist or another game , involving many players", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the players raised £400 for the appeal by holding a beetle drive .\" What is the definition of \"drive\"?"} {"term": "drive", "pos": "", "context": "drive the ball far out into the field", "definition": "cause to move rapidly by striking or throwing with force", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"drive the ball far out into the field\" What is the definition of \"drive\"?"} {"term": "nimbus", "pos": "", "context": "surely an overreaction , there was just the merest nimbus puff floating benevolently by as we left home - it looked a great sunday for football .", "definition": "a large grey rain cloud", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"surely an overreaction , there was just the merest nimbus puff floating benevolently by as we left home - it looked a great sunday for football .\" What is the definition of \"nimbus\"?"} {"term": "awaken", "pos": "", "context": "it was n't her fault that she had awakened feelings in him that he had n't felt in countless years .", "definition": "rouse ( a feeling )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was n't her fault that she had awakened feelings in him that he had n't felt in countless years .\" What is the definition of \"awaken\"?"} {"term": "tone", "pos": "", "context": "it stretches and tones up just about every muscle in the body .", "definition": "give greater strength or firmness to ( the body or a muscle )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it stretches and tones up just about every muscle in the body .\" What is the definition of \"tone\"?"} {"term": "tone", "pos": "", "context": "extraordinarily subtle gradations of hue and tone at the perimeters heighten the ethereal appearance of the whole .", "definition": "the particular quality of brightness , deepness , or hue of a shade of a colour", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"extraordinarily subtle gradations of hue and tone at the perimeters heighten the ethereal appearance of the whole .\" What is the definition of \"tone\"?"} {"term": "tone", "pos": "", "context": "what i want to do is lose some weight and tone up - i just wish i could get some more help .", "definition": "( of a muscle or other bodily part ) became stronger or firmer", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"what i want to do is lose some weight and tone up - i just wish i could get some more help .\" What is the definition of \"tone\"?"} {"term": "tone", "pos": "", "context": "physical exercise also is encouraged to assist in weight reduction and increase muscle tone .", "definition": "the normal level of firmness or slight contraction in a resting muscle", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"physical exercise also is encouraged to assist in weight reduction and increase muscle tone .\" What is the definition of \"tone\"?"} {"term": "calender", "pos": "", "context": "after calendering , the media is slit into the desired tape width .", "definition": "press in a calender .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after calendering , the media is slit into the desired tape width .\" What is the definition of \"calender\"?"} {"term": "inscrutability", "pos": "", "context": "the inscrutability of the future", "definition": "the quality of being impossible to investigate", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the inscrutability of the future\" What is the definition of \"inscrutability\"?"} {"term": "tory", "pos": "", "context": "it was much broader than tory or church party and avoided the divisive names of whig and tory at a time when many were combining to overthrow walpole .", "definition": "a member of the english political party opposing the exclusion of james ii from the succession . it remained the name for members of the english , later british , parliamentary party supporting the established religious and political order until the emergence of the conservative party in the 1830s .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was much broader than tory or church party and avoided the divisive names of whig and tory at a time when many were combining to overthrow walpole .\" What is the definition of \"tory\"?"} {"term": "headscarf", "pos": "", "context": "the headscarf , or hijab , worn by many muslim girls and women has become an object of controversy in recent months .", "definition": "a square of fabric worn by women as a covering for the head , often folded into a triangle and knotted under the chin .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the headscarf , or hijab , worn by many muslim girls and women has become an object of controversy in recent months .\" What is the definition of \"headscarf\"?"} {"term": "messy", "pos": "", "context": "i am not surprised that we are dealing with this bill in such a messy way .", "definition": "( of a situation ) confused and difficult to deal with", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i am not surprised that we are dealing with this bill in such a messy way .\" What is the definition of \"messy\"?"} {"term": "mounter", "pos": "", "context": "a solitary mounter of the staircase", "definition": "someone who ascends on foot", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a solitary mounter of the staircase\" What is the definition of \"mounter\"?"} {"term": "phi", "pos": "", "context": "the second main group puts together the gdap1 proteins with those of the zeta , phi , omega , lambda , tau , beta , and theta classes , plus a few minor sets of sequences .", "definition": "the twenty-first letter of the greek alphabet ( φ , φ ) , transliterated as ‘ ph ’ or ( in modern greek ) ‘ f ’ .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the second main group puts together the gdap1 proteins with those of the zeta , phi , omega , lambda , tau , beta , and theta classes , plus a few minor sets of sequences .\" What is the definition of \"phi\"?"} {"term": "trilogy", "pos": "", "context": "even back then , they insisted on making a trilogy of films , a tactic that seems to have been partially inspired by their reading too many comics as kids .", "definition": "a group of three related novels , plays , films , etc .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"even back then , they insisted on making a trilogy of films , a tactic that seems to have been partially inspired by their reading too many comics as kids .\" What is the definition of \"trilogy\"?"} {"term": "panel", "pos": "", "context": "she has blown up some of the individual drawings and panels from the book , taking them out of context , yet most of the pages themselves are miniaturised so you can barely see them .", "definition": "one of several drawings making up a cartoon strip", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she has blown up some of the individual drawings and panels from the book , taking them out of context , yet most of the pages themselves are miniaturised so you can barely see them .\" What is the definition of \"panel\"?"} {"term": "panel", "pos": "", "context": "marsh spoke on a panel of four mental health provider organizations .", "definition": "a small group of people brought together to investigate or decide on a particular matter", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"marsh spoke on a panel of four mental health provider organizations .\" What is the definition of \"panel\"?"} {"term": "emergent", "pos": "", "context": "emergent repair of an aorta", "definition": "occurring unexpectedly and requiring urgent action", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"emergent repair of an aorta\" What is the definition of \"emergent\"?"} {"term": "gust", "pos": "", "context": "all of a sudden the sky went from red to black and a strong gust of wind estimated at about 100 knots blew fist-sized embers into the yard , setting it ablaze .", "definition": "a sudden strong rush of wind .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all of a sudden the sky went from red to black and a strong gust of wind estimated at about 100 knots blew fist-sized embers into the yard , setting it ablaze .\" What is the definition of \"gust\"?"} {"term": "gust", "pos": "", "context": "they are pictured as happy students borne aloft on gusts of mirth from their adoring audiences .", "definition": "a sudden burst of something such as rain , sound , or emotion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they are pictured as happy students borne aloft on gusts of mirth from their adoring audiences .\" What is the definition of \"gust\"?"} {"term": "budget", "pos": "", "context": "there is plenty of money available in the federal budget to assist the northwest .", "definition": "the amount of money needed or available for a purpose", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is plenty of money available in the federal budget to assist the northwest .\" What is the definition of \"budget\"?"} {"term": "cofactor", "pos": "", "context": "now , if a belongs to m n , then its matrix of cofactors a ’ also has integer entries .", "definition": "the quantity obtained from a determinant or a square matrix by removal of the row and column containing a specified element .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"now , if a belongs to m n , then its matrix of cofactors a ’ also has integer entries .\" What is the definition of \"cofactor\"?"} {"term": "breed", "pos": "", "context": "the breeding reactor is included in the cooling circuit with a lower coolant temperature .", "definition": "create ( fissile material ) by nuclear reaction .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the breeding reactor is included in the cooling circuit with a lower coolant temperature .\" What is the definition of \"breed\"?"} {"term": "bungee", "pos": "", "context": "and while there are fine skiing destinations close to queenstown , the town itself has a party-on-down atmosphere and is more somewhere to bungee till you drop .", "definition": "perform a bungee jump", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and while there are fine skiing destinations close to queenstown , the town itself has a party-on-down atmosphere and is more somewhere to bungee till you drop .\" What is the definition of \"bungee\"?"} {"term": "extradite", "pos": "", "context": "the constitution or the laws of many civil law countries lay down the principle that nationals may not be extradited for prosecution abroad .", "definition": "hand over ( a person accused or convicted of a crime ) to the jurisdiction of the foreign state in which the crime was committed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the constitution or the laws of many civil law countries lay down the principle that nationals may not be extradited for prosecution abroad .\" What is the definition of \"extradite\"?"} {"term": "seedy", "pos": "", "context": "as seedy as a fig", "definition": "full of seeds", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as seedy as a fig\" What is the definition of \"seedy\"?"} {"term": "seamstress", "pos": "", "context": "now they are being trained to become seamstresses and tailors .", "definition": "a woman who sews , especially one who earns her living by sewing .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"now they are being trained to become seamstresses and tailors .\" What is the definition of \"seamstress\"?"} {"term": "edwardian", "pos": "", "context": "i was a penniless student trying to tour the greek mainland with the help of pausanias , a roman travel writer who lived nearly 2,000 years ago and was to imperial rome what baedecker was to the edwardians .", "definition": "a person who lived during the edwardian period .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i was a penniless student trying to tour the greek mainland with the help of pausanias , a roman travel writer who lived nearly 2,000 years ago and was to imperial rome what baedecker was to the edwardians .\" What is the definition of \"edwardian\"?"} {"term": "wigwam", "pos": "", "context": "i figured i 'd make a wigwam when i came to that clearing .", "definition": "a dome-shaped hut or tent made by fastening mats , skins , or bark over a framework of poles ( as used formerly by some north american indian peoples ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i figured i 'd make a wigwam when i came to that clearing .\" What is the definition of \"wigwam\"?"} {"term": "piggery", "pos": "", "context": "the club secretary remained calm in the face of this assault on male chauvinist piggery .", "definition": "behaviour regarded as characteristic of pigs in greed or unpleasantness", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the club secretary remained calm in the face of this assault on male chauvinist piggery .\" What is the definition of \"piggery\"?"} {"term": "sauropod", "pos": "", "context": "such stomach stones or gastroliths have been reported from the gut regions or found nearby of prosauropods , sauropods and ornithopods .", "definition": "a very large quadrupedal herbivorous dinosaur with a long neck and tail , small head , and massive limbs .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"such stomach stones or gastroliths have been reported from the gut regions or found nearby of prosauropods , sauropods and ornithopods .\" What is the definition of \"sauropod\"?"} {"term": "petard", "pos": "", "context": "after lots of petards , fireworks , pyrotechnics , the best policy for spending new year’s eve is to be surrounded by great company , friends , good music , food and drink , and following with joyful waking up and sunshine !", "definition": "a kind of firework that explodes with a sharp report .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after lots of petards , fireworks , pyrotechnics , the best policy for spending new year’s eve is to be surrounded by great company , friends , good music , food and drink , and following with joyful waking up and sunshine !\" What is the definition of \"petard\"?"} {"term": "breastbone", "pos": "", "context": "this burning pain in the upper abdomen and under the breastbone may be accompanied by nausea and an acid or sour taste in your mouth .", "definition": "a thin , flat bone running down the centre of the chest , to which the ribs are attached .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this burning pain in the upper abdomen and under the breastbone may be accompanied by nausea and an acid or sour taste in your mouth .\" What is the definition of \"breastbone\"?"} {"term": "plumule", "pos": "", "context": "the embryo epidermis , the plumule and the radicle tissues were never probed .", "definition": "the rudimentary shoot or stem of an embryo plant .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the embryo epidermis , the plumule and the radicle tissues were never probed .\" What is the definition of \"plumule\"?"} {"term": "heliostat", "pos": "", "context": "one is the ‘ power tower , ’ in which thousands of heliostats , or movable mirrors , beam sunlight up to a central tower , powering steam turbines .", "definition": "an apparatus containing a movable mirror , used to reflect sunlight in a fixed direction .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one is the ‘ power tower , ’ in which thousands of heliostats , or movable mirrors , beam sunlight up to a central tower , powering steam turbines .\" What is the definition of \"heliostat\"?"} {"term": "rewind", "pos": "", "context": "hitting rewind on the tape recorder verifies that those were , in fact , his words .", "definition": "a mechanism for rewinding a film or tape", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hitting rewind on the tape recorder verifies that those were , in fact , his words .\" What is the definition of \"rewind\"?"} {"term": "plonk", "pos": "", "context": "i cherished the symbols of dominion so soon to be objects of ridicule or subjects of parody - the plonk of the cricket ball , the stamp of the sentry 's boot , the hymns and the silly rituals that spoke of old certitudes .", "definition": "a sound as of something being set down heavily", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i cherished the symbols of dominion so soon to be objects of ridicule or subjects of parody - the plonk of the cricket ball , the stamp of the sentry 's boot , the hymns and the silly rituals that spoke of old certitudes .\" What is the definition of \"plonk\"?"} {"term": "matter", "pos": "", "context": "many toilets now place reading matter above the urinal so that you do n't even have to think about either eye contact or talking .", "definition": "written or printed material", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"many toilets now place reading matter above the urinal so that you do n't even have to think about either eye contact or talking .\" What is the definition of \"matter\"?"} {"term": "farm", "pos": "", "context": "the market was supervised by a warden and by the fifteenth century that officer was farming revenues due the city from the market .", "definition": "allow someone to collect and keep the revenues from ( a tax ) on payment of a fee", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the market was supervised by a warden and by the fifteenth century that officer was farming revenues due the city from the market .\" What is the definition of \"farm\"?"} {"term": "unite", "pos": "", "context": "what newton did to simplify the planetary motions must now be done to unite in one whole the various isolated theories of mathematical physics .", "definition": "come or bring together to form a whole", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"what newton did to simplify the planetary motions must now be done to unite in one whole the various isolated theories of mathematical physics .\" What is the definition of \"unite\"?"} {"term": "twin", "pos": "", "context": "apart from the lovely development of individual crystals , pentagonite also occurs as twins whereas cavansite does not .", "definition": "a twinned crystal .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"apart from the lovely development of individual crystals , pentagonite also occurs as twins whereas cavansite does not .\" What is the definition of \"twin\"?"} {"term": "twin", "pos": "", "context": "i twin this with a memory , from the same period , of stalking out of one of my writing classes because the students had n't done the reading .", "definition": "link ; combine", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i twin this with a memory , from the same period , of stalking out of one of my writing classes because the students had n't done the reading .\" What is the definition of \"twin\"?"} {"term": "slave", "pos": "", "context": "in this case the slave machine acquires the resources after the ten-second node timeout occurs , as shown in the log excerpt .", "definition": "a device , or part of one , directly controlled by another", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in this case the slave machine acquires the resources after the ten-second node timeout occurs , as shown in the log excerpt .\" What is the definition of \"slave\"?"} {"term": "slave", "pos": "", "context": "his mother was his abject slave", "definition": "someone entirely dominated by some influence or person", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his mother was his abject slave\" What is the definition of \"slave\"?"} {"term": "emulation", "pos": "", "context": "nas products are essentially disk arrays organized around a micro-kernel operating system that has been optimized for storage operations and network file system emulation .", "definition": "reproduction of the function or action of a different computer , software system , etc .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nas products are essentially disk arrays organized around a micro-kernel operating system that has been optimized for storage operations and network file system emulation .\" What is the definition of \"emulation\"?"} {"term": "naif", "pos": "", "context": "the internationally renowned french painter is a master of the naif tradition and one of the most popular artists working today .", "definition": "naive or ingenuous .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the internationally renowned french painter is a master of the naif tradition and one of the most popular artists working today .\" What is the definition of \"naif\"?"} {"term": "webbing", "pos": "", "context": "reiser went to his left on the play , put up his glove and the ball stuck in the webbing .", "definition": "the part of a baseball glove between the thumb and forefinger", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"reiser went to his left on the play , put up his glove and the ball stuck in the webbing .\" What is the definition of \"webbing\"?"} {"term": "enrich", "pos": "", "context": "although your career may ultimately lead you to different parts of world , your network of friends and colleagues in the community will serve to enrich the quality of the life you lead .", "definition": "improve or enhance the quality or value of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"although your career may ultimately lead you to different parts of world , your network of friends and colleagues in the community will serve to enrich the quality of the life you lead .\" What is the definition of \"enrich\"?"} {"term": "shaker", "pos": "", "context": "but when the salt is out of the shaker , it 's hard to get it back in .", "definition": "a container with a pierced top from which a powdered substance such as flour or salt is poured by shaking .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but when the salt is out of the shaker , it 's hard to get it back in .\" What is the definition of \"shaker\"?"} {"term": "killick", "pos": "", "context": "lobsters were fished at that time using ‘ set lines ’ which were run straight out from shore and anchored at each end with a killick , a homemade anchor fashioned of rocks , sticks , and rope .", "definition": "a heavy stone used by small craft as an anchor .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lobsters were fished at that time using ‘ set lines ’ which were run straight out from shore and anchored at each end with a killick , a homemade anchor fashioned of rocks , sticks , and rope .\" What is the definition of \"killick\"?"} {"term": "repetition", "pos": "", "context": "their first writing task was to demonstrate their ability to emulate skillful use of repetition by writing a short speech modeled after those that they had just finished studying .", "definition": "the action of repeating something that has already been said or written", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their first writing task was to demonstrate their ability to emulate skillful use of repetition by writing a short speech modeled after those that they had just finished studying .\" What is the definition of \"repetition\"?"} {"term": "stress", "pos": "", "context": "the intensity of stress is expressed in units of force divided by units of area", "definition": "( physics ) force that produces strain on a physical body", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the intensity of stress is expressed in units of force divided by units of area\" What is the definition of \"stress\"?"} {"term": "stress", "pos": "", "context": "it 's about three and a half months since i moved into this flat , and during that time it 's been little more than a bolt-hole from the stresses and strains of work , to be honest .", "definition": "something that causes a state of strain or tension", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's about three and a half months since i moved into this flat , and during that time it 's been little more than a bolt-hole from the stresses and strains of work , to be honest .\" What is the definition of \"stress\"?"} {"term": "stress", "pos": "", "context": "nervousness and stress can increase blood pressure which in turn will increase glomerular filtration .", "definition": "a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nervousness and stress can increase blood pressure which in turn will increase glomerular filtration .\" What is the definition of \"stress\"?"} {"term": "fall", "pos": "", "context": "christmas falls on a monday this year", "definition": "occur at a specified time or place", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"christmas falls on a monday this year\" What is the definition of \"fall\"?"} {"term": "fall", "pos": "", "context": "if the balance was not good you would fall and since the exercises were always vigorous , a fall could seriously hurt you .", "definition": "a controlled act of falling , especially as a stunt or in martial arts", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if the balance was not good you would fall and since the exercises were always vigorous , a fall could seriously hurt you .\" What is the definition of \"fall\"?"} {"term": "fall", "pos": "", "context": "rain , snow and sleet were falling", "definition": "fall from clouds", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rain , snow and sleet were falling\" What is the definition of \"fall\"?"} {"term": "fall", "pos": "", "context": "in the biblical story , the fall of man follows his eating from the fruit of the tree of knowledge .", "definition": "the lapse of humankind into a state of sin , ascribed in traditional jewish and christian theology to the disobedience of adam and eve as described in genesis .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the biblical story , the fall of man follows his eating from the fruit of the tree of knowledge .\" What is the definition of \"fall\"?"} {"term": "fall", "pos": "", "context": "in the fall of 1973", "definition": "the season when the leaves fall from the trees", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the fall of 1973\" What is the definition of \"fall\"?"} {"term": "horizontal", "pos": "", "context": "some total purchasing pilots also developed processes for horizontal accountability based on peer review of prescribing and referrals .", "definition": "uniform ; based on uniformity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some total purchasing pilots also developed processes for horizontal accountability based on peer review of prescribing and referrals .\" What is the definition of \"horizontal\"?"} {"term": "steward", "pos": "", "context": "dave works as a cabin crew air steward , but is hoping for a career as a commercial airline pilot .", "definition": "a person employed to look after the passengers on a ship , aircraft , or train .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dave works as a cabin crew air steward , but is hoping for a career as a commercial airline pilot .\" What is the definition of \"steward\"?"} {"term": "class", "pos": "", "context": "early morning classes are always sleepy", "definition": "a body of students who are taught together", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"early morning classes are always sleepy\" What is the definition of \"class\"?"} {"term": "class", "pos": "", "context": "she has a lot of class", "definition": "elegance in dress or behavior", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she has a lot of class\" What is the definition of \"class\"?"} {"term": "class", "pos": "", "context": "he played baseball in class d for two years", "definition": "a league ranked by quality", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he played baseball in class d for two years\" What is the definition of \"class\"?"} {"term": "superintendent", "pos": "", "context": "detective chief superintendent sharon lemon has been appointed head of the national hi-tech crime unit .", "definition": "( in the uk ) a police officer ranking above chief inspector", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"detective chief superintendent sharon lemon has been appointed head of the national hi-tech crime unit .\" What is the definition of \"superintendent\"?"} {"term": "upset", "pos": "", "context": "a few minutes later , the ship trembled slightly , enough to make one lose their balance , but not enough to upset anything .", "definition": "knock ( something ) over", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a few minutes later , the ship trembled slightly , enough to make one lose their balance , but not enough to upset anything .\" What is the definition of \"upset\"?"} {"term": "equality", "pos": "", "context": "but equality of aspiration is not matched by equality of opportunity .", "definition": "the state of being equal , especially in status , rights , or opportunities", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but equality of aspiration is not matched by equality of opportunity .\" What is the definition of \"equality\"?"} {"term": "ballcock", "pos": "", "context": "finally , as the evening cooled , graham took himself up to the loft to replace the worn-out ballcock float and valve that 's been giving us a problem for some time .", "definition": "a valve which is linked by a hinged arm to a ball floating on top of a liquid and opens or closes a tap automatically according to the height of the ball , especially in the cistern of a flushing toilet .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"finally , as the evening cooled , graham took himself up to the loft to replace the worn-out ballcock float and valve that 's been giving us a problem for some time .\" What is the definition of \"ballcock\"?"} {"term": "consultant", "pos": "", "context": "a key factor is matching a consultant 's niche expertise to your specific needs .", "definition": "a person who provides expert advice professionally", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a key factor is matching a consultant 's niche expertise to your specific needs .\" What is the definition of \"consultant\"?"} {"term": "shame", "pos": "", "context": "it 's a shame to dress the whole thing up in nationalism as well !", "definition": "a regrettable or unfortunate situation or action", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's a shame to dress the whole thing up in nationalism as well !\" What is the definition of \"shame\"?"} {"term": "shame", "pos": "", "context": "one mistake brought shame to all his family", "definition": "a state of dishonor", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one mistake brought shame to all his family\" What is the definition of \"shame\"?"} {"term": "plane", "pos": "", "context": "he divided his course into two parts , the first part being a general overview of mathematics while the second part was on the theory of plane algebraic curves .", "definition": "relating to only two-dimensional surfaces or magnitudes", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he divided his course into two parts , the first part being a general overview of mathematics while the second part was on the theory of plane algebraic curves .\" What is the definition of \"plane\"?"} {"term": "plane", "pos": "", "context": "this is true only on a high plane of metaphysical logic , but it is true .", "definition": "a level of existence , thought , or development", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this is true only on a high plane of metaphysical logic , but it is true .\" What is the definition of \"plane\"?"} {"term": "silica", "pos": "", "context": "several powders or dry colours use a base of asbestos , chalk powder or silica .", "definition": "a hard , unreactive , colourless compound which occurs as the mineral quartz and as a principal constituent of sandstone and other rocks .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"several powders or dry colours use a base of asbestos , chalk powder or silica .\" What is the definition of \"silica\"?"} {"term": "nudnik", "pos": "", "context": "prudie is so tired of all the nonsense propagated by the pc nudniks .", "definition": "a pestering , nagging , or irritating person ; a bore .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"prudie is so tired of all the nonsense propagated by the pc nudniks .\" What is the definition of \"nudnik\"?"} {"term": "headbutt", "pos": "", "context": "i did n't get riled when he bit me or when he put my arm in a lock on the blind side of the referee and tried to break it or when he headbutted me and opened up a cut that needed 17 stitches .", "definition": "attack ( someone ) with a headbutt", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i did n't get riled when he bit me or when he put my arm in a lock on the blind side of the referee and tried to break it or when he headbutted me and opened up a cut that needed 17 stitches .\" What is the definition of \"headbutt\"?"} {"term": "tinker", "pos": "", "context": "in the early 1980s the map was tinkered with , forcing both the midlands and the south into splitting their large regions into 2 sub-regions .", "definition": "attempt to repair or improve something in a casual or desultory way", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the early 1980s the map was tinkered with , forcing both the midlands and the south into splitting their large regions into 2 sub-regions .\" What is the definition of \"tinker\"?"} {"term": "tinker", "pos": "", "context": "can you tinker with the t.v . set -- it 's not working right", "definition": "try to fix or mend", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"can you tinker with the t.v . set -- it 's not working right\" What is the definition of \"tinker\"?"} {"term": "tissue", "pos": "", "context": "as she was trying to clean up the mess , using a box of tissues , she heard the honking of a horn behind her .", "definition": "a disposable piece of absorbent paper , used especially as a handkerchief or for cleaning the skin", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as she was trying to clean up the mess , using a box of tissues , she heard the honking of a horn behind her .\" What is the definition of \"tissue\"?"} {"term": "tissue", "pos": "", "context": "elements from the paintings have been picked up to create a collection of saris and drapes in brocades , georgettes , tissue and jacquard crepe de chine .", "definition": "rich or fine material of a delicate or gauzy texture", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"elements from the paintings have been picked up to create a collection of saris and drapes in brocades , georgettes , tissue and jacquard crepe de chine .\" What is the definition of \"tissue\"?"} {"term": "polarity", "pos": "", "context": "he got the polarity of the battery reversed", "definition": "having an indicated pole ( as the distinction between positive and negative electric charges )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he got the polarity of the battery reversed\" What is the definition of \"polarity\"?"} {"term": "polarity", "pos": "", "context": "that 's because the sun 's magnetic field begins flipping polarity , and the disordered field ca n't efficiently deflect dust particles .", "definition": "the relative orientation of poles ; the direction of a magnetic or electric field", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that 's because the sun 's magnetic field begins flipping polarity , and the disordered field ca n't efficiently deflect dust particles .\" What is the definition of \"polarity\"?"} {"term": "polarity", "pos": "", "context": "the asymmetric zygotic division fixes polarity , which may rely on the asymmetric delivery of cell wall components , possibly agps , and which requires gn in order to execute it .", "definition": "the tendency of living organisms or parts to develop with distinct anterior and posterior ( or uppermost and lowermost ) ends , or to grow or orientate in a particular direction", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the asymmetric zygotic division fixes polarity , which may rely on the asymmetric delivery of cell wall components , possibly agps , and which requires gn in order to execute it .\" What is the definition of \"polarity\"?"} {"term": "solicitor", "pos": "", "context": "telephone solicitors have no sense of privacy nor know when to call .", "definition": "a person who tries to obtain business orders , advertising , etc . ; a canvasser", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"telephone solicitors have no sense of privacy nor know when to call .\" What is the definition of \"solicitor\"?"} {"term": "indicator", "pos": "", "context": "various brews can give you color indicators for the presence of double bonds , methyl ketones , aldehydes and the like .", "definition": "a compound that changes colour at a specific ph value or in the presence of a particular substance , and can be used to monitor acidity , alkalinity , or the progress of a reaction", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"various brews can give you color indicators for the presence of double bonds , methyl ketones , aldehydes and the like .\" What is the definition of \"indicator\"?"} {"term": "defiant", "pos": "", "context": "brought up to be aggressive and defiant", "definition": "boldly resisting authority or an opposing force", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"brought up to be aggressive and defiant\" What is the definition of \"defiant\"?"} {"term": "circumnavigation", "pos": "", "context": "magellan 's circumnavigation of the earth proved that it is a globe", "definition": "traveling around something ( by ship or plane )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"magellan 's circumnavigation of the earth proved that it is a globe\" What is the definition of \"circumnavigation\"?"} {"term": "hype", "pos": "", "context": "the films get shown right round the year in early morning shows at inexpensive auditoriums with no publicity or media hype attached .", "definition": "extravagant or intensive publicity or promotion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the films get shown right round the year in early morning shows at inexpensive auditoriums with no publicity or media hype attached .\" What is the definition of \"hype\"?"} {"term": "cackle", "pos": "", "context": "they barely brushed together when a bird 's high-pitched cackle could be heard from the trees .", "definition": "the raucous clucking cry of a bird such as a hen or a goose", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they barely brushed together when a bird 's high-pitched cackle could be heard from the trees .\" What is the definition of \"cackle\"?"} {"term": "satsuma", "pos": "", "context": "in general i confine myself to extra satsumas and nuts , although i do find it difficult to resist those giant chocolate brazils .", "definition": "a tangerine of a hardy loose-skinned variety , originally grown in japan .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in general i confine myself to extra satsumas and nuts , although i do find it difficult to resist those giant chocolate brazils .\" What is the definition of \"satsuma\"?"} {"term": "demerit", "pos": "", "context": "ten demerits and he loses his privileges", "definition": "a mark against a person for misconduct or failure ; usually given in school or armed forces", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ten demerits and he loses his privileges\" What is the definition of \"demerit\"?"} {"term": "hug", "pos": "", "context": "some of the men had family in this town , they ran to them and there were hugs and kisses and tears of joy .", "definition": "an act of hugging someone", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some of the men had family in this town , they ran to them and there were hugs and kisses and tears of joy .\" What is the definition of \"hug\"?"} {"term": "hug", "pos": "", "context": "come here and give me a big hug", "definition": "a tight or amorous embrace", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"come here and give me a big hug\" What is the definition of \"hug\"?"} {"term": "abandonment", "pos": "", "context": "he was rejected and outcast , and like job , accepted his suffering and abandonment .", "definition": "the action or fact of abandoning or being abandoned", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was rejected and outcast , and like job , accepted his suffering and abandonment .\" What is the definition of \"abandonment\"?"} {"term": "excitation", "pos": "", "context": "their data indicated that men who characterized themselves as high on sexual excitation were more likely to report having used physical force to obtain sex .", "definition": "the action of exciting or the state of being excited ; excitement", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their data indicated that men who characterized themselves as high on sexual excitation were more likely to report having used physical force to obtain sex .\" What is the definition of \"excitation\"?"} {"term": "wash", "pos": "", "context": "relief finally came three weeks later when nearly an inch of rain fell , washing the city and stabilizing the ash .", "definition": "wet or moisten ( something ) thoroughly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"relief finally came three weeks later when nearly an inch of rain fell , washing the city and stabilizing the ash .\" What is the definition of \"wash\"?"} {"term": "retain", "pos": "", "context": "carbon-rich organic matter does this by reducing soil erosion while helping soil retain and break down pesticides and excess nutrients .", "definition": "absorb and continue to hold ( a substance )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"carbon-rich organic matter does this by reducing soil erosion while helping soil retain and break down pesticides and excess nutrients .\" What is the definition of \"retain\"?"} {"term": "hypopigmentation", "pos": "", "context": "other disadvantages include possible hypopigmentation , discomfort during the freezing process , and delayed healing .", "definition": "inadequate pigmentation of the skin .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"other disadvantages include possible hypopigmentation , discomfort during the freezing process , and delayed healing .\" What is the definition of \"hypopigmentation\"?"} {"term": "sangar", "pos": "", "context": "here the tibetans had erected a series of stone embrasures , known to the indian army as sangars , now occupied in strength .", "definition": "a small protected structure used for observing or firing from , which is built up from the ground .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"here the tibetans had erected a series of stone embrasures , known to the indian army as sangars , now occupied in strength .\" What is the definition of \"sangar\"?"} {"term": "immunization", "pos": "", "context": "traditional immunizations prime the immune system to fight off parasites , bacteria , or viruses .", "definition": "the action of making a person or animal immune to infection , typically by inoculation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"traditional immunizations prime the immune system to fight off parasites , bacteria , or viruses .\" What is the definition of \"immunization\"?"} {"term": "pilsner", "pos": "", "context": "these come in variety of shapes such as weiss , pilsner / lager , kriek , alt , ale and abbey .", "definition": "a lager beer with a strong hop flavour , originally brewed at pilsen ( plzeň ) in the czech republic .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these come in variety of shapes such as weiss , pilsner / lager , kriek , alt , ale and abbey .\" What is the definition of \"pilsner\"?"} {"term": "challenge", "pos": "", "context": "harkishin was challenged by security guards when he approached the checkout on sunday .", "definition": "( of a guard ) order ( someone ) to prove their identity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"harkishin was challenged by security guards when he approached the checkout on sunday .\" What is the definition of \"challenge\"?"} {"term": "wearable", "pos": "", "context": "luckily , there are designers in europe who have captured the beauty and versatility of ethnic designs and produced very wearable results .", "definition": "( especially of clothing ) easy to wear ; suitable for wearing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"luckily , there are designers in europe who have captured the beauty and versatility of ethnic designs and produced very wearable results .\" What is the definition of \"wearable\"?"} {"term": "euonymus", "pos": "", "context": "white splashed evergreen euonymus and two white flowered campanula add further cool tones to the group while the thin bronze foliage of a clump forming grass gives good contrast .", "definition": "a shrub or small tree that is widely cultivated for its autumn colours and bright fruit .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"white splashed evergreen euonymus and two white flowered campanula add further cool tones to the group while the thin bronze foliage of a clump forming grass gives good contrast .\" What is the definition of \"euonymus\"?"} {"term": "peacock", "pos": "", "context": "it should be noted that a peacock is a male peafowl and a peahen is a female peafowl .", "definition": "a male peafowl , which has very long tail feathers with eye-like markings that can be erected and fanned out in display .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it should be noted that a peacock is a male peafowl and a peahen is a female peafowl .\" What is the definition of \"peacock\"?"} {"term": "staddle", "pos": "", "context": "we carry an extensive range of garden statuary and superb antique staddle stones .", "definition": "a stone , especially one resembling a mushroom in shape , supporting a framework or rick .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we carry an extensive range of garden statuary and superb antique staddle stones .\" What is the definition of \"staddle\"?"} {"term": "telecast", "pos": "", "context": "and i suppose we had a long association with football over 45 years ; we 've been broadcasting and telecasting the games .", "definition": "transmit by television", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and i suppose we had a long association with football over 45 years ; we 've been broadcasting and telecasting the games .\" What is the definition of \"telecast\"?"} {"term": "aqueduct", "pos": "", "context": "while at queen square he wrote an md thesis on the radiology of the aqueduct and fourth ventricle .", "definition": "a small duct in the body containing fluid .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"while at queen square he wrote an md thesis on the radiology of the aqueduct and fourth ventricle .\" What is the definition of \"aqueduct\"?"} {"term": "creel", "pos": "", "context": "he said he believed that dust had remained on the looms and yarn creels when the workers returned after the summer shutdown .", "definition": "a rack holding bobbins or spools when spinning .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he said he believed that dust had remained on the looms and yarn creels when the workers returned after the summer shutdown .\" What is the definition of \"creel\"?"} {"term": "record", "pos": "", "context": "at 9-0 they have the best record in their league", "definition": "the number of wins versus losses and ties a team has had", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at 9-0 they have the best record in their league\" What is the definition of \"record\"?"} {"term": "record", "pos": "", "context": "al smith used to say , `let 's look at the record '", "definition": "a compilation of the known facts regarding something or someone", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"al smith used to say , `let 's look at the record '\" What is the definition of \"record\"?"} {"term": "commission", "pos": "", "context": "the 35-year-old claimed the remarks and attitude of her superior officer prevented her from gaining a regular commission in the army and ended her career in 1999 .", "definition": "a warrant conferring the rank of officer in an army , navy , or air force", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the 35-year-old claimed the remarks and attitude of her superior officer prevented her from gaining a regular commission in the army and ended her career in 1999 .\" What is the definition of \"commission\"?"} {"term": "interweave", "pos": "", "context": "this award-winning novel interweaves the life of a san francisco filmmaker with the life of a courtesan priestess of inanna .", "definition": "blend closely", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this award-winning novel interweaves the life of a san francisco filmmaker with the life of a courtesan priestess of inanna .\" What is the definition of \"interweave\"?"} {"term": "demonstration", "pos": "", "context": "the museum was actively involved in organizing flight demonstrations for school groups and was used for private and corporate parties .", "definition": "a practical exhibition and explanation of how something works or is performed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the museum was actively involved in organizing flight demonstrations for school groups and was used for private and corporate parties .\" What is the definition of \"demonstration\"?"} {"term": "artificiality", "pos": "", "context": "by making the artificiality of video-based color obvious , this work adds to the examination of how we have become accustomed to artificial light .", "definition": "the quality of being made or produced by human beings rather than occurring naturally", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"by making the artificiality of video-based color obvious , this work adds to the examination of how we have become accustomed to artificial light .\" What is the definition of \"artificiality\"?"} {"term": "uneasiness", "pos": "", "context": "his assessment of the audience 's uneasiness may have been understated .", "definition": "a feeling of anxiety or discomfort", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his assessment of the audience 's uneasiness may have been understated .\" What is the definition of \"uneasiness\"?"} {"term": "dreck", "pos": "", "context": "at first i thought it was a lack of talent , but i remember thinking that this group of finalists were much better than last year 's dreck .", "definition": "rubbish ; trash", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at first i thought it was a lack of talent , but i remember thinking that this group of finalists were much better than last year 's dreck .\" What is the definition of \"dreck\"?"} {"term": "there", "pos": "", "context": "you could quite easily miss the pub but a quick detour down main street and there it is .", "definition": "used when gesturing to indicate the place intended", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you could quite easily miss the pub but a quick detour down main street and there it is .\" What is the definition of \"there\"?"} {"term": "there", "pos": "", "context": "‘ benton , ’ he said . there he fell silent .", "definition": "at that point ( in speech , performance , writing , etc . )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ benton , ’ he said . there he fell silent .\" What is the definition of \"there\"?"} {"term": "prizewinner", "pos": "", "context": "the first , second and third prizewinners in the fancy dress competition will receive a copy of the first four harry potter books .", "definition": "a winner of a prize .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the first , second and third prizewinners in the fancy dress competition will receive a copy of the first four harry potter books .\" What is the definition of \"prizewinner\"?"} {"term": "directory", "pos": "", "context": "i heard giggling from behind the directory board as i left with sam , and i knew it was katie .", "definition": "a board in an organization or large store listing names and locations of departments , individuals , etc .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i heard giggling from behind the directory board as i left with sam , and i knew it was katie .\" What is the definition of \"directory\"?"} {"term": "feeder", "pos": "", "context": "abundant terrestrial gastropods found clustered around fossil plant detritus may have been deposit feeders scavenging dry portions of channel floors .", "definition": "a person or animal that eats a particular food or in a particular manner", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"abundant terrestrial gastropods found clustered around fossil plant detritus may have been deposit feeders scavenging dry portions of channel floors .\" What is the definition of \"feeder\"?"} {"term": "feeder", "pos": "", "context": "a bark feeder", "definition": "an animal that feeds on a particular source of food", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bark feeder\" What is the definition of \"feeder\"?"} {"term": "conviviality", "pos": "", "context": "i 'm hoping to hook up with friends for dinner and conviviality .", "definition": "the quality of being friendly and lively ; friendliness", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i 'm hoping to hook up with friends for dinner and conviviality .\" What is the definition of \"conviviality\"?"} {"term": "pursue", "pos": "", "context": "the police car pursued the suspected attacker", "definition": "follow in or as if in pursuit", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the police car pursued the suspected attacker\" What is the definition of \"pursue\"?"} {"term": "pursue", "pos": "", "context": "students ran back to their dormitories but they were pursued by the officers .", "definition": "follow or chase ( someone or something )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"students ran back to their dormitories but they were pursued by the officers .\" What is the definition of \"pursue\"?"} {"term": "collapse", "pos": "", "context": "institutions are rejecting warnings that house prices could collapse because low interest rates are likely to be held far into next year .", "definition": "( of a price or currency ) drop suddenly in value", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"institutions are rejecting warnings that house prices could collapse because low interest rates are likely to be held far into next year .\" What is the definition of \"collapse\"?"} {"term": "turkish", "pos": "", "context": "much of the architecture in titograd reflects the turkish influence of the ottoman empire .", "definition": "relating to or associated with the ottoman empire .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"much of the architecture in titograd reflects the turkish influence of the ottoman empire .\" What is the definition of \"turkish\"?"} {"term": "loam", "pos": "", "context": "the soil at the experimental site is a butler silt loam ( fine , montmorillonitic , mesic abruptic agriaquoll ) .", "definition": "a soil with roughly equal proportions of sand , silt , and clay .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the soil at the experimental site is a butler silt loam ( fine , montmorillonitic , mesic abruptic agriaquoll ) .\" What is the definition of \"loam\"?"} {"term": "evolve", "pos": "", "context": "modern man evolved a long time ago", "definition": "undergo development or evolution", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"modern man evolved a long time ago\" What is the definition of \"evolve\"?"} {"term": "podium", "pos": "", "context": "do you hope to podium , or will that take a while ?", "definition": "( of a competitor in a sporting event ) finish first , second , or third , so as to appear on a podium to receive an award", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"do you hope to podium , or will that take a while ?\" What is the definition of \"podium\"?"} {"term": "analyze", "pos": "", "context": "analyze a chemical compound", "definition": "make a mathematical , chemical , or grammatical analysis of ; break down into components or essential features", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"analyze a chemical compound\" What is the definition of \"analyze\"?"} {"term": "boneshaker", "pos": "", "context": "that old bike without rubber tires was a real boneshaker", "definition": "any wheeled vehicle that is dilapidated and uncomfortable", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that old bike without rubber tires was a real boneshaker\" What is the definition of \"boneshaker\"?"} {"term": "boneshaker", "pos": "", "context": "the rover still had solid rubber tyres and the smaller wheels meant that it was still a boneshaker which required springs .", "definition": "an old vehicle with poor suspension", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the rover still had solid rubber tyres and the smaller wheels meant that it was still a boneshaker which required springs .\" What is the definition of \"boneshaker\"?"} {"term": "timescale", "pos": "", "context": "the atmospheres of these stars pulsate in a very regular cycle , on timescales ranging from 2 days to a few months .", "definition": "the time allowed for or taken by a process or sequence of events", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the atmospheres of these stars pulsate in a very regular cycle , on timescales ranging from 2 days to a few months .\" What is the definition of \"timescale\"?"} {"term": "bluff", "pos": "", "context": "his bluff succeeded in getting him accepted", "definition": "pretense that your position is stronger than it really is", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his bluff succeeded in getting him accepted\" What is the definition of \"bluff\"?"} {"term": "ferment", "pos": "", "context": "the middle east is fermenting", "definition": "be in an agitated or excited state", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the middle east is fermenting\" What is the definition of \"ferment\"?"} {"term": "millionth", "pos": "", "context": "i just watched < i > the dark knight < /i > for the millionth time .", "definition": "constituting an unspecified but very large number in a sequence", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i just watched < i > the dark knight < /i > for the millionth time .\" What is the definition of \"millionth\"?"} {"term": "steeplechase", "pos": "", "context": "two steeplechase accidents marred the 20th open house at saratoga race course on sunday before a record crowd estimated at 22,000 .", "definition": "a horse race run on a racecourse having ditches and hedges as jumps", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"two steeplechase accidents marred the 20th open house at saratoga race course on sunday before a record crowd estimated at 22,000 .\" What is the definition of \"steeplechase\"?"} {"term": "pedicab", "pos": "", "context": "boys who once pulled rickshaws now pedal pedicabs", "definition": "a tricycle ( usually propelled by pedalling ) ; used in the orient for transporting passengers for hire", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"boys who once pulled rickshaws now pedal pedicabs\" What is the definition of \"pedicab\"?"} {"term": "experiment", "pos": "", "context": "to make the handling of nitroglycerine safer , he experimented with different additives .", "definition": "try out new ideas or methods", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to make the handling of nitroglycerine safer , he experimented with different additives .\" What is the definition of \"experiment\"?"} {"term": "wring", "pos": "", "context": "do you go steady with the brush for very long before you give it a wring ?", "definition": "an act of squeezing or twisting something .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"do you go steady with the brush for very long before you give it a wring ?\" What is the definition of \"wring\"?"} {"term": "rake-off", "pos": "", "context": "there will no doubt be other rake-offs involved .", "definition": "a commission or share of the profits from a deal , especially one that is disreputable", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there will no doubt be other rake-offs involved .\" What is the definition of \"rake-off\"?"} {"term": "cross-section", "pos": "", "context": "cross-section views of the neck", "definition": "representing a plane made by cutting across something at right angles to its length", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cross-section views of the neck\" What is the definition of \"cross-section\"?"} {"term": "potlatch", "pos": "", "context": "he was an anthropologist who worked on the potlatch originally and became fascinated with these cycles by which a thing had value , lost value , regained value .", "definition": "( among north american indian peoples of the north-west coast ) an opulent ceremonial feast at which possessions are given away or destroyed to display wealth or enhance prestige .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was an anthropologist who worked on the potlatch originally and became fascinated with these cycles by which a thing had value , lost value , regained value .\" What is the definition of \"potlatch\"?"} {"term": "wizard", "pos": "", "context": "bloomsbury shares would be a wizard idea for a present .", "definition": "wonderful ; excellent", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bloomsbury shares would be a wizard idea for a present .\" What is the definition of \"wizard\"?"} {"term": "range", "pos": "", "context": "the all-lowercase type is ranged both left and right on the vertical axis .", "definition": "( with reference to type ) align or be aligned , especially at the ends of successive lines .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the all-lowercase type is ranged both left and right on the vertical axis .\" What is the definition of \"range\"?"} {"term": "range", "pos": "", "context": "mountain ranges also play a large part in local wind formation .", "definition": "a line or series of mountains or hills", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mountain ranges also play a large part in local wind formation .\" What is the definition of \"range\"?"} {"term": "range", "pos": "", "context": "the graph window automatically sizes itself to fit the ranges of values of x and f that occur .", "definition": "the set of values that a given function can take as its argument varies .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the graph window automatically sizes itself to fit the ranges of values of x and f that occur .\" What is the definition of \"range\"?"} {"term": "stance", "pos": "", "context": "in principle , many european countries adopt the stance that all lawful and serious agreements are contracts .", "definition": "the attitude of a person or organization towards something ; a standpoint", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in principle , many european countries adopt the stance that all lawful and serious agreements are contracts .\" What is the definition of \"stance\"?"} {"term": "thrombose", "pos": "", "context": "the landmark method fails , irrespective of anatomy , if the vein has thrombosed .", "definition": "affect with or be affected by thrombosis", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the landmark method fails , irrespective of anatomy , if the vein has thrombosed .\" What is the definition of \"thrombose\"?"} {"term": "wallop", "pos": "", "context": "reports are that , like the other quake drinks , it packs a wallop .", "definition": "a powerful effect", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"reports are that , like the other quake drinks , it packs a wallop .\" What is the definition of \"wallop\"?"} {"term": "expansionism", "pos": "", "context": "by the 1890s the domestic frontier was exhausted , and expansionism took americans into territories overseas .", "definition": "the policy of territorial or economic expansion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"by the 1890s the domestic frontier was exhausted , and expansionism took americans into territories overseas .\" What is the definition of \"expansionism\"?"} {"term": "stadium", "pos": "", "context": "of course how accurate this value is depends on the length of the stadium and scholars have argued over this for a long time .", "definition": "an ancient roman or greek measure of length , about 185 metres ( originally the length of a stadium ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"of course how accurate this value is depends on the length of the stadium and scholars have argued over this for a long time .\" What is the definition of \"stadium\"?"} {"term": "chiffon", "pos": "", "context": "the fabrics for spring are satin , jersey , chiffon and lace , turning up in every category from street wear to evening wear .", "definition": "a light , transparent fabric typically made of silk or nylon", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the fabrics for spring are satin , jersey , chiffon and lace , turning up in every category from street wear to evening wear .\" What is the definition of \"chiffon\"?"} {"term": "sturmer", "pos": "", "context": "the market does n't support more than a dozen varieties , a terrible shame considering the thousands in existence : who remembers sturmers , democrats , ranelaghs or the golden pippin ?", "definition": "an eating apple of a late-ripening variety with a mainly yellowish-green skin and firm yellowish flesh .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the market does n't support more than a dozen varieties , a terrible shame considering the thousands in existence : who remembers sturmers , democrats , ranelaghs or the golden pippin ?\" What is the definition of \"sturmer\"?"} {"term": "instruct", "pos": "", "context": "even if you 're not trained , a dispatcher can instruct you in cpr until help arrives .", "definition": "teach ( someone ) a subject or skill", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"even if you 're not trained , a dispatcher can instruct you in cpr until help arrives .\" What is the definition of \"instruct\"?"} {"term": "arsonist", "pos": "", "context": "detectives are scouring court lists as they try to trace the arsonists responsible for a devastating attack on york crown court .", "definition": "a person who commits arson", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"detectives are scouring court lists as they try to trace the arsonists responsible for a devastating attack on york crown court .\" What is the definition of \"arsonist\"?"} {"term": "abide", "pos": "", "context": "where does the consciousness abide before it takes rebirth or becomes liberated ?", "definition": "live ; dwell", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"where does the consciousness abide before it takes rebirth or becomes liberated ?\" What is the definition of \"abide\"?"} {"term": "join", "pos": "", "context": "close to 2,000 more people quickly joined the fray .", "definition": "take part in", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"close to 2,000 more people quickly joined the fray .\" What is the definition of \"join\"?"} {"term": "join", "pos": "", "context": "if you need extra encouragement , join an evening class or find a friend who wants to join you in some new activity .", "definition": "support ( someone ) in an activity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if you need extra encouragement , join an evening class or find a friend who wants to join you in some new activity .\" What is the definition of \"join\"?"} {"term": "join", "pos": "", "context": "there will be no joining up after we have the battle won .", "definition": "become a member of the armed forces", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there will be no joining up after we have the battle won .\" What is the definition of \"join\"?"} {"term": "sand", "pos": "", "context": "start with 80-grit paper until the dent or scratch is sanded out , then finish-sand and feather into the surrounding area with 120-grit paper .", "definition": "smooth or polish with sandpaper or a mechanical sander", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"start with 80-grit paper until the dent or scratch is sanded out , then finish-sand and feather into the surrounding area with 120-grit paper .\" What is the definition of \"sand\"?"} {"term": "sand", "pos": "", "context": "about two kilometers around the lake , the sand beach turned into rocks and there was a huge cliff over top .", "definition": "a loose granular substance , typically pale yellowish brown , resulting from the erosion of siliceous and other rocks and forming a major constituent of beaches , river beds , the seabed , and deserts", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"about two kilometers around the lake , the sand beach turned into rocks and there was a huge cliff over top .\" What is the definition of \"sand\"?"} {"term": "tiepin", "pos": "", "context": "galantas produces the jewellery itself in a range of irish and celtic themes , including celtic crosses and tiepins .", "definition": "an ornamental pin for holding a tie in place .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"galantas produces the jewellery itself in a range of irish and celtic themes , including celtic crosses and tiepins .\" What is the definition of \"tiepin\"?"} {"term": "blur", "pos": "", "context": "we have all been guilty of it : blurring the lines between reality and fiction .", "definition": "make or become unclear or less distinct", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we have all been guilty of it : blurring the lines between reality and fiction .\" What is the definition of \"blur\"?"} {"term": "troposphere", "pos": "", "context": "the other two climate records , so-called ‘ upper air ’ records , measure temperatures in earth 's troposphere and stratosphere .", "definition": "the lowest region of the atmosphere , extending from the earth 's surface to a height of about 6–10 km ( the lower boundary of the stratosphere ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the other two climate records , so-called ‘ upper air ’ records , measure temperatures in earth 's troposphere and stratosphere .\" What is the definition of \"troposphere\"?"} {"term": "podge", "pos": "", "context": "the one called hogarth is charcoal-black , a contemplative podge that looks out upon the world with stupefied wonder .", "definition": "a short , fat person .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the one called hogarth is charcoal-black , a contemplative podge that looks out upon the world with stupefied wonder .\" What is the definition of \"podge\"?"} {"term": "pacer", "pos": "", "context": "he also raced one or two pacers at addington raceway .", "definition": "a horse bred or trained to pace , used in some types of racing .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he also raced one or two pacers at addington raceway .\" What is the definition of \"pacer\"?"} {"term": "smug", "pos": "", "context": "a smug glow of self-congratulation", "definition": "marked by excessive complacency or self-satisfaction", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a smug glow of self-congratulation\" What is the definition of \"smug\"?"} {"term": "signified", "pos": "", "context": "part of the attraction was the hope that a formal discipline which required one to name signifiers and signifieds would display convincingly the ideological contents of various activities .", "definition": "the meaning or idea expressed by a sign , as distinct from the physical form in which it is expressed .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"part of the attraction was the hope that a formal discipline which required one to name signifiers and signifieds would display convincingly the ideological contents of various activities .\" What is the definition of \"signified\"?"} {"term": "swoop", "pos": "", "context": "the bird swooped down and settled itself upon the pinnacle of the flagpole , its grey-and-white feathers tinged silver in the dusky light .", "definition": "( especially of a bird ) move rapidly downwards through the air", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the bird swooped down and settled itself upon the pinnacle of the flagpole , its grey-and-white feathers tinged silver in the dusky light .\" What is the definition of \"swoop\"?"} {"term": "bossy", "pos": "", "context": "one ex-housemate , who did not want to be named , described him as a man who was difficult to get along with , very bossy and ‘ imposing ’ .", "definition": "fond of giving people orders ; domineering", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one ex-housemate , who did not want to be named , described him as a man who was difficult to get along with , very bossy and ‘ imposing ’ .\" What is the definition of \"bossy\"?"} {"term": "faintness", "pos": "", "context": "the faintness or potency of the feeling", "definition": "the property of being without strength", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the faintness or potency of the feeling\" What is the definition of \"faintness\"?"} {"term": "compensation", "pos": "", "context": "the reliance on the wage base for funding reflects an earlier economy in which wage compensation dominated .", "definition": "the money received by an employee from an employer as a salary or wages", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the reliance on the wage base for funding reflects an earlier economy in which wage compensation dominated .\" What is the definition of \"compensation\"?"} {"term": "transmit", "pos": "", "context": "any disunity in the staffroom could quickly transmit itself to the classroom and begin to affect the pupils .", "definition": "communicate or be a medium for ( an idea or emotion )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"any disunity in the staffroom could quickly transmit itself to the classroom and begin to affect the pupils .\" What is the definition of \"transmit\"?"} {"term": "transmit", "pos": "", "context": "instead , the base station directly transmits the information to the operator .", "definition": "broadcast or send out ( an electrical signal or a radio or television programme )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"instead , the base station directly transmits the information to the operator .\" What is the definition of \"transmit\"?"} {"term": "rafter", "pos": "", "context": "crystalline chandeliers hung from high rafters and soft music could be heard from somewhere down a long carpeted hallway .", "definition": "a beam forming part of the internal framework of a roof", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"crystalline chandeliers hung from high rafters and soft music could be heard from somewhere down a long carpeted hallway .\" What is the definition of \"rafter\"?"} {"term": "shrapnel", "pos": "", "context": "she looked at me oddly and i searched around and found twenty pence in shrapnel , which i swapped over .", "definition": "small change", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she looked at me oddly and i searched around and found twenty pence in shrapnel , which i swapped over .\" What is the definition of \"shrapnel\"?"} {"term": "prowl", "pos": "", "context": "the suspicious stranger prowls the streets of the town", "definition": "move about in or as if in a predatory manner", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the suspicious stranger prowls the streets of the town\" What is the definition of \"prowl\"?"} {"term": "swirl", "pos": "", "context": "i swirled honey and sugar into my latte and looked for a place to deposit the spoon .", "definition": "cause to move in a twisting or spiralling pattern", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i swirled honey and sugar into my latte and looked for a place to deposit the spoon .\" What is the definition of \"swirl\"?"} {"term": "democratization", "pos": "", "context": "he said he will not clash with the new president as long as she pursues democratization .", "definition": "the introduction of a democratic system or democratic principles", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he said he will not clash with the new president as long as she pursues democratization .\" What is the definition of \"democratization\"?"} {"term": "prudent", "pos": "", "context": "building from the bottom up may be more prudent than throwing money at the top .", "definition": "acting with or showing care and thought for the future", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"building from the bottom up may be more prudent than throwing money at the top .\" What is the definition of \"prudent\"?"} {"term": "lahu", "pos": "", "context": "chinese-style topic constructions are widespread in chinese , japanese , korean and some south-east asian languages like lahu , lisu , and zhuang .", "definition": "the tibeto-burman language of the lahu .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"chinese-style topic constructions are widespread in chinese , japanese , korean and some south-east asian languages like lahu , lisu , and zhuang .\" What is the definition of \"lahu\"?"} {"term": "tramline", "pos": "", "context": "it has assembled a group of journalists who subscribe to its outlook and who are expected to think independently and avoid party tramlines .", "definition": "an inflexible principle or course of action", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it has assembled a group of journalists who subscribe to its outlook and who are expected to think independently and avoid party tramlines .\" What is the definition of \"tramline\"?"} {"term": "tame", "pos": "", "context": "one who would be inspired by the colours on my face and the changing season outside to make love to my hair and tame the wild beast that it is .", "definition": "domesticate ( an animal )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one who would be inspired by the colours on my face and the changing season outside to make love to my hair and tame the wild beast that it is .\" What is the definition of \"tame\"?"} {"term": "tame", "pos": "", "context": "the traces of their times were left here even by citizens of the mighty roman empire , who were encouraged to settle in this area by riches of nature , fertile land , forests and rivers , which were for centuries a magical attraction for people who settled on this tame land .", "definition": "( of land ) cultivated .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the traces of their times were left here even by citizens of the mighty roman empire , who were encouraged to settle in this area by riches of nature , fertile land , forests and rivers , which were for centuries a magical attraction for people who settled on this tame land .\" What is the definition of \"tame\"?"} {"term": "tame", "pos": "", "context": "if you like village detective stories with a couple of murders - fine , but compared to today 's stories they are so tame !", "definition": "not exciting , adventurous , or controversial", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if you like village detective stories with a couple of murders - fine , but compared to today 's stories they are so tame !\" What is the definition of \"tame\"?"} {"term": "miniaturist", "pos": "", "context": "indeed , the details in both representations of the old testament story are so similar that the author ventures to suggest that the miniaturists deliberately copied the carvings .", "definition": "a painter of miniatures or an illuminator of manuscripts .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"indeed , the details in both representations of the old testament story are so similar that the author ventures to suggest that the miniaturists deliberately copied the carvings .\" What is the definition of \"miniaturist\"?"} {"term": "career", "pos": "", "context": "i have one son who is a major in the us army , he is a career professional .", "definition": "working permanently in or committed to a particular profession", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i have one son who is a major in the us army , he is a career professional .\" What is the definition of \"career\"?"} {"term": "deactivate", "pos": "", "context": "they deactivated the file", "definition": "make inactive", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they deactivated the file\" What is the definition of \"deactivate\"?"} {"term": "flybridge", "pos": "", "context": "unfortunately , when mounted on a bracket at the helm or flybridge , it can also be the easiest way for a thief to make a buck .", "definition": "an open deck above the main bridge of a vessel such as a yacht or cabin cruiser , typically equipped with duplicate controls .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unfortunately , when mounted on a bracket at the helm or flybridge , it can also be the easiest way for a thief to make a buck .\" What is the definition of \"flybridge\"?"} {"term": "belt", "pos": "", "context": "they too wore red tunics , belted at the waist with a black belt .", "definition": "be fastened with a belt", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they too wore red tunics , belted at the waist with a black belt .\" What is the definition of \"belt\"?"} {"term": "relate", "pos": "", "context": "in london , stirling - related by marriage to a director of the east india company - attracted investors and eventually won british government support for his plans .", "definition": "be connected by blood or marriage", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in london , stirling - related by marriage to a director of the east india company - attracted investors and eventually won british government support for his plans .\" What is the definition of \"relate\"?"} {"term": "avail", "pos": "", "context": "he availed himself of the available resources", "definition": "use to one 's advantage", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he availed himself of the available resources\" What is the definition of \"avail\"?"} {"term": "albigenses", "pos": "", "context": "the church defined heresy , and repressed it severely , as when pope innocent iii launched the armed crusade that brutally repressed the albigenses and devastated [ desolated ] much of southern france .", "definition": "a heretical catharist sect of southern france in the 12th–13th centuries , believing in a form of manichaean dualism with an extremely strict moral and social code .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the church defined heresy , and repressed it severely , as when pope innocent iii launched the armed crusade that brutally repressed the albigenses and devastated [ desolated ] much of southern france .\" What is the definition of \"albigenses\"?"} {"term": "synchrony", "pos": "", "context": "like sex and the city and friends , both of which recently concluded , frasier was about the peculiar contemporary synchrony of adolescent crisis and midlife crisis .", "definition": "simultaneous action , development , or occurrence .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"like sex and the city and friends , both of which recently concluded , frasier was about the peculiar contemporary synchrony of adolescent crisis and midlife crisis .\" What is the definition of \"synchrony\"?"} {"term": "pedal", "pos": "", "context": "the gear lever was at his right hand , the brake in the throttle pedal 's usual place .", "definition": "a foot-operated throttle , brake , or clutch control in a motor vehicle", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the gear lever was at his right hand , the brake in the throttle pedal 's usual place .\" What is the definition of \"pedal\"?"} {"term": "semite", "pos": "", "context": "the semites were the first to inhabit the region in 3500 b.c .", "definition": "a member of any of the peoples who speak or spoke a semitic language , including in particular the jews and arabs .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the semites were the first to inhabit the region in 3500 b.c .\" What is the definition of \"semite\"?"} {"term": "bright", "pos": "", "context": "he is someone who starts off bright , cheerful and confident and then has everything taken away from him .", "definition": "cheerful and lively", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is someone who starts off bright , cheerful and confident and then has everything taken away from him .\" What is the definition of \"bright\"?"} {"term": "bright", "pos": "", "context": "the sun is shining bright in the sky and nobody else is around .", "definition": "brightly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sun is shining bright in the sky and nobody else is around .\" What is the definition of \"bright\"?"} {"term": "uproot", "pos": "", "context": "consequently , they search for new ways to eradicate disparities in income , seeking additional means of uprooting poverty .", "definition": "remove or destroy completely ; eradicate", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"consequently , they search for new ways to eradicate disparities in income , seeking additional means of uprooting poverty .\" What is the definition of \"uproot\"?"} {"term": "dab", "pos": "", "context": "determinedly refusing to remove his jacket , dr. alexeivich tugged at his tie and dabbed perspiration from his brow .", "definition": "press against ( something ) lightly several times with a piece of absorbent material in order to clean or dry it or to apply a substance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"determinedly refusing to remove his jacket , dr. alexeivich tugged at his tie and dabbed perspiration from his brow .\" What is the definition of \"dab\"?"} {"term": "infest", "pos": "", "context": "paint flaked off the walls , pests infested the rooms and loose wires hung in plain view .", "definition": "( of insects or animals ) be present ( in a place or site ) in large numbers , typically so as to cause damage or disease", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"paint flaked off the walls , pests infested the rooms and loose wires hung in plain view .\" What is the definition of \"infest\"?"} {"term": "defend", "pos": "", "context": "my new mother did not dare speak out against my father to defend me .", "definition": "speak or write in favour of ( an action or person ) ; attempt to justify", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my new mother did not dare speak out against my father to defend me .\" What is the definition of \"defend\"?"} {"term": "tot", "pos": "", "context": "‘ i was one of the culprits , ’ nolan said as wanderers totted up a number of missed opportunities .", "definition": "accumulate something over a period of time", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ i was one of the culprits , ’ nolan said as wanderers totted up a number of missed opportunities .\" What is the definition of \"tot\"?"} {"term": "colliery", "pos": "", "context": "mr richards had been a banksman at cleworth hall colliery in tyldesley and until he retired worked as a service man collecting coal samples from collieries throughout lancashire .", "definition": "a coal mine and the buildings and equipment associated with it .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mr richards had been a banksman at cleworth hall colliery in tyldesley and until he retired worked as a service man collecting coal samples from collieries throughout lancashire .\" What is the definition of \"colliery\"?"} {"term": "boo", "pos": "", "context": "you turn ma boo against me , with your contemptuous lies .", "definition": "a person 's boyfriend or girlfriend .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you turn ma boo against me , with your contemptuous lies .\" What is the definition of \"boo\"?"} {"term": "boo", "pos": "", "context": "the audience at the social forum booed and hissed him so loudly that he had to leave the stage .", "definition": "say ‘ boo ’ to show disapproval of a speaker or performer", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the audience at the social forum booed and hissed him so loudly that he had to leave the stage .\" What is the definition of \"boo\"?"} {"term": "precognition", "pos": "", "context": "so , any apparent success in the experiments must be attributed to precognition , not to telepathy .", "definition": "foreknowledge of an event , especially as a form of extrasensory perception .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so , any apparent success in the experiments must be attributed to precognition , not to telepathy .\" What is the definition of \"precognition\"?"} {"term": "report", "pos": "", "context": "i reported her to the supervisor", "definition": "complain about ; make a charge against", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i reported her to the supervisor\" What is the definition of \"report\"?"} {"term": "report", "pos": "", "context": "one student reported the other to the principal", "definition": "make known to the authorities", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one student reported the other to the principal\" What is the definition of \"report\"?"} {"term": "report", "pos": "", "context": "however one defines its official status , the report is to a considerable degree at variance with the picture of the communist party of the united states given by historians of the american left .", "definition": "an account given of a particular matter , especially in the form of an official document , after thorough investigation or consideration by an appointed person or body", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"however one defines its official status , the report is to a considerable degree at variance with the picture of the communist party of the united states given by historians of the american left .\" What is the definition of \"report\"?"} {"term": "dying", "pos": "", "context": "renato murders him , but with his dying words riccardo declares amelia innocent and pardons his former friend .", "definition": "occurring at or connected with the time that someone dies", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"renato murders him , but with his dying words riccardo declares amelia innocent and pardons his former friend .\" What is the definition of \"dying\"?"} {"term": "agent", "pos": "", "context": "women must rely on male agents to deal with government offices and conduct many business transactions .", "definition": "a person who acts on behalf of another person or group", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"women must rely on male agents to deal with government offices and conduct many business transactions .\" What is the definition of \"agent\"?"} {"term": "honk", "pos": "", "context": "one only took notice of them when they came back sloshed on saturday nights and honked on the stairs .", "definition": "vomit .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one only took notice of them when they came back sloshed on saturday nights and honked on the stairs .\" What is the definition of \"honk\"?"} {"term": "honk", "pos": "", "context": "reacting slowly , the car let out a honk that sounded like a truck horn , and started screeching to a stop .", "definition": "the harsh sound of a car horn .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"reacting slowly , the car let out a honk that sounded like a truck horn , and started screeching to a stop .\" What is the definition of \"honk\"?"} {"term": "euphorbia", "pos": "", "context": "in common with the euphorbia , this sedum is also useful in the garden all year round .", "definition": "a plant of a genus that comprises the spurges .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in common with the euphorbia , this sedum is also useful in the garden all year round .\" What is the definition of \"euphorbia\"?"} {"term": "alveolar", "pos": "", "context": "the bare letters 's ' , 't ' , 'n ' , 'l ' , etc . can not be assumed to specifically represent alveolars .", "definition": "an alveolar consonant", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the bare letters 's ' , 't ' , 'n ' , 'l ' , etc . can not be assumed to specifically represent alveolars .\" What is the definition of \"alveolar\"?"} {"term": "alveolar", "pos": "", "context": "the alveolar region is the location of tooth attachment .", "definition": "relating to or denoting the bony ridge that contains the sockets of the upper teeth .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the alveolar region is the location of tooth attachment .\" What is the definition of \"alveolar\"?"} {"term": "indenture", "pos": "", "context": "similarly , violations of bondholder rights by persons other than the company generally will not result in a breach of the bond indenture , since these persons are not party to the indenture .", "definition": "a deed or contract of which copies were made for the contracting parties with the edges indented for identification and to prevent forgery .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"similarly , violations of bondholder rights by persons other than the company generally will not result in a breach of the bond indenture , since these persons are not party to the indenture .\" What is the definition of \"indenture\"?"} {"term": "beleaguer", "pos": "", "context": "but many stresses that beleaguer us do not fall into these categories .", "definition": "put in a very difficult situation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but many stresses that beleaguer us do not fall into these categories .\" What is the definition of \"beleaguer\"?"} {"term": "beefy", "pos": "", "context": "these , especially in this length , are beefy skis .", "definition": "large and impressively powerful", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these , especially in this length , are beefy skis .\" What is the definition of \"beefy\"?"} {"term": "bend", "pos": "", "context": "so we finished our trip having traversed the distance along the mountain side , by rail or road , the river echoing the bends and curves with a constant murmur that kept us company .", "definition": "a curve in a road , river , path , or racing circuit", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so we finished our trip having traversed the distance along the mountain side , by rail or road , the river echoing the bends and curves with a constant murmur that kept us company .\" What is the definition of \"bend\"?"} {"term": "bedeck", "pos": "", "context": "fore street will be bedecked with flags and decorations with street entertainment laid on daily from july 12 .", "definition": "decorate", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fore street will be bedecked with flags and decorations with street entertainment laid on daily from july 12 .\" What is the definition of \"bedeck\"?"} {"term": "moll", "pos": "", "context": "the labour crew look like mafia hoods and molls - all grey hair , badly fitting dark suits and chin stubble .", "definition": "a gangster 's female companion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the labour crew look like mafia hoods and molls - all grey hair , badly fitting dark suits and chin stubble .\" What is the definition of \"moll\"?"} {"term": "presentism", "pos": "", "context": "there are two camps opposed to presentism , the camp that says the past and present are real , and the camp that says the past , present , and future are real .", "definition": "uncritical adherence to present-day attitudes , especially the tendency to interpret past events in terms of modern values and concepts .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there are two camps opposed to presentism , the camp that says the past and present are real , and the camp that says the past , present , and future are real .\" What is the definition of \"presentism\"?"} {"term": "angle", "pos": "", "context": "our news stories will be angled differently , and the upside of having lots of media publications is that many angles get covered .", "definition": "present ( information ) to reflect a particular view or have a particular focus", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"our news stories will be angled differently , and the upside of having lots of media publications is that many angles get covered .\" What is the definition of \"angle\"?"} {"term": "shy", "pos": "", "context": "first class casters could reach way out to shy fish , and distant mangroves .", "definition": "an act of flinging or throwing something at a target .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"first class casters could reach way out to shy fish , and distant mangroves .\" What is the definition of \"shy\"?"} {"term": "fishcake", "pos": "", "context": "a long-time fan of this particular culinary partnership , i had a go at making light , crisp , potato-free fishcakes and putting them on the table with a jar of the dill and mustard sauce .", "definition": "a patty of shredded fish and mashed potato , typically coated in batter or breadcrumbs and fried .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a long-time fan of this particular culinary partnership , i had a go at making light , crisp , potato-free fishcakes and putting them on the table with a jar of the dill and mustard sauce .\" What is the definition of \"fishcake\"?"} {"term": "after", "pos": "", "context": "this was the first intimation of his `` human comedy , ' which was so daringly undertaken and so nearly completed in his after years .", "definition": "later", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this was the first intimation of his `` human comedy , ' which was so daringly undertaken and so nearly completed in his after years .\" What is the definition of \"after\"?"} {"term": "after", "pos": "", "context": "my mother died soon after and left me the house , which is where i run my business from and make a small living .", "definition": "during the period of time following ( an event )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my mother died soon after and left me the house , which is where i run my business from and make a small living .\" What is the definition of \"after\"?"} {"term": "atrophy", "pos": "", "context": "as the body ages , muscles begin to atrophy , slowly being replaced by fat .", "definition": "( of body tissue or an organ ) waste away , especially as a result of the degeneration of cells , or become vestigial during evolution", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as the body ages , muscles begin to atrophy , slowly being replaced by fat .\" What is the definition of \"atrophy\"?"} {"term": "explode", "pos": "", "context": "their project explores how we should respond to the fact the modern city has exploded in size from the manageable to the unimaginable .", "definition": "increase suddenly in size , number , or extent", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their project explores how we should respond to the fact the modern city has exploded in size from the manageable to the unimaginable .\" What is the definition of \"explode\"?"} {"term": "amends", "pos": "", "context": "‘ when someone genuinely apologizes and makes amends , most canadians will forgive them , ’ stowe said .", "definition": "compensate or make up for a wrongdoing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ when someone genuinely apologizes and makes amends , most canadians will forgive them , ’ stowe said .\" What is the definition of \"amends\"?"} {"term": "antenna", "pos": "", "context": "the subliminal message would have registered on the sensitive antennae of bible belt america , while agnostics would have noticed nothing .", "definition": "the faculty of instinctively detecting and interpreting subtle signs", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the subliminal message would have registered on the sensitive antennae of bible belt america , while agnostics would have noticed nothing .\" What is the definition of \"antenna\"?"} {"term": "charismatic", "pos": "", "context": "the other day i received an email asking me how i would differentiate between evangelicals , fundamentalists , and charismatic christians .", "definition": "relating to the charismatic movement in the christian church .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the other day i received an email asking me how i would differentiate between evangelicals , fundamentalists , and charismatic christians .\" What is the definition of \"charismatic\"?"} {"term": "lamb", "pos": "", "context": "ewes that avoided the winter range , wehausen found , lambed a month later than those that did not , and the snows and freezing temperatures took a heavy toll on lambs forced to overwinter on the mountaintops .", "definition": "( of a ewe ) give birth to lambs", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ewes that avoided the winter range , wehausen found , lambed a month later than those that did not , and the snows and freezing temperatures took a heavy toll on lambs forced to overwinter on the mountaintops .\" What is the definition of \"lamb\"?"} {"term": "orthoptera", "pos": "", "context": "the polymorphism is common in many insect groups , most notably the hemiptera / homoptera ( waterstriders , planthoppers and aphids ) , coleoptera and , orthoptera ( crickets and grasshoppers ) .", "definition": "an order of insects that comprises the grasshoppers , crickets , and their relatives . they have a saddle-shaped thorax , hind legs that are typically long and modified for jumping , and a characteristic song which the male produces by stridulation .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the polymorphism is common in many insect groups , most notably the hemiptera / homoptera ( waterstriders , planthoppers and aphids ) , coleoptera and , orthoptera ( crickets and grasshoppers ) .\" What is the definition of \"orthoptera\"?"} {"term": "hexagonal", "pos": "", "context": "these quartz crystals from cumberland appear to possess normal hexagonal symmetry .", "definition": "of or denoting a crystal system or three-dimensional geometrical arrangement having three axes of equal length separated by 60° and a fourth axis of a different length at right angles to these", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these quartz crystals from cumberland appear to possess normal hexagonal symmetry .\" What is the definition of \"hexagonal\"?"} {"term": "fascism", "pos": "", "context": "i joined the communist party because i saw they really were fighting fascism at home and abroad .", "definition": "an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i joined the communist party because i saw they really were fighting fascism at home and abroad .\" What is the definition of \"fascism\"?"} {"term": "meter", "pos": "", "context": "this new technology will enable residents to keep a check on their own electricity and water consumption and act as a record for the meter readings .", "definition": "a device that measures and records the quantity , degree , or rate of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this new technology will enable residents to keep a check on their own electricity and water consumption and act as a record for the meter readings .\" What is the definition of \"meter\"?"} {"term": "axle", "pos": "", "context": "historians believe the sport 's origins date to european celtics who would toss chariot wheels attached to axles .", "definition": "a rod or spindle ( either fixed or rotating ) passing through the centre of a wheel or group of wheels", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"historians believe the sport 's origins date to european celtics who would toss chariot wheels attached to axles .\" What is the definition of \"axle\"?"} {"term": "prospective", "pos": "", "context": "well one of the approaches that we 're doing now is trying to do prospective mapping .", "definition": "likely to happen at a future date", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"well one of the approaches that we 're doing now is trying to do prospective mapping .\" What is the definition of \"prospective\"?"} {"term": "gravel", "pos": "", "context": "the most difficult questions in the cabinet never gravelled him ; the most novel situations could not bewilder his clear judgment .", "definition": "confuse or puzzle ( someone )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the most difficult questions in the cabinet never gravelled him ; the most novel situations could not bewilder his clear judgment .\" What is the definition of \"gravel\"?"} {"term": "sign", "pos": "", "context": "there was still no sign of any police ten minutes after i phoned them so i made a decision .", "definition": "used to indicate that someone or something is not where they should be or are expected to be", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was still no sign of any police ten minutes after i phoned them so i made a decision .\" What is the definition of \"sign\"?"} {"term": "sign", "pos": "", "context": "they signed two new pitchers for the next season", "definition": "engage by written agreement", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they signed two new pitchers for the next season\" What is the definition of \"sign\"?"} {"term": "sign", "pos": "", "context": "many marginalists use non-verbal codes - private signs and symbols recognised only by them .", "definition": "a word or gesture given according to prior arrangement as a means of identification ; a password .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"many marginalists use non-verbal codes - private signs and symbols recognised only by them .\" What is the definition of \"sign\"?"} {"term": "appoint", "pos": "", "context": "a beautifully appointed house", "definition": "furnish", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a beautifully appointed house\" What is the definition of \"appoint\"?"} {"term": "appoint", "pos": "", "context": "in my view this document carries greater weight than others cited in the inquiry , for example the tithe maps because it discharged an express obligation to set out and appoint roads .", "definition": "determine or decide on ( a time or a place )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in my view this document carries greater weight than others cited in the inquiry , for example the tithe maps because it discharged an express obligation to set out and appoint roads .\" What is the definition of \"appoint\"?"} {"term": "valency", "pos": "", "context": "the purpose of this paper is to study the factors involved in the changing valency of the reflexes of abhorrere / abhorrescere in castilian , ie aborrir ~ aburrir and aborre cer .", "definition": "the number of grammatical elements with which a particular word , especially a verb , combines in a sentence", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the purpose of this paper is to study the factors involved in the changing valency of the reflexes of abhorrere / abhorrescere in castilian , ie aborrir ~ aburrir and aborre cer .\" What is the definition of \"valency\"?"} {"term": "refund", "pos": "", "context": "in keeping with festival policy , their entrance fees were not refunded .", "definition": "pay back ( money ) , typically to a customer who is not satisfied with goods or services bought", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in keeping with festival policy , their entrance fees were not refunded .\" What is the definition of \"refund\"?"} {"term": "refund", "pos": "", "context": "please refund me my money", "definition": "pay back", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"please refund me my money\" What is the definition of \"refund\"?"} {"term": "ascomycete", "pos": "", "context": "most ascomycetes have only two different mating types , as opposed to certain other fungi , in which many more mating types exist .", "definition": "a fungus whose spores develop within asci ( cylindrical sacs ) . they include most moulds , mildews , and yeasts , the fungal component of most lichens , and a few large forms such as morels and truffles .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"most ascomycetes have only two different mating types , as opposed to certain other fungi , in which many more mating types exist .\" What is the definition of \"ascomycete\"?"} {"term": "defensiveness", "pos": "", "context": "let 's remember that it is promoters of war who have claimed that defensiveness makes a war justified .", "definition": "behaviour intended to defend or protect", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"let 's remember that it is promoters of war who have claimed that defensiveness makes a war justified .\" What is the definition of \"defensiveness\"?"} {"term": "victimizer", "pos": "", "context": "i thought we were partners , not victim and victimizer", "definition": "a person who victimizes others", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i thought we were partners , not victim and victimizer\" What is the definition of \"victimizer\"?"} {"term": "spunky", "pos": "", "context": "me and a friend were kind of flirting with a group of guys from across the room… very spunky guys .", "definition": "sexually attractive", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"me and a friend were kind of flirting with a group of guys from across the room… very spunky guys .\" What is the definition of \"spunky\"?"} {"term": "veil", "pos": "", "context": "the decorative , formal and iconographical nature of the artworks veil the confused personal tensions always present in relationships .", "definition": "cover with or as if with a veil", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the decorative , formal and iconographical nature of the artworks veil the confused personal tensions always present in relationships .\" What is the definition of \"veil\"?"} {"term": "chrysolite", "pos": "", "context": "through its association with venus , taurus has affinity with copper , marcasite , alabaster , lapis lazuli and chrysolite .", "definition": "a yellowish-green or brownish variety of olivine , used as a gemstone .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"through its association with venus , taurus has affinity with copper , marcasite , alabaster , lapis lazuli and chrysolite .\" What is the definition of \"chrysolite\"?"} {"term": "dower", "pos": "", "context": "muslim women need to be educated about their right to dower , which is a unique characteristics of muslim society .", "definition": "give a dowry to", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"muslim women need to be educated about their right to dower , which is a unique characteristics of muslim society .\" What is the definition of \"dower\"?"} {"term": "wader", "pos": "", "context": "our efforts will undoubtedly have been of great benefit to the important populations of wader birds on the islands .", "definition": "a wading bird of the order `` charadriiformes ' , which comprises the sandpipers , plovers , and related birds .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"our efforts will undoubtedly have been of great benefit to the important populations of wader birds on the islands .\" What is the definition of \"wader\"?"} {"term": "mason", "pos": "", "context": "political networking among friendly masons , though influential , was not the only factor at work in this instance .", "definition": "a freemason", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"political networking among friendly masons , though influential , was not the only factor at work in this instance .\" What is the definition of \"mason\"?"} {"term": "aerolite", "pos": "", "context": "a fireball , which is usually seen to accompany the fall of aerolites , was not observed in this case .", "definition": "a meteorite made of stone .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fireball , which is usually seen to accompany the fall of aerolites , was not observed in this case .\" What is the definition of \"aerolite\"?"} {"term": "ornamentation", "pos": "", "context": "angkor vat 's new emphasis on ornamentation is seen in the decorative carving of the serpent 's heads and the finely incised headdress of the buddha .", "definition": "decorative elements added to something to enhance its appearance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"angkor vat 's new emphasis on ornamentation is seen in the decorative carving of the serpent 's heads and the finely incised headdress of the buddha .\" What is the definition of \"ornamentation\"?"} {"term": "officer", "pos": "", "context": "the british officer corps was still dominated by the ‘ gentleman ’ and remained essentially a working-class army officered by the upper classes .", "definition": "provide with military officers", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the british officer corps was still dominated by the ‘ gentleman ’ and remained essentially a working-class army officered by the upper classes .\" What is the definition of \"officer\"?"} {"term": "officer", "pos": "", "context": "he is an officer of the court", "definition": "someone who is appointed or elected to an office and who holds a position of trust", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is an officer of the court\" What is the definition of \"officer\"?"} {"term": "net", "pos": "", "context": "net profit", "definition": "remaining after all deductions", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"net profit\" What is the definition of \"net\"?"} {"term": "marginal", "pos": "", "context": "the marginal strip of beach", "definition": "at or constituting a border or edge", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the marginal strip of beach\" What is the definition of \"marginal\"?"} {"term": "marginal", "pos": "", "context": "no longer would elections be decided in a small number of marginal seats - parties would be forced to campaign for every last vote , everywhere .", "definition": "( of a parliamentary or council seat ) held by a small majority and therefore at risk in an election .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"no longer would elections be decided in a small number of marginal seats - parties would be forced to campaign for every last vote , everywhere .\" What is the definition of \"marginal\"?"} {"term": "edit", "pos": "", "context": "there 's no sense in trying to write / edit your text online , on a slow , timed connection .", "definition": "change ( text ) on a computer .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there 's no sense in trying to write / edit your text online , on a slow , timed connection .\" What is the definition of \"edit\"?"} {"term": "shorebird", "pos": "", "context": "rock sandpipers are unusual among shorebirds in that they commonly eat vegetable matter , including seeds , berries , moss , and algae .", "definition": "a wader of the order `` charadriiformes ' , such as a sandpiper .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rock sandpipers are unusual among shorebirds in that they commonly eat vegetable matter , including seeds , berries , moss , and algae .\" What is the definition of \"shorebird\"?"} {"term": "smacker", "pos": "", "context": "meanwhile 40 million smackeroos have poured through the tote , melbourne is awash on plonk and at least two bookies are heading for the international terminal at tullamarine .", "definition": "one dollar .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"meanwhile 40 million smackeroos have poured through the tote , melbourne is awash on plonk and at least two bookies are heading for the international terminal at tullamarine .\" What is the definition of \"smacker\"?"} {"term": "grammar", "pos": "", "context": "nobody uses the grammar of film with more economy and precision .", "definition": "the basic elements of an area of knowledge or skill", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nobody uses the grammar of film with more economy and precision .\" What is the definition of \"grammar\"?"} {"term": "triple", "pos": "", "context": "a claim for treble ( or triple ) damages", "definition": "three times as great or many", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a claim for treble ( or triple ) damages\" What is the definition of \"triple\"?"} {"term": "finial", "pos": "", "context": "worn walls reformed themselves into a series of buttresses and rounded finials , bearded caryatids , zoomorphic statues .", "definition": "a distinctive section or ornament at the apex of a roof , canopy , etc . on a building", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"worn walls reformed themselves into a series of buttresses and rounded finials , bearded caryatids , zoomorphic statues .\" What is the definition of \"finial\"?"} {"term": "leaf", "pos": "", "context": "the ancient olive trees , budding once more and leafing , feel a bit foolish ; how much more absurd is the staff of legends that , stuck in the ground , blossoms .", "definition": "( of a plant , especially a deciduous one in spring ) put out new leaves", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ancient olive trees , budding once more and leafing , feel a bit foolish ; how much more absurd is the staff of legends that , stuck in the ground , blossoms .\" What is the definition of \"leaf\"?"} {"term": "leaf", "pos": "", "context": "leaf through a book", "definition": "turn over pages", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"leaf through a book\" What is the definition of \"leaf\"?"} {"term": "knot", "pos": "", "context": "it would make a big difference if people would just followed simple steps such as putting all rubbish in a black bin bag , which should be knotted to prevent any overspill .", "definition": "fasten with a knot", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it would make a big difference if people would just followed simple steps such as putting all rubbish in a black bin bag , which should be knotted to prevent any overspill .\" What is the definition of \"knot\"?"} {"term": "knot", "pos": "", "context": "a small knot of women listened to his sermon", "definition": "a tight cluster of people or things", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a small knot of women listened to his sermon\" What is the definition of \"knot\"?"} {"term": "knot", "pos": "", "context": "the construction of fishing nets is similar to that of recent years and it is only necessary to master the use of only two knots : the clove-hitch and the sheet-bend .", "definition": "a particular method of making a knot", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the construction of fishing nets is similar to that of recent years and it is only necessary to master the use of only two knots : the clove-hitch and the sheet-bend .\" What is the definition of \"knot\"?"} {"term": "clerk", "pos": "", "context": "jesse was checking out some pies on display when a clerk offered assistance .", "definition": "an assistant in a shop", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"jesse was checking out some pies on display when a clerk offered assistance .\" What is the definition of \"clerk\"?"} {"term": "netherworld", "pos": "", "context": "but as the queen disappeared into the netherworld , she uttered a curse on the stud 's lineage", "definition": "the underworld ; hell", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but as the queen disappeared into the netherworld , she uttered a curse on the stud 's lineage\" What is the definition of \"netherworld\"?"} {"term": "netherworld", "pos": "", "context": "as the dollar completes its inevitable descent into the netherworld of official shenanigans , you and i are left to try and figure out what we can do to protect what we have worked for all of our lives .", "definition": "a hidden or illicit area of activity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as the dollar completes its inevitable descent into the netherworld of official shenanigans , you and i are left to try and figure out what we can do to protect what we have worked for all of our lives .\" What is the definition of \"netherworld\"?"} {"term": "homeboy", "pos": "", "context": "i guess to their fellow homeboys this is hilarious and considered de rigueur , but to the rest of the world they seem clownish .", "definition": "( especially among urban black people ) a member of one 's peer group or gang .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i guess to their fellow homeboys this is hilarious and considered de rigueur , but to the rest of the world they seem clownish .\" What is the definition of \"homeboy\"?"} {"term": "micmac", "pos": "", "context": "the programme will include an excursion to the archives of acadia university ( silas t. rand collection ) , as well as a workshop on silas rand 's legends of the micmac .", "definition": "a member of an american indian people inhabiting the maritime provinces of canada .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the programme will include an excursion to the archives of acadia university ( silas t. rand collection ) , as well as a workshop on silas rand 's legends of the micmac .\" What is the definition of \"micmac\"?"} {"term": "mutiny", "pos": "", "context": "in these two officers ' cases , we do n't see an attempted mutiny nor do we see a direct challenge to the war effort .", "definition": "an open rebellion against the proper authorities , especially by soldiers or sailors against their officers", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in these two officers ' cases , we do n't see an attempted mutiny nor do we see a direct challenge to the war effort .\" What is the definition of \"mutiny\"?"} {"term": "damper", "pos": "", "context": "the crankshaft also has a viscous type torsional vibration damper .", "definition": "a conductor used to reduce oscillation in an electric motor or generator .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the crankshaft also has a viscous type torsional vibration damper .\" What is the definition of \"damper\"?"} {"term": "damper", "pos": "", "context": "rain put a damper on our picnic plans", "definition": "a depressing restraint", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rain put a damper on our picnic plans\" What is the definition of \"damper\"?"} {"term": "mithridate", "pos": "", "context": "then boil them a little and put thereto half an ounce of andromachus-treakle , and three drams of mithridate , and a quarter of a pint of the best angelica water .", "definition": "a medicine believed to be a universal antidote to or preservative against poison and disease", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"then boil them a little and put thereto half an ounce of andromachus-treakle , and three drams of mithridate , and a quarter of a pint of the best angelica water .\" What is the definition of \"mithridate\"?"} {"term": "isobar", "pos": "", "context": "for the heated film , the substantial reversion of the transformed film to the original behavior occurred without any discontinuous change in area or in the slope of the heating isobar .", "definition": "a curve or formula representing a physical system at constant pressure .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for the heated film , the substantial reversion of the transformed film to the original behavior occurred without any discontinuous change in area or in the slope of the heating isobar .\" What is the definition of \"isobar\"?"} {"term": "isobar", "pos": "", "context": "secret meteorological office charts show the alarming swirl of isobars converging in black lines over the channel .", "definition": "a line on a map connecting points having the same atmospheric pressure at a given time or on average over a given period .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"secret meteorological office charts show the alarming swirl of isobars converging in black lines over the channel .\" What is the definition of \"isobar\"?"} {"term": "numeral", "pos": "", "context": "‘ i am afraid of pain in childbirth ’ became a ‘ fear ’ statement , with a numeral rating assigned to represent its intensity .", "definition": "of or denoting a number .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ i am afraid of pain in childbirth ’ became a ‘ fear ’ statement , with a numeral rating assigned to represent its intensity .\" What is the definition of \"numeral\"?"} {"term": "synthetic", "pos": "", "context": "today , nearly a century later , the haber process remains the only economically viable method for producing synthetic nitrogen fertilizer .", "definition": "( of a substance ) made by chemical synthesis , especially to imitate a natural product", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"today , nearly a century later , the haber process remains the only economically viable method for producing synthetic nitrogen fertilizer .\" What is the definition of \"synthetic\"?"} {"term": "one-design", "pos": "", "context": "the laser is one of the world 's most numerous - and , certainly , one of the most strictly-controlled one-design racing craft .", "definition": "a yacht built from a standard design", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the laser is one of the world 's most numerous - and , certainly , one of the most strictly-controlled one-design racing craft .\" What is the definition of \"one-design\"?"} {"term": "outback", "pos": "", "context": "i think it is great that in schools today young children are taught about different cultures and religions , even here in the outbacks in scotland 's north .", "definition": "any remote or sparsely populated inland region", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i think it is great that in schools today young children are taught about different cultures and religions , even here in the outbacks in scotland 's north .\" What is the definition of \"outback\"?"} {"term": "sock", "pos": "", "context": "so he did what most kids would do ; he punched me in the eye , socked me in the stomach and stole my money .", "definition": "hit forcefully", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so he did what most kids would do ; he punched me in the eye , socked me in the stomach and stole my money .\" What is the definition of \"sock\"?"} {"term": "spica", "pos": "", "context": "as a basic rule , in a patient with a clinically suspected scaphoid fracture but negative initial radiographs , it is reasonable to apply a short arm thumb spica and re-evaluate the patient in two weeks .", "definition": "a bandage folded into a spiral arrangement resembling an ear of wheat or barley .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as a basic rule , in a patient with a clinically suspected scaphoid fracture but negative initial radiographs , it is reasonable to apply a short arm thumb spica and re-evaluate the patient in two weeks .\" What is the definition of \"spica\"?"} {"term": "depute", "pos": "", "context": "when he became a depute head in the city 's castlemilk district he was eager to take the idea further and received backing from his headteacher , only to be shouted down by other teachers .", "definition": "a person appointed to act in an official capacity or as a representative of another official", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when he became a depute head in the city 's castlemilk district he was eager to take the idea further and received backing from his headteacher , only to be shouted down by other teachers .\" What is the definition of \"depute\"?"} {"term": "glacial", "pos": "", "context": "when the glaciers melted and receded , the copper and rock were dropped from the ice sheets and became part of the glacial deposits .", "definition": "relating to or denoting the presence or agency of ice , especially in the form of glaciers", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when the glaciers melted and receded , the copper and rock were dropped from the ice sheets and became part of the glacial deposits .\" What is the definition of \"glacial\"?"} {"term": "hallow", "pos": "", "context": "in his call of the horned piper , nigel jackson gives a simple sort of ‘ eucharist ’ consecration for hallowing bread and some milk or ale to the fey .", "definition": "make holy ; consecrate", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in his call of the horned piper , nigel jackson gives a simple sort of ‘ eucharist ’ consecration for hallowing bread and some milk or ale to the fey .\" What is the definition of \"hallow\"?"} {"term": "almighty", "pos": "", "context": "we were playing outside in the garden this afternoon when there was an almighty roar in the sky .", "definition": "very great ; enormous", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we were playing outside in the garden this afternoon when there was an almighty roar in the sky .\" What is the definition of \"almighty\"?"} {"term": "backland", "pos": "", "context": "they argued that all future development would be carried out in backland areas to further reinforce the existing main street of the town and to prevent ribbon development .", "definition": "land behind an area which is built on or otherwise developed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they argued that all future development would be carried out in backland areas to further reinforce the existing main street of the town and to prevent ribbon development .\" What is the definition of \"backland\"?"} {"term": "hard", "pos": "", "context": "held hard to the railing", "definition": "with firmness", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"held hard to the railing\" What is the definition of \"hard\"?"} {"term": "hard", "pos": "", "context": "i would think you 'd need hard radiation to initiate the cascade , but that the decay product would be softer .", "definition": "( of radiation ) highly penetrating .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i would think you 'd need hard radiation to initiate the cascade , but that the decay product would be softer .\" What is the definition of \"hard\"?"} {"term": "hard", "pos": "", "context": "it then made several very long hard runs forcing me to give line and then play it back .", "definition": "done with a great deal of force or strength", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it then made several very long hard runs forcing me to give line and then play it back .\" What is the definition of \"hard\"?"} {"term": "hard", "pos": "", "context": "they say the crows nested twice this year as there will be no food to feed the young next spring due to the hard weather .", "definition": "( of a season or the weather ) severe", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they say the crows nested twice this year as there will be no food to feed the young next spring due to the hard weather .\" What is the definition of \"hard\"?"} {"term": "progress", "pos": "", "context": "he listened for the progress of the troops", "definition": "a movement forward", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he listened for the progress of the troops\" What is the definition of \"progress\"?"} {"term": "glitch", "pos": "", "context": "he plays his pirated cassette of the score , with its glitches and sudden stops , over and over again .", "definition": "a sudden , usually temporary malfunction or fault of equipment", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he plays his pirated cassette of the score , with its glitches and sudden stops , over and over again .\" What is the definition of \"glitch\"?"} {"term": "glitch", "pos": "", "context": "i was the unexpected glitch in everyone 's plan .", "definition": "an unexpected setback", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i was the unexpected glitch in everyone 's plan .\" What is the definition of \"glitch\"?"} {"term": "braille", "pos": "", "context": "both of the references to language , in braille and phonetic code , are veiled in such a way that language does n't become the vehicle through which you arrive at a certain set of information .", "definition": "a form of written language for blind people , in which characters are represented by patterns of raised dots that are felt with the fingertips", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"both of the references to language , in braille and phonetic code , are veiled in such a way that language does n't become the vehicle through which you arrive at a certain set of information .\" What is the definition of \"braille\"?"} {"term": "hemerocallis", "pos": "", "context": "dark plums marry with purple sedum and rich pink hemerocallis along one border .", "definition": "a plant of a genus that comprises the day lilies .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dark plums marry with purple sedum and rich pink hemerocallis along one border .\" What is the definition of \"hemerocallis\"?"} {"term": "veiling", "pos": "", "context": "a piece of veiling fell across her face , and she brushed it away with an impatient hand .", "definition": "a light gauzy fabric used for veils", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a piece of veiling fell across her face , and she brushed it away with an impatient hand .\" What is the definition of \"veiling\"?"} {"term": "sound", "pos": "", "context": "a man of sound character", "definition": "free from moral defect", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a man of sound character\" What is the definition of \"sound\"?"} {"term": "sound", "pos": "", "context": "a sound argument", "definition": "logically valid", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sound argument\" What is the definition of \"sound\"?"} {"term": "sound", "pos": "", "context": "when it comes to the traditional sounds of country music , johnny loughrey continues to set the pace .", "definition": "popular music", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when it comes to the traditional sounds of country music , johnny loughrey continues to set the pace .\" What is the definition of \"sound\"?"} {"term": "sound", "pos": "", "context": "seven months ago , joe awoke from a sound sleep with an awful pain in his big toe .", "definition": "( of sleep ) deep and undisturbed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"seven months ago , joe awoke from a sound sleep with an awful pain in his big toe .\" What is the definition of \"sound\"?"} {"term": "sound", "pos": "", "context": "indeed , you can find some marvellous fishing within sight and sound of copenhagen airport itself .", "definition": "the area or distance within which something can be heard", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"indeed , you can find some marvellous fishing within sight and sound of copenhagen airport itself .\" What is the definition of \"sound\"?"} {"term": "sound", "pos": "", "context": "the true , strong and sound mind is the mind that can embrace equally great things and small .", "definition": "in good condition ; not damaged , injured , or diseased", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the true , strong and sound mind is the mind that can embrace equally great things and small .\" What is the definition of \"sound\"?"} {"term": "pentathlon", "pos": "", "context": "american indian athlete jim thorpe was the most outstanding , winning the track & field , pentathlon and decathlon .", "definition": "an athletic event comprising five different events for each competitor , in particular ( also modern pentathlon ) an event involving fencing , shooting , swimming , riding , and cross-country running .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"american indian athlete jim thorpe was the most outstanding , winning the track & field , pentathlon and decathlon .\" What is the definition of \"pentathlon\"?"} {"term": "brute", "pos": "", "context": "the public would view the woman 's affair as a sad , desperate attempt to gain some comfort in the hellish life her brute of a husband had imposed on her .", "definition": "a cruel or insensitive person", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the public would view the woman 's affair as a sad , desperate attempt to gain some comfort in the hellish life her brute of a husband had imposed on her .\" What is the definition of \"brute\"?"} {"term": "unlock", "pos": "", "context": "i see my desktop once when i unlock my pc in the morning and again when i lock/shutdown at night .", "definition": "use a password or other form of authentication to access the full functionality or data of ( a computer , mobile phone , file , etc . )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i see my desktop once when i unlock my pc in the morning and again when i lock/shutdown at night .\" What is the definition of \"unlock\"?"} {"term": "train", "pos": "", "context": "she is training to be a teacher", "definition": "undergo training or instruction in preparation for a particular role , function , or profession", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she is training to be a teacher\" What is the definition of \"train\"?"} {"term": "disaster", "pos": "", "context": "unfortunately , data disasters are more likely to occur on systems relying on older or used hardware .", "definition": "an event or fact that has unfortunate consequences", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unfortunately , data disasters are more likely to occur on systems relying on older or used hardware .\" What is the definition of \"disaster\"?"} {"term": "stub", "pos": "", "context": "stub out your cigarette now", "definition": "extinguish by crushing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stub out your cigarette now\" What is the definition of \"stub\"?"} {"term": "stub", "pos": "", "context": "are there any others out there who find comfort in the stub of pencil on a string and other mildly eccentric aspects of elections past ?", "definition": "the truncated remnant of a pencil , cigarette , or similar-shaped object after use", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"are there any others out there who find comfort in the stub of pencil on a string and other mildly eccentric aspects of elections past ?\" What is the definition of \"stub\"?"} {"term": "digger", "pos": "", "context": "it was their principle , however , to preserve property , and not ‘ level men 's estates ’ ; here they differed from the self-styled true levellers , or diggers .", "definition": "a member of a group of radical dissenters formed in england in 1649 as an offshoot of the levellers , believing in a form of agrarian communism in which common land would be made available to the poor .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was their principle , however , to preserve property , and not ‘ level men 's estates ’ ; here they differed from the self-styled true levellers , or diggers .\" What is the definition of \"digger\"?"} {"term": "ancestress", "pos": "", "context": "once upon a time , my ancestresses knelt in great forests alone or with sisters of their kind .", "definition": "a woman , typically one more remote than a grandparent , from whom one is descended .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"once upon a time , my ancestresses knelt in great forests alone or with sisters of their kind .\" What is the definition of \"ancestress\"?"} {"term": "imagination", "pos": "", "context": "here , though , the great man 's imagination had failed him .", "definition": "the faculty or action of forming new ideas , or images or concepts of external objects not present to the senses", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"here , though , the great man 's imagination had failed him .\" What is the definition of \"imagination\"?"} {"term": "premise", "pos": "", "context": "the problem is that the argument is premised on a falsehood .", "definition": "base an argument , theory , or undertaking on", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the problem is that the argument is premised on a falsehood .\" What is the definition of \"premise\"?"} {"term": "premise", "pos": "", "context": "in several obvious ways , the way john represented his interest premises the idea that fans are consumerists .", "definition": "state or presuppose ( something ) as a premise", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in several obvious ways , the way john represented his interest premises the idea that fans are consumerists .\" What is the definition of \"premise\"?"} {"term": "motive", "pos": "", "context": "they sought to uncover the motive force of the class struggle - the key to the real understanding of all history .", "definition": "causing or being the reason for something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they sought to uncover the motive force of the class struggle - the key to the real understanding of all history .\" What is the definition of \"motive\"?"} {"term": "boot", "pos": "", "context": "are they going to boot him out of office if he does n't march in step ?", "definition": "force someone to leave a place or job unceremoniously", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"are they going to boot him out of office if he does n't march in step ?\" What is the definition of \"boot\"?"} {"term": "daybed", "pos": "", "context": "if junior had a single bed , this might be the time to replace it with a fold out sofa , futon sofa , or daybed .", "definition": "a couch that can be made up into a bed .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if junior had a single bed , this might be the time to replace it with a fold out sofa , futon sofa , or daybed .\" What is the definition of \"daybed\"?"} {"term": "blow", "pos": "", "context": "blow one 's nose", "definition": "free of obstruction by blowing air through", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"blow one 's nose\" What is the definition of \"blow\"?"} {"term": "blow", "pos": "", "context": "it 's only a matter of time before these guys blow , so see them while you still can .", "definition": "leave", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's only a matter of time before these guys blow , so see them while you still can .\" What is the definition of \"blow\"?"} {"term": "blow", "pos": "", "context": "he gave his nose a loud blow", "definition": "forceful exhalation through the nose or mouth", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he gave his nose a loud blow\" What is the definition of \"blow\"?"} {"term": "cure", "pos": "", "context": "the treatment cured the boy 's acne", "definition": "provide a cure for , make healthy again", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the treatment cured the boy 's acne\" What is the definition of \"cure\"?"} {"term": "cure", "pos": "", "context": "if the tumor has already metastasized before local therapy is administered , cure is impossible .", "definition": "restoration to health", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if the tumor has already metastasized before local therapy is administered , cure is impossible .\" What is the definition of \"cure\"?"} {"term": "cure", "pos": "", "context": "the apricots cure in the sun", "definition": "be or become preserved", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the apricots cure in the sun\" What is the definition of \"cure\"?"} {"term": "diagnostic", "pos": "", "context": "so schools and individuals who want and need to learn more about computer repair and diagnostics but who do n't want a heavily structured class will find it an excellent learning tool .", "definition": "a program or routine that helps a user to identify errors .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so schools and individuals who want and need to learn more about computer repair and diagnostics but who do n't want a heavily structured class will find it an excellent learning tool .\" What is the definition of \"diagnostic\"?"} {"term": "incident", "pos": "", "context": "it is true if and only if the first argument is incident to the second .", "definition": "liable to happen because of ; resulting from", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is true if and only if the first argument is incident to the second .\" What is the definition of \"incident\"?"} {"term": "incident", "pos": "", "context": "the police investigated an incident at the bus station", "definition": "a public disturbance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the police investigated an incident at the bus station\" What is the definition of \"incident\"?"} {"term": "euro-mp", "pos": "", "context": "a yorkshire euro-mp has claimed bradford council has done nothing for saltaire village since it won world heritage status a year ago .", "definition": "a member of the european parliament", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a yorkshire euro-mp has claimed bradford council has done nothing for saltaire village since it won world heritage status a year ago .\" What is the definition of \"euro-mp\"?"} {"term": "materiality", "pos": "", "context": "it is the materiality of the film stock that situates an indexical link with the past .", "definition": "the quality of being composed of matter", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is the materiality of the film stock that situates an indexical link with the past .\" What is the definition of \"materiality\"?"} {"term": "cluster", "pos": "", "context": "in the centers of these molecular clusters , called micelles , the molecular chains are packed together densely .", "definition": "a group of atoms of the same element , typically a metal , bonded closely together in a molecule", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the centers of these molecular clusters , called micelles , the molecular chains are packed together densely .\" What is the definition of \"cluster\"?"} {"term": "recognition", "pos": "", "context": "he deserves official recognition for his work here .", "definition": "appreciation or acclaim for an achievement , service , or ability", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he deserves official recognition for his work here .\" What is the definition of \"recognition\"?"} {"term": "dubbin", "pos": "", "context": "perhaps they could play a board game or sing songs around a piano while mother gets the tin bath ready in front of the fire for bathtime while father smokes a pipe and dubbins his boots .", "definition": "apply dubbin to ( leather )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"perhaps they could play a board game or sing songs around a piano while mother gets the tin bath ready in front of the fire for bathtime while father smokes a pipe and dubbins his boots .\" What is the definition of \"dubbin\"?"} {"term": "anagram", "pos": "", "context": "the author wrote under the pseudonym sera n. noosbig , an anagram of his name , because the article would be better received that way , burkholder said .", "definition": "a word , phrase , or name formed by rearranging the letters of another , such as spar , formed from rasp .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the author wrote under the pseudonym sera n. noosbig , an anagram of his name , because the article would be better received that way , burkholder said .\" What is the definition of \"anagram\"?"} {"term": "stun", "pos": "", "context": "many animals are not properly stunned as they are pushed through the slaughterhouse as quickly as possible .", "definition": "knock unconscious or into a semi-conscious state", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"many animals are not properly stunned as they are pushed through the slaughterhouse as quickly as possible .\" What is the definition of \"stun\"?"} {"term": "lab", "pos": "", "context": "i bought this black lab for my five year old granddaughter .", "definition": "a labrador dog .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i bought this black lab for my five year old granddaughter .\" What is the definition of \"lab\"?"} {"term": "capitalization", "pos": "", "context": "its capitalization is minuscule , maybe about $ 20 billion to $ 30 billion .", "definition": "the provision of capital for a company , or the conversion of income or assets into capital .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"its capitalization is minuscule , maybe about $ 20 billion to $ 30 billion .\" What is the definition of \"capitalization\"?"} {"term": "gab", "pos": "", "context": "montgomery 's been in some superb bands and put out some solid solo records in the us , and i once had a nice long backyard gab with him about music over a keg .", "definition": "talk ; chatter", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"montgomery 's been in some superb bands and put out some solid solo records in the us , and i once had a nice long backyard gab with him about music over a keg .\" What is the definition of \"gab\"?"} {"term": "erotica", "pos": "", "context": "this shows that a conceptual distinction between pornography and erotica is both meaningful and operational .", "definition": "erotic literature or art .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this shows that a conceptual distinction between pornography and erotica is both meaningful and operational .\" What is the definition of \"erotica\"?"} {"term": "disposition", "pos": "", "context": "have you ever noticed how , whenever you are reminded of this special event , your disposition changes ?", "definition": "a person 's inherent qualities of mind and character", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"have you ever noticed how , whenever you are reminded of this special event , your disposition changes ?\" What is the definition of \"disposition\"?"} {"term": "twist", "pos": "", "context": "however , the ending is rewarding with a surprise twist… a lemon twist .", "definition": "a curled piece of lemon peel used to flavour a drink", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"however , the ending is rewarding with a surprise twist… a lemon twist .\" What is the definition of \"twist\"?"} {"term": "twist", "pos": "", "context": "they lived in yearman , in southern ohio , until they had nothing to barter and could n't get credit for a twist of tobacco .", "definition": "a small quantity of tobacco , sugar , salt , or a similar substance , wrapped in such a packet", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they lived in yearman , in southern ohio , until they had nothing to barter and could n't get credit for a twist of tobacco .\" What is the definition of \"twist\"?"} {"term": "twist", "pos": "", "context": "to stabilize a buttonhole , cord it with buttonhole twist , gimp or elastic thread .", "definition": "a fine strong thread consisting of twisted strands of cotton or silk .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to stabilize a buttonhole , cord it with buttonhole twist , gimp or elastic thread .\" What is the definition of \"twist\"?"} {"term": "twist", "pos": "", "context": "with remainder of yarn , twist a cord or crochet a chain cord .", "definition": "make ( something ) by interlacing or winding strands together", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with remainder of yarn , twist a cord or crochet a chain cord .\" What is the definition of \"twist\"?"} {"term": "springy", "pos": "", "context": "he walked away with a springy step", "definition": "( of movements ) light and confidently active", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he walked away with a springy step\" What is the definition of \"springy\"?"} {"term": "gut", "pos": "", "context": "but of course to anyone listening to that conversation you would think she was commenting on my ( sadly increasing ) gut or on my gluttony .", "definition": "a fat stomach .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but of course to anyone listening to that conversation you would think she was commenting on my ( sadly increasing ) gut or on my gluttony .\" What is the definition of \"gut\"?"} {"term": "gut", "pos": "", "context": "plus , he is an absolute misery guts with no apparent sense of humour .", "definition": "used to form names attributing negative characteristics to people", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"plus , he is an absolute misery guts with no apparent sense of humour .\" What is the definition of \"gut\"?"} {"term": "fudge", "pos": "", "context": "the government , which often fudges numbers , does n't want you to know the truth , just as your parents shielded you from many of life 's unpleasantries .", "definition": "adjust or manipulate ( facts or figures ) so as to present a desired picture", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the government , which often fudges numbers , does n't want you to know the truth , just as your parents shielded you from many of life 's unpleasantries .\" What is the definition of \"fudge\"?"} {"term": "fudge", "pos": "", "context": "if you look at the way science fiction writers deal with this - well , most of them just fudge the whole issue .", "definition": "present or deal with ( something ) in a vague or inadequate way , especially so as to conceal the truth or mislead", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if you look at the way science fiction writers deal with this - well , most of them just fudge the whole issue .\" What is the definition of \"fudge\"?"} {"term": "fudge", "pos": "", "context": "that the appalling york racecourse firework displays may be forced to end at 10 pm is a fudge by the leisure department .", "definition": "an attempt to fudge an issue", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that the appalling york racecourse firework displays may be forced to end at 10 pm is a fudge by the leisure department .\" What is the definition of \"fudge\"?"} {"term": "underlay", "pos": "", "context": "underlay the boards with joists", "definition": "provide with a base , support , lining , or backing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"underlay the boards with joists\" What is the definition of \"underlay\"?"} {"term": "overstuff", "pos": "", "context": "the walls were still brick , but she had brought in an overstuffed couch and glass coffee table for furniture and placed plants and a very nice book case in the corner .", "definition": "cover ( furniture ) completely with upholstery", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the walls were still brick , but she had brought in an overstuffed couch and glass coffee table for furniture and placed plants and a very nice book case in the corner .\" What is the definition of \"overstuff\"?"} {"term": "submerse", "pos": "", "context": "similarly , effects of submersed aquatic plants on egg distribution and movement have clear counterparts in the dynamics of seeds , where plants can trap seeds as well as influence their germination success .", "definition": "denoting or characteristic of a plant growing entirely under water", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"similarly , effects of submersed aquatic plants on egg distribution and movement have clear counterparts in the dynamics of seeds , where plants can trap seeds as well as influence their germination success .\" What is the definition of \"submerse\"?"} {"term": "rickrack", "pos": "", "context": "decorate the basket with craft paint or rickrack , as pictured here .", "definition": "braided trimming in a zigzag pattern , used as decoration on clothes", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"decorate the basket with craft paint or rickrack , as pictured here .\" What is the definition of \"rickrack\"?"} {"term": "epidemic", "pos": "", "context": "so , you might not be aware there 's a problem unless a virus epidemic occurs .", "definition": "a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so , you might not be aware there 's a problem unless a virus epidemic occurs .\" What is the definition of \"epidemic\"?"} {"term": "templar", "pos": "", "context": "when i was a young man , i was a templar - that is , a knight employed by the church .", "definition": "a member of the knights templar .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when i was a young man , i was a templar - that is , a knight employed by the church .\" What is the definition of \"templar\"?"} {"term": "jubilate", "pos": "", "context": "the opening jubilate made for a rousing start , though there were some uncertainties of pitch in the orchestra which made for a certain jitteriness at times .", "definition": "a musical setting of the jubilate .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the opening jubilate made for a rousing start , though there were some uncertainties of pitch in the orchestra which made for a certain jitteriness at times .\" What is the definition of \"jubilate\"?"} {"term": "shotgun", "pos": "", "context": "all companies want to up-sell and cross-sell current customers , but most take a shotgun approach .", "definition": "aimed at a wide range of things ; having no specific target", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all companies want to up-sell and cross-sell current customers , but most take a shotgun approach .\" What is the definition of \"shotgun\"?"} {"term": "round", "pos": "", "context": "eventually conan wrestled clarence to the ground and boxed him round the ears , making clarence 's head swim .", "definition": "so as to hit ( something ) in passing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"eventually conan wrestled clarence to the ground and boxed him round the ears , making clarence 's head swim .\" What is the definition of \"round\"?"} {"term": "round", "pos": "", "context": "i found myself in the garden of the farm-house , an orchard in the centre and flowerbeds all round .", "definition": "so as to surround someone or something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i found myself in the garden of the farm-house , an orchard in the centre and flowerbeds all round .\" What is the definition of \"round\"?"} {"term": "round", "pos": "", "context": "his output under his own name reached a round 200 novels .", "definition": "used to show that a figure has been completely and exactly reached", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his output under his own name reached a round 200 novels .\" What is the definition of \"round\"?"} {"term": "round", "pos": "", "context": "an old man with white hair came waddling out of the cottage , followed by a plump , round woman with rosy cheeks .", "definition": "( of a person 's body ) plump", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an old man with white hair came waddling out of the cottage , followed by a plump , round woman with rosy cheeks .\" What is the definition of \"round\"?"} {"term": "round", "pos": "", "context": "he ordered a second round", "definition": "a serving to each of a group ( usually alcoholic )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he ordered a second round\" What is the definition of \"round\"?"} {"term": "round", "pos": "", "context": "another group of policemen round a corner to find a car alarm blaring and a window smashed , with the cause of the mayhem nowhere to be found .", "definition": "pass and go round ( something ) so as to move on in a changed direction", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"another group of policemen round a corner to find a car alarm blaring and a window smashed , with the cause of the mayhem nowhere to be found .\" What is the definition of \"round\"?"} {"term": "round", "pos": "", "context": "do you know your way round yet ?", "definition": "used to convey an ability to navigate or orientate oneself", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"do you know your way round yet ?\" What is the definition of \"round\"?"} {"term": "age", "pos": "", "context": "she was now of school age", "definition": "a time of life ( usually defined in years ) at which some particular qualification or power arises", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was now of school age\" What is the definition of \"age\"?"} {"term": "age", "pos": "", "context": "the bulk of the sediments on the outer margin are of eocene to oligocene age with thin units of younger sediments on top .", "definition": "a division of time that is a subdivision of an epoch , corresponding to a stage in chronostratigraphy .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the bulk of the sediments on the outer margin are of eocene to oligocene age with thin units of younger sediments on top .\" What is the definition of \"age\"?"} {"term": "medico", "pos": "", "context": "we medicos spend so much time dealing with the ‘ down ’ side of life , that it is easy to forget the ‘ up ’ side .", "definition": "a medical practitioner or student .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we medicos spend so much time dealing with the ‘ down ’ side of life , that it is easy to forget the ‘ up ’ side .\" What is the definition of \"medico\"?"} {"term": "dj", "pos": "", "context": "get ready to groove to the techno and house beats spun by the sullivan room 's djs .", "definition": "a person who plays recorded dance music at a club or party", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"get ready to groove to the techno and house beats spun by the sullivan room 's djs .\" What is the definition of \"dj\"?"} {"term": "weld", "pos": "", "context": "they are getting a better understanding of the fundamentals of the process , such as the appropriate control parameters for good welds .", "definition": "a welded joint .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they are getting a better understanding of the fundamentals of the process , such as the appropriate control parameters for good welds .\" What is the definition of \"weld\"?"} {"term": "rally", "pos": "", "context": "he singled to start a rally in the 9th inning", "definition": "the feat of mustering strength for a renewed effort", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he singled to start a rally in the 9th inning\" What is the definition of \"rally\"?"} {"term": "rev", "pos": "", "context": "we were all nearly asleep when i heard the rev of a motor , the squeal of wheels .", "definition": "an act of increasing the speed of revolution of a vehicle 's engine by pressing the accelerator", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we were all nearly asleep when i heard the rev of a motor , the squeal of wheels .\" What is the definition of \"rev\"?"} {"term": "rev", "pos": "", "context": "but there 's nothing like partisanship to rev up the faithful , so the president and friends are framing republicans as tools of big business .", "definition": "make or become more active or energetic", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but there 's nothing like partisanship to rev up the faithful , so the president and friends are framing republicans as tools of big business .\" What is the definition of \"rev\"?"} {"term": "originator", "pos": "", "context": "if edison was the originator of the fiction film , they were the fathers of documentary .", "definition": "a person who creates or initiates something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if edison was the originator of the fiction film , they were the fathers of documentary .\" What is the definition of \"originator\"?"} {"term": "carcass", "pos": "", "context": "it is 3am and the only people on the streets are bloodstained meat porters lugging carcasses from cold-storage lorries to the butchers ' aisles .", "definition": "the trunk of an animal such as a cow , sheep , or pig , for cutting up as meat", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is 3am and the only people on the streets are bloodstained meat porters lugging carcasses from cold-storage lorries to the butchers ' aisles .\" What is the definition of \"carcass\"?"} {"term": "choral", "pos": "", "context": "choral composition", "definition": "related to or written for or performed by a chorus or choir", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"choral composition\" What is the definition of \"choral\"?"} {"term": "bracer", "pos": "", "context": "we 've got about ten minutes in the bar for a quick bracer and pit-stops before the others arrive .", "definition": "an alcoholic drink intended to prepare one for something difficult or unpleasant .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we 've got about ten minutes in the bar for a quick bracer and pit-stops before the others arrive .\" What is the definition of \"bracer\"?"} {"term": "cipher", "pos": "", "context": "a second world war code cipher book wo n't help !", "definition": "a key to a code .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a second world war code cipher book wo n't help !\" What is the definition of \"cipher\"?"} {"term": "volley", "pos": "", "context": "he was taking cover behind the ruined console , so he could avoid their first volley of bullets .", "definition": "a number of bullets , arrows , or other projectiles discharged at one time", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was taking cover behind the ruined console , so he could avoid their first volley of bullets .\" What is the definition of \"volley\"?"} {"term": "falcon", "pos": "", "context": "the tribes like to falcon in the desert", "definition": "hunt with falcons", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the tribes like to falcon in the desert\" What is the definition of \"falcon\"?"} {"term": "cross-stitch", "pos": "", "context": "we were given opportunities to ride , knit , crochet , cross-stitch , and weave .", "definition": "sew or embroider using cross-stitch", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we were given opportunities to ride , knit , crochet , cross-stitch , and weave .\" What is the definition of \"cross-stitch\"?"} {"term": "leash", "pos": "", "context": "if you time-travelled any one of ghengis khan 's myriad falconers into a modern hawking set-up he 'd be more than familiar with the leashes , jesses and other falconry ‘ furniture ’ still used .", "definition": "a thong or string attached to the jesses of a hawk , used for tying it to a perch or a creance .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if you time-travelled any one of ghengis khan 's myriad falconers into a modern hawking set-up he 'd be more than familiar with the leashes , jesses and other falconry ‘ furniture ’ still used .\" What is the definition of \"leash\"?"} {"term": "biomarker", "pos": "", "context": "plasma concentration of homocysteine is a good biomarker for folate deficiency .", "definition": "a naturally occurring molecule , gene , or characteristic by which a particular pathological or physiological process , disease , etc . can be identified .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"plasma concentration of homocysteine is a good biomarker for folate deficiency .\" What is the definition of \"biomarker\"?"} {"term": "madam", "pos": "", "context": "i tried to talk to my mother , she saw it only as my trying to move back to london to live with my grandparents and basically told me i was a snotty little madam .", "definition": "a conceited or bossy girl or young woman", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i tried to talk to my mother , she saw it only as my trying to move back to london to live with my grandparents and basically told me i was a snotty little madam .\" What is the definition of \"madam\"?"} {"term": "recede", "pos": "", "context": "the unhappy memories of her childhood receded as she grew older", "definition": "become faint or more distant", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the unhappy memories of her childhood receded as she grew older\" What is the definition of \"recede\"?"} {"term": "assimilate", "pos": "", "context": "this is a man who believes that above all the church must resist the temptation to assimilate to modern secular culture .", "definition": "become similar", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this is a man who believes that above all the church must resist the temptation to assimilate to modern secular culture .\" What is the definition of \"assimilate\"?"} {"term": "plaza", "pos": "", "context": "a good plaza should have a movie house", "definition": "mercantile establishment consisting of a carefully landscaped complex of shops representing leading merchandisers ; usually includes restaurants and a convenient parking area ; a modern version of the traditional marketplace", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a good plaza should have a movie house\" What is the definition of \"plaza\"?"} {"term": "guarantee", "pos": "", "context": "there is no guarantee that they are not lying", "definition": "an unconditional commitment that something will happen or that something is true", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is no guarantee that they are not lying\" What is the definition of \"guarantee\"?"} {"term": "self-image", "pos": "", "context": "the person with a poor self-image may decide that the reason they are not the most popular person in the group is because of the shape of their nose .", "definition": "the idea one has of one 's abilities , appearance , and personality", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the person with a poor self-image may decide that the reason they are not the most popular person in the group is because of the shape of their nose .\" What is the definition of \"self-image\"?"} {"term": "tastemaker", "pos": "", "context": "if that is intended as a riposte to the journalists and tastemakers who think that they have him pigeonholed , it is a spectacular and effective one .", "definition": "a person who decides or influences what is or will become fashionable .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if that is intended as a riposte to the journalists and tastemakers who think that they have him pigeonholed , it is a spectacular and effective one .\" What is the definition of \"tastemaker\"?"} {"term": "chuck", "pos": "", "context": "moving to america , one finds that the category of food known as chuck to cowboys is rich in examples of one-pot dishes .", "definition": "food or provisions .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"moving to america , one finds that the category of food known as chuck to cowboys is rich in examples of one-pot dishes .\" What is the definition of \"chuck\"?"} {"term": "groundsel", "pos": "", "context": "growing among the tufa formations in the marshes are dock , giant red indian paintbrush , groundsel , horsetail , rocky mountain iris , an aquatic speedwell , stinging nettle ( which often surrounds each tower ) , and willow herb .", "definition": "a widely distributed plant of the daisy family , with yellow rayless flowers .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"growing among the tufa formations in the marshes are dock , giant red indian paintbrush , groundsel , horsetail , rocky mountain iris , an aquatic speedwell , stinging nettle ( which often surrounds each tower ) , and willow herb .\" What is the definition of \"groundsel\"?"} {"term": "stiff", "pos": "", "context": "he looks like he 's going to be your typical good looking stiff , but once he gets to talk a bit , he is quite natural and has some comic skills .", "definition": "a boring , conventional person", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he looks like he 's going to be your typical good looking stiff , but once he gets to talk a bit , he is quite natural and has some comic skills .\" What is the definition of \"stiff\"?"} {"term": "stiff", "pos": "", "context": "there 's a whole craft industry based on vehicles for transferring stiffs from the chapel to the boneyard .", "definition": "a dead body .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there 's a whole craft industry based on vehicles for transferring stiffs from the chapel to the boneyard .\" What is the definition of \"stiff\"?"} {"term": "stiff", "pos": "", "context": "stiff hair", "definition": "incapable of or resistant to bending", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stiff hair\" What is the definition of \"stiff\"?"} {"term": "viceroy", "pos": "", "context": "the british named most of them after british kings and queens and viceroys .", "definition": "a ruler exercising authority in a colony on behalf of a sovereign .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the british named most of them after british kings and queens and viceroys .\" What is the definition of \"viceroy\"?"} {"term": "make", "pos": "", "context": "his mother jacqueline resorted to emotional blackmail to try to make him stop .", "definition": "compel ( someone ) to do something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his mother jacqueline resorted to emotional blackmail to try to make him stop .\" What is the definition of \"make\"?"} {"term": "driving", "pos": "", "context": "snow , sleet , driving rain and gale force winds were sweeping across the north west today ( saturday ) .", "definition": "( of rain or snow ) blown by the wind with great force", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"snow , sleet , driving rain and gale force winds were sweeping across the north west today ( saturday ) .\" What is the definition of \"driving\"?"} {"term": "demolition", "pos": "", "context": "although the first phase of construction was declared complete , demolitions and razing continue around it .", "definition": "the action or process of demolishing or being demolished", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"although the first phase of construction was declared complete , demolitions and razing continue around it .\" What is the definition of \"demolition\"?"} {"term": "medical", "pos": "", "context": "medical treatment", "definition": "requiring or amenable to treatment by medicine especially as opposed to surgery", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"medical treatment\" What is the definition of \"medical\"?"} {"term": "springer", "pos": "", "context": "some privately-held waters , who do not publicise their returns , are said to have landed more than 100 fresh springers already , in the first two months , and that is with only two rods fishing daily .", "definition": "any of a number of fish noted for leaping out of the water , especially the skipjack tuna or the tenpounder .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some privately-held waters , who do not publicise their returns , are said to have landed more than 100 fresh springers already , in the first two months , and that is with only two rods fishing daily .\" What is the definition of \"springer\"?"} {"term": "frieze", "pos": "", "context": "the three friezes with their ugly horizontal divisions , are also devoid of the supple rhythm whereby san artists achieved formal harmony , and this absence of flow creates a jarring staccato effect .", "definition": "a broad horizontal band of sculpted or painted decoration , especially on a wall near the ceiling", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the three friezes with their ugly horizontal divisions , are also devoid of the supple rhythm whereby san artists achieved formal harmony , and this absence of flow creates a jarring staccato effect .\" What is the definition of \"frieze\"?"} {"term": "bow", "pos": "", "context": "he bowed before the king", "definition": "bend the head or the upper part of the body in a gesture of respect or greeting", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he bowed before the king\" What is the definition of \"bow\"?"} {"term": "bow", "pos": "", "context": "an interesting stylistic preference in many early insular documents was to `` borrow ' a stroke of a preceding letter ( usually a letter with a large 'bow '", "definition": "a curved stroke forming part of a letter ( e.g . b , p ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an interesting stylistic preference in many early insular documents was to `` borrow ' a stroke of a preceding letter ( usually a letter with a large 'bow '\" What is the definition of \"bow\"?"} {"term": "bow", "pos": "", "context": "last month , city of york council chiefs bowed to pressure from city centre restaurateurs who said york 's evening parking bans had badly affected trade .", "definition": "submit to pressure or demands", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"last month , city of york council chiefs bowed to pressure from city centre restaurateurs who said york 's evening parking bans had badly affected trade .\" What is the definition of \"bow\"?"} {"term": "grommet", "pos": "", "context": "contraindications include current or recurrent otitis , an already perforated drum or one containing a grommet , an uncooperative patient , or an impacted foreign body .", "definition": "a tube surgically implanted in the eardrum to drain fluid from the middle ear .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"contraindications include current or recurrent otitis , an already perforated drum or one containing a grommet , an uncooperative patient , or an impacted foreign body .\" What is the definition of \"grommet\"?"} {"term": "continuation", "pos": "", "context": "incidentally , if readers who view the above patents are puzzled by their recent dates , it 's because both were filed as continuations of previous filings , going back to the dates listed above .", "definition": "a part that is attached to and is an extension of something else", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"incidentally , if readers who view the above patents are puzzled by their recent dates , it 's because both were filed as continuations of previous filings , going back to the dates listed above .\" What is the definition of \"continuation\"?"} {"term": "respite", "pos": "", "context": "the debate of it was respited to the next meeting , it being late .", "definition": "postpone ( a sentence , obligation , etc . )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the debate of it was respited to the next meeting , it being late .\" What is the definition of \"respite\"?"} {"term": "catalogue", "pos": "", "context": "why on earth do they feel the need to catalogue every moment of their trip ?", "definition": "list ( similar situations , qualities , or events ) in succession", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"why on earth do they feel the need to catalogue every moment of their trip ?\" What is the definition of \"catalogue\"?"} {"term": "fomentation", "pos": "", "context": "hot fomentations would give great relief , but did not give sufficient rest to the joint to permit of a cure .", "definition": "a poultice .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hot fomentations would give great relief , but did not give sufficient rest to the joint to permit of a cure .\" What is the definition of \"fomentation\"?"} {"term": "steaming", "pos": "", "context": "the other four girls seemed nice , all of them were steaming drunk - as was i and all were glad they 'd worn thongs .", "definition": "extremely drunk", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the other four girls seemed nice , all of them were steaming drunk - as was i and all were glad they 'd worn thongs .\" What is the definition of \"steaming\"?"} {"term": "performance", "pos": "", "context": "the frequent performances of the symphony testify to its popularity", "definition": "a dramatic or musical entertainment", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the frequent performances of the symphony testify to its popularity\" What is the definition of \"performance\"?"} {"term": "animism", "pos": "", "context": "beninese animism , dance , and music have a long and rich history .", "definition": "the attribution of a living soul to plants , inanimate objects , and natural phenomena .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"beninese animism , dance , and music have a long and rich history .\" What is the definition of \"animism\"?"} {"term": "packet", "pos": "", "context": "pittsford has a number of retail stores and restaurants that are built around an old lumber mill and it is the home of the sam patch , an excursion and charter boat that is a replica of an old canal packet boat .", "definition": "a ship travelling at regular intervals between two ports , originally for the conveyance of mail .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pittsford has a number of retail stores and restaurants that are built around an old lumber mill and it is the home of the sam patch , an excursion and charter boat that is a replica of an old canal packet boat .\" What is the definition of \"packet\"?"} {"term": "packet", "pos": "", "context": "pick up the lovely , quality cotton goods and you 'll be saving a packet on prices in our local high street .", "definition": "a large sum of money", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pick up the lovely , quality cotton goods and you 'll be saving a packet on prices in our local high street .\" What is the definition of \"packet\"?"} {"term": "out", "pos": "", "context": "he said both police and council workers had been to see him , but said he knew there was little they could do as long as his fire was out .", "definition": "no longer alight ; extinguished", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he said both police and council workers had been to see him , but said he knew there was little they could do as long as his fire was out .\" What is the definition of \"out\"?"} {"term": "out", "pos": "", "context": "the nra 's preliminary cost for the project was out by 46 percent .", "definition": "mistaken ; in error", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the nra 's preliminary cost for the project was out by 46 percent .\" What is the definition of \"out\"?"} {"term": "out", "pos": "", "context": "the pool registers a seriously chilly 38 degrees , so swimming is out .", "definition": "not possible or worth considering", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the pool registers a seriously chilly 38 degrees , so swimming is out .\" What is the definition of \"out\"?"} {"term": "out", "pos": "", "context": "my new book is out in eight weeks .", "definition": "published", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my new book is out in eight weeks .\" What is the definition of \"out\"?"} {"term": "out", "pos": "", "context": "technology is still working on improving our tan and there is a new system out called airbrush tanning .", "definition": "in existence or use", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"technology is still working on improving our tan and there is a new system out called airbrush tanning .\" What is the definition of \"out\"?"} {"term": "out", "pos": "", "context": "evans is reportedly looking for an out after spending £8m on the team .", "definition": "a way of escaping from a problem or dilemma", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"evans is reportedly looking for an out after spending £8m on the team .\" What is the definition of \"out\"?"} {"term": "out", "pos": "", "context": "she 's not ‘ out ’ yet , she 's only in the schoolroom still .", "definition": "( of a young upper-class woman ) introduced into society", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she 's not ‘ out ’ yet , she 's only in the schoolroom still .\" What is the definition of \"out\"?"} {"term": "out", "pos": "", "context": "they jumped out , took off their jerseys and proceeded to beat the fire out with them .", "definition": "( of a light or fire ) so as to be extinguished or no longer burning", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they jumped out , took off their jerseys and proceeded to beat the fire out with them .\" What is the definition of \"out\"?"} {"term": "cruet", "pos": "", "context": "in this case too , it is difficult to find early cruets with all of the glass components intact .", "definition": "a small container or set of containers for salt , pepper , oil , or vinegar for use at a dining table .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in this case too , it is difficult to find early cruets with all of the glass components intact .\" What is the definition of \"cruet\"?"} {"term": "rack", "pos": "", "context": "she takes me across to one of the dried food stores where , in racks of jars behind the counter , are birds ' nests waiting for their moment in soup .", "definition": "a framework , typically with rails , bars , hooks , or pegs , for holding or storing things", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she takes me across to one of the dried food stores where , in racks of jars behind the counter , are birds ' nests waiting for their moment in soup .\" What is the definition of \"rack\"?"} {"term": "rack", "pos": "", "context": "as we departed , the family 's teenage son rode up on a reindeer , its fuzzy rack of antlers almost bigger than he .", "definition": "a set of antlers", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as we departed , the family 's teenage son rode up on a reindeer , its fuzzy rack of antlers almost bigger than he .\" What is the definition of \"rack\"?"} {"term": "rack", "pos": "", "context": "rack leather", "definition": "work on a rack", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rack leather\" What is the definition of \"rack\"?"} {"term": "paddle", "pos": "", "context": "duplicate solar paddles complete the configuration , which is similar to an ocean buoy 's .", "definition": "a flat array of solar cells projecting from a spacecraft .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"duplicate solar paddles complete the configuration , which is similar to an ocean buoy 's .\" What is the definition of \"paddle\"?"} {"term": "paddle", "pos": "", "context": "you were paddled in school , and you were occasionally , as you put it , ‘ whipped by [ your ] daddy . ’", "definition": "beat ( someone ) with a paddle as a punishment", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you were paddled in school , and you were occasionally , as you put it , ‘ whipped by [ your ] daddy . ’\" What is the definition of \"paddle\"?"} {"term": "combustible", "pos": "", "context": "it was jamming up a ventilation grate , blocking up the flow of combustible gas below it .", "definition": "able to catch fire and burn easily", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was jamming up a ventilation grate , blocking up the flow of combustible gas below it .\" What is the definition of \"combustible\"?"} {"term": "gross", "pos": "", "context": "at least a third of the people promenading along the seafront were more than just overweight - they were gross , with their swollen bellies leading the way .", "definition": "unattractively fat or bloated", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at least a third of the people promenading along the seafront were more than just overweight - they were gross , with their swollen bellies leading the way .\" What is the definition of \"gross\"?"} {"term": "gross", "pos": "", "context": "there have been no single straws - more a gross of wire bound bales weighing down and breaking asunder a once optimistic and enthusiastic camel 's back .", "definition": "an amount equal to twelve dozen ; 144", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there have been no single straws - more a gross of wire bound bales weighing down and breaking asunder a once optimistic and enthusiastic camel 's back .\" What is the definition of \"gross\"?"} {"term": "gross", "pos": "", "context": "the gross details of the structure appear reasonable", "definition": "lacking fine distinctions or detail", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the gross details of the structure appear reasonable\" What is the definition of \"gross\"?"} {"term": "prologue", "pos": "", "context": "a few more weeks of reports like this and the 6 % growth rate in the second half of 2003 will look less like a fluke and more like a prologue to the first half of 2004 .", "definition": "an event or act that leads to another", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a few more weeks of reports like this and the 6 % growth rate in the second half of 2003 will look less like a fluke and more like a prologue to the first half of 2004 .\" What is the definition of \"prologue\"?"} {"term": "grit", "pos": "", "context": "the immediate terrain is straightforward - large sheep pastures with gritstone walls .", "definition": "a coarse sandstone", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the immediate terrain is straightforward - large sheep pastures with gritstone walls .\" What is the definition of \"grit\"?"} {"term": "ileostomy", "pos": "", "context": "this is more common in patients who have not undergone a temporary diverting ileostomy .", "definition": "a surgical operation in which a damaged part is removed from the ileum and the cut end diverted to an artificial opening in the abdominal wall .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this is more common in patients who have not undergone a temporary diverting ileostomy .\" What is the definition of \"ileostomy\"?"} {"term": "center", "pos": "", "context": "they had to reinforce the center", "definition": "the middle of a military or naval formation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they had to reinforce the center\" What is the definition of \"center\"?"} {"term": "bowhead", "pos": "", "context": "some of the species found here include the walrus , polar bear , beluga , narwhal , bearded seals , harp seal , harbour seal , ringed seal , bowhead whale , ivory gull , and some migratory birds .", "definition": "an arctic right whale with black skin , feeding by skimming the surface for plankton .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some of the species found here include the walrus , polar bear , beluga , narwhal , bearded seals , harp seal , harbour seal , ringed seal , bowhead whale , ivory gull , and some migratory birds .\" What is the definition of \"bowhead\"?"} {"term": "barfly", "pos": "", "context": "many years ago i had a buddy who was a regular barfly ; any night of the week when he was n't working he 'd be at the corner dive knocking back a few cold ones .", "definition": "a person who spends much of their time drinking in bars", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"many years ago i had a buddy who was a regular barfly ; any night of the week when he was n't working he 'd be at the corner dive knocking back a few cold ones .\" What is the definition of \"barfly\"?"} {"term": "aesthete", "pos": "", "context": "the most important point to make is that the aesthete and intellectual showed not the least reservation with flagrant melodrama .", "definition": "a person who is appreciative of and sensitive to art and beauty .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the most important point to make is that the aesthete and intellectual showed not the least reservation with flagrant melodrama .\" What is the definition of \"aesthete\"?"} {"term": "boldness", "pos": "", "context": "some critics have complained about the boldness of the colors .", "definition": "the quality of having a strong , vivid , or clear appearance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some critics have complained about the boldness of the colors .\" What is the definition of \"boldness\"?"} {"term": "brooder", "pos": "", "context": "figure 5 shows a box that can be used as a brooder house for the chicks .", "definition": "a heated house for chicks or piglets", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"figure 5 shows a box that can be used as a brooder house for the chicks .\" What is the definition of \"brooder\"?"} {"term": "obsessional", "pos": "", "context": "the obsessional character of his response", "definition": "characterized by or constituting an obsession", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the obsessional character of his response\" What is the definition of \"obsessional\"?"} {"term": "occult", "pos": "", "context": "he is a student of the occult", "definition": "supernatural practices and techniques", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is a student of the occult\" What is the definition of \"occult\"?"} {"term": "battery", "pos": "", "context": "the defensive baseball positions can be divided into three main categories : 1 ) the battery , 2 ) infielders , 3 ) outfielders .", "definition": "the pitcher and the catcher .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the defensive baseball positions can be divided into three main categories : 1 ) the battery , 2 ) infielders , 3 ) outfielders .\" What is the definition of \"battery\"?"} {"term": "varsity", "pos": "", "context": "also a special word for steve bacon , who added to his recent heroics in the varsity match to ease his way to the singles cuppers championship as well .", "definition": "( especially of a sporting event or team ) relating to a university , especially oxford or cambridge", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"also a special word for steve bacon , who added to his recent heroics in the varsity match to ease his way to the singles cuppers championship as well .\" What is the definition of \"varsity\"?"} {"term": "albanian", "pos": "", "context": "we repeat a few prayers in albanian , but the liturgy is otherwise in english .", "definition": "the language of albania , with about 6 million speakers . it forms a separate branch of indo-european , and has two distinct dialects , tosk and gheg .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we repeat a few prayers in albanian , but the liturgy is otherwise in english .\" What is the definition of \"albanian\"?"} {"term": "doornail", "pos": "", "context": "in spite of being dumber than a doornail , the minister immediately picked up on it .", "definition": "a stud set in a door for strength or as an ornament .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in spite of being dumber than a doornail , the minister immediately picked up on it .\" What is the definition of \"doornail\"?"} {"term": "affinity", "pos": "", "context": "nevertheless , anii-din clearly had a higher affinity to the test sequences than ani-nvs .", "definition": "a similarity of characteristics suggesting a relationship , especially a resemblance in structure between animals , plants , or languages", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nevertheless , anii-din clearly had a higher affinity to the test sequences than ani-nvs .\" What is the definition of \"affinity\"?"} {"term": "affinity", "pos": "", "context": "people of her generation had a natural affinity with the soil and through it they were connected to the best medicine of all… nature .", "definition": "a natural liking for and understanding of someone or something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"people of her generation had a natural affinity with the soil and through it they were connected to the best medicine of all… nature .\" What is the definition of \"affinity\"?"} {"term": "font", "pos": "", "context": "and it 's all in a teeny weeny eye-straining font .", "definition": "a set of type of one particular face and size", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and it 's all in a teeny weeny eye-straining font .\" What is the definition of \"font\"?"} {"term": "nicotiana", "pos": "", "context": "choose some snow on the mountain , for example , to hang over the edge of the box , and then some dwarf snapdragons for the middle height , and maybe some nicotiana for the taller group in the back .", "definition": "an ornamental plant related to tobacco , with tubular flowers that are particularly fragrant at night .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"choose some snow on the mountain , for example , to hang over the edge of the box , and then some dwarf snapdragons for the middle height , and maybe some nicotiana for the taller group in the back .\" What is the definition of \"nicotiana\"?"} {"term": "argentine", "pos": "", "context": "a number of the deepwater species on the existing list , ling , argentines and greenland halibut have been transferred to the total allowable catch ( tac ) and quotas regulation .", "definition": "a small marine fish with a silvery sheen .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a number of the deepwater species on the existing list , ling , argentines and greenland halibut have been transferred to the total allowable catch ( tac ) and quotas regulation .\" What is the definition of \"argentine\"?"} {"term": "sweeping", "pos": "", "context": "they make sweeping statements and exaggerated charges on the basis of a very limited understanding of the issues they are discussing .", "definition": "( of a statement ) taking no account of particular cases or exceptions ; too general", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they make sweeping statements and exaggerated charges on the basis of a very limited understanding of the issues they are discussing .\" What is the definition of \"sweeping\"?"} {"term": "wagon", "pos": "", "context": "so he did as he was told and went to the hay barn where the wagon was kept .", "definition": "a four-wheeled trailer for agricultural use", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so he did as he was told and went to the hay barn where the wagon was kept .\" What is the definition of \"wagon\"?"} {"term": "phytolith", "pos": "", "context": "it is also known that plants contain biogenic forms of silica , known as phytoliths , that produce a silicon peak on edxa .", "definition": "a minute mineral particle formed inside a plant .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is also known that plants contain biogenic forms of silica , known as phytoliths , that produce a silicon peak on edxa .\" What is the definition of \"phytolith\"?"} {"term": "phytolith", "pos": "", "context": "we may be able to find some micro archaeological evidence such as , there may be some plant residue that we could find associated with these fires - something equivalent to phytoliths .", "definition": "a fossilized particle of plant tissue .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we may be able to find some micro archaeological evidence such as , there may be some plant residue that we could find associated with these fires - something equivalent to phytoliths .\" What is the definition of \"phytolith\"?"} {"term": "articulator", "pos": "", "context": "the output of the formulators is sent to the articulator which makes use of a large set of non-language specific speech motor plans .", "definition": "any of the vocal organs above the larynx , including the tongue , lips , teeth , and hard palate .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the output of the formulators is sent to the articulator which makes use of a large set of non-language specific speech motor plans .\" What is the definition of \"articulator\"?"} {"term": "articulator", "pos": "", "context": "hippocrates is an amazing figure , both a father of scientific ethics and first articulator of the insight that frees humankind to discover the universe .", "definition": "a person who puts forward or expresses an idea", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hippocrates is an amazing figure , both a father of scientific ethics and first articulator of the insight that frees humankind to discover the universe .\" What is the definition of \"articulator\"?"} {"term": "swimmer", "pos": "", "context": "i am one of the slowest swimmers in my group .", "definition": "a person or animal that swims", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i am one of the slowest swimmers in my group .\" What is the definition of \"swimmer\"?"} {"term": "die", "pos": "", "context": "she died to worldly things and eventually entered a monastery", "definition": "feel indifferent towards", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she died to worldly things and eventually entered a monastery\" What is the definition of \"die\"?"} {"term": "sorbian", "pos": "", "context": "many sorbian graduates of wittenberg later evangelized among the slovaks because their languages were so similar .", "definition": "relating to the sorbs or their language .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"many sorbian graduates of wittenberg later evangelized among the slovaks because their languages were so similar .\" What is the definition of \"sorbian\"?"} {"term": "taconite", "pos": "", "context": "an increasingly important source of iron for commercial uses is taconite , a mixture of hematite and silica .", "definition": "a low-grade iron ore consisting largely of chert , occurring chiefly around lake superior in north america .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an increasingly important source of iron for commercial uses is taconite , a mixture of hematite and silica .\" What is the definition of \"taconite\"?"} {"term": "archetype", "pos": "", "context": "never perhaps until c. g. jung do we find the concept of archetypes of the collective unconscious so clearly formulated .", "definition": "( in jungian theory ) a primitive mental image inherited from the earliest human ancestors , and supposed to be present in the collective unconscious .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"never perhaps until c. g. jung do we find the concept of archetypes of the collective unconscious so clearly formulated .\" What is the definition of \"archetype\"?"} {"term": "put", "pos": "", "context": "that song put me in awful good humor", "definition": "cause to be in a certain state ; cause to be in a certain relation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that song put me in awful good humor\" What is the definition of \"put\"?"} {"term": "besiege", "pos": "", "context": "she was besieged by so many problems that she got discouraged", "definition": "cause to feel distressed or worried", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was besieged by so many problems that she got discouraged\" What is the definition of \"besiege\"?"} {"term": "principal", "pos": "", "context": "a general obligation bond uses tax revenue to guarantee payment of interest and principal .", "definition": "a sum of money lent or invested , on which interest is paid", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a general obligation bond uses tax revenue to guarantee payment of interest and principal .\" What is the definition of \"principal\"?"} {"term": "pepper", "pos": "", "context": "stir-fry the peppers , onion , garlic and ginger for about 2 minutes .", "definition": "a capsicum , especially a sweet pepper .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stir-fry the peppers , onion , garlic and ginger for about 2 minutes .\" What is the definition of \"pepper\"?"} {"term": "equatorial", "pos": "", "context": "equatorial heat", "definition": "of or relating to conditions at the geographical equator", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"equatorial heat\" What is the definition of \"equatorial\"?"} {"term": "equatorial", "pos": "", "context": "with its equatorial climate , bushara island is truly ideal .", "definition": "of , at , or near the equator", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with its equatorial climate , bushara island is truly ideal .\" What is the definition of \"equatorial\"?"} {"term": "fridge", "pos": "", "context": "the council currently handles 4,500 fridges and freezers a year at its household waste site in foss islands road .", "definition": "a refrigerator", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the council currently handles 4,500 fridges and freezers a year at its household waste site in foss islands road .\" What is the definition of \"fridge\"?"} {"term": "mark", "pos": "", "context": "his answer was just a punctuation mark", "definition": "a written or printed symbol ( as for punctuation )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his answer was just a punctuation mark\" What is the definition of \"mark\"?"} {"term": "mark", "pos": "", "context": "but a raid of her house and seizure of her property is the mark of an out of control incipient police state .", "definition": "a sign or indication of a quality or feeling", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but a raid of her house and seizure of her property is the mark of an out of control incipient police state .\" What is the definition of \"mark\"?"} {"term": "mark", "pos": "", "context": "the million mark for private cars was reached in britain in 1930 , with 10 million by 1967 .", "definition": "a level or stage that is considered significant", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the million mark for private cars was reached in britain in 1930 , with 10 million by 1967 .\" What is the definition of \"mark\"?"} {"term": "mark", "pos": "", "context": "she thereby revealed herself to be a patsy , a mark , a victim of the big con .", "definition": "a person who is easily deceived or taken advantage of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she thereby revealed herself to be a patsy , a mark , a victim of the big con .\" What is the definition of \"mark\"?"} {"term": "mark", "pos": "", "context": "two large stones also stand almost due east and west to mark the local equinoctial positions of the sun .", "definition": "indicate the position of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"two large stones also stand almost due east and west to mark the local equinoctial positions of the sun .\" What is the definition of \"mark\"?"} {"term": "intrude", "pos": "", "context": "a range of caledonian magmatic rocks has been intruded into the moine metasediments , including lamprophyres , appinites , syenites and granites .", "definition": "force or thrust ( igneous rock ) into an existing formation .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a range of caledonian magmatic rocks has been intruded into the moine metasediments , including lamprophyres , appinites , syenites and granites .\" What is the definition of \"intrude\"?"} {"term": "intrude", "pos": "", "context": "they intrude upper carboniferous host rocks ( westphalian b-c ) , but do not penetrate the permian units .", "definition": "( of igneous rock ) be forced or thrust into ( an existing formation )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they intrude upper carboniferous host rocks ( westphalian b-c ) , but do not penetrate the permian units .\" What is the definition of \"intrude\"?"} {"term": "rid", "pos": "", "context": "so the little girl whose mother wanted so desperately to be rid of her will likely have a good and safe family life after all .", "definition": "be freed or relieved of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so the little girl whose mother wanted so desperately to be rid of her will likely have a good and safe family life after all .\" What is the definition of \"rid\"?"} {"term": "succotash", "pos": "", "context": "spoonbread , crab cakes , corn pone ( corn bread ) , corn pudding , greens , and succotash - cooked over an open pit or fireplace - became common items in a black cook 's repertoire in the late 1700s and the 1800s .", "definition": "an american dish of maize and lima beans boiled together .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"spoonbread , crab cakes , corn pone ( corn bread ) , corn pudding , greens , and succotash - cooked over an open pit or fireplace - became common items in a black cook 's repertoire in the late 1700s and the 1800s .\" What is the definition of \"succotash\"?"} {"term": "pack", "pos": "", "context": "pack the books into the boxes", "definition": "arrange in a container", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pack the books into the boxes\" What is the definition of \"pack\"?"} {"term": "pus", "pos": "", "context": "the head may break , and the boil may begin to drain pus , blood , or an amber-colored liquid .", "definition": "a thick yellowish or greenish opaque liquid produced in infected tissue , consisting of dead white blood cells and bacteria with tissue debris and serum .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the head may break , and the boil may begin to drain pus , blood , or an amber-colored liquid .\" What is the definition of \"pus\"?"} {"term": "plough", "pos": "", "context": "yoga is so fashionable it seems absolutely everyone is doing the dog , the cat , the cobra and the plough .", "definition": "a yoga pose assumed by lying on one 's back and swinging one 's legs over one 's head until the outstretched feet approach or touch the floor", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"yoga is so fashionable it seems absolutely everyone is doing the dog , the cat , the cobra and the plough .\" What is the definition of \"plough\"?"} {"term": "rap", "pos": "", "context": "the combination of the cold and the force of the blow was incredibly painful , but i gritted my teeth and whirled around , rapping him sharply on the knees .", "definition": "strike sharply with a stick or similar implement", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the combination of the cold and the force of the blow was incredibly painful , but i gritted my teeth and whirled around , rapping him sharply on the knees .\" What is the definition of \"rap\"?"} {"term": "gatehouse", "pos": "", "context": "it is written that the dead queen 's ring was dropped from the gatehouse of richmond palace by a lady in waiting to her brother sir robert carey .", "definition": "a room over a city or palace gate , often used as a prison .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is written that the dead queen 's ring was dropped from the gatehouse of richmond palace by a lady in waiting to her brother sir robert carey .\" What is the definition of \"gatehouse\"?"} {"term": "wardrobe", "pos": "", "context": "most famous of his costume wardrobe was his yuletide disguise as a full christmas tree complete with lights .", "definition": "the costume department or costumes of a theatre or film company", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"most famous of his costume wardrobe was his yuletide disguise as a full christmas tree complete with lights .\" What is the definition of \"wardrobe\"?"} {"term": "citadel", "pos": "", "context": "presumably , it was meant to honour the salvation army citadel that stood there until the 1990s .", "definition": "a meeting hall of the salvation army .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"presumably , it was meant to honour the salvation army citadel that stood there until the 1990s .\" What is the definition of \"citadel\"?"} {"term": "creed", "pos": "", "context": "he scoffed at the disparate creeds of religions , each claiming to see the truth through the colored lenses of its own dogmatism .", "definition": "a system of religious belief ; a faith", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he scoffed at the disparate creeds of religions , each claiming to see the truth through the colored lenses of its own dogmatism .\" What is the definition of \"creed\"?"} {"term": "benthamite", "pos": "", "context": "though abandoning the benthamite system of beliefs , he failed to devise in its stead a coherent system of thought of his own .", "definition": "relating to or consistent with the philosophical system of utilitarianism proposed by the english philosopher and jurist jeremy bentham", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"though abandoning the benthamite system of beliefs , he failed to devise in its stead a coherent system of thought of his own .\" What is the definition of \"benthamite\"?"} {"term": "thiol", "pos": "", "context": "chemically , thiols occur readily in petroleum processes such as distillation .", "definition": "an organic compound containing the group —sh , i.e . a sulphur-containing analogue of an alcohol .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"chemically , thiols occur readily in petroleum processes such as distillation .\" What is the definition of \"thiol\"?"} {"term": "shipbroker", "pos": "", "context": "now , what was the last working coal puffer in scotland is being marketed by an ardrossan shipbroker for £60,000 .", "definition": "a broker who specializes in arranging charters , cargo space , and passenger bookings on ships .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"now , what was the last working coal puffer in scotland is being marketed by an ardrossan shipbroker for £60,000 .\" What is the definition of \"shipbroker\"?"} {"term": "winter", "pos": "", "context": "we wintered on the riviera", "definition": "spend the winter", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we wintered on the riviera\" What is the definition of \"winter\"?"} {"term": "multiply", "pos": "", "context": "in fact , if the individual continues to take the drug , the resistant virus will only multiply faster .", "definition": "( of an animal or other organism ) increase in number by reproducing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in fact , if the individual continues to take the drug , the resistant virus will only multiply faster .\" What is the definition of \"multiply\"?"} {"term": "simmer", "pos": "", "context": "this brawl simmered down and as referee pat moran was dealing with the starting culprits .", "definition": "become calmer and quieter", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this brawl simmered down and as referee pat moran was dealing with the starting culprits .\" What is the definition of \"simmer\"?"} {"term": "two-piece", "pos": "", "context": "schön sets herself apart by using wonderful ‘ non-colors ‘ and several free and easy two-pieces sporting horizontal stripes in black and white . ’", "definition": "a thing consisting of two matching parts , especially a suit .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"schön sets herself apart by using wonderful ‘ non-colors ‘ and several free and easy two-pieces sporting horizontal stripes in black and white . ’\" What is the definition of \"two-piece\"?"} {"term": "two-piece", "pos": "", "context": "muslims in the north wear traditional long white robes and head coverings ; asian men wear white two-piece cotton suits , whereas asian women dress in black or colored silk dresses .", "definition": "denoting something consisting of two matching items", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"muslims in the north wear traditional long white robes and head coverings ; asian men wear white two-piece cotton suits , whereas asian women dress in black or colored silk dresses .\" What is the definition of \"two-piece\"?"} {"term": "contemporary", "pos": "", "context": "drawings , designs , contemporary paintings , and modern photographs complement the text .", "definition": "following modern ideas in style or design", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"drawings , designs , contemporary paintings , and modern photographs complement the text .\" What is the definition of \"contemporary\"?"} {"term": "contemporary", "pos": "", "context": "rather than present well-known contemporary works , this concert will feature many new works .", "definition": "belonging to or occurring in the present", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rather than present well-known contemporary works , this concert will feature many new works .\" What is the definition of \"contemporary\"?"} {"term": "counterpoint", "pos": "", "context": "i want you to talk a lot about this because it 's the counterpoint to what lots of others have said .", "definition": "a thing that forms a pleasing or notable contrast to something else", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i want you to talk a lot about this because it 's the counterpoint to what lots of others have said .\" What is the definition of \"counterpoint\"?"} {"term": "union", "pos": "", "context": "let c be the union of the sets a and b", "definition": "a set containing all and only the members of two or more given sets", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"let c be the union of the sets a and b\" What is the definition of \"union\"?"} {"term": "fundamentalist", "pos": "", "context": "the decisive culture war of the 21st century is likely to be between the darwinian fundamentalists and those who believe in god .", "definition": "a person who adheres strictly to the basic principles of any subject or discipline", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the decisive culture war of the 21st century is likely to be between the darwinian fundamentalists and those who believe in god .\" What is the definition of \"fundamentalist\"?"} {"term": "folly", "pos": "", "context": "trying to drive through a blizzard is the height of folly", "definition": "the quality of being rash and foolish", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"trying to drive through a blizzard is the height of folly\" What is the definition of \"folly\"?"} {"term": "divestiture", "pos": "", "context": "the court found divestiture to be necessary in preventing a monopoly", "definition": "an order to an offending party to rid itself of property ; it has the purpose of depriving the defendant of the gains of wrongful behavior", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the court found divestiture to be necessary in preventing a monopoly\" What is the definition of \"divestiture\"?"} {"term": "homestead", "pos": "", "context": "william employed several men as shepherds who lived in cottages with their wives near the homestead .", "definition": "the owner 's residence on a sheep or cattle station .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"william employed several men as shepherds who lived in cottages with their wives near the homestead .\" What is the definition of \"homestead\"?"} {"term": "parole", "pos": "", "context": "he separated the captured officers , took their paroles of honour not to attempt escape , then advanced each captain $ 50 ( circa 200 new york shillings ) towards private accommodation for themselves and their subalterns on long island .", "definition": "a promise or undertaking given by a prisoner of war to return to custody or act as a non-belligerent if released", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he separated the captured officers , took their paroles of honour not to attempt escape , then advanced each captain $ 50 ( circa 200 new york shillings ) towards private accommodation for themselves and their subalterns on long island .\" What is the definition of \"parole\"?"} {"term": "dredge", "pos": "", "context": "to begin , it is important that everyone realize that this boat was originally built to dredge for oysters .", "definition": "bring up or clear ( something ) from a river , harbour , or other area of water with a dredge", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to begin , it is important that everyone realize that this boat was originally built to dredge for oysters .\" What is the definition of \"dredge\"?"} {"term": "costmary", "pos": "", "context": "perfumed toilet water was once made from costmary leaves and they added a spicy flavor to ale .", "definition": "an aromatic plant of the daisy family , formerly used in medicine and for flavouring ale prior to the use of hops .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"perfumed toilet water was once made from costmary leaves and they added a spicy flavor to ale .\" What is the definition of \"costmary\"?"} {"term": "collaborate", "pos": "", "context": "we thank the directorate of health services , government of goa , which has collaborated with the project from its inception .", "definition": "work jointly on an activity or project", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we thank the directorate of health services , government of goa , which has collaborated with the project from its inception .\" What is the definition of \"collaborate\"?"} {"term": "man-hater", "pos": "", "context": "i am not a man-hater or anything like that - i think blokes are great .", "definition": "a person who hates men", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i am not a man-hater or anything like that - i think blokes are great .\" What is the definition of \"man-hater\"?"} {"term": "reflex", "pos": "", "context": "orza is the italian reflex of a common romance word generally thought to be of latin origin .", "definition": "a word formed by development from an earlier stage of a language .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"orza is the italian reflex of a common romance word generally thought to be of latin origin .\" What is the definition of \"reflex\"?"} {"term": "craze", "pos": "", "context": "it was now almost 3 a.m. on a completely darkened road , and some crazed guy is flailing his arms and yelling at them as they pass .", "definition": "make ( someone ) wildly insane or out of control", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was now almost 3 a.m. on a completely darkened road , and some crazed guy is flailing his arms and yelling at them as they pass .\" What is the definition of \"craze\"?"} {"term": "tarot", "pos": "", "context": "some common examples are the tarot , runes , i-ching , ifa .", "definition": "playing cards , traditionally a pack of 78 with five suits , used for fortune-telling and ( especially in europe ) in certain games . the suits are typically swords , cups , coins ( or pentacles ) , batons ( or wands ) , and a permanent suit of trumps", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some common examples are the tarot , runes , i-ching , ifa .\" What is the definition of \"tarot\"?"} {"term": "tarot", "pos": "", "context": "ultimately i 'd like to tweak techniques using tarot cards to use runes instead , see how that goes…", "definition": "a card from a pack of tarot cards .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ultimately i 'd like to tweak techniques using tarot cards to use runes instead , see how that goes…\" What is the definition of \"tarot\"?"} {"term": "overtrain", "pos": "", "context": "i think this happened because i overtrained one particular technique at home - the high roundhouse kick .", "definition": "( especially with reference to an athlete ) train or cause to train excessively", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i think this happened because i overtrained one particular technique at home - the high roundhouse kick .\" What is the definition of \"overtrain\"?"} {"term": "emitter", "pos": "", "context": "the present invention maintains a thermal separation between an emitter and a collector through a fractional surface contact of decreasing cross-sectional area towards the point of contact .", "definition": "the region in a bipolar transistor that produces carriers of current .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the present invention maintains a thermal separation between an emitter and a collector through a fractional surface contact of decreasing cross-sectional area towards the point of contact .\" What is the definition of \"emitter\"?"} {"term": "rhyme", "pos": "", "context": "the final tasks included matching of beginning sounds and ending sounds , awareness of rhyme , and phoneme deletion .", "definition": "correspondence of sound between words or the endings of words , especially when these are used at the ends of lines of poetry", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the final tasks included matching of beginning sounds and ending sounds , awareness of rhyme , and phoneme deletion .\" What is the definition of \"rhyme\"?"} {"term": "recycle", "pos": "", "context": "a roadshow advising residents how to recycle green waste is to tour trowbridge and melksham .", "definition": "convert ( waste ) into reusable material", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a roadshow advising residents how to recycle green waste is to tour trowbridge and melksham .\" What is the definition of \"recycle\"?"} {"term": "aliterate", "pos": "", "context": "most aliterates watch television for their news , but the entire transcript of a television newscast would fill only two columns of the new york times .", "definition": "an aliterate person .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"most aliterates watch television for their news , but the entire transcript of a television newscast would fill only two columns of the new york times .\" What is the definition of \"aliterate\"?"} {"term": "telefax", "pos": "", "context": "staples , clips , and rubber bands were removed for preservation purposes , and telefaxes were photocopied to acid-free paper and the originals removed from the collection .", "definition": "a document sent by fax", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"staples , clips , and rubber bands were removed for preservation purposes , and telefaxes were photocopied to acid-free paper and the originals removed from the collection .\" What is the definition of \"telefax\"?"} {"term": "nana", "pos": "", "context": "and i forgot to say that one of my favourite , favourite exclamations is the one that i 've only heard my nana , and latterly my mother , say .", "definition": "one 's grandmother .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and i forgot to say that one of my favourite , favourite exclamations is the one that i 've only heard my nana , and latterly my mother , say .\" What is the definition of \"nana\"?"} {"term": "baroque", "pos": "", "context": "most big-ticket performers know their place , whether it be classical , baroque or grand opera .", "definition": "the baroque style or period", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"most big-ticket performers know their place , whether it be classical , baroque or grand opera .\" What is the definition of \"baroque\"?"} {"term": "pop", "pos": "", "context": "he popped me on the head", "definition": "hit or strike", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he popped me on the head\" What is the definition of \"pop\"?"} {"term": "pop", "pos": "", "context": "every now and then my ears would pop with the pressure , despite us having all our windows on the leeward side of the house open .", "definition": "( of a person 's ears ) make a small popping sound within the head as pressure is equalized , typically because of a change of altitude", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"every now and then my ears would pop with the pressure , despite us having all our windows on the leeward side of the house open .\" What is the definition of \"pop\"?"} {"term": "pop", "pos": "", "context": "pop the pizza into the microwave oven", "definition": "put or thrust suddenly and forcefully", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pop the pizza into the microwave oven\" What is the definition of \"pop\"?"} {"term": "beset", "pos": "", "context": "they are beset by terrible dangers .", "definition": "surround and harass", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they are beset by terrible dangers .\" What is the definition of \"beset\"?"} {"term": "supplant", "pos": "", "context": "where movies rarely deal in any realistic way with the problems of work and family , these shows tell the modern story of the work-family supplanting the real-family .", "definition": "supersede and replace", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"where movies rarely deal in any realistic way with the problems of work and family , these shows tell the modern story of the work-family supplanting the real-family .\" What is the definition of \"supplant\"?"} {"term": "tittle-tattle", "pos": "", "context": "yet the latest royal scandal reminds us that as a nation we are still in thrall to gossip and tittle-tattle about the famous - and especially royalty .", "definition": "engage in casual conversation about other people .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"yet the latest royal scandal reminds us that as a nation we are still in thrall to gossip and tittle-tattle about the famous - and especially royalty .\" What is the definition of \"tittle-tattle\"?"} {"term": "displacement", "pos": "", "context": "aluminum , beryllium and magnesium are good examples of substrates where use of a displacement film prior to electrodeposition will provide superior adherence .", "definition": "the component of an electric field due to free separated charges , regardless of any polarizing effects .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"aluminum , beryllium and magnesium are good examples of substrates where use of a displacement film prior to electrodeposition will provide superior adherence .\" What is the definition of \"displacement\"?"} {"term": "displacement", "pos": "", "context": "tsunamis are also not so much about volume displacement as about energy transfer .", "definition": "the occupation by a submerged body or part of a body of a volume which would otherwise be occupied by a fluid .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tsunamis are also not so much about volume displacement as about energy transfer .\" What is the definition of \"displacement\"?"} {"term": "displacement", "pos": "", "context": "sizing the engine for its current displacement meant that the crankshaft lost four pounds , and could ride on smaller bearing journals .", "definition": "the volume swept by a reciprocating system , as in a pump or engine", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sizing the engine for its current displacement meant that the crankshaft lost four pounds , and could ride on smaller bearing journals .\" What is the definition of \"displacement\"?"} {"term": "displacement", "pos": "", "context": "the magnitude of 100 mv in the v-motion signal corresponds to 20 nm of vertical displacement .", "definition": "the amount by which a thing is moved from a position", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the magnitude of 100 mv in the v-motion signal corresponds to 20 nm of vertical displacement .\" What is the definition of \"displacement\"?"} {"term": "material", "pos": "", "context": "the story charts a difference from matter as material to matter as meaning .", "definition": "denoting or consisting of physical objects rather than the mind or spirit", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the story charts a difference from matter as material to matter as meaning .\" What is the definition of \"material\"?"} {"term": "material", "pos": "", "context": "coal is a hard black material", "definition": "the tangible substance that goes into the makeup of a physical object", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"coal is a hard black material\" What is the definition of \"material\"?"} {"term": "material", "pos": "", "context": "she makes no attempt to disguise her material in order to create the illusion of a realistic scene .", "definition": "information or ideas for use in creating a book or other work", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she makes no attempt to disguise her material in order to create the illusion of a realistic scene .\" What is the definition of \"material\"?"} {"term": "humor", "pos": "", "context": "the humors are blood and phlegm and yellow and black bile", "definition": "( middle ages ) one of the four fluids in the body whose balance was believed to determine your emotional and physical state", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the humors are blood and phlegm and yellow and black bile\" What is the definition of \"humor\"?"} {"term": "humor", "pos": "", "context": "i fail to see the humor in it", "definition": "the quality of being funny", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i fail to see the humor in it\" What is the definition of \"humor\"?"} {"term": "graduate", "pos": "", "context": "the squadron graduated its first six fully qualified f - 16 pilots june 7 , 2002 .", "definition": "confer a degree or other academic qualification on", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the squadron graduated its first six fully qualified f - 16 pilots june 7 , 2002 .\" What is the definition of \"graduate\"?"} {"term": "navigator", "pos": "", "context": "however , you can clearly see the new navigator design and case styling .", "definition": "an instrument or device which assists in navigating a vessel or aircraft .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"however , you can clearly see the new navigator design and case styling .\" What is the definition of \"navigator\"?"} {"term": "navigator", "pos": "", "context": "portuguese navigators explored the coast of senegal in 1445 .", "definition": "a person who explores by sea", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"portuguese navigators explored the coast of senegal in 1445 .\" What is the definition of \"navigator\"?"} {"term": "libertarian", "pos": "", "context": "he also reviewed the 1717 book and defended a doctrine of libertarian free will as he had in the earlier correspondence .", "definition": "a person who believes in free will .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he also reviewed the 1717 book and defended a doctrine of libertarian free will as he had in the earlier correspondence .\" What is the definition of \"libertarian\"?"} {"term": "phosphorescence", "pos": "", "context": "sunset faded and the mainland lights fell away , surges of phosphorescence began to show .", "definition": "light emitted by a substance without combustion or perceptible heat", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sunset faded and the mainland lights fell away , surges of phosphorescence began to show .\" What is the definition of \"phosphorescence\"?"} {"term": "burial", "pos": "", "context": "human remains and burials have certainly been of major importance in the history of archaeology , but they are still only a small part of what archaeologists study .", "definition": "a grave or the remains found in it", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"human remains and burials have certainly been of major importance in the history of archaeology , but they are still only a small part of what archaeologists study .\" What is the definition of \"burial\"?"} {"term": "haunt", "pos": "", "context": "the town coroner , horace is a nervous , businesslike man who is haunted by the people who died in his medical care during the war .", "definition": "be persistently and disturbingly present in ( the mind )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the town coroner , horace is a nervous , businesslike man who is haunted by the people who died in his medical care during the war .\" What is the definition of \"haunt\"?"} {"term": "haunt", "pos": "", "context": "she haunts the ballet", "definition": "be a regular or frequent visitor to a certain place", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she haunts the ballet\" What is the definition of \"haunt\"?"} {"term": "footnote", "pos": "", "context": "their names will probably be a mere footnote in the annals of polish air force history , but they 're fully aware of the key roles they played in assisting their nato counterparts to take a giant leap forward .", "definition": "a thing that is additional or less important", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their names will probably be a mere footnote in the annals of polish air force history , but they 're fully aware of the key roles they played in assisting their nato counterparts to take a giant leap forward .\" What is the definition of \"footnote\"?"} {"term": "tolerate", "pos": "", "context": "the patient does not tolerate the anti-inflammatory drugs we gave him", "definition": "have a tolerance for a poison or strong drug or pathogen or environmental condition", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the patient does not tolerate the anti-inflammatory drugs we gave him\" What is the definition of \"tolerate\"?"} {"term": "bloodworm", "pos": "", "context": "with a few truly bizarre exceptions ( such as the chironomid bloodworms that breed in sewage ) , insects do n't even have hemoglobin .", "definition": "the bright red aquatic larva of a non-biting midge , the blood of which contains haemoglobin that allows it to live in poorly oxygenated water .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with a few truly bizarre exceptions ( such as the chironomid bloodworms that breed in sewage ) , insects do n't even have hemoglobin .\" What is the definition of \"bloodworm\"?"} {"term": "manner", "pos": "", "context": "their language is formal and even when they are hostile to each other , manners and politeness reign .", "definition": "polite or well-bred social behaviour", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their language is formal and even when they are hostile to each other , manners and politeness reign .\" What is the definition of \"manner\"?"} {"term": "colored", "pos": "", "context": "amber-colored heads of grain", "definition": "having color or a certain color ; sometimes used in combination", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"amber-colored heads of grain\" What is the definition of \"colored\"?"} {"term": "claustrum", "pos": "", "context": "on each side , the ventral aspect of the claustrum and the subdivisions of the lentiform nucleus ( putamen , medial and lateral parts of globus pallidus ) are seen lateral to the optic tracts .", "definition": "a thin layer of grey matter in each cerebral hemisphere between the lentiform nucleus and the insula .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on each side , the ventral aspect of the claustrum and the subdivisions of the lentiform nucleus ( putamen , medial and lateral parts of globus pallidus ) are seen lateral to the optic tracts .\" What is the definition of \"claustrum\"?"} {"term": "sliver", "pos": "", "context": "sliver wood", "definition": "form into slivers", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sliver wood\" What is the definition of \"sliver\"?"} {"term": "hop", "pos": "", "context": "now , he wondered , if she would seriously try to come after him , hopping the train and quite possibly dying just for a few dollars that would equal nothing more than a train ticket .", "definition": "jump on to ( a moving vehicle )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"now , he wondered , if she would seriously try to come after him , hopping the train and quite possibly dying just for a few dollars that would equal nothing more than a train ticket .\" What is the definition of \"hop\"?"} {"term": "hop", "pos": "", "context": "sonya 's husband was running to meet us before i was within sniffing distance of the hops .", "definition": "beer .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sonya 's husband was running to meet us before i was within sniffing distance of the hops .\" What is the definition of \"hop\"?"} {"term": "hop", "pos": "", "context": "there was packing to do , times to arrange , plans to confirm but in the end they got on a plane and hopped it to topaz 's home town .", "definition": "go away quickly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was packing to do , times to arrange , plans to confirm but in the end they got on a plane and hopped it to topaz 's home town .\" What is the definition of \"hop\"?"} {"term": "cormorant", "pos": "", "context": "one practice entails tethering cormorants by the neck , pulling them back to the boat after they successfully procure fish , then extracting the fish from the bird .", "definition": "a rather large diving bird with a long neck , long hooked bill , short legs , and mainly dark plumage . it typically breeds on coastal cliffs .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one practice entails tethering cormorants by the neck , pulling them back to the boat after they successfully procure fish , then extracting the fish from the bird .\" What is the definition of \"cormorant\"?"} {"term": "color", "pos": "", "context": "colorize black and white film", "definition": "add color to", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"colorize black and white film\" What is the definition of \"color\"?"} {"term": "color", "pos": "", "context": "his political ideas color his lectures", "definition": "modify or bias", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his political ideas color his lectures\" What is the definition of \"color\"?"} {"term": "gate", "pos": "", "context": "during the schism , and ensuing confusion , the money from the gates was down , so the church decided to get rid of one of its heads .", "definition": "the number of people who pay to enter a sports ground for an event", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"during the schism , and ensuing confusion , the money from the gates was down , so the church decided to get rid of one of its heads .\" What is the definition of \"gate\"?"} {"term": "gate", "pos": "", "context": "each logic gate inside a cell must have a distinct repressor assigned to it , or else the gates would interfere with one another .", "definition": "an electric circuit with an output which depends on the combination of several inputs", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"each logic gate inside a cell must have a distinct repressor assigned to it , or else the gates would interfere with one another .\" What is the definition of \"gate\"?"} {"term": "abductor", "pos": "", "context": "two of the abductors were arrested and indicted on murder but at their trial they were found not guilty by an all white jury in under 2 hours .", "definition": "a person who abducts another person", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"two of the abductors were arrested and indicted on murder but at their trial they were found not guilty by an all white jury in under 2 hours .\" What is the definition of \"abductor\"?"} {"term": "slovene", "pos": "", "context": "a slovene congress in gorizia in october 1868 demanded a slovene diet and the use of slovene in education and administration .", "definition": "the southern slavic language of the slovenes , with about 2 million speakers .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a slovene congress in gorizia in october 1868 demanded a slovene diet and the use of slovene in education and administration .\" What is the definition of \"slovene\"?"} {"term": "pump", "pos": "", "context": "last month an elderly mayo couple were left homeless when fire fighters were forced to pump water from a nearby river after their house caught fire in the middle of the night .", "definition": "force ( liquid , gas , etc . ) to move by or as if by means of a pump", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"last month an elderly mayo couple were left homeless when fire fighters were forced to pump water from a nearby river after their house caught fire in the middle of the night .\" What is the definition of \"pump\"?"} {"term": "pump", "pos": "", "context": "having cornered him and pinned him to the ground they pumped five bullets into his head at close range .", "definition": "shoot ( bullets ) into ( a target )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"having cornered him and pinned him to the ground they pumped five bullets into his head at close range .\" What is the definition of \"pump\"?"} {"term": "pump", "pos": "", "context": "i find that it helps to pump the rear brake lightly and quickly .", "definition": "apply and release ( a brake pedal or lever ) several times in quick succession , typically to prevent skidding", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i find that it helps to pump the rear brake lightly and quickly .\" What is the definition of \"pump\"?"} {"term": "cereal", "pos": "", "context": "the inclusion rates of finely ground feed should be kept to a minimum ( for example , ground cereals , maize gluten ) .", "definition": "a grain used for food , for example wheat , maize , or rye .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the inclusion rates of finely ground feed should be kept to a minimum ( for example , ground cereals , maize gluten ) .\" What is the definition of \"cereal\"?"} {"term": "acupuncturist", "pos": "", "context": "be it back pain , arthritis , or migraine , acupuncturists claim to fix it all .", "definition": "a person who practises acupuncture", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"be it back pain , arthritis , or migraine , acupuncturists claim to fix it all .\" What is the definition of \"acupuncturist\"?"} {"term": "wreck", "pos": "", "context": "his luck then goes from bad to worse as he is brought before the spanish inquisition , swindled out of a mexican fortune , wrecked on a desert island and separated from his true love , cunegonde .", "definition": "involve ( someone ) in a shipwreck", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his luck then goes from bad to worse as he is brought before the spanish inquisition , swindled out of a mexican fortune , wrecked on a desert island and separated from his true love , cunegonde .\" What is the definition of \"wreck\"?"} {"term": "diminutive", "pos": "", "context": "but do not be put off by their diminutive name or even by some of the many examples that have absolutely no interest to you .", "definition": "( of a word , name , or suffix ) implying smallness , either actual or imputed to convey affection , scorn , etc . ( e.g . teeny , -let , -kins ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but do not be put off by their diminutive name or even by some of the many examples that have absolutely no interest to you .\" What is the definition of \"diminutive\"?"} {"term": "accretion", "pos": "", "context": "he scraped away the accretions of paint", "definition": "something contributing to growth or increase", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he scraped away the accretions of paint\" What is the definition of \"accretion\"?"} {"term": "abysm", "pos": "", "context": "crystal reached her shaking hand and took it as if it was her last salvation before she falls in the abysm .", "definition": "an abyss", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"crystal reached her shaking hand and took it as if it was her last salvation before she falls in the abysm .\" What is the definition of \"abysm\"?"} {"term": "preface", "pos": "", "context": "each of these sections contains several essays and the author has thoughtfully prefaced each section with an overview and introduction , sometimes expanding on the intention or context of one of the chapters .", "definition": "introduce or begin ( a speech or event ) with or by doing something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"each of these sections contains several essays and the author has thoughtfully prefaced each section with an overview and introduction , sometimes expanding on the intention or context of one of the chapters .\" What is the definition of \"preface\"?"} {"term": "goalscorer", "pos": "", "context": "already this season , he has got 6 and anyway , since when was the right winger in a team supposed to be a prolific goalscorer ?", "definition": "a player who scores a goal", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"already this season , he has got 6 and anyway , since when was the right winger in a team supposed to be a prolific goalscorer ?\" What is the definition of \"goalscorer\"?"} {"term": "moderate", "pos": "", "context": "they basically got away with what they could at the time ( which was n't much ) and found a moderate amount of success .", "definition": "average in amount , intensity , quality , or degree", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they basically got away with what they could at the time ( which was n't much ) and found a moderate amount of success .\" What is the definition of \"moderate\"?"} {"term": "shepherd", "pos": "", "context": "miraculously , they floated ashore , were nursed by a she-wolf , and then reared by a shepherd .", "definition": "a person who tends and rears sheep .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"miraculously , they floated ashore , were nursed by a she-wolf , and then reared by a shepherd .\" What is the definition of \"shepherd\"?"} {"term": "shepherd", "pos": "", "context": "londoners and tourists lining the banks and bridges were treated to the sight of a whale being shepherded along the thames with an escort of two rescue boats close by either side .", "definition": "guide or direct in a particular direction", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"londoners and tourists lining the banks and bridges were treated to the sight of a whale being shepherded along the thames with an escort of two rescue boats close by either side .\" What is the definition of \"shepherd\"?"} {"term": "primo", "pos": "", "context": "each primo and secondo part also can be played as a solo .", "definition": "the leading or upper part in a duet .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"each primo and secondo part also can be played as a solo .\" What is the definition of \"primo\"?"} {"term": "rampage", "pos": "", "context": "this is a guy who went on a rampage , killing people as they came at him , allegedly .", "definition": "a period of violent and uncontrollable behaviour by a group of people", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this is a guy who went on a rampage , killing people as they came at him , allegedly .\" What is the definition of \"rampage\"?"} {"term": "turnaround", "pos": "", "context": "carter maintains that the turnaround he was hired for was complete , and that he left voluntarily .", "definition": "the process of completing or the time needed to complete a task , especially one involving receiving something , processing it , and sending it out again", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"carter maintains that the turnaround he was hired for was complete , and that he left voluntarily .\" What is the definition of \"turnaround\"?"} {"term": "stronghold", "pos": "", "context": "he tried without success to attack the frankish strongholds while the crusader army was pinned down in egypt .", "definition": "a place that has been fortified so as to protect it against attack", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he tried without success to attack the frankish strongholds while the crusader army was pinned down in egypt .\" What is the definition of \"stronghold\"?"} {"term": "miasma", "pos": "", "context": "the miasma of the marshes", "definition": "unhealthy vapors rising from the ground or other sources", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the miasma of the marshes\" What is the definition of \"miasma\"?"} {"term": "satang", "pos": "", "context": "if the transportation crosses provincial boundaries , an additional allowance of 90 satang per kilometer will be provided .", "definition": "a monetary unit of thailand , equal to one hundredth of a baht .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if the transportation crosses provincial boundaries , an additional allowance of 90 satang per kilometer will be provided .\" What is the definition of \"satang\"?"} {"term": "repatriation", "pos": "", "context": "make sure you take advantage of the repatriation tax break just like the big boys .", "definition": "the sending of money back to one 's own country", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"make sure you take advantage of the repatriation tax break just like the big boys .\" What is the definition of \"repatriation\"?"} {"term": "hypnosis", "pos": "", "context": "bernstein claimed to have uncovered this information in pueblo , colorado , when he ‘ regressed ’ tighe backward in time under hypnosis .", "definition": "a hypnotic state", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bernstein claimed to have uncovered this information in pueblo , colorado , when he ‘ regressed ’ tighe backward in time under hypnosis .\" What is the definition of \"hypnosis\"?"} {"term": "cheap", "pos": "", "context": "however , at just under €400,000 before tax and transport costs , it could be a while before you see any going cheap .", "definition": "at or for a low price", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"however , at just under €400,000 before tax and transport costs , it could be a while before you see any going cheap .\" What is the definition of \"cheap\"?"} {"term": "cheap", "pos": "", "context": "but it sounds so glib and useless and feels so cheap and cop-out just to say ‘ i 'm going to be a better person from now on . ’", "definition": "of little worth because achieved in a discreditable way requiring little effort", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but it sounds so glib and useless and feels so cheap and cop-out just to say ‘ i 'm going to be a better person from now on . ’\" What is the definition of \"cheap\"?"} {"term": "freighter", "pos": "", "context": "at that time nearly all freight was carried by sailing vessels but the small freighter had begun to make an appearance .", "definition": "a large ship or aircraft designed to carry goods in bulk .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at that time nearly all freight was carried by sailing vessels but the small freighter had begun to make an appearance .\" What is the definition of \"freighter\"?"} {"term": "snuffle", "pos": "", "context": "he crawled on his hands and knees over to michael , afraid that the warhorse would n't let him near , but the grey snuffled at his hair and backed carefully away .", "definition": "( especially of an animal ) make repeated sniffing sounds as though smelling at something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he crawled on his hands and knees over to michael , afraid that the warhorse would n't let him near , but the grey snuffled at his hair and backed carefully away .\" What is the definition of \"snuffle\"?"} {"term": "hunger", "pos": "", "context": "and you get this hunger for his company , even his friendship , entirely through the voice and the language .", "definition": "a strong desire or craving", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and you get this hunger for his company , even his friendship , entirely through the voice and the language .\" What is the definition of \"hunger\"?"} {"term": "nick", "pos": "", "context": "nick horses", "definition": "divide or reset the tail muscles of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nick horses\" What is the definition of \"nick\"?"} {"term": "yen", "pos": "", "context": "if koizumi has enjoyed some economic success , say critics , it has been through a combination of good luck and what many believe has been an artificial weakness of the yen against the dollar .", "definition": "the basic monetary unit of japan .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if koizumi has enjoyed some economic success , say critics , it has been through a combination of good luck and what many believe has been an artificial weakness of the yen against the dollar .\" What is the definition of \"yen\"?"} {"term": "bear", "pos": "", "context": "‘ i go out with my mates a lot , ’ she says when i suggest she might just be a little bit of a square bear .", "definition": "something that is very difficult or unpleasant to deal with", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ i go out with my mates a lot , ’ she says when i suggest she might just be a little bit of a square bear .\" What is the definition of \"bear\"?"} {"term": "harsh", "pos": "", "context": "wild and harsh country full of hot sand and cactus", "definition": "unpleasantly stern", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wild and harsh country full of hot sand and cactus\" What is the definition of \"harsh\"?"} {"term": "cole", "pos": "", "context": "in general , you can fertilize transplanted vegetables ( tomatoes , peppers , eggplants , head lettuce , and cole crops ) and corn about 3 to 4 weeks after planting .", "definition": "a brassica , especially cabbage , kale , or rape .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in general , you can fertilize transplanted vegetables ( tomatoes , peppers , eggplants , head lettuce , and cole crops ) and corn about 3 to 4 weeks after planting .\" What is the definition of \"cole\"?"} {"term": "canthus", "pos": "", "context": "the eye movements ( electro-oculograms [ eogs ] ) were monitored by electrodes placed superorbitally and over the outer canthus of the left eye .", "definition": "the outer or inner corner of the eye , where the upper and lower lids meet .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the eye movements ( electro-oculograms [ eogs ] ) were monitored by electrodes placed superorbitally and over the outer canthus of the left eye .\" What is the definition of \"canthus\"?"} {"term": "lox", "pos": "", "context": "our chemistry lecture made us ice-cream using lox .", "definition": "liquid oxygen .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"our chemistry lecture made us ice-cream using lox .\" What is the definition of \"lox\"?"} {"term": "kura", "pos": "", "context": "the kura had a policy of seeking parental permission before its students could talk to police .", "definition": "a school , typically one where lessons are conducted in maori", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the kura had a policy of seeking parental permission before its students could talk to police .\" What is the definition of \"kura\"?"} {"term": "rec", "pos": "", "context": "chairman david jessop , said : ‘ at the moment the rec is used once a year for the wrose carnival . ’", "definition": "a recreation ground .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"chairman david jessop , said : ‘ at the moment the rec is used once a year for the wrose carnival . ’\" What is the definition of \"rec\"?"} {"term": "rec", "pos": "", "context": "since we do n't have a curfew friday , we thought a bunch of the girls could get together in the rec hut and have a little shindig .", "definition": "recreation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"since we do n't have a curfew friday , we thought a bunch of the girls could get together in the rec hut and have a little shindig .\" What is the definition of \"rec\"?"} {"term": "saddleback", "pos": "", "context": "in the middle sepik area the haus tambarins are massive structures , often over 50 m long and with a saddleback roof rising to a spire at each end up to 25 m high .", "definition": "a tower roof which has two opposite gables connected by a pitched section .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the middle sepik area the haus tambarins are massive structures , often over 50 m long and with a saddleback roof rising to a spire at each end up to 25 m high .\" What is the definition of \"saddleback\"?"} {"term": "waterproof", "pos": "", "context": "individual animals were identified by marking the tails with waterproof black ink .", "definition": "not liable to be washed away by water", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"individual animals were identified by marking the tails with waterproof black ink .\" What is the definition of \"waterproof\"?"} {"term": "cottonmouth", "pos": "", "context": "we both recognized it as a moccasin , because the snake rule was simple : all snakes dropping into your boat at midnight in the river are cottonmouth moccasins , period .", "definition": "a large , dangerous semiaquatic pit viper which inhabits lowland swamps and waterways of the south-eastern us . when threatening it opens its mouth wide to display the white interior .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we both recognized it as a moccasin , because the snake rule was simple : all snakes dropping into your boat at midnight in the river are cottonmouth moccasins , period .\" What is the definition of \"cottonmouth\"?"} {"term": "bicycle", "pos": "", "context": "have a white light on the front of your bicycle and a red light and red reflector at the rear .", "definition": "a vehicle consisting of two wheels held in a frame one behind the other , propelled by pedals and steered with handlebars attached to the front wheel .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"have a white light on the front of your bicycle and a red light and red reflector at the rear .\" What is the definition of \"bicycle\"?"} {"term": "standard", "pos": "", "context": "standard brands", "definition": "conforming to or constituting a standard of measurement or value ; or of the usual or regularized or accepted kind", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"standard brands\" What is the definition of \"standard\"?"} {"term": "standard", "pos": "", "context": "of the soft fruits , gooseberries and redcurrants can be left as a bush or grown as a standard .", "definition": "a tree or shrub that grows on an erect stem of full height .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"of the soft fruits , gooseberries and redcurrants can be left as a bush or grown as a standard .\" What is the definition of \"standard\"?"} {"term": "standard", "pos": "", "context": "a whole row of bamboo plants , worth £30 each , is already dead and so are hundreds of standard roses .", "definition": "( of a shrub ) grafted on an erect stem and trained in tree form", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a whole row of bamboo plants , worth £30 each , is already dead and so are hundreds of standard roses .\" What is the definition of \"standard\"?"} {"term": "standard", "pos": "", "context": "bigger bags do make for a better brew but they would need to be about twice the standard size to make a difference .", "definition": "( of a size , measure , design , etc . ) regularly used or produced ; not special or exceptional", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bigger bags do make for a better brew but they would need to be about twice the standard size to make a difference .\" What is the definition of \"standard\"?"} {"term": "standard", "pos": "", "context": "many religious doctrines or beliefs dictate standards of social conduct and responsibility , and require believers to act accordingly .", "definition": "principles of conduct informed by notions of honour and decency", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"many religious doctrines or beliefs dictate standards of social conduct and responsibility , and require believers to act accordingly .\" What is the definition of \"standard\"?"} {"term": "standard", "pos": "", "context": "papilionaceous describes a corolla having a standard , wings , and keel , as in the peculiar corolla of many leguminosae .", "definition": "the large , frequently erect uppermost petal of a papilionaceous flower .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"papilionaceous describes a corolla having a standard , wings , and keel , as in the peculiar corolla of many leguminosae .\" What is the definition of \"standard\"?"} {"term": "standard", "pos": "", "context": "such is the imbalance that a couple both earning the average wage in edinburgh would no longer be able to secure a standard mortgage for an average house", "definition": "used or accepted as normal or average", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"such is the imbalance that a couple both earning the average wage in edinburgh would no longer be able to secure a standard mortgage for an average house\" What is the definition of \"standard\"?"} {"term": "rubber", "pos": "", "context": "the company specializes in handcrafted , original woodblock rubber stamps .", "definition": "a tough elastic polymeric substance made from the latex of a tropical plant or synthetically", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the company specializes in handcrafted , original woodblock rubber stamps .\" What is the definition of \"rubber\"?"} {"term": "hose", "pos": "", "context": "at coggeshall fire station , firefighters and their families swapped fire hoses for car wash hoses and brushes for their sponsored car wash .", "definition": "a flexible tube conveying water , used chiefly for watering plants and in firefighting", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at coggeshall fire station , firefighters and their families swapped fire hoses for car wash hoses and brushes for their sponsored car wash .\" What is the definition of \"hose\"?"} {"term": "isolationist", "pos": "", "context": "it 's not surprising that in a team environment , isolationists tend to lurk in the background .", "definition": "a person favouring a policy of remaining apart from the affairs or interests of other groups , especially the political affairs of other countries", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's not surprising that in a team environment , isolationists tend to lurk in the background .\" What is the definition of \"isolationist\"?"} {"term": "polygene", "pos": "", "context": "traditional quantitative genetic theory proposes that genetic variation in a quantitative trait is due to polygenes each with a small effect on the phenotype and being sensitive to the environment .", "definition": "a gene whose individual effect on a phenotype is too small to be observed , but which can act together with others to produce observable variation .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"traditional quantitative genetic theory proposes that genetic variation in a quantitative trait is due to polygenes each with a small effect on the phenotype and being sensitive to the environment .\" What is the definition of \"polygene\"?"} {"term": "artificial", "pos": "", "context": "artificial fibers", "definition": "contrived by art rather than nature", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"artificial fibers\" What is the definition of \"artificial\"?"} {"term": "artificial", "pos": "", "context": "the accent and intonation were near perfect , and there was no sign of affected or artificial delivery .", "definition": "( of a person or their behaviour ) insincere or affected", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the accent and intonation were near perfect , and there was no sign of affected or artificial delivery .\" What is the definition of \"artificial\"?"} {"term": "dak", "pos": "", "context": "under her , about 50,000 employees , including nearly 25,000 gramin dak agents , deliver mail , sell postal stationery , insurance policies and help people open savings accounts .", "definition": "the postal service in the indian subcontinent , originally delivered by a system of relay runners .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"under her , about 50,000 employees , including nearly 25,000 gramin dak agents , deliver mail , sell postal stationery , insurance policies and help people open savings accounts .\" What is the definition of \"dak\"?"} {"term": "deluge", "pos": "", "context": "at harrogate , the hosts were put in to bat on a new strip hastily prepared because the intended pitch had been flooded by friday 's deluge .", "definition": "a severe flood", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at harrogate , the hosts were put in to bat on a new strip hastily prepared because the intended pitch had been flooded by friday 's deluge .\" What is the definition of \"deluge\"?"} {"term": "scale", "pos": "", "context": "the roof-tiles are overlapped like the scales of a snake about to shed its skin .", "definition": "each of the small , thin horny or bony plates protecting the skin of fish and reptiles , typically overlapping one another .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the roof-tiles are overlapped like the scales of a snake about to shed its skin .\" What is the definition of \"scale\"?"} {"term": "scale", "pos": "", "context": "further encouraged by his teacher he eventually managed to produce all the notes of the major scale .", "definition": "an arrangement of the notes in any system of music in ascending or descending order of pitch", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"further encouraged by his teacher he eventually managed to produce all the notes of the major scale .\" What is the definition of \"scale\"?"} {"term": "scale", "pos": "", "context": "as for teaching standards , we recently did well in an official ofsted inspection ( achieving grade two on a scale of 1-5 ) .", "definition": "a graduated range of values forming a standard system for measuring or grading something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as for teaching standards , we recently did well in an official ofsted inspection ( achieving grade two on a scale of 1-5 ) .\" What is the definition of \"scale\"?"} {"term": "scale", "pos": "", "context": "the scale of the map", "definition": "the ratio between the size of something and a representation of it", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the scale of the map\" What is the definition of \"scale\"?"} {"term": "scale", "pos": "", "context": "scale fish", "definition": "remove the scales from", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"scale fish\" What is the definition of \"scale\"?"} {"term": "follower", "pos": "", "context": "office worker mr coleman , 23 , was tweeting to his followers on his blackberry while jogging to work when he cracked his head on a heavy low-hanging branch .", "definition": "someone who is tracking a particular person , group , organization , etc . on a social media website or application", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"office worker mr coleman , 23 , was tweeting to his followers on his blackberry while jogging to work when he cracked his head on a heavy low-hanging branch .\" What is the definition of \"follower\"?"} {"term": "dull", "pos": "", "context": "she had russet colored hair that turned a dull red in the lamplight .", "definition": "lacking brightness , vividness , or sheen", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she had russet colored hair that turned a dull red in the lamplight .\" What is the definition of \"dull\"?"} {"term": "dull", "pos": "", "context": "the beams pulled them in closer until a dull thud sounded throughout the thick hulls of the salvage vessels .", "definition": "( of sound ) not clear ; muffled", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the beams pulled them in closer until a dull thud sounded throughout the thick hulls of the salvage vessels .\" What is the definition of \"dull\"?"} {"term": "dull", "pos": "", "context": "without their bravery , courage and sacrifice on a dull , overcast morning in early summer in 1944 , the free europe would not exist today .", "definition": "( of the weather ) overcast ; gloomy", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"without their bravery , courage and sacrifice on a dull , overcast morning in early summer in 1944 , the free europe would not exist today .\" What is the definition of \"dull\"?"} {"term": "dull", "pos": "", "context": "a dull sky", "definition": "emitting or reflecting very little light", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dull sky\" What is the definition of \"dull\"?"} {"term": "alexandrian", "pos": "", "context": "alexandrian poets write out of a library , the library of other poetry they carry in their heads , rather than out of a commemorative rural ethic or an aspiration towards the ‘permanently upright city’ .", "definition": "( of a writer ) derivative or imitative of previous writers and fond of obscure learning .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"alexandrian poets write out of a library , the library of other poetry they carry in their heads , rather than out of a commemorative rural ethic or an aspiration towards the ‘permanently upright city’ .\" What is the definition of \"alexandrian\"?"} {"term": "perspicacity", "pos": "", "context": "artists , like great religious leaders , show amazing perspicacity in this respect .", "definition": "the quality of having a ready insight into things ; shrewdness", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"artists , like great religious leaders , show amazing perspicacity in this respect .\" What is the definition of \"perspicacity\"?"} {"term": "inherit", "pos": "", "context": "i 'm not against buying second hand clothes , nor inheriting from other people .", "definition": "come into possession of ( belongings ) from someone else", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i 'm not against buying second hand clothes , nor inheriting from other people .\" What is the definition of \"inherit\"?"} {"term": "plumbing", "pos": "", "context": "most of these projects require someone very knowledgeable in plumbing and laying of pipe .", "definition": "the work of installing and maintaining a plumbing system", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"most of these projects require someone very knowledgeable in plumbing and laying of pipe .\" What is the definition of \"plumbing\"?"} {"term": "simulate", "pos": "", "context": "spielberg 's films have the advantage of comparison , between live actors , who simulate terror , and monstrous reptiles that look so real you hold your breath when close to them .", "definition": "pretend to have or feel ( an emotion )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"spielberg 's films have the advantage of comparison , between live actors , who simulate terror , and monstrous reptiles that look so real you hold your breath when close to them .\" What is the definition of \"simulate\"?"} {"term": "stuffy", "pos": "", "context": "a stuffy feeling in my chest", "definition": "affected with a sensation of stoppage or obstruction", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a stuffy feeling in my chest\" What is the definition of \"stuffy\"?"} {"term": "deodorize", "pos": "", "context": "this stick will deodorize your armpits", "definition": "eliminate the odor from", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this stick will deodorize your armpits\" What is the definition of \"deodorize\"?"} {"term": "jeremiah", "pos": "", "context": "it has n't been publicly articulated because the great and the good of the arts community do n't want to be seen as jeremiahs .", "definition": "a person who complains continually or foretells disaster .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it has n't been publicly articulated because the great and the good of the arts community do n't want to be seen as jeremiahs .\" What is the definition of \"jeremiah\"?"} {"term": "hole", "pos": "", "context": "gaping holes puncture the walls , leaving glimpses of lifeless interiors through jagged brickwork and shattered windows .", "definition": "an aperture passing through something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gaping holes puncture the walls , leaving glimpses of lifeless interiors through jagged brickwork and shattered windows .\" What is the definition of \"hole\"?"} {"term": "hydraulic", "pos": "", "context": "hydraulic erosion", "definition": "moved or operated or effected by liquid ( water or oil )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hydraulic erosion\" What is the definition of \"hydraulic\"?"} {"term": "hydraulic", "pos": "", "context": "until now , conventional hydraulic oil would break down sooner , leaving your machine 's metal abrasively scraping against metal .", "definition": "denoting or relating to a liquid moving in a confined space under pressure", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"until now , conventional hydraulic oil would break down sooner , leaving your machine 's metal abrasively scraping against metal .\" What is the definition of \"hydraulic\"?"} {"term": "ascend", "pos": "", "context": "she ascended from a life of poverty to one of great", "definition": "move to a better position in life or to a better job", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she ascended from a life of poverty to one of great\" What is the definition of \"ascend\"?"} {"term": "ascend", "pos": "", "context": "leading up to the lobby , its glass doors proudly displaying the union symbol in frosted white , was a wide flight of steps , ascending gently from the sidewalk .", "definition": "( of a road or flight of steps ) slope or lead up", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"leading up to the lobby , its glass doors proudly displaying the union symbol in frosted white , was a wide flight of steps , ascending gently from the sidewalk .\" What is the definition of \"ascend\"?"} {"term": "desolate", "pos": "", "context": "my fellow writers if my words have left you feeling a trifle depressed and desolate , cheer up .", "definition": "feeling or showing great unhappiness or loneliness", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my fellow writers if my words have left you feeling a trifle depressed and desolate , cheer up .\" What is the definition of \"desolate\"?"} {"term": "desolate", "pos": "", "context": "oh dear me , it desolates me to inform you that i will not be able to update either of my stories for about ten days .", "definition": "make ( someone ) feel utterly wretched and unhappy", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"oh dear me , it desolates me to inform you that i will not be able to update either of my stories for about ten days .\" What is the definition of \"desolate\"?"} {"term": "metro", "pos": "", "context": "numerous less grand railway stations on both main lines and metros , from the west coast of north america to old cities of europe like paris , berlin and london have helped invigorate urban districts .", "definition": "an underground railway system in a city , especially paris .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"numerous less grand railway stations on both main lines and metros , from the west coast of north america to old cities of europe like paris , berlin and london have helped invigorate urban districts .\" What is the definition of \"metro\"?"} {"term": "metro", "pos": "", "context": "planes , trains and metros were canceled , and postal workers and teachers stayed home in a nationwide day of defiance thursday against government economic policies - notably plans to let the french work longer hours .", "definition": "an underground train , especially in paris .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"planes , trains and metros were canceled , and postal workers and teachers stayed home in a nationwide day of defiance thursday against government economic policies - notably plans to let the french work longer hours .\" What is the definition of \"metro\"?"} {"term": "rohypnol", "pos": "", "context": "if the strip turns red , blue or green after one minute , this is an indication that the drink was spiked with ketamine , ghb or rohypnol .", "definition": "a powerful sedative drug of the benzodiazepine class .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if the strip turns red , blue or green after one minute , this is an indication that the drink was spiked with ketamine , ghb or rohypnol .\" What is the definition of \"rohypnol\"?"} {"term": "mullein", "pos": "", "context": "besides picking the more familiar lemon balm , coltsfoot and mullein , i found myself picking honeysuckle flowers for their antibacterial and antiviral properties .", "definition": "a herbaceous eurasian plant with woolly leaves and tall spikes of yellow flowers .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"besides picking the more familiar lemon balm , coltsfoot and mullein , i found myself picking honeysuckle flowers for their antibacterial and antiviral properties .\" What is the definition of \"mullein\"?"} {"term": "examine", "pos": "", "context": "the petitioner 's solicitor did request an adjournment to examine the respondent .", "definition": "formally question ( a defendant or witness ) in court .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the petitioner 's solicitor did request an adjournment to examine the respondent .\" What is the definition of \"examine\"?"} {"term": "cristobalite", "pos": "", "context": "all quartz is not the same - there are differences that do affect cristobalite generation - the ground quartz does produce more cristobalite .", "definition": "a form of silica which is the main component of opal and also occurs as small octahedral crystals .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all quartz is not the same - there are differences that do affect cristobalite generation - the ground quartz does produce more cristobalite .\" What is the definition of \"cristobalite\"?"} {"term": "doctrine", "pos": "", "context": "he demonstrates that the bush doctrine is connected with the spread of neoliberalism and global capital .", "definition": "a stated principle of government policy , mainly in foreign or military affairs", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he demonstrates that the bush doctrine is connected with the spread of neoliberalism and global capital .\" What is the definition of \"doctrine\"?"} {"term": "diabolism", "pos": "", "context": "of these , the most striking is matthew g. lewis , whose novel the monk cast aside radcliffe 's decorum in its sensational depictions of diabolism and incestuous rape .", "definition": "worship of the devil .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"of these , the most striking is matthew g. lewis , whose novel the monk cast aside radcliffe 's decorum in its sensational depictions of diabolism and incestuous rape .\" What is the definition of \"diabolism\"?"} {"term": "swordfish", "pos": "", "context": "the cod 's the best bit here , but in nutritional terms , it trails a dismal second to oily varieties of fish such as salmon , trout , tuna , mackerel and swordfish .", "definition": "a large edible marine fish with a streamlined body and a long flattened sword-like snout , related to the billfishes and popular as a game fish .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the cod 's the best bit here , but in nutritional terms , it trails a dismal second to oily varieties of fish such as salmon , trout , tuna , mackerel and swordfish .\" What is the definition of \"swordfish\"?"} {"term": "dialysate", "pos": "", "context": "however , a decrease in the content of free ca2 + and mg2 + was recognized in dialysates of egg homogenates shortly after the initiation of exocytosis .", "definition": "the solution the dialysate forms with the fluid on the other side of the membrane .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"however , a decrease in the content of free ca2 + and mg2 + was recognized in dialysates of egg homogenates shortly after the initiation of exocytosis .\" What is the definition of \"dialysate\"?"} {"term": "fret", "pos": "", "context": "i had fretted at night concerned that he was feeling lonely .", "definition": "be constantly or visibly anxious", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i had fretted at night concerned that he was feeling lonely .\" What is the definition of \"fret\"?"} {"term": "merlot", "pos": "", "context": "so chardonnay emerged to bypass burgundian history and land prices ; cabernet sauvignon and merlot arose to compete with bordeaux , and shiraz took on the rhone .", "definition": "a variety of black wine grape originally from the bordeaux region of france .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so chardonnay emerged to bypass burgundian history and land prices ; cabernet sauvignon and merlot arose to compete with bordeaux , and shiraz took on the rhone .\" What is the definition of \"merlot\"?"} {"term": "imagesetter", "pos": "", "context": "high-quality fonts provide additional information to printing devices , such as imagesetters .", "definition": "a very high-quality type of colour printer used to print glossy magazines , newsletters , or other documents .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"high-quality fonts provide additional information to printing devices , such as imagesetters .\" What is the definition of \"imagesetter\"?"} {"term": "couch", "pos": "", "context": "the surgeon performed a type of cataract surgery known as couching .", "definition": "treat ( a cataract ) by pushing the lens of the eye downwards and backwards , out of line with the pupil .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the surgeon performed a type of cataract surgery known as couching .\" What is the definition of \"couch\"?"} {"term": "inclusion", "pos": "", "context": "several small grains of amphibole were seen as inclusions in a plagioclase phenocryst , and one partial grain of resorbed amphibole also was noted .", "definition": "a body or particle of distinct composition embedded in a rock or other material .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"several small grains of amphibole were seen as inclusions in a plagioclase phenocryst , and one partial grain of resorbed amphibole also was noted .\" What is the definition of \"inclusion\"?"} {"term": "increase", "pos": "", "context": "the increase in unemployment", "definition": "a process of becoming larger or longer or more numerous or more important", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the increase in unemployment\" What is the definition of \"increase\"?"} {"term": "increase", "pos": "", "context": "the boss finally increased her salary", "definition": "make bigger or more", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the boss finally increased her salary\" What is the definition of \"increase\"?"} {"term": "carcinoma", "pos": "", "context": "advanced stage non-small cell carcinomas and small cell carcinomas are treated by systemic chemotherapy .", "definition": "a cancer arising in the epithelial tissue of the skin or of the lining of the internal organs .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"advanced stage non-small cell carcinomas and small cell carcinomas are treated by systemic chemotherapy .\" What is the definition of \"carcinoma\"?"} {"term": "prominence", "pos": "", "context": "by the close of the 1870s , homer had achieved national prominence .", "definition": "the state of being important , famous , or noticeable", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"by the close of the 1870s , homer had achieved national prominence .\" What is the definition of \"prominence\"?"} {"term": "prominence", "pos": "", "context": "the circulating nurse verifies that the patient is safe and protected and that bony prominences are adequately padded after positioning .", "definition": "a thing that projects from something , such as a projecting feature of the landscape or a protuberance on a part of the body", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the circulating nurse verifies that the patient is safe and protected and that bony prominences are adequately padded after positioning .\" What is the definition of \"prominence\"?"} {"term": "merry", "pos": "", "context": "peals of merry laughter", "definition": "full of or showing high-spirited merriment", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"peals of merry laughter\" What is the definition of \"merry\"?"} {"term": "mobile", "pos": "", "context": "a highly mobile face", "definition": "capable of changing quickly from one state or condition to another", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a highly mobile face\" What is the definition of \"mobile\"?"} {"term": "knowledgeability", "pos": "", "context": "his knowledgeability impressed me", "definition": "wisdom as evidenced by the possession of knowledge", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his knowledgeability impressed me\" What is the definition of \"knowledgeability\"?"} {"term": "agreement", "pos": "", "context": "all bodies are in agreement that the use of foreign workers is set to mushroom over the next few years .", "definition": "harmony or accordance in opinion or feeling", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all bodies are in agreement that the use of foreign workers is set to mushroom over the next few years .\" What is the definition of \"agreement\"?"} {"term": "stack", "pos": "", "context": "the group i ride with all got a shock last year when our friend stacked it , came down on his head and spent the next 6 months in hospital .", "definition": "( in snowboarding ) fall over .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the group i ride with all got a shock last year when our friend stacked it , came down on his head and spent the next 6 months in hospital .\" What is the definition of \"stack\"?"} {"term": "stack", "pos": "", "context": "the hearing of both ozzy osbourne and the who guitarist peter townshend was damaged by prolonged exposure to the high wattage blare from stacks of amplifiers .", "definition": "a vertical arrangement of hi-fi or guitar amplification equipment .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the hearing of both ozzy osbourne and the who guitarist peter townshend was damaged by prolonged exposure to the high wattage blare from stacks of amplifiers .\" What is the definition of \"stack\"?"} {"term": "stack", "pos": "", "context": "the librarian sped away along the stacks of books .", "definition": "units of shelving in part of a library normally closed to the public , used to store books compactly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the librarian sped away along the stacks of books .\" What is the definition of \"stack\"?"} {"term": "californium", "pos": "", "context": "the isotope californium - 252 has also found some use in determining the amount of moisture in soil , information that is very important to road builders and construction companies .", "definition": "the chemical element of atomic number 98 , a radioactive metal of the actinide series , first produced by bombarding curium with helium ions .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the isotope californium - 252 has also found some use in determining the amount of moisture in soil , information that is very important to road builders and construction companies .\" What is the definition of \"californium\"?"} {"term": "crop", "pos": "", "context": "the women baked bread and danced and listened to music , and the guys worked out on the fields , growing vegetables and other crops .", "definition": "a cultivated plant that is grown on a large scale commercially , especially a cereal , fruit , or vegetable", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the women baked bread and danced and listened to music , and the guys worked out on the fields , growing vegetables and other crops .\" What is the definition of \"crop\"?"} {"term": "crop", "pos": "", "context": "a comparison of specific organs revealed a huge difference in ethyl oleate found in the crop , an organ used for nectar storage .", "definition": "an organ resembling a pouch in an insect or earthworm .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a comparison of specific organs revealed a huge difference in ethyl oleate found in the crop , an organ used for nectar storage .\" What is the definition of \"crop\"?"} {"term": "checkout", "pos": "", "context": "in a large supermarket , phone top-ups will be available at all checkouts and will become part of a family 's weekly shopping basket .", "definition": "a point at which goods are paid for in a supermarket or similar store", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in a large supermarket , phone top-ups will be available at all checkouts and will become part of a family 's weekly shopping basket .\" What is the definition of \"checkout\"?"} {"term": "rococo", "pos": "", "context": "art nouveau 's swirling forms and arabesques , decorative playfulness and openness to the exotic , in this case from japan rather than china , also seem descended from rococo .", "definition": "the rococo style of art , decoration , or architecture", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"art nouveau 's swirling forms and arabesques , decorative playfulness and openness to the exotic , in this case from japan rather than china , also seem descended from rococo .\" What is the definition of \"rococo\"?"} {"term": "pin-up", "pos": "", "context": "johansson is peeling off her clothes in a photographic studio in la , in preparation for becoming the pin-up for bono 's new plan .", "definition": "a person featured in a pin-up .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"johansson is peeling off her clothes in a photographic studio in la , in preparation for becoming the pin-up for bono 's new plan .\" What is the definition of \"pin-up\"?"} {"term": "elephant", "pos": "", "context": "further , if we recall the great size of a typical elephant , the figure of coryate is out of scale , much too large .", "definition": "a size of paper , typically 28 × 23 inches ( approximately 711 × 584 mm ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"further , if we recall the great size of a typical elephant , the figure of coryate is out of scale , much too large .\" What is the definition of \"elephant\"?"} {"term": "threaten", "pos": "", "context": "the dispute threatened to stop production lines at four car companies in victoria and south australia .", "definition": "seem likely to produce an unpleasant or unwelcome result", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the dispute threatened to stop production lines at four car companies in victoria and south australia .\" What is the definition of \"threaten\"?"} {"term": "bunk", "pos": "", "context": "we bunked the children upstairs", "definition": "provide with a bunk", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we bunked the children upstairs\" What is the definition of \"bunk\"?"} {"term": "meek", "pos": "", "context": "she looked meek but had the heart of a lion", "definition": "evidencing little spirit or courage ; overly submissive or compliant", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she looked meek but had the heart of a lion\" What is the definition of \"meek\"?"} {"term": "occasions", "pos": "", "context": "he minded his own specialized occasions", "definition": "something you have to do", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he minded his own specialized occasions\" What is the definition of \"occasions\"?"} {"term": "differentia", "pos": "", "context": "the text deals with a detailed explanation of the five logical-ontological key concepts : genus , species , differentia , essential attribute and accidental attribute .", "definition": "an attribute that distinguishes a species of thing from other species of the same genus .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the text deals with a detailed explanation of the five logical-ontological key concepts : genus , species , differentia , essential attribute and accidental attribute .\" What is the definition of \"differentia\"?"} {"term": "stake", "pos": "", "context": "it 's one of those shoot-it-once-or-forget-it-scenes where the stakes are high , a nice inclusion on this documentary .", "definition": "a sum of money or something else of value gambled on the outcome of a risky game or venture", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's one of those shoot-it-once-or-forget-it-scenes where the stakes are high , a nice inclusion on this documentary .\" What is the definition of \"stake\"?"} {"term": "stake", "pos": "", "context": "stake out the path", "definition": "mark with a stake", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stake out the path\" What is the definition of \"stake\"?"} {"term": "goblet", "pos": "", "context": "munro has made this interplay explicit with some pieces , such as the goblets , where the stem is made of alternating blocks of black and transparent glass .", "definition": "a drinking glass with a foot and a stem", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"munro has made this interplay explicit with some pieces , such as the goblets , where the stem is made of alternating blocks of black and transparent glass .\" What is the definition of \"goblet\"?"} {"term": "thickening", "pos": "", "context": "starch is used in cooking as a thickening", "definition": "any material used to thicken", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"starch is used in cooking as a thickening\" What is the definition of \"thickening\"?"} {"term": "eyeglass", "pos": "", "context": "we manufacture bespoke custom handmade eyeglass frames , spectacle frames and sunglasses in house at our own eye glasses frame making factory .", "definition": "a single lens for correcting or assisting defective eyesight , especially a monocle .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we manufacture bespoke custom handmade eyeglass frames , spectacle frames and sunglasses in house at our own eye glasses frame making factory .\" What is the definition of \"eyeglass\"?"} {"term": "jog", "pos": "", "context": "and then , to my even greater astonishment , he turns and starts jogging back up the stairs .", "definition": "run at a steady gentle pace , especially on a regular basis as a form of physical exercise", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and then , to my even greater astonishment , he turns and starts jogging back up the stairs .\" What is the definition of \"jog\"?"} {"term": "business", "pos": "", "context": "it 's none of your business", "definition": "a rightful concern or responsibility", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's none of your business\" What is the definition of \"business\"?"} {"term": "business", "pos": "", "context": "in my business the less you worry about making money the more likely you are to make it .", "definition": "an activity that someone is engaged in", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in my business the less you worry about making money the more likely you are to make it .\" What is the definition of \"business\"?"} {"term": "business", "pos": "", "context": "he can not recall if the trust was ever engaged in any business or ever lent money .", "definition": "commercial activity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he can not recall if the trust was ever engaged in any business or ever lent money .\" What is the definition of \"business\"?"} {"term": "business", "pos": "", "context": "these heavy duty mobile field shelters really are the business when it comes to housing your horse or pony .", "definition": "a very enjoyable or popular person or thing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these heavy duty mobile field shelters really are the business when it comes to housing your horse or pony .\" What is the definition of \"business\"?"} {"term": "shubunkin", "pos": "", "context": "today morning when i went to switch on the aquarium light , i found 2 male shubunkin goldfish were following one of the female shubunkin goldfish in the aquarium .", "definition": "a goldfish of an ornamental variety , having black spots , red patches , and long fins and tail .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"today morning when i went to switch on the aquarium light , i found 2 male shubunkin goldfish were following one of the female shubunkin goldfish in the aquarium .\" What is the definition of \"shubunkin\"?"} {"term": "zoonosis", "pos": "", "context": "east african sleeping sickness , caused by t brucei rhodesiense , is a zoonosis with an extensive animal reservoir in ungulates , including game animals .", "definition": "a disease which can be transmitted to humans from animals .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"east african sleeping sickness , caused by t brucei rhodesiense , is a zoonosis with an extensive animal reservoir in ungulates , including game animals .\" What is the definition of \"zoonosis\"?"} {"term": "airfare", "pos": "", "context": "the fall in the price of airfares , thanks to seasonal reductions in september being greater than in the same month last year , was mirrored on a smaller scale by reduced prices for sea travel .", "definition": "the price to be paid by an aircraft passenger for a particular journey .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the fall in the price of airfares , thanks to seasonal reductions in september being greater than in the same month last year , was mirrored on a smaller scale by reduced prices for sea travel .\" What is the definition of \"airfare\"?"} {"term": "parallel", "pos": "", "context": "there is no doubt that the country house faced a crisis in the twentieth century that has no parallel , at least in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries .", "definition": "a person or thing that is similar or analogous to another", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is no doubt that the country house faced a crisis in the twentieth century that has no parallel , at least in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries .\" What is the definition of \"parallel\"?"} {"term": "parallel", "pos": "", "context": "a dvd drive does n't need 150 mb/sec of bandwidth , so parallel ata performance is good enough .", "definition": "involving the simultaneous performance of operations", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dvd drive does n't need 150 mb/sec of bandwidth , so parallel ata performance is good enough .\" What is the definition of \"parallel\"?"} {"term": "parallel", "pos": "", "context": "programming the buttonbox requires constructing a special parallel cable to connect to it , and then running the programming software .", "definition": "of or denoting electrical components or circuits connected to common points at each end , rather than one to another in sequence .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"programming the buttonbox requires constructing a special parallel cable to connect to it , and then running the programming software .\" What is the definition of \"parallel\"?"} {"term": "hank", "pos": "", "context": "we can also reduce to total cost of the your roller furling package by taking your hank on sails in trade .", "definition": "a ring for securing a staysail to the stay .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we can also reduce to total cost of the your roller furling package by taking your hank on sails in trade .\" What is the definition of \"hank\"?"} {"term": "polygamist", "pos": "", "context": "few people outside the group are likely to have close friends who are polygamists .", "definition": "a person who has more than one wife or husband at the same time", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"few people outside the group are likely to have close friends who are polygamists .\" What is the definition of \"polygamist\"?"} {"term": "rebuke", "pos": "", "context": "he had to take the rebuke with a smile on his face", "definition": "an act or expression of criticism and censure", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had to take the rebuke with a smile on his face\" What is the definition of \"rebuke\"?"} {"term": "hotelkeeper", "pos": "", "context": "the tale of the basque hotelkeeper lyda esain captures graphically the challenges and drudgery of owning and operating such an enterprise .", "definition": "a person who runs a hotel .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the tale of the basque hotelkeeper lyda esain captures graphically the challenges and drudgery of owning and operating such an enterprise .\" What is the definition of \"hotelkeeper\"?"} {"term": "interaction", "pos": "", "context": "there has been interaction between the two cities for more than a thousand years .", "definition": "reciprocal action or influence", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there has been interaction between the two cities for more than a thousand years .\" What is the definition of \"interaction\"?"} {"term": "raffle", "pos": "", "context": "we raffled off a trip to the bahamas", "definition": "dispose of in a lottery", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we raffled off a trip to the bahamas\" What is the definition of \"raffle\"?"} {"term": "biochemistry", "pos": "", "context": "the different origins , biochemistry and likely tertiary structure of the truncated plant haemoglobins suggest that these proteins may have separate cellular roles .", "definition": "the processes and substances with which the science of biochemistry is concerned", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the different origins , biochemistry and likely tertiary structure of the truncated plant haemoglobins suggest that these proteins may have separate cellular roles .\" What is the definition of \"biochemistry\"?"} {"term": "expect", "pos": "", "context": "there will be good and bad days , but i expect the rehab will be just as tough .", "definition": "used to indicate that one supposes something to be so but has no firm evidence", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there will be good and bad days , but i expect the rehab will be just as tough .\" What is the definition of \"expect\"?"} {"term": "sublet", "pos": "", "context": "we sublet our apartment over the summer", "definition": "lease or rent all or part of ( a leased or rented property ) to another person", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we sublet our apartment over the summer\" What is the definition of \"sublet\"?"} {"term": "smallholding", "pos": "", "context": "by the 1980s unemployment and poverty could no longer be externalized to the homelands , and remnant smallholding could no longer give a majority of african people either significant income or social support .", "definition": "the practice of farming smallholdings", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"by the 1980s unemployment and poverty could no longer be externalized to the homelands , and remnant smallholding could no longer give a majority of african people either significant income or social support .\" What is the definition of \"smallholding\"?"} {"term": "speed", "pos": "", "context": "i got a ticket for speeding", "definition": "travel at an excessive or illegal velocity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i got a ticket for speeding\" What is the definition of \"speed\"?"} {"term": "excitement", "pos": "", "context": "i guess when couples date but live apart there is some kind of excitement a bit like being in school and dating someone .", "definition": "sexual arousal .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i guess when couples date but live apart there is some kind of excitement a bit like being in school and dating someone .\" What is the definition of \"excitement\"?"} {"term": "rhetorical", "pos": "", "context": "i was n't sure if this was a rhetorical question or not .", "definition": "( of a question ) asked in order to produce an effect or to make a statement rather than to elicit information", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i was n't sure if this was a rhetorical question or not .\" What is the definition of \"rhetorical\"?"} {"term": "rhetorical", "pos": "", "context": "once a commentator commits a major rhetorical gaffe or colossal misstatement of fact , it becomes impossible to take them seriously .", "definition": "relating to or concerned with the art of rhetoric", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"once a commentator commits a major rhetorical gaffe or colossal misstatement of fact , it becomes impossible to take them seriously .\" What is the definition of \"rhetorical\"?"} {"term": "anorexia", "pos": "", "context": "as well as suffering from asthma , she is receiving medical treatment for anorexia .", "definition": "an emotional disorder characterized by an obsessive desire to lose weight by refusing to eat .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as well as suffering from asthma , she is receiving medical treatment for anorexia .\" What is the definition of \"anorexia\"?"} {"term": "darkness", "pos": "", "context": "her hair was pulled back into a tight high ponytail ; her hair was also streaked with blond and red over the darkness of her natural dark brown .", "definition": "the quality of being dark in colour", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her hair was pulled back into a tight high ponytail ; her hair was also streaked with blond and red over the darkness of her natural dark brown .\" What is the definition of \"darkness\"?"} {"term": "adsorbent", "pos": "", "context": "this shift indicates a significant change in the peptide conformation due to the nature of the adsorbent surfaces .", "definition": "able to adsorb substances .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this shift indicates a significant change in the peptide conformation due to the nature of the adsorbent surfaces .\" What is the definition of \"adsorbent\"?"} {"term": "peke", "pos": "", "context": "in china , pekes were the object of worship for centuries , so it is appropriate that there should be such an elegant monument .", "definition": "a pekinese dog .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in china , pekes were the object of worship for centuries , so it is appropriate that there should be such an elegant monument .\" What is the definition of \"peke\"?"} {"term": "strife", "pos": "", "context": "there 's an old proverb that says humans are born to strife as the sparks fly upward - which is true .", "definition": "trouble or difficulty of any kind .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there 's an old proverb that says humans are born to strife as the sparks fly upward - which is true .\" What is the definition of \"strife\"?"} {"term": "strife", "pos": "", "context": "war and civil strife can lead to disease outbreaks by creating refugee disasters and a breakdown in public health care .", "definition": "angry or bitter disagreement over fundamental issues ; conflict", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"war and civil strife can lead to disease outbreaks by creating refugee disasters and a breakdown in public health care .\" What is the definition of \"strife\"?"} {"term": "overstock", "pos": "", "context": "the black topped bar stretched the length of the right wall overstocked with enough alcohol to satisfy anyone 's needs .", "definition": "supply with more of something than is necessary or required", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the black topped bar stretched the length of the right wall overstocked with enough alcohol to satisfy anyone 's needs .\" What is the definition of \"overstock\"?"} {"term": "rail", "pos": "", "context": "hundreds of miles were railed out here", "definition": "lay with rails", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hundreds of miles were railed out here\" What is the definition of \"rail\"?"} {"term": "strong", "pos": "", "context": "his family still have strong connections in ryedale and visited relations in the area over christmas .", "definition": "firmly held or established", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his family still have strong connections in ryedale and visited relations in the area over christmas .\" What is the definition of \"strong\"?"} {"term": "strong", "pos": "", "context": "he sipped a little carefully from the spoon and found it had a strong flavour .", "definition": "( of food or its flavour ) distinctive and pungent", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he sipped a little carefully from the spoon and found it had a strong flavour .\" What is the definition of \"strong\"?"} {"term": "strong", "pos": "", "context": "`sing ' is a strong verb", "definition": "of verbs not having standard ( or regular ) inflection", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"`sing ' is a strong verb\" What is the definition of \"strong\"?"} {"term": "scraper", "pos": "", "context": "use a paint scraper initially to remove the majority of the finish .", "definition": "a tool or device used for scraping , especially for removing dirt , paint , or other unwanted matter from a surface", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"use a paint scraper initially to remove the majority of the finish .\" What is the definition of \"scraper\"?"} {"term": "form", "pos": "", "context": "he blushed at his admission and i wondered at the shy relationship that had formed between my two friends .", "definition": "gradually appear or develop", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he blushed at his admission and i wondered at the shy relationship that had formed between my two friends .\" What is the definition of \"form\"?"} {"term": "form", "pos": "", "context": "the inflected forms of a word can be represented by a stem and a list of inflections to be attached", "definition": "the phonological or orthographic sound or appearance of a word that can be used to describe or identify something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the inflected forms of a word can be represented by a stem and a list of inflections to be attached\" What is the definition of \"form\"?"} {"term": "form", "pos": "", "context": "rogers enjoyed a stunning success when moon unit took the group 3 greenlands stakes , despite starting as the rank outsider at 20/1 - a surprising price to anyone who bothered to take a close look at the animal 's form .", "definition": "details of previous performances by a racehorse or greyhound", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rogers enjoyed a stunning success when moon unit took the group 3 greenlands stakes , despite starting as the rank outsider at 20/1 - a surprising price to anyone who bothered to take a close look at the animal 's form .\" What is the definition of \"form\"?"} {"term": "form", "pos": "", "context": "social groups form everywhere", "definition": "create ( as an entity )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"social groups form everywhere\" What is the definition of \"form\"?"} {"term": "form", "pos": "", "context": "lacking both form and content , soul survivors can hardly be called a movie at all .", "definition": "style , design , and arrangement in an artistic work as distinct from its content", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lacking both form and content , soul survivors can hardly be called a movie at all .\" What is the definition of \"form\"?"} {"term": "form", "pos": "", "context": "the water formed little beads", "definition": "assume a form or shape", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the water formed little beads\" What is the definition of \"form\"?"} {"term": "form", "pos": "", "context": "the essay was in the form of a dialogue", "definition": "an arrangement of the elements in a composition or discourse", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the essay was in the form of a dialogue\" What is the definition of \"form\"?"} {"term": "form", "pos": "", "context": "sculpture is a form of art", "definition": "a category of things distinguished by some common characteristic or quality", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sculpture is a form of art\" What is the definition of \"form\"?"} {"term": "pear", "pos": "", "context": "he sat under a large pear tree , inhaling the fresh scents .", "definition": "the eurasian tree which bears the pear .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he sat under a large pear tree , inhaling the fresh scents .\" What is the definition of \"pear\"?"} {"term": "kernel", "pos": "", "context": "gordon 's statements about automobile steering have some kernels of truth but are also inaccurate .", "definition": "the central or most important part of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gordon 's statements about automobile steering have some kernels of truth but are also inaccurate .\" What is the definition of \"kernel\"?"} {"term": "collar", "pos": "", "context": "i rummaged through some boxes to find his leash and hooked it on his collar .", "definition": "a band put around the neck of a domestic animal , used to restrain or control it", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i rummaged through some boxes to find his leash and hooked it on his collar .\" What is the definition of \"collar\"?"} {"term": "depth", "pos": "", "context": "the depth of his breathing", "definition": "the attribute or quality of being deep , strong , or intense", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the depth of his breathing\" What is the definition of \"depth\"?"} {"term": "depth", "pos": "", "context": "she took the four teenagers to live in the depths of norfolk , with no communication from the outside world for three and a half weeks .", "definition": "a remote and inaccessible place", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she took the four teenagers to live in the depths of norfolk , with no communication from the outside world for three and a half weeks .\" What is the definition of \"depth\"?"} {"term": "anglicism", "pos": "", "context": "americans may sometimes find the prose a bit daunting , the occasional anglicism , misplaced modifier , and passive voice requiring a thorough rereading .", "definition": "a word or phrase that is peculiar to british english", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"americans may sometimes find the prose a bit daunting , the occasional anglicism , misplaced modifier , and passive voice requiring a thorough rereading .\" What is the definition of \"anglicism\"?"} {"term": "weal", "pos": "", "context": "the veterinary officer will report to the stewards after the race every horse which is wealed .", "definition": "mark with a weal", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the veterinary officer will report to the stewards after the race every horse which is wealed .\" What is the definition of \"weal\"?"} {"term": "weal", "pos": "", "context": "this president has largely excused the rich and powerful from the onerous burden of lightening their wads a tiny bit for the public weal - with a resulting plunge in treasury receipts .", "definition": "that which is best for someone or something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this president has largely excused the rich and powerful from the onerous burden of lightening their wads a tiny bit for the public weal - with a resulting plunge in treasury receipts .\" What is the definition of \"weal\"?"} {"term": "ell", "pos": "", "context": "eventually , she crawls beneath the covers into the ells formed by bent legs , and instantly conks out .", "definition": "something that is l-shaped or that creates an l shape .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"eventually , she crawls beneath the covers into the ells formed by bent legs , and instantly conks out .\" What is the definition of \"ell\"?"} {"term": "transportation", "pos": "", "context": "now we already have cargo transportation to china from kaohsiung via xiamen .", "definition": "the action of transporting someone or something or the process of being transported", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"now we already have cargo transportation to china from kaohsiung via xiamen .\" What is the definition of \"transportation\"?"} {"term": "mouse", "pos": "", "context": "if you do n't see a toolbar in the upper-right corner , either move your mouse across the screen or hit the tab key .", "definition": "a small handheld device which is moved across a mat or flat surface to move the cursor on a computer screen", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if you do n't see a toolbar in the upper-right corner , either move your mouse across the screen or hit the tab key .\" What is the definition of \"mouse\"?"} {"term": "oolong", "pos": "", "context": "this is where they grow lishan oolong , the most expensive tea in the world at some us $ 400 per kilo .", "definition": "a kind of dark-coloured china tea made by fermenting the withered leaves to about half the degree usual for black teas .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this is where they grow lishan oolong , the most expensive tea in the world at some us $ 400 per kilo .\" What is the definition of \"oolong\"?"} {"term": "polyelectrolyte", "pos": "", "context": "even so , this apparent complexity would allow benefit from progresses in statistical physics , and scaling theories applied to polymers , polyelectrolytes , and polyampholytes .", "definition": "a polymer which has several ionizable groups along the molecule , especially any of those used for coagulating and flocculating particles during water treatment or for making electrophoretic gels .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"even so , this apparent complexity would allow benefit from progresses in statistical physics , and scaling theories applied to polymers , polyelectrolytes , and polyampholytes .\" What is the definition of \"polyelectrolyte\"?"} {"term": "burgomaster", "pos": "", "context": "saskia van uylenburgh was the daughter of an impoverished though respected burgomaster and rembrandt drew and painted her over and over again .", "definition": "the mayor of a dutch , flemish , german , austrian , or swiss town .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"saskia van uylenburgh was the daughter of an impoverished though respected burgomaster and rembrandt drew and painted her over and over again .\" What is the definition of \"burgomaster\"?"} {"term": "waggle", "pos": "", "context": "his thin arms waggled around in the air balancing himself on on his stool as he laughed with conviction at everything .", "definition": "move or cause to move with short quick movements from side to side or up and down", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his thin arms waggled around in the air balancing himself on on his stool as he laughed with conviction at everything .\" What is the definition of \"waggle\"?"} {"term": "god", "pos": "", "context": "but i 'm wondering - do i tempt fate and the gods of baseball by putting some voodoo magic up here ?", "definition": "used as a conventional personification of fate", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but i 'm wondering - do i tempt fate and the gods of baseball by putting some voodoo magic up here ?\" What is the definition of \"god\"?"} {"term": "would", "pos": "", "context": "it would be lovely to hear the boy 's chatter and not feel left out when they are speaking together .", "definition": "expressing a conjecture , opinion , or hope", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it would be lovely to hear the boy 's chatter and not feel left out when they are speaking together .\" What is the definition of \"would\"?"} {"term": "would", "pos": "", "context": "if at all possible i would urge a newcomer to pike fishing to ask an experienced angler if they could tag along for a session or two .", "definition": "used to give advice", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if at all possible i would urge a newcomer to pike fishing to ask an experienced angler if they could tag along for a session or two .\" What is the definition of \"would\"?"} {"term": "belarusian", "pos": "", "context": "now working as an aerobics teacher , suzy previously worked as on-air talent for belarusian television , and in television production .", "definition": "relating to belarus , its people , or its language", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"now working as an aerobics teacher , suzy previously worked as on-air talent for belarusian television , and in television production .\" What is the definition of \"belarusian\"?"} {"term": "pickle", "pos": "", "context": "titanium sheet , supplied descaled and pickled , has no significant amount of surface oxide .", "definition": "immerse ( a metal object ) in an acid or other chemical solution for cleaning", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"titanium sheet , supplied descaled and pickled , has no significant amount of surface oxide .\" What is the definition of \"pickle\"?"} {"term": "symbol", "pos": "", "context": "basically it 's just writing using a variety of symbols , or using symbols such as letters in a variety of ways .", "definition": "a mark or character used as a conventional representation of an object , function , or process , e.g . the letter or letters standing for a chemical element or a character in musical notation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"basically it 's just writing using a variety of symbols , or using symbols such as letters in a variety of ways .\" What is the definition of \"symbol\"?"} {"term": "discount", "pos": "", "context": "they shed their non-banking activities and concentrated on financing through discounting bills of exchange and distributing the securities which governments and subsequently companies issued .", "definition": "buy or sell ( a bill of exchange ) before its due date at less than its maturity value", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they shed their non-banking activities and concentrated on financing through discounting bills of exchange and distributing the securities which governments and subsequently companies issued .\" What is the definition of \"discount\"?"} {"term": "caliphate", "pos": "", "context": "from the ninth century onwards the turks began to enter the caliphate , not in mass , but as slaves or adventurers serving as soldiers .", "definition": "the area ruled by a caliph", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"from the ninth century onwards the turks began to enter the caliphate , not in mass , but as slaves or adventurers serving as soldiers .\" What is the definition of \"caliphate\"?"} {"term": "persimmon", "pos": "", "context": "cold-tolerant persimmons are small , beautiful trees that yield small , sweet fruit harvested in the fall .", "definition": "the tree which yields the persimmon , related to ebony .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cold-tolerant persimmons are small , beautiful trees that yield small , sweet fruit harvested in the fall .\" What is the definition of \"persimmon\"?"} {"term": "patient", "pos": "", "context": "everything pertaining to the patient 's medical care should be clearly documented .", "definition": "a person receiving or registered to receive medical treatment", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"everything pertaining to the patient 's medical care should be clearly documented .\" What is the definition of \"patient\"?"} {"term": "meanwhile", "pos": "", "context": "tash , in the meanwhile , remained in the car , smiling at his reaction .", "definition": "in the intervening period of time", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tash , in the meanwhile , remained in the car , smiling at his reaction .\" What is the definition of \"meanwhile\"?"} {"term": "strudel", "pos": "", "context": "while i did learn to make pies and strudel from scratch last year , i 'd hardly say that i took a major step in last year 's resolution to learn to bake .", "definition": "a dessert of thin pastry rolled up round a fruit filling and baked", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"while i did learn to make pies and strudel from scratch last year , i 'd hardly say that i took a major step in last year 's resolution to learn to bake .\" What is the definition of \"strudel\"?"} {"term": "winesap", "pos": "", "context": "yorks , rome beauties and winesaps are also good cooking apples , if a red apple is preferred .", "definition": "a large red american apple , used for cooking and as a dessert apple .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"yorks , rome beauties and winesaps are also good cooking apples , if a red apple is preferred .\" What is the definition of \"winesap\"?"} {"term": "mucus", "pos": "", "context": "mucus produced by the plant provides temporary and effective protection from petroleum damage .", "definition": "a gummy substance found in plants ; mucilage .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mucus produced by the plant provides temporary and effective protection from petroleum damage .\" What is the definition of \"mucus\"?"} {"term": "loco", "pos": "", "context": "if true , this would not only be one of the most loco funding stories , but it gives more credence to the idea of a poker bubble , in which everyone and their mother is either playing poker or launching some kind of poker venture .", "definition": "crazy .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if true , this would not only be one of the most loco funding stories , but it gives more credence to the idea of a poker bubble , in which everyone and their mother is either playing poker or launching some kind of poker venture .\" What is the definition of \"loco\"?"} {"term": "consort", "pos": "", "context": "the couple have carefully sidestepped the issue ; when he ascends the throne , she will be known as the princess consort .", "definition": "a wife , husband , or companion , in particular the spouse of a reigning monarch", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the couple have carefully sidestepped the issue ; when he ascends the throne , she will be known as the princess consort .\" What is the definition of \"consort\"?"} {"term": "reify", "pos": "", "context": "our fourth and final point is that it is not clear why market participants should suddenly forget the arbitrary way the conventional judgment is formed once it has been established ( and reify the price it supports ) .", "definition": "make ( something abstract ) more concrete or real", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"our fourth and final point is that it is not clear why market participants should suddenly forget the arbitrary way the conventional judgment is formed once it has been established ( and reify the price it supports ) .\" What is the definition of \"reify\"?"} {"term": "lobo", "pos": "", "context": "‘ but where the lobo is and whether it has anything to do with wolfish-ness i do not know , ’ umberto finished .", "definition": "( in the south-western us and mexico ) a timber wolf .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ but where the lobo is and whether it has anything to do with wolfish-ness i do not know , ’ umberto finished .\" What is the definition of \"lobo\"?"} {"term": "construction", "pos": "", "context": "during the construction we had to take a detour", "definition": "the act of constructing something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"during the construction we had to take a detour\" What is the definition of \"construction\"?"} {"term": "abuse", "pos": "", "context": "patients who abuse alcohol and drugs are much more likely to develop medical problems than the general population .", "definition": "make excessive and habitual use of ( alcohol or drugs , especially illegal ones )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"patients who abuse alcohol and drugs are much more likely to develop medical problems than the general population .\" What is the definition of \"abuse\"?"} {"term": "abuse", "pos": "", "context": "the actress abused the policeman who gave her a parking ticket", "definition": "use foul or abusive language towards", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the actress abused the policeman who gave her a parking ticket\" What is the definition of \"abuse\"?"} {"term": "pass", "pos": "", "context": "starting with the player to dealer 's left , each player has just one chance to bid or pass .", "definition": "make no bid when it is one 's turn during an auction", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"starting with the player to dealer 's left , each player has just one chance to bid or pass .\" What is the definition of \"pass\"?"} {"term": "pass", "pos": "", "context": "before it became a hotel , it passed between various departments including customs and excise .", "definition": "change from one state or condition to another", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"before it became a hotel , it passed between various departments including customs and excise .\" What is the definition of \"pass\"?"} {"term": "pass", "pos": "", "context": "the bill was removed from the legislature 's schedule , together with other bills that failed to pass committee review .", "definition": "( of a proposal ) be approved by a legislative or other official body", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the bill was removed from the legislature 's schedule , together with other bills that failed to pass committee review .\" What is the definition of \"pass\"?"} {"term": "pass", "pos": "", "context": "it is easy enough to say ‘ pass ’ at once when i know that i do n't know and have never known the answer to a question .", "definition": "said when one does not know the answer to a question , for example in a quiz", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is easy enough to say ‘ pass ’ at once when i know that i do n't know and have never known the answer to a question .\" What is the definition of \"pass\"?"} {"term": "pass", "pos": "", "context": "i had three opportunities to sell , all of which i passed on because i thought something bigger and better was coming .", "definition": "forgo one 's turn in a game or an offered opportunity to do or have something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i had three opportunities to sell , all of which i passed on because i thought something bigger and better was coming .\" What is the definition of \"pass\"?"} {"term": "pass", "pos": "", "context": "a police patrol passing along the road at 2 a.m. became suspicious as they were constantly being preceded by a van .", "definition": "move or cause to move in a specified direction", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a police patrol passing along the road at 2 a.m. became suspicious as they were constantly being preceded by a van .\" What is the definition of \"pass\"?"} {"term": "kid", "pos": "", "context": "the family 's goat kids shared the dwelling so they would n't freeze to death in their first winter .", "definition": "a young goat .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the family 's goat kids shared the dwelling so they would n't freeze to death in their first winter .\" What is the definition of \"kid\"?"} {"term": "mussel", "pos": "", "context": "shell the mussels , watching out for any reluctant beards , and discard any that are n't open .", "definition": "any of a number of bivalve molluscs with a brown or purplish-black shell .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shell the mussels , watching out for any reluctant beards , and discard any that are n't open .\" What is the definition of \"mussel\"?"} {"term": "hinny", "pos": "", "context": "a hinny has a gentler disposition than a mule", "definition": "hybrid offspring of a male horse and a female donkey or ass ; usually sterile", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a hinny has a gentler disposition than a mule\" What is the definition of \"hinny\"?"} {"term": "negation", "pos": "", "context": "in this sense unproductive labor occupies the position of an other , a category of labor in difference that can be known primarily by its negative content , which is to say its precise negation of all that defines productive labor .", "definition": "the contradiction or denial of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in this sense unproductive labor occupies the position of an other , a category of labor in difference that can be known primarily by its negative content , which is to say its precise negation of all that defines productive labor .\" What is the definition of \"negation\"?"} {"term": "dissolution", "pos": "", "context": "luxury and lavish living were seen as the causes , moral decay and dissolution as the consequences .", "definition": "debauched living ; dissipation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"luxury and lavish living were seen as the causes , moral decay and dissolution as the consequences .\" What is the definition of \"dissolution\"?"} {"term": "swelter", "pos": "", "context": "we were sweltering at the beach", "definition": "suffer from intense heat", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we were sweltering at the beach\" What is the definition of \"swelter\"?"} {"term": "ringer", "pos": "", "context": "in order to beat darwin , their rival school , in a football game , wagstaff hires two ringers .", "definition": "a highly proficient person brought in supplement a team or group", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in order to beat darwin , their rival school , in a football game , wagstaff hires two ringers .\" What is the definition of \"ringer\"?"} {"term": "ringer", "pos": "", "context": "it did n't take the army long to figure out that they had a ringer in their midst .", "definition": "an athlete or horse fraudulently substituted for another in a competition or event", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it did n't take the army long to figure out that they had a ringer in their midst .\" What is the definition of \"ringer\"?"} {"term": "deferment", "pos": "", "context": "as i said , my brother was in the army and i had no father , which meant i had a deferment because i was the support of my mother .", "definition": "the postponement of a person 's conscription", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as i said , my brother was in the army and i had no father , which meant i had a deferment because i was the support of my mother .\" What is the definition of \"deferment\"?"} {"term": "here", "pos": "", "context": "i can honestly say i probably would not be here today if it was n't for her .", "definition": "used to refer to existence in the world in general", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i can honestly say i probably would not be here today if it was n't for her .\" What is the definition of \"here\"?"} {"term": "twinge", "pos": "", "context": "for example , if someone is suffering from arthritis in the knees , they will feel a sharp twinge , rather like a needle , when the machine sends a charge to the corresponding point on their ear .", "definition": "a sudden , sharp localized pain", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for example , if someone is suffering from arthritis in the knees , they will feel a sharp twinge , rather like a needle , when the machine sends a charge to the corresponding point on their ear .\" What is the definition of \"twinge\"?"} {"term": "ardor", "pos": "", "context": "they were imbued with a revolutionary ardor", "definition": "a feeling of strong eagerness ( usually in favor of a person or cause )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they were imbued with a revolutionary ardor\" What is the definition of \"ardor\"?"} {"term": "readiness", "pos": "", "context": "their willingness to sign the interim constitution is a promising indication of a readiness to compromise for the sake of the country .", "definition": "willingness to do something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their willingness to sign the interim constitution is a promising indication of a readiness to compromise for the sake of the country .\" What is the definition of \"readiness\"?"} {"term": "readiness", "pos": "", "context": "the next chapter will hopefully be up with some sort of readiness and speed .", "definition": "the quality of being immediate , quick , or prompt", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the next chapter will hopefully be up with some sort of readiness and speed .\" What is the definition of \"readiness\"?"} {"term": "rate", "pos": "", "context": "compared to this , the transmeta processor in the forthcoming machine from sony is rated at 600mhz .", "definition": "assign a standard , optimal , or limiting rating to ( a piece of equipment )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"compared to this , the transmeta processor in the forthcoming machine from sony is rated at 600mhz .\" What is the definition of \"rate\"?"} {"term": "shed", "pos": "", "context": "he shed his image as a pushy boss", "definition": "get rid of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he shed his image as a pushy boss\" What is the definition of \"shed\"?"} {"term": "shed", "pos": "", "context": "after coffee , the skies clear and the clouds respectfully lift to reveal the soft , peach-hued evening light shedding its fading rays on his face .", "definition": "cast or give off ( light )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after coffee , the skies clear and the clouds respectfully lift to reveal the soft , peach-hued evening light shedding its fading rays on his face .\" What is the definition of \"shed\"?"} {"term": "satisfaction", "pos": "", "context": "we were unable to get satisfaction from the local store", "definition": "compensation for a wrong", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we were unable to get satisfaction from the local store\" What is the definition of \"satisfaction\"?"} {"term": "satisfaction", "pos": "", "context": "the full and final satisfaction of the claim", "definition": "( law ) the payment of a debt or fulfillment of an obligation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the full and final satisfaction of the claim\" What is the definition of \"satisfaction\"?"} {"term": "lawnmower", "pos": "", "context": "push lawnmowers were popular , and riders were just getting on the scene .", "definition": "a machine for cutting the grass on a lawn .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"push lawnmowers were popular , and riders were just getting on the scene .\" What is the definition of \"lawnmower\"?"} {"term": "opposite", "pos": "", "context": "the opposite sex", "definition": "the other one of a complementary pair", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the opposite sex\" What is the definition of \"opposite\"?"} {"term": "opposite", "pos": "", "context": "opposite leaves", "definition": "of leaves etc ; growing in pairs on either side of a stem", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"opposite leaves\" What is the definition of \"opposite\"?"} {"term": "hovel", "pos": "", "context": "he lived in a hovel of an apartment , sold illegal software , hacked systems , and nursed a feeling of unease .", "definition": "a small squalid or simply constructed dwelling", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he lived in a hovel of an apartment , sold illegal software , hacked systems , and nursed a feeling of unease .\" What is the definition of \"hovel\"?"} {"term": "footfall", "pos": "", "context": "‘ although footfall is down on henry street , it is at a figure that is comparable with the late 1990s , ’ said parker .", "definition": "the number of people entering a shop or shopping area in a given time", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ although footfall is down on henry street , it is at a figure that is comparable with the late 1990s , ’ said parker .\" What is the definition of \"footfall\"?"} {"term": "down", "pos": "", "context": "i got an idea how to make some cash . you down , tuff ?", "definition": "supporting or going along with someone or something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i got an idea how to make some cash . you down , tuff ?\" What is the definition of \"down\"?"} {"term": "down", "pos": "", "context": "but he does want to see you down at the stables when you 're done here .", "definition": "to or at a place perceived as lower ( often expressing casualness or lack of hurry )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but he does want to see you down at the stables when you 're done here .\" What is the definition of \"down\"?"} {"term": "down", "pos": "", "context": "rainwater came through the roof and poured down the walls at the height of the downpour .", "definition": "from a higher to a lower point of ( something )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rainwater came through the roof and poured down the walls at the height of the downpour .\" What is the definition of \"down\"?"} {"term": "down", "pos": "", "context": "fenor , we know , will be back again as you could n't keep a good team like this down for long .", "definition": "in or into a weaker or worse position , mood , or condition", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fenor , we know , will be back again as you could n't keep a good team like this down for long .\" What is the definition of \"down\"?"} {"term": "down", "pos": "", "context": "prices plunged downward", "definition": "spatially or metaphorically from a higher to a lower level or position", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"prices plunged downward\" What is the definition of \"down\"?"} {"term": "down", "pos": "", "context": "‘ down , boy , ’ said carl , and moose obeyed without hesitation .", "definition": "used as a command to a person or animal to sit or lie down", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ down , boy , ’ said carl , and moose obeyed without hesitation .\" What is the definition of \"down\"?"} {"term": "down", "pos": "", "context": "the creed states the faith in which men and women down the ages built their lives .", "definition": "throughout ( a period of time )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the creed states the faith in which men and women down the ages built their lives .\" What is the definition of \"down\"?"} {"term": "down", "pos": "", "context": "he hit a glorious drive and second to nine feet , then downed the putt for a 67 .", "definition": "sink ( a putt )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he hit a glorious drive and second to nine feet , then downed the putt for a 67 .\" What is the definition of \"down\"?"} {"term": "down", "pos": "", "context": "people would be telling her to stop screaming as they were trying to solve 12 down on their crossword .", "definition": "referring to a crossword answer which reads vertically", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"people would be telling her to stop screaming as they were trying to solve 12 down on their crossword .\" What is the definition of \"down\"?"} {"term": "question", "pos": "", "context": "much has been made of the fact that we must pass this bill quickly and without question to show our support for the troops .", "definition": "the raising of a doubt about or objection to something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"much has been made of the fact that we must pass this bill quickly and without question to show our support for the troops .\" What is the definition of \"question\"?"} {"term": "melisma", "pos": "", "context": "the vocal lines , tailored to the soprano voice of heidi grant murphy , are characterized by wide pitch fluctuations , melismas , and extrapolated sounds .", "definition": "a group of notes sung to one syllable of text", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the vocal lines , tailored to the soprano voice of heidi grant murphy , are characterized by wide pitch fluctuations , melismas , and extrapolated sounds .\" What is the definition of \"melisma\"?"} {"term": "sunseeker", "pos": "", "context": "on deansgate , sunseekers lounged outside bars in the continental heat .", "definition": "a person who enjoys spending time outside during warm weather , especially one who travels to a destination for its warmth and sun", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on deansgate , sunseekers lounged outside bars in the continental heat .\" What is the definition of \"sunseeker\"?"} {"term": "inunction", "pos": "", "context": "apply to the affected areas 2 to 3 times daily by gentle inunction .", "definition": "the rubbing of ointment or oil into the skin .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"apply to the affected areas 2 to 3 times daily by gentle inunction .\" What is the definition of \"inunction\"?"} {"term": "transition", "pos": "", "context": "the company had to transition the old practices to modern technology", "definition": "cause to convert or undergo a transition", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the company had to transition the old practices to modern technology\" What is the definition of \"transition\"?"} {"term": "transition", "pos": "", "context": "the situationists only wanted what could never exist , never accepting a period of transition , a process of change .", "definition": "the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the situationists only wanted what could never exist , never accepting a period of transition , a process of change .\" What is the definition of \"transition\"?"} {"term": "smut", "pos": "", "context": "in the greenhouse test the number of plants showing smutted ears ( on any of the tillers ) after 3 months was recorded ; in the field the percentage of smutted tillers was determined among 100-200 tillers sampled .", "definition": "infect ( a plant ) with smut", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the greenhouse test the number of plants showing smutted ears ( on any of the tillers ) after 3 months was recorded ; in the field the percentage of smutted tillers was determined among 100-200 tillers sampled .\" What is the definition of \"smut\"?"} {"term": "orthoclase", "pos": "", "context": "orthoclase is a polymorph of other minerals that share the same chemistry , but have different crystal structures .", "definition": "a common rock-forming mineral occurring typically as white or pink crystals . it is a potassium-rich alkali feldspar and is used in ceramics and glass-making .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"orthoclase is a polymorph of other minerals that share the same chemistry , but have different crystal structures .\" What is the definition of \"orthoclase\"?"} {"term": "slick", "pos": "", "context": "we get out and shuffle cautiously on the slick surface .", "definition": "( of a surface ) smooth , wet , and slippery", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we get out and shuffle cautiously on the slick surface .\" What is the definition of \"slick\"?"} {"term": "preadaptation", "pos": "", "context": "this represents an important preadaptation for a social parasite to gain reproductive dominance in host colonies .", "definition": "an adaptation which serves a different purpose from the one for which it evolved .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this represents an important preadaptation for a social parasite to gain reproductive dominance in host colonies .\" What is the definition of \"preadaptation\"?"} {"term": "upholsterer", "pos": "", "context": "nan 's eye for hidden treasure extends to furniture ; she dug two armchairs out of an upholsterer 's basement .", "definition": "a person who upholsters furniture , especially professionally .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nan 's eye for hidden treasure extends to furniture ; she dug two armchairs out of an upholsterer 's basement .\" What is the definition of \"upholsterer\"?"} {"term": "boss", "pos": "", "context": "a boss hand at carpentry", "definition": "exceptionally good", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a boss hand at carpentry\" What is the definition of \"boss\"?"} {"term": "boss", "pos": "", "context": "the central boss , tying together the ribs of the vaulting , is carved with a double green man , the two faces looking in opposite directions .", "definition": "an ornamental carving covering the point where the ribs in a vault or ceiling cross .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the central boss , tying together the ribs of the vaulting , is carved with a double green man , the two faces looking in opposite directions .\" What is the definition of \"boss\"?"} {"term": "discharger", "pos": "", "context": "we were able to `` reconstruct ' the discharger virtually , just in time to make the deadline for the film and companion book .", "definition": "a person or thing that discharges something .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we were able to `` reconstruct ' the discharger virtually , just in time to make the deadline for the film and companion book .\" What is the definition of \"discharger\"?"} {"term": "discharger", "pos": "", "context": "this is combined with a built in discharger to give a very nice charging system .", "definition": "an apparatus for releasing or neutralizing an electric charge .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this is combined with a built in discharger to give a very nice charging system .\" What is the definition of \"discharger\"?"} {"term": "shooter", "pos": "", "context": "within moments , a police officer on duty fired from the floor of the council chamber at the shooter in the balcony .", "definition": "a person who uses a gun either regularly or on a particular occasion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"within moments , a police officer on duty fired from the floor of the council chamber at the shooter in the balcony .\" What is the definition of \"shooter\"?"} {"term": "tempt", "pos": "", "context": "this is a tale about a pious young soldier who is tempted and seduced by a beautiful woman .", "definition": "persuade ( someone ) to do something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this is a tale about a pious young soldier who is tempted and seduced by a beautiful woman .\" What is the definition of \"tempt\"?"} {"term": "tempt", "pos": "", "context": "we were tempted by the delicious-looking food", "definition": "dispose or incline or entice to", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we were tempted by the delicious-looking food\" What is the definition of \"tempt\"?"} {"term": "greenstone", "pos": "", "context": "trophies have been donated featuring greenstone and gold from the area .", "definition": "a variety of jade", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"trophies have been donated featuring greenstone and gold from the area .\" What is the definition of \"greenstone\"?"} {"term": "wickerwork", "pos": "", "context": "a stretch of flowing water set aside for catching fish by the use of wickerwork or basketry traps attached to artificial structures placed on the bed of the river or stream .", "definition": "furniture or other items made of wicker .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a stretch of flowing water set aside for catching fish by the use of wickerwork or basketry traps attached to artificial structures placed on the bed of the river or stream .\" What is the definition of \"wickerwork\"?"} {"term": "track", "pos": "", "context": "the room i 'm in is full of shelves on tracks - you move them to get between them and get files out .", "definition": "a metal or plastic strip or rail along which a curtain or spotlight may be moved .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the room i 'm in is full of shelves on tracks - you move them to get between them and get files out .\" What is the definition of \"track\"?"} {"term": "track", "pos": "", "context": "syrians also enjoying swimming , tennis , track meets , and ping-pong tournaments .", "definition": "the sport of running on a track", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"syrians also enjoying swimming , tennis , track meets , and ping-pong tournaments .\" What is the definition of \"track\"?"} {"term": "track", "pos": "", "context": "after a spooky tunnel we were out in the sunshine and on long lane , the first of three tracks , and a rather austere mile to start with .", "definition": "a rough path or road , typically one beaten by use rather than constructed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after a spooky tunnel we were out in the sunshine and on long lane , the first of three tracks , and a rather austere mile to start with .\" What is the definition of \"track\"?"} {"term": "reaffirm", "pos": "", "context": "he reaffirmed his faith in the church", "definition": "affirm once again", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he reaffirmed his faith in the church\" What is the definition of \"reaffirm\"?"} {"term": "tambourine", "pos": "", "context": "every song they present is a staggering collage of guitars and drums , bells , tambourines , brass , and every other manner of beep or squeak under the sun , all falling in line in lush , swaying arrangements .", "definition": "a percussion instrument resembling a shallow drum with metal discs in slots around the edge , played by being shaken or hit with the hand .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"every song they present is a staggering collage of guitars and drums , bells , tambourines , brass , and every other manner of beep or squeak under the sun , all falling in line in lush , swaying arrangements .\" What is the definition of \"tambourine\"?"} {"term": "duologue", "pos": "", "context": "participants have the choice of doing script work , monologue , duologue , small group script work or musical theatre .", "definition": "a play or part of a play with speaking roles for only two actors .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"participants have the choice of doing script work , monologue , duologue , small group script work or musical theatre .\" What is the definition of \"duologue\"?"} {"term": "sacrifice", "pos": "", "context": "the bible warns against idol worship , of moloch , for example , in which human beings , especially children , are sacrificed to appease or please a god .", "definition": "offer or kill as a religious sacrifice", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the bible warns against idol worship , of moloch , for example , in which human beings , especially children , are sacrificed to appease or please a god .\" What is the definition of \"sacrifice\"?"} {"term": "sacrifice", "pos": "", "context": "he had to sell his car at a considerable sacrifice", "definition": "a loss entailed by giving up or selling something at less than its value", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had to sell his car at a considerable sacrifice\" What is the definition of \"sacrifice\"?"} {"term": "franklin", "pos": "", "context": "hoping to gain more vassals , they put the franklins - free landowners not of the noble class - in a difficult and dangerous position .", "definition": "a landowner of free but not noble birth in the 14th and 15th centuries in england .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hoping to gain more vassals , they put the franklins - free landowners not of the noble class - in a difficult and dangerous position .\" What is the definition of \"franklin\"?"} {"term": "parabola", "pos": "", "context": "newton and kepler left behind the tools for constructing flight paths from simple conic sections - bits of parabolas , hyperbolas , ellipses , and the ubiquitous circle - and their use is now a highly developed art .", "definition": "a symmetrical open plane curve formed by the intersection of a cone with a plane parallel to its side . the path of a projectile under the influence of gravity follows a curve of this shape .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"newton and kepler left behind the tools for constructing flight paths from simple conic sections - bits of parabolas , hyperbolas , ellipses , and the ubiquitous circle - and their use is now a highly developed art .\" What is the definition of \"parabola\"?"} {"term": "acrylonitrile", "pos": "", "context": "the present invention relates to a new fluidized-bed catalyst used in a process of propylene ammoxidation to acrylonitrile .", "definition": "a pungent , toxic liquid , used in making artificial fibres and other polymers .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the present invention relates to a new fluidized-bed catalyst used in a process of propylene ammoxidation to acrylonitrile .\" What is the definition of \"acrylonitrile\"?"} {"term": "myasthenia", "pos": "", "context": "he is receiving plasmapheresis as part of his treatment for myasthenia .", "definition": "a condition causing abnormal weakness of certain muscles .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is receiving plasmapheresis as part of his treatment for myasthenia .\" What is the definition of \"myasthenia\"?"} {"term": "surveyor", "pos": "", "context": "ken ryan , a qualified quantity surveyor , spent 15 years as head of a construction company in zimbabwe .", "definition": "a person who examines the condition of land and buildings professionally .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ken ryan , a qualified quantity surveyor , spent 15 years as head of a construction company in zimbabwe .\" What is the definition of \"surveyor\"?"} {"term": "liberate", "pos": "", "context": "years ago the tuskegee airmen helped liberate europe in world war ii .", "definition": "free ( a place or people ) from enemy occupation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"years ago the tuskegee airmen helped liberate europe in world war ii .\" What is the definition of \"liberate\"?"} {"term": "winnebago", "pos": "", "context": "i 'm not suggesting that you hybridize your knowledge from books on winnebagos with your design practice .", "definition": "a motor vehicle with living accommodation used when travelling long distances or camping .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i 'm not suggesting that you hybridize your knowledge from books on winnebagos with your design practice .\" What is the definition of \"winnebago\"?"} {"term": "suck", "pos": "", "context": "is he being sucked into the febrile world of bickering , backstabbing artists , or can he use the ra as a platform to improve the status of architecture in britain ?", "definition": "involve ( someone ) in something without their choosing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"is he being sucked into the febrile world of bickering , backstabbing artists , or can he use the ra as a platform to improve the status of architecture in britain ?\" What is the definition of \"suck\"?"} {"term": "scuzzy", "pos": "", "context": "you can find apartments at these rates but they can be pretty scuzzy ones .", "definition": "dirty and unpleasant", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you can find apartments at these rates but they can be pretty scuzzy ones .\" What is the definition of \"scuzzy\"?"} {"term": "fipple", "pos": "", "context": "unfortunately part of the mouth-piece and the clay block or fipple were missing , and immediate conservation was needed .", "definition": "the mouthpiece of a recorder or similar wind instrument which is blown endwise , in which a thin channel cut through a block directs a stream of air against a sharp edge . the term has been applied to various parts of this , including the block and the channel .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unfortunately part of the mouth-piece and the clay block or fipple were missing , and immediate conservation was needed .\" What is the definition of \"fipple\"?"} {"term": "separate", "pos": "", "context": "separate the wheat from the chaff", "definition": "divide into components or constituents", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"separate the wheat from the chaff\" What is the definition of \"separate\"?"} {"term": "separate", "pos": "", "context": "where different communities in the past shared the same neighbourhood they have now been driven into separate quarters .", "definition": "not joined or touching physically", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"where different communities in the past shared the same neighbourhood they have now been driven into separate quarters .\" What is the definition of \"separate\"?"} {"term": "oriflamme", "pos": "", "context": "at which bernal threw his head back , hair streaming like an oriflamme… and gave an address , eloquent , passionate masterly , prophetic , which lasted 45 minutes .", "definition": "a bright , conspicuous object", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at which bernal threw his head back , hair streaming like an oriflamme… and gave an address , eloquent , passionate masterly , prophetic , which lasted 45 minutes .\" What is the definition of \"oriflamme\"?"} {"term": "peanuts", "pos": "", "context": "her salary is peanuts compared to his", "definition": "an insignificant sum of money ; a trifling amount", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her salary is peanuts compared to his\" What is the definition of \"peanuts\"?"} {"term": "crux", "pos": "", "context": "and this is the crux of the issue , the reality which is so often unmentioned .", "definition": "the decisive or most important point at issue", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and this is the crux of the issue , the reality which is so often unmentioned .\" What is the definition of \"crux\"?"} {"term": "non-disjunction", "pos": "", "context": "although this assay is very sensitive for detecting chromosomal loss , it is unable to detect non-disjunction and chromosome gain .", "definition": "the failure of one or more pairs of homologous chromosomes or sister chromatids to separate normally during nuclear division , usually resulting in an abnormal distribution of chromosomes in the daughter nuclei .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"although this assay is very sensitive for detecting chromosomal loss , it is unable to detect non-disjunction and chromosome gain .\" What is the definition of \"non-disjunction\"?"} {"term": "scourge", "pos": "", "context": "since buying their way back to power with the people 's own money , they have scourged the country with a series of random and ill-thought out cutbacks .", "definition": "cause great suffering to", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"since buying their way back to power with the people 's own money , they have scourged the country with a series of random and ill-thought out cutbacks .\" What is the definition of \"scourge\"?"} {"term": "individual", "pos": "", "context": "entrants should be aware that they may be subject to local call charges depending on their own individual arrangements for internet access .", "definition": "of or for a particular person", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"entrants should be aware that they may be subject to local call charges depending on their own individual arrangements for internet access .\" What is the definition of \"individual\"?"} {"term": "individual", "pos": "", "context": "it is aimed primarily at corporate clients , though individuals can still use the service .", "definition": "a single human being as distinct from a group", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is aimed primarily at corporate clients , though individuals can still use the service .\" What is the definition of \"individual\"?"} {"term": "jotter", "pos": "", "context": "the week ended with mr smith indeed getting his jotters , but instead of mr mccall it was the assistant manager , mr hegarty , who was placed in temporary control of the shop .", "definition": "a small pad or notebook used for notes or jottings .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the week ended with mr smith indeed getting his jotters , but instead of mr mccall it was the assistant manager , mr hegarty , who was placed in temporary control of the shop .\" What is the definition of \"jotter\"?"} {"term": "sidelight", "pos": "", "context": "clem looked through one of the sidelights making sure she was walking away .", "definition": "a narrow window or pane of glass set alongside a door or larger window", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"clem looked through one of the sidelights making sure she was walking away .\" What is the definition of \"sidelight\"?"} {"term": "georgette", "pos": "", "context": "soft silk georgette and organza graphic floral prints give the line a feminine touch , whereas some pieces present a more sculpted interpretation of the 60s mod trend , giving the line a sharper kick .", "definition": "a thin silk or crêpe dress material", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"soft silk georgette and organza graphic floral prints give the line a feminine touch , whereas some pieces present a more sculpted interpretation of the 60s mod trend , giving the line a sharper kick .\" What is the definition of \"georgette\"?"} {"term": "blend", "pos": "", "context": "designers are also offering an exciting array of styles that include embroidery as well as blending materials such as canvas with metals and exotic woods and leathers .", "definition": "mix ( a substance ) with another substance so that they combine together", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"designers are also offering an exciting array of styles that include embroidery as well as blending materials such as canvas with metals and exotic woods and leathers .\" What is the definition of \"blend\"?"} {"term": "hire", "pos": "", "context": "the third common option is to hire someone who has played at the top level but not had success .", "definition": "employ ( someone ) for wages", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the third common option is to hire someone who has played at the top level but not had success .\" What is the definition of \"hire\"?"} {"term": "side", "pos": "", "context": "he gets his brains from his father 's side", "definition": "a family line of descent", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he gets his brains from his father 's side\" What is the definition of \"side\"?"} {"term": "side", "pos": "", "context": "the audi saloon was parked at the side of the road when it was hit by the toyota .", "definition": "a part or region near the edge and away from the middle of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the audi saloon was parked at the side of the road when it was hit by the toyota .\" What is the definition of \"side\"?"} {"term": "side", "pos": "", "context": "they always sat on the right side of the church", "definition": "a place within a region identified relative to a center or reference location", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they always sat on the right side of the church\" What is the definition of \"side\"?"} {"term": "side", "pos": "", "context": "this would make a great side with fish for instance , or can be served as a main dish .", "definition": "a dish served as subsidiary to the main one", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this would make a great side with fish for instance , or can be served as a main dish .\" What is the definition of \"side\"?"} {"term": "side", "pos": "", "context": "there are two sides to every question", "definition": "an opinion that is held in opposition to another in an argument or dispute", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there are two sides to every question\" What is the definition of \"side\"?"} {"term": "side", "pos": "", "context": "michelangelo also traced the figure of tityus on the other side of the paper .", "definition": "either of the two surfaces of something flat and thin , such as paper", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"michelangelo also traced the figure of tityus on the other side of the paper .\" What is the definition of \"side\"?"} {"term": "tote", "pos": "", "context": "crossing the carpeted floor to the counter , i set my tote on the gray marble surface and unzipped it .", "definition": "a tote bag", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"crossing the carpeted floor to the counter , i set my tote on the gray marble surface and unzipped it .\" What is the definition of \"tote\"?"} {"term": "creeper", "pos": "", "context": "everything was overgrown with the same creeper vines , fungi and lichen that the old fences were .", "definition": "any plant that grows along the ground , around another plant , or up a wall by means of extending stems or branches .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"everything was overgrown with the same creeper vines , fungi and lichen that the old fences were .\" What is the definition of \"creeper\"?"} {"term": "affection", "pos": "", "context": "but , out of respect and affection for dave , i 'll add it to the growing list of banned words .", "definition": "a gentle feeling of fondness or liking", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but , out of respect and affection for dave , i 'll add it to the growing list of banned words .\" What is the definition of \"affection\"?"} {"term": "coach", "pos": "", "context": "his mother judy , the former national tennis coach , chaperones him to tournaments and does his washing .", "definition": "an instructor or trainer in sport", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his mother judy , the former national tennis coach , chaperones him to tournaments and does his washing .\" What is the definition of \"coach\"?"} {"term": "coach", "pos": "", "context": "as a teacher andy worked at the city of london school , where he coached cricket and rugby .", "definition": "teach ( a subject or sport ) as a coach", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as a teacher andy worked at the city of london school , where he coached cricket and rugby .\" What is the definition of \"coach\"?"} {"term": "drub", "pos": "", "context": "he was drubbed defensively , allowing six points by denver 's kenyon martin in the first four minutes .", "definition": "defeat thoroughly in a match or contest", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was drubbed defensively , allowing six points by denver 's kenyon martin in the first four minutes .\" What is the definition of \"drub\"?"} {"term": "indecency", "pos": "", "context": "in the light of this provision , we do not accept that h has grounds for contesting the element of indecency in his conviction .", "definition": "indecent behaviour", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the light of this provision , we do not accept that h has grounds for contesting the element of indecency in his conviction .\" What is the definition of \"indecency\"?"} {"term": "operator", "pos": "", "context": "the operator of the switchboard", "definition": "an agent that operates some apparatus or machine", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the operator of the switchboard\" What is the definition of \"operator\"?"} {"term": "operator", "pos": "", "context": "lonesome tells the story of a punch-press operator named jim and a telephone switchboard operator named mary who are desperately lonely , and then meet by chance during a holiday at coney island .", "definition": "a person who works at the switchboard of a telephone exchange", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lonesome tells the story of a punch-press operator named jim and a telephone switchboard operator named mary who are desperately lonely , and then meet by chance during a holiday at coney island .\" What is the definition of \"operator\"?"} {"term": "giro", "pos": "", "context": "if their giros are one day late they ca n't afford to buy nappies for their kids .", "definition": "a cheque or payment by giro , especially a social security payment", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if their giros are one day late they ca n't afford to buy nappies for their kids .\" What is the definition of \"giro\"?"} {"term": "shrink-wrap", "pos": "", "context": "a poll published today finds that bottle tops , jars , shrink-wrapped cheese and ring-pull cans presented the biggest difficulties for older people to open .", "definition": "package ( an article ) by enclosing it in clinging transparent plastic film that shrinks tightly on to it", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a poll published today finds that bottle tops , jars , shrink-wrapped cheese and ring-pull cans presented the biggest difficulties for older people to open .\" What is the definition of \"shrink-wrap\"?"} {"term": "encyclopedist", "pos": "", "context": "he was one of those encyclopedists who seemed to excel at everything : he studied medicine , chemistry , natural history , and geology , and he was the first to recognize the volcanic nature of the auvergne area .", "definition": "a person who writes , edits , or contributes to an encyclopedia .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was one of those encyclopedists who seemed to excel at everything : he studied medicine , chemistry , natural history , and geology , and he was the first to recognize the volcanic nature of the auvergne area .\" What is the definition of \"encyclopedist\"?"} {"term": "tender", "pos": "", "context": "the hospitals will be sold through ordinary tenders .", "definition": "an offer to carry out work , supply goods , or buy land , shares , or another asset at a stated fixed price", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the hospitals will be sold through ordinary tenders .\" What is the definition of \"tender\"?"} {"term": "tender", "pos": "", "context": "there 's nothing worse than pulling a hard pencil eyeliner across the tender skin of the eyelid .", "definition": "( of a part of the body ) sensitive to pain", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there 's nothing worse than pulling a hard pencil eyeliner across the tender skin of the eyelid .\" What is the definition of \"tender\"?"} {"term": "tender", "pos": "", "context": "at a tender age", "definition": "young and immature", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at a tender age\" What is the definition of \"tender\"?"} {"term": "enactment", "pos": "", "context": "the mirroring of sexuality that is often performed outside the setting of pornography as the enactment of the truly masculine persona is mirrored again .", "definition": "an instance of acting something out", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the mirroring of sexuality that is often performed outside the setting of pornography as the enactment of the truly masculine persona is mirrored again .\" What is the definition of \"enactment\"?"} {"term": "early", "pos": "", "context": "she rises early before the sun gets too hot to work in the corn fields behind her apartment .", "definition": "before the usual or expected time", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she rises early before the sun gets too hot to work in the corn fields behind her apartment .\" What is the definition of \"early\"?"} {"term": "early", "pos": "", "context": "richard 's uncle mel taylor , who runs the blue pits inn , manchester road , castleton , stayed up until the early hours of monday morning to share his success .", "definition": "done or occurring near the beginning of the day", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"richard 's uncle mel taylor , who runs the blue pits inn , manchester road , castleton , stayed up until the early hours of monday morning to share his success .\" What is the definition of \"early\"?"} {"term": "drawer", "pos": "", "context": "even if banks have permitted drawings against the cheque , they will not be able to sue the drawer on a dishonoured cheque in the event of being unable to recover from their own customer .", "definition": "a person who writes a cheque", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"even if banks have permitted drawings against the cheque , they will not be able to sue the drawer on a dishonoured cheque in the event of being unable to recover from their own customer .\" What is the definition of \"drawer\"?"} {"term": "harrumph", "pos": "", "context": "yin xi guessed the sound equated somewhat to a harrumph of dissatisfaction .", "definition": "a grumpy expression of dissatisfaction or disapproval", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"yin xi guessed the sound equated somewhat to a harrumph of dissatisfaction .\" What is the definition of \"harrumph\"?"} {"term": "development", "pos": "", "context": "he is behind in development , ca n't castle kingside and his queenside is weakened .", "definition": "the process of bringing one 's pieces into play in the opening phase of a game", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is behind in development , ca n't castle kingside and his queenside is weakened .\" What is the definition of \"development\"?"} {"term": "development", "pos": "", "context": "this paper will be restricted to the presentation of certain examples of the influence of temperature upon the development of disease in plants .", "definition": "the process of starting to be affected by an ailment or feeling", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this paper will be restricted to the presentation of certain examples of the influence of temperature upon the development of disease in plants .\" What is the definition of \"development\"?"} {"term": "city", "pos": "", "context": "anyway this girl on saturday was on her way to hot date city .", "definition": "a place or situation characterized by a specified attribute", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"anyway this girl on saturday was on her way to hot date city .\" What is the definition of \"city\"?"} {"term": "raven", "pos": "", "context": "his hair was raven black , and swayed lightly in the wind , reaching his shoulders and cut in a slight upward curve .", "definition": "( especially of hair ) of a glossy black colour", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his hair was raven black , and swayed lightly in the wind , reaching his shoulders and cut in a slight upward curve .\" What is the definition of \"raven\"?"} {"term": "superclass", "pos": "", "context": "there are three taxa conventionally included : the onychophora ( velvet worms , which do not posses an exoskeleton , and were previously considered a distinct phylum ) , and the superclasses myriapoda and hexapoda .", "definition": "a taxonomic category that ranks above class and below phylum .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there are three taxa conventionally included : the onychophora ( velvet worms , which do not posses an exoskeleton , and were previously considered a distinct phylum ) , and the superclasses myriapoda and hexapoda .\" What is the definition of \"superclass\"?"} {"term": "piracy", "pos": "", "context": "national leadership and more pervasive international co-operation will also be essential in order to keep mafia and piracy practices from resurging .", "definition": "a practice similar to piracy but in other contexts , especially hijacking", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"national leadership and more pervasive international co-operation will also be essential in order to keep mafia and piracy practices from resurging .\" What is the definition of \"piracy\"?"} {"term": "bedsock", "pos": "", "context": "i wear bedsocks and warm my feet on one hot water bottle and my hands on the other .", "definition": "each of a pair of thick socks worn for extra warmth in bed .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i wear bedsocks and warm my feet on one hot water bottle and my hands on the other .\" What is the definition of \"bedsock\"?"} {"term": "crystalloid", "pos": "", "context": "success in cannulation was ascertained by administration of a crystalloid solution without any signs of infiltration .", "definition": "a substance that , when dissolved , forms a true solution rather than a colloid and is able to pass through a semipermeable membrane .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"success in cannulation was ascertained by administration of a crystalloid solution without any signs of infiltration .\" What is the definition of \"crystalloid\"?"} {"term": "withdrawal", "pos": "", "context": "in withdrawal , stronger neurological activity creates the desire to relapse , or return to an addictive habit .", "definition": "the process of ceasing to take an addictive drug .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in withdrawal , stronger neurological activity creates the desire to relapse , or return to an addictive habit .\" What is the definition of \"withdrawal\"?"} {"term": "pumpkin", "pos": "", "context": "take it from your aunt hillary , that this is not the business deal for you , my little pumpkin .", "definition": "used as an affectionate term of address , especially to a child", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"take it from your aunt hillary , that this is not the business deal for you , my little pumpkin .\" What is the definition of \"pumpkin\"?"} {"term": "pyrex", "pos": "", "context": "i have a quart-sized pyrex glass pitcher that 's absolutely perfect .", "definition": "a hard heat-resistant type of glass , typically used for ovenware", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i have a quart-sized pyrex glass pitcher that 's absolutely perfect .\" What is the definition of \"pyrex\"?"} {"term": "nose", "pos": "", "context": "keep your nose out of it", "definition": "a symbol of inquisitiveness", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"keep your nose out of it\" What is the definition of \"nose\"?"} {"term": "shimmer", "pos": "", "context": "beech leaves shimmered in the moonlight", "definition": "shine with a weak or fitful light", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"beech leaves shimmered in the moonlight\" What is the definition of \"shimmer\"?"} {"term": "free", "pos": "", "context": "on second thoughts , since you are so free with your money , what about marrying hillary ?", "definition": "using or expending something without restraint ; lavish", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on second thoughts , since you are so free with your money , what about marrying hillary ?\" What is the definition of \"free\"?"} {"term": "free", "pos": "", "context": "if you do n't like something about the story , please fell free to tell me .", "definition": "able or permitted to take a specified action", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if you do n't like something about the story , please fell free to tell me .\" What is the definition of \"free\"?"} {"term": "tantra", "pos": "", "context": "a final wave of new literature known as tantras appeared around the 7th century promoting radical forms of practice , including rituals and meditation techniques for accelerating spiritual progress .", "definition": "a hindu or buddhist mystical or magical text , dating from the 7th century or earlier .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a final wave of new literature known as tantras appeared around the 7th century promoting radical forms of practice , including rituals and meditation techniques for accelerating spiritual progress .\" What is the definition of \"tantra\"?"} {"term": "sisal", "pos": "", "context": "a 6 x 7 wire line was six strands of seven wires each , closed in a spiral direction around a fiber core , usually manila or sisal .", "definition": "the fibre made from the sisal plant , used especially for ropes or matting .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a 6 x 7 wire line was six strands of seven wires each , closed in a spiral direction around a fiber core , usually manila or sisal .\" What is the definition of \"sisal\"?"} {"term": "happening", "pos": "", "context": "star was not a very happening channel those days and they already had two-three other chat shows and it became a case of excessive chattering .", "definition": "fashionable ; trendy", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"star was not a very happening channel those days and they already had two-three other chat shows and it became a case of excessive chattering .\" What is the definition of \"happening\"?"} {"term": "burgess", "pos": "", "context": "although illiterate , he was named one of the chief burgesses , then chamberlain , then alderman in 1565 , and finally high bailiff in 1568 .", "definition": "( in the us and also historically in the uk ) a magistrate or member of the governing body of a town .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"although illiterate , he was named one of the chief burgesses , then chamberlain , then alderman in 1565 , and finally high bailiff in 1568 .\" What is the definition of \"burgess\"?"} {"term": "yielding", "pos": "", "context": "too yielding to make a stand against any encroachments ' - v.i.parrington", "definition": "tending to give in or surrender or agree", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"too yielding to make a stand against any encroachments ' - v.i.parrington\" What is the definition of \"yielding\"?"} {"term": "gimlet", "pos": "", "context": "i would especially recommend the mojito and the vodka gimlet - delicious !", "definition": "a cocktail of gin ( or sometimes vodka ) and lime juice .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i would especially recommend the mojito and the vodka gimlet - delicious !\" What is the definition of \"gimlet\"?"} {"term": "vector", "pos": "", "context": "the inserts were ligated into the plasmid vector and primary transformants were generated as per the supplied protocol .", "definition": "a bacteriophage or plasmid which transfers genetic material into a cell , or from one bacterium to another .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the inserts were ligated into the plasmid vector and primary transformants were generated as per the supplied protocol .\" What is the definition of \"vector\"?"} {"term": "vector", "pos": "", "context": "a vector quantity has magnitude and direction .", "definition": "a quantity having direction as well as magnitude , especially as determining the position of one point in space relative to another .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a vector quantity has magnitude and direction .\" What is the definition of \"vector\"?"} {"term": "vector", "pos": "", "context": "nurbs are as common in 3 - d rendering as is a line in vector illustration .", "definition": "denoting a type of graphical representation using lines to construct the outlines of objects .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nurbs are as common in 3 - d rendering as is a line in vector illustration .\" What is the definition of \"vector\"?"} {"term": "worth", "pos": "", "context": "not worth his salt", "definition": "having a specified value", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"not worth his salt\" What is the definition of \"worth\"?"} {"term": "worth", "pos": "", "context": "he believes there are creditors and shareholders who believe the club 's worth can not be summed up in a profit and loss account .", "definition": "the level at which someone or something deserves to be valued or rated", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he believes there are creditors and shareholders who believe the club 's worth can not be summed up in a profit and loss account .\" What is the definition of \"worth\"?"} {"term": "catalepsy", "pos": "", "context": "admittedly , he suffers from a strange illness which doctors merely call catalepsy , when the muscles become stiff and rigid .", "definition": "a medical condition characterized by a trance or seizure with a loss of sensation and consciousness accompanied by rigidity of the body .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"admittedly , he suffers from a strange illness which doctors merely call catalepsy , when the muscles become stiff and rigid .\" What is the definition of \"catalepsy\"?"} {"term": "respectable", "pos": "", "context": "science fiction is not regarded as a respectable genre , he agrees .", "definition": "regarded by society to be good , proper , or correct", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"science fiction is not regarded as a respectable genre , he agrees .\" What is the definition of \"respectable\"?"} {"term": "devotion", "pos": "", "context": "he returned to his devotions", "definition": "( usually plural ) religious observance or prayers ( usually spoken silently )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he returned to his devotions\" What is the definition of \"devotion\"?"} {"term": "devotion", "pos": "", "context": "the devotion of his time and wealth to science", "definition": "commitment to some purpose", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the devotion of his time and wealth to science\" What is the definition of \"devotion\"?"} {"term": "parson", "pos": "", "context": "he too , son and grandson of lutheran parsons , started off as a pious , dutiful boy and then , to borrow turner 's words , followed ‘ the typical pattern of victorian loss of protestant religious faith . ’", "definition": "any member of the clergy , especially a protestant one .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he too , son and grandson of lutheran parsons , started off as a pious , dutiful boy and then , to borrow turner 's words , followed ‘ the typical pattern of victorian loss of protestant religious faith . ’\" What is the definition of \"parson\"?"} {"term": "shrinkage", "pos": "", "context": "shrinkage is the retail trade 's euphemism for shoplifting", "definition": "the act of stealing goods that are on display in a store", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shrinkage is the retail trade 's euphemism for shoplifting\" What is the definition of \"shrinkage\"?"} {"term": "pathology", "pos": "", "context": "although reduction of mtdna is a critical factor in type 2 diabetes pathology , the question remains as to the nature of the original insult .", "definition": "pathological features considered collectively ; the typical behaviour of a disease", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"although reduction of mtdna is a critical factor in type 2 diabetes pathology , the question remains as to the nature of the original insult .\" What is the definition of \"pathology\"?"} {"term": "pathology", "pos": "", "context": "some hospital clinical and pathology departments hold regular audits of deaths .", "definition": "the science of the causes and effects of diseases , especially the branch of medicine that deals with the laboratory examination of samples of body tissue for diagnostic or forensic purposes", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some hospital clinical and pathology departments hold regular audits of deaths .\" What is the definition of \"pathology\"?"} {"term": "bitty", "pos": "", "context": "by the time it has wandered into its final room , this bitty exhibition has proved that degas was a genius , british painters were absurdly doomy , toulouse - lautrec was a difficult talent to trap and sickert had concrete wrists .", "definition": "made up of small parts that seem unrelated", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"by the time it has wandered into its final room , this bitty exhibition has proved that degas was a genius , british painters were absurdly doomy , toulouse - lautrec was a difficult talent to trap and sickert had concrete wrists .\" What is the definition of \"bitty\"?"} {"term": "dolby", "pos": "", "context": "the disc also has dolby surround sound tracks in french and spanish .", "definition": "an electronic system used to provide stereophonic sound for cinemas and television sets", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the disc also has dolby surround sound tracks in french and spanish .\" What is the definition of \"dolby\"?"} {"term": "scrimshaw", "pos": "", "context": "some sea shells , such as abalone , have been scrimshawed and horn , particularly cattle horn , is also scrimshawed .", "definition": "adorn ivory or shells with carved or coloured designs", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some sea shells , such as abalone , have been scrimshawed and horn , particularly cattle horn , is also scrimshawed .\" What is the definition of \"scrimshaw\"?"} {"term": "subcontract", "pos": "", "context": "many of them no longer have resident artists or glass painters , and consequently subcontract out to people like my brother .", "definition": "employ a firm or person outside one 's company to do ( work ) as part of a larger project", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"many of them no longer have resident artists or glass painters , and consequently subcontract out to people like my brother .\" What is the definition of \"subcontract\"?"} {"term": "ostracize", "pos": "", "context": "the chief result of the war was that the athenian empire was divided , the subject states of the delian league were liberated , direct democracy failed and pericles was ostracized .", "definition": "( in ancient greece ) banish ( an unpopular or overly powerful citizen ) from a city for five or ten years by popular vote", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the chief result of the war was that the athenian empire was divided , the subject states of the delian league were liberated , direct democracy failed and pericles was ostracized .\" What is the definition of \"ostracize\"?"} {"term": "roach", "pos": "", "context": "i went from car to car in the lot , going up to people 's windows when they pulled in , even people i did n't know , but nobody even had a roach .", "definition": "a roll of card or paper that forms the butt of a cannabis cigarette .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i went from car to car in the lot , going up to people 's windows when they pulled in , even people i did n't know , but nobody even had a roach .\" What is the definition of \"roach\"?"} {"term": "ria", "pos": "", "context": "due to their nature , the rias or estuaries contain very peculiar ecosystems which often contain important amounts of fish .", "definition": "a long , narrow inlet formed by the partial submergence of a river valley .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"due to their nature , the rias or estuaries contain very peculiar ecosystems which often contain important amounts of fish .\" What is the definition of \"ria\"?"} {"term": "orderly", "pos": "", "context": "rather , you should make suitable arrangements to ensure an orderly transition , when this is appropriate .", "definition": "neatly and methodically arranged", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rather , you should make suitable arrangements to ensure an orderly transition , when this is appropriate .\" What is the definition of \"orderly\"?"} {"term": "orderly", "pos": "", "context": "an orderly crowd confronted the president", "definition": "devoid of violence or disruption", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an orderly crowd confronted the president\" What is the definition of \"orderly\"?"} {"term": "arrestment", "pos": "", "context": "what is even more unbelievable is that the executive is failing to use civil means , such as arrestment of wages or benefits , to pursue the unpaid fines .", "definition": "an attachment of property for the satisfaction of a debt", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"what is even more unbelievable is that the executive is failing to use civil means , such as arrestment of wages or benefits , to pursue the unpaid fines .\" What is the definition of \"arrestment\"?"} {"term": "freshness", "pos": "", "context": "i like this pow book because of the freshness of the account—although it was first published in 1999 , the colonel wrote his memoirs in 1949 .", "definition": "the state of being recently created or experienced and not faded or impaired", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i like this pow book because of the freshness of the account—although it was first published in 1999 , the colonel wrote his memoirs in 1949 .\" What is the definition of \"freshness\"?"} {"term": "freshness", "pos": "", "context": "not only do they feel the wind 's freshness , but they actually experience a myriad of sensations through their olfactory receptors .", "definition": "( with reference to wind ) the quality of being cool and fairly strong", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"not only do they feel the wind 's freshness , but they actually experience a myriad of sensations through their olfactory receptors .\" What is the definition of \"freshness\"?"} {"term": "graduation", "pos": "", "context": "for many at the graduation , those prized diplomas are the first in the family .", "definition": "the ceremony at which degrees are conferred .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for many at the graduation , those prized diplomas are the first in the family .\" What is the definition of \"graduation\"?"} {"term": "productivity", "pos": "", "context": "pay and productivity are measured in terms of the time it takes to complete a given task .", "definition": "the effectiveness of productive effort , especially in industry , as measured in terms of the rate of output per unit of input", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pay and productivity are measured in terms of the time it takes to complete a given task .\" What is the definition of \"productivity\"?"} {"term": "incumbent", "pos": "", "context": "it is incumbent on the government to accept that responsibility and explain to the people of the region what will happen .", "definition": "necessary for ( someone ) as a duty or responsibility", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is incumbent on the government to accept that responsibility and explain to the people of the region what will happen .\" What is the definition of \"incumbent\"?"} {"term": "quad", "pos": "", "context": "this means that a quadraphony transmission must be capable of reproduction through a stereo or monaural receiver .", "definition": "quadraphony", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this means that a quadraphony transmission must be capable of reproduction through a stereo or monaural receiver .\" What is the definition of \"quad\"?"} {"term": "insomnia", "pos": "", "context": "lack of sleep caused by insomnia is linked to accidents both on the road and on the job .", "definition": "habitual sleeplessness ; inability to sleep .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lack of sleep caused by insomnia is linked to accidents both on the road and on the job .\" What is the definition of \"insomnia\"?"} {"term": "pledge", "pos": "", "context": "i was pledged to silence", "definition": "bind or secure by a pledge", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i was pledged to silence\" What is the definition of \"pledge\"?"} {"term": "pledge", "pos": "", "context": "i pledge my honor", "definition": "give as a guarantee", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i pledge my honor\" What is the definition of \"pledge\"?"} {"term": "pledge", "pos": "", "context": "in addition to that money , the trust has now received more than £200,000 of donations and pledges towards the target .", "definition": "a promise of a donation to charity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in addition to that money , the trust has now received more than £200,000 of donations and pledges towards the target .\" What is the definition of \"pledge\"?"} {"term": "pledge", "pos": "", "context": "in the table below , enter the information specific to your pledge of security and loan agreement .", "definition": "a thing that is given as security for the fulfilment of a contract or the payment of a debt and is liable to forfeiture in the event of failure", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the table below , enter the information specific to your pledge of security and loan agreement .\" What is the definition of \"pledge\"?"} {"term": "come", "pos": "", "context": "she comes over to me , sits next to me , puts her hand on my thigh and flicks her hair back , while she demands i come and dance with her .", "definition": "travel in order to be with a specified person , to do a specified thing , or to be present at an event", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she comes over to me , sits next to me , puts her hand on my thigh and flicks her hair back , while she demands i come and dance with her .\" What is the definition of \"come\"?"} {"term": "come", "pos": "", "context": "they seem to produce the best images and come with the best feature mix for a reasonable cost .", "definition": "be sold , available , or found in a specified form", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they seem to produce the best images and come with the best feature mix for a reasonable cost .\" What is the definition of \"come\"?"} {"term": "lifespan", "pos": "", "context": "he knew just how short his lifespan would be if he disobeyed a direct order from the human .", "definition": "the length of time for which a person or animal lives or a thing functions", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he knew just how short his lifespan would be if he disobeyed a direct order from the human .\" What is the definition of \"lifespan\"?"} {"term": "production", "pos": "", "context": "the appellate court demanded the production of all documents", "definition": "( law ) the act of exhibiting in a court of law", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the appellate court demanded the production of all documents\" What is the definition of \"production\"?"} {"term": "struggle", "pos": "", "context": "it marked the beginning of what has turned out to be a protracted political struggle .", "definition": "a conflict or contest", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it marked the beginning of what has turned out to be a protracted political struggle .\" What is the definition of \"struggle\"?"} {"term": "demesne", "pos": "", "context": "foreigners are deprived of the first one - the right of demesne , which points who is the owner of any property , and is the basic and most important property right .", "definition": "possession of real property in one 's own right .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"foreigners are deprived of the first one - the right of demesne , which points who is the owner of any property , and is the basic and most important property right .\" What is the definition of \"demesne\"?"} {"term": "top", "pos": "", "context": "i slept for maybe three hours tops .", "definition": "at the most", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i slept for maybe three hours tops .\" What is the definition of \"top\"?"} {"term": "top", "pos": "", "context": "the rock of cashel tops the list of the most popular historical landmarks in the country with more than 100,000 visitors annually .", "definition": "be at the highest place or rank in ( a list , poll , or league )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the rock of cashel tops the list of the most popular historical landmarks in the country with more than 100,000 visitors annually .\" What is the definition of \"top\"?"} {"term": "choker", "pos": "", "context": "we lowered a man inside the pipe , he wrapped a choker around the auger , and we pulled the auger out .", "definition": "a cable looped round a log to drag it .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we lowered a man inside the pipe , he wrapped a choker around the auger , and we pulled the auger out .\" What is the definition of \"choker\"?"} {"term": "redwing", "pos": "", "context": "ireland is internationally important as a northerly winter feeding ground for many winter migrant birds such as thrush , fieldfare , redwing , and finches .", "definition": "a small migratory thrush that breeds mainly in northern europe , with red underwings showing in flight .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ireland is internationally important as a northerly winter feeding ground for many winter migrant birds such as thrush , fieldfare , redwing , and finches .\" What is the definition of \"redwing\"?"} {"term": "clean", "pos": "", "context": "it wo n't scrub your insides clean , but it may help and it feels good .", "definition": "so as to be free from dirt , marks , or unwanted matter", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it wo n't scrub your insides clean , but it may help and it feels good .\" What is the definition of \"clean\"?"} {"term": "clean", "pos": "", "context": "she said her boys had fishing rods , a net and knives to clean the fish they caught .", "definition": "remove the innards of ( fish or poultry ) prior to cooking", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she said her boys had fishing rods , a net and knives to clean the fish they caught .\" What is the definition of \"clean\"?"} {"term": "clean", "pos": "", "context": "in the old days , many people thought , if you can survive five years , you 're clean .", "definition": "( of a person ) not taking or having taken drugs or alcohol", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the old days , many people thought , if you can survive five years , you 're clean .\" What is the definition of \"clean\"?"} {"term": "clean", "pos": "", "context": "clean forgot the appointment", "definition": "completely ; used as intensifiers", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"clean forgot the appointment\" What is the definition of \"clean\"?"} {"term": "clean", "pos": "", "context": "good clean fun", "definition": "( of behavior or especially language ) free from objectionable elements ; fit for all observers", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"good clean fun\" What is the definition of \"clean\"?"} {"term": "pillow", "pos": "", "context": "her arms wrapped around her pillow tightly , stuffing her face in the soft cloth and heaving a sigh .", "definition": "a rectangular cloth bag stuffed with feathers or other soft materials , used to support the head when lying or sleeping .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her arms wrapped around her pillow tightly , stuffing her face in the soft cloth and heaving a sigh .\" What is the definition of \"pillow\"?"} {"term": "pillow", "pos": "", "context": "‘ fine , fine , ’ aidis said as he turned over and pillowed his head on his arms .", "definition": "rest ( one 's head ) as if on a pillow", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ fine , fine , ’ aidis said as he turned over and pillowed his head on his arms .\" What is the definition of \"pillow\"?"} {"term": "kickshaw", "pos": "", "context": "yet i had ordered duck pie , alamode beef and soused hog 's face as well , apart from the kickshaws .", "definition": "a fancy but insubstantial cooked dish , especially one of foreign origin .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"yet i had ordered duck pie , alamode beef and soused hog 's face as well , apart from the kickshaws .\" What is the definition of \"kickshaw\"?"} {"term": "take", "pos": "", "context": "that means that the government spends less money than it takes in and applies the surplus to the nib .", "definition": "receive ( a specified amount of money ) as payment or earnings", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that means that the government spends less money than it takes in and applies the surplus to the nib .\" What is the definition of \"take\"?"} {"term": "take", "pos": "", "context": "the grass has taken and was long and wet in the morning and was full of snails sucking to thick blades .", "definition": "( of a plant or seed ) take root or begin to grow ; germinate", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the grass has taken and was long and wet in the morning and was full of snails sucking to thick blades .\" What is the definition of \"take\"?"} {"term": "take", "pos": "", "context": "if the black king takes the rook , black loses the queen .", "definition": "capture ( an opposing piece or pawn )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if the black king takes the rook , black loses the queen .\" What is the definition of \"take\"?"} {"term": "take", "pos": "", "context": "additionally , once you elect to take a meeting our online scheduling software eliminates the frustrations of e-mail and telephone .", "definition": "conduct ( a ceremony or gathering ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"additionally , once you elect to take a meeting our online scheduling software eliminates the frustrations of e-mail and telephone .\" What is the definition of \"take\"?"} {"term": "take", "pos": "", "context": "shall we take a guide in rome ?", "definition": "engage for service under a term of contract", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shall we take a guide in rome ?\" What is the definition of \"take\"?"} {"term": "archimandrite", "pos": "", "context": "the synod is composed of the patriarch , metropolitans , provincial bishops , as well as the titular bishops and archimandrites appointed by the patriarch .", "definition": "the superior of a large monastery or group of monasteries in the orthodox church .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the synod is composed of the patriarch , metropolitans , provincial bishops , as well as the titular bishops and archimandrites appointed by the patriarch .\" What is the definition of \"archimandrite\"?"} {"term": "delta", "pos": "", "context": "the mississippi river delta", "definition": "a low triangular area of alluvial deposits where a river divides before entering a larger body of water", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the mississippi river delta\" What is the definition of \"delta\"?"} {"term": "decree", "pos": "", "context": "as a remnant of royal decree , orders in council would thus be discarded .", "definition": "the issuing of a decree", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as a remnant of royal decree , orders in council would thus be discarded .\" What is the definition of \"decree\"?"} {"term": "decree", "pos": "", "context": "trouble brewed unexpectedly when lieutenant-governor william hobson decided to investigate the legal ramifications of such a major grab , decreeing any land sales made after 30th january 1840 to be null and void .", "definition": "order ( something ) by decree", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"trouble brewed unexpectedly when lieutenant-governor william hobson decided to investigate the legal ramifications of such a major grab , decreeing any land sales made after 30th january 1840 to be null and void .\" What is the definition of \"decree\"?"} {"term": "drone", "pos": "", "context": "it provided a tone that was rich with upper-end harmonics and a full bass from the drone strings .", "definition": "a musical instrument , or part of one , sounding a continuous note of low pitch , in particular ( also drone pipe ) a pipe in a bagpipe or ( also drone string ) a string in an instrument such as a hurdy-gurdy or a sitar .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it provided a tone that was rich with upper-end harmonics and a full bass from the drone strings .\" What is the definition of \"drone\"?"} {"term": "grogginess", "pos": "", "context": "his grogginess was caused as much by exhaustion as by the blows", "definition": "marginal consciousness", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his grogginess was caused as much by exhaustion as by the blows\" What is the definition of \"grogginess\"?"} {"term": "assist", "pos": "", "context": "he also appealed to residents to come forward with whatever information that might assist police in their investigations .", "definition": "help by providing money or information", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he also appealed to residents to come forward with whatever information that might assist police in their investigations .\" What is the definition of \"assist\"?"} {"term": "assist", "pos": "", "context": "for the week , he was 6th in scoring , 4th in assists , 5th in rebounding , and 3rd in steals .", "definition": "( in sport ) an act of touching the ball in a play in which a teammate scores or an opposing batter is put out", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for the week , he was 6th in scoring , 4th in assists , 5th in rebounding , and 3rd in steals .\" What is the definition of \"assist\"?"} {"term": "busy", "pos": "", "context": "so instead she tried dialing montgomery home but the line was busy .", "definition": "( of a telephone line ) engaged .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so instead she tried dialing montgomery home but the line was busy .\" What is the definition of \"busy\"?"} {"term": "transcription", "pos": "", "context": "the pieces were a schubert-liszt transcription and a study by scriabin .", "definition": "an arrangement of a piece of music for a different instrument , voice , or group of these", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the pieces were a schubert-liszt transcription and a study by scriabin .\" What is the definition of \"transcription\"?"} {"term": "kino", "pos": "", "context": "the name ‘ bloodwood ’ is derived from the trees kino ( gum ) veins , which are often seen oozing red kino from lesions in the bark .", "definition": "a gum obtained from certain tropical trees by tapping , used locally as an astringent in medicine and in tanning .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the name ‘ bloodwood ’ is derived from the trees kino ( gum ) veins , which are often seen oozing red kino from lesions in the bark .\" What is the definition of \"kino\"?"} {"term": "cruse", "pos": "", "context": "the ‘ miracle of the oil ‘ involved a single cruse of oil which was used to light a menorah in the temple , and which lasted eight days until new pure oil could be brought from the galilee . ’", "definition": "an earthenware pot or jar .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ‘ miracle of the oil ‘ involved a single cruse of oil which was used to light a menorah in the temple , and which lasted eight days until new pure oil could be brought from the galilee . ’\" What is the definition of \"cruse\"?"} {"term": "fantasia", "pos": "", "context": "perelman 's free-associative style spun fantasias out of girdle ads , tabloid tattle , sleazy pulp fiction and recipe prose .", "definition": "a thing composed of a mixture of different forms or styles", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"perelman 's free-associative style spun fantasias out of girdle ads , tabloid tattle , sleazy pulp fiction and recipe prose .\" What is the definition of \"fantasia\"?"} {"term": "fantasia", "pos": "", "context": "as with its corresponding number in the first orchestral set , the second movement - depicting a camp meeting - is a fantasia based mainly on ragtime dances ives wrote for the piano in the early 1900s .", "definition": "a musical composition based on several familiar tunes .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as with its corresponding number in the first orchestral set , the second movement - depicting a camp meeting - is a fantasia based mainly on ragtime dances ives wrote for the piano in the early 1900s .\" What is the definition of \"fantasia\"?"} {"term": "savage", "pos": "", "context": "the press savaged the new president", "definition": "criticize harshly or violently", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the press savaged the new president\" What is the definition of \"savage\"?"} {"term": "haul", "pos": "", "context": "lions centre matt nanyn was the chief benefactor from the 14-try rout as three tries and nine goals gave him a haul of 30 points to equal the club record for points in a match .", "definition": "the number of points , medals , or titles won by a person or team in a sporting event or over a period", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lions centre matt nanyn was the chief benefactor from the 14-try rout as three tries and nine goals gave him a haul of 30 points to equal the club record for points in a match .\" What is the definition of \"haul\"?"} {"term": "sorcerer", "pos": "", "context": "a band of strong wizards and sorcerers , including myself , started a meeting .", "definition": "a person who claims or is believed to have magic powers ; a wizard .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a band of strong wizards and sorcerers , including myself , started a meeting .\" What is the definition of \"sorcerer\"?"} {"term": "gradiometer", "pos": "", "context": "the gravity gradiometer that 's being used this week was developed at great expense by lockheed-martin during the cold war .", "definition": "an instrument for measuring the gradient of an energy field , especially the horizontal gradient of the earth 's gravitational or magnetic field .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the gravity gradiometer that 's being used this week was developed at great expense by lockheed-martin during the cold war .\" What is the definition of \"gradiometer\"?"} {"term": "tsimshian", "pos": "", "context": "tomlinson 's parents were missionaries , and he also spoke tsimshian .", "definition": "the penutian language of the tsimshian , now with few speakers .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tomlinson 's parents were missionaries , and he also spoke tsimshian .\" What is the definition of \"tsimshian\"?"} {"term": "sickbay", "pos": "", "context": "carried her in his arm , he dashed along the buildings looking for the school sickbay .", "definition": "a room or building set aside for the treatment or accommodation of the sick , especially within a military base , ship , or school .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"carried her in his arm , he dashed along the buildings looking for the school sickbay .\" What is the definition of \"sickbay\"?"} {"term": "makeweight", "pos": "", "context": "some of the items in the collection are mere makeweights", "definition": "anything added to fill out a whole", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some of the items in the collection are mere makeweights\" What is the definition of \"makeweight\"?"} {"term": "dyke", "pos": "", "context": "over a quarter of the netherlands lies below sea level , relying on a network of dykes , canals and pumps to stay dry .", "definition": "a long wall or embankment built to prevent flooding from the sea .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"over a quarter of the netherlands lies below sea level , relying on a network of dykes , canals and pumps to stay dry .\" What is the definition of \"dyke\"?"} {"term": "fuddy-duddy", "pos": "", "context": "you may accuse me of being and old fuddy-duddy trying to stop young people having fun", "definition": "a conservative who is old-fashioned or dull in attitude or appearance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you may accuse me of being and old fuddy-duddy trying to stop young people having fun\" What is the definition of \"fuddy-duddy\"?"} {"term": "interrupt", "pos": "", "context": "there is a lot to tell you so please do not interrupt me until i am done .", "definition": "stop ( someone speaking ) by saying or doing something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is a lot to tell you so please do not interrupt me until i am done .\" What is the definition of \"interrupt\"?"} {"term": "transcend", "pos": "", "context": "this requires coordinated intergovernmental action because these activities transcend national boundaries .", "definition": "be or go beyond the range or limits of ( a field of activity or conceptual sphere )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this requires coordinated intergovernmental action because these activities transcend national boundaries .\" What is the definition of \"transcend\"?"} {"term": "confederate", "pos": "", "context": "with the agreement of president tudjman , a croat-muslim alliance was formed , laying down a federal bosnia with the croat entity having confederate status with croatia itself .", "definition": "joined by an agreement or treaty", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with the agreement of president tudjman , a croat-muslim alliance was formed , laying down a federal bosnia with the croat entity having confederate status with croatia itself .\" What is the definition of \"confederate\"?"} {"term": "vitality", "pos": "", "context": "i look at your photos , and i know that the beauty and power and vitality of nature are healing for you , as they are for me .", "definition": "the power giving continuance of life , present in all living things", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i look at your photos , and i know that the beauty and power and vitality of nature are healing for you , as they are for me .\" What is the definition of \"vitality\"?"} {"term": "chill", "pos": "", "context": "thus , dry sand cores often are used in green sand molds , and metal chills can be used in sand molds to accelerate local cooling .", "definition": "a metal mould , often cooled , designed to ensure rapid or even cooling of metal during casting .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"thus , dry sand cores often are used in green sand molds , and metal chills can be used in sand molds to accelerate local cooling .\" What is the definition of \"chill\"?"} {"term": "chill", "pos": "", "context": "oh yeah - and it comes from lovely ann arbor , a chill college town that rivals any other .", "definition": "very relaxed or easy-going", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"oh yeah - and it comes from lovely ann arbor , a chill college town that rivals any other .\" What is the definition of \"chill\"?"} {"term": "chill", "pos": "", "context": "the frightful human cost of those years is spelled out with chilling clarity in unicef figures .", "definition": "horrify or frighten ( someone )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the frightful human cost of those years is spelled out with chilling clarity in unicef figures .\" What is the definition of \"chill\"?"} {"term": "paddock", "pos": "", "context": "once land dries , graze out the soiled paddocks in order to maintain grass quality .", "definition": "a field or plot of land enclosed by fencing or defined by natural boundaries", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"once land dries , graze out the soiled paddocks in order to maintain grass quality .\" What is the definition of \"paddock\"?"} {"term": "include", "pos": "", "context": "the fries were quite good , and they are included in the price of the dinner .", "definition": "comprise or contain as part of a whole", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the fries were quite good , and they are included in the price of the dinner .\" What is the definition of \"include\"?"} {"term": "include", "pos": "", "context": "the supreme court filings included only a hint of the nastiness and sleaze from the family fight .", "definition": "make part of a whole or set", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the supreme court filings included only a hint of the nastiness and sleaze from the family fight .\" What is the definition of \"include\"?"} {"term": "simper", "pos": "", "context": "while the other may simper all she pleases , maturity shows in her every glance .", "definition": "smile in an affectedly coquettish , coy , or ingratiating manner", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"while the other may simper all she pleases , maturity shows in her every glance .\" What is the definition of \"simper\"?"} {"term": "push", "pos": "", "context": "the crowd pushed forward", "definition": "move strenuously and with effort", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the crowd pushed forward\" What is the definition of \"push\"?"} {"term": "push", "pos": "", "context": "and wisely , unlike so many of her opponents , she had elected not to run with that stall on her back or push it in front of her on a trolley .", "definition": "hold and exert force on ( something ) so as to cause it to move in front of one", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and wisely , unlike so many of her opponents , she had elected not to run with that stall on her back or push it in front of her on a trolley .\" What is the definition of \"push\"?"} {"term": "par", "pos": "", "context": "the exchange said ifci would place the shares with idbi at par and subject to central bank approvals .", "definition": "the face value of a share or other security , as distinct from its market value", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the exchange said ifci would place the shares with idbi at par and subject to central bank approvals .\" What is the definition of \"par\"?"} {"term": "fidelity", "pos": "", "context": "with the decline in traditional patriarchy came a more virulent emphasis on female sexual fidelity and greater idealization of family harmony .", "definition": "sexual faithfulness to a spouse or partner .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with the decline in traditional patriarchy came a more virulent emphasis on female sexual fidelity and greater idealization of family harmony .\" What is the definition of \"fidelity\"?"} {"term": "nonpareil", "pos": "", "context": "cisco , the nonpareil of networking equipment makers and at one time the sine qua non of tech stocks is feeling the pinch .", "definition": "an unrivalled or matchless person or thing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cisco , the nonpareil of networking equipment makers and at one time the sine qua non of tech stocks is feeling the pinch .\" What is the definition of \"nonpareil\"?"} {"term": "maintain", "pos": "", "context": "they were maintained under standard conditions and were fed standard food and water ad libitum .", "definition": "provide with necessities for life or existence", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they were maintained under standard conditions and were fed standard food and water ad libitum .\" What is the definition of \"maintain\"?"} {"term": "translate", "pos": "", "context": "he was made bishop of dunkeld in 1544 and three years later , after the murder of cardinal beaton , was translated to the archbishopric of st andrews and primacy .", "definition": "move ( a bishop or , in scotland , a minister ) to another see or pastoral charge", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was made bishop of dunkeld in 1544 and three years later , after the murder of cardinal beaton , was translated to the archbishopric of st andrews and primacy .\" What is the definition of \"translate\"?"} {"term": "translate", "pos": "", "context": "these juridical responsa are translated here for the first time into a european language , with introduction and annotation .", "definition": "express the sense of ( words or text ) in another language", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these juridical responsa are translated here for the first time into a european language , with introduction and annotation .\" What is the definition of \"translate\"?"} {"term": "sciaenid", "pos": "", "context": "it is dominated by shallow water sciaenids and carcharhinid sharks .", "definition": "a fish of the drum family ( `` sciaenidae ' ) , whose members are mainly marine and important for food or sport .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is dominated by shallow water sciaenids and carcharhinid sharks .\" What is the definition of \"sciaenid\"?"} {"term": "shred", "pos": "", "context": "they took my identification papers and started to shred them .", "definition": "reduce documents to unreadable strips by feeding them into a shredder", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they took my identification papers and started to shred them .\" What is the definition of \"shred\"?"} {"term": "end", "pos": "", "context": "there could not be a better way to end what has been a great campaign .", "definition": "come or bring to a final point ; finish", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there could not be a better way to end what has been a great campaign .\" What is the definition of \"end\"?"} {"term": "end", "pos": "", "context": "both the french and the russian version of utopianism ended by drenching their countries in blood .", "definition": "perform a final act", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"both the french and the russian version of utopianism ended by drenching their countries in blood .\" What is the definition of \"end\"?"} {"term": "end", "pos": "", "context": "the end was exciting", "definition": "the concluding parts of an event or occurrence", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the end was exciting\" What is the definition of \"end\"?"} {"term": "supply", "pos": "", "context": "simon 's temporary return as a supply teacher was a welcome relief , providing a long-lost focus to the cast 's squabbles .", "definition": "a person , especially a schoolteacher , acting as a temporary substitute for another", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"simon 's temporary return as a supply teacher was a welcome relief , providing a long-lost focus to the cast 's squabbles .\" What is the definition of \"supply\"?"} {"term": "addax", "pos": "", "context": "the meat and the skin of the addax are prized by local people , who use the hides for shoes and sandal soles .", "definition": "a large antelope with a mainly greyish and white coat , native to the deserts of north africa .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the meat and the skin of the addax are prized by local people , who use the hides for shoes and sandal soles .\" What is the definition of \"addax\"?"} {"term": "harassment", "pos": "", "context": "so great was his harassment that he wanted to destroy his tormentors", "definition": "a feeling of intense annoyance caused by being tormented", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so great was his harassment that he wanted to destroy his tormentors\" What is the definition of \"harassment\"?"} {"term": "mosaic", "pos": "", "context": "once the images are ordered they were georeferenced , then mosaicked together .", "definition": "combine ( distinct or disparate elements ) to form a picture or pattern", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"once the images are ordered they were georeferenced , then mosaicked together .\" What is the definition of \"mosaic\"?"} {"term": "mosaic", "pos": "", "context": "the ground was a mosaic of colours , as if haphazardly thrown together by a careless artist .", "definition": "a colourful and variegated pattern", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ground was a mosaic of colours , as if haphazardly thrown together by a careless artist .\" What is the definition of \"mosaic\"?"} {"term": "oospore", "pos": "", "context": "translocations create the possibility of obtaining one , two , or three copies of a locus or region , which may result in balanced lethals or in high frequencies of nonviable oospores , as observed in many crosses .", "definition": "the thick-walled zygote of certain algae and fungi , formed by fertilization of an oosphere .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"translocations create the possibility of obtaining one , two , or three copies of a locus or region , which may result in balanced lethals or in high frequencies of nonviable oospores , as observed in many crosses .\" What is the definition of \"oospore\"?"} {"term": "gnosticism", "pos": "", "context": "and john 's gospel is certainly far removed from the full-blown gnosticism which the later church fathers attacked as heretical .", "definition": "a prominent heretical movement of the 2nd-century christian church , partly of pre-christian origin . gnostic doctrine taught that the world was created and ruled by a lesser divinity , the demiurge , and that christ was an emissary of the remote supreme divine being , esoteric knowledge ( gnosis ) of whom enabled the redemption of the human spirit .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and john 's gospel is certainly far removed from the full-blown gnosticism which the later church fathers attacked as heretical .\" What is the definition of \"gnosticism\"?"} {"term": "sagacity", "pos": "", "context": "while she brings experience and sagacity , such a slim volume on such large topic demands a few leaps of faith , notwithstanding the appended 56 pages of interesting notes and comments .", "definition": "the quality of being sagacious", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"while she brings experience and sagacity , such a slim volume on such large topic demands a few leaps of faith , notwithstanding the appended 56 pages of interesting notes and comments .\" What is the definition of \"sagacity\"?"} {"term": "formation", "pos": "", "context": "a defensive formation", "definition": "an arrangement of people or things acting as a unit", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a defensive formation\" What is the definition of \"formation\"?"} {"term": "formation", "pos": "", "context": "the formation of pseudopods", "definition": "natural process that causes something to form", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the formation of pseudopods\" What is the definition of \"formation\"?"} {"term": "moralist", "pos": "", "context": "you also might know that he was a defender of orthodoxy in a turbulent time and a stern moralist .", "definition": "a person who behaves in a morally commendable way .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you also might know that he was a defender of orthodoxy in a turbulent time and a stern moralist .\" What is the definition of \"moralist\"?"} {"term": "triplet", "pos": "", "context": "our current hypothesis as to why these transfer functions vary within and across species boundaries is based on mechanistic differences between electron and triplet energy transfer .", "definition": "an atomic or molecular state characterized by two unpaired electrons with parallel spins .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"our current hypothesis as to why these transfer functions vary within and across species boundaries is based on mechanistic differences between electron and triplet energy transfer .\" What is the definition of \"triplet\"?"} {"term": "thermoplastic", "pos": "", "context": "made of a gelatinous thermoplastic material , the product acts like a solid adhesive and will not dry out .", "definition": "denoting substances ( especially synthetic resins ) that become plastic on heating and harden on cooling , and are able to repeat these processes .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"made of a gelatinous thermoplastic material , the product acts like a solid adhesive and will not dry out .\" What is the definition of \"thermoplastic\"?"} {"term": "fly", "pos": "", "context": "the mock orange bush has a bad case of black fly already , and the rose bush has greenfly .", "definition": "an infestation of flying insects on a plant or animal", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the mock orange bush has a bad case of black fly already , and the rose bush has greenfly .\" What is the definition of \"fly\"?"} {"term": "fly", "pos": "", "context": "hair flying in the wind , she urged her horse towards the high jump and sailed smoothly over the stacked logs .", "definition": "wave or flutter in the wind", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hair flying in the wind , she urged her horse towards the high jump and sailed smoothly over the stacked logs .\" What is the definition of \"fly\"?"} {"term": "distinguish", "pos": "", "context": "each fish has a unique pattern of white spots , making it possible to distinguish one from another .", "definition": "manage to discern ( something barely perceptible )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"each fish has a unique pattern of white spots , making it possible to distinguish one from another .\" What is the definition of \"distinguish\"?"} {"term": "beam", "pos": "", "context": "the traditional wooden plough ( maresha ; figure 1 ) has a pointed metal tine fitted to a handle and held by a metal hook suspended from the beam of the plough on an adjustable leather strap .", "definition": "the main timber of a horse-drawn plough .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the traditional wooden plough ( maresha ; figure 1 ) has a pointed metal tine fitted to a handle and held by a metal hook suspended from the beam of the plough on an adjustable leather strap .\" What is the definition of \"beam\"?"} {"term": "beam", "pos": "", "context": "they ought to beam him down to us , to demonstrate the existence of intelligent civic life on the planet northern ireland .", "definition": "( in science fiction ) transport someone instantaneously to or from a spaceship", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they ought to beam him down to us , to demonstrate the existence of intelligent civic life on the planet northern ireland .\" What is the definition of \"beam\"?"} {"term": "primary", "pos": "", "context": "crop rotation is of primary importance in these systems with at least two - to three-year rotation away from wheat .", "definition": "of chief importance ; principal", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"crop rotation is of primary importance in these systems with at least two - to three-year rotation away from wheat .\" What is the definition of \"primary\"?"} {"term": "primary", "pos": "", "context": "the risk for developing metastatic lesions from primary cutaneous melanomas increases with tumor thickness .", "definition": "belonging to or directly derived from the first stage of development or growth", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the risk for developing metastatic lesions from primary cutaneous melanomas increases with tumor thickness .\" What is the definition of \"primary\"?"} {"term": "primary", "pos": "", "context": "the research is solidly based in published primary sources : books , pamphlets , and trial records .", "definition": "not derived from , caused by , or based on anything else", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the research is solidly based in published primary sources : books , pamphlets , and trial records .\" What is the definition of \"primary\"?"} {"term": "drainer", "pos": "", "context": "rinsing the glass again , i put it back on the drainer .", "definition": "a draining board .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rinsing the glass again , i put it back on the drainer .\" What is the definition of \"drainer\"?"} {"term": "smart", "pos": "", "context": "the girls in evening dresses looked glamorous and the men wore smart clothes with a cutting edge .", "definition": "( of clothes ) attractively neat and stylish", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the girls in evening dresses looked glamorous and the men wore smart clothes with a cutting edge .\" What is the definition of \"smart\"?"} {"term": "walk", "pos": "", "context": "he had a funny walk", "definition": "manner of walking", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had a funny walk\" What is the definition of \"walk\"?"} {"term": "walk", "pos": "", "context": "we must walk with our dispossessed brothers and sisters", "definition": "be or act in association with", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we must walk with our dispossessed brothers and sisters\" What is the definition of \"walk\"?"} {"term": "walk", "pos": "", "context": "sixth avenue also had its parade of refugees , some of them covered head to foot with white dust , strange walking ghosts among the living .", "definition": "( of a ghost ) be visible ; appear", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sixth avenue also had its parade of refugees , some of them covered head to foot with white dust , strange walking ghosts among the living .\" What is the definition of \"walk\"?"} {"term": "bodkin", "pos": "", "context": "the heavy draw weight of these warbows requires a significantly heavier shafted arrow , usually with some form of bodkin head , which had enough weight to strike its target with frightening power .", "definition": "a dagger .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the heavy draw weight of these warbows requires a significantly heavier shafted arrow , usually with some form of bodkin head , which had enough weight to strike its target with frightening power .\" What is the definition of \"bodkin\"?"} {"term": "rehabilitation", "pos": "", "context": "an emergency rehabilitation team is working to revegetate some of the 1.6 million western acres that burned last summer .", "definition": "the action of restoring something that has been damaged to its former condition", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an emergency rehabilitation team is working to revegetate some of the 1.6 million western acres that burned last summer .\" What is the definition of \"rehabilitation\"?"} {"term": "terminal", "pos": "", "context": "however , the pewter in the current exhibition leads one to extend the terminal date proposed by either author .", "definition": "forming or situated at the end or extremity of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"however , the pewter in the current exhibition leads one to extend the terminal date proposed by either author .\" What is the definition of \"terminal\"?"} {"term": "terminal", "pos": "", "context": "every keystroke on the terminal goes over the network unencrypted .", "definition": "a device at which a user enters data or commands for a computer system and which displays the received output .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"every keystroke on the terminal goes over the network unencrypted .\" What is the definition of \"terminal\"?"} {"term": "sail", "pos": "", "context": "the longest leg of the journey is then the sail to fort william and the final ascent of ben nevis .", "definition": "a voyage or excursion in a ship , especially a sailing ship or boat", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the longest leg of the journey is then the sail to fort william and the final ascent of ben nevis .\" What is the definition of \"sail\"?"} {"term": "accuse", "pos": "", "context": "the neighbors accused the man of spousal abuse", "definition": "bring an accusation against ; level a charge against", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the neighbors accused the man of spousal abuse\" What is the definition of \"accuse\"?"} {"term": "movement", "pos": "", "context": "without context we end up on a merry-go-round of activity and movement that never seems to get us to where we want to be .", "definition": "general activity or bustle", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"without context we end up on a merry-go-round of activity and movement that never seems to get us to where we want to be .\" What is the definition of \"movement\"?"} {"term": "movement", "pos": "", "context": "characters in a story operate to make the story 's movement visible and concrete , in a way that engages a reader 's interest .", "definition": "a change or development", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"characters in a story operate to make the story 's movement visible and concrete , in a way that engages a reader 's interest .\" What is the definition of \"movement\"?"} {"term": "anthropologist", "pos": "", "context": "among anthropologists , the ratio of democrats to republicans is about thirty to one .", "definition": "an expert in or student of anthropology", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"among anthropologists , the ratio of democrats to republicans is about thirty to one .\" What is the definition of \"anthropologist\"?"} {"term": "infancy", "pos": "", "context": "satellite and wireless internet access are still in their infancy , and need years to develop .", "definition": "the early stage in the development or growth of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"satellite and wireless internet access are still in their infancy , and need years to develop .\" What is the definition of \"infancy\"?"} {"term": "self-destruction", "pos": "", "context": "in effect , pursuing the american dream leads to his self-destruction .", "definition": "behaviour that causes serious harm to oneself", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in effect , pursuing the american dream leads to his self-destruction .\" What is the definition of \"self-destruction\"?"} {"term": "dittany", "pos": "", "context": "it was believed that the juice of the dittany would drive away venomous beasts .", "definition": "any of a number of aromatic herbaceous or shrubby plants .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was believed that the juice of the dittany would drive away venomous beasts .\" What is the definition of \"dittany\"?"} {"term": "communicant", "pos": "", "context": "the procession was led through the village by this year 's first communicants and children newly confirmed in the parish .", "definition": "a person who receives holy communion .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the procession was led through the village by this year 's first communicants and children newly confirmed in the parish .\" What is the definition of \"communicant\"?"} {"term": "bounce", "pos": "", "context": "it is the professional who feels the texture , quality and decides a cut that gives balance and bounce to the hair .", "definition": "health and body in a person 's hair", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is the professional who feels the texture , quality and decides a cut that gives balance and bounce to the hair .\" What is the definition of \"bounce\"?"} {"term": "bounce", "pos": "", "context": "the prime minister , who felt he had been bounced into talks by his cabinet , remained lukewarm throughout .", "definition": "pressurize ( someone ) into doing something , typically by presenting them with a fait accompli", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the prime minister , who felt he had been bounced into talks by his cabinet , remained lukewarm throughout .\" What is the definition of \"bounce\"?"} {"term": "physiognomy", "pos": "", "context": "differential inclusion inevitably seems to include those whose approximation of the physiognomy of whiteness has attained a degree of mimetic efficacy through markers of race and class .", "definition": "a person 's facial features or expression , especially when regarded as indicative of character or ethnic origin", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"differential inclusion inevitably seems to include those whose approximation of the physiognomy of whiteness has attained a degree of mimetic efficacy through markers of race and class .\" What is the definition of \"physiognomy\"?"} {"term": "mingling", "pos": "", "context": "all the random mingling and idle talk made him hate literary parties", "definition": "the action of people mingling and coming into contact", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all the random mingling and idle talk made him hate literary parties\" What is the definition of \"mingling\"?"} {"term": "washer", "pos": "", "context": "you have to be careful not to drop the rings and washers in the grass .", "definition": "a small flat metal , rubber , or plastic ring fixed between two joining surfaces or between a nut and a bolt to spread the pressure or act as a spacer or seal .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you have to be careful not to drop the rings and washers in the grass .\" What is the definition of \"washer\"?"} {"term": "lend-lease", "pos": "", "context": "lend-lease during world war ii was extremely generous", "definition": "the transfer of goods and services to an ally to aid in a common cause", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lend-lease during world war ii was extremely generous\" What is the definition of \"lend-lease\"?"} {"term": "talent", "pos": "", "context": "a talent for design and beauty makes visual art or architecture a good choice of profession .", "definition": "natural aptitude or skill", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a talent for design and beauty makes visual art or architecture a good choice of profession .\" What is the definition of \"talent\"?"} {"term": "flake", "pos": "", "context": "i 've switched to flaked coconut and it works just as well .", "definition": "separate ( food ) into flakes or thin pieces", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i 've switched to flaked coconut and it works just as well .\" What is the definition of \"flake\"?"} {"term": "alley", "pos": "", "context": "chomping on an unlit cigar and wearing wrap-around shades , he strode through the narrow alleys and congratulated his troops .", "definition": "a narrow passageway between or behind buildings", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"chomping on an unlit cigar and wearing wrap-around shades , he strode through the narrow alleys and congratulated his troops .\" What is the definition of \"alley\"?"} {"term": "oneida", "pos": "", "context": "the oneidas subsequently joined , and later the cayugas and senecas .", "definition": "a member of an american indian people formerly inhabiting upper new york state , one of the five peoples comprising the original iroquois confederacy .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the oneidas subsequently joined , and later the cayugas and senecas .\" What is the definition of \"oneida\"?"} {"term": "serpent", "pos": "", "context": "his reference to eve and the serpent is highly relevant .", "definition": "a biblical name for satan ( see gen. 3 , rev . 20 ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his reference to eve and the serpent is highly relevant .\" What is the definition of \"serpent\"?"} {"term": "serpent", "pos": "", "context": "it told the story of the christian saint who not only fought off a fire-breathing serpent but also a turkish knight .", "definition": "a dragon or other mythical snake-like reptile", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it told the story of the christian saint who not only fought off a fire-breathing serpent but also a turkish knight .\" What is the definition of \"serpent\"?"} {"term": "intellectual", "pos": "", "context": "in his own time he also visited other blogs , to pinch ideas for intellectual stimulation , and to attract return visitors .", "definition": "relating to the intellect", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in his own time he also visited other blogs , to pinch ideas for intellectual stimulation , and to attract return visitors .\" What is the definition of \"intellectual\"?"} {"term": "insinuate", "pos": "", "context": "he was angry that mr. jacobs would even insinuate such a thing .", "definition": "suggest or hint ( something bad ) in an indirect and unpleasant way", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was angry that mr. jacobs would even insinuate such a thing .\" What is the definition of \"insinuate\"?"} {"term": "straw", "pos": "", "context": "houses are usually rectangular and have mud walls and a gabled roof thatched with straw .", "definition": "dried stalks of grain , used especially as fodder or as material for thatching , packing , or weaving", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"houses are usually rectangular and have mud walls and a gabled roof thatched with straw .\" What is the definition of \"straw\"?"} {"term": "hairstylist", "pos": "", "context": "in addition , both hairstylists will devote one hour per client per haircut .", "definition": "a person who cuts and styles people 's hair professionally .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in addition , both hairstylists will devote one hour per client per haircut .\" What is the definition of \"hairstylist\"?"} {"term": "spellchecker", "pos": "", "context": "when you run the spellchecker , it checks the spellings of words , says ok this word is wrong , do you want it changed .", "definition": "a computer program which checks the spelling of words in files of text , typically by comparison with a stored list of words .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when you run the spellchecker , it checks the spellings of words , says ok this word is wrong , do you want it changed .\" What is the definition of \"spellchecker\"?"} {"term": "husbandry", "pos": "", "context": "its function was essentially one of marketing and general husbandry .", "definition": "management and conservation of resources", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"its function was essentially one of marketing and general husbandry .\" What is the definition of \"husbandry\"?"} {"term": "junior", "pos": "", "context": "i asked myself this question three years ago when i attended my first convention during my junior year of college .", "definition": "of or for students in the third year of a course lasting four years at college or high school", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i asked myself this question three years ago when i attended my first convention during my junior year of college .\" What is the definition of \"junior\"?"} {"term": "junior", "pos": "", "context": "without these juniors , league football could be finished .", "definition": "( in sport ) a young competitor , typically under sixteen or eighteen", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"without these juniors , league football could be finished .\" What is the definition of \"junior\"?"} {"term": "junior", "pos": "", "context": "the buildings will be modernised and refurbished for the 420 infants and juniors with large open teaching spaces with it facilities .", "definition": "a child attending a junior school", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the buildings will be modernised and refurbished for the 420 infants and juniors with large open teaching spaces with it facilities .\" What is the definition of \"junior\"?"} {"term": "forward", "pos": "", "context": "a palindrome is a word , phrase , or sentence which reads the same backwards and forwards .", "definition": "in the normal order or sequence", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a palindrome is a word , phrase , or sentence which reads the same backwards and forwards .\" What is the definition of \"forward\"?"} {"term": "permissiveness", "pos": "", "context": "even in an age of moral permissiveness , such behaviour was held to be politically unacceptable .", "definition": "great or excessive freedom of behaviour", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"even in an age of moral permissiveness , such behaviour was held to be politically unacceptable .\" What is the definition of \"permissiveness\"?"} {"term": "behind", "pos": "", "context": "a company that has been run behindhand for years", "definition": "in debt", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a company that has been run behindhand for years\" What is the definition of \"behind\"?"} {"term": "ricin", "pos": "", "context": "one milligram of ricin can kill an adult", "definition": "a toxic protein extracted from castor beans ; used as a chemical reagent ; can be used as a bioweapon", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one milligram of ricin can kill an adult\" What is the definition of \"ricin\"?"} {"term": "adjutant", "pos": "", "context": "the subsequent departure in the same direction of his backroom adjutants jim and kevin intensified the bad feeling .", "definition": "a person 's assistant or deputy", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the subsequent departure in the same direction of his backroom adjutants jim and kevin intensified the bad feeling .\" What is the definition of \"adjutant\"?"} {"term": "adjutant", "pos": "", "context": "the battalion adjutant sent me to the c company command post by jeep .", "definition": "a military officer who acts as an administrative assistant to a senior officer", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the battalion adjutant sent me to the c company command post by jeep .\" What is the definition of \"adjutant\"?"} {"term": "caveat", "pos": "", "context": "one should begin by acknowledging some obvious caveats and qualifications .", "definition": "a warning or proviso of specific stipulations , conditions , or limitations", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one should begin by acknowledging some obvious caveats and qualifications .\" What is the definition of \"caveat\"?"} {"term": "circumflex", "pos": "", "context": "the french have had a crack at reforming plurals and circumflexes .", "definition": "a mark ( ^ ) placed over a vowel in some languages to indicate contraction , length , or a particular quality .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the french have had a crack at reforming plurals and circumflexes .\" What is the definition of \"circumflex\"?"} {"term": "deem", "pos": "", "context": "the appeal could cost the landlords $ 3,000 a year , and recently the unhappy owners sent martin a note also deeming her work inadequate .", "definition": "regard or consider in a specified way", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the appeal could cost the landlords $ 3,000 a year , and recently the unhappy owners sent martin a note also deeming her work inadequate .\" What is the definition of \"deem\"?"} {"term": "insert", "pos": "", "context": "last night 's news had the annual insert on how the recent bone-numbing cold has been affecting the street kids and homeless in our cities .", "definition": "a shot inserted in a film or video .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"last night 's news had the annual insert on how the recent bone-numbing cold has been affecting the street kids and homeless in our cities .\" What is the definition of \"insert\"?"} {"term": "insert", "pos": "", "context": "an electrode is inserted into the brain to stimulate either the thalamic nuclei or the subthalamic nuclei .", "definition": "place , fit , or push ( something ) into something else", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an electrode is inserted into the brain to stimulate either the thalamic nuclei or the subthalamic nuclei .\" What is the definition of \"insert\"?"} {"term": "gimp", "pos": "", "context": "they reproduced on a handloom the intricate silk gimps , braids , and tassels needed for the swan suite .", "definition": "twisted silk , worsted , or cotton with cord or wire running through it , used chiefly as upholstery trimming .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they reproduced on a handloom the intricate silk gimps , braids , and tassels needed for the swan suite .\" What is the definition of \"gimp\"?"} {"term": "pro", "pos": "", "context": "this can be easily compared to the outrageous pro sports contracts of this day ; he took the money and ran , and then failed to perform .", "definition": "( of a person or an event ) professional", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this can be easily compared to the outrageous pro sports contracts of this day ; he took the money and ran , and then failed to perform .\" What is the definition of \"pro\"?"} {"term": "concoct", "pos": "", "context": "i believe there was a much more serious attempt to pervert the course of justice by concocting a story that shifted the blame to mr whittle .", "definition": "create or devise ( a story or plan )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i believe there was a much more serious attempt to pervert the course of justice by concocting a story that shifted the blame to mr whittle .\" What is the definition of \"concoct\"?"} {"term": "substance", "pos": "", "context": "the inquiry has not yet established whether there is any substance to the claims relating to the amount of money handed over or to the existence or identity of the intermediary .", "definition": "the quality of having a solid basis in reality or fact", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the inquiry has not yet established whether there is any substance to the claims relating to the amount of money handed over or to the existence or identity of the intermediary .\" What is the definition of \"substance\"?"} {"term": "substance", "pos": "", "context": "this adds to the progressive appreciation of learning how to change and grow one step at a time and allows the reader to absorb the meaning and substance of each chapter .", "definition": "the most important or essential part of something ; the real or essential meaning", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this adds to the progressive appreciation of learning how to change and grow one step at a time and allows the reader to absorb the meaning and substance of each chapter .\" What is the definition of \"substance\"?"} {"term": "overstretch", "pos": "", "context": "acute , or sudden , injuries can be the product of either a blunt trauma or overstretching a muscle , joint or tendon .", "definition": "stretch too much", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"acute , or sudden , injuries can be the product of either a blunt trauma or overstretching a muscle , joint or tendon .\" What is the definition of \"overstretch\"?"} {"term": "clunch", "pos": "", "context": "there is a great variety of materials in the older buildings but a particular characteristic is the use of chilmark stone and a chequered pattern of clunch and napped flint .", "definition": "soft limestone capable of being easily worked", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is a great variety of materials in the older buildings but a particular characteristic is the use of chilmark stone and a chequered pattern of clunch and napped flint .\" What is the definition of \"clunch\"?"} {"term": "instrumentalism", "pos": "", "context": "introduction american law students learn about formalism and instrumentalism early on - although those particular terms may not be introduced explicitly in classroom discussion .", "definition": "a pragmatic philosophical approach which regards an activity ( such as science , law , or education ) chiefly as an instrument or tool for some practical purpose , rather than in more absolute or ideal terms .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"introduction american law students learn about formalism and instrumentalism early on - although those particular terms may not be introduced explicitly in classroom discussion .\" What is the definition of \"instrumentalism\"?"} {"term": "harmony", "pos": "", "context": "where else do people of such varying ethnic origins , ages and walks of life work side by side in such ( on the whole ) perfect harmony ?", "definition": "the state of being in agreement or concord", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"where else do people of such varying ethnic origins , ages and walks of life work side by side in such ( on the whole ) perfect harmony ?\" What is the definition of \"harmony\"?"} {"term": "fluctuate", "pos": "", "context": "bond funds also pay income , usually on a monthly basis , but the amount you receive can fluctuate .", "definition": "rise and fall irregularly in number or amount", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bond funds also pay income , usually on a monthly basis , but the amount you receive can fluctuate .\" What is the definition of \"fluctuate\"?"} {"term": "assess", "pos": "", "context": "he said he could not determine the speed of the whirlwind until the damage was assessed in the area .", "definition": "calculate or estimate the price or value of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he said he could not determine the speed of the whirlwind until the damage was assessed in the area .\" What is the definition of \"assess\"?"} {"term": "candid", "pos": "", "context": "this album is intensely intimate , just like the candid photos of the band in the cd booklet .", "definition": "( of a photograph of a person ) taken informally , especially without the subject 's knowledge", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this album is intensely intimate , just like the candid photos of the band in the cd booklet .\" What is the definition of \"candid\"?"} {"term": "fight", "pos": "", "context": "coalition forces continue to bring the fight to the enemy and rescue hostages .", "definition": "a battle or war", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"coalition forces continue to bring the fight to the enemy and rescue hostages .\" What is the definition of \"fight\"?"} {"term": "fight", "pos": "", "context": "if arthur wins , he will almost certainly get that world title fight .", "definition": "a boxing match .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if arthur wins , he will almost certainly get that world title fight .\" What is the definition of \"fight\"?"} {"term": "miscellany", "pos": "", "context": "it includes a great miscellany of individuals .", "definition": "a group or collection of different items ; a mixture", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it includes a great miscellany of individuals .\" What is the definition of \"miscellany\"?"} {"term": "reservoir", "pos": "", "context": "an infectious agent depends on a reservoir for its survival", "definition": "anything ( a person or animal or plant or substance ) in which an infectious agent normally lives and multiplies", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an infectious agent depends on a reservoir for its survival\" What is the definition of \"reservoir\"?"} {"term": "reservoir", "pos": "", "context": "anthropogenic lakes , reservoirs for water storage or for power generation , abound in both the developed and developing worlds , and many of these are filling so rapidly with sediment that their useful life is gauged as a few decades .", "definition": "a large natural or artificial lake used as a source of water supply", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"anthropogenic lakes , reservoirs for water storage or for power generation , abound in both the developed and developing worlds , and many of these are filling so rapidly with sediment that their useful life is gauged as a few decades .\" What is the definition of \"reservoir\"?"} {"term": "dixie", "pos": "", "context": "it was either grass that was boiled up , or mangel wurzels and it was brought in with big dixies and had to be measured out .", "definition": "a large iron cooking pot used by campers or soldiers .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was either grass that was boiled up , or mangel wurzels and it was brought in with big dixies and had to be measured out .\" What is the definition of \"dixie\"?"} {"term": "netter", "pos": "", "context": "in several website forums , netters have even compiled polls to vote for the top brand .", "definition": "a person who uses the internet .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in several website forums , netters have even compiled polls to vote for the top brand .\" What is the definition of \"netter\"?"} {"term": "days", "pos": "", "context": "the monarch 's last days", "definition": "the time during which someone 's life continues", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the monarch 's last days\" What is the definition of \"days\"?"} {"term": "fanny", "pos": "", "context": "‘ you 'll find out soon enough , ’ jorge grumbled as he rubbed his fanny .", "definition": "a person 's buttocks .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ you 'll find out soon enough , ’ jorge grumbled as he rubbed his fanny .\" What is the definition of \"fanny\"?"} {"term": "bland", "pos": "", "context": "his eyes , although bland , were laced with an emotion that she could not place .", "definition": "showing no strong emotion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his eyes , although bland , were laced with an emotion that she could not place .\" What is the definition of \"bland\"?"} {"term": "dilemma", "pos": "", "context": "‘ jointness ’ allows us to bring together capabilities and effects that create overwhelming dilemmas for our opponents .", "definition": "an argument forcing an opponent to choose either of two unfavourable alternatives .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ jointness ’ allows us to bring together capabilities and effects that create overwhelming dilemmas for our opponents .\" What is the definition of \"dilemma\"?"} {"term": "reunification", "pos": "", "context": "monetary unification precipitated the reunification of the german state in october 1990", "definition": "the act of coming together again", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"monetary unification precipitated the reunification of the german state in october 1990\" What is the definition of \"reunification\"?"} {"term": "latecomer", "pos": "", "context": "but further delays in the legislative process , or difficulties in lining up a buyer for the business , would bring latecomers back into the frame .", "definition": "a person who arrives late", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but further delays in the legislative process , or difficulties in lining up a buyer for the business , would bring latecomers back into the frame .\" What is the definition of \"latecomer\"?"} {"term": "colour", "pos": "", "context": "after all , it is about the colours and shades of life .", "definition": "a shade of meaning", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after all , it is about the colours and shades of life .\" What is the definition of \"colour\"?"} {"term": "colour", "pos": "", "context": "the two pieces of filling were put in at different times , he explains , and have coloured differently .", "definition": "take on a different colour", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the two pieces of filling were put in at different times , he explains , and have coloured differently .\" What is the definition of \"colour\"?"} {"term": "nock", "pos": "", "context": "slip the loop of the bowstring over the nock and down the limb of the bow and tie the free end of the string to the other nock using a timber hitch , bowline or similar non-stressing knot .", "definition": "a notch at either end of a bow for holding the string .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"slip the loop of the bowstring over the nock and down the limb of the bow and tie the free end of the string to the other nock using a timber hitch , bowline or similar non-stressing knot .\" What is the definition of \"nock\"?"} {"term": "nock", "pos": "", "context": "to put new fletching and a new nock on an arrow runs the customer about $ 2.50 , julio said .", "definition": "a notch at the butt end of an arrow for receiving the bowstring .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to put new fletching and a new nock on an arrow runs the customer about $ 2.50 , julio said .\" What is the definition of \"nock\"?"} {"term": "secure", "pos": "", "context": "marriage affords a secure environment for children , who do better in married households .", "definition": "certain to remain safe and unthreatened", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"marriage affords a secure environment for children , who do better in married households .\" What is the definition of \"secure\"?"} {"term": "a-frame", "pos": "", "context": "the a-frame house was the product of two years hard work ; a test of the construction techniques used for the other buildings around the growing community .", "definition": "a house built around a timber a-frame .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the a-frame house was the product of two years hard work ; a test of the construction techniques used for the other buildings around the growing community .\" What is the definition of \"a-frame\"?"} {"term": "veneer", "pos": "", "context": "veneer the furniture to protect it", "definition": "cover with veneer", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"veneer the furniture to protect it\" What is the definition of \"veneer\"?"} {"term": "android", "pos": "", "context": "one such story sees a man fall in love with an android who can not love him back .", "definition": "( in science fiction ) a robot with a human appearance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one such story sees a man fall in love with an android who can not love him back .\" What is the definition of \"android\"?"} {"term": "contempt", "pos": "", "context": "but surely my discourse is not of such repulse that i am deserving of their contempt .", "definition": "the feeling that a person or a thing is worthless or beneath consideration", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but surely my discourse is not of such repulse that i am deserving of their contempt .\" What is the definition of \"contempt\"?"} {"term": "millstone", "pos": "", "context": "the fireplace in the drawing-room was built using stone reclaimed from the steading , with the base formed from the original millstones .", "definition": "each of two circular stones used for grinding corn .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the fireplace in the drawing-room was built using stone reclaimed from the steading , with the base formed from the original millstones .\" What is the definition of \"millstone\"?"} {"term": "flesh", "pos": "", "context": "he was painfully aware of his bare flesh as bodies pressed around him once more .", "definition": "the skin or surface of the human body with reference to its appearance or sensory properties", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was painfully aware of his bare flesh as bodies pressed around him once more .\" What is the definition of \"flesh\"?"} {"term": "chaeta", "pos": "", "context": "likewise , the relative recalcitrance of various non-mineralizing tissues such as algal cyst walls , graptolite periderm , polychaete chaetae and arthropod cuticles contributes to their enhanced preservation potential .", "definition": "a stiff bristle made of chitin , especially in an annelid worm .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"likewise , the relative recalcitrance of various non-mineralizing tissues such as algal cyst walls , graptolite periderm , polychaete chaetae and arthropod cuticles contributes to their enhanced preservation potential .\" What is the definition of \"chaeta\"?"} {"term": "femme", "pos": "", "context": "my friends are largely femmes who date only butches - so many of us have dated or at least slept with the same ones .", "definition": "a lesbian whose appearance and behaviour are seen as traditionally feminine .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my friends are largely femmes who date only butches - so many of us have dated or at least slept with the same ones .\" What is the definition of \"femme\"?"} {"term": "renegotiation", "pos": "", "context": "another option is always for the buyer to come up with a larger down payment , or renegotiation of the loan terms .", "definition": "negotiation of something again in order to change the original agreed terms", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"another option is always for the buyer to come up with a larger down payment , or renegotiation of the loan terms .\" What is the definition of \"renegotiation\"?"} {"term": "absent", "pos": "", "context": "the thumb is absent", "definition": "nonexistent", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the thumb is absent\" What is the definition of \"absent\"?"} {"term": "elongation", "pos": "", "context": "by one treatment , the tensile strength and elongation may be substantially raised .", "definition": "the amount of extension of an object under stress , usually expressed as a percentage of the original length .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"by one treatment , the tensile strength and elongation may be substantially raised .\" What is the definition of \"elongation\"?"} {"term": "elongation", "pos": "", "context": "the planet attains its greatest elongation as early as june 8 .", "definition": "the angular separation of a planet from the sun or of a satellite from a planet , as seen by an observer", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the planet attains its greatest elongation as early as june 8 .\" What is the definition of \"elongation\"?"} {"term": "pigment", "pos": "", "context": "it contains a highly pigmented india ink that is both acid-free and archival .", "definition": "colour ( something ) with or as if with pigment", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it contains a highly pigmented india ink that is both acid-free and archival .\" What is the definition of \"pigment\"?"} {"term": "pigment", "pos": "", "context": "pigment a photograph", "definition": "color or dye with a pigment", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pigment a photograph\" What is the definition of \"pigment\"?"} {"term": "hardware", "pos": "", "context": "there 's been some heavy hardware going in and outta that place .", "definition": "tools , machinery , and other durable equipment", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there 's been some heavy hardware going in and outta that place .\" What is the definition of \"hardware\"?"} {"term": "count", "pos": "", "context": "how many fighters could have gotten to their feet before the count of ten after catching joe frazier 's full swing left hook flush on the jaw ?", "definition": "an act of reciting numbers up to ten by the referee when a boxer is knocked down , the boxer being considered knocked out if still down when ten is reached", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"how many fighters could have gotten to their feet before the count of ten after catching joe frazier 's full swing left hook flush on the jaw ?\" What is the definition of \"count\"?"} {"term": "count", "pos": "", "context": "the official death count stands at just over 1,800 .", "definition": "the total determined by counting", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the official death count stands at just over 1,800 .\" What is the definition of \"count\"?"} {"term": "illyrian", "pos": "", "context": "the first known inhabitants were the illyrians , followed by the celts in the fourth century , and the romans a century after that .", "definition": "a native or inhabitant of ancient illyria .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the first known inhabitants were the illyrians , followed by the celts in the fourth century , and the romans a century after that .\" What is the definition of \"illyrian\"?"} {"term": "papacy", "pos": "", "context": "innocent used , or threatened , interdicts some 85 times during his papacy .", "definition": "the tenure of office of a pope", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"innocent used , or threatened , interdicts some 85 times during his papacy .\" What is the definition of \"papacy\"?"} {"term": "bath", "pos": "", "context": "the next day the coated print is put into a bath of chemicals and water and allowed to soak .", "definition": "a container holding a liquid in which something is immersed , typically when undergoing a process such as film developing .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the next day the coated print is put into a bath of chemicals and water and allowed to soak .\" What is the definition of \"bath\"?"} {"term": "rust", "pos": "", "context": "although steel does run the risk of rust , many improvements in recent years by the steel industry have improved the quality of these trailers .", "definition": "a reddish- or yellowish-brown flaking coating of iron oxide that is formed on iron or steel by oxidation , especially in the presence of moisture", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"although steel does run the risk of rust , many improvements in recent years by the steel industry have improved the quality of these trailers .\" What is the definition of \"rust\"?"} {"term": "dress", "pos": "", "context": "she also hit the mark with her black silk flower print strapless dresses with their asymmetrical handkerchief hemlines .", "definition": "a one-piece garment for a woman or girl that covers the body and extends down over the legs", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she also hit the mark with her black silk flower print strapless dresses with their asymmetrical handkerchief hemlines .\" What is the definition of \"dress\"?"} {"term": "dress", "pos": "", "context": "she learned to dress wounds and the proper techniques for transferring surgical patients .", "definition": "clean , treat , or apply a dressing to ( a wound )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she learned to dress wounds and the proper techniques for transferring surgical patients .\" What is the definition of \"dress\"?"} {"term": "dress", "pos": "", "context": "dress shoes", "definition": "suitable for formal occasions", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dress shoes\" What is the definition of \"dress\"?"} {"term": "dress", "pos": "", "context": "a dress dinner", "definition": "( of an occasion ) requiring formal clothes", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dress dinner\" What is the definition of \"dress\"?"} {"term": "dress", "pos": "", "context": "he dresses her in frilly clothes and surrounds her with stuffed animals and dolls .", "definition": "put clothes on ( someone )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he dresses her in frilly clothes and surrounds her with stuffed animals and dolls .\" What is the definition of \"dress\"?"} {"term": "dress", "pos": "", "context": "dress the tanned skins", "definition": "convert into leather", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dress the tanned skins\" What is the definition of \"dress\"?"} {"term": "dress", "pos": "", "context": "his periscope legs are wrapped in trousers sufficiently tight for any prospective tailors to note that he dresses to the left .", "definition": "( of a man ) have the genitals habitually on one or the other side of the fork of the trousers", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his periscope legs are wrapped in trousers sufficiently tight for any prospective tailors to note that he dresses to the left .\" What is the definition of \"dress\"?"} {"term": "dress", "pos": "", "context": "fastidious about his dress", "definition": "clothing in general", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fastidious about his dress\" What is the definition of \"dress\"?"} {"term": "freeway", "pos": "", "context": "most of ontario 's highways are freeways supported by the tax-payer but it may be we are about to move to more user-fees such as those charged currently on highway 407 .", "definition": "a toll-free highway .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"most of ontario 's highways are freeways supported by the tax-payer but it may be we are about to move to more user-fees such as those charged currently on highway 407 .\" What is the definition of \"freeway\"?"} {"term": "putrescible", "pos": "", "context": "the levy , payable by landfill site operators , was initially set at £2t - 1 for inert waste and £7t - 1 for putrescible waste , and raised £420m in its first year .", "definition": "liable to decay ; subject to putrefaction", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the levy , payable by landfill site operators , was initially set at £2t - 1 for inert waste and £7t - 1 for putrescible waste , and raised £420m in its first year .\" What is the definition of \"putrescible\"?"} {"term": "java", "pos": "", "context": "microsoft said it plans to phase out support for java in key desktop software products .", "definition": "a general-purpose computer programming language designed to produce programs that will run on any computer system .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"microsoft said it plans to phase out support for java in key desktop software products .\" What is the definition of \"java\"?"} {"term": "floater", "pos": "", "context": "a floater was present in each classroom during the administration of the questionnaires to answer individual questions .", "definition": "a worker who is required to do a variety of tasks as the need for each arises .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a floater was present in each classroom during the administration of the questionnaires to answer individual questions .\" What is the definition of \"floater\"?"} {"term": "frown", "pos": "", "context": "her mother frowned a bit , as if taken by surprise , but then recovered .", "definition": "furrow one 's brows in an expression indicating disapproval , displeasure , or concentration", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her mother frowned a bit , as if taken by surprise , but then recovered .\" What is the definition of \"frown\"?"} {"term": "reification", "pos": "", "context": "according to marx , treating labor as a commodity exemplified the reification of the individual", "definition": "representing a human being as a physical thing deprived of personal qualities or individuality", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"according to marx , treating labor as a commodity exemplified the reification of the individual\" What is the definition of \"reification\"?"} {"term": "solo", "pos": "", "context": "he flew solo", "definition": "without anybody else or anything else", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he flew solo\" What is the definition of \"solo\"?"} {"term": "witchcraft", "pos": "", "context": "there is no black magic or witchcraft behind this self-help treatment .", "definition": "the practice of magic , especially black magic ; the use of spells", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is no black magic or witchcraft behind this self-help treatment .\" What is the definition of \"witchcraft\"?"} {"term": "strand", "pos": "", "context": "for the most part , the stories are completely unrelated and therefore suffer from a feeling that some of the strands are completely redundant .", "definition": "an element that forms part of a complex whole", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for the most part , the stories are completely unrelated and therefore suffer from a feeling that some of the strands are completely redundant .\" What is the definition of \"strand\"?"} {"term": "strand", "pos": "", "context": "a cold , unwelcoming breeze brushed strands of dark hair from my face .", "definition": "a single hair or thin lock of hair", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a cold , unwelcoming breeze brushed strands of dark hair from my face .\" What is the definition of \"strand\"?"} {"term": "strand", "pos": "", "context": "he tried to pick up the strands of his former life", "definition": "a pattern forming a unity within a larger structural whole", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he tried to pick up the strands of his former life\" What is the definition of \"strand\"?"} {"term": "impactor", "pos": "", "context": "the close dates of the major impact basins suggested that the moon experienced a late , heavy bombardment of large impactors around 3.8 to 4 billion years ago .", "definition": "an object ( such as a meteorite ) which collides with another body .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the close dates of the major impact basins suggested that the moon experienced a late , heavy bombardment of large impactors around 3.8 to 4 billion years ago .\" What is the definition of \"impactor\"?"} {"term": "tsar", "pos": "", "context": "when washington was elected president of the united states in 1789 , the holy roman empire still existed , france had a king , russia had a tsar , china had an emperor and japan had a shogun - none of which exist today .", "definition": "an emperor of russia before 1917", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when washington was elected president of the united states in 1789 , the holy roman empire still existed , france had a king , russia had a tsar , china had an emperor and japan had a shogun - none of which exist today .\" What is the definition of \"tsar\"?"} {"term": "wave", "pos": "", "context": "her friends waved from the windows as she giggled with glee .", "definition": "move one 's hand to and fro in greeting or as a signal", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her friends waved from the windows as she giggled with glee .\" What is the definition of \"wave\"?"} {"term": "wave", "pos": "", "context": "a new survey reveals that less than a quarter of people wait on the platform to wave their loved one farewell until the train has pulled out .", "definition": "convey ( a greeting or other message ) by waving one 's hand or something held in it", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a new survey reveals that less than a quarter of people wait on the platform to wave their loved one farewell until the train has pulled out .\" What is the definition of \"wave\"?"} {"term": "wave", "pos": "", "context": "she waved to her friends", "definition": "signal with the hands or nod", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she waved to her friends\" What is the definition of \"wave\"?"} {"term": "assuage", "pos": "", "context": "and in addressing that , the hunger is assuaged .", "definition": "satisfy ( an appetite or desire )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and in addressing that , the hunger is assuaged .\" What is the definition of \"assuage\"?"} {"term": "spinning", "pos": "", "context": "the real beauty of spinning , she says , is that you do vary the types of exercise during a class .", "definition": "an intense form of aerobic exercise performed on stationary exercise bikes and led by an instructor who sets the constantly varying pace .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the real beauty of spinning , she says , is that you do vary the types of exercise during a class .\" What is the definition of \"spinning\"?"} {"term": "needlepoint", "pos": "", "context": "she did n't want to needlepoint to perfection , crochet , dance elegantly , or be treated as a brainless pet .", "definition": "embroider in needlepoint .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she did n't want to needlepoint to perfection , crochet , dance elegantly , or be treated as a brainless pet .\" What is the definition of \"needlepoint\"?"} {"term": "dominate", "pos": "", "context": "in those days the silhouette of the city - dominated by the castle - could be seen as far away as lauder .", "definition": "have a commanding position over ; overlook", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in those days the silhouette of the city - dominated by the castle - could be seen as far away as lauder .\" What is the definition of \"dominate\"?"} {"term": "geek", "pos": "", "context": "with this summer 's hot gadgets , you can geek out on the go .", "definition": "engage in or discuss computer-related tasks obsessively or with great attention to technical detail", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with this summer 's hot gadgets , you can geek out on the go .\" What is the definition of \"geek\"?"} {"term": "born-again", "pos": "", "context": "the majority of christians ( ie , protestants , born-again christians , catholics ) and a plurality of muslims oppose moving genes from one species or organism to another .", "definition": "relating to or denoting a person who has converted to a personal faith in christ ( with reference to john 3:3 )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the majority of christians ( ie , protestants , born-again christians , catholics ) and a plurality of muslims oppose moving genes from one species or organism to another .\" What is the definition of \"born-again\"?"} {"term": "hellene", "pos": "", "context": "the taboo of the number 13 predates christ and the templars , though , as well as the norse - the hellenes had it , for instance .", "definition": "an ancient greek .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the taboo of the number 13 predates christ and the templars , though , as well as the norse - the hellenes had it , for instance .\" What is the definition of \"hellene\"?"} {"term": "shooting", "pos": "", "context": "throughout the invasion and occupation there has been torture , dawn raids and shootings of civilians .", "definition": "the action or practice of shooting with a gun", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"throughout the invasion and occupation there has been torture , dawn raids and shootings of civilians .\" What is the definition of \"shooting\"?"} {"term": "shooting", "pos": "", "context": "when the shooting stopped there were three dead bodies", "definition": "killing someone by gunfire", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when the shooting stopped there were three dead bodies\" What is the definition of \"shooting\"?"} {"term": "stinger", "pos": "", "context": "the voracious predator has a quarter-inch stinger that pumps out a dose of venom with an enzyme so strong it can dissolve human tissue .", "definition": "the part of an insect or animal that holds a sting", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the voracious predator has a quarter-inch stinger that pumps out a dose of venom with an enzyme so strong it can dissolve human tissue .\" What is the definition of \"stinger\"?"} {"term": "extension", "pos": "", "context": "the extension of `satellite of mars ' is the set containing only demos and phobos", "definition": "the most direct or specific meaning of a word or expression ; the class of objects that an expression refers to", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the extension of `satellite of mars ' is the set containing only demos and phobos\" What is the definition of \"extension\"?"} {"term": "extension", "pos": "", "context": "his place of work is the resource library at st. ann street police station where all other officers have access and he is without a telephone extension .", "definition": "a subsidiary telephone in a large building , on a line leading from the main switchboard but having its own additional number", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his place of work is the resource library at st. ann street police station where all other officers have access and he is without a telephone extension .\" What is the definition of \"extension\"?"} {"term": "extension", "pos": "", "context": "their target was the marine security detachment headquarters , a small extension on the four story main embassy building .", "definition": "a room or rooms added to an existing building", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their target was the marine security detachment headquarters , a small extension on the four story main embassy building .\" What is the definition of \"extension\"?"} {"term": "invocation", "pos": "", "context": "i have to tolerate mandatory formations being opened with an invocation by the chaplain .", "definition": "( in the christian church ) a form of words such as ‘ in the name of the father ’ introducing a prayer , sermon , etc .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i have to tolerate mandatory formations being opened with an invocation by the chaplain .\" What is the definition of \"invocation\"?"} {"term": "worm", "pos": "", "context": "worms take advantage of automatic file sending and receiving features found on many computers", "definition": "a software program capable of reproducing itself that can spread from one computer to the next over a network", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"worms take advantage of automatic file sending and receiving features found on many computers\" What is the definition of \"worm\"?"} {"term": "worm", "pos": "", "context": "cane worms his way into rose 's good graces , and slowly , the couple falls in love .", "definition": "insinuate one 's way into", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cane worms his way into rose 's good graces , and slowly , the couple falls in love .\" What is the definition of \"worm\"?"} {"term": "worm", "pos": "", "context": "adult dogs should be wormed at least once a year , and at least once every six months if in contact with children .", "definition": "treat ( an animal ) with a preparation designed to expel parasitic worms", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"adult dogs should be wormed at least once a year , and at least once every six months if in contact with children .\" What is the definition of \"worm\"?"} {"term": "interrogation", "pos": "", "context": "they were only released to eat , pray , go to the toilet and for daily interrogation .", "definition": "the action of interrogating or the process of being interrogated", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they were only released to eat , pray , go to the toilet and for daily interrogation .\" What is the definition of \"interrogation\"?"} {"term": "bewitch", "pos": "", "context": "he accused the goodwife of bewitching his daughter .", "definition": "cast a spell over ( someone )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he accused the goodwife of bewitching his daughter .\" What is the definition of \"bewitch\"?"} {"term": "caster", "pos": "", "context": "some of the deeper slower water by the golf course and downstream is best fished with swim feeder rig using hemp as an attractor with gentles or casters as hook bait and feeding with hemp .", "definition": "a fly pupa used as bait .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some of the deeper slower water by the golf course and downstream is best fished with swim feeder rig using hemp as an attractor with gentles or casters as hook bait and feeding with hemp .\" What is the definition of \"caster\"?"} {"term": "airport", "pos": "", "context": "the airline mainly uses smaller airports and he admitted the size of manchester airport may be a factor .", "definition": "a complex of runways and buildings for the take-off , landing , and maintenance of civil aircraft , with facilities for passengers .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the airline mainly uses smaller airports and he admitted the size of manchester airport may be a factor .\" What is the definition of \"airport\"?"} {"term": "paceman", "pos": "", "context": "the paceman picked up three wickets in india 's first innings .", "definition": "a fast bowler .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the paceman picked up three wickets in india 's first innings .\" What is the definition of \"paceman\"?"} {"term": "broom", "pos": "", "context": "no matter how much you love the stone and broom game , when it takes priority in the biggest country in the commonwealth , you can see why critics feel able to snipe .", "definition": "an implement for sweeping the ice in the game of curling .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"no matter how much you love the stone and broom game , when it takes priority in the biggest country in the commonwealth , you can see why critics feel able to snipe .\" What is the definition of \"broom\"?"} {"term": "durability", "pos": "", "context": "this is because the same type of stone varies in durability depending on its place of origin .", "definition": "the ability to withstand wear , pressure , or damage", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this is because the same type of stone varies in durability depending on its place of origin .\" What is the definition of \"durability\"?"} {"term": "stock-in-trade", "pos": "", "context": "with only one misstep , he played to his strengths in this show , both returning to the handsome landscapes that are his stock-in-trade and pursuing new avenues that invite further and fuller development .", "definition": "the typical subject or commodity a person , company , or profession uses or deals in", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with only one misstep , he played to his strengths in this show , both returning to the handsome landscapes that are his stock-in-trade and pursuing new avenues that invite further and fuller development .\" What is the definition of \"stock-in-trade\"?"} {"term": "imbricate", "pos": "", "context": "these rocks are preserved within a south-verging imbricate thrust stack of thin ( [ much less than ] 1 km thick ) northward younging tectonic slices .", "definition": "( of scales , sepals , plates , etc . ) having adjacent edges overlapping .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these rocks are preserved within a south-verging imbricate thrust stack of thin ( [ much less than ] 1 km thick ) northward younging tectonic slices .\" What is the definition of \"imbricate\"?"} {"term": "love", "pos": "", "context": "the talk covered not only her life and loves but also family and domestic life in the 13 th century .", "definition": "a person or thing that one loves", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the talk covered not only her life and loves but also family and domestic life in the 13 th century .\" What is the definition of \"love\"?"} {"term": "screw", "pos": "", "context": "but steamships were improving as the screw propeller replaced the paddle wheel and iron replaced wood .", "definition": "a ship 's or aircraft 's propeller ( considered as acting like a screw in moving through water or air ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but steamships were improving as the screw propeller replaced the paddle wheel and iron replaced wood .\" What is the definition of \"screw\"?"} {"term": "screw", "pos": "", "context": "i could n't find the key out there so i thought i was screwed .", "definition": "be in serious trouble", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i could n't find the key out there so i thought i was screwed .\" What is the definition of \"screw\"?"} {"term": "dictate", "pos": "", "context": "rice continued the us insistence that argentina obey the dictates of the imf .", "definition": "an order or principle that must be obeyed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rice continued the us insistence that argentina obey the dictates of the imf .\" What is the definition of \"dictate\"?"} {"term": "cinquefoil", "pos": "", "context": "rare cinquefoil bloom just inches from the path and marsh grasses waft in the breeze .", "definition": "a widely distributed herbaceous plant of the rose family , with compound leaves of five leaflets and five-petalled yellow flowers .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rare cinquefoil bloom just inches from the path and marsh grasses waft in the breeze .\" What is the definition of \"cinquefoil\"?"} {"term": "purgation", "pos": "", "context": "i concluded that what my grandfather had been in purgatory , though also present on earth in some mystical way , and god allowed him to appeal to his son to pray for his release and purgation from attachment to this dimension .", "definition": "purification or cleansing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i concluded that what my grandfather had been in purgatory , though also present on earth in some mystical way , and god allowed him to appeal to his son to pray for his release and purgation from attachment to this dimension .\" What is the definition of \"purgation\"?"} {"term": "frontage", "pos": "", "context": "a new modern frontage and entrance hall were incorporated along the suffolk street end to help reinvigorate the district 's shopping appeal .", "definition": "the facade of a building", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a new modern frontage and entrance hall were incorporated along the suffolk street end to help reinvigorate the district 's shopping appeal .\" What is the definition of \"frontage\"?"} {"term": "ptomaine", "pos": "", "context": "a serious outbreak of ptomaine poisoning , said to be due to eating ice cream , had occurred .", "definition": "any of a group of amine compounds of unpleasant taste and odour formed in putrefying animal and vegetable matter and formerly thought to cause food poisoning .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a serious outbreak of ptomaine poisoning , said to be due to eating ice cream , had occurred .\" What is the definition of \"ptomaine\"?"} {"term": "aardvark", "pos": "", "context": "aardvarks can travel as far as 16 km a night , visiting termite mounds .", "definition": "a nocturnal badger-sized burrowing mammal of africa , with long ears , a tubular snout , and a long extensible tongue , feeding on ants and termites .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"aardvarks can travel as far as 16 km a night , visiting termite mounds .\" What is the definition of \"aardvark\"?"} {"term": "haftorah", "pos": "", "context": "in addition , on the shabbat following the bar mitzvah boy 's thirteenth birthday , he is called to the torah during morning services at the synagogue to recite the blessing on the haftorah .", "definition": "a short reading from the prophets which follows the reading from the law in a jewish synagogue .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in addition , on the shabbat following the bar mitzvah boy 's thirteenth birthday , he is called to the torah during morning services at the synagogue to recite the blessing on the haftorah .\" What is the definition of \"haftorah\"?"} {"term": "timbre", "pos": "", "context": "the timbre of her soprano was rich and lovely", "definition": "( music ) the distinctive property of a complex sound ( a voice or noise or musical sound )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the timbre of her soprano was rich and lovely\" What is the definition of \"timbre\"?"} {"term": "orchestra", "pos": "", "context": "he led the foursome to seats in the balcony above the orchestra pit - the perfect place to sit and see and hear everything .", "definition": "the part of a theatre where the orchestra plays , typically in front of the stage and on a lower level .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he led the foursome to seats in the balcony above the orchestra pit - the perfect place to sit and see and hear everything .\" What is the definition of \"orchestra\"?"} {"term": "scullery", "pos": "", "context": "so when a dirty dish sends valentine down to the scullery to fire the imperfect , immigrant maid responsible , he finds himself drawn into the seedier , more passionate side of the jazz age .", "definition": "a small kitchen or room at the back of a house used for washing dishes and other dirty household work .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so when a dirty dish sends valentine down to the scullery to fire the imperfect , immigrant maid responsible , he finds himself drawn into the seedier , more passionate side of the jazz age .\" What is the definition of \"scullery\"?"} {"term": "devil", "pos": "", "context": "even after the devilling year , irish barristers are not guaranteed any income , and many drop out of the profession because of the pressure of growing bank loans .", "definition": "act as a junior assistant for a barrister or other professional", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"even after the devilling year , irish barristers are not guaranteed any income , and many drop out of the profession because of the pressure of growing bank loans .\" What is the definition of \"devil\"?"} {"term": "portal", "pos": "", "context": "the portals of success", "definition": "a grand and imposing entrance ( often extended metaphorically )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the portals of success\" What is the definition of \"portal\"?"} {"term": "make-up", "pos": "", "context": "i tried explaining to them that if they changed this aspect of sean 's make-up they 'd also be changing the way he plays the game .", "definition": "the combination of qualities that form a person 's temperament", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i tried explaining to them that if they changed this aspect of sean 's make-up they 'd also be changing the way he plays the game .\" What is the definition of \"make-up\"?"} {"term": "sidewinder", "pos": "", "context": "sidewinders use quick motions to wiggle into the sand to bury the greater part of their body .", "definition": "a pale-coloured , nocturnal , burrowing rattlesnake that moves sideways over sand by throwing its body into s-shaped curves . it is found in the deserts of north america .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sidewinders use quick motions to wiggle into the sand to bury the greater part of their body .\" What is the definition of \"sidewinder\"?"} {"term": "oscillograph", "pos": "", "context": "these observations were supported by the use of sound level and oscillograph records .", "definition": "a device for recording oscillations , especially those of an electric current .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these observations were supported by the use of sound level and oscillograph records .\" What is the definition of \"oscillograph\"?"} {"term": "psychokinesis", "pos": "", "context": "the other document described ‘ bioinformation ’ such as telepathy , precognition and clairvoyance and bioenergetics like psychokinesis and telekinesis .", "definition": "the supposed ability to move objects by mental effort alone .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the other document described ‘ bioinformation ’ such as telepathy , precognition and clairvoyance and bioenergetics like psychokinesis and telekinesis .\" What is the definition of \"psychokinesis\"?"} {"term": "rechargeable", "pos": "", "context": "a rechargeable battery", "definition": "capable of being recharged", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a rechargeable battery\" What is the definition of \"rechargeable\"?"} {"term": "chairlift", "pos": "", "context": "in terms of facilities , the mountain offers a mix between older one-person chairlifts , drag lifts , and two modern high-speed chairlifts , one triple and one quad .", "definition": "a series of chairs hung from a moving cable , used for carrying people up and down a mountain .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in terms of facilities , the mountain offers a mix between older one-person chairlifts , drag lifts , and two modern high-speed chairlifts , one triple and one quad .\" What is the definition of \"chairlift\"?"} {"term": "drill", "pos": "", "context": "parallel drills of seedlings quickly grow to form a dense carpet over the ground .", "definition": "a row of plants sown in a drill", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"parallel drills of seedlings quickly grow to form a dense carpet over the ground .\" What is the definition of \"drill\"?"} {"term": "drill", "pos": "", "context": "these last few days they are blessed with the fine weather which dried out the drills and ridges and left the soil fine and easy to work .", "definition": "a small furrow made by a drill", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these last few days they are blessed with the fine weather which dried out the drills and ridges and left the soil fine and easy to work .\" What is the definition of \"drill\"?"} {"term": "rest", "pos": "", "context": "by the end of last year , he had nothing left in the tank , and he was planning a complete rest until he felt the urge to pick up a racquet .", "definition": "an instance or period of resting", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"by the end of last year , he had nothing left in the tank , and he was planning a complete rest until he felt the urge to pick up a racquet .\" What is the definition of \"rest\"?"} {"term": "rest", "pos": "", "context": "she was laid to rest beside her husband", "definition": "euphemisms for death ( based on an analogy between lying in a bed and in a tomb )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was laid to rest beside her husband\" What is the definition of \"rest\"?"} {"term": "rest", "pos": "", "context": "rest your head on my shoulder", "definition": "put something in a resting position , as for support or steadying", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rest your head on my shoulder\" What is the definition of \"rest\"?"} {"term": "rest", "pos": "", "context": "parents can rest assured that the show will be secured by a fully professional team .", "definition": "remain or be left in a specified condition", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"parents can rest assured that the show will be secured by a fully professional team .\" What is the definition of \"rest\"?"} {"term": "rest", "pos": "", "context": "there were three solutions to this problem : fertilizing , rotating crops , and resting the land .", "definition": "allow ( land ) to lie fallow", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there were three solutions to this problem : fertilizing , rotating crops , and resting the land .\" What is the definition of \"rest\"?"} {"term": "criminal", "pos": "", "context": "they are anxious not to upset anybody these days , even thugs and criminals .", "definition": "a person who has committed a crime", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they are anxious not to upset anybody these days , even thugs and criminals .\" What is the definition of \"criminal\"?"} {"term": "sclerosis", "pos": "", "context": "among this latter group , there were four patients with rheumatoid arthritis , five with systemic sclerosis , three with systemic lupus erythematosus , five with dermatomyositis , and four with mixed connective tissue disease .", "definition": "a chronic , typically progressive disease involving damage to the sheaths of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord , whose symptoms may include numbness , impairment of speech and of muscular coordination , blurred vision , and severe fatigue .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"among this latter group , there were four patients with rheumatoid arthritis , five with systemic sclerosis , three with systemic lupus erythematosus , five with dermatomyositis , and four with mixed connective tissue disease .\" What is the definition of \"sclerosis\"?"} {"term": "allay", "pos": "", "context": "encased in iron or under glass , such relics were especially esteemed for their power to reverse the course of the body 's eventual decay by effecting cures or allaying physical pain .", "definition": "relieve or alleviate ( pain or hunger )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"encased in iron or under glass , such relics were especially esteemed for their power to reverse the course of the body 's eventual decay by effecting cures or allaying physical pain .\" What is the definition of \"allay\"?"} {"term": "apostolate", "pos": "", "context": "i suspect his bishop will still not be terribly happy to have him claiming to be a catholic apostolate .", "definition": "( chiefly in roman catholic contexts ) the position or authority of an apostle or a religious leader .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i suspect his bishop will still not be terribly happy to have him claiming to be a catholic apostolate .\" What is the definition of \"apostolate\"?"} {"term": "apostolate", "pos": "", "context": "during the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries , project after project attempting to set on foot a crusade was made , and we refer to them merely to point out that the spirit of a militant apostolate continued to ferment in the soul of france .", "definition": "a form of evangelistic activity or work", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"during the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries , project after project attempting to set on foot a crusade was made , and we refer to them merely to point out that the spirit of a militant apostolate continued to ferment in the soul of france .\" What is the definition of \"apostolate\"?"} {"term": "underestimate", "pos": "", "context": "do n't underestimate the value of this heirloom-you may sell it at a good price", "definition": "assign too low a value to", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"do n't underestimate the value of this heirloom-you may sell it at a good price\" What is the definition of \"underestimate\"?"} {"term": "underestimate", "pos": "", "context": "i wish people would n't underestimate me , or my strength , or my weakness .", "definition": "regard ( someone ) as less capable than they really are", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i wish people would n't underestimate me , or my strength , or my weakness .\" What is the definition of \"underestimate\"?"} {"term": "fiddle", "pos": "", "context": "zuckerman fiddled that song very nicely", "definition": "play on a violin", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"zuckerman fiddled that song very nicely\" What is the definition of \"fiddle\"?"} {"term": "guy", "pos": "", "context": "with a roster of tough guys who have some scoring touch , you should have a good team to compete .", "definition": "a man", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with a roster of tough guys who have some scoring touch , you should have a good team to compete .\" What is the definition of \"guy\"?"} {"term": "epistle", "pos": "", "context": "st. paul begins his epistles with a prayer of gratitude and ends with prayer .", "definition": "a book of the new testament in the form of a letter from an apostle", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"st. paul begins his epistles with a prayer of gratitude and ends with prayer .\" What is the definition of \"epistle\"?"} {"term": "rigger", "pos": "", "context": "at the finish the shaven tufte let out a small smile and gave the thumbs up while an exhausted hacker slumped over his rigger .", "definition": "an outrigger carrying a rowlock on a racing rowing boat .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at the finish the shaven tufte let out a small smile and gave the thumbs up while an exhausted hacker slumped over his rigger .\" What is the definition of \"rigger\"?"} {"term": "distort", "pos": "", "context": "hearing aids just amplify sounds that are distorted without the hearing device ; they do n't necessarily reduce the distortion .", "definition": "change the form of ( an electrical signal or sound wave ) during transmission , amplification , or other processing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hearing aids just amplify sounds that are distorted without the hearing device ; they do n't necessarily reduce the distortion .\" What is the definition of \"distort\"?"} {"term": "electrometer", "pos": "", "context": "shortly after antoine becquerel and others developed the electrometer , john mothée gaugain made the first precise measurements of pyroelectric charges in 1859 .", "definition": "an instrument for measuring electrical potential without drawing any current from the circuit .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shortly after antoine becquerel and others developed the electrometer , john mothée gaugain made the first precise measurements of pyroelectric charges in 1859 .\" What is the definition of \"electrometer\"?"} {"term": "dean", "pos": "", "context": "samuel crossman was a priest in bristol , and at his death dean of that city 's cathedral .", "definition": "the head of the chapter of a cathedral or collegiate church .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"samuel crossman was a priest in bristol , and at his death dean of that city 's cathedral .\" What is the definition of \"dean\"?"} {"term": "contrary", "pos": "", "context": "but having said all of that , the very strong judicial disposition , worked out over a long time and in cases that far precede me , take a contrary view .", "definition": "opposite in nature , direction , or meaning", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but having said all of that , the very strong judicial disposition , worked out over a long time and in cases that far precede me , take a contrary view .\" What is the definition of \"contrary\"?"} {"term": "contrary", "pos": "", "context": "we have thirty years of evidence to prove the contrary .", "definition": "the opposite", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we have thirty years of evidence to prove the contrary .\" What is the definition of \"contrary\"?"} {"term": "contrary", "pos": "", "context": "propositions are contrary when they can not both be true .", "definition": "( of two propositions ) so related that one or neither but not both must be true .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"propositions are contrary when they can not both be true .\" What is the definition of \"contrary\"?"} {"term": "bump", "pos": "", "context": "always looking backwards whilst trying to move forward , you might get a nasty bump or fall down a hole .", "definition": "a swelling on the skin , especially one caused by illness or injury", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"always looking backwards whilst trying to move forward , you might get a nasty bump or fall down a hole .\" What is the definition of \"bump\"?"} {"term": "band", "pos": "", "context": "this can happen even where the academy supposedly has a fair admissions system of taking children from different bands ( ranges of academic achievement ) .", "definition": "any of several groups into which school pupils of the same age are divided on the basis of broadly similar ability", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this can happen even where the academy supposedly has a fair admissions system of taking children from different bands ( ranges of academic achievement ) .\" What is the definition of \"band\"?"} {"term": "band", "pos": "", "context": "i caught a glimpse of an enormous diamond on a band of gold and my stomach dropped .", "definition": "a plain ring for the finger , especially a gold wedding ring", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i caught a glimpse of an enormous diamond on a band of gold and my stomach dropped .\" What is the definition of \"band\"?"} {"term": "band", "pos": "", "context": "now wanderers are going a step further with their own reebok rhythm sound , based on a percussion band from ghana .", "definition": "a group of musicians who play brass , wind , or percussion instruments", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"now wanderers are going a step further with their own reebok rhythm sound , based on a percussion band from ghana .\" What is the definition of \"band\"?"} {"term": "band", "pos": "", "context": "possible applications may range from spectroscopy to wavelength generation in bands not easily accessible at present .", "definition": "a range of frequencies or wavelengths in a spectrum", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"possible applications may range from spectroscopy to wavelength generation in bands not easily accessible at present .\" What is the definition of \"band\"?"} {"term": "pitchfork", "pos": "", "context": "pitchfork hay", "definition": "lift with a pitchfork", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pitchfork hay\" What is the definition of \"pitchfork\"?"} {"term": "slain", "pos": "", "context": "a picture of st. george and the slain dragon", "definition": "killed ; `slain ' is formal or literary as in `` slain warriors '", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a picture of st. george and the slain dragon\" What is the definition of \"slain\"?"} {"term": "berry", "pos": "", "context": "after tea we went berrying .", "definition": "gather berries", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after tea we went berrying .\" What is the definition of \"berry\"?"} {"term": "swish", "pos": "", "context": "the interior of the grade ii building has been converted into a swish joint , boasting laminate flooring and beech-topped tables .", "definition": "impressively smart and fashionable", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the interior of the grade ii building has been converted into a swish joint , boasting laminate flooring and beech-topped tables .\" What is the definition of \"swish\"?"} {"term": "swish", "pos": "", "context": "during the next play donavon swished a shot over that opposing player .", "definition": "sink ( a shot ) without the ball touching the backboard or rim .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"during the next play donavon swished a shot over that opposing player .\" What is the definition of \"swish\"?"} {"term": "puppet", "pos": "", "context": "he was like a puppet without strings now , just sitting there , staring out the window .", "definition": "a person , group , or country under the control of another", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was like a puppet without strings now , just sitting there , staring out the window .\" What is the definition of \"puppet\"?"} {"term": "discountenance", "pos": "", "context": "the republic soon discountenanced its few friends", "definition": "look with disfavor on", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the republic soon discountenanced its few friends\" What is the definition of \"discountenance\"?"} {"term": "cherub", "pos": "", "context": "every once in awhile we would pass a marble cherub , or a beautifully carved fountain .", "definition": "a representation of a cherub in western art , depicted as a chubby , healthy-looking child with wings .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"every once in awhile we would pass a marble cherub , or a beautifully carved fountain .\" What is the definition of \"cherub\"?"} {"term": "man", "pos": "", "context": "hugh miller is convinced that loring is his man , but he ca n't find any concrete evidence .", "definition": "a male pursued or sought by another , especially in connection with a crime", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hugh miller is convinced that loring is his man , but he ca n't find any concrete evidence .\" What is the definition of \"man\"?"} {"term": "man", "pos": "", "context": "but all black officers face the same occupational hazard : race-based taunting . ‘ you work for the man ! ’", "definition": "white people collectively regarded as the controlling group in society", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but all black officers face the same occupational hazard : race-based taunting . ‘ you work for the man ! ’\" What is the definition of \"man\"?"} {"term": "feminine", "pos": "", "context": "the feminine mystique continues to fascinate both men and women .", "definition": "relating to women ; female", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the feminine mystique continues to fascinate both men and women .\" What is the definition of \"feminine\"?"} {"term": "perceive", "pos": "", "context": "although instructors are trained , variation in assessments between groups are still perceived by students .", "definition": "become aware or conscious of ( something ) ; come to realize or understand", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"although instructors are trained , variation in assessments between groups are still perceived by students .\" What is the definition of \"perceive\"?"} {"term": "thunderclap", "pos": "", "context": "the joke struck the banker audience like a thunderclap .", "definition": "used in similes to refer to something startling or unexpected", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the joke struck the banker audience like a thunderclap .\" What is the definition of \"thunderclap\"?"} {"term": "meeting", "pos": "", "context": "he still remembers their meeting in paris", "definition": "a casual or unexpected convergence", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he still remembers their meeting in paris\" What is the definition of \"meeting\"?"} {"term": "node", "pos": "", "context": "consider a random walk on a graph where at each time point we move from the current node to one of its neighbors .", "definition": "a point at which a harmonic function has the value zero , especially a point of zero electron density in an orbital .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"consider a random walk on a graph where at each time point we move from the current node to one of its neighbors .\" What is the definition of \"node\"?"} {"term": "revocation", "pos": "", "context": "the revocation of a law", "definition": "the act ( by someone having the authority ) of annulling something previously done", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the revocation of a law\" What is the definition of \"revocation\"?"} {"term": "temper", "pos": "", "context": "temper glass", "definition": "bring to a desired consistency , texture , or hardness by a process of gradually heating and cooling", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"temper glass\" What is the definition of \"temper\"?"} {"term": "temper", "pos": "", "context": "in tempering the piano , we narrow the fifths and widen the fourths .", "definition": "tune ( a piano or other instrument ) so as to adjust the note intervals correctly .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in tempering the piano , we narrow the fifths and widen the fourths .\" What is the definition of \"temper\"?"} {"term": "plastic", "pos": "", "context": "similarly many behavioral traits are plastic across environments .", "definition": "exhibiting adaptability to change or variety in the environment .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"similarly many behavioral traits are plastic across environments .\" What is the definition of \"plastic\"?"} {"term": "ill", "pos": "", "context": "ill will", "definition": "indicating hostility or enmity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ill will\" What is the definition of \"ill\"?"} {"term": "tom-tom", "pos": "", "context": "the basic track featured lennon on acoustic guitar , his vocal and a tom-tom ( all recorded onto one track ) , with harrison playing a tamboura .", "definition": "a medium-sized cylindrical drum , of which one to three may be used in a drum kit .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the basic track featured lennon on acoustic guitar , his vocal and a tom-tom ( all recorded onto one track ) , with harrison playing a tamboura .\" What is the definition of \"tom-tom\"?"} {"term": "subsistence", "pos": "", "context": "social security provided only a bare subsistence", "definition": "minimal ( or marginal ) resources for subsisting", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"social security provided only a bare subsistence\" What is the definition of \"subsistence\"?"} {"term": "flood", "pos": "", "context": "divers and search and rescue dogs are on high alert following warnings of rivers and streams flooding as the snow starts to melt .", "definition": "( of a river ) become swollen and overflow ( its banks ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"divers and search and rescue dogs are on high alert following warnings of rivers and streams flooding as the snow starts to melt .\" What is the definition of \"flood\"?"} {"term": "flood", "pos": "", "context": "a tide in the affairs of men which , taken at the flood , leads on to fortune ' -shakespeare", "definition": "the occurrence of incoming water ( between a low tide and the following high tide )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tide in the affairs of men which , taken at the flood , leads on to fortune ' -shakespeare\" What is the definition of \"flood\"?"} {"term": "flood", "pos": "", "context": "a few days after conrad left , louis and his people were flooded out by a storm , their tents and baggage and even some people washed away by a flooding stream .", "definition": "( of a flood ) force ( someone ) to leave their home .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a few days after conrad left , louis and his people were flooded out by a storm , their tents and baggage and even some people washed away by a flooding stream .\" What is the definition of \"flood\"?"} {"term": "poison", "pos": "", "context": "now , the evidence that i have put to this court is a complaint to the commissioner of police with an analysis from the government department showing that my food had been poisoned .", "definition": "adulterate or contaminate with poison", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"now , the evidence that i have put to this court is a complaint to the commissioner of police with an analysis from the government department showing that my food had been poisoned .\" What is the definition of \"poison\"?"} {"term": "blotchy", "pos": "", "context": "blotchy skin", "definition": "marred by discolored spots or blotches", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"blotchy skin\" What is the definition of \"blotchy\"?"} {"term": "predation", "pos": "", "context": "two of the three planted last year look a bit sad - the predations of the hens and various sheep have n't helped .", "definition": "the action of attacking or plundering", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"two of the three planted last year look a bit sad - the predations of the hens and various sheep have n't helped .\" What is the definition of \"predation\"?"} {"term": "patent", "pos": "", "context": "he led the research and development of a unique and now patented coffee roasting process .", "definition": "obtain a patent for ( an invention )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he led the research and development of a unique and now patented coffee roasting process .\" What is the definition of \"patent\"?"} {"term": "patent", "pos": "", "context": "it benefits from a tax-free patent income scheme which allows it to retain earnings .", "definition": "made and marketed under a patent ; proprietary", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it benefits from a tax-free patent income scheme which allows it to retain earnings .\" What is the definition of \"patent\"?"} {"term": "must", "pos": "", "context": "a book that is must reading", "definition": "highly recommended", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a book that is must reading\" What is the definition of \"must\"?"} {"term": "draw", "pos": "", "context": "the people 's feet , ahead of us , moved onward , drawing away .", "definition": "move somewhere in a slow steady way", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the people 's feet , ahead of us , moved onward , drawing away .\" What is the definition of \"draw\"?"} {"term": "draw", "pos": "", "context": "he played only draw and stud", "definition": "poker in which a player can discard cards and receive substitutes from the dealer", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he played only draw and stud\" What is the definition of \"draw\"?"} {"term": "draw", "pos": "", "context": "the oil container draws the oil into the wicks so they will burn continuously .", "definition": "take or obtain ( liquid ) from a container or receptacle", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the oil container draws the oil into the wicks so they will burn continuously .\" What is the definition of \"draw\"?"} {"term": "intrigue", "pos": "", "context": "the king and the president intrigued with the local representatives of white governments .", "definition": "make secret plans to do something illicit or detrimental to someone", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the king and the president intrigued with the local representatives of white governments .\" What is the definition of \"intrigue\"?"} {"term": "democracy", "pos": "", "context": "we live in the 21st century , the age of democracy and equality of opportunity .", "definition": "the practice or principles of social equality", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we live in the 21st century , the age of democracy and equality of opportunity .\" What is the definition of \"democracy\"?"} {"term": "spire", "pos": "", "context": "how lovely and strange the gangly spires of trees against a thickening sky as you drive from the library humming off-key ?", "definition": "the continuation of a tree trunk above the point where branching begins , especially in a tree of a tapering form .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"how lovely and strange the gangly spires of trees against a thickening sky as you drive from the library humming off-key ?\" What is the definition of \"spire\"?"} {"term": "grapple", "pos": "", "context": "the startled barbarian grappled reflexively , neglecting the weapons that hung at his waist .", "definition": "engage in a close fight or struggle without weapons ; wrestle", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the startled barbarian grappled reflexively , neglecting the weapons that hung at his waist .\" What is the definition of \"grapple\"?"} {"term": "filth", "pos": "", "context": "of course she will never appear in court and dave beats her for being so stupid to get caught by the filth .", "definition": "the police .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"of course she will never appear in court and dave beats her for being so stupid to get caught by the filth .\" What is the definition of \"filth\"?"} {"term": "dissimilitude", "pos": "", "context": "the major dissimilitude in this description is between highly conventional notions of essential masculine and feminine attributes .", "definition": "dissimilarity or diversity .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the major dissimilitude in this description is between highly conventional notions of essential masculine and feminine attributes .\" What is the definition of \"dissimilitude\"?"} {"term": "absurd", "pos": "", "context": "the absurd is the essential concept and the first truth ' -- albert camus", "definition": "a situation in which life seems irrational and meaningless", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the absurd is the essential concept and the first truth ' -- albert camus\" What is the definition of \"absurd\"?"} {"term": "breach", "pos": "", "context": "umpires will report code of conduct breaches and where a breach occurs , it will be dealt with .", "definition": "an act of breaking or failing to observe a law , agreement , or code of conduct", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"umpires will report code of conduct breaches and where a breach occurs , it will be dealt with .\" What is the definition of \"breach\"?"} {"term": "masculine", "pos": "", "context": "a masculine cadence", "definition": "( music or poetry ) ending on an accented beat or syllable", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a masculine cadence\" What is the definition of \"masculine\"?"} {"term": "cost", "pos": "", "context": "this mistake cost him his job", "definition": "require to lose , suffer , or sacrifice", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this mistake cost him his job\" What is the definition of \"cost\"?"} {"term": "cost", "pos": "", "context": "it can reduce the risks from these bugs , at the cost of modest effort on the part of the programmer .", "definition": "the effort , loss , or sacrifice necessary to achieve or obtain something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it can reduce the risks from these bugs , at the cost of modest effort on the part of the programmer .\" What is the definition of \"cost\"?"} {"term": "lisp", "pos": "", "context": "the inebriated man drew a sword and sloppily lisped out , ‘ you embarrreshed me ! ’", "definition": "speak with a lisp", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the inebriated man drew a sword and sloppily lisped out , ‘ you embarrreshed me ! ’\" What is the definition of \"lisp\"?"} {"term": "sackcloth", "pos": "", "context": "canvas is popular because it 's light , rigid , yet elastic at the same time . canvas can be made from sackcloth , cotton ( most popular ) , synthetic , a combination of materials or even smooth linen .", "definition": "a very coarse , rough fabric woven from flax or hemp .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"canvas is popular because it 's light , rigid , yet elastic at the same time . canvas can be made from sackcloth , cotton ( most popular ) , synthetic , a combination of materials or even smooth linen .\" What is the definition of \"sackcloth\"?"} {"term": "coordinator", "pos": "", "context": "two or more subordinate clauses can be connected with a coordinator .", "definition": "a word used to connect clauses , sentences , or words of equal syntactic importance ( e.g . and , or , for )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"two or more subordinate clauses can be connected with a coordinator .\" What is the definition of \"coordinator\"?"} {"term": "scrabble", "pos": "", "context": "a few jokes were made about them playing scrabble on the tour bus .", "definition": "a game in which players build up words on a board from small lettered squares or tiles .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a few jokes were made about them playing scrabble on the tour bus .\" What is the definition of \"scrabble\"?"} {"term": "base", "pos": "", "context": "the base of the mountain", "definition": "the bottom or lowest part", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the base of the mountain\" What is the definition of \"base\"?"} {"term": "base", "pos": "", "context": "now , how can there be foundation structures such as pillar bases in the ground unless they had been put there to support a building ?", "definition": "the part of a column between the shaft and pedestal or pavement .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"now , how can there be foundation structures such as pillar bases in the ground unless they had been put there to support a building ?\" What is the definition of \"base\"?"} {"term": "base", "pos": "", "context": "base a claim on some observation", "definition": "use as a basis for ; found on", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"base a claim on some observation\" What is the definition of \"base\"?"} {"term": "base", "pos": "", "context": "after completion , this will provide a firm base to push the pattaya sports club into the new millennium .", "definition": "a foundation or starting point for further work", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after completion , this will provide a firm base to push the pattaya sports club into the new millennium .\" What is the definition of \"base\"?"} {"term": "base", "pos": "", "context": "we will base this project in the new lab", "definition": "situate as a center of operations", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we will base this project in the new lab\" What is the definition of \"base\"?"} {"term": "confirm", "pos": "", "context": "the senate confirmed the president 's candidate for secretary of defense", "definition": "support a person for a position", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the senate confirmed the president 's candidate for secretary of defense\" What is the definition of \"confirm\"?"} {"term": "confirm", "pos": "", "context": "confirm thy soul in self-control !", "definition": "make more firm", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"confirm thy soul in self-control !\" What is the definition of \"confirm\"?"} {"term": "confirm", "pos": "", "context": "the longer we stay , the more they are confirmed in that view .", "definition": "reinforce someone in ( an opinion or feeling )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the longer we stay , the more they are confirmed in that view .\" What is the definition of \"confirm\"?"} {"term": "puzzle", "pos": "", "context": "he loved to solve chessmate puzzles", "definition": "a particularly baffling problem that is said to have a correct solution", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he loved to solve chessmate puzzles\" What is the definition of \"puzzle\"?"} {"term": "sew", "pos": "", "context": "after the care and instructions label and separate brand label are sewn to the inside of the front panel , side seams on the leg and torso are closed and the garment is turned over .", "definition": "attach ( something ) to something else by sewing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after the care and instructions label and separate brand label are sewn to the inside of the front panel , side seams on the leg and torso are closed and the garment is turned over .\" What is the definition of \"sew\"?"} {"term": "cosmic", "pos": "", "context": "cosmic rays", "definition": "of or from or pertaining to or characteristic of the cosmos or universe", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cosmic rays\" What is the definition of \"cosmic\"?"} {"term": "socialize", "pos": "", "context": "children have to be socialized in school", "definition": "prepare for social life", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"children have to be socialized in school\" What is the definition of \"socialize\"?"} {"term": "facility", "pos": "", "context": "the assembly plant is an enormous facility", "definition": "a building or place that provides a particular service or is used for a particular industry", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the assembly plant is an enormous facility\" What is the definition of \"facility\"?"} {"term": "juvenile", "pos": "", "context": "despite the apparent convergence with western juvenile prostitution , clear differences remain that should not be ignored .", "definition": "for or relating to young people", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"despite the apparent convergence with western juvenile prostitution , clear differences remain that should not be ignored .\" What is the definition of \"juvenile\"?"} {"term": "juvenile", "pos": "", "context": "actual juvenile mortality rates for large mammals are generally higher than indicated by life tables based on bone assemblages .", "definition": "relating to young birds and animals", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"actual juvenile mortality rates for large mammals are generally higher than indicated by life tables based on bone assemblages .\" What is the definition of \"juvenile\"?"} {"term": "amphetamine", "pos": "", "context": "historical evidence suggests that law enforcement has been useful in the control of alcohol , tobacco , amphetamine , and opioids .", "definition": "a synthetic , addictive , mood-altering drug , used illegally as a stimulant", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"historical evidence suggests that law enforcement has been useful in the control of alcohol , tobacco , amphetamine , and opioids .\" What is the definition of \"amphetamine\"?"} {"term": "deletion", "pos": "", "context": "prune low-performing products and customers by direct deletion or by selectively raising prices .", "definition": "the removal of a product , especially a recording , from the catalogue of those available for purchase .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"prune low-performing products and customers by direct deletion or by selectively raising prices .\" What is the definition of \"deletion\"?"} {"term": "divergent", "pos": "", "context": "the populations from the adriatic and black seas , however , are divergent from every other population .", "definition": "tending to be different or develop in different directions", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the populations from the adriatic and black seas , however , are divergent from every other population .\" What is the definition of \"divergent\"?"} {"term": "academy", "pos": "", "context": "other new venues for elite cultural exchange could be found in literary societies , and learned academies , modelled after the french academy in paris .", "definition": "a society or institution of distinguished scholars and artists or scientists that aims to promote and maintain standards in its particular field", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"other new venues for elite cultural exchange could be found in literary societies , and learned academies , modelled after the french academy in paris .\" What is the definition of \"academy\"?"} {"term": "academy", "pos": "", "context": "a sign reads mugen high school : the private academy for elegant young woman .", "definition": "a place of study", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sign reads mugen high school : the private academy for elegant young woman .\" What is the definition of \"academy\"?"} {"term": "cannon", "pos": "", "context": "as the outer layers cooled , they compressed the inner layers , giving the cannon greater tensile strength .", "definition": "a heavy cylinder or hollow drum that is able to rotate independently on a shaft .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as the outer layers cooled , they compressed the inner layers , giving the cannon greater tensile strength .\" What is the definition of \"cannon\"?"} {"term": "cannon", "pos": "", "context": "a single-seater aircraft , it looked rather tiny , but the 37 mm cannon in its nose , its barrel protruding through the propeller boss , was not .", "definition": "a heavy automatic gun that fires shells from an aircraft or tank", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a single-seater aircraft , it looked rather tiny , but the 37 mm cannon in its nose , its barrel protruding through the propeller boss , was not .\" What is the definition of \"cannon\"?"} {"term": "aryan", "pos": "", "context": "most terrifyingly , he considered the jews to be the most inferior race of all , whose presence posed ‘ a problem ’ as long as they existed alongside aryans .", "definition": "( in nazi ideology ) a person of caucasian race not of jewish descent", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"most terrifyingly , he considered the jews to be the most inferior race of all , whose presence posed ‘ a problem ’ as long as they existed alongside aryans .\" What is the definition of \"aryan\"?"} {"term": "disharmony", "pos": "", "context": "it is a recipe for disaster and disharmony in every way .", "definition": "lack of harmony or agreement", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is a recipe for disaster and disharmony in every way .\" What is the definition of \"disharmony\"?"} {"term": "hasid", "pos": "", "context": "jacques derrida , an algerian-born jew , is reduced to completely comprehensible prose as he describes dancing with hasidim in the ultra-orthodox community of mea sherim in jerusalem .", "definition": "a member of a strictly orthodox jewish sect in palestine in the 3rd and 2nd centuries bc which opposed hellenizing influences on their faith and supported the maccabean revolt .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"jacques derrida , an algerian-born jew , is reduced to completely comprehensible prose as he describes dancing with hasidim in the ultra-orthodox community of mea sherim in jerusalem .\" What is the definition of \"hasid\"?"} {"term": "eurobond", "pos": "", "context": "still , foreign lenders can easily look to alternatives like eurobonds , and therefore they are able to demand a higher interest rate if the u.s. tries to ‘ supply ’ too much of its debt .", "definition": "an international bond issued in europe or elsewhere outside the country in whose currency its value is stated ( usually the us or japan ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"still , foreign lenders can easily look to alternatives like eurobonds , and therefore they are able to demand a higher interest rate if the u.s. tries to ‘ supply ’ too much of its debt .\" What is the definition of \"eurobond\"?"} {"term": "diorite", "pos": "", "context": "it is dominated by variably foliated , medium-grained , even-textured to porphyritic biotite hornblende tonalite and quartz diorite .", "definition": "a speckled , coarse-grained igneous rock consisting essentially of plagioclase , feldspar , and hornblende or other mafic minerals .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is dominated by variably foliated , medium-grained , even-textured to porphyritic biotite hornblende tonalite and quartz diorite .\" What is the definition of \"diorite\"?"} {"term": "honeycomb", "pos": "", "context": "around these the exterior walls and towers are honeycombed with passages , stairs , chambers , and services .", "definition": "fill with cavities or tunnels", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"around these the exterior walls and towers are honeycombed with passages , stairs , chambers , and services .\" What is the definition of \"honeycomb\"?"} {"term": "melody", "pos": "", "context": "but that life had still been familiar and reassuring , like the quiet roar of the passing cars and the sweet melody of the songbirds in the trees .", "definition": "sweet music ; tunefulness .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but that life had still been familiar and reassuring , like the quiet roar of the passing cars and the sweet melody of the songbirds in the trees .\" What is the definition of \"melody\"?"} {"term": "roundel", "pos": "", "context": "swinburne commanded an impressive variety of verse forms , writing in classical metres , composing burlesques , modern and mock-antique ballads , roundels , etc .", "definition": "a short poem consisting of three stanzas of three lines each , rhyming alternately , with the opening words repeated as a refrain after the first and third stanzas . the form , a variant of the rondeau , was developed by swinburne .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"swinburne commanded an impressive variety of verse forms , writing in classical metres , composing burlesques , modern and mock-antique ballads , roundels , etc .\" What is the definition of \"roundel\"?"} {"term": "non-combatant", "pos": "", "context": "but remember , there are civilians and non-combatants down there .", "definition": "a person who is not engaged in fighting during a war , especially a civilian , army chaplain , or army doctor .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but remember , there are civilians and non-combatants down there .\" What is the definition of \"non-combatant\"?"} {"term": "manoir", "pos": "", "context": "the density of castles and manoirs in brittany is unique in europe .", "definition": "a large country house or manor house in france .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the density of castles and manoirs in brittany is unique in europe .\" What is the definition of \"manoir\"?"} {"term": "hoover", "pos": "", "context": "he did n't talk so much as honk , and the merriment he evinced at his own jests produced a laugh that sounded like snot being hoovered up with a surgical tube .", "definition": "suck something up with or as if with a vacuum cleaner", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he did n't talk so much as honk , and the merriment he evinced at his own jests produced a laugh that sounded like snot being hoovered up with a surgical tube .\" What is the definition of \"hoover\"?"} {"term": "ascription", "pos": "", "context": "‘ lord and our god ’ was the royal ascription in use about the time john was written .", "definition": "a preacher 's words ascribing praise to god at the end of a sermon .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ lord and our god ’ was the royal ascription in use about the time john was written .\" What is the definition of \"ascription\"?"} {"term": "pochard", "pos": "", "context": "there were several pairs of great crested grebes but there were also good numbers of tufted duck , pochard , gadwall mallard and teal .", "definition": "a diving duck , the male of which typically has a reddish-brown head and a black breast .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there were several pairs of great crested grebes but there were also good numbers of tufted duck , pochard , gadwall mallard and teal .\" What is the definition of \"pochard\"?"} {"term": "effuse", "pos": "", "context": "effused brine", "definition": "pour out", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"effused brine\" What is the definition of \"effuse\"?"} {"term": "improve", "pos": "", "context": "he predicted that if that co-operation continued and was improved upon , a greater success rate could be achieved .", "definition": "achieve or produce something better than", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he predicted that if that co-operation continued and was improved upon , a greater success rate could be achieved .\" What is the definition of \"improve\"?"} {"term": "improve", "pos": "", "context": "the weather improved toward evening", "definition": "get better", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the weather improved toward evening\" What is the definition of \"improve\"?"} {"term": "horn", "pos": "", "context": "it seems the chinese believe that this rhino 's horn cures everything from lumbago to laryngitis , and they will pay anything to get it .", "definition": "the substance of which horns are composed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it seems the chinese believe that this rhino 's horn cures everything from lumbago to laryngitis , and they will pay anything to get it .\" What is the definition of \"horn\"?"} {"term": "complex", "pos": "", "context": "a complex set of variations based on a simple folk melody", "definition": "complicated in structure ; consisting of interconnected parts", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a complex set of variations based on a simple folk melody\" What is the definition of \"complex\"?"} {"term": "reading", "pos": "", "context": "one of the reasons his novel had been such a hit was because he had appeared at several readings during jewish book month .", "definition": "an occasion at which pieces of literature are read to an audience", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one of the reasons his novel had been such a hit was because he had appeared at several readings during jewish book month .\" What is the definition of \"reading\"?"} {"term": "mole", "pos": "", "context": "although moles feed on beneficial invertebrates as well as lawn pests , they rarely affect the populations of either .", "definition": "a small burrowing mammal with dark velvety fur , a long muzzle , and very small eyes , feeding mainly on worms , grubs , and other invertebrates .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"although moles feed on beneficial invertebrates as well as lawn pests , they rarely affect the populations of either .\" What is the definition of \"mole\"?"} {"term": "mole", "pos": "", "context": "unbeknownst to john j. , he has been set up by a mole in the operation .", "definition": "a spy who gradually achieves an important position within the security defences of a country", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unbeknownst to john j. , he has been set up by a mole in the operation .\" What is the definition of \"mole\"?"} {"term": "prey", "pos": "", "context": "police have warned the public to be on their guard for two men posing as policemen who prey on elderly victims in their homes .", "definition": "take advantage of or harm", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"police have warned the public to be on their guard for two men posing as policemen who prey on elderly victims in their homes .\" What is the definition of \"prey\"?"} {"term": "modulus", "pos": "", "context": "it is interesting to note that a considerable group of important structural materials have nearly the same ratio of modulus of elasticity to density .", "definition": "a constant indicating the relation between a physical effect and the force producing it", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is interesting to note that a considerable group of important structural materials have nearly the same ratio of modulus of elasticity to density .\" What is the definition of \"modulus\"?"} {"term": "modulus", "pos": "", "context": "the concept of the modulus of a complex number is also due to argand but cauchy , who used the term later , is usually credited as the originator this concept .", "definition": "the positive square root of the sum of the squares of the real and imaginary parts of a complex number .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the concept of the modulus of a complex number is also due to argand but cauchy , who used the term later , is usually credited as the originator this concept .\" What is the definition of \"modulus\"?"} {"term": "reform", "pos": "", "context": "the reforms he proposed were too radical for the politicians", "definition": "a campaign aimed to correct abuses or malpractices", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the reforms he proposed were too radical for the politicians\" What is the definition of \"reform\"?"} {"term": "reform", "pos": "", "context": "reform oil", "definition": "break up the molecules of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"reform oil\" What is the definition of \"reform\"?"} {"term": "former", "pos": "", "context": "tom and dick were both heroes but only the former is remembered today", "definition": "the first of two or the first mentioned of two", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tom and dick were both heroes but only the former is remembered today\" What is the definition of \"former\"?"} {"term": "fortress", "pos": "", "context": "a paranoid fortress mentality has unfortunately gripped the government policy makers in the most underpopulated country on earth .", "definition": "a person or thing not susceptible to outside influence or disturbance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a paranoid fortress mentality has unfortunately gripped the government policy makers in the most underpopulated country on earth .\" What is the definition of \"fortress\"?"} {"term": "cornflower", "pos": "", "context": "his repertoire favored simple garden flowers such as roses , larkspur , cornflowers , poppies , and pinks , which he drew scattered over the ground of his designs in a light and airy style .", "definition": "a slender eurasian plant related to the knapweeds , with flowers that are typically a deep , vivid blue .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his repertoire favored simple garden flowers such as roses , larkspur , cornflowers , poppies , and pinks , which he drew scattered over the ground of his designs in a light and airy style .\" What is the definition of \"cornflower\"?"} {"term": "fond", "pos": "", "context": "fond hopes of becoming president", "definition": "absurd or silly because unlikely", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fond hopes of becoming president\" What is the definition of \"fond\"?"} {"term": "fond", "pos": "", "context": "mr longestaffe 's fond hope was that the whole £50,000 should be applied to caversham 's debt .", "definition": "( of a hope or belief ) foolishly optimistic ; naive .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mr longestaffe 's fond hope was that the whole £50,000 should be applied to caversham 's debt .\" What is the definition of \"fond\"?"} {"term": "hanging", "pos": "", "context": "in those days the hanging of criminals was a public entertainment", "definition": "a form of capital punishment ; victim is suspended by the neck from a gallows or gibbet until dead", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in those days the hanging of criminals was a public entertainment\" What is the definition of \"hanging\"?"} {"term": "censor", "pos": "", "context": "this magazine is censored by the government", "definition": "subject to political , religious , or moral censorship", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this magazine is censored by the government\" What is the definition of \"censor\"?"} {"term": "affectation", "pos": "", "context": "but in the end , their gluttony , loneliness , and affectations - their rabid humanity is what interests me .", "definition": "a studied display of real or pretended feeling", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but in the end , their gluttony , loneliness , and affectations - their rabid humanity is what interests me .\" What is the definition of \"affectation\"?"} {"term": "foil", "pos": "", "context": "the greater the pressure , the smaller the diameter the ruptured foil would be .", "definition": "each of the structures fitted to a hydrofoil 's hull to lift it clear of the water at speed .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the greater the pressure , the smaller the diameter the ruptured foil would be .\" What is the definition of \"foil\"?"} {"term": "glister", "pos": "", "context": "within the canvas , there is a makeshift altar , the flickering of candles illuminating the glister of an icon .", "definition": "a sparkle .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"within the canvas , there is a makeshift altar , the flickering of candles illuminating the glister of an icon .\" What is the definition of \"glister\"?"} {"term": "shadowland", "pos": "", "context": "but the only known mandrake tree in existence is in the centre of the shadowlands .", "definition": "a place in shadow .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but the only known mandrake tree in existence is in the centre of the shadowlands .\" What is the definition of \"shadowland\"?"} {"term": "cluniac", "pos": "", "context": "they made an alliance with certain forces controlling the papacy , which were ultimately allied with them , including the cluniacs , from the benedictine area of cluny .", "definition": "a monk of the cluniac order .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they made an alliance with certain forces controlling the papacy , which were ultimately allied with them , including the cluniacs , from the benedictine area of cluny .\" What is the definition of \"cluniac\"?"} {"term": "pressure", "pos": "", "context": "the sensitivity of his skin to pressure and temperature was normal", "definition": "the somatic sensation that results from applying force to an area of skin", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sensitivity of his skin to pressure and temperature was normal\" What is the definition of \"pressure\"?"} {"term": "microscopy", "pos": "", "context": "the virus can be seen on immune electron microscopy , but most labs do n't have an em .", "definition": "the use of the microscope .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the virus can be seen on immune electron microscopy , but most labs do n't have an em .\" What is the definition of \"microscopy\"?"} {"term": "anti", "pos": "", "context": "i do not want this government wasting parliament time on what is an unimportant issue , and if the anti brigade stopped their demos maybe we should have enough police on the streets to deal with the human vermin .", "definition": "opposed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i do not want this government wasting parliament time on what is an unimportant issue , and if the anti brigade stopped their demos maybe we should have enough police on the streets to deal with the human vermin .\" What is the definition of \"anti\"?"} {"term": "chestnut", "pos": "", "context": "berndon was looking at a chestnut mare with a black mane and tail and took out some coins to pay for it .", "definition": "a horse of a reddish-brown or yellowish-brown colour , with a brown mane and tail", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"berndon was looking at a chestnut mare with a black mane and tail and took out some coins to pay for it .\" What is the definition of \"chestnut\"?"} {"term": "skiffle", "pos": "", "context": "forster makes similar observations on ‘ born to a family , ’ working off of a nice change-of-pace skiffle beat .", "definition": "a style of 1920s and 1930s jazz deriving from blues , ragtime , and folk music , using both improvised and conventional instruments .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"forster makes similar observations on ‘ born to a family , ’ working off of a nice change-of-pace skiffle beat .\" What is the definition of \"skiffle\"?"} {"term": "scene-stealer", "pos": "", "context": "babies are natural scene-stealers", "definition": "an actor who draws more attention than other actors in the same scene", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"babies are natural scene-stealers\" What is the definition of \"scene-stealer\"?"} {"term": "tug", "pos": "", "context": "the tugboat tugged the freighter into the harbor", "definition": "tow ( a vessel ) with a tug", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the tugboat tugged the freighter into the harbor\" What is the definition of \"tug\"?"} {"term": "tug", "pos": "", "context": "you give your ropes a tug and pull all the other man 's pegs out .", "definition": "a hard or sudden pull", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you give your ropes a tug and pull all the other man 's pegs out .\" What is the definition of \"tug\"?"} {"term": "tug", "pos": "", "context": "she tugged and wrestled with her conflicts", "definition": "struggle in opposition", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she tugged and wrestled with her conflicts\" What is the definition of \"tug\"?"} {"term": "tug", "pos": "", "context": "each oar was tugged by several men", "definition": "pull or strain hard at", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"each oar was tugged by several men\" What is the definition of \"tug\"?"} {"term": "uncork", "pos": "", "context": "uncork the french wine", "definition": "draw the cork from ( bottles )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"uncork the french wine\" What is the definition of \"uncork\"?"} {"term": "pepsinogen", "pos": "", "context": "in the stomach , pepsinogen is secreted , and activated into pepsin by the acid that is secreted at the same site .", "definition": "a substance which is secreted by the stomach wall and converted into the enzyme pepsin by gastric acid", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the stomach , pepsinogen is secreted , and activated into pepsin by the acid that is secreted at the same site .\" What is the definition of \"pepsinogen\"?"} {"term": "marxist", "pos": "", "context": "at every juncture , his attachment to an analysis through the prism of marxist critical theory derails his book .", "definition": "a supporter of the political and economic theories of karl marx and friedrich engels", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at every juncture , his attachment to an analysis through the prism of marxist critical theory derails his book .\" What is the definition of \"marxist\"?"} {"term": "demonstrator", "pos": "", "context": "joe was a demonstrator of basketmaking at the time and he taught me .", "definition": "a person who teaches by demonstration in a laboratory", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"joe was a demonstrator of basketmaking at the time and he taught me .\" What is the definition of \"demonstrator\"?"} {"term": "ephedrine", "pos": "", "context": "if the medicines aspirin , ephedrine , and morphine were once botanicals , how did they get to be tested and marketed as drugs ?", "definition": "a crystalline alkaloid drug obtained from some ephedras . it causes constriction of the blood vessels and widening of the bronchial passages , and is used to relieve asthma and hay fever .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if the medicines aspirin , ephedrine , and morphine were once botanicals , how did they get to be tested and marketed as drugs ?\" What is the definition of \"ephedrine\"?"} {"term": "hot", "pos": "", "context": "in a moment they raised a loud clamor , announcing that the scent was hot .", "definition": "( of the scent ) fresh and strong , indicating that the quarry has passed recently .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in a moment they raised a loud clamor , announcing that the scent was hot .\" What is the definition of \"hot\"?"} {"term": "hot", "pos": "", "context": "a hot suspect", "definition": "wanted by the police", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a hot suspect\" What is the definition of \"hot\"?"} {"term": "hot", "pos": "", "context": "there is absolutely no denying that competition in this arena is burning hot .", "definition": "involving much activity , debate , or interest", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is absolutely no denying that competition in this arena is burning hot .\" What is the definition of \"hot\"?"} {"term": "gelignite", "pos": "", "context": "but even there i can not picture an example where a purchasing officer in a mining camp in western australia would be asked why he would be buying gelignite , for example .", "definition": "a high explosive made from a gel of nitroglycerine and nitrocellulose in a base of wood pulp and sodium or potassium nitrate , used particularly for rock-blasting .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but even there i can not picture an example where a purchasing officer in a mining camp in western australia would be asked why he would be buying gelignite , for example .\" What is the definition of \"gelignite\"?"} {"term": "brilliant", "pos": "", "context": "the headdress was an heirloom that mingled pearls with a few choice brilliants .", "definition": "a diamond of brilliant cut", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the headdress was an heirloom that mingled pearls with a few choice brilliants .\" What is the definition of \"brilliant\"?"} {"term": "brilliant", "pos": "", "context": "he has a wonderful wife , a fantastic job and two brilliant children .", "definition": "excellent ; marvellous", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he has a wonderful wife , a fantastic job and two brilliant children .\" What is the definition of \"brilliant\"?"} {"term": "turkey", "pos": "", "context": "some domestic breeds such as turkeys have very colourful feathers .", "definition": "a large mainly domesticated game bird native to north america , having a bald head and ( in the male ) red wattles . it is a popular food on festive occasions such as christmas and ( in the us ) thanksgiving .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some domestic breeds such as turkeys have very colourful feathers .\" What is the definition of \"turkey\"?"} {"term": "discussion", "pos": "", "context": "we had a good discussion", "definition": "an exchange of views on some topic", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we had a good discussion\" What is the definition of \"discussion\"?"} {"term": "sauce", "pos": "", "context": "succulent , ruby-red interior herb-marinated and grilled lamb chops - a recent special - are barely sauced at all .", "definition": "provide a sauce for ( something ) ; season with a sauce", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"succulent , ruby-red interior herb-marinated and grilled lamb chops - a recent special - are barely sauced at all .\" What is the definition of \"sauce\"?"} {"term": "overpass", "pos": "", "context": "i just polished off a can of pineapple juice and was thinking of how it overpassed my love of apple juice .", "definition": "surpass", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i just polished off a can of pineapple juice and was thinking of how it overpassed my love of apple juice .\" What is the definition of \"overpass\"?"} {"term": "overpass", "pos": "", "context": "the plan would replace two overpasses - for the railway and the expressway - with tunnels at the foot of these streets , making access to the lake even uglier and more forbidding than it already is .", "definition": "a bridge by which a road or railway line passes over another .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the plan would replace two overpasses - for the railway and the expressway - with tunnels at the foot of these streets , making access to the lake even uglier and more forbidding than it already is .\" What is the definition of \"overpass\"?"} {"term": "skate", "pos": "", "context": "doctor zane was right , alex did prefer to skate through the majority of his life and ignore the less pleasant aspects .", "definition": "make quick and easy progress through", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"doctor zane was right , alex did prefer to skate through the majority of his life and ignore the less pleasant aspects .\" What is the definition of \"skate\"?"} {"term": "innocent", "pos": "", "context": "a child 's innocent stare", "definition": "lacking in sophistication or worldliness", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a child 's innocent stare\" What is the definition of \"innocent\"?"} {"term": "criollo", "pos": "", "context": "mexico is a country of mestizos , criollos , and indigenes", "definition": "a spanish american of pure european stock ( usually spanish )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mexico is a country of mestizos , criollos , and indigenes\" What is the definition of \"criollo\"?"} {"term": "dramatization", "pos": "", "context": "the play was a dramatization of a short story", "definition": "conversion into dramatic form", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the play was a dramatization of a short story\" What is the definition of \"dramatization\"?"} {"term": "dramatization", "pos": "", "context": "her 1985 anthology series offered dramatizations from the lives of fictional american folk heroes including johnny appleseed , davy crockett , and paul bunyan .", "definition": "a play or film adapted from a novel or depicting a particular incident", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her 1985 anthology series offered dramatizations from the lives of fictional american folk heroes including johnny appleseed , davy crockett , and paul bunyan .\" What is the definition of \"dramatization\"?"} {"term": "offend", "pos": "", "context": "the project has been introduced to help police solve crimes and deter criminals from further offending .", "definition": "commit an illegal act", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the project has been introduced to help police solve crimes and deter criminals from further offending .\" What is the definition of \"offend\"?"} {"term": "offend", "pos": "", "context": "disjunctive properties offend against the principle that a genuine property is identical in its different particulars .", "definition": "break a commonly accepted rule or principle", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"disjunctive properties offend against the principle that a genuine property is identical in its different particulars .\" What is the definition of \"offend\"?"} {"term": "cockatoo", "pos": "", "context": "they say the louts are working in twos and watching as you leave to go fishing , with one acting as a cockatoo back along the wall , watching for other approaching vehicles .", "definition": "a lookout posted by those engaged in illegal activity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they say the louts are working in twos and watching as you leave to go fishing , with one acting as a cockatoo back along the wall , watching for other approaching vehicles .\" What is the definition of \"cockatoo\"?"} {"term": "dowse", "pos": "", "context": "temple assures clients that the stones are the real thing ; he knows because he dowsed them with a magic pendulum , of course .", "definition": "search for or discover by dowsing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"temple assures clients that the stones are the real thing ; he knows because he dowsed them with a magic pendulum , of course .\" What is the definition of \"dowse\"?"} {"term": "mess", "pos": "", "context": "soon , her almost naked body was a mess of food grease and sauces .", "definition": "a dirty or untidy state of things or of a place", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"soon , her almost naked body was a mess of food grease and sauces .\" What is the definition of \"mess\"?"} {"term": "intestate", "pos": "", "context": "and the observation applies equally to a share of the residue of an intestate 's estate .", "definition": "a person who has died without having made a will .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and the observation applies equally to a share of the residue of an intestate 's estate .\" What is the definition of \"intestate\"?"} {"term": "harem", "pos": "", "context": "on the beach at the outlying isle of espanola , boatloads of tourists pick their way among the sea lion pups cuddling flipper-to-flipper , while huge bull sea lions bark angry orders to keep away from their harems .", "definition": "a group of female animals sharing a single mate", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on the beach at the outlying isle of espanola , boatloads of tourists pick their way among the sea lion pups cuddling flipper-to-flipper , while huge bull sea lions bark angry orders to keep away from their harems .\" What is the definition of \"harem\"?"} {"term": "geranium", "pos": "", "context": "five large dahlias and several clusters of roses , ageratum , and cranesbill geraniums are usually enough for one bouquet .", "definition": "a herbaceous plant or small shrub of a genus that comprises the cranesbills and their relatives . geraniums bear a long , narrow fruit that is said to be shaped like the bill of a crane .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"five large dahlias and several clusters of roses , ageratum , and cranesbill geraniums are usually enough for one bouquet .\" What is the definition of \"geranium\"?"} {"term": "forum", "pos": "", "context": "however , the court of appeal said the high court judge had first assessed the appropriate forum .", "definition": "a court or tribunal .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"however , the court of appeal said the high court judge had first assessed the appropriate forum .\" What is the definition of \"forum\"?"} {"term": "smelt", "pos": "", "context": "larger salmon eat a variety of fishes such as herring and alewives , smelts , capelin , small mackerel , sand lace , and small cod .", "definition": "a small silvery fish which lives in both marine and fresh water and is sometimes fished commercially .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"larger salmon eat a variety of fishes such as herring and alewives , smelts , capelin , small mackerel , sand lace , and small cod .\" What is the definition of \"smelt\"?"} {"term": "tap", "pos": "", "context": "after getting it to his satisfaction , he directed me to sound that call for taps thereafter in place of the regulation call .", "definition": "a bugle call for lights to be put out in army quarters", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after getting it to his satisfaction , he directed me to sound that call for taps thereafter in place of the regulation call .\" What is the definition of \"tap\"?"} {"term": "tap", "pos": "", "context": "we had a 90-year-old neighbor whose six ‘ kids ’ would travel from all over the eastern u.s. to be there the day he tapped his first tree of the season .", "definition": "draw sap from ( a tree ) by cutting into it .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we had a 90-year-old neighbor whose six ‘ kids ’ would travel from all over the eastern u.s. to be there the day he tapped his first tree of the season .\" What is the definition of \"tap\"?"} {"term": "identification", "pos": "", "context": "he was one of those political people who refused an identification with a specific race or nation or movement or party .", "definition": "a person 's sense of identity with someone or something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was one of those political people who refused an identification with a specific race or nation or movement or party .\" What is the definition of \"identification\"?"} {"term": "lawmaking", "pos": "", "context": "the organization 's lawyers are generally not allowed to influence rulemaking by administrative agencies or lawmaking by legislatures .", "definition": "the making of laws ; legislation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the organization 's lawyers are generally not allowed to influence rulemaking by administrative agencies or lawmaking by legislatures .\" What is the definition of \"lawmaking\"?"} {"term": "sunset", "pos": "", "context": "his life encompassed the high noon and early sunset of britain 's world power .", "definition": "a period of decline , especially the last years of a person 's life", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his life encompassed the high noon and early sunset of britain 's world power .\" What is the definition of \"sunset\"?"} {"term": "shoeshine", "pos": "", "context": "even the shoeshine boys spoke half a dozen languages , from greek and turkish to ladino ( judeo-spanish ) .", "definition": "an act of polishing someone 's shoes , especially for payment", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"even the shoeshine boys spoke half a dozen languages , from greek and turkish to ladino ( judeo-spanish ) .\" What is the definition of \"shoeshine\"?"} {"term": "emancipate", "pos": "", "context": "even the states that permit teenagers to be emancipated from their parents , allowing them to be treated legally as adults , ordinarily mandate that the parents must agree .", "definition": "set ( a child ) free from the authority of its parents", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"even the states that permit teenagers to be emancipated from their parents , allowing them to be treated legally as adults , ordinarily mandate that the parents must agree .\" What is the definition of \"emancipate\"?"} {"term": "cosmetic", "pos": "", "context": "biocides are used in a variety of products ranging from cosmetics to paints , and from drinking water to swimming pools .", "definition": "a preparation applied to the body , especially the face , to improve its appearance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"biocides are used in a variety of products ranging from cosmetics to paints , and from drinking water to swimming pools .\" What is the definition of \"cosmetic\"?"} {"term": "cosmetic", "pos": "", "context": "cosmetic fenders on cars", "definition": "serving an esthetic rather than a useful purpose", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cosmetic fenders on cars\" What is the definition of \"cosmetic\"?"} {"term": "fox", "pos": "", "context": "for it would seem that the wily old fox has finally outfoxed himself by falling prey to an inherent weakness that involves opening his mouth precipitately .", "definition": "a cunning or sly person", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for it would seem that the wily old fox has finally outfoxed himself by falling prey to an inherent weakness that involves opening his mouth precipitately .\" What is the definition of \"fox\"?"} {"term": "fox", "pos": "", "context": "but he made his disdain clear : as far back as 1954 , he complained of his ‘ beefing , threatening , foxing and conniving . ’", "definition": "behave in a cunning or sly way", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but he made his disdain clear : as far back as 1954 , he complained of his ‘ beefing , threatening , foxing and conniving . ’\" What is the definition of \"fox\"?"} {"term": "firedog", "pos": "", "context": "the most spectacular of these is the capel garmon firedog from north wales , with its magnificent horns and elaborate and fanciful manes .", "definition": "one of a pair of decorative metal supports for wood burning in a fireplace .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the most spectacular of these is the capel garmon firedog from north wales , with its magnificent horns and elaborate and fanciful manes .\" What is the definition of \"firedog\"?"} {"term": "reversible", "pos": "", "context": "reversible hypertension", "definition": "capable of reversing or being reversed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"reversible hypertension\" What is the definition of \"reversible\"?"} {"term": "stump", "pos": "", "context": "easts wicket keeper dale box did well with the gloves , stumping two batsmen , one off the bowling of jobson and another off david wells .", "definition": "( of a wicketkeeper ) dismiss ( a batsman ) by dislodging the bails with the ball while the batsman is out of the crease but not running .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"easts wicket keeper dale box did well with the gloves , stumping two batsmen , one off the bowling of jobson and another off david wells .\" What is the definition of \"stump\"?"} {"term": "stump", "pos": "", "context": "the day got better for haryana when they snapped up two jharkhand wickets in the four overs that they got before stumps .", "definition": "close of play in a cricket match .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the day got better for haryana when they snapped up two jharkhand wickets in the four overs that they got before stumps .\" What is the definition of \"stump\"?"} {"term": "silver", "pos": "", "context": "the veins are silvered and the brown flower stems grow through , carrying a tiny twist of colour that will eventually be the flowers .", "definition": "( especially of the moon ) give a silvery appearance to", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the veins are silvered and the brown flower stems grow through , carrying a tiny twist of colour that will eventually be the flowers .\" What is the definition of \"silver\"?"} {"term": "silver", "pos": "", "context": "the man 's hair silvered very attractively", "definition": "turn silver", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the man 's hair silvered very attractively\" What is the definition of \"silver\"?"} {"term": "hajji", "pos": "", "context": "to american soldiers , the hajji are the alien people from whom the enemy emerges", "definition": "a general term used by foreign soldiers to refer to the iraqi people", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to american soldiers , the hajji are the alien people from whom the enemy emerges\" What is the definition of \"hajji\"?"} {"term": "gabbro", "pos": "", "context": "jansen also describes gabbro , diabase , ultrabasic rocks and permian limestones in a comparable section on naxos .", "definition": "a dark , coarse-grained plutonic rock of crystalline texture , consisting mainly of pyroxene , plagioclase feldspar , and often olivine", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"jansen also describes gabbro , diabase , ultrabasic rocks and permian limestones in a comparable section on naxos .\" What is the definition of \"gabbro\"?"} {"term": "overpower", "pos": "", "context": "in the end , our forces overpowered the mother ship and seized the controls .", "definition": "defeat or overcome with superior strength", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the end , our forces overpowered the mother ship and seized the controls .\" What is the definition of \"overpower\"?"} {"term": "doubt", "pos": "", "context": "though she had no reason to doubt him , helen decided more verification was necessary .", "definition": "disbelieve or lack faith in ( someone )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"though she had no reason to doubt him , helen decided more verification was necessary .\" What is the definition of \"doubt\"?"} {"term": "underarm", "pos": "", "context": "greg asked trevor , ‘ how are you at bowling your underarms ? ’ before asking the umpire to inform the batsman the delivery would be underarm .", "definition": "( of a throw or stroke in sport ) made with the arm or hand below shoulder level", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"greg asked trevor , ‘ how are you at bowling your underarms ? ’ before asking the umpire to inform the batsman the delivery would be underarm .\" What is the definition of \"underarm\"?"} {"term": "chard", "pos": "", "context": "if you ca n't find it ( farmer 's markets are your best bet ) , go for curly kale , swiss chard , ruby chard or savoy cabbage .", "definition": "a beet of a variety with broad edible white leaf stalks and green blades .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if you ca n't find it ( farmer 's markets are your best bet ) , go for curly kale , swiss chard , ruby chard or savoy cabbage .\" What is the definition of \"chard\"?"} {"term": "grove", "pos": "", "context": "their farm is a brisk 15-minute walk from the road through lush coconut groves .", "definition": "a small wood or other group of trees", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their farm is a brisk 15-minute walk from the road through lush coconut groves .\" What is the definition of \"grove\"?"} {"term": "scouting", "pos": "", "context": "‘ it could even be people who were involved in the scouting movement when they were young , ’ he said .", "definition": "the characteristic activity and occupation of a scout ; the scout movement", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ it could even be people who were involved in the scouting movement when they were young , ’ he said .\" What is the definition of \"scouting\"?"} {"term": "honour", "pos": "", "context": "a partnership which between them held all four honours in their hands score an extra 4 points , which they claim at the end of the play .", "definition": "( in whist ) an ace , king , queen , or jack of trumps .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a partnership which between them held all four honours in their hands score an extra 4 points , which they claim at the end of the play .\" What is the definition of \"honour\"?"} {"term": "honour", "pos": "", "context": "a tiger hunt was something indian kings organised to honour their imperial guests , a colonial equivalent of a banquet .", "definition": "pay public respect to", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tiger hunt was something indian kings organised to honour their imperial guests , a colonial equivalent of a banquet .\" What is the definition of \"honour\"?"} {"term": "middy", "pos": "", "context": "what we 're talking about is a middy of beer , or a small glass of wine , or a single measure of spirits .", "definition": "a beer glass containing half a pint ( 285 ml ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"what we 're talking about is a middy of beer , or a small glass of wine , or a single measure of spirits .\" What is the definition of \"middy\"?"} {"term": "peal", "pos": "", "context": "maxwell davies 's stedman caters for chamber ensemble and stedman doubles for clarinet and percussion are based on bell peals .", "definition": "a series of changes ( strictly , at least five thousand ) rung on a set of bells .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"maxwell davies 's stedman caters for chamber ensemble and stedman doubles for clarinet and percussion are based on bell peals .\" What is the definition of \"peal\"?"} {"term": "virus", "pos": "", "context": "anyone who has been hit by a computer virus will be doubly wary of unexpected emails in the future that may contain viruses .", "definition": "a piece of code which is capable of copying itself and typically has a detrimental effect , such as corrupting the system or destroying data .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"anyone who has been hit by a computer virus will be doubly wary of unexpected emails in the future that may contain viruses .\" What is the definition of \"virus\"?"} {"term": "bryony", "pos": "", "context": "the only member of the cucumber or melon family to grow wild in britain , white bryony is not related to black bryony .", "definition": "a climbing eurasian hedgerow plant with lobed hairy leaves , red berries , and spring-like tendrils .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the only member of the cucumber or melon family to grow wild in britain , white bryony is not related to black bryony .\" What is the definition of \"bryony\"?"} {"term": "deflation", "pos": "", "context": "they moved to reduce debt and their actions contributed to recession and more price deflation .", "definition": "reduction of the general level of prices in an economy", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they moved to reduce debt and their actions contributed to recession and more price deflation .\" What is the definition of \"deflation\"?"} {"term": "trippy", "pos": "", "context": "colors are limited to gritty , earth tones , as would be expected in a western ( excepting a real trippy sequence following jones 's drugging ) .", "definition": "resembling or inducing the hallucinatory effect produced by taking a psychedelic drug", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"colors are limited to gritty , earth tones , as would be expected in a western ( excepting a real trippy sequence following jones 's drugging ) .\" What is the definition of \"trippy\"?"} {"term": "chart", "pos": "", "context": "a soviet oceanographer added his own theory to the pile in 1979 , when he charted a sunken plateau about 560 miles off the western coast of portugal .", "definition": "make a map of ( an area )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a soviet oceanographer added his own theory to the pile in 1979 , when he charted a sunken plateau about 560 miles off the western coast of portugal .\" What is the definition of \"chart\"?"} {"term": "glutton", "pos": "", "context": "so will our cities all end up as energy gluttons dominated by rats , starlings and cockroaches ?", "definition": "a person who is excessively fond of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so will our cities all end up as energy gluttons dominated by rats , starlings and cockroaches ?\" What is the definition of \"glutton\"?"} {"term": "iberian", "pos": "", "context": "the early history of portugal saw occupation by iberians from north africa and then by celts who migrated from france .", "definition": "a native of iberia , especially in ancient times .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the early history of portugal saw occupation by iberians from north africa and then by celts who migrated from france .\" What is the definition of \"iberian\"?"} {"term": "phentolamine", "pos": "", "context": "agitation and anxiety can be controlled with benzodiazepines , and hypertension with labetalol , phentolamine , or nitroprusside .", "definition": "a synthetic compound used as a vasodilator , especially in certain cases of hypertension .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"agitation and anxiety can be controlled with benzodiazepines , and hypertension with labetalol , phentolamine , or nitroprusside .\" What is the definition of \"phentolamine\"?"} {"term": "paspalum", "pos": "", "context": "there will never be a universal ‘ super grass ’ for golf , but in coastal states , salt-tolerant paspalum grass comes close .", "definition": "a grass of warm and tropical regions , which is grown for fodder , erosion control , and as a pasture grass .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there will never be a universal ‘ super grass ’ for golf , but in coastal states , salt-tolerant paspalum grass comes close .\" What is the definition of \"paspalum\"?"} {"term": "ranking", "pos": "", "context": "he 's ranked 13 , but for six consecutive years he was untouchable at the top of the rankings .", "definition": "a position in a hierarchy or scale", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he 's ranked 13 , but for six consecutive years he was untouchable at the top of the rankings .\" What is the definition of \"ranking\"?"} {"term": "tenure", "pos": "", "context": "she was tenured after she published her book", "definition": "give life-time employment to", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was tenured after she published her book\" What is the definition of \"tenure\"?"} {"term": "tenure", "pos": "", "context": "east texas baptist university currently does not have a system of academic tenure .", "definition": "guaranteed permanent employment , especially as a teacher or lecturer , after a probationary period .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"east texas baptist university currently does not have a system of academic tenure .\" What is the definition of \"tenure\"?"} {"term": "gunmetal", "pos": "", "context": "loose copper bullet casings and gunmetal gleamed coldly in the light sparkling like pieces of ice , cold and deadly .", "definition": "a grey corrosion-resistant form of bronze containing zinc .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"loose copper bullet casings and gunmetal gleamed coldly in the light sparkling like pieces of ice , cold and deadly .\" What is the definition of \"gunmetal\"?"} {"term": "fasten", "pos": "", "context": "they fastened various nicknames to each other", "definition": "attach to", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they fastened various nicknames to each other\" What is the definition of \"fasten\"?"} {"term": "saltwort", "pos": "", "context": "saltwort is native to europe , asia and north america . saltwort is an annual that can grow to 2 ' tall . the leaves are scaly and turn a brilliant red in the fall . saltwart grows in salty marshes .", "definition": "a plant of the goosefoot family , which typically grows in salt marshes . it is rich in alkali and its ashes were formerly used in soap-making .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"saltwort is native to europe , asia and north america . saltwort is an annual that can grow to 2 ' tall . the leaves are scaly and turn a brilliant red in the fall . saltwart grows in salty marshes .\" What is the definition of \"saltwort\"?"} {"term": "executor", "pos": "", "context": "the koreans were not the puppets of the soviet union or its foreign policy executors .", "definition": "a person who produces something or puts something into effect", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the koreans were not the puppets of the soviet union or its foreign policy executors .\" What is the definition of \"executor\"?"} {"term": "prance", "pos": "", "context": "this woman 's step is light ; she positively prances .", "definition": "( of a person ) walk or move around with ostentatious , exaggerated movements", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this woman 's step is light ; she positively prances .\" What is the definition of \"prance\"?"} {"term": "tight", "pos": "", "context": "a mention must also go to the tight five who scrummaged hard all day and were full of running .", "definition": "( of an organization or group of people ) disciplined or well coordinated", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a mention must also go to the tight five who scrummaged hard all day and were full of running .\" What is the definition of \"tight\"?"} {"term": "tight", "pos": "", "context": "she ca n't open cans or bottles if the lid is tight , and she 's had to give up needlepoint .", "definition": "fixed , fastened , or closed firmly ; hard to move , undo , or open", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she ca n't open cans or bottles if the lid is tight , and she 's had to give up needlepoint .\" What is the definition of \"tight\"?"} {"term": "tight", "pos": "", "context": "in tight formation", "definition": "set so close together as to be invulnerable to penetration", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in tight formation\" What is the definition of \"tight\"?"} {"term": "tight", "pos": "", "context": "a tight game", "definition": "( of a contest or contestants ) evenly matched", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tight game\" What is the definition of \"tight\"?"} {"term": "stark", "pos": "", "context": "facing the stark reality of the deadline", "definition": "devoid of any qualifications or disguise or adornment", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"facing the stark reality of the deadline\" What is the definition of \"stark\"?"} {"term": "placement", "pos": "", "context": "the agency provided placement services", "definition": "contact established between applicants and prospective employees", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the agency provided placement services\" What is the definition of \"placement\"?"} {"term": "minister", "pos": "", "context": "minister of finance", "definition": "a person appointed to a high office in the government", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"minister of finance\" What is the definition of \"minister\"?"} {"term": "minister", "pos": "", "context": "she is ministering in an old parish", "definition": "work as a minister", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she is ministering in an old parish\" What is the definition of \"minister\"?"} {"term": "smasher", "pos": "", "context": "the first studio album for 35 years from one of britain 's most influential blues/rock outfit is a smasher .", "definition": "a very attractive or impressive person or thing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the first studio album for 35 years from one of britain 's most influential blues/rock outfit is a smasher .\" What is the definition of \"smasher\"?"} {"term": "slip", "pos": "", "context": "if there 's still runway ahead and you 're low enough to reach it , slam the airplane into a slip and get it back down on the pavement .", "definition": "a sideways movement of an aircraft in flight , typically downwards towards the centre of curvature of a turn", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if there 's still runway ahead and you 're low enough to reach it , slam the airplane into a slip and get it back down on the pavement .\" What is the definition of \"slip\"?"} {"term": "remuneration", "pos": "", "context": "there was no career structure , posts were filled by patronage , and remuneration was by fees rather than salary .", "definition": "money paid for work or a service", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was no career structure , posts were filled by patronage , and remuneration was by fees rather than salary .\" What is the definition of \"remuneration\"?"} {"term": "calculus", "pos": "", "context": "some utilitarians think that everything can be reduced to a rational calculus of pleasures or pains ; most of the rest of us do not .", "definition": "a particular method or system of calculation or reasoning .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some utilitarians think that everything can be reduced to a rational calculus of pleasures or pains ; most of the rest of us do not .\" What is the definition of \"calculus\"?"} {"term": "osteology", "pos": "", "context": "instead , this will be one of those tiresome housekeeping sessions on the fine points of osteology .", "definition": "the study of the structure and function of the skeleton and bony structures .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"instead , this will be one of those tiresome housekeeping sessions on the fine points of osteology .\" What is the definition of \"osteology\"?"} {"term": "photomontage", "pos": "", "context": "john heartfield made bitter photomontages that excoriated the nazis , for example , turning one into a ‘ peaceable predatory fish . ’", "definition": "a montage constructed from photographic images .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"john heartfield made bitter photomontages that excoriated the nazis , for example , turning one into a ‘ peaceable predatory fish . ’\" What is the definition of \"photomontage\"?"} {"term": "serve", "pos": "", "context": "the scandal served to increase his popularity", "definition": "contribute or conduce to", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the scandal served to increase his popularity\" What is the definition of \"serve\"?"} {"term": "serve", "pos": "", "context": "it was agassi 's turn to serve", "definition": "put the ball into play", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was agassi 's turn to serve\" What is the definition of \"serve\"?"} {"term": "serve", "pos": "", "context": "he served two terms in prison last year , for dangerous driving and then for breaking a curfew order .", "definition": "spend ( a period ) in office , in an apprenticeship , or in prison", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he served two terms in prison last year , for dangerous driving and then for breaking a curfew order .\" What is the definition of \"serve\"?"} {"term": "serve", "pos": "", "context": "the entertainers served up a lively show", "definition": "provide ( usually but not necessarily food )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the entertainers served up a lively show\" What is the definition of \"serve\"?"} {"term": "serve", "pos": "", "context": "everyone fell silent though when the prince raised his racket and ball to serve .", "definition": "( in tennis and other racket sports ) hit the ball or shuttlecock to begin play for each point of a game", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"everyone fell silent though when the prince raised his racket and ball to serve .\" What is the definition of \"serve\"?"} {"term": "schizogony", "pos": "", "context": "the life cycle of plasmodium organisms in humans , or schizogony , is characterized by asexual reproduction .", "definition": "asexual reproduction by multiple fission , found in some protozoa , especially parasitic sporozoans .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the life cycle of plasmodium organisms in humans , or schizogony , is characterized by asexual reproduction .\" What is the definition of \"schizogony\"?"} {"term": "shiny", "pos": "", "context": "when he looked back up at me , i realized what had been making his eyeballs so shiny .", "definition": "( of a smooth surface ) reflecting light , typically because very clean or polished", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when he looked back up at me , i realized what had been making his eyeballs so shiny .\" What is the definition of \"shiny\"?"} {"term": "washy", "pos": "", "context": "much grandiose painting business is imposed on top of a large blue spiral enclosing washy green transparencies .", "definition": "( of a colour ) having a faded look", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"much grandiose painting business is imposed on top of a large blue spiral enclosing washy green transparencies .\" What is the definition of \"washy\"?"} {"term": "operate", "pos": "", "context": "do not operate machinery after imbibing alcohol", "definition": "handle and cause to function", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"do not operate machinery after imbibing alcohol\" What is the definition of \"operate\"?"} {"term": "pussy", "pos": "", "context": "ginger-topped stan , who bears an uncanny resemblance to his marmalade pussy , had found the answer to his printing problems .", "definition": "a cat .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ginger-topped stan , who bears an uncanny resemblance to his marmalade pussy , had found the answer to his printing problems .\" What is the definition of \"pussy\"?"} {"term": "codex", "pos": "", "context": "in the case of the vatican codex , its visual and verbal articulations function as a political tool that masks fracture as much as it creates cohesion .", "definition": "an official list of medicines , chemicals , etc .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the case of the vatican codex , its visual and verbal articulations function as a political tool that masks fracture as much as it creates cohesion .\" What is the definition of \"codex\"?"} {"term": "zabaglione", "pos": "", "context": "normally they would have refused , but mac insisted that they all have zabaglione .", "definition": "an italian sweet made of whipped and heated egg yolks , sugar , and marsala wine , served hot or cold .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"normally they would have refused , but mac insisted that they all have zabaglione .\" What is the definition of \"zabaglione\"?"} {"term": "largemouth", "pos": "", "context": "duke also points out that freshwater black bass , the familiar largemouth and smallmouth , are found in 49 of the 50 states .", "definition": "the largemouth bass ( see black bass ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"duke also points out that freshwater black bass , the familiar largemouth and smallmouth , are found in 49 of the 50 states .\" What is the definition of \"largemouth\"?"} {"term": "lent", "pos": "", "context": "during lent , a visiting priest will celebrate mass and preach at the vigil mass on saturday night .", "definition": "( in the christian church ) the period preceding easter , which is devoted to fasting , abstinence , and penitence in commemoration of christ 's fasting in the wilderness . in the western church it runs from ash wednesday to holy saturday , and so includes forty weekdays .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"during lent , a visiting priest will celebrate mass and preach at the vigil mass on saturday night .\" What is the definition of \"lent\"?"} {"term": "intermezzo", "pos": "", "context": "it 's funny , having known the chorus and the intermezzo well for years , i realised i only properly listened to the whole opera in order to write this blog entry .", "definition": "a short connecting instrumental movement in an opera or other musical work .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's funny , having known the chorus and the intermezzo well for years , i realised i only properly listened to the whole opera in order to write this blog entry .\" What is the definition of \"intermezzo\"?"} {"term": "hear", "pos": "", "context": "the conservative government was gung ho about supporting our ally and would not hear of possible defeat ; we would never cut and run .", "definition": "will or would not allow or agree to", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the conservative government was gung ho about supporting our ally and would not hear of possible defeat ; we would never cut and run .\" What is the definition of \"hear\"?"} {"term": "debater", "pos": "", "context": "as gould once noted , the truth is only one weapon , seldom the best , in a debater 's arsenal .", "definition": "a person who argues about a subject , especially in a formal manner", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as gould once noted , the truth is only one weapon , seldom the best , in a debater 's arsenal .\" What is the definition of \"debater\"?"} {"term": "slavery", "pos": "", "context": "moreover , there have been un reports of children being sold into slavery and prostitution .", "definition": "the state of being a slave", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"moreover , there have been un reports of children being sold into slavery and prostitution .\" What is the definition of \"slavery\"?"} {"term": "yield", "pos": "", "context": "in any event spencer yielded to pressure and resigned in 1893 .", "definition": "give way to arguments , demands , or pressure", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in any event spencer yielded to pressure and resigned in 1893 .\" What is the definition of \"yield\"?"} {"term": "colonial", "pos": "", "context": "built in 1849 in the monterey colonial style , the adobe-block main building was one of the state 's first stylish hostelries .", "definition": "denoting a predominantly neoclassical style of architecture characteristic of the period of the british colonies in america before independence , featuring a modification of the queen anne style", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"built in 1849 in the monterey colonial style , the adobe-block main building was one of the state 's first stylish hostelries .\" What is the definition of \"colonial\"?"} {"term": "altruism", "pos": "", "context": "the degree to which a society values altruism , known as social responsibility norms , can also have an effect .", "definition": "disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the degree to which a society values altruism , known as social responsibility norms , can also have an effect .\" What is the definition of \"altruism\"?"} {"term": "altruism", "pos": "", "context": "although this is not biological altruism , it is very close to it .", "definition": "behaviour of an animal that benefits another at its own expense", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"although this is not biological altruism , it is very close to it .\" What is the definition of \"altruism\"?"} {"term": "underclothing", "pos": "", "context": "andy blushed too , upon the sight of her , but justin did not seem to notice , nor care that his wife was seeing another man in underclothing .", "definition": "clothing worn under other clothes , typically next to the skin .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"andy blushed too , upon the sight of her , but justin did not seem to notice , nor care that his wife was seeing another man in underclothing .\" What is the definition of \"underclothing\"?"} {"term": "flourish", "pos": "", "context": "he bowed gracefully , taking her hand with a flourish and kissing it , leaving a red lipstick mark .", "definition": "a bold or extravagant gesture or action , made especially to attract attention", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he bowed gracefully , taking her hand with a flourish and kissing it , leaving a red lipstick mark .\" What is the definition of \"flourish\"?"} {"term": "signage", "pos": "", "context": "there will be signage displayed at each post", "definition": "signs collectively ( especially commercial signs or posters )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there will be signage displayed at each post\" What is the definition of \"signage\"?"} {"term": "wont", "pos": "", "context": "tom wood ruled the vast citadel theatre shoctor stage as he is wont .", "definition": "( of a person ) in the habit of doing something ; accustomed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tom wood ruled the vast citadel theatre shoctor stage as he is wont .\" What is the definition of \"wont\"?"} {"term": "erupt", "pos": "", "context": "vesuvius erupts once in a while", "definition": "become active and spew forth lava and rocks", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"vesuvius erupts once in a while\" What is the definition of \"erupt\"?"} {"term": "horehound", "pos": "", "context": "other herbs that might be used in tea or syrup to treat cough include horehound , sage and thyme .", "definition": "a strong-smelling hairy plant of the mint family , with a tradition of use in medicine .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"other herbs that might be used in tea or syrup to treat cough include horehound , sage and thyme .\" What is the definition of \"horehound\"?"} {"term": "enforce", "pos": "", "context": "the argument only enforced his strong will and i knew he hated me .", "definition": "press home ( a demand or argument )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the argument only enforced his strong will and i knew he hated me .\" What is the definition of \"enforce\"?"} {"term": "byway", "pos": "", "context": "women 's presence that is consciously and confidently feminist is even more of a stranger to the institutional highways and byways of liturgical life and death .", "definition": "a road or track not following a main route ; a minor road or path", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"women 's presence that is consciously and confidently feminist is even more of a stranger to the institutional highways and byways of liturgical life and death .\" What is the definition of \"byway\"?"} {"term": "rain", "pos": "", "context": "i kept staring up , my head bent back and stared as the smoky gray clouds rained on me .", "definition": "( of the sky , the clouds , etc . ) send down rain", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i kept staring up , my head bent back and stared as the smoky gray clouds rained on me .\" What is the definition of \"rain\"?"} {"term": "giant", "pos": "", "context": "market manipulation by energy giants produced a power shortage that led to rolling blackouts and rising costs for consumers .", "definition": "a very large company or organization .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"market manipulation by energy giants produced a power shortage that led to rolling blackouts and rising costs for consumers .\" What is the definition of \"giant\"?"} {"term": "flicker", "pos": "", "context": "she thought she caught a flicker of movement out of the corner of her eye and turned to peer intently that way .", "definition": "a tiny movement", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she thought she caught a flicker of movement out of the corner of her eye and turned to peer intently that way .\" What is the definition of \"flicker\"?"} {"term": "flicker", "pos": "", "context": "the americans placed their own snipers in buildings across the road , in the hope that a muzzle flash or a flicker of light or shadow would betray the enemy 's position .", "definition": "an unsteady movement of a flame or light causing rapid variations in brightness", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the americans placed their own snipers in buildings across the road , in the hope that a muzzle flash or a flicker of light or shadow would betray the enemy 's position .\" What is the definition of \"flicker\"?"} {"term": "demodulate", "pos": "", "context": "the fundamental characteristic of software radio is that software defines the transmitted waveforms , and software demodulates the received waveforms .", "definition": "extract or separate ( a modulating signal ) from its carrier", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the fundamental characteristic of software radio is that software defines the transmitted waveforms , and software demodulates the received waveforms .\" What is the definition of \"demodulate\"?"} {"term": "quantile", "pos": "", "context": "a more indepth analysis of the logistics response times was accomplished by identifying quantiles within the original distribution and eliminating values that occurred in the highest sections .", "definition": "each of any set of values of a variate which divide a frequency distribution into equal groups , each containing the same fraction of the total population .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a more indepth analysis of the logistics response times was accomplished by identifying quantiles within the original distribution and eliminating values that occurred in the highest sections .\" What is the definition of \"quantile\"?"} {"term": "spallation", "pos": "", "context": "some astronomers believe that the solar system was formed by spallation when the sun was a very young star", "definition": "( physics ) a nuclear reaction in which a bombarded nucleus breaks up into many particles", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some astronomers believe that the solar system was formed by spallation when the sun was a very young star\" What is the definition of \"spallation\"?"} {"term": "topology", "pos": "", "context": "firstly , if you happen to run an extensive subterranean mass transit system , you should familiarise yourself with the topology of the network .", "definition": "the way in which constituent parts are interrelated or arranged", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"firstly , if you happen to run an extensive subterranean mass transit system , you should familiarise yourself with the topology of the network .\" What is the definition of \"topology\"?"} {"term": "wildness", "pos": "", "context": "the wildness of his anger", "definition": "a feeling of extreme emotional intensity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the wildness of his anger\" What is the definition of \"wildness\"?"} {"term": "uncle", "pos": "", "context": "she is survived by her husband patrick , son sean , daughter katie , brothers , sisters , uncles , aunts , relatives and friends .", "definition": "the brother of one 's father or mother or the husband of one 's aunt", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she is survived by her husband patrick , son sean , daughter katie , brothers , sisters , uncles , aunts , relatives and friends .\" What is the definition of \"uncle\"?"} {"term": "bore", "pos": "", "context": "at the risk of being a complete bore i feel a strong urge to recount our recent experience as a babysitting tag-team .", "definition": "a person whose talk or behaviour is dull and uninteresting", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at the risk of being a complete bore i feel a strong urge to recount our recent experience as a babysitting tag-team .\" What is the definition of \"bore\"?"} {"term": "bore", "pos": "", "context": "it 's like reading the same book over and over again : it becomes a bore .", "definition": "a tedious or annoying situation or activity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's like reading the same book over and over again : it becomes a bore .\" What is the definition of \"bore\"?"} {"term": "trapezoid", "pos": "", "context": "he arranges thin rectangles , squares , triangles and trapezoids in complex patterns on the wall .", "definition": "a quadrilateral with one pair of sides parallel .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he arranges thin rectangles , squares , triangles and trapezoids in complex patterns on the wall .\" What is the definition of \"trapezoid\"?"} {"term": "trapezoid", "pos": "", "context": "it is also relatively easy to make , as long as you do n't get too fussed about perfect trapezoids of bread and the delicate art of construction .", "definition": "a quadrilateral with no sides parallel .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is also relatively easy to make , as long as you do n't get too fussed about perfect trapezoids of bread and the delicate art of construction .\" What is the definition of \"trapezoid\"?"} {"term": "bud", "pos": "", "context": "the most vulnerable point on most rose plants is the bud union - the point at which the rose variety was budded onto a rootstock .", "definition": "graft a bud of ( a plant ) on to another plant .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the most vulnerable point on most rose plants is the bud union - the point at which the rose variety was budded onto a rootstock .\" What is the definition of \"bud\"?"} {"term": "bud", "pos": "", "context": "careful examination of serial sections failed to ascertain the presence of true meristematic cells in these atrophied buds .", "definition": "an outgrowth from an organism , e.g . a yeast cell , that separates to form a new individual without sexual reproduction taking place .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"careful examination of serial sections failed to ascertain the presence of true meristematic cells in these atrophied buds .\" What is the definition of \"bud\"?"} {"term": "machismo", "pos": "", "context": "she argues that the revolutionary left only pays lip-service to feminism , and sexism and machismo are as pervasive in these organisations as in mainstream society .", "definition": "strong or aggressive masculine pride", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she argues that the revolutionary left only pays lip-service to feminism , and sexism and machismo are as pervasive in these organisations as in mainstream society .\" What is the definition of \"machismo\"?"} {"term": "blog", "pos": "", "context": "whilst out on the town , something happened which i would normally have blogged about .", "definition": "add new material to or regularly update a blog", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"whilst out on the town , something happened which i would normally have blogged about .\" What is the definition of \"blog\"?"} {"term": "discontinue", "pos": "", "context": "i discontinued my subscription because the magazine has deteriorated so much in the last several years .", "definition": "cease taking ( a newspaper or periodical ) or paying ( a subscription ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i discontinued my subscription because the magazine has deteriorated so much in the last several years .\" What is the definition of \"discontinue\"?"} {"term": "framer", "pos": "", "context": "the framers of the constitution", "definition": "someone who writes a new law or plan", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the framers of the constitution\" What is the definition of \"framer\"?"} {"term": "framer", "pos": "", "context": "owen was an influential diplomat who helped institutionalize global economic summitry in the 1970s and was considered an intellectual framer of the trilateral commission .", "definition": "a person who shapes or creates a concept , plan , or system", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"owen was an influential diplomat who helped institutionalize global economic summitry in the 1970s and was considered an intellectual framer of the trilateral commission .\" What is the definition of \"framer\"?"} {"term": "mistletoe", "pos": "", "context": "the mistletoes that grow on the ohau beeches can reach nine feet in both length and width and can virtually envelop a tree , but unlike their european and north american counterparts , they do not damage their hosts .", "definition": "a leathery-leaved parasitic plant which grows on apple , oak , and other broadleaf trees and bears white glutinous berries in winter .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the mistletoes that grow on the ohau beeches can reach nine feet in both length and width and can virtually envelop a tree , but unlike their european and north american counterparts , they do not damage their hosts .\" What is the definition of \"mistletoe\"?"} {"term": "shell", "pos": "", "context": "he shouted as he darted around and blasted several rounds of hot shells into the darkness , but suddenly , saints took this chance and began firing .", "definition": "a cartridge .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he shouted as he darted around and blasted several rounds of hot shells into the darkness , but suddenly , saints took this chance and began firing .\" What is the definition of \"shell\"?"} {"term": "shell", "pos": "", "context": "she 's going to break out of her shell to figure out who she really is .", "definition": "used with reference to a state of shyness or introversion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she 's going to break out of her shell to figure out who she really is .\" What is the definition of \"shell\"?"} {"term": "blanket", "pos": "", "context": "the district woke up to a thick blanket of snow this morning as the country 's cold entered its most bitter phase .", "definition": "a thick covering mass or layer", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the district woke up to a thick blanket of snow this morning as the country 's cold entered its most bitter phase .\" What is the definition of \"blanket\"?"} {"term": "vampire", "pos": "", "context": "there are two ways to kill a vampire in the immortal world .", "definition": "( in european folklore ) a corpse supposed to leave its grave at night to drink the blood of the living by biting their necks with long pointed canine teeth .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there are two ways to kill a vampire in the immortal world .\" What is the definition of \"vampire\"?"} {"term": "rescue", "pos": "", "context": "rescue prisoners", "definition": "take forcibly from legal custody", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rescue prisoners\" What is the definition of \"rescue\"?"} {"term": "veto", "pos": "", "context": "such support was pivotal in conjunction with vetoes threatened and vetoes cast , even if the payoff was not instantaneous .", "definition": "a rejection by right of veto .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"such support was pivotal in conjunction with vetoes threatened and vetoes cast , even if the payoff was not instantaneous .\" What is the definition of \"veto\"?"} {"term": "rout", "pos": "", "context": "sensing that his armies would be routed , ethelred conjured up a scheme to prevent them from facing the enemy head on .", "definition": "defeat and cause to retreat in disorder", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sensing that his armies would be routed , ethelred conjured up a scheme to prevent them from facing the enemy head on .\" What is the definition of \"rout\"?"} {"term": "nilotic", "pos": "", "context": "the nonspecialist reader would hardly realize , for example , that the supposed connection between cleopatra and the great nilotic mosaic at palestrina is a conjecture with which most scholars would disagree .", "definition": "relating to the river nile or to the nile region of africa .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the nonspecialist reader would hardly realize , for example , that the supposed connection between cleopatra and the great nilotic mosaic at palestrina is a conjecture with which most scholars would disagree .\" What is the definition of \"nilotic\"?"} {"term": "persuasion", "pos": "", "context": "i am in the midst of a theological dilemma which , given my atheist persuasion , feels rather uncomfortable .", "definition": "a group or sect holding a particular religious belief", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i am in the midst of a theological dilemma which , given my atheist persuasion , feels rather uncomfortable .\" What is the definition of \"persuasion\"?"} {"term": "covariation", "pos": "", "context": "the unexplained covariation , c stochastic , refers to the lack of fit of the data to the model .", "definition": "correlated variation .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the unexplained covariation , c stochastic , refers to the lack of fit of the data to the model .\" What is the definition of \"covariation\"?"} {"term": "modiste", "pos": "", "context": "it 's the sort of city where a burglar , a banker , a taxi-driver , an academician , a modiste , and a pushcart vendor might all fetch up together in a corner banquette at the end of the night .", "definition": "a fashionable milliner or dressmaker .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's the sort of city where a burglar , a banker , a taxi-driver , an academician , a modiste , and a pushcart vendor might all fetch up together in a corner banquette at the end of the night .\" What is the definition of \"modiste\"?"} {"term": "consistency", "pos": "", "context": "we 've got to produce consistency of performance , individually and collectively , so that we are a threat every time we go on the field .", "definition": "the quality of achieving a level of performance which does not vary greatly in quality over time", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we 've got to produce consistency of performance , individually and collectively , so that we are a threat every time we go on the field .\" What is the definition of \"consistency\"?"} {"term": "institute", "pos": "", "context": "divorce proceedings were instituted with the inevitable claims for corollary relief including of course for equalization of the net family properties .", "definition": "begin ( legal proceedings ) in a court", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"divorce proceedings were instituted with the inevitable claims for corollary relief including of course for equalization of the net family properties .\" What is the definition of \"institute\"?"} {"term": "garage", "pos": "", "context": "tacking on vibraphones to clumsy , endlessly repetitive garage rock does nothing but emphasize the complete lack of original ideas that plagues this album .", "definition": "a style of unpolished , energetic rock music associated with suburban amateur bands", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tacking on vibraphones to clumsy , endlessly repetitive garage rock does nothing but emphasize the complete lack of original ideas that plagues this album .\" What is the definition of \"garage\"?"} {"term": "walking", "pos": "", "context": "walking is a healthy form of exercise", "definition": "the act of traveling by foot", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"walking is a healthy form of exercise\" What is the definition of \"walking\"?"} {"term": "vicissitude", "pos": "", "context": "the project was subject to the usual vicissitudes of exploratory research", "definition": "a variation in circumstances or fortune at different times in your life or in the development of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the project was subject to the usual vicissitudes of exploratory research\" What is the definition of \"vicissitude\"?"} {"term": "grotesque", "pos": "", "context": "the military stands out as a particularly grotesque example of the latter .", "definition": "comically or repulsively ugly or distorted", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the military stands out as a particularly grotesque example of the latter .\" What is the definition of \"grotesque\"?"} {"term": "culvert", "pos": "", "context": "a culvert has also been opened up below one set of steps and all it would take is for one child to trip and fall head first into it .", "definition": "a tunnel carrying a stream or open drain under a road or railway .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a culvert has also been opened up below one set of steps and all it would take is for one child to trip and fall head first into it .\" What is the definition of \"culvert\"?"} {"term": "dayak", "pos": "", "context": "in the following chapter judith mayer explores the social , economic and political effects of ecotourism upon a dayak community in interior borneo .", "definition": "relating to the dayak or their languages .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the following chapter judith mayer explores the social , economic and political effects of ecotourism upon a dayak community in interior borneo .\" What is the definition of \"dayak\"?"} {"term": "clinch", "pos": "", "context": "clinch a deal", "definition": "settle conclusively", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"clinch a deal\" What is the definition of \"clinch\"?"} {"term": "laparotomy", "pos": "", "context": "exploratory laparotomy and total abdominal hysterectomy were performed .", "definition": "a surgical incision into the abdominal cavity , for diagnosis or in preparation for major surgery", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"exploratory laparotomy and total abdominal hysterectomy were performed .\" What is the definition of \"laparotomy\"?"} {"term": "additive", "pos": "", "context": "we eat convenience foods high in e-numbers , fats , carbohydrates , salts and additives .", "definition": "a substance added to something in small quantities to improve or preserve it", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we eat convenience foods high in e-numbers , fats , carbohydrates , salts and additives .\" What is the definition of \"additive\"?"} {"term": "bipolar", "pos": "", "context": "the breakdown of the soviet union , which formed one of the two poles in the former bipolar world order brought to an end the set of rules that had governed international relations since the end of world war ii .", "definition": "having or relating to two poles or extremities", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the breakdown of the soviet union , which formed one of the two poles in the former bipolar world order brought to an end the set of rules that had governed international relations since the end of world war ii .\" What is the definition of \"bipolar\"?"} {"term": "bipolar", "pos": "", "context": "some bipolar naked nuclei and rare single intact epithelial cells were seen .", "definition": "( of a nerve cell ) having two axons , one either side of the cell body .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some bipolar naked nuclei and rare single intact epithelial cells were seen .\" What is the definition of \"bipolar\"?"} {"term": "compass", "pos": "", "context": "edward iii defined treason as imagining and compassing the death of the king ; such imagining had to be accompanied by ‘ overt acts ’ to qualify as treasonous .", "definition": "contrive to accomplish ( something )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"edward iii defined treason as imagining and compassing the death of the king ; such imagining had to be accompanied by ‘ overt acts ’ to qualify as treasonous .\" What is the definition of \"compass\"?"} {"term": "compass", "pos": "", "context": "within the compass of education", "definition": "the limit of capability", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"within the compass of education\" What is the definition of \"compass\"?"} {"term": "head", "pos": "", "context": "and paddy smith 's print edition article in today 's oz is headed smorgon takes road to more attractive product .", "definition": "give a title or caption to", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and paddy smith 's print edition article in today 's oz is headed smorgon takes road to more attractive product .\" What is the definition of \"head\"?"} {"term": "head", "pos": "", "context": "i was astonished to see that i was a good head taller than him .", "definition": "the height or length of a head as a measure", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i was astonished to see that i was a good head taller than him .\" What is the definition of \"head\"?"} {"term": "head", "pos": "", "context": "the high pitched noise of the steam engines and their strong heads of steam are to dominate the afternoon .", "definition": "the pressure exerted by a head of water or by a confined body of steam", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the high pitched noise of the steam engines and their strong heads of steam are to dominate the afternoon .\" What is the definition of \"head\"?"} {"term": "head", "pos": "", "context": "i told them they could keep the tablets in case they got a bad head on them some morning .", "definition": "a headache , especially one resulting from intoxication .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i told them they could keep the tablets in case they got a bad head on them some morning .\" What is the definition of \"head\"?"} {"term": "head", "pos": "", "context": "he 'll split the heads of his drums into different textures and has contact mics on them .", "definition": "the flat end of a cask or drum .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he 'll split the heads of his drums into different textures and has contact mics on them .\" What is the definition of \"head\"?"} {"term": "head", "pos": "", "context": "tickets are $ 5 per head", "definition": "an individual person", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tickets are $ 5 per head\" What is the definition of \"head\"?"} {"term": "cinch", "pos": "", "context": "after a lackluster performance , it was a cinch for the judges to send him home .", "definition": "a sure thing ; a certainty", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after a lackluster performance , it was a cinch for the judges to send him home .\" What is the definition of \"cinch\"?"} {"term": "native", "pos": "", "context": "the babies were globetrotting before they were even born as maeve was pregnant with them when she and ronan decided to move back to their native cork city for the births .", "definition": "associated with the place or circumstances of a person 's birth", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the babies were globetrotting before they were even born as maeve was pregnant with them when she and ronan decided to move back to their native cork city for the births .\" What is the definition of \"native\"?"} {"term": "shambling", "pos": "", "context": "he had been rendered a shambling wreck .", "definition": "moving with a slow , shuffling , awkward gait", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had been rendered a shambling wreck .\" What is the definition of \"shambling\"?"} {"term": "pound", "pos": "", "context": "he got a hernia when he tried to lift 100 pounds", "definition": "16 ounces avoirdupois", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he got a hernia when he tried to lift 100 pounds\" What is the definition of \"pound\"?"} {"term": "pound", "pos": "", "context": "pound the roots with a heavy flat stone", "definition": "break down and crush by beating , as with a pestle", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pound the roots with a heavy flat stone\" What is the definition of \"pound\"?"} {"term": "script", "pos": "", "context": "go the the doc and get a script for it .", "definition": "a doctor 's prescription , especially one for narcotic drugs .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"go the the doc and get a script for it .\" What is the definition of \"script\"?"} {"term": "stipple", "pos": "", "context": "the sunlight stippled the trees", "definition": "produce a mottled effect", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sunlight stippled the trees\" What is the definition of \"stipple\"?"} {"term": "twit", "pos": "", "context": "the interviewer and the audience , if sincere , are twits .", "definition": "a silly or foolish person .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the interviewer and the audience , if sincere , are twits .\" What is the definition of \"twit\"?"} {"term": "peep", "pos": "", "context": "but he offered not a peep of protest or criticism .", "definition": "a slight sound , utterance , or complaint", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but he offered not a peep of protest or criticism .\" What is the definition of \"peep\"?"} {"term": "movable", "pos": "", "context": "the law allows compensation only for buildings and land , not for movables like the greenhouses ' computerized irrigation systems .", "definition": "property or possessions not including land or buildings", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the law allows compensation only for buildings and land , not for movables like the greenhouses ' computerized irrigation systems .\" What is the definition of \"movable\"?"} {"term": "schedule", "pos": "", "context": "despite his rather busy schedule , the flute maestro is in his own words at peace with himself .", "definition": "one 's day-to-day plans or timetable", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"despite his rather busy schedule , the flute maestro is in his own words at peace with himself .\" What is the definition of \"schedule\"?"} {"term": "flux", "pos": "", "context": "second , the population flux will converge towards those countries that provide the more generous social benefits or the best living conditions .", "definition": "the action or process of flowing or flowing out", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"second , the population flux will converge towards those countries that provide the more generous social benefits or the best living conditions .\" What is the definition of \"flux\"?"} {"term": "flux", "pos": "", "context": "both of them are ill with the flux .", "definition": "diarrhoea or dysentery .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"both of them are ill with the flux .\" What is the definition of \"flux\"?"} {"term": "flux", "pos": "", "context": "plasma membrane stress failure is but one of many stimuli that trigger cell remodeling and thereby mediate changes in fluid flux across the vascular wall .", "definition": "the rate of flow of a fluid , radiant energy , or particles across a given area .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"plasma membrane stress failure is but one of many stimuli that trigger cell remodeling and thereby mediate changes in fluid flux across the vascular wall .\" What is the definition of \"flux\"?"} {"term": "flux", "pos": "", "context": "these materials are the glass-forming substances , fluxes , stabilizers , and secondary components .", "definition": "a substance added to a furnace during metal-smelting or glass-making which combines with impurities to form slag .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these materials are the glass-forming substances , fluxes , stabilizers , and secondary components .\" What is the definition of \"flux\"?"} {"term": "flux", "pos": "", "context": "if not then to figure out how dangerous is this to you , you need to know how much of the radiation flux reaches your storage unit and how much time you spend in your storage unit .", "definition": "the amount of radiation or particles incident on an area in a given time .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if not then to figure out how dangerous is this to you , you need to know how much of the radiation flux reaches your storage unit and how much time you spend in your storage unit .\" What is the definition of \"flux\"?"} {"term": "yankee", "pos": "", "context": "far from being an isolated port , one early nineteenth-century view of monterey harbor shows a russian brig , a yankee schooner , and another ship at anchor .", "definition": "a large jib set forward of a staysail in light winds .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"far from being an isolated port , one early nineteenth-century view of monterey harbor shows a russian brig , a yankee schooner , and another ship at anchor .\" What is the definition of \"yankee\"?"} {"term": "bight", "pos": "", "context": "the bight of benin", "definition": "a broad bay formed by an indentation in the shoreline", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the bight of benin\" What is the definition of \"bight\"?"} {"term": "bight", "pos": "", "context": "most of ours live aboard vessels moored more or less permanently outside the marina breakwater , in a shallow bight known as fools ' anchorage .", "definition": "a curve or recess in a coastline , river , or other geographical feature .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"most of ours live aboard vessels moored more or less permanently outside the marina breakwater , in a shallow bight known as fools ' anchorage .\" What is the definition of \"bight\"?"} {"term": "shade", "pos": "", "context": "of the two tain houses , jaboulet 's cotes du rhone shades the chapoutier effort with more of a pepper and savoury green olive flavour .", "definition": "make a slight reduction in the amount , rate , or price of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"of the two tain houses , jaboulet 's cotes du rhone shades the chapoutier effort with more of a pepper and savoury green olive flavour .\" What is the definition of \"shade\"?"} {"term": "shade", "pos": "", "context": "the clouds consisted of many shades of light and dark grey .", "definition": "a colour , especially with regard to how light or dark it is or as distinguished from one nearly like it", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the clouds consisted of many shades of light and dark grey .\" What is the definition of \"shade\"?"} {"term": "shade", "pos": "", "context": "burbling keyboards and tasteful strings add some different colours and shades to her sonic palette .", "definition": "a slightly differing variety of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"burbling keyboards and tasteful strings add some different colours and shades to her sonic palette .\" What is the definition of \"shade\"?"} {"term": "shade", "pos": "", "context": "was there any way to shade the odds , gain an extra edge as he had in the first challenge ?", "definition": "narrowly win or gain an advantage in ( a contest )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"was there any way to shade the odds , gain an extra edge as he had in the first challenge ?\" What is the definition of \"shade\"?"} {"term": "shade", "pos": "", "context": "an achievement that puts everything else in the shade", "definition": "a position of relative inferiority", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an achievement that puts everything else in the shade\" What is the definition of \"shade\"?"} {"term": "disclosure", "pos": "", "context": "there was no question at any time of going to a court for an order for disclosure .", "definition": "the action of making new or secret information known", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was no question at any time of going to a court for an order for disclosure .\" What is the definition of \"disclosure\"?"} {"term": "chit", "pos": "", "context": "his only family is an unmarried chit of a girl who is blessed with not much more than an acid tongue and a pretty face…", "definition": "an impudent or arrogant young woman", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his only family is an unmarried chit of a girl who is blessed with not much more than an acid tongue and a pretty face…\" What is the definition of \"chit\"?"} {"term": "chit", "pos": "", "context": "since it 's pay day , afterwards you 'll stop at the station to collect your chits .", "definition": "a short official note , typically recording a sum owed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"since it 's pay day , afterwards you 'll stop at the station to collect your chits .\" What is the definition of \"chit\"?"} {"term": "sunlounger", "pos": "", "context": "i lay on a sunlounger beside the splendid rooftop swimming pool .", "definition": "a lounger used for sunbathing .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i lay on a sunlounger beside the splendid rooftop swimming pool .\" What is the definition of \"sunlounger\"?"} {"term": "sexploitation", "pos": "", "context": "but since this is the final film in a seedy sexploitation shocker trilogy , you know it has to end badly for our insane slayer .", "definition": "the commercial exploitation of sex , sexual attractiveness , or sexually explicit material", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but since this is the final film in a seedy sexploitation shocker trilogy , you know it has to end badly for our insane slayer .\" What is the definition of \"sexploitation\"?"} {"term": "slow", "pos": "", "context": "this in turn and the slow film , will require longer exposures - hence the tripod .", "definition": "( of a film ) needing long exposure .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this in turn and the slow film , will require longer exposures - hence the tripod .\" What is the definition of \"slow\"?"} {"term": "slow", "pos": "", "context": "however , with all of the traffic headed north and none going south , travel remains slow .", "definition": "not allowing or intended for fast travel", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"however , with all of the traffic headed north and none going south , travel remains slow .\" What is the definition of \"slow\"?"} {"term": "drawing", "pos": "", "context": "the drawing of water from the well", "definition": "act of getting or draining something such as electricity or a liquid from a source", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the drawing of water from the well\" What is the definition of \"drawing\"?"} {"term": "banana", "pos": "", "context": "oranges , apples , and bananas comprise half the fruit consumed .", "definition": "a long curved fruit which grows in clusters and has soft pulpy flesh and yellow skin when ripe", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"oranges , apples , and bananas comprise half the fruit consumed .\" What is the definition of \"banana\"?"} {"term": "somali", "pos": "", "context": "afar have a traditional preference for patrilateral cross-cousin marriage ; the issa and other somalis are less strict .", "definition": "a member of a mainly muslim people of somalia .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"afar have a traditional preference for patrilateral cross-cousin marriage ; the issa and other somalis are less strict .\" What is the definition of \"somali\"?"} {"term": "detangle", "pos": "", "context": "also , remember that anything you put in the cat 's hair to help detangle it ( like lanolin-based products ) will end up in kitty 's belly , after getting licked off .", "definition": "remove tangles from ( hair )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"also , remember that anything you put in the cat 's hair to help detangle it ( like lanolin-based products ) will end up in kitty 's belly , after getting licked off .\" What is the definition of \"detangle\"?"} {"term": "claw", "pos": "", "context": "the woman had flung herself against the locked door , clawing at the wood with her fingernails .", "definition": "scratch or tear something with the claws or the fingernails", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the woman had flung herself against the locked door , clawing at the wood with her fingernails .\" What is the definition of \"claw\"?"} {"term": "checker", "pos": "", "context": "it does n't matter how many badge checkers and gun-toting security personnel you 've hired .", "definition": "a person or thing that verifies or examines something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it does n't matter how many badge checkers and gun-toting security personnel you 've hired .\" What is the definition of \"checker\"?"} {"term": "gulp", "pos": "", "context": "jon 's laugh starts from his throat and it comes out in quick spurts and gulps of air .", "definition": "a large quantity of air breathed in .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"jon 's laugh starts from his throat and it comes out in quick spurts and gulps of air .\" What is the definition of \"gulp\"?"} {"term": "gulp", "pos": "", "context": "he gulped for help after choking on a big piece of meat", "definition": "utter or make a noise , as when swallowing too quickly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he gulped for help after choking on a big piece of meat\" What is the definition of \"gulp\"?"} {"term": "occlusion", "pos": "", "context": "cardiac catheterization can confirm vascular occlusion and angioplasty is frequently used to treat a localized problem .", "definition": "the blockage or closing of a blood vessel or hollow organ .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cardiac catheterization can confirm vascular occlusion and angioplasty is frequently used to treat a localized problem .\" What is the definition of \"occlusion\"?"} {"term": "list", "pos": "", "context": "erosion listed the old tree", "definition": "cause to lean to the side", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"erosion listed the old tree\" What is the definition of \"list\"?"} {"term": "irregular", "pos": "", "context": "their rather irregular position within the church of ireland could not really continue .", "definition": "contrary to the rules or to that which is normal or established", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their rather irregular position within the church of ireland could not really continue .\" What is the definition of \"irregular\"?"} {"term": "irregular", "pos": "", "context": "walking was difficult on the irregular cobblestoned surface", "definition": "( of a surface or shape ) ; not level or flat or symmetrical", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"walking was difficult on the irregular cobblestoned surface\" What is the definition of \"irregular\"?"} {"term": "irregular", "pos": "", "context": "us forces now see the main threat as ambushes by irregulars and some foreign volunteers .", "definition": "a member of an irregular military force .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"us forces now see the main threat as ambushes by irregulars and some foreign volunteers .\" What is the definition of \"irregular\"?"} {"term": "mechanize", "pos": "", "context": "the process may be increasingly mechanized , but women workers are still needed at every step of the way .", "definition": "introduce machines or automatic devices into ( a process or place )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the process may be increasingly mechanized , but women workers are still needed at every step of the way .\" What is the definition of \"mechanize\"?"} {"term": "watch", "pos": "", "context": "watch a basketball game", "definition": "look attentively", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"watch a basketball game\" What is the definition of \"watch\"?"} {"term": "overload", "pos": "", "context": "caravan owners have been warned that a recent police survey of vehicles revealed many were dangerously overloaded and unfit for the road .", "definition": "load with too great a burden or cargo", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"caravan owners have been warned that a recent police survey of vehicles revealed many were dangerously overloaded and unfit for the road .\" What is the definition of \"overload\"?"} {"term": "handshake", "pos": "", "context": "scsi is a parallel bus technology , similar to the buses that make up all computer systems , and every transfer is guaranteed and acknowledged with proper handshakes .", "definition": "an exchange of standardized signals between devices in a computer network regulating the transfer of data .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"scsi is a parallel bus technology , similar to the buses that make up all computer systems , and every transfer is guaranteed and acknowledged with proper handshakes .\" What is the definition of \"handshake\"?"} {"term": "wet", "pos": "", "context": "a wet cargo", "definition": "consisting of or trading in alcoholic liquor", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a wet cargo\" What is the definition of \"wet\"?"} {"term": "bauble", "pos": "", "context": "robinson ‘ has fallen far further than most , all for a bauble , a trinket , a ring , ‘ said fratkin .", "definition": "something that is superficially attractive but useless or worthless", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"robinson ‘ has fallen far further than most , all for a bauble , a trinket , a ring , ‘ said fratkin .\" What is the definition of \"bauble\"?"} {"term": "mangrove", "pos": "", "context": "unlike mangroves , trees and other vegetation in the scrub sites dropped most of their leaves during the dry season in spring , and standing water was never present on these sites .", "definition": "a tree or shrub which grows in tidal , chiefly tropical , coastal swamps , having numerous tangled roots that grow above ground and form dense thickets .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unlike mangroves , trees and other vegetation in the scrub sites dropped most of their leaves during the dry season in spring , and standing water was never present on these sites .\" What is the definition of \"mangrove\"?"} {"term": "overbalance", "pos": "", "context": "chad smirked and leaned closer , careful not to overbalance .", "definition": "fall or cause to fall over from loss of balance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"chad smirked and leaned closer , careful not to overbalance .\" What is the definition of \"overbalance\"?"} {"term": "overbalance", "pos": "", "context": "sum-ranking fails to give sufficient salience to the worth of each person : it in effect permits one person 's large misery to be overbalanced by small benefits to a large number of others .", "definition": "outweigh", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sum-ranking fails to give sufficient salience to the worth of each person : it in effect permits one person 's large misery to be overbalanced by small benefits to a large number of others .\" What is the definition of \"overbalance\"?"} {"term": "site", "pos": "", "context": "the israeli web site was damaged by hostile hackers", "definition": "a computer connected to the internet that maintains a series of web pages on the world wide web", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the israeli web site was damaged by hostile hackers\" What is the definition of \"site\"?"} {"term": "honesty", "pos": "", "context": "systematic and methodical rather than dashing , he had a reputation for honesty and directness .", "definition": "the quality of being honest", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"systematic and methodical rather than dashing , he had a reputation for honesty and directness .\" What is the definition of \"honesty\"?"} {"term": "untangle", "pos": "", "context": "produced by paper birds , this is an impressionistic and melancholy hour of physical theatre that tangles together and untangles the lives of six young women who all passed through a single room .", "definition": "make ( something complicated or confusing ) easier to understand or deal with", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"produced by paper birds , this is an impressionistic and melancholy hour of physical theatre that tangles together and untangles the lives of six young women who all passed through a single room .\" What is the definition of \"untangle\"?"} {"term": "holdout", "pos": "", "context": "count me as among the last holdouts on this issue .", "definition": "a person who resists something or refuses to accept an offer .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"count me as among the last holdouts on this issue .\" What is the definition of \"holdout\"?"} {"term": "tuner", "pos": "", "context": "engine tuners give weather a lot of consideration when they adjust their set-ups .", "definition": "a person who tunes car engines or other machines .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"engine tuners give weather a lot of consideration when they adjust their set-ups .\" What is the definition of \"tuner\"?"} {"term": "counterspy", "pos": "", "context": "when we played war , i was a counterspy , blowing up ships , planes , and tanks .", "definition": "a spy engaged in counter-espionage .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when we played war , i was a counterspy , blowing up ships , planes , and tanks .\" What is the definition of \"counterspy\"?"} {"term": "sure", "pos": "", "context": "a sure ( or true ) sign of one 's commitment", "definition": "infallible or unfailing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sure ( or true ) sign of one 's commitment\" What is the definition of \"sure\"?"} {"term": "sure", "pos": "", "context": "was very sure in his beliefs", "definition": "having or feeling no doubt or uncertainty ; confident and assured", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"was very sure in his beliefs\" What is the definition of \"sure\"?"} {"term": "jive", "pos": "", "context": "but it 's still a big jive turkey in need of a valuable lesson .", "definition": "deceitful or worthless .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but it 's still a big jive turkey in need of a valuable lesson .\" What is the definition of \"jive\"?"} {"term": "pointer", "pos": "", "context": "when the queue for that link reaches a pointer in the fifo for that data packet , it is retrieved from memory and forwarded to its destination .", "definition": "a variable whose value is the address of another variable ; a link", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when the queue for that link reaches a pointer in the fifo for that data packet , it is retrieved from memory and forwarded to its destination .\" What is the definition of \"pointer\"?"} {"term": "potluck", "pos": "", "context": "having arrived unannounced we had to take potluck", "definition": "whatever happens to be available especially when offered to an unexpected guest or when brought by guests and shared by all", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"having arrived unannounced we had to take potluck\" What is the definition of \"potluck\"?"} {"term": "peregrine", "pos": "", "context": "during this time , we collected 153 eggs , 87 from american peregrines and 66 from arctic peregrines .", "definition": "a powerful falcon found on most continents , breeding chiefly on mountains and coastal cliffs and much used for falconry .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"during this time , we collected 153 eggs , 87 from american peregrines and 66 from arctic peregrines .\" What is the definition of \"peregrine\"?"} {"term": "source", "pos": "", "context": "informed sources , however , say it appears clear that the commonwealth does have the power to subsume the state industrial relation systems .", "definition": "a person who provides information", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"informed sources , however , say it appears clear that the commonwealth does have the power to subsume the state industrial relation systems .\" What is the definition of \"source\"?"} {"term": "source", "pos": "", "context": "extracting water from its sources originally required considerable effort .", "definition": "a place , person , or thing from which something originates or can be obtained", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"extracting water from its sources originally required considerable effort .\" What is the definition of \"source\"?"} {"term": "source", "pos": "", "context": "the pond is one of the sources of shakujii river and used to be a place of annual pilgrimage for the rice-farmers living along its banks .", "definition": "a spring or fountain head from which a river or stream issues", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the pond is one of the sources of shakujii river and used to be a place of annual pilgrimage for the rice-farmers living along its banks .\" What is the definition of \"source\"?"} {"term": "source", "pos": "", "context": "she sourced a supply of carpet", "definition": "get ( a product ) from another country or business", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she sourced a supply of carpet\" What is the definition of \"source\"?"} {"term": "corrode", "pos": "", "context": "impunity corrodes societies and creates hierarchical value systems over the value of human lives .", "definition": "destroy or weaken ( something ) gradually", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"impunity corrodes societies and creates hierarchical value systems over the value of human lives .\" What is the definition of \"corrode\"?"} {"term": "mayoress", "pos": "", "context": "we intend to observe the traditions , customs and practices which are attached to the mayoral office and to do our best to meet the high standards established by previous mayors and mayoresses .", "definition": "a woman holding the office of mayor .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we intend to observe the traditions , customs and practices which are attached to the mayoral office and to do our best to meet the high standards established by previous mayors and mayoresses .\" What is the definition of \"mayoress\"?"} {"term": "feather", "pos": "", "context": "he often employed a personal technique : feathering his surfaces on the top layer with small white brushstrokes , which delicately muffle the colors underneath .", "definition": "blend or smooth delicately", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he often employed a personal technique : feathering his surfaces on the top layer with small white brushstrokes , which delicately muffle the colors underneath .\" What is the definition of \"feather\"?"} {"term": "faller", "pos": "", "context": "the gelding was brought down by a faller at the fifth fence .", "definition": "a person or thing that falls , in particular a horse that falls during a race", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the gelding was brought down by a faller at the fifth fence .\" What is the definition of \"faller\"?"} {"term": "prod", "pos": "", "context": "i poked and prodded at these sites in hopes to locate some remaining muscle tissue , but very little was found .", "definition": "poke with a finger , foot , or pointed object", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i poked and prodded at these sites in hopes to locate some remaining muscle tissue , but very little was found .\" What is the definition of \"prod\"?"} {"term": "fulminate", "pos": "", "context": "he fulminated against the republicans ' plan to cut medicare", "definition": "criticize severely", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he fulminated against the republicans ' plan to cut medicare\" What is the definition of \"fulminate\"?"} {"term": "jeopardy", "pos": "", "context": "all that we have achieved , and all that we aspire to , are in mortal jeopardy .", "definition": "danger of loss , harm , or failure", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all that we have achieved , and all that we aspire to , are in mortal jeopardy .\" What is the definition of \"jeopardy\"?"} {"term": "lemma", "pos": "", "context": "while recognizing it as ‘ the finest lexicon available for nt greek , ’ they observe this disturbing shortcoming : it does not explain in the introduction the criteria employed for selecting lemmas .", "definition": "a word or phrase defined in a dictionary or entered in a word list .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"while recognizing it as ‘ the finest lexicon available for nt greek , ’ they observe this disturbing shortcoming : it does not explain in the introduction the criteria employed for selecting lemmas .\" What is the definition of \"lemma\"?"} {"term": "crawl", "pos": "", "context": "google crawls 20 billion pages a day .", "definition": "( of a program ) systematically visit ( a number of web pages ) in order to create an index of data", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"google crawls 20 billion pages a day .\" What is the definition of \"crawl\"?"} {"term": "storehouse", "pos": "", "context": "the write-ups are a storehouse of information for future generations .", "definition": "a large supply of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the write-ups are a storehouse of information for future generations .\" What is the definition of \"storehouse\"?"} {"term": "storehouse", "pos": "", "context": "storehouses were built close to the docks", "definition": "a depository for goods", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"storehouses were built close to the docks\" What is the definition of \"storehouse\"?"} {"term": "godwit", "pos": "", "context": "many immature avocets spend their first summer after fledging well south of breeding areas , as do immature grey plovers , bar-tailed godwits and knot .", "definition": "a large , long-legged wader with a long , slightly upturned or straight bill , and typically a reddish-brown head and breast in the breeding male .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"many immature avocets spend their first summer after fledging well south of breeding areas , as do immature grey plovers , bar-tailed godwits and knot .\" What is the definition of \"godwit\"?"} {"term": "halloo", "pos": "", "context": "up she springs , and away she starts , the pack in full cry behind her , the huntsman 's voice resounding after them , halloo dogs !", "definition": "used to incite dogs to the chase during a hunt .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"up she springs , and away she starts , the pack in full cry behind her , the huntsman 's voice resounding after them , halloo dogs !\" What is the definition of \"halloo\"?"} {"term": "integral", "pos": "", "context": "he received his doctorate for a thesis entitled 'contributions to the theory of integral functions of finite order ' in 1929 .", "definition": "involving only integers , especially as coefficients of a function .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he received his doctorate for a thesis entitled 'contributions to the theory of integral functions of finite order ' in 1929 .\" What is the definition of \"integral\"?"} {"term": "mademoiselle", "pos": "", "context": "‘ good morning to you too , mademoiselle , ’ said john in exaggerated courtesy .", "definition": "a title or form of address used of or to an unmarried french-speaking woman , corresponding to miss", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ good morning to you too , mademoiselle , ’ said john in exaggerated courtesy .\" What is the definition of \"mademoiselle\"?"} {"term": "microglia", "pos": "", "context": "optic pathway gliomas in humans are typically surrounded by blood vessels and microglia , which are immune system cells in the brain .", "definition": "glial cells derived from mesoderm that function as macrophages ( scavengers ) in the central nervous system and form part of the reticuloendothelial system .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"optic pathway gliomas in humans are typically surrounded by blood vessels and microglia , which are immune system cells in the brain .\" What is the definition of \"microglia\"?"} {"term": "carnival", "pos": "", "context": "far north coast athletes have few opportunities to test themselves in competition outside of the traditional school carnivals .", "definition": "a public event or celebration , typically held outdoors and involving stalls , entertainment , and processions", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"far north coast athletes have few opportunities to test themselves in competition outside of the traditional school carnivals .\" What is the definition of \"carnival\"?"} {"term": "match", "pos": "", "context": "many matches and marriages came out of working in the factory .", "definition": "a person viewed in regard to their eligibility for marriage , especially as regards class or wealth", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"many matches and marriages came out of working in the factory .\" What is the definition of \"match\"?"} {"term": "match", "pos": "", "context": "the winners of their respective matches will contest the final , while the losers will play off for the bronze medal .", "definition": "a contest in which people or teams compete against each other in a particular sport", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the winners of their respective matches will contest the final , while the losers will play off for the bronze medal .\" What is the definition of \"match\"?"} {"term": "tertiary", "pos": "", "context": "there is cheaper and more affordable tertiary education for students .", "definition": "relating to or denoting education at a level beyond that provided by schools , especially that provided by a college or university .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is cheaper and more affordable tertiary education for students .\" What is the definition of \"tertiary\"?"} {"term": "magazine", "pos": "", "context": "it 's the only repeater in the line , and is equipped with a detachable box magazine .", "definition": "a container or detachable receptacle for holding a supply of cartridges to be fed automatically to the breech of a gun", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's the only repeater in the line , and is equipped with a detachable box magazine .\" What is the definition of \"magazine\"?"} {"term": "replica", "pos": "", "context": "the primer-gray monuments are one-third scale replicas of existing commemorative markers scattered throughout the u.s .", "definition": "an exact copy or model of something , especially one on a smaller scale", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the primer-gray monuments are one-third scale replicas of existing commemorative markers scattered throughout the u.s .\" What is the definition of \"replica\"?"} {"term": "catabolism", "pos": "", "context": "ammonium produced by catabolism of protein is then excreted in urine .", "definition": "the breakdown of complex molecules in living organisms to form simpler ones , together with the release of energy ; destructive metabolism .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ammonium produced by catabolism of protein is then excreted in urine .\" What is the definition of \"catabolism\"?"} {"term": "dubonnet", "pos": "", "context": "christmas lunch is over , the queen 's on the telly and great-grandma 's in the corner sipping gin and dubonnet .", "definition": "a type of sweet red vermouth made in france", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"christmas lunch is over , the queen 's on the telly and great-grandma 's in the corner sipping gin and dubonnet .\" What is the definition of \"dubonnet\"?"} {"term": "quietism", "pos": "", "context": "at bottom there is a conflict here between activism and quietism .", "definition": "calm acceptance of things as they are without attempts to resist or change them", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at bottom there is a conflict here between activism and quietism .\" What is the definition of \"quietism\"?"} {"term": "throaty", "pos": "", "context": "a rich throaty voice", "definition": "sounding as if pronounced low in the throat", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a rich throaty voice\" What is the definition of \"throaty\"?"} {"term": "hashemite", "pos": "", "context": "in 1921 , the british made faysal ibn hussein al-hashim , the third son of lawrence of arabia 's friend , sharif hussein of mecca , the new king of iraq , beginning a 37-year rule of the hashemites over the new nation .", "definition": "a member of an arab princely family claiming descent from hashim , great-grandfather of muhammad .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in 1921 , the british made faysal ibn hussein al-hashim , the third son of lawrence of arabia 's friend , sharif hussein of mecca , the new king of iraq , beginning a 37-year rule of the hashemites over the new nation .\" What is the definition of \"hashemite\"?"} {"term": "slack", "pos": "", "context": "slack in maintaining discipline", "definition": "lacking in rigor or strictness", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"slack in maintaining discipline\" What is the definition of \"slack\"?"} {"term": "slack", "pos": "", "context": "hearing this devastating turn of conversation , my jaw fell slack in disbelief .", "definition": "not taut or held tightly in position ; loose", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hearing this devastating turn of conversation , my jaw fell slack in disbelief .\" What is the definition of \"slack\"?"} {"term": "slack", "pos": "", "context": "slack sails", "definition": "not tense or taut", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"slack sails\" What is the definition of \"slack\"?"} {"term": "slack", "pos": "", "context": "slack lime", "definition": "cause to heat and crumble by treatment with water", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"slack lime\" What is the definition of \"slack\"?"} {"term": "slack", "pos": "", "context": "slack the rope", "definition": "release tension on", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"slack the rope\" What is the definition of \"slack\"?"} {"term": "slack", "pos": "", "context": "he slackened his pace as he got tired", "definition": "make less active or fast", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he slackened his pace as he got tired\" What is the definition of \"slack\"?"} {"term": "hun", "pos": "", "context": "we stumbled in to the lager house like conquering huns drunk on french wine .", "definition": "a reckless or uncivilized destroyer", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we stumbled in to the lager house like conquering huns drunk on french wine .\" What is the definition of \"hun\"?"} {"term": "port", "pos": "", "context": "in fact , he did not see an exhaust port of any kind - but it might have been on the back of the ship .", "definition": "an opening for the passage of steam , liquid , or gas", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in fact , he did not see an exhaust port of any kind - but it might have been on the back of the ship .\" What is the definition of \"port\"?"} {"term": "port", "pos": "", "context": "the rest of the guys were the established players and did n't ask their customers to suffer huge software ports .", "definition": "a transfer of software from one system or machine to another", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the rest of the guys were the established players and did n't ask their customers to suffer huge software ports .\" What is the definition of \"port\"?"} {"term": "lottery", "pos": "", "context": "ryan had hit genetic lottery on both sides .", "definition": "a situation whose success or outcome is governed by chance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ryan had hit genetic lottery on both sides .\" What is the definition of \"lottery\"?"} {"term": "fart", "pos": "", "context": "apparently , i was farting in my sleep this morning and it woke you up .", "definition": "emit wind from the anus .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"apparently , i was farting in my sleep this morning and it woke you up .\" What is the definition of \"fart\"?"} {"term": "fart", "pos": "", "context": "we know also that farts are warm ( not hot ) , so i 'll add that : a fart is warm wind emitted from the anus .", "definition": "an emission of wind from the anus .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we know also that farts are warm ( not hot ) , so i 'll add that : a fart is warm wind emitted from the anus .\" What is the definition of \"fart\"?"} {"term": "chemical", "pos": "", "context": "this new laser treatment may replace deep chemical peels and laser skin resurfacing , which often leave the skin raw and take more than a week to heal .", "definition": "relating to chemicals", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this new laser treatment may replace deep chemical peels and laser skin resurfacing , which often leave the skin raw and take more than a week to heal .\" What is the definition of \"chemical\"?"} {"term": "el", "pos": "", "context": "riding the el or train should is a nice option , however , the street should not be in this bad a condition .", "definition": "a train running on an elevated railway", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"riding the el or train should is a nice option , however , the street should not be in this bad a condition .\" What is the definition of \"el\"?"} {"term": "literature", "pos": "", "context": "it is probably no surprise that i was also at that time expanding my scholarship and teaching to include the literatures and cultures of other peoples of color .", "definition": "written works , especially those considered of superior or lasting artistic merit", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is probably no surprise that i was also at that time expanding my scholarship and teaching to include the literatures and cultures of other peoples of color .\" What is the definition of \"literature\"?"} {"term": "imprison", "pos": "", "context": "his daughters are virtually imprisoned in their own house", "definition": "confine as if in a prison ; he does not let them go out without a chaperone '", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his daughters are virtually imprisoned in their own house\" What is the definition of \"imprison\"?"} {"term": "like", "pos": "", "context": "neil , how would you like to come see a movie with me tomorrow ?", "definition": "feel about or regard ( something )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"neil , how would you like to come see a movie with me tomorrow ?\" What is the definition of \"like\"?"} {"term": "echo", "pos": "", "context": "which is what we have ; and nothing , i might add , echoing his words , is better calculated to undermine ministers ' responsibility .", "definition": "repeat ( someone 's words or opinions ) , typically to express agreement", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"which is what we have ; and nothing , i might add , echoing his words , is better calculated to undermine ministers ' responsibility .\" What is the definition of \"echo\"?"} {"term": "echo", "pos": "", "context": "followers echoing the cries of their leaders", "definition": "to say again or imitate", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"followers echoing the cries of their leaders\" What is the definition of \"echo\"?"} {"term": "fill", "pos": "", "context": "the liquid fills the container", "definition": "occupy the whole of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the liquid fills the container\" What is the definition of \"fill\"?"} {"term": "award", "pos": "", "context": "however , the committee has a problem with awarding contracts without bidding .", "definition": "grant or assign ( a contract or commission ) to ( a person or organization )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"however , the committee has a problem with awarding contracts without bidding .\" What is the definition of \"award\"?"} {"term": "tilth", "pos": "", "context": "peter 's whole farm is like a research farm where he tries different cover crops and studies their effect on insect populations as well as the tilth of his soil .", "definition": "the condition of tilled soil , especially in respect to suitability for sowing seeds", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"peter 's whole farm is like a research farm where he tries different cover crops and studies their effect on insect populations as well as the tilth of his soil .\" What is the definition of \"tilth\"?"} {"term": "padding", "pos": "", "context": "halfway through now i 'm interested to see where it 's going but i feel there 's still an awful lot of padding in this book .", "definition": "superfluous material in a book , speech , etc. , introduced in order to make it reach a desired length", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"halfway through now i 'm interested to see where it 's going but i feel there 's still an awful lot of padding in this book .\" What is the definition of \"padding\"?"} {"term": "lick", "pos": "", "context": "the atlantic coast of the island is not that great for swimming , a bit too rough , and hence , one evening i did walk in waist high , but the waves were licking me down so i did n't tarry .", "definition": "cut or knock someone or something down", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the atlantic coast of the island is not that great for swimming , a bit too rough , and hence , one evening i did walk in waist high , but the waves were licking me down so i did n't tarry .\" What is the definition of \"lick\"?"} {"term": "lick", "pos": "", "context": "several tracks also include chilled vocals , as well as some fiery jazz licks from the clarinetist/sax player .", "definition": "a short phrase or solo in jazz or popular music", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"several tracks also include chilled vocals , as well as some fiery jazz licks from the clarinetist/sax player .\" What is the definition of \"lick\"?"} {"term": "correct", "pos": "", "context": "so by combining the correct number of the appropriate ions an electrically neutral compound is produced .", "definition": "meeting the requirements of or most appropriate for a particular situation or activity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so by combining the correct number of the appropriate ions an electrically neutral compound is produced .\" What is the definition of \"correct\"?"} {"term": "correct", "pos": "", "context": "the new contact lenses will correct for his myopia", "definition": "treat a defect", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the new contact lenses will correct for his myopia\" What is the definition of \"correct\"?"} {"term": "induct", "pos": "", "context": "i was inducted into the arcane mysteries of shutter speeds , f-stops , asa / iso and the curious phenomenon of the ( separate , handheld ) light meter .", "definition": "introduce someone to ( a difficult or obscure subject )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i was inducted into the arcane mysteries of shutter speeds , f-stops , asa / iso and the curious phenomenon of the ( separate , handheld ) light meter .\" What is the definition of \"induct\"?"} {"term": "consumptive", "pos": "", "context": "and if climate scientists are right , the cause of our problems is manic , consumptive , fossil-fuel driven human activity .", "definition": "relating to the using up of resources", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and if climate scientists are right , the cause of our problems is manic , consumptive , fossil-fuel driven human activity .\" What is the definition of \"consumptive\"?"} {"term": "reckoner", "pos": "", "context": "to figure out the number of rolls of wallpaper you may need , use our handy roll reckoner .", "definition": "a table or device designed to assist with calculation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to figure out the number of rolls of wallpaper you may need , use our handy roll reckoner .\" What is the definition of \"reckoner\"?"} {"term": "caulk", "pos": "", "context": "the obscure gray water is dotted with fishing boats , which brush the calm surface , each caulked with a paste of alchemical silvers .", "definition": "make ( a boat ) watertight by stopping up any gaps in its hull", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the obscure gray water is dotted with fishing boats , which brush the calm surface , each caulked with a paste of alchemical silvers .\" What is the definition of \"caulk\"?"} {"term": "up", "pos": "", "context": "he turned up the volume", "definition": "to a higher intensity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he turned up the volume\" What is the definition of \"up\"?"} {"term": "up", "pos": "", "context": "because he brought the sail up into the wind , the wind caught it and flipped it straight back onto the other side , and down on top of him .", "definition": "( of sailing ) against the current or the wind", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"because he brought the sail up into the wind , the wind caught it and flipped it straight back onto the other side , and down on top of him .\" What is the definition of \"up\"?"} {"term": "up", "pos": "", "context": "i was supposed to be up on the east coast somewhere , probably getting over the gig in whakatane last night .", "definition": "expressing movement towards or position in the north", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i was supposed to be up on the east coast somewhere , probably getting over the gig in whakatane last night .\" What is the definition of \"up\"?"} {"term": "up", "pos": "", "context": "how soon will the computers be up ?", "definition": "( used of computers ) operating properly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"how soon will the computers be up ?\" What is the definition of \"up\"?"} {"term": "up", "pos": "", "context": "it 's going to take at least a year , though , to get it up and going .", "definition": "into the desired or a proper condition", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's going to take at least a year , though , to get it up and going .\" What is the definition of \"up\"?"} {"term": "up", "pos": "", "context": "time is up", "definition": "used up", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"time is up\" What is the definition of \"up\"?"} {"term": "up", "pos": "", "context": "he threw up behind a mimosa tree in the woods back of patty 's .", "definition": "( of food that has been eaten ) regurgitated from the stomach", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he threw up behind a mimosa tree in the woods back of patty 's .\" What is the definition of \"up\"?"} {"term": "up", "pos": "", "context": "he is up by a pawn", "definition": "being or moving higher in position or greater in some value ; being above a former position or level", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is up by a pawn\" What is the definition of \"up\"?"} {"term": "debridement", "pos": "", "context": "maintenance of a moist wound microenvironment and debridement of necrotic tissue increase wound healing rates and reduce pain .", "definition": "the removal of damaged tissue or foreign objects from a wound .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"maintenance of a moist wound microenvironment and debridement of necrotic tissue increase wound healing rates and reduce pain .\" What is the definition of \"debridement\"?"} {"term": "nebula", "pos": "", "context": "it treats conjunctivitis , pterygium , nebula and pain in the eyes .", "definition": "a clouded spot on the cornea causing defective vision .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it treats conjunctivitis , pterygium , nebula and pain in the eyes .\" What is the definition of \"nebula\"?"} {"term": "nebula", "pos": "", "context": "stars , as far as the eye can see , and two of them , pretty close , with a string of planets orbiting between them , the whole family swimming in a pink , blue , and purple nebula .", "definition": "a galaxy .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stars , as far as the eye can see , and two of them , pretty close , with a string of planets orbiting between them , the whole family swimming in a pink , blue , and purple nebula .\" What is the definition of \"nebula\"?"} {"term": "divertissement", "pos": "", "context": "but brevity is the soul of wit , and lemoine 's well-crafted divertissements have enchanted theatregoers for the past 22 years .", "definition": "a minor entertainment or diversion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but brevity is the soul of wit , and lemoine 's well-crafted divertissements have enchanted theatregoers for the past 22 years .\" What is the definition of \"divertissement\"?"} {"term": "surly", "pos": "", "context": "a surly waiter", "definition": "inclined to anger or bad feelings with overtones of menace", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a surly waiter\" What is the definition of \"surly\"?"} {"term": "capture", "pos": "", "context": "capture the essence of spring", "definition": "succeed in representing or expressing something intangible", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"capture the essence of spring\" What is the definition of \"capture\"?"} {"term": "ship", "pos": "", "context": "clearly , the aircraft was one hot ship and it started piling up victories until tragedy struck at the 1937 cleveland event .", "definition": "an aircraft .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"clearly , the aircraft was one hot ship and it started piling up victories until tragedy struck at the 1937 cleveland event .\" What is the definition of \"ship\"?"} {"term": "upright", "pos": "", "context": "it is lamentable that the defendant has to pay such a disastrous price to be an upright person .", "definition": "strictly honourable or honest", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is lamentable that the defendant has to pay such a disastrous price to be an upright person .\" What is the definition of \"upright\"?"} {"term": "grapheme", "pos": "", "context": "then , beginning readers learn to parse the printed word into graphemes and subsequently assign phonemes to the different graphemes .", "definition": "the smallest meaningful contrastive unit in a writing system .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"then , beginning readers learn to parse the printed word into graphemes and subsequently assign phonemes to the different graphemes .\" What is the definition of \"grapheme\"?"} {"term": "myopia", "pos": "", "context": "it reeks of the typical psychology and myopia of the supposed intellectually and militarily powerful .", "definition": "lack of foresight or intellectual insight", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it reeks of the typical psychology and myopia of the supposed intellectually and militarily powerful .\" What is the definition of \"myopia\"?"} {"term": "rope", "pos": "", "context": "what i did was hang around studios and get to learn the ropes .", "definition": "the established procedures in an organization or area of activity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"what i did was hang around studios and get to learn the ropes .\" What is the definition of \"rope\"?"} {"term": "gleam", "pos": "", "context": "and so , after a full day of washing and dusting and cleaning and polishing until the house gleamed , it was my turn to be gossied up and smartened , ready for inspection .", "definition": "( of a smooth surface or object ) reflect light because well polished", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and so , after a full day of washing and dusting and cleaning and polishing until the house gleamed , it was my turn to be gossied up and smartened , ready for inspection .\" What is the definition of \"gleam\"?"} {"term": "utterance", "pos": "", "context": "only at this time of year can you truly claim to have been touched by the cold magic that is invoked by the mere utterance of the word ‘ alaska ’ .", "definition": "the action of saying or expressing something aloud", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"only at this time of year can you truly claim to have been touched by the cold magic that is invoked by the mere utterance of the word ‘ alaska ’ .\" What is the definition of \"utterance\"?"} {"term": "chorale", "pos": "", "context": "in addition to his work at woi radio , compton sings in his church choir , assists with iowa state 's chamber singers student chorale and serves as organizer/agent for an a cappella men 's vocal group , the music men .", "definition": "a choir or choral society .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in addition to his work at woi radio , compton sings in his church choir , assists with iowa state 's chamber singers student chorale and serves as organizer/agent for an a cappella men 's vocal group , the music men .\" What is the definition of \"chorale\"?"} {"term": "campaign", "pos": "", "context": "if not , we will be waging military campaigns against new tyrannical regimes over and over again .", "definition": "a series of military operations intended to achieve a goal , confined to a particular area , or involving a specified type of fighting", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if not , we will be waging military campaigns against new tyrannical regimes over and over again .\" What is the definition of \"campaign\"?"} {"term": "relet", "pos": "", "context": "the franchises are being relet on a much tighter customer focus and for a much shorter time than before .", "definition": "let ( a property ) for a further period or to a new tenant .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the franchises are being relet on a much tighter customer focus and for a much shorter time than before .\" What is the definition of \"relet\"?"} {"term": "muffin", "pos": "", "context": "we are sending you a guide with 10 tips to combat constipation and a special low-fat pumpkin bran muffin recipe .", "definition": "a small domed spongy cake made with eggs and baking powder", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we are sending you a guide with 10 tips to combat constipation and a special low-fat pumpkin bran muffin recipe .\" What is the definition of \"muffin\"?"} {"term": "follow-on", "pos": "", "context": "the union is campaigning to ensure the shipyard in barrow gets a follow-on order for more astute nuclear submarines .", "definition": "a thing which follows on from another", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the union is campaigning to ensure the shipyard in barrow gets a follow-on order for more astute nuclear submarines .\" What is the definition of \"follow-on\"?"} {"term": "bezel", "pos": "", "context": "the back of the bezel has an open dust filter covering almost all of the bezel .", "definition": "a grooved ring holding the cover of a watch face or other instrument in position .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the back of the bezel has an open dust filter covering almost all of the bezel .\" What is the definition of \"bezel\"?"} {"term": "behalf", "pos": "", "context": "would you please let me know if you have authority from your principal to accept service of process on its behalf .", "definition": "in the interests of a person , group , or principle", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"would you please let me know if you have authority from your principal to accept service of process on its behalf .\" What is the definition of \"behalf\"?"} {"term": "equinoctial", "pos": "", "context": "you know , it 's s good thing you 're coming at the beginning of the month - that way you wo n't feel the force of the equinoctial storms", "definition": "happening at or near the time of an equinox", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you know , it 's s good thing you 're coming at the beginning of the month - that way you wo n't feel the force of the equinoctial storms\" What is the definition of \"equinoctial\"?"} {"term": "absolution", "pos": "", "context": "when , after an absence of eight years , he attempts to heal the rift with his three daughters , each girl demands a different absolution from him .", "definition": "formal release from guilt , obligation , or punishment", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when , after an absence of eight years , he attempts to heal the rift with his three daughters , each girl demands a different absolution from him .\" What is the definition of \"absolution\"?"} {"term": "stob", "pos": "", "context": "designs which have two stobs supporting each stringer are easier to construct than those with three stobs for each stringer , as careful levelling is needed to spread the weight evenly between three stobs .", "definition": "a stake used for fencing .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"designs which have two stobs supporting each stringer are easier to construct than those with three stobs for each stringer , as careful levelling is needed to spread the weight evenly between three stobs .\" What is the definition of \"stob\"?"} {"term": "special", "pos": "", "context": "high-heel shoes are probably one of the most favorite designs women choose for their special occasions .", "definition": "designed or organized for a particular person , purpose , or occasion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"high-heel shoes are probably one of the most favorite designs women choose for their special occasions .\" What is the definition of \"special\"?"} {"term": "special", "pos": "", "context": "i may have been wrong : maybe this was going to be as special , just different .", "definition": "better , greater , or otherwise different from what is usual", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i may have been wrong : maybe this was going to be as special , just different .\" What is the definition of \"special\"?"} {"term": "super", "pos": "", "context": "the managers and supers watch the workers suffer and feel themselves a class apart .", "definition": "a superintendent", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the managers and supers watch the workers suffer and feel themselves a class apart .\" What is the definition of \"super\"?"} {"term": "super", "pos": "", "context": "i thought the serum was something like a super supplement to make him smarter , faster , stronger .", "definition": "very good or pleasant ; excellent", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i thought the serum was something like a super supplement to make him smarter , faster , stronger .\" What is the definition of \"super\"?"} {"term": "spirituality", "pos": "", "context": "the interior has been designed to engage viewers in contemplation of the diverse approaches to spirituality worldwide .", "definition": "the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the interior has been designed to engage viewers in contemplation of the diverse approaches to spirituality worldwide .\" What is the definition of \"spirituality\"?"} {"term": "annihilate", "pos": "", "context": "because he was a king , conrad continued to play a role in the second crusade , but the imperial army was annihilated and the germans did not contribute significantly to what followed .", "definition": "destroy utterly ; obliterate", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"because he was a king , conrad continued to play a role in the second crusade , but the imperial army was annihilated and the germans did not contribute significantly to what followed .\" What is the definition of \"annihilate\"?"} {"term": "basin", "pos": "", "context": "in the middle is an enormous table with a big basin , like a wine cooler .", "definition": "a wide open container used for preparing food or for holding liquid", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the middle is an enormous table with a big basin , like a wine cooler .\" What is the definition of \"basin\"?"} {"term": "maraschino", "pos": "", "context": "on a whim i added some maraschino liqueur and a few dashes of orange bitters to the auchentoshan , stirred the drink over ice , and sampled it .", "definition": "a strong , sweet liqueur made from small black dalmatian cherries", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on a whim i added some maraschino liqueur and a few dashes of orange bitters to the auchentoshan , stirred the drink over ice , and sampled it .\" What is the definition of \"maraschino\"?"} {"term": "gas", "pos": "", "context": "in other words , it can not gas enemy soldiers , but it reserves the right to gas prisoners and civilians !", "definition": "kill or harm by exposure to gas", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in other words , it can not gas enemy soldiers , but it reserves the right to gas prisoners and civilians !\" What is the definition of \"gas\"?"} {"term": "gas", "pos": "", "context": "the resulting ester was saponified under basic conditions to the free acid , converted to the acyl chloride with thionyl chloride , and then to the amide with anhydrous ammonia gas .", "definition": "a gaseous substance that can not be liquefied by the application of pressure alone .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the resulting ester was saponified under basic conditions to the free acid , converted to the acyl chloride with thionyl chloride , and then to the amide with anhydrous ammonia gas .\" What is the definition of \"gas\"?"} {"term": "gas", "pos": "", "context": "first , the idea that the acme of being civilised is lying around your dining table gassing about culture and politics in a nice city , while the slaves do the washing up .", "definition": "talk excessively about trivial matters", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"first , the idea that the acme of being civilised is lying around your dining table gassing about culture and politics in a nice city , while the slaves do the washing up .\" What is the definition of \"gas\"?"} {"term": "home", "pos": "", "context": "do keep your home computer in a room which is easily accessible to all .", "definition": "made , done , or intended for use in the home", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"do keep your home computer in a room which is easily accessible to all .\" What is the definition of \"home\"?"} {"term": "home", "pos": "", "context": "do n't forget to write home", "definition": "at or to or in the direction of one 's home or family", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"do n't forget to write home\" What is the definition of \"home\"?"} {"term": "home", "pos": "", "context": "here are 14 sample bets , set out on eight example coupons , for all types of bets including homes , aways , draws , correct scores , and double results .", "definition": "a match played or won by a team on their own ground .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"here are 14 sample bets , set out on eight example coupons , for all types of bets including homes , aways , draws , correct scores , and double results .\" What is the definition of \"home\"?"} {"term": "home", "pos": "", "context": "although the smart winner was far too good that day , lisdante ran an honourable race to lead home the remainder .", "definition": "to the end or conclusion of a race or something difficult", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"although the smart winner was far too good that day , lisdante ran an honourable race to lead home the remainder .\" What is the definition of \"home\"?"} {"term": "home", "pos": "", "context": "canadian tariffs enabled united states lumber companies to raise prices at home", "definition": "the country or state or city where you live", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"canadian tariffs enabled united states lumber companies to raise prices at home\" What is the definition of \"home\"?"} {"term": "guyanese", "pos": "", "context": "we have an industry that is providing jobs for tens of thousands of guyanese .", "definition": "a native or inhabitant of guyana", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we have an industry that is providing jobs for tens of thousands of guyanese .\" What is the definition of \"guyanese\"?"} {"term": "lucifer", "pos": "", "context": "leaning sideways and striking a lucifer against the toenails on the elephant foot umbrella stand , dimpler thoughtfully lit his last cuban .", "definition": "a match struck by rubbing it on a rough surface .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"leaning sideways and striking a lucifer against the toenails on the elephant foot umbrella stand , dimpler thoughtfully lit his last cuban .\" What is the definition of \"lucifer\"?"} {"term": "override", "pos": "", "context": "however , he warned that gimmicks could never override the importance of the top property buzzword : location .", "definition": "be more important than", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"however , he warned that gimmicks could never override the importance of the top property buzzword : location .\" What is the definition of \"override\"?"} {"term": "import", "pos": "", "context": "she said : ‘ it is ridiculous that they have been allowing the import of birds as pets in recent weeks without even placing them in quarantine . ’", "definition": "the action or process of importing goods or services", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she said : ‘ it is ridiculous that they have been allowing the import of birds as pets in recent weeks without even placing them in quarantine . ’\" What is the definition of \"import\"?"} {"term": "torpedo", "pos": "", "context": "he accentuates his taps with an occasional torpedo , little explosive pellets that detonate on contact , which were a lot of fun before life got so safe and sane .", "definition": "a firework that explodes on impact with a hard surface .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he accentuates his taps with an occasional torpedo , little explosive pellets that detonate on contact , which were a lot of fun before life got so safe and sane .\" What is the definition of \"torpedo\"?"} {"term": "airway", "pos": "", "context": "these partners include british airways and american airways .", "definition": "used in names of airlines", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these partners include british airways and american airways .\" What is the definition of \"airway\"?"} {"term": "thanksgiving", "pos": "", "context": "and this , as you well know , dana , is a president who spent thanksgiving day with u.s. troops in baghdad .", "definition": "( in north america ) an annual national holiday marked by religious observances and a traditional meal . the holiday commemorates a harvest festival celebrated by the pilgrim fathers in 1621 , and is held in the us on the fourth thursday in november . a similar holiday is held in canada , usually on the second monday in october", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and this , as you well know , dana , is a president who spent thanksgiving day with u.s. troops in baghdad .\" What is the definition of \"thanksgiving\"?"} {"term": "drysuit", "pos": "", "context": "i reached down to grab her by the arm , but my gloved hands slipped on her drysuit , so i reached right under her and got a firm grip on her body .", "definition": "a waterproof rubber suit worn for water sports and diving , under which warm clothes can be worn .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i reached down to grab her by the arm , but my gloved hands slipped on her drysuit , so i reached right under her and got a firm grip on her body .\" What is the definition of \"drysuit\"?"} {"term": "sphere", "pos": "", "context": "planets float about the sphere as satellites , the bright sun rakes across its surface , and you want to move under it and explore the space beneath this levitating orb .", "definition": "a celestial body", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"planets float about the sphere as satellites , the bright sun rakes across its surface , and you want to move under it and explore the space beneath this levitating orb .\" What is the definition of \"sphere\"?"} {"term": "rotarian", "pos": "", "context": "he served as president of the club and went beyond the average rotarian .", "definition": "a member of rotary international , a worldwide charitable society of business and professional people", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he served as president of the club and went beyond the average rotarian .\" What is the definition of \"rotarian\"?"} {"term": "district", "pos": "", "context": "it is a similar scheme to the one in place for district and county councillors .", "definition": "a division of a county or region that elects its own councillors .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is a similar scheme to the one in place for district and county councillors .\" What is the definition of \"district\"?"} {"term": "trumpet", "pos": "", "context": "london 's trumpeting busker played the downtown streets and community for many years before giving it up this year .", "definition": "play a trumpet", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"london 's trumpeting busker played the downtown streets and community for many years before giving it up this year .\" What is the definition of \"trumpet\"?"} {"term": "trumpet", "pos": "", "context": "there was no sound except the crackle of the fire , a hyena cry and the occasional trumpet of an elephant .", "definition": "a sound resembling that of a trumpet , especially the loud cry of an elephant", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was no sound except the crackle of the fire , a hyena cry and the occasional trumpet of an elephant .\" What is the definition of \"trumpet\"?"} {"term": "trumpet", "pos": "", "context": "everywhere i went , there were daffodils - a million yellow trumpets saluting the arrival of the brand new season , smiling up at the clear blue sky and the bright cool sunshine above them .", "definition": "something shaped like a trumpet , especially the tubular corona of a daffodil flower .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"everywhere i went , there were daffodils - a million yellow trumpets saluting the arrival of the brand new season , smiling up at the clear blue sky and the bright cool sunshine above them .\" What is the definition of \"trumpet\"?"} {"term": "grate", "pos": "", "context": "grate carrots and onions", "definition": "reduce to small shreds or pulverize by rubbing against a rough or sharp perforated surface", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"grate carrots and onions\" What is the definition of \"grate\"?"} {"term": "bang", "pos": "", "context": "he promptly stood in front of it and began banging his head upon the curved surface .", "definition": "strike or put down ( something ) forcefully and noisily", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he promptly stood in front of it and began banging his head upon the curved surface .\" What is the definition of \"bang\"?"} {"term": "bang", "pos": "", "context": "young andrew wilson , until a bang on the head necessitated his withdrawal , again played very well .", "definition": "a sudden painful blow", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"young andrew wilson , until a bang on the head necessitated his withdrawal , again played very well .\" What is the definition of \"bang\"?"} {"term": "bang", "pos": "", "context": "the long bangs of her dark hair fell in front of her face .", "definition": "a fringe of hair cut straight across the forehead", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the long bangs of her dark hair fell in front of her face .\" What is the definition of \"bang\"?"} {"term": "extend", "pos": "", "context": "as america 's army extends itself across the spectrum of operations , higher percentages of available forces will be committed .", "definition": "cause ( someone or something ) to exert the utmost effort", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as america 's army extends itself across the spectrum of operations , higher percentages of available forces will be committed .\" What is the definition of \"extend\"?"} {"term": "worse", "pos": "", "context": "but what made her feel worse was that no one on the team said anything to blame her .", "definition": "more ill or unhappy", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but what made her feel worse was that no one on the team said anything to blame her .\" What is the definition of \"worse\"?"} {"term": "worse", "pos": "", "context": "i feel worse today", "definition": "changed for the worse in health or fitness", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i feel worse today\" What is the definition of \"worse\"?"} {"term": "plasticine", "pos": "", "context": "during the workshops the children came up with designs and used plasticine to do models of the sculpture .", "definition": "a soft modelling material , used especially by children", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"during the workshops the children came up with designs and used plasticine to do models of the sculpture .\" What is the definition of \"plasticine\"?"} {"term": "lively", "pos": "", "context": "police believe the death of the former warneford school pupil who was described as a lively and cheerful girl by friends was drug-related .", "definition": "full of life and energy ; active and outgoing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"police believe the death of the former warneford school pupil who was described as a lively and cheerful girl by friends was drug-related .\" What is the definition of \"lively\"?"} {"term": "lively", "pos": "", "context": "this whole lively world", "definition": "full of spirit", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this whole lively world\" What is the definition of \"lively\"?"} {"term": "lively", "pos": "", "context": "the rookery is located close to london 's trendy restaurants and bars and the area features a lively atmosphere .", "definition": "( of a place or atmosphere ) full of activity and excitement", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the rookery is located close to london 's trendy restaurants and bars and the area features a lively atmosphere .\" What is the definition of \"lively\"?"} {"term": "reverie", "pos": "", "context": "more painful by far than reveries of the uncharted future is the thought of the shut and sealed annals of the past .", "definition": "a fanciful or impractical idea or theory", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"more painful by far than reveries of the uncharted future is the thought of the shut and sealed annals of the past .\" What is the definition of \"reverie\"?"} {"term": "buzz", "pos": "", "context": "i came out buzzing , wishing i had the soundtrack to play in the car .", "definition": "( of a person ) be euphoric or very stimulated", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i came out buzzing , wishing i had the soundtrack to play in the car .\" What is the definition of \"buzz\"?"} {"term": "buzz", "pos": "", "context": "if you need help debugging it , you 're more than welcome to give me a buzz tomorrow .", "definition": "a telephone call", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if you need help debugging it , you 're more than welcome to give me a buzz tomorrow .\" What is the definition of \"buzz\"?"} {"term": "buzz", "pos": "", "context": "the buzz of excitement was so great that a formal denial was issued", "definition": "a confusion of activity and gossip", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the buzz of excitement was so great that a formal denial was issued\" What is the definition of \"buzz\"?"} {"term": "buzz", "pos": "", "context": "this office is buzzing with activity", "definition": "be noisy with activity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this office is buzzing with activity\" What is the definition of \"buzz\"?"} {"term": "buzz", "pos": "", "context": "planes buzzed the crowds in the square", "definition": "fly low", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"planes buzzed the crowds in the square\" What is the definition of \"buzz\"?"} {"term": "buzz", "pos": "", "context": "hordes of mosquitoes and flies buzzed around us .", "definition": "make a low , continuous humming sound", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hordes of mosquitoes and flies buzzed around us .\" What is the definition of \"buzz\"?"} {"term": "ox-eye", "pos": "", "context": "i love rudbeckias of all sizes , shastas similarly , colourful chrysanthemums and coreopsis , marguerites , ox-eyes , osteospermums ; the list is almost endless .", "definition": "a yellow-flowered north american plant of the daisy family .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i love rudbeckias of all sizes , shastas similarly , colourful chrysanthemums and coreopsis , marguerites , ox-eyes , osteospermums ; the list is almost endless .\" What is the definition of \"ox-eye\"?"} {"term": "cardiomyopathy", "pos": "", "context": "thus , we now have the possibility to discover disease genes that cause cardiomyopathy and heart failure .", "definition": "chronic disease of the heart muscle .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"thus , we now have the possibility to discover disease genes that cause cardiomyopathy and heart failure .\" What is the definition of \"cardiomyopathy\"?"} {"term": "equipage", "pos": "", "context": "the idea is to incorporate these nanomaterials and nanodevices into the future soldier 's uniform , and associated equipage like helmets and gloves , ’ thomas said .", "definition": "the equipment for a particular purpose .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the idea is to incorporate these nanomaterials and nanodevices into the future soldier 's uniform , and associated equipage like helmets and gloves , ’ thomas said .\" What is the definition of \"equipage\"?"} {"term": "become", "pos": "", "context": "if the file becomes popular , copies begin to sprout up around the internet , at no extra cost .", "definition": "begin to be", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if the file becomes popular , copies begin to sprout up around the internet , at no extra cost .\" What is the definition of \"become\"?"} {"term": "barbershop", "pos": "", "context": "at times , the record conjures up the image of nine men in carnival masks performing barbershop harmonies .", "definition": "a popular style of close harmony singing , typically for four male voices", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at times , the record conjures up the image of nine men in carnival masks performing barbershop harmonies .\" What is the definition of \"barbershop\"?"} {"term": "northerly", "pos": "", "context": "the tight spacing of the isobars indicates strong northerly winds , averaging some 50 km/h over much of victoria .", "definition": "( of wind ) blowing from the north", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the tight spacing of the isobars indicates strong northerly winds , averaging some 50 km/h over much of victoria .\" What is the definition of \"northerly\"?"} {"term": "siouan", "pos": "", "context": "members of the siouan language family proper are to be found practically everywhere east of the rocky mountains except on the southern plains and in the northeast .", "definition": "relating to or denoting the siouan language family .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"members of the siouan language family proper are to be found practically everywhere east of the rocky mountains except on the southern plains and in the northeast .\" What is the definition of \"siouan\"?"} {"term": "build", "pos": "", "context": "for workstations , standard system builds or images with commonly used software should be established for groups of users .", "definition": "a compiled version of a program", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for workstations , standard system builds or images with commonly used software should be established for groups of users .\" What is the definition of \"build\"?"} {"term": "build", "pos": "", "context": "you can use the editor of your choice to edit the file , and the php build process continues when you are done .", "definition": "the process of compiling a program .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you can use the editor of your choice to edit the file , and the php build process continues when you are done .\" What is the definition of \"build\"?"} {"term": "build", "pos": "", "context": "the software basically enables you to build a database of different movies .", "definition": "compile ( a program , database , index , etc . )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the software basically enables you to build a database of different movies .\" What is the definition of \"build\"?"} {"term": "build", "pos": "", "context": "the government is building new schools in this state", "definition": "order , supervise , or finance the construction of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the government is building new schools in this state\" What is the definition of \"build\"?"} {"term": "success", "pos": "", "context": "the media has pointed to the prime minister 's success in leading the labour party to a third term .", "definition": "the accomplishment of an aim or purpose", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the media has pointed to the prime minister 's success in leading the labour party to a third term .\" What is the definition of \"success\"?"} {"term": "isotherm", "pos": "", "context": "this is consistent with the s shape of isotherms in all numerical models simulating temperature evolution in subduction zones .", "definition": "a curve on a diagram joining points representing states of equal temperature .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this is consistent with the s shape of isotherms in all numerical models simulating temperature evolution in subduction zones .\" What is the definition of \"isotherm\"?"} {"term": "fringe", "pos": "", "context": "fur fringed the hem of the dress", "definition": "decorate with or as if with a surrounding fringe", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fur fringed the hem of the dress\" What is the definition of \"fringe\"?"} {"term": "fringe", "pos": "", "context": "the ears are short and rounded , and in some species , their openings are protected by a fringe of hairs around the inner margin of the ear .", "definition": "a natural border of hair or fibres in an animal or plant", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ears are short and rounded , and in some species , their openings are protected by a fringe of hairs around the inner margin of the ear .\" What is the definition of \"fringe\"?"} {"term": "fringe", "pos": "", "context": "the man was white , in his thirties , quite tall , with pale skin and black , shoulder length hair with a short fringe .", "definition": "the front part of a person 's hair cut so as to hang over the forehead", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the man was white , in his thirties , quite tall , with pale skin and black , shoulder length hair with a short fringe .\" What is the definition of \"fringe\"?"} {"term": "fringe", "pos": "", "context": "now it 's making its european debut at this year 's fringe .", "definition": "a secondary festival on the periphery of the edinburgh festival", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"now it 's making its european debut at this year 's fringe .\" What is the definition of \"fringe\"?"} {"term": "waltz", "pos": "", "context": "moving from ghazals to gypsy and waltz to latin music , it hopes to bring the whole spectrum of strings and non-strings under one roof .", "definition": "a piece of music written for or in the style of a waltz .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"moving from ghazals to gypsy and waltz to latin music , it hopes to bring the whole spectrum of strings and non-strings under one roof .\" What is the definition of \"waltz\"?"} {"term": "waltz", "pos": "", "context": "although she had learnt the waltz in a conservatory social dance class once , roza had never been to a ball in her life .", "definition": "a dance in triple time performed by a couple , who turn rhythmically round and round as they progress around the dance floor", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"although she had learnt the waltz in a conservatory social dance class once , roza had never been to a ball in her life .\" What is the definition of \"waltz\"?"} {"term": "divide", "pos": "", "context": "but the prime minister has devoted more of his tour to eu diplomacy than to us , and impressively straddled what otherwise might be a damaging divide between the powers .", "definition": "a difference or disagreement between two groups , typically producing tension", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but the prime minister has devoted more of his tour to eu diplomacy than to us , and impressively straddled what otherwise might be a damaging divide between the powers .\" What is the definition of \"divide\"?"} {"term": "secant", "pos": "", "context": "the secant and cosecant were not used by the early astronomers or surveyors .", "definition": "the ratio of the hypotenuse to the shorter side adjacent to an acute angle ( in a right-angled triangle ) ; the reciprocal of a cosine .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the secant and cosecant were not used by the early astronomers or surveyors .\" What is the definition of \"secant\"?"} {"term": "udmurt", "pos": "", "context": "in the udmurt language , pel ’ means ‘ ear ’ and n'an ’ means anything made from flour : flour , dough , bread , etc .", "definition": "relating to or denoting the udmurts or their language .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the udmurt language , pel ’ means ‘ ear ’ and n'an ’ means anything made from flour : flour , dough , bread , etc .\" What is the definition of \"udmurt\"?"} {"term": "stoop", "pos": "", "context": "momentarily , i will get up , take a few steps down the hallway , and peek out onto our front stoop .", "definition": "a porch with steps in front of a house or other building .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"momentarily , i will get up , take a few steps down the hallway , and peek out onto our front stoop .\" What is the definition of \"stoop\"?"} {"term": "telluride", "pos": "", "context": "the most common minerals of gold are the tellurides , such as gold telluride , present in the mineral calavarite .", "definition": "a compound of tellurium with another more electropositive element or a radical .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the most common minerals of gold are the tellurides , such as gold telluride , present in the mineral calavarite .\" What is the definition of \"telluride\"?"} {"term": "pirogue", "pos": "", "context": "they also built european-style luggers and skiffs , and the pirogue , based on indian dugout canoes .", "definition": "a long , narrow canoe made from a single tree trunk , especially in central america and the caribbean .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they also built european-style luggers and skiffs , and the pirogue , based on indian dugout canoes .\" What is the definition of \"pirogue\"?"} {"term": "typist", "pos": "", "context": "in 1910 , 38 percent of bookkeepers , 85 percent of stenographers and typists , and 18 percent of clerks were women .", "definition": "a person who is skilled in typing , especially one who is employed for this purpose .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in 1910 , 38 percent of bookkeepers , 85 percent of stenographers and typists , and 18 percent of clerks were women .\" What is the definition of \"typist\"?"} {"term": "oak", "pos": "", "context": "for fall color , bauer has planted sugar maples and scarlet oaks among the native trees .", "definition": "used in names of other trees or plants that resemble the oaks in some way , e.g . she-oak , silky oak .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for fall color , bauer has planted sugar maples and scarlet oaks among the native trees .\" What is the definition of \"oak\"?"} {"term": "mediate", "pos": "", "context": "first , mormons often assumed that the social meaning of material goods would both emerge from and be mediated by the local community .", "definition": "be a means of conveying", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"first , mormons often assumed that the social meaning of material goods would both emerge from and be mediated by the local community .\" What is the definition of \"mediate\"?"} {"term": "remedial", "pos": "", "context": "many difficult children have learning difficulties that can be eliminated with remedial teaching allowing the children to flower .", "definition": "provided or intended for children with learning difficulties", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"many difficult children have learning difficulties that can be eliminated with remedial teaching allowing the children to flower .\" What is the definition of \"remedial\"?"} {"term": "leverage", "pos": "", "context": "the us also had enormous economic leverage within the organisation .", "definition": "the power to influence a person or situation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the us also had enormous economic leverage within the organisation .\" What is the definition of \"leverage\"?"} {"term": "leverage", "pos": "", "context": "shared information between supply chain partners can only be fully leveraged through process integration .", "definition": "use ( something ) to maximum advantage", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shared information between supply chain partners can only be fully leveraged through process integration .\" What is the definition of \"leverage\"?"} {"term": "refurbishment", "pos": "", "context": "the galleries have shut up shop for refurbishment , re-opening in april next year .", "definition": "the renovation and redecoration of something , especially a building", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the galleries have shut up shop for refurbishment , re-opening in april next year .\" What is the definition of \"refurbishment\"?"} {"term": "ming", "pos": "", "context": "was it the landlord 's fault for leaving ming china in the hallway ?", "definition": "chinese porcelain made during the ming dynasty , characterized by elaborate designs and vivid colours", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"was it the landlord 's fault for leaving ming china in the hallway ?\" What is the definition of \"ming\"?"} {"term": "deglaciation", "pos": "", "context": "the difference between plant response to the paelocene-eocene warming and to the last deglaciation suggests that vegetation ca n't always respond quickly .", "definition": "a period of geological time during which deglaciation takes place", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the difference between plant response to the paelocene-eocene warming and to the last deglaciation suggests that vegetation ca n't always respond quickly .\" What is the definition of \"deglaciation\"?"} {"term": "helter-skelter", "pos": "", "context": "vehicles coming in the gates are checked for bombs , and white u.n. vehicles , mostly toyota 4runners , are parked helter-skelter around a dirt lot .", "definition": "in disorderly haste or confusion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"vehicles coming in the gates are checked for bombs , and white u.n. vehicles , mostly toyota 4runners , are parked helter-skelter around a dirt lot .\" What is the definition of \"helter-skelter\"?"} {"term": "fire", "pos": "", "context": "he went through fire and damnation", "definition": "a severe trial", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he went through fire and damnation\" What is the definition of \"fire\"?"} {"term": "fire", "pos": "", "context": "put the kettle on the fire", "definition": "fuel that is burning and is used as a means for cooking", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"put the kettle on the fire\" What is the definition of \"fire\"?"} {"term": "equipotential", "pos": "", "context": "the mandelbrot set is beautiful even if it is the monochromatic blot in the middle of the colorful depiction of equipotential lines .", "definition": "( of a surface or line ) composed of points all at the same potential .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the mandelbrot set is beautiful even if it is the monochromatic blot in the middle of the colorful depiction of equipotential lines .\" What is the definition of \"equipotential\"?"} {"term": "temerity", "pos": "", "context": "you do not need a great deal of temerity to suggest that in the circumstances .", "definition": "excessive confidence or boldness ; audacity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you do not need a great deal of temerity to suggest that in the circumstances .\" What is the definition of \"temerity\"?"} {"term": "traverse", "pos": "", "context": "i there said that it is ‘ every fact which it would be necessary for the plaintiff to prove , if traversed , in order to support his right to the judgment of the court . ’", "definition": "deny ( an allegation ) in pleading", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i there said that it is ‘ every fact which it would be necessary for the plaintiff to prove , if traversed , in order to support his right to the judgment of the court . ’\" What is the definition of \"traverse\"?"} {"term": "traverse", "pos": "", "context": "whilst surveying a traverse , the horizontal angle at station b , between two adjacent stations a and c , was measured as having a value of 153o 44 ' 50 ' .", "definition": "an area of land surveyed with a traverse .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"whilst surveying a traverse , the horizontal angle at station b , between two adjacent stations a and c , was measured as having a value of 153o 44 ' 50 ' .\" What is the definition of \"traverse\"?"} {"term": "caste", "pos": "", "context": "lose caste by doing work beneath one 's station", "definition": "social status or position conferred by a system based on class", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lose caste by doing work beneath one 's station\" What is the definition of \"caste\"?"} {"term": "carbonate", "pos": "", "context": "on the other hand , carbonated soda water probably does n't have anything that should be a problem for a bodybuilder .", "definition": "dissolve carbon dioxide in ( a liquid ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on the other hand , carbonated soda water probably does n't have anything that should be a problem for a bodybuilder .\" What is the definition of \"carbonate\"?"} {"term": "tin", "pos": "", "context": "tinned foods are not very tasty", "definition": "preserve in a can or tin", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tinned foods are not very tasty\" What is the definition of \"tin\"?"} {"term": "consonant", "pos": "", "context": "and chords are groups of more or less consonant sounds which counterpoint has united !", "definition": "making a harmonious interval or chord", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and chords are groups of more or less consonant sounds which counterpoint has united !\" What is the definition of \"consonant\"?"} {"term": "xerox", "pos": "", "context": "on the ground , lynxos is also used on hp laserjet printers and xerox copiers .", "definition": "a xerographic copying process", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on the ground , lynxos is also used on hp laserjet printers and xerox copiers .\" What is the definition of \"xerox\"?"} {"term": "lock", "pos": "", "context": "the steering takes 2.5 turns from lock to lock which is fine on the move but requires a fair bit of grappling at low speeds to manoeuvre the car around .", "definition": "the maximum extent that the front wheels of a vehicle can be turned .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the steering takes 2.5 turns from lock to lock which is fine on the move but requires a fair bit of grappling at low speeds to manoeuvre the car around .\" What is the definition of \"lock\"?"} {"term": "lock", "pos": "", "context": "by pressing the lock button to wake the phone , you will be prompted with the unlock screen .", "definition": "a facility on a computer or mobile phone that requires a user to verify their identity with a passcode or other form of authentication in order to access the full functionality of the device", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"by pressing the lock button to wake the phone , you will be prompted with the unlock screen .\" What is the definition of \"lock\"?"} {"term": "lock", "pos": "", "context": "aside from seeing the start screen and putting up with a delay each time you log in , you 'll see a lock screen for tablets each time you lock your computer .", "definition": "restrict access to the full functionality or data of ( a computer , mobile phone , file , etc . ) , especially by requiring a user to verify their identity with a passcode or other form of authentication", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"aside from seeing the start screen and putting up with a delay each time you log in , you 'll see a lock screen for tablets each time you lock your computer .\" What is the definition of \"lock\"?"} {"term": "humanist", "pos": "", "context": "the humanistic revival of learning", "definition": "of or pertaining to renaissance humanism", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the humanistic revival of learning\" What is the definition of \"humanist\"?"} {"term": "humanist", "pos": "", "context": "the renaissance humanist view saw gothic as anti-classical .", "definition": "relating to or characteristic of the renaissance humanists .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the renaissance humanist view saw gothic as anti-classical .\" What is the definition of \"humanist\"?"} {"term": "digest", "pos": "", "context": "unlike other food components such as fats , proteins or carbohydrates - which your body breaks down and absorbs - fiber is n't digested by your body .", "definition": "break down ( food ) in the alimentary canal into substances that can be absorbed and used by the body .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unlike other food components such as fats , proteins or carbohydrates - which your body breaks down and absorbs - fiber is n't digested by your body .\" What is the definition of \"digest\"?"} {"term": "digest", "pos": "", "context": "along with his national security advisor he should be consolidating intelligence from all sources and digesting it in order to make the correct decisions .", "definition": "arrange in a systematic or convenient order , especially by reduction", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"along with his national security advisor he should be consolidating intelligence from all sources and digesting it in order to make the correct decisions .\" What is the definition of \"digest\"?"} {"term": "exclusive", "pos": "", "context": "exclusive clubs", "definition": "excluding much or all ; especially all but a particular group or minority", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"exclusive clubs\" What is the definition of \"exclusive\"?"} {"term": "billhook", "pos": "", "context": "it must also be remembered that billhooks , slashers , chains , pick-handles and many other kind of weapons were used and often caused serious injury .", "definition": "a tool having a sickle-shaped blade with a sharp inner edge , used for pruning or lopping branches or other vegetation .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it must also be remembered that billhooks , slashers , chains , pick-handles and many other kind of weapons were used and often caused serious injury .\" What is the definition of \"billhook\"?"} {"term": "avant-garde", "pos": "", "context": "an avant-garde theater piece", "definition": "radically new or original", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an avant-garde theater piece\" What is the definition of \"avant-garde\"?"} {"term": "empty", "pos": "", "context": "suppose that instead of asking for a convex subset , you wanted an empty convex subset .", "definition": "( of a set ) containing no members or elements .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"suppose that instead of asking for a convex subset , you wanted an empty convex subset .\" What is the definition of \"empty\"?"} {"term": "regret", "pos": "", "context": "i regret to say that you did not gain admission to harvard", "definition": "express with regret", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i regret to say that you did not gain admission to harvard\" What is the definition of \"regret\"?"} {"term": "brass", "pos": "", "context": "all the chased and engraved brasses on the high chest are original , whereas those on the dressing table are replacements .", "definition": "a decorative object made of brass", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all the chased and engraved brasses on the high chest are original , whereas those on the dressing table are replacements .\" What is the definition of \"brass\"?"} {"term": "brass", "pos": "", "context": "once in office , he quickly moved to finalise the accord , in order to end the legal cases and protect the military brass .", "definition": "people in authority or of high military rank", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"once in office , he quickly moved to finalise the accord , in order to end the legal cases and protect the military brass .\" What is the definition of \"brass\"?"} {"term": "teller", "pos": "", "context": "with no love lost between the rivals , there were two clear camps as 78 tellers flicked through the ballot papers .", "definition": "a person appointed to count votes , especially in a parliament .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with no love lost between the rivals , there were two clear camps as 78 tellers flicked through the ballot papers .\" What is the definition of \"teller\"?"} {"term": "control", "pos": "", "context": "total absence of care or health services can not be considered a suitable control standard .", "definition": "a person or thing used as a standard of comparison for checking the results of a survey or experiment", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"total absence of care or health services can not be considered a suitable control standard .\" What is the definition of \"control\"?"} {"term": "control", "pos": "", "context": "he detests the amorality of his c.i.a . control .", "definition": "a member of an intelligence organization who personally directs the activities of a spy", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he detests the amorality of his c.i.a . control .\" What is the definition of \"control\"?"} {"term": "control", "pos": "", "context": "sets of parallel lines painted on the tarmac led him to the passport control kiosks and the customs sheds beyond .", "definition": "the place from which a system or activity is directed or where a particular item is verified", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sets of parallel lines painted on the tarmac led him to the passport control kiosks and the customs sheds beyond .\" What is the definition of \"control\"?"} {"term": "control", "pos": "", "context": "people are expected to control themselves even in the face of provocation .", "definition": "remain calm and reasonable despite provocation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"people are expected to control themselves even in the face of provocation .\" What is the definition of \"control\"?"} {"term": "control", "pos": "", "context": "the timing and control of his movements were unimpaired", "definition": "( physiology ) regulation or maintenance of a function or action or reflex etc", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the timing and control of his movements were unimpaired\" What is the definition of \"control\"?"} {"term": "square", "pos": "", "context": "well , when september 1st falls on a monday , it 's like monday squared : new school term , new resolutions , new week , new season etc .", "definition": "multiply ( a number ) by itself", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"well , when september 1st falls on a monday , it 's like monday squared : new school term , new resolutions , new week , new season etc .\" What is the definition of \"square\"?"} {"term": "square", "pos": "", "context": "there was a time that , when a french president spoke - as long as the germans were squared ( and they usually were by the franco-german axis ) - he could presume to speak for the eu .", "definition": "secure the help or acquiescence of ( someone ) , especially by offering an inducement", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was a time that , when a french president spoke - as long as the germans were squared ( and they usually were by the franco-german axis ) - he could presume to speak for the eu .\" What is the definition of \"square\"?"} {"term": "square", "pos": "", "context": "instead , he fishes out a square ice cream bar wrapped in silver foil .", "definition": "having the shape or approximate shape of a cube", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"instead , he fishes out a square ice cream bar wrapped in silver foil .\" What is the definition of \"square\"?"} {"term": "square", "pos": "", "context": "uranus is square venus so relationships may end suddenly with no warning .", "definition": "having or denoting an aspect of 90°", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"uranus is square venus so relationships may end suddenly with no warning .\" What is the definition of \"square\"?"} {"term": "square", "pos": "", "context": "he talked about how much he 'd enjoyed scaring gunn this morning , and that dennis was too square to actually try something like that .", "definition": "old-fashioned or boringly conventional", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he talked about how much he 'd enjoyed scaring gunn this morning , and that dennis was too square to actually try something like that .\" What is the definition of \"square\"?"} {"term": "square", "pos": "", "context": "an undergraduate in academical dress may nowadays dispense with the square .", "definition": "a mortar board .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an undergraduate in academical dress may nowadays dispense with the square .\" What is the definition of \"square\"?"} {"term": "square", "pos": "", "context": "so in my eyes , we 're square . all debts settled .", "definition": "( of two people ) owing nothing to each other", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so in my eyes , we 're square . all debts settled .\" What is the definition of \"square\"?"} {"term": "square", "pos": "", "context": "he had a couple of thousands to invest , and would give me a good commission if i acted square with him .", "definition": "fairly ; honestly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had a couple of thousands to invest , and would give me a good commission if i acted square with him .\" What is the definition of \"square\"?"} {"term": "square", "pos": "", "context": "the trigger is gently curved and smooth , as all good double action triggers should be , and the front of the trigger guard is squared slightly and grooved .", "definition": "make square or rectangular ; give a square or rectangular cross section to", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the trigger is gently curved and smooth , as all good double action triggers should be , and the front of the trigger guard is squared slightly and grooved .\" What is the definition of \"square\"?"} {"term": "square", "pos": "", "context": "we selected a small square of sand bordered by several logs and overhung with a leafy screen and set our bags to the ground .", "definition": "a thing that is square or approximately square in shape", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we selected a small square of sand bordered by several logs and overhung with a leafy screen and set our bags to the ground .\" What is the definition of \"square\"?"} {"term": "tailgate", "pos": "", "context": "it is more sporty and good-looking , nice and comfortable inside with attractive dashboard design , and also provides a top-hinged tailgate with a flip-up window .", "definition": "the door at the back of an estate or hatchback car .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is more sporty and good-looking , nice and comfortable inside with attractive dashboard design , and also provides a top-hinged tailgate with a flip-up window .\" What is the definition of \"tailgate\"?"} {"term": "tailgate", "pos": "", "context": "some mikmaw had continued the traditional seasonal eel fishery in the margaree river , for example , selling a few hundred pounds of fresh eels from the tailgates of pickup trucks each fall .", "definition": "a hinged flap at the back of a truck which may be lowered or removed when loading or unloading the vehicle .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some mikmaw had continued the traditional seasonal eel fishery in the margaree river , for example , selling a few hundred pounds of fresh eels from the tailgates of pickup trucks each fall .\" What is the definition of \"tailgate\"?"} {"term": "tun", "pos": "", "context": "the tun itself came to mean a specific size equal to four hogsheads or about 208 gallons .", "definition": "an imperial measure of capacity , equal to 4 hogsheads .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the tun itself came to mean a specific size equal to four hogsheads or about 208 gallons .\" What is the definition of \"tun\"?"} {"term": "tun", "pos": "", "context": "most tun shells can be found living in sand , in the tropics beyond the edge of the coral reef .", "definition": "a large marine mollusc which has a rounded barrel-like shell with broad spirals .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"most tun shells can be found living in sand , in the tropics beyond the edge of the coral reef .\" What is the definition of \"tun\"?"} {"term": "lift", "pos": "", "context": "the left-arm fast bowler , extracting much lift , bowled with hostility to contain the batsmen .", "definition": "the tendency of a ball bowled to rise sharply on bouncing .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the left-arm fast bowler , extracting much lift , bowled with hostility to contain the batsmen .\" What is the definition of \"lift\"?"} {"term": "lift", "pos": "", "context": "showing more leg , when there is leg worth showing , will make you appear taller , as will a shoe with a little lift to it .", "definition": "a built-up heel or device worn in a boot or shoe to make the wearer appear taller or to correct shortening of a leg .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"showing more leg , when there is leg worth showing , will make you appear taller , as will a shoe with a little lift to it .\" What is the definition of \"lift\"?"} {"term": "lift", "pos": "", "context": "the new law lifted many people from poverty", "definition": "raise in rank or condition", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the new law lifted many people from poverty\" What is the definition of \"lift\"?"} {"term": "lift", "pos": "", "context": "the detective carefully lifted some fingerprints from the table", "definition": "remove from a surface", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the detective carefully lifted some fingerprints from the table\" What is the definition of \"lift\"?"} {"term": "lift", "pos": "", "context": "we had them rocking at one point , with tom greaves scoring a goal that lifted us .", "definition": "enable ( someone or something ) to escape from an unpleasant situation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we had them rocking at one point , with tom greaves scoring a goal that lifted us .\" What is the definition of \"lift\"?"} {"term": "lift", "pos": "", "context": "lift potatoes", "definition": "take ( root crops ) out of the ground", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lift potatoes\" What is the definition of \"lift\"?"} {"term": "help", "pos": "", "context": "the fbi has also been too reluctant in the past to accept help or advice from other security services .", "definition": "the action of helping someone to do something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the fbi has also been too reluctant in the past to accept help or advice from other security services .\" What is the definition of \"help\"?"} {"term": "posting", "pos": "", "context": "in the early days of his posting , turkey seemed ‘ a jewel of a country poised on the brink of greatness . ’", "definition": "an appointment to a job , especially one abroad or in the armed forces", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the early days of his posting , turkey seemed ‘ a jewel of a country poised on the brink of greatness . ’\" What is the definition of \"posting\"?"} {"term": "shopping", "pos": "", "context": "i took that everywhere with us and i 'd set it up in the hotel room and i 'd come back with my carrier bags of shopping and cook .", "definition": "goods bought from shops , especially food and household goods", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i took that everywhere with us and i 'd set it up in the hotel room and i 'd come back with my carrier bags of shopping and cook .\" What is the definition of \"shopping\"?"} {"term": "evangelical", "pos": "", "context": "i have spent most of my life , including my academic life , within the evangelical protestant community .", "definition": "of or denoting a tradition within protestant christianity emphasizing the authority of the bible , personal conversion , and the doctrine of salvation by faith in the atonement .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i have spent most of my life , including my academic life , within the evangelical protestant community .\" What is the definition of \"evangelical\"?"} {"term": "sun", "pos": "", "context": "the sun contains 99.85 % of the mass in the solar system", "definition": "the star that is the source of light and heat for the planets in the solar system", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sun contains 99.85 % of the mass in the solar system\" What is the definition of \"sun\"?"} {"term": "sun", "pos": "", "context": "when the sun of the stuarts set forever on the bloody plain of culloden , prince charlie fled the stricken field with a few followers to the mountain fastnesses of scotland .", "definition": "used with reference to someone 's success or prosperity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when the sun of the stuarts set forever on the bloody plain of culloden , prince charlie fled the stricken field with a few followers to the mountain fastnesses of scotland .\" What is the definition of \"sun\"?"} {"term": "coordination", "pos": "", "context": "this network of calcium coordination is observed to be stable with the two water molecules maintaining coordination with the calcium ion throughout the simulation period .", "definition": "the linking of atoms by coordinate bonds .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this network of calcium coordination is observed to be stable with the two water molecules maintaining coordination with the calcium ion throughout the simulation period .\" What is the definition of \"coordination\"?"} {"term": "flow", "pos": "", "context": "water flowed into the cave", "definition": "move along , of liquids", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"water flowed into the cave\" What is the definition of \"flow\"?"} {"term": "manifest", "pos": "", "context": "the ghost manifests each year on the same day", "definition": "reveal its presence or make an appearance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ghost manifests each year on the same day\" What is the definition of \"manifest\"?"} {"term": "manifest", "pos": "", "context": "i fall to my knees , arms raised in ecstasy , as a sensibly-dressed goddess manifests before me .", "definition": "( of a ghost or spirit ) appear", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i fall to my knees , arms raised in ecstasy , as a sensibly-dressed goddess manifests before me .\" What is the definition of \"manifest\"?"} {"term": "molar", "pos": "", "context": "anaesthesia commences when any chemically indifferent substance has achieved a certain molar concentration in the lipoids of the cell .", "definition": "relating to one mole of a substance .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"anaesthesia commences when any chemically indifferent substance has achieved a certain molar concentration in the lipoids of the cell .\" What is the definition of \"molar\"?"} {"term": "radial", "pos": "", "context": "radial heat", "definition": "issuing in rays from a common center ; relating to rays of light", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"radial heat\" What is the definition of \"radial\"?"} {"term": "peperomia", "pos": "", "context": "some of my favorite windowsill plants include many varieties of trailing ivy , african violets , primroses , pansies and violets , geraniums , gloxinias , cyclamens , coleus , kalonchoes , peperomias , and heartleaf philodendrons .", "definition": "a small fleshy-leaved tropical plant of the pepper family . many are grown as houseplants , chiefly for their decorative foliage .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some of my favorite windowsill plants include many varieties of trailing ivy , african violets , primroses , pansies and violets , geraniums , gloxinias , cyclamens , coleus , kalonchoes , peperomias , and heartleaf philodendrons .\" What is the definition of \"peperomia\"?"} {"term": "bind", "pos": "", "context": "the chinese would bind the feet of their women", "definition": "make fast ; tie or secure , with or as if with a rope", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the chinese would bind the feet of their women\" What is the definition of \"bind\"?"} {"term": "bind", "pos": "", "context": "the ultimate result of this transmigration from one body to the next is that we have tied one more knot in the rope of attachment which binds us to this material world .", "definition": "cause someone to feel strongly attached to ( a person or place )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ultimate result of this transmigration from one body to the next is that we have tied one more knot in the rope of attachment which binds us to this material world .\" What is the definition of \"bind\"?"} {"term": "bind", "pos": "", "context": "how can one explain the action of proteins that bind to the dna far away from their point of action ?", "definition": "combine with ( a substance ) through chemical bonding", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"how can one explain the action of proteins that bind to the dna far away from their point of action ?\" What is the definition of \"bind\"?"} {"term": "transmutation", "pos": "", "context": "what about psychokinesis , clairvoyance , transmutation , precipitation of matter ?", "definition": "the supposed alchemical process of changing base metals into gold .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"what about psychokinesis , clairvoyance , transmutation , precipitation of matter ?\" What is the definition of \"transmutation\"?"} {"term": "transmission", "pos": "", "context": "he 'd send transmissions from public areas , and yet somehow manage to remain completely anonymous .", "definition": "a programme or signal that is broadcast or sent out", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he 'd send transmissions from public areas , and yet somehow manage to remain completely anonymous .\" What is the definition of \"transmission\"?"} {"term": "transmission", "pos": "", "context": "so , the use of tools is an accumulation and transmission of social knowledge .", "definition": "the action or process of transmitting something or the state of being transmitted", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so , the use of tools is an accumulation and transmission of social knowledge .\" What is the definition of \"transmission\"?"} {"term": "daywork", "pos": "", "context": "he does daywork cowboying , trimming trees , and building fence , and in the fall he operates a hunting guide service .", "definition": "casual work paid for on a daily basis", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he does daywork cowboying , trimming trees , and building fence , and in the fall he operates a hunting guide service .\" What is the definition of \"daywork\"?"} {"term": "reseal", "pos": "", "context": "it turned out that he had carefully opened the box , put a ring in it , then carefully resealed it .", "definition": "seal ( something ) again .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it turned out that he had carefully opened the box , put a ring in it , then carefully resealed it .\" What is the definition of \"reseal\"?"} {"term": "spawn", "pos": "", "context": "if you see your team is mounting a heavy assault on an enemy base , spawn as infantry and rush in .", "definition": "( of a character or object in a video game ) appear at a certain point in the game", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if you see your team is mounting a heavy assault on an enemy base , spawn as infantry and rush in .\" What is the definition of \"spawn\"?"} {"term": "doomed", "pos": "", "context": "the black spot told the old sailor he was doomed", "definition": "marked for certain death", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the black spot told the old sailor he was doomed\" What is the definition of \"doomed\"?"} {"term": "spyhole", "pos": "", "context": "the door will be equipped with a spyhole and strong locks .", "definition": "a peephole , especially one in a door for observing callers before opening .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the door will be equipped with a spyhole and strong locks .\" What is the definition of \"spyhole\"?"} {"term": "fish", "pos": "", "context": "he dropped the rag into the steaming water , then fished it out with a scrub brush .", "definition": "pull or take something out of water or a receptacle", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he dropped the rag into the steaming water , then fished it out with a scrub brush .\" What is the definition of \"fish\"?"} {"term": "purine", "pos": "", "context": "conversely , the reaction of purine and pyrimidine nucleobases with alkylating and oxidizing agents generally results in site-specific cleavage .", "definition": "a colourless crystalline compound with basic properties , forming uric acid on oxidation .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"conversely , the reaction of purine and pyrimidine nucleobases with alkylating and oxidizing agents generally results in site-specific cleavage .\" What is the definition of \"purine\"?"} {"term": "frightening", "pos": "", "context": "this term , which is quite frightening to me , is often used to mean civilian casualties .", "definition": "making someone afraid or anxious ; terrifying", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this term , which is quite frightening to me , is often used to mean civilian casualties .\" What is the definition of \"frightening\"?"} {"term": "steer", "pos": "", "context": "the teacher steered the gifted students towards the more challenging courses", "definition": "be a guiding or motivating force or drive", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the teacher steered the gifted students towards the more challenging courses\" What is the definition of \"steer\"?"} {"term": "steer", "pos": "", "context": "on country roads , the ccx impressed with its good secondary ride over short , sharp bumps and total lack of bump steer .", "definition": "the type of steering of a vehicle", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on country roads , the ccx impressed with its good secondary ride over short , sharp bumps and total lack of bump steer .\" What is the definition of \"steer\"?"} {"term": "laceration", "pos": "", "context": "only once they were by the front exit did the flight attendant feel woozy and realise she had a deep laceration in her leg .", "definition": "a deep cut or tear in skin or flesh", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"only once they were by the front exit did the flight attendant feel woozy and realise she had a deep laceration in her leg .\" What is the definition of \"laceration\"?"} {"term": "lace", "pos": "", "context": "the shapes are a lot more feminine , the fabrics - taffeta , silk and lace - are a lot more feminine , and there are more textures involved .", "definition": "a fine open fabric of cotton or silk , made by looping , twisting , or knitting thread in patterns and used especially for trimming garments", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the shapes are a lot more feminine , the fabrics - taffeta , silk and lace - are a lot more feminine , and there are more textures involved .\" What is the definition of \"lace\"?"} {"term": "foray", "pos": "", "context": "moonlighting has dark undertones , suggesting forays into unknown territory .", "definition": "a sudden attack or incursion into enemy territory , especially to obtain something ; a raid", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"moonlighting has dark undertones , suggesting forays into unknown territory .\" What is the definition of \"foray\"?"} {"term": "totalitarian", "pos": "", "context": "the legislation clears the way for practices commonly identified with totalitarian regimes .", "definition": "relating to a system of government that is centralized and dictatorial and requires complete subservience to the state", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the legislation clears the way for practices commonly identified with totalitarian regimes .\" What is the definition of \"totalitarian\"?"} {"term": "internal", "pos": "", "context": "staff on the bicultural committee can begin to implement this strategy for future intakes of internal students .", "definition": "( of a student ) attending a university as well as taking its examinations .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"staff on the bicultural committee can begin to implement this strategy for future intakes of internal students .\" What is the definition of \"internal\"?"} {"term": "prothrombin", "pos": "", "context": "the next to last step in this chain is the activation of the circulating proenzyme prothrombin into its active form , thrombin .", "definition": "a protein present in blood plasma which is converted into active thrombin during coagulation .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the next to last step in this chain is the activation of the circulating proenzyme prothrombin into its active form , thrombin .\" What is the definition of \"prothrombin\"?"} {"term": "suit", "pos": "", "context": "so i got my youngest brother sam suited up and grabbed my two cameras and shot over there .", "definition": "put on clothes , especially for a particular activity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so i got my youngest brother sam suited up and grabbed my two cameras and shot over there .\" What is the definition of \"suit\"?"} {"term": "suit", "pos": "", "context": "for some reason this sight brings to mind a snooker ball balanced on a suit of armour .", "definition": "a complete set of pieces of armour for covering the whole body", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for some reason this sight brings to mind a snooker ball balanced on a suit of armour .\" What is the definition of \"suit\"?"} {"term": "suit", "pos": "", "context": "like cards , piecepack components are divided into suits : suns , moons , arms , and crowns .", "definition": "any of the sets into which a pack of playing cards is divided ( in conventional packs comprising spades , hearts , diamonds , and clubs ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"like cards , piecepack components are divided into suits : suns , moons , arms , and crowns .\" What is the definition of \"suit\"?"} {"term": "light", "pos": "", "context": "a light-colored powder", "definition": "( used of color ) having a relatively small amount of coloring agent", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a light-colored powder\" What is the definition of \"light\"?"} {"term": "light", "pos": "", "context": "there is also a weight limit excluding people who are either too heavy or too light for the game .", "definition": "of little weight ; not heavy", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is also a weight limit excluding people who are either too heavy or too light for the game .\" What is the definition of \"light\"?"} {"term": "light", "pos": "", "context": "light soil", "definition": "( used of soil ) loose and large-grained in consistency", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"light soil\" What is the definition of \"light\"?"} {"term": "light", "pos": "", "context": "that 's because with empty tanks and a light car , you might find you have more grip than you expected .", "definition": "( of a vehicle , ship , or aircraft ) travelling unladen or with less than a full load .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that 's because with empty tanks and a light car , you might find you have more grip than you expected .\" What is the definition of \"light\"?"} {"term": "light", "pos": "", "context": "there was a new light in his eye that adriane had never seen , a vengeful , vicious emotion .", "definition": "an expression in someone 's eyes indicating a particular emotion or mood", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was a new light in his eye that adriane had never seen , a vengeful , vicious emotion .\" What is the definition of \"light\"?"} {"term": "light", "pos": "", "context": "for starters , we could increase the fuel efficiency of our cars and light trucks to 40 miles per gallon .", "definition": "carrying or suitable for small loads", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for starters , we could increase the fuel efficiency of our cars and light trucks to 40 miles per gallon .\" What is the definition of \"light\"?"} {"term": "reckon", "pos": "", "context": "she reckons that , initially , this helped her relax .", "definition": "be of the opinion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she reckons that , initially , this helped her relax .\" What is the definition of \"reckon\"?"} {"term": "reckon", "pos": "", "context": "indeed , when this series was shown in new york in 1895 , the critic montague marks declared , ‘ we do not hesitate to say that these prints will be reckoned among the most artistic of the century . ’", "definition": "include someone or something in ( a class or group )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"indeed , when this series was shown in new york in 1895 , the critic montague marks declared , ‘ we do not hesitate to say that these prints will be reckoned among the most artistic of the century . ’\" What is the definition of \"reckon\"?"} {"term": "reckon", "pos": "", "context": "in the meadow between the island and the house she waves her stick in the direction of several saplings ( she reckons to have planted nearly 1,000 trees in her lifetime ) .", "definition": "expect to do a particular thing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the meadow between the island and the house she waves her stick in the direction of several saplings ( she reckons to have planted nearly 1,000 trees in her lifetime ) .\" What is the definition of \"reckon\"?"} {"term": "reckon", "pos": "", "context": "you have to reckon with our opponents", "definition": "take account of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you have to reckon with our opponents\" What is the definition of \"reckon\"?"} {"term": "colporteur", "pos": "", "context": "e. g. wheeler and his wife were the first baptist chapel car colporteurs .", "definition": "someone employed by a religious society to distribute bibles and other religious tracts .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"e. g. wheeler and his wife were the first baptist chapel car colporteurs .\" What is the definition of \"colporteur\"?"} {"term": "colporteur", "pos": "", "context": "the prefect 's efforts in this affair were focused on the persecution of colporteurs , key figures in the marketing and distribution of antigovernment pamphlets and newspapers .", "definition": "a person who sells books , newspapers , and similar literature .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the prefect 's efforts in this affair were focused on the persecution of colporteurs , key figures in the marketing and distribution of antigovernment pamphlets and newspapers .\" What is the definition of \"colporteur\"?"} {"term": "pug", "pos": "", "context": "i saw pug marks , droppings , i even heard them roar , but for four days i did not see a single lion .", "definition": "the footprint of an animal", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i saw pug marks , droppings , i even heard them roar , but for four days i did not see a single lion .\" What is the definition of \"pug\"?"} {"term": "sending", "pos": "", "context": "i felt a faint tickle in my brain that warned me of a sending .", "definition": "an unpleasant or evil thing or creature supposedly sent by someone with paranormal or magical powers to warn , punish , or take revenge on a person .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i felt a faint tickle in my brain that warned me of a sending .\" What is the definition of \"sending\"?"} {"term": "tweak", "pos": "", "context": "witnesses say he was tweaked out and acting crazy .", "definition": "become or cause to become agitated or excited , typically from taking amphetamines or another stimulant", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"witnesses say he was tweaked out and acting crazy .\" What is the definition of \"tweak\"?"} {"term": "placental", "pos": "", "context": "an unquestioned monotreme , steropodon has molars that are surprisingly similar to those of marsupials and placentals , suggesting a closer relationship to living therians than had generally been thought .", "definition": "a placental mammal .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unquestioned monotreme , steropodon has molars that are surprisingly similar to those of marsupials and placentals , suggesting a closer relationship to living therians than had generally been thought .\" What is the definition of \"placental\"?"} {"term": "placental", "pos": "", "context": "we applaud stem-cell research , especially with adult cells , and placental and umbilical tissues .", "definition": "relating to a placenta .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we applaud stem-cell research , especially with adult cells , and placental and umbilical tissues .\" What is the definition of \"placental\"?"} {"term": "trueness", "pos": "", "context": "i marveled at the trueness of his aim", "definition": "exactness of adjustment", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i marveled at the trueness of his aim\" What is the definition of \"trueness\"?"} {"term": "populism", "pos": "", "context": "with populism , the working class pays its supposed rise to power with silence .", "definition": "support for the concerns of ordinary people", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with populism , the working class pays its supposed rise to power with silence .\" What is the definition of \"populism\"?"} {"term": "apostle", "pos": "", "context": "the original twelve apostles had all known jesus in the flesh on earth , and had seen him in the flesh after his resurrection .", "definition": "each of the twelve chief disciples of jesus christ .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the original twelve apostles had all known jesus in the flesh on earth , and had seen him in the flesh after his resurrection .\" What is the definition of \"apostle\"?"} {"term": "apostle", "pos": "", "context": "he was an saintly apostle of peace , love and unity and a great poet .", "definition": "a vigorous and pioneering advocate or supporter of a particular policy , idea , or cause", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was an saintly apostle of peace , love and unity and a great poet .\" What is the definition of \"apostle\"?"} {"term": "opus", "pos": "", "context": "the opus 39 waltzes began as a work for solo piano .", "definition": "a separate composition or set of compositions .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the opus 39 waltzes began as a work for solo piano .\" What is the definition of \"opus\"?"} {"term": "reinforce", "pos": "", "context": "he reinforced the concrete", "definition": "make stronger", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he reinforced the concrete\" What is the definition of \"reinforce\"?"} {"term": "reinforce", "pos": "", "context": "let 's reinforce good behavior", "definition": "strengthen and support with rewards", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"let 's reinforce good behavior\" What is the definition of \"reinforce\"?"} {"term": "thumping", "pos": "", "context": "data released last friday on american non-farm payroll employment showed a thumping rise of 211,000 in march against expectations of a rise to 190,000 .", "definition": "of an impressive size , extent , or amount", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"data released last friday on american non-farm payroll employment showed a thumping rise of 211,000 in march against expectations of a rise to 190,000 .\" What is the definition of \"thumping\"?"} {"term": "arachnid", "pos": "", "context": "all spiders are members of the arachnid order araneae , which is divided into two suborders .", "definition": "relating to or denoting arachnids .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all spiders are members of the arachnid order araneae , which is divided into two suborders .\" What is the definition of \"arachnid\"?"} {"term": "mahdi", "pos": "", "context": "the safavid state in iran was founded in 1501 by shiite tribes who believed that shah ismail was divine , and perhaps that he was the herald of the shiite mahdi or messiah .", "definition": "( in shiite belief ) the twelfth imam , who is expected to return and triumph over injustice .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the safavid state in iran was founded in 1501 by shiite tribes who believed that shah ismail was divine , and perhaps that he was the herald of the shiite mahdi or messiah .\" What is the definition of \"mahdi\"?"} {"term": "mannequin", "pos": "", "context": "they even drew lines on her wrists to make her look like a mannequin !", "definition": "a dummy used to display clothes in a shop window .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they even drew lines on her wrists to make her look like a mannequin !\" What is the definition of \"mannequin\"?"} {"term": "stoker", "pos": "", "context": "he was sometimes a hard drinker and a staunch trade unionist who came to australia as a stoker in 1910 and jumped ship .", "definition": "a person who tends the furnace on a steamship or steam train .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was sometimes a hard drinker and a staunch trade unionist who came to australia as a stoker in 1910 and jumped ship .\" What is the definition of \"stoker\"?"} {"term": "daze", "pos": "", "context": "his mother 's death left him in a daze", "definition": "the feeling of distress and disbelief that you have when something bad happens accidentally", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his mother 's death left him in a daze\" What is the definition of \"daze\"?"} {"term": "noise", "pos": "", "context": "i thrive on chaos , noise , traffic jams , crowds , bazaars and even pollution .", "definition": "a series or combination of loud , confused sounds , especially when causing disturbance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i thrive on chaos , noise , traffic jams , crowds , bazaars and even pollution .\" What is the definition of \"noise\"?"} {"term": "jaw", "pos": "", "context": "whereas arms and legs have more muscles than segments , the jaws and tongues of anurans are composed of relatively few muscles .", "definition": "the grasping , biting , or crushing mouthparts of an invertebrate .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"whereas arms and legs have more muscles than segments , the jaws and tongues of anurans are composed of relatively few muscles .\" What is the definition of \"jaw\"?"} {"term": "hoot", "pos": "", "context": "the toughs and blades of the city hoot and bang their drums , drink arak , play dice , and dance", "definition": "to utter a loud clamorous shout", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the toughs and blades of the city hoot and bang their drums , drink arak , play dice , and dance\" What is the definition of \"hoot\"?"} {"term": "fig", "pos": "", "context": "admittedly , there 's a minefield of kitsch to cross before you can be certain of conjuring up absolutely no visual resemblance to widow twankee , liberace or lesley joseph in full fig - but the time has come to quell those fears .", "definition": "smart clothes , especially those appropriate to a particular occasion or profession", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"admittedly , there 's a minefield of kitsch to cross before you can be certain of conjuring up absolutely no visual resemblance to widow twankee , liberace or lesley joseph in full fig - but the time has come to quell those fears .\" What is the definition of \"fig\"?"} {"term": "contain", "pos": "", "context": "the overland park police and fire departments responded quickly and the fire , which spread to two other cars , was contained .", "definition": "prevent ( a severe problem ) from spreading or intensifying", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the overland park police and fire departments responded quickly and the fire , which spread to two other cars , was contained .\" What is the definition of \"contain\"?"} {"term": "disruption", "pos": "", "context": "he is persuaded to make known the interruptions and disruptions he is heir to .", "definition": "disturbance or problems which interrupt an event , activity , or process", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is persuaded to make known the interruptions and disruptions he is heir to .\" What is the definition of \"disruption\"?"} {"term": "crass", "pos": "", "context": "to ignore such an evident flowering of talent and achievement is not only crass stupidity but a wasted opportunity .", "definition": "showing no intelligence or sensitivity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to ignore such an evident flowering of talent and achievement is not only crass stupidity but a wasted opportunity .\" What is the definition of \"crass\"?"} {"term": "forty", "pos": "", "context": "in terms of crime control , prison cells spent on people past the age of forty are mostly wasted .", "definition": "forty years old", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in terms of crime control , prison cells spent on people past the age of forty are mostly wasted .\" What is the definition of \"forty\"?"} {"term": "northeast", "pos": "", "context": "the northeasterly part of the island", "definition": "situated in or oriented toward the northeast", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the northeasterly part of the island\" What is the definition of \"northeast\"?"} {"term": "chardonnay", "pos": "", "context": "beaune main town in the southern half of burgundy , noted for fine white and red wines made , respectively , from chardonnay and pinot noir .", "definition": "a variety of white wine grape used for making champagne and other wines .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"beaune main town in the southern half of burgundy , noted for fine white and red wines made , respectively , from chardonnay and pinot noir .\" What is the definition of \"chardonnay\"?"} {"term": "llano", "pos": "", "context": "in general , venezuela is usually divided into four major environmental regions : the coastal zone , the andean mountain range , the llanos , and the guiana highlands .", "definition": "( in south america ) a treeless grassy plain .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in general , venezuela is usually divided into four major environmental regions : the coastal zone , the andean mountain range , the llanos , and the guiana highlands .\" What is the definition of \"llano\"?"} {"term": "slink", "pos": "", "context": "i proceeded to stealthily slink through the hallways , lurk in the cafeteria , the library , the football field , the gym .", "definition": "move smoothly and quietly with gliding steps , in a stealthy or sensuous manner", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i proceeded to stealthily slink through the hallways , lurk in the cafeteria , the library , the football field , the gym .\" What is the definition of \"slink\"?"} {"term": "incidence", "pos": "", "context": "answers to these questions involve the incidence of taxation and , therefore , its distribution .", "definition": "the way in which the burden of a tax falls upon the population", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"answers to these questions involve the incidence of taxation and , therefore , its distribution .\" What is the definition of \"incidence\"?"} {"term": "sameness", "pos": "", "context": "he hated the sameness of the food the college served", "definition": "the quality of wearisome constancy , routine , and lack of variety", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he hated the sameness of the food the college served\" What is the definition of \"sameness\"?"} {"term": "topple", "pos": "", "context": "it is broken and caused my wheelchair to topple over backwards .", "definition": "overbalance or cause to overbalance and fall", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is broken and caused my wheelchair to topple over backwards .\" What is the definition of \"topple\"?"} {"term": "pawnbroker", "pos": "", "context": "of course , it is clear that the pawnbroker made money out of the poor , but they provided a service where none existed and helped people out in the short term .", "definition": "a person who lends money at interest on the security of an article pawned .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"of course , it is clear that the pawnbroker made money out of the poor , but they provided a service where none existed and helped people out in the short term .\" What is the definition of \"pawnbroker\"?"} {"term": "relish", "pos": "", "context": "sandra held the mug in her hands , relishing in its warmth and stalling for time .", "definition": "enjoy greatly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sandra held the mug in her hands , relishing in its warmth and stalling for time .\" What is the definition of \"relish\"?"} {"term": "accident", "pos": "", "context": "another chance for happy accidents that can change the course of history .", "definition": "an event that happens by chance or that is without apparent or deliberate cause", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"another chance for happy accidents that can change the course of history .\" What is the definition of \"accident\"?"} {"term": "tidy", "pos": "", "context": "the mess the workmen had created in her normally tidy and well-organised house had driven her out and down to the local shops in an attempt to get away from them .", "definition": "arranged neatly and in order", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the mess the workmen had created in her normally tidy and well-organised house had driven her out and down to the local shops in an attempt to get away from them .\" What is the definition of \"tidy\"?"} {"term": "hone", "pos": "", "context": "these people were and are dedicated to keeping america free and practice very hard to hone that combat edge .", "definition": "refine or perfect ( something ) over a period of time", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these people were and are dedicated to keeping america free and practice very hard to hone that combat edge .\" What is the definition of \"hone\"?"} {"term": "cheekbone", "pos": "", "context": "he had sharp features , with very high definition cheekbones and a sharply defined chin .", "definition": "the bone below the eye", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had sharp features , with very high definition cheekbones and a sharply defined chin .\" What is the definition of \"cheekbone\"?"} {"term": "scatty", "pos": "", "context": "the scatty glancing quality of a hyperactive but unfocused intelligence", "definition": "lost in thought ; showing preoccupation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the scatty glancing quality of a hyperactive but unfocused intelligence\" What is the definition of \"scatty\"?"} {"term": "airmail", "pos": "", "context": "letters to europe from the u.s. are best airmailed", "definition": "send or transport by airmail", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"letters to europe from the u.s. are best airmailed\" What is the definition of \"airmail\"?"} {"term": "bound", "pos": "", "context": "bound volumes", "definition": "secured with a cover or binding ; often used as a combining form", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bound volumes\" What is the definition of \"bound\"?"} {"term": "bound", "pos": "", "context": "children bound for school", "definition": "headed or intending to head in a certain direction ; often used as a combining form as in `college-bound students '", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"children bound for school\" What is the definition of \"bound\"?"} {"term": "bound", "pos": "", "context": "your reputation , however that may be defined , is clearly not bounded by these shores .", "definition": "place within certain limits ; restrict", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"your reputation , however that may be defined , is clearly not bounded by these shores .\" What is the definition of \"bound\"?"} {"term": "subvention", "pos": "", "context": "they are only human , after all : if there are grants and subventions going , they will join the queue .", "definition": "a grant of money , especially from a government", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they are only human , after all : if there are grants and subventions going , they will join the queue .\" What is the definition of \"subvention\"?"} {"term": "lawyer", "pos": "", "context": "obviously a purchaser may or may not choose to give power of attorney to their lawyer .", "definition": "a person who practises or studies law , especially ( in the uk ) a solicitor or a barrister or ( in the us ) an attorney .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"obviously a purchaser may or may not choose to give power of attorney to their lawyer .\" What is the definition of \"lawyer\"?"} {"term": "program", "pos": "", "context": "he was admitted to a new program at the university", "definition": "an integrated course of academic studies", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was admitted to a new program at the university\" What is the definition of \"program\"?"} {"term": "estimation", "pos": "", "context": "they had a high estimation of his ability", "definition": "the respect with which a person is held", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they had a high estimation of his ability\" What is the definition of \"estimation\"?"} {"term": "lagniappe", "pos": "", "context": "they are asking $ 20.00 for each two-disc set and will throw in a lagniappe for anyone who orders both sets : the us premiere of prokofiev 's alexander nevsky !", "definition": "something given as a bonus or gratuity .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they are asking $ 20.00 for each two-disc set and will throw in a lagniappe for anyone who orders both sets : the us premiere of prokofiev 's alexander nevsky !\" What is the definition of \"lagniappe\"?"} {"term": "charcoal", "pos": "", "context": "i hope to learn to use oil paint , clay and charcoal .", "definition": "charcoal used for drawing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i hope to learn to use oil paint , clay and charcoal .\" What is the definition of \"charcoal\"?"} {"term": "trick", "pos": "", "context": "can you 'trick ' this representation to indicate the tinctures or colours ?", "definition": "sketch ( a coat of arms ) in outline , with the colours indicated by letters or signs .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"can you 'trick ' this representation to indicate the tinctures or colours ?\" What is the definition of \"trick\"?"} {"term": "nucleoprotein", "pos": "", "context": "a monoclonal antibody to influenza nucleoprotein was purchased from qed biosciences ( san diego , ca ) .", "definition": "a complex consisting of a nucleic acid bonded to a protein .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a monoclonal antibody to influenza nucleoprotein was purchased from qed biosciences ( san diego , ca ) .\" What is the definition of \"nucleoprotein\"?"} {"term": "forest", "pos": "", "context": "the steep , densely forested valley sides plunge into the loch 's murky waters .", "definition": "cover ( land ) with forest ; plant with trees", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the steep , densely forested valley sides plunge into the loch 's murky waters .\" What is the definition of \"forest\"?"} {"term": "weight-watcher", "pos": "", "context": "there are a lot of regular guests who turn up just to tuck into salads , including many who are avowed weight-watchers .", "definition": "a person who is concerned about their weight , especially one who diets .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there are a lot of regular guests who turn up just to tuck into salads , including many who are avowed weight-watchers .\" What is the definition of \"weight-watcher\"?"} {"term": "set", "pos": "", "context": "the set of prime numbers is infinite", "definition": "( mathematics ) an abstract collection of numbers or symbols", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the set of prime numbers is infinite\" What is the definition of \"set\"?"} {"term": "set", "pos": "", "context": "set the rules", "definition": "fix conclusively or authoritatively", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"set the rules\" What is the definition of \"set\"?"} {"term": "set", "pos": "", "context": "however grand the chandeliers and oil paintings , life in their social set seems far from gosford park .", "definition": "a group of people with common interests or occupations or of similar social status", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"however grand the chandeliers and oil paintings , life in their social set seems far from gosford park .\" What is the definition of \"set\"?"} {"term": "set", "pos": "", "context": "this is an example of what is known as a fractal set since its dimension is not a whole number .", "definition": "a collection of distinct entities regarded as a unit , being either individually specified or ( more usually ) satisfying specified conditions", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this is an example of what is known as a fractal set since its dimension is not a whole number .\" What is the definition of \"set\"?"} {"term": "set", "pos": "", "context": "set the house afire", "definition": "put into a certain state ; cause to be in a certain state", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"set the house afire\" What is the definition of \"set\"?"} {"term": "boat", "pos": "", "context": "ravensthorpe regular john caldwell and his boat partner digby lewis enjoyed an exciting session boating 20 fish between them .", "definition": "( of an angler ) draw ( a hooked fish ) into a boat", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ravensthorpe regular john caldwell and his boat partner digby lewis enjoyed an exciting session boating 20 fish between them .\" What is the definition of \"boat\"?"} {"term": "delete", "pos": "", "context": "the single was only previously available on vinyl on japanese import and had long been deleted , plus the recording company went bust .", "definition": "remove ( a product , especially a recording ) from the catalogue of those available for purchase", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the single was only previously available on vinyl on japanese import and had long been deleted , plus the recording company went bust .\" What is the definition of \"delete\"?"} {"term": "delete", "pos": "", "context": "i was deleting excessive writing on computer , and then i by accidentally deleted this chapter off the site , so i had to rewrite it .", "definition": "remove ( data ) from a computer 's memory", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i was deleting excessive writing on computer , and then i by accidentally deleted this chapter off the site , so i had to rewrite it .\" What is the definition of \"delete\"?"} {"term": "sane", "pos": "", "context": "the sane traveler takes with them an almost inexhaustible supply of patience .", "definition": "( of a person ) of sound mind ; not mad or mentally ill", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sane traveler takes with them an almost inexhaustible supply of patience .\" What is the definition of \"sane\"?"} {"term": "bet", "pos": "", "context": "i 'm still looking for the ‘ attentive hens ’ piece , i bet that 's a blockbuster .", "definition": "used to express certainty", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i 'm still looking for the ‘ attentive hens ’ piece , i bet that 's a blockbuster .\" What is the definition of \"bet\"?"} {"term": "jerky", "pos": "", "context": "the car squeaks to a halt and she glares at him because of his jerky stop .", "definition": "characterized by abrupt stops and starts", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the car squeaks to a halt and she glares at him because of his jerky stop .\" What is the definition of \"jerky\"?"} {"term": "favourite", "pos": "", "context": "firstly , users have problems managing their favourites , and in particular accessing their favourites through a hierarchical menu .", "definition": "a record of the address of a website or other data made to enable quick access ; a bookmark .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"firstly , users have problems managing their favourites , and in particular accessing their favourites through a hierarchical menu .\" What is the definition of \"favourite\"?"} {"term": "wholeness", "pos": "", "context": "the sense of wholeness she talks of here , the idea of completion , for me evokes a moral agenda .", "definition": "the state of forming a complete and harmonious whole ; unity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sense of wholeness she talks of here , the idea of completion , for me evokes a moral agenda .\" What is the definition of \"wholeness\"?"} {"term": "reciprocal", "pos": "", "context": "reciprocal verbs are used to express the idea of reciprocity - doing something to each other .", "definition": "( of a pronoun or verb ) expressing mutual action or relationship .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"reciprocal verbs are used to express the idea of reciprocity - doing something to each other .\" What is the definition of \"reciprocal\"?"} {"term": "tumble", "pos": "", "context": "the clothes tumbled in the dryer", "definition": "fly around", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the clothes tumbled in the dryer\" What is the definition of \"tumble\"?"} {"term": "tumble", "pos": "", "context": "the airline 's shares recorded a further 19 % one-day tumble after warning of the impact of higher fuel prices .", "definition": "a rapid fall in amount or value", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the airline 's shares recorded a further 19 % one-day tumble after warning of the impact of higher fuel prices .\" What is the definition of \"tumble\"?"} {"term": "tumble", "pos": "", "context": "they tumbled the teams with no apparent pattern", "definition": "throw together in a confused mass", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they tumbled the teams with no apparent pattern\" What is the definition of \"tumble\"?"} {"term": "cobalt", "pos": "", "context": "this packing arrangement is also observed for many metals , including rubidium , osmium , cobalt , zinc , and cadmium .", "definition": "the chemical element of atomic number 27 , a hard silvery-white magnetic metal .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this packing arrangement is also observed for many metals , including rubidium , osmium , cobalt , zinc , and cadmium .\" What is the definition of \"cobalt\"?"} {"term": "roll-neck", "pos": "", "context": "the princess arrived at 2.15 pm , wearing a green checked woollen coat over a red roll-neck and silk scarf with black boots , gloves and handbag .", "definition": "a garment with a roll-neck collar", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the princess arrived at 2.15 pm , wearing a green checked woollen coat over a red roll-neck and silk scarf with black boots , gloves and handbag .\" What is the definition of \"roll-neck\"?"} {"term": "ginger", "pos": "", "context": "specific targets for pupil achievement were part of the package , and in the early days maybe they did help focus schools ' attention and ginger us all up a bit .", "definition": "make someone or something more lively", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"specific targets for pupil achievement were part of the package , and in the early days maybe they did help focus schools ' attention and ginger us all up a bit .\" What is the definition of \"ginger\"?"} {"term": "stormer", "pos": "", "context": "up until now , i 've never been that impressed with her- a bit formulaic , a bit also-ran - but with her latest single , she has served up a stormer .", "definition": "something particularly impressive or good of its kind", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"up until now , i 've never been that impressed with her- a bit formulaic , a bit also-ran - but with her latest single , she has served up a stormer .\" What is the definition of \"stormer\"?"} {"term": "scan", "pos": "", "context": "a quick scan of the room proved that i was in a bedroom .", "definition": "an act of scanning someone or something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a quick scan of the room proved that i was in a bedroom .\" What is the definition of \"scan\"?"} {"term": "tolbutamide", "pos": "", "context": "alcohol-extracted charantin from momordica charantia consists of mixed steroids and was found to be more potent than the oral hypoglycemic agent tolbutamide in an animal study .", "definition": "a synthetic compound used to lower blood sugar levels in the treatment of diabetes .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"alcohol-extracted charantin from momordica charantia consists of mixed steroids and was found to be more potent than the oral hypoglycemic agent tolbutamide in an animal study .\" What is the definition of \"tolbutamide\"?"} {"term": "harmonic", "pos": "", "context": "subtleties of harmonic change and tonality ' - ralph hill", "definition": "of or relating to harmony as distinct from melody and rhythm", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"subtleties of harmonic change and tonality ' - ralph hill\" What is the definition of \"harmonic\"?"} {"term": "evaluation", "pos": "", "context": "the specialist will review past evaluations and provide an update regarding a child 's current needs .", "definition": "the making of a judgement about the amount , number , or value of something ; assessment", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the specialist will review past evaluations and provide an update regarding a child 's current needs .\" What is the definition of \"evaluation\"?"} {"term": "tramontane", "pos": "", "context": "as the tramontanes infiltrate the appalachians , they often remark of the beauty of the far ranges and mists .", "definition": "a person who lives on the other side of mountains ( used especially by italians to refer to people beyond the alps ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as the tramontanes infiltrate the appalachians , they often remark of the beauty of the far ranges and mists .\" What is the definition of \"tramontane\"?"} {"term": "puddle", "pos": "", "context": "there were puddles of muddy water in the road after the rain", "definition": "a small body of standing water ( rainwater ) or other liquid", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there were puddles of muddy water in the road after the rain\" What is the definition of \"puddle\"?"} {"term": "scarify", "pos": "", "context": "the english novelist responsible for the most scarifying account of literary humiliation ever put into print died a hundred years ago this month .", "definition": "frighten", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the english novelist responsible for the most scarifying account of literary humiliation ever put into print died a hundred years ago this month .\" What is the definition of \"scarify\"?"} {"term": "support", "pos": "", "context": "the foundation provided support for the experiment", "definition": "financial resources provided to make some project possible", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the foundation provided support for the experiment\" What is the definition of \"support\"?"} {"term": "support", "pos": "", "context": "if it represents this , it needs the financial support and backing of the businesses .", "definition": "material assistance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if it represents this , it needs the financial support and backing of the businesses .\" What is the definition of \"support\"?"} {"term": "support", "pos": "", "context": "matthew grabbed her arm , but she remained upright without his support .", "definition": "the action of supporting something or someone or the state of being supported", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"matthew grabbed her arm , but she remained upright without his support .\" What is the definition of \"support\"?"} {"term": "contemplation", "pos": "", "context": "more than prayer , contemplation constitutes a way of life or a fundamental orientation .", "definition": "a form of christian prayer or meditation in which a person seeks to pass beyond mental images and concepts to a direct experience of the divine .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"more than prayer , contemplation constitutes a way of life or a fundamental orientation .\" What is the definition of \"contemplation\"?"} {"term": "metamorphism", "pos": "", "context": "both thrust and normal faults initiated synchronously with miocene prograde metamorphism and melting , and have moved episodically since then .", "definition": "alteration of the composition or structure of a rock by heat , pressure , or other natural agency", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"both thrust and normal faults initiated synchronously with miocene prograde metamorphism and melting , and have moved episodically since then .\" What is the definition of \"metamorphism\"?"} {"term": "rent", "pos": "", "context": "you can either rent a car or motorbike or go on an organised trip by jeep or minibus .", "definition": "pay someone for the use of ( something , typically property , land , or a car )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you can either rent a car or motorbike or go on an organised trip by jeep or minibus .\" What is the definition of \"rent\"?"} {"term": "chubby", "pos": "", "context": "but she 's just slightly chubby and has nice rosy cheeks and is very sort of ordinary-looking .", "definition": "plump and rounded", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but she 's just slightly chubby and has nice rosy cheeks and is very sort of ordinary-looking .\" What is the definition of \"chubby\"?"} {"term": "vest", "pos": "", "context": "the property vests in the trustees", "definition": "become legally vested", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the property vests in the trustees\" What is the definition of \"vest\"?"} {"term": "scatology", "pos": "", "context": "the subtle interweaving of scatology and death is positively freudian .", "definition": "an interest in or preoccupation with excrement and excretion .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the subtle interweaving of scatology and death is positively freudian .\" What is the definition of \"scatology\"?"} {"term": "littoral", "pos": "", "context": "similarly , redundancy analysis showed that minimum winter or spring temperature significantly influenced the relative abundance of littoral taxa in seven lakes .", "definition": "relating to or denoting the zone of the seashore between high- and low-water marks , or the zone near a lake shore with rooted vegetation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"similarly , redundancy analysis showed that minimum winter or spring temperature significantly influenced the relative abundance of littoral taxa in seven lakes .\" What is the definition of \"littoral\"?"} {"term": "spritz", "pos": "", "context": "a spray bottle spritzing water at a misbehaving kitten does wonders to `` condition ' him/her .", "definition": "spray ( a liquid ) in quick , short bursts", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a spray bottle spritzing water at a misbehaving kitten does wonders to `` condition ' him/her .\" What is the definition of \"spritz\"?"} {"term": "protea", "pos": "", "context": "native to the southern hemisphere and predominantly found and grown in south africa , proteas produce bright , exotic looking flowers sought after by the cut-flower industry .", "definition": "an evergreen shrub or small tree with large nectar-rich cone-like flower heads surrounded by brightly coloured bracts , chiefly native to south africa .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"native to the southern hemisphere and predominantly found and grown in south africa , proteas produce bright , exotic looking flowers sought after by the cut-flower industry .\" What is the definition of \"protea\"?"} {"term": "motor", "pos": "", "context": "during the summer months the harbourmaster is responsible for more than 2000 moorings and has to deal with hundreds of day-sailors , big yachts and motor cruisers from all over europe .", "definition": "driven by a motor", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"during the summer months the harbourmaster is responsible for more than 2000 moorings and has to deal with hundreds of day-sailors , big yachts and motor cruisers from all over europe .\" What is the definition of \"motor\"?"} {"term": "motor", "pos": "", "context": "happiness is the aim of all men and the motor of all action", "definition": "a nonspecific agent that imparts motion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"happiness is the aim of all men and the motor of all action\" What is the definition of \"motor\"?"} {"term": "blade", "pos": "", "context": "he listened to the blades of lydie 's ice-skates glide across the ice smoothly .", "definition": "a thin , flat metal runner on an ice skate .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he listened to the blades of lydie 's ice-skates glide across the ice smoothly .\" What is the definition of \"blade\"?"} {"term": "blade", "pos": "", "context": "he accused rivals of running on blades that were too long .", "definition": "a prosthetic lower limb designed for athletes , consisting of a flattened length of carbon fibre with a long , curved section at the base", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he accused rivals of running on blades that were too long .\" What is the definition of \"blade\"?"} {"term": "blade", "pos": "", "context": "the grass feels cold and refreshing against my bare feet , the blades tickling between my toes as i walk .", "definition": "a long , narrow leaf of grass or another similar plant", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the grass feels cold and refreshing against my bare feet , the blades tickling between my toes as i walk .\" What is the definition of \"blade\"?"} {"term": "raw", "pos": "", "context": "raw sugar", "definition": "( used especially of commodities ) being unprocessed or manufactured using only simple or minimal processes", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"raw sugar\" What is the definition of \"raw\"?"} {"term": "raw", "pos": "", "context": "serge or zigzag the raw edges with matching thread .", "definition": "( of the edge of a piece of cloth ) not having a hem or selvedge", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"serge or zigzag the raw edges with matching thread .\" What is the definition of \"raw\"?"} {"term": "raw", "pos": "", "context": "on the contrary , the raw and prolix language of his novels is unabashedly unpoetic and polemical .", "definition": "( of language ) coarse or crude , typically in relation to sexual matters", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on the contrary , the raw and prolix language of his novels is unabashedly unpoetic and polemical .\" What is the definition of \"raw\"?"} {"term": "creep", "pos": "", "context": "i guess some people thought i was a creep , offering sycophantic praise of someone who happens to be my boss .", "definition": "a person who behaves obsequiously in the hope of advancement .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i guess some people thought i was a creep , offering sycophantic praise of someone who happens to be my boss .\" What is the definition of \"creep\"?"} {"term": "creep", "pos": "", "context": "our understanding of biological processes progresses at a painful creep , each advance usually the result of work by multiple groups of scientists .", "definition": "slow steady movement , especially when imperceptible", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"our understanding of biological processes progresses at a painful creep , each advance usually the result of work by multiple groups of scientists .\" What is the definition of \"creep\"?"} {"term": "infringement", "pos": "", "context": "it is to be noticed , that the order makes no express provision for the event of an infringement of the rule .", "definition": "the action of breaking the terms of a law , agreement , etc . ; violation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is to be noticed , that the order makes no express provision for the event of an infringement of the rule .\" What is the definition of \"infringement\"?"} {"term": "dengue", "pos": "", "context": "the role of global environmental change on diseases such as malaria , dengue fever , and cholera has been well documented .", "definition": "a debilitating viral disease of the tropics , transmitted by mosquitoes , and causing sudden fever and acute pains in the joints .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the role of global environmental change on diseases such as malaria , dengue fever , and cholera has been well documented .\" What is the definition of \"dengue\"?"} {"term": "crude", "pos": "", "context": "indonesia mainly exports crude palm oil , natural gas , agricultural and mining products , and wood to south korea .", "definition": "in a natural or raw state ; not yet processed or refined", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"indonesia mainly exports crude palm oil , natural gas , agricultural and mining products , and wood to south korea .\" What is the definition of \"crude\"?"} {"term": "duplicate", "pos": "", "context": "thus the band is left with studio recordings that are almost impossible to duplicate onstage .", "definition": "make or be an exact copy of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"thus the band is left with studio recordings that are almost impossible to duplicate onstage .\" What is the definition of \"duplicate\"?"} {"term": "vitalize", "pos": "", "context": "the eggs are vitalized", "definition": "give life to", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the eggs are vitalized\" What is the definition of \"vitalize\"?"} {"term": "transplant", "pos": "", "context": "the gang actually was a band of florida transplants who moved north for bigger purses .", "definition": "a person or thing that has been moved to a new place or situation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the gang actually was a band of florida transplants who moved north for bigger purses .\" What is the definition of \"transplant\"?"} {"term": "transplant", "pos": "", "context": "transplant the young rice plants", "definition": "lift and reset in another soil or situation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"transplant the young rice plants\" What is the definition of \"transplant\"?"} {"term": "transplant", "pos": "", "context": "she was transplanted from kenya as a toddler to britain where her father was turned down for a position at barclay 's bank in london because he was a sikh .", "definition": "move or transfer ( someone or something ) to another place or situation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was transplanted from kenya as a toddler to britain where her father was turned down for a position at barclay 's bank in london because he was a sikh .\" What is the definition of \"transplant\"?"} {"term": "keeper", "pos": "", "context": "bramleys are good keepers so i will lay them out in cardboard boxes , not touching , and store them in the basement where it is cool and dry .", "definition": "a food or drink that remains in a specified condition if stored", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bramleys are good keepers so i will lay them out in cardboard boxes , not touching , and store them in the basement where it is cool and dry .\" What is the definition of \"keeper\"?"} {"term": "megillah", "pos": "", "context": "he insisted on giving us the whole megillah", "definition": "( yiddish ) a long boring tediously detailed account", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he insisted on giving us the whole megillah\" What is the definition of \"megillah\"?"} {"term": "overrider", "pos": "", "context": "their excellent performance characteristics can be fully made use of in other applications , such as corner bumpers , sight shields , overriders , bumper moles , side moles , and the like exterior automobile parts .", "definition": "either of a pair of projecting pieces on the bumper of a car .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their excellent performance characteristics can be fully made use of in other applications , such as corner bumpers , sight shields , overriders , bumper moles , side moles , and the like exterior automobile parts .\" What is the definition of \"overrider\"?"} {"term": "subpoena", "pos": "", "context": "even if it is a us bank which is ordered by a us subpoena , other common law courts have applied traditional conflict-of-laws analysis .", "definition": "a writ ordering a person to attend a court", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"even if it is a us bank which is ordered by a us subpoena , other common law courts have applied traditional conflict-of-laws analysis .\" What is the definition of \"subpoena\"?"} {"term": "presentation", "pos": "", "context": "he prepared his presentation carefully in advance", "definition": "the act of making something publicly available ; presenting news or other information by broadcasting or printing it", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he prepared his presentation carefully in advance\" What is the definition of \"presentation\"?"} {"term": "presentation", "pos": "", "context": "he also made a presentation of a piece of waterford crystal to john .", "definition": "the giving of something to someone , especially as part of a formal ceremony", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he also made a presentation of a piece of waterford crystal to john .\" What is the definition of \"presentation\"?"} {"term": "raft", "pos": "", "context": "raft these logs", "definition": "make into a raft", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"raft these logs\" What is the definition of \"raft\"?"} {"term": "raft", "pos": "", "context": "rafts of weed can be commonplace drifting downstream , and they come to rest in many a slack , eddy or on any partly submerged structure .", "definition": "a floating mass of fallen trees , vegetation , ice , or other material .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rafts of weed can be commonplace drifting downstream , and they come to rest in many a slack , eddy or on any partly submerged structure .\" What is the definition of \"raft\"?"} {"term": "phytotoxin", "pos": "", "context": "while i have focused on insecticide resistance , drosophila species have been shown resistance to other toxicants , including phytotoxins in their natural diet and certain metal ions whose presence has increased in the environment .", "definition": "a poisonous substance derived from a plant .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"while i have focused on insecticide resistance , drosophila species have been shown resistance to other toxicants , including phytotoxins in their natural diet and certain metal ions whose presence has increased in the environment .\" What is the definition of \"phytotoxin\"?"} {"term": "stave", "pos": "", "context": "cutting staves led to the purchase of a kiln , which , in turn , opened up additional markets .", "definition": "a vertical wooden post or plank in a building or other structure .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cutting staves led to the purchase of a kiln , which , in turn , opened up additional markets .\" What is the definition of \"stave\"?"} {"term": "spaghettini", "pos": "", "context": "i pour myself another glass of wine , light a cigarette and think about whether to use spaghettini or fusilli with the bottle of pesto in the fridge .", "definition": "pasta in the form of strings of thin spaghetti .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i pour myself another glass of wine , light a cigarette and think about whether to use spaghettini or fusilli with the bottle of pesto in the fridge .\" What is the definition of \"spaghettini\"?"} {"term": "load", "pos": "", "context": "electricity supply must keep up with increased loads and sewerage with that ‘ end ’ of it too .", "definition": "the amount of electricity supplied by a generating system at any given time .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"electricity supply must keep up with increased loads and sewerage with that ‘ end ’ of it too .\" What is the definition of \"load\"?"} {"term": "load", "pos": "", "context": "always load and unload your camera in a protected place , away from the hazards of water and sand .", "definition": "insert something into ( a device ) so that it can be operated", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"always load and unload your camera in a protected place , away from the hazards of water and sand .\" What is the definition of \"load\"?"} {"term": "load", "pos": "", "context": "load the bags onto the trucks", "definition": "put ( something ) on a structure or conveyance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"load the bags onto the trucks\" What is the definition of \"load\"?"} {"term": "load", "pos": "", "context": "at the same time the other officers said they would share the load and take a lot of the responsibility off jerry 's shoulders .", "definition": "a burden of responsibility , worry , or grief .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at the same time the other officers said they would share the load and take a lot of the responsibility off jerry 's shoulders .\" What is the definition of \"load\"?"} {"term": "planting", "pos": "", "context": "the planting of corn is hard work", "definition": "putting seeds or young plants in the ground to grow", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the planting of corn is hard work\" What is the definition of \"planting\"?"} {"term": "reliance", "pos": "", "context": "he wrote the paper with considerable reliance on the work of other scientists", "definition": "certainty based on past experience", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he wrote the paper with considerable reliance on the work of other scientists\" What is the definition of \"reliance\"?"} {"term": "teddy", "pos": "", "context": "she was wearing a micro-miniskirt ( as usual ) , pulled over what looked like a mostly-lace teddy .", "definition": "a woman 's all-in-one undergarment .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was wearing a micro-miniskirt ( as usual ) , pulled over what looked like a mostly-lace teddy .\" What is the definition of \"teddy\"?"} {"term": "teddy", "pos": "", "context": "she found it easily , an old teddy bear that she had used to soothe her to sleep every night when her parents fought .", "definition": "a soft toy bear .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she found it easily , an old teddy bear that she had used to soothe her to sleep every night when her parents fought .\" What is the definition of \"teddy\"?"} {"term": "conjunctive", "pos": "", "context": "i do n't believe that these two examples are ungrammatical , nor do i think that they would be improved stylistically by replacing the conjunctive contrast with a than phrase .", "definition": "of the nature of or relating to a conjunction .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i do n't believe that these two examples are ungrammatical , nor do i think that they would be improved stylistically by replacing the conjunctive contrast with a than phrase .\" What is the definition of \"conjunctive\"?"} {"term": "equip", "pos": "", "context": "the centre is fully equipped with the latest computers and is a great learning environment .", "definition": "supply with the necessary items for a particular purpose", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the centre is fully equipped with the latest computers and is a great learning environment .\" What is the definition of \"equip\"?"} {"term": "discombobulate", "pos": "", "context": "variety 's the spice of life , but jumping from one thing to another this week will completely discombobulate you and everyone else .", "definition": "disconcert or confuse ( someone )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"variety 's the spice of life , but jumping from one thing to another this week will completely discombobulate you and everyone else .\" What is the definition of \"discombobulate\"?"} {"term": "quiet", "pos": "", "context": "he was quiet and unassuming gentleman who was very highly thought of by all who knew him .", "definition": "( of a person ) mild and reserved by nature", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was quiet and unassuming gentleman who was very highly thought of by all who knew him .\" What is the definition of \"quiet\"?"} {"term": "tapster", "pos": "", "context": "it was a classical insurgency situation , in which `` decayed tapsters and serving men ' faced men who `` knew what they fought for and loved what they knew ' .", "definition": "a person who draws and serves alcoholic drinks at a bar .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was a classical insurgency situation , in which `` decayed tapsters and serving men ' faced men who `` knew what they fought for and loved what they knew ' .\" What is the definition of \"tapster\"?"} {"term": "disapprove", "pos": "", "context": "he had a troubled childhood , being frequently beaten by his father and uncles who disapproved of his artistic interests .", "definition": "have or express an unfavourable opinion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had a troubled childhood , being frequently beaten by his father and uncles who disapproved of his artistic interests .\" What is the definition of \"disapprove\"?"} {"term": "disapprove", "pos": "", "context": "i disapprove of her child rearing methods", "definition": "deem wrong or inappropriate", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i disapprove of her child rearing methods\" What is the definition of \"disapprove\"?"} {"term": "catsuit", "pos": "", "context": "i do n't even like catsuits - but i like hers , so i 'm going to get another one .", "definition": "a woman 's close-fitting one-piece garment with trouser legs , covering the body from the neck to the feet .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i do n't even like catsuits - but i like hers , so i 'm going to get another one .\" What is the definition of \"catsuit\"?"} {"term": "basil", "pos": "", "context": "remove from the heat , add the parsley , thyme , basil , tarragon , chervil , and chives and stir to combine .", "definition": "an aromatic plant of the mint family , native to tropical asia . the leaves are used as a culinary herb , especially in mediterranean dishes", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"remove from the heat , add the parsley , thyme , basil , tarragon , chervil , and chives and stir to combine .\" What is the definition of \"basil\"?"} {"term": "neap", "pos": "", "context": "this voyage made more history than money as on the way down the vessel was neaped , waiting for water near guyhurn bridge for almost 2 weeks .", "definition": "( of a boat ) be kept aground or in harbour by a neap tide", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this voyage made more history than money as on the way down the vessel was neaped , waiting for water near guyhurn bridge for almost 2 weeks .\" What is the definition of \"neap\"?"} {"term": "tuning", "pos": "", "context": "the two instruments are tuned a quarter-tone apart , and it 's incredible how soon the ear becomes accustomed to the strangeness of this tuning .", "definition": "a particular key or set of pitches to which an instrument , especially one with strings , is tuned", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the two instruments are tuned a quarter-tone apart , and it 's incredible how soon the ear becomes accustomed to the strangeness of this tuning .\" What is the definition of \"tuning\"?"} {"term": "cynicism", "pos": "", "context": "their run to the top of the standings is cause for cynicism .", "definition": "an inclination to believe that people are motivated purely by self-interest ; scepticism", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their run to the top of the standings is cause for cynicism .\" What is the definition of \"cynicism\"?"} {"term": "hydro", "pos": "", "context": "the investigating officer testified that the average home uses 30-50 kilowatts of hydro per day .", "definition": "electricity .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the investigating officer testified that the average home uses 30-50 kilowatts of hydro per day .\" What is the definition of \"hydro\"?"} {"term": "dealing", "pos": "", "context": "honest dealing", "definition": "method or manner of conduct in relation to others", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"honest dealing\" What is the definition of \"dealing\"?"} {"term": "starve", "pos": "", "context": "sparta 's victory at aegospotami and its control of the hellespont starved athens into surrender in april 404 .", "definition": "force someone out of ( a place ) or into ( a specified state ) by starvation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sparta 's victory at aegospotami and its control of the hellespont starved athens into surrender in april 404 .\" What is the definition of \"starve\"?"} {"term": "prefix", "pos": "", "context": "sinclair has painted some 80 large works in oil on board , each of which say either ‘ i love real life ’ or use the real life title , prefixed by the name of the appropriate colour in which sinclair has covered the ground .", "definition": "add a prefix or introduction to ( something )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sinclair has painted some 80 large works in oil on board , each of which say either ‘ i love real life ’ or use the real life title , prefixed by the name of the appropriate colour in which sinclair has covered the ground .\" What is the definition of \"prefix\"?"} {"term": "prefix", "pos": "", "context": "prefixed words", "definition": "attach a prefix to", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"prefixed words\" What is the definition of \"prefix\"?"} {"term": "mug", "pos": "", "context": "she sits at her cluttered desk in her study , exhaling smoke , tossing budweisers , reading poems and mugging for the camera .", "definition": "make faces , especially silly or exaggerated ones , before an audience or a camera", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she sits at her cluttered desk in her study , exhaling smoke , tossing budweisers , reading poems and mugging for the camera .\" What is the definition of \"mug\"?"} {"term": "dimension", "pos": "", "context": "all that remains is to dimension the flat pattern and delete temporary lines and arcs .", "definition": "mark ( a diagram ) with measurements .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all that remains is to dimension the flat pattern and delete temporary lines and arcs .\" What is the definition of \"dimension\"?"} {"term": "page", "pos": "", "context": "mr b brenan and mr j r smith who regularly writes to your letters page should also get praised for the work they do .", "definition": "the material written or printed on a page", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mr b brenan and mr j r smith who regularly writes to your letters page should also get praised for the work they do .\" What is the definition of \"page\"?"} {"term": "page", "pos": "", "context": "however , they may be forgetting one point which is that when history turns a new page , it ca n't be easily turned back .", "definition": "a significant event or period considered as a part of a longer history", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"however , they may be forgetting one point which is that when history turns a new page , it ca n't be easily turned back .\" What is the definition of \"page\"?"} {"term": "page", "pos": "", "context": "we do n't do the dainty minuet of the newspaper editorial page .", "definition": "a page of a newspaper or magazine set aside for a particular topic", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we do n't do the dainty minuet of the newspaper editorial page .\" What is the definition of \"page\"?"} {"term": "opening", "pos": "", "context": "a double opening will offer new paintings by aaron hill entitled inheritance .", "definition": "a ceremony or celebratory gathering at which a building , show , etc . is declared to be open", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a double opening will offer new paintings by aaron hill entitled inheritance .\" What is the definition of \"opening\"?"} {"term": "opening", "pos": "", "context": "there is an opening in the sales department", "definition": "opportunity especially for employment or promotion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is an opening in the sales department\" What is the definition of \"opening\"?"} {"term": "opening", "pos": "", "context": "the memorable opening bars of beethoven 's fifth", "definition": "first or beginning", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the memorable opening bars of beethoven 's fifth\" What is the definition of \"opening\"?"} {"term": "inflection", "pos": "", "context": "but like the point of inflection on a line graph , the first species in any new lineage is only readily apparent after the fact .", "definition": "a change of curvature from convex to concave at a particular point on a curve", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but like the point of inflection on a line graph , the first species in any new lineage is only readily apparent after the fact .\" What is the definition of \"inflection\"?"} {"term": "galilean", "pos": "", "context": "it is unrealistic to expect all our answers to come from a long dead englishman , let alone a pale galilean .", "definition": "a native or inhabitant of galilee .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is unrealistic to expect all our answers to come from a long dead englishman , let alone a pale galilean .\" What is the definition of \"galilean\"?"} {"term": "security", "pos": "", "context": "we support the armed services in the name of national security", "definition": "the state of being free from danger or injury", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we support the armed services in the name of national security\" What is the definition of \"security\"?"} {"term": "convert", "pos": "", "context": "we converted from 220 to 110 volt", "definition": "change from one system to another or to a new plan or policy", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we converted from 220 to 110 volt\" What is the definition of \"convert\"?"} {"term": "synagogue", "pos": "", "context": "not longer after that my mother began to attend a liberal synagogue , and i joined her .", "definition": "an occasion on which jews meet in a synagogue for religious worship and instruction .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"not longer after that my mother began to attend a liberal synagogue , and i joined her .\" What is the definition of \"synagogue\"?"} {"term": "barrack", "pos": "", "context": "gerry brownlee was giving a point of order ; michael cullen stood up and barracked him from his seat .", "definition": "jeer loudly at ( someone performing or speaking in public ) in order to express disapproval or to distract them", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gerry brownlee was giving a point of order ; michael cullen stood up and barracked him from his seat .\" What is the definition of \"barrack\"?"} {"term": "smoulder", "pos": "", "context": "the smoulder suddenly became a blaze", "definition": "a fire that burns with thick smoke but no flame", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the smoulder suddenly became a blaze\" What is the definition of \"smoulder\"?"} {"term": "surveillance", "pos": "", "context": "the boat used was under constant surveillance from the time it entered united kingdom waters .", "definition": "close observation , especially of a suspected spy or criminal", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the boat used was under constant surveillance from the time it entered united kingdom waters .\" What is the definition of \"surveillance\"?"} {"term": "overindulgence", "pos": "", "context": "the child was spoiled by overindulgence", "definition": "excessive indulgence", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the child was spoiled by overindulgence\" What is the definition of \"overindulgence\"?"} {"term": "concert", "pos": "", "context": "each person knew what was going on but there was no concert between them , no preconcert .", "definition": "joint action , especially in the committing of a crime", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"each person knew what was going on but there was no concert between them , no preconcert .\" What is the definition of \"concert\"?"} {"term": "wobble", "pos": "", "context": "she tried to sound firm when she spoke , but her voice wobbled pathetically in her own ears .", "definition": "( of the voice ) vary slightly in pitch ; quaver", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she tried to sound firm when she spoke , but her voice wobbled pathetically in her own ears .\" What is the definition of \"wobble\"?"} {"term": "balboa", "pos": "", "context": "the unit of currency is the balboa , which is pegged to the united states dollar .", "definition": "the basic monetary unit of panama , equal to 100 centésimos .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the unit of currency is the balboa , which is pegged to the united states dollar .\" What is the definition of \"balboa\"?"} {"term": "foulness", "pos": "", "context": "they were wearied with the foulness of the weather", "definition": "( of weather ) the badness of the weather", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they were wearied with the foulness of the weather\" What is the definition of \"foulness\"?"} {"term": "cornucopia", "pos": "", "context": "the figure of ceres on the stem of the cup holds a cornucopia .", "definition": "an ornamental container shaped like a goat 's horn .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the figure of ceres on the stem of the cup holds a cornucopia .\" What is the definition of \"cornucopia\"?"} {"term": "gambling", "pos": "", "context": "his gambling cost him a fortune", "definition": "the act of playing for stakes in the hope of winning ( including the payment of a price for a chance to win a prize )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his gambling cost him a fortune\" What is the definition of \"gambling\"?"} {"term": "bondsman", "pos": "", "context": "i could do a million things here , but they would all end up with me calling a bail bondsman .", "definition": "a person who stands surety for a bond .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i could do a million things here , but they would all end up with me calling a bail bondsman .\" What is the definition of \"bondsman\"?"} {"term": "hyssop", "pos": "", "context": "the products used contain basil , pepper , clary sage and thyme , as well as hyssop essential oils .", "definition": "a small bushy aromatic plant of the mint family , the bitter minty leaves of which are used in cooking and herbal medicine .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the products used contain basil , pepper , clary sage and thyme , as well as hyssop essential oils .\" What is the definition of \"hyssop\"?"} {"term": "face", "pos": "", "context": "he washed his face", "definition": "the front of the human head from the forehead to the chin and ear to ear", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he washed his face\" What is the definition of \"face\"?"} {"term": "face", "pos": "", "context": "although most rock shelters open on three sides , the eagle rock site faces north and is open on only one side .", "definition": "have the face or front pointing in a specified direction", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"although most rock shelters open on three sides , the eagle rock site faces north and is open on only one side .\" What is the definition of \"face\"?"} {"term": "face", "pos": "", "context": "the building was faced with beautiful stones", "definition": "cover the front or surface of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the building was faced with beautiful stones\" What is the definition of \"face\"?"} {"term": "face", "pos": "", "context": "an enormous dilemma faces us", "definition": "present somebody with something , usually to accuse or criticize", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an enormous dilemma faces us\" What is the definition of \"face\"?"} {"term": "face", "pos": "", "context": "here was a problem that amounted to rather more than an unsightly flaw on the face of the splendid facade of classical physics .", "definition": "an aspect of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"here was a problem that amounted to rather more than an unsightly flaw on the face of the splendid facade of classical physics .\" What is the definition of \"face\"?"} {"term": "viewpoint", "pos": "", "context": "you can look at it from a number of different viewpoints , in my view .", "definition": "a person 's opinion or point of view", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you can look at it from a number of different viewpoints , in my view .\" What is the definition of \"viewpoint\"?"} {"term": "found", "pos": "", "context": "betke was better off when he was digesting found sounds into something murky and nebulous .", "definition": "( of an object or sound ) collected in its natural state and presented in a new context as part of a work of art or piece of music", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"betke was better off when he was digesting found sounds into something murky and nebulous .\" What is the definition of \"found\"?"} {"term": "legitimacy", "pos": "", "context": "his more modest aim is that of criticizing the claim that science has a monopoly on truth by defending the legitimacy of experiences of truth which do not depend on and are even distorted by method .", "definition": "ability to be defended with logic or justification ; validity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his more modest aim is that of criticizing the claim that science has a monopoly on truth by defending the legitimacy of experiences of truth which do not depend on and are even distorted by method .\" What is the definition of \"legitimacy\"?"} {"term": "rupture", "pos": "", "context": "they almost ruptured themselves straining to lift it .", "definition": "suffer an abdominal hernia", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they almost ruptured themselves straining to lift it .\" What is the definition of \"rupture\"?"} {"term": "reposition", "pos": "", "context": "to follow the sun 's arc through the sky , chris daily repositions the panels .", "definition": "place in a different position ; adjust or alter the position of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to follow the sun 's arc through the sky , chris daily repositions the panels .\" What is the definition of \"reposition\"?"} {"term": "moral", "pos": "", "context": "on the other hand , a duty is a moral obligation to do one specific thing over another without the freedom to decide .", "definition": "concerned with or derived from the code of behaviour that is considered right or acceptable in a particular society", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on the other hand , a duty is a moral obligation to do one specific thing over another without the freedom to decide .\" What is the definition of \"moral\"?"} {"term": "moral", "pos": "", "context": "david was a moral philosopher and historian and a leading member of the scottish enlightenment .", "definition": "examining the nature of ethics and the foundations of good and bad character and conduct", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"david was a moral philosopher and historian and a leading member of the scottish enlightenment .\" What is the definition of \"moral\"?"} {"term": "attentiveness", "pos": "", "context": "his attentiveness to her wishes", "definition": "paying particular notice ( as to children or helpless people )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his attentiveness to her wishes\" What is the definition of \"attentiveness\"?"} {"term": "clepsydra", "pos": "", "context": "he did this with a clepsydra , a vessel with a hole in the bottom and one in the top .", "definition": "an ancient time-measuring device worked by a flow of water .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he did this with a clepsydra , a vessel with a hole in the bottom and one in the top .\" What is the definition of \"clepsydra\"?"} {"term": "adaptation", "pos": "", "context": "in the days before television , it was common practice to create radio adaptations of popular films .", "definition": "a film , television drama , or stage play that has been adapted from a written work", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the days before television , it was common practice to create radio adaptations of popular films .\" What is the definition of \"adaptation\"?"} {"term": "uphill", "pos": "", "context": "she was talking uphill", "definition": "against difficulties", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was talking uphill\" What is the definition of \"uphill\"?"} {"term": "uphill", "pos": "", "context": "have you ever noticed that institutional buildings face a huge uphill struggle to be welcoming , no matter how hard they try to soften their hard edges ?", "definition": "requiring great effort ; difficult", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"have you ever noticed that institutional buildings face a huge uphill struggle to be welcoming , no matter how hard they try to soften their hard edges ?\" What is the definition of \"uphill\"?"} {"term": "enclose", "pos": "", "context": "soon after growth accelerated when the common was enclosed and plots of land were sold off .", "definition": "fence in ( common land ) so as to make it private property", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"soon after growth accelerated when the common was enclosed and plots of land were sold off .\" What is the definition of \"enclose\"?"} {"term": "bark", "pos": "", "context": "she barked into the dictaphone", "definition": "speak in an unfriendly tone", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she barked into the dictaphone\" What is the definition of \"bark\"?"} {"term": "monotreme", "pos": "", "context": "many of the comprehensive , algorithm-based analyses place multituberculates within the crown group of living mammals , in some cases tentatively united with monotremes .", "definition": "a primitive mammal that lays large yolky eggs and has a common opening for the urogenital and digestive systems . monotremes are now restricted to australia and new guinea , and comprise the platypus and the echidnas .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"many of the comprehensive , algorithm-based analyses place multituberculates within the crown group of living mammals , in some cases tentatively united with monotremes .\" What is the definition of \"monotreme\"?"} {"term": "product", "pos": "", "context": "the product of 2 and 3 is 6", "definition": "a quantity obtained by multiplication", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the product of 2 and 3 is 6\" What is the definition of \"product\"?"} {"term": "product", "pos": "", "context": "when and where to invest for research and development of new products and services becomes the bigger challenge .", "definition": "an article or substance that is manufactured or refined for sale", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when and where to invest for research and development of new products and services becomes the bigger challenge .\" What is the definition of \"product\"?"} {"term": "occupant", "pos": "", "context": "will black voters go to the polls in droves in november to have their say about who should be the next occupant of the oval office ?", "definition": "the holder of a position or office", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"will black voters go to the polls in droves in november to have their say about who should be the next occupant of the oval office ?\" What is the definition of \"occupant\"?"} {"term": "underscore", "pos": "", "context": "it was not uncommon for respondents to heavily underscore the words ‘ secure job with a pension ’ in their answers to my question about why they went to university .", "definition": "underline ( something ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was not uncommon for respondents to heavily underscore the words ‘ secure job with a pension ’ in their answers to my question about why they went to university .\" What is the definition of \"underscore\"?"} {"term": "socialization", "pos": "", "context": "there was too much socialization with the enlisted men", "definition": "the act of meeting for social purposes", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was too much socialization with the enlisted men\" What is the definition of \"socialization\"?"} {"term": "domestic", "pos": "", "context": "domestic servant", "definition": "of or relating to the home", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"domestic servant\" What is the definition of \"domestic\"?"} {"term": "domestic", "pos": "", "context": "the 400 porters , domestics , laundry and catering workers are the latest group of health workers to take on the low pay , bullying and exploitation of their private contractor bosses .", "definition": "a person who is paid to help with cleaning and other menial tasks in a person 's home .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the 400 porters , domestics , laundry and catering workers are the latest group of health workers to take on the low pay , bullying and exploitation of their private contractor bosses .\" What is the definition of \"domestic\"?"} {"term": "domestic", "pos": "", "context": "domestic issues such as tax rate and highway construction", "definition": "of concern to or concerning the internal affairs of a nation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"domestic issues such as tax rate and highway construction\" What is the definition of \"domestic\"?"} {"term": "then", "pos": "", "context": "i feel that i am in a really lucky position . i paint what i like on the street and then i have a studio where i can play around with different ideas and effects , the kind of things you could never do on the street .", "definition": "also ; in addition", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i feel that i am in a really lucky position . i paint what i like on the street and then i have a studio where i can play around with different ideas and effects , the kind of things you could never do on the street .\" What is the definition of \"then\"?"} {"term": "then", "pos": "", "context": "back then , we did n't have to wear shin guards while playing soccer .", "definition": "at that time ; at the time in question", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"back then , we did n't have to wear shin guards while playing soccer .\" What is the definition of \"then\"?"} {"term": "then", "pos": "", "context": "science as it was then taught", "definition": "at that time", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"science as it was then taught\" What is the definition of \"then\"?"} {"term": "then", "pos": "", "context": "we watched the late movie and then went to bed", "definition": "subsequently or soon afterward ( often used as sentence connectors )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we watched the late movie and then went to bed\" What is the definition of \"then\"?"} {"term": "guttering", "pos": "", "context": "although not regarded a a major disaster by the insurance industry or local disaster managers , the hailstorm has led to a shortage of window glass and guttering .", "definition": "material used to make gutters .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"although not regarded a a major disaster by the insurance industry or local disaster managers , the hailstorm has led to a shortage of window glass and guttering .\" What is the definition of \"guttering\"?"} {"term": "gong", "pos": "", "context": "set in a rural town in the midlands , pure mule won five irish film and television award gongs in november including best tv director .", "definition": "a medal or award .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"set in a rural town in the midlands , pure mule won five irish film and television award gongs in november including best tv director .\" What is the definition of \"gong\"?"} {"term": "deacon", "pos": "", "context": "he was deaconed in 1853 and priested in 1854 in the diocese of newcastle .", "definition": "appoint or ordain as a deacon .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was deaconed in 1853 and priested in 1854 in the diocese of newcastle .\" What is the definition of \"deacon\"?"} {"term": "heap", "pos": "", "context": "heap firewood around the fireplace", "definition": "arrange in stacks", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"heap firewood around the fireplace\" What is the definition of \"heap\"?"} {"term": "heap", "pos": "", "context": "if the film flops , the banks will only have a heap of cans and nothing else .", "definition": "an amount of a particular loose substance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if the film flops , the banks will only have a heap of cans and nothing else .\" What is the definition of \"heap\"?"} {"term": "nourish", "pos": "", "context": "after blooms fade , cut flower stalks close to the ground , leaving healthy green leaves in place to nourish next year 's growth .", "definition": "enhance the fertility of ( soil )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after blooms fade , cut flower stalks close to the ground , leaving healthy green leaves in place to nourish next year 's growth .\" What is the definition of \"nourish\"?"} {"term": "lifer", "pos": "", "context": "he is a baseball lifer who enjoys the mental challenge of catching .", "definition": "a person who spends their life in a particular career , especially in one of the armed forces .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is a baseball lifer who enjoys the mental challenge of catching .\" What is the definition of \"lifer\"?"} {"term": "condemn", "pos": "", "context": "here , the condemned are forced to kneel and are then dispatched with a bullet in the back of the head .", "definition": "sentence ( someone ) to a particular punishment , especially death", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"here , the condemned are forced to kneel and are then dispatched with a bullet in the back of the head .\" What is the definition of \"condemn\"?"} {"term": "hay", "pos": "", "context": "one of the most pleasing movements in country-dancing is what they call ‘ the hay ’ .", "definition": "a winding figure in a hay country dance .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one of the most pleasing movements in country-dancing is what they call ‘ the hay ’ .\" What is the definition of \"hay\"?"} {"term": "hierarch", "pos": "", "context": "certainly there have been notable orthodox hierarchs in this country and abroad , many of them russians , whose vision of orthodoxy and its catholic mission was a resplendent one .", "definition": "a chief priest , archbishop , or other leader .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"certainly there have been notable orthodox hierarchs in this country and abroad , many of them russians , whose vision of orthodoxy and its catholic mission was a resplendent one .\" What is the definition of \"hierarch\"?"} {"term": "terminus", "pos": "", "context": "at one time his father had a pub and grocery business , situated near a large dublin railway terminus .", "definition": "the end of a railway or other transport route , or a station at such a point ; a terminal .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at one time his father had a pub and grocery business , situated near a large dublin railway terminus .\" What is the definition of \"terminus\"?"} {"term": "spotter", "pos": "", "context": "over 6,000 policemen and women were on the streets of central london backed up by mounted police , three police helicopters and numerous plainclothes spotters on the roofs and in the crowd .", "definition": "a person who looks for or observes a particular thing as a hobby or job", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"over 6,000 policemen and women were on the streets of central london backed up by mounted police , three police helicopters and numerous plainclothes spotters on the roofs and in the crowd .\" What is the definition of \"spotter\"?"} {"term": "trumpery", "pos": "", "context": "the 2000 or so mercers included great merchants engaged in international trade and small traders selling trumpery objects from their shops .", "definition": "attractive articles of little value or use", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the 2000 or so mercers included great merchants engaged in international trade and small traders selling trumpery objects from their shops .\" What is the definition of \"trumpery\"?"} {"term": "taste", "pos": "", "context": "the ex-slave tasted freedom shortly before she died", "definition": "experience briefly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ex-slave tasted freedom shortly before she died\" What is the definition of \"taste\"?"} {"term": "taste", "pos": "", "context": "their taste in literature he regarded as despicable .", "definition": "the ability to discern what is of good quality or of a high aesthetic standard", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their taste in literature he regarded as despicable .\" What is the definition of \"taste\"?"} {"term": "taste", "pos": "", "context": "several newspapers last week displayed a lack of taste and discretion which was , frankly , ghoulish and surely contravened two clauses of the editors ' code of practice .", "definition": "conformity or failure to conform with generally held views concerning what is offensive or acceptable", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"several newspapers last week displayed a lack of taste and discretion which was , frankly , ghoulish and surely contravened two clauses of the editors ' code of practice .\" What is the definition of \"taste\"?"} {"term": "taste", "pos": "", "context": "she said i could taste a bit , but of course i carried on and finished off the entire bowl .", "definition": "eat or drink a small portion of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she said i could taste a bit , but of course i carried on and finished off the entire bowl .\" What is the definition of \"taste\"?"} {"term": "merrymaking", "pos": "", "context": "while our brothers and sisters in aceh were experiencing a great calamity , some of us were indulging in convivial merrymaking at luxury hotels on new year 's eve .", "definition": "fun ; festivity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"while our brothers and sisters in aceh were experiencing a great calamity , some of us were indulging in convivial merrymaking at luxury hotels on new year 's eve .\" What is the definition of \"merrymaking\"?"} {"term": "semimonthly", "pos": "", "context": "a semimonthly publication", "definition": "occurring twice a month", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a semimonthly publication\" What is the definition of \"semimonthly\"?"} {"term": "beaut", "pos": "", "context": "and clever software guys will write beaut ambiguity resolution algorithms that can choose the best multifrequency combinations from the signal zoo out there .", "definition": "very good or beautiful", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and clever software guys will write beaut ambiguity resolution algorithms that can choose the best multifrequency combinations from the signal zoo out there .\" What is the definition of \"beaut\"?"} {"term": "concern", "pos": "", "context": "and which , he might have added , is pretty much what the paper spent the '90s concerning itself with .", "definition": "interest or involve oneself in", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and which , he might have added , is pretty much what the paper spent the '90s concerning itself with .\" What is the definition of \"concern\"?"} {"term": "concern", "pos": "", "context": "my teammate was faster than i was at the start , but this did not concern me , and it did n't worry the team either .", "definition": "make ( someone ) anxious or worried", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my teammate was faster than i was at the start , but this did not concern me , and it did n't worry the team either .\" What is the definition of \"concern\"?"} {"term": "trap", "pos": "", "context": "the supporting card provided top class entertainment despite the fact that there was some controversy regarding the opening of the traps for the fifth race .", "definition": "the compartment from which a greyhound is released at the start of a race .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the supporting card provided top class entertainment despite the fact that there was some controversy regarding the opening of the traps for the fifth race .\" What is the definition of \"trap\"?"} {"term": "trap", "pos": "", "context": "‘ i borrowed some bamboo baskets from the department , put in baits and set the trap to catch the shrimp , ’ dong said .", "definition": "a device or enclosure designed to catch and retain animals , typically by allowing entry but not exit or by catching hold of a part of the body", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ i borrowed some bamboo baskets from the department , put in baits and set the trap to catch the shrimp , ’ dong said .\" What is the definition of \"trap\"?"} {"term": "apology", "pos": "", "context": "he wrote a letter of apology to the hostess", "definition": "an expression of regret at having caused trouble for someone", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he wrote a letter of apology to the hostess\" What is the definition of \"apology\"?"} {"term": "pilau", "pos": "", "context": "i decided to choose my old , reliable favourite , chicken madras with mushroom pilau .", "definition": "a middle eastern or indian dish of rice ( or sometimes wheat ) cooked in stock with spices , typically having added meat or vegetables .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i decided to choose my old , reliable favourite , chicken madras with mushroom pilau .\" What is the definition of \"pilau\"?"} {"term": "punchbowl", "pos": "", "context": "about halfway along the loop , you 'll reach the falls , among the park 's most impressive : a thundering , 40-foot plunging punchbowl .", "definition": "a deep round hollow in a hilly area .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"about halfway along the loop , you 'll reach the falls , among the park 's most impressive : a thundering , 40-foot plunging punchbowl .\" What is the definition of \"punchbowl\"?"} {"term": "pluck", "pos": "", "context": "pluck the flowers off the bush", "definition": "pull or pull out sharply", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pluck the flowers off the bush\" What is the definition of \"pluck\"?"} {"term": "brocade", "pos": "", "context": "her works combine magnificent textile materials such as haute couture fabrics , lace and brocade with more modest elements such as thread , cord , wire , ribbon and cable .", "definition": "a rich fabric woven with a raised pattern , typically with gold or silver thread", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her works combine magnificent textile materials such as haute couture fabrics , lace and brocade with more modest elements such as thread , cord , wire , ribbon and cable .\" What is the definition of \"brocade\"?"} {"term": "proposal", "pos": "", "context": "i know that many prefer the type of stories that begin with a proposal of marriage or even a wedding or dance .", "definition": "an offer of marriage", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i know that many prefer the type of stories that begin with a proposal of marriage or even a wedding or dance .\" What is the definition of \"proposal\"?"} {"term": "programmer", "pos": "", "context": "throughout my 20s i was a computer programmer writing software for ibm mainframes .", "definition": "a person who writes computer programs", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"throughout my 20s i was a computer programmer writing software for ibm mainframes .\" What is the definition of \"programmer\"?"} {"term": "promoter", "pos": "", "context": "at no stage did we tell the local promoters for this event that the capacity for it would be 19,000 .", "definition": "a person or company that finances or organizes a sporting event , concert , or theatrical production", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at no stage did we tell the local promoters for this event that the capacity for it would be 19,000 .\" What is the definition of \"promoter\"?"} {"term": "payload", "pos": "", "context": "that same logic would hold true if the payload capacity had been modified to 6,000 lb or less and a passenger seat configuration of 20 seats or fewer .", "definition": "the part of a vehicle 's load , especially an aircraft 's , from which revenue is derived ; passengers and cargo .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that same logic would hold true if the payload capacity had been modified to 6,000 lb or less and a passenger seat configuration of 20 seats or fewer .\" What is the definition of \"payload\"?"} {"term": "crouch", "pos": "", "context": "she heard the singing of a blade being drawn from its scabbard , and dropped into a crouch as said blade sliced the air above her head .", "definition": "a crouching stance or posture", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she heard the singing of a blade being drawn from its scabbard , and dropped into a crouch as said blade sliced the air above her head .\" What is the definition of \"crouch\"?"} {"term": "intern", "pos": "", "context": "he travelled via england , where he was interned as an enemy alien and shipped to australia , but in 1942 he found his way back , and was given a job treating traumatised soldiers .", "definition": "confine ( someone ) as a prisoner , especially for political or military reasons", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he travelled via england , where he was interned as an enemy alien and shipped to australia , but in 1942 he found his way back , and was given a job treating traumatised soldiers .\" What is the definition of \"intern\"?"} {"term": "megatherium", "pos": "", "context": "but cuvier , since then , has fully proved that these so-termed bones of giants were in reality fossil remains of mammoths , megatheriums , mastodons , and similar extinct brutes ; and that the giant 's teeth ’ found in many museums , had once graced the jaw-bones of spermaceti whales .", "definition": "an extinct giant ground sloth of the pliocene and pleistocene epochs in america , reaching a height of 5 m ( 16 ft ) when standing erect .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but cuvier , since then , has fully proved that these so-termed bones of giants were in reality fossil remains of mammoths , megatheriums , mastodons , and similar extinct brutes ; and that the giant 's teeth ’ found in many museums , had once graced the jaw-bones of spermaceti whales .\" What is the definition of \"megatherium\"?"} {"term": "bruise", "pos": "", "context": "bruise the berries with a wooden spoon and strain them", "definition": "break up into small pieces for food preparation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bruise the berries with a wooden spoon and strain them\" What is the definition of \"bruise\"?"} {"term": "bruise", "pos": "", "context": "the customer bruised the strawberries by squeezing them", "definition": "damage ( plant tissue ) by abrasion or pressure", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the customer bruised the strawberries by squeezing them\" What is the definition of \"bruise\"?"} {"term": "woad", "pos": "", "context": "‘ all britons dye themselves with woad which makes them blue , ’ caesar recorded , ‘ so that in battle their appearance is more terrible . ’", "definition": "dye obtained from the woad plant , now superseded by synthetic products .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ all britons dye themselves with woad which makes them blue , ’ caesar recorded , ‘ so that in battle their appearance is more terrible . ’\" What is the definition of \"woad\"?"} {"term": "gunner", "pos": "", "context": "finally , british gunners had perfected the ‘ creeping barrage ’ - an advancing line of gunfire behind whose cover the infantry could assault to within yards of the enemy positions .", "definition": "( in the british army ) an artillery soldier ( used especially as an official term for a private ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"finally , british gunners had perfected the ‘ creeping barrage ’ - an advancing line of gunfire behind whose cover the infantry could assault to within yards of the enemy positions .\" What is the definition of \"gunner\"?"} {"term": "streak", "pos": "", "context": "the hazy sky was streaked with white clouds .", "definition": "cover ( a surface ) with streaks", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the hazy sky was streaked with white clouds .\" What is the definition of \"streak\"?"} {"term": "streak", "pos": "", "context": "symptoms are pale green new leaves with black streaks between the veins .", "definition": "a long , thin line or mark of a different substance or colour from its surroundings", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"symptoms are pale green new leaves with black streaks between the veins .\" What is the definition of \"streak\"?"} {"term": "hobnail", "pos": "", "context": "although particularly heavy , the bowl has a dainty design with a distinctive star-shaped base and a wealth of intricate engravings - various sunbursts panels are divided by parallel prisms from hobnail diamond panels .", "definition": "a blunt projection , especially in cut or moulded glassware .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"although particularly heavy , the bowl has a dainty design with a distinctive star-shaped base and a wealth of intricate engravings - various sunbursts panels are divided by parallel prisms from hobnail diamond panels .\" What is the definition of \"hobnail\"?"} {"term": "monochromatism", "pos": "", "context": "dichromatism may have been lost repeatedly within the dabbling ducks , and thus it is possible that monochromatism is the derived state in grey teal ( vs. dichromatism in the other taxa ) .", "definition": "complete colour blindness in which all colours appear as shades of one colour .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dichromatism may have been lost repeatedly within the dabbling ducks , and thus it is possible that monochromatism is the derived state in grey teal ( vs. dichromatism in the other taxa ) .\" What is the definition of \"monochromatism\"?"} {"term": "dictaphone", "pos": "", "context": "isabelle had lunch with mark to persuade him against writing the book but was angered when she discovered he had recorded their conversation and threw his dictaphone into a fish tank .", "definition": "a small cassette recorder used to record speech for transcription at a later time .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"isabelle had lunch with mark to persuade him against writing the book but was angered when she discovered he had recorded their conversation and threw his dictaphone into a fish tank .\" What is the definition of \"dictaphone\"?"} {"term": "muffler", "pos": "", "context": "i worried also about the nature of our neighborhood , which is a redneck shangri-la of big dawgs , trucks with bad mufflers , heavily armed gomers , and gangs of marauding feral boys with bb guns .", "definition": "a silencer for a motor vehicle exhaust .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i worried also about the nature of our neighborhood , which is a redneck shangri-la of big dawgs , trucks with bad mufflers , heavily armed gomers , and gangs of marauding feral boys with bb guns .\" What is the definition of \"muffler\"?"} {"term": "joint", "pos": "", "context": "a joint session of congress", "definition": "involving both houses of a legislature", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a joint session of congress\" What is the definition of \"joint\"?"} {"term": "joint", "pos": "", "context": "joint income-tax return", "definition": "affecting or involving two or more", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"joint income-tax return\" What is the definition of \"joint\"?"} {"term": "joint", "pos": "", "context": "thanks to a new joint and crossbar arrangement for the car 's load-bearing structure , the bodyshell stiffness is increased by 25 percent over its predecessor .", "definition": "a particular arrangement of parts of a structure at the point where they are joined", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"thanks to a new joint and crossbar arrangement for the car 's load-bearing structure , the bodyshell stiffness is increased by 25 percent over its predecessor .\" What is the definition of \"joint\"?"} {"term": "joint", "pos": "", "context": "the pension companies will come up with a joint position on their participation in the pension reform .", "definition": "sharing in a position , achievement , or activity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the pension companies will come up with a joint position on their participation in the pension reform .\" What is the definition of \"joint\"?"} {"term": "joint", "pos": "", "context": "you may feel very hot and have painful inflamed joints .", "definition": "a structure in the human or animal body at which two parts of the skeleton are fitted together", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you may feel very hot and have painful inflamed joints .\" What is the definition of \"joint\"?"} {"term": "promise", "pos": "", "context": "so we 've promised ourselves a trip to the garden centre tomorrow , with the intention of getting a couple of trays of cheap and cheerful annuals to fill out the empty bits and to bridge us over until the perennials catch up .", "definition": "contemplate the pleasant expectation of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so we 've promised ourselves a trip to the garden centre tomorrow , with the intention of getting a couple of trays of cheap and cheerful annuals to fill out the empty bits and to bridge us over until the perennials catch up .\" What is the definition of \"promise\"?"} {"term": "promise", "pos": "", "context": "the president promised to abolish emergency laws and create an electoral system where all parties have a chance to participate .", "definition": "assure someone that one will definitely do something or that something will happen", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the president promised to abolish emergency laws and create an electoral system where all parties have a chance to participate .\" What is the definition of \"promise\"?"} {"term": "past", "pos": "", "context": "on the other hand , it is also prudent for the majority of us to learn from our past mistakes and experiences .", "definition": "belonging to a former time", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on the other hand , it is also prudent for the majority of us to learn from our past mistakes and experiences .\" What is the definition of \"past\"?"} {"term": "infarction", "pos": "", "context": "what about intentionally giving thrombolytic drugs after myocardial infarction ?", "definition": "obstruction of the blood supply to an organ or region of tissue , typically by a thrombus or embolus , causing local death of the tissue .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"what about intentionally giving thrombolytic drugs after myocardial infarction ?\" What is the definition of \"infarction\"?"} {"term": "coleslaw", "pos": "", "context": "these varieties are often used for making coleslaw and other cabbage salads .", "definition": "a salad dish of shredded raw cabbage , carrots , and other vegetables mixed with mayonnaise .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these varieties are often used for making coleslaw and other cabbage salads .\" What is the definition of \"coleslaw\"?"} {"term": "expression", "pos": "", "context": "it is thought to be a multigene dominant condition with variable phenotypic expression .", "definition": "the appearance in a phenotype of a characteristic or effect attributed to a particular gene", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is thought to be a multigene dominant condition with variable phenotypic expression .\" What is the definition of \"expression\"?"} {"term": "defensive", "pos": "", "context": "early in the match he brought a fine save out of david marshall in the celtic goal after a defensive error from joos valgaeren .", "definition": "( in sport ) relating to or intended as defence", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"early in the match he brought a fine save out of david marshall in the celtic goal after a defensive error from joos valgaeren .\" What is the definition of \"defensive\"?"} {"term": "woof", "pos": "", "context": "how did such a little scottie dog make such a loud woof ?", "definition": "the barking sound made by a dog", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"how did such a little scottie dog make such a loud woof ?\" What is the definition of \"woof\"?"} {"term": "lesson", "pos": "", "context": "he just took things as they came and learned the lessons along the way .", "definition": "a thing learned by experience", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he just took things as they came and learned the lessons along the way .\" What is the definition of \"lesson\"?"} {"term": "conservator", "pos": "", "context": "this accessible , inexpensive technique forms part of the basic repertoire for curators and conservators examining works of art .", "definition": "a person responsible for the repair and preservation of things of cultural or environmental interest , such as buildings or works of art", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this accessible , inexpensive technique forms part of the basic repertoire for curators and conservators examining works of art .\" What is the definition of \"conservator\"?"} {"term": "mien", "pos": "", "context": "i was relieved to see his face slip into its impassive mien .", "definition": "a person 's appearance or manner , especially as an indication of their character or mood", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i was relieved to see his face slip into its impassive mien .\" What is the definition of \"mien\"?"} {"term": "blighty", "pos": "", "context": "then , as you know , i copped a blighty while standing on the ground , if you please .", "definition": "a wound suffered by a soldier in the first world war which was sufficiently serious to merit being shipped home to britain", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"then , as you know , i copped a blighty while standing on the ground , if you please .\" What is the definition of \"blighty\"?"} {"term": "elector", "pos": "", "context": "in determining what is a majority of the electors voting at such election , reference shall be had to the highest number of votes cast at such election for the candidates for any office or on any question .", "definition": "a person who has the right to vote in an election , especially one for members of a national parliament", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in determining what is a majority of the electors voting at such election , reference shall be had to the highest number of votes cast at such election for the candidates for any office or on any question .\" What is the definition of \"elector\"?"} {"term": "rival", "pos": "", "context": "constantinople , now istanbul , is probably rivalled only by rome as the central hub shaping european and world history since civilisation began .", "definition": "be or seem to be equal or comparable to", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"constantinople , now istanbul , is probably rivalled only by rome as the central hub shaping european and world history since civilisation began .\" What is the definition of \"rival\"?"} {"term": "steamer", "pos": "", "context": "pat the fish dry and arrange it on a lightly oiled heatproof plate or bowl that will fit into your steamer .", "definition": "a type of saucepan in which food can be steamed .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pat the fish dry and arrange it on a lightly oiled heatproof plate or bowl that will fit into your steamer .\" What is the definition of \"steamer\"?"} {"term": "softness", "pos": "", "context": "using this tool , you can apply a negative amount of blur , which adds softness from the current edge of the matte inward .", "definition": "a subtle effect or contrast ; lack of sharp definition", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"using this tool , you can apply a negative amount of blur , which adds softness from the current edge of the matte inward .\" What is the definition of \"softness\"?"} {"term": "softness", "pos": "", "context": "the strength and roughness of his hands contrasted sharply with the softness of his caress .", "definition": "the quality of being mild , gentle , or tender ; lack of force", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the strength and roughness of his hands contrasted sharply with the softness of his caress .\" What is the definition of \"softness\"?"} {"term": "slope", "pos": "", "context": "the terrain sloped down", "definition": "be at an angle", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the terrain sloped down\" What is the definition of \"slope\"?"} {"term": "largo", "pos": "", "context": "the second movement , largo , is begun by the piano in a delicate shift away from the minor theme : the transition was handled adeptly by goode , who set a perfect tempo for the burst of strings which enters upon his last bar .", "definition": "a passage , movement , or composition marked to be performed in this way .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the second movement , largo , is begun by the piano in a delicate shift away from the minor theme : the transition was handled adeptly by goode , who set a perfect tempo for the burst of strings which enters upon his last bar .\" What is the definition of \"largo\"?"} {"term": "idiom", "pos": "", "context": "the linguistic logic of the dot.com bubble was expressed in a particularly californian idiom .", "definition": "the dialect of a people or part of a country .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the linguistic logic of the dot.com bubble was expressed in a particularly californian idiom .\" What is the definition of \"idiom\"?"} {"term": "freeze", "pos": "", "context": "water freezes at 32 degrees fahrenheit", "definition": "change from a liquid to a solid when cold", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"water freezes at 32 degrees fahrenheit\" What is the definition of \"freeze\"?"} {"term": "denazification", "pos": "", "context": "in the zones , they began a denazification , demilitarization , and re-education program .", "definition": "the process of bringing the leaders of the national socialist regime in germany to justice and of purging all elements of nazism from public life , carried out especially between 1945 and 1948 .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the zones , they began a denazification , demilitarization , and re-education program .\" What is the definition of \"denazification\"?"} {"term": "lose", "pos": "", "context": "become concerned if the patient begins to lose more weight than 6 pounds in 6 months .", "definition": "decrease in ( body weight ) ; undergo a reduction of ( a specified amount of weight )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"become concerned if the patient begins to lose more weight than 6 pounds in 6 months .\" What is the definition of \"lose\"?"} {"term": "hoist", "pos": "", "context": "they hoisted the patient onto the operating table", "definition": "move from one place to another by lifting", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they hoisted the patient onto the operating table\" What is the definition of \"hoist\"?"} {"term": "vocalist", "pos": "", "context": "mid-song , he calls up two backing vocalists to join him , and later adds a drummer .", "definition": "a singer , typically one who regularly performs with a jazz or pop group .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mid-song , he calls up two backing vocalists to join him , and later adds a drummer .\" What is the definition of \"vocalist\"?"} {"term": "government", "pos": "", "context": "democracy is government by the greater number , and this is the system we have chosen to be governed by .", "definition": "the action or manner of controlling or regulating a state , organization , or people", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"democracy is government by the greater number , and this is the system we have chosen to be governed by .\" What is the definition of \"government\"?"} {"term": "government", "pos": "", "context": "i 'm tempted to suggest that government by the nearest conjunct is in fact the rule for vernacular english .", "definition": "the relation between a governed and a governing word .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i 'm tempted to suggest that government by the nearest conjunct is in fact the rule for vernacular english .\" What is the definition of \"government\"?"} {"term": "bastion", "pos": "", "context": "a bastion against corruption", "definition": "a group that defends a principle", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bastion against corruption\" What is the definition of \"bastion\"?"} {"term": "squire", "pos": "", "context": "if you survive being a page , and can stand being a squire , and pass the test of knighthood , then , and only then , will you be worthy of the title of a knight .", "definition": "a young nobleman acting as an attendant to a knight before becoming a knight himself .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if you survive being a page , and can stand being a squire , and pass the test of knighthood , then , and only then , will you be worthy of the title of a knight .\" What is the definition of \"squire\"?"} {"term": "squire", "pos": "", "context": "andy finds time to squire a few pretty ladies around , too , and even his motherly aunt bee dallies with romance this season .", "definition": "( of a man ) have a romantic relationship with ( a woman )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"andy finds time to squire a few pretty ladies around , too , and even his motherly aunt bee dallies with romance this season .\" What is the definition of \"squire\"?"} {"term": "label", "pos": "", "context": "these students were labelled `learning disabled '", "definition": "assign a label to ; designate with a label", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these students were labelled `learning disabled '\" What is the definition of \"label\"?"} {"term": "label", "pos": "", "context": "product labels provide information on safe handling and application .", "definition": "a small piece of paper , fabric , plastic , or similar material attached to an object and giving information about it", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"product labels provide information on safe handling and application .\" What is the definition of \"label\"?"} {"term": "label", "pos": "", "context": "they labeled him unfit to work here", "definition": "pronounce judgment on", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they labeled him unfit to work here\" What is the definition of \"label\"?"} {"term": "dumpy", "pos": "", "context": "far from being short , thick and dumpy they walk tall as champions of freedom and responsibility .", "definition": "( of a person ) short and stout", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"far from being short , thick and dumpy they walk tall as champions of freedom and responsibility .\" What is the definition of \"dumpy\"?"} {"term": "slugabed", "pos": "", "context": "this time though , his team were not the slugabeds who had toiled so morosely against austria , poland and england in manchester .", "definition": "a lazy person who stays in bed late .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this time though , his team were not the slugabeds who had toiled so morosely against austria , poland and england in manchester .\" What is the definition of \"slugabed\"?"} {"term": "backplane", "pos": "", "context": "blade servers are relatively new , and as of yet , no standards exist for backplanes or blade formats .", "definition": "a board to which the main circuit boards of a computer may be connected , and which provides connections between them .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"blade servers are relatively new , and as of yet , no standards exist for backplanes or blade formats .\" What is the definition of \"backplane\"?"} {"term": "extern", "pos": "", "context": "each semester justice clark had three to five law students working for him as externs .", "definition": "a student participating in a temporary training programme in a workplace", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"each semester justice clark had three to five law students working for him as externs .\" What is the definition of \"extern\"?"} {"term": "hedge", "pos": "", "context": "we note too that his pronouncements are hedged with bureaucratic justification .", "definition": "avoid making a definite statement or commitment", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we note too that his pronouncements are hedged with bureaucratic justification .\" What is the definition of \"hedge\"?"} {"term": "avocation", "pos": "", "context": "the bile directed at us in the column shows a desire to hurt me personally and to make my employer suffer for my avocation .", "definition": "a hobby or minor occupation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the bile directed at us in the column shows a desire to hurt me personally and to make my employer suffer for my avocation .\" What is the definition of \"avocation\"?"} {"term": "escolar", "pos": "", "context": "for the fish , i used a blend of tropical fish ( tuna , swordfish and escolar ) , which i had bought frozen at my local frozen-food store .", "definition": "a large , elongated predatory fish occurring in tropical and temperate oceans throughout the world .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for the fish , i used a blend of tropical fish ( tuna , swordfish and escolar ) , which i had bought frozen at my local frozen-food store .\" What is the definition of \"escolar\"?"} {"term": "put-in", "pos": "", "context": "they did n't have them slithering backwards , but they twisted well and the wallabies were never sure how their own put-in would work out .", "definition": "an act or the right of putting the ball into a scrum", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they did n't have them slithering backwards , but they twisted well and the wallabies were never sure how their own put-in would work out .\" What is the definition of \"put-in\"?"} {"term": "appreciation", "pos": "", "context": "the capital appreciation and ongoing rental values in such areas are obviously significantly lower than would otherwise be the case .", "definition": "increase in monetary value", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the capital appreciation and ongoing rental values in such areas are obviously significantly lower than would otherwise be the case .\" What is the definition of \"appreciation\"?"} {"term": "appreciation", "pos": "", "context": "a middlesbrough fan with a nice line in gags , he has also written a cultural history of belgium and an appreciation of country fairs in the north of england .", "definition": "a written assessment of an artist or piece of work , typically a favourable one", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a middlesbrough fan with a nice line in gags , he has also written a cultural history of belgium and an appreciation of country fairs in the north of england .\" What is the definition of \"appreciation\"?"} {"term": "amen", "pos": "", "context": "if one prays , blessed is god who heals the sick , then those who respond amen add their prayer , too , that god heal the suffering .", "definition": "an utterance of ‘ amen ’ .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if one prays , blessed is god who heals the sick , then those who respond amen add their prayer , too , that god heal the suffering .\" What is the definition of \"amen\"?"} {"term": "flit", "pos": "", "context": "he was a toddler when his family pioneered the big flit from central glasgow into castlemilk .", "definition": "an act of moving house or leaving one 's home , typically secretly so as to escape creditors or obligations", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was a toddler when his family pioneered the big flit from central glasgow into castlemilk .\" What is the definition of \"flit\"?"} {"term": "yucatec", "pos": "", "context": "the tzotzil and tzeltals live in the highlands of chiapas , while the yucatecs live on the tropical yucatán peninsula .", "definition": "a member of an american indian people of the yucatán peninsula in se mexico .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the tzotzil and tzeltals live in the highlands of chiapas , while the yucatecs live on the tropical yucatán peninsula .\" What is the definition of \"yucatec\"?"} {"term": "classified", "pos": "", "context": "only one newspaper reported its classified ads as an important source of online income ( it represents 40 percent of the paper 's total revenue ) .", "definition": "( of newspaper or magazine advertisements ) organized in categories according to what is being advertised", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"only one newspaper reported its classified ads as an important source of online income ( it represents 40 percent of the paper 's total revenue ) .\" What is the definition of \"classified\"?"} {"term": "classified", "pos": "", "context": "thousands of classified documents have now been declassified", "definition": "official classification of information or documents ; withheld from general circulation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"thousands of classified documents have now been declassified\" What is the definition of \"classified\"?"} {"term": "button", "pos": "", "context": "the dark navy plaid skirt came down a little below mid-thigh and the short sleeve shirt buttoned down the front .", "definition": "( of a garment ) be fastened with buttons", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the dark navy plaid skirt came down a little below mid-thigh and the short sleeve shirt buttoned down the front .\" What is the definition of \"button\"?"} {"term": "button", "pos": "", "context": "‘ at troon i was high as a kite , then two weeks later i was n't worth a button , ’ he recalls sadly .", "definition": "used in reference to things of little worth", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ at troon i was high as a kite , then two weeks later i was n't worth a button , ’ he recalls sadly .\" What is the definition of \"button\"?"} {"term": "button", "pos": "", "context": "these paperweight buttons will truly add a piece of art to anything that they go on .", "definition": "a small round object resembling a button", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these paperweight buttons will truly add a piece of art to anything that they go on .\" What is the definition of \"button\"?"} {"term": "anger", "pos": "", "context": "the news angered him", "definition": "make angry", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the news angered him\" What is the definition of \"anger\"?"} {"term": "people", "pos": "", "context": "how exactly does a nation or peoples get itself on the list to be humiliated at taxpayer expense and who is it that makes that final decision anyway ?", "definition": "the members of a particular nation , community , or ethnic group", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"how exactly does a nation or peoples get itself on the list to be humiliated at taxpayer expense and who is it that makes that final decision anyway ?\" What is the definition of \"people\"?"} {"term": "abduct", "pos": "", "context": "there is a pattern of arbitrary executions , the systematic rape of women and girls and people being abducted .", "definition": "take ( someone ) away illegally by force or deception ; kidnap", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is a pattern of arbitrary executions , the systematic rape of women and girls and people being abducted .\" What is the definition of \"abduct\"?"} {"term": "isolate", "pos": "", "context": "the fire spread to the electrical space below , but a quick response by the crew ensured power was isolated and the fire dealt with , although nine crewmen were injured through smoke inhalation .", "definition": "cut off the electrical or other connection to ( something , especially a part of a supply network )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the fire spread to the electrical space below , but a quick response by the crew ensured power was isolated and the fire dealt with , although nine crewmen were injured through smoke inhalation .\" What is the definition of \"isolate\"?"} {"term": "isolate", "pos": "", "context": "senator campbell says that , by not agreeing with the government , we isolates on this side , are putting the community at risk .", "definition": "a person or thing which has been or become isolated", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"senator campbell says that , by not agreeing with the government , we isolates on this side , are putting the community at risk .\" What is the definition of \"isolate\"?"} {"term": "isolate", "pos": "", "context": "with war imminent , the us is becoming increasingly isolated diplomatically .", "definition": "cause ( a person or place ) to be or remain alone or apart from others", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with war imminent , the us is becoming increasingly isolated diplomatically .\" What is the definition of \"isolate\"?"} {"term": "snafu", "pos": "", "context": "accounts differ about what happened to snafu that deal , but because it did n't go through , ibm contacted a small company called microsoft .", "definition": "throw ( a situation ) into chaos", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"accounts differ about what happened to snafu that deal , but because it did n't go through , ibm contacted a small company called microsoft .\" What is the definition of \"snafu\"?"} {"term": "sarmatian", "pos": "", "context": "he settled many sarmatians within the empire .", "definition": "a native or inhabitant of the ancient region of sarmatia", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he settled many sarmatians within the empire .\" What is the definition of \"sarmatian\"?"} {"term": "gladden", "pos": "", "context": "the prices charged were outrageous , and my libertarian heart was gladdened .", "definition": "make glad", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the prices charged were outrageous , and my libertarian heart was gladdened .\" What is the definition of \"gladden\"?"} {"term": "spartina", "pos": "", "context": "these are the mudflats that the alien spartina we have introduced is now turning to meadows .", "definition": "a plant of a genus that comprises the cordgrasses .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these are the mudflats that the alien spartina we have introduced is now turning to meadows .\" What is the definition of \"spartina\"?"} {"term": "pay", "pos": "", "context": "why are you allowed to exceed water allocation limits if you can simply afford to pay the surcharge ?", "definition": "hand over or transfer the amount due of ( a debt , wages , etc . ) to someone", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"why are you allowed to exceed water allocation limits if you can simply afford to pay the surcharge ?\" What is the definition of \"pay\"?"} {"term": "pay", "pos": "", "context": "pay a visit", "definition": "render", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pay a visit\" What is the definition of \"pay\"?"} {"term": "pay", "pos": "", "context": "pay attention to", "definition": "dedicate", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pay attention to\" What is the definition of \"pay\"?"} {"term": "knowledge", "pos": "", "context": "the people in china have traditional respect for scholarship and knowledge .", "definition": "the sum of what is known", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the people in china have traditional respect for scholarship and knowledge .\" What is the definition of \"knowledge\"?"} {"term": "hatchling", "pos": "", "context": "there are many obstacles for turtle hatchlings , such as crabs , birds and many other predators in the ocean .", "definition": "a young animal that has recently emerged from its egg .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there are many obstacles for turtle hatchlings , such as crabs , birds and many other predators in the ocean .\" What is the definition of \"hatchling\"?"} {"term": "news", "pos": "", "context": "the judge conceded the newsworthiness of the trial", "definition": "the quality of being sufficiently interesting to be reported in news bulletins", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the judge conceded the newsworthiness of the trial\" What is the definition of \"news\"?"} {"term": "news", "pos": "", "context": "really , that 's news to me .", "definition": "information not previously known to ( someone )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"really , that 's news to me .\" What is the definition of \"news\"?"} {"term": "appellation", "pos": "", "context": "the reason for this appellation was that they were not only called out when fire broke out , but also when any kind of accident occured .", "definition": "the action of giving a name to someone or something .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the reason for this appellation was that they were not only called out when fire broke out , but also when any kind of accident occured .\" What is the definition of \"appellation\"?"} {"term": "bidet", "pos": "", "context": "as to plumbing , the rough-in was substantially complete but there was no finished plumbing for toilets , sinks , bidets , kitchen sink or dishwasher .", "definition": "a low oval basin used for washing one 's genital and anal area .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as to plumbing , the rough-in was substantially complete but there was no finished plumbing for toilets , sinks , bidets , kitchen sink or dishwasher .\" What is the definition of \"bidet\"?"} {"term": "area", "pos": "", "context": "our rooms opened out onto an open-air patio area with rooms along the opposite side too .", "definition": "a space allocated for a specific use", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"our rooms opened out onto an open-air patio area with rooms along the opposite side too .\" What is the definition of \"area\"?"} {"term": "genital", "pos": "", "context": "it is important to tell your doctor if you develop genital itching or sores accompanied by fever and headache .", "definition": "relating to the human or animal reproductive organs", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is important to tell your doctor if you develop genital itching or sores accompanied by fever and headache .\" What is the definition of \"genital\"?"} {"term": "pinfold", "pos": "", "context": "inevitably , other cattle and sheep occasionally escaped and were , if not claimed , fastened into the pinfold .", "definition": "a pound for stray animals .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"inevitably , other cattle and sheep occasionally escaped and were , if not claimed , fastened into the pinfold .\" What is the definition of \"pinfold\"?"} {"term": "scorn", "pos": "", "context": "when the will defies fear , when duty throws the gauntlet down to fate , when honor scorns to compromise with death - that is heroism .", "definition": "refuse to do something because one is too proud", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when the will defies fear , when duty throws the gauntlet down to fate , when honor scorns to compromise with death - that is heroism .\" What is the definition of \"scorn\"?"} {"term": "krypton", "pos": "", "context": "sometimes a mixture of krypton and argon are used instead of the mercury .", "definition": "the chemical element of atomic number 36 , a member of the noble gas series . it is obtained by distillation of liquid air , and is used in some kinds of electric light .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sometimes a mixture of krypton and argon are used instead of the mercury .\" What is the definition of \"krypton\"?"} {"term": "wait", "pos": "", "context": "subtitled ‘ another side of cirque du soleil , ’ this one 'll have to wait till the kids are in bed .", "definition": "be left until a later time before being dealt with", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"subtitled ‘ another side of cirque du soleil , ’ this one 'll have to wait till the kids are in bed .\" What is the definition of \"wait\"?"} {"term": "wait", "pos": "", "context": "the greatest of celebrity musicians will do fine under any system , while those who are currently waiting on tables or driving a cab to support themselves have nothing to lose .", "definition": "act as a waiter or waitress , serving food and drink", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the greatest of celebrity musicians will do fine under any system , while those who are currently waiting on tables or driving a cab to support themselves have nothing to lose .\" What is the definition of \"wait\"?"} {"term": "obtain", "pos": "", "context": "how did you obtain the visa ?", "definition": "come into possession of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"how did you obtain the visa ?\" What is the definition of \"obtain\"?"} {"term": "violet", "pos": "", "context": "the frequency of the vibrations increases from the red to the violet end of the spectrum , thus determining the perceived color of the light .", "definition": "of a bluish-purple colour", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the frequency of the vibrations increases from the red to the violet end of the spectrum , thus determining the perceived color of the light .\" What is the definition of \"violet\"?"} {"term": "clock", "pos": "", "context": "he has clocked up most of his big race victories in recent years , with a french derby win on celtic swing in 1995 among the highlights .", "definition": "achieve ( a victory )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he has clocked up most of his big race victories in recent years , with a french derby win on celtic swing in 1995 among the highlights .\" What is the definition of \"clock\"?"} {"term": "clock", "pos": "", "context": "the expression of co is under the control of a circadian clock .", "definition": "a downy spherical seed head , especially that of a dandelion .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the expression of co is under the control of a circadian clock .\" What is the definition of \"clock\"?"} {"term": "blab", "pos": "", "context": "when officials blabbed to reporters and anyone who would listen , they did n't realize that they were aiding and abetting an elaborate ploy to stick it to the cia .", "definition": "reveal secrets by indiscreet talk", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when officials blabbed to reporters and anyone who would listen , they did n't realize that they were aiding and abetting an elaborate ploy to stick it to the cia .\" What is the definition of \"blab\"?"} {"term": "speciality", "pos": "", "context": "west end theatres used to run revues or present speciality acts like an american singer surrounded by dancers and back-up acts .", "definition": "meeting particular tastes or needs", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"west end theatres used to run revues or present speciality acts like an american singer surrounded by dancers and back-up acts .\" What is the definition of \"speciality\"?"} {"term": "complimentary", "pos": "", "context": "a complimentary remark", "definition": "conveying or resembling a compliment", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a complimentary remark\" What is the definition of \"complimentary\"?"} {"term": "complimentary", "pos": "", "context": "of course , many of the rowers had seen the tv show and were all surprisingly complimentary about our efforts and achievements .", "definition": "expressing a compliment ; praising or approving", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"of course , many of the rowers had seen the tv show and were all surprisingly complimentary about our efforts and achievements .\" What is the definition of \"complimentary\"?"} {"term": "complimentary", "pos": "", "context": "complimentary tickets", "definition": "costing nothing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"complimentary tickets\" What is the definition of \"complimentary\"?"} {"term": "cinchonine", "pos": "", "context": "the invention also concerns a method for preparing cinchonine dichlorhydrate from cinchonine and the use of pharmaceutical compositions containing cinchonine dichlorhydrate for treating multiple drug resistance .", "definition": "a compound with antipyretic properties which occurs with quinine in cinchona bark .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the invention also concerns a method for preparing cinchonine dichlorhydrate from cinchonine and the use of pharmaceutical compositions containing cinchonine dichlorhydrate for treating multiple drug resistance .\" What is the definition of \"cinchonine\"?"} {"term": "irredeemable", "pos": "", "context": "in auctioning off monetary gold the managers of irredeemable currency are trying , in vain , to buy time to save their tottering regime .", "definition": "( of paper currency ) for which the issuing authority does not undertake to pay coin .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in auctioning off monetary gold the managers of irredeemable currency are trying , in vain , to buy time to save their tottering regime .\" What is the definition of \"irredeemable\"?"} {"term": "scuba", "pos": "", "context": "mark is a scuba instructor i know who lives on grand cayman island in the caribbean .", "definition": "scuba diving", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mark is a scuba instructor i know who lives on grand cayman island in the caribbean .\" What is the definition of \"scuba\"?"} {"term": "worst", "pos": "", "context": "the worst player on the team", "definition": "( superlative of `bad ' ) most wanting in quality or value or condition", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the worst player on the team\" What is the definition of \"worst\"?"} {"term": "worst", "pos": "", "context": "the eluru , andhra pradesh born techie also developed the electronics for pacific blue , the advanced version of ibm 's deep blue computer that worsted garry kasparov in a chess series .", "definition": "get the better of ; defeat", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the eluru , andhra pradesh born techie also developed the electronics for pacific blue , the advanced version of ibm 's deep blue computer that worsted garry kasparov in a chess series .\" What is the definition of \"worst\"?"} {"term": "vote", "pos": "", "context": "in 1856 the south australian government had voted a sum of money to help in the search for gold .", "definition": "( of a legislature ) grant or confer by vote", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in 1856 the south australian government had voted a sum of money to help in the search for gold .\" What is the definition of \"vote\"?"} {"term": "gallery", "pos": "", "context": "visitors can also take part by posing in the special photo booth and adding their own picture to the gallery of fame .", "definition": "a collection of pictures", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"visitors can also take part by posing in the special photo booth and adding their own picture to the gallery of fame .\" What is the definition of \"gallery\"?"} {"term": "shiver", "pos": "", "context": "she shivered from the bitter cold , and knew what trouble she was in .", "definition": "shake slightly and uncontrollably as a result of being cold , frightened , or excited", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she shivered from the bitter cold , and knew what trouble she was in .\" What is the definition of \"shiver\"?"} {"term": "shiver", "pos": "", "context": "the gilt-framed mirror , which hung between the front windows , fell to the floor in the midst of them , and shivered into a dozen pieces .", "definition": "break into such splinters or fragments", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the gilt-framed mirror , which hung between the front windows , fell to the floor in the midst of them , and shivered into a dozen pieces .\" What is the definition of \"shiver\"?"} {"term": "emmer", "pos": "", "context": "in england , thatching straw would have been obtained primarily from spelt wheat which replaced emmer wheat as the staple throughout southern england in the iron age .", "definition": "a long-established species of wheat with bearded ears and spikelets that each contain two grains , now grown mainly for fodder and breakfast cereals .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in england , thatching straw would have been obtained primarily from spelt wheat which replaced emmer wheat as the staple throughout southern england in the iron age .\" What is the definition of \"emmer\"?"} {"term": "quotation", "pos": "", "context": "out of context , a quotation from any text is meaningless .", "definition": "a group of words taken from a text or speech and repeated by someone other than the original author or speaker", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"out of context , a quotation from any text is meaningless .\" What is the definition of \"quotation\"?"} {"term": "frequency", "pos": "", "context": "after 147 minutes , scientists detected a 20hz shift in the frequency of the carrier signal , indicating , perhaps , that the probe had landed .", "definition": "the particular waveband at which radio signals are broadcast or transmitted", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after 147 minutes , scientists detected a 20hz shift in the frequency of the carrier signal , indicating , perhaps , that the probe had landed .\" What is the definition of \"frequency\"?"} {"term": "crucible", "pos": "", "context": "an 18th century rubbish pit with contents ranging from dissected human skulls to crucibles used in early firework experiments has been excavated in the centre of oxford .", "definition": "a ceramic or metal container in which metals or other substances may be melted or subjected to very high temperatures", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an 18th century rubbish pit with contents ranging from dissected human skulls to crucibles used in early firework experiments has been excavated in the centre of oxford .\" What is the definition of \"crucible\"?"} {"term": "dash", "pos": "", "context": "both transmitted in simplified morse code , one solely dots , the other solely dashes .", "definition": "the longer signal of the two used in morse code .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"both transmitted in simplified morse code , one solely dots , the other solely dashes .\" What is the definition of \"dash\"?"} {"term": "dash", "pos": "", "context": "the year 2000 started out full of hope for all of us but , sadly , during the course of the past year for the farming community many of those hopes have already been dashed .", "definition": "destroy or frustrate ( hopes or expectations )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the year 2000 started out full of hope for all of us but , sadly , during the course of the past year for the farming community many of those hopes have already been dashed .\" What is the definition of \"dash\"?"} {"term": "network", "pos": "", "context": "you have to network if you want to get a good job", "definition": "communicate with and within a group", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you have to network if you want to get a good job\" What is the definition of \"network\"?"} {"term": "network", "pos": "", "context": "a railroad network", "definition": "a system of intersecting lines or channels", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a railroad network\" What is the definition of \"network\"?"} {"term": "network", "pos": "", "context": "scottish labour 's organisational backbone is provided by a series of networks and financial arrangements between the party , unions , councils and the private sector .", "definition": "a group or system of interconnected people or things", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"scottish labour 's organisational backbone is provided by a series of networks and financial arrangements between the party , unions , councils and the private sector .\" What is the definition of \"network\"?"} {"term": "crib", "pos": "", "context": "children especially love visiting the crib on christmas eve .", "definition": "a model of the nativity of christ , with a manger as a bed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"children especially love visiting the crib on christmas eve .\" What is the definition of \"crib\"?"} {"term": "crib", "pos": "", "context": "however , the dealer can not win by the cards found in his or her crib .", "definition": "the cards discarded by the players at cribbage , counting to the dealer .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"however , the dealer can not win by the cards found in his or her crib .\" What is the definition of \"crib\"?"} {"term": "leave", "pos": "", "context": "a ten day 's leave to visit his mother", "definition": "the period of time during which you are absent from work or duty", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a ten day 's leave to visit his mother\" What is the definition of \"leave\"?"} {"term": "ingress", "pos": "", "context": "market street , between sauer and harrison streets , will form part of the square , becoming an underpass , with an ingress , or entrance , in kort street and egress , or exit , after harrison street .", "definition": "a place or means of access ; an entrance .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"market street , between sauer and harrison streets , will form part of the square , becoming an underpass , with an ingress , or entrance , in kort street and egress , or exit , after harrison street .\" What is the definition of \"ingress\"?"} {"term": "bluetongue", "pos": "", "context": "a doctor from the institute for animal health said : ‘ this year the bluetongue virus reached sardinia , sicily , corsica and mainland italy for the first time . ’", "definition": "an insect-borne viral disease of sheep ( transmissible with less serious effects to cattle and goats ) , characterized by fever , lameness , and a blue , swollen mouth and tongue .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a doctor from the institute for animal health said : ‘ this year the bluetongue virus reached sardinia , sicily , corsica and mainland italy for the first time . ’\" What is the definition of \"bluetongue\"?"} {"term": "sharp", "pos": "", "context": "he heard the sharp bark of a dog moments before the bang of pistol fire .", "definition": "( of a sound ) sudden and penetrating", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he heard the sharp bark of a dog moments before the bang of pistol fire .\" What is the definition of \"sharp\"?"} {"term": "sharp", "pos": "", "context": "c sharp", "definition": "( of a musical note ) raised in pitch by one chromatic semitone", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"c sharp\" What is the definition of \"sharp\"?"} {"term": "sharp", "pos": "", "context": "it 's often accompanied by abdominal pain - either mild and dull or sharp and intense .", "definition": "producing a sudden , piercing physical sensation or effect", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's often accompanied by abdominal pain - either mild and dull or sharp and intense .\" What is the definition of \"sharp\"?"} {"term": "wind", "pos": "", "context": "this may briefly cause pains similar to having wind and the urge to go to the toilet , but as the colon is empty , this will not be possible .", "definition": "air swallowed while eating or gas generated in the stomach and intestines by digestion .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this may briefly cause pains similar to having wind and the urge to go to the toilet , but as the colon is empty , this will not be possible .\" What is the definition of \"wind\"?"} {"term": "wind", "pos": "", "context": "he gave out an involuntary sigh as the wind rushed from his lungs and he dropped to his knees .", "definition": "breath as needed in physical exertion , speech , etc. , or the power of breathing without difficulty in such situations", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he gave out an involuntary sigh as the wind rushed from his lungs and he dropped to his knees .\" What is the definition of \"wind\"?"} {"term": "nagging", "pos": "", "context": "most of the time i am completely unaware of its presence ; it 's so much better than a nagging or demanding spouse !", "definition": "( of a person ) constantly harassing someone to do something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"most of the time i am completely unaware of its presence ; it 's so much better than a nagging or demanding spouse !\" What is the definition of \"nagging\"?"} {"term": "revive", "pos": "", "context": "interest in esp revived", "definition": "be brought back to life , consciousness , or strength", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"interest in esp revived\" What is the definition of \"revive\"?"} {"term": "revive", "pos": "", "context": "mfi has been struggling to revive sales and its shares have fallen more than 40 % over the past year .", "definition": "improve the position or condition of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mfi has been struggling to revive sales and its shares have fallen more than 40 % over the past year .\" What is the definition of \"revive\"?"} {"term": "centrex", "pos": "", "context": "hosted ip centrex is designed for customers that want all the features of a pbx or key system without the associated capital , lease , or maintenance costs .", "definition": "a telephone service in which a group of phone lines can be joined by part of the local exchange acting as a private exchange .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hosted ip centrex is designed for customers that want all the features of a pbx or key system without the associated capital , lease , or maintenance costs .\" What is the definition of \"centrex\"?"} {"term": "fuel", "pos": "", "context": "the attacks fueled a feeling of patriotism across the country .", "definition": "sustain or inflame ( an intense feeling )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the attacks fueled a feeling of patriotism across the country .\" What is the definition of \"fuel\"?"} {"term": "reversal", "pos": "", "context": "certainly the palestinians have suffered reversals and losses .", "definition": "an adverse change of fortune", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"certainly the palestinians have suffered reversals and losses .\" What is the definition of \"reversal\"?"} {"term": "reversal", "pos": "", "context": "all they can achieve , they assume , is the preservation of a clean trial record for appeal , and the reversal of the trial court ruling .", "definition": "an annulment of a judgement , sentence , or decree made by a lower court or authority", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all they can achieve , they assume , is the preservation of a clean trial record for appeal , and the reversal of the trial court ruling .\" What is the definition of \"reversal\"?"} {"term": "jukebox", "pos": "", "context": "the lack of a jukebox , dancefloor or fruit machines is in keeping with the york brewery theme of pubs for drinking , eating and talking .", "definition": "a machine that automatically plays a selected musical recording when a coin is inserted .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the lack of a jukebox , dancefloor or fruit machines is in keeping with the york brewery theme of pubs for drinking , eating and talking .\" What is the definition of \"jukebox\"?"} {"term": "playhouse", "pos": "", "context": "it might be big business in some of our larger playhouses , but elsewhere around the country theatres are developing a new tradition of christmas children 's show .", "definition": "a theatre", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it might be big business in some of our larger playhouses , but elsewhere around the country theatres are developing a new tradition of christmas children 's show .\" What is the definition of \"playhouse\"?"} {"term": "politeness", "pos": "", "context": "the pointless poses of the last farewells pass into the ice of politeness like the smooth insides of a purse .", "definition": "behaviour that is respectful and considerate of other people", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the pointless poses of the last farewells pass into the ice of politeness like the smooth insides of a purse .\" What is the definition of \"politeness\"?"} {"term": "salon", "pos": "", "context": "there is a wine cellar in the basement , naturally , with the ground floor containing a living room , salon , kitchen and office .", "definition": "a reception room in a large house .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is a wine cellar in the basement , naturally , with the ground floor containing a living room , salon , kitchen and office .\" What is the definition of \"salon\"?"} {"term": "counterplot", "pos": "", "context": "sam is further wedged between the addictive scheming of felix 's bride-to-be marjorie , and the vengeful counterplotting of his long-jilted mother gloria .", "definition": "devise a counterplot .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sam is further wedged between the addictive scheming of felix 's bride-to-be marjorie , and the vengeful counterplotting of his long-jilted mother gloria .\" What is the definition of \"counterplot\"?"} {"term": "downhill", "pos": "", "context": "it 's downhill from there , a situation not helped by the bbc constantly reviving it because they feel the need to get a christmas blockbuster .", "definition": "leading to a steadily worsening situation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's downhill from there , a situation not helped by the bbc constantly reviving it because they feel the need to get a christmas blockbuster .\" What is the definition of \"downhill\"?"} {"term": "bravado", "pos": "", "context": "the lawyer bobbed and weaved , then fielded questions with a touch of his own unique brand of bravado .", "definition": "a bold manner or a show of boldness intended to impress or intimidate", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the lawyer bobbed and weaved , then fielded questions with a touch of his own unique brand of bravado .\" What is the definition of \"bravado\"?"} {"term": "douceur", "pos": "", "context": "he had arranged for fraudulent south sea shares to be given to the king , and had overseen the distribution of douceurs in parliament to help things along .", "definition": "a financial inducement ; a bribe", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had arranged for fraudulent south sea shares to be given to the king , and had overseen the distribution of douceurs in parliament to help things along .\" What is the definition of \"douceur\"?"} {"term": "iron", "pos": "", "context": "on the manager 's office 's left side was a grand , immense tack room , holding saddles , bridles , leathers , irons , and all assortments of tack to a large magnitude .", "definition": "stirrups .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on the manager 's office 's left side was a grand , immense tack room , holding saddles , bridles , leathers , irons , and all assortments of tack to a large magnitude .\" What is the definition of \"iron\"?"} {"term": "iron", "pos": "", "context": "it was the first threat to mugabe 's iron grip on power since independence in 1980 .", "definition": "used figuratively as a symbol or type of firmness , strength , or resistance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was the first threat to mugabe 's iron grip on power since independence in 1980 .\" What is the definition of \"iron\"?"} {"term": "destiny", "pos": "", "context": "we are helpless in the face of destiny", "definition": "the ultimate agency regarded as predetermining the course of events ( often personified as a woman )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we are helpless in the face of destiny\" What is the definition of \"destiny\"?"} {"term": "mosh", "pos": "", "context": "a couple of kids were moshing , a few more were crowd-surfing , but the entire crowd was feeling the show .", "definition": "dance to rock music in a violent manner involving jumping up and down and deliberately colliding with other dancers", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a couple of kids were moshing , a few more were crowd-surfing , but the entire crowd was feeling the show .\" What is the definition of \"mosh\"?"} {"term": "dysplasia", "pos": "", "context": "there was a mild patchy proliferation of duct epithelial cells , but no dysplasia .", "definition": "the presence of cells of an abnormal type within a tissue , which may signify a stage preceding the development of cancer", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was a mild patchy proliferation of duct epithelial cells , but no dysplasia .\" What is the definition of \"dysplasia\"?"} {"term": "thump", "pos": "", "context": "i just grabbed that old banjo and started thumpin ' on it - and thumped out a tune .", "definition": "play a tune enthusiastically but heavy-handedly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i just grabbed that old banjo and started thumpin ' on it - and thumped out a tune .\" What is the definition of \"thump\"?"} {"term": "erigeron", "pos": "", "context": "erigeron spindrift makes growing ordinary karvinskianus pointless !", "definition": "a widely distributed herbaceous plant of the daisy family , which is sometimes cultivated as an ornamental .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"erigeron spindrift makes growing ordinary karvinskianus pointless !\" What is the definition of \"erigeron\"?"} {"term": "moderation", "pos": "", "context": "soil water content was measured three times per week by neutron moderation method at 10 , 20 , 40 , 60 , and 80 cm depths .", "definition": "the retardation of neutrons by a moderator .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"soil water content was measured three times per week by neutron moderation method at 10 , 20 , 40 , 60 , and 80 cm depths .\" What is the definition of \"moderation\"?"} {"term": "moderation", "pos": "", "context": "the object being control or moderation of economic depressions", "definition": "the action of lessening in severity or intensity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the object being control or moderation of economic depressions\" What is the definition of \"moderation\"?"} {"term": "show-stopper", "pos": "", "context": "she has a show-stopper of a smile", "definition": "something that is strikingly attractive or has great popular appeal", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she has a show-stopper of a smile\" What is the definition of \"show-stopper\"?"} {"term": "dmus", "pos": "", "context": "as the highest academic award in music , the dmus is designed to give formal public recognition to scholars who have made substantial , original and distinguished contributions to musical knowledge .", "definition": "doctor of music .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as the highest academic award in music , the dmus is designed to give formal public recognition to scholars who have made substantial , original and distinguished contributions to musical knowledge .\" What is the definition of \"dmus\"?"} {"term": "tuareg", "pos": "", "context": "for centuries the nomadic tuaregs of the sahara , warned off by legends of diabolical fumes and flames , have avoided camping in the dry lake beds around timbuktu , mall .", "definition": "a member of a berber people of the western and central sahara , living mainly in algeria , mali , niger , and western libya , traditionally as nomadic pastoralists .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for centuries the nomadic tuaregs of the sahara , warned off by legends of diabolical fumes and flames , have avoided camping in the dry lake beds around timbuktu , mall .\" What is the definition of \"tuareg\"?"} {"term": "cradle", "pos": "", "context": "the lifts , which carries boats in water on special cradles , closed in 1983 when corrosion was found during routine maintenance .", "definition": "a framework on which a boat rests during construction or repairs .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the lifts , which carries boats in water on special cradles , closed in 1983 when corrosion was found during routine maintenance .\" What is the definition of \"cradle\"?"} {"term": "durance", "pos": "", "context": "an eternity have i lingered , my eternal durance the penance i must pay for my crimes .", "definition": "imprisonment or confinement", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an eternity have i lingered , my eternal durance the penance i must pay for my crimes .\" What is the definition of \"durance\"?"} {"term": "naga", "pos": "", "context": "the talks with naga elders may be fraught with tension but attempts are being made by both sides to keep the dialogue going .", "definition": "relating to the nagas or their language .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the talks with naga elders may be fraught with tension but attempts are being made by both sides to keep the dialogue going .\" What is the definition of \"naga\"?"} {"term": "bliss", "pos": "", "context": "it is only in the lap of the himalayas that he found real peace , spiritual bliss and intellectual enlightenment .", "definition": "a state of spiritual blessedness , typically that reached after death", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is only in the lap of the himalayas that he found real peace , spiritual bliss and intellectual enlightenment .\" What is the definition of \"bliss\"?"} {"term": "rough", "pos": "", "context": "a fine wine match here is this rustic , slightly rough and spicy 100 per cent organic red , with enough heat and heft to manage the lamb .", "definition": "( of wine or another alcoholic drink ) sharp or harsh in taste", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fine wine match here is this rustic , slightly rough and spicy 100 per cent organic red , with enough heat and heft to manage the lamb .\" What is the definition of \"rough\"?"} {"term": "rough", "pos": "", "context": "unable to even squint at the harsh light , her voice was rough and dry .", "definition": "( of a voice ) harsh and rasping", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unable to even squint at the harsh light , her voice was rough and dry .\" What is the definition of \"rough\"?"} {"term": "rough", "pos": "", "context": "the book reads like a rough draft , not a polished book .", "definition": "not fully worked out or including every detail", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the book reads like a rough draft , not a polished book .\" What is the definition of \"rough\"?"} {"term": "rough", "pos": "", "context": "the sea was rough , but the setting sun had broken from the clouds and everything was vibrant in the sudden light .", "definition": "( of weather or the sea ) wild and stormy", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sea was rough , but the setting sun had broken from the clouds and everything was vibrant in the sudden light .\" What is the definition of \"rough\"?"} {"term": "convolution", "pos": "", "context": "the convolutions eventually snare the corrupt powerbrokers in their own deceptive political machinations .", "definition": "a thing that is complex and difficult to follow", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the convolutions eventually snare the corrupt powerbrokers in their own deceptive political machinations .\" What is the definition of \"convolution\"?"} {"term": "convolution", "pos": "", "context": "thus , the force required to extend and compress their convolutions is very low and stays consistent from part to part and over a wide range of motion .", "definition": "the state of being or process of becoming coiled or twisted", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"thus , the force required to extend and compress their convolutions is very low and stays consistent from part to part and over a wide range of motion .\" What is the definition of \"convolution\"?"} {"term": "emend", "pos": "", "context": "the first were the scabini , officials with specific juridical competence , the second were the iudices , responsible for reproducing and emending juridical texts , and finally the custodians of the lay archives .", "definition": "make corrections and revisions to ( a text )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the first were the scabini , officials with specific juridical competence , the second were the iudices , responsible for reproducing and emending juridical texts , and finally the custodians of the lay archives .\" What is the definition of \"emend\"?"} {"term": "emend", "pos": "", "context": "the text was emended in the second edition", "definition": "make improvements or corrections to", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the text was emended in the second edition\" What is the definition of \"emend\"?"} {"term": "emend", "pos": "", "context": "the genus is emended to account for the nature of the central body wall , as well as new evidence of tabulation including details of the archeopyle .", "definition": "alter ( something that is incorrect )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the genus is emended to account for the nature of the central body wall , as well as new evidence of tabulation including details of the archeopyle .\" What is the definition of \"emend\"?"} {"term": "devise", "pos": "", "context": "transfers of real property by inheritance or devise are not subject to the real estate excise tax .", "definition": "a clause in a will leaving something , especially real estate , to someone .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"transfers of real property by inheritance or devise are not subject to the real estate excise tax .\" What is the definition of \"devise\"?"} {"term": "deregister", "pos": "", "context": "do n't stop submitting some of the above returns if you do deregister with the relevant authorities .", "definition": "remove one 's name from a register", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"do n't stop submitting some of the above returns if you do deregister with the relevant authorities .\" What is the definition of \"deregister\"?"} {"term": "administration", "pos": "", "context": "ostensibly , the administration is responsive to the people .", "definition": "the people responsible for running a business , organization , etc .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ostensibly , the administration is responsive to the people .\" What is the definition of \"administration\"?"} {"term": "administration", "pos": "", "context": "this entailed integrating three administrations and reducing 54 departments to 10 .", "definition": "( in the us ) a department or agency of the government", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this entailed integrating three administrations and reducing 54 departments to 10 .\" What is the definition of \"administration\"?"} {"term": "scratch", "pos": "", "context": "most often , the entire presentation surface of a redware object was covered with white slip , and a design was then scratched into the surface .", "definition": "make ( a mark or hole ) by scoring a surface with a sharp or pointed object", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"most often , the entire presentation surface of a redware object was covered with white slip , and a design was then scratched into the surface .\" What is the definition of \"scratch\"?"} {"term": "scratch", "pos": "", "context": "he was working ‘ for those toiling and unemployed millions who do not get even a square meal a day and have to scratch along with a piece of stale roti and a pinch of salt . ’", "definition": "make a living with difficulty", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was working ‘ for those toiling and unemployed millions who do not get even a square meal a day and have to scratch along with a piece of stale roti and a pinch of salt . ’\" What is the definition of \"scratch\"?"} {"term": "hoarse", "pos": "", "context": "a hoarse voice is the first complaint of a person with a problem in the voice box .", "definition": "( of a person 's voice ) sounding rough and harsh , typically as the result of a sore throat or of shouting", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a hoarse voice is the first complaint of a person with a problem in the voice box .\" What is the definition of \"hoarse\"?"} {"term": "sleepiness", "pos": "", "context": "sleepiness causes many driving accidents", "definition": "a very sleepy state", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sleepiness causes many driving accidents\" What is the definition of \"sleepiness\"?"} {"term": "counsel", "pos": "", "context": "it is crucial that facility executives seek counsel to address specific questions of liability .", "definition": "advice , especially that given formally", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is crucial that facility executives seek counsel to address specific questions of liability .\" What is the definition of \"counsel\"?"} {"term": "piece", "pos": "", "context": "more than half of the aircraft had been damaged beyond use , and most of the larger artillery pieces .", "definition": "a firearm .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"more than half of the aircraft had been damaged beyond use , and most of the larger artillery pieces .\" What is the definition of \"piece\"?"} {"term": "piece", "pos": "", "context": "he wrote an interesting piece on iran", "definition": "an artistic or literary composition", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he wrote an interesting piece on iran\" What is the definition of \"piece\"?"} {"term": "stumble", "pos": "", "context": "how she got lost and stumbled in on andrew 's father pulling a silencer back from somebody 's head .", "definition": "trip or momentarily lose one 's balance ; almost fall", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"how she got lost and stumbled in on andrew 's father pulling a silencer back from somebody 's head .\" What is the definition of \"stumble\"?"} {"term": "retract", "pos": "", "context": "they boarded quickly and both ships lifted off as the boarding ramps retracted .", "definition": "draw or be drawn back or back in", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they boarded quickly and both ships lifted off as the boarding ramps retracted .\" What is the definition of \"retract\"?"} {"term": "sluggishness", "pos": "", "context": "the sluggishness of the economy", "definition": "the pace of things that move relatively slowly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sluggishness of the economy\" What is the definition of \"sluggishness\"?"} {"term": "provenance", "pos": "", "context": "an archival collection is a group of items that have a shared history and provenance .", "definition": "the place of origin or earliest known history of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an archival collection is a group of items that have a shared history and provenance .\" What is the definition of \"provenance\"?"} {"term": "theatricality", "pos": "", "context": "there seemed to be an emphasis on theatricality in some of the booths at the fair .", "definition": "the quality of being exaggerated and excessively dramatic", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there seemed to be an emphasis on theatricality in some of the booths at the fair .\" What is the definition of \"theatricality\"?"} {"term": "dehumanization", "pos": "", "context": "science has been blamed for the dehumanization of modern life", "definition": "the act of degrading people with respect to their best qualities", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"science has been blamed for the dehumanization of modern life\" What is the definition of \"dehumanization\"?"} {"term": "aero", "pos": "", "context": "unlike typical vehicles in that segment , the look is aero and uncluttered , sporty , not beefy .", "definition": "aerodynamic", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unlike typical vehicles in that segment , the look is aero and uncluttered , sporty , not beefy .\" What is the definition of \"aero\"?"} {"term": "prodigal", "pos": "", "context": "as mauss perceptively noted , the gift economy enhances the authority of the most prodigal giver , not of the most aggressive hoarder .", "definition": "spending money or using resources freely and recklessly ; wastefully extravagant", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as mauss perceptively noted , the gift economy enhances the authority of the most prodigal giver , not of the most aggressive hoarder .\" What is the definition of \"prodigal\"?"} {"term": "virgo", "pos": "", "context": "most people know whether they are a virgo , or a taurus , or whatever .", "definition": "a person born when the sun is in the sign of virgo .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"most people know whether they are a virgo , or a taurus , or whatever .\" What is the definition of \"virgo\"?"} {"term": "master", "pos": "", "context": "a master of the violin", "definition": "an artist of consummate skill", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a master of the violin\" What is the definition of \"master\"?"} {"term": "master", "pos": "", "context": "whenever a machine becomes master , it takes over the virtual server address and continues with its original .", "definition": "a machine or device directly controlling another", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"whenever a machine becomes master , it takes over the virtual server address and continues with its original .\" What is the definition of \"master\"?"} {"term": "master", "pos": "", "context": "georgie also called on robyn to master the recording .", "definition": "make a master copy of ( a film or recording )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"georgie also called on robyn to master the recording .\" What is the definition of \"master\"?"} {"term": "master", "pos": "", "context": "this is an annual event , which is the result of what is considered to be the master of the lodge 's annual charity appeal .", "definition": "the presiding officer of a livery company or masonic lodge .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this is an annual event , which is the result of what is considered to be the master of the lodge 's annual charity appeal .\" What is the definition of \"master\"?"} {"term": "candela", "pos": "", "context": "nits are also a measure of luminance , in so many candela per square metre .", "definition": "the si unit of luminous intensity . one candela is the luminous intensity , in a given direction , of a source that emits monochromatic radiation of frequency 540 × 10¹² hz and that has a radiant intensity in that direction of 1/683 watt per steradian .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nits are also a measure of luminance , in so many candela per square metre .\" What is the definition of \"candela\"?"} {"term": "madras", "pos": "", "context": "just when you think you could n't possibly see another choice , a new page opens up in the menu , hitting you with dhansak , dupiaza , madras and vindaloo .", "definition": "a dish of meat , fish , or vegetables in a hot curry sauce .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"just when you think you could n't possibly see another choice , a new page opens up in the menu , hitting you with dhansak , dupiaza , madras and vindaloo .\" What is the definition of \"madras\"?"} {"term": "dip", "pos": "", "context": "at the end of a stand of trees , there was a slight dip , and at the bottom of that dip stood a white stone building .", "definition": "a brief downward slope followed by an upward one", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at the end of a stand of trees , there was a slight dip , and at the bottom of that dip stood a white stone building .\" What is the definition of \"dip\"?"} {"term": "dip", "pos": "", "context": "there was a dip in the road", "definition": "a depression in an otherwise level surface", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was a dip in the road\" What is the definition of \"dip\"?"} {"term": "dip", "pos": "", "context": "dip the sheep", "definition": "immerse in a disinfectant solution", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dip the sheep\" What is the definition of \"dip\"?"} {"term": "dip", "pos": "", "context": "this section is similar in character and dip , and lies upsection from site b2 .", "definition": "the extent to which something is angled downward from the horizontal .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this section is similar in character and dip , and lies upsection from site b2 .\" What is the definition of \"dip\"?"} {"term": "dip", "pos": "", "context": "joe , you 're such a dip .", "definition": "a stupid or foolish person .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"joe , you 're such a dip .\" What is the definition of \"dip\"?"} {"term": "dip", "pos": "", "context": "it would be of no profit to such men to buy a stolen watch from a dip ( pickpocket ) and substitute imitation works in a solid gold case .", "definition": "a pickpocket .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it would be of no profit to such men to buy a stolen watch from a dip ( pickpocket ) and substitute imitation works in a solid gold case .\" What is the definition of \"dip\"?"} {"term": "dip", "pos": "", "context": "the vhi board has criticised the tánaiste 's move , saying it had been dipping into its reserves since september 2004 in the expectation it would receive the windfall from its rival .", "definition": "spend from or make use of ( one 's financial resources )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the vhi board has criticised the tánaiste 's move , saying it had been dipping into its reserves since september 2004 in the expectation it would receive the windfall from its rival .\" What is the definition of \"dip\"?"} {"term": "capsule", "pos": "", "context": "you can buy foil capsules for the top of the bottle and make or buy your own labels , attaching them with a glue stick .", "definition": "the foil or plastic covering the cork of a wine bottle .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you can buy foil capsules for the top of the bottle and make or buy your own labels , attaching them with a glue stick .\" What is the definition of \"capsule\"?"} {"term": "capsule", "pos": "", "context": "in the new york times i read religiously each capsule biography of a world trade center victim .", "definition": "( of a piece of writing ) shortened but retaining the essence of the original ; condensed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the new york times i read religiously each capsule biography of a world trade center victim .\" What is the definition of \"capsule\"?"} {"term": "sinning", "pos": "", "context": "if it be a sin to covet honor , i am the most sinning soul alive ' - shakespeare", "definition": "transgressing a moral or divine law", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if it be a sin to covet honor , i am the most sinning soul alive ' - shakespeare\" What is the definition of \"sinning\"?"} {"term": "jock", "pos": "", "context": "he was yanked into an all guy group of basketball jocks and football jocks .", "definition": "an enthusiastic male athlete or sports fan , especially one with few other interests .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was yanked into an all guy group of basketball jocks and football jocks .\" What is the definition of \"jock\"?"} {"term": "grease", "pos": "", "context": "the grease is a silicon lubricant for glass stopcocks , joints and glass - rubber connections .", "definition": "a thick oily substance , especially as used as a lubricant", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the grease is a silicon lubricant for glass stopcocks , joints and glass - rubber connections .\" What is the definition of \"grease\"?"} {"term": "gasp", "pos": "", "context": "she gave a gasp and fainted", "definition": "a short labored intake of breath with the mouth open", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she gave a gasp and fainted\" What is the definition of \"gasp\"?"} {"term": "gasp", "pos": "", "context": "the other men gasped at the sight , and charged at him .", "definition": "catch one 's breath with an open mouth , owing to pain or astonishment", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the other men gasped at the sight , and charged at him .\" What is the definition of \"gasp\"?"} {"term": "baste", "pos": "", "context": "baste a hem", "definition": "sew together loosely , with large stitches", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"baste a hem\" What is the definition of \"baste\"?"} {"term": "baste", "pos": "", "context": "fat-tailed sheep ( of lamb age or older ) are highly valued , and are often roasted with the tail intact , curved over the body to display it and to help baste the meat .", "definition": "pour fat or juices over ( meat ) during cooking in order to keep it moist", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fat-tailed sheep ( of lamb age or older ) are highly valued , and are often roasted with the tail intact , curved over the body to display it and to help baste the meat .\" What is the definition of \"baste\"?"} {"term": "protocol", "pos": "", "context": "all individuals for the mapping family were amplified using the standard amplification protocol described above .", "definition": "a procedure for carrying out a scientific experiment or a course of medical treatment", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all individuals for the mapping family were amplified using the standard amplification protocol described above .\" What is the definition of \"protocol\"?"} {"term": "supersede", "pos": "", "context": "occasionally the aesthetic focus supersedes function , elevating the piece to ‘ uselessness . ’", "definition": "take the place of ( a person or thing previously in authority or use ) ; supplant", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"occasionally the aesthetic focus supersedes function , elevating the piece to ‘ uselessness . ’\" What is the definition of \"supersede\"?"} {"term": "taxman", "pos": "", "context": "if you 're self-employed keeping your hard-earned money from the taxman 's clutches is a priority .", "definition": "the government department that collects tax", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if you 're self-employed keeping your hard-earned money from the taxman 's clutches is a priority .\" What is the definition of \"taxman\"?"} {"term": "quack", "pos": "", "context": "a duck quacks in english , but a french duck says ‘ coin coin ’ .", "definition": "( of a duck ) make a quack", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a duck quacks in english , but a french duck says ‘ coin coin ’ .\" What is the definition of \"quack\"?"} {"term": "dialectic", "pos": "", "context": "the dialectical method", "definition": "of or relating to or employing dialectic", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the dialectical method\" What is the definition of \"dialectic\"?"} {"term": "sensuality", "pos": "", "context": "the nazir offers his hair to god as a symbol that he is sublimating and consecrating his sensuality and sexual energy .", "definition": "the enjoyment , expression , or pursuit of physical , especially sexual , pleasure", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the nazir offers his hair to god as a symbol that he is sublimating and consecrating his sensuality and sexual energy .\" What is the definition of \"sensuality\"?"} {"term": "vernier", "pos": "", "context": "the presence of the ladder sight complicates the use of the vernier , especially at close ranges .", "definition": "a small movable graduated scale for obtaining fractional parts of subdivisions on a fixed main scale of a barometer , sextant , or other measuring instrument .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the presence of the ladder sight complicates the use of the vernier , especially at close ranges .\" What is the definition of \"vernier\"?"} {"term": "returnee", "pos": "", "context": "military returnees face several psychological challenges , including the shift away from an adaptive , continuous , combat-ready , hypervigilant state .", "definition": "a member of the armed forces returning from overseas duty .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"military returnees face several psychological challenges , including the shift away from an adaptive , continuous , combat-ready , hypervigilant state .\" What is the definition of \"returnee\"?"} {"term": "yellow", "pos": "", "context": "riverside fairground bosses in york were on full alert today after the environment agency issued a yellow flood warning .", "definition": "denoting a warning of danger which is thought to be near but not actually imminent", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"riverside fairground bosses in york were on full alert today after the environment agency issued a yellow flood warning .\" What is the definition of \"yellow\"?"} {"term": "unreliable", "pos": "", "context": "research has shown , however , that recall is unreliable and rife with inaccuracies and biases .", "definition": "not able to be relied upon", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"research has shown , however , that recall is unreliable and rife with inaccuracies and biases .\" What is the definition of \"unreliable\"?"} {"term": "elder", "pos": "", "context": "the problem with the young scallywags of today is that they do n't have any respect for their elders and betters .", "definition": "people who are older than one", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the problem with the young scallywags of today is that they do n't have any respect for their elders and betters .\" What is the definition of \"elder\"?"} {"term": "why", "pos": "", "context": "so if you are over 55 and would like to be a little bit more fit or just meet new friends why not come along .", "definition": "used to make or agree to a suggestion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so if you are over 55 and would like to be a little bit more fit or just meet new friends why not come along .\" What is the definition of \"why\"?"} {"term": "why", "pos": "", "context": "i think about why friends went , and it was pretty much for the same reasons as me .", "definition": "the reason for which", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i think about why friends went , and it was pretty much for the same reasons as me .\" What is the definition of \"why\"?"} {"term": "bleep", "pos": "", "context": "i wo n't ruin the surprise . it involves a lot of naughty words that 'll have to be bleeped out in post .", "definition": "substitute a bleep or bleeps for ( a censored word or phrase )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i wo n't ruin the surprise . it involves a lot of naughty words that 'll have to be bleeped out in post .\" What is the definition of \"bleep\"?"} {"term": "deficit", "pos": "", "context": "they turned a five points deficit into a six points lead in 20 minutes .", "definition": "the amount by which something , especially a sum of money , is too small .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they turned a five points deficit into a six points lead in 20 minutes .\" What is the definition of \"deficit\"?"} {"term": "deficit", "pos": "", "context": "the people concerned have a deficit in verbal memory", "definition": "a deficiency or failure in neurological or mental functioning", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the people concerned have a deficit in verbal memory\" What is the definition of \"deficit\"?"} {"term": "dock", "pos": "", "context": "clubs in england 's nationwide league who take that action are now docked points .", "definition": "deduct ( something , especially an amount of money or a point in a game )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"clubs in england 's nationwide league who take that action are now docked points .\" What is the definition of \"dock\"?"} {"term": "scaredy-cat", "pos": "", "context": "in addition to being a scaredy-cat , i am also a celebrity gossip fan , so i am reproducing several of the more eye-catching ones here for you .", "definition": "a timid person", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in addition to being a scaredy-cat , i am also a celebrity gossip fan , so i am reproducing several of the more eye-catching ones here for you .\" What is the definition of \"scaredy-cat\"?"} {"term": "macerate", "pos": "", "context": "the tissue macerated in the water", "definition": "become soft or separate and disintegrate as a result of excessive soaking", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the tissue macerated in the water\" What is the definition of \"macerate\"?"} {"term": "wrecker", "pos": "", "context": "not all holiday indulgences are diet-wreckers .", "definition": "a person or thing that wrecks something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"not all holiday indulgences are diet-wreckers .\" What is the definition of \"wrecker\"?"} {"term": "non-christian", "pos": "", "context": "although the term pagan is used to describe any number of non-christian belief systems , the actual term means something very different .", "definition": "relating to people or beliefs that are not christian", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"although the term pagan is used to describe any number of non-christian belief systems , the actual term means something very different .\" What is the definition of \"non-christian\"?"} {"term": "non-christian", "pos": "", "context": "i believe that christians should avoid judging non-christians .", "definition": "a person who is not a christian .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i believe that christians should avoid judging non-christians .\" What is the definition of \"non-christian\"?"} {"term": "upsize", "pos": "", "context": "service providers can allow customers to change service packages whenever they choose and upsize or downsize services as needed .", "definition": "increase the size , extent , or complexity of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"service providers can allow customers to change service packages whenever they choose and upsize or downsize services as needed .\" What is the definition of \"upsize\"?"} {"term": "popper", "pos": "", "context": "it is essentially a modified hot-air popcorn popper , with an added nifty chamber which collects the chaff from the coffee beans as they roast .", "definition": "a utensil for popping corn .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is essentially a modified hot-air popcorn popper , with an added nifty chamber which collects the chaff from the coffee beans as they roast .\" What is the definition of \"popper\"?"} {"term": "consummation", "pos": "", "context": "after the consummation of the marriage , there is a period of seclusion until the young couple re-enters society .", "definition": "the action of making a marriage or relationship complete by having sexual intercourse", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after the consummation of the marriage , there is a period of seclusion until the young couple re-enters society .\" What is the definition of \"consummation\"?"} {"term": "elemental", "pos": "", "context": "in the portrait , picasso has broken his subject into angular elemental forms and then reassembled them from various perspectives , like a shattered mirror .", "definition": "forming an essential or typical feature ; fundamental", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the portrait , picasso has broken his subject into angular elemental forms and then reassembled them from various perspectives , like a shattered mirror .\" What is the definition of \"elemental\"?"} {"term": "nocturnal", "pos": "", "context": "nocturnal animals are active at night", "definition": "belonging to or active during the night", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nocturnal animals are active at night\" What is the definition of \"nocturnal\"?"} {"term": "dozy", "pos": "", "context": "a tired dozy child", "definition": "half asleep", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tired dozy child\" What is the definition of \"dozy\"?"} {"term": "sabotage", "pos": "", "context": "in late 2001 , illegal vessels were deliberately sabotaged , thus endangering the lives of all of the souls on board - men , women and children .", "definition": "deliberately destroy , damage , or obstruct ( something ) , especially for political or military advantage", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in late 2001 , illegal vessels were deliberately sabotaged , thus endangering the lives of all of the souls on board - men , women and children .\" What is the definition of \"sabotage\"?"} {"term": "amaretto", "pos": "", "context": "i passed on the sweets , but karin chose baked amaretto cheesecake with whipped cream .", "definition": "a brown almond-flavoured liqueur produced in italy .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i passed on the sweets , but karin chose baked amaretto cheesecake with whipped cream .\" What is the definition of \"amaretto\"?"} {"term": "veracity", "pos": "", "context": "whether this latter prediction had any veracity is debatable , as the troubled african country has been in a state of growing crisis for years .", "definition": "conformity to facts ; accuracy", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"whether this latter prediction had any veracity is debatable , as the troubled african country has been in a state of growing crisis for years .\" What is the definition of \"veracity\"?"} {"term": "vanilla", "pos": "", "context": "remember when choosing an ice cream boiled down to vanilla , chocolate , strawberry , or orange sherbet ?", "definition": "ice cream flavoured with vanilla", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"remember when choosing an ice cream boiled down to vanilla , chocolate , strawberry , or orange sherbet ?\" What is the definition of \"vanilla\"?"} {"term": "undervalue", "pos": "", "context": "some companies are seriously undervalued because the market just does n't know how to value non-profitable companies .", "definition": "underestimate the financial value of ( something )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some companies are seriously undervalued because the market just does n't know how to value non-profitable companies .\" What is the definition of \"undervalue\"?"} {"term": "gothic", "pos": "", "context": "with the extinction of the ostrogothic language , the longest-surviving gothic people finally disappeared from history .", "definition": "relating to the goths or their extinct language , which belongs to the east germanic branch of the indo-european language family . it provides the earliest manuscript evidence of any germanic language ( 4th–6th centuries ad ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with the extinction of the ostrogothic language , the longest-surviving gothic people finally disappeared from history .\" What is the definition of \"gothic\"?"} {"term": "dawning", "pos": "", "context": "the dawning of democracy and installation of a non-racial government did not immediately bring about a change in attitudes , and the criminals flourished .", "definition": "the beginning or first appearance of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the dawning of democracy and installation of a non-racial government did not immediately bring about a change in attitudes , and the criminals flourished .\" What is the definition of \"dawning\"?"} {"term": "repertory", "pos": "", "context": "three shows , described as a gay pride season of musical cabaret , will be running in repertory for four weeks at the jermyn street theatre , starting july 8 .", "definition": "the performance of various plays , operas , or ballets by a company at regular short intervals", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"three shows , described as a gay pride season of musical cabaret , will be running in repertory for four weeks at the jermyn street theatre , starting july 8 .\" What is the definition of \"repertory\"?"} {"term": "repertory", "pos": "", "context": "i blanch only slightly when the wigmore hall is referred to as a museum : after all , much of our repertory is from the 18th and 19th centuries .", "definition": "a repository or collection , especially of information", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i blanch only slightly when the wigmore hall is referred to as a museum : after all , much of our repertory is from the 18th and 19th centuries .\" What is the definition of \"repertory\"?"} {"term": "myometrium", "pos": "", "context": "contraction may be sustained , as in the smooth muscle cells present in the blood vessels or airways , or rhythmic , as in the cells of the myometrium and gastrointestinal tract .", "definition": "the smooth muscle tissue of the uterus .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"contraction may be sustained , as in the smooth muscle cells present in the blood vessels or airways , or rhythmic , as in the cells of the myometrium and gastrointestinal tract .\" What is the definition of \"myometrium\"?"} {"term": "her", "pos": "", "context": "let us just deal with some of the things that helen clark forgot to mention in her speech .", "definition": "belonging to or associated with a female person or animal previously mentioned or easily identified", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"let us just deal with some of the things that helen clark forgot to mention in her speech .\" What is the definition of \"her\"?"} {"term": "street", "pos": "", "context": "be careful crossing the street", "definition": "the part of a thoroughfare between the sidewalks ; the part of the thoroughfare on which vehicles travel", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"be careful crossing the street\" What is the definition of \"street\"?"} {"term": "ginseng", "pos": "", "context": "harvest herb roots including bloodroot , chicory , ginseng , and golden seal in the fall , after the foliage fades .", "definition": "the plant from which ginseng is obtained , native to eastern asia and north america .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"harvest herb roots including bloodroot , chicory , ginseng , and golden seal in the fall , after the foliage fades .\" What is the definition of \"ginseng\"?"} {"term": "insist", "pos": "", "context": "i must insist !", "definition": "be emphatic or resolute and refuse to budge", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i must insist !\" What is the definition of \"insist\"?"} {"term": "assegai", "pos": "", "context": "police recovered five rifles , 18 sidearms , 84 bullets , and 700 assegais in follow-up house-to-house searches .", "definition": "a slender , iron-tipped , hardwood spear used chiefly by southern african peoples .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"police recovered five rifles , 18 sidearms , 84 bullets , and 700 assegais in follow-up house-to-house searches .\" What is the definition of \"assegai\"?"} {"term": "burn", "pos": "", "context": "many hunters and boat-users have already moved to four-stroke engines because of the fuel efficiency and cleaner burn , irving noted .", "definition": "consumption of a type of fuel as an energy source", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"many hunters and boat-users have already moved to four-stroke engines because of the fuel efficiency and cleaner burn , irving noted .\" What is the definition of \"burn\"?"} {"term": "burn", "pos": "", "context": "they were going into andover for the day , so they quickly burned past us .", "definition": "drive very fast", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they were going into andover for the day , so they quickly burned past us .\" What is the definition of \"burn\"?"} {"term": "burn", "pos": "", "context": "my hips were sore and my thighs burned from the repeated kicking .", "definition": "feel hot or sore , typically as a result of illness or injury", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my hips were sore and my thighs burned from the repeated kicking .\" What is the definition of \"burn\"?"} {"term": "burn", "pos": "", "context": "the shop was on his way to work , and as he walked the same route every day , by the second day that he noticed the vest in the window , he was burning with desire .", "definition": "be entirely possessed by ( a desire or an emotion )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the shop was on his way to work , and as he walked the same route every day , by the second day that he noticed the vest in the window , he was burning with desire .\" What is the definition of \"burn\"?"} {"term": "burn", "pos": "", "context": "second , it would be entirely powered and supplied by the natural flow of water from the loch and the burn .", "definition": "a small stream .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"second , it would be entirely powered and supplied by the natural flow of water from the loch and the burn .\" What is the definition of \"burn\"?"} {"term": "arthritic", "pos": "", "context": "the hands of an elderly arthritic", "definition": "a person afflicted with arthritis", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the hands of an elderly arthritic\" What is the definition of \"arthritic\"?"} {"term": "overstress", "pos": "", "context": "for fauré , art and music existed ‘ to elevate mankind as far as possible above everyday existence ’ , but in his oeuvre the hellenic aspect of calm , philosophical serenity has been overstressed .", "definition": "lay too much emphasis on", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for fauré , art and music existed ‘ to elevate mankind as far as possible above everyday existence ’ , but in his oeuvre the hellenic aspect of calm , philosophical serenity has been overstressed .\" What is the definition of \"overstress\"?"} {"term": "shriek", "pos": "", "context": "commonsense shrieked at me not to let a drop pass my lips , but it was irresistible , like musty goat 's cheese straight from the liquidizer .", "definition": "be very obvious or strikingly discordant", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"commonsense shrieked at me not to let a drop pass my lips , but it was irresistible , like musty goat 's cheese straight from the liquidizer .\" What is the definition of \"shriek\"?"} {"term": "pessimism", "pos": "", "context": "we have found that a deliberative mindset induced greater realism and not more pessimism .", "definition": "a tendency to see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will happen", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we have found that a deliberative mindset induced greater realism and not more pessimism .\" What is the definition of \"pessimism\"?"} {"term": "enabler", "pos": "", "context": "she acts as his `` enabler ' allowing him to persist in self-destructive behaviour by making excuses or cleaning up after his mistakes .", "definition": "a person who encourages or enables negative or self-destructive behaviour in another", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she acts as his `` enabler ' allowing him to persist in self-destructive behaviour by making excuses or cleaning up after his mistakes .\" What is the definition of \"enabler\"?"} {"term": "fee", "pos": "", "context": "property division and the redemption of feudal fees aroused numerous disputes between feudatories and comuni , requiring a lengthy examination of titles and deeds .", "definition": "an estate of land , especially one held on condition of feudal service .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"property division and the redemption of feudal fees aroused numerous disputes between feudatories and comuni , requiring a lengthy examination of titles and deeds .\" What is the definition of \"fee\"?"} {"term": "fee", "pos": "", "context": "exchanging european banknotes to rupiah and only then converting them into the euro would cost customers twice the transaction fees money changers charged .", "definition": "money paid as part of a special transaction , for example for a privilege or for admission to something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"exchanging european banknotes to rupiah and only then converting them into the euro would cost customers twice the transaction fees money changers charged .\" What is the definition of \"fee\"?"} {"term": "adventurer", "pos": "", "context": "they began to filter into muslim persia in the 9th century , mainly as mercenaries and adventurers .", "definition": "a mercenary soldier .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they began to filter into muslim persia in the 9th century , mainly as mercenaries and adventurers .\" What is the definition of \"adventurer\"?"} {"term": "ibuprofen", "pos": "", "context": "take a painkiller , such as paracetamol , ibuprofen or aspirin , to reduce discomfort .", "definition": "a synthetic compound used widely as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory drug .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"take a painkiller , such as paracetamol , ibuprofen or aspirin , to reduce discomfort .\" What is the definition of \"ibuprofen\"?"} {"term": "vintager", "pos": "", "context": "the little room , extended in length , is decorated with a frieze which represents scenes with vintager puttos , delimited by caryatids .", "definition": "a person who harvests grapes .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the little room , extended in length , is decorated with a frieze which represents scenes with vintager puttos , delimited by caryatids .\" What is the definition of \"vintager\"?"} {"term": "forester", "pos": "", "context": "as the corn ripens and promises another fruitful harvest , so the foresters and their nymphs go off to consummate their love and , presumably , to eventually produce a harvest of their own .", "definition": "a small day-flying moth with metallic green forewings and a greenish-bronze body .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as the corn ripens and promises another fruitful harvest , so the foresters and their nymphs go off to consummate their love and , presumably , to eventually produce a harvest of their own .\" What is the definition of \"forester\"?"} {"term": "bender", "pos": "", "context": "he used pliers as a bender", "definition": "a tool for bending", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he used pliers as a bender\" What is the definition of \"bender\"?"} {"term": "allograft", "pos": "", "context": "in addition , the quality of the allograft may vary , depending on the age of the donor and the body location of the harvested skin .", "definition": "a tissue graft from a donor of the same species as the recipient but not genetically identical .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in addition , the quality of the allograft may vary , depending on the age of the donor and the body location of the harvested skin .\" What is the definition of \"allograft\"?"} {"term": "remedy", "pos": "", "context": "to choose the correct remedy for your daughter , read the following descriptions and pick the one that most closely matches her symptoms .", "definition": "a medicine or treatment for a disease or injury", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to choose the correct remedy for your daughter , read the following descriptions and pick the one that most closely matches her symptoms .\" What is the definition of \"remedy\"?"} {"term": "vent", "pos": "", "context": "i remember hawaiian native friends fighting the vatican , which wanted to tap their sacred geothermal vents .", "definition": "the opening of a volcano , through which lava and other materials are emitted", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i remember hawaiian native friends fighting the vatican , which wanted to tap their sacred geothermal vents .\" What is the definition of \"vent\"?"} {"term": "snake", "pos": "", "context": "step 2 : if it is a major clog a toilet snake or closet auger with a padded end is best to use .", "definition": "a long flexible wire for clearing obstacles in piping .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"step 2 : if it is a major clog a toilet snake or closet auger with a padded end is best to use .\" What is the definition of \"snake\"?"} {"term": "snake", "pos": "", "context": "he 's as manipulative as he is charming , a snake in the grass .", "definition": "a treacherous or deceitful person", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he 's as manipulative as he is charming , a snake in the grass .\" What is the definition of \"snake\"?"} {"term": "heartstrings", "pos": "", "context": "many adoption cases tug at the heartstrings", "definition": "your deepest feelings of love and compassion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"many adoption cases tug at the heartstrings\" What is the definition of \"heartstrings\"?"} {"term": "godson", "pos": "", "context": "his daughter was disinherited , and what little was left of lovelace 's possessions passed to his godsons .", "definition": "a male godchild", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his daughter was disinherited , and what little was left of lovelace 's possessions passed to his godsons .\" What is the definition of \"godson\"?"} {"term": "canopy", "pos": "", "context": "the ejection seat will not fire until the canopy has departed the aircraft .", "definition": "the transparent plastic or glass cover of an aircraft 's cockpit .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ejection seat will not fire until the canopy has departed the aircraft .\" What is the definition of \"canopy\"?"} {"term": "altogether", "pos": "", "context": "altogether , i 'm sorry it happened", "definition": "with everything considered ( and neglecting details )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"altogether , i 'm sorry it happened\" What is the definition of \"altogether\"?"} {"term": "splurge", "pos": "", "context": "his recent cuttings files have , lest we forget , taken in two splurges of coverage that only heightened the sense of smouldering hostility .", "definition": "a large or excessive amount of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his recent cuttings files have , lest we forget , taken in two splurges of coverage that only heightened the sense of smouldering hostility .\" What is the definition of \"splurge\"?"} {"term": "default", "pos": "", "context": "want to use a different audio cd program , rather than the default windows cd player , on your computer ?", "definition": "a preselected option adopted by a computer program or other mechanism when no alternative is specified by the user or programmer", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"want to use a different audio cd program , rather than the default windows cd player , on your computer ?\" What is the definition of \"default\"?"} {"term": "default", "pos": "", "context": "debt defaults are soaring and forced asset sales are exacerbating the decline .", "definition": "failure to fulfil an obligation , especially to repay a loan or appear in a law court", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"debt defaults are soaring and forced asset sales are exacerbating the decline .\" What is the definition of \"default\"?"} {"term": "ineligible", "pos": "", "context": "ineligible to vote", "definition": "not eligible", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ineligible to vote\" What is the definition of \"ineligible\"?"} {"term": "sedition", "pos": "", "context": "the false accusations we heard in the news media last week incite sectarian sedition .", "definition": "conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the false accusations we heard in the news media last week incite sectarian sedition .\" What is the definition of \"sedition\"?"} {"term": "eagle", "pos": "", "context": "she eagled the hole", "definition": "shoot two strokes under par", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she eagled the hole\" What is the definition of \"eagle\"?"} {"term": "dateline", "pos": "", "context": "you know , from doha , from central command , it was a convenient dateline to wrap the big picture but without all the different elements , it would have been absolutely hopeless .", "definition": "a line at the head of a dispatch or newspaper article showing the date and place of writing .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you know , from doha , from central command , it was a convenient dateline to wrap the big picture but without all the different elements , it would have been absolutely hopeless .\" What is the definition of \"dateline\"?"} {"term": "hide", "pos": "", "context": "muslim women hide their faces", "definition": "prevent from being seen or discovered", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"muslim women hide their faces\" What is the definition of \"hide\"?"} {"term": "aluminosilicate", "pos": "", "context": "these minerals are hydrated aluminosilicates consisting of sheets of alumina and silica with interchangeable cations and considerable amounts of combined or loosely bound water .", "definition": "a silicate in which aluminium replaces some of the silicon , especially a rock-forming mineral such as a feldspar or a clay mineral .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these minerals are hydrated aluminosilicates consisting of sheets of alumina and silica with interchangeable cations and considerable amounts of combined or loosely bound water .\" What is the definition of \"aluminosilicate\"?"} {"term": "cabotage", "pos": "", "context": "no , i do not support cabotage , because cabotage adds a cost to users of ships , and it makes them less competitive .", "definition": "restriction of the operation of sea , air , or other transport services within or into a particular country to that country 's own transport services .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"no , i do not support cabotage , because cabotage adds a cost to users of ships , and it makes them less competitive .\" What is the definition of \"cabotage\"?"} {"term": "propriety", "pos": "", "context": "the accepted view of an organisation which is the protector of conformity and propriety has disappeared .", "definition": "conformity to conventionally accepted standards of behaviour or morals", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the accepted view of an organisation which is the protector of conformity and propriety has disappeared .\" What is the definition of \"propriety\"?"} {"term": "basset", "pos": "", "context": "a seam of coal bassets", "definition": "appear at the surface", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a seam of coal bassets\" What is the definition of \"basset\"?"} {"term": "sweat", "pos": "", "context": "terry had sweated over sonya for two years and in that time he had spoken to her only twice .", "definition": "( of a person ) exert a great deal of strenuous effort", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"terry had sweated over sonya for two years and in that time he had spoken to her only twice .\" What is the definition of \"sweat\"?"} {"term": "sweat", "pos": "", "context": "sweat poured off his brow", "definition": "salty fluid secreted by sweat glands", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sweat poured off his brow\" What is the definition of \"sweat\"?"} {"term": "sweat", "pos": "", "context": "transfer from the pan to a bowl , stir in the rosemary and place to one side . heat 1 tbsp of the oil in the frying pan and sweat the onion until soft and translucent .", "definition": "heat ( chopped vegetables ) slowly in a pan with a small amount of fat , so that they cook in their own juices", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"transfer from the pan to a bowl , stir in the rosemary and place to one side . heat 1 tbsp of the oil in the frying pan and sweat the onion until soft and translucent .\" What is the definition of \"sweat\"?"} {"term": "sincere", "pos": "", "context": "to all the family and relations deepest and sincere sympathy is extended on this very sad occasion .", "definition": "free from pretence or deceit ; proceeding from genuine feelings", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to all the family and relations deepest and sincere sympathy is extended on this very sad occasion .\" What is the definition of \"sincere\"?"} {"term": "vetchling", "pos": "", "context": "a number of notable plant species are present including meadow oat , upright brome , greater knapweed , woolly thistle , slender tare , pyramidal orchid , wild thyme , large thyme and grass vetchling .", "definition": "a widely distributed scrambling plant related to the vetches , typically having fewer leaflets .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a number of notable plant species are present including meadow oat , upright brome , greater knapweed , woolly thistle , slender tare , pyramidal orchid , wild thyme , large thyme and grass vetchling .\" What is the definition of \"vetchling\"?"} {"term": "i", "pos": "", "context": "`ane ' is scottish", "definition": "used of a single unit or thing ; not two or more", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"`ane ' is scottish\" What is the definition of \"i\"?"} {"term": "avionics", "pos": "", "context": "the ge-honeywell deal would result in an aerospace behemoth that offers airline customers jet engines , avionics , and financing in one bundle .", "definition": "electronic equipment fitted in an aircraft", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ge-honeywell deal would result in an aerospace behemoth that offers airline customers jet engines , avionics , and financing in one bundle .\" What is the definition of \"avionics\"?"} {"term": "dud", "pos": "", "context": "if all the players you off-load turn out to be duds you could perhaps pat yourself on the back .", "definition": "an ineffectual person", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if all the players you off-load turn out to be duds you could perhaps pat yourself on the back .\" What is the definition of \"dud\"?"} {"term": "dietician", "pos": "", "context": "a team of doctors , nurses , physiotherapists , psychologists and dieticians will be on hand to closely monitor all the volunteers throughout .", "definition": "an expert on diet and nutrition", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a team of doctors , nurses , physiotherapists , psychologists and dieticians will be on hand to closely monitor all the volunteers throughout .\" What is the definition of \"dietician\"?"} {"term": "invisibility", "pos": "", "context": "she 's interested in what 's hidden from view , in questions of cultural and economic invisibility and , especially , in the unsung hopes and sacrifices of ordinary lives .", "definition": "the state of being ignored or not taken into consideration", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she 's interested in what 's hidden from view , in questions of cultural and economic invisibility and , especially , in the unsung hopes and sacrifices of ordinary lives .\" What is the definition of \"invisibility\"?"} {"term": "carhop", "pos": "", "context": "at this joint , customers pulled up under the long awning stretched across the parking lot and waited for one of the carhops to come out and take the order .", "definition": "a waiter or waitress at a drive-in restaurant .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at this joint , customers pulled up under the long awning stretched across the parking lot and waited for one of the carhops to come out and take the order .\" What is the definition of \"carhop\"?"} {"term": "demonstrative", "pos": "", "context": "according to this theory , logically proper names are very like the demonstratives this and that ; they are empty of descriptive content , and their meanings are the particulars they denote .", "definition": "a demonstrative determiner or pronoun .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"according to this theory , logically proper names are very like the demonstratives this and that ; they are empty of descriptive content , and their meanings are the particulars they denote .\" What is the definition of \"demonstrative\"?"} {"term": "cow", "pos": "", "context": "i 'd give anything to be able to spend a week with my parents again , you do n't know how lucky you are you stupid cow .", "definition": "an unpleasant or disliked woman .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i 'd give anything to be able to spend a week with my parents again , you do n't know how lucky you are you stupid cow .\" What is the definition of \"cow\"?"} {"term": "nephrectomy", "pos": "", "context": "a left nephrectomy was performed with the clinical diagnosis of a primary renal tumor due to the absence of any other masses in the extension study .", "definition": "surgical removal of one or both of the kidneys", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a left nephrectomy was performed with the clinical diagnosis of a primary renal tumor due to the absence of any other masses in the extension study .\" What is the definition of \"nephrectomy\"?"} {"term": "element", "pos": "", "context": "in your element", "definition": "the situation in which you are happiest and most effective", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in your element\" What is the definition of \"element\"?"} {"term": "repay", "pos": "", "context": "as recession looms , how much banks increase reserves depends on how bad they think the downturn will be and how many debtors may have trouble repaying their loans .", "definition": "pay back ( a loan )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as recession looms , how much banks increase reserves depends on how bad they think the downturn will be and how many debtors may have trouble repaying their loans .\" What is the definition of \"repay\"?"} {"term": "balbriggan", "pos": "", "context": "balbriggan is a knitted cotton fabric named after the irish town .", "definition": "a knitted cotton fabric , used for stockings and underwear", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"balbriggan is a knitted cotton fabric named after the irish town .\" What is the definition of \"balbriggan\"?"} {"term": "step", "pos": "", "context": "keep in step with the fashions", "definition": "relative position in a graded series", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"keep in step with the fashions\" What is the definition of \"step\"?"} {"term": "step", "pos": "", "context": "you can not experience the dance just by knowing the sequence of steps .", "definition": "each of the sequences of movement of the feet which make up a dance .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you can not experience the dance just by knowing the sequence of steps .\" What is the definition of \"step\"?"} {"term": "step", "pos": "", "context": "maggie looked over at jen and got up , quickly covering the few steps to gently embrace her daughter .", "definition": "the distance covered by a step", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"maggie looked over at jen and got up , quickly covering the few steps to gently embrace her daughter .\" What is the definition of \"step\"?"} {"term": "park", "pos": "", "context": "the put the car in park and got out", "definition": "a gear position that acts as a parking brake", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the put the car in park and got out\" What is the definition of \"park\"?"} {"term": "park", "pos": "", "context": "the residents will now make submissions on the upcoming review of the naas development plan looking to have the wetlands area formalised as a wildlife park .", "definition": "a large enclosed area of land used to accommodate wild animals in captivity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the residents will now make submissions on the upcoming review of the naas development plan looking to have the wetlands area formalised as a wildlife park .\" What is the definition of \"park\"?"} {"term": "dysarthria", "pos": "", "context": "a 50 year old man presented with a two week history of a flu-like illness and four days of dysarthria , dysphagia , shortness of breath , and neck discomfort .", "definition": "difficult or unclear articulation of speech that is otherwise linguistically normal .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a 50 year old man presented with a two week history of a flu-like illness and four days of dysarthria , dysphagia , shortness of breath , and neck discomfort .\" What is the definition of \"dysarthria\"?"} {"term": "underexpose", "pos": "", "context": "the child was underexposed to language", "definition": "expose insufficiently", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the child was underexposed to language\" What is the definition of \"underexpose\"?"} {"term": "ramble", "pos": "", "context": "this novel rambles on and jogs", "definition": "continue talking or writing in a desultory manner", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this novel rambles on and jogs\" What is the definition of \"ramble\"?"} {"term": "line-out", "pos": "", "context": "among the things which had been so encouraging in the romanian match was not just the line-out but the set scrum and here , too , scotland built on the previous week 's display .", "definition": "a formation of parallel lines of opposing forwards at right angles to the touchline when the ball is thrown in .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"among the things which had been so encouraging in the romanian match was not just the line-out but the set scrum and here , too , scotland built on the previous week 's display .\" What is the definition of \"line-out\"?"} {"term": "directness", "pos": "", "context": "rivaling a hawk in directness of aim", "definition": "trueness of course toward a goal", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rivaling a hawk in directness of aim\" What is the definition of \"directness\"?"} {"term": "directness", "pos": "", "context": "he was amazed at the directness of their travel , even in strong currents .", "definition": "the quality of proceeding in a straight line without deflection", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was amazed at the directness of their travel , even in strong currents .\" What is the definition of \"directness\"?"} {"term": "opener", "pos": "", "context": "she played chopin for her opener", "definition": "the first event in a series", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she played chopin for her opener\" What is the definition of \"opener\"?"} {"term": "opener", "pos": "", "context": "it is likely to be several weeks before it goes on sale to fans and it has not been confirmed which strip the club will take to the field in for tomorrow 's league one opener at hartlepool .", "definition": "the first in a series of events , games , or actions", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is likely to be several weeks before it goes on sale to fans and it has not been confirmed which strip the club will take to the field in for tomorrow 's league one opener at hartlepool .\" What is the definition of \"opener\"?"} {"term": "hugger-mugger", "pos": "", "context": "he engaged in the hugger-mugger of international finance", "definition": "a state of confusion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he engaged in the hugger-mugger of international finance\" What is the definition of \"hugger-mugger\"?"} {"term": "mid", "pos": "", "context": "the building dates back to the early or mid 19th century , with a later extension at the back , which was used as a forge .", "definition": "of or in the middle part or position of a range", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the building dates back to the early or mid 19th century , with a later extension at the back , which was used as a forge .\" What is the definition of \"mid\"?"} {"term": "ballad", "pos": "", "context": "dynamically , this album has its slow ballad songs and its loud ones .", "definition": "a slow sentimental or romantic song .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dynamically , this album has its slow ballad songs and its loud ones .\" What is the definition of \"ballad\"?"} {"term": "lucubration", "pos": "", "context": "this immediately puts its finger on powell 's distinctive wit and suggests why the narrative voice of dance is so engaging , as are lucubrations like the above one about marriage .", "definition": "a learned or pedantic piece of writing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this immediately puts its finger on powell 's distinctive wit and suggests why the narrative voice of dance is so engaging , as are lucubrations like the above one about marriage .\" What is the definition of \"lucubration\"?"} {"term": "ick", "pos": "", "context": "but the mess - the puddles of gunky congealing ick getting into a soldier 's boots and running down inside the socks .", "definition": "an unpleasantly sticky or congealed substance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but the mess - the puddles of gunky congealing ick getting into a soldier 's boots and running down inside the socks .\" What is the definition of \"ick\"?"} {"term": "oration", "pos": "", "context": "it would be easy to dismiss these frightful orations as the rantings of frustrated clergymen .", "definition": "a formal speech , especially one given on a ceremonial occasion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it would be easy to dismiss these frightful orations as the rantings of frustrated clergymen .\" What is the definition of \"oration\"?"} {"term": "treble", "pos": "", "context": "the number of people aged 80 years and over is forecast to more than treble from 98,000 in 2001 , to about 320,000 in 2036 .", "definition": "make or become three times as large or numerous", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the number of people aged 80 years and over is forecast to more than treble from 98,000 in 2001 , to about 320,000 in 2036 .\" What is the definition of \"treble\"?"} {"term": "transcribe", "pos": "", "context": "shorthand is eventually transcribed to longhand , and buzzwords lose their sting .", "definition": "transliterate ( foreign characters ) or write or type out ( shorthand , notes , or other abbreviated forms ) into ordinary characters or full sentences", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shorthand is eventually transcribed to longhand , and buzzwords lose their sting .\" What is the definition of \"transcribe\"?"} {"term": "aerial", "pos": "", "context": "the driver had found a handkerchief and tied it round the radio aerial as a makeshift white flag .", "definition": "a rod , wire , or other structure by which signals are transmitted or received as part of a radio or television transmission or receiving system .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the driver had found a handkerchief and tied it round the radio aerial as a makeshift white flag .\" What is the definition of \"aerial\"?"} {"term": "aerial", "pos": "", "context": "aerial warfare", "definition": "existing or living or growing or operating in the air", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"aerial warfare\" What is the definition of \"aerial\"?"} {"term": "pectoral", "pos": "", "context": "pectoral organ", "definition": "of or relating to the chest or thorax", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pectoral organ\" What is the definition of \"pectoral\"?"} {"term": "dislocation", "pos": "", "context": "trapped dislocations in the crystal lattice were observed even when the average grain size was as small as 10 nanometers .", "definition": "a displacement of part of a crystal lattice structure", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"trapped dislocations in the crystal lattice were observed even when the average grain size was as small as 10 nanometers .\" What is the definition of \"dislocation\"?"} {"term": "homebody", "pos": "", "context": "you seem to be a total homebody this month and stuck to the couch like super-glue .", "definition": "a person who likes to stay at home , especially one who is perceived as unadventurous", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you seem to be a total homebody this month and stuck to the couch like super-glue .\" What is the definition of \"homebody\"?"} {"term": "duplication", "pos": "", "context": "this kind of duplication is wasteful", "definition": "the act of copying or making a duplicate ( or duplicates ) of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this kind of duplication is wasteful\" What is the definition of \"duplication\"?"} {"term": "precipitate", "pos": "", "context": "if positive , the nutrients bind with the soil and become unavailable - an insoluble precipitate .", "definition": "a substance precipitated from a solution .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if positive , the nutrients bind with the soil and become unavailable - an insoluble precipitate .\" What is the definition of \"precipitate\"?"} {"term": "postscript", "pos": "", "context": "i had considered deleting this post altogether - and perhaps this would still be a good idea - but , since other blogs had linked to it , decided instead to add this postscript .", "definition": "an additional remark at the end of a letter , after the signature and introduced by ‘ ps ’", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i had considered deleting this post altogether - and perhaps this would still be a good idea - but , since other blogs had linked to it , decided instead to add this postscript .\" What is the definition of \"postscript\"?"} {"term": "bandmaster", "pos": "", "context": "i remember clearly the red turban of the sikh bandmaster but ca n't recollect anything sensible about the rest of the band .", "definition": "the conductor of a musical band , especially a brass or military one .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i remember clearly the red turban of the sikh bandmaster but ca n't recollect anything sensible about the rest of the band .\" What is the definition of \"bandmaster\"?"} {"term": "machine", "pos": "", "context": "the application of useful machines and tools was thus equated with not just material progress but cultural development .", "definition": "any device that transmits a force or directs its application .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the application of useful machines and tools was thus equated with not just material progress but cultural development .\" What is the definition of \"machine\"?"} {"term": "machine", "pos": "", "context": "kalyani 's bharat forge - which supplies high value added products like machined crankshafts and connecting rods - already has a niche in the chinese market .", "definition": "make or operate on with a machine", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"kalyani 's bharat forge - which supplies high value added products like machined crankshafts and connecting rods - already has a niche in the chinese market .\" What is the definition of \"machine\"?"} {"term": "craniometry", "pos": "", "context": "the nineteenth-century interest in craniometry had assumed that intelligence was both biological and inheritable .", "definition": "the scientific measurement of skulls , especially in relation to craniology .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the nineteenth-century interest in craniometry had assumed that intelligence was both biological and inheritable .\" What is the definition of \"craniometry\"?"} {"term": "houseboat", "pos": "", "context": "but what galvanized education and research efforts to a more urgent level was the discovery in 2000 that many houseboats were built with a fatal flaw .", "definition": "a boat which is or can be moored for use as a dwelling .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but what galvanized education and research efforts to a more urgent level was the discovery in 2000 that many houseboats were built with a fatal flaw .\" What is the definition of \"houseboat\"?"} {"term": "incendiary", "pos": "", "context": "developing musical themes from deep atmospheric to incendiary structures , supersilent capture here the intensity of their live performances .", "definition": "very exciting", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"developing musical themes from deep atmospheric to incendiary structures , supersilent capture here the intensity of their live performances .\" What is the definition of \"incendiary\"?"} {"term": "baronetage", "pos": "", "context": "in that year , the baronetage of england and the baronetage of nova scotia were replaced by the baronetage of great britain .", "definition": "baronets collectively", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in that year , the baronetage of england and the baronetage of nova scotia were replaced by the baronetage of great britain .\" What is the definition of \"baronetage\"?"} {"term": "barbiturate", "pos": "", "context": "it was the beginning of faithfull 's fall - she turned to barbiturates and alcohol while jagger buried himself in work .", "definition": "a salt or ester of barbituric acid .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was the beginning of faithfull 's fall - she turned to barbiturates and alcohol while jagger buried himself in work .\" What is the definition of \"barbiturate\"?"} {"term": "pinball", "pos": "", "context": "other residents lost a collection of old board games , pinball machines , vintage clothes and old books .", "definition": "a game in which small metal balls are shot across a sloping board and score points by striking various targets", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"other residents lost a collection of old board games , pinball machines , vintage clothes and old books .\" What is the definition of \"pinball\"?"} {"term": "musth", "pos": "", "context": "the frenzied elephant was in musth", "definition": "an annual phase of heightened sexual excitement in the males of certain large mammals ( especially elephants ) ; is associated with discharge from a gland between the eye and ear", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the frenzied elephant was in musth\" What is the definition of \"musth\"?"} {"term": "lee", "pos": "", "context": "you can normally tell the lee side from the windward side by looking for cornices .", "definition": "the sheltered side of something ; the side away from the wind", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you can normally tell the lee side from the windward side by looking for cornices .\" What is the definition of \"lee\"?"} {"term": "shakedown", "pos": "", "context": "in a final shakedown , it 's the lack of conviction to the importance of its own message that keeps it from carrying any weight .", "definition": "a test of a new product or model , especially a vehicle or ship", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in a final shakedown , it 's the lack of conviction to the importance of its own message that keeps it from carrying any weight .\" What is the definition of \"shakedown\"?"} {"term": "cautious", "pos": "", "context": "my dad was always very careful and he has advised me not to be too cautious and end up with money i do n't know what to do with .", "definition": "( of a person ) careful to avoid potential problems or dangers", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my dad was always very careful and he has advised me not to be too cautious and end up with money i do n't know what to do with .\" What is the definition of \"cautious\"?"} {"term": "fulfil", "pos": "", "context": "even though success was welcomed , it was also a time of difficulty for tolkien who described the enormous pressure from people who expected him to fulfill a role that he was not available to fill .", "definition": "carry out ( a duty or role ) as required , promised , or expected", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"even though success was welcomed , it was also a time of difficulty for tolkien who described the enormous pressure from people who expected him to fulfill a role that he was not available to fill .\" What is the definition of \"fulfil\"?"} {"term": "commandant", "pos": "", "context": "but a new book reveals the incredible secret that the camp commandant hid from his ss comrades throughout the war .", "definition": "an officer in charge of a particular force or institution", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but a new book reveals the incredible secret that the camp commandant hid from his ss comrades throughout the war .\" What is the definition of \"commandant\"?"} {"term": "flysheet", "pos": "", "context": "the list of other books on the flysheet suggests that the author has got into a groove , but the record is stuck .", "definition": "a tract or circular of two or four pages .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the list of other books on the flysheet suggests that the author has got into a groove , but the record is stuck .\" What is the definition of \"flysheet\"?"} {"term": "mob", "pos": "", "context": "nearby , a crowd mobbed a man on a pay phone , screaming at him to get off the phone so that they could call relatives .", "definition": "crowd round ( someone ) or into ( a place ) in an unruly way", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nearby , a crowd mobbed a man on a pay phone , screaming at him to get off the phone so that they could call relatives .\" What is the definition of \"mob\"?"} {"term": "wakefulness", "pos": "", "context": "consciousness during wakefulness in a sane person is pretty well ordered and familiar", "definition": "a periodic state during which you are conscious and aware of the world", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"consciousness during wakefulness in a sane person is pretty well ordered and familiar\" What is the definition of \"wakefulness\"?"} {"term": "force", "pos": "", "context": "a man , who had forced his way in through the bungalow 's kitchen window , then walked into christopher 's bedroom .", "definition": "achieve or bring about ( something ) by effort", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a man , who had forced his way in through the bungalow 's kitchen window , then walked into christopher 's bedroom .\" What is the definition of \"force\"?"} {"term": "force", "pos": "", "context": "force equals mass times acceleration", "definition": "( physics ) the influence that produces a change in a physical quantity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"force equals mass times acceleration\" What is the definition of \"force\"?"} {"term": "outlet", "pos": "", "context": "plans are also underway to open 20 outlet stores in strategic locations across the united states which are expected to dramatically improve market share .", "definition": "a shop that sells goods made by a particular manufacturer at discounted prices", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"plans are also underway to open 20 outlet stores in strategic locations across the united states which are expected to dramatically improve market share .\" What is the definition of \"outlet\"?"} {"term": "outlet", "pos": "", "context": "most of the items on display are being sold in mainstream shopping outlets in sweden and , in some cases , across the world .", "definition": "a point from which goods are sold or distributed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"most of the items on display are being sold in mainstream shopping outlets in sweden and , in some cases , across the world .\" What is the definition of \"outlet\"?"} {"term": "outlet", "pos": "", "context": "he said the live export trade is extremely important to irish agriculture , particularly in terms of its key role in maintaining price competition and important market outlets .", "definition": "a market for goods", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he said the live export trade is extremely important to irish agriculture , particularly in terms of its key role in maintaining price competition and important market outlets .\" What is the definition of \"outlet\"?"} {"term": "midweek", "pos": "", "context": "the small audience of midweek drinkers applauds politely as he and his band play madonna covers .", "definition": "in the middle of the week", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the small audience of midweek drinkers applauds politely as he and his band play madonna covers .\" What is the definition of \"midweek\"?"} {"term": "herb", "pos": "", "context": "the crops most suited to water culture include lettuce and some herbs such as watercress and mint .", "definition": "any seed-bearing plant which does not have a woody stem and dies down to the ground after flowering", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the crops most suited to water culture include lettuce and some herbs such as watercress and mint .\" What is the definition of \"herb\"?"} {"term": "giveaway", "pos": "", "context": "your hair is exactly like your father 's - it 's a dead giveaway .", "definition": "a thing that makes an inadvertent revelation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"your hair is exactly like your father 's - it 's a dead giveaway .\" What is the definition of \"giveaway\"?"} {"term": "rerun", "pos": "", "context": "we have to rerun the subjects -- they misunderstood the instructions", "definition": "cause to perform again", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we have to rerun the subjects -- they misunderstood the instructions\" What is the definition of \"rerun\"?"} {"term": "x", "pos": "", "context": "also there were two paragraphs edited out with xxx 's over them which were not initialed by either of us .", "definition": "a shape like that of a letter x", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"also there were two paragraphs edited out with xxx 's over them which were not initialed by either of us .\" What is the definition of \"x\"?"} {"term": "x", "pos": "", "context": "we express a relationship between two variables , which we will refer to as x and y , by stating the following : the value of the variable y depends upon the value of the variable x .", "definition": "the first unknown quantity in an algebraic expression , usually the independent variable .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we express a relationship between two variables , which we will refer to as x and y , by stating the following : the value of the variable y depends upon the value of the variable x .\" What is the definition of \"x\"?"} {"term": "x", "pos": "", "context": "take care , love , raffa xxx", "definition": "used in a letter or message to symbolize a kiss .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"take care , love , raffa xxx\" What is the definition of \"x\"?"} {"term": "x", "pos": "", "context": "the landing site , marked by a red `` x ' , is located at 192.3 degrees west , 10.3 degrees south .", "definition": "used to indicate a position on a map or diagram", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the landing site , marked by a red `` x ' , is located at 192.3 degrees west , 10.3 degrees south .\" What is the definition of \"x\"?"} {"term": "parent", "pos": "", "context": "it applies to new fathers , adoptive parents and women who do not qualify for paid maternity leave .", "definition": "a person 's father or mother", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it applies to new fathers , adoptive parents and women who do not qualify for paid maternity leave .\" What is the definition of \"parent\"?"} {"term": "bit", "pos": "", "context": "a bit of lint", "definition": "a small piece or quantity of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bit of lint\" What is the definition of \"bit\"?"} {"term": "bit", "pos": "", "context": "start your router with the piece raised above the bit and the lines positioned like this , and then push the stock down onto the bit and then keeping the stock against the fence , push the stock from right to left till the bit pops out the back .", "definition": "the cutting or gripping part of a plane , pincers , or other tool .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"start your router with the piece raised above the bit and the lines positioned like this , and then push the stock down onto the bit and then keeping the stock against the fence , push the stock from right to left till the bit pops out the back .\" What is the definition of \"bit\"?"} {"term": "bit", "pos": "", "context": "the reason is probably not the bit , but the way in which the horse is schooled .", "definition": "a mouthpiece , typically made of metal , which is attached to a bridle and used to control a horse .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the reason is probably not the bit , but the way in which the horse is schooled .\" What is the definition of \"bit\"?"} {"term": "batwing", "pos": "", "context": "so might we see some morningside matrons walking past the canny man pub swathed in 26 metres of silk with batwing sleeves ?", "definition": "( of a sleeve ) having a deep armhole and a tight cuff .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so might we see some morningside matrons walking past the canny man pub swathed in 26 metres of silk with batwing sleeves ?\" What is the definition of \"batwing\"?"} {"term": "orange", "pos": "", "context": "he was wearing a polo shirt with white , red , yellow and orange hoops , the white hoops being thicker than the rest .", "definition": "reddish yellow", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was wearing a polo shirt with white , red , yellow and orange hoops , the white hoops being thicker than the rest .\" What is the definition of \"orange\"?"} {"term": "tweeter", "pos": "", "context": "the sound system had both tweeters and woofers", "definition": "a loudspeaker that reproduces higher audio frequency sounds", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sound system had both tweeters and woofers\" What is the definition of \"tweeter\"?"} {"term": "diagonal", "pos": "", "context": "the five-pointed stars on many flags of the world ( for example , the european flag ) are made by cutting the diagonals of a pentagon according to the golden ratio .", "definition": "a straight line joining two opposite corners of a square , rectangle , or other straight-sided shape .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the five-pointed stars on many flags of the world ( for example , the european flag ) are made by cutting the diagonals of a pentagon according to the golden ratio .\" What is the definition of \"diagonal\"?"} {"term": "foxy", "pos": "", "context": "there had been substantial bias against such new varieties , especially those including genes from american vine species , because of historical associations with poor wine quality and foxy flavours .", "definition": "( of wine ) having a musky flavour .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there had been substantial bias against such new varieties , especially those including genes from american vine species , because of historical associations with poor wine quality and foxy flavours .\" What is the definition of \"foxy\"?"} {"term": "thirst", "pos": "", "context": "their tragedy was bleakly mirrored by that of the maya , who systematically exhausted their resource base , leading to death from starvation and thirst .", "definition": "lack of the liquid needed to sustain life", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their tragedy was bleakly mirrored by that of the maya , who systematically exhausted their resource base , leading to death from starvation and thirst .\" What is the definition of \"thirst\"?"} {"term": "huntress", "pos": "", "context": "all of a sudden the huntress stood , gently placing her already sleeping falcon on a low tree branch .", "definition": "a woman who hunts", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all of a sudden the huntress stood , gently placing her already sleeping falcon on a low tree branch .\" What is the definition of \"huntress\"?"} {"term": "specification", "pos": "", "context": "the specification of a patent must enable the invention to be performed across the full width of the claim .", "definition": "a description of an invention accompanying an application for a patent .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the specification of a patent must enable the invention to be performed across the full width of the claim .\" What is the definition of \"specification\"?"} {"term": "overdrive", "pos": "", "context": "a clip-release position simulates an overdriven electronic distortion that could work for guitars or synths .", "definition": "give ( an electric guitar ) a distorted sound", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a clip-release position simulates an overdriven electronic distortion that could work for guitars or synths .\" What is the definition of \"overdrive\"?"} {"term": "alawi", "pos": "", "context": "there was considerable tension within the alawi community .", "definition": "relating to or denoting the alawis .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was considerable tension within the alawi community .\" What is the definition of \"alawi\"?"} {"term": "coping", "pos": "", "context": "in these cases , water often penetrates copings , caps , sills , or other elements that cover the top of the masonry .", "definition": "the top , typically curved or sloping , course of a brick or stone wall .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in these cases , water often penetrates copings , caps , sills , or other elements that cover the top of the masonry .\" What is the definition of \"coping\"?"} {"term": "hominoid", "pos": "", "context": "fruit sugars have been the primary source of dietary energy for hominoids over most or all of their entire evolutionary past .", "definition": "a primate of a group that includes humans , their fossil ancestors , and the anthropoid apes .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fruit sugars have been the primary source of dietary energy for hominoids over most or all of their entire evolutionary past .\" What is the definition of \"hominoid\"?"} {"term": "pi", "pos": "", "context": "the 16th letter of the greek alphabet , pi is an internationally recognized symbol evoking images of circles and spheres .", "definition": "the sixteenth letter of the greek alphabet ( π , π ) , transliterated as ‘ p ’ .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the 16th letter of the greek alphabet , pi is an internationally recognized symbol evoking images of circles and spheres .\" What is the definition of \"pi\"?"} {"term": "throwback", "pos": "", "context": "the persians who live in los angeles describe meybodi as the larry king of iran , but he 's more dignified than that , a throwback to an earlier age of tv talk shows .", "definition": "a person or thing having the characteristics of a former time", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the persians who live in los angeles describe meybodi as the larry king of iran , but he 's more dignified than that , a throwback to an earlier age of tv talk shows .\" What is the definition of \"throwback\"?"} {"term": "moneymaker", "pos": "", "context": "‘ revenue-wise , ’ says an official with the telecom 's cable channel , ‘ it 's one of our biggest moneymakers . ’", "definition": "a person or thing that earns a lot of money", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ revenue-wise , ’ says an official with the telecom 's cable channel , ‘ it 's one of our biggest moneymakers . ’\" What is the definition of \"moneymaker\"?"} {"term": "scavenge", "pos": "", "context": "hyenas scavenge", "definition": "feed on carrion or refuse", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hyenas scavenge\" What is the definition of \"scavenge\"?"} {"term": "scavenge", "pos": "", "context": "raptors , buzzards among them , swirled , checked and glided above ivy scar , then eased over the valley to hunt and scavenge the stone-walled fields .", "definition": "search for discarded items or food in ( a place )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"raptors , buzzards among them , swirled , checked and glided above ivy scar , then eased over the valley to hunt and scavenge the stone-walled fields .\" What is the definition of \"scavenge\"?"} {"term": "degeneration", "pos": "", "context": "the murder has shocked a community that in recent years has tried to shrug off a poor image of poverty and degeneration .", "definition": "the state or process of being or becoming degenerate ; decline or deterioration", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the murder has shocked a community that in recent years has tried to shrug off a poor image of poverty and degeneration .\" What is the definition of \"degeneration\"?"} {"term": "bombsight", "pos": "", "context": "during world war ii , optical photoreconnaissance was the answer to finding and destroying military targets through optical images and bombsights .", "definition": "a mechanical or electronic device used in an aircraft for aiming bombs .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"during world war ii , optical photoreconnaissance was the answer to finding and destroying military targets through optical images and bombsights .\" What is the definition of \"bombsight\"?"} {"term": "crashing", "pos": "", "context": "a crashing bore", "definition": "informal intensifiers", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a crashing bore\" What is the definition of \"crashing\"?"} {"term": "profane", "pos": "", "context": "secular architecture ' , `` children being brought up in an entirely profane environment", "definition": "not concerned with or devoted to religion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"secular architecture ' , `` children being brought up in an entirely profane environment\" What is the definition of \"profane\"?"} {"term": "profane", "pos": "", "context": "california congressman doug ose is sponsoring a bill that would require the fcc to define any use of eight dirty words as profane .", "definition": "( of language ) blasphemous or obscene .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"california congressman doug ose is sponsoring a bill that would require the fcc to define any use of eight dirty words as profane .\" What is the definition of \"profane\"?"} {"term": "trite", "pos": "", "context": "the trite metaphor `hard as nails '", "definition": "repeated too often ; overfamiliar through overuse", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the trite metaphor `hard as nails '\" What is the definition of \"trite\"?"} {"term": "calico", "pos": "", "context": "calico dresses", "definition": "made of calico or resembling calico in being patterned", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"calico dresses\" What is the definition of \"calico\"?"} {"term": "catechist", "pos": "", "context": "nearly 75 out of 200 theology majors at notre dame serve as catechists in local parishes .", "definition": "a teacher of the principles of christian religion , especially one using a catechism .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nearly 75 out of 200 theology majors at notre dame serve as catechists in local parishes .\" What is the definition of \"catechist\"?"} {"term": "megaflop", "pos": "", "context": "the r14000 was a shrink of the 400mhz r12000 processor , which delivered two floating point operations per second or 800 megaflops of power .", "definition": "a unit of computing speed equal to one million or ( strictly ) 1,048,576 floating-point operations per second .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the r14000 was a shrink of the 400mhz r12000 processor , which delivered two floating point operations per second or 800 megaflops of power .\" What is the definition of \"megaflop\"?"} {"term": "bicuspid", "pos": "", "context": "bicuspid teeth", "definition": "having two cusps or points ( especially a molar tooth )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bicuspid teeth\" What is the definition of \"bicuspid\"?"} {"term": "bicuspid", "pos": "", "context": "each of the four ‘ worlds ’ has two incisors , one canine , two bicuspids , and three molars .", "definition": "a tooth with two cusps , especially a human premolar tooth .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"each of the four ‘ worlds ’ has two incisors , one canine , two bicuspids , and three molars .\" What is the definition of \"bicuspid\"?"} {"term": "abate", "pos": "", "context": "the plaintiffs sought an injunction requiring the defendants to abate the nuisance as well as damages .", "definition": "reduce or remove ( a nuisance )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the plaintiffs sought an injunction requiring the defendants to abate the nuisance as well as damages .\" What is the definition of \"abate\"?"} {"term": "pole", "pos": "", "context": "pole barges on the river", "definition": "propel with a pole", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pole barges on the river\" What is the definition of \"pole\"?"} {"term": "pole", "pos": "", "context": "the appearance of a series of tall metal poles at the roadside this week had piqued the curiosity of motorists .", "definition": "a long , slender , rounded piece of wood or metal , typically used with one end placed in the ground as a support for something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the appearance of a series of tall metal poles at the roadside this week had piqued the curiosity of motorists .\" What is the definition of \"pole\"?"} {"term": "pole", "pos": "", "context": "they are at opposite poles", "definition": "one of two divergent or mutually exclusive opinions", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they are at opposite poles\" What is the definition of \"pole\"?"} {"term": "do", "pos": "", "context": "he had done five years for housebreaking .", "definition": "spend ( a specified period of time ) in prison or in a particular occupation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had done five years for housebreaking .\" What is the definition of \"do\"?"} {"term": "do", "pos": "", "context": "he maintains he was doing the speed limit and had no time to react .", "definition": "travel at ( a specified speed )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he maintains he was doing the speed limit and had no time to react .\" What is the definition of \"do\"?"} {"term": "do", "pos": "", "context": "it 's not what i would have hoped for , but it 'll have to do .", "definition": "be suitable or acceptable", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's not what i would have hoped for , but it 'll have to do .\" What is the definition of \"do\"?"} {"term": "do", "pos": "", "context": "dave is doing europe over the next couple of months .", "definition": "visit as a tourist , especially in a superficial or hurried way", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dave is doing europe over the next couple of months .\" What is the definition of \"do\"?"} {"term": "do", "pos": "", "context": "do n't forget you have to earn money before you can spend it .", "definition": "used in negative commands", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"do n't forget you have to earn money before you can spend it .\" What is the definition of \"do\"?"} {"term": "do", "pos": "", "context": "how could some of australia 's biggest and shrewdest media outlets get done so badly .", "definition": "swindle", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"how could some of australia 's biggest and shrewdest media outlets get done so badly .\" What is the definition of \"do\"?"} {"term": "do", "pos": "", "context": "they 'll do themselves harm one way or another .", "definition": "have a specified effect on", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they 'll do themselves harm one way or another .\" What is the definition of \"do\"?"} {"term": "do", "pos": "", "context": "if they get their journey done quickly it frees up the taxi for other users .", "definition": "make ( a particular journey )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if they get their journey done quickly it frees up the taxi for other users .\" What is the definition of \"do\"?"} {"term": "strawberry", "pos": "", "context": "if i 'm being honest , she bore the mother , father and pet dog of strawberry birthmarks .", "definition": "a deep pinkish-red colour", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if i 'm being honest , she bore the mother , father and pet dog of strawberry birthmarks .\" What is the definition of \"strawberry\"?"} {"term": "jack", "pos": "", "context": "a mule results from a cross between a female horse , or mare , and a male donkey , or jack .", "definition": "the male of various animals , especially a merlin or ( us ) an ass .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a mule results from a cross between a female horse , or mare , and a male donkey , or jack .\" What is the definition of \"jack\"?"} {"term": "abaca", "pos": "", "context": "it 's one of the benefits of using the abaca rather than the more-conventional glass fibers .", "definition": "manila hemp .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's one of the benefits of using the abaca rather than the more-conventional glass fibers .\" What is the definition of \"abaca\"?"} {"term": "earmark", "pos": "", "context": "a further £750,000 will be earmarked for community-driven activities centring on education and cohesion .", "definition": "designate ( funds or resources ) for a particular purpose", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a further £750,000 will be earmarked for community-driven activities centring on education and cohesion .\" What is the definition of \"earmark\"?"} {"term": "scrapyard", "pos": "", "context": "manchester scrapyards operate a ‘ police book ’ system of taking names , addresses and details of everyone who sells them metal - so the culprits may already be on record .", "definition": "a place where scrap is collected before being recycled or discarded .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"manchester scrapyards operate a ‘ police book ’ system of taking names , addresses and details of everyone who sells them metal - so the culprits may already be on record .\" What is the definition of \"scrapyard\"?"} {"term": "excuse", "pos": "", "context": "you ca n't excuse murder just because you want to sue the drug companies or the doctors on the back end .", "definition": "seek to lessen the blame attaching to ( a fault or offence ) ; try to justify", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you ca n't excuse murder just because you want to sue the drug companies or the doctors on the back end .\" What is the definition of \"excuse\"?"} {"term": "semi-detached", "pos": "", "context": "he favoured communal green spaces , cul-de-sacs , semi-detached houses and terraces with gardens front and back .", "definition": "( of a house ) joined to another house on one side only by a common wall .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he favoured communal green spaces , cul-de-sacs , semi-detached houses and terraces with gardens front and back .\" What is the definition of \"semi-detached\"?"} {"term": "hawk", "pos": "", "context": "successful hawking becomes routine , and soon one hunt per day is not enough .", "definition": "( of a person ) hunt game with a trained hawk", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"successful hawking becomes routine , and soon one hunt per day is not enough .\" What is the definition of \"hawk\"?"} {"term": "hawk", "pos": "", "context": "mirroring the shallowness of hawks , who condemn peaceniks for their lack of patriotism , many doves castigate anyone who is not opposed to war .", "definition": "a person who advocates an aggressive or warlike policy , especially in foreign affairs", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mirroring the shallowness of hawks , who condemn peaceniks for their lack of patriotism , many doves castigate anyone who is not opposed to war .\" What is the definition of \"hawk\"?"} {"term": "hawk", "pos": "", "context": "while lots of children his age go to school , rizki is on the street in the hot sun or rain seven days a week hawking papers while dodging the traffic .", "definition": "carry about and offer ( goods ) for sale , typically advertising them by shouting", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"while lots of children his age go to school , rizki is on the street in the hot sun or rain seven days a week hawking papers while dodging the traffic .\" What is the definition of \"hawk\"?"} {"term": "medlar", "pos": "", "context": "the largest is a cherry tree , which is pruned to keep it in check , and there are vines , peaches , medlar and mulberry bushes to provide fruit .", "definition": "a small bushy tree of the rose family .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the largest is a cherry tree , which is pruned to keep it in check , and there are vines , peaches , medlar and mulberry bushes to provide fruit .\" What is the definition of \"medlar\"?"} {"term": "extol", "pos": "", "context": "extol the virtues of one 's children", "definition": "praise , glorify , or honor", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"extol the virtues of one 's children\" What is the definition of \"extol\"?"} {"term": "arenavirus", "pos": "", "context": "viral illnesses known to cause petechial rashes include cytomegalovirus infections , atypical measles and viral hemorrhagic fevers caused by arboviruses and arenaviruses .", "definition": "any of a group of rna viruses ( including that causing lassa fever ) which appear under an electron microscope to contain sand-like granules .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"viral illnesses known to cause petechial rashes include cytomegalovirus infections , atypical measles and viral hemorrhagic fevers caused by arboviruses and arenaviruses .\" What is the definition of \"arenavirus\"?"} {"term": "obscure", "pos": "", "context": "one morning after a wild electrical storm , amanda woke to find a strange inscription on the palm of her hand : a single ‘ word ’ written in some obscure alphabet .", "definition": "not discovered or known about ; uncertain", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one morning after a wild electrical storm , amanda woke to find a strange inscription on the palm of her hand : a single ‘ word ’ written in some obscure alphabet .\" What is the definition of \"obscure\"?"} {"term": "obscure", "pos": "", "context": "the stars are obscured by the clouds", "definition": "make less visible or unclear", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the stars are obscured by the clouds\" What is the definition of \"obscure\"?"} {"term": "summer", "pos": "", "context": "overhead , in the center , was the summer-tree , a timber 20x14 inches , into which the joist was framed , planed ( and so was the under side of the chamber floor ) , with no lath or plaster .", "definition": "a horizontal bearing beam , especially one supporting joists or rafters .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"overhead , in the center , was the summer-tree , a timber 20x14 inches , into which the joist was framed , planed ( and so was the under side of the chamber floor ) , with no lath or plaster .\" What is the definition of \"summer\"?"} {"term": "summer", "pos": "", "context": "at the age of eight summers his father had been assassinated .", "definition": "years , especially of a person 's age", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at the age of eight summers his father had been assassinated .\" What is the definition of \"summer\"?"} {"term": "duct", "pos": "", "context": "as the interlobular and septal ducts are destroyed , ductular proliferation may occur .", "definition": "( in the body ) a vessel for conveying lymph or glandular secretions such as tears or bile .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as the interlobular and septal ducts are destroyed , ductular proliferation may occur .\" What is the definition of \"duct\"?"} {"term": "gesticulation", "pos": "", "context": "the judge was characteristically intense , frequently shifting to the edge of his seat and punctuating his thoughts with brisk gesticulations .", "definition": "a gesture , especially a dramatic one , used instead of speaking or to emphasize one 's words", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the judge was characteristically intense , frequently shifting to the edge of his seat and punctuating his thoughts with brisk gesticulations .\" What is the definition of \"gesticulation\"?"} {"term": "constabulary", "pos": "", "context": "the first bred the most popular constabulary in the world , a street police , unarmed , recruited from and accountable to its community .", "definition": "a police force covering a particular area or city", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the first bred the most popular constabulary in the world , a street police , unarmed , recruited from and accountable to its community .\" What is the definition of \"constabulary\"?"} {"term": "myoglobin", "pos": "", "context": "harbor seals have muscles rich in myoglobin , an oxygen carrying molecule .", "definition": "a red protein containing haem , which carries and stores oxygen in muscle cells . it is structurally similar to a subunit of haemoglobin .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"harbor seals have muscles rich in myoglobin , an oxygen carrying molecule .\" What is the definition of \"myoglobin\"?"} {"term": "three-wheeler", "pos": "", "context": "six two-wheelers , four three-wheelers and two cars occupy the same space as a bus .", "definition": "a vehicle with three wheels", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"six two-wheelers , four three-wheelers and two cars occupy the same space as a bus .\" What is the definition of \"three-wheeler\"?"} {"term": "acoustic", "pos": "", "context": "he studied continuum mechanics , lunar theory with clairaut , the three body problem , elasticity , acoustics , the wave theory of light , hydraulics , and music .", "definition": "the branch of physics concerned with the properties of sound", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he studied continuum mechanics , lunar theory with clairaut , the three body problem , elasticity , acoustics , the wave theory of light , hydraulics , and music .\" What is the definition of \"acoustic\"?"} {"term": "liberality", "pos": "", "context": "there are degrees of liberality among islamic states .", "definition": "the quality of being open to new ideas and free from prejudice", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there are degrees of liberality among islamic states .\" What is the definition of \"liberality\"?"} {"term": "intersection", "pos": "", "context": "ordinary news consumers were thus directed to the intersection of those two groups .", "definition": "an act of intersecting", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ordinary news consumers were thus directed to the intersection of those two groups .\" What is the definition of \"intersection\"?"} {"term": "ketosis", "pos": "", "context": "at diagnosis the affected child may present with weight loss , ketosis , and acidosis .", "definition": "a metabolic state characterized by raised levels of ketone bodies in the body tissues , which is typically pathological in conditions such as diabetes , or may be the consequence of a diet that is very low in carbohydrates", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at diagnosis the affected child may present with weight loss , ketosis , and acidosis .\" What is the definition of \"ketosis\"?"} {"term": "cleverness", "pos": "", "context": "your compilers seem to have confused cleverness with wisdom .", "definition": "the quality of being clever ; intelligence or shrewdness", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"your compilers seem to have confused cleverness with wisdom .\" What is the definition of \"cleverness\"?"} {"term": "dromedary", "pos": "", "context": "both species have a long gestation period : the dromedary 12-13 months and the bactrian 13-14 months .", "definition": "an arabian camel , especially one of a light and swift breed trained for riding or racing .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"both species have a long gestation period : the dromedary 12-13 months and the bactrian 13-14 months .\" What is the definition of \"dromedary\"?"} {"term": "iguanid", "pos": "", "context": "we did not have a clear prediction for t levels after androgen receptor/aromatase blockage because the exact mechanisms of t feedback loops are not worked out in iguanids .", "definition": "a lizard of the iguana family ( `` iguanidae ' ) . iguanids are found mainly in the new world but also occur in madagascar and on some pacific islands .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we did not have a clear prediction for t levels after androgen receptor/aromatase blockage because the exact mechanisms of t feedback loops are not worked out in iguanids .\" What is the definition of \"iguanid\"?"} {"term": "banner", "pos": "", "context": "nearly 5,000 people protested in central sofia , carrying banners with slogans such as ‘ why ? ’", "definition": "a long strip of cloth bearing a slogan or design , carried in a demonstration or procession or hung in a public place", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nearly 5,000 people protested in central sofia , carrying banners with slogans such as ‘ why ? ’\" What is the definition of \"banner\"?"} {"term": "property", "pos": "", "context": "self-confidence is not an endearing property", "definition": "a construct whereby objects or individuals can be distinguished", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"self-confidence is not an endearing property\" What is the definition of \"property\"?"} {"term": "equisetum", "pos": "", "context": "the chief of these is equisetum , known as marestail or horsetail , a plant which rapidly chokes fields of soya if not controlled .", "definition": "a plant of a genus that comprises the horsetails .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the chief of these is equisetum , known as marestail or horsetail , a plant which rapidly chokes fields of soya if not controlled .\" What is the definition of \"equisetum\"?"} {"term": "right-winger", "pos": "", "context": "they would be able to boast they have hired at least a token religious right-winger .", "definition": "a person who supports or belongs to the conservative or reactionary section of a political party or system", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they would be able to boast they have hired at least a token religious right-winger .\" What is the definition of \"right-winger\"?"} {"term": "blubber", "pos": "", "context": "i decided to do it just because i have lived with a little too much blubber around my middle for my entire life although the rest of me is quite lean and fat-less .", "definition": "excessive human fat", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i decided to do it just because i have lived with a little too much blubber around my middle for my entire life although the rest of me is quite lean and fat-less .\" What is the definition of \"blubber\"?"} {"term": "peregrination", "pos": "", "context": "in the arcade , the small , solemn huddles of old men continue their peregrinations .", "definition": "a journey , especially a long or meandering one", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the arcade , the small , solemn huddles of old men continue their peregrinations .\" What is the definition of \"peregrination\"?"} {"term": "nepeta", "pos": "", "context": "others are tiny and quite dainty - like the many nepetas and campanulas , or veronica peduncularis ‘ georgia blue ’ .", "definition": "a plant of a genus that includes catmint and several kinds cultivated for their spikes of blue or violet flowers .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"others are tiny and quite dainty - like the many nepetas and campanulas , or veronica peduncularis ‘ georgia blue ’ .\" What is the definition of \"nepeta\"?"} {"term": "sjambok", "pos": "", "context": "the police used tear gas and sjamboks to break up the crowd .", "definition": "( in south africa ) a long , stiff whip , originally made of rhinoceros hide .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the police used tear gas and sjamboks to break up the crowd .\" What is the definition of \"sjambok\"?"} {"term": "retrofit", "pos": "", "context": "because change is a constant force in design , today 's designs must acknowledge that what is built for today is not permanent and will at some point become a candidate for reuse , retrofit , or removal .", "definition": "an act of retrofitting a component or accessory", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"because change is a constant force in design , today 's designs must acknowledge that what is built for today is not permanent and will at some point become a candidate for reuse , retrofit , or removal .\" What is the definition of \"retrofit\"?"} {"term": "retrofit", "pos": "", "context": "the court ordered a retrofit on all automobiles", "definition": "the act of adding a component or accessory to something that did not have it when it was manufactured", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the court ordered a retrofit on all automobiles\" What is the definition of \"retrofit\"?"} {"term": "roundabout", "pos": "", "context": "considering the amount we 're saving on the swings by doing it ourselves , we can afford to spend a little extra on the roundabouts .", "definition": "a large revolving device in a playground , for children to ride on .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"considering the amount we 're saving on the swings by doing it ourselves , we can afford to spend a little extra on the roundabouts .\" What is the definition of \"roundabout\"?"} {"term": "roundabout", "pos": "", "context": "li smiled , acknowledging that his roundabout dialogue had been recognised , unwound and interpreted .", "definition": "not saying what is meant clearly and directly ; circumlocutory", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"li smiled , acknowledging that his roundabout dialogue had been recognised , unwound and interpreted .\" What is the definition of \"roundabout\"?"} {"term": "broaden", "pos": "", "context": "the road broadened", "definition": "become broader", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the road broadened\" What is the definition of \"broaden\"?"} {"term": "tricorn", "pos": "", "context": "a young soldier , his black tricorn at a jaunty angle , moved to make room for him .", "definition": "a hat with a brim turned up on three sides .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a young soldier , his black tricorn at a jaunty angle , moved to make room for him .\" What is the definition of \"tricorn\"?"} {"term": "limber", "pos": "", "context": "intrepid hadleigh firefighters are limbering up ready to climb ‘ mount everest ’ in tropical temperatures on friday .", "definition": "warm up in preparation for exercise or activity , especially sport or athletics", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"intrepid hadleigh firefighters are limbering up ready to climb ‘ mount everest ’ in tropical temperatures on friday .\" What is the definition of \"limber\"?"} {"term": "game", "pos": "", "context": "the sound of a typical high school games lesson vibrates beneath us , but our gaze is fixed for two , maybe three minutes .", "definition": "athletics or sports as a lesson or activity at school", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sound of a typical high school games lesson vibrates beneath us , but our gaze is fixed for two , maybe three minutes .\" What is the definition of \"game\"?"} {"term": "game", "pos": "", "context": "during the week , members of the group are encouraged to open their hearts and minds , and to engage in group activities and games .", "definition": "an activity that one engages in for amusement or fun", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"during the week , members of the group are encouraged to open their hearts and minds , and to engage in group activities and games .\" What is the definition of \"game\"?"} {"term": "game", "pos": "", "context": "you need four people to play this game", "definition": "a contest with rules to determine a winner", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you need four people to play this game\" What is the definition of \"game\"?"} {"term": "withstand", "pos": "", "context": "by 1216 the castle was sufficiently strong to withstand a siege by forces opposed to king john .", "definition": "offer strong resistance or opposition to", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"by 1216 the castle was sufficiently strong to withstand a siege by forces opposed to king john .\" What is the definition of \"withstand\"?"} {"term": "ward", "pos": "", "context": "gomez is warded at port-of-spain general hospital in a stable condition .", "definition": "admit ( a patient ) to a hospital ward", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gomez is warded at port-of-spain general hospital in a stable condition .\" What is the definition of \"ward\"?"} {"term": "multiplex", "pos": "", "context": "on those rare occasions when a great motion picture reaches multiplexes , the film critic must add another aspect to his or her job description : that of cheerleader .", "definition": "a cinema with several separate screens .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on those rare occasions when a great motion picture reaches multiplexes , the film critic must add another aspect to his or her job description : that of cheerleader .\" What is the definition of \"multiplex\"?"} {"term": "multiplex", "pos": "", "context": "the c5 is packed with technology - made possible because of new multiplex wiring .", "definition": "involving simultaneous transmission of several messages along a single channel of communication .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the c5 is packed with technology - made possible because of new multiplex wiring .\" What is the definition of \"multiplex\"?"} {"term": "aeolian", "pos": "", "context": "the term also acknowledges the predominant aeolian dune component of the coastal barriers .", "definition": "relating to or arising from the action of the wind", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the term also acknowledges the predominant aeolian dune component of the coastal barriers .\" What is the definition of \"aeolian\"?"} {"term": "propel", "pos": "", "context": "use your arms to help propel you upward and to control the movement .", "definition": "drive or push something forwards", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"use your arms to help propel you upward and to control the movement .\" What is the definition of \"propel\"?"} {"term": "bate", "pos": "", "context": "when the hawk bated , the volunteer explained that he was mad and provided passive resistance .", "definition": "( of a hawk ) beat the wings in agitation and flutter off the perch", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when the hawk bated , the volunteer explained that he was mad and provided passive resistance .\" What is the definition of \"bate\"?"} {"term": "wrench", "pos": "", "context": "therefore , the bolt or nut can be continuously wrenched at one time without troublesome operation .", "definition": "turn ( something , especially a nut or bolt ) with a wrench .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"therefore , the bolt or nut can be continuously wrenched at one time without troublesome operation .\" What is the definition of \"wrench\"?"} {"term": "wrench", "pos": "", "context": "the wrench to his knee occurred as he fell", "definition": "a sharp strain on muscles or ligaments", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the wrench to his knee occurred as he fell\" What is the definition of \"wrench\"?"} {"term": "weight", "pos": "", "context": "the most obvious difference is size : relative to body weight , a human brain is twice as big as a chimp brain .", "definition": "a body 's relative mass or the quantity of matter contained by it , giving rise to a downward force ; the heaviness of a person or thing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the most obvious difference is size : relative to body weight , a human brain is twice as big as a chimp brain .\" What is the definition of \"weight\"?"} {"term": "weight", "pos": "", "context": "for travel clothing , there are wrinkle-resistant shirtings and pant weights that are comfortable and easy to launder .", "definition": "the surface density of cloth , used as a measure of its quality .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for travel clothing , there are wrinkle-resistant shirtings and pant weights that are comfortable and easy to launder .\" What is the definition of \"weight\"?"} {"term": "paste", "pos": "", "context": "in fact , children of the famous are more likely to be critically pasted rather than approved , and the more successful the parent , the tougher it will be on their offspring .", "definition": "beat or defeat severely", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in fact , children of the famous are more likely to be critically pasted rather than approved , and the more successful the parent , the tougher it will be on their offspring .\" What is the definition of \"paste\"?"} {"term": "forefather", "pos": "", "context": "like their forefathers , the present generation also has to put up with the stench .", "definition": "a member of the past generations of one 's family or people ; an ancestor", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"like their forefathers , the present generation also has to put up with the stench .\" What is the definition of \"forefather\"?"} {"term": "judgment", "pos": "", "context": "they criticized my judgment of the contestants", "definition": "the act of judging or assessing a person or situation or event", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they criticized my judgment of the contestants\" What is the definition of \"judgment\"?"} {"term": "judgment", "pos": "", "context": "he was reluctant to make his judgment known", "definition": "an opinion formed by judging something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was reluctant to make his judgment known\" What is the definition of \"judgment\"?"} {"term": "nib", "pos": "", "context": "i like pens that you have to twist to get the nib out .", "definition": "the pointed end part of a pen , which distributes the ink on the writing surface .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i like pens that you have to twist to get the nib out .\" What is the definition of \"nib\"?"} {"term": "karakalpak", "pos": "", "context": "karakalpak is spoken mainly in the karakalpakstan autonomous republic of uzbekistan .", "definition": "the turkic language of the karakalpaks , with about 300,000 speakers .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"karakalpak is spoken mainly in the karakalpakstan autonomous republic of uzbekistan .\" What is the definition of \"karakalpak\"?"} {"term": "inhumation", "pos": "", "context": "they were looking at the first complete cemetery of individual viking inhumation graves ever excavated in england .", "definition": "the action or practice of burying the dead ; the fact of being buried", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they were looking at the first complete cemetery of individual viking inhumation graves ever excavated in england .\" What is the definition of \"inhumation\"?"} {"term": "principle", "pos": "", "context": "in this close relationship the artist occupies a pivotal position , since he is gifted with the ability to recognize divine principles in nature and recreate these in his works .", "definition": "a fundamental quality determining the nature of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in this close relationship the artist occupies a pivotal position , since he is gifted with the ability to recognize divine principles in nature and recreate these in his works .\" What is the definition of \"principle\"?"} {"term": "irreconcilable", "pos": "", "context": "that was when the seeds of irreconcilable discord were sown between the prime minister and his advisors and the kargil generals led by general musharraf .", "definition": "incapable of being resolved", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that was when the seeds of irreconcilable discord were sown between the prime minister and his advisors and the kargil generals led by general musharraf .\" What is the definition of \"irreconcilable\"?"} {"term": "size", "pos": "", "context": "size gives body to a fabric", "definition": "any glutinous material used to fill pores in surfaces or to stiffen fabrics", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"size gives body to a fabric\" What is the definition of \"size\"?"} {"term": "fiat", "pos": "", "context": "it was created virtually by dictatorial fiat and remains in existence by virtual dictatorial fiat .", "definition": "an arbitrary order .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was created virtually by dictatorial fiat and remains in existence by virtual dictatorial fiat .\" What is the definition of \"fiat\"?"} {"term": "fit", "pos": "", "context": "fit for duty", "definition": "meeting adequate standards for a purpose", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fit for duty\" What is the definition of \"fit\"?"} {"term": "fit", "pos": "", "context": "he had had no medication and so he was fitting four to five times a day .", "definition": "have an epileptic fit", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had had no medication and so he was fitting four to five times a day .\" What is the definition of \"fit\"?"} {"term": "fit", "pos": "", "context": "once i was fitted for my suit they told me it would be done by next week so i 'd have enough time to qualify for the race .", "definition": "try clothing on ( someone ) in order to make or alter it to the correct size", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"once i was fitted for my suit they told me it would be done by next week so i 'd have enough time to qualify for the race .\" What is the definition of \"fit\"?"} {"term": "fit", "pos": "", "context": "she was fit to scream", "definition": "( usually followed by `to ' or `for ' ) on the point of or strongly disposed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was fit to scream\" What is the definition of \"fit\"?"} {"term": "fit", "pos": "", "context": "to some no punishment fits such a crime , and these people honestly believe the murderers deserve no sympathy at all .", "definition": "be suitable or appropriate for", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to some no punishment fits such a crime , and these people honestly believe the murderers deserve no sympathy at all .\" What is the definition of \"fit\"?"} {"term": "fit", "pos": "", "context": "fit a dress", "definition": "make fit", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fit a dress\" What is the definition of \"fit\"?"} {"term": "fit", "pos": "", "context": "promptly she was seized by a sneezing fit again .", "definition": "a sudden short period of uncontrollable coughing , laughter , etc .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"promptly she was seized by a sneezing fit again .\" What is the definition of \"fit\"?"} {"term": "graticule", "pos": "", "context": "diameters at 1-4 mm behind the root apex were measured using a stereo microscope with an eyepiece graticule .", "definition": "a series of fine lines or fibres in the eyepiece of an optical device , such as a microscope , or on the screen of an oscilloscope , used as a measuring scale or an aid in locating objects .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"diameters at 1-4 mm behind the root apex were measured using a stereo microscope with an eyepiece graticule .\" What is the definition of \"graticule\"?"} {"term": "harm", "pos": "", "context": "with the various safeguards that could be achieved by way of conditions , i am satisfied that it would not result in any material harm to the living conditions of nearby residents .", "definition": "material damage", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with the various safeguards that could be achieved by way of conditions , i am satisfied that it would not result in any material harm to the living conditions of nearby residents .\" What is the definition of \"harm\"?"} {"term": "outliner", "pos": "", "context": "brilliantly , notebooks are not hierarchic , so no outliners here .", "definition": "a computer program , or part of a program , which allows its user to create and edit a hierarchically arranged outline of the logical structure of a document .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"brilliantly , notebooks are not hierarchic , so no outliners here .\" What is the definition of \"outliner\"?"} {"term": "swank", "pos": "", "context": "irvine and rita cleverly cashed in on glaswegians ' profligate delight in dressing up and swanking it up .", "definition": "display one 's wealth , knowledge , or achievements in a way that is intended to impress others", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"irvine and rita cleverly cashed in on glaswegians ' profligate delight in dressing up and swanking it up .\" What is the definition of \"swank\"?"} {"term": "ribbon", "pos": "", "context": "there was a time , long ago that printers had ribbons and used dot matrix printing to create tiny dots that , when looked at , were readable .", "definition": "a narrow band of impregnated material wound on a spool and forming the inking agent in some typewriters and computer printers", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was a time , long ago that printers had ribbons and used dot matrix printing to create tiny dots that , when looked at , were readable .\" What is the definition of \"ribbon\"?"} {"term": "ribbon", "pos": "", "context": "little red cuts ribboned across the top of her feet ; several beads of blood gathered and threatened to fall in the aircar .", "definition": "extend or move in a long , narrow strip like a ribbon", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"little red cuts ribboned across the top of her feet ; several beads of blood gathered and threatened to fall in the aircar .\" What is the definition of \"ribbon\"?"} {"term": "snaky", "pos": "", "context": "a small blood clot forming in a large vein can build up to a long , soft , snaky blood clot .", "definition": "like a snake in appearance ; long and sinuous", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a small blood clot forming in a large vein can build up to a long , soft , snaky blood clot .\" What is the definition of \"snaky\"?"} {"term": "smashing", "pos": "", "context": "all indications suggest it will be a smashing success .", "definition": "excellent ; wonderful", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all indications suggest it will be a smashing success .\" What is the definition of \"smashing\"?"} {"term": "biochemical", "pos": "", "context": "all other biochemicals were of analytical grade and obtained from either fisher scientific , edmonton , canada , sigma chemical co. , st. louis , mo . or canlab division of baxter co .", "definition": "a biochemical substance .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all other biochemicals were of analytical grade and obtained from either fisher scientific , edmonton , canada , sigma chemical co. , st. louis , mo . or canlab division of baxter co .\" What is the definition of \"biochemical\"?"} {"term": "clamp", "pos": "", "context": "jack ran to the back of the mainframe and released the hydraulic power clamps .", "definition": "a brace , band , or clasp for strengthening or holding things together", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"jack ran to the back of the mainframe and released the hydraulic power clamps .\" What is the definition of \"clamp\"?"} {"term": "seize", "pos": "", "context": "he was seized with a dreadful disease", "definition": "affect", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was seized with a dreadful disease\" What is the definition of \"seize\"?"} {"term": "seize", "pos": "", "context": "though he intended to crop out all identifying details , the uncropped negatives were seized by the police and leaked to the press , setting off a media firestorm .", "definition": "( of the police or another authority ) take possession of ( something ) by warrant or legal right", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"though he intended to crop out all identifying details , the uncropped negatives were seized by the police and leaked to the press , setting off a media firestorm .\" What is the definition of \"seize\"?"} {"term": "centrifuge", "pos": "", "context": "blood was collected from the basilic wing vein , and plasma was separated with a centrifuge .", "definition": "a machine with a rapidly rotating container that applies centrifugal force to its contents , typically to separate fluids of different densities ( e.g . cream from milk ) or liquids from solids .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"blood was collected from the basilic wing vein , and plasma was separated with a centrifuge .\" What is the definition of \"centrifuge\"?"} {"term": "clapboard", "pos": "", "context": "she reminded me of one of those beauties who sometimes emerge from hard country clapboards or trash-strewn double-wides .", "definition": "a house with outer walls covered in clapboards .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she reminded me of one of those beauties who sometimes emerge from hard country clapboards or trash-strewn double-wides .\" What is the definition of \"clapboard\"?"} {"term": "plash", "pos": "", "context": "as he became more awake , his senses became alert to another sound ; that of gurgling , plashing water .", "definition": "strike the surface of ( water ) with a splashing sound", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as he became more awake , his senses became alert to another sound ; that of gurgling , plashing water .\" What is the definition of \"plash\"?"} {"term": "tudor", "pos": "", "context": "the original stable had been designed in the tudor style of the main house .", "definition": "denoting or relating to the prevalent architectural style of the tudor period , characterized especially by half-timbering .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the original stable had been designed in the tudor style of the main house .\" What is the definition of \"tudor\"?"} {"term": "cutter", "pos": "", "context": "this practice eliminated the need to transport and lift large heavy carcasses and reduced the demand for skilled meat cutters at the retail level .", "definition": "a person or thing that cuts something .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this practice eliminated the need to transport and lift large heavy carcasses and reduced the demand for skilled meat cutters at the retail level .\" What is the definition of \"cutter\"?"} {"term": "september", "pos": "", "context": "he has probably had more bad septembers than any other great player in history .", "definition": "the ninth month of the year , in the northern hemisphere usually considered the first month of autumn", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he has probably had more bad septembers than any other great player in history .\" What is the definition of \"september\"?"} {"term": "condition", "pos": "", "context": "i have argued that participatory democracy is an element and condition of social justice .", "definition": "a situation that must exist before something else is possible or permitted", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i have argued that participatory democracy is an element and condition of social justice .\" What is the definition of \"condition\"?"} {"term": "condition", "pos": "", "context": "their pilates conditioning studio will also be open soon .", "definition": "make ( a person or animal ) fit and healthy", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their pilates conditioning studio will also be open soon .\" What is the definition of \"condition\"?"} {"term": "condition", "pos": "", "context": "child poverty levels are also affected by economic changes that condition the job security and income levels of their guardians .", "definition": "have a significant influence on or determine ( the manner or outcome of something )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"child poverty levels are also affected by economic changes that condition the job security and income levels of their guardians .\" What is the definition of \"condition\"?"} {"term": "zander", "pos": "", "context": "as the cut off was the first venue i fished for zander it will always have a special appeal , but sentimentality aside , it is well worth a visit .", "definition": "a large predatory freshwater perch native to northern and central europe , where it is a valuable food fish . it has been introduced into britain and western europe .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as the cut off was the first venue i fished for zander it will always have a special appeal , but sentimentality aside , it is well worth a visit .\" What is the definition of \"zander\"?"} {"term": "scrimmage", "pos": "", "context": "this exhibition was as different as possible from our normal scrimmages .", "definition": "a confused struggle or fight", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this exhibition was as different as possible from our normal scrimmages .\" What is the definition of \"scrimmage\"?"} {"term": "intergrowth", "pos": "", "context": "these intergrowths were very difficult to study .", "definition": "a thing produced by intergrowing , especially of mineral crystals in rock .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these intergrowths were very difficult to study .\" What is the definition of \"intergrowth\"?"} {"term": "divine", "pos": "", "context": "we are not to introduce divine revelations into philosophy nor philosophical opinions into religion .", "definition": "of or like god or a god", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we are not to introduce divine revelations into philosophy nor philosophical opinions into religion .\" What is the definition of \"divine\"?"} {"term": "divine", "pos": "", "context": "he claimed he could divine underground water", "definition": "search by divining , as if with a rod", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he claimed he could divine underground water\" What is the definition of \"divine\"?"} {"term": "soldier", "pos": "", "context": "private alan davidson , 19 , said the army trains soldiers to be ready for anything .", "definition": "a person who serves in an army .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"private alan davidson , 19 , said the army trains soldiers to be ready for anything .\" What is the definition of \"soldier\"?"} {"term": "soldier", "pos": "", "context": "‘ derek loved soldiering ; it was his life , ’ said msgr crowley .", "definition": "serve as a soldier", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ derek loved soldiering ; it was his life , ’ said msgr crowley .\" What is the definition of \"soldier\"?"} {"term": "odonata", "pos": "", "context": "the odonata appeared for the first time in the permian .", "definition": "an order of predatory insects that comprises the dragonflies and damselflies . they have long , slender bodies , two pairs of membranous wings , large compound eyes , and aquatic larvae .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the odonata appeared for the first time in the permian .\" What is the definition of \"odonata\"?"} {"term": "animal", "pos": "", "context": "it still does n't change the fact that vicious , remorseless murderers are disgusting animals that deserve to rot behind bars .", "definition": "a person without human attributes or civilizing influences , especially someone who is very cruel , violent , or repulsive", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it still does n't change the fact that vicious , remorseless murderers are disgusting animals that deserve to rot behind bars .\" What is the definition of \"animal\"?"} {"term": "pertness", "pos": "", "context": "her rich , clear soprano captures infinite shadings of mock-hauteur , pertness and good humour .", "definition": "impudence ; cheek .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her rich , clear soprano captures infinite shadings of mock-hauteur , pertness and good humour .\" What is the definition of \"pertness\"?"} {"term": "pertness", "pos": "", "context": "the mate replied in the affirmative and commented on the pertness of her breasts .", "definition": "the quality of being attractively small and well shaped .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the mate replied in the affirmative and commented on the pertness of her breasts .\" What is the definition of \"pertness\"?"} {"term": "ball", "pos": "", "context": "some people buy live trees that are balled in burlap instead of a cut tree .", "definition": "wrap the root ball of ( a tree or shrub ) to protect it during transportation .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some people buy live trees that are balled in burlap instead of a cut tree .\" What is the definition of \"ball\"?"} {"term": "ball", "pos": "", "context": "i could throw a cricket ball a mile , so that 's how i got into it at school .", "definition": "a solid or hollow spherical or egg-shaped object that is kicked , thrown , or hit in a game", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i could throw a cricket ball a mile , so that 's how i got into it at school .\" What is the definition of \"ball\"?"} {"term": "preflight", "pos": "", "context": "of perhaps greater dismay to the board , of 42 exit row passengers , only 10 read the safety card and watched the preflight briefing from the flight attendants .", "definition": "occurring before a flight in an aircraft", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"of perhaps greater dismay to the board , of 42 exit row passengers , only 10 read the safety card and watched the preflight briefing from the flight attendants .\" What is the definition of \"preflight\"?"} {"term": "extinction", "pos": "", "context": "the extinction of the lights", "definition": "the act of extinguishing ; causing to stop burning", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the extinction of the lights\" What is the definition of \"extinction\"?"} {"term": "highball", "pos": "", "context": "the level of the fighting was apparent as we highballed toward the base 's gate .", "definition": "travel fast", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the level of the fighting was apparent as we highballed toward the base 's gate .\" What is the definition of \"highball\"?"} {"term": "lysol", "pos": "", "context": "madison 's room was eerily dark and quiet , and the smell of lemon flavored lysol permeated throughout the air .", "definition": "a disinfectant consisting of a mixture of cresols and soft soap .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"madison 's room was eerily dark and quiet , and the smell of lemon flavored lysol permeated throughout the air .\" What is the definition of \"lysol\"?"} {"term": "dithyramb", "pos": "", "context": "he suddenly bursts into a dithyramb on what it is to be such a thing as a canadian poet .", "definition": "a passionate or inflated speech , poem , or other writing .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he suddenly bursts into a dithyramb on what it is to be such a thing as a canadian poet .\" What is the definition of \"dithyramb\"?"} {"term": "winemaking", "pos": "", "context": "our climate is n't insuperable , but it makes winemaking difficult in most vintages .", "definition": "the production of wine", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"our climate is n't insuperable , but it makes winemaking difficult in most vintages .\" What is the definition of \"winemaking\"?"} {"term": "anchor", "pos": "", "context": "let 's begin by looking at a recent discussion on these issues i had last week with veteran cbs news anchor walter cronkite .", "definition": "an anchorman or anchorwoman", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"let 's begin by looking at a recent discussion on these issues i had last week with veteran cbs news anchor walter cronkite .\" What is the definition of \"anchor\"?"} {"term": "anchor", "pos": "", "context": "you can learn a great deal even when your boat is anchored or tied to the dock , especially if other boas are moving about nearby .", "definition": "moor ( a ship ) to the sea bottom with an anchor", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you can learn a great deal even when your boat is anchored or tied to the dock , especially if other boas are moving about nearby .\" What is the definition of \"anchor\"?"} {"term": "anchor", "pos": "", "context": "it 's not that the jag 's braking is poor because by any normal standards the xkr has an impressive set of anchors - it 's just that the aston 's is exceptionally good .", "definition": "the brakes of a car", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's not that the jag 's braking is poor because by any normal standards the xkr has an impressive set of anchors - it 's just that the aston 's is exceptionally good .\" What is the definition of \"anchor\"?"} {"term": "east", "pos": "", "context": "we travelled east for several miles", "definition": "to , toward , or in the east", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we travelled east for several miles\" What is the definition of \"east\"?"} {"term": "east", "pos": "", "context": "she walked over and peered out the east windows to where the horse barn had been .", "definition": "lying towards , near , or facing the east", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she walked over and peered out the east windows to where the horse barn had been .\" What is the definition of \"east\"?"} {"term": "mobilize", "pos": "", "context": "it mobilizes all its resources around one new breakthrough product , only to find that the marvel fails to throw off enough cash or gain sufficient market share .", "definition": "bring ( resources ) into use for a particular purpose", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it mobilizes all its resources around one new breakthrough product , only to find that the marvel fails to throw off enough cash or gain sufficient market share .\" What is the definition of \"mobilize\"?"} {"term": "waypoint", "pos": "", "context": "i 've seen too many near misses where the boater had his eyes glued to the chartplotter , radar , or the waypoint indicator , and not the waters around him .", "definition": "the computer-checked coordinates of each stage of a flight or sea journey", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i 've seen too many near misses where the boater had his eyes glued to the chartplotter , radar , or the waypoint indicator , and not the waters around him .\" What is the definition of \"waypoint\"?"} {"term": "waypoint", "pos": "", "context": "what was found , he said , indicated the building was used as a waypoint for foreign fighters crossing into iraq from syria to fight against the coalition .", "definition": "a stopping place on a journey", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"what was found , he said , indicated the building was used as a waypoint for foreign fighters crossing into iraq from syria to fight against the coalition .\" What is the definition of \"waypoint\"?"} {"term": "soybean", "pos": "", "context": "the pesticides under question are found in a variety of foods ranging from sugar to soybeans .", "definition": "a bean of the soya plant ; a soya bean .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the pesticides under question are found in a variety of foods ranging from sugar to soybeans .\" What is the definition of \"soybean\"?"} {"term": "interpret", "pos": "", "context": "be honest , fair , and courageous in gathering , reporting , and interpreting accurate information .", "definition": "explain the meaning of ( information or actions )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"be honest , fair , and courageous in gathering , reporting , and interpreting accurate information .\" What is the definition of \"interpret\"?"} {"term": "dryopithecus", "pos": "", "context": "tree-living creatures , more like rats than men , were followed by the ancestors of today 's lemurs and monkeys , and by a primate called dryopithecus , believed to be the common ancestor of both apes and man .", "definition": "a fossil anthropoid ape of the middle miocene to early pliocene periods , of a genus including the supposed common ancestor of gorillas , chimpanzees , and humans .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tree-living creatures , more like rats than men , were followed by the ancestors of today 's lemurs and monkeys , and by a primate called dryopithecus , believed to be the common ancestor of both apes and man .\" What is the definition of \"dryopithecus\"?"} {"term": "strappado", "pos": "", "context": "the medicis regained power in 1512 with the help of spanish troops , and machiavelli was deposed from his public office , imprisoned and tortured with the strappado ( a technique recently revived in guantanamo ) .", "definition": "the instrument used for inflicting the punishment or torture of strappado .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the medicis regained power in 1512 with the help of spanish troops , and machiavelli was deposed from his public office , imprisoned and tortured with the strappado ( a technique recently revived in guantanamo ) .\" What is the definition of \"strappado\"?"} {"term": "mantelshelf", "pos": "", "context": "of the walls , one was occupied by the window , the other by a draped mantelshelf bristling with cupids .", "definition": "a shelf above a fireplace .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"of the walls , one was occupied by the window , the other by a draped mantelshelf bristling with cupids .\" What is the definition of \"mantelshelf\"?"} {"term": "pithecanthropus", "pos": "", "context": "everything about pithecanthropus alalus , or the ‘ speechless apeman ’ was the product of haeckel 's imagination .", "definition": "a former genus name applied to some fossil hominids found in java in 1891 .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"everything about pithecanthropus alalus , or the ‘ speechless apeman ’ was the product of haeckel 's imagination .\" What is the definition of \"pithecanthropus\"?"} {"term": "half-term", "pos": "", "context": "he came to visit at half-term", "definition": "a short vacation about halfway through a school term", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he came to visit at half-term\" What is the definition of \"half-term\"?"} {"term": "estimator", "pos": "", "context": "for huge amounts of input data , the maximum likelihood estimator can not be evaluated .", "definition": "a rule , method , or criterion for arriving at an estimate of the value of a parameter .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for huge amounts of input data , the maximum likelihood estimator can not be evaluated .\" What is the definition of \"estimator\"?"} {"term": "estimator", "pos": "", "context": "it is also possible to use a similar approach to derive estimators for parameters that are relevant on the bulk sample scale , not the single-molecule scale .", "definition": "a quantity used or evaluated as an estimate of the value of a parameter .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is also possible to use a similar approach to derive estimators for parameters that are relevant on the bulk sample scale , not the single-molecule scale .\" What is the definition of \"estimator\"?"} {"term": "sephardi", "pos": "", "context": "the sephardi custom is to place the mezuzah straight up vertically .", "definition": "a jew of spanish or portuguese descent . they retain their own distinctive dialect of spanish ( ladino ) , customs , and rituals , preserving babylonian jewish traditions rather than the palestinian ones of the ashkenazim .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sephardi custom is to place the mezuzah straight up vertically .\" What is the definition of \"sephardi\"?"} {"term": "pyelography", "pos": "", "context": "if necessary , intravenous pyelography , computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging can add more information .", "definition": "an x-ray technique for producing an image of the renal pelvis and urinary tract by the introduction of a radiopaque fluid .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if necessary , intravenous pyelography , computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging can add more information .\" What is the definition of \"pyelography\"?"} {"term": "reflective", "pos": "", "context": "a sheet has been put over the pyramids because people in an office in the hospital have complained about the reflective light from the cd pyramid .", "definition": "produced by reflection", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sheet has been put over the pyramids because people in an office in the hospital have complained about the reflective light from the cd pyramid .\" What is the definition of \"reflective\"?"} {"term": "reflective", "pos": "", "context": "the reflective platelets focus the light downward and modulate it to match the intensity of the moonlight hitting the ground .", "definition": "providing a reflection ; capable of reflecting light or other radiation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the reflective platelets focus the light downward and modulate it to match the intensity of the moonlight hitting the ground .\" What is the definition of \"reflective\"?"} {"term": "register", "pos": "", "context": "compilers determine which information should be stored in registers .", "definition": "( in electronic devices ) a location in a store of data , used for a specific purpose and with quick access time .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"compilers determine which information should be stored in registers .\" What is the definition of \"register\"?"} {"term": "welsh", "pos": "", "context": "the welsh international cleverly chested it down into the path of earnshaw who gleefully smashed the ball home with a flashing volley .", "definition": "relating to wales , its people , or their language .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the welsh international cleverly chested it down into the path of earnshaw who gleefully smashed the ball home with a flashing volley .\" What is the definition of \"welsh\"?"} {"term": "indulge", "pos": "", "context": "the writer indulged in metaphorical language", "definition": "give free rein to", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the writer indulged in metaphorical language\" What is the definition of \"indulge\"?"} {"term": "indulge", "pos": "", "context": "when i took the reins , i was able to indulge my own interest in history and start doing research .", "definition": "satisfy or yield freely to ( a desire or interest )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when i took the reins , i was able to indulge my own interest in history and start doing research .\" What is the definition of \"indulge\"?"} {"term": "mountie", "pos": "", "context": "when the liberals proposed relocating the mounties from the control of the department of justice to the department of national defence , the force 's future seemed especially imperilled .", "definition": "a member of the royal canadian mounted police .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when the liberals proposed relocating the mounties from the control of the department of justice to the department of national defence , the force 's future seemed especially imperilled .\" What is the definition of \"mountie\"?"} {"term": "burro", "pos": "", "context": "the role that burros played in mining has often been overlooked , but through her work , sculptor robin laws reminds us of the importance of these animals to the mining history of the american west .", "definition": "a small donkey used as a pack animal .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the role that burros played in mining has often been overlooked , but through her work , sculptor robin laws reminds us of the importance of these animals to the mining history of the american west .\" What is the definition of \"burro\"?"} {"term": "acceleration", "pos": "", "context": "i hope it will be the vehicle for acceleration in improvements in the railway system .", "definition": "increase in speed or rate", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i hope it will be the vehicle for acceleration in improvements in the railway system .\" What is the definition of \"acceleration\"?"} {"term": "cutlet", "pos": "", "context": "so , without preconceptions , this is a brisk , well-balanced , fruit forward , but still avowedly savoury wine , that would be a piquant pairing with the crisp , dry snap of well grilled salmon cutlets - a texture lost in pan frying .", "definition": "a portion of meat , usually served grilled or fried and often covered in breadcrumbs", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so , without preconceptions , this is a brisk , well-balanced , fruit forward , but still avowedly savoury wine , that would be a piquant pairing with the crisp , dry snap of well grilled salmon cutlets - a texture lost in pan frying .\" What is the definition of \"cutlet\"?"} {"term": "cutlet", "pos": "", "context": "sounds like the part-time vegetarians have been hasty in giving up their nut cutlets .", "definition": "a flat croquette of minced meat , nuts , or pulses , typically covered in breadcrumbs and shaped like a veal chop", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sounds like the part-time vegetarians have been hasty in giving up their nut cutlets .\" What is the definition of \"cutlet\"?"} {"term": "gunwale", "pos": "", "context": "the stats are so one-sided , that if this was a rowboat there would be no-one on the bear side… which means that water will soon be pouring over the gunwales .", "definition": "the upper edge or planking of the side of a boat or ship .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the stats are so one-sided , that if this was a rowboat there would be no-one on the bear side… which means that water will soon be pouring over the gunwales .\" What is the definition of \"gunwale\"?"} {"term": "surprise", "pos": "", "context": "the actual submarine specialized in surprise attacks on enemy merchant ships .", "definition": "denoting something done or happening unexpectedly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the actual submarine specialized in surprise attacks on enemy merchant ships .\" What is the definition of \"surprise\"?"} {"term": "acronym", "pos": "", "context": "i 've reduced this heavy string of words to its acronym because it has a pleasing latin sound and neatly wraps the whole shebang in one small package .", "definition": "an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of other words and pronounced as a word ( e.g . ascii , nasa ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i 've reduced this heavy string of words to its acronym because it has a pleasing latin sound and neatly wraps the whole shebang in one small package .\" What is the definition of \"acronym\"?"} {"term": "quicksand", "pos": "", "context": "victims are sucked down by quicksands and drowned by the tides that can race in faster than a man can run .", "definition": "loose wet sand that yields easily to pressure and sucks in anything resting on or falling into it", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"victims are sucked down by quicksands and drowned by the tides that can race in faster than a man can run .\" What is the definition of \"quicksand\"?"} {"term": "workwear", "pos": "", "context": "‘ i was particularly proud of that gown because i 'm still working on workwear , so it was my first attempt at bridalwear , ’ she says .", "definition": "heavy-duty clothes for physical or manual work .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ i was particularly proud of that gown because i 'm still working on workwear , so it was my first attempt at bridalwear , ’ she says .\" What is the definition of \"workwear\"?"} {"term": "royal", "pos": "", "context": "i can see the great royal palace of mandalay , shimmering across the moat .", "definition": "belonging to , carried out , or exercised by a king or queen", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i can see the great royal palace of mandalay , shimmering across the moat .\" What is the definition of \"royal\"?"} {"term": "royal", "pos": "", "context": "he was a royal pain to the nurses because he bossed them around just like he did his employees .", "definition": "real ; utter ( used for emphasis )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was a royal pain to the nurses because he bossed them around just like he did his employees .\" What is the definition of \"royal\"?"} {"term": "actual", "pos": "", "context": "the ship 's actual position is 22 miles due south of key west", "definition": "being or existing at the present moment", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ship 's actual position is 22 miles due south of key west\" What is the definition of \"actual\"?"} {"term": "actual", "pos": "", "context": "some people are very good at reducing their actual income to a low taxable income .", "definition": "existing now ; current", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some people are very good at reducing their actual income to a low taxable income .\" What is the definition of \"actual\"?"} {"term": "lunkhead", "pos": "", "context": "two lawbreaking lunkheads cruise the back roads in a car sporting a racist symbol while their scantily clad cousin objectifies herself for corrupt lawmen , and those are values ?", "definition": "a slow-witted person .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"two lawbreaking lunkheads cruise the back roads in a car sporting a racist symbol while their scantily clad cousin objectifies herself for corrupt lawmen , and those are values ?\" What is the definition of \"lunkhead\"?"} {"term": "coward", "pos": "", "context": "the great thing about academics is that they are typically spineless cowards who really do respond to sufficient pressure .", "definition": "a person who is contemptibly lacking in the courage to do or endure dangerous or unpleasant things", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the great thing about academics is that they are typically spineless cowards who really do respond to sufficient pressure .\" What is the definition of \"coward\"?"} {"term": "symphony", "pos": "", "context": "but before the last movement of the symphony , a solo for soprano , mahler 's musical realisation of a child 's view of heaven , he discreetly opens his score .", "definition": "an elaborate musical composition for full orchestra , typically in four movements , at least one of which is traditionally in sonata form", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but before the last movement of the symphony , a solo for soprano , mahler 's musical realisation of a child 's view of heaven , he discreetly opens his score .\" What is the definition of \"symphony\"?"} {"term": "thermocouple", "pos": "", "context": "the temperature was measured with an ultra-thin thermocouple directly on the coverslip .", "definition": "a thermoelectric device for measuring temperature , consisting of two wires of different metals connected at two points , a voltage being developed between the two junctions in proportion to the temperature difference .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the temperature was measured with an ultra-thin thermocouple directly on the coverslip .\" What is the definition of \"thermocouple\"?"} {"term": "berk", "pos": "", "context": "‘ wo n't catch me putting out to sea with that berk , ’ dave said .", "definition": "a stupid person .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ wo n't catch me putting out to sea with that berk , ’ dave said .\" What is the definition of \"berk\"?"} {"term": "find", "pos": "", "context": "for whatever reason , i still did not find comfort in his arms .", "definition": "succeed in obtaining ( something )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for whatever reason , i still did not find comfort in his arms .\" What is the definition of \"find\"?"} {"term": "find", "pos": "", "context": "she figured that the next best thing for her to do would be to find a phone and call alexia .", "definition": "discover after a deliberate search", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she figured that the next best thing for her to do would be to find a phone and call alexia .\" What is the definition of \"find\"?"} {"term": "stick", "pos": "", "context": "she only offered a gracious giggle before kneeling down to gather nearby sticks and branches for firewood .", "definition": "a thin piece of wood that has fallen or been cut off a tree .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she only offered a gracious giggle before kneeling down to gather nearby sticks and branches for firewood .\" What is the definition of \"stick\"?"} {"term": "amber", "pos": "", "context": "one of the reasons the room was sought after by him was that he had been advised by his doctors to spend regular periods in the curative field of amber .", "definition": "hard translucent fossilized resin originating from extinct coniferous trees of the tertiary period , typically yellowish in colour . it has been used in jewellery since antiquity .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one of the reasons the room was sought after by him was that he had been advised by his doctors to spend regular periods in the curative field of amber .\" What is the definition of \"amber\"?"} {"term": "faraday", "pos": "", "context": "one faraday of electricity is equal to one mole of electrons , which is equal to 96,487 coulombs of electricity .", "definition": "a unit of electric charge equal to faraday 's constant .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one faraday of electricity is equal to one mole of electrons , which is equal to 96,487 coulombs of electricity .\" What is the definition of \"faraday\"?"} {"term": "muff", "pos": "", "context": "when they got back they hung up their coats , hats and muffs and went to the dining room for luncheon .", "definition": "a tube made of fur or other warm material into which the hands are placed for warmth .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when they got back they hung up their coats , hats and muffs and went to the dining room for luncheon .\" What is the definition of \"muff\"?"} {"term": "geophysics", "pos": "", "context": "the paper cited here uses a combination of computational biology and geophysics to attack the problem .", "definition": "the physics of the earth .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the paper cited here uses a combination of computational biology and geophysics to attack the problem .\" What is the definition of \"geophysics\"?"} {"term": "denotation", "pos": "", "context": "social history and folk life studies are becoming increasingly interchangeable as disciplinary denotations .", "definition": "the object or concept to which a term refers , or the set of objects of which a predicate is true .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"social history and folk life studies are becoming increasingly interchangeable as disciplinary denotations .\" What is the definition of \"denotation\"?"} {"term": "coin", "pos": "", "context": "since the one who has money sets the rules , it is no wonder that the man who coins money is wealthy .", "definition": "make ( coins ) by stamping metal", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"since the one who has money sets the rules , it is no wonder that the man who coins money is wealthy .\" What is the definition of \"coin\"?"} {"term": "series", "pos": "", "context": "the post office issued a series commemorating famous american entertainers", "definition": "a group of postage stamps having a common theme or a group of coins or currency selected as a group for study or collection", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the post office issued a series commemorating famous american entertainers\" What is the definition of \"series\"?"} {"term": "thaler", "pos": "", "context": "if thaler got its name from the town where it was first minted , the british pound is a testimonial to the times when a coin was the standardised weight of a metal , and the name of the coin reflected the weight in some way .", "definition": "a german silver coin .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if thaler got its name from the town where it was first minted , the british pound is a testimonial to the times when a coin was the standardised weight of a metal , and the name of the coin reflected the weight in some way .\" What is the definition of \"thaler\"?"} {"term": "songline", "pos": "", "context": "this recognizes that there is a dimension of political identity and boundary marking in songlines .", "definition": "( in australian aboriginal belief ) a route through the landscape which is believed to have been travelled during the dreamtime ( or alcheringa ) and which features a series of landmarks thought to relate to events that happened during this time .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this recognizes that there is a dimension of political identity and boundary marking in songlines .\" What is the definition of \"songline\"?"} {"term": "note", "pos": "", "context": "she dropped it in quickly , and then crumpled the note and envelope up .", "definition": "a short informal letter or written message", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she dropped it in quickly , and then crumpled the note and envelope up .\" What is the definition of \"note\"?"} {"term": "note", "pos": "", "context": "the detective paid for some stones using £360 cash in marked notes , which johnstone later handed over after being suspended .", "definition": "a banknote", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the detective paid for some stones using £360 cash in marked notes , which johnstone later handed over after being suspended .\" What is the definition of \"note\"?"} {"term": "note", "pos": "", "context": "he had only been enabled to come to that conclusion , it was said , because he had imported into his reasoning process words which are to be found in the explanatory notes and not in the policy itself .", "definition": "a short comment on or explanation of a word or passage in a book or article ; an annotation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had only been enabled to come to that conclusion , it was said , because he had imported into his reasoning process words which are to be found in the explanatory notes and not in the policy itself .\" What is the definition of \"note\"?"} {"term": "note", "pos": "", "context": "university is not just about sitting in lectures and taking notes , then going over to the library to do essays .", "definition": "a brief record of points or ideas written down as an aid to memory", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"university is not just about sitting in lectures and taking notes , then going over to the library to do essays .\" What is the definition of \"note\"?"} {"term": "note", "pos": "", "context": "his notes were appended at the end of the article", "definition": "a comment or instruction ( usually added )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his notes were appended at the end of the article\" What is the definition of \"note\"?"} {"term": "quadrant", "pos": "", "context": "use it to snap to the nearest quadrant of an arc , circle , ellipse , elliptical arc , and some 3d solids .", "definition": "each of four quarters of a circle .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"use it to snap to the nearest quadrant of an arc , circle , ellipse , elliptical arc , and some 3d solids .\" What is the definition of \"quadrant\"?"} {"term": "quadrant", "pos": "", "context": "everything becomes clear when i meet the rudder post , steering quadrant and stern gun just off the edge in 27m .", "definition": "a frame fixed to the head of a ship 's rudder , to which the steering mechanism is attached .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"everything becomes clear when i meet the rudder post , steering quadrant and stern gun just off the edge in 27m .\" What is the definition of \"quadrant\"?"} {"term": "blowback", "pos": "", "context": "one of my arguments against the invasion was the entirely predicatable blowback .", "definition": "the unintended adverse results of a political action or situation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one of my arguments against the invasion was the entirely predicatable blowback .\" What is the definition of \"blowback\"?"} {"term": "stargazer", "pos": "", "context": "history will come full circle as stargazers from new zealand head for whitby to mark the astronomical achievements of captain cook and his ill fated yorkshire astronomer , charles green .", "definition": "an astronomer or astrologer .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"history will come full circle as stargazers from new zealand head for whitby to mark the astronomical achievements of captain cook and his ill fated yorkshire astronomer , charles green .\" What is the definition of \"stargazer\"?"} {"term": "possessor", "pos": "", "context": "no , i am not a citizen of this country , but i am a possessor of a visa which allows me to stay here and write for newspapers and various publications .", "definition": "a person who owns something or has a particular quality", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"no , i am not a citizen of this country , but i am a possessor of a visa which allows me to stay here and write for newspapers and various publications .\" What is the definition of \"possessor\"?"} {"term": "dictatorship", "pos": "", "context": "this leaves no place for patriarchy , religious fundamentalism , or dictatorships .", "definition": "absolute authority in any sphere .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this leaves no place for patriarchy , religious fundamentalism , or dictatorships .\" What is the definition of \"dictatorship\"?"} {"term": "essay", "pos": "", "context": "i went on to publish essays , short stories , poetry , and political commentaries .", "definition": "a short piece of writing on a particular subject .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i went on to publish essays , short stories , poetry , and political commentaries .\" What is the definition of \"essay\"?"} {"term": "tank", "pos": "", "context": "they became the second straight team with a top-ranked offense to tank on super bowl sunday .", "definition": "( in sport ) deliberately lose or fail to finish ( a match )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they became the second straight team with a top-ranked offense to tank on super bowl sunday .\" What is the definition of \"tank\"?"} {"term": "tank", "pos": "", "context": "i got thrown in once when i was underage , not to eventful though ... tried to get a cop to drive me home , he said sure and drove me straight to the tank .", "definition": "a cell in a police station or jail .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i got thrown in once when i was underage , not to eventful though ... tried to get a cop to drive me home , he said sure and drove me straight to the tank .\" What is the definition of \"tank\"?"} {"term": "geometric", "pos": "", "context": "omar khayyam gave a complete classification of cubic equations with geometric solutions found by means of intersecting conic sections .", "definition": "relating to geometry , or according to its methods .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"omar khayyam gave a complete classification of cubic equations with geometric solutions found by means of intersecting conic sections .\" What is the definition of \"geometric\"?"} {"term": "leg", "pos": "", "context": "i still think there 's little to beat a good roast chicken and crispy roast potatoes or a leg of lamb done the same way .", "definition": "a leg of an animal or bird as food", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i still think there 's little to beat a good roast chicken and crispy roast potatoes or a leg of lamb done the same way .\" What is the definition of \"leg\"?"} {"term": "badge", "pos": "", "context": "the workers here must be badged", "definition": "put a badge on", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the workers here must be badged\" What is the definition of \"badge\"?"} {"term": "gassy", "pos": "", "context": "he does that by making fun of ‘ the jargon , the mush , the smog , the dull pompous , boneless , gassy language ’ that afflicts the world today .", "definition": "( of a person or language ) inclined to be verbose", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he does that by making fun of ‘ the jargon , the mush , the smog , the dull pompous , boneless , gassy language ’ that afflicts the world today .\" What is the definition of \"gassy\"?"} {"term": "gassy", "pos": "", "context": "it contains a food enzyme from a natural source that works with your body 's digestion to break down the complex sugars in gassy foods making them more digestible .", "definition": "resembling or full of gas", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it contains a food enzyme from a natural source that works with your body 's digestion to break down the complex sugars in gassy foods making them more digestible .\" What is the definition of \"gassy\"?"} {"term": "eatery", "pos": "", "context": "dorothy 's diner was the only eatery in town , and exactly where seth had always taken her on their dates .", "definition": "a restaurant or cafe .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dorothy 's diner was the only eatery in town , and exactly where seth had always taken her on their dates .\" What is the definition of \"eatery\"?"} {"term": "heron", "pos": "", "context": "the birdlife is extremely rich here , and you can expect to see rarities such as the goliath heron , the largest heron in the world .", "definition": "a large fish-eating wading bird with long legs , a long s-shaped neck , and a long pointed bill .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the birdlife is extremely rich here , and you can expect to see rarities such as the goliath heron , the largest heron in the world .\" What is the definition of \"heron\"?"} {"term": "simile", "pos": "", "context": "but the greatest fun of the book comes from the rhyming sentences that bear many vivid metaphors , similes and puns .", "definition": "a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind , used to make a description more emphatic or vivid ( e.g . as brave as a lion ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but the greatest fun of the book comes from the rhyming sentences that bear many vivid metaphors , similes and puns .\" What is the definition of \"simile\"?"} {"term": "mimesis", "pos": "", "context": "the founding discovery of modernism has often been defined as the detachability of art from representation , from mimesis in the aristotelian sense of unproblematic imitation .", "definition": "imitative representation of the real world in art and literature", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the founding discovery of modernism has often been defined as the detachability of art from representation , from mimesis in the aristotelian sense of unproblematic imitation .\" What is the definition of \"mimesis\"?"} {"term": "cloudburst", "pos": "", "context": "pack plenty of spare clothes against the eventuality of getting soaked while out in a torrential cloudburst .", "definition": "a sudden violent rainstorm .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pack plenty of spare clothes against the eventuality of getting soaked while out in a torrential cloudburst .\" What is the definition of \"cloudburst\"?"} {"term": "jerk", "pos": "", "context": "the patient 's legs were jerkings", "definition": "move with abrupt , seemingly uncontrolled motions", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the patient 's legs were jerkings\" What is the definition of \"jerk\"?"} {"term": "cancel", "pos": "", "context": "will i get a refund , including additional fees , if the event is cancelled , changed or i can not go ?", "definition": "decide or announce that ( a planned event ) will not take place", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"will i get a refund , including additional fees , if the event is cancelled , changed or i can not go ?\" What is the definition of \"cancel\"?"} {"term": "echinodermata", "pos": "", "context": "a traditional hypothesis of the echinodermata using only extant taxonomic groups places the asteroidea and ophiuroidea as sister groups based on the shared derived characteristic of a five-rayed body plan .", "definition": "a phylum of marine invertebrates which includes starfishes , sea urchins , brittlestars , crinoids , and sea cucumbers . they have fivefold radial symmetry , a calcareous skeleton , and tube feet operated by fluid pressure .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a traditional hypothesis of the echinodermata using only extant taxonomic groups places the asteroidea and ophiuroidea as sister groups based on the shared derived characteristic of a five-rayed body plan .\" What is the definition of \"echinodermata\"?"} {"term": "banquet", "pos": "", "context": "the tower was originally a summer banqueting house and allowed aristocratic ladies to watch their men hunting .", "definition": "entertain with a banquet", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the tower was originally a summer banqueting house and allowed aristocratic ladies to watch their men hunting .\" What is the definition of \"banquet\"?"} {"term": "stooge", "pos": "", "context": "the cheeky glove puppet fox hosts a variety and sketch show format - a procession of comic stooges play straight man and second fiddle to his antics .", "definition": "a performer whose act involves being the butt of a comedian 's jokes", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the cheeky glove puppet fox hosts a variety and sketch show format - a procession of comic stooges play straight man and second fiddle to his antics .\" What is the definition of \"stooge\"?"} {"term": "sarcolemma", "pos": "", "context": "the newborn larvae migrate from the host 's blood vessels through the sarcolemma of striated muscle tissue , where they penetrate and encyst inside an individual muscle cell .", "definition": "the fine transparent tubular sheath which envelops the fibres of skeletal muscles .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the newborn larvae migrate from the host 's blood vessels through the sarcolemma of striated muscle tissue , where they penetrate and encyst inside an individual muscle cell .\" What is the definition of \"sarcolemma\"?"} {"term": "spear", "pos": "", "context": "the knights had never needed any kind of weapon beyond their swords and spears and bows .", "definition": "a weapon with a pointed tip , typically of steel , and a long shaft , used for thrusting or throwing .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the knights had never needed any kind of weapon beyond their swords and spears and bows .\" What is the definition of \"spear\"?"} {"term": "couturier", "pos": "", "context": "some of scotland 's hottest couturiers are drawing on old - fashioned styles and fabrics - but not all their creations will protect you from thistles .", "definition": "a fashion designer who manufactures and sells clothes that have been tailored to a client 's specific requirements and measurements", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some of scotland 's hottest couturiers are drawing on old - fashioned styles and fabrics - but not all their creations will protect you from thistles .\" What is the definition of \"couturier\"?"} {"term": "redneck", "pos": "", "context": "the rednecks were attacking us from the top of the rock .", "definition": "a working-class white person from the southern us , especially a politically reactionary one", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the rednecks were attacking us from the top of the rock .\" What is the definition of \"redneck\"?"} {"term": "chinwag", "pos": "", "context": "had lunch nearby , then went back to the hotel to chinwag with the parents , then came home when p was on his way in arfur .", "definition": "have a chat", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"had lunch nearby , then went back to the hotel to chinwag with the parents , then came home when p was on his way in arfur .\" What is the definition of \"chinwag\"?"} {"term": "slab", "pos": "", "context": "there is a room divider topped with an enormous slab of black granite , to neatly bisect the dining area .", "definition": "a flat , heavy table top or counter , used during the preparation or display of food", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is a room divider topped with an enormous slab of black granite , to neatly bisect the dining area .\" What is the definition of \"slab\"?"} {"term": "foal", "pos": "", "context": "her last foal was the storm cat filly dreamlike , who was foaled in 1997 but is unraced .", "definition": "( of a foal ) be born .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her last foal was the storm cat filly dreamlike , who was foaled in 1997 but is unraced .\" What is the definition of \"foal\"?"} {"term": "medallion", "pos": "", "context": "medallions of veal", "definition": "a circular helping of food ( especially a boneless cut of meat )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"medallions of veal\" What is the definition of \"medallion\"?"} {"term": "phaeochromocytoma", "pos": "", "context": "increased metabolic rate is rarely the main cause , except with an overactive thyroid or phaeochromocytoma , a rare tumour which produces excess adrenaline to stimulate our brown adipose tissue .", "definition": "a small vascular tumour of the adrenal medulla , causing irregular secretion of adrenalin and noradrenaline leading to attacks of raised blood pressure , palpitations , and headache .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"increased metabolic rate is rarely the main cause , except with an overactive thyroid or phaeochromocytoma , a rare tumour which produces excess adrenaline to stimulate our brown adipose tissue .\" What is the definition of \"phaeochromocytoma\"?"} {"term": "journal", "pos": "", "context": "accounting organizes information in the form of documents , journals , ledgers , and reports .", "definition": "( in bookkeeping ) a daily record of business transactions with a statement of the accounts to which each is to be debited and credited .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"accounting organizes information in the form of documents , journals , ledgers , and reports .\" What is the definition of \"journal\"?"} {"term": "journal", "pos": "", "context": "he reads the medical journals", "definition": "a periodical dedicated to a particular subject", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he reads the medical journals\" What is the definition of \"journal\"?"} {"term": "freezer", "pos": "", "context": "varied combinations of refrigerators and freezers come in tall units or drawers .", "definition": "a refrigerated cabinet or room for preserving food at very low temperatures", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"varied combinations of refrigerators and freezers come in tall units or drawers .\" What is the definition of \"freezer\"?"} {"term": "gun", "pos": "", "context": "range threat systems simulate the tracking systems of enemy missiles and guns and are used to train pilots to evade the tracking systems .", "definition": "a weapon incorporating a metal tube from which bullets , shells , or other missiles are propelled by explosive force , typically making a characteristic loud , sharp noise .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"range threat systems simulate the tracking systems of enemy missiles and guns and are used to train pilots to evade the tracking systems .\" What is the definition of \"gun\"?"} {"term": "catholicos", "pos": "", "context": "georgian law grants the catholicos the same power as that of a king , and the clergy actively participates in state affairs .", "definition": "the patriarch of the armenian or the nestorian church .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"georgian law grants the catholicos the same power as that of a king , and the clergy actively participates in state affairs .\" What is the definition of \"catholicos\"?"} {"term": "metropolitan", "pos": "", "context": "i do n't mean to suggest that england is a land of trendy metropolitans , but even so it is inconceivable that our political and social debates should be hijacked by religious zealots .", "definition": "an inhabitant of a metropolis", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i do n't mean to suggest that england is a land of trendy metropolitans , but even so it is inconceivable that our political and social debates should be hijacked by religious zealots .\" What is the definition of \"metropolitan\"?"} {"term": "dry", "pos": "", "context": "dry weight", "definition": "used of solid substances in contrast with liquid ones", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dry weight\" What is the definition of \"dry\"?"} {"term": "dry", "pos": "", "context": "from the waterhole an old camel pad led out over the ‘ eighty miles dry ’ .", "definition": "a tract of waterless country", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"from the waterhole an old camel pad led out over the ‘ eighty miles dry ’ .\" What is the definition of \"dry\"?"} {"term": "dry", "pos": "", "context": "new teaching methods were about trying to engage kids rather than forcing them to digest dry facts .", "definition": "( of information , writing , etc . ) dully factual", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"new teaching methods were about trying to engage kids rather than forcing them to digest dry facts .\" What is the definition of \"dry\"?"} {"term": "dry", "pos": "", "context": "they knew the city might well end the practice before they could obtain a license , and they knew the courts could nullify the marriage before the ink was dry .", "definition": "( of paint , ink , etc . ) having lost all wetness or moisture over a period of time", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they knew the city might well end the practice before they could obtain a license , and they knew the courts could nullify the marriage before the ink was dry .\" What is the definition of \"dry\"?"} {"term": "umbellifer", "pos": "", "context": "the airy structure of umbellifers makes them uniquely beautiful in death .", "definition": "a plant of the parsley family , having its flowers arranged in umbels .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the airy structure of umbellifers makes them uniquely beautiful in death .\" What is the definition of \"umbellifer\"?"} {"term": "rear", "pos": "", "context": "she checks her rear view mirrors , but she does not check the door .", "definition": "at the back", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she checks her rear view mirrors , but she does not check the door .\" What is the definition of \"rear\"?"} {"term": "rear", "pos": "", "context": "the missile has four rectangular fins for aerodynamic control at the rear , and four wings at just over halfway from nose to tail on the length of the body .", "definition": "the back part of something , especially a building or vehicle", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the missile has four rectangular fins for aerodynamic control at the rear , and four wings at just over halfway from nose to tail on the length of the body .\" What is the definition of \"rear\"?"} {"term": "rear", "pos": "", "context": "this means that the original enslaver was not concerned with the ‘ cost of production ’ - the cost of rearing a child until it was old enough to be sold into the trade .", "definition": "bring up and care for ( a child ) until they are fully grown", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this means that the original enslaver was not concerned with the ‘ cost of production ’ - the cost of rearing a child until it was old enough to be sold into the trade .\" What is the definition of \"rear\"?"} {"term": "rear", "pos": "", "context": "his room was toward the rear of the hotel", "definition": "the side of an object that is opposite its front", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his room was toward the rear of the hotel\" What is the definition of \"rear\"?"} {"term": "rear", "pos": "", "context": "infantrymen were in the rear", "definition": "the back of a military formation or procession", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"infantrymen were in the rear\" What is the definition of \"rear\"?"} {"term": "rear", "pos": "", "context": "the horse reared in terror", "definition": "stand up on the hind legs , of quadrupeds", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the horse reared in terror\" What is the definition of \"rear\"?"} {"term": "pupil", "pos": "", "context": "the relation of master and apprentice was very close , not at all like the relation of pupil and teacher today .", "definition": "a person who is taught by another , especially a schoolchild or student in relation to a teacher", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the relation of master and apprentice was very close , not at all like the relation of pupil and teacher today .\" What is the definition of \"pupil\"?"} {"term": "archduchess", "pos": "", "context": "this long letter from maria theresa , archduchess of austria and queen of hungary and bohemia , is handwritten in 1768 and addressed to her daughter marie caroline , the future queen of naples .", "definition": "a daughter of the emperor of austria .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this long letter from maria theresa , archduchess of austria and queen of hungary and bohemia , is handwritten in 1768 and addressed to her daughter marie caroline , the future queen of naples .\" What is the definition of \"archduchess\"?"} {"term": "poetic", "pos": "", "context": "poetic works", "definition": "of or relating to poetry", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"poetic works\" What is the definition of \"poetic\"?"} {"term": "jollification", "pos": "", "context": "kernan wrote in 1885 that in dooley 's long-room ‘ there has come off more irish jollifications , benefit balls , raffles for stoves , primary meetings , and political rows than in any other public place in the city . ’", "definition": "lively celebration with others ; merrymaking", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"kernan wrote in 1885 that in dooley 's long-room ‘ there has come off more irish jollifications , benefit balls , raffles for stoves , primary meetings , and political rows than in any other public place in the city . ’\" What is the definition of \"jollification\"?"} {"term": "austral", "pos": "", "context": "sailed the austral seas", "definition": "of the south or coming from the south", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sailed the austral seas\" What is the definition of \"austral\"?"} {"term": "hobble", "pos": "", "context": "the old woman hobbles down to the store every day", "definition": "walk impeded by some physical limitation or injury", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the old woman hobbles down to the store every day\" What is the definition of \"hobble\"?"} {"term": "hobble", "pos": "", "context": "the chairman was hobbled by the all-powerful dean", "definition": "hamper the action or progress of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the chairman was hobbled by the all-powerful dean\" What is the definition of \"hobble\"?"} {"term": "disgust", "pos": "", "context": "she went on a bit more , but i did n't hear any of it , due to my storming off in disgust .", "definition": "a feeling of revulsion or strong disapproval aroused by something unpleasant or offensive", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she went on a bit more , but i did n't hear any of it , due to my storming off in disgust .\" What is the definition of \"disgust\"?"} {"term": "hand-knit", "pos": "", "context": "but when it gets chilly , the island 's a fantastic place to stock up on hand-knit aran sweaters .", "definition": "knitted by hand rather than using a machine", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but when it gets chilly , the island 's a fantastic place to stock up on hand-knit aran sweaters .\" What is the definition of \"hand-knit\"?"} {"term": "hand-knit", "pos": "", "context": "at this end of the market , overseas demand remains strong , especially for updated versions of traditional hand-knits , linens and tweeds .", "definition": "a garment that has been knitted by hand", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at this end of the market , overseas demand remains strong , especially for updated versions of traditional hand-knits , linens and tweeds .\" What is the definition of \"hand-knit\"?"} {"term": "hogwash", "pos": "", "context": "it 's a hysteria which makes otherwise perfectly intelligent people go on television and talk utter hogwash .", "definition": "nonsense .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's a hysteria which makes otherwise perfectly intelligent people go on television and talk utter hogwash .\" What is the definition of \"hogwash\"?"} {"term": "cooler", "pos": "", "context": "they get caught and are sent back to the cooler .", "definition": "prison or a prison cell", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they get caught and are sent back to the cooler .\" What is the definition of \"cooler\"?"} {"term": "cooler", "pos": "", "context": "both the cooling warehouse and cooler have localized cooling with fans installed in the ceiling .", "definition": "a refrigerator .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"both the cooling warehouse and cooler have localized cooling with fans installed in the ceiling .\" What is the definition of \"cooler\"?"} {"term": "pen", "pos": "", "context": "the trick was to move the gate into the pen scattering the sheep and then quickly bringing the gate back to only let a couple out .", "definition": "a small enclosure in which sheep , pigs , or other farm animals are kept", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the trick was to move the gate into the pen scattering the sheep and then quickly bringing the gate back to only let a couple out .\" What is the definition of \"pen\"?"} {"term": "pen", "pos": "", "context": "they also claim they are penned in by the almost impossible requirement that they prove an officer had the specific intent to kill or injure a victim in order to get a conviction .", "definition": "confine someone in a restricted space", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they also claim they are penned in by the almost impossible requirement that they prove an officer had the specific intent to kill or injure a victim in order to get a conviction .\" What is the definition of \"pen\"?"} {"term": "megalosaurus", "pos": "", "context": "clearly the megalosaurus in the opening passage of bleak house is a flight of hyperbolic fancy ( inspired , i would guess , by the papier-mâché dinosaurs constructed for the crystal palace exhibition , a couple of years earlier ) .", "definition": "a large carnivorous bipedal dinosaur of the mid jurassic period , whose remains have been found only in england .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"clearly the megalosaurus in the opening passage of bleak house is a flight of hyperbolic fancy ( inspired , i would guess , by the papier-mâché dinosaurs constructed for the crystal palace exhibition , a couple of years earlier ) .\" What is the definition of \"megalosaurus\"?"} {"term": "optimism", "pos": "", "context": "i have great faith in optimism as a philosophy , if only because it offers us the opportunity of self-fulfilling prophecy .", "definition": "the belief that good must ultimately prevail over evil in the universe .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i have great faith in optimism as a philosophy , if only because it offers us the opportunity of self-fulfilling prophecy .\" What is the definition of \"optimism\"?"} {"term": "steatite", "pos": "", "context": "miniature mosaic icons , images in metal , ivory , and steatite , at different scales and levels of skill all survive .", "definition": "the mineral talc occurring in consolidated form , especially as soapstone .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"miniature mosaic icons , images in metal , ivory , and steatite , at different scales and levels of skill all survive .\" What is the definition of \"steatite\"?"} {"term": "sorghum", "pos": "", "context": "use less nitrogen for corn or grain sorghum after soybean or alfalfa in rotation .", "definition": "a cereal which is native to warm regions of the old world and is a major source of grain and stockfeed .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"use less nitrogen for corn or grain sorghum after soybean or alfalfa in rotation .\" What is the definition of \"sorghum\"?"} {"term": "unionize", "pos": "", "context": "the auto workers decided to unionize", "definition": "form or join a union", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the auto workers decided to unionize\" What is the definition of \"unionize\"?"} {"term": "ancestor", "pos": "", "context": "did the fact that welsh kinship in general recognized the claims of a wider family , descending from a more remote ancestor , lead to more bitter disputes here ?", "definition": "a person , typically one more remote than a grandparent , from whom one is descended", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"did the fact that welsh kinship in general recognized the claims of a wider family , descending from a more remote ancestor , lead to more bitter disputes here ?\" What is the definition of \"ancestor\"?"} {"term": "browning", "pos": "", "context": "another of the palace barracks guns , a browning automatic pistol , was used to assassinate belfast solicitor pat finucane .", "definition": "a type of automatic pistol .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"another of the palace barracks guns , a browning automatic pistol , was used to assassinate belfast solicitor pat finucane .\" What is the definition of \"browning\"?"} {"term": "hour", "pos": "", "context": "suddenly the silence of the morning hours was broken by a soft buzzing noise in the far distance .", "definition": "a more indefinite period of time", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"suddenly the silence of the morning hours was broken by a soft buzzing noise in the far distance .\" What is the definition of \"hour\"?"} {"term": "hour", "pos": "", "context": "we live an hour from the airport", "definition": "distance measured by the time taken to cover it", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we live an hour from the airport\" What is the definition of \"hour\"?"} {"term": "examiner", "pos": "", "context": "wood 's attorney has said the medical examiner is required to consider all new evidence .", "definition": "a person whose job is to inspect something ; an inspector", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wood 's attorney has said the medical examiner is required to consider all new evidence .\" What is the definition of \"examiner\"?"} {"term": "polity", "pos": "", "context": "for example , a democratic polity can not be militarily attacked unless it directly threatens other states .", "definition": "an organized society ; a state as a political entity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for example , a democratic polity can not be militarily attacked unless it directly threatens other states .\" What is the definition of \"polity\"?"} {"term": "flintlock", "pos": "", "context": "and in that society it was looked upon as the right to bear a flintlock rifle was a right that ought to be possessed .", "definition": "the lock on a flintlock gun .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and in that society it was looked upon as the right to bear a flintlock rifle was a right that ought to be possessed .\" What is the definition of \"flintlock\"?"} {"term": "gaiety", "pos": "", "context": "the sikh community of the twin cities celebrated baisakhi with religious fervour and gaiety here on wednesday .", "definition": "the state or quality of being light-hearted or cheerful", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sikh community of the twin cities celebrated baisakhi with religious fervour and gaiety here on wednesday .\" What is the definition of \"gaiety\"?"} {"term": "oz", "pos": "", "context": "i just had an email from my cousin suggesting the rules for buying property in oz might have changed .", "definition": "a person from australia", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i just had an email from my cousin suggesting the rules for buying property in oz might have changed .\" What is the definition of \"oz\"?"} {"term": "oz", "pos": "", "context": "do you have to be an oz citizen to buy property ?", "definition": "australian", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"do you have to be an oz citizen to buy property ?\" What is the definition of \"oz\"?"} {"term": "revert", "pos": "", "context": "councils would carry out repairs if required and the property would revert to the owner once the cost of any renovation had been recovered .", "definition": "( of property ) return to ( the original owner ) by reversion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"councils would carry out repairs if required and the property would revert to the owner once the cost of any renovation had been recovered .\" What is the definition of \"revert\"?"} {"term": "revert", "pos": "", "context": "we reverted to the old rules", "definition": "go back to a previous state", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we reverted to the old rules\" What is the definition of \"revert\"?"} {"term": "chlorosis", "pos": "", "context": "at the end of the experimental period leaves of these plants showed symptoms of chlorosis .", "definition": "loss of the normal green coloration of leaves of plants , caused by iron deficiency in lime-rich soils , disease , or lack of light .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at the end of the experimental period leaves of these plants showed symptoms of chlorosis .\" What is the definition of \"chlorosis\"?"} {"term": "internee", "pos": "", "context": "this brought more poles into the soviet orbit including civilian refugees , military internees , and pre-war polish residents of lithuania .", "definition": "a person who is confined as a prisoner , especially for political or military reasons .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this brought more poles into the soviet orbit including civilian refugees , military internees , and pre-war polish residents of lithuania .\" What is the definition of \"internee\"?"} {"term": "parenthood", "pos": "", "context": "he has all the support from his mother and friends but is deprived of normal parenthood .", "definition": "the state of being a parent and the responsibilities involved", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he has all the support from his mother and friends but is deprived of normal parenthood .\" What is the definition of \"parenthood\"?"} {"term": "adapt", "pos": "", "context": "but , for a historian , he seems incredibly obtuse about the process of historical change , particularly the way each culture adapts ideas to suit its own purposes .", "definition": "make ( something ) suitable for a new use or purpose ; modify", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but , for a historian , he seems incredibly obtuse about the process of historical change , particularly the way each culture adapts ideas to suit its own purposes .\" What is the definition of \"adapt\"?"} {"term": "garter", "pos": "", "context": "calamity promises the patrons of the garter that she will personally bring miss adams back from chicago to south dakota .", "definition": "membership of the order of the garter", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"calamity promises the patrons of the garter that she will personally bring miss adams back from chicago to south dakota .\" What is the definition of \"garter\"?"} {"term": "garter", "pos": "", "context": "to complement all of this , cinders carries a wonderful range of accessories , shoes , veils , tiaras , feathers , stockings and garters .", "definition": "a band worn around the leg to keep a stocking or sock up", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to complement all of this , cinders carries a wonderful range of accessories , shoes , veils , tiaras , feathers , stockings and garters .\" What is the definition of \"garter\"?"} {"term": "inspiration", "pos": "", "context": "examiners compared observed systolic pressure between inspiration and expiration , and subtracted the two values .", "definition": "the drawing in of breath ; inhalation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"examiners compared observed systolic pressure between inspiration and expiration , and subtracted the two values .\" What is the definition of \"inspiration\"?"} {"term": "affirmative", "pos": "", "context": "a deduction with an affirmative conclusion must have two affirmative premises", "definition": "a statement asserting that something is true of the subject of a proposition .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a deduction with an affirmative conclusion must have two affirmative premises\" What is the definition of \"affirmative\"?"} {"term": "affirmative", "pos": "", "context": "`` affirmative lieutenant . has the commander been informed ? '", "definition": "expressing agreement with or consent to a statement or request ; yes .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"`` affirmative lieutenant . has the commander been informed ? '\" What is the definition of \"affirmative\"?"} {"term": "nourishment", "pos": "", "context": "parenting and education are to provide the nourishment and care that allow these potentials to unfold .", "definition": "the action of nourishing someone or something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"parenting and education are to provide the nourishment and care that allow these potentials to unfold .\" What is the definition of \"nourishment\"?"} {"term": "hostile", "pos": "", "context": "they would patrol the river and attack any hostile unit that was stupid enough to enter their sights .", "definition": "of or belonging to a military enemy", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they would patrol the river and attack any hostile unit that was stupid enough to enter their sights .\" What is the definition of \"hostile\"?"} {"term": "hostile", "pos": "", "context": "on the other hand , it meant that some of his ideas provoked hostile opposition , while others were greeted with incomprehension or indifference .", "definition": "showing or feeling opposition or dislike ; unfriendly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on the other hand , it meant that some of his ideas provoked hostile opposition , while others were greeted with incomprehension or indifference .\" What is the definition of \"hostile\"?"} {"term": "shortener", "pos": "", "context": "alcohol is a great shortener of life", "definition": "any agent that shortens", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"alcohol is a great shortener of life\" What is the definition of \"shortener\"?"} {"term": "ax", "pos": "", "context": "axe wood", "definition": "chop or split with an ax", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"axe wood\" What is the definition of \"ax\"?"} {"term": "reflux", "pos": "", "context": "i would not have diagnosed reflux on the basis of those records .", "definition": "the flowing back of a liquid , especially that of a fluid in the body", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i would not have diagnosed reflux on the basis of those records .\" What is the definition of \"reflux\"?"} {"term": "much", "pos": "", "context": "we do n't watch tv much , but we spend all of our time on the internet .", "definition": "for a large part of one 's time ; often", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we do n't watch tv much , but we spend all of our time on the internet .\" What is the definition of \"much\"?"} {"term": "birch", "pos": "", "context": "are n't there times when you 're tempted to bring back the birch ?", "definition": "a formal punishment in which a person is flogged with a bundle of birch twigs", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"are n't there times when you 're tempted to bring back the birch ?\" What is the definition of \"birch\"?"} {"term": "chin", "pos": "", "context": "one of the people here tonight to see martin is a young burmese man from the minority chin ethnic group .", "definition": "relating to the chin or their language .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one of the people here tonight to see martin is a young burmese man from the minority chin ethnic group .\" What is the definition of \"chin\"?"} {"term": "chin", "pos": "", "context": "the victim suffered severe cuts to the upper lip , lower lip , the chin and into his neck .", "definition": "the protruding part of the face below the mouth , formed by the apex of the lower jaw", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the victim suffered severe cuts to the upper lip , lower lip , the chin and into his neck .\" What is the definition of \"chin\"?"} {"term": "carnotite", "pos": "", "context": "it is found in a number of minerals , including vanadinite , carnotite , roscoelite , and patronite .", "definition": "a lemon-yellow radioactive mineral consisting of hydrated vanadate of uranium , potassium , and other elements .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is found in a number of minerals , including vanadinite , carnotite , roscoelite , and patronite .\" What is the definition of \"carnotite\"?"} {"term": "stall", "pos": "", "context": "the inexperienced driver kept stalling the car", "definition": "cause an engine to stop", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the inexperienced driver kept stalling the car\" What is the definition of \"stall\"?"} {"term": "stall", "pos": "", "context": "stall the horse", "definition": "put into , or keep in , a stall", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stall the horse\" What is the definition of \"stall\"?"} {"term": "stall", "pos": "", "context": "pacemaker starbourne raced well clear from the stalls with frankie dettori 's kazzia pulling along the chasing pack .", "definition": "a cage-like compartment in which a horse is held immediately prior to the start of a race .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pacemaker starbourne raced well clear from the stalls with frankie dettori 's kazzia pulling along the chasing pack .\" What is the definition of \"stall\"?"} {"term": "stall", "pos": "", "context": "the car stalled in the driveway", "definition": "come to a stop", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the car stalled in the driveway\" What is the definition of \"stall\"?"} {"term": "stall", "pos": "", "context": "some even claim that the toilet stalls , with leather walls and designer lights , are the nicest toilets in sofia .", "definition": "a compartment for one person in a set of toilets , shower cubicles , etc .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some even claim that the toilet stalls , with leather walls and designer lights , are the nicest toilets in sofia .\" What is the definition of \"stall\"?"} {"term": "georgian", "pos": "", "context": "the official language is georgian , but russian is used as a second language .", "definition": "the official language of georgia , spoken by around 4 million people . it is the main member of the small south caucasian ( or kartvelian ) language family , and has its own alphabet .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the official language is georgian , but russian is used as a second language .\" What is the definition of \"georgian\"?"} {"term": "georgian", "pos": "", "context": "if this group is really concerned about preserving southern heritage , i hope they will join me in voting for a flag that all georgians can take pride in .", "definition": "a native or inhabitant of georgia .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if this group is really concerned about preserving southern heritage , i hope they will join me in voting for a flag that all georgians can take pride in .\" What is the definition of \"georgian\"?"} {"term": "gravity", "pos": "", "context": "they said that espionage is almost inevitably bound to be a crime of the utmost gravity .", "definition": "extreme importance ; seriousness", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they said that espionage is almost inevitably bound to be a crime of the utmost gravity .\" What is the definition of \"gravity\"?"} {"term": "karen", "pos": "", "context": "the karens are the second-largest ethnic group in myanmar , forming 6.3 % of myanmar 's total population , according to official figures .", "definition": "a member of an indigenous people of eastern burma ( myanmar ) and western thailand .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the karens are the second-largest ethnic group in myanmar , forming 6.3 % of myanmar 's total population , according to official figures .\" What is the definition of \"karen\"?"} {"term": "beetle", "pos": "", "context": "beetle brows", "definition": "jutting or overhanging", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"beetle brows\" What is the definition of \"beetle\"?"} {"term": "climacteric", "pos": "", "context": "in the climacteric fruit tomato , ethylene is perceived by a family of six receptor proteins .", "definition": "( of a fruit ) undergoing a climacteric", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the climacteric fruit tomato , ethylene is perceived by a family of six receptor proteins .\" What is the definition of \"climacteric\"?"} {"term": "surrender", "pos": "", "context": "the last taleban fighters finally surrendered", "definition": "give up or agree to forgo to the power or possession of another", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the last taleban fighters finally surrendered\" What is the definition of \"surrender\"?"} {"term": "moody", "pos": "", "context": "the christmas season was upon us and all i had was my disowned sister and moody boyfriend .", "definition": "( of a person ) given to unpredictable changes of mood , especially sudden bouts of gloominess or sullenness", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the christmas season was upon us and all i had was my disowned sister and moody boyfriend .\" What is the definition of \"moody\"?"} {"term": "calx", "pos": "", "context": "other common names by which the compound is known include burnt lime , unslaked lime , fluxing lime , and calx .", "definition": "a powdery metallic oxide formed when an ore or mineral has been heated .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"other common names by which the compound is known include burnt lime , unslaked lime , fluxing lime , and calx .\" What is the definition of \"calx\"?"} {"term": "dripstone", "pos": "", "context": "the designs on the lower part of the structure are somewhat formal , but the upper part is a free-form mix of geodes , dripstone , and what appear to be inverted stalactites .", "definition": "rock deposited by precipitation from dripping water , such as that which forms stalactites and stalagmites .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the designs on the lower part of the structure are somewhat formal , but the upper part is a free-form mix of geodes , dripstone , and what appear to be inverted stalactites .\" What is the definition of \"dripstone\"?"} {"term": "religion", "pos": "", "context": "the secularization debate is primarily concerned with the role or power of religion and churches in society .", "definition": "the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power , especially a personal god or gods", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the secularization debate is primarily concerned with the role or power of religion and churches in society .\" What is the definition of \"religion\"?"} {"term": "sour", "pos": "", "context": "sour milk", "definition": "in an unpalatable state", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sour milk\" What is the definition of \"sour\"?"} {"term": "ergotamine", "pos": "", "context": "the medication ergotamine and related drugs can halt a migraine in progress .", "definition": "a compound present in some kinds of ergot . an alkaloid , it causes constriction of blood vessels and is used in the treatment of migraine .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the medication ergotamine and related drugs can halt a migraine in progress .\" What is the definition of \"ergotamine\"?"} {"term": "cab", "pos": "", "context": "she was still lying in the back of the lorry cab listening to the rain falling on the roof , the engine rumbling on below and the windscreen wipers scraping against the glass at the front .", "definition": "the driver 's compartment in a lorry , bus , or train .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was still lying in the back of the lorry cab listening to the rain falling on the roof , the engine rumbling on below and the windscreen wipers scraping against the glass at the front .\" What is the definition of \"cab\"?"} {"term": "cab", "pos": "", "context": "while i was still in a dilemma as to whether i should ask them verbally if they are indeed cabbing , another dilemma stepped up in the form of a tyrannical auntie .", "definition": "travel in a taxi", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"while i was still in a dilemma as to whether i should ask them verbally if they are indeed cabbing , another dilemma stepped up in the form of a tyrannical auntie .\" What is the definition of \"cab\"?"} {"term": "exerciser", "pos": "", "context": "more effective than the standard bent knee crunch , the ab lounge 2 abdominal exerciser focuses the workout strictly on your stomach muscles , keeping your head , neck and back supported .", "definition": "an apparatus used to exercise .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"more effective than the standard bent knee crunch , the ab lounge 2 abdominal exerciser focuses the workout strictly on your stomach muscles , keeping your head , neck and back supported .\" What is the definition of \"exerciser\"?"} {"term": "leer", "pos": "", "context": "‘ it was nice seeing you two , ’ he said , glancing over at keenan whose lips were curled in a sly leer .", "definition": "a lascivious or unpleasant look", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ it was nice seeing you two , ’ he said , glancing over at keenan whose lips were curled in a sly leer .\" What is the definition of \"leer\"?"} {"term": "leer", "pos": "", "context": "wishing to keep her attention away from the man who was leering at her , edmund struck up a conversation .", "definition": "look or gaze in a lascivious or unpleasant way", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wishing to keep her attention away from the man who was leering at her , edmund struck up a conversation .\" What is the definition of \"leer\"?"} {"term": "quota", "pos": "", "context": "london 's lord mayor and aldermen were again commanded to a levy : and they responded by locking the doors on their packed parish churches until their quotas were filled .", "definition": "( in the anglican church ) the proportion of the funds of a parish contributed to the finances of the diocese .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"london 's lord mayor and aldermen were again commanded to a levy : and they responded by locking the doors on their packed parish churches until their quotas were filled .\" What is the definition of \"quota\"?"} {"term": "bronchopneumonia", "pos": "", "context": "enlarged and edematous lungs , consolidation , hemorrhage , bronchopneumonia , and acute bronchiolitis were also noted .", "definition": "inflammation of the lungs , arising in the bronchi or bronchioles .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"enlarged and edematous lungs , consolidation , hemorrhage , bronchopneumonia , and acute bronchiolitis were also noted .\" What is the definition of \"bronchopneumonia\"?"} {"term": "door", "pos": "", "context": "we kept expecting him to walk through the door with a big smile on his face , talking about his adventure .", "definition": "a doorway", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we kept expecting him to walk through the door with a big smile on his face , talking about his adventure .\" What is the definition of \"door\"?"} {"term": "door", "pos": "", "context": "we closed the door to haitian immigrants", "definition": "anything providing a means of access ( or escape )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we closed the door to haitian immigrants\" What is the definition of \"door\"?"} {"term": "reader", "pos": "", "context": "but now thanks to the generosity of readers the library is planning for the future and already buying new toys .", "definition": "a person entitled to use a particular library .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but now thanks to the generosity of readers the library is planning for the future and already buying new toys .\" What is the definition of \"reader\"?"} {"term": "stepfather", "pos": "", "context": "how did your mother react to the fact that you and your stepfather did n't get along ?", "definition": "a man who is married to one 's mother after the divorce of one 's parents or the death of one 's father .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"how did your mother react to the fact that you and your stepfather did n't get along ?\" What is the definition of \"stepfather\"?"} {"term": "term", "pos": "", "context": "the general term of an algebraic equation of the n-th degree", "definition": "any distinct quantity contained in a polynomial", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the general term of an algebraic equation of the n-th degree\" What is the definition of \"term\"?"} {"term": "term", "pos": "", "context": "the two companies eventually came to terms .", "definition": "agreed conditions under which a war or other dispute is brought to an end", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the two companies eventually came to terms .\" What is the definition of \"term\"?"} {"term": "hail", "pos": "", "context": "hail , ye lone voices in the wilderness !", "definition": "expressing greeting or acclaim", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hail , ye lone voices in the wilderness !\" What is the definition of \"hail\"?"} {"term": "descendent", "pos": "", "context": "he was the great-grandson of john of gaunt , the third son of edward iii , himself the great-great-grandson of king john , who was descendent from william i on the distaff side via his grandmother matilda .", "definition": "descending from an ancestor", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was the great-grandson of john of gaunt , the third son of edward iii , himself the great-great-grandson of king john , who was descendent from william i on the distaff side via his grandmother matilda .\" What is the definition of \"descendent\"?"} {"term": "azalea", "pos": "", "context": "gardenias like an acidic soil and so grow well with camellias , azaleas and rhododendrons .", "definition": "a deciduous flowering shrub with clusters of brightly coloured , sometimes fragrant flowers . azaleas are typically smaller than other rhododendrons and there are numerous cultivars .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gardenias like an acidic soil and so grow well with camellias , azaleas and rhododendrons .\" What is the definition of \"azalea\"?"} {"term": "normalize", "pos": "", "context": "let us hope that relations with this country will normalize soon", "definition": "become normal or return to its normal state", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"let us hope that relations with this country will normalize soon\" What is the definition of \"normalize\"?"} {"term": "normalize", "pos": "", "context": "normalize the spelling", "definition": "make normal or cause to conform to a norm or standard", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"normalize the spelling\" What is the definition of \"normalize\"?"} {"term": "endue", "pos": "", "context": "and he [ solomon , using the royal ‘ we ’ ] said : ‘ o men , we have been taught the speech of birds , and we are endued with everything . ’", "definition": "endow or provide with a quality or ability", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and he [ solomon , using the royal ‘ we ’ ] said : ‘ o men , we have been taught the speech of birds , and we are endued with everything . ’\" What is the definition of \"endue\"?"} {"term": "trisaccharide", "pos": "", "context": "this interference of water with carbohydrate-membrane interactions in the dry state has been shown for several mono- , di- , and trisaccharides .", "definition": "any of the class of sugars whose molecules contain three monosaccharide molecules .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this interference of water with carbohydrate-membrane interactions in the dry state has been shown for several mono- , di- , and trisaccharides .\" What is the definition of \"trisaccharide\"?"} {"term": "outcross", "pos": "", "context": "to rule out the possibility that the allelic difference was caused by the genetic background , we outcrossed the chic-carrying chromosome with a multiply marked chromosome and replaced 60 % of the chic chromosome .", "definition": "breed ( an animal or plant ) with one not closely related .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to rule out the possibility that the allelic difference was caused by the genetic background , we outcrossed the chic-carrying chromosome with a multiply marked chromosome and replaced 60 % of the chic chromosome .\" What is the definition of \"outcross\"?"} {"term": "ghetto", "pos": "", "context": "there was anger about the lack of prospects and poor schools , and young people from ethnic minorities felt trapped in ghettos .", "definition": "a part of a city , especially a slum area , occupied by a minority group or groups .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was anger about the lack of prospects and poor schools , and young people from ethnic minorities felt trapped in ghettos .\" What is the definition of \"ghetto\"?"} {"term": "circus", "pos": "", "context": "with just 270 bedrooms on site , the media circus of several thousand will have to be housed as much as 50 miles away .", "definition": "a public scene of frenetic , noisy , or confused activity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with just 270 bedrooms on site , the media circus of several thousand will have to be housed as much as 50 miles away .\" What is the definition of \"circus\"?"} {"term": "circus", "pos": "", "context": "the media was pleased to receive the calendar for next year 's f1 circus nice and early .", "definition": "a large group of people travelling together on the circuit of a particular high-profile activity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the media was pleased to receive the calendar for next year 's f1 circus nice and early .\" What is the definition of \"circus\"?"} {"term": "taxi", "pos": "", "context": "the plane taxied down the runway", "definition": "travel slowly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the plane taxied down the runway\" What is the definition of \"taxi\"?"} {"term": "taxi", "pos": "", "context": "sir , presently , i have noticed that many operators of mini buses , taxis and buses do not maintain and submit books of accounts and hence do not pay appropriate tax .", "definition": "( in south africa ) a light vehicle , especially a minibus , transporting passengers along a fixed route for a set fare but not operating to a timetable .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sir , presently , i have noticed that many operators of mini buses , taxis and buses do not maintain and submit books of accounts and hence do not pay appropriate tax .\" What is the definition of \"taxi\"?"} {"term": "complement", "pos": "", "context": "australian collectors are still somewhat of a rarity in this field , even though european impressionist pictures are without doubt a good complement to any australian art collection .", "definition": "a thing that contributes extra features to something else in such a way as to improve or emphasize its quality", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"australian collectors are still somewhat of a rarity in this field , even though european impressionist pictures are without doubt a good complement to any australian art collection .\" What is the definition of \"complement\"?"} {"term": "complement", "pos": "", "context": "a fine wine is a perfect complement to the dinner", "definition": "something added to complete or embellish or make perfect", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fine wine is a perfect complement to the dinner\" What is the definition of \"complement\"?"} {"term": "complement", "pos": "", "context": "the selection of make-up should complement skin tone , features and attire .", "definition": "contribute extra features to ( someone or something ) in such a way as to improve or emphasize their qualities", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the selection of make-up should complement skin tone , features and attire .\" What is the definition of \"complement\"?"} {"term": "deliberation", "pos": "", "context": "i looked over the reef to see large shadows moving with slow deliberation way below .", "definition": "slow and careful movement or thought", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i looked over the reef to see large shadows moving with slow deliberation way below .\" What is the definition of \"deliberation\"?"} {"term": "metatarsus", "pos": "", "context": "the england skipper had another x-ray yesterday and the second metatarsus bone in his left foot which he broke in april is healing well .", "definition": "the group of bones in the foot , between the ankle and the toes .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the england skipper had another x-ray yesterday and the second metatarsus bone in his left foot which he broke in april is healing well .\" What is the definition of \"metatarsus\"?"} {"term": "bund", "pos": "", "context": "other rubble serves to repair roads and shore-up retaining bunds along the shore .", "definition": "an embankment or causeway .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"other rubble serves to repair roads and shore-up retaining bunds along the shore .\" What is the definition of \"bund\"?"} {"term": "tax", "pos": "", "context": "more than 15,000 motorists in the bradford area face tough fines and even having their vehicles crushed if they fail to tax their cars and lorries .", "definition": "pay tax on ( something , especially a vehicle )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"more than 15,000 motorists in the bradford area face tough fines and even having their vehicles crushed if they fail to tax their cars and lorries .\" What is the definition of \"tax\"?"} {"term": "tax", "pos": "", "context": "at present , land is taxed at a higher rate than improvements only in the counties of hawaii and kauai .", "definition": "impose a tax on ( someone or something )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at present , land is taxed at a higher rate than improvements only in the counties of hawaii and kauai .\" What is the definition of \"tax\"?"} {"term": "breastplate", "pos": "", "context": "she placed it down beside her to see long thick arm pieces made from the same black material as the breastplate .", "definition": "a piece of armour covering the chest .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she placed it down beside her to see long thick arm pieces made from the same black material as the breastplate .\" What is the definition of \"breastplate\"?"} {"term": "respect", "pos": "", "context": "she lost all respect for him", "definition": "an attitude of admiration or esteem", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she lost all respect for him\" What is the definition of \"respect\"?"} {"term": "defenestration", "pos": "", "context": "the announcement , hurried out after the stock exchange had closed , and most of the city had gone home , speaks of a defenestration .", "definition": "the action or process of dismissing someone from a position of power or authority", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the announcement , hurried out after the stock exchange had closed , and most of the city had gone home , speaks of a defenestration .\" What is the definition of \"defenestration\"?"} {"term": "derail", "pos": "", "context": "they had planned to derail the trains that carried atomic waste", "definition": "cause to run off the tracks", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they had planned to derail the trains that carried atomic waste\" What is the definition of \"derail\"?"} {"term": "ravioli", "pos": "", "context": "cut each ravioli in half ; serve hot with seasoned vegetable broth and a lobster medallion .", "definition": "small pasta envelopes containing minced meat , fish , cheese , or vegetables , usually served with a sauce .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cut each ravioli in half ; serve hot with seasoned vegetable broth and a lobster medallion .\" What is the definition of \"ravioli\"?"} {"term": "grope", "pos": "", "context": "she groped for her glasses in the darkness of the bedroom", "definition": "feel about uncertainly or blindly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she groped for her glasses in the darkness of the bedroom\" What is the definition of \"grope\"?"} {"term": "aside", "pos": "", "context": "where then are the reserves put aside to cover the employee ?", "definition": "in reserve ; for future use", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"where then are the reserves put aside to cover the employee ?\" What is the definition of \"aside\"?"} {"term": "paintball", "pos": "", "context": "eye injuries caused by paintballs are increasing in children , according to a study published in pediatrics .", "definition": "a capsule of paint used in paintball .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"eye injuries caused by paintballs are increasing in children , according to a study published in pediatrics .\" What is the definition of \"paintball\"?"} {"term": "cruzeiro", "pos": "", "context": "with the cedula project , cruzeiro banknotes and american dollars were rubber-stamped with messages and returned to circulation .", "definition": "the basic monetary unit of brazil from 1990 to 1993 , equal to 100 centavos .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with the cedula project , cruzeiro banknotes and american dollars were rubber-stamped with messages and returned to circulation .\" What is the definition of \"cruzeiro\"?"} {"term": "ignite", "pos": "", "context": "the gas inside the fuel lines caught on fire , and then ignited all the gas in the gas tank in one large explosion .", "definition": "catch fire or cause to catch fire", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the gas inside the fuel lines caught on fire , and then ignited all the gas in the gas tank in one large explosion .\" What is the definition of \"ignite\"?"} {"term": "dispersion", "pos": "", "context": "aqueous dispersions of polar lipids are known to form a large variety of phases depending on the chemical structure , temperature , and dispersing media .", "definition": "a mixture of one substance dispersed in another medium", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"aqueous dispersions of polar lipids are known to form a large variety of phases depending on the chemical structure , temperature , and dispersing media .\" What is the definition of \"dispersion\"?"} {"term": "letter", "pos": "", "context": "he won letters in three sports", "definition": "an award earned by participation in a school sport", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he won letters in three sports\" What is the definition of \"letter\"?"} {"term": "monument", "pos": "", "context": "the shrine is a monument to the dedication of the people who built it and maintained it .", "definition": "a building , structure , or site that is of historical importance or interest", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the shrine is a monument to the dedication of the people who built it and maintained it .\" What is the definition of \"monument\"?"} {"term": "soundness", "pos": "", "context": "such failures , by calling into question the soundness of the asset structure of all units , tend to modify all desired portfolios .", "definition": "the state of being in good condition ; robustness", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"such failures , by calling into question the soundness of the asset structure of all units , tend to modify all desired portfolios .\" What is the definition of \"soundness\"?"} {"term": "balloon", "pos": "", "context": "other similarly coloured decorations included flowers , balloons , the cake and the reception at the hanover international .", "definition": "a small coloured rubber bag which is inflated with air and then sealed at the neck , used as a child 's toy or a decoration", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"other similarly coloured decorations included flowers , balloons , the cake and the reception at the hanover international .\" What is the definition of \"balloon\"?"} {"term": "due", "pos": "", "context": "the house is set into the hillside and faces due south .", "definition": "( with reference to a point of the compass ) exactly ; directly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the house is set into the hillside and faces due south .\" What is the definition of \"due\"?"} {"term": "clack", "pos": "", "context": "the marble floor makes an impressive clack when walked upon it , and all tones are rich and vibrant .", "definition": "a sharp sound or series of sounds", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the marble floor makes an impressive clack when walked upon it , and all tones are rich and vibrant .\" What is the definition of \"clack\"?"} {"term": "mind", "pos": "", "context": "do you mind the time you dyed your hair ? '", "definition": "remember", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"do you mind the time you dyed your hair ? '\" What is the definition of \"mind\"?"} {"term": "mind", "pos": "", "context": "i had a conversation in my mind .", "definition": "a person 's mental processes contrasted with physical action", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i had a conversation in my mind .\" What is the definition of \"mind\"?"} {"term": "mind", "pos": "", "context": "i 'd love to get the bright minds of the game together for a symposium to identify parts of the rulebook we can do without .", "definition": "a person identified with their intellectual faculties", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i 'd love to get the bright minds of the game together for a symposium to identify parts of the rulebook we can do without .\" What is the definition of \"mind\"?"} {"term": "mind", "pos": "", "context": "it 's a tall order but jansen believes his team-mates can achieve their goal if they put their minds to it .", "definition": "a person 's will or determination to achieve something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's a tall order but jansen believes his team-mates can achieve their goal if they put their minds to it .\" What is the definition of \"mind\"?"} {"term": "mind", "pos": "", "context": "the twists and turns of a complicated plot allow the coens to have enormous fun with the high-flying la scene , and no one minds very much if the proceedings are at times yards over the top .", "definition": "object to", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the twists and turns of a complicated plot allow the coens to have enormous fun with the high-flying la scene , and no one minds very much if the proceedings are at times yards over the top .\" What is the definition of \"mind\"?"} {"term": "mind", "pos": "", "context": "every parent experiences that moment when their children , instead of minding their manners , appear to have misplaced them .", "definition": "be careful about the quality or nature of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"every parent experiences that moment when their children , instead of minding their manners , appear to have misplaced them .\" What is the definition of \"mind\"?"} {"term": "mind", "pos": "", "context": "it came to mind", "definition": "recall or remembrance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it came to mind\" What is the definition of \"mind\"?"} {"term": "redistrict", "pos": "", "context": "the party that holds the state governorship and the state legislature is well placed to redistrict to its own advantage .", "definition": "divide or organize ( an area ) into new political or school districts", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the party that holds the state governorship and the state legislature is well placed to redistrict to its own advantage .\" What is the definition of \"redistrict\"?"} {"term": "custom-built", "pos": "", "context": "goliath makes 100 to 150 promotional appearances and travels 40,000 miles in his custom-built horse trailer every year .", "definition": "built or made to a particular customer 's order .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"goliath makes 100 to 150 promotional appearances and travels 40,000 miles in his custom-built horse trailer every year .\" What is the definition of \"custom-built\"?"} {"term": "functional", "pos": "", "context": "they may have functional dyspepsia or diseases such as peptic ulcer or gastro-oesophageal reflux disease .", "definition": "( of a disease ) affecting the operation , rather than the structure , of an organ", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they may have functional dyspepsia or diseases such as peptic ulcer or gastro-oesophageal reflux disease .\" What is the definition of \"functional\"?"} {"term": "functional", "pos": "", "context": "functional education selects knowledge that is concrete and usable rather than abstract and theoretical", "definition": "designed for or adapted to a function or use", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"functional education selects knowledge that is concrete and usable rather than abstract and theoretical\" What is the definition of \"functional\"?"} {"term": "mediterranean", "pos": "", "context": "these worked well , colouring our subject 's lily white skin with a light mediterranean tan while leaving all the other colours in the shot true .", "definition": "relating to or denoting a dark-complexioned human physical type found in some mediterranean countries", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these worked well , colouring our subject 's lily white skin with a light mediterranean tan while leaving all the other colours in the shot true .\" What is the definition of \"mediterranean\"?"} {"term": "aloe", "pos": "", "context": "i was too numb to feel the cool touch of the aloe to my skin .", "definition": "the resin obtained from aloes wood , used in perfume , incense , and medicine .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i was too numb to feel the cool touch of the aloe to my skin .\" What is the definition of \"aloe\"?"} {"term": "endemic", "pos": "", "context": "food shortages and starvation are endemic in certain parts of the world", "definition": "of or relating to a disease ( or anything resembling a disease ) constantly present to greater or lesser extent in a particular locality", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"food shortages and starvation are endemic in certain parts of the world\" What is the definition of \"endemic\"?"} {"term": "durative", "pos": "", "context": "time adverbials introduced by until impose restrictions on the aspectual class of the main clause they combine with : they only combine with durative sentences .", "definition": "denoting or relating to continuing action .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"time adverbials introduced by until impose restrictions on the aspectual class of the main clause they combine with : they only combine with durative sentences .\" What is the definition of \"durative\"?"} {"term": "palatine", "pos": "", "context": "speeding down the m6 , we entered the county palatine of lancashire .", "definition": "( of a territory ) subject to palatine authority .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"speeding down the m6 , we entered the county palatine of lancashire .\" What is the definition of \"palatine\"?"} {"term": "symbiosis", "pos": "", "context": "the visual communication between members bordered on symbiosis as they smoothly switched up guitars , worked pedals , bashed away at keyboards and wailed through guitar solos .", "definition": "a mutually beneficial relationship between different people or groups", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the visual communication between members bordered on symbiosis as they smoothly switched up guitars , worked pedals , bashed away at keyboards and wailed through guitar solos .\" What is the definition of \"symbiosis\"?"} {"term": "scend", "pos": "", "context": "to each foaming scend the ship drove in a curtsey of fury .", "definition": "the push or surge created by a wave .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to each foaming scend the ship drove in a curtsey of fury .\" What is the definition of \"scend\"?"} {"term": "boreen", "pos": "", "context": "the group was transported in a convoy of police vans , ambulances and four-wheel drives , which snaked its way along main roads and boreens to the search area .", "definition": "a narrow country road .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the group was transported in a convoy of police vans , ambulances and four-wheel drives , which snaked its way along main roads and boreens to the search area .\" What is the definition of \"boreen\"?"} {"term": "bother", "pos": "", "context": "we 'd save an awful lot of bother if we just took it .", "definition": "effort , trouble , or difficulty", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we 'd save an awful lot of bother if we just took it .\" What is the definition of \"bother\"?"} {"term": "spiv", "pos": "", "context": "harry is fed up being confused , alarmed and he finds he has seized the little weasel , the little spiv and ground him like pretzel against the dividing panel .", "definition": "a man , typically a flashy dresser , who makes a living by disreputable dealings .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"harry is fed up being confused , alarmed and he finds he has seized the little weasel , the little spiv and ground him like pretzel against the dividing panel .\" What is the definition of \"spiv\"?"} {"term": "waking", "pos": "", "context": "only during the first and last two hours of your waking day is alertness significantly impaired .", "definition": "the state of being awake", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"only during the first and last two hours of your waking day is alertness significantly impaired .\" What is the definition of \"waking\"?"} {"term": "monopod", "pos": "", "context": "passengers scramble from cabins with an arsenal of cameras , long lenses , monopods and binoculars .", "definition": "a one-legged support for a camera or fishing rod .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"passengers scramble from cabins with an arsenal of cameras , long lenses , monopods and binoculars .\" What is the definition of \"monopod\"?"} {"term": "caper", "pos": "", "context": "add the garlic , olives , capers , chopped basil and lemon zest .", "definition": "the cooked and pickled flower bud of a bramble-like southern european shrub , used to flavour food", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"add the garlic , olives , capers , chopped basil and lemon zest .\" What is the definition of \"caper\"?"} {"term": "gammon", "pos": "", "context": "'come , that 's gammon , pink ' said christian .", "definition": "nonsense ; rubbish", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"'come , that 's gammon , pink ' said christian .\" What is the definition of \"gammon\"?"} {"term": "lifebuoy", "pos": "", "context": "as usual bag after bag was filled with litter but , more alarmingly , ten lifebuoys were hauled out from this short stretch .", "definition": "a buoyant support such as a lifebelt for keeping a person afloat in water .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as usual bag after bag was filled with litter but , more alarmingly , ten lifebuoys were hauled out from this short stretch .\" What is the definition of \"lifebuoy\"?"} {"term": "cuirass", "pos": "", "context": "negative-pressure ventilation using a chest cuirass can also be used for daytime ventilation , although current models are not portable .", "definition": "an artificial ventilator which encloses the body , leaving the limbs free , and forces air in and out of the lungs by changes in pressure .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"negative-pressure ventilation using a chest cuirass can also be used for daytime ventilation , although current models are not portable .\" What is the definition of \"cuirass\"?"} {"term": "glade", "pos": "", "context": "she found herself lying on her back , cushioned by a patch of moss in a forest glade .", "definition": "an open space in a wood or forest", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she found herself lying on her back , cushioned by a patch of moss in a forest glade .\" What is the definition of \"glade\"?"} {"term": "draggle", "pos": "", "context": "her fur was staring wet , draggled into points , and her tail was thick with black mud .", "definition": "hang untidily", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her fur was staring wet , draggled into points , and her tail was thick with black mud .\" What is the definition of \"draggle\"?"} {"term": "aggressiveness", "pos": "", "context": "inhalant users exhibited greater density of familial alcoholism and aggressiveness than nonusers .", "definition": "hostile or violent behaviour", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"inhalant users exhibited greater density of familial alcoholism and aggressiveness than nonusers .\" What is the definition of \"aggressiveness\"?"} {"term": "substantive", "pos": "", "context": "nothing has a substantive existence apart from everything else and exists only in the context of everything else .", "definition": "having a separate and independent existence .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nothing has a substantive existence apart from everything else and exists only in the context of everything else .\" What is the definition of \"substantive\"?"} {"term": "substantive", "pos": "", "context": "in many cases they could not have been appointed to a substantive nhs post .", "definition": "( of a rank or appointment ) not acting or temporary ; permanent", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in many cases they could not have been appointed to a substantive nhs post .\" What is the definition of \"substantive\"?"} {"term": "ninth", "pos": "", "context": "frankie dettori , a two-time winner of the event , finished ninth with two points .", "definition": "the ninth finisher or position in a race or competition", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"frankie dettori , a two-time winner of the event , finished ninth with two points .\" What is the definition of \"ninth\"?"} {"term": "ninth", "pos": "", "context": "the e-flat 's doable , but it 's that diminished ninth… that 's a male 's chord .", "definition": "a chord in which the ninth note of the scale forms an important component .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the e-flat 's doable , but it 's that diminished ninth… that 's a male 's chord .\" What is the definition of \"ninth\"?"} {"term": "invoke", "pos": "", "context": "since the attack , canadian authorities have invoked the threat of terrorism to justify a clamp down on protests that extends well beyond kananaskis county .", "definition": "cite or appeal to ( someone or something ) as an authority for an action or in support of an argument", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"since the attack , canadian authorities have invoked the threat of terrorism to justify a clamp down on protests that extends well beyond kananaskis county .\" What is the definition of \"invoke\"?"} {"term": "brill", "pos": "", "context": "customers are great , music 's brill and the barstaff are the best in the city .", "definition": "excellent ; marvellous", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"customers are great , music 's brill and the barstaff are the best in the city .\" What is the definition of \"brill\"?"} {"term": "aldosterone", "pos": "", "context": "it is believed that the formation of melanin is regulated by aldosterone , which is the most active mineralocorticoid hormone secreted by the adrenal cortex .", "definition": "a corticosteroid hormone which stimulates absorption of sodium by the kidneys and so regulates water and salt balance .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is believed that the formation of melanin is regulated by aldosterone , which is the most active mineralocorticoid hormone secreted by the adrenal cortex .\" What is the definition of \"aldosterone\"?"} {"term": "counterstain", "pos": "", "context": "the chromosomes are counterstained with dapi ( light blue ) .", "definition": "treat ( a specimen ) with a counterstain .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the chromosomes are counterstained with dapi ( light blue ) .\" What is the definition of \"counterstain\"?"} {"term": "buy-in", "pos": "", "context": "venture capitalists can assist you in buying a business either by a management buy out of the business you are running or a management buy-in of a suitable business in an area chosen by you .", "definition": "a purchase of shares in a company by managers who are not employed by it .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"venture capitalists can assist you in buying a business either by a management buy out of the business you are running or a management buy-in of a suitable business in an area chosen by you .\" What is the definition of \"buy-in\"?"} {"term": "loan", "pos": "", "context": "the first was whether a commercial loan made by the claimant became the subject matter of a ‘ quistclose trust ’ by virtue of the terms of the loan .", "definition": "an act of lending something to someone", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the first was whether a commercial loan made by the claimant became the subject matter of a ‘ quistclose trust ’ by virtue of the terms of the loan .\" What is the definition of \"loan\"?"} {"term": "style", "pos": "", "context": "here 's part of a speech he gave in sydney during that turbulent campaign , and it 's worth listening to the style of language he uses .", "definition": "a way of using language", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"here 's part of a speech he gave in sydney during that turbulent campaign , and it 's worth listening to the style of language he uses .\" What is the definition of \"style\"?"} {"term": "style", "pos": "", "context": "the aboriginal and torres strait islander commission has ordered prince harry to stop stealing aboriginal symbols and painting styles .", "definition": "a way of painting , writing , composing , building , etc. , characteristic of a particular period , place , person , or movement", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the aboriginal and torres strait islander commission has ordered prince harry to stop stealing aboriginal symbols and painting styles .\" What is the definition of \"style\"?"} {"term": "lapse", "pos": "", "context": "it is not there to punish prosecutors for administrative lapses ; it is there to protect defendants by ensuring that they are kept in prison awaiting trial no longer than is justifiable .", "definition": "the termination of a right or privilege through disuse or failure to follow appropriate procedures .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is not there to punish prosecutors for administrative lapses ; it is there to protect defendants by ensuring that they are kept in prison awaiting trial no longer than is justifiable .\" What is the definition of \"lapse\"?"} {"term": "lapse", "pos": "", "context": "three years elapsed", "definition": "pass by", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"three years elapsed\" What is the definition of \"lapse\"?"} {"term": "supernumerary", "pos": "", "context": "most frequently seen are supernumerary nipples anywhere along the primitive milk line , though true accessory mammary glands are most frequently located in the axilla ( polymastia ) .", "definition": "denoting a structure or organ occurring in addition to the normal ones", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"most frequently seen are supernumerary nipples anywhere along the primitive milk line , though true accessory mammary glands are most frequently located in the axilla ( polymastia ) .\" What is the definition of \"supernumerary\"?"} {"term": "wiretap", "pos": "", "context": "a very high number of private telephone communications are wiretapped under police investigations .", "definition": "use a listening device to conduct surveillance on", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a very high number of private telephone communications are wiretapped under police investigations .\" What is the definition of \"wiretap\"?"} {"term": "deltoid", "pos": "", "context": "in some cases , the deltoid branch of the profunda brachii ( 16 % of individuals ) arises from the brachial or from the superior ulnar collateral .", "definition": "triangular", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in some cases , the deltoid branch of the profunda brachii ( 16 % of individuals ) arises from the brachial or from the superior ulnar collateral .\" What is the definition of \"deltoid\"?"} {"term": "hide-and-seek", "pos": "", "context": "i remember it as a house for christmases , but it was also fantastic for playing hide-and-seek , because you could climb up metal rungs into the chimney and nobody would ever find you .", "definition": "a children 's game in which one or more players hide and the other or others have to look for them .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i remember it as a house for christmases , but it was also fantastic for playing hide-and-seek , because you could climb up metal rungs into the chimney and nobody would ever find you .\" What is the definition of \"hide-and-seek\"?"} {"term": "conscience", "pos": "", "context": "i think therefore that we in the media have to examine our consciences and say we have a responsibility here beyond informing the public .", "definition": "a person 's moral sense of right and wrong , viewed as acting as a guide to one 's behaviour", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i think therefore that we in the media have to examine our consciences and say we have a responsibility here beyond informing the public .\" What is the definition of \"conscience\"?"} {"term": "misalignment", "pos": "", "context": "mild to moderate cases of misalignment can usually be fixed in six to 12 months , but more severe cases can require up to two years of treatment , with regular check-ups on a four - to six-week basis .", "definition": "the incorrect arrangement or position of something in relation to something else", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mild to moderate cases of misalignment can usually be fixed in six to 12 months , but more severe cases can require up to two years of treatment , with regular check-ups on a four - to six-week basis .\" What is the definition of \"misalignment\"?"} {"term": "dragon", "pos": "", "context": "with red-eyed goblins , giant spiders and a fire-breathing dragon , this book is perfect hallowe'en fare .", "definition": "a mythical monster like a giant reptile . in european tradition the dragon is typically fire-breathing and tends to symbolize chaos or evil , whereas in east asia it is usually a beneficent symbol of fertility , associated with water and the heavens .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with red-eyed goblins , giant spiders and a fire-breathing dragon , this book is perfect hallowe'en fare .\" What is the definition of \"dragon\"?"} {"term": "mother", "pos": "", "context": "mr marchant and his wife wanted to return to the uk to be near to their mothers , both of whom are elderly , and live in the south .", "definition": "a woman in relation to her child or children", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mr marchant and his wife wanted to return to the uk to be near to their mothers , both of whom are elderly , and live in the south .\" What is the definition of \"mother\"?"} {"term": "yuan", "pos": "", "context": "the yuan is pegged to the dollar and has not kept pace with the country 's expansion , so making goods even cheaper .", "definition": "the basic monetary unit of china , equal to 10 jiao or 100 fen .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the yuan is pegged to the dollar and has not kept pace with the country 's expansion , so making goods even cheaper .\" What is the definition of \"yuan\"?"} {"term": "honey", "pos": "", "context": "both had chestnut brown hair , purple eyes , and honey tanned skin .", "definition": "a yellowish-brown or golden colour", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"both had chestnut brown hair , purple eyes , and honey tanned skin .\" What is the definition of \"honey\"?"} {"term": "crime", "pos": "", "context": "the deliberate targeting of civilians is a crime against humanity , full stop .", "definition": "an action or activity considered to be evil , shameful , or wrong", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the deliberate targeting of civilians is a crime against humanity , full stop .\" What is the definition of \"crime\"?"} {"term": "dub", "pos": "", "context": "it 's with that in mind that sokel plays everything from dub and reggae to pop and folk music .", "definition": "a style of popular music originating from the remixing of recorded music ( especially reggae ) , typically with the removal of some vocals and instruments and the accentuation of bass guitar .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's with that in mind that sokel plays everything from dub and reggae to pop and folk music .\" What is the definition of \"dub\"?"} {"term": "moonwalk", "pos": "", "context": "michael jackson perfected the moonwalk in the 1980s", "definition": "a kind of dance step in which the dancer seems to be sliding on the spot", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"michael jackson perfected the moonwalk in the 1980s\" What is the definition of \"moonwalk\"?"} {"term": "fixture", "pos": "", "context": "looking at the remaining fixture list , i 've come up with a blueprint for survival and worked out where the points are going to come from .", "definition": "a sporting event arranged to take place on a particular date", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"looking at the remaining fixture list , i 've come up with a blueprint for survival and worked out where the points are going to come from .\" What is the definition of \"fixture\"?"} {"term": "hayfield", "pos": "", "context": "she works to protect hayfields , hedgerows , streams , dew ponds , and their wildlife .", "definition": "a field where grass is grown for making into hay .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she works to protect hayfields , hedgerows , streams , dew ponds , and their wildlife .\" What is the definition of \"hayfield\"?"} {"term": "tree", "pos": "", "context": "on either side of the wooden house were the mere structures of two large trees with no leaves visible .", "definition": "a woody perennial plant , typically having a single stem or trunk growing to a considerable height and bearing lateral branches at some distance from the ground .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on either side of the wooden house were the mere structures of two large trees with no leaves visible .\" What is the definition of \"tree\"?"} {"term": "tree", "pos": "", "context": "i want that filthy vamp found , treed , and worried to bits !", "definition": "force ( someone ) into a difficult situation .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i want that filthy vamp found , treed , and worried to bits !\" What is the definition of \"tree\"?"} {"term": "pedigree", "pos": "", "context": "a litter of week-old pedigree puppies were ritually sacrificed so that their silky soft , pure-white hides could be sewn together to line each shoe .", "definition": "( of an animal ) pure-bred", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a litter of week-old pedigree puppies were ritually sacrificed so that their silky soft , pure-white hides could be sewn together to line each shoe .\" What is the definition of \"pedigree\"?"} {"term": "superoxide", "pos": "", "context": "much of the o2 supporting cellular respiration is reduced to the superoxide anion o2-", "definition": "the univalent anion o2-", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"much of the o2 supporting cellular respiration is reduced to the superoxide anion o2-\" What is the definition of \"superoxide\"?"} {"term": "shallow", "pos": "", "context": "was he the only one who could tell how shallow she was ?", "definition": "not exhibiting , requiring , or capable of serious thought", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"was he the only one who could tell how shallow she was ?\" What is the definition of \"shallow\"?"} {"term": "shallow", "pos": "", "context": "the lake shallowed over time", "definition": "become shallow", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the lake shallowed over time\" What is the definition of \"shallow\"?"} {"term": "valentine", "pos": "", "context": "will you be my valentine ?", "definition": "a sweetheart chosen to receive a greeting on saint valentine 's day", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"will you be my valentine ?\" What is the definition of \"valentine\"?"} {"term": "peewee", "pos": "", "context": "from the atlantic coastline to the pocomoke river and forest , worcester is home to pelicans and peewees , kingbirds and cuckoos , and herons , harriers , and eagles .", "definition": "any of a number of birds with a call that resembles the word ‘ peewee ’ .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"from the atlantic coastline to the pocomoke river and forest , worcester is home to pelicans and peewees , kingbirds and cuckoos , and herons , harriers , and eagles .\" What is the definition of \"peewee\"?"} {"term": "sequester", "pos": "", "context": "he sequestered himself in his study to write a book", "definition": "keep away from others", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he sequestered himself in his study to write a book\" What is the definition of \"sequester\"?"} {"term": "sequester", "pos": "", "context": "the dentist sequesters the tooth he is working on", "definition": "set apart from others", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the dentist sequesters the tooth he is working on\" What is the definition of \"sequester\"?"} {"term": "freight", "pos": "", "context": "for kerouac , the word ‘ beat ’ was freighted with meaning .", "definition": "be laden or burdened with", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for kerouac , the word ‘ beat ’ was freighted with meaning .\" What is the definition of \"freight\"?"} {"term": "file", "pos": "", "context": "for kings on the same file , this is just an odd number of squares between kings !", "definition": "each of the eight rows of eight squares on a chessboard running away from the player towards the opponent .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for kings on the same file , this is just an odd number of squares between kings !\" What is the definition of \"file\"?"} {"term": "file", "pos": "", "context": "the admiral pushed the file towards the edge of the desk .", "definition": "a folder or box for holding loose papers together and in order for easy reference", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the admiral pushed the file towards the edge of the desk .\" What is the definition of \"file\"?"} {"term": "file", "pos": "", "context": "this latest roll call of grand-slam winners is unlikely to be filed away among the classics , all of them celebrating only their first major title .", "definition": "place ( a document ) in a cabinet , box , or folder in a particular order", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this latest roll call of grand-slam winners is unlikely to be filed away among the classics , all of them celebrating only their first major title .\" What is the definition of \"file\"?"} {"term": "sing-song", "pos": "", "context": "andrea began teasing in a lilting sing-song voice , ‘ brandon 's got a girlfriend , brandon 's got a girlfriend ! ’", "definition": "( of a person 's voice ) having a repeated rising and falling rhythm", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"andrea began teasing in a lilting sing-song voice , ‘ brandon 's got a girlfriend , brandon 's got a girlfriend ! ’\" What is the definition of \"sing-song\"?"} {"term": "bombardier", "pos": "", "context": "harold ings , 86 , a bombardier with the royal artillery was one of the soldiers whose unit was surrounded by germans in occupied france .", "definition": "a rank of non-commissioned officer in certain artillery regiments , equivalent to corporal .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"harold ings , 86 , a bombardier with the royal artillery was one of the soldiers whose unit was surrounded by germans in occupied france .\" What is the definition of \"bombardier\"?"} {"term": "emote", "pos": "", "context": "the one real weakness is the central performance by a less than distinguished actor who tends to go overboard when he tries to emote .", "definition": "( especially of an actor ) portray emotion in a theatrical manner", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the one real weakness is the central performance by a less than distinguished actor who tends to go overboard when he tries to emote .\" What is the definition of \"emote\"?"} {"term": "tare", "pos": "", "context": "and they want lighter tare weights , zero maintenance , and more automatic transmissions .", "definition": "the weight of a motor vehicle , railway carriage , or aircraft without its fuel or load .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and they want lighter tare weights , zero maintenance , and more automatic transmissions .\" What is the definition of \"tare\"?"} {"term": "national", "pos": "", "context": "national interests", "definition": "limited to or in the interests of a particular nation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"national interests\" What is the definition of \"national\"?"} {"term": "national", "pos": "", "context": "english classes are available to foreign nationals , who wish to learn both spoken and written english .", "definition": "a citizen of a particular country", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"english classes are available to foreign nationals , who wish to learn both spoken and written english .\" What is the definition of \"national\"?"} {"term": "sidetrack", "pos": "", "context": "it is easy to get sidetracked and distracted by events of apparent urgency but low importance .", "definition": "cause ( someone ) to be distracted from an immediate or important issue", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is easy to get sidetracked and distracted by events of apparent urgency but low importance .\" What is the definition of \"sidetrack\"?"} {"term": "specialist", "pos": "", "context": "this is a fine book that speaks both to the general reader and the specialist historian .", "definition": "possessing or involving detailed knowledge or study of a restricted topic", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this is a fine book that speaks both to the general reader and the specialist historian .\" What is the definition of \"specialist\"?"} {"term": "ramie", "pos": "", "context": "potential sources being tested include soy , hemp , ramie , kenaf stems , pineapple and henequen leaves , and banana stems .", "definition": "a vegetable fibre noted for its length and toughness .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"potential sources being tested include soy , hemp , ramie , kenaf stems , pineapple and henequen leaves , and banana stems .\" What is the definition of \"ramie\"?"} {"term": "ramie", "pos": "", "context": "i would like to dye them both darker colors - but linen is traditionally one of the more difficult natural fibers to dye , and i do n't know anything about dying ramie at all , except that it is ‘ similar ’ to flax .", "definition": "cloth woven from ramie .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i would like to dye them both darker colors - but linen is traditionally one of the more difficult natural fibers to dye , and i do n't know anything about dying ramie at all , except that it is ‘ similar ’ to flax .\" What is the definition of \"ramie\"?"} {"term": "crater", "pos": "", "context": "microscopic bumps and craters on the painted surface tend to attract and contain dirt .", "definition": "a cavity or hole in a surface", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"microscopic bumps and craters on the painted surface tend to attract and contain dirt .\" What is the definition of \"crater\"?"} {"term": "angry", "pos": "", "context": "my blood begins to boil and my hair and eyes take on the angry shade of fire engine red .", "definition": "( of a wound or sore ) red and inflamed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my blood begins to boil and my hair and eyes take on the angry shade of fire engine red .\" What is the definition of \"angry\"?"} {"term": "vincristine", "pos": "", "context": "of the plant-derived anticancer drugs in clinical use , the best known are the alkaloids vinblastine and vincristine , isolated from the madagascar periwinkle , catharanthus roseus .", "definition": "a cytotoxic compound of the alkaloid class obtained from the madagascar periwinkle and used to treat acute leukaemia and other cancers .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"of the plant-derived anticancer drugs in clinical use , the best known are the alkaloids vinblastine and vincristine , isolated from the madagascar periwinkle , catharanthus roseus .\" What is the definition of \"vincristine\"?"} {"term": "whitethroat", "pos": "", "context": "‘ breeding numbers of species such as whitethroat are substantially lower in drier years , so further declines in trans-saharan migrants might be expected with climate change , ’ the authors wrote .", "definition": "a migratory eurasian and north african warbler with a grey head and white throat .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ breeding numbers of species such as whitethroat are substantially lower in drier years , so further declines in trans-saharan migrants might be expected with climate change , ’ the authors wrote .\" What is the definition of \"whitethroat\"?"} {"term": "fake", "pos": "", "context": "then he opens his empty hand and smiles at me , and i say , ‘ you faked me out ! ’", "definition": "trick or deceive someone .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"then he opens his empty hand and smiles at me , and i say , ‘ you faked me out ! ’\" What is the definition of \"fake\"?"} {"term": "fake", "pos": "", "context": "after the death of his wife , thomas faked a will in her name to avoid certain legal complications .", "definition": "forge or counterfeit ( something )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after the death of his wife , thomas faked a will in her name to avoid certain legal complications .\" What is the definition of \"fake\"?"} {"term": "monosomy", "pos": "", "context": "one plant lacked all six chromosome 12 markers , which indicates possible monosomy , and the other lacked just a terminal marker from the end of chromosome 10 .", "definition": "the condition of having a diploid chromosome complement in which one chromosome lacks its homologous partner .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one plant lacked all six chromosome 12 markers , which indicates possible monosomy , and the other lacked just a terminal marker from the end of chromosome 10 .\" What is the definition of \"monosomy\"?"} {"term": "hopper", "pos": "", "context": "a bid for a grant to extend the local hopper bus service was one way of persuading drivers to leave their cars at home .", "definition": "a person or thing that hops", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bid for a grant to extend the local hopper bus service was one way of persuading drivers to leave their cars at home .\" What is the definition of \"hopper\"?"} {"term": "hopper", "pos": "", "context": "at hopscotch , the best hoppers are the children", "definition": "someone who hops", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at hopscotch , the best hoppers are the children\" What is the definition of \"hopper\"?"} {"term": "vertical", "pos": "", "context": "there are two types of vertical market-places , which bring buyers and sellers together to facilitate transactions .", "definition": "involving all the stages from the production to the sale of a class of goods", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there are two types of vertical market-places , which bring buyers and sellers together to facilitate transactions .\" What is the definition of \"vertical\"?"} {"term": "vertical", "pos": "", "context": "from the horizontal line that crossed the vertical , the line curved around and met the bottom end of the vertical .", "definition": "a vertical line or plane", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"from the horizontal line that crossed the vertical , the line curved around and met the bottom end of the vertical .\" What is the definition of \"vertical\"?"} {"term": "exordium", "pos": "", "context": "what he finally said , after a long exordium , was that at the earliest opportunity a democratic congress should determine france 's political future .", "definition": "the beginning or introductory part , especially of a discourse or treatise .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"what he finally said , after a long exordium , was that at the earliest opportunity a democratic congress should determine france 's political future .\" What is the definition of \"exordium\"?"} {"term": "i-beam", "pos": "", "context": "the upright panels acknowledged the white i-beams , which participated in all but the most oblique view of the mural .", "definition": "a girder which has the shape of an i when viewed in section .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the upright panels acknowledged the white i-beams , which participated in all but the most oblique view of the mural .\" What is the definition of \"i-beam\"?"} {"term": "forte", "pos": "", "context": "the forte is used to parry , the medio to engage and the debole to hit .", "definition": "the part of a sword blade from the hilt to the middle .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the forte is used to parry , the medio to engage and the debole to hit .\" What is the definition of \"forte\"?"} {"term": "zonal", "pos": "", "context": "a zonal pattern of cell structure", "definition": "associated with or divided into zones", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a zonal pattern of cell structure\" What is the definition of \"zonal\"?"} {"term": "demigod", "pos": "", "context": "then she prayed to all the demigods , and they all appeared there .", "definition": "a being with partial or lesser divine status , such as a minor deity , the offspring of a god and a mortal , or a mortal raised to divine rank", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"then she prayed to all the demigods , and they all appeared there .\" What is the definition of \"demigod\"?"} {"term": "desert", "pos": "", "context": "for millennia , people have successfully converted desert landscapes into agricultural land through irrigation .", "definition": "like a desert", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for millennia , people have successfully converted desert landscapes into agricultural land through irrigation .\" What is the definition of \"desert\"?"} {"term": "desert", "pos": "", "context": "it was pleasant to see a vast desert of lapwings , for these birds have quite disappeared from the part of north cheshire in which i live .", "definition": "a flock of lapwings", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was pleasant to see a vast desert of lapwings , for these birds have quite disappeared from the part of north cheshire in which i live .\" What is the definition of \"desert\"?"} {"term": "desert", "pos": "", "context": "viewers ca n't help but wonder why the place was deserted , and imagine the noise and fun of the games before .", "definition": "( of people ) leave ( a place ) , causing it to appear empty", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"viewers ca n't help but wonder why the place was deserted , and imagine the noise and fun of the games before .\" What is the definition of \"desert\"?"} {"term": "module", "pos": "", "context": "if the decision is made to use a space station module careful preparations will have to be made .", "definition": "a detachable self-contained unit of a spacecraft", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if the decision is made to use a space station module careful preparations will have to be made .\" What is the definition of \"module\"?"} {"term": "hospitalization", "pos": "", "context": "a doctor may recommend hospitalization for the initial evaluation and treatment of tb .", "definition": "admission to hospital for treatment", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a doctor may recommend hospitalization for the initial evaluation and treatment of tb .\" What is the definition of \"hospitalization\"?"} {"term": "lava", "pos": "", "context": "the tuffs and lava were derived from a nearby andesitic volcanic centre .", "definition": "hot molten or semi-fluid rock erupted from a volcano or fissure , or solid rock resulting from cooling of this", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the tuffs and lava were derived from a nearby andesitic volcanic centre .\" What is the definition of \"lava\"?"} {"term": "overflow", "pos": "", "context": "this may result in unexpected application behavior , accessing a defunct application , incomplete database records or buffer overflow .", "definition": "the generation of a number or other data item which is too large for the assigned location or memory space .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this may result in unexpected application behavior , accessing a defunct application , incomplete database records or buffer overflow .\" What is the definition of \"overflow\"?"} {"term": "overflow", "pos": "", "context": "that 's the only area where we have any significant overflow .", "definition": "the excess or surplus not able to be accommodated by an available space", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that 's the only area where we have any significant overflow .\" What is the definition of \"overflow\"?"} {"term": "tester", "pos": "", "context": "a hypodermic syringe tester from testing machines inc. provides precise measurement of the force required to move the plunger in either direction .", "definition": "a device that tests the functioning of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a hypodermic syringe tester from testing machines inc. provides precise measurement of the force required to move the plunger in either direction .\" What is the definition of \"tester\"?"} {"term": "unexpectedness", "pos": "", "context": "the unexpectedness of the warm welcome", "definition": "extraordinariness by virtue of being unexpected", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the unexpectedness of the warm welcome\" What is the definition of \"unexpectedness\"?"} {"term": "violator", "pos": "", "context": "their government is a standout violator of press freedom .", "definition": "a person who treats something with irreverence or disrespect", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their government is a standout violator of press freedom .\" What is the definition of \"violator\"?"} {"term": "float", "pos": "", "context": "each float was supported by front and rear n-struts attached to the bottom longerons of the fuselage and the front and rear stub-wing spars .", "definition": "a hollow structure fixed underneath an aircraft enabling it to take off and land on water .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"each float was supported by front and rear n-struts attached to the bottom longerons of the fuselage and the front and rear stub-wing spars .\" What is the definition of \"float\"?"} {"term": "gnaw", "pos": "", "context": "on the one hand , fear and worry gnawed at his gut .", "definition": "cause persistent distress or anxiety", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on the one hand , fear and worry gnawed at his gut .\" What is the definition of \"gnaw\"?"} {"term": "gnaw", "pos": "", "context": "she gnaws a steak with her mouth open , picks her teeth with her fingernails , laughs with a porcine snort and drinks beer out of the bottle .", "definition": "bite at or nibble ( something ) so as to wear it away", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she gnaws a steak with her mouth open , picks her teeth with her fingernails , laughs with a porcine snort and drinks beer out of the bottle .\" What is the definition of \"gnaw\"?"} {"term": "stifle", "pos": "", "context": "he stifled a groan and touched her cheek , soft and flushed with sleep .", "definition": "restrain ( a reaction ) or stop oneself acting on ( an emotion )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he stifled a groan and touched her cheek , soft and flushed with sleep .\" What is the definition of \"stifle\"?"} {"term": "stifle", "pos": "", "context": "stifle your curiosity", "definition": "smother or suppress", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stifle your curiosity\" What is the definition of \"stifle\"?"} {"term": "ebonics", "pos": "", "context": "consider the attempt to encourage speaking ebonics in schools in oakland , california .", "definition": "american black english regarded as a language in its own right rather than as a dialect of standard english .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"consider the attempt to encourage speaking ebonics in schools in oakland , california .\" What is the definition of \"ebonics\"?"} {"term": "dative", "pos": "", "context": "classical mongolian had seven cases , all clearly distinguished , in contrast to latin : nominative , accusative , dative , genitive , ablative , instrumental , and comitative .", "definition": "a noun or other word in the dative case .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"classical mongolian had seven cases , all clearly distinguished , in contrast to latin : nominative , accusative , dative , genitive , ablative , instrumental , and comitative .\" What is the definition of \"dative\"?"} {"term": "electroscope", "pos": "", "context": "by suspending pieces of tape from a straw , you can build an electroscope , a device that detects electrical charge .", "definition": "an instrument for detecting and measuring electricity , especially as an indication of the ionization of air by radioactivity .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"by suspending pieces of tape from a straw , you can build an electroscope , a device that detects electrical charge .\" What is the definition of \"electroscope\"?"} {"term": "cline", "pos": "", "context": "in that study , the deflexus characters were reported to change to inflexus , and to coincide with a reduction in flower size along the geographical cline .", "definition": "a gradation in one or more characteristics within a species or other taxon , especially between different populations .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in that study , the deflexus characters were reported to change to inflexus , and to coincide with a reduction in flower size along the geographical cline .\" What is the definition of \"cline\"?"} {"term": "hook", "pos": "", "context": "he arranged two lines of men with flails , clubs , pitchforks , sickles , and reaping hooks .", "definition": "a curved cutting instrument , especially as used for reaping or shearing .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he arranged two lines of men with flails , clubs , pitchforks , sickles , and reaping hooks .\" What is the definition of \"hook\"?"} {"term": "hook", "pos": "", "context": "his opponent hooked him badly", "definition": "hit with a hook", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his opponent hooked him badly\" What is the definition of \"hook\"?"} {"term": "hook", "pos": "", "context": "during the late afternoon i hooked a fish on my lighter rod , a fish which actually put up a bit of resistance .", "definition": "catch with a hook", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"during the late afternoon i hooked a fish on my lighter rod , a fish which actually put up a bit of resistance .\" What is the definition of \"hook\"?"} {"term": "vessel", "pos": "", "context": "the bridge only opens with two keys , at the moment it is high and open , which would allow ships and other nautical vessels to pass beneath us .", "definition": "a ship or large boat .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the bridge only opens with two keys , at the moment it is high and open , which would allow ships and other nautical vessels to pass beneath us .\" What is the definition of \"vessel\"?"} {"term": "reap", "pos": "", "context": "as housing values have soared , builders have reaped lush margins by building on the cheap land that they acquired several years earlier .", "definition": "receive ( something , especially something beneficial ) as a consequence of one 's own or another 's actions", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as housing values have soared , builders have reaped lush margins by building on the cheap land that they acquired several years earlier .\" What is the definition of \"reap\"?"} {"term": "gusher", "pos": "", "context": "midland is of course a flat , once dusty ( since paved ) texas oil town closer to gushers than geysers .", "definition": "an oil well from which oil flows profusely without being pumped .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"midland is of course a flat , once dusty ( since paved ) texas oil town closer to gushers than geysers .\" What is the definition of \"gusher\"?"} {"term": "chiropractic", "pos": "", "context": "it was the beginning of a new phase in chiropractic and complementary healthcare !", "definition": "a system of complementary medicine based on the diagnosis and manipulative treatment of misalignments of the joints , especially those of the spinal column , which are believed to cause other disorders by affecting the nerves , muscles , and organs .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was the beginning of a new phase in chiropractic and complementary healthcare !\" What is the definition of \"chiropractic\"?"} {"term": "dramatic", "pos": "", "context": "i 'm not dramatic about anything that happens to me in this game or within my life .", "definition": "( of a person or their behaviour ) intending or intended to create an effect ; theatrical", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i 'm not dramatic about anything that happens to me in this game or within my life .\" What is the definition of \"dramatic\"?"} {"term": "civics", "pos": "", "context": "impressed and delighted by her attitude , the judge invited her into his chambers where he quizzed her about american history and civics for half an hour .", "definition": "the study of the rights and duties of citizenship .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"impressed and delighted by her attitude , the judge invited her into his chambers where he quizzed her about american history and civics for half an hour .\" What is the definition of \"civics\"?"} {"term": "asphyxiation", "pos": "", "context": "asphyxiation is sometimes used as a form of torture", "definition": "the condition of being deprived of oxygen ( as by having breathing stopped )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"asphyxiation is sometimes used as a form of torture\" What is the definition of \"asphyxiation\"?"} {"term": "chaser", "pos": "", "context": "hayley , who considered quitting after missing out on the last olympics , finished a massive 40 seconds clear of her chasers in a time of 22 minutes 28 seconds .", "definition": "a person or thing that pursues someone or something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hayley , who considered quitting after missing out on the last olympics , finished a massive 40 seconds clear of her chasers in a time of 22 minutes 28 seconds .\" What is the definition of \"chaser\"?"} {"term": "nanosecond", "pos": "", "context": "god forbid that we should think for a nanosecond that he was driven by any thought of principle , ethics , humanity or compassion .", "definition": "a very short time ; a moment", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"god forbid that we should think for a nanosecond that he was driven by any thought of principle , ethics , humanity or compassion .\" What is the definition of \"nanosecond\"?"} {"term": "conclusion", "pos": "", "context": "jump to a conclusion", "definition": "an intuitive assumption", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"jump to a conclusion\" What is the definition of \"conclusion\"?"} {"term": "conclusion", "pos": "", "context": "reid gave hume credit for taking locke 's premisses to their logical conclusion .", "definition": "a proposition that is reached from given premises .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"reid gave hume credit for taking locke 's premisses to their logical conclusion .\" What is the definition of \"conclusion\"?"} {"term": "mutilate", "pos": "", "context": "the madman mutilates art work", "definition": "destroy or injure severely", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the madman mutilates art work\" What is the definition of \"mutilate\"?"} {"term": "fastness", "pos": "", "context": "from time to time , he visited the manikin and presented him with scrolls written in a secret language to provide him with a library in the fastness of his attic retreat .", "definition": "a secure place well protected by natural features", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"from time to time , he visited the manikin and presented him with scrolls written in a secret language to provide him with a library in the fastness of his attic retreat .\" What is the definition of \"fastness\"?"} {"term": "allotrope", "pos": "", "context": "graphite and diamond are allotropes of carbon", "definition": "a structurally different form of an element", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"graphite and diamond are allotropes of carbon\" What is the definition of \"allotrope\"?"} {"term": "testimonial", "pos": "", "context": "mr carvey , 20 , of eastcliff avenue , is to receive a testimonial on parchment and his tendring council colleague mr sacre , also 20 , of oliver close is to get a certificate of commendation .", "definition": "a public tribute to someone and to their achievements .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mr carvey , 20 , of eastcliff avenue , is to receive a testimonial on parchment and his tendring council colleague mr sacre , also 20 , of oliver close is to get a certificate of commendation .\" What is the definition of \"testimonial\"?"} {"term": "execution", "pos": "", "context": "a feature of these paintings is their abrasive , primitivist style of conception and execution .", "definition": "the technique or style with which an artistic work is produced or carried out", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a feature of these paintings is their abrasive , primitivist style of conception and execution .\" What is the definition of \"execution\"?"} {"term": "execution", "pos": "", "context": "in case of an error or any anomaly during the execution of a program , the kernel can use signals to notify the process .", "definition": "the performance of an instruction or program .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in case of an error or any anomaly during the execution of a program , the kernel can use signals to notify the process .\" What is the definition of \"execution\"?"} {"term": "court", "pos": "", "context": "the court surrounded and , to some extent , protected the ruler .", "definition": "a sovereign and his or her councillors , constituting a ruling power", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the court surrounded and , to some extent , protected the ruler .\" What is the definition of \"court\"?"} {"term": "court", "pos": "", "context": "the hotel has it 's own private beach , gym , tennis squash and badminton courts .", "definition": "a quadrangular area , either open or covered , marked out for ball games such as tennis or squash", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the hotel has it 's own private beach , gym , tennis squash and badminton courts .\" What is the definition of \"court\"?"} {"term": "chord", "pos": "", "context": "on a practical level , the trusses also provide the framework for the second floor , which is suspended from the bottom chords of the trusses .", "definition": "each of the two principal members of a truss", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on a practical level , the trusses also provide the framework for the second floor , which is suspended from the bottom chords of the trusses .\" What is the definition of \"chord\"?"} {"term": "chord", "pos": "", "context": "de triangulis is in five books , the first of which gives the basic definitions : quantity , ratio , equality , circles , arcs , chords , and the sine function .", "definition": "a straight line joining the ends of an arc .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"de triangulis is in five books , the first of which gives the basic definitions : quantity , ratio , equality , circles , arcs , chords , and the sine function .\" What is the definition of \"chord\"?"} {"term": "prominent", "pos": "", "context": "both artists are prominent in bulgaria 's art world and work with graphics and water colours .", "definition": "important ; famous", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"both artists are prominent in bulgaria 's art world and work with graphics and water colours .\" What is the definition of \"prominent\"?"} {"term": "seasoning", "pos": "", "context": "many quality-conscious wine-makers will pay a premium for wood dried in the open air , however , and an increasing number of them actually select and buy their own wood in advance of seasoning .", "definition": "the process of adjusting the moisture content of wood to make it more suitable for use as timber", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"many quality-conscious wine-makers will pay a premium for wood dried in the open air , however , and an increasing number of them actually select and buy their own wood in advance of seasoning .\" What is the definition of \"seasoning\"?"} {"term": "shear", "pos": "", "context": "shear the wool off the lamb", "definition": "cut or cut through with shears", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shear the wool off the lamb\" What is the definition of \"shear\"?"} {"term": "ethnic", "pos": "", "context": "in 1998 , just before then president suharto stepped down , unrest and arson destroyed or damaged hundreds of properties belonging to ethnic chinese in solo .", "definition": "denoting origin by birth or descent rather than by present nationality", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in 1998 , just before then president suharto stepped down , unrest and arson destroyed or damaged hundreds of properties belonging to ethnic chinese in solo .\" What is the definition of \"ethnic\"?"} {"term": "fetishist", "pos": "", "context": "turns out that this western civ fetishist does n't know his bible or his shakespeare .", "definition": "a person who has an excessive and irrational devotion or commitment to a particular thing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"turns out that this western civ fetishist does n't know his bible or his shakespeare .\" What is the definition of \"fetishist\"?"} {"term": "baker", "pos": "", "context": "i just thought i would pass along the results of an experiment i did with my waffle baker .", "definition": "an oven for a particular purpose", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i just thought i would pass along the results of an experiment i did with my waffle baker .\" What is the definition of \"baker\"?"} {"term": "anaphora", "pos": "", "context": "null complement anaphora refers to an elliptical construction in which a vp or ip complement of a verb is dropped .", "definition": "the use of a word referring back to a word used earlier in a text or conversation , to avoid repetition , for example the pronouns he , she , it , and they and the verb do in i like it and so do they .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"null complement anaphora refers to an elliptical construction in which a vp or ip complement of a verb is dropped .\" What is the definition of \"anaphora\"?"} {"term": "pleomorphism", "pos": "", "context": "the spindle cells showed moderate nuclear pleomorphism and scattered mitotic figures .", "definition": "the occurrence of more than one distinct form of a natural object , such as a crystalline substance , a virus , the cells in a tumour , or an organism at different stages of the life cycle .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the spindle cells showed moderate nuclear pleomorphism and scattered mitotic figures .\" What is the definition of \"pleomorphism\"?"} {"term": "aigrette", "pos": "", "context": "crown jewels of iran - this aigrette measures approximately 12 inches long and 4 inches wide .", "definition": "a headdress consisting of a white egret 's feather or other decoration such as a spray of gems .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"crown jewels of iran - this aigrette measures approximately 12 inches long and 4 inches wide .\" What is the definition of \"aigrette\"?"} {"term": "little", "pos": "", "context": "deviating from the install instructions for a device is always a little dangerous .", "definition": "to a small extent", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"deviating from the install instructions for a device is always a little dangerous .\" What is the definition of \"little\"?"} {"term": "little", "pos": "", "context": "they pointed out how little human nature has changed over the last thousand years .", "definition": "hardly or not at all", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they pointed out how little human nature has changed over the last thousand years .\" What is the definition of \"little\"?"} {"term": "sudanese", "pos": "", "context": "he complements his trilingual abilities—he speaks english , arabic and a sudanese dialect— with a qualifying sat score and a 3.0-plus gpa .", "definition": "relating to or characteristic of sudan or its people", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he complements his trilingual abilities—he speaks english , arabic and a sudanese dialect— with a qualifying sat score and a 3.0-plus gpa .\" What is the definition of \"sudanese\"?"} {"term": "accomplishment", "pos": "", "context": "dmitri mendeleev 's discovery of the periodic law in the late 1860s was a remarkable accomplishment .", "definition": "something that has been achieved successfully", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dmitri mendeleev 's discovery of the periodic law in the late 1860s was a remarkable accomplishment .\" What is the definition of \"accomplishment\"?"} {"term": "pyramid", "pos": "", "context": "the rails that trains run on underground in coal mines are stacked on bogeys in a pyramid shape .", "definition": "a polyhedron of which one face is a polygon of any number of sides , and the other faces are triangles with a common vertex", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the rails that trains run on underground in coal mines are stacked on bogeys in a pyramid shape .\" What is the definition of \"pyramid\"?"} {"term": "biological", "pos": "", "context": "ibm has unveiled an ambitious initiative to develop technologies that share the basic biological abilities of living organisms .", "definition": "relating to biology or living organisms .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ibm has unveiled an ambitious initiative to develop technologies that share the basic biological abilities of living organisms .\" What is the definition of \"biological\"?"} {"term": "visibility", "pos": "", "context": "we use them as a marketing office , to talk about the products and create some visibility .", "definition": "the degree to which something has attracted general attention ; prominence", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we use them as a marketing office , to talk about the products and create some visibility .\" What is the definition of \"visibility\"?"} {"term": "sepsis", "pos": "", "context": "no reports were made of wound infection or neonatal sepsis .", "definition": "the presence in tissues of harmful bacteria and their toxins , typically through infection of a wound .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"no reports were made of wound infection or neonatal sepsis .\" What is the definition of \"sepsis\"?"} {"term": "allotment", "pos": "", "context": "other measures , most notably the burke act of 1906 , allowed indians to sell their allotments .", "definition": "a piece of land made over by the government to an american indian .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"other measures , most notably the burke act of 1906 , allowed indians to sell their allotments .\" What is the definition of \"allotment\"?"} {"term": "deforestation", "pos": "", "context": "more importantly , the rate of deforestation appears to be accelerating .", "definition": "the action of clearing a wide area of trees", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"more importantly , the rate of deforestation appears to be accelerating .\" What is the definition of \"deforestation\"?"} {"term": "scrounger", "pos": "", "context": "underlying the tories ' agenda is the hidden assumption that immigration is bad : that immigrants are a bunch of scroungers who want to live off the fat of the land we have created .", "definition": "a person who borrows from or lives off others", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"underlying the tories ' agenda is the hidden assumption that immigration is bad : that immigrants are a bunch of scroungers who want to live off the fat of the land we have created .\" What is the definition of \"scrounger\"?"} {"term": "mx", "pos": "", "context": "recent moves in brighton , for instance , to allow the use of mx as a title , have detractors as well as supporters within the trans community", "definition": "a title used before a person 's surname or full name by those who wish to avoid specifying their gender or by those who prefer not to identify themselves as male or female", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"recent moves in brighton , for instance , to allow the use of mx as a title , have detractors as well as supporters within the trans community\" What is the definition of \"mx\"?"} {"term": "narrator", "pos": "", "context": "pushkin 's narrators are only schematically described , because what matters is not who they are but how they perceive the world .", "definition": "a person who narrates something , especially a character who recounts the events of a novel or narrative poem", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pushkin 's narrators are only schematically described , because what matters is not who they are but how they perceive the world .\" What is the definition of \"narrator\"?"} {"term": "credence", "pos": "", "context": "the very fact that i visit this site and read these articles lends credence to the assumption that i do find useful and true ideas here .", "definition": "the likelihood of something being true ; plausibility", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the very fact that i visit this site and read these articles lends credence to the assumption that i do find useful and true ideas here .\" What is the definition of \"credence\"?"} {"term": "soursop", "pos": "", "context": "lianas and tree ferns tangled above thickets of bougainvillaea and night flowering cereus : on either side rose great cathedrals of tamarind , buttressed by bushes of nutmeg and spandrels of soursop .", "definition": "the evergreen tropical american tree which bears soursops .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lianas and tree ferns tangled above thickets of bougainvillaea and night flowering cereus : on either side rose great cathedrals of tamarind , buttressed by bushes of nutmeg and spandrels of soursop .\" What is the definition of \"soursop\"?"} {"term": "ark", "pos": "", "context": "so many of the chapters offer versions of the ark , boats built for human survival against the storms of god and/or nature .", "definition": "a ship or boat .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so many of the chapters offer versions of the ark , boats built for human survival against the storms of god and/or nature .\" What is the definition of \"ark\"?"} {"term": "sundrops", "pos": "", "context": "the bright flowers of sundrops liven up perennial borders and wildflower meadows .", "definition": "a day-flowering north american plant with yellow flowers , related to the evening primrose .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the bright flowers of sundrops liven up perennial borders and wildflower meadows .\" What is the definition of \"sundrops\"?"} {"term": "signature", "pos": "", "context": "here you can be massaged to within an inch of levitation , especially with its signature product , the royal banyan treatment .", "definition": "a distinctive pattern , product , or characteristic by which someone or something can be identified", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"here you can be massaged to within an inch of levitation , especially with its signature product , the royal banyan treatment .\" What is the definition of \"signature\"?"} {"term": "signature", "pos": "", "context": "i will prepare the appointment documents and forward them to you for signature .", "definition": "the action of signing a document", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i will prepare the appointment documents and forward them to you for signature .\" What is the definition of \"signature\"?"} {"term": "minute", "pos": "", "context": "the secretary keeps the minutes of the meeting", "definition": "a short note", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the secretary keeps the minutes of the meeting\" What is the definition of \"minute\"?"} {"term": "sanctuary", "pos": "", "context": "at the time of the shooting , he said , a protestant sister congregation that lacks its own sanctuary was worshipping at the dominican church , as it has for 30 years .", "definition": "a holy place ; a temple", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at the time of the shooting , he said , a protestant sister congregation that lacks its own sanctuary was worshipping at the dominican church , as it has for 30 years .\" What is the definition of \"sanctuary\"?"} {"term": "pedestal", "pos": "", "context": "pottery includes globular vessels with cylindrical necks , pedestalled bowls , and one-handled cups , sometimes with embossed ornament .", "definition": "set or support on a pedestal", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pottery includes globular vessels with cylindrical necks , pedestalled bowls , and one-handled cups , sometimes with embossed ornament .\" What is the definition of \"pedestal\"?"} {"term": "nabataean", "pos": "", "context": "within the gaunt pinnacles , in colours that represent ores and igneous rock , ancient egyptians , semites and nabataeans have left evidence of passage .", "definition": "a member of an ancient arabian people who from 312 bc formed an independent kingdom with its capital at petra ( now in jordan ) . the kingdom was allied to the roman empire from 63 bc and incorporated as the province of arabia in ad 106 .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"within the gaunt pinnacles , in colours that represent ores and igneous rock , ancient egyptians , semites and nabataeans have left evidence of passage .\" What is the definition of \"nabataean\"?"} {"term": "indebtedness", "pos": "", "context": "we sold the horses , and there still was n't enough money to satisfy the indebtedness .", "definition": "the condition of owing money", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we sold the horses , and there still was n't enough money to satisfy the indebtedness .\" What is the definition of \"indebtedness\"?"} {"term": "burgage", "pos": "", "context": "it has been the practice in ipswich from antiquity that no tenant of tenements in the town held by free burgage do homage or fealty for them to the property 's chief lord .", "definition": "( in england and scotland ) tenure by which land or property in a town was held in return for service or annual rent .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it has been the practice in ipswich from antiquity that no tenant of tenements in the town held by free burgage do homage or fealty for them to the property 's chief lord .\" What is the definition of \"burgage\"?"} {"term": "scalp", "pos": "", "context": "they wanted to take his scalp as a trophy", "definition": "the skin that covers the top of the head", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they wanted to take his scalp as a trophy\" What is the definition of \"scalp\"?"} {"term": "shawnee", "pos": "", "context": "the prophet was also known as lalawethika or tenskwatawa and was the brother of the shawnee warrior tecumseh .", "definition": "relating to the shawnee or their language .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the prophet was also known as lalawethika or tenskwatawa and was the brother of the shawnee warrior tecumseh .\" What is the definition of \"shawnee\"?"} {"term": "flaming", "pos": "", "context": "it would rain water one minute and summer weather like flaming coals the next , the heat from the sun beating on its victim .", "definition": "very hot", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it would rain water one minute and summer weather like flaming coals the next , the heat from the sun beating on its victim .\" What is the definition of \"flaming\"?"} {"term": "turtle", "pos": "", "context": "she told me about escoffier 's cookbook and its recipe for turtle soup .", "definition": "the flesh of a sea turtle , especially the green turtle , used chiefly for soup .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she told me about escoffier 's cookbook and its recipe for turtle soup .\" What is the definition of \"turtle\"?"} {"term": "osprey", "pos": "", "context": "the creek also is home to ospreys and great blue herons .", "definition": "a large fish-eating bird of prey with long , narrow wings and a white underside and crown , found throughout the world .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the creek also is home to ospreys and great blue herons .\" What is the definition of \"osprey\"?"} {"term": "mutter", "pos": "", "context": "i heard both murmurs of approval and mutters of discontent .", "definition": "a barely audible utterance , especially one expressing dissatisfaction or irritation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i heard both murmurs of approval and mutters of discontent .\" What is the definition of \"mutter\"?"} {"term": "dam", "pos": "", "context": "nearby , a smaller lake was created by damming a tributary creek .", "definition": "build a dam across ( a river or lake )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nearby , a smaller lake was created by damming a tributary creek .\" What is the definition of \"dam\"?"} {"term": "snit", "pos": "", "context": "she was in too much of a snit to really pay attention to him .", "definition": "a fit of irritation ; a sulk", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was in too much of a snit to really pay attention to him .\" What is the definition of \"snit\"?"} {"term": "vow", "pos": "", "context": "an eighth-century lombard nobleman in tuscany even converted his house into a monastery and took his vows , apparently to avoid having to fight the franks .", "definition": "a set of solemn promises committing one to a prescribed role , calling , or course of action , typically to marriage or a monastic career", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an eighth-century lombard nobleman in tuscany even converted his house into a monastery and took his vows , apparently to avoid having to fight the franks .\" What is the definition of \"vow\"?"} {"term": "grip", "pos": "", "context": "he gripped the steering wheel", "definition": "hold fast or firmly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he gripped the steering wheel\" What is the definition of \"grip\"?"} {"term": "grip", "pos": "", "context": "jonathon grips my hand more firmly and we make our way into the building .", "definition": "take and keep a firm hold of ; grasp tightly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"jonathon grips my hand more firmly and we make our way into the building .\" What is the definition of \"grip\"?"} {"term": "settlement", "pos": "", "context": "it is a matter for the parties and their legal advisers whether or not to start proceedings at all and , if so , whether to seek to reach a settlement before formal proceedings begin .", "definition": "a formal arrangement made between the parties to a lawsuit in order to resolve it , especially out of court", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is a matter for the parties and their legal advisers whether or not to start proceedings at all and , if so , whether to seek to reach a settlement before formal proceedings begin .\" What is the definition of \"settlement\"?"} {"term": "settlement", "pos": "", "context": "she apparently went on a spending spree with her portion of the property settlement and bought $ 7,000 worth of furniture .", "definition": "the property given under a settlement .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she apparently went on a spending spree with her portion of the property settlement and bought $ 7,000 worth of furniture .\" What is the definition of \"settlement\"?"} {"term": "settlement", "pos": "", "context": "the 1976 immigration act made family reunification and refugee settlement two of canada 's fundamental objectives .", "definition": "the action of allowing or helping people to establish settlements", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the 1976 immigration act made family reunification and refugee settlement two of canada 's fundamental objectives .\" What is the definition of \"settlement\"?"} {"term": "settlement", "pos": "", "context": "the press has labelled the failed settlement a power-sharing agreement .", "definition": "an official agreement intended to resolve a dispute or conflict", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the press has labelled the failed settlement a power-sharing agreement .\" What is the definition of \"settlement\"?"} {"term": "moravian", "pos": "", "context": "she was moravian , and was brought up in a convent in moravia", "definition": "a native or inhabitant of moravia .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was moravian , and was brought up in a convent in moravia\" What is the definition of \"moravian\"?"} {"term": "spare", "pos": "", "context": "for most acts , this would n't work , but lemon jelly has a style that requires headphones and a spare 45 minutes to absorb the album from start to finish .", "definition": "( of time ) not taken up by one 's usual duties or activities ; available for leisure", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for most acts , this would n't work , but lemon jelly has a style that requires headphones and a spare 45 minutes to absorb the album from start to finish .\" What is the definition of \"spare\"?"} {"term": "spare", "pos": "", "context": "currently he was wearing drakes best shirt and javlin 's spare pants .", "definition": "not currently in use or occupied", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"currently he was wearing drakes best shirt and javlin 's spare pants .\" What is the definition of \"spare\"?"} {"term": "spare", "pos": "", "context": "obviously god had spared his life for good reason .", "definition": "refrain from killing , injuring , or distressing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"obviously god had spared his life for good reason .\" What is the definition of \"spare\"?"} {"term": "non-professional", "pos": "", "context": "this wave consisted of both professionals and non-professionals and included persons from various ethnic groups within georgia .", "definition": "a non-professional person", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this wave consisted of both professionals and non-professionals and included persons from various ethnic groups within georgia .\" What is the definition of \"non-professional\"?"} {"term": "handle", "pos": "", "context": "we still have a challenge in front of us to create better mutuel handle and attendance , but we look forward to racing in 2001 .", "definition": "the total amount of money bet over a particular time or at a particular event", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we still have a challenge in front of us to create better mutuel handle and attendance , but we look forward to racing in 2001 .\" What is the definition of \"handle\"?"} {"term": "compress", "pos": "", "context": "compress the data", "definition": "make more compact by or as if by pressing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"compress the data\" What is the definition of \"compress\"?"} {"term": "panic", "pos": "", "context": "the students panicked when told that final exams were less than a week away", "definition": "be overcome by a sudden fear", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the students panicked when told that final exams were less than a week away\" What is the definition of \"panic\"?"} {"term": "panic", "pos": "", "context": "i have an uncle in washington ; around him everyone was frightened , people were panicking .", "definition": "feel or cause to feel panic", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i have an uncle in washington ; around him everyone was frightened , people were panicking .\" What is the definition of \"panic\"?"} {"term": "job", "pos": "", "context": "right now it 's in the basement , spattered with paint , veteran of many home improvement jobs .", "definition": "a procedure to improve the appearance of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"right now it 's in the basement , spattered with paint , veteran of many home improvement jobs .\" What is the definition of \"job\"?"} {"term": "job", "pos": "", "context": "at the same time , manufacturing jobs have been exported overseas .", "definition": "a paid position of regular employment", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at the same time , manufacturing jobs have been exported overseas .\" What is the definition of \"job\"?"} {"term": "job", "pos": "", "context": "it is their job to print the truth", "definition": "the responsibility to do something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is their job to print the truth\" What is the definition of \"job\"?"} {"term": "wry", "pos": "", "context": "elizabeth styled him her pygmy ; his enemies delighted in vilifying his `` wry neck , ' `` crooked back ' and `` splay foot , ' and in bacon 's essay `` on deformity , ' it was said , `` the world takes notice that he paints out his little cousin to the life . '", "definition": "( of the neck or features ) distorted or turned to one side", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"elizabeth styled him her pygmy ; his enemies delighted in vilifying his `` wry neck , ' `` crooked back ' and `` splay foot , ' and in bacon 's essay `` on deformity , ' it was said , `` the world takes notice that he paints out his little cousin to the life . '\" What is the definition of \"wry\"?"} {"term": "beetroot", "pos": "", "context": "and it was complemented texturally , visually and tastily by its marinated baby beetroots .", "definition": "the edible dark-red spherical root of a kind of beet , eaten as a vegetable .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and it was complemented texturally , visually and tastily by its marinated baby beetroots .\" What is the definition of \"beetroot\"?"} {"term": "apache", "pos": "", "context": "moving through the boys , mike made quiet greetings with his relatives in spanish , english , and apache .", "definition": "any of the athabaskan languages of the apache , which have about 14,000 speakers altogether , though some are virtually extinct .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"moving through the boys , mike made quiet greetings with his relatives in spanish , english , and apache .\" What is the definition of \"apache\"?"} {"term": "apache", "pos": "", "context": "when geronimo surrendered , a small group of apaches escaped to the sierra madre of northern mexico .", "definition": "a member of an american indian people living chiefly in new mexico and arizona . under the leadership of geronimo , the apache were the last american indian people to be conquered by the european settlers .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when geronimo surrendered , a small group of apaches escaped to the sierra madre of northern mexico .\" What is the definition of \"apache\"?"} {"term": "jump", "pos": "", "context": "he advanced in a series of jumps", "definition": "the act of jumping ; propelling yourself off the ground", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he advanced in a series of jumps\" What is the definition of \"jump\"?"} {"term": "jump", "pos": "", "context": "visa says it saw a 26 percent jump in online spending .", "definition": "a sudden dramatic rise in amount , price , or value", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"visa says it saw a 26 percent jump in online spending .\" What is the definition of \"jump\"?"} {"term": "jump", "pos": "", "context": "movements are quick , speech is fast and thoughts jump from idea to idea .", "definition": "pass quickly or abruptly from one idea , subject , or state to another", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"movements are quick , speech is fast and thoughts jump from idea to idea .\" What is the definition of \"jump\"?"} {"term": "jump", "pos": "", "context": "he rode word perfect ii , who jumped only the third clear round in the event 's history .", "definition": "( of an athlete or horse ) perform in a competition involving jumping over obstacles", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he rode word perfect ii , who jumped only the third clear round in the event 's history .\" What is the definition of \"jump\"?"} {"term": "jump", "pos": "", "context": "before i had a chance to glance around , someone jumped me from behind .", "definition": "attack ( someone ) suddenly and unexpectedly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"before i had a chance to glance around , someone jumped me from behind .\" What is the definition of \"jump\"?"} {"term": "vex", "pos": "", "context": "a vexing problem", "definition": "be a mystery or bewildering to", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a vexing problem\" What is the definition of \"vex\"?"} {"term": "bittersweet", "pos": "", "context": "a movie with a bittersweet ending", "definition": "tinged with sadness", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a movie with a bittersweet ending\" What is the definition of \"bittersweet\"?"} {"term": "tribute", "pos": "", "context": "yes , ladies and gentlemen , another musical first - a tribute record that sounds like it was done by a tribute band .", "definition": "denoting or relating to a group or musician that performs the music of a more famous one and typically imitates them in appearance and style of performance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"yes , ladies and gentlemen , another musical first - a tribute record that sounds like it was done by a tribute band .\" What is the definition of \"tribute\"?"} {"term": "englishwoman", "pos": "", "context": "in 1995 , having fallen in love with an englishwoman , he moved to london and opened another north african restaurant , momo .", "definition": "a female native or inhabitant of england , or a woman of english descent .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in 1995 , having fallen in love with an englishwoman , he moved to london and opened another north african restaurant , momo .\" What is the definition of \"englishwoman\"?"} {"term": "windsock", "pos": "", "context": "the idea is to create some other vertical structures in this environment besides the antennas , flagpoles and windsocks situated all about the station .", "definition": "a light , flexible cylinder or cone mounted on a mast to show the direction and strength of the wind , especially at an airfield .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the idea is to create some other vertical structures in this environment besides the antennas , flagpoles and windsocks situated all about the station .\" What is the definition of \"windsock\"?"} {"term": "abbreviate", "pos": "", "context": "it is n't an easy read , mostly because the skinny format abbreviates names to three letters , often beyond recognition .", "definition": "shorten ( a word , phrase , or text )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is n't an easy read , mostly because the skinny format abbreviates names to three letters , often beyond recognition .\" What is the definition of \"abbreviate\"?"} {"term": "abbreviate", "pos": "", "context": "his third pro season , 2010-11 , also saw him gravely injured , and 2012-13 was abbreviated by the lockout .", "definition": "shorten the duration of ; cut short", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his third pro season , 2010-11 , also saw him gravely injured , and 2012-13 was abbreviated by the lockout .\" What is the definition of \"abbreviate\"?"} {"term": "want", "pos": "", "context": "i want to go home now", "definition": "feel or have a desire for ; want strongly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i want to go home now\" What is the definition of \"want\"?"} {"term": "want", "pos": "", "context": "i want to believe that i am empowered with the ability to exercise my responsibilities .", "definition": "should or need to do something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i want to believe that i am empowered with the ability to exercise my responsibilities .\" What is the definition of \"want\"?"} {"term": "rip", "pos": "", "context": "he gave the envelope a vigorous rip", "definition": "the act of rending or ripping or splitting something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he gave the envelope a vigorous rip\" What is the definition of \"rip\"?"} {"term": "rip", "pos": "", "context": "the curtain ripped from top to bottom", "definition": "tear or be torn violently", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the curtain ripped from top to bottom\" What is the definition of \"rip\"?"} {"term": "rip", "pos": "", "context": "niguel muttered in awe , tugging at a feather , pausing , and suddenly pulling it roughly , ripping it right out .", "definition": "tear or pull ( something ) quickly or forcibly away from something or someone", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"niguel muttered in awe , tugging at a feather , pausing , and suddenly pulling it roughly , ripping it right out .\" What is the definition of \"rip\"?"} {"term": "sentence", "pos": "", "context": "this distinction allows us to define a logical truth as a sentence that is true no matter what referring expressions occur in it .", "definition": "a series of signs or symbols expressing a proposition in an artificial or logical language .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this distinction allows us to define a logical truth as a sentence that is true no matter what referring expressions occur in it .\" What is the definition of \"sentence\"?"} {"term": "pluralize", "pos": "", "context": "if the compound is pluralized , the plural morpheme attaches only to the second element , not to the first , or to both : girl-friends , * girls-friends , * girls-friend .", "definition": "give a plural form to ( a word )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if the compound is pluralized , the plural morpheme attaches only to the second element , not to the first , or to both : girl-friends , * girls-friends , * girls-friend .\" What is the definition of \"pluralize\"?"} {"term": "lounge", "pos": "", "context": "the house has a lounge / family room , kitchen cum dining room , sitting room , four bedrooms , a utility room and a bathroom .", "definition": "a sitting room in a house .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the house has a lounge / family room , kitchen cum dining room , sitting room , four bedrooms , a utility room and a bathroom .\" What is the definition of \"lounge\"?"} {"term": "gourd", "pos": "", "context": "the only thing they seem to do more then butchering animals in uruguay , is drink mate , a sort of super strong version of green tea that is drunk from a gourd through a silver straw .", "definition": "a drinking or water container made from the hollowed and dried skin of a gourd .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the only thing they seem to do more then butchering animals in uruguay , is drink mate , a sort of super strong version of green tea that is drunk from a gourd through a silver straw .\" What is the definition of \"gourd\"?"} {"term": "gourd", "pos": "", "context": "you 'll get the best flavor from blemish-free gourds that are heavy for their size and that have one-to-two-inch stems ( shape is n't important ) .", "definition": "a fleshy , typically large fruit with a hard skin , some varieties of which are edible .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you 'll get the best flavor from blemish-free gourds that are heavy for their size and that have one-to-two-inch stems ( shape is n't important ) .\" What is the definition of \"gourd\"?"} {"term": "ply", "pos": "", "context": "ply one 's trade", "definition": "apply oneself diligently", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ply one 's trade\" What is the definition of \"ply\"?"} {"term": "eigenvalue", "pos": "", "context": "in general , it is difficult to calculate the eigenvalues .", "definition": "any number such that a given matrix minus that number times the identity matrix has zero determinant .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in general , it is difficult to calculate the eigenvalues .\" What is the definition of \"eigenvalue\"?"} {"term": "lodge", "pos": "", "context": "they have also lodged a claim for damages , aggravated damages and costs .", "definition": "present ( a complaint , appeal , claim , etc . ) formally to the proper authorities", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they have also lodged a claim for damages , aggravated damages and costs .\" What is the definition of \"lodge\"?"} {"term": "housewares", "pos": "", "context": "there is a community yard sale planned for every month this summer , offering clothing , books , bikes , housewares , and toys .", "definition": "small household items such as kitchen utensils , tableware , and decorative objects .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is a community yard sale planned for every month this summer , offering clothing , books , bikes , housewares , and toys .\" What is the definition of \"housewares\"?"} {"term": "opinion", "pos": "", "context": "opinions are usually written by a single judge", "definition": "the legal document stating the reasons for a judicial decision", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"opinions are usually written by a single judge\" What is the definition of \"opinion\"?"} {"term": "opinion", "pos": "", "context": "the justices filed a patchwork of different opinions and dissents .", "definition": "a formal statement of reasons for a judgement given", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the justices filed a patchwork of different opinions and dissents .\" What is the definition of \"opinion\"?"} {"term": "spasm", "pos": "", "context": "muscle cramping is a painful , involuntary muscle spasm that regularly frustrates athletes .", "definition": "a sudden involuntary muscular contraction or convulsive movement", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"muscle cramping is a painful , involuntary muscle spasm that regularly frustrates athletes .\" What is the definition of \"spasm\"?"} {"term": "spasm", "pos": "", "context": "most intriguing on these two brief noise spasms is lead singer beverly 's grating howl .", "definition": "a sudden and brief spell of an activity or sensation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"most intriguing on these two brief noise spasms is lead singer beverly 's grating howl .\" What is the definition of \"spasm\"?"} {"term": "scurrility", "pos": "", "context": "its ethos : ‘ we shall banish from our paper , all party and politics , and their constant attendants , scurrility and scandal . ’", "definition": "the quality of being scurrilous", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"its ethos : ‘ we shall banish from our paper , all party and politics , and their constant attendants , scurrility and scandal . ’\" What is the definition of \"scurrility\"?"} {"term": "acceptability", "pos": "", "context": "the acceptability worldwide of the fiat-dollar reserve system depended on the illusion that it was a good or adequate store of value .", "definition": "the quality of being accepted", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the acceptability worldwide of the fiat-dollar reserve system depended on the illusion that it was a good or adequate store of value .\" What is the definition of \"acceptability\"?"} {"term": "paraclete", "pos": "", "context": "the theology of the paraclete contains and promotes a theological-ontological congruence .", "definition": "( in christian theology ) the holy spirit as advocate or counsellor ( john 14:16 , 26 ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the theology of the paraclete contains and promotes a theological-ontological congruence .\" What is the definition of \"paraclete\"?"} {"term": "barrier", "pos": "", "context": "the language barrier prevented direct access to the sources of supply of chinese goods and to their final customers .", "definition": "a circumstance or obstacle that keeps people or things apart or prevents communication or progress", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the language barrier prevented direct access to the sources of supply of chinese goods and to their final customers .\" What is the definition of \"barrier\"?"} {"term": "barrier", "pos": "", "context": "many train stations now have automatic barriers that only allow ticket holders onto the platform .", "definition": "a gate at a car park or railway station that controls access by being raised or lowered .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"many train stations now have automatic barriers that only allow ticket holders onto the platform .\" What is the definition of \"barrier\"?"} {"term": "barrier", "pos": "", "context": "intolerance is a barrier to understanding", "definition": "any condition that makes it difficult to make progress or to achieve an objective", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"intolerance is a barrier to understanding\" What is the definition of \"barrier\"?"} {"term": "rice", "pos": "", "context": "so , a strong case exists for substantial de novo protein synthesis in anoxic rice coleoptiles .", "definition": "a swamp grass which is widely cultivated as a source of food , especially in asia .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so , a strong case exists for substantial de novo protein synthesis in anoxic rice coleoptiles .\" What is the definition of \"rice\"?"} {"term": "escape", "pos": "", "context": "romantic novels were her escape from the stress of daily life", "definition": "an inclination to retreat from unpleasant realities through diversion or fantasy", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"romantic novels were her escape from the stress of daily life\" What is the definition of \"escape\"?"} {"term": "escape", "pos": "", "context": "we escaped to our summer house for a few days", "definition": "remove oneself from a familiar environment , usually for pleasure or diversion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we escaped to our summer house for a few days\" What is the definition of \"escape\"?"} {"term": "bed", "pos": "", "context": "there are 20 bedrooms , each furnished with antiques and extremely comfortable beds .", "definition": "a piece of furniture for sleep or rest , typically a framework with a mattress", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there are 20 bedrooms , each furnished with antiques and extremely comfortable beds .\" What is the definition of \"bed\"?"} {"term": "bed", "pos": "", "context": "he searched for treasure on the ocean bed", "definition": "a depression forming the ground under a body of water", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he searched for treasure on the ocean bed\" What is the definition of \"bed\"?"} {"term": "bed", "pos": "", "context": "the evening press reported the 39-year-old kept all his worldly possessions on the back seat , shaved in the rear-view mirror , and bedded down on the driver 's seat every night wrapped in a waterproof smock .", "definition": "settle down to sleep or rest for the night in an improvised place", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the evening press reported the 39-year-old kept all his worldly possessions on the back seat , shaved in the rear-view mirror , and bedded down on the driver 's seat every night wrapped in a waterproof smock .\" What is the definition of \"bed\"?"} {"term": "damnation", "pos": "", "context": "damnation , he got away .", "definition": "expressing anger or frustration .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"damnation , he got away .\" What is the definition of \"damnation\"?"} {"term": "beak", "pos": "", "context": "the designs on bronze age metalwork and rock carvings show boats with a beak at the prow .", "definition": "a projection at the prow of an ancient warship , typically shaped to resemble the head of a bird or other animal , used to pierce the hulls of enemy ships .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the designs on bronze age metalwork and rock carvings show boats with a beak at the prow .\" What is the definition of \"beak\"?"} {"term": "bod", "pos": "", "context": "they work so hard to earn a meagre living - and then some bod from the office of fair trading comes up with a scheme to benefit the consumer , and cut down city centre crime , and it all goes up in smoke .", "definition": "a person", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they work so hard to earn a meagre living - and then some bod from the office of fair trading comes up with a scheme to benefit the consumer , and cut down city centre crime , and it all goes up in smoke .\" What is the definition of \"bod\"?"} {"term": "seigniorage", "pos": "", "context": "if it enters bilateral or multilateral agreements , there would be a likely cost of sharing seigniorage collected on the dollars circulating in the dollarized countries .", "definition": "profit made by a government by issuing currency , especially the difference between the face value of coins and their production costs .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if it enters bilateral or multilateral agreements , there would be a likely cost of sharing seigniorage collected on the dollars circulating in the dollarized countries .\" What is the definition of \"seigniorage\"?"} {"term": "arioso", "pos": "", "context": "bostridge then railed against destiny in a long arioso , but his powerlessness was symbolised by the next chorus .", "definition": "( especially in opera and oratorio ) vocal music that is more melodic than recitative but less formal than an aria", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bostridge then railed against destiny in a long arioso , but his powerlessness was symbolised by the next chorus .\" What is the definition of \"arioso\"?"} {"term": "conchoid", "pos": "", "context": "pappus tells us about the conchoid of nicomedes in his mathematical collection .", "definition": "a plane quartic curve consisting of two separate branches either side of and asymptotic to a central straight line ( the asymptote ) , such that if a line is drawn from a fixed point ( the pole ) to intersect both branches , the part of the line falling between the two branches is of constant length and is exactly bisected by the asymptote .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pappus tells us about the conchoid of nicomedes in his mathematical collection .\" What is the definition of \"conchoid\"?"} {"term": "barn", "pos": "", "context": "while the barn is not an si unit , it is accepted ( although discouraged ) for use with the si .", "definition": "a unit of area , 10⁻²⁸ square metres , used especially in particle physics .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"while the barn is not an si unit , it is accepted ( although discouraged ) for use with the si .\" What is the definition of \"barn\"?"} {"term": "develop", "pos": "", "context": "the plot developed slowly", "definition": "be gradually disclosed or unfolded ; become manifest ;", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the plot developed slowly\" What is the definition of \"develop\"?"} {"term": "develop", "pos": "", "context": "develop the rook", "definition": "move into a strategically more advantageous position", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"develop the rook\" What is the definition of \"develop\"?"} {"term": "develop", "pos": "", "context": "the child developed beautifully in her new kindergarten", "definition": "grow emotionally or mature", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the child developed beautifully in her new kindergarten\" What is the definition of \"develop\"?"} {"term": "develop", "pos": "", "context": "in them , griswold develops a theme , plays with it briefly , and then lets it fade before it is completely exhausted .", "definition": "elaborate ( a musical theme ) by modification of the melody , harmony , or rhythm", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in them , griswold develops a theme , plays with it briefly , and then lets it fade before it is completely exhausted .\" What is the definition of \"develop\"?"} {"term": "develop", "pos": "", "context": "dave developed leadership qualities in his new position", "definition": "gain through experience", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dave developed leadership qualities in his new position\" What is the definition of \"develop\"?"} {"term": "jamb", "pos": "", "context": "salvaged doors and windows housed in new jambs set up contrasts between new and old .", "definition": "a side post or surface of a doorway , window , or fireplace", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"salvaged doors and windows housed in new jambs set up contrasts between new and old .\" What is the definition of \"jamb\"?"} {"term": "muslim", "pos": "", "context": "the islamic shariat says muslims should not live in the land of the infidel for long .", "definition": "a follower of the religion of islam .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the islamic shariat says muslims should not live in the land of the infidel for long .\" What is the definition of \"muslim\"?"} {"term": "inductance", "pos": "", "context": "lets take an electrical circuit , with two ac sources of the same frequency , acting on a purely reactive circuit ( one that is made of capacitors and/or inductances only ) .", "definition": "a component with the property of inductance .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lets take an electrical circuit , with two ac sources of the same frequency , acting on a purely reactive circuit ( one that is made of capacitors and/or inductances only ) .\" What is the definition of \"inductance\"?"} {"term": "channel", "pos": "", "context": "all the television and radio channels and newspapers are devoting lots of time to it .", "definition": "a service or station using a channel of frequencies", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all the television and radio channels and newspapers are devoting lots of time to it .\" What is the definition of \"channel\"?"} {"term": "tackle", "pos": "", "context": "he made the promise as the evening telegraph went to downing street to tackle him on the issue .", "definition": "initiate discussion with ( someone ) about a disputed or sensitive issue", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he made the promise as the evening telegraph went to downing street to tackle him on the issue .\" What is the definition of \"tackle\"?"} {"term": "commendation", "pos": "", "context": "he spoke of mr miller 's bravery and how he received a commendation for his part in the rescue of three people trapped in a burning building .", "definition": "an award given for very good performance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he spoke of mr miller 's bravery and how he received a commendation for his part in the rescue of three people trapped in a burning building .\" What is the definition of \"commendation\"?"} {"term": "self", "pos": "", "context": "instead of the usual little back belt , why not add an entire placket that is laced up with tubes of self fabric ?", "definition": "( of a trimming or cover ) of the same material and colour as the rest of the item", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"instead of the usual little back belt , why not add an entire placket that is laced up with tubes of self fabric ?\" What is the definition of \"self\"?"} {"term": "self", "pos": "", "context": "inflorescences of flowering plants were selfed and isolated with bags .", "definition": "self-pollinate ; self-fertilize", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"inflorescences of flowering plants were selfed and isolated with bags .\" What is the definition of \"self\"?"} {"term": "self", "pos": "", "context": "she was never her old , cheerful self anymore .", "definition": "one 's particular nature or personality ; the qualities that make one individual or unique", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was never her old , cheerful self anymore .\" What is the definition of \"self\"?"} {"term": "ogee", "pos": "", "context": "despite its late date , the conservative display of raised-panel doors , applied ogee moldings , and a scalloped opening to the display area are all borrowed from eighteenth-century design .", "definition": "showing in section a double continuous s-shaped curve .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"despite its late date , the conservative display of raised-panel doors , applied ogee moldings , and a scalloped opening to the display area are all borrowed from eighteenth-century design .\" What is the definition of \"ogee\"?"} {"term": "corvid", "pos": "", "context": "i responded to dave that mobbing behavior , when smaller birds team up to harry a larger one , is common in many bird species , from corvids to raptors to songbirds .", "definition": "a bird of the crow family ( `` corvidae ' ) ; a crow .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i responded to dave that mobbing behavior , when smaller birds team up to harry a larger one , is common in many bird species , from corvids to raptors to songbirds .\" What is the definition of \"corvid\"?"} {"term": "bufflehead", "pos": "", "context": "the marsh hawk perches in a bare cottonwood tree , scowling at a flock of bufflehead ducks bobbing on the marsh .", "definition": "a small north american diving duck related to the goldeneye , with a large puffy head . the male has white plumage with a black back .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the marsh hawk perches in a bare cottonwood tree , scowling at a flock of bufflehead ducks bobbing on the marsh .\" What is the definition of \"bufflehead\"?"} {"term": "cube", "pos": "", "context": "carefully hollow out the tofu cube about half an inch deep and place in a small soup bowl .", "definition": "a block of something with six sides", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"carefully hollow out the tofu cube about half an inch deep and place in a small soup bowl .\" What is the definition of \"cube\"?"} {"term": "drip", "pos": "", "context": "of course it is miraculous that the view outside my window is a palette of washed browns and greys , dripping with glittering raindrops .", "definition": "let fall or be so wet as to shed small drops of liquid", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"of course it is miraculous that the view outside my window is a palette of washed browns and greys , dripping with glittering raindrops .\" What is the definition of \"drip\"?"} {"term": "cracker", "pos": "", "context": "‘ as free holidays go , i think they pulled off a cracker , ’ sneers braithwaite .", "definition": "a fine example of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ as free holidays go , i think they pulled off a cracker , ’ sneers braithwaite .\" What is the definition of \"cracker\"?"} {"term": "cracker", "pos": "", "context": "the bombardment by bangers , crackers and fireworks was such that there was hardly a silent minute in any town .", "definition": "a firework that explodes with a sharp noise .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the bombardment by bangers , crackers and fireworks was such that there was hardly a silent minute in any town .\" What is the definition of \"cracker\"?"} {"term": "toad-in-the-hole", "pos": "", "context": "a whole strain of nostalgic school-dinner cuisine has been revived solely for these baby-men : steak and kidney pudding , toad-in-the-hole , toasted cheese with a levels .", "definition": "a dish consisting of sausages baked in batter .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a whole strain of nostalgic school-dinner cuisine has been revived solely for these baby-men : steak and kidney pudding , toad-in-the-hole , toasted cheese with a levels .\" What is the definition of \"toad-in-the-hole\"?"} {"term": "cupful", "pos": "", "context": "staff gave her a choice of gin , vodka or whisky , before she was given two cupfuls to drink immediately .", "definition": "the amount held by a cup", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"staff gave her a choice of gin , vodka or whisky , before she was given two cupfuls to drink immediately .\" What is the definition of \"cupful\"?"} {"term": "duck", "pos": "", "context": "players , including william , were ducked under the water and roughly tackled by the opposing side .", "definition": "push or plunge ( someone ) under water , either playfully or as a punishment", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"players , including william , were ducked under the water and roughly tackled by the opposing side .\" What is the definition of \"duck\"?"} {"term": "duck", "pos": "", "context": "she had to duck out of the new oliver stone flick ‘ beyond borders ’ because the role of a wartime social worker , opposite kevin costner , would have been a bit of a stretch .", "definition": "evade or avoid ( an unwelcome duty or undertaking )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she had to duck out of the new oliver stone flick ‘ beyond borders ’ because the role of a wartime social worker , opposite kevin costner , would have been a bit of a stretch .\" What is the definition of \"duck\"?"} {"term": "truncheon", "pos": "", "context": "the truncheon , or baton , is a military commander 's sign of office .", "definition": "a staff or baton acting as a symbol of authority , especially that used by the earl marshal .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the truncheon , or baton , is a military commander 's sign of office .\" What is the definition of \"truncheon\"?"} {"term": "artiodactyla", "pos": "", "context": "until recently , zoologists thought the membership list of the order artiodactyla was limited to hoofed mammals with an even number of toes : camels , cows , deer , giraffes , goats , hippopotamuses , pigs , sheep .", "definition": "an order of mammals that comprises the even-toed ungulates .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"until recently , zoologists thought the membership list of the order artiodactyla was limited to hoofed mammals with an even number of toes : camels , cows , deer , giraffes , goats , hippopotamuses , pigs , sheep .\" What is the definition of \"artiodactyla\"?"} {"term": "northwest", "pos": "", "context": "northwesterly winds", "definition": "coming from the northwest", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"northwesterly winds\" What is the definition of \"northwest\"?"} {"term": "leftist", "pos": "", "context": "his political commentaries reveal much about american leftist politics of the 1930s and 1940s .", "definition": "having or relating to left-wing political views", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his political commentaries reveal much about american leftist politics of the 1930s and 1940s .\" What is the definition of \"leftist\"?"} {"term": "fat", "pos": "", "context": "the market re-opened for the sale of fat cattle and sheep .", "definition": "( of an animal bred for food ) made plump for slaughter .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the market re-opened for the sale of fat cattle and sheep .\" What is the definition of \"fat\"?"} {"term": "fat", "pos": "", "context": "trim the fat from meat and poultry , says potter , because pesticides and other additives concentrate there .", "definition": "a natural oily substance occurring in animal bodies , especially when deposited as a layer under the skin or around certain organs", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"trim the fat from meat and poultry , says potter , because pesticides and other additives concentrate there .\" What is the definition of \"fat\"?"} {"term": "fat", "pos": "", "context": "i took no sugar , no butter and no other cooking fat of any sort because to get these rare commodities i would have had to ask stewart to give me some .", "definition": "a fatty substance made from animal or plant products , used in cooking", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i took no sugar , no butter and no other cooking fat of any sort because to get these rare commodities i would have had to ask stewart to give me some .\" What is the definition of \"fat\"?"} {"term": "fat", "pos": "", "context": "a fat rope", "definition": "having a relatively large diameter", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fat rope\" What is the definition of \"fat\"?"} {"term": "euphony", "pos": "", "context": "meanwhile , in the english-speaking world ukraina was no longer the ukraine , but ukraine , a change recommended neither by history , etymology , or euphony .", "definition": "the tendency to make phonetic change for ease of pronunciation .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"meanwhile , in the english-speaking world ukraina was no longer the ukraine , but ukraine , a change recommended neither by history , etymology , or euphony .\" What is the definition of \"euphony\"?"} {"term": "incentive", "pos": "", "context": "new tax incentives encourage the purchase of modern road vehicles and the repair of old ones .", "definition": "a payment or concession to stimulate greater output or investment", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"new tax incentives encourage the purchase of modern road vehicles and the repair of old ones .\" What is the definition of \"incentive\"?"} {"term": "mutuality", "pos": "", "context": "but yesterday the spokesman for standard life appeared to indicate the board was now taking a more pragmatic approach towards mutuality .", "definition": "the sharing of a feeling , action , or relationship between two or more parties", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but yesterday the spokesman for standard life appeared to indicate the board was now taking a more pragmatic approach towards mutuality .\" What is the definition of \"mutuality\"?"} {"term": "rooster", "pos": "", "context": "you do n't need a rooster to get eggs ; hens lay just fine with no male supervision .", "definition": "a male domestic fowl ; a cock .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you do n't need a rooster to get eggs ; hens lay just fine with no male supervision .\" What is the definition of \"rooster\"?"} {"term": "response", "pos": "", "context": "even without a verbal response he could tell that his guess had been right .", "definition": "a verbal or written answer", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"even without a verbal response he could tell that his guess had been right .\" What is the definition of \"response\"?"} {"term": "solute", "pos": "", "context": "in most cases , the higher the temperature the more solute will dissolve in the solvent .", "definition": "the minor component in a solution , dissolved in the solvent .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in most cases , the higher the temperature the more solute will dissolve in the solvent .\" What is the definition of \"solute\"?"} {"term": "chilblain", "pos": "", "context": "in the london cold , ‘ she developed chilblains , and this annoyed her ’ .", "definition": "a painful , itching swelling on a hand or foot , caused by poor circulation in the skin when exposed to cold .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the london cold , ‘ she developed chilblains , and this annoyed her ’ .\" What is the definition of \"chilblain\"?"} {"term": "confide", "pos": "", "context": "explain to your so-called bud that you confide in her because you trust her .", "definition": "trust ( someone ) enough to tell them of a secret or private matter", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"explain to your so-called bud that you confide in her because you trust her .\" What is the definition of \"confide\"?"} {"term": "atom", "pos": "", "context": "every atom of me still wants to hold on to those childish beliefs that sometime in the future it will all be different .", "definition": "an extremely small amount of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"every atom of me still wants to hold on to those childish beliefs that sometime in the future it will all be different .\" What is the definition of \"atom\"?"} {"term": "teletex", "pos": "", "context": "he said : ‘ i got a call on monday morning to say i was in the squad , then saw on teletex later in the day that i was in the starting line-up . ’", "definition": "an enhanced version of telex .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he said : ‘ i got a call on monday morning to say i was in the squad , then saw on teletex later in the day that i was in the starting line-up . ’\" What is the definition of \"teletex\"?"} {"term": "hoopoe", "pos": "", "context": "black and white bands cross the hoopoe 's wings , back and tail .", "definition": "a salmon-pink eurasian bird with a long downcurved bill , a large erectile crest , and black-and-white wings and tail .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"black and white bands cross the hoopoe 's wings , back and tail .\" What is the definition of \"hoopoe\"?"} {"term": "barrel", "pos": "", "context": "a barrel of beer is 31 gallons and a barrel of oil is 42 gallons", "definition": "any of various units of capacity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a barrel of beer is 31 gallons and a barrel of oil is 42 gallons\" What is the definition of \"barrel\"?"} {"term": "decrement", "pos": "", "context": "second , the relative decrement in response amplitude during a train is greatest closest to the release site , i.e. , with exposure to the highest concentrations of transmitter .", "definition": "the ratio of the amplitudes in successive cycles of a damped oscillation .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"second , the relative decrement in response amplitude during a train is greatest closest to the release site , i.e. , with exposure to the highest concentrations of transmitter .\" What is the definition of \"decrement\"?"} {"term": "trauma", "pos": "", "context": "we work with a variety of young people and families , many have experienced traumas , different forms of abuse .", "definition": "a deeply distressing or disturbing experience", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we work with a variety of young people and families , many have experienced traumas , different forms of abuse .\" What is the definition of \"trauma\"?"} {"term": "publicity", "pos": "", "context": "official publicity material drew an idyllic picture of an old man meditating on the bible , the beauty of the landscape , and his own death .", "definition": "material or information used for advertising or promotional purposes", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"official publicity material drew an idyllic picture of an old man meditating on the bible , the beauty of the landscape , and his own death .\" What is the definition of \"publicity\"?"} {"term": "throat", "pos": "", "context": "the throat of the vase", "definition": "a passage resembling a throat in shape or function ;", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the throat of the vase\" What is the definition of \"throat\"?"} {"term": "species", "pos": "", "context": "this was supposed to be representative of the very best our species was capable of achieving ?", "definition": "a group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals capable of exchanging genes or interbreeding . the species is the principal natural taxonomic unit , ranking below a genus and denoted by a latin binomial , e.g . `` homo sapiens ' .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this was supposed to be representative of the very best our species was capable of achieving ?\" What is the definition of \"species\"?"} {"term": "cutting", "pos": "", "context": "it was a sparky , hectic kind of game , divided as games in fraher field often are by a cutting wind blowing in from the bay .", "definition": "( of the wind ) bitterly cold", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was a sparky , hectic kind of game , divided as games in fraher field often are by a cutting wind blowing in from the bay .\" What is the definition of \"cutting\"?"} {"term": "downy", "pos": "", "context": "the boy was identical to her in features save that his hair was downy and shoulder length .", "definition": "soft and fluffy", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the boy was identical to her in features save that his hair was downy and shoulder length .\" What is the definition of \"downy\"?"} {"term": "downy", "pos": "", "context": "as the car wound its way through the sidestreets , i looked out and noticed a family of canada geese , complete with downy babies , following the edge of the road into another park .", "definition": "covered with fine , soft hair or feathers", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as the car wound its way through the sidestreets , i looked out and noticed a family of canada geese , complete with downy babies , following the edge of the road into another park .\" What is the definition of \"downy\"?"} {"term": "sorrow", "pos": "", "context": "what heart without evaporating in sighs can ponder the burden of deepest sorrows and lamentations of parents , children , husbands , wives , kinsmen , friends .", "definition": "the outward expression of grief ; lamentation .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"what heart without evaporating in sighs can ponder the burden of deepest sorrows and lamentations of parents , children , husbands , wives , kinsmen , friends .\" What is the definition of \"sorrow\"?"} {"term": "byline", "pos": "", "context": "all bylines take a title line , which should be put on a second line .", "definition": "a line in a newspaper naming the writer of an article", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all bylines take a title line , which should be put on a second line .\" What is the definition of \"byline\"?"} {"term": "printmaking", "pos": "", "context": "he could have become a great master of japanese printmaking .", "definition": "the activity or occupation of making pictures or designs by printing them from specially prepared plates or blocks", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he could have become a great master of japanese printmaking .\" What is the definition of \"printmaking\"?"} {"term": "sham", "pos": "", "context": "could nick be shamming friendliness until he was offered an opportunity to get rid of him ?", "definition": "pretend to be or to be experiencing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"could nick be shamming friendliness until he was offered an opportunity to get rid of him ?\" What is the definition of \"sham\"?"} {"term": "sham", "pos": "", "context": "this sham photograph - both the incident it dishonestly records and the chain of events it sets in motion - lies at the heart of the novel .", "definition": "bogus ; false", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this sham photograph - both the incident it dishonestly records and the chain of events it sets in motion - lies at the heart of the novel .\" What is the definition of \"sham\"?"} {"term": "single", "pos": "", "context": "it is planned to have men 's singles and women 's singles starting on the morning of saturday , september 6 , with men 's and women 's doubles on the following morning .", "definition": "( especially in tennis and badminton ) a game or competition for individual players , not pairs or teams .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is planned to have men 's singles and women 's singles starting on the morning of saturday , september 6 , with men 's and women 's doubles on the following morning .\" What is the definition of \"single\"?"} {"term": "single", "pos": "", "context": "who decided that a new organisation would be best for single mothers to enable them to claim upkeep and support from missing fathers ?", "definition": "unmarried or not involved in a stable sexual relationship", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"who decided that a new organisation would be best for single mothers to enable them to claim upkeep and support from missing fathers ?\" What is the definition of \"single\"?"} {"term": "single", "pos": "", "context": "she was quite single and by herself .", "definition": "not accompanied by others ; alone .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was quite single and by herself .\" What is the definition of \"single\"?"} {"term": "disclaimer", "pos": "", "context": "few states have applied these provisions to bailments even though bailees often insert disclaimers of warranties into their receipts and contracts .", "definition": "an act of repudiating a claim , warranty , or bequest", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"few states have applied these provisions to bailments even though bailees often insert disclaimers of warranties into their receipts and contracts .\" What is the definition of \"disclaimer\"?"} {"term": "pyroclastic", "pos": "", "context": "voluminous quantities of late ordovician to wenlockian felsic pyroclastics and lava flows record the extensive volcanism associated with the collision and deformation .", "definition": "pyroclastic fragments", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"voluminous quantities of late ordovician to wenlockian felsic pyroclastics and lava flows record the extensive volcanism associated with the collision and deformation .\" What is the definition of \"pyroclastic\"?"} {"term": "acclaim", "pos": "", "context": "a north yorkshire organisation which helps to steer young offenders away from a life of crime has won national acclaim .", "definition": "enthusiastic and public praise", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a north yorkshire organisation which helps to steer young offenders away from a life of crime has won national acclaim .\" What is the definition of \"acclaim\"?"} {"term": "mattock", "pos": "", "context": "they began to hack at the hard , dehydrated earth , with mattocks , breaking up the soil and watering it enough to plant vegetables .", "definition": "an agricultural tool shaped like a pickaxe , with an adze and a chisel edge as the ends of the head .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they began to hack at the hard , dehydrated earth , with mattocks , breaking up the soil and watering it enough to plant vegetables .\" What is the definition of \"mattock\"?"} {"term": "zinjanthropus", "pos": "", "context": "it began with zinjanthropus ( a million seven hundred and fifty thousand years ago ) and will end only with humanity - or perhaps the mutants who succeed us will take up the cause .", "definition": "a genus name sometimes applied to nutcracker man .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it began with zinjanthropus ( a million seven hundred and fifty thousand years ago ) and will end only with humanity - or perhaps the mutants who succeed us will take up the cause .\" What is the definition of \"zinjanthropus\"?"} {"term": "pointing", "pos": "", "context": "thus , a drawing by chiaruttini of 1786 demonstrates that canova used this form of pointing with a scaled frame and plumb lines for the production of his monument to clement xiv .", "definition": "the action of filling the joints of brickwork or masonry with mortar", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"thus , a drawing by chiaruttini of 1786 demonstrates that canova used this form of pointing with a scaled frame and plumb lines for the production of his monument to clement xiv .\" What is the definition of \"pointing\"?"} {"term": "signify", "pos": "", "context": "rudy cardenas 's brother kissed the stairs of the courthouse , i think signifying that justice had been served .", "definition": "be an indication of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rudy cardenas 's brother kissed the stairs of the courthouse , i think signifying that justice had been served .\" What is the definition of \"signify\"?"} {"term": "loosen", "pos": "", "context": "loosen the necktie", "definition": "cause to become loose", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"loosen the necktie\" What is the definition of \"loosen\"?"} {"term": "yearner", "pos": "", "context": "a yearner for knowledge", "definition": "a person with a strong desire for something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a yearner for knowledge\" What is the definition of \"yearner\"?"} {"term": "hunch", "pos": "", "context": "she blew a kiss to wolf , called him little robber , and slid a wooden platter between the bars of the cage : two steaming lumps of goat 's flesh , with a hunch of bread and a flask of wine .", "definition": "a thick piece ; a hunk", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she blew a kiss to wolf , called him little robber , and slid a wooden platter between the bars of the cage : two steaming lumps of goat 's flesh , with a hunch of bread and a flask of wine .\" What is the definition of \"hunch\"?"} {"term": "club", "pos": "", "context": "car club members pay a monthly subscription and then hire by the hour for less than usual car hire rates .", "definition": "a commercial organization offering members special benefits", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"car club members pay a monthly subscription and then hire by the hour for less than usual car hire rates .\" What is the definition of \"club\"?"} {"term": "resolution", "pos": "", "context": "bunsen discussed his work on this problem with kirchhoff , who pointed the way to a method based on the prismatic resolution of the colors of flames into their separate parts .", "definition": "the replacing of a single force or other vector quantity by two or more jointly equivalent to it .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bunsen discussed his work on this problem with kirchhoff , who pointed the way to a method based on the prismatic resolution of the colors of flames into their separate parts .\" What is the definition of \"resolution\"?"} {"term": "faithful", "pos": "", "context": "to him , the little blue machine beside his till is a faithful partner that quietly boosts his takings , and he has no ethical concerns over his role in the development of mass-market gambling .", "definition": "( of an object ) reliable", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to him , the little blue machine beside his till is a faithful partner that quietly boosts his takings , and he has no ethical concerns over his role in the development of mass-market gambling .\" What is the definition of \"faithful\"?"} {"term": "faithful", "pos": "", "context": "it took a short while before althea gained a small but faithful group of noble followers .", "definition": "remaining loyal and steadfast", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it took a short while before althea gained a small but faithful group of noble followers .\" What is the definition of \"faithful\"?"} {"term": "essential", "pos": "", "context": "the story is told by michelangelo 's pupil and biographer condivi and is therefore presumably true in essentials .", "definition": "the fundamental elements or characteristics of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the story is told by michelangelo 's pupil and biographer condivi and is therefore presumably true in essentials .\" What is the definition of \"essential\"?"} {"term": "supplicate", "pos": "", "context": "supplicate for permission", "definition": "make a humble , earnest petition", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"supplicate for permission\" What is the definition of \"supplicate\"?"} {"term": "pooh", "pos": "", "context": "she had poohed in the living-room the first night , she had destroyed a couple of plastic bowls , and she had made their kitten fly high in the air ( do n't ask me how she did that ) .", "definition": "defecate .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she had poohed in the living-room the first night , she had destroyed a couple of plastic bowls , and she had made their kitten fly high in the air ( do n't ask me how she did that ) .\" What is the definition of \"pooh\"?"} {"term": "badly", "pos": "", "context": "she writes badly", "definition": "without skill or in a displeasing manner", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she writes badly\" What is the definition of \"badly\"?"} {"term": "hospital", "pos": "", "context": "not all hospitals and healthcare facilities offer palliative care services .", "definition": "an institution providing medical and surgical treatment and nursing care for sick or injured people .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"not all hospitals and healthcare facilities offer palliative care services .\" What is the definition of \"hospital\"?"} {"term": "cap", "pos": "", "context": "he was omitted because of the cap on team strengths in the competition , but will ride tomorrow in what looks a lost cause against the champions .", "definition": "an upper limit imposed on spending or borrowing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was omitted because of the cap on team strengths in the competition , but will ride tomorrow in what looks a lost cause against the champions .\" What is the definition of \"cap\"?"} {"term": "ex", "pos": "", "context": "we have good relationships with my exes ( except for my youngest 's father ) and their parents .", "definition": "a former husband , wife , or other partner in a relationship", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we have good relationships with my exes ( except for my youngest 's father ) and their parents .\" What is the definition of \"ex\"?"} {"term": "encopresis", "pos": "", "context": "prior to beginning therapy at the center , jane 's behavior was characterized by continued enuresis and encopresis .", "definition": "involuntary defecation , especially associated with emotional disturbance or psychiatric disorder .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"prior to beginning therapy at the center , jane 's behavior was characterized by continued enuresis and encopresis .\" What is the definition of \"encopresis\"?"} {"term": "patristics", "pos": "", "context": "first of all it has to be said that , according to patristics experts , the iconic nature of priesthood is never used by the church fathers as an argument against the ordination of women as priests .", "definition": "the branch of christian theology that deals with the lives , writings , and doctrines of the early christian theologians .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"first of all it has to be said that , according to patristics experts , the iconic nature of priesthood is never used by the church fathers as an argument against the ordination of women as priests .\" What is the definition of \"patristics\"?"} {"term": "miller", "pos": "", "context": "the difference goes into the hands of millers , agents and the wholesale dealers .", "definition": "a person who owns or works in a corn mill .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the difference goes into the hands of millers , agents and the wholesale dealers .\" What is the definition of \"miller\"?"} {"term": "exhalation", "pos": "", "context": "the reaction you 'd get from a typical eagles fan hearing this news might be a shift of the eyebrow , a shrug of the shoulders , maybe an exhalation of a harried breath .", "definition": "an expiration of air from the lungs", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the reaction you 'd get from a typical eagles fan hearing this news might be a shift of the eyebrow , a shrug of the shoulders , maybe an exhalation of a harried breath .\" What is the definition of \"exhalation\"?"} {"term": "enticement", "pos": "", "context": "with the right enticements , pyongyang can be persuaded to promise to give up its nuke program .", "definition": "something used to attract or to tempt someone ; a lure", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with the right enticements , pyongyang can be persuaded to promise to give up its nuke program .\" What is the definition of \"enticement\"?"} {"term": "middle", "pos": "", "context": "middle english is the english language from about 1100 to 1500", "definition": "of a stage in the development of a language or literature between earlier and later stages", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"middle english is the english language from about 1100 to 1500\" What is the definition of \"middle\"?"} {"term": "seaman", "pos": "", "context": "all crew members , from captain to seaman recruit , eat the same food - but on different days .", "definition": "the lowest rank in the us navy , below petty officer .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all crew members , from captain to seaman recruit , eat the same food - but on different days .\" What is the definition of \"seaman\"?"} {"term": "kink", "pos": "", "context": "by the end everyone was complaining about hand cramps and elbow kinks .", "definition": "a crick in the neck .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"by the end everyone was complaining about hand cramps and elbow kinks .\" What is the definition of \"kink\"?"} {"term": "charity", "pos": "", "context": "of course , generosity , pity , charity , benevolence , or compassion may lead them to do more .", "definition": "kindness and tolerance in judging others", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"of course , generosity , pity , charity , benevolence , or compassion may lead them to do more .\" What is the definition of \"charity\"?"} {"term": "charity", "pos": "", "context": "there have been over a hundred performances so far , several of them as fund-raising ventures for charity .", "definition": "the body of organizations viewed collectively as the object of fundraising or of donations", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there have been over a hundred performances so far , several of them as fund-raising ventures for charity .\" What is the definition of \"charity\"?"} {"term": "timing", "pos": "", "context": "while you may be pulling off various crazy tricks , they all require good timing and excellent control .", "definition": "the choice , judgement , or control of when something should be done", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"while you may be pulling off various crazy tricks , they all require good timing and excellent control .\" What is the definition of \"timing\"?"} {"term": "fichu", "pos": "", "context": "annette was dreading it profusely , reluctantly putting on her fichu and allowing garnier to help her into a waiting carriage .", "definition": "a small triangular shawl , worn round a woman 's shoulders and neck .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"annette was dreading it profusely , reluctantly putting on her fichu and allowing garnier to help her into a waiting carriage .\" What is the definition of \"fichu\"?"} {"term": "bream", "pos": "", "context": "i continued to catch roach with the odd nice rudd , tench and bream for the next hour and a half .", "definition": "a greenish-bronze deep-bodied freshwater fish native to europe .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i continued to catch roach with the odd nice rudd , tench and bream for the next hour and a half .\" What is the definition of \"bream\"?"} {"term": "toltec", "pos": "", "context": "highly developed cultures , including those of the olmecs , mayas , toltecs , and aztecs existed long before the spanish conquest .", "definition": "a member of an american indian people that flourished in mexico before the aztecs .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"highly developed cultures , including those of the olmecs , mayas , toltecs , and aztecs existed long before the spanish conquest .\" What is the definition of \"toltec\"?"} {"term": "airflow", "pos": "", "context": "she adjusted the fan so that the airflow was directed right at her", "definition": "the flow of air", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she adjusted the fan so that the airflow was directed right at her\" What is the definition of \"airflow\"?"} {"term": "circular", "pos": "", "context": "he mailed the circular to all subscribers", "definition": "an advertisement ( usually printed on a page or in a leaflet ) intended for wide distribution", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he mailed the circular to all subscribers\" What is the definition of \"circular\"?"} {"term": "bellman", "pos": "", "context": "the town bellman read a celebratory poem and schoolchildren lined up to take part in the traditional dances .", "definition": "a town crier .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the town bellman read a celebratory poem and schoolchildren lined up to take part in the traditional dances .\" What is the definition of \"bellman\"?"} {"term": "displeasure", "pos": "", "context": "sam nodded , not trusting himself to speak in case he said something that displeasured his father .", "definition": "annoy ; displease", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sam nodded , not trusting himself to speak in case he said something that displeasured his father .\" What is the definition of \"displeasure\"?"} {"term": "growth", "pos": "", "context": "it can be effective in the treatment of cancerous growths , because malignant cells are more sensitive than normal body cells : the radiation can be applied to a particular area , whilst the rest of the body is shielded from it .", "definition": "a tumour or other abnormal formation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it can be effective in the treatment of cancerous growths , because malignant cells are more sensitive than normal body cells : the radiation can be applied to a particular area , whilst the rest of the body is shielded from it .\" What is the definition of \"growth\"?"} {"term": "thunderbolt", "pos": "", "context": "twice in the first five minutes of the second half he launched thunderbolts towards james .", "definition": "a very fast and powerful shot , throw , or stroke", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"twice in the first five minutes of the second half he launched thunderbolts towards james .\" What is the definition of \"thunderbolt\"?"} {"term": "contaminate", "pos": "", "context": "do n't drink the water -- it 's contaminated", "definition": "make radioactive by adding radioactive material", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"do n't drink the water -- it 's contaminated\" What is the definition of \"contaminate\"?"} {"term": "mentality", "pos": "", "context": "logic and illusion become confused and you find it hard to express your highly developed and sensitive mentality .", "definition": "the capacity for intelligent thought", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"logic and illusion become confused and you find it hard to express your highly developed and sensitive mentality .\" What is the definition of \"mentality\"?"} {"term": "vehicle", "pos": "", "context": "malone confirmed that an investment vehicle representing a group of private individuals was the new shareholder in the company .", "definition": "a privately controlled company through which an individual or organization conducts a particular kind of business , especially investment .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"malone confirmed that an investment vehicle representing a group of private individuals was the new shareholder in the company .\" What is the definition of \"vehicle\"?"} {"term": "near", "pos": "", "context": "a near hyperbolic relationship between respiration rates and meristem radii was observed .", "definition": "almost", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a near hyperbolic relationship between respiration rates and meristem radii was observed .\" What is the definition of \"near\"?"} {"term": "near", "pos": "", "context": "traffic interactions on a clear day were filmed for about two hours near the noon period .", "definition": "a short period of time from", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"traffic interactions on a clear day were filmed for about two hours near the noon period .\" What is the definition of \"near\"?"} {"term": "throw", "pos": "", "context": "we are in no way imputing that he tried to bribe him to throw a match .", "definition": "lose ( a race or contest ) intentionally , especially in return for a bribe", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we are in no way imputing that he tried to bribe him to throw a match .\" What is the definition of \"throw\"?"} {"term": "throw", "pos": "", "context": "throw a glance", "definition": "convey or communicate ; of a smile , a look , a physical gesture", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"throw a glance\" What is the definition of \"throw\"?"} {"term": "reforestation", "pos": "", "context": "the cost of reforestation , however , has prevented most private landowners from changing the land use on their own .", "definition": "the process of replanting an area with trees", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the cost of reforestation , however , has prevented most private landowners from changing the land use on their own .\" What is the definition of \"reforestation\"?"} {"term": "twine", "pos": "", "context": "clarissa twined a strand of her newly cut black hair around her finger nervously .", "definition": "wind or cause to wind round something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"clarissa twined a strand of her newly cut black hair around her finger nervously .\" What is the definition of \"twine\"?"} {"term": "shipway", "pos": "", "context": "facilities at the main plant include a 750-foot drydock , three shipways , three wharves , an outfitting pier , four level-luffing cranes , and covered facilities for pre-outfit and assembly .", "definition": "a slope on which a ship is built and down which it slides to be launched .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"facilities at the main plant include a 750-foot drydock , three shipways , three wharves , an outfitting pier , four level-luffing cranes , and covered facilities for pre-outfit and assembly .\" What is the definition of \"shipway\"?"} {"term": "scallop", "pos": "", "context": "most of the postcards date from the first half of the 20th century and are of the popular hand-tinted type with scalloped edges .", "definition": "ornament ( an edge or material ) with scallops", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"most of the postcards date from the first half of the 20th century and are of the popular hand-tinted type with scalloped edges .\" What is the definition of \"scallop\"?"} {"term": "dictator", "pos": "", "context": "this war is not about democracy ; our history shows that we have put more right-wing dictators in power throughout the world than we have supported democracy .", "definition": "a ruler with total power over a country , typically one who has obtained control by force .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this war is not about democracy ; our history shows that we have put more right-wing dictators in power throughout the world than we have supported democracy .\" What is the definition of \"dictator\"?"} {"term": "disqualify", "pos": "", "context": "the equivocation of its affirmation - if affirmation it be - is first among the defects that ought to disqualify this proposal .", "definition": "( of a feature or characteristic ) make ( someone ) unsuitable for an office or activity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the equivocation of its affirmation - if affirmation it be - is first among the defects that ought to disqualify this proposal .\" What is the definition of \"disqualify\"?"} {"term": "banknote", "pos": "", "context": "in the banknote section we find eight very interesting thai banknotes to be auctioned .", "definition": "a piece of paper money , constituting a central bank 's promissory note to pay a stated sum to the bearer on demand", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the banknote section we find eight very interesting thai banknotes to be auctioned .\" What is the definition of \"banknote\"?"} {"term": "wilt", "pos": "", "context": "philip could see david wilting as the conflicting desires to help his sister and to look for peace came against each other .", "definition": "( of a person ) lose energy , vigour , or confidence", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"philip could see david wilting as the conflicting desires to help his sister and to look for peace came against each other .\" What is the definition of \"wilt\"?"} {"term": "luff", "pos": "", "context": "if it 's a sailboat , luff it up into the wind and drift to a complete stop , then allow it to sail backwards - a boat-length is long enough to appease the spirits .", "definition": "steer ( a yacht ) nearer the wind", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if it 's a sailboat , luff it up into the wind and drift to a complete stop , then allow it to sail backwards - a boat-length is long enough to appease the spirits .\" What is the definition of \"luff\"?"} {"term": "topiary", "pos": "", "context": "she says : ‘ the form of the sculpture comes from the fantastic topiary trees they have there . ’", "definition": "shrubs or trees clipped into ornamental shapes", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she says : ‘ the form of the sculpture comes from the fantastic topiary trees they have there . ’\" What is the definition of \"topiary\"?"} {"term": "chorus", "pos": "", "context": "failing to achieve this task in rhythm to the music releases a chorus of boos and jeers , and if it continues for too long , ends your game immediately .", "definition": "a simultaneous utterance of something by many people", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"failing to achieve this task in rhythm to the music releases a chorus of boos and jeers , and if it continues for too long , ends your game immediately .\" What is the definition of \"chorus\"?"} {"term": "dysphonia", "pos": "", "context": "voice therapy for dysphonia consists of a series of techniques that aim to correct maladaptive and inappropriate vocal behaviours .", "definition": "difficulty in speaking due to a physical disorder of the mouth , tongue , throat , or vocal cords .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"voice therapy for dysphonia consists of a series of techniques that aim to correct maladaptive and inappropriate vocal behaviours .\" What is the definition of \"dysphonia\"?"} {"term": "swindle", "pos": "", "context": "the government has pledged to crack down on unscrupulous doorstep salesmen who swindle vulnerable pensioners out of thousands of pounds .", "definition": "use deception to deprive ( someone ) of money or possessions", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the government has pledged to crack down on unscrupulous doorstep salesmen who swindle vulnerable pensioners out of thousands of pounds .\" What is the definition of \"swindle\"?"} {"term": "friary", "pos": "", "context": "the annual mass will be held in the friary at 1pm .", "definition": "a building or community occupied by or consisting of friars .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the annual mass will be held in the friary at 1pm .\" What is the definition of \"friary\"?"} {"term": "magdalen", "pos": "", "context": "this shifting image of the magdalene stabilized in the renaissance ; she became ‘ venus in sackcloth . ’", "definition": "st mary magdalene .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this shifting image of the magdalene stabilized in the renaissance ; she became ‘ venus in sackcloth . ’\" What is the definition of \"magdalen\"?"} {"term": "trustee", "pos": "", "context": "lawyers and trustees have statutory and other legal obligations but are still fiduciaries .", "definition": "an individual person or member of a board given control or powers of administration of property in trust with a legal obligation to administer it solely for the purposes specified", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lawyers and trustees have statutory and other legal obligations but are still fiduciaries .\" What is the definition of \"trustee\"?"} {"term": "haveli", "pos": "", "context": "most of the merchants ' mansions - known as havelis and built around a central courtyard - have survived intact from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries , and indeed most are still inhabited .", "definition": "a mansion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"most of the merchants ' mansions - known as havelis and built around a central courtyard - have survived intact from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries , and indeed most are still inhabited .\" What is the definition of \"haveli\"?"} {"term": "specific", "pos": "", "context": "needed a specific amount", "definition": "stated explicitly or in detail", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"needed a specific amount\" What is the definition of \"specific\"?"} {"term": "specific", "pos": "", "context": "all specific excise taxes are unfair in that no tax contribution is made by non-consumers .", "definition": "( of a duty or a tax ) levied at a fixed rate per physical unit of the thing taxed , regardless of its price .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all specific excise taxes are unfair in that no tax contribution is made by non-consumers .\" What is the definition of \"specific\"?"} {"term": "thrombectomy", "pos": "", "context": "surgical thrombectomy is usually only considered when other options fail .", "definition": "surgical removal of a thrombus from a blood vessel .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"surgical thrombectomy is usually only considered when other options fail .\" What is the definition of \"thrombectomy\"?"} {"term": "innovation", "pos": "", "context": "through these gambits , business commentators challenge the very concept of innovation .", "definition": "the action or process of innovating", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"through these gambits , business commentators challenge the very concept of innovation .\" What is the definition of \"innovation\"?"} {"term": "bathe", "pos": "", "context": "on a sunny sunday that is unseasonably warm , the pawson household is bathed in light and filled with the smell of roasting lamb .", "definition": "suffuse or envelop in something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on a sunny sunday that is unseasonably warm , the pawson household is bathed in light and filled with the smell of roasting lamb .\" What is the definition of \"bathe\"?"} {"term": "coupler", "pos": "", "context": "it is among his choices for an exhibition of chromogenic dye coupler prints that speaks of the alienation and introspection of travel .", "definition": "a compound in a developer or an emulsion which combines with the products of development to form an insoluble dye , part of the image .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is among his choices for an exhibition of chromogenic dye coupler prints that speaks of the alienation and introspection of travel .\" What is the definition of \"coupler\"?"} {"term": "procurement", "pos": "", "context": "now they are being asked to embark on a massive round of negotiations on virtually all trade issues at once , and to add new trade issues such as government procurement and foreign investment .", "definition": "the action of obtaining or procuring something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"now they are being asked to embark on a massive round of negotiations on virtually all trade issues at once , and to add new trade issues such as government procurement and foreign investment .\" What is the definition of \"procurement\"?"} {"term": "procurement", "pos": "", "context": "he was responsible for the procurement of materials and supplies", "definition": "the act of getting possession of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was responsible for the procurement of materials and supplies\" What is the definition of \"procurement\"?"} {"term": "quintain", "pos": "", "context": "among the myriad of skills to be mastered , was tilting at the quintain .", "definition": "a post set up as a mark in tilting with a lance , typically with a sandbag attached that would swing round and strike an unsuccessful tilter .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"among the myriad of skills to be mastered , was tilting at the quintain .\" What is the definition of \"quintain\"?"} {"term": "lithotomy", "pos": "", "context": "in passing , until the advent of anaesthetics and antisepsis about 200 years later , the only internal operation generally undertaken was removal of bladder stones , or lithotomy as it was called .", "definition": "surgical removal of a calculus ( stone ) from the bladder , kidney , or urinary tract .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in passing , until the advent of anaesthetics and antisepsis about 200 years later , the only internal operation generally undertaken was removal of bladder stones , or lithotomy as it was called .\" What is the definition of \"lithotomy\"?"} {"term": "magnificence", "pos": "", "context": "we might as well have been in paris or rome , such was the beauty and magnificence of our trip .", "definition": "the quality of being magnificent", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we might as well have been in paris or rome , such was the beauty and magnificence of our trip .\" What is the definition of \"magnificence\"?"} {"term": "bartender", "pos": "", "context": "after midnight , the bartenders were drunk and were taking forever to make drinks .", "definition": "a person serving drinks at a bar .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after midnight , the bartenders were drunk and were taking forever to make drinks .\" What is the definition of \"bartender\"?"} {"term": "coffee", "pos": "", "context": "he ordered a cup of coffee", "definition": "a beverage consisting of an infusion of ground coffee beans", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he ordered a cup of coffee\" What is the definition of \"coffee\"?"} {"term": "coffee", "pos": "", "context": "the inspector drank an enormous coffee , twenty times the size of an espresso .", "definition": "a cup of coffee", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the inspector drank an enormous coffee , twenty times the size of an espresso .\" What is the definition of \"coffee\"?"} {"term": "instill", "pos": "", "context": "instill medication into my eye", "definition": "enter drop by drop", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"instill medication into my eye\" What is the definition of \"instill\"?"} {"term": "forethought", "pos": "", "context": "i heard enough of those kind of comments in high school to last a lifetime and can only ascribe its appearance in a normally responsible publication to poor editing and lack of forethought .", "definition": "careful consideration of what will be necessary or may happen in the future", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i heard enough of those kind of comments in high school to last a lifetime and can only ascribe its appearance in a normally responsible publication to poor editing and lack of forethought .\" What is the definition of \"forethought\"?"} {"term": "nebulizer", "pos": "", "context": "and because they deliver the medicine much more quickly than a nebulizer , they may be preferred by some parents .", "definition": "a device for producing a fine spray of liquid , used for example for inhaling a medicinal drug", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and because they deliver the medicine much more quickly than a nebulizer , they may be preferred by some parents .\" What is the definition of \"nebulizer\"?"} {"term": "swimfeeder", "pos": "", "context": "anglers who use a swimfeeder as it should be used require their own kind of skill , and you have to work hard at it to make it work properly .", "definition": "a small perforated container for bait which is cast into the water or attached to a lure to attract fish .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"anglers who use a swimfeeder as it should be used require their own kind of skill , and you have to work hard at it to make it work properly .\" What is the definition of \"swimfeeder\"?"} {"term": "integrator", "pos": "", "context": "your system integrator and service provider have knowledge about the tuning and configuration of your system to best meet your operational requirements .", "definition": "a company which markets commercial integrated software and hardware systems .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"your system integrator and service provider have knowledge about the tuning and configuration of your system to best meet your operational requirements .\" What is the definition of \"integrator\"?"} {"term": "guillotine", "pos": "", "context": "the french guillotined many vietnamese while they occupied the country", "definition": "kill by cutting the head off with a guillotine", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the french guillotined many vietnamese while they occupied the country\" What is the definition of \"guillotine\"?"} {"term": "portrayal", "pos": "", "context": "put simply , the david against goliath scenario does not necessarily represent an accurate portrayal of the real conflict .", "definition": "a description of someone or something in a particular way ; a representation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"put simply , the david against goliath scenario does not necessarily represent an accurate portrayal of the real conflict .\" What is the definition of \"portrayal\"?"} {"term": "tessellate", "pos": "", "context": "tessellate the kitchen floor", "definition": "tile with tesserae", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tessellate the kitchen floor\" What is the definition of \"tessellate\"?"} {"term": "milk", "pos": "", "context": "what have you been doing all of these years , milking him for money ?", "definition": "exploit or defraud by taking small amounts of money over a period of time", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"what have you been doing all of these years , milking him for money ?\" What is the definition of \"milk\"?"} {"term": "milk", "pos": "", "context": "children can touch the animals and even have a go at milking the goats .", "definition": "draw milk from ( a cow or other animal ) , either by hand or mechanically", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"children can touch the animals and even have a go at milking the goats .\" What is the definition of \"milk\"?"} {"term": "milk", "pos": "", "context": "the calf 's first year of food is almost exclusively its mother 's rich milk , which can be reached easily .", "definition": "an opaque white fluid rich in fat and protein , secreted by female mammals for the nourishment of their young", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the calf 's first year of food is almost exclusively its mother 's rich milk , which can be reached easily .\" What is the definition of \"milk\"?"} {"term": "mannitol", "pos": "", "context": "in addition , some sugar-free , low-calorie candies may contain sugar alcohols , such as sorbitol or mannitol .", "definition": "a colourless sweet-tasting crystalline alcohol which is found in many plants and is used in various foods and medical products .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in addition , some sugar-free , low-calorie candies may contain sugar alcohols , such as sorbitol or mannitol .\" What is the definition of \"mannitol\"?"} {"term": "pastiche", "pos": "", "context": "a pastiche of autobiography and post-modern plot twists , it was haunted by an off-putting tone of smug precociousness .", "definition": "an artistic work consisting of a medley of pieces imitating various sources", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a pastiche of autobiography and post-modern plot twists , it was haunted by an off-putting tone of smug precociousness .\" What is the definition of \"pastiche\"?"} {"term": "hellraiser", "pos": "", "context": "the oscar-winning actor became firm friends with the irish hellraiser after they began working together on the big-screen version of ‘ miami vice ’ .", "definition": "a person who causes trouble by drinking , being violent , or otherwise behaving outrageously .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the oscar-winning actor became firm friends with the irish hellraiser after they began working together on the big-screen version of ‘ miami vice ’ .\" What is the definition of \"hellraiser\"?"} {"term": "run-out", "pos": "", "context": "he went on to make 27 no but saw three other batsmen all suffer run-out dismissals as ripon reached 142-8 .", "definition": "the dismissal of a batsman by being run out", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he went on to make 27 no but saw three other batsmen all suffer run-out dismissals as ripon reached 142-8 .\" What is the definition of \"run-out\"?"} {"term": "quickness", "pos": "", "context": "despite his quickness to irritability , he does have some redeeming qualities .", "definition": "the quality of a person 's temper being easily roused", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"despite his quickness to irritability , he does have some redeeming qualities .\" What is the definition of \"quickness\"?"} {"term": "chine", "pos": "", "context": "verlaine 's chine was stuffed with leeks , spring onions , lettuce , raspberry leaves , parsley , thyme and marjoram .", "definition": "a joint of meat containing all or part of the chine .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"verlaine 's chine was stuffed with leeks , spring onions , lettuce , raspberry leaves , parsley , thyme and marjoram .\" What is the definition of \"chine\"?"} {"term": "cooperative", "pos": "", "context": "what must cooperatives return to members in exchange for higher levels of equity investment ?", "definition": "a farm , business , or other organization which is owned and run jointly by its members , who share the profits or benefits", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"what must cooperatives return to members in exchange for higher levels of equity investment ?\" What is the definition of \"cooperative\"?"} {"term": "commons", "pos": "", "context": "natural resource commons and the social and ecological impacts associated with their loss have received a good deal of study by ecologists and resource managers .", "definition": "land or resources belonging to or affecting the whole of a community", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"natural resource commons and the social and ecological impacts associated with their loss have received a good deal of study by ecologists and resource managers .\" What is the definition of \"commons\"?"} {"term": "momentum", "pos": "", "context": "the momentum of the particles was deduced from meteoritic velocities", "definition": "the product of a body 's mass and its velocity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the momentum of the particles was deduced from meteoritic velocities\" What is the definition of \"momentum\"?"} {"term": "momentum", "pos": "", "context": "they emanate a kind of spirit and momentum that forces the viewer to look at the world through the eyes of the artist .", "definition": "the impetus and driving force gained by the development of a process or course of events", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they emanate a kind of spirit and momentum that forces the viewer to look at the world through the eyes of the artist .\" What is the definition of \"momentum\"?"} {"term": "jaundice", "pos": "", "context": "jaundice connotes bitterness or resentment . of what is she bitter or resentful ? what bitterness or resentment might she be urging upon us ?", "definition": "bitterness , resentment , or cynicism .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"jaundice connotes bitterness or resentment . of what is she bitter or resentful ? what bitterness or resentment might she be urging upon us ?\" What is the definition of \"jaundice\"?"} {"term": "embitterment", "pos": "", "context": "the embitterment that resulted from the loss of his job never left him", "definition": "the state of being embittered", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the embitterment that resulted from the loss of his job never left him\" What is the definition of \"embitterment\"?"} {"term": "muggins", "pos": "", "context": "guess who got caught today - that 's right , muggins - yours truly .", "definition": "a foolish and gullible person ( often used humorously to refer to oneself )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"guess who got caught today - that 's right , muggins - yours truly .\" What is the definition of \"muggins\"?"} {"term": "cc", "pos": "", "context": "one of them was cc 'd to his boss .", "definition": "send a copy of an email to ( a third party ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one of them was cc 'd to his boss .\" What is the definition of \"cc\"?"} {"term": "alliance", "pos": "", "context": "because the socialists refused to take part in government , they forced the radicals to rule alone or in alliance with the right .", "definition": "the state of being joined or associated", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"because the socialists refused to take part in government , they forced the radicals to rule alone or in alliance with the right .\" What is the definition of \"alliance\"?"} {"term": "dumb", "pos": "", "context": "the most generic blurb about media art is that boredom dumbs down while entertainment enlightens .", "definition": "become less intellectually challenging", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the most generic blurb about media art is that boredom dumbs down while entertainment enlightens .\" What is the definition of \"dumb\"?"} {"term": "serotine", "pos": "", "context": "the serotine ( eptesicus serotinus ) is one of our less common species and is found mainly south of a line from the wash to parts of south wales .", "definition": "a medium-sized insectivorous bat found in eurasia and africa .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the serotine ( eptesicus serotinus ) is one of our less common species and is found mainly south of a line from the wash to parts of south wales .\" What is the definition of \"serotine\"?"} {"term": "tweeze", "pos": "", "context": "i 'm tweezed , conditioned , hot oiled , hot waxed , manicured , pedicured , glossed , concealed , spritzed and sprayed .", "definition": "pluck , grasp , or pull with or as if with tweezers", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i 'm tweezed , conditioned , hot oiled , hot waxed , manicured , pedicured , glossed , concealed , spritzed and sprayed .\" What is the definition of \"tweeze\"?"} {"term": "algorithm", "pos": "", "context": "the algorithm employs quite elementary arithmetic and is stated by the authors in just 13 lines .", "definition": "a process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations , especially by a computer", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the algorithm employs quite elementary arithmetic and is stated by the authors in just 13 lines .\" What is the definition of \"algorithm\"?"} {"term": "mire", "pos": "", "context": "the country is still trying to climb out of the mire left by its previous president", "definition": "a difficulty or embarrassment that is hard to extricate yourself from", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the country is still trying to climb out of the mire left by its previous president\" What is the definition of \"mire\"?"} {"term": "mire", "pos": "", "context": "there are also unusual habitats , a mix of ponds , woods , mire and zones of very rare lowland heath .", "definition": "a stretch of swampy or boggy ground", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there are also unusual habitats , a mix of ponds , woods , mire and zones of very rare lowland heath .\" What is the definition of \"mire\"?"} {"term": "permute", "pos": "", "context": "to assess levels of significance , we permuted genotypes among populations 10,000 times .", "definition": "submit to a process of alteration , rearrangement , or permutation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to assess levels of significance , we permuted genotypes among populations 10,000 times .\" What is the definition of \"permute\"?"} {"term": "comfort", "pos": "", "context": "he had two children with her but his pension was insufficient to allow the family to live in comfort .", "definition": "prosperity and the pleasant lifestyle secured by it", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had two children with her but his pension was insufficient to allow the family to live in comfort .\" What is the definition of \"comfort\"?"} {"term": "comfort", "pos": "", "context": "such comforts take the forms of more leisure and ease in life in the field of physical sciences , while in the spiritual field they become rituals and traditions .", "definition": "things that contribute to physical ease and well-being", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"such comforts take the forms of more leisure and ease in life in the field of physical sciences , while in the spiritual field they become rituals and traditions .\" What is the definition of \"comfort\"?"} {"term": "announce", "pos": "", "context": "he announced the winners of the spelling bee", "definition": "give the names of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he announced the winners of the spelling bee\" What is the definition of \"announce\"?"} {"term": "nobble", "pos": "", "context": "yet he manages to nobble a number of people who first agree to contribute to the film , and then mysteriously drop out .", "definition": "seize or accost ( someone )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"yet he manages to nobble a number of people who first agree to contribute to the film , and then mysteriously drop out .\" What is the definition of \"nobble\"?"} {"term": "mispronounce", "pos": "", "context": "she mispronounces many latinate words", "definition": "pronounce a word incorrectly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she mispronounces many latinate words\" What is the definition of \"mispronounce\"?"} {"term": "gorge", "pos": "", "context": "and all the way , most like a brutish beast , he spewed up his gorge , that all did him detest .", "definition": "the contents of the stomach .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and all the way , most like a brutish beast , he spewed up his gorge , that all did him detest .\" What is the definition of \"gorge\"?"} {"term": "anticipate", "pos": "", "context": "given what is at stake the winners can anticipate a probable quarter-final against wales .", "definition": "regard as probable ; expect or predict", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"given what is at stake the winners can anticipate a probable quarter-final against wales .\" What is the definition of \"anticipate\"?"} {"term": "mauritanian", "pos": "", "context": "another man , a mauritanian , attempts to make his way by boat .", "definition": "a native or inhabitant of mauritania", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"another man , a mauritanian , attempts to make his way by boat .\" What is the definition of \"mauritanian\"?"} {"term": "prograde", "pos": "", "context": "through time , the basin shrank as it filled with sediment that prograded inward along the margins , most rapidly along the eastern shelf .", "definition": "( of a coastline ) advance towards the sea as a result of the accumulation of waterborne sediment", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"through time , the basin shrank as it filled with sediment that prograded inward along the margins , most rapidly along the eastern shelf .\" What is the definition of \"prograde\"?"} {"term": "bandwidth", "pos": "", "context": "that means that during the past few days we had to temporarily turn your site off to keep the bandwidth within this limit .", "definition": "the transmission capacity of a computer network or other telecommunication system", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that means that during the past few days we had to temporarily turn your site off to keep the bandwidth within this limit .\" What is the definition of \"bandwidth\"?"} {"term": "fullness", "pos": "", "context": "an underskirt is sewn into the garment giving it extra fullness .", "definition": "the condition of having been cut or designed to give a full shape", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an underskirt is sewn into the garment giving it extra fullness .\" What is the definition of \"fullness\"?"} {"term": "money", "pos": "", "context": "up to 170,000 homeworkers could get more money under new minimum wage regulations .", "definition": "payment for work ; wages", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"up to 170,000 homeworkers could get more money under new minimum wage regulations .\" What is the definition of \"money\"?"} {"term": "money", "pos": "", "context": "councillors feel it would not be an appropriate use of council tax payers ' money .", "definition": "a current medium of exchange in the form of coins and banknotes ; coins and banknotes collectively", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"councillors feel it would not be an appropriate use of council tax payers ' money .\" What is the definition of \"money\"?"} {"term": "money", "pos": "", "context": "he changed his money into francs", "definition": "the official currency issued by a government or national bank", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he changed his money into francs\" What is the definition of \"money\"?"} {"term": "money", "pos": "", "context": "all his money is in real estate", "definition": "wealth reckoned in terms of money", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all his money is in real estate\" What is the definition of \"money\"?"} {"term": "hasty", "pos": "", "context": "by nature they are naturally quick-witted , bold , hasty , quarrelsome and courageous .", "definition": "quick-tempered .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"by nature they are naturally quick-witted , bold , hasty , quarrelsome and courageous .\" What is the definition of \"hasty\"?"} {"term": "cue", "pos": "", "context": "i can be cued back through patient prompting , but it takes me a while , and it might not last .", "definition": "act as a prompt or reminder", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i can be cued back through patient prompting , but it takes me a while , and it might not last .\" What is the definition of \"cue\"?"} {"term": "wavelength", "pos": "", "context": "the bbc had spread its music programming across its various wavelengths , but the late 1960s and the 1970s saw a movement for stations to be subject-specific .", "definition": "a wavelength as a distinctive feature of radio waves from a transmitter .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the bbc had spread its music programming across its various wavelengths , but the late 1960s and the 1970s saw a movement for stations to be subject-specific .\" What is the definition of \"wavelength\"?"} {"term": "bemoan", "pos": "", "context": "this follows years of complaints from small shopkeepers and liberal commentators who bemoan supermarket 's retail dominance .", "definition": "express discontent or sorrow over ( something )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this follows years of complaints from small shopkeepers and liberal commentators who bemoan supermarket 's retail dominance .\" What is the definition of \"bemoan\"?"} {"term": "stylet", "pos": "", "context": "a hematoxylin-eosin-stained slide , with the area of interest marked , was placed over the donor block , and the area of interest was aligned with the stylet .", "definition": "a wire or piece of plastic run through a catheter or cannula in order to stiffen it or to clear it .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a hematoxylin-eosin-stained slide , with the area of interest marked , was placed over the donor block , and the area of interest was aligned with the stylet .\" What is the definition of \"stylet\"?"} {"term": "services", "pos": "", "context": "the mayor tried to maintain city services", "definition": "performance of duties or provision of space and equipment helpful to others", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the mayor tried to maintain city services\" What is the definition of \"services\"?"} {"term": "basketry", "pos": "", "context": "other handicrafts include woodcarving and basketry .", "definition": "the craft of basket-making .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"other handicrafts include woodcarving and basketry .\" What is the definition of \"basketry\"?"} {"term": "alight", "pos": "", "context": "candles alight on the tables", "definition": "lighted up by or as by fire or flame", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"candles alight on the tables\" What is the definition of \"alight\"?"} {"term": "dresser", "pos": "", "context": "trefor started working in the theatre as a wig maker / dresser and soon began doing make-up for opera companies .", "definition": "a person whose job is to look after theatrical costumes and help actors to dress .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"trefor started working in the theatre as a wig maker / dresser and soon began doing make-up for opera companies .\" What is the definition of \"dresser\"?"} {"term": "decagon", "pos": "", "context": "how much more sacred than our triangle would be a square , a pentagon , a decagon , a figure with a hundred sides ?", "definition": "a plane figure with ten straight sides and angles .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"how much more sacred than our triangle would be a square , a pentagon , a decagon , a figure with a hundred sides ?\" What is the definition of \"decagon\"?"} {"term": "nguni", "pos": "", "context": "black umfolosi exemplifies the mbubu tradition of nguni vocals and harmony sung a cappella .", "definition": "relating to the nguni or their languages .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"black umfolosi exemplifies the mbubu tradition of nguni vocals and harmony sung a cappella .\" What is the definition of \"nguni\"?"} {"term": "active", "pos": "", "context": "active duty", "definition": "engaged in full-time work", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"active duty\" What is the definition of \"active\"?"} {"term": "active", "pos": "", "context": "an active man is a man of action", "definition": "characterized by energetic activity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an active man is a man of action\" What is the definition of \"active\"?"} {"term": "souvlaki", "pos": "", "context": "try the full plate pork souvlaki : tender pork , oregano-spiked greek salad , warm puffy pita , rice , and aromatic tzatziki-topped lemon potatoes .", "definition": "a greek dish of pieces of meat grilled on a skewer", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"try the full plate pork souvlaki : tender pork , oregano-spiked greek salad , warm puffy pita , rice , and aromatic tzatziki-topped lemon potatoes .\" What is the definition of \"souvlaki\"?"} {"term": "electrocardiograph", "pos": "", "context": "patients with signs of aortic stenosis on physical examination should undergo testing , including chest x-ray , electrocardiograph and echocardiograph .", "definition": "a machine used for electrocardiography .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"patients with signs of aortic stenosis on physical examination should undergo testing , including chest x-ray , electrocardiograph and echocardiograph .\" What is the definition of \"electrocardiograph\"?"} {"term": "particle", "pos": "", "context": "the view which i am so bold to put forth considers radiation as a high species of vibration in the lines of force which are known to connect particles , and also masses of matter together .", "definition": "a hypothetical object having mass but no physical size .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the view which i am so bold to put forth considers radiation as a high species of vibration in the lines of force which are known to connect particles , and also masses of matter together .\" What is the definition of \"particle\"?"} {"term": "devices", "pos": "", "context": "eventually the family left the house to the devices of this malevolent force", "definition": "an inclination or desire ; used in the plural in the phrase `left to your own devices '", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"eventually the family left the house to the devices of this malevolent force\" What is the definition of \"devices\"?"} {"term": "suspicion", "pos": "", "context": "wrong perceptions result in a lot of anger , mistrust , suspicion , hate and terrorism .", "definition": "cautious distrust", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wrong perceptions result in a lot of anger , mistrust , suspicion , hate and terrorism .\" What is the definition of \"suspicion\"?"} {"term": "slam", "pos": "", "context": "kenny got up and stormed out of the hall , slamming the door loudly behind him .", "definition": "shut ( a door , window , or lid ) forcefully and loudly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"kenny got up and stormed out of the hall , slamming the door loudly behind him .\" What is the definition of \"slam\"?"} {"term": "flap", "pos": "", "context": "the bird flapped its wings", "definition": "move with a thrashing motion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the bird flapped its wings\" What is the definition of \"flap\"?"} {"term": "crape", "pos": "", "context": "crape the mirror", "definition": "cover or drape with crape", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"crape the mirror\" What is the definition of \"crape\"?"} {"term": "regent", "pos": "", "context": "prince-regent", "definition": "acting or functioning as a regent or ruler", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"prince-regent\" What is the definition of \"regent\"?"} {"term": "kasbah", "pos": "", "context": "there are hundreds of kasbahs dotted across the south of morocco , many dating back as far as the 14th century , some with beautifully carved walls , almost all of them now crumbling back into the soil .", "definition": "the citadel of a north african city", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there are hundreds of kasbahs dotted across the south of morocco , many dating back as far as the 14th century , some with beautifully carved walls , almost all of them now crumbling back into the soil .\" What is the definition of \"kasbah\"?"} {"term": "ton", "pos": "", "context": "the international maritime organization already requires units above three hundred gross tons to carry inmarsat-c , as part of the global maritime distress and safety system and in accordance with the safety of life at sea convention .", "definition": "a unit of gross internal capacity , equal to 100 cu . ft ( 2.83 cubic metres ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the international maritime organization already requires units above three hundred gross tons to carry inmarsat-c , as part of the global maritime distress and safety system and in accordance with the safety of life at sea convention .\" What is the definition of \"ton\"?"} {"term": "ton", "pos": "", "context": "the feats achieved in this film make spectacular viewing , with tiny lorries hauling sacks of cement totalling several tons in weight as they climb fantastic scottish mountain tracks .", "definition": "a unit of weight equal to 2,240 lb avoirdupois ( 1016.05 kg ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the feats achieved in this film make spectacular viewing , with tiny lorries hauling sacks of cement totalling several tons in weight as they climb fantastic scottish mountain tracks .\" What is the definition of \"ton\"?"} {"term": "compose", "pos": "", "context": "the jump from carefully composed illustration to crudely arranged website was quite jarring .", "definition": "form ( a whole ) by ordering or arranging the parts , especially in an artistic way", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the jump from carefully composed illustration to crudely arranged website was quite jarring .\" What is the definition of \"compose\"?"} {"term": "adopt", "pos": "", "context": "some time before i got to know her , mona adopted a baby girl named ayesha .", "definition": "legally take ( another 's child ) and bring it up as one 's own", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some time before i got to know her , mona adopted a baby girl named ayesha .\" What is the definition of \"adopt\"?"} {"term": "physics", "pos": "", "context": "string theory is supposed to contain the physics of the quantum behavior of gravity .", "definition": "the physical properties and phenomena of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"string theory is supposed to contain the physics of the quantum behavior of gravity .\" What is the definition of \"physics\"?"} {"term": "lambda", "pos": "", "context": "berry found sutural bones in 19th century londoners in the vicinity of the lambda in 28.7 % of men and 17.1 % of women .", "definition": "the point at the back of the skull where the parietal bones and the occipital bone meet .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"berry found sutural bones in 19th century londoners in the vicinity of the lambda in 28.7 % of men and 17.1 % of women .\" What is the definition of \"lambda\"?"} {"term": "sympathy", "pos": "", "context": "well , as it happens , i have some sympathy with people who get caught with massive software development schemes that go wrong .", "definition": "feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else 's misfortune", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"well , as it happens , i have some sympathy with people who get caught with massive software development schemes that go wrong .\" What is the definition of \"sympathy\"?"} {"term": "sympathy", "pos": "", "context": "they altered parts of the house , but retained the basic style which was built in sympathy with the environment .", "definition": "relating harmoniously to something else ; in keeping", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they altered parts of the house , but retained the basic style which was built in sympathy with the environment .\" What is the definition of \"sympathy\"?"} {"term": "birthright", "pos": "", "context": "free public education is the birthright of every american child", "definition": "a right or privilege that you are entitled to at birth", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"free public education is the birthright of every american child\" What is the definition of \"birthright\"?"} {"term": "corrupt", "pos": "", "context": "a corrupt text", "definition": "containing errors or alterations", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a corrupt text\" What is the definition of \"corrupt\"?"} {"term": "incline", "pos": "", "context": "people tend to be , in my opinion , far too inclined to worship the mages than to worship god , which is a severe problem .", "definition": "have a tendency to do something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"people tend to be , in my opinion , far too inclined to worship the mages than to worship god , which is a severe problem .\" What is the definition of \"incline\"?"} {"term": "incline", "pos": "", "context": "she inclines to the view that people should be allowed to expres their religious beliefs", "definition": "feel favorably disposed or willing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she inclines to the view that people should be allowed to expres their religious beliefs\" What is the definition of \"incline\"?"} {"term": "incline", "pos": "", "context": "vertical surfaces and surfaces inclined to the point that slab saws can not be used are the application areas for wall saws .", "definition": "lean or turn away from a given plane or direction , especially the vertical or horizontal", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"vertical surfaces and surfaces inclined to the point that slab saws can not be used are the application areas for wall saws .\" What is the definition of \"incline\"?"} {"term": "imminence", "pos": "", "context": "how concerned should be we be about the imminence of an earthquake there ?", "definition": "the state or fact of being about to happen", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"how concerned should be we be about the imminence of an earthquake there ?\" What is the definition of \"imminence\"?"} {"term": "suprasegmental", "pos": "", "context": "they discover , for example , that , unlike sounds , suprasegmentals can change according to meaning .", "definition": "a suprasegmental feature .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they discover , for example , that , unlike sounds , suprasegmentals can change according to meaning .\" What is the definition of \"suprasegmental\"?"} {"term": "snag", "pos": "", "context": "divers have become lost inside the wreck or fouled on loose cables or caught by fishing nets snagged on the hull and drowned at the bottom .", "definition": "become caught on a sharp projection", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"divers have become lost inside the wreck or fouled on loose cables or caught by fishing nets snagged on the hull and drowned at the bottom .\" What is the definition of \"snag\"?"} {"term": "snag", "pos": "", "context": "snag a bargain", "definition": "get by acting quickly and smartly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"snag a bargain\" What is the definition of \"snag\"?"} {"term": "nitty-gritty", "pos": "", "context": "there are other issues coming up as they work through the nitty-gritty details of this plan .", "definition": "the most important aspects or practical details of a subject or situation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there are other issues coming up as they work through the nitty-gritty details of this plan .\" What is the definition of \"nitty-gritty\"?"} {"term": "sludge", "pos": "", "context": "this sludge blocked fuel filters , carburettors and fuel-injection systems , leading to rough running and engine failures .", "definition": "dirty oil , especially in the sump of an internal combustion engine .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this sludge blocked fuel filters , carburettors and fuel-injection systems , leading to rough running and engine failures .\" What is the definition of \"sludge\"?"} {"term": "imprint", "pos": "", "context": "even more significant were the indelible imprints left on an emboldened and much mightier financial sector .", "definition": "a lasting effect", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"even more significant were the indelible imprints left on an emboldened and much mightier financial sector .\" What is the definition of \"imprint\"?"} {"term": "gage", "pos": "", "context": "the same process , involving distraints and blockade , may be used not only in pleas begun by writ , but also in pleas begun by gage and pledge .", "definition": "a valued object deposited as a guarantee of good faith .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the same process , involving distraints and blockade , may be used not only in pleas begun by writ , but also in pleas begun by gage and pledge .\" What is the definition of \"gage\"?"} {"term": "failure", "pos": "", "context": "a severe drought has left much of the country parched and barren , with some crops declared a complete failure .", "definition": "an unsuccessful person or thing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a severe drought has left much of the country parched and barren , with some crops declared a complete failure .\" What is the definition of \"failure\"?"} {"term": "syncytium", "pos": "", "context": "cardiac muscle fibers form a functional but not a protoplasmic syncytium .", "definition": "a structure composed of syncytia , forming the outermost layer of the trophoblast .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cardiac muscle fibers form a functional but not a protoplasmic syncytium .\" What is the definition of \"syncytium\"?"} {"term": "outdrive", "pos": "", "context": "we literally had people in vehicles who could n't outdrive the fire in some spots .", "definition": "drive a vehicle better or faster than ( someone else )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we literally had people in vehicles who could n't outdrive the fire in some spots .\" What is the definition of \"outdrive\"?"} {"term": "oblige", "pos": "", "context": "this september , i am legally obliged to renew my driver 's licence .", "definition": "make ( someone ) legally or morally bound to do something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this september , i am legally obliged to renew my driver 's licence .\" What is the definition of \"oblige\"?"} {"term": "morphine", "pos": "", "context": "mr johnson said that sometimes pete was on morphine to control the pain .", "definition": "an analgesic and narcotic drug obtained from opium and used medicinally to relieve pain .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mr johnson said that sometimes pete was on morphine to control the pain .\" What is the definition of \"morphine\"?"} {"term": "steinway", "pos": "", "context": "he led me and zora to a raised platform where there was a steinway grand piano , a large drum set , and a few speakers and amps set haphazardly around .", "definition": "a piano manufactured by the german piano-builder henry engelhard steinway ( 1797–1871 ) , or by the firm which he founded in new york in 1853 .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he led me and zora to a raised platform where there was a steinway grand piano , a large drum set , and a few speakers and amps set haphazardly around .\" What is the definition of \"steinway\"?"} {"term": "zing", "pos": "", "context": "a bullet zinged past my leg through the water , followed by another .", "definition": "move or vibrate swiftly or with a high-pitched buzzing noise", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bullet zinged past my leg through the water , followed by another .\" What is the definition of \"zing\"?"} {"term": "coat", "pos": "", "context": "the coat , skirt , and blouse came into fashion as a practical day dress only in the 1890s .", "definition": "a woman 's tailored jacket , worn with a skirt or dress", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the coat , skirt , and blouse came into fashion as a practical day dress only in the 1890s .\" What is the definition of \"coat\"?"} {"term": "coat", "pos": "", "context": "i think that the only reason that the hunters take part in the hunt is just so that they can dress up in silly coats .", "definition": "a man 's jacket , especially as worn when hunting or by soldiers .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i think that the only reason that the hunters take part in the hunt is just so that they can dress up in silly coats .\" What is the definition of \"coat\"?"} {"term": "osage", "pos": "", "context": "the osage indians of missouri made a bread called ‘ stanic ’ from the pulp of the persimmon and ground corn .", "definition": "relating to the osage or their language .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the osage indians of missouri made a bread called ‘ stanic ’ from the pulp of the persimmon and ground corn .\" What is the definition of \"osage\"?"} {"term": "fondu", "pos": "", "context": "i give them a center warm-up , and then center work such as tendus combined with pirouettes , as well as a fondu exercise and adagio .", "definition": "( of a position ) involving a lowering of the body by bending the knee of the supporting leg", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i give them a center warm-up , and then center work such as tendus combined with pirouettes , as well as a fondu exercise and adagio .\" What is the definition of \"fondu\"?"} {"term": "share", "pos": "", "context": "he wanted his share in cash", "definition": "assets belonging to or due to or contributed by an individual person or group", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he wanted his share in cash\" What is the definition of \"share\"?"} {"term": "op", "pos": "", "context": "the results showed that cumulative op exposure from about two-dozen foods often exceeded a child 's acceptable reference dose ( rfd ) .", "definition": "organophosphate ( s ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the results showed that cumulative op exposure from about two-dozen foods often exceeded a child 's acceptable reference dose ( rfd ) .\" What is the definition of \"op\"?"} {"term": "oxlip", "pos": "", "context": "the cowslip count took place in the spring of 2000 and we received data on over 2,000 places around the uk where cowslips , primroses and false oxlips are growing .", "definition": "a natural hybrid between a primrose and a cowslip .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the cowslip count took place in the spring of 2000 and we received data on over 2,000 places around the uk where cowslips , primroses and false oxlips are growing .\" What is the definition of \"oxlip\"?"} {"term": "oxlip", "pos": "", "context": "the people of bardfield collected arms full of oxlips with which to decorate their church at easter .", "definition": "a woodland eurasian primula with yellow flowers that hang down one side of the stem .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the people of bardfield collected arms full of oxlips with which to decorate their church at easter .\" What is the definition of \"oxlip\"?"} {"term": "consulate", "pos": "", "context": "the guide was endorsed by denver 's mexican consulate , but it also contained a welcome message from colorado governor bill owens who says he thought it was advice for legal immigrants .", "definition": "the office or position of a consul .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the guide was endorsed by denver 's mexican consulate , but it also contained a welcome message from colorado governor bill owens who says he thought it was advice for legal immigrants .\" What is the definition of \"consulate\"?"} {"term": "derivative", "pos": "", "context": "instead , it is a mélange of mainstream-friendly comedy and storytelling on the theme of love - brutally honest and quite funny , if somewhat derivative .", "definition": "imitative of the work of another artist , writer , etc. , and usually disapproved of for that reason", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"instead , it is a mélange of mainstream-friendly comedy and storytelling on the theme of love - brutally honest and quite funny , if somewhat derivative .\" What is the definition of \"derivative\"?"} {"term": "corporator", "pos": "", "context": "later in the council , corporators from all parties took serious exception to the union 's allegations against their fellow member .", "definition": "an elected member of a municipal corporation .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"later in the council , corporators from all parties took serious exception to the union 's allegations against their fellow member .\" What is the definition of \"corporator\"?"} {"term": "tripe", "pos": "", "context": "i saw bank tellers in cheap suits talking tripe to gullible secretaries .", "definition": "nonsense ; rubbish", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i saw bank tellers in cheap suits talking tripe to gullible secretaries .\" What is the definition of \"tripe\"?"} {"term": "patronage", "pos": "", "context": "loyalty programmes work on the basis of providing rewards to customers in return for their continuing patronage .", "definition": "the regular custom attracted by a shop , restaurant , etc .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"loyalty programmes work on the basis of providing rewards to customers in return for their continuing patronage .\" What is the definition of \"patronage\"?"} {"term": "patronage", "pos": "", "context": "even before noon there was a considerable patronage", "definition": "the business given to a commercial establishment by its customers", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"even before noon there was a considerable patronage\" What is the definition of \"patronage\"?"} {"term": "broadside", "pos": "", "context": "there was a free brochure , done in french fold , with a text pamphlet and , on the verso , a souvenir broadside printed in willow branches like those that appeared in a stretch of wallpaper marking the entrance to the show .", "definition": "a sheet of paper printed on one side only , forming one large page", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was a free brochure , done in french fold , with a text pamphlet and , on the verso , a souvenir broadside printed in willow branches like those that appeared in a stretch of wallpaper marking the entrance to the show .\" What is the definition of \"broadside\"?"} {"term": "plump", "pos": "", "context": "returning to the bed , she plumped up the pillows , settled herself and began to stitch .", "definition": "shake or pat ( a cushion or pillow ) to adjust its stuffing and make it rounded and soft", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"returning to the bed , she plumped up the pillows , settled herself and began to stitch .\" What is the definition of \"plump\"?"} {"term": "plump", "pos": "", "context": "since it plumps up with the liquid , this is way more than two people can heathily eat .", "definition": "become rounder and fatter", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"since it plumps up with the liquid , this is way more than two people can heathily eat .\" What is the definition of \"plump\"?"} {"term": "stringer", "pos": "", "context": "the hull is supported by a system of longitudinal stringers and transverse frames of plywood encased in fiberglass and resin .", "definition": "a longitudinal structural piece in a framework , especially that of a ship or aircraft .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the hull is supported by a system of longitudinal stringers and transverse frames of plywood encased in fiberglass and resin .\" What is the definition of \"stringer\"?"} {"term": "diploid", "pos": "", "context": "diploid somatic cells", "definition": "of a cell or organism having two sets of chromosomes or twice the haploid number", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"diploid somatic cells\" What is the definition of \"diploid\"?"} {"term": "fresh", "pos": "", "context": "he had only been introduced to it recently and it was fresh in his mind .", "definition": "recently created or experienced and not faded or impaired", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had only been introduced to it recently and it was fresh in his mind .\" What is the definition of \"fresh\"?"} {"term": "electrochemistry", "pos": "", "context": "this larger cell enabled us to more thoroughly remove oxygen from the electrolyte yielding better electrochemistry .", "definition": "the branch of chemistry that deals with the relations between electrical and chemical phenomena .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this larger cell enabled us to more thoroughly remove oxygen from the electrolyte yielding better electrochemistry .\" What is the definition of \"electrochemistry\"?"} {"term": "defense", "pos": "", "context": "sanitation is the best defense against disease", "definition": "protection from harm", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sanitation is the best defense against disease\" What is the definition of \"defense\"?"} {"term": "defense", "pos": "", "context": "his teams are always good on defense", "definition": "( sports ) the team that is trying to prevent the other team from scoring", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his teams are always good on defense\" What is the definition of \"defense\"?"} {"term": "rumba", "pos": "", "context": "the bagpipes were wailing and some rotary types were trying to rumba to it .", "definition": "dance the rumba", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the bagpipes were wailing and some rotary types were trying to rumba to it .\" What is the definition of \"rumba\"?"} {"term": "prosecution", "pos": "", "context": "the defendant has the right to call witnesses and to cross-examine any witness called by the prosecution .", "definition": "the party instituting or conducting legal proceedings against someone in a lawsuit", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the defendant has the right to call witnesses and to cross-examine any witness called by the prosecution .\" What is the definition of \"prosecution\"?"} {"term": "davenport", "pos": "", "context": "with a range of furnishings , from chiffonier , davenport and farthingale chairs to fauteuil and ottomans , aesthetes can choose from a wide range at the exhibition .", "definition": "an ornamental writing desk with drawers and a sloping surface for writing .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with a range of furnishings , from chiffonier , davenport and farthingale chairs to fauteuil and ottomans , aesthetes can choose from a wide range at the exhibition .\" What is the definition of \"davenport\"?"} {"term": "mill", "pos": "", "context": "refined white flour is what 's left after the nutrient-packed germ and bran are milled out of the wheat kernel .", "definition": "grind ( something ) in a mill", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"refined white flour is what 's left after the nutrient-packed germ and bran are milled out of the wheat kernel .\" What is the definition of \"mill\"?"} {"term": "disco", "pos": "", "context": "‘ no matter what good product you do , it is the marketing effort that matters ultimately , ’ says the singer , who is slated to perform live in many city discotheques for the promotion of her new album .", "definition": "a club or party at which people dance to pop music", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ no matter what good product you do , it is the marketing effort that matters ultimately , ’ says the singer , who is slated to perform live in many city discotheques for the promotion of her new album .\" What is the definition of \"disco\"?"} {"term": "disco", "pos": "", "context": "we sat down with loud disco music blaring away and a few girls were discoing on the tiny space between tables .", "definition": "attend or dance at a disco", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we sat down with loud disco music blaring away and a few girls were discoing on the tiny space between tables .\" What is the definition of \"disco\"?"} {"term": "interlocutor", "pos": "", "context": "this is why the current engagement between my interlocutors and myself is particularly valuable .", "definition": "a person who takes part in a dialogue or conversation .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this is why the current engagement between my interlocutors and myself is particularly valuable .\" What is the definition of \"interlocutor\"?"} {"term": "ample", "pos": "", "context": "of ample proportions", "definition": "fairly large", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"of ample proportions\" What is the definition of \"ample\"?"} {"term": "tick", "pos": "", "context": "and within an hour it had given back all of that , too - give or take a couple of ticks .", "definition": "the smallest recognized amount by which a price of a security or future may fluctuate .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and within an hour it had given back all of that , too - give or take a couple of ticks .\" What is the definition of \"tick\"?"} {"term": "gastropod", "pos": "", "context": "sponges are preyed upon by gastropods , polychaetes , asteroids , echinoids , turtles , and fishes .", "definition": "a mollusc of the large class `` gastropoda ' , such as a snail , slug , or whelk .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sponges are preyed upon by gastropods , polychaetes , asteroids , echinoids , turtles , and fishes .\" What is the definition of \"gastropod\"?"} {"term": "grog", "pos": "", "context": "mr philup , if he felt like grogging up with the locals , would drive him in .", "definition": "drink alcohol , especially to excess", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mr philup , if he felt like grogging up with the locals , would drive him in .\" What is the definition of \"grog\"?"} {"term": "tetrafluoroethylene", "pos": "", "context": "the report states the listing is based on findings from laboratory animal studies of tetrafluoroethylene in which cancer was observed in multiple organs of multiple species following long-term inhalation exposures .", "definition": "a dense colourless gas which is polymerized to make plastics such as polytetrafluoroethylene .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the report states the listing is based on findings from laboratory animal studies of tetrafluoroethylene in which cancer was observed in multiple organs of multiple species following long-term inhalation exposures .\" What is the definition of \"tetrafluoroethylene\"?"} {"term": "snuff", "pos": "", "context": "even if your name is lazarus , you 're going to snuff it one day - and dying is the one certain event for which you can plan ahead !", "definition": "die", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"even if your name is lazarus , you 're going to snuff it one day - and dying is the one certain event for which you can plan ahead !\" What is the definition of \"snuff\"?"} {"term": "snuff", "pos": "", "context": "snuff coke", "definition": "inhale audibly through the nose", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"snuff coke\" What is the definition of \"snuff\"?"} {"term": "prose", "pos": "", "context": "and these were many , written in his much admired and inimitable prose style .", "definition": "written or spoken language in its ordinary form , without metrical structure", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and these were many , written in his much admired and inimitable prose style .\" What is the definition of \"prose\"?"} {"term": "leopardess", "pos": "", "context": "an unidentified poacher opened fire on the leopardess with the bullet hitting her in the back , wwf representatives said in a statement .", "definition": "a female leopard .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an unidentified poacher opened fire on the leopardess with the bullet hitting her in the back , wwf representatives said in a statement .\" What is the definition of \"leopardess\"?"} {"term": "surf", "pos": "", "context": "time spent playing computer games and surfing the internet in lieu of playing outside is also contributing to the surge of obesity .", "definition": "move from site to site on ( the internet )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"time spent playing computer games and surfing the internet in lieu of playing outside is also contributing to the surge of obesity .\" What is the definition of \"surf\"?"} {"term": "yammer", "pos": "", "context": "that 's enough ganglia to mime an opera of emotions : a yammer of remorse , perhaps , or a blunt ‘ sit on it . ’", "definition": "loud and sustained or repetitive noise", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that 's enough ganglia to mime an opera of emotions : a yammer of remorse , perhaps , or a blunt ‘ sit on it . ’\" What is the definition of \"yammer\"?"} {"term": "branch", "pos": "", "context": "experienced branch managers will operate the elevators .", "definition": "a division or office of a large business or organization , operating locally or having a particular function", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"experienced branch managers will operate the elevators .\" What is the definition of \"branch\"?"} {"term": "hocus-pocus", "pos": "", "context": "‘ maybe you 'd prefer abracadabra hocus-pocus , ’ said madi nastily , and the room was filled with pretty multicoloured sparkles which eventually faded away .", "definition": "a form of words used by a person performing conjuring tricks .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ maybe you 'd prefer abracadabra hocus-pocus , ’ said madi nastily , and the room was filled with pretty multicoloured sparkles which eventually faded away .\" What is the definition of \"hocus-pocus\"?"} {"term": "bunting", "pos": "", "context": "it 's st george 's day and the bunting is flapping in the breeze outside the barmy arms in twickenham .", "definition": "flags and other colourful festive decorations .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's st george 's day and the bunting is flapping in the breeze outside the barmy arms in twickenham .\" What is the definition of \"bunting\"?"} {"term": "canteen", "pos": "", "context": "when i worked at the savoy our morning coffee and buttered croissants always came from either the restaurant or room service rather than the staff canteen .", "definition": "a restaurant provided by an organization such as a college , factory , or company for its students or staff .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when i worked at the savoy our morning coffee and buttered croissants always came from either the restaurant or room service rather than the staff canteen .\" What is the definition of \"canteen\"?"} {"term": "lad", "pos": "", "context": "it is n't paramilitaries but guys acting the lad till someone hits them a smack in the gob and that 's all it is .", "definition": "a young man", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is n't paramilitaries but guys acting the lad till someone hits them a smack in the gob and that 's all it is .\" What is the definition of \"lad\"?"} {"term": "zap", "pos": "", "context": "i had nothing to do the night before a game and i was zapping between the channels .", "definition": "use a remote control to change television channels or operate a video recorder or other piece of electronic equipment", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i had nothing to do the night before a game and i was zapping between the channels .\" What is the definition of \"zap\"?"} {"term": "bleed", "pos": "", "context": "bleed the radiators", "definition": "drain of liquid or steam", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bleed the radiators\" What is the definition of \"bleed\"?"} {"term": "bleed", "pos": "", "context": "in the book 's presentation , the images appear in size from full-page bleeds to roughly the dimension of a passport photo .", "definition": "an instance of printing an illustration or design so as to leave no margin after the page has been trimmed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the book 's presentation , the images appear in size from full-page bleeds to roughly the dimension of a passport photo .\" What is the definition of \"bleed\"?"} {"term": "clintonite", "pos": "", "context": "the clintonite democratic leadership council warned earlier this year that he was `` unelectable ' and this week criticised his `` light-on-issues , heavy-on-anger presidential effort ' .", "definition": "relating to or characteristic of the former us president bill clinton or his policies", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the clintonite democratic leadership council warned earlier this year that he was `` unelectable ' and this week criticised his `` light-on-issues , heavy-on-anger presidential effort ' .\" What is the definition of \"clintonite\"?"} {"term": "icelander", "pos": "", "context": "many icelanders consider this striking waterfall to be a symbol of icelandic christianity .", "definition": "a native or inhabitant of iceland , or a person of icelandic descent", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"many icelanders consider this striking waterfall to be a symbol of icelandic christianity .\" What is the definition of \"icelander\"?"} {"term": "clove", "pos": "", "context": "chuck in a couple of chopped shallots and two cloves of chopped garlic .", "definition": "any of the small bulbs making up a compound bulb of garlic , shallot , etc .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"chuck in a couple of chopped shallots and two cloves of chopped garlic .\" What is the definition of \"clove\"?"} {"term": "mendicant", "pos": "", "context": "whether we 're aware of it or not , our homes are veritable wildlife parks , from the obvious predators such as rats and mice to the more discreet dust mite or the mendicant bluebottle .", "definition": "given to begging .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"whether we 're aware of it or not , our homes are veritable wildlife parks , from the obvious predators such as rats and mice to the more discreet dust mite or the mendicant bluebottle .\" What is the definition of \"mendicant\"?"} {"term": "mendicant", "pos": "", "context": "mendicant friars", "definition": "practicing beggary", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mendicant friars\" What is the definition of \"mendicant\"?"} {"term": "mummification", "pos": "", "context": "bureaucratic mummification in red tape", "definition": "a condition resembling that of a mummy", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bureaucratic mummification in red tape\" What is the definition of \"mummification\"?"} {"term": "bring", "pos": "", "context": "can i bring my cousin to the dinner ?", "definition": "be accompanied by", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"can i bring my cousin to the dinner ?\" What is the definition of \"bring\"?"} {"term": "bring", "pos": "", "context": "she brings a special atmosphere to our meetings", "definition": "bestow a quality on", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she brings a special atmosphere to our meetings\" What is the definition of \"bring\"?"} {"term": "bathtub", "pos": "", "context": "forty of the additional rooms will be suites , with amenities such as whirlpool-style bathtubs and free admission to the upscale belterra spa and exercise facilities .", "definition": "a bath .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"forty of the additional rooms will be suites , with amenities such as whirlpool-style bathtubs and free admission to the upscale belterra spa and exercise facilities .\" What is the definition of \"bathtub\"?"} {"term": "shock", "pos": "", "context": "the old car needed a new set of shocks", "definition": "a mechanical damper ; absorbs energy of sudden impulses", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the old car needed a new set of shocks\" What is the definition of \"shock\"?"} {"term": "shock", "pos": "", "context": "we of the international scientific community were shocked and outraged at the conditional approval of the project .", "definition": "offend the moral feelings of ; outrage", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we of the international scientific community were shocked and outraged at the conditional approval of the project .\" What is the definition of \"shock\"?"} {"term": "prognosis", "pos": "", "context": "accurate diagnosis of ees is important for establishing a prognosis and treatment planning .", "definition": "an opinion , based on medical experience , of the likely course of a medical condition", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"accurate diagnosis of ees is important for establishing a prognosis and treatment planning .\" What is the definition of \"prognosis\"?"} {"term": "holdfast", "pos": "", "context": "lattice panels , wires , or rough surfaces give tendrils and holdfasts a place to latch onto .", "definition": "a staple or clamp securing an object to a wall or other surface .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lattice panels , wires , or rough surfaces give tendrils and holdfasts a place to latch onto .\" What is the definition of \"holdfast\"?"} {"term": "holdfast", "pos": "", "context": "the algae were decapitated , clamped with vice grips at their holdfasts , and secured to the bottom of a unidirectional current tank with an ordinary house brick .", "definition": "a stalked organ by which an alga or other simple aquatic plant or animal is attached to a substrate .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the algae were decapitated , clamped with vice grips at their holdfasts , and secured to the bottom of a unidirectional current tank with an ordinary house brick .\" What is the definition of \"holdfast\"?"} {"term": "advisory", "pos": "", "context": "tax work , for example , is mainly advisory and involves interpreting law and figures rather than poring over a calculator all day .", "definition": "recommended but not compulsory", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tax work , for example , is mainly advisory and involves interpreting law and figures rather than poring over a calculator all day .\" What is the definition of \"advisory\"?"} {"term": "alias", "pos": "", "context": "if the reconstructed image differs from the original image , we are seeing an alias .", "definition": "each of a set of signal frequencies which , when sampled at a given uniform rate , would give the same set of sampled values , and thus might be incorrectly substituted for one another when reconstructing the original signal .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if the reconstructed image differs from the original image , we are seeing an alias .\" What is the definition of \"alias\"?"} {"term": "trimmer", "pos": "", "context": "as trimmer / helmsman , richards agrees she could not have picked a more daunting debut in the round-the-world race .", "definition": "a person responsible for trimming the sails of a yacht", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as trimmer / helmsman , richards agrees she could not have picked a more daunting debut in the round-the-world race .\" What is the definition of \"trimmer\"?"} {"term": "shaking", "pos": "", "context": "the shaking of his fingers as he lit his pipe", "definition": "a shaky motion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the shaking of his fingers as he lit his pipe\" What is the definition of \"shaking\"?"} {"term": "cross-cut", "pos": "", "context": "this line is followed by a quick cross-cut to bruno 's hands .", "definition": "an instance of alternating between two or more sequences when editing a film", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this line is followed by a quick cross-cut to bruno 's hands .\" What is the definition of \"cross-cut\"?"} {"term": "readjustment", "pos": "", "context": "we are in a period of readjustment after the collapse of one of the biggest stockmarket bubbles in history .", "definition": "the process of adapting or becoming used to a changed situation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we are in a period of readjustment after the collapse of one of the biggest stockmarket bubbles in history .\" What is the definition of \"readjustment\"?"} {"term": "aged", "pos": "", "context": "special arrangements were available for the aged", "definition": "people who are old collectively", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"special arrangements were available for the aged\" What is the definition of \"aged\"?"} {"term": "aged", "pos": "", "context": "the kilbracken family home was damp and dilapidated and the estate neglected , its sole stock consisting of one aged cow .", "definition": "( of a horse or farm animal ) over a certain defined age of maturity , typically 6 to 12 years for horses , 3 or 4 years for cattle .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the kilbracken family home was damp and dilapidated and the estate neglected , its sole stock consisting of one aged cow .\" What is the definition of \"aged\"?"} {"term": "cautery", "pos": "", "context": "a bipolar cautery , indelible black marker , and test stimulation equipment and programmer should be available .", "definition": "an instrument or a caustic substance used for cauterizing .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bipolar cautery , indelible black marker , and test stimulation equipment and programmer should be available .\" What is the definition of \"cautery\"?"} {"term": "jockstrap", "pos": "", "context": "many buffalo fans had their jockstraps in knots over the players who left the bills in the offseason .", "definition": "a support or protection for the male genitals , worn especially by sportsmen .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"many buffalo fans had their jockstraps in knots over the players who left the bills in the offseason .\" What is the definition of \"jockstrap\"?"} {"term": "twitch", "pos": "", "context": "bob calmly grabbed the stallion 's halter , led him into the corner of the stall , placed a twitch around his nose and proceeded to treat him .", "definition": "a small noose attached to a stick , which may be twisted around the upper lip or the ear of a horse to subdue it during veterinary procedures .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bob calmly grabbed the stallion 's halter , led him into the corner of the stall , placed a twitch around his nose and proceeded to treat him .\" What is the definition of \"twitch\"?"} {"term": "discharge", "pos": "", "context": "currently , bankrupts are n't usually discharged for three years but from next april , this will be cut to a maximum of a year .", "definition": "relieve ( a bankrupt ) of residual liability", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"currently , bankrupts are n't usually discharged for three years but from next april , this will be cut to a maximum of a year .\" What is the definition of \"discharge\"?"} {"term": "discharge", "pos": "", "context": "this is because they have been discharged from detention under the act , not because they have been placed under supervision .", "definition": "release from the custody or restraint of the law", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this is because they have been discharged from detention under the act , not because they have been placed under supervision .\" What is the definition of \"discharge\"?"} {"term": "discharge", "pos": "", "context": "he sought leave to make an application to discharge the court order made last april .", "definition": "( of a judge or court ) cancel ( an order of a court )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he sought leave to make an application to discharge the court order made last april .\" What is the definition of \"discharge\"?"} {"term": "depression", "pos": "", "context": "depression of the space bar on the typewriter", "definition": "pushing down", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"depression of the space bar on the typewriter\" What is the definition of \"depression\"?"} {"term": "housetop", "pos": "", "context": "cerri silently called for the phoenix who landed on a near by housetop in answer .", "definition": "the ridge or roof of a house", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cerri silently called for the phoenix who landed on a near by housetop in answer .\" What is the definition of \"housetop\"?"} {"term": "relieve", "pos": "", "context": "he was temporarily relieved of duties in 1838 and resigned in protest .", "definition": "used ironically to indicate that someone has been deprived of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was temporarily relieved of duties in 1838 and resigned in protest .\" What is the definition of \"relieve\"?"} {"term": "short", "pos": "", "context": "the transformer laminations or coating of shellac , enamel or varnish is to insulate adjacent turns from shorts between winding .", "definition": "a short circuit .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the transformer laminations or coating of shellac , enamel or varnish is to insulate adjacent turns from shorts between winding .\" What is the definition of \"short\"?"} {"term": "short", "pos": "", "context": "it can occur in syllable coda position , but only after a short vowel .", "definition": "( of a vowel or syllable ) having the lesser of the two recognized durations .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it can occur in syllable coda position , but only after a short vowel .\" What is the definition of \"short\"?"} {"term": "short", "pos": "", "context": "mrs gallagher was punched and robbed in a daytime attack just a short walk from her home at a sheltered housing complex in undercliffe .", "definition": "( of a journey ) covering a small distance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mrs gallagher was punched and robbed in a daytime attack just a short walk from her home at a sheltered housing complex in undercliffe .\" What is the definition of \"short\"?"} {"term": "short", "pos": "", "context": "there are other vowel sounds in our language besides the short and long vowels .", "definition": "( of a vowel ) categorized as short with regard to quality and length ( e.g . in standard british english the vowel /ʊ/ in good is short as distinct from the long vowel /uː/ in food ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there are other vowel sounds in our language besides the short and long vowels .\" What is the definition of \"short\"?"} {"term": "short", "pos": "", "context": "the salesgirl was very short with him", "definition": "marked by rude or peremptory shortness", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the salesgirl was very short with him\" What is the definition of \"short\"?"} {"term": "short", "pos": "", "context": "the effect was to throw prices and expectations into chaos when stocks were short .", "definition": "( of stocks or other securities or commodities ) sold in advance of being acquired , with reliance on the price falling so that a profit can be made .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the effect was to throw prices and expectations into chaos when stocks were short .\" What is the definition of \"short\"?"} {"term": "short", "pos": "", "context": "the deputy either has a very short memory or is suffering from political amnesia .", "definition": "( of a person 's memory ) retaining things for only a small amount of time", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the deputy either has a very short memory or is suffering from political amnesia .\" What is the definition of \"short\"?"} {"term": "short", "pos": "", "context": "two of them came in kirby 's first over and both were dispatched to the boundary , along with a short ball which was pulled to the fence .", "definition": "( of a ball in cricket , a shot in tennis , etc . ) travelling only a small distance before bouncing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"two of them came in kirby 's first over and both were dispatched to the boundary , along with a short ball which was pulled to the fence .\" What is the definition of \"short\"?"} {"term": "short", "pos": "", "context": "shortsighted critics derided the plan", "definition": "lacking foresight or scope", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"shortsighted critics derided the plan\" What is the definition of \"short\"?"} {"term": "cardamom", "pos": "", "context": "for the curry oil , in a medium bowl , mix together the cinnamon turmeric , cardamom , cayenne pepper , allspice , white pepper , and cloves anti set aside .", "definition": "the aromatic seeds of a plant of the ginger family , used as a spice and also medicinally .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for the curry oil , in a medium bowl , mix together the cinnamon turmeric , cardamom , cayenne pepper , allspice , white pepper , and cloves anti set aside .\" What is the definition of \"cardamom\"?"} {"term": "render", "pos": "", "context": "furthermore , it had to wait 24 hours before rendering a verdict in a case .", "definition": "deliver ( a verdict or judgement )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"furthermore , it had to wait 24 hours before rendering a verdict in a case .\" What is the definition of \"render\"?"} {"term": "render", "pos": "", "context": "the estate renders some revenue for the family", "definition": "give or supply", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the estate renders some revenue for the family\" What is the definition of \"render\"?"} {"term": "render", "pos": "", "context": "render the brick walls in the den", "definition": "coat with plastic or cement", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"render the brick walls in the den\" What is the definition of \"render\"?"} {"term": "render", "pos": "", "context": "it has given platform to performers who render the music of poet-saints of india .", "definition": "perform ( a piece of music )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it has given platform to performers who render the music of poet-saints of india .\" What is the definition of \"render\"?"} {"term": "restorer", "pos": "", "context": "he even minted his own coinage , which describes him as 'restorer of britain ' .", "definition": "a person who brings back or re-establishes a previous right , practice , or situation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he even minted his own coinage , which describes him as 'restorer of britain ' .\" What is the definition of \"restorer\"?"} {"term": "carry-on", "pos": "", "context": "seeing that they were indeed at logan , he grabbed his carry-ons and departed the aircraft .", "definition": "( of a bag or suitcase ) suitable for taking on to an aircraft as handheld luggage .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"seeing that they were indeed at logan , he grabbed his carry-ons and departed the aircraft .\" What is the definition of \"carry-on\"?"} {"term": "sifting", "pos": "", "context": "centuries of the most diligent sifting have not produced a play or any part of a play in his own hand .", "definition": "the action of sifting something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"centuries of the most diligent sifting have not produced a play or any part of a play in his own hand .\" What is the definition of \"sifting\"?"} {"term": "baby", "pos": "", "context": "maybe i should n't be such a baby about things , but i am upset with my doctor 's office right now .", "definition": "a timid or childish person", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"maybe i should n't be such a baby about things , but i am upset with my doctor 's office right now .\" What is the definition of \"baby\"?"} {"term": "baby", "pos": "", "context": "it sounds simple , but when you have your own baby it is all so different", "definition": "a very young child ( birth to 1 year ) who has not yet begun to walk or talk", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it sounds simple , but when you have your own baby it is all so different\" What is the definition of \"baby\"?"} {"term": "baby", "pos": "", "context": "baby rabbits", "definition": "a very young mammal", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"baby rabbits\" What is the definition of \"baby\"?"} {"term": "repulse", "pos": "", "context": "barry is repulsed by tosser 's little englander mentality , but beggars ca n't be choosers , and he knows that unless he can raise some cash quick the bailiff will be moving in on him , his business and his unsuspecting wife .", "definition": "cause to feel intense distaste and aversion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"barry is repulsed by tosser 's little englander mentality , but beggars ca n't be choosers , and he knows that unless he can raise some cash quick the bailiff will be moving in on him , his business and his unsuspecting wife .\" What is the definition of \"repulse\"?"} {"term": "winding", "pos": "", "context": "i followed with my eye the winding of the road and saw that it curved close to one of the densest of these clumps and was lost behind it .", "definition": "a twisting movement or course", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i followed with my eye the winding of the road and saw that it curved close to one of the densest of these clumps and was lost behind it .\" What is the definition of \"winding\"?"} {"term": "makeready", "pos": "", "context": "user-friendly v - 30 controls deliver all the advanced features necessary to keep productivity high and makeready waste low .", "definition": "( in letterpress printing ) final adjustment of the pressure exerted on all parts of a forme for printing , using overlays and underlays in different areas as required .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"user-friendly v - 30 controls deliver all the advanced features necessary to keep productivity high and makeready waste low .\" What is the definition of \"makeready\"?"} {"term": "tarzan", "pos": "", "context": "he is a modern-day tarzan , and every bit as skillful .", "definition": "a man of great agility and powerful physique", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is a modern-day tarzan , and every bit as skillful .\" What is the definition of \"tarzan\"?"} {"term": "foodie", "pos": "", "context": "a group of highly talented food writers , chefs , restaurateurs , authors , and foodies contribute .", "definition": "a person with a particular interest in food ; a gourmet", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a group of highly talented food writers , chefs , restaurateurs , authors , and foodies contribute .\" What is the definition of \"foodie\"?"} {"term": "bosom", "pos": "", "context": "she really does have the most wonderfully ample bosoms .", "definition": "a woman 's chest or breasts", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she really does have the most wonderfully ample bosoms .\" What is the definition of \"bosom\"?"} {"term": "bosom", "pos": "", "context": "she bosomed his letters", "definition": "hide in one 's bosom", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she bosomed his letters\" What is the definition of \"bosom\"?"} {"term": "stegosaur", "pos": "", "context": "he 's warm-blooded , or at least warm-bodied , has the wings of a bat , the tail of a stegosaurs , the spikes of a relative of a stegosaurus , the sail of a spinosaurus , and the shield of a triceratops .", "definition": "a small-headed quadrupedal herbivorous dinosaur of the jurassic and early cretaceous periods , with a double row of large bony plates or spines along the back .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he 's warm-blooded , or at least warm-bodied , has the wings of a bat , the tail of a stegosaurs , the spikes of a relative of a stegosaurus , the sail of a spinosaurus , and the shield of a triceratops .\" What is the definition of \"stegosaur\"?"} {"term": "downfall", "pos": "", "context": "the combined forces of harold and tostig drove gruffydd back into wales , and in 1063 caused his downfall and death .", "definition": "the cause of a loss of power , prosperity , or status", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the combined forces of harold and tostig drove gruffydd back into wales , and in 1063 caused his downfall and death .\" What is the definition of \"downfall\"?"} {"term": "loss", "pos": "", "context": "weight loss", "definition": "gradual decline in amount or activity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"weight loss\" What is the definition of \"loss\"?"} {"term": "salutation", "pos": "", "context": "the man nodded politely to us as they passed and angus returned the salutation .", "definition": "a gesture or utterance made as a greeting or acknowledgement of another 's arrival or departure", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the man nodded politely to us as they passed and angus returned the salutation .\" What is the definition of \"salutation\"?"} {"term": "fortran", "pos": "", "context": "back in the misty , early days of computing , famed computer scientist john backus invented a programming language called fortran .", "definition": "a high-level computer programming language used especially for scientific calculations .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"back in the misty , early days of computing , famed computer scientist john backus invented a programming language called fortran .\" What is the definition of \"fortran\"?"} {"term": "guttural", "pos": "", "context": "you may find yourself drawn to the wide and windswept gutturals of russian , for example , or polish .", "definition": "a guttural consonant ( e.g . k , g ) or other speech sound .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you may find yourself drawn to the wide and windswept gutturals of russian , for example , or polish .\" What is the definition of \"guttural\"?"} {"term": "outwork", "pos": "", "context": "the fields were a parade ground used by the prussians , the wilhelmine army , the nazis , and finally the russians , who crisscrossed the flat ground with earth berms , thrown up as protective outworks for their barracks .", "definition": "a section of a fortification or system of defence which is in front of the main part .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the fields were a parade ground used by the prussians , the wilhelmine army , the nazis , and finally the russians , who crisscrossed the flat ground with earth berms , thrown up as protective outworks for their barracks .\" What is the definition of \"outwork\"?"} {"term": "gather", "pos": "", "context": "many in a strong crowd , who had gathered around the screens , were heard to remark it was all about politics rather than singing and the song .", "definition": "come together ; assemble or accumulate", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"many in a strong crowd , who had gathered around the screens , were heard to remark it was all about politics rather than singing and the song .\" What is the definition of \"gather\"?"} {"term": "gotcha", "pos": "", "context": "there are still a few gotchas which every business segment will have to deal with when it comes to using linux on the desktop .", "definition": "a sudden unforeseen problem .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there are still a few gotchas which every business segment will have to deal with when it comes to using linux on the desktop .\" What is the definition of \"gotcha\"?"} {"term": "outbreak", "pos": "", "context": "the outbreak of hostilities", "definition": "a sudden violent spontaneous occurrence ( usually of some undesirable condition )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the outbreak of hostilities\" What is the definition of \"outbreak\"?"} {"term": "cudgel", "pos": "", "context": "bluetooth takes its name from harald blatand , the 10th-century danish king who cudgeled neighboring viking chieftains into unifying denmark and norway .", "definition": "beat with a cudgel", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bluetooth takes its name from harald blatand , the 10th-century danish king who cudgeled neighboring viking chieftains into unifying denmark and norway .\" What is the definition of \"cudgel\"?"} {"term": "hyoscine", "pos": "", "context": "healy has a surprising affection for clinically attested , but unproven remedies , as insulin therapy , isoniazid , hyoscine , st. john 's wort , etc .", "definition": "a poisonous plant alkaloid used as an anti-emetic in motion sickness and as a preoperative medication for examination of the eye .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"healy has a surprising affection for clinically attested , but unproven remedies , as insulin therapy , isoniazid , hyoscine , st. john 's wort , etc .\" What is the definition of \"hyoscine\"?"} {"term": "burst", "pos": "", "context": "was bursting with enthusiasm when i arrived in london .", "definition": "feel a very strong or irrepressible emotion or impulse", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"was bursting with enthusiasm when i arrived in london .\" What is the definition of \"burst\"?"} {"term": "burst", "pos": "", "context": "the accident investigation however showed that marks on the road indicated the tyres had burst before impact with the roundabout , not after .", "definition": "break open or apart suddenly and violently , especially as a result of an impact or internal pressure", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the accident investigation however showed that marks on the road indicated the tyres had burst before impact with the roundabout , not after .\" What is the definition of \"burst\"?"} {"term": "burst", "pos": "", "context": "a burst of applause", "definition": "a sudden flurry of activity ( often for no obvious reason )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a burst of applause\" What is the definition of \"burst\"?"} {"term": "voice", "pos": "", "context": "certain families resort to magico-religious remedies based on the belief that the voices are due to spirits and black magic .", "definition": "the supposed utterance of a guiding spirit", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"certain families resort to magico-religious remedies based on the belief that the voices are due to spirits and black magic .\" What is the definition of \"voice\"?"} {"term": "diatomite", "pos": "", "context": "after the plasma was treated in a water bath at 60 [ degrees ] c for 30 min , the lipid extraction was done with hydromatrix , a diatomite , in isopropanol and n-hexane .", "definition": "a fine-grained sedimentary rock formed from consolidated diatomaceous earth .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after the plasma was treated in a water bath at 60 [ degrees ] c for 30 min , the lipid extraction was done with hydromatrix , a diatomite , in isopropanol and n-hexane .\" What is the definition of \"diatomite\"?"} {"term": "act", "pos": "", "context": "the other thing is people are acting as if corruption in the olympics is something new .", "definition": "behave in the way specified", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the other thing is people are acting as if corruption in the olympics is something new .\" What is the definition of \"act\"?"} {"term": "clue", "pos": "", "context": "police hope it will jog the memory of a new witness who may hold a clue to the identity of her killer .", "definition": "a piece of evidence or information used in the detection of a crime", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"police hope it will jog the memory of a new witness who may hold a clue to the identity of her killer .\" What is the definition of \"clue\"?"} {"term": "jeer", "pos": "", "context": "the crowd jeered at the speaker", "definition": "laugh at with contempt and derision", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the crowd jeered at the speaker\" What is the definition of \"jeer\"?"} {"term": "farrow", "pos": "", "context": "she is the sow that eats her farrow , consuming her own children .", "definition": "a litter of pigs .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she is the sow that eats her farrow , consuming her own children .\" What is the definition of \"farrow\"?"} {"term": "instantiate", "pos": "", "context": "the linguists could not instantiate this sense of the noun that he claimed existed in a certain dialect", "definition": "find an instance of ( a word or particular usage of a word )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the linguists could not instantiate this sense of the noun that he claimed existed in a certain dialect\" What is the definition of \"instantiate\"?"} {"term": "autocrat", "pos": "", "context": "in order to justify the internal repression that is inherent in non-democratic rule , dictators and autocrats must mobilize their nation for wars against both internal and external enemies .", "definition": "a ruler who has absolute power", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in order to justify the internal repression that is inherent in non-democratic rule , dictators and autocrats must mobilize their nation for wars against both internal and external enemies .\" What is the definition of \"autocrat\"?"} {"term": "granola", "pos": "", "context": "on thursday it was raining and we could n't work outside , so mike ( one of the farm partners ) and i decided to make some cookies and granola .", "definition": "a kind of breakfast cereal resembling muesli .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on thursday it was raining and we could n't work outside , so mike ( one of the farm partners ) and i decided to make some cookies and granola .\" What is the definition of \"granola\"?"} {"term": "stock", "pos": "", "context": "posters are made using paper stock similar to what magazines use .", "definition": "the raw material from which a specified commodity can be manufactured", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"posters are made using paper stock similar to what magazines use .\" What is the definition of \"stock\"?"} {"term": "stock", "pos": "", "context": "knowing my stock was low with him because of my skirts and sway back , i offered to let the company co make the call .", "definition": "a person 's reputation or popularity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"knowing my stock was low with him because of my skirts and sway back , i offered to let the company co make the call .\" What is the definition of \"stock\"?"} {"term": "stock", "pos": "", "context": "stock a farm", "definition": "supply with livestock", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stock a farm\" What is the definition of \"stock\"?"} {"term": "adrenergic", "pos": "", "context": "neural tissue normally present within the thyroid includes both vasomotor fibers and adrenergic fibers .", "definition": "relating to or denoting nerve cells in which adrenaline , noradrenaline , or a similar substance acts as a neurotransmitter .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"neural tissue normally present within the thyroid includes both vasomotor fibers and adrenergic fibers .\" What is the definition of \"adrenergic\"?"} {"term": "tableland", "pos": "", "context": "in contrast , antarctic bergs tend to calve from the more static ice shelves and glaciers that border the continent and protrude into the sea , making them not only larger , but also flatter , resembling the great tablelands of south africa .", "definition": "a broad , high level region ; a plateau .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in contrast , antarctic bergs tend to calve from the more static ice shelves and glaciers that border the continent and protrude into the sea , making them not only larger , but also flatter , resembling the great tablelands of south africa .\" What is the definition of \"tableland\"?"} {"term": "pithy", "pos": "", "context": "welcomed her pithy comments", "definition": "concise and full of meaning", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"welcomed her pithy comments\" What is the definition of \"pithy\"?"} {"term": "impression", "pos": "", "context": "he did a funny impression of a politician", "definition": "an impressionistic portrayal of a person", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he did a funny impression of a politician\" What is the definition of \"impression\"?"} {"term": "impression", "pos": "", "context": "the events left a permanent impression in his mind", "definition": "a clear and telling mental image", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the events left a permanent impression in his mind\" What is the definition of \"impression\"?"} {"term": "bald", "pos": "", "context": "unkempt braids of jet-black hair ran down either side of his head , the better part of which had been shaven bald .", "definition": "having a scalp wholly or partly lacking hair", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unkempt braids of jet-black hair ran down either side of his head , the better part of which had been shaven bald .\" What is the definition of \"bald\"?"} {"term": "motivation", "pos": "", "context": "the hypothalamus is one of the most important parts of the brain , involved in many kinds of motivation , among other functions .", "definition": "desire or willingness to do something ; enthusiasm", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the hypothalamus is one of the most important parts of the brain , involved in many kinds of motivation , among other functions .\" What is the definition of \"motivation\"?"} {"term": "saturday", "pos": "", "context": "he had bought the sink in the shop 's closing down sale on the saturday and left it in the garage overnight .", "definition": "the day of the week before sunday and following friday , and ( together with sunday ) forming part of the weekend", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had bought the sink in the shop 's closing down sale on the saturday and left it in the garage overnight .\" What is the definition of \"saturday\"?"} {"term": "annual", "pos": "", "context": "once upon a time the christmas was a time for annuals like the dandy , the beano , and beezer and topper .", "definition": "a book or magazine that is published once a year under the same title but with different contents", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"once upon a time the christmas was a time for annuals like the dandy , the beano , and beezer and topper .\" What is the definition of \"annual\"?"} {"term": "brash", "pos": "", "context": "visually , it 's an astonishing piece of adrenaline-fuelled cinema at its brash , flashy best .", "definition": "having an ostentatious or tasteless appearance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"visually , it 's an astonishing piece of adrenaline-fuelled cinema at its brash , flashy best .\" What is the definition of \"brash\"?"} {"term": "sump", "pos": "", "context": "beneath the body was a dark liquid stain that looked as if it might have been left by oil dripped from the leaky sump of a parked car or an evaporated puddle of rainwater .", "definition": "the base of an internal combustion engine , which serves as a reservoir of oil for the lubrication system .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"beneath the body was a dark liquid stain that looked as if it might have been left by oil dripped from the leaky sump of a parked car or an evaporated puddle of rainwater .\" What is the definition of \"sump\"?"} {"term": "socket", "pos": "", "context": "a mile to the west , at platt wood farm , near skidby , the archaeologists from york-based on site archaeology found a palstave - a solid axehead - a spearhead , and five socketed axeheads .", "definition": "place in or fit with a socket", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a mile to the west , at platt wood farm , near skidby , the archaeologists from york-based on site archaeology found a palstave - a solid axehead - a spearhead , and five socketed axeheads .\" What is the definition of \"socket\"?"} {"term": "rainfly", "pos": "", "context": "the rainfly keeps the wet out and creates a vestibule for gear storage .", "definition": "the flysheet of a tent .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the rainfly keeps the wet out and creates a vestibule for gear storage .\" What is the definition of \"rainfly\"?"} {"term": "anaphase", "pos": "", "context": "second , the centromere is the focus for the formation of the kinetochore , where microtubules connect to the chromosomes during anaphase in mitosis and meiosis .", "definition": "the third stage of cell division , between metaphase and telophase , during which the chromosomes move away from one another to opposite poles of the spindle .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"second , the centromere is the focus for the formation of the kinetochore , where microtubules connect to the chromosomes during anaphase in mitosis and meiosis .\" What is the definition of \"anaphase\"?"} {"term": "ski", "pos": "", "context": "the golf and ski resort on lake cascade is in the permitting stages and construction is set to begin this spring .", "definition": "relating to or used for skiing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the golf and ski resort on lake cascade is in the permitting stages and construction is set to begin this spring .\" What is the definition of \"ski\"?"} {"term": "ski", "pos": "", "context": "the machine took flight and landed on its skis and continued to be piloted by some unseen force toward a cropping of baby trees further down the slope .", "definition": "a ski-like device fitted to the underside of a vehicle or aircraft to enable it to travel or land on snow or ice .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the machine took flight and landed on its skis and continued to be piloted by some unseen force toward a cropping of baby trees further down the slope .\" What is the definition of \"ski\"?"} {"term": "minnow", "pos": "", "context": "as a result , bulldog has only attracted 80,000 users to its broadband and telephony service - a minnow in the broadband market .", "definition": "a small or insignificant person or organization", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as a result , bulldog has only attracted 80,000 users to its broadband and telephony service - a minnow in the broadband market .\" What is the definition of \"minnow\"?"} {"term": "girlfriend", "pos": "", "context": "his girlfriend kicked him out", "definition": "a girl or young woman with whom a man is romantically involved", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his girlfriend kicked him out\" What is the definition of \"girlfriend\"?"} {"term": "countermove", "pos": "", "context": "it 's a dizzying analysis of each side 's potential moves and countermoves , their possible motivations , and what they probably should have done instead .", "definition": "a move or other action made in opposition to another", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's a dizzying analysis of each side 's potential moves and countermoves , their possible motivations , and what they probably should have done instead .\" What is the definition of \"countermove\"?"} {"term": "fixity", "pos": "", "context": "the latter would start with the irrevocable fixity of the exchange rates of those currencies participating in it , to be followed by the rapid introduction of the single currency , which would thus replace national currencies .", "definition": "the state of being unchanging or permanent", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the latter would start with the irrevocable fixity of the exchange rates of those currencies participating in it , to be followed by the rapid introduction of the single currency , which would thus replace national currencies .\" What is the definition of \"fixity\"?"} {"term": "dissent", "pos": "", "context": "on the next lancaster defence one of bury 's players was sent out for dissent to the referee .", "definition": "( in sport ) the offence of expressing disagreement with the referee 's decision", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on the next lancaster defence one of bury 's players was sent out for dissent to the referee .\" What is the definition of \"dissent\"?"} {"term": "apartheid", "pos": "", "context": "this was as part of a protest against south africa 's policy of apartheid .", "definition": "( in south africa ) a policy or system of segregation or discrimination on grounds of race .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this was as part of a protest against south africa 's policy of apartheid .\" What is the definition of \"apartheid\"?"} {"term": "volatile", "pos": "", "context": "volatile stocks", "definition": "tending to vary often or widely", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"volatile stocks\" What is the definition of \"volatile\"?"} {"term": "counterdemonstration", "pos": "", "context": "supporters of the president organized a counterdemonstration in his support", "definition": "a demonstration held in opposition to another demonstration", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"supporters of the president organized a counterdemonstration in his support\" What is the definition of \"counterdemonstration\"?"} {"term": "rendition", "pos": "", "context": "dancing continued until midnight , when there was a rousing rendition of the national anthem to close the evening .", "definition": "a performance or interpretation , especially of a dramatic role or piece of music", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dancing continued until midnight , when there was a rousing rendition of the national anthem to close the evening .\" What is the definition of \"rendition\"?"} {"term": "ba", "pos": "", "context": "the ba is everything other than the body that makes a person an individual .", "definition": "in ancient egypt , the supposed soul of a person or god , which survived after death but had to be sustained with offerings of food . it was typically represented as a human-headed bird .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ba is everything other than the body that makes a person an individual .\" What is the definition of \"ba\"?"} {"term": "hat", "pos": "", "context": "he was unsuitably hatted", "definition": "put on or wear a hat", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was unsuitably hatted\" What is the definition of \"hat\"?"} {"term": "psephology", "pos": "", "context": "tactical voting is a dangerous game , especially when based on dubious psephology .", "definition": "the statistical study of elections and trends in voting .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tactical voting is a dangerous game , especially when based on dubious psephology .\" What is the definition of \"psephology\"?"} {"term": "banking", "pos": "", "context": "the circuit was opened in the monza royal park , near milan , in 1922 and featured bankings , though these were demolished in 1939 .", "definition": "an embankment or artificial bank", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the circuit was opened in the monza royal park , near milan , in 1922 and featured bankings , though these were demolished in 1939 .\" What is the definition of \"banking\"?"} {"term": "lobe", "pos": "", "context": "with their long , slim bodies , they can be recognised easily by the large white tip on their first dorsal fin and the upper lobe of the tail .", "definition": "a roundish and flattish projecting or hanging part of something , typically one of two or more such parts divided by a fissure", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with their long , slim bodies , they can be recognised easily by the large white tip on their first dorsal fin and the upper lobe of the tail .\" What is the definition of \"lobe\"?"} {"term": "conjunct", "pos": "", "context": "this is therefore a hybrid form , featuring the idiomatic transitive usage for the first two conjuncts and a more typical intransitive for the third .", "definition": "an adverbial whose function is to join two sentences or other discourse units ( e.g . however , anyway , in the first place ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this is therefore a hybrid form , featuring the idiomatic transitive usage for the first two conjuncts and a more typical intransitive for the third .\" What is the definition of \"conjunct\"?"} {"term": "styling", "pos": "", "context": "phyto offers a volume-enhancing system that ranges from volume-building shampoos and conditioners to a styling product for root lift .", "definition": "the action or process of arranging hair in a particular way", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"phyto offers a volume-enhancing system that ranges from volume-building shampoos and conditioners to a styling product for root lift .\" What is the definition of \"styling\"?"} {"term": "grass", "pos": "", "context": "from each point of contact , rolling wheel tracks through the grass on the verge identify the subsequent course of travel .", "definition": "ground covered with grass .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"from each point of contact , rolling wheel tracks through the grass on the verge identify the subsequent course of travel .\" What is the definition of \"grass\"?"} {"term": "unwrap", "pos": "", "context": "jess went into her bathroom and began to unwrap a plastic cup .", "definition": "remove the wrapping from ( a package )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"jess went into her bathroom and began to unwrap a plastic cup .\" What is the definition of \"unwrap\"?"} {"term": "clog", "pos": "", "context": "fear clogged her mind", "definition": "fill to excess so that function is impaired", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fear clogged her mind\" What is the definition of \"clog\"?"} {"term": "cultivate", "pos": "", "context": "to combat this , i had cultivated a skill to avoid saturday afternoon duties that was almost unique .", "definition": "try to acquire or develop ( a quality or skill )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to combat this , i had cultivated a skill to avoid saturday afternoon duties that was almost unique .\" What is the definition of \"cultivate\"?"} {"term": "cultivate", "pos": "", "context": "i 'm worried that seeing a play at the moment will disturb my carefully cultivated balance of mind .", "definition": "try to improve or develop ( one 's mind ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i 'm worried that seeing a play at the moment will disturb my carefully cultivated balance of mind .\" What is the definition of \"cultivate\"?"} {"term": "cultivate", "pos": "", "context": "a relaxed manner allows you to cultivate people , and people who are comfortable confide things .", "definition": "try to win the friendship or favour of ( someone )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a relaxed manner allows you to cultivate people , and people who are comfortable confide things .\" What is the definition of \"cultivate\"?"} {"term": "craniotomy", "pos": "", "context": "focal tailored resection or awake craniotomy also are options .", "definition": "surgical removal of a portion of the skull", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"focal tailored resection or awake craniotomy also are options .\" What is the definition of \"craniotomy\"?"} {"term": "melanin", "pos": "", "context": "the melanosomes convert tyrosine to melanin , giving skin its color .", "definition": "a dark brown to black pigment occurring in the hair , skin , and iris of the eye in people and animals . it is responsible for tanning of skin exposed to sunlight .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the melanosomes convert tyrosine to melanin , giving skin its color .\" What is the definition of \"melanin\"?"} {"term": "mum", "pos": "", "context": "however , if you live in a climate with winters marked by regular hard freezes , you can improve your mums ' winter survival by cutting off tops after new growth begins in spring .", "definition": "a cultivated chrysanthemum .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"however , if you live in a climate with winters marked by regular hard freezes , you can improve your mums ' winter survival by cutting off tops after new growth begins in spring .\" What is the definition of \"mum\"?"} {"term": "affenpinscher", "pos": "", "context": "although shaggy , given its almost one-inch coat , the general appearance of an affenpinscher is neat .", "definition": "a dog of a small breed resembling the griffon .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"although shaggy , given its almost one-inch coat , the general appearance of an affenpinscher is neat .\" What is the definition of \"affenpinscher\"?"} {"term": "beta", "pos": "", "context": "he named them using the first two letters of the greek alphabet , alpha and beta .", "definition": "the second letter of the greek alphabet ( β , β ) , transliterated as ‘ b ’ .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he named them using the first two letters of the greek alphabet , alpha and beta .\" What is the definition of \"beta\"?"} {"term": "outbid", "pos": "", "context": "no one can outbid you after the sale and the vendor is equally legally bound to complete the sale on the day and under the terms stipulated in the contract .", "definition": "offer to pay a higher price for something than ( another person )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"no one can outbid you after the sale and the vendor is equally legally bound to complete the sale on the day and under the terms stipulated in the contract .\" What is the definition of \"outbid\"?"} {"term": "circumstance", "pos": "", "context": "he states that there were extenuating circumstances which justify the delay in filing the income tax returns .", "definition": "an event or fact that causes or helps to cause something to happen , typically something undesirable", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he states that there were extenuating circumstances which justify the delay in filing the income tax returns .\" What is the definition of \"circumstance\"?"} {"term": "secularist", "pos": "", "context": "i believe all secularists , all progressives and socialists should fight these attacks .", "definition": "a person who advocates separation of the state from religious institutions", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i believe all secularists , all progressives and socialists should fight these attacks .\" What is the definition of \"secularist\"?"} {"term": "repudiate", "pos": "", "context": "as caput mansi or head of the household , the husband of the mother of the twin boys , should he choose to repudiate his wife , would be following a convention deemed appropriate to protect the social order with respect to unfaithful wives .", "definition": "( in the past or in non-christian religions ) disown or divorce ( one 's wife )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as caput mansi or head of the household , the husband of the mother of the twin boys , should he choose to repudiate his wife , would be following a convention deemed appropriate to protect the social order with respect to unfaithful wives .\" What is the definition of \"repudiate\"?"} {"term": "flower", "pos": "", "context": "i met her the last time about a year or so ago , and she had really flowered into a beautiful , mature friendly married young woman .", "definition": "be in or reach an optimum stage of development ; develop fully and richly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i met her the last time about a year or so ago , and she had really flowered into a beautiful , mature friendly married young woman .\" What is the definition of \"flower\"?"} {"term": "cheer", "pos": "", "context": "with drink and festive cheer in excess , it 's easy to throw caution to the wind and find yourself acting recklessly on a christmas night out .", "definition": "food and drink provided for a festive occasion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with drink and festive cheer in excess , it 's easy to throw caution to the wind and find yourself acting recklessly on a christmas night out .\" What is the definition of \"cheer\"?"} {"term": "hollow", "pos": "", "context": "hunger had caused the hollows in their cheeks", "definition": "a cavity or space in something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hunger had caused the hollows in their cheeks\" What is the definition of \"hollow\"?"} {"term": "bursar", "pos": "", "context": "this coincided with the dismissal of the vice-chancellor , his deputy , and the bursar , who had misappropriated university funds .", "definition": "a person who manages the financial affairs of a college or school .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this coincided with the dismissal of the vice-chancellor , his deputy , and the bursar , who had misappropriated university funds .\" What is the definition of \"bursar\"?"} {"term": "carnosaur", "pos": "", "context": "the large carnosaurs and tyrannosaurs also appear to have shorter teeth than would be expected for a mammalian carnivore of their body size .", "definition": "a large bipedal carnivorous dinosaur , typically one with greatly reduced forelimbs .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the large carnosaurs and tyrannosaurs also appear to have shorter teeth than would be expected for a mammalian carnivore of their body size .\" What is the definition of \"carnosaur\"?"} {"term": "doe", "pos": "", "context": "occasionally , a doe will fail to conceive on schedule , but well-bred rabbits are dependable .", "definition": "a female hare , rabbit , rat , ferret , or kangaroo", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"occasionally , a doe will fail to conceive on schedule , but well-bred rabbits are dependable .\" What is the definition of \"doe\"?"} {"term": "redouble", "pos": "", "context": "the noise doubled and redoubled", "definition": "double again", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the noise doubled and redoubled\" What is the definition of \"redouble\"?"} {"term": "impress", "pos": "", "context": "polarity of the impressed voltage was controlled by using the diode as shown in fig.5 .", "definition": "apply ( an electric current or potential ) from an external source", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"polarity of the impressed voltage was controlled by using the diode as shown in fig.5 .\" What is the definition of \"impress\"?"} {"term": "hero", "pos": "", "context": "last year additions were made to the inscription on the cenotaph honouring the fallen heroes of johannesburg .", "definition": "a person who is admired for their courage , outstanding achievements , or noble qualities", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"last year additions were made to the inscription on the cenotaph honouring the fallen heroes of johannesburg .\" What is the definition of \"hero\"?"} {"term": "hero", "pos": "", "context": "he helped heroes defeat sea monsters , if i recall correctly .", "definition": "( in mythology and folklore ) a person of superhuman qualities and often semi-divine origin , in particular one whose exploits were the subject of ancient greek myths .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he helped heroes defeat sea monsters , if i recall correctly .\" What is the definition of \"hero\"?"} {"term": "shake", "pos": "", "context": "my faith has been shaken", "definition": "undermine or cause to waver", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my faith has been shaken\" What is the definition of \"shake\"?"} {"term": "shake", "pos": "", "context": "he was shaken from his dreams", "definition": "bring to a specified condition by or as if by shaking", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was shaken from his dreams\" What is the definition of \"shake\"?"} {"term": "glyceride", "pos": "", "context": "fresh fats contain glycerides of fatty acids and very little free acid", "definition": "an ester of glycerol and fatty acids that occurs naturally as fats and fatty oils", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fresh fats contain glycerides of fatty acids and very little free acid\" What is the definition of \"glyceride\"?"} {"term": "cv", "pos": "", "context": "sarah gets hundreds of cvs a year from graduates desperate to break into event coordination .", "definition": "a brief account of a person 's education , qualifications , and previous occupations , typically sent with a job application", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sarah gets hundreds of cvs a year from graduates desperate to break into event coordination .\" What is the definition of \"cv\"?"} {"term": "manta", "pos": "", "context": "the harvest of mantas in eastern indonesia has increased exponentially in just a few years .", "definition": "a devil ray that occurs in tropical seas and may reach very great size .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the harvest of mantas in eastern indonesia has increased exponentially in just a few years .\" What is the definition of \"manta\"?"} {"term": "smoke", "pos": "", "context": "coke 's chemists still work behind smoked glass surrounded by security guards .", "definition": "treat ( glass ) so as to darken it", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"coke 's chemists still work behind smoked glass surrounded by security guards .\" What is the definition of \"smoke\"?"} {"term": "spew", "pos": "", "context": "the spew in my hair , my top missing , this alien bathroom with its funny shower tiles , a kind of washed out blue with sea plants and animals inserted what seemed like randomly in between .", "definition": "vomit .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the spew in my hair , my top missing , this alien bathroom with its funny shower tiles , a kind of washed out blue with sea plants and animals inserted what seemed like randomly in between .\" What is the definition of \"spew\"?"} {"term": "bombproof", "pos": "", "context": "i chose these pads based on stability of landing platform , protection against the ground , durability , ease of operation , and the overall bombproof factor .", "definition": "strong enough to resist the effects of blast from a bomb", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i chose these pads based on stability of landing platform , protection against the ground , durability , ease of operation , and the overall bombproof factor .\" What is the definition of \"bombproof\"?"} {"term": "contradictory", "pos": "", "context": "the basic law of logic is the principle of non-contradiction , namely that it is contradictory to say that something can both be and not be at the same time .", "definition": "( of two propositions ) so related that one and only one must be true .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the basic law of logic is the principle of non-contradiction , namely that it is contradictory to say that something can both be and not be at the same time .\" What is the definition of \"contradictory\"?"} {"term": "blimp", "pos": "", "context": "the nikon cs-13 blimp case is a black imitation leather case made to hold a nikon camera with a motor drive and a lens attached .", "definition": "a soundproof cover for a cine camera .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the nikon cs-13 blimp case is a black imitation leather case made to hold a nikon camera with a motor drive and a lens attached .\" What is the definition of \"blimp\"?"} {"term": "rotor", "pos": "", "context": "there are horizontal rotors on a helicopter or compressor rotors in a jet engine", "definition": "rotating mechanism consisting of an assembly of rotating airfoils", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there are horizontal rotors on a helicopter or compressor rotors in a jet engine\" What is the definition of \"rotor\"?"} {"term": "sheaf", "pos": "", "context": "it took it some time to warm up and when it was ready the man on the ground would grab his pitchfork and toss a sheaf up to another man standing on top of the machine itself .", "definition": "a bundle of grain stalks laid lengthways and tied together after reaping .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it took it some time to warm up and when it was ready the man on the ground would grab his pitchfork and toss a sheaf up to another man standing on top of the machine itself .\" What is the definition of \"sheaf\"?"} {"term": "township", "pos": "", "context": "it 's reflected in the privatization that 's happening to the people in the townships in south africa , and in what 's going on in the streets of toronto and halifax .", "definition": "( in south africa ) a suburb or city of predominantly black occupation , formerly officially designated for black occupation by apartheid legislation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's reflected in the privatization that 's happening to the people in the townships in south africa , and in what 's going on in the streets of toronto and halifax .\" What is the definition of \"township\"?"} {"term": "committal", "pos": "", "context": "after the service , the funeral cortège made its way to rochdale crematorium for committal .", "definition": "the burial of a dead body", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after the service , the funeral cortège made its way to rochdale crematorium for committal .\" What is the definition of \"committal\"?"} {"term": "box", "pos": "", "context": "underneath the boxes was a foam piece that had underneath it the clear plastic hoses for the connecting tubing .", "definition": "a protective casing for a piece of a mechanism", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"underneath the boxes was a foam piece that had underneath it the clear plastic hoses for the connecting tubing .\" What is the definition of \"box\"?"} {"term": "standstill", "pos": "", "context": "as he came to a standstill at a stop sign at acacia park , two armed men appeared and jumped into his vehicle .", "definition": "a situation or condition in which there is no movement or activity at all", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as he came to a standstill at a stop sign at acacia park , two armed men appeared and jumped into his vehicle .\" What is the definition of \"standstill\"?"} {"term": "taffy", "pos": "", "context": "she looked over to see leslie giving a reluctant child a piece of saltwater taffy .", "definition": "a sweet similar to toffee , made from brown sugar or treacle , boiled with butter and pulled until glossy .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she looked over to see leslie giving a reluctant child a piece of saltwater taffy .\" What is the definition of \"taffy\"?"} {"term": "devalue", "pos": "", "context": "no one in a decision-making capacity would ever devalue their own worth .", "definition": "reduce or underestimate the worth or importance of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"no one in a decision-making capacity would ever devalue their own worth .\" What is the definition of \"devalue\"?"} {"term": "devalue", "pos": "", "context": "the tear devalues the painting", "definition": "lower the value or quality of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the tear devalues the painting\" What is the definition of \"devalue\"?"} {"term": "orientation", "pos": "", "context": "i went to both faculty and residence orientation , which means i have a lot more white t-shirts than i 'll ever wear , as one would be more than enough .", "definition": "a course giving information to newcomers to a university or other institution .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i went to both faculty and residence orientation , which means i have a lot more white t-shirts than i 'll ever wear , as one would be more than enough .\" What is the definition of \"orientation\"?"} {"term": "triggering", "pos": "", "context": "the article does not prevent a triggering decision at a local level .", "definition": "( of an event , circumstance , etc . ) causing a particular action , process , or situation to happen", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the article does not prevent a triggering decision at a local level .\" What is the definition of \"triggering\"?"} {"term": "veteran", "pos": "", "context": "a veteran officer", "definition": "rendered competent through trial and experience", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a veteran officer\" What is the definition of \"veteran\"?"} {"term": "consolidate", "pos": "", "context": "the companies consolidated", "definition": "unite into one", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the companies consolidated\" What is the definition of \"consolidate\"?"} {"term": "consolidate", "pos": "", "context": "if you have money spread around various bank deposit and building society accounts then this is as good a time as any to consolidate them into one single account .", "definition": "combine ( a number of financial accounts or funds ) into a single overall account or set of accounts", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if you have money spread around various bank deposit and building society accounts then this is as good a time as any to consolidate them into one single account .\" What is the definition of \"consolidate\"?"} {"term": "headquarters", "pos": "", "context": "at the end of the session , he dismissed the men , then went to the troop headquarters and washed his face .", "definition": "the premises occupied by a military commander and the commander 's staff .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at the end of the session , he dismissed the men , then went to the troop headquarters and washed his face .\" What is the definition of \"headquarters\"?"} {"term": "hairdo", "pos": "", "context": "i 'm sure you 're not the only guy who has a hard time finding a good shampoo and conditioner to suit his specific hairdo .", "definition": "the way in which a person 's hair is styled", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i 'm sure you 're not the only guy who has a hard time finding a good shampoo and conditioner to suit his specific hairdo .\" What is the definition of \"hairdo\"?"} {"term": "scull", "pos": "", "context": "scull the boat", "definition": "propel with sculls", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"scull the boat\" What is the definition of \"scull\"?"} {"term": "caatinga", "pos": "", "context": "other discrete vegetation types associated with the caatinga are distinctive palm stands .", "definition": "( in brazil ) vegetation in semi-arid country consisting of thorny shrubs and stunted trees", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"other discrete vegetation types associated with the caatinga are distinctive palm stands .\" What is the definition of \"caatinga\"?"} {"term": "deadly", "pos": "", "context": "big suvs and little kids , a dangerous and sometimes deadly combination in the family driveway .", "definition": "causing or able to cause death", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"big suvs and little kids , a dangerous and sometimes deadly combination in the family driveway .\" What is the definition of \"deadly\"?"} {"term": "running", "pos": "", "context": "cost of lumber per running foot", "definition": "measured lengthwise", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cost of lumber per running foot\" What is the definition of \"running\"?"} {"term": "running", "pos": "", "context": "the turbine powered three batteries to provide heat , lighting , and hot running water for the facilities .", "definition": "( of water ) flowing naturally or supplied to a building through pipes and taps", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the turbine powered three batteries to provide heat , lighting , and hot running water for the facilities .\" What is the definition of \"running\"?"} {"term": "running", "pos": "", "context": "a running joke among us", "definition": "continually repeated over a period of time", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a running joke among us\" What is the definition of \"running\"?"} {"term": "platysma", "pos": "", "context": "the platysma is secured to the mastoid periosteum after raising the lateral platysma flap in order to help define the jaw line and improve contouring in the submandibular region .", "definition": "a broad sheet of muscle fibres extending from the collar bone to the angle of the jaw .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the platysma is secured to the mastoid periosteum after raising the lateral platysma flap in order to help define the jaw line and improve contouring in the submandibular region .\" What is the definition of \"platysma\"?"} {"term": "beep", "pos": "", "context": "numerous electronic flashes , beeps , and the sounds of heart resuscitators occur with increasing intensity .", "definition": "a short , high-pitched sound emitted by electronic equipment or a vehicle horn", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"numerous electronic flashes , beeps , and the sounds of heart resuscitators occur with increasing intensity .\" What is the definition of \"beep\"?"} {"term": "hellfire", "pos": "", "context": "he plunged into his next project after watching a tv evangelist hurling threats of hellfire .", "definition": "the fire or fires regarded as existing in hell", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he plunged into his next project after watching a tv evangelist hurling threats of hellfire .\" What is the definition of \"hellfire\"?"} {"term": "demolish", "pos": "", "context": "the fire service has recommended that the building be demolished .", "definition": "pull or knock down ( a building )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the fire service has recommended that the building be demolished .\" What is the definition of \"demolish\"?"} {"term": "wino", "pos": "", "context": "i drink in moderation , not nearly as much as winos and hobos .", "definition": "a person who drinks excessive amounts of cheap wine or other alcohol , especially one who is homeless .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i drink in moderation , not nearly as much as winos and hobos .\" What is the definition of \"wino\"?"} {"term": "arch", "pos": "", "context": "as the walkway passes between great arches in the wall , and outside to ground level , it turns into a glass balustraded bridge .", "definition": "a curved symmetrical structure spanning an opening and typically supporting the weight of a bridge , roof , or wall above it .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as the walkway passes between great arches in the wall , and outside to ground level , it turns into a glass balustraded bridge .\" What is the definition of \"arch\"?"} {"term": "debut", "pos": "", "context": "in november 2000 richie moved to dublin where he began working professionally , debuting at the gaiety theatre in the aladdin pantomime", "definition": "perform in public for the first time", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in november 2000 richie moved to dublin where he began working professionally , debuting at the gaiety theatre in the aladdin pantomime\" What is the definition of \"debut\"?"} {"term": "countenance", "pos": "", "context": "the man , appropriately , shone his countenance approvingly upon her .", "definition": "support or approval", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the man , appropriately , shone his countenance approvingly upon her .\" What is the definition of \"countenance\"?"} {"term": "determinant", "pos": "", "context": "it is to assert that human beings and their desires can alter otherwise determinant structures .", "definition": "serving to determine or decide something .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is to assert that human beings and their desires can alter otherwise determinant structures .\" What is the definition of \"determinant\"?"} {"term": "semantics", "pos": "", "context": "a petty argument about semantics", "definition": "the meaning of a word , phrase , sentence , or text", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a petty argument about semantics\" What is the definition of \"semantics\"?"} {"term": "bluefin", "pos": "", "context": "increased understanding of the migration patterns and level of mixing between the two stocks is crucial to improving the management and conservation of atlantic bluefin tuna .", "definition": "the commonest large tuna , which occurs worldwide in warm seas . it is probably the largest bony fish , and is very important as a food and game fish .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"increased understanding of the migration patterns and level of mixing between the two stocks is crucial to improving the management and conservation of atlantic bluefin tuna .\" What is the definition of \"bluefin\"?"} {"term": "rapid", "pos": "", "context": "on the other hand , we only had four or five years of really rapid economic growth .", "definition": "happening in a short time or at a great rate", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on the other hand , we only had four or five years of really rapid economic growth .\" What is the definition of \"rapid\"?"} {"term": "book", "pos": "", "context": "they got a subpoena to examine our books", "definition": "a record in which commercial accounts are recorded", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they got a subpoena to examine our books\" What is the definition of \"book\"?"} {"term": "book", "pos": "", "context": "keira took out the script book that she had n't yet returned to the handbag .", "definition": "the libretto of a musical or opera , or the script of a play .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"keira took out the script book that she had n't yet returned to the handbag .\" What is the definition of \"book\"?"} {"term": "book", "pos": "", "context": "they run things by the book around here", "definition": "a collection of rules or prescribed standards on the basis of which decisions are made", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they run things by the book around here\" What is the definition of \"book\"?"} {"term": "book", "pos": "", "context": "the person who plays the highest card of the suit led , or who plays the highest trump , wins the book .", "definition": "the first six tricks taken by the declarer in a hand of bridge , after which further tricks count towards fulfilling the contract .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the person who plays the highest card of the suit led , or who plays the highest trump , wins the book .\" What is the definition of \"book\"?"} {"term": "saxe", "pos": "", "context": "she wore a navy serge skirt , white silk blouse , saxe blue cardigan , and a yard of broad saxe blue ribbon at either end of her waist-long plait .", "definition": "a light blue colour with a greyish tinge .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she wore a navy serge skirt , white silk blouse , saxe blue cardigan , and a yard of broad saxe blue ribbon at either end of her waist-long plait .\" What is the definition of \"saxe\"?"} {"term": "profound", "pos": "", "context": "there is also on-campus housing for children with multiple and profound disabilities who require a high level of support .", "definition": "( of a disease or disability ) very severe", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is also on-campus housing for children with multiple and profound disabilities who require a high level of support .\" What is the definition of \"profound\"?"} {"term": "segment", "pos": "", "context": "using a different approach , archimedes found the surface area of a sphere , and the surface area of any segment of a sphere .", "definition": "the part of a sphere cut off by any plane not passing through the centre .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"using a different approach , archimedes found the surface area of a sphere , and the surface area of any segment of a sphere .\" What is the definition of \"segment\"?"} {"term": "segment", "pos": "", "context": "this sound cue , which lasts for one-tenth to one-fifth of a second , marks the transition from a consonant sound to a speech segment beginning with a vowel .", "definition": "the smallest distinct part of a spoken utterance , especially with regard to vowel and consonant sounds rather than stress or intonation .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this sound cue , which lasts for one-tenth to one-fifth of a second , marks the transition from a consonant sound to a speech segment beginning with a vowel .\" What is the definition of \"segment\"?"} {"term": "segment", "pos": "", "context": "segment an orange", "definition": "divide into segments", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"segment an orange\" What is the definition of \"segment\"?"} {"term": "segment", "pos": "", "context": "he found the length of an arc of the cycloid using an exhaustion proof based on dissections to reduce the problem to summing segments of chords of a circle which are in geometric progression .", "definition": "the part of a circle enclosed between an arc and a chord .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he found the length of an arc of the cycloid using an exhaustion proof based on dissections to reduce the problem to summing segments of chords of a circle which are in geometric progression .\" What is the definition of \"segment\"?"} {"term": "percept", "pos": "", "context": "this is because hearing is not a property of the ear ( which is a mere sound wave analyzer ) but a property of the brain as a machinery that converts noise into meaningful percepts .", "definition": "an object of perception ; something that is perceived .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this is because hearing is not a property of the ear ( which is a mere sound wave analyzer ) but a property of the brain as a machinery that converts noise into meaningful percepts .\" What is the definition of \"percept\"?"} {"term": "spell", "pos": "", "context": "she spelled her husband at the wheel", "definition": "relieve ( someone ) from work by taking a turn", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she spelled her husband at the wheel\" What is the definition of \"spell\"?"} {"term": "spell", "pos": "", "context": "how do you spell this word ? ' `` we had to spell out our names for the police officer", "definition": "orally recite the letters of or give the spelling of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"how do you spell this word ? ' `` we had to spell out our names for the police officer\" What is the definition of \"spell\"?"} {"term": "pour", "pos": "", "context": "we poured money into the education of our children", "definition": "supply in large amounts or quantities", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we poured money into the education of our children\" What is the definition of \"pour\"?"} {"term": "bastide", "pos": "", "context": "cordes-sur-ciel , the first bastide , sits on the top of a mountain and is , thus , aptly named .", "definition": "( in southern france ) a country house .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cordes-sur-ciel , the first bastide , sits on the top of a mountain and is , thus , aptly named .\" What is the definition of \"bastide\"?"} {"term": "lot", "pos": "", "context": "i think a lot has changed regarding brian and the staff .", "definition": "a large number or amount ; a great deal", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i think a lot has changed regarding brian and the staff .\" What is the definition of \"lot\"?"} {"term": "lot", "pos": "", "context": "apologise that if it was n't for me then you lot would still be buzzing round like wingless flies .", "definition": "a group of a specified kind ( used in a derogatory or dismissive way )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"apologise that if it was n't for me then you lot would still be buzzing round like wingless flies .\" What is the definition of \"lot\"?"} {"term": "tattler", "pos": "", "context": "more narrowly , the name is given to the wandering tattler ( heteroscelus incanus ) and the polynesian , or gray-rumped , tattler ( h. brevipes ) .", "definition": "a migratory sandpiper with mainly grey plumage , breeding in nw canada or eastern siberia .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"more narrowly , the name is given to the wandering tattler ( heteroscelus incanus ) and the polynesian , or gray-rumped , tattler ( h. brevipes ) .\" What is the definition of \"tattler\"?"} {"term": "tattler", "pos": "", "context": "all these tattlers would do better to consider less subjective reasons for the scotsman 's sales problems .", "definition": "a person who engages in gossip or who tells tales", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all these tattlers would do better to consider less subjective reasons for the scotsman 's sales problems .\" What is the definition of \"tattler\"?"} {"term": "lead-in", "pos": "", "context": "all patients began a reduced-energy diet at the onset of the placebo lead-in period and followed the diet for the first 52 weeks .", "definition": "an introduction or preamble which allows one to move smoothly on to the next part of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all patients began a reduced-energy diet at the onset of the placebo lead-in period and followed the diet for the first 52 weeks .\" What is the definition of \"lead-in\"?"} {"term": "bilharzia", "pos": "", "context": "it seems that the bilharzia fluke has n't changed much over the centuries , and looking at the older specimens can be of help in fighting the disease/infestation .", "definition": "a blood fluke ( schistosome ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it seems that the bilharzia fluke has n't changed much over the centuries , and looking at the older specimens can be of help in fighting the disease/infestation .\" What is the definition of \"bilharzia\"?"} {"term": "collate", "pos": "", "context": "here rose collates the writings of the church fathers to give us ‘ an orthodox patristic commentary on genesis ’ .", "definition": "compare and analyse ( two or more sources of information )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"here rose collates the writings of the church fathers to give us ‘ an orthodox patristic commentary on genesis ’ .\" What is the definition of \"collate\"?"} {"term": "hereafter", "pos": "", "context": "do jews believe in the hereafter such as life after death ?", "definition": "life after death", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"do jews believe in the hereafter such as life after death ?\" What is the definition of \"hereafter\"?"} {"term": "trace", "pos": "", "context": "it had claw marks across its wooden panels , and when i traced them with my finger i decided that they were far too big to be from some kind of animal .", "definition": "follow or mark the course or position of ( something ) with one 's eye , mind , or finger", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it had claw marks across its wooden panels , and when i traced them with my finger i decided that they were far too big to be from some kind of animal .\" What is the definition of \"trace\"?"} {"term": "trace", "pos": "", "context": "remove remaining traces of wax with a cloth moistened with mineral spirits ( paint thinner ) or cream furniture wax .", "definition": "a mark , object , or other indication of the existence or passing of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"remove remaining traces of wax with a cloth moistened with mineral spirits ( paint thinner ) or cream furniture wax .\" What is the definition of \"trace\"?"} {"term": "trace", "pos": "", "context": "there were some 20 years between these commercial clunkers , yet the same thread of dull-wittedness can be traced through the origins of both .", "definition": "find or describe the origin or development of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there were some 20 years between these commercial clunkers , yet the same thread of dull-wittedness can be traced through the origins of both .\" What is the definition of \"trace\"?"} {"term": "dedication", "pos": "", "context": "a dedication ceremony paying tribute to the five lives lost in a car accident a year ago was held at selborne college 's memorial quadrangle here yesterday .", "definition": "the action of dedicating a church or other building", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dedication ceremony paying tribute to the five lives lost in a car accident a year ago was held at selborne college 's memorial quadrangle here yesterday .\" What is the definition of \"dedication\"?"} {"term": "campus", "pos": "", "context": "her song bootay deluxe is a big hit on american university campuses and nightclubs .", "definition": "the grounds and buildings of a university or college", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her song bootay deluxe is a big hit on american university campuses and nightclubs .\" What is the definition of \"campus\"?"} {"term": "cherokee", "pos": "", "context": "so i asked my friend in the dormitory about some sweet words in cherokee .", "definition": "the iroquoian language of the cherokee , which has had its own script since 1820 and has about 11,000 speakers .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so i asked my friend in the dormitory about some sweet words in cherokee .\" What is the definition of \"cherokee\"?"} {"term": "request", "pos": "", "context": "she requested an extra bed in her room", "definition": "express the need or desire for ; ask for", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she requested an extra bed in her room\" What is the definition of \"request\"?"} {"term": "custard", "pos": "", "context": "alternatively , put them under a burning hot grill , although this is not as effective and may melt the set custard .", "definition": "a dessert or sweet sauce made with milk and eggs , or milk and a proprietary powder .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"alternatively , put them under a burning hot grill , although this is not as effective and may melt the set custard .\" What is the definition of \"custard\"?"} {"term": "buck", "pos": "", "context": "a few seconds later and the car began to buck and slide out of control .", "definition": "( of a vehicle ) make sudden jerky movements", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a few seconds later and the car began to buck and slide out of control .\" What is the definition of \"buck\"?"} {"term": "buck", "pos": "", "context": "john is bucking for a promotion", "definition": "to strive with determination", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"john is bucking for a promotion\" What is the definition of \"buck\"?"} {"term": "curbstone", "pos": "", "context": "i was also amazed that only one poll takes precautions against the ‘ curbstone ’ problem - which is when the interviewers just make the results up .", "definition": "unqualified ; amateur", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i was also amazed that only one poll takes precautions against the ‘ curbstone ’ problem - which is when the interviewers just make the results up .\" What is the definition of \"curbstone\"?"} {"term": "manager", "pos": "", "context": "many staff were contacted by managers over the weekend to undergo the tests .", "definition": "a person responsible for controlling or administering an organization or group of staff", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"many staff were contacted by managers over the weekend to undergo the tests .\" What is the definition of \"manager\"?"} {"term": "manager", "pos": "", "context": "being a manager in business is just like being a manager of a football team .", "definition": "a person in charge of the activities , tactics , and training of a sports team", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"being a manager in business is just like being a manager of a football team .\" What is the definition of \"manager\"?"} {"term": "sense", "pos": "", "context": "this robot can sense the presence of people in the room", "definition": "detect some circumstance or entity automatically", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this robot can sense the presence of people in the room\" What is the definition of \"sense\"?"} {"term": "bribe", "pos": "", "context": "in dealings with government officials , a bribe usually is offered .", "definition": "a sum of money or other inducement offered or given to bribe someone", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in dealings with government officials , a bribe usually is offered .\" What is the definition of \"bribe\"?"} {"term": "travail", "pos": "", "context": "today i 'm just enormously grateful that such things exist and can be called upon in times of travail .", "definition": "painful or laborious effort", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"today i 'm just enormously grateful that such things exist and can be called upon in times of travail .\" What is the definition of \"travail\"?"} {"term": "travail", "pos": "", "context": "paul knew he had to labour like a woman weary after hours of labour pains to effect new life in people : ‘ i travail again in birth . ’", "definition": "engage in painful or laborious effort", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"paul knew he had to labour like a woman weary after hours of labour pains to effect new life in people : ‘ i travail again in birth . ’\" What is the definition of \"travail\"?"} {"term": "tar", "pos": "", "context": "we could n't help noticing either how small towns in rural kzn are connected by good tarred roads .", "definition": "cover ( something ) with tar", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we could n't help noticing either how small towns in rural kzn are connected by good tarred roads .\" What is the definition of \"tar\"?"} {"term": "livebearer", "pos": "", "context": "examples include the oscar , jack dempsey , jewelfish , convict cichlid , midas cichlid , and spotted tilapia ; and livebearers , such as swordtails , platies and mollies , and armored catfishes .", "definition": "a small , chiefly freshwater american toothcarp that has internal fertilization and gives birth to live young . many livebearers , including the guppy , swordtail , mollies , platies , and gambusias , are popular in aquaria .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"examples include the oscar , jack dempsey , jewelfish , convict cichlid , midas cichlid , and spotted tilapia ; and livebearers , such as swordtails , platies and mollies , and armored catfishes .\" What is the definition of \"livebearer\"?"} {"term": "calendar", "pos": "", "context": "this calendar of events will be posted shortly in the clubhouse notice board .", "definition": "a list of days or events of a specified kind", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this calendar of events will be posted shortly in the clubhouse notice board .\" What is the definition of \"calendar\"?"} {"term": "calendar", "pos": "", "context": "the big white wall calendar behind my desk is filled with hastily scratched notes : drinks with stephanie .", "definition": "a book in which to note daily appointments .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the big white wall calendar behind my desk is filled with hastily scratched notes : drinks with stephanie .\" What is the definition of \"calendar\"?"} {"term": "liquidate", "pos": "", "context": "sales of vast tracts of land belonging to religious houses and the former rulers also provided the capital needed to liquidate the debts of the ancien régime and establish state and public finances on a new and more solid basis .", "definition": "pay off ( a debt )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sales of vast tracts of land belonging to religious houses and the former rulers also provided the capital needed to liquidate the debts of the ancien régime and establish state and public finances on a new and more solid basis .\" What is the definition of \"liquidate\"?"} {"term": "liquidate", "pos": "", "context": "the family liquidated their holdings in the company last october .", "definition": "convert ( assets ) into cash", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the family liquidated their holdings in the company last october .\" What is the definition of \"liquidate\"?"} {"term": "liquidate", "pos": "", "context": "the mafia liquidated the informer", "definition": "get rid of ( someone who may be a threat ) by killing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the mafia liquidated the informer\" What is the definition of \"liquidate\"?"} {"term": "hyphen", "pos": "", "context": "hyphenate these words and names", "definition": "divide or connect with a hyphen", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hyphenate these words and names\" What is the definition of \"hyphen\"?"} {"term": "heaven", "pos": "", "context": "when the sun sets , a candelit dinner for two at the trendiest four-star restaurant is your idea of heaven .", "definition": "a place , state , or experience of supreme bliss", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when the sun sets , a candelit dinner for two at the trendiest four-star restaurant is your idea of heaven .\" What is the definition of \"heaven\"?"} {"term": "hurdle", "pos": "", "context": "he and his staff had been making special arrangements to handle the sale with the minimum of delay : extra straw had been got in , portions of the market have been hurdled off and permission had been given to close paragon street .", "definition": "enclose or fence off with hurdles", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he and his staff had been making special arrangements to handle the sale with the minimum of delay : extra straw had been got in , portions of the market have been hurdled off and permission had been given to close paragon street .\" What is the definition of \"hurdle\"?"} {"term": "babbler", "pos": "", "context": "not only are human rights ( as decided by the legal babblers ) to be elevated over all other political principles , but also they can be collective , and in their assertion actually extinguish individual human rights .", "definition": "a person who babbles", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"not only are human rights ( as decided by the legal babblers ) to be elevated over all other political principles , but also they can be collective , and in their assertion actually extinguish individual human rights .\" What is the definition of \"babbler\"?"} {"term": "landlady", "pos": "", "context": "the landlord and landlady of the craven justly feel they are equally the victims concerning an alleged offence they know nothing about .", "definition": "a woman who keeps lodgings , a boarding house , or a pub .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the landlord and landlady of the craven justly feel they are equally the victims concerning an alleged offence they know nothing about .\" What is the definition of \"landlady\"?"} {"term": "crazy", "pos": "", "context": "even if he did fight chumps his whole career the knockout ratio is crazy high .", "definition": "extremely", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"even if he did fight chumps his whole career the knockout ratio is crazy high .\" What is the definition of \"crazy\"?"} {"term": "crazy", "pos": "", "context": "i clean them carefully but the itch is driving me crazy .", "definition": "extremely angry", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i clean them carefully but the itch is driving me crazy .\" What is the definition of \"crazy\"?"} {"term": "offset", "pos": "", "context": "the plant is propagated by separating offsets from its large onion-like bulbs .", "definition": "a side shoot from a plant serving for propagation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the plant is propagated by separating offsets from its large onion-like bulbs .\" What is the definition of \"offset\"?"} {"term": "offset", "pos": "", "context": "offset deposits and withdrawals", "definition": "compensate for or counterbalance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"offset deposits and withdrawals\" What is the definition of \"offset\"?"} {"term": "offset", "pos": "", "context": "concerning the gyroscope , two parameters need to be calibrated : voltage offset and volts per degrees per second .", "definition": "a small deviation or bias in a voltage or current", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"concerning the gyroscope , two parameters need to be calibrated : voltage offset and volts per degrees per second .\" What is the definition of \"offset\"?"} {"term": "gallium", "pos": "", "context": "that experiment looked at the effects of microgravity on a mixture of molten mercury and gallium .", "definition": "the chemical element of atomic number 31 , a soft silvery-white metal which melts at about 30°c , just above room temperature .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that experiment looked at the effects of microgravity on a mixture of molten mercury and gallium .\" What is the definition of \"gallium\"?"} {"term": "static", "pos": "", "context": "they will probably give you a lot of static about your editorial", "definition": "angry criticism", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they will probably give you a lot of static about your editorial\" What is the definition of \"static\"?"} {"term": "static", "pos": "", "context": "method of emulating a dual-port memory device using an internally cached static random access memory architecture", "definition": "( of a memory or store ) not needing to be periodically refreshed by an applied voltage .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"method of emulating a dual-port memory device using an internally cached static random access memory architecture\" What is the definition of \"static\"?"} {"term": "hobgoblin", "pos": "", "context": "gaffle turned round and stared at the oncoming horde of hobgoblins .", "definition": "( in mythology and fairy stories ) a mischievous imp or sprite .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gaffle turned round and stared at the oncoming horde of hobgoblins .\" What is the definition of \"hobgoblin\"?"} {"term": "tribology", "pos": "", "context": "there is little understanding of tribology ; consequently , it requires a systematic approach and a broad knowledge of chemistry , fluid mechanics , thermodynamics , metallurgy , and solid mechanics .", "definition": "the study of friction , wear , lubrication , and the design of bearings ; the science of interacting surfaces in relative motion .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is little understanding of tribology ; consequently , it requires a systematic approach and a broad knowledge of chemistry , fluid mechanics , thermodynamics , metallurgy , and solid mechanics .\" What is the definition of \"tribology\"?"} {"term": "confuse", "pos": "", "context": "when she smiled reassuringly , he threw his head back and laughed , which confused her , but she did n't show it .", "definition": "make ( someone ) bewildered or perplexed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when she smiled reassuringly , he threw his head back and laughed , which confused her , but she did n't show it .\" What is the definition of \"confuse\"?"} {"term": "confuse", "pos": "", "context": "we wo n't confuse our having made mistakes with our having no right to be here .", "definition": "identify wrongly ; mistake", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we wo n't confuse our having made mistakes with our having no right to be here .\" What is the definition of \"confuse\"?"} {"term": "confuse", "pos": "", "context": "her remarks confused the debate", "definition": "make unclear , indistinct , or blurred", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her remarks confused the debate\" What is the definition of \"confuse\"?"} {"term": "handful", "pos": "", "context": "only a handful of responses were received", "definition": "a small number or amount", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"only a handful of responses were received\" What is the definition of \"handful\"?"} {"term": "definition", "pos": "", "context": "i 'm struck how in the introductory sections , publius returns again and again to a definition of ‘ human nature . ’", "definition": "an exact statement or description of the nature , scope , or meaning of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i 'm struck how in the introductory sections , publius returns again and again to a definition of ‘ human nature . ’\" What is the definition of \"definition\"?"} {"term": "affirm", "pos": "", "context": "willinsky notes that citations are often used for one 's own purposes , to support or affirm a particular idea .", "definition": "declare one 's support for ; uphold ; defend", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"willinsky notes that citations are often used for one 's own purposes , to support or affirm a particular idea .\" What is the definition of \"affirm\"?"} {"term": "soul", "pos": "", "context": "his shows are redolent of soul , intense emotion , and a deep connection to the music .", "definition": "emotional or intellectual energy or intensity , especially as revealed in a work of art or an artistic performance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his shows are redolent of soul , intense emotion , and a deep connection to the music .\" What is the definition of \"soul\"?"} {"term": "short-circuit", "pos": "", "context": "short-circuit warm feelings", "definition": "hamper the progress of ; impede", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"short-circuit warm feelings\" What is the definition of \"short-circuit\"?"} {"term": "tension", "pos": "", "context": "it 's the electromagnetic tension field , not the power that stand for the interdimensional interaction .", "definition": "electromotive force .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's the electromagnetic tension field , not the power that stand for the interdimensional interaction .\" What is the definition of \"tension\"?"} {"term": "communism", "pos": "", "context": "one might expect that marx would go on to explain in some detail what communism would be like .", "definition": "a theory or system of social organization in which all property is owned by the community and each person contributes and receives according to their ability and needs .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one might expect that marx would go on to explain in some detail what communism would be like .\" What is the definition of \"communism\"?"} {"term": "receptor", "pos": "", "context": "all are viewed dispassionately , the heart as a pump , the brain as a network of neural tissues , the eye as a receptor of visual stimuli .", "definition": "an organ or cell able to respond to light , heat , or other external stimulus and transmit a signal to a sensory nerve", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all are viewed dispassionately , the heart as a pump , the brain as a network of neural tissues , the eye as a receptor of visual stimuli .\" What is the definition of \"receptor\"?"} {"term": "earthy", "pos": "", "context": "the distinctive earthy flavour of the food is now lost , to be perhaps sourced only in a few remote villages .", "definition": "resembling or suggestive of earth or soil", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the distinctive earthy flavour of the food is now lost , to be perhaps sourced only in a few remote villages .\" What is the definition of \"earthy\"?"} {"term": "sell-out", "pos": "", "context": "a 72,000 sell-out , tickets for the game were snapped up within hours of it being announced in march .", "definition": "an event for which all tickets are sold", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a 72,000 sell-out , tickets for the game were snapped up within hours of it being announced in march .\" What is the definition of \"sell-out\"?"} {"term": "chairmanship", "pos": "", "context": "this was good training for the string of chairmanships , negotiations , conferences , and contacts which were to follow .", "definition": "the position or office of presiding over a meeting .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this was good training for the string of chairmanships , negotiations , conferences , and contacts which were to follow .\" What is the definition of \"chairmanship\"?"} {"term": "nervousness", "pos": "", "context": "i have to confess to a certain nervousness in using it , due to anxiety about what to do with all of the time that it saves .", "definition": "the quality or state of being nervous", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i have to confess to a certain nervousness in using it , due to anxiety about what to do with all of the time that it saves .\" What is the definition of \"nervousness\"?"} {"term": "stampede", "pos": "", "context": "the elves all swept him away as they stampeded down the tamped dirt road .", "definition": "( of people ) move rapidly in a mass", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the elves all swept him away as they stampeded down the tamped dirt road .\" What is the definition of \"stampede\"?"} {"term": "bungler", "pos": "", "context": "my experience is that they are such bunglers that such an offer would be highly irrelevant .", "definition": "a person who habitually bungles things ; an amateur", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my experience is that they are such bunglers that such an offer would be highly irrelevant .\" What is the definition of \"bungler\"?"} {"term": "legerdemain", "pos": "", "context": "there were fine nuggets of legerdemain , courtesy of the illusionist paul kieve .", "definition": "skilful use of one 's hands when performing conjuring tricks .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there were fine nuggets of legerdemain , courtesy of the illusionist paul kieve .\" What is the definition of \"legerdemain\"?"} {"term": "woolly", "pos": "", "context": "in my little corner of the world , the month of march usually swoops in like the proverbial lion then gently leaves like a woolly lamb .", "definition": "( of an animal , plant , or part ) bearing or naturally covered with wool or hair resembling wool", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in my little corner of the world , the month of march usually swoops in like the proverbial lion then gently leaves like a woolly lamb .\" What is the definition of \"woolly\"?"} {"term": "therapsid", "pos": "", "context": "consequently , lung ventilation rates and , by extension , metabolic rates of the earliest mammals , and at least some triassic period therapsids , are likely to have approached or been equal to those of extant mammals .", "definition": "a fossil reptile of a permian and triassic order , the members of which are related to the ancestors of mammals .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"consequently , lung ventilation rates and , by extension , metabolic rates of the earliest mammals , and at least some triassic period therapsids , are likely to have approached or been equal to those of extant mammals .\" What is the definition of \"therapsid\"?"} {"term": "vanguard", "pos": "", "context": "he pointed out that track cycling was in the vanguard of scottish international sport .", "definition": "a position at the forefront of new developments or ideas", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he pointed out that track cycling was in the vanguard of scottish international sport .\" What is the definition of \"vanguard\"?"} {"term": "breakaway", "pos": "", "context": "was he a breakaway from a club barbeque that was n't going to plan ?", "definition": "a secession of a number of people from an organization , resulting in the establishment of a new organization", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"was he a breakaway from a club barbeque that was n't going to plan ?\" What is the definition of \"breakaway\"?"} {"term": "spark", "pos": "", "context": "the electricity sparked and sections of the subway began to catch fire .", "definition": "emit sparks of fire or electricity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the electricity sparked and sections of the subway began to catch fire .\" What is the definition of \"spark\"?"} {"term": "spark", "pos": "", "context": "a spark of interest", "definition": "a small but noticeable trace of some quality that might become stronger", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a spark of interest\" What is the definition of \"spark\"?"} {"term": "benedictine", "pos": "", "context": "the benedictines helped spread christianity throughout western europe .", "definition": "a monk or nun of a christian religious order following the rule of st benedict and established c.540 .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the benedictines helped spread christianity throughout western europe .\" What is the definition of \"benedictine\"?"} {"term": "gunfire", "pos": "", "context": "the gunfire endangered innocent bystanders", "definition": "the act of shooting a gun", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the gunfire endangered innocent bystanders\" What is the definition of \"gunfire\"?"} {"term": "gunfire", "pos": "", "context": "evacuation attempts were disrupted by gunfire and armed looters ruled the streets .", "definition": "the repeated firing of a gun or guns", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"evacuation attempts were disrupted by gunfire and armed looters ruled the streets .\" What is the definition of \"gunfire\"?"} {"term": "blackleg", "pos": "", "context": "you ca n't pretend the wheat does n't have head blight , a cow does n't have blackleg , or that predators do n't prey .", "definition": "an acute infectious bacterial disease of cattle and sheep , causing necrosis in one or more legs .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you ca n't pretend the wheat does n't have head blight , a cow does n't have blackleg , or that predators do n't prey .\" What is the definition of \"blackleg\"?"} {"term": "intensifier", "pos": "", "context": "he later used a silver-based intensifier to enhance the foreground of this famous negative .", "definition": "a chemical used to intensify a negative .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he later used a silver-based intensifier to enhance the foreground of this famous negative .\" What is the definition of \"intensifier\"?"} {"term": "traipse", "pos": "", "context": "but this week , to my amazement , a man of perhaps arab origin stood on the left , blocking the traipse of climbers .", "definition": "a tedious or tiring journey on foot .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but this week , to my amazement , a man of perhaps arab origin stood on the left , blocking the traipse of climbers .\" What is the definition of \"traipse\"?"} {"term": "hell", "pos": "", "context": "war is hell", "definition": "a cause of difficulty and suffering", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"war is hell\" What is the definition of \"hell\"?"} {"term": "reciprocity", "pos": "", "context": "we are so used to our vain understanding of the law of reciprocity that we think in terms of what we get back for what we give .", "definition": "the practice of exchanging things with others for mutual benefit , especially privileges granted by one country or organization to another", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we are so used to our vain understanding of the law of reciprocity that we think in terms of what we get back for what we give .\" What is the definition of \"reciprocity\"?"} {"term": "depository", "pos": "", "context": "he said a depository for the public to recycle paper , newspapers and magazines was badly needed in the town .", "definition": "a place where things are stored", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he said a depository for the public to recycle paper , newspapers and magazines was badly needed in the town .\" What is the definition of \"depository\"?"} {"term": "adieu", "pos": "", "context": "this little bit of nothing has been my best friend during those years and it 's with a sad and tear-filled heart ( tearful just does n't work in that sentence ) that i must bid adieu .", "definition": "a goodbye", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this little bit of nothing has been my best friend during those years and it 's with a sad and tear-filled heart ( tearful just does n't work in that sentence ) that i must bid adieu .\" What is the definition of \"adieu\"?"} {"term": "laundry", "pos": "", "context": "one day , in comes a gangly , loud-talking hippie longhair sporting a shirt fresh off the dirty laundry pile .", "definition": "clothes and linen that need to be washed or that have been newly washed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one day , in comes a gangly , loud-talking hippie longhair sporting a shirt fresh off the dirty laundry pile .\" What is the definition of \"laundry\"?"} {"term": "laundry", "pos": "", "context": "as well as this , a single-storey ancillary building containing a small shop and a laundry / drying room and an office will also be developed .", "definition": "a room in a house , hotel , or institution where clothes and linen can be washed and ironed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as well as this , a single-storey ancillary building containing a small shop and a laundry / drying room and an office will also be developed .\" What is the definition of \"laundry\"?"} {"term": "bedazzle", "pos": "", "context": "long after he had stopped speaking , cora was still held bedazzled by fadran 's words .", "definition": "greatly impress ( someone ) with outstanding ability or striking appearance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"long after he had stopped speaking , cora was still held bedazzled by fadran 's words .\" What is the definition of \"bedazzle\"?"} {"term": "efficiency", "pos": "", "context": "she did the work with great efficiency", "definition": "skillfulness in avoiding wasted time and effort", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she did the work with great efficiency\" What is the definition of \"efficiency\"?"} {"term": "dispose", "pos": "", "context": "tax is deferred until your spouse ultimately sells the assets or is deemed to have disposed of the assets .", "definition": "get rid of by throwing away or giving or selling to someone else", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tax is deferred until your spouse ultimately sells the assets or is deemed to have disposed of the assets .\" What is the definition of \"dispose\"?"} {"term": "cake", "pos": "", "context": "flake some on a green salad , mix some into a pasta salad , or shape some into salmon cakes .", "definition": "an item of savoury food formed into a flat round shape , and typically baked or fried", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"flake some on a green salad , mix some into a pasta salad , or shape some into salmon cakes .\" What is the definition of \"cake\"?"} {"term": "conceive", "pos": "", "context": "an rh-negative mother and an rh-positive father may conceive a baby who inherits the father 's rh-positive blood type .", "definition": "create ( an embryo ) by fertilizing an egg", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an rh-negative mother and an rh-positive father may conceive a baby who inherits the father 's rh-positive blood type .\" What is the definition of \"conceive\"?"} {"term": "conceive", "pos": "", "context": "nuharoo , feng 's wife , is outwardly pleasant , but when she can not conceive and learns orchid is pregnant , she undermines her .", "definition": "( of a woman ) become pregnant", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nuharoo , feng 's wife , is outwardly pleasant , but when she can not conceive and learns orchid is pregnant , she undermines her .\" What is the definition of \"conceive\"?"} {"term": "quaint", "pos": "", "context": "houses with quaint thatched roofs", "definition": "attractively old-fashioned ( but not necessarily authentic )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"houses with quaint thatched roofs\" What is the definition of \"quaint\"?"} {"term": "quaint", "pos": "", "context": "a quaint sense of humor", "definition": "very strange or unusual ; odd or even incongruous in character or appearance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a quaint sense of humor\" What is the definition of \"quaint\"?"} {"term": "misdirection", "pos": "", "context": "this is accomplished by what conjurers call `` misdirection , ' directing people 's attention away from where the `` dirty work ' is going on .", "definition": "the action or process of directing someone to the wrong place or in the wrong direction", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this is accomplished by what conjurers call `` misdirection , ' directing people 's attention away from where the `` dirty work ' is going on .\" What is the definition of \"misdirection\"?"} {"term": "misdirection", "pos": "", "context": "i decided to challenge what i considered to be a misdirection of psychiatry .", "definition": "the wrong or inappropriate use or application of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i decided to challenge what i considered to be a misdirection of psychiatry .\" What is the definition of \"misdirection\"?"} {"term": "limitation", "pos": "", "context": "statute of limitations", "definition": "( law ) a time period after which suits can not be brought", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"statute of limitations\" What is the definition of \"limitation\"?"} {"term": "shack", "pos": "", "context": "from among a cluster of shacks and lean-to 's and concrete outhouses , clinging to the central building like barnacles on an oyster , you could see the outlines of what had once been a magnificent palace .", "definition": "a roughly built hut or cabin .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"from among a cluster of shacks and lean-to 's and concrete outhouses , clinging to the central building like barnacles on an oyster , you could see the outlines of what had once been a magnificent palace .\" What is the definition of \"shack\"?"} {"term": "ash", "pos": "", "context": "a tall ash tree stood out from the rest of the trees that lined the crumbling brick wall , letters carved deeply into the trunk .", "definition": "a tree with compound leaves , winged fruits , and hard pale timber , widely distributed throughout north temperate regions .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a tall ash tree stood out from the rest of the trees that lined the crumbling brick wall , letters carved deeply into the trunk .\" What is the definition of \"ash\"?"} {"term": "ash", "pos": "", "context": "brilliant bigtooth maple , velvet ash , and box elder leaves float on mirror-smooth pools and stick to hiking boots .", "definition": "used in names of trees unrelated to the ash but with similar leaves , e.g . mountain ash .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"brilliant bigtooth maple , velvet ash , and box elder leaves float on mirror-smooth pools and stick to hiking boots .\" What is the definition of \"ash\"?"} {"term": "coupon", "pos": "", "context": "the japanese government tried a wide range of approaches to revitalize the economy , including consumer discount coupons to encourage spending .", "definition": "a voucher entitling the holder to a discount off a particular product .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the japanese government tried a wide range of approaches to revitalize the economy , including consumer discount coupons to encourage spending .\" What is the definition of \"coupon\"?"} {"term": "coupon", "pos": "", "context": "outside on the pavement , a man is buying ration coupons for sugar , rice and oil from people unwilling to queue for hours .", "definition": "a detachable ticket entitling the holder to a ration of food , clothes , or other goods , especially in wartime .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"outside on the pavement , a man is buying ration coupons for sugar , rice and oil from people unwilling to queue for hours .\" What is the definition of \"coupon\"?"} {"term": "model", "pos": "", "context": "the hospice model of care is now espoused as a model of excellence and has led to a worldwide hospice movement aspiring to deliver high quality care to dying patients .", "definition": "a person or thing regarded as an excellent example of a specified quality", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the hospice model of care is now espoused as a model of excellence and has led to a worldwide hospice movement aspiring to deliver high quality care to dying patients .\" What is the definition of \"model\"?"} {"term": "grevillea", "pos": "", "context": "native plants with needle-like leaves or those with a small surface area such as many callistemons , grevilleas and hakeas are also reliable in heat .", "definition": "an evergreen tree or shrub which bears conspicuous flowers that lack petals , most kinds of which are native to australia .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"native plants with needle-like leaves or those with a small surface area such as many callistemons , grevilleas and hakeas are also reliable in heat .\" What is the definition of \"grevillea\"?"} {"term": "harvest", "pos": "", "context": "the cloned cells were harvested , expanded in culture , and transferred to three-dimensional molds .", "definition": "remove ( cells , tissue , or an organ ) from a person or animal for experiment or transplant .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the cloned cells were harvested , expanded in culture , and transferred to three-dimensional molds .\" What is the definition of \"harvest\"?"} {"term": "guest", "pos": "", "context": "in addition to writing on the subject of school choice , merrifield is a frequent guest on television and radio programs in which the issue is discussed and debated .", "definition": "a person invited to take part in a radio or television programme or other entertainment", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in addition to writing on the subject of school choice , merrifield is a frequent guest on television and radio programs in which the issue is discussed and debated .\" What is the definition of \"guest\"?"} {"term": "guest", "pos": "", "context": "waiters are instructed not to interrupt conversations - between dining guests or between a customer and someone on the phone .", "definition": "a customer at a restaurant .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"waiters are instructed not to interrupt conversations - between dining guests or between a customer and someone on the phone .\" What is the definition of \"guest\"?"} {"term": "plow", "pos": "", "context": "farmer jones plowed his east field last week", "definition": "to break and turn over earth especially with a plow", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"farmer jones plowed his east field last week\" What is the definition of \"plow\"?"} {"term": "stem-winder", "pos": "", "context": "how about rush limbaugh hanging out while john kerry delivers his stem-winder ?", "definition": "an entertaining and rousing speech", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"how about rush limbaugh hanging out while john kerry delivers his stem-winder ?\" What is the definition of \"stem-winder\"?"} {"term": "boatyard", "pos": "", "context": "but he said this made it even more important that rochdale council acts quickly to develop a boatyard and boat hire facilities at durn .", "definition": "an enclosed area of land where boats are built or stored .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but he said this made it even more important that rochdale council acts quickly to develop a boatyard and boat hire facilities at durn .\" What is the definition of \"boatyard\"?"} {"term": "truck", "pos": "", "context": "here we discuss an accident that occurred in a warehouse due to the negligence of a forklift truck driver .", "definition": "a low flat-topped trolley used for moving heavy items .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"here we discuss an accident that occurred in a warehouse due to the negligence of a forklift truck driver .\" What is the definition of \"truck\"?"} {"term": "pterodactyl", "pos": "", "context": "earlier , witmer and others had performed a similar study on fossils of the flying reptiles called pterodactyls , which are not related to archaeopteryx .", "definition": "a pterosaur of the late jurassic period , with a long slender head and neck and a very short tail .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"earlier , witmer and others had performed a similar study on fossils of the flying reptiles called pterodactyls , which are not related to archaeopteryx .\" What is the definition of \"pterodactyl\"?"} {"term": "compendium", "pos": "", "context": "this compendium of information has added a bibliography , an expanded glossary and new statistics on social developments and economics while the period covered has been brought up to the last general election .", "definition": "a collection of concise but detailed information about a particular subject , especially in a book or other publication", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this compendium of information has added a bibliography , an expanded glossary and new statistics on social developments and economics while the period covered has been brought up to the last general election .\" What is the definition of \"compendium\"?"} {"term": "subterfuge", "pos": "", "context": "he was n't sick -- it was just a subterfuge", "definition": "something intended to misrepresent the true nature of an activity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was n't sick -- it was just a subterfuge\" What is the definition of \"subterfuge\"?"} {"term": "plate", "pos": "", "context": "if it were not for george eastman , we would probably still be hiding under black cloths while putting sensitized glass plates into the back of our rosewood cameras .", "definition": "a thin sheet of metal , glass , or other substance coated with a light-sensitive film on which an image is formed , used in larger or older types of camera .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if it were not for george eastman , we would probably still be hiding under black cloths while putting sensitized glass plates into the back of our rosewood cameras .\" What is the definition of \"plate\"?"} {"term": "plate", "pos": "", "context": "because of the metal plate , paul is going to have to learn to walk again , because one of his legs will be longer than the other .", "definition": "a thin , flat sheet or strip of metal or other material , typically one used to join or strengthen things or forming part of a machine", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"because of the metal plate , paul is going to have to learn to walk again , because one of his legs will be longer than the other .\" What is the definition of \"plate\"?"} {"term": "baseline", "pos": "", "context": "the established a baseline for the budget", "definition": "an imaginary line or standard by which things are measured or compared", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the established a baseline for the budget\" What is the definition of \"baseline\"?"} {"term": "baseline", "pos": "", "context": "the russian is quick around the court , consistent from the baseline but has little more to offer .", "definition": "( in tennis , volleyball , and other games ) the line marking each end of a court .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the russian is quick around the court , consistent from the baseline but has little more to offer .\" What is the definition of \"baseline\"?"} {"term": "soda", "pos": "", "context": "in new england they call sodas tonics", "definition": "a sweet drink containing carbonated water and flavoring", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in new england they call sodas tonics\" What is the definition of \"soda\"?"} {"term": "debacle", "pos": "", "context": "and until we straighten out what kind of information real doctors take into the examining room with them to see real patients , we 're going to keep having these drug debacles one after the other .", "definition": "a sudden and ignominious failure ; a fiasco", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and until we straighten out what kind of information real doctors take into the examining room with them to see real patients , we 're going to keep having these drug debacles one after the other .\" What is the definition of \"debacle\"?"} {"term": "geometer", "pos": "", "context": "our greatest debt to lefschetz lies in the fact that he showed us that a study of topology was essential for all algebraic geometers .", "definition": "a person skilled in geometry .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"our greatest debt to lefschetz lies in the fact that he showed us that a study of topology was essential for all algebraic geometers .\" What is the definition of \"geometer\"?"} {"term": "right-hander", "pos": "", "context": "when the goal went in , bullock screeched at his defenders and then punched the turf with some forceful right-handers , surely recognising that their already mountainous task had just got a lot steeper .", "definition": "a blow struck with the right hand .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when the goal went in , bullock screeched at his defenders and then punched the turf with some forceful right-handers , surely recognising that their already mountainous task had just got a lot steeper .\" What is the definition of \"right-hander\"?"} {"term": "postponement", "pos": "", "context": "in a way , this can be expected with the number of delays , postponements and redesigns the game went through .", "definition": "the action of postponing something ; deferral", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in a way , this can be expected with the number of delays , postponements and redesigns the game went through .\" What is the definition of \"postponement\"?"} {"term": "labour", "pos": "", "context": "this was announced at the end of last week by the ministry of labour and social policy .", "definition": "a government department concerned with a nation 's workforce", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this was announced at the end of last week by the ministry of labour and social policy .\" What is the definition of \"labour\"?"} {"term": "hydroxyl", "pos": "", "context": "phenols are a subgroup of alcohol in which the hydroxyl groups are attached directly to the carbon atoms of a ring structure .", "definition": "of or denoting the radical —oh , present in alcohols and many other organic compounds", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"phenols are a subgroup of alcohol in which the hydroxyl groups are attached directly to the carbon atoms of a ring structure .\" What is the definition of \"hydroxyl\"?"} {"term": "diversion", "pos": "", "context": "in such states , the risk of diversion of funds and of corruption is extremely high .", "definition": "the action of reallocating something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in such states , the risk of diversion of funds and of corruption is extremely high .\" What is the definition of \"diversion\"?"} {"term": "tillite", "pos": "", "context": "that tillites were found closely associated with carbonates was cited as additional evidence of huge fluctuations in global climates .", "definition": "sedimentary rock composed of compacted glacial till .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that tillites were found closely associated with carbonates was cited as additional evidence of huge fluctuations in global climates .\" What is the definition of \"tillite\"?"} {"term": "deejay", "pos": "", "context": "working as a deejay was different from being just a news reporter .", "definition": "a disc jockey .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"working as a deejay was different from being just a news reporter .\" What is the definition of \"deejay\"?"} {"term": "inflect", "pos": "", "context": "there 's an abbreviation of the name , a checkbox for genders , another one for classes , and information about how the lexical type inflects .", "definition": "( of a word or language ) undergo inflection", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there 's an abbreviation of the name , a checkbox for genders , another one for classes , and information about how the lexical type inflects .\" What is the definition of \"inflect\"?"} {"term": "dusky", "pos": "", "context": "toulouse is known as la ville rouge ( the red city ) because of the dusky red hue of most buildings in the city centre ; very pretty it is too .", "definition": "darkish in colour", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"toulouse is known as la ville rouge ( the red city ) because of the dusky red hue of most buildings in the city centre ; very pretty it is too .\" What is the definition of \"dusky\"?"} {"term": "temp", "pos": "", "context": "in july , the company said it had 70 permanent employees and 30 temps .", "definition": "a temporary employee , typically an office worker who finds employment through an agency .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in july , the company said it had 70 permanent employees and 30 temps .\" What is the definition of \"temp\"?"} {"term": "sexploit", "pos": "", "context": "sixty per cent of irish males said they used the sms system to swap stories of their sexploits .", "definition": "an instance of engaging in sexual activity of a casual or illicit nature", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sixty per cent of irish males said they used the sms system to swap stories of their sexploits .\" What is the definition of \"sexploit\"?"} {"term": "sufferance", "pos": "", "context": "the only solution she seems to find for making her sufferance end is death , even though she is pregnant and has a child who simply adores her .", "definition": "the suffering or undergoing of something bad or unpleasant .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the only solution she seems to find for making her sufferance end is death , even though she is pregnant and has a child who simply adores her .\" What is the definition of \"sufferance\"?"} {"term": "entrant", "pos": "", "context": "new entrants to the country must go though immigration procedures", "definition": "someone who enters", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"new entrants to the country must go though immigration procedures\" What is the definition of \"entrant\"?"} {"term": "risk", "pos": "", "context": "the committee also said there was no health risk from mobile phone masts .", "definition": "a person or thing regarded as a threat or likely source of danger", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the committee also said there was no health risk from mobile phone masts .\" What is the definition of \"risk\"?"} {"term": "marathi", "pos": "", "context": "a versatile linguist , he has acted in every major regional language including gujarati , hindi , marathi and telegu .", "definition": "the indic language spoken in the western indian state of maharashtra by about 68 million people .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a versatile linguist , he has acted in every major regional language including gujarati , hindi , marathi and telegu .\" What is the definition of \"marathi\"?"} {"term": "exhortation", "pos": "", "context": "delivering a series of exhortations , he 'll turn a garden party into political group therapy .", "definition": "an address or communication emphatically urging someone to do something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"delivering a series of exhortations , he 'll turn a garden party into political group therapy .\" What is the definition of \"exhortation\"?"} {"term": "scopolamine", "pos": "", "context": "transdermal scopolamine is used to treat motion sickness", "definition": "an alkaloid with anticholinergic effects that is used as a sedative and to treat nausea and to dilate the pupils in ophthalmic procedures", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"transdermal scopolamine is used to treat motion sickness\" What is the definition of \"scopolamine\"?"} {"term": "goer", "pos": "", "context": "some agencies run events for gym goers , while one service aims to match skiers and snowboarders , so colliding on the slopes takes on a whole new meaning .", "definition": "a person who attends a specified place or event , especially on a regular basis", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some agencies run events for gym goers , while one service aims to match skiers and snowboarders , so colliding on the slopes takes on a whole new meaning .\" What is the definition of \"goer\"?"} {"term": "goer", "pos": "", "context": "she 's stunning , and she 's a real goer , i know that for a fact .", "definition": "a sexually unrestrained woman", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she 's stunning , and she 's a real goer , i know that for a fact .\" What is the definition of \"goer\"?"} {"term": "lollygag", "pos": "", "context": "just as i never lollygag my way through a workout , neither am i concerned with rushing it .", "definition": "dawdle", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"just as i never lollygag my way through a workout , neither am i concerned with rushing it .\" What is the definition of \"lollygag\"?"} {"term": "lollygag", "pos": "", "context": "a couple of times she told riders that their horses were ‘ window shopping ’ which meant the horse was lollygagging around the ring , not paying attention .", "definition": "spend time aimlessly ; idle", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a couple of times she told riders that their horses were ‘ window shopping ’ which meant the horse was lollygagging around the ring , not paying attention .\" What is the definition of \"lollygag\"?"} {"term": "belittle", "pos": "", "context": "do n't belittle his influence", "definition": "cause to seem less serious ; play down", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"do n't belittle his influence\" What is the definition of \"belittle\"?"} {"term": "mocker", "pos": "", "context": "mentioning it as a disease which is generally acquired under unsavory , but avoidable , circumstances and you are suddenly a mocker of dying children .", "definition": "a person who mocks someone or something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mentioning it as a disease which is generally acquired under unsavory , but avoidable , circumstances and you are suddenly a mocker of dying children .\" What is the definition of \"mocker\"?"} {"term": "sizzle", "pos": "", "context": "the problem was , like every other guy she 'd dated in the past fifteen years , there 'd been no sizzle between them .", "definition": "a state or quality of great excitement or passion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the problem was , like every other guy she 'd dated in the past fifteen years , there 'd been no sizzle between them .\" What is the definition of \"sizzle\"?"} {"term": "housing", "pos": "", "context": "this makes it suitable for insertion into small housings , large instrumentation , or analytical equipment .", "definition": "a rigid casing that encloses and protects a piece of moving or delicate equipment .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this makes it suitable for insertion into small housings , large instrumentation , or analytical equipment .\" What is the definition of \"housing\"?"} {"term": "anamnesis", "pos": "", "context": "the influence of brand on the document was palpable and emphasized anamnesis , community with christ and his body , the church , eucharistic sacrifice , and the foretaste of the messianic banquet .", "definition": "the part of the eucharist in which the passion , resurrection , and ascension of christ are recalled .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the influence of brand on the document was palpable and emphasized anamnesis , community with christ and his body , the church , eucharistic sacrifice , and the foretaste of the messianic banquet .\" What is the definition of \"anamnesis\"?"} {"term": "anamnesis", "pos": "", "context": "the use of the concepts of amnesia and anamnesis , counter- and auto-hegemony , remembering and re-remembering , provide a theoretical frame for the writing in keeping with postcolonial scholarly discourse .", "definition": "recollection , especially of a supposed previous existence .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the use of the concepts of amnesia and anamnesis , counter- and auto-hegemony , remembering and re-remembering , provide a theoretical frame for the writing in keeping with postcolonial scholarly discourse .\" What is the definition of \"anamnesis\"?"} {"term": "unleash", "pos": "", "context": "this unleashed a moral fervor , ultimately translated into political movements that brought about the end of slavery .", "definition": "cause ( a strong or violent force ) to be released or become unrestrained", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this unleashed a moral fervor , ultimately translated into political movements that brought about the end of slavery .\" What is the definition of \"unleash\"?"} {"term": "unleash", "pos": "", "context": "unleash one 's anger", "definition": "release or vent", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unleash one 's anger\" What is the definition of \"unleash\"?"} {"term": "tuscan", "pos": "", "context": "‘ we chose hand-selected tuscan stone for the floors - a stone that 's somewhere between sandstone and limestone , ’ johnson says .", "definition": "relating to tuscany , its inhabitants , or the form of italian spoken there , which is a standard variety widely taught to foreign learners .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ we chose hand-selected tuscan stone for the floors - a stone that 's somewhere between sandstone and limestone , ’ johnson says .\" What is the definition of \"tuscan\"?"} {"term": "intimacy", "pos": "", "context": "all in all , though , the meal was excellent and the surroundings dark and sleek enough to induce a pleasing sense of intimacy .", "definition": "a cosy and private or relaxed atmosphere", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all in all , though , the meal was excellent and the surroundings dark and sleek enough to induce a pleasing sense of intimacy .\" What is the definition of \"intimacy\"?"} {"term": "incorporate", "pos": "", "context": "she incorporated his suggestions into her proposal", "definition": "make into a whole or make part of a whole", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she incorporated his suggestions into her proposal\" What is the definition of \"incorporate\"?"} {"term": "afterword", "pos": "", "context": "he wrote in his afterword that the restored edition is worthwhile because it is ‘ a novel superior to , more interesting and complex ’ than the original published edition .", "definition": "a concluding section in a book .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he wrote in his afterword that the restored edition is worthwhile because it is ‘ a novel superior to , more interesting and complex ’ than the original published edition .\" What is the definition of \"afterword\"?"} {"term": "custom", "pos": "", "context": "i have given this tailor my custom for many years", "definition": "habitual patronage", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i have given this tailor my custom for many years\" What is the definition of \"custom\"?"} {"term": "heptane", "pos": "", "context": "stereochemical isomers are also possible with the alkanes , beginning with heptane .", "definition": "a colourless liquid hydrocarbon of the alkane series , present in petroleum spirit .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stereochemical isomers are also possible with the alkanes , beginning with heptane .\" What is the definition of \"heptane\"?"} {"term": "apple", "pos": "", "context": "cate picked a few apples from a fruit tree in the grove , wondering if they had any food to eat .", "definition": "the round fruit of a tree of the rose family , which typically has thin green or red skin and crisp flesh .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cate picked a few apples from a fruit tree in the grove , wondering if they had any food to eat .\" What is the definition of \"apple\"?"} {"term": "fang", "pos": "", "context": "gemini shouted a warning as the canine bared its fangs and leaped towards them .", "definition": "a large sharp tooth , especially a canine tooth of a dog or wolf", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gemini shouted a warning as the canine bared its fangs and leaped towards them .\" What is the definition of \"fang\"?"} {"term": "fang", "pos": "", "context": "the snake tried to hit me by striking its deadly fangs at me .", "definition": "the tooth of a venomous snake , by which poison is injected", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the snake tried to hit me by striking its deadly fangs at me .\" What is the definition of \"fang\"?"} {"term": "fang", "pos": "", "context": "the harmonious , balanced contours of reliquary guardian figures convey a sense of tranquility highly valued in both art and life in fang culture .", "definition": "relating to the fang or their language .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the harmonious , balanced contours of reliquary guardian figures convey a sense of tranquility highly valued in both art and life in fang culture .\" What is the definition of \"fang\"?"} {"term": "shirtfront", "pos": "", "context": "he had spilled catsup on his shirtfront", "definition": "the front of a shirt ( usually the part not covered by a jacket )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had spilled catsup on his shirtfront\" What is the definition of \"shirtfront\"?"} {"term": "live", "pos": "", "context": "he took the captain and his men to see where the shields lived .", "definition": "( of an object ) be kept in a particular place", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he took the captain and his men to see where the shields lived .\" What is the definition of \"live\"?"} {"term": "live", "pos": "", "context": "the holocaust survivors have lived a nightmare", "definition": "have firsthand knowledge of states , situations , emotions , or sensations", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the holocaust survivors have lived a nightmare\" What is the definition of \"live\"?"} {"term": "live", "pos": "", "context": "my friends are soccer fanatics but they seemed to enjoy the live telecast , once i had explained the rules .", "definition": "( of a broadcast ) transmitted at the time of occurrence , not from a recording", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my friends are soccer fanatics but they seemed to enjoy the live telecast , once i had explained the rules .\" What is the definition of \"live\"?"} {"term": "rose", "pos": "", "context": "place the seeds on this and cover with soil to the depth of the seed , then water with a watering can rose .", "definition": "a perforated cap attached to a shower , the spout of a watering can , or the end of a hose to produce a spray .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"place the seeds on this and cover with soil to the depth of the seed , then water with a watering can rose .\" What is the definition of \"rose\"?"} {"term": "rose", "pos": "", "context": "pushing away from the wall he grinned , ‘ and you have bloomed into a rose beyond beauty . ’", "definition": "a rose regarded as an emblem of beauty , delicacy , or purity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pushing away from the wall he grinned , ‘ and you have bloomed into a rose beyond beauty . ’\" What is the definition of \"rose\"?"} {"term": "sustain", "pos": "", "context": "no army of this size had ever been sustained and supported logistically by road .", "definition": "strengthen or support physically or mentally", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"no army of this size had ever been sustained and supported logistically by road .\" What is the definition of \"sustain\"?"} {"term": "immoderation", "pos": "", "context": "do n't beat yourself up for your immoderation , however .", "definition": "the quality of being excessive and lacking in restraint ; overindulgence", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"do n't beat yourself up for your immoderation , however .\" What is the definition of \"immoderation\"?"} {"term": "meccano", "pos": "", "context": "i was an only child , and i had a room to myself and i had meccano and i had this world in which i did things .", "definition": "a children 's toy consisting of a set of metal and plastic components for making mechanical models", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i was an only child , and i had a room to myself and i had meccano and i had this world in which i did things .\" What is the definition of \"meccano\"?"} {"term": "plume", "pos": "", "context": "the creature had a large plume of strands on its head pointing upwards and its body appeared silvery and reflective .", "definition": "a part of an animal 's body that resembles a feather", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the creature had a large plume of strands on its head pointing upwards and its body appeared silvery and reflective .\" What is the definition of \"plume\"?"} {"term": "plume", "pos": "", "context": "the florida cormorant is especially addicted to this practice , and dives and plumes itself several times in the day .", "definition": "( of a bird ) preen itself .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the florida cormorant is especially addicted to this practice , and dives and plumes itself several times in the day .\" What is the definition of \"plume\"?"} {"term": "mash", "pos": "", "context": "once the potatoes have been mashed , ensuring that there are no lumps left in the mash , add the sliced spring onions and give the potatoes one final whip .", "definition": "reduce ( a food or other substance ) to a pulpy mass by crushing it", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"once the potatoes have been mashed , ensuring that there are no lumps left in the mash , add the sliced spring onions and give the potatoes one final whip .\" What is the definition of \"mash\"?"} {"term": "mash", "pos": "", "context": "i suspect that the reason the recipe calls for a large amount of sugar in the wort is that this mash does n't produce enough fermentable sugars to make beer .", "definition": "( in brewing ) a mixture of powdered malt and hot water , which is left to stand until the sugars dissolve to form the wort", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i suspect that the reason the recipe calls for a large amount of sugar in the wort is that this mash does n't produce enough fermentable sugars to make beer .\" What is the definition of \"mash\"?"} {"term": "mash", "pos": "", "context": "they decided to wait , so we asked them to take a seat and mashed a pot of tea in preparation for a chat .", "definition": "( with reference to tea ) brew or infuse", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they decided to wait , so we asked them to take a seat and mashed a pot of tea in preparation for a chat .\" What is the definition of \"mash\"?"} {"term": "mash", "pos": "", "context": "she slowly transferred them to pro-nutro then growing mash and finally garden bird seed .", "definition": "bran mixed with hot water , given as a warm food to horses and other animals", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she slowly transferred them to pro-nutro then growing mash and finally garden bird seed .\" What is the definition of \"mash\"?"} {"term": "mash", "pos": "", "context": "the materials to be distilled are mashed in water .", "definition": "( in brewing ) mix ( powdered malt ) with hot water to form wort", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the materials to be distilled are mashed in water .\" What is the definition of \"mash\"?"} {"term": "closeness", "pos": "", "context": "i am aware of the closeness of cocteau 's journal to my own designs , a closeness that is of the design anyway .", "definition": "the quality or state of having a strong resemblance or connection", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i am aware of the closeness of cocteau 's journal to my own designs , a closeness that is of the design anyway .\" What is the definition of \"closeness\"?"} {"term": "closeness", "pos": "", "context": "he concludes that bilingualism was a failed social experiment because of the closeness of the referendum .", "definition": "the quality of having only a small margin between winner and loser", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he concludes that bilingualism was a failed social experiment because of the closeness of the referendum .\" What is the definition of \"closeness\"?"} {"term": "runaway", "pos": "", "context": "when not rolling along at five miles an hour , alvin encounters a number of strangers , from a teenage runaway to a fellow second world war veteran .", "definition": "a person who has run away , especially from their family or an institution", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when not rolling along at five miles an hour , alvin encounters a number of strangers , from a teenage runaway to a fellow second world war veteran .\" What is the definition of \"runaway\"?"} {"term": "daub", "pos": "", "context": "cob , rammed earth , straw , wattle & daub share the stage with papercrete , earthships , earthbags and entire adobe homes fired to become ceramic , to name just a few .", "definition": "plaster , clay , or another substance used for coating a surface , especially when mixed with straw and applied to laths or wattles to form a wall", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cob , rammed earth , straw , wattle & daub share the stage with papercrete , earthships , earthbags and entire adobe homes fired to become ceramic , to name just a few .\" What is the definition of \"daub\"?"} {"term": "daub", "pos": "", "context": "daub the wall", "definition": "coat with plaster", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"daub the wall\" What is the definition of \"daub\"?"} {"term": "erect", "pos": "", "context": "i find it ludicrous that an erect penis or penetration is still something that is not really permitted to be shown .", "definition": "( of the penis , clitoris , or nipples ) enlarged and rigid , especially in sexual excitement .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i find it ludicrous that an erect penis or penetration is still something that is not really permitted to be shown .\" What is the definition of \"erect\"?"} {"term": "constrictor", "pos": "", "context": "the inferior constrictor is seen for the last time .", "definition": "each of the muscles which constrict the pharynx .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the inferior constrictor is seen for the last time .\" What is the definition of \"constrictor\"?"} {"term": "polka", "pos": "", "context": "happy louie was best known for mixing styles into his polkas including latin , country and western , and rock and roll .", "definition": "a piece of music for the polka", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"happy louie was best known for mixing styles into his polkas including latin , country and western , and rock and roll .\" What is the definition of \"polka\"?"} {"term": "move", "pos": "", "context": "the director moved more responsibilities onto his new assistant", "definition": "cause to move or shift into a new position or place , both in a concrete and in an abstract sense", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the director moved more responsibilities onto his new assistant\" What is the definition of \"move\"?"} {"term": "move", "pos": "", "context": "he did n't make a move to help", "definition": "the act of deciding to do something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he did n't make a move to help\" What is the definition of \"move\"?"} {"term": "move", "pos": "", "context": "now using the internet , games can be held on virtual boards and players can message moves to each other electronically .", "definition": "a player 's turn to change the position of a piece in a board game", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"now using the internet , games can be held on virtual boards and players can message moves to each other electronically .\" What is the definition of \"move\"?"} {"term": "survivalist", "pos": "", "context": "most of these are tough survivalists and mountaineers who live off the land .", "definition": "a person who practises outdoor survival skills as a sport or hobby", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"most of these are tough survivalists and mountaineers who live off the land .\" What is the definition of \"survivalist\"?"} {"term": "sim", "pos": "", "context": "the core gameplay concept is team action strategy , a three-tier model that combines aspects of action space sims , tactical naval sims , and rts games .", "definition": "a video game that simulates an activity such as flying an aircraft or playing a sport", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the core gameplay concept is team action strategy , a three-tier model that combines aspects of action space sims , tactical naval sims , and rts games .\" What is the definition of \"sim\"?"} {"term": "gibberish", "pos": "", "context": "why do parties insist on meaningless gibberish as conference slogans ?", "definition": "unintelligible or meaningless speech or writing ; nonsense", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"why do parties insist on meaningless gibberish as conference slogans ?\" What is the definition of \"gibberish\"?"} {"term": "betray", "pos": "", "context": "to be betrayed by judas , deserted by all the disciples , and denied by peter .", "definition": "be gravely disloyal to", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to be betrayed by judas , deserted by all the disciples , and denied by peter .\" What is the definition of \"betray\"?"} {"term": "vespers", "pos": "", "context": "there was also what they call vespers at night which went for an hour or two hours , so you were actually in session for a minimum of four hours every day , more likely five or six hours every day .", "definition": "a service of evening prayer in the divine office of the western christian church ( sometimes said earlier in the day ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was also what they call vespers at night which went for an hour or two hours , so you were actually in session for a minimum of four hours every day , more likely five or six hours every day .\" What is the definition of \"vespers\"?"} {"term": "ale", "pos": "", "context": "with a character somewhat akin to that of a high-gravity , herbal pale ale , the white is also the sole trappist ale available on draft in the u.s .", "definition": "beer brewed by top fermentation .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with a character somewhat akin to that of a high-gravity , herbal pale ale , the white is also the sole trappist ale available on draft in the u.s .\" What is the definition of \"ale\"?"} {"term": "faff", "pos": "", "context": "now i 'm faffing around for the afternoon until amy gets back from blenheim .", "definition": "spend time in ineffectual activity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"now i 'm faffing around for the afternoon until amy gets back from blenheim .\" What is the definition of \"faff\"?"} {"term": "faff", "pos": "", "context": "for once there was n't even the usual amount of unending faff and delay that plagues the start of club trips .", "definition": "a great deal of ineffectual activity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for once there was n't even the usual amount of unending faff and delay that plagues the start of club trips .\" What is the definition of \"faff\"?"} {"term": "cordoba", "pos": "", "context": "the sandinista labor federation is demanding a minimum wage that reflects the cost of the basic family bread basket , or 24,000 cordobas a month , which would double the present minimum wage .", "definition": "the basic monetary unit of nicaragua , equal to 100 centavos .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sandinista labor federation is demanding a minimum wage that reflects the cost of the basic family bread basket , or 24,000 cordobas a month , which would double the present minimum wage .\" What is the definition of \"cordoba\"?"} {"term": "axiom", "pos": "", "context": "the second chapter presents a development of absolute and euclidean geometry based on hilbert 's axioms .", "definition": "a statement or proposition on which an abstractly defined structure is based .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the second chapter presents a development of absolute and euclidean geometry based on hilbert 's axioms .\" What is the definition of \"axiom\"?"} {"term": "cantilever", "pos": "", "context": "frank lloyd wright liked to cantilever his buildings", "definition": "construct with girders and beams such that only one end is fixed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"frank lloyd wright liked to cantilever his buildings\" What is the definition of \"cantilever\"?"} {"term": "outfit", "pos": "", "context": "it can be subdivided to create custom compartments for the ideal organization of tools , sets , kits and outfits .", "definition": "a complete set of equipment needed for a particular purpose", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it can be subdivided to create custom compartments for the ideal organization of tools , sets , kits and outfits .\" What is the definition of \"outfit\"?"} {"term": "bier", "pos": "", "context": "we followed the bier to the graveyard", "definition": "a coffin along with its stand", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we followed the bier to the graveyard\" What is the definition of \"bier\"?"} {"term": "junk", "pos": "", "context": "even heroin can be used recreationally ; believe it or not , creating a junk habit takes time , money and a whole lot of junk .", "definition": "heroin", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"even heroin can be used recreationally ; believe it or not , creating a junk habit takes time , money and a whole lot of junk .\" What is the definition of \"junk\"?"} {"term": "junk", "pos": "", "context": "it is our view that the relative poor performance of u.s. junk and corporate debt issues provides clear and ominous portents for the coming cycle downturn .", "definition": "junk bonds", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is our view that the relative poor performance of u.s. junk and corporate debt issues provides clear and ominous portents for the coming cycle downturn .\" What is the definition of \"junk\"?"} {"term": "junk", "pos": "", "context": "oil of the first quality ( spermaceti ) is found in the case and junk chambers in the head and was sometimes stored separately from oil .", "definition": "the lump of oily fibrous tissue in a sperm whale 's head , containing spermaceti .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"oil of the first quality ( spermaceti ) is found in the case and junk chambers in the head and was sometimes stored separately from oil .\" What is the definition of \"junk\"?"} {"term": "background", "pos": "", "context": "his motivation was that there should be no barriers to people with different education background and solid banking experience .", "definition": "a person 's education , experience , and social circumstances", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his motivation was that there should be no barriers to people with different education background and solid banking experience .\" What is the definition of \"background\"?"} {"term": "background", "pos": "", "context": "when the rain came he could hear the sound of thunder in the background", "definition": "relatively unimportant or inconspicuous accompanying situation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when the rain came he could hear the sound of thunder in the background\" What is the definition of \"background\"?"} {"term": "toner", "pos": "", "context": "mono printers generally use a single photocopier-type cartridge of black powdered toner .", "definition": "a black or coloured powder used in xerographic copying processes", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mono printers generally use a single photocopier-type cartridge of black powdered toner .\" What is the definition of \"toner\"?"} {"term": "toner", "pos": "", "context": "reduction seems to take place mainly in the darkest part of the image so selenium toner can be used to reduce prints that lack contrast in the shadow areas .", "definition": "a chemical bath for changing the colour or shade of a photographic print , especially as specified", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"reduction seems to take place mainly in the darkest part of the image so selenium toner can be used to reduce prints that lack contrast in the shadow areas .\" What is the definition of \"toner\"?"} {"term": "bitch", "pos": "", "context": "44 % even bitch about girls in their group when they 're not there… miaow !", "definition": "make spitefully critical comments", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"44 % even bitch about girls in their group when they 're not there… miaow !\" What is the definition of \"bitch\"?"} {"term": "elbowing", "pos": "", "context": "elbowing is a foul in basketball", "definition": "jostling with the elbows", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"elbowing is a foul in basketball\" What is the definition of \"elbowing\"?"} {"term": "wetback", "pos": "", "context": "of course , cops did n't bother coming this far into the wilderness , unless they had a tip about drug dealers or wetbacks ; mostly they left stallion 's gate alone .", "definition": "a mexican living in the us , especially without official authorization .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"of course , cops did n't bother coming this far into the wilderness , unless they had a tip about drug dealers or wetbacks ; mostly they left stallion 's gate alone .\" What is the definition of \"wetback\"?"} {"term": "canine", "pos": "", "context": "nearly 80 percent of dogs exposed to the virus contract only a mild form of the disease , which mimics kennel cough - a type of canine bronchitis that is rarely serious .", "definition": "relating to or resembling a dog or dogs", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nearly 80 percent of dogs exposed to the virus contract only a mild form of the disease , which mimics kennel cough - a type of canine bronchitis that is rarely serious .\" What is the definition of \"canine\"?"} {"term": "long-running", "pos": "", "context": "there have been long-running arguments across the uk about repatriation .", "definition": "continuing for a long time", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there have been long-running arguments across the uk about repatriation .\" What is the definition of \"long-running\"?"} {"term": "vintage", "pos": "", "context": "but the quality of the year is crucial in vintage wines .", "definition": "relating to or denoting wine of high quality", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but the quality of the year is crucial in vintage wines .\" What is the definition of \"vintage\"?"} {"term": "complaint", "pos": "", "context": "back pain is a complaint often associated with the squat exercise .", "definition": "an illness or medical condition , especially a relatively minor one", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"back pain is a complaint often associated with the squat exercise .\" What is the definition of \"complaint\"?"} {"term": "complaint", "pos": "", "context": "the only complaint being heard around the malton rehearsal rooms is that more chorus backup would have been useful .", "definition": "a reason for dissatisfaction", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the only complaint being heard around the malton rehearsal rooms is that more chorus backup would have been useful .\" What is the definition of \"complaint\"?"} {"term": "fail", "pos": "", "context": "the teacher failed six students", "definition": "judge unacceptable", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the teacher failed six students\" What is the definition of \"fail\"?"} {"term": "fail", "pos": "", "context": "however , the momentary setback of failing that exam delays dan just enough to miss the plane .", "definition": "be unsuccessful in ( an examination or interview )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"however , the momentary setback of failing that exam delays dan just enough to miss the plane .\" What is the definition of \"fail\"?"} {"term": "fail", "pos": "", "context": "in the short term , however , some jobs would likely be lost as firms fail or restructure in the face of increased competition .", "definition": "( of a business or a person ) cease trading because of lack of funds", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the short term , however , some jobs would likely be lost as firms fail or restructure in the face of increased competition .\" What is the definition of \"fail\"?"} {"term": "fail", "pos": "", "context": "the more fails allowed , the longer the test required .", "definition": "a mistake , failure , or instance of poor performance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the more fails allowed , the longer the test required .\" What is the definition of \"fail\"?"} {"term": "lock-in", "pos": "", "context": "proprietary lock-in also seems to have been rather more of an issue when it came to communicating with central government systems than it was elsewhere , so whitehall clearly has some distance to go before it can walk the talk .", "definition": "an arrangement according to which a person or company is obliged to deal only with a specific company .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"proprietary lock-in also seems to have been rather more of an issue when it came to communicating with central government systems than it was elsewhere , so whitehall clearly has some distance to go before it can walk the talk .\" What is the definition of \"lock-in\"?"} {"term": "stablemate", "pos": "", "context": "the chrysler 300 hemi c is a concept car that is very likely to be put into production as an upscale stablemate of the chrysler sebring convertible .", "definition": "a person or product from the same organization or background as another", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the chrysler 300 hemi c is a concept car that is very likely to be put into production as an upscale stablemate of the chrysler sebring convertible .\" What is the definition of \"stablemate\"?"} {"term": "outboard", "pos": "", "context": "the touchpad is pretty typical of such devices - functional when you need it , but an outboard mouse is preferable , especially for gaming .", "definition": "( of an electronic accessory ) in a separate container from the device with which it is used", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the touchpad is pretty typical of such devices - functional when you need it , but an outboard mouse is preferable , especially for gaming .\" What is the definition of \"outboard\"?"} {"term": "stylistic", "pos": "", "context": "the stylistic goal is for the work to function as a pulsating musical tribute .", "definition": "of or concerning style , especially literary style", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the stylistic goal is for the work to function as a pulsating musical tribute .\" What is the definition of \"stylistic\"?"} {"term": "sore", "pos": "", "context": "he said the annual extravaganza , held in aberystwyth , was in sore need of funds .", "definition": "severe ; urgent", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he said the annual extravaganza , held in aberystwyth , was in sore need of funds .\" What is the definition of \"sore\"?"} {"term": "mackerel", "pos": "", "context": "barracuda eat squid and small fish such as sardines , anchovies , young mackerels and grunions .", "definition": "a predatory marine fish with a greenish-blue back , important as a food fish .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"barracuda eat squid and small fish such as sardines , anchovies , young mackerels and grunions .\" What is the definition of \"mackerel\"?"} {"term": "internalize", "pos": "", "context": "internalize a belief", "definition": "incorporate within oneself ; make subjective or personal", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"internalize a belief\" What is the definition of \"internalize\"?"} {"term": "dance", "pos": "", "context": "together they looked and danced like the fiery heat that filled the evening sky .", "definition": "move rhythmically to music , typically following a set sequence of steps", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"together they looked and danced like the fiery heat that filled the evening sky .\" What is the definition of \"dance\"?"} {"term": "dance", "pos": "", "context": "sparkling green eyes danced as the beat changed , reflecting the choreographed madness all around .", "definition": "( of someone 's eyes ) sparkle with pleasure or excitement", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sparkling green eyes danced as the beat changed , reflecting the choreographed madness all around .\" What is the definition of \"dance\"?"} {"term": "chlorophyta", "pos": "", "context": "representatives of the two main phyla of green plants , the streptophyta and chlorophyta , have been examined in these genome analyses .", "definition": "a division of lower plants that comprises the green algae . they are frequently treated as a phylum of the kingdom `` protista ' .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"representatives of the two main phyla of green plants , the streptophyta and chlorophyta , have been examined in these genome analyses .\" What is the definition of \"chlorophyta\"?"} {"term": "shrimp", "pos": "", "context": "are you sure you want to hang out with that shrimp ?", "definition": "a small , physically weak person", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"are you sure you want to hang out with that shrimp ?\" What is the definition of \"shrimp\"?"} {"term": "dioxin", "pos": "", "context": "no trees will be cut for whole earth and no chlorine used in paper making ( thus releasing no dioxin into the environment ) .", "definition": "a highly toxic compound produced as a by-product in some manufacturing processes , notably herbicide production and paper bleaching . it is a serious and persistent environmental pollutant .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"no trees will be cut for whole earth and no chlorine used in paper making ( thus releasing no dioxin into the environment ) .\" What is the definition of \"dioxin\"?"} {"term": "winery", "pos": "", "context": "the rest of the winery 's production is sold at charity auctions .", "definition": "an establishment where wine is made .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the rest of the winery 's production is sold at charity auctions .\" What is the definition of \"winery\"?"} {"term": "teraflop", "pos": "", "context": "the new machine can reach a peak performance of 65 teraflops ( trillion floating point operations per second ) .", "definition": "a unit of computing speed equal to one million million ( 10¹² ) floating-point operations per second .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the new machine can reach a peak performance of 65 teraflops ( trillion floating point operations per second ) .\" What is the definition of \"teraflop\"?"} {"term": "read", "pos": "", "context": "read the advertisement", "definition": "interpret something that is written or printed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"read the advertisement\" What is the definition of \"read\"?"} {"term": "read", "pos": "", "context": "make sure you are reading the light from the moon and not any near by street lights etc .", "definition": "( of a device ) obtain data from ( light or other input )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"make sure you are reading the light from the moon and not any near by street lights etc .\" What is the definition of \"read\"?"} {"term": "read", "pos": "", "context": "lione quickly caught the attention of the royals with her ability to read and write .", "definition": "have the ability to look at and comprehend the meaning of written or printed matter", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lione quickly caught the attention of the royals with her ability to read and write .\" What is the definition of \"read\"?"} {"term": "pyrimidine", "pos": "", "context": "the transcription of the operon is coordinately repressed in the presence of excess pyrimidine nucleotides .", "definition": "a colourless crystalline compound with basic properties .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the transcription of the operon is coordinately repressed in the presence of excess pyrimidine nucleotides .\" What is the definition of \"pyrimidine\"?"} {"term": "laundress", "pos": "", "context": "concentrated primarily as laborers , teamsters , deliverymen , waiters , servants , maids and laundresses , they held many of the lowest paid and least skilled jobs in the city .", "definition": "a woman who is employed to launder clothes and linen .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"concentrated primarily as laborers , teamsters , deliverymen , waiters , servants , maids and laundresses , they held many of the lowest paid and least skilled jobs in the city .\" What is the definition of \"laundress\"?"} {"term": "clocker", "pos": "", "context": "a proficient clocker can complete a rollback job in a matter of minutes .", "definition": "a person who illegally winds back the milometer of a car .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a proficient clocker can complete a rollback job in a matter of minutes .\" What is the definition of \"clocker\"?"} {"term": "assembly", "pos": "", "context": "they demanded the right of assembly", "definition": "the social act of assembling", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they demanded the right of assembly\" What is the definition of \"assembly\"?"} {"term": "instrumentation", "pos": "", "context": "a professor of instrumentation and measurement is leading a team making a new laser based reader device to allow the wax cylinder to be heard .", "definition": "the design , provision , or use of measuring instruments .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a professor of instrumentation and measurement is leading a team making a new laser based reader device to allow the wax cylinder to be heard .\" What is the definition of \"instrumentation\"?"} {"term": "burgundian", "pos": "", "context": "as joan herself recalled during her trials , while her own village of domremy was predominantly orleanist , the nearby village of maxey was burgundian in allegiance .", "definition": "relating to burgundy or the burgundians .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as joan herself recalled during her trials , while her own village of domremy was predominantly orleanist , the nearby village of maxey was burgundian in allegiance .\" What is the definition of \"burgundian\"?"} {"term": "burgundian", "pos": "", "context": "france did not emerge as a permanently unified state until the ejection of the english and the burgundians at the end of the middle ages .", "definition": "a member of a germanic people that invaded gaul from the east and established the kingdom of burgundy in the 5th century ad .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"france did not emerge as a permanently unified state until the ejection of the english and the burgundians at the end of the middle ages .\" What is the definition of \"burgundian\"?"} {"term": "system", "pos": "", "context": "he tried to understand their system of classification", "definition": "an organized structure for arranging or classifying", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he tried to understand their system of classification\" What is the definition of \"system\"?"} {"term": "system", "pos": "", "context": "as usually , the worm starts and ends with the unpatched available system .", "definition": "a group of related hardware units or programs or both , especially when dedicated to a single application .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as usually , the worm starts and ends with the unpatched available system .\" What is the definition of \"system\"?"} {"term": "gasometer", "pos": "", "context": "the expired gas was measured in a wet gasometer .", "definition": "a large metal tank , typically cylindrical , in which gas for use as fuel is stored before being distributed through pipes to consumers .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the expired gas was measured in a wet gasometer .\" What is the definition of \"gasometer\"?"} {"term": "freshet", "pos": "", "context": "for example , freshets can displace individuals , wash out nests , and locally eliminate populations .", "definition": "a rush of fresh water flowing into the sea .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for example , freshets can displace individuals , wash out nests , and locally eliminate populations .\" What is the definition of \"freshet\"?"} {"term": "dovetail", "pos": "", "context": "the dovetails at both front and back of the new drawers have to match the original joints .", "definition": "a joint formed by one or more tapered projections ( tenons ) on one piece which interlock with corresponding notches or recesses ( mortises ) in another .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the dovetails at both front and back of the new drawers have to match the original joints .\" What is the definition of \"dovetail\"?"} {"term": "scam", "pos": "", "context": "is your head saleswoman scamming you out of millions ?", "definition": "swindle", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"is your head saleswoman scamming you out of millions ?\" What is the definition of \"scam\"?"} {"term": "rivet", "pos": "", "context": "earlier versions are more likely to represent the designer 's intentions , and assiduous collectors examine furniture to check that rivets and supports are in the right place , and that materials are correct .", "definition": "a rivet-like device for holding seams of clothing together .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"earlier versions are more likely to represent the designer 's intentions , and assiduous collectors examine furniture to check that rivets and supports are in the right place , and that materials are correct .\" What is the definition of \"rivet\"?"} {"term": "rivet", "pos": "", "context": "the pop rivet itself looks something like a nail with a flanged metal sleeve over one end .", "definition": "a short metal pin or bolt for holding together two plates of metal , its headless end being beaten out or pressed down when in place", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the pop rivet itself looks something like a nail with a flanged metal sleeve over one end .\" What is the definition of \"rivet\"?"} {"term": "terry", "pos": "", "context": "sylvie could see her legs were good , even though her feet were stuffed into big terry cloth slippers .", "definition": "a fabric with raised uncut loops of thread covering both surfaces , used especially for towels", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sylvie could see her legs were good , even though her feet were stuffed into big terry cloth slippers .\" What is the definition of \"terry\"?"} {"term": "mezzotint", "pos": "", "context": "it discusses not only these and other panels , but also the artist 's productions in the recently developed medium of mezzotint .", "definition": "the technique or process of making mezzotints", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it discusses not only these and other panels , but also the artist 's productions in the recently developed medium of mezzotint .\" What is the definition of \"mezzotint\"?"} {"term": "banishment", "pos": "", "context": "one example was the banishment of music from meals , except for the express purpose of complementing a particular food .", "definition": "the action of getting rid of something unwanted", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one example was the banishment of music from meals , except for the express purpose of complementing a particular food .\" What is the definition of \"banishment\"?"} {"term": "crowning", "pos": "", "context": "the crowning accomplishment of his career", "definition": "representing a level of the highest possible achievement or attainment", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the crowning accomplishment of his career\" What is the definition of \"crowning\"?"} {"term": "impunity", "pos": "", "context": "people live in fear of armed groups who can strike with seeming impunity .", "definition": "exemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of an action", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"people live in fear of armed groups who can strike with seeming impunity .\" What is the definition of \"impunity\"?"} {"term": "cosh", "pos": "", "context": "it houses thousands of weapons , including guns and ammunition , knives , knuckledusters , coshes , crossbows and swords .", "definition": "a thick , heavy stick or bar used as a weapon", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it houses thousands of weapons , including guns and ammunition , knives , knuckledusters , coshes , crossbows and swords .\" What is the definition of \"cosh\"?"} {"term": "tetrad", "pos": "", "context": "early microsporogenesis events are important to establish the shape of the tetrad , the polarity within the tetrad and consequently to determine the aperture pattern of the pollen grain .", "definition": "a group or set of four", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"early microsporogenesis events are important to establish the shape of the tetrad , the polarity within the tetrad and consequently to determine the aperture pattern of the pollen grain .\" What is the definition of \"tetrad\"?"} {"term": "sparrowhawk", "pos": "", "context": "it is closely related to the american sparrowhawk , which it resembles in size .", "definition": "the american kestrel ( see kestrel ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is closely related to the american sparrowhawk , which it resembles in size .\" What is the definition of \"sparrowhawk\"?"} {"term": "bassinet", "pos": "", "context": "these all-in-one systems have integrated car seats , strollers , and bassinets , which allow you to move your baby easily from car to stroller and back again .", "definition": "a child 's wicker cradle .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these all-in-one systems have integrated car seats , strollers , and bassinets , which allow you to move your baby easily from car to stroller and back again .\" What is the definition of \"bassinet\"?"} {"term": "consent", "pos": "", "context": "although she was anxious to move into her new place , she consented to spending the night at her parents ' home .", "definition": "agree to do something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"although she was anxious to move into her new place , she consented to spending the night at her parents ' home .\" What is the definition of \"consent\"?"} {"term": "consent", "pos": "", "context": "the plaintiff , at a pre-hearing , consented to an order and an order was issued for the release of the hospital records .", "definition": "give permission for something to happen", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the plaintiff , at a pre-hearing , consented to an order and an order was issued for the release of the hospital records .\" What is the definition of \"consent\"?"} {"term": "cos", "pos": "", "context": "dill pickles , a bit of cos lettuce , slithers of parmesan - that 's all you need .", "definition": "a lettuce of a variety with crisp narrow leaves that form a tall head .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dill pickles , a bit of cos lettuce , slithers of parmesan - that 's all you need .\" What is the definition of \"cos\"?"} {"term": "seal", "pos": "", "context": "therefore , there is no reason to think that the seal of confession would not have been observed in the church of england .", "definition": "the obligation on a priest not to divulge anything said during confession", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"therefore , there is no reason to think that the seal of confession would not have been observed in the church of england .\" What is the definition of \"seal\"?"} {"term": "seal", "pos": "", "context": "a coat of seal", "definition": "the pelt or fur ( especially the underfur ) of a seal", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a coat of seal\" What is the definition of \"seal\"?"} {"term": "seal", "pos": "", "context": "season the fillet by rubbing it with salt , pepper and olive oil , then seal the fillet in a hot fry pan and add the mushrooms , this will ensure that they soak up the flavours which the beef may leave in the pan .", "definition": "fry ( food ) briefly at a high temperature to prevent it from losing moisture during subsequent cooking", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"season the fillet by rubbing it with salt , pepper and olive oil , then seal the fillet in a hot fry pan and add the mushrooms , this will ensure that they soak up the flavours which the beef may leave in the pan .\" What is the definition of \"seal\"?"} {"term": "pretest", "pos": "", "context": "we used different videos in the copying experiment than in the pretest , so that test females had not previously seen these stimuli .", "definition": "a preliminary test or trial", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we used different videos in the copying experiment than in the pretest , so that test females had not previously seen these stimuli .\" What is the definition of \"pretest\"?"} {"term": "hark", "pos": "", "context": "make a roux ( ooh , hark at me and my fancy cookery phrases ) by melting the butter in a saucepan , heating it to bubbling point , then adding the flour and stirring until the mixture turns golden .", "definition": "used to draw attention to someone who has said or done something considered to be foolish or silly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"make a roux ( ooh , hark at me and my fancy cookery phrases ) by melting the butter in a saucepan , heating it to bubbling point , then adding the flour and stirring until the mixture turns golden .\" What is the definition of \"hark\"?"} {"term": "stamp", "pos": "", "context": "people of this stamp certainly look better outwardly than the immoral and profane , and yet , perhaps , are more thoroughly deceived by the great adversary of souls .", "definition": "a particular class or type of person or thing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"people of this stamp certainly look better outwardly than the immoral and profane , and yet , perhaps , are more thoroughly deceived by the great adversary of souls .\" What is the definition of \"stamp\"?"} {"term": "stamp", "pos": "", "context": "they used diggers and metal cutters , and stamped down material by thumping it with the bucket of an excavator .", "definition": "crush , flatten , or remove with a heavy blow from one 's foot", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they used diggers and metal cutters , and stamped down material by thumping it with the bucket of an excavator .\" What is the definition of \"stamp\"?"} {"term": "stamp", "pos": "", "context": "another advantage is that you can actually group stamps on the same block and print them together .", "definition": "an instrument for stamping a pattern or mark , in particular an engraved or inked block or die .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"another advantage is that you can actually group stamps on the same block and print them together .\" What is the definition of \"stamp\"?"} {"term": "pancake", "pos": "", "context": "it suggested couch potato culture , where pancake make-up and glitz trump substance .", "definition": "make-up consisting of a flat solid layer of compressed powder , used especially in the theatre .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it suggested couch potato culture , where pancake make-up and glitz trump substance .\" What is the definition of \"pancake\"?"} {"term": "exuberance", "pos": "", "context": "a gazebo , garden seats , the grottoes and the waterside plantings will convey the exuberance of the victorian garden .", "definition": "the quality of growing profusely ; luxuriance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a gazebo , garden seats , the grottoes and the waterside plantings will convey the exuberance of the victorian garden .\" What is the definition of \"exuberance\"?"} {"term": "roast", "pos": "", "context": "there 's nothing better than seeing a celebrity get roasted , especially by a master such as groucho .", "definition": "tease in a good-natured way .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there 's nothing better than seeing a celebrity get roasted , especially by a master such as groucho .\" What is the definition of \"roast\"?"} {"term": "roast", "pos": "", "context": "first they came over for dinner and we once again had delicious roast chicken .", "definition": "( of food ) having been roasted", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"first they came over for dinner and we once again had delicious roast chicken .\" What is the definition of \"roast\"?"} {"term": "theme", "pos": "", "context": "at the time rachmaninov wrote , he competed with variations on the same theme by liszt , schumann , and brahms .", "definition": "a prominent or frequently recurring melody or group of notes in a composition", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at the time rachmaninov wrote , he competed with variations on the same theme by liszt , schumann , and brahms .\" What is the definition of \"theme\"?"} {"term": "theme", "pos": "", "context": "when a sentence has an indirect object , that constituent may also function as a marked theme , the focus of attention , by beginning the sentence .", "definition": "the first major constituent of a clause , indicating the subject matter , typically being the subject but optionally other constituents , as in ‘ smitten he is not ’ .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when a sentence has an indirect object , that constituent may also function as a marked theme , the focus of attention , by beginning the sentence .\" What is the definition of \"theme\"?"} {"term": "theme", "pos": "", "context": "the restaurant often themes its menus", "definition": "provide with a particular theme or motive", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the restaurant often themes its menus\" What is the definition of \"theme\"?"} {"term": "ultimatum", "pos": "", "context": "whether true or not , the story was quickly seized upon to issue its ultimatum .", "definition": "a final demand or statement of terms , the rejection of which will result in retaliation or a breakdown in relations", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"whether true or not , the story was quickly seized upon to issue its ultimatum .\" What is the definition of \"ultimatum\"?"} {"term": "shambles", "pos": "", "context": "the butchers ' shambles , where animals were slaughtered and sold on sundays , abutted the courthouse .", "definition": "a butcher 's slaughterhouse ( archaic except in place names )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the butchers ' shambles , where animals were slaughtered and sold on sundays , abutted the courthouse .\" What is the definition of \"shambles\"?"} {"term": "perforation", "pos": "", "context": "i have also attempted to make business cards but abandoned it on account of not being able to get them to print inside the perforations whatever way i put them in the printer .", "definition": "a small hole or row of small holes punched in a sheet of paper , e.g . of postage stamps , so that a part can be torn off easily", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i have also attempted to make business cards but abandoned it on account of not being able to get them to print inside the perforations whatever way i put them in the printer .\" What is the definition of \"perforation\"?"} {"term": "vulgarism", "pos": "", "context": "but michelle can only think of vulgarisms : she stands for a generation that , like shakespeare 's caliban , has yet to be taught a civilized language .", "definition": "a word or expression that is considered inelegant , especially one that makes explicit and offensive reference to sex or bodily functions", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but michelle can only think of vulgarisms : she stands for a generation that , like shakespeare 's caliban , has yet to be taught a civilized language .\" What is the definition of \"vulgarism\"?"} {"term": "retread", "pos": "", "context": "equipment was imported from france for retreading tyres and the area 's first remould business was founded .", "definition": "put a new tread on ( a worn tyre )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"equipment was imported from france for retreading tyres and the area 's first remould business was founded .\" What is the definition of \"retread\"?"} {"term": "autonomy", "pos": "", "context": "this section began with a question about the relations among kantian views of autonomy , rationality , and agential separateness .", "definition": "( in kantian moral philosophy ) the capacity of an agent to act in accordance with objective morality rather than under the influence of desires .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this section began with a question about the relations among kantian views of autonomy , rationality , and agential separateness .\" What is the definition of \"autonomy\"?"} {"term": "pilot", "pos": "", "context": "minister of state michael ahern , who is piloting the bill through the oireachtas , is believed to be considering raising it to e500,000-a move that would remove hundreds of companies from the net .", "definition": "guide or steer", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"minister of state michael ahern , who is piloting the bill through the oireachtas , is believed to be considering raising it to e500,000-a move that would remove hundreds of companies from the net .\" What is the definition of \"pilot\"?"} {"term": "whole", "pos": "", "context": "a whole week", "definition": "including all components without exception ; being one unit or constituting the full amount or extent or duration ; complete", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a whole week\" What is the definition of \"whole\"?"} {"term": "masher", "pos": "", "context": "there too mashers , fake swells , or bohemians were to be found , whilst going up to london often provided the opportunity for provincial businessmen to indulge in activities more anonymously than they could achieve nearer home .", "definition": "a man who makes unwelcome sexual advances to women .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there too mashers , fake swells , or bohemians were to be found , whilst going up to london often provided the opportunity for provincial businessmen to indulge in activities more anonymously than they could achieve nearer home .\" What is the definition of \"masher\"?"} {"term": "flautist", "pos": "", "context": "i was a really good rugby union player and a decent flautist - yeah , i know , a bit odd .", "definition": "a flute player .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i was a really good rugby union player and a decent flautist - yeah , i know , a bit odd .\" What is the definition of \"flautist\"?"} {"term": "perchlorate", "pos": "", "context": "potassium perchlorate is the oxidizing agent used to set off fireworks .", "definition": "a salt or ester of perchloric acid .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"potassium perchlorate is the oxidizing agent used to set off fireworks .\" What is the definition of \"perchlorate\"?"} {"term": "malian", "pos": "", "context": "the nineteen-year-old photographer was inspired to pick up a camera when he saw a french edition of photographs by recent malian photographers .", "definition": "relating to or characteristic of mali or its inhabitants", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the nineteen-year-old photographer was inspired to pick up a camera when he saw a french edition of photographs by recent malian photographers .\" What is the definition of \"malian\"?"} {"term": "semi", "pos": "", "context": "their semi pulls 30-foot grain trailers instead of normal 40-footers .", "definition": "a semi-trailer", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their semi pulls 30-foot grain trailers instead of normal 40-footers .\" What is the definition of \"semi\"?"} {"term": "archivist", "pos": "", "context": "next ian headed off to see the salford archivist to gather any information he could find .", "definition": "a person who maintains and is in charge of archives .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"next ian headed off to see the salford archivist to gather any information he could find .\" What is the definition of \"archivist\"?"} {"term": "natural", "pos": "", "context": "composting is the natural process that turns autumn leaves into soil at the end of the year .", "definition": "having had a minimum of processing or preservative treatment", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"composting is the natural process that turns autumn leaves into soil at the end of the year .\" What is the definition of \"natural\"?"} {"term": "natural", "pos": "", "context": "natural blonde hair", "definition": "existing in or produced by nature ; not artificial or imitation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"natural blonde hair\" What is the definition of \"natural\"?"} {"term": "natural", "pos": "", "context": "a cat 's natural aversion to water", "definition": "unthinking ; prompted by ( or as if by ) instinct", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a cat 's natural aversion to water\" What is the definition of \"natural\"?"} {"term": "working", "pos": "", "context": "judges moving among the audience keenly observed the working models and rated the best projects .", "definition": "functioning or able to function", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"judges moving among the audience keenly observed the working models and rated the best projects .\" What is the definition of \"working\"?"} {"term": "working", "pos": "", "context": "perhaps one-third of the land under crop was taken up by oats grown to feed a farm 's own working horses .", "definition": "( of an animal ) used in farming , hunting , or for guard duties ; not kept as a pet or for show", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"perhaps one-third of the land under crop was taken up by oats grown to feed a farm 's own working horses .\" What is the definition of \"working\"?"} {"term": "working", "pos": "", "context": "explore the lowther hills or wander along lower-level paths , past the old lead mine workings .", "definition": "a mine or a part of a mine from which minerals are being extracted", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"explore the lowther hills or wander along lower-level paths , past the old lead mine workings .\" What is the definition of \"working\"?"} {"term": "engage", "pos": "", "context": "between eight and 13 identifiable people could have been engaged to perform these duties .", "definition": "pledge or enter into a contract to do something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"between eight and 13 identifiable people could have been engaged to perform these duties .\" What is the definition of \"engage\"?"} {"term": "engage", "pos": "", "context": "make sure the gear is engaged", "definition": "get caught", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"make sure the gear is engaged\" What is the definition of \"engage\"?"} {"term": "engage", "pos": "", "context": "the play area with its ball pit , stuffed toys , comic racks and computer games can surely engage the attention of children irrespective of their ages .", "definition": "occupy or attract ( someone 's interest or attention )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the play area with its ball pit , stuffed toys , comic racks and computer games can surely engage the attention of children irrespective of their ages .\" What is the definition of \"engage\"?"} {"term": "derelict", "pos": "", "context": "‘ we have clients buying derelict farmhouses and old houses which would otherwise be left to fall down , ’ anderson said .", "definition": "in a very poor condition as a result of disuse and neglect", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ we have clients buying derelict farmhouses and old houses which would otherwise be left to fall down , ’ anderson said .\" What is the definition of \"derelict\"?"} {"term": "navigate", "pos": "", "context": "one of the girls had been to new york before , and fairly expertly navigated us to a tiny gay piano bar set in a tiny triangular building created by the intersection of grid lines and old indian trails .", "definition": "guide or steer ( someone )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one of the girls had been to new york before , and fairly expertly navigated us to a tiny gay piano bar set in a tiny triangular building created by the intersection of grid lines and old indian trails .\" What is the definition of \"navigate\"?"} {"term": "tinny", "pos": "", "context": "i could both smell and taste the tinny metallic taste of blood .", "definition": "having an unpleasantly metallic taste", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i could both smell and taste the tinny metallic taste of blood .\" What is the definition of \"tinny\"?"} {"term": "militia", "pos": "", "context": "their troops were untrained militia", "definition": "the entire body of physically fit civilians eligible by law for military service", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their troops were untrained militia\" What is the definition of \"militia\"?"} {"term": "retrieve", "pos": "", "context": "in the trained retrieve , we show the dog how to be successful by first thoroughly teaching it what to do before we begin reinforcing the command `` fetch . '", "definition": "an act of retrieving something , especially game that has been shot", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the trained retrieve , we show the dog how to be successful by first thoroughly teaching it what to do before we begin reinforcing the command `` fetch . '\" What is the definition of \"retrieve\"?"} {"term": "wattle", "pos": "", "context": "they were found on what was once the thames foreshore , and would have been stored underwater in a wattle enclosure to stop the wood drying out and splitting .", "definition": "a material for making fences , walls , etc. , consisting of rods or stakes interlaced with twigs or branches .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they were found on what was once the thames foreshore , and would have been stored underwater in a wattle enclosure to stop the wood drying out and splitting .\" What is the definition of \"wattle\"?"} {"term": "punk", "pos": "", "context": "to them , office punks were nobodies , failures .", "definition": "a worthless person ( often used as a general term of abuse )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to them , office punks were nobodies , failures .\" What is the definition of \"punk\"?"} {"term": "punk", "pos": "", "context": "because we were the generation that had been raised on a diet of 1970s dreariness , of safety-pinned punks and urban grot .", "definition": "an admirer or player of punk rock , typically characterized by coloured spiked hair and clothing decorated with safety pins or zips", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"because we were the generation that had been raised on a diet of 1970s dreariness , of safety-pinned punks and urban grot .\" What is the definition of \"punk\"?"} {"term": "artiste", "pos": "", "context": "he says the makers wanted a glamorous artiste who can perform well in a key role .", "definition": "a professional entertainer , especially a singer or dancer", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he says the makers wanted a glamorous artiste who can perform well in a key role .\" What is the definition of \"artiste\"?"} {"term": "tryst", "pos": "", "context": "they were then trysting places of choice for teenagers .", "definition": "keep a private , romantic rendezvous with a lover", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they were then trysting places of choice for teenagers .\" What is the definition of \"tryst\"?"} {"term": "nominate", "pos": "", "context": "he does not there identify whether the date of dismissal was the date nominated by the company .", "definition": "specify ( something ) formally , typically the date or place for an event", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he does not there identify whether the date of dismissal was the date nominated by the company .\" What is the definition of \"nominate\"?"} {"term": "bot", "pos": "", "context": "adult sheep bot flies do not oviposit ( eggs laid in the host by the adult female ) .", "definition": "the sheep nostril fly .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"adult sheep bot flies do not oviposit ( eggs laid in the host by the adult female ) .\" What is the definition of \"bot\"?"} {"term": "detain", "pos": "", "context": "the claimant may also expect to discover whether the custody officer who detained him did so from a genuine belief in the need so to act , or from some ulterior motive .", "definition": "keep ( someone ) in official custody , typically for questioning about a crime or in a politically sensitive situation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the claimant may also expect to discover whether the custody officer who detained him did so from a genuine belief in the need so to act , or from some ulterior motive .\" What is the definition of \"detain\"?"} {"term": "commitment", "pos": "", "context": "his long commitment to public service", "definition": "the act of binding yourself ( intellectually or emotionally ) to a course of action", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his long commitment to public service\" What is the definition of \"commitment\"?"} {"term": "host", "pos": "", "context": "four teams in addition to the hosts were invited to participate : university of toronto , mcmaster , western and university of guelph .", "definition": "a person , place , or organization that holds an event to which others are invited", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"four teams in addition to the hosts were invited to participate : university of toronto , mcmaster , western and university of guelph .\" What is the definition of \"host\"?"} {"term": "host", "pos": "", "context": "in addition , the bacterial host cell can be grown easily in defined media with a short generation time , and the virus replication is lytic , releasing several hundred progeny per cell .", "definition": "a living cell in which a virus multiplies .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in addition , the bacterial host cell can be grown easily in defined media with a short generation time , and the virus replication is lytic , releasing several hundred progeny per cell .\" What is the definition of \"host\"?"} {"term": "host", "pos": "", "context": "it bewilders the 22 regular panelists on the show , every one of whom was asked to continue with this new program , some of them as guest hosts .", "definition": "the presenter of a television or radio programme", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it bewilders the 22 regular panelists on the show , every one of whom was asked to continue with this new program , some of them as guest hosts .\" What is the definition of \"host\"?"} {"term": "craft", "pos": "", "context": "the artisan crafted a complicated tool", "definition": "make by hand and with much skill", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the artisan crafted a complicated tool\" What is the definition of \"craft\"?"} {"term": "merry-go-round", "pos": "", "context": "if we lose the election the whole legislative merry-go-round will have to start over", "definition": "a never-ending cycle of activities and events ( especially when they seem to have little purpose )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if we lose the election the whole legislative merry-go-round will have to start over\" What is the definition of \"merry-go-round\"?"} {"term": "floodlight", "pos": "", "context": "the glowing stage lights , bright television studio lights and cinema floodlights have all taken turns to illuminate his path as an actor .", "definition": "a large , powerful light , typically one of several used to illuminate a sports ground , a stage , or the exterior of a building .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the glowing stage lights , bright television studio lights and cinema floodlights have all taken turns to illuminate his path as an actor .\" What is the definition of \"floodlight\"?"} {"term": "surtitle", "pos": "", "context": "a fair amount of the dialogue is in gaelic ( and the surtitles are not visible from all seats ) though their gist is usually clear enough until the play 's downbeat final moments - ironically one of its finest passages .", "definition": "a caption projected on a screen above the stage in an opera , translating the text being sung .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a fair amount of the dialogue is in gaelic ( and the surtitles are not visible from all seats ) though their gist is usually clear enough until the play 's downbeat final moments - ironically one of its finest passages .\" What is the definition of \"surtitle\"?"} {"term": "micropyle", "pos": "", "context": "within the ovary , pollen tubes also grew in the ecm to penetrate the micropyle and subsequently grew intercellularly within the nucellus up to the embryo sac .", "definition": "a small opening in the surface of an ovule , through which the pollen tube penetrates , often visible as a small pore in the ripe seed .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"within the ovary , pollen tubes also grew in the ecm to penetrate the micropyle and subsequently grew intercellularly within the nucellus up to the embryo sac .\" What is the definition of \"micropyle\"?"} {"term": "falsehood", "pos": "", "context": "at no stage , however , did the learned judge identify the deceit or deliberate falsehood .", "definition": "lying", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at no stage , however , did the learned judge identify the deceit or deliberate falsehood .\" What is the definition of \"falsehood\"?"} {"term": "transfer", "pos": "", "context": "i do n't know what goes on in the world of football transfers these days .", "definition": "( in football and other sports ) move to another team", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i do n't know what goes on in the world of football transfers these days .\" What is the definition of \"transfer\"?"} {"term": "spirit", "pos": "", "context": "despite being old , this definition gives the spirit behind the discipline .", "definition": "the real meaning or the intention behind something as opposed to its strict verbal interpretation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"despite being old , this definition gives the spirit behind the discipline .\" What is the definition of \"spirit\"?"} {"term": "spirit", "pos": "", "context": "the company spirited him up", "definition": "infuse with spirit", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the company spirited him up\" What is the definition of \"spirit\"?"} {"term": "spirit", "pos": "", "context": "in recent years , however , and mostly in urban areas , high - octane fuel and methylated spirit have been added to enhance potency .", "definition": "a volatile liquid , especially a fuel , prepared by distillation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in recent years , however , and mostly in urban areas , high - octane fuel and methylated spirit have been added to enhance potency .\" What is the definition of \"spirit\"?"} {"term": "mopping", "pos": "", "context": "he gave it a good mopping", "definition": "cleaning with a mop", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he gave it a good mopping\" What is the definition of \"mopping\"?"} {"term": "melancholic", "pos": "", "context": "the authors analyzed data on 664 patients with either severe , melancholic , or recurrent depression .", "definition": "suffering from or denoting a severe form of depression", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the authors analyzed data on 664 patients with either severe , melancholic , or recurrent depression .\" What is the definition of \"melancholic\"?"} {"term": "reimbursement", "pos": "", "context": "several insurance companies have been fined by state regulators for deliberately delaying or skipping reimbursements owed to doctors .", "definition": "a sum paid to cover money that has been spent or lost", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"several insurance companies have been fined by state regulators for deliberately delaying or skipping reimbursements owed to doctors .\" What is the definition of \"reimbursement\"?"} {"term": "baroness", "pos": "", "context": "although the name hepburn is common in scotland , she was actually born in belgium and her mother was a dutch baroness .", "definition": "a woman holding the rank of baron either as a life peerage or as a hereditary rank .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"although the name hepburn is common in scotland , she was actually born in belgium and her mother was a dutch baroness .\" What is the definition of \"baroness\"?"} {"term": "disbursement", "pos": "", "context": "in this event interest will accrue on the said legal costs and disbursements until payment is made .", "definition": "a payment , especially one made by a solicitor to a third party and then claimed back from the client", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in this event interest will accrue on the said legal costs and disbursements until payment is made .\" What is the definition of \"disbursement\"?"} {"term": "pardon", "pos": "", "context": "you must cry to him that he will have mercy on you and pardon your sins and become your lord and saviour , and keep asking him until you know that he has heard you .", "definition": "forgive or excuse ( a person , error , or offence )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you must cry to him that he will have mercy on you and pardon your sins and become your lord and saviour , and keep asking him until you know that he has heard you .\" What is the definition of \"pardon\"?"} {"term": "melodrama", "pos": "", "context": "by giving her a love interest , the movie fits into more traditional representations of women in the filmic genre of the woman 's melodrama .", "definition": "the genre of melodrama", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"by giving her a love interest , the movie fits into more traditional representations of women in the filmic genre of the woman 's melodrama .\" What is the definition of \"melodrama\"?"} {"term": "melodrama", "pos": "", "context": "i went reluctantly to bingley little theatre 's production of the victorian melodrama with music east lynne .", "definition": "a play interspersed with songs and orchestral music accompanying the action .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i went reluctantly to bingley little theatre 's production of the victorian melodrama with music east lynne .\" What is the definition of \"melodrama\"?"} {"term": "melodrama", "pos": "", "context": "by evoking scenes from old hollywood melodramas and thrillers , the images conveyed vague feelings of tension and threat .", "definition": "a sensational dramatic piece with exaggerated characters and exciting events intended to appeal to the emotions", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"by evoking scenes from old hollywood melodramas and thrillers , the images conveyed vague feelings of tension and threat .\" What is the definition of \"melodrama\"?"} {"term": "hydropathy", "pos": "", "context": "it jumped from a small local spa to a national one in the middle of the 19th cent . with the popularity of hydropathy .", "definition": "the treatment of illness through the use of water , either internally or through external means such as steam baths ( not now a part of orthodox medicine ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it jumped from a small local spa to a national one in the middle of the 19th cent . with the popularity of hydropathy .\" What is the definition of \"hydropathy\"?"} {"term": "exponent", "pos": "", "context": "the italian exponents of lyrical and geometric abstraction were based in milan and como , and often worked together with rationalist architects .", "definition": "a person who supports an idea or theory and tries to persuade people of its truth or benefits", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the italian exponents of lyrical and geometric abstraction were based in milan and como , and often worked together with rationalist architects .\" What is the definition of \"exponent\"?"} {"term": "exponent", "pos": "", "context": "wooden clubs meet and bamboo poles clatter as with split second accuracy , the exponents display their skill in the centuries old martial art form .", "definition": "a person who demonstrates a particular skill to a high standard", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wooden clubs meet and bamboo poles clatter as with split second accuracy , the exponents display their skill in the centuries old martial art form .\" What is the definition of \"exponent\"?"} {"term": "mordant", "pos": "", "context": "they were also more convenient to use because no mordant was required to set the color on wool or silk , although a mordant was still required when dyeing cotton .", "definition": "a substance , typically an inorganic oxide , that combines with a dye or stain and thereby fixes it in a material .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they were also more convenient to use because no mordant was required to set the color on wool or silk , although a mordant was still required when dyeing cotton .\" What is the definition of \"mordant\"?"} {"term": "blink", "pos": "", "context": "why , he asks , does wearing the swastika attract widespread scorn , while no one blinks at the person wearing a hammer and sickle on his baseball cap ?", "definition": "react to ( something ) with surprise or disapproval", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"why , he asks , does wearing the swastika attract widespread scorn , while no one blinks at the person wearing a hammer and sickle on his baseball cap ?\" What is the definition of \"blink\"?"} {"term": "blink", "pos": "", "context": "without a blink she marched to the trapdoor and began the descent , doing her best not to look jorte in the eyes .", "definition": "a moment 's hesitation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"without a blink she marched to the trapdoor and began the descent , doing her best not to look jorte in the eyes .\" What is the definition of \"blink\"?"} {"term": "aspartame", "pos": "", "context": "until recently we resorted to artificial sweeteners such as saccharine or aspartame , but never felt good about it .", "definition": "a very sweet substance used as an artificial sweetener , chiefly in low-calorie products . it is a derivative of aspartic acid and phenylalanine .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"until recently we resorted to artificial sweeteners such as saccharine or aspartame , but never felt good about it .\" What is the definition of \"aspartame\"?"} {"term": "gymnastics", "pos": "", "context": "poor timing for gymnastics , a sport that already dangles at the bottom of the sporting food chain .", "definition": "exercises developing or displaying physical agility and coordination . the modern sport of gymnastics typically involves exercises on bars , beam , floor , and vaulting horse .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"poor timing for gymnastics , a sport that already dangles at the bottom of the sporting food chain .\" What is the definition of \"gymnastics\"?"} {"term": "gymnastics", "pos": "", "context": "it 's not supposed to make sense without some personal mental gymnastics .", "definition": "other physical or mental agility of a specified kind", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's not supposed to make sense without some personal mental gymnastics .\" What is the definition of \"gymnastics\"?"} {"term": "haymaker", "pos": "", "context": "the haymakers are on the oakworth bank of the river worth .", "definition": "an apparatus for shaking and drying hay .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the haymakers are on the oakworth bank of the river worth .\" What is the definition of \"haymaker\"?"} {"term": "haymaker", "pos": "", "context": "nowhere have so many muscular and healthy bodies been put on display , so many entwined haymakers and tractor drivers , workers and peasants , strong men and women .", "definition": "a person who is involved in making hay , especially one who tosses and spreads it to dry after mowing .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nowhere have so many muscular and healthy bodies been put on display , so many entwined haymakers and tractor drivers , workers and peasants , strong men and women .\" What is the definition of \"haymaker\"?"} {"term": "shadow", "pos": "", "context": "uncertainty prevails in the shadows of the iraq war and no one can predict the stock market .", "definition": "used in reference to proximity , ominous oppressiveness , or sadness and gloom", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"uncertainty prevails in the shadows of the iraq war and no one can predict the stock market .\" What is the definition of \"shadow\"?"} {"term": "synthesize", "pos": "", "context": "the scope of the book is impressive , and his accomplishment is that he has synthesized such a wealth of information into a coherent narrative .", "definition": "combine ( a number of things ) into a coherent whole", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the scope of the book is impressive , and his accomplishment is that he has synthesized such a wealth of information into a coherent narrative .\" What is the definition of \"synthesize\"?"} {"term": "overnight", "pos": "", "context": "‘ we know this is not achievable overnight , but what we want is full implementation as quickly as possible , ’ she said .", "definition": "instantly or very quickly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ we know this is not achievable overnight , but what we want is full implementation as quickly as possible , ’ she said .\" What is the definition of \"overnight\"?"} {"term": "mechanism", "pos": "", "context": "he determined unique mechanisms for the photochemical reactions", "definition": "the atomic process that occurs during a chemical reaction", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he determined unique mechanisms for the photochemical reactions\" What is the definition of \"mechanism\"?"} {"term": "goshawk", "pos": "", "context": "the list contains red kites , golden eagles , ospreys , goshawks and even domestic cats .", "definition": "a large short-winged hawk that resembles a large sparrowhawk in apperance .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the list contains red kites , golden eagles , ospreys , goshawks and even domestic cats .\" What is the definition of \"goshawk\"?"} {"term": "verify", "pos": "", "context": "please verify that the doors are closed", "definition": "confirm the truth of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"please verify that the doors are closed\" What is the definition of \"verify\"?"} {"term": "quarter-final", "pos": "", "context": "brazil have n't scored yet and the usa are in the quarter-finals of the world cup .", "definition": "a match or round of a knockout competition that precedes the semi-final", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"brazil have n't scored yet and the usa are in the quarter-finals of the world cup .\" What is the definition of \"quarter-final\"?"} {"term": "exile", "pos": "", "context": "the prophecy pictures the return of the exiles from babylon as being like the deliverance from slavery in egypt .", "definition": "a person who lives away from their native country , either from choice or compulsion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the prophecy pictures the return of the exiles from babylon as being like the deliverance from slavery in egypt .\" What is the definition of \"exile\"?"} {"term": "joinery", "pos": "", "context": "the house has highly decorated interiors with lavish plasterwork , inlaid floors and exquisite joinery .", "definition": "the wooden components of a building , such as stairs , doors , and door and window frames , viewed collectively", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the house has highly decorated interiors with lavish plasterwork , inlaid floors and exquisite joinery .\" What is the definition of \"joinery\"?"} {"term": "mossy", "pos": "", "context": "i began to walk barefooted on the soft mossy ground .", "definition": "covered in or resembling moss", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i began to walk barefooted on the soft mossy ground .\" What is the definition of \"mossy\"?"} {"term": "dismissal", "pos": "", "context": "but his dismissal of the weekly standard 's article on lennon 's `` imagine ' is misguided .", "definition": "the act of treating something as unworthy of serious consideration ; rejection", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but his dismissal of the weekly standard 's article on lennon 's `` imagine ' is misguided .\" What is the definition of \"dismissal\"?"} {"term": "vendetta", "pos": "", "context": "i am determined to show that these claims are the result of a vendetta being waged because of a personal grudge .", "definition": "a prolonged bitter quarrel with or campaign against someone", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i am determined to show that these claims are the result of a vendetta being waged because of a personal grudge .\" What is the definition of \"vendetta\"?"} {"term": "succession", "pos": "", "context": "the lib dem policy would prove even more progressive than the mayor 's plans , with partnerships that were binding in matters of inheritance , pensions and succession of tenancy .", "definition": "the action or process of inheriting a title , office , property , etc .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the lib dem policy would prove even more progressive than the mayor 's plans , with partnerships that were binding in matters of inheritance , pensions and succession of tenancy .\" What is the definition of \"succession\"?"} {"term": "succession", "pos": "", "context": "a succession of stalls offering soft drinks", "definition": "a group of people or things arranged or following in order", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a succession of stalls offering soft drinks\" What is the definition of \"succession\"?"} {"term": "locate", "pos": "", "context": "under each concrete cantilevered platform canopy , there is a centrally located waiting room .", "definition": "situate in a particular place", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"under each concrete cantilevered platform canopy , there is a centrally located waiting room .\" What is the definition of \"locate\"?"} {"term": "locate", "pos": "", "context": "i 've got work at my current job until the end of june , so at least i 've got some buffer time to locate another position .", "definition": "discover the exact place or position of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i 've got work at my current job until the end of june , so at least i 've got some buffer time to locate another position .\" What is the definition of \"locate\"?"} {"term": "enchant", "pos": "", "context": "i can only think they must have enchanted glasses in there , because no matter how much champagne i drank , my glass never seemed to go down .", "definition": "put ( someone or something ) under a spell", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i can only think they must have enchanted glasses in there , because no matter how much champagne i drank , my glass never seemed to go down .\" What is the definition of \"enchant\"?"} {"term": "paver", "pos": "", "context": "the road itself lengthens when the pavers put down new asphalt at its terminus .", "definition": "a person who lays paving or paving stones .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the road itself lengthens when the pavers put down new asphalt at its terminus .\" What is the definition of \"paver\"?"} {"term": "helix", "pos": "", "context": "the ear print on the safe had a circular mark at the top of the ear helix .", "definition": "the rim of the external ear .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ear print on the safe had a circular mark at the top of the ear helix .\" What is the definition of \"helix\"?"} {"term": "musical", "pos": "", "context": "a musical evening", "definition": "characterized by or capable of producing music", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a musical evening\" What is the definition of \"musical\"?"} {"term": "relay", "pos": "", "context": "the relay was successful", "definition": "the act of passing something along from one person or group to another", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the relay was successful\" What is the definition of \"relay\"?"} {"term": "visit", "pos": "", "context": "when he was n't there , he was outside in the porch swing watching mama 's herd of cats , visiting with friends , or just thinking .", "definition": "chat", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when he was n't there , he was outside in the porch swing watching mama 's herd of cats , visiting with friends , or just thinking .\" What is the definition of \"visit\"?"} {"term": "visit", "pos": "", "context": "public offences were visited with public penance ; private offences were confessed to the priest .", "definition": "punish ( a person or wrongful act )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"public offences were visited with public penance ; private offences were confessed to the priest .\" What is the definition of \"visit\"?"} {"term": "visit", "pos": "", "context": "the firm offers such basic help as assistance with buying a suit and advice on how to visit the dentist .", "definition": "go to see ( someone or something ) for a specific purpose , such as to give or receive professional advice", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the firm offers such basic help as assistance with buying a suit and advice on how to visit the dentist .\" What is the definition of \"visit\"?"} {"term": "sangfroid", "pos": "", "context": "it is the most dazzling display of agility and sangfroid i have ever seen .", "definition": "composure or coolness shown in danger or under trying circumstances .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is the most dazzling display of agility and sangfroid i have ever seen .\" What is the definition of \"sangfroid\"?"} {"term": "bellow", "pos": "", "context": "she bellowed in pain and fell to the floor in agony .", "definition": "( of a person or animal ) emit a deep loud roar , typically in pain or anger", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she bellowed in pain and fell to the floor in agony .\" What is the definition of \"bellow\"?"} {"term": "bellow", "pos": "", "context": "italians are spilling on to the track in their thousands , a beaming rider is being held aloft and crowds of youths are bellowing out a victory song .", "definition": "sing ( a song ) loudly and tunelessly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"italians are spilling on to the track in their thousands , a beaming rider is being held aloft and crowds of youths are bellowing out a victory song .\" What is the definition of \"bellow\"?"} {"term": "easel", "pos": "", "context": "her friends at the club would take turns posing in front of the easel , while grotte and other art club members painted them .", "definition": "a wooden frame for holding an artist 's work while it is being painted or drawn .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her friends at the club would take turns posing in front of the easel , while grotte and other art club members painted them .\" What is the definition of \"easel\"?"} {"term": "allspice", "pos": "", "context": "purchase carolina allspice when it 's in flower because the quality of the fragrance varies from plant to plant .", "definition": "an aromatic north american tree or shrub .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"purchase carolina allspice when it 's in flower because the quality of the fragrance varies from plant to plant .\" What is the definition of \"allspice\"?"} {"term": "wheel", "pos": "", "context": "remember , the wheels of the justice system can grind very slowly , at least in the us .", "definition": "a system , or a part of a system , regarded as a relentlessly moving machine", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"remember , the wheels of the justice system can grind very slowly , at least in the us .\" What is the definition of \"wheel\"?"} {"term": "wheel", "pos": "", "context": "they wheeled their horses around and left", "definition": "change directions as if revolving on a pivot", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they wheeled their horses around and left\" What is the definition of \"wheel\"?"} {"term": "ranch", "pos": "", "context": "include bell pepper slices or baby carrots with ranch dressing or spaghetti sauce for dunking .", "definition": "a type of thick white salad dressing made with sour cream .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"include bell pepper slices or baby carrots with ranch dressing or spaghetti sauce for dunking .\" What is the definition of \"ranch\"?"} {"term": "ranch", "pos": "", "context": "a 1997 study of endangered species in the southwestern united states by the fish and wildlife service found that half the species studied were threatened by cattle ranching .", "definition": "run a ranch", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a 1997 study of endangered species in the southwestern united states by the fish and wildlife service found that half the species studied were threatened by cattle ranching .\" What is the definition of \"ranch\"?"} {"term": "sister", "pos": "", "context": "look , i wanted to write a book about smart , sassy , sexy sisters with issues like everybody else has .", "definition": "a black woman ( chiefly used as a term of address by other black people )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"look , i wanted to write a book about smart , sassy , sexy sisters with issues like everybody else has .\" What is the definition of \"sister\"?"} {"term": "sister", "pos": "", "context": "i had a boss who liked me but a ward sister who did not .", "definition": "a senior female nurse , typically in charge of a ward", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i had a boss who liked me but a ward sister who did not .\" What is the definition of \"sister\"?"} {"term": "caduceus", "pos": "", "context": "the snake has an important place in human cultures all over the world , from the staff of the greek aesculapius ( the father of medicine ) , the caduceus with its encircling snakes , to the all seeing snakes of persian legend .", "definition": "an ancient greek or roman herald 's wand , typically one with two serpents twined round it , carried by the messenger god hermes or mercury .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the snake has an important place in human cultures all over the world , from the staff of the greek aesculapius ( the father of medicine ) , the caduceus with its encircling snakes , to the all seeing snakes of persian legend .\" What is the definition of \"caduceus\"?"} {"term": "grieve", "pos": "", "context": "before i left the hospital i was grieved to learn that nesbit , only recently transferred to us from the raf , had been shot down and killed over anzio .", "definition": "cause great distress to ( someone )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"before i left the hospital i was grieved to learn that nesbit , only recently transferred to us from the raf , had been shot down and killed over anzio .\" What is the definition of \"grieve\"?"} {"term": "claymore", "pos": "", "context": "it uses the existing m18 claymore munition and the non-lethal m5 modular crowd control munition .", "definition": "a type of anti-personnel mine .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it uses the existing m18 claymore munition and the non-lethal m5 modular crowd control munition .\" What is the definition of \"claymore\"?"} {"term": "relief", "pos": "", "context": "there are some cases where judicial review courts give relief .", "definition": "the redress of a hardship or grievance .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there are some cases where judicial review courts give relief .\" What is the definition of \"relief\"?"} {"term": "relief", "pos": "", "context": "previous pharaohs had followed the rule that , in temple design , incised relief was used on the exterior walls , where it could cast strong shadows .", "definition": "a method of moulding , carving , or stamping in which the design stands out from the surface , to a greater ( high relief ) or lesser ( low relief ) extent", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"previous pharaohs had followed the rule that , in temple design , incised relief was used on the exterior walls , where it could cast strong shadows .\" What is the definition of \"relief\"?"} {"term": "relief", "pos": "", "context": "he was pale , his freckles stood out in stark relief against the white backdrop of his cheeks and his reddish hair was aflame .", "definition": "the state of being clearly visible or obvious due to being accentuated", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was pale , his freckles stood out in stark relief against the white backdrop of his cheeks and his reddish hair was aflame .\" What is the definition of \"relief\"?"} {"term": "relief", "pos": "", "context": "in 1646 , on the anniversary of the relief of taunton from siege , george newton , the minister , looked around him and described it in a sermon .", "definition": "the action of raising the siege of a besieged town", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in 1646 , on the anniversary of the relief of taunton from siege , george newton , the minister , looked around him and described it in a sermon .\" What is the definition of \"relief\"?"} {"term": "relief", "pos": "", "context": "was the relief supposed to be protection from future harm or compensation for past injury ?", "definition": "( law ) redress awarded by a court", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"was the relief supposed to be protection from future harm or compensation for past injury ?\" What is the definition of \"relief\"?"} {"term": "twang", "pos": "", "context": "he twanged the guitar string", "definition": "cause to sound with a twang", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he twanged the guitar string\" What is the definition of \"twang\"?"} {"term": "prepare", "pos": "", "context": "prepare a report", "definition": "to prepare verbally , either for written or spoken delivery", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"prepare a report\" What is the definition of \"prepare\"?"} {"term": "voile", "pos": "", "context": "the case is lined with white voile with green polka dots , of course .", "definition": "a thin , semi-transparent fabric of cotton , wool , or silk", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the case is lined with white voile with green polka dots , of course .\" What is the definition of \"voile\"?"} {"term": "feast", "pos": "", "context": "great battles were fought and important conferences were planned , pacts signed , and feasts and religious ceremonies celebrated in its shade .", "definition": "a large meal , typically a celebratory one", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"great battles were fought and important conferences were planned , pacts signed , and feasts and religious ceremonies celebrated in its shade .\" What is the definition of \"feast\"?"} {"term": "calorimeter", "pos": "", "context": "this calorimeter , which contains 400 kilograms of liquid krypton , detected the photon pairs .", "definition": "an apparatus for measuring the amount of heat involved in a chemical reaction or other process .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this calorimeter , which contains 400 kilograms of liquid krypton , detected the photon pairs .\" What is the definition of \"calorimeter\"?"} {"term": "hummock", "pos": "", "context": "the resulting hummock and hollow microtopography of the forest floor is characteristic of mixed conifer and cedar swamps in new york state .", "definition": "a piece of forested ground rising above a marsh .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the resulting hummock and hollow microtopography of the forest floor is characteristic of mixed conifer and cedar swamps in new york state .\" What is the definition of \"hummock\"?"} {"term": "hummock", "pos": "", "context": "it can be a height of land , a hummock of ice , or any place of elevation that affords an observer a clear view of their surroundings to make good observations .", "definition": "a hump or ridge in an ice field .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it can be a height of land , a hummock of ice , or any place of elevation that affords an observer a clear view of their surroundings to make good observations .\" What is the definition of \"hummock\"?"} {"term": "armillaria", "pos": "", "context": "that depends on which species of armillaria we find more commonly here .", "definition": "a fungus of a genus that includes the honey fungus , found chiefly in woodland . its mycelia can grow for a considerable distance , enabling individuals of parasitic species to invade more than one tree .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that depends on which species of armillaria we find more commonly here .\" What is the definition of \"armillaria\"?"} {"term": "knell", "pos": "", "context": "i could almost hear the two-tone foghorns knelling my demise .", "definition": "proclaim ( something ) by or as if by a knell .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i could almost hear the two-tone foghorns knelling my demise .\" What is the definition of \"knell\"?"} {"term": "cynosure", "pos": "", "context": "let faith be your cynosure to walk by", "definition": "something that provides guidance ( as polaris guides mariners )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"let faith be your cynosure to walk by\" What is the definition of \"cynosure\"?"} {"term": "spread", "pos": "", "context": "there are , however , several colored double-page spreads on which she has ‘ hung ’ her images .", "definition": "an article or advertisement covering several columns or pages of a newspaper or magazine , especially one on two facing pages", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there are , however , several colored double-page spreads on which she has ‘ hung ’ her images .\" What is the definition of \"spread\"?"} {"term": "spread", "pos": "", "context": "spread cheese on a piece of bread", "definition": "distribute over a surface in a layer", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"spread cheese on a piece of bread\" What is the definition of \"spread\"?"} {"term": "sauvignon", "pos": "", "context": "increasing plantings here have made it our fourth most planted white after sauvignon blanc , chardonnay and riesling .", "definition": "a variety of white wine grape .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"increasing plantings here have made it our fourth most planted white after sauvignon blanc , chardonnay and riesling .\" What is the definition of \"sauvignon\"?"} {"term": "forge", "pos": "", "context": "nonetheless , i forged steadily forwards and was pleased to see the white and greenish-grey layers of ancient sandstone and shale getting closer .", "definition": "move forward gradually or steadily", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nonetheless , i forged steadily forwards and was pleased to see the white and greenish-grey layers of ancient sandstone and shale getting closer .\" What is the definition of \"forge\"?"} {"term": "forge", "pos": "", "context": "when his weightbelt was forged for him in the bessemer blast furnace at cargo fleet , it was transported as an abnormal load down the a1 on a low-loader with a scammell tractor at either end .", "definition": "make or shape ( a metal object ) by heating it in a fire or furnace and hammering it", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when his weightbelt was forged for him in the bessemer blast furnace at cargo fleet , it was transported as an abnormal load down the a1 on a low-loader with a scammell tractor at either end .\" What is the definition of \"forge\"?"} {"term": "proctor", "pos": "", "context": "campuses used funds to purchase equipment for training and testing and hired new staff to coordinate marketing , enrollments , test proctoring , and other responsibilities associated with certification .", "definition": "invigilate ( an examination )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"campuses used funds to purchase equipment for training and testing and hired new staff to coordinate marketing , enrollments , test proctoring , and other responsibilities associated with certification .\" What is the definition of \"proctor\"?"} {"term": "proctor", "pos": "", "context": "as i recall it , it confers on the court jurisdiction to deal with the admission and discipline of attorneys , solicitors and proctors .", "definition": "a qualified practitioner of law in ecclesiastical and certain other courts .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as i recall it , it confers on the court jurisdiction to deal with the admission and discipline of attorneys , solicitors and proctors .\" What is the definition of \"proctor\"?"} {"term": "civilization", "pos": "", "context": "early mayan civilization", "definition": "a particular society at a particular time and place", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"early mayan civilization\" What is the definition of \"civilization\"?"} {"term": "secondary", "pos": "", "context": "each secondary will feature 672 voice-coil actuators , now in the final stages of fabrication in italy .", "definition": "a secondary coil or winding in an electrical transformer .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"each secondary will feature 672 voice-coil actuators , now in the final stages of fabrication in italy .\" What is the definition of \"secondary\"?"} {"term": "overheat", "pos": "", "context": "if the economy was truly overheating , what else could the fed have done but try to slow things down ?", "definition": "( of a country 's economy ) show marked inflation when increased demand results in rising prices rather than increased output", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if the economy was truly overheating , what else could the fed have done but try to slow things down ?\" What is the definition of \"overheat\"?"} {"term": "tamper", "pos": "", "context": "someone tampered with the documents on my desk", "definition": "play around with or alter or falsify , usually secretively or dishonestly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"someone tampered with the documents on my desk\" What is the definition of \"tamper\"?"} {"term": "rebound", "pos": "", "context": "york made a lively start with colin moore netting a rebound after the ball had bounced back off the keeper 's legs from a short corner .", "definition": "( in sporting contexts ) a ball or shot that bounces back after striking a hard surface", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"york made a lively start with colin moore netting a rebound after the ball had bounced back off the keeper 's legs from a short corner .\" What is the definition of \"rebound\"?"} {"term": "rebound", "pos": "", "context": "he is still on the rebound from his wife 's death", "definition": "a reaction to a crisis or setback or frustration", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is still on the rebound from his wife 's death\" What is the definition of \"rebound\"?"} {"term": "thinness", "pos": "", "context": "the tablet has been a design classic since its launch and pictures do n't really capture its incredible thinness and lightness .", "definition": "the state or quality of having opposite surfaces or sides close together", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the tablet has been a design classic since its launch and pictures do n't really capture its incredible thinness and lightness .\" What is the definition of \"thinness\"?"} {"term": "tag", "pos": "", "context": "if jeter says he tagged the runner , he tagged the runner .", "definition": "put ( a runner ) out by touching with the ball or with the hand holding the ball .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if jeter says he tagged the runner , he tagged the runner .\" What is the definition of \"tag\"?"} {"term": "tag", "pos": "", "context": "semantic tags were attached in order to identify different meanings of the word", "definition": "a label associated with something for the purpose of identification", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"semantic tags were attached in order to identify different meanings of the word\" What is the definition of \"tag\"?"} {"term": "tag", "pos": "", "context": "today the coach decided she would treat us by having us play a game of flag tag .", "definition": "a children 's game in which one chases the rest , and anyone who is caught then becomes the pursuer", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"today the coach decided she would treat us by having us play a game of flag tag .\" What is the definition of \"tag\"?"} {"term": "tag", "pos": "", "context": "blakeley tagged on the conversion to put the reds 6-2 in front .", "definition": "add to something , especially as an afterthought or with no real connection", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"blakeley tagged on the conversion to put the reds 6-2 in front .\" What is the definition of \"tag\"?"} {"term": "subordinate", "pos": "", "context": "of relevance here to the new pattern of migration is the relegation of women to a subordinate position .", "definition": "lower in rank or position", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"of relevance here to the new pattern of migration is the relegation of women to a subordinate position .\" What is the definition of \"subordinate\"?"} {"term": "education", "pos": "", "context": "in england he applied his theories to dance education and also to designing corrective exercises for factory workers .", "definition": "the theory and practice of teaching", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in england he applied his theories to dance education and also to designing corrective exercises for factory workers .\" What is the definition of \"education\"?"} {"term": "nubbin", "pos": "", "context": "his feet kept slipping , and the handholds - tiny quartz crystal nubbins in the granite - were worn smooth and offered little purchase .", "definition": "a small lump or residual part", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his feet kept slipping , and the handholds - tiny quartz crystal nubbins in the granite - were worn smooth and offered little purchase .\" What is the definition of \"nubbin\"?"} {"term": "deaconess", "pos": "", "context": "the assembly also set aside money to help deaconesses develop their ideas into new ministries .", "definition": "( in the early church and some modern churches ) a woman with duties similar to those of a deacon .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the assembly also set aside money to help deaconesses develop their ideas into new ministries .\" What is the definition of \"deaconess\"?"} {"term": "town", "pos": "", "context": "they dress in their best clothes , and as they go into town , their neighbors follow .", "definition": "the central part of a neighbourhood , with its business or shopping area", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they dress in their best clothes , and as they go into town , their neighbors follow .\" What is the definition of \"town\"?"} {"term": "payroll", "pos": "", "context": "the company had a large payroll", "definition": "the total amount of money paid in wages", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the company had a large payroll\" What is the definition of \"payroll\"?"} {"term": "payroll", "pos": "", "context": "the company had a long payroll", "definition": "a list of employees and their salaries", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the company had a long payroll\" What is the definition of \"payroll\"?"} {"term": "armoury", "pos": "", "context": "his writings on language , particularly his universally acknowledged concept of ‘ newspeak ’ , are formidable weapons in our armoury against ruling class spin doctors .", "definition": "an array of resources available for a particular purpose", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his writings on language , particularly his universally acknowledged concept of ‘ newspeak ’ , are formidable weapons in our armoury against ruling class spin doctors .\" What is the definition of \"armoury\"?"} {"term": "slot", "pos": "", "context": "usually , they run around furiously like electrons in a super accelerator , bouncing wide , converging inside , slotting back towards the middle of the park .", "definition": "be placed or able to be placed into a slot", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"usually , they run around furiously like electrons in a super accelerator , bouncing wide , converging inside , slotting back towards the middle of the park .\" What is the definition of \"slot\"?"} {"term": "forbid", "pos": "", "context": "bent on establishing a biracial society , southern whites passed strict laws forbidding interracial marriage , naming the issue of such unions illegitimate .", "definition": "refuse to allow ( something )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bent on establishing a biracial society , southern whites passed strict laws forbidding interracial marriage , naming the issue of such unions illegitimate .\" What is the definition of \"forbid\"?"} {"term": "heartbreaker", "pos": "", "context": "she 'll rue losing that second set for the rest of her life . it was a real heartbreaker .", "definition": "a story or event which causes overwhelming distress .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she 'll rue losing that second set for the rest of her life . it was a real heartbreaker .\" What is the definition of \"heartbreaker\"?"} {"term": "impulse", "pos": "", "context": "most of the stuff i post on the site is the result of acting quickly on random impulses , and this was a case in point .", "definition": "a sudden strong and unreflective urge or desire to act", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"most of the stuff i post on the site is the result of acting quickly on random impulses , and this was a case in point .\" What is the definition of \"impulse\"?"} {"term": "console", "pos": "", "context": "the table and shelf consoles have customized dimensions , materials and colors to suit your space and your functional requirements .", "definition": "an ornamented bracket or corbel supporting a shelf or table top .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the table and shelf consoles have customized dimensions , materials and colors to suit your space and your functional requirements .\" What is the definition of \"console\"?"} {"term": "kasha", "pos": "", "context": "the most renowned of all buckwheat dishes is kasha , a speciality of russia and e. europe .", "definition": "( in russia and poland ) porridge made from cooked buckwheat or similar grain .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the most renowned of all buckwheat dishes is kasha , a speciality of russia and e. europe .\" What is the definition of \"kasha\"?"} {"term": "communion", "pos": "", "context": "he is , he insisted , anglican and part of the ecclesial communion called anglicanism .", "definition": "a group of christian communities or churches which recognize one another 's ministries or that of a central authority", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is , he insisted , anglican and part of the ecclesial communion called anglicanism .\" What is the definition of \"communion\"?"} {"term": "main", "pos": "", "context": "at a big cockfight main with massa lea early during the 1824 season , uncle mingo heard from an old trainer he had known for years that a hackfight was due to be held that coming saturday afternoon behind the large barn of a local plantation .", "definition": "a match between fighting cocks .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at a big cockfight main with massa lea early during the 1824 season , uncle mingo heard from an old trainer he had known for years that a hackfight was due to be held that coming saturday afternoon behind the large barn of a local plantation .\" What is the definition of \"main\"?"} {"term": "main", "pos": "", "context": "because of this , the water main was above the gas main , and had been encased in concrete to protect it from the heavy traffic above .", "definition": "a principal pipe carrying water or gas to buildings , or taking sewage from them", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"because of this , the water main was above the gas main , and had been encased in concrete to protect it from the heavy traffic above .\" What is the definition of \"main\"?"} {"term": "fork", "pos": "", "context": "they continued down the path until it forked off into two paths , one going right , and the other going left .", "definition": "( especially of a route ) divide into two parts", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they continued down the path until it forked off into two paths , one going right , and the other going left .\" What is the definition of \"fork\"?"} {"term": "forewarn", "pos": "", "context": "the attraction of this scheme for the authorities seems to be that it enables them to forewarn partners of previously convicted domestic abusers before these partners become victims themselves .", "definition": "inform ( someone ) of a possible future danger or problem", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the attraction of this scheme for the authorities seems to be that it enables them to forewarn partners of previously convicted domestic abusers before these partners become victims themselves .\" What is the definition of \"forewarn\"?"} {"term": "gen", "pos": "", "context": "give me the gen on your new line of computers", "definition": "informal term for information", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"give me the gen on your new line of computers\" What is the definition of \"gen\"?"} {"term": "cook", "pos": "", "context": "ya boy santana 's back like cooked… well , you know the rest .", "definition": "perform or proceed vigorously or very well", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ya boy santana 's back like cooked… well , you know the rest .\" What is the definition of \"cook\"?"} {"term": "heterosexuality", "pos": "", "context": "men should not be expected to live up to stereotypical conceptions of heterosexuality and masculinity .", "definition": "the quality or characteristic of being sexually attracted solely to people of the opposite sex .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"men should not be expected to live up to stereotypical conceptions of heterosexuality and masculinity .\" What is the definition of \"heterosexuality\"?"} {"term": "oxymoron", "pos": "", "context": "but several are exclusively concerned with the funeral trade , its absurd oxymorons - ‘ the future of death ’ - and its expansion into a global industry .", "definition": "a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction ( e.g . faith unfaithful kept him falsely true ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but several are exclusively concerned with the funeral trade , its absurd oxymorons - ‘ the future of death ’ - and its expansion into a global industry .\" What is the definition of \"oxymoron\"?"} {"term": "bunkhouse", "pos": "", "context": "our grandmother cooked large meals for the men , who slept in a bunkhouse on the farmstead .", "definition": "a building offering basic sleeping accommodation for workers .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"our grandmother cooked large meals for the men , who slept in a bunkhouse on the farmstead .\" What is the definition of \"bunkhouse\"?"} {"term": "cavern", "pos": "", "context": "yesterday these tunnels and caverns had seemed wonderful , but now the walls felt stifling and oppressive .", "definition": "a large cave or chamber in a cave .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"yesterday these tunnels and caverns had seemed wonderful , but now the walls felt stifling and oppressive .\" What is the definition of \"cavern\"?"} {"term": "gnash", "pos": "", "context": "i imagine she 's spent many nights since gnashing her teeth , even as i grit mine thinking of her pain .", "definition": "grind ( one 's teeth ) together as a sign of anger ( often used hyperbolically )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i imagine she 's spent many nights since gnashing her teeth , even as i grit mine thinking of her pain .\" What is the definition of \"gnash\"?"} {"term": "objectification", "pos": "", "context": "the themes of separation and helplessness are probably objectifications of his own grief over the loss of his wife .", "definition": "the expression of something abstract in a concrete form", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the themes of separation and helplessness are probably objectifications of his own grief over the loss of his wife .\" What is the definition of \"objectification\"?"} {"term": "context", "pos": "", "context": "the historical context", "definition": "the set of facts or circumstances that surround a situation or event", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the historical context\" What is the definition of \"context\"?"} {"term": "moderator", "pos": "", "context": "it takes quite a few weeks for the moderator to cease looking on government members as friends and colleagues .", "definition": "an arbitrator or mediator", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it takes quite a few weeks for the moderator to cease looking on government members as friends and colleagues .\" What is the definition of \"moderator\"?"} {"term": "adhere", "pos": "", "context": "the residents of this village adhered to catholicism", "definition": "be a devoted follower or supporter", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the residents of this village adhered to catholicism\" What is the definition of \"adhere\"?"} {"term": "adhere", "pos": "", "context": "however , most phone companies adhere to good practice and inform councils when masts are being installed .", "definition": "believe in and follow the practices of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"however , most phone companies adhere to good practice and inform councils when masts are being installed .\" What is the definition of \"adhere\"?"} {"term": "cream", "pos": "", "context": "yes , it 's great to have some cream with your strawberries , and perhaps a slice of cheddar with your apple .", "definition": "the thick white or pale yellow fatty liquid which rises to the top when milk is left to stand and which can be eaten as an accompaniment to desserts or used as a cooking ingredient", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"yes , it 's great to have some cream with your strawberries , and perhaps a slice of cheddar with your apple .\" What is the definition of \"cream\"?"} {"term": "tonic", "pos": "", "context": "their usual intonation pattern is a rising tone on and after the tonic syllable , but , when rhetorical or emphatic , they are said with a falling tone .", "definition": "denoting or relating to the syllable within a tone group that has greatest prominence , because it carries the main change of pitch .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their usual intonation pattern is a rising tone on and after the tonic syllable , but , when rhetorical or emphatic , they are said with a falling tone .\" What is the definition of \"tonic\"?"} {"term": "singularity", "pos": "", "context": "i asked a question about what happens when one singularity in the antagonism is subsumed or occupied by those who are meant to represent the third singularity .", "definition": "the state , fact , quality , or condition of being singular", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i asked a question about what happens when one singularity in the antagonism is subsumed or occupied by those who are meant to represent the third singularity .\" What is the definition of \"singularity\"?"} {"term": "slither", "pos": "", "context": "dill pickles , a bit of cos lettuce , slithers of parmesan - that 's all you need .", "definition": "a sliver", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dill pickles , a bit of cos lettuce , slithers of parmesan - that 's all you need .\" What is the definition of \"slither\"?"} {"term": "repel", "pos": "", "context": "it repels itself from the magnet it was once attracted to .", "definition": "( of a magnetic pole or electric field ) force ( something similarly magnetized or charged ) away from itself", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it repels itself from the magnet it was once attracted to .\" What is the definition of \"repel\"?"} {"term": "barbarian", "pos": "", "context": "‘ [ the anti-secession law ] is barbarian and invasive behavior , ’ lee said .", "definition": "uncultured ; brutish .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ [ the anti-secession law ] is barbarian and invasive behavior , ’ lee said .\" What is the definition of \"barbarian\"?"} {"term": "individualist", "pos": "", "context": "an individualistic way of dressing", "definition": "marked by or expressing individuality", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an individualistic way of dressing\" What is the definition of \"individualist\"?"} {"term": "individualist", "pos": "", "context": "she 's in tune with trends , but she 's a confident individualist when it comes to style .", "definition": "a person who is independent and self-reliant", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she 's in tune with trends , but she 's a confident individualist when it comes to style .\" What is the definition of \"individualist\"?"} {"term": "prophecy", "pos": "", "context": "threads of commonality have been explored , such as prophecy in judaism and islam .", "definition": "the faculty or practice of prophesying", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"threads of commonality have been explored , such as prophecy in judaism and islam .\" What is the definition of \"prophecy\"?"} {"term": "identifier", "pos": "", "context": "table 6.8 also shows that high american identifiers cared more about procedural fairness than did low american identifiers .", "definition": "a person who identifies with something or someone", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"table 6.8 also shows that high american identifiers cared more about procedural fairness than did low american identifiers .\" What is the definition of \"identifier\"?"} {"term": "wham", "pos": "", "context": "i bent my neck to watch the ball wham into the backboard , bounce a few times around the hoop - then went in .", "definition": "strike something forcefully", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i bent my neck to watch the ball wham into the backboard , bounce a few times around the hoop - then went in .\" What is the definition of \"wham\"?"} {"term": "wham", "pos": "", "context": "she stopped abruptly , as she whammed into something with a sound thump .", "definition": "make a loud sound as of a forceful impact", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she stopped abruptly , as she whammed into something with a sound thump .\" What is the definition of \"wham\"?"} {"term": "paperwork", "pos": "", "context": "the whole scheme is designed to keep paperwork and bureaucracy to a minimum and i hope that between us we will do a better job in less time .", "definition": "routine work involving written documents such as reports or letters", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the whole scheme is designed to keep paperwork and bureaucracy to a minimum and i hope that between us we will do a better job in less time .\" What is the definition of \"paperwork\"?"} {"term": "goose-step", "pos": "", "context": "‘ our house was a mile up the road from the village and we could hear the nazis marching in goose-step on the cobblestones , ’ recalls linn .", "definition": "a military marching step in which the legs are not bent at the knee .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ our house was a mile up the road from the village and we could hear the nazis marching in goose-step on the cobblestones , ’ recalls linn .\" What is the definition of \"goose-step\"?"} {"term": "goose-step", "pos": "", "context": "in the late 1980s , a chief justice ‘ took his trousers off , balanced a shoe on his head and goose-stepped around the high-court car park chanting pro-government slogans . ’", "definition": "march with a goose-step", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the late 1980s , a chief justice ‘ took his trousers off , balanced a shoe on his head and goose-stepped around the high-court car park chanting pro-government slogans . ’\" What is the definition of \"goose-step\"?"} {"term": "lime", "pos": "", "context": "in the western zone , oranges , limes , and bananas are cultivated .", "definition": "the evergreen citrus tree which produces limes , widely cultivated in warm climates .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the western zone , oranges , limes , and bananas are cultivated .\" What is the definition of \"lime\"?"} {"term": "lime", "pos": "", "context": "paired with the bright lime green tank top she was wearing , and the hot pink miniskirt , she looked quite odd .", "definition": "a bright light green colour like that of a lime", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"paired with the bright lime green tank top she was wearing , and the hot pink miniskirt , she looked quite odd .\" What is the definition of \"lime\"?"} {"term": "lime", "pos": "", "context": "avoid spreading urea on land limed less than nine months ago .", "definition": "treat ( soil or water ) with lime to reduce acidity and improve fertility or oxygen levels", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"avoid spreading urea on land limed less than nine months ago .\" What is the definition of \"lime\"?"} {"term": "causative", "pos": "", "context": "cigarettes are the main causative factors for lung , oral , oesophageal , stomach , bladder , kidney , pancreas and cervical cancer .", "definition": "acting as a cause", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cigarettes are the main causative factors for lung , oral , oesophageal , stomach , bladder , kidney , pancreas and cervical cancer .\" What is the definition of \"causative\"?"} {"term": "morbidity", "pos": "", "context": "his fear of being alone verges on morbidity", "definition": "an abnormally gloomy or unhealthy state of mind", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his fear of being alone verges on morbidity\" What is the definition of \"morbidity\"?"} {"term": "woodlark", "pos": "", "context": "along with the loss of heather and cottongrass , birds such as the nightjar , woodlark and stone curlew and animals including the adder , grass snake , and viviparous lizard have been put at risk .", "definition": "a small european and north african lark with a short tail and melodious song , frequenting open ground with scattered trees .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"along with the loss of heather and cottongrass , birds such as the nightjar , woodlark and stone curlew and animals including the adder , grass snake , and viviparous lizard have been put at risk .\" What is the definition of \"woodlark\"?"} {"term": "unfold", "pos": "", "context": "the plot of the play centres around the doyle family and many revelations are unfolded as the play unfolds its riveting story .", "definition": "reveal or disclose ( thoughts or information )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the plot of the play centres around the doyle family and many revelations are unfolded as the play unfolds its riveting story .\" What is the definition of \"unfold\"?"} {"term": "limb", "pos": "", "context": "the upper limb of the bow", "definition": "either of the two halves of a bow from handle to tip", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the upper limb of the bow\" What is the definition of \"limb\"?"} {"term": "stem", "pos": "", "context": "yet there appears to be no effective means to stem its activities .", "definition": "stop the spread or development of ( something undesirable )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"yet there appears to be no effective means to stem its activities .\" What is the definition of \"stem\"?"} {"term": "stem", "pos": "", "context": "the wheel is balanced when it spins down to a stop at random spots , rather than with the valve stem up .", "definition": "a rod or cylinder in a mechanism , for example the sliding shaft of a bolt or the winding pin of a watch", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the wheel is balanced when it spins down to a stop at random spots , rather than with the valve stem up .\" What is the definition of \"stem\"?"} {"term": "stem", "pos": "", "context": "the increase in the national debt stems from the last war", "definition": "grow out of , have roots in , originate in", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the increase in the national debt stems from the last war\" What is the definition of \"stem\"?"} {"term": "upstairs", "pos": "", "context": "before they arrived , three male neighbours found a ladder and helped two girls and a boy escape from the upstairs bedroom .", "definition": "situated on an upper floor", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"before they arrived , three male neighbours found a ladder and helped two girls and a boy escape from the upstairs bedroom .\" What is the definition of \"upstairs\"?"} {"term": "upstairs", "pos": "", "context": "they lived upstairs", "definition": "on a floor above", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they lived upstairs\" What is the definition of \"upstairs\"?"} {"term": "film", "pos": "", "context": "the coronation was filmed", "definition": "record in film", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the coronation was filmed\" What is the definition of \"film\"?"} {"term": "phalanger", "pos": "", "context": "phalangers , more commonly known as possums and cuscuses , are marsupials but with a vague resemblance to some monkeys .", "definition": "a lemur-like tree-dwelling marsupial native to australia and new guinea .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"phalangers , more commonly known as possums and cuscuses , are marsupials but with a vague resemblance to some monkeys .\" What is the definition of \"phalanger\"?"} {"term": "blackwood", "pos": "", "context": "standing under an ancient blackwood in the top corner of our back paddock you can see across the norfolk plains to distant mt . arthur .", "definition": "a tropical hardwood tree of the pea family , which produces high-quality dark timber .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"standing under an ancient blackwood in the top corner of our back paddock you can see across the norfolk plains to distant mt . arthur .\" What is the definition of \"blackwood\"?"} {"term": "debark", "pos": "", "context": "several times on the bus , the driver has said to the passengers ‘ make room because the wheelchair is debarking . ’", "definition": "leave a ship or aircraft", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"several times on the bus , the driver has said to the passengers ‘ make room because the wheelchair is debarking . ’\" What is the definition of \"debark\"?"} {"term": "splitter", "pos": "", "context": "he talks continuously even as he keeps working with concave cutters , trunk splitters , shears and tweezers .", "definition": "a person or thing occupied in or designed for splitting something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he talks continuously even as he keeps working with concave cutters , trunk splitters , shears and tweezers .\" What is the definition of \"splitter\"?"} {"term": "language", "pos": "", "context": "another way to say this is that ungaretti now felt a need to substantialize further his poetic language .", "definition": "the style of a piece of writing or speech", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"another way to say this is that ungaretti now felt a need to substantialize further his poetic language .\" What is the definition of \"language\"?"} {"term": "language", "pos": "", "context": "after all , not only is the movie about a biblical character , it is also void of sex , violence , and bad language .", "definition": "coarse or offensive language", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after all , not only is the movie about a biblical character , it is also void of sex , violence , and bad language .\" What is the definition of \"language\"?"} {"term": "ban", "pos": "", "context": "the guard saw him leaving and told him not to come back because he was banned for life .", "definition": "officially prevent ( someone ) from doing something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the guard saw him leaving and told him not to come back because he was banned for life .\" What is the definition of \"ban\"?"} {"term": "restructure", "pos": "", "context": "they urge , not that inquirers insulate themselves from social influences , but that they restructure scientific practices to be open to different social influences .", "definition": "organize differently", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they urge , not that inquirers insulate themselves from social influences , but that they restructure scientific practices to be open to different social influences .\" What is the definition of \"restructure\"?"} {"term": "disgrace", "pos": "", "context": "he 's a disgrace to the game of football with his acrobatic carryings-on .", "definition": "a person or thing regarded as shameful and unacceptable", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he 's a disgrace to the game of football with his acrobatic carryings-on .\" What is the definition of \"disgrace\"?"} {"term": "offensive", "pos": "", "context": "in december 1998 the alliance began an offensive to retake freetown and in january overran most of the city .", "definition": "an attacking military campaign", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in december 1998 the alliance began an offensive to retake freetown and in january overran most of the city .\" What is the definition of \"offensive\"?"} {"term": "peach", "pos": "", "context": "wilmore would not have peached against her to glavely .", "definition": "inform on", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wilmore would not have peached against her to glavely .\" What is the definition of \"peach\"?"} {"term": "ray", "pos": "", "context": "before heading out to catch some rays , take a look at your checklist .", "definition": "sunlight considered in the context of sunbathing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"before heading out to catch some rays , take a look at your checklist .\" What is the definition of \"ray\"?"} {"term": "ray", "pos": "", "context": "the gluten also shields the helpful microbes from the sun 's lethal ultraviolet rays .", "definition": "a specified form of non-luminous radiation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the gluten also shields the helpful microbes from the sun 's lethal ultraviolet rays .\" What is the definition of \"ray\"?"} {"term": "sacristan", "pos": "", "context": "the sacristan is grateful for the generous response by all mass goers to the recent collection at the masses over last weekend .", "definition": "a person in charge of a sacristy and its contents .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sacristan is grateful for the generous response by all mass goers to the recent collection at the masses over last weekend .\" What is the definition of \"sacristan\"?"} {"term": "cuisse", "pos": "", "context": "the thighs , which had been protected beneath the mail hauberk by padded , or gambossed , cuisses in the 13th century , received plate cuisses early in the next century .", "definition": "a piece of armour for the thigh .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the thighs , which had been protected beneath the mail hauberk by padded , or gambossed , cuisses in the 13th century , received plate cuisses early in the next century .\" What is the definition of \"cuisse\"?"} {"term": "workstation", "pos": "", "context": "you can also run it on your personal workstation since the linux tools can run in the background .", "definition": "a desktop computer terminal , typically networked and more powerful than a personal computer .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you can also run it on your personal workstation since the linux tools can run in the background .\" What is the definition of \"workstation\"?"} {"term": "tourer", "pos": "", "context": "for touring , the best bike is a tourer - strong frame , big wheels , rack on the back for panniers , mudguards for the rain , enough gears for the hills .", "definition": "a car , caravan , or bicycle designed for touring", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for touring , the best bike is a tourer - strong frame , big wheels , rack on the back for panniers , mudguards for the rain , enough gears for the hills .\" What is the definition of \"tourer\"?"} {"term": "pillar", "pos": "", "context": "nubon slammed seth down again , and a pillar of rock shot up as high as nubon was tall .", "definition": "something shaped like a pillar", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nubon slammed seth down again , and a pillar of rock shot up as high as nubon was tall .\" What is the definition of \"pillar\"?"} {"term": "march", "pos": "", "context": "the normandy band of the queen 's division provided a full range of music from marches to the stirring post horn gallop .", "definition": "a piece of music composed to accompany marching or with a rhythm suggestive of marching", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the normandy band of the queen 's division provided a full range of music from marches to the stirring post horn gallop .\" What is the definition of \"march\"?"} {"term": "march", "pos": "", "context": "it 's important to have a plan for that time , but also to break the march into manageable pieces .", "definition": "an act or instance of marching", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's important to have a plan for that time , but also to break the march into manageable pieces .\" What is the definition of \"march\"?"} {"term": "march", "pos": "", "context": "the spartans attempted a military response , and marched against the leading revolutionary state , mantinea .", "definition": "walk in a military manner with a regular measured tread", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the spartans attempted a military response , and marched against the leading revolutionary state , mantinea .\" What is the definition of \"march\"?"} {"term": "march", "pos": "", "context": "tens of thousands also marched in costa rica , nicaragua , guatemala and panama .", "definition": "walk along public roads in an organized procession as a form of protest", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tens of thousands also marched in costa rica , nicaragua , guatemala and panama .\" What is the definition of \"march\"?"} {"term": "march", "pos": "", "context": "sousa wrote the best marches", "definition": "genre of music written for marching", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sousa wrote the best marches\" What is the definition of \"march\"?"} {"term": "cachet", "pos": "", "context": "i think i have enough cachet , if i do n't squander it , where i can keep working .", "definition": "the state of being respected or admired ; prestige", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i think i have enough cachet , if i do n't squander it , where i can keep working .\" What is the definition of \"cachet\"?"} {"term": "six-pack", "pos": "", "context": "at this point , contract down on your six-pack and side abdominals .", "definition": "a man 's set of visibly well-developed abdominal muscles .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at this point , contract down on your six-pack and side abdominals .\" What is the definition of \"six-pack\"?"} {"term": "pleonasm", "pos": "", "context": "apollonius takes no thought for style , and his work is marked by frequent pleonasm , anacoluthon , etc .", "definition": "the use of more words than are necessary to convey meaning ( e.g . see with one 's eyes ) , either as a fault of style or for emphasis .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"apollonius takes no thought for style , and his work is marked by frequent pleonasm , anacoluthon , etc .\" What is the definition of \"pleonasm\"?"} {"term": "rustic", "pos": "", "context": "unlike paul theroux in his travelogue , the great railway bazaar , the reader does not have to board a train and look at endless stretches of secluded rustic regions .", "definition": "relating to the countryside ; rural .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"unlike paul theroux in his travelogue , the great railway bazaar , the reader does not have to board a train and look at endless stretches of secluded rustic regions .\" What is the definition of \"rustic\"?"} {"term": "rustic", "pos": "", "context": "we did n't move to spain to recover some rustic , romantic , agrarian life .", "definition": "having a simplicity and charm that is considered typical of the countryside", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we did n't move to spain to recover some rustic , romantic , agrarian life .\" What is the definition of \"rustic\"?"} {"term": "perturb", "pos": "", "context": "she was not perturbed by the low attendance , insisting that most people on the street supported her position .", "definition": "make ( someone ) anxious or unsettled", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was not perturbed by the low attendance , insisting that most people on the street supported her position .\" What is the definition of \"perturb\"?"} {"term": "perturb", "pos": "", "context": "the electrons were perturbed by the passing ion", "definition": "disturb or interfere with the usual path of an electron or atom", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the electrons were perturbed by the passing ion\" What is the definition of \"perturb\"?"} {"term": "recharge", "pos": "", "context": "you can recharge even faster if you take your shoes and socks off and walk barefoot through the grass .", "definition": "( of a person ) return to a normal state of mind or strength after a period of exertion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you can recharge even faster if you take your shoes and socks off and walk barefoot through the grass .\" What is the definition of \"recharge\"?"} {"term": "recharge", "pos": "", "context": "for centuries , this land has served to recharge groundwater , supporting vegetable growers , hosting hundreds of bird species .", "definition": "refill ( a cup , glass , or other container ) with liquid", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for centuries , this land has served to recharge groundwater , supporting vegetable growers , hosting hundreds of bird species .\" What is the definition of \"recharge\"?"} {"term": "recharge", "pos": "", "context": "southwest nebraska still remains a concern due to effects from the prolonged drought on hydrological components including streamflow rates and reservoir recharge .", "definition": "the replenishment of an aquifer by the absorption of water", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"southwest nebraska still remains a concern due to effects from the prolonged drought on hydrological components including streamflow rates and reservoir recharge .\" What is the definition of \"recharge\"?"} {"term": "gilding", "pos": "", "context": "the dome restoration was made possible by two private gifts that funded all of the gold leaf used in the gilding as well as other parts of the restoration .", "definition": "the process of applying gold leaf or gold paint .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the dome restoration was made possible by two private gifts that funded all of the gold leaf used in the gilding as well as other parts of the restoration .\" What is the definition of \"gilding\"?"} {"term": "khmer", "pos": "", "context": "christian converts returned from refugee camps and foreign countries , and christianity has established a strong foothold among ethnic khmers .", "definition": "a native or inhabitant of cambodia .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"christian converts returned from refugee camps and foreign countries , and christianity has established a strong foothold among ethnic khmers .\" What is the definition of \"khmer\"?"} {"term": "bare", "pos": "", "context": "vulnerable people who have committed no crime and pose no threat to society are regularly forced to wait in bare cells before they get specialist treatment .", "definition": "without the appropriate or usual contents", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"vulnerable people who have committed no crime and pose no threat to society are regularly forced to wait in bare cells before they get specialist treatment .\" What is the definition of \"bare\"?"} {"term": "thyroxine", "pos": "", "context": "human beings require iodine for the production of the thyroid hormones , thyroxine and triiodothyronine .", "definition": "the main hormone produced by the thyroid gland , acting to increase metabolic rate and so regulating growth and development .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"human beings require iodine for the production of the thyroid hormones , thyroxine and triiodothyronine .\" What is the definition of \"thyroxine\"?"} {"term": "self-abasement", "pos": "", "context": "what 's conservative about demanding people submit to public self-abasement ?", "definition": "the belittling or humiliation of oneself", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"what 's conservative about demanding people submit to public self-abasement ?\" What is the definition of \"self-abasement\"?"} {"term": "clinician", "pos": "", "context": "monitoring and adjustment may be controlled by clinicians or patients .", "definition": "a doctor having direct contact with patients rather than being involved with theoretical or laboratory studies .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"monitoring and adjustment may be controlled by clinicians or patients .\" What is the definition of \"clinician\"?"} {"term": "predecease", "pos": "", "context": "she predeceased her husband", "definition": "die before ; die earlier than", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she predeceased her husband\" What is the definition of \"predecease\"?"} {"term": "beguine", "pos": "", "context": "like many latin dances , the beguine emphasizes the ability to roll the hips while stepping , evoking sensuality .", "definition": "a popular dance of caribbean origin , similar to the foxtrot .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"like many latin dances , the beguine emphasizes the ability to roll the hips while stepping , evoking sensuality .\" What is the definition of \"beguine\"?"} {"term": "lambkin", "pos": "", "context": "‘ if i knew that this marlin person would treat you like this , lambkins , ’ she said , ‘ i would have never suggested him . ’", "definition": "used as a term of endearment for a young child", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ if i knew that this marlin person would treat you like this , lambkins , ’ she said , ‘ i would have never suggested him . ’\" What is the definition of \"lambkin\"?"} {"term": "not", "pos": "", "context": "the police claim that the jury was not allowed to hear much important evidence .", "definition": "used with an auxiliary verb or ‘ be ’ to form the negative", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the police claim that the jury was not allowed to hear much important evidence .\" What is the definition of \"not\"?"} {"term": "biting", "pos": "", "context": "gouthwaite near the northern end , you ca n't see the cold , biting rain in this picture , but i assure you it was there .", "definition": "( of wind or cold ) so cold as to be painful", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gouthwaite near the northern end , you ca n't see the cold , biting rain in this picture , but i assure you it was there .\" What is the definition of \"biting\"?"} {"term": "ophthalmologist", "pos": "", "context": "medical graduates in australasia can train to be ophthalmologists in about four years .", "definition": "a specialist in the branch of medicine concerned with the study and treatment of disorders and diseases of the eye .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"medical graduates in australasia can train to be ophthalmologists in about four years .\" What is the definition of \"ophthalmologist\"?"} {"term": "cord", "pos": "", "context": "updated in wide chunky cord , team with a wrap skirt and chunky polo neck .", "definition": "a cord-like rib on fabric .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"updated in wide chunky cord , team with a wrap skirt and chunky polo neck .\" What is the definition of \"cord\"?"} {"term": "peripheral", "pos": "", "context": "the routers are also used to connect computers with printers and other peripheral devices .", "definition": "( of a device ) able to be attached to and used with a computer , though not an integral part of it", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the routers are also used to connect computers with printers and other peripheral devices .\" What is the definition of \"peripheral\"?"} {"term": "miner", "pos": "", "context": "anyone who ever saw the way mining communities created miners ' welfare centres and the like knows that by working collectively to change the conditions in which we live we change ourselves .", "definition": "a person who works in a mine", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"anyone who ever saw the way mining communities created miners ' welfare centres and the like knows that by working collectively to change the conditions in which we live we change ourselves .\" What is the definition of \"miner\"?"} {"term": "choleric", "pos": "", "context": "men of the choleric type take to kicking and smashing ' - h.g.wells", "definition": "easily moved to anger", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"men of the choleric type take to kicking and smashing ' - h.g.wells\" What is the definition of \"choleric\"?"} {"term": "choleric", "pos": "", "context": "a choleric outburst", "definition": "characterized by anger", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a choleric outburst\" What is the definition of \"choleric\"?"} {"term": "circulation", "pos": "", "context": "these radical shifts in policy and practice demand the widest circulation of the report .", "definition": "the public availability or knowledge of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these radical shifts in policy and practice demand the widest circulation of the report .\" What is the definition of \"circulation\"?"} {"term": "tahini", "pos": "", "context": "most baba ghanouj dips in town depend on garlic , or lemon , or quantities of sesame-based tahini sauce for their character .", "definition": "a middle eastern paste or spread made from ground sesame seeds .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"most baba ghanouj dips in town depend on garlic , or lemon , or quantities of sesame-based tahini sauce for their character .\" What is the definition of \"tahini\"?"} {"term": "hydrate", "pos": "", "context": "gas hydrate is a crystalline substance composed of gas and water .", "definition": "a compound , typically a crystalline one , in which water molecules are chemically bound to another compound or an element .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gas hydrate is a crystalline substance composed of gas and water .\" What is the definition of \"hydrate\"?"} {"term": "hydrate", "pos": "", "context": "hydrate your skin", "definition": "cause to be hydrated ; add water or moisture to", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hydrate your skin\" What is the definition of \"hydrate\"?"} {"term": "declivity", "pos": "", "context": "when he walked , he walked as though he went down a declivity .", "definition": "a downward slope", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when he walked , he walked as though he went down a declivity .\" What is the definition of \"declivity\"?"} {"term": "cast", "pos": "", "context": "relatively unknown canadian actors round out the cast , and you wo n't find fault with any one of them .", "definition": "the actors taking part in a play , film , or other production", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"relatively unknown canadian actors round out the cast , and you wo n't find fault with any one of them .\" What is the definition of \"cast\"?"} {"term": "cast", "pos": "", "context": "this captain of the ship decides to cast anchor after leaving java because of a storm .", "definition": "let down ( an anchor or sounding line ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this captain of the ship decides to cast anchor after leaving java because of a storm .\" What is the definition of \"cast\"?"} {"term": "cast", "pos": "", "context": "these sheets are fed into large presses with casts shaped into a particular body panel , like a door , bonnet roof and bodies .", "definition": "a mould used to make an object by casting", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these sheets are fed into large presses with casts shaped into a particular body panel , like a door , bonnet roof and bodies .\" What is the definition of \"cast\"?"} {"term": "knock-down", "pos": "", "context": "there are no knock-down arguments and there is legitimate disagreement even amongst like-minded experts .", "definition": "capable of knocking down or overwhelming someone or something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there are no knock-down arguments and there is legitimate disagreement even amongst like-minded experts .\" What is the definition of \"knock-down\"?"} {"term": "knock-down", "pos": "", "context": "but an undercover investigation by scotland on sunday has revealed gourmet chefs are still willing to buy salmon at a knock-down price , for cash and with few questions asked .", "definition": "( of a price ) very low .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but an undercover investigation by scotland on sunday has revealed gourmet chefs are still willing to buy salmon at a knock-down price , for cash and with few questions asked .\" What is the definition of \"knock-down\"?"} {"term": "simian", "pos": "", "context": "it seems that simians have the run of the place while humans dwell on the fringes like packs of wild dogs .", "definition": "an ape or monkey .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it seems that simians have the run of the place while humans dwell on the fringes like packs of wild dogs .\" What is the definition of \"simian\"?"} {"term": "pubescence", "pos": "", "context": "this group is supported by the presence of sparse or early-deciduous stem pubescence and carnose leaves .", "definition": "soft down on the leaves and stems of plants or on various parts of animals , especially insects .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this group is supported by the presence of sparse or early-deciduous stem pubescence and carnose leaves .\" What is the definition of \"pubescence\"?"} {"term": "corsican", "pos": "", "context": "first , it was not exclusive , in that foreigners could become french by acquiring citizenship ; secondly , it was not exclusive , in that one could be both french and breton , or occitan , or corsican , or limousin .", "definition": "the language of corsica , which originated as a dialect of italian .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"first , it was not exclusive , in that foreigners could become french by acquiring citizenship ; secondly , it was not exclusive , in that one could be both french and breton , or occitan , or corsican , or limousin .\" What is the definition of \"corsican\"?"} {"term": "boomerang", "pos": "", "context": "she threw the boomerang , and it spun through the air toward him , straight toward his armored chest .", "definition": "a curved flat piece of wood that can be thrown so that it will return to the thrower , traditionally used by australian aborigines as a hunting weapon .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she threw the boomerang , and it spun through the air toward him , straight toward his armored chest .\" What is the definition of \"boomerang\"?"} {"term": "abrasion", "pos": "", "context": "the lifeline is a long , heavy , braided rope that is resistant to abrasion , sunlight , and moisture .", "definition": "the process of scraping or wearing something away", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the lifeline is a long , heavy , braided rope that is resistant to abrasion , sunlight , and moisture .\" What is the definition of \"abrasion\"?"} {"term": "abrasion", "pos": "", "context": "the nurse assesses the patient 's skin condition , noting any areas of redness or abrasions .", "definition": "an area damaged by scraping or wearing away", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the nurse assesses the patient 's skin condition , noting any areas of redness or abrasions .\" What is the definition of \"abrasion\"?"} {"term": "caisson", "pos": "", "context": "it was impossible to resist the line of world war i toys - including doughboys with fixed bayonets and artillery attached to caissons that were pulled by teams of horses .", "definition": "a chest or wagon for holding or conveying ammunition .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was impossible to resist the line of world war i toys - including doughboys with fixed bayonets and artillery attached to caissons that were pulled by teams of horses .\" What is the definition of \"caisson\"?"} {"term": "root", "pos": "", "context": "now is the right time of year to take cuttings of rosemary which roots very easily in sand .", "definition": "( of a plant or cutting ) establish roots", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"now is the right time of year to take cuttings of rosemary which roots very easily in sand .\" What is the definition of \"root\"?"} {"term": "root", "pos": "", "context": "beer made from manioc root is offered , and the family meal is shared .", "definition": "any plant grown for its root", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"beer made from manioc root is offered , and the family meal is shared .\" What is the definition of \"root\"?"} {"term": "bordeaux", "pos": "", "context": "last year 's heat produces the most puzzling vintage bordeaux commentators can remember .", "definition": "a red , white , or rosé wine from the district of bordeaux .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"last year 's heat produces the most puzzling vintage bordeaux commentators can remember .\" What is the definition of \"bordeaux\"?"} {"term": "crook", "pos": "", "context": "this data is then surreptitiously transmitted to crooks , allowing their young accomplices to later empty bank accounts .", "definition": "a person who is dishonest or a criminal", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this data is then surreptitiously transmitted to crooks , allowing their young accomplices to later empty bank accounts .\" What is the definition of \"crook\"?"} {"term": "wide", "pos": "", "context": "won by a wide margin", "definition": "great in degree", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"won by a wide margin\" What is the definition of \"wide\"?"} {"term": "wide", "pos": "", "context": "stand with legs wide apart", "definition": "with or by a broad space", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stand with legs wide apart\" What is the definition of \"wide\"?"} {"term": "wide", "pos": "", "context": "with a wide midfielder and full-back to double up on the exposed full-back this tactic should generate the crosses needed to threaten .", "definition": "( especially in soccer ) at or near the side of the field", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with a wide midfielder and full-back to double up on the exposed full-back this tactic should generate the crosses needed to threaten .\" What is the definition of \"wide\"?"} {"term": "magnify", "pos": "", "context": "these will reflect and magnify any blast on to unprotected buildings over a wider area with potentially disastrous results for their occupants .", "definition": "increase or exaggerate the importance or effect of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these will reflect and magnify any blast on to unprotected buildings over a wider area with potentially disastrous results for their occupants .\" What is the definition of \"magnify\"?"} {"term": "languish", "pos": "", "context": "i have seen children all over the world languishing for love , and care , and giving .", "definition": "pine with love or grief", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i have seen children all over the world languishing for love , and care , and giving .\" What is the definition of \"languish\"?"} {"term": "flighty", "pos": "", "context": "the inclination is to be flighty and irresponsible .", "definition": "fickle and irresponsible", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the inclination is to be flighty and irresponsible .\" What is the definition of \"flighty\"?"} {"term": "midst", "pos": "", "context": "one scenic palm stands alone midst the cry of gulls , pelicans and boobies .", "definition": "in the middle of .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one scenic palm stands alone midst the cry of gulls , pelicans and boobies .\" What is the definition of \"midst\"?"} {"term": "osteocyte", "pos": "", "context": "this communication network serves for transport of nutrients , waste products , and signaling molecules from the vascular system to the osteocytes and vice versa .", "definition": "a bone cell , formed when an osteoblast becomes embedded in the material it has secreted .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this communication network serves for transport of nutrients , waste products , and signaling molecules from the vascular system to the osteocytes and vice versa .\" What is the definition of \"osteocyte\"?"} {"term": "produce", "pos": "", "context": "produce a new play", "definition": "bring onto the market or release", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"produce a new play\" What is the definition of \"produce\"?"} {"term": "cabaret", "pos": "", "context": "the audience is invited to be part of the cabaret with special on stage seating at cabaret tables .", "definition": "entertainment held in a nightclub or restaurant while the audience eat or drink at tables", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the audience is invited to be part of the cabaret with special on stage seating at cabaret tables .\" What is the definition of \"cabaret\"?"} {"term": "cabaret", "pos": "", "context": "these days things are a lot better if only because there are several zoos and a choice of transvestite cabarets .", "definition": "a nightclub or restaurant where cabaret is performed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these days things are a lot better if only because there are several zoos and a choice of transvestite cabarets .\" What is the definition of \"cabaret\"?"} {"term": "fluency", "pos": "", "context": "but then in his post-victory remarks , the candidate went on and on and on , boringly , without the lift and eloquence and fluency of even his opponent .", "definition": "the ability to express oneself easily and articulately .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but then in his post-victory remarks , the candidate went on and on and on , boringly , without the lift and eloquence and fluency of even his opponent .\" What is the definition of \"fluency\"?"} {"term": "aerodrome", "pos": "", "context": "the aerodrome , only recently constructed by the french army , consisted of freshly cut wheat fields lined with canvas hangars .", "definition": "a small airport or airfield .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the aerodrome , only recently constructed by the french army , consisted of freshly cut wheat fields lined with canvas hangars .\" What is the definition of \"aerodrome\"?"} {"term": "offbeat", "pos": "", "context": "the offbeat mode in which he looks at men and matters , individuals and issues will reflect in the different perspective that the serial adopts .", "definition": "unconventional ; unusual", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the offbeat mode in which he looks at men and matters , individuals and issues will reflect in the different perspective that the serial adopts .\" What is the definition of \"offbeat\"?"} {"term": "flatten", "pos": "", "context": "if i manage to dodge it , it will still flatten the grass and leave it 's mark .", "definition": "make or become flat or flatter", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if i manage to dodge it , it will still flatten the grass and leave it 's mark .\" What is the definition of \"flatten\"?"} {"term": "flatten", "pos": "", "context": "thousands of houses were completely flattened , and many others were partially destroyed .", "definition": "raze ( a building or settlement ) to the ground", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"thousands of houses were completely flattened , and many others were partially destroyed .\" What is the definition of \"flatten\"?"} {"term": "quadratic", "pos": "", "context": "quadratic shapes", "definition": "of or relating to or resembling a square", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"quadratic shapes\" What is the definition of \"quadratic\"?"} {"term": "choler", "pos": "", "context": "when he says that hops purges choler , he does n't mean in the same way as scammony does because scammony could kill you if given in excessive doses but hops will probably just put you to sleep .", "definition": "anger or irascibility .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when he says that hops purges choler , he does n't mean in the same way as scammony does because scammony could kill you if given in excessive doses but hops will probably just put you to sleep .\" What is the definition of \"choler\"?"} {"term": "carve", "pos": "", "context": "it is possible to see the width of the boarder 's trail change as you carve turns , and snow sprays satisfyingly when you screech to a stop .", "definition": "make ( a turn ) by tilting one 's skis on to their edges and using one 's weight to bend them so that they slide in an arc .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is possible to see the width of the boarder 's trail change as you carve turns , and snow sprays satisfyingly when you screech to a stop .\" What is the definition of \"carve\"?"} {"term": "vermin", "pos": "", "context": "finding most of your vermin enemies is relatively easy .", "definition": "people perceived as despicable and as causing problems for the rest of society", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"finding most of your vermin enemies is relatively easy .\" What is the definition of \"vermin\"?"} {"term": "schizoid", "pos": "", "context": "if schizoids were creating the art of modernism , their narcissistic cousins ( who , by definition , need to control other people ) are creating its social ideas/systems ( socialism , fascism , economic planning ) .", "definition": "a schizoid person .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if schizoids were creating the art of modernism , their narcissistic cousins ( who , by definition , need to control other people ) are creating its social ideas/systems ( socialism , fascism , economic planning ) .\" What is the definition of \"schizoid\"?"} {"term": "get", "pos": "", "context": "how much has the fact that your game slipped over the past year been burning you inside ? deeply . it gets me .", "definition": "annoy ( someone ) greatly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"how much has the fact that your game slipped over the past year been burning you inside ? deeply . it gets me .\" What is the definition of \"get\"?"} {"term": "get", "pos": "", "context": "she 'd been getting the same lunch every day for nearly two years now , and she never tired of it .", "definition": "prepare ( a meal )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she 'd been getting the same lunch every day for nearly two years now , and she never tired of it .\" What is the definition of \"get\"?"} {"term": "get", "pos": "", "context": "significant moves are planned to get more tourists into this country by air and sea .", "definition": "succeed in making ( someone or something ) come , go , or move somewhere", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"significant moves are planned to get more tourists into this country by air and sea .\" What is the definition of \"get\"?"} {"term": "summation", "pos": "", "context": "for instance , nickel and chromium , when present together in steel , can cause a greater segregation of antimony than might be expected from simple summation of their separate effects .", "definition": "the process of adding things together", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for instance , nickel and chromium , when present together in steel , can cause a greater segregation of antimony than might be expected from simple summation of their separate effects .\" What is the definition of \"summation\"?"} {"term": "sexuality", "pos": "", "context": "to them , sex and sexuality in any form other than a rigid husband-and-wife definition is dangerous .", "definition": "sexual activity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to them , sex and sexuality in any form other than a rigid husband-and-wife definition is dangerous .\" What is the definition of \"sexuality\"?"} {"term": "oil", "pos": "", "context": "he strode over to katrina 's back and engulfed her in a hug , inhaling the scent of her hair and bath oils .", "definition": "a liquid preparation used on the hair or skin as a cosmetic", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he strode over to katrina 's back and engulfed her in a hug , inhaling the scent of her hair and bath oils .\" What is the definition of \"oil\"?"} {"term": "oil", "pos": "", "context": "oil the wooden surface", "definition": "cover with oil , as if by rubbing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"oil the wooden surface\" What is the definition of \"oil\"?"} {"term": "oil", "pos": "", "context": "western civilization is now predicated on oil and the plastics derived from it .", "definition": "petroleum", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"western civilization is now predicated on oil and the plastics derived from it .\" What is the definition of \"oil\"?"} {"term": "oil", "pos": "", "context": "a former theatre boss is setting up a factory to turn used cooking oil into eco-friendly fuel for cars .", "definition": "any of various viscous liquids which are insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents and are obtained from animals or plants", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a former theatre boss is setting up a factory to turn used cooking oil into eco-friendly fuel for cars .\" What is the definition of \"oil\"?"} {"term": "wesleyan", "pos": "", "context": "i am just talking aloud but i am wesleyan in my theology .", "definition": "a follower of wesley or adherent of the main methodist tradition .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i am just talking aloud but i am wesleyan in my theology .\" What is the definition of \"wesleyan\"?"} {"term": "lie-in", "pos": "", "context": "as i sat supping beer after the rehearsal , sometime around 11 pm last night , i was working on the basis that i would have a nice lie-in the next morning , and it did n't matter if i had another pint .", "definition": "a prolonged stay in bed in the morning", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as i sat supping beer after the rehearsal , sometime around 11 pm last night , i was working on the basis that i would have a nice lie-in the next morning , and it did n't matter if i had another pint .\" What is the definition of \"lie-in\"?"} {"term": "junket", "pos": "", "context": "how can festivals avoid falling into the trap of becoming just another stop along way for the hollywood press junket ?", "definition": "an extravagant trip or celebration , in particular one enjoyed by government officials at public expense", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"how can festivals avoid falling into the trap of becoming just another stop along way for the hollywood press junket ?\" What is the definition of \"junket\"?"} {"term": "building", "pos": "", "context": "effective standards are the result of a consensus building process among all affected interests .", "definition": "the creation or development of something over a period of time", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"effective standards are the result of a consensus building process among all affected interests .\" What is the definition of \"building\"?"} {"term": "tense", "pos": "", "context": "tense piano strings", "definition": "taut or rigid ; stretched tight", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tense piano strings\" What is the definition of \"tense\"?"} {"term": "supranational", "pos": "", "context": "the massive influence of the us within supranational institutions is also pointed out for the attention of the discerning reader .", "definition": "having power or influence that transcends national boundaries or governments", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the massive influence of the us within supranational institutions is also pointed out for the attention of the discerning reader .\" What is the definition of \"supranational\"?"} {"term": "change", "pos": "", "context": "he had a pocketful of change", "definition": "coins of small denomination regarded collectively", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had a pocketful of change\" What is the definition of \"change\"?"} {"term": "change", "pos": "", "context": "i paid with a twenty and pocketed the change", "definition": "the balance of money received when the amount you tender is greater than the amount due", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i paid with a twenty and pocketed the change\" What is the definition of \"change\"?"} {"term": "latitudinarian", "pos": "", "context": "his ecumenical disposition tends toward the latitudinarian , although he has clarified that he does think there may still be church-dividing differences between catholics and lutherans .", "definition": "a person with a latitudinarian attitude .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his ecumenical disposition tends toward the latitudinarian , although he has clarified that he does think there may still be church-dividing differences between catholics and lutherans .\" What is the definition of \"latitudinarian\"?"} {"term": "realign", "pos": "", "context": "it would throw off the neocon power base and realign all manner of forces .", "definition": "change or restore to a different or former position or state", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it would throw off the neocon power base and realign all manner of forces .\" What is the definition of \"realign\"?"} {"term": "afterdamp", "pos": "", "context": "the ‘ afterdamp ’ occurring in such situations is a mixture of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide .", "definition": "choking gas left after an explosion of firedamp in a mine , rich in carbon monoxide .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ‘ afterdamp ’ occurring in such situations is a mixture of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide .\" What is the definition of \"afterdamp\"?"} {"term": "dollop", "pos": "", "context": "in fact , the batter is rich and thick enough to be dolloped onto the waffle iron with an ice cream scoop .", "definition": "add ( a large mass of something ) casually and without measuring", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in fact , the batter is rich and thick enough to be dolloped onto the waffle iron with an ice cream scoop .\" What is the definition of \"dollop\"?"} {"term": "yearbook", "pos": "", "context": "a total of 10,000 copies of the yearbook will be printed and sent to people in south london and surrey .", "definition": "an annual publication giving current information and listing events or aspects of the previous year , especially in a particular field", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a total of 10,000 copies of the yearbook will be printed and sent to people in south london and surrey .\" What is the definition of \"yearbook\"?"} {"term": "portuguese", "pos": "", "context": "in late 1960 , benenson heard of the plight of two portuguese men who had been jailed for seven years for raising a toast to freedom .", "definition": "relating to portugal or its people or language .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in late 1960 , benenson heard of the plight of two portuguese men who had been jailed for seven years for raising a toast to freedom .\" What is the definition of \"portuguese\"?"} {"term": "solid", "pos": "", "context": "solid color", "definition": "of the same color throughout", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"solid color\" What is the definition of \"solid\"?"} {"term": "solid", "pos": "", "context": "solid blackness", "definition": "impenetrable for the eye", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"solid blackness\" What is the definition of \"solid\"?"} {"term": "solid", "pos": "", "context": "a solid voting bloc", "definition": "acting together as a single undiversified whole", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a solid voting bloc\" What is the definition of \"solid\"?"} {"term": "solid", "pos": "", "context": "the material wedged into a solid cradle at its base , ballast to prevent its tipping , must have been shattered by the force of its fall .", "definition": "strongly built or made of strong materials ; not flimsy or slender", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the material wedged into a solid cradle at its base , ballast to prevent its tipping , must have been shattered by the force of its fall .\" What is the definition of \"solid\"?"} {"term": "solid", "pos": "", "context": "solid ground", "definition": "not soft or yielding to pressure", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"solid ground\" What is the definition of \"solid\"?"} {"term": "solid", "pos": "", "context": "so far , most polling ( no matter how it is spun by the financial press ) shows that support for ratifying is solid .", "definition": "unanimous or undivided", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so far , most polling ( no matter how it is spun by the financial press ) shows that support for ratifying is solid .\" What is the definition of \"solid\"?"} {"term": "solid", "pos": "", "context": "solid gold", "definition": "of one substance or character throughout", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"solid gold\" What is the definition of \"solid\"?"} {"term": "solid", "pos": "", "context": "with strong performances and a solid story , turn of faith is worth your time .", "definition": "sound but without any special qualities or flair", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with strong performances and a solid story , turn of faith is worth your time .\" What is the definition of \"solid\"?"} {"term": "solid", "pos": "", "context": "after this critique of trotsky , lenin really comes down solid on him .", "definition": "severe ; unfair", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after this critique of trotsky , lenin really comes down solid on him .\" What is the definition of \"solid\"?"} {"term": "solid", "pos": "", "context": "a solid foundation", "definition": "of good quality and condition ; solidly built", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a solid foundation\" What is the definition of \"solid\"?"} {"term": "bloom", "pos": "", "context": "similarly , recent research by colleagues at cornell has shown that berries are highly susceptible from bloom until shortly after fruit set , but become much more resistant afterwards .", "definition": "a delicate powdery surface deposit on certain fresh fruits , leaves , or stems", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"similarly , recent research by colleagues at cornell has shown that berries are highly susceptible from bloom until shortly after fruit set , but become much more resistant afterwards .\" What is the definition of \"bloom\"?"} {"term": "bloom", "pos": "", "context": "from the bosom of the light burst a jet of white fire , climbing , blooming in the night .", "definition": "( of fire , colour , or light ) become radiant and glowing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"from the bosom of the light burst a jet of white fire , climbing , blooming in the night .\" What is the definition of \"bloom\"?"} {"term": "deathbed", "pos": "", "context": "his deathbed conversion and reception into the roman catholic church is indisputable .", "definition": "used in reference to the time when someone is dying or died", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his deathbed conversion and reception into the roman catholic church is indisputable .\" What is the definition of \"deathbed\"?"} {"term": "macadam", "pos": "", "context": "it left the macadam in the streets cracked and flaking .", "definition": "broken stone of even size , bound with tar or bitumen and used in successively compacted layers for surfacing roads and paths .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it left the macadam in the streets cracked and flaking .\" What is the definition of \"macadam\"?"} {"term": "pitcher", "pos": "", "context": "the first piece was a giraffe whose neck was the handle of a pitcher .", "definition": "a large jug .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the first piece was a giraffe whose neck was the handle of a pitcher .\" What is the definition of \"pitcher\"?"} {"term": "wrong", "pos": "", "context": "is n't their job to advise their political bosses against wrongs ?", "definition": "an unjust , dishonest , or immoral act", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"is n't their job to advise their political bosses against wrongs ?\" What is the definition of \"wrong\"?"} {"term": "narrowness", "pos": "", "context": "the narrowness of the road", "definition": "the property of being narrow ; having little width", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the narrowness of the road\" What is the definition of \"narrowness\"?"} {"term": "salient", "pos": "", "context": "their seal bore as its device a demi-fox salient , with a motto on a ribbon `` liberté toute entière ' .", "definition": "( of an animal ) standing on its hind legs with the forepaws raised , as if leaping .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their seal bore as its device a demi-fox salient , with a motto on a ribbon `` liberté toute entière ' .\" What is the definition of \"salient\"?"} {"term": "bigotry", "pos": "", "context": "his article amounts to pure opinionated bigotry .", "definition": "intolerance towards those who hold different opinions from oneself", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his article amounts to pure opinionated bigotry .\" What is the definition of \"bigotry\"?"} {"term": "restoration", "pos": "", "context": "entire villages , thanks to careful preservation or restoration , are attractions themselves .", "definition": "the action of returning something to a former owner , place , or condition", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"entire villages , thanks to careful preservation or restoration , are attractions themselves .\" What is the definition of \"restoration\"?"} {"term": "ambulance", "pos": "", "context": "the woman in the other vehicle had to be cut free from her vehicle and was flown to hospital in the air ambulance .", "definition": "a vehicle equipped for taking sick or injured people to and from hospital , especially in emergencies", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the woman in the other vehicle had to be cut free from her vehicle and was flown to hospital in the air ambulance .\" What is the definition of \"ambulance\"?"} {"term": "painfulness", "pos": "", "context": "she feared the painfulness of childbirth", "definition": "the quality of being painful", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she feared the painfulness of childbirth\" What is the definition of \"painfulness\"?"} {"term": "hemp", "pos": "", "context": "it 's part of a long-running battle to get the government to relax the restrictions on growing hemp for food and fibre .", "definition": "the cannabis plant , especially when grown for fibre .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's part of a long-running battle to get the government to relax the restrictions on growing hemp for food and fibre .\" What is the definition of \"hemp\"?"} {"term": "lugworm", "pos": "", "context": "for the bigger fish , try peeler crab tipped off with a tiny square section of mackerel or squid , or lugworm with a tippet of mackerel or squid .", "definition": "a bristle worm that lives in muddy sand , leaving characteristic worm casts on lower shores . it is widely used as bait by fishermen .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for the bigger fish , try peeler crab tipped off with a tiny square section of mackerel or squid , or lugworm with a tippet of mackerel or squid .\" What is the definition of \"lugworm\"?"} {"term": "phone-in", "pos": "", "context": "but can it make running its own mix of in-depth sports reporting and phone-ins attractive to listeners ?", "definition": "a radio or television programme during which the listeners or viewers telephone the studio and participate .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but can it make running its own mix of in-depth sports reporting and phone-ins attractive to listeners ?\" What is the definition of \"phone-in\"?"} {"term": "panhandle", "pos": "", "context": "wheeling is located in the northern panhandle of west virginia", "definition": "a relatively narrow strip of land projecting from some larger area", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"wheeling is located in the northern panhandle of west virginia\" What is the definition of \"panhandle\"?"} {"term": "timeline", "pos": "", "context": "the papers , produced by the executive 's lawyers , include a detailed timeline of events .", "definition": "a graphical representation of a period of time , on which important events are marked .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the papers , produced by the executive 's lawyers , include a detailed timeline of events .\" What is the definition of \"timeline\"?"} {"term": "mortar", "pos": "", "context": "the gazebo wall is made of three rows of decorative concrete blocks mortared together .", "definition": "fix or join using mortar", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the gazebo wall is made of three rows of decorative concrete blocks mortared together .\" What is the definition of \"mortar\"?"} {"term": "anglophobe", "pos": "", "context": "oh , and by the way , i regard english nationalists who spout racist venom ( even if it 's well hidden ) to be fifth columnists working for anglophobes .", "definition": "a person having a strong dislike of england or britain .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"oh , and by the way , i regard english nationalists who spout racist venom ( even if it 's well hidden ) to be fifth columnists working for anglophobes .\" What is the definition of \"anglophobe\"?"} {"term": "marche", "pos": "", "context": "like so many forgotten italian wine regions , however , the marche is making a strong comeback , with many small producers emerging to make some excellent wines , both red and white .", "definition": "a region of east central italy , between the apennines and the adriatic sea ; capital , ancona . italian name le marche /ˈmarke/ .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"like so many forgotten italian wine regions , however , the marche is making a strong comeback , with many small producers emerging to make some excellent wines , both red and white .\" What is the definition of \"marche\"?"} {"term": "external", "pos": "", "context": "typically , external beam radiation therapy treatments are given every day , monday through friday , for four to eight weeks .", "definition": "relating to or denoting a medicine or similar substance for use on the outside of the body", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"typically , external beam radiation therapy treatments are given every day , monday through friday , for four to eight weeks .\" What is the definition of \"external\"?"} {"term": "similitude", "pos": "", "context": "while it may seem like something out of science fiction , many insist clones would be naturally predisposed to such similitude , and caution that cloneish behavior would be evident in every facet of life .", "definition": "the quality or state of being similar to something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"while it may seem like something out of science fiction , many insist clones would be naturally predisposed to such similitude , and caution that cloneish behavior would be evident in every facet of life .\" What is the definition of \"similitude\"?"} {"term": "decay", "pos": "", "context": "the council said the fungi had decayed the roots .", "definition": "cause to rot or decompose", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the council said the fungi had decayed the roots .\" What is the definition of \"decay\"?"} {"term": "mix", "pos": "", "context": "the correct mix of important looking fonts , jargon and shiny paper combining to give the illusion of authenticity .", "definition": "the proportion of different people or other constituents that make up a mixture", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the correct mix of important looking fonts , jargon and shiny paper combining to give the illusion of authenticity .\" What is the definition of \"mix\"?"} {"term": "mix", "pos": "", "context": "how he came to produce and mix the soundtrack for the film , however , is a story in itself .", "definition": "produce ( a sound signal or recording ) by combining a number of separate signals or recorded soundtracks", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"how he came to produce and mix the soundtrack for the film , however , is a story in itself .\" What is the definition of \"mix\"?"} {"term": "mix", "pos": "", "context": "mix water into the drink", "definition": "add as an additional element or part", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mix water into the drink\" What is the definition of \"mix\"?"} {"term": "mix", "pos": "", "context": "concrete mixes for theme coats are like those used for stucco .", "definition": "a commercially prepared mixture of ingredients for making a particular type of food or a product such as concrete", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"concrete mixes for theme coats are like those used for stucco .\" What is the definition of \"mix\"?"} {"term": "scruple", "pos": "", "context": "the man scrupled to perjure himself", "definition": "hesitate on moral grounds", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the man scrupled to perjure himself\" What is the definition of \"scruple\"?"} {"term": "scruple", "pos": "", "context": "he lied and did not even scruple about it", "definition": "raise scruples", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he lied and did not even scruple about it\" What is the definition of \"scruple\"?"} {"term": "example", "pos": "", "context": "you must work the examples at the end of each chapter in the textbook", "definition": "a task performed or problem solved in order to develop skill or understanding", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you must work the examples at the end of each chapter in the textbook\" What is the definition of \"example\"?"} {"term": "chicken", "pos": "", "context": "the sauce also goes well with leftover roast , chicken , turkey or ham .", "definition": "meat from a chicken", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sauce also goes well with leftover roast , chicken , turkey or ham .\" What is the definition of \"chicken\"?"} {"term": "policymaker", "pos": "", "context": "the imperialist policymakers are motivated above all by questions of their own security .", "definition": "a person responsible for or involved in formulating policies , especially in politics .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the imperialist policymakers are motivated above all by questions of their own security .\" What is the definition of \"policymaker\"?"} {"term": "thumb", "pos": "", "context": "you could otherwise hope that a friendly soul at the clachaig will offer a lift , or thumb a ride back : you would be unlucky if no-one stopped .", "definition": "request or obtain ( a free ride in a passing vehicle ) by signalling with one 's thumb", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you could otherwise hope that a friendly soul at the clachaig will offer a lift , or thumb a ride back : you would be unlucky if no-one stopped .\" What is the definition of \"thumb\"?"} {"term": "thumb", "pos": "", "context": "he leaned forward and thumbed the intercom button on the computer terminal .", "definition": "press , move , or touch ( something ) with one 's thumb", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he leaned forward and thumbed the intercom button on the computer terminal .\" What is the definition of \"thumb\"?"} {"term": "bioremediation", "pos": "", "context": "two other bioremediation teams , one using bacteria , the other using engineered bacteria , were also given sections of the contaminated soil to test .", "definition": "the use of either naturally occurring or deliberately introduced microorganisms to consume and break down environmental pollutants , in order to clean a polluted site .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"two other bioremediation teams , one using bacteria , the other using engineered bacteria , were also given sections of the contaminated soil to test .\" What is the definition of \"bioremediation\"?"} {"term": "requirement", "pos": "", "context": "the requirements of his work affected his health", "definition": "required activity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the requirements of his work affected his health\" What is the definition of \"requirement\"?"} {"term": "requirement", "pos": "", "context": "entry requirements are five passes in the leaving certificate including mathematics and english and one higher level grade c .", "definition": "a thing that is compulsory ; a necessary condition", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"entry requirements are five passes in the leaving certificate including mathematics and english and one higher level grade c .\" What is the definition of \"requirement\"?"} {"term": "lash", "pos": "", "context": "his convicts were more useful to society as workers than as objects of penal punishment ; the lash became an element in labour relations .", "definition": "punishment in the form of a beating with a whip or rope", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his convicts were more useful to society as workers than as objects of penal punishment ; the lash became an element in labour relations .\" What is the definition of \"lash\"?"} {"term": "lash", "pos": "", "context": "she stood in front of the vanity and re-applied her rich , red colored lipstick , and long-lash mascara to her already long , dark lashes .", "definition": "an eyelash", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she stood in front of the vanity and re-applied her rich , red colored lipstick , and long-lash mascara to her already long , dark lashes .\" What is the definition of \"lash\"?"} {"term": "tiger", "pos": "", "context": "as it happens , cato is a fierce tiger when it comes to advocating for oppressed tobacco firms .", "definition": "used to refer to someone fierce , determined , or ambitious", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as it happens , cato is a fierce tiger when it comes to advocating for oppressed tobacco firms .\" What is the definition of \"tiger\"?"} {"term": "obstruction", "pos": "", "context": "an infectious cause should be suspected in children with signs and symptoms of airway obstruction accompanied by a prodromal illness or fever .", "definition": "blockage of a bodily passage , especially the gut", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an infectious cause should be suspected in children with signs and symptoms of airway obstruction accompanied by a prodromal illness or fever .\" What is the definition of \"obstruction\"?"} {"term": "cecum", "pos": "", "context": "the appendix is an offshoot of the cecum", "definition": "the cavity in which the large intestine begins and into which the ileum opens", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the appendix is an offshoot of the cecum\" What is the definition of \"cecum\"?"} {"term": "seawater", "pos": "", "context": "the rest of the plasma is very much like seawater , an ocean of life .", "definition": "water in or taken from the sea", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the rest of the plasma is very much like seawater , an ocean of life .\" What is the definition of \"seawater\"?"} {"term": "rabbi", "pos": "", "context": "the rabbi had taught that the only causal force in the universe is god .", "definition": "a jewish scholar or teacher , especially one who studies or teaches jewish law .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the rabbi had taught that the only causal force in the universe is god .\" What is the definition of \"rabbi\"?"} {"term": "jag", "pos": "", "context": "like a sea the waste stretched out before her , ending only as the jags rose to breathtaking heights to become the rigid range of mountains called the crown of thorns .", "definition": "a sharp projection .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"like a sea the waste stretched out before her , ending only as the jags rose to breathtaking heights to become the rigid range of mountains called the crown of thorns .\" What is the definition of \"jag\"?"} {"term": "jag", "pos": "", "context": "he clutched a jag of the rock", "definition": "a sharp projection on an edge or surface", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he clutched a jag of the rock\" What is the definition of \"jag\"?"} {"term": "loop", "pos": "", "context": "the western trumpet is built in the traditional shape of one long loop .", "definition": "a shape produced by a curve that bends round and crosses itself", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the western trumpet is built in the traditional shape of one long loop .\" What is the definition of \"loop\"?"} {"term": "vacate", "pos": "", "context": "she vacated the position when she got pregnant", "definition": "leave ( a job , post , or position ) voluntarily", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she vacated the position when she got pregnant\" What is the definition of \"vacate\"?"} {"term": "agate", "pos": "", "context": "a well-known locality for agate or chalcedony nodules in rhyolite ( thunder eggs ) is near the twin mountains , northwest of del norte in saguache county .", "definition": "an ornamental stone consisting of a hard variety of chalcedony ( quartz ) , typically banded in appearance .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a well-known locality for agate or chalcedony nodules in rhyolite ( thunder eggs ) is near the twin mountains , northwest of del norte in saguache county .\" What is the definition of \"agate\"?"} {"term": "have", "pos": "", "context": "i 'd love to finish it but i 've had a cold these past few days and have n't been feeling up to it .", "definition": "suffer from ( an illness , ailment , or disability )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i 'd love to finish it but i 've had a cold these past few days and have n't been feeling up to it .\" What is the definition of \"have\"?"} {"term": "have", "pos": "", "context": "have a lover", "definition": "have a personal or business relationship with someone", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"have a lover\" What is the definition of \"have\"?"} {"term": "interviewee", "pos": "", "context": "in general , to emphasize a deficiency in communication , some interviewees could not estimate the number of horses within their section .", "definition": "a person who is interviewed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in general , to emphasize a deficiency in communication , some interviewees could not estimate the number of horses within their section .\" What is the definition of \"interviewee\"?"} {"term": "nicaraguan", "pos": "", "context": "this november , nicaraguans will go to the polls to select the country 's next president .", "definition": "a native or inhabitant of nicaragua , or a person of nicaraguan descent", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this november , nicaraguans will go to the polls to select the country 's next president .\" What is the definition of \"nicaraguan\"?"} {"term": "disorder", "pos": "", "context": "the doctor prescribed some medicine for the disorder", "definition": "a physical condition in which there is a disturbance of normal functioning", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the doctor prescribed some medicine for the disorder\" What is the definition of \"disorder\"?"} {"term": "televise", "pos": "", "context": "the royal wedding was televised", "definition": "broadcast via television", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the royal wedding was televised\" What is the definition of \"televise\"?"} {"term": "syntactic", "pos": "", "context": "the syntactic rules of a language", "definition": "of or relating to or conforming to the rules of syntax", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the syntactic rules of a language\" What is the definition of \"syntactic\"?"} {"term": "stepfamily", "pos": "", "context": "other girls grieve for family traditions that fall by the wayside after a divorce , mourn a parent who died or moved away , or cringe about having to celebrate holidays with the new stepfamily .", "definition": "a family that is formed on the remarriage of a divorced or widowed person and that includes a child or children .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"other girls grieve for family traditions that fall by the wayside after a divorce , mourn a parent who died or moved away , or cringe about having to celebrate holidays with the new stepfamily .\" What is the definition of \"stepfamily\"?"} {"term": "fix", "pos": "", "context": "she said it was more about fixing up what was there than any major development .", "definition": "do the necessary work to improve or adapt something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she said it was more about fixing up what was there than any major development .\" What is the definition of \"fix\"?"} {"term": "fix", "pos": "", "context": "well , republican presidential hopeful john mccain is rolling out his plan to fix the economy .", "definition": "put ( a bad or unwelcome situation ) right", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"well , republican presidential hopeful john mccain is rolling out his plan to fix the economy .\" What is the definition of \"fix\"?"} {"term": "fix", "pos": "", "context": "collusion resulted in tax fixes for gamblers", "definition": "an exemption granted after influence ( e.g. , money ) is brought to bear", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"collusion resulted in tax fixes for gamblers\" What is the definition of \"fix\"?"} {"term": "fix", "pos": "", "context": "i was fixing to leave town after i paid the hotel bill", "definition": "make ready or suitable or equip in advance for a particular purpose or for some use , event , etc", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i was fixing to leave town after i paid the hotel bill\" What is the definition of \"fix\"?"} {"term": "fix", "pos": "", "context": "he got into a terrible fix", "definition": "informal terms for a difficult situation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he got into a terrible fix\" What is the definition of \"fix\"?"} {"term": "fix", "pos": "", "context": "she fixes me with a look , a wonderful mixture of playfulness and provocation .", "definition": "look at someone unwaveringly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she fixes me with a look , a wonderful mixture of playfulness and provocation .\" What is the definition of \"fix\"?"} {"term": "fix", "pos": "", "context": "fix your eyes on this spot", "definition": "put ( something somewhere ) firmly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fix your eyes on this spot\" What is the definition of \"fix\"?"} {"term": "duster", "pos": "", "context": "add to this the chalk dust which rises every time she uses the duster to clear the black-board and you have an environment which assaults the vocal system of every teacher day in and day out .", "definition": "a cloth or pad for dusting furniture .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"add to this the chalk dust which rises every time she uses the duster to clear the black-board and you have an environment which assaults the vocal system of every teacher day in and day out .\" What is the definition of \"duster\"?"} {"term": "beryllium", "pos": "", "context": "the presence of alloying elements such as beryllium , chromium , silicon , and aluminum modifies the nature of the oxide , making it more tenacious .", "definition": "the chemical element of atomic number 4 , a hard grey metal .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the presence of alloying elements such as beryllium , chromium , silicon , and aluminum modifies the nature of the oxide , making it more tenacious .\" What is the definition of \"beryllium\"?"} {"term": "oddity", "pos": "", "context": "the oddity of this elaborate metaphor involving verse and human feet should not go unnoticed .", "definition": "the quality of being strange or peculiar", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the oddity of this elaborate metaphor involving verse and human feet should not go unnoticed .\" What is the definition of \"oddity\"?"} {"term": "butcher", "pos": "", "context": "after almost 30 years of working six days a week , otley pork butchers david and barbara brown are looking forward to a day off .", "definition": "a person who slaughters and cuts up animals for food", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after almost 30 years of working six days a week , otley pork butchers david and barbara brown are looking forward to a day off .\" What is the definition of \"butcher\"?"} {"term": "asp", "pos": "", "context": "dawn in my opinion is the prime asp feeding period .", "definition": "a large predatory eurasian freshwater fish of the carp family .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dawn in my opinion is the prime asp feeding period .\" What is the definition of \"asp\"?"} {"term": "unit", "pos": "", "context": "the coach said the offensive unit did a good job", "definition": "an organization regarded as part of a larger social group", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the coach said the offensive unit did a good job\" What is the definition of \"unit\"?"} {"term": "case", "pos": "", "context": "perry mason solved the case of the missing heir", "definition": "a problem requiring investigation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"perry mason solved the case of the missing heir\" What is the definition of \"case\"?"} {"term": "case", "pos": "", "context": "police are treating the case as attempted murder and a major incident room and full inquiry team has been set up .", "definition": "an incident or set of circumstances under official investigation by the police", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"police are treating the case as attempted murder and a major incident room and full inquiry team has been set up .\" What is the definition of \"case\"?"} {"term": "case", "pos": "", "context": "she 's a case and a half . you love to hate her do n't you ?", "definition": "an amusing or eccentric person .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she 's a case and a half . you love to hate her do n't you ?\" What is the definition of \"case\"?"} {"term": "case", "pos": "", "context": "as i packed my case for my trip to norway i considered what i knew about the country .", "definition": "an item of luggage ; a suitcase .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as i packed my case for my trip to norway i considered what i knew about the country .\" What is the definition of \"case\"?"} {"term": "case", "pos": "", "context": "i explained to her that the case held a cd-r containing files for work that i wanted to take home and work on overnight .", "definition": "a container designed to hold or protect something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i explained to her that the case held a cd-r containing files for work that i wanted to take home and work on overnight .\" What is the definition of \"case\"?"} {"term": "case", "pos": "", "context": "he brought his competition pistol with him , but kept it cased , and just sat and watched as the others shot .", "definition": "enclose in a protective container", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he brought his competition pistol with him , but kept it cased , and just sat and watched as the others shot .\" What is the definition of \"case\"?"} {"term": "softener", "pos": "", "context": "for a natural fabric softener , soak garments overnight in a solution of one part vinegar to three parts water , then rinse well in clear water before washing .", "definition": "a substance or device that softens something , especially a fabric softener .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for a natural fabric softener , soak garments overnight in a solution of one part vinegar to three parts water , then rinse well in clear water before washing .\" What is the definition of \"softener\"?"} {"term": "tinner", "pos": "", "context": "a bard of the cornish gorsedd , gundry published songs and dances of cornwall in 1966 , and used cornish subjects , and folk-song material , in his operas the tinners of cornwall and the comic opera the logan rock .", "definition": "a tin miner or tinsmith .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bard of the cornish gorsedd , gundry published songs and dances of cornwall in 1966 , and used cornish subjects , and folk-song material , in his operas the tinners of cornwall and the comic opera the logan rock .\" What is the definition of \"tinner\"?"} {"term": "councilman", "pos": "", "context": "he was a political rival of the dead councilman .", "definition": "a member of a council , especially a municipal one", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was a political rival of the dead councilman .\" What is the definition of \"councilman\"?"} {"term": "firth", "pos": "", "context": "the path leads you out to the headland with spectacular views over the firths .", "definition": "a narrow inlet of the sea ; an estuary", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the path leads you out to the headland with spectacular views over the firths .\" What is the definition of \"firth\"?"} {"term": "jealousy", "pos": "", "context": "cherish their official political freedom with fierce jealousy ' -paul blanshard", "definition": "zealous vigilance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cherish their official political freedom with fierce jealousy ' -paul blanshard\" What is the definition of \"jealousy\"?"} {"term": "tea", "pos": "", "context": "we met at the dean 's tea for newcomers", "definition": "a reception or party at which tea is served", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we met at the dean 's tea for newcomers\" What is the definition of \"tea\"?"} {"term": "tea", "pos": "", "context": "a search of the cupboards reveals tea , sugar , and a mug .", "definition": "the dried leaves used to make tea", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a search of the cupboards reveals tea , sugar , and a mug .\" What is the definition of \"tea\"?"} {"term": "consequence", "pos": "", "context": "maybe it 's enough that he did leave and the reason why is of no consequence at all .", "definition": "importance or relevance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"maybe it 's enough that he did leave and the reason why is of no consequence at all .\" What is the definition of \"consequence\"?"} {"term": "consequence", "pos": "", "context": "the groups used their creative imaginations and played a game of 'consequences ' to create drawings and models of creatures such as reptiles , insects , birds and fish .", "definition": "a game in which a narrative is made up by the players in turn , each ignorant of what has already been contributed .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the groups used their creative imaginations and played a game of 'consequences ' to create drawings and models of creatures such as reptiles , insects , birds and fish .\" What is the definition of \"consequence\"?"} {"term": "induce", "pos": "", "context": "it helps ease stress , tension and induce sleep , and some drinkers claim it does wonders for digestion .", "definition": "bring about or give rise to", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it helps ease stress , tension and induce sleep , and some drinkers claim it does wonders for digestion .\" What is the definition of \"induce\"?"} {"term": "ese", "pos": "", "context": "what 's so funny ese ?", "definition": "( in spanish-speaking regions ) used as a form of address for a man", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"what 's so funny ese ?\" What is the definition of \"ese\"?"} {"term": "patten", "pos": "", "context": "beginning in the last quarter of the fourteenth century , shoes were worn with pattens - carved wooden supports with pedestals under the heel and ball - to protect the shoes .", "definition": "a shoe or clog with a raised sole or set on an iron ring , worn to raise one 's feet above wet or muddy ground when walking outdoors .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"beginning in the last quarter of the fourteenth century , shoes were worn with pattens - carved wooden supports with pedestals under the heel and ball - to protect the shoes .\" What is the definition of \"patten\"?"} {"term": "astrakhan", "pos": "", "context": "a distinctive black astrakhan and velvet cap is worn on the head , and white stockings , decorated garters , and cowhide slippers with straps complete the costume .", "definition": "the dark curly fleece of young karakul lambs from central asia", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a distinctive black astrakhan and velvet cap is worn on the head , and white stockings , decorated garters , and cowhide slippers with straps complete the costume .\" What is the definition of \"astrakhan\"?"} {"term": "snip", "pos": "", "context": "what are people 's thoughts about getting the snip to prevent pregnancy either for men or women ?", "definition": "a vasectomy", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"what are people 's thoughts about getting the snip to prevent pregnancy either for men or women ?\" What is the definition of \"snip\"?"} {"term": "major", "pos": "", "context": "her major is linguistics", "definition": "the principal field of study of a student at a university", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her major is linguistics\" What is the definition of \"major\"?"} {"term": "major", "pos": "", "context": "a major portion of the winnings", "definition": "greater in number or size or amount", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a major portion of the winnings\" What is the definition of \"major\"?"} {"term": "superfly", "pos": "", "context": "relive those classic moments and your mis-spent youth in this superfly pool lounge and bar .", "definition": "( of clothing or a person 's appearance ) ostentatiously fashionable", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"relive those classic moments and your mis-spent youth in this superfly pool lounge and bar .\" What is the definition of \"superfly\"?"} {"term": "weigh", "pos": "", "context": "a slight boy , standing 5 feet 5 inches and weighing a mere 115 pounds , weider became easy prey for local thugs .", "definition": "have a specified weight", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a slight boy , standing 5 feet 5 inches and weighing a mere 115 pounds , weider became easy prey for local thugs .\" What is the definition of \"weigh\"?"} {"term": "weigh", "pos": "", "context": "but we need to weigh these downsides against the benefits .", "definition": "compare the importance of one factor with that of ( another )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but we need to weigh these downsides against the benefits .\" What is the definition of \"weigh\"?"} {"term": "weigh", "pos": "", "context": "weigh heavily on the mind ' , `` something pressed on his mind", "definition": "to be oppressive or burdensome", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"weigh heavily on the mind ' , `` something pressed on his mind\" What is the definition of \"weigh\"?"} {"term": "weigh", "pos": "", "context": "the butcher weighed the chicken", "definition": "determine the weight of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the butcher weighed the chicken\" What is the definition of \"weigh\"?"} {"term": "godetia", "pos": "", "context": "annuals like godetia , nemesia , and schizanthus bloom in spring .", "definition": "a north american plant with showy lilac to red flowers .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"annuals like godetia , nemesia , and schizanthus bloom in spring .\" What is the definition of \"godetia\"?"} {"term": "graze", "pos": "", "context": "she was grazed by the stray bullet", "definition": "break the skin ( of a body part ) by scraping", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was grazed by the stray bullet\" What is the definition of \"graze\"?"} {"term": "intaglio", "pos": "", "context": "the exhibition is organized by medium , beginning with the artist 's exploration of various forms of intaglio printing .", "definition": "a printing process in which the type or design is etched or engraved , such as photogravure", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the exhibition is organized by medium , beginning with the artist 's exploration of various forms of intaglio printing .\" What is the definition of \"intaglio\"?"} {"term": "survey", "pos": "", "context": "abbey officials asked for a full survey of the building two years ahead of schedule because of recent storm damage .", "definition": "an act of surveying a building", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"abbey officials asked for a full survey of the building two years ahead of schedule because of recent storm damage .\" What is the definition of \"survey\"?"} {"term": "harness", "pos": "", "context": "there were two sturdy draft harnesses drawing the cart , slowly as is their wont .", "definition": "a set of straps and fittings by which a horse or other draught animal is fastened to a cart , plough , etc . and is controlled by its driver .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there were two sturdy draft harnesses drawing the cart , slowly as is their wont .\" What is the definition of \"harness\"?"} {"term": "retry", "pos": "", "context": "the browser will then ask the user to retry their user name and password .", "definition": "re-enter a command , especially because an error was made the first time", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the browser will then ask the user to retry their user name and password .\" What is the definition of \"retry\"?"} {"term": "chocolate", "pos": "", "context": "lora , who has been going out with matthew for a year , has been sending him parcels of chocolates and sweets .", "definition": "a sweet made of or covered with chocolate", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"lora , who has been going out with matthew for a year , has been sending him parcels of chocolates and sweets .\" What is the definition of \"chocolate\"?"} {"term": "nineteen", "pos": "", "context": "he also led before his retirement nineteen stages into last year 's rally .", "definition": "one more than eighteen ; nine more than ten ; 19", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he also led before his retirement nineteen stages into last year 's rally .\" What is the definition of \"nineteen\"?"} {"term": "amp", "pos": "", "context": "that 's whether you win or lose - everybody gets that - so i was all amped up for that , like , ‘ all right ! ’", "definition": "full of nervous energy , especially through taking amphetamines or similar drugs", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that 's whether you win or lose - everybody gets that - so i was all amped up for that , like , ‘ all right ! ’\" What is the definition of \"amp\"?"} {"term": "sonicate", "pos": "", "context": "the samples were sonicated for 30 min , followed by centrifugation and overnight incubation at 65°c as described above .", "definition": "subject ( a biological sample ) to ultrasonic vibration so as to fragment the cells , macromolecules , and membranes", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the samples were sonicated for 30 min , followed by centrifugation and overnight incubation at 65°c as described above .\" What is the definition of \"sonicate\"?"} {"term": "measure", "pos": "", "context": "many companies seem to have set too high a standard for their employees to measure up to .", "definition": "reach the required or expected standard", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"many companies seem to have set too high a standard for their employees to measure up to .\" What is the definition of \"measure\"?"} {"term": "orderer", "pos": "", "context": "aristotle was a great orderer of ideas", "definition": "an organizer who puts things in order", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"aristotle was a great orderer of ideas\" What is the definition of \"orderer\"?"} {"term": "hyperventilate", "pos": "", "context": "the mountain climber started to hyperventilate", "definition": "breathe excessively hard and fast", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the mountain climber started to hyperventilate\" What is the definition of \"hyperventilate\"?"} {"term": "accelerator", "pos": "", "context": "we would also use high doses of polycarboxilate high-range water reducer and nonchloride accelerators .", "definition": "a substance that speeds up a chemical process .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we would also use high doses of polycarboxilate high-range water reducer and nonchloride accelerators .\" What is the definition of \"accelerator\"?"} {"term": "flatness", "pos": "", "context": "the implied stench is unrelieved by the exciting way that bright colors and a variety of textures clash with the photograph 's flatness and glossy surface .", "definition": "the quality of having a level surface without raised areas or indentations", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the implied stench is unrelieved by the exciting way that bright colors and a variety of textures clash with the photograph 's flatness and glossy surface .\" What is the definition of \"flatness\"?"} {"term": "dig", "pos": "", "context": "dig salt", "definition": "remove , harvest , or recover by digging", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dig salt\" What is the definition of \"dig\"?"} {"term": "honky-tonk", "pos": "", "context": "i used to do , you know , 260 days a year on the road doing fairs and festivals and honky-tonks and symphony dates and whatever .", "definition": "a cheap or disreputable bar , club , or dance hall", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i used to do , you know , 260 days a year on the road doing fairs and festivals and honky-tonks and symphony dates and whatever .\" What is the definition of \"honky-tonk\"?"} {"term": "soman", "pos": "", "context": "this target list usually included sarin , soman , mustard , lewisite , cyclosarin , and fats , oils and wax to name a few .", "definition": "a lethal organophosphorus nerve gas , developed in germany during the second world war .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this target list usually included sarin , soman , mustard , lewisite , cyclosarin , and fats , oils and wax to name a few .\" What is the definition of \"soman\"?"} {"term": "pierce", "pos": "", "context": "their die-straight tunnels pierce the most awesome rock barriers nonchalantly .", "definition": "make an opening in or bore a tunnel through", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their die-straight tunnels pierce the most awesome rock barriers nonchalantly .\" What is the definition of \"pierce\"?"} {"term": "appanage", "pos": "", "context": "for thousands of years the chair was an appanage of state and dignity rather than an article of ordinary use", "definition": "any customary and rightful perquisite appropriate to your station in life", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for thousands of years the chair was an appanage of state and dignity rather than an article of ordinary use\" What is the definition of \"appanage\"?"} {"term": "consolation", "pos": "", "context": "there is an unsettling realisation that the story , all stories , while tempting us with consolation and hope , in fact add to the world 's misery .", "definition": "the comfort received by a person after a loss or disappointment", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is an unsettling realisation that the story , all stories , while tempting us with consolation and hope , in fact add to the world 's misery .\" What is the definition of \"consolation\"?"} {"term": "consolation", "pos": "", "context": "second place was no consolation to him", "definition": "the comfort you feel when consoled in times of disappointment", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"second place was no consolation to him\" What is the definition of \"consolation\"?"} {"term": "stealthy", "pos": "", "context": "stealthy footsteps", "definition": "marked by quiet and caution and secrecy ; taking pains to avoid being observed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stealthy footsteps\" What is the definition of \"stealthy\"?"} {"term": "pigmentation", "pos": "", "context": "increased skin pigmentation may occur with longstanding adrenal insufficiency .", "definition": "abnormal colouring of a person 's skin , typically resulting from disease .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"increased skin pigmentation may occur with longstanding adrenal insufficiency .\" What is the definition of \"pigmentation\"?"} {"term": "splat", "pos": "", "context": "suddenly , however , the relative tranquility of the forest was broken by a series of panicked screams , followed by several shrieks of pain and a brief unpleasant splat noise .", "definition": "a sound of something soft and wet or heavy striking a surface", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"suddenly , however , the relative tranquility of the forest was broken by a series of panicked screams , followed by several shrieks of pain and a brief unpleasant splat noise .\" What is the definition of \"splat\"?"} {"term": "splat", "pos": "", "context": "also , the maker was content to use the same splat template for both the side chairs and the larger armchair producing a somewhat crowded effect in the backs of the side chairs .", "definition": "a piece of thin wood in the centre of a chair back .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"also , the maker was content to use the same splat template for both the side chairs and the larger armchair producing a somewhat crowded effect in the backs of the side chairs .\" What is the definition of \"splat\"?"} {"term": "crying", "pos": "", "context": "is there anything that suggests to you a crying need to create a national curriculum ?", "definition": "very great", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"is there anything that suggests to you a crying need to create a national curriculum ?\" What is the definition of \"crying\"?"} {"term": "jeremiad", "pos": "", "context": "a jeremiad against any form of government", "definition": "a long and mournful complaint", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a jeremiad against any form of government\" What is the definition of \"jeremiad\"?"} {"term": "correlative", "pos": "", "context": "to find out how his intervention affected individuals , he substituted a correlative design for a study of 22 patients with various kinds of supposedly incurable cancer .", "definition": "having a mutual relationship ; corresponding", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to find out how his intervention affected individuals , he substituted a correlative design for a study of 22 patients with various kinds of supposedly incurable cancer .\" What is the definition of \"correlative\"?"} {"term": "correlative", "pos": "", "context": "it is an early modern concept , although it has correlatives from the time of the greeks in allied concepts of stress , debility , appetitive , and saturnine behaviour .", "definition": "a word or concept that has a mutual relationship with another word or concept", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is an early modern concept , although it has correlatives from the time of the greeks in allied concepts of stress , debility , appetitive , and saturnine behaviour .\" What is the definition of \"correlative\"?"} {"term": "correlative", "pos": "", "context": "both coordinators and subordinators may be reinforced by being combined with correlatives , a term used both for the reinforcing item and for that item and the conjunction it accompanies .", "definition": "( of words such as neither and nor ) corresponding to each other and regularly used together .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"both coordinators and subordinators may be reinforced by being combined with correlatives , a term used both for the reinforcing item and for that item and the conjunction it accompanies .\" What is the definition of \"correlative\"?"} {"term": "correlative", "pos": "", "context": "correlative conjunctions", "definition": "expressing a reciprocal or complementary relation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"correlative conjunctions\" What is the definition of \"correlative\"?"} {"term": "heliograph", "pos": "", "context": "the researchers used infrared spectrometry to analyze the heliograph 's bitumen layer , too .", "definition": "a type of early photographic engraving made using a sensitized silver plate and an asphalt or bitumen varnish .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the researchers used infrared spectrometry to analyze the heliograph 's bitumen layer , too .\" What is the definition of \"heliograph\"?"} {"term": "mourning", "pos": "", "context": "instead it seems to concern a young man in mourning who lives in the town of solebury , pennsylvania .", "definition": "the expression of sorrow for someone 's death", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"instead it seems to concern a young man in mourning who lives in the town of solebury , pennsylvania .\" What is the definition of \"mourning\"?"} {"term": "titan", "pos": "", "context": "they survived the war between the titans and the olympians and became servants of zeus .", "definition": "any of the older gods who preceded the olympians and were the children of uranus ( heaven ) and gaia ( earth ) . led by cronus , they overthrew uranus ; cronus ' son , zeus , then rebelled against his father and eventually defeated the titans .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they survived the war between the titans and the olympians and became servants of zeus .\" What is the definition of \"titan\"?"} {"term": "number", "pos": "", "context": "i can not produce statistical data of vehicle numbers and velocities to corroborate these assertions , but i have no doubts .", "definition": "a figure or group of figures used to identify someone or something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i can not produce statistical data of vehicle numbers and velocities to corroborate these assertions , but i have no doubts .\" What is the definition of \"number\"?"} {"term": "number", "pos": "", "context": "she refused to give them her social security number", "definition": "a numeral or string of numerals that is used for identification", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she refused to give them her social security number\" What is the definition of \"number\"?"} {"term": "number", "pos": "", "context": "note that the allelic state for a pair of lineages is represented by two numbers in brackets .", "definition": "an arithmetical value , expressed by a word , symbol , or figure , representing a particular quantity and used in counting and making calculations", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"note that the allelic state for a pair of lineages is represented by two numbers in brackets .\" What is the definition of \"number\"?"} {"term": "cane", "pos": "", "context": "also , when the old fruiting canes are removed after harvest , some of the weak suckers can be removed by hand .", "definition": "a flexible woody stem of the raspberry plant or any of its relatives", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"also , when the old fruiting canes are removed after harvest , some of the weak suckers can be removed by hand .\" What is the definition of \"cane\"?"} {"term": "carefulness", "pos": "", "context": "i admired the carefulness of his work", "definition": "the quality of being careful and painstaking", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i admired the carefulness of his work\" What is the definition of \"carefulness\"?"} {"term": "plod", "pos": "", "context": "she turned around slowly on her heel and plodded back to her mother .", "definition": "walk doggedly and slowly with heavy steps", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she turned around slowly on her heel and plodded back to her mother .\" What is the definition of \"plod\"?"} {"term": "gay", "pos": "", "context": "a dress a bit too gay for her years", "definition": "brightly colored and showy", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a dress a bit too gay for her years\" What is the definition of \"gay\"?"} {"term": "espy", "pos": "", "context": "if i espy a weed trying to masquerade as one of my plants i just yank it out .", "definition": "catch sight of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if i espy a weed trying to masquerade as one of my plants i just yank it out .\" What is the definition of \"espy\"?"} {"term": "haematology", "pos": "", "context": "increasingly senior educational roles were capped by 18 years as staff development instructor in oncology , haematology and bone marrow transplant .", "definition": "the branch of medicine involving study and treatment of the blood .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"increasingly senior educational roles were capped by 18 years as staff development instructor in oncology , haematology and bone marrow transplant .\" What is the definition of \"haematology\"?"} {"term": "famulus", "pos": "", "context": "gershom scholem has pointed out that the golem himself functions as a famulus ( servant ) , a tradition arising with 15th- or 16-century jewish folktales .", "definition": "an assistant or servant , especially one working for a magician or scholar .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gershom scholem has pointed out that the golem himself functions as a famulus ( servant ) , a tradition arising with 15th- or 16-century jewish folktales .\" What is the definition of \"famulus\"?"} {"term": "trigger", "pos": "", "context": "for me as a survivor , i was triggered so i had to leave the room while they were presenting it , because the examples were so real life .", "definition": "( especially of something read , seen , or heard ) distress ( someone ) , typically as a result of arousing feelings or memories associated with a particular traumatic experience", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for me as a survivor , i was triggered so i had to leave the room while they were presenting it , because the examples were so real life .\" What is the definition of \"trigger\"?"} {"term": "nativist", "pos": "", "context": "nativist theories", "definition": "of or relating to or advocating nativism", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nativist theories\" What is the definition of \"nativist\"?"} {"term": "incidental", "pos": "", "context": "these organisations are also entitled to what the government calls a top-up-grant which , in effect , is intended to cover rises in staff salaries and other incidentals .", "definition": "an incidental expense , event , etc .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these organisations are also entitled to what the government calls a top-up-grant which , in effect , is intended to cover rises in staff salaries and other incidentals .\" What is the definition of \"incidental\"?"} {"term": "meddle", "pos": "", "context": "do n't meddle in my affairs !", "definition": "intrude in other people 's affairs or business ; interfere unwantedly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"do n't meddle in my affairs !\" What is the definition of \"meddle\"?"} {"term": "oral", "pos": "", "context": "we face problems when our ingrained literacy is brought to oral cultures .", "definition": "( of a society ) not having reached the stage of literacy .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we face problems when our ingrained literacy is brought to oral cultures .\" What is the definition of \"oral\"?"} {"term": "bubble", "pos": "", "context": "we do not know enough about the the other sea-slugs , in particular the bubble shells , even to make a reasonable guess of their numbers", "definition": "a marine mollusc that typically has a thin scroll-like shell .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we do not know enough about the the other sea-slugs , in particular the bubble shells , even to make a reasonable guess of their numbers\" What is the definition of \"bubble\"?"} {"term": "cousin", "pos": "", "context": "he grew up an only child , with his cousins being his brothers and sisters .", "definition": "a child of one 's uncle or aunt .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he grew up an only child , with his cousins being his brothers and sisters .\" What is the definition of \"cousin\"?"} {"term": "contention", "pos": "", "context": "the teams were in fierce contention for first place", "definition": "the act of competing as for profit or a prize", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the teams were in fierce contention for first place\" What is the definition of \"contention\"?"} {"term": "freeze-up", "pos": "", "context": "this sunday should see anglers return to the banks following the big freeze-up .", "definition": "a period of extreme cold", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this sunday should see anglers return to the banks following the big freeze-up .\" What is the definition of \"freeze-up\"?"} {"term": "slosh", "pos": "", "context": "the figures sloshed their way through the downpour .", "definition": "move through liquid with a splashing sound", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the figures sloshed their way through the downpour .\" What is the definition of \"slosh\"?"} {"term": "rotate", "pos": "", "context": "we rotate the crops so as to maximize the use of the soil", "definition": "plant or grow in a fixed cyclic order of succession", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we rotate the crops so as to maximize the use of the soil\" What is the definition of \"rotate\"?"} {"term": "blindfold", "pos": "", "context": "making his debut in the tournament , morozevich suddenly found a hidden talent for the art of blindfold chess .", "definition": "( of a game of chess ) conducted without sight of board and pieces .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"making his debut in the tournament , morozevich suddenly found a hidden talent for the art of blindfold chess .\" What is the definition of \"blindfold\"?"} {"term": "mission", "pos": "", "context": "all these factors restricted missionaries consequently they tended to establish missions along the kavango river and to avoid the interior .", "definition": "an organization or institution involved in a long-term assignment abroad", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all these factors restricted missionaries consequently they tended to establish missions along the kavango river and to avoid the interior .\" What is the definition of \"mission\"?"} {"term": "consumption", "pos": "", "context": "at some point , one argument runs , households will have to retrench , slowing consumption and therefore economic growth .", "definition": "the purchase of goods and services by the public", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at some point , one argument runs , households will have to retrench , slowing consumption and therefore economic growth .\" What is the definition of \"consumption\"?"} {"term": "keen", "pos": "", "context": "emma remembered when rae had pressed the keen edge of the sword against her throat .", "definition": "( of the edge or point of a blade ) sharp", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"emma remembered when rae had pressed the keen edge of the sword against her throat .\" What is the definition of \"keen\"?"} {"term": "keen", "pos": "", "context": "most ray-finned fishes have keen hearing ability and sound production is common but not universal .", "definition": "( of a sense ) highly developed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"most ray-finned fishes have keen hearing ability and sound production is common but not universal .\" What is the definition of \"keen\"?"} {"term": "auger", "pos": "", "context": "while he was digging the holes in the sand with a huge auger ...", "definition": "a large tool similar to an auger , used for boring holes in the ground .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"while he was digging the holes in the sand with a huge auger ...\" What is the definition of \"auger\"?"} {"term": "rehabilitate", "pos": "", "context": "dealers did not , however , completely rehabilitate their images .", "definition": "restore ( someone ) to former privileges or reputation after a period of disfavour", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"dealers did not , however , completely rehabilitate their images .\" What is the definition of \"rehabilitate\"?"} {"term": "rehabilitate", "pos": "", "context": "the prisoner was successfully rehabilitated", "definition": "help to readapt , as to a former state of health or good repute", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the prisoner was successfully rehabilitated\" What is the definition of \"rehabilitate\"?"} {"term": "conductivity", "pos": "", "context": "measured data may include electrical properties of the volume of interest such as conductivity and dielectric constant .", "definition": "the degree to which a specified material conducts electricity , calculated as the ratio of the current density in the material to the electric field which causes the flow of current .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"measured data may include electrical properties of the volume of interest such as conductivity and dielectric constant .\" What is the definition of \"conductivity\"?"} {"term": "son", "pos": "", "context": "this is the land , which until now was being held by sons and descendants of our colonial oppressors at our expense .", "definition": "a male descendant", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this is the land , which until now was being held by sons and descendants of our colonial oppressors at our expense .\" What is the definition of \"son\"?"} {"term": "mirror", "pos": "", "context": "he looked up at the small cracked mirror above the sink .", "definition": "a surface , typically of glass coated with a metal amalgam , which reflects a clear image", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he looked up at the small cracked mirror above the sink .\" What is the definition of \"mirror\"?"} {"term": "bisexual", "pos": "", "context": "previous studies based on a qualitative analysis have shown a high degree of variability in the mode of expression of carpel/stamen in homeotic bisexual flowers .", "definition": "having characteristics of both sexes .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"previous studies based on a qualitative analysis have shown a high degree of variability in the mode of expression of carpel/stamen in homeotic bisexual flowers .\" What is the definition of \"bisexual\"?"} {"term": "greywacke", "pos": "", "context": "the builders used greywacke from the rangitata river and limestone brought from mount somers and shaped the rocks by hand .", "definition": "a dark coarse-grained sandstone containing more than 15 per cent clay", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the builders used greywacke from the rangitata river and limestone brought from mount somers and shaped the rocks by hand .\" What is the definition of \"greywacke\"?"} {"term": "outpost", "pos": "", "context": "the scottish office , after all , was never intended to do anything other than administer a regional outpost of central government .", "definition": "a remote part of a country or empire", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the scottish office , after all , was never intended to do anything other than administer a regional outpost of central government .\" What is the definition of \"outpost\"?"} {"term": "outpost", "pos": "", "context": "his forte was the cavalry raid , surprising outposts , sweeping down on garrisons , catching the enemy off guard .", "definition": "a small military camp or position at some distance from the main army , used especially as a guard against surprise attack", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his forte was the cavalry raid , surprising outposts , sweeping down on garrisons , catching the enemy off guard .\" What is the definition of \"outpost\"?"} {"term": "sketch", "pos": "", "context": "flipping the rifle over his shoulder , mattais sketched john a mocking salute .", "definition": "perform ( a gesture ) with one 's hands or body", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"flipping the rifle over his shoulder , mattais sketched john a mocking salute .\" What is the definition of \"sketch\"?"} {"term": "sketch", "pos": "", "context": "sketch the outline of the book", "definition": "describe roughly or briefly or give the main points or summary of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sketch the outline of the book\" What is the definition of \"sketch\"?"} {"term": "rummage", "pos": "", "context": "we rummaged through the drawers", "definition": "search haphazardly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we rummaged through the drawers\" What is the definition of \"rummage\"?"} {"term": "dimwit", "pos": "", "context": "it painted the young lady as a dimwit , someone , who had not put careful thought , had not completed the necessary research , and then made an uninformed decision to go ahead with this unique procedure .", "definition": "a stupid or silly person .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it painted the young lady as a dimwit , someone , who had not put careful thought , had not completed the necessary research , and then made an uninformed decision to go ahead with this unique procedure .\" What is the definition of \"dimwit\"?"} {"term": "occasion", "pos": "", "context": "about this time last year i had occasion to complain about the non-collection of my refuse bin .", "definition": "reason ; cause", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"about this time last year i had occasion to complain about the non-collection of my refuse bin .\" What is the definition of \"occasion\"?"} {"term": "forecast", "pos": "", "context": "the panel has been asked to consider the budget and medium-term financial forecast .", "definition": "a calculation or estimate of future events , especially coming weather or a financial trend .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the panel has been asked to consider the budget and medium-term financial forecast .\" What is the definition of \"forecast\"?"} {"term": "million", "pos": "", "context": "there were millions of flies", "definition": "a very large indefinite number ( usually hyperbole )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there were millions of flies\" What is the definition of \"million\"?"} {"term": "celebration", "pos": "", "context": "bradford is gearing up to paint the town red in celebration of comic relief .", "definition": "the action of celebrating an important day or event", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bradford is gearing up to paint the town red in celebration of comic relief .\" What is the definition of \"celebration\"?"} {"term": "incarnate", "pos": "", "context": "whoever this being was , he seemed to represent beauty incarnate .", "definition": "represented in the most fundamental or extreme form", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"whoever this being was , he seemed to represent beauty incarnate .\" What is the definition of \"incarnate\"?"} {"term": "ask", "pos": "", "context": "if he asks you out on a date , say no , sorry , you have a boyfriend and are n't interested .", "definition": "invite someone out on a date", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if he asks you out on a date , say no , sorry , you have a boyfriend and are n't interested .\" What is the definition of \"ask\"?"} {"term": "wonk", "pos": "", "context": "for a self-confessed policy wonk , these memoirs contain surprisingly little discussion of political ideas .", "definition": "a person who takes an excessive interest in minor details of political policy", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for a self-confessed policy wonk , these memoirs contain surprisingly little discussion of political ideas .\" What is the definition of \"wonk\"?"} {"term": "anglo-indian", "pos": "", "context": "here 's the story : a young anglo-indian girl loves to play soccer like her idol , english superstar david beckham .", "definition": "of indian descent but born or living in britain .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"here 's the story : a young anglo-indian girl loves to play soccer like her idol , english superstar david beckham .\" What is the definition of \"anglo-indian\"?"} {"term": "fashionable", "pos": "", "context": "here , smart girls are able to draw conclusions about what are the most fashionable clothes this summer .", "definition": "characteristic of , influenced by , or representing a current popular style", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"here , smart girls are able to draw conclusions about what are the most fashionable clothes this summer .\" What is the definition of \"fashionable\"?"} {"term": "fashionable", "pos": "", "context": "to prove the point , his photographs show us fashionable women not just in relaxed poses but actually smiling and laughing .", "definition": "( of a person ) dressing or behaving according to the current trend", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to prove the point , his photographs show us fashionable women not just in relaxed poses but actually smiling and laughing .\" What is the definition of \"fashionable\"?"} {"term": "alanine", "pos": "", "context": "all of these silks are composed of protein chains in which the amino acids glycine , alanine , and serine dominate .", "definition": "an amino acid which is a constituent of most proteins .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all of these silks are composed of protein chains in which the amino acids glycine , alanine , and serine dominate .\" What is the definition of \"alanine\"?"} {"term": "transitional", "pos": "", "context": "adolescence is a transitional stage between childhood and adulthood", "definition": "of or relating to or characterized by transition", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"adolescence is a transitional stage between childhood and adulthood\" What is the definition of \"transitional\"?"} {"term": "see", "pos": "", "context": "see whether you can come tomorrow", "definition": "deliberate or decide", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"see whether you can come tomorrow\" What is the definition of \"see\"?"} {"term": "elasticity", "pos": "", "context": "this solution has the merit of elasticity .", "definition": "ability to change and adapt ; adaptability .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this solution has the merit of elasticity .\" What is the definition of \"elasticity\"?"} {"term": "glute", "pos": "", "context": "next , using my triceps , glutes and core , i lift my glutes off the floor a few inches and hold for a count of two .", "definition": "a gluteus muscle .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"next , using my triceps , glutes and core , i lift my glutes off the floor a few inches and hold for a count of two .\" What is the definition of \"glute\"?"} {"term": "clear", "pos": "", "context": "john glared back at him , tempted to shove him clear off the railing .", "definition": "completely", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"john glared back at him , tempted to shove him clear off the railing .\" What is the definition of \"clear\"?"} {"term": "clear", "pos": "", "context": "could be seen clearly under the microscope", "definition": "in an easily perceptible manner", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"could be seen clearly under the microscope\" What is the definition of \"clear\"?"} {"term": "clear", "pos": "", "context": "the insurance regulatory and development authority bill has been cleared by the union cabinet .", "definition": "give official approval or authorization to", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the insurance regulatory and development authority bill has been cleared by the union cabinet .\" What is the definition of \"clear\"?"} {"term": "clear", "pos": "", "context": "the fire was restarted and the debris was eventually cleared away .", "definition": "remove ( an obstruction or unwanted item ) from somewhere", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the fire was restarted and the debris was eventually cleared away .\" What is the definition of \"clear\"?"} {"term": "clear", "pos": "", "context": "on a clear day", "definition": "free from clouds or mist or haze", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on a clear day\" What is the definition of \"clear\"?"} {"term": "clear", "pos": "", "context": "there were open fields clear to the horizon", "definition": "completely", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there were open fields clear to the horizon\" What is the definition of \"clear\"?"} {"term": "clear", "pos": "", "context": "we were clear of the danger", "definition": "free from contact or proximity or connection", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we were clear of the danger\" What is the definition of \"clear\"?"} {"term": "clear", "pos": "", "context": "investigation showed that he was in the clear", "definition": "the state of being free of suspicion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"investigation showed that he was in the clear\" What is the definition of \"clear\"?"} {"term": "reconcile", "pos": "", "context": "we propose a new dynamic model in order to help reconcile the long-standing controversy in central asia .", "definition": "settle ( a quarrel )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we propose a new dynamic model in order to help reconcile the long-standing controversy in central asia .\" What is the definition of \"reconcile\"?"} {"term": "underdrawing", "pos": "", "context": "what we are looking at in essence is the underdrawing for an illuminated manuscript , an art form that we associate more with the middle ages than with the later renaissance .", "definition": "a sketch made by a painter as a preliminary guide and subsequently covered with layers of paint", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"what we are looking at in essence is the underdrawing for an illuminated manuscript , an art form that we associate more with the middle ages than with the later renaissance .\" What is the definition of \"underdrawing\"?"} {"term": "multiplication", "pos": "", "context": "the dots used above do not mean a matrix or vector multiplication in the strict sense .", "definition": "the process of combining matrices , vectors , or other quantities under specific rules to obtain their product .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the dots used above do not mean a matrix or vector multiplication in the strict sense .\" What is the definition of \"multiplication\"?"} {"term": "spade", "pos": "", "context": "she led a low spade", "definition": "a playing card in the major suit that has one or more black figures on it", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she led a low spade\" What is the definition of \"spade\"?"} {"term": "hijra", "pos": "", "context": "this tradition is reflected today among hijras in india and as well as in cultures in other parts of the world .", "definition": "( in south asia ) a person whose birth sex is male but who identifies as female or as neither male nor female .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this tradition is reflected today among hijras in india and as well as in cultures in other parts of the world .\" What is the definition of \"hijra\"?"} {"term": "prior", "pos": "", "context": "she had four felony convictions for burglary and petty theft with priors , and had been out of prison for a couple of years when she coolly shoplifted , then viciously fought me in the parking lot .", "definition": "a previous criminal conviction", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she had four felony convictions for burglary and petty theft with priors , and had been out of prison for a couple of years when she coolly shoplifted , then viciously fought me in the parking lot .\" What is the definition of \"prior\"?"} {"term": "vogue", "pos": "", "context": "who better to appreciate one outrageous ride that lets you adventure all day and vogue all night , with barely a car wash in between ?", "definition": "dance to music in such a way as to imitate the characteristic poses struck by a model on a catwalk .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"who better to appreciate one outrageous ride that lets you adventure all day and vogue all night , with barely a car wash in between ?\" What is the definition of \"vogue\"?"} {"term": "click", "pos": "", "context": "that 's when it clicked to me what i could possibly do today .", "definition": "become suddenly clear or understandable", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that 's when it clicked to me what i could possibly do today .\" What is the definition of \"click\"?"} {"term": "triglyph", "pos": "", "context": "carving is sharp and crisp , as if contemporary , despite being constructed over 16 centuries ago and the stylized details ( presumed , like classical triglyphs , to be petrified timber details ) are typical of the aksumite style .", "definition": "a tablet in a doric frieze with three vertical grooves alternating with metopes .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"carving is sharp and crisp , as if contemporary , despite being constructed over 16 centuries ago and the stylized details ( presumed , like classical triglyphs , to be petrified timber details ) are typical of the aksumite style .\" What is the definition of \"triglyph\"?"} {"term": "bust", "pos": "", "context": "later in 1916 he busts out of a german pow camp .", "definition": "escape", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"later in 1916 he busts out of a german pow camp .\" What is the definition of \"bust\"?"} {"term": "bust", "pos": "", "context": "a couple of the white guys had black eyes or a bust lip .", "definition": "damaged or broken", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a couple of the white guys had black eyes or a bust lip .\" What is the definition of \"bust\"?"} {"term": "layabout", "pos": "", "context": "she said : ‘ homeless people are not all a bunch of layabouts . ’", "definition": "a person who habitually does little or no work", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she said : ‘ homeless people are not all a bunch of layabouts . ’\" What is the definition of \"layabout\"?"} {"term": "peeper", "pos": "", "context": "the lenses are properly large - both to provide the utmost in protection to your peepers - and so that with your head down on the comb of the stock you will still be looking through the center of the lenses .", "definition": "a person 's eyes", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the lenses are properly large - both to provide the utmost in protection to your peepers - and so that with your head down on the comb of the stock you will still be looking through the center of the lenses .\" What is the definition of \"peeper\"?"} {"term": "better", "pos": "", "context": "she bettered her own record", "definition": "surpass in excellence", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she bettered her own record\" What is the definition of \"better\"?"} {"term": "better", "pos": "", "context": "better suited to the job", "definition": "comparative of `well ' ; in a better or more excellent manner or more advantageously or attractively or to a greater degree etc .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"better suited to the job\" What is the definition of \"better\"?"} {"term": "better", "pos": "", "context": "have more respect for your elders and betters , young one .", "definition": "one 's superiors in social class or ability", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"have more respect for your elders and betters , young one .\" What is the definition of \"better\"?"} {"term": "minyan", "pos": "", "context": "he joined a morning minyan and started putting on tefillin .", "definition": "a meeting of jews for public worship .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he joined a morning minyan and started putting on tefillin .\" What is the definition of \"minyan\"?"} {"term": "escapement", "pos": "", "context": "a wind-up alarm clock , for example , uses a tension spring as a drive mechanism , an escapement wheel , and the gear-driven mechanical hands moving across the clock face as a display of the time .", "definition": "a mechanism in a clock or watch that alternately checks and releases the train by a fixed amount and transmits a periodic impulse from the spring or weight to the balance wheel or pendulum", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a wind-up alarm clock , for example , uses a tension spring as a drive mechanism , an escapement wheel , and the gear-driven mechanical hands moving across the clock face as a display of the time .\" What is the definition of \"escapement\"?"} {"term": "impedance", "pos": "", "context": "electrical impedance spectroscopy is a method for studying the structure of organic and inorganic materials .", "definition": "the effective resistance of an electric circuit or component to alternating current , arising from the combined effects of ohmic resistance and reactance .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"electrical impedance spectroscopy is a method for studying the structure of organic and inorganic materials .\" What is the definition of \"impedance\"?"} {"term": "mail", "pos": "", "context": "i do n't know why people sell perfectly good stamps below face value when you can always use them to mail letters .", "definition": "send ( a letter or parcel ) by post", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i do n't know why people sell perfectly good stamps below face value when you can always use them to mail letters .\" What is the definition of \"mail\"?"} {"term": "foretaste", "pos": "", "context": "the brief skirmishes in the featured two missions certainly gave an appetizing foretaste of what is hopefully to come .", "definition": "a sample or suggestion of something that lies ahead", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the brief skirmishes in the featured two missions certainly gave an appetizing foretaste of what is hopefully to come .\" What is the definition of \"foretaste\"?"} {"term": "amanuensis", "pos": "", "context": "tolstoy 's literary amanuensis , v.g . chertkov , had emigrated to britain the previous year .", "definition": "a literary or artistic assistant , in particular one who takes dictation or copies manuscripts .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tolstoy 's literary amanuensis , v.g . chertkov , had emigrated to britain the previous year .\" What is the definition of \"amanuensis\"?"} {"term": "crossing", "pos": "", "context": "police have now warned that gates guarding the railway crossing should be kept closed at all times to try to prevent a repeat of the tragic accident .", "definition": "a place where roads or railway lines cross", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"police have now warned that gates guarding the railway crossing should be kept closed at all times to try to prevent a repeat of the tragic accident .\" What is the definition of \"crossing\"?"} {"term": "psoas", "pos": "", "context": "the primary muscles involved in raising the legs ( hip flexion ) are the psoas and iliacus - collectively known as the iliopsoas - as well as the rectus femoris and pectineus .", "definition": "each of a pair of large muscles which run from the lumbar spine through the groin on either side and , with the iliacus , flex the hip . a second muscle , the psoas minor , has a similar action but is often absent .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the primary muscles involved in raising the legs ( hip flexion ) are the psoas and iliacus - collectively known as the iliopsoas - as well as the rectus femoris and pectineus .\" What is the definition of \"psoas\"?"} {"term": "cheep", "pos": "", "context": "there is one particularly loud and insistent cheep cheep that i wish i could identify .", "definition": "a short , high sound resembling the cry of a young bird", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is one particularly loud and insistent cheep cheep that i wish i could identify .\" What is the definition of \"cheep\"?"} {"term": "cheep", "pos": "", "context": "finally replete and satiated , the bronze bird cheeped happily , mouth opening to reveal four flat , stubby teeth .", "definition": "make a short , high squeaky sound", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"finally replete and satiated , the bronze bird cheeped happily , mouth opening to reveal four flat , stubby teeth .\" What is the definition of \"cheep\"?"} {"term": "gang", "pos": "", "context": "suddenly it 's next december 31 , and the gang 's all together again to ring in another year .", "definition": "a group of people , especially young people , who regularly associate together .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"suddenly it 's next december 31 , and the gang 's all together again to ring in another year .\" What is the definition of \"gang\"?"} {"term": "gang", "pos": "", "context": "he seems to have worked on road gangs for a time and in a shoe repair factory before rheumatism forced him to quit .", "definition": "an organized group of people doing manual work", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he seems to have worked on road gangs for a time and in a shoe repair factory before rheumatism forced him to quit .\" What is the definition of \"gang\"?"} {"term": "labor", "pos": "", "context": "she was in labor for six hours", "definition": "concluding state of pregnancy ; from the onset of contractions to the birth of a child", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she was in labor for six hours\" What is the definition of \"labor\"?"} {"term": "jumpsuit", "pos": "", "context": "they all wore matching dull silver jumpsuits , and all had shaved heads .", "definition": "a garment incorporating trousers and a sleeved top in one piece , worn as a fashion item , protective garment , or uniform", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they all wore matching dull silver jumpsuits , and all had shaved heads .\" What is the definition of \"jumpsuit\"?"} {"term": "gent", "pos": "", "context": "he 's outside the gents hair salon that i always misread as saloon .", "definition": "( in shop titles ) men 's", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he 's outside the gents hair salon that i always misread as saloon .\" What is the definition of \"gent\"?"} {"term": "headstock", "pos": "", "context": "the ladder arms are brought together at the front and angled up to become the headstock for the motorcycle forks , which are kept at a more vertical angle to allow for the extremely sharp turns .", "definition": "a set of bearings in a machine , supporting a revolving part .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the ladder arms are brought together at the front and angled up to become the headstock for the motorcycle forks , which are kept at a more vertical angle to allow for the extremely sharp turns .\" What is the definition of \"headstock\"?"} {"term": "finger", "pos": "", "context": "it 's easy to imagine this sort of music being played by a brace of competent but anonymous session musicians with beards and ponytails stroking saxophones and fingering fretless bass guitars .", "definition": "play ( a musical instrument ) with the fingers , especially in a tentative or casual manner", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's easy to imagine this sort of music being played by a brace of competent but anonymous session musicians with beards and ponytails stroking saxophones and fingering fretless bass guitars .\" What is the definition of \"finger\"?"} {"term": "finger", "pos": "", "context": "no one wants to be fingered as the person that does it .", "definition": "identify or select", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"no one wants to be fingered as the person that does it .\" What is the definition of \"finger\"?"} {"term": "biathlon", "pos": "", "context": "i 've had a few bad incidents myself over my decisions to try ski jumping and the biathlon without any skills , experience , or the right equipment .", "definition": "a nordic skiing event in which the competitors combine cross-country skiing and rifle shooting .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i 've had a few bad incidents myself over my decisions to try ski jumping and the biathlon without any skills , experience , or the right equipment .\" What is the definition of \"biathlon\"?"} {"term": "association", "pos": "", "context": "the close association allows these molecules to interact through opposing charged groups .", "definition": "the linking of molecules through hydrogen bonding or other interaction short of full bond formation .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the close association allows these molecules to interact through opposing charged groups .\" What is the definition of \"association\"?"} {"term": "association", "pos": "", "context": "in association with bbc education , bbc local radio has devised a competition for nine and ten year olds .", "definition": "a connection or cooperative link between people or organizations", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in association with bbc education , bbc local radio has devised a competition for nine and ten year olds .\" What is the definition of \"association\"?"} {"term": "association", "pos": "", "context": "flints were found in association with the prehistoric remains of the bear", "definition": "a relation resulting from interaction or dependence", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"flints were found in association with the prehistoric remains of the bear\" What is the definition of \"association\"?"} {"term": "association", "pos": "", "context": "it may be obtained through trade journals , business associations , academic institutions and vocational groups .", "definition": "( often in names ) a group of people organized for a joint purpose", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it may be obtained through trade journals , business associations , academic institutions and vocational groups .\" What is the definition of \"association\"?"} {"term": "briny", "pos": "", "context": "the strip of colour feels rough and unpleasant and it has an ugly taste - rather like that of a briny pickle .", "definition": "of salty water or the sea ; salty", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the strip of colour feels rough and unpleasant and it has an ugly taste - rather like that of a briny pickle .\" What is the definition of \"briny\"?"} {"term": "involution", "pos": "", "context": "urban annotation thus becomes a process of involution , an intensive rather than an extensive phenomenon : a potential anti-sprawl .", "definition": "the process of complicating something , or the state of being complicated", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"urban annotation thus becomes a process of involution , an intensive rather than an extensive phenomenon : a potential anti-sprawl .\" What is the definition of \"involution\"?"} {"term": "gourmet", "pos": "", "context": "as gourmets of the world acknowledge , chinese food vies with that of france for world supremacy .", "definition": "a connoisseur of good food ; a person with a discerning palate .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as gourmets of the world acknowledge , chinese food vies with that of france for world supremacy .\" What is the definition of \"gourmet\"?"} {"term": "onychophora", "pos": "", "context": "conversely it has been suggested note that the onychophora are actually modified arthropods , rather than the other way around .", "definition": "a small phylum of terrestrial invertebrates which comprises the velvet worms such as peripatus . they share characteristics with the arthropods and annelids , having a long , soft segmented body with stubby legs ( lobopods ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"conversely it has been suggested note that the onychophora are actually modified arthropods , rather than the other way around .\" What is the definition of \"onychophora\"?"} {"term": "bureau", "pos": "", "context": "news bureaus give it short shrift , as they do most federal agencies .", "definition": "an office or department for transacting particular business", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"news bureaus give it short shrift , as they do most federal agencies .\" What is the definition of \"bureau\"?"} {"term": "oligocene", "pos": "", "context": "the fossil record of this family extends to the late eocene or early oligocene .", "definition": "relating to or denoting the third epoch of the tertiary period , between the eocene and miocene epochs .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the fossil record of this family extends to the late eocene or early oligocene .\" What is the definition of \"oligocene\"?"} {"term": "gully", "pos": "", "context": "drenched to the bone , the hunter stands shivering at the base of a remote gully in the country around victoria 's big river .", "definition": "a river valley .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"drenched to the bone , the hunter stands shivering at the base of a remote gully in the country around victoria 's big river .\" What is the definition of \"gully\"?"} {"term": "receiver", "pos": "", "context": "it will target all criminals , from burglars and street robbers to drug dealers , car criminals and receivers of stolen goods .", "definition": "a person who buys or accepts goods known to be stolen", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it will target all criminals , from burglars and street robbers to drug dealers , car criminals and receivers of stolen goods .\" What is the definition of \"receiver\"?"} {"term": "receiver", "pos": "", "context": "but the case has not ended with the appointment of a receiver .", "definition": "a person or company appointed by a court to manage the financial affairs of a business or person that has gone bankrupt", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but the case has not ended with the appointment of a receiver .\" What is the definition of \"receiver\"?"} {"term": "receiver", "pos": "", "context": "sometimes anonymous cards are sent and the receiver has to guess who the sender might be .", "definition": "a person who gets or accepts something that has been sent or given to them", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sometimes anonymous cards are sent and the receiver has to guess who the sender might be .\" What is the definition of \"receiver\"?"} {"term": "slacker", "pos": "", "context": "which of your slacker friends can you get to vote this year ?", "definition": "a person who avoids work or effort", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"which of your slacker friends can you get to vote this year ?\" What is the definition of \"slacker\"?"} {"term": "worcester", "pos": "", "context": "it is chinese porcelain decorated with a worcester pattern of roughly 1810 to 1820 .", "definition": "porcelain made at worcester in a factory founded in 1751 .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it is chinese porcelain decorated with a worcester pattern of roughly 1810 to 1820 .\" What is the definition of \"worcester\"?"} {"term": "egress", "pos": "", "context": "the above fact is significant because of the sutter creek arson site , investigators discovered that the suspect egressed through an area with a heavy growth of poison oak .", "definition": "go out of or leave ( a place )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the above fact is significant because of the sutter creek arson site , investigators discovered that the suspect egressed through an area with a heavy growth of poison oak .\" What is the definition of \"egress\"?"} {"term": "distribution", "pos": "", "context": "if the distribution channel is selected incorrectly , the brand will decline rapidly .", "definition": "the action or process of supplying goods to retailers", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if the distribution channel is selected incorrectly , the brand will decline rapidly .\" What is the definition of \"distribution\"?"} {"term": "scaffold", "pos": "", "context": "scaffold the building before painting it", "definition": "provide with a scaffold for support", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"scaffold the building before painting it\" What is the definition of \"scaffold\"?"} {"term": "prophet", "pos": "", "context": "like many other old testament witnesses and prophets , jacob is shown struggling with god and not giving up .", "definition": "a person regarded as an inspired teacher or proclaimer of the will of god", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"like many other old testament witnesses and prophets , jacob is shown struggling with god and not giving up .\" What is the definition of \"prophet\"?"} {"term": "mercy", "pos": "", "context": "distributing food and clothing to the flood victims was an act of mercy", "definition": "alleviation of distress ; showing great kindness toward the distressed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"distributing food and clothing to the flood victims was an act of mercy\" What is the definition of \"mercy\"?"} {"term": "swatch", "pos": "", "context": "prior to the debut , the newfoundland author is grafting bits of his skin onto swatches of paper for a limited number of promotional covers .", "definition": "a patch or area of a material or surface", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"prior to the debut , the newfoundland author is grafting bits of his skin onto swatches of paper for a limited number of promotional covers .\" What is the definition of \"swatch\"?"} {"term": "traitor", "pos": "", "context": "even my brothers have sent me a number of cruel e-mail accusing me of betraying the family and being a traitor .", "definition": "a person who betrays someone or something , such as a friend , cause , or principle", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"even my brothers have sent me a number of cruel e-mail accusing me of betraying the family and being a traitor .\" What is the definition of \"traitor\"?"} {"term": "sinner", "pos": "", "context": "jesus reaffirms his unwavering confidence in the father , even as he bears the father 's wrath in the place of sinners .", "definition": "a person who transgresses against divine law by committing an immoral act or acts", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"jesus reaffirms his unwavering confidence in the father , even as he bears the father 's wrath in the place of sinners .\" What is the definition of \"sinner\"?"} {"term": "falsify", "pos": "", "context": "given the apparent uniqueness of the north temperate zone populations of the sedge wren , it is important to try to falsify this hypothesis relating breeding-site fidelity and styles of song development .", "definition": "prove ( a statement or theory ) to be false", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"given the apparent uniqueness of the north temperate zone populations of the sedge wren , it is important to try to falsify this hypothesis relating breeding-site fidelity and styles of song development .\" What is the definition of \"falsify\"?"} {"term": "profession", "pos": "", "context": "nations have frequently tired of freedom and yielded themselves to tyrants , but not because of guileless trust in false professions .", "definition": "an act of declaring that one has a particular feeling or quality , especially when this is not the case", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nations have frequently tired of freedom and yielded themselves to tyrants , but not because of guileless trust in false professions .\" What is the definition of \"profession\"?"} {"term": "profession", "pos": "", "context": "ironically , religious profession and the renuncia could create an opportunity for women to administer property autonomously .", "definition": "the declaration or vows made on entering a religious order .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ironically , religious profession and the renuncia could create an opportunity for women to administer property autonomously .\" What is the definition of \"profession\"?"} {"term": "profession", "pos": "", "context": "a profession of disagreement", "definition": "an open avowal ( true or false ) of some belief or opinion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a profession of disagreement\" What is the definition of \"profession\"?"} {"term": "irradiate", "pos": "", "context": "the tv irradiates the apartment with a ghostly blue light .", "definition": "illuminate ( something ) by or as if by shining light on it", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the tv irradiates the apartment with a ghostly blue light .\" What is the definition of \"irradiate\"?"} {"term": "solera", "pos": "", "context": "the soleras are topped-up with wine drawn from the next oldest casks , one of the many rows called `` criaderas . '", "definition": "a wine cask , typically one with a capacity of four hogsheads , on the bottom tier of the solera system and containing the oldest wine .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the soleras are topped-up with wine drawn from the next oldest casks , one of the many rows called `` criaderas . '\" What is the definition of \"solera\"?"} {"term": "consummate", "pos": "", "context": "the sale was consummated and danny now had one very big five-seat aircraft .", "definition": "complete ( a transaction )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sale was consummated and danny now had one very big five-seat aircraft .\" What is the definition of \"consummate\"?"} {"term": "muffle", "pos": "", "context": "they emerged from the darkness so muffled against the cold it was hard to tell if they were children or old , bent women .", "definition": "wrap or cover for warmth", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they emerged from the darkness so muffled against the cold it was hard to tell if they were children or old , bent women .\" What is the definition of \"muffle\"?"} {"term": "wobbling", "pos": "", "context": "a low-pitched wobbling sound", "definition": "( of sound ) fluctuating unsteadily", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a low-pitched wobbling sound\" What is the definition of \"wobbling\"?"} {"term": "unemployment", "pos": "", "context": "in urban areas the problem of unemployment is not acute , it is serious mainly in rural areas .", "definition": "the state of being unemployed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in urban areas the problem of unemployment is not acute , it is serious mainly in rural areas .\" What is the definition of \"unemployment\"?"} {"term": "paper", "pos": "", "context": "he goes up to the flat and sees two workmen papering the walls .", "definition": "apply wallpaper to ( a wall or room )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he goes up to the flat and sees two workmen papering the walls .\" What is the definition of \"paper\"?"} {"term": "paper", "pos": "", "context": "police have now relented after the suspect agreed to surrender his identity papers and report regularly to police .", "definition": "personal documents", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"police have now relented after the suspect agreed to surrender his identity papers and report regularly to police .\" What is the definition of \"paper\"?"} {"term": "paper", "pos": "", "context": "evidence from clients all over the country is accumulated , analysed and used for parliamentary briefing papers and reports .", "definition": "a government report or policy document", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"evidence from clients all over the country is accumulated , analysed and used for parliamentary briefing papers and reports .\" What is the definition of \"paper\"?"} {"term": "superordinate", "pos": "", "context": "these two notions are superordinated to a third", "definition": "place in a superior order or rank", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these two notions are superordinated to a third\" What is the definition of \"superordinate\"?"} {"term": "logic", "pos": "", "context": "in formal mathematical logic , one makes frequent use of the existential and universal quantifiers .", "definition": "the systematic use of symbolic and mathematical techniques to determine the forms of valid deductive argument .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in formal mathematical logic , one makes frequent use of the existential and universal quantifiers .\" What is the definition of \"logic\"?"} {"term": "microprocessor", "pos": "", "context": "a microprocessor functions as the central processing unit of a microcomputer", "definition": "integrated circuit semiconductor chip that performs the bulk of the processing and controls the parts of a system", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a microprocessor functions as the central processing unit of a microcomputer\" What is the definition of \"microprocessor\"?"} {"term": "swerve", "pos": "", "context": "there are too many plot twists that are too incredible and , once all the swerves are added up , that do n't matter .", "definition": "an abrupt change of direction", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there are too many plot twists that are too incredible and , once all the swerves are added up , that do n't matter .\" What is the definition of \"swerve\"?"} {"term": "fireball", "pos": "", "context": "she has her dad 's temper and as her older brother , mason , will attest , she can be a fireball .", "definition": "a person with a fiery temper or a great deal of energy .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she has her dad 's temper and as her older brother , mason , will attest , she can be a fireball .\" What is the definition of \"fireball\"?"} {"term": "dyspepsia", "pos": "", "context": "a 51 year old woman was referred by her general practitioner with longstanding dyspepsia and reflux worsened by alcohol and bread .", "definition": "indigestion .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a 51 year old woman was referred by her general practitioner with longstanding dyspepsia and reflux worsened by alcohol and bread .\" What is the definition of \"dyspepsia\"?"} {"term": "bridge", "pos": "", "context": "the gas detection circuit includes a catalytic bridge circuit and an analyzing bridge circuit .", "definition": "an electric circuit with two branches across which a detector or load is connected , used to measure resistance or other property by equalizing the potential across the two ends of a detector , or to rectify an alternating voltage or current .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the gas detection circuit includes a catalytic bridge circuit and an analyzing bridge circuit .\" What is the definition of \"bridge\"?"} {"term": "bridge", "pos": "", "context": "bridge a river", "definition": "make a bridge across", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bridge a river\" What is the definition of \"bridge\"?"} {"term": "blitz", "pos": "", "context": "he is frequently sent after the quarterback on middle blitzes yet has the quickness to cover receivers out of the backfield .", "definition": "a play in which one or more defensive backs charge the quarterback of the opposing team .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is frequently sent after the quarterback on middle blitzes yet has the quickness to cover receivers out of the backfield .\" What is the definition of \"blitz\"?"} {"term": "extreme", "pos": "", "context": "further , dave may have felt that his emotional experience was not being taken seriously , so extreme antisocial behaviour may have been his only way of communicating the extent of his distress .", "definition": "very severe or serious", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"further , dave may have felt that his emotional experience was not being taken seriously , so extreme antisocial behaviour may have been his only way of communicating the extent of his distress .\" What is the definition of \"extreme\"?"} {"term": "extreme", "pos": "", "context": "the huge adrenalin rush of surfing titanic waves such as this is often compared with other extreme sports such as skydiving and off-piste snowboarding and skiing .", "definition": "denoting or relating to a sport performed in a hazardous environment and involving great risk", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the huge adrenalin rush of surfing titanic waves such as this is often compared with other extreme sports such as skydiving and off-piste snowboarding and skiing .\" What is the definition of \"extreme\"?"} {"term": "fardel", "pos": "", "context": "among the items the bard needed to buy were : slings , arrows , a bodkin ( preferably bare ) and fardels .", "definition": "a bundle or collection", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"among the items the bard needed to buy were : slings , arrows , a bodkin ( preferably bare ) and fardels .\" What is the definition of \"fardel\"?"} {"term": "poke", "pos": "", "context": "poke the embers in the fireplace", "definition": "stir by poking", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"poke the embers in the fireplace\" What is the definition of \"poke\"?"} {"term": "dispute", "pos": "", "context": "at 1:30 p. m. the column is again in motion ; no enemy has appeared to dispute the advance .", "definition": "resist ( a landing or advance )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at 1:30 p. m. the column is again in motion ; no enemy has appeared to dispute the advance .\" What is the definition of \"dispute\"?"} {"term": "dispute", "pos": "", "context": "both kuerten and marshall vowed not to ride on a team with o'connor , and are in dispute with the selectors .", "definition": "a disagreement or argument", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"both kuerten and marshall vowed not to ride on a team with o'connor , and are in dispute with the selectors .\" What is the definition of \"dispute\"?"} {"term": "snick", "pos": "", "context": "however , old salts may at first find themselves trying in vain to snick the safety on before holstering .", "definition": "cause ( something ) to make a sharp clicking sound", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"however , old salts may at first find themselves trying in vain to snick the safety on before holstering .\" What is the definition of \"snick\"?"} {"term": "lane", "pos": "", "context": "but a stunning swim saw him book a central lane for the final , edging out phelps in his heat to qualify fastest .", "definition": "each of a number of parallel strips of track or water for runners , rowers , or swimmers in a race", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but a stunning swim saw him book a central lane for the final , edging out phelps in his heat to qualify fastest .\" What is the definition of \"lane\"?"} {"term": "lie", "pos": "", "context": "then , too , i am scared of tying too much money up here , not being entirely sure where the lie of the politics is .", "definition": "the way , direction , or position in which something lies", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"then , too , i am scared of tying too much money up here , not being entirely sure where the lie of the politics is .\" What is the definition of \"lie\"?"} {"term": "lie", "pos": "", "context": "he lies among the remains of pontiffs from centuries past and near the tomb traditionally believed to be of the apostle peter , the first pope .", "definition": "( of a dead person ) be buried in a particular place", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he lies among the remains of pontiffs from centuries past and near the tomb traditionally believed to be of the apostle peter , the first pope .\" What is the definition of \"lie\"?"} {"term": "kismet", "pos": "", "context": "and the house flagrantly flaunts fortune cookies that contain ‘ aphorisms ’ instead of portents of kismet and fame ( i urge you all to bitterly complain ) .", "definition": "destiny ; fate", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and the house flagrantly flaunts fortune cookies that contain ‘ aphorisms ’ instead of portents of kismet and fame ( i urge you all to bitterly complain ) .\" What is the definition of \"kismet\"?"} {"term": "couple", "pos": "", "context": "as the title suggests , this unlikely duo plays a couple of struggling actors .", "definition": "two people or things of the same sort considered together", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as the title suggests , this unlikely duo plays a couple of struggling actors .\" What is the definition of \"couple\"?"} {"term": "couple", "pos": "", "context": "he 's coming for a couple of days", "definition": "a small indefinite number", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he 's coming for a couple of days\" What is the definition of \"couple\"?"} {"term": "rule", "pos": "", "context": "written on ruled paper , the letter was found in a pile of papers at the greens 's home in gloucestershire .", "definition": "make parallel lines across ( paper )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"written on ruled paper , the letter was found in a pile of papers at the greens 's home in gloucestershire .\" What is the definition of \"rule\"?"} {"term": "rule", "pos": "", "context": "nor does it rule out individual cases of badly managed towns ; it just means they are the exception , rather than the rule .", "definition": "the normal or customary state of things", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nor does it rule out individual cases of badly managed towns ; it just means they are the exception , rather than the rule .\" What is the definition of \"rule\"?"} {"term": "rule", "pos": "", "context": "benedict drew up a rule for the monastic communities which were based on needs and functions .", "definition": "a code of practice and discipline for a religious order or community", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"benedict drew up a rule for the monastic communities which were based on needs and functions .\" What is the definition of \"rule\"?"} {"term": "stern", "pos": "", "context": "but she was stern in demeanor and normally carried a serious face .", "definition": "( of a person or their manner ) serious and unrelenting , especially in the assertion of authority and exercise of discipline", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but she was stern in demeanor and normally carried a serious face .\" What is the definition of \"stern\"?"} {"term": "leucine", "pos": "", "context": "key essential amino acids are valine , leucine , isoleucine , tryptophan and methionine .", "definition": "a hydrophobic amino acid which is a constituent of most proteins . it is an essential nutrient in the diet of vertebrates .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"key essential amino acids are valine , leucine , isoleucine , tryptophan and methionine .\" What is the definition of \"leucine\"?"} {"term": "trust", "pos": "", "context": "do n't trust my ex-wife", "definition": "extend credit to ; i wo n't pay her debts anymore '", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"do n't trust my ex-wife\" What is the definition of \"trust\"?"} {"term": "glance", "pos": "", "context": "a ray of sunlight glanced off the walls of the castle on the shores of edinample , lighting up its whiteness against the surrounding trees .", "definition": "( of light ) reflect off something with a brief flash", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a ray of sunlight glanced off the walls of the castle on the shores of edinample , lighting up its whiteness against the surrounding trees .\" What is the definition of \"glance\"?"} {"term": "sophisticate", "pos": "", "context": "a sophisticated design", "definition": "make more complex or refined", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a sophisticated design\" What is the definition of \"sophisticate\"?"} {"term": "incarceration", "pos": "", "context": "his ignominious incarceration in the local jail", "definition": "the state of being imprisoned", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his ignominious incarceration in the local jail\" What is the definition of \"incarceration\"?"} {"term": "chemisorption", "pos": "", "context": "chemisorption of gaseous nitrogen on iron catalysts", "definition": "adsorption ( especially when irreversible ) by means of chemical instead of physical forces", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"chemisorption of gaseous nitrogen on iron catalysts\" What is the definition of \"chemisorption\"?"} {"term": "lebanese", "pos": "", "context": "the lebanese have a healthy habit of laughing at themselves .", "definition": "a native or inhabitant of lebanon , or a person of lebanese descent", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the lebanese have a healthy habit of laughing at themselves .\" What is the definition of \"lebanese\"?"} {"term": "decipher", "pos": "", "context": "still , pepys ' shorthand was not deciphered until 1819 by an undergraduate who did not know that in the library pepys had also left magdalene was the shorthand primer on which the cipher was based .", "definition": "convert ( a text written in code , or a coded signal ) into normal language", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"still , pepys ' shorthand was not deciphered until 1819 by an undergraduate who did not know that in the library pepys had also left magdalene was the shorthand primer on which the cipher was based .\" What is the definition of \"decipher\"?"} {"term": "forth", "pos": "", "context": "from that time forth", "definition": "forward in time or order or degree", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"from that time forth\" What is the definition of \"forth\"?"} {"term": "forth", "pos": "", "context": "from that day forth we have had a lowering of public confidence in the police .", "definition": "onwards in time", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"from that day forth we have had a lowering of public confidence in the police .\" What is the definition of \"forth\"?"} {"term": "explosive", "pos": "", "context": "if anything , she has found being a woman has its advantages in terms of defusing explosive situations .", "definition": "likely to cause an outburst of anger or controversy", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if anything , she has found being a woman has its advantages in terms of defusing explosive situations .\" What is the definition of \"explosive\"?"} {"term": "explosive", "pos": "", "context": "explosive violence", "definition": "serving to explode or characterized by explosion or sudden outburst", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"explosive violence\" What is the definition of \"explosive\"?"} {"term": "explosive", "pos": "", "context": "an explosive issue", "definition": "liable to lead to sudden change or violence", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an explosive issue\" What is the definition of \"explosive\"?"} {"term": "banksia", "pos": "", "context": "there are a great many flowering bushes such as the distinctively australian banksias , and red-tailed skinks are often seen sunning themselves on the rocks .", "definition": "an evergreen australian shrub which typically has narrow leathery leaves and spikes of bottlebrush-like flowers .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there are a great many flowering bushes such as the distinctively australian banksias , and red-tailed skinks are often seen sunning themselves on the rocks .\" What is the definition of \"banksia\"?"} {"term": "objective", "pos": "", "context": "two prepositions should not govern one objective unless there is an immediate connection between them .", "definition": "relating to or denoting a case of nouns and pronouns serving as the object of a transitive verb or a preposition .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"two prepositions should not govern one objective unless there is an immediate connection between them .\" What is the definition of \"objective\"?"} {"term": "objective", "pos": "", "context": "in war , the balance of protection lies squarely on one 's own forces , whose security is not only important in human terms but in the context of achieving a military objective .", "definition": "a thing aimed at or sought ; a goal", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in war , the balance of protection lies squarely on one 's own forces , whose security is not only important in human terms but in the context of achieving a military objective .\" What is the definition of \"objective\"?"} {"term": "send", "pos": "", "context": "the air became cool with a slight breeze that whispered and moved her cloak , sending wisps of dark hair across her face as they rode .", "definition": "cause to move sharply or quickly ; propel", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the air became cool with a slight breeze that whispered and moved her cloak , sending wisps of dark hair across her face as they rode .\" What is the definition of \"send\"?"} {"term": "backbench", "pos": "", "context": "not one backbench labour mp spoke in the government 's support .", "definition": "( in the uk ) denoting or relating to a member of parliament who does not hold office in the government or opposition and who sits behind the front benches in the house of commons", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"not one backbench labour mp spoke in the government 's support .\" What is the definition of \"backbench\"?"} {"term": "closure", "pos": "", "context": "they regretted the closure of the day care center", "definition": "termination of operations", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they regretted the closure of the day care center\" What is the definition of \"closure\"?"} {"term": "closure", "pos": "", "context": "divorce counseling is concerned with helping the couple gain some sense of closure regarding their relationship .", "definition": "a feeling that an emotional or traumatic experience has been resolved", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"divorce counseling is concerned with helping the couple gain some sense of closure regarding their relationship .\" What is the definition of \"closure\"?"} {"term": "sapwood", "pos": "", "context": "old wood cut open reveals dead sapwood extending from an old pruning wound , the point of entry of the fungus .", "definition": "the soft outer layers of recently formed wood between the heartwood and the bark , containing the functioning vascular tissue .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"old wood cut open reveals dead sapwood extending from an old pruning wound , the point of entry of the fungus .\" What is the definition of \"sapwood\"?"} {"term": "bleeper", "pos": "", "context": "‘ you 're tied to the bleeper so the whole family is tied to the job and it becomes a way of life , ’ he says .", "definition": "a small portable electronic device which emits a series of high-pitched sounds when someone wants to contact the wearer .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ you 're tied to the bleeper so the whole family is tied to the job and it becomes a way of life , ’ he says .\" What is the definition of \"bleeper\"?"} {"term": "resourcefulness", "pos": "", "context": "mosquitoes are marvels of resourcefulness—one variety , < i > aedes communis < /i > , can handily survive sub-zero arctic winters .", "definition": "the ability to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mosquitoes are marvels of resourcefulness—one variety , < i > aedes communis < /i > , can handily survive sub-zero arctic winters .\" What is the definition of \"resourcefulness\"?"} {"term": "retrenchment", "pos": "", "context": "the directors defended the retrenchment of two expatriate general managers .", "definition": "the action of making an employee redundant", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the directors defended the retrenchment of two expatriate general managers .\" What is the definition of \"retrenchment\"?"} {"term": "proliferation", "pos": "", "context": "as with the increasing proliferation of mobile phones , we now have an emerging doctrine of ipod etiquette .", "definition": "rapid increase in the number or amount of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as with the increasing proliferation of mobile phones , we now have an emerging doctrine of ipod etiquette .\" What is the definition of \"proliferation\"?"} {"term": "proliferation", "pos": "", "context": "as usual , there was a proliferation of cameras , and the night seemed to be lived through a lens .", "definition": "a large number of something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as usual , there was a proliferation of cameras , and the night seemed to be lived through a lens .\" What is the definition of \"proliferation\"?"} {"term": "parameter", "pos": "", "context": "the programming uses script files that contain specific system parameters to operate in each of these modes .", "definition": "a numerical or other measurable factor forming one of a set that defines a system or sets the conditions of its operation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the programming uses script files that contain specific system parameters to operate in each of these modes .\" What is the definition of \"parameter\"?"} {"term": "parameter", "pos": "", "context": "first , i do not accept the framework you outline above as limiting the parameters of our debate .", "definition": "a limit or boundary which defines the scope of a particular process or activity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"first , i do not accept the framework you outline above as limiting the parameters of our debate .\" What is the definition of \"parameter\"?"} {"term": "tongue", "pos": "", "context": "butterflies feast on her delicate wares : one hangs upside-down on wispy legs as it tongues a rosebud .", "definition": "lick or caress with the tongue", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"butterflies feast on her delicate wares : one hangs upside-down on wispy legs as it tongues a rosebud .\" What is the definition of \"tongue\"?"} {"term": "tongue", "pos": "", "context": "at 2.39 leva the stara planina salad is a slightly less ostentatious plate of tongue , sausage , tomato , cheese and olives .", "definition": "the tongue of an ox or lamb as food", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at 2.39 leva the stara planina salad is a slightly less ostentatious plate of tongue , sausage , tomato , cheese and olives .\" What is the definition of \"tongue\"?"} {"term": "validation", "pos": "", "context": "on the day in question , he noticed a toyota with plates that did not have proper validation .", "definition": "the action of making or declaring something legally or officially acceptable", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on the day in question , he noticed a toyota with plates that did not have proper validation .\" What is the definition of \"validation\"?"} {"term": "putrefaction", "pos": "", "context": "afterwards , hong fen gao ( mercuric oxide paste ) was applied to transform putrefaction and generate flesh .", "definition": "the process of decay or rotting in a body or other organic matter", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"afterwards , hong fen gao ( mercuric oxide paste ) was applied to transform putrefaction and generate flesh .\" What is the definition of \"putrefaction\"?"} {"term": "vibrator", "pos": "", "context": "a reed is the vibrator that produces the sound", "definition": "a mechanical device that vibrates", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a reed is the vibrator that produces the sound\" What is the definition of \"vibrator\"?"} {"term": "whacko", "pos": "", "context": "of course i 'm not ending it here , ya whacko !", "definition": "used to express delight and enthusiasm", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"of course i 'm not ending it here , ya whacko !\" What is the definition of \"whacko\"?"} {"term": "conscript", "pos": "", "context": "constant readiness units manned by conscripts and those manned by conscripts plus contract soldiers are trained in accordance with a five-month program .", "definition": "a person enlisted compulsorily", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"constant readiness units manned by conscripts and those manned by conscripts plus contract soldiers are trained in accordance with a five-month program .\" What is the definition of \"conscript\"?"} {"term": "frau", "pos": "", "context": "a long time ago , in a castle near innsbruck , lived the owner of lots of land with the name of frau hitt .", "definition": "a title or form of address for a married or widowed german-speaking woman", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a long time ago , in a castle near innsbruck , lived the owner of lots of land with the name of frau hitt .\" What is the definition of \"frau\"?"} {"term": "twiddle", "pos": "", "context": "he twiddled his thumbs while waiting for the interview", "definition": "manipulate , as in a nervous or unconscious manner", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he twiddled his thumbs while waiting for the interview\" What is the definition of \"twiddle\"?"} {"term": "twiddle", "pos": "", "context": "in the anteroom , little knots of people emit a cacophony of twangs and twiddles while , in the adjacent baronial hall , by a framed portrait of our hero , dickie speake 's band is limbering up .", "definition": "a rapid or intricate series of musical notes", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the anteroom , little knots of people emit a cacophony of twangs and twiddles while , in the adjacent baronial hall , by a framed portrait of our hero , dickie speake 's band is limbering up .\" What is the definition of \"twiddle\"?"} {"term": "dickens", "pos": "", "context": "the dickens you say", "definition": "a word used in exclamations of confusion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the dickens you say\" What is the definition of \"dickens\"?"} {"term": "intervene", "pos": "", "context": "the war intervened between the birth of her two children", "definition": "occur between other event or between certain points of time", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the war intervened between the birth of her two children\" What is the definition of \"intervene\"?"} {"term": "intervene", "pos": "", "context": "my friend then intervened with the verbal equivalent of a good slap across the face by saying things like pull yourself together , man ! and for god-sake , shut up !", "definition": "interrupt verbally", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my friend then intervened with the verbal equivalent of a good slap across the face by saying things like pull yourself together , man ! and for god-sake , shut up !\" What is the definition of \"intervene\"?"} {"term": "house", "pos": "", "context": "the bill had been passed by both the houses of parliament before being signed by acting president mian mohammad soomro .", "definition": "a legislative or deliberative assembly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the bill had been passed by both the houses of parliament before being signed by acting president mian mohammad soomro .\" What is the definition of \"house\"?"} {"term": "house", "pos": "", "context": "no parts of the university were closed to the public ( of course , the residential fraternity houses were another matter ) .", "definition": "a residential building for pupils at a boarding school", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"no parts of the university were closed to the public ( of course , the residential fraternity houses were another matter ) .\" What is the definition of \"house\"?"} {"term": "house", "pos": "", "context": "a bicameral legislature has two houses", "definition": "an official assembly having legislative powers", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bicameral legislature has two houses\" What is the definition of \"house\"?"} {"term": "peristyle", "pos": "", "context": "the presence of gardens and especially of a peristyle make one think of a domus , or patrician residence .", "definition": "a row of columns surrounding a space within a building such as a court or internal garden or edging a veranda or porch .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the presence of gardens and especially of a peristyle make one think of a domus , or patrician residence .\" What is the definition of \"peristyle\"?"} {"term": "peristyle", "pos": "", "context": "one should perceive a bit further in the distance the colonnade forming the peristyle of the temple of berecynthia .", "definition": "a space such as a court or porch that is surrounded or edged by a peristyle .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"one should perceive a bit further in the distance the colonnade forming the peristyle of the temple of berecynthia .\" What is the definition of \"peristyle\"?"} {"term": "shebeen", "pos": "", "context": "emotions ran high in packed taverns and shebeens with some fans literally drowning their sorrows to get over the disappointment .", "definition": "( in south africa ) an informal licensed drinking place in a township .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"emotions ran high in packed taverns and shebeens with some fans literally drowning their sorrows to get over the disappointment .\" What is the definition of \"shebeen\"?"} {"term": "starter", "pos": "", "context": "the most important structuring device of this approach is the question starters that are provided to students to guide their peer discussion .", "definition": "a topic , question , or other item with which to start a group discussion or course of study", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the most important structuring device of this approach is the question starters that are provided to students to guide their peer discussion .\" What is the definition of \"starter\"?"} {"term": "stimulate", "pos": "", "context": "normally a central bank will lower interest rates to increase liquidity and to stimulate economic activity .", "definition": "encourage development of or increased activity in ( a state or process )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"normally a central bank will lower interest rates to increase liquidity and to stimulate economic activity .\" What is the definition of \"stimulate\"?"} {"term": "trend", "pos": "", "context": "some trends may be apparent but other changes may occur which may contradict the general direction of the trend .", "definition": "a general direction in which something is developing or changing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some trends may be apparent but other changes may occur which may contradict the general direction of the trend .\" What is the definition of \"trend\"?"} {"term": "coonskin", "pos": "", "context": "in short order , kids throughout the country were nagging their parents for the mock coonskin caps that coincidentally began to appear in stores .", "definition": "the pelt of a raccoon", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in short order , kids throughout the country were nagging their parents for the mock coonskin caps that coincidentally began to appear in stores .\" What is the definition of \"coonskin\"?"} {"term": "pentazocine", "pos": "", "context": "meperidine or pentazocine are recommended by some physicians .", "definition": "a synthetic compound that is a potent non-addictive analgesic , often given during childbirth .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"meperidine or pentazocine are recommended by some physicians .\" What is the definition of \"pentazocine\"?"} {"term": "character", "pos": "", "context": "such a limitation requires a strong breed of man , however , with a quality of character and nobility of soul .", "definition": "the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"such a limitation requires a strong breed of man , however , with a quality of character and nobility of soul .\" What is the definition of \"character\"?"} {"term": "character", "pos": "", "context": "he is a man of character", "definition": "good repute", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he is a man of character\" What is the definition of \"character\"?"} {"term": "character", "pos": "", "context": "she is the main character in the novel", "definition": "an imaginary person represented in a work of fiction ( play or film or story )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she is the main character in the novel\" What is the definition of \"character\"?"} {"term": "barge", "pos": "", "context": "although built in 1953 she reflects the design of horse drawn barges used when the canal first opened more than 200 years ago .", "definition": "a long flat-bottomed boat for carrying freight on canals and rivers , either under its own power or towed by another .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"although built in 1953 she reflects the design of horse drawn barges used when the canal first opened more than 200 years ago .\" What is the definition of \"barge\"?"} {"term": "acquit", "pos": "", "context": "the fact that you have not had a fair trial is irrelevant if you are acquitted .", "definition": "free ( someone ) from a criminal charge by a verdict of not guilty", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the fact that you have not had a fair trial is irrelevant if you are acquitted .\" What is the definition of \"acquit\"?"} {"term": "niche", "pos": "", "context": "this commitment to seeing the job done is peter 's niche , he adds .", "definition": "a comfortable or suitable position in life or employment", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this commitment to seeing the job done is peter 's niche , he adds .\" What is the definition of \"niche\"?"} {"term": "separation", "pos": "", "context": "the album with 16 songs captures the torment , pain and frustration the prisoners undergo after separation from their loved ones .", "definition": "the action or state of moving or being moved apart", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the album with 16 songs captures the torment , pain and frustration the prisoners undergo after separation from their loved ones .\" What is the definition of \"separation\"?"} {"term": "bomb", "pos": "", "context": "according to sources , dissident groups are now at work planning to plant bombs or detonate incendiary devices .", "definition": "a container filled with explosive or incendiary material , designed to explode on impact or when detonated by a timing , proximity , or remote-control device", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"according to sources , dissident groups are now at work planning to plant bombs or detonate incendiary devices .\" What is the definition of \"bomb\"?"} {"term": "gear", "pos": "", "context": "despite being geared to reach its top speed in the fifth of its seven gears , you can never quite escape the v10 's voice .", "definition": "design or adjust the gears in a machine to give a specified speed or power output", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"despite being geared to reach its top speed in the fifth of its seven gears , you can never quite escape the v10 's voice .\" What is the definition of \"gear\"?"} {"term": "biology", "pos": "", "context": "race and ethnicity are neither natural nor given : they have no basis in human biology .", "definition": "the physiology , behaviour , and other qualities of a particular organism or class of organisms", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"race and ethnicity are neither natural nor given : they have no basis in human biology .\" What is the definition of \"biology\"?"} {"term": "cityscape", "pos": "", "context": "why i mention all this is because there 's an exhibition opening tomorrow evening at the gallery which i earnestly recommend because it concentrates on new paintings of south african cityscapes and landscapes .", "definition": "a picture of a city .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"why i mention all this is because there 's an exhibition opening tomorrow evening at the gallery which i earnestly recommend because it concentrates on new paintings of south african cityscapes and landscapes .\" What is the definition of \"cityscape\"?"} {"term": "jaguarundi", "pos": "", "context": "we had reached mexico 's calakmul biosphere reserve , home to jaguarundis , ocelots , margays , pumas , and jaguars .", "definition": "a small american wild cat with a uniform red or grey coat , slender body , and short legs , found from arizona to argentina .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we had reached mexico 's calakmul biosphere reserve , home to jaguarundis , ocelots , margays , pumas , and jaguars .\" What is the definition of \"jaguarundi\"?"} {"term": "sod", "pos": "", "context": "remove dead patches along with 3 to 4 inches of soil underneath ; fill the hole with a fresh piece of sod , as shown above , or overseed .", "definition": "a piece of turf", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"remove dead patches along with 3 to 4 inches of soil underneath ; fill the hole with a fresh piece of sod , as shown above , or overseed .\" What is the definition of \"sod\"?"} {"term": "oath", "pos": "", "context": "another woman reporter made a solemn oath to bring her husband and 13-month-old baby to the park next year .", "definition": "a solemn promise , often invoking a divine witness , regarding one 's future action or behaviour", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"another woman reporter made a solemn oath to bring her husband and 13-month-old baby to the park next year .\" What is the definition of \"oath\"?"} {"term": "oath", "pos": "", "context": "the system can require an oath in criminal court and enforce penalties for perjury .", "definition": "a sworn declaration , such as the promise to tell the truth , in a court of law", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the system can require an oath in criminal court and enforce penalties for perjury .\" What is the definition of \"oath\"?"} {"term": "jib", "pos": "", "context": "the sail jibbed wildly", "definition": "shift from one side of the ship to the other", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sail jibbed wildly\" What is the definition of \"jib\"?"} {"term": "hound", "pos": "", "context": "no one will badger , harass , bother or hound you about your progress , or lack thereof .", "definition": "harass , persecute , or pursue relentlessly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"no one will badger , harass , bother or hound you about your progress , or lack thereof .\" What is the definition of \"hound\"?"} {"term": "expatriation", "pos": "", "context": "the expatriation of wealthy farmers", "definition": "the act of expelling a person from their native land", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the expatriation of wealthy farmers\" What is the definition of \"expatriation\"?"} {"term": "counterargument", "pos": "", "context": "there is one important counterargument raised , perhaps not surprisingly , by my wife .", "definition": "an argument or set of reasons put forward to oppose an idea or theory developed in another argument", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is one important counterargument raised , perhaps not surprisingly , by my wife .\" What is the definition of \"counterargument\"?"} {"term": "viscosity", "pos": "", "context": "their lower viscosity and greater lateral mobility explain why the mafic magmas were distributed over a much wider area than the felsic magmas .", "definition": "the state of being thick , sticky , and semi-fluid in consistency , due to internal friction", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their lower viscosity and greater lateral mobility explain why the mafic magmas were distributed over a much wider area than the felsic magmas .\" What is the definition of \"viscosity\"?"} {"term": "intercalate", "pos": "", "context": "an extra month is intercalated every three years , just before the month of nisan .", "definition": "insert ( an intercalary period ) in a calendar", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an extra month is intercalated every three years , just before the month of nisan .\" What is the definition of \"intercalate\"?"} {"term": "intercalate", "pos": "", "context": "the limestones are intercalated with thin shaly interlayers .", "definition": "insert ( something ) between layers in a crystal lattice , geological formation , or other structure", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the limestones are intercalated with thin shaly interlayers .\" What is the definition of \"intercalate\"?"} {"term": "flying", "pos": "", "context": "fast-flying planes", "definition": "moving swiftly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fast-flying planes\" What is the definition of \"flying\"?"} {"term": "hammer", "pos": "", "context": "health professionals are mobilising to condemn the government , propose major structural reforms , and hammer the ineffectual minister .", "definition": "attack or criticize forcefully and relentlessly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"health professionals are mobilising to condemn the government , propose major structural reforms , and hammer the ineffectual minister .\" What is the definition of \"hammer\"?"} {"term": "hammer", "pos": "", "context": "the weakened side were hammered 62-2 and they could face another beating this week unless some players choose to return .", "definition": "utterly defeat in a game or contest", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the weakened side were hammered 62-2 and they could face another beating this week unless some players choose to return .\" What is the definition of \"hammer\"?"} {"term": "hammer", "pos": "", "context": "hammer the silver into a bowl", "definition": "create by hammering", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hammer the silver into a bowl\" What is the definition of \"hammer\"?"} {"term": "myriad", "pos": "", "context": "these trades churned out in ever more massive quantities a myriad of small objects for personal and domestic adornment and use .", "definition": "a countless or extremely great number of people or things", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these trades churned out in ever more massive quantities a myriad of small objects for personal and domestic adornment and use .\" What is the definition of \"myriad\"?"} {"term": "brush", "pos": "", "context": "a cook county forest preserve district representative last week said brush pile fires , set to dispose of chopped trees and buckthorn , and prescribed burns pose no threat to the public .", "definition": "cut brushwood .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a cook county forest preserve district representative last week said brush pile fires , set to dispose of chopped trees and buckthorn , and prescribed burns pose no threat to the public .\" What is the definition of \"brush\"?"} {"term": "brush", "pos": "", "context": "i had put on my clothes , brushed my teeth , fixed my hair and cleaned up my room a little before they came back upstairs .", "definition": "clean ( one 's teeth ) with a brush .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i had put on my clothes , brushed my teeth , fixed my hair and cleaned up my room a little before they came back upstairs .\" What is the definition of \"brush\"?"} {"term": "brush", "pos": "", "context": "brush aside the objections", "definition": "remove with or as if with a brush", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"brush aside the objections\" What is the definition of \"brush\"?"} {"term": "brush", "pos": "", "context": "the dentist recommended two brushes a day", "definition": "the act of brushing your teeth", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the dentist recommended two brushes a day\" What is the definition of \"brush\"?"} {"term": "brush", "pos": "", "context": "her long skirt brushed the floor", "definition": "sweep across or over", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"her long skirt brushed the floor\" What is the definition of \"brush\"?"} {"term": "peroxide", "pos": "", "context": "his delicately peroxided locks also contribute to his irresistible charms .", "definition": "bleach ( hair ) with peroxide", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his delicately peroxided locks also contribute to his irresistible charms .\" What is the definition of \"peroxide\"?"} {"term": "pan", "pos": "", "context": "the camera panned across the room", "definition": "make a sweeping movement", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the camera panned across the room\" What is the definition of \"pan\"?"} {"term": "pan", "pos": "", "context": "apparently , these two do n't realize they 're watching a movie that was universally panned by critics and audiences alike .", "definition": "criticize severely", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"apparently , these two do n't realize they 're watching a movie that was universally panned by critics and audiences alike .\" What is the definition of \"pan\"?"} {"term": "pan", "pos": "", "context": "on their lee sides some pans have clay dunes or lunettes composed of sandy , silty , clayey , and salty materials blown out from the pan floor .", "definition": "a hollow in the ground in which water may collect or in which a deposit of salt remains after water has evaporated .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on their lee sides some pans have clay dunes or lunettes composed of sandy , silty , clayey , and salty materials blown out from the pan floor .\" What is the definition of \"pan\"?"} {"term": "pan", "pos": "", "context": "in my experience , it is like pulling teeth to get emotional detail out of some men , and similarly like panning for gold to get political conversation out of some women .", "definition": "wash gravel in a pan to separate out ( gold )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in my experience , it is like pulling teeth to get emotional detail out of some men , and similarly like panning for gold to get political conversation out of some women .\" What is the definition of \"pan\"?"} {"term": "preliminary", "pos": "", "context": "harsh northern conditions demand careful and preliminary preparation of personnel .", "definition": "preceding or done in preparation for something fuller or more important", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"harsh northern conditions demand careful and preliminary preparation of personnel .\" What is the definition of \"preliminary\"?"} {"term": "preliminary", "pos": "", "context": "a preliminary investigation", "definition": "denoting an action or event preceding or in preparation for something more important ; designed to orient or acquaint with a situation before proceeding", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a preliminary investigation\" What is the definition of \"preliminary\"?"} {"term": "scyphozoa", "pos": "", "context": "the groups hydrozoa , scyphozoa and cubozoa all are generally characterized as having polyps and medusae ( although minor lineages have lost medusae and in some cases polyps ) .", "definition": "a class of marine coelenterates which comprises the jellyfishes .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the groups hydrozoa , scyphozoa and cubozoa all are generally characterized as having polyps and medusae ( although minor lineages have lost medusae and in some cases polyps ) .\" What is the definition of \"scyphozoa\"?"} {"term": "weaken", "pos": "", "context": "the fever weakened his body", "definition": "lessen the strength of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the fever weakened his body\" What is the definition of \"weaken\"?"} {"term": "pasture", "pos": "", "context": "on common lands they could pasture a cow and gather firewood .", "definition": "put ( animals ) to graze in a pasture", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on common lands they could pasture a cow and gather firewood .\" What is the definition of \"pasture\"?"} {"term": "pasture", "pos": "", "context": "a pasture field was planted in texas that had a severe rifa infestation .", "definition": "land covered with grass and other low plants suitable for grazing animals , especially cattle or sheep", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a pasture field was planted in texas that had a severe rifa infestation .\" What is the definition of \"pasture\"?"} {"term": "promenade", "pos": "", "context": "he asks his dancers to make twisted shapes that reconfigure human anatomy , and to perform difficult balances in forced arches , painstakingly slow promenades , impossibly deep , sustained lunges and plies .", "definition": "( in country dancing ) a movement in which couples follow one another in a given direction , each couple having both hands joined .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he asks his dancers to make twisted shapes that reconfigure human anatomy , and to perform difficult balances in forced arches , painstakingly slow promenades , impossibly deep , sustained lunges and plies .\" What is the definition of \"promenade\"?"} {"term": "promenade", "pos": "", "context": "the walk along the promenade to the more genteel frinton-on-sea is lined with beach huts , and the weather was good for taking photos .", "definition": "a paved public walk , typically one along the seafront at a resort .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the walk along the promenade to the more genteel frinton-on-sea is lined with beach huts , and the weather was good for taking photos .\" What is the definition of \"promenade\"?"} {"term": "all-rounder", "pos": "", "context": "she 's the best all-rounder they 've seen in years", "definition": "a versatile person who is expert at many things", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she 's the best all-rounder they 've seen in years\" What is the definition of \"all-rounder\"?"} {"term": "godmother", "pos": "", "context": "and anyway , is n't the role of the godmother to oversee the child 's spiritual welfare ?", "definition": "a woman who presents a child at baptism and promises to take responsibility for their religious education", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and anyway , is n't the role of the godmother to oversee the child 's spiritual welfare ?\" What is the definition of \"godmother\"?"} {"term": "key", "pos": "", "context": "key one 's actions to the voters ' prevailing attitude", "definition": "harmonize with or adjust to", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"key one 's actions to the voters ' prevailing attitude\" What is the definition of \"key\"?"} {"term": "key", "pos": "", "context": "some students had stolen the key to the final exam", "definition": "a list of answers to a test", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some students had stolen the key to the final exam\" What is the definition of \"key\"?"} {"term": "jar", "pos": "", "context": "they locked the body of the deceased in a box on the fourth day after the murder , and , having left the garret door open and the street door on the jar , one of the apprentices was told to call nanny down to dinner , and to tell her that , if she promised to behave well in future , she would be no longer confined .", "definition": "ajar .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they locked the body of the deceased in a box on the fourth day after the murder , and , having left the garret door open and the street door on the jar , one of the apprentices was told to call nanny down to dinner , and to tell her that , if she promised to behave well in future , she would be no longer confined .\" What is the definition of \"jar\"?"} {"term": "premonstratensian", "pos": "", "context": "this premonstratensian remains ‘ utterly devoted to sainte foy , ’ signing himself as ‘ caretaker of this radiance . ’", "definition": "a member of an order of regular canons founded at prémontré in france in 1120 , or of the corresponding order of nuns .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this premonstratensian remains ‘ utterly devoted to sainte foy , ’ signing himself as ‘ caretaker of this radiance . ’\" What is the definition of \"premonstratensian\"?"} {"term": "rainmaker", "pos": "", "context": "gray was happy to play rainmaker among his fellow internet entrepreneurs ; some of them were his customers , and city officials referred others .", "definition": "a person who generates income for a business or organization by brokering deals or attracting clients or funds .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gray was happy to play rainmaker among his fellow internet entrepreneurs ; some of them were his customers , and city officials referred others .\" What is the definition of \"rainmaker\"?"} {"term": "progression", "pos": "", "context": "i 'll take simple rock chord progressions or melodies and throw some perplexity or confusion into the mix - like adding garlic to vanilla ice cream .", "definition": "a passage or movement from one note or chord to another", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i 'll take simple rock chord progressions or melodies and throw some perplexity or confusion into the mix - like adding garlic to vanilla ice cream .\" What is the definition of \"progression\"?"} {"term": "healthy", "pos": "", "context": "healthy and normal outlets for youthful energy", "definition": "promoting health ; healthful", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"healthy and normal outlets for youthful energy\" What is the definition of \"healthy\"?"} {"term": "sap", "pos": "", "context": "she sapped him again , this time in his solar plexus , and he fell , unconscious .", "definition": "hit with a bludgeon or club", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she sapped him again , this time in his solar plexus , and he fell , unconscious .\" What is the definition of \"sap\"?"} {"term": "direct", "pos": "", "context": "i directed them towards the town hall", "definition": "give directions to ; point somebody into a certain direction", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i directed them towards the town hall\" What is the definition of \"direct\"?"} {"term": "direct", "pos": "", "context": "there were two orders directing them to supply expert reports in support of their claims .", "definition": "give ( someone ) an official order or authoritative instruction", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there were two orders directing them to supply expert reports in support of their claims .\" What is the definition of \"direct\"?"} {"term": "direct", "pos": "", "context": "the beautiful choir from st aiden 's n.s . was trained and directed by vivienne lee and the organist was her father george lee .", "definition": "train and conduct ( a group of musicians ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the beautiful choir from st aiden 's n.s . was trained and directed by vivienne lee and the organist was her father george lee .\" What is the definition of \"direct\"?"} {"term": "direct", "pos": "", "context": "despite the lack of direct evidence , certain trends which impinged upon acting can be traced across the period .", "definition": "( of evidence or proof ) bearing immediately and unambiguously upon the facts at issue", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"despite the lack of direct evidence , certain trends which impinged upon acting can be traced across the period .\" What is the definition of \"direct\"?"} {"term": "direct", "pos": "", "context": "if you bypass that town on the n80 , you will observe that all signs directing you to the town say ‘ ceatharlach town centre ’ .", "definition": "tell or show ( someone ) how to get somewhere", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if you bypass that town on the n80 , you will observe that all signs directing you to the town say ‘ ceatharlach town centre ’ .\" What is the definition of \"direct\"?"} {"term": "direct", "pos": "", "context": "since i am the treasurer and the niece sends the dues checks to this address , she directed a certified letter here for the empress .", "definition": "address or give instructions for the delivery of ( a letter or parcel )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"since i am the treasurer and the niece sends the dues checks to this address , she directed a certified letter here for the empress .\" What is the definition of \"direct\"?"} {"term": "direct", "pos": "", "context": "‘ the key with any advertising is understanding the target that that advertising is directed at , ’ wolf said .", "definition": "target a product or advertisement specifically at ( someone )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ the key with any advertising is understanding the target that that advertising is directed at , ’ wolf said .\" What is the definition of \"direct\"?"} {"term": "scar", "pos": "", "context": "the skin disease scarred his face permanently", "definition": "mark with a scar", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the skin disease scarred his face permanently\" What is the definition of \"scar\"?"} {"term": "singlet", "pos": "", "context": "the study of the excited states properties has shown that its photoreactivity in neutral aqueous medium is singlet initiated .", "definition": "an atomic or molecular state in which all electron spins are paired", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the study of the excited states properties has shown that its photoreactivity in neutral aqueous medium is singlet initiated .\" What is the definition of \"singlet\"?"} {"term": "sum", "pos": "", "context": "the thesis contains a different proof of the fact just shown by lefschetz that for any closed manifold the sum of the indices of a generic vector field is a topological invariant , namely the euler characteristic .", "definition": "the total amount resulting from the addition of two or more numbers , amounts , or items", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the thesis contains a different proof of the fact just shown by lefschetz that for any closed manifold the sum of the indices of a generic vector field is a topological invariant , namely the euler characteristic .\" What is the definition of \"sum\"?"} {"term": "knickerbocker", "pos": "", "context": "he was dressed in a fancy pale blue over jacket with matching knickerbockers , and white hose .", "definition": "loose-fitting breeches gathered at the knee or calf .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was dressed in a fancy pale blue over jacket with matching knickerbockers , and white hose .\" What is the definition of \"knickerbocker\"?"} {"term": "eccentricity", "pos": "", "context": "the eccentricity of the planetary orbits is small .", "definition": "deviation of a curve or orbit from circularity .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the eccentricity of the planetary orbits is small .\" What is the definition of \"eccentricity\"?"} {"term": "paca", "pos": "", "context": "what she finds stuffed into its pens and cages , or tethered nearby , is a fair representation of nicaragua 's jungle wildlife : scores of parrots and parakeets , pacas , an ocelot cub , deer yearlings , a spider monkey .", "definition": "a large nocturnal south american rodent that has a reddish-brown coat patterned with rows of white spots and is hunted for its meat .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"what she finds stuffed into its pens and cages , or tethered nearby , is a fair representation of nicaragua 's jungle wildlife : scores of parrots and parakeets , pacas , an ocelot cub , deer yearlings , a spider monkey .\" What is the definition of \"paca\"?"} {"term": "malnutrition", "pos": "", "context": "what is beyond dispute is that people in many of the world 's poorer nations suffer from disease and malnutrition .", "definition": "lack of proper nutrition , caused by not having enough to eat , not eating enough of the right things , or being unable to use the food that one does eat", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"what is beyond dispute is that people in many of the world 's poorer nations suffer from disease and malnutrition .\" What is the definition of \"malnutrition\"?"} {"term": "talon", "pos": "", "context": "every bond was provided with 24 half-yearly coupons and a talon for the renewal of the coupon-sheet .", "definition": "a printed form attached to a bearer bond that enables the holder to apply for a new sheet of coupons when the existing coupons have been used up .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"every bond was provided with 24 half-yearly coupons and a talon for the renewal of the coupon-sheet .\" What is the definition of \"talon\"?"} {"term": "enjoyment", "pos": "", "context": "molly and billy were very appreciative of gifts bestowed on them and were delighted that the hospice was a worthy beneficiary as a result of their own enjoyment .", "definition": "the action of possessing and benefiting from something .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"molly and billy were very appreciative of gifts bestowed on them and were delighted that the hospice was a worthy beneficiary as a result of their own enjoyment .\" What is the definition of \"enjoyment\"?"} {"term": "girl", "pos": "", "context": "there will be major parts for nine small children - seven girls and two boys , and minor parts for up to ten more .", "definition": "a female child", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there will be major parts for nine small children - seven girls and two boys , and minor parts for up to ten more .\" What is the definition of \"girl\"?"} {"term": "roofline", "pos": "", "context": "passengers are also assured excellent safety thanks to airbags in the roofline to protect their heads .", "definition": "the design or proportions of a vehicle 's roof .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"passengers are also assured excellent safety thanks to airbags in the roofline to protect their heads .\" What is the definition of \"roofline\"?"} {"term": "ambulatory", "pos": "", "context": "the patient is ambulatory", "definition": "able to walk about", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the patient is ambulatory\" What is the definition of \"ambulatory\"?"} {"term": "ambulatory", "pos": "", "context": "each survey was conducted among a nationally representative , random sample of office-based physicians who provide ambulatory patient care .", "definition": "movable ; mobile", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"each survey was conducted among a nationally representative , random sample of office-based physicians who provide ambulatory patient care .\" What is the definition of \"ambulatory\"?"} {"term": "new", "pos": "", "context": "cadmar ladled up the fish he had boiled with new onions and cress , and so we ate .", "definition": "( of vegetables ) dug or harvested early in the season", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cadmar ladled up the fish he had boiled with new onions and cress , and so we ate .\" What is the definition of \"new\"?"} {"term": "new", "pos": "", "context": "the others are the derwent valley mills in derbyshire , and new lanark in south lanarkshire .", "definition": "discovered or founded later than and named after", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the others are the derwent valley mills in derbyshire , and new lanark in south lanarkshire .\" What is the definition of \"new\"?"} {"term": "pianissimo", "pos": "", "context": "the conductor emphasises them strongly against pianissimo strings to marvelous effect , more so than in any other interpretation on disc .", "definition": "( especially as a direction ) very soft or softly .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the conductor emphasises them strongly against pianissimo strings to marvelous effect , more so than in any other interpretation on disc .\" What is the definition of \"pianissimo\"?"} {"term": "face-off", "pos": "", "context": "the face-off between the management and employees of the company began when a new worker unknowingly opened a window in an area where a steam machine is used to dry finished textile materials .", "definition": "a direct confrontation between two people or groups", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the face-off between the management and employees of the company began when a new worker unknowingly opened a window in an area where a steam machine is used to dry finished textile materials .\" What is the definition of \"face-off\"?"} {"term": "wise", "pos": "", "context": "do n't be in a hurry in purchasing replacement parts , be wise in choosing the parts you are going to use in your ford car or truck .", "definition": "having knowledge in a specified subject", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"do n't be in a hurry in purchasing replacement parts , be wise in choosing the parts you are going to use in your ford car or truck .\" What is the definition of \"wise\"?"} {"term": "adjudicator", "pos": "", "context": "nicola goes before the adjudicators on wednesday evening and must wait like so many others until thursday evening before she gets the result .", "definition": "a person who adjudicates", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nicola goes before the adjudicators on wednesday evening and must wait like so many others until thursday evening before she gets the result .\" What is the definition of \"adjudicator\"?"} {"term": "crumble", "pos": "", "context": "sprinkle the demerara sugar and rosemary over the top then crumble the remaining mixture over to more or less cover .", "definition": "cause ( something ) to break apart into small fragments", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sprinkle the demerara sugar and rosemary over the top then crumble the remaining mixture over to more or less cover .\" What is the definition of \"crumble\"?"} {"term": "crumble", "pos": "", "context": "making the mistake of taking a breath , my resolve crumbled and tears began to stream silently down my face .", "definition": "( of something abstract ) disintegrate gradually over a period of time", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"making the mistake of taking a breath , my resolve crumbled and tears began to stream silently down my face .\" What is the definition of \"crumble\"?"} {"term": "crumble", "pos": "", "context": "the dessert - apricot and mango crumble - was also made with special gluten-free flour .", "definition": "a pudding made with crumble and fruit", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the dessert - apricot and mango crumble - was also made with special gluten-free flour .\" What is the definition of \"crumble\"?"} {"term": "contusion", "pos": "", "context": "the bruise resulted from a contusion", "definition": "the action of bruising", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the bruise resulted from a contusion\" What is the definition of \"contusion\"?"} {"term": "backup", "pos": "", "context": "a traffic backup on the main street", "definition": "an accumulation caused by clogging or a stoppage", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a traffic backup on the main street\" What is the definition of \"backup\"?"} {"term": "remission", "pos": "", "context": "she has now been in remission for 16 months .", "definition": "a temporary diminution of the severity of disease or pain", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she has now been in remission for 16 months .\" What is the definition of \"remission\"?"} {"term": "stud", "pos": "", "context": "this gravel can rip out tyre studs , making the roads even more difficult than usual .", "definition": "a small metal piece set into the tyre of a motor vehicle to improve roadholding in slippery conditions .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this gravel can rip out tyre studs , making the roads even more difficult than usual .\" What is the definition of \"stud\"?"} {"term": "downtown", "pos": "", "context": "sick of being miserable , she signs up for computer courses downtown , loses the specs and gets a whole new wardrobe .", "definition": "in or into a downtown area", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sick of being miserable , she signs up for computer courses downtown , loses the specs and gets a whole new wardrobe .\" What is the definition of \"downtown\"?"} {"term": "rumbling", "pos": "", "context": "the rumbling rolling sound of thunder", "definition": "continuous full and low-pitched throbbing sound", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the rumbling rolling sound of thunder\" What is the definition of \"rumbling\"?"} {"term": "aegis", "pos": "", "context": "supporters of globalism are optimistic that under the aegis of a single government , the world will experience peace .", "definition": "the protection , backing , or support of a particular person or organization", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"supporters of globalism are optimistic that under the aegis of a single government , the world will experience peace .\" What is the definition of \"aegis\"?"} {"term": "advance", "pos": "", "context": "an advance party", "definition": "situated ahead or going before", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an advance party\" What is the definition of \"advance\"?"} {"term": "perspective", "pos": "", "context": "movement is in 3d from a first person perspective and all monsters appear as still pictures with only small sections being animated .", "definition": "the appearance of viewed objects with regard to their relative position , distance from the viewer , etc .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"movement is in 3d from a first person perspective and all monsters appear as still pictures with only small sections being animated .\" What is the definition of \"perspective\"?"} {"term": "perspective", "pos": "", "context": "the artwork has to be able to point towards new perspectives and formulate new possibilities and new narratives .", "definition": "a particular attitude towards or way of regarding something ; a point of view", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the artwork has to be able to point towards new perspectives and formulate new possibilities and new narratives .\" What is the definition of \"perspective\"?"} {"term": "circumstances", "pos": "", "context": "he found himself in straitened circumstances", "definition": "a person 's financial situation ( good or bad )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he found himself in straitened circumstances\" What is the definition of \"circumstances\"?"} {"term": "precondition", "pos": "", "context": "this attitude was acceptable when not much information was available about what makes a tree fail or what factors precondition a tree to fail .", "definition": "bring ( something ) into the desired state for use", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this attitude was acceptable when not much information was available about what makes a tree fail or what factors precondition a tree to fail .\" What is the definition of \"precondition\"?"} {"term": "acid", "pos": "", "context": "an acid reaction", "definition": "having the characteristics of an acid", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an acid reaction\" What is the definition of \"acid\"?"} {"term": "penny-farthing", "pos": "", "context": "the programme of sports included a popular penny-farthing race , which was won by a man from bawtry for the third year in succession .", "definition": "an early type of bicycle , made in britain , with a very large front wheel and a small rear wheel .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the programme of sports included a popular penny-farthing race , which was won by a man from bawtry for the third year in succession .\" What is the definition of \"penny-farthing\"?"} {"term": "cartouche", "pos": "", "context": "each is massively framed by an ornate gilt rococo cartouche carved by giovanni giuliani in 1706 .", "definition": "an ornate frame around a design or inscription", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"each is massively framed by an ornate gilt rococo cartouche carved by giovanni giuliani in 1706 .\" What is the definition of \"cartouche\"?"} {"term": "creole", "pos": "", "context": "the lack of local creole literature has prompted many martinicans to deny that creole constitutes a language .", "definition": "a mother tongue formed from the contact of a european language ( especially english , french , spanish , or portuguese ) with local languages ( especially african languages spoken by slaves in the west indies )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the lack of local creole literature has prompted many martinicans to deny that creole constitutes a language .\" What is the definition of \"creole\"?"} {"term": "honduran", "pos": "", "context": "until his death in 2000 , he and the people he inspired transformed honduran agriculture .", "definition": "relating to honduras or its people", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"until his death in 2000 , he and the people he inspired transformed honduran agriculture .\" What is the definition of \"honduran\"?"} {"term": "stretcher", "pos": "", "context": "a foot stretcher breakage in the egyptian boat caused the second semi-final to be delayed .", "definition": "a board in a boat against which a rower presses the feet for support .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a foot stretcher breakage in the egyptian boat caused the second semi-final to be delayed .\" What is the definition of \"stretcher\"?"} {"term": "stretcher", "pos": "", "context": "bystanders and ambulance workers made crude stretchers to carry the wounded to vehicles to take them to nearby hospitals .", "definition": "a framework of two poles with a long piece of canvas slung between them , used for carrying sick , injured , or dead people .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"bystanders and ambulance workers made crude stretchers to carry the wounded to vehicles to take them to nearby hospitals .\" What is the definition of \"stretcher\"?"} {"term": "forerunner", "pos": "", "context": "the buddha said , ‘ just as the dawn is the forerunner and the first indication of the rising sun , so is right view the forerunner and the first indication of wholesome states . ’", "definition": "a sign or warning of something to come", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the buddha said , ‘ just as the dawn is the forerunner and the first indication of the rising sun , so is right view the forerunner and the first indication of wholesome states . ’\" What is the definition of \"forerunner\"?"} {"term": "bullet", "pos": "", "context": "he could just not bring himself to confront an unwanted employee , face to face , and give him the bullet .", "definition": "dismissal from employment", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he could just not bring himself to confront an unwanted employee , face to face , and give him the bullet .\" What is the definition of \"bullet\"?"} {"term": "evasion", "pos": "", "context": "some chinese history specialists were less inclined to make excuses for the evasions , however .", "definition": "an indirect answer ; a prevaricating excuse", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some chinese history specialists were less inclined to make excuses for the evasions , however .\" What is the definition of \"evasion\"?"} {"term": "evasion", "pos": "", "context": "sound tax reforms entail effective broadening of the tax base at all levels of government , including through checking evasion and avoidance .", "definition": "the action of evading something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sound tax reforms entail effective broadening of the tax base at all levels of government , including through checking evasion and avoidance .\" What is the definition of \"evasion\"?"} {"term": "litany", "pos": "", "context": "when the litany is sung or said immediately before the eucharist , the litany concludes here , and the eucharist begins with the salutation and the collect of the day .", "definition": "a litany contained in the book of common prayer .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when the litany is sung or said immediately before the eucharist , the litany concludes here , and the eucharist begins with the salutation and the collect of the day .\" What is the definition of \"litany\"?"} {"term": "reticulation", "pos": "", "context": "she also had lacy , white reticulations on her buccal mucosa .", "definition": "a pattern or arrangement of interlacing lines resembling a net", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she also had lacy , white reticulations on her buccal mucosa .\" What is the definition of \"reticulation\"?"} {"term": "reticulation", "pos": "", "context": "the reticulation of a leaf", "definition": "an arrangement resembling a net or network", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the reticulation of a leaf\" What is the definition of \"reticulation\"?"} {"term": "archipelago", "pos": "", "context": "their preferred habitat is the annual sea ice over the continental shelf and inter-island archipelagos that encircle the polar basin .", "definition": "a sea or stretch of water having many islands .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their preferred habitat is the annual sea ice over the continental shelf and inter-island archipelagos that encircle the polar basin .\" What is the definition of \"archipelago\"?"} {"term": "boil", "pos": "", "context": "the issue has gone off the boil in recent times .", "definition": "a state of great activity or excitement", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the issue has gone off the boil in recent times .\" What is the definition of \"boil\"?"} {"term": "boil", "pos": "", "context": "no one has seen the bite , and there is no boil or splash to mark the event , just 130 lb moimoi stretching out straight down the wake , a reel screaming .", "definition": "a sudden rise of a fish at a fly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"no one has seen the bite , and there is no boil or splash to mark the event , just 130 lb moimoi stretching out straight down the wake , a reel screaming .\" What is the definition of \"boil\"?"} {"term": "speaking", "pos": "", "context": "i do a lot of public speaking on business issues and i was talking to another speaker when he asked what it is i talk about .", "definition": "the activity of delivering speeches", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i do a lot of public speaking on business issues and i was talking to another speaker when he asked what it is i talk about .\" What is the definition of \"speaking\"?"} {"term": "sniffer", "pos": "", "context": "the comments were contained in a report into the suicide deaths of two chronic sniffers at balgo , south of halls creek .", "definition": "a person who sniffs something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the comments were contained in a report into the suicide deaths of two chronic sniffers at balgo , south of halls creek .\" What is the definition of \"sniffer\"?"} {"term": "churl", "pos": "", "context": "if i may , lord , who is the churl you drag with you ?", "definition": "a peasant .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if i may , lord , who is the churl you drag with you ?\" What is the definition of \"churl\"?"} {"term": "nibble", "pos": "", "context": "she nibbled on her cracker", "definition": "bite off very small pieces", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she nibbled on her cracker\" What is the definition of \"nibble\"?"} {"term": "cop-out", "pos": "", "context": "they are cop-outs for those politicians who do n't want to meet the full funding needs of washington 's public schools , or make tough decisions about reforming its management and teaching corps .", "definition": "an instance of avoiding a commitment or responsibility", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they are cop-outs for those politicians who do n't want to meet the full funding needs of washington 's public schools , or make tough decisions about reforming its management and teaching corps .\" What is the definition of \"cop-out\"?"} {"term": "plenipotentiary", "pos": "", "context": "appointed minister plenipotentiary to prussia by president andrew johnson in 1867 , he lived in berlin for the next seven years .", "definition": "having full power to take independent action", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"appointed minister plenipotentiary to prussia by president andrew johnson in 1867 , he lived in berlin for the next seven years .\" What is the definition of \"plenipotentiary\"?"} {"term": "plenipotentiary", "pos": "", "context": "on 8 september he sent his chief of intelligence , colonel hentsch , to see what was happening , with plenipotentiary powers to sort matters out .", "definition": "( of power ) absolute", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on 8 september he sent his chief of intelligence , colonel hentsch , to see what was happening , with plenipotentiary powers to sort matters out .\" What is the definition of \"plenipotentiary\"?"} {"term": "content", "pos": "", "context": "a contented smile", "definition": "satisfied or showing satisfaction with things as they are", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a contented smile\" What is the definition of \"content\"?"} {"term": "guitar", "pos": "", "context": "i can skip the searching process now and just grab a guitar , bass , keys or drums and lay it down .", "definition": "a stringed musical instrument , with a fretted fingerboard , typically incurved sides , and six or twelve strings , played by plucking or strumming with the fingers or a plectrum .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i can skip the searching process now and just grab a guitar , bass , keys or drums and lay it down .\" What is the definition of \"guitar\"?"} {"term": "leap", "pos": "", "context": "the country leapt at the chance to buy into a pack of lies .", "definition": "accept ( an opportunity ) eagerly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the country leapt at the chance to buy into a pack of lies .\" What is the definition of \"leap\"?"} {"term": "leap", "pos": "", "context": "a leap of 10 feet", "definition": "the distance leaped ( or to be leaped )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a leap of 10 feet\" What is the definition of \"leap\"?"} {"term": "them", "pos": "", "context": "when a child has gone out into the world without quite the right tools to deal with it , you love them even more .", "definition": "referring to a person of unspecified sex", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when a child has gone out into the world without quite the right tools to deal with it , you love them even more .\" What is the definition of \"them\"?"} {"term": "them", "pos": "", "context": "i feel sorry for them dogs and i hope it never happens to mine !", "definition": "those", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i feel sorry for them dogs and i hope it never happens to mine !\" What is the definition of \"them\"?"} {"term": "umbilical", "pos": "", "context": "before the procedure is begun , the correct depth of the umbilical artery catheter insertion should be estimated .", "definition": "relating to or affecting the navel or umbilical cord", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"before the procedure is begun , the correct depth of the umbilical artery catheter insertion should be estimated .\" What is the definition of \"umbilical\"?"} {"term": "miniaturize", "pos": "", "context": "fuel cells could replace power plants to produce electricity on a large scale ; and they could be miniaturized to replace batteries in computers and even watches .", "definition": "make on a smaller or miniature scale", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fuel cells could replace power plants to produce electricity on a large scale ; and they could be miniaturized to replace batteries in computers and even watches .\" What is the definition of \"miniaturize\"?"} {"term": "pre-teen", "pos": "", "context": "tommy , angelica , and the rest of the rugrats gang are now pre-teens , and like everyone else they 're just trying to fit in and make it through middle school retainers , pimples and all .", "definition": "a pre-teen child", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tommy , angelica , and the rest of the rugrats gang are now pre-teens , and like everyone else they 're just trying to fit in and make it through middle school retainers , pimples and all .\" What is the definition of \"pre-teen\"?"} {"term": "tomorrow", "pos": "", "context": "the winners should all receive letters confirming their prize today or tomorrow .", "definition": "on the day after today", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the winners should all receive letters confirming their prize today or tomorrow .\" What is the definition of \"tomorrow\"?"} {"term": "paralytic", "pos": "", "context": "some toxic marine species cause paralytic shellfish poisoning , particularly when forming red tides .", "definition": "relating to paralysis", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"some toxic marine species cause paralytic shellfish poisoning , particularly when forming red tides .\" What is the definition of \"paralytic\"?"} {"term": "touchstone", "pos": "", "context": "an article in a foreign journal becomes a touchstone and then a norm , unless it is torn asunder by some path-breaking discovery .", "definition": "a standard or criterion by which something is judged or recognized", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an article in a foreign journal becomes a touchstone and then a norm , unless it is torn asunder by some path-breaking discovery .\" What is the definition of \"touchstone\"?"} {"term": "chromatin", "pos": "", "context": "under normal conditions equal amounts of the four core histones are incorporated into chromatin .", "definition": "the material of which the chromosomes of organisms other than bacteria ( i.e . eukaryotes ) are composed , consisting of protein , rna , and dna .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"under normal conditions equal amounts of the four core histones are incorporated into chromatin .\" What is the definition of \"chromatin\"?"} {"term": "masturbation", "pos": "", "context": "he invented corn flakes in 1898 as part of his diet for decreasing sexual desire and masturbation .", "definition": "stimulation of the genitals with the hand for sexual pleasure", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he invented corn flakes in 1898 as part of his diet for decreasing sexual desire and masturbation .\" What is the definition of \"masturbation\"?"} {"term": "groschen", "pos": "", "context": "four talers , six groschen , ten pfennige , and eighty miles to austria .", "definition": "( until the introduction of the euro in 2002 ) a monetary unit in austria , equal to one hundredth of a schilling .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"four talers , six groschen , ten pfennige , and eighty miles to austria .\" What is the definition of \"groschen\"?"} {"term": "raunchy", "pos": "", "context": "in my four academic years at uw , i have seen imprint serve up some pretty raunchy stuff .", "definition": "energetically earthy and sexually explicit", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in my four academic years at uw , i have seen imprint serve up some pretty raunchy stuff .\" What is the definition of \"raunchy\"?"} {"term": "hundredweight", "pos": "", "context": "the castings produced by them can vary in weight from ounces up to several hundredweights .", "definition": "a unit of weight equal to 100 lb ( about 45.4 kg ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the castings produced by them can vary in weight from ounces up to several hundredweights .\" What is the definition of \"hundredweight\"?"} {"term": "bar", "pos": "", "context": "a green toad with small black stripes or bars", "definition": "a narrow marking of a different color or texture from the background", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a green toad with small black stripes or bars\" What is the definition of \"bar\"?"} {"term": "bar", "pos": "", "context": "that means thousands of boaters who rely on these multiple-use ports face the bleak prospect of shoaling channels and dangerous bars at river mouths .", "definition": "a sandbank or shoal at the mouth of a harbour or an estuary", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that means thousands of boaters who rely on these multiple-use ports face the bleak prospect of shoaling channels and dangerous bars at river mouths .\" What is the definition of \"bar\"?"} {"term": "bar", "pos": "", "context": "the bar council provides representation and services for the bar , and guidance on issues of professional practice .", "definition": "barristers collectively .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the bar council provides representation and services for the bar , and guidance on issues of professional practice .\" What is the definition of \"bar\"?"} {"term": "bar", "pos": "", "context": "a bar of chocolate", "definition": "a block of solid substance ( such as soap or wax )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a bar of chocolate\" What is the definition of \"bar\"?"} {"term": "fade", "pos": "", "context": "after the flowers fade , the green foliage provides shady relief from the hot summer sun and forms a lush canopy for outdoor dining .", "definition": "( of a flower ) lose freshness and wither .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after the flowers fade , the green foliage provides shady relief from the hot summer sun and forms a lush canopy for outdoor dining .\" What is the definition of \"fade\"?"} {"term": "fade", "pos": "", "context": "the fades to black that editors insert in programs are just an effect .", "definition": "an act of causing a film or television image to darken and disappear gradually", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the fades to black that editors insert in programs are just an effect .\" What is the definition of \"fade\"?"} {"term": "recommendation", "pos": "", "context": "so , on various people 's recommendation we went to see a cranial osteopath .", "definition": "the action of recommending something or someone", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so , on various people 's recommendation we went to see a cranial osteopath .\" What is the definition of \"recommendation\"?"} {"term": "tolerance", "pos": "", "context": "what are europe 's limits of tolerance and willingness to accommodate diversity ?", "definition": "the ability or willingness to tolerate the existence of opinions or behaviour that one dislikes or disagrees with", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"what are europe 's limits of tolerance and willingness to accommodate diversity ?\" What is the definition of \"tolerance\"?"} {"term": "wavy", "pos": "", "context": "he tilted his head lightly to the side , his wavy blonde locks falling sideways from his eyes .", "definition": "having or consisting of a series of undulating and wave-like curves", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he tilted his head lightly to the side , his wavy blonde locks falling sideways from his eyes .\" What is the definition of \"wavy\"?"} {"term": "justification", "pos": "", "context": "in our respectful submission , a party in our client 's position is entitled to costs in the events which happened and that the opposition to it is without reasonable justification .", "definition": "good reason for something that exists or has been done", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in our respectful submission , a party in our client 's position is entitled to costs in the events which happened and that the opposition to it is without reasonable justification .\" What is the definition of \"justification\"?"} {"term": "inarticulate", "pos": "", "context": "the trimerellacea are a small group of quite large inarticulate brachiopods .", "definition": "denoting a brachiopod in which the valves of the shell have no hinge and are held together by muscles .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the trimerellacea are a small group of quite large inarticulate brachiopods .\" What is the definition of \"inarticulate\"?"} {"term": "retriever", "pos": "", "context": "hence , she crosses the boundaries between a retriever of ancient treasures and a finder of local americana .", "definition": "a person who retrieves something .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"hence , she crosses the boundaries between a retriever of ancient treasures and a finder of local americana .\" What is the definition of \"retriever\"?"} {"term": "cucumber", "pos": "", "context": "without wiping the knife , they begin slicing the cucumbers and tomatoes for the salad , tossing it all together , then triumphantly setting it down on the table .", "definition": "a long , green-skinned fruit with watery flesh , usually eaten raw in salads or pickled .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"without wiping the knife , they begin slicing the cucumbers and tomatoes for the salad , tossing it all together , then triumphantly setting it down on the table .\" What is the definition of \"cucumber\"?"} {"term": "cucumber", "pos": "", "context": "if seeds begin to mature inside beans , peas , cucumbers , and summer squash , the plants will stop making new fruits .", "definition": "the climbing plant of the gourd family which yields cucumbers , native to the chinese himalayan region . it is widely cultivated but very rare in the wild .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if seeds begin to mature inside beans , peas , cucumbers , and summer squash , the plants will stop making new fruits .\" What is the definition of \"cucumber\"?"} {"term": "roaring", "pos": "", "context": "despite the few shortcomings mentioned here and the roaring omission , this new disc from universal was certainly worth the wait .", "definition": "very obviously or unequivocally the thing mentioned ( used for emphasis )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"despite the few shortcomings mentioned here and the roaring omission , this new disc from universal was certainly worth the wait .\" What is the definition of \"roaring\"?"} {"term": "roaring", "pos": "", "context": "roaring drunk", "definition": "extremely", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"roaring drunk\" What is the definition of \"roaring\"?"} {"term": "roaring", "pos": "", "context": "tis the season to be jolly - to sip hot chocolate and open presents in front of a roaring fire .", "definition": "( of a fire ) burning fiercely and noisily", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tis the season to be jolly - to sip hot chocolate and open presents in front of a roaring fire .\" What is the definition of \"roaring\"?"} {"term": "tenantry", "pos": "", "context": "they actively discouraged emigration , fearing the loss of their workforce and tenantry .", "definition": "the tenants of an estate", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they actively discouraged emigration , fearing the loss of their workforce and tenantry .\" What is the definition of \"tenantry\"?"} {"term": "pure", "pos": "", "context": "iceland has these pure-bred horses that have n't changed in 900 years .", "definition": "( of an animal or plant ) of unmixed origin or descent ; pedigree", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"iceland has these pure-bred horses that have n't changed in 900 years .\" What is the definition of \"pure\"?"} {"term": "flugelhorn", "pos": "", "context": "in addition to ani 's profound lyrics and fearless voice , the diverse variety of instruments - including clarinet , saxophone , flute , trumpet , and flugelhorn creates a uniquely blended sound .", "definition": "a valved brass musical instrument like a cornet but with a fuller tone .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in addition to ani 's profound lyrics and fearless voice , the diverse variety of instruments - including clarinet , saxophone , flute , trumpet , and flugelhorn creates a uniquely blended sound .\" What is the definition of \"flugelhorn\"?"} {"term": "twinflower", "pos": "", "context": "a floor of twinflowers and a maze of pathways leads to unsuspecting breathtaking areas .", "definition": "a slender evergreen trailing plant with pairs of very small trumpet-shaped pink flowers in the leaf axils , native to coniferous woodland in northern latitudes .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a floor of twinflowers and a maze of pathways leads to unsuspecting breathtaking areas .\" What is the definition of \"twinflower\"?"} {"term": "pigswill", "pos": "", "context": "as widely expected , he announced plans to consult on banning the feeding of pigswill to pigs after continuing speculation that the practice was ‘ a cause or the cause of the outbreak ’ .", "definition": "kitchen refuse and scraps fed to pigs .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as widely expected , he announced plans to consult on banning the feeding of pigswill to pigs after continuing speculation that the practice was ‘ a cause or the cause of the outbreak ’ .\" What is the definition of \"pigswill\"?"} {"term": "lysozyme", "pos": "", "context": "intriguingly , enzymes such as lipase , lysozyme , and subtilisin retained their activities in organic solvents .", "definition": "an enzyme which catalyses the destruction of the cell walls of certain bacteria , and occurs notably in tears and egg white .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"intriguingly , enzymes such as lipase , lysozyme , and subtilisin retained their activities in organic solvents .\" What is the definition of \"lysozyme\"?"} {"term": "fowling", "pos": "", "context": "low-intensity agricultural system based on fishing and fowling was replaced by a high-intensity system based on arable crops .", "definition": "the hunting , shooting , or trapping of wildfowl .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"low-intensity agricultural system based on fishing and fowling was replaced by a high-intensity system based on arable crops .\" What is the definition of \"fowling\"?"} {"term": "prospect", "pos": "", "context": "the prospect of a park road sparked alarm when town redevelopment plans were unveiled last october .", "definition": "the possibility or likelihood of some future event occurring", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the prospect of a park road sparked alarm when town redevelopment plans were unveiled last october .\" What is the definition of \"prospect\"?"} {"term": "prospect", "pos": "", "context": "the birds prospecting for nesting sites were most attracted to areas where other birds had large broods of robust infants .", "definition": "search for ; seek", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the birds prospecting for nesting sites were most attracted to areas where other birds had large broods of robust infants .\" What is the definition of \"prospect\"?"} {"term": "catch", "pos": "", "context": "anybody can get lucky and catch a single fish that 's worth a prize .", "definition": "capture ( a person or animal that tries or would try to escape )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"anybody can get lucky and catch a single fish that 's worth a prize .\" What is the definition of \"catch\"?"} {"term": "catch", "pos": "", "context": "countless runs were gifted away through shoddy fielding and innumerable dropped catches .", "definition": "a chance or act of catching the ball to dismiss a batsman", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"countless runs were gifted away through shoddy fielding and innumerable dropped catches .\" What is the definition of \"catch\"?"} {"term": "catch", "pos": "", "context": "friday night i would pick them up and head to the promenade , maybe for a quick bite at islands or on the border and then catch a movie .", "definition": "attend or watch ( a performance )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"friday night i would pick them up and head to the promenade , maybe for a quick bite at islands or on the border and then catch a movie .\" What is the definition of \"catch\"?"} {"term": "catch", "pos": "", "context": "he lands them at around three quarters length , and then pitches the odd one up , seaming it away , and catching the batsmen , rooted to the crease , napping .", "definition": "dismiss ( a batsman ) by catching the ball before it touches the ground", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he lands them at around three quarters length , and then pitches the odd one up , seaming it away , and catching the batsmen , rooted to the crease , napping .\" What is the definition of \"catch\"?"} {"term": "catch", "pos": "", "context": "older people do n't all have cars and must cross the road to catch the bus .", "definition": "reach in time and board ( a train , bus , or aircraft )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"older people do n't all have cars and must cross the road to catch the bus .\" What is the definition of \"catch\"?"} {"term": "modal", "pos": "", "context": "holmes distinguishes two functions of tag questions : modal vs. affective .", "definition": "of or denoting the mood of a verb .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"holmes distinguishes two functions of tag questions : modal vs. affective .\" What is the definition of \"modal\"?"} {"term": "modal", "pos": "", "context": "the modal age at which american novelists reach their peak is 30", "definition": "relating to or constituting the most frequent value in a distribution", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the modal age at which american novelists reach their peak is 30\" What is the definition of \"modal\"?"} {"term": "frontal", "pos": "", "context": "the frontal lobes", "definition": "of or adjacent to the forehead or frontal bone", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the frontal lobes\" What is the definition of \"frontal\"?"} {"term": "duty", "pos": "", "context": "the station does not have a round the clock first aid post , a duty doctor or a duty nurse .", "definition": "( of a person ) engaged in their regular work", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the station does not have a round the clock first aid post , a duty doctor or a duty nurse .\" What is the definition of \"duty\"?"} {"term": "roller", "pos": "", "context": "he also put my hair up in hot rollers , hair-sprayed the heck out of it , and when he was done , it was amazing : my hair was so big , i could be the envy of any mall rat !", "definition": "a small cylinder around which hair is rolled in order to produce curls", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he also put my hair up in hot rollers , hair-sprayed the heck out of it , and when he was done , it was amazing : my hair was so big , i could be the envy of any mall rat !\" What is the definition of \"roller\"?"} {"term": "roller", "pos": "", "context": "the pacific , he told her , being deeper , produced groundswells that made those of the atlantic appear like rollers on a lake .", "definition": "a long swelling wave that appears to roll steadily towards the shore", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the pacific , he told her , being deeper , produced groundswells that made those of the atlantic appear like rollers on a lake .\" What is the definition of \"roller\"?"} {"term": "velar", "pos": "", "context": "in some parts of the country vocabulary loss continues unabated , and many children struggle to pronounce the velar fricative ‘ ch ’ in ‘ loch ’ or the ‘ wh ’ in ‘ wheesht ’ .", "definition": "( of a speech sound ) pronounced with the back of the tongue near the soft palate , as in k and g in english .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in some parts of the country vocabulary loss continues unabated , and many children struggle to pronounce the velar fricative ‘ ch ’ in ‘ loch ’ or the ‘ wh ’ in ‘ wheesht ’ .\" What is the definition of \"velar\"?"} {"term": "hilt", "pos": "", "context": "his hand griped the hilt of his sword , the blade drawn but down so the point traced a line in the snow .", "definition": "the handle of a weapon or tool , especially a sword , dagger , or knife .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his hand griped the hilt of his sword , the blade drawn but down so the point traced a line in the snow .\" What is the definition of \"hilt\"?"} {"term": "evict", "pos": "", "context": "the landlord evicted the tenants after they had not paid the rent for four months", "definition": "expel from one 's property or force to move out by a legal process", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the landlord evicted the tenants after they had not paid the rent for four months\" What is the definition of \"evict\"?"} {"term": "relaxation", "pos": "", "context": "this is a time of rest from sorrow and relaxation after a period of anxiety .", "definition": "recreation or rest , especially after a period of work", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this is a time of rest from sorrow and relaxation after a period of anxiety .\" What is the definition of \"relaxation\"?"} {"term": "lifeline", "pos": "", "context": "the club should lie across the fingers , not in the palm , and the lifeline of your right hand needs to be firmly placed on top of the left thumb .", "definition": "( in palmistry ) a line on the palm of a person 's hand , regarded as indicating how long they will live .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the club should lie across the fingers , not in the palm , and the lifeline of your right hand needs to be firmly placed on top of the left thumb .\" What is the definition of \"lifeline\"?"} {"term": "eccentric", "pos": "", "context": "from 1979 until 1999 pluto was not the outermost planet , its eccentric orbit making neptune the furthest from the sun .", "definition": "( of an orbit ) not circular .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"from 1979 until 1999 pluto was not the outermost planet , its eccentric orbit making neptune the furthest from the sun .\" What is the definition of \"eccentric\"?"} {"term": "core", "pos": "", "context": "to understand what is going to happen , we must first grasp the core fact of existence .", "definition": "the part of something that is central to its existence or character", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to understand what is going to happen , we must first grasp the core fact of existence .\" What is the definition of \"core\"?"} {"term": "core", "pos": "", "context": "they dispose of used tools and debitage carefully , out of the way of bare feet , or , in the case of unused pieces and sizeable cores , where they may find them again .", "definition": "a piece of flint from which flakes or blades have been removed .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they dispose of used tools and debitage carefully , out of the way of bare feet , or , in the case of unused pieces and sizeable cores , where they may find them again .\" What is the definition of \"core\"?"} {"term": "invertase", "pos": "", "context": "enzymes shown are invertase , sucrose synthase , cytosolic agpase , and plastidic agpase .", "definition": "an enzyme produced by yeast which catalyses the hydrolysis of sucrose , forming invert sugar .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"enzymes shown are invertase , sucrose synthase , cytosolic agpase , and plastidic agpase .\" What is the definition of \"invertase\"?"} {"term": "sift", "pos": "", "context": "beat whites with caster sugar till stiff , sift icing sugar and cornflour together and fold into egg white mixture .", "definition": "put ( a fine or loose substance ) through a sieve so as to remove lumps or large particles", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"beat whites with caster sugar till stiff , sift icing sugar and cornflour together and fold into egg white mixture .\" What is the definition of \"sift\"?"} {"term": "corpse", "pos": "", "context": "they may acknowledge that a lot of people corpsed but they always blame that on problems with the set .", "definition": "spoil a piece of acting by forgetting one 's lines or laughing uncontrollably", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they may acknowledge that a lot of people corpsed but they always blame that on problems with the set .\" What is the definition of \"corpse\"?"} {"term": "shut", "pos": "", "context": "he shut the cellar door and we heard him push the boxes and rugs over it .", "definition": "block an opening into ( something ) by moving something into position", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he shut the cellar door and we heard him push the boxes and rugs over it .\" What is the definition of \"shut\"?"} {"term": "double-header", "pos": "", "context": "i made the trip out to portland to see this double-header .", "definition": "a train pulled by two locomotives coupled together .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i made the trip out to portland to see this double-header .\" What is the definition of \"double-header\"?"} {"term": "injure", "pos": "", "context": "they stand up as if personally insulted , personally wronged , personally injured .", "definition": "do injustice or wrong to ( someone ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they stand up as if personally insulted , personally wronged , personally injured .\" What is the definition of \"injure\"?"} {"term": "pearlescent", "pos": "", "context": "a variety of color application technologies , such as free-film , color-in-plastic and spray-in-mold methods , are well suited to the application of pearlescent pigments .", "definition": "having a lustre resembling that of mother-of-pearl", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a variety of color application technologies , such as free-film , color-in-plastic and spray-in-mold methods , are well suited to the application of pearlescent pigments .\" What is the definition of \"pearlescent\"?"} {"term": "steep", "pos": "", "context": "the steep attic stairs", "definition": "having a sharp inclination", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the steep attic stairs\" What is the definition of \"steep\"?"} {"term": "steep", "pos": "", "context": "it was a very steep rise from march through to the end of may .", "definition": "( of a rise or fall in an amount ) very large or rapid", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was a very steep rise from march through to the end of may .\" What is the definition of \"steep\"?"} {"term": "brow", "pos": "", "context": "it 's a busy road , and that was our main concern , with the traffic coming over the brow of the hill .", "definition": "the summit of a hill or pass", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it 's a busy road , and that was our main concern , with the traffic coming over the brow of the hill .\" What is the definition of \"brow\"?"} {"term": "contingent", "pos": "", "context": "during foreign invasions integrated contingents of civilian militias and elements of fragmented state armies had fought foreign invaders .", "definition": "a body of troops or police sent to join a larger force", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"during foreign invasions integrated contingents of civilian militias and elements of fragmented state armies had fought foreign invaders .\" What is the definition of \"contingent\"?"} {"term": "acute", "pos": "", "context": "they have a keen sense of smell , acute hearing , but poor eyesight .", "definition": "( of a physical sense or faculty ) highly developed ; keen", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they have a keen sense of smell , acute hearing , but poor eyesight .\" What is the definition of \"acute\"?"} {"term": "rum", "pos": "", "context": "he said it was the liquor , rum and rotgut , which made him ill , but all of our servants could n't lift him up straight when the doctor came a visiting , and i reckon it was something worse .", "definition": "intoxicating drink .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he said it was the liquor , rum and rotgut , which made him ill , but all of our servants could n't lift him up straight when the doctor came a visiting , and i reckon it was something worse .\" What is the definition of \"rum\"?"} {"term": "rum", "pos": "", "context": "as for the cocktails - gins , rums , vodkas and whiskeys mix effortlessly with exotic indian and eastern fruits and flavours , the perfect balance of two cultures .", "definition": "an alcoholic spirit distilled from sugar-cane residues or molasses", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as for the cocktails - gins , rums , vodkas and whiskeys mix effortlessly with exotic indian and eastern fruits and flavours , the perfect balance of two cultures .\" What is the definition of \"rum\"?"} {"term": "incriminate", "pos": "", "context": "benicia invited martin to lunch to discuss evidence that could incriminate him in the embezzlement .", "definition": "make ( someone ) appear guilty of a crime or wrongdoing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"benicia invited martin to lunch to discuss evidence that could incriminate him in the embezzlement .\" What is the definition of \"incriminate\"?"} {"term": "frequent", "pos": "", "context": "this is one for me to read again in a few weeks ' time and then to re-read at frequent intervals after that .", "definition": "occurring or done many times at short intervals", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this is one for me to read again in a few weeks ' time and then to re-read at frequent intervals after that .\" What is the definition of \"frequent\"?"} {"term": "self-fertilization", "pos": "", "context": "consequently , the genetic structure of this species is likely to be shaped by rare outcrossing events among colonists , followed by generations of self-fertilization to produce recombinant inbred lineages .", "definition": "the fertilization of plants and some invertebrate animals by their own pollen or sperm rather than that of another individual .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"consequently , the genetic structure of this species is likely to be shaped by rare outcrossing events among colonists , followed by generations of self-fertilization to produce recombinant inbred lineages .\" What is the definition of \"self-fertilization\"?"} {"term": "silo", "pos": "", "context": "the banners have been attached to one of the most industrially beautiful buildings in the area , the landmark grain silos , built in 1924 and once the tallest structures in the city .", "definition": "a tall tower or pit on a farm used to store grain .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the banners have been attached to one of the most industrially beautiful buildings in the area , the landmark grain silos , built in 1924 and once the tallest structures in the city .\" What is the definition of \"silo\"?"} {"term": "silo", "pos": "", "context": "the biggest surprise moving from the academic to the `` real world ' has been the strength of organizational forces that reinforce silos .", "definition": "a system , process , department , etc . that operates in isolation from others", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the biggest surprise moving from the academic to the `` real world ' has been the strength of organizational forces that reinforce silos .\" What is the definition of \"silo\"?"} {"term": "arsenic", "pos": "", "context": "but subsequent medical tests cleared him of any acute or chronic arsenic poisoning .", "definition": "relating to arsenic .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but subsequent medical tests cleared him of any acute or chronic arsenic poisoning .\" What is the definition of \"arsenic\"?"} {"term": "arsenic", "pos": "", "context": "when heated in air , it reacts with oxygen to form arsenic oxide .", "definition": "of arsenic with a valency of five ; of arsenic ( v ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when heated in air , it reacts with oxygen to form arsenic oxide .\" What is the definition of \"arsenic\"?"} {"term": "gargle", "pos": "", "context": "krug is ‘ the gargle of the gods ’ , he wrote , yet again providing us mere mortals with a ‘ wish i 'd written that ’ moment .", "definition": "an alcoholic drink", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"krug is ‘ the gargle of the gods ’ , he wrote , yet again providing us mere mortals with a ‘ wish i 'd written that ’ moment .\" What is the definition of \"gargle\"?"} {"term": "philhellene", "pos": "", "context": "universal classical literacy beckons in the wake of the athens olympics , and philhellenes the world over must already be entertaining shy hopes for a 21st-century rebirth of neo-classicism .", "definition": "a lover of greece and greek culture", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"universal classical literacy beckons in the wake of the athens olympics , and philhellenes the world over must already be entertaining shy hopes for a 21st-century rebirth of neo-classicism .\" What is the definition of \"philhellene\"?"} {"term": "bio", "pos": "", "context": "the performer must also provide a photo , and pr and bio information for our booking agent to review .", "definition": "biographical", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the performer must also provide a photo , and pr and bio information for our booking agent to review .\" What is the definition of \"bio\"?"} {"term": "brachiopoda", "pos": "", "context": "many recent textbooks unite ectoprocta , phoronida and brachiopoda under the name lophophorata , a name introduced by hyman , apparently because she did not like the much older name tentaculata .", "definition": "a phylum of marine invertebrates that comprises the lamp shells .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"many recent textbooks unite ectoprocta , phoronida and brachiopoda under the name lophophorata , a name introduced by hyman , apparently because she did not like the much older name tentaculata .\" What is the definition of \"brachiopoda\"?"} {"term": "crawler", "pos": "", "context": "the use of crawler cranes is increasing and may be required in some cases .", "definition": "a tractor or other vehicle moving on an endless caterpillar track", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the use of crawler cranes is increasing and may be required in some cases .\" What is the definition of \"crawler\"?"} {"term": "string", "pos": "", "context": "string the beans and break into lengths as for cooking .", "definition": "remove the strings from ( a bean ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"string the beans and break into lengths as for cooking .\" What is the definition of \"string\"?"} {"term": "string", "pos": "", "context": "sometimes , though , the password is not really the string of alphanumeric characters you typed but instead a randomly assigned sequence .", "definition": "a linear sequence of characters , words , or other data .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sometimes , though , the password is not really the string of alphanumeric characters you typed but instead a randomly assigned sequence .\" What is the definition of \"string\"?"} {"term": "string", "pos": "", "context": "to begin a game of english billiards , both players `` string ' .", "definition": "determine the order of play by striking the cue ball from baulk to rebound off the top cushion , first stroke going to the player whose ball comes to rest nearer the bottom cushion .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to begin a game of english billiards , both players `` string ' .\" What is the definition of \"string\"?"} {"term": "string", "pos": "", "context": "while horntveth played most of the instruments himself , he got a nine-piece string ensemble on board to supply some extra textures .", "definition": "relating to or consisting of stringed instruments", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"while horntveth played most of the instruments himself , he got a nine-piece string ensemble on board to supply some extra textures .\" What is the definition of \"string\"?"} {"term": "string", "pos": "", "context": "you know the kind i 'm talking about : you punch a hole in the bottom of two cans , thread strong string through , knot it , and pull it tight when you talk .", "definition": "material consisting of threads of cotton , hemp , or other material twisted together to form a thin length", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you know the kind i 'm talking about : you punch a hole in the bottom of two cans , thread strong string through , knot it , and pull it tight when you talk .\" What is the definition of \"string\"?"} {"term": "branchiopod", "pos": "", "context": "the two-part , hinged carapace encloses the entire body , similar to the branchiopod conchostraca .", "definition": "a small aquatic crustacean of the class `` branchiopoda ' , such as a water flea or fairy shrimp .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the two-part , hinged carapace encloses the entire body , similar to the branchiopod conchostraca .\" What is the definition of \"branchiopod\"?"} {"term": "ripper", "pos": "", "context": "i mean maybe they did n't commit the jack the ripper killings but everything after that , they are guilty .", "definition": "a murderer who mutilates victims ' bodies .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i mean maybe they did n't commit the jack the ripper killings but everything after that , they are guilty .\" What is the definition of \"ripper\"?"} {"term": "elongate", "pos": "", "context": "an elongate tail tapering to a point", "definition": "having notably more length than width ; being long and slender", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an elongate tail tapering to a point\" What is the definition of \"elongate\"?"} {"term": "affiliate", "pos": "", "context": "their decision not to affiliate to the student union is disappointing : college members will continue to miss services and support integral to the life and successes of contemporaries at other colleges .", "definition": "officially join or become attached to an organization", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their decision not to affiliate to the student union is disappointing : college members will continue to miss services and support integral to the life and successes of contemporaries at other colleges .\" What is the definition of \"affiliate\"?"} {"term": "affiliate", "pos": "", "context": "network affiliates", "definition": "a subsidiary or subordinate organization that is affiliated with another organization", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"network affiliates\" What is the definition of \"affiliate\"?"} {"term": "that", "pos": "", "context": "so those are things that i observed and told myself that i could work more on .", "definition": "referring to a specific thing previously mentioned , known , or understood", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"so those are things that i observed and told myself that i could work more on .\" What is the definition of \"that\"?"} {"term": "that", "pos": "", "context": "christmas is a licence to kick back , shrug off that british reserve and enjoy ourselves .", "definition": "referring to a specific person or thing assumed as understood or familiar to the person being addressed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"christmas is a licence to kick back , shrug off that british reserve and enjoy ourselves .\" What is the definition of \"that\"?"} {"term": "that", "pos": "", "context": "at that time we made strong representations about the way the decision was made .", "definition": "referring to a specific thing previously mentioned , known , or understood", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at that time we made strong representations about the way the decision was made .\" What is the definition of \"that\"?"} {"term": "that", "pos": "", "context": "the result is that it takes longer to adjust to a shock and requires a stronger policy response .", "definition": "expressing a result", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the result is that it takes longer to adjust to a shock and requires a stronger policy response .\" What is the definition of \"that\"?"} {"term": "halt", "pos": "", "context": "halt the presses", "definition": "cause to stop", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"halt the presses\" What is the definition of \"halt\"?"} {"term": "halt", "pos": "", "context": "a halt in the arms race", "definition": "an interruption or temporary suspension of progress or movement", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a halt in the arms race\" What is the definition of \"halt\"?"} {"term": "firewall", "pos": "", "context": "every wireless laptop should be firewalled .", "definition": "protect ( a network or system ) from unauthorized access with a firewall", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"every wireless laptop should be firewalled .\" What is the definition of \"firewall\"?"} {"term": "toxoplasmosis", "pos": "", "context": "subsequently , he was diagnosed as having hepatitis b , oral candidiasis , central nervous system toxoplasmosis , and perirectal herpes simplex virus .", "definition": "a disease caused by toxoplasmas , transmitted chiefly through undercooked meat , soil , or in cat faeces . symptoms of infection generally pass unremarked in adults , but can be dangerous to unborn children .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"subsequently , he was diagnosed as having hepatitis b , oral candidiasis , central nervous system toxoplasmosis , and perirectal herpes simplex virus .\" What is the definition of \"toxoplasmosis\"?"} {"term": "pinstripe", "pos": "", "context": "there was stuff for the men too - from the biker look to the retro pinstripes and blazer stripes and also denim .", "definition": "a very narrow stripe in cloth , especially of the type used for formal suits .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was stuff for the men too - from the biker look to the retro pinstripes and blazer stripes and also denim .\" What is the definition of \"pinstripe\"?"} {"term": "truant", "pos": "", "context": "having been a truant pupil himself , mark was keen to ensure that they did not follow in his footsteps , although they were rarely excused from helping him with his own projects .", "definition": "( of a pupil ) being a truant", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"having been a truant pupil himself , mark was keen to ensure that they did not follow in his footsteps , although they were rarely excused from helping him with his own projects .\" What is the definition of \"truant\"?"} {"term": "section", "pos": "", "context": "eight roots were sectioned longitudinally and another eight roots were sectioned transversely .", "definition": "cut ( animal or plant tissue ) into thin slices for microscopic examination", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"eight roots were sectioned longitudinally and another eight roots were sectioned transversely .\" What is the definition of \"section\"?"} {"term": "section", "pos": "", "context": "in 2003 , he was sectioned under the mental health act and diagnosed as suffering from manic depression .", "definition": "commit ( someone ) compulsorily to a psychiatric hospital in accordance with a section of a mental health act", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in 2003 , he was sectioned under the mental health act and diagnosed as suffering from manic depression .\" What is the definition of \"section\"?"} {"term": "section", "pos": "", "context": "but the last section entitled `` balzac the observer `` has universal relevance .", "definition": "a relatively distinct part of a book , newspaper , statute , or other document", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but the last section entitled `` balzac the observer `` has universal relevance .\" What is the definition of \"section\"?"} {"term": "backbend", "pos": "", "context": "at the institute , he does his yoga practice - quiet forward bends , rock-steady headstands , precise backbends - in full view of the students .", "definition": "a movement in gymnastics , dance , or yoga in which the body is arched backwards and downwards from an upright position until the hands touch the floor or arched upwards from a supine position , using the hands and feet for support", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at the institute , he does his yoga practice - quiet forward bends , rock-steady headstands , precise backbends - in full view of the students .\" What is the definition of \"backbend\"?"} {"term": "format", "pos": "", "context": "describing his third lp as ‘ typical touch , ’ marks says he likes what he 's created so far because he 's not trying to format anything .", "definition": "( especially in computing ) arrange or put into a format", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"describing his third lp as ‘ typical touch , ’ marks says he likes what he 's created so far because he 's not trying to format anything .\" What is the definition of \"format\"?"} {"term": "format", "pos": "", "context": "you can also run a repair disk , which will format the drive and check for bad blocks .", "definition": "prepare ( a storage medium ) to receive data", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"you can also run a repair disk , which will format the drive and check for bad blocks .\" What is the definition of \"format\"?"} {"term": "hotel", "pos": "", "context": "as for breakfast , the meal that so few hotels get right - it turned out excellent .", "definition": "an establishment providing accommodation , meals , and other services for travellers and tourists", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as for breakfast , the meal that so few hotels get right - it turned out excellent .\" What is the definition of \"hotel\"?"} {"term": "blockage", "pos": "", "context": "with a heart attack , a blockage causes the flow of blood into the heart to stop .", "definition": "an obstruction which makes movement or flow difficult or impossible", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"with a heart attack , a blockage causes the flow of blood into the heart to stop .\" What is the definition of \"blockage\"?"} {"term": "undress", "pos": "", "context": "please do n't undress in front of everybody !", "definition": "get undressed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"please do n't undress in front of everybody !\" What is the definition of \"undress\"?"} {"term": "undress", "pos": "", "context": "these structures were manipulated throughout the performance by the dancers , and quickly came to both hide and expose the contours of the dancers ' bodies in various states of undress .", "definition": "the state of being naked or only partially clothed", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these structures were manipulated throughout the performance by the dancers , and quickly came to both hide and expose the contours of the dancers ' bodies in various states of undress .\" What is the definition of \"undress\"?"} {"term": "merit", "pos": "", "context": "work of great merit", "definition": "any admirable quality or attribute", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"work of great merit\" What is the definition of \"merit\"?"} {"term": "presser", "pos": "", "context": "if we employed a cleaner , gardener or shirt presser , we could not afford the house .", "definition": "a person who presses something or operates a press", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if we employed a cleaner , gardener or shirt presser , we could not afford the house .\" What is the definition of \"presser\"?"} {"term": "whey", "pos": "", "context": "little miss muffet sat on a tuffet eating some curds and whey", "definition": "watery part of milk produced when raw milk sours and coagulates", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"little miss muffet sat on a tuffet eating some curds and whey\" What is the definition of \"whey\"?"} {"term": "bunker", "pos": "", "context": "i bunkered my drive then fluffed my next shot , but then i rolled in a 25-foot putt for a par .", "definition": "hit ( the ball ) into a bunker", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i bunkered my drive then fluffed my next shot , but then i rolled in a 25-foot putt for a par .\" What is the definition of \"bunker\"?"} {"term": "irish", "pos": "", "context": "banning people from licensed premises is what the english used to do to the irish .", "definition": "the people of ireland ; irish people collectively .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"banning people from licensed premises is what the english used to do to the irish .\" What is the definition of \"irish\"?"} {"term": "ram", "pos": "", "context": "she rammed her mind into focus", "definition": "force into or from an action or state , either physically or metaphorically", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she rammed her mind into focus\" What is the definition of \"ram\"?"} {"term": "ram", "pos": "", "context": "i 've always been apprehensive about dentists ramming their fingers into my mouth - it takes a fair bit of effort to restrain myself from biting them .", "definition": "roughly force ( something ) into place", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i 've always been apprehensive about dentists ramming their fingers into my mouth - it takes a fair bit of effort to restrain myself from biting them .\" What is the definition of \"ram\"?"} {"term": "ejectment", "pos": "", "context": "is it significant that it may be a form of summary remedy or an ordinary action of ejectment ?", "definition": "the process by which an evicted tenant seeks to recover possession and damages", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"is it significant that it may be a form of summary remedy or an ordinary action of ejectment ?\" What is the definition of \"ejectment\"?"} {"term": "objectivity", "pos": "", "context": "far fewer writers overtly subscribe to the position that the principle of objectivity can be put into practice than in the past .", "definition": "the quality of being objective", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"far fewer writers overtly subscribe to the position that the principle of objectivity can be put into practice than in the past .\" What is the definition of \"objectivity\"?"} {"term": "voidance", "pos": "", "context": "and if such advowees do not present to such benefices within the half year after such voidances , nor the bishop of the place do not give the same by lapse of time within a month after half a year , that then the king shall have thereof the presentments and collations as he hath of other of his own advowry .", "definition": "a vacancy in a benefice .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and if such advowees do not present to such benefices within the half year after such voidances , nor the bishop of the place do not give the same by lapse of time within a month after half a year , that then the king shall have thereof the presentments and collations as he hath of other of his own advowry .\" What is the definition of \"voidance\"?"} {"term": "structure", "pos": "", "context": "i need to structure my days", "definition": "give a structure to", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i need to structure my days\" What is the definition of \"structure\"?"} {"term": "debrief", "pos": "", "context": "after admitting to maintenance and the squadron what had happened , as well as conducting a thorough debrief , the jet and i were back flying later that night .", "definition": "a series of questions about a completed mission or undertaking", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after admitting to maintenance and the squadron what had happened , as well as conducting a thorough debrief , the jet and i were back flying later that night .\" What is the definition of \"debrief\"?"} {"term": "sonic", "pos": "", "context": "a number of sonic themes emerge as the music on this cd unfolds .", "definition": "denoting , relating to , or of the nature of sound or sound waves", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a number of sonic themes emerge as the music on this cd unfolds .\" What is the definition of \"sonic\"?"} {"term": "fellow", "pos": "", "context": "i plan to buy at least 2 extra copies as gifts for residents and fellows .", "definition": "a person in the same position , involved in the same activity , or otherwise associated with another", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i plan to buy at least 2 extra copies as gifts for residents and fellows .\" What is the definition of \"fellow\"?"} {"term": "snot", "pos": "", "context": "now , here she was twelve years later and a total snot .", "definition": "a contemptible or worthless person .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"now , here she was twelve years later and a total snot .\" What is the definition of \"snot\"?"} {"term": "kilojoule", "pos": "", "context": "weight loss is achieved by eating less kilojoules than the energy that is expended .", "definition": "1,000 joules , especially as a measure of the energy value of foods .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"weight loss is achieved by eating less kilojoules than the energy that is expended .\" What is the definition of \"kilojoule\"?"} {"term": "setting", "pos": "", "context": "a place setting of sterling flatware", "definition": "a table service for one person", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a place setting of sterling flatware\" What is the definition of \"setting\"?"} {"term": "fell", "pos": "", "context": "damage was also caused to the hotel 's jetty while several trees in the grounds were felled by the strong winds , although there was not disruption to the electricity supply .", "definition": "knock down", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"damage was also caused to the hotel 's jetty while several trees in the grounds were felled by the strong winds , although there was not disruption to the electricity supply .\" What is the definition of \"fell\"?"} {"term": "van", "pos": "", "context": "as always the hospitality and courtesy of mayo people in the sportlann was early in evidence with sean feeney , john prenty and may moran leading the van .", "definition": "the forefront", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"as always the hospitality and courtesy of mayo people in the sportlann was early in evidence with sean feeney , john prenty and may moran leading the van .\" What is the definition of \"van\"?"} {"term": "sadducee", "pos": "", "context": "even the scriptures accepted by the sadducees taught the resurrection : christ demonstrated this with an argument showing that the pentateuch taught that god was the god of the patriarchs and the god of the living .", "definition": "a member of a jewish sect or party of the time of christ that denied the resurrection of the dead , the existence of spirits , and the obligation of oral tradition , emphasizing acceptance of the written law alone .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"even the scriptures accepted by the sadducees taught the resurrection : christ demonstrated this with an argument showing that the pentateuch taught that god was the god of the patriarchs and the god of the living .\" What is the definition of \"sadducee\"?"} {"term": "palliate", "pos": "", "context": "the drink stimulates the appetite and aids digestions , and the food palliates the ethylic effects of the drink .", "definition": "make ( a disease or its symptoms ) less severe without removing the cause", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the drink stimulates the appetite and aids digestions , and the food palliates the ethylic effects of the drink .\" What is the definition of \"palliate\"?"} {"term": "newtonian", "pos": "", "context": "although we can know the everyday world in its newtonian clarity , we can only know the quantum world if we are prepared to accept it in its heisenbergian uncertainty .", "definition": "relating to or arising from the work of sir isaac newton .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"although we can know the everyday world in its newtonian clarity , we can only know the quantum world if we are prepared to accept it in its heisenbergian uncertainty .\" What is the definition of \"newtonian\"?"} {"term": "infect", "pos": "", "context": "your children have infected you with this head cold", "definition": "communicate a disease to", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"your children have infected you with this head cold\" What is the definition of \"infect\"?"} {"term": "splinter", "pos": "", "context": "thermal shock is a problem indicated by cracking or splintering , which is caused by rapid heating and cooling cycles .", "definition": "break or cause to break into small sharp fragments", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"thermal shock is a problem indicated by cracking or splintering , which is caused by rapid heating and cooling cycles .\" What is the definition of \"splinter\"?"} {"term": "splinter", "pos": "", "context": "he got a splinter in his finger", "definition": "a small thin sharp bit or wood or glass or metal", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he got a splinter in his finger\" What is the definition of \"splinter\"?"} {"term": "bullock", "pos": "", "context": "if you take a selector who has bullocked all his life to raise crops on dusty , stony patches in the scrubs , and put him on land where there 's plenty of water and manure , he 's apt to get disheartened .", "definition": "work long and hard", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if you take a selector who has bullocked all his life to raise crops on dusty , stony patches in the scrubs , and put him on land where there 's plenty of water and manure , he 's apt to get disheartened .\" What is the definition of \"bullock\"?"} {"term": "defer", "pos": "", "context": "but it 's also interesting and challenging to learn how to compromise with someone and to defer to their greater expertise on matters ( as they should be happy to do with you ) .", "definition": "submit to or acknowledge the merit of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but it 's also interesting and challenging to learn how to compromise with someone and to defer to their greater expertise on matters ( as they should be happy to do with you ) .\" What is the definition of \"defer\"?"} {"term": "sweet", "pos": "", "context": "there was about her , in george eliot 's lovely phrase , ‘ the sweet presence of a good diffused ’ .", "definition": "used for emphasis in various phrases and exclamations", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was about her , in george eliot 's lovely phrase , ‘ the sweet presence of a good diffused ’ .\" What is the definition of \"sweet\"?"} {"term": "sweet", "pos": "", "context": "the sweet song of the lark", "definition": "pleasing to the senses", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sweet song of the lark\" What is the definition of \"sweet\"?"} {"term": "sweet", "pos": "", "context": "he 's unfailingly calm and polite around claire , and we get the sense throughout this episode that ethan is sweet on her .", "definition": "infatuated or in love with", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he 's unfailingly calm and polite around claire , and we get the sense throughout this episode that ethan is sweet on her .\" What is the definition of \"sweet\"?"} {"term": "sweet", "pos": "", "context": "sweet dessert wines", "definition": "( used of wines ) having a high residual sugar content", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sweet dessert wines\" What is the definition of \"sweet\"?"} {"term": "sweet", "pos": "", "context": "it was bought for me by some of my closest friends and some of my favourite web people - really really sweet friends who clubbed together for my thirtieth birthday .", "definition": "( of a person or action ) pleasant and kind or thoughtful", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was bought for me by some of my closest friends and some of my favourite web people - really really sweet friends who clubbed together for my thirtieth birthday .\" What is the definition of \"sweet\"?"} {"term": "sweet", "pos": "", "context": "performance and drivability are enhanced by a sweet clutch/gearbox combination , giving smooth changes .", "definition": "working , moving , or done smoothly or easily", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"performance and drivability are enhanced by a sweet clutch/gearbox combination , giving smooth changes .\" What is the definition of \"sweet\"?"} {"term": "mad", "pos": "", "context": "i give him mad props for keeping his stuff together .", "definition": "great ; remarkable", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i give him mad props for keeping his stuff together .\" What is the definition of \"mad\"?"} {"term": "mad", "pos": "", "context": "a man who had gone mad", "definition": "affected with madness or insanity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a man who had gone mad\" What is the definition of \"mad\"?"} {"term": "mad", "pos": "", "context": "back in the 1950s , john stewart , a glasgow-born theatre director , had a mad idea which had all the hallmarks of disaster about it .", "definition": "( of behaviour or an idea ) extremely foolish ; not sensible", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"back in the 1950s , john stewart , a glasgow-born theatre director , had a mad idea which had all the hallmarks of disaster about it .\" What is the definition of \"mad\"?"} {"term": "rise", "pos": "", "context": "i have not risen to this position through blind luck .", "definition": "reach a higher position in society or one 's profession", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i have not risen to this position through blind luck .\" What is the definition of \"rise\"?"} {"term": "rise", "pos": "", "context": "making the bread is a living process , similar to yoghurt , where the dough rises and develops with the yeast .", "definition": "( of dough ) swell by the action of yeast", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"making the bread is a living process , similar to yoghurt , where the dough rises and develops with the yeast .\" What is the definition of \"rise\"?"} {"term": "icon", "pos": "", "context": "an iconic sign/icon ( from greek eikon ‘ replica ’ ) provides a visual , auditory or any other perceptual image of the thing it stands for .", "definition": "a sign which has a characteristic in common with the thing it signifies , for example the word snarl pronounced in a snarling way .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"an iconic sign/icon ( from greek eikon ‘ replica ’ ) provides a visual , auditory or any other perceptual image of the thing it stands for .\" What is the definition of \"icon\"?"} {"term": "icon", "pos": "", "context": "the left side of the program window contains icons for each module and you can access any part of the software at any time without having to back out of anything first .", "definition": "a symbol or graphic representation on a screen of a program , option , or window .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the left side of the program window contains icons for each module and you can access any part of the software at any time without having to back out of anything first .\" What is the definition of \"icon\"?"} {"term": "mote", "pos": "", "context": "later i was in the living room watching dust motes circulating through a shaft of sunlight when the phone rang .", "definition": "a tiny piece of a substance ; a speck", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"later i was in the living room watching dust motes circulating through a shaft of sunlight when the phone rang .\" What is the definition of \"mote\"?"} {"term": "tread", "pos": "", "context": "for fools rush in where angels fear to tread", "definition": "put down or press the foot , place the foot", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for fools rush in where angels fear to tread\" What is the definition of \"tread\"?"} {"term": "tread", "pos": "", "context": "male birds tread the females", "definition": "mate with", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"male birds tread the females\" What is the definition of \"tread\"?"} {"term": "hedging", "pos": "", "context": "when you say `maybe ' you are just hedging", "definition": "an intentionally noncommittal or ambiguous statement", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when you say `maybe ' you are just hedging\" What is the definition of \"hedging\"?"} {"term": "hedging", "pos": "", "context": "plants used for hedging are also planted closer together and the usual practice is to shear the plants into shape .", "definition": "bushes and shrubs planted to form hedges", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"plants used for hedging are also planted closer together and the usual practice is to shear the plants into shape .\" What is the definition of \"hedging\"?"} {"term": "meze", "pos": "", "context": "having lived in turkey for nearly six years , i focused on the turkish-inspired meze ( appetizers ) .", "definition": "( in turkish , greek , and middle eastern cooking ) a selection of hot and cold dishes , typically served as an hors d'oeuvre", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"having lived in turkey for nearly six years , i focused on the turkish-inspired meze ( appetizers ) .\" What is the definition of \"meze\"?"} {"term": "exceed", "pos": "", "context": "this exceeds all my expectations", "definition": "be or do something to a greater degree", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this exceeds all my expectations\" What is the definition of \"exceed\"?"} {"term": "green", "pos": "", "context": "high ellington is a pleasant little village with a green .", "definition": "a piece of public grassy land , especially in the centre of a village", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"high ellington is a pleasant little village with a green .\" What is the definition of \"green\"?"} {"term": "green", "pos": "", "context": "i was completely green when it came to the downtown new york scene , and i 'm pretty sure it showed .", "definition": "( of a person ) inexperienced or naive", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i was completely green when it came to the downtown new york scene , and i 'm pretty sure it showed .\" What is the definition of \"green\"?"} {"term": "high-top", "pos": "", "context": "instead of threatening to fine peyton manning for wanting to wear black high-tops to honor johnny unitas , the nfl should have applauded him .", "definition": "a pair of high-top shoes .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"instead of threatening to fine peyton manning for wanting to wear black high-tops to honor johnny unitas , the nfl should have applauded him .\" What is the definition of \"high-top\"?"} {"term": "shire", "pos": "", "context": "but no matter what the perspective - from shocked reader from the shires to shrill debunker from the radical left - no one ever seems to say exactly what it is they 're objecting to .", "definition": "used in reference to parts of england regarded as strongholds of traditional rural culture , especially the rural midlands .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but no matter what the perspective - from shocked reader from the shires to shrill debunker from the radical left - no one ever seems to say exactly what it is they 're objecting to .\" What is the definition of \"shire\"?"} {"term": "introduce", "pos": "", "context": "for ‘ zen , ’ for instance , he created that drum loop which introduces the song .", "definition": "occur at the start of ; open", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"for ‘ zen , ’ for instance , he created that drum loop which introduces the song .\" What is the definition of \"introduce\"?"} {"term": "introduce", "pos": "", "context": "introduce a rule", "definition": "bring in or establish in a new place or environment", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"introduce a rule\" What is the definition of \"introduce\"?"} {"term": "introduce", "pos": "", "context": "this introduces rotatory forces through the knee which can aggravate the condition .", "definition": "insert or bring into something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this introduces rotatory forces through the knee which can aggravate the condition .\" What is the definition of \"introduce\"?"} {"term": "introduce", "pos": "", "context": "initial modules introduce less complex concepts and situations , which are built upon by progressively more complex negotiation scenarios and strategies .", "definition": "bring ( something , especially a product , measure , or concept ) into use or operation for the first time", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"initial modules introduce less complex concepts and situations , which are built upon by progressively more complex negotiation scenarios and strategies .\" What is the definition of \"introduce\"?"} {"term": "federation", "pos": "", "context": "although there have been job cuts in the public sector , public sector unions have become proportionately larger within the union federation .", "definition": "an organization or group within which smaller divisions have some degree of internal autonomy", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"although there have been job cuts in the public sector , public sector unions have become proportionately larger within the union federation .\" What is the definition of \"federation\"?"} {"term": "throughway", "pos": "", "context": "from the flow of the main throughways to the definition and placement of internal landmarks , such as the concession villages , emphasis was placed on visual connectivity .", "definition": "a major road or motorway .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"from the flow of the main throughways to the definition and placement of internal landmarks , such as the concession villages , emphasis was placed on visual connectivity .\" What is the definition of \"throughway\"?"} {"term": "moxie", "pos": "", "context": "to get onstage , all you needed was chutzpah and moxie .", "definition": "force of character , determination , or nerve", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to get onstage , all you needed was chutzpah and moxie .\" What is the definition of \"moxie\"?"} {"term": "agnatha", "pos": "", "context": "here , we use the sequences of 35 nuclear protein-encoding genes to provide definitive evidence for the monophyly of the agnatha ( jawless vertebrates , a group encompassing the hagfishes and lampreys ) .", "definition": "a group of primitive jawless vertebrates which includes the lampreys , hagfishes , and many fossil fishlike forms .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"here , we use the sequences of 35 nuclear protein-encoding genes to provide definitive evidence for the monophyly of the agnatha ( jawless vertebrates , a group encompassing the hagfishes and lampreys ) .\" What is the definition of \"agnatha\"?"} {"term": "brunette", "pos": "", "context": "investigators have said that they consider the two brunette women to be witnesses - not suspects .", "definition": "( of a woman or girl ) having dark brown hair", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"investigators have said that they consider the two brunette women to be witnesses - not suspects .\" What is the definition of \"brunette\"?"} {"term": "wastage", "pos": "", "context": "where possible these changes will be achieved through natural wastage , voluntary redundancy and redeployment .", "definition": "the reduction in the size of a workforce as a result of voluntary resignation or retirement rather than enforced redundancy", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"where possible these changes will be achieved through natural wastage , voluntary redundancy and redeployment .\" What is the definition of \"wastage\"?"} {"term": "postman", "pos": "", "context": "the pouches are regularly used to store bags of mail until a postman collects them for delivery to nearby homes .", "definition": "a person who is employed to deliver or collect letters and parcels .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the pouches are regularly used to store bags of mail until a postman collects them for delivery to nearby homes .\" What is the definition of \"postman\"?"} {"term": "black", "pos": "", "context": "the widow wore black", "definition": "black clothing ( worn as a sign of mourning )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the widow wore black\" What is the definition of \"black\"?"} {"term": "black", "pos": "", "context": "only three cards are needed , two from a black suit , and one from a red suit .", "definition": "of or denoting the suits spades and clubs in a pack of cards .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"only three cards are needed , two from a black suit , and one from a red suit .\" What is the definition of \"black\"?"} {"term": "black", "pos": "", "context": "rich black soil", "definition": "being of the achromatic color of maximum darkness ; having little or no hue owing to absorption of almost all incident light", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"rich black soil\" What is the definition of \"black\"?"} {"term": "blossom", "pos": "", "context": "below my window there 's an apple tree in blossom .", "definition": "the state or period of flowering", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"below my window there 's an apple tree in blossom .\" What is the definition of \"blossom\"?"} {"term": "battleship", "pos": "", "context": "both vessels were built in england , albeit 136 years apart , and both were designated first class battleships .", "definition": "a heavy warship of a type built chiefly in the late 19th and early 20th centuries , with extensive armour protection and large-calibre guns .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"both vessels were built in england , albeit 136 years apart , and both were designated first class battleships .\" What is the definition of \"battleship\"?"} {"term": "bonanza", "pos": "", "context": "people are being urged to ditch low-paid unskilled work to take advantage of a jobs bonanza in the construction industry in bradford .", "definition": "a large amount of something desirable", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"people are being urged to ditch low-paid unskilled work to take advantage of a jobs bonanza in the construction industry in bradford .\" What is the definition of \"bonanza\"?"} {"term": "fucoid", "pos": "", "context": "it was covered in fucoid algae and delicate yellow and orange plumose anemones that drew us in closer , as there were often a few gems nestling in them .", "definition": "relating to or resembling a brown seaweed , especially a fucoid .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it was covered in fucoid algae and delicate yellow and orange plumose anemones that drew us in closer , as there were often a few gems nestling in them .\" What is the definition of \"fucoid\"?"} {"term": "tincture", "pos": "", "context": "the heavy traffic tinctures the air with carbon monoxide", "definition": "fill , as with a certain quality", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the heavy traffic tinctures the air with carbon monoxide\" What is the definition of \"tincture\"?"} {"term": "differ", "pos": "", "context": "the two traditions draw on differing interpretations of the american ‘ national interest ’ .", "definition": "disagree", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the two traditions draw on differing interpretations of the american ‘ national interest ’ .\" What is the definition of \"differ\"?"} {"term": "differ", "pos": "", "context": "these two tests differ in only one respect", "definition": "be different", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these two tests differ in only one respect\" What is the definition of \"differ\"?"} {"term": "english", "pos": "", "context": "adam , i used to think that being the english language 's greatest writer was the highest honour a man could aspire to .", "definition": "relating to england or its people or language .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"adam , i used to think that being the english language 's greatest writer was the highest honour a man could aspire to .\" What is the definition of \"english\"?"} {"term": "steelwork", "pos": "", "context": "at the centre of this jagged , violent landscape was a solitary lattice of steelwork standing 10 storeys high , its upper edges eerily like the fingers of a hand stretched upwards in search of help .", "definition": "articles of steel .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"at the centre of this jagged , violent landscape was a solitary lattice of steelwork standing 10 storeys high , its upper edges eerily like the fingers of a hand stretched upwards in search of help .\" What is the definition of \"steelwork\"?"} {"term": "predate", "pos": "", "context": "these mammals predate certain eggs", "definition": "prey on or hunt for", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"these mammals predate certain eggs\" What is the definition of \"predate\"?"} {"term": "manatee", "pos": "", "context": "there are three species of manatees , including the west indian manatee .", "definition": "a sea cow of tropical atlantic coasts and estuaries , with a rounded tail flipper .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there are three species of manatees , including the west indian manatee .\" What is the definition of \"manatee\"?"} {"term": "governor", "pos": "", "context": "the first feedback device to be mathematically described was the rotary governor , used by james watt to keep the rate of steam engines constant with varying loads .", "definition": "a device automatically regulating the supply of fuel , steam , or water to a machine , ensuring uniform motion or limiting speed .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the first feedback device to be mathematically described was the rotary governor , used by james watt to keep the rate of steam engines constant with varying loads .\" What is the definition of \"governor\"?"} {"term": "ruin", "pos": "", "context": "he continued to fight the approaching enemy , taking cover from behind the ruins of a building that had been ripped apart .", "definition": "the remains of a building , typically an old one that has suffered much damage or disintegration", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he continued to fight the approaching enemy , taking cover from behind the ruins of a building that had been ripped apart .\" What is the definition of \"ruin\"?"} {"term": "satellite", "pos": "", "context": "harry predicted that internet broadcasting would largely replace satellite transmission of events .", "definition": "transmitted by satellite ; using or relating to satellite technology", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"harry predicted that internet broadcasting would largely replace satellite transmission of events .\" What is the definition of \"satellite\"?"} {"term": "memory", "pos": "", "context": "despite the brightest and most competitive opening to a season in recent memory , crowds watching premier league games are down .", "definition": "the length of time over which a person or event continues to be remembered", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"despite the brightest and most competitive opening to a season in recent memory , crowds watching premier league games are down .\" What is the definition of \"memory\"?"} {"term": "memory", "pos": "", "context": "williams searched his memory , trying to remember what he did in this situation eleven years ago .", "definition": "the mind regarded as a store of things remembered", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"williams searched his memory , trying to remember what he did in this situation eleven years ago .\" What is the definition of \"memory\"?"} {"term": "envelop", "pos": "", "context": "i attempted to get the keys a few times until darkness completely enveloped me .", "definition": "wrap up , cover , or surround completely", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i attempted to get the keys a few times until darkness completely enveloped me .\" What is the definition of \"envelop\"?"} {"term": "doom", "pos": "", "context": "since the real world is more frightening than the void , thoughts turn to impending doom , death and suicide .", "definition": "death , destruction , or some other terrible fate", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"since the real world is more frightening than the void , thoughts turn to impending doom , death and suicide .\" What is the definition of \"doom\"?"} {"term": "doom", "pos": "", "context": "according to this story , he promised her that if her desire is not fulfilled after this practice , she can catch hold of him at the doom 's day .", "definition": "( in christian belief ) the last judgement", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"according to this story , he promised her that if her desire is not fulfilled after this practice , she can catch hold of him at the doom 's day .\" What is the definition of \"doom\"?"} {"term": "billow", "pos": "", "context": "the boat swept round with its bow to the east just in time to meet a billow , which , towering high above its fellows , burst completely over the rocks , and appeared to be about to sweep away all before it .", "definition": "a large sea wave .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the boat swept round with its bow to the east just in time to meet a billow , which , towering high above its fellows , burst completely over the rocks , and appeared to be about to sweep away all before it .\" What is the definition of \"billow\"?"} {"term": "glare", "pos": "", "context": "the sun glared down on us", "definition": "shine intensely", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the sun glared down on us\" What is the definition of \"glare\"?"} {"term": "atomizer", "pos": "", "context": "she began , for the first time in almost a decade , to wear lipstick again , and on a whim she went into a department store just to allow the woman in the perfume aisle to give her a squirt from her atomizer .", "definition": "a device for emitting water , perfume , or other liquids as a fine spray", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she began , for the first time in almost a decade , to wear lipstick again , and on a whim she went into a department store just to allow the woman in the perfume aisle to give her a squirt from her atomizer .\" What is the definition of \"atomizer\"?"} {"term": "article", "pos": "", "context": "she previously worked as a reporter for a sports news agency , supplying newspapers and magazines with articles .", "definition": "a piece of writing included with others in a newspaper , magazine , or other publication", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she previously worked as a reporter for a sports news agency , supplying newspapers and magazines with articles .\" What is the definition of \"article\"?"} {"term": "spry", "pos": "", "context": "the hay diet - actually more a way of eating than a diet in the accepted sense - is still having its praises sung by spry 95-year-olds with amazing skin .", "definition": "( especially of an old person ) active ; lively", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the hay diet - actually more a way of eating than a diet in the accepted sense - is still having its praises sung by spry 95-year-olds with amazing skin .\" What is the definition of \"spry\"?"} {"term": "cymbal", "pos": "", "context": "we had a very satisfying jam , with bass guitar , theremin and a drum kit minus sticks and cymbals .", "definition": "a musical instrument consisting of a slightly concave round brass plate which is either struck against another one or struck with a stick to make a ringing or clashing sound .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"we had a very satisfying jam , with bass guitar , theremin and a drum kit minus sticks and cymbals .\" What is the definition of \"cymbal\"?"} {"term": "conformity", "pos": "", "context": "whereas the first lord was a church papist , externally compliant with the law of conformity , sir william ii was twice presented for catholic recusancy .", "definition": "compliance with the practices of the church of england .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"whereas the first lord was a church papist , externally compliant with the law of conformity , sir william ii was twice presented for catholic recusancy .\" What is the definition of \"conformity\"?"} {"term": "stir", "pos": "", "context": "my ringworm worried her more than the swarms of rumors the local gossips were stirring .", "definition": "deliberately cause trouble by spreading rumours or gossip", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my ringworm worried her more than the swarms of rumors the local gossips were stirring .\" What is the definition of \"stir\"?"} {"term": "stir", "pos": "", "context": "the halifax created a stir last year when it started offering 4 % interest on its current accounts .", "definition": "a commotion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the halifax created a stir last year when it started offering 4 % interest on its current accounts .\" What is the definition of \"stir\"?"} {"term": "stir", "pos": "", "context": "he watched in silence as the aficionado sniffed the paprika bouquet and stirred the velvety stew with his spoon .", "definition": "move a spoon or other implement round and round in ( a liquid or other substance ) in order to mix it thoroughly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he watched in silence as the aficionado sniffed the paprika bouquet and stirred the velvety stew with his spoon .\" What is the definition of \"stir\"?"} {"term": "shortcake", "pos": "", "context": "she baked mouth-watering cakes , mini chocolate muffins and millionaire shortcake to keep everyone happy .", "definition": "shortbread .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she baked mouth-watering cakes , mini chocolate muffins and millionaire shortcake to keep everyone happy .\" What is the definition of \"shortcake\"?"} {"term": "leatherette", "pos": "", "context": "all seams and edges are leatherette finished .", "definition": "imitation leather", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"all seams and edges are leatherette finished .\" What is the definition of \"leatherette\"?"} {"term": "goffer", "pos": "", "context": "goffer the trim of the dress", "definition": "make wavy with a heated goffering iron", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"goffer the trim of the dress\" What is the definition of \"goffer\"?"} {"term": "terrace", "pos": "", "context": "the days of fans being able to stand on terraces at top-flight football in this country are long gone and the call for standing areas is not about bringing them back .", "definition": "a flight of wide , shallow steps providing standing room for spectators in a stadium , especially a soccer ground .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the days of fans being able to stand on terraces at top-flight football in this country are long gone and the call for standing areas is not about bringing them back .\" What is the definition of \"terrace\"?"} {"term": "terrace", "pos": "", "context": "each apartment is unique in style and elevation and the majority have patios , balconies or terraces .", "definition": "a level paved area next to a building ; a patio", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"each apartment is unique in style and elevation and the majority have patios , balconies or terraces .\" What is the definition of \"terrace\"?"} {"term": "terrace", "pos": "", "context": "on steep topography , the filter area should be a gradient terrace with a slope that will not allow erosion .", "definition": "each of a series of flat areas made on a slope , used for cultivation .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"on steep topography , the filter area should be a gradient terrace with a slope that will not allow erosion .\" What is the definition of \"terrace\"?"} {"term": "metre", "pos": "", "context": "in all , the fireguard stretches seven kilometres , and is approximately 400 meters wide .", "definition": "the fundamental unit of length in the metric system , equal to 100 centimetres or approximately 39.37 inches", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in all , the fireguard stretches seven kilometres , and is approximately 400 meters wide .\" What is the definition of \"metre\"?"} {"term": "syncopate", "pos": "", "context": "nouns ending in d or g containing a long vowel or diphthong where that consonant is syncopated in the plural , preserve it in the diminutive .", "definition": "shorten ( a word ) by dropping sounds or letters in the middle , as in symbology for symbolology , or gloster for gloucester .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nouns ending in d or g containing a long vowel or diphthong where that consonant is syncopated in the plural , preserve it in the diminutive .\" What is the definition of \"syncopate\"?"} {"term": "deliver", "pos": "", "context": "until the government and local councils deliver on their election promises of providing reliable and affordable alternatives to the car , situations like this will continue .", "definition": "provide ( something promised or expected )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"until the government and local councils deliver on their election promises of providing reliable and affordable alternatives to the car , situations like this will continue .\" What is the definition of \"deliver\"?"} {"term": "lair", "pos": "", "context": "they would have no compunction about silencing a fellow countryman who 'd discovered their hidden lair .", "definition": "a secret or private place in which a person seeks concealment or seclusion", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they would have no compunction about silencing a fellow countryman who 'd discovered their hidden lair .\" What is the definition of \"lair\"?"} {"term": "bottom", "pos": "", "context": "b-mesons are similar to neutral kaons but consist of an anti-down quark and a heavy bottom quark .", "definition": "one of six flavours of quark .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"b-mesons are similar to neutral kaons but consist of an anti-down quark and a heavy bottom quark .\" What is the definition of \"bottom\"?"} {"term": "bottom", "pos": "", "context": "canada is increasingly divided between the few who have much and a growing bottom class that has little .", "definition": "in the lowest or last position in a competition or ranking", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"canada is increasingly divided between the few who have much and a growing bottom class that has little .\" What is the definition of \"bottom\"?"} {"term": "bottom", "pos": "", "context": "they started at the bottom of the hill", "definition": "the lowest part of anything", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they started at the bottom of the hill\" What is the definition of \"bottom\"?"} {"term": "pomander", "pos": "", "context": "the younger bridesmaids wore pale lilac shimmer satin dresses with cream embroidered bodices , and carried pomanders of lilac and cream flowers .", "definition": "a ball or perforated container of aromatic substances , placed in a cupboard or room to perfume the air or ( formerly ) carried as a supposed protection against infection .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the younger bridesmaids wore pale lilac shimmer satin dresses with cream embroidered bodices , and carried pomanders of lilac and cream flowers .\" What is the definition of \"pomander\"?"} {"term": "discriminator", "pos": "", "context": "the output of this unit was amplified and passed through a discriminator .", "definition": "a circuit or device which only produces an output when the input exceeds a fixed value .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the output of this unit was amplified and passed through a discriminator .\" What is the definition of \"discriminator\"?"} {"term": "prop", "pos": "", "context": "his right foot was propped up against the wall , and his hands were in his pockets .", "definition": "lean ( something ) against something else", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"his right foot was propped up against the wall , and his hands were in his pockets .\" What is the definition of \"prop\"?"} {"term": "willet", "pos": "", "context": "this was also true with the common snipe , lesser yellowlegs , willet , and western sandpiper .", "definition": "a large north american sandpiper .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this was also true with the common snipe , lesser yellowlegs , willet , and western sandpiper .\" What is the definition of \"willet\"?"} {"term": "breakdown", "pos": "", "context": "there was a power breakdown", "definition": "a cessation of normal operation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was a power breakdown\" What is the definition of \"breakdown\"?"} {"term": "agrarian", "pos": "", "context": "moreover , why measure pre-second world war income inequality via the distribution of agrarian property and the quality of human capital ?", "definition": "relating to landed property", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"moreover , why measure pre-second world war income inequality via the distribution of agrarian property and the quality of human capital ?\" What is the definition of \"agrarian\"?"} {"term": "photopigment", "pos": "", "context": "there is no physiological evidence for a third photopigment sensitive to blue wavelengths .", "definition": "a pigment whose chemical state depends on its degree of illumination , such as those in the retina of the eye .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there is no physiological evidence for a third photopigment sensitive to blue wavelengths .\" What is the definition of \"photopigment\"?"} {"term": "refound", "pos": "", "context": "the baltic council was founded on 12 may 1990 by the newly refounded independent states of estonia , latvia , and lithuania .", "definition": "found ( a city or institution ) again ; re-establish", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the baltic council was founded on 12 may 1990 by the newly refounded independent states of estonia , latvia , and lithuania .\" What is the definition of \"refound\"?"} {"term": "guelph", "pos": "", "context": "the house of hanover is descended from the ancient line of guelph , or welf , that ruled in brunswick back into the middle ages .", "definition": "a member of a princely family of swabian origin from which the british royal house is descended through george i .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the house of hanover is descended from the ancient line of guelph , or welf , that ruled in brunswick back into the middle ages .\" What is the definition of \"guelph\"?"} {"term": "chenille", "pos": "", "context": "pink chenille fibres found on carly 's body matched with others found in the boot .", "definition": "a tufty , velvety cord or yarn , used for trimming furniture and made into carpets or clothing .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pink chenille fibres found on carly 's body matched with others found in the boot .\" What is the definition of \"chenille\"?"} {"term": "leapfrog", "pos": "", "context": "this game of electoral leapfrog might be in the best interest of individual states , but it 's destructive to the national interest .", "definition": "a game in which players in turn vault with parted legs over others who are bending down", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this game of electoral leapfrog might be in the best interest of individual states , but it 's destructive to the national interest .\" What is the definition of \"leapfrog\"?"} {"term": "broadcast", "pos": "", "context": "mr allen , 52 , was 17 and the second voice ever to broadcast on the station in 1969 .", "definition": "take part in a radio or television transmission", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"mr allen , 52 , was 17 and the second voice ever to broadcast on the station in 1969 .\" What is the definition of \"broadcast\"?"} {"term": "broadcast", "pos": "", "context": "the town report broadcast on midlands radio was another great development for rosenallis last year .", "definition": "a radio or television programme or transmission", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the town report broadcast on midlands radio was another great development for rosenallis last year .\" What is the definition of \"broadcast\"?"} {"term": "duenna", "pos": "", "context": "she brought an entourage of some sixty people , from her aristocratic duenna , dona elvira , to her bishops and chaplains , her ladies , her pages , her fool , her butler and her cooks .", "definition": "an older woman acting as a governess and companion in charge of girls , especially in a spanish family ; a chaperone .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"she brought an entourage of some sixty people , from her aristocratic duenna , dona elvira , to her bishops and chaplains , her ladies , her pages , her fool , her butler and her cooks .\" What is the definition of \"duenna\"?"} {"term": "chilly", "pos": "", "context": "also , they give the president 's state of the union speech a rather chilly reception .", "definition": "unfriendly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"also , they give the president 's state of the union speech a rather chilly reception .\" What is the definition of \"chilly\"?"} {"term": "triad", "pos": "", "context": "the triads are a peculiar species of poetical composition , of which the welsh bards have left numerous examples .", "definition": "a welsh form of literary composition with an arrangement of subjects or statements in groups of three .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the triads are a peculiar species of poetical composition , of which the welsh bards have left numerous examples .\" What is the definition of \"triad\"?"} {"term": "posture", "pos": "", "context": "in a rarely seen move , she postures the father with his back to the audience as soon as the diplomat proposes the arrangement .", "definition": "place ( someone ) in a particular attitude or pose", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in a rarely seen move , she postures the father with his back to the audience as soon as the diplomat proposes the arrangement .\" What is the definition of \"posture\"?"} {"term": "impart", "pos": "", "context": "while these definitions impart a flavour of the concept , they are extremely vague .", "definition": "make ( information ) known", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"while these definitions impart a flavour of the concept , they are extremely vague .\" What is the definition of \"impart\"?"} {"term": "ulcerate", "pos": "", "context": "following a two - to eight-week incubation period , papules develop that may ulcerate or evolve into abscesses .", "definition": "develop into or become affected by an ulcer", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"following a two - to eight-week incubation period , papules develop that may ulcerate or evolve into abscesses .\" What is the definition of \"ulcerate\"?"} {"term": "gatecrash", "pos": "", "context": "in the evening they gatecrashed the wedding party and again beat up several guests .", "definition": "enter ( a party or other gathering ) without an invitation or ticket", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in the evening they gatecrashed the wedding party and again beat up several guests .\" What is the definition of \"gatecrash\"?"} {"term": "hapten", "pos": "", "context": "supporting this is the discovery by vojdani et al. , who reported that some individuals develop allergic antibodies to haptens formed in response to mtbe binding to albumin .", "definition": "a small molecule which , when combined with a larger carrier such as a protein , can elicit the production of antibodies which bind specifically to it ( in the free or combined state ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"supporting this is the discovery by vojdani et al. , who reported that some individuals develop allergic antibodies to haptens formed in response to mtbe binding to albumin .\" What is the definition of \"hapten\"?"} {"term": "goatskin", "pos": "", "context": "canteens and goatskins had been half-drained before this was discovered by unfortunate soldiers seeking to slake their thirst .", "definition": "a garment or object made out of goatskin", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"canteens and goatskins had been half-drained before this was discovered by unfortunate soldiers seeking to slake their thirst .\" What is the definition of \"goatskin\"?"} {"term": "hausa", "pos": "", "context": "over half the population of niger speak hausa while an even greater number exist in the northern states of nigeria .", "definition": "the chadic language of the hausa , spoken by some 30 million people , mainly in nigeria and niger , and used as a lingua franca in parts of west africa .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"over half the population of niger speak hausa while an even greater number exist in the northern states of nigeria .\" What is the definition of \"hausa\"?"} {"term": "grouch", "pos": "", "context": "sorry , i 'm a grouch , but can we do this tomorrow ?", "definition": "a habitually grumpy person", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sorry , i 'm a grouch , but can we do this tomorrow ?\" What is the definition of \"grouch\"?"} {"term": "rayon", "pos": "", "context": "the second material is a fiber composed of viscose / rayon that absorbs and wicks exudate laterally .", "definition": "a textile fibre or fabric made from regenerated cellulose ( viscose )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the second material is a fiber composed of viscose / rayon that absorbs and wicks exudate laterally .\" What is the definition of \"rayon\"?"} {"term": "defuse", "pos": "", "context": "after the first three blasts , disposal experts tried to defuse a fourth bomb but failed , and it exploded , injuring one officer .", "definition": "remove the fuse from ( an explosive device ) in order to prevent it from exploding", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"after the first three blasts , disposal experts tried to defuse a fourth bomb but failed , and it exploded , injuring one officer .\" What is the definition of \"defuse\"?"} {"term": "saver", "pos": "", "context": "ever since privatisation , the government has regulated certain railway fares - season tickets , cheap day returns and savers - limiting the increases allowed .", "definition": "a travel fare offering reductions on the standard price", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ever since privatisation , the government has regulated certain railway fares - season tickets , cheap day returns and savers - limiting the increases allowed .\" What is the definition of \"saver\"?"} {"term": "erasure", "pos": "", "context": "there were many erasures in the typescript", "definition": "a correction made by erasing", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there were many erasures in the typescript\" What is the definition of \"erasure\"?"} {"term": "idolater", "pos": "", "context": "they will not be among the egyptian idolaters in the future ; they will be among the immoral canaanites .", "definition": "a person who worships an idol or idols .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they will not be among the egyptian idolaters in the future ; they will be among the immoral canaanites .\" What is the definition of \"idolater\"?"} {"term": "frank", "pos": "", "context": "frank enjoyment", "definition": "clearly manifest ; evident", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"frank enjoyment\" What is the definition of \"frank\"?"} {"term": "frank", "pos": "", "context": "typical findings include spiculation of the mucosa , spasm , abscess , or evidence of frank perforation .", "definition": "unmistakable ; obvious", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"typical findings include spiculation of the mucosa , spasm , abscess , or evidence of frank perforation .\" What is the definition of \"frank\"?"} {"term": "heredity", "pos": "", "context": "when asked about the role of heredity in the wyeth-hurd family , michael believes strongly that it plays an unquestionably vital part in producing artists .", "definition": "the passing on of physical or mental characteristics genetically from one generation to another", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when asked about the role of heredity in the wyeth-hurd family , michael believes strongly that it plays an unquestionably vital part in producing artists .\" What is the definition of \"heredity\"?"} {"term": "dulcimer", "pos": "", "context": "very early on , i was attracted to the sounds of stringed instruments like the dulcimer and mandolin , which were commonly played in that part of the country .", "definition": "a musical instrument with a sounding board or box , typically trapezoid in shape , over which strings of graduated length are stretched , played by plucking or especially by being struck with handheld hammers . the term hammered dulcimer is sometimes used , especially in the us , to distinguish these from plucked instruments such as the appalachian dulcimer .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"very early on , i was attracted to the sounds of stringed instruments like the dulcimer and mandolin , which were commonly played in that part of the country .\" What is the definition of \"dulcimer\"?"} {"term": "monstrosity", "pos": "", "context": "i think it is an absolute disgrace that the tube station is being redeveloped into that monstrosity of a building .", "definition": "a thing , especially a building , which is very large and unsightly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i think it is an absolute disgrace that the tube station is being redeveloped into that monstrosity of a building .\" What is the definition of \"monstrosity\"?"} {"term": "bankruptcy", "pos": "", "context": "he said the government had shown a lack of concern and understanding for farmers who faced bankruptcy .", "definition": "the state of being completely lacking in a particular good quality", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he said the government had shown a lack of concern and understanding for farmers who faced bankruptcy .\" What is the definition of \"bankruptcy\"?"} {"term": "goof", "pos": "", "context": "if you goof up continually , then he or she will be blamed for sending you unprepared .", "definition": "make a mistake", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if you goof up continually , then he or she will be blamed for sending you unprepared .\" What is the definition of \"goof\"?"} {"term": "pseudogene", "pos": "", "context": "finally , it is conceivable that a copy of a multicopy gene family is a pseudogene .", "definition": "a section of a chromosome that is an imperfect copy of a functional gene .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"finally , it is conceivable that a copy of a multicopy gene family is a pseudogene .\" What is the definition of \"pseudogene\"?"} {"term": "trifid", "pos": "", "context": "trifid petals", "definition": "divided into three lobes", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"trifid petals\" What is the definition of \"trifid\"?"} {"term": "cover", "pos": "", "context": "i was touched by their concern , until i realised they 're only covering themselves should i decide to sue .", "definition": "take precautionary measures so as to protect oneself against future blame or liability", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i was touched by their concern , until i realised they 're only covering themselves should i decide to sue .\" What is the definition of \"cover\"?"} {"term": "cover", "pos": "", "context": "ironically , dailly had been trying to shepherd the ball clear as he covered behind elliott .", "definition": "stand behind ( another player ) to stop any missed balls .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"ironically , dailly had been trying to shepherd the ball clear as he covered behind elliott .\" What is the definition of \"cover\"?"} {"term": "cover", "pos": "", "context": "the proper support of overhead cover is a vital aspect of a safe fighting position or observation post .", "definition": "military support given when someone is being attacked", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the proper support of overhead cover is a vital aspect of a safe fighting position or observation post .\" What is the definition of \"cover\"?"} {"term": "cover", "pos": "", "context": "cover the meat with a lot of gravy", "definition": "put something on top of something else", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"cover the meat with a lot of gravy\" What is the definition of \"cover\"?"} {"term": "cover", "pos": "", "context": "the skin around the head was covered with long shaggy hair .", "definition": "put something on top of or in front of ( something ) in order to protect or conceal it", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the skin around the head was covered with long shaggy hair .\" What is the definition of \"cover\"?"} {"term": "cover", "pos": "", "context": "the drug will be covered by health insurance for the first time under a new law that went into effect in march .", "definition": "( of insurance ) protect against a liability , loss , or accident involving financial consequences", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the drug will be covered by health insurance for the first time under a new law that went into effect in march .\" What is the definition of \"cover\"?"} {"term": "cover", "pos": "", "context": "under a covering of dust", "definition": "a natural object that covers or envelops", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"under a covering of dust\" What is the definition of \"cover\"?"} {"term": "cover", "pos": "", "context": "boucher made 71 , playing some handsome strokes through the covers .", "definition": "an area of the field consisting of cover point and extra cover", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"boucher made 71 , playing some handsome strokes through the covers .\" What is the definition of \"cover\"?"} {"term": "cover", "pos": "", "context": "and , finally , do the trim so that any paint that accidentally gets on the trim can be covered .", "definition": "lie over or adhere to ( a surface ) , as decoration or to conceal something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and , finally , do the trim so that any paint that accidentally gets on the trim can be covered .\" What is the definition of \"cover\"?"} {"term": "cover", "pos": "", "context": "and when we would do funk covers people said we sounded like jamiroquai , which i could sort of see .", "definition": "a recording or performance of a song previously recorded by a different artist", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"and when we would do funk covers people said we sounded like jamiroquai , which i could sort of see .\" What is the definition of \"cover\"?"} {"term": "cover", "pos": "", "context": "reporters , however , cover meetings only when there is the promise of something newsworthy .", "definition": "investigate , report on , or show pictures of ( an event )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"reporters , however , cover meetings only when there is the promise of something newsworthy .\" What is the definition of \"cover\"?"} {"term": "crisp", "pos": "", "context": "tom and i dined together over plates of crisp bacon , toasted bread , strawberry jam , and poached eggs .", "definition": "( of a substance ) firm , dry , and brittle", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"tom and i dined together over plates of crisp bacon , toasted bread , strawberry jam , and poached eggs .\" What is the definition of \"crisp\"?"} {"term": "twentieth", "pos": "", "context": "by the twentieth minute they were three points down .", "definition": "constituting number twenty in a sequence ; 20th", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"by the twentieth minute they were three points down .\" What is the definition of \"twentieth\"?"} {"term": "barrow", "pos": "", "context": "fleet street was choked with red-headed folk , and pope 's court looked like a coster 's orange barrow .", "definition": "a two-wheeled handcart used especially by street vendors", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fleet street was choked with red-headed folk , and pope 's court looked like a coster 's orange barrow .\" What is the definition of \"barrow\"?"} {"term": "idle", "pos": "", "context": "gold prices overseas have been rising as a large amount of idle money flowed into the gold markets worldwide due to the weak dollar .", "definition": "( of money ) held in cash or in accounts paying no interest .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"gold prices overseas have been rising as a large amount of idle money flowed into the gold markets worldwide due to the weak dollar .\" What is the definition of \"idle\"?"} {"term": "idle", "pos": "", "context": "he pulled up hard into the vertical and idled the engines , diminishing any heat source from the f - 22 .", "definition": "cause ( an engine ) to idle .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he pulled up hard into the vertical and idled the engines , diminishing any heat source from the f - 22 .\" What is the definition of \"idle\"?"} {"term": "thickener", "pos": "", "context": "the most familiar use of starch is as a thickener for cooking sauces , as in cornflour , or perhaps as a substance for stiffening shirt collars .", "definition": "a substance added to a liquid to make it firmer , especially in cooking .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the most familiar use of starch is as a thickener for cooking sauces , as in cornflour , or perhaps as a substance for stiffening shirt collars .\" What is the definition of \"thickener\"?"} {"term": "passive", "pos": "", "context": "from passive viewing to active buying is just another step .", "definition": "accepting or allowing what happens or what others do , without active response or resistance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"from passive viewing to active buying is just another step .\" What is the definition of \"passive\"?"} {"term": "passive", "pos": "", "context": "much benevolence of the passive order may be traced to a disinclination to inflict pain upon oneself ' - george meredith", "definition": "lacking in energy or will", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"much benevolence of the passive order may be traced to a disinclination to inflict pain upon oneself ' - george meredith\" What is the definition of \"passive\"?"} {"term": "passive", "pos": "", "context": "this chromium oxide film is passive and stable , and it seals the base metal from exposure to the atmosphere , thereby precluding further oxidation .", "definition": "( of a metal ) made unreactive by a thin inert surface layer of oxide .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this chromium oxide film is passive and stable , and it seals the base metal from exposure to the atmosphere , thereby precluding further oxidation .\" What is the definition of \"passive\"?"} {"term": "solarium", "pos": "", "context": "situated a mere 8 minutes from the airport , the hotel boasts a health club , with state of the art facilities including a gym , jacuzzi , steam room and solarium .", "definition": "a room equipped with sunlamps or sunbeds which can be used to acquire an artificial suntan .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"situated a mere 8 minutes from the airport , the hotel boasts a health club , with state of the art facilities including a gym , jacuzzi , steam room and solarium .\" What is the definition of \"solarium\"?"} {"term": "adventurism", "pos": "", "context": "to make such a claim is nothing but reckless adventurism .", "definition": "the willingness to take risks in business or politics ; actions or attitudes regarded as reckless or potentially hazardous .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"to make such a claim is nothing but reckless adventurism .\" What is the definition of \"adventurism\"?"} {"term": "necessitate", "pos": "", "context": "probably there are things that necessitate you getting away from the norm .", "definition": "make it necessary for ( someone ) to do something", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"probably there are things that necessitate you getting away from the norm .\" What is the definition of \"necessitate\"?"} {"term": "cloud", "pos": "", "context": "in fact the only time his face clouds over is when his contract situation is raised .", "definition": "( of someone 's face or eyes ) show an emotion such as worry , sorrow , or anger", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in fact the only time his face clouds over is when his contract situation is raised .\" What is the definition of \"cloud\"?"} {"term": "cloud", "pos": "", "context": "the blasts sent debris and shrapnel flying in a wide radius , and hundreds of panicked school children ran for cover , engulfed by a cloud of smoke .", "definition": "an indistinct or billowing mass , especially of smoke or dust", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the blasts sent debris and shrapnel flying in a wide radius , and hundreds of panicked school children ran for cover , engulfed by a cloud of smoke .\" What is the definition of \"cloud\"?"} {"term": "vary", "pos": "", "context": "vary the menu", "definition": "make something more diverse and varied", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"vary the menu\" What is the definition of \"vary\"?"} {"term": "academical", "pos": "", "context": "he was created ‘ poet-laureate ’ by the universities of oxford , louvain , and cambridge , an academical distinction .", "definition": "relating to a college or university", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was created ‘ poet-laureate ’ by the universities of oxford , louvain , and cambridge , an academical distinction .\" What is the definition of \"academical\"?"} {"term": "chainsaw", "pos": "", "context": "i should state that i work with chainsaws , axes , and many sharp tools .", "definition": "a mechanical power-driven cutting tool with teeth set on a chain which moves around the edge of a blade .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i should state that i work with chainsaws , axes , and many sharp tools .\" What is the definition of \"chainsaw\"?"} {"term": "shrug", "pos": "", "context": "he was told about it and he kind of shrugged it off as we did .", "definition": "dismiss something as unimportant", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he was told about it and he kind of shrugged it off as we did .\" What is the definition of \"shrug\"?"} {"term": "flash", "pos": "", "context": "he had a flash of intuition", "definition": "a sudden brilliant understanding", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he had a flash of intuition\" What is the definition of \"flash\"?"} {"term": "flash", "pos": "", "context": "the headlines flashed on the screen", "definition": "appear briefly", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the headlines flashed on the screen\" What is the definition of \"flash\"?"} {"term": "flash", "pos": "", "context": "if you are unable to completely turn the flash off on your camera you wo n't be able to achieve the look that you want .", "definition": "a camera attachment that produces a brief very bright light , used for taking photographs in poor light", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"if you are unable to completely turn the flash off on your camera you wo n't be able to achieve the look that you want .\" What is the definition of \"flash\"?"} {"term": "understand", "pos": "", "context": "i understand that people want information and so would i .", "definition": "infer something from information received ( often used as a polite formula in conversation )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i understand that people want information and so would i .\" What is the definition of \"understand\"?"} {"term": "understand", "pos": "", "context": "he understands how volatile this situation is .", "definition": "perceive the significance , explanation , or cause of", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he understands how volatile this situation is .\" What is the definition of \"understand\"?"} {"term": "dystopia", "pos": "", "context": "my favourite genre is the dystopia , and this novel is filled with references to a horrible future , filled with fascists and war .", "definition": "an imagined place or state in which everything is unpleasant or bad , typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded one .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"my favourite genre is the dystopia , and this novel is filled with references to a horrible future , filled with fascists and war .\" What is the definition of \"dystopia\"?"} {"term": "adapter", "pos": "", "context": "a north yorkshire fire and rescue spokesman said the cause of the blaze was an overloaded electrical socket adapter .", "definition": "a device for connecting several electric plugs to one socket .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a north yorkshire fire and rescue spokesman said the cause of the blaze was an overloaded electrical socket adapter .\" What is the definition of \"adapter\"?"} {"term": "beat", "pos": "", "context": "reading beats watching television", "definition": "be superior", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"reading beats watching television\" What is the definition of \"beat\"?"} {"term": "beat", "pos": "", "context": "beat the egg whites", "definition": "stir vigorously", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"beat the egg whites\" What is the definition of \"beat\"?"} {"term": "beat", "pos": "", "context": "worried residents regularly call for more bobbies on the beat , but the police already have community officers in key areas of north kent .", "definition": "an area allocated to a police officer and patrolled on foot", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"worried residents regularly call for more bobbies on the beat , but the police already have community officers in key areas of north kent .\" What is the definition of \"beat\"?"} {"term": "beat", "pos": "", "context": "pour the hot melted butter over the whisked eggs in a steady stream , beating the ingredients together well .", "definition": "stir ( cooking ingredients ) vigorously to make a smooth or frothy mixture", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"pour the hot melted butter over the whisked eggs in a steady stream , beating the ingredients together well .\" What is the definition of \"beat\"?"} {"term": "beat", "pos": "", "context": "the signal was two beats on the steam pipe", "definition": "a stroke or blow", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the signal was two beats on the steam pipe\" What is the definition of \"beat\"?"} {"term": "beat", "pos": "", "context": "he heard the beat of a drum", "definition": "the sound of stroke or blow", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he heard the beat of a drum\" What is the definition of \"beat\"?"} {"term": "beat", "pos": "", "context": "when you fade one track into another , you have to hit the beats at the right moment for the sounds to segue into one another effortlessly .", "definition": "a main accent or rhythmic unit in music or poetry", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"when you fade one track into another , you have to hit the beats at the right moment for the sounds to segue into one another effortlessly .\" What is the definition of \"beat\"?"} {"term": "dobro", "pos": "", "context": "fiddles , dobros , and crying steel guitars abound , doing a superb job of complementing bentley 's strong , deep voice and good lyrics .", "definition": "a type of acoustic guitar with steel resonating discs inside the body under the bridge .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fiddles , dobros , and crying steel guitars abound , doing a superb job of complementing bentley 's strong , deep voice and good lyrics .\" What is the definition of \"dobro\"?"} {"term": "neuter", "pos": "", "context": "other european languages have two or three so-called ‘ genders ' , masculine , feminine , and neuter .", "definition": "the neuter gender .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"other european languages have two or three so-called ‘ genders ' , masculine , feminine , and neuter .\" What is the definition of \"neuter\"?"} {"term": "materialist", "pos": "", "context": "our materialist culture hysterically produces new marketable images and turns even crime , violence , and decadence into profit .", "definition": "considering material possessions and physical comfort as more important than spiritual values", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"our materialist culture hysterically produces new marketable images and turns even crime , violence , and decadence into profit .\" What is the definition of \"materialist\"?"} {"term": "hogshead", "pos": "", "context": "he always gave them a hogshead of beer ; and they all drank merrily to his health .", "definition": "a measure of capacity for beer , equal to 54 imperial gallons or 64 us gallons ( 245.5 litres ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"he always gave them a hogshead of beer ; and they all drank merrily to his health .\" What is the definition of \"hogshead\"?"} {"term": "safe", "pos": "", "context": "this might dismay investors , as it might lead to losses even from what seemed to be safe investments .", "definition": "not likely to cause or lead to harm or injury ; not involving danger or risk", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this might dismay investors , as it might lead to losses even from what seemed to be safe investments .\" What is the definition of \"safe\"?"} {"term": "safe", "pos": "", "context": "a safe place", "definition": "free from danger or the risk of harm", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a safe place\" What is the definition of \"safe\"?"} {"term": "pitter-patter", "pos": "", "context": "i think of you and my heart goes pitter-patter across the floor .", "definition": "with a sound like that of quick light steps or taps", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i think of you and my heart goes pitter-patter across the floor .\" What is the definition of \"pitter-patter\"?"} {"term": "excite", "pos": "", "context": "there was a doctor at one point who basically would not perform the final surgery on a male to female person unless she sexually excited him .", "definition": "arouse ( someone ) sexually", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"there was a doctor at one point who basically would not perform the final surgery on a male to female person unless she sexually excited him .\" What is the definition of \"excite\"?"} {"term": "proof", "pos": "", "context": "proof the materials against shrinking in the dryer", "definition": "make resistant ( to harm )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"proof the materials against shrinking in the dryer\" What is the definition of \"proof\"?"} {"term": "proof", "pos": "", "context": "no , i do n't mind people buying proof copies , but i 'd advise against buying them to collect .", "definition": "denoting a trial impression of a page or printed work", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"no , i do n't mind people buying proof copies , but i 'd advise against buying them to collect .\" What is the definition of \"proof\"?"} {"term": "proof", "pos": "", "context": "their intention has been to wait for the final proofs of their articles before correcting the intentional misstatements .", "definition": "a trial impression of a page , taken from type or film and used for making corrections before final printing .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"their intention has been to wait for the final proofs of their articles before correcting the intentional misstatements .\" What is the definition of \"proof\"?"} {"term": "proof", "pos": "", "context": "sometimes artist 's proofs are used to hide the real number of an edition .", "definition": "each of a number of impressions from an engraved plate , especially ( in commercial printing ) of a limited number before the ordinary issue is printed and before an inscription or signature is added .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"sometimes artist 's proofs are used to hide the real number of an edition .\" What is the definition of \"proof\"?"} {"term": "outward", "pos": "", "context": "move the needle further outward !", "definition": "toward the outside", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"move the needle further outward !\" What is the definition of \"outward\"?"} {"term": "outward", "pos": "", "context": "very wisely no new building is permitted - and although old buildings can be converted a very vigilant conservation lobby makes sure that villages preserve their outward aspect .", "definition": "of , on , or from the outside", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"very wisely no new building is permitted - and although old buildings can be converted a very vigilant conservation lobby makes sure that villages preserve their outward aspect .\" What is the definition of \"outward\"?"} {"term": "dashboard", "pos": "", "context": "personalized web-based dashboards let a leader get a snapshot of internal and external information rather than having to sift through masses of material .", "definition": "a graphical summary of various pieces of important information , typically used to give an overview of a business", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"personalized web-based dashboards let a leader get a snapshot of internal and external information rather than having to sift through masses of material .\" What is the definition of \"dashboard\"?"} {"term": "dashboard", "pos": "", "context": "stats collection has been temporarily turned off , so you will not see your post count or recent posts updating on your dashboard or profile .", "definition": "a home page on a website giving access to different elements of the site 's functionality", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"stats collection has been temporarily turned off , so you will not see your post count or recent posts updating on your dashboard or profile .\" What is the definition of \"dashboard\"?"} {"term": "service", "pos": "", "context": "it had failed to refill the gearbox with oil during the pre-delivery service of the car .", "definition": "a periodic routine inspection and maintenance of a vehicle or other machine", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"it had failed to refill the gearbox with oil during the pre-delivery service of the car .\" What is the definition of \"service\"?"} {"term": "service", "pos": "", "context": "that restaurant has excellent service", "definition": "the performance of duties by a waiter or servant", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that restaurant has excellent service\" What is the definition of \"service\"?"} {"term": "service", "pos": "", "context": "jenkins served the first four services of the third game , picking up one ace in the process of doing so .", "definition": "a serve .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"jenkins served the first four services of the third game , picking up one ace in the process of doing so .\" What is the definition of \"service\"?"} {"term": "spiritual", "pos": "", "context": "spiritual beings", "definition": "lacking material body or form or substance", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"spiritual beings\" What is the definition of \"spiritual\"?"} {"term": "meet", "pos": "", "context": "the company does not currently have sufficient facilities available to it to meet these obligations .", "definition": "pay ( a financial claim or obligation )", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the company does not currently have sufficient facilities available to it to meet these obligations .\" What is the definition of \"meet\"?"} {"term": "meet", "pos": "", "context": "a free non-denominational meditation group meets in bromley every week .", "definition": "( of a group of people ) assemble for a purpose", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a free non-denominational meditation group meets in bromley every week .\" What is the definition of \"meet\"?"} {"term": "cask", "pos": "", "context": "a cask of gunpowder was fired close to the wall of the clerkenwell house of detention , at 3.45 p.m. on december 13 , 1867 .", "definition": "the quantity of liquid held in a cask", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a cask of gunpowder was fired close to the wall of the clerkenwell house of detention , at 3.45 p.m. on december 13 , 1867 .\" What is the definition of \"cask\"?"} {"term": "khimar", "pos": "", "context": "nevertheless , i balked at the suggestion that i should wear my khimar back in japan .", "definition": "a head covering or veil worn in public by some muslim women , typically covering the head , neck , and shoulders .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"nevertheless , i balked at the suggestion that i should wear my khimar back in japan .\" What is the definition of \"khimar\"?"} {"term": "antioxidant", "pos": "", "context": "fruits and vegetables are the major food sources of antioxidants that may protect the lung from oxidative stress .", "definition": "a substance that inhibits oxidation , especially one used to counteract the deterioration of stored food products .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"fruits and vegetables are the major food sources of antioxidants that may protect the lung from oxidative stress .\" What is the definition of \"antioxidant\"?"} {"term": "overlap", "pos": "", "context": "they understand , increasingly , that cold war approaches do not serve their national interests and that russian and american strategic interests overlap in many areas .", "definition": "cover part of the same area of interest , responsibility , etc .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"they understand , increasingly , that cold war approaches do not serve their national interests and that russian and american strategic interests overlap in many areas .\" What is the definition of \"overlap\"?"} {"term": "overlap", "pos": "", "context": "the game 's 7.30 am kick off , with the final whistle at 9.15 am , meant the game overlapped with the start of the school day .", "definition": "partly coincide in time", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the game 's 7.30 am kick off , with the final whistle at 9.15 am , meant the game overlapped with the start of the school day .\" What is the definition of \"overlap\"?"} {"term": "overlap", "pos": "", "context": "this period represented an overlap between war and stability operations .", "definition": "a period of time in which two events or activities happen together", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"this period represented an overlap between war and stability operations .\" What is the definition of \"overlap\"?"} {"term": "valet", "pos": "", "context": "while waiting for his trial , galileo was housed in a luxurious apartment overlooking the vatican gardens and provided with a personal valet .", "definition": "a man 's personal male attendant , who is responsible for his clothes and appearance .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"while waiting for his trial , galileo was housed in a luxurious apartment overlooking the vatican gardens and provided with a personal valet .\" What is the definition of \"valet\"?"} {"term": "lookup", "pos": "", "context": "the advanced phonetic lookup on the record details page allows you to perform various types of searches against the database using predefined combinations of fields as criteria .", "definition": "a facility for lookup", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the advanced phonetic lookup on the record details page allows you to perform various types of searches against the database using predefined combinations of fields as criteria .\" What is the definition of \"lookup\"?"} {"term": "vim", "pos": "", "context": "that was the defining message from an utterly riveting battle between heriot 's and melrose , which sizzled with enough effervescent vim to warm the coldest of hearts .", "definition": "energy ; enthusiasm", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that was the defining message from an utterly riveting battle between heriot 's and melrose , which sizzled with enough effervescent vim to warm the coldest of hearts .\" What is the definition of \"vim\"?"} {"term": "starflower", "pos": "", "context": "the small , lavender-blue pincushions of s. stellata , known as starflower , ripen into coral-like bronze seedheads , perfect for drying .", "definition": "a plant with starlike flowers .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the small , lavender-blue pincushions of s. stellata , known as starflower , ripen into coral-like bronze seedheads , perfect for drying .\" What is the definition of \"starflower\"?"} {"term": "mantra", "pos": "", "context": "i think there is no difference in zen , propagating buddhism , reciting mantra , and worldly jobs .", "definition": "( originally in hinduism and buddhism ) a word or sound repeated to aid concentration in meditation", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"i think there is no difference in zen , propagating buddhism , reciting mantra , and worldly jobs .\" What is the definition of \"mantra\"?"} {"term": "draftee", "pos": "", "context": "about half of the soldiers in our rifle platoons were draftees whom we had trained for about six weeks .", "definition": "a person conscripted for military service .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"about half of the soldiers in our rifle platoons were draftees whom we had trained for about six weeks .\" What is the definition of \"draftee\"?"} {"term": "bower", "pos": "", "context": "then came the best bower and the small bower ( so called from being carried on the bows ) .", "definition": "each of two anchors carried at a ship 's bow , formerly distinguished as the best bower ( starboard ) or small bower ( port ) .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"then came the best bower and the small bower ( so called from being carried on the bows ) .\" What is the definition of \"bower\"?"} {"term": "disjoint", "pos": "", "context": "a matching in a graph is a set of disjoint edges ( i.e no two sharing an endpoint ) connecting pairs of vertices , and a maximum matching is a matching of maximum size .", "definition": "( of two or more sets ) having no elements in common .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"a matching in a graph is a set of disjoint edges ( i.e no two sharing an endpoint ) connecting pairs of vertices , and a maximum matching is a matching of maximum size .\" What is the definition of \"disjoint\"?"} {"term": "disjoint", "pos": "", "context": "disjoint the chicken before cooking it", "definition": "separate at the joints", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"disjoint the chicken before cooking it\" What is the definition of \"disjoint\"?"} {"term": "mitre", "pos": "", "context": "in one corner were piles of seashells attractively packaged and framed in boxes for hanging on the wall - cowries and mitre shells , murex and spider shells .", "definition": "a mollusc of warm seas which has a sharply pointed shell with a narrow aperture , supposedly resembling a bishop 's mitre .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in one corner were piles of seashells attractively packaged and framed in boxes for hanging on the wall - cowries and mitre shells , murex and spider shells .\" What is the definition of \"mitre\"?"} {"term": "thicket", "pos": "", "context": "the owl soared downwards into the thicket of pine trees where its nest was .", "definition": "a dense group of bushes or trees", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the owl soared downwards into the thicket of pine trees where its nest was .\" What is the definition of \"thicket\"?"} {"term": "juju", "pos": "", "context": "but for some it was an exercise in calming the nerves as the belief in the power of muti or juju set in .", "definition": "supernatural power attributed to a charm or fetish", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"but for some it was an exercise in calming the nerves as the belief in the power of muti or juju set in .\" What is the definition of \"juju\"?"} {"term": "vacuity", "pos": "", "context": "in life , the anterior median vacuity was covered by dermal tooth plates , the parotic or arcual plates .", "definition": "empty space ; emptiness .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"in life , the anterior median vacuity was covered by dermal tooth plates , the parotic or arcual plates .\" What is the definition of \"vacuity\"?"} {"term": "vacuity", "pos": "", "context": "that sentence is worth reading a couple of times , if only to savour its breathtaking idiocy and vacuity .", "definition": "lack of thought or intelligence ; empty-headedness", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"that sentence is worth reading a couple of times , if only to savour its breathtaking idiocy and vacuity .\" What is the definition of \"vacuity\"?"} {"term": "unkindness", "pos": "", "context": "‘ meanness ’ connotes not only the personal characteristics of spite , unkindness , or aggression , but also the social conditions of shabbiness and impoverishment .", "definition": "inconsiderate and harsh behaviour", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"‘ meanness ’ connotes not only the personal characteristics of spite , unkindness , or aggression , but also the social conditions of shabbiness and impoverishment .\" What is the definition of \"unkindness\"?"} {"term": "pleasure", "pos": "", "context": "the toy is a tool for pleasure , leisure , and entertainment .", "definition": "enjoyment and entertainment , as opposed to necessity", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the toy is a tool for pleasure , leisure , and entertainment .\" What is the definition of \"pleasure\"?"} {"term": "pleasure", "pos": "", "context": "music is the only sensual pleasure without vice .", "definition": "sensual gratification", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"music is the only sensual pleasure without vice .\" What is the definition of \"pleasure\"?"} {"term": "pleasure", "pos": "", "context": "the proposed marina will be one of a network of marinas catering for local pleasure craft and for boats circumnavigating the island of ireland .", "definition": "used or intended for entertainment rather than business", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the proposed marina will be one of a network of marinas catering for local pleasure craft and for boats circumnavigating the island of ireland .\" What is the definition of \"pleasure\"?"} {"term": "clew", "pos": "", "context": "the lower trailing corner 12 of the sail is known as the clew , and typically incorporates an eyelet , or a series of eyelets .", "definition": "the lower or after corner of a sail .", "source": "oxford", "synonyms": [], "instruction": "\"the lower trailing corner 12 of the sail is known as the clew , and typically incorporates an eyelet , or a series of eyelets .\" What is the definition of \"clew\"?"}